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lzfy | k | 12:13 |
AWOSDev | linux-386 is in the list of upgraded packages | 12:13 |
AWOSDev | so I need to reboot? | 12:13 |
AWOSDev | plus, if I just CTRL+ALT+BKSP to kill the X server, will my session come back how it is? | 12:13 |
Kr4t05 | Let's hope that I can pull of the Edgy Knot 3 dist-upgrade. :/ | 12:14 |
AWOSDev | with the 7 windows and 6 Kicker tray icons I have? | 12:14 |
Kr4t05 | off* | 12:14 |
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AWOSDev | see a program made me update kdelibs-bin so that broke Konqueror | 12:15 |
AWOSDev | so I kind of have to upgrade it | 12:15 |
bobbyyu | About my problem with putting Sun's Java global, this is what I did and it did not work: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24815 | 12:15 |
Kr4t05 | AWOSDev: if you log off, and then ctrl+alt+bckspce, it will should your session. | 12:15 |
AWOSDev | Okay :) | 12:15 |
AWOSDev | Thank you kr4t05 :) | 12:15 |
Kr4t05 | Need to get 862MB of archives. | 12:16 |
AWOSDev | how do I get more information about the packages? | 12:16 |
Kr4t05 | Nive | 12:16 |
AWOSDev | like pkg_info on BSD | 12:16 |
Kr4t05 | AWOSDev: sudo apt-cache policy <pkgname> | 12:16 |
AWOSDev | Well, mine | 12:16 |
AWOSDev | Need to get 204MB of archives. | 12:16 |
AWOSDev | :) | 12:16 |
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VanessaE | there we go, found the right network..... | 12:17 |
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AWOSDev | up 10 days, 2:29 | 12:18 |
AWOSDev | do I have to reboot :P | 12:18 |
VanessaE | question... using a dualhead/twinview setup (one TV, one monitor), with KDE 3.5.4 under dapper.. Is there a way to tell the window manager to always open new windows/dialogs/etc on the same screen (i.e. the monitor)? | 12:19 |
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Kr4t05 | Yeah... 4 hours... It will wait until I go to bed. | 12:19 |
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VanessaE | (that is, to never allow new windows to be opened on the TV) | 12:21 |
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AWOSDev | well, do I have to reboot? | 12:22 |
AWOSDev | Installed:, Candidate: | 12:22 |
VanessaE | I don't understand the purpose behind your question AWOS, or I'd answer :) | 12:23 |
Sanne | AWOSDev: also 'apt-cache show pkgname' will give yousome more info, and you can also search on packages.ubuntu.com | 12:23 |
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Sanne | AWOSDev: the gui package managers Adept (Kubuntu) or Synaptic (Ubuntu) tell you things about the installed packages under right click/properties | 12:25 |
AWOSDev | Okay | 12:25 |
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AWOSDev | I don't use Adept (I like the power of the Konsole better) but thank you | 12:26 |
AWOSDev | Do I have to reboot after upgrading the kernel? | 12:26 |
AWOSDev | that was my question VanessaE | 12:26 |
Kr4t05 | AWOSDev: If you want to boot into the new kernel. | 12:26 |
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Kr4t05 | You don't have to, if you're doing something. | 12:26 |
AWOSDev | No | 12:26 |
AWOSDev | I'm doing a lot of things right now :) | 12:27 |
VanessaE | AWOS: I thought as much. Yes, if grub/lilo/whatever is configurred to use the new kernel and you're ready to reboot anyway. | 12:27 |
Kr4t05 | Just remember that you have to (re)install your graphics drivers on the new kernel. (If you have nVidia, I'd recommend trying the beta drivers.) | 12:27 |
VanessaE | beta drivers? | 12:27 |
=== VanessaE 's ears perk | ||
AWOSDev | I have an Intel i810 | 12:27 |
AWOSDev | I don't have any special drivers :P | 12:28 |
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VanessaE | (happy nvidia user here, wasn't aware of any recent updates) | 12:28 |
Kr4t05 | VanessaE: Yeah, nvidia just released their 9xxx series of graphics drivers. This means that, on Xorg 7.1, you can use AIGLX, | 12:28 |
VanessaE | ah | 12:28 |
VanessaE | I'll do some reading on that in a little bit then :) | 12:28 |
AWOSDev | Okay well thanks guys, I'm off to update. | 12:28 |
Kr4t05 | So, once Edgy hits the big-time, we can all have some happy graphics. :) | 12:29 |
=== Kr4t05 fidgets in his seat. | ||
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matadio | I LIKE FOOD | 12:29 |
Kr4t05 | I could tell adept to update and go play something on my GBA while I wait... | 12:29 |
VanessaE | heh | 12:30 |
Conhe | http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/723 | 12:30 |
AWOSDev | :P | 12:30 |
bobbyyu | !java | 12:30 |
Conhe | need help | 12:30 |
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 12:30 |
Kr4t05 | !br | 12:30 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 12:30 |
VanessaE | Ah, here it is (the beta driver) | 12:31 |
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Conhe | http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/723 | 12:31 |
Conhe | what is ? | 12:31 |
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Kr4t05 | VanessaE: It works very well for me. Just make sure you have the headers installed. | 12:31 |
VanessaE | kernel headers? definitely | 12:31 |
VanessaE | (I roll my own anyway) | 12:31 |
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Kr4t05 | Conhe: I can't read that pastebin... Try #ubuntu-br | 12:31 |
VanessaE | ok, I'll bite *downloads* | 12:31 |
Skrot | Hi. Anyone know how to install ipw3945 manually? | 12:32 |
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Kr4t05 | VanessaE: Heh, someday, I'll try my own kernel. I really want to see realtime preemption + XGL + nVidia 1.0-9xxx + Edgy. :D~ | 12:32 |
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Skrot | !ipw3945 | 12:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ipw3945 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:33 |
Kr4t05 | Skrot: Is it in the repos? | 12:33 |
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VanessaE | I've never messed with this XGL thing (or AIGLX) but so far things work pretty well for me :) | 12:33 |
Skrot | Kr4t05: I've got a custom kernel, dunno if repos will do any good then | 12:33 |
Skrot | Kr4t05: But I've got some problems installing it following the INSTALL-file | 12:34 |
Kr4t05 | Skrot: sudo apt-get source <package> will usually get you the source for that package. | 12:34 |
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Kr4t05 | VanessaE: If you're into the whole "make-teh-windows-noobies-drool," it's wonderful. | 12:35 |
VanessaE | ahh | 12:35 |
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VanessaE | wonder if my 6600 is good enough :) | 12:36 |
Kr4t05 | Oh, indeed. | 12:36 |
Kr4t05 | I'm running a 6200 | 12:37 |
VanessaE | oh ok :) | 12:37 |
larson9999 | i don't get the whole 'transparency' and cube desktop thing. maybe i'm just too old | 12:37 |
Kr4t05 | Try #ubuntu-xgl or #xgl for any specific questions. | 12:37 |
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Kr4t05 | larson9999: it just looks neat. :P Also, why not? It's all the more leverage to get your friends to switch. I can't tell you how many times I've shown someone an XGL demo and they've gone "Woah!" "That's not on Windows." "O rly | 12:41 |
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VanessaE | hm.. | 12:42 |
main2 | im having a little problem with aiglx | 12:42 |
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main2 | i dont see it appearing in gdm, and it doesnt get started with the default | 12:42 |
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VanessaE | this bears looking into a little later when my mind is clearer.. | 12:44 |
gekko` | is this possibly a bug http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24816 ? I always get these error when I'm updating packages | 12:44 |
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larson9999 | Kr4t05: it's largely just me. for instance i almost always think super graphics just make a game worse. well, worse than i think it would have been if they put the graphics time into game play developement. but i think it's troublesome to get someone to switch for the cutting edge features as that is what they'll likely have trouble with and be more frustrated about. 2. i'm off the 'get everyone to switch' bandwagon. if they | 12:45 |
larson9999 | switch so be it but i'm not going to push the issue. but mostly, i want my new machine to be faster, not the same speed because it's showing me pretty stuff. ok, so maybe this proves i'm an old fart. | 12:45 |
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MidMark | how can I change kde's main bar theme? | 12:46 |
Sanne | larson9999: i'm pretty much with you on this (and probably in your age group heh) | 12:46 |
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obf213 | does k3b not support mp3 | 12:46 |
obf213 | i im trying to burn mp3 it says not supported format | 12:46 |
VanessaE | obf: get the libk3b2-mp3 plugin from adept. | 12:46 |
VanessaE | midmark: Kde control center, Desktop, Panels, Appearance | 12:47 |
main2 | i cant get aiglx to start, could anyone help me a bit? :) | 12:47 |
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larson9999 | Sanne: maybe it's caused by starting off with text based games :) | 12:47 |
VanessaE | obf: I think that's the exact name, but check for similar names in case I got it wrong. | 12:48 |
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VanessaE | as for desktop speed...I'd much prefer a snappy desktop too, but I figure it's ok to sacrifice a little speed (say <10%) to get a little eye candy | 12:48 |
Sanne | larson9999: haha, probably. What was my first pc game? Oh, I think it has to be a snake game I programmed myself with the help of a friend who wanted to show pascal to me. Good times :) | 12:49 |
Sanne | larson9999: on a console | 12:50 |
larson9999 | yep, it's those danged text games! | 12:50 |
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Sanne | :) | 12:50 |
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Sanne | larson9999: I like nice graphics in a recent game, though. 3D worlds fascinate me. But I also wouldn't want to trade stability for eye candy. | 12:51 |
MidMark | VanessaE: yes, but you cannot set like some themes in kde-looks | 12:53 |
VanessaE | hm | 12:54 |
VanessaE | well that's the only way I know of to customize kpanel's look, either colorize it, use an image, or make it translucent (or a combo of these). | 12:54 |
larson9999 | Sanne: yeah. my point really. | 12:55 |
Sanne | larson9999: thought so .) | 12:55 |
main2 | anyone using aiglx with kubuntu!? | 12:55 |
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MidMark | VanessaE: ok thx | 12:56 |
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VanessaE | for me, I just have it set to use the default image (/usr/share/apps/kicker/wallpapers/default.png) and configured to colorize that image to match. | 12:57 |
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thunderstorm | hi@all | 12:58 |
thunderstorm | i'm from germany - please excusing my bad english ;) | 12:58 |
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obf213 | k3b says "cdrecord has no permission to open the device" | 12:58 |
VanessaE | either of you two (larson, sanne) have a clue about that twinview issue I mentioned? | 12:59 |
VanessaE | obf123: sudo chmod u+s `which cdrecord` | 12:59 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: welcome fellow german :) If you want, check out #kubuntu-de and #ubuntu-de for german chat. | 12:59 |
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VanessaE | or use k3b's setup util to do the same thing. | 12:59 |
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thunderstorm | Sanne: thats my problem... everybody sleeps there ;) | 12:59 |
fleissigfiona_ | i keep being locked out of sessions and having to start new sessions, it says unlocking failed even though my password is correct because i have just used it to log into that session, what do i do? | 12:59 |
Sanne | VanessaE: sorry, don't know anything about it. | 12:59 |
thunderstorm | it's 1 am here ;-) | 12:59 |
=== Junis [n=killo@68.Red-81-36-207.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Junis | hi | 01:00 |
VanessaE | ok | 01:00 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: oh! Well, it's not exactly early in the day :) | 01:00 |
obf213 | hwo can i change permissions so that user can burn | 01:00 |
VanessaE | obf: see above. | 01:00 |
Junis | i want to change the size of the icons in the browser menu that apperar on the left in konqueror... but without change the size of the others icons. Someone know how can i do that? | 01:00 |
VanessaE | obf123: sudo chmod u+s `which cdrecord` | 01:01 |
obf213 | thnks | 01:01 |
thunderstorm | i hope, somewhere can help me - i'm a brand-new kubuntu-user and i don't understand the file-rights | 01:01 |
VanessaE | you could also change the permissions on the burner, but some people don't like that (security reasons) | 01:01 |
VanessaE | thunder: how do you mean? | 01:02 |
thunderstorm | i have copied my windows-data-files to my $home - but the rights are now read only for me | 01:02 |
VanessaE | was the windows partition read-only? | 01:02 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: did you copy as root? | 01:02 |
thunderstorm | VanessaE: yes, thats right | 01:02 |
obf213 | chmod didnt work | 01:03 |
VanessaE | ok, under some conditions, files on a read-only FS will get set as read-only-by-you when you copy them. | 01:03 |
thunderstorm | Sanne: no, i copy the files from the /media/hda1 partition | 01:03 |
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Sanne | thunderstorm: listen to VanessaE :) | 01:03 |
VanessaE | obf: from a terminal, do ls -la `which cdrecord` and tell me what it says | 01:03 |
obf213 | k | 01:04 |
obf213 | -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 133 2006-04-12 00:32 /usr/bin/cdrecord | 01:04 |
thunderstorm | VanessaE: how i can change that? if i do that with konqueror, all files (pictures, documents and so) are rwx, (runable ?) | 01:04 |
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Kr4t05 | Ah!! Now, I know why AIGLX didn't work for me before. | 01:04 |
fleissigfiona_ | i keep being locked out of sessions and having to start new sessions, it says unlocking failed even though my password is correct because i have just used it to log into that session, what do i do? | 01:04 |
Kr4t05 | There isn't a version of linux-dri-modules for my kernel version. | 01:05 |
thunderstorm | VanessaE: but pictures can't runable :-( | 01:05 |
VanessaE | thunder: ah, well the easiest way is to use a terminal, then you know what you've really set them for. 644 is usually a good value (rw-r--r--) | 01:05 |
VanessaE | well, linux doesn't *really* care if you set wrong permissions on something like an image or a song, as long as you can read it | 01:05 |
VanessaE | that's because apps won't try to run something that should rather be viewed or heard :) | 01:06 |
obf213 | VanessaE | 01:06 |
obf213 | : -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 133 2006-04-12 00:32 /usr/bin/cdrecord | 01:06 |
VanessaE | obf: that looks right to me... | 01:06 |
VanessaE | not sure why it didn't work | 01:07 |
thunderstorm | VanessaE: i understand, also i can do this with chmod 644 * ? i want to change all files incl. subdirectories | 01:07 |
VanessaE | thunderstorm: not exactly | 01:07 |
VanessaE | you're close though | 01:07 |
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VanessaE | something like this works better: | 01:07 |
VanessaE | find /path/to/top/directory -type d -exec chmod 755 \{\} \; | 01:07 |
VanessaE | and then: find /path/to/top/directory -type f -exec chmod 644 \{\} \; | 01:08 |
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VanessaE | this is because if you just chmod -R 644 on a whole directory, you'll end up setting subdirs underneath as unopenable (they have to be "executable" in order to open them) | 01:08 |
Sanne | VanessaE: out if curiosity, why not chmod -R? | 01:08 |
VanessaE | sanne: see above :) | 01:09 |
VanessaE | he has subdirs under the parent. | 01:09 |
Sanne | :) | 01:09 |
thunderstorm | VanessaE: ah, i understand you , thats perfect | 01:09 |
VanessaE | ok, gotta go pick up a friend from work, be back in ~1 hour | 01:09 |
Sanne | VanessaE: of course! I see now, thanks. | 01:09 |
pfein | is kdevelop suitable for general pure-python development? | 01:09 |
thunderstorm | VanessaE: thank you very much | 01:10 |
thunderstorm | i will try it | 01:10 |
VanessaE | no prob | 01:10 |
VanessaE | bbiab. | 01:11 |
obf213 | i just had to open at root. i dunno | 01:11 |
larson9999 | Sanne: i am old. my kindergartener just showed me the book they sent home with him: arthur's valentine. i'm no prude by any means. but they say i love you, meet at the movies alone, etc. can't we at least wait until he's ten before we start pushing boyfriend and girlfriend stuff on him? | 01:12 |
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Sanne | larson9999: heh. Actually, I see nothing false in this, but I don't have kids, so I don't really know what I'm talking about. | 01:13 |
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joth | I'm trying to get an old USB floppy drive to work with my laptop, but my laptop doesn't seem to like. If I plug it in with no disc in, it recognises I've done something, but doesn't respond if I put a disc in. | 01:14 |
joth | Any ideas what I should try? | 01:14 |
larson9999 | Sanne: well, when it wasn't tow months ago i heard a case in which i 6 year was sent home for sex harrassment for kissing a girl... oh well, i don't have enough gray hairs anyway. anyway, he's already a linux geek. it won't be long before he's checking out yuvutu | 01:15 |
Kr4t05 | larson9999: I'm not going to pretend to be a child psychologist, nor will I suggest that I'm any more skilled as a parent than anyone else. But, I think the reason children are asked to express social emotions like "love" is so that they can build the foundation of social skills that will be needed later in life. I'm not saying that kindergarteners should be pushed into relationships, but getting them aquainted with these ideas early | 01:16 |
Kr4t05 | on. | 01:16 |
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=== Kr4t05 wonders why that last word was given it's own line. | ||
joth | It won't mount - gives the message "can't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab". If someone could please help I'd appreciate it. | 01:17 |
Sanne | larson9999: hmmm... kissing of two 6 year olds also seems pretty harmless to me... the reaction to that is not and will create trauma (seeing it as harrasment) | 01:17 |
larson9999 | Kr4t05: i'm with you but it just seems to be not to be right to send homework home for a 5 year old in which the subject of the book are boys and girls 'loving' each other and kissing. | 01:17 |
Kr4t05 | Yeah, I know... But then, a five year old doesn't really know what goes on beyond kissing. :P | 01:18 |
Kr4t05 | (Fortunately) | 01:18 |
=== lupine_85 did | ||
Kr4t05 | lupine_85: You must have enjoyed your childhood, then. | 01:19 |
lupine_85 | "and there's nothing wrong with me... oh, hang on..." ;) | 01:19 |
Sanne | well, love is a positive emotion actually. I don't see why we should "protect" children from that. | 01:19 |
lupine_85 | my childhood was crap, but that's another story | 01:19 |
fleissigfiona_ | i keep being locked out of sessions and having to start new sessions, it says unlocking failed even though my password is correct because i have just used it to log into that session, what do i do? | 01:19 |
lupine_85 | knowing != practising, obviously | 01:19 |
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Kr4t05 | But, then, I was checking out sex ed books from the school library at 8 years old. | 01:19 |
lupine_85 | I asked my mum, and she told me. | 01:20 |
Kr4t05 | Well, not really sex ed books, but general biology. | 01:20 |
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lupine_85 | fleissigfiona_: that's weird. /me checks | 01:20 |
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Kr4t05 | Not that that knowledge has ever been useful to me. >< | 01:20 |
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lupine_85 | works here | 01:20 |
Kr4t05 | I'd be better off knowing how to compile a custom kernel. :P | 01:20 |
lupine_85 | trust me, that's easier than sex | 01:21 |
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Kr4t05 | I'm sure. | 01:21 |
lupine_85 | bit OT though :p | 01:21 |
Kr4t05 | Oh, fine... | 01:21 |
=== Kr4t05 dist-upgrades to edgy. | ||
Hawkwind | Kr4t05: I have a how-to for an easy build of a kernel from kernel.org if you want it | 01:22 |
Hawkwind | Kr4t05: It's even got a script that will do most all of it for you :) | 01:22 |
lupine_85 | that's cheating! | 01:22 |
Kr4t05 | Hawkwind: If I get this edgy update to work, I'll go for it. | 01:22 |
Hawkwind | Kr4t05: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=611.0 | 01:22 |
Kr4t05 | Hawkwind: Does it include realtime preemption patches? | 01:22 |
Hawkwind | Kr4t05: If you want to bookmark it | 01:22 |
Hawkwind | Kr4t05: You can add whatever patches you want to it | 01:23 |
lupine_85 | the whole fun is accidentally disabling, e.g., SCSI, and then wondering why your USB mass storage devices don't work ;) | 01:23 |
Kr4t05 | Ok | 01:23 |
Kr4t05 | Ok! | 01:23 |
Hawkwind | lupine_85: I had it at first where iptables support wasn't compiled in :P | 01:23 |
Kr4t05 | Need to get 869MB of archives. | 01:23 |
lupine_85 | hehe | 01:23 |
Kr4t05 | No turning back. :P | 01:23 |
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lupine_85 | mind you, edgy's current kernel is messy | 01:23 |
Kr4t05 | Oh? | 01:24 |
=== fleissigfiona_ is never locking sessions again | ||
lupine_85 | shoots out messages all over the place | 01:24 |
Hawkwind | Kr4t05: I've used that how-to since to build my kernels and I'm currently using 2.6.18 | 01:24 |
lupine_85 | "opcode this", "opcode that" - I don't care!! | 01:24 |
Kr4t05 | Good, then I have an excuse to try Hawkwind's nifty thing. | 01:24 |
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Kr4t05 | 40.7kB/s 5h56m11s | 01:24 |
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Kr4t05 | Ouch | 01:24 |
lupine_85 | bwahaha | 01:24 |
Kr4t05 | Oh, it jumped to 60kB/s | 01:25 |
=== lupine_85 strokes his 800kB/sec download pow3er | ||
Kr4t05 | 63.9kB/s 3h46m6s | 01:25 |
Kr4t05 | It should be done by midnight. | 01:25 |
=== fleissigfiona_ is going to bed | ||
Kr4t05 | lupine_85: must be nice... >< | 01:25 |
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Kr4t05 | I hate living on the edge of civilization. | 01:25 |
lupine_85 | My server gets 8MB/sec | 01:26 |
Kr4t05 | I'm two steps above being freaking Amish, it sucks. | 01:26 |
lupine_85 | 9MB if I'm lucky | 01:26 |
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raytray25 | Is there a way to force konqueror to open maximized? | 01:26 |
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Kr4t05 | I'm going to watch Aladdin about three or four times while I wait. | 01:27 |
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thunderstorm | VanessaE: you are my lifesaver - thank you very much - it works perfect! | 01:27 |
tmg | raytray25: yes, use the advanced windows settings->special window settings (right click titlebar) | 01:28 |
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Kr4t05 | I <3 TwinView | 01:28 |
raytray25 | Ah thanks tmg. | 01:29 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: VanessaE seems to be gone for an hour, said something like that. | 01:29 |
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thunderstorm | Sanne: thank you, sanne - i'm so happy | 01:32 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: yeah, VanessaE's tip is very nice. I saved it in my reference folder for later use ;) | 01:32 |
thunderstorm | :-) i'm do it, too ;-) | 01:33 |
Sanne | heh :) | 01:33 |
thunderstorm | i hope, my english is acceptable ? | 01:33 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: I think so, but i'm german also, so I'm not the one to ask. I understand what you say :) | 01:34 |
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thunderstorm | Sanne: you are german? the world is small ;) | 01:35 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: I welcomed you with "fellow german" ;) | 01:36 |
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Kr4t05 | Je parle francais, mais je prefer anglais. :P | 01:36 |
thunderstorm | Sanne: excuse it ;-) it's late, my eyes are falling down :-) | 01:37 |
thunderstorm | i'm going sleep - the day begins soon and i have a lot of work | 01:38 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: lol! I hope they don't fall all the way to the floor hehe. No need to apologize, I'm also not so very awake anymore. | 01:38 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: sleep well, see you | 01:38 |
thunderstorm | goodbye, till this evening in germany :-) (german like: auf wiedersehen, bis heute abend) :-) | 01:41 |
Sanne | thunderstorm: tschss :) | 01:41 |
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tmg | Where can I get the missing KRename plugins? I only have got six, but there should be many more! | 01:47 |
tmg | I want to rename mp3 files based on the tag. | 01:47 |
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nimnrod | i can't hear sounds from Flash Player applications while amarok or some other application is playing music | 01:47 |
nimnrod | is that normal? | 01:47 |
morghanphoenix | Anybody know why my gl screensavers work but the x screensavers don't? | 01:48 |
raytray25 | nmnrod, pretty much. | 01:48 |
raytray25 | nimnrod* | 01:48 |
tmg | nimnrod: flash uses oss instead of alsa, which leads to problems. try starting konqueror from konsole with "aoss" in front | 01:48 |
Kr4t05 | morghanphoenix: do you have your gfx drivers installed? | 01:49 |
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morghanphoenix | how do I check that? | 01:49 |
nimnrod | i use firefox | 01:49 |
Kr4t05 | morghanphoenix: try glxinfo | grep render | 01:49 |
Kr4t05 | and look for "direct render" | 01:49 |
tmg | nimnrod: well, then try aoss firefox from konsole! | 01:49 |
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morghanphoenix | that's konsole, not gui, right? | 01:50 |
morghanphoenix | direct rendering: No | 01:50 |
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Kr4t05 | morghanphoenix: what kind of video card do you have? | 01:51 |
morghanphoenix | ATi rage 128 | 01:51 |
Kr4t05 | !ati > morghanphoenix | 01:51 |
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morghanphoenix | I installed the ati drivers, but they don't recognise my card, too old I think. | 01:52 |
Kr4t05 | Isn't there a legacy version? I know there is one for nvidia. | 01:52 |
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morghanphoenix | looking | 01:53 |
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imbrandon | no the older cards use the opensource driver | 01:53 |
imbrandon | not the binary one | 01:53 |
imbrandon | ( ati that is ) | 01:54 |
nimnrod | how do i start aoss with firefox? i tried: aoss firefox but didnt work.... :/ | 01:54 |
morghanphoenix | Where can I find that? | 01:54 |
imbrandon | nimnrod, you can change what it uses in "about:config" | 01:54 |
imbrandon | morghanphoenix, its the "ati" driver not the frglx one | 01:54 |
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imbrandon | its automaticly installed , you just need to choose it | 01:55 |
tmg | nimnrod: maybe aoss is not installed, it is in the package alsa-oss or similar | 01:55 |
morghanphoenix | [insert own obscene expletive here] 7 year old video card. | 01:55 |
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Kr4t05 | morghanphoenix: I have a $15 nvidia geforce MX 4k that I don't need. :P | 01:56 |
imbrandon | morghanphoenix, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , answer the questions and choose "ati" and then restart X ( or reboot ) , your golden | 01:56 |
Sanne | night all | 01:56 |
kutan | How do I find out what version of KDE I have? | 01:56 |
imbrandon | kutan, goto the "help" menu in any kde app and choose "about kde" | 01:57 |
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Lexaeus | I always wondered | 01:57 |
Lexaeus | what did the ifrst version of KDE look like? | 01:57 |
larson9999 | win95 | 01:58 |
imbrandon | Lexaeus, heh i'm sure there are screenshots floating arround | 01:58 |
imbrandon | windows 95 basicly | 01:58 |
larson9999 | cde maybe? | 01:58 |
imbrandon | the windeco was alot like cde yea | 01:58 |
tmg | http://web.archive.org/web/20000302082612/www.kde.org/kscreenshots.html | 01:58 |
Jucato | imbrandon: morning! :) | 01:58 |
morghanphoenix | Umm, the configuration is detecting pci when my card is agp | 01:59 |
imbrandon | morghanphoenix, thats normal | 01:59 |
morghanphoenix | so, just accept? | 01:59 |
imbrandon | yup | 01:59 |
morghanphoenix | what do I do if I have no idea how much ram the card has? | 01:59 |
morghanphoenix | ATi won't even answer the question because my card is discontinued. | 02:00 |
imbrandon | you can leave that blank | 02:00 |
tmdx120 | hello all, Ever since I upgraded to Dapper, I have had several problems. The most annoying right now is the fact that my USB drives wont be recognized. can anyone help? | 02:00 |
=== VanessaE is back for a few mins.. | ||
imbrandon | dinner, bbiab | 02:02 |
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morghanphoenix | how are monitors measured? diag right? | 02:05 |
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claydoh | is it possible to disable ipv6 on the livevd? | 02:08 |
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morghanphoenix | done, direct rendering still says no. | 02:09 |
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VanessaE | yes, monitors are measures diagonally | 02:10 |
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VanessaE | (don't remember ATI well enough to help with the dri issue though) | 02:10 |
morghanphoenix | Yeah, got it, looked it up on the web site. | 02:10 |
morghanphoenix | It's still telling me direct rendering isn't enabled. | 02:11 |
VanessaE | using the proprietary ati drivers? | 02:11 |
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morghanphoenix | No, used the xserver-xorg config, someone told me to set it up that way. | 02:11 |
VanessaE | ohh | 02:12 |
morghanphoenix | My card is 7 years old, not supported by the drivers. | 02:12 |
morghanphoenix | unless there's a legacy driver somewhere. | 02:12 |
morghanphoenix | But it's wierd, cause it works in gnome. | 02:12 |
VanessaE | *nod* | 02:13 |
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morghanphoenix | My original question was as to why my gl screensavers were working, but the x weren't | 02:13 |
VanessaE | not the first time I've seen that happen, I just with I could figure out how to *fix* it | 02:13 |
Admiral_Chicago | claydoh, no, it require a reboot to take effect... | 02:13 |
claydoh | figgers | 02:13 |
claydoh | no biggie, easily done on the install | 02:13 |
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Admiral_Chicago | claydoh, its one of the few instances when you need to to reboot for settings to take effect | 02:14 |
morghanphoenix | I'm going to try rebooting the x-server, I'll be back | 02:14 |
Jucato | morghanphoenix: you need to restart X for changes in xorg.conf to take effect | 02:14 |
software_ | que tal | 02:14 |
claydoh | was looking for boot switch for the livecd | 02:14 |
software_ | hola que tal | 02:14 |
morghanphoenix | restart with kdm work, or do I need a full reboot? | 02:14 |
software_ | alguine que hable espaol? | 02:14 |
morghanphoenix | !es | 02:15 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 02:15 |
Jucato | morghanphoenix: no. just restart X (Ctrl+Alt+Backspace). | 02:15 |
VanessaE | just a quick ctrl-alt-backspace is enough, morghan | 02:15 |
Jucato | I don't know if restarting KDM would work | 02:15 |
VanessaE | it would, restarting kdm will restart X anyway | 02:15 |
software_ | alguien podria ayudarme? | 02:15 |
Admiral_Chicago | !es > software_ | 02:15 |
coreymon77 | what? | 02:15 |
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software_ | can any help me? | 02:17 |
VanessaE | if you speak english here we might be able to :) | 02:18 |
Admiral_Chicago | software_, private message me | 02:18 |
VanessaE | or do that ;) | 02:18 |
software_ | i don't speak english | 02:18 |
B|Charm | software_ what language do you speak? | 02:19 |
software_ | spanish | 02:19 |
software_ | i mexicam | 02:19 |
software_ | i relly need help | 02:20 |
software_ | really | 02:20 |
=== lcohen [n=lcohen@CPE0013103d5db7-CM00137189cc76.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
isaac_ | hello, need to get the kernel source from the cd, how do i tell apt-get that i want to get it from the cd? | 02:20 |
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lcohen | hi, all, is anyone here good with kitchensync-opensync? | 02:20 |
VanessaE | isaac: there should be an entry in /etc/apt/sources.list that mentions the CD | 02:20 |
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VanessaE | uncomment that | 02:20 |
VanessaE | then fetch updates and try apt-get again. | 02:21 |
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software_ | alguien habla espaol? | 02:21 |
software_ | ????? | 02:21 |
software_ | nothing? | 02:21 |
isaac_ | how do i fetch updates? | 02:21 |
VanessaE | isaac: apt-get update | 02:21 |
isaac_ | software_: dime en que te puedo ayudar? | 02:21 |
isaac_ | thanks vanesa | 02:22 |
software_ | a gracias | 02:22 |
isaac_ | :D | 02:22 |
VanessaE | (as root or by sudo of course) | 02:22 |
software_ | mira sopy nuevo en esto | 02:22 |
software_ | soy | 02:22 |
isaac_ | dime q quieres hacer? | 02:22 |
software_ | y quiziera saber mas acerca de este sistema | 02:22 |
Jucato | !es | 02:22 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 02:22 |
software_ | tengo instaldo el kubuntu | 02:23 |
=== morghanphoenix [n=phoenix@71-212-1-127.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | Hello again | 02:23 |
isaac_ | okas puedes hcaer lo quedice ubotu | 02:23 |
isaac_ | bye | 02:23 |
lcohen | Hi all, I have kitchensync-opensync but when i setup my syncml, it never connects, always stuck at ready... | 02:23 |
software_ | ok | 02:23 |
VanessaE | ok, time to run off to do laundry..back in ...eh...hours :) | 02:23 |
morghanphoenix | Are the people who were helping me still on? | 02:24 |
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morghanphoenix | Direct rendering is on now, had to reconfigure it on the command line because something was wrong with my setup and it wouldn't load the gui | 02:25 |
isaac_ | VanessaE: sorry but i can not get any line abut a cd | 02:25 |
isaac_ | how can i introduce it? | 02:26 |
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isaac_ | i need to add the cd as a repository to get the kernel source | 02:28 |
isaac_ | any ideas? | 02:28 |
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Jucato | isaac_: sudo apt-cdrom add | 02:29 |
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Jucato | ok going /away now... | 02:30 |
Dr_willis | I was thinking the synaptic package manager had a 'add cdrom' in its repo managemnt area.. think adept has one also. | 02:30 |
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menace_ | I just typed "usplash" into the konsole thinking it'd bring up the program, but instead all it did was mess up all the icons and my background and things like this, does anyone know of a way i can fix it? | 02:31 |
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Kr4t05 | menace_: killall -9 usplash? | 02:32 |
menace_ | what does the -9 do? | 02:32 |
isaac_ | i need to add the cd as a repository to get the kernel source | 02:32 |
menace_ | bash: kill: all: arguments must be process or job IDs...bash: kill: usplash: arguments must be process or job IDs | 02:33 |
menace_ | i got that error | 02:33 |
isaac_ | i tries sudo apt-cdrom add | 02:33 |
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isaac_ | but i stil can not get the kernel that comes with the cd ofubuntu | 02:34 |
isaac_ | i need the kernel 2.6.15 | 02:34 |
menace_ | killall usplash ...usplash: no process killed | 02:34 |
menace_ | that didnt work either | 02:34 |
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=== morghanphoenix [n=phoenix@71-212-1-127.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
abaldwin | hey, my new brothers and sisters | 02:36 |
=== jpiccolo_ [n=jpiccolo@steclge-cuda1-68-233-4-4.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
abaldwin | I am now firmly in the Kubuntu camp, after 7 years of lurking under a Fedora | 02:37 |
morghanphoenix | I'm about to firmly kick my xserver | 02:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | abaldwin, kubuntu is great | 02:38 |
morghanphoenix | Direct rendering will only enable when I set my 19" monitor as a 17 | 02:38 |
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=== travis [n=travis@69-165-15-42.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | how do I enable direct rendering? | 02:39 |
abaldwin | Yeah! its all like sun-shiney, and updates dont break stuff! (yum kept breaking stuff on every update with FC5) | 02:39 |
travis | hey guys, i have a question, i have a logitech wireless mouse that has 3 buttons and a wheel, well the third button i can't configure, is there a way to do this? | 02:39 |
morghanphoenix | I must be doing something wrong. | 02:39 |
Admiral_Chicago | travis, you can do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | and enable 3 button mouse emulation | 02:40 |
travis | ok | 02:40 |
Kr4t05 | I just found a plot-hole in Disney's Aladdin. | 02:41 |
morghanphoenix | That's also how I'm supposed to set up direct rendering, right? | 02:41 |
shegman | !xgl | 02:42 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 02:42 |
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Kr4t05 | In the scenes before "A Whole New World" we clearly see the lamp beneath Aladdin's turban, however, when Jasmine snatchs it off after the musical sequence, to question Aladdin's true identity, the lamp is conveniently missing. | 02:42 |
Kr4t05 | Where'd it go? | 02:42 |
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travis | hey admiral....do i have to restart the computer after i get that accomplished? | 02:44 |
travis | because when i go to mouse settings, istill don't see a third button | 02:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | travis, you have to restart X | 02:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | alt ctrl backspace | 02:46 |
travis | ok thank you | 02:46 |
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inteliwasp | how can i set my a user (ie: mine) to be able to save in the /var/www director thru the GUI or program? i need this for a php/mySQL class | 02:56 |
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kutan | As stupid as this question is, how might I create a folder using the console? | 02:58 |
abaldwin | mkdir nameofolder | 02:59 |
kutan | alright, thanks | 02:59 |
inteliwasp | darn you beat me | 02:59 |
kutan | ...Alec Baldwin... | 02:59 |
=== freeflying_ is now known as freeflying|away | ||
abaldwin | of course, either cd into where you want to put it, or do mkdir /home/me/myfolder or whatever | 02:59 |
kutan | gotcha | 02:59 |
abaldwin | anthony baldwin, but I do have a brother Steven and a brother William | 02:59 |
kutan | o_O | 02:59 |
kutan | >_> | 03:00 |
morghanphoenix | Okay, xgl working fine, xscreensavers updated but still not showing up. | 03:00 |
inteliwasp | any help on my question? | 03:00 |
Telroth_Plushie| | inteliwasp, change the permissions | 03:01 |
Telroth_Plushie| | note though | 03:01 |
=== Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-46-213.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kutan | What command do I use for extracting something? | 03:01 |
Telroth_Plushie| | if you create a folder called "public_html" in your home directory (~/public_html) | 03:01 |
Telroth_Plushie| | you can then access it using http://ip.of.server/~username/ | 03:02 |
Telroth_Plushie| | kutan, what type of file is it? | 03:02 |
kutan | tar.gz | 03:02 |
Telroth_Plushie| | you can probably rightclick -> extract -> extract here | 03:02 |
kutan | Well I wanna get used to doing stuff in the console | 03:02 |
inteliwasp | !tar | 03:03 |
ubotu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 03:03 |
=== lupine_85 [n=lupine@nick.lupine.me.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AlReece45 | kutan: tar is the command you're looking for. | 03:04 |
AlReece45 | kutan: man tar | 03:04 |
kutan | doh, okay thanks | 03:04 |
kutan | I was going to try that but I thought it was too easy | 03:04 |
=== Admiral_Chicago_ [n=edward@st0660990722.monm.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
inteliwasp | kutan: simply way is tar -xvzf <source> <desit> | 03:04 |
AlReece45 | the amount of times I've used that... | 03:05 |
kutan | what do the xvzf options do? | 03:05 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | can someone help me install an ATI card, i installed the driver but if i type lsmod | grep fglrx in the terminal I don't get anything out | 03:05 |
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AlReece45 | x = extract, v = verbose, z=gzip, f=... i think its the last one to specify file | 03:05 |
Telroth_Plushie| | AlReece45, correct | 03:05 |
kutan | ah okay so like if I was in the directory of the tar I want to extract I could be like, "tar -xvzf bleh.tar.gz ~/heh/bleh/ghey"? | 03:06 |
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jon335_ | I have a brather MFC-210C printer that I set up with the instructions on the forums. When I print, I have to wait around a minute before the printer starts printing, this is not normal (on windows), any ideas? | 03:07 |
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travis | ok, so i couldn't get the third button thing to work, no big loss, actually doing the whole configure with x server messed up the display, but anyways, now i have a new question | 03:10 |
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travis | Enlightenment is available on adept, if i install it...will it screw up kubuntu? | 03:10 |
jk- | most likely not :) | 03:10 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | travis: no | 03:10 |
travis | cause ther eare a couple things that says "conflict" on the detail menu | 03:10 |
travis | ok | 03:11 |
=== Skrot [n=magnus@60.80-202-221.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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morghanphoenix | How do I get installed screensaver to show up in desktop configuration? | 03:14 |
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ComunisTico | hi, what do i have to do to make the videos at youtube to have sound... cant figure it out :S | 03:14 |
travis | ok, enlightenment has been installed, do i have to restart linux and choose enlightenment? | 03:14 |
Jucato | travis: just log out and choose Enlightenment from the Sessions options | 03:15 |
Jucato | (in the login screen) | 03:15 |
travis | alright thanks | 03:15 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | travis: you migh jsut want to restart X | 03:15 |
travis | i will brb | 03:15 |
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lupine_85 | ComunisTico: aoss firefox OR use konqueror | 03:18 |
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travis | heh, well its official, i don't know how to use enlightenment, nothing showed up but a couple boxes and things, i guess i need to read on how to use it | 03:21 |
Jucato | travis: have you tried right-clicking, left-clickng and middle-clicking there? | 03:21 |
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ComunisTico | lupine_85: yeah it works with konqueror, but with firefox cant make it.... what do u mean with aoss firefox | 03:22 |
travis | yeah, and a bunch of things pop up for settings, but thats not what i want, i want to be able to like search the net | 03:22 |
travis | and stuff | 03:22 |
=== Lamington [n=unperson@d58-106-245-101.sun4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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troy | travis: e doesn't have it's own apps, webbrowser, etc. | 03:22 |
Jucato | travis: iirc, left-click brings up the applications menu | 03:22 |
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troy | travis: you have to load konq or firefox or opera or whatever makes you happy :) | 03:23 |
travis | oh it does? | 03:23 |
travis | dang, heh | 03:23 |
Jucato | Enlightenment is a window manager like KWin, Metacity (GNOME), Fluxbox, etc. | 03:23 |
travis | i guess enlightenment means i have to do a lot of work with it | 03:23 |
travis | yeah i know | 03:23 |
troy | Jucato: I would say more like kwin+kdesktop | 03:23 |
lupine_85 | in konsole | 03:23 |
troy | and kicker | 03:23 |
=== cr4sh0v3rr1d3 [n=jake@71-222-194-38.albq.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
travis | and i looked at the screen shots, and it looks cool from their shots, but i am a newb | 03:23 |
cr4sh0v3rr1d3 | yooooo | 03:24 |
echo1 | Anyone install the new ati drivers that oculd give me a hand? | 03:24 |
cr4sh0v3rr1d3 | anyone have an idear why firefox doesnt see my wifi connection but konqueror does? | 03:24 |
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troy | cr4sh0v3rr1d3: that's a terrible nickname :/ | 03:24 |
lupine_85 | firefox doesn't "see" wifi | 03:24 |
cr4sh0v3rr1d3 | haha | 03:24 |
cr4sh0v3rr1d3 | isnt it | 03:24 |
cr4sh0v3rr1d3 | hella 1337 dood | 03:25 |
cr4sh0v3rr1d3 | lol | 03:25 |
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=== troy thinks 'jake' watched hackers one time too many | ||
=== ac1dburn hacks the planet on crappy macs | ||
Jucato | gah! my opinion of Katapult suddenly went down 1 mark... | 03:26 |
travis | haha | 03:26 |
travis | Hackers is a funny movie | 03:26 |
ac1dburn | yeah it is | 03:26 |
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travis | 14.4 kbps OMG I WANT IT TO HAVE MY KIDS | 03:26 |
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=== lupine_85 preferred wargames | ||
travis | heh, or was it 28.8 | 03:26 |
ac1dburn | 1million psychadellic colors | 03:27 |
travis | blah, been such a long time | 03:27 |
travis | haha yeah | 03:27 |
ac1dburn | dude dude dude | 03:27 |
troy | or was it mission impossible with the 686 mips chip :P | 03:27 |
ac1dburn | i need a handle | 03:27 |
kutan | hmmm I tried 'tar' with a tar.bz2 and it gave me an error. | 03:27 |
troy | kutan: you need tar -j for tar.bz2 files | 03:27 |
kutan | ah okay thanks | 03:27 |
ac1dburn | something 31337 | 03:27 |
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troy | jake: try something normal, such that people can have a serious conversation with you :/ | 03:28 |
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ac1dburn | haha yeah | 03:28 |
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dida | This might be a /realy/ stupid question, but I have an AMD athlon X2 prossesor, so which Kubuntu (i386 or AMD64) do I use? | 03:30 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | either | 03:30 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | i386 is probably better if you are new | 03:31 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | 64bit is faster, but is a hassle sometimes | 03:31 |
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dida | I tried it, but my screen would only run at 640 by 480 resolution, and i tred to install nvidia drivers for my graphics card, but it complained about the i386 arch | 03:32 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | you just need to use the right driver How-to | 03:32 |
Lamington | anyone know why xsavers might not be working in KDE/kubuntu ? | 03:33 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | let me find you one real quick | 03:33 |
dida | thanks | 03:33 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 03:34 |
dida | ok, ill try that. Thanks for the help | 03:34 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | wait | 03:34 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | that one is bad | 03:34 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | use this one... | 03:34 |
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Admiral_Chicago_ | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.29 | 03:35 |
Admiral_Chicago_ | got that? | 03:35 |
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ice_1963 | nickserver identify ice_1963 | 03:50 |
Jucato | oooh | 03:50 |
Jucato | someone's gotta have to change his password... | 03:50 |
morghanphoenix | I did that a few days ago | 03:50 |
Jucato | why not use Konversation's auto identify? | 03:51 |
morghanphoenix | decided it was time to set up konversation to do it for me. | 03:51 |
Jucato | smart choice :P | 03:51 |
morghanphoenix | I'm still trying to figure out how to use the xmatrix screensaver in KDE. | 03:52 |
=== pussfeller [n=pussfell@166-82-183-46.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | morghanphoenix: doesn't it show in the Screensavers list? | 03:52 |
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morghanphoenix | nope, nothing that starts with x shows | 03:52 |
Jucato | where did you get the screensaver from? | 03:53 |
morghanphoenix | they're the ubuntu package | 03:53 |
Jucato | ok hold on let me check | 03:54 |
=== adolfo [n=adolfo@pc-75-77-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | from the xscreensaver package? | 03:55 |
morghanphoenix | yeah | 03:55 |
morghanphoenix | it works in gnome, just won't show up in KDE | 03:55 |
load0614 | Hey all. What controlls auto mounting in breezy? I have a USB memory stick that KDE sees and asks what to do as soon as I plug it in on my dapper machine but my breezy machine is a server install without KDE so I need it to just mount as soon as the kernel sees that it's been plugged in. | 03:55 |
Jucato | hm... lets see... I'll install it | 03:55 |
morghanphoenix | And my computer is too slow for the GLs | 03:56 |
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isaac_ | join #kubuntu;es | 03:56 |
isaac_ | join #kubuntu-es | 03:56 |
Jucato | you forgot the "/" | 03:56 |
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load0614 | just adding an entry in fstab isn't going to do it unless the usb drive is plugged in at boot right? | 03:58 |
AWOSDev | Okay, I have a server running Kubuntu and a laptop/client running Kubuntu | 03:59 |
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AWOSDev | so they both run Kubuntu | 03:59 |
AWOSDev | now | 03:59 |
=== Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-46-213.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | I just updated (with apt-get) everything, including sshd | 03:59 |
AWOSDev | on my server | 03:59 |
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morghanphoenix | okay, the screensaver file is in /usr/lib/xscreensaver | 03:59 |
AWOSDev | so now when I try and log in on the laptop/client | 03:59 |
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AWOSDev | comes up on the screen. | 03:59 |
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lupine_85 | not a real problem | 04:00 |
Jucato | morghanphoenix: it doesn't show here either... hm... | 04:00 |
morghanphoenix | It shows in my /usr/lib/xscreensaver directory | 04:00 |
lupine_85 | it just means that the server's ssh key has changed | 04:00 |
AWOSDev | is this behaviour normal after updating sshd? | 04:00 |
AWOSDev | or is someone really doing something nasty? | 04:00 |
AWOSDev | :P | 04:00 |
lupine_85 | not really sure | 04:00 |
=== dennis_ [n=dennis@c-71-234-187-254.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | morghanphoenix: I think xscreensaver is enabled differently from your usual KDE screensavers | 04:00 |
AWOSDev | we're on the same network | 04:00 |
morghanphoenix | hello again awos | 04:00 |
AWOSDev | in fact we're on the same hub | 04:01 |
dennis_ | aloha | 04:01 |
lupine_85 | then it's unlikely someone is doing something nasty | 04:01 |
AWOSDev | Oh, hello morghanphoenix! | 04:01 |
lupine_85 | just accept the new key and you're off | 04:01 |
morghanphoenix | Still trying to get that damn screensaver to work | 04:01 |
AWOSDev | lupine_85, can I get the key off of the server and copy it like onto a floppy disk, and then put it in my known_hosts file? | 04:01 |
Jucato | morghanphoenix: Alt+F2 and run "xscreensaver-demo" | 04:01 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, what screensaver? | 04:01 |
AWOSDev | And what;s wrong with it? | 04:02 |
AWOSDev | *what's | 04:02 |
lupine_85 | AWOSDev: you don't need to | 04:02 |
AWOSDev | lupine_85, okay. | 04:02 |
AWOSDev | I'm just a security freak | 04:02 |
lupine_85 | the most you might have to do is delete the current key in known_hosts | 04:02 |
AWOSDev | and got super worried | 04:02 |
Jucato | morghanphoenix: you can try checking the manual by typing "man:/xscreensaver" in Konqueror | 04:02 |
echo1 | I just installed the new ATI drivers and I think they work. fglrxinfo tells me they are working but glxgears gives me 125fps... | 04:02 |
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=== ubuntu is now known as Xial | ||
Jucato | morghanphoenix: I forgot you need to launch the daemon first (Alt+F2, "xscreensaver" | 04:02 |
echo1 | why do i have such poor performance | 04:02 |
morghanphoenix | It launced the daemon automatically | 04:03 |
Jucato | morghanphoenix: ah that's better. | 04:03 |
morghanphoenix | I have the same screen up I do in gnome now | 04:03 |
Jucato | morghanphoenix: so you're good to go? can I uninstall xscreensaver now? :P | 04:03 |
morghanphoenix | Will the normal screen saver try to load still? | 04:03 |
Jucato | morghanphoenix: not if you have it disabled already | 04:04 |
AWOSDev | Jucato, I have xscreensaver on my computer if you don't like it :P | 04:04 |
Jucato | AWOSDev: I don't use screensavers :P | 04:04 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, what screensaver are you trying to get working? And what is it doing or not doing? | 04:04 |
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Jucato | as I don't leave my ancient 14" CRT monitor on when I'm not around | 04:04 |
morghanphoenix | I leave my computer on at all times, don't want my really nice monitor to end up looking like the ones at the library | 04:05 |
morghanphoenix | I think that's it | 04:05 |
AWOSDev | I leave three computers on at all times, but have monitor power-saving mode on with power bills so high :P | 04:05 |
morghanphoenix | Thanks | 04:05 |
=== SonicChao [n=SonicCha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | I like the engine screensaver :) | 04:05 |
AWOSDev | my other geekiness is with cars :) | 04:05 |
=== abcd [n=abcd@dhcp-0-7-95-b1-b-32.cpe.quickclic.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | My dad was a mechanic, I just break them really good. | 04:06 |
AWOSDev | LOL | 04:06 |
AWOSDev | RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking. | 04:07 |
AWOSDev | How do I unrequest strict checking? | 04:07 |
morghanphoenix | I don't think they like the way I drive. | 04:08 |
=== Rede- [n=shawn@S010600131096809c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Xial | I have an interesting issue. I'm trying to find if kubuntu has something similar to the windows `mousekeys` accessibility feature (where numpad, numlock off = a simple mouse). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to locate anything. | 04:08 |
AWOSDev | Xial, it does | 04:08 |
AWOSDev | hold on a sec while I find it | 04:08 |
Jucato | Xial: System Settings > Mouse | 04:09 |
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morghanphoenix | I don't suppose the guy who wanted to kill the bouncy thing when it's loading is on here? | 04:09 |
=== Tallen is back. | ||
Jucato | Xial: mouse navigation | 04:09 |
=== KChomsky is now known as pussfeller | ||
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=== bob42 [n=Momal@CPE-139-168-173-158.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Xial | Is there a way to activate those without a mouse? I've been trying all evening, with no success. | 04:10 |
Jucato | so make that System Settings > Mouse > Mouse Navigation tab | 04:10 |
=== bob42 [n=Momal@CPE-139-168-173-158.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["<3,] | ||
Jucato | Xial: Alt+F12 to turn on/off | 04:11 |
Xial | You are my new god. | 04:11 |
AWOSDev | Okay, Xial | 04:11 |
AWOSDev | go to the KDE Control Center | 04:11 |
AWOSDev | Go under 'Peripherals' | 04:11 |
AWOSDev | click 'Mouse' | 04:11 |
AWOSDev | then go into the 'Mouse Navigation' tab | 04:11 |
Jucato | hm... | 04:11 |
dennis_ | what would the general consensus agree apon is the best linux friendly mini pci nic card ?? something that has native linux support and WPA compliant | 04:11 |
Jucato | Xial: there seems to be something wrong though... | 04:12 |
morghanphoenix | Laters all, gotta go eat, thanks for the help. | 04:12 |
lupine_85 | Atheros :) | 04:12 |
Jucato | AWOSDev: you do realize that KControl isn't on the K Menu by default? | 04:12 |
lupine_85 | the Gigabyte one is the best bet, IMO | 04:12 |
AWOSDev | Jucato, it is on my laptop | 04:12 |
dennis_ | anything Atheros chiopset ?? | 04:12 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, bye! | 04:12 |
lupine_85 | yep | 04:12 |
morghanphoenix | It was on mine too | 04:12 |
Jucato | hm... strange | 04:12 |
morghanphoenix | All I've added was bookmarks | 04:13 |
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AWOSDev | but, Jucato, I installed regular Ubuntu and installed KDE over it | 04:13 |
dennis_ | I'm using an ipw2200 right now, but I wanted to screw around with kismet at the office to test our wireless security | 04:13 |
Xial | Hm... it's a little wonky, this keyboard mouse, but I can *move* it. | 04:13 |
lupine_85 | your wireless is hackable | 04:13 |
Jucato | AWOSDev: no wonder | 04:13 |
lupine_85 | ;) | 04:13 |
load0614 | can anyone tell me what I need to edit to have my usb drive mounted on insertion? | 04:13 |
Jucato | Xial: it seems that Alt+F12 isn't the same as the one in Mouse Navigation.... :( | 04:14 |
lupine_85 | use 802.1X + EAP-TKIP if you want security | 04:14 |
dennis_ | lol, I know but I'd like to at least make a valient effort at making it a bit difficult | 04:14 |
AWOSDev | Use the wonky mouse to get to Kcontrol :P | 04:14 |
dennis_ | Currently using WPA+TKIP | 04:14 |
Jucato | or System Settings :P | 04:14 |
lupine_85 | ah, that's "fairly" secure | 04:14 |
AWOSDev | Nah just ALT+F2 and type Kcontrol :) | 04:14 |
lupine_85 | FreeRADIUS server? | 04:14 |
Xial | Well, I can move it... but now I can't click with it. *g* | 04:14 |
dennis_ | operative "fairly" isn't good enough | 04:14 |
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dennis_ | no RADIUS server yet | 04:15 |
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lupine_85 | ah | 04:15 |
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lupine_85 | so is it PSK ? | 04:15 |
Jucato | Xial: I think that's where it ends... Mouse Navigation is infinitely better than this, it seems... | 04:15 |
dennis_ | yes PSK to connect, it's 64 characters | 04:15 |
lupine_85 | hmmm | 04:16 |
Xial | Whoo. The kcontrol settings make a lot of difference. :) | 04:16 |
AWOSDev | I thought about RADIUS for my WLAN, but at that time I was running Windows 2000 and RADIUS is very, um...confusing...in Windows 2000 :) | 04:16 |
lupine_85 | true :) | 04:16 |
dennis_ | alpha-numeric | 04:16 |
Jucato | definitely a lot | 04:16 |
lupine_85 | you're fairly safe, I'd guess | 04:16 |
lupine_85 | WPA is crackable, but long passphrases make it harder | 04:16 |
dennis_ | for now, I supposes. but I'd like to improve | 04:17 |
dennis_ | so you like you Gigabyte ?? | 04:17 |
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lupine_85 | yep | 04:17 |
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AWOSDev | Would I be able to use Gigabyte across platforms? | 04:17 |
lupine_85 | it's what I used in my embedded firewall, and it does the trick well | 04:17 |
AWOSDev | e.g. on this laptop alone I have Windows xp, Kubuntu and FreeBSD | 04:18 |
NameNomad | I want to change the owner/group of a whole bunch of files on my system | 04:18 |
lupine_85 | AWOSDev: they have windows drivers, yes... | 04:18 |
dennis_ | nice and they come in mini pci | 04:18 |
NameNomad | I believe the command | 04:18 |
AWOSDev | NameNomad - uh chown? | 04:18 |
NameNomad | yeah | 04:18 |
NameNomad | except | 04:18 |
NameNomad | do I need to '-h' | 04:18 |
Xial | Yeah... I gave up on actually getting my mouse to work, after a few days of trial. This'll work, since I can at least do things. :) Thanks, Jucato, AWOSDev. :) | 04:18 |
AWOSDev | Xial, np | 04:18 |
AWOSDev | BTW, Xial, what's wrong with your real mouse? | 04:18 |
AWOSDev | or are you disabled? | 04:18 |
NameNomad | or can I just input 'chown -R me:group /folder'? | 04:19 |
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AWOSDev | It would actually be: | 04:19 |
AWOSDev | yes | 04:19 |
win_x_prts_ | :P | 04:19 |
AWOSDev | chown -R me:group /folder | 04:19 |
Xial | It's a mix of both, actually: Kubuntu, no matter how much configuring I've gone through, insists on cutting the optical bit off on this mouse. Also, it's still painful to move either of my shoulders or wrists too long. | 04:20 |
NameNomad | AWOSDev: ok, thanks | 04:20 |
dennis_ | so anyone have a creative zen touch or similar , and connected to kubuntu yet ?? | 04:20 |
lupine_85 | they're just mass storage devices... or should be | 04:20 |
lupine_85 | iRiver works well | 04:20 |
dennis_ | well, my doesn't show up as mass storage. | 04:21 |
AWOSDev | I have more than one SSH key in my known_hosts file | 04:21 |
dennis_ | I've tried KZenExplorer with 60% success | 04:21 |
AWOSDev | I need to get rid of one | 04:21 |
AWOSDev | how do I acomplish this? | 04:21 |
lupine_85 | AWOSDev: delete the one you want to get rid of... | 04:21 |
AWOSDev | But what IP address is KjVervrcQRuEYl/qt7HlQmbgJVc=|UdCC3FCd8txH42p0a4aunB4Uc+c | 04:22 |
AWOSDev | ? | 04:22 |
Xial | ... amazing. My joystick seems to be recognized here. I used to have to install drivers for it in Windows. Kinda funny. :) | 04:22 |
lupine_85 | no idea | 04:22 |
AWOSDev | so then which one do I remove? | 04:22 |
lupine_85 | delete one randomly and see what happens? | 04:22 |
lupine_85 | 50% chance of getting it right | 04:22 |
AWOSDev | Oh goody, the fail-safe method | 04:22 |
lupine_85 | if it's the wrong one, you can restore it and delete the other | 04:22 |
AWOSDev | Last time I did this was to install SoundBlaster 16 drivers in Windows 3.1 | 04:23 |
AWOSDev | :) | 04:23 |
AWOSDev | Yay I got it right! | 04:23 |
AWOSDev | It kind of helped though when I looked at the message again and it said | 04:23 |
AWOSDev | Offending key in .ssh/known_hosts:2 | 04:23 |
AWOSDev | :) | 04:23 |
lupine_85 | mwahahaha | 04:24 |
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AWOSDev | Yay! An SSH prompt! | 04:24 |
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AWOSDev | Which means I need to get back to work. | 04:24 |
AWOSDev | Bye all! | 04:24 |
lupine_85 | t'ra : | 04:24 |
AWOSDev | ? | 04:24 |
AWOSDev | what does that mean? | 04:24 |
AWOSDev | what's a "t'ra :" | 04:25 |
AWOSDev | i? | 04:25 |
tanamo | is it safe to upgrade from dapper to edgy? | 04:26 |
lupine_85 | define safe | 04:26 |
AWOSDev | tanamo, uh, depends on what you mean by safe | 04:26 |
lupine_85 | it won't kill your partner and empty your bank account... | 04:26 |
Jucato | tanamo: in short, not yet | 04:26 |
lupine_85 | it probably won't b0rk your computer | 04:26 |
lupine_85 | but there's a good possibility of breaking | 04:26 |
Jucato | unless you can live with daily updates and random broken things from time to time | 04:26 |
lupine_85 | erm, breakage | 04:26 |
tanamo | ah, i have a problem with my i810 driver, | 04:27 |
AWOSDev | I don't :) | 04:27 |
tanamo | is your screensaver in full screen? | 04:27 |
lupine_85 | t'ra is a way of saying goodbye | 04:27 |
AWOSDev | I am happy to report no problems since installation with i810 drivers | 04:27 |
lupine_85 | quite yorkshire I guess | 04:27 |
AWOSDev | Oh, okay thanks lupine_85 :) | 04:28 |
AWOSDev | tanamo, no screensaver on that computer, but lemme go try | 04:28 |
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tanamo | i mean the one that can be seen in kde? mine wont go fullscreen | 04:28 |
lupine_85 | eeeh bah gum, tha's a reet whippasnappa, tha's | 04:28 |
AWOSDev | tanamo, I'll go try the engine screensaver on that one :) | 04:28 |
tanamo | AWOSDev: thanks sir | 04:29 |
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Berto | is there seriously no GUI app in kubuntu to change the screen resolution? | 04:30 |
tanamo | of course there is... | 04:30 |
lupine_85 | kcontrol ? | 04:30 |
Berto | the wiki just points to some text files, which i'm experienced with, but don't feel like working with | 04:30 |
Berto | oh ok | 04:30 |
tanamo | system settings then Display | 04:31 |
AWOSDev | pardon me | 04:31 |
AWOSDev | but HELL | 04:31 |
AWOSDev | it KILLED my display | 04:31 |
Berto | ahh much nicer thanks tanamo and luis0 | 04:32 |
Berto | lupine_85: i mean | 04:32 |
tanamo | ohh.. | 04:32 |
AWOSDev | tanamo, yep the screensaver killed my whole display | 04:32 |
lupine_85 | cool :) | 04:32 |
AWOSDev | I can't even CTRL+ALT+F1 to the console | 04:32 |
AWOSDev | it's dead | 04:32 |
Berto | i just got this new laptop for work, and it's SLICK, but I can't handle the 1900xWhatever resolution... | 04:32 |
AWOSDev | a bunch of colorful lines and then *BOOM* | 04:32 |
=== lupine_85 kills AWOSDev's display too | ||
AWOSDev | no more sync | 04:32 |
Berto | and moving down to the 1600 resolution makes it more "blurry" but oh well | 04:32 |
tanamo | ah, i thought im the only that have this problem | 04:33 |
AWOSDev | tanamo, noop | 04:33 |
AWOSDev | *nope | 04:33 |
AWOSDev | noop, oh jeez back to assembly programming for me :) | 04:33 |
lupine_85 | teh pits ;) | 04:34 |
Berto | ok now that I"m happy with KDE - I want to save space and get rid of gnome. Is there a good aptitude command to uninstall what I don't need? | 04:34 |
AWOSDev | that's "NO OPeration" in FTP and Assembly language :P | 04:34 |
Berto | (long time mandriva/redhat user, this is first time on an apt type system) | 04:34 |
AWOSDev | Berto = | 04:34 |
tanamo | glxgears reports something, some kind of error, i dont know... have you tried running it? | 04:34 |
kutan | How do I extract a 7-zip file? | 04:34 |
AWOSDev | try sudo apt-get erase libgnome | 04:35 |
AWOSDev | !7zip | 04:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 7zip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:35 |
Jucato | Berto: not unless you installed it with aptitude | 04:35 |
AWOSDev | !7-zip | 04:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 7-zip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:35 |
AWOSDev | !zip | 04:35 |
ubotu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 04:35 |
AWOSDev | kutan, try ark | 04:35 |
Berto | Jucato: i used aptitude to install it... should i note use apt-get to get rid of gnome then? | 04:35 |
kutan | k thanks | 04:35 |
AWOSDev | kutan, np :) | 04:35 |
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AWOSDev | Berto, again, try sudo apt-get erase libgnome | 04:35 |
Jucato | Berto: I meant, if you used aptitude to install GNOME, you could use aptitude to remove it. | 04:36 |
Jucato | AWOSDev: is that wise? | 04:36 |
AWOSDev | Jucato, I did that on my Ubuntu laptop to make it into Kubuntu | 04:36 |
AWOSDev | :) | 04:36 |
Berto | Jucato: i used aptitude to get kubuntu/kde ... now i'm happy with this and want to get rid of gnome | 04:36 |
Berto | AWOSDev: ok thanks | 04:36 |
kutan | bleh? "The utility 7za is not in your PATH." | 04:36 |
AWOSDev | The only thing is that removed gThumb, my digital camera software :P | 04:36 |
Jucato | Berto: you might find this useful then: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde | 04:36 |
AWOSDev | !info 7za | 04:36 |
ubotu | Package 7za does not exist in any distro I know | 04:36 |
Berto | AWOSDev: sudo apt-get erase libgnome says "E: Invalid operation erase" | 04:37 |
kutan | the extension is .7z but it won't read it | 04:37 |
AWOSDev | !info p7zip > kutan | 04:37 |
ubotu | p7zip: 7-Zip is a file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.30.dfsg-1 (dapper), package size 1413 kB, installed size 3784 kB | 04:37 |
jpiccolo_ | is there a way to make azureus use less memory | 04:37 |
AWOSDev | Berto, sorry :P | 04:37 |
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AWOSDev | Berto, sudo apt-get remove libgnome | 04:37 |
AWOSDev | actually | 04:38 |
AWOSDev | Berto, sudo apt-get remove libgnome2-0 | 04:38 |
cpk1 | are there any gui's to configure a wireless dhcpd | 04:38 |
Jucato | Berto: you could also check the link I gave | 04:38 |
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AWOSDev | cpk1, you want to *connect* to wireless? | 04:38 |
Jucato | kutan: try installing p7zip and check if Ark will work with 7-zip after that | 04:38 |
kutan | Ah okay thanks again AWOSDev | 04:38 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: i want my windows box to connect to my linux box wirelessly | 04:38 |
AWOSDev | kutan, np | 04:38 |
lupine_85 | !gdhcpd | 04:38 |
ubotu | gdhcpd: GTK+ configuration tool for dhcpd3-server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8-2 (dapper), package size 47 kB, installed size 256 kB | 04:38 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, ah | 04:38 |
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kutan | and Jucato.. again >_>; | 04:38 |
Berto | Jucato: I see... so purekde is instead of kubuntu? isn't that your competition? :) | 04:39 |
Jucato | Berto: huh? Kubuntu is ubuntu+KDE | 04:39 |
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Jucato | the purekde page gives instructions on how to remove GNOME so that you have pure KDE | 04:39 |
kutan | alright it works now | 04:39 |
Berto | Jucato: ahhhh ok thanks | 04:40 |
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AWOSDev | cpk1, you mean ad-hoc? | 04:40 |
Berto | Jucato: great, saves 750mb, thank you | 04:41 |
Jucato | :) | 04:41 |
lupine_85 | linky? | 04:41 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: i dont think the mode matters, just want them to communicate wirelessly | 04:41 |
lupine_85 | nm, found it | 04:41 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, ad-hoc means computer-to-computer vs through an access point :P | 04:41 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: oh =S | 04:42 |
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Berto | here's one that I should know - I turned off my sound system, turned off all sounds, but I still have a system beep when i make a mistake in the terminal. How can i get rid of that too? | 04:43 |
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AWOSDev | Berto, | 04:43 |
AWOSDev | Konsole menu | 04:43 |
AWOSDev | Settings->Bell->None :) | 04:43 |
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lupine_85 | dorsn't work with edgy :'( | 04:43 |
VanessaE | eh...edgy is usable already? | 04:44 |
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AWOSDev | lupine_85, what doesn't? | 04:44 |
Berto | AWOSDev: yeah thanks... but isn't there something still running that i probably dno't need? | 04:44 |
lupine_85 | purekde | 04:44 |
AWOSDev | Berto, Um, unused Konsole sessions? :P | 04:44 |
Jucato | lupine_85: it's for Dapper only | 04:44 |
lupine_85 | I know :( | 04:44 |
AWOSDev | but seriously no | 04:44 |
AWOSDev | Berto, I don't know if I understand your question | 04:44 |
AWOSDev | if you turn off the bell in the Konsole, that's it | 04:45 |
Kr4t05 | VanessaE: It's 'official' release is in about a week. :) | 04:45 |
Berto | AWOSDev: hahaha nevermind. i'm so stupid right now i'm in gnome-terminal (while running the uninstall of gnome-terminal) | 04:45 |
AWOSDev | Konsole itself was making the beeping | 04:45 |
VanessaE | jeeze | 04:45 |
Berto | AWOSDev: my fault. i wans't in knosole! | 04:45 |
AWOSDev | Berto: LOL | 04:45 |
Jucato | more than a week actualy | 04:45 |
Kr4t05 | Jucato: Close enough. | 04:45 |
AWOSDev | Kr4t05: Edgy? In a week? | 04:45 |
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Jucato | Kr4t05: end of October actually | 04:45 |
VanessaE | it seems like just /last/ week that I went to dapper :) (actually, about a week prior to its release) | 04:45 |
Kr4t05 | Drat... | 04:45 |
Kr4t05 | >< | 04:45 |
AWOSDev | Jucato, exact date? | 04:46 |
AWOSDev | This is perfect | 04:46 |
Kr4t05 | Here, I was expecting it for the first week of October... | 04:46 |
Jucato | iirc Oct 26th? not sure actually | 04:46 |
Kr4t05 | Oh well, close enough. | 04:46 |
AWOSDev | I'm gonna have a friend go to Kubuntu | 04:46 |
AWOSDev | now she's gonna have an out-of-date | 04:46 |
AWOSDev | I'm giving her one of my old computers as a birthday present | 04:46 |
Kr4t05 | Just have here dist-upgrade. | 04:46 |
Kr4t05 | her* | 04:46 |
AWOSDev | dist-upgrade? | 04:46 |
Kr4t05 | Yeah... | 04:46 |
AWOSDev | I thought I read somewhere that was dangerous | 04:46 |
AWOSDev | like | 04:47 |
AWOSDev | *BAD* dangerous | 04:47 |
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Kr4t05 | If you're doing it before the official release. | 04:47 |
AWOSDev | :P | 04:47 |
AWOSDev | oooooohhhhhhh | 04:47 |
Kr4t05 | AWOSDev: If you comment out all unofficial repos and wait until the official release, you should be fine. | 04:47 |
VanessaE | speaking of old computers...I don't suppose I could just replace my sources.list to upgrade an old box I have from debian (sarge I think) to kubuntu? | 04:47 |
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VanessaE | (I expect a 'no' answer to that one :) ) | 04:47 |
bh4tw | hello | 04:47 |
bh4tw | can anyone help me with the new nvidia beta drivers? | 04:48 |
Kr4t05 | I did it from Breezy to Dapper Flight 3, back in April? Or was it May? | 04:48 |
lupine_85 | VanessaE: only if ou really really know what you're doing | 04:48 |
Kr4t05 | bh4tw: What's the problem? | 04:48 |
VanessaE | lupine: in general I do, but I think I'll just do it the "right" way | 04:48 |
lupine_85 | much easier :) | 04:48 |
lupine_85 | but it is "possible" | 04:48 |
bh4tw | i cant start X because it says that the NVIDIA kernel module has version 1.0-7184, but this X module has 1.0-9625 | 04:48 |
AWOSDev | Yeah that's like going from FreeBSD to OpenBSD | 04:48 |
lupine_85 | not really | 04:48 |
AWOSDev | possible but very, uh, super-geek-only :P | 04:48 |
VanessaE | eek | 04:49 |
VanessaE | a geek I may be, a super geek I am not :) | 04:49 |
bh4tw | anyone know of any guide to installing the beta drivers? | 04:49 |
Kr4t05 | bh4tw: sudo apt-get uninstall linux-restricted-modules-<your arch> nvidia-glx | 04:49 |
bh4tw | oh | 04:49 |
bh4tw | thnx | 04:49 |
AWOSDev | I Am Super Geek! :) | 04:49 |
Kr4t05 | bh4tw: that might not work. | 04:49 |
lupine_85 | BSD has a completely different philosphy to debian... it'd probably be harder to do it with debian than BSD | 04:49 |
bh4tw | Kr4t05: but then ill loose the MADWIFI drivers too =/, well, ill have to compile them | 04:49 |
Jucato | Kr4t05: will the linux-restricted-modules work with drivers not available from Ubuntu? | 04:49 |
Kr4t05 | Jucato: Perhaps... Depends on what your installing. | 04:50 |
Kr4t05 | I'm no expert. | 04:50 |
AWOSDev | Heh, I wrote my own OS | 04:50 |
Kr4t05 | Just someone with far too much fucking time on his hands. | 04:50 |
Jucato | he's installing the new nvidia driver from nvidia.com | 04:50 |
AWOSDev | I am more than Super Geek. | 04:50 |
AWOSDev | I'm Linus' little cousin :P (No, not really) | 04:50 |
Kr4t05 | I will most likely compile a new kernel for Edgy, complete with realtime preemption. :D | 04:51 |
bh4tw | yes | 04:51 |
bh4tw | no | 04:51 |
lupine_85 | pre-emption-- | 04:51 |
Kr4t05 | Someting like that. | 04:51 |
bh4tw | from nzone.com | 04:51 |
lupine_85 | the kernel is more important than your game ;) | 04:51 |
bh4tw | the beta drivers | 04:51 |
Kr4t05 | lupine_85: Heh | 04:51 |
lupine_85 | pre-empt sort-of breaks my wlan drivers, so I'm glad edgy toned it down a bit | 04:52 |
Kr4t05 | lupine_85: I'm still convinced that kernel 3.0 will bring about the Apocalypse. | 04:52 |
lupine_85 | if Hurd doesn't take before then | 04:52 |
AWOSDev | Come on, we're not even on 2.7 yet, are we? | 04:52 |
lupine_85 | both about as likely to happen ;) | 04:52 |
AWOSDev | Hurd? | 04:52 |
Jucato | GNU might speed up work on HURD though... | 04:52 |
AWOSDev | is that like Duke Nukem Forever? | 04:53 |
Berto | ok, in mandriva I have a Quick Launch applet in KDE. Any clue how to install this in ubuntu? | 04:53 |
Kr4t05 | AWOSDev: Rest assured, hamanity has a long time to go before that happens. | 04:53 |
bh4tw | why reinvent the wheel?, linux is fine | 04:53 |
Jucato | HURD = the kernel that the GNU project was supposed to use but didn't finish in time, hence they used the Linux kernel | 04:53 |
Lexaeus | lmao | 04:53 |
Jucato | bh4tw: HURD is different from the Linux kernel in some ways | 04:53 |
lupine_85 | they're still working on it | 04:53 |
lupine_85 | it's a microkernel | 04:53 |
Kr4t05 | <1h until my upgrades finish. | 04:53 |
lupine_85 | microkernel-- :( | 04:53 |
AWOSDev | So it *is* like Duke Nukem Forever :P | 04:54 |
Kr4t05 | I should contribute some time to GBALinux. | 04:54 |
Jucato | but if the Linux kernel devs to decide to stay away from GPLv3, GNU might find it necessary to finish up work on HURD | 04:54 |
AWOSDev | I still like the BSD license better | 04:54 |
=== AWOSDev ducks | ||
lupine_85 | doesn't GPLv2 say "or, at your option, any later version"? | 04:54 |
Jucato | lupine_85: not for the Linux kernel | 04:54 |
lupine_85 | oh | 04:55 |
Kr4t05 | Jucato: Will HURD drastically change the way this stuff works? | 04:55 |
lupine_85 | :( | 04:55 |
lupine_85 | Kr4t05: not really | 04:55 |
Kr4t05 | Ok | 04:55 |
Berto | AWOSDev: when i tried getting rid of gnome, one package is stuck and gives errors - scim-gtk2-immodule ... is there a trick to make apt-get force remove it? or just kick it from my database? | 04:55 |
AWOSDev | What's the difference between GPLv2 and v3 | 04:55 |
Jucato | the Linux kernel specifically says "GPLv2" no "or later" | 04:55 |
lupine_85 | there's no sound in hurd yet, though | 04:55 |
kutan | How do I install new window decorations? | 04:55 |
Kr4t05 | kutan: kde-look.og | 04:55 |
Kr4t05 | org* | 04:55 |
Jucato | kutan: depends on how the window decoration is packaged | 04:55 |
kutan | That's where I got it from Kr4to5 | 04:56 |
lupine_85 | most drivers they have for other stuff are, AIUI, ported, stolen or wrapped from linux anyway | 04:56 |
kutan | but it doesn't tell me how to install it | 04:56 |
Kr4t05 | kutan: usually, you should be able to import it right into KControl. | 04:56 |
Jucato | kutan: you might need to compile it if it is in source code form. if it's in .deb, you need to install it | 04:56 |
Jucato | Kr4t05: not so. new window decorations have to be installed | 04:56 |
AWOSDev | Berto: | 04:57 |
AWOSDev | what error? | 04:57 |
kutan | Well there's a bunch of different types I can download, deb, rpm, etc. | 04:57 |
AWOSDev | here | 04:57 |
Jucato | themes for existing/installed window decorations do not need to. but no themeable window decoration engine is installed by default on Kubuntu | 04:57 |
AWOSDev | Berto | 04:57 |
AWOSDev | hold on | 04:57 |
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Jucato | kutan: choose a .deb that's compatible with Kubuntu, if possible. otherwise, any .deb MIGHT work | 04:57 |
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DFM | Anyone know if you can use Katapult in Ubuntu? I have never tried and my linux box isn't available. | 05:03 |
kutan | wtf... My computer randomly starting beeping | 05:03 |
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kutan | http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=13969 which one should I use? | 05:05 |
Lexaeus | IT'S A BOMB | 05:05 |
kutan | If I can use it at all | 05:05 |
=== Jucato is checking | ||
Jucato | gah!! | 05:05 |
Jucato | kutan... maybe you'd be pleased to know... | 05:05 |
=== fildo_ [n=fildo@c58-107-115-197.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | that Kubuntu is using Crystal by default :P | 05:06 |
kutan | ...o... ya | 05:06 |
kutan | I knew that | 05:06 |
kutan | I was just testing you guys | 05:06 |
=== Jucato whistles... | ||
kutan | http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=13969&file1=13969-1.jpg&file2=13969-2.jpg&file3=13969-3.jpg&name=Crystal how do I make the windows look that awesome? | 05:07 |
kutan | without the ASCII vomiting dog | 05:07 |
=== Jucato checks... again... | ||
KaiHanari | themes | 05:08 |
KaiHanari | and in my case... sleep. now. | 05:08 |
kutan | It doesn't seem like opacity works very well with my windows | 05:08 |
kutan | I mean like... Less opaque windows... | 05:08 |
kutan | Yeah, it's not working at all | 05:10 |
Kr4t05 | kutan: you may need to enable it in KControl? | 05:10 |
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kutan | >_> | 05:10 |
kutan | you mean like... System Settings? | 05:10 |
Kr4t05 | No. | 05:11 |
Jucato | kutan: System Settings > Appearance > Window Decorations > Background tab | 05:11 |
tanamo | yes | 05:11 |
Kr4t05 | Open a Konsole | 05:11 |
Kr4t05 | Type 'kcontrol' | 05:11 |
Kr4t05 | hit enter | 05:11 |
Jucato | Kr4t05: why complicate things? :P | 05:11 |
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kutan | oh interesting, never seen this before | 05:11 |
Kr4t05 | Jucato: They don't learn, otherwise. | 05:11 |
Kr4t05 | kutan: add a shortcut to it in the kmenu | 05:11 |
AWOSDev | Kr4t05: just ALT+F2 | 05:11 |
AWOSDev | then type kcontrol | 05:12 |
Jucato | kutan: but instead of typing it in Konsole, just press ALt+F2 | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | That too. | 05:12 |
AWOSDev | :) | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | Whatever. | 05:12 |
larson9999 | why isn't kcontrol on the system menu by default? | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | You people are lazy. | 05:12 |
AWOSDev | larson9999, good question | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | larson9999: Because the KDE devs don't want us to know about it! It's a secret code! | 05:12 |
Jucato | Kr4t05: a disadvantage of launching GUI apps in Konsole (without the &) is that the app wil abruptly exit if you close Konsole | 05:12 |
larson9999 | lol | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | And, the internet is made of tubes! | 05:12 |
Jucato | larson9999: because of System Settings | 05:12 |
tanamo | they hacked it and renamed as system settings? | 05:12 |
Jucato | tanamo: not really | 05:13 |
kutan | Either way, kcontrol has just about all of the things "system settings" has, so yes I already enabled translucency. | 05:13 |
Kr4t05 | One moment | 05:13 |
tanamo | ohh it's a different program... | 05:13 |
larson9999 | but there are plenty of things you can't do with system settings. or at least i can't find them in system settings but i can in kcontrol | 05:13 |
Jucato | System Settings is a different app that uses kcontrol modules (kcm) | 05:13 |
kutan | Changing the stuff didn't do Jack | 05:13 |
=== VanessaE grumbles | ||
Jucato | larson9999: the reason some options don't appear in System Settings but are in KControl is because System Settings attempts to reduce duplicating stuff | 05:14 |
Kr4t05 | kutan: Add this to the end of you xorg.conf | 05:14 |
VanessaE | just found the answer to my xinerama question earlier...and it requires patching kdelibs/base/qt source and recompiling :( | 05:14 |
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VanessaE | (not something I look forward to) | 05:14 |
Kr4t05 | Yeah, I not getting any sleep tonight, either. | 05:15 |
Jucato | kutan: maybe you need to restart X? | 05:15 |
Kr4t05 | That too. | 05:15 |
kutan | that could work too, I need a restart anyway. | 05:15 |
Kr4t05 | Gee, it's always the simple things... | 05:15 |
kutan | alright brb then | 05:15 |
larson9999 | Jucato: like where is kde performance in system settings? | 05:15 |
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Jucato | larson9999: hold on | 05:16 |
=== Tallen is away: Gone away for now. | ||
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Jucato | ack so many windows open :P | 05:17 |
Telroth_Plushie| | beryl fixes that | 05:17 |
Jucato | larson9999: Konqueror > Settings > COnfigure Konqueror > Performance | 05:17 |
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Jucato | I'm just not sure where the System tab is | 05:18 |
larson9999 | Jucato: but the point is taken. actually it seems to be system settings and kcontrol should be merged removing the things that are duplicates | 05:18 |
Jucato | larson9999: err... why would merging them remove duplicates? | 05:18 |
Telroth_Plushie| | system settings should be dropped | 05:19 |
Jucato | System Settings uses KControl modules that are not already found in some other application like Konqueror | 05:19 |
=== pedro [n=pedro@200165122197.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Telroth_Plushie| | kcontrol is the only settings manager we need | 05:19 |
VanessaE | question regarding kcontrol....for some time now, the "Display" item (under Peripherals) has been broken..anyone else have that problem? | 05:19 |
Jucato | you need. but what about new users who will be overwhelmed by the amount of options? | 05:19 |
tanamo | i think because kubuntu tries to not confuse new users... | 05:20 |
larson9999 | Jucato: lol. the question was where is it in System Settings. not how do i get to it from konqueror. | 05:20 |
VanessaE | (speaking of which, and I too vote to get rid of the "system settings" app in favor of kcontrol) | 05:20 |
=== bobesponja [n=pat@bas75-1-81-57-4-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | larson9999: that's my answer. it's not in System Settings because it already is in Konqueror | 05:20 |
larson9999 | Jucato: merge them and remove duplicates in the process. | 05:20 |
pedro | alguem pode me ensinar a baixar o amns?? | 05:20 |
pedro | amsn | 05:20 |
Jucato | KCOntrol duplicates a lot of settings hat are already in other programs | 05:20 |
pedro | eu avabe de instala o kde aki | 05:20 |
pedro | e num sei de nada | 05:20 |
Telroth_Plushie| | Jucato, kcontrol's purpose is to have all the settins in one program | 05:20 |
larson9999 | Jucato: i see. i like the kcontrol better for that very reason :) | 05:21 |
Jucato | Telroth_Plushie|: yes, but System Settings purpose is different | 05:21 |
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Telroth_Plushie| | i don't wnat to have to remember that such and such is in this pgoram, and such and such is in that program | 05:21 |
peteoro_ | hola | 05:21 |
pedro | alguem do brasil?? | 05:21 |
Jucato | !br | 05:21 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 05:21 |
pedro | ok | 05:21 |
peteoro_ | alguien habla espaol | 05:21 |
larson9999 | i go back to "why isn't kcontrol in the 'start button' by default?" :) | 05:22 |
pedro | o meu ta todo em ingles quando eu instalei eu selecionei em portugues mas ta em ingles | 05:22 |
Jucato | Telroth_Plushie|: you don't have to if you don't want to. the fact is, System Settings is there for new/regular users. More knowledgeable users would know their way to find KControl | 05:22 |
tanamo | Jucato: paulit ulit naman =) | 05:22 |
pedro | o que eu fao pra coloca em protugues?? | 05:22 |
Jucato | larson9999: because Kubuntu tries not to have duplicates. KControl when System Settings is already there | 05:22 |
VanessaE | hm..on second thought, that Display function works on my husband's box but not mine...weird. | 05:22 |
Jucato | tanamo: what? | 05:23 |
Jucato | repeat which one? | 05:23 |
Jucato | !pt | 05:23 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 05:23 |
tanamo | Jucato: sila ang kukulit paulit ulit mo na nga sinabing pang newbie ang system settings eh | 05:23 |
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Jucato | tanamo: um... let's speak in English in here, ok? :P | 05:23 |
Jucato | heh :) | 05:23 |
kutan | "The Composite Manager crashed twice within a minute and is therefore disabled for this session" | 05:24 |
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kutan | and then | 05:24 |
Jucato | kutan: where did you enable transparency? | 05:24 |
kutan | "Composite extension not found | 05:24 |
kutan | You must use XOrg 6.8 for translucency and shadows to work. | 05:24 |
kutan | Additionally, you need to add a new section to your X config file: | 05:24 |
kutan | Section "Extensions" | 05:24 |
kutan | Option "Composite" "Enable" | 05:24 |
kutan | EndSection" | 05:24 |
Jucato | kutan: please use !pastebin | 05:24 |
larson9999 | Jucato: but system settings is different. for instance it has file systems. system settings should probabl remove the stuff that's in kcontrol and then kcontrol can be on the menu. that's my opinion. maybe i'll put that in my distro :) | 05:24 |
kutan | sorry for spam :x | 05:24 |
Jucato | !pastebin | 05:24 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 05:24 |
Jucato | kutan use that next time ^^^ | 05:24 |
kutan | k | 05:25 |
Jucato | larson9999: maybe you should :) | 05:25 |
Jucato | kutan: you don't need to enable Translucency/Shadows to get Crystal's transparency | 05:25 |
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kutan | so then what's with that? | 05:25 |
Jucato | larson9999: Disk & Filesystems is in KControl as well | 05:25 |
tanamo | larson9999: slackware doesnt change anything in kde, and i can see kcontrol in the menu | 05:25 |
kutan | ...maybe it'd be a good idea also to switch to crystal | 05:26 |
Jucato | kutan: System Settings > Appearance > Window Decorations > Background Tab or KControl > Appearance and Themes > Window Decoration > Background tab | 05:26 |
larson9999 | Jucato: so it is. didn't look because i got used to system settings. danged duplicates! :) | 05:26 |
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Jucato | larson9999: they're not duplicates actually. KControl and System Settings are just "containers" for individual kcontrol modules | 05:27 |
Jucato | kcm <--- kcontrol modules | 05:27 |
kutan | I actually kinda like quartz better than crystal | 05:27 |
larson9999 | tanamo: yeah. it just seemed a bit odd to me that since kcontrol controls more and it's a gui it should be on the start menu by default | 05:27 |
larson9999 | Jucato: i was referring to duplicate 'pointers'. | 05:28 |
echo1 | Can anyone tell me how I can test compiz before i make it start on boot? | 05:28 |
Jucato | well, would you imagine the confusion for newcomers that there's both System Settings and KControl | 05:28 |
larson9999 | Jucato: so remove the one i like the least! it's all about me anyway. | 05:29 |
tanamo | larson9999: i guess kubuntu tries to emulate the one that could be seen in gnome, i mean how the GUI of configuring the system looks like | 05:29 |
Jucato | larson9999: yes it has always been about you :P | 05:29 |
Jucato | tanamo: Ubuntu doesn't have a System Settings-like app (it's hidden) | 05:29 |
tanamo | oh, but i once found a screenshot similar to system settings | 05:30 |
tanamo | i guess i was just dreaming =) | 05:30 |
Jucato | tanamo: no, there is, but it's not in the menus of Ubuntu | 05:31 |
larson9999 | Jucato: actually this might be an issue with *ubuntu(debian spinoffs in general). seems i've seen more and more projects complaining about deb based systems changing things for no apparent good reason. | 05:31 |
Jucato | isn't that the beauty of FOSS? :P | 05:31 |
VanessaE | change for the sake of change :) | 05:31 |
Jucato | not really | 05:31 |
VanessaE | just kidding | 05:32 |
Jucato | System Settings is not as capricious as that. otherwise, KDE devs won't be working on it | 05:32 |
AWOSDev | Okay stupid question here | 05:32 |
AWOSDev | I want to listen to AOL Music | 05:32 |
AWOSDev | requires Windows | 05:32 |
AWOSDev | runs on Firefox | 05:32 |
Jucato | of course, there are some FOSS projects that are.... :P | 05:32 |
AWOSDev | but requires Windows | 05:32 |
AWOSDev | because it uses Windows Media Player | 05:32 |
AWOSDev | now | 05:32 |
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AWOSDev | can I convince my Linux version of Firefox to use something else but tell AOL that it's really Windows Media Player when it's not | 05:33 |
AWOSDev | I need like a plugin, a Windows Media Player plugin. but for Linux | 05:33 |
AWOSDev | and no w32codecs won't do | 05:33 |
larson9999 | Jucato: i think cups and firefox are the ones i most recently read about. | 05:33 |
VanessaE | AWOS: try the MediaPlayerConnectivity extension | 05:33 |
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Jucato | larson9999: about CUPS not working on Kubuntu? :P | 05:33 |
VanessaE | it connects firefox with xine to handle some of that crap | 05:34 |
kutan | wow I had no idea crystal was so customizable.. >_> | 05:34 |
AWOSDev | oh | 05:34 |
AWOSDev | wow, thanks VanessaE | 05:34 |
VanessaE | I think there are two extensions that work side by side, be sure to double-check | 05:34 |
larson9999 | Jucato: sort of. about how it's disabled and no proper message shows when you go to the addmin tool. cups wrote it up in pretty clear language that made since to me. | 05:34 |
freddy | Anyone know if i can play files on amarok off my windows server on my lan? =X | 05:35 |
AWOSDev | freddy, do you have an SMB connection? | 05:35 |
VanessaE | freddy: generally, linux doesn't care where the file resides, as long as it's readable over samba or similar... | 05:35 |
freddy | yeah i can see the files but when i try to fire them up amarok says no =X | 05:35 |
VanessaE | eh...ookay | 05:36 |
AWOSDev | freddy, what is the exact error message? | 05:36 |
freddy | i basicly have to copy them to my local hd then fire them up | 05:36 |
freddy | sec let me get it agian | 05:36 |
freddy | no suitable input plugin. this often means that the url's protocol is not supported. network failures are other possible causes. | 05:37 |
AWOSDev | do you have smbfs? | 05:37 |
AWOSDev | !info smbfs | 05:37 |
freddy | but if i copy them to the local disk they work.. =X | 05:37 |
ubotu | smbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 369 kB, installed size 888 kB | 05:37 |
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freddy | hrmm installed smbfs.. same issue | 05:39 |
AWOSDev | What do I need to install to make MediaPlayerConnectivity to work, VanessaE? | 05:42 |
AWOSDev | it didn't work | 05:42 |
AWOSDev | I mean, it didn't find any players | 05:42 |
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echo1 | Heeelllp! kubuntu stopped rebooting/shutting down. it doesnt go throught the terminate .... ok proccess and just gives me a black screen | 05:43 |
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AWOSDev | embedded using the WMP ActiveX controls. You will need to install the ActiveX plugin first | 05:44 |
AWOSDev | Remember, you still need to install ActiveX | 05:44 |
AWOSDev | so, um, how do I install ActiveX? | 05:44 |
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AWOSDev | on Linux? | 05:44 |
Jucato | Firefox/IE on wine? | 05:44 |
AWOSDev | Firefox on Wine, original | 05:44 |
AWOSDev | never thought of that :P | 05:45 |
Jucato | you could also try ies4linux | 05:45 |
Jucato | which basically is a script/program to install IE on wine | 05:45 |
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echo1 | Can anyone help me out - kubuntu randomly stopped going through the shut down process! :/ | 05:45 |
draik | kick the desktop till it responds | 05:46 |
echo1 | :p, its a laptop - I guess ill drop it | 05:46 |
draik | 'atta boy | 05:46 |
draik | or girl | 05:46 |
Jucato | hi draik | 05:47 |
draik | Hi Jucato | 05:47 |
echo1 | boy, and any help? | 05:47 |
larson9999 | i haven't been able to get ie working on wine for some time not. ies4linux works fine for me and firefox, too. | 05:47 |
=== draik has a cold/flu/runny nose | ||
Jucato | aw... | 05:47 |
larson9999 | if you want flash more than v7 or shockwave, use firefox+wine it's much better than ie+wine | 05:48 |
draik | I just drank about 40mL of something for my nose/cold/flu... I don't think that was a good idea | 05:48 |
draik | My hands feel really heavy | 05:48 |
Jucato | draik: er... overdose? | 05:48 |
AWOSDev | larson9999, I agree :) | 05:48 |
draik | maybe | 05:48 |
echo1 | lol | 05:48 |
=== Makro2 [n=mario@148-23-28.dial.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | OD on cough medicine! | 05:48 |
AWOSDev | LOL | 05:48 |
draik | good times! | 05:48 |
AWOSDev | I did that once too | 05:49 |
AWOSDev | wheeeeeeee! | 05:49 |
Jucato | OD on antihistamines... | 05:49 |
draik | Hmmm... shall I go for a drive??? | 05:49 |
waldschatten | DXM? | 05:49 |
VanessaE | is there a command that will look my system over and check for missing/broken files/libs/etc (like based on what packages are installed)? | 05:49 |
larson9999 | when i was in the army lots of guys downed that stuff when we were in places we couldn't get alcohol | 05:49 |
draik | That's one way | 05:49 |
Jucato | some street junkies here use cheap cough meds as a substitute for drugs | 05:50 |
draik | another has something to do with distilling something that they give in the prisons or some such thing | 05:50 |
waldschatten | what's the differance between kubuntu and debian? | 05:50 |
AWOSDev | Hmm | 05:50 |
draik | Maybe that's the reason street junkies live as long as they do | 05:50 |
larson9999 | waldschatten: the joke is ubuntu is african for couldn't install debian. | 05:50 |
Jucato | waldschatten: lots. packages, development cycle, people working on it | 05:50 |
Telroth_Plushie| | waldschatten, not much. | 05:50 |
draik | lol @ larson9999 | 05:51 |
Jucato | Telroth_Plushie|: lol we're conflicting :P | 05:51 |
waldschatten | lol | 05:51 |
AWOSDev | wow, those were varying answers :) | 05:51 |
Jucato | yeah | 05:51 |
Telroth_Plushie| | Jucato, yeah | 05:51 |
Jucato | depends on actually how you look at it | 05:51 |
Telroth_Plushie| | waldschatten, in technical stuff, it's different | 05:51 |
Telroth_Plushie| | but overall | 05:51 |
Telroth_Plushie| | it's the same base | 05:51 |
AWOSDev | Should I use | 05:51 |
=== Jucato looks up a page that explains better | ||
Telroth_Plushie| | ubuntu is based on debian | 05:51 |
AWOSDev | Firefox 1.0.4 | 05:51 |
Telroth_Plushie| | it has all the same utilities | 05:51 |
Telroth_Plushie| | more or less | 05:51 |
Telroth_Plushie| | same package management system | 05:51 |
Jucato | AWOSDev: what the?!?! | 05:51 |
AWOSDev | or Netscape 8.0 | 05:51 |
Telroth_Plushie| | AWOSDev, firefox 1.5 | 05:52 |
draik | firefox 1.0.4??? I'm using | 05:52 |
Telroth_Plushie| | 1.5.7 | 05:52 |
Jucato | AWOSDev: isn't available? | 05:52 |
AWOSDev | I'm talking about Wine | 05:52 |
AWOSDev | here | 05:52 |
waldschatten | so I'd still have apt & dpkg and all that shite if I put this deb3.1 disc in and rebooted? | 05:52 |
Telroth_Plushie| | err, | 05:52 |
AWOSDev | people people I have | 05:52 |
Telroth_Plushie| | waldschatten, yes | 05:52 |
AWOSDev | erm | 05:52 |
AWOSDev | | 05:52 |
Jucato | waldschatten: Ubuntu is Debian based so it uses APT and DPKG too | 05:52 |
AWOSDev | but for WINE | 05:52 |
Telroth_Plushie| | waldschatten, you can install from source like with any distro | 05:52 |
Telroth_Plushie| | but most use apt | 05:53 |
Telroth_Plushie| | because it's faster and easier | 05:53 |
draik | hey | 05:53 |
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draik | if I'm running 686 | 05:53 |
Telroth_Plushie| | much easier to upgrade and such | 05:53 |
waldschatten | yeah, the lack of apt is why slackware keeps gathering dust. | 05:53 |
AWOSDev | 686 meaning Pentium II? | 05:53 |
Telroth_Plushie| | uh | 05:53 |
draik | Pentium IV | 05:53 |
Telroth_Plushie| | p2 was a 484 | 05:53 |
Telroth_Plushie| | or something like that | 05:53 |
AWOSDev | :P | 05:53 |
Telroth_Plushie| | err | 05:53 |
Telroth_Plushie| | 486 | 05:53 |
AWOSDev | 486 was a 486 | 05:53 |
VanessaE | p2 is 586 at least. | 05:53 |
AWOSDev | Pentium I = 583 | 05:54 |
rideout | AWOSDev: I have tangerine running fine as a daap share program | 05:54 |
draik | what would happen if I install linux-restricted-modules-386? | 05:54 |
waldschatten | what's an athlon? | 05:54 |
AWOSDev | *586 | 05:54 |
draik | Sysinfo for 'Lair': Linux 2.6.15-27-686 running KDE 3.5.4, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz at 3216 MHz (6432 bogomips), HD: 306/535GB, RAM: 454/3031MB, 97 proc's, 22.12min up | 05:54 |
VanessaE | 686 is generally like p3 or higher | 05:54 |
Makro2 | aa p2 a 486?? c' mon | 05:54 |
Jucato | draik: nothing, if you're not using the 386 kernel | 05:54 |
larson9999 | p2 wasn't a 486. | 05:54 |
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waldschatten | Ooh, I want your ram | 05:54 |
larson9999 | 686=p2+ as i understand it. but i'm a moron. | 05:54 |
Telroth_Plushie| | 22 min up? | 05:54 |
Jucato | 3GB RAM :P | 05:54 |
VanessaE | jeez...and I only have 1GB in my box :) | 05:54 |
Jucato | same here.. 1GB only | 05:54 |
waldschatten | I have 256 | 05:54 |
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Jucato | and my mobo can only have 2GB max | 05:55 |
Telroth_Plushie| | 22min is lame | 05:55 |
Telroth_Plushie| | :P | 05:55 |
VanessaE | (I should put "only" in quotes :) | 05:55 |
waldschatten | you're lucky jucato | 05:55 |
Jucato | nah, not that lucky... | 05:55 |
Telroth_Plushie| | i have 768... | 05:55 |
Telroth_Plushie| | yay for odd numbers | 05:55 |
larson9999 | 3 gig? shouldn't you install in pairs? | 05:55 |
waldschatten | Mine's only 3 hours, crashed when I reconfigured my xserver | 05:55 |
AWOSDev | The term 686 is often used with reference to the Pentium Pro, the next generation of Intel's x86 chip family. | 05:55 |
Jucato | I had 640MB a few weeks ago :P | 05:55 |
AWOSDev | from http://www.cyberwalker.com/columns/jun96/060696.html | 05:55 |
cpk1 | has anyone successfully set up their ubuntu box as an ad-hoc server? gdhcpd seems harder to get to work than dhcpd, gdhcpd looks like it is complaining that dhcpd isnt installed, yet apt-get removes dhcpd when you install gdhcpd | 05:55 |
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Telroth_Plushie| | waldschatten, i've restarted to instal beryl recently, but i've gotten 111 days before | 05:56 |
AWOSDev | So 686 = Pentium Pro (basically Pentium I with MMX) and up | 05:56 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: yeah, that sounds right | 05:56 |
AWOSDev | Hey | 05:56 |
AWOSDev | I have 488MB RAM | 05:56 |
waldschatten | I've only had linux for two weeks, and windows crashed every day, so a week is the most mine's seen | 05:56 |
AWOSDev | I have a really odd number :P | 05:56 |
AWOSDev | And on uptime | 05:57 |
AWOSDev | my SuSE was up 31 days | 05:57 |
draik | Uptime: 25 minutes | 05:57 |
AWOSDev | then the power company flickered | 05:57 |
Telroth_Plushie| | that's my windows uptime | 05:57 |
AWOSDev | so I installed Kubuntu :P | 05:57 |
Telroth_Plushie| | 31 days | 05:57 |
AWOSDev | Now with Windows | 05:57 |
Telroth_Plushie| | it doesn't shut down at that point | 05:57 |
AWOSDev | I got to 53 days concurrently | 05:57 |
Telroth_Plushie| | have to kill it with a hard reset | 05:57 |
AWOSDev | Windows 2000 Server | 05:57 |
larson9999 | i shutdown everyday. | 05:57 |
draik | laptop has 21d3h29m | 05:57 |
AWOSDev | but minus hurricanes and power fudges | 05:58 |
AWOSDev | I had a year and a half on that Windows 2000 Server | 05:58 |
waldschatten | 250 RAM 729 Swap | 05:58 |
AWOSDev | then I retired her | 05:58 |
waldschatten | I really need to get more RAM | 05:58 |
cpk1 | left windows on for over a month to debunk the myth that windows cant handle an uptime of over a month, i didnt have any performance problems after a month of uptime in windows | 05:58 |
Telroth_Plushie| | power killed my 111 day uptime | 05:58 |
waldschatten | and a video card that's newer than 7 years old | 05:58 |
AWOSDev | Yeah Hurricane Wilma killed my 53 days | 05:58 |
AWOSDev | but like I said, minus hurricanes I went almost a year and a half | 05:58 |
AWOSDev | August 2005 - July 2006 | 05:59 |
AWOSDev | shoot | 05:59 |
AWOSDev | almost a year | 05:59 |
Telroth_Plushie| | anyone else here run windows xp with no anti-viral/anti-spyware/firewall programs ? | 05:59 |
waldschatten | Yeah, I hat win2k that decided it wanted to update itself with the winXP codecpack | 05:59 |
larson9999 | cpk1: yeah, i haven't had any issues since xp. i don't ever shut it off at work. | 05:59 |
waldschatten | that didn't go well | 05:59 |
AWOSDev | Telroth_Plushie| - uh, no, there are no idiots here :P | 05:59 |
larson9999 | Telroth_Plushie|: i did until 2003 when i quit running windows at home. | 05:59 |
AWOSDev | oh sorry | 05:59 |
cpk1 | i only have the microsoft firewall and thats it | 05:59 |
AWOSDev | I just saw "else" | 06:00 |
AWOSDev | you're not an idiot | 06:00 |
AWOSDev | just misinformed :) | 06:00 |
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larson9999 | Telroth_Plushie|: had the router's firewall. | 06:00 |
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waldschatten | Router's firewall is always on | 06:00 |
AWOSDev | So | 06:00 |
AWOSDev | nobody ever answered my Q | 06:00 |
AWOSDev | Firefox 1.0.4 or Netscape 8.0? | 06:00 |
AWOSDev | yes you have to choose from those two | 06:00 |
waldschatten | Firefox if that's the options | 06:01 |
AWOSDev | this is for WINE | 06:01 |
AWOSDev | okay | 06:01 |
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larson9999 | AWOSDev: what was the question? | 06:01 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: why not the newest version of ff? | 06:01 |
cpk1 | anyone have any insight on setting a dhcpd server? | 06:01 |
waldschatten | *wonders if firefox will screw anything up if I apt-get remove it | 06:02 |
waldschatten | * | 06:02 |
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AWOSDev | larson9999, uh for WINE | 06:02 |
AWOSDev | I can't because I'm only using Firefox in WINE to listen to AOL Music | 06:02 |
AWOSDev | which can only use Firefox 1.0 | 06:02 |
AWOSDev | no 1.5 compatibility >.< | 06:02 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: i got that. but why not use the newest version in wine? | 06:02 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: why not just install IE just in case you need the compatibility for other stuff later | 06:03 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: that's not true. i run it | 06:03 |
AWOSDev | larson9999, you listen to AOL Music on Demand in 1.5? | 06:03 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: errr, i do all in my power not to do anything with AOL in the name | 06:03 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, ies4linux won't run and plain IE installer won't install | 06:04 |
AWOSDev | I mean | 06:04 |
AWOSDev | AOL can only use 1.0 | 06:04 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: what's this site? | 06:04 |
AWOSDev | I know WINE can use 1.5 | 06:04 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: is that a pay site? | 06:04 |
AWOSDev | larson9999: http://music.aol.com/archive/main.adp | 06:04 |
AWOSDev | no | 06:04 |
AWOSDev | free! | 06:04 |
AWOSDev | Why else would I use it? :P | 06:04 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: something if you switch to different versions of winwows in wine, different things will work. | 06:04 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: you cant use the installer with wine? | 06:05 |
waldschatten | My music site is Ktorrent | 06:05 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, not last I checked | 06:05 |
AWOSDev | I had an older version of WINE though | 06:05 |
AWOSDev | like 2005 version | 06:05 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: all the songs want me to pay. are there free ones i can try out | 06:06 |
AWOSDev | larson9999, where are you? | 06:06 |
AWOSDev | They're all free to me | 06:06 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: that site you posted | 06:06 |
AWOSDev | o_O | 06:06 |
AWOSDev | don't tell me they changed their policy | 06:07 |
AWOSDev | I just listened to five songs three nights ago | 06:07 |
AWOSDev | free | 06:07 |
waldschatten | It's AOhelL | 06:08 |
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waldschatten | I'm suprized it wasn't pay from the start | 06:08 |
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kutan | Hmmm | 06:09 |
waldschatten | That's the company that sent me a $180 bill for my free trial | 06:09 |
Gatsou | Hello is this Dalnet or freenode? | 06:09 |
waldschatten | freenode | 06:09 |
Gatsou | cool | 06:09 |
kutan | Can anyone name good torrent software? | 06:09 |
kutan | for linux | 06:09 |
Gatsou | Im having trouble finding a channel | 06:09 |
waldschatten | ktorrent | 06:09 |
Gatsou | for Azureus | 06:10 |
kutan | ktorrent fugged up | 06:10 |
waldschatten | I've been told ctorrent is better, but haven't tried it yet | 06:10 |
AWOSDev | kutan, Azureus | 06:10 |
kutan | Azureus doesn't work for me either | 06:10 |
AWOSDev | that's what I used when Ktorrent bugged out | 06:10 |
waldschatten | I'm running ktorrent right now at 300k/s | 06:10 |
AWOSDev | okay okay okay kutab | 06:10 |
AWOSDev | jutan | 06:11 |
Gatsou | Hmm well im very very slow right now on DL speed | 06:11 |
AWOSDev | KUTAN | 06:11 |
kutan | Kutan | 06:11 |
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AWOSDev | there I got it :P | 06:11 |
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cpk1 | kutan: #azureus-support ? | 06:11 |
VanessaE | this is driving me nuts....short of doing a full re-install, is there any way to scan my whole system and figure out what package(s) is/are broken, I have just GOT to solve this "Peripherals: Display" issue in kcontrol | 06:11 |
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Gatsou | How do i got to #azureus-support | 06:11 |
AWOSDev | kutan, try downloading Ktorrent from their Web site | 06:11 |
VanessaE | (remember I said that module simply doesn't run, but works fine on my husband's box) | 06:11 |
AWOSDev | Gatsou, are you in Konversation? | 06:11 |
waldschatten | /join | 06:11 |
Gatsou | i did / join did not work | 06:12 |
waldschatten | hmm | 06:12 |
waldschatten | just worked for me | 06:12 |
cpk1 | /join #azureus-support didnt work? | 06:12 |
Gatsou | No sir | 06:12 |
waldschatten | did you put that space in there | 06:12 |
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larson9999 | AWOSDev: got it. but it seems to need wmp 10. haven't gotten that to install yet | 06:13 |
AWOSDev | It works fine with Windows 98 and WMP 9 | 06:13 |
AWOSDev | on a real P2/300 I have | 06:13 |
waldschatten | /join azureus-support | 06:13 |
AWOSDev | but she hasn't run lately | 06:13 |
AWOSDev | so I need to do this in Linux | 06:13 |
cpk1 | you need the pound sign too | 06:13 |
waldschatten | not on mine | 06:14 |
AWOSDev | Gatsou, if you are in Konversation (or even Kopete IIRC) just click on #azureus-support | 06:14 |
AWOSDev | if it's blue, click it | 06:14 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: on windows ff that aol link thing you gave works | 06:14 |
AWOSDev | you mean, you can hear it? | 06:15 |
AWOSDev | that's the problem | 06:15 |
cpk1 | yup | 06:15 |
AWOSDev | wow, they must have fixed it | 06:15 |
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cpk1 | listening to rise against right now | 06:15 |
AWOSDev | last time I tried (2 months ago) it said "download older version of FF please" :P | 06:15 |
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draik | what's the plugin for konversation for showing your current amaroK song? | 06:16 |
AWOSDev | I want to listen to Evanescense's new song | 06:16 |
AWOSDev | draik, amaroKopete | 06:16 |
=== waldschatten is listening to "I'm Your Problem Now" by Mindless Self Indulgence on Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy [amaroK] | ||
AWOSDev | draik, install it through Kopete then it will work on Konversation | 06:16 |
waldschatten | I like old evanescence | 06:16 |
AWOSDev | draik, yes, I really like "Call Me When You're Sober" and all the songs I've heard (most of them) on the Fallen CD | 06:16 |
draik | AWOSDev, can I do it through sudo apt-get ? | 06:16 |
AWOSDev | draik, no | 06:16 |
AWOSDev | draik, go find it on Google | 06:17 |
waldschatten | evenescence, whisper-sound asleep, origin | 06:17 |
waldschatten | fallen is new | 06:17 |
AWOSDev | just Google amaroKopete | 06:17 |
draik | Going Under is still my fav from them | 06:17 |
waldschatten | you ever heard the old stuff | 06:17 |
AWOSDev | Ooooh yeah Going Under | 06:17 |
AWOSDev | and that other one | 06:17 |
draik | the beginning is just ... morbid? | 06:17 |
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AWOSDev | waldschatten, no | 06:17 |
draik | I have all of their albums | 06:17 |
AWOSDev | draik, yeah a little | 06:17 |
waldschatten | My favorite is Origin | 06:17 |
AWOSDev | Everybody's Fool is my other favorite | 06:18 |
AWOSDev | !offtopic | 06:18 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 06:18 |
AWOSDev | :P | 06:18 |
waldschatten | always dead in there though, people seem to prefer off topic right here | 06:19 |
AWOSDev | I know | 06:19 |
AWOSDev | LOL | 06:19 |
=== waldschatten is listening to "Where Will You Go" by Evanescence [amaroK] | ||
waldschatten | oops, wrong channel | 06:20 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: ok, i seem to have a problem when i click on the link to listen to evanescences whole cd | 06:21 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, I haven't done that yet :P | 06:21 |
larson9999 | AWOSDev: got that site working, too. but i do hate aol. | 06:22 |
larson9999 | video isn't playing though | 06:22 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: hmm if i open it in a tab instead of a new window it works | 06:22 |
AWOSDev | hmm | 06:22 |
cpk1 | ow! plays the evanescence cd kinda loud | 06:23 |
AWOSDev | Yeah but that's how I like it :) :) :) :) | 06:23 |
=== waldschatten is listening to "Lies" by Evanescence on Origin [amaroK] | ||
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rideout | waldschatten: what amarok script are you using? | 06:25 |
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AWOSDev | amaroKopete, I assume | 06:25 |
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waldschatten | All I loaded was amarokopete | 06:26 |
waldschatten | it seems to work in Konversation too | 06:26 |
AWOSDev | draik, rideout, http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=39030 | 06:26 |
waldschatten | eiter that or something's going I don't know about | 06:26 |
AWOSDev | no | 06:27 |
draik | ? | 06:27 |
AWOSDev | nothing bad's going on waldschatten | 06:27 |
AWOSDev | draik, rideout, that's the amaroKopete link | 06:27 |
draik | right | 06:27 |
AWOSDev | you said you wanted it draik | 06:27 |
draik | I'm installing ATM | 06:27 |
waldschatten | Nothing bad is ever going on | 06:27 |
AWOSDev | oh | 06:27 |
AWOSDev | Yeah, waldschatten, but with ssh something NASTY could be going on :P | 06:27 |
waldschatten | I keep all my stuff in a seperate place, if anything bad goes on I have Kubuntu, Debian, RetHat and Slackware sitting by the monitor | 06:28 |
rideout | AWOSDev: thanks, I'll download it with khotnewstuff | 06:28 |
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waldschatten | Once I figure out how to install from source I'm putting slackware on my computer. | 06:29 |
kutan | lol sleepy goodness bye EVRY 1 | 06:30 |
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waldschatten | I like Kubuntu, but it seems a bit too idiot-proof for me. | 06:30 |
AWOSDev | waldschatten, you mean, you have those discs beside your monitor? | 06:30 |
waldschatten | And idiot-proof stuff is one sure way to make me feel like an idiot | 06:30 |
waldschatten | yeah | 06:31 |
AWOSDev | waldschatten, the way I configure things, it's SOOOOO not idiot proof | 06:31 |
AWOSDev | in fact if I was an idiot the way I have it configured it'd be dead by now | 06:31 |
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waldschatten | lol | 06:31 |
waldschatten | Slackware still scares me | 06:32 |
NthDegree | LMAO | 06:32 |
NthDegree | try Gentoo | 06:32 |
NthDegree | the old way | 06:32 |
AWOSDev | I turned on all the debug stuff, start everything from the Konsole (so I can see the messages) and have Kcontrol on my menu (BY DEFAULT! BOO YA!) | 06:32 |
NthDegree | and make it a Stage 1 | 06:32 |
cpk1 | NthDegree: lol, good old emerge | 06:33 |
NthDegree | I actually use Gentoo as my other distro | 06:33 |
NthDegree | Kubuntu for stable, mission-critical | 06:33 |
AWOSDev | Gentoo, isn't that the one made specifically for dummy dumbs? | 06:33 |
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NthDegree | Gentoo for personal enjoyment | 06:33 |
AWOSDev | or is that the one some geeks can't even figure out? | 06:33 |
cpk1 | gentoo to spend the whole weekend compiling? | 06:33 |
jk- | keeps the desk warm | 06:34 |
NthDegree | cpk1, took me one day | 06:34 |
NthDegree | and the KDE uses a LOT less RAM than Kubuntu's | 06:34 |
AWOSDev | I hate compiling from source, takes too bleepin long on a 500MHz | 06:34 |
NthDegree | although that could be down to broken patching | 06:34 |
AWOSDev | and not that much better on a 1600MHz | 06:34 |
NthDegree | AWOSDev: uh my PC gets stepped down to 1GHz | 06:34 |
waldschatten | That's be nice, going back to my 256MB RAM. | 06:34 |
waldschatten | I got the 1.2GHz, but the damn thing only has 2 ram slots | 06:35 |
draik | AWOSDev, how do I install it? | 06:35 |
waldschatten | Which means all the free 128s I can get don't help much | 06:35 |
draik | ./amaroKopete | 06:35 |
draik | ? | 06:35 |
=== AWOSDev is listening to "Miami" by John Cougar [amaroK] | ||
AWOSDev | draik, no | 06:36 |
waldschatten | just launch amarok and use the script manager | 06:36 |
AWOSDev | don't untar it | 06:36 |
AWOSDev | it's not a shell script | 06:36 |
AWOSDev | but | 06:36 |
AWOSDev | before running it, try | 06:36 |
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waldschatten | it'll download and install it easy as pie | 06:36 |
AWOSDev | sudo apt-get install imagemagick kommander | 06:36 |
waldschatten | What is Kommander? | 06:37 |
AWOSDev | no clue | 06:37 |
NthDegree | file manager | 06:37 |
AWOSDev | but it requires it :P | 06:37 |
NthDegree | probably | 06:37 |
AWOSDev | NthDegree, that's Midnight Commander | 06:37 |
AWOSDev | it has something to do with dialogs | 06:37 |
waldschatten | I keep seeing that, it's on my system, but haven't a clue as to what it does | 06:37 |
AWOSDev | the options dialog | 06:37 |
NthDegree | Kommander is probably Midnight Commander as a KDE version | 06:37 |
AWOSDev | no no no | 06:37 |
=== waldschatten is listening to "Exodus" by Evanescence [amaroK] | ||
AWOSDev | Kommander, from apt-cache | 06:38 |
AWOSDev | Description: visual dialog builder and executor tool | 06:38 |
AWOSDev | Kommander is a visual dialog building tool whose primary objective is | 06:38 |
AWOSDev | to create as much functionality as possible without using any scripting | 06:38 |
AWOSDev | language. | 06:38 |
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NthDegree | :| | 06:38 |
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AWOSDev | I told you, dialog something | 06:38 |
waldschatten | Anybody besides me have the evenescence EP? | 06:38 |
AWOSDev | I'm a programmer, I should know these things :P | 06:38 |
AWOSDev | waldschatten, they still make EPs? | 06:38 |
AWOSDev | YES, I JUST ASKED THAT. :P | 06:39 |
NthDegree | i'm a Python skiddy :p | 06:39 |
waldschatten | Yeah, but this one was out of print before fallen came out. | 06:39 |
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waldschatten | I want an ATI All-In-Wonder X1900 | 06:39 |
AWOSDev | I'm a Qbasic/BASH/C/C++/Perl/PHP/Assembler | 06:40 |
AWOSDev | programmer | 06:40 |
AWOSDev | :) | 06:40 |
waldschatten | Yeah for video cards that are worth more than my whole system. | 06:40 |
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draik | what's the command for displaying the music from amaroK? | 06:40 |
waldschatten | /media | 06:40 |
AWOSDev | waldschatten, I've wanted an All-in-Wonder since 1998 | 06:40 |
=== draik is listening to "Unholy Confessions" by Avenged Sevenfold on Waking The Fallen [amaroK] | ||
AWOSDev | still waiting :P | 06:40 |
draik | kew | 06:40 |
waldschatten | I have the rage AIW | 06:40 |
waldschatten | 1999 | 06:40 |
cpk1 | blah on ati's | 06:40 |
AWOSDev | Dangit, I could have had that on my Dec 1997 'super'computer | 06:40 |
waldschatten | isn't supported by anything | 06:40 |
AWOSDev | It had the option, Rage Pro 128 or Rage Pro All-in-Wonder | 06:41 |
waldschatten | Even windows doesn't have proper drivers for it | 06:41 |
AWOSDev | I got the 128 :X | 06:41 |
AWOSDev | ew, when Windows doesn't even have drivers, well, ew | 06:41 |
=== draik is listening to "Going Under" by Evanescence on Fallen [amaroK] | ||
waldschatten | The drivers came with the card, and they were for win98 | 06:41 |
waldschatten | there ya go | 06:42 |
AWOSDev | and you have 95? | 06:42 |
AWOSDev | oh yeah that's a big bummer | 06:42 |
AWOSDev | I had that problem with a scanner | 06:42 |
waldschatten | I have Kubuntu, you heard the story about the end of my windows career | 06:42 |
AWOSDev | waldschatten, no I didn't | 06:42 |
AWOSDev | tell me about it in offtopic :P | 06:42 |
waldschatten | I cussed out the microsoft support dept and formatted my hard drive while I was on the phone with them. | 06:43 |
draik | ??? | 06:43 |
AWOSDev | waldschatten, oh that one | 06:43 |
AWOSDev | yeah I heard it | 06:43 |
waldschatten | yup, that one | 06:43 |
AWOSDev | I thought that was morghanphoenix | 06:43 |
AWOSDev | No, wait, he did that too | 06:43 |
waldschatten | That is me | 06:43 |
AWOSDev | I think you're not the only one | 06:44 |
AWOSDev | I did that too | 06:44 |
AWOSDev | :P | 06:44 |
waldschatten | I got booted and it won't give me back my primary name. | 06:44 |
draik | LOL @ waldschatten | 06:44 |
cpk1 | my room mate dual booted windows and slack | 06:44 |
AWOSDev | waldschatten, what do you mean? | 06:44 |
cpk1 | until something didnt work right in windows | 06:44 |
cpk1 | then he only used slack | 06:44 |
waldschatten | I am morghanphoenix | 06:44 |
AWOSDev | ooh, I love this song | 06:44 |
=== AWOSDev is listening to "Dream On" by Aerosmith [amaroK] | ||
AWOSDev | Ohhhhhhhhhhh now I get it | 06:45 |
waldschatten | My xserver crashed and morghanphoenix is still logged in to konversation in that wierd little land inside my computer | 06:45 |
AWOSDev | when you said 'that is me', I thought you meant I was mistaken and it was you not morghanphoenix :P | 06:45 |
AWOSDev | waldschatten, *clears throat*, morghanphoenix, try kill | 06:45 |
draik | I went to a job interview today... the guy asked if I used windoze at home... "No, I don't. I use Kubuntu, based on Debian"... | 06:45 |
=== cain [n=cain@pool-71-244-242-122.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | Lemme guess, draik, he didn't even know what that meant? | 06:46 |
draik | he did space out a bit | 06:46 |
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AWOSDev | waldschatten, type in Konsole | 06:46 |
AWOSDev | ps auxw | grep konversation | 06:46 |
cpk1 | anyone able to help me with setting up a wireless dhcpd server? | 06:46 |
AWOSDev | it'll give a start time for it | 06:46 |
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AWOSDev | cpk1, just use static IPs for goodness sakes! | 06:47 |
AWOSDev | problem solved :P | 06:47 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: how do i do that? =\ | 06:47 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, hmm... | 06:47 |
AWOSDev | ifconfig | 06:48 |
=== waldschatten is now known as morghanphoenix | ||
cpk1 | i just want my desktop to connect to my laptop wirelessly so i can transfer stuff | 06:48 |
morghanphoenix | thar she be | 06:48 |
AWOSDev | ifconfig <whatever> | 06:48 |
cpk1 | the laptop is the server | 06:48 |
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AWOSDev | Yay! Morghanphoenix is in da house! :P | 06:48 |
AWOSDev | did my kill idea work? | 06:48 |
morghanphoenix | I hate when that happens, did the same thing with kopete last night | 06:48 |
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AWOSDev | cpk1, the desktop *does* have a WLAN card right? | 06:49 |
morghanphoenix | no, but a nickserve recover did | 06:49 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: how is my laptop going to know to listen? | 06:49 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: yes lol | 06:49 |
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AWOSDev | cpk1: well basically | 06:49 |
AWOSDev | here's a rudimentary way of how TCP/IP works | 06:49 |
AWOSDev | packet sent to specific address | 06:49 |
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AWOSDev | it goes on each of the NICs in your machine | 06:49 |
AWOSDev | trying to find the address | 06:49 |
AWOSDev | in this case, it would go through the WLAN | 06:49 |
cpk1 | the boxes are on different networks | 06:50 |
AWOSDev | that doesn't matter | 06:50 |
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=== morghanphoenix is listening to "The Phantom of the Opera" by Andrew Lloyd Webber on Phantom of the Opera disc1 [amaroK] | ||
AWOSDev | the WLAN *is* a network, silly :P | 06:50 |
cpk1 | and even if they were on the same network the network is set up so you cant see other boxes | 06:50 |
=== AWOSDev is listening to "Screaming In the Night" by Krokus on Headhunter [amaroK] | ||
morghanphoenix | noticed my music collection is a bit strange? | 06:51 |
AWOSDev | yes I did | 06:51 |
cpk1 | so if i bring wlan0 up on i can tell my desktop to connect to | 06:51 |
AWOSDev | through scp yes | 06:51 |
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AWOSDev | scp cpk1@ . | 06:51 |
AWOSDev | that's how you'd do it | 06:52 |
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=== morghanphoenix is listening to "Salty Dog" by Flogging Molly on Swagger [amaroK] | ||
AWOSDev | of course the desktop's IP has to be in the same class and on the subnet | 06:52 |
morghanphoenix | like a dog pissin in the snow | 06:52 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, huh? | 06:52 |
cpk1 | windows supports scp? | 06:52 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, OH DOH! | 06:52 |
AWOSDev | you're using Window$ on that machine | 06:52 |
AWOSDev | yes, pscp | 06:53 |
morghanphoenix | my music, eighties, goth, metal, rock, rap, country. | 06:53 |
cpk1 | desktop is windows | 06:53 |
AWOSDev | that's how I got my vacation pictures on to my mom's computer | 06:53 |
AWOSDev | pscp | 06:53 |
AWOSDev | she has Windows, I have linux | 06:53 |
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AWOSDev | plug in to her switch, and tell it to pscp | 06:53 |
AWOSDev | done! | 06:53 |
AWOSDev | It's part of PuTTY | 06:53 |
AWOSDev | please tell me you know what that is | 06:53 |
morghanphoenix | How do I send files to my girls computer? She's got XP. | 06:54 |
rideout | testing dcop | 06:54 |
CainMadness | Anyone with some free time on their hands? Linux user of a full 2 days, and I'm bumbling around confused. | 06:56 |
morghanphoenix | anyone? Sending files to my girls windows computer over the network, it doesn't even show up as a network since I installed linux. | 06:56 |
morghanphoenix | Well, it does, but it only shows me and the router/firewall. | 06:57 |
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AWOSDev | CainMadness, query me | 06:57 |
=== VanessaE prepares to completely hose her system... | ||
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, query me | 06:58 |
AWOSDev | and cpk1, query me | 06:58 |
AWOSDev | oh heck with it I'll query y'all | 06:58 |
VanessaE | apt-get --reinstall -f install `ls *.list|sed s/\.list\$//` (while current dir = /var/lib/dpkg/info ) | 06:58 |
VanessaE | talk about doing this the hard way :) | 06:58 |
AWOSDev | VanessaE, eek! :P | 06:59 |
isaac_ | hi | 07:00 |
VanessaE | it was either that or make appropriate use of the install CD, cfdisk and mkfs.ext3 :) | 07:00 |
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isaac_ | somebody knows where i can find a driver for "VideoCAM Eye v2" for linux?? | 07:01 |
VanessaE | no clue, isaac | 07:01 |
isaac_ | :( | 07:02 |
jk- | isaac_: http://www.google.com/search?q=VideoCAM+Eye+linux&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 ? | 07:02 |
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isaac_ | plop | 07:03 |
jk- | is doesn't just work if you plug it in? | 07:04 |
jk- | is = it | 07:04 |
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BimBimma | can anyone suggest a player for avi files? I just downloaded a sopranos episode on bit torrent. now i need something to watch it with | 07:07 |
VanessaE | xine. | 07:07 |
morghanphoenix | Kaffeine with Xine extra codecs. | 07:07 |
morghanphoenix | I love kaffiene | 07:07 |
VanessaE | be sure xine is built with win32 codec support (last time I used an official package, it was not) | 07:08 |
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BimBimma | ok, i'll go try it out. thanks | 07:08 |
ubuntu | maste4t | 07:08 |
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VanessaE | heh, speaking of which, kaffeine is one of the tools coming in right now off that nasty command I wrote above :) | 07:08 |
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VanessaE | haha, limewire fights back and sues the RIAA for anti-trust reasons :) | 07:11 |
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draik | LOL | 07:13 |
draik | link? | 07:13 |
VanessaE | http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/09/26/0058252 | 07:13 |
draik | VanessaE, got a link to that story? | 07:13 |
draik | thanks | 07:13 |
VanessaE | story here: http://recordingindustryvspeople.blogspot.com/2006/09/lime-wire-sues-riaa-for-antitrust.html | 07:13 |
VanessaE | (you wanna RTFA? you must be new to slash :) | 07:14 |
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VanessaE | sigh | 07:30 |
AWOSDev | what | 07:30 |
AWOSDev | didn't work? | 07:30 |
VanessaE | storms moving in, and still 2h24m left to finish this download :( | 07:30 |
AWOSDev | :) | 07:30 |
AWOSDev | oops | 07:30 |
VanessaE | hasn't had the chance to work, I only have 3Mbps down :) | 07:31 |
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AWOSDev | I have 4Mbps down and updating everything took an hour | 07:31 |
AWOSDev | 1 hour | 07:32 |
AWOSDev | including installing | 07:32 |
AWOSDev | so it shouldn't take *that* long | 07:32 |
AWOSDev | unless you have a sucky connection to us.archive.ubuntu.com | 07:32 |
AWOSDev | :) | 07:32 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: how exactly am i supposed to tell the windows box to use the wireless card to find instead of the ethernet | 07:32 |
VanessaE | well this is more like a re-install of *everything* :) | 07:32 |
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VanessaE | actually, I do...only getting ~80kB/sec | 07:32 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, go into my query window | 07:32 |
AWOSDev | VanessaE, ah, I was getting ~200kB/sec | 07:32 |
sakitel | hi, i need a subjet for my tesis, any good idea? | 07:33 |
draik | what's your thesis? | 07:33 |
VanessaE | point of fact, my entire 'net connection is a little sluggish right now. | 07:33 |
sakitel | I study telecommunications engennering | 07:34 |
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sakitel | sorry about my english, i tried to said, i don't know what to do | 07:37 |
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sakitel | :( | 07:40 |
sakitel | :s | 07:40 |
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rideout | is listening to Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then) by The Decemberists [amarok] | 07:42 |
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mattg | why is that when i go to the terminal then try to su , it wont accept my root password? other operations accept my root password with no problems. | 07:45 |
jk- | sakitel: that's probably more of a question for your thesis supervisor than #kubuntu :) | 07:46 |
Jucato | mattg: use sudo, not su | 07:46 |
AWOSDev | mattg: sudo -s | 07:46 |
AWOSDev | same as su | 07:46 |
AWOSDev | with less problems :) | 07:46 |
mattg | jucato haha i knew it was something simple FYI I'm on day two of linux | 07:47 |
VanessaE | ...and bear in mind that you're probably *not* using a 'root' password if su won't accept it. That's your user password you've been using all this time. | 07:47 |
sakitel | :d | 07:47 |
sakitel | ok | 07:47 |
jk- | .. and there probably *is no* root password | 07:47 |
VanessaE | right. | 07:48 |
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cpk1 | AWOSDev: winscp doesnt seem to want to connect to my linux machine =\ | 07:48 |
AWOSDev | WINSCP | 07:48 |
AWOSDev | THANK YOU CPK1! | 07:48 |
cpk1 | yes well i am sure winscp is a nice program but i cant connect to myself =\ | 07:49 |
VanessaE | you have sshd installed on the linux machine I assume? | 07:49 |
VanessaE | (and configured properly) | 07:49 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, try "sudo apt-get install ssh" on the Linux machine | 07:50 |
cpk1 | VanessaE: no clue =X | 07:50 |
morghanphoenix | !sshd | 07:50 |
AWOSDev | sshd doesn't exist | 07:50 |
VanessaE | he'll need openssh-server also. | 07:50 |
AWOSDev | there is no package named sshd | 07:50 |
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AWOSDev | oh bot? | 07:51 |
AWOSDev | GASP! | 07:51 |
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VanessaE | heh oops :) | 07:51 |
morghanphoenix | he's pretty quiet | 07:51 |
=== AWOSDev gasps rapidly in quick succession | ||
VanessaE | you killed the bot!!!!! | 07:51 |
ubuntu | Im installing kubuntu... which is the best filesystem? | 07:51 |
VanessaE | :) | 07:51 |
VanessaE | no, wait...gotta say it right.. | 07:51 |
cpk1 | apparently i didnt have ssh | 07:51 |
morghanphoenix | would normally tell me he knows nothing by now. | 07:51 |
VanessaE | Oh my G-D, you killed obotu! You bastard! | 07:52 |
VanessaE | :) | 07:52 |
AWOSDev | ubuntu, ext3 | 07:52 |
=== ubuntu is now known as t3nxt | ||
morghanphoenix | Now where's kenny? | 07:52 |
Jucato | oh great... | 07:52 |
VanessaE | er, ubotu even :) | 07:52 |
Jucato | ubotu's gone... | 07:52 |
=== ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jk- | openssh_server | 07:52 |
AWOSDev | YAY! | 07:52 |
AWOSDev | !botsnack | 07:52 |
AWOSDev | Come on, eat! | 07:52 |
morghanphoenix | !hello | 07:52 |
morghanphoenix | hmm | 07:53 |
VanessaE | haha | 07:53 |
AWOSDev | Oh morghanphoenix what did you do?! | 07:53 |
morghanphoenix | picky little bugger aint he? | 07:53 |
VanessaE | LOL | 07:53 |
Jucato | ok... you guys are on your own when looking for help :P | 07:53 |
cpk1 | ok, so sorry for being a noob at this but, do i need to do any special configuring with ssh? | 07:53 |
VanessaE | thanks, I needed a good laugh, AWOS :) | 07:53 |
jk- | cpk1: nope | 07:53 |
morghanphoenix | Won't even say 'ello. | 07:53 |
Jucato | ubotu's gone, and my internet connection is krappy, so don't expect any links from me :P | 07:53 |
Jucato | oh there's it's back | 07:53 |
AWOSDev | Oh my beloved bot | 07:53 |
AWOSDev | I'll miss you | 07:54 |
ubotu | Yum! | 07:54 |
AWOSDev | Gasp! | 07:54 |
AWOSDev | Could it be! | 07:54 |
morghanphoenix | !hey bot! | 07:54 |
AWOSDev | HE'S ALIVE! | 07:54 |
Jucato | what the?!?! | 07:54 |
ubotu | hello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (dapper), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB | 07:54 |
Jucato | lol | 07:54 |
VanessaE | actually, he needs to edit his /etc/ssh/sshd_config after he installs the -server package, else sshd will listen to anyone that tries to connect, at least. | 07:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hey bot! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:54 |
VanessaE | if I remember right | 07:55 |
AWOSDev | !love | 07:55 |
morghanphoenix | See, I didn't do nuthin, he was just nappin, ate his cookie when he waoke up didn't he? | 07:55 |
morghanphoenix | Now you've killed him! | 07:55 |
morghanphoenix | poisoned Botsnacks | 07:55 |
morghanphoenix | what a way to go | 07:55 |
AWOSDev | I did not! | 07:56 |
morghanphoenix | poor ubotu | 07:56 |
AWOSDev | I love that little bot | 07:56 |
VanessaE | bot snacks...are those anything like scooby snacks? | 07:56 |
jk- | VanessaE: that's what an ssh server does :) | 07:56 |
AWOSDev | Oh no, his pipe's broken! | 07:56 |
morghanphoenix | Maybe, ask ubotu if he starts seeing funny colours after he eats one. | 07:56 |
VanessaE | jk: well I meant as opposed to say, listening only for certain machines/IP's :P | 07:56 |
AWOSDev | Get me a surgeon STAT! | 07:56 |
Jucato | ok, let's stop playing with the bot :) | 07:56 |
morghanphoenix | well, that just means he won't get the munchies | 07:57 |
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cpk1 | VanessaE: does it really matter if i listen to anyone who tries to connect? i doubt they will know a password to a user account | 07:57 |
VanessaE | eh, someone hand the bot a bong or something | 07:57 |
cpk1 | !abuse | 07:57 |
jk- | VanessaE: yeah, better to do that through iptables i figure. the default sshd config is pretty good. | 07:57 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, now you're trying to abuse him? | 07:57 |
AWOSDev | poor little guy | 07:57 |
VanessaE | jk: true. | 07:57 |
Jucato | cpk1: actually the entry would be !botabuse :) | 07:57 |
cpk1 | oh oops =P | 07:57 |
cpk1 | the thing is i would really have an easier way of connecting to my linux box rather than scp | 07:58 |
VanessaE | cpk: It can matter actually, considering that some people use weak passwords and the like | 07:58 |
morghanphoenix | Does he come back or is he gone till someone fixes him? | 07:58 |
jk- | cpk1: if you want to be more secure, change PasswordAuthentication to "no" | 07:58 |
cpk1 | i would rather use dhcpd server but couldnt seem to get it to work | 07:58 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 07:58 |
jk- | then use ssh key auth | 07:58 |
AWOSDev | !botsnack | 07:58 |
cpk1 | is ssh a service that i can stop/start? | 07:58 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, yes | 07:59 |
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jk- | cpk1: it should start when you installed it | 07:59 |
ubotu | Yum! | 07:59 |
cpk1 | so the most secure way would be to only start it when i use it? ;) | 07:59 |
AWOSDev | /etc/init.d/ssh | 07:59 |
jk- | if not, /etc/init.d/ssh start | 07:59 |
AWOSDev | My bot's back! | 07:59 |
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morghanphoenix | Yeah, or at least he was untill you fed him | 07:59 |
morghanphoenix | remember what happened last time? | 08:00 |
cpk1 | does anyone have any clue on setting up a dhcpd server though? i would rather use that | 08:00 |
morghanphoenix | Broke his pipe ya did | 08:00 |
AWOSDev | He just ate too many too fast :P | 08:00 |
morghanphoenix | musta got a botsnack lodged in it | 08:00 |
jk- | sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server ? | 08:00 |
=== VanessaE tosses a few TCP packets to the bot...these ought to taste good :) | ||
morghanphoenix | lol | 08:00 |
VanessaE | ACK! | 08:01 |
VanessaE | I killed it! :( | 08:01 |
morghanphoenix | nobody feed the bot | 08:01 |
AWOSDev | VanessaE - OMG what you did... | 08:01 |
AWOSDev | ACK | 08:01 |
AWOSDev | that's funny | 08:01 |
=== VanessaE laughs her ass off | ||
VanessaE | *breathe* | 08:01 |
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morghanphoenix | kinda like the bears only less fuzzy I guess | 08:01 |
morghanphoenix | !hello | 08:01 |
AWOSDev | !love | 08:02 |
morghanphoenix | !botsnack | 08:02 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, DON'T -- FEED -- THE -- BOT | 08:02 |
AWOSDev | :) | 08:02 |
ubotu | hello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (dapper), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB | 08:03 |
cpk1 | jk-: i just tried using dhcpd | 08:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about love - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:03 |
jk- | cpk1: yep ? | 08:03 |
ubotu | Yum! | 08:03 |
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AWOSDev | Yay Bot! | 08:03 |
cpk1 | jk-: gave me some vague error | 08:03 |
AWOSDev | Go ubotu, go ubotu, it's ya birthday, go ubotu! :) | 08:03 |
jk- | cpk1: paste ? | 08:04 |
AWOSDev | !paste | 08:04 |
cpk1 | jk-: actually i think i got it to not give me an error but it didnt seem to be broadcasting | 08:04 |
jk- | it doesn't broadcast | 08:04 |
jk- | it responds to DHCP requests | 08:04 |
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cpk1 | i should be able to use dhcpd wirelessly too right? | 08:04 |
jk- | yes | 08:05 |
jk- | however, i'm a little worried that you're assuming that dhcpd does something similar to sshd | 08:05 |
cpk1 | jk-: once they're connected they can talk to each other right? | 08:06 |
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VanessaE | THERE we go | 08:06 |
jk- | no | 08:06 |
VanessaE | reset the modem and now I'm doing 354kB/sec | 08:06 |
VanessaE | stupid verizon. | 08:06 |
=== cpk1 confused | ||
jk- | dhcpd is really nothing to do with sshd | 08:06 |
jk- | what's the problem that you're trying to solve here? :) | 08:06 |
AWOSDev | VanessaE, that happened to me on Adelphia. It went all the way down to 130 BYTES/sec | 08:07 |
AWOSDev | reset, boom back | 08:07 |
VanessaE | ouch | 08:07 |
AWOSDev | just a hiccup in the line I guess | 08:07 |
cpk1 | jk-: these 2 boxes are completely unaware of each other and the only way i have to make them aware of each other is to have the windows box conenct to my kubuntu box | 08:07 |
VanessaE | what I don't understand is why it happens.. | 08:07 |
cpk1 | connect even | 08:07 |
jk- | ok, define "aware of each other" ? | 08:07 |
VanessaE | maybe the modem is crap *shrug* | 08:07 |
AWOSDev | No | 08:07 |
jk- | and how do you mean "connect" ? | 08:07 |
AWOSDev | it happened to me every 30 minutes for a week and then it didn't happen again | 08:07 |
AWOSDev | well | 08:07 |
AWOSDev | actually | 08:08 |
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AWOSDev | after that it was randomly disconnecting me | 08:08 |
jk- | are you trying to log in remotely? or transfer files between the two ? | 08:08 |
VanessaE | seems to happen about every 2-3 weeks here. | 08:08 |
AWOSDev | then after another week it was back to normal | 08:08 |
cpk1 | transfer | 08:08 |
AWOSDev | if apt-get comes up "Broken packages" what to do? | 08:08 |
jk- | cpk: ooookay | 08:08 |
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jk- | cpk: so, i'd suggest setting up a windows share on your (k)ubuntu machine | 08:08 |
cpk1 | they are on completely different networks | 08:09 |
cpk1 | i have samba set up | 08:09 |
jk- | ok, cool | 08:09 |
jk- | how are they on different networkss ? | 08:09 |
morghanphoenix | Okay, I'm gonna go help my girlfriend kill bronze dragons now. | 08:09 |
=== daftvader [n=huy@60-241-227-110.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | Laters all | 08:09 |
cpk1 | one is on wireless and on is wired | 08:09 |
jk- | surely that's a euphemism for something.. :) | 08:09 |
VanessaE | AWOS: inform the maintainer and pray that he/she fixes it? :) | 08:09 |
jk- | cpk1: that doesn't mean they're on different networks | 08:10 |
morghanphoenix | I wish, MMORPGs | 08:10 |
AWOSDev | VanessaE, it's on someone else's computer | 08:10 |
jk- | cpk1: what are the ip addresses for the two machines ? | 08:10 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, goodbye! | 08:10 |
daftvader | hi does anyone know why everytime i launch a kde program from a konsole I get this error "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 171"? | 08:10 |
VanessaE | eh.. | 08:10 |
AWOSDev | VanessaE, my computer can install it | 08:10 |
AWOSDev | his can't | 08:10 |
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VanessaE | odd.. | 08:10 |
daftvader | the program run but the error seem very odd | 08:10 |
AWOSDev | besides, I would think if libgl1-mesa-dev is broken they would have fixed it by now | 08:10 |
VanessaE | I guess the -f switch doesn't help? | 08:10 |
AWOSDev | hmm | 08:11 |
daftvader | anybody? | 08:11 |
AWOSDev | lemme see | 08:11 |
AWOSDev | daftvader, it's normal | 08:11 |
AWOSDev | mine does that | 08:11 |
AWOSDev | yours does that | 08:11 |
cpk1 | jk-: and | 08:11 |
AWOSDev | everybody's does that | 08:11 |
cpk1 | those are the internal ips | 08:11 |
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jk- | and they can ping each other ? | 08:11 |
cpk1 | no | 08:11 |
daftvader | what do those message mean? | 08:12 |
jk- | ok, fix that first :) | 08:12 |
AWOSDev | daftvader, I have no idea | 08:12 |
AWOSDev | hold on | 08:12 |
jk- | cpk1: did you assign those addresses yourself ? | 08:12 |
cpk1 | jk-: thats the thing, i want to use the nix machine to network them together | 08:12 |
cpk1 | jk-: no, right now they are connected to networks outside of my control | 08:12 |
jk- | riiight. | 08:12 |
jk- | ok | 08:12 |
AWOSDev | I don't remember | 08:12 |
AWOSDev | sorry | 08:12 |
AWOSDev | daftvader | 08:12 |
jk- | so, if they can't ping, and you can't fix that, then you're pretty much stuck. | 08:13 |
daftvader | it's ok, I just thought my X wasn't set up properly somehow | 08:13 |
AWOSDev | no | 08:13 |
AWOSDev | you're fine | 08:13 |
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AWOSDev | it's something about the mouse in the configuration file | 08:13 |
sakitel | hello, hi | 08:13 |
daftvader | ah | 08:13 |
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daftvader | can you tell me what dcopserver does? | 08:14 |
sakitel | i can get the ethereal from the repository | 08:14 |
jk- | daftvader: it lets you use dcop :) | 08:14 |
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daftvader | i tried running adept and it crashes | 08:14 |
daftvader | yes but what is dcop? lol | 08:14 |
jk- | !dcop | 08:14 |
jk- | lets KDE programs talk to each other | 08:14 |
sakitel | ethereal? | 08:15 |
jk- | eg, there's a command-line program "dcop" which lets you call dcop functions of dcop-enabled apps | 08:15 |
daftvader | ah like a interprocess communication? | 08:15 |
cpk1 | jk-: you are telling me i cant use my kubuntu box to network it and my windows box together? | 08:15 |
jk- | cpk1: you can only network them if they can talk over the network! | 08:15 |
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jk- | daftvader: not really... | 08:16 |
cpk1 | well i dont see why they cant talk wirelessly | 08:16 |
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cpk1 | it should be the same as plugging a crossover ethernet cable into them | 08:16 |
daftvader | thanks i'll google it up | 08:16 |
jk- | daftvader: eg, 'dcop kmail KMailIface checkMail' tells kmail to check for new mail | 08:16 |
=== VanessaE looks at the bot... planning to stay a while this time? :) | ||
cpk1 | !botabuse | 08:16 |
daftvader | btw how did u get to type in red? | 08:16 |
sakitel | i can't get the ethereal from the repository,?? | 08:17 |
unix_infidel | !w32codecs | 08:17 |
VanessaE | who, me? | 08:17 |
Jucato | daftvader: if someone mentions your name, that line will look red to you | 08:17 |
jk- | daftvader: it's highlighting lines that have your nickname in them | 08:17 |
sakitel | maybe wireshark? | 08:17 |
sakitel | plop | 08:17 |
unix_infidel | ubotu: is a bit slow tonight. | 08:17 |
daftvader | jk-: testing | 08:17 |
daftvader | nope not red | 08:17 |
daftvader | wait it looks red to you | 08:18 |
Jucato | daftvader: no. it only works if someone mentions your name name | 08:18 |
abattoir | sakitel: yes, its available in main | 08:18 |
Jucato | you will see the line with your name on it as red | 08:18 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops | 08:18 |
daftvader | ah thank you mate | 08:18 |
jk- | yes, it does :) | 08:18 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:18 |
abattoir | sakitel: sorry, in universe | 08:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is a bit slow tonight. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:18 |
abattoir | !info ethereal | 08:18 |
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ubotu | ethereal: network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.0-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 564 kB, installed size 1500 kB | 08:19 |
abattoir | sakitel: ^^^^ | 08:19 |
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sakitel | abattoir: sorry i am new in kubuntu.... in universe?? what that's mean? | 08:20 |
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abattoir | !universe | 08:20 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 08:20 |
abattoir | sakitel: please read the link above | 08:20 |
sakitel | ok | 08:20 |
abattoir | sakitel: come back if you dont understand something :) | 08:20 |
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AWOSDev | I got my botty back botty back botty back botty back | 08:20 |
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sakitel | thanks (y) | 08:21 |
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cpk1 | jk-: if i connect to my kubuntu box with dhcpd cant i ssh it then? | 08:23 |
VanessaE | I have to ask...you have two boxes, why are you even using dhcp in the first place? | 08:24 |
jk- | cpk1: no. all dhcpd does is allow machines on a network to automatically be assigned IP addresses. it has nothing to do with logging-in remotely | 08:24 |
cpk1 | simplicity? | 08:24 |
VanessaE | (why not: ifconfig eth0 up netmask or so on the linux box?) | 08:24 |
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VanessaE | and whatever the windows box uses for the same function.... then it should be no trouble at all to at least ping back and forth.. | 08:25 |
cpk1 | VanessaE: would i be able to scp into it then? I am trying to do this wirelessy | 08:25 |
AWOSDev | VanessaE, uh, Windows does it, uh, differently | 08:25 |
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VanessaE | cpk: first, get the two boxes to ping one another | 08:25 |
VanessaE | worry about the scp later. | 08:25 |
VanessaE | AWOS: yeah, I know. | 08:26 |
Chousuke | As long as the link is up and running you will be able to use scp, given that you have the server running :P | 08:26 |
cpk1 | the biggest problem would be what is the windows equivalent to ifconfig wlan0 up netmask | 08:26 |
VanessaE | cpk: use the usual windows config dialogs | 08:26 |
VanessaE | I guess network settings from Start->Control Panel or some such | 08:27 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, VanessaE is right. That's Windows' equiv | 08:27 |
jk- | cpk1: (from memory) settings -> network interfaces -> select your ethernet interface -> right click -> properties -> TCP-IP settings | 08:27 |
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Chousuke | meh | 08:27 |
AWOSDev | cpk1: | 08:27 |
Chousuke | that's so much more difficult than ifconfig ;P | 08:27 |
Chousuke | at least to describe :D | 08:28 |
jk- | ip addr add dev eth0 | 08:28 |
jk- | :) | 08:28 |
AWOSDev | Start->Connect To->Show All Network Connections->Right-click the ethernet | 08:28 |
Chousuke | jk-: that's better. | 08:28 |
cpk1 | yeah thats what i did, but i still dont understand why i couldnt just make the kubuntu box a wireless server then connect to it, that seems like it should be easy? | 08:28 |
Chousuke | though, hm | 08:28 |
VanessaE | cpk: because this is networking basicc. | 08:28 |
VanessaE | basics. | 08:28 |
Chousuke | cpk1: you are making it a server :/ | 08:29 |
VanessaE | you first have to make them both talk to each other, then you worry about higher-level stuff like scp et.al | 08:29 |
cpk1 | VanessaE: right, so why not make them talk to each other by making the kubuntu box be the server | 08:29 |
Chousuke | it doesn't work like that | 08:29 |
VanessaE | cpk: because you first have to make them talk at the network level - i.e. you need to be able to ping first. | 08:29 |
AWOSDev | cpk1, it's complicated, technically everything and every computer is a server - and I'll leave here :) | 08:29 |
Chousuke | you need to have a link up first. | 08:30 |
VanessaE | if you can't ping, the two machines can't even *see* each other, let alone make a connection like scp requires. | 08:30 |
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jk- | cpk1: forget about *how* they're connected (ie, wireless,wired,etc), firstly make sure that they can pinig each other!! | 08:30 |
jk- | *ping | 08:30 |
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AWOSDev | Nick collision, dang that bot's having a bad night | 08:30 |
AWOSDev | !ping | 08:30 |
cpk1 | hmm ok, i suppose i will unplug the windows ethernet since it seems to have problems with have both going at the same time | 08:31 |
cpk1 | so i will brb =) | 08:31 |
ubotu | ping: connection timeout | 08:32 |
VanessaE | the win box has two nics? (not that it should matter) | 08:32 |
VanessaE | eh.. | 08:33 |
Chousuke | I suppose it has at least the wireless adapter and a regular nic | 08:33 |
VanessaE | yeah, that's what I gathered.. | 08:34 |
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sakitel | come back :( | 08:34 |
sakitel | I have an error, when i tried to get the ethereal from repository | 08:35 |
HabaKKuk | hi | 08:36 |
HabaKKuk | howto make a image of sistem on cd? | 08:37 |
HabaKKuk | does anyne have any ideas? | 08:37 |
daftvader | ping | 08:38 |
sakitel | it said depents on libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.10.0) | 08:38 |
VanessaE | HabaKKuk, generally it's enough to tar up every top level directory except /proc (and /dev if you run udev) and burn them to a dvd using k3b or so. | 08:39 |
AWOSDev | I'd personally bzip2 them too | 08:39 |
AWOSDev | !bzip2 | 08:39 |
ubotu | bzip2: high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.3-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 258 kB, installed size 488 kB | 08:40 |
VanessaE | er, yeah bzip2 also | 08:40 |
VanessaE | I use a little 2-line script for the job | 08:40 |
HabaKKuk | the problem is, i have no dvd writer ;) | 08:40 |
HabaKKuk | well thanks for ideas | 08:40 |
HabaKKuk | :) | 08:40 |
VanessaE | ok use a CD then but don't expect a whole system to fit on just 1 :) | 08:40 |
HabaKKuk | VanessaE: neither cd writer | 08:41 |
HabaKKuk | :P | 08:41 |
AWOSDev | Get a friend who does | 08:41 |
cpk1 | i know this is probably really frustrating for you guys but i am still completly lost =( | 08:41 |
AWOSDev | or buy one | 08:42 |
AWOSDev | heck I got a DVD burner for ~$80 | 08:42 |
HabaKKuk | will send it through lan | 08:42 |
cpk1 | AWOSDev: you can get them for $50 ;) | 08:42 |
AWOSDev | really? | 08:42 |
AWOSDev | :P | 08:42 |
VanessaE | HabaKKuk, this is the script I use: http://pastebin.com/794589 | 08:42 |
HabaKKuk | AWOSDev: i got one, but im not sure if it work under linux, its just normal detached writer and reader for tv | 08:43 |
VanessaE | where /data/... is a network share on my server. | 08:43 |
HabaKKuk | VanessaE: thanks alot :) | 08:43 |
AWOSDev | no, no that won't work | 08:43 |
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AWOSDev | you can't connect it to your computer, only your TV :) | 08:43 |
HabaKKuk | but i can connect Pc to tv | 08:43 |
HabaKKuk | ;p | 08:43 |
VanessaE | our last dvd burner (a liteon 160-something dual layer) cost $34. :) | 08:43 |
HabaKKuk | which country ? | 08:44 |
AWOSDev | Yeah see LiteOn isn't really a "brand name" | 08:44 |
AWOSDev | I have a SONY DRU-710, dual-layer 8x | 08:44 |
AWOSDev | $50 or $60 with rebate | 08:44 |
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VanessaE | no? I always thought of liteon as being a pretty good brand, heh. | 08:44 |
VanessaE | still, seems to work ok so far | 08:44 |
VanessaE | ew.. he said the S-word :) | 08:45 |
AWOSDev | Sony Betamax too | 08:45 |
AWOSDev | does anybody here remember Betamax? | 08:45 |
AWOSDev | :) | 08:45 |
VanessaE | never used it, barely ever saw the tapes :) | 08:45 |
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VanessaE | how about CED? :) | 08:46 |
AWOSDev | nope, don't remember CED. | 08:46 |
VanessaE | think it was an RCA invention | 08:46 |
VanessaE | 12-odd inch vinyl platters with analog video encoded into a sectored arrangement | 08:47 |
VanessaE | at least, I think they were vinyl | 08:47 |
AWOSDev | Oh my, no I don't remember that :P | 08:47 |
AWOSDev | the only 'vinyl' I know is LPs 45s and 33s :) | 08:48 |
VanessaE | video quality was about as good as VHS so long as the disc didn't get scratched | 08:48 |
VanessaE | they "skip" like CD does (but not like DVDs) when they get damaged | 08:48 |
VanessaE | random-access too | 08:48 |
VanessaE | really neat, if ill-fated format | 08:48 |
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rideout | Kommander is a kde rapid prototyping gui thingy with bindings for scripts | 08:51 |
AWOSDev | interesting VanessaE | 08:52 |
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AWOSDev | VanessaE, I found it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SelectaVision | 08:55 |
AWOSDev | :) | 08:55 |
VanessaE | yep, that's it! | 08:55 |
VanessaE | (GE owns RCA? didn't know that) | 08:56 |
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AWOSDev | I didn't either until I read that :P | 08:56 |
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AWOSDev | Watch this, with the bot | 08:57 |
AWOSDev | ubotu: that, but I love you too | 08:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about that, but I love you too - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:57 |
Jucato | !botabuse | 08:57 |
AWOSDev | :) | 08:57 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops | 08:57 |
VanessaE | hjeh | 08:57 |
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VanessaE | Ah, I was right...each 'sector' is one frame.. | 08:58 |
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VanessaE | well here goes... finally doing the re-install step.. | 09:02 |
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VanessaE | think I'll hit the sheets while my machine is busy.. | 09:08 |
=== VanessaE watches her computer hose itself :) | ||
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VanessaE | night all | 09:09 |
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sakitel | hello | 09:11 |
sakitel | is me again, with ethereal :S | 09:11 |
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sakitel | I have this trouble: Problem with SelectFile /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages | 09:11 |
AWOSDev | what in the name of blue blazes is going ON?!!? | 09:12 |
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AWOSDev | It's the bot | 09:18 |
AWOSDev | he's out for revenge! | 09:18 |
AWOSDev | :P | 09:18 |
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cpk1 | ugh i am completly lost, i still cant get my laptop to ping my desktop over wireless | 09:26 |
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nacer | plop | 09:29 |
nacer | hi | 09:29 |
cpk1 | awfully quiet here | 09:29 |
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ubuntu | hi all | 09:52 |
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ubuntu | Im looking for a program I can use in the Kubuntu live installation to help recover files from a broken ntfs partition (master boot record and partition table is knackered so I cant just mount it) thanks | 09:53 |
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dan_ | try http://www.sysresccd.org/ | 09:56 |
dan_ | it's a whole new live cd but it's built for the purpose | 09:56 |
ubuntu | ok..might be a problem to download it and burn it =) | 09:56 |
ubuntu | depending how big it is | 09:57 |
ubuntu | thank you will look at it now | 09:57 |
ubuntu | does it have pretty decent network support for moving the files off..? My laptop has an intelpro wireless/wired nic | 09:57 |
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dan_ | not sure, luckily i've never had need to use it | 09:59 |
ubuntu | =) | 10:00 |
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dan_ | knoppix is another option that's got wireless support but it's a chunky cd/ DVD | 10:02 |
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ubuntu | the ubuntu live seems to be ok..has good usb suport for external drives etc as well | 10:07 |
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dan_ | then use that then | 10:10 |
dan_ | whats rong with it? | 10:10 |
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ubuntu | cant mount the NTFS partition | 10:14 |
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ubuntu | drive spins up and is recognised by bios but wont mount...cant see the drive in Konqueror | 10:15 |
jk- | dmesg ? | 10:15 |
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r0t0r00t3r | anyone know where i can get the current stable package of kismet for use with ubuntu? | 10:25 |
r0t0r00t3r | anyone? | 10:27 |
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toxidas | hi channel | 10:31 |
toxidas | how can i read ntfs partitions on kubuntu | 10:31 |
r0t0r00t3r | uh - by mounting them? | 10:32 |
toxidas | it is automatic? | 10:32 |
toxidas | i am new on linux | 10:33 |
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cpk1 | !ntfs | 10:33 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 10:33 |
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toxidas | where is my ntfs parts | 10:34 |
toxidas | what can i do | 10:34 |
toxidas | help me :) | 10:34 |
toxidas | i only want read ntfs parts | 10:38 |
toxidas | i want to copy something to kubuntu from ntfs | 10:38 |
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toxidas | i cant open this link | 10:38 |
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toxidas | unknown host help.ubuntu.com | 10:38 |
motorcitymadman | toxidas: mount | 10:38 |
toxidas | konsole? | 10:38 |
motorcitymadman | !mount | 10:38 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted - Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs") - Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks | 10:38 |
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andriijas | is it possible to enable some kind of remote desktop thing in kde remotly via ssh? | 10:39 |
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dan_ | andriijas ssh -x will let you run remote guis on a local machine | 10:51 |
andriijas | the local machine is a windoze box =( | 10:51 |
dan_ | ahh | 10:52 |
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dan_ | toxidas use kmenu>control centrer>disks and filesystems | 10:54 |
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SAngeli | is there a way to be able to block specific flash animations? It seems that now advertisements moved toward flash so that people cannot block them. Any idea? | 10:57 |
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dan_ | sangeli if your useing firefox there is a flashblock extension avaialble, there are also ad blocking extensions avaialable | 11:27 |
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kesara | What is the difference betweeen alternative and desktop isos? | 11:48 |
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abattoir | kesara: the desktop iso is a live cd too, meaning you can run kubuntu on your pc w/o installing, and then install from it | 11:49 |
Jucato | Desktop CD is the Live CD with a graphical installer with very very basic options | 11:49 |
abattoir | the alternate cd is the old text based installer... | 11:49 |
kesara | ok thx for the info. | 11:50 |
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cpk1 | is there a kde equivelent to firestarter? | 11:57 |
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Jucato | guarddog | 11:58 |
cpk1 | thanks | 11:58 |
cpk1 | trying to get ics to work =\ | 11:58 |
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gnomefreak | isnt gaurddog installed by default? | 11:59 |
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zorglu_ | gnomefreak: nope :) | 11:59 |
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gnomefreak | oh | 12:00 |
cpk1 | i hope not since apt get is installing it right now | 12:00 |
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Jucato | heh we have no firewall GUI app installed by default | 12:00 |
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zorglu_ | and no firewall setup, surprisingly up to now it doesnt seem to be that bad | 12:01 |
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cpk1 | anyone knnow how to get ics to work? | 12:05 |
lupine_85 | cpk1: it's pretty easy | 12:05 |
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lupine_85 | make sure your network is sane, then enable IP forwarding | 12:06 |
cpk1 | well i am ok with getting embarrassed | 12:06 |
lupine_85 | so is your network sane? | 12:06 |
cpk1 | lupine_85: i hope so | 12:06 |
cpk1 | its adhoc | 12:06 |
lupine_85 | no, the whole network :) | 12:06 |
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lupine_85 | e.g. NAT, static routes, etc. set up correctly | 12:06 |
cpk1 | well once it leaves my 2 boxes i have no control | 12:06 |
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lupine_85 | so your linux PC is directly connected to the Internet? Or through a router? | 12:07 |
cpk1 | through a router | 12:07 |
lupine_85 | ok | 12:07 |
cpk1 | the client is my windows box | 12:07 |
cpk1 | i have no control of the router | 12:07 |
lupine_85 | is your linux PC connected to the router by a cable? | 12:07 |
cpk1 | yes | 12:07 |
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cpk1 | and connected to the client wirelessly | 12:08 |
lupine_85 | the 'correct' way to do this would be to get the router administrator to add a static route to it | 12:08 |
cpk1 | that wont happen | 12:08 |
cpk1 | =P | 12:08 |
lupine_85 | then you have to do it the hackish way ;) | 12:08 |
dawson | hello peeps, i have an issue. I have a belkin wireless g adapter f5d050. I have sat online following instructs all day and have not got very far. I have been attempting to use ndiswrapper and the drivers from the website or the drivers from the cd that came with it. Any suggestions would be great, thanks | 12:09 |
lupine_85 | first, can your linux PC get two IP addresses from the router? | 12:09 |
=== zorglu_ google for ics | ||
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cpk1 | zorglu_: i was searching the forum, only relevant thing i found was to use firestarter =( | 12:10 |
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cpk1 | lupine_85: sorry, but how do i check that? =\ | 12:10 |
lupine_85 | what is your current IP address? | 12:10 |
cpk1 | | 12:11 |
lupine_85 | ok.. sudo ip addr add dev eth0 | 12:11 |
lupine_85 | assuming eth0 is your wired interface | 12:11 |
gnomefreak | what is a gui yahoo email client? | 12:12 |
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Jucato | err? | 12:12 |
lupine_85 | gaim; kopete | 12:12 |
lupine_85 | oh, email! | 12:12 |
Jucato | e-mail client? | 12:12 |
gnomefreak | lol | 12:12 |
Jucato | KMail with freepops? | 12:13 |
cpk1 | didnt say anything back but ifconfig still shows | 12:13 |
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lupine_85 | what does ip addr show say? | 12:13 |
gnomefreak | freepops :) ty brb | 12:13 |
lupine_85 | ifconfig is deprecated | 12:13 |
lupine_85 | !yahoo2mbox | 12:13 |
ubotu | yahoo2mbox: Retrieve and store Yahoo! Groups messages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-1 (dapper), package size 12 kB, installed size 76 kB | 12:13 |
lupine_85 | no, that's not it... | 12:13 |
lupine_85 | but phwoar, that'd be useful for me! | 12:13 |
cpk1 | ip addr show has 2 inets | 12:13 |
lupine_85 | good | 12:14 |
lupine_85 | ok, you need your wireless interface to be in a different subnety | 12:14 |
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cpk1 | do you want me to pastebin exactly what it its? | 12:14 |
lupine_85 | I'd recommend using 192.168.2.x | 12:14 |
lupine_85 | no, it's not important | 12:14 |
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cpk1 | the second inet is missing a brd entry it looks like | 12:14 |
cpk1 | the wireless is already on | 12:15 |
lupine_85 | "sudo ip addr add brd dev eth0" for the future, then : | 12:15 |
lupine_85 | ok, that's good | 12:15 |
lupine_85 | now enable IP forwarding | 12:15 |
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lupine_85 | so sudo cat "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/forwarding | 12:16 |
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lupine_85 | now at this point, if you had a sane network, you'd have Internet on the windows PC ;) | 12:16 |
lupine_85 | what we need to do for you, however, is get the linux PC to do NAT for the window PC, so that the router thinks the windows pc is the linux pc | 12:17 |
lupine_85 | double nat :( | 12:17 |
cpk1 | lupine_85: i already ran echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward in a root bash is that the same as what you said? | 12:17 |
lupine_85 | if "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" says "1", then you're fine | 12:18 |
cpk1 | it does | 12:18 |
lupine_85 | you can use firestarter or CLI to enable NAT -- just make sure you're using SNAT with the .1.128 address, rather than masquerade | 12:18 |
cpk1 | hrmm, i tried using masquerade heh | 12:18 |
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lupine_85 | use snat instead :) | 12:19 |
cpk1 | so i should --delete the masquerade entry then? | 12:19 |
lupine_85 | yep | 12:19 |
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cpk1 | and whats snat? | 12:20 |
lupine_85 | SOURCE NAT | 12:20 |
lupine_85 | oops, caps sorry | 12:20 |
cpk1 | its ok to yell at me I am kinda ignorant with all this networking stuff | 12:20 |
cpk1 | =P | 12:20 |
lupine_85 | you can specify what address you want all traffic to be NATed to | 12:20 |
lupine_85 | I didn't mean to yell :) | 12:20 |
tmdx120 | Hello, I just upgraded to Dapper. Now my USB wont be read. What can I do? | 12:20 |
cpk1 | i was trying to use guard dog since i assume it does the same job as firestarter | 12:21 |
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cpk1 | now this is silly, i cant seem to connect to google in the browser | 12:23 |
cpk1 | i think something broke =\ | 12:24 |
lupine_85 | can you ping the linux pc from the windows PC? | 12:25 |
lupine_85 | and can you ping the routr from the windows PC> | 12:25 |
cpk1 | windows to linux times out | 12:27 |
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cpk1 | trying to ping the windows box tells me its not permitted even with sudo | 12:28 |
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lupine_85 | ok, you've got a problem on your wireless network then | 12:29 |
cpk1 | it was fine just a second ago, i had samba shares up =\ | 12:29 |
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cpk1 | and i cant seem to connect to google on the linux box either | 12:30 |
lupine_85 | hmm. and if you disable the iptables rule? | 12:30 |
lupine_85 | (SNAT) | 12:30 |
lupine_85 | ...you did make it only NAT traffic which was from the windows PC, right? | 12:30 |
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tmdx120 | Hello? Can anyone hear me? | 12:31 |
lupine_85 | what? who's talking?! | 12:31 |
Jucato | ah ghost? | 12:31 |
cpk1 | i hadnt gotten to the snat yet, i was going to google snat because i had no clue about it and thats when i realized that i cant connect to google | 12:31 |
tmdx120 | No, Im not a ghost just a newbie with a problem! | 12:31 |
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cpk1 | tmdx120: so am I *cry* | 12:32 |
lupine_85 | cpk1: hmm. maybe the extra IP address is causing problems | 12:32 |
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lupine_85 | I said this was the hackish way to do it :) | 12:32 |
tmdx120 | cpk1: Lol, I just thought I wasnt getting through. | 12:32 |
cpk1 | lupine_85: the funny thing is that I am still using the net (obviously) | 12:32 |
lupine_85 | true... maybe it's an unrelated DNS problem | 12:32 |
lupine_85 | can you ping a random wan IP ? | 12:33 |
cpk1 | network eats pings | 12:33 |
lupine_85 | ok, likely to be the routing then | 12:33 |
XTorchedX | can you ping localhost? | 12:33 |
lupine_85 | pastebin "ip route show" | 12:33 |
cpk1 | lupine_85: cant load any webpages heh | 12:34 |
cpk1 | ip route show is a total of 3 lines though | 12:35 |
lupine_85 | well, whatever then | 12:35 |
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cpk1 | my apologizies everyone | 12:36 |
=== Mythbusters__ [n=azzi_mie@host143-63-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
cpk1 | dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src | 12:36 |
cpk1 | dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src | 12:36 |
cpk1 | default via dev eth0 | 12:36 |
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lupine_85 | your network doesn't look sane to me :) | 12:36 |
lupine_85 | ip addr del | 12:37 |
lupine_85 | ip addr add brd mask | 12:38 |
cpk1 | dev argument required? | 12:38 |
lupine_85 | yes | 12:38 |
lupine_85 | and I "think" it's mask# | 12:38 |
cpk1 | oh, i think it means which device | 12:38 |
lupine_85 | dev=device, mask might = netmask | 12:38 |
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lupine_85 | (I was referring to the above line) | 12:38 |
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cpk1 | so is it bad that before i just used ifconfig wlan0 | 12:39 |
cpk1 | up | 12:39 |
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lupine_85 | not really - it's just assumed that it's a /16 for some reason | 12:39 |
lupine_85 | ah, it's not "mask" | 12:39 |
lupine_85 | it's ip addr add :D | 12:40 |
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cpk1 | dont need the brd argument either? | 12:40 |
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lupine_85 | put it in | 12:40 |
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cpk1 | ok so now iproute show says wlan0 is | 12:41 |
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lupine_85 | good | 12:43 |
lupine_85 | can you ping from the linux machine? | 12:43 |
lupine_85 | (wan ping) | 12:43 |
cpk1 | its impossible for me to wan ping because the network i am connected to eats the pings | 12:43 |
lupine_85 | ah | 12:44 |
lupine_85 | ok, can you "use the internet"? :) | 12:44 |
cpk1 | tracepath works partially but for some reason it is telling me send failed | 12:44 |
cpk1 | and web browser still cant load any pages | 12:45 |
cpk1 | something i did since i started talking to you must have broke something =P | 12:46 |
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lupine_85 | hmm... it must be that extra IP address | 12:50 |
lupine_85 | but routes look OK | 12:50 |
lupine_85 | at this point, /me would give up and do it in hardware | 12:50 |
lupine_85 | e.g. go out and buy a wireless access point with an ethernet port | 12:51 |
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cpk1 | lupine_85: guarddog wouldnt be causing problems would it? | 12:51 |
lupine_85 | I've got no idea what that is | 12:51 |
cpk1 | firestarter basically | 12:51 |
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lupine_85 | it's possible that you've got a conflicting rule somewhere, I guess but you're alone with that | 12:52 |
=== lupine_85 is an iptables n00b ;) | ||
cpk1 | i'm thinking at this point it might also be the university network | 12:52 |
cpk1 | so how would i release that second eth0 ip? | 12:53 |
cpk1 | lupine_85: at least you arent a complete noob at everything =) | 12:54 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | ciao! i'd like to ask you if it exists something to be updated about newly inserted applications in the reps.... you know... if there's something new, i would always like to try it! | 12:54 |
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lupine_85 | hehe | 12:55 |
lupine_85 | ok, ip addr del | 12:55 |
cpk1 | lol i think it was my firewall program | 12:57 |
cpk1 | i seem to embarrass myself alot | 12:57 |
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cpk1 | with the firewall removed and that addr removed the windows can ping the linux | 12:58 |
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cpk1 | and the linux can ping the windows | 12:58 |
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cpk1 | the windows box still cant get outside of my linux box though | 01:00 |
lupine_85 | so the windows box can't see the router? | 01:00 |
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lupine_85 | It should be able to get at least that far | 01:00 |
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cpk1 | it cant get past the linux box | 01:02 |
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eeos | hi all there | 01:13 |
XTorchedX | hi all there | 01:13 |
eeos | what is the best project planning tool on kubuntu / ubuntu in your opinions? | 01:13 |
XTorchedX | gantt | 01:13 |
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eeos | XTorchedX what is gantt? | 01:16 |
XTorchedX | the best project planning tool on kubuntu/ubuntu in my opinion | 01:17 |
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eeos | XTorchedX did not find it on adept | 01:18 |
eeos | XTorchedX where is it? | 01:18 |
XTorchedX | not on adept | 01:18 |
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XTorchedX | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart | 01:19 |
eeos | is that a joke? | 01:19 |
XTorchedX | it is to me | 01:20 |
XTorchedX | i didn't expect you to get it | 01:20 |
XTorchedX | but i'm laughing | 01:20 |
cpk2 | lupine_85: thank you very much for your help, perhaps it is hopeless, i will see if i can do anything further tomorrow | 01:20 |
XTorchedX | i find it strange that you are looking for project planning tools and had no idea what a gantt chart is | 01:21 |
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eeos | XTorchedX i do know what a gantt chart is. since my question was about kubuntu i did not expect gantt to mean GANTT | 01:22 |
XTorchedX | and yet here we are | 01:23 |
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eeos | XTorchedX but to mean a application called gantt | 01:23 |
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zorglu_ | eeos: have you looked in kde-apps.org, great place to find apps you dont know about | 01:24 |
eeos | zorglu_ i have been testing kplato, taskjuggler, planner | 01:25 |
zorglu_ | ok | 01:25 |
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zorglu_ | i dunno the asnwer to your question, just suggesting out of the blue :) | 01:25 |
eeos | zorglu_ best of the bunch is taskjuggler for my needs, but wanted to hear other people's opinions | 01:25 |
XTorchedX | Planner is a project management application that is developed by Imendio as a free software project licensed under the GPL. Planner supports Gantt charts, resource allocation and integration with various other GNOME applications via its plug-in architecture. Homepage: http://planner.imendio.org/ Planner was formerly known as Mr.Project. | 01:25 |
eeos | zorglu_ maybe get some recommendations from other people who are using other tools i do not know of | 01:26 |
zorglu_ | i understand :) | 01:26 |
eeos | XTorchedX planner is not developed by imendio anymore | 01:26 |
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XTorchedX | adept says it is | 01:28 |
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eeos | XTorchedX old version possibly | 01:29 |
XTorchedX | want some of my tea eeos? | 01:30 |
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eeos | XTorchedX tea? like it! gree possibly | 01:30 |
XTorchedX | gree? | 01:30 |
eeos | XTorchedX green | 01:30 |
XTorchedX | no, it's black | 01:30 |
eeos | XTorchedX sorry | 01:30 |
eeos | XTorchedX ach! will stay awake till tomorrow! :) | 01:31 |
XTorchedX | i accept your apology | 01:31 |
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eeos | need some lunch now, friends coming | 01:31 |
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XTorchedX | ok | 01:32 |
eeos | XTorchedX enjoy your tea! | 01:32 |
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eeos | see you later | 01:32 |
marten_ | hi | 01:33 |
marten_ | i have a problem with my external harddrive | 01:33 |
marten_ | can anyone help me please? | 01:33 |
XTorchedX | did you plug it in? | 01:33 |
marten_ | yes ;-) | 01:33 |
marten_ | but it only works on usb 1.1, not on usb 2.0 | 01:33 |
XTorchedX | i'm out of options then | 01:33 |
lupine_85 | you could disable the usb2.0 driver, I suppose | 01:34 |
marten_ | its not a problem of drivers, i tried on kubuntu, gentoo and windows, everywhere the same | 01:35 |
marten_ | on other computers it function with usb 2.0, but here i always get I/O-errors | 01:35 |
XTorchedX | does your computer have usb 2.0? | 01:35 |
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marten_ | yepp, at the back. front-usb is 1.1 | 01:36 |
XTorchedX | so you're using the wrong bus? | 01:36 |
marten_ | what do you mean the wrong one? | 01:36 |
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lupine_85 | so plug it in to the usb 1.1 ports then | 01:36 |
XTorchedX | i thought i knew | 01:36 |
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XTorchedX | now i've lost it | 01:36 |
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marten_ | lupine_85: yes, but it's slow :-( | 01:37 |
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Telroth_Plushie| | marten_, slow > nothing | 01:38 |
baldi | how can i install the ati-drvier with the console.no gui | 01:38 |
marten_ | ohter usb-devices function with my usb2.0-ports | 01:38 |
fildo | konversation v1.0 on backports yet guys ? | 01:38 |
lupine_85 | I'll swap you for my 2.0-compatible hard disc if you want | 01:39 |
marten_ | lol | 01:40 |
marten_ | you dont have any idea wtf could be broken? | 01:40 |
lupine_85 | the hard disc | 01:40 |
lupine_85 | or rather, the hard disc's implementation of USB | 01:40 |
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marten_ | but on other computers it works | 01:41 |
marten_ | lspci -v | grep -i usb | 01:41 |
marten_ | 00:03.0 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] USB 1.0 Controller (rev 0f) (prog-if 10 [OHCI] ) | 01:41 |
marten_ | 00:03.1 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] USB 1.0 Controller (rev 0f) (prog-if 10 [OHCI] ) | 01:41 |
marten_ | 00:03.2 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] USB 1.0 Controller (rev 0f) (prog-if 10 [OHCI] ) | 01:41 |
marten_ | 00:03.3 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] USB 2.0 Controller (prog-if 20 [EHCI] ) | 01:41 |
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lupine_85 | then it's your SiS implementation that's broken | 01:44 |
lupine_85 | either way | 01:44 |
Telroth_Plushie| | well luis0 | 01:44 |
Telroth_Plushie| | err | 01:44 |
Telroth_Plushie| | lupine_85, | 01:44 |
Telroth_Plushie| | he says the harddrive works in other computers and other usb devices work on his computer | 01:45 |
lupine_85 | > | 01:45 |
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lupine_85 | but that HD doesn't work on his PC, under any OS | 01:45 |
Telroth_Plushie| | marten_, can you get the exact error? | 01:45 |
lupine_85 | so that makes it hardware | 01:45 |
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Telroth_Plushie| | lupine_85, oh, where'd he say that? | 01:45 |
Telroth_Plushie| | if he said that then yes it's hardware | 01:45 |
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lupine_85 | [12:35] <marten_> its not a problem of drivers, i tried on kubuntu, gentoo and windows, everywhere the same | 01:46 |
marten_ | yepp, right | 01:46 |
zorglu_ | linux can fix hardware, it is that good :) | 01:47 |
lupine_85 | hehe | 01:47 |
Telroth_Plushie| | lolol | 01:47 |
Telroth_Plushie| | amen to that | 01:47 |
Telroth_Plushie| | rather, it allows drivers to be tweaked more | 01:47 |
lupine_85 | it's an incompatibility between the USB implementation in your HD, and the one in your SiS chipset | 01:47 |
lupine_85 | next time buy a Via-based motherboard ;) | 01:47 |
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marten_ | and what about buying a usb-pci-card? | 01:48 |
Telroth_Plushie| | marten_, if you have a $20 lying around, visit fry's or someplace | 01:48 |
Telroth_Plushie| | they have 4port usb 2.0/2port IEEE 1339 cards | 01:48 |
Telroth_Plushie| | rather nice | 01:48 |
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Telroth_Plushie| | they just don't work on bootup for me | 01:48 |
marten_ | pci? | 01:48 |
Telroth_Plushie| | pci | 01:48 |
Telroth_Plushie| | has 3 internal usb ports and 2 internal firewire + 4 external usb & 2external firewire | 01:49 |
Telroth_Plushie| | (the one i got anyways) | 01:49 |
marten_ | ok, i found one for 15? (i come from germany= | 01:50 |
marten_ | 4 external, 1 internal usb | 01:50 |
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marten_ | ok, thx very mcuh for your hel | 01:51 |
marten_ | help | 01:51 |
cpk2 | hrmm kopete keeps giving me random parsing error messages | 01:52 |
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arunkale | where is the bookmarks.html file for firefox saved? | 01:53 |
flaccid | !source-o-matic > flaccid | 01:53 |
DrCurl | hello | 01:54 |
DrCurl | Is there an easy way to have reverse color in kate editing section? It's a big pain to have to go through all the color settings and changing them one by one cause I prefer to not code on a lightbulb... | 01:54 |
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emonkey | !source | 01:56 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 01:56 |
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emonkey | !sources.list | 01:56 |
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emonkey | !repos | 01:56 |
emonkey | !repository | 01:57 |
rambo3 | use /msg ubotu | 01:57 |
emonkey | rambo3, ok thx | 01:57 |
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flaccid | !gtksu | 01:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gtksu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:58 |
flaccid | what is that gnome equiv of kdesu? | 01:59 |
Mortice | flaccid: gksu | 01:59 |
flaccid | !gksu | 01:59 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo {guiapp} | 01:59 |
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Mortice | oh, gksudo. yea. | 01:59 |
Mortice | close enough | 01:59 |
flaccid | !nexuiz > fildo | 02:00 |
lupine_85 | ... kdesu ... | 02:00 |
flaccid | thanks Mortice | 02:00 |
flaccid | nah i got a friend using gnome hehe | 02:00 |
fildo | !nexuiz > flaccid | 02:00 |
CVirus | !nexuiz | 02:02 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 02:02 |
flaccid | how can i tell what source nexuiz is from? | 02:02 |
flaccid | by command | 02:02 |
Mortice | !info nexuiz | 02:02 |
ubotu | Package nexuiz does not exist in any distro I know | 02:02 |
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Armagguedes | greetings | 02:02 |
Telroth_Plushie| | welcome, earthline | 02:02 |
Telroth_Plushie| | *earthling | 02:02 |
Armagguedes | can someone tell me of a good Podcast? | 02:02 |
Telroth_Plushie| | player or an actual podcast? | 02:03 |
Armagguedes | im looking for tech, anime or related podcasts. | 02:03 |
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Telroth_Plushie| | this isn't the place to be looking for podcasts | 02:03 |
Telroth_Plushie| | this is a help channel for Kubuntu | 02:03 |
flaccid | ubotu: ii nexuiz 2.0-1~dapper1 A 3d network deathmatch game | 02:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ii nexuiz 2.0-1~dapper1 A 3d network deathmatch game - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:03 |
Telroth_Plushie| | i.e. getting software working | 02:03 |
Armagguedes | yeah but i was kinda hoping someone knew about tech/linux podcasts here | 02:03 |
Telroth_Plushie| | someone might, i don't though. | 02:04 |
Telroth_Plushie| | sorry. | 02:04 |
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cpk2 | what would i need to edit in xorg.conf to be able to display a higher resolution? the gui wont let me go higher than 1024x768 even though my card can go higher | 02:07 |
lupine_85 | the mode lines | 02:07 |
lupine_85 | e.g.... | 02:07 |
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lupine_85 | Modes "1280x1024" #"1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480" | 02:08 |
cpk2 | there are several modeline entries already | 02:09 |
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lupine_85 | just add the requisite resolutions to each one | 02:09 |
lupine_85 | (there's a modeline for each colour depth, etc) | 02:10 |
lupine_85 | as you can see, I comment out the ones I'm not going to use | 02:10 |
cpk2 | all the modelines are commented in, would i just add another res. on the same modeline as what its already letting me choose? | 02:11 |
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lupine_85 | yes | 02:15 |
Mochito | hello | 02:15 |
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Mochito | where i can find a linux's Manual? | 02:16 |
aseigo | linux.google.com? =) | 02:16 |
flaccid | on their website? | 02:16 |
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laura_ | ciao | 02:32 |
lupine_85 | ciao | 02:33 |
lupine_85 | !it | 02:33 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 02:33 |
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klo03n | hi | 02:36 |
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu | ||
pierreth_ | hi | 02:37 |
zorglu_ | !end | 02:38 |
zorglu_ | !end | 02:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about end - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:38 |
zorglu_ | !en | 02:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about end - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about en - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:38 |
zorglu_ | damn my joke falls flat due to the repetition and it wasnt that good from the start | 02:38 |
zorglu_ | ok now i keep silent :) | 02:39 |
=== Dace [n=dace@CMLXXXIII.voas.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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nagyv | is here a php guru? I have problems with a perl-compatible pattern | 02:43 |
admin_ | i need a little help with the grub program, anyone available to help? | 02:43 |
nuxil | what grub problem? | 02:44 |
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admin_ | well its not actually the grub program i'm having a problem with, i want to change what OS boots and i know how to do it, but for some reason ubuntu is telling me i'm not the owner of the OS so i cant edit the text file i need to edit | 02:44 |
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=== admin_ is now known as sheepy1988 | ||
arunkale | for some reason i cant view www.wordpress.com properly | 02:45 |
arunkale | in linux | 02:45 |
nuxil | sheepy1988, did you sude ? | 02:45 |
flaccid | thats no good | 02:45 |
sheepy1988 | in terminal? | 02:46 |
nuxil | yes | 02:46 |
sheepy1988 | bash: sude: command not found | 02:46 |
nuxil | or kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu. | 02:46 |
zorglu_ | admin, kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:46 |
nuxil | yea | 02:47 |
=== lupine_85 [n=lupine@nick.lupine.me.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zorglu_ | yep the same :) | 02:47 |
sheepy1988 | i dont have kate | 02:47 |
sheepy1988 | i have gedit though | 02:47 |
nuxil | use that then | 02:47 |
nuxil | and you should be in #ubuntu :P as you use gnome ;p | 02:48 |
sheepy1988 | lol oh, well i installed this program and this was set to the default | 02:48 |
sheepy1988 | plus i'm a noob | 02:48 |
zorglu_ | sheepy1988: gnomesu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:48 |
nuxil | sudo nano /file or sudo pico /file | 02:48 |
zorglu_ | gnomesu is the gnome stuff for kdesu, correct ? | 02:49 |
nuxil | i think so. | 02:49 |
arunkale | does anyone here use Amule? | 02:49 |
sheepy1988 | You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please, check that you typed the location correctly and try again. | 02:49 |
nuxil | screw amule | 02:49 |
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flaccid | !amule | 02:49 |
ubotu | amule: aNOTHER eMule P2P Client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1173 kB, installed size 3212 kB | 02:50 |
flaccid | cool | 02:50 |
=== jpiccolo_ [n=jpiccolo@steclge-cuda1-68-233-4-4.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nuxil | sheepy1988, ? sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.1st | 02:50 |
nuxil | that does not work? | 02:50 |
=== Junis [n=killo@68.Red-81-36-207.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sheepy1988 | it asks me for my password but doesnt allow me to enter a password | 02:51 |
nuxil | sheepy1988, sudo passwd root | 02:51 |
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nuxil | make a roor account | 02:51 |
nuxil | *root | 02:51 |
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nuxil | erm no wait | 02:51 |
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flaccid | why set root passwd????? | 02:51 |
nuxil | if you do that you need to edit sudousers | 02:52 |
flaccid | sheepy1988: when you type the password it does not do anything, but is being inputted | 02:52 |
sheepy1988 | no, nothing is inputted | 02:52 |
nuxil | ? | 02:52 |
nuxil | weird | 02:52 |
flaccid | how do you know? | 02:52 |
zorglu_ | my guess is incorrect user report :) | 02:52 |
nuxil | type password and press enter | 02:52 |
sheepy1988 | haha | 02:53 |
flaccid | what is a user report? | 02:53 |
sheepy1988 | well f*ck me sideways | 02:53 |
nuxil | no thats to nasty | 02:53 |
voicu | can't i compile asm { } statements with gcc? | 02:53 |
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zorglu_ | voicu: you can | 02:53 |
voicu | well, it says syntax error | 02:53 |
sheepy1988 | ok so i'm in this, what do i do now? | 02:54 |
nuxil | sheepy1988, in where? in the file? | 02:54 |
sheepy1988 | yeah | 02:54 |
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sheepy1988 | oh wait i think i got it | 02:54 |
zorglu_ | http://www.ibiblio.org/gferg/ldp/GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO.html <- voicu | 02:54 |
sheepy1988 | once i've edited the file do i ctrl+O? | 02:54 |
voicu | yeah, thanks | 02:55 |
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sheepy1988 | ^O = writeout | 02:56 |
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sheepy1988 | i think i done it, i'm going to go re-boot then come back once i've tested it | 02:57 |
sheepy1988 | thanks guys | 02:57 |
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benny | test | 03:00 |
fildo | 1 2 | 03:00 |
lupine_85 | 3 | 03:01 |
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sheepy1988 | i'm back | 03:01 |
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sheepy1988 | it didnt work | 03:02 |
sheepy1988 | i'll take it to #ubuntu | 03:03 |
sheepy1988 | cheers though guys | 03:03 |
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klerfayt | how to restart network? sudo ifup & ifdown? | 03:03 |
lupine_85 | ifupdown -a ? | 03:03 |
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klerfayt | lupine_85: what's -a doing? | 03:04 |
tobias___ | :D | 03:04 |
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lupine_85 | "all" | 03:05 |
rambo3 | where and how is the theme manager in kde | 03:05 |
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lupine_85 | from memory | 03:05 |
tobias___ | I need help, Im a poor noob in a big big world, how do i get java runtime enviroment to work so i can view this page about how many people there are on the world? | 03:05 |
klerfayt | equivalent of windows "dhcp renew"? | 03:05 |
tobias___ | "http://www-popexpo.ined.fr/eMain.html" | 03:06 |
klerfayt | !java | 03:06 |
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 03:06 |
tobias___ | but i allready did | 03:06 |
tobias___ | it didnt work | 03:06 |
klerfayt | tobias___: browser? | 03:06 |
tobias___ | konqueror and firefox | 03:06 |
tobias___ | I tried both | 03:06 |
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klerfayt | tobias___: install java-lgin? | 03:07 |
tobias___ | I can play my blood bowl online game so java is working, I dont understand why it doesnt work for this | 03:07 |
klerfayt | tobias___: *plugin? | 03:07 |
tobias___ | hmmm | 03:07 |
tobias___ | klerfayt: Im not sure if I got that plugin | 03:07 |
tobias___ | the game is not inside the browser so maybe the browser needs some plugin | 03:08 |
klerfayt | tobias___: I'm going to install java to see if I can make it work | 03:08 |
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tobias___ | cool :) | 03:08 |
tobias___ | thank you | 03:08 |
rambo3 | works for me | 03:09 |
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tobias___ | rambo3: cool! | 03:09 |
tobias___ | rambo3: how did u do it? | 03:09 |
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fildo | !gdk | 03:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:10 |
rambo3 | just opened it in firefox | 03:10 |
tobias___ | rambo3; do u have a cool plugin or something inside firefox? | 03:10 |
rambo3 | no | 03:10 |
tobias___ | hmm | 03:11 |
tobias___ | it says "additional plugins are needed to display all the images on this page" "install missing plugins" | 03:12 |
tobias___ | but when I click there | 03:12 |
rambo3 | you need java | 03:12 |
rambo3 | !java > tobias___ | 03:12 |
rambo3 | no its macromedia sorry | 03:12 |
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tobias___ | macromedia? | 03:13 |
rambo3 | !flash > tobias___ | 03:13 |
tobias___ | yes flash me! | 03:13 |
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tobias___ | so what I do is search in adept for macromedia and Ill find that thing I need | 03:13 |
klerfayt | tobias___: I installed java and http://www-popexpo.ined.fr/eMain.html isn't working yet; I'll try java-plugin now | 03:13 |
tobias___ | probably | 03:13 |
tobias___ | oki | 03:13 |
tobias___ | thanx | 03:13 |
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cpk2 | note to self: never play with iptables again | 03:14 |
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klerfayt | tobias___: package name is sun-java5-plugin | 03:15 |
rambo3 | http://www-popexpo.ined.fr/eMain.html | 03:15 |
rambo3 | http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/4200/snapshot1tq9.png | 03:15 |
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klerfayt | tobias___: it is working now in firefox | 03:16 |
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tobias___ | klerfayt: cool thanx ) | 03:17 |
=== DrCurl [n=carl@gw1chl.n.ulaval.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
klerfayt | tobias___: install sun-java5-plugin package (but it is still not working in konqueror and I have no idea where do I get konqueror plugin) | 03:18 |
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tobias___ | klerfayt: thanx :D | 03:18 |
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=== Alextremo saluda a Mochito | ||
tobias___ | I love kubuntu | 03:19 |
tobias___ | and you all too | 03:19 |
klerfayt | tobias___: interesting site | 03:19 |
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@st0660990722.monm.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mochito | whats up alextremo?? | 03:21 |
grothesk_ | klerfayt: You need to tell konqueror the path to java. | 03:21 |
=== akus [n=akus@host81-132-32-235.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
klerfayt | grothesk_: how? | 03:23 |
akus | siemka spika tu ktos po polsku???????????? | 03:23 |
zorglu_ | !pl | 03:23 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 03:23 |
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zorglu_ | yeah, seems similar :) | 03:24 |
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grothesk_ | klerfayt: konqueror settings - java & java skript | 03:24 |
akus | ludziska poterebuje pomocy:( | 03:24 |
wedgeV | how can i get the latest alsa drivers in kubuntu? | 03:24 |
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CVirus | !wine | 03:25 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 03:25 |
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klerfayt | grothesk_: I see and path to java is? /usr/bin/java? | 03:25 |
grothesk_ | klerfayt: Activate Java globally. | 03:25 |
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grothesk_ | Path on my system is: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun- | 03:26 |
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zorglu_ | !java | 03:26 |
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 03:26 |
zorglu_ | i think they are some tools to setup the java, e.g. to get the gnu version or the sun version | 03:27 |
grothesk_ | sudo update-alternatives --config java | 03:27 |
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grothesk_ | That might be important, when several javaenignes are installed. | 03:27 |
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TheGateKeeper | crimsun: looks like something is broken in the repos, btw I don't use opera, & all my sources are ubuntu ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24880 | 03:28 |
klerfayt | grothesk_: you should update ubuntu java wiki page | 03:28 |
klerfayt | grothesk_: that is useful info; without it I doubt I would be smart enough to enable java in konqueror myself | 03:29 |
tobias___ | it wooooorks! | 03:29 |
tobias___ | javawooooorks!" | 03:29 |
tobias___ | woohoo | 03:29 |
zorglu_ | :) | 03:29 |
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grothesk_ | klerfayt: Update it for yourself. ;-) | 03:31 |
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tony_ | hi | 03:32 |
klerfayt | grothesk_: well I have no experience with wiki | 03:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | klerfayt, i'd do it but i don't know what you need | 03:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | if you PM me with the link and instructions, i'll do it | 03:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | back to homework | 03:34 |
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klerfayt | Admiral_Chicago: 1)install sun-java5-plugin and sun-java5-fonts 2)this is enough to get it working in firefox but for konqueror you need "sudo update-alternatives --config java" or update path to java manually in konqueror preferences | 03:38 |
Admiral_Chicago | klerfayt, what is the path? | 03:39 |
klerfayt | Admiral_Chicago: path is /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun- - but it can change in the future I guess | 03:41 |
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jan___ | i need some help i guess | 03:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | klerfayt, thanks a lot | 03:41 |
jan___ | i'm a little bit confused | 03:41 |
highneko | Where's the mplayer skin directory? I read it should be in /.mplayer/skins/ but I don't see it. | 03:42 |
jan___ | i should find "kmail" in the "internet-folder" right? | 03:42 |
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Admiral_Chicago | ~/. ? | 03:42 |
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jan___ | i tried uninstall and reinstall, but it still doesn't appear there | 03:42 |
zorglu_ | hehe | 03:43 |
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zorglu_ | jan___: try 'sudo apt-get install kmail' in a terminal | 03:43 |
TheGateKeeper | jan___: no you won't but will see it in kontact | 03:43 |
klerfayt | highneko: go to ~/.mplayer and create folder "skins" | 03:43 |
zorglu_ | kmail is no more accessible directly ? | 03:43 |
lupine_85 | heh, now I'm used to it KMail is OK | 03:43 |
jan___ | TheGateKeeper:what u mean? | 03:43 |
jan___ | i can't open kkmail | 03:43 |
jan___ | as i don't find id | 03:44 |
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zorglu_ | jan___: try 'menu->internet->kontact' | 03:44 |
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TheGateKeeper | jan___: open kontact then press on the mail icon | 03:44 |
lupine_85 | jan___: alt+f2, then type 'kmail' and un | 03:44 |
lupine_85 | run* | 03:44 |
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lupine_85 | you can add an icon to the taskbar for it manually, of course | 03:45 |
TheGateKeeper | jan___: it hides :-) | 03:45 |
jan___ | yeah but i wonder why | 03:45 |
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jan___ | the thing worked lupine_85 | 03:45 |
lupine_85 | cool :) | 03:46 |
jan___ | but i like to have kmail in de start-menu | 03:46 |
lupine_85 | use menu editor to add it | 03:46 |
jan___ | how i do that? i am in de menu editor | 03:47 |
TheGateKeeper | jan___: manually add kmail to your menus then use panel menu | 03:47 |
klerfayt | Admiral_Chicago: can I ask you a favor? | 03:47 |
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klerfayt | Admiral_Chicago: there is a way to make http://video.google.com work in konqueror | 03:48 |
klerfayt | Admiral_Chicago: hit f9 (it doesn't matter if sidebar is on or off; just hit f9 once) | 03:48 |
klerfayt | Admiral_Chicago: and favor I ask you is to add this info to ubuntu wiki page | 03:49 |
jan___ | ok thanks i got it working | 03:49 |
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TheGateKeeper | jan___: :-) | 03:51 |
[GuS] | Guys, there is "guide" to configure Kubuntu for 5.1 sound system? | 03:51 |
[GuS] | (besides playing with kmix...) | 03:52 |
klerfayt | [GuS] : what is 5.1? six speakers? | 03:52 |
[GuS] | yes | 03:52 |
[GuS] | i just configured it,... just wanna know if there is a guide... just to look | 03:53 |
klerfayt | [GuS] : and why is it 5.1? one big speaker and one very small speaker? | 03:53 |
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[GuS] | klerfayt, ? | 03:53 |
[GuS] | do you know what is 5.1 ? | 03:53 |
klerfayt | [GuS] : you said it is six speakers | 03:54 |
[GuS] | yes | 03:54 |
[GuS] | 5 littles and the big one | 03:54 |
[GuS] | so, six | 03:54 |
TonY_Love_Linux | plz men how can i register my nickname ? | 03:54 |
klerfayt | !nickname | 03:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nickname - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:55 |
Hawkwind | !register | 03:55 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 03:55 |
zorglu_ | [GuS] : http://alsa.opensrc.org/SurroundSound <- may be of help | 03:55 |
[GuS] | thanks zorglu_ , will have a look | 03:55 |
[GuS] | because now like this, i am handling master volume as fron speakers and surround volume ass rear and subwoofer | 03:56 |
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jan___ | can someone help me on kmail? | 03:57 |
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klerfayt | [GuS] : is 6.1 surround also? | 03:58 |
[GuS] | is 5.1.. no 6.1 | 03:59 |
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[GuS] | has 2 front, one central.. 2 rears... one subwoofer | 03:59 |
jan___ | i can't get kmail working properly, can someon helpt? | 03:59 |
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klerfayt | [GuS] : what is 6.1 then? | 03:59 |
Hawkwind | jan___: Be a bit more descritptive in what you need help with and someone might can help | 03:59 |
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[GuS] | and i have enabled from kmix the option "duplicate front" to work fine | 03:59 |
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jan___ | just want to set up my mailaccounts | 04:00 |
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[GuS] | klerfayt, ?? | 04:00 |
chicken_Fire | - Ubuntu dapper problem: I need php5 for php things, using the new xml parser of php5. I need to keep egroupware running, however, the egroupware deb depends on php4 only. | 04:03 |
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chicken_Fire | can I force egroupware and php5? (apt-get --forceblabla xxx) | 04:04 |
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chicken_Fire | in other words: how do I avoid the removal of a package when I upate from php4 to php5? | 04:04 |
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chicken_Fire | the apt-get --no-remove will just break with a message like "need to be removed but remove is disabled. | 04:05 |
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student | !java | 04:05 |
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 04:05 |
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student | How do I get a MYSQLserver up and running? | 04:11 |
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chicken_Fire | the "apt-get install --no-remove xx" command will just break with a message like "need to be removed but remove is disabled." Is there a workaround to force install? | 04:15 |
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lupine_85 | apt-get -f install ? :) | 04:17 |
lupine_85 | or dpkg --force-stuff | 04:17 |
lupine_85 | student: | 04:18 |
lupine_85 | !LAMP | 04:18 |
ubotu | offically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say: Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :) | 04:18 |
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ps- | shouldnt my kernel use the whole free memory as cache for the fs? | 04:38 |
lupine_85 | ps-: only what it needs | 04:39 |
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_thumper_ | is there an easy way to sync Kontact on desktop and laptop? | 04:40 |
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ps- | lupine_85: its about 28% application data and 27% cache .. on other systems the cache growed to ~70% | 04:41 |
diswill | I am thinking about upgrading my graphics card I currently have 3dfx voodo 3 3000 is there anything I should do before I put the new hardware in? | 04:42 |
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insalada | hi | 04:44 |
insalada | someone has any idea about cedega? | 04:44 |
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trappist | insalada: you might have better luck asking a specific question | 04:48 |
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student | I crashed adept during an install how do I get it to complete? | 04:52 |
student | dpkg-reconfigure?? something? | 04:53 |
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Blissex | insalada: people in #WINE or #Cedega might :-) | 04:54 |
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Raul12 | hi | 04:55 |
Raul12 | i need help | 04:55 |
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Raul12 | which partition is best for linux ex3 / resizer FS | 04:55 |
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lupine_85 | fs wars! | 04:55 |
Raul12 | fs ?? | 04:56 |
lupine_85 | ahem. for and against arguments for either | 04:56 |
lupine_85 | "file system" | 04:56 |
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lupine_85 | so personal preference really | 04:56 |
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Raul12 | where can i get information on these to | 04:56 |
Raul12 | sry file system | 04:56 |
kulbir | reiserfs is fast | 04:56 |
Raul12 | lol | 04:56 |
Raul12 | stable ? | 04:57 |
Raul12 | reiserfs | 04:57 |
Raul12 | ext 3 | 04:57 |
kulbir | Raul12: yes | 04:57 |
Raul12 | ? | 04:57 |
Raul12 | umm which 1 ? | 04:58 |
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XTorchedX | how do i add something to init.d? | 04:58 |
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Raul12 | which 1 | 04:59 |
Raul12 | plz tell | 04:59 |
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kulbir | Raul12: both are stable | 04:59 |
flaccid | imo ext3 is good but you can't recover. i'v never used reiserfs | 04:59 |
kulbir | Raul12: im using reiserfs | 05:00 |
Raul12 | how its preformin @kulbir ? | 05:00 |
flaccid | there are articles on the net on advantages and disad. of file systems and which are better for different applications | 05:00 |
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Raul12 | i think i need to search a little bit O_O | 05:01 |
Raul12 | thx 4 help guys | 05:01 |
flaccid | wikipedia might be good | 05:01 |
Raul12 | ok | 05:01 |
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nuxil | how is it posseble to have a Dir without any name? | 05:03 |
ubuntu | I want to install root & home dirs on seperate partitions... and I don't want format the partition that i'm going to use for home. How can i do it? | 05:04 |
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nuxil | simple | 05:06 |
nuxil | whats on the partition? is it a ext2 or 3 filesystem? | 05:06 |
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k3 | nuxil: ext3 | 05:06 |
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k3 | but after selecting to format first partition as root... I can't select another.. :( | 05:07 |
nuxil | edit your fstab | 05:07 |
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k3 | nuxil: u mean after the installation? | 05:08 |
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nuxil | well if you have 2 partition. you make 1 root "/" the other you can use as /home/ | 05:09 |
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chx | i have this KMix app all confusing me. i just want to use a mic. there is a green light and a red light and which one does what?? | 05:09 |
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k3 | nuxil: how can i do it only the "format", "property" and "delete" buttons are enabled. :( | 05:10 |
chx | the green light apparently mutes the mic and i can't switch that off???? | 05:10 |
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nuxil | k3 there is a manual choice | 05:11 |
nuxil | do it manualy | 05:11 |
nuxil | go back | 05:11 |
k3 | nuxil: yeah I choosed to edit partitions manually | 05:12 |
nuxil | right,, | 05:12 |
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nuxil | only make thouse you want formated checked.. | 05:12 |
nuxil | thers an option | 05:12 |
k3 | ok | 05:13 |
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gemidjy | when I give Kubuntu too much work to do, i.e. rip audiocd and chat, it either stucks KDE or it logs out... | 05:16 |
gemidjy | anyone with such experience | 05:16 |
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xwolf- | !nrg | 05:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nrg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:38 |
xwolf- | nero image files.. how to open them? | 05:38 |
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kulbir | xwolf-: mount | 05:41 |
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sinpath | ok i need some help with media | 05:42 |
xwolf- | kulbir i tried it. mounting as iso9660 (because i couldn't find the correct type), but no success. | 05:42 |
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sinpath | what does it mean when i get this | 05:42 |
lupine_85 | xwolf-: you need to convert them first | 05:42 |
sinpath | The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. (Media stream scrambled/encrypted) | 05:42 |
lupine_85 | !nrg2iso | 05:42 |
ubotu | nrg2iso: Extracts ISO9660 data from Nero ".nrg" files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-1.1 (dapper), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB | 05:42 |
kulbir | xwolf-: mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/ | 05:42 |
lupine_85 | install nrg2iso then run nrg2iso <file>.nrg <file>.iso | 05:43 |
xwolf- | oh lupine_85, thank you. | 05:43 |
lupine_85 | np :) | 05:43 |
lupine_85 | nero-- | 05:43 |
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kesara | I just finish installing kubuntu... and adept updater ask me to upgrade linux-image but it also goining install another version of it as well.. | 05:44 |
kulbir | does nero create .nrg file? | 05:44 |
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kesara | I'm little bit confused... | 05:44 |
sinpath | any help would be nice | 05:44 |
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kesara | can any body explain me whats happening.. :) | 05:44 |
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lupine_85 | sinpath: you're trying to run a WMV9 encrypted media file | 05:44 |
xwolf- | kulbir i don't know, but i downloaded an .nrg file :P | 05:44 |
sinpath | i think so | 05:45 |
sinpath | it says wma | 05:45 |
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lupine_85 | wma then | 05:45 |
lupine_85 | still DRM'd to death | 05:45 |
lupine_85 | w32codecs "might" work - but likely not | 05:45 |
sinpath | so whats the problem with it reading the data? | 05:46 |
lupine_85 | if you don't have "permission" to play the file, it won't work - in windows or Linux | 05:46 |
lupine_85 | ...it's encrypted... | 05:46 |
sinpath | ohhhhh ok thanks for clearing that up i'll try the w32codecs | 05:46 |
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kesara | why dose *Adept Updater* Upgrade my linux kernel to 2.6.15-26 and at the same time install new version 2.6.15-27? | 05:47 |
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eeos | hi there! what is the best project management tool under kubuntu in your opinions? | 05:48 |
eeos | I tested taskjugglers, planner, kplato | 05:48 |
eeos | and I am now oriented towards takjugglers (at the moment) | 05:48 |
eeos | what do you think? | 05:48 |
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sinpath | <kesara> are you new to kubuntu? | 05:50 |
kesara | sinpath: yeah | 05:51 |
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kesara | sinpath: i just finish installing | 05:51 |
sinpath | well most likely its just updating to the next packet but i could be wrong | 05:52 |
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isede | is there any way to make SATA RAID0 on FastRak card be recognized automatically, without manual qparted/dmraid runs as in the howto i found? perhaps Edgy is doing things like that? | 05:58 |
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Polynomial-C | Hallo. Ein Bekannter von mir moechte endlich mal ein Linux ausprobieren und ich wuerde ihm gerne kubuntu empfehlen. Sein Nachteil ist, dass er nur rudimentre Englischkenntnisse hat. Ist die Install-CD auch auf deutsch einstellbar? | 06:06 |
LjL | !de | 06:06 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 06:06 |
Polynomial-C | oops. sorry :) | 06:07 |
Polynomial-C | Wait, I'll translate it. | 06:07 |
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LjL | kein problem. anyway, i think you can install Ubuntu in German, if that's what you're asking | 06:07 |
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LjL | from the boot screen, press F2 (i think) to choose the language | 06:07 |
LjL | (i mean, from the boot screen *on the CD* -- if it is already installed, you can probably do it from some Preferences) | 06:08 |
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Polynomial-C | LjL, great. Thank you. | 06:08 |
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Polynomial-C | he didn't install it till now. He's stillw aiting for me to tell him if he hast a german GUI for installation :) | 06:08 |
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LjL | Polynomial-C: it does -- but maybe not every program is translated | 06:09 |
Polynomial-C | That's no big problem. I'll recommend him apps, that are translated. | 06:09 |
Polynomial-C | And for the apt-thingy he can call me if he hast problems with the language. | 06:10 |
LjL | Polynomial-C: yes, i bet most/all of the default apps are translated | 06:10 |
LjL | Polynomial-C: apt-get is translated | 06:10 |
Polynomial-C | Oh, I didn't know that :) | 06:10 |
LjL | Polynomial-C: well, sometimes the translations are a bit funny (didn't check the german ones, but)... but sitll | 06:10 |
Polynomial-C | Maybe because I alway use LANG="POSIX" for root :) | 06:10 |
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LjL | Polynomial-C: i suppose it might possibly be something like "bitte warten, der package du hast selectiert wird gedownloaded und installiert, und die dependencies wird geresolviert"... =) | 06:12 |
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LjL | at least judging from the italian/french/spanish versions i've seen ;) | 06:12 |
Polynomial-C | funny :) | 06:12 |
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student | dpkg-reconfigure?? something? | 06:17 |
LjL | que? | 06:17 |
fdoving | something? | 06:17 |
student | I crashed adept during an install how do I get it to complete? | 06:18 |
LjL | student: try "sudo apt-get -f install" | 06:18 |
student | Now I get dpkg: status database area is locked by another process | 06:18 |
fdoving | !adept crash fix | 06:18 |
ubotu | If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this command in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock' | 06:18 |
LjL | student: close any program that might be using the APT system | 06:18 |
LjL | right | 06:19 |
student | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 06:19 |
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fdoving | student: and i think you're thinking about 'dpkg --configure -a' | 06:19 |
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student | ah thanks | 06:19 |
student | Works now :) | 06:19 |
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student | thanks fdoving | 06:20 |
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fdoving | !no, adept crash fix is <reply> If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 06:21 |
ubotu | I'll remember that, fdoving | 06:21 |
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Polynomial-C | LjL, alright, he's installing right now. Thanks again for your kind help :) | 06:31 |
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vikke | hello, im trying to compile something, but all i get is this when i do ./configure : "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables", do i need any package? | 06:35 |
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CainMadness_ | Hey, uhm.. I just lost my taskbar. ( The 'Start' button, etc. ) It just isn't down at the bottom of the screen any more. Only got Konsole and Konversation open. What do I do? | 06:36 |
Lexaeus | run kicker? | 06:36 |
JohnFlux | run kicker | 06:36 |
Lexaeus | wow I was right :O | 06:36 |
CainMadness_ | Mmk. Guess what my next question is? | 06:37 |
Lexaeus | how do I run kicker? | 06:37 |
=== CainMadness_ nods. | ||
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Lexaeus | I imagine it's in the path, just try kicker in the console | 06:38 |
CainMadness_ | Worked. | 06:38 |
CainMadness_ | Spank you. | 06:38 |
gemidjy | this is getting heavy, kde logsout instantly after starting two tasks, kubuntu dapper 6.06 with latest updates | 06:38 |
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h3sp4wn | dcop kicker kicker restart | 06:39 |
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Admiral_Chicago | vikke, install build-essential | 06:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | sudo apt-get install build-essential | 06:42 |
vikke | Admiral_chicago: thats not the problem, I have that | 06:42 |
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Admiral_Chicago | vikke, thats how i fixed mine | 06:43 |
vikke | Admiral_Chicago: okey, maybe i should try reinstalling it? | 06:43 |
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Admiral_Chicago | this is what you said "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables", do i need any package?" and thats how i fixed mine | 06:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | :P | 06:44 |
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xst | Remote printing with CUPS over IPP has been broken in dapper for quite some time now. Does anyone know when a fix for this bug will be available? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/55243 | 06:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | what are you tyring to install/ | 06:44 |
zorglu_ | vikke: type "which gcc" in a terminal | 06:44 |
vikke | wine | 06:44 |
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vikke | yes it is giving me a path | 06:45 |
vikke | ./usr/bin/gcc | 06:45 |
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zorglu_ | so you got gcc :) | 06:46 |
zorglu_ | what the issues i didnt follow | 06:46 |
nixternal | xst: it isn't broken for everybody...as i print to a shared printer just fine | 06:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | zorglu_, configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" | 06:46 |
nixternal | in Dapper and in Edgy | 06:46 |
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Admiral_Chicago | nixternal, you live... | 06:46 |
nixternal | of course ;) | 06:47 |
zorglu_ | Admiral_Chicago: need more data :) | 06:47 |
vikke | people have had similiar problems, and they fixed it by installing a package, but they werent using kubuntu | 06:47 |
zorglu_ | vikke: put the output of ./configure in pastebin ? | 06:48 |
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vikke | zorglu_: on my way already :P | 06:48 |
Admiral_Chicago | why aren't you using wine in the repo? | 06:48 |
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xst | nixternal: Are both client and server running dapper? | 06:48 |
stk_ | How do I access /usr folder ? | 06:48 |
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Admiral_Chicago | stk_, hahahahaha | 06:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | sorry the nick | 06:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | not the question | 06:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | uhh cd /usr | 06:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | your nick is great. | 06:49 |
stk_ | yeh but I need to put a file into amsn | 06:49 |
stk_ | Thanks :P | 06:49 |
stk_ | It's a short of my full name XD | 06:50 |
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Admiral_Chicago | stk_, gui? | 06:50 |
vikke | Admiral_Chicago: is it the latest wine in the repo? | 06:50 |
nixternal | i have printers all over on various boxes...i can print to the windows shrae printer, to the edgy shared printer, and dapper isn't sharing a printer, actually dapper will go bye bye today | 06:50 |
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Ash-Fox | !firefox | 06:50 |
ubotu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 06:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | vikke, you on dapper? | 06:50 |
stk_ | gui? | 06:51 |
vikke | zorgly_: here is the config.log http://pastebin.com/794872 | 06:51 |
vikke | Admiral_Chicago: yep | 06:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | Graphically | 06:51 |
stk_ | aha Sweden | 06:51 |
stk_ | How do I move a file from my deskop to the /usr folder? | 06:52 |
zorglu_ | waiting for pastebin.com to reply.... | 06:52 |
zorglu_ | not in a hurry :) | 06:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | vikke, latest version os 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 | 06:52 |
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Admiral_Chicago | stk_, how do you mean move your desktop? a file from the desktop to /usr | 06:52 |
trappist | stk_: sudo mv filename /usr/ | 06:52 |
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trappist | or sudo mv ~/Desktop/filename /usr | 06:53 |
stk_ | Thx ;) | 06:53 |
zorglu_ | vikke: looks like file right issue to me, the issue is that the C compiler fails to create an executable | 06:53 |
zorglu_ | vikke: you got the gcc and it is detected | 06:54 |
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zorglu_ | vikke: look at the config.log to get where it is trying to write | 06:54 |
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jpiccolo_ | is there such thing as defragging a hard drive in linux? | 06:55 |
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Admiral_Chicago | jpiccolo_, no | 06:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | no need! | 06:55 |
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bbeck_ | Does anyone know how to determine what package ps is a member of? | 06:55 |
jpiccolo_ | ok | 06:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | Linux can handle files correctly and not lose data | 06:56 |
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Admiral_Chicago | bbeck_, what do you mean is a member of? | 06:56 |
jpiccolo_ | ya the greatness of open source | 06:56 |
vikke | zorglu_: i dont understand, like a permission problme? | 06:56 |
tsdgeos | bbeck_: apt-file search ps | 06:56 |
zorglu_ | jpiccolo_: Admiral_Chicago: do a google on 'ext3 defrag' for a tool to do it and all the contreversy about it | 06:56 |
zorglu_ | vikke: exactly | 06:56 |
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Admiral_Chicago | zorglu_, ah yes well i don't see a need to defrag | 06:57 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'm on the side of "no need" | 06:57 |
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vikke | zorglu_: should'nt it work with 'sudo ./config' then? maybe im thinking wrong | 06:57 |
zorglu_ | vikke: nope, read the config.log | 06:58 |
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zorglu_ | Admiral_Chicago: i figured :) | 06:58 |
fdoving | bbeck_: procps, you can use http://packages.ubuntu.com in the future. | 06:58 |
student | fdoving: can I get javac installed via apt-get? | 06:58 |
bbeck_ | tsdgeos: apt-file search ps didn't return anything. | 06:58 |
fdoving | !java > student | 06:58 |
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student | that doesn't seem to put a javac in my path | 07:00 |
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student | !mysql | 07:00 |
ubotu | offically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say: Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :) | 07:00 |
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Dr_willis | Hmm.. Silly KDE printer configuration tool. | 07:01 |
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lupine_85 | kcontrol/Printers++ | 07:01 |
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Dr_willis | lupine_85, yea.. be noice if it actually worked decently well. | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | it has sonme... quirks. | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | :P | 07:02 |
lupine_85 | heh | 07:02 |
lupine_85 | worked well here | 07:02 |
lupine_85 | (HP PSC2355) | 07:02 |
fdoving | student: you can try to use 'ecj-bootstrap'. | 07:02 |
fdoving | student: that's a package name. | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | the interface to the thing is the issue..of course now its not showing ANY printer drivers. | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | :P | 07:02 |
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Dr_willis | not sure why its doing that | 07:03 |
lupine_85 | yes... does seem a bit strange | 07:03 |
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Dr_willis | i alwyas end up using the gnome cups tool. | 07:04 |
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Skrot | !java | 07:05 |
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 07:05 |
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bbeck_ | O.k. I figured it out, if anyone cares you can do something like this to find out the package name of a program... dpkg -S ps | grep '/bin/ps$' In this case ps specifically. | 07:07 |
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trappist | bbeck_: or if the package isn't installed and you want to know which one you need, install apt-file; sudo apt-file update; apt-file search filename | 07:09 |
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fdoving | bbeck_: or if you want to just use dpkg: 'dpkg -S /bin/ps' :) | 07:10 |
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Hawkwind | trappist: We got overruled on the bugs fact, just FYI | 07:10 |
trappist | Hawkwind: why? | 07:11 |
trappist | bbeck_: also, you might omit the leading slash there, in case the launcher is in, say, /usr/sbin | 07:11 |
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Hawkwind | trappist: Seveas wants it to be the old one so it's easier for the user to remember the URL | 07:11 |
trappist | ic | 07:12 |
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zorglu_ | trappist: have you found your graphist guy ? later that day some people on #kubuntu-offtopic were willing to help :) | 07:13 |
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arunkale | !thunderbird | 07:15 |
ubotu | a FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation. To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60427 | 07:15 |
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trappist | zorglu_: it occurred to me I need to have a decent picture first :) so I haven't asked yet. thanks for the update though! | 07:15 |
arunkale | how do i get the latest version of thunderbird? | 07:15 |
arunkale | adept? | 07:15 |
zorglu_ | cool :) | 07:16 |
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ruksen | hi everybody. does anybody use VIM | 07:19 |
arunkale | whazzat? | 07:19 |
DutchR_PW | it's a text editor.. but I don't use it | 07:19 |
ruksen | i want to learn how to run vim scripts | 07:19 |
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ruksen | ok then, can you tell me how to run basic scripts | 07:20 |
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gronbaek | Hi people... i've just upgraded to the 3.5.4 from 3.5.2 and things seem to be going fine. Except Kopete which crashes everytime i connect to a jabber server. | 07:20 |
ruksen | what is the extension of a basic script in linux? | 07:21 |
gronbaek | But it only seems to happend with a specific account... not all jabber accounts. | 07:21 |
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gronbaek | Do any of you got any hints to what could be wrong? | 07:21 |
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DutchR_PW | a standard shell script has extension .sh | 07:21 |
DutchR_PW | I don't know what vim uses however | 07:22 |
shegman | !ipv6 | 07:22 |
ubotu | To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 07:22 |
ruksen | how do you run a script | 07:22 |
ruksen | ./scriptname.sh | 07:22 |
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ruksen | ? | 07:22 |
arunkale | ruksen: yeah, that sounds about right | 07:22 |
arunkale | but check google just to make sure | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | ruksen, there is no such thing as a basic script/extension. :P ya can just chmod +x the thing, and if the first line is correct - it should run | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | Bash FUndamentals . | 07:23 |
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ruksen | what chmod +x do? | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | First Line = #!/bin/bash (or similer) , and chmod +x it, and it should run as any other command | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | man chmod | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | it sets it executable | 07:24 |
fdoving | ruksen: if you've got the right shebang line, ( #!/bin/bash as first line of the script) and set the file to executable, you can do ./script.sh. if you haven't you'll have to use 'bash script.sh' | 07:24 |
bosse_ | where can I read about crontab | 07:24 |
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Dr_willis | Linux/Shell/Bash Fundamentals | 07:24 |
lupine_85 | man crontab | 07:24 |
bosse_ | thanks | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | the .sh extension is NOT needed. | 07:24 |
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Dr_willis | but its handy for you to rember its a shell script. | 07:24 |
fdoving | ruksen: for example: http://pegasus.rutgers.edu/~elflord/unix/bash-tute.html is nice to start with. | 07:25 |
ironfroggy | when i try to switch away from an X terminal and then back, i get a bunch of green lines and a continually resetting X server that doesnt respond to input. i cant even use ctrl+alt+F1 to go back to a console. | 07:25 |
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ruksen | fdoving : and other friends thanks for help | 07:25 |
zorglu_ | ironfroggy: wild guessing an issue with the video card driver | 07:25 |
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ironfroggy | zorglu_: so ive heard, but before i switched to kubuntu i didnt have the problem. | 07:26 |
zorglu_ | ironfroggy: find out the driver you were using before ? | 07:26 |
Dr_willis | version issues with the different drivers most likely.. | 07:26 |
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ironfroggy | zorglu_: the same. | 07:26 |
Dr_willis | you could disable the framebuffer device as well. that may help | 07:26 |
zorglu_ | ok this is the mouse then :) | 07:27 |
zorglu_ | ok kidding, just ignore me :) | 07:27 |
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ironfroggy | Dr_willis: was that a suggestion for me? | 07:28 |
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DutchR_PW | ironfroggy: I guess so | 07:29 |
ironfroggy | if i dont need it, what does the framebuffer really do? | 07:30 |
DutchR_PW | it shows the nice startup logo if I remember correctly | 07:30 |
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zorglu_ | framebuffer is a way to access the video in a safe standard way | 07:31 |
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zorglu_ | but slow | 07:31 |
zorglu_ | and yes it is used to display the 'splash screen' during the boot | 07:32 |
ironfroggy | oh i thought that was just vga mode | 07:32 |
zorglu_ | and on the side, the default splash of kubuntu is ugly :) | 07:32 |
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zorglu_ | ironfroggy: it is :) | 07:32 |
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ironfroggy | zorglu_: then im still not understanding maybe. if thats just vga, what does it have to do with my drivers? | 07:33 |
zorglu_ | i dunno :) just explaining the basic about frame buffer | 07:33 |
DutchR_PW | It manages all non-X displays | 07:33 |
zorglu_ | about your particular proble, it is somehwere in the driver of the video card | 07:34 |
zorglu_ | dunno where tho :) | 07:34 |
DutchR_PW | so when you switch from a console to your graphical X display the control transfers from framebuffer <-> X driver | 07:34 |
zorglu_ | well no :) | 07:34 |
zorglu_ | the console in text is not framebuffer :) | 07:34 |
ironfroggy | well i get the same problem trying to switch between multiple X servers. | 07:34 |
zorglu_ | it is a 'text mode' :) | 07:35 |
zorglu_ | comeon video mode on pc is so simple :) | 07:35 |
DutchR_PW | :) | 07:35 |
DutchR_PW | If you have an ATI card with proprietary drivers then it's just a bug: my laptop also crashes when switching VCs | 07:35 |
ironfroggy | its an intel card on the (known to be buggy) i810 driver | 07:36 |
trappist | I disable the framebuffer by setting vga=normal in my grub config when I have issues switching vcs, and that's always worked for me | 07:36 |
trappist | of course that has side-effects, but none of them bother me | 07:36 |
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trym|work | hmm I cant get sound input to work | 07:37 |
trym|work | nvidia chipset | 07:37 |
trym|work | any ideas why ? | 07:37 |
zorglu_ | nvideo does sound too ? | 07:37 |
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trym|work | zorglu_: mainboard chipset | 07:38 |
trym|work | ac97 | 07:38 |
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zorglu_ | h[17179604.564000] AC'97 1 does not respond - RESET <- something like that ? | 07:38 |
mrbrdo | hi | 07:39 |
mrbrdo | i can't connect to WEP networks with my atheros wlan card | 07:39 |
mrbrdo | only to open networks | 07:39 |
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zorglu_ | trym|work: [17179604.568000] ali15x3_smbus 0000:00:06.0: ALI15X <- does this match your sound card ? this is mine and it works ok here | 07:39 |
trym|work | no error messages in dmesg | 07:40 |
lupine_85 | mrbrdo: sudo iwconfig ath0 key <blah> | 07:40 |
zorglu_ | trym|work: naive suggestion you double checked all the volimes ? | 07:40 |
trym|work | zorglu_: yeah :/ from what I can tell I have tried everything | 07:40 |
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zorglu_ | ... dunno | 07:41 |
trym|work | I have CK804 | 07:41 |
DutchR_PW | trym: I have the same card and it works perfectly here | 07:42 |
DutchR_PW | You might have to change some mixer sliders however | 07:42 |
DutchR_PW | try running alsamixer | 07:42 |
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DutchR_PW | and with [Tab] you can go to the capture sliders | 07:42 |
DutchR_PW | [Space] selects a input for capture | 07:43 |
mrbrdo | lupine_85: i tried already with knetworkmanager and wlassistant and i doesn't work with either.. i'm using the madwifi-0.9.2 release module | 07:43 |
DutchR_PW | M mutes or unmutes | 07:43 |
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lupine_85 | but have you tried from the CLI? | 07:45 |
lupine_85 | also, if it's an ascii key remember to prefix s: | 07:45 |
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mrbrdo | lupine_85: CLI? | 07:46 |
lupine_85 | command line interface | 07:46 |
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lupine_85 | i.e. terminal | 07:46 |
mrbrdo | lupine_85: how can i reset it? then i set essid, key, channel, anything else? and dhclient ath0..? | 07:46 |
lupine_85 | just set the key and essid | 07:47 |
lupine_85 | then dhclient ath0 | 07:47 |
mrbrdo | ok i'll try, be back | 07:47 |
mrbrdo | thanks | 07:47 |
ubuntu | hi , anyone can help me? a channel in spanish? i have a problem with installation kubuntu | 07:47 |
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lupine_85 | !es | 07:47 |
ubuntu | anyone speak spanish | 07:47 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 07:47 |
ubuntu | ok, thx | 07:47 |
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aprilia | puhuuko joku suomea | 07:47 |
fdoving | !fi | 07:48 |
ubotu | Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi | 07:48 |
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XTorchedX | got fin? | 07:48 |
zuzul | hi | 07:50 |
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mrbrdo | hi | 07:51 |
mrbrdo | lupine_85: it didn't work | 07:51 |
mrbrdo | let me show u what happened sec | 07:51 |
excitatory | does anyone know where i could get a aotuv oggenc binary for ubuntu? i can't find a working one anywhere, and i'm having much difficulty compiling one. (i have a strong working knowledge of compilation, so it's most likely not the reason i can't compile) | 07:52 |
mrbrdo | lupine_85: http://paste.uni.cc/10407 | 07:52 |
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mrbrdo | lupine_85: the Acess Point MAC it shows is the right one | 07:53 |
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ruksen | Does anybody use vim? | 07:55 |
lupine_85 | vi on occasion | 07:55 |
mrbrdo | lupine_85: any idea? | 07:56 |
anurag_ | i do but not a power user | 07:56 |
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ruksen | do you know chow to run v.m scripts | 07:56 |
ruksen | vim scripts i mean | 07:56 |
lupine_85 | ah, no :) | 07:56 |
mrbrdo | and what is the wifi0 interface anyway? -_- | 07:56 |
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lupine_85 | that's a control interface | 07:56 |
lupine_85 | feed it to wlandev to do cool stuff | 07:56 |
lupine_85 | (i'll get to your issue in a second - sort of busy atm) | 07:56 |
mrbrdo | ok | 07:57 |
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lupine_85 | ok.... is "mrbrodo" a passphrase? | 07:58 |
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lupine_85 | mrbrdo? | 07:59 |
lupine_85 | passphrase or ASCII key? | 07:59 |
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mrbrdo | lupine_85: i dunno, in my router i set generate hex pairs from passphrase | 08:00 |
lupine_85 | ok, you need to feed it your hex data then | 08:00 |
lupine_85 | passphrases aren't supported | 08:00 |
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mrbrdo | oh | 08:00 |
mrbrdo | it works on windows though | 08:00 |
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mrbrdo | maybe it converts it on the fly | 08:00 |
mrbrdo | lupine_85: is it ok if i choose 64bit wep? | 08:00 |
lupine_85 | if that's what you're using | 08:01 |
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mrbrdo | btw, after i input my string in my router, the i can choose from 5 keys (radioboxes) | 08:01 |
mrbrdo | i mean from 5 hex pairs or what they are | 08:01 |
lupine_85 | yes... whichever one you choose, put into the linux box | 08:02 |
mrbrdo | lupine_85: do i have to set something special for the card to know it's 64bit not 128bit? | 08:02 |
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lupine_85 | nope | 08:02 |
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mrbrdo | ok i'll try, be back | 08:02 |
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charnel | hi | 08:06 |
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NthDegree | :) | 08:06 |
charnel | ;) | 08:06 |
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charnel | nthdegree | 08:06 |
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NthDegree | it's not usually this quiet in here | 08:07 |
mrbrdo | lupine_85: thanks, it works if i use the hex key! | 08:07 |
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NthDegree | ;-) | 08:07 |
charnel | i trust you | 08:07 |
charnel | noooo | 08:07 |
charnel | no kuestions | 08:08 |
ataraxis | did anybody experience problems with nspluginviewer lately? | 08:08 |
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mrbrdo | lupine_85: one more thing.. how should i enter the key to wlassistant? i just type in the hex key and not check ascii, right? | 08:10 |
DaSkreech | How do I loginto mysql server? | 08:10 |
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Kubu | how do I add the "my computer" icon to my desktop? | 08:10 |
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lebifteksauvage | Hello ;) | 08:11 |
lupine_85 | mrbrdo: yes :) | 08:12 |
lupine_85 | glad that it worked for you | 08:12 |
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mrbrdo | well, bbl | 08:12 |
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mhb | I wonder ... was Kaffeine stripped of its DVB-T functionality or it's just a plugin missing by default in Edgy? | 08:13 |
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welinder | hi | 08:14 |
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welinder | were am I? | 08:15 |
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notech | you are here | 08:15 |
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erlehmann | when i boot the live cd, it says "buffer error on device dm-0". what to do ? | 08:15 |
welinder | thank | 08:16 |
welinder | so... | 08:16 |
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welinder | who speak frenchN or were I can find a French chat canal? | 08:17 |
fdoving | !fr | 08:17 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 08:17 |
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mhb | anyone with Edgy who tried to set up DVB-T? | 08:17 |
welinder | Thank!!! | 08:17 |
welinder | I use Kubuntu v 6.06 | 08:18 |
welinder | and its so woderful! | 08:18 |
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fdoving | welinder: glad you like it :) | 08:19 |
mhb | me too | 08:19 |
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=== DaSkreech uses Kubuntu 6.10 | ||
XTorchedX | interesting | 08:24 |
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=== MrMan_ is now known as flavioribeiro | ||
=== mhb is using Edgy too | ||
=== fdoving too | ||
mhb | does anyone encountered the DVB-T trouble too? | 08:25 |
=== lupine_85 3 | ||
lupine_85 | but not DVB-T | 08:26 |
=== danlin [n=danlin@p54A3AF1C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fdoving | i don't use dvb-t for anything either. | 08:26 |
mhb | I did, and it was quite simple to set it up in Dapper | 08:27 |
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mhb | just set the drivers up and Kaffeine worked well | 08:27 |
mhb | but now there's no possibility to view the TV through Kaffeine and I don't know why - if it is a bug or not | 08:27 |
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fdoving | mhb: http://kaffeine.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=faq&PHPSESSID=15e293fb786c1ffb1bbbefbe419140db#question18 did you do this? | 08:30 |
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mhb | fdoving: could be | 08:32 |
mhb | fdoving: thanks | 08:32 |
mhb | fdoving: I'll try to enable the device again | 08:32 |
tamiro | somebody know an another server for quakenet? | 08:33 |
tamiro | of irc | 08:33 |
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n0n4m3 | hello,, im trying to install the new nvidia beta drivers, and it says that it cant find /usr/usr/linux/include/linux/version.h | 08:34 |
n0n4m3 | does anyone know why? | 08:34 |
fdoving | tamiro: irc.quakenet.org | 08:34 |
tamiro | thx fdoving | 08:34 |
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flavioribeiro | why my ktorrent downloads so slow? | 08:34 |
fdoving | n0n4m3: first, it's looking at the wrong place. should be /usr/linux/include/linux/version.h | 08:35 |
Skrot | flavioribeiro: Which ktorrent-version? | 08:35 |
n0n4m3 | fdoving: oh, thnx | 08:35 |
mhb | fdoving: OK, firmware is missing again | 08:35 |
flavioribeiro | 1.2 | 08:35 |
Skrot | aww, get a upgrade | 08:35 |
mhb | fdoving: that's one of the more frustrating things, when firmware is missing ... | 08:35 |
Skrot | I'm using ktorrent 2.0.1 and I get 700KB/s which is ~max of my ADSL | 08:35 |
flavioribeiro | hmmmmm | 08:36 |
fdoving | mhb: tell me about it, i have a bcm43xx based wireless card. | 08:36 |
flavioribeiro | in my version i cant configure my conection | 08:36 |
Skrot | flavioribeiro: Are you using kubuntu dapper? | 08:36 |
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flavioribeiro | yes Skrot | 08:36 |
flavioribeiro | 6.06 | 08:36 |
fdoving | mhb: nothing as frustrated as missing firmware, when you're just -that- close to getting online. | 08:36 |
Skrot | flavioribeiro: add deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse to /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:36 |
mhb | fdoving: why there isn't a easier way how to solve it? | 08:36 |
mrbrdo | when i am configuring kismet, i get "checking for main in -lstdc++... no", but i have libstdc++5 and libstdc++6 installed.. why is this happening? | 08:36 |
n0n4m3 | fdoving: it is /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h, its the right path to source | 08:36 |
flavioribeiro | ok man | 08:37 |
mhb | fdoving: because an ordinary user can't download & install firmware just by himself | 08:37 |
fdoving | mhb: you don't want ordinary users to put stuff into your kernel. i guess. | 08:37 |
adrian | aaa | 08:37 |
mhb | fdoving: no, but ordinary users want their hardware to work "out-of-the-box", you know | 08:38 |
flavioribeiro | thanks Skrot, now im updating | 08:38 |
Skrot | flavioribeiro: np. :) | 08:38 |
mhb | fdoving: sometimes it's not directly possible (codecs, for instance) but there should be a way how to do that with one click or such | 08:38 |
fdoving | mhb: hmm.. you might try /usr/include/linux/version.h - make sure you have the 'linux-kernel-headers' package installed. | 08:40 |
fdoving | mhb: sorry, wrong nick. | 08:40 |
flavioribeiro | Skrot: mplayer load subtitles? | 08:40 |
fdoving | n0n4m3: : hmm.. you might try /usr/include/linux/version.h - make sure you have the 'linux-kernel-headers' package installed. | 08:40 |
Skrot | flavioribeiro: it does if mplayer-fonts is installed | 08:40 |
Skrot | afaik | 08:40 |
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Skrot | I've got a custom compiled version of mplayer, so I'm not sure about kubuntus default mplayer | 08:40 |
flavioribeiro | hm | 08:41 |
flavioribeiro | i will test later and tell you if it works | 08:41 |
fdoving | mhb: yes, amarok will get (to some degree) this feature in edgy (with the help of sudo and some script magic).. to enable multiverse and install mp3 support automatically. | 08:41 |
fdoving | Skrot, flavioribeiro, mplayer in (k)ubuntu loads subtitles, yes. | 08:42 |
n0n4m3 | fdoving: i dont have /usr/linux , i extracted the source files to /usr/src/linux | 08:43 |
n0n4m3 | ops sry | 08:44 |
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mhb | fdoving: I know, I've seen with my own eyes :o) | 08:44 |
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hummigbird1 | Hello | 08:44 |
fdoving | n0n4m3: did you extract the linux source to /usr/src/linux ? | 08:44 |
hummigbird1 | Can anyone give me a helping hand with installing Ubuntu/Kubuntu ? | 08:44 |
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flavioribeiro | ok fdoving thanks man | 08:45 |
hummigbird1 | I would like to install it on a Biblo b142 Subnotebook | 08:45 |
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hummigbird1 | It can not boot from CD | 08:45 |
lupine_85 | fdoving: not a good idea ;) | 08:45 |
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hummigbird1 | It only has a Floppy and an external USB CD | 08:45 |
fdoving | lupine_85: why not? | 08:45 |
lupine_85 | /usr/src/linux *should* be a symlink to your C library headers | 08:45 |
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n0n4m3 | fdoving: "sudo apt-get install linux-source- version" then cd /usr/src then "sudo tar -xvjf linux.source.bz2" | 08:46 |
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lupine_85 | /usr/src/linux-verstring is where the kernel source should go | 08:46 |
lupine_85 | that's then symlinked to from /lib/modules/(verstring)/build | 08:46 |
fdoving | lupine_85: that's the way you get it when doing what n0n4m3 did. | 08:46 |
lupine_85 | so does s/he have /usr/src/linux/linux-source-(verstring) atm? | 08:47 |
hummigbird1 | Anyone can help me with this ? Any hints ? | 08:47 |
lupine_85 | of course, for building modules you just need linux-headers | 08:47 |
trappist | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root src 31 Sep 14 13:21 linux -> linux-headers-2.6.17-7-generic/ | 08:48 |
n0n4m3 | yes | 08:48 |
trappist | that's from ls -l /usr/src/ | 08:48 |
lupine_85 | that's not good :( | 08:48 |
lupine_85 | you're going against the Great Linus, you know ;) | 08:48 |
trappist | wth does he know about kernel source anyway | 08:49 |
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lupine_85 | http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Kernel/usr-src-linux-symlink.html | 08:51 |
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n0n4m3 | oh ok, so i had to point the nvidia installer to the header files instead of the kernel source, but now its complaining about other modules =/ | 08:52 |
lupine_85 | did you uninstall nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules first? | 08:53 |
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n0n4m3 | yes, it's a fresh install | 08:53 |
n0n4m3 | i think im almost getting it, i must try "sudo apt-source linux-xxxxxxx" | 08:53 |
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trappist | lupine_85: good link | 08:53 |
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lupine_85 | you don't need that | 08:54 |
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lupine_85 | just sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` and then the nvidia installer will pick them up automagically | 08:54 |
DaSkreech | can I do a mail from the command line? | 08:54 |
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n0n4m3 | im on edgy, this thing with generic kernel versions is really confusing :P | 08:55 |
DaSkreech | kubuntu: Hey! we don't like your kind here :) | 08:55 |
fdoving | whois kubuntu | 08:56 |
fdoving | gah. | 08:56 |
lupine_85 | ? | 08:56 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 08:56 |
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n0n4m3 | lupine_85: thnx it worked | 08:56 |
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lupine_85 | np | 08:56 |
n0n4m3 | it was linux-headers-version-generic =/ | 08:57 |
DaSkreech | shouldn't there be a mail command? | 08:57 |
fdoving | DaSkreech: do a mail? you can telnet to port 25 of a smtp-server and write one :) | 08:57 |
fdoving | and.. there should be a mail command. | 08:57 |
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DaSkreech | fdoving: And if there isn't? | 08:57 |
fdoving | it's in the mailx package. | 08:57 |
DaSkreech | mailx sweet | 08:57 |
DaSkreech | And that handles mbox? | 08:58 |
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fdoving | DaSkreech: yes. | 08:58 |
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scion | hello all | 08:58 |
n0n4m3 | hello | 08:59 |
DaSkreech | fdoving: right no servers by default :( | 08:59 |
DaSkreech | All isn't here right now but we will take messages for her | 08:59 |
fdoving | mailx isn't a server. | 08:59 |
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[GuS] | Guys, there is a app or plugin for firefox to block porn sites? | 09:04 |
NthDegree | LMAO | 09:04 |
tristanmike | why would you want to ? | 09:04 |
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stephan | can here where qastrocam ? | 09:04 |
NthDegree | there isn't a "firefox plugin" | 09:04 |
NthDegree | but there is a solution | 09:04 |
grizzly | lol | 09:04 |
NthDegree | dansguardian web content filtering | 09:05 |
NthDegree | I believe Jereme posted something in the forums about it | 09:05 |
NthDegree | or there's always the path to hell (Ubuntu Christian Edition) that has a "convert me" script | 09:06 |
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NthDegree | because Ubuntu CE I think includes it | 09:06 |
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grizzly | Can anyone think of a reason as to why I can't download stuff from IRC (tried multiple clients) | 09:07 |
trappist | [GuS] : check out dansguardian | 09:07 |
NthDegree | you need to open ports on your router | 09:07 |
grizzly | Background info: and my dns server is reset on everyboot :-/ | 09:07 |
NthDegree | trappist: don't think he was a listrning to me :p | 09:07 |
NthDegree | grizzly: try opening ports on your router | 09:08 |
grizzly | NthDegree: no router | 09:08 |
trappist | NthDegree: oh I didn't see your answer :0 | 09:08 |
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[GuS] | ok trappist thanks | 09:08 |
NthDegree | you need inbound on your chosen D*C ports | 09:08 |
trappist | grizzly: running a firewall? | 09:08 |
grizzly | nope | 09:08 |
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NthDegree | GuS, :) as I said, try ubuntu CE's script | 09:09 |
[GuS] | works on Kubuntu too? | 09:09 |
NthDegree | because dansguardian is apparently not the easiest thing to set up | 09:09 |
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NthDegree | GuS that script I would assume does | 09:09 |
grizzly | I was playing around to solve the dns-reset problem though | 09:09 |
trappist | it's not too hard | 09:09 |
[GuS] | ok | 09:09 |
NthDegree | since Kubuntu and Ubuntu are basically the same thing | 09:09 |
NthDegree | just beware Ubuntu CE's script puts bible software on too :| | 09:10 |
[GuS] | yes i know that NthDegree | 09:10 |
NthDegree | lol | 09:10 |
[GuS] | i am not a Newbie ;) | 09:10 |
NthDegree | well you never know with people on here ^.^ | 09:10 |
[GuS] | just wanted to know alternatives | 09:10 |
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[GuS] | and dansguardian seems to have popularity | 09:11 |
NthDegree | it's like Dazuko | 09:11 |
NthDegree | the only one that filters everything | 09:11 |
NthDegree | Dazuko filters Viruses at a low-level | 09:11 |
=== plhardy_ [n=philippe@d213-103-103-142.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
NthDegree | DansGuardian tries to filter pr0n and stuff at a reasonably low-level | 09:12 |
[GuS] | mmm | 09:12 |
[GuS] | but uses proxy | 09:12 |
[GuS] | i dont use proxy here | 09:12 |
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ricardo | why the condelences to lilo users? | 09:15 |
[GuS] | mmm maybe Dazuko is the one | 09:15 |
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DaSkreech | ricardo: It's to lilo | 09:15 |
DaSkreech | He was the founder of freenode and one of the most active users | 09:15 |
DaSkreech | he died in a car accident | 09:16 |
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[GuS] | ? | 09:16 |
AWOSDev | Dang, I didn't know he was the founder. | 09:17 |
AWOSDev | :( | 09:17 |
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[GuS] | Whats that DaSkreech ? | 09:17 |
[GuS] | :S | 09:17 |
DaSkreech | He was the person who sent messages about attacks on the network or people abusing the system | 09:17 |
ricardo | ooooh....i thought it was lilo the booter...sorry..... | 09:17 |
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DaSkreech | [GuS] : ricardo was asking about lilo | 09:17 |
[GuS] | ok | 09:17 |
[GuS] | i didn't know either what/who was | 09:18 |
DaSkreech | I was explaining it was not the boot loader but the person who was dead | 09:18 |
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Sherbrooke-HSE-ppp3608362.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | [GuS] : how long have you been on IRC? | 09:18 |
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[GuS] | in this server, no much | 09:18 |
[GuS] | like a year | 09:18 |
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DaSkreech | You probably have gotten messages from him then | 09:19 |
DaSkreech | He was very active | 09:20 |
DaSkreech | How do I kill someone's terminal if they are sshed in? | 09:20 |
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Chousuke | DaSkreech: kill their login shell maybe | 09:20 |
DaSkreech | ah not the terminal :) | 09:20 |
DaSkreech | Of course | 09:20 |
DaSkreech | kill -9 /dev/ttys2 >_< | 09:21 |
Chousuke | you can't kill a device file :P | 09:22 |
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Dr_willis | remove it! :0 | 09:23 |
Dr_willis | :) | 09:23 |
fdoving | use whowatch :) | 09:23 |
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maltaethiron | !seen lynoure | 09:24 |
ubotu | Lynoure is on IRC right now! | 09:24 |
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DaSkreech | fdoving: Whowahtnow? | 09:25 |
=== VanessaE [n=vanessa@pool-72-91-38-211.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
VanessaE | hiho | 09:25 |
fdoving | DaSkreech: whowatch. it's in universe. | 09:25 |
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event | ppl i need find a html editor type dreamwever but for linux its possible ? | 09:30 |
VanessaE | try quanta maybe? | 09:30 |
VanessaE | or use a text editor and validate your code against w3c :) | 09:30 |
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event | quanta? who me download this? | 09:31 |
event | but its html editor with include objects etc? | 09:31 |
claydoh | nvu is as close as it gets (not very) | 09:31 |
fdoving | !nvu | 09:32 |
ubotu | nvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 8343 kB, installed size 26440 kB | 09:32 |
VanessaE | I don't know it too well, but it can be found in adept I think | 09:32 |
VanessaE | !quanta | 09:33 |
ubotu | quanta: web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 2295 kB, installed size 5600 kB | 09:33 |
claydoh | or trying Openoffice, but that is like using MS word for html | 09:33 |
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VanessaE | admittedly the pages on my website are pretty simple stuff with barely even any javascript, but I am proud to say I did it all with a text editor :) | 09:34 |
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arunkale | good for you VanessaE | 09:34 |
=== zorglu_ [n=zorglub@134.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== claydoh is slowly converting a Frontage web to either straight html or possibly using a php cms | ||
=== bette [n=xXxbette@port355.ds1-arsy.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Heinkel|afk is now known as heinkel_111 | ||
claydoh | its a good way to learn the code :) | 09:35 |
bette | hello... can some one tell me how i can change the language from french to english on a sever with Kubutnu ??? i am logget in with Putty... i cant remotedesktop it... | 09:35 |
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=== arunkale is jealous of anyone who can write their own cms | ||
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claydoh | no, I may cheat and copy the content to a cms, just editing the theme to mimic the look of the original site | 09:35 |
=== claydoh is no coder | ||
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Jon335 | I have a Brother MFC-210C printer that I set up with instructions from the forum. When I print, it takes over a minute for the printer to start receiving data. What should I do? | 09:37 |
VanessaE | I stopped coding years ago, never learned anything more than 6502 assembly :) | 09:37 |
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claydoh | I never started really, just edit what is already there | 09:37 |
MDCore | argh... anyone have any experience with kde not redrawing correctly ? basically the windows aren't drawn completely so I have gaps where I can see the desktop... and the windows don't refresh properly! | 09:38 |
claydoh | the old dog and new tricks thing, you know | 09:38 |
MDCore | it makes things a bit hard to work with :( | 09:38 |
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claydoh | what video card/driver? | 09:38 |
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VanessaE | clay: well for me, stuff like C/C++ just didn't make sense, python was too weird, and PERL looks like line noise to me :) | 09:38 |
MDCore | intel i810 driver and 855GM card | 09:38 |
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MDCore | and I'm using the tweak/patch whatever thingy that lets me use 1400x1050. | 09:39 |
claydoh | VanessaE: it all looks wierd to me :) | 09:39 |
VanessaE | haha | 09:39 |
=== veve [n=veve@205.34-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MDCore | I've been using kubuntu for the past week or so... it's been working fine; just today. (It happened as well a few months ago and I reinstalled recently) | 09:39 |
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VanessaE | weird problem | 09:40 |
claydoh | don't know, Id suspect the tweak | 09:40 |
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MDCore | I think it is actually | 09:40 |
MDCore | my memory is coming back... | 09:40 |
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MDCore | I think I booted into windows too... and it did the same thing. | 09:40 |
VanessaE | tried it with the regular vga or vesa driver/ | 09:40 |
VanessaE | ? | 09:40 |
claydoh | have a link to the info on it? | 09:40 |
MDCore | I'm going to try a complete power down and see what happens! | 09:40 |
VanessaE | noo!! not THAT switch! | 09:40 |
MDCore | BRB folks (And thanks a stack for trying to help) | 09:41 |
=== claydoh is sooo happy he can play half Life 2 in normal wine now :) | ||
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VanessaE | see there I am behind also...quake3 here and that's it | 09:41 |
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claydoh | lol my , um , baby brother insists on playing Half Life 1 and not much else | 09:42 |
VanessaE | I too cheap/poor to buy into more modern games now | 09:43 |
claydoh | we live quite far apart, its one way we keep in touch heh | 09:43 |
VanessaE | (spent too much on the computer, can't afford any software for it :) | 09:43 |
VanessaE | interesting mode of communication | 09:43 |
claydoh | just like when we were kids | 09:43 |
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claydoh | sort of | 09:44 |
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claydoh | I only have 2 or 3 games really | 09:44 |
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claydoh | HL1 and2, Max Payne, and and oldie; system shock 2 | 09:45 |
zorglu_ | i play tremulous :) | 09:45 |
zorglu_ | http://tremulous.net and this is in opensource :) | 09:45 |
claydoh | tho I have played ET | 09:46 |
VanessaE | aside from Q3 the only other games I play are Crash (warped) and Spyro via a PSX emulator | 09:46 |
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MDCore | aaaah... the sweet sweet chrome :D | 09:46 |
claydoh | some of the 'Buntu guys from UDSF play that | 09:46 |
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MDCore | a cold boot did the trick. You can all relax now ;) | 09:46 |
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claydoh | I was all on edge, waiy=ting for your reyurn :) | 09:47 |
MDCore | hehe :) | 09:47 |
claydoh | er, waiting rather | 09:47 |
VanessaE | heh | 09:47 |
=== franck [n=franck@lns-bzn-55-82-255-151-48.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
claydoh | so excited I forgot how to type | 09:47 |
MDCore | It's a laptop see.. so I almost never reboot. I just close the lid, go home, lift the lid. | 09:47 |
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zorglu_ | MDCore: suspend is working well ? | 09:48 |
MDCore | I think somewhere between fiddling with X, display settings, coming up from standby and mode hacks to the graphics card bios... things get confused. | 09:48 |
claydoh | ahh an acpi, powermanagement issue :( | 09:48 |
MDCore | suspend works fantastically. | 09:48 |
MDCore | I haven't had any problems I'm glad to say. | 09:48 |
claydoh | cool | 09:48 |
VanessaE | heh, last time I tried playing with my video card's bios I ended up looking at snow for hours before I figured out how to revert :) | 09:49 |
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MDCore | :) | 09:49 |
MDCore | So... what I can break tonight. I'm keen to get compiz working... but something about the repo's not having all the files or something ? | 09:50 |
MDCore | (what _else_ ) | 09:50 |
lupine_85 | compiz repos are broken atm | 09:50 |
VanessaE | (someone claimed that the 6600 can be flashed safely to 6600GT... not mine!) | 09:50 |
lupine_85 | you can download the files from <repo>/pool and do a manual install though | 09:50 |
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MDCore | ah? I could find all the files except csm (via adept anyways) | 09:51 |
MDCore | I got aiglx working (I presume... I followed the script ;) ) | 09:51 |
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lupine_85 | just d/l csm from the /pool directory then | 09:51 |
MDCore | cooool | 09:51 |
lupine_85 | dpkg -i --force-deps <file> to install it | 09:52 |
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VanessaE | bbl | 09:59 |
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mrbrdo | does Kopete support logging? | 10:03 |
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scion | mrbrdo: you should try GAIM, that does | 10:10 |
trappist | kopete is so much nicer to use in kde | 10:10 |
=== adam__ [n=adam@host-ip2-44.crowley.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | I use Konversation | 10:10 |
AWOSDev | it loggs automatically | 10:10 |
AWOSDev | !info konversation | 10:11 |
ubotu | konversation: user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.19-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 4835 kB, installed size 11136 kB | 10:11 |
m3xican | someone should update the package to 1.0... | 10:12 |
fdoving | !info konversation edgy | 10:13 |
ubotu | konversation: user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 5023 kB, installed size 12200 kB | 10:13 |
mrbrdo | konversation isn't for msn -_- | 10:13 |
m3xican | !edgy | 10:13 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 10:13 |
m3xican | neat... | 10:13 |
MDCore | !schedule | 10:14 |
ubotu | Ubuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule | 10:14 |
=== macd [n=dzp@adsl-156-114-209.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | why is Kicker only running on one of my virtual desktops? | 10:15 |
AWOSDev | the other three don't have them | 10:15 |
=== zorglu_ has to learn all the funky name of kde apps | ||
zorglu_ | what is 'kicker' ? i mean what is its purpose | 10:16 |
h3sp4wn | taskbar | 10:16 |
h3sp4wn | (well that is part of it) | 10:16 |
AWOSDev | right and the K menu and the tray and the time | 10:16 |
AWOSDev | well why would it only be running on one? | 10:17 |
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h3sp4wn | Are you using xinerama ? | 10:18 |
AWOSDev | uh, no... | 10:19 |
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=== alexander__ is now known as Acc|ccAA | ||
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=== Acc|ccA_is_absol is now known as Absolute_Beginne | ||
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Absolute_Beginne | which prog do i use to "make" ? | 10:22 |
Absolute_Beginne | ith kubuntu | 10:22 |
Absolute_Beginne | +w | 10:23 |
AWOSDev | try, at the Konsole, | 10:23 |
AWOSDev | sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:23 |
Absolute_Beginne | i'll try | 10:23 |
Kr4t05 | Woah... I think Edgy just might work. | 10:24 |
main2 | crimsun: its monday today huh? :P | 10:25 |
DaSkreech | how do I send a Ctrl+d in a heredoc? | 10:25 |
main2 | in a heredoc? | 10:25 |
DaSkreech | Ueah | 10:25 |
DaSkreech | Yeah | 10:25 |
=== magic-1 [n=magic-1@cable201-233-97-4.epm.net.co] has joined #kubuntu | ||
main2 | if i would know what it is, i might could have helped you but sorry >> HEREDOC says me nothing | 10:26 |
magic-1 | hi!!! | 10:26 |
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=== miro is now known as lkm` | ||
DaSkreech | main2: it's << HEREDOC :) | 10:26 |
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magic-1 | somebody has installed XGL in kubuntu? | 10:27 |
Absolute_Beginne | I've downloaded licq as a tar.gz how do i get it installed with kubuntu konsole ? | 10:27 |
Absolute_Beginne | if i had a clue | 10:27 |
Absolute_Beginne | :( | 10:27 |
Kr4t05 | magic-1: #ubuntu-xgl | 10:27 |
=== Absolute_Beginne is now known as Abs_Beginner | ||
AWOSDev | Abs_Beginner: | 10:28 |
=== NthDegree [n=FreeNode@194-247-235-214.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | gzip -d <whatever>.tar.gz | 10:28 |
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arunkale | Absolute_Beginne: tar -zvxf filename.tar.gz | 10:28 |
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magic-1 | he is that all the guides who I have found are for ubuntu | 10:28 |
AWOSDev | tar -xf <whatever>.tar | 10:28 |
magic-1 | thx | 10:28 |
AWOSDev | magic-1 | 10:28 |
arunkale | anyone of those will do | 10:28 |
AWOSDev | !xgl | 10:28 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 10:28 |
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Abs_Beginner | yes | 10:28 |
magic-1 | ok | 10:28 |
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Kr4t05 | oh, they updated that factoid? | 10:28 |
Kr4t05 | Good. | 10:28 |
Dr_willis | actually the - isent needed any more i think | 10:28 |
Abs_Beginner | files are unzipped unarchived in a directory *g what's next? | 10:28 |
Kr4t05 | !edgy | 10:29 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 10:29 |
Abs_Beginner | there is a file called Makefile.am | 10:29 |
=== heckeler [n=heckeler@HSI-KBW-085-216-068-121.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kubu | !schedule | 10:29 |
ubotu | Ubuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule | 10:29 |
AWOSDev | Abs_Beginner: type ./configure | 10:30 |
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arunkale | so on october 26th, we'll all be experiencing a massive update/ | 10:30 |
arunkale | ? | 10:30 |
arunkale | how does it work | 10:31 |
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Dr_willis | I normally wait a week or 4 | 10:31 |
Dr_willis | :P | 10:31 |
Dr_willis | and you dont have to update to edgy. | 10:31 |
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Abs_Beginner | command not found | 10:31 |
arunkale | how do i update, if i want to | 10:31 |
Dr_willis | !update | 10:32 |
ubotu | Upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 10:32 |
AWOSDev | okay, Abs_Beginner, try 'make' | 10:32 |
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Abs_Beginner | either: not found | 10:32 |
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Abs_Beginner | there must be make or not? | 10:32 |
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=== Abs_Beginner changes nick the last time for today ;) | ||
Dr_willis | if he never installed build-essential , theres no make command. | 10:33 |
=== Abs_Beginner is now known as Acc | ||
Acc | ah | 10:33 |
=== pricechild__ is now known as lupine_85 | ||
AWOSDev | Dr_willis, I already told him to get it | 10:33 |
Acc | yes | 10:33 |
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arunkale | thanks Dr_willis | 10:34 |
AWOSDev | [16:22] <AWOSDev> sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:34 |
AWOSDev | [16:23] <Absolute_Beginne> i'll try | 10:34 |
Acc | but i, as we say here, understood "railway station", frankly speakin, i understood nothing | 10:34 |
Acc | :) | 10:34 |
Acc | sry | 10:35 |
Acc | so i have to "get build-essentials" installed | 10:35 |
Acc | i'll try again | 10:35 |
Acc | :) | 10:35 |
Dr_willis | sudo apt-get install WHATEVER | 10:36 |
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Acc | cannot find package | 10:36 |
Acc | so there's my mission, get it download | 10:36 |
Acc | :) | 10:36 |
Acc | thx so far | 10:36 |
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joseantonio_ | hola | 10:37 |
Acc | these are my first steps on this system.. i already like it... :) | 10:37 |
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joseantonio_ | hi | 10:37 |
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Acc | why does'nt adept show me this package? | 10:39 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Azzco | ||
AWOSDev | !info build-essential | 10:39 |
ubotu | build-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB | 10:39 |
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Azzco | Hi I have a small problem.. I forgot to add a user when installing gentoo... anyway to add one through terminal after installation? | 10:40 |
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Dr_willis | and its 'build-essential' | 10:41 |
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event | tenho que ver se instalo aqui o cs :\ | 10:42 |
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joseantonio_ | how install my printer? | 10:43 |
draik | anyone know of a website that shows the equivalent to winxp apps? | 10:43 |
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joseantonio_ | o cant print !! | 10:43 |
t | hi. how to make english kubuntu to be in polish? | 10:43 |
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draik | t, go to your K Menu > System Settings > Languages | 10:43 |
draik | joseantonio_ what is your printer? | 10:44 |
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joseantonio_ | DRAIK >> HP deskjet 1100 | 10:44 |
draik | t, sorry, not Languages, Regional & Accessibility | 10:44 |
draik | joseantonio_ go to K Menu > System Settings > Printers | 10:45 |
joseantonio_ | DRAIK >> HP laserjet 1100 | 10:45 |
event | where i find nice themes? | 10:45 |
Skrot | kde-look.org | 10:45 |
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Skrot | !suspend | 10:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:47 |
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AWOSDev | !acpi | 10:47 |
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ubotu | acpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (dapper), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64) | 10:47 |
joseantonio_ | Draik >> kjobviewer? | 10:47 |
DaSkreech | !power | 10:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about power - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:47 |
DaSkreech | !powermanager | 10:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about powermanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:47 |
AWOSDev | !powersave | 10:47 |
draik | joseantonio_ Printers | 10:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about powersave - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:47 |
DaSkreech | !info powermanager | 10:47 |
draik | then add a printer | 10:47 |
ubotu | Package powermanager does not exist in any distro I know | 10:47 |
t | ok. i change my country, but i can`t add my language- there only british and us english | 10:47 |
trappist | jeez you guys | 10:47 |
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DaSkreech | Liar :) | 10:47 |
trappist | try looking at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:47 |
Acc | now everythings gettin quite clear... | 10:48 |
joseantonio_ | ok draik letme se | 10:48 |
DaSkreech | how do I send a Ctrl+d in a heredoc? | 10:48 |
trappist | DaSkreech: depends on the language | 10:48 |
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DaSkreech | bash | 10:48 |
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Acc | i haven't even enabled any package-sources yet | 10:48 |
Acc | :) | 10:48 |
trappist | DaSkreech: same way you started the heredoc | 10:49 |
DaSkreech | No no | 10:49 |
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DaSkreech | I want the command in the heredoc to be a Ctrl-D | 10:49 |
DaSkreech | not the end of the heredoc | 10:49 |
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DaSkreech | So the program is expecting a ctrl-D to end the file | 10:50 |
kubunte | how to add my languge to kubuntu? i can choose to add only from british and us english | 10:50 |
trappist | DaSkreech: you want to like send a ctrl-d without an EOF? | 10:50 |
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trappist | oh | 10:50 |
DaSkreech | Or an EOF without a Ctrl-D :) either way | 10:50 |
Acc | AWOSDev, thx | 10:50 |
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Acc | for pushin me the right qay | 10:50 |
Acc | way | 10:50 |
AWOSDev | Acc, np :) | 10:51 |
DaSkreech | But the progam expects input till EOF (Ctrl-D in a shell) then more commands | 10:51 |
joseantonio_ | draik i dont found that | 10:51 |
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raul | ola | 10:51 |
trappist | DaSkreech: why does it need to be in the heredoc? as opposed to, say, just after the heredoc | 10:51 |
DaSkreech | trappist: Eh? | 10:52 |
DaSkreech | trappist: gimmie an example | 10:52 |
DaSkreech | I want to send a mail in a script | 10:52 |
DaSkreech | Which means the body gets written in a heredoc | 10:52 |
trappist | DaSkreech: for that, just do like so | 10:52 |
DaSkreech | Which requires a EOF | 10:52 |
draik | joseantonio_ are you sure? I found it | 10:52 |
all-natural | hi all, when i run a prog via sudo say kate or other i get this error X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 10:52 |
all-natural | any ideas? | 10:53 |
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trappist | DaSkreech: body=<<BODY ... BODY so there's your body. then, echo $body | mail -s subject ... | 10:53 |
all-natural | there is more to the error, i just didn't want to spam the channel | 10:53 |
DaSkreech | trappist: >_< bloody ell you are joking | 10:53 |
trappist | DaSkreech: no, it's not as hard as you're making it :) | 10:53 |
DaSkreech | And that allows command substituioun? | 10:53 |
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trappist | DaSkreech: inside the heredoc? I don't know for sure | 10:54 |
kubunte | how to add my languge to kubuntu? i can choose to add only from british and us english, i change country to my but the text in kubuntu are still in english | 10:54 |
joseantonio_ | draik sure i have kubuntu in spanish an well add printers is agregar impresoras in spanish and y cant see that :S only mmm ADept, ckron | 10:54 |
trappist | I'm mostly a ruby guy :) | 10:54 |
DaSkreech | trappist: Oh it does I tried that before | 10:54 |
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zorglu_ | !baddevice | 10:55 |
ubotu | baddevice is If you are getting errors similar to this: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 Then please read this page: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=579.0 | 10:55 |
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zorglu_ | all-natural: the above url it for you | 10:56 |
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macedonia | hi | 10:56 |
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all-natural | zorglu, i appreciate the help :D | 10:56 |
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zorglu_ | all-natural: check them back to ontopic next time :) | 10:56 |
DaSkreech | trappist: can mbox support files? | 10:57 |
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joseantonio_ | claro Draik | 10:57 |
joseantonio_ | :D | 10:57 |
Film905 | can anyone point me in the direction of mp3 codecs for Amorak? | 10:57 |
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kubunte | i have sound in system (on start and exit and in koffeine) but amarok doesn`t sound when playing mp3. what`s wrong? | 10:57 |
zorglu_ | !restricted | 10:57 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:57 |
zorglu_ | Film905: above url is for you | 10:57 |
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zorglu_ | kubunte: same for you :) | 10:57 |
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kubunte | zorglu_ thanks | 10:58 |
D4rkly | has anyone got BattleField2 working on Wine i cant even get it to install ? (Got WOW working perfect though) | 10:58 |
kubunte | and i didn`t find answer to: how to add my languge to kubuntu? i can choose to add only from british and us english, i change country to my but the text in kubuntu are still in english | 10:58 |
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trappist | DaSkreech: if you mean attachments, yes | 10:58 |
zorglu_ | kubunte: there is a page for that , dont remember which tho | 10:58 |
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DaSkreech | trappist: Hmm ok | 10:59 |
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trappist | DaSkreech: if you mean to do that in a bash script, though, you'll need to do some research. on how to do the markup, the base64 encoding, etc. | 10:59 |
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DaSkreech | trappist: Ahh Ok I'll have to do that for future then | 11:00 |
jpiccolo_ | anyone ever do linux from scratch? | 11:00 |
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jeff_ | Hi, all | 11:02 |
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jeff_ | I just installed Kubuntu to check it out on a Virtual Machine, and I'm having trouble getting Firefox to install. | 11:02 |
greg__ | un franais dans la salle? | 11:03 |
XTorchedX | what's it doing jeff_? | 11:03 |
jeff_ | I'm normally a Mandriva guy, so I'm not overly familiar with apt, but when I try apt-get install firefox, it looks like I'm missing some libraries. | 11:03 |
jpiccolo_ | getting it to install, its going to be alittle hard to install stuff from the live cd. | 11:03 |
AWOSDev | greg__ | 11:04 |
AWOSDev | !fr | 11:04 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 11:04 |
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jeff_ | jpiccolo_: no, it's a full install. I'm not running off the live CD | 11:04 |
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jeff_ | This is one of the 3 lines apt complains on: Depends: libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.9.0) but it is not installable | 11:04 |
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jpiccolo_ | when i installed firefox, i did it by going to the site and downloading it | 11:05 |
XTorchedX | use adept jeff_ | 11:05 |
jeff_ | I added the universal repository by uncommenting the lines in Manage Repositories... | 11:05 |
XTorchedX | you mean the multiversal? | 11:05 |
XTorchedX | did you add multiverse to the end of the lines? | 11:05 |
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jeff_ | XTorchedX: I tired that at first, but it gave me a nondescript error. Give me a sec to start the packagem manager. | 11:06 |
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jeff_ | XTorchedX: No, i think I mean universal. I'm looking for multiverse, though? | 11:06 |
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XTorchedX | you want it to say 'universe multiverse' jeff_ | 11:07 |
XTorchedX | wherever it says universe, write multiverse in after it | 11:07 |
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jeff_ | XTorchedX: in the component column, I would assume. Ok, I'll try that. Then fetch updates, etc... | 11:07 |
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linux_ | hay alguien?? | 11:07 |
XTorchedX | just search for firefox in adept | 11:07 |
XTorchedX | and install it through there | 11:07 |
XTorchedX | otherwise you can sudo apt-get | 11:08 |
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linux_ | hay algun espaol?? | 11:08 |
AWOSDev | !es | 11:08 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:08 |
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jeff_ | XTorchedX: Yeah, it sounds like I was just missing multiverse. THanks for the help. | 11:08 |
XTorchedX | i've been using ubuntu since friday jeff_ | 11:09 |
XTorchedX | *kubuntu | 11:09 |
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jeff_ | XTorchedX: still looks like it won't install. Adept shows a message in red reading BREAK (install) | 11:10 |
XTorchedX | that's weird | 11:10 |
jeff_ | XTorchedX: I think it's the company proxy server that's causing me some issues. Thanks for the help, I'll make sure it's not anything stupid on my end. | 11:11 |
XTorchedX | did you apply and update after you enabled multiverse repositories? | 11:11 |
XTorchedX | meh | 11:11 |
XTorchedX | i'm going to work | 11:11 |
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zorglu_ | !repo | 11:17 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 11:17 |
zorglu_ | !sourceomatic | 11:17 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 11:17 |
zorglu_ | ok jeff is gone :) | 11:18 |
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kubunte | i can`t find how to add other languages than brithish and us english. who know how to change it? | 11:20 |
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zorglu_ | ok looking | 11:20 |
zorglu_ | !language | 11:20 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:21 |
Rambo3 | in kde ? | 11:21 |
Rambo3 | kubuntu in kde or system wide | 11:21 |
zorglu_ | not the good command :) | 11:21 |
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liviux | excuse me, how I can to do work a .deb package from shell command? | 11:21 |
Rambo3 | !info kdebi | 11:22 |
ubotu | Package kdebi does not exist in any distro I know | 11:22 |
zorglu_ | !language-support | 11:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about language-support - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:22 |
zorglu_ | gngangnanga | 11:22 |
DaSkreech | W00t! I much less than three Linux! | 11:22 |
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zorglu_ | DaSkreech: excitement makes you loose your english ? :) | 11:23 |
Rambo3 | liviux: use: sudo dpkg -i *.deb | 11:23 |
liviux | Thank you very much | 11:24 |
Rambo3 | and: man dpkg | 11:24 |
DaSkreech | zorglu_: W00t! I much <3 Linux! | 11:24 |
liviux | ok I will do it | 11:24 |
DaSkreech | Slightly better :) | 11:24 |
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DaSkreech | zorglu_: Yes it does :-( | 11:24 |
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lcohen | good afternoon all, I have a KitchenSync-Opensync issue, I am syncing with a SyncML server, I setup everything as mest I could, I hit sync now and I get connected with my Evolution plugin, but the SyncML does not leave 'Ready' any thoughts? | 11:25 |
zorglu_ | danmn i look for the answer about language support and kubute is no more there when i got it | 11:25 |
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kolin | quick question | 11:33 |
kolin | is there a quicker way when using the konsole then typing out a whole file name | 11:34 |
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kolin | like is there a quick complete or something? | 11:34 |
trappist | kolin: type the first few characters and hit tab | 11:34 |
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kolin | ahhh...thanks man | 11:35 |
kolin | i appreciate it | 11:35 |
trappist | tab complete is definitely your friend | 11:36 |
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kolin | by the way what's the difference between "~$" and "~/" | 11:36 |
kolin | like in the command lines | 11:36 |
ulyssus | Just a little question. What to tip to decompress gzip? | 11:36 |
trappist | never heard of ~$ but ~/ is your home dir | 11:37 |
trappist | ulyssus: gunzip | 11:37 |
ulyssus | thx | 11:37 |
unix_infidel | hey trappist | 11:37 |
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trappist | ulyssus: unless it's a gzip-compressed tarball, in which case tar zxf filename.tar.gz | 11:37 |
trappist | hey unix_infidel | 11:37 |
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ulyssus | gzip compressed tarball, k | 11:38 |
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ulyssus | so why is cd /.xmms/Skins not working? | 11:40 |
unix_infidel | ulyssus: if you're using KDE then you can use ark to unzip things. | 11:40 |
unix_infidel | its a pretty decent gui. | 11:40 |
unix_infidel | or rather, you can use ark from anywhere aslong as you have kdebase installed. | 11:41 |
kolin | since we are on the topic of xmms, does anyone use audioscrobbler with it/ | 11:41 |
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octan | is it posseble to get sshd to log to another file than /var/log/auth.log ? | 11:41 |
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DaSkreech | Man ark is annoying | 11:42 |
unix_infidel | DaSkreech: write a gui for 7z in nix. | 11:42 |
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DaSkreech | trappist: I've been saying tab is your friend all day :) | 11:42 |
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DaSkreech | kolin: ~$ is your prompt most likely | 11:43 |
unix_infidel | ulyssus: if you still desire to use a command prompt tool.... | 11:43 |
unix_infidel | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_%28file_format%29 | 11:44 |
unix_infidel | imoh, this is a pretty good reference. | 11:44 |
ulyssus | solved the problem, thank you =) | 11:44 |
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Heffa | hi | 11:52 |
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ulyssus | hi | 11:53 |
Heffa | ah ... someone's still living ;) | 11:53 |
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kunjan | any shell expert in here? | 12:02 |
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kunjan | how to get grep/sed/awk to match a string and only print N bytes after it? | 12:02 |
SonicChao | Is there a different KDE Calculator then abaKus? Preferably one that looks like GNOME's | 12:02 |
S_v_e_n | shell here | 12:03 |
S_v_e_n | not her sry | 12:03 |
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kunjan | whts a good channel for shell questions? | 12:04 |
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unix_infidel | anyone know of a way to get xchat to display "Network Tab" at the end of Channels after autojoin? | 12:05 |
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=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@CPE001485342c8d-CM0014e8b5713c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu__ | k | 12:06 |
ubuntu__ | i have a HUGE problem | 12:06 |
SonicChao | unix_infidel: #xchat | 12:06 |
ubuntu__ | it can't find my harddrive | 12:06 |
ubuntu__ | i'm about to RMA it because its dead but only the windows partition | 12:07 |
ubuntu__ | i know that the linux partition is okay | 12:07 |
ubuntu__ | is there any way to force access to the hard drive | 12:07 |
zorglu_ | a good screwdriver can do it :) | 12:07 |
unix_infidel | define force access. | 12:07 |
ubuntu__ | just make it find any files on there | 12:08 |
ubuntu__ | so i can send it to my other computer | 12:08 |
ubuntu__ | i have a bunch of music and pictures | 12:08 |
zorglu_ | i think he mean to mount it | 12:08 |
zorglu_ | then konqueror to find any file on there | 12:08 |
unix_infidel | ubuntu__: first, change your nick out of channel, secondly, you need to find out which partition your media is on and come back with some semblance of an idea how to mount partitions. | 12:08 |
lupine_85 | !info libxine-extracodecs dapper | 12:09 |
ubotu | libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB | 12:09 |
zorglu_ | guessing ntfs issue | 12:09 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
unix_infidel | if you KNOW that your partition is blahfs then you need to tell us encryption that you've enabled etc etc. | 12:09 |
unix_infidel | dmesg output in a pastebin would also be good. | 12:10 |
ubuntu__ | it says it can't mount it | 12:10 |
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ubuntu__ | because it cna't find /media/hda1 | 12:10 |
unix_infidel | ubuntu__: what errors does it give? | 12:10 |
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