
=== Mussi [n=Mussi@unaffiliated/mussi] has joined #ubuntu-server
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=== TTT_Travis [n=Travis@bal-bb-cable-1-96.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
TTT_TravisHi, I am using Ubuntu Server, I want to hibernate but it says I don't have the kernel modules needed to do it, is there a way I can just get them easily or use the normal ubuntu kernel03:11
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linnuxxyi had installed plone using apt-get install plone-site05:05
linnuxxyi can reach zope in http://localhost:8081/manage05:06
linnuxxywhere can i reach plone?05:06
nictukulinnuxxy, you will probably find help in #ubuntu, not here05:08
linnuxxyok thnx05:09
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Rie1hey guys, I bought a 2x dual INTEL 64BIT XEON system for my web-server. What ISO version of ubuntu should I download?04:51
Rie1mark ok thanks04:56
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