
AlinuxOSjordi http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i2472012:10
jordiah, but this is at boot stage12:11
jordiI don't know then12:11
AlinuxOSKamion, jordi http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i2472212:13
jordiAlinuxOS: pretty cool12:13
AlinuxOSunifont is not installed....and iin terminal mode there is still font support...12:14
jordiso what's the problem with this?12:14
AlinuxOSso I don't know which one is it12:14
jordiso I guess there's some console font that has this stuff12:14
jordithe fc-list thing I told you won't work, that's for true-type fonts12:15
AlinuxOSjordi, some years ago som non-georgian person designet that glypps12:15
jordiand they are bad, I guess :)12:15
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AlinuxOSthat have horrible proportions...I with my friens have designet another one...so I would li to test fonts before and than substitute them.12:15
AlinuxOSjordi, exactly ;)12:16
jordiAlinuxOS: aha12:16
AlinuxOSso I'm little bit confused...12:16
jordiif the cd is using syslinux, you should be able to try replacing it12:16
jordiI don't know what's in use there tho12:16
AlinuxOSKamion, (as I remeber) some time ago said that for debian-installer we need bitmap fonts...and so unifont georgian coverage...12:16
AlinuxOSjordi, in terminal mode (non X mode) I see them :)12:17
AlinuxOSso they are somewhere here :D12:18
AlinuxOSin my hd..without unifont package installed ;)12:18
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jordiAlinuxOS: was that in dapper too?12:22
jordior is it new in edgy?12:22
AlinuxOSnot dapper :)12:23
jordihrm, I have no edgy cd here12:23
jordiI wonder how colin builds cds12:23
AlinuxOSI'm working to make Edgy more Rocky :)12:23
AlinuxOSah so you use dapper12:23
jordiI just upgraded my laptop, didn't use a CD12:26
jordihmm, according to my "get good sleep plan" I should be in bed already.12:27
jordigood night!12:27
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jonohey all01:05
ajmitchhey jono 01:05
jonoanything overtly broken in edgy right now? I am on vacation and would like to still be able to access the Internet :P01:05
jonohey ajmitch :)01:05
ajmitchnothing major that I know of, since it's beta freeze time 01:06
zulbroken as in how?01:06
zulsorry...not really paying attention01:07
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ajmitchI haven't rebooted yet, but everything seems to be there 01:08
jonozul, just X b0rkage or kernel issues01:09
zulah...just rebooted and havent seen anything on the i386 side01:10
jonowill upgrade :)01:10
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crimsunjono: pong (sorry for the delay)01:12
jonocrimsun, no worries01:12
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slomoFujitsu: thanks for updating soundconverter to a gst0.10 version :)01:13
slomocrimsun: ping? (same question as always ;) )01:14
FujitsuNo problem, slomo. That eliminates python-gst in Sid.01:14
Fujitsu(and thus Ubuntu, I presume)01:14
slomoFujitsu: yes :) unfortunately gst0.8 is still alive... and even one of my packages still needs it :(01:14
FujitsuNoted, goobox, gstreamer-editor, etc.01:15
FujitsuI didn't expect to be maintaining it in Debian, until the previous maintainer orphaned it the second he saw 0.9.1 was using autotools.01:16
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ajmitchhi mako 01:22
makoajmitch: hey there01:23
makoi got there eventually01:23
slomoFujitsu: i would've taken it too ;)01:27
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Fujitsuslomo, no, mine, gerrof :P01:43
slomoFujitsu: ok, something less to worry about =)01:44
ajmitchposessive, isn't he?01:44
HrdwrBoByou're possessive.01:46
HrdwrBoByour possesive even01:46
=== Fujitsu protects his only Debian package.
FujitsuYay, netsplit.01:51
Nafallosmall one though :-P01:54
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jonois anyone seeing different fonts in Firefox and OpenOffice.org ?01:55
zulnot me01:55
jdongjono: if you mean different hinting, yes01:56
jonojdong, right, so this is a known bug?01:56
jdongjono: bug 54776, I think you refer to01:56
UbugtuMalone bug 54776 in openoffice.org "[Edgy]  font hinting does not work with libfreetype6 v. 2.2.1" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5477601:56
jonook cool :)01:56
jdongcool in the irritating way? ;-)01:56
jdongthe last comment has a workaround01:57
jonocool as in jono doesnt need to submit a bug report :)01:58
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jdongBenC: can I poke you about a puzzling usb-storage problem?02:39
BenCjdong: I might be a little lagged in responding, but sure02:43
jdongbug 6123502:43
UbugtuMalone bug 61235 in linux-source-2.6.17 "USB mass storage stops working after a while" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6123502:43
jdongsee pastebin link, too02:43
jdongBenC: let me know if you need any other output... I've got the device handy02:46
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fabbionemorning guys06:21
FujitsuHey fabbione.06:21
Hobbseehey fabbione 06:22
ajmitchhi fabbione 06:23
ajmitchready to warm up the sparc for the rebuild?06:23
fabbioneajmitch: almost06:24
fabbioneajmitch: there is a couple of bugs i need to get fixed first otherwise it won't work06:24
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LaserJockBurgundavia: you pinged me last night? anything important?06:57
BurgundaviaLaserJock: my desktop was up for you to pbuilder on, but the machines has since died06:58
LaserJockhehe, ok06:59
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BurgundaviaLaserJock: and I am in Colorado right now07:04
minghuait seems quite a lot of MOTUs are relying on Burgundavia's desktop?07:06
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FujitsuI'm surviving on my 64kbps connection now, it's not great, but it'll do.07:07
=== ajmitch would open up his box for usage except for the data cap
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ajmitchthis is where I need xen setup on my desktop07:13
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crimsunoh crap07:27
crimsunerr, I just uploaded boost by mistake (though it's not a new upstream version)07:28
ajmitchah, to main07:28
crimsunit does fix a crasher, though. Sorry about that.07:28
lastnodeis there anyway to link a sf.net svn repo and a bzr account, so they sync?07:30
lastnode(id like bzr to sync off the sf.net svn)07:30
lifelesslastnode: what do you mean by bzr account ?07:30
lastnodei mean branch07:30
lastnodei havent opened a branch yet for https://launchpad.net/products/upstream , we currently coordinate via sf.net svn. i was wondering if i open a bzr branch, is syncing possible?07:31
lifelessyou can have launchpad sync a branch for you07:31
lifelessjust set the RCS Details for your release series07:32
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dholbachgood morning07:40
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Seveasmornin' dholbach 07:44
dholbachhey Seveas07:44
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=== Mithrandir chuckles at Burgundavia's comment on the userful multiplier story in UWN.
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pittiGood morning08:31
ajmitchhey pitti 08:31
FujitsuMithrandir, hahahaha.08:37
pittimoin ajmitch 08:38
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=== Hobbsee wonders what it is
=== Hobbsee wants another laugh
LaserJockthat is funny08:42
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pittiKamion: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/edgy-alternate-amd64.jigdo is listed in the directory index, but leads to a 40409:07
Hobbseehey pitti 09:08
pittihey Hobbsee 09:08
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pittiKamion: same for ppc, btw; i386 works09:26
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seb128Kamion, mdz: should the gnome-python split (for xubuntu) should be delayed to after beta or is that ok to upload it today?09:43
=== seb128 grumpfs, linux 2.6.17-9 amd64 just crash to agp code on boot
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seb128bug #6221509:46
UbugtuMalone bug 62215 in linux-source-2.6.17 "2.6.17-9.23 regression: crash at boot (amd64)" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6221509:46
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fabbioneKamion: ping?10:11
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poningruquick question does the debian halting of ff name/artwork have impact on ubuntu?10:15
poningruor do we not know?10:15
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Lathiatdebian halting?10:16
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Fujitsuponingru, there's a bug open against Firefox about it...10:17
TreenaksLathiat: Debian is in a conflict with the Mozilla people about the 'firefox' name10:17
poningruin launchpad?10:18
Fujitsuponingru, yes.10:19
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poningruFujitsu: mozilla-firefox? or firefox?10:23
seb128pitti: gdb 6.5 segfaults on gaim too10:23
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Fujitsuponingru, firefox, I think.10:23
FujitsuThere's only one of those two in LP..10:24
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poningruno lp still has m-ff and ff10:24
FujitsuHm, that's strange.10:24
pittiseb128: :(10:24
StevenKponingru: Which was last updated with Hoary10:25
StevenKHoary will hit OBSELETE next month anyway.10:25
StevenKI bet pitti is counting the days.10:25
pittiStevenK: I do :)10:25
seb128pitti: when I spoke about it with doko some time ago he said that could due to ssp maybe10:26
ajmitchpitti: going to celebrate? :)10:27
pittiseb128: ah, true10:27
pittiseb128: well, we could try building gcc without ssp and check again10:27
pittiajmitch: yeah, by happily removing hoary from my mirror and by removing the hoary chroot :)10:28
seb128pitti: how do I do that?10:28
pittiseb128: add -fno-stack-protector to CFLAGS10:28
Lathiatwow thats an awesome mess10:28
=== sivang has not had internet access for a week and lost a screen session, if someone msg'd me, re-mg please.
seb128pitti: for gcc? or you meant gdb?10:29
pittiseb128: gdb10:29
=== pitti hugs seb128
=== seb128 hugs pitti back ;)
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seb128pitti: segfaults with -fno-stack-protector too :/11:03
pittiseb128: ok, so that's not it11:03
pittiseb128: if you are at it, can you please apt-get source pkg-create-dbgsym and ./testsuite?11:04
pittiseb128: (with no SSP)11:04
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seb128pitti: all PASS ok11:06
pittiseb128: right, but do you see some error messages about frame pointers in between?11:06
pittiseb128: I modified the latest version to work around the gdb bug, but you'll still see the messages11:06
seb128pitti: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2475711:07
pittiseb128: oh, wow, that indeed doesn't seem to have that problem11:08
pittiseb128: thanks!11:08
seb128pitti: that's with gdb 6.5 upstream built with -fno-stack-protector11:08
dholbachjdub: you could write a Main Inclusion Report for libgalago and libgalago-sharp, then an Upstream Version Freeze exception for beagle - that's the only package using galago (apart from peekaboo applet from gossip)11:17
ajmitchbeagle may already have UVF exception granted11:17
ajmitchI can't recall if it was granted for 0.2.9 or 0.2.1011:18
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jdubdholbach: wow, the peekaboo applet is surprisingly nothingish11:26
jduboh, i see11:26
jdubit saves as favourites11:26
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Kreamhi all. I've looked but I can't find the launchpad.net link to translate ubiquity-frontend-kde or -gtk. Can someone point me to it ?11:36
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dholbachKream: better ask in #launchpad - didn't you just write a mail to  launchpad-users@  about that?11:37
Kreamdholbach:  oh, i'm sorry, I didn't know there's #launchpad11:38
Kreammy apologies, all11:38
dholbachKream: not to worry :)11:38
dholbachcan somebody please give back  opal  and  libgnomeuimm2.6 ?11:38
KamionKream: you should translate debian-installer - the ubiquity translations are merged in there11:39
KreamKamion: thanks :)11:39
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cbx33hi dholbach 11:39
popeylo cbx33 11:40
KamionMithrandir: we need a d-i upload - I'll work on it shortly if you haven't already11:40
cbx33hey popey 11:40
cbx33howz it going bud?11:40
popeytickety boo thanks :)11:40
=== cbx33 is another year older ;(
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popeywell they say life begins at 4011:41
cbx33howz the "net"cast going11:43
Kamionpitti: it was probably just still syncing to mirrors11:43
Kamionseb128: can I see the diff or something?11:43
Kamionfabbione: pong11:43
seb128Kamion: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-python/+bug/6061511:44
UbugtuMalone bug 60615 in gnome-python "split out gconf bindings" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  11:44
pittiKamion: indeed, works now; thanks11:44
seb128Kamion: cf "new debdiff"11:44
Kamionseb128: ok, I'll look in a bit, still catching up on the weekend's everything11:44
cbx33seb128: I'm sorry my pc has been up the shute recently, i'll get that patch for gconf to you for the scp integration as soon as I can11:44
fabbioneKamion: hey dude.. regarding that ppc/ruby1.8 bug.. i asked benh to look at it, but he would like to talk to you here in IRC (benh) later today. He can't reproduce the problem on his g5 and he might need some help from you. Also he thinks he might be a kernel bug and i am looking into getting a .17 kernel on davis for testing11:45
Kamionfabbione: I'm hardly an expert here ...11:45
Kamionrelying on me being contactable at the moment is unfortunately not a good plan - moving house is making it very tricky11:45
fabbioneKamion: neither am I, but you are the one that did the best up till now11:45
seb128Kamion: ok, thank you. That has been discussed on the devel list too ("stuck" thread)11:46
cbx33Kamion: i may be doing the very same thing soon11:46
seb128yeah, not a nice mail subject :p11:46
fabbioneKamion: yes i am aware of that. Perhaps just add info to the bug? or something? he is subbed to it11:46
fabbioneKamion: it was not really clear to me what he wants to know from you (neither he really told me)11:46
pittiMithrandir: cprov uploaded the new langpacks last night; can they be approved for the beta?11:46
pittiMithrandir: oh, it seems they are already in, nevermind11:48
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maswanMithrandir: heh. even when exploded, thinkpads seems to hold together good enough to be thwappable. also, in other things, is anyone still using ravel for real work?11:51
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sivangcbx33: hi11:57
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dholbachMithrandir: ok to upload deskbar-applet? (just changed recommends and build-deps from python2.4-* to python-*)11:58
KamionMithrandir: new d-i on its way11:59
Kamionnew ubiquity needed as well, on its way soon12:00
cbx33hi sivang 12:00
Mithrandirmaswan: not that I know of atm, no.12:03
MithrandirKamion: ok, thanks.12:03
KamionMithrandir: oh, I think my fix for a beta-critical bug may have been wrong - occurred to me over the weekend. It's the one about automounting removable devices12:04
KamionI did it in partman-target, but partman-basicfilesystems also sets up default mount points for everything12:04
Mithrandirhmm, true.12:05
MithrandirI'm thinking about properly freezing the archive soonish and going into manual-approval mode.  Unless somebody has a complaint?12:05
cbx33Mithrandir: is that for main?12:05
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Mithrandircbx33: yes.12:06
=== ajmitch would think that a proper freeze would be a good thing
cbx33I have two minor changes to push through, but they are just that, very minor....I'm getting them ready today.....I hope ogra will be able to approve them12:06
maswanMithrandir: ok, we're thinking of making it do ACC:y thingies, if/when we get a network upgrade for ftp.acc we need more frontends12:07
cbx33Mithrandir: how soon is soon?12:07
KamionMithrandir: could you review http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/removable-mountpoints.diff?12:08
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Kamionit's bug 6055212:10
UbugtuMalone bug 60552 in partman-basicfilesystems "adds removable devices to fstab by default" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6055212:10
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MithrandirKamion: yeah, I'm just checking for the PATH thingy.  I think it needs to be *-usb-* as well, but I'm checking12:10
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KamionMithrandir: hmm?12:12
Kamionno problem with going to frozen12:12
ograargh, who wrote the UWN this time ? 12:13
ograBurgundavia, !12:13
MithrandirKamion: pci-[^-] *-usb|usb is what casper uses, at least.12:13
cbx33ogra: what's up with it?12:14
carlosseb128: hi, around?12:14
ogracbx33, this article he links to is totally wrong ... 12:14
seb128carlos: hey12:14
carlosseb128: hi, about that problem I have with xchat12:15
carlosseb128: it's related with locales, but I didn't see anything obvious in the Spanish .po file12:15
carlosseb128: do you have any clue about where could I check it?12:15
ograBurgundavia, would have been nice to have the http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/Ltsp5 article linked there, instead of being blamed for forking code and not giving it back :/12:15
seb128carlos: open a xchat-gnome bug on launchpad, some upstream guys read launchpad bugs and are nice and reply usually12:16
carlosok, thanks12:16
cassidycarlos: what's the problem ?12:17
KamionMithrandir: I just nicked the code you wrote in partman-target a while back ;)12:17
KamionMithrandir: ok, I'll fix that, thanks12:17
MithrandirKamion: I probably just forgot to update that, then.  Feel free to fix that. ;-)12:17
KamionMithrandir: that's ID_PAT12:17
KamionI'm using ID_BUS ...12:17
Kamion(the code in partman-target doesn't exist any more - I resurrected it from bzr)12:18
carloscassidy: my nick is not hilighted when someone pings me12:18
carloscassidy: it works with LC_ALL=C but not with es_ES.UTF-8 so it's not a configuration problem12:18
cassidycarlos: rahh, yet another translation problem. GRRR12:18
MithrandirKamion: hmm; but won't ID_BUS sometimes be PCI for the case above?12:19
=== cassidy dreams to use official GNOME translation team to translate x-g
cassidycarlos: fill a bug12:19
carloscassidy: I checked the Spanish .po file12:19
carloscassidy: but I didn't find any obvious bug there12:19
cassidywe already have this kind of problem with /me messages12:20
cassidybut i don't know what's the cause12:20
KamionMithrandir: oh, hmmmm12:20
Kamionyou know this crap better than I do, I'll defer12:20
doko_thom: hmm, why doesn't apache show files larger than 2GB12:20
KamionMithrandir: what about IEEE1394?12:20
Kamiondo you know how that shows up in ID_PATH?12:20
carloscassidy: that bug (/me one) is already fixed in my current version 0.1312:21
cassidyit should be fixed, yes12:21
MithrandirKamion: seems to be pci-$foo-ieee1394-$bar12:22
KamionI think maybe egrep -q 'ID_PATH=(pci-[^-] *-)?(ieee1394|usb)'12:22
KamionMithrandir: BTW, are you ever going to fix casper to use egrep rather than grep for that? :)12:23
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MithrandirKamion: yeah, I should, I've just forgotten12:23
thomdoko_: um, because 2.0 isn't LFS64 capable?12:23
thom(and nor is 1.3)12:24
carlosseb128, cassidy: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xchat-gnome/+bug/6228212:24
UbugtuMalone bug 62282 in xchat-gnome "words hilight doesn't work" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  12:24
seb128carlos: thank you12:24
cassidycarlos: i think you should assign it to the spanish translation team12:25
doko_thom: thanks12:25
cassidyor assign a task to the translation pkg12:25
MithrandirKamion: bugs.debian.org/374539 seems to have some paths embedded.12:25
carloscassidy: well, I'm a member and have rights to fix that, but I didn't find anything in the .po file that make me feel like I found the problem...12:25
carlosIf you know the msgid that controls that in the .po file I will fix it right now12:26
KamionMithrandir: ah yes, thanks12:26
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cassidycarlos: i don't :\12:27
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Mithrandirok, main is frozen now12:32
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pittiMithrandir: permission to upload a new xorg with a simple patch to fix bug 60448?12:33
UbugtuMalone bug 60448 in xorg ".xsession_errors file grows out of control & saturates disk space" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6044812:33
pittiMithrandir: http://librarian.launchpad.net/4376511/Xsession.patch12:33
pittito avoid disk usage DoS12:33
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Mithrandirpitti: I'd like us to have a max-size for it rather than just blindly truncating it, really.  There's a bit of discussion around this on -devel, iirc and I'd like that to finish before doing something.12:36
Mithrandirpitti: feel free to disagree, obviously.12:37
mvoMithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/python-central_0.5.5ubuntu3.debdiff <- fix upgrade issue when /usr/share/python/default_versions does not have any "old-versions" in it12:38
Mithrandirmvo: ok.12:39
mvoMithrandir: thanks12:39
pittiMithrandir: max-size isn't what we want, really; it would hide the most recent messages, which are usually the more interesting ones12:39
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pittia logrotate approach might be better, but sounds like overkill for user's homes12:40
Mithrandirpitti: I was thinking about truncating it on login if it's bigger than a set size.12:40
Mithrandirpitti: or even better, removing lines from the beginning of the file until it's smaller than said size.12:40
KamionMithrandir: can I upload installation-guide to document (a) Kickstart changes for %packages and keyboard and (b) console-setup preseeding?12:40
MithrandirKamion: yes12:40
pittiMithrandir: ok, I'm fine with letting it sit until after the beta12:41
Mithrandirpitti: something like f=.xsession-errors; if [ $(wc -c "$f") -gt $((1024*1024)) ] ; then tac $f | perl -lpe '$a += length; exit if $a > 1024*1024;' | tac | sponge $f ; fi12:44
Mithrandirbut preferably slightly less hacky.12:44
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Mithrandiractually something like f=.xsession-errors; if [ $(wc -c "$f") -gt $((1024*1024)) ] ; then tac $f | head -c $((1024*1024)) | tac | sponge $f ; fi12:45
Kamion'stat -c %s', that's the rune12:45
pittis/sponge/a temporary file/ and tail?12:45
MithrandirKamion: true, that's probably better, but I started off trying to use shell-builtins.  As you see, I failed. :-)12:45
Kamionsponge is in moreutils12:45
Mithrandirpitti: sure; the point is the general idea, not my exact implementation. :-912:46
pittiyeah, of course12:46
ogragrmbl ... why does my usplash artwork not work ...12:47
cbx33ogra: what did you alter on it?12:51
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cbx33did you get my message ogra about the png crushing? - I didn';t manage to get it to work on mine12:53
cbx33but then i did have troubles with usplash before if you recall12:54
ograi didnt alter anything12:55
cbx33oh :(12:55
ograthe thing is that i kept the old name for the binary ... which worked well last week ... but seems to have stopped with a recent usplash upgrade 12:55
ograi'll look into it ... no worries12:56
cbx33once I get this new vm machine I can test things out12:56
ograshould be the last beta critical thing left on my list 12:56
cbx33ogra: you rock dude12:56
ogracbx33, use the qemu script we ship with ltsp ;)12:56
cbx33do you have a release critical list?12:57
cbx33ogra: is there a distinct advantage?12:57
ogranope, not anymore 12:57
cbx33on the latest CD image today...i just got a filure12:57
cbx33in select and install software12:57
ograapart from usplash, all should be in shape now ... there was a problem with loading the fuse module in the installer yesterday but that should be solved with the recent d-i upload from Kamion 12:58
cbx33configuring pkgsel failed12:58
ograswitch to console 4 12:58
cbx33ah is that the fuse thing12:58
ograthere should be ltspfs listed12:58
cbx33yes indeed12:58
ogramoaning about not finding modules.dep12:58
ograits caused by installing a -9 kernel but the installer only knows -812:59
ogra(i hope :) )12:59
cbx33anyway to finish the installation?12:59
ograjust pick the next point in the menu01:00
ograrun dpkg-configure -a afetr your first login ...01:00
cbx33installing grub failed01:00
ograluckily its only edubuntu-server and only that one package, so your install still works01:00
cbx33calling apt-install grub failed01:01
cbx33in C401:01
ograthat one worksed for me :/01:01
KamionMithrandir:    99737 | S- | python-central       | 0.5.5ubuntu3         | 22 minutes01:02
cbx33ogra: do you want anymore information?01:02
Mithrandirdoko_: I assume ^^ is yours?01:02
mvoKamion, Mithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/python-central_0.5.5ubuntu3.debdiff01:03
ogracbx33, i assume you dont have a menu.lst01:03
ograno idea what to do here 01:03
Mithrandirdoko_: sorry, no.01:03
MithrandirKamion: yes, approved.01:03
cbx33ogra: ok dude, not to worry01:03
cbx33I'll have to do those updates at home....I'll install with a knot3 and do the updates01:03
cbx33i was just wondering if you wanted more information in case it's a bug01:04
MithrandirKamion: I'll do an upload of foomatic-db with the linuxprinting.org-ppds demoted to recommends.  Sounds fine?01:04
cbx33ogra: it seems to have failed because of ltspfs and edubuntu-server01:05
cbx33because they were'n't configuerd01:05
KamionMithrandir: yeah01:06
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cbx33It gets to setting up grub......then errors encountered whilst processing ltspfs01:06
cbx33and edubutnu-server01:06
Kamionmvo: I don't get why that diff is needed01:06
Kamionoh, old was None01:06
Kamionmvo: if old is None: old = []  would be clearer, wouldn't it?01:06
Kamionaccepted, anyway01:06
doko_Mithrandir, Kamion: not sure, if I need approval, like to upload a new python2.4 before the beta. upstream diff at http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/p.diff01:06
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Kamioncbx33: right, the installer will get fairly hopelessly confused once something screws up in pkgsel01:07
mvoKamion: right, probably. I just modeled it after the available code (the one for supported and default)01:07
cbx33ah ok01:07
cbx33anyway I can tel it to skip those 01:07
mvoKamion: but yeah, it would indeed be better :)01:07
cbx33just so I can finish the installation?01:07
cbx33would enable me to generate those patches I was on about a little quicker?01:08
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MithrandirKamion: re doko's python diff -- I don't know the code base well enough to be able to review the patch properly.  It doesn't _look_ too scary, though.  Ideas?01:09
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Kamionit should be in place for final, but I'd be inclined to defer it until after the beta unless there's a specific reason (i.e. a consequent beta-critical bug)01:11
Mithrandirdoko_: is there such a bug?01:11
Mithrandirhmm, we seem to need a promotion of libvte2.0-cil to main.01:12
ograKamion, oh crap, you are right, my install set usplash to 640x480 which i dont have artwork for ... :/01:12
cbx33ogra: heh01:12
cbx33am I screwed with this install01:13
cbx33or can I enter the console and forge a few things?01:13
Kamionogra: IMO all usplash themes should provide a 640x480 version01:13
doko_Kamion, Mithrandir: yes, there's another one: the patch for #56633 is included, but not applied01:13
ograKamion, ok ... i just looked at xubuntu, they dont have one either ...01:13
cbx33kubuntu doesn't either01:13
Kamionbecause that bug isn't going to be fixed for beta now, I suspect, so upgraders from the beta willl get 640x48001:13
cbx33or didn't01:13
Kamionyes, last I checked all themes had this bug01:13
Kamionit's still a bug :)01:13
cbx33I based mine on kubuntu01:13
ograis it likely to be fixed in usplash ? 01:14
Kamionogra: it's an installer bug01:14
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Kamionyes, I have a plan to fix it01:14
ograor do we release with 640x480 01:14
Kamionbut upgraders will still get the old configuration file01:14
ograah, fine then01:14
cbx33ogra: that'd push our size up afgain01:14
Kamionalso I believe it only affects d-i installs01:14
ograok, i'll scale the image 01:14
ogracbx33, we have one or two meg ... if the kernel doenst grow or something evil happens, we'll be fine01:15
sladenogra: scaling is maybe not important, having usplash pick the largest that will fit and just plonking it in the middle would fix things acrossthe board01:15
cbx33no imeant the .so size01:15
cbx33you were concerned about size before01:15
cbx33we don;t want to make it any bigger01:15
KamionMithrandir: it's not in anastacia01:15
Kamionsladen: that's what it does01:16
ograsladen, right ...01:16
Kamionpretty much01:16
pittithom: here by chance?01:16
thompitti: yo01:16
MithrandirKamion: weird.  It does make gnome-sharp2 uninstallable according to ~cjwatson/testing/edgy_probs, though01:16
ograsladen, but since thats not working yet, a smaller version will be fine as well 01:16
Kamionsladen: the problem is that a complicated interaction with the installer means that d-i installs set up usplash.conf for 640x480 by default01:16
Kamionsladen: so usplash can't find anything that fits01:16
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sladenKamion: so usplash should go "ooh, 640x400 is <= 640x480", and stick it centred01:17
Kamionsladen: I believe it does, but there's no 640x400 entry in the themes01:18
Kamionwe're not talking about the testcard here01:18
Mithrandirdholbach,seb128: industrial-cursor-theme seems to need a MIR to make gtk2-engines-industrial installable again.01:18
sladenah, so the themes are failing to provide a lowest-common-denominator01:18
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KamionMithrandir: actually, anastacia wants to demote gnome-sharp201:19
KamionI can do that now?01:19
Mithrandirtseng: around?  Can we demote gnome-sharp2?01:19
ajmitchit's not used by anything01:19
seb128Mithrandir: we can change the Depends to a Recommends for now if you want?01:19
ajmitchall the apps should use the -cil packages01:19
ajmitch(about gnome-sharp2)01:20
Mithrandirajmitch: ok, lets demote it then.01:20
MithrandirKamion: demote away. :-)01:20
ogradholbach, the jimmac cursor moved to human-cursors-theme, right ? 01:20
Mithrandirseb128: that is fine with me, yes.01:20
Mithrandirseb128: or a MIR; I don't care either way.01:20
seb128Mithrandir: is that something that needs to be fixed quickly? the MIR is likely to be slower01:21
Mithrandirseb128: nothing seems to depend on gtk2-engines-industrial, so it's not a blocker per se, but I'd like http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/testing/edgy_probs.html to be empty for beta.01:22
Mithrandirseb128: and it's showing up there..01:22
seb128Mithrandir: ok, I will take care of it01:23
Mithrandirseb128: thanks. :-901:23
=== Mithrandir should get a new keyboard soon -- this seems to be losing text.
=== ajmitch sees mono on the edgy_probs list - I'd guess that we don't want firebird2 in main at this stage
Mithrandirdholbach: can you please do a new upload of libgnomeuimm2.6 since the previous version FTBFS-ed and infinity isn't around to give it back?01:26
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dholbachMithrandir: same for opal, I suppose01:27
dholbachMithrandir: (and for ekiga some time later)01:27
Mithrandirdholbach: yes, please.  And thanks.01:28
dholbachMithrandir: no problem01:29
ajmitchsigh, firefox source package doesn't have binaries for the ldap sdk, not that it's a surprise01:29
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ogradholbach, ^^^ ?01:36
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ograhey sabdfl 01:37
cbx33hi sabdfl 01:38
jsgotangcohey sabdfl heh01:38
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dholbachogra: it was just split out of ubuntu-artwork01:44
ogradholbach, so its in there ? 01:44
dholbachogra: it didn't change01:44
ograi just want to know where it is ;)01:44
ograsplit-> good :))01:45
ograi can bear the 19k ;)01:45
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_ion modified l-r-m to contain nvidia-beta in addition to nvidia and nvidia-legacy. Now it's easy to switch between the new beta driver (with AIGLX goodness) and the stable driver.01:46
_ion+"I "01:46
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Mithrandirpitti: you get to write a MIR for libdbd-pg-perl. :-)  (nagios-pgsql depends on it and is uninstallable)01:48
pittiheh, I wonder why we didn't need it earlier01:49
pittisure, no problem01:49
Mithrandiryeah, and it's a useful package so I am at least happy to have it in main01:49
Mithrandirhmm, rhythmbox-applet/music-applet; should it be in main?  It's not seeded, it seems.01:54
ograisnt RB's internal notification icon enough ? 01:56
HiddenWolfogra: music-applet puts some buttons directly on the panel, play/pause/forward/mute etc01:57
Mithrandirwell, r-a is in main, but is uninstallable ATM.01:57
ograHiddenWolf, i know01:57
ograHiddenWolf, but i'd still call it duplication01:57
=== Kamion has an idea for saving CD space
=== ogra listens up :)
MithrandirKamion: oh?  Let me hear.01:58
Kamionthere are a bunch of udebs that are shipped on the CD but that are already in the d-i imag01:58
ograohh :)01:58
Kamionmight not save very much though, so don't get your hopes up just yet01:58
Kamionneed to do some seed magic to exclude them01:59
Mithrandirslomo_: rhythmbox-applet/music-applet; should music-applet be in main or not?  If so, why is it not seeded?01:59
Kamionwe'd be able to save more if there weren't a requirement established by past bug reports that the alternate install CD should be a repository you can mount on a server and netboot off02:00
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Kamionhmm, doesn't quite work right02:04
Kamionlibc6-udeb is resolved wrongly02:04
pittiMithrandir: libdbd-pg-perl looks good, feel free to have it promoted02:04
pittiMithrandir: I'm writing the report now02:04
Mithrandirpitti: thanks.02:05
MithrandirKamion: if you could promote libdbd-pg-perl when you have time, that'd be nice.02:05
KamionMithrandir: done02:07
Mithrandirthanks a lot02:07
pittiMithrandir: done02:08
pittiKamion: I'll move the report to 'approved' section then02:08
slomo_Mithrandir: i have no idea about rhythmbox... ask seb128, he cares for it ;)02:10
Kamionpitti: ok02:10
seb128slomo_: music-applet is not rb specific ;)02:11
seb128Mithrandir: any reason it should be to main?02:11
seb128Mithrandir: rhythmbox has a notify icon and can be commanded from it02:11
slomo_seb128: ah i see... but afaik all music players already have a notification area icon for this kind of stuff anyway02:12
Mithrandirseb128: : tfheen@golem ..0.9.2/aspell6.pt-20060906 > apt-cache show rhythmbox-applet| grep Section02:13
MithrandirSection: gnome02:13
Mithrandirseb128: it already _is_ in main; I was wondering why.02:13
seb128good question02:14
KamionMithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-1.1.23.diff - OK to upload? Most of it's d-i changes. Unfortunately I'm unable to test the ubiquity change at the moment due to my vmware installation being in a different house and off the network, but I know the current situation doesn't work (it was an erratum in a previous Knot)02:14
KamionI'm pretty sure that moving the configuration file aside will "fix" console-setup to make it behave as if it were being configured in d-i02:15
Kamionor otherwise from scratch02:15
MithrandirKamion: ok, feel free to upload02:17
StevenKKamion: You've had to move some of your machines and not others? Bugger.02:17
KamionStevenK: right :(02:18
KamionI'm on a minimal working environment here until the ADSL is installed at the new place02:18
Kamionrouter, server, and laptop02:19
KamionMithrandir: thanks02:19
StevenKKamion: Ugh.02:19
Kamionoh, and no desk02:20
StevenKJust to make working more comfortable.02:20
cbx33that sux Kamion 02:21
cbx33hope the new place is nice ;)02:21
cbx33we're going to look at a new place tonight......02:21
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StevenKHrm. I'm trying to remember how long it took me for get ADSL at the new place.02:23
StevenKI think it was a matter of 2 days or something.02:23
Lathiatin .au it takes anywhere from 1-7 days02:24
Lathiatin some cases longer02:24
ajmitchthat's pretty quick02:25
StevenKI was moving within the same suburb, so I think it just a matter of moving one cable in the same exchange.02:25
LathiatStevenK: thats less of an issue as the fact it takes a while for telstra to get out to an exchange02:26
Lathiat+ the isps internal rpcoess etc02:26
Lathiatit depends theres like a roster02:26
Lathiatdeends when you apply02:26
Lathiatcompared to when theyre going there02:26
=== StevenK nods.
Lathiatsometimes your lucky, sometimes your unlucky02:26
tsengMithrandir: hi02:26
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Mithrandirtseng: hiya; I think we resolved the problem (and ended up demoting gnome-sharp2)02:27
tsengMithrandir: yes, how does that seem to be a good idea?02:27
ajmitchhi zul 02:27
tsengMithrandir: that would demote tomboy, f-spot02:28
Mithrandirtseng: uh, don't they depend on the -cil packages?02:28
Mithrandirtseng: I'm talking about the binary package, not the source.02:28
tsengMithrandir: OH02:28
Mithrandirsorry about that being unclear. :-)02:28
tsengMithrandir: but they all rdepend on libgnome2.0-cil as well02:28
tsengone second02:29
tsengMithrandir: you got it.. you can demote that02:29
Mithrandirtseng: done already, but it's always nice to get confirmation that you didn't do something stupid. :-)02:29
slomo_which problem was solved by demoting it to universe btw? :)02:30
tsengMithrandir: yeah, meta package, sorry for lack of alertness02:30
slomo_it's only a metapacakge02:30
Mithrandirslomo_: it was uninstallable since libvte2.0-cil is in universe.02:30
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seb128Mithrandir: I don't get why rhythmbox-applet,music-applet are to main, they are not seeded and nothing Depends on it02:36
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Mithrandirseb128: maybe something used to depend on it?02:38
Mithrandirseb128: anyway, if it shouldn't be in main, we'll just demote it.  It's not like it's hard to promote it later if we want that.02:39
seb128Mithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/08_uuid_mount.patch ... would it be ok to upload?02:39
seb128Mithrandir: that's a gnome-vfs patch to not duplicate devices and drives due to the new UUID format it doesn't understand02:39
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seb128Mithrandir: patch seems to work fine on my box and looks fine to pitti who had a look on it02:40
Kamionmusic-applet is in universe actually, it's just the source that's in main02:40
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Kamioner, in fact not even that02:41
MithrandirKamion: rhythmbox-applet is in main while the source is in universe, yes.02:41
Mithrandir(renamed source)02:41
Kamionfor some reason the rhythmbox-applet binary is in main without its source - I guess it used to come from another source package02:41
Mithrandirseb128: ok, feel free.02:41
seb128Mithrandir: thank you02:41
Tonio_pitti: ping ?02:42
seb128Tonio_: I think he's taking a break, maybe better to give some ping context so he can reply when he's back02:43
Tonio_seb128: hehe yes :)02:44
Tonio_seb128: another personn can revue main inclusion reports appart from him ?02:44
Kamionpitti: don't you need to upload non-base language packs to match the -base ones?02:45
Kamionpitti: all the language packs are uninstallable at the moment02:45
Tonio_Kamion: just saw this yes....02:45
seb128Tonio_: not sure, pitti does them usually02:45
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Tonio_seb128: okay I'll wait a bit, thanks for the info02:45
pittiKamion: sure, they all need to be in sync02:45
pittiKamion: I asked to have all of them uploaded02:46
Kamionpitti: where are they? I can upload them for you02:46
pittiKamion: I'll check with Celso02:46
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MithrandirKamion: hmm, can you approve my foomatic-db upload, please?02:51
KamionMithrandir: just did a few minutes ago02:51
Mithrandirok, thanks02:51
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dholbachKamion: can you approve my opal and libgnomeuimm2.6 uploads? (mere rebuilds, that will make them build and installable again) - the deskbar-applet upload is not that important, and if we want the ubiquity-aware gnome-orca on the beta cd, you could approve that too :)03:41
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bddebianHowdy folks03:57
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jdong__does the GDM prefetcher thingie actually work in ubuntu?04:07
jdong__is that actually prefetched by GDM?04:08
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doko_Mithrandir, Kamion: we do want a python2.4 upload for the beta. please see chinstrap:~doko/python2.404:20
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ograMithrandir, edubuntu-artwork uplaod ok with you ? 04:22
azeem/W/ 504:23
=== thom blinks at azeem
=== tseng winks at thom
bddebiandoko_: Have a sec by any chance?04:24
azeemthom: sorry04:25
bddebiandoko_: I'm still trying to understand azureus a little and what your thoughts/concerns are04:25
jdong__bddebian: wow, still working on azureus?04:25
bddebianjdong__: Never really got a good start :-(04:26
=== jdong__ seriously underestimated the amount of work involved then :-/
jdong__bddebian: I personally thought taking our azureus package, replacing Azureus2.jar with's would've done the trick 04:26
jdong__as thatI's what i am doing on my systems04:26
doko_bddebian: what don't you understand?04:27
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bddebiandoko_: The issue with the Debian package and using Redhat patches.  Is the major concern with the Debian package just that it uses a non-free compiler?04:28
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doko_bddebian: "just".04:29
jdong__do we really need to compile azureus instead of shipping the jars?04:29
jdong__azureus is virtually unusable with GCJ anyway04:29
jdong__it's ridiculously slow, and once every 30 minutes it goes on a 3GB memory rampage04:29
doko_bddebian: we are about free software; the Debian maintainer didn't look at the Fedora patches04:30
doko_jdong__: it works on Fedora, why shouldn't it work on Ubuntu?04:30
jdong__doko: have you tried it yourself under fedora? The last time I did, I was not impressed04:30
doko_jdong: done with FC6t3. works for me.04:31
jdong__ok, they must've fixed something since FC5's initial release then04:31
jdong__back then it was terrible04:31
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bddebiandoko_: Part of the problem is that I don't know RedHats package/patch "system" well enough to break it down :-(04:32
doko_bddebian: what do you need to know? these are just diffs, already broken down04:33
tsengbddebian: there are a gazillion patches in the top level source, and the spec file lists the ones to be applied in order04:33
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bddebianBut the patches from their cvs doesn't have the actual source and I don't know where to get their "source" package from04:35
tsengfrom their mirrors?04:36
bddebianI don't freakin' use Redhat :)04:36
tsengneither do it04:36
jdong__bddebian: go onto a fedora mirror04:36
tsengyou can unpack that with rpm or file-roller04:37
thomrpm2cpio foo.srpm | cpio -i 04:38
thomwill give you a bunch of crap scattered over your current directory04:38
jdong__it's in fedora extras04:38
jdong__rpm -ivh it04:38
realistazuerus is a bloated pile of *expletives removed*04:39
jdong__that splits out everything to /usr/src/redhat04:39
bddebianI guess my question is, why the hell should I need to? :)04:39
jdong__realist: please, cut that out... not necessary04:39
tsengdont' rpm -i it that is the most assinine thing ever04:39
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realistjdong__: you said so yourself.04:40
tsengbddebian: you don't, do what thom said04:40
jdong__realist: no, that's a GCJ problem. with sun Java azureus stays well under 50Mb of memory usage for me04:40
realistbddebian: there's no guarantee fedora's compile will work with debians jvm, is there?04:40
tsengrealist: no one is looking at fedoras "compile"04:40
tsengrealist: its a source package04:41
doko_realist: why?04:41
mjrjdong__, is that to say that azureus works with gcj nowadays?04:41
jdong__mjr: yeah, it's supposed to04:41
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jdong__mjr: that's how fedora does it04:41
realisttseng: someone asked if it "really" needed to be compiled04:41
jdong__I asked that....04:41
mjrwell, nice that it isn't completely in the java trap anymore then, even if there's some memory issues...04:42
jdong__mjr: I think the memory issue is resolved04:42
tsengrealist: i don't see the connection to redhat in that particular line of logic04:42
jdong__mjr: I was going by my experience back when FC5 jusr released04:42
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bddebianWell apparently there is an issue with our monodevelop or something too, I have to get with welshbyte again about his issues04:42
tsengbddebian: eh?04:43
realisttseng: then why is everyone discussing FC5/6 etc?04:43
jdong__tseng: I think he's saying azureus from fedora might not build successfully in a ubuntu build environment?04:43
tsengrealist: because they are looking for the patches in redhats source04:43
jdong__realist: because we're stealing fedora sources?04:43
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realistjdong__: only if shipping a working/usable version under debian/ubuntu's GCJ is a _requirement_04:44
bddebiantseng: I mean Eclipse, not mono sorry04:44
tsengbddebian: oh04:44
realistjdong__: not really theft?04:44
tsengbddebian: thanks04:45
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jdong__realist: stealing being used affectionately in the OSS development way ;-)04:45
tsengrealist: please stop arguing silly things04:45
Mithrandirogra: edubuntu-artwork: fine04:45
Treenaks'Oh shit! Dat gebouw heeft een fundering, DAAR hadden we geen rekening mee gehouden, nu kost het graven 2 miljoen extra04:46
Treenaks'Shit! NOG zo'n gebouw!'04:46
ograMithrandir, to late anyway, i'm impatient ;)04:46
realisttseng: my intention is not to argue.04:46
Treenaks(yay out-of-control building costs of the local metro line ;))04:46
thomTreenaks: wrong window maybe? :-)04:46
tsengrealist: you started with an outright troll, and from there, you have questioned or argued every point. please stop now.04:46
Treenaksthom: yes04:46
tsengrealist: (without reading and understanding completely)04:47
mvoMithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/gnome-app-install_0.2.15.debdiff <- I would like to upload these changes + desktop file updates before the beta. is that ok? the most import fix is the one in Menu.py04:47
Treenaksthom: related to a broken keyboard config (my right alt broke!)04:47
ograKamion, i have hand copied some code in usplash-theme-edubuntu.c and added a 640x480 pic ... you probably want to grab that for ubuntu as quick interim for beta04:47
realisttseng: perhaps you could correct me then?04:47
tsengI have been, its tiring04:47
tsengI am putting you on ignore now04:47
doko_pitti: python2.4 update for dapper in chinstrap:~doko/python2.404:48
realisttseng: rather than discouraging me from participating.04:48
Kamiondholbach: libgnomeuimm2.6 and opal done; gnome-orca is Mithrandir's decision04:48
dholbachKamion: gracias04:48
Mithrandirmvo: ok.04:48
jdong__bddebian: just for the fun of it I'll see if I can build the fedora sources on edgy :)04:49
Mithrandirdholbach: gnome-orca is just a rebuild, right?  Have you tested it?04:49
dholbachMithrandir: I uploaded gnome-orca, which has an added script that enables it to work with ubiquity04:49
Kamionogra: I'd prefer it if somebody who normally does artwork did it04:49
Mithrandirdholbach: while having that would be nice, I'm tempted to say "after beta".04:49
Kamionalthough I do think that we should grab it04:49
ograi just wanted it "fixed" for edubuntu 04:50
dholbachMithrandir: ok04:50
ograbut surely Seveas is the better bet for the code here04:50
bddebianjdong__: Enjoy, my head exploded about 30 minutes ago :-)04:50
Kamioncoo, soyuz queue ids just hit six digits04:50
ograSeveas, we need a 640x480 usplash theme 04:50
KamionMithrandir: there's a gnome-vfs2 upload here too04:51
realistjdong__: that's the spirit!04:51
Seveasogra, I know, have been awfully busy04:51
ograSeveas,  i created one by manually copying the 800x600 struct and adjusting the alues ... but thats surely not the proper way :)04:51
Seveasogra, actually, it is04:51
ograoh, ok04:51
Kamionpresumably you needed a 640x480 pixmap too04:51
MithrandirKamion: gnome-vfs> approved, asssuming it's from seb and does UUID handling.04:52
mvothanks Mithrandir04:52
ograright ... i just scaled the indexed 800x600 which looks horrible04:52
SeveasI hope mjg59 wakes up one of these days, I want to change something in usplash to save a few MB on live filesystems04:52
=== sladen slams head against wall
Seveasogra, scaling while preserving the colormap?04:52
ograsladen, ?04:52
ograSeveas, right04:52
ograyou can imagine the uglyness :)04:52
MithrandirSeveas: oh, what?04:53
Seveasnot really04:53
sladenogra: when a file is already anti-aliased, it's not that ugly04:53
KamionMithrandir: correct04:53
ograsladen, if its indexed .... 04:53
Kamion(bug 57701)04:53
UbugtuMalone bug 57701 in gnome-vfs "[edgy]  gnome shows duplicated mounts" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5770104:53
sladenogra: when a file is already anti-aliased and has an indexed palette, it's not that ugly04:53
MithrandirKamion: yeah, that's the one.04:53
SeveasMithrandir, storing the artwork.so bzipped and letting usplash_down and the initramfs creation hook extract it. example ubuntu theme goes from 2 mb to 45k04:53
ograsladen, well, i assume our images are anti-aliased ...04:53
Seveaswhen the animations, which the art team worked on, are going to be used, this really becomes neccessary04:54
sladenSeveas: the initramfs is already gzip compressed04:54
ograsladen, i would have to convert them back and forth 04:54
MithrandirSeveas: it doesn't really matter, since the livefs is compressed.04:54
sladenogra: only ever do the conversion *once*04:55
Seveassladen, that's why I said initramfs creation hook ;) the artwork.so is still uncompressed on the filesystem04:55
MithrandirSeveas: gzip -9 (which isn't too far from what squashfs gives us) reduces usplash-theme-ubuntu to about 59k.04:55
SeveasMithrandir, ah ok, that rules that out04:55
MithrandirSeveas: nice idea, though. :-)04:55
ograsladen, but i was promised to get a proper pic after beta anyway ... as interim its better than a black screen ;)04:55
Seveas(this is exactly why I wanted to talk to $someone_with_more_brains before hacking on it ;))04:55
sladenogra: just use the gimp and do a linear scale in indexed-mode04:56
ogradidnt work, thats exactly what i did04:56
sladenogra: excellent.  no converstion04:56
sladenogra: s/conversation/conversion/04:56
ograwell, the screen looks horrible :)04:57
ograbut i dont care ... i'll get proper pics later .... *shrug* 04:57
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jdong__bddebian: well, first round through, only about 5000 build errors :)05:00
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jdong__bddebian: whoo! down to 16 :)05:04
pygijdong: nice ^_^05:05
jdong__anyone here know much about SWT?05:05
jdong__I'm getting random SWT errors here05:05
jdong__i suspect it's because SWT 3.1 is not new enough05:05
tkamppeterpitti, mdz, doko_: I am uploading a new foomatic-db currently, with linuxprinting.org-ppds split, so that only the most important pPDs get onto the CD, and OpenOffice.org can stay.05:05
jdong__Fedora builds against SWT 3.205:05
pygijdong: cant we get swt 3.2?05:05
jdong__pygi: I'd imagine so?05:05
doko_tkamppeter: "OpenOffice.org can stay"? lol ...05:06
jdong__not defined?05:06
Mithrandirtkamppeter: how big is the new -ppds package?05:06
tkamppeterfoomatic-db: 580KB, linuxprinting.org-ppds: 3577KB, linuxprinting.org-ppds-extra: 10MB.05:06
jdong__bddebian: so far the build looks very straightforward... minus these SWT failures05:07
jdong__bddebian: the spec file is virtually an instruction book for building :005:07
Mithrandirtkamppeter: let's take a look at this after beta.05:07
tkamppeterI have split off all PPDs from Ricoh and partners and all non-english PPDs from Kyocera, Kyocera were the only ones who have delivered translated PPDs.05:07
bddebianjdong__: SWT becomes the problem with Eclipse vs swt Debian pacakages iirc05:08
doko_Mithrandir: err, currently it's *bigger* 05:08
jdong__bddebian: I'm gonna be unholy, and just download azureus.sf.net's bundled jars and see if I can build against them05:08
jdong__bddebian: would doing so make the package unsuitable for universe?05:08
tkamppeterDownload address for everyone interested, as usual: http://www.freestandards.org/~till/tmp/ubuntu/edgy/foomatic-db/05:09
jdong__well let's try it as an experiment... see if swt 3.2 is really to blame05:09
bddebianjdong__: We can always just blame doko_ ;-P05:10
jdong__bddebian: alternate approach: swt-gtk 3.2 is in debian sid... I'll just build a quick deb of it05:11
jdong__bddebian: meanwhile, how about a sync of that to edgy? :)05:11
bddebianjdong__:  I think you will get conflicts with Eclipse?05:11
doko_jdong__: it won't help for an upload.05:11
bddebiandoko_: Should it be built with Eclipse?05:13
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doko_bddebian: once eclipse-3.2 is in the archive, yes.05:14
bddebiandoko_: Well get on it..05:14
=== bddebian ducks
jdong__so hold azureus until then, I guess05:14
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=== jdong__ still tries building against prepared swt 3.2 jars, for fun
Mithrandirdoko_: no, currently it just recommends -ppds05:16
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doko_Mithrandir, Kamion: you'll get another 8MB on the CD, currently checking ...05:17
Kamionand it probably still should - from what I understand, it should be seeded when we want it, not be a depends of foomatic-db05:17
=== ogra listens up 8MB ???
jdong__doko, bddebian: builds cleanly with azureus's provided swt.jar.... which is just 3.2... so we need swt 3.2 :)05:18
Kamionogra: you really need to relax sometimes ;)05:19
ograKamion, my CDs are so beautiful in shape atm :) 05:19
tsengogra: rock05:20
Mithrandirdoko_: 8MB from what?05:20
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=== jdong|laptop gives up on azureus again
jdong|laptopdamn plugins fail to build05:28
=== jdong|laptop hands job back to bddebian :)
=== bddebian runs away
jdong|laptopcome back you!05:29
jdong|laptopbut seriously, it doesn't look all that bad05:29
jdong|laptopjust my java knowledge is virtually zip05:29
jdong|laptopespecially when it comes to all this swt stuff05:29
jdong|laptopmaybe we should be starting with like FC5 srpms instead05:30
jdong|laptopwhich I hope are still against swt 3.1.105:30
bddebianjdong|laptop: Well I have none either.  And I still don't know how to/don't know if I want to get source rpms05:31
jdong|laptopbddebian: install the rpm package, and file-roller unpacks them just fine05:32
jdong|laptopall the patches, sources, and the build script will be in one directory05:32
bddebianInstall what rpm package?05:32
jdong|laptopfollow the patching order as specified in the spec file05:32
jdong|laptopbddebian: apt-get install rpm05:32
jdong|laptopthat gets you the rpm2cpio command for extracting rpms05:33
bddebianAye, I'm talking about the rpm itself :)05:33
jdong|laptopbddebian: I put a link to the fc6 srpm a while up05:33
jdong|laptopBenC: poke?05:36
Trewasjdong|laptop: btw fedora has some "inside knowledge" on azureus as green_ from redhat did the required work on fixing both azureus and gcj to work together05:37
jdong|laptopTrewas: well hopefully all the gcj magic got back upstream and more imprtantly to us :)05:37
jdong|laptopright now I'm pretty sure the fact the plugins don't build is a matter of me sucking at getting jars together05:38
mdzgood morning05:38
jdong|laptopmorning, mdz :)05:38
ogramorning mdeslaur 05:38
mdzseb128: gnome-python split -> let's wait until after beta05:38
mdztkamppeter: re: foomatic-db, let's talk about it first05:39
mvogood morning mdz05:39
seb128mdz: ok05:39
doko_Mithrandir: OOo dependencies05:40
seb128morning mdz ;)05:40
pittihey mdz05:41
BenCjdong: hey, haven't had a chance to look at that bug report yet...I need to get this jmicron stuff done05:41
jdong|laptopBenC: k, do that first :005:42
jdong|laptopstupid shift key05:42
seb128BenC: do you require any debug information for bug #62215?05:42
UbugtuMalone bug 62215 in linux-source-2.6.17 "2.6.17-9.23 regression: crash at boot (amd64)" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6221505:42
bddebianHeya mdz05:42
jdong|laptophmm, is it just me or is ff 2.0b2 really crashy?05:44
jdong|laptopat least the ubuntu package05:44
pittiit works perfectly for me05:45
pittibut I only have few extensions05:45
jdong|laptopI have a clean profile here, too05:45
jdong|laptopI am suspecting nvidia drivers might be a part of the issue05:45
jdong|laptopas it works fine on my two other laptops, too05:45
pittijdong|laptop: I use nvidia here, too05:45
jdong|laptopheck right now gmail makes it crash05:45
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jdong|laptopThe program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error.05:46
tkamppetermdz, have you looked into my uploaded foomatic-db files? Is the splitting OK, or do I need to split off more?05:46
BenCseb128: No, I have that fixed05:46
KamionRiddell: do you know why bug 61710 is assigned to you? it seems a bit odd to assign a GTK frontend bug to you05:47
UbugtuMalone bug 61710 in ubiquity "Selected keyboard layout is not visible on-screen" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6171005:47
BenCseb128: Uploading tonight to fix it, but I need to get jmicron working too05:47
BenCand ich805:47
seb128BenC: ok, nice05:47
BenCjmicron sent me an eval board, and it's not cooperating05:47
BenCI may have to beat it into submission05:47
=== jdong|laptop wishes BenC luck
RiddellKamion: no idea05:48
mdztkamppeter: I haven't, no.  I just got to the office05:48
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jdong|laptopthousands of people with too much money^H^H^H^H core 2 duos are counting on you , benc :)05:48
iwjjanimo, dholbach: I'll deal with Frank's new theme package, unless one of you is already on the case.05:49
mdztkamppeter: I'm not sure about the idea of shipping fewer drivers; what happens if a user connects a printer which isn't supported by the default set of drivers?05:49
dholbachiwj: super, thanks.05:49
mdztkamppeter: I don't think we have the infrastructure to lead them to install the package yet05:49
Kamionmdz: hmm, apparently you assigned 61710 to Riddell?05:49
ograiwj, does that induce any work for me i edubuntu ? 05:50
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mdzbug 6171005:55
UbugtuMalone bug 61710 in ubiquity "Selected keyboard layout is not visible on-screen" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6171005:55
mdzKamion: yes, I only noticed it in the KDE frontend05:55
ogradoko_, i have a broken alternative in  a fresh install ...05:57
ogradoko_, Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | 6.06.1 released | Beta Freeze in effect05:57
Riddelloh, because united states is at the end of the list05:57
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ogradoko_, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 2006-09-25 04:00 /etc/alternatives/keytool.1.gz -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/man/man1/keytool.1.gz05:58
Riddellso how does gtk get around that?  u will always be near the end05:58
doko_ogra: yes, known05:58
Kamionmdz: oh!05:59
Kamionmdz: that was not at all clear from the bug05:59
mdzKamion: yes, I see that now05:59
KamionI've clarified05:59
mdzas have I05:59
KamionRiddell: I do scroll_to_cell in the gtk frontend to force it to move to near the selected item05:59
iwjogra: I don't think so.  Why might it ?06:00
RiddellKamion: right, I'll look into that06:00
ograiwj, i mean, does it enable themeing for us via the -artwork package 06:00
ogra(which would mean i'd try to have a gartoon theme ready after beta06:01
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iwjogra: Err, you mean, does it move the default theme selection into ubuntu-artwork ?06:06
ograwell, your last statement was that its hardcoded in ff 06:07
ograso i gave up trying to have a replacement theme for gartoon06:07
iwjWhat is gartoon ?06:07
kristogan icon theme06:07
ograiwj, the theme edubuntu uses06:08
iwjIt's not hardcoded in ff any more.  The switch was going to be moved to ubuntu-artwork but it seems still to be in firefox-themes-ubuntu.06:09
ograso i could make a firefox-themes-edubuntu package that replaces this one ? 06:12
ograand adds the proper default icons ...06:12
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iwjI assume you mean `replaces' rather than `Replaces:'.06:13
iwjIt might be easier to modify the firefox-themes-ubuntu source to generate the other binary you want.06:13
iwjI don't know how the theme generation actually works - there's a bunch of php written by Frank.  You might want to talk to him about what you're trying to do.06:15
iwjOr feel free to arrange an ircmeeting with all three of us.06:15
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iwjogra: The bzr is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/firefox-themes-ubuntu/ubuntu if you want to take a look.06:16
ograiwj, ta :)06:17
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KamionRiddell: ensureItemVisible() seems to be the QListView equivalent of GTK's scroll_to_cell()06:29
Kamionso it should be a one-liner to fix06:29
tkamppetermdz, if a user connects a printer whose PPD file we do not ship, the printer is set up with a generic PostScript PPD file if it is in the Foomatic database. If it is not in the Foomatic database, it is shown as unknown.06:29
tkamppetermdz, what do you mean with "I don't think we have the infrastructure to lead them to install the package yet"?06:30
mdztkamppeter: it is worth the extra disk space to have it work out of the box; later on we can consider fetching extra driver packages automatically from the network if we need the space06:30
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Viper550I saw that Usplash theme on Xubuntu06:30
tkamppetermdz, WDYT what is best:06:31
tkamppeter1. No PPDs on CD, all of them in linuxprinting.org-ppds in Universe?06:32
tkamppeter2. All PPDs in the package linuxprinting.org-ppds on the CD and removing apps to gain space?06:32
tkamppeter3. Splitting linuxprinting.org-ppds (as I did now) and having the PPDs for most common printers on the CD and the less common in universe?06:33
ogras/universe/main/ ?06:33
tkamppeterogra, there are programs in main which are not on the CD?06:34
ograsure, tons06:34
tkamppeterThen the PPDs which do not fit onto the CDs should at least be in main.06:34
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elmomvo: can I reboot davis?06:35
tkamppeterSomeone told that currently linuxprinting.org-ppds is in universe? This is strange, should it not be in main then?06:35
ogranobody wrote a main inclusion report yet i guess06:36
mdztkamppeter: I haven't reviewed the situation with CD space, but drivers are low on the list of things to remove to make space06:39
mdztkamppeter: SeedManagement in the wiki explains some; also UbuntuMainInclusionQueue06:40
mdztkamppeter: if the package is just a split of existing data and doesn't introduce anything new, then it can move into main quickly06:40
ogra(but please dont make the CDs grow ... edubuntu is at the edge)06:40
mvoelmo: yes06:41
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Kamionogra: that's why it should be an explicit entry in the desktop seed, rather than pulled in by a dependency; that way you can just exclude it from edubuntu-desktop if that's the right thing to do06:43
ograi'll wait for the final beta isos and see :)06:44
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tkamppetermdz: foomatic-db was always on the CD, linuxprinting.org-ppds was not on the CD, and people complained about missing PPDs.06:45
ograi386 says 699M on the cdimage website ... by experience that can go up to 702M before it breaks ...06:45
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tkamppeterlinuxprinting.org-ppds is generated from the same source package as foomatic-db06:45
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tkamppeterI do not really know whether linuxprinting.org-ppds is in main or in universe, but for many PostScript printers it ships the manufacturer-supplied PPDs to make all the printer's functionality working. So it could be considered as a driver package.06:47
mdzogra: it's broken when it says .OVERSIZED ;-)06:47
ograi'll regard that :)06:47
mdztkamppeter: ok, so it is not a new package, but one which we have never shipped on the CD06:48
ograand if its from foomatic-db source it likely has a MIR already06:49
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Kamionthere's no problem promoting binaries from source that's already in main06:51
KamionI've promoted linuxprinting.org-ppds; it'll appear in main when the next publisher run finishes, in about an hour06:52
tkamppeterWhat is a MIR?06:54
tkamppeterThanks, Kamion, for promoting the PPDs to main.06:54
ogratkamppeter, short for main inclusion report06:54
Kamionmain inclusion report; see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements06:54
Kamionformalisation of the earlier casual process that went "hmm, yeah, I guess we can/should support this one"06:55
Kamiontkamppeter: please take care not to restore the dependency of foomatic-db on linuxprinting.org-ppds, though06:55
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Kamionat the very least, not before beta06:56
tkamppeterMy proposed foomatic-db with linuxprinting.org-ppds split does not introduce this dependency.06:57
Kamionok, good06:58
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neutrinomassI hope this isn't offtopic: I've noticed a large number of access() system calls to check for the existence of /etc/ld.nohwcap.so, which doesn't exist. Although these aren't (according to strace anyway) time-consuming, couldn't they be avoided (given that one check is enough, and that it doesn't exist anyway) ? 07:10
neutrinomassUm, it's /etc/ld.so.nohwcap actually 07:11
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doko_Kamion: please really consider the python2.4 changes for the beta07:17
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jdongBenC: quick question poke07:27
BenCjdong: shoot07:27
jdongBenC: usb-storage, the max_sectors_128 blacklist, is that what unusual-devs is?07:27
jdongI think I got another device here that needs the 128 sector workaround07:28
jdong(read: I think I might be solving my bug report)07:28
BenCjdong: unusual-devs handles a lot of quirks, like maxsectors_12807:29
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jdongBenC: what advantage does the default 240 for maxsectors have over 128?07:29
jdongI've barely seen a performance difference between the two07:29
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BenCjdong: usually, not much07:31
jdongBenC: why do we go with 240 instead of 128 as the default then?07:31
BenCif the device falls into that category, then technically, there's difference :)07:31
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BenCjdong: for large high-speed USB devices, it gains performance07:31
jdonghmm, ok07:32
jdongwell, I've got a usb device here that needs the max sectors 128 workaround07:32
jdongBenC: what info would you need in my bug report to add my device to the unusual-devs list07:33
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BenCjdong: lsusb -v output07:37
jdongBenC: will do, and I'll tack it on to that bug report, and let you get to that when you get your other stuff done :)07:37
jdongBenC: and would this kind of bugfix be suitable for backporting to dapper?07:38
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BenCjdong: yeah07:45
yveslugood evening, no news about this very very low hanging performance-fruit: :-) https://launchpad.net/products/fontconfig/+ticket/177307:47
thomyveslu: it's long after upstream version freeze for edgy, fontconfig is right at the bottom of the desktop stack, there's no telling how much time and effort would be needed to integrate a new version07:49
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rodarvusyveslu: as thom said, unfortunately there is *no* chance fontconfig will be updated to 2.4 on edgy timeframe07:52
yvesluthom: ok, I see ur point... I can only mention that in sid the upgrade was seemless, as 2.4 is abi and api compatible to 2.3, thus no rebuilt of other packages which depend of fontconfig was necessary, maybe this information can be useful for edgy+1 for you guys :-)07:52
jdongBenC: I've uploaded my lsusb to bug 61235....07:53
UbugtuMalone bug 61235 in linux-source-2.6.17 "USB mass storage stops working after a while" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6123507:53
rodarvusyveslu: we understand, but fontconfig is a very basic package. thousands (literally) of packages depend on it, directly or indirectly07:53
yvesluand... thanks for ubuntu! nice evening!07:53
rodarvus*any* regression would be fatal07:53
rodarvusbut you can rest assured edgy+1 will have it quite quickly  ;)07:54
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yveslugreat :). at this place I have also to express all my respect to the ubuntu devs for their work. the pace of bugfixing and new feature-adding is astonishing!07:55
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mvoMithrandir: I just uploaded a new gnome-app-install. mostly desktop file changes and stuff from the CommonCustomizations spec. I showed the actual code changes (~4 lines)  to you this afternoon08:09
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Mithrandirmvo: 'k.  08:13
mdzMithrandir: the CD health check is pretty lengthy.  how many of those are still issues?08:15
Mithrandirmdz: the language packs were downloaded hours ago, I thought.  I think that fixes the kde-i18n ones too which leaves us with a couple of uninstallables.08:18
mdzMithrandir: is the script set up to publish more up-to-date output somewhere?08:18
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mdzthe latest one i have shows a whole slew of uninstallables08:19
Mithrandirmdz: the uninstallable is just a dump of http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/testing/edgy_probs.html, afaik08:19
Mithrandirmdz: I think the langpacks are either waiting for approval or something happened to the upload.08:19
Mithrandircprov: you uploaded all the langpacks, didn't you?08:20
cprovMithrandir: i did, this morning08:21
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mdzthere are a couple of language-support uploads waiting for approval, but no langpacks08:21
Mithrandirmdz: seems to be in needs-build08:23
Mithrandir(at least language-pack-xh)08:23
mdzeek, 523 pending builds08:24
Mithrandirmdz: uh, the buildds are unhappy. NOT OK : <socket.error instance at 0x2aaab17c7680> (AUTO)08:24
mdzand zero in Building08:24
Mithrandircprov: ^^ any idea about that?08:24
mdzcprov: help08:24
elmoI'll fix them08:25
cprovMithrandir: mdz: I don't have login to the buildds.08:25
cprovelmo: ahh, you have, thanks ;)08:25
elmocprov: don't be obtuse, you don't need a login08:25
elmoit's administered through the web interface08:26
cprovelmo: I'm assuming you already tried to to what you are enable to.08:26
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mdzMithrandir: do you have access to check the output from the livefs builds and trigger new ones?08:34
Mithrandirmdz: yes.08:34
Mithrandirmdz: I can build new ones when *-desktop looks installable again.08:34
mdzok, good08:35
Mithrandirassuming we get the right langpacks built before the hour, I can do it in about an hour, I think.08:35
mdzlanguage packs are building now08:36
mdzthanks elmo, cprov08:36
Keybukmdz: beta-blocker or not?  bug #6218908:36
UbugtuMalone bug 62189 in upstart "Typing Exit at Emergency Root Term does Nothing" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6218908:36
mdzKeybuk: not a blocker but if it's low-risk to fix, I think it'd be worthwhile08:40
Keybukyeah, it's an easy enough fix08:41
tsengKeybuk: do you have buildd powers?08:41
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tsengKeybuk: i know its a bad time but ive been trying to get infinity to clear beagle chroot problems and he is clearly not around08:42
Keybuktseng: what do you mean by "clear beagle chroot" ?08:42
tsengKeybuk: build failure logged as "CHROOT PROBLEM"08:43
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Keybukthat implies that there's a chroot problem08:43
KeybukE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.08:43
tsengFailed to fetch http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-powerpc/Packages.bz2  MD5Sum mismatch08:43
KeybukFailed to fetch http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-ia64/Packages.bz2  MD5Sum mismatch08:43
tsengthis was the problem.08:44
KeybukLP bug that this is considered a chroot problem, I suspect08:44
tsengbut its been stuck for some time08:44
Keybukit may not be clearable08:44
tsengnew upload?08:44
KeybukI certainly can't08:44
tsengok, thanks for looking08:44
Keybukyou may need a rubber duck08:45
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elmoI don't think you need a rubber duck, just someone with privs to reset builds - I don't know where that is in the web UI thought08:48
KeybukI have the privs to reset builds08:48
Keybukand I don't have a "Reset build" for that case08:48
elmoKeybuk: what UI?08:48
KeybukNormally there's a "+ Reset Build" in the "Build details" portlet08:48
elmoI don't have one either08:49
Keybukhttps://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/247137/+reset sez "Build can not be reset"08:49
elmowhich means soyuz apparently won't let you in this case, which is pretty special08:49
Keybukit may be that LP just cannot get out of this situation08:49
ivoksKeybuk: you needed me? i'm aware of libburn mistakes and sorry for that08:49
elmoI don't see why not, giving a build back is the same thing in any case08:49
Keybuknew package or chroot upload08:49
tsengnew package is fine08:50
elmo(it deletes the build record [sic] )08:50
Keybukivoks: if you know the mistakes, and can fix them, then I don't need you ;)08:50
Keybukelmo: indeed08:50
ivoksKeybuk: i will, tonight08:50
elmofiled as 6233508:52
tsengthanks elmo 08:52
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bluefoxicyLZO Layer FS has no real license statement, it just says something like "Copyrights reserved blah blah blah"08:53
bluefoxicyit uses liblzo2-2, which is licensed under the GPL08:53
Keybukbluefoxicy: then LZO Layer FS has no licence08:53
Mithrandirbluefoxicy: then it's undistributable.08:53
Keybukcontact the original author to purchase a copyright licence from them08:54
Keybukor prod them gently to include the licence they probably intended in their next tarball08:54
bluefoxicydoes this thus require LZOlayerFS to be licensed under GPL?  (this is TrollTech's approach-- if you write a Qt app and try to not GPL it they try to sue you; but I think that's unenforcable because I can hypothetically produce a situation in which you would not be using the GPL'd Qt, which should knock this notion over in court)08:54
Keybukbluefoxicy: varies depending on author opinion08:54
Keybukcontact authors of liblzo2-2 for their opinion08:55
Keybuka safe option is assuming "yes, it requires that the linking program be GPL"08:55
bluefoxicyKeybuk:  Nods.  I'm actually about to send off an e-mail asking for GPL, LGPL, or BSD/MIT, since he doesn't seem to have any particular reason to want to hang onto the code08:55
bluefoxicy(I want to make /tmp lzo compressed eventually >:D)08:56
bluefoxicy(yes it works, I tried)08:56
tsengsounds less than useful08:56
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bluefoxicytseng:  I crunched /tmp from 8.4 megs to 3.8 megs *shrug*08:56
Keybukbluefoxicy: freak ;)08:57
bluefoxicyoh right, it links with zlib too, which is lgpl last I looked :)08:57
Keybukzlib is not LGPL08:57
bluefoxicyit's not?08:57
=== bluefoxicy hunts for the copyright.
Keybukit's vaguely BSD08:57
jdubbluefoxicy: /tmp is often assumed to be fast disk or ram; compressing it is not the best of ideas08:58
bluefoxicyoh right, it has its own license, forgot08:58
bluefoxicyjdub:  it's block based and pretty fast.  My /tmp seems to be full of stuff Firefox has downloaded for me; a couple pipe files; packages I'm working on; and the like08:59
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Tonio_Mithrandir: ping ?09:01
keescookwow.  nothing is quite as much fun as hunting down memory corruption bugs in a lisp interpreter.  ;)09:01
MithrandirTonio_: pong09:02
micahcowankeescook, :(   which one?09:02
keescookbug 6230909:02
UbugtuMalone bug 62309 in abuse-sdl "abuse segfaults if SIGINT is raised" [Low,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6230909:02
keescookabuse has a built-in lisp engine.  yeow09:02
Tonio_Mithrandir: just saw kdebase 0ubuntu27 needs approval to get in. the latest version of the patch updated resolves a bunch of critical issues in the media ioslave management09:02
Tonio_Mithrandir: any chance you approve it ?09:03
bluefoxicyjdub:  (where "pretty fast" ~= "1/6 the speed" but I'm getting 10 megs a second instead of 45 ;)09:03
micahcowankeescook, I seem to remember that. Yowza.09:03
MithrandirTonio_: I need to see a debdiff before I can answer that question.09:03
doko_Mithrandir, Kamion: the 8MB can be saved by dropping libgcj7-jar from the CD09:03
Tonio_Mithrandir: yes sure09:03
Mithrandirdoko_: it's not needed any more?09:03
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Mithrandirdoko_: java-gcj-compat seems to still depend on it?09:04
doko_Mithrandir: the only java application on the CD is OOo, which works fine without it.09:04
Mithrandirdoko_: well, we can't drop it as long as java-gcj-compat pulls it back in.09:05
doko_yes, therefore my java-gcj-compat upload (which maybe not enough). what I need to do is to remove the java-gcj-compat dependencies from all *-java packages on the CD09:05
Mithrandirdoko_: oh?  Why shouldn't, say, libhsqldb-java depend on java-gcj-compat any more?09:06
Mithrandir(or did I misunderstand you?09:06
jdonguhh, is it just me, or is knot3 alternate i386 a bit oversized?09:06
doko_Mithrandir: yes, java-gcj-compat is uploaded, dropping the dependency. that's a bit ugly, because we have some dangling symlinks in java-gcj-compat, but works for OOo09:06
Mithrandirjdong: 700 MB CDs are slightly bigger than 700 MB.09:06
jdongMithrandir: ok, I'll take your word for it09:07
doko_Mithrandir: because it's just a library, not an application. there was a discussion on debian-java to remove all these depencies for packages which just have a library.09:08
doko_Mithrandir: if you like it better, I could replace java-gcj-compat with gij-4.1 for these cases09:08
Mithrandirdoko_: ok; can we wait with this new world order until after beta?  I'm fine with dropping the -jar dependency, but let's not shuffle all the java packages around.09:09
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doko_Mithrandir: fine with me, just tought in the case for problems with CD size09:09
doko_Mithrandir: and please, really consider the uploaded python2.4 for the beta09:10
Mithrandirdoko_: let's see how it works out size-wise first and go from there?09:10
Mithrandirdoko_: do you have a debdiff somewhere?09:10
Tonio_Mithrandir: here is the debdiff http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/1709:11
doko_Mithrandir: yes, already mentioned. chinstrap:~doko/python2.409:11
doko_Mithrandir: the file p.diff are the upstream changes (the diff for the svn-updates diff is a bit unreadable)09:12
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MithrandirTonio_: Riddell is happy with this?  It looks ok to me, but I don't know the kdebase codebase.09:14
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Mithrandirdoko_: are there any of the upstream fixes there we really want?  I don't see a point in the win32 fixes, for instance?09:14
Tonio_Mithrandir: yes Riddell asked me to upload this since he can't in dublin...09:17
MithrandirTonio_: ok; approved then.09:17
Tonio_Mithrandir: thanks09:17
MithrandirKeybuk: can you approve kdebase 4:3.5.4-0ubuntu27, please?09:17
mdzjdong: the CD building scripts have a check for the appropriate size and output a .OVERSIZED file if it's too big09:18
doko_Mithrandir: it's harmless. it's inside "#ifdef MS_WINDOWS", we want all the other patches09:19
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AmaranthOh damn, I just missed the deadline to request sponsorship for mountain view. :/09:47
jdubKeybuk: *headsmack* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FCNewInit09:49
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AmaranthIf I were to add myself to the list now would it be ignored?09:52
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Keybukjdub: ?10:00
Keybukoh, distrowatch and their UP TO THE MINUTE reporting10:00
Keybuknote the URL of the mail10:00
jdubha ha10:00
jdubupdated last month, too10:01
jdubto note upstart10:01
Keybukyeah, the update last month was just adding a link to upstart as a consideration10:01
jduband that's it10:01
jdubworth replying on sounder to mention that10:01
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Keybukyeah, will do10:03
KeybukMithrandir: I don't see a kdebase to approve10:03
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bluefoxicy/dev/loop0: [f6a0] :-1208031192 () offset -1208141016, xor encryption  <-- what the crap is this?10:12
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Keybuksfllaw: which ubuntu-devel-announce post do you want approved?10:14
=== Keybuk guesses the one from your ubuntu address
sfllawKeybuk: Yeah.  My e-mail client got confused.10:19
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Tonio_pitti: just pinging for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportDigikam10:23
Tonio_pitti: would be nice if beta or RC could be shiped with digikam to get feedback :)10:23
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KeybukTonio_: beta freeze has already passed10:26
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bluefoxicyholy shit10:28
bluefoxicyI can't believe that worked.10:28
=== bluefoxicy tries to make it not work.
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Tonio_Keybuk: okay, so let's focus on it in rc :)10:32
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ajmitchKeybuk: fwiw, I'm trying to hack in selinux support into upstart - putting it in init/main.c doesn't really feel like the right place for it, where do you suggest?10:40
Mithrandirmdz: the uninstallable count seems to be improving at about 200 packages an hour, but it's getting late here, so I'll be off for a bit of sleep for a fresh start tomorrow rather than sitting up all night.10:42
bluefoxicy(security/selinux.c and then hook into other places...?)10:42
ajmitchbluefoxicy: in upstart..10:43
Keybukajmitch: what kind of support does selinux need?10:43
bluefoxicyajmitch:  I heard, I was making a suggestion, i.e. keep the support functions separated out and call them from some other code10:44
ajmitchjust loading the policy10:44
ajmitchthe sysvinit patch was basically one load_policy function & the makefile hacks to link to the lib10:44
=== bluefoxicy shrugs and goes back to doing unuseful but amusing things
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Keybukwhat does the policy do?10:44
Keybukand what effect does loading the policy have?10:44
ajmitchloading the policy puts it into the kernel & affects all programs subsequently executed, all file accesses, etc10:45
ajmitchit was done in sysvinit so that the programs init spawns run with the right security context10:45
Keybukcould it not be loaded by a separate program that init invokves?10:46
Keybukor does it have to be loaded by process #1 ?10:46
ajmitchafaik it should be loaded by init, but I'll check whether it's possible to set the context of init separately10:47
Keybukit sounds like it's appropriate to do it in init/main.c; probably after the console has been reset, but before the signals are established?10:47
Keybukif it's more than one function call, create a static function in that file10:47
ajmitchit's 1 static function in there at the moment10:48
ajmitchporting from the sysvinit patch10:48
Keybukwhat kind of action does init need to take wrt to processes spawned?10:48
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ajmitchnothing new, the kernel handles everything after that10:48
Keybukhow come the kernel doesn't handle init then?10:48
ajmitchif selinux support isn't enabled in the kernel, it should silently skip loading policy10:48
ajmitchpolicy has to be loaded from userspace somehow10:49
Keybukwould initramfs not be a suitable place to do that?10:49
Keybukhow does the policy get updated when changed?10:49
ajmitchwhen changed, it gets reloaded via the /selinux interface, usually by libselinux10:50
Keybukok, so it's just an initial "kick the kernel" kind of thing?10:50
ajmitchpretty much10:50
Keybukwhat does one do if loading the policy fails?10:51
ajmitchat the moment it throws up warnings, no more10:51
Keybukwhat should one do?10:51
crimsunlwin 2010:51
crimsunerr, sorry10:51
=== Keybuk pushes crimsun's l over
ajmitchpreferably the system would keep booting, it would be good for that behaviour to be selectable10:52
ajmitchif initramfs is a better place than upstart, I'm all for it10:52
Keybukwell, initramfs is the kernel/userspace interface10:53
Keybukso it seems logical to do it there10:53
Keybukperhaps in an init-bottom script where the root filesystem is accessible10:54
ajmitchbye zul 10:54
Keybukdoing it in init itself is a second-best option (as I understand the problem, I may not understand it fully)10:54
Keybukjust a thought also, what happens when init is re-exec'd ?10:54
Keybukshould the policy be reloaded or not?10:54
ajmitchno, policy would usually stay constant, reloading it wouldn't harm anything though10:54
Keybukyou'd probably want a if (! restart) in there10:55
=== ajmitch has to run off to work, will come back to it sometime later
ajmitchthanks for that10:56
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BenCis upload queue for edgy on lockdown?11:57
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BenCI just uploaded linux-source-2.6.17 10.24, and I need it pushed through (along with lrm and linux-meta behind it for ABI bump)11:58
pittiBenC: yes, it's locked; you need an archive master to wave it through11:59
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jdongBenC: you sure you don't want to help my laziness by sneaking in the unusual-devs entry? ;-)11:59
BenCjdong: I'll get it in, but I need this jmicron and amd64-agp fix in asap12:00
jdongmmmkay :)12:01
BenCpitti: any suggestions on who to ping?12:01
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BenCjdong: main reason being that amd64-agp fix caused an abi bump, but your stuff wont, so it'll be easier after this12:01

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