
rnalexanderOh don't you two start.12:01
travistyhey everyone. I have a driver question12:01
hangfiremalexander- try scite, its a good general purpose programming editor12:01
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rnalexandernoob here.12:01
keleuskeep yer gnomes away from my underpants!12:01
eyequeuekeleus, except you are in #ubuntu not #kubuntu ;-)12:01
rnalexanderdon't start giving me an argument on platforms already!12:01
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keleus:) but my question was ubuntu based, if not better off in ##linux12:01
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travistyMy system wants to load ipw3945 for my wireless driver. How do I get it ti load ipw2200 instead?12:02
MegloHow do I use the mv command without deleting the source when I copy files12:02
keleusagain... i find programs are binding themselves to ipv6 addresses and wrapping them in ipv4 (or something wierd like that - i can see the ipv4 address in the ipv6 string) - i have 2 computers on the LAN and the router is ipv4 only12:02
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rnalexanderit didn't ask me for a password when I sudo(ed) gedit.12:02
keleushow do i get rid of ipv6 without recompiling/downloading a new kernel?12:02
lakcajanyone want to do me a quick favor?  #blender took my voice away because I was idle for some time.  Could somebody join #blender and ask them to give me voice back?12:02
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eyequeuekeleus, i can't address your actual question, but i can tell you that disabling ipv6 *in firefox* is addressed on the forums, if that helps12:03
shahimHello everyone! I have a question about apt preferences12:03
gekko`Meglo: you use cp for that12:03
keleuseyequeue: probably not, but i appreciate it12:03
eyequeuernalexander, sudo only asks every 15 min12:03
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shahimthe man page talkes about archives and other items to use for pinning but the release file in ubuntu doesn't have an archive line.12:03
eyequeuernalexander, if you sudoed recently, that's not reason for alarm, heh12:03
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rnalexanderOk, ladydoor, many more successes, still a few failures, pasting output and lists now.12:04
ladydoorrnalexander: cool12:04
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rnalexanderladydoor ok, paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2471912:05
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dant-goneis there away to reinstall ubuntu, but not loose all the apps that are already installed?12:09
HTGN-css|Silent_hey guys12:09
ladydoorrnalexander: ok, as i said before, please but gb. in front of the appropriate lines in your sources.list (as in your old one)12:09
ladydoorrnalexander: *put, not but12:09
rnalexanderWill do!12:09
tonyyarussodant-gone: There's a way to save a list of the installed packages, and redo them on a new install.  Would that work for you?12:09
HTGN-css|Silent_where would I find some good newbie info on runlevels and init.d? I'm trying to get a server to run on startup by root that's accessible to users via screen12:10
HTGN-css|Silent_is this possible?12:10
Arricktonyyarusso, probably wants all the config files backed up too12:10
dant-gonetonyyarusso: im more concerned about save all the settings for cups/samba and wine12:10
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eyequeueHTGN-css|Silent_, one, the info i'm about to give you wil be obsoleted in a few months12:10
Arrickdant-gone, copy all your config fils to disc for backup12:10
rnalexanderdamnit.  I sudoed into the editor and I can't find my users' desktop, one sec.  I'm a dork.12:10
dant-goneArrick: true12:11
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tonyyarussodant-gone, Arrick: Backing up /etc should do most of that, right?  Anywhere else those things are put?12:11
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:11
eyequeueHTGN-css|Silent_, two, ubuntu (and debian) don't really use runlevels, 2 3 4 and 5 re identical, and 2 is default12:11
Arrickdant-gone, then when you reinstall the apps, you just copy those files in and there you go, its done12:11
dant-goneall i really want to do is get my desktop to how it was when it was first installed...it had links to my mounted partitions, but now some are missing and i cant get them back12:11
HTGN-css|Silent_is this possible?12:11
HTGN-css|Silent_why is that obsolete?12:12
Arrickdant-gone, are your partitions mounted?12:12
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rnalexanderEEEP!  Very sorry,12:12
Arrickopen terminal and type in mount12:12
Arrickdant-gone, ^^12:12
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eyequeueHTGN-css|Silent_, edgy (dapper+1) uses upstart, not sysvinit, hence myfirst caution :)  but basically anyone referring to "runlevels" in here is usually talking from an rpm-based distro perspective12:12
dant-goneArrick: they aer mounted...but they links dont show up on my desktop12:12
ladydoorrnalexander: sorry, i've got to go. good luck!12:12
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josecon quien hablo12:12
Arrickthen see if they are there, if not, you just need to remount and they should sho back up on the desktop12:12
dant-goneArrick: i have 2 vfat partitions and 2 ntfs ones, the ntfs ones arent showing up12:12
eyequeueHTGN-css|Silent_, all that said, have i clarified or confused you? :)12:13
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Caplainhow do i set my resolution?12:13
dant-goneArrick: im thinking soemthing changed in the fstab but i dont have the original fstab to compare it to12:13
joseno hay nadie que hable espaol12:13
Arrickdant-gone, possibly change your fstab so you can read them? its just a rights issue12:13
rnalexanderThanks LD!12:13
jlkenyon2012Hey, I was wondering if there is simple way of setting up dual monitor support in K/Ubunutu, or if hacking the xorg.conf is still the normal method for setting it up12:13
Arrickpost if and someone in here can help you out in a hurry, dant-gone this is not a reinstall issue12:13
gekko`!es > jose12:13
dant-gone/dev/hdb5       /media/hdb5     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       112:14
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Arrickpost it to pastebin12:14
Arrickthe whole thing12:14
dant-goneArrick: i know its not a reinstall issue...just an easy way out issue12:14
josehola gekko12:14
breeryhi guys im having a slight problem with the sound. it doesnt come on even on start up12:14
Caplainjlkenyon2012: hack xorg.conf12:14
Roger_The_Bumyeah I'm having the same problem as breery12:14
rnalexandergack, more erros than before.12:14
ArrickDBO, what do you see wrong with dant-gone s fstab post?12:14
Arrickfor him to view it?12:15
rnalexanderAnyone else want to pick up where ladydoor left off?12:15
josesolo puedo escribir, no puedo hablar12:15
ajax4Hey guys...I can't install the xorg-dev package because of some dependency problems. The problem seems to be with the libfontconfig1 package, which apt says is broken. Can someone help me verify this?12:15
dant-gonewow..pastebin is a little slow today12:15
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Arricksomeone show mw a typical fstab section for being able to view a ntfs formated partition with all users?12:16
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gekko`Arrick: sure12:16
DBO/dev/sdb5/media/windatantfsro,user,auto,fmask=0177,dmask=0077,uid=100003    <--- Arrick12:16
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dant-goneArrick: http://pastebin.ca/181421   <--- the whole fstab12:17
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Arrick"ro,user,auto,fmask=0177,dmask=0077,uid=1000 0 1" dant-gone put this in there starting at "defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1"12:17
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Arrickreplace what is in yours with this first section12:18
dant-goneArrick: isnt ro read only?12:18
Max_-... happy problem here...   got a 17 inches screen (widescreen) and the only things gnome offers me are 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768...  what can I do?12:18
Arrickntfs is read only in linux12:18
pennypackeredit /etc/x11/xorg.conf12:18
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Samuli^not my ntfs, but without special care, yes.12:18
TheHhey Max I have a similar problem with a 37 inch hdtv12:18
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hondjeTheH: Curious, what does ddcprobe say about an hdtv? I'm curious if it'd work12:19
TheHI want the image is to overscan, and I can use normal resolutions12:19
pennypackerthen begin the quest for the correct modeline12:19
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TheHwhat's  ddcprobe? I just got ti to work right now, it took 3 days of xorg editing12:19
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dant-goneArrick: k... did the umount/mount -a and only the vfat ones are still showing up12:20
Max_-brb later, if you have a solution please pm it to me!!!12:20
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hondjeTheH: Just asks the monitors for things like modelines and timing and sync ranges12:20
ClayGanyone here know of a good broadband-for-laptop solution?12:20
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lwsDoes anybody know a good howto on hosing a wireless access point under Ubuntu?12:20
squidgy /msg NickServ IDENTIFY microsoft12:20
hondjeTheH: It's informational, it doesn't actually change anything. I'm curious if it'd work on an hdtv12:20
ClayGi want something like verizon's card but dont want to spend that much12:20
ClayGawsome squidgy12:20
dadhow do i recover ubuntu after a windows install?12:20
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lwsI just bought a wireless card and want to have my linux box act as a WAP12:21
TheHdo I need to type that on termina? I'm new to ubuntu, migrating from windows12:21
Arrickdant-gone, that should have fixed it for you, hang on12:21
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hondjeTheH: Yes, like 'sudo ddcprobe' ... I'd do it myself, but I lack an hdtv to test it with12:21
dant-goneArrick: its monting, but the links just arent showing up12:21
eyequeuedad, probably reinstall grub12:21
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TheHok let me see12:22
=== squidgy [n=squidgy@dhcp-9687adf7.engr.Arizona.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
Arrickok, hang tight12:22
boitonoI am looking for a simple utility like netmeeting only for linux12:22
eyequeuedad, sudo update-grub, if you can boot to ubuntu fom a rescue cd12:22
boitonoany ideas?12:22
dadi made a grub boot floppy12:22
hondjeddcprobe is nice, it beats the hell out of googling your monitors hsync and the like12:22
dadbut i don't know what to do with it12:22
ciplogicHi all, I have an Ati X700 and I have following problems: poor performance using composite (is lower performance than a GF2 Mx 200 at Compiz), I setup a dual-view display, question, I can go the mouse only in first display, the second one has a different GNOME and I don't know how to move windows to it. In Windows I can drag-drop in different displays, any ideas?12:23
breeryny1 say nytin 2 u yet?12:23
kmitch87boitono: try ekiga softphone, it comes with ubuntu12:23
lwsCan anyone hear me?12:23
rnalexanderDoes anyone else have any idea where I can go to get help / look for it?12:23
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JDStoneciplogic: welcome to ATI cards under Linux12:23
kmitch87rnalexander: try ubuntuforums.org12:23
dant-goneJDStone: lol12:24
JDStoneespecially the newer ones12:24
rnalexanderOk, thanks kmitch!12:24
lupine_85 boitono: there's also gnome-meeting :p12:24
erUSULlws: only a few wireless drivers support acting as AP. Search google for docs on hostap12:24
=== dant-gone is now known as dantrag
breeryny1 have ny idea on how 2 fix sound problems?12:24
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems12:24
ciplogicJDStone: there is nothing to change? I thought that the jump from 5200 to X700 is a great jump :)12:24
lwserUSUL: Are you kiding?12:24
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dantragciplogic: ati has poor support under linux12:25
pennypackernvidia works great12:25
dantragciplogic: the card may be better, but a 5200 is supported better with linux12:25
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MugginsMnvidia doesn't always work great12:25
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pennypackerfor me12:25
JDStoneciplogic: I don't know.  dont' ask me12:25
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ClayGanyone here have a hp dv2000 laptop?12:25
=== Teller [n=teller@host-84-9-114-193.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ClayGI'm thinking of getting one but want to see how it handles ubuntu12:25
=== MugginsM can't get recent nvidia drivers to support his monitor, for example
ciplogicdantrag: It's ugly then, I'll use the 3D from Vista or Windows :(12:25
HOTnot really a support question but i am interested, what is this so called "realtime" ubuntu release in the pipeline, would like to understand more12:25
MugginsMwhereas the OSS nv driver does12:25
TellerHi! Where do I change my locale system wide?12:26
squidgyHowdy.  I'm trying to mimic Windows' behavior in regard to using an external monitor (a projector) from my laptop.  I want to plug in an external monitor, hit a key, and have it mirror what's on my laptop's LCD screen.  Any hints?12:26
TheHhow can I underscan a resolution for my tv? picture is to overscan..Using 6600gt on hdtv12:26
ClayGsquidgy, change your password12:26
Arrickdid dant-gone leave?12:26
breerythanks d speakers were muted in d ALSA menu, no idea how12:26
erUSULlws: http://hostap.epitest.fi/12:26
dantragArrick: no12:26
TellerI need ISO8859-1 instead of UTF-812:26
dantragArrick: i wasnt gone anymore :P12:26
Arrickdantrag, ok, you changed your name on me12:26
MugginsMsquidgy: realtime usually means that the software is guaranteed to respond to an event within a specified time12:26
dantragArrick: sorry12:26
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ciplogicsquidgy: Use a non-dual head settings12:27
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MugginsMfor example, if you're reading data in from some sort of device (video) current Linux might suddenly decide to go do something else and you'll get jumps and skips12:27
kmitch87ClayG: try tuxmobil.org for laptop info on linux12:27
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ClayGanyone here up on the latest amd and intel cpus?12:27
ciplogicsquidgy: at least to me until I've setup the dual-displays config, I have a mirror of the screen12:27
Arrickdantrag, there has to be a way to tell the drive to show up on desktop, but with me not using dapper its not an easy thing other that the fstab for me to help out with it12:27
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lwserUSUL: How do i tell whether or not that supports something I bought?12:27
ClayGthanks kmitch8712:27
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dantragArrick: what version are you running?12:27
ArrickI run breezy12:28
erUSULlws: for acting as AP: http://hostap.epitest.fi/hostapd/12:28
dantragArrick: ah..ok12:28
lwserUSUL: How do I tell if my card is one of those?12:28
bukerj/ #ubuntu-es12:28
TheHhow can I underscan a resolution for my tv? picture is to overscan..Using 6600gt on hdtv, Thx12:28
squidgyciplogic:  if I plug in an external monitor, then the only way I can get X to talk to it is by restarting X, in which case it ignores my laptop display.12:28
Arrickthere has to be a way in the filemanager to set it up though12:28
HOTMugginsM: was me that asked, good answer, i presume its for mission critical things12:28
MugginsMoh right, scrolled too fast :)12:28
MugginsMhot: well it can give you things like smoother video, for example12:28
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dantragArrick: thats something i cant find, where do i access the filemanager settings?12:29
MugginsMbut yeah, if you're controlling a robot on a production line and someone steps out in front of the robot, you don't want your controller to be busy fetching email at the time and not notice12:29
erUSULlws: lspci maybe. Card specs. the driver that can act as AP are madwifi (atheros) y prism54 2 2.5 312:29
squidgyciplogic:  my laptop's normal switch-to-external-display hotkey has no effect.12:29
MugginsMthe linux kernel does have some good realtime extensions to do that stuff, but they need to be set up and the distro needs to know how to work with them12:29
AxidusDude I don't know if you like to work from home or thought about it, but go here....check this out http://www.automaticbuilder.com/sanchezgroup12:30
Axidusthis guy is cool...i'm doing it12:30
Axidusmaking good money too , extra and stuff12:30
HOTMugginsM: so it will be certified realtime, i have some small sun grid apps that could really make use of that...not sure how they can "prove" the delivery12:30
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n|kohi everyone12:30
AxidusI do that on the weekends...easy money12:30
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lwserUSUL: 0000:01:08.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 010)12:30
lwserUSUL: like that one?12:30
n|koi need more permission on my computer12:31
MugginsMhot: the realtime bit is quite small, so it's fairly well known, the biggest problem is really that standard PC hardware isn't realtime12:31
eyequeueAxidus, don't spam here please12:31
ciplogicsquidgy: I am not an expert of that, but I remember that on my computer only making a dual-display xorg-conf makes to not have a mirror, but there is no way (at least on my computer) to switch between displays and I cannot help no futher in that12:31
=== mays [n=deadinsi@68-115-108-79.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
MugginsMbut you can guarantee response within some useful amounts of time for most things12:31
Axidussorry just trying to help out12:31
n|kowhen i install ubuntu it didn't ask me for root password12:31
Axidusis there an irc channel I can go to for work from home?12:31
lupine_85no root password by default12:31
erUSULlws: yes you are a lucky person after all ;)12:32
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85sudo uses your user password to make you root12:32
HOT*nods* i will look into it, the biggest issue i am having with my grid system is telling it what the time actually is12:32
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lupine_85(gksudo for GUI apps)12:32
lwserUSUL: hooray.  I was worried.. I'm sure though it still won't work now :P haha12:32
n|koi try it12:32
HOTMugginsM: sound simple but its the hardest question i have faced in a project for years12:32
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Arrickask everyone, dantrag as I said I am not familiar with dapper, so I relly cant help you out on the rest of it12:32
eyequeueHOT, ntpdate?12:32
ClayGI'm thinking of getting one but want to see how it handles ubuntu12:32
HOTeyequeue: not good enough i am afraid12:33
MugginsMhot: yeah, distributed stuff is hard :)12:33
n|kodosen't work12:33
lwserUSUL: Now I have to figure out how to set it up though12:33
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eyequeueHOT, oh well, the only idea i had12:33
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HOTeyequeue: i am asking bristol university if i can borrow some atomic devices for ntp calibration12:33
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HOTstill, its a bugger12:33
MugginsMeven things like ethernet aren't all that good for realtime stuff12:33
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erUSULlws: Good luck https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=madwifi&titlesearch=T%C3%ADtulos12:34
no0tichow can I make my sd card reader work under kubuntu? 0000:08:06.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD)12:34
lupine_85plug it in12:34
lupine_85erm, that's it12:34
eyequeuei can envision the day when even multi-core machines will be effected by the internal lag on the bus12:35
lupine_85cards usually show up as /dev/sd??12:35
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eyequeueit used to be a 1 second granularity wasn't an issue, those days are gone12:35
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no0ticlupine_85, it doesn't work...12:36
HOTeyequeue: the problem i face is nics have a slightly different "tick tock" rate in the tcp stack, so asking a machine what network time it is, comes across as meaningless12:36
no0ticlupine_85, I've tried inserting an SD card but /var/log/messages doesn't tell me anything12:36
lupine_85it won't12:36
lupine_85try mounting /dev/sda12:36
TheHhow can I underscan a resolution for my tv? picture is to overscan..Using 6600gt on hdtv, Thx12:36
MugginsMethernet and especially tcp are no good for precise timing anyway12:36
lupine_85if that doesn't work, try /dev/sda112:36
eyequeueHOT, yeah, i can see that.  seeing how to get past it though, i'm not good enough for :/12:37
HOTlike i said earlier the most difficult question i have been asked recently was "what time is it" :)12:37
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dantragArrick: well..i found where to turn on/off the volumes on the desktop...but it doesnt let me select which i can view12:37
no0ticlupine_85, sorry, but every time I plug in an usb device it tells me something...12:37
lupine_85the usb device is already plugged in, though12:37
no0ticlupine_85, I'm going to try now12:37
HOTthats why this realtime stuff kind of interests me, i think i am barking up the wrong tree though12:37
lupine_85all you're doing is the equiv. of putting a floppy in12:37
eyequeueHOT, i can also see the challenges there must be a lot of fun, if you're the type :)  even though frustrating12:37
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no0ticlupine_85, let's try12:38
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no0ticlupine_85, sda doesn't work12:39
HOToh yea its a very fun question, i am not frustrated by it at all, really good learning curve, and i can say with no doubt almost all nix variants do time better than any nt kernel i have seen12:39
HOTvery impressive stuff really12:39
TheHAnyone can help me with HDTV issue?? I have been everywhere on this, no luck12:39
no0ticlupine_85, ehm... sda is my first hd, :)12:39
no0ticlupine_85, i'll try sdb12:39
lupine_85so try sdb :p12:39
MugginsMhot: are timer cards expensive?12:39
lupine_85ls /dev/sd* will get you a full list12:39
no0ticlupine_85, only sda :(12:40
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no0ticlupine_85, my sathda12:40
no0ticlupine_85, my sata hd12:40
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eyequeueHOT, i'll presume bristol means .uk, is there perhaps anything useful out of nasa.gov on time issues?12:40
imperfect-Anyone know how I can get a 2.6.18 kernel on dapper?12:40
TheHCan anyone help me with HDTV issue?? I have been everywhere on this, no luck12:40
=== Raz` [n=raz@nc-76-3-206-10.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
imperfect-are there packages yet?12:40
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HOTnot really but getting them running can be, my grid uses redhat enterprise, its not really that usefull when it comes to kernel module changes12:40
lupine_85bah, dunno then. "It works here"12:40
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eyequeueimperfect-, no, nor will there be.  fixes tend to be backported12:40
lupine_85imperfect-: this is dapper :p. build your own if desperate12:41
eyequeueimperfect-, even edgy will only release with .1712:41
imperfect-Well I need it.12:41
dadI put in made a boot cd that boots into grub, then went to http://sorgonet.com/linux/grubrestore, I did everything it said, but now i can't boot into anything but bash, can someone help?12:41
no0ticlupine_85, the same device?12:41
lupine_85lots of different devices12:41
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lupine_85even one in my printer12:41
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TheHCan anyone help me with HDTV issue?? I have been everywhere on this, no luck, Please?12:41
HOTeyequeue: bristol have some atomic calibration devices they can use to get down to pico alignment, from what i understand it measures its own time reference using atomic decay, very accurate stuff12:41
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no0ticlupine_85, ok, I'm not lucky12:42
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alpha-wolfgood evening12:42
cello_rasphow do get the php binary??12:42
MugginsMhot: get too accurate and you find your larger servers run slower due to gravity :)12:42
avenger__I'll find out12:42
Raz`Anyone help me? I'm not sure how to get my Audigy 2 to work under Linux12:42
HOTMugginsM: heh :)12:42
eyequeueHOT, cool.  i was just wondering of the cluster folk at nasa might have written some tips based on their travails, heh12:42
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Raz`No drivers on creative's site :(12:42
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Who_cello rasp: search for php in 'Synaptic Package Manager' and choose to install it12:42
lwserUSUL: do you have an atheros card?12:42
imperfect-Is there a patch for 2.6.15 that helps with the P965 chipset issues w/ the JMicron controller?12:42
cello_raspRaz` my audigy 2 works ok on dapper12:42
Raz`Well I'm getting system sounds cello12:43
PierreRaz`, audigy 2 works out of the box with a decent kernel, it works here with Dapper12:43
Raz`but JuK isn't playing audio12:43
cello_raspRaz` drivers in kernel12:43
alpha-wolfcan someone give me a little advice? I have installed apache2 and would like the home folder to be /home/alpha/server/htdocs but cannot figure out where to put this??12:43
HOTeyequeue: i will look into that actually, currently i am speaking to the guy that looks after stratum devices at BrI, he seems to know his stuff but he agrees its voodoo, not so much defining a point in time over the lan but stopping drift12:43
cello_raspif you are getting sounds it is another software issue, and the drivers obviously work fine12:44
Raz`Anyone recommend a good mp3 player to me, then?12:44
Raz`May just be that prograam12:44
eyequeueHOT, yeah, not deprecating what you have a bristol at all mind you, just thinking that sometimes an alternate perspective sometimes sheds light :)12:44
Who_anyone good on trouble shooting disk problems12:44
TheHCan anyone help me with HDTV issue?? I have been everywhere on this, no luck, Please?12:44
m0people are jealous for my operating system :p12:44
m0on my laptop12:44
HOTeyequeue: the current solution floated as i understand it, is a kind of token ring using fibre, but its dedicated to time "pulses" and nothing else12:44
m0Everone is saying how did I do that :)12:44
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eyequeuem0, it is ubuntu?12:45
TheHdoes some one here has configure a HD TV on ubuntu?12:45
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TheHor I'm the only one12:46
eyequeuehard drive television?12:46
cello_raspTheH i think you are the only one12:46
m0eyequeue: yes12:46
imperfect-is compiling a vanilla kernel a bad idea on dapper?12:46
TheHHD LCD12:46
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eyequeuem0, cool, a great opportunity to give out cds :)12:46
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TheHthat suck, I can't get any help, no where12:46
m0eyequeue: I am the computer club president on my University12:47
cello_raspcant expect community support when hardly anyone has an HDTV let alone linux users :|12:47
m0eyequeue: I would do that... But we don't have money to buy cds'12:47
eyequeuem0, or, if cute, volunteer to help ;-)12:47
m0eyequeue: how do we volunteer12:47
fernandoi am having problems with my vmware server i cant run a guest operatins system i need help12:47
imperfect-I dunno12:47
alpha-wolfcan someone give me a little advice on setting up apache2??12:47
imperfect-I've got a HDTV12:47
imperfect-And I use linux.12:47
TheHI'm not expecting just wanna to see if some one knows, cuz there is documentation but I can;t get it to work that way12:47
m0eyequeue: freebsd wanted us to help them12:47
m0eyequeue: but I really didn't wnat to help hehe12:47
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eyequeuem0, i was joking about if the person was cute, a way to get to know him/her, heh12:48
vidarIf I have Windows already installed on a system, can Ubuntu, during the install, repartition the drive?12:48
HOTfernando: any error message?12:48
m0eyequeue: I am helping MySQL12:48
cello_raspimperfect- maybe you and TheH can egt 2gether and balze some trails for the reat of us12:48
m0to promote MySQL on cmapus12:48
m0eyequeue: is there any form to sign ? To get promotional items?12:48
HOTfernando: just give me the basics12:48
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TheHOh yes I will when I get this woprking, I have lear alot on xrog config for HD but now I just nee to fix th overscan and I'm done12:48
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TheHI will be glad to do that12:49
eyequeuem0, just a moment and i will get you a link, no need to sign anything, brb12:49
fernandoCannot find a serial number to unlock this version of VMware Server.12:49
fernandoPlease ask your system administrator to run "vmware-config.pl"12:49
fernandoand enter the serial number. For more information, please read12:49
fernandothe INSTALL file in VMware Server's documentation directory.12:49
m0eyequeue: alright12:49
Max_-well... I'm still stuck with  640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768...  what can I do?  please <:)12:49
fernandobut i put the serial # that i downloaded but it still does not work12:49
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cello_rasphey grandma im a linux advocate12:49
HOTfernando: you need to get a serial number from the vmware site, register email and password (and a few more things) and it will give you a new one on request12:49
TheHImperfect: did you had overscan issues?12:49
eyequeuem0, start here, and yes, it is all free :)  https://shipit.ubuntu.com/12:49
HOTfernando: the old serials expire over 45 days i beleive12:50
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m0eyequeue: do they look for uni reps?12:50
fernandothis is the serial # that i got from registering12:50
DracIIciI have a  VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60) onboard. Alsamixer can manipulate it, but I get no sound out of it. Here is the output of amixer: http://pastebin.com/793680   --  Any ideas?12:50
HOTfernando: if you grab the latest build, vmware is free totally now12:50
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eyequeuem0, yes, do tell them you are the head of the computer club, so they will see your request for a larger number of cds as reasonable12:51
HOTfernando: let me be exact, vmware server is free, but you DO need to get the latest version and a new serial12:51
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m0eyequeue: alright nice...12:51
eyequeuem0, what part of .ca are you in?12:51
m0eyequeue: Ottawa12:51
fernandocan you remote assistance from were your at12:51
HOTm0, i sent off for about 50 CD's, they came and i dont get any junk mail or anything, seems very good12:51
boitonoI am looking for a piece of software similar in function to netmeeting, I need a whiteboard, I have tried ekiga and it does not have a white board. any ideas?12:51
m0eyequeue: hot: hmm http://www.campusinteractive.com12:52
eyequeuem0, i think there is a "LoCo team" in TO, but i don;t know of one in ottawa, sorry12:52
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alpha-wolfheh, I dont wanna be a pest in asking this again and again, but a little help with setting up apache would be appreciated...12:52
m0alpha-wolf: isnt' in synaptic?/12:53
eyequeuem0, seriously, i know they would be thrilled to hear of what you are doing there, just send them off a brief email summarizing :)  even i (in .us) am happy to hear of it :)  and i thank you too :)12:53
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m0eyequeue: I am opening up a opensource division :x lol12:53
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m0My goal this year is to try getting freshmans... I am graduating and I don't want something to die12:54
Raz`anyone know how to disable shift+backspace? it's not in keyboard shortcuts and it's driving me up the wall :(12:54
alpha-wolfmo:I have it installed, but am having difficulty in figuring out how to point it at /home/alpha/server/htdocs for the website12:54
^Z3D^is there a program i can use to clock my CPU12:54
alpha-wolfsorry I am a bit of a newb12:54
m0alpha-wolf: you have to edit the httpd.conf12:54
HOTwhenever i have a client with a windows problem the very first thing i do is give them a CD as a "recovery" option, they seem to play with it all the time after that12:54
HTGN-css|Silent_z3d, overclock?12:54
m0alpha-wolf: you could ask in #apache you can get an answer quickly12:54
eyequeueHOT, clever :)12:55
^Z3D^no, whenever i do a "lshw" it say it is running at 1ghz, but it is a 2 ghz cpu12:55
HOTRaz: solution is on forum for sure, i used a script in fact....let me see...12:55
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m0alpha-wolf: np,12:56
pilgrimAnyone know: how do I synch my palm with evo 2.6?12:56
HTGN-css|Silent_z3d, that is a bios issue12:56
HOTraz: xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server"12:56
ndon1 in da house? ;)12:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bios - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:56
^Z3D^ill double check but im pretty sure it is set correctly12:56
HOTput it in /usr/local/bin and run it as a session command12:56
HTGN-css|Silent_I can't believe that12:56
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:57
ndoyea, hehe, all are in da house, okey , nice, like ellow all and i stfu to dont disturb , hrhrh :P12:57
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fatbrainwhat's the url to 6.06 multiverse?12:59
erUSULlws: no, sorry i use a ralink 250012:59
lwserUSUL: Hmm okay12:59
=== Raz` [n=raz@nc-76-3-206-10.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:59
Raz`shift-backspace is the DEVIL12:59
lwserUSUL: I get weird errors when starting up hostapd.  I told it i'm using madwifi and the port is ath0.  Not sure what else I ened to do12:59
doctorshimRaz`: What does that do again?12:59
HOTRaz' : did that work fella?12:59
Raz`it shuts down x12:59
doctorshimNot just restart it?12:59
Raz`I dunno hot, cause I've hit shift-backspace twice since I asked you12:59
GhostFreemanrestarts X if your a noob using XGL12:59
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HOTwell that totally works for me01:00
GhostFreemanI learned that the hard way01:00
lwserUSUL: ioctl[unknown???] : Operation not supported01:00
Raz`can you paste it again?01:00
GhostFreemanseveral times01:00
HOTxmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server"01:00
doctorshimGhostFreeman: :(01:00
HOTjust stick that in terminal and test01:00
Raz`thanks alot01:00
HTGN-css|Silent_oh crap01:00
HTGN-css|Silent_I have to install windows01:01
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HTGN-css|Silent_how do i restore grub?01:01
=== ArrenLex burns HTGN in effigy.
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fatbrainhrm, isn't unrar suppose to reside in the multiverse repository?01:03
raf256_ubuntu 6.0.6 DVD is fucked up - it is unistallable01:03
AbortDwouldnt it just be rar?01:03
AbortDno a search for it01:03
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:03
eyequeue!info unrar-nonfree01:03
AbortDno = do01:03
ubotuPackage unrar-nonfree does not exist in any distro I know01:03
m0Current Request Details01:03
m0* 40 Ubuntu CDs for PC * 10 Ubuntu CDs for 64-bit PC * 10 Ubuntu CDs for Mac01:03
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eyequeue!info rar-nonfree01:03
fatbraino add support for it, install the package from the multiverse repository (AddingRepositoriesHowto).01:03
ubotuPackage rar-nonfree does not exist in any distro I know01:03
fatbrainsudo apt-get install unrar01:03
m0Lets see if they give us it01:03
fatbrain(from website)01:03
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1-2 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB01:03
fatbrainI dont want unrar-free, I want unrar.01:03
eyequeue!info unrar01:04
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB01:04
ubotuunrar is rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression  There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:04
=== nkayhan [n=nathan@c-71-198-107-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexunrar is unrar-nonfree. It's in multiverse.01:04
eyequeue"!info unrar" is aparently the non-free version01:04
fatbrainArrenLex. I didn't fidn it01:04
ArrenLexFatbrain: apt-cache show unrar01:04
fatbrain(and yes, I enabled multiverse)01:04
m0I really hate gxine01:04
Descentio1do you know how i can set up VNC on ubuntu so i can view the desktop instead of just a terminal window?01:05
eyequeuefatbrain, enable multiverse, then sudo apt-get install unrar01:05
m0not hate:) But doesn't work too good on my setup01:05
fatbrainI changed the sources.list, did a apt-get update and a apt-get install unrar, nothing (couldn't find the package named unrar)01:05
=== Bacaruda [n=lupin@ip68-226-119-162.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #UBUNTU
HOTDescentio1: you want to view your ubuntu desktop or a remote box FROM your ubuntu boxen?01:05
Mikel0i got 11 10MB rar files which form a single one but i can't manage to extract it anybody?01:05
ArrenLexDescentio: I think you're looking for rfb01:05
uboturfb: VNC Server for X11 - exports current display. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-11.2 (dapper), package size 225 kB, installed size 660 kB01:05
eyequeuefatbrain, needs sudo01:05
fatbrainI'm sudo01:05
fatbrainsudo su'ed01:05
Bacarudaanyone here pretty good with Wine?01:06
Descentio1HOT: i want to view my ubuntu desktop from another computer01:06
eyequeuefatbrain, nothing ever needs sudo su01:06
fatbrainBacaruda: I've only used it to play WoW :)01:06
HOTArrenLex: is on the money01:06
fatbraineyequeue: needs?01:06
raf256_Ubiquity crashes 6.06 on Installation01:06
ArrenLexfatbrain: run     cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v "#"01:06
Bacarudafatbrain, did you have an issue of the mouse not showing up?01:06
ArrenLexfatbrain: And pastebin the results.01:06
raf256_how to dissallow Ubiquity from installing?01:06
Max_-Weird!!  I try to play an mp3 with AmaroK or Music Player and it ways it's not a sound stream (or playlist finished) .. but now this is a file I'm listening to many time a day...  I know it is a working mp301:06
nkayhanI'm using xubuntu and when I put a disk in no icon shows up on the desktop, and there's no hint of a cdrom in thunar, any ideas why?01:06
XenguyDescentio1: freenx ?01:06
FlannelMax_-: have you installed mp3 codecs?01:06
HOTinstall then just "vncserver" and connect to that session number so:
Max_-Flannel, no01:07
Telroth_Plushie|is anyone familiar with the alt+numpad keycodes from windows? is there anything like that for linux/kde ?01:07
HOTor whatever you IP is01:07
Flannel!tell Max_- about mp301:07
Max_-Flannel, didn't know I needed them...01:07
Descentio1Xenguy: what's freenx?01:07
ndohmm, but anyway, ive some question, i hope its np to schoot it here. The question is... As i see latest Kernel cause problems using iPod.. (no EFFI support, or some like that). So the question is, witch kernel (litlebit older) version still have no problems using ipod ? :-/01:07
raf256_I found a bu in ubuntu, ubuntu 6.06 is uninstallable. Where to report it?01:07
ArrenLexMax: amarok doesn't ship with mp3 support because of patent issues.01:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:07
FlannelMax_-: you need to install them ;)  ubout sent you a link01:07
lan3ynp: Lamb - God Bless01:07
ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX01:07
Flannelraf256_: launchpad.net01:07
eyequeue!bugs > raf256_01:07
GhostFreemanNX, isnt that what Nextstep uses01:07
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raf256_damn devels, messed up the 6.06!01:07
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fatbrainArrenLex: http://pastebin.parentnode.org/100001:07
raf256_I buyed the ubuntu as a gift for someone01:07
butleR`can anyone help me with some keyboard problems in terminal?01:08
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Flannelraf256_: make sure you're trying to install from 6.06.1, it's got an updated installer01:08
raf256_and it turned up ubuntu 6.06 is fucked up (uninstallable) :[01:08
raf256_Flannel: I *bought* 6.0601:08
ArrenLexfatbrain: you don't have multiverse01:08
ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX01:08
eyequeue!language > raf256_01:08
=== funkmasta [n=martin@dslb-084-061-038-034.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu []
fatbrainBacaruda: erm, not following.01:08
fatbrainBacaruda: WoW-wise?01:08
Sprafathis chan is frantic01:08
raf256_!echo "I am p*** off on 6.06 developers!" > eyequeue01:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about echo "I am p*** off on 6.06 developers!" - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:08
ArrenLexfatbrain: you only have the backports multiverse01:08
=== Pretor1ab [n=Pretor1a@80-193-45-201.dial.cvx04.basi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops01:08
fatbrainArrenLex: aha!01:08
Raz`so last question and I'll shut up. How do I enable support for 1280x1024 as a resolution in gnome?01:08
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fatbrainArrenLex: Should I add multiverse on line 4/5?01:09
fatbrainerm, 1-201:09
Flannelraf256_: why'd you buy it?  it's a free download.  And again, there were some prblems with ubiquity on 6.06, fixed in 6.06.101:09
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ArrenLexfatbrain: change line 7 to read debhttp://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dapperuniversemultiverse01:09
raf256_Flannel: to support the ubuntu project and the reseleer01:09
=== Xaero_Vincent [n=Vincent@or-71-48-182-37.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
fatbrainArrenLex: Thanks01:09
HTGN-css|Silent_how do I restore grub from the ubuntu live after a winxp install01:09
Flannelraf256_: reseller maybe, chances are he didn't pay anything to ubuntu.01:09
Flannel!tell HTGN-css|Silent_ about grub01:09
raf256_flashnet: well still01:10
se_bsasHi!, I'm Sebastian from Argentina01:10
ArrenLexHTGN: can you boot ubuntu at all?01:10
Pretor1abhello i have been struggling for hours trying to get ndiswrapper to work -- can anyone help please01:10
raf256_flashnet: I hope they will replace the 6.01 for me.01:10
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se_bsasAnybody knows how to install a Nvidia driver?01:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:10
se_bsasI tried installing the nvidia packages01:10
HOTPretor1ab: i can try, whats the current status?01:10
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Telroth_Plushie|se_bsas, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:10
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fatbrainsee_bsas: I downloaded them from nvidia website01:10
se_bsasbut doesnt work01:10
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se_bsasreally, doesnt work, my question is...01:10
xgmhello, what should i install to watch avi movies ?01:10
fatbrainse_bsas: before I downloaded them I removed all "restricted modules" crap01:10
HTGN-css|Silent_Arren, I can boot it now, but I know grub is gonna get pwned when I install winbloze xp01:11
se_bsasI want to try with an external nvidida drivers01:11
fatbrainse_bsas: worked for me, didn't get the pre-compiled to work from restricted01:11
Xenguyxgm: vlc works01:11
HTGN-css|Silent_It's sad, but I'm not wasting a 120 dollar sound card01:11
se_bsasbut Ineed run level 301:11
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:11
ArrenLexHTGN: look into rescue CDs to let you reinstall grub.01:11
HTGN-css|Silent_ya, some one sent me some info01:11
Pretor1abi followed the installation procedure and have installed the windows driver but cannot start the device01:11
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se_bsasbut i write 'init 3', but nothing happends01:11
Pretor1abi am using a bcmwl5.sys driver on a hp pavilion laptop01:11
Max_-Flannel, thanks, everything works now... I just had to look in the add/remove application and search for mp3 codec01:12
Sprafawould anyone mind pointing to an installation tut01:12
m0I have a quesiton: I am wondering when I click on an external link in some application. It says Copy Link, or Open Link in Browser.01:12
HOTmy god Pretor1ab you a  lucky chappie , thats exactly what i have01:12
m0When I click on open link in brower,nothing happens01:12
Pretor1abcan you help HOT01:12
m0How can I debug that ?01:12
Bacarudayeah I can get Guild Wars to run and pretty good just the cursor doesnt show up01:12
fatbrainArrenLex: thanks, got it sorted out now01:12
HOTPretor1ab: did you modprobe for the device?01:12
FlannelHTGN-css|Silent_: read the link ubotu sent you, it tells you how to fix grub01:12
ArrenLexfatbrain: glad I could help.01:12
fatbrainArrenLex: likewise.01:12
Who_!tell Sprafa about installation01:13
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Pretor1abmodprobe -l is it ?01:13
se_bsasyes yes, I list the modules in kernel And this appear01:13
=== compotatoj [n=jeff@cpe-75-80-136-188.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:13
=== Caplain [n=matt@226.detroit-09-10rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
HOTPretor1ab: i need a few mins, need to work back through history see if i can remember01:13
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto01:13
se_bsasthe error is when i start ubuntu, a message appear sayinh 'cannot start HAL'01:13
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:13
se_bsasyou say resolution is the problem?01:14
Who_Sparfa: wubbles?!01:14
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Sprafawubbles = <301:15
Sprafaif you had my name right Who_ you would've highlighted me! :P01:15
HOTPretor1ab: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper01:15
Sprafaanyways that thing isn't very helpful01:15
HOTPretor1ab: what does that give you?01:15
=== ritcey [n=ritcey@pool-68-163-192-82.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
se_bsas'cannot start HAL' when ubuntu starts01:15
Who_Sprafa: then I'll do some actual work :)hold on01:16
Sprafanah it's just01:16
HOTsudo ndiswrapper -m01:16
HOTtry that01:16
Sprafai'm an uber noob, and that tut says absolutely nothing on what i want to know01:16
Sprafawhich is, the screen right after i partition my hdds01:16
Pretor1abalready contains alias directive01:16
Sprafais damn confusing01:16
=== NeilyBoy [n=Miranda@ppp-70-226-199-14.dsl.spfdil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
se_bsasok, I'm going to try that01:17
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Who_Sprafa: tell me about it, I'll see if I can help01:17
=== NetBandit` [n=netbandi@ntchba240012.chba.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
Who_Sprafa: I am not registered, I think :S01:18
rixthHow can I capture a screenshot of X via the commandline?01:18
=== ichdasic1 [i=ich@p508D0B84.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Sprafawell, pretty much all i need is a screen that tells me wtf is /srv01:18
Xenguyrixth: scrot01:18
Sprafaand all that other stuff D:01:18
=== briguyd [n=briguyd@c-24-14-167-155.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pretor1abHOT that returns nothing01:18
Sprafai partition, and it shows the whole "choose partitions to install"01:18
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HOTPretor1ab: i remember now, i didnt use ndiswapper at all, i used an alternative method, let me see if i can find it, can i have the exact network card name01:18
Tm218Anyone know how to fix this to get it back to ipv4? http://upit.be/uploads/images/ubuntu13097.png01:19
=== ritcey [n=ritcey@pool-68-163-192-82.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Tm218for some reason it thinks it is ipv601:19
Sprafahda2, hda3, hda401:19
Who_Sprafa: this is the screen where you have to select what names to give which partitions (I.E where to mount each partition)?01:19
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Sprafai'm such a newb D:01:19
=== duckman75 [n=duckman7@cpe-65-24-20-49.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pretor1abcan you tell me the command you need me to run so that i can give you the right information01:19
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Sprafabut i mean, it says media/hda3 media/hda401:19
Sprafait's not very helpful!01:19
HOTPretor1ab: just look on the card fella, should have name on the back01:19
Sprafathe help button, it does nothing D:01:20
Pretor1abits in the machine01:20
HOTPretor1ab: it is a PCMCIA card ?01:20
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a340-3933.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
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Who_Sprafa: okay - you know you have two IDE channels on your mother baord?01:20
Sprafai know the designations that linux gives it01:20
Sprafahda for hdd 101:20
duckman75i am having trouble with my sataraid volume, it will not mount  (error says device /dev/sda1 is not removeable could not execute pmount)  can anyone help?01:20
Sprafahdb for hdd 201:20
h00thello can anyone help me .. i had a good ubuntu (latest) installed ... i but i installed XP which (of course) overwrote mbr ... how can i fix this01:20
Tm218Anyone know how to fix this to get it back to ipv4? http://upit.be/uploads/images/ubuntu13097.png01:20
Tm218for some reason it thinks it is ipv601:20
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Who_Sprafa: cool - Ubuntu mounts your disks on to the filessystem so you access /dev/hda1 ad /media/hda1 as if it is in a folder01:21
Sprafai'm almost at the level of building my own computer, but linux makes me feel powerless01:21
Who_Sprafa: give it a week, Linux will make you feel powerFUL01:21
HOTPretor1ab:  lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation01:21
HOTrun that01:21
Sprafabut wait, what IS media/hda1 ?01:21
Sprafaisn't that placeholder ?01:21
Who_Sprafa: I installed Linux just after building my first PC :)01:21
lupine_85it's a mountpoint :)01:22
butleR`does anyone know why my terminal doesn't respond to my keyboard when it asks me for my keyboard?01:22
=== hikenboot [n=hikenboo@c-24-218-84-234.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sprafashouldn't i replace media/hda1 for "/" and "/boot" ?01:22
KromiXquestion guys I am installing ubuntu for the first time on my second box and it keeps kind of freezing up in a screen with two white bars on the top and bottom (brown background), the mouse is moveable but nothing seems to happen, I am guess this means there is a conflict with hardware ? maybe something is not supported by UBuntu?01:22
Who_Sprafa: it is a folder on your disk - unilike in Windows where each disk has it's own drive letter all disks come off /01:22
compotatojbutleR`: does the terminal work otherwise?01:22
Who_Sprafa: seems like you're not _such_ a newbie :)  If you want it that way, then yes01:22
=== profoX` [n=profox@d51A52303.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Sprafano no wait01:22
Sprafatell me01:22
butleR`but when it asks me for my admin password, only thing it responds to is enter01:22
compotatojbutleR`: it just doesn't show the characters for security reasons01:22
Sprafawhat IS media/hda1 ?01:23
cartuferbutler, its prolly hiding ur password01:23
Pretor1ab0000:02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)01:23
Who_Sprafa: It is unlikely you will need a separate boot partition01:23
Sprafaand media/hda2 etc01:23
compotatojbutleR`: try typing in your password and it will work, you just don't see the characters01:23
Sprafathey're not placeholders ?01:23
butleR`it worked01:23
butleR`<- newb to linux01:23
compotatojbutleR`: you can even hit delete a bunch of times and it will delete it01:23
HOTPretor1ab: i would like to suggest this method then : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=broadcom , it worked for me when ndiswrapper didnt01:23
compotatojbutleR`: That is ok, we are all noobs at one point01:23
KromiXhrm this sucks im excited to install ubuntu for the first time but its not working lol01:23
raf256_the messed up 6.06 ubuntu did installed01:23
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raf256_despite the bug in installer program01:23
deep__Sprafa: Its mountpoints :)01:23
raf256_in 3th appraoch01:23
Sprafawhat's a mount point D:01:23
Who_Sprafa: they are the 'mount points' of the partitions hda1 and hda2 - when your system is installed and up and running then you can access evrything on thos partitions by navigating to their 'mount points' - I.E their folders01:24
Pretor1abthanks HOT i will give it a go01:24
Tm218http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8909/ubuntuuo1.jpg <-- is there any reason why that interfaces file wouldnt work? I am trying to connect via DHCP to my router01:24
lupine_85Sprafa: most important thing you'll ever learn about linux - everything is a file01:24
KromiXim trying to install 6.0.6 for the first time and it seems to keep freezing on a screen with two white bars on the top and bottom and brown background, mouse is moving but nothing else?01:24
HOTPretor1ab: np, like i say it worked straight away for me, and it supports all broadcom cards01:24
Sprafaso wait01:24
deep__Sprafa: Well, its like this. In /dev, theres is alot, ALOT of "drives", and hda1 is harddrive a (1st), 1st partition.01:24
Sprafamedia/hda1 etc01:24
Who_Sprafa: instead of having drive letters, Linux sticks all the disks 'inside' folders that come off the main 'root' filesystem that we call '/'01:24
dadis there someway that i can use the dapper cd to restore grub?01:24
=== CarMurder [n=CarMurde@adsl-69-228-206-104.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
-CarMurder:#ubuntu- lol g, join irc.bantown.com #bantown and get hugs visit http://lilo.on.nimp.org/?u=bantown for more info. #ubuntu SUCKS01:24
Sprafathose are like acess points for linux ?01:24
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deep__Sprafa: and mountpoint, is where you have it mounted.01:24
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Sprafai know that Decadent01:25
Who_Sprafa: a bit - like 'mapping a network drive' in Windows01:25
deep__Sprafa: like in windows, all "mountpoints" is in "My Computer"01:25
Cymagewith the broadcom, if u want to use ndiswrapper, u have to blacklist the bcm43xx driver01:25
deep__Sprafa: :)01:25
Sprafaso let's see if i got this straight01:25
HOTCymage: yea, its a bugger to be honest, that other way is much smoother IMHO01:25
Sprafawhat i should do in that screen01:25
=== Neff [n=bye@pool-71-115-132-26.gdrpmi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Who_Sprafa: you MUST have a '/' , but all others are technically optional01:25
Sprafais just let linux create a mount point for every partition01:25
deep__Sprafa: Yes. :) Wont effect the harddrive01:26
Cymageit is if it works. mines a 4318 and native wont work, so ndiswrapper is only answer01:26
Sprafaone of those mount points will be "/" for root, another one for "swap"01:26
dadis there someway that i can use the dapper cd to restore grub?01:26
Who_I personally ahve a separate '/' and '/hom' and then let the installer make its own mount points for all my other disks, like /media/hda501:26
Tm218http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8909/ubuntuuo1.jpg <-- is there any reason why that interfaces file wouldnt work? I am trying to connect via DHCP to my router01:26
Who_Sprafa:ohh yea - forgot about swap :S you need that too, but you know that!01:26
deep__Sprafa: Yeah. "/" will be like "C:" in windows, where ubuntu is installed01:26
Sprafaso let's say i don't build a mount point for my NTFS01:27
Sprafalinux won't acess it01:27
Who_Sprafa: I made a typo, I have '/' and '/home'01:27
deep__Sprafa: and swap is just a secondary "ram"-memory, on the hdd01:27
Sprafayeah i know01:27
Sprafavirtual memory01:27
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deep__Sprafa: unless you mount is yourself01:27
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deep__Sprafa: quite easy to do. "mount /dev/hda1 /mnt" or "mount /dev/hda2 /media/whereever"01:27
Who_Sprafa: basically, unless it has a mountpiint it is difficult to access a disk01:27
Sprafaoh, i think i get it01:28
Sprafamount points are linux acess whatever whatever01:28
Sprafathey're TUBES!01:28
Who_Sprafa: when I say difficult, I mean as hard as what deep_ just showed you :P01:28
Sprafabut they're inside my computer :D01:28
deep__Haha :D01:28
Sprafalinux tubes01:28
Neffhello i'm new. can ubuntu be run from a sandisk card and what's the minimum size01:28
Sprafaso they won't get clogged01:28
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=== Sprafa donces
deep__Sprafa: /dev is the place for unmounted "stuff", you can mount whatever you want (almoast :)) wherever you want :)01:28
Who_Neff: it technically _could_ but I think there are other flavours of Linux that may be easier to do it with01:29
eyequeueNeff, usb?  1 gb i guess, since you need the cd image on it01:29
deep__Sprafa: like mounting your cd-drive as root, but thats a bad idea :)01:29
Cymagefstab is ur friend, lol01:29
Sprafaall my stuff is /dev right now01:29
Sprafathat means everything is unmounted01:29
Sprafatherefore unnacessible by linux01:29
deep__Sprafa: Yep. :)01:29
eyequeueNeff, and no, it's not simple, heh01:29
Neffso ubuntu runs from CD?01:29
HOTNeff: you might be better off with something like puppylinux, is more suited to that enviroment01:29
cartuferor u could just save the changes to a sandisk01:29
deep__Sprafa: Well,01:29
Who_Sprafa: yep, but it doesn't go OUT of /dev when you mount it01:29
Who_Sprafa: so things in there could be mounted too01:29
FlannelNeff: it can, but as HOT said, there are probably better choices if youre running only from LiveCD01:29
deep__Sprafa: I guess the videocard is there too.. i guess its mounted. I dunno, quite new. :P01:30
Sprafaokay, confusion D:01:30
eyequeueNeff, not typically, but there is a "live cd" or "live dvd"  yes01:30
Sprafalet me keep my analogy of tubes01:30
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deep__Sprafa: Look at is this way:01:30
Who_Sprafa: on linux _all_ devices live in /dev, not just files - for example your audio device might  be /dev/dsp - programas wantingh to make noise can write to that file01:30
deep__Sprafa: /dev/<thing> is a "shortcut" to a disc or drive or usb-memory or mp3-player. BUt you cant use it.01:31
=== unix_infidel [n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85you can use it :)01:31
lupine_85it's just hard01:31
Who_Sprafa: though that is JUST a demonstration because in modern day systems sound is ccontrolled by an abstraction layer, because only one thing can write to /dev/dsp at once otherwise01:31
deep__Sprafa: Then you mount it, and that sees that "Oh, hdd1, thats is that harddrive and its there. Ill go there"01:31
=== lix [n=lix@217-162-117-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
Sprafaso basically i'll config it as such : one "/" for the 30gb EXT3 partition, one "swap" for the 3gb EXT3 partition, and the rest will all be media/hda1 media/hda2 for my FAT32 and NTFS partitions01:31
lupine_85when you "mount" it, you're letting the kernel do the hard work - it filters it through a driver for you01:31
Who_Sprafa: Sounds perfect01:31
Sprafaexcellent :D01:32
=== jonathan__ [n=jonathan@modemcable044.206-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Sprafaoh yeah01:32
Who_Sprafa: you may want to consider having a separate /hom01:32
Sprafawhy ?01:32
deep__Sprafa: SWAP should not be ext3, but linux-swap, and does not have to be 3 gb :)01:32
Who_Sprafa: homE that is, because it allows you to re-install the OS but keep your personal settings01:32
Sprafaso instead of swap i should have linux-swap ?01:32
Sprafai know it shouldn't be that big D:01:32
Sprafai'm a big multi-task guy01:33
deep__Sprafa: /home is like "My documents" in windows, your "stuff" will be in there. And you can have that on the ntfs-drive if you wish.01:33
=== Luke [n=Luke@] has joined #Ubuntu
Who_Sprafa: if you select a 'type' of 'linux-swap' I think it will do the rest for you01:33
unix_infidelhow can i have ubuntu use icon themes for gtk apps that use gtk when dont have gnome-desktop installed01:33
Sprafasooo, instead of SWAP, linux-swap01:33
Sprafagot it..01:33
Who_Deep_, Sprafa: Linux cannot write reliabley to ntfs so a /home on ntfs would be a bad idea/ probably impossible01:33
Sprafai know01:33
deep__Who_: ntfs-3g! :D01:33
Sprafathere's one problem though, i'll have to abdicate of my FAT32 partition01:34
Sprafasince it only accepts 4 primary partitions01:34
=== Dr_Fate [n=anubis@] has joined #ubuntu
Tm218http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8909/ubuntuuo1.jpg <-- is there any reason why that interfaces file wouldnt work? I am trying to connect via DHCP to my router01:34
deep__Sprafa: abdicate..? sry for my english ^^01:34
Who_Sprafa: /home is different from my docs in that all the configurations for each user are installed in there, so you can keep all your personal set up and still reinstal lall the OS01:34
Flannelsparkleytone: swap doesn't need to be a primary partition01:34
HOTTm218: i personally dont see anything wrong01:34
FlannelSprafa: even01:34
=== ArrenLex [n=alex@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sprafanot have a FAT32 partition01:34
=== kingi89 [n=riku@a81-197-2-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Tm218HOT where are the dhcp settings01:34
Tm218or whatever01:34
Who_deep_:what is ntfs-3g?01:34
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Tm218because it says it cant connect01:35
Sprafacause it only allows for 4 primaries01:35
deep__Sprafa: You can mount it later :)01:35
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deep__Who_: A module for writing to NTFS :)01:35
lupine_85ntfs-3g is the newest way to format your ntfs hard drive01:35
HOTTm218: as you are using auto i beleive that means attempt DHCP , hopefully someone else will confirm01:35
Samuli^Who_, a program that enables you to write to ntfs.01:35
lupine_85deep__: that's what I said :p01:35
Sprafathanks guys01:35
Samuli^it's beta.01:35
Sprafaooh, one more thing01:35
Tm218HOT how does it know what the gateway and stuff is?01:35
Who_is it good?01:35
HOTTm218: try static for now, just to make sure it can work01:36
deep__lupine_85: haha, sry, everyone is writing everywhere so i cant keep up :)01:36
deep__Sprafa: Ah? :)01:36
mistik1hello al01:36
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Sprafalinux doesn't accept non-numbers dialing numbers, but windows does01:36
eyequeueWho_, have backups, as it is reportedly ujnreliable, you lose everything01:36
red|rainHey, how do I add a link to irssi shortcut  on the desktop using urxvt as the terminal to use?01:36
Samuli^Who_, I'm using it with no problems, but I've heard some people have got their file-system b0rked by using it.01:36
HOTTm218: sudo ifconfig01:36
deep__Sprafa: :S01:36
Sprafaso for instance, windows has my dialing number as "Clix" but linux refuses to dial that01:36
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Who_eyequeue: I have once ext3 disk here failing, that's enough for me01:36
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Sprafaso, basically, best bet is to call the ISP01:36
jribred|rain: use -e01:36
deep__Sprafa: Umm.. i dunno anything about dialing soo.. =)01:36
Who_anyone want to help me find out a bit more about why my ext3 disk causes HARD freezes - I.E no caps/num lock?01:36
Sprafakind of a bore, but oh well01:36
Sprafai dunno anything about it either :D01:37
red|rainjrib:  so I would use irssi -e ?01:37
mistik1I have a situation where I want to upgrade a debian 3 to kubuntu, can anyone point me to a sources.list that would make that posible01:37
Who_Sprafa: what is dialling?01:37
Sprafaall i know is that linux won't connect01:37
jribred|rain: urxvt -e command   (according to man urxvt)01:37
Who_Sprafa: are we talking modemes?01:37
yoshiznit123could anyone point me to some docs about sharing an internet connection over a ad-hoc wireless network? i've tried setting both computers to static addresses on the same ad-hoc network, but they still can't ping each other...01:37
eyequeuemistik1, completely unsupported01:37
Netslayeri just plugged in a wingman joystick through usb and cat /dev/input/event1 is showing output....how do i make that work with xev to assign keys? do i need to set it up as a mouse in xorg.conf?01:37
deep__Sprafa: Okay. :O01:37
Flannelmistik1: I don't believe it is possible, but... you can try these links (check your query from ubotu)01:37
mistik1I cannot use the install CD or I would just do that01:37
red|rainjrib: ok i'll tyr that01:37
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Flannel!tell mistik1 about installation01:37
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eyequeuemistik1, any kubuntu sources though01:37
Sprafaubuntu also says my modem is "busy" when i tell it to autodetect01:37
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ladydoormistik1: it's not an upgrade--it's a completely different operating system01:37
Tm218HOT, http://upit.be/uploads/images/ubuntu1560.jpg01:37
Who_Sprafa: if it is a 'winmodem' then it might not owrk01:37
Flannelmistik1: there are otehr alternatives, that page lists a bunch01:37
Tm218HOT, http://upit.be/uploads/images/ubuntu1560.jpg <-- it thinks it is ipv6???01:38
eyequeuemistik1, i did similar to ubuntu-minimal for a server01:38
Sprafaoh ?01:38
mistik1eyequeue, unsupported or not I need to do this01:38
Sprafanot work at all ?01:38
Who_Sprafa: if it is a real modem then it may well do with the right software01:38
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Who_Sprafa: if it is a connexant then you may need to buy the drivers01:38
red|rainjrib: thank you that worked ^_^01:38
HOTTm218: erk, i see your problem, sec01:38
eyequeuemistik1, so it's "possible" but you'll have pains, and it may or may not end up how you like01:38
Who_Sprafa: I did this a while back on an PC of my auntie - it worked well01:38
Tm218good, because i dont know how to fix it :)01:38
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HOTTm218: actually wait i have exactly thesame01:38
Sprafathat sucks01:39
Who_Sprafa: let's see what ubotu has to say01:39
jribred|rain: np.  Why aren't you using screen though? :)01:39
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Flannelmistik1: read the link ubotu sent you, there are plenty of other CD-less options.  You can't upgrade, but you can use debian to install ubuntu.01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winmodems - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto01:39
HOTnever noticed that before but i am running ipv601:39
Who_Sprafa: no luck01:39
mistik1eyequeue, I have 11 years linux experience I can get past the problems01:39
eyequeuemistik1, but you'll also be completely on your own :/    if fluent, it can be a project :)  took me a few days here01:39
red|rainjrib: whats screen?01:39
Sprafathanks for explaining mount points !01:39
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jribubotu: tell red|rain about screen01:39
Who_ArrenLex: thanks :)01:39
Tm218HOT would that stop it from connecting to my router?01:39
mistik1I just dont have any access to my own linux boxes at this time01:39
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Sprafai'll come back tomorrow, maybe from within ubuntu instead of windows D:01:39
Who_Sprafa: ArrenLex had the right phrase - you see it01:39
deep__Sprafa: Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto01:40
HOTTm218: ping
Who_no one want to tell me where to find logs relating to disk failures?01:40
eyequeuemistik1, if debian-fluent and a bit ubuntu-fluent, i'll bet you succeed :)  start with ubuntu-minimal, get that working, then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop when you are ready01:40
Who_or anyone good with S.M.A.R.T?01:40
mistik1guys I just need a sources.list01:40
Sprafamust sleep now D:01:40
deep__Sprafa: Take care =)01:40
Sprafathanks for everything, Who_01:40
Tm218it can ping just fine01:40
CppIsWeirdcan anyone tell me how do make a system similar to the encryption intagrated into the OS of this project, is it a package, or all custom programming? : http://www.tgdaily.com/2006/08/30/defcon2006_janus_project/01:40
Flanneleyequeue, mistik1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation , there are methods01:40
Who_Sprafa: No worries! good lcuk with Ubuntu :)01:40
Sprafalinux D:01:40
deep__Sprafa:  =D =D01:40
red|rainjrib: ahh thanks that should come in handy01:40
deep__linux ;D01:40
HOTTm218: can you set up a static ip for now? just to see if you can ping the router?01:41
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m0When I goto SYSYEM > about Ubuntu . It says could not lauch menu item . Details: Failed to execute child process "yelp"01:41
m0no such file or dir01:41
Tm218too bad this is my first time on ubuntu/linux.. I am a bsd guy :)01:41
yoshiznit123could anyone point me to some docs about sharing an internet connection over a ad-hoc wireless network? i've tried setting both computers to static addresses on the same ad-hoc network, but they still can't ping each other...01:41
Tm218time to go read up on interfaces file01:41
HOTTm218: before you go any further, quick sanity check , you do have link lights on your NIC and on the router right?01:41
m0how do I fix that?01:41
eyequeuemistik1, one line to start you:  deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted01:41
Tm218HOT it is vmware :)01:41
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jribm0: is yelp installed?01:41
Tm218it was working before i rebooted the guest OS01:41
HOTTm218: ahhh now the truth comes out :)01:41
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m0jrib: let me check01:42
deep__yoshiznit123: I would go to ubuntuforums.org about that.. ;O01:42
eyequeuemistik1, i recommend starting simple, then add universe or whatever afterward01:42
xaxxondo I have to do anything special to make sata drives show up in 6.06?01:42
yoshiznit123deep__, hmm ok :-)01:42
HOTTm218: is ubuntu running under VMware?01:42
deep__yoshiznit123: =)01:42
Who_xaxxon: I had sata working out of the box01:42
ArrenLexmistik1: this is mine, ignore the comments please, they're other repos I've used in the past.01:42
m0what does yelp do?>01:42
HOTTm218: bridged or NAT?01:42
eyequeuemistik1, and yes kubuntu uses ubuntu repos :)01:42
HOTTm218: restart using NAT, tell me what happens01:42
jribyelp (1)             - browse system documentation01:42
Who_xaxxon: you may just need to mount the disks?01:42
mistik1thanks guys01:42
m0ah okay cool, its working now01:43
Tm218ok HOT01:43
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carloscan anyone help me set up my wireless?01:43
xaxxonapparently I turned them off in my bios... whoops01:43
Who_carlos: maybe - what kind of card have you got?01:43
eyequeueFlannel, lots of goodies on that page, thanks :)01:43
m0carlos: what wireless you have01:43
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Tm218that works HOT01:44
HOTTm218: for reasons i am faaar to tired to explain, bridging makes vmware cry, hope that works well for you :)01:44
Who_calos:also, does it show up in the netowrking dialogue under System-->Administration-->Networking01:44
carlosWho_ , m0 : I don`t know what you mean. 802.11b/g ?01:45
Tm218HOT but it works on all of my other guest OS's01:45
Tm218including freebsd :)01:45
carlosWho_:  it does01:45
cartufercard brand/model/chipset01:45
Who_carlos: do you know the manufacturer of your card - they all use different chips and need different treatment01:45
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Who_carlos: this is good news - it measn it shouldn't be too hard01:45
HOTTm218: your already close to the answer, its to do with IPV6 stack, best to ignore the details, i do :)01:45
Who_carlos: what help do you need, specifically?01:46
carlosWho: I don`t think so. Is there a way to find out that?01:46
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Who_carlos: if it shows up in that netowrking dialogue then we may not need to know. Do you want to use WPA?01:46
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carlosWho: yes..01:46
ArrenLex!tell ArrenLex about aiglx01:47
Cymagei recommend making them talk first, then add encryption01:47
delirehas anyone else encountered the odd ~/.dmrc glitch on attempted login: "Your $Home/.dmrc file has incorrect permissions and is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File sould be owned by user and have 644 permissions."01:47
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Netslayeri just plugged in a wingman joystick through usb and cat /dev/input/event1 is showing output....how do i make that work with xev to assign keys? do i need to set it up as a mouse in xorg.conf?01:48
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:48
Who_carlos: well, I may not be able to help apart from the messages I make the ubuntu bot give you :), sorry - hope they can be of some use01:48
ubotujoystick: Testing and calibration tools. In component universe, is extra. Version 20051019-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 13 kB, installed size 72 kB01:48
totall_6_7delire: i have, it means that the permissions on your home folder have been changed01:48
Who_!tell carlos about networkmanager01:48
Who_!tell carlos about wpa01:48
carlosWho: thanks..01:48
Who_!tell who about networkmanager01:49
Who_!tell Who_ about networkmanager01:49
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rNIUSbye :)01:50
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Who_carlos: you really need: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager01:50
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Cymagesomebodies server went down01:51
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Who_can someone explain the ubotu message bout joystick!?01:51
cartuferheh, haven't seen a good netsplit in couple of years01:51
OmnifariousHi there.01:51
OmnifariousI have a question about LVM and Ubuntu.01:51
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OmnifariousI'm about to install Dapper Drake.01:51
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:52
jribWho_: he does not have a "joystick" factoid, so he gave you info about the "joystick" software package01:52
Who_jrib: thanks :) it seemed really weird! now it makes sense01:52
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raf256_is there wine in 6.06 ?01:53
jribraf256_: yes01:53
OmnifariousAnd my strategy for this system has been to have a root partition for each Linux distribution and revision.01:53
jrib!info wine01:53
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB01:53
lupine_85!info wine dapper01:53
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB01:53
raf256_if I have 6.06 installed (from DVDs) on internet-less box, how to find and reccord a cd that contains the files needed to upgrade 6.06 -> recent version, and how to use them on the box?01:53
OmnifariousArrenLex: The links it gave me about LVM are nearly useless.01:53
mjrwine is one of the things you may want to have a newer version of, though, seeing as the development is quite rapid... but if you can make do with the dapper version, it's of course easier01:53
mistik1wish me luck, I'm on my way ;-)01:54
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mistik1!tell mistik1 about gpg01:54
OmnifariousI struggled mightily with the beta of Dapper Drake and finally just threw up my hands and gave up on getting it to install the root filesystem into an LVM partition.01:54
dadi  type "configfile (hd1,1) /boot/grub/grub.conf" so i can boot back into linux, but it says "file not found" can someone help me?01:54
OmnifariousIs it easier with the release version?  Is there a trick I should know about?01:55
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Flannelraf256_: you could download 6.06.1 on DVD, then update it as a repository (update your sources.list), that'll update you to the 6.06.1 snapshot point, if you want to be perfectly up to date, you'll have to do quite a bit of tracking and downloading and then installing manually.01:55
Who_!tell dad about grub01:55
FlannelOmnifarious: are you using the liveCD?01:55
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malarhelp needed to configure IPW2100 on my Thinkpad T4001:55
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kitcheOmnifarious: the install has a choose of lvm or non lvm at least the alternate does01:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipw2100 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
Who_dad: I don't quite understand your question, but I have made the bot give you some good links :)01:56
raf256_Flannel: erm... I have the internet on a Debian box.  Is there some thing like image, or list of files, like ubuntu_errat_6.06_to_6.06.1 ?01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipw2200 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
OmnifariousFlannel: I suspect not, I'm using the ISO called ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso01:56
FlannelOmnifarious: for LVM, you'll want to use the alternate ISO01:56
OmnifariousOh, OK.01:56
=== Xenguy snores involuntarily...
FlannelOmnifarious: yeah, the desktop is the liveCD, you'll need the alternate to setup LVM01:56
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ArrenLexHi Xenguy.01:56
Who_!tell Who_ about grub01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autocad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
OmnifariousFlannel: Thanks.01:56
XenguyArrenLex: greetz01:57
eyequeueraf256_, the big big change in .1 is that the livecd isntaller is no longer broken.  there are also reportedly 300 bugs fixed01:57
Omnifariouskitche, Flannel: I'll come back and ask more once I've burned that.01:57
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raf256_eyequeue: yeah I was lucky to get arund this damn bug, with 3th appraoch01:57
Flannelraf256_: the same places you downloaded the DVD iso, there are .manifest files, they list the stuff on the CDs, on the alternate (and the DVD) it's in a repository type format.  You can use that, but again, probably better off downloading the DVD itself01:57
eyequeueraf256_, i always use the alternate cd isntaller, so it never bit me :)01:58
imperfect-just for the record01:58
imperfect-make -j on a kernel01:58
imperfect-kills a core 2duo ;)01:58
raf256_Flannel: it seems like a big waste of bandwitch for me01:58
raf256_eyequeue: what alternate cd installer?01:58
deliretotall_6_7: how would they change all of a sudden, from logout to login?01:58
eyequeueraf256_, there are three cd images per architecture, livecd, alternatecd, servercd01:58
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raf256_I used the livecd (it was a DVD actially)01:59
kitcheimperfect: why would you do make -j?01:59
Flannelraf256_: well, you'll be downloading the packages for each update you want, which if you have a DVD, and more than one flavor installed, is going to be quite signifigant01:59
mjrraf256_, apt-zip might help you with what you want01:59
raf256_is it ok? I used it to install to HDD01:59
eyequeueraf256_, livecd has little room for packages, as it has to fit all that live stuff on it, so i avoid it01:59
Max_-setup couldn't find make.. ????????? what's that?! lol01:59
raf256_I was surprised as it did not ask which packaged to instal01:59
dipnlikhi all. i just added system monitors to panel, and the processor always stays on 100% use. is this normal?01:59
deliretotall_6_7: i'm helping a friend remotely. i'm on Debian, so cannot easily replicate the error.01:59
imperfect-kitche: I meant -j401:59
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Flannelraf256_: but, if you jsut want to get ubuntu or kubuntu installed, download 6.06.1 alternate01:59
jman8888OMG did you know you can use IRC in TERMINAL!01:59
imperfect-kitche: forgot the 4... went to hell01:59
FlannelMax_-: you need build-essential01:59
eyequeueraf256_, it's a VERY stripped installer, imo, just for the basic install01:59
raf256_jman8888: yes we know01:59
Flanneljman8888: yes, lots of us know that.  I'm doing it curently.01:59
Max_-Flannel,  thanks again01:59
Who_any grub gurus that can make grub scan my disk for other OSes, I _could_ add by hand but there are lots of them and I'd like to be able to automagically make a list - a bit like what happens at install time, I guess01:59
kitcheimperfect: well why would you use make -j4 anyways? you should just do make02:00
imperfect-kitche: it goes faster.02:00
jribjman8888: you can watch movies in the terminal too02:00
imperfect-kitche: that's why.02:00
raf256_eyequeue: yeah.. now how to install the missing stuff?  just  sudo apt-get install kaffeine xine xmms mc   and so on?02:00
delireWho_: just sudo grub-install02:00
jman8888jrib: How...02:00
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eyequeueraf256_, you can't tell it you want to do anything in paritcular, and the alternate has the nice recovery tools i know02:00
Who_delire: that will look on all my disks for other Oses?02:00
Flannelraf256_: On the DVD? or Alternate Iso? or LiveCD?02:00
imperfect-kitche: 2 threads per core.02:00
raf256_kitche: -j 2 would go almost twice faster on dual core02:00
delireWho_: it'll do it's best..02:00
raf256_Flannel: I bought a newspaper with 3 dvds02:00
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Flanneljman8888: through a lib like caca or aa, pipe the output (usually -vo) through them02:01
unikonDoes anyone have the ubuntu book?02:01
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Max_-Flannel, , cant find it in the add/remove, should I install adept .. or is it somewhere else.. or under another name?02:01
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imperfect-raf256_ : well that;'s not entirely true..02:01
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kitcheraf256_ imperfect: I get that but I run a coreduo and it goes faster then my celeron02:01
jribjman8888: mplayer -vo caca /path/to/movie   for example02:01
Who_delire: these aren't already in my menu.lst  or as a template in it02:01
eyequeueraf256_, that command will work, presuming you enabled the universe repo of course02:01
raf256_imperfect-: it is02:01
imperfect-raf256_ :it will only do a multiple compile in the current directoty.02:01
raf256_eyequeue: I think it is on by fedfuault ther02:01
totall_6_7delire: when it happened to me i was the one who had changed the permissions, you should change the permissions back so that you as the owner are the only one who can write and execute, and the group can read02:01
delireWho_: that's fine..02:01
totall_6_7that fixed it for me02:01
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raf256_eyequeue: it will ask me to put in the DVD?02:01
FlannelMax_-: build-essential, it'll be in apt-get, or whatever GUI you use, or 'sudo apt-get install build essential' will do it02:01
Flannelraf256_: yes02:01
Who_delre: thanks, I'll try now and look at the new menu.list :)02:01
raf256_imperfect-: ah, yes.02:01
imperfect-raf256_ : if i could continue going through and not get stuck on certain directories..it'd be better02:02
jman8888jrib: Does it stay in the terminal windows?02:02
eyequeueraf256_, default is main and restricted, uncoment universe and multiverse if oyu want those, then suso apr-get update02:02
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imperfect-I generally do twice the number of cores02:02
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Flanneljman8888: yes, it'll use ASCII art02:02
deliretotall_6_7: yes, a chmod 644 should do it. or just a chown -R user ~/ and then a chmod -R ug+rw ~/ i guess02:02
raf256_eyequeue: how to edit the list of enabled repos, other then vi/vim/nano etc?02:02
eyequeueraf256_, if the package is on the dvd, yes, it will otherwise use the network02:02
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unix_infidelanyone know how i can get gtk icon themes to work in ubuntu without having gnome installed.02:02
Flannelraf256_: you mean trhough a gui? gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:02
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jman8888jrib: Can it get it thru SSH?02:02
raf256_hmm well I ment .. well ok02:02
Flanneljman8888: yes02:02
eyequeueraf256_, you have it, sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list (&& sudo apt-get update)02:03
imperfect-I just sid a make old config02:03
Who_delire: do I have to be careful choosing between /dev/hda and /dev/hda1?02:03
deliretotall_6_7: actually i meant chmod -R u+rw ;)02:03
imperfect-er did02:03
jman8888Flannel: How?02:03
imperfect-I hope it works well ;)02:03
totall_6_7delire: lol02:03
delireWho_: yes, install onto /dev/hda02:03
Ascjrib: does this -vo caca thing do actual video?  Like in a tty?02:03
deliretotall_6_7: i'll pass that on.02:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:03
jman8888mplayer -vo caca ssh@server.backup /home/backup/video/1.avi?02:03
Who_delire: you got time/patientce to explain what happens if I use /dev/hda1?02:03
Flanneljman8888: same was as normal.  for instance: 'mplayer [path]  -vo caca' if you'veinstalled lib-caca02:04
unix_infideluahhh, anyone?02:04
deliretotall_6_7: thanks. glad to know someone else was bitten..02:04
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delireWho_: it's very late here. i'm off to bed. better to ask as slightly more awake human ;)02:04
totall_6_7delire: you are welcome02:04
delireWho_: good lucj02:04
Who_delire: thanks :)02:04
Flanneljman8888: no, you're already connected through ssh when you do it.02:04
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unix_infideli've made the proper entries in .gtkrc-2.002:04
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Flanneljman8888: or you can ssh [mplayer etc]  to do it in one command02:04
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Who_delire: the key seemed to be --recheck02:05
jman8888Flannel: Is lib-coco in the repositories?02:05
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jman8888Flannel: Or whatever it was called.02:05
jribAsc: yes02:05
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jribAsc: well, ascii video02:06
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Flanneljman8888: caca-utils will do it02:06
Ascjrib: I'll bet that makes it hard to read subtitles02:06
jribAsc: lol02:06
=== PopeOfWar [n=chatzill@c-67-180-127-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
XordanHey, I'm having problems running gdmsetup. I get this output when I try to run it: http://rafb.net/paste/results/AM1my641.html02:07
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PopeOfWarI have a Creative Soundblaster X-Fi sound card... how do I install it?'02:07
XordanI see several people having trouble on the forums with no answer on how to fix it... any ideas here?02:07
XordanI've tried reinstalling gdm02:07
jribXordan: is gdm running?02:07
Max_-Flannel, what can I answer to this :   What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?02:07
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Xordanjrib: I assume so...02:07
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XordanI'll check02:08
Max_-there is nothing in the /usr/src02:08
FlannelMax_-: you need to install the linux-headers first02:08
Flannel!tell Max_- about compile02:08
frying_fishMax_-: you will need to download the linux-headers package02:08
Xordanjrib: Yes02:08
Max_-Flannel, apt-get install linux-headers ???02:08
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Who_for some reason, update-grub --recheck /dev/hda doesn't seem to find all my OSes (ubuntu or SUSE or Fedora) - anyone know why?02:08
Who_no, I lie, I mean grub-install02:09
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histerI followed the howto on enabling dvd playback. When I double click on a dvd thats on my desktop, it says cannot open pmount. When I try to open disc from VLC, it does not do anything. Any ideas?02:09
eyequeueWho_, i can't explain the why, but i found it works once, but on reinstall (of edgy, over and over) it doesn't sense them02:09
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jribXordan: permissions on /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf are ok?02:09
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eyequeueWho_, it's as if it is a "one-shot deal" somehow02:10
Who_eyequeue: yea, I think it uses whatever is _in_ the bootloader somehow02:10
Xordanjrib: -rw-r--r--02:10
FlannelMax_-: sorry, that link doesn't have it.  um, linux-headers-arch where arch is your kernels arch02:10
jacksonhow do I enable apm in my kernel so that I can use apmd?02:10
Who_eyequeue: I mean the bootsector: time for bed :P02:10
jribXordan: check /etc/gdm/gdm.conf too since I'm not sure what it uses02:10
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eyequeueWho_, ahh, could be, i had dapper there at first *nod*02:11
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NET||abusehi, i'm trying to get some compiz magic working, but apparently the packages aren't right on the debs at the mo, so i'm compiling up my own deb for now.. but i get this error error: C compiler cannot create executables02:11
backlitdoes anyone know where gnome-screensaver is supposed to start?02:11
Who_eyequeue: yea, I don't know when I lost all mine though... curious02:11
NET||abuseerror: C compiler cannot create executables02:11
Xordanjrib: Same02:11
eyequeueWho_, i think you solved my mystery, thanks :)02:11
dadI can't seem to get my linux install back, I've tried looking through the forums and tried as couple of different things, i downloaded a grub boot image a made a boot cd but the didn't work, can somehelp?02:11
Who_I have about 6 OSes on this PC and I don't want to do it all by hand!02:11
jribNET||abuse: install build-essential02:11
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Max_-Flannel, well.. okay it just listed me tons of linux-headers packages... I guess in my case linux-headers-2.6.15-27-386 2.6.15-27.48 should do it02:11
jribXordan: are those files blank?02:11
backlitsomehow it refuses to recognize my "lock screen" keyboard shortcut, but otherwise starts and runs normally02:11
NET||abusejrib, thanks02:12
eyequeueWho_, can you boot to some other os via rescue cd, and run grub from that first?02:12
backlitoccasionally it comes back (the keyboard shortcut), so it is quite annoying...02:12
Xordanjrib: No02:12
Who_eyequeue: the rescue CD? I dunno, tell me more :)02:12
cartuferafter i got access to an ntfs drive wut should i use to back it up to multiple dvds?02:12
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Who_dad: do you still have GRUB as your bootloader or has it been replaced?02:13
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jacksonhow do I enable APM in my kernel so that I can use apmd?02:13
jribXordan: hmm... strange.  I've seen this once before but it was because the user had kdm running instead of gdm.  Are you running this with 'sudo gdmsetup'?02:13
dadi installed xp recently02:13
Who_cartufer: k3b is a bit like nero02:13
eyequeueWho_, say you have a working menu.lst on suse, boot to suse and update-grub, then to ubuntu and do so :)02:13
PopeOfWarWhere do I get Linux drivers for a Creative X-Fi XtremeMusic sound card??02:13
Who_dad: ahhhh :) the link the bot sent you about restoring ubuntu doesn't work02:13
Xordanjrib: Yup02:13
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Xordanheh :)02:13
dadno, i can't see were to type in rescue02:14
eyequeueWho_, saying that poorly, but the idea was to get the os's into the bootsector so it can find them, if that helps02:14
Who_eyequeue :) yea, but how do I boot to grub (in fact, I am just going to swipe the relevant lines from the menu.lst on Suse's boot partition :))02:14
dadI just typed it at the splash screen but it booted normal02:14
Who_dad: did you boot from a cd?02:14
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XordanPopeOfWar: There aren't any as far as I know02:14
dadSo i clicked on the install icon on the desktop and it went throught the normal install process02:14
jribXordan: ok is xdm or kdm running?02:14
eyequeueWho_, yeah, i paste lines from edgy into dapper and vice versa, every time one or the other has a new kernel02:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundcard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:15
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Who_dad: if it was a Dapper CD you may have needed to choose the 'more options' section and type rescue there (it gives you a box)02:15
dadyeah i did the02:15
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PopeOfWarXordan: Right, there aren't any on creative.com... but I was hoping to find something that, at least, worked, lol02:15
kitchePopeOfWar: should be able to get drivers for it from Creative's website02:15
PopeOfWarkitche: Read above^^02:16
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dadI typed it at the end of the option string that pops up  with ti02:16
Xordanjrib: Nope02:16
Who_dad: I have never used Dapper in rescue mode so I don't know I'm afraid :) people have said the installer _looks_ like it is in normal mode but in fact it is not...does that make sense? did it ask you to partition your disjks?02:16
kitchePopeOfWar: they do have a website02:16
Who_dad: are you in the live environment now?02:16
sychoI want to change my view settings from icons to lists in all my directories. How can I change them all at once instead of setting each folder individually?02:16
eyequeueWho_, after the -- ?  will dad's "rescue" be seen there?02:16
dadno, not anymore02:16
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jribXordan: are all the posts you saw on the forums very recent?02:17
jman8888Flannel: Text Video is awesome02:17
Xordanjrib: Yeah they are02:17
Who_eyequeue: I don't know - perhaps I don't rememberthe live CD boot very well....02:17
XordanWithin a few days02:17
PopeOfWarkitche: Yes, creative.com. They have no available XtremeMusic drivers for Linux02:17
jribXordan: are you using unofficial repositories?02:17
dadi gothropugh the disk partition portion of the installer and after that it start installing02:17
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dadI don't want it to write over stuuf02:17
Xordanjrib: Does edgy count as unofficial? :)02:17
Who_dad: did you stop it before it started overwriting?02:17
jribXordan: doh, get to #ubuntu+1 for edgy support please :)02:18
Xordanjrib: My bad, thanks :)02:18
eyequeueWho_, it consused me, it seems to ignore the rescue bootparam, but maybe that's because it has a special initrd on that line already?02:18
jman8888Why is mplayer telling me my pc is to old to play video?02:18
jman8888Its not...02:18
Who_dad: cool:) I know this is of no consolation now, but if install again you may want to have a separate / and /home partition - it means you can overwrite sysfiles without your presonal stuff :)02:18
jman8888Its playing it right now acctually. With no problems.02:19
=== DracIIci [n=glitch@c-24-63-91-173.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DracIIciI just tried to boot into a newly installed 2.6.15-27-686 kernel and I got a kernel panic. It claims that it can't find my root filesystem, even though it's set to the right location. What gives?02:19
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Who_dad: did the wiki give instructiuons for accessing the grub console from  the live CD?02:19
jribjman8888: sometimes it's forced to skip frames.  #mplayer probably knows exactly what that error means02:19
kitchePopeOfWar: it should work with the Sound Blaster Xi-Fi drivers? make sure that everything is unmuted02:19
Who_eyequeue: that's beyond me :)02:19
histerI followed the howto on enabling dvd playback. When I double click on a dvd thats on my desktop, it says cannot open pmount. When I try to open disc from VLC, it does not do anything. Any ideas?02:19
dadi have a seperate boot cd to access grub02:19
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Max_-... and I still have that trouble with the resolution I can't figure out where's the problem... is gnome really stuck at such a low resolution?  and worst is that I have a widescreen and it's a fullscreen resolution :P hah.. help please someone ... I'll go crazy, everything is so big! :P02:19
Who_dad: I'll go hunting - easier to find if you know what you're looking for02:19
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dadI went to http://www.sorgonet.com/linux/grubrestore02:20
Cymagemax_, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:20
dadi didn't work for me02:21
NewbieLinux22i need help installing ubuntu linux02:21
sychoI want to change my view settings from icons to lists in all my directories. How can I change them all at once instead of setting each folder individually?02:21
Who_dad:I think I used this successfully once :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=grub+restore+live02:21
dadothanks, ill try it02:22
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Cymagemax_, make that  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:22
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PopeOfWarkitche: X-Fi *IS* soundblaster!!02:22
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kitchePopeOfWar: I know02:22
NewbieLinux22can you pls help me installing my ubuntu firts time to use linux02:23
Who_newbuntu: hello :)02:23
Max_-ohh okay Cymage trying this02:23
kitchePopeOfWar: surprise that ubuntu doesn't have support already since there is a kernel module for it02:23
dfgasis there a way to apt-get e.17?02:23
PopeOfWarkitche: Well... there aren't any "SoundBlaster" drivers... you can get X-Fi drivers... Audigy drivers...02:23
newbuntucan anyone please tell me how to uncompress an ace file?  I have unace and such but i cant seem to figure out how to open one02:23
Cymagenewbie, ill try, whats the prob?02:23
=== RodrigoX [n=Rodrigo@201-74-141-138-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
PopeOfWarkitche: If I download the kernel module, would the card work?02:23
kitchePopeOfWar: should be already made unless it's not made by default02:24
Who_newbuntu: what did you try?02:24
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newbuntuunace non-free02:24
NewbieLinux22cd live02:24
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dadthanks who,02:24
newbuntuI used man but cant find an easy command line02:24
sychoanybody at least point me to the right place I can figure out how to do it myself? I keep just getting info on changing themes02:24
NewbieLinux22PC (Intel x86) desktop CD   free verrsion02:24
dadI have been trying that for the past hgalf hour02:24
dadI've been putting in setup (hd1)02:25
Cymagenewbielinux22, and the problem is?02:25
Who_sycho: at a guess, use gconf :)02:25
dadi did hd0 and it worked go figure02:25
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NewbieLinux22when i click install from desktop to slow to response02:25
Who_dad: glad it worked02:26
Cymagenewbielinux22, how much ram u got?02:26
Max_-video cart bus identifier??? how do I know?  they suggest PCI:1:0:0  but well.....02:26
Who_sycho: I am not sure, but I'd say gconf-editor is your friend02:26
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NewbieLinux22192 ram 40 gb pentium 302:27
sychoWho_: would seem to me that there would be an options to set all the directories like the current directory02:27
Who_sycho: /apps/nautilus/preferences/default_folder_viewer is the thing to change :)02:27
h00thello can anyone help me .. i had a good ubuntu (latest) installed ... i but i installed XP which (of course) overwrote mbr ... how can i fix this02:27
NewbieLinux22700 megahertz02:27
sychoWho_: I just hate icons for displaying files. I like the lists.02:27
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jribubotu: tell h00t about grub02:27
Who_sycho: hmm, not the GNOME way, I think (Gnome tends to aim to believe in setting good defaults and trying to recuce the number of things a user has to deal with...)02:27
sethkh00t, reinstall grub02:28
Cymagenewbielinux22, download the x86 alternate cd, use it. Minumum sys req for ubuntu live is 192 so u are at bare min02:28
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Who_sycho - you know how to change the gconf key, or you want help?02:28
kitcheh00t: have to use the grub rescue cd02:28
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h00tjrib .. the problem is that my system don't have floppy02:28
sethkkitche, no, he can use the live cd02:28
jribh00t: you don't need a floppy02:28
h00ti got live cd ...02:28
h00twhat exactly do i have to do02:28
kitchesethk: that's the same thing really02:28
sychoWho_: Where do I find gconf? then I'll take a look and let you know. :)02:29
mluser-workcan anyone tell me what the repository for edgy is?02:29
Who_h00t: dad just had success following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=grub+restore+live02:29
sethkkitche, it's likely he has the live cd, and would have to download a grub rescue cd, so operationally it is not02:29
=== chuckyp [n=chuckyp@adsl-75-39-157-120.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribh00t: the page ubotu sent you has step by step instructions02:29
Who_sycho: it is a big XML store - you can edit using gconf-editor02:29
Max_-No idea at all about this?02:29
sethkMax_-, lspci will give you the ID you need02:29
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sychoWho_: Alright I think I need help. :) This is alot more difficult than I figured.02:30
Rehinolddo you know what's the software to make videos of your own desktop? (like the videos on youtube of xgl)02:31
Who_sycho: Okay, have you run gconf-editor02:31
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jribRehinold: istanbul , if it works for you02:31
Who_Rehinold: you can use xvidcap02:31
sychoWho_: Would  a set all directories option kill them? :)02:31
RehinoldWho_: thanks02:31
sychoWho_: not yet02:31
Who_sycho: ohhh, you never know :P02:31
Who_sycho: okay, at a terminal type 'gconf-editor'02:31
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sychoWho_: ok02:31
dadcan someone tell me how to  edit themes02:32
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dadi mean select a theme02:32
jribdad: art.gnome.org has a tutorial on creating themes that would probably be helpful02:32
h00tthanx guys ... i will print it and try this stuff02:32
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jribdad: for selecting themes:  system > preferences > themes02:33
Max_-sethk, 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 7145  ------  0000:01:00.0  ... so this would be PCI:1:0:0 ??02:33
Who_sycho: now navigate to apps/nautilus/preferences02:33
Who_there should be a 'default folder view' option there02:33
dadmy sons computer is missing that line in the menu02:33
sychoWho_: there.02:33
Who_sycho: see the 'default folder view' key?02:34
jribdad: do you know if you are using GNOME?02:34
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sychoWho_: yup.02:34
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Who_sycho: it is in fact 'default folder viewing' and should be set to 'list_view'02:34
jribdad: run02:34
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jribdad: run gnome-theme-manager from a terminal02:34
grouchytimdad:  goto system : preferences : theme02:35
chuckypdad, or just click System > preferences > theme02:35
blindOkay, I ordered a Geforce FX 5200, popped it in, and I'm not quite sure how to get my display switched from my onboard over to that.02:35
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chuckyp!tell blind about nvidia02:35
Who_sycho: it works?02:35
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sychoWho_: your a fuckin god.. :) thank you02:35
=== Anti-Tedd| [n=na@ool-457b3956.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:36
Who_sycho: just while you're there, take a peek in the 'icon_view' section and see if you can change things to the way you like them :)02:36
grouchytimblind:  run this     dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:36
sychoWho_: going to thanks a bunches. didn't know about gconf02:36
Who_sycho: it's pretty handy once every so often :)02:36
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sychowho_: BTW: know how to get a script to echo the last 6 lines of text? I'm trying to modify a script for repairing par2 files. As its set now it creates a whole log file. but I would prefer just to echo the last 6 lines.02:38
NewbieLinux22do you the site of gnome desktop?02:38
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Max_-0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 7145  ------  0000:01:00.0  ... so this would be PCI:1:0:0 ??02:39
jman8888Oh. On my other PC Gnome is still Broke. (The Screen flickers. It fails to start X. Im left with a terminal..)02:39
=== Anti-Tedd| [n=na@ool-457b3956.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Who_sycho: 'fraid I don't know :) there is an echo command, but I don't know more than that - i have done very little bash scripting :)02:39
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sychoWho_: cool. thanks anyways. thanks alot for the help02:40
fernandohow can i do a system backup02:40
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brian98sycho: tail nameoffile02:40
Cymagejman8888, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:40
NewbieLinux22do you know where i can get gnome desktop enviroment?02:40
sychobrian98: that would echo the last 6 lines?02:40
brian98if you tell it to02:41
jribNewbieLinux22: install ubuntu-desktop02:41
jribNewbieLinux22: what are you using now?02:41
grouchytimdoes anyone else feel retarded when they can fix something on one machine but can't replicate the fix on an identical system and problem?02:41
sychobrian98: cool thanks02:41
fernandomy vmware server doens not work can some one help me fix it02:41
brian98sycho: tail /var/log/messages -n 602:42
NewbieLinux22bayanihan linux02:42
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Isaiah_the_Martyhow do i find my own ip?02:43
Isaiah_the_Martyi did netstat but it has alot of other stuff and its hard to decipher02:43
brian98<Isaiah_the_Marty> locally or on the internet ?02:43
Isaiah_the_Martyboth would be good02:43
grouchytimor ifconfig02:43
grouchytimboth will tell you02:43
Isaiah_the_Martywhats ifconfig?02:43
Isaiah_the_Martyi'm new at this02:43
brian98<Isaiah_the_Marty> what he says02:43
=== chronic1 [n=death@dsf62.eastnet.gatech.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Isaiah_the_Martyalright thanks02:43
chronic1anyone here have monkeys audio (ape) working in the latest release of ubuntu?02:44
jman8888Is there a way to log into ssh visually(Like see the desktop?)02:44
grouchytimuse remote desktop02:44
brian98jman888: nomachine.com the best way02:44
brian98vnc the slow way02:44
Isaiah_the_Martycan someone get me unbanned from #wrongplanet02:44
=== SpaceFrog [n=jason@d220-237-217-60.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
jman8888How do i set up vnc.02:44
Isaiah_the_Martyi'm at my school and it says i'm banned02:45
chronic1Isaiah_the_Marty: is it a nick ban or a net ban?02:45
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.02:45
Max_-Could it be that.....       0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 7145  ------  0000:01:00.0  ... so is my PCI:1:0:0 ??02:45
Isaiah_the_Martyi'm not sure02:45
SpaceFrogHey guys. How can i change the permissions on /var/www/ so that i can write to it without sudo ?02:45
=== dipnlik [n=dipnlik@201-13-214-162.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Isaiah_the_Martyit just says im banned chronic102:45
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Isaiah_the_Martyand i havnet been there in like six weeks02:45
chronic1Isaiah_the_Marty: they might have your net/host banned because of abuse from other students02:45
=== blind [n=blind@c-71-234-180-125.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Isaiah_the_Martycan i get around that somehow?02:45
Rehinoldxvidcap: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:46
blindTrying to install the nvidia drivers gives me a 404...02:46
chronic1spoof your ip or go to a different network02:46
chronic1maybe use a proxy?02:46
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Isaiah_the_Martyhow can i spoof02:46
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chronic1but you can change your nick and ident to see if it is local to you02:46
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=== viator [n=laptop2@pool-71-123-117-32.spfdma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: Install libpng02:47
grouchytimblind:  did you do that X11 thing?02:47
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Isaiah121i've tried other nicks christel02:47
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blindyeah, grouchy. but that's not the issue..02:47
Isaiah121i think its netban02:47
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: can you help me in that?02:47
grouchytimok i'm sorry then02:47
Isaiah121i know a couple other kids that go there from my class02:47
=== switchar00 [n=switchbo@pool-72-73-105-247.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
chronic1Isaiah121: well -- it isn't as simple as changing your nick02:47
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: Do you prefer command line or GUI?02:48
chronic1ah hah, that is good possibility02:48
grouchytimyou're trying to install nVidia drivers?02:48
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RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: it's the same, important is to fix the problem02:48
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Max_-sethk, are you there?02:48
Isaiah121can someone just message them to unban it?02:48
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: In Synaptic, search for libpng02:48
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grouchytimsorry but i'm really not that savy02:48
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: ok02:48
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bruenigapt-cache search libpng02:48
grouchytimi'd check the forums02:49
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: You'll find several packages like libpng## (where ## is some number).02:49
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RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: alrigh02:49
chronic1anyone here familiar with the ape music format?02:49
=== IGS|OFF [n=exey@81-229-124-39-no50.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Max_-or anyone who knows about pci bus IDs...02:49
=== tainted_ [n=point@adsl-69-230-198-92.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: I'm on it02:49
tainted_how do i disable a service?02:49
tainted_from terminal02:49
bruenigtainted_, what service02:50
=== Protostar [n=protosta@cpe-024-163-115-106.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
grouchytimlol that's a good service02:50
bruenigyou want to disable gnome?02:50
IGS|OFFHey guys :D02:50
IGS|OFFi am n00b on ubuntu02:50
ProtostarHi, I'm trying to mount a floppy disk in Kubuntu and cannot figure out how02:50
IGS|OFFis it only 1 cd?02:50
IGS|OFFfor install :S02:50
Cymageisaiah121, a message from us won't unban u.  They banned the school for a reason, whatever that reason is02:50
bruenigIGS|OFF, yes02:50
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tainted_gnome/gdm whatever02:50
IGS|OFFbruenig thx02:50
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: I am using breezy, so I have libpng12-0 installed. It is probably a higher version number if you are using dapper.02:50
tainted_i just don't want it to go into gnome on boot up02:50
IGS|OFFi used slack before ^^ , and that is like 4cds :P02:50
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RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: I have installed 12-002:51
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: Did you just install it, or was it already installed?02:51
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: it seems to be installed because the square before the name is colored02:51
grouchytimcorrect me if i'm wrong but don't you want to change the run level on bootup from level 5? to 3?02:51
IGS|OFFi am going to use ubuntu to whine and play games02:51
IGS|OFFwhat ubuntu realease should i use02:51
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: i did nothing02:51
grouchytimso it will just stay command line correct?02:51
warpzonehey guys, quick question, is there no linux-restricted-modules package for the 2.6.15-27-386 kernel?02:51
tainted_grouchytim yes02:51
bruenigIGS|OFF, 6.0602:51
georgytainted: chosse your session in the login manager02:51
IGS|OFFyeah i know that to02:52
IGS|OFFbut alternate, powerpc, and so on02:52
chuckypwarpzone, there should be02:52
bruenigIGS|OFF, desktop02:52
IGS|OFFor just 1386?02:52
grouchytimi did that once before about 4 years ago but i couldn't tell you how to do it in grub.....that was lilo02:52
chuckyp!tell warpzone about linux-restricted-modules02:52
gnomefreakwarpzone: there is02:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-restricted-modules - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:52
grouchytimbut i'm sure you can do it in grub too02:52
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IGS|OFFdesktop 1386 ;=02:52
Protostaranyone know how to mount a floppy in Kubuntu? I know this is a noob question but it worked in Ubuntu and I can't figure out how to get it working in KDE02:52
tainted_georgy which sesison should i choose02:52
warpzoneI look on adept (im using kde) and I only see -23 and -2602:52
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: OK, you already have a version of libpng installed.  So now the question is why xvidcap couldn't use it.02:52
sychobrian98: how would I modify "tail /var/log/messages -n 6" to echo the last things that were printed in the terminal window?02:53
bruenigIGS|OFF, yeah, but it is i386 just an FYI02:53
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blindIs there a repo down or something? trying to apt-get nvidia-glx-legacy gets a 404.02:53
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: the error was this02:53
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: xvidcap: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:53
georgytainted: do ou have kde or similar installed ?02:53
tainted_i just want to disable X / gnome from bootup02:53
LecksfrawenHi, I was using the partitioner of  the Ubuntu Desktop LiveCD, I reduced the size of my NFTS partition, then created a Swap and a EXT3 partition,02:53
LecksfrawenI created them as primary partitions.. since the menu suggested it.02:53
LecksfrawenAfter this, it asked me where to install Ubuntu, but the new partitions I made said they were about 0 KB, so I returned to check and see if had to resize them again.... and to my surprise the NFTS partition I had existed no more, it only displayed a single partition with no file system assigned to it.02:53
LecksfrawenObviously WinXP doesn't recognize now my harddrive... and strangely the Ubuntu CD doesn't boot anymore.02:53
LecksfrawenMy Hdrive has lots of files I use daily (my WinXP is installed on other Hdrive), is there any way to recover that NFTS partition I had before?02:53
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: it seems there is a .202:53
blindtainted_: what do you want to boot into?02:53
tainted_blind shell02:53
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: maybe that's the error02:53
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.02:53
blindtainted: oh.02:53
IGS|OFFbruenig check privv02:54
jman8888how can i change a users pass in terminal?02:54
tainted_no one knows?02:54
georgytainted : you mean you want only the command line ?02:54
sethkLecksfrawen, possibly, if the partition hasn't been overwritten, only the partition table, then you can get it back.02:54
bruenigtainted_, I assume that is dictated in /etc/init.d, figure out what script does that and move it or change it or do whatever you like02:54
georgytainted : wait a moment02:55
Max_-sethk, 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 7145  ------  0000:01:00.0  ... so this would be PCI:1:0:0 ??02:55
=== Wabs [n=metalhea@pool-71-250-162-174.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
tainted_which script is it02:55
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M_Fatihhi all02:55
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sethkMax_-, yes02:55
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RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: ok i found this http://www.jarre-de-the.net/faq/index.php?sid=56033&lang=en&action=artikel&cat=&id=372&artlang=en02:55
IGS|OFFi got ati x800xt pro, does the ati drives on www.ati.com for linux work on obuntu also?02:55
Isaiah121is there any pdf's on the net about cool hacks or mods you can do for ubuntu?02:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:56
=== IGS|OFF is now known as eXey
Isaiah121i know theres a hardcopy02:56
M_Fatihi have a problem with pearpc 4* verison :[ i want to open my macosximage phanter.img, pearpc return this error "[IO/IDE]  <Error> test/imgs/linux.img: could not open file (No such file or directory)" what is this, how can i fix this?02:56
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: You could try that.  I don't know much about the subtleties of library names--I had hoped it was as simple as installing a missing library.  Maybe someone else has a clue.02:56
viatoruse the xp cd and try the recovery console02:56
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: ok02:57
georgytainted : watch /etc/initab02:57
Max_-sethk, it asks the amount of ram to be used by my video card....  it's suposed to be 128 native and 128 shared...  so it will used it's 128 itself and I should specify there the 128 mb to take from my RAM?02:57
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EnsignRedshirtRehinold: Both libpng10-0 and libpng2 (older libpng repositories) are available in breezy.  I don't know about dapper.02:58
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sethkMax_-, almost always, you should not specify ram02:58
roger_Roger, entrando no canal com boa-noite a todos (as)02:58
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: (change 'repositories' to 'libraries' in my last message)02:58
sethkMax_-, except for some very old cards, the server will figure out the amount of ram automatically02:58
Rehinoldno here I haven't the repos02:58
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Rehinoldi don't have those lib02:59
sethkMax_-, with an ati card, you shouldn't have to specify anything, really, it will probe for everything and more or less just work.  Or, at least, just work as well as the ati drivers can work.02:59
whositany info on getting a CXT Soft V.90 modem working?02:59
=== dragonfire [n=dragonfi@adsl-144-217-4.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
roger_Roger saindo02:59
WabsHi, i'm trying to configure my USB wireless card for Ubuntu 6.06 and I was wondering if I could get some help?02:59
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: in repos there are only newer versiobs02:59
georgytainted : sorry, watch /etc/inittab03:00
Cymagewabs, what chipset?03:00
sethkMax_-, normally it will figure out the PCI bus identifier also.  I wonder why it didn't?  or are you just verifying that it did?03:00
illusinahi...I'm getting all sorts of interesting apt-get errors regarding dependencies for simple packages after I tried to do a dist-upgrade which semi-failed03:00
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
WabsIt's a Buffalo AirStation G5403:00
tonyyarussowhosit: Conexant chipset softmodems work with the linuxant drivers ($20).03:00
mluser-workDoes anyone know of a ubuntu repository where I can get skype?03:00
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sethkillusina, semi-failed?  isn't that like being a little bit pregant?03:00
=== cartufer [n=ubuntu@c-67-162-10-157.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
whositNot worth it03:00
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: Hmmm... I don't know what to suggest then.03:00
Isaiah121girls just wanna have fun03:00
whositId rather use external for free :)03:00
Cymagewabs, prolly have to use ndiswrapper03:01
illusinasethk: well, I'm not sure if apt-get is transaction sensitive...I'm not sure whether the packages which were successful were commited or not03:01
WabsHow do I use that, Cymage?03:01
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: maybe not installing xvidcap from deb apt03:01
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sethkillusina, hard to say, but you can't assume very much.03:01
Cymagewabs, is it detecting the card now?03:01
sethkillusina, you've tried the "fix" options in synaptic?03:01
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: it seems a problem of those pkg03:01
illusinasethk: was using command line03:01
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto03:01
sethkillusina, you can do them at the command line also with dpkg03:02
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WabsCymage: How would I check?03:02
Max_-sethk, well I was doing the dpkg-reconfig thing... and it asked these things.. I was just verifying that everything it does it correct...03:02
illusinasethk: do man dpkg ?03:02
Isaiah121this place is a sausage fest03:02
=== gbutler69 [n=gbutler@69-168-169-204.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cymagewabs, run lspci in terminal03:02
eXeyhmm lol , i just downloaded ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386 but is it says opencd and disctree so wtf :S03:02
dragonfire1Totem movie player cannot play this type of media DVD because you do not have the appropriate plug ins to handle it . Is there away to get the plug in thanks03:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:03
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: The xvidcap deb file appear to be from 2004.  That's old in computer years. :)03:03
WabsCymage: Do you want what comes up?03:03
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: :(03:03
eXeysome1 good @ubuntu message me plz03:03
Isaiah121i did a mod that allowed me to play flash players and xmms at the same time and it worked for a while but now i cant listen to both  anymore03:03
WabsI don't see anything pertaining to my USB wireless card though :\03:03
Cymagewabs, join ##cymage03:03
Isaiah121does anyone know how to fix this?03:03
sethkillusina, yes, give man dpkg a try.03:04
sethkillusina, sorry about the slow response, I'm working at the same time as being here.  :)03:04
viatorexey whatta yo mean03:04
bimberieXey: the cd includes a cut-down version of TheOpenCD with a few windows versions of applications on it03:04
eXeyso if i burn it and boot from it03:04
eXeyi install ubunti03:04
eXeynot a fucking livecd?03:04
viatordid you burn the iso to disk as an image03:04
viatornot as a file03:05
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: Maybe try the deb file from the sourceforge site: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8153503:05
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eXeyi mounted to file in windows with deamon tools03:05
viatoritis a live cd03:05
cartuferdoes ubuntu come with a vnc client?03:05
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: i'm trying :P03:05
eXeyand now i am going to burn it03:05
blindIs there a repo down or something? trying to apt-get nvidia-glx-legacy gets a 404.03:05
AscHow might one *uninstall* flash player?03:05
viatoronce you boot to it you install03:05
=== BIRDSIX [n=BIRDSIXO@fl-71-53-129-11.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberieXey: language unecessary.  it is a liveCD that can also be installed from03:05
viatorfrom a desktop icon03:05
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DBOeXey, less on the swearing next time please =)03:05
eXeywhere did i swear :S03:05
keescookcartufer: yeah, a few I think.  Try "apt-cache search vnc".  I've used xnvcviewer03:06
eXeyoh :P03:06
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chronic1what is the normal method for installing perl modules in ubuntu -- do you all recomend CPAN?03:06
chronic1or are their deb installs?03:06
gbutlerOK...finally up on Edgy Eft! Yay!03:06
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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BIRDSIXHow do I burn an iso to a disc using UBUNTU?03:06
cartuferya but i'm in live cd and if i load in too much i freeze03:06
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: alright it works :)03:06
EnsignRedshirtchronic1: First check the ubuntu repostories03:06
tonyyarussoBIRDSIX: Right-click.03:06
EnsignRedshirtRehinold: Cool.03:06
georgyBIRDSIX, : graveman03:06
=== RobNyc|Ubuntu [n=wudang@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotBIRDSIX, just find the ISO and put right-click on it, choose Burn To Disc03:06
BIRDSIXThank you03:07
dragonfire1ubotu thanks I will read those areas03:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks I will read those areas - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:07
=== brian|lfs [n=Brian@216-15-45-30.c3-0.161-ubr1.lnh-161.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
eXeyHey, i got on hd on 30gb with windows and shit , and another 1 @ 160gb can i install ubuntu the one @ 160 and get everything to work? :P03:07
viatorif you want more control when burining cd's try gnomebaker03:07
keescookcartufer: oooh, yeah, not sure about that.03:07
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viatoror maybe k3b03:07
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cartuferkeescook, i'd use the vnc java client but java firefox extension takes like 56 megs03:08
georgyeXey, : you can do that03:08
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Code-EHow do I use xfce?03:08
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eXeygood, cause my friend did that with redhat, and it messed up03:08
docmurhello all03:08
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Code-EDoes anybody know how to run xfce?03:09
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docmuris there a software for linux that allows me to block web sites03:09
TTT_TravisHi, I am using Ubuntu Server, I want to hibernate but it says I don't have the kernel modules needed to do it, is there a way I can just get them easily or use the normal ubuntu kernel03:09
viatorredhat ppl use that?03:09
forevertheuni__docmur, iptables ihihiih03:09
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georgyeXey : I don't redhat, but i know ubuntu can do it03:10
docmurdo I have to know the ip of the site to use it03:10
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EnsignRedshirtRehinold: Just FYI: I don't know what you are planning to do with xvidcap, but an alternative to making "videos" is making flash demos with vnc2swf or pyvnc2swf.03:10
Arrickguys, what would be the smallest drivve that should be used for the default install of ubuntu breezy?03:10
viatordoc what do you measn block websites?03:10
eXeywhat does "FYI" mean?03:10
BIRDSIXIs anyone here A+ certified?03:10
dmbfor your information03:11
Arrickyes I am03:11
RehinoldEnsignRedshirt: I would like to make a video with xgl running to show it to a friend03:11
pppoe_dudethere was this command to change the default java interpreter... from gnu's to sun's... any ideas?03:11
viatorlike keep someone looking at  say myspace.com03:11
EnsignRedshirteXey: For Your Information, fyi03:11
wenkoi am03:11
eXeyoh :P03:11
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docmurI want to prevent access to a certian page so when someone tries to connect to it they can't03:11
BIRDSIXarrick, I was just wondering because im bored and I get mine in december. :)03:11
viatorif you have a router your better of going that route03:11
BIRDSIXarrick, Do you work anywhere?03:11
Arrickyeah, all over03:11
Rehinoldbrb ^^03:11
Arrickjust finished a contract job with a School district03:12
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BIRDSIXarrick, you do a lot of projects?03:12
`m0hi, if I deleted the icon for Network-Manager-gnome, from the bar how do I readd it?03:12
BIRDSIXarrick, Thats what im planning on doing once I get all my certifications03:12
illusinaOSS + GOVT ftw03:12
TraeOn my wifes Ubuntu Desktop, when she hits shift+backspace,  X dies03:12
`m0I am using http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/03:12
Traewtf is up with that?03:12
viatorset up a hosts file03:12
FlannelTrae: Xgl?03:12
Arrickbut then, I also have a cna, and an associatess degree as well, working on a bachelors in network security BIRDSIX03:13
TraeI do it here and it doesn't happen03:13
TraeFlannel, howdy... she's not running compiz03:13
tristanmike_Hello, how do I get firefox to recoginze my java, I have "sun-java5-bin" installed from the repos. thanx in advance.03:13
BIRDSIXIm getting my COMP TIA   PNIE MOS MOUSE AND A+ this year03:13
Traebutmaybe she has xgl built in to the xserver03:13
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BIRDSIXIm going to a high school that has a Information Technology academy.03:13
eXeywhat program to whine games that dont cost money can you give links to ^^03:13
Traexgl has been nothing but  a PITA03:13
georgyTrae : i think she ctrl+alt+backspace03:13
viatormake an /etc/hosts file03:13
Traegeorgy, nope03:13
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FlannelTrae: not unless she tweaked it, should be ctrl-alt-backspace to restart, but in XGL, shift backspace does it too03:13
viatorenter the site you wanna block03:13
neomIs there a LiveCD version of ubuntu that will work on my macbook?03:14
Flannelneom: yes, the 386 Desktop ISOs03:14
Arrickget it while you can, because it gets expensive after you're out of highschool03:14
viatorlike www.myspace.com03:14
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TraeFlannel, yeah, sucks when you are editing an email and hit backspace to clear out a word and then you hit shift to capitalize... and X goes POOF03:14
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viatorand then fire up your browser and it should be blocked03:14
FlannelTrae: right, well, shift backspace shouldn't restart it unless she has XGL, or otherwise changed something to do that03:14
BIRDSIXArrick, How much do you make on a average project and how long does it take to complete?03:14
TraeFlannel, that's probably it then.03:15
TraeFlannel, danke bud.  Gives me something to look at03:15
FlannelTrae: she can disable it, #ubuntu-xgl will know more about it03:15
viatordocmur get that?03:15
VR_hey all, how do i download multiple JPEGS from a directory with wget? i can't figure out it out!03:15
VR_ergh -out03:15
ArrickBIRDSIX, depends on the project, if its just admin, 20g for 6 months, if it involves more tha that much more03:15
docmuryes thanks03:15
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BIRDSIXArrick, What does it mean when my computer boots and it says "Diskette drive 0 error"?03:16
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BIRDSIXI have tryed almost everything I can think of and I cant fix that problem03:16
Arrickbad primary HD, or corrupted mbr03:16
Arrickmbr is master boot record03:17
neomThanks Flannel.03:17
BIRDSIXarrick, ok thanks.03:17
eXeynow i am rebooting and installing ubuntu ^^03:17
eXeykisses and hugs03:17
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daviddoes anyone know of any programs that make dvds out of mpg or avi files?03:17
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georgydavid : kviso03:18
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BIRDSIXDoes anyone in here use Back-Track?03:18
AscDiskette?  Sounds more like a floppy drive problem, but I'm no expert.03:18
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tristanmike_Hello, how do I get Firefox, or Mozilla for that matter, to recoginze my java, I have "sun-java5-bin" installed from the repos in Dapper. thanx in advance.03:18
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davidcan i get that with the package manager?03:18
orion_has anyone ever used supybot?03:18
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Flanneltristanmike_: you need the mozilla plugin,03:19
Flannel!tell tristanmike_ about java03:19
Isaiah121how do i setup a proxy?03:19
georgydavid  : no , you have to download it on freshmeat03:19
Isaiah121i have privoxy and tor installed03:19
davidk, thanks03:19
orion_Isaiah121, you mean in a browser?03:19
orion_or chat?03:20
Isaiah121for everything03:20
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Buddhist_Can someone help me out? I'm trying to configure my USB wireless card for Ubuntu 6.06 and I was wondering if I could get some help?03:20
Buddhist_It's a Buffalo AirStation G5403:20
`m0did anyone install this : http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/03:20
orion_well you can use irssi with tor by using-> torify irssi or even in ssh by-> torify ssh03:20
orion_in terminal03:20
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Isaiah121is there a faq on this orion_ ?03:20
Buddhist_I was doing the whole synaptics & repositories thing, and Cymage told me to enable the CDROM in repositories, but the CD won't read03:20
orion_there is a howto for firefox in the forums03:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:21
orion_i am not sure03:21
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Code-Ehow do you install bin files03:21
orion_im sure there is03:21
Isaiah121how do i set it up>?03:21
FlannelBuddhist_: you shouldn't need the cDRom repository, unless you have no internet on that machine03:21
orion_one minute03:21
EnsignRedshirtCode-E: Usually, you run them.03:21
Code-EWell how?03:21
Buddhist_Flannel: ...that's the problem, i'm trying to configure my USB Wireless Card so I can access the internet03:21
Buddhist_I can't access it as of this moment.03:22
EnsignRedshirtCode-E: In the directory where the file was saved, give the command:  ./file.bin03:22
bimberi`m0: yes i use network manager03:22
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Buddhist_But I can't get my laptop's CD drive to read the Ubuntu disc so I can't set the CDROM as a repository03:22
Arrickhey guys, dont you hate it when someone pm's you without asking first?03:22
EnsignRedshirtCode-E: You might have to make it executable first: chmod u+x file.bin03:22
FlannelBuddhist_: Is this an alternate ISO? or a Desktop ISO?03:22
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`m0bimberi: do you disable the default network manager?03:22
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xgl2940hallo, i am in recovery mode. how can i go to my usb hdd dir?03:23
bimberi`m0: i've usually set it up as described here ...03:23
bimberiubotu tell `m0 about networkmanager03:23
Buddhist_Flannel: The CDROM? It's a Ubuntu Live CD for Dapper Drake03:23
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Buddhist_I got it off the torrent from Ubuntu's site.03:23
FlannelBuddhist_: then it can't be used as a repository, it needs to be the Alternate ISO03:23
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orion_here you go http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95527&highlight=firefox+anonymous03:23
Code-Ecody@cody-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin03:23
Code-Ebash: ./jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin: Permission denied03:23
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Isaiah121thanks orion_03:24
Buddhist_where do i get the alternate iso03:24
FlannelCode-E: what's wrong with the java in the repository?03:24
orion_code-e change permissions03:24
orion_chmode +x I think03:24
FlannelBuddhist_: same place as the desktop ISO03:24
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Buddhist_link pleasE?03:24
FlannelBuddhist_: ubuntu.com/download03:24
Code-Eorion how?03:24
tristanmikeFlannel: thank you very much, I of course was at the doc site, but of course I missed the part where it said to install the "plugins" d'oh, thanx for making me look again :D03:24
Flanneltristanmike: no problem03:24
orion_sudo chmod a+x file.bin03:24
orion_then ./file.bin03:24
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FlannelCode-E: what's wrong with the java in the repositories?03:25
`m0bimberi: it was working, but when I placed my ethernet on instead of my wireless, I went to the default network manager, and enabeld ethernet. And now I rebooted, and I don't see the network manager gnome icon on the panel03:25
Jack_SparrowBuddhist_: You want a server install or having trouble with the livecd03:25
Code-EFlannel: its corrupt03:25
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FlannelCode-E: corrupt?03:25
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Jack_SparrowDosent sound right03:25
FlannelCode-E: change your mirror and try again03:25
Code-Edont wanna install for me Flannel03:25
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FlannelCode-E: what error do you get03:25
bimberi`m0: is the applet running?  'ps aux | grep nm-applet'03:26
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Buddhist_Jack_Sparrow: I'm having trouble getting the Live CD to be read in my CDROM drive, so I can't set it as a repoisitory in repositiories, so i can't get the ndiswrap drivers from Synaptics, so I can't get my Buffalo AirStation G54 to be configured to access the internet03:26
Code-Ethat its corrupt and cannot download03:26
Code-Eoh well03:26
FlannelCode-E: change your mirror and try again03:26
`m0bimberi: yes, i checked that it is running03:26
Arrickbimberi, long time no see03:26
Code-EFlannel: t'is ok its installed03:26
xgl2940hello, how can i go to my USB HDD dir?03:26
bimberihi Arrick :)03:26
bimberi`m0: hmm03:26
Buddhist_anything I can do, Jack_Sparrow?03:26
FlannelBuddhist_: the LiveCD can't be used as a repository, you'll need to download the AlternateISO, OR simply download the ndiswrapper deb from packages.ubuntu.com, then sneakernet it over, and install via dpkg03:27
Arrickbimberi, you ever use fiaif firewall?03:27
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:27
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Arrickon breezy?03:27
bimberiArrick: nope03:27
Jack_SparrowBuddhist_: cant you get ndiswrapper and get it into your computer another way.. If it will run live you should be able to get ndiswrapper03:27
SirceanHi, I'm thinking of trying out Linux for the very first time, but would like to ask a question first please. Is there any way to disable the case sensitivity of the file system and have it work as "case preserving" like Windows? (done a quick Google search but not having much luck)03:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:27
Code-EHave any of you used this xfce03:27
Code-Eits nice03:27
Buddhist_What the hell is sneakernet?03:27
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bimberi`m0: perhaps try restarting the applet (sorry, really not sure what's wrong)03:28
KromiXhey guys i have a ubuntu install question03:28
xgl2940i am helpless...03:28
Phoulquesiton, im updating dapper just basic updates but it says theres new packages to be installed and they are : The following NEW packages will be installed:03:28
Phoul  linux-image-2.6.15-27-386 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-386 is that normal that they would be kept back until you do a dist-upgrade?03:28
SunDragonSircean: I believe linux supports case preserving on FAT03:28
ArrickBuddhist_, running back and foth between the two computers is sneakernet03:28
FlannelBuddhist_: download it to a floppy, usbdrive, etc, and walk it over (on your sneakers), plug it in, copy again03:28
Buddhist_lolol, i gotcha03:28
viatormaybe doesnt have a rj45 port03:28
Buddhist_I like that term03:28
`m0bimberi: the applet will show in the notification area, correct?03:28
=== Code-E eats pie
Buddhist_Where would ndiswrapper be under, Network Tools?03:28
bimberi`m0: yes03:28
FlannelBuddhist_: just search for it, but probably03:29
Buddhist_err, Network Packages03:29
=== satempler [n=satemple@ip70-185-190-45.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberi`m0: the icon is like a pair of monitors03:29
KromiXThis is my first time trying to install ubuntu on my 2nd box and it goes to the loading screen and does all those [OK] 's then it loads a rectangular box that says Ubuntu and shows Windom Manager, then it disapears and I see 2 white bars on the top and bottom part of the screen with a brown background but nothing happens...... Any suggestions/Ideas what this means i really wanna try out Ubuntu ;\03:29
`m0hmm i am doing this: killall nm-applet03:29
`m0it says no such process03:29
xgl2940I NEED HELP03:29
KromiXthe CD Drive keeps blinking but doesnt seem like anything happens....03:29
Arricknot enough memory would be my guess KromiX03:29
Phoul-_- anyone at all?03:29
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kamuianyone know anything about linux software that could help me learn statistics?03:29
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:29
KromiXwhats the minimum memory for Ubuntu?03:30
SirceanThanks SunDragon. Is there anything I would need to do to activate this? and does it mean that case preevring is not possible at all under Ubuntu's native FS?03:30
Arrick!just ask03:30
Phoul  linux-image-2.6.15-27-386 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-386 is that normal that they would be kept back until you do a dist-upgrade?03:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about just ask - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:30
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=== Wabs [n=metalhea@pool-71-250-172-227.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Phoulquesiton, im updating dapper just basic updates but it says theres new packages to be installed and they are : The following NEW packages will be installed:03:30
Phoul  linux-image-2.6.15-27-386 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-386 is that normal that they would be kept back until you do a dist-upgrade?03:30
WabsWhere would ndiswrapper be under, Network Tools?03:30
sethkPhoul, yes, that could well be normal03:30
Wabserr, Network Packages03:30
kamuiIt seems unlikely that anything like that would be available, but I'd be very interested in any statistics related software even03:30
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PhoulWell im wondering if updating will fix it03:30
Phoulfix == break03:30
Phouli dont wanna break my system03:30
sethkPhoul, you don't?  :)03:30
Jack_SparrowKromiX: someone said 192 is absolute min03:30
PhoulMoreso now then usual03:30
OmnifariousDoes anybody know if the D-Link DGE-530T Ethernet card works with the newest Dapper kernel?03:30
sethkPhoul, my rule is, don't upgrade just because an upgrade is available.  upgrade because you need to for some reason.03:31
EnsignRedshirtkamui:  For *learning* stats, you would probably be better off with a good book.  For *doing* stats, you can use R.03:31
Jack_Sparrow265 is what the wiki says03:31
`m0bimberi: ah now it worked, strange why it worked now03:31
`m0bimberi: thanks03:31
Phoulsethk, would it break something to upgrade just a single app?03:31
KromiXoh i guess thats my issue, I'm running 128MB DDR PC3200, I was thinking thats enough, I can run windows Xp profession on that but not ubuntu? ;\03:31
OmnifariousPCI ID 4b0103:31
georgy192 with alternate cd03:31
=== tallgeese [n=tallgees@ip72-196-194-152.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
`m0bimberi: what do I do to the default network manager?03:31
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kamuiEnsignRedshirt: where can I get R?  is it in the apt tree?03:31
WabsWhere is ndiswrapper on packages.ubuntu.com?03:31
KromiXi would think xp pro would require more memory then ubuntu03:31
sethkPhoul, ordinarily, no.  if you use synaptic, you'll see what will be updated due to dependencies before you pull the switch03:32
ArrickSeveas, how are you?03:32
tallgeesehey all03:32
SunDragonSircean: unfortunately, I've never used ubuntu, but you'd want to make a fat32 partition for /home.  I haven't used linux since 1999, so there may be better alternatives.03:32
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-214-7-137.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
KromiXi guess i have to steal another stick from my 3rd box03:32
bimberi`m0: do you mean the one via Sys -> Admin -> Networking?  I've left it alone03:32
Jack_SparrowKromiX: check the specs for xbuntu03:32
FlannelWabs: Buddhist_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/misc/ndiswrapper-utils03:32
WabsThanks Flannel :)03:32
KromiXi never listen to 'minumum requirements' :P03:32
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SirceanThx SunDragon03:33
KromiXand didnt think twice cause xp pro runs on it03:33
=== hockyhair [n=jn@adsl-69-109-224-103.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelKromiX: installer, not the system itself.03:33
hockyhairdoes anyone know about installing flashfxp 3.x for use with wine03:33
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:33
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FlannelKromiX: since it's a liveCD, it requires more memory, to not be reading from the CD (read: slow) all the time03:33
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viatori run ubuntu on a p2 450 with 128mb it runs03:34
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FlannelKromiX: which is why the alternate ISO requires signifigantly less03:34
viatorbut slow03:34
KromiXwhere do i get the alternate?03:34
=== axa-axa [n=axa@adsl-8-38.medianis.net] has joined #ubuntu
axa-axaHi, can someone please tell me how can I use "unscalled" fonts like "Helvetica" in ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake (Gnome)?03:34
viatorjust like xp on the same box03:34
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KromiX[21:34:00]  <viator> i run ubuntu on a p2 450 with 128mb it runs ?? I have a AMD 2.7ghz 128MB DDR PC3200 and its not running ;03:34
Jack_SparrowKromiX: Borrow a stick.. run the live and pull it if you must after the install03:34
georgyKromix : alternate cd is without graphic installer03:34
ArrickKromiX, you can download it, or you can have it shipped to you03:34
KromiXya ill just borrow a stick and take it back03:35
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viatorxp came out in what 2001? its 6 years old ubuntu is a current and modern operating system03:35
AscI'd be surprised if you couldn't run Ubuntu and Gnome on 64 MB.  Probably the liveCD wouldn't work though03:35
KromiXviator: u installed with on ur p2 450 with 128mb from the live cd no problems?03:35
viatoryes live cd03:35
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KromiXdubayu tee f03:35
viatorit was actually dapper flight503:35
EnsignRedshirtkamui: The base packages for R appear to be r-base and r-base-core.  There are *many* additional add-on packages.03:35
viatorbut its updated ofcourse03:35
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KromiXooo maybe i can do that03:35
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AscAck.  Just use alternate install03:36
KromiXinstall an older version03:36
Code-Eugh the java didn't install03:36
viatornow most of the time its a xfce session03:36
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Code-Ehow do install the one in repositories?03:36
KromiXis the alternate install dificult? (keep in mind my first ubuntu install)03:36
FlannelKromiX: just get the alternate ISO ;)03:36
viatorbut my sister logs into gnome03:36
FlannelKromiX: no, it's not.  It just doesn't have a pretty interface03:36
AscKromix: it's easier than installing win2k03:36
lupine_85it's urine easy03:36
kamuiEnsignRedshirt: thanks03:36
ArrickKromiX, very easy to install03:36
SpottyfoxHi, all. I seem to have lost my ability to shut down or reboot from the menu a few updates ago.03:36
EnsignRedshirtkamui: You might want to take a look here first to learn more about R: http://www.r-project.org/03:36
KromiXscrew the interface lol03:36
axa-axaHi, can someone please tell me how can I use "unscalled" fonts like "Helvetica" in ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake (Gnome)?03:36
Flannel!tell Code-E about java03:36
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WabsFlannel: Do I just get ndiswrapper-source, or all three?03:36
Arrickput the cd in, boot and go with it, just use defaults, except username and password03:36
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Jack_SparrowI need to start cooking dinner for the wife, goodnight all...03:37
AscSpotty: if necessary you can 'sudo shutdown -h now' to shutdown03:37
FlannelWabs: you don't need the source, perl and libc6 should already be installed03:37
Isaiah_the_Martyhow do i get xchat to use a proxy?03:37
orion_code-e https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java03:37
KromiXhrm i cant find the alternate?03:37
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KromiXfound it03:37
WabsFlannel: So then which ndiswrapper package do I get there?03:37
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FlannelWabs: but, I suppose downloading those wouldnt hurt, definately would mitigate any revision problems03:37
AscSpotty: and if you can't get the menu working, you might be able to get a launcher icon to execute that03:37
SpottyfoxAsc: Yes, that still works. Any idea how to restore my menus?03:37
ArrickIsaiah_the_Marty, ^^03:37
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WabsSo, all three then?03:37
SunDragonheh, the ubuntu wiki is very helpful03:37
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FlannelWabs: the one you're looking at, ndiswrapper-utils, scroll all the way down and theres a place to download for the various archs03:38
orion_Isaiah, try this in terminal. torify xchat03:38
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SunDragonit clearly documents something that is not easy to do in debian03:38
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AscSpotty: not really, I haven't used menus in several months now03:38
KromiXok downloading alternate brb going to install it wish me luck so I can make the change from windoZe to ubuntu :)03:38
orion_but freenode does not allow it I believe03:38
Isaiah_the_MartyArrick, i've tried that it doesnt work03:38
Isaiah_the_Martyhow do i do that orion_ ?03:38
Max_-okay, now I'm in trouble...  the X config file is all messed up... I can't even load X... what can I do?03:38
SpottyfoxAsc: It's not a big deal, would just be nice.03:38
SunDragoni found several documents on debian.org for how to do this task, but they were all incomplete, and some of the irc help i got was just plain misleading03:38
orion_open terminal first, applications->terminal03:38
WabsLOL, OH. okay, wow i'm stupid for missing that03:38
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orion_then enter: torify xchat03:38
orion_I know it works with irssi03:38
SpottyfoxDigging the new amaroK :D03:39
AscSpotty: try rebooting, maybe that will fix it :)03:39
axa-axaHi, can someone please tell me how can I use "unscalled" fonts like "Helvetica" in ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake (Gnome)?03:39
Isaiah_the_Martyconnection failed orion_03:39
fatbrainI have gnu java compiler installed and I want to install sun jdk, should I remove the gjc first?03:39
Dr_willisuse them where axa-axa ?03:39
Asc(or just restarting the xserver/gnome session)03:39
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tallgeeseReally quick queation: can you install the x86 ubuntu on a 64 bit processor?03:39
Madpilottallgeese, yes03:39
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Dr_willisfatbrain,  no need. you can use 'update-alternatives' to select the one to use by default03:39
Max_-Any idea on restauring the xorg.conf file?03:40
axa-axaDr_willis: I cannot find "Helvetica" in System -> Preferences -> Font03:40
BIRDSIXIs anyone here familiar with the live linux back-track?03:40
fatbrainDr_willis: Thanks03:40
Isaiah_the_Martyam i supposed to do something else orion_ ?03:40
Isaiah_the_Martyits not working for irssi either03:40
Dr_willisaxa-axa,  you install the ms fonts yet?03:40
orion_try this-> torify irssi     then when irssi opens type /connect irc.freenode.net just to see if tor works. freenode will not let you use tor but you can test tor03:40
orion_are you sure tor and privoxy is installed?03:40
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Isaiah_the_Martyconnection refused03:40
axa-axaDr_willis: msttcorefonts? If yes, then yes I have.03:41
Dr_willisHmm - i dont have a Helivacs fonts either.. :P03:41
Isaiah_the_Martyis there a file i have to edit or something?03:41
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TTT_TravisI am currently running ubuntu-server how can I replace the kernel with the normal ubuntu kernel03:41
KromiXhey guys one more question for later, i'm installing Ubuntu in a second when the alternate cd download completes but which KDE command install should i use to just install the basic kde 'look' for the desktop enviroment?03:41
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orion_when do you get by entering tor?03:41
KromiXthe kde-core?03:41
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Code-Esuprise butt secks03:41
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!03:41
BIRDSIXDoes anyone know where I can download a copy of windows xp pro besides a torrent site?03:42
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SpottyfoxAsc: Thanks03:42
Isaiah_the_Martyit says connection refused03:42
Isaiah_the_Martythats all03:42
Max_-what was the dpkg-reconfigure parameter for reconfiguring xorg.conf???03:42
__mikemThanks Hobbsee03:42
MadpilotBIRDSIX, buy one from Microsoft03:42
viatorKromix if you want kde why not kubuntu?03:42
tallgeeseMadpilot: thanks. do you know if there would be any compiling problems if I'm running 32 bit ubuntu on a 64 bit cpu, or will it be just like running it on an x86?03:42
BIRDSIXmadpilot, I would rather download it for free instead of pay for it.03:42
Dr_willisFreefont Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts      -- these fonts are similar to the (in)famous Helvetica, Times and Courier fonts.03:42
axa-axaDr_willis: Although I'm not sure, I think that there is "Helvetica" font in /usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi but I cannot see it or use it anywhere in Gnome (like for Desktop fonts).03:43
Dr_willisin the ttf-freefont package.03:43
Madpilottallgeese, AFAIK it will run just fine03:43
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EnsignRedshirtBIRDSIX: XP is not free.03:43
KromiXi dunno cause i thought ubuntu with the kde-core addon would have more 'support' since its the main ubuntu distro and not a secondary project?03:43
MadpilotBIRDSIX, piracy is always off-topic here.03:43
Dr_willisaxa-axa,  looks like ttf-freefont has an alternative to it.03:43
viatoryou can install kde through synaptic03:43
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viatoror the commandline03:43
tallgeeseMadpilot, thanks!03:43
KromiXi just wanna install whatever and see if i like it03:43
viatorsudo apt-get install kde-desktop03:43
KromiXso i can get away from windoze03:43
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Max_-what was the dpkg-reconfigure parameter for reconfiguring xorg.conf???03:43
BIRDSIXIf you get an MSDN account on MSDN.com you can download it for free though right or can you only download beta versions?03:44
viatoryeah thats the ticket!03:44
KromiXas long as it doesnt hinder video game graphics i'll be on ubuntu ;P03:44
georgyMax_- : xserver-xorg03:44
MadpilotBIRDSIX, I have no idea, and this is not a Windows support channel.03:44
ArrickWOW, ubuntu breezy took up a whole 3 gig HD, and quit installing?03:44
ArrickI didnt think it was that big03:44
Max_-georgy, thanks a lot03:44
georgyMax_-, : np03:44
fatbrainDr_willis: The JDK I just installed doesn't show up in the update-alternatives, any suggestions?03:45
SunDragonIt's a bit of a pain to learn, but once you know it it's no more difficult to use than any other formatted output, and because it's a DTP package, the output is a class above what people expect from quick'n'dirty Perl scripts."03:45
gbutlerEeewww! What happened to fonts for Epiphany/Firefox on Edgy Eft? Looks horrible!03:45
SunDragonthis is said of LaTeX03:45
axa-axaDr_willis: Can you tell me how to change this? I wanted to put some unscalled (not antialiased) fonts for Desktop fonts for example, because antialiased fonts if they are small look blured, but every font in System->Preferences->Font is antialiased.03:45
Dr_willisfatbrain,  read the !java url the bot givs03:45
SunDragonwhat is a DTP package?03:45
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:45
Dr_willisaxa-axa,  you can disable the anti-aliasing of the smaller scale fonts.03:45
MadpilotSunDragon, DTP = Desktop Publishing03:46
KrakensDenI want to install a printer that I'm connect to through my non-primary network interface03:46
KrakensDendoes that make sense?03:46
KrakensDenanyway, I can ping the printer03:46
KrakensDenI know it works with Linux03:46
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:46
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KrakensDenbut I can't seem to install it via cups or the GNOME dialog03:46
SunDragonMadpilot: thanks, a new acronym to me03:46
`m0hi when I run nm-applet03:46
axa-axaDr_willis: How can I do that and will it look like fonts in Windows?03:46
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Dr_willisaxa-axa,  no idea. i dont worry about the fonts in windows much.03:47
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`m0when I run nm-applet, the icon appears, but whne I close the terminal.. the icon closes03:47
dave_does anyone know the comman to fix my display on my monitor03:47
viatorif your printers drivers installed03:47
`m0how can I keep the icon visisble03:47
viatorand set it to use static ip03:47
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Dr_willisaxa-axa,   tjeres also some other tweaks you can do to the font server and how it does the aliasing. but i never can tell the diff.03:47
viatorthen set it up using ipp03:47
georgyaxa-axa : try to install msttcorefonts03:47
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axa-axaDr_willis: tjeres?03:48
Max_-what can I do if I get the "no screen found" thing at startx???  ... heeeelp :(03:48
GhostFreemantrying to reinstall Ubuntu here03:48
tonyyarussoWhich would be better/more linux-friendly: Integrated Intel 845G graphics card, or ATI rage 128?03:48
Isaiah_the_Martydoes anyone have a list of free proxies on hand i can use for irc?03:48
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GhostFreemanand it won't mount either partition03:48
georgyMax_ : what's the error message03:48
axa-axageorgy: Yes I have msttcorefonts installed.03:48
Dr_willisIsaiah_the_Marty,  you can use TOR. not sure about others.. or why you would want to bother.03:49
Isaiah_the_Martyi'm trying to use tor03:49
Isaiah_the_Martyits not working03:49
Dr_willistor is often blocked by freenode wjen a lot of attacks are happening.03:49
Dr_willisand ircing over tor can get to be laggy03:49
Max_-georgy  no screen found ...   XIO   fatal IO error 104  connecton reset by peer on X server......03:49
dave_what is the comman to fix my monitor res03:49
MadpilotIsaiah_the_Marty, tor is blocked from #ubuntu currently03:50
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:50
Isaiah_the_Martynot trying to get on #ubuntu with tor03:50
axa-axaDr_willis: Can you please tell me, how can I disable antialiasing on smaller fonts, and what are other tweak that could be done to font server?03:50
georgyMax_ : wath's uour graphic driver03:50
Max_-georgy : selected ati03:50
Dr_willisaxa-axa,  im sure theres a tab/setting in the fonts setting control panel applet. Using kde at the moment so i cant check.03:50
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georgyMax_ : try vesa03:50
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Max_-georgy : but I think it was suggesting vesa03:51
zack_im unable to record anything with my microphone, what can i do to fix this?03:51
Dr_willisaxa-axa,  if using a lcd - you may want to twiddle with the hinting/settings as well03:51
Max_-georgy : okay... that's weird, cuz that's a radeon I have here....03:51
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georgyMax_ : try it03:51
writingdeskzack:  Have you checked alsamixer to ensure the mic was unmuted?03:51
Isaiah_the_Martydvirc.dyndns.org #dextroverse can someone tell them to unshun me03:51
`m0Hello, my wireless connection was previously working, once I placed the ehternet cable , the wireless is not working anymore03:51
Dr_willisaxa-axa,  right there under the 'details' button :P03:51
Isaiah_the_Martythey accidentally did and havent fixed it yet03:51
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Arrick`m0, perfectly normal, ubuntu likes one or the other03:52
`m0My Network Manager Gnome doesn't see any wireless, what should I do03:52
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`m0Arrick: what should I do then?03:52
zack_writing desk yes i have03:52
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:52
writingdesk'mo: pray03:52
krazykitIsaiah_the_Marty: this is not the place for that.03:52
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zack_writingdesk, how ever every thime i go back to see if it is still muted after i unmute it it says its muted03:53
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WabsAre there any codecs to get .wmv files to run on Ubuntu?03:53
WabsI've been wondering03:53
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eyequeue!restrictedformats > Wabs03:53
viatorwabs w32codecs03:53
infamousehello everyone, i'm wondering where i can find the ubuntu live cd...i've been looking, but i can't seem to find a place where i can download it03:53
Isaiah_the_Martywell how do i get Tor to work for xchat03:53
axa-axaDr_willis: Yes. I found it, but there is no option for disabling aa for smaller fonts while enabling it for larger, there is only choice: Smoothing: None, Grayscale and Subpixel (LCDs) and hinting. Thats all. No Im not using lapton.03:53
writingdeskzack:  you hitting esc to exit alsamixer?03:54
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive03:54
Isaiah_the_Martyi've done everything the help file said and i sitll keep getting connection refused03:54
eyequeueinfamouse, ^^03:54
zack_writing desk, no03:54
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viatoryou wanna install mplayer and the moilla mplayer plugin03:54
viatorfor the browser03:54
Wabsviator: So I need to get w32 codecs then?03:54
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zack_writing desk ok now its unmuted03:54
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eyequeueWabs, the bot should have told you03:54
WabsAH, I see it, thanks eyequeue03:55
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WabsI can grab them from there?03:55
eyequeueWabs, np03:55
infamouseis there a name for the live CD that i don't know of?03:55
zack_writing desk but i still hear no palyback after i try to record something03:55
tyler_dwired networking issues.... cannot get it to connect ??03:55
Isaiah_the_MartyHow do i get Tor to work for xchat03:55
tyler_dsorry, wireless?03:55
eyequeueinfamouse, i recommend the alternate cd myself, but it should be right i the same directory, along with the server cd03:55
EnsignRedshirtinfamouse: The regular CD is a live CD.03:55
max_georgy, okay, now I'm in my gnome interface....  but it's now stuck at 85Hz and 1024x768 ... what might be too high as a refresh rate for my LCD and far too low as resolution!... what can I do now?03:55
MadpilotIsaiah_the_Marty, try #tor for help with it03:56
infamouseeyequeue, what's different about the alternate cd?03:56
viatormax install the proper drivers for your card03:57
infamouseEnsignRedshirt, the regular CD is a live CD?  how do i boot into the live version then?03:57
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axa-axaDr_willis: any advice03:57
axa-axaDr_willis: ?03:57
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georgyMax_ : change into the correct value by doing dpkg-reconfigure ...03:57
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DonnyHallo, anyone know where we can download official ubuntu book03:57
GhostFreemanjust put it in, really...03:57
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eyequeueinfamouse, more features/programs on it, no need to carry all that live stuff :)  it can handle special installs, rescue tools, you name it03:57
Madpilotinfamouse, for 6.06, the 'Desktop' CD is a liveCD; the 'alternative' CD is the old style text installer03:57
max_georgy, .. that's what I try to do and everything bugs...03:57
KyralWhy do people make such a fuss out of the word "Official"03:57
Dr_willisi dont use gnome.. and aparently the gnome guys decided its too 'complex' for normal users to tweak with.03:57
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darkgothjoin #ubuntu-es03:57
zack_writingdesk, it says my mic is unmuted but when i record i hear nothing on the playback03:57
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gileswwi wish i could have used that installer03:57
georgymax_ : then i don't know03:58
gileswwsounded interesting03:58
max_georgy, last time, I added many resolution ratios.. and they don't even appear now....03:58
Dr_willisaxa-axa,  so there may be some gconf settings to tweak it.. no idea.03:58
eyequeueinfamouse, see what gilesww said :)03:58
gileswwmy nvidia 7800gt corrupts with the standard drivers though03:58
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georgymax_ : you choose expert option for configuring your screen03:59
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transgress_anyone in here have an ALPS touchpad?03:59
koolatronjoin #edgy03:59
eyequeuekoolatron, #ubuntu+103:59
writingdeskzack: try the suggestions in this thread http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=37850404:00
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GhostFreemanhey this installer is stuck at 82% (Configuring Apt)04:00
GhostFreemanis this bad04:01
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krazykitGhostFreeman: maybe, maybe not.  give it some time.04:01
Dr_willisservers may be down04:01
Dr_willisor slow04:01
GhostFreemanno CD or HDD activity04:01
GhostFreemanand my connection is being pretty slow04:01
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transgress_i'm having some severe problems with my touchpad, and i've read the fixes on the forums and they aren't working... they sort of are... but i'm having entirely new problems04:01
ncalpunkerHow do you add a launcher to the applications menu?04:02
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eyequeueGhostFreeman, press alt-f2, alt-f3, alt-f4, and come back via alt-f1 .... status on one of those04:02
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`m0The thing is that my Wireless is WORKING, but I don't see it in the Network Manager Gnome Applet... All I asee is No Network Connection, but I do have  anetwork connection04:02
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gileswwif i put ubuntu into recovery mode will i be able to install the nvidia binary drivers?04:02
newpZhi how can i edit a .mov (quicktime) file?04:02
leboffMy session keeps timing out while trying to connect to a windows peer-to-peer wireless network.. can anyone help out with this? please pm me04:02
eyequeueGhostFreeman, sometimes it's busy in the background, and you can tell that way04:02
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Arrickthere are two different places to look for wireless and lan `m004:02
georgy`m0 : try netapplet04:03
DonnyHallo, anyone know where we can download official ubuntu book04:03
Flannelgilesww: yes04:03
`m0Arrick: Before I saw the two places04:03
uslii need help regarding java in ubuntu04:03
`m0Arrick: now I see only Lan04:03
Flannel!tell usli about java04:03
uslii cant execute java file04:03
gileswwtx flan04:03
ArrickFlannel, how big should a hd be for a default breezy install?04:03
krazykitusli: you mean a .jar file?  java -jar file.jar04:03
`m0Arrick: All I see is a dimmed Wired NEtwork, I don't see the wireless NEtowrk, but I am currently conencted using wireless04:04
`m0Arrick:It was working before...04:04
=== bones [n=bones@bas10-toronto12-1177644693.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
usliit doesnt show anything04:04
FlannelArrick: no idea.  I think like 2-3gb is minimum. installed size04:04
Flannelusli: do you have java installed?04:04
`m0Arrick: It was working before until I connected ethernet04:04
Arrick`m0, if it aint brok dont fix it, thats what I always go by04:04
GhostFreemaninstaller is hung up04:04
ncalpunkerIs there any place to get good themes.04:04
bonesis there an app that will undo the unzipping of a zip file to the filesystem?04:04
GhostFreemando I kill it, format and start over?04:04
krazykitnathanj: art.gnome.org, gnome-look.org04:04
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uslii've installed netbean with j2sdk04:04
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krazykitGhostFreeman: you could also check to make sure the CD is ok04:05
eyequeuebones, a manual rm of the files04:05
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writingdesk'mo: if it ain't broke...04:05
=== Caplain [n=matt@6.detroit-04-05rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
krazykiti think it's a boot option, GhostFreeman04:05
GhostFreemanthe CD is fine04:05
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writingdeskbones: rm04:05
krazykitGhostFreeman: then i'd just blow away the partitions and try again04:05
GhostFreemanbut i'll kill the installer and try again04:05
bonesbut if theres an app that can do the rm for you that would be good04:05
twistedHi there - I have a problem where my audio hardware isn't detected, I think04:05
Telrothanyone here know about the alt+numpad thing in windows for typing funny characters and if there's something similar for X ?04:05
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`m0Arrick: erm I guess so, but it aint zexy anymore :(04:05
eyequeuebones, you can use the archive manager to see what files were in it04:06
boneseyequeue: true04:06
gileswwwhat ubuntu like for running xen these days?04:06
wickedpuppybones, you want app that cope rm ? why ?04:06
eyequeuebones, but no app for rm really04:06
halcyonCorsairtwisted: what sort of audio hardware?04:06
gileswwit's a big thing for fc6 i was reading04:06
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krazykitTelroth: probably, but i know there's a gnome applet that will put the character in your pastebuffer04:06
twistedhalcyonCorsair, onboard sound, via chipset04:06
boneswickedpuppy: well wouldnt it be nice04:06
SunDragoni typically like to install a minimal system and build up from there, and i want to install to lvm on raid.  would i be better off with the server or alternate install CD?04:06
halcyonCorsairhalcyonCorsair: and its all enabled?04:06
crimsuntwisted: cat /proc/asound/cards04:06
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Telrothkrazykit, i'm using kde.04:07
halcyonCorsairtwisted: uh, what he said :)04:07
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wickedpuppybones, rm is nice ... in GUI you can highlight and delete ... anything else you wish for ?04:07
droogyIf you installed a program from source (using make install)04:07
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droogydoes it not show up in synaptic?04:07
twistedcrimeboy, halcyonCorsair, no such file or directory04:07
eyequeuebones, mkdir temp ; cd temp ; unzip foo.zip     safer to use dirs, then you can rm everything in the dir (next time)04:07
Dr_willisdroogy,  no.04:07
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SunDragondroogy: probably not04:07
twistedoops, bad tab--complete04:07
crimsuntwisted: lspci -v |grep -i audio04:07
droogyso it won't update.04:07
twistedcrimsun, I get nothing04:08
eyequeuedroogy, make install is to be avoided, build a deb so the package manager knows about it :)04:08
boneseyequeue: sure but what im saying is if you unzip a tgz for example into the filesystem tree and it throws a whole load of files in there04:08
crimsuntwisted: how old is your computer?04:08
Dr_willisdroogy,  no it will not. :)04:08
bonesit would take a long time to find the files04:08
FlannelSunDragon: the Alternate (server option)04:08
twistedcrimsun, maybe 3 years04:08
halcyonCorsairtwisted: i'd suggest you check your bios to see if the onboard sound is actually enabled04:08
crimsuntwisted: cpu?04:08
droogyI'm finding this aspect of ubuntu REALLY frustrating.04:08
SunDragonFlannel: thank you for the advice04:08
eyequeuebones, definitely to be avoided, and you are stuck with the manual rm, sorry, but there's no simple app for that04:08
bonesnow we think hmmm how do write the app or script04:09
Flanneldroogy: er, it wouldn't in ANY distro, because it's not under package management04:09
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SunDragondroogy: unfortunately, i don't think you'll find it much better elsewhere04:09
SunDragondroogy: however, gentoo or freebsd might be more to your liking04:09
twistedcrimsun, P4 3.004:09
eyequeuedroogy, it sounds like you might prefer a disro that doesn't use a central package management system04:09
Flanneldroogy: that's the whole point of packages, to keep track of things, and keep them up to date, when you step outside of that, you're stepping outside of the package management04:09
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twistedhalcyonCorsair, I think it is enabled, I was running win xp before04:10
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droogyI like package management.04:10
=== lakcaj [n=lakcaj@bas3-kingston08-1168068846.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SunDragoni think slackware + pkgsrc could be a potent combination04:10
droogythere just needs to be more levels to it.04:10
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SunDragonbut slackware isn't so great on the hardware support04:10
droogyie. more 'on the edge' version.04:10
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Dr_willisdroogy,  being cutting edge can be good and bad. :P04:10
wickedpuppydroogy, gentoo ?04:10
Flanneldroogy: try debian04:10
Dr_willisdroogy,  go try arch linux - the arch users always brag about it.04:10
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SunDragondroogy: if you want to be cut, gentoo's for you04:10
Dr_willisor gentoo :P04:11
butleR`does anyone have a definitive guide to installing compiz for a Nvidia based card?04:11
droogyI don't want to be cutting edge.04:11
bruenigDr_willis, don't all users always brag04:11
droogyjust with certain programs.04:11
Dr_willisbutleR`,  there were several wiki pages on it.04:11
eyequeuedroogy, dpkg-buildpackage (or any of it's various front-ends) may be what you are lacking04:11
necroforestgentoo isn't really cutting edge04:11
droogyie. ntfs support and Amarok.04:11
Adept2point0i was curious about something I saw on the ubuntu home page, "The desktop CD allows you to try Ubuntu without changing your computer at all, and at your option to install it permanently later." can anyone explain that me a bit more?04:11
butleR`Dr_willis : I've tried a bunch of them but now I'm getting E: Couldn't find package gnome-compiz-manager04:11
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FlannelAdept2point0: it's a liveCD (so you can try it without touching your system) that you can install from04:12
eyequeuedroogy, read the man page to see what this does, but it also may cover your needs "apt-get -b foo" for app named foo, you can build a newer deb04:12
bruenigAdept2point0, the desktop cd is also a live cd meaning it will boot and run just on your ram without affecting your disk or any other aspect of your computer and then from there you can determine if you want to install it04:12
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Dr_willis!info gnome-compiz-manager04:12
ubotuPackage gnome-compiz-manager does not exist in any distro I know04:12
Adept2point0and in order to install it i would need to format?04:12
wickedpuppydroogy, ntfs support is problem on every distro ... if one distro got it right .. you can bet every distro will get it right the next day ... amarok is fine on ubuntu ...04:12
OmnifariousWhere do I find the full .deb file for a package?04:12
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:12
yarddogthe compiz repos are broke04:12
bruenigAdept2point0, yeah04:12
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Dr_willisi feel compiz is broke. :P lol04:12
FlannelOmnifarious: the repositories, or packages.ubuntu.com, if you need to do it outside of apt-get (and it's various frontends)04:13
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FlannelDr_willis: #ubuntu-xgl04:13
MegloHow do I find/list all the applications I have installed? A few don't show up in the xfce menu and when I try and run them from the command line they seem to not exist (I don't know the exact name to run them under though)04:13
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butleR`oh well that sucks04:13
eyequeueOmnifarious, sudo apt-get -d foo, then find foo.deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/04:13
Adept2point0hmmm, what about installing it on an IDE harddrive?04:13
dave_how can i get streaming radio on my ubuntu with sites that use wmp04:13
Dr_willisFlannel,  id rather be in #ubuntu-down-with-xgl :)04:13
OmnifariousFlannel: Thanks.  I do.  The kernel that comes with Dapper doesn't recognize my Ethernet card.04:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:13
droogycan you do a checkinstall?04:13
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droogyie. sudo make checkinstall04:13
MegloIll try04:14
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dave_streaming radio online04:14
thenetduckShould I use the drivers from ATI for my ATI Graphics Card or fglrx ??? What is better and what is the difference ???04:14
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georgydave_ : streamturner04:14
eyequeue!info checkinstall04:14
ubotucheckinstall: installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-3ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 132 kB04:14
Flannel!tell droogy about compile04:14
gileswwi never got xgl to work when i last installed ubuntu 64bit04:15
georgydave : streamtuner*04:15
Arrickif I installed fiaif by typing in "sudo aptitude install fiaif" what would be the command to uninstall it?04:15
grndslmexcuse me, but how do i set my dns server on a static inet connection??  i've tried changing scripts under /etc/network/if-up.d/  AND  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/04:15
gileswwis it now supported just with binaries?04:15
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sorush20hi ..04:15
eyequeueArrick, dpkg --purge fiaff04:15
eyequeueArrick, sudo dpkg --purge fiaif   rather04:16
=== Max_- [n=max@modemcable174.139-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
OmnifariousIs the Athlon a K7?04:17
Max_-now my keyboard is messed... if I try to add it in X, it lauches errors...  any way to set the keyboard again04:17
Arrickeyequeue, logged in as root, it worked04:17
ubotuxconfig is To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:17
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grndslmhow do i setup my dns nameserver for a static inet connection in dapper??04:17
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droogyIn this case can you reinstall from source over top of a make install using make checkinstall?04:18
mistik1grndslm, just add "nameserver" to /etc/resolv.conf04:18
droogyor should I remove the program then redo with checkinstall?04:18
mistik1not the 0.0 IP of course but in that format04:18
grndslmmistikl, but resolvconf or the resolver, somethin'....changes resolv.conf every time i reboot04:18
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kitchegrndslm: dhcp changes it04:19
grndslmhow do i turn that off04:19
eyequeuedroogy, /usr/bin is the exclusive domain of the package manager, so it's probably in /usr/local/bin etc, so i'd say remove first04:19
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Meglodroogy, I guess I installed the checkinstall package but when I do checkinstall from command line it wants to build a default set of packaging documents. It fails the installation because "make install" has "no rule to make target 'install'"04:20
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MegloI should just go back to tandy.04:20
MegloIt was a joke. In case you were wondering.04:20
link_36pAnyone know where i could start diagnosing a problem with cdroms not reading disks?04:21
grndslmhow can i turn dhcp off so that resolvconf doesn't erase what i've written in resolv.conf??04:21
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supermigueldoes any one know how to set up an easy ftp server?04:21
Arricktry another computer, or cdrom link_36p04:22
eyequeuegrndslm, doesn't each ifup overwrite that?04:22
Meglodoes any one know how to set up an easy DC hub04:22
=== BluR [n=BluR@pool-71-243-96-117.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
grndslmeyequeue, that's what i thought....but it doesn't work for some reason04:22
eyequeuegrndslm, including static, i thought04:22
link_36pArrick > but im trying to fix this computer...04:22
Arrickyeah, try the cd in another computer or cdrom04:22
eyequeuegrndslm, add what you need to the tail or whatever files, in the *.d/ directory04:22
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butleR`Is there a way to install http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=44934 on gnome?04:23
grndslmeyequeue, i've tried changing scripts under /etc/network/if-up.d/  AND  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/04:23
Arrickif it works in the other comptuer or cdrom, and there is no light coming on when closed, check the wiring on the back of the cdrom inside the case04:23
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eyequeuegrndslm, /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/04:23
ajax4link_36p: Most likely that type of error is a physical problem with the drive and/or discs itself, not with Ubuntu.04:24
grndslmtried it04:24
Arrickif the light comes on, but doesnt read, check the flat wide cable and make sure its all the way plugged in, and check the board end as well04:24
eyequeuegrndslm, always seemed to work on my machines, i don't know then04:24
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grndslmeyequeue, did you put it in base or tail04:24
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grndslmit shouldn't matter should it?04:24
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ajax4I'm getting error messages trying to install a package. Could there be an error in the repository?04:25
eyequeuegrndslm, i put the lines i want last in tail, the lines i want at the top in head04:25
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=== gershon [n=gershon@217-132-154-104.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueajax4, can you pastebin the errors?04:26
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eyequeue!pastebin > ajax404:26
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ajax4eyequeue: Ok04:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:26
PhuzionIs there a good program to burn ISO's with for Ubuntu?04:26
tainted_where can i specify which services to boot on startup?04:27
eyequeuePhuzion, multiple, right click on it with gnome, or use gnomebaker04:27
OmnifariousWhat's a .udeb file?04:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about GnomeBaker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:27
PhuzionAlright, thanks guys04:27
ajax4Phuzion: You can also use Nautilus.04:27
eyequeue!info gnomebaker04:27
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ubotugnomebaker: application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 862 kB, installed size 2640 kB04:27
PhuzionDoes it come installed stock?04:28
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PhuzionI'm using 5.1004:28
eyequeueGhostFreeman, "!info " :)04:28
GhostFreemani'll keep that in mind04:28
eyequeue!info gnomebaker breezy04:28
ubotugnomebaker: application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1 (breezy), package size 359 kB, installed size 1240 kB04:28
Wabsso i'm installing ndiswrapper04:28
OmnifariousWhat is a .udeb file and how does it differ from a .deb file?04:28
WabsSo after that, what should I do to get my USB Wireless card to work04:28
eyequeuePhuzion, no, it is in universe, need help with repos?04:28
grndslmeyequeue, i think resolvconf is having trouble because when i restart the resolvconf init script, it spits out an error, then when i restart it one more time, it has no error04:28
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Phuzioneyequeue:  Nah, I'll figure it out04:29
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eyequeuegrndslm, yes, that does sound suspicious04:29
PhuzionThanks for the offer though04:29
ajax4eyequeue: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2474204:29
GhostFreemanhow long does it take you guys to configure APT?04:29
eyequeuePhuzion, np04:29
gershonhey all, do i start nautilus's dekstop only ( without my home folder popping up )04:29
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butleR`can i install a compiz theme without having compiz fully installed?04:29
gershonhow *** ?04:29
OmnifariousFlannel: What's a .udeb file?04:29
twistedThanks for the help, guys. I feel like a complete tool now. The onboard sound was disabled in the BIOS, because I installed a cheapo 5.1 surround card in Korea, which I had totally forgotten about and don't need any more. I reenabled the bios one, removed the card, and while I can't play files over the network, locally is fine. Thanks!04:29
eyequeueOmnifarious, does ubuntu use those?  or just debian?04:29
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eyequeueOmnifarious, it's a microdeb, not to be used except by the installer, i believe04:30
droogymeglo: my line was not meant to respond to yoru question.04:30
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Omnifariouseyequeue: Ubuntu seems to, but I don't no.04:30
OmnifariousOh.  :-(04:30
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dooglusgershon: nautilus -n04:30
grndslmgershon, "nautilus /" or whever you'd nautilus to start at04:30
OmnifariousAll I want is to download the latest kernel packages by hand.04:30
OmnifariousThat's it.04:30
gershon10x!, can i sharpen my question?04:30
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eyequeueajax4, well, it looks like you broke your dapper04:31
eyequeueajax4, you installed an edgy library04:31
GhostFreemanfor some odd reason I can't make HTTP queries after this installer hits 82%04:31
ajax4eyequeue: How did I do that?04:31
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eyequeueajax4, watch the bot04:31
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WabsSo I installed ndiswrapper-utils, and now that's it's installed, what do I need to do to configure my USB wireless card to access the internet?04:31
gershoni need a script to toggle my desktop icons on\off , "--set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop false" kills it "nautilus -n" to show?04:31
eyequeue!info libfontconfig1 dapper04:32
ubotulibfontconfig1: generic font configuration library (shared library). In component main, is optional. Version 2.3.2-1.1ubuntu12 (dapper), package size 112 kB, installed size 260 kB04:32
eyequeue!info libfontconfig1 edgy04:32
ubotulibfontconfig1: generic font configuration library - runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3.2-7ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 117 kB, installed size 268 kB04:32
surgyubotu ati04:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:32
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eyequeueajax4, see the issue?04:32
omarHello Guys04:32
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omarHow can I read my hotmail in Evolution04:32
=== Omnifarious looks frustrated.
omarI was able to do it with my gmail04:32
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omarbut hotmail I just cannot04:32
GhostFreemanbecause I can't load up the forums or anything now with this installer04:33
eyequeueomar, that is a ms product, they wil not have the same features04:33
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georgy Wabs : try ndisgtk04:33
ubotuIf you must use this microsoft product, consider hotway: hotwayd/hotsmtpd are POP3/SMTP-HTTPMail gateway daemons, also works for lycos spray and msn04:33
ajax4eyequeue: Hmm...I don't remember adding edgy sources, that's the thing.04:33
kitcheumm lol msn is hotmail04:33
GhostFreemanwhat the fuck is wrong with my install!04:33
eyequeueajax4, did you do anything else nonstandard?04:33
Wabsgeorgy: In terminal?04:33
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GhostFreemanIt's not going past 82%04:34
eyequeue!language > GhostFreeman04:34
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:34
FlannelGhostFreeman: did you burn the CD yourself?04:34
FlannelGhostFreeman: at what speed?04:34
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omareyequeue: yes but how04:34
ajax4eyequeue: Only thing is I have been working (unsuccessfully) with xgl/compiz...that's the only non-official sources I've added.04:34
surgywhattt is the link to the site with the sources.conf that i can copy/paste ?04:34
GhostFreemanlet me explain04:34
georgyWabs,: is gui interface for installing a wireless card04:34
FlannelGhostFreeman: that's your problem, burn it again at 4x04:34
omarubotu: HOw can I do it04:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about HOw can I do it - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
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GhostFreemanI can't04:34
georgyWabs : sudo apt-get install ndisgtk04:34
eyequeueajax4, yes, xgl tends to break systems, i have no idea why people use it04:34
Flannel!tell surgy about source-o-matic04:34
GhostFreemanI fscked my GRUB up04:34
Flannel!tell GhostFreeman about grub04:34
dooglusgershon: it looks that way.04:35
surgythank you04:35
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ajax4eyequeue: Well, they use it cuz its pretty :) Any suggestions on what to do?04:35
Flanneluse that to fix it (first link)04:35
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quietodd... frostware doesn't look in /usr/bin for java... even after using the ubuntu package...  how to fix?  a sumlink from /usr/bin/java to /opt/java didn't work either.04:35
dooglusgershon: I'm surprised that asking nautilus not to show the desktop causes it to quit04:35
Wabsgeorgy: E: Couldn't find package ndisgtk04:35
omarubotu: I will check it there04:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about I will check it there - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:35
eyequeueajax4, maybe someone in #ubuntu-xgl can tell you how to get rid of it04:35
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GhostFreemanI can't use any web pages04:35
WabsI can't access the internet from that latptop, georgy, so how am I supposed to install that package?04:35
__mikemomar ubotu is an irc bot04:35
ajax4eyequeue: Ok, thanks.04:35
FlannelGhostFreeman: why not?04:35
GhostFreemanonce this installer hits 82%04:35
supermiguelhow can i make an ftp server secure and easy04:35
eyequeueajax4, good luck04:35
GhostFreemanHTTP Queries just stop04:35
GhostFreemanI can ping and IRC04:35
drumline_What makes04:35
GhostFreemanbut I can't load any web pages04:35
drumline_er...   What makes Ubuntu so popular?04:35
GhostFreemanI can't get back into Windows either04:35
omar__mikem: what's that04:35
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:36
gershonmaybe there's a script like that ?04:36
eyequeuesupermiguel, it is not a secure protocol, you should use sftp perhaps, apt-get install openssh-server04:36
georgyWabs : okay, do you have the windriver ?04:36
FlannelGhostFreeman: so, reboot, and don't start the installer.04:36
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Wabsgeorgy: I don't know?04:36
dooglusgershon: it seems that setting that value to 'false' only causes nautilus to exit if there are no other nautilus windows open04:36
GhostFreemanthis dosen't address that I just formatted over my Ubuntu installer04:36
georgyWabs : do you have a cd for your card ?04:36
surgyok so when i installed ubuntu it had me set up a defual account, but the defualt pw is the same as root, how do i log into my ccount with one pw and into my account as root with another?04:36
GhostFreemanhow will I install it if the system can't make any HTTP calls04:36
Jack_SparrowGhostFreeman:   Put this in your browser to see if it is just a dns problem04:36
dooglusgershon: and if it does exit, and you leave the value set as 'false', then "nautilus -n" won't do anything - it'll exit straight away.  you need to set it 'true' first04:37
Wabsgeorgy: yeah04:37
georgyWabs : so you must have the windriver, have a look on the cd04:37
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gershonyeah, noticed... so what u reckon?04:37
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GhostFreemanJackSparrow, that works04:37
GhostFreemanand now the installer says "scanning the mirror"04:37
GhostFreemanbut its still at 8204:38
FlannelGhostFreeman: what installer?04:38
GhostFreemanUbuntu Live CD04:38
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FlannelGhostFreeman: so, don't start the installer, go to the webpage, then follow the instructions04:38
GhostFreemanwhat webpage?04:38
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GhostFreemanthe one for GRUB?04:38
Jay_LevittPhilosophy question: I'm switching my 6-year-old Mandrake server over to ubuntu.  I know lots of people switch distributions frequently.. how do you deal with bringing all your old subsystem configurations over cleanly?  Or is it just a learned habit?04:38
Max_-can I uninstall and reinstall X and gnome?.. keeping the applications I installed and files I loaded already?04:39
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FlannelGhostFreeman: right, the recovertingubuntuafterinstallingwindows one04:39
`m0Hi, I am deleteing an Empty Folder, and it goes to the TRASH .. When I delete or empy the trash it says Error while deleting.... /home/m0/...ipsec.mod" cannot be deleted. you do not have permission to modifgy its parrent folder04:39
GhostFreemanwell what if I can't do that04:39
`m0I wonder why it says ipsec.mod when I don't have any files inisde that folder04:39
GhostFreemanwhat if my dumb ass just nuked Ubuntu? Can I go ahead and restore Grub from the Live CD04:39
Jack_SparrowBack to my football game..  Play nice..04:39
GhostFreemanso I can get back into Windows04:39
FlannelGhostFreeman: yes.  Read that page for instructions04:39
GhostFreemanlet me write that URL down04:40
georgyJack_Sparrow : wich game ?04:40
=== surgy [n=surgy@ppp-70-244-192-251.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
supermigueleyequeue: but i want to have something like a web page04:40
surgyone more thing, i forgot where my sources.list is04:40
Flannelsurgy: /etc/apt/sources.list04:41
dooglusgershon: here's a shell function that toggles icons:04:41
surgycan someone tell me?04:41
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georgysurgy : /etc/apt/04:41
dooglusgershon: copy it into your ~/.bashrc04:41
GhostFreemanok, brb04:41
Max_-can I uninstall and reinstall X and gnome?.. keeping the applications I installed and files I loaded already?  Cuz my keyboard is killing me.. and my refresh rate is burning my monitor04:41
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eyequeuesupermiguel, how does that effect ssh/scp/sftp?04:41
georgyMax_- : yes04:41
FluxDhello I have a small question I am adding this custom URl to repository list but it says theres something wrong with it "deb http://gandalfn.club.fr/ubuntu dapper"04:41
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Max_-georgy, how can it be done easily?04:41
supermiguelor at least just go to a web page and have a ssh client04:42
Max_-I know there was some apt-get commands04:42
supermiguelwith pit installing anything04:42
supermiguelwith out04:42
=== sycho [n=sycho@pool-71-254-122-239.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
georgyMax_ : apt-get remove xserver-xorg ?04:42
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Max_-lets try04:42
FlannelMax_-: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:42
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hilaryhey everyone04:43
Max_-Flannel, already got caught with that... won't do it again, it f/%/cks everything up.. from the keyboard to the resolution and going by the refresh rate...04:43
omarHow can I read my hotmail in Evolution, I still cannot do it04:43
FlannelMax_-: no, that's the way to do it.04:43
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=== sivik_ [n=sivik@66-169-181-48.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flannel!tell omar about hotmail04:43
Wabsgeorgy: My CD-ROM drive isn't reading the CD Buffalo gave to me with my USB Wireless card.04:44
=== surgy [n=surgy@ppp-70-244-192-251.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sychoAnyone know why when I install Azureus it also installs mozilla composer and web browser. Furthermore I get an error that won't go away til I reboot the system saying "Azureus did not shut down tidily.....". Any ideas how I can get this error message to stop appearing and I can keep azureus but remoze mozilla composer and browser?04:44
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georgyWabshave to :04:45
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Wabsgeorgy: I have to what?04:45
georgyWabs : what's the error message04:45
quieti have installed all of the sun-java5 stuff...  bin, plugin, etc..  frostwire won't start because it claims it can't find JRE 1.4 or greater...04:45
Wabsit doesnt even show up04:45
WabsI can hear it being read in my CD drive04:46
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Wabsbut I can't find the CD Drive located under disks04:46
georgyWabs : watch in /media04:46
Wabsand nothing pops up to show me the files on said CD04:46
Wabsgeorgy: How do I do that?04:46
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georgywabs : ok open a terminal04:47
Wabsnow what04:47
Peregrinoneed help installing GRUB on a flashdrive, can anyone gimme a hint?!04:47
georgywabs : type now : cd /media/cdrom04:47
tonyyarussoWhat does "slots x bay total     4 x 3" mean?04:47
ubuntuok the DNS on my client seems extremely wonky04:47
Peregrinoyeap, bootloader04:47
omarFlannel: yes please, tell Omar about it04:48
=== ubuntu is now known as GhostFreeman
georgywabs ?04:48
Wabsk it says /media/cdrom$04:48
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Wabsin terminal04:48
georgywabs : do ; ls and tell me the output04:49
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Wabsbash: syntax error near unexpected token ';', georgy04:50
lastnodehow do you remove a package and all it's debs? for example, i got k3b it came with kde-base etc. i dont want this.04:50
georgywabs : type just ls04:50
Peregrinoso? anyone knows GRUB??04:50
robertj_is there a good gui tool for bulk image conversion?04:50
sivik_lastnode, sudo apt-get remove kde-base04:50
sivik_lastnode, but k3b may not work after you do that04:51
GhostFreemanI can't load any websites at all on this connection04:51
GhostFreemanwhat's up? Is my ISP's DNS having problems?04:51
lastnodesivik_, i want to remove k3b, along with ALL its deps.04:51
GhostFreemansomeone throw me an IP to Google04:51
Wabsgeorgy: I get /media/cdrom$04:51
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Arrickman am I getting miffed, I have twenty ubuntu breezy install cds here from shipit, and 19 of them are garbage, about to try the last one, even tried a new cdrom04:51
RedKrieglastnode: sudo aptitude remove k3b04:51
eternalswdI have an ubuntu machine and a windows machine in the same room hooked by crossover cable.  I'd like to set up ssh on the ubuntu machine, but I don't need authentication since the ip will be bound to only the ip that the windows machine can see.  how do I set it up so I don't have to login from the windows machine?04:51
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kitcheArrick: what's a matter with them?04:52
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Lam_why am i having so much trouble getting my laptop to connect to my samba folder on my desktop?  it opens the folder but it can't write anything to it.  and yea, the folder is not read-only04:52
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lastnodeRedKrieg, will it taken kde-base with it as well?04:52
Peregrino64.233.187.99 --> Google's IP04:52
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RedKrieglastnode: aptitude will resolve dependencies and remove unneeded packages04:52
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georgywabs : you mean you don't have a output ?04:52
RedKrieglastnode: only if no other packages require it04:52
kitcheLam_: are you connecting as a user that has write permissions?04:52
lastnodeRedGhost, aptitude. i see :-)04:52
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Arrickthey get to the point where they are almost installed, and they throw an error saying the disc is bad04:52
Arrickkitche, ^^04:52
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lastnodethanks RedGhost04:52
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lastnodeRedKrieg, even04:52
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Wabsgeorgy: Nope04:53
El_Brujohow can i do the "PATH" of the file .diff of my linux source?04:53
lastnodeim just trying k3b because gnomebaker is refusing to accept a blank cd ofmine.04:53
eternalswdLam_ is the share mounted?04:53
RedKrieglastnode: lol np.  aptitude is sweet04:53
GhostFreemanwell most of my lag issues seem to be coming from the Ubuntu website04:53
Lam_kitche: how exactly would i go about doing that?  i use sudo smbpasswd -a [user]  and edit my /etc/samba/smbusers with the username and network name and add that to the /etc/samba/smb.conf file04:53
El_Brujoits for install the nvidia drivers04:53
GhostFreemanany connections issues on Canonical's end?04:53
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Lam_eternalswd: i can see the share but it disappears on and off depending on what im changing inside of smb.conf, but when i do see it, i can't write to it even if mounted04:53
georgyWabs : ok, your cdrom is not mounted, but I have to leave now sorry, ask somebody else to help you04:54
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FluxDcan someone tell me what is wrong with this line I get error when I add it to the sources.list "deb http://gandalfn.club.fr/ubuntu dapper"04:54
PeregrinoHow to install GRUB i my pendrive?!?!?04:54
kitcheLam_: not sure how to do it manually I tend to use swat for configuring samba04:54
Arrickkitche, the funny thing Is, I am reinstalling on the pc I had it setup on, I am just switching from a server install to a full install04:54
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Lam_kitche: do you have a package name for that? i might have to use that04:54
El_Brujoplease i download the linux-source, noe i need to do the path to diff file04:55
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Wabscan anyone else help me?04:55
El_Brujowhat is the command?04:55
eternalswdLam_ are you trying to connect an ubuntu machine to a windows machine or two ubuntu machines?04:55
kitcheLam_: it's part of samba04:55
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SunDragondoes ubuntu have a tool like debsecan?04:55
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Lam_eternalswd: two ubuntu machines04:55
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WalterGeminisHi ...04:56
Lam_kitche: how do i use it/turn it on/activate it?04:56
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kitcheLam_: you have to enable it in the inetd.conf04:56
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mluser-laptopcould someone tell me what the command is I'm supposed to run after installing the fglrx drivers04:57
Lam_kitche: ah ok. thanks04:57
Wabsfsck this04:57
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AscI need some help here.... apt seems to be broken.  Whene ver I try to use it, it prints "E: The package kernel-image-2.6.18-686-3 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." and doesn't do anything else.04:57
Arrickkitche, if it does it again, I will give you the exact error, its been the same on all of them04:57
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surgywhere is grub.conf?04:57
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kitchesurgy: there is no such file it's called menu.lst it's in /boot/grub04:58
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juztinquestion : what is the command to start the kde menu editor, so i don't have to go through system settings/panel/menu/edit k menu in order to edit the menu?04:59
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FluxDkitchie can you tell me what i wrong with this url It pops up an error "deb http://gandalfn.club.fr/ubuntu dapper"04:59
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surgykitche: im trying to edit it so that i can change the defualt boot, and i did it before on ubuntu by changing a value with gedit, i just dont remember the path04:59
mdkanedahey, got a quick question... If i move my harddrive to the slave position and add a new harddrive as a master... if i edit grub.conf to reflect the change (hdb1 instead of hda1), will ubuntu boot just fine and realize that the swap partition and all other are now on hdb? or is there more to it than that?05:00
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kitchesurgy: well the menu.lst is in /boot/grub/menu.lst05:00
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surgythank you05:00
kitchemdkaneda: you have to change your /etc/fstab around05:00
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Montag_Is it true that Edgy is coming out in October instead of December?05:00
juztinMontag_, i read to day that its to be released in october05:01
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quietany ideas on how to do hardware/performance/stress tests from the dapper livecd?  I ram memtest for about an hour with failures...  just reformatted 30GB HDD as a single, primary ext3fs partition - running e2fsck -cfv on it right now...  any other ideas?05:01
mdkanedakitche: but otherwise, if grub.conf and fstab reflect the changes, i wont run into any other craziness? heh05:01
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quietexcuse me...  memtest reported *no* failures...  that was a typo.05:01
kitchemdkaneda: you are correct05:01
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Montag_juztin: Thanks.05:01
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mdkanedaawesome! thanx for the help. wanted to quick ask before i put this drive in. heh05:01
butleR`can someone tell me why I can't install a cgwd theme on gnome?05:01
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cpwwhat the05:02
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cpwwhy does sudo apt-get source python give me the source for some "python-defaults" and not the actual python tree :(05:03
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quietcpw try python2.4 ?05:03
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quietcpw: else, try aptitude search python to see other available pything packages.05:03
kitchecpw: ubuntu package python is python-defaults it seems05:03
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DaveyJanyone know how to bridge standard ethernet and firewire network?05:04
cpwah, python2.4 did it05:04
tonyyarussoMontag_: Should be details at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:04
DaveyJbrctl doesnt work for me05:04
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FluxDcan someone give me a link for running compiz on aiglx?05:04
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FlannelFluxD: #ubuntu-xgl05:04
Montag_tonyyarusso: Excellent, thanks. I was doing a search for that.05:04
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SunDragonah, it looks like ubuntu does include debsecan05:05
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AscMy package manager/s are broken.  Dpkg is giving me the error "unable to open files list file for package `xserver-common': Input/output error".  Anybody have advice?05:05
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AscHeck, anybody know where said files list is supposed to be?05:06
DaveyJAsc: use apt-get ;)05:06
kitcheFluD: install compiz then you have to set up the script to load compiz depending on your window manager05:06
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AscDaveyJ: it's in no better state05:06
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AscWhenever i try to use it, it tells me that kernel-image-*.*.* is broken05:06
cpwhmm.. jedit seems h0rk3d with non-sun 1.505:06
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cpwh0rk3d as in lots of glibc free errors05:07
butleR`How would I go about installing a .sh file located on my desktop?05:07
kitchecpw: well that is probably due to gnu java it would probably work if you install sun's java05:07
cpw.sh are genearlly shell scripts05:07
DaveyJsh is a script if i'm not mistaken05:07
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Caplain_whats a good wysiwyg web devel tool?05:07
DaveyJ"sh script.sh" i think05:07
cpwQuanta, nvm05:07
JoseStefanor "bash script.sh"05:08
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SunDragonhrm, maybe debsecan is not supposed to be in ubuntu then05:08
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cpwCaplain_: Quanta and NVM is about the best you're probably gonna find in the "WYSIWYG" realm05:08
supermiguelcan i use ssh as web page?05:09
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sivik_supermiguel, thats not possible because ssh doesn't support transfer of files05:09
cpwCaplain_: pretty much everything else is going to be tailored to hand coded html/etc.05:09
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supermiguelyes it does05:09
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cpwscp anyone?05:09
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cpwsupermiguel: define your requirements for having "ssh as a webpage"05:09
supermigueluse winscp05:09
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supermiguellike a secure ftp server05:10
linnuxxyi had installed plone using apt-get install plone-site, i can reach zope in http://localhost:8081/manage, where can i reach plone?05:10
cpwsupermiguel: there's ssl web pages, if you're just looking at encryption05:10
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supermiguelthere is any way to put a program on a web page05:10
supermiguela program like winscp05:10
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kitchesupermiguel: there is java that connects to an ssh server but that's not a very good idea really05:11
cpwYou can build a program into a page using something like php05:11
cpwor java05:11
cpwor whatever server side language05:11
supermigueltheres is any ftp secure server?05:11
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Flannelsupermiguel: winscp is a scp client, requiring an scp server, etc.05:11
supermiguelscp work with ssh05:11
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bimberilinnuxxy: is a plone site one of the items you can add in the zope interface?05:12
Caplain_cpw: thanks05:12
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polygonhello, i just installed ubuntu on my second hard drive, which is set as the master, right after installing windows. But when i restarted without the live cd, it keeps booting into windows. How do i make it so it uses grub to choose what os i boot into?05:12
brittwhich 686 kernel do I select for normal circumstances?05:12
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Flannelbritt: right05:13
linnuxxybimberi: I dont know... is there an howto there in the net?05:13
GhostFreemanstill getting an installer hangup at 82%05:13
Flannelpolygon: you'll want to install grub on the MBR of your primary harddrive05:13
Flannel!tell polygon about grub05:13
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AscWhat is the /lib/modules/[kernel version] /volatile directory?05:13
polygonshouldent it already of done that when i installed it?05:13
brittFlannel: thank you.05:13
supermiguelthere is any way to make ftp secure?05:13
GhostFreemanhow do I disable my network devices05:13
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Flannelpolygon: if you're not getting grub at all, then no, it doesn't appear that it has.05:14
brittis there a speed difference on a P4 between the 386 kernel and the 686 one?05:14
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Flannelpolygon: it might haveinstalled grub on the MBR of hdb (your second harddrive)05:14
mikecxanyone help with an m5451 audio device that's detected but plays no sound?05:14
Flannelbritt: yeah, you get to use all the additional features05:14
bimberilinnuxxy: i don't have one off the top of my head sorry05:15
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GhostFreemanhey how do I disable my network devices guys05:15
polygonit might of, but thats my windows drive and i want it to boot from ubuntu so if i reinstall windows it doesnt wipe out grub05:15
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cpwbritt: if you're on a P4, 686 supports a large range of cpu specific opcodes and what not05:15
SunDragondoes ubuntu actually maintain a vulnerability database for its debsecan package?05:15
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laviGhostFreeman: /etc/init.d/networking stop?05:15
brittand can somebody either prove or disprove the rumor of the open-source community trashing the 386 kernel?05:15
DaveyJ686 = core 2?05:15
FlannelSunDragon: it's in universe, so no.  it's all community maintained05:15
cpwpolygon: well, thing is that windows doesn't give you a choice, it whipes your MBR (Master Bootr  Record) whether you like it not05:15
DaveyJwhats 68605:15
laviGhostFreeman: or  ifdown ?05:15
cpw*Boot :/05:15
brittDaveyJ: 686 = anything like a Pentium05:15
bimberilinnuxxy: perhaps in /usr/share/doc/plone-site (guessing)05:15
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polygonwell the thing is, i unplug the ubuntu drive so it thinks its the only drive05:16
AscSigh, okay.  I need to install or remove a dpkg by hand.  Does anybody know how this might be done?05:16
DaveyJoh easy enough05:16
laviDaveyJ: 686 for intel board05:16
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DaveyJsure everyone can answer that question but no one knows how to answer mine :( lol05:16
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FlannelAsc: you mean via apt-get? or what?05:16
mikecxALI m5451 prolems anyone?05:16
DaveyJanyone know how to bridge standard ethernet and firewire network? brctl eth0 and eth1 don't work05:16
AscFlannel, I mean by hand because the package managers are broken05:16
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polygonso, do i follow the "if /boot is on another partition" section of this guide? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:17
FlannelAsc: dpkg then? dpkg -r to remove, etc (dpkg --help for more options)05:17
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AscFlannel, I mean by hand because the package managers are broken.  This includes dpkg.05:17
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Flannelpolygon: try this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:18
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Flannelpolygon: pay no attention to the title ;)05:19
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Flannelpolygon: you'll want to overwrite the windows MBR05:19
mikecxSo no hints as to why my m5451 is detected, configurable in alsamixer, but plays no sound?05:19
ootputhave you tried the cat /dev/(u)random > /dev/dsp?05:20
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ootputmikecx: ^, and how are you trying to get sound?05:20
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mikecxootput: through anything I can, lol05:20
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polygonman that guide is outdated, last time i did this i used grub-install05:20
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polygonso you think that windows installed its bootloader on the windows disk?05:20
ootputmikecx, does the seeker bar move when playing music?05:21
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cpwoh I KNOW it installed it05:21
ootputmikecx: or does it complain05:21
mikecxootput, haven't tested that05:21
cpwthat's why when installing windows and linux05:21
cpwyou install windows first, then linux05:21
polygonthats what i did05:21
`paulKernel panic not synching when booting on a live cd what seems to be the problem? pls help. :)05:21
mikecxare there any sounds installed by default to test with?05:21
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polygonunpluged ubuntu drive, installed windows, shut down, plugged in ubuntu drive, installed ubuntu, still boots into windows05:21
ootputevent sounds are probably already installed05:21
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ootputi'm not on my ubuntu box, so i can't give you a location or two05:22
Flannelpolygon: your ubuntu install installed to the MBR of the second disk, you need to re-install grub onto the first disk's MBR05:22
ootputslocate -u, locate wav05:22
jribmikecx: /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav probably05:22
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mikecxthe bar moves, just no sound05:22
ootputmikecx: try using aplay for that wav file05:22
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ootputmikecx: have you unmuted the audio channels?05:23
polygonbut ubuntu is the first disk (master), so you think installing to the windows (slave) would do it?05:23
mikecxnothing from aplay05:23
Flannel!tell mikecx about sound05:23
mikecxunmuted in many different ways05:23
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Flannelpolygon: ubuntu is the first disk?  then, you must not have installed grub with your installation at all.05:23
mikecxtried the alsamixer way and the GUI way05:23
Flannelpolygon: just follow that guide, you'll get it all set up no problem05:23
polygoni used the live cd, click install button lol05:24
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`paulKernel panic not synching when booting on a live cd what seems to be the problem? pls help. :) ..05:24
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kamuihow do I change my keyboard layout in kde so that I can map the super key to the windows key?05:25
mikecxinvestigating both those links now05:25
Flannelkamui: try asking in #kubuntu05:25
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=== bimberi suspects andrew_ 's irc client need attention
surgyhow do i change my splash screen?05:26
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ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto05:26
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ajmitchmaybe not..05:27
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bimberiajmitch: that ban has |#ubuntu-ops at the end (nfi what that means)05:28
Ascsurgy, it's easier to disable than change, if you're interested05:28
OmnifariousUbuntu is unusable for me.05:28
OmnifariousOh, well.05:28
ajmitchbimberi: meant to forward to #ubuntu-ops, obviously not set right :)05:28
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surgydr_willis: there isnt a gui program somewhere to just change it? like in kde?05:28
OmnifariousNo support for the Dlink DGE-530T in the stock kernel.05:28
OmniDWhat's a good program for encoding video from a DVD into a file?05:28
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surgyasc: i just want a different pic05:29
TheManiacKYIs there a way to make it so all emails sent to root are sent to another email address?05:29
OmniDI record matches and wish to distribute them on the net! So something beyond what only I can use is a must05:29
Dr_willissurgy,   'like in kde' ? the usplash has nothing todo with kde. its shown as the system is booting.05:29
bimberiajmitch: ah :)05:29
Ascsurgy: okay, good luck with that.05:29
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ootputOmniD, there's dvdrip05:29
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Dr_willisi alwyas disable the usplash eye candy :P05:29
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ootputOmniD: but i prefer doing each step of the process with a different tool (manually)05:29
totall_6_7ajmitch: /mode #ubuntu +b *!*andrew_05:29
surgydr_willis: im talking about the screen right after login, that loads the services05:30
ootputwell, almost05:30
Flannel!tell surgy about splash05:30
ootputi automate rip/encodes with scripts05:30
OmniDSee I tried VLCs encapsulation and different codecs but it either ends up with no sound, no video, or an incompatibility05:30
c21williamkpGood evening- would like some input on how I might- (I forgot in my haste to backup some data) recover data now that I upgraded my MB05:30
surgyflannel: i dont understand......05:30
AscCould somebody give me the odds of removing a kernel with 'dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq' destroying my system?05:31
ootputOmniD: there's http://www.bunkus.org/dvdripping4linux/other/ripping_dvds_to_divx_with_mencoder.html05:31
ootputOmniD: and http://www.bunkus.org/dvdripping4linux/single/index.html#transcoding_mplayer05:31
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ootputof course, divx is entirely optional (and not the best option)05:31
OmniDwhy not?05:31
OmniDSee what I think is a big problem is there is no good single format that everyone has05:32
mikecxok, i checked out and tryed the recommendations from ubotu to get my m5451 sound card working and still nothing05:32
surgyflannel: care to explain that a bit more?05:32
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ootputOmniD: lavc is far superior to divx, and at least as good as xvid05:32
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c21williamkpFlannel- talking to me?05:32
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OmniDI've never heard of anyone have lavc though05:33
KromiXCool looks like the alternate install CD is working! wewt05:33
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OmniDcan anyone on say a windows PC play it without a bunch of codec hunting?05:33
ootputOmniD: as long as one has a fourcc dec, they should be able to view it05:33
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c21williamkpQ- anyone have suggestion on how to reboot a HD with ubuntu without reformatting ?05:34
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mdkanedawhoa, noticed we're talkin video in here. that's my specialty! lol. whats the issue? i've been using lavc codec exclusively for encoding my videos... found out it encodes conciderably faster than xvid and looks just great for my projects05:34
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derekanybody have the source.list that include GAIM 2??????05:35
derekanybody have the source.list that include GAIM 2??????05:35
ubotuPackages for Gaim 2 beta 3 can be found via https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-April/072721.html05:35
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derekubotu, thank you man05:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you man - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:36
theBishopi'm having trouble adding sound files to an Impress presentation05:36
eyequeuederek, ubotu is a bot :)05:36
KromiXhey guys05:36
derekeyequeue, !!!!05:36
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!andrew@d142-59-199-46.abhsia.telus.net|#ubuntu-ops] by nalioth
KromiXcan I format 1 HardDrive and use it with ubuntu and have another hard drive for windoze?05:36
FlannelKromiX: yep05:36
Flannel!tell KromiX about dualboot05:36
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Celeste!tell Flannel about not working bots05:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about not working bots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:37
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WInter-Soulsticehello maytes05:37
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FlannelCeleste: what? ubotu is working fine05:38
`m0hmm, I am playing a xvid TV show... Family Guy, and when I play it .. Its a black screen.. But when I move the screen, i see the video very qiuckly an dthen it goes bad. Then the gnome sesssion loggs off automatically. Any ideas why?05:38
WInter-SoulsticeAnyone know if the repositories are still down for xgl05:38
CelesteFlannel, but he did not say anything?05:38
FlannelWInter-Soulstice: #ubuntu-xgl05:38
Celesteoh, did he say it in a query?05:39
FlannelCeleste: yes, in a query05:39
CelesteI am sorry05:39
FlannelCeleste: cuts down on the spam in here ;)05:39
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mdkanedam0: sounds like a problem w/ XVideo, what program are u using to view the family guy?05:39
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mdkanedaif you're using VLC you can go into the settings and change it to use "OpenGL" and it should solve your problem.05:40
`m0vlc better than mplayer?05:40
mdkanedai love VLC'05:40
`m0how can i change all .avi to open vlc automatically?/05:40
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totall_6_7vlc plays things where the others will not05:41
mdkanedaMplayer is nice too, but i use VLC for everything except DVD's... i use Totem (Xine) for DVD's, cuz its nice and easy to get it to start a title1 chapter1 and play all the way thru like a dvd-player would05:41
mdkanedaonce u install VLC, u can right click and open w/ VLC, then you can right click on a AVI and go to Properties and select to always open AVI's with VLC, pretty simple05:41
eyequeue`m0, right click on one, then associate that app05:41
totall_6_7its ok i cant get dvd's to play at all. no matter what program i use05:41
eyequeue!dvd > totall_6_705:42
mdkanedatrying ubuntuguide.org and go thru there site05:42
`m0mdkaneda: i don't see where I can change to openGL?05:42
totall_6_7when its important to me i will ask for help05:42
`m0mdkaneda: do you know where?05:42
mdkanedam0: hang on a sec, i'll tell ya where05:42
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto05:42
mikecxstill no sound05:43
`m0Maybe cause I have XGL installed.. It is messing everything05:43
joelquickkk question -- when i log in, ~/bin/ is not being added to $PATH, as per ~/.bash_profile05:43
mdkanedasettings, preferences, video, output modules (check the advanced options box), and click the dropdown menu to select OpenGL05:43
joelany idea what i need to do to get bash to read .bash_profile whenever i open xterm?05:43
supermiguelwhat is the easiest way to make an ftp server05:43
mdkanedagot that, `m0?05:43
ootputjoel: bashrc?05:43
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totall_6_7eyequeue:  thanks for the info, sadly i have done that, but no worries i dont need to play dvd's on the computer, i can download moveis or watch them on the big screen05:44
ootputi believe xterms are started as login shells, by default05:44
ootputelse, you can configure that option in .Xdefaults05:44
eyequeueootput, that's for non-login shells, you don't want a path there heh05:44
mdkanedathats in VLC by the way, havnt figured out how to do so in MPlayer... Totem has a config file that you have to edit to make it use OpenGL, might be the same biz for Mplayer05:44
ootputmdkaneda: mplayer -vo gl  ; on my xgl setup, i use -vo gl205:45
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mikecxaaaaaarg, this sound thing is bothering me05:45
`m0mdkaneda: Ahh now VLC crashes :)05:45
mikecxneither gentoo nor ubuntu can seem to get my soundcard going05:45
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mdkanedaoh no, havnt had that issue. VLC is usally pretty nice to me. heh05:46
`m0mdkaneda: I placed it in X11 Video output05:47
`m0it is now good :)05:47
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`m0Thanks m8 :)05:47
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mdkanedano prob =)05:47
butleR`can someone help me out using Wine to install Ventrilo?05:47
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weexis there a way to 'ipconfig /flushdns'?05:49
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`m0eyequeue: thankx I went and clicked on vlc and it associated it05:49
OmniDootput I'm only seeing one DVD ripping program05:49
OmniDand it's for divx05:49
supermiguelwhat is the easiest way to set up an ftp server05:50
ootputOmniD: dvdrip can handle xvid05:50
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mikecxk, so sound plays through the headphone jack, just not the built-in speakers05:50
eyequeuegrowisofs (1)        - combined mkisofs frontend/DVD recording program.05:50
ootputOmniD: oh, dvdrip may not be in the main repo05:50
OmniDWhere is dvdrip? I can't see it on synaptic05:50
eyequeue!info growisofs05:50
ubotuPackage growisofs does not exist in any distro I know05:50
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ootputOmniD: it's in multiverse05:51
ubotudvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.52.5-0.0 (dapper), package size 365 kB, installed size 1656 kB05:51
eyequeue!info dvd+rw-tools05:51
ubotuPackage dvdrw-tools does not exist in any distro I know05:51
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mikecxootput: any thoughts as to why the headphones would work for sound but not the built-in speakers?05:51
OmniDa lot of stuff is not available from multiverse anymore05:51
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OmniDit seems05:51
OmniDLike I can't get zsnes for instance05:52
ubotuzsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.420-0.1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 506 kB, installed size 3224 kB (Only available for i386)05:52
eyequeuemikecb, headphones and master are different settings05:52
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polygonthanks to whoever helped, me, grub is now working, i guess the live cd didnt install grub05:52
OmniDSee it's in multiverse however it not available in it anymore as far as I know05:52
mikecxeyequeue: both are un-muted05:52
polygonthanks and bye05:52
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AscWhere is the list, used by apt/dpkg, of packages on a system?05:53
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eyequeuemikecb, no ideas then, but be sure you don't enable *any* hardware you don't have (in sudo alsamixer)05:53
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Dr_willisyep zsnes seems to be gone.05:54
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nick24816My Nvidia 7900 SLI setup freezes when I log out and when I try to switch to a virtual console. It is a hard lock, because I can't ssh into it05:54
Dr_williscould be there was no maintainer.05:54
nick24816i tried both the drivers in the repositories and the newest drivers from the nvidia website05:54
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eyequeueAsc, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17842965 2006-09-25 03:39 /var/lib/dpkg/available05:56
Asceyeque, is that the list of available packages, or installed ones?05:56
eyequeueAsc, both05:57
=== pacal [i=Ciphex@c-67-171-212-250.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AscIs there a list of only ones that are installed?05:57
MegloHow do I give permissions to applications to access certain restricted dirs?05:57
eyequeueAsc, maybe you want status in that dir05:57
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Lam_what's a good wireless network manager program for linux?05:58
mluser-laptopwhere is the best place to add ~/bin for all users on a ubuntu system?05:58
Asceyeque: thanks, I think that's what I was looking for05:58
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OmniDootput do you mean drip?05:58
eyequeuemluser-laptop, .etc.profile, if they use bash05:58
eyequeuemluser-laptop, /etc/profile, if they use bash05:59
mluser-laptopeyequeue: great.. thanks :)05:59
eyequeuemluser-laptop, np05:59
SpaceFrogCan i use Flash Player 9 with Linux?05:59
SpaceFrogWithout having to use Wine?05:59
Asceyeque: do you know if there's one that lists the files which make up a given package?05:59
mikecxahhh! it makes no sense!05:59
mikecxi have system beep and headphones05:59
mikecxbut no sound out regular speakers05:59
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theBishopis there a repo for OpenOffice snapshots?05:59
eyequeueAsc, you probably want a command instead, though there is i .list file06:00
eyequeueAsc, dpkg -L foo06:00
Lam_what's a good wireless network manager for gnome?06:00
levanderAnybody is burning DVD-RAM discs?  Doesn't look like most of these $30 burners I'm looking at burns DVD-RAM's.06:00
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eyequeueAsc, but there are files like this   -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9213 2006-04-20 19:53 /var/lib/dpkg/info/apt.list06:01
Asceyeque: That helps.  What I'm trying to do is convince dpkg that a package which is installed, does not exist06:01
mog_homehi im trying to downgrade mysql back to 4.1 after ubuntu upgraded me but i keep getting this error  subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 106:01
eyequeueAsc, okay, you're in need of doing some drastic surgery to the database then?  with the dangers?06:02
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levandermog_home: did you remove mysql5 first?  that's what i'd do06:02
sychoany ideas why after i install frostwire nothing comes up after I go to run the app?06:02
eyequeueAsc, sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/status  and edit it to the format that you'll see for uninstalled apps06:02
nick24816so nobody knows anything about nvidia 7900 freezing problems?06:02
Asceyeque: at the present time, none of the package managers work.  I've backed up my home directory.  If I can't repair this, I'll reinstall.06:02
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mog_homei did06:03
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mog_homeit keeps giving me this errror anyways06:03
eyequeueAsc, it's definitely not something except a last-dotch means :)06:03
levandermog_home: is there any more info?06:03
mog_homei removed anything relating to 506:03
Asceyeque: I asked earlier and nobody had any suggestions. :\06:03
kjmnick24816 - I'm sure somebody does, but if you didn06:03
levandermog_home: "sudo aptitude remove --purge mysql4" (don't remember the exact package name) - try to remove it "completely" (with the --purge option) and try reinstalling06:04
eyequeueAsc, you also should try to run the preem and postrm scripts in  /var/lib/dpkg/info/foo.*  and rm the files in .list06:04
mog_homethat wont delete my db?06:04
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eyequeueAsc, it's prettty darn drastic, i can see no one knowing it or at least admitting :)06:04
kjmnick24816 - which drivers you using?  What is your xorg.conf file look like?06:04
Asceueque: Basicly, I think I accidentally partially installed a kernel-image dpkg that was already installed.  When I rebooted....06:04
mjcaranyone know when samba 3.0.23c will be packaged into ubuntu ?06:04
Asceyeque: fortunately, I do not have any reputation to pretect :)06:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b RnB-Tunes!*@*] by nalioth
levandermjcar: check packages.ubuntu.com and see if it's in edgy yet06:05
eyequeueAsc, um, i may have been able to save you some work :)  sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-whatever :)06:05
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Asceyeque: the package managers are broken06:05
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eyequeueAsc, ah, okay, well, that command for future use, heh06:06
levandermog_home: backup your db first06:06
levandermog_home: instructions for backing up on mysql.com somewhere06:06
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PMantishi guys... my Ubuntu machine that's running inside of VMWare lot network capabilities. There is an /etc/iftab with a mac in it... is there a way in /proc to get the mac of the virtual nic?06:06
PMantisI suspect that the MAC changed for this VM.06:07
mog_homeugh still didnt work06:07
eyequeuePMantis, maybe #vmware?06:07
nick24816kjm- i'm using the latest drivers from the nvidia website, but the ones from the repositories don't work either06:08
kjmpost xorg.conf06:08
nick24816in the channel?06:08
eyequeue!pastebin > nick2481606:08
PMantiseyequeue, Well, I was hoping to have Ubuntu redetect the NIC if I can't figure out how to manually do it.06:08
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mog_homesame error levander06:09
eyequeuePMantis, i don't think that something this channel would cover though06:09
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_mikoHow do i get java for my FF?06:09
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levandermog_home: if you know bash, the installation scripts are in /var/lib/dpkg/info, with postinst and preinst filename extensions, you can find the one for mysql and try to debug it if you want06:09
levandermog_home: or, google for your exact error message06:09
eyequeue!java > _miko06:10
PMantiseyequeue, What if it was on a full PC, and it lost it's ability to see eth0? How can I add a NIC after the installation?06:10
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eyequeuePMantis, ifup eth106:10
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eyequeuePMantis, the hw is sensed at boot06:10
vapTrying to build alsa-utils on ubuntu and the ./configure cant find ncurses, which seem to be installed. Any suggestions?06:10
eyequeuePMantis, vmware is just, um, non-standard with everything hw06:11
Asceyeque: Thanks for the help, I think I've got enough leads to fumble my way to a state which is either broken or fixed.06:11
eyequeueAsc, good luck with it06:11
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eyequeuePMantis, that's why i thought /join #vmware   might be helpful06:12
Asceyeque: oh, when running those scripts, is the command just ex. 'perl postinst'?06:12
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nick24816kjm- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2474806:12
sychoany ideas why when I try to run frostwire I get the error I need to upgrade to Jre 1.4.x but when I do "Java --version" I am running version 1.4.206:12
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eyequeueAsc, most should be shell scripts, sudo sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/foo.postrm06:12
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eyequeuesycho, try sudo update-alternatives --config java06:13
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Asceyeque: okay.  The ones that I extracted from a deb showed up as perl in nautilus, but they look like shell scripts inside06:14
Asceyeque: thanks again, reboot time.06:14
_mikois there an easier way to install java?06:14
kjmyawn - is it just me, or is pastebin obscenely slow tonight?06:14
nick24816it was slow for me too06:14
eyequeueAsc, yeah, some might be bash, but they are supposed to be generic bourne shell unless they specify otherwise, i think :)  per policy06:15
jiShslow all day06:15
kjm_miko - that is like asking if there is an easier way to open a container of milk.  Sure, always is . . . but it is likely to spill all over your crotch.06:15
eyequeuekjm, and mcdonalds learned don't let customers spill java there, heh ;-)06:16
nick24816kjm- the Device Driver section is currently "nv", because as "nvidia" it freezes when unloading X06:16
_mikoI want to feel the milk by my crotch so give me the container of milk so i can start opening it06:16
kjmnick24816 - when does it "freeze"?06:16
PMantiseyequeue, ok, I found that the MAC indeed changed... something that ifconfig -a could tell me.06:16
kjmWhat do you mean by "unloading"?06:16
sychoeyequeue: no luck. maybe I'll just update to java 1.5.006:16
PMantiseyequeue, the iftab was wrong, then..06:16
eyequeuePMantis, now how to get it back, that i don't know06:16
sychoeyequeue: is 1.5.0 a pain to update to?06:17
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_mikohow can i download the updated ubuntu06:17
eyequeuesycho, no idea, i don't do java here06:17
PMantiseyequeue, I modified the iftab, and I'm rebooting that VM... will let you know. :)06:17
kjm_miko - ?  Do you mean update Dapper?  Or download edgy eft?06:17
eyequeue!download > _miko06:17
sychoeyequeue: ok.. thanks anyways06:17
nick24816kdm- it loads up kdm, and i can log in, but when i try to go into the virtual console by Alt+Ctrl+F[n]  or try to shut down the computer, the computer would freeze06:17
=== ISOLATEDViRuS [n=ISOLATED@pool-70-16-129-180.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuesycho, good luck06:18
sychoeyequeue: thanks06:18
nick24816not even accept new ssh connections06:18
kjmnick24816 - do you have xgl running?06:18
ISOLATEDViRuSi try to use command: su   to log in as superuser, i get authentication failure, what is wrong?06:18
_mikoI used to see this button in my menu that shows if there is new update06:18
kjmISOLATEDViRuS - bad password06:18
eyequeueISOLATEDViRuS, we on't do that in ubuntu, watch the bot06:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:18
eyequeue!root > ISOLATEDViRuS06:18
ISOLATEDViRuSnot a bad password. its correct.06:18
_mikoall i have to do is click it and everything will be downloaded06:18
kjmISOLATEDViRus - bad username06:18
_mikonow, i dont see it anymore, after i customize it06:19
eyequeueISOLATEDViRuS, you use the user pw, no root pw in ubuntu06:19
ISOLATEDViRuShow do i enable local system root/administrator login?06:19
kjmyou don't - it is a security risk.06:19
eyequeueISOLATEDViRuS, read what the bot told you06:19
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PMantiseyequeue, Yeah, it worked06:19
_mikohow do i see the version of the ubuntu i currently have06:19
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kjmISOLATEDViRuS - if you wish to have extended root privvies - use $su -i for a root session06:19
eyequeuePMantis, heh06:19
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ISOLATEDViRuSwell im running a special setup, and im going to need local system root/administrator login.06:19
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kjm_miko - man uname06:20
butleR`where do i put msgsm32.acm to get ventrilo to work with Wine?06:20
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PMantiseyequeue, I hope Jeff's support center answers questions better, though...06:20
eyequeuekjm, i think you meant sudo -i06:20
nick24816i don't have xgl running06:20
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haydeni have setup courier-imap mail server and smtp server, but when i send an email to myself i can't retrieve it using imap but i can retrieve it using the $ mail command, any ideas?06:20
kjmeyequeue - yup, a bit quick on the return key there06:20
eyequeueISOLATEDViRuS, again, read what the bot told you06:20
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_mikodoes ubuntu have some sort of system restore like windows06:21
kjmnick24816 - Remove (comment out) the section "Extensions" and restart X/06:22
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teenprogrammerWhere is firefox plugin folder?06:22
Somniisi never used that in windows.. hehe06:22
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nick24816after it froze, i opened up the logs (dmesg and messages) in windows, and nothing was written06:22
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Arrickwhy does firefox take so long to load anything in ubunut breezy?06:22
luckyonehow do I locate all of the *.wma files on my machine?06:22
kjm_miko : Yes - look in System-Administration06:22
Asc_miko: try booting from the CD and selecting 'repair mode' or similar... not sure how much it is like the windows version though06:22
kjmluckyone - man locate06:22
Asc_miko: (if that's what you were looking for)06:22
Andrukis there an easy way of updating grub so it sees my new install of knoppmyth?06:22
kamuiwhat program can I use to get my laptop volume keys to work?06:23
teenprogrammerI need to install a plugin and i cant find the Firefox Plugins folder06:23
jbmigelluckyone find / -name "*.wma" -print06:23
sychoanyone know how to install Java jre 1.5.0?06:23
kjm!java >sycho06:23
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository06:23
teenprogrammerwhat I am installing, Java. . . =D06:23
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eyequeueteenprogrammer, see the bot06:23
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jUggERNAUt1980word up!06:23
teenprogrammereyequeue - Sorry, i have only been using ubuntu for like, 5 days XD What is the bot?06:24
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mjcarso If edgy still has 3.0.22 we're going to be waiting a wile for 3.0.23c in dapper ?06:24
mjcarsamba that is06:24
eyequeueteenprogrammer, ubotu :)  here, watch your incoming /msg06:24
jbmigelkjm is locate active by default?06:24
teenprogrammer=D ty06:24
eyequeue!java > teenprogrammer06:24
kjmnick24816 - try modification I posted here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2474906:24
nick24816kjm- i enabled the nvidia driver and disabled composite, and it froze when switching from kdm to virtual console06:24
ubotumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com06:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about imap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
levandermjcar: they don't do version upgrades in a distribution they've already released, not even bug fixes, only security updates06:24
levandermjcar: the version of samba won't get bumped until edgy06:25
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kjmjbmigel - yes it is06:25
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levandermjcar: you can look for it on backports (unofficial repository) if you want though06:25
haydeni have setup courier-imap mail server and smtp server, but when i send an email to myself i can't retrieve it using imap but i can retrieve it using the $ mail command, any ideas?06:25
kjm<jbmigel> luckyone find / -name "*.wma" -print : But I think your method  here is more efficient06:25
mjcarsame site, or do you have a link06:25
levandermjcar: i use backports, but only when i need to, i try to stay in the official repos06:25
levandermjcar: is there a particularly feature you need in 3.23c?06:25
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mjcarxfs groupquotas are broken in 3.0.2206:26
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com06:26
kjmnick24816 - I can't see anything else that can be an issue here.  i am running the same card as you, and haven't had an issue.06:26
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nick24816would it matter if its sli?06:26
levandermjcar: well, i'd change the filesystem type (away from xfs) if possible before going to backports, but there's not anything usually wrong with backports, it's just one more thing to manage in my opinion06:26
kjmsry - nmind.06:27
nick24816yes, two nvidia 7900 gtx cards, connected together with sli06:27
mjcarhave a 3.7TB array, sort of need XFS06:27
kjmheh, that I don't know - I only have one on board.06:27
levandermjcar: it's just easier because you don't have to think about anything if you stay in official repositories, with backports, there's more of a (although still unlikely) possibility things won't work together is all06:27
mjcarI normally compile from source...06:28
mjcarso multiple repositories is not an issue06:28
jbmigelwow nick24816 thats alot of graphics hardware, you really gonna get some fps in tux racer06:28
levandermjcar: backports is entirely run by volunteers, no real official Canonical support, but really, so much of Linux is based on volunteers...06:28
mjcarJust trying ubuntu on a server to see how it goes06:28
jUggERNAUt1980hey all!  i'm seeing seek errors in syslog for my hd, should i install some drivers somehow?06:28
levandermjcar: if you compile from source, you could backport it yourself06:28
blindI'm following the howto for installation of nVidia drivers here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia -- It says restart X, and look for the nVidia splash screen, but I'm using my onboard. So should I restart X and switch monitors.. That seems like the apparent route to take.06:28
levandermjcar: the backports project has backporting instructions06:28
mjcaryeah but trying to get the underlings to maintain server, and they are clueless...06:29
levandermjcar, you could become the "MOTU" for samaba06:29
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mjcarMOTU ?06:29
levandermjcar: the guy who does the compiling and makes the deb package06:29
haydenmjcar, Master Of The Universe06:29
levandermjcar: you know the old saying "if you want it done right, do it yourself"?06:29
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levandermjcar: that's how a lot of people become package maintainers06:29
levandermjcar: they want it done right06:29
nick24816unplugging sli fixed it06:30
levandermjcar: any, that's my bit for MOTU recruiting, you do sound like the right type, good luck if you decide to do it06:30
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thirdalbumI've just found that I have a command-line program called "netbug". When I run it, it gives me this output: Send network configuration summary to [ENTER means kuznet@ms2.inr.ac.ru] 06:30
mjcarno prob, will at least look into it...06:31
butleR`Can anyone tell me how to install a CGWD theme on Gnome?06:31
thirdalbumIs this a legitimate program, or is it a rootkit or something?06:31
theBishophas anyone been able to install Openoffice 2.04?06:31
mjcarI would have thought that MOTU for samba would have been taken by someone by now though06:31
eyequeueiproute: /sbin/netbug06:31
kjmnick24816 - well, there you go.  I don't have any experience with dual head or multiple video card setups.....so that's a little beyond me.06:31
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kjmBut, glad you got it working.06:31
ISOLATEDViRuSw00t fix'D06:31
levandermjcar: maybe not in backports, it's not as big a project, you'll have to check out the project, maybe you want to know the maintainer anyway if you're going to be using his work06:32
eyequeuethirdalbum, ls -l /sbin/netbug06:32
jUggERNAUt1980blind, i'm someone.06:32
ISOLATEDViRuStime to celebrate by drinking a rum - bawls mix and listening to "Lazytown - Pirate.mp3"06:32
blindjUggERNAUt1980: Someone who can help? :P06:32
levandermjcar: want to know him because backports isn't as regulated as proper Canonical repositories06:32
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eyequeuethirdalbum, -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1522 2006-05-22 05:48 /sbin/netbug06:32
ISOLATEDViRuSthe issue was i didnt have the root password defined.06:32
jUggERNAUt1980blind, what's ur dilemna?06:32
blindI'm following the howto for installation of nVidia drivers here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia -- It says restart X, and look for the nVidia splash screen, but I'm using my onboard. So should I restart X and switch monitors.. That seems like the apparent route to take.06:32
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thirdalbumeyequeue: Mine says 13:48 not 05:48, but otherwise exactly the same06:33
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_mikohow can i set my computer to start with CD06:33
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thirdalbumSo it's legit then?06:33
tonyyarusso_miko: Once or always?06:33
blind_miko, change the option in your bios06:33
kjm_miko - it would be in your set boot order options in bios06:33
_mikojust once06:33
eyequeuethirdalbum, you're probably okay, but if you like, run md5sum on it and i'll compare06:33
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org06:33
_mikoi want to reinstall ubuntu06:33
eyequeuethirdalbum, 9ccc0e551457840ba8d702413cdc48b5  /sbin/netbug06:33
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tonyyarusso_miko: Do you ever see something when you're booting that says something about device selection, press F(something)?06:34
jUggERNAUt1980_miko, change the boot order in the bios06:34
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_mikothats what i want to know06:34
blindAlright, well I'm gonna restart X and see what happens.06:34
_mikoi have done it before06:34
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Somniis_miko: press the key that lets you go into your bios on startup06:34
thirdalbumeyequeue, thanks. It matches06:34
tonyyarusso_miko: Properly, you may want to change it permanently, which is in your bios setup, usually one of the F keys or Esc while booting, but a one time thing can also exist on some machines.06:34
eyequeuethirdalbum, cool, no worries then06:34
ArrickQuick Question, I now have a gui installed, how do I set it up so that my network uses one NIC for a gateway, and the otehr NIC is hookes to the internet?06:35
Somniis_miko: and change the boot order from hard drive to cd-rom first06:35
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El_Brujowhat is this?:06:36
El_Brujo  Disable the TSC for seccomp tasks (SECCOMP_DISABLE_TSC) [N/y/?]  (NEW)06:36
El_Brujoi config my source06:36
eyequeueEl_Brujo, "?"06:36
El_Brujoi need to install the nvidia drivers06:36
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eyequeueEl_Brujo, "?" for menuconfig help06:36
FlannelEl_Brujo: something wrong with the ones in the repositories?06:36
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El_Brujogive me problems06:37
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El_Brujoi say yes or no?06:37
eyequeueEl_Brujo, press the ? key there06:37
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El_BrujoThis feature mathematically prevents covert channels06:38
El_Brujofor tasks running under SECCOMP. This can generate06:38
El_Brujoa minuscule overhead in the scheduler.06:38
El_BrujoIf you care most about performance say N. Say Y only if you're06:38
El_Brujoparanoid about covert channels.06:38
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TheolustraAssuming that sudo requires the hostname to be in /etc/hosts and I removed it, how do I get root?06:38
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eyequeueTheolustra, boot using the recue option, and repair06:39
GhostFreemanhow do I install the 686 kernel06:39
eyequeueTheolustra, boot using the reScue option, and repair06:39
Theolustraeyequeue, ugh. Ok, will try that.06:39
AscWhat's the command to repait the filesystem of the boot drive on reboot?06:39
Dr_willisGhostFreeman,  fire up synaptic, search for 686, install it. :P06:39
thirdalbumTheolustra, don't worry it's a common thing to do :-)06:39
Asc*repair :\06:39
eyequeueGhostFreeman, it is no longer in edgy, but dapper has one, though it's not really worth it06:39
haydeni have setup courier-imap mail server and smtp server, but when i send an email to myself i can't retrieve it using imap but i can retrieve it using the $ mail command, any ideas?06:39
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GhostFreemanI'm using Dapper06:40
GhostFreemanand I know the difference between 386 and 686-smp06:40
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ArrickQuick Question, I now have a gui installed, how do I set it up so that my network uses one NIC for a gateway, and the otehr NIC is hookes to the internet?06:41
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Arricknight all06:43
Somniisnight Arrick06:43
harisundHas anybody used dnsmasq here before? My DHCP clients aren't able to access machines in the /etc/host of my linux box, even though dnsmasq is supposed to act as a dns server, and is supposed to read of /etc/hosts. Any ideas?06:43
`paulhi, my ubuntu installation seems to always stall on "configuring apt" should i wait or is there really a prob?06:43
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AscWhat might it mean when a file appears like '?---------     ? ?          ?                ? xserver-common.list"06:44
jUggERNAUt1980`paul, is that one of the 6 steps in the livecd?06:44
GhostFreemanok now I need to know how to install the ATI fglrx drivers06:44
eyequeueAsc, first guess, that fs needs a serious fsck, as in, maybe you powered down and it got scrambled?06:45
jUggERNAUt1980`paul, how much ram do you have in your sys?  and is it a lappy?06:45
`pauljUggERNAUt1980: 51206:45
`pauljUggERNAUt1980: desktop06:45
`pauljUggERNAUt1980: im thinking maybe its tryng to connect to the rep but im behind a firewall06:45
jUggERNAUt1980`paul, my solution for that with my lappy with 256 was to install with the alternative install cd.06:46
eyequeueAsc, do you have a separate /home partition presently?06:46
Asceyeque: It's been giving me errors on startup sometimes, something along the lines of 'cannot mount [address] , resource already allocated'06:46
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Asc(for ide0)06:46
eyequeueAsc, something to consider making *if* you do end up reinstalling06:46
`pauljUggERNAUt1980: what alternative cd??? i think ive tried 3 diff cds and it always stalls on "configuring apt" :(06:46
Asceyeque: no, but most of my files are on a seperate partition, and I backed up my hope directory to a CD when stuff stopped working earlier06:47
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jUggERNAUt1980`paul, it seemed like a mem problem, but i can't see how yours would do that.06:47
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Asceyeque: guess I'll reboot and fsck06:47
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Asc*home directory06:47
cpwok what on earth06:47
jUggERNAUt1980`paul, i'll find the link for the download page.06:47
cpwSo I have this deal where I'm typing something06:47
`pauljUggERNAUt1980: when installing does it connect to the net or sumthin? should i unplug my lan cable?06:47
cpwand all the sudden focus will go to the end of the line!06:47
cpwNever clicked a thing or did anything06:48
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jUggERNAUt1980`paul, you can try unplugging your lan cable until after you have it installed, it may or may not work.  i wasn't connected when i installed mine.06:49
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:49
=== DrZeus [i=gadget@] has joined #ubuntu
jUggERNAUt1980`paul, http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/        ..............scroll down until you see alternate install cd.06:49
kamuiwow, my experimentation with kubuntu is over forever06:49
DrZeushi all.  Question: does anybody knows something about what happened with linuxcad???06:49
kamuiman it wasn't nearly as compatible as ubuntu's gnome06:50
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, what happened with kubuntu?06:50
DrZeusmaybe is old news, but i just found out!06:50
Dr_willislinuxcad? heh.  ive messed with qcad.06:50
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kamuijUggERNAUt1980: well, my laptop buttons didn't work, so no volume control via buttons.  Second, I couldn't map the super key no matter what I tried.  third, whenever I edited the menu, it would revert to its original state after a reboot06:51
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DrZeusDr_willis, i tried to get some info about it for talking about it in class, but found out it doesnt exist anymore or something06:51
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, i haven't tried it yet, so i may not now.  i'm really diggin' gnome.06:51
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kamuijUggERNAUt1980: did manage to hack together a working xgl with kubuntu.  but who cares if the regular features you expect dont work right?06:51
`pauljUggERNAUt1980: can i pm o just want to paste sumthin06:51
kamuijUggERNAUt1980: yea, it could just be my install, but Im definately very happy with gnome and beagle with xgl.  No point in switching again.06:52
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:52
cpwcould use that instead06:52
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, that same thing happened to me with mandriva!!!  my cpu fan was software controlled ant it didn't work!!!06:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linuxcad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:52
cpw!info linuxcad06:52
jUggERNAUt1980`paul, sure!  go ahead06:52
ubotuPackage linuxcad does not exist in any distro I know06:52
cpwguess not06:52
cpw!info linux-cad06:52
ubotuPackage linux-cad does not exist in any distro I know06:52
cpwnope, no deal there06:52
DrZeusi just wanted to know if it at least exists06:52
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, what lappy do you have?06:53
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KromiXI have a question about using QEMU in Dapper to run windows XP, can you use it to run games etc ?06:53
Dr_willisDrZeus,  http://linuxgazette.net/issue30/wuest.html   gives a VERY VERY nasty review to LinuxCad. :P06:54
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DrZeusDr_willis, thnx for the hint.  I'll check it06:54
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=== Bacaruda [n=lupin@ip68-226-119-162.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #UBUNTU
rixthOkie dokie! I have sound issues. If an 'older' application, say aMSN, mPlayer or Audacity tried to access the sound device when Rhythmbox is palying, it throws an error, How can I fix this?06:55
Bacarudawhats up UBUNTU people06:55
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jUggERNAUt1980what's up bacaruda?06:55
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.06:55
Bacarudaanyone by any chance get Steam to work on WINE?06:55
GhostFreemanHow do I install the ATI drivers?06:55
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dfgasanyone know how to get e17 installed?06:56
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`pauljUggERNAUt1980: how can i install the bare minmum for ubuntu? dont want the graphical thingy06:56
SakirethHow to remove everything thar kubuntu-desktop installed?06:56
kamuiwowww, i broke xchat06:56
dfgasi have been going by a howto but it would let me install 2 of the packages06:56
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Dr_willisSakireth,  not very easially - depends on how you installed it.06:56
kamuijUggERNAUt1980: sorry, anyway, I've got a compaq presario v5000 series.06:56
SakirethDr_willis: I installed it with kubuntu-desktop.06:56
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SakirethDr_willis: When I tried to remove it, i removed the kde libs and kubuntu-desktop.06:56
jUggERNAUt1980'paul, the alternative install cd is a text installer, but you definitely want gnome.06:56
SomniisGhostFreeman: www.ubuntuguide.org should have your answer06:57
Dr_willisSakireth,  if you used aptitude then ya could perhaps remove it easially.. other wise it wil be a bit of a hassle. :P06:57
Flannel!tell GhostFreeman about ati06:57
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems06:57
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GhostFreemanawesome, thanks06:57
=== Commander-Crowe is now known as MTecknology
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, i just put ubuntu on a toshiba satellite, it's verrrrry niiiiice.  had it on my old compaq presario m2000, but had issues with the broadcomm wifi.  is your chipset broadcomm?06:57
tonyyarussoCan anyone recommend topographic map software for Linux?06:58
SakirethDr_willis: Damn. So now I have to install KDE again to remove it?!06:58
jUggERNAUt1980google earth?06:58
Dr_willisSakireth,  or fire up synaptic and start clicking...06:58
eyequeuetonyyarusso, i'd love some, if there is any :)06:58
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kamuijUggERNAUt1980: yep, got it working after about 45 minutes with ndiswrapper.  There is a native broadcomm driver now, but I tried the 64bit ubuntu with it (disecting the windows driver to get the firmware as discussed) and it didn't work too well.  Apparently the 32bit version with the windows firmware works perfectly now in Dapper06:59
FlannelSakireth: deborphan / debfoster can help06:59
SakirethDr_willis: And do what?06:59
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Dr_willisSakireth,  select packages,, uninstall06:59
Bacarudanm I got it06:59
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Dr_willisSakireth,  i recall some site that mentioned how to remove the packages. they just listed the ones normally installed.06:59
dfgase17 anyone?06:59
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jUggERNAUt1980kamui, hmm....i'll have to let my friend the bastard know about that, he has my old lappy now and isn't sure if he wants to deal with that chipset.07:00
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Bacarudahow about this, how do I create an SH to launch a certain file with Wine?07:00
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jUggERNAUt1980kamui, is that solution posted anywhere?07:00
blindProblemmmmm.... I installed the nvidia drivers, changed my bios to use the nvidia card. Ubuntu boots fine, when gnome starts up, the monitor clicks off. I hear the little login screen, and can use ttys (what im using now), but I can't see the login screen.07:00
Somniisblind: the res might not be supported?07:00
cpwa'ight this keyboard focus thing is really starting to irritate me07:00
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Dr_willisblind,  sounds like it may be set to use the old card in the x config still07:00
`pauljUggERNAUt1980: got it to work, just waited for around 30 mins till the connection timed out :p now i know its connecting to the net when installing ()07:00
=== kamui [n=kamui@ip70-171-82-42.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
KromiXumm I'm at the login screen for ubuntu, my frist installation, and its asking me for a user/password?? I dont recall it asking me for one? Is there a default?07:01
tonyyarussoeyequeue: We found something Google doesn't have any sponsored links for.07:01
jUggERNAUt1980`paul, great!  :)07:01
blindDr_willis: I did a dpkg-reconfigure, and changed it to PCI:1:2:0 (the nvidia card, as in lspci). should i do it again now that i set the bios over?07:01
Neo8750you had to set it up durning install07:01
eyequeuetonyyarusso, heh07:01
rixthWhen two applications try to access the sound card, I get errors, How can I fix this?07:01
Dr_willisblind,  yea ya may want to.07:01
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DrZeusDr_willis, what an awful review07:02
GenitalCombatQuestion! I'm about to buy my first laptop. Are resolutions adjustable on laptop LCDs?07:02
ArrenLexAnswer! Yes.07:02
kamuijUggERNAUt1980: Sorry, i lost my client, what did you just say?07:02
`pauljUggERNAUt1980: btw i forgot where do i put the proxy settings for apt?? or setting up proxy settings in gnome will do?07:02
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Dr_willisDrZeus,  :) one of the harshest ive ever seen.. and  from other googling for linux cad.. seems the program is total trash.07:02
blindrixth, there's a daemon you can use, but i forget the name. someone else may know.07:02
blindrixth, possibly epd?07:02
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, hmm....i'll have to let my friend the bastard know about that, he has my old lappy now and isn't sure if he wants to deal with that chipset.07:02
rixthblind, esd?07:02
SakirethI think this means a reinstall :(07:02
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, is that solution posted anywhere?07:03
ArrenLexHallo sakireth.07:03
GenitalCombatArrenLex: thx07:03
SakirethArrenLex: Hi.07:03
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ubotuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead07:03
jUggERNAUt1980`paul, gnome should do nicely.07:03
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems07:03
DrZeusyeah, I found out a couple of days a go.  I wanted to see if someone knew anything about it07:03
DrZeusseems to be is dead07:03
SakirethArrenLex: I have trouble here. Installed kubuntu-desktop and can't remove it. PC has become slow because of KDE. I tried removing kdelibs and stuff, but... not everything is gone.07:03
rixtheyequeue, alsa gives me the error described, and I have chcked those links.07:03
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ArrenLexDrZeus: what is dead?07:03
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n0dldoes anyone here use pypanel of edgy eft? whats the command to invoke it07:03
n0dlpypanel doesnt work07:03
n0dland i cant find it by tabbing py07:04
n0dlnor panel07:04
eyequeuen0dl, wrong channel07:04
Flanneln0dl: #ubuntu+1 for edgy questions07:04
DrZeusArrenLex, a CAD software called LinuxCAd07:04
blindDr_willis: just did it. It worked!! Thanks a bunch. :D07:04
Dr_willisblind,  now hit it with a hammer! :)07:04
blindDr_willis: no no, that's if it doesn't work :P07:04
ArrenLexDrZeus: if you're looking for an autocad replacement for Linux, you're out of luck. I myself have looked deeply for such an application a year or so ago. The best I could come up with was pycad.07:04
n0dleyequeue: alright thanx07:04
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Dr_willisblind,  'preventive maintance'07:05
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Dr_willisI liked qcad - but my needs are minimal07:05
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dfgase17 anyone?07:05
ArrenLexSorry, that's pythoncad *07:05
ubotupythoncad: Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.26-1 (dapper), package size 400 kB, installed size 3080 kB07:05
ArrenLexAnd it wasn't very good.07:05
blinddfgas: not a fan. i just use fluxbox.07:05
ubotuqcad: A professional CAD System. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 2872 kB, installed size 12564 kB07:06
Dr_willissee qcad is 'professional' :P07:06
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, what do you use for your network managing?07:06
ArrenLexDr_willis: pythoncad has a longer name. :P07:06
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Dr_willispythoncad  package size 400 kB, installed size 3080 kB07:06
DrZeusArrenLex, then you at least tried and/or seen linuxcad right?07:06
Dr_willisgesh.. it expands a lot.07:06
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, apparently network-manager can't see my atheros wifi.  i'm currently using wifi-radar.07:06
KromiXwhats the user name?07:06
KromiXthe install just asks for a password07:06
ArrenLexZeus: I donut remember it.07:07
DrZeusi see07:07
Dr_willislast version of LinuxCad - i see  is dated 200207:07
ArrenLexDr_willis: then I'm guessing it's abandoned.07:08
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DrZeusseems to be; it was a commercial tool, so they just quit07:08
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mike-digiportI installed Ubuntu on my desktop, and when it is going to the login screen, it just stays black, as if X or Gnome or something must of frozen07:08
mike-digiportIm new to ubuntu so can someone help me troubleshoot07:08
mike-digiportwhen I boot to rescue mode, it goes in fine, as console mode07:08
ArrenLexMike: are you new to Linux?07:08
mike-digiporti even modified /etc/inittab to initmode 307:09
mike-digiportand still attempts to bring up the gui login07:09
Sakireth!kde uninstall07:09
ubotukde: the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:45ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB07:09
mike-digiportno im not new to Linux, but im not too advanced, im just new to the diustro07:09
Sakireth!remove kde07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remove kde - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
Dr_willisArrenLex,  that would be my guess also.07:09
eyequeuemike-digiport, ubuntu doesn't do runlevels like that, that's rpm distros07:09
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE07:09
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ArrenLexSakireth, why would you want to remove KDE? :(07:09
mike-digiportI also did install kubuntu-desktop07:09
aSt3raLis there any web interface type thing for a ssh?07:09
=== ArrenLex is deeply wounded.
eyequeuemike-digiport, 2=3=4=507:09
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SakirethArrenLex: Made things slow. Messed up my menu's.07:09
jUggERNAUt1980so i installed google earth here in ubuntu, but can't find where it is, nor do i know how to run it.  any ideas for me?07:10
mike-digiportso what is recommended?07:10
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eyequeuemike-digiport, 2 is default07:10
mike-digiportI think gnome was installed, but i installed kubuntu07:10
mike-digiportand when i try to startkde from here07:10
mike-digiportit says it cannot connect to the X server (i am in rescue mode at the moment)07:10
ArrenLexmike: run startx07:10
clearzencould someone help me. I'm unable to update my system and it gives me a strange error when I run apt-get update.07:10
mike-digiportI do, when I do startx, it does the same thing that when it boots up normally07:10
mike-digiportit just stays with a cursor07:10
ArrenLexclearzen: "strange error"?07:11
kamuijUggERNAUt1980: I actually configure mine manually, using ifconfig and iwconfig07:11
mike-digiportafter a fw seconds, the cursor gets solid, stops blinking07:11
`pauljUggERNAUt1980: where can i find sources list? (restricted stuffs ie. nvidia drivers)07:11
Somniismike: you might need to configure x07:11
ArrenLexMike: does it actually freeze or does the cursor move?07:11
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mike-digiport] the cursor blinks, but doesnt type07:11
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mike-digiportbut after a few seconds, the cursor stops blinking07:11
kamuijUggERNAUt1980 : I created a startup script that automatically sets my essid and then brings the interface up.  Then I dhclient it.07:11
Bacarudawow using Steam with no text is more of a pain then you'd think it would be07:11
mike-digiportis there a way to just manually load startkde or something???07:11
Sakirethdoes this mean a reinstall? :(07:11
clearzenArrenLex:It says Errhttp://archive.canonical.com dapper-commercial Release.gpg07:11
clearzen  Could not connect to (, connection timed out07:11
jUggERNAUt1980clearzen, what's the error?07:11
harisundDoes anybody know how I can have Ubuntu act as a dynamic dns server .. in that my lan clients get their IPs from my ubuntu box, and as they get it my ubuntu box should have the dns updated?07:12
kamuijUggERNAUt1980 : much easier than wasting a lifetime trying to figure out whats wrong with gnome-network-manager.  its never worked for me.07:12
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jUggERNAUt1980kamui, can you pastebin that script with instructions?07:12
ArrenLexclearzen: then I guess the server's down?07:12
clearzenand this Errhttp://archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg07:12
mike-digiportany tools or anything to use??07:12
cartuferharisund, i think thats a dhcp server07:12
SurfnKidwill there be another release of a different type of ubuntu, like dapper or breezy07:12
clearzenI think it has to do with my gpg keys07:12
harisundcartufer: well no .. I have tried using both a stand alone dhcp server and dnsmasq.07:13
kamuijUggERNAUt1980: sure, if you really want it07:13
mike-digiportor atleast, how can I set it up so it boots kubuntu instead of the gnome environment07:13
FlannelSurfnKid: what?  edgy is coming out late october.  releases are every 6 months07:13
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clearzenhow do I regenerate my key cache?07:13
eyequeueharisund, sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server07:13
Flannelmike-digiport: you can change your default session at gdm/kdm07:13
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, i like connecting to random open networks, so i'm looking for a good solution for sniffing them out and connecting.07:13
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cartuferor do u mean like a locked dns?07:13
mike-digiportFlannel ho that07:13
mike-digiporthow is that*07:13
Sakirethkde messed up my system! :(07:13
=== Sakireth cries
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, i DO really want it!  :D07:14
mike-digiportFlannel: how is that07:14
Flannelmike-digiport: there's a session selection somewhere on your login screen, that you can select your OS to boot into07:14
SurfnKidFlannel, oh right, would you recommend Edgy over Dapper or would it depend on the type of HW used07:14
mike-digiportthe default session I usually choose it from the login screen07:14
mike-digiportand the login screen isnt loading up07:14
FlannelSurfnKid: well, it'll be newer.07:14
mike-digiportafter the system boots, it gets black, and then acts as if it is about to bring up the login screen07:14
Flannelmike-digiport: so, you've got a gdm/kdm problem then07:14
mike-digiportbut doesnt07:14
mike-digiportcan you help me troubleshoot this?07:14
harisundcartufer: hmm. Ok this is what I want. My room mate connects to my ubuntu box. His Windows machine's name is 'Hestueron'. My Ubuntu's dhcp server (dhcp3-server) hands him an IP of today, and when I say ping Hestueron it should ping Tomorrow it might probably hand him and when I ping hesturoen tomorrow it should correctly ping
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Flannelmike-digiport: or actually, that sounds like a graphics problem, or somethng of that sort, if it brings up nothing.07:15
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mike-digiportFlannel: what do you recommend I do?07:15
cartuferya, thats in network settings07:15
Somniishello Jangsta07:15
Jangstawondering if anyone's feeling in a happy spirit and can help me out?07:15
cartuferu have to make it set its own, and not automatic07:15
Jangstatrying to install ubuntu on my PC and having trouble with install :(07:15
jUggERNAUt1980are pastebin posts deleted after a certain amount of time?07:15
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SomniisJangsta: what's the problem?07:15
SurfnKidFlannel, so if i m on dapper, would it be feasible to go edgy, doing a dist upgr?07:16
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FlannelSurfnKid: correct07:16
Jangstawell, it gets going... and then after a while it says this:07:16
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Flannelmike-digiport: sorry, no idea.  I don't have a GUI usually, so little knowledge on troubleshooting it ;)07:16
SurfnKidi might do that07:16
Jangsta"Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?  <yes>   <no>07:16
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KromiXi just installed ubuntu, and it never asked me for a user name, just a password07:17
KromiXwas is the default user name? root? admin?07:17
FlannelKromiX: how did you install it?07:17
rixtheyequeue, alsa gives me the error described, and I have chcked those links.07:17
KromiXusing the alternate install cd07:17
kamuijUggERNAUt1980: http://pastebin.ca/18159207:17
FlannelKromiX: did you select the oem mode? or what?07:17
KromiXoem mode07:17
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jUggERNAUt1980kamui, .ca???  are you from canada?07:17
KromiXshould i have done text?07:18
Jangstaanyone have any idea as to my prob :\07:18
SomniisJangsta: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:18
kamuijUggERNAUt1980 : no, its the only pastebin I've ever used07:18
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FlannelKromiX: heh, oem is for people distributing the computer, it leaves all the user config stuff until afterwards.  You actually don't have your first user set up yet, just an 'oem' user07:18
SunDragondoes ubuntu maintain a vulnerability scanning program to report CVE and CAN vulnerabilities in the installed packages, somewhat like debsecan?07:18
SomniisJangsta: and make sure you have the correct PCI bus entered07:18
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KromiXso i should do text?07:18
Jangstaok, just entered that07:19
Jangstathanks man, will go through this now07:19
Somniisnp :)07:19
KromiXok re-doing it in text mode then?07:19
jUggERNAUt1980kamui:  oh!  haha, i was given the one in NL07:19
rixthSunDragon, yes, in malone07:19
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Jangstaso i should not auto-detect right?07:19
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, thanks for that paste.  do you know if those posts are deleted after a certain time period?07:19
Somniiswell, you can07:19
Jangstak i'll select no and attempt myself07:19
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Somniisif it doesn't work, just reconfigure it again :-)07:20
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FlannelKromiX: login with your user (oem/whatever password), open a terminal do: sudo oem-config-prepare, then reboot07:20
kamuijUggERNAUt1980:couldn't tell you, cause I have NO IDea, but Im pretty sure they have to learn for a little whiel07:20
FlannelKromiX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview07:20
kamuiwhat did I just write07:20
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SomniisJangsta: i had a similiar problem.  x wouldn't use my primary card, so i had to manually enter the pci bus and it worked fine07:20
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kamuijUggERNAUt1980 : sorry, I was trying to do three things at once.  I was trying to say, I don't know how long they stay posted, but Im confident you have at least 48 hours07:21
Jangstaits asking me for the drivers, i might have to start my comp in windows to find the name of the card07:21
Jangstaits an "aftermarket" card :)07:21
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Lam_if i wanted to change my kernel (k8), and the only thing available is k7, will it work?07:21
Jangstaand i dont remember the name07:21
cartufercan gnome handle multiple screens?07:21
butleR`anyone know how i can get Totem to play .wmv files?07:21
Somniisyou can use vesa for a good driver07:21
Jangstaoh ok07:21
FlannelLam_: what processor do you have?07:21
Lam_AMD Turion6407:21
KromiXFLannel: i just started the re-install in text07:21
KromiXi love ubuntu already and I haven't even completed the install.07:22
FlannelLam_: but you grabbed the 386 install CD?  yeah, install k7.07:22
Somniisyou'll like it even better when it is installed ;-)07:22
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Jangstanow its asking me for the video cards bus identifier07:22
SunDragonrixth: is there an interface that will only report for the packages that are installed on my system?07:22
Jangstaim not sure...07:22
Lam_Flannel: yeah. i installed ubuntu on my computer first (and it was an Intel based processor)07:22
rixthSunDragon, not sure07:22
jUggERNAUt1980KromiX, i second that motion!  :)07:22
SomniisJangsta: use the default it has and see if it works07:22
Jangstaok will do07:23
jUggERNAUt1980kamui, thanks!07:23
FlannelLam_: ah, yeah, you've got a 32 bit system then07:23
Jangstaammount of memory to use on video card?07:23
Somniisleave blank if you don't know07:23
Jangstaill leave blank07:23
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Cyrix404How do I get the drums to stop playing on vesion 5.04 for Intel x86?07:23
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Jangstaim gunna enable the next option (use kernal framebuffer device interface)07:24
apeman2020where is the repositories file for APT?07:24
Flannelapeman2020: /etc/apt/sources.list07:24
cartufercan ubuntu handle multiple screens?07:24
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jUggERNAUt1980anybody here used google earth for linux before?07:24
Flannelcartufer: you mean multiple monitors? or multiple X terminals?07:24
cherubielbutleR`: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-88920.html07:25
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Flannel!tell cartufer about xinerama07:25
cartuferi got 2 screens and a tv out07:25
`m0how can I read .chm files?07:25
dfgassweet i got e17 installed07:25
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ubotugnochm: CHM file viewer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.6-1build1 (dapper), package size 99 kB, installed size 636 kB07:25
Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  yes - it works good.07:25
Cyrix404How do I get the drums to stop playing on version 5.04 for Intel x86?07:26
jUggERNAUt1980Dr_willis, i'm pretty sure i nstalled it, but can't figure out how to run it!  yes, i'm still a n00b07:26
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eric_hi wich are the kernel-image right for an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+ ?  the generic or K8 series?07:26
`m0xchm or gnochm07:26
Jangstahmmm not sure what keyboard model07:26
Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  i installed the thing and it made a directory in the users home dir07:26
Flanneleric_: you running edgy?07:26
Jangstaits a standard US keyboard except Internet, Email, Search buttons07:26
ubotuxchm: Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.2.0-5ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 222 kB, installed size 856 kB07:26
Jangstaand Mute and sound +/007:26
Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  and added a command to the ~/bin dir07:26
Somniisjust use the default :-)07:26
XlylithHi All, How can I verify vsftpd installation? Mine got broken after my last update... :-(07:26
jUggERNAUt1980Dr_willis, what's the command you used?07:26
Flanneleric_: k807:27
Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  look in your dir and see07:27
eric_why fam_server is eating my ram ?07:27
Dr_willisI donthave it isntalled right now07:27
`m0what do you guys like better, xchm or gnochm07:27
eric_and cpu07:27
Jangstamy mouse (standard microsoft optical mouse, not roll ball):  ImPS/2 or ExplorerPS/207:28
JangstaImPS/2 right?07:28
jUggERNAUt1980dr_willis, i see a GoogleEarthLinux.bin in there, but no directory.07:28
Jangsta(im such a newb sorry)07:28
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jUggERNAUt1980maybe i just downloaded it without installing?07:28
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Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  sounds that way..  its also in the PLF repositories it seems. :P07:28
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SomniisJangsta: no need to be sorry :-)  i just installed Ubuntu a few days ago, but i had problems with x on bootup too07:28
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jUggERNAUt1980Dr_willis, plf repositories?  can i sudo apt-get it?07:29
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KromiXDo you guys suggest i install kde-core on ubuntu as a new user? or does it slow the system down alot?07:29
FlannelKromiX: why do you feel the need to do that?07:29
Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  I just did. :P07:29
KromiXlooks easier to use then gnome ?07:29
KromiXfrom screenshots that is...07:29
XlylithDoes anybody use vsftpd here?07:29
jUggERNAUt1980Dr_willis, what's the package name?07:29
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rixthWhen two applications try to access the sound card, I get errors, How can I fix this?07:30
Jangstathere's a list of modules here (bitmap, dbe, ddc, dri, extmod, freetype, glx, int10, record, type1, v41, vbe)07:30
FlannelKromiX: so, instlal kubuntu then ;)  you can actually have them both on the same system, no problem (assuming you have teh HD space)07:30
Jangstasome have a * next to them07:30
Jangstasome dont07:30
Jangstabut it says leave all enabled07:30
SomniisJangsta: just keep pressing enter if you don't know what to do07:30
Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  the pacakge dont seem to work right.07:30
Jangstadoes the * mean enabled, and should i put a * next to ones that dont have one by defalt07:30
Jangstalol ok07:30
Jangsta:| srry man07:30
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Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  jus trun that bin and install it for your user07:30
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SomniisJangsta: lol np, just trying to help ya out07:30
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Jangstahehe i know i really appreciate it, just dont want to be a bother to ya07:31
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Jangstai know im retard lol07:31
Somniisnot at all.  i got pissed when x didn't work, only to realize i had to input the bus manually :-)07:31
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jUggERNAUt1980Dr_willis, yay for install!  r07:32
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Cyrix404How do I get the drums to stop playing on version 5.04 for Intel x86?07:33
nbjaymehello, I got a big problem.  the sysadmin upgraded the breezy system to dapper via upgrade (synaptic).  now, everything's broken.  no networking, no Xsession , etc.  how to solve this?07:33
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Jangstajust to be sure, it says This option should be left default:07:33
JangstaWrite monitor sync ranges to configuration file07:33
Jangsta<yes> <no>07:34
Jangstadunno what "default" would be... no?07:34
Somniisyeah, leave it default07:34
Jangstak i push no07:34
Cyrix404How do I get the drums to stop playing on version 5.04 for Intel x86?07:34
Somniislol you'll be ok :-)07:34
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Cyrix404yes, a drum sound is looping and won't stop07:35
JangstaOk, I think its finished07:35
JangstaI selected color depth07:35
Cyrix404start befor login07:35
Jangstanow its back to the ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ prompt07:35
Dr_willissounds like the sound server some how crashed.. could disable all the sound schemes.07:35
Somniistype xstart07:35
Somniisand see if it works07:35
Dr_willisrestart the alsa service also. may be needed07:35
Jangstacommand not found07:35
Jangstahehe ok07:35
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Cyrix404ok, I'll try that07:36
Jangstablarrrrr "Fatal 10 error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"07:36
Jangsta:( :( :(07:36
Jangstanot 1007:36
Somniisi had the exact same problem07:36
Somniisyou'll have to manually enter the pci bus07:37
Jangstaso go back into what i was in07:37
Somniisyeah :(07:37
Jangstahow will i know psi bus07:37
Somniisi'm trying to find the link that helped me, hang on07:37
Jangstaok thanks man07:37
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Jangstaill just use vesa again07:39
cpw623MB :O07:39
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Lam_what's the best wifi manager for gnome?07:41
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ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager07:41
Lam_thanks :)07:41
bimberi_yes, i use network manager07:41
kintaro0ehi guys..i have a intel core duo processor t2400..what kernel do i install on this?07:42
OmniDI would like to rip video from this DVD and upload the ripped video to youtube is there a guide anywhere for all of this?07:42
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bimberi_kintaro0e: yep, linux-686-smp07:43
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drunk_hobowich command do i enter to instal the xubunto desktop enviroment07:43
nbjaymewhat runlevel is multi-user and non-graphical?07:43
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org  To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:43
kintaro0ebimberi_: thanks..does is support centrino?what i have read it has P4/celeron/P3/P2..?07:43
shinobi2which app do i need so i can "man abs()" for compile c programs?07:43
rixthWhen two applications try to access the sound card, I get errors, How can I fix this?07:43
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butleR`Can someone help me install a CGWD theme?07:44
bimberi_kintaro0e: yes it does07:44
kintaro0ebimberi_: ah..i see.thanks.07:44
kintaro0ebimberi_: i need the intel 3945 wireless to run..07:44
ISOLATEDViRuSis there a way for 2 ubuntu systems to see each other when connected via usb?07:45
kintaro0eby default i installed the kubuntu 6.06..but no wireless device detected07:45
jUggERNAUt1980i want to update and install drivers for my hardware on here, ex. my video adapter, drivers for my hd.  how do i do that in linux?07:45
bimberi_kintaro0e: not sure about that sorry :|07:45
kintaro0ebimberi_: no problem07:45
Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  apt-get update, apt-get upgrade. same as anything else. :)07:45
DrZeusim out fellas.  Have a good night; God bless you all07:45
jUggERNAUt1980i know where the dr_thanks!  :)07:45
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fluvvellwe have a joystick on a yamaha soundcard, where do we start to set it up?  There appears to be a /dev/joy0 but flightgear / search and rescue and others don't find the joystick07:46
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Dr_willisthe programs may have some settings to where to look.07:47
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Dr_willisI though they appeared on /dev/input/js007:47
Dr_willistry 'cat /dev/js0' and wiggle the stick.. see if data prints out. :P07:47
jUggERNAUt1980ok, another question:  how can i set apt-get to look to my hd instead of the cdrom?07:47
shinobi2anyone compile code?07:47
Dr_willisjUggERNAUt1980,  comment out/rmove the cdrom apt line.. and it should update from the internet.07:48
shinobi2which package do i need for the "man fprintf" and other functions07:48
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jUggERNAUt1980Dr_willis, location of the file?  i know i should remember that.07:48
fluvvellDr_willis, it appears there but says no such device if I try to tail it.07:48
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:49
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Dr_willisfluvvell,  perhaps a sudo cat /dev/js007:49
cpwshinobi2: manpages-dev07:50
fluvvellDr_willis, cat: /dev/input/js0: No such device07:50
shinobi2cpw: thanks, that's the one07:50
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thenetduckcan somone help me get my sudo command back?07:50
Ademanhow would i go about finding low level C functions for linux? things that are generally kernel functions, like setting the user id of a proccess, or moving files around and whatnot ?07:51
Dr_willisfluvvell,  sounds like the module for the joystick may not be loaded07:51
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shinobi2cpw is there another way to "man printf"? i have to "man fprintf" to get the correct printf07:52
alambaelaborate thenetduck07:52
fluvvellDr_willis, its a YMF-724F according to lspci07:52
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fluvvellDr_willis, but I'm not sure if I have to pull more out of alsa, nor exactly what07:53
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mungohello all07:53
Dr_willisfluvvell,  this is on a sound card eh?07:53
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thenetduckalamba : thanks, when I use my sudo command it gives me this error : sudo: must be setuid root07:53
fluvvellDr_willis, correct.  Sound works beautifully07:53
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Dr_willisfluvvell,  time to google.. also the module specific to the joystick may need to be loaded.. and other related modules07:54
thenetduckalamba : I was going thew this tutorial that made it happen http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux07:54
thenetduckwhen I typed this in sudo chown -R thenetduck:thenetduck  /media/Storage   it made that happen ....07:55
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alambathenetduck: If sudo is installed as /usr/bin/sudo, then run chmod 4111 /usr/bin/sudo - As root. If you haven't enabled the root user...then we'll need to figure out another way07:56
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thenetduckalaba hu?07:56
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thenetduckalamba umm sorry ... so whats wrong with it?07:57
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jUggERNAUt1980what's the location of my sources.list file?07:58
SomniisJangsta, you still there?07:59
andruk_how do i load lilo on a partition (for knoppmyth)?07:59
andruk_how do i get grub to chainload lilo to load knoppmyth?08:00
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magneticubuntuhey guys I'm trying to check an MD5 sum of an .iso file how to do this in ubuntu plz?08:01
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cpwmd5sum whatever.iso08:01
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alamb1thenetduck: it explains what went wrong and why and how you can fix it08:02
w30I need a root user for swat, I hate to add a root password to Ubuntu so is there some way to have a root password for just swat?08:02
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cpww30: why not just run it with sudo?08:02
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Jangstai am still here, trying to work through this08:03
Jangstadid lspci to find my bus number08:03
Jangstai do have 2 video decices08:03
Jangstaone is integrated intel08:03
w30cpw swat runs in a browser window and just presents a login window.......08:03
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Somniisgood, you just need to convert that to decimal08:03
Jangstathe other is nVidia Geforce FX 520008:03
Jangstaoh how do i do that?08:03
Somniiswhat is the number?08:03
Somniisexact same as mine, lol,08:04
Jangsta:O !!!08:04
Jangstahow can that be08:04
Somniisit would be 0000:2:10:008:04
Jangstaok cool i will type that in now08:04
Somniishope that works :)08:04
w30cpw, how do I do that in a http browser?08:04
Lockefor the xorg file you are supposed to convert it to decimal?08:04
Jangstagrr telling me again to enter in proper format08:05
w30cpw, also I can't find a smbpasswd file?08:05
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Somniislol, sorry, should have typed that in the first place.08:05
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Lockei was entering it as it was in lspci except removing leading zeros08:06
Jangstahehe its ok, ummm one sec something happened08:06
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andruk_ive installed ubuntu, how do i get it to rescan my partitions and recreate the /boot/grub/menu.lst ?08:06
Jangstathink i may have tried to many times or osmething08:06
magneticubuntucpw: thank you08:06
Somniisthat should make it work Jangsta08:06
Somniishad the exact problem you did.. right down to it defaulting the bus to the integrated crap lol08:07
mikedep333hello, I just bought a really new motherboard, with an intel P965 and an ICH808:07
mikedep333is it normal for absolutely every linux cd to fail to boot off of it? they all fail to mount their filesystems off the cd08:07
mikedep333even ubuntu edgy knot3 does it!08:07
Jangstahahaha damn ok, its re-installing, it will error, and i will try this again08:07
jUggERNAUt1980brb, goin to meet up with my beek friend.  peace!  :)08:07
Somniis:\ damn hehe08:07
Jangstayah lol08:07
Jangstagotta wait!08:07
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Jangstai actually dont think i needed to restart08:08
Jangsta<-- idiot08:08
Somniisnah.  startx should have done it08:08
Somniisbut restarting doesn't hurt08:08
Jangstaoh well i mean, it took me out of the config08:08
andruk_how do i get the ubuntu live-CD to update my grub menu.lst?08:08
Jangstai should have just re-typed into it but now i get to wait08:08
KrakensDenis anyone here a cups and/or networking guru?08:08
valehruAnyone know where I can find xgame gtk2?08:09
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nd0627how do you uninstall flash ?08:10
KrakensDenapt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree ?08:11
w30KrakensDen, no but http://localhost:631 gives you a configuration gui interface to cups if you have a basic need of help08:11
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Jangstabah ok08:12
Jangstai finally got it entered08:12
Jangstai was typing over the set :008:12
KrakensDenw30, yeah... that isn't quite enough. I'm trying to specify that it use an ip through a specific network interface08:12
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Jangstaand i just did08:12
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Jangstathat worked08:12
kintaro0ehi guys..if i installed a ubuntu 6.06 and and i want to make my system to be ubuntu 6.06.1..how will i do that?08:12
KrakensDenw30, I think you might be able to do that in the URI08:12
KrakensDenw30, but I don't know how08:12
nd0627@KrakensDen apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree ... it didn't do it08:13
SomniisJangsta: does x start now?08:13
nd0627how do you know where you installed flash08:13
KrakensDennd0627, no?08:13
Jangstaomg :(08:13
KrakensDennd0627, you had root/ran it with sudo, correct?08:13
Jangstacould vera drivers be the issue?08:14
Somniisummm.. give an error?08:14
nd0627@KrakensDen yup.08:14
Somniisyou can try vga08:14
mikedep333oh, god damnit08:14
mikedep333hello, I just bought a really new motherboard, with an intel P965 and an ICH808:14
mikedep333is it normal for absolutely every linux cd to fail to boot off of it? they all fail to mount their filesystems off the cd08:14
mikedep333even ubuntu edgy knot3 does it!08:14
KrakensDennd0627, did you restart your browser?08:14
JangstaXIO fatal error 104 (Connect reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"08:14
nd0627@KrakensDen don't know if I really installed it08:14
KrakensDennd0627, the inodes will stay around otherwise08:14
mikedep333it looks like I'll have to wait for linux 2.6.1808:14
Somniishmm.  you entered PCI:2:10:0 right?08:14
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Jangstayou know how the last :0 is anchored08:15
nick_when i go to display in system settings i get "The module Display cannot be loaded"08:15
Somniisyeah.. but put it there anyhow, can't hurt08:15
Jangstasee if i delete all thats there08:15
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Jangstaand enter PCI:2:10:008:16
Jangstait says incorrect format08:16
Jangstaok wait08:16
Jangstahang on :)08:16
valehruAnyone here run xgame?  Getting the following error: Fatal server error:08:17
valehruCannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs        for all framebuffer devices08:17
KrakensDennd0627, well... does it work?08:17
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KrakensDennd0627, the hardcore, hackish way of getting rid of it would be to run a `locate libflash` and then go manually remove that08:17
JangstaBLAR :(08:17
KrakensDennd0627, but I wouldn't do that08:17
Somniis02:0a.0 is 2:10:0.. dunno why that doesn't work, lol, it worked for me08:17
KrakensDennd0627, 'cause it messes with apt's head08:17
Jangstaok wait 1 sec08:17
Somniisi have a geforce 550008:18
nick_anybody know about "The module Display cannot be loaded" when i go to system settings > display08:18
Jangstaya thats it :(08:18
Somniisok, what is the format used before you delete it?08:18
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Jangstaand the cursor starts at the last :08:19
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Jangstaso i can only delete PCI:0:208:19
SomniisPCI:2:10:0  is it then.. just delete everything and type it in08:19
Jangstathe last :0 stays there, and i just type over it08:19
myesterioushey, no any taskbar on gnome , How can i get back ?08:19
Somniisprobably an artifact, perhaps08:19
Jangstahmm :|08:19
Jangstai can backspace even PAST the PCI08:19
myesteriousI can see all icon on desktop but no any taskbar.08:20
Jangstait makes more blue space08:20
Jangsta2 spaces back08:20
Jangstaif i enter PCI:2:10:0 then, it works and continues08:20
Somniisok, well continue it and see if x will start after08:20
Somniisif you already haven't :-)08:21
Jangstai have but i'll try again08:21
Jangstaok, ive deleted as far back as i can go08:21
Jangstathere's nothing there08:21
Jangstaand ive entered08:21
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Jangstaso i'll press enter and continue through08:21
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Somniisyeah, hope that works lol08:22
Jangstashould i08:22
JangstaUse kernel framebuffer device interface08:22
Somniisdoes it come up with the integrated chip name when it comes to that part?08:22
Jangstayes it does08:22
Jangstathe part before entering the bus id08:22
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Jangstait lists my integrated chip08:22
Somniisdid you type in the 5200 name?08:22
Jangstaomg -_-08:22
Jangsta<-------- IDIOT08:22
Somniisdon't think that matters, but i did it anyhow lol08:23
Jangstai havnt been08:23
Jangstawow ok08:23
Jangstaok wtf08:23
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Jangstait just kicked me out to a black screen, like it did before and i gotta restard lol08:23
Jangstait hates me08:23
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mikedep333ok, I found out that some people have put kernel 2.6.18 on dapper, where can I get this?08:23
Jangstait kicks me out to the black loading screen sometimes08:23
Jangstathat has all the [ok] 08:24
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild08:24
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ppcguyhey all.. friend of mine just tried to remove icewm w/ rm -fr /dir now he's getting an error that his home dir is gone.. any ideas?08:24
levanderDid they drop the backports project in dapper?08:24
levanderI don't see dapper-backports on packages.ubuntu.com08:24
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XaXXondoes ubuntu live cd 6.06 not work with ati cards?  I had an nvidia board in and it booted.. I just swapped it out for an ati board and it drops to command line08:25
mikedep333XaXXon: what ati card do you have?08:25
zaggynlAnyone knows a filemon like app for Ubuntu?08:25
levanderXaXXon: ATI cards are commonly more difficult to configure than nVidia cards, a lot of people ahve that problem08:25
XaXXonset vbe mode failed08:25
mikedep333it might not support the x1000 series like you have08:25
levandernVidia support on Linux is better than ATI's08:26
XaXXonI guess I'll swap it back in.. at least for the time being08:26
mikedep333I'm in a worse situation08:26
mikedep333linux doesnt like my motherboard yet08:26
ppcguyhey all.. friend of mine just tried to remove icewm w/ rm -fr /dir now he's getting an error that his home dir is gone.. any ideas?08:26
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mikedep333hey, what is the URL for the main ubuntu repository?08:29
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JangstaGOMFGG FG :(08:30
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Jangstaits making me restart again08:30
Jangstais there anyway to avoid this08:30
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Jangstaim going through, just entered the busid08:30
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Jangstaand it brings up this.... i dnt know what, something08:31
Jangstai push ok08:31
Somniisi don't know.  i didn't have that problem during config :(08:31
Jangstablar ok08:31
usamahi all08:31
Somniissorry.   have you tried looking at the ubuntu forums for help?08:31
Jangstawell i think we may have it08:32
usamahttp://pastebin.com/793867 <----  kindly help me08:32
Jangstai just forgot to enter my card before08:32
Jangstathe nVidia part08:32
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levanderCan someone tell me how to figure out what packages are in dapper-backports?08:32
Jangstaany reason i should start in safe graphics mode?08:32
Somniisi entered "NVIDIA GeForceFX 5500" on mine and it worked08:32
Jangstaor just go Start or install Ubuntu08:32
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Jangstayeah i forgot to do that08:32
Jangstaso i was doing that just now08:32
Jangstabefore i booted me08:32
Somniisjust start08:32
Jangstaso i want to get through this, nice and clean08:33
Jangstaand if it still makes that error08:33
Jangstai'll sleep on it and do what i can tomorow08:33
Somniisnot sure why it boots ya.   you can always re-install it, lol08:33
Jangstayeah ist re-installing now08:33
Jangstaits weird because it boots me back to the black screen that has all the [ok] 08:33
Jangstathen im powerless there08:33
ISOLATEDViRuSwhen i plug stuff into my usb port, it wont show up. whats wrong?08:33
Jangstaso i restart, get back to the error08:33
mikedep333can anyone tell me what the url is for the main ubuntu mirror?08:34
Jangstaand i can then re-enter config08:34
Jangstaits re-installing now "adding live cd user"08:34
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mikedep333or how to get kernel 2.6.18 on an existing ubuntu install?08:34
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JairunCalothis there anyone really good with shell scripts around?08:34
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butleR`I saw a post on the forums earlier about sound only being available to one program at a time, anyone know how to fix it?08:35
JairunCalothwhat driver are you using?08:35
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butleR`I can't remember >.<08:35
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JairunCalothwell I'm not positive08:36
JairunCalothbut I think OSS dosn't support it. but ALSA does08:36
JairunCalothand you can use oss through also to get it to work by using aoss08:36
butleR`i think i'm using OSS08:36
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JairunCalothif you have alsa08:36
JairunCalothI'm just a noob though08:37
JairunCalothso I'll probably run you in circles when the answer is staring you in the face08:37
Z310Ndoes anyone know LFS project? do i need to be a programmer to use it? what is expected to use the LFS project?08:37
w30I can't use cups html administration (port 631) or swat html administration (port 901) because I don't have a root password. How do I fix that?08:38
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Jangstacross your fingers08:38
noctisomebody on a different channel said python=ubuntu, perl=debian... how is this so?08:38
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Jangstawell, umm..08:38
Somniishope it works Jangsta lol08:38
Jangstano error message08:38
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drunk_hobook i did apt-get instal xubuntu-desktop, and everything still loks the same08:38
JairunCalothw30: sounds like a user problem08:38
Jangstalol but a blank, black screen08:38
Jangstamaybe its loading -_- :|08:39
Somniisman.  it's just not liking you at all eh?08:39
JairunCalothyou have to log into the xubuntu hobo08:39
Jangstayah :(08:39
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JairunCalothchoose the session on your login screen08:39
Jangstalet me try something08:39
Jangstaim gunna unplug my monitor from the back of my comp08:39
Jangstaand plug it into another slot08:39
grobbercan somebody help me? problem is that grub dont detect windows xp08:39
Jangstacan i do this while its running08:39
JairunCalothshould be a box that lets you choose session08:39
drunk_hobook let me check08:40
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Jangstamy card has 2 slots08:40
Jangstaright now its doing what08:40
w30JairunCaloth, Ubuntu says don't have a root password, just use sudo, however How do I use suco in a browser password window??08:40
Somniisya, lol, i used to have a 520008:40
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Jangstait has 2 slots so im gunna08:40
Jangstatake it out of the 108:40
Jangstaand put it in the other08:40
Jangstahopefully my monitor turns on08:40
Somniismight not turn on08:40
JairunCalothw30: I have no idea...08:40
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JairunCalothw30: my question is accually similar to that08:40
zaggynlAnyone knows a GUI alternative to Filemon for Windows08:41
JairunCalothI would like to know how to use sudo in my command box on my taskbar.08:41
w30JairunCaloth, What's the problem you are faced with?08:41
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Z310Ncan one start on LFS project with no paticular linux nor programming knowledge only learning from the official tutorial?08:42
Jangstalol man08:42
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Jangstano error but no monitor screen! what a headache08:42
JairunCalothI have a command box on my taskbar, but I can't use sudo from it because it dosn't prompt me for my password, seeing how it dosn't have a terminal screen08:42
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MadpilotJairunCaloth, use gksudo rather than just sudo08:43
JairunCalothwhat is gksudo?08:43
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JairunCalothsweet, that's exactly what I needed Madpilot, thanks08:43
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w30JairunCaloth, I think there is something missing in this sudo scheme of Ubuntu and it's time to add ole' ruuooot to Ubuntu and the hell wit security. just have a good password.08:44
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SomniisJangsta, if all else fails, try plugging your monitor into the integrated slot :\08:44
Ademanis there a chart anywhere of different proccessors and the instruction sets they support?08:44
JairunCalothw30, I raelly have no idea. I still consider myself very much a linux noob08:44
totalnewbi have a very stupid question if anyone cares to answer08:44
Z310Nanybody knows what it takes to start the linux from scratch project?08:45
JairunCalothAdeman, have you checked out manufacture webpages?08:45
jUggERNAUt1980is there a way i can share my net connection through my box with an xp thing?08:45
totalnewbi upgraded to edgy from dapper, but now on my desktop there are 2 icons of each partition08:45
AdemanJairunCaloth: I'm looking for a unified chart that will make it easy to compare them08:45
Madpilottotalnewb, #ubuntu+1 for Edgy questions08:45
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totalnewbthank you08:45
jUggERNAUt1980i use wifi, and want to be able to use my sys as a "router" so my friend can get online too.08:46
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irawanZ310N: www.linuxfromscratch.???08:46
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MadpilotZ310N, try #lfs08:46
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levanderDidn't there used to be a ubuntu-backports channel on freenode?08:47
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Z310Nirawan its a .org site08:47
thenetduckcan someone help me edit the /etc/sudoers file?08:47
thenetduckI need to add a person08:47
Flannelthenetduck: You have a gui?08:48
thenetduckor a user08:48
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thenetduckFlannel no im running in recover mode ..08:48
levanderthenetduck: you can't just mimick the existing syntax for other users?08:48
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levanderthenetduck: just guess the syntax based on what's already in there08:48
jUggERNAUt1980can anyone help me with this issue?08:48
levanderthenetduck: cp the file over to make a backup08:48
zaggynlAnyone knows a filemon alternative?08:48
thenetducklevander there are currently no sudoers .... i think08:48
Jangstais there any way to get to that config08:49
Jangstawithout trying to install08:49
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levanderthenetduck: by default, ubuntu has a sudo user08:49
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Jangstalike, can i open that config BEFORE i try installing08:49
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Somniisi don't think so Jangsta08:49
FlannelJangsta: which config?08:49
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Jangstasudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:49
thenetducklevander ya but I somehow deleted it ... I was doing a tutorial .... http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux got to the second to last command and it erased my sudo account...08:50
Somniishe's having problems getting x to start up, Flannel08:50
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Jangstayeah and its frustrating because08:51
FlannelJangsta: you can grab the alternate ISO and install without a GUI, then you'll be able to edit it sans X08:51
w30thenetduck, try "man visudo"08:51
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Jangstathat might be the way to go08:51
Jangstai like the GUI :) but not this headache08:51
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Jangstawhen im in that config08:51
Jangstais there a way to go back08:51
fredzerwhat do i do with source files once i have downloaded em :S08:51
Jangstato the previous optio08:51
levanderthenetduck: try 'dpkg-reconfigure --config sudo' (i think you need the --config option, not sure)08:51
munch0could anybody help me out with a font problem i'm having08:51
levanderthenetduck: that will rerun sudo config08:51
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thenetduckgreat ok thanks08:52
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levandermunch0: on freenode, just ask your question as concisely as possibly, hopefully someone can help08:52
levanderthenetduck: that's a guess, no idea if it'll work08:52
maryhamI have error 102 for samba. Need help08:52
fredzerwhat do i do with source files once i have downloaded them :S08:52
Cyraqhi, i'm the guy who commented negatively on ubuntu yesterday, i must state that i was talking about a 3.* version of ubuntu, and that now that i've tried version 6.*, i find that it really is a great linux distro.08:52
lillpelleJangsta: please write the whole sentence before you hit Enter.08:52
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JangstaSomnis is there a way to go back, when you're in that config08:53
Jangstato the previous screen08:53
thenetducklevander... here maby im trying to fix the wrong problem.... ok this is way the output says every time I try to use a sudo command  ..... sudo: must be setuid root08:53
Somniisi would hope so :-)08:53
FlannelCyraq: 3.* was never a version, just so you know.  but glad you are having better luck with the newer ones (they're year.month, by the way, not version numbers)08:53
fredzerwhat do i do with source files once i have downloaded then, how do i get them to work?08:53
fredzeri have tried everything and make command doesn't exitst08:53
bartmonHi. What's the deal with so many kernel updates? I have 2.6.15-26.47 and 2.6.15-27.48 listed as upgradeable.08:53
Somniislol i honestly don't remember, Jangsta.  i just pressed enter all the way through except for naming the card and the pci bus.08:54
Flannelbartmon: bug fixes08:54
Flannel!tell fredzer about compile08:54
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munch0i just installed some gtk2.x themes, which buggered with my font sizes, when i changed it back to my default theme it didnt change my fonts back to normal, now my font size for sans 7 is actually sans 5, but in mozilla (for the menus & bookmarks) it has sans 7 normally (not as sans 5), all the text in terminal is also really tiny, how to i fix this back to default settings, if i change my user interface font to sans 9, thats actually sans 7, 08:54
CyraqFlannel: well, it was a really old version, so i asmed it to be 3. something08:55
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Cyraqso, 6.06 (current) is released june, 2006?08:55
JangstaWE HAVE LIFTOF08:55
Jangstaits working!!!!!!!!!08:55
=== CyberFlas [n=chatzill@66-215-254-119.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
CyraqFlannel: do you recommend me installing ubuntu now, or do you think a new version will be released soon?08:56
Somniisvery nice :-) good job08:56
bartmonFlannel: OK, so the newest kernel is definitely the way to go. But why is the old version also shown then?08:56
selinuxium!enter > Jangsta08:56
JangstaSomniis, that was all you08:56
Jangstathankyou SOOOO much08:56
HealotCyraq: current stable release08:56
Jangstayou = very inteligent + smart08:56
Flannelbartmon: shows where?08:56
Jangstaa great help08:56
fredzerok this bot is telling me to use the make command ... when it doest exist08:56
Somniisnot a problem :-)08:56
bartmonunder possible updates08:56
CyberFlasHey guys i got a quick question...today i switched to e17 but the volume buttons on my laptop dont control the volume anymore...they used to work in kde and gnome but not xfce or e17...does anyone know how to fix this08:56
Flannelfredzer: before it tells you to use the make command, it mentions you installing build-essential08:56
selinuxiumJangsta: :)08:56
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bartmonFlannel: under possible updates08:57
Flannelbartmon: I'm not sure.  That seems odd though.08:57
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bartmonFlannel: Yeah. If i view updates via the GUI Update Manager it shows 10 upgrades but via aptitude it only shows 6 upgrades.08:58
CyberFlasnobody has any ideas?08:58
Flannelbartmon: that's very odd.  You might file a bug about it.08:59
bartmonFlannel: Bah, I'm using a custom compiled kernel anyway :P08:59
Jangstanow how do i open up a editor :)08:59
bartmonnano/gedit &09:00
Jangstalike pico :)09:00
Somniisapplications -> acc -> gedit09:00
FlannelJangsta: pico isn't in ubuntu, nano is.09:00
Jangstaoh ok09:00
FlannelJangsta: pico (and pine, for that matter) aren't Free, nano and mutt are their OS equivalents09:00
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fredzerso for the make command it would be "./configure make install"09:01
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Jangstaahhh ok... thanks09:01
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Jangstahow do i find nano09:01
Flannelfredzer: no, ./configure then make then make install09:02
FlannelJangsta: just type nano, you don't need to find it09:02
Jangstaim on the GUI09:02
Somniisgo in the terminal and type it09:02
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FlannelJangsta: ah, you can also use gedit, but use gksudo with graphical apps, instead of normal sudo09:02
fredzerbut when i type in make install it says  command no found09:03
Jangstaoh ok, thanks09:03
fredzercommand not found*09:03
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Flannelfredzer: then the program you downloaded doesn't have a make file, apparently.09:03
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bartmonfredzer: Which command wasn't found?09:03
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bartmonSee Flannel's response then09:04
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bartmonDoes this mean you don't have a compiler?09:04
fredzera what ?09:04
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Flannelfredzer: have you still not installed build-essential?09:04
bartmonTry "gcc".09:04
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Flannelbartmon: I believe the make-sans-BE error is 'cannot create executables'09:05
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CyberFlasdoes anybody know how to get volume control buttons to work in different wm's?09:05
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FlannelCyberFlas: you'll have to ask e17 people regarding enlightenment09:06
Cyraqi have a qeustion: where does canonical get all the money to ship all those cd's from a free linux distro?09:06
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fredzerbut that comes in source format too09:06
FlannelCyraq: Mark Shuttleworth09:07
Cyraqmark shuttleworth?09:07
MTecknologyDBO, I NEED YOU!!!09:07
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bartmonCyraq: Founder of Canonical :)09:08
Cyraqand where does he get all that money ?:)09:08
jUggERNAUt1980can anybody help me find the drivers for an atheros 5212 wifi card?09:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shuttleworth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:08
CyberFlasFlannel: k, thx09:08
=== Alpensepp_ [n=sepp@i5387CF03.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Jangstaok want to thank you all for the help, i gotta get to class.. this is an awsome pace09:09
Jangstaplace* .... Night night09:09
Somniisnight Jangsta09:09
bartmonit's morning here btw :P09:09
ubotusabdfl is Mark Shuttleworth, self-appointed benevolent dictator for life, cosmonaut, founder of Canonical and primary driver of Ubuntu09:09
fredzeryeh here 209:09
Somniis2am here :O09:09
thenetduck!info xubuntu09:09
ubotuPackage xubuntu does not exist in any distro I know09:09
thenetduck!info thenetduck09:10
ubotuPackage thenetduck does not exist in any distro I know09:10
fredzerwhy cant i register for a free cd for ubuntu?09:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shippit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:10
Lockeso anyone have any suggestions for fixing synaptic09:10
ubotushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org09:10
fredzeri type in my e-mail and nothing happens09:10
Lockesays it cant copy my Xauthority file09:10
FlannelLocke: you've used sudo with graphical apps before? (as opposed to gksudo?)09:10
LockeFlannel, yeah, tons of times09:11
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Lockeonly has happened since right before i upgraded the whole thing09:11
=== Yasuo [n=Yasuo@dslb-088-072-193-032.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelLocke: right, that's why.  use gksudo isntead, you'll need to chown your .Xauth fle back to you09:11
Lockeswitched mobo, processor, ram09:11
Lockeso gksudo synaptic?09:11
LockeError copying '/home/locke/.Xauthority' to '/tmp/libgksu1.2-bZL3Go': Permission deniedlocke@locke:09:12
bartmonArgh, I hate upgrading official kernels in Ubuntu! :( ATM I have 2 kernels, one custom compiled and another which is official. Now I have the option to upgrade the official one (2.6.15-26) and install another official kernel (2.6.15-27).09:12
=== PunjabiFLOYDIAN [n=Floydian@] has joined #ubuntu
munch0does anybody know how to fix font sizes?09:13
PunjabiFLOYDIANi m having a really strange experience with ubuntu09:13
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Somniisplease elaborate, Punjabi :-)09:13
PunjabiFLOYDIANSomniis: i feel that my MP3s are more clear than in windows09:13
PunjabiFLOYDIANis it me or is it for real?09:13
FlannelLocke: chown it back to you, from root.  We had a factoid.. I suppose its gone now09:14
lastnode_PunjabiFLOYDIAN, that's wierd, a friend said that too09:14
Yasuohi, i have installed ubuntu dapper amd64, i have no pictures in openoffice :/09:14
PunjabiFLOYDIANlastnote_: still!09:14
lastnode_maybe the lip09:14
bartmonWhoops, sorry for Caps09:14
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PunjabiFLOYDIANbartmon: but still. the voice looks like 7.1 channel09:14
PunjabiFLOYDIANon windows it sucked09:14
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Somniiswindows sucks in general when you switch to ubuntu :-)09:14
bartmonPunjabiFLOYDIAN: So which applications do you use for playback in both Oss?09:15
PunjabiFLOYDIANSomniis: seriously. i earlier used to dual boot. now i removed windows09:15
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PunjabiFLOYDIANbartmon: using XMMS in ubuntu. and used Winamp in Windows. I swear09:15
PunjabiFLOYDIANthe sound clarity is really realy better09:15
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jUggERNAUt1980Somniis, i totally agree with you!!09:15
PunjabiFLOYDIANi m hearing sounds never heard before. LMAO09:15
tengilhow do i get my internal boxes to ident correctly with oidentd? at the moment they wont ident at all and i resolved that with adding -r myident when starting oidentd, but i dont want it to have the same ident for everything09:15
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PunjabiFLOYDIANis it really possible?09:16
bartmonPunjabiFLOYDIAN: Have you tried any other programs for playback, like totem?09:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANbartmon: tried. but it was not playing MP3s.09:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANhad it been possible, i would have shown u the difference09:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANeven my mom says so. LOL.09:16
bartmonthat's weird, my totem plays mp3s09:16
MadpilotPunjabiFLOYDIAN, you know that Ubuntu doesn't play mp3 out of the box, right?09:17
bartmonI dunno what to say, enjoy it! :D09:17
PunjabiFLOYDIANMadpilot: i dont have totem. i use XMMS.09:17
PunjabiFLOYDIANthis is not the discussion people. is the sound really better or is it me?09:17
PunjabiFLOYDIANjust been using linux for a week. AND I M LOVING IT09:17
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maxamillionso here comes my religious question of the hour .... vim or emacs? .. go!09:18
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CyberFlaschoop karr09:18
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PunjabiFLOYDIANmaxamillion: emacs09:19
Lockethat doesnt work09:19
Somniiskillall maxamillion :-)09:19
bartmonYeah, i'd go for nano as well09:19
CyberFlasyou get mah drift desi floyd09:19
Lockewait how do i chown09:19
maxamillion^Ocean^: we are looking for syntax highlighting09:19
maxamillionSomniis: lol, thanks :)09:19
Somniisemacs :)09:19
^Ocean^emacs :D09:19
maxamillionbartmon: still looking for syntax highlighting ;)09:19
CyberFlaspunjab 4 life09:19
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bartmonor emacs09:20
bartmonused them both09:20
maxamillionok ... 2 for emacs, 1 for ... errr... nvm09:20
bartmonnow i use gedit :P09:20
CyberFlasya...w00t vim09:20
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PunjabiFLOYDIANCyberFlas: u have some problem?09:20
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Somniisyeah, i like gedit too lol09:20
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maxamillionbartmon: lol, i do like gedit09:20
CyberFlasno im reppin punjab09:20
CyberFlasdo you have a problem?09:20
jUggERNAUt1980how do i open a root terminal?09:20
apeman2020I just added a drive to my setup, how do i partition and format?09:20
PunjabiFLOYDIANCyberFlas: i m here for decent chat. not some facist crap.09:20
CyberFlasyou stupid shit09:21
bartmonjUggERNAUt1980: just tipe sudo su in your terminal09:21
CyberFlasi am punjabi09:21
Somniissudo -i   doesn't that make it a root session?09:21
PunjabiFLOYDIANfrom where?09:21
jUggERNAUt1980bartmon, that will enable root for that entire session?09:21
MadpilotCyberFlas, be polite, thanks09:21
Lockechown did it09:21
maxamillionok, thank you all ...09:21
PunjabiFLOYDIANpeople tell me bout the sound09:21
CyberFlasdads side is from what used to be called gujeral...now its been stolen by pakistan09:21
bartmonjUggERNAUt1980: Yes, until you type exit or close the terminal09:21
jUggERNAUt1980bartmon, thanks muchly!  :)09:22
CyberFlasmom is from somewhere in punjab that still exists09:22
bartmonjUggERNAUt1980: no problem!09:22
PunjabiFLOYDIANCyberFlas: i m from Chandigarh. Punjabi by blood. Floydian by heart.09:22
CyberFlasic ic09:22
=== ahmeni [n=ahmeni@unaffiliated/ahmeni] has joined #ubuntu
PunjabiFLOYDIANcan anyone tell me about the sound please09:22
PunjabiFLOYDIANis it better in linux really?09:22
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-214-156-231.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
usamawhen i configure banshee, i get this error:09:22
CyberFlasi doubt it09:22
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usamachecking for Mono.Cairo.dll... not found09:23
usamaconfigure: error: missing required Mono 2.0 assembly: Mono.Cairo.dll       Can anyone help me?09:23
CyberFlasprolly the same09:23
=== mutleyshome [n=colin@cpc3-cowc2-0-0-cust921.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Somniisi don't see how it would be any different in linux09:23
CyberFlasi can only see quality increasing w/ diff hardware09:23
PunjabiFLOYDIANSomniss+CyberFlas: that is right09:23
Somniisyes, same here Flas09:23
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ahmeniunless it's something like.. midi!09:23
PunjabiFLOYDIANbut whatever. maybe its more louder.09:23
=== RemyLaptop [n=honkey@CPE-144-131-139-202.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
apeman2020volume has to do with hardware floyd09:23
PunjabiFLOYDIANmeans. the intensity.09:24
Somniisanyone know any good tutorials to learn German?09:24
PunjabiFLOYDIANSomniis: LOL. why09:24
bartmonSomniis: Yeah, high school09:24
CyberFlasgo download the pimsleur tapes09:24
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CyberFlasor use that one program...09:24
Somniisi'm already out of hs :-)09:24
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apeman2020help with formatting and partitioning please ;)09:24
CyberFlasrosetta stone09:24
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Somniisohhhh yes09:24
PunjabiFLOYDIANapeman2020: ask09:24
usamacan anyone help about that mono problem?09:24
apeman2020did already09:25
PunjabiFLOYDIANplease repeat it then09:25
apeman2020added a new disk to bos09:25
CyberFlasSomniis: get pimsleur audio lessons or use rosetta stone09:25
apeman2020need to format and partition09:25
apeman2020system is not seeing it09:25
Yasuoopenoffice does not show pictures in my documents,  *help*09:25
Somniiscool, thanks CyberFlas09:25
PunjabiFLOYDIANlogin as root09:25
PunjabiFLOYDIANand type fdisk -l09:25
apeman2020sudo -i09:25
apeman2020to no avail09:25
=== Adept2point0 [n=XXXX@c-68-60-143-116.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CyberFlasaight im out09:26
apeman2020weird.. hardware is recognized in terminal session09:26
apeman2020but once in gui,, no bang..09:26
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PunjabiFLOYDIANtype this:09:26
PunjabiFLOYDIANsudo fdisk -l;09:26
Adept2point0am I correct in understanding that the ubuntu installer can make the partition to install itself to on its own?09:26
PunjabiFLOYDIANsudo fdisk -l09:26
MadpilotAdept2point0, yes09:26
bartmonapeman2020: then try "sudo fdisk /dev/hdaX"09:26
Somniisyes, Adept09:26
PunjabiFLOYDIANwhat does it shwo?09:26
apeman2020where x= drive09:26
Adept2point0i chose that option, and i was told it didn't have enough space for it09:26
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PunjabiFLOYDIANadept2point0: u need at least 1.5 GB or more i guess. default09:27
bartmonapeman2020: Yes, my young apprentice! :)09:27
apeman2020it only shows the existing 30 g drive09:27
Yasuobartmon apeman2020: then try "sudo fdisk /dev/hdaX" <<< ???09:27
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Yasuotrying zu partitionize a partition?09:27
PunjabiFLOYDIANapeman2020: harddrive model?09:27
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Adept2point0i have a 200 gig hard drive09:27
apeman2020IBM deskstar 720009:27
PunjabiFLOYDIANif its not detected, i cant help. i can help in formatting and mounting. :(09:27
PunjabiFLOYDIANask !ubotu09:27
apeman2020.thanks floyd ^^09:28
apeman2020ubotu: love09:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about love - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:28
Somniisubotu: hate09:28
Adept2point0i think it's my destiny to not dual-boot ubuntu09:28
apeman2020guess he doesnt know floyd09:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:28
bartmonHe needs to get out more :) Find a fembot.09:28
apeman2020ubotu who is apeman202009:28
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PunjabiFLOYDIANhe doesnt know you. sucks!09:29
Somniisubotu: ubotu09:29
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage09:29
PunjabiFLOYDIANbrowse the brain09:29
apeman2020ubotu: apeman2020 is omnipotent09:29
apeman2020how does he learn?09:29
bartmongotta go. have fun!09:29
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PunjabiFLOYDIANhey anyone used the psychotherapist?09:29
Cyraqhow do i turn off  mirror display in the favor of dualdisplay in ubnutyu?09:29
PunjabiFLOYDIANit really really rocks09:29
apeman2020PunjabiFLOYDIAN: define09:30
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PunjabiFLOYDIANthe Emacs psychotherapist09:30
apeman2020PunjabiFLOYDIAN: verbose .. please ')09:30
PunjabiFLOYDIANwhat is that supposed to mean?09:31
apeman2020what is it!09:31
PunjabiFLOYDIANan insult09:31
apeman2020coder humor.09:31
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Yasuowhat crappy distri is ubuntu if not even openoffice is supposed to work on standardinstall09:31
PunjabiFLOYDIANwhatever. it really rocks.i mean.09:32
apeman2020i am researching now..09:32
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PunjabiFLOYDIANcan anyone help me about LVM?09:32
PunjabiFLOYDIANread bout it somewhere. suits me09:32
PunjabiFLOYDIANubotu: LVM09:32
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:32
zaggynlAnyone knows an alternative to Filemon?09:32
=== barata [n=barata@c-71-198-244-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee this guy ubotu really rocks :D09:33
baratahey, what is the name for astrologer app in Ubuntu?09:33
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PunjabiFLOYDIANbarata: is there any?09:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filemon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:33
baratayes ... a very old app09:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about astrology - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about skylender - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:34
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baratanot astrologer not astrology ... the original name should be 'astrologer' .... it's mathematically a very good astrology software ... it's an old Unix app09:34
barataI have the source actually, but wanna do apt-get09:35
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baratawell, it's astrolog! let's try now09:35
baratayes, Ubuntu has it ... the name is 'astrolog'09:35
barataapp-get install astrolog09:36
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baratayou like/use astrology, it's a very powerful software09:36
TLEYasuo: Calm down, it usually does, the only thing I have ever really heard people complain about is that it loads to slow. But if you want help getting it fixed you'll need to explain what the problem is09:37
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apeman2020once done editing using view, how do you save and quit?09:38
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YasuoTLE, hi, it sems my questions somehow got overflooded with the common chat here. I have no pictures in my openoffice-documents09:40
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apeman2020once done editing using view, how do you save and quit?09:41
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=== TeePOG greets everyone
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Cyraqi. want. that.09:43
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chamunksHello room09:45
chamunksanyone alive??09:45
=== xerxas [n=R67894@AGrenoble-257-1-103-101.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
TLEYasuo: I happens, people here are volenteers (or however that's spelled). I don't know anything about OO but just ask your question and specify et as presicely as you can. People aren't ignored, it's the common use that if no-one answers it's because they don't know, otherwise the channel would be flodded with "No idea" "I don't know" kind of replies. Sooo ask you question, if no-one asnwers ask again at a later time where perhaps the usergroup has changed. An09:45
=== Cyraq is now known as Robotnik
apeman2020what is the APT package for kubuntu?09:46
irawanapeman2020: kpackage?09:47
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chamunksim wondering howcome my cd drive only recognizes that the ubuntu cd has any files on it and all other cd's i insert appear to be blank cd's09:47
TeePOGlol chamunks, it's vendor lock-in...09:48
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cafuegoapeman2020: 'kubuntu-desktop'09:48
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tengilhow do i get oidentd setup so my internal boxes will get an ident too?09:49
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chamunksmaybe so but i have inserted other disks that are not commercial??09:50
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ringercHi folks. Hoping for a bit of help ... gdm on Ubuntu doesn't seem to authenticate users correctly over LDAP with a suitable libpam-ldap/libnss-ldap setup, though sshd, xdm, etc do. My gdm config and ldap config are equivalent to what works prefectly on my existing Debian 3.1 servers.09:51
zaggynlcan you check if the use zaggynl does exist?09:52
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zaggynlI can't login anymore09:52
ajmitchringerc: errors in logs? restarted gdm properly?09:53
zaggynloops wrong channel09:53
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ringercajmitch: Yes, gdm was restarted. No, no errors in the logs. The tcpdump suggests it's not querying the LDAP server for the user at all IIRC - it was a few days since I looked at that.09:53
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ajmitchis nscd running?09:54
ringercajmitch: ... and since gdm uses pam, if LDAP auth works for sshd, xdm, etc it should work for gdm too09:54
ajmitchyes, but I've seen gdm cache stuff & magically start working09:54
ajmitchwhich was very annoying when I tried setting things up09:54
ringercI don't use nscd on any of my other servers, but might give it a try just in case it works around anything odd that gdm might be doing09:55
cafuegogdm? broken? whatcha talking about, ajmitch? are you on crack? ;-)09:55
ajmitchcafuego: quiet you09:55
apeman2020how do i tell ubuntu which nic to use?09:55
ringercTo be honest I'm only trying to get it working so I can see if it still has the bug where it just zombies out after a few days of uptime when it's used as an XDMCP terminal server09:55
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ringercI'll probably stick to ugly-but-reliable XDM for production; I'm interested in this as much as anything to determine if this is in fact a bug and report it as such if it is.09:56
ringercapeman2020: It should be able to use *all* your NICs. Do you want to disable all but one?09:56
haydenapeman2020, if you have a GUI and using gnome go to System->Administration->Networking and you can activate or deactivate a nic09:56
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ringercapeman2020: or perhaps use a particular one for an Internet service like PPPoE ?09:56
butleR`anyone here have any experience running ventrilo through wine?09:56
apeman2020no gui..09:57
apeman2020ringerc: no gui, command line09:57
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ringercajmitch: thanks for the tip re nscd btw, I hadn't considered that ... and I wasn't aware gdm did dodgy auth caching stuff internally either.09:57
haydenapeman2020, you'll have to edit /etc/network/interfaces09:57
apeman2020i think i need to set it up..09:57
chamunksok so anyone have any ideas on how i could possibly diagnose why my dvdram drive wont read my cd09:57
ringercchamunks: Anything in `dmesg' or the kernel logs?09:57
chamunksim not sure where i would find that info09:58
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apeman2020hayden: unknown mime type09:58
chamunksringerc pm me09:58
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haydenapeman2020, when do you get that msg?09:58
butleR`Can anyone explain failed to create directinput object for monitoring press to talk for ventrilo?09:59
apeman2020using edit /etc09:59
apeman2020i just used vim09:59
apeman2020no worries09:59
apeman2020how can i see what nics i have?09:59
ringercifconfig -a09:59
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ringercor `ip link show'10:00
sanekhow can i play mp3 and avi?10:00
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ringercsanek: See the FAQ in the topic10:01
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treedreamersanek,just install "Listen"10:02
tonyyarussoWhat's a nic called sit0?10:02
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ringerctonyyarusso: tunneling device; it's a virtual interface10:02
tonyyarussoringerc: What for?  It hasn't been there before that I've noticed.10:02
apeman2020ringerc: how do i edit the interfaces?10:03
MrNaznot sure if this is the right place to ask this: when i view the page in firefox under linux, the iframe causes the "Save As" dialog to pop up to save the file... is there a PDF viewer that can spawn within a web browser under linux?10:03
ringercDid you use "ifconfig -a" or "ifconfig"? If the former, you probably use only the latter normally, which only shows interfaces that are up.10:03
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ringerctonyyarusso: You do not need to worry about sit0 on most systems, just ignore it.10:03
chamunksk sorry for my noobishness i got the dmesg umm what would i be looking for in particular??10:04
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apeman2020ringerc: ifconfig -a10:04
ringercapeman2020: /etc/network/interfaces ; man interfaces10:04
tonyyarussoAll right10:04
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ringercIt's important to understand that /etc/network/interfaces controls how interfaces are bought up and down; ifconfig and friends control only their current state. Changes you make using ifconfig etc are cleared on reboot.10:05
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|thunderwhere can I download the 6.06.1(or whatever) ISO ?  All I can find is regular 6.0610:05
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apeman2020ringerc: i am using  view /etc/network/interfaces10:06
Madpilot|thunder, http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06.1/10:07
ringercapeman2020: OK... well, to change how Ubuntu will set up the network on boot, you modify that file according to the documentation in "man interfaces", then restart the networking services (in /etc/init.d/ )10:07
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|thunderMadpilot; thanks alot10:08
apeman2020ringerc: if i want to define dhcp as opposed to static i would say10:08
apeman2020iface eth? inet dhcp?10:08
ringercapeman2020: "man interfaces"10:08
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Ackeubu_hey, i have an issue with evolution password. It does not remember even if im marking remember password every time i use password. and remember password is marked in preferences.10:09
EXEDHi there, Im new to all this IRC thing, do I just type my problem here? or somthing like that?10:10
Ackeubu_EXED read the manual10:10
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Ackeubu_EXED, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage10:10
EXEDok....which is ..where?10:10
EXEDoh thx10:10
sanekhow can i install Midnight Commander???10:10
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Ackeubu_sudo apt-get install mc10:11
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sanekCan't find mc :((10:12
cobbweb_can anyone help me please??? I need someone to work with me that understands I don't know a whole lot ...10:12
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Ackeubu_cobbweb_: what do you you need help with?10:13
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|thundersanek; try this 'apt-cache search midnight'  is it in the list ?10:13
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cobbweb_Ackeubu_ :) thanks, I was following this tutorialhttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux and got to the second to last line....10:14
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cobbweb_then my computer thought for a while then when i tried to do the last line for that tutorial10:14
cobbweb_it gives me this error message10:14
cobbweb_Ackeubu_ on second... trying to get that message again ...10:15
cobbweb_Ackeubu_ well it won't let me use the sudo command10:15
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cobbweb_Ackeubu_ and now I can't even open programs .... aah..10:15
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cobbweb_i dont know what to do ...10:16
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cobbweb_cant open programs, cant use sudo10:16
cobbweb_says i have to log into "root"10:16
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chamunkswow the people in here have ALLOT of patients10:17
user42yes root is the administrator account, your user account does not have administrator privelages... apparently..10:17
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chamunksyou all have allot of my respect for it 2 any ways im going to see if i can find another way to get these darn files off the disk here ciao10:18
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cobbweb_man I don't think Linux is for me ...10:19
teckfatthello, anyone know any good software to convert AVI to mpeg (video compression formats)???10:19
user42if you are using ubuntu and have just installed, the way I have found to set the root password... is to boot into recovery mode which drops you into a root login point... or if you have not yet set a root password logs you in as root... at which point you may then set a root password using the root command... is there a better way to do that? initially set the root password I mean..10:19
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user42erm... the passwd command... not the root command.. heh10:19
ringercteckfatt: mencoder? transcode?10:19
ringercteckfatt: Both useful, but with *AWFUL* user interfaces10:19
Chousukeuser42: There is no need to set the root password on Ubuntu10:19
user42say I wish to set a root passwd...10:19
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Chousukeuser42: however, if you really want to, sudo passwd does the trick10:20
ringercteckfatt: ... and that's coming from someone who works on the cmdline almost always10:20
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Chousukeit's not recommended though.10:20
user42ahah... thanks Chousuke... :)10:20
cobbweb_Chousuke I cant type sudo in though10:20
cobbweb_it doesn't let me10:20
cobbweb_every time I type sudo in it tells me that i have to be root to use that command10:20
user42having used linux for ten years... it would be nice to use it in a way that is recognizable to how it used to be...10:20
Ackeubu_cobbweb_: you might want to logg into recoverymode as user42 said10:20
teckfattringerc: thank you so much.....i have a look on both software now10:20
user42more and more "userfriendly" all the time10:20
Chousukecobbweb_: er10:21
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Tomcat_user42: It's better from a security standpoint as well.10:21
Chousukecobbweb_: that doesn't sound right.10:21
cobbweb_It's that stupid tutorials fault located here10:21
apeman2020cobbweb: type sudo -i10:21
ChousukeHowever, I really have to hurry away now. See you later.10:21
cobbweb_apeman2020 ok one second I need to reboot :)10:22
apeman2020cobbweb_: k!10:22
zaggynlanyone knows an ubuntu or debian package for glsof?10:23
cobbweb_apeman2020 ok it says sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 077, should be 044010:24
jUggERNAUt1980i tried setting my box up so i could share my connection with my friend who brought his win2000 system over, and followed the instructions on a howto page, but it didn't work.  i did something wrong, but don't know what it is.  can someone help me out with a solution?10:24
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ringercjUggERNAUt1980: Which page would be useful to know...10:25
ringercjUggERNAUt1980: and were you trying to use his win2k system as the gateway, or your Ubuntu box?10:25
apeman2020does anyone in here have experience setting up VHOSTS in apache2?10:25
cobbweb_apeman2020 I can't even use sudo on my root account ...errrrr10:26
jUggERNAUt1980ringerc, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-91370.html10:26
jUggERNAUt1980ringerc, i was trying to use my box as the gateway.10:26
apeman2020cobbweb_:  if you are logged in as root, then you dont need ;)10:26
cobbweb_apeman2020 oh... it gives me that same error message if i type just sudo in to ......10:26
jUggERNAUt1980i connect to my downstairs neighbor's router via wifi, tho.  would that matter?10:27
apeman2020try su10:27
hantuapeman2020: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocalhostSubdomain10:27
ringercapeman2020: If it's like the configuration in Debian (I don't use Ubuntu in production yet) you just create a file in /etc/apache2/sites-available that declares the vhost10:27
cobbweb_so i guess i need to change it to be 0440 ??/ apeman202010:27
ringercapeman2020: then link it to sites-enabled . the vhost is pretty ordinary apache config; see the NameVirtualHost and <VirtualHost /> directives in the documentation.10:27
apeman2020ringerc: in the default? or a new file?10:28
cobbweb_does anyone know how to change /etc/sudoers from mode 0755 to mode 0440 ????10:28
ringercapeman2020: If you create a new file you can enable and disable various vhosts separately10:28
apeman2020ringerc: thanks10:28
cobbweb_I dont know how and would love to learn very very quickly :)10:28
ringercapeman2020: but in the end, they're effectively just cat'd into one big config file as far as Apache is converned anyway10:28
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apeman2020cobbweb_:  chmod 440 /etc/sudoers10:28
cobbweb_:) thanks10:29
apeman2020ringerc: i had some serious trouble with this last night10:29
ringercapeman2020: How so? Just the weird config layout debian/ubuntu use? Or with the apache config its self?10:29
apeman2020ringerc: rocked my whole server.. took everything down.. you can lead a horse to water...10:29
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ringercyikes ... nfi how that could happen10:29
ringercooooh.... unless you set up an include loop in the apache config files and it ate all available file descriptors10:30
apeman2020ringerc: i wasnt sure which file to edit, i originally edited the default inside of sites-available, then i edited the apache2.conf10:30
ringerc(I've seen that happen - it seems apache's config file includes don't limit recursion)10:30
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apeman2020ringerc:  i had to route mail.thecleverdog.com to
apeman2020didnt work.. blew everything up!10:31
ringercer... you can't control the port the client connects on with vhosts, only what port Apache listens to. Were you trying to use iptables to do port redirection too?10:31
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apeman2020ringerc: i was trying anything.10:32
apeman2020ringerc: maybe ill lean on you when i get to that point..10:32
ringercjUggERNAUt1980: ... and were you trying to share your connection with your friend using a wired network card between the two machines, routing through a wifi card in your machine to the neighbour's (!!bad!!) wifi? What's your network layout?10:33
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ringercapeman2020: Actually, your chances of doing so are't great - I'm almost never in #ubuntu and probably won't be here too much longer. Just stuck at work waiting for a part that's late from a supplier...10:33
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apeman2020ringerc:  ill contact you through the multiverse in that case ;)10:34
ringercjUggERNAUt1980: Also, I'd be very surprised if Ubuntu doesn't have a GUI option to enable routing in their GUI network config tool. Maybe someone who uses Ubuntu's GUI sysadmin stuff will know?10:35
ringercapeman2020: omigod, I have a multi-dimensional stalker ! *runs away*10:35
TeePOGto be sure ringerc... I use Guarddog firewall, and Guidedog to setup port forwarding and routing10:35
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EXEDok, so, I read the manual and didnt find a solution to my problem, do I post it here?10:36
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Ackeubu_with 'apt-cache search apps' I can find apps to install. can i find out which repository apps belongs too?10:37
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rbrtocltoI have to do an /etc/init.d/networking restart every time I boot to get wireless up10:38
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rbrtocltothe entry in my /etc/networking/defaults is10:39
jUggERNAUt1980ringerc, my network layout?  i'm not sure what you mean by that.10:39
ringercjUggERNAUt1980: What's plugged into what10:39
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jUggERNAUt1980ringerc, i unplugged his system from mine, and i don't really know the specs of the router10:39
rbrtocltoiface eth1 inet dhcp10:39
rbrtocltowpa-driver wext10:39
rbrtocltowpa-config /home/robertw/.wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf10:40
rbrtocltoauto eth110:40
rbrtocltowhen I do /etc/init.d/networking restart it works fine10:40
jUggERNAUt1980ringerc, i had his sys connected to my lappy box with a crosover cable.10:40
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rbrtocltono other interfaces are configured10:41
PunjabiFLOYDIANtell me10:41
PunjabiFLOYDIANhow to modify the startup message10:41
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jUggERNAUt1980ringerc, my lappy is connected to a wifi network.10:41
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ringercjUggERNAUt1980: ok - so a pretty simple NAT setup. No reason it shouldn't work. What interfaces did you specify when runing the masquerade command in that doc/10:42
apeman2020ringerc: how do i start x?10:43
=== ringerc notes that the article you used is a bloody awful way to do it
apeman2020man.. problems with this distro!10:43
jUggERNAUt1980i specified the wifi interface10:43
ringercapeman2020: "startx" for a one-off. Otherwise use /etc/init.d/gdm start (or whatever your preferred display manager is)10:43
jUggERNAUt1980ringerc, i specified the wifi interface10:43
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ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:44
ringercjUggERNAUt1980: Honestly, I fail to see why they suggest using dnsmasq and ipmasq.... there's nothing wrong with a simple IP forward rule. Try getting rid of those two packages then:10:44
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rbrtocltowhy do I have to restart networking every time I boot to get my wireless link up?10:45
apeman2020ringerc:  nothing..10:45
kippiwhen I am installing a package, how can I get it to build all the dependencies to?10:45
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ringercjUggERNAUt1980: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${wifi-interface} -j MASQUERADE10:48
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ringercjUggERNAUt1980: iptables -I FORWARD 1 -o ${wifi-interface} -j ACCEPT10:49
earthianhow do i turn on my swap partition automatically each time linux start?10:49
ringercjUggERNAUt1980: iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i ${wifi-interface} -j ACCEPT10:49
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earthiannow it seems that i turn it on and next time i boot i get no swap again :(10:50
earthiannow i am out of memory10:50
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=== ringerc is amazed Ubuntu's network config tool apparently doesn't have a simple "NAT this interface" option
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apeman2020ringerc: weird.. x is not installed?10:51
rbrtocltoringerc: have you looked at firestarter?10:51
rbrtocltoI agree ubuntu needs a sane and easily configurable firewall in place by default10:51
rbrtocltoI don't buy the "but we don't run any services" argument10:52
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jUggERNAUt1980ringerc, should i use apt-get remove or apt-get --purge remove?10:53
visik7jUggERNAUt1980: depend if you want to remove conf files or not10:53
rbrtocltoearth: does your fstab have an entry for swap?10:54
rbrtoclto<type> == swap10:54
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jUggERNAUt1980visik7, i don't know.  i want to remove dnsmasq and ipmasq10:55
jUggERNAUt1980visik7, would i want to remove those conf files?10:55
visik7remove -> remove only the files that aren't config files10:55
wols_jUggERNAUt1980: doesn't matter10:56
rbrtocltodoes anyone use wpa supplicant here?10:56
jUggERNAUt1980wols_, what would be an instance where i would want to remove those files?10:56
wols_when you want to reinstall with fresh config since you bungled it for example10:56
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jUggERNAUt1980then this would be an instance like that then?10:57
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saintsjdI would like to hold all print jobs on a cups printer until they are approved by an administrator.  I have tried:11:00
saintsjdsudo lpadmin -p S200 -o job-hold-until-default=indefinite11:00
saintsjdbut this doesn't seem to affect the printer's behavior. It is still printing all jobs on demand.  Any ideas?11:00
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:09
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:09
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse11:09
=== DaRE [n=dared3vi@66-169-9-081.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DaREanyone alive :)11:09
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TeePOGno DaRE, you're imagining us... go away ^.^11:11
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DaREteepog i guess your a nighthawk or non usa ?11:12
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TeePOGwell DaRE, from my perspective you're either a nightowl, or not in South Africa11:13
DaREyea i dont sleep very well11:13
DaREi barely get 2 or 3 hours11:13
TeePOGi know how you feel11:13
DaREanyways i was wondering if you or someone else here could help me with a situation i have11:13
TeePOGi hope so... i'm not that great myself, but i'll try11:14
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DaREyou see, i lost xp with a bad hdd, got a new hdd, installed ubuntu (lost xp key), and now i found it im upgradeing to vista, how would i go about installing vista11:14
DaREi want to duel boot11:14
TeePOGDaRE: get another HDD, install Vista, connect Ubuntu HDD, setup grub for dual-boot11:15
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DaREwhy another hdd?11:15
DaREi cant get another hdd11:15
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DaREi want to duel boot on same hdd11:15
DaREit's a big hdd11:15
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DaREi cant partition? ive seen people talking about 2oses on 1 hdd11:16
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DaREhow would i go about setting up grub?11:16
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opiskelijaI have one Ubuntu-based server (authentication via LDAP, home dirs etc.) and multiple client machines (Xubuntu). I already have the authentication (LDAP) working, but I need advice on which protocol I should use (and possibly how) to mount the home share on the machines. The network is not entirely trusted, so any student computer shouldn't be able to access the dir without authentication.11:18
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wolsDaRE: man grub-install11:18
wthww-pmg4hey all11:18
emrahhi all11:18
DaREgrub install11:18
someusernoobDaRE: i dont liek to say it, but Vista (or windows) doesnt really want you to dualboot, so you'll lose grub anyway. What is your partition lay out now?11:18
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DaREit's just ubuntu11:19
wthww-pmg4i have a question about the ATI drivers, is there a port of those to Ubuntu/MacPPC?11:19
DaREand i want to duel boot vista11:19
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DaREi think i can, because vista will let you install on partiton11:19
someusernoobDaRE: so you have a ext3 (ubuntu) partition and a swap partition?11:19
DaREyes sir11:19
someusernoobDaRE: install gparted from the repo's, and create a new NTFS partition with it.11:20
jo_ehi, i'm trying to set up dual monitors using an nvidia geforce (agp) and an old s3 trio (pci). is there any easy way to do this? i tried editing my xorg.conf but had to use a livecd to replace it with a backup because when x started both screens stayed blank.11:20
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cbx33is there a nice easy way to debug nfs mounts?11:20
someusernoobDaRE: then install Vista on that partition, it will remove grub, since Vista uses his own boot record, but dont worry, you can recover grub, and add Vista to it11:21
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DaREhow would i do that sir11:21
someusernoobDaRE: on the internet you can find a lot of ways to recover grub11:21
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DaREokay so i boot vista?11:22
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DaREgo onto I/e find out how to recover grub then install it?11:22
cbx33I'm getting a permission denied message?11:22
kippican someone help me with all the dependencies errors I am getting?11:22
DaREwill it auto-add ubuntu?11:22
DaREand how would i add vista manuely?11:22
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:23
TeePOGthat's the best starting point11:23
DaREthank you very much11:23
someusernoobDaRE: as far as i know, if you reinstall grub on your ubuntu partition, it will automaticly add ubuntu, and also vista, but im not sure of that last one, but you can manually add to the grub's menu.lst, but you have to install grub before you can do that11:23
DaREif it auto-adds vista then i wont have manuely do it :)11:24
someusernoobDaRE: yep, but im not 100% sure it adds it automaticly, ive never installed windows after ubuntu, i only installed ubuntu and removed windows :D11:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about osdl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:25
DaREthanks for your help11:25
DaREill be in here again if i have problems :)11:25
someusernoobDaRE: ok, good luck!11:25
fredrinHmm, I got a strange problem. I've change the hostname on my box in the files, 'hostname' and 'hosts' but now sudo wont work any more. I get this message: "sudo: unable to lookup bender via gethostbyname()" I only got ssh connection into the box.11:26
=== SpaceFrog [n=jason@d220-237-217-60.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
user42editing grub menus is fairly straight forward.11:26
DaREoh, how do i partition it?11:26
fredrinnow I can't edit the hostname file any more, since sudo is not working, I can't reboot the server either11:26
DaREdo i have to go onto a boot cd or something11:26
DaREsays it's mounted11:26
DaREjust unmount?11:26
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someusernoobDaRE:ow yes, in case the drive is mounted you have to partition it from the live cd, it has an installer in the system menu11:27
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wolsDaRE: do you have free room on that harddisk or is all of it already partitioned for ubuntu?11:27
someusernoobDaRE: or if you are more experienced with linux, you can partition with the alternate cd too, but it is more complicated then doing it with the live cd11:28
DaREit's all partitoned to ubuntu11:28
DaREand the live CD sucks!11:28
someusernoobDaRE: with installer i meant gparted in the system menu...it is early :)11:28
wolsDaRE: then you need to resize partition(s) for which you need to boot a liveCD. simply making new partitions could be done in ubuntu itself11:28
wthww-pmg4ive just installed Ubuntu on my powermac AGP graphics, and its sweeet11:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:29
someusernoobDaRE: the live CD is on of the best things, and can help you in a lot of situations11:29
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wthww-pmg4cuas ei really have a *hate* for OS X11:29
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orbinwthww-pmg4: yay11:29
opiskelijaIs there a script file similar to /etc/profile that is executed on logout?11:29
NemesisUKuser42, what are you trying to do with fdisk11:30
wthww-pmg4orbin, i am modufying it tho-- Using Fluxbox/fbdesk and ox file mananger stead of the cpu hogginh gnome :)11:30
user42nothing I can't figure out... I was just curious what the ubuntu bot would say about it.11:30
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wolsopiskelija: how could this work when the user can simply kill -9 his shell?11:31
NemesisUKuser42, in a terminal type man fdisk for the manual11:31
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ubotuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:32
ubotuinfo: Standalone GNU Info documentation browser. In component main, is standard. Version 4.8-4 (dapper), package size 209 kB, installed size 384 kB11:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whatis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:32
valehruIm writing a bash script.  I want the script to automatically kill gnome.  Whats the command?11:32
kippican someone help me with all the dependencies errors I am getting?11:32
wolsubotu: /msg ubotu topic11:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msg ubotu topic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:32
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orbinwthww-pmg4: awww, i love gnome.  surely you've got cycles to spare w/ a powerbook11:32
wolsuser42: /msg ubotu <topix>11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about agony - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:33
orbinkippi: pastebin them11:33
user42 /msg ubotu software patent11:33
wolsno spaces in front. start with the /11:33
kippiorbin: http://pastebin.ca/18171111:34
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orbinkippi: what command are you issueing?11:35
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user42sorry dave I can't do that.11:37
jendaAnyone have a clue where I could get some material on Ubuntu security?11:37
kippiapt-get -f intall11:37
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orbinkippi: have you tried doing an apt-get update as it recommends?11:38
yAkupthank dycen kardeS:)11:38
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sanekhow can I see my video adapter ?11:41
apeman2020does the ubuntu server come with x?11:41
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wolssanek: see? do you mean "lspci -v |grep -i vga ?11:41
orbinapeman2020: nope11:42
Morticeapeman2020: the server install doesn't install x by default, no11:42
apeman2020orbin: do i need to install it?11:42
zzyberHi, i have big problems with my ubuntu desktop freezing today, is it a bug in nautilus? Does anyone else have this problem?11:42
apeman2020orbin: if i apt-get install kdesktop, can i startX?11:42
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NemesisUKapeman2020, do you have x-window-system-core installed11:43
apeman2020just doing the build now11:44
zzyberdoes anyone have problem with nautilus?11:44
apeman2020NemisisUK: not sure yet..11:44
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apeman2020NemesisUK:  what is the package for that?11:45
someusernoobzzyber: nope, everything is running fine11:45
wolsapeman2020: he just told you11:45
NemesisUKapeman2020, apt-get install x-window-system-core install all the needed xwindows11:45
zzyberwhat can be wrong here?? I cant even open folders without the desktop hanging, is there a nautilus log i can check?11:46
apeman2020wols: i am deaf.. can you speak up?11:46
apeman2020NemesisUK: thanks for your help11:46
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sanek     ? :)11:47
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help11:47
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zzyberOkay guys, i found out whats wrong. It was a .svg image that was the trouble, not even when in trash the desktop worked so i empty the trash and now i got a working desktop again11:48
furiousgeorgeHey, quick question (Hopefully): How do I get DapperDrake to install on a software raid1 array? I got the array formatted and ready to go, but the installation wizard can't seem to find the partitions on the array...11:48
mneptokfuriousgeorge: if it's software raid, what software is doing the raid?11:49
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mneptokand is that software running under the Ubuntu installer? (highly unlikely)11:49
furiousgeorgeI use sil drivers in windows, but the dmraid program I used to set it up is using pdc11:49
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furiousgeorgeUmmm I added it to the system using apt-get11:50
mneptokit may come as a shock that Ubuntu is not going to use Windows drivers. ;)11:50
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furiousgeorgeI know that mneptok11:51
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furiousgeorgeIts using the pdc stuff not the sil windows drivers11:51
Flannelfuriousgeorge: you need to get the alternate ISO to install with LVM stuff11:51
ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB11:51
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO11:51
furiousgeorgeyou got a link to that stuff Flannel?11:52
Flannelfuriousgeorge: ubuntu.com/download11:52
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furiousgeorgeI'll give it a whirl11:53
Flannelfuriousgeorge: just download the alternate ISO instead of the Desktop one11:53
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive11:53
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=== mneptok idly wonders how the USherbrooke mirror is doing ...
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nickjhfjdhello everybody11:58
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jUggERNAUt1980anybody recommend a good p2p program?12:01
CheekyBoincazureus - BitTorrent12:01
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CheekyBoinchttp://azureus.sourceforge.net/  :)12:03
salimI've a problem, I cant extract .bz files12:03
=== mneptok is hoping TorrentFlux scratches his torrent itch
=== stefg fianlly decided to emplay uTorrent with ging through most existing Linux BT clients
sanekhow can i change encoding ?12:03
jUggERNAUt1980i used to use shareaza in windows.  is that something like azureus?12:03
nickjhfjdhey where's everyone from in here12:03
unfknblvbljUggERNAUt1980: no12:03
=== salim is from Germany
jUggERNAUt1980unfknblvbl, what would you recommend?12:03
=== stefg fianlly decided to employ uTorrent with wine through most existing Linux BT clients (still practising how to use a keyboard :-) )
mneptoksalim: bunzip2 path/to/file.name.bz2 ?12:03
HagbarddenstoreI have the Ubuntu and the Kubuntu cd... Can I do an alternate install from them or do I need the Alternate cd?12:03
jUggERNAUt1980unfknblvbl, i have fristwire, but i don't think i like it.12:03
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salimno it is a bz file, not a bz2, when I use bz2 it says it is not a bz2 file12:04
mneptokHagbarddenstore: you need the alternate CD12:04
unfknblvbljUggERNAUt1980: i'm not sure12:04
unfknblvblall i know is that they are not the sma12:04
Hagbarddenstoremneptok: Hmm...12:04
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mneptoksalim: Bunzip2 should handle .bz files12:04
salimbut it cant12:04
mneptoksalim: maybe it's not really a BZip archive?12:04
salimwhat is it then?12:04
salimothers can unpack it12:05
salimit is the same file12:05
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mneptokwhat "others?"12:05
salimI tried KDE's ARK, but it says, that it cant find "bunzip" in my PATH12:05
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mneptokUbuntu ships with bunzip2, not bunzip12:06
mneptokhave you tried from the comamnd line (as i suggested above?)12:06
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mildrewhi, I'm suddenly having problems with Firefox over the last few days.  It keeps spontaneously disappearing.12:06
frogzoosalim: what does 'file *.bz' say ?12:06
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mildrewand i loose everything, which is really frustrating12:06
HagbarddenstoreOk... Going to reinstall Ubuntu... It's main task is Apache with more than one user... How much should / be on? would 5GB be enough?12:06
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salimit says it is an ASCII file12:06
salimbut it is an ASCII file being "zipped"12:07
stefgmildrew: can you reproduce this with a fresh profile? Might be an extension that went haywire12:07
apeman2020how do i reconfigure x?12:07
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wolsHagbarddenstore: overkill12:07
mneptokHagbarddenstore: what separate partitions do you have? /home? /usr? /var?12:07
frogzoosalim: I kind of doubt it's a bzip file then12:07
Hagbarddenstoremneptok: Just /home separate...12:07
mneptokapeman2020: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:07
salimbut why can others unpack it12:08
mneptokHagbarddenstore: you'll want 7.5GB minimum for / then12:08
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Hagbarddenstoremneptok: Ok... Why so much?12:08
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mneptokHagbarddenstore: log files. apt cache. headroom.12:08
apeman2020mneptok: which driver should I use?12:08
Hagbarddenstoremneptok: kk12:08
mildrewok, i'll try to manage without my extensions for a while12:08
stefg4 -5 Gigs are enough for a vanilla dapper, if you keep your /home elsewhere12:09
mneptokapeman2020: do i spin the roulette wheel or do you tell me what video card you actually have?12:09
salimmaybe you could tell me where I can find the "bunzip" command?12:09
frogzoosalim: 'which bunzip2'12:09
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mneptoksalim: you use bunzip212:09
apeman2020nvidia fx5700 le12:09
salimbut that doesnt work12:09
HagbarddenstoreSo 10GB / , 1GB swap , then 5x1GB /home and the rest of my 20GB will be other...12:09
mneptoksalim: and bunzip2 *absolutely* works on bzip files. absolutely.12:09
salimthat's strange12:09
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wolssalim: tell your friends to give you a md5sum of the file12:10
wolsapeman2020: nv12:10
HagbarddenstoreBut there's no way to install server from the Ubuntu/Kubuntu cd?12:10
frogzoosalim: 'sudo apt-get install bzip2'12:11
salimbut I have bzip212:11
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stefgHagbarddenstore: servers typically want lvm / raid, so it requires the alternate installer. And the server-install has a different default package selection12:12
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Hagbarddenstorestefg: Not that kind of server... A home-server. Just for some simple PHP coding, FTP, Samba and shell... Nothing more really... =)12:13
mneptokHagbarddenstore: no to mention ubuntu-server gets a different stock kernel12:13
mneptokHagbarddenstore: you still want server. unless you want this machine to have a GUI. in which case it fails my litmus test as a server. ;)12:13
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HagbarddenstoreBahh... Then I'll have to buy cds... Blaahh...12:14
=== Hagbarddenstore have no spare burncds...
mneptokoh, to burn this new .iso?12:14
wolsHagbarddenstore: can't use a CD-RW?12:14
Hagbarddenstorewols: Don't have one?!12:15
stefgHagbarddenstore: i'm not sure if it's still the case, but an hoary/breezy(?) it was pssible to boot the installer with a 'server' parameter' to install a server. But this only applies to the alternate CD's. The Desktop CD's have a completly different installer, which cannot take parameters, AFAIK12:15
apeman2020Xseesion: unable to start X session --- no "/root/.xsession" file, no "/root/.Xsession" fiel, no session managers, no window managers, and no terminal emulators found; aborting.12:15
apeman2020any ideas why?12:15
jUggERNAUt1980azure is a pay program.  i'm lookin for something free that's better than frostwure.12:15
HagbarddenstoreHmm... I have the Dapper Beta cd and I think it's possible to make an server install from that...12:15
mneptokjUggERNAUt1980: Azureus is free12:15
wolsapeman2020: have you installed kdesktop or any other window manager?12:15
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mneptokapeman2020: why are you trying to login to X as root?12:16
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jUggERNAUt1980mneptok, is it a packet i can get with apt-get?12:16
rbrtocltowhy do I have to restart networking every time I boot to get my wireless link up?12:16
zim_hi all just a quick Q will 6.10 be 6.10 of 6.**12:16
stefgHagbarddenstore: then you're better off to download the server install CD... and apt-get distupgrade from one of the betas will eat up the same amount of bandwidth12:16
mneptokjUggERNAUt1980: yes12:17
zim_sorry or not of12:17
jUggERNAUt1980apt-get azureus?12:17
HagbarddenstoreWell... Gotta hit the shower, go to the bank, backup my stuff from this machine, and then reinstall...12:17
zim_hi all just a quick Q will 6.10 be 6.10 or 6.**12:17
mneptokjUggERNAUt1980: sudo apt-get install azureus12:17
mneptokjUggERNAUt1980: after enabling the Uni and Multi repos12:17
Hagbarddenstorestefg: Better talk mom into buying me some cds then cause I'm low on both cash and bruncds... ;D12:17
jUggERNAUt1980mneptok, thanks!  :)  i have both enabled.12:17
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mneptokHagbarddenstore: ShipIt12:17
Hagbarddenstoremneptok: I wanna do this today... Not in six weeks...12:18
mneptok(although the person that fills ShipIt orders is off today)12:18
apeman2020mneptok:  sudo12:18
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mneptokapeman2020: do not run X as root.12:18
apeman2020mneptok: the error doesnt change as user either12:18
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mneptokapeman2020: what exactly are you trying to do?12:19
Hagbarddenstorehmm... gotta check something bye...12:19
apeman2020start x!12:19
apeman2020get into the GUI12:19
mneptokand what does the machine give you when you boot it?12:19
wolsapeman2020: have you installed a window-manager like kdesktop?12:19
apeman2020wols: apt-get install kdesktop12:20
mneptokapeman2020: do you get a graphical login screen, or CLI?12:20
mneptokthen you have no DE installed.12:20
mneptoksudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:20
mneptokDesktop Environment12:20
mneptok(e.g. GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc)12:21
stefgsudo apt-get install [K|x] ubuntu-desktop...12:21
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apeman2020mneptok: although i did apt-get install kdesktop?12:21
mneptokapeman2020: kdesktop is not the name of the KDE desktop package. so no.12:21
mneptoksudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:21
mneptoksudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:21
mneptoksudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:22
apeman2020mneptok: should i apt-get remove kdesktop?12:22
mneptokno, it's going to be requisite for kubuntu-desktop12:22
grouchytimso what is the command line to start ssh server listening?12:22
rehnI have problems entering many characters on my keyboard in X in Dapper; all non-common ones including are shown as two squares. I find that saying LC_ALL="sv_SE@euro" or LANG="sv_SE@euro" (my locale) fixes the problem. Should I put that into /etc/profile or something or is there another more correct solution?12:22
apeman2020mneptok: i installed ubuntu-desktop.. it will not conflict i hope..12:22
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lupine_85rehn: something isn't UTF-8 aware, by the sounds of it12:23
mneptokapeman2020: then you should be able to login and type "startx"12:23
Xenguygrouchytim: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start12:23
stefggrouchytim: you mean you want to start a ssh server, to be able to login into that box?12:23
apeman2020tim: /etc/init.d/ssh start12:23
grouchytimthanx Xenguy12:23
stefggrouchytim: sudo apt-get install openssh-server12:23
grouchytimthanx apeman12:23
Xenguygrouchytim: yw12:23
jUggERNAUt1980apt-get install azureus is WAY slow!!!12:23
grouchytimthanx stefg12:23
rehnlupine_85: Yes, so it seems. How do I make things utf-8 aware then?12:23
lupine_85you could try LC_all=utf-8 (or whatever the appropriate string is)... otherwise, it's ap-specific12:24
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grouchytimok i was hoping that was one of my problems but.....connection refused12:25
grouchytimhow do i get machine 1 to be a trusted machine on machine 2?12:26
lupine_85rehn: you could also try aking in #ubuntu-xx (where xx is your country code)12:26
apeman2020grouchytim: are you passing through a router?12:26
rehnlupine_85: LC_ALL=utf-8 does not work.12:26
orbinjUggERNAUt1980: try a mirror12:26
apeman2020grouchytim: you will have to forward port 22 on to the client machine12:26
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grouchytimi am ssh'ing from the router12:26
lupine_85it could be utf8, UFT8, UTF-8 ... I'm not sure, TBH12:27
grouchytimrouter is mandrake12:27
apeman2020just says connection refused?12:27
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lupine_85then sshd isn't running12:27
grouchytimi had issues with the first ubuntu i set up a few days ago12:27
jUggERNAUt1980orbin, how do i select a mirror with apt-get?12:27
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lupine_85does it show up in netstat -lt ?12:27
grouchytimand now i have the same problem on the next12:27
linux__alienhow do i remove Kubuntu-Desktop and its allied applications completely from Ubuntu12:27
mneptoklinux__alien: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop12:27
apeman2020linux__alien: with a crowbar12:28
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linux__alieneven when the system starts it shows Kubuntu i want the original installation that i had before installing Kubuntu-Desktop12:28
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linux__alienapeman2020, with a crowbar means/12:28
rehnI just realised that I get "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168" whenever I start an X app... That might be related to the UTf-8 problem I guess?12:28
grouchytimProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State12:28
grouchytimtcp        0      0 localhost:2208          *:*                     LISTEN12:28
grouchytimtcp        0      0 localhost:47255         *:*                     LISTEN12:28
grouchytimtcp        0      0 localhost:ipp           *:*                     LISTEN12:28
grouchytimtcp6       0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN12:28
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orbinjUggERNAUt1980: edit your sources.list file and replace the url with one of these http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive12:28
orbingrouchytim: don't paste in here please12:29
grouchytimoh sorry12:29
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orbinjUggERNAUt1980: how slow are we talking though?12:30
apeman2020linux__alien: jk12:30
linux__alienjk ?12:30
linux__alienoh ok12:30
linux__alienapeman2020, so could you tell me how to go about it12:31
grouchytimand by the way i can ssh to the router but not back into ubuntu12:31
apeman2020sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop12:31
linux__alieni ve removed kdm but my gdm does not start and morever i still get the KDE themes and applications in gnome12:31
jUggERNAUt1980orbin, i think it sped up.  it was less than a k/s12:31
grouchytimand ping shows the router and other machines on the network12:31
jUggERNAUt1980orbin, now it's goin 14.4kB/s12:32
wolslinux__alien: remove kdelibs4 package12:32
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linux__alienwols, it says not installed12:33
wolslinux__alien: do those applications for kde still work?12:34
wolsdpkg -l kde* |less12:34
linux__alienyes one second i am doing it right now using synaptic let me check one second :-) i think its getting uninstalled12:35
xopherHi, any ideas how I can configure my locales to support scandinavian letters, works fine here, but eg. subtitles in totem are all borked..12:35
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linux__alienand how do i get my gdm again12:35
linux__alienthat was way good wols12:35
wolslinux__alien: tried dpkg-reconfigure gdm ?12:36
JanchiGood afternoon, sorry to bother, but is there an Ubuntu channel for the PPC? Thanks12:36
Ackeubu_how do i replace  'http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/' with 'http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu/' in /etc/apt/sources.list12:36
darkanyelanyone know how can i config... my buttons of DVD and Musik of my notebook??12:36
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apeman2020Ackeubu_: sudo view /etc/apt/sources.list12:37
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apeman2020Ackeubu_: alt s, edit it, then alt q then shift : wq!12:37
stefgdarkanyel: that depends on wether they deliver scancodes. If so you can configure it by the hotkey-applet, if not google for a package called keytouch12:38
wolsapeman2020: wouldn't it be easier to let people use nano instead of some sort of vi? *g*12:38
Ackeubu_im pretty sure there are a command to replace strings in a file. insted of doing one at the time12:38
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apeman2020i always use VI. force of habit12:38
stefgAckeubu_: man sed :-)12:39
Ackeubu_im a nano guy. but im also a lazy guy12:39
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Ackeubu_stefg: ty12:39
orbinJanchi: no.  people usually ask ppc related questions in here too.12:39
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ntollhi, how so I mount a networked windows share from a windowsXP machine onto my ubuntu box? Ubuntu guide doesn't have any advice and googling just brings back stuff about reading an XP hard-drive partition rather than a network share... Pointers???? TIA12:40
JanchiThanks Orbin. I have been trying to install Ubuntu on my old iMac Indigo yesterday, but it was horribly slow. I wondered whether others had a similar experience and whether Xubuntu would be a better choice12:40
apeman2020ntoll: samba12:40
ntollyup... I got that far... :-) is there a howto?12:40
darkanyelim gonna look for it12:40
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kyjathere is a great ascii demmo named bb. however I cant have music and the graphics working at the same time. thus I guess I have some trouble, also how do I set monitor depth??12:41
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stefgntoll: you've goog a load of options. I'm doing by smbfs, this means mounting it in my file tree. See !samba12:41
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orbinJanchi: not familiar w/ imac specs.  but yeah, xfce is a better option for older machines12:41
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linux__alienwols, sorry stopped the KDM by mistake and i had to reboot :-(12:41
ntollstefg: cheers12:41
linux__alienwols, how do i get gdm working now ?12:41
wolsfirst off, you don't need to reboot cause kdm is stopped: startx12:42
wols2nd: try dpkg-reconfigure gdm12:42
orbinkyja: 2nd Q: change the defaultdepth line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart X12:42
jUggERNAUt1980if not apt-get, where can i download azureus from?12:42
apeman2020ntoll: http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2002-October/053214.html12:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about azureua - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:42
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo12:42
ntollcheers apeman202012:42
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kyjaah ok thx for that orbin12:42
jUggERNAUt1980it's being way too slow in terminal.12:43
Ackeubu_stefg like this: sudo sed -s "http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu/" "http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" /etc/apt/sources.list12:43
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JanchiOrbin: the Indigo comes with 500 Mhz clockspeed and 768 MB RAM. I will give Xubuntu a try then. Ubuntu was frozen solid ;-)12:43
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Ackeubu_stefg like this: sudo sed -s/"http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu/"/"http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" /etc/apt/sources.list12:43
mneptokJanchi: that's more than enough for Ubuntu12:43
wolsJanchi: I can't believe that.12:43
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JanchiHmmm, why is it that slow then?12:43
mneptokJanchi: i've had Ubuntu running well on a toilet-seat iBook@366Mhz.12:43
jUggERNAUt1980no clue!!12:44
linux__alienwols, let me log out and see now12:44
wolsJanchi: usually the critical part is enough memory on slow machines. never CPU12:44
stefgAckeubu_: the second one is closer, but still wrong... -i /etc/apt/sources.list12:44
mneptokJanchi: how much swap did you allow for? what apps did you install?12:44
Ackeubu_sudo sed -s "http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu/" "http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" -i /etc/apt/sources.list12:44
JanchiI had to use the alternate install, because it wouldn't boot into the live CD12:44
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mneptokJanchi: the most recent Ubuntu shouyld be faster than the most recent OSX by a wide margin12:44
Janchi@ mneptok: just default install12:44
Janchiof dapper12:44
jUggERNAUt1980i had to do the alternate install too!  :)12:45
mneptokJanchi: if it won't boot from CD, maybe there are hardware issues?12:45
Ackeubu_ sudo sed -s/"http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu/"/"http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" -i /etc/apt/sources.list12:45
Ackeubu_like that I ment12:45
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mneptok(and Desktop/Live CDs should never, ever be burned at >8x speed)12:45
JanchiThe alternate install disk worked perfectly. The install was finished in 30 minutes12:46
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JanchiThe bootup after that was extremely slow (10 minutes), after login it was frozen.12:46
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mneptokJanchi: smells like a bad burn or bad hardware12:47
JanchiMac OS X Tiger worked perfectly, so I didn't exprect any hardware problems12:47
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JanchiBut I will check the burn process again for the disk12:47
josh_Hows the weather?12:47
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Ackeubu_sed and i dont agree12:47
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josh_HOWS THE WEATHER!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!12:47
Seveas!offtopic > josh_12:48
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grouchytimjosh_ i think you have issues12:48
Ackeubu_ s/regexp/replacement/12:48
grouchytimlook out the wiindow12:48
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jUggERNAUt1980josh_, shhhh!!12:48
mneptokjosh_: partly cloudy with a high chance of annoying lamers on IRC trying to be "funny"12:48
grouchytimhaaa he called you lamer12:49
Seveas...and several people feeding the troll12:49
Seveasstop it now.12:49
Janchimneptok, I heard the issue about the burn speed before for the iMac. Why is that? (just wanting to learn)12:49
stefg_Ackeubu_: http://pegasus.rutgers.edu/~elflord/unix/sed.html12:49
darkanyelwhat is 0x75??12:50
apeman2020gnome is so bloated ><12:50
mneptokJanchi: the CDs are not very fault tolerant. a single 1 instead of a 0 can be fatal. but that is rarely the case for, say, a movie file.12:50
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miklhow do you get ubuntu to accept the the system clock is set to UTC and not local time?12:50
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Seveasmikl, edit /etc/default/rcS12:51
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Janchimneptok, true. i will burn a new live CD image this way.12:51
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davvshow do i automatically mount a folder onto another folder during boot? like mount -o bind12:51
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Seveasdavvs, add this to /etc/fstab:  /srcpath /destpath auto bind 0 012:52
linux__alienwols, Thanks now i ve got gdm back but still when the system boots it shows Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu how do i change that ?12:52
davvsok, thanks Seveas12:52
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stefglinux__alien: sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash12:53
zappewhat does "retry time not reached for any host" mean in exim?12:53
wolslinux__alien: have you uninstalled kdm?12:53
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wolslinux__alien: including purging12:53
linux__alienwols, no i dont have kdm installed now i ve got gdm and thats now ok12:53
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linux__alieni gave sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash now let me test it12:54
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Ackeubu_stefg: thanks12:55
Ackeubu_stefg: works like a charm12:55
stefgAckeubu_: thank yourself for actually reading documentation and learning something12:56
fyrestrtrzappe: means that the wait period before it tries delivery has not reached yet.12:56
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CVirushow can I avoid the automatic change of my resolve.conf ?12:57
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fyrestrtrCVirus: edit your dhcp options12:57
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CVirusfyrestrtr: how can I do so ?12:58
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linux__alienwols, i still get Kubuntu logo instead of Ubuntu12:58
zappefyrestrtr, i found it.. to many mails in queue.12:58
wolslinux__alien: no clue where that is stored, sorry12:58
stefglinux__alien: tehn you'll need to apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-artwork and reconfigure usplash again12:59
fyrestrtrCVirus: edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf12:59
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darkanyeluhmm help plz01:02
darkanyelhow can i change my defalut program of musik01:03
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ufkhow can i create licenses for apache2-ssl?01:03
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darkanyeli think is rythtmbox but i wanna amarok01:04
jribubotu: tell darkanyel about defaultapp01:04
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ulinskiehi there01:04
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darkanyelmy default app is ryhthmbox01:05
rnalexanderHi, I have a problem with my ubuntu install, can someone help me please?01:05
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:05
darkanyelbut i uninstal01:05
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:06
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule01:06
rnalexanderOK, I'm getting an error on my Dapper install, when installing it said that it couldn't verify the security packages and now when I got to auto update it could not download all repository patches.01:06
rnalexanderI'm getting Connection Failed.01:07
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Rondomrnalexander: are you connected to the net?01:07
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rnalexanderRondom yes.01:07
rnalexanderI can even surf from the same machine.  In fact, I can surf *to* the locations that it's having an error with.01:07
Rondomrnalexander: if yes, and other pages like e.g google.com work, there's a problem with the server01:07
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rnalexanderIs there a trustworthy alternative site for packages?  the US ones resolve to the same IPs as the GB ones.01:08
Rondomrnalexander: do you mean you can typ archive.ubuntu.com into your browser01:08
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Rondomrnalexander: there are several mirrors01:08
Rondomaround the globe01:09
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rnalexanderRondom, no I mean the exact same url:  heep://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release.gpg01:09
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rnalexanderThat comes up in my browser just fine.  But in my auto-update it fails...01:09
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Rondomrnalexander: wait some time, maybe it's somewhate outdated, don't have a clue01:10
rnalexanderI'm sorry, what's outdated?01:10
shinobi2my program does strange things01:10
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rnalexanderI'm using the latest version of Dapper.01:10
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rnalexanderI just downloaded the ISO last night.01:11
Rondomrnalexander: nothing on your side01:11
shinobi2anyone like to look at conversion from fahrenheit to celsisu?01:11
Rondomrnalexander: use de.archive.ubuntu.com for the time being (or anything other)01:11
rnalexanderOk, I'll give it a shot.01:11
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darkanyelhow can i change my default musik player for other??01:12
Rondomrnalexander: looks like this is an error on the servers side, switch to gb some time later and try again01:12
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jribdarkanyel: did the isntructions ubotu sent you not work?01:12
Rondom!defaultapps > darkanyel01:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about defaultapps - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:12
Rondom!defaultapp > darkanyel01:13
Rondomgonna go01:13
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darkanyelnot that01:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about defaultapps - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:14
ubotuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"01:14
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darkanyeli mean, in my keyboard are a button with the simbol of musik01:14
darkanyelwhen i press that give me an error01:14
linux__alienwols, i still get Kubuntu as the log i did apt-get remove usplash and then installed the artwork as you said and then installed usplash again01:14
frogzoo_darkanyel: prefs -> keyboard01:14
darkanyelImpossibile eseguire il comando: rhythmbox01:15
darkanyelVerificare che il comando esista.01:15
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:15
darkanyelis not espanish01:15
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:15
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sladenlinux__alien: usplash is a programs that displays splash screens.  there are specific uubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu theme packages and they need usplash to display them on boot01:16
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sladenlinux__alien: if you don't want to /see/ the pretty splash on boot, then remove 'splash' from the commandline01:16
KoluCCiHi all01:16
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rnalexanderI'm afraid that I'm still getting the errors with the de site.01:16
linux__aliensladen, i want ubuntu when the system boots up and not kubuntu but i get kubuntu01:16
KoluCCiDoes anybody knows how to select which type of monitor connection should use my Xorg: DVI or D-SUB?01:17
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KoluCCiI know, that there are options, but which?01:17
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C-O-L-Thow to put background sound into an html document. what is the source script01:19
linux__aliensladen, how do i get ubuntu splash when the system boots up01:19
fyrestrtrC-O-L-T: #web01:19
C-O-L-Tfyrestrtr: ok01:19
occyC-O-L-T, yeah, but that's a really cheesy thing to do :)01:19
visik7linux__alien: usually should work by default01:19
occyC-O-L-T, but yeah some other channel than here01:19
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linux__alienvisik7, i installed kubuntu-desktop and then removed that now i ve got everything else back to ubuntu's settings but except this splash i still get Kubuntu01:20
occyanyone here know how I can remove ubuntu-xgl? and go back to the default X settings?01:20
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airjumpsorry hellp01:20
stefgoccy: by restoring the backup you did not make before you decided to mess with your system :-)01:21
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occystefg, haha01:21
linux__alienstefg, i still get kubuntu splash :-(01:22
occystefg, :P  Surely I should be able to do something like dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:22
occyor something like that01:22
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linux__alienis there any thing else that i ve to do01:22
J_Phi all01:22
occylinux__alien, oooh, sec I had that recently01:22
ArrickQuick Question, I now have a gui installed, how do I set it up so that my network uses one NIC for a gateway, and the otehr NIC is hookes to the internet?01:22
=== kuyky bons dias
linux__alienoccy, i installed kubuntu-desktop now i ve got everything back to ubuntu but i still get the splash as kubuntu01:23
occyI thought I blogged it...01:23
wolsArrick: the one hooked to the internet IS your gateway01:23
occylinux__alien, nod... there is something like usplash or something you run.01:23
occylinux__alien, let me google01:23
Arrickwols, yeah, I realize that, how to i restried stuff on the other one?01:23
zappei fail to send an mail to an account on the same server that i send from.. i guess it's something wrong with my smtpserver. i get these messages. http://pastebin.ca/18175901:23
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sladenlinux__alien: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so01:23
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occylinux__alien, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Change_Usplash01:24
KoluCCiDoes anybody knows how to select which type of monitor connection should use my Xorg: DVI or D-SUB? I know, that there are options, but which?01:24
occylinux__alien, all that's not needed actually01:24
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Arrickwols, yeah, I realize that, how to i restrict stuff on the other one? is what I meant to say01:24
wolsrestrict in what way?01:25
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ArrickI would like to put a whitelist on it, and also would like to block incoming with this box01:25
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occylinux__alien, sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so01:26
occylinux__alien, choose #1 I think01:26
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sladenoccy: correct01:26
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Arrickmy wife has a couple of sites she loves to use, that she keeps getting viruses from, and I woudl like to block these sites01:26
PunjabiFLOYDIANguys need help regarding df space?01:26
occyahhh I don't have any alternatives so it displays nothing01:26
sladenArrick: if you're running Ubuntu, you won't get viruses from them01:26
rnalexanderOk, it's not the servers, my computer can get through to the web, but it can't seem to get through to the packages.01:27
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Arricksladen, the otherr pcs on my network are windows01:27
sladenArrick: get your wife using Ubuntu then :)01:27
occysladen, know how to remove xgl?01:27
occyArrick, my wife uses Ubuntu along withmy 3 and 5 year old girls01:27
PunjabiFLOYDIANoccy: how did u install it in the firstplace?01:28
Arrickyeah right, she doesnt like change, and I have to have windows for my work01:28
occyPunjabiFLOYDIAN, Some tutorial some place.  :(01:28
sladenoccy: same what you used it.  sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl01:28
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PunjabiFLOYDIANoccy: gimme the tutorial!01:28
PunjabiFLOYDIANand why the hell do u want to uninstall it?01:28
PunjabiFLOYDIANit is soo damn cool!01:28
PunjabiFLOYDIANultra cool actually01:28
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occyPunjabiFLOYDIAN, haha, nm... I think sladen got me what I need01:29
tunubuyes, you have the opposite poblem than me01:29
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tunubuI removed some packages I don't know how to recover01:29
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tunubufrom Synaptic01:29
tunubuanybody knows how to "unremove" packages?01:30
wolstunubu: apt-get install ?01:30
jribtunubu: install them again01:30
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tunubuno, no, it's not that01:30
tunubuI did not uninstall them01:30
yarddogsudo apt-get install --reinstall package01:30
tunubuI removed them from the repositories01:30
stefgtunubu: i doubt that01:31
tunubuand know the thing does not find them anymore01:31
jribtunubu: do you mean you removed some repositories form your sources.list?01:31
tunubuI don't think so01:31
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stefgtunubu: so you borked your /etc/aptsources.list01:31
jribtunubu: ok, what package is missing?01:31
tunubucsm and cgwd01:31
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:31
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tunubuso it now complains about dependeccies when trying to install compiz-plugins01:32
tunububut it will keep saying csm is not installable ans it was not found01:32
someusernoobtunubu: you didnt remove them, quinn removed them from the repository, if you install quinn's compiz now, it is broken, or at least it was yesterday01:32
stefgtunubu: /j #ubuntu-xgl01:32
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someusernoobtunubu: taka a look in /var/cache/apt/archives maybe your package is still in there01:33
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opiskelijaSo, has someone got any ideas of a protocol that I should use to mount a certain directory from my Ubuntu server to all my Xubuntu clients? Network not fully trusted, so need some authorization.01:33
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root__it here somebady who knows how to get kde working on ubuntu ?01:34
opiskelijaHome directory, to be exact.01:34
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root__or hoe to install it ?01:34
KoluCCiopiskelija: may be NFS with user type authorization?01:34
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someusernoobtunubu: if you go to compiz.net you'll that quinn's compiz will change into beryl, so they are working on that, and they've left compiz for what it is. but i dont know why they broke the dependencies and removed some files01:34
_Arrickhey guys, how do I kill my other name whane I lose connection and the name is still on?01:34
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KoluCCiroot__: use Kubuntu instead :)01:34
tunubuJesus, it seems the packages are there!01:35
jribroot__: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop01:35
_Arricktonyyarusso,  how do I kill my other name whane I lose connection and the name is still on?01:35
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wols_Arrick: /msg nickserv help01:35
seraphimyou can't01:35
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jribArrick: /msg nickserv help ghost01:35
seraphimyou can? :D01:35
tonyyarusso_Arrick: /msg nickserv ghost password01:35
opiskelijaKoluCCi: I'll try Google on that, thanks.01:35
someusernoobtunbu: try to install the packages by double clicking them or sudo dpkg -i <file>01:36
KoluCCiopiskelija: np. I'm using NFS on my Web-Servers, so nothing extraordinal there :)01:36
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jUggERNAUt1980anybody know the name of the gnutella packet?01:37
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someusernoob apt-cache search gnutella01:38
jribjUggERNAUt1980: apt-caceh search gnutella01:38
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jribfaster and spelled it right :)01:39
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someusernoobi did tab in the terminal and copy paste it :D01:39
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DB42hi, i want to add a new resolution to ubuntu 1280x1024 without running all of dpkg-reconfigure, i've tried adding to xorg.conf but it doesnt work, where else do i have to add it to ?01:41
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tunubusomeusernoob, if I try to install csm it complains about not being able to install compiz-plugins, if I do the other way round, it complains about dependencies not satisfied cause csm...01:42
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tunubushould I move them somewhere else, maybe?01:42
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wetduckI need somebodys help please...01:42
someusernoobtunubu: i really dont know :$01:43
tunubuok, thanks a lot, anyway01:43
wetduckI want to share a folder between MacOS and Ubuntu.01:43
DB42can anybody answer me that simple resolution question ?01:43
someusernoobtunubu: maybe someone else here nows it, or maybe in one of the xgl compiz channels01:43
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brekkerhi i need help installing hp deskjet 364701:43
wetduckIS there a way to make it without Samba app. ?01:43
tunubuxgl dedicated channels?01:43
FurryNemesis #xgl01:44
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someusernoobtunubu: #ubuntu-xgl for example01:44
someusernoobow, too late01:44
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DB42now answer my ! :)01:44
DB42hi, i want to add a new resolution to ubuntu 1280x1024 without running all of dpkg-reconfigure, i've tried adding to xorg.conf but it doesnt work, where else do i have to add it to ?01:44
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wetduckAnybody available for me?01:44
adis_jso do i01:44
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tonyyarussoDB42: Have you already read !fixres?  (Only resource I know of)01:45
wetduckIf I were you I would post your xorg.conf file on some place to we have a look.01:45
epitafhow do i install windows parallel to ubuntu? when i reboot with win xp cd in, its says "booting from cd", and then ubuntu starts...01:45
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DB42tonyyarusso: no01:46
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:46
seraphimepitaf: windows will overwrite your mbr, so be sure to back it up before installing win01:46
jribDB42: there is 'man xorg.conf' too which might give you more detail01:46
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adis_jepitaf: you must press enter when it says booting from cd01:46
epitafseraphim : thats ok, i only want windows on this one01:46
seraphimepitaf: that won't fix your actual problem, but you won't have another one after :D01:46
DB42jrib: i looked everyw2here 1024x768 in xorg.conf and added 1280x1024 and it did nothing....01:46
tonyyarussoepitaf: First, it's always wise to install Windows first when setting up a dual-boot system, b/c it's dumb that way.  Make sure you know how to set your boot priorities in your bios, and see01:46
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:47
epitafadis_j : i did01:47
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fyrestrtrDB42: did you restart X after you added it?01:47
epitaftonyyarusso : i only need windows on this one, so thats ok01:47
adis_jepitaf: check your bios configuration - what starts first01:47
wetduckDoes anybody here knows how to use Samba?01:47
DB42fyrestrtr: quess ?01:47
adis_jepitaf: set on Cd-rom01:47
DB42also ctrl-alt-+/- dont work, is there a flag for it?01:47
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:47
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epitafadis_j : its set to start on cd first01:48
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fyrestrtrDB42: put your xorg.conf on pastebin01:48
fyrestrtrepitaf: you have a bad windows cd then.01:48
adis_jepitaf : must be that01:48
DB42fyrestrtr: is there a flag for ctrl-alt-+/- ?01:48
tonyyarussowetduck: I hand-configged samba with a lot of handholding once, but there be dragons I tell ya.  If swat works for you, I'd go that route (I somehow killed that.)01:49
brekkercan't find drivers hp deskjet 364701:49
Arcad3i have image Cd Win if u want01:49
fyrestrtrDB42: post your xorg.conf file first.01:49
fyrestrtrArcad3: we do not encourage the distribution, use or mention of pirated software here.01:49
DB42fyrestrtr: sec01:49
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DB42btw, it's on vmware01:49
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epitaffyrestrtr & adis_j : no, i just used it to install windows on another machine01:50
fredlany issues why the totem plugin doesnt play mpg's in the browser window anymore?01:50
fyrestrtrDB42: then first set your vmware device to one that does 1280x1024.01:50
wetduckHow do I copy a text on xterm? Ctrl+C doesnt work :(01:50
fyrestrtrwetduck: highlight it.01:50
wetduckMaybe Shift+Ctrl+C ?01:50
fyrestrtrwetduck: then its copied, to paste, right click.01:50
tonyyarussowetduck: Ctrl-Shift-C, b/c Ctrl-C is the kill app key binding.01:50
DB42how do i do that ? :)01:50
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fredlgrr there was just another firefox update and now my plugins no longer seem to work.01:51
fyrestrtrDB42: read the docs on vmware, I don't use it but the problem seems to be that your vmware video device can only do 1024x76801:51
DB42could be, checking, thanks01:51
epitafok, lets flip my question around.. how do i completely remove ubuntu from my system?01:51
fyrestrtrepitaf: format the disk.01:51
surfacefredl:  my mplayer plugin works fine.01:51
epitaffyrestrtr : can i do that from within ubuntu?01:52
fyrestrtrepitaf: use a livecd.01:52
fredlsurface, weird. Dunno what happened here then. You up to date?01:52
SillyZepitaf: what are you planning on installing instead of ubuntu?01:52
epitaffyrestrtr : ok01:52
fredlDapper 'n all, dist-upgrade?01:52
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epitafSillyZ : Win XP01:52
surfacefredl:  ya, i am not using totem plguin, but mplayer plugin01:52
wetduckMan I tell you I cant copy from xterm!01:52
SillyZepitaf: just run the winxp setup from the cdrom/dvd.... delete the ubuntu partition, delete the swap partition, and create a new partition for Winxp01:53
fyrestrtrwetduck: highlight the text in xterm, then middle click where you want it pasted.01:53
fredlsurface, well I use the mplayer plugin for wmv's, stopped working too01:53
epitafSillyZ : the problem is that i'm not getting to the xp setup01:53
fredldunno what I've done...01:53
SillyZepitaf: the partitions will be listed as 'unknownn' in the xpsetup01:53
surfacefredl:  strange...01:53
fyrestrtrepitaf: then this is beyond #ubuntu -- ask in #windows01:53
DB42Not using mode"1280x1024" (no mode of this name)01:54
SillyZis your system set to boot fromt he hard drive instead of the cdrom?01:54
fredlsurface, I think my computer is punishing me for watching too much pr0n then :)01:54
epitafand my bios is set to boot from cd as first choice01:54
wetduckDoesn't work01:54
fyrestrtrDB42: you keep asking question, and no one will answer you if you refuse to show the xorg.conf file.01:54
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SillyZepitaf: join #sillyz01:54
DB42ok, soon01:54
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surfacefredl:  hahaha01:55
wetduckI just got to highlight the text in xterm then go to gedit.app for example and paste it?01:55
DB42fyrewall77: is there an PB for uploading text files ?01:55
fyrestrtrwetduck: yeah01:55
surfacefredl:  then download and watch, don't watch at firefox..01:55
fyrestrtr!pastebin > DB4201:55
wetduckWithout any keyboard help?01:55
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fyrestrtrwetduck: as I told you, middle click = paste, highlight = copy01:56
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DB42http://pastebin.ca/181780 <-- xorg.conf01:56
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wetduckwhat is middle click?01:57
wetduckIs it the middle mouse button click?01:57
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wolsmiddle mouse button01:57
fyrestrtrwetduck: yes.01:57
Hoxzeriin kyll se sill menee01:57
Hoxzer13:39 <@Naz^> siis enkussa vaikeuksii pst lpi?01:57
DB42fyrestrtr: something wrong there?01:58
wetduckI have no middle mouse button but if I go directly on paste it doesnt work.01:58
fyrestrtrDB42: change the last Modes line to Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768"01:58
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DB42fyrestrtr: but i want the default to be 1024, and only ctrl-alt-+ to 1280....01:58
fyrestrtrwetduck: if you click both your buttons at once, that's equivalent to middle click.01:58
seraphimwetduck:  you can use both buttons at once to reproduce a middleclick01:58
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fyrestrtrDB42: then that will work as written.01:58
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M_A_Kcan anybody suggest a USB wireless network adapter for ubuntu?01:58
DB42but ctrl-alt-+/- does noething01:58
fyrestrtrDB42: its cltr+alt and numpad + and numpad -01:59
fyrestrtrnot the one on the top row.01:59
DB42i know ?01:59
fyrestrtrthen your vmware device is not capable of that resolution.01:59
wetducks Hello01:59
wetduck{s Hello01:59
wetduck{s Hello01:59
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DB42fyrestrtr: but ctrl-alt-+/- dont work to 860 and 640 as well...02:00
wetducks Hello02:00
DB42which are less02:00
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fyrestrtrchange the resolution from within gnome.02:00
fyrestrtrsystem > preferences > screen resolution02:00
DB42gnome doesnt show me that 1280 option :(02:01
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wetduckCool, it worked now :)02:01
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fyrestrtrthen its not available for your vmware emulated device.02:01
wetduckDoes anybody know a good text editor to use with Java?02:01
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Telroth_Plushie|DB42, the resolution may not be set up in your xorg.conf file02:01
DB42fyrestrtr: got any clue how i can check it ?02:01
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Telroth_Plushie|wetduck, eclipse02:01
DB42Telroth_Plushie|: i've published my xorg.conf here, you can check it yourself02:02
wetduckno, not an ide, just a text app.02:02
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era86anyone know how to completely remove gnome from my comp02:03
fyrestrtrDB42: nope02:03
wetduckDB42 where did you post it?02:03
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DB42http://pastebin.ca/181780 <-- xorg.conf02:03
wetduckhey era86 why do you want to remove gnome?02:03
wolsera86: remove all libgtk's02:03
fyrestrtrwetduck: cream.02:03
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wetduckfyrestrtr, is it a text app?02:04
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fyrestrtrwhat tha heck is a text app?02:05
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era86wetduck: i only want to use openbox02:05
era86save resources02:05
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wetduckwhere I find those software for Linux download?02:06
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DB42blah, i'll just reconfigure X, whats the command line again?02:06
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ubotuspamassassin: Perl-based spam filter using text analysis. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.0a-2ubuntu1.1 (dapper), package size 971 kB, installed size 2956 kB02:07
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wetduckHey someone posted here some urls to Samba help, could it be repited please?02:08
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ukjadoonHello all02:08
fyrestrtr!samba > wetduck02:08
wetduck!samba > wetduck02:09
adhi all. So I've tried all the how-tos and spamassassin still doesn't work in evolution - can anyone tell me how to troubleshoot it?02:09
DB42blah, i'll just reconfigure X, whats the command line again?02:09
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seraphimDB42:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - i think02:10
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:10
ciplogicI have activated composite and xcompmgr, my problem is that import command doesn't take a correct screenshot02:10
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ciplogicI use the command: import -window root test.jpg02:11
|_SpY_|somebody know how i install vnc server on my xfec?02:11
fyrestrtrciplogic: #ubuntu-xgl02:11
ukjadoonhello i just got ubuntu 6.06 but my installation seems to hang up at 23% and there is no hard disk or cd activity, what could be wrong? I haven't slept all night trying to figure this out but nothing seems to make the installation continue=(02:11
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wetduckukjadoon what version type did you downloaded?02:12
|_SpY_|somebody know how i install vnc server on my xfce?02:12
fyrestrtrukjadoon: check the cd?02:12
DB42can anybody help me with the issue that when scrolling very fast with the mousewhell in my 7-button mouse, X (in ubuntu) decideds that it's button 7 command instead of button 5 ?!?02:12
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.02:12
ukjadooni have the live CD i ordered it through ship it02:12
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ukjadooni have both kubuntu and ubunti 6.0602:12
ukjadoonand both have their installations hanging up02:12
ukjadoonat first it would just hang up at the mounting root thingy...but i figured i had to add ide=nodma in the boot command line to fix it02:13
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DB42btw, did it ever happened to you people that you tar xvzf <filename> into the current dir, and it didnt havae a base dir ?!?02:13
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DB42ukjadoon: happened to me as well, i installed the alternative version02:14
lupine_85a tarbomb?02:14
ukjadoonnow when i install it...i made a 512mb swap partition and a 5 gb partition of ext3 for ubuntu or kubuntu both seem to have the same problem02:14
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_ianhow do i upgrade to firefox 11.5 im on ubuntu 5.1002:14
fyrestrtrDB42: sure it happens all the time.02:14
DB42fyrestrtr: i figured how to fix it :)02:14
ukjadoonthe installation gets stuck at 28% on ubuntu and 15% on kubuntu02:14
DB42yesterday when it happened to me as well02:14
ukjadoonwhat did u do?02:14
DB42not that.. the tar thing02:15
DB42in ubuntu i used alternative install and it work02:15
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ukjadoonthr problem is that i cannot download the alternate version on a dialup! =/02:15
DB42i simply added tar xvzf <filename> | xargs rm -r <-- and it deleted all the files it made :)02:15
DB42nice trick, ha ?02:15
stefgukjadoon: what hardware? how much ram?02:15
ukjadoonwell stefg i have an amd athlon fx 3000+02:16
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ukjadoonwith 768 mb ddr02:16
stefgukjadoon: sata interface?02:16
ukjadoonand a geforce 7600 (ubuntu uses the default vesa driver for it)02:16
ukjadoonno i have ultra ata02:16
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wetduck!samba > wetduck02:16
stefgukjadoon: actually that should be able to install from the Desktop CD... There's some PCI-troubl going on, I suspect02:17
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ukjadooni checked out the log which shows up during the loading sequence02:18
ukjadoonand it had something like PCI device not found blah blah02:18
ukjadooni just have the live CDs for both ubuntu and kubuntu02:18
ukjadoonany way to fix this pci problem?02:19
ukjadoononly my modem is pci....should i remove it and try?02:19
stefgukjadoon: to find out more change to another VT during install (i thing VT10 is used for logging) and try if you can run lspci or demsg from VT2 or so. BTW ubuntu and kubuntu  use the same underlying infrastructure, so when ubuntu doesn't work, kubuntu will neither02:20
DB42can anybody help me with the issue that when scrolling very fast with the mousewhell in my 7-button mouse, X (in ubuntu) decideds that it's button 7 command instead of button 5 ?!?02:20
stefgukjadoon: your optical drive is 100% ok?02:20
ukjadoonyeah they both don't work....i am a newbie to ubuntu and kubuntu and i don't know my way around the commands at all02:20
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ukjadoonyeah my optical drive was perfecto02:21
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ukjadooni ran that check02:21
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ukjadoonnothing wrong with both the ubuntu or kubuntu live cds02:21
DB42ukjadoon: why not try what i said ?02:21
stefgukjadoon: what's your motherboard?02:21
ukjadooni have an ASYS K8n4-E deluxe02:21
ukjadoonDB42 i cannot download the tar version of ubuntu or kubuntu cause i am on dialup02:22
ukjadooni just have the cds02:22
DB42"tar version" ?02:22
DB42i see.. well good luck..02:22
Arrickhow do I set the primary DNS that is used in Ubuntu Breezy?02:22
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DB42it's not in /etc/resolv.conf ?02:23
lupine_85in /etc/resolv.conf02:23
lupine_85put it in02:23
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule02:23
DB42nobody here has 7 button mouse ?02:23
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:24
Arricklupine_85, was that for me?02:24
lupine_85yes :)02:24
Arrickok thanks02:24
ukjadooni am doomed right?:S02:24
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Arricklupine can you show me an example line?02:25
lupine_85ukjadoon: unless you want to manually install it, yes02:25
lupine_85Arrick: nameserver <blah>02:25
Arrickthanks again02:25
lupine_85you can also put "dns-nameserver <blah>" into /etc/network/interfaces02:26
ukjadoondamn =(02:26
stefgukjadoon: so your motherboard should be supported, there are several sources which say they have it running02:26
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ukjadoonohhh really?02:26
ukjadoonwell then why this problem? =S is it my video card or my conexant modem then?02:26
stefgukjadoon: are you trying 64bit or 32bit installation02:27
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ukjadoon64 bit version of ubuntu 6.06 cause i have a 64 bit processor02:28
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DB4264bit sux :)02:28
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DB42i think most 64bit desktop cpu's still use 32bit os02:28
stefgukjadoon: ah, ok... to be short and brutally honest: forget that. use 32 bit, it's more fun02:28
ukjadoonshould i try the 32 bit cd?02:28
ukjadoonohhh alright stefg02:29
ukjadooni'll give that a shot then02:29
samu2Is the terminal app in ubuntu xterm?02:29
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mjrukjadoon, if you are intending to run proprietary software on your box, 32-bit OS is probably easier. If not, 64-bit OS is faster and nicer ;P02:29
stefgukjadoon: http://lists.debian.org/debian-amd64/2005/07/msg00011.html02:29
ukjadoonbut i really wonder how did this version slipped through quality assurance02:29
ukjadooni mean just to booth the thing i had to add the ide=nodma at the boot command line lol which took me a whole 6 hours to figure out through forums02:30
ukjadoonohhh alright lemme check02:30
DB42ukjadoon: welcome to linux02:31
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DB42w8 till you have to setup stuff AFTER you get it running :)02:31
stefgukjadoon: we all do the same... the dapper kernels leave somwhat to wish...02:31
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ukjadoonwell i guess it will work with the 32 bit version, linux rules though02:31
wetduckquite strange Java on Linux. Ive never heard of this gij before, someone could clearify that form e please/02:31
ukjadooni was just wondering if i can run most of my fav windows apps on it through WINE02:32
DB42why ?..02:32
DB42just learn to fav new linux apps02:32
wolsukjadoon: if you want to do that: go back to windows02:32
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:32
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stefgukjadoon: you could try to use 'noapic' as a  additional parameter. Maybe that changes something. but don't bother to install 64bit anyway.. half of your multimedia stuff won't have codecs, and several other glitches02:32
k-manfor some reason, mythtv isunable to play audio for me02:33
k-manits as though it can't write to the sound card02:33
ukjadoonyeah one really helpful dude last night told me about noapic params, nolapic as well as acpi=off etc etc02:33
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ukjadoonso should i add it just like i wrote the ide=nodma command inside the boot command line?02:34
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k-manwhat sound device should itell mythtv to write to? /dev/audio seems to be locked02:34
k-manas does /dev/dsp02:34
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ukjadoonbut i really don't know what nolapic noapic or acpi=off do =S02:34
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lupine_85 /dev/snd/<something> ?02:34
stefglearn that later ... :-)02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Blackdown - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:35
DB42ukjadoon: how about disabling apic / acpi features?02:35
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lupine_85better to get it to use alsa/esd/artsd if possible though02:35
ukjadoonohhh i will try all these command line options then =D02:35
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koolatronhi there02:36
neili just noticed that my sudo su password no more works ! seems im not in the wheel group too... any idea for all that ?02:36
neilhi koolatron02:36
koolatron"sudo su"?02:36
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koolatronyou should be using just "sudo" or "sudo -s" if you want a shell02:36
neili used to use "sudo su -" to be root02:37
PunjabiFLOYDIAN!ubotu: XMMS02:37
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs02:37
neilah ?02:37
=== lupine_85 just uses su to be root :)
PunjabiFLOYDIANu can use sudo -H -s02:37
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neilkoolatron: thanks :) it works :p02:37
ukjadoonhey thank u stefg and DB42 for all the help =D02:37
Morticeor sudo -i02:37
neildunno why i was using sudo su02:37
koolatronya, plenty of ways to skin a cat02:37
DB42sure thing02:37
PunjabiFLOYDIANpeople can anyone tell me why not to instsll Compiz02:37
koolatronbut "sudo su" isn't one of em02:37
DB42if it doesnt work, try getting alternative vrsion cd02:37
chuckypneil, well sudo su - will give you root with root's path.02:38
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DB42PunjabiFLOYDIAN: isnt compiz called beryl now ?02:38
neilthanks :)02:38
koolatronPunjabiFLOYDIAN: because it'd irritating and has a big chance of not working?02:38
lupine_85compiz-quinn == beryl02:38
chuckypDB42, no beryl is a fork of copiz02:38
gimmulf_Vad tycker ni om en powermac g5 1.8ghz x2 med en 20" apple cinema display fr 14 000:- ?02:38
PunjabiFLOYDIANkoolatron: is it cool?02:38
koolatronPunjabiFLOYDIAN: oh hell yeah02:38
=== lupine_85 wobbles his windows
DB42rofl :)02:38
lupine_85especially with the new beta nVidia drivers02:38
PunjabiFLOYDIANLOL. then i dont see any reason for not installin02:38
PunjabiFLOYDIANcan anyone give me the guide02:39
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PunjabiFLOYDIANi m ready to sacrifice my ubuntu02:39
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chuckyplupine_85, how is that making a diffference?02:39
lupine_85all the guides are currently broken02:39
lupine_85no Xgl02:39
DB42PunjabiFLOYDIAN: i belive there is a direct channel for that #ubuntu-xgl02:39
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PunjabiFLOYDIANDB42: no one replies in taht channel. its sooo ironical02:39
lupine_85that's not iron02:39
osfameronwhy do people look at XGL/Compiz and laugh that the Windows equivalent isn't ready yet?  XGL isn't ready yet! :-)02:39
lupine_85and you're not in there atm anyway02:40
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PunjabiFLOYDIANhow can i view the kernel?02:40
koolatronPunjabiFLOYDIAN: There are plenty of good reasons not to do it, one is that Xgl will tend to break your other GL apps02:40
lupine_85cat /vmlinuz02:40
chuckypPunjabiFLOYDIAN, what do you mena?02:40
koolatronThere are workarounds, but still02:40
lupine_85koolatron: no it doesn't :)02:41
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PunjabiFLOYDIANi want to see the C code. come on guys. i m a newbie. a little fun?02:41
lupine_85oh, the source... linux-source.2.6.1502:41
wolsPunjabiFLOYDIAN: http://kernel.org02:41
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PunjabiFLOYDIANcan we really modify the source?02:41
chuckyplupine_85, he's being sarcastic02:41
chuckypPunjabiFLOYDIAN, yeah02:41
=== stefg wonders why people are so keen on breaking their systems with xgl ... they never do backups before installing, ignore all warnings that it's still beta and then come running in here and whine: my system is broke, how do i fix it ...
PunjabiFLOYDIANi mean - is it really possible to modify and recompile?02:41
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koolatronPunjabiFLOYDIAN: yes, totally02:41
lupine_85chuckyp: I can't see it02:42
koolatronPunjabiFLOYDIAN: provided you understand that the kernel is a gordian knot of complexity02:42
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PunjabiFLOYDIANwell. i can modify the printf messagesd02:42
Arcad3Punjaby ..try remastering02:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANyeah. see its simple. i dont need to go in the details.02:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANjust simple message hacking.02:42
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Arcad3if u wanna change pics lines blah blah02:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANarcad3: exactly02:43
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.02:43
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Arcad3u want a link to a how to?02:43
PunjabiFLOYDIANok let us obey ubotu. please everyone. respect.02:43
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koolatronWork time..  take care, all02:43
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PunjabiFLOYDIANarcad3: sure. just gimem the link.02:44
Arcad3!pastebin https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANlol. this ubotu gets emotional.02:44
Arcad3u got the link?02:45
PunjabiFLOYDIANyeah thanks :D02:45
gnomefreakSeveas: ping02:45
Ulixesanyone know ho to use a tv card in ubuntu?02:45
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Arcad3Ounjaby i'll try it miself:D02:45
stefgUlixes: analog or DVB?02:45
chuckypReally getting salty that I can't resize this ntfs partition.  I'm right clicking on it in gparted and the resize option is greyed out.02:45
PunjabiFLOYDIANgoodybe everyone. happy hacking.02:45
Ulixesstefg can you help me?02:46
thoreauputicchuckyp: did you make sure it isn't mounted?02:46
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chuckypthoreauputic, well If I unmount it.  Then gparted complains that it can't read the data.02:46
stefgUlixes: if it's supported all you need is a tv-app, like xawtv.. check dmesg and lsmod if there's all drivers present already02:46
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Ulixesstefg i'm not expert in linux can you say me exactly what to do?02:47
thoreauputicchuckyp: afaik you can't resize a partition while it's mounted - at least, you run all kinds of risks doing so02:47
Arcad3guys i have a prob with my ubuntu02:47
Arcad3i must use Win and its sucks02:47
chuckypthoreauputic, I just umounted it then restarted gparted now it complains "Unable to read the filesystem.02:47
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Janchi@ Arcad3 Shoot02:48
JanchiWht is wrong02:48
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Arcad3when Ubuntu splash loads the DHCP..bla bla02:48
chuckypthoreauputic, err read the contents of the filesytem.  Because of this some options may be unavailible Did you install the correct plugin for this filesystem?02:48
stefgUlixes: open a termianl and type dmesg in there. Copy and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ... do the same with the output of lsmod and lspci02:48
Arcad3stops at mounting root02:48
Seveasgnomefreak, ?02:48
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k-mandoes ubuntu use ESD under gnome for playing audio?02:49
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gnomefreakhold on Seveas im getting pastebin ready for you02:49
thoreauputicchuckyp: hmm - well I no longer use windows/ntfs so I guess I'm not much help - I assume it needs ntfs-utils or something of the kind02:49
chuckypthoreauputic, thats what its saying if I click on information for the parition with it umounted and resize is still greyed out.02:49
gnomefreakSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2476502:49
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Arcad3any other solution to my prob ?02:49
chuckypthoreauputic, okay let me give ntfs-utils a try I assumed all would be kosher since I'm able to mount and use the partiton.02:50
Arcad3or i must format and reinstall?02:50
thoreauputicntfsprogs maybe02:50
gnomefreakSeveas: im thinking its a bug but rather have your opinion on it02:50
thoreauputicapt-cach search ntfs02:50
azcazandcoHI can anyone gimme a little hand with 2 things?  First up I have installed all the LAMP tools I need for a local web server but am unsure of what to do next (I used to use xampp under windows before I switched) and also I have a windows box that I need to be able to share a folder with my ubuntu box.02:50
thoreauputic* apt-cache search ntfs02:50
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chuckypthoreauputic, yeah  I'm not that much of a noob i'll find it.02:50
chuckypthoreauputic, brb02:50
thoreauputicchuckyp: OK :)02:51
Seveasgnomefreak, that's not a bug02:51
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Arcad3azaca get apache is easier02:51
Seveaswhy would it be?02:51
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Seveassomeone requests a bogus factoid and ubotu correctly reports that it's non-existant02:51
gnomefreakSeveas: its not giving the info about pastebin it gave about cd custom02:51
gnomefreakSeveas: !pastebin is a good one02:52
azcazandcoArcad3: I have downloaded apache02:52
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Seveasgnomefreak, wtf are you talking about?!? he requested !pastebin http://some_url02:52
Ulixesstefg: the first one http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2476602:52
Seveaswhich is completely bogus02:52
wolsazcazandco: "d"? just the same as in windows. add files to your /var/www/ that's all02:52
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TheMafiaWhat is the most likely program to use for organizing files on an ipod under ubuntu?02:52
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gnomefreakoph crap02:52
Arcad3u want me to say what to do next?02:52
azcazandcoI ran this last night sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server02:53
Arcad3wols is right02:53
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chuckypthoreauputic, yeap ntfsprogs did the trick,  well i'm sure it was one of the lib's that it installs actually but that worked ty.02:53
gnomefreakSeveas: nvm i thought he just did !pastebin and ubotu spit the rest out02:53
Ulixesthe other commands do not exist02:53
thoreauputicchuckyp: np :)02:53
azcazandcookay, so how do I get mysql running etc?02:53
gnomefreakmy brain is mush today02:53
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miklaaaaaaaaaaaaargh - remind me never to use usermod -G again02:53
chuckypthoreauputic, Now i'm just working on creating a seperate /home So I can't keep all my stuff there.02:54
wolsazcazandco: it most probably already runs. ps aux |grep mysql02:54
miklI just managed to remove myself from whatever group I need to be in to use sudo02:54
stefgPhewww... paste.ubuntu.nl.org takes ages....02:54
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rambo3thats good since you dont know what your doing02:54
azcazandcowols: so do I need to setup a root users etc?02:54
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Arcad3azaca:mysqladmin -u root password UR PASSWORD02:55
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wolsazcazandco: read the mysql manual02:55
thoreauputicchuckyp: the main thing I had to remember when I reorganised my partitions was to re-organise grub and /etc/fstab :) Otherwise it was pretty much point and click02:55
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azcazandcoalso I am guessing I need to change permissions on the /var/www folder?02:55
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Arcad3chmod 777 /var/www02:55
wolsArcad3: jave fun with a rooted webserver02:56
azcazandcoare there no security issues with that?02:56
chuckypthoreauputic, yeah I know I need some really weird command to cp the files over because of all the .blah in ~02:56
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Arcad3rm -R /var/www/apache2-default02:56
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azcazandcoArcad3: why do I remove that?02:56
thoreauputicchuckyp:  cp -a should cover it for the dot files02:56
Arcad3so u can add an index02:57
azcazandcodoes that not break it?02:57
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Arcad3this files takes hdd space02:57
stefg... someone is trampling on my internet-cable, it seems02:57
mngrifi made a huge mistake... i installed ubuntu, and then kubuntu-desktop since I can't stand gnome, and now I'm not exactly sure how to get rid of the gnome bloat. selecting ubuntu-desktop for removal doesn't do it. suggestions?02:57
chuckypthoreauputic, argh have to reboot to windows complaining of ntfs cluster errors need to run chkdisk /f a few times first.02:57
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Arcad3azaca:open gedit write something there02:58
i4getdownload kubuntu?02:58
chuckypthoreauputic, alright brb I thought most people were using cpio or something like that.02:58
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k-mandoes gnome use esd by default?02:58
Arcad3then save as index.html02:58
wolsmngrif: remove your gtk libs02:58
chuckypbut brb none the less02:58
stefgUlixes: you hardware is recognized and ready to go. All you need is a TV-Application and a channel-configuration02:58
daurnhi all02:58
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daurnmaybe stupid question02:58
mngrifwols: erm, i'm kindof using them...02:58
daurnbut, where do i get libcrypto?02:58
daurndoesn't seem to be in synaptic02:58
Arcad3index.html pu it to war/www02:58
azcazandcoArcad3: am I better to chown the /var/www folder to my user:group?02:59
wolsmngrif: do you want to remove it all or not?02:59
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azcazandcoor create a group called webserver or something and add my user to that?02:59
Ulixesso what to do??03:00
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azcazandcoI want to be able to write to that folder from a windows box also03:00
Ulixesname of tv app?03:00
Arcad3how many sites u wanna make ?03:00
Ulixesand channel configurator?03:00
azcazandcoArcad3: plently03:00
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jribdaurn: apt-cache search -n lib crypt    <-- returns a lot of results including libgcrypt11, is that what you are looking for?03:00
mngrifwols: gnome as a whole, i can understand esd and such ilk being pulled in through gtk-gnome dependancies, but i don't need gnome itself and all of it's bloat03:00
Arcad3make folders for each site03:00
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Arcad3then consult the apache how to03:00
mngrifbesides, don't most distros provide non-gnome gtk libs?03:00
azcazandcoArcad3: just never done this from scratch before03:00
Arcad3point to multiple sites03:01
daurnjrib: no idea - i'm trying to compile something that need md5.h - and it can't find it03:01
wolsazcazandco: you should already have a group www-data03:01
stefgchoose a mediaplayer u like, which has TV capabilities.. I prefer VLC, but xine and mplayer and all there frontends like kaffeine or totem would work, too03:01
Ranbeehi, i have two computers next to one another, connected through ethernet. what's the best way for them both to use them same screen and keyboard?03:01
Ulixesand then??03:01
azcazandcowols: my /var/www is root:root03:01
jribdaurn: You usually need the -dev packages that correspond to a package.  You can search for which packages have a file at packages.ubuntu.com.  But what are you trying to compile?03:01
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trainerranbee, http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/03:02
stefgUlixes: then configure it and start watching TV :-)... :-)03:02
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azcazandcoArcad3: thanks03:02
Ulixesok thanks03:02
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Ranbeetrainer: thanks, synergy was the only thing i thought of, but i haven't looked at it yet. i'll have alook now. thanks :)03:03
cristian[ifir] hello, i'm having a problem with debmirror03:03
cristian[ifir] it seems it can't download Packages file anymore03:03
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i4get<Ranbee> klm switch?03:03
cristian[ifir] any ideas if dapper changed the mirror layout?03:03
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trainerRanbee, I'm using it right now, it owns :-P03:04
Ranbeei4get: is that like KVM switchs monitor keyboard and mouse?03:04
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i4get<Ranbee> yes03:04
cristian[ifir] ?03:05
Ranbeetrainer: i'm going to try it now. i4get is that hardware? i haven't used it03:05
i4get<Ranbee> yes its hardware..I do not know if thats what you really want try synergy and see03:05
Ranbeei4get: ok, thanks for the help :)03:06
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thoreauputicI use synergy here - but I think synergy is for multiple machines with a monitor each, not one monitor for multiple machines?03:06
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thoreauputicyou can use the keyboard and mouse for all machines though03:07
wolsthoreauputic: yes. but you can probably cheat with remote X servers03:07
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thoreauputicwolki: true, nice idea03:07
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i4getso does syneargy need to be installed on all machines?03:08
thoreauputici4get: yes03:08
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thoreauputici4get: one acts as server, the others as clients03:08
thoreauputicbut synergy includes both03:08
i4getso its kind of like remote desktop03:09
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Ranbeewell i have SUSE on my main box (ubuntu won't run on it. it uses RAID) and Dapper on an older box. i want to use Dapper on my good monitor03:09
scrpo m g03:09
thoreauputicit lets you move your mouse from one screen to another03:09
i4getnevermind that last statement...olol03:09
scrpwhy did Ubuntu not use SMP in my kernel with my uber super duper Centrino Duo cpu03:09
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thoreauputici4get: the keyboard focus follows the mouse ( left, right, up, down)03:10
cristian[ifir] anyone using debmirror to create a local repository?03:10
scrpdo i have to manually compile my kernel to use SMP ?03:10
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i4getlooking and reading on it now03:10
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:11
txoofI've installed the ubuntu server package and I'm trying to compile an application.  The application's configure script complains "checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no"03:11
i4getso each one has to have its own monitor...blah...03:11
stefgscrp: you might want to have a look at the kernel-conf :-) could be a surprise03:11
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txoofHow can I coax out more information about what's wrong with gcc?03:11
thoreauputici4get: as wols pointed out, you can get multiple machines on one screen using remote X or ssh -X etc03:12
erUSULtxoof: you have to install it first...03:12
erUSUL!b-e > txoof03:12
wolstxoof: configure.log. but you lack stuff like binutils, libc headers, etc03:12
txooferUSUL: well, I did run apt-get install gcc and it appears to have been installed.03:12
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txoofIs there a meta package that will install everything that a typical gcc install needs?03:13
thoreauputici4get: or vnc or freenx ( same idea, different implementations)03:13
erUSULtxoof: install build essential03:13
erUSULtxoof: read the ubotu pm03:13
=== i4get hasnt playes with ssh yet...dont know how it works ;)
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thoreauputici4get: ssh is a must-have :)03:13
scrpstefg: kernel-conf? :)03:14
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txooferUSUL: what about pm?  Have I been msging you?03:14
i4gethmm...is there a url or place that has examples of ssh for dummies?...03:14
erUSULtxoof: ubotu is a bot and serve as to answerd faq's quickly without spaming the channel03:14
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:14
scrpDo i have to manually recompile my kernel to use SMP with the Centrino Duo CPU ??03:15
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infidelhow to i add nubuntu to my ubuntu box?03:15
txooferUSUL: I understand that, but I don't quite understand why you driected me to it.  Have I missed something?03:15
erUSULscrp: afaik there are smp kernels aviable in the repos03:15
scrpit says im using PREEMPT instead of SMP :S03:15
stefg!info linux-image-2.6.15-27-68603:15
ubotulinux-image-2.6.15-27-686: Linux kernel image for version 2.6.15 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV SMP/UP. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.15-27.48 (dapper), package size 21973 kB, installed size 62816 kB03:15
txoofWell, that worked great!03:16
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erUSULtxoof: you should have recived a pm from ubotu telling you to install build-essential...03:16
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stefgscrp, note the middle part where it says SMP/UP :-)03:16
scrperUSUL: so i should use apt-get install to get the SMP kernel and it should use the existing settings?03:16
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scrpno manual compiling required?03:16
stefgscrp: you're already running a smp-kernel :-)03:17
wolsscrp: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:17
scrpstefg: oh, how would i enable smp then?03:17
scrpwols: there is only 1 cpu there03:17
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txooferUSUL: ahh, no I didn't.03:18
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txoofblast.  What package do I need for ncurses?03:19
txoofor more specifically for all the headers and such.03:19
scrpstefg: i dont get it, if im already running a smp kernel, why isnt SMP enabled in cpuinfo or uname -a03:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libncurses-dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:19
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erUSULtxoof: libncurses5-dev03:20
lupine_85that's it :)03:20
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erUSULscrp: try linux-686-smp03:20
nash-18someone knows how activate fn keys03:20
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telmichwhat shall I do, so I can see the IPP printers in the network?03:21
txoofwhat would cause this error: nmixer.c:18:2: warning: #warning "Can't find any ncurses include file!" ?03:21
txoofI installed the ncurses dev package.03:21
telmichon my debian installation, when I started cups, it automatically added them and the clients (firefox, oo.o) could use them03:21
pradeep_txoof, what is line 18 of nmixer.c?03:22
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txoofpradeep_: "warning "Can't find any ncurses include file!""03:23
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txoofline 16 is: include <curses.h>03:24
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pradeep_curses.h is missing03:25
Guard] [anhello03:25
Arcad1can i get some help?03:25
txoofpradeep_: erf.  what do I need to fix that?03:25
Arcad1my ubuntu freezes at mountig Root03:25
Guard] [anis the window manager responsible of the selection of the gtk theme ?03:25
Arcad1now i'm using Knoppix live cd03:26
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Guard] [anwhen i launch a GTK application without a window manager, ok i don't have windows decoration, but also the stock icons are the default GTK ones03:26
scrpif i use apt-get install to get a kernel, will it automaticly load it into grub ? all i have to do is reboot ?03:26
telmichgot, it, was a wrong entry in /etc/cups/cups.d/browse.conf03:26
Guard] [anwhen i launch xfwm4 before launching the application, i get windows decorations (i don't care about them) but also the GTK stock icons used by the application are nicer03:27
Guard] [anany idea ?03:27
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greXbeim installieren  von linux ubuntu kommt die fehlermeldung 'graphische benutzeroberflche konnte nicht gestartet werden' und noch was mit dem x-server  ... wei jemand an was das liegt? (kann daher linux nicht installieren)03:29
pradeep_txoof, ncurses.h should be in /usr/include dir03:29
pradeep_greX, #ubuntu-de03:29
Samuli^greX, #ubuntu-de03:29
greXk thx^03:29
txoofpradeep_: oddly, it isn't.  packages.ubuntu.com claims that libncurses5-dev should supply it, but it doesn't appear to be there.03:30
lupine_85dpkg -L libncurses5-dev03:30
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lupine_85there's curses.h and ncurses_dll.h03:31
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xgmmhello, how to share internet connection from eth0 to eth1 ?03:32
lupine_85enable IP forwarding03:32
Arcad3make a bridge:)03:32
xgmmhow ?03:32
BlobHI all - I'm wondering why the recommended updates from update-manager differ (sometimes wildly) from the CLI aptitude install command.  Anyone with any ideas?03:32
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txoofHerm.  OK, both .h files are present, but the compiler is still complaining that it can't find any ncurses include files.  Is there anything that needs to be updated in the compiler?03:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bridge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:33
Dimensionshi does any one know abt any GPRS GSM modems working with ubuntu in the UK ?03:33
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ubotubridge-utils: Utilities for configuring the Linux ethernet bridge. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.6-1build1 (dapper), package size 24 kB, installed size 144 kB03:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipforwarding - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:33
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).03:34
DB42btw, sharing an internet connectiong isng bridging it03:34
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Arcad3xgmm :google ur prob03:34
Arcad3umay find it on a forum03:35
lupine_85for ip forwarding, make sure your network is sane then echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward03:35
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lupine_85you'll need to sudo it, obviouslu03:35
brush01ukHi Everyone, hope all well & have a good day03:35
LiraNunasomone knows how can i share an internet connection?03:35
LiraNunai tried lots of docs from google searches03:35
Arcad3hi all newentered03:35
LiraNunai want to share ra0's connection with eith003:35
lupine_85deja vu :)03:35
pradeep_txoof, how are you compiling it? does the gcc argument have -I /usr/include ?03:35
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xgmmarcad3: do u know how to share connections ?03:36
parasnope u know03:36
lupine_85LiraNuna & xgmm: make sure your network is sane, then enable IP forwarding by running "sudo echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"03:36
lupine_85that's it03:36
LiraNunabash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied03:37
Arcad3use sudo in front of the command03:37
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gnomefreakanyone ever make a tar before i could really use help on this tar is being a beast03:37
LiraNunaliranuna@liranuna-desktop:~$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward03:37
LiraNunaArcad3, i DID03:38
lupine_85that's fine then03:38
LiraNunaliranuna@liranuna-desktop:~$ sudo echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward03:38
LiraNunabash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied03:38
lupine_85you've already got it enabled03:38
Arcad3sudo gedit ..03:38
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LiraNunaArcad3, it should've worked too03:38
lupine_85no, don't gedit it :)03:38
LiraNunaecho 1 > file.txt will have file.txt have one03:38
Arcad3try ifconfig03:38
Traeanyone know how to convert vcf to csv ?  My wife has been using Evolution for email, and now she's switching to gmail which only takes in csv for address books.03:39
lupine_85all you need to do is make sure that your network is sane, and you're done03:39
TraeI've googled and not come up with much03:39
LiraNunalupine_85, 'sane' ?03:39
LiraNunait works on windows sharing03:39
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LiraNunaand i don't want to use windows to have my 360 conencted to the internet03:39
lupine_85as in, the network topology03:39
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lupine_85so the two interfaces should be on different subnets, and your router should have a static route giving your linux PC as the gateway for the other interface03:40
TeePOGhi again03:40
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Arcad3i can't help03:40
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LiraNunalupine_85, how can i do that03:42
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rich_hey guys is it best to install the glx nvidia drivers from synaptic or d/l the drivers from nvidia?03:44
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Arcad3sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx03:45
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Arcad3sudo nvidia-config enable03:45
rich_the just enable it correct and restart x?03:45
Arcad3before restart x03:45
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Arcad3sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:46
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rich_will i get the same performance using that playing games like q4 rather than downloading from the site?03:46
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Arcad3and change NV to Nvidia03:46
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Arcad3use glx03:46
Arcad3from where u want03:46
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rich_ok thx much appreciated03:46
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Arcad3i think i found it03:48
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Arcad3a deb that helps u make bridge connection03:49
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:50
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shriphaniguys i need help03:51
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shriphanicould anyone recommend a good newsgroup to me03:51
Hagbard_If I install Ubuntu Server. Do I get ALSA in the kernel then?03:52
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Arcad3i thing Ubuntu Server doesnt has an Interface03:52
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Hagbard_Arcad3, I know it doesn't have X... I did ask if it had ALSA, Not if it had X.03:53
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Arcad3guess not03:53
Arcad3dont know03:54
Hagbard_Then I have to compile that into the kernel then...03:54
BlobHI all - I'm wondering why the recommended updates from update-manager differ (sometimes wildly) from the CLI aptitude install command.  Anyone with any ideas?03:54
shriphaniArcad3, do you know of any good newsgroups ?03:54
Arcad3i use ubuntu and install server apps03:54
Hagbard_Arcad3, Hehe kk... :D03:54
Arcad3Ubuntu desktop with server apps03:54
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screechingcathey i seem to have screwed up my firefox install03:55
Arcad3no i dont know a news group03:55
screechingcative deleted my /opt/firefox03:55
screechingcatcan i get it bak anyway ?03:55
Arcad3open synaptic03:55
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Arcad3search firefox03:55
Arcad3and reinstall03:55
screechingcatreinstalling firefox dosent help03:56
rene32After "hibernate" network manager gnome does not work for wireless connections anymore although the active connection is working fine (as before). Any ideas?03:56
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screechingcatit it says "Details: Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)"03:56
erUSULscreechingcat: no, /opt/firefox is not where the default package places firefox. do you instaled it from firefox website?03:57
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screechingcatno from synaptic03:57
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thoreauputicscreechingcat: what does dpkg -l firefox  say ?03:57
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screechingcatbut right now firefox only launches with the command firefox.ubuntu03:58
screechingcatplain firefox gives the above error03:58
oledjo ?03:58
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screechingcatstatus not installed03:59
thoreauputicscreechingcat: then you haven't installed it with synaptic03:59
jonkriany idea why my cups error log states that gs crashes ( http://rafb.net/paste/results/J15eU313.html )... i can't get my epson epl-5800l printer to work in ubuntu :(03:59
erUSULscreechingcat: you are someone else instaled firefox from the website following wiki intruccions (maybe you instaled ff 1.5 in hoary)03:59
jimbo1can anyone help an ubuntu newbie03:59
erUSULyou or*03:59
screechingcathold on there's a lot  more03:59
screechingcatill give u a pastebin link03:59
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oledjo>jimbo1, What's your problem?04:00
erUSULscreechingcat: i know it becouse i did the same but when i upgrade to dapper i erased the hand made install and used the oficial packages04:00
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erUSULscreechingcat: or maybe you installed ff 2 beta in dapper04:00
jimbo1cheers, i've got the latest version of ubuntu. trouble is it freezes every so often04:00
screechingcatyes i did04:01
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jimbo1its running on a t30 thinkpad04:01
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screechingcat and then i uninstalled the whole firefox package04:01
screechingcatand reinstalled it04:01
B|CharmI am able to install Unbuntu off the LiveCD Correct?04:01
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rene32B|Charm: yes04:02
screechingcatafter uninstalling i delteed /opt/firefox and /home/user/mozilla04:02
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screechingcatthen when i reinstalled, it only launches if i give the command firefox.ubuntu04:02
rene32B|Charm: I am not sure if *you* are able to do it, but the desktop contains a link to start the installer. :-)04:02
pirasti cant reach archive.ubuntu.com :-(04:02
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dajoruHi, Where are located the kernel header in Ubuntu?04:03
screechingcathere's the pastebin link to dpkg -1 firefox --- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d2477204:03
Jack_Sparrowrene32: if you  "sudo ifdown eth0" then "sudo ifup eth0"  or 1   does it work again?04:03
erUSULscreechingcat: follow the wiki intructions to take your system back to normal04:03
rene32Jack_Sparrow: No.04:03
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erUSULscreechingcat: as part of the manual install process you renamed ff binaries to ff.ubuntu you need to mrename them again to the original names04:03
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sureshotJack_sparrow Hello my friend04:04
screechingcatwere are they located ?04:04
Jack_SparrowHi sureshot.. Just stopped in before getting some work done04:04
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sureshotjust thought i would read for a while LOL have fun working04:04
screechingcaterSUL : were are they located ?04:05
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J_Ppeople, anyone here know if skype / gizmo is good in 1xEVDO ?04:05
ghost  logout04:05
erUSULscreechingcat: for the second time: go to the wiki (the same page you used to install it) and follow intructions there04:05
fux0rhello guys04:05
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Jack_SparrowJ_P: What is 1xEVDO  ?04:05
fux0rcan anyone plz help me configuring my wlan connection?04:05
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screechingcaterSUL : i dint use the wiki to install it. i found a script on the forums04:06
erUSUL!firefox > screechingcat04:06
Jack_Sparrowscreechingcat: What script... Please dont say Automatix04:06
screechingcatno not automatix04:06
Jack_Sparrowthankfully..  :)04:06
screechingcathold on lemme give u a link04:06
dajoruHi I am trying to install a sofware and it ask me "Directory containing linux kernel source code"04:06
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dajorucan anyone help me?04:06
J_PJack_Sparrow: 3G network04:07
Jack_Sparrowdajoru: What are you trying to compile/install?04:07
ladydoordajoru: ok, what are you trying to install, what step did this spit it out on, and what was the exact error?04:07
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screechingcaterSUL : this script - http://lamparder320.googlepages.com/BonEchobeta2.txt04:07
erUSULscreechingcat: then you are on your own i do not know what the script did or how... (take it as a warning of not blindly use scripts)04:07
dajoruJack_Sparrow: it's a vpn soft04:08
screechingcatokay thanks for the help04:08
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erUSULscreechingcat: undo the last 6 lines of the script04:08
dajoruit jst ask a bunch of question before it compile/install04:08
thoreauputicGeneral Remark: Don't use scripts unless you can read and understand them - but if you can do that, you don't need them in the first place since you could write your own04:09
=== SpaceFrog [n=jason@d220-237-217-60.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatdelete the last six lines and run it again ?04:09
SpaceFrogWhat's the best bittorrent util for Linux?04:09
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Neo8750thoreauputic: not unless your just a lazy person04:09
Jack_Sparrowthoreauputic: Good one..04:09
thoreauputicSpaceFrog: matter of taste04:09
SpaceFrogI use azureus on Windows, i was thinking I might install it on Ubuntu04:10
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SpaceFrogi haven't used anything else, really04:10
thoreauputicSpaceFrog: I use Azureus - works fine04:10
aeroSouldajoru: you probably have to apt-get install linux-source04:10
thoreauputicSpaceFrog: jus tbe sure to install sun java04:10
fux0rcan anyone plz help me configuring my wlan connection?04:10
aeroSoulthen untar the file in /usr/src04:10
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:10
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erUSULscreechingcat: no undo them for example sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu --rename /usr/bin/firefox will become sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/firefox --rename /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu04:10
SpaceFrogthanks thoreauputic04:10
Neo8750thoreauputic: did you have any problems getting it to load at first? mine always crashed durning boot[04:11
Neo8750boot = loading04:11
ladydoorerUSUL: actually, you can remove a diversion04:11
dajoruaeroSoul: hmm ok i will have a look04:11
ladydoorerUSUL: man dpkg-divert04:11
thoreauputicNeo8750: Azureus? No crashes but the dapper version has some little bugs04:11
screechingcaterSUL : ok will do. thanks for the help mate04:11
erUSULscreechingcat: or you will have to delete /usr/bin/firefox (make sure you delete the link pointing to /opt/.... not the actual binary.)04:11
thoreauputicNeo8750: I got the tarball of 2.5.0 which has fixed the problems04:11
Neo8750i didn't go after the tarball maybe that willmake differnce i'll remeber that next time i'm near that box04:12
fux0rdoes anyone here have experiences configuring wlan networks04:12
screechingcatok ive got two of them there firefox and firefox.ubuntu04:12
erUSULscreechingcat: go to the wiki page there you will find how to undo the comands the script uses (they are taken from there)04:12
thoreauputicNeo8750: I recommend the "good settings" page on the Azureus wiki as well04:12
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screechingcatok will do04:13
denndafux0r: just explain your problem. :)04:13
TheGateKeeperanyone use ekiga?04:13
rich_on a fresh install of ubuntu how to i get the module-assistant?  Ive done a search in the synaptic with no luck04:13
Neo8750thoreauputic: well it probly be a daytill i give it a go04:13
erUSUL!repos > rich_04:13
thoreauputicNeo8750: fair enough04:13
fux0ri've been trying to make my wlan card work for serveral days now and i'm beginning to go crazy04:14
Neo8750not in same location as desktop that can actually handle runing it04:14
wetduckI just istalled Java on my Ubuntu but I cannot access javac command, does anyone here have any idea about it ?04:14
_Sasuhi all i would apreciate some help to install ubuntu in raid 0 with dual boot :) ive searched everywhere but found nothing :( thx ;)04:14
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erUSULwetduck: maybe you instaled the jre not the jsdk04:14
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:14
thoreauputicerUSUL: BEAT ME TO IT :)04:14
LiraNunayay i made it!04:15
LiraNunai used Ubuntu-ICS04:15
wetduckMmm.. may be. Let me check.04:15
thoreauputicoops apologies, caps lock04:15
fux0ri installed the ndiswrapper .deb package but it says that there is 'ndiswrapper.ko' missing when i try to run the module04:15
Jack_SparrowI didnt think you could dual boot hardware raid XP and Ubuntu..04:15
_Sasuthankx :):):D04:15
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erUSULthoreauputic: lol XD04:15
ladydoorfux0r: did you install from the repositories?04:15
Neo8750fux0r: what ndiswrapper did you install ?04:15
thoreauputicerUSUL: I wasn't really yelling ;)04:15
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_Sasusparrow are you sure i cant? obotu just sent me a link :P04:16
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Jack_Sparrow_Sasu: Let me know if you can..04:16
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fux0rthen i tried to install the ndiswrapper tarball but this doesn't work either because it says that it can't find a kernel thing04:16
screechingcaterSUL : thanks mate. its fixed now04:17
fux0rany ideas?04:17
erUSULthoreauputic: i know, i know ;)04:17
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erUSULscreechingcat: no problem04:17
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idefix__any good sto->avi convertors?04:17
erUSULfux0r: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)' but i advice you to use the ubuntu packages04:17
idefix__or sto->animgif convertors.. ?04:18
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fux0rmust i just install the package04:18
erUSULidefix__: sto ??04:18
fux0rand then i can compile the source?04:19
idefix__sto was made with stopmotion04:19
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idefix__if I remember correctly it was the only output format04:19
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:19
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:19
idefix__Bonez56 is this applicably to my question?04:19
GejrMy laptop's sound is adjusted through the "Side" bar in alsamixer...can anyone help me understand why this is? I've been searching a lot for answers04:20
idefix__oop y=e04:20
Bonez56idefix_, no, i'm having a problem myself, i just did a fresh install + automatix but it didnt install w32codecs for some reason04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about animation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
GejrCan anyone help me?04:20
erUSULfux0r: the ubuntu kernel comes with precompiled ndiswraper just install the ndisw...-utils package and configure it04:21
=== thoreauputic wishes utomatix would go away somewhere and die decently
Gejrwith laptop sound system04:21
idefix__who is utomatix?04:21
ladydoor!automatix > idefix__04:21
screechingcattrust me u dont wanna kno04:21
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thoreauputicidefix_: typo sorry04:21
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fux0rerUSUL: i already installed it but when i try to run the ndiswapper module it says that ndiswrapper.ko is missing04:22
screechingcathey umm i heard the shipit isnt gonna ship edgy cds04:22
BlobHI all - I'm wondering why the recommended updates from update-manager differ (sometimes wildly) from the CLI aptitude install command.  Anyone with any ideas?04:22
screechingcatis there anywere else i can get em ?04:22
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Gejris there a way to route sound to the PCM slider in alsamixer instead of it being on the PCM slider as it is now?04:23
Jack_SparrowAutomatix is the WORST things you can run.. Once you do.. there is no going back without restoring from a backup or reinstalling.04:24
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erUSULfux0r:  find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ -name '*ndis*' -print04:24
thoreauputicGecko_: I'm sure that made some kind of sense, but whatever it was went right by me...04:24
MorticeJack_Sparrow: that's not strictly true. You could just read the script you ran and reverse each step.04:25
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Jack_SparrowMortice: No you cant04:25
thoreauputicerm Gejr not Gecko_04:25
MorticeJack_Sparrow: what exactly does Automatix do that can't be reversed that way?04:25
Gejrthoreauputic: hehe...it's difficult to explain this :)04:25
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Jack_SparrowMortice: Not going to debate it with you.04:26
screechingcatyes i want to kno that to . . .why is automatix so evil ?04:26
DethKlokHow do you check to see if there is a package in the repository?04:26
screechingcatjust give us some info04:26
jendaAny cdrecord gurus around? I'm having constant trouble with it - it fails to fixate one time, fails something else another time. I can pastebin errors.04:26
MorticeJack_Sparrow: I'm not looking for a debate, I'm looking for a clarification.04:26
Jack_SparrowMortice: Use it if you want but dont come here wining when it crashes your system04:26
idefix__if you get some experience with a program how can you be sure you're online when other people have problems?04:26
Gejrlets just say: my computer plays sound just fine, but I can't adjust the sound in gnome without having to open the alsamixer and adjust the "side" slider instead of the common "PCM"...do you understand that?:)04:26
MorticeJack_Sparrow: If you don't want to clarify, I'll just write it off as FUD.04:26
fux0rthere's just an empty folder named ndiswrapper in /lib/modules/.../kernel/something04:26
thoreauputicDethKlok: search in synaptic or use apt-cache search <keywords>04:26
Jack_SparrowMortice: Once you install things outside the normal repos, it just isnt that easy to undo it04:27
jendaMortice: consider it community sponsored FUD. You won't get much automatix support here.04:27
DethKlokthoreauputic: sudo apt-cache search tftp  , like that?04:27
MorticeI'm not looking for automatix support04:27
idefix__any stopmotion experts here?04:27
thoreauputicDethKlok: like that04:27
Morticebut it seems better not to mke unqualified statements04:27
Jack_SparrowMortice: Not to mention the insults form their channel only show how little they really know04:27
MorticeJack_Sparrow: apt-get remove (package name)04:27
thoreauputicDethKlok: you don't need sudo to search though04:27
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Jack_SparrowMortice: If people could read scripts in the first place, they wouldnt use it04:28
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Jack_SparrowMortice: Why should we fix their garbage04:28
Gejrthoreauputic: mind taking a look at my last formulation of the question?:)04:28
fux0rerUSUL: the problem is that i do not have internet in ubuntu. so i always must reboot in order to try something04:28
MorticeJack_Sparrow: Does that change the fact that it does nothing irreversible, as you claim?04:28
erUSULfux0r: maybe you need linux-restricted-modules or something04:28
screechingcatwhat about easyuubuntu then ?04:28
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screechingcatis that bad too ?04:28
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thoreauputicMortice: there was a detailed post from an Ubuntu dev on users list some time ago explaining what was wrong with automatix04:28
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ladydoorMortice: the thing is, automatix installs things from non-standard repositories and from source/binary packages; and Jack_Sparrow wasn't making up the instults--automatix dev's often curse at people who go there to ask for help when something goes wrong04:28
Jack_SparrowMortice: Anything is fixable... but we WONT spend the time.. and they wont spend the time so once you use it you are on your own.04:29
ladydoor*or insults, even04:29
Morticethoreauputic: there's plenty wrong with it, but it's simply not true that you can't reverse what it does without reinstalling04:29
p_mashoHow do I get rid of this error running a script "ERROR: JAVA_HOME not found in your environment." . Sorry but newbie question04:29
fux0rerUSUL: this one: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386_2.6.15.11-1_i386.deb?04:29
thoreauputicGejr: no, that doesn't help either - can you open the gnome volume preferences? ( double click the applet in the panel)04:29
ladydoorp_masho: do this first:  export JAVA_HOME="whatever's appropriate"04:29
HoxzerI still can't understand why gnome doesn't load when I uninstall oss2jack and jackd04:29
wolsp_masho: do you have java installed?04:30
Gejrthoreauputic: yes i can do that04:30
ladydoorp_masho: replacing everything in quotes with whateer's appropriate04:30
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Jack_SparrowMortice: Reinstalling or going to your backup is by far the easiest way to fix the problem04:30
thoreauputicMortice: whatever. I've been in this channel since Warty and I can assure you that automatix has caused us no end of extra work04:30
MorticeJack_Sparrow: "by far the easiest" != "the only"04:30
erUSULfux0r: yes make sure they match your runnig kernel (uname -r)04:30
jendaMortice, Jack_Sparrow : I think this is strongly offtopic for this channel. Please stop.04:30
denndafux0r: what does "uname -r" say?04:30
Morticejenda: fair enough, stopping now04:30
p_masho"Please, set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the location of the Java Virtual Machine you want to use." .. so where if java VM ?04:30
fux0ryes i have 2.6.15-2304:30
ucordesarr arr! how can i install my no name webcam so i can video chat with my homies?04:30
jendaMortice: thanks04:31
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wolsMortice: it IS if reinstalling is less work than fixing it.04:31
fux0rok i'll try it but i must reboot now. cu04:31
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thoreauputicI think jenda is right, guys - --->> offtopic ia that way :)04:31
denndafux0r: and did you install the file from the repositories or did you just download it somewhere?04:31
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chronic1anyone here using the .ape codec (monkeys audio)04:32
screechingcatanyone configured a Netgear Wg311v3 wireless adapter ?04:32
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dglHi, how can I play my mp3 with Ubuntu, or encode them to ogg?04:33
scrpis there a way to force umount to unmount a device like cdrom? even if it s busy04:33
erUSUL!mp3 > dgl04:33
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:33
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB04:33
chronic1dgl: there is a page on the wiki via RESTEDFORMATS04:33
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dglchronic1: I know about mp3 license problems, but I ve got a lot of mp3, and now, I want to encode them to ogg04:34
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screechingcatdgl : ubuntuguide.org04:34
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Lunar_LampGAH! how, in xchat, do i get the userlist to display?  it's not viewable04:34
screechingcatits on the right04:34
chronic1dgl: i think that wiki page has instuctions how to transcode them04:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:35
Laneynp: Broken Social Scene - Shampoo Suicide04:35
Lunar_Lampscreechingcat, thanks - for some reason it was totally hidden and needed expanding04:35
erUSULdgl: converting between loossy formats (ogg mp3) is not a good idea you will loose a lot of quality04:35
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GatoLokois there a tentative date for edgy release?04:35
ladydoordgl: there's a package called mp32ogg04:35
_Sasuabout RAID-0, i have installed dmraid and now I can see my partitions in GParted, but when I try to create a ext3 partition, it gives me an error :(04:36
dglerUSUL: I ve read abot that.. there are many people that dont agree with you.04:36
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule04:36
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fux0rdennda: from archive.ubuntu.com04:36
ladydoorGatoLoko: October. An interesting tidbit is that Ubuntu release dates can be found in the version number--Dapper, released in June of 2006, is 6.06, & Edgy, to be released in October, is 6.1004:36
dglerUSUL: I really dont know what to do. I dont want to stay with mp304:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ape - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:36
chronic1!monkeys audio04:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about monkeys audio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:36
denndaah ok. then i will pass over to erUSUL again :)04:36
ucordesJack_Sparrow: in the guide ubotu gave me is no public key for the easycam. where can i find one?04:37
GatoLokoladydoor i know, but i ask for a day or a week, something more aproximate than october04:37
screechingcatshipit isnt shiping edgy eft. any other place i can get it ?04:37
t0taln00bfor someone who want to encode oggs from mp3s u can visit vorbis.org there are many useful command line tools04:37
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_Sasuhas anyone managed to install in RAID-0 with XP?04:37
Jack_Sparrow_Sasu: I found this link that may help you with that..https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto04:37
ladydoorGatoLoko: err, *more* approximate would be something like "2006." less approximate=more specific04:37
erUSULdgl: well at the end is up to you... i encode all new stuff in ogg but i have not converted my mp3 to ogg04:37
Jack_Sparrow_Sasu: I want brave enough to try it..04:38
screechingcatoctober 26th final release date04:38
Jack_Sparrowucordes: I dont even have a cam but someone will know...04:38
Jack_Sparrowgotta run to work.. later all.. Play nice..04:38
GatoLokoladydoor my english is bad, but you understand me. :p04:38
dglerUSUL: I ve done that. All new stuff are ogg, but, there are somethings that I get on the web that there is only mp3 format04:38
ucordesJack_Sparrow: i whish a good run04:38
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ladydoorGatoLoko: yeah, but i don't know anything more specific. you might look at the ubotu comment about "!schedule," above, for a useful link.04:39
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GatoLokoi'm looking, and loading the fridge web page to look for too04:40
_SasuJack_Sparrow: i need a swap partition for the dual boot, don't i?04:40
t0taln00bi usually take my foobar2000 mp and use oggenc for encoding to ogg from mp3s and then listen to them on ubuntu :)04:40
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screechingcatis the debian menu in the ubuntu repositories ???04:40
egon_spengler26 October is listed on Distrowatch as release date04:40
GatoLoko October 26th04:40
ucordesdoes someone use easycam 2?04:40
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TyggerBobwhat's the apt command to remove a package without removing it's dependencies?04:42
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TyggerBobapt-get --no-depends remove?04:42
ayiqwhere d u live04:42
screechingcatTyggerBob : sudo apt-get remove04:43
thoreauputicTyggerBob: apt doesn't remove deps - aptitude does though04:43
thoreauputicbut only if they were installe with aptitude04:43
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ucordesis there a way to prevent synaptic from requesting the public key of a certain custom added repository?04:43
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screechingcatucordes : add the key to your key list04:44
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scrpAnyone seen this error when using apt-get ? E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:44
TyggerBobhrm.. if I do an apt-get remove libpcap, it's going to remove about a dozen other apps that I want to keep04:44
denndascrp close add/remove04:44
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denndaor any other program which is used to install software04:44
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ayiqso silent04:45
ucordescreechingcat: i have no key! thats the point...04:45
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trainerhi I'm trying to install postfix but I have some sort of dependency problem, can anyone tell me what's going on? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/79405204:46
screechingcatucordes : were did u add the repo from04:46
ucordes-> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam04:46
ucordesubotu gave me this04:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gave me this - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:46
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TyggerBobscreechingcat: root@ubuntest:/usr/include# apt-get remove libpcap0.804:47
TyggerBobReading package lists... Done04:47
TyggerBobBuilding dependency tree... Done04:47
TyggerBobThe following packages will be REMOVED:04:47
TyggerBob  dsniff ethereal ethereal-common ettercap-gtk fragrouter gnome-ppp hping304:47
TyggerBob  libnids1.20 libpcap0.8 ngrep ppp pppconfig pppoeconf sing tcpdump wvdial04:47
TyggerBob0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 16 to remove and 5 not upgraded.04:47
TyggerBobthat would be bad.04:47
ladydoorTyggerBob: there's a pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:47
screechingcatthose are not dependencies. apt-get does not remove dependencies04:48
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TyggerBobOk.. dependents...04:48
TyggerBobladydoor, sorry.. it ended up being more lines than I anticipated..04:48
TyggerBobmy bad04:48
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ladydoorTyggerBob: no worries.04:48
screechingcatu'l have to remove libcap and then manually reinstall all the others04:49
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screechingcatthere's no other way04:49
chronic1what do i need to do inorder to submit a package to ubuntu04:49
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TyggerBobbut then it'll reinstall libpcap as a dependency :)04:49
lupine_85yep :)04:49
IceToxHey guys! I need to copy a shared folder from my dad's wintendo computer. How is this possible? It's on the same local network.04:49
Juhazquite so. because they don't work without it, so why shouldn't they be removed?04:50
ucordesscreechingcat: what about my repos?04:50
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ucordesyou checked the link?04:50
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TyggerBobJuhaz, because I need libpcap 9, but the repos only have 804:50
screechingcattell me the website were u found the repos ?04:50
ucordesi allready did04:50
ucordes-> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam04:51
TyggerBobbut, alas.. that's a personal problems it seems04:51
screechingcatsorry mustve missed it. hold on04:51
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rene32After "hibernate" network manager gnome does not work for wireless connections anymore although the active connection is working fine (as before). Any ideas?04:52
screechingcatucordes : have u finished installing easycam ?04:52
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JuhazTyggerBob, the package name is bit (okay, a lot) confusing but it seems to be 0.9.4...04:52
IceToxHey guys! I need to copy a shared folder from my dad's wintendo computer. How is this possible? It's on the same local network.04:53
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rene32IceTox: What is Wintendo?04:53
screechingcatucordes : ??????04:54
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IceToxoh, sorry.. Windows computer.. :)04:54
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TyggerBobwhat repo is it on?04:54
ucordeswhy should i have it finished when i still get this error? nothing changed about my situation because nobody could help yet!04:54
IceToxrene32, wintendo is just my lame expression on windows :) [only for gaming, as in nintendo] 04:54
rene32Places, Connect to server... --> Then choose Windows share04:54
TyggerBobsorry.. Juhaz, what repo did you find that on?04:54
Juhazmain. "libpcap0.8" is actually 0.904:55
TyggerBobhrm.. ok.. I'll try that again..04:55
IceToxaight.. thanks rene32 :)04:55
ucordesicetox: hehe i only use windows for gaming too. you should click places/network... and just copy it?04:55
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ucordesscreechingcat: you took a look at the guide?04:56
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screechingcatucordes : what about http downloading the easycam2 package from the server ?04:56
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screechingcatthis is were it is - http://blognux.free.fr/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/04:57
IceToxhum.. I can't find his computer on there.. might be something with his computer you think ucordes ?04:57
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ucordesscreechingcat: thanks04:57
screechingcatno problem04:57
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ucordesIceTox: no i would rather say your wintendo-dad has his firewall on04:57
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ucordesoh i didn't read propper yes you may be right lol04:58
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paaluHey, could someone help me with changing my resolution to 1240x102404:58
TyggerBobJuhaz, " and there was much rejoicing.."  thanks for your help.04:58
BlobHI all - I'm wondering why the recommended updates from update-manager differ (sometimes wildly) from the CLI aptitude install command.  Anyone with any ideas?04:58
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thoreauputic!fixres > paalu04:58
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ucordespaalu: what graphics card do you have?04:58
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raphaHi all!04:58
IceToxindeed ucordes :)04:58
paaluAti Radeon x850 pro04:59
raphaWill Ubuntu ever get Gnome 2.16 and Kernel 2.6.17?04:59
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denndarapha next month...04:59
screechingcatrapha : edgy eft mate04:59
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thoreauputicBlob: aptitude tends to install "recommends" as well as "depends"04:59
paaluAnd I have Samsung SyncMaster 753S monitor04:59
yokobri need to know if , with my g-force 5500 fx, i need legacy gpu or the latest driver04:59
denndanvidia-glx yokobr04:59
PunjabiFLOYDIANpeople. what can i do to make my linux look more geeky?04:59
Tomekrapha: ubuntu 6.10 (edgy eft) does have both.04:59
raphadennda: screechingcat: I meant: will DAPPER (as part of its LTS cycle) ever get these. Not Edgy, I know Edgy has them already.04:59
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thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: stop using X ;)05:00
yokobrwhat? that do not work...05:00
screechingcatno it wont05:00
paaluthoreauputic: I tried it yesterday, and it fucked X up05:00
yokobrim on ubuntu 6405:00
IceToxLOL thoreauputic :)05:00
Tomekrapha: no it won't.05:00
denndayokobr: did you enable the driver05:00
raphaTomek: okay, thanks! :)05:00
thoreauputicpaalu: you tried what?05:00
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paalu!fixres > thoreauputic05:01
thoreauputicpaalu: ah i see05:01
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yokobrwhere i can enable nvidia driver on ubuntu, if they are here?05:01
thoreauputicpaalu: define F*cked it up - and by the way, don't use that language here, please05:01
PunjabiFLOYDIANhow to make it linux geeky?05:02
PunjabiFLOYDIANany theme or something ?05:02
PunjabiFLOYDIANi need to impress my gf(s)05:02
thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: I told you already ;)05:02
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totall_6_7[08:00:04]  <thoreauputic> PunjabiFLOYDIAN: stop using X ;)05:02
PunjabiFLOYDIAN<thoreauputic>: yeah. any other?05:02
thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: or install fluxbox or fvwm05:02
PunjabiFLOYDIANok now lemme google it05:02
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thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN:  http://xwinman.org05:03
paaluthoreauputic: okay.05:03
PunjabiFLOYDIANlol. thanks05:03
PunjabiFLOYDIANthis is for people like me.05:03
jonkriubuntu printing is so broken for epson printers :(05:03
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thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: real geeks don't need window managers ;p05:03
PunjabiFLOYDIANlol. but i aint real. i m fake. 120%05:04
thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: heheh :)05:04
PunjabiFLOYDIAN<thoreauputic>: suggest some nice article on kernel hacking05:05
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thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: hey - I'm fake too ;)05:05
PunjabiFLOYDIAN<thoreauputic>: LOLZ. two fakes spoil the kernel05:05
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression05:05
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screechingcatwhich is the best VCD player for ubuntu ?05:06
PunjabiFLOYDIANtry VideoLAN?05:06
PunjabiFLOYDIANi use it. its good.05:06
screechingcatVLC is giving very jumpy playback05:06
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PunjabiFLOYDIANloaded the graphics drivers?05:06
thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: http://www.kernelhacking.org/  ;-P05:07
faw2hi, i need help setting up and optimising azeureus.05:07
PunjabiFLOYDIAN<thoreauputic>: LOL. u knew it or googled?05:07
PunjabiFLOYDIANfaw2: ask05:07
thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: i thought *everybody* knew that URL ;p05:07
faw2My overall speed is always at around 1kbps which is way below the swarm average shown in the statistics.05:07
PunjabiFLOYDIANu on ubuntu only i assume/05:07
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faw2I suspect there is a problem with my default networking policy. So can anybody guide me on how to optimise the network for torrent.05:08
screechingcatso any other VCD players or do i have to boot into Windows05:08
faw2yup, on Ubuntu LTS gnome only.05:08
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thoreauputicfaw2: what client are you using? there's a good "Good setings" page on the azureus wiki05:08
PunjabiFLOYDIANu checked the seeders and leechers?05:08
thoreauputic*Good Settings05:08
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wolsfaw2: how much uppload do you give azureus and how much is your max upload?05:09
faw2Ok, i am using azeureus. I didnt check and i will. The seeders and leechers are fine.05:09
faw2i am experiencing problem with NAT even after i forwarded the port.05:09
PunjabiFLOYDIANwols is rite. check ur downloading settings.05:09
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faw2unlimited upload05:09
PunjabiFLOYDIANu behind a router?05:09
faw2yup, behind a router.05:10
PunjabiFLOYDIANok Then u need to configure azureus05:10
PunjabiFLOYDIANjust a sec05:10
wolsfaw2: the router is probably shit05:10
thoreauputicfaw2: http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Good_settings05:10
wolsmany consumer routers can't handle torrents at all05:10
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B|Charmthis channel is packed05:10
thoreauputicfaw2: that wiki is full of good info for torrents05:10
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PunjabiFLOYDIANoh sorry05:10
daydreamhow can i change ubuntu's sources, so once i've booted from the install cd, it downloads all the packages instead of reading them from the CD? (problem is that the cd reader is really messed up and fails very frequently)05:10
thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: that's the ugliest URL I've seen for weeks05:11
PunjabiFLOYDIANLOL. was a mistake05:11
B|Charmthoreauputic: lol05:11
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PunjabiFLOYDIANfaw2: read the thiing05:11
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PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream: open synaptic05:11
tim_join #banshee05:11
yokobrhow can i get out of X to install  nviddia?05:11
Manyfoldhow to install ubuntu manually without ubiquity?05:12
screechingcatdownload a text intaller cd05:12
B|Charmthoreauputic: do you use ubuntu?05:12
Manyfoldand how to open up a shell without X during install05:12
PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream you there?05:13
hantuManyfold: ctrl-alt-f1/f2/f3/f4/f5/f605:13
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thoreauputicB|Charm: no, i use slackware </sarcasm>05:13
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Manyfoldhantu yes but no shell appears05:13
ucordeswhat is the current kernel?05:13
B|CharmI mean, I have used other distros and I can't seem to get things loaded on them05:13
thoreauputicB|Charm: I'm a chan op on #ubuntu and I don't use Ubuntu?05:13
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B|Charmthoreauputic: every other distro I have seen in IRC channels are like, no I use windows05:14
B|Charmtake for example Overclockix05:14
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Manyfoldwhen ca 30% of the installation are done the computer always hangs itself05:14
B|Charm#octeams on zirc.net05:14
B|Charmnot one person uses it05:14
PunjabiFLOYDIANmanyfold: which distro?05:14
Manyfoldand i don't know what to do :(05:14
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thoreauputicB|Charm: you hang in evil channels :)05:14
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SrRavenHi everyone...05:15
Manyfold6.06 TLS05:15
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN yeah im here, how do i open synaptic? i've been working in text mode until now05:15
PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream: u dont have X05:15
Manyfoldeh LTS i mean05:15
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}btorch{hey anyone here knows how I can get the ACLs of a file that someone has named it with a "-" as the first character ?05:15
B|Charmthoreauputic: ok, so we established that you use ubuntu. So when I get done downloading the LiveCD, I can install it as the OS right?05:15
PunjabiFLOYDIANManyfold: what is the mssage during which it gets stuck05:15
SrRavenEasy question,where do I find my windows partition in Linux (I just switched to Ubuntu because my Win crashed unrepairable)05:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANB|Charm: yup05:16
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}btorch{I have tried "-filename"  "\-filename" \-filename but none worked05:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANlogin as root05:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANsudo fdisk -l05:16
thoreauputicB|Charm: yes, just reboot with the CD in the drive and choose "install"05:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANnow note downt he partition no05:16
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PunjabiFLOYDIANmount it05:16
ManyfoldPunjabiFLOYDIAN: it simply halt's and i don't get no message05:16
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B|Charmthoreauputic: What makes ubuntu better than all the other distros05:16
SrRavenHow do I check if im root or not ?05:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANit doesnt show any message whatsoever?05:16
alscorpionHi everybody05:16
thoreauputic}btorch{: try  -- filename05:16
lupine_85it's an alternative distro to others, better at some things than others05:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANopen terminal05:16
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PunjabiFLOYDIANif u r root05:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANthe sign will be # isntead of $05:17
lupine_85# vs. $05:17
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screechingcati think $ wins05:17
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN right, no X, is there a way to make the installer download all the packages and necessary data ? cd drive is hardly working well enough to boot from it05:17
SrRavenits a #05:17
SrRavenbut I don't remember it asking me for a PW for the Root account,only asked me for user name05:17
alscorpioncan anyone tell tell me why is mozilla firefox and all other web broswers are slow ???05:17
screechingcatits a feature05:17
PunjabiFLOYDIANalscorpion: u r wrong05:18
B|Charmalscorpion: firefox is ok, everything else comes from Microsoft05:18
PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream: cant u reinstall it05:18
thoreauputicB|Charm: matter of taste - lots of good distros, i just prefer Ubuntu ( I caome from a Debian background)05:18
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SrRavenSo is that a chance..that the PW never got asked for root ?05:18
B|Charmthoreaputic: Well i'm interested in finding one that is reliaple, and I hear ubuntu is they way to go05:18
B|Charmlike reliaple05:18
PunjabiFLOYDIANjust type05:18
B|Charmonly betta05:18
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN it isn't installed yet, just formated HD05:18
PunjabiFLOYDIANsudo fdisk -l05:19
}btorch{thoreauputic: getfacl does not have such option05:19
thoreauputicB|Charm: linux= reliable in general05:19
PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream: then why are u in text mode?05:19
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PunjabiFLOYDIANi mean05:19
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN maybe a server install?05:19
PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream, expalint the problem again05:19
SrRaventhan it asks for pw05:19
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, can you tell me then why does it take so much time to load any page ??05:19
SrRavenentered one and it gave me stuff05:19
Manyfoldhow can i see where during the installation ubiquity hangs and what the error is?05:19
B|Charmthoreauputic: that could be a big generalization05:19
thoreauputic}btorch{: it isn't a command option - it's a way to get around files that start with -05:19
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN CD drive hardly works at all, just enough to boot and go through the installation of some packages, then dies halfway05:20
PunjabiFLOYDIANalscorpion: this not browser problem. this means u have a slow connection. do this. check the same conncetion on another browser. even IE if u want05:20
B|Charmi've seen some pretty shitty linux distros05:20
PunjabiFLOYDIANB|Charm: ubuntu rocks05:20
thoreauputicB|Charm: this isn't really on topic you know05:20
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PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream: ur PC is archaic?05:20
B|Charmthoreauputic: agreed, anywho05:20
thoreauputicfor distrowars >> #ubuntu-offtopic05:20
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, I have 4 PCs at home and i have 8Mbit connection 3 of the PCs run windows and 1 runs linux05:21
thoreauputicseriously, that channel exists and is for just this kind of thing :)05:21
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daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN yeah old celeron laptop, im using alternate cd that boots with little ram05:21
PunjabiFLOYDIANalscorpion: how is the connection on windows?05:21
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, and i tested UBUNTU on 2 PCs05:21
SrRavenpunjabi what do I do now?05:21
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, really fast05:21
B|Charmthoreauputic: Does it come with a thoreauputic|bot so I can distrowar with him?05:21
idefix__I thought all scripts were supposed to run when you type ./script!05:22
PunjabiFLOYDIANalscorpion: u using Dapper Drake?05:22
asmo674hurthow to unmount all iso images?05:22
thoreauputicB|Charm: no. thoreauputic|bot isoff to bed as it's 1:22 am here :)05:22
B|Charmhaha nice05:22
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, what is that ??05:22
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PunjabiFLOYDIANwhich distro u using?05:23
screechingcatidefix : no ! at the end05:23
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, UBUNTU the last one05:23
_Sasuhi, may u tell me what partitions do i need for a dual boot with XP? a linux-swap and an ext3, am i right?05:23
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idefix__okok, but without ! no go either :(05:23
PunjabiFLOYDIAN_Sasu: rito05:23
screechingcat_Sasu : yes05:23
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PunjabiFLOYDIANalscorpion: try updating the kernel? really i cant say for sure. for me firefox really rocks05:23
_Sasuim using raid-0, do you know if it is possible?05:23
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, its not only UBUNTU ... every linux distro i've used has the same problem05:24
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN i wanted to install Xubuntu but i guess normal ubuntu will be ok for now05:24
screechingcatidefix : try sudo in front05:24
PunjabiFLOYDIANalscorpion: u connect using Lan05:24
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idefix__screechingcat nothing05:24
PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream: if u can get Xubuntu, it will really be better. sice its supports ur hardware much better.05:24
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, i told you .. i have 4 PCs that means i have a router05:24
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=== lupine_85 says nuffink
screechingcatidefix: what script ?05:25
asmo674hurtwhen i try to mount iso - terminal say that : "ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy"! What is this?05:25
idefix__from the reportbug05:25
PunjabiFLOYDIANoh i thought u were saying u have 4 standalone machines05:25
idefix__it's called postrm05:25
_Sasuscreechingcat: do you know if it is possible to have XP and ubuntu with RAID-0?05:25
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee maybe ur router configuration is not correct?05:25
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screechingcat_Sasu : i have no idea what a RAID-0 is. sorry05:25
idefix__actually postinst, sorry05:25
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, I love Firefox ... its just when i type the address in the address bar .. i have to wait like 10 sec to get a respond05:25
_Sasuok thx05:26
SrRavenanyone here help me :( ?05:26
PunjabiFLOYDIANalscorpion: you sure that the router settings are correct?05:26
lupine_85tried disabling IPv6?05:26
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: what seems to be the problem? please ask.05:26
alscorpionPunjabiFLOYDIAN, yea05:26
screechingcatSrRaven : hold on05:26
lupine_85it's seriously not going to be the router, PunjabiFLOYDIAN.05:26
SrRavenI do now see the partition thingy05:26
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daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN do you know how i can have it download all the info instead of reading from the CD, once booted? i tried mounting the iso, but it says there are no spare loop devices...05:26
PunjabiFLOYDIANlupine_85: then what it can be?05:26
idefix__has anyone installed the report bug program ?05:26
alscorpionlupine_85, do you know what the problem is ??05:26
lupine_85probably Ubuntu's IPv605:27
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv405:27
SrRavenIm totally new to Linux,only switched because my Windows totally died on me05:27
PunjabiFLOYDIANok u want to install Xubuntu from Ubuntu?05:27
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: u want to mount windows?05:27
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lupine_85Windows Vista will have IPv6 as well...05:27
lupine_85took their time about it05:27
asmo674hurtwhen i try to mount iso - terminal say that : "ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy"! What is this?05:27
Naseeranyone here could help me05:27
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SrRavenYes,I got all my data on a extra partition05:27
screechingcatSrRaven : use this guide - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009&highlight=ntfs+3g05:27
B|CharmNaseer: Just ask05:27
SrRavenI always only had Windows on C and alll the data on D05:28
PunjabiFLOYDIANif u do as i tell u05:28
Rookie-nm who has ipv6 when the top level dns dosent fully support ipv6 ...05:28
PunjabiFLOYDIANplease dont ask any questions05:28
mdasilva_ubuntu is the shiznet05:28
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alscorpionlupine_85, so you say if i disabled IPv6 ... i will get rid of the problem ??05:28
PunjabiFLOYDIANdo as i say ? rito?05:28
lupine_85top level DNS does support IPv6, d'oh05:28
Naseerconfigure my lan connection05:28
Naseeri connect to internet by pptp05:28
lupine_85*all* DNS supports IPv605:28
asmo674hurtwhen i try to mount iso - terminal say that : "ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy"! What is this?05:28
SrRavenI'll do what ya say me05:28
lupine_85alscorpion: probably, yes05:28
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN no, i can boot xubuntu cd ok, the problem is that the CD eventually fails and i'd like to get the files from the network05:28
alscorpionokey ... i will try05:28
PunjabiFLOYDIANopen the terminal05:28
PunjabiFLOYDIANsudo fdisk -l05:29
screechingcatSrRaven : To Mount NTFS partions use this guide - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009&highlight=ntfs+3g05:29
PunjabiFLOYDIANenter the root password05:29
SrRavenI did05:29
=== KyleAnderson_ [n=Solar@176-76.125-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SrRavendid that also05:29
lupine_85Rookie-: many domains don't have AAAA records or IPv6 connectivity yet, but it's easily set up by any admins who want to05:29
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee the screeching cat thing05:29
=== lupine_85 has IPv6 at home
screechingcatjust follow that guide. it cant fail05:29
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SrRavenim scared i'll fuck up :(05:29
idefix__screechingcat, do you have the postinst script?05:29
lupine_85wouldn't recommend it05:30
screechingcatidefix: no05:30
PunjabiFLOYDIANmoutning wont destroy ur partitions05:30
asmo674hurthow to unmount all iso images?05:30
asmo674hurthow to unmount all iso images?05:30
Rookie-yea - but i think it will need a some more time before its fully supported ... and as you say - it will easily be fixed ....05:30
asmo674hurtwhen i try to mount iso - terminal say that : "ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy"! What is this?05:30
screechingcatlupine_85 : it aint that bad05:30
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lupine_85neither is waxing05:30
screechingcatso how else do u read/write to ntfs ?05:30
lupine_85either way, trusting your vital parts to an anonymous third party isn't a good idea05:30
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:30
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN was that to me, about the terminal ?05:31
=== lupine_85 would use XP in VMWare if he needed to
PunjabiFLOYDIANasmo674hurt : the answer05:31
alscorpionlupine_85, I will be back ... i have to reboot ... but thanx for the help05:31
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Rookie-then we have the ISP's  ... they have to move over to it too ... but this is OT05:31
PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream: can u please get ubuntu?05:31
PunjabiFLOYDIANsorry xubuntu?05:31
PunjabiFLOYDIANif you can get that it will be awesome05:31
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lupine_85look up IPv6 tunnels05:31
=== michoelc [n=michoel@wbs-196-2-112-96.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Naseercould anyone help me configure my internet connection i connect using pptp but i could not configure it in ubuntu05:31
PunjabiFLOYDIANNaseer: this really sucks. i couldnt configure it05:32
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN i have it05:32
lupine_85we'll all be dual-stack in a few years, never fear05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about PPTP - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about PPP - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
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ChrisWhite|Work!info ppp05:32
ubotuppp: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon. In component main, is standard. Version 2.4.4b1-1ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 314 kB, installed size 1000 kB05:32
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daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN the problem is that once i boot from the CD, id like to download the packages anyways, because the CD reader fails!05:32
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michoelcHi. I am looking for a program to extract rar files. unrar won't install with apt-get and unrar-free doesn't work. Any suggestions? TIA05:32
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free05:33
MojoWorkum..where's the list of dpkg mirrors for ubuntu?05:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unrar-nonfree - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:33
PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream: if you can boot from the CD, why does it fail afterwards?05:33
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression05:33
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ChrisWhite|Workhmm.. I don't know if it does rar though without unrar...05:33
screechingcatasmo674hurt : use this nautilus script to mount isos http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/nautilus-scripts/File%20System%20Management/Mount_Image05:33
lupine_85use "unrar" - it's the non-free version, and works for most archvies05:33
Naseerwhere could i get that intaller05:33
=== [Deathmaster] [n=Linux@ns4.g23.net] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatsudo apt-get install unrar ?05:34
=== philip [n=philip@netblock-72-25-88-6.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free05:34
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee this guys05:34
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive05:35
=== noriega [n=felix@kr-lun-71-156-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatare there any mirrors for the offcicial ubuntu repos. the US ones are too slow05:35
PunjabiFLOYDIANscreechingcat: try torrents05:35
screechingcattorrents ?05:36
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screechingcatfor the repositories ?05:36
PunjabiFLOYDIANoh u need the repositories?05:36
PunjabiFLOYDIANi thought u needed the distro05:36
screechingcathave it. so do u kno any mirrors ?05:36
SrRavenI don't understand this toturial,I did the fdisk -l thing and now see such things as Id's,I don't understand the rest05:36
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lupine_85or whatever.05:36
lupine_85ca. might work but they're reputed to be slow as well05:37
screechingcatuk and brazil are creeping slow too05:37
=== gekko` [n=gekko@p83.129.179.121.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
PunjabiFLOYDIANu got the fdisk output05:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:37
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PunjabiFLOYDIANpost it on pastebin and send me the lin05:37
PunjabiFLOYDIANi wil help u05:37
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Naseercan anyone tell me how open a terminal window?05:38
PunjabiFLOYDIANusing ubuntu?05:38
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PunjabiFLOYDIANclick on ubuntu icon05:38
PunjabiFLOYDIANchoose accessories05:38
PunjabiFLOYDIANthen the terminal05:38
=== josh_ [n=josh@66-191-145-50.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
PunjabiFLOYDIANwhere ubuntu icon is the start button05:38
josh_anyone in here know perl?05:38
Naseercould anyone help me configure my internet connection i connect using pptp but i could not configure it in ubuntu05:39
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Dr_willisjosh_,  a lot of people in here use perl i imagine.05:39
PunjabiFLOYDIANNaseer: what ist the problem exactly?05:39
Naseercould anyone help me configure my internet connection i connect using pptp but i could not configure it in ubuntu05:39
Naseerhis the exact problem05:39
josh_ok... what does this mean "grep { !/^\.\.?$/ }"05:39
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Naseeri can't connect to internet by using ubuntu05:40
lupine_85...it's a regex05:40
ChrisWhite|Workjosh_: don't match ".."05:40
josh_i know ! = not equal to, the 2 "/" are like separators... but that other stuff... i dont know what it means05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pptpp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pptp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:40
ChrisWhite|Work!info pptp05:40
ubotuPackage pptp does not exist in any distro I know05:40
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lupine_85^ means at the beginning...05:40
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ChrisWhite|Workjosh_: actually, it ignores "." AND ".."05:41
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MojoWorksecurity updates are not mirrored anywhere?05:41
Naseeryes by pptp client05:41
josh_yeah... but why?05:41
Bonez56hi, i just installed dapper and everything was working fine until I rebooted. Now i am stuck in 640x480 resolution, and before it was working fine in 1280x768. can anyone please help?05:41
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MojoWorksimilar to debian?05:41
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:41
ChrisWhite|Workjosh_: because those 2 particular links tend to cause recursive issues05:41
lupine_85? is "any single character"... dunno abnout the $05:41
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ChrisWhite|Worklupine_85: end of line05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about security - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
PunjabiFLOYDIANBonez56: u installed some drivers or stuff?05:41
josh_i tried "grep { !/'.','..'/ } and it didn't work05:41
josh_which should be the same thing05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about updates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee it05:42
lupine_85ah, thanks05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
josh_what does \.\.?$ supposed to mean?05:42
idefix__how do you set your panel to display the running windows?05:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANMojo: its a bot after all05:42
Dr_willistheres whole books out on Regular Expressions. :P05:42
Bonez56PunjabiFLOYDIAN, yes, I installed the nvidia driver about 2 hours ago, and i was using it fine, the only thing I installed was linux-686 - i've done this many times on the same hardware config and never had this problem. xorg.conf also shows 1280x1024 as the default res05:42
josh_yeah but i need this in laymens terms so i can compreehnde it lol05:42
ulfarmessenger.msn.com just owned my gaim..... disconnected me and says "connection error from Notification server ( Reading error05:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANdoes the xserver crash or its going on smooth?05:42
ulfarnow i cant use msn :o05:42
SrRavenPunjabi,I pmed ya05:42
Bonez56PunjabiFLOYDIAN, it's smooth, no problems other than Resolution05:43
josh_ulfar... use entericq... msn gets owned then :P05:43
PunjabiFLOYDIANok do this05:43
josh_but its text based... no options05:43
Naseeri can't connect to internet by using Dapper by pptp client this is my actual prolem05:43
PunjabiFLOYDIANclick on Ubuntu icon05:43
ulfarjosh_: hmm i had to disable a plugin05:43
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zsakrI have a SD/Flash memory card slot in my laptop and am running Ubuntu Dapper, how might I mount the media?05:43
Bonez56PunjabiFLOYDIAN, 640x480 @ 60hz is the only option available05:43
ulfarjosh_: it seems that Microsoft doesnt like it when you encrypt your messages on MSN...makes it more difficult to spy on you05:43
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_Sasudoes anyone know how to mount a raid-0 drive? i have already installed dmraid and i can only see my partitions in gparted...05:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANbonez56: then it really sucks! try reinstalling the drivers please?05:44
daydreamPunjabiFLOYDIAN i don't know why, but i can boot from the cd (sometimes lol) but lateron it will fail during packages installation. is there any way i can continue installing from network ?? i got internet access05:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANmaybe u installed the wrong ones05:44
idefix__my question may seem too simple but I don't know the answer :'(05:44
MojoWorkthere's no mirror for security.ubuntu.com, right? for security reasons?05:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: yes05:44
=== chuckyp [n=chuckyp@adsl-75-39-157-120.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
MojoWorkit's slow as hell at the moment05:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANdaydream: Yes there is! but i aint sure in ubuntu05:44
josh_lol yeah... you cant make it hard for them to get in or they cry and b*tch about it05:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANlemme try05:44
=== tempted [n=tempted@blk-7-134-224.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
PunjabiFLOYDIAN!network install05:44
Bonez56PunjabiFLOYDIAN, i installed the driver via automatix, i have done this at least 4-5 times in the last few months because i've been mucking about with my ubuntu a fair bit05:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about network install - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:44
Bonez56PunjabiFLOYDIAN, i have installed the correct drivers etc :(05:44
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
josh_!network setup05:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about network setup - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:45
=== gekko` [n=gekko@p83.129.179.121.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
SrRavenI pmed you the lib thing05:45
josh_!net boot05:45
PunjabiFLOYDIANBonez56: really sorry! cant help u on this05:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about net boot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:45
SrRavenso you can check what I see05:45
temptedhey guys, i was looking for a piece of software... i think a php script that acts as a remote file manager for a webserver... any suggestions?05:45
idefix__has anyone else had it that programs are no longer visable in the panel at the bottom of your screens?05:45
=== PhillPhorrari [n=chatzill@apkc.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Bonez56PunjabiFLOYDIAN, thanks for your help anyway :) ill try reinstalling the driver05:45
idefix__is it some major ubuntu upgrade? is it better?05:45
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: realy sorry can u send it again. my apologies05:45
=== suprchris [n=suprchri@ip68-101-70-17.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
daydreamdoes anyone know how i can change the repositories so that my ubuntu install downloads all the packages and necessary info ?05:45
Naseer PunjabiFLOYDIAN: i can't connect to internet by using Dapper by pptp client this is my actual prolem05:45
daydreami can make it boot from the cd, but that's all05:45
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rene32After "hibernate" network manager gnome does not work for wireless connections anymore although the active connection is working fine (as before). Any ideas?05:46
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PunjabiFLOYDIANNaseer: really sorry. cant help you on this. really sorry.05:46
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: private messages not allowed!05:46
=== nocti [n=nocti@dial.dyn.151.235.surfsterisp.com] has joined #ubuntu
PunjabiFLOYDIANtype here only :D05:46
SrRaven http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d24775 is that the thing you need ?05:46
PunjabiFLOYDIANno problem05:46
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PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: thanks wait05:46
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse05:47
umnikis it possible to have a satic ip defined with network manager?05:47
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PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: meanwhile, see this05:47
zsakrI have a SD/Flash memory card slot in my laptop and am running Ubuntu Dapper, how might I mount the media?05:47
suprchrisI downloaded games.  now where's the links?  Help please.05:47
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chinaskisuprchris, private05:47
PunjabiFLOYDIANdo this05:47
PunjabiFLOYDIANeither u use the script, which i recommend05:48
chinaskisuprchris, contact me on private msg05:48
PunjabiFLOYDIANor u add it manually to the /etc/fstab which i dont recommend05:48
chinaskiwhy shouldn't he edit /etc/fstab05:48
SrRavenso I do the wget thing =05:48
PunjabiFLOYDIANchinaksi: he is a newbie05:48
chinaskithere is not much room for error05:48
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: yes please05:48
fulat2khi folks, anyone knows why i'm getting "/dev/hdd8 not identified as an existing physical volume" when extending my volume group?  i'm using dapper05:48
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PunjabiFLOYDIANchinaski: he may hve trouble accesing the partitions05:48
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SrRavenk downloaded em05:49
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PunjabiFLOYDIANSrraven: do as said exactly and u will have no problem wahtsoever05:49
Dr_willisi just manually added a fstab entry for my psp-media-stick. works fine. :P but ya got to watch out - with a lot of usb drives the letters may get moved around.05:49
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SrRavenEhm what do I chose,writeable only to root or by all users?05:50
PunjabiFLOYDIANby all users05:50
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chinaskiyou should run updatedb command05:50
SrRavenit says its mounted now05:50
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee the desktop05:50
ufkno glipper package for ubuntu?05:50
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chinaskiwuth sudo offcorse05:50
chinaskiafter that05:50
Dr_willisufk,  not that i have heard of.05:50
SrRavennothing new on desktop05:50
PunjabiFLOYDIANok do this05:51
PunjabiFLOYDIANsudo gedit /etc/fstab05:51
chinaskijust type slocate and the name of the file05:51
PunjabiFLOYDIANcopy the text05:51
PunjabiFLOYDIANand send it again05:51
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chinaskiit should point you where the links are05:51
SrRavendo it on lib again?05:51
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: pastebin05:51
SrRavenyeah meant that05:51
PunjabiFLOYDIANok do it05:51
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SrRavenLinux takes some time to get used to....05:52
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myesteriouswhat way is best for run windows app ?05:52
myesterious1 on Wine05:52
myesterious2 on pc emu such as Qemu05:52
myesterious3 on ReactOS05:52
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: agreed. but it really reall rocks.05:52
SrRavenand sadly I can't access my irc bnc with xchat,says wrong window05:52
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PunjabiFLOYDIAN2. vmware05:53
silent_screamwhere can i get xlibs (>> 4.1.0) ? i want to install a package which needs xlibs (>> 4.1.0) as a depedency...05:53
PunjabiFLOYDIANok wait05:53
=== idur [n=rd@dslb-084-056-222-234.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willissilent_scream,  let me guess - cedega?05:53
LiraNunasiennalizard, apt-cache search xlibs05:53
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: partitions have been mounted05:53
PunjabiFLOYDIANok do this05:53
chronoAZim dual booting iwith windows, but when grub loads it can't load an os cos somethign is wrong, how can i fix the links to the os's?05:53
PunjabiFLOYDIANclick on ubuntu icon, choose places, open Computer05:54
silent_screamLiraNuna, as root?05:54
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LiraNunasilent_scream, no need for root05:54
SrRavenwheres ubuntu icon?05:54
PunjabiFLOYDIANthe start icon in windows05:54
SrRavenonly see gnome footprint05:54
Dr_willisxlibs was in the older ubuntu, but its now included in some other packages.. so a lot of .debs that need it are wrong. ,  You can edit the .deb and remove the depenecy, or install an older xlib just to make them shut up.05:54
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PunjabiFLOYDIANyeah that footprint05:54
idefix__a "$1" is like the first argument of your script, right?05:54
silent_screamLiraNuna, and then ?05:54
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LiraNunasilent_scream, i think you need xlibs-dev05:55
SrRavenOmg i love you05:55
SrRavenmy fooooooolder05:55
AquaFoxSo I chose an inverse theme in Ubuntu and it won't start.05:55
SrRavenmy beloved foldeeeeeer05:55
AquaFoxHow to go back to default?05:55
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PunjabiFLOYDIANcan u see it now?05:55
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AquaFoxI am in XFCE now.05:55
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SrRavenhow do I make a shortcut on my desktop?05:55
PunjabiFLOYDIANok. then its good!05:55
silent_screamLiraNuna, i have them installed :S05:55
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LiraNunasilent_scream, odd05:55
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PunjabiFLOYDIANright click on the desktop05:56
AquaFoxI CAN'T!05:56
LiraNunaAquaFox, OMFG OMG WHAT R U IN TEH NEDDS???!?!?!?05:56
PunjabiFLOYDIANchoose launcher05:56
AquaFoxI am on XFCE./05:56
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PunjabiFLOYDIANchoose create launcher05:56
AquaFoxGNOME won't start.05:56
PunjabiFLOYDIANLOL. Aqua: type start05:56
SrRavenehm sec,how do I change ubuntu language05:56
SrRavenI set it to german05:56
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LiraNunaAquaFox, log out and select change season05:56
PunjabiFLOYDIANok wait05:56
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Ackeubu_hey i screwed up my initrd.img-2.6.17-9-386 . can i get a new one?05:57
SrRavenand its hard to translate on the fly05:57
LiraNunastop spamming ffs05:57
LiraNunanow i won't help05:57
LiraNuna/kick AquaFox05:57
zaggynlTHEN !kb05:57
suprchrisHow do i execute games i download or at least put a link where i can easily find them05:57
AquaFoxYou guys won't listen.05:57
zaggynlYou lack patience.05:57
LiraNunano, you don't read05:57
AquaFoxMany times I come here and NOW only I get someone to answer me.05:57
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PunjabiFLOYDIANgnome foot print> system > administration> language support05:57
AquaFoxI READ!05:57
PunjabiFLOYDIANAquaFox: be patient. someone iwll help u.05:57
zaggynlAquaFox, you cannot demand immediate support05:57
hondje!patience AquaFox05:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patience AquaFox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:57
SrRavenBuh,none of my music videos work05:57
zaggynlStop using caps if you want to be taken seriously05:57
hondje!patience > AquaFox05:58
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PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: LOL. the partions are mounted. what else do u want?05:58
AquaFoxOkay fine.05:58
AquaFoxCan someone help me?05:58
PunjabiFLOYDIAN!Patience. someone help him guys05:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Patience. someone help him guys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:58
zaggynlWhat is the problem exactly?05:58
AquaFoxGNOME won't start.05:58
SrRavenas I than will maybe,just maybe switch05:58
SrRavenI want to have total support :P05:58
AquaFoxBecause my theme is not letting it.05:58
zaggynlAre you using the command line now?05:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about initrd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:58
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AquaFoxI am on XFCE.05:58
Shoiabsafdarwhat if some one need kernal and different packages (.deb) of ubuntu on cd05:58
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: what more do u want ?05:58
Ackeubu_noooo mi cant boot into my ubuntu05:58
AquaFoxNo caps means no answers.05:59
zaggynlAquaFox, what happens if you log out and try the Gentoo session?05:59
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PunjabiFLOYDIANthis guy AquaFox really rocks05:59
PunjabiFLOYDIANhe is the most impatient character i have ever seen05:59
LiraNunaPunjabiFLOYDIAN, rofl05:59
AquaFoxIt blinks.05:59
SrRavenI don't know,maybe some general help.Still got more questions than anything else05:59
AquaFoxThen stops.05:59
reitzellI trying to install mythtv. I have to get ivtv-fb installed in order to do that and it's telling me I need a newer gcc >=4.1.0 but I have 4.0.3 can I just download and compile the source for gcc 4.1.1 and that fix the problem? How would apt-get know I upgraded gcc?05:59
AquaFoxGNOME just blinks.05:59
AquaFoxThen deoesn't work05:59
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: i got 5 mins05:59
zaggynlhave you checked out your logs?05:59
AquaFoxHow to reset my them man?05:59
Ackeubu_hey how does the initrd work on ubuntu?05:59
AquaFoxThere must be and /etc/ conf file.05:59
zaggynlI haven't played around with themes myself, so I do not know how to revert to the default theme I'm afraid06:00
AquaFoxAnybody else?06:00
PunjabiFLOYDIANpeace out everyone. and help this guy AquaFox. he sounds really desperate06:00
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee ya!06:00
AquaFoxI am.06:00
SrRavenAlrighty 1) Is there a way to get Webcam working in MSN ? 2) Whats the best media player (video) for Linux,I used VLC on Win. (and can it support .wmv files) 3) Whats the best mp3 playing utility06:00
LiraNunabye PunjabiFLOYDIAN06:00
SrRavenbye thanks man06:00
PunjabiFLOYDIANno problem guys06:00
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee u around06:00
LiraNunaAquaFox, i will help you if you just listen and won't spam/USE CAPS06:00
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AquaFoxI will listen.06:01
chuckypSrRaven, well vlc works in linux06:01
LiraNunalog out06:01
SrRavenIs it the best ?06:01
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SrRavenI heard mplayer is popular06:01
chuckypSrRaven, as for as the webcam in msn I have no experience with it.06:01
LiraNunaand select Seasons06:01
zaggynlSrRaven, yep, vlc native for linux, xmms/amarok/rhythmbox06:01
_Sasuman, i'm starting to give up :(....i just can't install ubuntu in my raid-0 drive :(06:01
LiraNunathen switch to GNOME06:01
AquaFoxSessions or seasons?06:01
chuckypSrRaven, thats a matter of opinion06:01
SrRavenI used foobar on Windows06:01
SrRavenso im a quality lover :P06:01
AquaFoxThen what?06:01
LiraNunaafter you login, it will ask you if you want it to permenent06:01
Ackeubu_i tried to do something with sudo apt update cache bootsplash hoping it would fix me a nice splash for bootup. but what i did crached the hey i screwed up my initrd.img. any ideas of what to do to generate a new one?06:01
LiraNunachoose 'yes'06:01
LiraNunaand that's it06:01
zaggynl*To use it permanently06:01
Shoiabsafdar what if some one need kernal and different packages (.deb) of ubuntu on cd06:01
daydreamcan i upgrade ubuntu server to xubuntu ???06:01
AquaFoxIt doesn't ask that LiraNuna why are you assuming to much..06:02
zaggynlfoxie already mentioned it 'just blinks'06:02
chuckypSrRaven, well vlc is the easiest to setup you don't need to worry about codecs and stuff just install it from synaptic and your off06:02
_SasuHas anyone managed to install ubuntu in a RAID-0 array?06:02
LiraNunadaydream, apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:02
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LiraNunaAquaFox, sure it does...06:02
daydreamand will ubuntu server install on 64RAM ?06:02
AquaFoxIt doesn't.06:02
SrRavensynaptic ?06:02
AquaFoxMay I repeat.06:02
AquaFoxIt doesn't.06:02
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SrRavenHow do I make every folder pop up in the same size,this is weird I don't even have  back button06:02
AquaFoxHow to go to a special file to change it.06:02
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AquaFoxCome on.06:02
LiraNunaAquaFox, does it log into GNOME/06:02
AquaFoxThere must be a /etc/ file.06:02
AquaFoxIt does then it BLINKS.06:03
AquaFoxThat's it.06:03
AquaFoxI am in XFCE now.06:03
zaggynlI'll google for you then :/06:03
LiraNunablinks to do what06:03
AquaFoxAnd I want GNOME really bad.06:03
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AquaFoxHow do I know?06:03
ubotusabdfl is Mark Shuttleworth, self-appointed benevolent dictator for life, cosmonaut, founder of Canonical and primary driver of Ubuntu06:03
LiraNunawhat is blinking06:03
antiPosixis "nice -n 19 command" the best way to make an operation impact the system as little as possible06:03
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AquaFoxLiraNuna, obviously you can't speak English or know much about Ubuntu.06:03
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zaggynlPlease be patient, but also polite :/06:04
SrRavenchuckyp can I pm ya=06:04
LiraNunaAquaFox, WHAT exactly is blinking06:04
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wolsAquaFox: you obviously need a lot of growing up06:04
LiraNunayou said when you're booting to GNOME, 'it blinks'06:04
chuckyparrai, System > administration > Synaptic06:04
Shoiabsafdar what if some one need kernal and different packages (.deb) of ubuntu on cd!!!!! is it possible?????06:04
Dr_willisThe blinker is blinking! :P06:04
LiraNunawhat exactly is 'blinking'06:04
=== zaggynl blinks
SrRavenyeah the problem is my Ubuntu is german06:04
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SrRavenstill have to find the language changing setting06:04
AquaFoxIt's blinking.. THE menu bar appears and doesn't.06:04
chuckypSrRaven, system > administration > synaptic06:04
Dr_willisShoiabsafdar,  apt-get has some features to download packages to a archive for moving to another machine.06:04
vect0r``I have Ubuntu server, so no GUI installed.. I have since installed a new network card, how do I get ubuntu to detect/install it?06:04
LiraNunaAquaFox, you mean crashes06:04
wolsSrRaven: dpkg-reconfigure locales ?06:04
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AquaFoxI mean I want my theme back.06:05
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LiraNunaAquaFox, did you try to reinstall GNOME?06:05
AquaFoxWhat's so hard to understand.06:05
eFoXhey all06:05
SrRavendo that in terminal?06:05
LiraNunaapt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:05
AquaFoxI googled it and found it.06:05
chuckypSrRaven, System > administratino > language support06:05
AquaFoxIt is: gconftool-2 --unset /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme06:05
AquaFoxThanks #ubuntu for not telling me proffesional help.06:05
eFoXI got a wifi question :s I got a new pcmia card, and it SEEMS that ubuntu detects it because i can scan and view networks around me. However i cant connect to my particular network06:06
chuckypSrRaven, click on System then administration then language06:06
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eFoXAny thoughts ?06:06
SrRavendude chuckyp06:06
SrRavenits all in german here06:06
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SrRavenand I don't have a language setting06:06
chuckypSrRaven, well click on the one with the flags06:06
Dr_willisProfessional = paid.06:06
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vect0r``I have Ubuntu server, so no GUI installed.. I have since installed a new network card, how do I get ubuntu to detect/install it? Anyone know?06:06
SrRaventhere is no flag :(06:06
chuckypSrRaven, under administartion it should have a little flag icon by it.06:06
wolsvect0r``: man interfaces (if you have already the driver loaded)06:07
wolsSrRaven: look for "Sprache" then06:07
SrRavenis it in the same tab as synaptic ?06:07
SrRavenbecause I found that by now06:07
wolsSrRaven: Administration coul dbe named "Verwaltung"06:07
SrRavenbut that doesn't have vlc06:07
vect0r``well the driver isn't loaded I don't think, because ifconfig only brings up loop interface, not eth006:07
chuckypSrRaven, alright do this06:07
silent_screambreezy was using 2.4.x kernel ?06:08
wolsvect0r``: does ifconfig -a bring it up?06:08
chuckypSrRaven, hit alt+f2 and type in gnome-language-selector06:08
wolscause until it's configured, normal ifconfig won't see it06:08
SrRavendoesn't work06:08
chuckypSrRaven, err you might have to checkbox run in terminal and type in sudo infront of that "sudo gnome-language-selector" no quotes of course06:08
vect0r``wols, the only other thing I see is sit006:08
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wolsvect0r``: what network card is it?06:09
chuckypSrRaven, or if you can open a terminal window and just type it in.06:09
SrRavengeez this linux lol06:09
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chuckypSrRaven, how did you get on german in the first place?06:09
SrRavenBecause I am german06:09
fulat2kumm... hope u guys see this :) anyone knows why i'm getting "/dev/hdd8 not identified as an existing physical volume" when extending my volume group? i've done a fdisk as well as pvcreate /dev/hdd806:09
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eFoXanyne have any thoughts about my wifi Q ?06:09
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Guard] [anplease, what does the window manager use to influence the GTK theme used by an application: when i launch a gtk without a running window manager, i don't have windows decorations but also i'm back to default gtk stock icons, any idea please ???06:10
chuckypSrRaven, but you want english right?06:10
SrRavenyes,as I understand english fine and its easier to find help06:10
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Dr_willisGuard] [an,  theres a gnome-settings-service or deamon thats normally ran by gnome starting up to tell the programs what theme parts to use.06:10
chronic1is dapper drake the same as dapper.....or is there some other version of dapper?06:10
SrRavenI did the "sudo gnome-language-selector" in and nothing happened06:10
ulfarIs there any way to use dapper to patch a program when installing ?06:11
keescookchronic1: dapper drake is just the "full name" for dapper.  same version.06:11
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chronic1keescook: thanks06:11
ulfarfor example, i need to patch wine before installing it, do i have to manually install or is it possible to use dapper ?06:11
Guard] [anDr_willis: i'm doing export display, x server is xming running under windows, what can i do to have a good looking theme, without launching gnome ?06:11
wolsulfar: apt-get build it from source06:11
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vect0r``wols, netgear ga31106:12
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Dr_willisGuard] [an,  never noticed that issue when i messed with xming, could be you need to run that  nome-settings-daemon program06:12
wolsvect0r``: chip. not bradn/model06:12
Guard] [anDr_willis: well the linux box is running xubuntu06:12
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Guard] [anDr_willis: when i launch xfwm4 then thunar, i have decorations but also nice icons on the toolbar06:13
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Gilnimhow do i delete a user`06:13
Guard] [anDr_willis: when i just launch thunar, i don't have windows decorations (which i don't care for the moment) but also i have default "ugly" gtk icons on the toolbar :)06:13
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Dr_willisGuard] [an,  theres so many ways to use xming to run the X apps..  I tended to just make them in their own window.06:13
jazzrockerwhat's a good filesystem for mass media storage that i can use between windows and linux?06:13
jazzrockerand are there any transparent archive formats?06:14
Gilnimand how do i create a new one - i mean which parameters s i need?06:14
SrRavencan anyone tell me how to install VLC ?06:14
Dr_willisGuard] [an,  try running that gnome-settings-demon06:14
chuckypjazzrocker, well fat32 is an option06:14
jazzrockere.g. can i access my mp3s from inside a tar archive?06:14
chuckypSrRaven, sudo aptitude install vlc06:14
Guard] [anDr_willis: i guess i don't have it06:14
jazzrockerwithout untar-ing the whole thing?06:14
Guard] [anDr_willis: as i said, it's xubuntu06:14
Dr_willisjazzrocker,  with that "FUSE" you can.06:14
Guard] [anDr_willis: running xfce, not gnome06:14
jazzrockerchuckyp, uhhh, i guess... i suppose i'd rather not use Fat32 just on principle tho :P06:14
Guard] [anDr_willis: but i guess the principle is pretty generic06:14
jazzrockerDr_willis, can what?06:14
chuckypjazzrocker, well ext3 can be supported in windows as well06:15
Dr_willisjazzrocker,  access archives transparently06:15
SrRavendoesn't work :(06:15
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs06:15
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wolschuckyp: only ext206:15
jazzrockerchuckyp, yeah actually i've got the ext2 driver installed on windows and it works quite nicely06:15
chuckypjazzrocker, if you google for windows ext3 you will find programs to do it.06:15
Dr_willisbut the idea of a lot of mp3's in a tar is - sort of silly. :P06:15
jazzrockerwols, yeah but ext3 is an extension of ext206:15
SrRavenoh no wait does now06:15
jazzrockerso windows can still access my ext3 volume as ext206:15
wolsjazzrocker: sure but those extension features are not supported06:15
SrRavenit did something...what now ?!06:15
jazzrockerwols, right06:15
jazzrockeranyone have experience with reiserfs?06:16
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jazzrockeris that a decent system for mass file storage?06:16
vect0r``wols, Realtek - RTL8169506:16
chuckypSrRaven, you really should read the wiki about installing software but it should have prompted you if you wanted to install it.  Now it should be in your gnome menus06:16
power1Hey all, I have just upgraded my system to a core 2 duo and I have gotten a new kernel which supports the onboard ide, but every time I boot I am getting a kernel panic, how can I tell what the drives are being asigned to when it boots as I canot do a page up or page down after the kernel panic to see what they are being detected as...?06:16
jazzrockerdoes anyone know a good google search term for this topic? and or have some links?06:16
chuckypjazzrocker, I don't know about accessing reiserfs through windows though.06:16
Intangirhow do i install an old version of a package, that has old version dependants too?06:16
Dr_willisjazzrocker,  from what i hear about it.. if you KNOW you need it.. then use it.. if you dont know for you sure you need it.. avoide it.06:16
SrRavenNope,didn't do that06:16
jazzrockerDr_willis, fair'nuff06:16
reitzellIf I install something from source how do I update apt-get?06:17
chuckyppower1, well you can see whats going on at boot with dmesg06:17
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daydreamand will ubuntu server install on 64RAM ?06:17
Intangirim trying to install gcc 3.4.3 but when i install any of the packages part of it, it installs the newest versions (3.4.6) and breaks the dependancies, then forces me to upgrade them all06:17
chuckyppower1, the other option is lsmod etc...06:17
wolsvect0r``: modproble r816906:17
Dr_willisreitzell,  from source, ignores the apt-get stuff.06:17
wolslater, if that works, put that into /etc/modules06:17
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power1chuckyp, kernel panic = non rnning system...therefore no dmesg or lsmod....06:17
SrRavenOh i guess I need a mp3 plugin...06:17
chuckypIntangir, wellyou can install just he dependances for gcc with sudo aptitude build-dep gcc then install gcc from source or whatever you are doing.06:18
chuckyppower1, hrm...06:18
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SrRavenam I right that I need to install a gstreamer thing ?!06:19
chuckypSrRaven, not with vlc06:19
SrRavenWell I want to use Amarok for Mp306:19
SrRavenVLC for videos06:19
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ulfarwhere does apt-get store the files it downloads? i just used apt-get source -d wine06:19
Dr_willis- /var/cache/apt06:19
chuckypSrRaven, oh yeah you need codecs for mp3 for whatever app you are using to play them.06:19
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SrRavenand VLC didn't install so im confused as hell06:19
chuckyp!tell SrRaven about codecs06:19
chuckypSrRaven, The wiki is a good start as well.06:20
chuckyp!tell SrRaven about wiki06:20
reitzellDr Wills: something is requiring me to have a newer gcc. so I thought I would just download and compile 4.1.1 but how does apt-get now know that I have a newer gcc06:20
SrRavenI know im reading about it06:20
SrRavenits just that I use a older Ubuntu version06:20
lupine_85reitzell: it won't. apt deals with debs only06:20
chuckypSrRaven, well there should be a wiki for the older versions06:20
lupine_85edgy uses 4.1.1 ...06:20
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ulfarlol how would i unpack a file that is .bz2 ?06:21
chuckypSrRaven, 5.04 directions are in the wiki as well.06:21
lupine_85bunzip2 <file>06:21
chuckypulfar, with tar06:21
KismetHi All! Anyone is having trouble with Dapper and ATI X700 Mobile?06:21
chuckypulfar, err. bunzip06:21
ulfarchuckyp: i tried tar and bunzip06:21
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lupine_85or tar -xjvf <file> if it's tar.bz206:21
KismetI'm not able to get 3D working anymore :S06:21
lupine_85bunzip != bunzip2 !!06:21
ulfarso i need bunzip06:22
SrRavenso I just do "sudo apt-get install streamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gxine libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs" ?06:22
ulfarnot bunzip2 ?06:22
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ulfarulfar@guru:~/Desktop$ bunzip2  wine-0.9.6.tar.bz206:22
ulfarbunzip2: wine-0.9.6.tar.bz2 is not a bzip2 file.06:22
lupine_85it's corrupted then06:22
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chuckypSrRaven, if thats what you want yes.06:22
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lupine_85why are you trying to use wine 0.9.6 ?06:22
lupine_85!info dapper wine06:22
SrRavenIts that what it says for quick install guide :P06:22
ubotuPackage dapper does not exist in dapper06:22
lupine_85!info wine dappe06:23
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB06:23
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chuckypSrRaven, ther other optoin is automatix or easyubuntu06:23
Gilnimis xfce faster than gnome?06:23
lupine_85"apt-get install wine=0.9.6-0ubuntu1" might do you, if you *need* wine 0.9.606:23
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eFoXi can scan wifi networks, and i can connect to an open one, but i cant connect to mine06:23
SrRavenare those kinda "tools" for idiots?06:23
lupine_85eFox: WEP? WPA?06:23
chuckypGilnim, uses less resources should be quicker on an older system.06:23
lupine_85ASCII or hex key?06:24
vect0r``wols, nothing came up with modprobe r816906:24
lupine_85ok, then "sudo iwconfig <interface> key <key>"06:24
wolsvect0r``: it shouldn't. no message = no error06:24
lupine_85don't know if that'll work with 128 bit, though06:24
vect0r``wols, ah06:24
chuckyplupine_85, is it always this hectic in here?06:24
eFoXlupine_85:done that, along with essid, and then did dhclient interface06:24
wolsvect0r``: you can check with lsmod if it's loaded06:24
wolsand as I said: add it to /etc/modules. also configure your /etc/network/interfaces06:24
eFoXi can SEE the network, just cant connect06:25
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lupine_85well, it's WEP that's your problem since you can connect to other networks06:25
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eFoXi can connect to other open nets ya...06:25
eFoXi AM using a new card06:25
lupine_85makes no difference06:25
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eFoXdidnt put drivers or anything06:25
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lupine_85can you set up WEP via the graphical programs?06:26
NET||abusecan anyone help me with a vpn setup to an windows RAS server.06:26
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lupine_85(you do realise that wep is worthless btw, right?)06:26
NET||abusei've been trying to use pptpconfig but it isn't setting up the route probably06:26
eFoXno...tried using network manager, it goes through all the right steps..but in the end..doesnt work06:26
SrRavenEhm,I can't find anything about easyubuntu buh06:26
lupine_85if you want security, use WPA + 802.1X06:26
eFoXlupine_85: ya i know, landlord put it in06:26
LockeWEP and not broadcasting SSID is enough that you'll probably never have somebody unauthorized on your network06:27
chuckyplupine_85, not worthless just takes a little longer to break06:27
SrRavenahhhh found it on the website06:27
NET||abuseSo anyone able to help out with my vpn? :)06:27
Lockeand if you want more peace of mind, just enable mac filtering06:27
eFoXLocke: i dont think thats quite true...cuz kismet can detect "cloaked" ssids06:27
vect0r``wols, lsmod shows it as loaded, and I added it to /etc/modules.. /etc/network/interfaces is configured.. but nothing is coming under ifconfig -a still06:27
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lupine_85mac filtering is even more worthless than wep ;)06:28
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silent_screambreezy was using 2.4.x kernel ?06:28
Lockehow is mac filtering worthless?06:28
SrRavenso I did this "wget http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/files/easyubuntu-3.023.tar.gz06:28
SrRaventar -zxf easyubuntu-3.023.tar.gz06:28
SrRavencd easyubuntu06:28
SrRavensudo python easyubuntu.in" to get easyubuntu now what ?!06:28
chuckypLocke, well you can still fake mac addresses06:28
SrRavenoh crap sorry for spam06:28
Lockeif you have 2 computers online and they are taking up ythe only allowed macs06:28
ncalpunkerIs there a way to create a "shortcut" to a folder on my desktop?06:28
eFoXlol.doesnt matter whats worthless. have an idea where my prob might lie so i can try and tackle it06:28
Lockei dont see how another comp could get on06:28
lupine_85eFoX: not really sure :(. I've nerver used 128-bit WEP06:28
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Lockei've used 128 bit wep, and its just a much longer key06:28
chuckypSrRaven, then you keep following their directions because I have no idea i've never used it.06:29
eFoXlocke: i can connect to open networks, but not wep..have any ideas ?06:29
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lupine_85hmm... maybe it's not being typed in properly then ;)06:29
`4aFkA`can some one give me a screen shot of linux desctop ?06:29
chuckypLocke, you can spoof mac06:29
eFoXive checked..a billion times06:29
`4aFkA`pls :)06:29
Lockehave you tried putting in the wep key in hex and in ascii?06:29
eFoXi have not..because i can get into the router and it says..hex06:29
Lockechuckyp, which does you no good if all macs allowed are already on06:29
eFoXso i didnt see the need to06:29
wolsvect0r``: /etc/init.d/networking restart06:29
chuckypLocke, not with arp poisoning06:30
`4aFkA`can some one give me a screen shot of linux desctop ?06:30
Lockeand if you dont know WHICH macs are allowed06:30
SrRavenim seeing this "dainton@Pancho:~/easyubuntu$ sudo python easyubuntu.in06:30
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SrRaventhats it06:30
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chuckypLocke, there are ways in trust me.06:30
lupine_85Locke: it's relatively easy to bump a PC off the net06:30
Lockeof course there are ways06:30
Lockei know that06:30
lupine_85it's even easier to find out what mac address it's using first06:30
chuckypLocke, you can arp poison with one of the allowed mac's06:30
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sig_why when I try to run and upgrade does it say this:>>>  The following packages have been kept back:06:30
sig_  linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-38606:30
Arrickif I want to build a wysiwyg website in ubuntu breezy what is a good program to use?06:30
Lockebut is anyone practically going to sit outside my apartment in my car port and arp poison my roommates so they can get on?06:30
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lupine_85and it's relatively trivial to set up as an AP outside so that the PC you knock off doesn't know it's happened06:30
chuckypLocke, exactly06:31
Lockea busines with many computer accesssing a wireless network should never be running wep06:31
chuckypLocke, the only safe way is wpa06:31
Lockelet alone a wireless network period06:31
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ulfarno matter what package of wine i try to download from http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/ i cant unzip it....wtf06:31
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KingOfNoWherenvu is a good wysiwyg web development program06:31
AshDragonCan anyone help with Kppp?06:31
`4aFkA`can some one give me a screen shot of linux desctop ?06:31
lupine_85WPA is also crackable06:31
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`4aFkA`can some one give me a screen shot of linux desctop ?06:31
Intangirim running wep06:31
Intangirwhats so wrong with wep06:31
Lockeulfar, why dont you use synaptic to get WINE06:31
Intangirit can be secured well enough06:31
LockeIntangir, its crackable06:31
lupine_85you can break it in 4 minutes06:31
Lockenice FF6 nick btw06:31
`4aFkA`can some one give me a screen shot of linux desctop ?06:31
chuckyp`4aFkA`, WHY?06:31
Intangiryou too ;)06:31
ubotuaircrack: wireless WEP/WPA cracker. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3-3 (dapper), package size 136 kB, installed size 372 kB06:31
Intangiri named my cat locke06:31
Lockethanks :)06:31
LockeLOL sweet06:31
ubotuairsnort: WLAN sniffer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.7e-1.1 (dapper), package size 49 kB, installed size 180 kB06:31
wolsIntangir: it can't06:31
`4aFkA`I want to see the linux desctop06:32
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Intangirand my sons name is Cole (lockes last name)06:32
BlobHI all - I'm wondering why the recommended updates from update-manager differ (sometimes wildly) from the CLI aptitude install command.  Anyone with any ideas?06:32
vect0r``wols, getting a no such device error on eth006:32
=== Locke casts X-zone on Intangir
lupine_85www.kde-look.org www.gnome-look.org06:32
ulfarLocke: because i need to patch wine06:32
lupine_85ulfar: apt-get source wine ?06:32
wolsvect0r``: check dmesg. what does it say?06:32
chuckyp`4aFkA`, there are plenty of screenshots on the net.06:32
chuckyp`4aFkA`, www.ubuntu.com06:32
=== eFoX is sad that he cant connect to his wep network
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wolsvect0r``: I assume the card shows up in lspci?06:32
ulfarLocke: or so they say, i have to patch wine to run WoW06:32
lupine_85then dpkg-buildpackage after applying the patch06:32
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Lockeulfar, you need Cedega to run WoW06:32
Lockewhich is not free06:32
Intangiri run wow on cedega06:32
chuckypLocke, No wow can run on wine06:33
Lockeyou wont get anywhere just trying to patch it06:33
Lockechuckyp, really?06:33
Lockeholy shit06:33
Lockeim signing up06:33
ulfarLocke: they say it runs on wine aswell06:33
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Intangiri think its simplier to just to use cedega than wine06:33
Intangirpay 5 bucks for cedega, no hassle on wow06:33
vect0r``wols, says alot, scrolls all down my screen can't read it all, is there something in particular i should grep?06:33
chuckypLocke, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=192206:33
ephemerosyo dudes!06:33
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Lockei have the WoW discs sitting right in front of me06:33
Lockefor the last 4 months06:33
wolsvect0r``: yes the end since it's the last thing you installed06:33
AshDragonCan anyone help with Kppp? It will connect and run fine for about 3 minutes... then hangup... anyone?06:34
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wolsvect0r``: there is also |less06:34
Lockehad a k7 850 and then a duron 1ghz forever though06:34
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Lockenow i have a p4 2.806:34
Lockeshoudl work hehe06:34
Intangirso how is WEP so crackable? i got mine set up to not broadcast my ssid or whatever, and its using encryption06:34
ulfarlupine_85: alright, i used apt-get source wine, now where is it, so i can patch it lol06:34
Intangirand my router is set up to only give DHCP to certain macs06:34
erikgzhow can one get suspend2 working under edgy?06:34
wolsAshDragon: check your syslog06:34
ulfarIntangir: so what are you worried about? :)06:34
erikgzi know there are experimental dapper suspend2 packages06:34
lupine_85ulfar: in the directory you were in when you ran it06:34
eFoXyou can still crack it06:34
lupine_85there should be plenty for you to play with06:34
Intangirjust curious if that is crackable06:34
chuckypIntangir, because you can spoof mac addresses06:35
NET||abuseokok,,, this thing is driving me nuts.. i need to vpn into work, but pptpconfig is setting up the routing table entry for the remote network wrong06:35
Intangirya but if they dont even know what they are  they would have no idea what to spoof06:35
lupine_85Intangir: install aircrack and airsnort on a laptop and have a go06:35
vect0r``wols, the last thing is just IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver, nothing that I see is relevent06:35
Intangirand if they didnt even know what my ssid was theyd have no idea how to even connect06:35
lupine_85airsnort slurps MAC addresses for breakfast06:35
Lockeke, black silk tie with tan circles, or red tie with blue diamonds?06:35
NET||abuseit seems to be adding it as * ppp006:35
lupine_85it also detects ssid's06:35
wolsIntangir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wired_Equivalent_Privacy#Flaws06:35
eFoXIntangir: check pm06:36
=== lupine_85 hax0rz intangir's wep
NET||abuseso this is wrong,, i need * ppp0 so why has it setup the link wrong??06:36
=== Locke coudlnt get quake2 to work last night
Intangirwell id try WPA but my wife refuses to upgrade her shitty windows box to support it06:36
lupine_85well, I would if it wasn't so far away ;)06:36
Intangirlinux can support WPA fine right? just not a friendly gui config for it?06:36
Lockei ran the install with WINE to /home/locke/hd20/quake206:36
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Lockeand installed the ubuntu packages06:36
wolsIntangir: WPA supplicant06:36
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Lockechanged /etc/quake2.conf to say /home/locke/hd20/quake206:37
Intangirsupplicant? whats that/06:37
Lockeand thats as far as i got06:37
`4aFkA`!say asd06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about say asd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:37
Lockeman quake2 gives crap06:37
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wolsvect0r``: but it does load? the module I mean?06:37
LattywareHey all. I'm having a problem with my sound. Sometimes my sound works, sometimes it doesn't, rebooting will sometimes fix it, but it only works at half of boots.06:37
SrRavencan anyone here help me with easyubuntu :( ?06:37
wolsvect0r``: sit0 is what driver btw? ifconfig -a06:37
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LockeSrRaven, www.ubuntuforums.org search for EasyUbuntu06:37
ubotuwpagui: GUI for wpa_supplicant. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-3ubuntu1.1 (dapper), package size 78 kB, installed size 204 kB06:37
chuckypSrRaven, #easyubuntu06:37
jazzrockerso is fuse something i have to develop with myself?06:37
jazzrockeror are there pre-existing utilites that use fuse?06:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kwlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:38
lupine_85hmm, that must be new to edgy06:38
SrRavendoes that even run on my linux ?06:38
vect0r``wols, IPv6-in-IPv4, and yes, lsmod shows the module as loaded06:38
IntangirLocke: on wow i got alot of FF3 names, Kefka, Atma, Intangir, Doomgaze ;)06:38
Intangirno locke though06:38
Intangirits always taken06:38
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Intangirthats about it06:39
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IntangirChadarnook actually on my druid (shape shifter)06:39
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Lockedamn that was the first time i ever tied a tie the right length first time06:40
chuckypLocke, lol06:40
iLLf8danyone know why the terminal server client that supports vnc that came with ubuntu errors out with a 255 unkown error message when tyring to connect to a vnc server?06:40
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LockeIntangir, i have no WoW names yet06:40
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chuckypLocke, I use my hand to do it the right way.06:40
Lockei think my last char was called Glaciert06:40
AshDragonCan anyone help with Kppp? It will connect and run fine for about 3 minutes... then hangup... anyone?06:40
Intangirare you going to play again soon?06:40
Lockechuckyp, you mean pinching it?06:40
Intangirwhat server?06:40
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iLLf8dalthough xtighvncviewer supposedly running the same protocol version which I added on seems to work fine?06:40
LockeIntangir, i think it was....06:40
Lockei forgot06:41
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Intangirwell get on Burning Blade06:41
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Intangirthats where im at06:41
eFoXwhats teh command to determine what kernel im using06:41
Lockemy boss at one point paid for an accoutn for me06:41
chuckypeFoX, uname -r06:41
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Lockei'll probably sign up sometime this week or weekend06:41
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SrRavendamn floods06:41
chuckypwhat the hell06:41
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LockeI GOT 2 FUCKIN MEGS!06:41
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LockeYEAH TRY IT06:41
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chuckypthis is said06:41
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!06:42
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chuckypshould we DOS him?06:42
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Lockesurvival of the fastest06:42
surfacewho spam here?06:42
Lockeyeah lets do it06:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about medic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:42
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ulfarMODE #ubuntu +i ?06:42
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vect0r``wtf is wrong with some people06:42
BazziI thought freenode had measures to prevent this06:42
ulfaror just ban him06:42
Arrickthank you06:42
surfaceppl trying to flood here06:42
ulfarall from the same ip06:42
Intangirarent there any ops on?06:42
vect0r``wols, not sure if you seen what I said last but06:42
vect0r``wols, IPv6-in-IPv4, and yes, lsmod shows the module as loaded06:42
eFoXbrb..gonna connect on my laptop06:42
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gnomefreakIntangir: its been taken care of06:43
AshDragonCan anyone help with Kppp? It will connect and run fine for about 3 minutes... then hangup... anyone?06:43
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Intangirhey gnomefreak06:43
lupine_85... ...06:43
Lockeban *
Intangiri signed up on that xgl group you made hehe06:43
Lockewhat an unsophisticated flood06:43
=== lupine_85 hax0rz that too
Seveasnalioth, that's way beyond the number of clones that freenode usually tolreates06:43
zaggynlWhat's a good ip tracert?06:43
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Lockealright i'm going to work06:43
chuckypzaggynl, tracert06:43
Lockebe back in like 10 mins06:43
zaggynlI only know visual trace/neotrace for windos06:43
iLLf8dLocke, someone was obviously mad cause something was borked in ubuntu06:43
NET||abusehelo all, please can someone please help me with a vpn setup?06:43
naliothSeveas: patience06:44
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LockeiLLf8d, apparently06:44
zaggynlcannot find commands traceroute or tracert06:44
chuckypzaggynl, tracepath06:44
Intangirthat was probably bill gates06:44
zaggynlthx chuck06:44
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Intangirhe got the 100 computers he could find that worked to spam us06:44
iLLf8dLocke, probably had to open 50 gaim windows to do it probably alot of work =P06:44
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lupine_851 computer06:44
LockeiLLf8d, LOLOL06:44
Lockeill be back soon06:44
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naliothSeveas: all klined06:44
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Intangirwow i havent seen someone attack an irc channel for quite some time ;)06:45
Intangirwell that wasnt really an attack, more of just annoying06:45
chuckypIntangir, probably one computer06:45
ulfarzOMG im compiling so uber fast with my supa dupa Duo CPU06:45
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zaggynlanyone knows a nice frontend for tracepath?06:45
ulfarfaster than lightning06:45
Intangiri heard those duos rule06:45
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ulfarIntangir: ya but you should wait for duo quattro!06:46
Intangirlol duo quatro ;)06:46
ulfarits going to be the ultimate uberness06:46
Intangirisnt that contradictory?06:46
iLLf8dIntangir, don't you feel violated, you'll have to go to IRCAA06:46
Intangiror is there 8?06:46
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ulfarIntangir: lol i ment quattro06:46
Speczaggynl: what's tracepath?06:46
ulfarits going to be 406:46
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zaggynlSpec, tool to trace what path packets to an IP take06:46
Speczaggynl: 'mtr' is what you want i think06:46
zaggynlah okay06:46
Intangirseems like intel is finally getting competitive06:46
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chuckypzaggynl, what do you want to do?  trace geographically?06:46
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gopssdon't know06:47
ulfari wonder if running wow i easier in cedega, rather than wine06:47
lee_anyone know if it's possible to add a highlight rule to gedit's highlighting modes?06:47
zaggynlchuckyp, yeah06:47
Specit's not ... grpahical though06:47
Intangirinstead of just big marketing they are finally making processors to back it up06:47
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Intangirulfar: running wow is easier in cedega06:47
chuckypzaggynl, I know there are websites that will do it let me see if I can find an app hold up06:47
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iLLf8danyone get the dapper terminal server client using vnc protocol connections working correctly?06:47
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IntangiriLLf8d: it worked by default for me06:47
ulfarIntangir: curses06:47
Squirrely_WrathCan someone possibly help me with something?06:48
iLLf8dhrm wonder if it just doesn't like osxes vnc server06:48
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:48
SrRavenI got a problem,I want to download VLC for Ubuntu but the website doesn't give me a link,tells me to use synaptic,but it isn't in there06:48
Intangiri got it running on wine too but i keep getting really strange graphical issues06:48
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Intangirand lockups06:48
ulfarwhy isnt cedega free!?!? is Microsoft making it ?06:48
kalaxmarI'm using ubuntu 6.06 dapper and I'm unable to find any graphical SSH/FTP client to send some files to my WRT54G router. Does anybody know any graphical SSH/FTP client that I could use?06:48
Intangiri think you can acutlaly get cedega free off their cvs06:48
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.06:48
iLLf8dSquirrely_Wrath, ie no!06:48
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Squirrely_WrathDur de dur!!!  okay, I feel stupid now06:48
zaggynlI think I found a graphical traceroute: xt06:48
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dustinulfar, we live in a free enterprise society     if someone will pay for it someone has the right to sell it06:49
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Intangirkalaxmar: i use nautilus for ftp/ssh file sending06:49
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Intangirjust goto file-> connect to server06:49
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Squirrely_WrathI'm trying to install 6.06 LTS on a dell laptop, got plenty of hard drive space. During the installation it mounts the swap file with no problem, but when it comes time to start mounting the root it can't mount it and I have to quit the installation.06:50
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Intangirits really slick too, you can open up files for editing in gedit and it auotmatically takes care of uploads/downloads06:50
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Intangirbut sometimes it crashes, crashes X even, im not sure why..06:50
chuckypzaggynl, http://www.geobytes.com/06:50
zaggynlthanks chuckyp06:50
moonliteIntangir: real slick :P06:50
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kalaxmarIntangir: it seems i've installed it but i'm unable to find it on the menus. Where is it supposed to be found?06:51
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LattyHey all, I lost my connection, so I'll ask again :P. My sound sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, I have to reboot to get it to work. It either works or doesn't work from boot, anyone know why?06:51
fredzercould you help me with summin06:51
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Squirrely_WrathI need to make a shirt that just says "Mount" just to mess with people.06:51
amarokkerHi, how can I reset the mysql passwd?06:51
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Intangirmoonlite: it is when it works ;)06:51
amarokkercan't login as -u root -p.06:51
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Intangirkalaxmar: nautilus is the regular file browser06:52
moonliteIntangir: ;)06:52
chuckypzaggynl, actually I was looking for http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm06:52
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SrRavenCan someone help me ? Im going insane,I got noooo songs that are not in MP306:52
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Intangiramarokker: have you set it at all?06:52
Squirrely_Wrathso does someone have any kind of idea on how to solve my problem?06:52
chuckypSrRaven, All you have to do is read the wiki about codecs06:52
SrRavenI did06:52
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SrRavenand I did what it said06:52
zaggynlcool, this guy was from Macedonia06:52
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SrRavenit didn't worrrrrk06:53
amarokkerIntangir: beats me. can't remember doing it- just emerged and left it- most prolly not.06:53
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Intangirso just leave off the -p06:53
amarokkeroops. i mean 'apt-get'...heh. old times.06:53
chuckypSrRaven, well if you are using easyubuntu there is #easyubuntu channel06:53
Intangirand it should let you log in06:53
kalaxmarIntangir: ok, that's why I couldn't find it on the menu. However, how can I tell Nautilus to go to Ip address? There's no navigation bar06:53
SrRavenAnd as my ubuntu is too old06:53
Intangirkalaxmar: goto file->connecjt to server06:53
SrRavenit isn't supported06:53
SrRavenso im pretty much f***ed06:54
Intangirkalaxmar: tell it the type (you can use ssh or ftp easily locally)06:54
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amarokkerIntangir: seems not. I really can't remember like i said- it doesnt work without pass.06:54
dustinhey does anyone know how to stop xgl?06:54
chuckypSrRaven, I don't know why the directions in the wiki for your version of ubuntu aren't working.  You just said it didn't work.  I'm not there I can't see th screen to see what sort of errors you are getting etc...06:54
johntHello all   I just installed a program under wine can anyone help me with it please????06:54
amarokkeri know- its pathetic. :D06:54
medic30420does anybody know if there is a listing manager for Ebay compatable with ubuntu, or if you can run turbolister on wine?06:54
SrRavenI did the quick install thing06:54
SrRavenand it says "couldn't be found"06:54
Arcad3johnt what soft?06:54
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Intangiramarokker: i think there was some mysqladmin command06:55
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chuckypSrRaven, again what quick install thing and what cound't be found?06:55
Intangirthat lets you change your root pass from commandline as root06:55
johntGame called  Dink smallwood06:55
vect0r``wols, you still around?06:55
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Arcad3and ..06:55
chuckypSrRaven, do you speak english or is german you native language?06:55
Squirrely_WrathAnyone going to at least make an ATTEMPT to help me???06:55
SrRavenGerman is native06:55
Arcad3what seems to be the problem06:55
johntI want to invoke it06:55
vect0r``Squirrely_Wrath.. probably no with an attitude like that.06:55
amarokkerIntangir: flush privilages?06:55
chuckypSquirrely_Wrath, with what making a t-shirt?06:55
SrRavenEnglish father,but he's quite a idiot and they are divorced and never grew up English06:55
Squirrely_WrathI'm trying to install 6.06 LTS on a dell laptop, got plenty of hard drive space. During the installation it mounts the swap file with no problem, but when it comes time to start mounting the root it can't mount it and I have to quit the installation.06:55
medic30420Squirrely, what is your question06:55
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Squirrely_WrathNo, with installing my ubuntu06:56
amarokkerlemme try it then.06:56
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Arcad3the game works?06:56
wolsvect0r``: yes. but dunno what I could tell you06:56
Intangiramarokker: well i guess its not mysqladmin im not sure how you do it06:56
chuckypSquirrely_Wrath, how are you partitioning the drive?06:56
LattyCould anyone help with my problem?, My sound sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, I have to reboot to get it to work. It either works or doesn't work from boot, anyone know why?06:56
Intangiramarokker: your screwed ;)06:56
JamieBEHello, I have a Game called Sauerbraten on Dapper Drake 6.06 LTS and I want to install the downloaded tar.gz file. There is not INSTALL file within the extracted tar.gz and the installation help on the README isn't really much use to a noob. Can anyone help?06:56
SrRavenThats why im still trying to change the damn language06:56
SrRavenso people here can help me06:56
chuckypSrRaven, well there is also a ubuntu german support channel06:56
johntNot sure it seems to have installed I want to try to make it play06:56
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:56
Intangiramarokker: maybe they will know in #mysql06:56
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Arcad3Jamie BE:06:56
NET||abuseookokokkkk,,,, please please,, need vpn assistance. this pptpconfig just isn't doing it right.06:57
SrRavenin there now06:57
Arcad3first cd into extracted files06:57
medic30420squirrely, use the alternate install cd (you will have to download it agian) and manually partition during install06:57
Squirrely_WrathUsing the partition program in ubuntu installer.  Was an NTFS file but had probs using that. It easily creates the swap portion, but the ext3, I think that's what it is" isn't recognized06:57
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chuckypSquirrely_Wrath, So you aren't whiping the disk you are creating them manually?06:57
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amarokkerIntangir: i'd rather not risk going in there without having read all the documentations- else would get 'rtmf' singed on my ass. anywhos, thanks for the headsup, will look through some more.06:58
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=== d3ck4 bye guys!
=== d3ck4 bye guys!
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Squirrely_WrathI am doing a manual partition.  That's tha thing.  When I try to make the ext3 partition, it ends up unrecognizable with an exclamation point next to it06:58
Newbi8Hello!Is there any program I can use in Ubuntu to make a powerpoint-presentation?Fully compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint?06:58
SrRavenI must upgrade 5.04 to 5.10 and than to 6.06 ?06:58
johntNo  I downloaded a win.exe from rtsoft.com Then wine did the install to home john c program06:58
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bernewbie, you can just use openoffice06:58
wolsNewbi8: does not exist.  only powerpoint is compatible with powerpoint06:58
Newbi8Ber: ope06:58
bernewbe, there might be some compatibility issues though, you'll have to check it out06:58
chuckypSquirrely_Wrath, hrm.. should just work what you could try to do is resize the ntfs partiton and leave free space then let the ubuntu installer just install to free space.06:59
salestodo555whre can find options for remote desktop?06:59
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Newbi8Ber:Openoffice?Where do I get it??06:59
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ulfarcompile for life...wine is too big06:59
bernewbie, you can get it by using synaptic. but normally it is installed06:59
JamieBEArcad3 - These would normally work, but none of those commands work with this tar.gz for some reason06:59
ulfarNewbi8: openoffice is already installed with ubuntu06:59
SrRavenWhat the hell,updating Ubuntu looks like a paaaaaain06:59
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wolsulfar: usually winehq has premade debs too of their latest06:59
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Squirrely_WrathI considered that, but I do a lot of DVD/CD ripping and need to use the laptop drive until I can transfer it to an external drive.07:00
bernewbie, use the menu's: office> OpenOffice.org presentation07:00
ulfarwols: yea but i have to patch the source :p07:00
chuckypSrRaven, not really you could do it with two commands07:00
chuckypSrRaven, err 307:00
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salestodo555whre can find options for remote desktop?07:00
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SrRaventhats sweet?07:01
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bersalestodo, you can find it in the menu: system>preferences>remote desktop07:01
LattyCould anyone help with my problem?, My sound sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, I have to reboot to get it to work. It either works or doesn't work from boot, anyone know why?07:01
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SrRavenehm no question mark07:01
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Arcad3how can i make my computer suck my D...K in ubuntu:))??07:01
ArrenLexLatty: does it work now?07:02
kalaxmarIntanger: if i want to delete the connections, what should I do? I 've a lots of failed icons and I want to get rid of them.07:02
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:02
SrRaveneven from 5.04 to 6.06 two-three lines ?!07:02
Locke2holy crap theres a lot of poeple in here07:02
wolsulfar: latelst WoW is 1.12.x?07:02
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wolsulfar: if so: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=560607:02
LattyArrenLex:  No, This boot it's playing up.07:02
johnt<acade33> I think I got lost in the traffic. Is there a command I can use to make Dink start??07:02
berarcad 3, open a terminal and type %blow07:02
ArrenLexLatty: ask again when it doesn't work, so we can troubleshoot the logs.07:02
ulfarwols: omg lol07:02
chuckypSrRaven, yeah07:02
Locke2hey 911 users!07:02
Newbi8Ber: Thanks a whole bunch!!!:)07:02
LattyArrenLex:  I meant 'No, It isn't working'07:02
ulfarwols: tell me, if i already built the source from scratch, and then use apt-get to install wine again, will it override my settings for me ?07:03
SrRavenmind telling ?07:03
Arcad3ba voi stiti Romana?07:03
ArrenLexLatty: run the command 'amixer' and pastebin the results.07:03
chuckypSrRaven, yeah one sec07:03
kalaxmarIntangir: oks, it was unmount volume07:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:03
salestodo555where can find options for remote desktop?07:03
wolsulfar: no it won't07:03
jboogieis anyone here running xgl07:03
Arcad3in cur la mata07:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:04
ulfarwols: how can i remove my source installation ? .p07:04
chuckypSrRaven, you can change your sources.list then just dist-upgrade07:04
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:04
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SrRavenhow do I do that?07:04
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Jack_SparrowWhat is the country abbrev for romania07:04
LattyDoing now, my connection is going slow at the moment, so hold on :P07:04
=== flo [n=flo@p549D7C85.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolsulfar: dpg -r? or what you mean? have you built a .edb or not? if there is no .deb, there is no good way to uninstall. and the config might be overwritten too07:04
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jattJack_Sparrow: ro07:04
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chuckypSrRaven, well fist just to be safe I would back up your current sources.list by sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak07:04
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jboogienobody is running xgl huh07:04
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Arcad3linge priza sa alunece si asa o sa mearga bine07:04
Jack_Sparrowjboogie: thay have their own channel07:04
wolsulfar: ONLY proper way to install is via .debs, selfmade debs or from a repository07:04
ubotuA list of Freenode channels is available via http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist07:05
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:05
ArrenLexAh, that one.07:05
LattyArrenLex:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2478107:05
Arcad3da ma aia07:05
ulfarwols: how about .tar.gz07:05
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wolsulfar: as I said: NO07:05
flohi, my garbage bin applet's icon won't change when I change the icon theme to a theme located in my home folder... what can I do about that that07:05
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ulfarwols: i used apt-get source wine, and then installed it :P07:05
chuckypSrRaven, then sudo sed -i s/hoary/dapper/ /etc/apt/sources.list07:05
jboogiesorry for buggin in here then ty07:05
ulfarwols: lol too bad07:05
chuckypSrRaven, sudo apt-get update07:05
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chuckypSrRaven, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:05
someusernoobflo: fill the garbage bin and empty it :D07:05
wolsulfar: then you installed a .deb via dpkg -i? that's fine. now dpkg can remove it too (or apt)07:05
jboogiecan i ask an ubuntu specific question in here07:05
molkkomy dapper boots OK until it should switch to graphical mode. at that point the machine jams roughly four times out of five boots. sometimes it boots OK. this is random. how to debug this problem?07:06
flosomeusernoob: unfortunately this doesn't help07:06
wolsjboogie: this IS #ubuntu. where else would you ask?07:06
vect0r``wols, so if a module loads without an error, does that mean it just found the module? or it found a piece of hardware that coinscides with the module?07:06
chuckypmolkko, what type of video crad?07:06
SrRavenany things I should consider when upgrading?07:06
Jack_Sparrowjboogie: How did you install xgl?07:06
wolsvect0r``: normally yes. and from what I see at google r8169 is the oroper one for the card07:06
SrRavenLike not doing something or so07:06
chuckypSrRaven, backup your data first07:06
ArrenLexLatty: what the hell? That's very odd.07:06
SrRavenWhich data?07:06
LattywareIs it? :/07:06
Ash-FoxWhere would be the best place to define system wide aliases for bash in Ubuntu?07:06
jboogiei have a machine i want to duel boot the mighty fine ubuntu off of. only problem is that its on a serial ata raid array that ubuntu doesnt recognize with the live cd...help07:07
johntAny one help with this wine prob, I innsalled a game called Dink Smallwood now I need a command to make it start please07:07
vect0r``wols, yeah that's what i read from google aswell, and that it should work fine.. hmmn07:07
wolsSrRaven: /home, /etc, /var07:07
Arcad3latty:ia-te de cur si sari07:07
ArrenLexLatty: yes. Alsa doesn't recognise ANY devices.07:07
someusernoobflo: u shure that the other theme has a garbage bin icon? otherwise copy it to /usr/share/icons07:07
chuckypSrRaven, anything that you can't afford to lose like documents etc..07:07
SrRavenGot nuttin there I think lol07:07
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SrRavenand it didn'T work07:07
chuckypSrRaven, well the other option is to just download the dapper cd and install it.07:07
molkkochuckyp, i guess my video is supersavage ix/c sr07:07
SrRavenit says couldn't access stuff07:07
chuckypSrRaven, that will fix all your language issues etc..07:07
ArrenLexLattLatty, what happens when you go /etc/init.d/alsa-utils force-reload07:07
someusernoobflo: or maybe they the garbage bin icon has the wrong name, or do you have it with all icon themes07:07
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Jack_Sparrowjboogie: THis may help with that... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:08
chuckypmolkko, hrm... I would try maybe specifying vesa in xorg.conf and see if the issue continues may be a driver problem.07:08
flosomeusernoob: yes, i am sure it has... and its name is gnome-fs-trash-full.png, just like the original one07:08
vect0r``wols, any other ideas on what could be the problem?07:08
LattywareCan I post 3 lines?07:08
jboogiety jack07:08
ArrenLexlatty: yeah07:08
jboogiei forgot how to whisper07:08
LattywareBah, I'll add it to the pastebin07:08
Jack_Sparrowslash msg07:08
jboogiethere we go07:08
chuckypjboogie, talk quietly07:09
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jboogiebeen about 2 years since ive been on irc07:09
someusernoobflo: weird it doesnt work, the only thing thing that comes to mind is filling the garbage bin, have to do that always when changing icon themes07:09
flosomeusernoob: and yes, i have this problem with all themes...07:09
vect0r``wols, btw, I really recognize your name.. you're not the same wols from the litestep community are you?07:09
someusernoobflo: u only have the garbage bin on your panel?07:09
flosomeusernoob: no, all other icons work fine07:09
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someusernoobflo: i meant, do you have it also on the desktop?07:10
johntAny one help with this wine prob, I innsalled a game called Dink Smallwood now I need a command to make it start please07:10
someusernoobflo: the icon07:10
flosomeusernoob: no07:10
zaggynljohnt, for wine stuff goto the channel #winehq07:10
ArrenLexLatty: did you prefix that command with sudo?07:10
SrRavenyo,ehm where is my gaim stuff stored ?07:10
zaggynl(wine app.exe does the job though)07:10
flosomeusernoob: i don't know how to get a link to the garbage bin to the desktop07:10
Lattywareah, no. Sorry, didn't know it needed root07:10
ArrenLexRaven: ~/.gaim07:10
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johnt<zaggynl> many thx sorry i did not know07:11
LattywareNow I just get shuting down, starting up, no errors.07:11
zaggynljohnt, that's okay :)07:11
someusernoobflo: gconf-editor /apps/nautilus/desktop07:11
Arcad3who can give me his host user and password?07:11
chuckypjohnt, you would need to do a command along the lines of "wine nameofprogram.exe"07:11
ArrenLexLatty: does sound work now?07:11
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Arcad3please i'll make his computer work like a Swiss watch07:11
zaggynlAquafox was helped?07:11
wolsvect0r``: I am07:11
ArrenLexLatty: is amixer any different?07:11
vect0r``figured as much07:12
flosomeusernoob: ah, i see, the icon works as expected on the desktop07:12
LattywareNo, exactly the same.07:12
wolsvect0r``: and I recognized your nick too07:12
johnt<chuckyp> thx I will try that now07:12
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Arcad3c'mon PM me with the HOST USER AND PASS07:12
someusernoobflo: try to re-add the garbage bin applet to your panel07:12
flosomeusernoob: already tried that about 5 times07:12
chuckypjohnt, no problem just keep in mind wine installs apps to ~/.wine/c_drive/whateverblahblah07:12
ArrenLexLatty: could you download the DEBIAN (etch) version of the alsa-utils package and install it over the ubuntu one, and then run alsaconf, please?07:12
ulfarwols: btw they are using alot older version of wine, is that alright ?07:12
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ulfar0.9.21, latest is 0.9.907:13
flosomeusernoob: I also killed gnome-panel after doing that07:13
chuckypjohnt, so it would be like wine .wine/c_drive/poopygame.exe07:13
LattywareArrenLex:  Could you tell me how I would go about that, please.07:13
wolsulfar: that's what I don't get. I'd say in newer versions of wine, those patches should be already in. have you tested them?07:13
NET||abusehmm, weird07:13
ArrenLexLatty: http://packages.debian.org/testing/sound/alsa-utils07:13
vect0r``wols, I love linux for the stabability.. hate it for crap like this.. lol07:13
NET||abusegot pptpconfig working, didn't realise the client to LAN setting didn't actually add a to lan route entry07:13
NET||abusewhy?????? stupid07:13
someusernoobflo: hmm, thats weird, only thing i can suggest then is restart X, or copy the icon theme to /usr/share/icons07:13
ArrenLexlatty: download that file, and then run sudo dpkg -i <file.deb> on it.07:13
ArrenLexThen run sudo alsaconf.07:14
Lattywareok, thanks07:14
=== Somniis [n=Somniis@24-158-231-13.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ulfarwols: i only tested the latest wine using apt-get install07:14
ulfarwols: however wow crashed :(07:14
zaggynlI run WC3 in wine :)07:14
someusernoobflo: since the icon works fine on the desktop there is something wrong with the panel applet, i dont know what :)07:14
ulfarwols: i can see the intro! but when it comes to the login screen i crash07:14
Arcad3use cedega07:14
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Somniishas anyone tried to run Fallout in wine?07:15
flo_someusernoob: ok, I'll try both of your suggestions07:15
chuckypArcad3, cedega isnt' free for one. and wine works perfectly fine07:15
ulfarArcad3: im not paying for some program so some greedy gay developer can make money off the open source community07:15
johnt<chuckyp> I will go run through a few alternatives. I just did not see any .exe files in the folders07:15
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:15
chuckypSomniis, you should probably check out wine's appdb07:15
grayscaleI installed kdewebdev for Quanta Plus using apt-get.  After apt-get installed everything it needed, I'm getting this error when running the program, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24783 , can someone help?07:15
Arcad3i have the free version07:15
someusernoobflo: i remember something07:15
Somniisheh.. didn't know there was one. :-)  thanks chuckyp07:15
ulfarArcad3: you have a free version of cedega ?07:15
chuckypjohnt, well inside of that c_drive directory it should look like a windows filesystem i.e. /windows/program files/ etc...07:15
someusernoobflo: i had a problem once with the tango volume icon, it wouldnt get smaller, unless i created a new panel, and delete the old one :S07:15
Arcad3yes of course07:15
LattywareArrenLex:  I get a load of dependancy errors.07:15
Arcad3but u will be sued if cached with it:))07:16
ulfarArcad3: nice, ill check out the website tomorrow for cedega07:16
chuckypSomniis, http://appdb.winehq.org/07:16
ulfarArcad3: OH lol cracked version ?07:16
ArrenLexGrayscale: you don't have write permissions to your own home folder07:16
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Arcad3still want it?07:16
flo_someusernoob: wierd, got a 2nd panel now and two different icons ;)07:16
Arcad3i'll keep it07:16
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ArrenLexGrayscale: run sudo chmod -R 777 /home/grayscale07:16
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flo_someusernoob: but not the one I want to have07:17
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ArrenLexLattyware: okay, don't install it then. Hold on.07:17
johnt<chuckyp> That is true I do but the final folder does not have a .exe in it   Just some .ini files07:17
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someusernoobflo: hmm, that is really weird07:17
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chuckypjohnt, well the whatever program you installed has to have an executable somewhere.  Just as if you installed it in windows.07:17
someusernoobflo: you just made that second panel?07:17
zaggynljohnt, have you unextracted the file?07:17
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flo_someusernoob: yes07:18
chuckypjohnt, what was the name of the game again?07:18
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grayscaleok that worked, but do i want to leave the permissions on my home folder open like that?07:18
someusernoobflo: otherwise, remove the 2nd panel, and add it again, set it up like your first panel, except for the garbage bin, delete the first panel, kill the panel, and add the garbage bin07:18
chuckypgrayscale, they aren't open they are set to your user.07:18
ArrenLexgrayscale: probably not. Feel free to adjust your permissions to a comfortable level. Just make sure to give yourself write.07:18
grayscaleok, thanks a lot07:18
flo_someusernoob: one minute...07:19
ArrenLexLatty: do you know how to extract files from deb archives?07:19
johnt<chuckyp> It is an ancient game written by Seth robinson called Dink Smallwood I am just trying to get wine to work for me07:19
grayscalei changed the permissions to .kde prior to asking thinking that would fix it07:19
grayscaleArrenLex, thank you07:19
chuckypjohnt, let me see what I can find07:19
someusernoobflo_: sorry didnt notice you changed your name07:19
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flo_someusernoob: no matter, was disconnected07:20
johnt<chuckyp> I down loaded The file from rtsoft.com07:20
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flo_someusernoob: I guess I don't have any luck with getting this thing working...07:20
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habeebHello, I installed Python2.5 with APT, but I still use the 2.4 one :/07:21
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chuckypjohnt, did it say were it was installing it?07:21
someusernoobflo_: what icon theme you want to use and where did you get it from?07:21
johnt<chuckyp> Dinksmallwood108.exe07:21
snedarhey! I'm looking for a command like pwd that prints the current location of the script it's running in. so if you're in /home/user and start /home/user/scripts/script.sh, it should print '/home/user/scripts' as location. does such a command exist?07:21
chuckypjohnt, oh well try win Dinksmallwood108.exe07:21
flo_it's called OSX, I got it from gnome-look.org07:21
chuckypjohnt, wine not win07:21
flo_someusernoob: it's called OSX, I got it from gnome-look.org07:21
chuckypjohnt, wine Dinksmallwood108.exe07:21
chuckypjohnt, I thought you were talking about a program with an installer or something07:22
johnt<chuckyp> \h\john\wine\c\program\dink07:22
someusernoobflo_:version 3.1?07:22
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Jack_Sparrowflo_: Did you get it from the gnome or gtk1 or gtk2 area of gnome-look.org07:22
flo_someusernoob: yes07:22
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Xappehmm, when I try to add my pronter in cups with System --> Administration --> Printers it does not detect my printer properly. It detects it as Hp fax, not HP LaserJet-6L. It's detected fine in dapper...07:22
chuckypjohnt, well when you downloaded the app did you install it?07:22
ArrenLexLatty: do you know how to extract files from deb archives?07:22
johnt<chuckyp> yes07:22
Xappeoops, wrong channel07:22
flo_someusernoob: i can't remember07:22
chuckypjohnt, with wine?  did it specify where it was putting the executable07:23
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someusernoobflo_: weird, it running fine here07:23
flo_someusernoob: you tested it?07:23
someusernoobflo_: yes, im looking at it right now07:23
johnt<chuckyp> yes with wine then i got a option were to install and chose the one I told you07:23
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someusernoobflo_: garbage bin in the panel works fine07:24
habeebHello, I installed Python2.5 with APT, but I still use the 2.4 one :/07:24
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SrRavenis there such thing as a download manager ?07:24
chuckypjohnt, okay well cd /home/.wine/c/program/dink07:24
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SrRavenfirefox keeps dying on me and I wanna download newest ubuntu07:24
chuckypjohnt, and do an ls see if there is a dink.exe or something simliar07:24
flo_someusernoob: Aero Icon theme isn't working as well here... http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3543707:24
someusernoobflo_: what theme are u using?07:24
ArrenLexsr: wget07:24
La_PaRCaSrRaven: use wget07:24
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someusernoobflo_: do the icons work with the standard human theme?07:24
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SrRavenso at least thats like on Windows07:25
SrRavenfirefox dies when it shouldn't07:25
snedar(about my question: I've found $pwd and $0 now, maybe I can do something with that)07:25
johnt<chuckyp> OK07:25
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neutrinomassSrRaven: It dies on all sites?07:25
ArrenLexsnedar: what is the output of $0, again? I forget what it does.07:25
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SrRavenon some07:25
lupine_85gives /path/to/executed/program07:26
neutrinomassSrRaven: Do you have flash installed? Flash and extensions/plugins are known to wreck firefox stability07:26
flo_someusernoob: all stanard themes work as expected at least after I killed gnome-panel07:26
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SrRavenYes I do07:26
snedarArrenLex: what lupine_85 says :-)07:26
SrRavenand yes I need it :P07:26
Somniisdoes anyone know the command to install a program via cd from wine? :-\07:26
sychoIs there any way that when in list view your can still right click and paste something? I never can as it always selects a file in the directory. Further is there a way so that you don't have to keep a window open for you to be able to copy something from it?07:26
ArrenLexsnedar: then why can't you just take out the last field in $0?07:26
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SrRavenHow do I tell wget to download to a specific folder?07:27
neutrinomassSrRaven: Then that's the problem ;) It's really not something Ubuntu can fix. Flash source code is not released by Macromedia. You're encouraged to direct your complaints to them :)07:27
someusernoobflo_: i think i see the problem, both icon themes only have scalable icons, i think the gnome panel applet cant handle it07:27
chuckypSrRaven, it will download to whatever folder you are in by default07:27
SrRavenI don't have much space left on the partition with ubuntu07:27
ArrenLexSrRaven: wget downloads to whatever folder you are in when you execute it unless you specify -O07:27
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snedarArrenLex: yep, I think that's the best solution... though maybe it isn't good at all to look at the script's location, I could better store the user files in a /home/user/.directory07:27
flo_someusernoob: but you said it worked for you?07:27
someusernoobflo_: hm, that makes no sence, since it is working fine here07:27
someusernoobflo_: yeah, i know07:27
flo_someusernoob: you installed them to your home folder?07:28
ArrenLexsnedar: you asked how and you were answered.07:28
someusernoobflo_: yes07:28
SrRavenI wanna download to my win partition07:28
SrRavenas thats the only big one07:28
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chuckypSrRaven, just cd /to/whatever/folder/you/want  then wget http://website/filename  it will download tot hat folder07:28
johnt<chuckyp> I must have screwed up some where as I get no such file or dir when I ls Dink dink07:28
chuckypSrRaven, is it an ntfs partiton?07:28
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snedarArrenLex: yes, that's true, and thanks for that! :-)07:28
ArrenLexSr: you can't write to an NTFS partition.07:28
someusernoobflo_: i just extracted both icon themes to my /.icons folder, and selected them with gnome's theme manager07:28
chuckypjohnt, okay you downloaded the exe then what did you do?07:28
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flo_someusernoob: that's what I did07:29
flo_someusernoob: Tangerine, tango, Human, ... wrk fine07:29
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SrRavenWell than I got a big big problem07:30
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someusernoobflo_: i really dont know anymore :S07:30
johnt<chuckyp> Right click   open with wine <click> Agreements yes install options  chooose destination folder07:30
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sebI installed vsftpd, and it give read-only access to anonymous users. Vergy good. But where in teh File System do I add files so that anonymou users can download them?07:30
SrRavenI only got like a gig of space left07:30
Jangstahey hey, whats the command to enter the X config?07:31
flo_someusernoob: I'll try to put the theme to /usr/share/icons07:31
chuckypjohnt, well you just need to navigate to the folder you installed to and find the name of the exe.07:31
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PhillPhorraristart x07:31
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PhillPhorrarino startx07:31
chuckypjohnt, or .bat file whatever but it has to have an executable file.07:31
Jangsta:\ it was somethign else i remember07:31
Jangstathis is to config it07:31
Jangstaxbts-reconfigure serv-sasda07:31
Jangstasomething like that07:32
chuckypjohnt, did you read the wiki section on wine it explains a lot better than I can.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine07:32
PhillPhorraridpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:32
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Jangstathats it07:32
someusernoobflo_: you can try it, otherwise the last thing that i can think of is, make a new panel, leave it empty, delete your current panel, restart your computer, and add everything to it07:32
PhillPhorrariyour welcome07:32
johnt<chuckyp> Must be a problem some where there are only four files and none of them are .exe or .bat /07:32
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seraphimSrRaven: maybe this can help you: http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/07:32
johnt<chuckyp> I will have a rad and see what can happen next07:33
johnt<chuckyp> read07:33
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FREThey all07:33
Jangstawait it says07:33
Jangstadpkg-reconfigure must be run as root?07:33
chuckypjohnt, you could try something like find /home/<username>/.wine/ -name *.exe see what that returns07:33
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SrRavenalrighty,I checked the my computer thing and it actually says that theres a 4,2 gb hard drive07:34
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SrRavenbut doesn't say anything bout it,I guess I can install to it ?07:34
flo_someusernoob: i'll try the hint with restarting X now...07:34
chuckypSrRaven, what are you talking about installing?07:34
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johnt<chuckyp> /home/john/wine/c/program/Dink Smallwood/dink/Dink Smallwood/dink/Dink.dat07:34
johnt/home/john/wine/c/program/Dink Smallwood/dink/Dink Smallwood/dink/Dink.ini07:34
johnt/home/john/wine/c/program/Dink Smallwood/dink/Dink Smallwood/dink/Hard.dat07:34
johnt/home/john/wine/c/program/Dink Smallwood/dink/Dink Smallwood/dink/Map.dat07:34
SrRavenI meant download07:35
lmok_hello, is there a way to restart the sound device without rebooting?07:35
SrRavenas in download to that partition07:35
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JangstaPhillPhorrari - it says this must be run as a root?07:35
chuckypjohnt, what about the .wine folder in yoru home.   That should be the hidden folder.07:35
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chuckypjohnt, cd ~/.wine   notice the period in front there that is important.07:36
someusernoobflo_: wb07:36
flo_someusernoob: it seems I cannot get it working on this machine...07:36
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johnt<chuckyp> It was hidden until I hit the show all button07:36
ladydoorjohnt: isn't there a linux port of that floating around somewhere?07:36
ArrenLexlmok: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils force-reload07:36
someusernoobflo_: really strange, since it is working here without any problems07:36
ArrenLexHi ladydoor!07:36
Locke2dink smallwood? lol07:37
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ladydoorArrenLex: hello07:37
Locke2just as an exercise i hope07:37
ArrenLexWow, I recognise lots of people.07:37
ladydoorLocke2: wouldn't know.07:37
SrRavenbut I can't go to it07:37
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SrRavenin terminal07:37
ArrenLexNot surprising... out of 919 it's reasonable I've seen some.07:37
johnt<ladydoor> Not sure I got this from rtsoft.com07:37
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SrRavenat least I don't see it07:37
Locke2i've played it before07:37
ArrenLexI wonder if this channel has ever hit 1000.07:37
Locke2its kinda weak07:37
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SrRavenit just says hda107:37
SrRavenideas anyone?07:37
Locke2ArrenLex- i wonder too07:37
ladydoorjohnt: it's just something i saw randomly once07:37
chuckypjohnt, hrm.. well I dunno possibly try to reinstall it and pay attention to the path etc... maybe the installer is broken but if their is no executable it can't be run... The only thing I would check is cat the dinkwood.ini and see if that has a path to executable in it.07:38
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Descentionhello, im trying to set up my nvidia geforce go 6800, and was following the method one tutorial on "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper" and once i put in "gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/NVIDIA-Settings.desktop" it sends back an error saying "(gksudo:6510): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:"     what do i do?07:38
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flo_someusernoob: thank you very very much anyway for your patience07:38
LuisMendescan someone tell me if synaptic's qemu comes with kqemu?07:38
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someusernoobflo_: no problem, i hope you will find a fix for it07:38
chuckyp!tell SrRaven about ntfs07:38
mpechsystem -> administration -> networking07:38
chuckypSrRaven, read the message from ubotu07:39
SrRavenI can see it07:39
SrRavenas in browse it07:39
SrRavenbut its empty07:39
chuckypDescention, are you in gnome when you are doing that command or text based terminal only07:39
SrRavenas i formatted it before I slammed linux on this thing07:39
mpechtimeout 5mins07:39
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someusernoobflo_: and if you resize your panel?07:39
Descentionchuckyp: i am running the command through putty07:39
flo_someusernoob: doesn't work either07:39
ladydoorDescention: instead do sudo nano -w07:40
giovannii noticed, when shutting down my machine it shuts down something like a bittorrent tracker. I can't identify any process an nothing that might start it. i need to know where it comes from an where to stop it, as i'm in kind of trouble here.07:40
johnt<chuckyp> OK I will go back and play with it some more I am just trying to get comfortable with wine and am not able to use 3d that is why I chose Dink07:40
chuckypDescention, yeah you would need to use nano or some text based text editor like sudo nano /usr/share/....07:40
flo_someusernoob: hmm what about copying the Human Icon Theme and just replace that icon?07:40
chuckypDescention, and edit the file that way.07:40
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Descentionthank you07:40
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ArrenLexgiovanni: it's part of the bittorrent package.07:40
chuckypjohnt, gotcha yeah the only real tricky thing with wine is that hidden folder stuff but if you are displaying them you already know.07:40
ArrenLexgio: if you don't want it, uninstall bittorrent.07:41
ladydoorchuckyp: nano -w will prevent linebreaks, which is important for people who aren't in a large terminal...07:41
giovanniArrenLex, I thought, the tracker is server side?07:41
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chuckypladydoor, i've never had a problem with nano breaking lines even in a small terminal07:41
someusernoobflo_: you can try it, but it is a really strange way to get an icon working, it shouldnt be this hard07:41
ArrenLexgiovannI: yes, the bittorrent tracker is for servers. I'm not quite sure why it's included.07:41
giovanniit sucks07:41
ladydoorchuckyp: *shrug*. i don't use nano, just passing along tips i've heard.07:41
SrRavenso chuckyp,how do I switch to that partition in terminal ?07:41
giovanniso i have to remove the client with it07:42
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SrRavenAnd also PLEASE can anyone tell me why I can't get to my bnc's with xchat?07:42
DiamonDHi ppls07:42
someusernoobflo_: and i really cant stand it that it worked here fine :S:S07:42
DiamonDcan someone help me install tcp server on ubuntu07:42
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johnt<chuckyp> Thx for all the help I will go and see if I can sort it a bit. There is a different  older ver on the site I may try that one  Bye for now07:42
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DiamonDis it possible to install qmail on ubuntu07:42
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giovanniArrenLex, do you think my box works as a tracker without asking me?07:43
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ArrenLexgiovanni: I don't know anything. All I know it it's part of the package. Google is your friend.07:43
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kutanCan someone tell me how to use chmod?07:44
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Wiseguykutan, man chmod?07:44
kutanI looked at it but it confused me even mroe07:44
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ArrenLexkutan: basically you use a hex code to set permissions to a file or directory.07:44
ArrenLexhex is probably the wrong word.07:44
giovanniah shit... its part of ubuntu desktop07:44
ArrenLexI'm sure someone smart will correct me.07:45
wolsArrenLex: octal07:45
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kutansoooo What does that mean to me?07:45
Locke2yes 0-707:45
Jangstahow do i access the X config07:45
SrRavenI got a rather big problem07:45
Locke27 being full access07:45
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Jangstawhats command07:45
flo_someusernoob: I think I will give up for today07:45
wolsJangsta: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org07:45
SrRavenon my keyboard,there is a +* and a curly line simbol07:45
Jangstaahh ok07:45
neutrinomassJangsta: It's in /etc/X11/xorg.conf , to change it though, do what wols suggested07:45
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SrRavencurly line symbol doesn't work07:46
ArrenLexjangsta: it's in /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:46
SrRavenhelp :(07:46
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Jangstait keps telling me it must be run as a root07:46
chuckypDiamonD, is qmail availible for linux?07:46
someusernoobflo_: so it didnt work?07:46
ArrenLexSrRaven: you probably are using the wrong keyboard layout.07:46
Jangsta(im installin, so i only have command prompt up)07:46
neutrinomassJangsta: You need to use "sudo"07:46
flo_someusernoob: no07:46
Jangstaoh what do you mean?07:46
ArrenLexSrRaven: Oh, do you mean the tilde? ~07:46
Jangstaput sudo first07:46
neutrinomassJangsta: i.e. not "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", but "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"07:46
someusernoobflo_: ur the only account on the computer?07:46
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Jangstaahhhh thanyou neurtriomass07:47
wolschuckyp: yes it is. but stay away from it. postfix or exim407:47
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SrRavenevery other symbol seems to work07:47
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kutanWhen I asked for help with chmod, what I really meant was, "Can someone give me the basic structure or an example of a chmod command?"07:47
iLLf8dkutan run this in a terminal ->  touch /tmp/hrm; for a in 777 666 555 444 333 222 111; do chmod $a /tmp/hrm; echo $a; ls -al /tmp/hrm; done07:47
flo_someusernoob: yes i am07:47
DiamonDyes chuckyp07:47
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iLLf8dkutan, may giveya some idea as to which numbers do what07:47
wolskutan: chmod <octalnumbers> <file to chmod>07:47
chuckypDiamonD, there ya go postfix is an appropriate solution or of you search around on google i'm sure you could find a qmail walkthrough or somehting.07:48
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iLLf8dactually you may want to put in 000 too07:48
someusernoobflo_: otherwise you could check if it also occurs in another account07:48
kutanlocalhost% chmod 777 pwn07:48
kutanchmod: wrong mode07:48
DiamonDyes i found one howto for qmail07:48
DiamonDbut i keep hanging on TCP server07:48
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chuckypDiamonD, http://www.paralipsis.org/2006/03/ubuntu-qmail-howto/07:48
=== adioe3 ulijece u sobu.
flo_someusernoob: great idea, i'll try that07:48
wolsDiamonD: any reason it has to be qmail?07:48
neutrinomassJangsta: Another unrelated but very useful tip: In most IRC clients (gaim, xchat ) you can use "tab-completion". Instead of having to type the entire "neutrinomass", you type "neut" and hit tab, and if there's no other name that begins with "neut", "neut" changes to "neutrinomass" :)07:48
chuckypDiamonD, oh hrm... no idea I don't have any experience with it.07:48
SrRavenI can't find a setting to add the twirl thing07:49
SrRavenwhat do I do?07:49
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wolsSrRaven: tilde it'S called07:50
stefg!info wondershaper07:50
ubotuwondershaper: Easy to use traffic shaping script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1a-4 (dapper), package size 13 kB, installed size 80 kB07:50
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iLLf8dkutan try chmod 777 ./pwn07:50
kutanstill says wrong mode07:50
DiamonDno wols07:50
iLLf8dhrm dunno where are you typing this?07:50
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chuckypkutan, what is pwn?07:50
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danvDiamonD: Forget qmail. It's old. Postfix, et. al. are all light years ahead of it in features on performance.07:51
kutansome file07:51
chuckypkutan, perhaps you don't have permissions to change it sudo chmod 777 pwn07:51
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iLLf8dkutan, try touch hrm then chmod 777 hrm07:51
Mogzare there any ubuntu kernel package with reiser4 support?07:51
DiamonDi just want a multimailserver07:51
iLLf8dsee if it givesya the same wrong mode error07:51
DiamonDwith more domains then just one07:51
chuckypkutan, are you trying to make it executable?07:51
BlobHI all - I'm wondering why the recommended updates from update-manager differ (sometimes wildly) from the CLI aptitude install command.  Anyone with any ideas?07:51
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chuckypkutan, there is also chmod +x pwn07:51
DiamonDi heard from some guys that qmail whas tha best07:51
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kutanI tried that too07:51
danvDiamonD Yeah, find a postfix howto on virtual domains. There are hundreds out there.07:51
wetduck_What tools do I need to install to compile Java?07:52
iLLf8dkutan, sounds like somethings honked up just logout and back in or open a new term07:52
neutrinomassMogz: No... generally people that want to use reiser4 can patch and build it or themselves07:52
kutanI tried "chmod a+rwx" "chmod +rwx" etc.07:52
SrRavenoh well how do I add a tilde than07:52
DiamonDok i will try07:52
wolsDiamonD: a very good one (tho for debian) is "ispmail for sage" at workaround.org07:52
Mogzneutrinomass: how about this? http://wiki.namesys.com/Howto_reiser4_ububtu <-- the link don't work though.07:52
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chuckypkutan, hrm... wrong mode thats interesting07:52
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chuckypkutan, where did you get the file from?07:53
wetduck_Could someone here help me with Ubuntu/Java please?07:53
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MikeDKhi all07:54
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danvWetduck, you want to compile java?07:54
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chuckyp!tell wetduck about java07:54
kutantry connecting to uhm.. mission2@youhack.org pass:mission207:54
neutrinomassMogz: Those are not official packages ;) The link doesn't work for me either ... at any rate, you shouldn't be using reiser4 unless you're willing to risk data loss07:54
MogzI noticed the package I built from the kernel sources didn't include any initrd or whatnot... would that mean no splash? and could it be the reason for the kernel panic?07:54
kutanit's somethin someone I know came up with07:54
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wetduck_danv, yep. I am not sure about what to download.07:55
MikeDKhow do i modify text color in firefox07:55
Mogzneutrinomass: i know. but I've been using it for like a year on my old sys (arch linux)... now I just switched to ubuntu and would just like to be able to access my old partitions :P07:55
chuckypkutan, is it in there exploits or ?07:55
neutrinomassMogz: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild on how to build a kernel. Check the namesys site for patches07:55
wetduck_danv, it seens that there is no Java 1.5 for Ubuntu yet.07:55
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kutanIt's under challenges07:55
MikeDKneed black color in address-bar07:55
neutrinomassMogz: Other than that, if you don't go with initrd you will want to at least include support for your / filesystem and your / 's hard disk drive ... not as modules but built into the kernel07:56
DiamonDcan i download ispmail with apt-get07:56
PunjabiFLOYDIANpeople is it possible to make VB programs in Linux/07:56
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository07:56
MikeDKhow do i modify text color in firefox, need black color in address-bar07:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about VB - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:56
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Mogzneutrinomass: oh, that's what that panic was all about :)07:57
danvDiamonD, follow this:07:57
chuckypkutan, that is a problem witht here server because that should work07:57
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Mogzsorry, was a long time ago I last had to bother with this stuff...07:57
DiamonDThe resource cannot be displayed07:57
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kutanah alright07:57
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DiamonDthe page could not be displayd07:58
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danvInteresting. I'm there right now.07:58
chuckypkutan, I just connected and tried to chmod it and couldn't either .07:58
danvDiamonD: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_debian_sarge07:58
danvDiamonD: http://johnny.chadda.se/2005/04/30/postfix-howto/07:59
chuckypkutan, I believe they want you to compile it first07:59
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kutanI did07:59
Mogzhere's another stupid question... could I use the kernel I compiled together with the initrd of the kernel I was using before (am currently using)? they're both
kutanI used gcc on pwn.c and used chmod on pwn08:00
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danvYou probably cannot combine old initrds and new kernels08:00
chuckypkutan, hrm..08:00
danvThe modules need to be exactly the same.08:00
chuckypkutan, just trying to figure out what they mean by setuid08:00
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Eli_Cotenhi. I have a problem loading ubuntu under bochs. I get an error message Unable to locate RSDP08:00
Mogzhm... brb.08:00
stefgMogz: the modules inside the initrd won't fit with the new kernel08:00
kutanoy... brb gonna go take out the garbage08:01
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chuckypkutan, alright i'm trying to figure it out.08:01
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Rehinolddo you know how to run adobe photoshop 7.0 with wine?08:01
Eli_Cotenany ideas anyone?08:01
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Rehinoldit gives some errors08:01
Jay_LevittAnyone here good with Cyrus IMAPD and BDB?  I'm upgrading from Mandrake to Ubuntu and apparently was using an old Berkeley DB version.. can't figure out how/what to upgrade08:02
PunjabiFLOYDIANRehinold: what errors?08:02
stefgRehinold: /j #winehq08:02
sharperguyis there a .deb for enemy territory?08:02
wubrgamerso was that last firefox update like08:02
wubrgamera bug fix ?08:02
wubrgameror what ?08:02
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jmitchjwhen trying to install different pacakages, i get message E: Counldn't find package...., any ideas why?08:02
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PunjabiFLOYDIANjmitchj: enabled universal respos?08:03
neutrinomasssharperguy: Apparently there isn't one in the repos08:03
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jmitchjhow?...new to linux...08:03
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PunjabiFLOYDIANok open synaptic08:03
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SrRavenwb punjabi08:04
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: Hello Sir!08:04
PunjabiFLOYDIANanymore help you want?08:04
englamy ubuntu is really slow. Could this be because of upgrading from breezy -> dapper? or is this a general problem with ppc ubuntu? (similar hardware on an intel laptop is much snappier)08:04
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PunjabiFLOYDIANengla:  get xubuntu08:04
SrRavenStill loads man08:04
Eli_Cotenhow do you disable acpi at bootup?08:04
englaPunjabiFLOYDIAN: I like gnome and the apps08:04
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PunjabiFLOYDIANjmitchj: choose settings > repos08:05
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neutrinomassEli_Coten: Click 'e' to edit the grub command line parameters and add acpi=off08:05
wolsEli_Coten: acpi=off08:05
PunjabiFLOYDIANelic_coten= acpi=off08:05
englaPunjabiFLOYDIAN: and the problem is that apps, of any type, start really slowly08:05
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czer323Any suggestions for Xchat and changing the default browser it uses to open links?08:05
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PunjabiFLOYDIANwhats ur hardware like?08:05
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: ASk!08:05
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SrRavenHehe ok08:05
englait's an 1.2 GHz ppc ibook08:05
Ramunaswhere can i get w32codecs?08:05
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fredlhey guys got a kernel specific question but it applies to the Ubuntu Linux kernel as well so I'll ask it here as well. I've been looking into the USER_HZ value in the kernel. By changing that constant in params.h from 250 to 1000 it's supposedly possible to make fast systems have less latency. Additionally, there's the dev.rtc.max-user-freq setting. It *looks* the same but on both Ubuntu and FC5 it seems to be set to 64, which seems quite slow. So they08:05
fredl may be completely different numbers. Anybody know why this setting is set to 64 in Ubuntu or is that just because it's the default?08:05
englaubuntu works fine with it, but it's slow, especially launching apps as I said08:05
PunjabiFLOYDIANRamunas: sucks. still cant figure it out08:05
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chuckypkutan, yeah I dunno seems to be a problem with their nix box08:06
RamunasPunjabiFLOYDIAN: can't find it?08:06
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PunjabiFLOYDIANjmitch: choose the first one, choose edit, then under components TICK ALL.08:06
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PunjabiFLOYDIANrepeat the same08:06
PunjabiFLOYDIANRamunas: cant play WMVs still. not even on VideoLAN08:06
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:06
wubrgamerhow many of you run apache ?08:06
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PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRAveN: You there buddy08:06
azcazandcocan anyone help me, I have screwed up apt-get etc trying to install the jedit deb file08:06
SrRaven1) My keyboard doesn't seem to support the tilde symbol how do I fix that ? 2) How do I change Linux lang from German to English 3) How do I let terminal save to HDA ? i got 5.04 and wanna update to 6.06 but got only 1.2 gb space left on the partition with Linux 4) Why don't any bnc's work on Linux ?? It says couldn't reach server08:06
azcazandcoI can no longer apt-get install nor use synaptic08:07
Jay_LevittI run apache08:07
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azcazandcoSrRaven: I have a similar problem with the pound sign08:07
Mogznope... didn't work.08:07
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SrRavenWell my big problem is,I can't connect to my website that way08:07
sharperguyazcazandco, are all the repositories in the /etc/apt/sources.list file?08:07
yamanhi every one do any one know a program i can use for ubuntu to design web pages like the frontpage in windows ?08:08
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PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: 1. Not sure. 2. Gnome footprint>system>administration>languages 3. u need a better harddisk. 4. what are bnc's?08:08
chuckypSrRaven, open a terminal and type in sudo gnome-language-selector08:08
neutrinomassfredl: No idea, but it's probably a different number since the USER_HZ is a preprocessor #define that cannot be changed at runtime08:08
azcazandcosharperguy: yup08:08
Mogzso how do I do if I want to build an initrd for my kernel with basic filesystem support + the normal splash?08:08
jmitchjEDIT not available option08:08
SrRavenbnc's stay in IRC 24/708:08
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azcazandcoyaman: try nvu08:08
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yamanthanx azcazandco08:08
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SrRavensudo: gnome-language-selector: command not found08:09
azcazandcono worries08:09
PunjabiFLOYDIANu do it the GUI Way.08:09
neutrinomassMogz: I don't think it's mandatory to have an initrd if you do the rest right. I haven't compiled a kernel in a long time though :-/08:09
SrRavenAnd needing a better hard disk isn't really a option :(08:09
chuckypSrRaven, Do you see where it says System  ?08:09
SrRavenYeah but i don't see annnny language flag08:09
fredlneutrinomass, Hmm. Well I've been reading about the tickless kernel and that there's movement on that front starting with the 2.6.16 kernel...08:09
Jay_Levittwubrgamer: I run apache.. need help?08:09
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PunjabiFLOYDIANoh come on08:10
chuckypSrRaven, click on system then click on administration  then click on language     I'm sure you may have to translate it to whatever the hell it says in german but thats the way.08:10
danvyaman: You actually *WANT* Frontpage like behaviour?08:10
Mogzneutrinomass: well, I can imagine I missed builtin support for ext3 and stuff like that. fully understandable if the kernel panics when it can't load modules to read the filesystem on which the modules are located08:10
PunjabiFLOYDIANsorry for the caps08:10
Mogzclassic catch-2208:10
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chuckypPunjabiFLOYDIAN, i've been trying for atleast 45 minutes with him.08:10
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chuckypPunjabiFLOYDIAN, I gave up for a while.08:10
Jay_Levittdanv: it's not ALL that bad... actually the most recent versions were fairly handy08:10
SrRavenDude its not thereeeeeeee08:10
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PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: Oh come on.08:10
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:11
chuckypSrRaven, ARE YOU USING UBUNTU?08:11
SrRavenyes lol08:11
chuckypSrRaven, OR KUBUNTU?08:11
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neutrinomassfredl: Yep. Dynticks has been discussed quite a lot and AFAIK it will be merged into the kernel at some point, but not yet08:11
danvWell I won't be able to help you figure out how to do it. I have enough fun prying my eyeballs out with spoons.08:11
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wolschuckyp: he is using an old version....08:11
azcazandcosharperguy: any suggestions?08:11
PunjabiFLOYDIANgo to the gnome foot print08:11
Eli_CotenI am getting an error message unable to locate RDSP and it won't boot. how do I fix it08:11
PunjabiFLOYDIANhe is 5.0508:11
azcazandcoI get this error08:11
nicusorhelo people got a leatle big problem08:11
sharperguynot really, soz08:11
PunjabiFLOYDIANcant u read german SrRaven?08:11
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chuckypSrRaven, well I don't know how to do it with hoary but i'm sure its there under administration08:11
PunjabiFLOYDIANchuckyp: maybe in 5.05 it aint there. we are using 6.06. i can see it clearly08:12
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SrRavenI can08:12
nicusora chent connect tot the net to the fiberlink ??08:12
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nicusorcent you help me08:12
SrRavenI'll list everything thats there08:12
factotumwierd question: anyone know a way to extract a .sit file?08:12
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factotumi mean if i dont have a mac handy and am running a linux desktop08:13
wolsPunjabiFLOYDIAN: Mac archive format08:13
chuckypSrRaven, what about under preferences perhaps you have to hunt arround a bit.08:13
fredlneutrinomass, so you don't know exactly what the dev.rtc.max-user-freq setting does?08:13
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nicusorquestion: wat comand a use tot conect tot the net from a fiberlink conection>?>>08:13
PunjabiFLOYDIANlol. ok08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
neutrinomassfredl: no, sorry :(08:13
PunjabiFLOYDIANha ha. he is stupid. dubmo08:13
factotumits nothing crazy, just an icon set i want to try and crack open08:13
nicusorcareva roman pe aicia??/08:13
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: buddy you r having a hard time with Linux08:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:14
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PhillPhorrarijangsta you must type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:14
fredlneutrinomass, just got an answer on #fedora: <wwoods> fredl: it's the max frequency a normal user is allowed to set the RTC (/dev/rtc) to08:14
SrRavenhow do I make a screenshot ?08:14
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SrRavenOh watit think I got it08:14
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PunjabiFLOYDIANclick on the gnome foot print08:14
PunjabiFLOYDIANgo to accessories08:14
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PunjabiFLOYDIANand choose screenshot08:14
nicusorma daca este vreun roman am si eu o problema nu ma pot conecta la internet pe ubuntu ...am fiberlink conectiunea08:14
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:14
factotumnevermind, found it, thanks08:15
neutrinomassfredl: Ahh ok.... although I'm not quite sure how the kernel handles higher frequencies if the RTC is that slow (quite a long time since I've been involved with kernel timing mechanisms )08:15
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:15
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: got it buddy?08:15
chuckypPunjabiFLOYDIAN, if he speaks german I don't understand why he doens't go to #ubuntu-de so they can tell him how to do it08:15
PunjabiFLOYDIANchuckyp: LOL. he is a geek. kernel hacker!08:15
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nicusorany roumanian in the haouse? :)08:15
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fredlneutrinomass, I know :P a 64Hz RT clock would be kinda... slow huh? :)08:15
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taaenRegarding ubuntu server 6.0.6 lts : Good news that we finally have a debian based distro with long term support. However - am I stuck with Apache 2.0.55 for the next 5 years ?08:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANSrRaven: i sincerly recommend you upgrade to Dapper Drake08:16
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PunjabiFLOYDIANgoodnite guys08:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANgot to leave now08:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANtalk to u later08:16
SrRavenbut I don't have enough space to download it08:16
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nicusorcomone people a got a problem i cent connect tot the internet from ubuntu?? i have fiberlink i use pppoeconf but dazent work>???any alternative ??08:16
mirfI get Bad Request 400 when I try download certian things through a terminal... but these same files come fine through firefox, any ideas?08:16
chuckypSrRaven, its only 700mb08:17
SrRavenand theres only 1.2 gb left on space which I can dl to08:17
mirfnicusor, did you recently boot windows?08:17
danvmirf: Got an example?08:17
chuckypSrRaven, okay so you have enough space08:17
nicusoryes am talking from windows now08:17
chuckypSrRaven, you could almost download it twice08:17
SrRavenLinux doesn't bother if it only has a few hundred mb left ?08:17
wolsSrRaven: apt-get dist-upgrade?08:17
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mirfdanv, I was doing svn co http://svn.zeitherrschaft.org/buze mute08:17
mirfthis time08:17
chuckypSrRaven, no this isn't windows08:17
nicusorfrom ubutnu i cent connect tot the net08:18
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mirfnicusor, I had probs getting my nic to talk to ubuntu after windows08:18
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chuckypSrRaven, the other option is to dist-upgrade like I said before but with the problems your having like the wrong language etc... I would reinstall.08:18
SrRavenok wgetting it08:18
mabusI tried to get mp3s working, and now not only do they not work, but when I play any file that is supposed to have sound working, it doesn't play. Help?08:18
mirfhave to remove power from psu for a minute then boot to get it to work08:18
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:18
chuckypSrRaven, are you dual-booting this machine?08:18
wolsmirf: does "pppoe -A" get your something in linux?08:18
SrRavenmy win fcked up08:19
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SrRaventhats why im on Lin08:19
stefgnicusor: what type of connection are you using?08:19
LuisMendesI'm trying to compile kqemu. I run the ./configure script just fine, no errors. But when I try running make, it says the command does not exist.. any suggestions?08:19
nicusori dont now wats iz the problem i use pppoeconf but dazent worh?08:19
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chuckypSrRaven, unless you find someone that is familair with hoary I have no idea how to switch the language over.08:19
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SrRavenehm it says I don't have the rights08:19
chuckypSrRaven, but if you have nothing to lose you can install fromt he cd.08:19
gerhardhi, how do I get the codecs to watch wmv files?08:19
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chuckypSrRaven, you don't have the rights to do what?08:19
danvLuisMendes: apt-get install build-essential08:19
gerhardw32codecs or win32codecs are not found by synaptic08:19
SrRavendownload it08:19
SrRavensays so08:19
chuckypSrRaven, well download it to your home directory08:19
chuckypSrRaven, cd ~08:19
nicusori use fiberconection08:20
nicusori have no model08:20
SrRavenI can't do the tilde symbol :P08:20
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chuckypSrRaven, or cd /home/srraven08:20
czer323gerhard> check out easyubuntu08:20
gerhardbut i meant that the package's name was like that08:20
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.08:20
danvmirf: svn co http://svn.zeitherrschaft.org/buze mute works for me08:20
gerhardthanks czer32308:20
yamanhelp plz (am new in linux and i wana ask about what should i install the wine or the winex to let the windows programs work on my ubnuntu)08:20
SrRavenstill says can't do it08:20
mirfwols, ask nicusor :P08:20
chuckypSrRaven, well do cd /home/<username>08:20
chuckypSrRaven, whatever you username is on that box08:20
stefgnicusor: i don't understand a word, but maybe this helps: http://forum.ubuntu.ro/viewtopic.php?id=89508:20
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SrRavennow its going08:20
wolsSrRaven: just do "cd". nothing else08:20
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chuckypSrRaven, don't you have gnome up and running?08:20
SrRaven17,5 mins left08:20
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wolsnicusor: does pppoe -A output something?08:20
=== NaMcO^ : hi
chuckypSrRaven, You could just use the browser to download it instead of wget'ng it.08:21
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yamanlets ask the same qustion again08:21
yamanhelp plz (am new in linux and i wana ask about what should i install the wine or the winex to let the windows programs work on my ubnuntu)08:21
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SrRavenyeh chuckyp08:21
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SrRavenbut firefox died on me last 3 times08:21
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chuckypyaman, wine allows you to run some windows applications in linux08:21
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:22
yamanand winex?08:22
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stefgis cedega08:22
chuckypyaman, I believe that is a fork of wine08:22
chuckypstefg, its not cedega08:22
yamanaha thanx stefg and chuckyp08:22
gerhardczer323, when I run the sudo pyton easyubuntu.in command, there is a blank line in the terminal and nothing happens08:22
wolschuckyp: it is08:22
GhostFreemanI'm not able to write anything to my vfat partitions08:22
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GhostFreemaneven though they are mounted08:22
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chuckypyaman, yeah it is you have to pay for winex and wine is free08:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mountwindows - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:22
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks08:23
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czer323gerhard> let me check out the site.  gimme a second.  beena  while ;)08:23
gerhardok ty08:23
chuckypGhostFreeman, did you check out the wiki about mounting windows partitons?08:23
SrRavenEhm,just to go sure here.If I download stuff,can I still download to my former win partition ?08:23
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SrRavenBecause if not I'll have to switch back to win as I got no way of securing all the data08:23
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GhostFreemanno, didn't see that08:23
stefgGhostFreeman: they are mounted 'ro', you have to mount them in /etc/fstab with special options08:24
chuckypSrRaven, You can't write to NTFS08:24
chuckypSrRaven, but you can read from it.08:24
GhostFreemanI just added the fstab lines as advised by Ubuntu Guide08:24
gerhardczer323, look at this: http://nopaste.biz/?825608:24
czer323gerhard> and just to double check, what I normally do is copy the instructions and just paste it into terminal.08:24
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GhostFreemanthe Ubuntu Wiki, right?08:24
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SrRavenim fcked bigtime08:24
chuckypSrRaven, you can also remove windows completely depends what you are trying to do?08:24
chuckypSrRaven, why are you screwed?08:24
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:24
LuisMendesdanv, thanks, it worked!08:24
stefgGhostFreeman: paste your /etc/fstab to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and let me have a look08:24
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chuckypSrRaven, what are you trying to accomplish  you keep going off on tangents here?08:25
SrRavenBecause I would have to secure all my data and make the partition (75 gb) into a linux thing right?08:25
czer323gerhard> it's telling you waht to do ;)  "08:25
czer323E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."08:25
chuckypSrRaven, what do you want TO DO ?08:25
mabusOkay, I got sound working, but still no mp3 playback. I tried the ubuntu howto on mp3s. Any ideas, please?08:25
chuckypSrRaven, get DATA OFF OF YOUR WINDOWS PARTION?08:25
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chuckypSrRaven, FIX WINDOWS08:25
chuckypSrRaven, INSTALL UBUNTU?08:25
SrRavenwell fixing windows would be a option08:25
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wolsSrRaven: since that windows partition is noe totally empty, reformat it ext3 and no more problem08:25
chuckypSrRaven, you've asked about a million questions08:26
SrRavenbut sooner or later I wanna switch anyway08:26
chuckypall going no where.08:26
czer323gerhard> acutally, it just did it for you.  Hm... and nothign else happens?08:26
gerhardczer323, when I type it, some thing from VM Ware shows up and wants to configure some network08:26
chuckypwha5t is wrong with your windows ?08:26
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SrRavenno my 75 gb partition,the one with all my mp3s videos and pictures and personal info is not formatted08:26
stefgmabus: what app are you tryinf to use for playback?08:26
gerhardczer323, that also comes, when I work with Synaptic08:26
chuckypo 'jkl'salda08:26
chuckyp dsa jk'ak' lasdl 'lk'a sdg08:26
=== chuckyp smashes keyboard in frustration
czer323gerhard> have you tried installing the vmware packages then?08:26
GhostFreemanstefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2479208:26
chuckypSrRaven, lets do one thing at a time.08:27
czer323gerhard> I'm really just asking if you want them installed.08:27
chuckypSrRaven, whats wrong with your windows install?08:27
gerhardczer323, YES! about ten times08:27
stefgGhostFreeman: k, mom08:27
mabusstefg: tried totem, xmms, vlc, xfmedia08:27
gerhardczer323, they wont let themselves be installed and I dont know how to get them away08:27
SrRavenyesterday night I had a msn conference with friends from school,suddenly a blackscreen,can't boot back into Windows,I want to use a old backup I did with Archos but thats invalid,now whatever Windows CD I want to use,it give me invalid partition structur or something as error08:27
SrRaventhats why im on Linux.08:27
stefgmabus: huh? vlc _can_ play mp3, even without further modifications08:27
czer323gerhard> looool, do you need them?08:28
chuckypSrRaven, what do you mean can't boot back in to windows?  Does it give an error or anything?08:28
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chuckypSrRaven, WHAT IS THE ERROR08:28
SrRavengave me "Can't check if Windows is Activated"08:28
SrRaventhan nothing08:28
chuckypSrRaven, omfg08:28
gerhardczer323, no, but i think i can uninstall them. wait08:28
SrRavenwhat ? lol08:29
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czer323gerhard> You probably can from synaptics.08:29
chuckypSrRaven, well fist you need a legit copy of windows then you need to activate it with mircrosoft.08:29
SrRavenNo no08:29
SrRaventhats not the one08:29
SrRavenI had that Win running for over a year08:29
xipietotecwhat program do I use to defrag the harddrive?08:29
gerhardczer323, yesss! it works!08:29
gerhardthank you08:29
SrRavenbut some Windows update screwed it up08:29
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wolsxipietotec: what filesystem?08:30
czer323gerhard> awesome ;)  Yeah, I seriously wonder what was up with that vmware stuff.  I've never bothered to set it up personally.08:30
chuckypSrRaven, okay well the other option is to try to boot to the windows xp install cd and run a repair.  Or try booting to safe mode etc.. and running chkdsk -f08:30
xipietotecthat's a good question08:30
xipietotecI have no idea08:30
SomniisSrRaven: have you used the recovery console to try and correct it?08:30
fredzerwhat the hell do i do to use source files!08:30
fredzernothing works!08:30
=== TiG4 [n=TiG4@cpe-24-162-123-187.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SrRavendude I formatted the Win partition08:30
wolsxipietotec: run "mount" without any parameters08:30
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gerhardczer323, i dont know. would you recommend me to install the ati driver? when I last did, my system didnt shutdown properly08:30
chuckypSrRaven, okay?08:30
SrRavenas it didn't do anything08:30
SrRavenI use Archos backup manager08:30
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SrRavennormally does its job..didn't this one time08:31
chuckypSrRaven, so now you want to install the newer version of ubuntu? to the whole harddrive?08:31
xipietotec/dev/hda1/ ?08:31
Conquerorbuenas. somebody testing edgy knot 3 here?08:31
SrRavenWell,or fix Windows,rather fix windows though08:31
Mogzhow do I use mkinitramfs do build an initramfs for the kernel I've built (not the kernel I am currently running)08:31
chuckypSrRaven, or are you trying to recover your data from windows?08:31
SomniisI am lost.. haha08:31
GhostFreemanbtw stefg I can write to the mounts in sudo08:31
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czer323gerhard> that's up to you.  It'd allow for better hardware acceleration, but personally, i'd suggest looking for the binary driver installation guide.  It'll be a bit more through.  I dunno how easyubuntu does it.08:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:31
SrRavenBecause if I have to format my 75gb partition,that ain't gonna happen08:31
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xipietotecwols: What am I looking for exactly?08:31
chuckypSrRaven, well if you formated the windows partiton you are pretty screwed.08:31
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gerhardczer323, good, ty08:31
SrRavenDude I couldn't even install it again08:31
Somniisyes, formatting erases all data...08:31
gerhardfirst i need the codec08:31
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SrRavenit gave me something about invalid partition structure08:32
wolsxipietotec: whatever comes after "type"08:32
gerhardczer323,  you from USA?08:32
stefgGhostFreeman: hold on a sec, I'm mending your borked fstab (you followed the guide for ntfs :-).. but pastebin is so sloooowwww08:32
SrRavenOk I think you didn't get this part C= Windows and Programms D = Data onlyyyyyyy08:32
chuckypSrRaven, well you would need to create a partiton to install windows to.08:32
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SrRavenI only formatted C08:32
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chuckypSrRaven, I under stand.08:32
SrRavenDid that chuckyp08:32
Conquerorsomebody testing edgy knot 3 here?08:32
SrRavendidn't work08:32
fredzermy pc is stuck at 640*480!! i got a ATI Radeon Xpress 200  inbuilt GPU and its annoying me now the driver dont do nothing .....    help please...08:32
chuckypSrRaven, well delete the C partiton and then try reinstalling windows08:32
georgy_Conqueror : yep08:32
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SrRavenI guess you don't like me lol08:33
=== CraHan [n=CraHan@14.113-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
gerhardfredzer, I also have that graphics chip08:33
=== Luci3n [n=clark@adsl-ull-6-244.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypSrRaven, huh?08:33
=== A-L-P-H-A [n=alpha@CPE0018397a8bca-CM0012c9a9b2ea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Conquerorgeorgy_, do you use cable or ADSL?08:33
chuckypSrRaven, You already formated it?08:33
fredzerat 640*48008:33
chuckypI'm so fucking lost08:33
georgy_Conqueror: both :)08:33
xipietotecthe filesystem is ext308:33
SrRavenI got two partitions08:33
czer323gerhard> yep, i'm in Ohio08:33
Luci3nhi i've been trying to configure my sound card but now i have broken my sound server can anyone help??08:33
SrRavenone 4gb ~ linux08:33
gerhardfredzer, i run the default graphcis mode, guess it is 1024X128008:33
SrRavenone roughly 3.5 for Windows08:33
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SrRavendidn't work in either08:33
wolsxipietotec: defrag then08:33
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stefgGhostFreeman: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24795 there you have a working one, but it takes a reboot to be in effect08:34
xipietotecjust in the command line?08:34
chuckypSrRaven, what didn't work in either?08:34
Conquerorgeorgy_, I use cable, but since I've installed Edgy it doesn't connect.08:34
SrRaventhe installing of windows08:34
GhostFreemanwhat about mount -a?08:34
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chuckypSrRaven, create a new fn partiton for the windows install08:34
gerhardczer323, do they sell rabbits in your supermarket, I mean dead ones, to eat? like chickens?08:34
fredzerbut it dont work ... i dont have the ooption to change it it only has 640*480 in the res section08:34
SrRavenI tried that also08:34
chuckypSrRaven, you already formatted c well then why not delete it?08:34
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SrRavenI'll try again tomorrow08:34
georgy_Conqueror : i don't had this problem, just work fine08:34
SrRavenI just needed internet08:34
SrRavenfor school08:34
chuckypSrRaven, create a new ntfs parttion and install windows to it.08:34
SrRavenresearching stuff08:35
chuckypSrRaven, its not hard.08:35
gerhardfredzer, have you tried to install the ati driver? it worked fine for be, excpet my system was not shutting down well any more08:35
SrRavenI know Chuckyp08:35
fredzerwhich one?08:35
Somniiswindows should create the ntfs system on install.08:35
Conquerorgeorgy_, just plug and play? no DNS or IP configs?08:35
czer323gerhard> Looool!!! no way!  hahaha, a lot of kids in the country area actually raise rabbits as pets.08:35
GhostFreemanbtw thanks again stefg08:35
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gerhardfredzer, i had fglrx08:35
SrRaveneven though I don't seem like it,I actually know myself around a PC,with windows at least08:35
georgy_Conqueror: yep08:35
czer323gerhard> country, simply being the farming areas08:35
SrRavenin Linux,im like a whale on sand08:35
chuckypSomniis, I know but he can't grasp deleting the old partiton to maek the space08:35
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gerhardczer323, in ours they do! its ugly isnt it??08:35
Lard-O-Ladis there a workaround for the flashplugin-nonfree?08:35
DShepherdis there an issue with the latest kernel ( 2.6.17) and the xserver server? my X refuses to start but with the 2.6.15 kernel it works fine08:36
chuckypSrRaven, aparently not if you can't understand the partitoning issue.08:36
Conquerorgeorgy_, I guess I'll have to go back to Dapper...08:36
fredzerand whats that?08:36
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SrRavenchuckyp trust me,I did nothing stupid wrong08:36
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soonIm having ACPI suspend problems - anyone hot in that area?08:36
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SrRavenDude I diiiiiid08:36
stefgDShepherd: ati or nvidia-graphics ?08:36
georgy_Conqueror: you try : sudo ifdown eth0 ?08:36
chuckyp;ljk q vtoj'rai[t[ijt ij;t wtq08:36
chuckypae l;kh f h;lawe;fg ;nkla;k g laE FW;08:36
gerhardfredzer, youll find that in some wiki or guide08:36
chuckypi GIVE UP08:36
shrimpheadhey guys & gals08:36
georgy_Conqueror : sudo ifup eth008:36
SomniisSrRaven: erase your entire hd :-)08:36
czer323gerhard> That's very funny to me. ;)  I'd love to have a rabbit for dinner.  That'd be great.  I think it'd be pretty tough meat though, like a deer.08:36
sureshotno need to yell08:36
gerhardfredzer, no prob, I hope it helps you08:36
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Conquerorgeorgy_, yep. and dhclient too.08:36
shrimpheadanyone know why apt-get build-dep mplayer won't work?08:36
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shrimpheadi have source repos enabled08:37
georgy_ColdFyre, : and in lsmod ?08:37
fredzerdo i need to comile it?08:37
gerhardczer323, the poor rabbits, there are no laws for them, how they must live in their cages! i guess they live a very bad life before they are killed!08:37
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jribshrimphead: what error do you get?08:37
SrRaven1) Windows fcked up 2) I reboot 3) doesn't work 4) I use archos to recover a backup from August 12th,says corrupt image 5) I get windows CD and try to install it into the same Empty Partition (which I formated) before 6) gives me "Invalid Partition Structure" error and hangs itself up08:37
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shrimpheadE: Unable to find a source package for mplayer08:38
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Conquerorgeorgy_, thanks a lot, pal.08:38
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georgy_Conqueror ; np08:38
czer323gerhard> well, it'd like chickens I'd guess.  Did you know there are more chickens than humans in the world?  They outnumber us 1:1.2508:38
jribshrimphead: pastebin your sources.list08:38
fredzerhow do i build it ?08:38
fredzerim crap at that08:38
sureshotsrraven what kind of drive is it08:38
soonIm having ACPI suspend problems - anyone hot in that area?08:38
jribubotu: tell shrimphead about pastebin08:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:38
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SrRavenEhm you mean what kinda hd?08:39
Somniisubotu: ubotu08:39
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage08:39
gerhardczer323, lol, but it is not surprising to me, if you see the giant chicken farms where the meat units "live"08:39
Somniisubotu: love08:39
sureshotsrraven namebrand of drive08:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about love - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:39
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops08:39
chuckypsureshot, don't bother08:39
SrRavenehm sec i'll check08:39
shrimpheadthx for the info, i'll post it now08:39
SrRavenlol chucky08:39
Conquerorsomebody testing Edgy Knot 3 here?08:39
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optimusprimehow do you install a printer?08:39
=== crm-114 [n=pgavin@wireless-dhcp093058.eng.fsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
SrRavenif you think im hopeless,than at least tell me what exactly I did wrong08:39
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule08:39
jriboptimusprime: system > administration > printing08:40
jribubotu: tell optimusprime about printing08:40
chuckypsureshot, he's just trolling around.  After he's driven you insane asking two million questions you will see08:40
czer323gerhard> yeah, I live in a farm land area, so I was raised near chicken/cow/pig farms.08:40
georgy_optimusprime : gnome-cups-manager08:40
chuckypSrRaven, I speak only the truth08:40
wolsSrRaven: short version: you behaved like a perfect idiot08:40
sureshotif it is a maxtor or wd they have utilities that will low level it and then it will work fine.. that is all i have to say or know lol08:40
SrRavennah a seagate08:41
chuckypsureshot, he can't format it because he needs his 75gig data partion08:41
optimusprimeyeah that's what I can't find....gnome-cups-manager08:41
SrRavenIm sorry if I behave like a idiot08:41
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wolsSrRaven: so at what point in your sage are you now?08:41
wolssureshot: ALL manufacturers have such software08:41
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SrRavenin my what?08:41
chuckypwols, HE CAN"T LOW LEVEL FORMAT08:41
optimusprimeI've already installed a driver and I tried that sys>admin>printers08:42
sig_what link should I look at to get repo's like java mp3 etc.???08:42
wolschuckyp: I didn't talk to SrRaven but sureshot08:42
jribshrimphead: you don't have deb-src for dapper multiverse08:42
kjm!java >sig_08:42
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository08:42
optimusprimebut it's not working08:42
SrRavenWell chuckyp how do I low level format?08:42
Luci3nhow can i config my sound card08:42
georgy_optimusprime: what for a printer ?08:42
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:42
shrimpheadd'oh you're right. thx jrib08:42
chuckypSrRaven, it will get rid of your 75gig partition08:42
optimusprimeit's a dell08:43
jribshrimphead: np08:43
optimusprimedell A92008:43
DShepherdis there an issue with the latest kernel ( 2.6.17) and the xserver server? my X refuses to start but with the 2.6.15 kernel it works fine08:43
gerhardczer323, are you for the democrats or the republicans?08:43
georgy_optimusprime : not rcognize08:43
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optimusprimeI've already found some online tutorials for the printer..08:43
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wolsSrRaven: you have 1.2GB free on your ubuntu partition right? why can't you "apt-get dist-upgrade"?08:43
chuckypSrRaven, I still don't understand what you are trying to accomplish.  You can't fix windows because you formatted.  You would have to reinstall.  Then you started going off on tangents.08:43
sureshotthanks wol i wil look up other manufactures and get that software i collect utilities like that.. like maxblast and such08:43
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czer323gerhard> I don't really get involved with politics.  Let the old people worry about those things. ;)  I'm only 24.08:44
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wolssureshot: get the ultimate boot cd (google it)08:44
SrRavenok chuckyp,by Fix I rather meant to let it actually install,sorry for the bad words08:44
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:44
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@h83-174-243-42.dyn.ufamts.ru] has joined #ubuntu
SrRavenbecause as I said,whenever I tried to reinstall windows it gave me the "invalid partition structure" thing08:44
chuckypSrRaven, well if you have the cd and you boot to it.  Then you should be able to install unless for some jacked reason you have the only windows cd that can see a linux install.08:44
sureshotwhat is the ultimate boot cd (name if i may ask ) wols08:44
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czer323SrRaven> If you were interested, here's the link for the seagate tool disk.  http://www.seagate.com/support/seatools/08:45
chuckypSrRaven, did you let windows create the partiton?08:45
chuckypSrRaven, or did you create it?08:45
ubuntujoin #turbo08:45
nick_does anyone know why i get "The module Display could not be loaded" when i go to System Settings > Display08:45
gerhardczer323, that would be not a good statement in our country, because then theyd all say, that the national socialists would raise, because fewer people would vote for the "usual" parites08:45
georgy_optimusprime : i watch on linuxprinting.org; look bad08:45
SrRavenFirst I just formatted the Win partition08:45
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chuckypSrRaven, which OS was installed first on the computer windows or linux?08:45
SrRavenand tried to do a new fresh clean install08:45
factorx_Is there any possibility to let the ubuntu live CD detect my apple bluetooth keyboard? I'm trying to use the mac ppc version of ubuntu08:45
chuckypSrRaven, I dunno bad cd then08:45
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SrRavenI tried two cds08:46
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-29-134.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypSrRaven, well don't know what to tell you but I can install xp to a formated partiton just fine.08:46
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czer323gerhard> I honestly don't get into politics because it splits people.  Just like religion.  You're either one of them, or us.  And that's why I avoid it.08:46
chuckypSrRaven, what did you format the partiton with?08:46
SrRavenyeh thats what I was trying to tell ya08:46
SrRaventhe win setup tool08:46
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SrRaventhat gave me error,tried partition magic08:47
SrRavensame error08:47
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chuckypSrRaven, did you google for the error?08:47
gerhardczer323, yes I understand you, and I think its not that big difference08:47
wolschuckyp: the partition structure has nothing to do with partitions. it's a busted partition table08:47
nils_if my pc locks up with kernel panic every time i try to use the dapper live cd, what can i do ?08:47
yamando any one know what is the command to make my laptop do the standby mode?08:47
SrRavenYeh but nothing really helped08:47
SrRavenwols you got a clue about such stuff ?08:47
stefgczer323, gerhard please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic08:47
gerhardczer323, i think the codecs still dont work08:47
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gerhardsry stefg08:47
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chuckypwols, I tried that earlier to but if you can in to it go right ahead.08:48
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SrRavenwhat did you try earlier ?08:48
wolsSrRaven: I have, but I dunno if it can be fixed over irc08:48
czer323nils_> try to reduce the amount of devices you've got connected to the system.  USB devices, etc.  That's the only thing I'd probably suggest.08:48
SrRavenOnly thing I read was "format everything"08:48
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czer323gerhard> hm...  What are you trying them in?08:48
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wolsSrRaven: and I'm not inclined to help you since I have asked you sevreal questions over the hours which you never answered. so why should I bother08:48
nils_czer323: how can i be sure it is not the cd ? use "check disc" ?08:49
SrRavenyou did ?08:49
stefggerhard: are you positive that it's a codec problem, not something like muted sound, or speakers switched off?08:49
SrRavenSo yeah,i really didn't ignore you or something,but I just didn't read what you said I guess.08:50
gerhardstefg, yes, because I should have images, its a wmv file08:50
czer323nils_> sure, you could go back and verify the disk.  I've heard of some people always burning the disk at 4x or slower just to make sure it's a good burn, so yeah.  GO back and check the disk, if it has problems burn slower.08:50
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stefggerhard: wmv isn't mp3...08:50
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:50
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czer323gerhard> does the player give an error when playing it?  try running the player from terminal, and look for any output.08:50
Heavens-CloudI got a question here, does Ubuntu have to be installed on a primary partition?08:51
gerhardstefg, what do you mean? of course its not mp308:51
bdeshamdoes anyone know whether ubuntu works on intel macs with boot camp?08:51
DShepherdstefg: nvidia08:51
wolsSrRaven: other people asked many questions too like chuckyp, but you ignored them too. which basically means: it's almost impossible to help you since you doN#t really want help08:51
georgy_Heavens-Cloud,  : no08:51
gerhard** Message: don't know how to handle video/x-wmv, wmvversion=(int)3, framerate=(fraction)25/1, width=(int)480, height=(int)360, codec_data=(buffer)4ea11a0108:51
wolsor at least don't act like you'd want it08:51
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Heavens-Cloudit can be installed on a logical then?08:52
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gerhardczer323, see? its up there08:52
nils_!kernel panic08:52
nemikso how could i tie or keybind a certain un-used keyboard key to open up gvim?08:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel panic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:52
georgy_Heavens-Cloud, : yes08:52
linuxboydoes anybody have any tips for writing the LPI 199 (Ubuntu) exam?08:52
=== jabular_ [n=jabular@82-32-17-244.cable.ubr03.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Heavens-Cloudthanks all.08:52
Paddy_EIREHe guys, have any of you tried this it really rocks "GNOME Main Menu"08:52
nils_czer323: i got it (and 50 more via shipit)08:52
chuckypPaddy_EIRE, tried what?08:52
SrRavenI guess I will try to install Windows again later and if that doesn't work I'm pretty much bummed anyway08:52
Paddy_EIRE"GNOME Main Menu"08:52
stefgDShepherd: new kernel needs a new nvidia-kernel module :-) there is no 'restricted-modules' for your homebrew kernel, so you've got to get the installer pack from nvidia.com to get your D back08:53
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DShepherdstefg: there will be one soon right?08:53
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stefgDShepherd: didn't you build your own kernel?08:53
DShepherdstefg: my homebrew? what do you mean by homebrew?08:53
DShepherdstefg: nope08:54
czer323nils_> well, then i'd expect the disk to be fine.  You tried another disk?  So, if it's having the same problem, then it's probably your system.  Try removing extra devices.  USB, etc.08:54
sig_E: Invalid operation sun-java5-bin08:54
Paddy_EIREchuckyp: here is a screeny http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=15du.png08:54
DShepherdstefg: dapper gave me as a gift08:54
sig_I've added some repo's and still get this error08:54
=== nocti [n=nocti@dial.dyn.146.184.surfsterisp.com] has joined #ubuntu
stefgDShepherd: how comes that you run 2.6.17 tehn?08:54
georgy_nils : or try the alternete cd08:54
fredzerhow do i make fglrx files ?08:54
fredzercos i cant compile .... im a noo08:54
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DShepherdstefg: isnt it in the repos?08:54
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stefgDShepherd: no08:54
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georgy_nils : alternate cd08:54
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Paddy_EIREchuckyp: here is a guide if your interested http://angelicpenguins.blogspot.com/2006/07/sled-menu-for-ubuntu-uslab-now-in-repo_14.html08:55
czer323gerhard> i'm searching google with that error message.  I might have found a few things.08:55
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chuckypPaddy_EIRE, thats pretty cool is that a package?08:55
stefgDShepherd: 2.6.17 is in _edgy_ Dapper has 2,6,1508:55
Paddy_EIREchuckyp: yeah and it very very functional08:55
DShepherdstefg: hmmm.. i must be saying the wrong name..i am going to check08:55
fredzer gerhard> how i make the  flgrx file?08:55
stefgDShepherd: type 'uname -r' that will tell your kernels version08:56
gerhardi dont know exactly08:56
fredzerwell how did u do urs?08:56
DShepherdstefg: that only tells me the version that I am booted into right?08:56
spedan1how many programs of "MultichatProtocol" do they know (for GNOME Desktop)???08:56
stefgDShepherd: right08:56
SrRavenim outta here,bye sorry for annoying all of you08:57
spedan1excuse me08:57
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gerhardWell, I think I'm going to bed now08:58
gerhardthe movies can wait until tomorrow08:58
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gerhardgood night everyone and thanks czer32308:58
Paddy_EIREchuckyp: other packages for your consideration which really help productivity in ubuntu "Beagle" and "deskbar"08:58
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kjmcommand for restarting samba?08:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sourcefiles - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:59
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:59
chuckypPaddy_EIRE, familar with those just not that menu thats pretty nice.  I guess thats what gnome is trying to go to anyways08:59
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:59
=== maddox [n=maddox@cm183-52.liwest.at] has joined #ubuntu
czer323gerhard> np, gnight ;)08:59
georgy_kjm: /etc/init.d smb restart08:59
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DShepherdstefg:  linux-image-2.6.15-27-386 -- sorry.. but i dont seem to have the headers installed.. that is important right?09:00
kjmthanks georgy_ - shoulda used google instead......:)09:00
Paddy_EIREchuckyp: yeah, although I still love the simplicity of gnome in its current state... I guess these things add great visual appeal and still remain lightweight and functional09:00
wolsDShepherd: if you want to compile a new nvidia module: yes09:00
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sig_I'm looking at the help on adding repo's and it says to add  /ubuntu dapper universe multiverse by uncommenting the #.... I don't even have those to uncomment...09:01
stefgDShepherd: so what is this? Dapper, Edgy or some bastardized version? What tells 'cat /etc/issue' ?09:01
DShepherdstefg: Dapper09:01
DShepherdwols: ok09:01
sig_and when I add them so that I can get java-sun5-bin it says E: error blah blah09:01
stefgDShepherd: positivley not09:01
DShepherdstefg: positively not what?09:02
stefgDShepherd: this is not clean dapper09:02
georgy_sig: do it synaptic09:02
DShepherdstefg: why do you say so?09:02
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stefgDShepherd: because Dapper has 2.6.1509:02
nick_when i shut down, i get a hard lock before the shutdown screen starts doing stuff, any ideas?09:03
sig_georgy_, no09:03
sig_I do everything via command line09:03
DShepherdstefg: right.. i said i gave you the wrong info on the kernel version..09:03
sig_and I'm on the command line page09:03
DShepherdits actual..09:03
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georgy_sig : here are a complete sources list : http://www.bawet.org/LinuxInstall09:04
georgy_sig: take the bxlug list09:04
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Paddy_EIREchuckyp: did you get the menu09:04
stefgDShepherd: ah, ok... then 'sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` nvidia-glx && sudo nvidia-glx-config enable' then ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X09:04
chuckypPaddy_EIRE, not yet i'll check it out later09:05
DShepherdstefg: ok09:05
sig_georgy_, thanks too bad it's not in english :)09:05
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georgy_sig : just the same09:05
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sig_georgy_, yeah but all international servers09:06
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sig_not the fastest for me09:06
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marshallsup guys09:06
marshallanybody here use rhythmbox?09:06
georgy_sig : fast enough09:06
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ubuntuI installed ubuntu on my computer then I installed windows XP, and of corse windows overwrote GRUB so now I carn't boot into ubuntu. How do I put GURB back on without reinstalling the whole of ubuntu?09:06
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kjmgeez, how come when I load Places->Network Servers I get a spinning circle and then ........ nothing!?09:06
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mkquistubuntu - have u tried the super grub disc?09:07
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:07
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neoncodemkquist: What's that?09:07
marshallanybody here use rhythmbox?09:07
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marshalldoes anybody know how to get albumart and plugins and stuff for rhythmbox?09:08
neoncodeAhh... thankyou rpedro__09:08
mkquistubuntu - http://www.livedistro.org/release-announcements/gnu/linux-releases/super-grub-disk-0-9296?PHPSESSID=da4c83d29bebeab5d469880eb0e0a1f509:08
mkquistubuntu - supposed to fix grub for you09:08
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stefgmarshall: http://listengnome.free.fr/ ... that does what rhythmbox can't09:09
marshallstefg: listen is so beta though09:09
rollinchromehow do I grep my entire system?  grep -r string * ???09:09
pennypackerjust use xmms09:10
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marshallstefg: it doesnt even have random playback09:10
eyequeuerollinchrome, start at /09:10
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GhostFreemanis it possible to use 32 bit color on an ATI card?09:10
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rollinchromeeyequeue, yeah, cd / then grep -r string * ??09:10
fredzeri have a ATI Radeon Xpress 200 inbuilt GPU and my res is stuck at 640*480 ..... what can i do to get it bigger, i cant change res cos 640*480 is the only one i can pick :S    help. please09:10
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stefgmarshall: BS :-)... last.fm integration, adaptive random playback... you name it09:10
eyequeuerollinchrome, or grep -r string /09:11
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:11
eyequeuerollinchrome, pipe it to less,  grep -r string / | less09:11
rollinchromeeyequeue, yeah okay, it's not appropriate to use * for a directory anyway is it?09:11
marshallstefg: it doesnt write id3 tags properly and has a very ugly icon09:11
rollinchromeeyequeue, piping to less just makes it more readable?09:11
marshallstefg: poor podcast support and radio is garbage09:12
eyequeuerollinchrome, if in /, it will fees the output of "ls /" to grep, and will work just fine, heh09:12
neoncodeshould I keep the windows bootloader with GRUB?09:12
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jthompOk, I have a compaq presario r3344, with a built in modem, which I cannot get working.  Does anybody have some experience, or can help with this?  Its registering as a nvidia modem, but also as an unknown device09:13
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto09:14
marshallstefg: oh i see there has been an update09:14
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stefgmarshall: :-D09:14
marshallstefg: ill give it a go. thanks09:14
g333k_workHi, my gdm seems to be damaged, it doesnt loads automatically on booting, how can I fix it?09:14
Intangirim so freaking tired i literally cannot stay awake..09:14
Intangirits upto you guys to keep me awake so i dont get fired for sleeping at work09:15
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Intangirg333k_work: check your startup scripts09:15
jthompubotu: Tried that, its not being very helpful for this specific modem.  The lspci returns it as "0000:00:06.1 Modem: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 00d9 (rev a2)"09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Tried that, its not being very helpful for this specific modem.  The lspci returns it as "0000:00:06.1 Modem: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 00d9 (rev a2)" - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
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jthomper, that was to stefg, not ubotu09:15
stefgIntangir: a very good reason to join #ubuntu-offtopic :-)09:15
g333k_workIntangir, where?09:15
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Intangirg333k_work: /etc/init.d09:16
Intangirlook for gdm09:16
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g333k_workIntangir, there is thast script09:16
findlay-wwhere can I acess the controls for DPMS, they are missing from the xscreensaver dialog09:16
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stefgjthomp: did u run the scanmodem utility? This tells you what type of driver you'll need09:16
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findlay-wit appears to be in the power management dialog09:18
findlay-wthanks everyone for the help09:18
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findlay-wI couldn't have done it without you09:18
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mulimais it possible tu install latest nvidia driver + xorg 7.1 on Dapper ?09:18
Intangirthats weird i dont see where mine is started from either09:18
hkai1anyone here who uses or knows how to use the hostap drivers for a prism?09:18
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:19
Intangiroh here it is09:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hostap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about prism - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:19
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sureshotjack_sparrow are you on at the moment09:19
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Iam8upcan anyone tell me where the hostname conf file is?09:21
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dglHi, I am having troubles when my screensaver comes up. It does not accept my password.09:21
sureshotjack_sparrow is it possible to cluster 6 or 7 pc together with network cards to use as one linux computer09:22
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Iam8updgl - change your password, go to the terminal and type: passwd09:22
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hkai1noone here with a prism card?09:22
dglIam8up: why do I have to change?09:22
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hkai1e.g. the senao or something similar?09:22
Iam8updgl - overwrite it09:22
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dglIam8up: it works, I know... I just doesnt work with screensaver, why?09:22
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Jack_Sparrowsureshot: Do you mean build a small network with 6  computers and ssh into them or ?09:22
rnz`WORK(breaking news)(ap/reuters) - Iran has launched a nuclear missile into Tel Aviv causing widescale devastation.  Details Soon.09:23
Intangirdgl: does it tell you wrong password? or does it accept it, and then restart the screensaver again?09:23
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GSSA559Is there a way to remote desktop from ubuntu to a windows xp machine without installing extra software on the windows machine?09:23
Iam8updgl - i'm saying overwrite the password with your current password09:23
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dglIntangir: it tell me wrong password09:23
Iam8upGSSA559 - yes, ubuntu has an RDC client by default09:23
dglIam8up: I belive you, I just want to know, why?09:23
Intangirdgl: you might just try setting the password again then.. something isnt right, or also make sure your not using caps log09:23
IntangirGSSA559: no09:23
Iam8updgl - bad hash?09:23
sureshoti would like take several computers hook them together and use them as one multi cpu computer09:23
GSSA559eh, I got a yes and a no09:24
Iam8upsureshot - google09:24
TheGateKeeperevening all09:24
IntangirGSSA559: ubuntu is ready by default, windows isnt09:24
IntangirGSSA559: you have to install something on the windows machine09:24
sureshothey Jack_sparrow join sureshot channel for a sec ok09:24
GSSA559ok, I figured, thought i was ask anyway, thanks09:24
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wolsGSSA559: XP Pro is ready. remote desktop. XP home isn't09:25
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BlobHI all - I'm wondering why the recommended updates from update-manager differ (sometimes wildly) from the CLI aptitude install command.  Anyone with any ideas?09:25
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jribBlob: aptitude installs recommended packages as well09:25
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dglIam8up: it does not work09:26
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Iam8updgl - restart X (control/alt/backspace)09:26
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variantlo all, I have some swedish music copied over from a windows installation but the swedish characters are appearing as either # or ? depending on what desktop im on (xfce/kde) anyone know how i can fix this? I have full UTF-8 unicode support09:26
dglIam8up: does I need to restart X to sucessfully change my password?09:26
sureshotjack_sparrow it would help if i spell it correct please try again09:26
variantdgl: no09:26
Jack_Sparrowgot it09:27
dglvariant: so?09:27
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Iam8updgl - no, but it can't hurt09:27
Blobjrib, right, but today, for example, the update manager wanted to update firefox, aptitude didn't.  Aptitude also wants to uninstall a bunch of stuff that I use.  I just don't get it09:27
variantdgl: so what?09:27
Intangirdgl you can switch to another VT to change your password09:27
Intangirpres Ctl-Alt-F109:27
variantdgl: change your passwod in a terminal with the passwd command09:27
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dglIntangir: I killed my gnome-screensver09:27
Iam8updgl - control/alt/f7 is X btw09:27
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dglvariant: I ve done it09:27
variantdgl: you dont need to logout again, it would be totaly pointless09:27
Intangiror you can kill it, good idea09:27
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dglvariant: My password just dont work with gnome-screensaver!09:28
dglvariant: It is driving me crazy09:28
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Intangirhrm thats really weird09:28
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BIRDSIXDoes anyone know any good live cds?09:28
Intangirits set up to work fine by default09:29
variantdgl: very odd, dgl you are running the screensaver as the same user?09:29
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levander`Didn't edubuntu used to ship with some gnome based typing tutor software?09:29
variantBIRDSIX: slax.org is fantastic09:29
IntangirBIRDSIX: ubuntu's install disk is a live CD now09:29
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variantlevander`: ktouch, yeah its very good09:29
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NrbelexHi, I want to run an SSH server to run a tunnel with PuTTY from a Windows computer - is there anything I need to do besides installing openssh-server ?09:29
BIRDSIXvariant: Thank you.09:29
dglvariant: I dont know, I am going to see it09:29
levander`variant: that's a KDE app09:29
variantBIRDSIX: slax is one of the fastest live cd's there is09:29
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variantlevander`: yeah it is09:29
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toxic__Is there a reference to what colors in .Xdefaults do? (ie aterm.color[1-15] =#ffffff), or is there another way to define colors?09:30
variantlevander`: oh, sorry i didnt see you say gnome based09:30
BIRDSIXvariant: Is back-track any good?09:30
TheGateKeeperBIRDSIX: take your pick: http://www.frozentech.com/content/livecd.php09:30
levander`variant: didn't originally it ship with a gnome based app?09:30
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ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager09:30
variantBIRDSIX: never tried it, i know that slax is one of the fastest i have ever used though09:30
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variantBIRDSIX: you can make a live cd from whatever installation you have allready (ubuntu or whatever) with the same scripts used to make slax.. its easy09:30
levandervariant: you know if ktouch support teaching dvorak keyboards?09:30
variantlevander: i have never heard of a gnome one09:31
tauhello, can anyone tell me how I can upgrade mplayer to version 1.0pre8 (to run on dapper)?  The only official packages appear to be for edgy, which hasn't even been released yet?!  any ideas?09:31
variantlevander: yes it does09:31
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levandervariant: or, if it even matters what kind of keyboard you use?09:31
stefgguys, #ubuntu-offtopic is a really nice channel, too09:31
levandervariant: oh, great, thanks for info09:31
dglvariant: Yes, it is09:31
Intangirvariant: how do you make your own live CD?09:31
aaztechclnneed advise, ubuntu 6.06.1 server with software raid09:31
kjmgrrrrrr . . . I have discovered the source of my samba woes.  Everytime I boot - DNS settings are rest.  I'm on a static network, with a manually entered DNS server name . . . how can I "lock" the DNS settings?09:31
varianttau: you could try the backports or prefereably compile the source. its easy09:31
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NrbelexAnyone...? I want to run an SSH server to run a tunnel with PuTTY from a Windows computer - is there anything I need to do besides installing openssh-server ?09:31
levandervariant: i've been looking, i don't think there's a gnome typing tutor either, thanks for verifying09:31
tauvariant: where do I find backports?09:31
variantIntangir: use the scripts from linux-live.org09:31
stephansdoes ubuntu server have apache set to recycle every couple of days???09:31
varianttau: its an ubuntu repository09:32
aaztechclnNrbelex: you just need the openssh server, tunneling is built in09:32
BIRDSIXvariant: So its possible to make a windows os based live cd?09:32
varianttau: you should prefer compiling the source its much easyer and quite fast with mplayer09:32
variantBIRDSIX: not iwth linux-live scripts09:32
aaztechclnmy new ubuntu based server, after a fresh install won't boot off a raid1 partition09:32
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Intangircan you set up your user exactly how you like it and save that to the Live CD?09:32
variantaaztechcln: what is the symptoms?09:32
aaztechclnit fails with a grub error.  anyone else experienced this?09:32
variantIntangir: yes, exactly09:32
tauvariant: compiling source huh?  hmmm..09:32
variantIntangir: all the software you like, you can make dvd09:33
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Nrbelexaaztechcln, once I have a terminal open via PuTTY, is there any authentication I'll need to go through?09:33
Intangirim gonna make a live CD of Xgl Ubuntu with my favorite settings ;)09:33
TheGateKeeperNrbelex: have you had a look at the wiki?09:33
DanLhamonHi ppl, may I ask a question?09:33
aaztechclnposted on the forums.. the response i got wasn't too helpful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26321609:33
NrbelexTheGateKeeper, Which?09:33
kjm!ask >DanLhamon09:33
variantIntangir: cool, thast what its for :)09:34
aaztechclnNrbelex: to do tunneling, you must open putty and edit the Tunnel section in the session configuration09:34
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DanLhamonI'm a total newbie.  Downloaded Dapper.  It freezes while booting.  Help!09:34
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varianttau: its easy, i can talk you through it09:34
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variantDanLhamon: at what stage?09:34
DanLhamonSays configuring some drivers...09:34
Nrbelexaaztechcln, right, but I don't have to worry about logging in at all, correct?09:34
variantDanLhamon: which?09:34
wolsDanLhamon: try "acpi=off" and "noapic"09:34
TheGateKeeperNrbelex: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=ssh&titlesearch=Titles09:34
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tauvariant: would the backport repository be dapper-backports? I've just enabled it in synaptic and reloading...09:34
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varianttau: yep, but the backports can break you system09:35
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aaztechclnNrbelex: of course you have to login. you must have an account on the server you are sshing to09:35
DanLhamonwols: got it09:35
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varianttau: seriously, compiling is a peice of cake, i can explain it to you :)09:35
tauvariant: oh?  that's no good :(  well...  I guess I can give compiling a try then..09:35
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aaztechclnman, this software raid thing is killin me!!09:35
tauvariant: do I do an apt-get source mplayer first?09:35
toxic__Is there a reference to what colors in .Xdefaults do? (ie aterm.color[1-15] =#ffffff), or is there another way to define colors?09:36
TheGateKeeperNrbelex: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#SSH_Server09:36
mmanton02if I change /boot/grub/menu.lst do I have to run any commands to reload grub or anything?09:36
varianttau: no, download the exact version you want from mplayer.hq09:36
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mc44can anyone recommend a good program for downloading podcasts09:36
Nrbelexaaztechcln, I'm actually thinking of "key based SSH authentication" is that something I have to worry about09:36
DanLhamonwhat is the acpi, and what do I lose by having it off?09:36
aaztechclnand i was gonna go back to using debian, but then I have to figure out how to easily use the new e1000 drivers for this 6015V-T supermicro chassis09:36
NrbelexTheGateKeeper, I'll read that, thanks09:36
tauvariant: ok..09:36
varianttau: mplayerhq.hu i mean09:36
stefgmmanton02: no, that's the big progress over lilo09:36
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varianttau: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html09:36
TheGateKeeperNrbelex: np :-)09:36
dglvariant: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10507109:37
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aaztechclnbooting off software raid-1 anyone?09:37
aaztechclnit's the way to go!  when it works ;)09:37
tauvariant: synaptic is showing the newer version as available to install if I force the version to 1:1.0-pre8-1 (unstable)09:37
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:37
NrbelexSSH runs over port 22, right?09:38
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varianttau: you can do that if you want, if it doesnt work just let me know and we can do it my way :)09:38
tauvariant: should I try that first?09:38
varianttau: yep09:38
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tauvariant: ok09:38
DanLhamonThanks all.  Off to give it a shot.09:38
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TheGateKeeperNrbelex: I think so09:38
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mmanton02ok thank you stefg09:38
SourcemageHey all, i'm not sure if this is a common issue with fresh Ubuntu installs but some of the buttons on my applications09:39
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Sourcemageare covered with these little dots?09:39
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Sourcemageand when i hover over them, it's fine?09:39
TheGateKeeperNrbelex: I need to set it up so I can answer peoples questions, next job when I have done gentoo lol09:39
sarikanhow can I learn my current keyboard layout09:39
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sarikanwhen I use xgl09:39
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XaXXonI have ubuntu 6.06 and am trying to install it onto an empty (no partitions) usb hdd.  It gets up to 15% of making my / partition and says "cannot create file system" and exits.09:40
sarikanI get a layout that I don't like, the normal one if fine, but I don't know how to set the same layout in xgl09:40
fredzer i have a ATI Radeon Xpress 200  inbuilt GPU    and its stuck on 640*480 .. i cant change res cos thats the only opition so im stuck ... any help?09:40
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stefgSourcemage: shared memory graphics and flaky ram ?09:40
Dev05sarikan, It works the same way as it does when you run the normal X Server.09:40
XaXXonI can create a ext3 filesystem on the drive by hand09:40
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pennypackergoogle for "modeline"09:40
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sarikanDev05: the layout changes when I use xgl session09:40
NrbelexTheGateKeeper, it doesn't seem too bad, I've just never done it before and the public terminals aren't all that reliable - thanks09:40
XaXXonis there a more.. manual.. way to install ubuntu?09:40
Dev05sarikan, What Xgl installation guide did you follow?09:40
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Sourcemagestefg: I'm kind of a new, could you elaborate for me in dummy terms? lol09:41
sarikanDev05: that's a tough one :)09:41
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hkaisi get crazy, noone here who uses hostap under ubuntu?09:41
TheGateKeeperNrbelex: good luck :-)09:41
variantXaXXon: install to hd and copy to the usb with dd, then install and setup grub/lilo :P09:41
kjmI just added a line to /etc/fstab - is there a simple way to test the mount point without reboot?09:41
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Dev05sarikan, OK, run this commad: gnome-session-properties09:41
variantXaXXon: dd everything, partition table included09:41
aaztechclnubotu: that wiki page is mostly blank.. guess it needs some community tlc ?09:41
stefgSourcemage: it's more likely that linux/ubuntu revealed a hardware weakness...09:41
XaXXonvariant: anything resembling a walkthrough on that process?09:42
Sourcemagehrm ... sure? : o09:42
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orbinkjm: mount -a IIRC09:42
variantXaXXon: not that i am aware of, probably on google09:42
SourcemageI downloaded a few 3d games which run fine? = /09:42
sarikanDev05: yep, I got the list on the screen09:42
Sourcemageit's a laptop btw09:42
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stefgSourcemage: what graphics adapter do you have?09:42
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Dev05sarikan, Click on the tab that says "Startup Programs".09:42
fredzer i have a ATI Radeon Xpress 200  inbuilt GPU    and its stuck on 640*480 .. i cant change res cos thats the only opition so im stuck ... any help?09:42
pennypackergoogle for "modeline"09:42
pennypackergoogle for "modeline"09:43
kjmorbin - thanks.  . .worked like a charm.   Now I just need to fix my DNS woes :P09:43
variantSourcemage: sounds like a dodgey gfx card/modeline/somehting else09:43
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:43
sarikannothing related?09:43
Dev05sarikan, Is there something related to Xgl/Compiz?09:43
Sourcemagestefg: I'm really not quite sure, i think it's something like an ATI Radeon 7500 Mobile09:43
sarikanno , there is not09:43
variantSourcemage: lspci as root will tell you09:43
Dev05sarikan, If you're not sure, just list them all.09:43
sarikanactually I am using xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.tr_q09:43
sarikanwhen I start the session with compiz09:44
TheGateKeepercan you install gizmo on (k)ubuntu folks? http://www.gizmoproject.com/download-linux.html09:44
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sarikanbut this layout is slightly worse09:44
sarikanthan the normal one09:44
stefgSourcemage: i don't know ATI well, but mobility might indicate, tht it uses shared RAM... that might be the problem09:44
Dev05sarikan, That's where I wanted to go :) Just delete that.09:44
tauvariant: well, it's let me mark it to upgrade, but it doesn't seem to want to let me apply it ??  I guess it's not going to work :(  ok, I'll start downloading the source09:44
hkaisplease help:09:44
hkaisneed help for hostap under ubuntu09:44
SourcemageATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] 09:44
sarikanno no, that's not used at the moment09:44
pennypackeror look at the monitor timings in the windows driver09:44
variantTheGateKeeper: yep, either install from a .deb or compile the source09:44
mabusI already installed ubuntu, but now I want to install windows, with a shared fat partition for books/music ... I know it's reccomended to install windows first, but what's a good way about dealing with the MBR being overwritten? Is it feasible to have a grub boot cd that if I boot off of the cd, it will run my ubuntu?09:44
sarikanIt kicks in when I start my startcompiz script under xgl session09:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:45
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sarikannow I am using a default system session and keyboard is perfect :)09:45
SourcemageStefg: But why doesn't this issue come up for me on other distributions?09:45
varianttau: apt-get install build-essential09:45
mabusAnd.. how should I set up this partition scheme? With what program? I don't think the XP install cd lets you make FAT partitions.09:45
sarikanI just want the same one on xgl09:45
TheGateKeepervariant: thanx, just checking the deb would not break things, might give it a try09:45
varianttau: that will install what you need to get mplayer compiled09:45
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Dev05sarikan, That's it, you have to comment that line out in the Compiz startup script.09:45
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tauvariant: I think I've already done that once before09:45
varianttau: ok, np09:45
sarikanbut when I do that, I get a terrible layout09:45
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sarikansee, this is a turkish keyboard09:46
stefgSourcemage: it might be a simple timing issue... install the ati driver and see if it persist09:46
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kjmmabus : If your drive is fat32 you can install XP on that drive.  The disk format option in XP lets you format to Fat32.  The one thing windows never let you do is partition after install....needed 3rd party stuff for that.09:46
pennypackermm fanta09:46
sarikanand keys are mapped to some different setup :)09:46
sarikanwhen I use xmodmap, I am fine, under xgl, but not perfect09:46
Dev05sarikan, That's weird.09:46
hkaisno one here with hostap and breezy?09:46
kjmNTFS is better for the Windows system drive.  Make a shared partition that is fat32, and do whatever you want for *nix.09:46
sarikanfor example I can't  type ` under xgl09:46
sarikanyep I know :)09:46
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kjmyou can even mount /home/<user> on the fat32 if you *really* wanted.09:47
tauvariant: ok, downloading now09:47
variantmabus: you can easily restore the grub bootloaded once windows has wiped it09:47
mabuskjm: Well I'd probably like to do the partitioning from ubuntu or a third party cd, I don't want to overwrite my ubuntu install. And what about my booting issue? How do I make my ubuntu install boot off of a disc?09:47
NrbelexCan I log into the Ubuntu Remote Desktop with TightVNC?09:47
variantkjm: that would be a very bad idea09:47
Dr_WillisNrbelex,  should be able to09:47
kjmvariant : hence *really*09:47
mabusvariant: How?09:47
orbinhkais: searched the forum?09:47
sarikanOh whatever, thanks anyvay Dev0509:47
TheGateKeeperNrbelex: yes if ssh in09:47
sarikanI meant anyway :)09:47
sarikanI'll figure it out somehow09:47
kjmfat32 is not journaled . . . and data corruption etc. is likely.09:47
hkaisorbin: i asked google...09:47
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Dev05sarikan, Let me check what layouts are available...09:48
orbinhkais: try the official forum09:48
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mabuskjm: I'd rather have some sort of /fat32 folder accessible on windows, and have it as a H: drive or similar on windows.09:48
variantmabus: sorry, i am at work, back in five (use a live cd and run grub-install /dev/<diskdrive to install to>09:48
mabuskjm: or rather, the /fat32 folder available on ubuntu09:48
Dev05sarikan, There's tr_q and tr_f. Did you try both?09:48
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kjmmabus - that is the safer process.09:49
varianttau: i am at work, back in five09:49
sarikanI use q09:49
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tauvariant: ok09:49
Dev05sarikan, What about f?09:49
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sarikanf is a different one , which I can't use :)09:49
TheGateKeeperNrbelex: you might want to take a look at freeNX as vnc is slow09:49
kjmMy setup (at home) is 10 GB Windows, 50 GB fat32 for shared.....70 GB for Ubuntu (/, /home etc).09:49
sarikanit'S the same layout with old typewriters in Turkey :)09:49
sarikanxmodmap.tr_q is pretty close to this one09:50
sarikanbut some chars are missing or at differnet keys09:50
mabuskjm: So can I resize my partitions from ubuntu? I'd like a 50gb windows, 50gb ubuntu, and 60gb shared.09:50
sarikana small annoyance09:50
Dev05sarikan, Well, you can hack down on it :)09:50
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BIRDSIXIs their any way I can resize my partitions using a command?09:50
kjmmabus : Yes - using gparted.09:50
jaderHello, can i use the ubuntu installed in one pc into another diferent one without reinstalling? One is on a athlon64 kernel k7, and other system is a athlonxp09:50
Dev05sarikan, They're in clear text as far as I know.09:50
sarikanthe weird thing is, what is my layout at he moment :)09:50
sarikanIf only I could learn this09:50
kjmjader - no....kernel won't work.  One is 64 bit chip, other machine is 32.09:50
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Dev05sarikan, That's pretty much simple...09:51
eugmanHey I want to compile the svn of a package normally available from apt. Is there a way to autmatically take the dependencies of tha tpackage and install any -dev equivalents of them?09:51
spottedCan anyone tell me how to let amarok reproduce some sounds?09:51
variantBIRDSIX: parted09:51
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jaderkjm sorry, ubuntu installed have kernel -k7, not A6409:51
sarikandev05 : how?09:51
spottedthe sound card works, I have installed alsa-oss but I can't hear no sound from amarok09:51
spottedwhat's wrong?09:51
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spottedalsamixer works too09:51
jribeugman: apt-get build-dep package09:52
Sp4rKyi would know if i can set latency time to ssh ?09:52
Dev05sarikan, Are you using the SLAB menu or the normal GNOME one?09:52
hkaisorbin: google found the same entries, but no help anyway...09:52
hkaishave you an hostap?09:52
jribeugman: that gives you the deps for the version in the repos, which may or may not be the same as the svn version09:52
kjmIf they are both 686 machines, it may work.  You'll probably run into hardware problems unless the machines are highly similar.09:52
orbinhkais: don't know what it is09:52
kyjahey, is there a bash command to quary kernel version?09:52
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Dev05sarikan, System->Preferences->Keyboard. In the dialog, click on the tab that says "Layouts".09:52
jribkyja: uname -r09:52
mabuskjm: don't I have to unmount /dev/hda1 to resize it? It's busy.09:52
sarikanyep, I did that09:53
DaREyou gotta run boot cd09:53
DaREand then do it09:53
DaRE i think09:53
hkaisorbin: that is really od, it works under kismet but not under networkmanager...09:53
sarikanI'Ve got Generic 105-key (Intl) PC09:53
Dev05sarikan, The only issue is that it won't tell you the xmodmap file name...09:53
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sarikanDev05 : :) oh god...09:53
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kjmmabus - yes.  You'll at a minimum need to boot off of some live CD so you don't have any system disk mounted09:53
jaderkjm there are not similar, one have VIA chipset and other Nvidia nforce2, I must install in the second pc, isn't it?09:53
varianttau: back, you download the source?09:53
tauvariant: yup, and unpacked09:53
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varianttau: great, cd to that untarred directory09:54
kjmjader : Why not just install from the live CD and copy over your home and /var directories?09:54
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varianttau: you do this in a terminal09:54
eugmanJrib, but I still would have to install the source packages by hand correct? That would just tell me what binary packages would eb needed if I was installing isntead of compiling. Am I correct in this?09:54
mabuskjm: well it just so happens I randomly have a gparted livecd, awesome. brb09:54
kyjaso I read that 2.6.17-rc2 has a working driver built in for bcm43xx I only have 2.6.15-27-38609:54
UXY36CUQhi would anyone know how to make skype reachable over PATH variable?09:54
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Sp4rKyi would know if i can set latency time to ssh ?09:54
tauvariant: ok, i'm there09:54
jribeugman: no, build-dep installs the build dependencies.  The packages you need to compile the source package09:54
jaderok, i'll reinstall, thanks09:55
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varianttau: you want the guy?09:55
eugmanjrib, oh ok. That's great thanks.09:55
Dev05sarikan, gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:55
varianttau: gui*09:55
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stefgjader: i'd install  a 386 kernel and try if you can just copy an image over... maybe it works, you've got nothing to loose09:55
varianttau: you want the graphical interface or just the command line version?09:55
tauvariant: well, I don't really use the gui, I actually find it kind of gets in the way - I usually only use the command line09:55
varianttau: bearing in mind that the gui sucks :P09:55
sarikanDev05: yes?09:55
tauvariant: hehe :)09:55
varianttau: fine, just type ./configure09:55
Dev05sarikan, Did you run that already?09:55
sarikanOption         "XkbLayout" "tr"09:55
sarikanhmm. this is interesting, no tr_q , just  "tr"09:56
tauvariant: do I need to worry about downloading extra codecs or something?09:56
varianttau: that should not take long09:56
famousdoofy`how do i rename a user?09:56
varianttau: yeah, thats no issue though.. we can do that after09:56
tauvariant: ok09:56
varianttau: did the ./configure go ok?09:56
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tauvariant: waiting..09:57
jribfamousdoofy`: man usermod09:57
basvghi all ... I recently updated my box... tried to lunach 'lauchcam2' to reinstall the drivers but after pressing 'forward' nothing happens... any clues?09:57
BIRDSIXWhen using two different OS such as Linux and Windows do I put the "boot" flag on both of them or take it off both of them so I can choose which OS to run when I boot my computer?09:57
tauvariant: (I only have a 1.2ghz duron :p)09:57
UXY36CUQhi would anyone know how to make skype reachable over PATH variable? Any help would be appreciated09:57
XaXXonvariant: I went online and did some searching about my problem with it hanging at 15%.. and they all said "it worked on the third try".. and sure enough, it looks like it's working on the third try09:57
tauvariant: ok it seems to have finished ok09:57
sarikanDev05: what do you suggest?09:58
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varianttau: cool, type make09:58
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varianttau: this will take a bit longer09:58
varianttau: up to 15 minnuits09:58
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g333k_workhow can I know what version of ubuntu I have installed?09:58
variantg333k_work: type uname -a in a terminal09:59
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bilss_what is the command line to run a python script called m1n.py is it -s m1n.py?09:59
famousdoofy`is there a shell command to list out system information? Such as Proc info and RAM?09:59
g333k_workvariant, version of ubuntu, not kernel09:59
rambo3 !easysource09:59
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:59
tauvariant: I seem to be getting a number of warnings about pointer targets missing in signedness or something..  but it's still ploughing through..09:59
jribg333k_work: lsb_release -a09:59
varianttau: yeah dont worry about that09:59
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tauvariant: 15 mins to compile?  gee09:59
variantg333k_work: ah sorry09:59
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varianttau: yeah, be glad its not open office (10 hours +)10:00
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jribbilss_: what does -s do?10:00
knixtechHow do i cahnge a folder to be owned by apache?10:00
variantknixtech: chown apache folder10:00
tauvariant: 10 hours!?!? owww10:00
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knixtechor www-data10:00
bilss_jrib: nothing my error10:00
varianttau: feel sorry for gentoo users? :)10:00
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Dev05sarikan, Oh, well, somebody else may be able to help you. What would normally happen is, if you comment that xmodmap line out, the normal settings should come up in Xgl. That's what I did.10:00
knixtechvariant, ty10:01
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tauvariant: why, don't they have binary packages available for open office?10:01
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varianttau: i installed gentoo on a 386 once, took three weeks :P10:01
silent_screamwhich ubuntu used kernel 2.4.x ???10:01
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jribbilss_: just 'python script.py' or '/path/to/script.py' if it is executable will work10:01
varianttau: yeah they do, but some poeople like punishment10:01
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varianttau: :P10:01
=== tau shakes his head in disbelief
sofusey how can i change the keymap after the install_10:02
DaREcan someone help me install windows with a partition onto a ubuntu-onle machine?10:02
bilss_just run m1n.py on the command line i guess if its in the same directory from which it is being run10:02
Sp4rKyplease, i would know if i can set latency time to ssh ?10:02
Bonaldo2000Does anyone know what might be wrong when all your mpeg files go out of sync when playing them?10:02
variantDaRE: ask in #windows maybe10:02
tauvariant: is adding codecs something I can do after it's compiled?10:02
jribbilss_: except the current directory isn't in your path probably, so you need to do './script.py'10:02
varianttau: yeah10:02
rambo3!locales > sofus10:02
DaREmeh #windows has windows mofoz10:02
tauvariant: ok10:02
DaREim just wondering, does the partiton have to be ntfs?10:02
varianttau: there might be a few compile time options for codecs but the default should include most10:02
varianttau: actualy, do you want dvd support?10:03
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Dev05DaRE, It could be NTFS or FAT32.10:03
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basvganyone here with easycam experience?10:03
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varianttau: then you will have to rerun ./configure with --enable-dvd sorry about htat10:03
function1my sound suddenly died... its not the hardware, i booted back to windows and it works. i didnt change anything.. just was opening a video in a bunch of different player to see which was best.. no more sound10:03
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DaREill try fat32, because ntfs didn't work right for some reason10:03
bilss_jrib ok thanks or python script.py10:03
BIRDSIXfunction 110:03
tauvariant: well, I only just did some research an hour or so ago trying to find the best dvd player in linux - it seems xine is the best bet, since it supports dvd menus, and also deinterlacing (unlike ogle)10:03
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BIRDSIXYou use windows and linux right?10:03
aaztechclndare: you gotta 1) have a ntfs partition ready for winblows, 2) install winblows, 3) re-install grub so you can boot ubuntu again.  You should investigate installing grub onto a floppy prior to any of this10:03
Dev05DaRE, FAT32 is quite slow for XP... (At least to me).10:03
silent_screamwhich ubuntu used kernel 2.4.x ?10:04
BIRDSIXFunction 1, Do I give both windows and linux the boot flag or none to either?10:04
eugman * Creating aclocal.m410:04
eugmanmake: aclocal: Command not found10:04
eugmanmake: *** [all]  Error 12710:04
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eugmanAny ideas?10:04
Bonaldo2000Does anyone know what might be wrong when all your mpeg files go out of sync when playing them?10:04
UXY36CUQDoes anyone know how to make skype reachable over PATH variable? Thanks10:04
tauvariant: and mplayer didn't seem to support dvd menus, unless this new version does, I don't know, but it's ok I can live without dvd support10:04
function1uhh i dont know. i just went through the ubuntu installer, i never had to answer that question10:04
wetduck_I unstalled some GNU packages and now I finally can see java 1.5.0 running on my terminal, but I still not able to have a javac command. Could someone help on this please?10:04
Dev05UXY36CUQ, Where's Skype installed?10:04
varianttau: mplayer also supports menues but its not very great10:04
tauvariant: ok10:05
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rambo3function1: unplugg computer from wall (current) , check cables , connect back10:05
varianttau: ogle is quite nice but it forces you to watch the damn copyright notice etc which i dont like10:05
Jack_SparrowUXY36CUQ:  How did you install Skype?10:05
Dev05tau, Try totem xine.10:05
UXY36CUQit is in /opt/skype/skype10:05
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tauvariant: I tried gxine earlier, and it worked like a charm..  even supported my favorite deinterlacer pp=md10:05
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UXY36CUQSkype was installed over automatix10:06
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knixtechvariant, how do i make a folder writeable by the webserver?10:06
varianttau: cool10:06
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function1rambo3: its a laptop, the only cable is the power, just unplugged it: no sound. plugged back in: no sound.10:06
Jack_SparrowUXY36CUQ: Thought so...  Maybe you ought to ask in #Automatix10:06
inxilproAnyone know how to change the display drivers on a Ubuntu server installation?  My setup right now cuts off the last two lines of my terminal.10:06
stefgwould be easier to just symlink skype into /usr/bin10:06
SourcemageIf I install display drivers and they happen to 'screw' things up, how do i revert back to my original configuration?10:06
Dev05UXY36CUQ, export PATH="/opt/skype/skype/":$PATH.10:06
variantknixtech: as the apache user do chmod +w foldername10:07
Dev05UXY36CUQ, Add that to a startup script.10:07
ubuntu1176has anybody tried arklinux?10:07
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knixtechvariant, ty10:07
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variantknixtech: better to use octal ontation but i dont remember the exact codes10:07
tauvariant: one of the reasons I wanted to try this new mplayer are the new deinterlacers they've added10:07
varianttau: cool10:07
rambo3function1: that was fast. even the battery10:07
Dev05sarikan, Sorry for not being of more help :(10:07
varianttau: makes no difference to me on my crappy 15inch laptop screen :)10:07
function1did you want me to power off the computer? because ive already done that10:08
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wols_knixtech: chmod u+rwx <folder>10:08
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knixtechwols_, ty10:08
tauvariant: you only have a laptop?10:08
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Spootnickshey folks10:09
knixtechwols_, how do i make it for user and gourps\10:09
aaztechclnanybody on here running ubuntu for production servers?10:09
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kamui how DO you install mplayer now?10:09
aaztechclnjust curious10:09
knixtechwols_, like chown user.group10:09
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ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile10:10
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.10:10
Spootnicksi am looking at purchasing a new notebook10:10
wols_knixtech: g+rwx10:10
Spootnicksany suggestions when it comes to a new notebook to run ubuntu?10:10
wols_or octal 77510:10
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knixtechwols_, ty10:10
Intangiraaztechcln: i am10:10
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varianttau: yeah, i travel a lot10:10
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aaztechclnIntangir: what brand hardware, and have you gone through a major upgrade ?  ie: breezy->dapper10:11
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knixtechwols_, Your temporary directory '/var/egw_files/' is not writeable by the webserver10:11
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tauvariant: ok10:11
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wetduck_Anybody uses Java in here?10:11
Intangiraaztechcln: our AMD64 machine runs ubuntu dapper10:11
BirdWhat command do I type to view and activate possible connections?10:11
wols_knixtech: under what user runs apache and who owns that dir?10:11
Intangirwe do our 64 builds on it10:11
orbinSpootnicks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport ... i've always heard IBMs are good10:11
Intangirmy dev machine is also ubuntu10:11
variantwetduck_: program or use?10:11
mc44can anyone recommed a good app for aggregating and downloading podcast feeds?10:12
Dev05Anyway, I'll now ask my question: I installed the nVidia Beta drivers but now X doesn't load because there's a version mismatch between the Kernel module and the X module. I tried re-installing nvidia-glx and the restricted drivers but it didn't fix it. Any clue?10:12
knixtechwols_, thats what i want to know ;)10:12
inxilproAnyone know how to change the display settings for a ubuntu server installation?10:12
basvgis there a known problem with easycam/easycam2 and the latest kernel in dapper?10:12
wols_knixtech: ps aux10:12
kyjaummm. ok I dl "path-2.6.18" what do I do with it?10:12
wols_inxilpro: define "display settings" more10:12
ScreaminIke2 questions: 1) does #ubuntu ban tor'ed connections? 2) i installed democracy player... it works... pretty ok, but now my default configs keep bringing up mozilla browser in lieu of firefox. can this be ammended?10:12
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knixtechwols_, looks like www-data10:12
tauvariant: hey whaddaya know, it's finished compiling! :)10:12
variantinxilpro: what do you mean? you have an xserver installed on a server?10:12
inxilprowols_, The last line or two of my terminal is cut off :)10:12
varianttau: cool :)10:12
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varianttau: now become root and run make install10:13
varianttau: or run sudo make install10:13
Spootnicksorbin: thank you! does ubuntu (i am new to it) require alot of resources?10:13
varianttau: this part take a couple of hours10:13
varianttau: jk :P10:13
inxilproI thought it might have to do with display drivers...10:13
inxilproBut I really don't know10:13
tauvariant: someone a bit further up there gave a link to a page on compiling mplayer, and it mentions on that page using checkinstall10:13
wetduck_Doesnt matter. I just need ahelp to set it out to be abel to compile code from terminal.10:13
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knixtechwols_, is it chown www-data older?10:13
wols_inxilpro: stull like this is usually doen either on the monitor or via modeline10:13
SourcemageAnyone willing to help a newb find the drivers for his video card? : o10:13
varianttau: if you like10:13
GhostFreemanDoes Nautilus have a "Click here to open a terminal in this folder" option like the file exploring utility in Xfce?10:13
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:14
ScreaminIkeGhostFreeman: no10:14
wols_knixtech: who owns /var/egw_files? (and is that even in your www root?)10:14
UXY36CUQDev05, sorry for my ignorance startup script is in sessions?10:14
Dr_WillisGhostFreeman,  you couldmake one using the Nautilus scripts menu10:14
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orbinSpootnicks: i think RAM is more important if you want to run gnome (the default desktop environment) ... i've heard people running it fine on 500Mhz imacs10:14
knixtechwols_, no it is not in the root, its in /var10:14
wetduck_variant doesnt matter. I just need a help to compile a code on terminal. Could you try help me?10:14
ScreaminIkeGhostFreeman: but, like Dr_Willis said, you can probably script it10:14
Spootnicksoh wow...........okay thats kewl10:14
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tauvariant: ok, it says I can just use sudo checkinstall instead of sudo make install..  I'll give it a try10:14
stefgGhostFreeman: not by deafult, but there's add-ons10:14
wols_knixtech: wwwroot. which is /var/www/ by default10:14
GhostFreemanwhere would I get such addons10:15
n0dlis there a way to stop apt-get upgrade from upgrading certain packages? I tried to place an entry in /etc/defaults/prefrences10:15
SourcemageI can't follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto, it says cards for 8500 and above10:15
ScreaminIkei installed democracy player... it works... pretty ok, but now my default configs keep bringing up mozilla browser in lieu of firefox. can this be ammended?10:15
Sp4rKydoes anyone knows an ssh channel ?10:15
Sp4rKyssh support10:15
brkamikazeHi, I'm using an "old" breezy cd-rom I have from Canonical... I'd like to know that if I did "sudo sed -i 's@breezy@dapper@g' /etc/apt/sources.list" I would be able to fully update this system to dapper without any trouble.10:15
inxilproI'm going to look over https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto , I'll be back.  Thanks for that link.10:15
variantwetduck_: ok, so you have a java program you want to compile to bytecode?10:15
wols_wetduck_: find / -name javac10:15
wetduck_variant, yes.10:15
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GhostFreemanor how do I write a script for Nautilus10:15
aaztechclnScreaminIke: did you already look in the gnome-preferences?10:15
stefg!info nautilus-open-terminal10:15
ubotunautilus-open-terminal: open terminal in any folder from Nautilus. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 480 kB10:16
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ScreaminIke#openssh is open, Sp4rky10:16
knixtechwols_, ty10:16
variantwetduck_: javac --main=filename i think is the correct syntax10:16
physicsnickhey all10:16
GhostFreemanshazbot, thanks stefg10:16
skoenmanthere people10:16
aaztechclnScreaminIke: Preferences->Preferred Applications10:16
physicsnickquestion: is it possible to mount a partition automatically only for certain users?10:16
variantwetduck_: if you have a .jar you want to run thats different10:16
skoenmanas usual im sitting with a problem10:16
ScreaminIkeaaztechcln: already been there. do i have to restart gnome for that to take effect?10:16
physicsnickbasically i want a partition writeable only when i login as myself, not when other users login10:16
physicsnickany idea how to do that?10:17
GhostFreemanDo I need to restart Nautilus before I can use it?10:17
wols_physicsnick: man mount10:17
skoenmanim trying to copy my e107 files from my local maschien to my ubutu server ... thats ok10:17
wols_uid and gid stuff mainly10:17
skoenmanthen when i copy it to the /var/www/ dir10:17
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orbinbrkamikaze: should be ok10:17
brkamikazeorbin, I'll try then10:17
wetduck_variant, no it's a .java but I javac doesn't work.10:17
skoenmani can get access to the dirs10:17
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aaztechclnScreaminIke: no restart required10:17
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spottedHow the hell may I reproduce an mp3 with amarok?10:17
orbinbrkamikaze: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades10:17
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skoenmanisnt there a file manager i can use???10:17
wetduck_variant, 10:17
spottedI followed some howtows, installed gstreamer0.8-mad but it doesn't work10:18
Dev05UXY36CUQ, Yep. First create a simple script with the line I gave you. Always remember #!/bin/bash at the top of it. Then run gnome-session-properties. In the dialogue that appears, select the tab that says "Startup Programs". Then click "Add". Write the path to the script that you just wrote in there. The PATH will always contain the route to Skype right upon login (on GNOME).10:18
Laneynp: Natalie Imbruglia - Come September10:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:18
brkamikazeI'll just leave here so I can use SiSCtrl (hate those cards) and fix the monitor gamma10:18
tuxtuxciao a tutti10:18
ScreaminIkewhat about apps within gnome... do they need to be restarted? gaim, for instance....10:18
Laneynp: Natalie Imbruglia - Come September10:18
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wetduck_variant, bash: javac: command not found10:18
wols_skoenman: filemanager won't help. your user needs write access to /var/www/. or use sudo10:18
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variantwetduck_: you need to install a java development kit10:18
aaztechclnScreaminIke: shouldn't have to, but it couldn't hurt10:18
wols_wetduck_: I told you what to do10:18
variantwetduck_: a jdk not a jre10:18
ScreaminIkewell... i've done that... no go...10:18
inxilproI have a nvidia card, but the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia are for the graphical UI..  I'm running Ubuntu server, and I just need a basic terminal window (I'm eventually going to unplug the machine and put it in a closet).10:18
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skoenmani have used sudo but that doesnt help10:18
wetduck_variant, I did install it.10:18
variantwetduck_: it doesnt sound like it10:19
ScreaminIkedemocracy player depends on mozilla...10:19
wols_inxilpro: for inside a closet you don't need any nvidia drivers at all10:19
skoenmanthe files and folders are there10:19
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variantskoenman: what you trying to do?10:19
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tauvariant: well, it seems to have installed!  is that it?10:19
ScreaminIkewhat if i reinstall the ubuntu-desktop metapackage...10:19
skoenmanjust cant access them10:19
stefginxilpro: so what? then waht you have is just fine10:19
wetduck_java version "1.5.0_06"10:19
wetduck_Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05)10:19
wetduck_Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode, sharing)10:19
wols_skoenman: what is the exact error?10:19
wetduck_variant, sse.10:19
varianttau: yep, should be able to run mplayer now10:19
wetduck_variant, see.10:19
skoenmani just need to change the rights on all the files10:19
aaztechclnScreaminIke: what's your preferred application for web browser set to?10:19
wols_skoenman: and who or what can't access them10:19
tauvariant: trying now..10:19
inxilproExcept that the last two lines of my terminal is cut off10:19
wols_skoenman: man chown10:19
variantwetduck_: thats a runtime environment not a development kit10:20
wols_skoenman: you don't need to change the rights, you need to change owners10:20
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variantskoenman: chown -R user files10:20
variantskoenman: chown -R user file10:20
skoenmani have come accross a command were you can change the rights but how do i change it to another user???10:20
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variantskoenman: that is recursive10:20
skoenmanhmm k10:20
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inxilproand I'm ppretty sure it's not the screen10:20
Dev05inxilpro, That doesn't have nothing to do with X and its nVidia module...10:20
zaggynlis there any need to defragment in Linux?10:20
variantzaggynl: not really10:20
variantzaggynl: not at all tbh10:20
=== DiamonD [n=Admin@wbd-326d8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
skoenmank then another thing how do i create another user???10:20
DiamonDHi ppls10:20
stefginxilpro: that's a farmebuffer problem, has nothing to do with X... add vga=0x303 or something similar to your boot parameters to get a proper terminal10:21
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BirdHow do I burn and .iso to a disk as an image with ubuntu?10:21
wols_skoenman: man adduser10:21
wetduck_variant, my lord. I think Ive installed it at all. Could you tell me once more what I have to look for just to certify myself please?10:21
variantzaggynl: ext3 and reiserfs does online defragmentation10:21
physicsnickwols_, thanks that works. i set the uid to my user and the permission mask to 0755 i assume?10:21
zaggynlvariant, cool!10:21
DiamonDcheck the VISUAL and MAIL10:21
wols_Psychobudgie: whatever you want10:21
aaztechclnScreaminIke: mine is set to Custom, and then this "gnome-www-browser %s"10:21
variantwetduck_: a jdk10:21
DiamonDwhat does that mean10:21
variantwetduck_: not a jre10:21
aaztechclnScreaminIke: somehow that = Firefox10:21
Bonaldo2000where do I change my default audio sink in 6.06 ubuntu?10:21
DiamonDVISUAL /usr/bin/joe10:21
DiamonDMAIL $HOME/Mailbox10:21
wols_wetduck_: find / -name javac10:21
variantwetduck_: you dont need a jre if you have a jdk as jdk also provides the jre :P10:21
tauvariant: seems to be working fine..  that was a lot easier than I expected - as you said it would be :)  thanks for your help10:22
variantwols_: he didnt install it10:22
varianttau: np :P10:22
tauvariant: :)10:22
skoenmank just one question then also10:22
variantI'm off to get some dinner10:22
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variantlater all10:22
skoenmanif i want guests to access the files and be able to change them what do i do???10:23
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spottedOK, works10:23
spottedthx 4 helping10:23
aaztechclnwooho i fixed my soft-raid problem!10:23
aaztechclnthank you ubuntu bugs database!10:23
DaREwindows fanboys wont help meh10:23
DiamonDneed help over here10:23
aaztechclnhaha, dare: they probally don't know jack10:23
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DaREyea no shit10:23
=== tatiane [n=tatiane@201009056060.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:24
DaREone of them is like ... dont say ie sucks10:24
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wols_skoenman: you're not supposed to do that. e107 told you in the install which directories to make world writable. no others10:24
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DaREbecause it rocks10:24
DaREah we are 4 years olds now?10:24
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aaztechclnDaRE: if you already have a partition that's free, just format it either fat32 or ntfs (somthing windows can recognize)10:24
Seveasm4rk, first drop the caps10:24
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DaREi have10:24
m0Who has NEtwork Management Gnome WORKING?10:24
aaztechclnDaRE: then in the windows install, you should be able to pick that partition to install to10:24
DaREI have it NTFS10:24
ubotuOther Linux distributions include; .deb-based: Debian, Mepis; RPM-based: RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva; Source-based: Gentoo, Slackware10:24
skoenmanhmm will have to go read again10:24
DaREit gives me error10:24
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BirdWhat bug did you find?10:24
aaztechclnDaRE: and then windows will re-format it if you choose10:24
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DaREsays system volume some shit10:25
DiamonDhow can i check10:25
aaztechclnDaRE: the only gotcha, is you'll loose Grub and will have to re-install it after windows is installed10:25
DaREsystem volume information not suscitiany10:25
skoenmank then how do i change the writes on the files and folders...???chown???10:25
DiamonDVISUAL /usr/bin/joe10:25
DiamonDMAIL $HOME/Mailbox10:25
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variantm4rk: press the shift key to counter act it in the mean time10:25
DiamonDsomeone know?10:25
DaREi cannot get to the "install" step my friend10:25
DiamonDknows*  ?10:25
m0Anyone has Network Managmenet WORKING?10:25
wetduck_wolf_, I have a javac.vim file. Is that it?10:25
PovRayManHey yall, I accidentally deleted the system tray like area on my gnome top bar panel.  I'm looking at the "add to panel" window but I can't figure out which one i need to add.  Will somoene please point me to the right one?10:25
Seveas!anyone > m010:25
=== hurax [n=benno@dslb-084-056-230-170.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
wols_wetduck_: no. install the jdk as variant told you10:26
BirdI need help with installing windows xp can anyone help me?10:26
m0Seveas: my wirless works10:26
SeveasPovRayMan, "notfication area"10:26
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PovRayManSeveas: bingo, thank you10:26
wols_Bird: #windows10:26
SeveasBird, ##windows10:26
m0Seveas: but the network management gnome is not saying i am connected10:26
Seveasm0, which card/driver?10:26
DaREi get to choose partition, i choose my NTFS partiton, i click next, it says system volume information unsusficiant10:26
aaztechclnDaRE: huh, I guess I mis-understand your problem10:26
wetduck_ wols_, ok.10:26
Birdwhat does that do?10:26
SeveasDaRE, ubuntu can't install on ntfs10:26
SeveasBird, join that channel10:26
Dev05Bird, It's a channel.10:26
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DaREim not teh installing on teh nfts10:26
Seveaswe don't support windows in here10:26
huraxhello, I need help with my usb-stick, it used to mount automatically on my other computer but here it does nothing and I don't have any device like /dev/sda which I could mount10:26
=== KingOfNoWhere [n=KingOfNo@dynamic-acs-24-239-59-82.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
m0Seveas: it says No Network Connection ( the network managment gnome ) But I am connected now10:26
DaREneither does windows10:26
DiamonDdo you how i can check10:26
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DiamonDVISUAL /usr/bin/joe10:27
DiamonDMAIL $HOME/Mailbox10:27
aaztechclnDaRE:  choose delete partition10:27
huraxIt is detected by the kernel in /var/log/messages10:27
wols_DiamonD: wtf do you mean?10:27
Seveasm0, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces10:27
wols_DiamonD: type slowly and _clearly_10:27
aaztechclnDaRE: then choose create partition with the free space from that previous ntfs10:27
DiamonDdon't know10:27
SeveasDiamonD, yeah, you're not making much sense10:27
m0Seveas: okay10:27
DaREin the windows install?10:27
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DaREi tryed that already10:27
DaREsame error10:27
DiamonDit's say in the howto that i must check if the to dirs a good10:27
wols_DaRE: is this ##windows?10:27
DiamonDnothing more10:27
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Seveasm0, make sure to obscure an passwords when pastebining10:28
DaREno theirs actually smart people in here10:28
UXY36CUQDev05, I am going to try that thank you man !10:28
wols_DiamonD: what howto? and that howto doesn't say this cause it's incomprehensible engrish10:28
=== DaRE is amazed
DiamonDthere is no /etc/profile.local10:28
SeveasDaRE, please go to ##windows, it's busy enough in here10:28
aaztechclnDaRE: guess you're sol.  sounds like a windows issue, ya10:28
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DaREim in windows10:28
SeveasDiamonD, there should not be10:28
wols_DaRE: but no windows knowledgeable people10:28
DaREthey are idiots10:28
DiamonDmust i make one10:28
Dev05UXY36CUQ, No problem.10:28
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm10:28
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squidlyhas anyone used the vmware server that is on  ubuntu10:28
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mabusI just resized my ext3 partitoin made by the install cd into an ext3, fat32, and ntfs... so before I install windows, is there anything I should do?10:29
aaztechclnsquidly: im using vmware10:29
wols_Seveas: thank you10:29
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SeveasDiamonD, you're still not making sense -- what exactly are you trying to accomplish?10:29
Dr_Willissquidly,  i installed the download .tar.gzfrom the vmware site.. dident apt-get installit.10:29
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variantSeveas: that was a bit harsh10:29
squidlyDr_Willis but it works and install clean?10:29
Jack_Sparrowmabus: Is the ntfs the first partition on the first drive?10:29
wols_variant: he was warned10:29
skoenmansquidly you mean run ubuthu on vmware???10:29
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m0Seveas: http://pastebin.co.uk/2013  here it is10:29
silent_screamis there an ubuntu with 2.4.x kernel?10:29
mabusJack_Sparrow: No, like /dev/hda4 or something10:30
Seveasm0, that explains10:30
m0My wireless works... but Network MAnagement Gnome says nothing... it says No connection10:30
GhostFreemanAnyone here running Expocity10:30
Seveasnetwork-manager ignores interfaces explicitely configured in /etc/network/interfaces10:30
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Dr_Willissquidly,  works fine. i had issuse with it under Edgy however10:30
m0Seveas: hmm, So I just remove my interfaces and it will show it10:30
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Jack_Sparrowmabus: Windows really really prefers to be on hda1... It can be forced to run just about anywhere, but much easier to put on hda1 then install Ubuntu after that10:31
squidlyDr_Willis thanks.. Im going to be installing it tonight at home..10:31
squidlyalso have you used the Nvidia SLI drivers in linux?10:31
Seveasm0, only the line with essid needs to be removed/commented out10:31
mabusSeveas: Is there any formal way to ask you to include something in your repository, or do I just ask you, or do you ignore requests?10:31
Seveasmabus, you can simply ask in pm10:31
mabusJack_Sparrow: much easier to backup all of my data, etc?10:31
Dr_Willisive got no need for sli10:31
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Jack_Sparrowmabus: It is something you need to decide for yourself.10:32
ScreaminIkeoh, fooey. can someone please help me set my default browser BACK to firefox?10:32
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m0Seveas: iface eth1 inet dhcp10:32
m0wireless-essid uOttawa10:32
squidlyahh ok.. I like sli though.. good for my system ^^10:32
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tarzeauwhat day is it?10:32
mabusJack_Sparrow: well, define "easier"... how do I do it so it installs on /dev/hda4?10:32
shmulikI was under the impression that the Atheros wireless chipset in MacBook pros are supported?10:32
Dr_WillisI dont see much use for SLI. seems its always better to just get a faster/higher end video card.10:32
Seveasshmulik, they are10:32
Jack_Sparrowmabus: Ask in ##Windows...10:32
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shmulikSeveas: How can I connect to a network?10:32
RizenineHow do you get more detail on a module? I can lsmod and see the one I want, but how do I get version info and such?10:33
Seveas!wifi > shmulik10:33
squidlyDr_Willis I treid that.. I actually have found that SLI wroks much better and give me greater performance then a single video card10:33
m0Thanks Seveas I hope it works10:33
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Dr_Willissquidly,  when it works. :P10:33
wols_squidly: yes. it works 30-40% better for twice the price10:33
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wols_Dr_Willis: SLI only makes sense at the very high end were there are no better cards10:33
silent_screami would like to install ubuntu with a 2.4.x kernel version... how i'm gonna do this?10:33
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inxilproThanks guys, adding vga=771 fixed it.10:34
wols_silent_scream: any special reason for 2.4?10:34
Dr_Williswols_,  then ya got to find games and monitors that actually use all the higher power.10:34
squidlywols_ not really.. I got 2 cards the less then a (high end) and its about 100 less then a high end videocard10:34
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wols_Dr_Willis: you especially need to find a CPU which can use it10:34
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Dr_Williswols_,  since allmy systems are old..:P its pointless for me to even worry abbout10:34
Spootnickshey, what do most of you run ubuntu on? hardware wise that is10:34
silent_screamwols_, i have a program that only works with 2.2.x 2.4.x kernel10:35
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squidlyDr_Willis ahh lol I have newer systems at home ^^10:35
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wols_silent_scream: which is?10:35
variantsilent_scream: you got a specific reason for that?10:35
Dr_Willisof course since i dont really play games much.. :P10:35
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wols_silent_scream: use an older version of ubuntu with a 2.4 kernel10:35
aaztechclnSpootnicks: well, im super happy to have just installed server edition on a supermicro 6015V-T10:35
silent_screami just wanna know if there is an ubuntu with that kernel wols_10:36
kamuianyone heard of SMP Dual Core cpus?10:36
kamuiI wonder if its been done yet10:36
silent_screamwols_, hoary warty breezy ?10:36
aaztechclnkamui: the 6015V-T supermicro server can do dual Xeon (dual-core)10:36
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squidlyugg supermicro.. what a piece of junk server (IMHO)10:37
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silent_screamwhich has 2.4.x kernel ?10:37
squidlywhy not take a desktop and make it a server?10:37
jdahmhey everyone10:37
aaztechclnsquidly: naw, it's tits10:37
=== froud [n=froud@dsl-145-55-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasthere is no ubuntu 2.4 kernel10:37
Seveasaaztechcln, watch the language please10:37
jdahmI have a problem with gnome, my mouse keeps disappearing and reappearing10:37
wols_silent_scream: warty10:37
jdahmis there any way to make it stay?10:37
Dr_Willisi though i saw some sort of 2.4packages when i was looing in synaptic, under edgy.. not sure what they were.10:38
squidlyaaztechcln ive worked with them.. try useing the "raid" on there?10:38
ScreaminIkei'm really really about ready to cry, here... i have no idea how to fix this browser issue...10:38
silent_screamwols_, does warty has a 2.4.x kernel ?10:38
=== Adept2point0 [n=XXXX@c-68-60-143-116.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
froudAnyone know if the ubuntu dapper alt cd provides a setup option for LAMP as with the Server CD?10:38
wols_silent_scream: yes10:38
Seveasfroud, it does not10:38
ScreaminIkefroud, no that's the server disk10:38
silent_screamthnx so muck wols_10:38
aaztechclnsquidly: using software raid-1 on 3 of 'em10:38
aaztechclnsquidly: used to run Debian, probaly gonna switch to Ubuntu server since this is going nicely10:38
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froudSeveas: but alt can be preseeded to install lamp and desktop or server mode10:39
Jack_Sparrowjdahm: Did you install xgl compiz or use any install scripts?10:39
m0_Seveas: thanks it worked nicely10:39
kamuiaaztechcln : aah, but nothing consumer level yet?10:39
Seveasfroud, of course10:39
ubotudc: The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator. In component main, is optional. Version 1.06-19ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 56 kB, installed size 200 kB10:39
Adept2point0i am connecting a 20 gig laptop drive to my desktop as I dont want to format of mess around with my c: drive, i have the ata adapter for it, but my pc doesn't see it as in i can't access the drive nor see that its connected.  any ideas?10:39
Adept2point0btw thats for an ubuntu install10:39
ubotuvalknut: graphical client for Direct Connect. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.7-2ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 863 kB, installed size 3044 kB10:39
squidlyim trying to ubuntu.. ive had it with trying to get gentoo to install10:39
silent_screamwols_, do you know where can i find warty ?10:39
jdahmJack_Sparrow, hmm I think I just used the GUI installer, or I can't rememm,ber it has been a while10:39
m0_Seveas:  is it create?10:39
wols_silent_scream: sorry no10:39
kamuiIm looking to buy a new dual cpu box to replace my old old dual celeron abit board from 200010:39
Seveassilent_scream, you should not use warty10:39
m0_Thankx once again Seveas10:39
silent_screamSeveas, why not?10:40
aaztechclnsquidly: my problem exactly.. tired of purchasing newish hardware and the only option being remaster the install ced10:40
kamuidual core dual cpu motherboard, not box10:40
Sp4rKySeveas: please, do you know if i can set latency for sshd ?10:40
Seveassilent_scream, it's outdated and unsupported10:40
jdahmJack_Sparrow, and I have used synaptic for the most part... a few manual package installations, but for the most part standard10:40
Jack_Sparrowjdahm: You mean just the livecd install program?10:40
SeveasSp4rKy, 'latency'?10:40
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jdahmJack_Sparrow, yep10:40
wols_silent_scream: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/warty/10:40
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Adept2point0o.O any ideas?10:40
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LiraNuna'old-releases' ?10:40
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LiraNunaisn't warty 6.10?10:40
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wols_LiraNuna: 4.1010:41
silent_screamSeveas, i'll use it as a second system10:41
silent_screamthnx wols_10:41
Seveassilent_scream, why would you want something from the stone age?10:41
Jack_Sparrowjdahm: I have only seen a couple of people with that problem all had installed xgl / compiz or run Automatix...10:41
wols_Seveas: I already asked. to run something called "cabletv"10:41
Seveaswhy can't that run on dapper?10:41
wols_Seveas: needs 2.4 kernel. which I can't understand why. probably a shitty binary only kernel module10:42
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silent_screamSeveas, i already told you. it runs only in 2.2.x and 2.4.x kernel10:42
jdahmJack_Sparrow, I was looking into automatix for a while, but I like to keep my laptop as a working workspace10:42
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Seveassilent_scream, wols_ warty does NOT have a 2.4 kernel10:42
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wols_silent_scream: have you tried with a 2.6 kernel?10:42
wols_Seveas: what then?10:42
SeveasALL ubuntu releases have a 2.6 kernel10:42
Jack_Sparrowjdahm: Good choice...10:42
jdahmJack_Sparrow, but this has come on the way a couple times10:42
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silent_screamwols_, yes doesn't work10:42
Jack_Sparrowjdahm: No particular rhyme or reason/pattern to it?10:43
jdahmJack_Sparrow, it fairly consistantly is invisible when gnome first starts till I click on something10:43
PPAAUULLCan anyone help me with a flash player problem?10:43
silent_screamSeveas, i can paste bin you the errors10:43
Seveassilent_scream, then you need to find a different distro or a replacement for cabletv10:43
jdahmJack_Sparrow, other than that, it just randomly goes on and off at times10:43
Seveasusing a 2.4 kernel with ubuntu will not work10:43
=== Bird [n=BIRDSIXO@fl-71-53-133-244.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantsilent_scream: you might be better trying a different distro.. there are some that still use a 2.4 kernel for whatever reason10:43
Seveas!anyone > PPAAUULL10:43
fredrikhi, can someone tell me how to get my netgear pc card to work with the router10:43
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Jack_Sparrowjdahm: Sorry to ask so many dumb questions... but what video card are you using10:44
Adept2point0i am connecting a 20 gig laptop drive to my desktop on which to install ubuntu as I dont want to format of mess around with my c: drive, i have the ata adapter for it, but my pc doesn't see it as in i can't access the drive nor see that its connected.  any ideas?10:44
jdahmJack_Sparrow, lemme check, this is a tiny gateway laptop so I really have no clue10:44
Jack_Sparrowjdahm: Does the problem change if you reduce the res one level?10:44
PPAAUULLFirefox is shuting down everytime I go to a site that needs flash and I have installed flash and have reinstalled flash but none of that seems to work. does anyone know how to fix this problem?10:45
stefgAdept2point0: this is a hardware/bios problem which is probably not solved by ubuntu10:45
physicsnicki reinstalled ubuntu two weeks ago, and now i decided i'd rather use kde10:45
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SeveasPPAAUULL, yes, yell at macromedia10:45
Seveasflash is closed source, we can't fix it10:45
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physicsnickso i installed kde, and it works, but the machine is a mess10:45
jdahmJack_Sparrow, ahh, I dont realy want to do that, Im already at like 1024x768 and thats low everything is already really big10:45
physicsnickall sorts of crazy programs10:45
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physicsnickso i'm just gonna format again10:45
PPAAUULLWhen is the new flash for linux supposed to be coming out?10:45
SeveasPPAAUULL, Q1 of 200710:45
variantPPAAUULL: run firefox from a terminal and see what error it puts out10:46
physicsnickso, i'm formatting ubuntu. i backed up samba config, fstab, bookmarks... what am i forgetting?10:46
jdahmJack_Sparrow, # Intel 82855GM (chipset integrated)10:46
jdahm# 2D hardware acceleration10:46
jdahm# 3D rendering acceleration10:46
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fredrikanyone to help me configure my netgear pc card?10:46
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jdahmhellow earthian10:46
wols_PPAAUULL: back up /etc /home/ and /var10:46
Jack_Sparrowjdahm: What is your base ram config?10:46
Seveasphysicsnick, your homedir? 10:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:46
earthiancan anybody tell me how does the ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu hibernation work?10:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:46
ubotuhibernate: activates your computer's suspend functionality. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.12-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 66 kB, installed size 328 kB10:46
physicsnickSeveas, it's on a different partition10:47
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NrbelexTheGateKeeper, you are the man --- it worked10:47
variantearthian: it uses acpi, whatever your system supporrts it will be capable of (assuming you have a correctly written dhdt)10:47
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Seveasearthian, googling for 'swsusp' should give you the detailed info10:47
earthianlast time i hibernated my computer the computer shut down and later it started like always10:47
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jdahmJack_Sparrow, ~51210:47
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Subhumanhe 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.10:47
earthianok Seveas10:47
variantearthian: what Seveas said and also take a look at the acpi homepage10:47
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=== earthian looks
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shmulikSo when I try and connect to a wireless network it just sits there acting like it's trying and never connects10:48
jdahmJack_Sparrow, with 5,244 kB free10:48
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Jack_Sparrowjdahm: only 5 meg free out of 512?10:48
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jdahmJack_Sparrow, thats what cat /proc/meminfo said, I was surprised myself10:49
jdahmJack_Sparrow, though I do have a crapload of stuff open10:49
PPAAUULLwhere do you want me to paste the output?10:49
variantPPAAUULL: pastebin10:49
variantPPAAUULL: the website10:49
silent_screamSeveas, can i pastebin you the error?10:49
jdahmJack_Sparrow, I need to get a sysinfo widget10:50
NrbelexHi - I'm accessing my Ubuntu machine via SSH and I need to change the VNC password using the terminal - how do I do that?10:50
DanLhamonStill struggling to boot... PC freezes after "configuring some drivers... ok"  Any ideas? Tried acpi=off and pnpbios=off10:50
Wiseguyhow do i get totem to play wmv files?10:50
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:50
variantNrbelex: vncpasswd10:50
jdahmWiseguy, you need the win32 codecs10:50
Seveassilent_scream, I can't fix that for you10:50
physicsnickWiseguy, get automatix10:50
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Jack_Sparrowjdahm: I would bet that is where you problem lies...  Something is sucking up all your resources...10:50
Seveas!wmv > Wiseguy10:51
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Seveasphysicsnick, do NOT recommand crapomatix in here10:51
jdahmJack_Sparrow, azureus :P10:51
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physicsnickSeveas, why not?10:51
willys_fueguinoCan someone recommend me an app to convert srt files to sub ???10:51
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silent_screamif someone has any ideas just shoot it. http://pastebin.ca/18221010:51
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Seveasphysicsnick, because it WILL fuck up peoples system10:51
variantwillys_fueguino: mplayer10:51
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physicsnickSeveas, how so?10:51
jdahmJack_Sparrow, yeah it is, java is taking up ~ 20 %10:51
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variantwillys_fueguino: or mencoder to be specific, part of the mplayer command10:51
Jack_Sparrowjdahm: Wish I had a better answer but I need to get going and take care of some honey do's10:51
Seveasphysicsnick, because it is a piece of crap10:51
physicsnickSeveas, works great on my system.10:51
Flannelphysicsnick: it breaks their systems far beyond repair.10:51
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.10:51
Seveas!worksforme > physicsnick10:51
jdahmJack_Sparrow, alright, cya, and thanks10:52
Jack_Sparrownp.. 20%  .. Ouch10:52
physicsnickSeveas, that's rude.10:52
Seveasphysicsnick, if I had a penny for every system it broke, I'd be rich10:52
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ladydoorlol...somebody should really program an ubotu response for automatix-screwups or something, because it seems like everybody's always asking the same question about it10:52
Seveasphysicsnick, it's mild. The thing is beyond crap10:52
=== frito [n=keithman@host81-146-53-137.btremoteinternet-dsl.bt.net] has joined #ubuntu
PPAAUULLhere is the paste http://pastebin.com/79432910:52
ladydoor!worksforme > ladydoor10:52
Nrbelexvariant, I just tried that but my VNC viewer, TightVNC, is giving me "authentication failed" when I use the new Pword10:52
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variantNrbelex: dunno then10:52
variantNrbelex: sorry#10:53
Nrbelexvariant, ok thanks anyway10:53
physicsnickSeveas, i don't mean it's rude to automatix. i mean it's rude to have the bot message proverbs at me when you don't agree with me.10:53
variantNrbelex: presumably your doing it as the user your trying to login as10:53
WhtRabbitI'm running Ubuntu 6.06 with kernel. I want to upgrade to the newest kernel 2.6.18-k7 but ubuntu dosn't see that this newer kernel is avialable. How can I update it myself?10:53
mc44argg fglrx wont initialise DRI, the error in the xorg.conf log say drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card010:53
mc44drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)10:53
andyshackhello ubuntu lovers. : i have 5.10 running as a server. if i use the netinstall upgrade, will that scrap my data ?10:53
=== Powerbook` [n=Eric@adsl-065-006-176-175.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasphysicsnick, it's not about agreeing. It's about a piece of scriptkiddie crap that causes us hours of pain helping users to recover from the damage it does10:53
Flannelandyshack: netinstall upgrade?  you mean just normal upgrades via apt get? or what10:53
Powerbook`im installing ubuntu now, is it ok to use "Use the largest contrinuous free space" option if I have about 20 GB free space that I want to use for ubuntu?10:54
Nrbelexvariant, well there's really no "logging in", you just enter in the VNC password10:54
SeveasPowerbook`, yes it is10:54
Jack_Sparrowphysicsnick: What would you prefer we do when someone recommends somthing that is likely to break a persons system10:54
ladydoorPowerbook`: it's probably best to make a separate /home partition, but that works too10:54
Powerbook`ladydoor how would I do that10:54
aaztechclnSeveas: comeon, automatix is nice, and I'd rather use it than spend hours getting people to install all those codecs and plugins by hand10:54
variantNrbelex: different users have different vnc passwords afaik10:54
Flannelandyshack: then you'll be fine, any config files that have conlficts should ask you about them if they can't mitigate them10:54
Seveasaaztechcln, did you READ at all?10:54
Powerbook`and ladydoor why would i do that10:54
YaakovHello, Jack_Sparrow.  Holding up, I hope?10:54
DanLhamonAny thoughts on boot crashes?10:54
Subhumanaaztechcln, easyubuntu does the same job10:55
SubhumanWITHOUT force10:55
Jack_SparrowYaakov: YEs, but need to run.. How are things, good I hope10:55
Nrbelexvariant, Ok, thanks10:55
aaztechclnSubhuman: an, i guess im behind the times then10:55
YaakovJack_Sparrow: Yes, doing OK.  Be well.10:55
andyshackFlannel : think it would be safe to upgrade the webserver too ? also from 5.10 ?10:55
PPAAUULLhere is the paste of the output:  http://pastebin.com/79432910:55
physicsnickJack_Sparrow, obviously you guys have more experience with this stuff. I'm just saying, !<proverb> is not a very nice way of going about it. This is a pointless discussion anyway.10:55
Flannelandyshack: what?  You have two boxes?10:55
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ladydoorPowerbook`: you'd need to manually partition--so i guess don't bother. i have it because i like knowing that even if i were to somehow manage to screw up my install all my personal files would be preserved; also, i've booted 2 linuxes on the same machine, and it's nice to have a separate /home that they both share10:55
UXY36CUQdoes anyone one how to view chat history10:55
=== ladydoor shrugs
Jack_SparrowPeople, I gotta run..  Play nice...10:56
aaztechclnSubhuman: what's the advantage of easyubuntu?10:56
ladydoorJack_Sparrow: aye-aye10:56
Flannelandyshack: sure, upgrading will be fine if you want new versions of stuff10:56
Seveasaaztechcln, please discuss easyubuntu in #easyubuntu (same for automatix in #automatix) both are unsupported and very offtopic in here10:56
PPAAUULLAnyone know of a flashplayer alternative?10:56
Powerbook`ladydoor - would you mind guiding me through it if I tell you my partition table now?10:56
Subhumanaaztechcln, the reason automatix is destructive is because the code uses --force to force packahges to install even if deps dont work10:56
Subhumaneasyubuntu doesnt use force, so apt cannot possibly be broken10:57
Subhumanworst that can happen is it jus fails and doesnt install.10:57
aaztechclnSeveas: noproblemo10:57
SeveasSubhuman,  please move to an offtopic channel10:57
ladydoorPowerbook`: sure, i'd be glad to. you might want to use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for you partition table. you are using the livecd, right?10:57
aaztechclnSubhuman: nice, thx10:57
SubhumanSeveas, yeah i know, i jus answering his question.10:57
UXY36CUQdoes anyone one how to view chat history  I am kinda newbie in irc10:57
Powerbook`not on this computer, im using windows on a seperate computer10:57
Powerbook`im installing on a powerbook next to me10:57
variantPPAAUULL: looks like its looking for /dev/dsp, does that file exist on your system?10:57
FlannelUXY36CUQ: scroll up?10:58
SeveasUXY36CUQ, which chat client?10:58
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ladydoorPowerbook`: cool, i just mean you're using the livecd to install, right?10:58
Powerbook`I thought you ment if i was usign the live cd with irc10:58
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ladydoorPowerbook`: ok, let me know when you've got whatever you wanted to paste a-pasted. oh, ok. cool10:58
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willys_fueguinothanxx variant10:58
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UXY36CUQXchat I need smth older circa 15 minutes old10:58
variantWiseguy: what for?10:58
adamhi, my friend needs help setting up an internet connection with the DWL-G520 wlan card, on the networkcard wiki page it says "DAPPER: Nearly works out-of-the-box, but had to add "wireless-rate 11M" to /etc/network/interfaces + reboot or two." i asked my cousin what to do since i didnt understand what it says,  he says to put in "sudo echo wireless-rate 11M >> /etc/network/interfaces" in the command line, my friend did this but he does not get10:59
adampermission and it doesnt ask for a root password? any ideas? please my friend needs help. =D10:59
andyshackFlannel : two ubuntu boxes with seperate raid arrays so im not too worried about data loss as they are indipendant of the boot drives. ill give it a go on one and see how it pans out. youve been most helpful answering my questions in the past. cheers.10:59
Flannel!tell adam about root10:59
ladydoorUXY36CUQ: do you mean in *this* conversation or in an old conversation; also, what client are you using?10:59
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Flanneladam: ubuntu doesn't use a root account, read that page for details10:59
spottedWhat gcc has been used to compile the kernel 2.6.15-26?10:59
PPAAUULLvariant: I am not sure I will check10:59
fu-k-ti just installed ubuntu on my laptop, and i need some help getting wi-fi working10:59
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variantfu-k-t: don't we all :)10:59
Seveasadam, echo "wireless-rate 11M" | sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces10:59
adamif i put sudo then it should ask for me to put a root password10:59
Flanneladam: no, it asks for your user password11:00
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ncalpunkerIs there a way I can copy my windows fonts to ubuntu?11:00
adamill tell him11:00
Seveasadam, sudo and output redirection don't combine well11:00
fu-k-ti'm using a network that doesn't broadcast ssid and uses 128 bit wep encryption11:00
ncalpunkerI mean where would I put them?11:00
adamthx seveas and flannel11:00
Seveasfu-k-t, which driver?11:00
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variantfu-k-t: so you need to know the ssid11:00
DanLhamonIs there a hardware checker for Ubuntu compatibility?11:00
PPAAUULLvariant: nope the "dev" folder has nothing in it11:00
UXY36CUQladydoor, yes I mean this conversation client Xchat11:00
knapperWhat is the best DVD authoring software for gnome?11:00
knapperfree too11:00
PPAAUULLwhat should I do?11:00
variantPPAAUULL: thats scarey11:00
fu-k-tSeveas: how would i find that out?11:00
Seveasknapper, kino?11:00
variantPPAAUULL: are you sure? ls /dev/ shows nothing at all?11:01
Seveasfu-k-t, which chipset? (lspci finds out)11:01
variantPPAAUULL: you wouldnt be here talking if it was empty tbh11:01
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knapperseveas, ill check into it, thanks friend11:01
fu-k-tthe laptop is a toshiba portege 4010, and i've found this website that should be helpful: http://linux.toshiba-dme.co.jp/linux/eng/pc/ptg4010_report.htm11:01
PPAAUULLvariant: no sorry I ment there is not a folder called dsp11:01
spottedWhat gcc has been used to compile the kernel 2.6.15-26?11:01
fu-k-tSeveas: thanks, i'll check that11:01
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Seveasspotted, 4.011:01
TheGateKeeperNrbelex: pleased you got a result :-)  (was watch spooks on tv)11:01
NrbelexI'm using the vncpasswd command to change my VNC password over SSH - When I go to log in with TightVNC using the new password, I'm told that the "Authentication Failed" - does anybody know what the issue might be?11:02
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PPAAUULLvariant: there are 2 files dsp and dsp111:02
variantPPAAUULL: ah, thats an oss thing, your probably using alsa but need oss emulation.. im not 100% how to install/configure that on ubuntu though11:02
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Powerbook`ladydoor : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2480411:02
variantPPAAUULL: ah, then you do hvae oss emulation :)11:02
Seveasfu-k-t, ah, the orinoco_cs driver, I seriously doubt whether that supports 128-bit WEP11:02
fu-k-ti see11:02
variantPPAAUULL: what does readlink /dev/dsp say?11:02
fu-k-tso i'd have to use a network with 64 bit, then?11:03
PPAAUULLvariant: what do you mean? when I click on it?11:03
fu-k-tor where would i go to learn more about this?11:03
ladydoorUXY36CUQ: there should be a way to scroll up; also, try the command /lastlog whatever-word-you-want-to-search-for number-of-occurrences11:03
fu-k-ti'm happy to do research on my own, i just don't know where to start11:03
Seveasfu-k-t, you should first try to gt it working woth 64 bit11:03
variantPPAAUULL: no, run the command11:03
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Seveas!wifi > fu-k-t11:03
variantPPAAUULL: open a terminal11:03
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PPAAUULLvariant: there is so output11:04
variantPPAAUULL: no outpuot?11:04
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brittwhat ever happened to naim?11:04
PPAAUULLvariant: nope11:05
spottedSeveas, I'm having some troubles with madwifi, but I didn't get this with gentoo11:05
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ladydoorPowerbook`: ok...wait. so the bottom one is your free space?11:05
variantPPAAUULL: it's strange, i don't think i can help with this problem tbh. can anyone else help with PPAAUULL's problem? http://pastebin.com/79432911:05
spottedon compile time I mean11:05
brittthe naim site is down, anybody know where I could compile the lastest version?11:05
PPAAUULLvariant: it comes up wanting a cammand input again11:05
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Seveasspotted, there is no need to compile madwifi on Ubuntu11:05
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variantPPAAUULL: yeah, that means a succesfull exit11:05
Powerbook`ladydoor : I know its wierd, im confused too, but yes the bottom is the free space, the top is I have no idea11:05
variantPPAAUULL: which is no use to us :)11:05
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ladydoorPowerbook`: could it be your mac install?11:05
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DanLhamonCan't boot!  PC freezes after "configuring some drivers... ok"  Where do I go from here?11:05
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spottedSeveas, how's the module called?11:06
Seveasspotted, ath_pci11:06
Seveasand should be autoloaded11:06
PPAAUULLvariant: I was supposed to type in "readlink /dev/dsp"?11:06
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erUSULDanLhamon: look in the logs from a livecd maybe11:06
Powerbook`ladydoor : the /dev/hda1 which is 0.03 mb is what im confused about, the /dev/hda3 is the mac11:06
variantDanLhamon: disable acpi, dma, hardware detection, see if it boots then11:06
variantPPAAUULL: yeah11:06
erUSULDanLhamon: or booting in recovery mode11:06
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Seveasspotted, do you have the appropriate linux-restricted-modules package installed?11:06
spottedSeveas, WARNING: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-amd64-generic/volatile/ath_hal.ko': No such file or directory11:06
jeeves_Mossall:  can any one here help me with a BlueTooth device?11:06
PPAAUULLok ya that is what I put in11:06
DanLhamonerUSUL: ok, where do I find the logs... hopeless n00b11:06
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clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: just ask11:06
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Seveasspotted, make sure the package linux-amd64-generic is installed11:07
jeeves_Mossclemyeats:  I tried that before, and no one answered.11:07
ladydoorPowerbook`: yeah, that is weird. you might ask the channel if anybody knows--i'm not familiar with powerbooks, so you'd be better off getting help from someone more knowledgeble. good luck :-)11:07
erUSULDanLhamon: /var/log/messages o /var/log/syslog11:07
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illvarghi! i have a wacom volito2, trying to make this work under ubuntu. it sends events and all, /dev/input/wacom in xorg.conf. but gimp does not know it's there. does anyone know what could be the issue?11:07
illvargi really need help with this one11:07
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variantillvarg: there are a bunch of docs on google for setting up wacoms with gimp11:07
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Powerbook`ladydoor : thank you11:07
lwsanybody have a atheros wlan card and host an AP under ubuntu?11:08
Seveasspotted, and make sure ath_hal is *not* listed in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules/common11:08
spottedGenerazione dell'albero delle dipendenze in corso... Fatto11:08
spottedlinux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-amd64-generic  gi alla versione pi recente.11:08
spotted0 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.11:08
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variantillvarg: if its configured by ubuntu then its gimp you need to configure11:08
variantillvarg: ask in #gimp on irc.gimp.net11:08
DanLhamonvariant: how do I disable hardware detection?11:08
SourcemageCould anyone tell me how to update SDL? : o11:08
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Seveasspotted, sudo /etc/init.d/linux-restricted-modules-common start11:08
spottedSeveas, there's ath_hal11:08
variantDanLhamon: dont recall exactly..11:08
WhtRabbitI'm running Ubuntu 6.06 with kernel. I want to upgrade to the newest kernel 2.6.18-k7 but ubuntu dosn't see that this newer kernel is avialable. How can I update it myself?11:08
spottedSeanTater, should I remove ath_hal?11:08
spuddoggAnyone here ever try to MAC spoof under Ubuntu?11:09
fu-k-tSeveas: lspci doesn't actually list my wireless card (as far as i can tell), but it shows up as eth1 in the network configuration window11:09
DanLhamonerUSUL: thanks, where do I enter that?  Boot: prompt?11:09
illvargvariant: every i've seen. just points to it is suppost to find it. but i'll try #gimp. tnx11:09
spottedSeveas, pardon that is commented, so no worries :)11:09
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variantspuddogg: you mean change your mac address ? thats fairly simple11:09
jeeves_Mossclemyeats:  are you versed in making these things work?  if so, I'll get the URL for it.11:09
LeeJunFanubuntu kernel has all the old isa PNP crap doesn't it? I don't have /proc/bus/pnp so lspnp isn't working.11:09
lwsHi erUSUL: I'm having a hell of a time getting this AP stuff working even with a "supported" card. heh11:09
fu-k-tdoes that mean there's something else wrong?11:09
clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: well, I use Kubuntu and KDE... kbluetoothd works well for me.11:10
spuddoggvariant, well, when i 'sudo ifconfig ath0 hw ether <mac>' I cannot access the network any longer.  However, when I 'ifconfig ath0' I DO have an IP, etc on the network.11:10
spottedSeanTater, thx, it worked11:10
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variantspuddogg: try chaning the mac before you log in11:10
spuddoggvariant, you mean during boot?11:10
variantspuddogg: and make sure the router/firewall does not only permit certain mac addresses11:11
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jeeves_Mossclemyeats:  I've got those installed, but nothing seems to work.  I'm also having issues intstalling packages.  I'm trying to learn about BlueSnarfing, etc, but the packages that I've recived error out.11:11
spuddoggvariatn, no, mac filtering is not enabled (at the moment)11:11
stefgWhtRabbit: a particular version of ubuntu comes with its particular kernel version, 2.6.15 in the case of dapper. There will be no other officially supported kernel version for dapper11:11
variantspuddogg: sorry, i mean change the mac before the interface is brought up11:11
variantspuddogg: not before you log in11:11
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DanLhamonThanks all.11:11
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clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: what bluetooth device is it ?11:11
erUSULDanLhamon: when you said that you can boot you were refering to the livecd?11:11
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earthianif someone need help on configuring two ethernet cards to be able to have insternet and share it with another computer on the local network you can ask me. i had a lot of experience in that11:11
jeeves_Mossclemyeats:  this is the adaptor...  http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1699115&CatId=90911:11
pseudosymbioticIm new so please let me know if I need to go on another channel to ask stupid questions. I am trying to make a new partition so I can build a LFS, when I use "df" i see a partition named /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root. Would I type fdisk /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root? . . . oh, I just noticed this, what does it mean when it says "reformating fdisk(8)"?11:11
=== pyxystyxU [n=ubuntu@APHETTO.RES.cmu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
spuddoggvariant, when i try that, it yells at me that the device is not available.  however, if i just 'sudo ifconfig ath0 down' first, it works11:12
WhtRabbitstefg: oh. So is there still anyway to update the kernel myself or may this cause problems with Dapper?11:12
Powerbook`Does anyone know a good help site of how to install ubuntu with a seperate /home partition11:12
linopilearthian:  any experience on #ltsp ?11:12
NrbelexAre there any issued with accessing a Ubuntu computer with TightVNC vs. other VNC viewers - I keep getting authentication failed messages11:12
Seveaspseudosymbiotic, the 'reformating' is the way the man program tells you it's loading the manpage11:12
=== thekorn [n=markus@a81-14-166-6.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaspseudosymbiotic, and we don't support LFS in here11:12
variantspuddogg: so you bring it down, change the mac and bring it back up? have you tried then getting a new ip with dhcp?11:12
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spuddoggvariant, no...how do you do that?11:12
spottedSeanTater, I dunno if it is necessary but this module is not available modprobe wlan_scan_sta11:12
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pseudosymbioticSeveas- ok, good to know Seveas, releaving on the formating11:13
variantspuddogg: just restart the dhcpd11:13
earthianlinopil, what is that? :)11:13
we2bys there a edonky client for ubuntu?11:13
pseudosymbioticIts not an LFS question, its a matter of creating a new partition with fdisk11:13
variantspuddogg: dhcpcd i mean11:13
spottedSeanTater, I need that to scan networks11:13
spuddoggvariant, what is the command for that?11:13
Wiseguydoes anyone know how i can make mplayer my default movie player rather than totem?11:13
Seveasspotted, watch your <tab>, you're misspelling my nick ;)11:13
clemyeatswe2by: amule, xmule11:13
we2byI meant emule11:13
stefgWhtRabbit: that's likely to cause problems, and building a kernel yourself is something only for experienced users11:13
spottedSeveas, oops11:13
variantspuddogg: killall dhcpcd && dhcpcd interfacename11:13
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UXY36CUQIs here the way to see chat history for the last 30 minutes?11:13
variantspuddogg: assuming you have dhcpcd and not some other like dhclient11:13
SatanGolgaWiseguy: good question11:13
clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: it's usb.. you might need a driver then...11:14
Seveasspotted, modprobing ath_hal should be enough. If not, try depmod -a11:14
variantUXY36CUQ: using what program?11:14
=== Birdee [n=BIRDSIXO@fl-71-53-133-244.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
spuddoggvariant, checking that out now...i'll be back in a minute11:14
clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: does it appear in lspci ? or lsusb ?11:14
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spottedSeveas, do I have to modprobe ath_pci and ath_hal?11:14
=== XoB [n=cs14-xob@3e6b80c6.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
jeeves_Mossclemyeats:  yes it does11:14
XoBHow do I log on as root?11:14
=== Bird [n=BIRDSIXO@fl-71-53-133-244.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:14
spottedSeveas, I mean both11:15
clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: check dmesg to see if it loads a module ok.11:15
SatanGolgasudo bash in terminal :P11:15
Seveasspotted, ath_pci should drag in ath_hal, but given that one of them was missing before, you may need to run depmod -a before it starts working11:15
erUSULSatanGolga: sudo -i11:15
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ladydoorXoB: sudo -i11:15
lwswhen is the next version of ubuntu coming out?11:15
Seveasspotted, if it still fails, check whether there are some results of your compile attempt interfering11:15
=== angelo [n=angelo@host215-46-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaslws, in october11:16
spottedroot@maya:/etc/default# iwlist ath0 scan11:16
spottedath0      Failed to read scan data : Resource temporarily unavailable11:16
UXY36CUQIs here the way to see chat history for the last 30 minutes using Xchat any help appreciated11:16
jeeves_Mossclemyeats:  it says that it's loaded the Bluetooth stack.11:16
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Krhis [n=Krhis@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantUXY36CUQ: if you have logging enabled you can see it11:16
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:16
BirdIs their anyway to view what keys were pressed in UBUNTU ?11:16
variantUXY36CUQ: look at the settings for xchat11:16
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andyshackanyone played with the sparc release ?11:17
Seveasspotted, just for giggles,try rebooting -- I've had it before that the madwifi driver got confused and only rebooting actually helped11:17
clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: try "hcitool scan" it should see your device's mac address11:17
variantUXY36CUQ: and any further questions regarding xchat are best placed in #xchat11:17
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=== spuddogg [n=spuddogg@69-165-165-57.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:17
spuddoggvariant, no go...tells me 'no process killed'11:17
variantSeveas: would removing the module and re probing it not be a better option?11:17
spottedSeanTater, ok, I'm rebooting.11:17
jeeves_Mossclmyeats:  it just says "scanning..."11:17
kadshow would I go about overclocking my P$ processor11:17
Seveasvariant, not with madwifi -- it sometimes gets confused beyond that11:17
variantspuddogg: find whatever the dhcp client is called and kill it11:17
kadshow would I go about overclocking my P4 processor11:18
jeeves_Mossclmyeats:  then it dropps back to the prompt11:18
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:18
variantkads: ask in #hardware11:18
Seveaskads, please find a more appropriate channel11:18
spuddoggvariant, any idea how i can figure that out?11:18
clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: hmm.... that's a bad sign.11:18
=== pseudosymbiotic [n=PseudoSy@p54ABAE58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
variantspuddogg: ps aux | grep dhcp11:18
kadsVariant: does that work for ubuntu11:18
clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: I'm afraid I can't help you much. It always worked out of the box for me.. never had to troubleshoot.11:18
variantkads: asking in the #hardware works for any distro11:18
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Ubuntu
pseudosymbioticOk, nobody that uses linux knows why my biggest root partition is called /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root, how do I create a partition on it with fdisk?11:18
=== Kragnerac [n=michael@cpe-24-209-226-224.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jeeves_Mossclemyeats:  I shoudl have been concerned when they disk they supplied is blank.  LOL.  But the package says it has Linux support.   I've contacted the compnay, but they have YET to respond.11:19
spuddoggvariant, does dhclient sound right?11:19
variantspuddogg: yeps11:19
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spuddoggvariant, thanks...be back in a minut11:19
=== mark_uk [n=mark@81-179-190-74.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
BirdHow do I burn .iso files to cd's as images with ubuntu?11:19
erUSULpseudosymbiotic: you are usin lvm and you can partition it just like any other afaik fdisk or cfdisk gparted etc11:19
jeeves_Mossclemyeats:  I'm wondring if I should upgrade to the lattest release of Ubuntu.11:19
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO11:19
tuxtuxnotte a tutti11:19
clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: well, upgrading is always a good idea.. I don't if it'll fix it though.11:20
=== JRe [n=jrfaller@tru75-4-82-227-168-44.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorjeeves_Moss: you mean dapper (stable) or edgy (development)11:20
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jeeves_Mossladydoor: I'm thinking dapper11:20
erUSULpseudosymbiotic: logical volume manager11:20
clemyeatsjeeves_Moss: edgy will be out very soon now.11:20
erUSUL!lvm pseudosymbiotic11:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lvm pseudosymbiotic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:20
=== nemik [n=nemik@cs-user32.wireless.uic.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule11:20
ladydoorjeeves_Moss: ok, cool. dapper's pretty stable11:20
erUSUL!lvm > pseudosymbiotic11:21
XoBTo create a file called ID.so.conf i /etc/ with a line in it (from the terminal) How do i do that?11:21
jeeves_Mossladydoor:  I can't wait to put my hands on that newest version of Gnome with the animated desktop.  It'll help me convince my clients to ditch Windows 9811:21
=== spoop [n=p@wolcott-cuda1-24-49-137-239.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flanneljeeves_Moss: beta version of edgy is coming out this weekend, I believe.11:21
ladydoorjeeves_Moss: haha...i haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about, but it sounds pretty11:21
nemikI'm trying to bind vim's autocomplete (ctrl-x, ctrl-o) to be ctrl-space but it is not working, i used 'map <C-@> <C-X><C-O>'11:21
jeeves_MossFlannel:  it has to be stable though.11:21
ladydoornemik: #vim?11:22
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jeeves_Mossladydoor:  from what I've seen on their site, it animates wondows, desktop switches, etc.  I think they're trying to make it look mor elike a Mac.11:22
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nemikladydoor, thanks but they don't seem to know11:22
spuddogg_variant, worked like a charm...thanks11:22
sureshotwhat codec should i use for totem to play a dvd11:22
XoBTo create a file called ID.so.conf i /etc/ with a line in it (from the terminal) How do i do that?11:22
=== silent_scream zZzZzZzZzZzZz
=== pseudosymbiotic [n=PseudoSy@p54ABAE58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu []
erUSUL!dvd > sureshot11:22
ladydoorjeeves_Moss: ah. cool, if you like that sort of thing.11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
jeeves_MossFlannel:  is there a simple way to upgrade?  I don't have a blank DVD here with my lappy, and the partition it's on is tiny.11:22
=== Wiseguy [i=wiseguy@imma.cyber-terrorist.so.fearme.net] has joined #ubuntu
BirdAre their any programs for burning cd's in ubuntu?11:23
TheGateKeeperjeeves_Moss: lattest gnome uses an animated wall paper?11:23
jeeves_Mossladydoor:  it makes it an easier sell to my boss, etc.  I hate Windows.11:23
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ladydoornemik: hmmm. i don't know what to tell you if the vim developers don't know what to tell you11:23
ladydoorjeeves_Moss: yeah11:23
variantspuddogg_: np, glad to hear it11:23
jeeves_Mossthegatekeeper:  there was an artical on slashdot a week ago I think.11:23
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erUSULBird: a lot. i use nautilus for data cd's (the file manager) or gnomebaker11:23
variantspuddogg_: you got access with the new mac address?11:23
nemikladydoor, thanks anyway, maybe i'll ask in there again11:23
XoBladydoor: its calle microsuck windoze..11:23
Wiseguyhey guys how do i change firefox's defualt movie player from totem to mplayer?11:23
jeeves_MossWiseguy:  I prefer M$11:23
Birderusul, I am looking for something that I can use to burn .iso files with to disc as images.11:24
SourcemageGuys, I'm trying to install an rpg called Daimonin and I'm having some trouble. I've been following the install guide on the site but i keep getting an error11:24
ladydoorXoB: uhhhh...ok. when was i sticking up for windows? i wiped it from my harddrive first chance i got.11:24
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Wiseguyjeeves_Moss, hmmm?11:24
jeeves_Mossladydoor: http://www.gnome.org/11:24
iturkhi there any application in linux that edits psd files ?? (Adobe Photoshop images)11:24
SourcemageIt asked me to extract the tar.gz (which i did) and then move into a certain folder and type in 'sh ./configure'11:24
jeeves_MossWiseguy:  microsuck and M$11:24
TheGateKeeperjeeves_Moss: my other half goes mad on that animated stuff, I'll get another convert :-)11:24
Sourcemagebut i get this error message checking build system type... configure: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one11:24
brittanybody have the newest naim tarball11:24
Wiseguyjeeves_Moss, what are you talking about>11:24
brittI really could use it11:24
BirdWhat is so bad about windows?11:24
stefgjeeves_Moss: but rather stay away from xgl, if you really want to persuade your boss :-)11:24
jeeves_Mossall:  does any one know the easy way of upgrading to the newest stable version of Ubuntu with out needing a CD and still being in Ubuntu?11:25
XoBladydoor:  Did'nt say you were sticking up for it.. actually i was pointing out your point11:25
Flanneljeeves_Moss: updating?  yeah, just normal upgrade.11:25
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:25
SeveasBird, please stay on-topic here, windows is way off-topic11:25
jeeves_Mossstefg:  it keeps the riff raff away from my laptop.  They're afraid they'll break it.11:25
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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jeeves_Mossflannel:  "normal upgrade"?11:25
=== butternuts [n=Chris@c-24-4-11-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
benhso edgy comes with evolution 2.6.811:26
Flanneljeeves_Moss: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:26
benh2.8.0 that is11:26
=== spuddogg__ [n=spuddogg@69-165-165-57.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
clemyeatsthe one thing I hate about microsoft is the fact that GUIs are not frontends... they're the only thing. Appart from that it's a good OS. Not for nerds though or people who to write scripts.11:26
benhwith 2.6.x I could sort-of coerce IMAP into working11:26
benhwith 2.8.0 not at all11:26
=== brando1 [n=brandon@blurry.skewedvision.com] has joined #ubuntu
jeeves_Mossflannel:  thanks.  I'm still a little "out of it".  too much cold meds.  LOL  and that bottle of wine last night didn't help11:26
Flanneljeeves_Moss: but actually, on gnome, there's update manager, which works much easierly11:26
BirdSeveas, Do you know any programs that I could use to burn .iso files to cd's as images?11:26
Seveasclemyeats, please stay on-topic here, windows is way off-topic11:26
=== dragonfire [n=dragonfi@adsl-144-217-4.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
benhit's amazing that the evo folks never managed to get IMAP remotely reliable11:26
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clemyeatsSeveas: ok, I was only replying.11:26
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-10-83-27.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
benhit's actually getting worse with every version11:26
=== dragonfire1 [n=dragonfi@adsl-144-217-4.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
SeveasBird, nautilus, gnomebaker, k3b11:26
XoBTo create a file called ID.so.conf i /etc/ with a line in it (from the terminal) How do i do that?11:26
Birdseveas, Thank you.11:26
=== AaSFi [n=AaSFi@eu83-213-214-42.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
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FlannelXoB: a line infront of it?11:27
spuddogg__variant, yes, i can connect and access the net with a spoofed address, but it does not seem to work if spoofing a mac that is in use11:27
SeveasXoB, you probably mean ld.so.conf11:27
stefgBird: have you ever tried what shows up when you right-click an .iso-file in gnome?11:27
ladydoorBird: bashburn?11:27
vorbotebritt: the latest naim tarball is in the packages server (ubuntu's or debian's). Naim as a project is pretty much dead. (http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/naim)11:27
jeeves_Mossflannel:  it says that it's up to date. this is strange.  it was the update manager that told me that I needed to upgrade.11:27
XoBFlannel: yeah11:27
SeveasXoB, sudo nano /etc/ld.so.conf11:27
Flanneljeeves_Moss: you're running dapper currently?  then you don't, you're up to date.11:27
=== dragonfire [n=dragonfi@adsl-144-217-4.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Birdstefg, Yes I have and it didnt work.11:28
fu-k-tso, anyone have any idea why my wireless card (it's internal on a laptop) isn't showing up in lspci when the interface (eth1) IS appearing?11:28
butternutsWhen I upgraded to dapper, I noticed that new account get a "log out" button on the very right of the top bar.  But I can't get the button into that position in my existing account.  I can only move it to just left of the time/date/calendar section...anyone know how I can get it moved to the right?11:28
XoBFlannel:  And where do what it will hold?11:28
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto11:28
jeeves_Mossflannel:  do you know how to upgrade Gnome then?11:28
brando1Can someone tell me what is going on with ubuntu's init scripts?  If I try to use a stock /etc/init.d/script that script won't start because of invalid permissions. it's owned right, and exactly as I've set up scripts on hundreds of other installs.  Why is ubuntu different and how should it be done so that it works?11:28
Flanneljeeves_Moss: to upgrade gnome, you'd have to upgrade to edgy11:28
XoBFlannel: Where do i put the string it should hold in that command11:28
Seveasbrando1, give us the ls -l of the file11:28
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:28
FlannelXoB: what are you talking about?11:28
jeeves_MossFlannel:  I'm just concerned about how stable it is.11:28
Flanneljeeves_Moss: You can ask in #ubuntu+111:29
=== turtle5001 [n=turtle50@218-168-72-189.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantspuddogg__: no, it will not :)11:29
Flanneljeeves_Moss: they'll be able to tell you11:29
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:29
RedGhostIs there something in apt to allow me to extract .RAR archives??11:29
homer_linuxhiya ppl i broken X i installed the new nvidia beta driver ,i removed them now im back to 1.0-8762 but when i start x i get an error message of loaded nvidia kernel module 1.0-8762 but this module of x is 1.0-9625 been looking but i cant work out whats module it is any ideas ppl11:29
variantspuddogg__: where are you doing this? corporate network?11:29
jeeves_Mossflannel: #ubuntu+1 is the "edgy" channel?11:29
brando1seveas: same as all the other scripts, trust me.11:29
Flanneljeeves_Moss: correct11:29
adamhi again, my friend tried that command and he rebooted twice, the wlan doesnt work, does anybody have any ideas??11:29
adamops sry11:29
XoBflannel: nevermind.. (i'm very new to linux (ubuntu)..11:29
Seveashomer_linux, you'll need to downgrade both the kernel module and the X driver11:29
BirdIf I am going to run windows and linux on my computer do I give both partitions the "BOOT" flag or do neither get it?11:29
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Seveasbrando1, fine, if you don't want help, don't give info 11:29
mluser-workwhat is the equivalent of 'rpm -qf <filename>' in the apt world?11:30
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:30
jeeves_Mossflannel:  ok, thanks.  I'll probley be back in a few mins.  LOL  That is after I get confused.11:30
ladydoorBird: ^^^11:30
RedGhostIs there something in apt to allow me to extract .RAR archives??11:30
wols_Bird: neither. grub doesn't care about the flag11:30
Seveasmluser-work, dpkg -S filename11:30
ladydoorRedGhost: unrar11:30
=== PiedotLinux [n=oliver@82-37-202-138.cable.ubr05.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
erUSULRedGhost: unrar11:30
mluser-workSeveas: thank you11:30
stefgBird: grub doesn't rely on that, so don't care11:30
RedGhostty x211:30
Birdlaydoor, Thank you.11:30
ladydoorBird: np11:30
FlannelXoB: that command will open a text editor, if you have stuff you want to put somewhere, you usually tee it (tee, because you'll need sudo, you can't pipe with >>)11:30
Wiseguyhey guys how do i change firefox's defualt movie player from totem to mplayer?11:30
bigredradioAnyone know how to allow port 6000 (remove -nolisten tcp) from the X server settings? Using gnome.11:30
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erUSULWiseguy: uninstall the totem plugin and install the mplayer one11:30
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brando1So someone can't just make their own script and put it in place manually and have it work? they have to add the new script via update-rc.d?11:31
XoBFlannel: WoooW.. Slow down there.. I said VERY new to linux..11:31
spuddogg__variant, no, just at home.  i like to learn.  that is the god's honest truth...I have no desire in hacking, yet i have spent the last few weeks learning how to crack weps...I now have 3 different nics i use on my own network :)11:31
adamhi again, my friend tried that command and he rebooted twice, the wlan doesnt work does anybody have any ideas??? my friend has a11:31
Seveas!repeat > adam11:31
andyshackhave any of you had good results and success with the sparc distro ?11:31
FlannelXoB: the 'sudo nano /path/thing/here' will open up a text editor, that you can then paste into11:31
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homer_linuxSeveas i htought i had i know the kernel module is done but having some problem with the x one11:31
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Seveasbrando1, maybe someone could give advise if you cooperated a bit..11:31
adammy friends wlan card does still not work, he did that command and he rebooted twice11:32
fredlhow do I find out which processes have which TCP sockets listening?11:32
variantspuddogg__: nice :)11:32
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XoBFlannel: I noticed.. :P11:32
Seveasfredl, netstat -tl11:32
XoBFlannel: How do i save the thing i wrote?11:32
Seveasfredl, for more info: sudo netstat -tlp or sudo netstat -tlnp11:32
brando1seveas: I'm not on the system now, so I can't tell you exactly. permission were something like wrx--rx-rx root daemon or soemthing11:32
FlannelXoB: ctrl-O to save it, ctrl-X to quit the program once you're done (^ is control, the commands are at the bottom of the screen)11:32
BirdDoes anyone know the linux command for making a new account with full administrative access would be?11:33
spuddogg__variant, yea its alot of fun, but i seem to be making myself paranoid though :/11:33
Seveasbrando1, that would be half right11:33
XoBFlannel: thanks.. Didnt get ^O to work :P ^=Ctrl.. Nice to now..11:33
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spuddogg__variant, i have learned that the term "wireless security" is an oxymoron11:33
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Seveasspuddogg__, ;)11:33
erUSULBird: man adduser (just make sure the new user ends up in the admin group)11:33
D-Man`any osx/ubuntu dual boot users here?11:34
fredlI'm so glad I chose not to go into internet security... the feeling that a system has been hacked but you can't put a finger on it just yet is gnarly.11:34
Birderusul, Thank you.11:34
SAngeliAlso, how to make grub boot logs fonts or screen resolution smaller? i have a 17" LCD Monitor11:34
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spuddogg__did variant leave?11:34
Seveasspuddogg__, with wpa2/802.1x and other somewhat sane security mechanisms you can get a long way though11:34
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wols_spuddogg__: VPN over wireless only. SSH encrpyted traffic is secure :)11:34
brando1how about -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root :) I'll cheat, still doesn't change anything.  The script gets run but it's not running the script as root.  It's as though whatever is starting scripts in rc2.d (which symlinks to init.d of course) is not run as root, so if you have a script that requires root to be running it, the script may not start correctly.11:34
variantspuddogg__: i still here11:34
fredlSeveas, also any netstat option to see which processes have TCP connections open?11:34
fredl(as opposed to listening)11:34
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WiseguyerUSUL, im not sure what you mean... i searched through synaptic for a firefox mplayer plugin and couldnt find one... or totem one for that matter11:34
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wols_fredl: ntstat -anp |less11:35
variantspuddogg__: indeed, wpa2 tkip is pretty solid though11:35
Seveasbrando1, how are you running the script?11:35
spuddogg__Seveas, yes my next adventure is working on cracking WPA stuff.  only problem with that is some people say you ubuntu does not support WPA11:35
kyjaif I figured out how to get and compile kernel 2.6.17> then would I have to erase fwcutter and all those drivers.11:35
Seveasspuddogg__, these words flow through wpa11:35
wols_spuddogg__: wpa_supplicant11:35
Seveasit works 11:35
spuddogg__Seveas, wols_:  ok, i will check into that11:35
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Flannelspuddogg__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo11:36
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brittvorbote: so what does everybody use for console aim now?11:36
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brando1seveas: it's on boot, so init is running it11:36
fredla qmail-rspawn process on a box that is also running sendmail... yet this qmail-rspawn process is talking to port 6666 of irc.saunalahti.fi...11:36
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ladydoorbritt: bitlbee11:36
mike-digiport-I installed Ubuntu, everything went fine, but when it boots up, when tis about to show the login screen with gdm (i think) it just stalls, it shows a cursor on the top left, then it just stops blinking after a couple seconds and stays there11:36
fredlthat spells trouble.11:36
vorbotebritt: I'd guess centericq11:36
ladydoorbritt: it's multi-protocol.11:36
spuddogg__Seveas, wols_, variant:  have any of you ever succeeded in hacking a WPA(2) network?11:36
brando1seveas: if I run it as "sudo /etc/init.d/script start" it works correctly.  On boot it does not11:36
ladydoorvorbote: centericq no longer supports aim11:36
brittbitlbee or centericq11:36
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brittdoes either one do MSN too?11:37
Seveasbrando1, what is the full path of the symlink which is supposed to start it?11:37
wols_ bitlbee does11:37
Birdspuddogg__, What do you use to Hack WEPs?11:37
ladydoorbritt: bitlbee does. it runs out of your irc client of choice :-)11:37
brando1seveas: /etc/rc2.d/script -> ../init.d/script11:37
brittwait bitlbee isnt a standalone app?11:37
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Flannelbritt: centerICQ does as well11:37
Flannelbritt: centerICQ is11:37
Seveasbrando1, that will not work11:37
spuddogg__Bird, kismet and aircrack-ng, and an orinoco card11:37
D-Man`I need help...  something kills the yaboot loader leaving me unable to boot ubuntu.. I am not gonna do a new install of ubuntu to fix this problem...  anyone that can help (and yes I've read the forums...googled...etc)11:37
Seveasbrando1, look more closely at the other symlinks11:37
ladydoorbritt: nope.11:38
=== Yahovah2 [n=yhwh@c-68-84-255-21.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasthey HAVE TO start with Sxx or Kxx11:38
vorbotebritt: bitlbee is a proxy server11:38
Flannelbritt: bitlbee is a go-between betweek the network, and an IRC client11:38
Seveasalso see the manual for init11:38
spuddogg__Bird, oh yes, and a ralink card11:38
Birdspuddogg__, do you know if back-track is any good?11:38
brando1seveas: it actually does, however the script reports that it does not have permission to start the program because it's not being started as root.  I can do a "sudo /etc/rc2.d/script start" and it works fine11:38
spuddogg__Bird, not sure what you mean by that11:38
Birdspuddogg__, You know what back-track is right?11:38
brando1Seveas: Sorry, "sudo /etc/rc2.d/S13script -> ../init.d/script"11:38
spuddogg__Bird, nope.  i would imagine its software for cracking weps though :)11:39
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Birdspuddogg__, http://www.remote-exploit.org   check it out it goes beyong weps11:39
spuddogg__Bird: sure will man, checking now11:39
SeveasWhy S13, what's the script supposed to do?11:39
brando1seveas: the problem seems to be that init is not starting the scripts as root, I guess I could always `echo id > /tmp/file` to find out who it's being run as, but that won't help me figure out why it's not being run as root...11:40
finalbetaAnyone knows a newsgroup reader for binary files? it needs to be able to read .nzb files, and create them.11:40
kitchebritt: to use bitlbee just connect to im.bitlbee.org using an irc client11:40
Seveasinit should start it as root, if the script and symlink are owned by root:root11:40
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spuddogg__Bird, ah yes, i have heard of back-track...i have never tested it out though, but i will :)11:40
ladydoorbritt: OR install bitlbee and connect to localhost, which is more secure11:40
brando1Seveas: I'm replacing gdm with a specific xinit command. gdm was S13, so I should be fine starting X at that point too.11:40
butternutsIs there a seperate "power off" button that can be added to the "Notification Area"?  Or do I want a power button added to the right of the Notification Area?11:40
Flannelbritt: or just install centerICQ ;)11:41
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Birdspuddogg__, Come to channel kos1611:41
ladydoorFlannel: it no longer supports AIM, unless there's a new version.11:41
spuddogg__Bird, OTW11:41
brittFlannel: i like that idea better11:41
Flannelladydoor: er, I'm on AIM right now11:41
brando1seveas: I agree it should. Odd thing though it doesn't seem to be, so I was wondering if this was a redesign for ubuntu's own reasons..11:41
mluser-workanyone know what the develpment package for 'file' is?11:41
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Seveasbrando1, double check the permissions and do the id > /tmp/foo trick11:41
jeeves_Mossflannel:  are you still here?11:41
ladydoorFlannel: for serious? aim stopped working in my centericq back in december, and i've reinstalled it a few times (from scratch) and it still didn't work11:42
mluser-workI'm looking for magic.h, but only find imagemagicks magic.h file11:42
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Flannelladydoor: yeah, I've had no problems11:42
crimsunmluser-work: libmagic-dev11:42
ladydoorFlannel: weird...i wonder why it suddenly stopped for me.11:42
jeeves_Mossflannel:  ok, they're ignoring me in there.  Do you know how to do the upgrade to edgy?11:42
fredrikCan someone let me know a step by step config of my wireless pc card, tried to do it through the configure network card in ubuntu but wher told to use the terminal and type in sudo, any clue anyone?I`m new to linux as well11:42
mluser-workcrimsun: thank you :)11:43
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Flanneljeeves_Moss: gksudo update-manager -d11:43
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jacobmp92anyone intrested in boycotting firefox?11:43
spottedSeveas, I installed the latest kernel11:44
fredrikanyone to help?11:44
spottedrebooted again11:44
tarzeaujacobmp92: of course11:44
ladydoorjacobmp92: #ubuntu-offtopic11:44
Flanneljeeves_Moss: er, actually, that might not be correct.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades will give you full details11:44
spottedstill ath0      Failed to read scan data : Resource temporarily unavailable11:44
tarzeaujacobmp92: it's the worst piece of software i've ever seen11:44
ladydoortarzeau: #ubuntu-offtopic11:44
jacobmp92debain was told to stop using the name11:44
jeeves_Mossflannel:  ok, thanks.11:44
finalbetaAnyone knows a newsgroup reader for binary files? it needs to be able to read .nzb files, and create them.11:44
tarzeaujacobmp92: debian11:44
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Seveasfinalbeta, klibido11:44
jacobmp92gah im not going to bother explaining how it directly affects ubuntu11:45
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Flanneljacobmp92: #ubuntu-offtopic11:45
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erUSUL!wifi > fredrik11:47
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joeljkpanyone know how ubuntu and debian compare on old low-spec servers?11:47
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Flanneljoeljkp: as servers? or desktops?11:48
joeljkpflannel: servers11:48
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Seveasjoeljkp, the same way as apples and pears compare11:48
Flanneljoeljkp: Probably pretty comperable11:48
Seveasthey're both fruit, but taste quite different11:48
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joeljkpseveas: in terms of system specs11:49
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zambaroohi guys11:49
Seveasjoeljkp, ubuntu has a newer kernel + toolchain11:49
zambaroodoes anyone run postfix from the repository, with sasl?11:49
joeljkpflannel: if you were building a server with severe ram/disk space/processing power limitations, which would you choose?11:49
zambaroohaving issues with connecting to saslauthd during authentication11:49
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Seveasjoeljkp, I'd choose to buy a new server 11:49
joeljkpflannel: 586-type11:50
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Flanneljoeljkp: your best bet would be to try each, and see ;)  since I'm no expert.  Personally, I'd choose ubuntu, because I like not having to tweak config files a whole lot11:51
mc44fglrx fails on enabling DRI, xorg log gives these errors before DRI fails :drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0      drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or a11:51
mc44can anyone help?11:51
Seveasmc44, how did you install fglrx?11:51
mc44Seveas, using the repos then by hand and with aticonfig11:52
Seveas'by hand' from the ati.com installer?11:52
mc44Seveas, no, sorry i meant changing xorg.conf11:52
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spottedath0      Failed to read scan data : Resource temporarily unavailable11:53
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lwsspotted: what are you trying to setup?11:53
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spottedlws, a 3com wifi card11:54
marshallhey guys11:54
spottedlws, it works on gentoo and such but that prompts this error message on ubuntu11:54
lwsspotted: in AP mode or?11:54
spottedI dunno how to fix it11:54
sig_what is the package name for gnomes ftp client?11:54
marshallcan anybody help me fix some dependency problems with gaim 2.0 beta 2?11:54
spottedI'm just scanning the area to see if the card works11:55
spottedI need it at university mostly :)11:55
spottedwhere there's an ap11:55
ladydoormarshall: did you install from source or use a 3rd-party installer?11:55
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marshallladydoor: lol hey ladydoor11:55
ladydoormarshall: so it is you11:55
marshallladydoor: im trying to use this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13317911:55
spottedlws, I found lots of people on google having this problem but no solution was provided11:55
spottedwhat can I do?11:56
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marshallladydoor: i didnt mean anything by that comment about women and regular people last time11:56
marshallladydoor: i was trying to be funny11:56
jharrI'm building a custom install CD and it's puking.11:56
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ladydoormarshall: i don't remember what you're talking about, so you're off the hook anyway, haha11:56
marshallladydoor: lol ok11:56
kyjawhats the name of the next release??11:56
jharrI get a red screen from deboostrap saying 'chroot /target mount -t proc /proc" failed11:57
dragonfire1had that this afternoon jharr11:57
daxxarDo I have to use autofs to get my /etc/fstab  NFS-mounts to mount at/after boot?11:57
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jharrthen I check VC4 and it shows: "debootstrap: usage: /usr/lib/debootstrap/pkgdetails PKGS mirror packagefile pkgs.."11:57
Flannelkyja: 6.10, codenamed Edgy Eft11:57
kyjaah thx Flannel11:57
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ladydoormarshall: did this uninstall ubuntu-desktop? also, what's the problem?11:57
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jharrand a few more errors: ar: "Short read", "zcat: Short read", "chroot cannot execute mount"11:58
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rollinchromewhat does >> mean in shell scripting?11:58
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lupine_85append to file11:58
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rollinchromelupine_85, add on to the end of a file?11:58
ladydoorrollinchrome: it means whatever comes before it will be appended to a file (as opposed to >, which overwrites the file with whatever's before it)11:59
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marshallladydoor: this is the error i get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2481211:59
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leminohow do I disable groups in Gaim?11:59
kyjamy goodnes I found a mirror for edgy11:59
marshallladydoor: no di dont think this uninstalled ubuntu-desktop11:59
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FlyingSquirrel32What is the easiest way to tell the end-of-line format of a text file?11:59
Sourcemagehi all, i'm trying to download a package called    sdl-devel and i don't know whats its name is in the ubuntu repos : o12:00
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marshallladydoor: it might have a while ago, im trying to reinstall gaim 2.0 because i think i messed it up the first time12:00
SourcemageI just installed ubuntu so i'm still a newb about it12:00
Sourcemagei don't know how to search for packages either = /12:00
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ladydoormarshall: ok...here's my advice:  ditch the apt-get way and install from source. i know that that works, at least...12:00
ladydoormarshall: and you don't end up going to dependency hell12:00
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erUSULSourcemage: synaptic or apt-cache search sdl devel12:01
FlannelSourcemage: in synaptic package manager, you hit the search button, or, in command line 'apt-cache search' or, packages.ubuntu.com12:01

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