
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@d235-244-56.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
elkbuntuponingru, please say you got -something- done on the UWN?03:33
poningruhehe some...03:34
poningrusorry had some trouble with sobby03:34
poningruhad to restart03:34
elkbuntuuou could have done it by the wiki03:34
poningruwith the autosave03:34
poningruyeah I know03:34
poningrugetting on it03:34
elkbuntui was under the impression burgundavia was going to be back at some point around now...03:38
poningruoh I have everything lined up03:38
poningrulike the feature03:39
elkbuntuwhat is the feature?03:39
poningrujust need a screenshot03:39
elkbuntuponingru, of?03:39
poningruthe warning when you remove a mounted device03:39
poningrulike a usb key or a mounted cd03:39
poningruor a floppy03:39
elkbuntucds ejecting gets handled by 'eject' afaik03:40
poningruright, and now usbs as well03:40
poningrubut there is a warning that comes up03:41
poningruI dont have access to a usb right now03:41
elkbuntunot for any of my machines for cds there dont03:41
elkbuntuok, let me test with the laptop03:41
poningruelkbuntu: play a cd03:41
poningruor a dvd03:41
poningruvideo, audio etc03:41
poningruwithout stopping anything03:41
poningrupress the eject button03:41
poningruon the physical device03:42
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elkbuntuooh cool. however.. as i said. eject unmounts my cd/dvd drives without that error03:42
elkbuntuand by that i mean.. i press the button on the eject drive at any time and that does not happen03:43
elkbuntuhas done that since breezy03:44
poningruwell it happend to me sometime or another03:44
poningruright but in edgy it throws that error03:44
elkbuntudidnt just then03:44
elkbuntumaybe if you have files open..03:44
elkbuntuanywya, i got your screenshot now03:47
poningrulet me do the write up03:49
elkbuntuget some people to test the cd side of things. i might just be lucky?03:50
poningrumeh its mostly a usb thing03:52
poningruwill focus on just the usb03:52
elkbuntui'll upload the pic to the wiki03:53
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elkbuntuattachment:usbremovalerror.png <-- poningru04:03
poningruawesome thanks04:04
poningruwait you cant get on gobby?04:04
elkbuntuponingru, the attachment has to go to the wiki anyway04:04
elkbuntui cant atm, i'm preparing for tha thing i needed skype for04:04
poningruah the interview04:05
poningrugood luck04:05
elkbuntuim just hoping to avoid sounding like a dufus :)04:12
poningruhehe for you it would be pretty hard to sound like one :p04:14
elkbuntuyou've never heard me try to string words together to a stranger who i cannot see04:20
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviaok you lazy slugs04:37
Burgundaviadid you finish UWN 15 yet?04:38
Burgundavia ;)04:38
elkbuntuBurgundavia, we tried. poningru has a bit done i believe04:38
poningrujust couple o things04:39
elkbuntuand im going to be 'do not disturb' in a sec04:39
poningruwe have anything other than hug day for upcoming events?04:42
Burgundaviawe are looking pretty good04:42
poningrugrr is wiki.ubuntu down?04:50
poningrucame back just now04:53
elkbuntui think i just succeeded in sounding like a rambling lunatic04:59
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@d235-244-56.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningruBurgundavia: I have nothing to put in infamous bugs05:19
poningruapart from that... I think I am done05:21
elkbuntuthere is something in every section, looks good to me05:49
elkbuntuwhat do you think Burgundavia?05:50
elkbuntuah, summary still missing05:51
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: I think we should go, be truncated this week05:53
elkbuntuyeah. last weeks was massive05:53
elkbuntubtw summary: this issue is all about Scott James Remnant. If you see a sentance without his name, report it as a typo.05:54
Burgundaviasounds good05:55
elkbuntuim tempted :P05:56
elkbuntuitd be a bit rude though05:56
Burgundaviano, it is funny05:58
BurgundaviaI hate boring05:58
elkbuntuwhat is his sense of humour like?05:58
Burgundaviahe would appreciate it06:00
poningrudo it06:00
poningrudo it06:00
elkbuntuim editing it in ok :P06:00
poningruyou ruined my chant06:00
elkbuntuWelcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 15 for the week of September, 17 - 23 2006. This issue is all about Scott James Remnant. If you see a sentance without his name, report it as a typo. You may notice the occasional word about something else, such as the LTSP Hackfest, these are known typos.06:01
elkbuntuany changes?06:02
elkbuntuactually s/something else/something other than Scott or Upstart/06:02
elkbuntuactually, the report as/known typos backflip ruins it a bit06:03
poningrurofl awesome06:04
elkbuntuThis issue is all about Scott James Remnant. If you see a sentance about someone or something other than Scott or Upstart, such as the LTSP Hackfest, please rest assured that these are known typos.06:04
elkbuntuprobably sounds better06:04
Burgundaviano, I like the previous versions06:05
poningruyeah this one seems forced06:05
=== poningru goes out swimming
elkbuntuthis wil be great if someone actually reports the typos :P06:06
elkbuntuThis issue is all about Scott James Remnant. If you see a sentance without his name, report it as a typo. You may notice the occasional word about someone or something other than Scott or Upstart, such as the LTSP Hackfest, rest assured that these are probably known typos, but feel free to report them anyway.06:06
poningruyou know we one of these days we should submit UWN to digg06:07
elkbuntuponingru, probably, but depends how much flaming corey wants to wade through06:07
elkbuntubsd fanboys + digg == flame city06:08
elkbuntuerr s/digg/digg + ubuntu/06:08
poningrusentence hehe06:08
poningruerr yeah...06:08
poningruoops -sentence06:08
elkbuntuthere.. summary will be saved once the wiki wakes up06:08
elkbuntusend it on its way, Burgundavia :)06:10
Burgundaviaok, let me do one last spell check06:10
poningru!NO no spell check for you!!!06:11
elkbuntushush pirate-man06:12
elkbuntuBurgundavia, eh, im not in the credits.. if it's not sent could you add me?06:12
Burgundaviadid I miss anybody else?06:13
poningruelkbuntu: oops my bad06:13
elkbuntureally not sure06:13
elkbuntuponingru, did ompaul try contribute at all?06:14
poningruwhats his real name/06:14
elkbuntuponingru, ive got no idea what your or his real names are so i cant say yes or no about either of you06:14
=== poningru is Eldo
poningruapperantly the sobby mishap took the records of contribution with it06:14
poningruI know ompaul was on there at one time06:15
poningruso just add it06:15
BurgundaviaPaul O'Malley06:15
Burgundaviashoudl I add a note about us needing help on the edgy section?06:16
elkbuntudont we usually have assistance with that.. oh add scott too06:16
elkbuntufor giving us the stories ;)06:17
elkbuntuand to tie in with the top part ;)06:17
elkbuntulook at the info page for other people too... MichaelVogt, Marius Popa Adrian06:19
elkbuntuthe core is Alexandre too, according to the wiki :)06:19
Burgundaviadid those people help us write it?06:20
elkbuntuMariuz Howto make Ubuntu Dapper Look Like OSX - Ultimate makeover tutorial06:20
elkbuntuMichaelVogt auto-mark stuff in apt/synaptic mentioned06:20
elkbuntuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue15?action=info <-- useful :)06:20
Burgundaviaok, chck again06:22
elkbuntuput the image on a new line06:22
elkbuntuthe big image, i mean06:23
Burgundaviado it06:23
poningruerr we have nothing for Infamous bugs06:23
elkbuntuthats a good thing, poningru :)06:23
Burgundaviathen kill it06:23
poningruelkbuntu: are you logged in?06:24
elkbuntueep.. that osx tute has the link in the wrong spot. going back in06:25
Burgundaviathat os x thingy irks me06:26
elkbuntuwe can take it out if you want06:26
elkbuntuit does smell of a self-pimping06:26
Burgundaviakill it06:27
elkbuntukilling mariaz from the credits too then06:27
BurgundaviaI like how our "short" week is still longer than Gentoo and Debian's normal week06:28
poningruwe are the 'cooler' distro06:28
elkbuntuindeed. much cooler :)06:28
poningruone of these days I am putting up an ubuntu qdb06:28
poningrua friend is doing the same for mofo06:28
elkbuntuthere is something like that around, i've been told06:28
poningruquotes database06:29
poningruthere is?06:29
elkbuntui've got no memory of where though06:29
poningruthats the mofo06:29
Madpilotthere was, at one point. I think Seveas was running it06:29
elkbuntuMadpilot, cool so it wasnt some dream06:29
poningruwhats seveas' website?06:30
Burgundaviacanonical has one on their internal wiki06:30
poningruthey do?06:30
poningrufor what?06:30
elkbuntuBurgundavia, thats little use to us though06:30
poningruerr who rather06:30
poningruand plus putting it on a wiki does no good06:30
elkbuntuok Burgundavia if you're satisfied now, send it forth :)06:32
poningruelkbuntu: /me assumes you are melissa draper06:33
elkbuntuim surprised there's someone who doesnt know that yet :|06:34
poningruI should have known that06:35
poningrusorry I am bad with names06:35
poningrufor whatever reason that doesnt seem to apply to irc names06:35
elkbuntuhehe, dont worry06:35
poningrulike all my ffc friends06:35
poningruI know by irc nicks06:35
poningrueven when we meet its not john its nile etc.06:36
BurgundaviaMadpilot: can I forward an email to you to take a look at?06:36
MadpilotBurgundavia, sure. How was the flight, btw?06:37
BurgundaviaMadpilot: good. United has a channel for listening to the radio06:37
Burgundaviaso I coudl here the tower chatter06:37
Burgundaviait even made sense06:37
elkbuntuponingru, heh, a friend.. a bsd user actually, who i've known for over a year.. accidentally introduced me to his brother face-to-face a few months back as 'elks'06:38
elkbuntuponingru, airplane + tower ==06:38
MadpilotAir Traffic Control tower06:38
BurgundaviaMadpilot: sent. do you see =3D= ?06:39
elkbuntuoh youre no fun, i wanted to see him gues06:39
Burgundaviaor just ==06:39
poningruah gotcha06:39
MadpilotBurgundavia, do I see what where?06:39
Burgundaviathe UWN 15 email i just forwarded to you06:39
poningruelkbuntu: :P06:40
MadpilotBurgundavia, I got it, looks good. What exactly am I looking for?06:40
Burgundaviathe == Blah == looking like =3D= blah =3D=06:40
Madpilotno, they look fine. == General Community News ==06:41
elkbuntuBurgundavia, what email client?06:41
Burgundaviathe mailman interface06:41
poningruelkbuntu: the worst is when I refer to third parties with their irc nicks, and its a bad nick06:42
poningrua friends name is Grey Hodge in rl but his nick is jesusx06:42
poningruand people glare at me sometimes when I say his name06:43
poningruerr nick06:43
elkbuntuwhats keybuks waking hours? i wanna see the reaction, lol06:43
BurgundaviaI am busy most of the this week06:44
Burgundaviakeybuk is UK06:44
elkbuntuscott james remnant06:44
BurgundaviaKeybuk == scott06:44
elkbuntubusy day tomorrow, Burgundavia?06:46
elkbuntuor, today if it's past midnight wherever you've ended up06:47
poningruelkbuntu: ooh awesome quote mind if I use it?06:47
poningru'My dream is not to have every computer in the world running Ubuntu, although it would be nice. Rather, I dream of the day that everyone knows that they have a choice.'06:47
elkbuntu100% original too :)06:48
elkbuntu100% honest to boot06:48
=== poningru is gonna change the 'ubuntu' to Free operating system
elkbuntufeel free :)06:49
poningruyep same here06:49
elkbuntugah! i just found a grey hair! im going grey! :(06:50
=== poningru hugs elkbuntu
elkbuntuhehe, my grandad got grey hair at the age of 9, so 24 is fairly late for our family :)06:51
poningrumeh it gives you more character06:52
poningrugranted I have no idea what you look like but still ;)06:52
elkbuntugo to my launchpad page06:52
elkbuntui hackergotchified myself this week06:53
elkbuntuerr. last week06:53
poningruhehe a friend of mine from church already has grey hair on half his head06:53
poningruand only 2206:53
=== Burgundavia_ [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningruah ic06:55
poningrured hair?06:55
Burgundaviabugger laptop06:55
elkbuntume, no, not red hair.. i put mahogany dye through it occasionally it to keep it from being a greyish brown though06:56
elkbuntuBurgundavia, have you had any of these sticker requests... envelope, with letter asking for more than a single strip.. but with no self-addressed stamped envelope06:56
BurgundaviaCanadians are more polite than you aussies06:57
=== elkbuntu scrunches up the letter and throws it at Burgundavia
Burgundaviahow many have you gotten?06:58
elkbuntuenvelopes.. um.. approaching 5006:58
elkbuntui think..06:58
BurgundaviaI am about 25 to 3006:59
poningrugrey hair?06:59
Burgundaviagotten any double or triple in one envelope?06:59
elkbuntuone double07:00
elkbuntuseveral just asking for a few extra strips07:00
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poningruok who the crap do I talk to about moinmoin installation fix08:47
=== klepas [n=klepas@203-213-31-142.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningruthe stupid thing doesnt take me back to the page I logged in from08:48
poningruI mean is it so hard to go back to the refer page after login??08:49
=== poningru grumbles somewhere
Madpilotponingru, you on the Ubuntu wikis?08:50
poningrubut I dont have a page08:50
Madpilotcreate one for yourself -- wiki.ubuntu.com/Poningru208:50
poningruerr not sure what to put on there08:51
klepasponingru: mine's boring too08:53
klepasbut it's worth it :)08:53
poningruheh sure why not08:53
poningrufrack this... I am working on the college page for now...08:54
poningruwill come back to this08:54
klepassure :)08:54
poningruklepas: what do you mean worth it?08:54
klepasi've found it useful08:54
klepaspeople look at my page and then shoot me an email about something08:55
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Burgundaviaponingru: can you finish the release checklist for UWN?08:57
elkbuntuBurgundavia, did you see the -devel reaction?08:59
poningruelkbuntu: I dont see it09:01
Madpilotponingru, on your usepage, put some contact info, and brag about what you do for Ubuntu ;)09:01
poningruhehe yeah09:02
poningruelkbuntu: whats the title?09:02
elkbuntuponingru, not the list.. in the channel09:03
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elkbuntubtw, welcome back jenda :)09:06
jendathx  elkbuntu  How have you been?09:06
poningrujenda: yo09:06
jendaaaii, poningru09:06
Madpilotponingru, when is "October 1th"?09:15
Madpilotjust wondering09:16
poningruyou changed it right?09:17
Madpilotno, I wanted to use it to give you a hard time ;)09:17
Madpilotponingru, note that your userpage has to exactly match your username if you want it to autolink - so wuc/Poningru2, not wuc/Poningru09:18
poningruyeah I am just gonna redirect09:19
poningruits teh lame09:19
poningruI wished I could rename09:19
MadpilotOct 1th fixed09:19
poningruthanks :)09:19
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=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== poningru wonders why nixternal likes sooo much wiki emails
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@d235-244-56.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
nixternalmany reasons09:34
nixternali get to watch for attacks this way, plus, i can learn new stuff by reading the changes09:34
nixternalplus i get all desktop bugs, laptop bugs, doc bugs, and kde bugs09:35
nixternalthere are some sick individuals who get every bug...i can't do that09:36
poningrutoo many gavins around here09:37
poningruBurgundavia: can you check now?09:39
poningrufor the release09:39
poningruI dont know about the wording09:39
poningruelkbuntu: help?09:39
elkbuntuhelp what?09:40
poningruthe first para09:41
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poningruelkbuntu: ^^09:46
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elkbuntusorry, got pulled 3 ways at the same time09:46
elkbuntuponingru, which first paragraph are you talking about?09:46
=== poningru pulls elkbuntu in one more direction ;)
elkbuntuhi matthewrevell :)09:46
poningruthe one that describes the connecting to gobby stuff09:47
poningruwording on that is a bit weird09:47
poningrumatthewrevell: !!!09:47
poningruneed to talk to you about /PressTeam09:47
elkbuntuheh, whats the point of the password if it's listed alongside the ip and port?09:47
poningruelkbuntu: heh09:48
poningruits an 'open password'09:48
elkbunturegardless, what is the point of having it at all?09:48
poningruso random script cant just hax it09:48
poningruthey have to go look for it09:48
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poningruif an exploit for sobby comes up09:49
poningruatleast thats another wall they have to knock down09:49
poningrugranted very weak09:49
matthewrevellhi :)09:50
poningrumatthewrevell: wb09:51
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=== poningru wonders if tonyyarusso is ok
tonyyarussoWho what now?09:59
tonyyarussoYikes.  Seems my connection's on the fritz eh?09:59
poningruwoah deja vu10:00
tonyyarussoOur router is currently sitting in a cardboard box in the hall with the wires all duct-taped to the wall and was set up by my non-techie housemates, so who knows what the deal is with it.  That's on my list of things to fix if I can.10:01
poningrutake a pic and send it to ... somewhere10:01
tonyyarussoI should.  If one of them has a camera maybe I will.10:02
jendaHello matthewrevell :)10:16
jendaI can't Gobby :( It tells me there is a protocol version mismatch. Any ideas there? Who is the host, BTW?10:17
elkbuntuponingru, is and it needs the edgy version10:18
jendais it backported?10:19
elkbuntunope.. just find it at packages.u.c and steal it :10:19
poningrucrap this sucks10:19
jendaBTW - I think that's a very bad idea. It requires quite a bit of effort from potential contributors.10:19
elkbuntui dont think it's backported anyway10:19
elkbuntucan the new gobbies connect to old gobbies?10:20
poningrudont think so10:20
poningrujenda: can you create new session?10:21
poningruand we can try to connect10:21
jendaponingru: will do... need to set up port forward first.10:21
jendaHow long will it be expected to be up?10:22
poningrujust couple of mins when we try to connect10:22
poningruif it does connect I will install sobby .310:22
jendawhat's sobby? :)10:23
poningrua server implementation10:23
poningrucli no gui needed10:24
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elkbuntuooh, i could set that up on my little server here10:24
jendaDo you want me to use the edgy or the dapper version, poningru?10:24
poningruwell dapper10:24
poningrusince we want to test10:25
jendaa few more seconds... ;)10:25
jendaport 652210:27
elkbuntumismatch from my end10:28
jendadarn... I can't connect myself :(10:28
elkbuntujenda, edgy to dapper?10:28
=== poningru too mismatch
jendano, dapper, dapper10:28
poningrujenda: what do you mean you cant connect yourself?10:29
jendahehe )10:29
elkbuntu beta software :10:29
jendaI set it up on my other PC, so I'm trying out here...10:29
poningruah gotcha10:29
poningrumake sure you go the local ip10:29
poningrunot the router10:29
jendaI can't connect via the public IP, so I'm trying the local10:29
jendabut since _that_ ain't working...10:29
poningruelkbuntu: actually I was looking at the protocol change10:30
poningruand from .3 to .4 is a huge protocol change10:30
poningruas in features added10:30
poningruand so I guess I understand the incompatibility10:30
jendaelkbuntu: gotcha10:30
jendaso... elkbuntu can connect from her dapper machine to my kubuntu dapper machine... but I can't?10:31
elkbuntuas i said before10:31
elkbuntuanyway, afk10:32
jendalater, elkbuntu.10:34
jendaponingru: what gobby version is you has?10:34
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poningrujenda: sorry?10:38
jendainstalled .4 :)10:38
jendaOK, cool. Works like a charm. I love gobby.10:40
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poningrujust making sure it works :)10:47
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=== elkbuntu blinks
=== tonyyarusso blinks a bunch and tries to stay awake
elkbuntuwhat's with the yoyo01:50
elkbuntuyoyo effect.. from one opposite to the other.. in out in out in out01:51
tonyyarussoOh, that's my joyfully screwy wireless connection atm.01:51
elkbuntuaww /me comforts01:52
tonyyarussoI just moved in here a few weeks ago and that's still on my list of things to fix.01:52
tonyyarussoOur router is sitting in a cardboard box in the hall in a pile with a bunch of other stuff, with the wires too it being trailed across the floor, up the wall, and around to the next floor stuck on with tape.01:53
tonyyarussoIt's pretty sad.01:53
tonyyarussoAnd it's unsecured, so who knows what's using it.01:53
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jendaponingru: would you happen to know when the next release is due?02:51
elkbuntuUWN release?02:58
elkbuntu^-- jenda02:59
elkbuntuone week from now minus about 8 hours03:01
=== jenda has gotta be blind...
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:elkbuntu] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's channel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam | UWN #15 is out | Help us write UWN 16 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue15 | Channel logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:elkbuntu] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's channel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam | UWN #15 is out | Help us write UWN 16 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue16 | Channel logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FF9E8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Plug [n=crb@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-120-226-54.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== ma1 [n=max@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendahello ma108:15
ma1not very busy this tome of day08:16
=== lophyte [n=dsulliva@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FF9E8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== dotwaffle [i=dotwaffl@pdpc/supporter/student/dotwaffle] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== dotwaffl1 [i=dotwaffl@wrong.domain.name] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== poningru_ [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-marketing

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