
imbrandonsee i wish i had the time to monitor the forum and spot "bug reports" and lock/delete the thread and ask them to file a bug report12:09
imbrandonthat would help sigifgantly12:09
FujitsuSee, I wish forum users were sane and didn't use it as a bug tracker.12:10
imbrandonFujitsu: exactly12:10
FujitsuOh look, it even says up the top:12:10
Fujitsu Please note developers are not very active here. If you wish to file a bug report please do so here.12:10
FujitsuWhere `here' is a link12:10
imbrandonbut a good modirator that would stiffle it a few times and it would become the norm12:10
imbrandonbut its not12:10
imbrandoninstead there posted there, ignored by us and given "hacks" to "fix" it that later becomes a big problem12:11
ajmitchFujitsu: they ignore that repeatedly12:11
Fujitsuajmitch, I noticed :P12:11
ivoksmaybe if they add an icon for "here"...12:12
imbrandonor a big RED <h1>here</h1>12:13
ivoksnah... malone is iconless12:13
ivoksit wouldn't work12:13
FujitsuMaybe if they took up half the posting window with a big, red, flashing `DON'T POST BUG REPORTS HERE, DIMWITS'12:13
FujitsuThen, and only then, will they see it.12:13
imbrandonFujitsu: and ignore it12:13
LaserJockthe thing is, I confess, I was a forum person. That's how I got introduced to Ubuntu12:15
ivoksjust imagine how many forum posts you would need for this type of conversation...12:15
=== zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ivokswell, it was fun, now it's time to kill the eye12:15
ivoksi wish you happy flaming and ranting12:16
ivokstry to do some work while taking a break :)12:16
=== Fujitsu looks for more bugs to fix.
FujitsuAnybody got any ideas?12:16
imbrandonnah we're all just voicing our opinions, i think we all adult enough to know its nothing personal12:16
imbrandongnight ivoks12:16
imbrandonbrb food time12:16
LaserJockmaybe it's just me. I just feel these community interaction issues are pretty important12:17
LaserJockmaybe I should just vent to jono ;-)12:17
FujitsuLaserJock, they are very important.12:17
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Fujitsu taps packages.qa.debian.org.
FujitsuWakey wakey..12:24
ajmitchFujitsu: lists.d.o is awol as well12:24
LaserJockdoes packages.qa.debian.org work well in CLI browsers?12:24
zulmaybe it got hacked again12:24
Fujitsuajmitch, I noticed.12:24
ajmitchhm, that's master..12:25
=== ajmitch gets asked for a password
ajmitchand it should have my ssh key on there12:26
LaserJockheh, DDs get to have all the cool stuff12:26
FujitsuYeah, those evil evil uber-privileged things :P12:26
ajmitch" master accounts temporarily disabled"12:26
ajmitchfrom #d-d topic12:27
FujitsuMaster accounts, though? What are they?12:27
=== Bazzi [n=Bastian@p5080417C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockcould that be a normal thing? or does that indicate a hack?12:27
Fujitsu`APT IS BORKED!!!'12:27
ajmitchLaserJock: it's not particularly normal, could be hardware12:27
FujitsuWhat is a master account?12:27
ajmitchFujitsu: master.debian.org12:28
FujitsuThat's not very useful, as connection is refused... What is master.debian.org?12:28
imbrandonheh would help if it came up12:28
LaserJockok, so out of lynx, elinks, and w3m which do you guys prefer12:29
=== LaserJock is trying his best to keep us OT ;-)
imbrandoni like elinks12:29
=== imbrandon is the master of -motu OT
LaserJockI'm not really12:29
LaserJockI'm trying to work on better development efficiency12:30
LaserJockas I have decided that I must be the slowest MOTU alive12:30
FujitsuNo you're not. I haven't seen all 53 MOTUs in this channel at all, let alone recently. :P12:31
tsengthere are 53 now?12:31
tsengholy crap12:31
tsengim going to stop vouching for people12:31
tsengonce it was like me, ajmitch, ogra, dholbach12:31
tsengdholbach did all the work12:32
imbrandonFujitsu: just becosue someone wasent on irc dosent mean they arent active ;)12:32
ajmitchtseng: I don't bother supporting people unless I worked with them a bit12:32
LaserJockahh, the good old days12:32
Fujitsuimbrandon, true... But I haven't seen uploads from most of them either.12:32
zulajmitch: you never supported me ;(12:32
ajmitchtseng: don't forget crimsun12:32
ajmitchmakes us feel old, and ubuntu has only been round awhile12:33
FujitsuOoh, nice.12:33
LaserJockthe interesting thing is you guys still to much of the work12:33
tsengI am old12:33
FujitsuI can tell Thunderbird to order by sender, and then group by sender, so I get a list of all the people who have uploaded packages.12:33
ajmitchtseng: 41 people in core-dev now12:34
ajmitchzul: yeah well..12:34
tsengajmitch: well12:35
tsengajmitch: jdub is still in there for example12:35
imbrandonjdub quit canonical , not core dev12:35
tsenglamont, mako12:35
tsengimbrandon: he wouldnt be in there if not for working at canonical at the begining12:36
tsengnor mako12:36
ajmitchchris halls hasn't done anything on ubuntu for a long time12:36
tsengi dont even remember that name12:36
ajmitchwas around very early on12:36
LaserJockhe worked on Kubuntu, no?12:36
tsengnot since wart12:36
FujitsuNever heard of him.12:36
tsenghe was doing openoffice at the begining12:36
tsengand was supposed to lead motu12:37
imbrandonhaggai was kubuntu guy way way back12:37
ajmitchno wonder he's gone12:37
LaserJockhe's around, just not active, I think12:37
ajmitchwe probably have more inactive MOTUs12:37
ajmitchlike people that haven't been seen for a year12:37
imbrandonthat and memberships are only 2 years, so alot will expire soon if they dont renew12:37
=== ajmitch checks his coredev membership
tsengin another year12:38
tsengthere were no motus in warty12:38
tsengmdz and seb128 uploaded for me12:38
ajmitchand membership is from when they started using launchpad12:38
imbrandonyea it might be good to have them yearly instead of 2 years, but honestly i dont see it hurting anything12:38
tsengimbrandon: gpg keys floating around is hurting something12:39
tsengsee Debian12:39
ajmitchwell, so I've been core dev for more than a year & I didn't realise12:39
imbrandontseng: true12:39
tsengajmitch: how do you check that12:39
ajmitchyours is dated from the start of using LP12:40
nixternalajmitch: sign me up! haha, i couldn't dev/package my way out of a wet paperbag ;)12:40
FujitsuI think yearly might be a better idea, as a lot can happen in two years...12:40
tsengexpires 2007-06-0612:40
=== xopher [n=xopher@a84-230-121-147.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJocknixternal: lol12:40
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-144-164.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== imbrandon expires 2008-09-10
=== Fujitsu doesn't expire, as hasn't been approved yet. Win.
Fujitsu*I don't expire! Yay.12:41
nixternalBrandon Holtsclaw   2006-09-09  2008-09-10  Approved12:41
nixternalthat is scarey12:42
nixternali think there is a typo there ;)12:42
imbrandonyup a whole 15 days as core now12:42
FujitsuAfter one month in -dev, that was really impressive.12:42
imbrandonok time to do some RL stuff, bbiab12:42
nixternalim done with RL, it just isn't as satisfying as FL12:43
=== ajmitch needs to find some spare time before freeze
FujitsuFake Life?12:44
Fujitsuajmitch, why?12:44
ajmitchFujitsu: to get stuff done, of course12:44
FujitsuUbuntu stuff?12:44
FujitsuWho needs spare time..12:45
ajmitchyes, ubuntu stuff12:46
ajmitchthat's why I said freeze12:46
FujitsuIt could have just been NZ freezing over :P12:46
=== Adri2000 [n=Adri2000@unaffiliated/adri2000] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchfwiw, I was right about master.d.o12:51
ajmitchjust had a hardware upgrade12:51
tsengajmitch: beagle is beating f-spot on bugs now, btw12:52
tsengabout the same number of "zomg crash!!!!1"12:53
tsengmy favorite is still bug 3407412:54
UbugtuMalone bug 34074 in f-spot "Dapper becomes unstable when disk full after f-spot import" [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3407412:54
ajmitchoh yes12:54
FujitsuThanks, crimsun.12:55
ajmitchabout the only valid part of that is that f-spot could check for free space12:55
tsengso could 'touch'12:55
tsengor 'xuath'12:55
tsenggot bit by that the other day12:55
FujitsuHahah, yes.12:55
LaserJockdoes importing create a copy?12:55
tsengyes of course12:55
tsengoff a camera12:55
ajmitchexcept that f-spot tends to copy a few hundred MB of photos12:55
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchso it'd be 'friendly' to warn12:56
tsengit can also copy to its own dir12:56
LaserJocktseng: but if you had it somewhere else on you drive12:56
tsengala itunes12:56
tsengLaserJock: it can12:56
ajmitchhence why the bug is low priority12:56
ajmitchshould probably be wishlist12:56
LaserJockyeah, I noticed that in iTunes the other day12:56
=== ajmitch retitles bug
LaserJockI was wondering why I seemed to have twice the diskusage I should have12:56
LaserJockand then I found I had 2 copies of all my music12:57
FujitsuLaserJock, I love that, although I haven't used iTunes in years.12:57
=== imbrandon hugs iTunes
ajmitchbug 3407412:58
UbugtuMalone bug 34074 in f-spot "F-Spot does not warn user if the free space is low before importing photos" [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3407412:58
ajmitchlong title12:58
FujitsuGood, good.12:58
crimsunI dislike the fact that I have to jump through hoops to listen to songs I buy from iTMS.12:58
imbrandoncrimsun: heh true, burn to cd-rw , re-rip12:59
crimsunick, no.12:59
LaserJockI don't get music online so I've never had to worry about that12:59
LaserJockwhat does it do?01:00
crimsunwhile I was still able to purchase using iTunes 5.0.1, I used jHymn 0.9.2 to strip the DRM. With the introduction of iTunes 7, Apple locked out previous versions. Now I have to use QTFairuse6 2.4+.01:00
FujitsuOr you could just not use iTMS.01:00
crimsuntrue, but paying 3x the amount for CDs doesn't seem very economical either01:01
imbrandonitunes isnt all bad, they had to do the drm to get the riaa off their ass, now it bit them ( the price wars )01:01
imbrandonbut itues and itv are very nice01:01
crimsun(and again, I made that tradeoff, so I'm willing to live with its "shackle" ramifications)01:01
imbrandoncrimsun: what do you use to purchase itms songs on linux ? anything?01:02
crimsunI don't. I reboot into Windows.01:03
crimsuniTunes doesn't need to pollute my Linux partition kthx.01:03
joejaxximbrandon: well i found out my packages does not allow you to upgrade lol01:03
imbrandonto teach myself pyqt i started making a itunes clone ( not that we need another music player etc etc etc , its a learning experince )01:03
joejaxxcrimsun: haha :P01:03
imbrandonso i was just curious01:03
FujitsuWhat does `Pending' as a package release status mean?01:04
imbrandonno idea01:05
FujitsuIt's `Published' now, so I presume it just means that Publisher has seen it, but hasn't actually looked at it.01:06
Fujitsu'cause it had no date/time either.01:06
=== caravena [n=caravena@223-45-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunbah, I can't be arch-specific with dh_install -si --fail-missing . :(01:07
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FujitsuWhat does the number in brackets after `Pending' in the to-be-built list mean?02:12
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKFujitsu: packages in the queue before that one?02:21
FujitsuI don't believe so, as there aren't that many in the queue.02:22
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable106.200-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKwhere is the queue visible, btw?02:22
=== Q-FUNK is wondering what's takign so long with the sync
FujitsuGah. There are ~328 buildd-minutes of language packs in the queue... And since they're only building on the two i386 buildds, they're going to be blocking things for ages :(02:23
FujitsuQ-FUNK, Tuesdays and Fridays are archive days.02:23
Q-FUNKand it was acked a while back already02:23
FujitsuYes, they can wait for up to a week or so.02:24
Q-FUNKwhen is it that edgy is expected to release?02:25
FujitsuOctober 26th.02:25
FujitsuBeta on the 28th, same day as UniverseFreeze.02:25
Q-FUNKah.  still 1 month then. :)02:25
Q-FUNKthat's a bit too close02:26
FujitsuYes, it is.02:26
FujitsuOnly important bug fixes after UniverseFreeze unless you get an exception approved.02:26
Q-FUNKwell, this fixes something that actually prevented usage.02:27
FujitsuWhich package?02:27
Q-FUNKuser priviledge separation prevented usage.02:27
FujitsuAh, that one.02:28
FujitsuWell, all outstanding syncs will be processed before the freeze.02:28
Q-FUNKfixed since cups 1.2 allows using permissions on the back-end as a way to control this.02:28
Q-FUNKso I adjusted that in postinst.02:28
Q-FUNKhopefully :)02:29
Q-FUNKI would just like to finally put this one behind me. That issue has been a showstopper on Ubuntu for ages and I'm glad a solution was finaly found.02:30
Nafallois anyone picking up audacious from revu?02:33
Nafalloseems the packager gave up02:33
FujitsuI'll have a look.02:33
Nafalloyay :-)02:34
Nafallopeople requested it on #ubuntu-se ;-)02:34
FujitsuYes, I lot of people do.02:35
FujitsuStupid 64kbps... This'll take about 10min to download...02:36
FujitsuThat's a huge .diff.gz.02:36
crimsunQ-FUNK: what's the bug #?02:36
Nafallohmm, there is no link to the REVU wikipage from REVU ;-)02:36
Nafallowhere do I file a bug? :-)02:36
Fujitsucrimsun, are you good for the TB meeting this week?02:37
imbrandonNafallo: https://launchpad.net/products/revu/+filebug02:37
Nafallowow. I didn't even think there might be a product there :-02:38
imbrandonFujitsu: finaly going for MOTU ?02:38
Fujitsuimbrandon, yes, with LaserJock's (and hopefully crimsun's) support.02:38
imbrandongreat ( i'd be happy to come cheer too as i've caught the few crimsun dident get ) heh02:39
FujitsuOoh, yes please :)02:39
imbrandonwhens the TB ?02:40
=== bddebian will come and heckle
Fujitsu0600 Wednesday here...02:40
crimsunFujitsu: unlikely. Tuesdays are very bad days. I will attempt to be present, but unfortunately I can't guarantee I'll be able to make it. I'm happy to send an e-mail in my stead, though.02:40
FujitsuSo 2000 UTC Tuesday02:40
Fujitsucrimsun, OK, an email is fine :)02:40
imbrandonugh vista rc1 all over the internet02:41
imbrandonwhen will people learn02:41
crimsunthere's some publicly available build that's newer than rc1, no?02:41
Fujitsubddebian, you can support me?02:42
imbrandoncrimsun: yea02:42
FujitsuYay :)02:42
crimsunwell dang, if bddebian is supporting you, then I doubt you'll need anyone's support02:42
imbrandoncrimsun: but its not a "true" rc , as in this might be what gets burned , etc etc etc02:42
FujitsuYeah, I love that misnaming.02:42
bddebiancrimsun: Yeah, like my opinion means shit around here02:42
Fujitsucrimsun, heheh.02:42
crimsunyour karma belies you, bddebian02:43
=== Fujitsu points bddebian to BddebianIsAGod.
LaserJock'nough said02:43
imbrandonms == beta = alpha , rc == beta , rtm == rc02:43
=== Fujitsu wonders when Soyuz karma will be implemented.
Fujitsuimbrandon, rc = alpha, rtm = beta.02:43
FujitsuHave you seen the RC?02:43
FujitsuI hear it's terribly buggy.02:43
imbrandonno i dont have any boxes i would install it on02:43
FujitsuNeither do I.02:44
imbrandoneverything here is osx 10.4 or kubuntu ( and one dapper server )02:44
FujitsuI didn't think I'd have so many supporters :)02:44
=== Nafallo passes bddebian the pipe :-)
Q-FUNKcrimsun: you already ack'ed it :)02:45
bddebian*puff* *puff*02:45
crimsunQ-FUNK: I've acked a few hundred, so that's not saying much ;-)02:45
imbrandonpuff puff give puff puff give, dont mess up the rotation02:45
Q-FUNKjust a sec02:45
Q-FUNKbug #6162602:46
UbugtuMalone bug 61626 in cups-pdf "Please sync cups-pdf (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6162602:46
FujitsuGawd, Audacious is shocking.02:46
NafalloMOTUs should be MOTCs :-). Masters of the Crackpipes :-)02:46
crimsunQ-FUNK: should be processed on Tuesday (wasn't acked til 9/23)02:46
NafalloFujitsu: in a good or a bad way? :-)02:47
Q-FUNKcrimsun: purrrrrrrrfect :)02:47
FujitsuNafallo, I think I'm about to choke to death on it :P02:47
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Nafalloehrm... that's bad then :-P02:47
FujitsuYeah, but I'm not going to give up.02:48
Nafallothat's the spirit! :-)02:48
=== Nafallo wonders if he has a REVU account or so :-P
=== Nafallo logged in :-)
Nafallowhoever did that recover password thing made it just right :-)02:50
NafalloI wish all those damn e-mailproviders could pick the solution up ;-)02:50
LaserJockit seems to have a bug, but it's really pretty cool02:52
Nafallowfm :-)02:53
Nafallohas anyone permission to the _source.changes on revu? :-P02:56
Nafalloif not, why are they kept? ;-)02:56
Lathiatbecause they are gpg signed02:58
Lathiatif they were publicly available anyoen could just go and upload them02:58
Lathiat(the package in revu, if they were in the keyring)02:58
Nafalloeh? so mv the damn things to /dev/null then? :-)02:58
=== zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-motu
minghuamany admins want to look at the .changes?02:59
minghuabut I agree not showing them in REVU is a good idea02:59
ajmitchNafallo: why does it bug you? :)02:59
=== Nafallo finds them to just clutter the interface atm ;-)
minghuait's damn confusing02:59
Nafalloajmitch: I'm a minimalist ;-)02:59
ajmitchNafallo: don't look at a package that has been built on tiber then03:00
ajmitchyou get about 20 other files listed03:00
ajmitchbuild logs, file lists, shlibs, postinsts, etc03:01
NafalloI can look at those files, right? :-)03:01
ajmitchfor example03:01
Nafallowhy show a file I actually _can't_ look at? :-)03:01
ajmitchcode is in bzr, go hack it03:02
Nafallohehe, will someday :-)03:02
Nafallowe have a freeze coming up now though :-P03:03
=== Nafallo looks at nm-stuff :-)
ajmitchplease do, plug is waiting patiently for his pptp package to be reviewed & uploaded :)03:05
Plugmy PPTP package is still broken03:06
Plug(the currently uploaded one, rather so)03:06
Plugbut I do have a fix in the pipeline03:06
Plugand a day off03:06
Plugso maybe after lunch! :)03:06
=== Fujitsu 's mind explodes at the Audacious build system.
FujitsuWhat... the... fricking... hell... were... they... thinking?03:11
FujitsuAnd what were the Soyuz people thinking when they decided that all arch-independent builds should go the the i386 buildds?03:13
LaserJocki386 is the only arch that matters, right? ;-)03:13
NafalloFujitsu: I think that predates soyuz actually. they just ported the existing brokeness to the new system ;-)03:13
LaserJockoh I forgot, nobody runs i386 anymore03:13
FujitsuBecause we've got over two hours of language pack building, which could be less than 30 minutes if all the buildds were involved.03:14
NafalloLaserJock: feeh :-P. it's more a waste of power not to use the more often idling amd64 machines for it :-)03:14
FujitsuIt'd also not be as bad if security was handled by Soyuz, so there'd be 3 i386 buildds.03:14
Nafallothat's where the others went03:15
NafalloI've wondered that a _looooong_ time now :-)03:15
FujitsuI've known that for a _looooong_ time now :P03:15
=== geser [n=michael@dialin104170.justdsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Nafallomy wondering predates soyuz ;-)03:15
LaserJockknown what?03:16
FujitsuThat the buildds are missing because they're doing -security.03:16
Nafallowhere one buildd from each arch went :-)03:16
FujitsuAnybody know any Audacious developers? I want to murder them.03:16
FujitsuThis build system is seriously BAD.03:16
LaserJockall they do is -security?03:16
FujitsuLaserJock, yes, exactly.03:17
LaserJockoh, that's odd03:17
ajmitchLaserJock: using the old system of dak03:17
Fujitsu'cause Soyuz can't do it yet.03:17
bddebianFujitsu: So fix it ;-P03:17
bddebianFujitsu: Oh and are you going to do azureus too? :-)03:17
Nafallobddebian: murdering devels? :-)03:17
FujitsuThey use autoconf, but not automake.03:17
imbrandondak ? ick03:17
Fujitsubddebian, you little...03:17
FujitsuNo Java for me, thankyouverymuchyouevilgod.03:17
LaserJockso the other archives are totally done in soyuz, no dak or similar?03:17
Nafallosoyuz is like dak-ng :-)03:18
FujitsuAzureus is mess-say.03:18
NafalloFujitsu: ey! you're switching package? ;-)03:18
Nafalloah, good :-)03:19
Nafallonot that I will use it... but... :-P03:19
FujitsuI love it how the distclean target doesn't actually remove the Makefiles.03:19
bddebianEspecially since doko has ideas about it and I can't ever catch him :-(03:19
FujitsuGood, good.03:19
FujitsuWe don't want no azureus here.03:19
slomo_Fujitsu: better than distclean removing Makefile and Makefile.in ;)03:20
Fujitsuslomo_, maybe.03:20
=== Nafallo looks at pbuilder-ssh
FujitsuWhat is it?03:20
Nafallosome frontend for remote pbuilding :-)03:21
minghuawell, my package's distclean removes some of the files the tarball ships03:31
FujitsuWhich package, minghua?03:31
FujitsuNafallo, I think I've got a sane audacious package now.03:32
Nafallonice :-)03:32
=== Nafallo downloads
FujitsuNot uploaded yet :P03:32
Nafalloyea, noticed ;-)03:33
=== Spec[x] [n=dragonco@charon.devis.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Fujitsu pbuilds.
FujitsuIt was a very quick change once I worked out what was going on...03:34
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianGaaahh, frickin' RL work :'-(03:34
FujitsuHe was removing all the files that make distclean didn't clean...03:34
bddebianHeya Hobbsee03:34
Nafallooh :-P03:34
Fujitsu /Then/ he ran make distclean, which detected the Makefiles weren't there, and regenerated them all!03:34
FujitsuThe .diff.gz is now stuff just in debian/, which is looking more promising...03:35
FujitsuHey Hobbsee.03:35
Nafalloyay Fujitsu! :-)03:35
Hobbseehey bddebian , Fujitsu03:36
Nafallopeople will love you for that :-)03:36
minghuaFujitsu: oh, it's scim03:36
FujitsuFun fun fun.03:36
=== joejaxx_ [i=jadaz87@outbound.silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu-motu
KyralThis is why I'm not on the MOTU track anymore03:37
minghuathe distclean deletes scim.spec among others03:37
Kyralmuch easier to crank out sourcecode and let you guys handle the packaging :P03:37
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minghuaas I need none of them, I didn't bother (not like I have enough autotools-fu to bother, though)03:38
FujitsuAt least you didn't orphan the package at the sight of autotools.03:38
KyralYou're right! I ophaned packages at the sight of college! :P03:38
FujitsuHar har.03:39
NafalloFujitsu: still no source code? I can try to pbuild it here as well and put the source+i386 into my personal repo for #ubuntu-se testing ;-)03:39
FujitsuI'm pbuilding at the moment, and I need to check a couple of things with the source.03:39
FujitsuTHis isn't leaving me without a sanity check.03:40
Nafallookidoki :-)03:40
=== minghua goes home
minghuasee you guys later03:41
Toadstoolheya everybody03:42
FujitsuHey Toadstool.03:42
Toadstoolhi Fujitsu03:42
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FujitsuToadstool, were you wondering about one of my changes in galternatives yesterday>?03:43
Toadstoolpython-dev -> python in Build-Deps-Indep03:44
FujitsuOK, I'll look at that in a sec, currently attacking audacious.03:44
Toadstoolpackaging it?03:44
FujitsuFinishing somebody else's attempt at packaging it.03:45
Toadstoolhmm Maxence's attempt03:45
ToadstoolFujitsu: have you seen http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/sponsor-pkglist?action=details;package=audacious ?03:46
FujitsuNo, I haven't. Nafallo just told me to have a look at the one on REVU.03:46
Toadstoolok :)03:46
Nafalloaudacious-locales - Translations of audacious03:47
Nafallowhat the heck :-P03:47
FujitsuOK, this is at least partly sane. I've got no idea about packaging libraries, but this doesn't seem too bad.03:47
Fujitsu(Maxence's with my changes)03:47
Toadstoolgood luck with audacious, afaik Maxence had a lot of trouble trying to package it03:47
FujitsuYes, it looks that way.03:48
FujitsuGah, I'm really nervous already :(03:48
FujitsuAbout the TB meeting.03:49
Fujitsu(currently dputting, Nafallo)03:49
Nafallonice :-)03:49
Toadstoolhoho, /me missed something03:49
ToadstoolFujitsu: you're running for MOTU at this TB meeting?03:49
FujitsuToadstool, yes.03:50
Toadstoolok, let's join the meeting then ;)03:50
=== ajmitch wonders when the next meeting is
zuli thought it was this week03:51
ajmitchoh nice & early for Fujitsu03:51
Fujitsu8am Wednesday for you, ajmitch.03:51
KyralThe answer is 4203:51
Fujitsu6am, I'll get up about 1.5 hours earlier than normal, nothing special.03:51
Toadstoolalright, 20h UTC was fine when I was in France...03:51
FujitsuKyral, but of course03:51
FujitsuToadstool, ouch.03:51
FujitsuFrance is + 3 or 4?03:52
Toadstoolhmm never mind, I'll be at work03:52
Hobbsee6am meetings are great :P03:52
=== ajmitch wonders if he should support Fujitsu
zul3am meetings are even better03:53
Fujitsuajmitch, if you want :)03:54
=== Toadstool was going to do something smart but totally forgot what...
ajmitchFujitsu: it's not whether I want to, it's whether I should :)03:54
FujitsuI've got quite a number of MOTUs supporting me now... I'm surprised.03:55
Fujitsuajmitch, obviously.03:55
FujitsuIf you should, then :P03:55
=== LaserJock marks his edgy spec "review"
LaserJockI wonder if mdz will look at it03:55
FujitsuAh, that one.03:55
ToadstoolFujitsu: you'll have to bribe ajmitch ;)03:55
FujitsuI didn't realise that was yours.03:55
zulheh it better not be like the others LaserJock03:55
zulLaserJock: url? :)03:56
ajmitchLaserJock: hah, good luck03:56
FujitsuThat will be very useful.03:56
LaserJockit was already approved03:56
LaserJockand it's implemented03:56
FujitsuLaserJock, noted.03:56
LaserJockso I'd think it'd be ok to mark it approved03:56
FujitsuI'd presume so.03:57
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Fujitsu160 language packs to go...03:57
LaserJocksometimes I really dislike how great (internationalization) Ubuntu is ;-)03:58
FujitsuWhy oh why can't it build them on all the buildds...03:59
LaserJockI suppose that'd be more complicated, but it seems like a good idea04:00
zulheh open office is a bitch to build apparently as well04:00
FujitsuI don't see how it could be much more complicated.04:00
Fujitsuzul, of course.04:00
Toadstoolthis package is a buildd DoS...04:01
FujitsuThe language-packs aren't great either.04:01
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crimsunhmm, LP is crawling. Hope that isn't my end.04:02
FujitsuOnce we have the security buildds back, it should be harder to DoS them with anything.04:02
Fujitsucrimsun, I don't think it's your end.04:02
FujitsuIt's not using up my entire 64kbps of bandwidth, less than half of it.04:02
FujitsuWhereas other things use up the whole lot.04:02
=== minghua [n=minghua@ppp-69-153-136-183.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandoncrimsun: its crawling here to on my fast cable04:04
=== minghua is back
FujitsuIt's been slow for ages, but particularly slow just now.04:04
crimsunthanks, kinda difficult to tell on this pokey 28.8 ;)04:04
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LaserJockseems fast to me :/04:06
NafalloFujitsu: the *.install files look wrong. you should strip of debian/tmp04:09
FujitsuNafallo, will do... I didn't look at them.04:10
Nafallothought so :-)04:10
FujitsuThat does look wrong.04:10
=== Fujitsu revamps his wiki page.
LaserJockI should do that too :/04:12
FujitsuBut you're already a MOTU, and don't have to impress the TB in less than 48 hours :P04:12
LaserJocksoon enough though04:12
minghuaTB meeting in 48 hours?04:12
Fujitsuminghua, about that.04:13
Fujitsu42 hours.04:13
minghuayeah, see it in #ubuntu-meeting04:13
LaserJockI need to find some main packages to fix04:13
LaserJockwhich is a bit hard this late in the cycle, I suppose04:14
=== minghua thinks Fujitsu doesn't need his support though
Nafalloconfigure in clean?04:14
FujitsuNafallo, in audacious?04:14
=== Nafallo checks.
Nafalloyea, it started to run configure on dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa04:15
FujitsuThe Makefile will be doing that, I believe.04:15
Nafallothat's just... wrong :-)04:16
FujitsuIt is.04:16
FujitsuSee why I wanted to murder them?04:16
FujitsuAnd it doesn't clean up properly.04:16
Nafalloit won't have much luck on this system finding stuff :-P04:17
minghuahas http://blog.scorpionworld.it/2006/09/23/ubuntu-releases-evolution/ been mentioned here?04:21
minghuathat is handy for me as I didn't know what that animals in the codenames are04:21
minghua(and drake is a duck :-)04:22
Nafallowoah! kewl04:22
imbrandonminghua: yea did you see my last blog post on the planet ?04:23
imbrandonminghua: http://planet.ubuntu.com/ ;)04:23
minghuaimbrandon: yeah, I know where the planet is (reading now)04:24
FujitsuHoray Hedgehog, ey, imbrandon?04:24
imbrandonhrm , sounds like a good time to eat04:26
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minghuaimbrandon: so you think drake is a duck too?04:28
Fujitsuminghua, of course it is. I believe SABDFL confirmed it a while ago04:29
minghuaoh good, I must have missed that04:30
minghua(at least is wasn't sent to ubuntu-devel-announcement :-P)04:30
Nafallowell, I'm not sure the list existed on that time :-P04:31
Toadstool<Fujitsu> And it doesn't clean up properly. <-- haha, audacious... :p04:32
FujitsuYup :'(04:32
FujitsuI'm off to lunch now, be back shortly.04:32
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zakamehi all04:54
LaserJockhi zakame04:57
Toadstoolhey zakame04:57
zakamehi LaserJock Toadstool Fujitsu :D05:02
zakameseen dholbach?05:02
FujitsuHey zakame.05:02
FujitsuNot today, no.05:02
FujitsuBurgundavia, ping.05:02
BurgundaviaFujitsu: pong05:04
BurgundaviaFujitsu: issues?05:04
FujitsuBurgundavia, I can't ssh in any more.05:04
FujitsuCan't connect to port 22.05:04
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BurgundaviaFujitsu: hmm05:04
Burgundavialooks like my desktop machine went down05:07
Burgundaviawonder why05:07
FujitsuGood question.05:07
Burgundaviagiven I am in a hotel room in Glenwood Springs, CO, there isn't much I can do about it05:08
FujitsuOK, I'll live without it :)05:08
Burgundaviathe webserver is still up05:10
FujitsuYes, I noticed that. I presume port 80 is forwarded to a different machine...05:12
Burgundaviathe funny thing is, my desktop machine is in my room and the server is in teh public area05:12
imbrandonheya zakame , Burgundavia05:12
ajmitchhi Burgundavia05:13
ajmitch& zakame :)05:13
Burgundaviahey imbrandon, ajmitch05:13
ajmitchBurgundavia: it's always the way - as soon as you leave, your box goes down05:13
FujitsuHi again, imbrandon.05:14
imbrandonbut if your in the same room/building it will stay up for months05:14
imbrandonits like unwritten law05:14
Burgundaviabloody murphy05:14
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ajmitchI think each time I've gone to australia I've had my system fall over05:15
imbrandonheh figures05:15
ajmitchat least both times I went this year :)05:15
zakameyo imbrandon ajmitch :D05:15
=== imbrandon wonders if vista has irssi preinstalled
=== imbrandon ducks
imbrandonanyone here ever tried co-linux ?05:18
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joejaxximbrandon: no i have not05:40
joejaxxare you able to run any linux distro on it?05:41
joejaxxor only certain ones05:43
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minghuajoejaxx: from what I heard co-linux has its own distro05:51
minghuaor rather, co-linux IS a distro05:51
joejaxxminghua: oh alright05:52
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minghuajoejaxx: Hmm, apparently I am wrong05:56
minghuajoejaxx: in co-linux you can run different distros, in their terminology called "coLinux OS", and Debian, Ubuntu and Gentoo are mentioned05:57
joejaxxminghua: nice05:57
joejaxxi should do that on this laptop05:57
joejaxxright now i use vmware + fluxbuntu05:57
=== joejaxx is looking at the project right no
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joejaxxminghua: they have debian05:58
imbrandonco-linux is just the kernel06:12
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Lathiatis backports working yet?06:31
ajmitchare we there yet?06:31
Lathiati saw mention of some backports stuff somewhere06:32
ajmitchafaik it should be06:32
ajmitchamazing how many users are screaming to grab the latest crack nvidia drivers on the forums06:32
Lathiatasifn't have the latest crack06:32
PlugI want the crack06:33
Plugthat means I can ditch Xgl06:33
Plugand still have 'bling'06:33
ajmitchPlug: you want pain, suffering & beta drivers06:34
PlugWell, not really06:34
Plugwhich is why I havent changed yet06:34
ajmitchI'm surprised that I haven't seen a bug on malone about it06:35
Hobbseeajmitch: give it time.06:35
Hobbseeajmitch: or you just havent looked hard enough06:35
FujitsuHobbsee, you're a nice recently-crowned MOTU... What, if anything, can you recommend in preparation for or during The Meeting?06:35
PlugMalone #12345: "Ubuntu developers hate me and wont let me have crack drivers" Unconfirmed, Untriaged06:35
ajmitchit's been out for hours!06:35
UbugtuMalone bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1234506:35
Fujitsuajmitch, I saw one a couple of days ago.06:35
Hobbseeit's likely filed under Ubuntu06:35
ajmitchFujitsu: oh that's alright then06:35
ajmitchFujitsu: have a few packages that you've done yourself :)06:36
HobbseeFujitsu: know your stuff, know the answers to what they want to ask, and prepare your three-liner06:36
FujitsuHm, a three-liner...06:36
=== Fujitsu works on that.
Hobbseebah.  they didnt mention that for MOTU for me :P06:36
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FujitsuBut you're Hobbsee!06:36
HobbseeFujitsu: oh yeah, have an awesome cheersquad, so that they feel like they'll get screamed at if they dont let you on board06:36
Hobbseetrue that06:36
FujitsuHobbsee, I've got a few on my cheer-squad already :)06:37
joejaxxits Hobbsee! :)06:37
FujitsuHey LaserJock.06:38
FujitsuIs there any reason Bochs would be built without debugging enabled?06:39
zakameback again06:41
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=== keescook waves to zakame
zakameyo keescook ! :D06:51
zakamehow's everything?06:51
keescookgood, spent the weekend up'ing stuff to REVU.  :)06:52
zakameooh! packaging! :)06:52
zakamejoining the MOTU very soon? :D06:52
keescookyeah, I had to find stuff to package; you got all my other stuff already.  ;)06:52
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LaserJockthat's bad when crimsun said oh crap07:28
ajmitchaccidental freeze-breaking07:28
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LaserJockstill Beta Freeze?07:29
crimsunwhat's messed up is that I typed apt-cache madison boost before actually doing the merge work07:29
crimsunI think I'd better get some sleep before I do that again07:29
FujitsuQuite possibly.07:30
FujitsuSleep is generally a good idea.07:30
ajmitchcrimsun: I'm sure they'll be forgiving, as it's not on the cd (afaik)07:30
ajmitchthey'd be less forgiving if I uploaded f-spot 0.2.1, for example07:31
ajmitchwell I only got approval to upload it post-peta07:32
zakameajmitch: that's a long time07:34
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dholbachgood morning07:40
FujitsuMorning, dholbach.07:41
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LaserJockhi dholbach07:41
dholbachhey Fujitsu, hey LaserJock07:41
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ajmitchhi dholbach07:58
dholbachheya Andrew07:58
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FujitsuHi Kagou.07:59
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imbrandonmoins dholbach and  Kagou08:01
imbrandonajmitch: how do you turn off join/part messages for a channel in irssi ?08:02
lastnodeimbrandon, got a wee sec?08:02
imbrandonlastnode: sure08:02
dholbachhi imbrandon08:03
dholbachFujitsu: you're going for MOTU! Great to hear that!08:04
lastnodeimbrandon, isnt it /ignore -channels #channel1, #channel2 JOINS PARTS08:05
dholbachcan somebody look at qgo - somebody requested a merge of it - not sure if I manage it before universe freeze08:05
lastnodei think it's something like that08:05
ajmitchlastnode: /set default_window_level08:06
minghuadholbach: what does qgo still need before getting merged?  (I requested it)08:06
ajmitchah no08:06
ajmitch /set activity_hide_level JOINS PARTS QUITS MODES NICKS08:06
imbrandonajmitch: thanks08:06
dholbachminghua: I got a mail by Loc Martin, who requested a merge because a certain issue in Debian was fixed already.08:07
Fujitsudholbach, thanks :)08:07
dholbachminghua: I didn't look at it, I was just notified about it and am too busy.08:07
=== Fujitsu takes a look at it.
minghuadholbach: my request is bug #6210108:07
UbugtuMalone bug 62101 in qgo "Please sync qgo (universe) 1.5.1-1 from Debian (main)" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6210108:07
dholbachah super then08:07
dholbachthanks minghua08:08
minghuadholbach: so it's all set, we just need to wait the archive masters then?08:08
ajmitchminghua: if they're subscribed08:09
ajmitchlp is taking an age to load the page08:09
minghuaajmitch: they are (I subscribed u-a)08:09
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FujitsuAnybody got any hints for bugs to fix or new versions to package?08:40
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HobbseeFujitsu: hehe, looking for more stuff?08:42
FujitsuOf course :)08:42
FujitsuI need something to do :(08:42
LaserJockFujitsu: http://tiber.tauware.de/~laserjock/motuscience/all.html#outdatedinB08:43
LaserJockhave at it ;-)08:43
FujitsuHm. I generate my own one of those daily. I didn't realise you did too.08:43
FujitsuAnd I attacked the first 20 or so a few days back.08:44
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LaserJockFujitsu: shesh, I've been doing that list since dapper ;-)08:45
=== ajmitch has access to another secret list..
FujitsuI knew about unimultiverse.html, but not the science one :(08:47
minghuanow LaserJock and Fujitsu both know why packages always disappear from the top of their list :-)08:47
=== ajmitch should file syncs to get the zope packages into ubuntu that we're missing
LaserJockmy list just keeps getting bigger08:47
LaserJockbut that is to be expected08:48
ajmitchhttp://people.debian.org/~kobold/ubuntu-diff/zope/ <-- looks pretty good after the last round of syncs08:48
ajmitchthe ones not in ubuntu are in NEW08:48
FujitsuLaserJock, yeah... You can expect a lot of help with science stuff in the future :)08:48
LaserJockFujitsu: I also have it broken down by section and a list of the Ubuntu-Debian diff to see which packages are in one but not the other08:48
LaserJockthere are an alarming number of new Debian packages that aren't in Ubuntu yet :/08:49
ajmitchLaserJock: that's expected08:49
FujitsuAre there!?08:49
=== ajmitch sees zope-securemailhost on the list of outdated packages
LaserJockwell, I didn't really expect much from science apps08:50
ajmitch* Fixed a few typos in the package description. (Closes: #387695)08:50
ajmitchbig change..08:50
Fujitsu32 packages, owy.08:50
FujitsuI'd check those and file sync requests, but I've got no access to a machine with a fast 'net connection. :(08:51
LaserJockFujitsu: I counted 16 the other day that are new in Debian08:51
Fujitsu32 now :(08:51
LaserJockyou have to be careful though08:51
LaserJockbecause some of them are not in Ubuntu for a reason08:51
FujitsuI'd presume so, yes.08:51
LaserJockbut there's a decent number that are just new08:52
FujitsuOnly stuff in Debian main is suitable in general, right?08:52
LaserJockand afew that have gone from non-free to main08:52
LaserJockanyway, I just look at the packages.qa.debian.org page to see what section it is in now in Debian08:52
LaserJockhmm, did somebody sync/merge libghemical?08:53
FujitsuNo, doesn't look like it.08:55
LaserJockI think it's a good idea to match libghemical and ghemical versions :-)08:56
LaserJocklet's see08:56
LaserJockI had python-* on my list08:57
LaserJockthe big ones you took care of08:57
FujitsuI believe so.08:57
FujitsuNew ghemical and libghemical two days ago.08:57
LaserJockwe need to tell azeem to stop uploading so much ;-)08:57
FujitsuOops, 13 days ago,08:58
FujitsuEntered testing two or three days ago...08:58
FujitsuSo we just need the new libghemical.08:58
LaserJockah yes08:58
FujitsuThere's already a sync request..08:58
FujitsuIt's even a request by me :P08:58
LaserJockI was thinking if I had any time I'd look at the tex packages :/08:59
FujitsuFiled 9 days ago, hasn't been acked yet, though.08:59
FujitsuBug #60676.08:59
UbugtuMalone bug 60676 in libghemical "Please sync libghemical 2.10-1 (universe) from Debian Sid (main)" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6067608:59
=== Fujitsu works on another script thing for MDT to mail upon new versions of a package in the specified set.
LaserJockyeah, I sure wish lucus would finish that thing09:00
LaserJockand get it in Universe09:00
Fujitsu22 new packages in Debian main.09:00
LaserJockit's very handy for this sort of thing09:01
FujitsuIt is, yes.09:01
=== ajmitch is obviously insane
FujitsuAnd it'll be more useful once Launchpad gets a sane, filterable, text bug listing.09:01
ajmitchfor some reason I decided to hack a patch into upstart..09:01
Fujitsuajmitch, you're silly.09:01
LaserJockoh no09:01
ajmitchI agree09:01
LaserJockthat is rather insane09:01
FujitsuFiltering by Debian/Ubuntu component would also be useful... Hm..09:02
FujitsuHow do you do unimultiverse? Manual lists of packages in both?09:02
ajmitchFujitsu: I use mutt for that :)09:02
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LaserJockFujitsu: you talking to me?09:03
FujitsuLaserJock, yes, oops.09:03
imbrandonajmitch: so what did you do to upstart ?09:04
ajmitchimbrandon: hacking in an selinux patch :)09:04
imbrandonahh ;)09:04
LaserJockFujitsu: if you promise not to laugh I'll post you my script ;-)09:05
FujitsuLaserJock, please do.09:05
=== Fujitsu stifles giggle.
=== Hobbsee prepares to laugh anyway
ajmitchthey're so cruel09:08
FujitsuHm, 20 new packages to attack.09:08
LaserJockalthough I'm not worrying about getting just universe anymore09:08
FujitsuI'd already filed a request for one of them after a bug was filed from a user about it.09:08
imbrandonok wait a sec09:08
LaserJockI figured we might as well at least keep track of the few Main science packages09:08
imbrandoncan someone explain why bug 62243 was requested and says no changes etc etc etc but then it was just uploaded by someone else with gobs of changes ( via the edgy-changes ml ) ?09:09
UbugtuMalone bug 62243 in boost "please sync boost 1.33.1-7 from Debian unstable (main)" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6224309:09
FujitsuYes, I suppose so. How many are there?09:09
LaserJockprobably less then 20 totall09:09
Fujitsuimbrandon, there's an extra patch which fixes a crasher that crimsun just uploaded.09:09
LaserJocksome tex09:10
FujitsuLaserJock, that's rather pathetic... :(09:10
LaserJocknothing that exciting09:10
=== Fujitsu loves TeX.
LaserJockI love tex too, I just hate tex packages09:10
imbrandonah ok so that bug needs rejected09:10
minghuaimbrandon: and it seems the patch is mentioned in that bug report09:10
LaserJockFujitsu: there is no Ubuntu TeX maintainer :/09:11
LaserJockeven though it's in main09:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: ask crimsun09:11
FujitsuThat's not good.09:11
ajmitchFujitsu can be that person!09:11
FujitsuI'm not a core-dev :P09:11
Hobbseedoesnt matter09:11
=== Hobbsee is the maintainer of kopete, effectively
minghuaFujitsu: sounds a good path to become one! :-)09:11
FujitsuHobbsee, stop lying. You're the maintainer of /everything KDE/.09:11
Fujitsuminghua, maybe...09:11
Hobbseehah, nope09:11
LaserJockI tried to do a little as ubuntu-science got "yelled" at by Debian09:12
LaserJockbut the packaging is pretty intense09:12
imbrandonyea Hobbsee , fix KDE kthxbye09:12
FujitsuHow woefully out of date is our tetex-* at this time?09:12
LaserJock-common is 0.25 in edgy and 0.29 in sid09:13
minghuamaybe a better question is how out of date are our texlive-*?09:13
LaserJock-base and -extra are within a few debian revisions09:13
FujitsuYes, I just ended up looking...09:13
minghuaLaserJock: tex-common or tetex-common (I don't remember the latter exists)09:14
FujitsuIdentical, minghua...09:14
minghuaLaserJock: ?09:14
LaserJocktexlive is up to date09:14
FujitsuYes, just tex-common.09:14
LaserJocktex-common is common ;-)09:14
minghuanew texlive-* should depend on a quite new tex-common09:14
FujitsuNow, to get tex-common and tetex-* up to date.09:14
minghualet me check now09:14
FujitsuAh fsck. They're going to be huge, aren't they?09:15
ajmitchand complicated09:15
minghuaoh, texlive-common only depends on tex-common (>=0.12)09:15
minghuawell, tetex is dead upstream anyway09:15
=== Fujitsu attacks the smaller new packages.
LaserJocktetex-* and tex-common are Main packages09:16
FujitsuAh, true.09:16
minghuaand texlive-* are in universe, I suppose?09:16
LaserJockso -common would require a UVF exception I believe09:16
LaserJockminghua: yep09:16
FujitsuYes, it would.09:16
LaserJockmainly what Debian was griping about was our bug fix/security response09:17
LaserJockor lack therof09:17
LaserJockwe had a Debian RC bug in Dapper for >3 months I believe09:17
minghuaLaserJock: then it means the stable releases?09:17
LaserJockmainly the time between UVF and release09:17
LaserJockthey wonder why we had packages from Jan. in Dapper09:18
minghuaI see09:18
LaserJockwhen security fixes were done a couple weeks after09:18
imbrandonok i'm falling asleep at the keyboard, gnight all09:18
minghuado we have any TeX experts around?09:18
LaserJockand the bug report sat on LP for 3 months09:18
minghuanight, imbrandon09:19
LaserJockminghua: not packaging wise09:19
LaserJockI asked mdz about it09:19
LaserJockand he more or less said I could do it :/09:19
minghuatoo sad, maybe I should try to pick that up for edgy+109:19
=== minghua has always been interested in TeX
LaserJockpitti does security fixes when he can09:19
LaserJockand they get merged once a release09:19
minghuaand since I'm not going to touch much scim in Ubuntu anyway09:19
imbrandonsomeone could teach me how to use it for my book ;)09:20
minghuaTeX maybe a good place to look at09:20
Fujitsuimbrandon, TeX is /great/!09:20
FujitsuAnd not too hard to use.09:20
minghuaimbrandon: so what are you using now?09:20
imbrandonneooffice on osx ;)09:20
minghuaFujitsu: TeX is hard!  (LaTeX is probably more sane)09:20
LaserJockI once made a 4ftx4ft poster in latex09:21
FujitsuWell, I meant LaTeX is sane.09:21
FujitsuNobody in their right mind uses TeX raw.09:21
LaserJockit took forever,but man it was beautiful09:21
imbrandonLaserJock: hehe09:21
minghuamaybe except Dr. Knuth?09:21
Fujitsuminghua, maybe.09:21
=== vud1 [n=vud1@unaffilitated/vud1] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockmy advisor uses latex for everything09:22
imbrandonwell when i get closer to being finished with it i'll poke Fujitsu or LaserJock to LaTeX it ;)09:22
=== vud1 [n=vud1@unaffilitated/vud1] has left #ubuntu-motu ["chapo]
=== Fujitsu runs.
imbrandonits only about 130 pages ;)09:22
imbrandonwell ~130 neooffice pages, who knows properly layed out09:23
minghuamy advisor uses MS Office for everything :-(09:24
minghuawell, plus EndNote09:25
imbrandonok really gnight, c-yall09:25
LaserJockmy advisor, until this year, only used fvwm, emacs, acroread, and firefox09:25
LaserJockcya imbrandon09:26
FujitsuLaserJock, what does he use now?09:26
LaserJockOS X09:26
LaserJockwith emacs, acrobat, and firefox ;-)09:26
LaserJockhe used to even run fvwm on it09:26
LaserJockas he couldn't figure out how to use OS X itself09:26
LaserJockbut he's gotten the hang of it now09:27
LaserJockstupid FC1 is what turned him to Apple09:27
LaserJockhe had been a *nix user all his life09:28
LaserJockhard core Linux fanatic09:28
ajmitchbut everyone knows that fedora is so great09:28
LaserJockwould debate students in our instrumental analysis class about the evils of MS09:28
LaserJockand now it's all about the joy of Apple and OS X09:29
FujitsuFsck, that's bad.09:29
ajmitchthe shiny has appeal09:29
LaserJockhe couldn't care less about shiny though09:29
FujitsuJust like this lag...09:29
minghuaOS X _is_ good09:29
imbrandonthe stable shiney has appeal09:29
Fujitsuimbrandon, you're meant to be in bed!09:29
=== imbrandon ducks
minghuait's simple to use, so a good choice for scientists, I wold say09:30
LaserJockhe bought the whole lab iMacs to replace our linux boxes09:30
ajmitchit's enough like unix to satisfy many09:30
=== minghua 's iBook is broken :-(
LaserJockdidn't want us to "waste our time" messing around with Linux09:30
LaserJocklittle did he know he created a raging Ubuntu-holic MOTU ;-)09:31
ajmitchwho spends all his waking hours putting the rest of us to shame09:31
ajmitchinternational superstar LaserJock!09:31
LaserJockno such thing09:31
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockI try to do what I can, just  like everybody else09:32
LaserJockunfortunately I'm not nearly as good as most of you guys when it comes to packaging09:33
ajmitchunlike me :)09:33
ajmitchso no, not 'everyone'09:33
LaserJockI'm working on it though09:33
minghuano, no, some MOTUs just try harder09:34
minghua(unlike me)09:34
LaserJockshesh, I'd swear bddebian was somewhere around here09:35
ajmitchno, I said that I don't do work09:36
ajmitchnot that I can't :)09:36
LaserJockso bddebian is stupid09:36
LaserJockand ajmitch is lazy09:36
LaserJockgot it ;-)09:36
LaserJockand LaserJock is inefficient09:38
LaserJockman, we are a bunch of messed up MOTUs :-)09:38
=== imbrandon wonder where he fits in the motley motu's
ajmitchimbrandon: you're no mere motu09:39
imbrandonoh yea09:39
FujitsuSilly imbrandon.09:39
=== imbrandon headdesks
FujitsuI'm no MOTU either, so I'm allowed to do work :P09:39
imbrandonbut but but .....09:39
LaserJockFujitsu: haha09:39
LaserJockok guys09:40
LaserJockI've *got* to get to bed09:40
imbrandonyea me too its like 3am09:41
ajmitchnight LaserJock09:41
imbrandonREALLY gnight09:41
LaserJockmy eyes have been  killing me for 2 weeks almost09:41
FujitsuBye, LaserJock.09:41
FujitsuBye imbrandon.09:41
LaserJocktoo much stupid irc09:41
FujitsuGet some sleep, LaserJock :(09:41
=== ajmitch agrees
=== ajmitch gets back to doing pointless dev tasks
ajmitch19:41 < phxheat> is kde4 going to be in the final release of edgy?09:42
=== plugwash [i=plugwash@p10link.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonajmitch: the development libs will be , but kde4 wont be released in time for even edgy+109:43
ajmitchI know, I thought it was funny though09:43
imbrandonbut everything needed to build kde4 ( and even the current binarys of kdebase and kdelibs ) are in universe09:43
imbrandonahhh okies09:43
=== imbrandon is tired and dident catch it at first
Fujitsuimbrandon, not even Edgy+1? I thought it was meant to be late this year...09:44
imbrandonwell /possibly/ edgy+1 afaik the first "rc/alpha/beta/something" is december09:45
=== xerxas [n=R67894@AGrenoble-257-1-103-101.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandon( not counting the svn snapshots of "krash" right now ( 3.80.1 )09:46
ajmitchand 4.0 will probably be dripping & bloody anyway ;)09:46
zakamedholbach: ping09:46
xerxasHi guys !09:46
zakameyo xerxas09:46
dholbachzakame: just about to leave for a run09:46
zakamedholbach: oh, just to say thanks for the greeting :D09:47
dholbachzakame: hehe, anytime ;-)09:47
zakamedholbach: :)09:47
=== dholbach runs - see you
zakamedholbach: just wondering, are you related to baron holbach?  as I read somewhere you lived ina castle :P09:48
zakameoh, ok, save that for later then :D09:48
dholbachzakame: ahahaha - not really ;-)09:48
dholbachzakame: I know that in the 1700es the Holbachs lived in France, but that's all I know, sorry :)09:49
zakamewell I ran across that guy in my classes on Philo, hehe09:49
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azeemLaser_away: well, I planned to merge them myself at some point, but didn't get around yet :-/10:43
azeemgchempaint should be there RSN, then I'll take a look, what was the deadline?10:43
crimsunthursday (9/28)10:52
FujitsuIt's going to be really really useful maybe being a MOTU as of Wednesday, isn't it? :P10:55
crimsunby Wednesday we need to shift from new->critical bugfixes10:55
=== lucas [n=lucas@ubuntu/member/lucas] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuThanks crimsun :)10:56
=== ajmitch sighs
ajmitchtoo much that I need to get done10:56
=== dredg does the dance of manager approval to go to mountain view
ajmitchlucky for some10:57
dredgwe are hosting the summit ;)10:57
=== minghua wish he could go
=== ajmitch also
minghuait is finally in US10:58
crimsunI couldn't score time to go, either10:58
ajmitchoh I've got time10:59
dredgworst location ever though :)10:59
=== minghua wonders when the developer's summit will go to asia
ajmitchI just don't have $$10:59
ajmitchdredg: any idea where people are going to be able to stay?10:59
dredgajmitch: not a clue11:00
=== Fujitsu makes a note to get another MOTU to approve all those syncs.
dredgMountain View is hardly the centre of activity - you pretty much need a car to get around anywhere11:00
dredgthoguh there is a caltrain to SF11:00
ajmitchthat's what I fear11:00
ajmitchother summits have been good, being in the hotel11:00
ajmitchless time wastage getting around11:01
dredgit's about 3 miles from castro to the campus11:02
ajmitcha bit far to walk :)11:03
dredgi've walked it. like fun, but subtly different.11:03
ajmitchI'm sure that something would be sorted11:04
=== ajmitch will just have to wait another week for sponsorship info
=== spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dredgdepends where people are staying. i'll either be staying in an apartment in mountain view or in a hotel in SF11:05
ajmitchhi spacey11:05
ajmitchdredg: coming from .ie?11:05
spaceyhi there11:05
FujitsuCan <insert MOTU other than crimsun> please second crimsun's approval on Bugs 62261->62273, excluding 62264, 62267 and 62270?11:05
UbugtuMalone bug 62261 in Ubuntu "Please sync amap-align 2.0-1 from Debian Sid (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6226111:05
spaceyhow is it hanging?11:05
dredgajmitch: yeah11:05
ajmitchFujitsu: why is it required, when they're in debian already?11:06
crimsunFujitsu: you don't need two acks11:06
crimsun(that's why I've already subbed u-a)11:06
FujitsuJust for packages outside Debian?11:06
ajmitchI *only* heard of this 2-ACK requirement for syncs this morning11:06
ajmitchcrimsun: when was it announced?11:06
FujitsuWhy'd I have to get LaserJock's as well for treeviewx, then?11:06
crimsunajmitch: it wasn't; it's only for REVU (new and not in Debian)11:06
FujitsuDinner now.11:06
crimsunFujitsu: sorry, I misinformed you.11:07
ajmitchcrimsun: right, and why should there be two ACKs needed on syncs in that case?11:07
dredgajmitch: there are hotels in MV itself but it really is a pain in the ass to get to google11:07
ajmitchI'd assume that I'd be able to request new packages into edgy still by myself11:07
crimsunajmitch: there doesn't need to be two for syncs from Debian. I was wrongly aligning the policy with REVU's.11:08
dredgif I'm staying in MV I'll have a car. If not, I'll be getting a shuttle from SF11:08
ajmitchcrimsun: good, so it sounds like business as usual then :)11:09
crimsunajmitch: yep11:09
=== minghua reminds himself to write the wiki page about sync procedures...
dredgbut as a rule, public transport around mountain view is non-existant11:12
dredgit's 45min walk or so to the nearest fry's11:12
ajmitchattendees will get fit..11:14
dredgcars for some, tiny american flags for everyone else! ;)11:14
seaLnehas anyone packaged any ruby stuff? i'm having problems trying to get it in /usr rather than /usr/local11:14
crimsunwhat build system does it use?11:16
seaLnei think i have found the problem11:17
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ajmitchFujitsu: fixed the universe yet?11:41
FujitsuOh yes, it's all fixed. Not a single bug or old version remaining.11:41
FujitsuI'm using my uber-leet nothing-powers.11:42
=== reggaemanu_ [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-130-105.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchFujitsu: good to hear11:50
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iapx8088hi alle01:09
seaLneDESTDIR with make install install is a built in thing?01:09
=== lastnode_ [n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
iapx8088I have a little OT01:10
iapx8088for a package I want to push in REVU01:10
iapx8088It's an automake question01:10
iapx8088I have four dirs01:11
iapx8088mmh maybe I sorted that one01:11
=== ajmitch is bring driven mad
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xerxascan I suppres a bzr branch ?02:16
ajmitchwhat do you mean by that?02:17
xerxasprecisely: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~telepathy/pymsn/ubuntu02:17
xerxasthe code in this branch is for package telepathy-butterfly and not for pymsn02:17
xerxasI maybe spletted something ...02:18
xerxasI'm restarting to package pymsn from scratch02:18
ajmitchyou'd have to ask #launchpad02:18
ajmitchI don't know if you can delete a branch at all02:18
xerxasajmitch,  ok , thanks02:18
xerxasI don't need a "Provides" field in control , right ?02:19
ajmitchnot unless you're providing a virtual package02:19
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xerxasajmitch,  a virtual package is let's say "webserver" ?02:29
xerxasthen I can do apt-get install webserver02:29
xerxasand this installs apache2 ? (just as an example)02:29
xerxasdholbach,  ?02:29
ajmitchhttpd, rather than webserver, but yes02:30
iapx8088hi all02:31
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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xerxasajmitch,  cool02:35
iapx8088I have an issue with my package02:35
iapx8088at the final step, some .a libs complain about function in other .a libs02:36
Hobbseehey all02:36
iapx8088but I have put a LIBADD in those makefiles02:36
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zulhi Hobbsee02:43
Mithrandirhi Hobbsee02:44
=== Mithrandir runs off before he's poked
Mithrandir(or stomped or similar)02:45
crimsunwhat the heck is Joel Bryan Juliano smoking? [https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-September/095156.html] 02:45
=== Hobbsee bashes Mithrandir over the head with a saucepan
ajmitchHobbsee: careful, he's the one approving any updates to main02:45
Hobbseeajmitch: right....good point that, i do have an upload i need to make.02:45
Hobbseeneed to fix it first though02:46
Hobbseecrimsun: something very strange02:46
ajmitchcrimsun: I want some!02:46
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jsgotangcocrimsun: he's always something really crackful02:48
jsgotangcosmoking that his02:49
ajmitchhe considers that a branding move? wow02:49
jsgotangcohe's ok in person, if a bit too quiet but i dunno what he's smoking when he makes posts02:49
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tsengWith these things, I'm wondering, is this really open source...02:51
tsengclearly not02:51
iapx8088how it was an unified patch between dirs02:51
iapx8088diff -urN?02:51
=== ajmitch goes off to sleep
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tsengwow -users is awful02:55
zultseng: how so?02:55
zul tseng> wow -users is awful02:57
tsengyes, it is02:57
Hobbseeit must be worse than kubuntu-users then02:58
tsengbut I guess it is not for me02:58
tsengand I will happily ignore it02:58
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seaLneanyone have time to look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=324303:46
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bddebianHeya gang03:57
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bddebianHeya sharms04:16
sharmsbddebian: finally became an official member, thanks for the vote of confidence way back04:18
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bddebiansharms: Great, welcome!04:19
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Toadstoolheya everybody04:43
bddebianHeya Toadstool04:44
Toadstoolhi bddebian04:45
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phanaticgood afternoon05:02
bddebianHeya phanatic05:03
phanaticheya bddebian05:03
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jblackogra: Ping. :)05:05
ograjblack, pongedipong05:05
ograhikenboot, how are you ?05:05
jblackHey buddy! What's shaking?05:05
ogralots of work ;)05:05
jblackI bet. :)05:05
ograjust came back from detroit ...05:06
jblackWhat were you doing there?05:06
ograltsp hackfest05:06
jblackThe company went to _detroit_? Or just you?05:06
ograonly me for some days05:06
ograbut i must admit i like your country :)05:06
jblackDon't hold detroit against the US. Its one of our dirtiest cities.05:06
ograeven though i dont like homeland security :)05:07
jblackcome out here to pennsylvania some time. I'll take care of you.05:07
jsgotangcoyou liked the USA?05:07
ograwas my first time ...05:07
=== lupine_85 hides from teh USAborg
ograjsgotangco, the country is nice ... most people i met were as well ...05:07
jsgotangcowell yeah05:07
jblackogra: Come out here to pennsylvania. We'll chain smoke on the porch all day.05:07
ogra(i'm not talking about politics ;) )05:07
jsgotangcobe in the right place at the right time and you'll definitely enjoy it05:08
ograjblack, yay ... we'll be in mountainview in november ...05:08
ograand i'll probably go to maine before05:08
jblackYeah. I have some idea of what you went through. With all the travel I did, I got on to the "not-so-random" random list. Pain in the rear.05:08
jblackMaine? I might be able to swing a trip up there for a couple days to say hi.05:08
ograif i go (undecided yet) i'll be there from nov 1st to 4th05:09
jblackIts probably an 8 hour trip each way, but I miss seeing you.05:09
ogradunno exactly which city yet05:09
jblackYou know its cold in main in november, right?05:09
jblackmaine, I mean.05:09
ogralike in germany i suppose05:09
tsengjblack: he wants a big thanksgiving turkey05:09
jblackI'll look over my finances when its closer, and I'll come up to say hi if I can swing it. Ok?05:10
ograwell, thanksgiving is over in nov, isnt it ?05:10
tsengogra: that was in Canada05:10
ograsure, i'll mail you with details :)05:10
jblackIts on the other side of Nov. Thats when we celebrate slaughting idigenous people by eating over fed birds.05:10
tsengogra: the real thanksgiving is in November05:10
=== ogra is so ignorant against US culture :)
tsengogra: Canada is like the Bizzaro US05:11
jblackDon't worry. I'm ignorant against US culture too.05:11
jblackYeah. Please mail me.05:11
jblackSo, anyways, I was wondering if you could kick the mythtv guys for me?05:11
ograif i knew who that is :)05:12
=== tseng points at imbrandon
jblackI don't know either. Its a team email address.05:12
ograsince mdz gave up maintainig it i'm not sure who cares05:12
jblackIts neither fish now fowl right now. The core is 0.20 and all the fun stuff is still at 0.18. Probably stuck in download or build.05:12
ograand since tseng is the rather active -motu guy i suppose he's right pointing to imbrandon05:13
tsenghaha rather active05:13
ograwell, there are still 3 days for upgrading it05:13
slomo_a sync from debian/multimedia was requested05:13
slomo_but nobody wants to sync from there05:13
jblackNah. Its not in Debian.05:13
slomo_so someone feel free to do a fakesync now05:13
tsengjblack: thats not what he said05:13
jblackmdz moved the packages from debian to ubuntu.05:13
slomo_jblack: no not in debian... but debian/multimedia05:13
jblackThe section listed here is multiverse/graphics05:14
jblackI did an in place upgrade from Debian to edgy just to get mythtv on the box when I couldn't find marillat. :)05:15
jblackbtw, in place upgrades are not fun.05:16
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ograrebuilds are more proper ;)05:17
tsengfrom  unstable to edgy is a weird upgrade path indeed05:18
jblackYeah. A reinstall would have been more sane. The filesystem has a certain nostalgia for me though.05:18
jblackThat filesystm has been with me through thick and thin for about a decade. I couldn't just kill it off.05:18
jblacktseng Its somthing to not advise unless the person considering it has a very solid understanding of both debian and ubuntu, and has the time to do it.05:21
tsengjblack: sounds about right05:22
tsengjblack: luckily you qualify05:22
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bluefoxicyhow do I tell cdbs not to run ./configure08:01
xerxasbluefoxicy:  what are you trying to package ?08:13
xerxashow does it build ?08:13
bluefoxicyxerxas: http://north.one.pl/~kazik/pub/LZOlayer/08:13
xerxasbluefoxicy: how does it build ?08:14
bluefoxicyyou type make08:14
Gloubiboulgause the makefile.mk class the08:14
bluefoxicygot it.08:15
=== Mirrad1 [n=Mirrado@20150054193.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bluefoxicydpkg-source: error: source package name `LZOlayer-fs' contains illegal character `L'08:21
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Gloubiboulgayou can't use capital letters in a source package name08:22
=== bluefoxicy messes with some stuff.
bluefoxicygpg agent is terminally broken in seahorse08:23
bluefoxicyand fuckin' dpkg-buildpackage is asking me for a passphares08:26
bluefoxicywhich I give it08:26
bluefoxicyand it says "oh well I can't connect to seahorse anyway so I don't trust you still" and fails to sign08:26
tsengbluefoxicy: settle down please08:27
=== lionelp [n=lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bluefoxicyI have to e-mail this guy.08:38
bluefoxicy    Copyrights reserved, blah blah08:38
bluefoxicy    Use it at your OWN RISK08:38
bluefoxicy    Absolutely NO WARANTY08:38
bluefoxicy^^^ That's his copyright statement... I don't think it fits in with the guidelines08:38
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joejaxxanyone here know about generating isos from seeds?08:41
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joejaxxprobably not since this is the repository maintainers channel :)08:44
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bddebianHeya ajmitch09:49
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LaserJockhi guys09:52
zulhey LaserJock and ajmitch09:53
givreHi guys, i have a problem uploading a package :Uploading via ftp ntfs-3g_20070920-BETA-1ubuntu1.dsc: Error '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of ntfs-3g_20070920-BETA-1ubuntu1.dsc09:57
bddebianHeya LaserJock09:57
givreWhat can i do ?09:57
ajmitchgivre: I'll clear the queue09:57
givreajmitch: thanks09:58
ajmitchgivre: make sure you upload a source-only package09:58
ajmitch(debuild -S -sa)09:58
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givreyeah, i forgot that in a first attempt, that's why i wanted to cancel it09:59
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ajmitchtry again now, it should work09:59
givreThat works. Thanks10:02
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LaserJockimbrandon: isn't it like 3 or 4 pm there?10:16
tsengLaserJock: moins has nothing to do with time of day10:16
imbrandonLaserJock: yea but i slept late, rember i dident goto bed till after 4am ;)10:17
ajmitchcrazy people10:17
imbrandonheya ajmitch10:18
imbrandonlooks like all the mailing lists are picking back up some steam, after a weekend of nothing10:18
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LaserJocksometimes binary NEW is just a bummer10:58
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ajmitchLaserJock: so is source-in-NEW :)11:16
LaserJockbut I get all excited when my source package makes it past source NEW and builds11:18
LaserJockand then it sits in NEW again11:18
ajmitchI would have thought they'd approve source+binary11:18
LaserJockapparently not11:19
ajmitchah well11:19
=== ajmitch is happy that keybuk gave some useful tips on the selinux+upstart problem
ajmitchnow I'll just need to cut up some code & test it11:19
LaserJockit's been there since the 22nd11:20
LaserJockand ouch, there are 92 packages in the NEW queue11:20
LaserJockwow, mutt has increased my ML posting considerably11:22
LaserJockI've written 2 emails today already ;-)11:22
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@dsl-hkigw7-fe10f900-10.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockhiya Q-FUNK11:22
ajmitchhello Q-FUNK11:22
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=== Yagisan waves hello
LaserJockhi Yagisan11:33
Yagisanman - I feel odd. I'm up at the right time for my timezone11:34
LaserJockI was going to say11:34
ajmitchmorning Yagisan11:35
YagisanI suppose I should have breakfast of something11:35
YagisanG'day ajmitch11:35
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-130-105.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Yagisanajmitch, I taught my pbuilder how to use distcc yester :)11:36
ajmitchthat's a recipe for disaster11:36
FujitsuHey ajmitch.11:37
Yagisanajmitch, edgy pbuilder and edgy systems.11:37
Yagisanwas fun anyway11:37
FujitsuSo, what are out almighty MOTUs doing today (other than going crazy because there's only two days left)?11:39
Q-FUNKgood evening y'all11:40
=== suppressingfire [n=burner@cpe-24-24-95-18.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKerm... going crazy because there's only 2 days left, mostly11:40
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lupine_85My package hasn't been accepted yet :'(11:44
ajmitchlupine_85: which package, and where?11:46
lupine_85rutilt, on REVU11:47
lupine_85it had a few silly errors but I think it's all OK now11:47
ajmitchyou mean that it hasn't been reviewed & advocated?11:47
lupine_85erm, I think so :)11:47
=== ajmitch thought you meant that the upload had failed
lupine_85ah, sorry11:48
lupine_85had plenty of hassle getting it up there, but it is there now11:48
FujitsuWhat do we do with universe security vulnerabilities (tor, in this case) that affect hoary, breezy, dapper, and current edgy (but edgy will be fixed when my sync is requested).11:49
LaserJockimbrandon: "Fierce Falcon" you gotta be kidding me ;-)11:49
lupine_85I'm assuming that if it doesn't get in before the freeze, it won't get in at all until edgy+1.. is that right?11:49
ajmitchFujitsu: you prepare & submit debdiffs to the security team11:50
FujitsuFierce Falcon is /boooring/.11:50
LaserJockFujitsu: package up a fix and get it off to pitti11:50
imbrandonLaserJock: its was really justa  joke11:50
LaserJockajmitch said it better, as usual11:50
ajmitchFujitsu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityUpdateProcedures11:50
LaserJockimbrandon: I'm just kidding ya. I think I like falcon better than fierce11:50
ajmitchgetting the changelog & versioning right is important11:50
FujitsuHm. I thought that was for main only...11:51
=== Fujitsu looks.
lupine_85Free Falcon? ;)11:51
FujitsuBug #58605, security advisory at http://archives.seul.org/or/announce/Aug-2006/msg00001.html... It doesn't meet the guidelines on SecurityUpdateProcedures, I don't think.11:52
UbugtuMalone bug 58605 in tor "Upstream reports security flaw: clients will relay traffic" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5860511:52
LaserJockFujitsu: it doesn't matter, the only difference between Universe and Main for security is MOTUs have to do the work ;-)11:52
ajmitchLaserJock: s/MOTUs/usually crimsun/11:53
FujitsuOK, but it says the only updates will be for permission circumvention or data loss...11:53
LaserJockFujitsu: package it up and ask pitti about it11:53
LaserJockif he doesn't want it then he'll reject it11:53
LaserJockno biggy really11:54
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ajmitchhe's less likely to reject something where someone has put in the work11:54
Yagisanah - speaking of packages, after the freeze when you guys are less busy, I'd like to some packaging help with something that's probably edgy + 1.11:54
YagisanFujitsu, debdiff your patch, and send it too the list. pitti crimsum and some others (like me, and probally ajmitch) will eyeball it and you'll get a go/no go for it11:55
FujitsuThey've got, which is fixed... The others all have older versions of 0.1.0.x, shall I locate the specific fix and attempt to backport it?11:56
Yagisanthat is more work for you, but more likely to be accepted11:57
FujitsuI realise that, yes, that's why I asked.11:57
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-123-254.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockgrrr, why does edgy eat my /etc/resolv.conf?12:00
LaserJockand my gateway12:02
LaserJockthat's not fun12:02
LaserJockanybody got a clue? :/12:05
lupine_85dapper did that too12:05
lupine_85to do with dhclient, IIRC12:05
=== lupine_85 sets dns-nameserver in his /etc/network/interfaces
LaserJockI don't use DHCP12:06
lupine_85hmm, strange then#12:06
LaserJockI fixed this once12:06
lupine_85maybe #ubuntu+1 ?12:06
LaserJockbut every time I reboot it resets my network12:06
lupine_85are the settings in /etc/network/interfaces ?12:08
=== lupine_85 would set up something in rc.local , but he's lazy
lupine_85is it possible that something Xy is overriding them?12:09
lupine_85network-manager (spit) etc?12:09
LaserJockI don't have network-manager12:09

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