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bddebianHi ryanakca01:37
=== jdong angrily pulls up terminal and issues a sync
=== jdong mumbles a bit about KDE
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freeflyingmorning all02:56
imbrandonheya freeflying02:57
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Jucatomoin Hobbsee!03:23
ryanakcawhy isn't/how would I get kdeutils listed as a "Product" in launchpad so that I can link an upstream bug to it?03:23
Hobbseehey Jucato 03:24
Hobbseei'm not sure that "upstream product" matters03:24
Hobbseei tend to set it to kdebase, and just link the bug numbetr03:25
ryanakcabug 5804903:25
UbugtuMalone bug 58049 in kdeutils "Kgpg crashes when I sign/verify clipboard" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5804903:25
UbugtuKDE bug 129267 in general "Kgpg editor crashes when decrypting" [Crash,New]  03:26
ryanakcabtw, if the master bug triagers hunt me down... *makes sure to point to Hobbsee*03:27
=== Jucato takes note of that...
Hobbseewell, yeah...i'm in -qa, so i'm expected to get it right, i think03:27
Jucatowho's the master bug triager anyway?03:27
ryanakcaA server error occurred.03:27
Hobbseedholbach or sflaw?03:27
=== Hobbsee shrugs
JucatoHobbsee: you are? :)03:28
Hobbseei dont think there is one03:28
ryanakcathose two...03:28
Jucatoah sflaw I think.. (Simon Law, right?)03:28
ryanakcayes, in montreal :)03:28
crimsunI think you mean seb.03:29
crimsun(or are you asking who heads up QA?)03:29
=== Jucato is now confused....
=== ryanakca doesn't know
ryanakcaI was just saying that if someone hunts me down and lectures me, I'll tell them that they have the wrong person, and that hobbsee blackmailed me into doing it03:30
crimsunseb has a ridiculous amount of karma from bug triaging, so he's who I'd consider to be the "master"03:30
crimsunsfflaw heads up QA03:30
Jucatook :)03:30
=== ajmitch is somewhere near the bottom of the list
Jucatoany chance of KDE bug 133388 being fixed before Edgy is released?03:33
UbugtuKDE bug 133388 in general "Manage Repositories is disabled" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13338803:33
=== rideout [n=rideout@71-215-74-199.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeJucato: ask mornfall 03:35
JucatoHobbsee: do I really really have to?? *gulps*03:35
Hobbseesure, he's not going to eat you03:35
=== Hobbsee hugs mornfall
=== Jucato wonders if mornfall is available for comment...
ryanakcaHey Mornfall, wonderful day, isn't it, eh?03:36
ryanakcaJucato: seee, that wasn't so hard... you try :P03:36
Jucatointentionally misspelling his name doesn't count :P03:37
Jucatowell, his name was mentioned 3x already, so I'm presuming he's not available. :)03:37
Jucatoyikes! it's 1am in UTC... 03:38
Jucatooh yeah... took a quick glance and didn't notice the minutes :)03:38
Jucatohm... Katapult's Documents catalog doesn't search recursively into folders, right? you have to specify the path starthing from $HOME?03:40
Hobbseehehe, i'm getting bugged about being the maintainer of kopete, instead of apachelogger03:40
=== Hobbsee should really change that field
JucatoHobbsee: ooh apachelogger is going to having a "timeout" so you'll probably be doing that soon anyway...03:41
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Hobbseeah right03:41
Hobbseeit's the fact that i usually modify it, i tend to do the bugfixes, and apachelogger's patches seem to be on crack sometimes anyway.03:42
Hobbseeso i have to go thru them with a fine tooth comb03:42
Jucatohttp://apachelog.blogspot.com/2006/09/timeoutlogger_25.html :(03:43
Hobbseefair enough03:44
=== Hobbsee contemplates going for core.
Jucatogo for it! :P03:44
Hobbseenah.  not yet03:44
Hobbseemaybe edgy+1 where there's a whole lot more main stuff to be merged03:45
Jucatoand take your rightful place beside Riddellll :P03:45
Hobbseethat's the edgy+2 developer conference, i hope03:45
=== imbrandon yawns
imbrandonheya Jucato03:45
Hobbseethen again, i can just make imbrandon upload my stuff.03:46
imbrandonlol 03:46
Jucatohi imbrandon!! sleepy after a good dinner? :)03:46
imbrandonHobbsee, you not comming to mountain view ?03:46
Jucatoimbrandon already sits at the other side of Riddel :P03:46
=== imbrandon was gonna buy a long pointy stick just for the conf
Hobbseeimbrandon: nope03:46
=== ajmitch should do core dev stuff some day
Hobbseeand Tonio*_ and raphink03:46
Hobbseeajmitch: yes, DO SOME WORK, kthnksbye!03:47
imbrandonajmitch, i thought you were core ?03:47
ajmitchimbrandon: I am, I mean doing the work03:47
ajmitchrather than just mono/f-spot03:47
imbrandonahh ;)03:47
ajmitchI have upstart mostly patched :)03:47
imbrandoni've only touched amarok and k-d-s in main so far, but then again the freeze kinda kinked me right away03:48
imbrandonahh i take that back i did kdebase and kdelibs once too03:48
imbrandonhavent done a whole lot so far03:48
Hobbseethat was my problem in dapper03:49
imbrandonhrm can the qt spin edit box contain strings instead of numbers ?03:51
=== Hobbsee did a kdebase upload too, iirc
imbrandonyea i did a few, but i mean since main03:53
imbrandonyea you did a few too03:53
=== imbrandon tickles Hobbsee then ducks under the atable
=== Hobbsee tickles imbrandon, spears him with her long pointy stick of doom, roasts him over the bonfire, and eats him too.
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ajmitchwhen I look in here & see Hobbsee doing things like that, I really have to wonder...04:10
Hobbseeajmitch: you're lucky that didnt happen while you were here04:11
ajmitchI'd be running for the plance04:11
Hobbseeyou were anyway :P04:12
Hobbseeajmitch: so are you going to come near me in january?  or are you too scared?  :P04:17
ajmitchlet me think about that04:17
Jucatoooh... TUX's new editor is an Aussie (did I spell that right?) :P04:18
imbrandonyes , and what is TUX ?04:19
imbrandon( other than the penguin )04:19
JucatoTUX Magazine04:19
imbrandonnever seen it04:19
=== Hobbsee does, at times
Jucatoheh. sister publication of Linux Journal, but more oriented towards mere mortals (like me :P)04:20
=== Hobbsee is a mere mortal
Jucatosince when did the QOTU become a mere mortal? :P04:20
=== imbrandon hugs Hobbsee, no your not
Hobbseeyes i am!04:21
imbrandoni never read any print magazines ( nor ever see them )04:21
Hobbseeas far as i know, i can still be killed off :P04:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: it's not in print - it's over the net04:21
=== imbrandon stabs Hobbsee, nope , no blood
JucatoHobbsee can still be detached :P04:21
=== Hobbsee dies bloodily all over imbrandon
imbrandonhrm i wonder how doublin is going04:22
HobbseeHobbsee is just an alias anyway04:22
Hobbseeone i answer to04:22
Jucatoimbrandon: they're all in PDF format. it's free, but by next year it will have US$ 10/yr subscription fee04:22
imbrandonyea for 00804:22
imbrandonJucato, cool04:23
imbrandonwell basicly is it dosent have an rss feed , or its not in a man page i dont regularly read it04:23
JucatoRSS ftw!04:23
Jucatoso you don't read docbooks and wikis? :P04:23
imbrandona few printed BOOKS now and then, but mostly refrence stuff or sci fiction04:24
Hobbseemeet docbook2man or whatever it is :P04:24
Jucatoheh but the KDE/Kubuntu help pages are in docbook format right? :P04:24
Jucatooh well, that's nixternl's stuff :)04:24
imbrandonJucato, you should read "god debris" sometime, you would like it ( free pdf book )04:25
=== Jucato Googles
imbrandonlike ~130 pages04:25
imbrandonits by scott adams iirc04:25
=== Jucato likes PDF's because he can put it in his phone
imbrandoni can read pdf's and txt on my ipod but that dont make it easy on the small screen ;)04:26
Jucatothat's why I love smartphones... 04:27
Jucatowhich is another reason why I need to get a new one... :(04:27
imbrandonaudio books ftw04:27
Hobbseeimbrandon: people are wondering about amarok/libtag stuff - is it our bug, or upstream?  also,there are lots of nasty new bugs in amarok, it seems04:27
imbrandon+ podcasts04:27
Hobbseealso, if someone feels like examining kaffeine, that'd probably be wise04:27
imbrandonHobbsee, i've answerd most of them, its a libtag issue upstream04:28
Hobbseeah right04:28
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imbrandon99% of the problems is they are taging or retagging stuff on a netwrk drive or a VERY large collection04:28
Hobbseefair enough04:28
imbrandonbut yea it needs to be fixed, and upstream is aware ;)04:29
Hobbseenah...lets just keep having buggy software :P04:29
=== Hobbsee pokes imbrandon at kaffeine
=== Hobbsee remembers kaffeine in dapper. ouch.
Jucatooh kwap... 04:31
Jucatocan anyone confirm that some apps, like KWord and KDissert can't be found in Add/Remove programs? (Both GNOME and Adept)04:31
Jucatoand where do I flle such a bug? since it seems both are affected? :(04:32
=== imbrandon is listening to "Te Aviso, Te Anuncio (Tango)" by Shakira on Laundry Service [Amarok]
Jucatoooh Shakira :P04:34
ajmitchimbrandon: interesting tastes.. ;)04:34
Hobbseeajmitch: he's usually listening to shakira04:34
ajmitchhow disturbing04:34
imbrandoni listen to just about everything ( music wise )04:34
imbrandonHobbsee, nah thats just the last cd i bought ;)04:34
=== imbrandon is listening to "Double Violin Concerto Vivace" by Bach [Amarok]
imbrandon^^ that alot too04:35
imbrandonJucato, i'm not sure how the programs get picked to show in add/remove04:38
imbrandonprobably would need to ask someone more familiar with it than me04:38
imbrandonbut i can confirm those dont show, but i dunno if they are supose to etc04:39
Jucatoyeah. Burgundavia said it's supposed to show and to file a bug. I just didn't know where...04:40
imbrandonwell if you were doing it in kde , it would be adept, i dont know about gnome04:41
imbrandoni'm guessing synaptic but i dont know for sure04:41
Jucatoadept_installer = gnome-app-install. They both don't show KWord. so it might be something they have in common?04:42
imbrandonadept installer is in the source package adept though04:45
imbrandoni would start there, someone will track it down04:45
Jucatook. thanks for the guidance :)04:46
imbrandonwhen it gets triaged04:46
Jucatolol... I'm trying my best to give the triager less work to do. As I've been on the receiving end of trying to mark 8 duplicate bug reports :P04:46
Jucatoimbrandon: do you know if shipit will stop shipping free CD's starting Edgy?04:59
imbrandonno they wont05:01
imbrandonthey are shipping dapper only05:02
Jucatoah ok. thanks for confirming :)05:02
imbrandonthey ship free still but will only ship dapper05:02
imbrandonnot edgy ( since dapper is LTS )05:02
imbrandonfyi its in the news letter #14 Jucato05:03
Jucatolol I didn't notice sorry :)05:03
rideoutso, i was just checking what major packages still need python2.3, and the only one i saw (that i use) is scribus. Can we build it with 2.4?05:25
rideouti just checked, debian is using 2.4 in sid05:29
imbrandonwe could probably just merge then after the beta freeze05:30
rideouti'm new to this, should i email the motu list? what is the best way to go about it?05:30
imbrandonscribus is main iirc ( will have to look ) and you are in the right place for kde* stuff05:31
imbrandonyea scribus is main so its us in here to take care of it05:31
imbrandonbtw hi and welcom rideout ;)05:35
rideouthello, just to introduce myself, since I'd like to start helping out a bit more, I'm student in Colorado, USA, and run my own POS software company05:37
rideoutI just came over from debian05:37
imbrandoncool , yea hang out in here and MOTU is the best way to get a feel for things05:37
imbrandonwe are at the end of cycle right now so thing smight be a bit hetic / tight to start off05:38
imbrandonbut you'll catch on05:38
imbrandonRiddell hobbsee Tonio_ _Sime raphink and myself are the main KDE types but every one helps out here and there as they can05:39
imbrandonrideout, hrm our scribus is built with 2.405:41
imbrandonwhere did you get that info ?05:41
imbrandonbrandon@horatio:~$ apt-cache show scribus|grep python05:42
imbrandonDepends: libart-2.0-2 (>= 2.3.16), libc6 (>= 2.4-1), libcupsys2 (>= 1.2.1), libfreetype6 (>= 2.2), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-12), libjpeg62, liblcms1 (>= 1.08-1), libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.3.6), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-12), libtiff4, libx11-6, libxml2 (>= 2.6.26), python2.4 (>= 2.3.90), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1), gs-gpl (>= 8.01) | gs-afpl (>= 8.14) | gs-esp (>= 7.07), python-tk05:42
imbrandon^^ python2.4 (>=2.3.90)05:42
rideoutapt-cache show scribus-ng | grep python05:42
rideoutactually I was talking about the wrong package05:42
imbrandonahh ok, and thats in universe too05:43
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imbrandonif we do that the next few days ( before the 28th ) we can get it in05:43
imbrandoni'll look at the merge later05:43
imbrandonhrm actualy it dosent look like there is a ubuntu delta05:44
imbrandonjust needs a testbuild from sid05:44
rideoutI just finished downloading the sid source, I'll see if it has any issues05:45
imbrandoni have it building in an edgy pbuilder now, looking makeing sure it hasent already be requested for a sync05:46
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rideouttesting dcop06:54
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rideoutis listening to Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then) by The Decemberists [amarok] 07:42
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imbrandonheya Hobbsee08:15
=== ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey imbrandon 08:17
Jucatohi Hobbsee!08:17
Hobbseehey Jucato 08:17
=== Hobbsee wonders if a meeting was ever decided on
imbrandoni have it sitting in the pending queue for 2100 thursday , just waiting on Riddell to say its cool08:19
Hobbseewhich thursday?08:20
Hobbseenext thursday, or the one in 2 days?08:20
imbrandonnext , to get beta out the dorr first08:20
Hobbseethe dorr too08:21
Jucatoso not this thursday?08:21
Jucatoah yeah, akademy... silly e08:21
imbrandoni finly got my last.fm tagging going correctly on my blog now ;)08:22
imbrandoni waste alot of time lol08:22
Hobbseeoh yeah, akademy too08:22
Hobbseedefinetly not this thurs then08:22
Jucatothat's good, for me...08:22
Jucatogives me lots of time to see if my ISP will allow me to be there...08:23
=== Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoheh looks like some users from the forums are beginning to look at Epiphany as an alternative to Firefox :)08:25
Jucatooh krap!! I forgot not to mention the f**** word...08:25
Hobbseethey've been doign that for a while, Jucato 08:26
Hobbseeoh yeah, forums, i'm supposed to email them...08:26
JucatoHobbsee: what are you going to tell them?08:26
HobbseeJucato: how we can best use them to help us out08:26
Jucatowell they've been recently giving Epiphany another chance in light of what's happening with Debian and MozCo08:27
Hobbseerather than just saying "i want i want i want GIMME IT NOW" and then nothing happening08:27
=== Hobbsee recently sent all of that topic to /dev/null
Jucatohm... let me get some links08:27
Hobbseei hate to say it, but epiphany would have been used as the default long ago if it was any good08:28
Hobbseeseeing as it's smaller08:28
Jucatohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumIntegration | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255516 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BridgingUbuntu <--- these might help?08:28
=== ubotu_ [n=ubotu@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee nods :)
Hobbseeyep, seen them :)08:30
Hobbseewell, all except the first link08:30
Jucatoah ok. :)08:30
=== Jucato just wasted his time :P
Hobbseenah, it's good :)08:31
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatothis dance I'm doing with my ISP is really getting to my nerves...08:32
JucatoI'm connected in IRC and IM, but HTTP is either slower than a snail or totally non-existent08:33
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imbrandonJucato, try a diffrent ( non-your-isp ) dns server ( like opendns )08:45
Jucatoimbrandon: ok I'll try08:47
Jucatoaaah!!! a bottle mt.dew cleared my mind a bit and calmed me down... :)08:47
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imbrandonand stawberry milk ;)08:52
Jucatojust not both at the same time :P08:52
Jucatothough I'd personally prefer chocolate milk :D08:52
rideoutor some guiness08:53
imbrandonright right08:53
Hobbseemmm...strawberry milk...08:53
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=== rideout is listening to Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then) by The Decemberists [amarok]
rideoutI apologize, I'm tired and going sleep, and will arrive more helpful and respectful tomarow08:58
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=== rraphink is now known as raphink
=== Jucato sighs...
JucatoI think I'll sleep this one out.09:10
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Tonio_Riddell: we need this ! http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2912310:53
Tonio_Riddell: firefox allows the same thing, and really it makes things easier for the people !10:53
Tonio_Riddell: that's just a kdebase patch, I'll try to implement it today and look how the things work$10:57
raphinkTonio_: well I'm not sure11:03
raphinkthat allows to install flashplayer indeed, but not through packages, so we lose track of the files11:03
raphinkbut it's nice for users indeed11:04
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Tonio_raphink: yes I see your point of view....11:13
Tonio_the point is packages are nice when you know what to install11:13
Tonio_raphink: but we did the amarok mp3 plugin for the same reason : make it easier for the user11:13
Tonio_raphink: just fyi, the files are installed in the user profile, not in the system11:15
RiddellTonio_: i was just thinking about that sort of thing11:21
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Riddellraphink: the flashplayer-nonfree packge does the same thing11:21
Tonio_Riddell: the only point is there is not "don't bug me anymore" option11:24
Tonio_Riddell: but the amarok MP3 plugin has the same issue......11:24
Tonio_Riddell: is that a problem for you ?11:24
Tonio_one can install flash and disable it afterwards11:24
Tonio_and about everyone installs flish so.......11:25
RiddellTonio_: doesn't amarok have a don't annoy me again option?11:27
Riddellthe currently flash popup in konq never seems to go away anyway :)11:28
Tonio_Riddell: nope the amarok patch doesn't do this...11:28
Tonio_Riddell: you've already tested this ?11:29
Tonio_Riddell: concerning the flashpopup I think it just prompts you as long as you didn't install it...11:29
Tonio_Riddell: btw, I'm building kdelibs to check how it works, and then decide11:29
Riddellwe can't put it in until after beta anyway11:30
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Tonio_Riddell hum11:31
Tonio_Riddell I would have agree after an RC, but a beta is supposed to be "still in the work" no ?11:31
Riddellyes, but we're frozen for beta11:31
Tonio_Riddell yeah I know this, I'll just gonna test locally11:32
Riddellplease do :)11:35
Riddellinfact give us all packages to test11:35
Tonio_Riddell will do, kdelibs and kds will be required11:36
Tonio_Riddell are you okay concerning the view mode button now that I've merged the 3 buttons ?11:37
Tonio_Riddell http://tonio.homelinux.org/tmp/capture12.png11:37
Tonio_Riddell tool me all the night but it works :)11:37
Riddellhmm, dunno, could you put up packages of that for me to test too?11:38
Jucatoooh nice Tonio_! I bet everyone's going to love that :)11:38
Jucato(or at least many will :P)11:38
Tonio_Riddell, yes I'm currently building since I have a little thing to patch too to uncheck the button, will let you know when it's done11:39
Tonio_Riddell that's kdebase + kds too, so I will probably put both flash and iconview and give you the link11:40
Tonio_Riddellthe very nice thing with the flash installer patch is it has a config file that'll go in kds, so that if we have to update the url for example, we can just upgrade kds ;)11:42
Riddellwhat if they don't have k-d-s installed?11:43
seaLneanyone have time to look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3243 ?11:48
RiddellseaLne: looking11:55
RiddellseaLne: debian/copyright looks like it's taken from kdebindings11:56
RiddellI'd start afresh with that file11:56
Tonio_Riddell, hum, it probably won't load11:58
Tonio_Riddell I'll test with and without kds, but I need to set params in an rc file, and we are not going to hardcode this in /usr/share/kde ;)11:59
Tonio_seaLne: ping me if riddell approves11:59
seaLnethe ruby bindings ahave a GPL and a LGPL license file in the source, i'm unsure what is which12:01
Tonio_Riddell the good point with this installer is that it can be used for other things, as we just have to fill the xml file for another plugin :)12:01
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RiddellseaLne: find rdale and ask I guess12:07
RiddellTonio_: nice12:07
RiddellseaLne: "postinst-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig" no idea why that's useless, the library is in /usr/lib12:07
Tonio_Riddell I think we should give a try at this : http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=3891512:09
Tonio_Riddell adblock in konqueror is quite limited and a pain to use, compared to firefox's12:09
RiddellseaLne: oh, it's because it's not in /usr/lib so ld loader doesn't care about it12:10
RiddellseaLne: we can ignore that anyway12:10
seaLneyeah he's not answering on irc so far :)12:12
Riddellsleeping in I guess12:13
Hobbseebah.  sleep's overrated12:13
RiddellseaLne: all looks good to me otherwise12:13
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seaLneRiddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=325101:07
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seaLnei had to type my pass phrase 1 char at a time between disconects, not fun01:07
seaLneTonio_: fancy looking at that?01:16
Tonio_seaLne: yeah, but I can't build it, since I already have a kdebase and kdelibs on the way......01:18
=== Dace [n=dace@CMLXXXIII.voas.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_seaLne: looks nice for me.01:23
Tonio_seaLne: I need to check the valid copyrights to be sure and build too.01:23
Tonio_seaLne: once I can do that I'll advocate01:23
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zorglu_once i came here asking about an issue of memory leak in the X, i just identified the apps which is leaking massively, it is eclipse (based on gtk). im  aware it is not directly related to kubuntu, just to let you know.02:20
=== Hobbsee [n=user@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeright, i'm in the correct room now02:25
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jdongooh, shiny, firefox 2.0RC1 out02:44
Hobbseenice :)02:46
Hobbseeis it any good?02:46
jdongHobbsee: just downloaded the tarball, still looking around :)02:47
jdongmore minor icon tweaks...02:47
jdong but overall I don't see anything too different from beta 202:48
jdongat least in the features department02:48
jdongI'm sure they fixed a lot of glitches02:48
Hobbseehum.  it looks like meanwhile needs to be bumped to main, and been made a dep of gaim.02:49
=== Hobbsee contemplates fixing it after the freeze
=== Jucato wonders what will happen to Firefox in Ubuntu...
jdongJucato: 2.0rc will probably go in after beta freeze02:53
jdong2.0 final will go into edgy-updates or edgy-security when it's released02:53
Jucatojdong: I was referring to the *cough*issue*cough*02:53
jdongthe 'issue'?02:53
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongwhich issue is this?02:53
Jucatoactually it's more of a Debian-MozCo thing02:53
jdonghonestly just go back to the official firefox icon....02:54
JucatoUbuntu can do that, right? Debian ain't so lucky02:54
jdongwell... if we are willing to, yes02:54
jdongbut I don't like the idea of being restricted in that way either02:55
Hobbsee_yeah, please :)02:55
Hobbsee_it's much prettier02:55
Jucatobut that would mean putting Firefox in restricted, right?02:55
jdongJucato: quite possibly, yes02:55
=== Hobbsee_ [n=user@CPE-144-136-125-169.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoheh.. so I guessed right :P02:55
jdongJucato: and mozilla needs to approve all patches02:55
Jucatoouch.. that would hurt, wouldn't it?02:55
jdongwhich is IMO too much meddling on mozilla's part, yes02:55
JucatoHobbsee: stop dancing! :P02:55
jdongif that's the case, I'd rather us go with iceweasel02:55
jdongthough windows newcomers will all say WTF02:56
jdongbut that doesn't matter... we're already king of weird names02:56
Jucato(or go with Epiphany instead...)02:56
jdongput it this way.... it's a better name than Linspire LBrowser02:56
JucatoUbrowse :P02:57
Jucato heh03:01
abattoirthen will Thunderbird become uMail?03:01
JucatoUBrowse, like USplash? :P03:01
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Jucatohi bddebian!04:41
bddebianHello Jucato04:41
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bddebianHello kwwii04:42
Jucatooo kwwii el!! hellow!04:43
Tm_Tkwwii: how's in akademy?04:43
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kwwiiTm_T: great04:45
kwwiihowdy Jucato04:45
kwwiihi bddebian04:46
Jucatoel's dancing just like Hobbsee :)04:46
kwwiiworking hard, actually04:46
Jucatogo go go! work hard for Oxygen and KDE 4! heh04:46
=== Hobbsee doesnt dance :P
kwwiigetting lots of response on edgy, actually, it is really good04:46
kwwiiHobbsee: with enough to drink I bet you would :p04:46
Tm_Tadd right music and atmosphere04:47
Hobbseekwwii: i dont drink.  that's easy.04:47
Tm_THobbsee: oh you do, water atleast04:47
JucatoHobbsee: well you did dance in and out the channel earlier :P04:47
Hobbseeyeah, water.04:47
Jucatowe'll get you drunk on water :P04:47
HobbseeTm_T: that doesnt get me intoxicated though04:47
Tm_THobbsee: it can, just try04:47
Tm_Tdrink one litre as fast as possible, you'll see04:48
Hobbseei'll pass on that too - that'll just make me sick.  :P04:48
Tm_Tmy mother get nasty effects from 3 dl but most of the people need more04:48
Tm_Tstories over, now off ->04:49
Hobbseekwwii: that could be kinda amusing to try though.04:50
Jucatokwwii: do they like the purple theme? :P04:51
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mhbhey everyone05:01
mhbhi Hobbsee 05:01
mhbI need a bit of advice :o) 05:02
mhbas you might (not) know, I am a translator, one of the admins of the Czech l10n team, and kind of responsible for the Kubuntu Czech translation05:02
Hobbseeahh :)05:03
mhband I encountered a problem that is beyond my reach. 05:03
=== Hobbsee knows nothing
mhbEven though I made sure Adept is 100% translated, it still keeps on talking in English to me :oI05:04
Jucatoooh Adept...05:04
mhbyeah, Adept :oI other applications are fine (at least they behave normally and are translated). All locales are set well.05:05
=== Hobbsee notes that mornfall is not here
mhbshould I wait for somebody then?05:07
Riddellmhb: is everything in English?  or just some things?05:07
mhbRiddell: that's the strange thing05:07
fdovingdon't you need to select the KDE language for root? 05:08
mhbRiddell: some things are translated, some aren't - in one app - even when it is 100% translated and the .mos should be fine (daily langpacks)05:08
=== mhb is going to check the .mo files again
Riddellmhb: just adept or other apps too?05:09
LureTonio_: ping05:10
fdovingmhb: try to run 'sudo kcmshell language' - does it say english as default? 05:10
mhbfdoving: thanks, I'll try that05:11
mhbfdoving: weird, it actually did05:13
fdovingmhb: does changing it affect anything? 05:13
mhbRiddell: actually, it looks like more apps are behaving like that05:13
Tonio_Lure: pong05:15
fdovingmhb: can it relate to what's run as root? after you get prompted for the password? 05:15
kwwiiJucato: yes, everyone seems to like the purple (I guess there is enough blue in it now)05:15
LureTonio_: you mentioned once how to do bios upgrade on laptop w/o windows or floppy - I do not recall the name of the software05:15
mhbfdoving: no05:15
Jucatokwwii: that's great news! :)05:15
Tonio_Lure: heh, I didn't mention the name of it since I didn't find any solution05:16
Tonio_Lure: what you can do if you have to use winflash is use a bartpe cd05:16
LureTonio_: ok, that was probably it05:16
Tonio_it is hacked windows made cd bootable05:16
Tonio_Lure: the problem is that you need windows to create it05:17
mhbRiddell: it's like 50% strings in one menu are English and 50% Czech05:17
LureTonio_: windows install CD or installed version?05:17
mhbRiddell: even though the application is completely translated05:17
Riddellmhb: in adept or everything?05:17
Tonio_Lure: you need i386 folder, either from the cd or hdd05:17
LureTonio_: ok, will find some at work... ;-)05:17
mhbRiddell: now that I look at it, it seems like it's affecting more apps05:18
Tonio_hehe, probably yes ;)05:18
Riddellmhb: sounds like the stock strings problem, what language and which language packs is this?05:18
mhbRiddell: Do you think it's worth it to install Knot3 again?05:18
mhbRiddell: and test it05:18
mhb(I had installed Knot1 a while ago, then updated)05:19
mhbRiddell: it's the Czech language pack, at least the KDE part (no such reports from my Ubuntu translator friends)05:20
Riddellmhb: no, wasn't fixed for that05:20
Riddellmhb: ok, I think this should be fixed, please try again with the beta which is coming out on thursday and let me know if you still have the problem or not05:21
mhbRiddell: thanks :o) you're the greatest!05:22
bzbbanyone know when KDE is going to be installable on ppc?05:23
Hobbseewhen someone fixes ruby05:24
Riddellbzbb: it's release critical for beta05:25
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RiddellTonio_: around?05:39
Tonio_Riddell: yes05:40
RiddellTonio_: did you upload qt4ruby?05:40
Tonio_Riddell: nope I was waiting to finish my kdebase to revu and upload, but I will do in a moment05:40
Tonio_Riddell: it is almost finished now05:40
RiddellTonio_: cool, thanks05:40
RiddellTonio_: the knetworkmanager dudes were asking Lure about testing svn head to know if it works on kubuntu to make a release, do you have time to do that?05:41
Tonio_Riddell: yes I can take that in charge for toonight and make a report05:42
RiddellTonio_: thanks, I'll forward the e-mail to you05:42
Tonio_Riddell: just that as we have a bunch of patches to maintain due to yast it can take a few hours :)05:42
Tonio_Riddell: http://tonio/homelinux.org/tmp/to_test/05:43
Tonio_Riddell: here is kdelibs and kds with the stuff to install flash05:44
Tonio_Riddell: kdebase with merged view icons is coming along05:44
Tonio_Riddell: http://tonio.homelinux.org/tmp/to_test/ sorry ;)05:44
RiddellTonio_: no time just now, I need to fly home and do it then, remind me if I havn't tested them by this evening05:46
Tonio_Riddell: yeah, don't miss your plane :)05:46
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Riddellanyone remember where the kmilo key setup script isw?06:28
imbrandonheya all06:32
Jucatohi imbrandon! :)06:33
imbrandonRiddell, commin home today ? hehe06:33
imbrandonRiddell, how is 2100 UTC /next/ thurs day for the meeting , everyone seemed ok with it but i wanted to ask you06:34
Riddellimbrandon: 10 days time?06:35
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imbrandonyea 06:36
imbrandonunless oyu want ti sooner06:36
imbrandoni thought 2 days would be a little close to get everyone06:36
imbrandone.g. this thursday , and tbh i thought you would be at akademy all week06:37
Riddellcan't do this thursday, that's beta release06:38
Riddellso 10 days thursday is fine06:38
imbrandonahh yea that wouldent be good hehe06:38
imbrandonhows akademy06:38
=== imbrandon is jelous hehehe
imbrandoni've been reading the blogs on p.k.o 06:39
nixternalspeaking of beta release, now is the time to tell me what you want on the release notes....what has changed since Knot 3?  I got the artwork covered ;)06:43
nixternalanything new and exciting, or just bug fixes pretty much?06:43
mhbI wonder ... would it be possible for a user to choose (in systemsettings Look & Feel) whether he wants a KDE logo as K Menu button or Kubuntu logo?06:46
Jucatomhb: there's not Kubuntu logo icon available06:46
mhbJucato: not yet, I know06:47
nixternalthere is a kubuntu logo icon on kde-look06:47
nixternali used to use it06:47
mhbJucato: but I talked to kwwii today and he mentioned this possibility06:47
Jucatoyeah, I hope there would be one actually :)06:47
Jucatobut won't changing the K Menu logo involve changing some icon names? or is there an easier way to do that?06:48
mhbJucato: that's why I'm asking here06:49
=== Jucato hopes that there would be a hidden config file somewhere for that...
mhbI don't know if the Kubuntu icon will make it as the default K Menu icon or not, but the question was if it did, would it be possible to switch it easily back?06:50
mhbor how hard would it be to code a configuration option for that06:50
trappist /etc/alternatives would do, I'd think06:51
nixternalmv /usr/share/icons/<icon theme>/<size>/apps/kmenu.png /usr/share/icons/<icon theme>/<size>/apps/kmenu1.png06:53
nixternal /etc/alternatives would require linking in big circles and take more time ;)06:53
Jucatough.. thinking about it is hurting my head :)06:54
Jucatowell, at (almost) 1am in the morning... :P06:54
nixternalor you can do like i do, and cp -r <icon theme> <custom>06:54
mhbnixternal: well, that's not "a nice" way to do that :o)06:54
nixternaland then just edit the custom and use that...i like to test different icons every now and then06:54
=== Jucato personally prefers a Kubuntu icon as default...
nixternali like the default kde icon, im just used to it i guess06:55
Jucatoyeah the KDE icon is nice too, specially the Oxygen version06:55
Jucatobut I want to display the Kubuntu logo proudly :P06:56
nixternalhas the kde icon been changed recently in oxygen?06:56
Jucatomy wallpaper is the big 3D Kubuntu logo :P06:56
Jucatonot really06:57
nixternalfrom page 7 on kde-look "search for kubuntu"06:57
Jucatojust polished a bit. but it's still the K with the gear06:57
nixternalmine is the default edgy wallpaper06:57
mhbmine too06:57
nixternalmy whole look is default..i don't functify anything anymore06:57
Jucatoheh I'm on Dapper :P06:57
nixternali have so many windoes open, the wallpaper could be black for all i know06:58
nixternalmy desktop wallpaper is like my bedroom floor...06:58
nixternalhaven't seen it in a while, it is covered06:58
mhbI thought a Kubuntu icon by default would be better since Ubuntu is using its own icon as well06:58
Jucatonot only Ubuntu, but Xubuntu as well06:59
nixternali don't blame ubuntu for using their own icon...otherwise the desktop would smell like dirty feet06:59
mhbno, the point of this is: IF the Kubuntu icon replaced the K one, the users should have the possibility to easily switch it back07:00
Jucatoyeah... I'm actually puzzled why there's no config file that handles the logo for K Menu07:01
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Jucatonixternal: were you talking about this? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=41388&PHPSESSID=90cfd81aef9dc4411b0d67424f67992207:02
nixternalthat is one of them...there is another one somewhere..that one is ooogly07:02
Jucatodefinitely ugly07:03
Jucatoaah  saw a better one07:03
HawkwindReplacing the K on the kicker you mean ?07:03
HawkwindIf so, that is actually very easily changed to whatever you want07:03
Jucatoreplacing the icon used for K Menu on Kicker07:04
HawkwindRight.  Easily changed07:04
Jucatowithout having to change icon names manually?07:04
HawkwindIt's a simple edit of a file07:04
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JucatoHawkwind: please do share. I think that's what mhb is looking for07:04
HawkwindLet me find the how-to on my LFD forums here in a minute07:05
Tonio_Lure: ping ?07:05
LureTonio_: hi07:05
=== Jucato patiently waits for Hawkwind before he goes to sleep...
HawkwindJucato: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=272.007:06
Tonio_Lure: hey ;) I'm just trying to compile knetworkmanager from svn, but it looks like we need po files too since I'm getting error due to undeclared strings07:06
Tonio_Lure: Any idea where to get those ?07:06
HawkwindJucato: That's the basics of it there.  Just have to substitute the file name accordingly since that how-to I wrote for Mandriva some time ago07:07
JucatoHawkwind: like I said, manually editing the icon names. not very pretty07:07
HawkwindJucato: No other way to do it though really07:07
Jucatothat's what mhb was asking about07:07
Tonio_Lure: /tmp/buildd/knetworkmanager-0.1~svn-r575138/./src/knetworkmanager.cpp:38: error: 'KNETWORKMANAGER_VERSION' was not declared in this scope07:08
LureTonio_: let me look into this...07:08
Tonio_Lure: I could patch the source since it is temporary stuff, but I'd like to do it properly ;)07:08
Tonio_I must say I never got those from kde svn so I don't know where it is07:09
HawkwindJucato: A simple and easy bash script would solve the problem real quick :P07:09
JucatoHawkwind: yes, but still not the same way you change icons for other apps. a script would be fine, but what about when the user is using a theme other than Crystal SVG and wants to use the Kubuntu icon?07:10
HawkwindJucato: I agree there should be an option like right clicking on the icon.  But that isn't the case currently :(07:11
Jucatoanyway, I think there really is no easy way around it. so... :)07:11
HawkwindJucato: Maybe a file a wishlist bug upstream or something ?07:12
Jucatomaybe it's hardcoded in /usr/lib/kde3/menu_panelapplet.so?07:13
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LureTonio_: are you looking just for .pot file or also .po files?07:55
mhbI wonder ... was Kaffeine stripped of its DVB-T functionality or it's just a plugin missing by default in Edgy?07:57
Tonio_Lure: just pot file should be enough08:03
Tonio_Lure: my issue is just a matter of strings declaration08:03
LureTonio_: pot file can be done with sh admin/cvs.sh extractmessages08:03
LureTonio_: did you use svn2dist?08:03
Tonio_Lure: nope, svn co08:04
LureTonio_: it looks like svn2dist should create po stuff08:04
Tonio_Lure: can you give me informations concerning svn2dist ?08:04
Tonio_Lure: interesting08:04
LureTonio_: it picks it up from l10n/ dir in svn08:04
=== Lure bbl - have to get kids in bed
Tonio_Lure: sh admin/cvs.sh extractmessages doesn't work...08:06
Tonio_Lure: okay seya, I'll see with svn2dist08:07
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LureTonio_: svn co kdereview08:15
LureTonio_: svn2dist kdereview knetworkmanager08:15
Tonio_Lure: great thanks08:16
Tonio_Lure: I can't install the package right now since I have a broken kdebase installation08:17
Tonio_Lure: I'm testing my new packages and I'll do this after08:17
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Tonio_Riddell: ping when you're there plz :) There is a kind of messy stuff in kdelibs, hardcoded stuff in makefile.in file........10:06
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Tonio_Riddell: hum, okay I found the reason, uudecode missing while buildpreping10:39
Tonio_Riddell: but I wonder the reason there is a difference is the way to get action/suspend.png icons in (via cdbs diff.uu patch) and devices/suspend.png, via debian rules10:40
Tonio_Riddell: if you have a second to explain this to me :)10:40
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danimoimbrandon: ping?11:18
RiddellTonio_: hi11:30
danimoRiddell: I still have problems with usb keys11:32
danimoRiddell: known issue or something wrong on my side?11:33
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danimoRiddell: the mediamanager pops up, but it says "Unknown URL" as soon as I hit "OK" to mount the device11:33
Riddelldanimo: new patches only went in today, (actually I havn't checked that they even did that)11:33
danimoRiddell: did it work before?11:33
danimoRiddell: it's broken for me for some weeks now11:33
Tonio_Riddell: [23:21]  <Tonio_> Riddell: knetworkmanager tested and working, I'm responding to timo11:35
Tonio_Riddell: I was on the bad tab...11:35
Tonio_Riddell: concerning kdelibs, is there a reason the different uuencoded icons are not installed the same way ?11:36
RiddellTonio_: I have no idea why we have two suspend icons and two ways of patching it11:36
Tonio_Riddell: yes, that confused me a lot.....11:36
RiddellI don't see devices/suspend.png installed on my system11:37
Tonio_Riddell: concerning the makefile problem, I just got uudecode remove somehow...11:37
Riddelldanimo: I'll test it after I do this daily CD install test11:37
Tonio_Riddell: yeah, it can't be installed, since makefiles have to be generated with icons in the source tree11:38
Tonio_Riddell: I assume that's package issue, maybe we should clean this part, as files aren't installed, and we apparently don't need them11:38
RiddellTonio_: the suspend icon should be the one that looks like a yellow quit icon11:39
danimoRiddell: I suspect the problem is that I bootstrapped from a chroot11:39
Tonio_Riddell: yeah, I'll uudecode the uninstalled icons to see if that's duplicates, or a debian thing we don't need11:40
Tonio_Riddell: I'm just uploading kdelibs to my ftp, testing and confirming you it works11:41
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Tonio_Riddell: WOW, it works very nicelly :)11:55
Tonio_Riddell: good points : if kds isn't installed, it doesn't prompt and gives the normal konqueror message.11:55
Tonio_Riddell: and if the cpu isn't x86, same behavior, normal konqueror message.11:56
Tonio_Riddell: ROCKING !11:56
Tonio_Riddell: http://tonio.homelinux.org/tmp/to_test/11:56
Tonio_Riddell: kds + kdelibs packages for the flash installer, and konqueror + its dependancies + kds for the view chooser button11:57
Tonio_anyone wanted to test is welcome12:03
Tonio_Riddell: you'll love it :)12:04
RiddellI'm sure I will :)12:05

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