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=== joejaxx [i=jadaz87@unaffiliated/joejaxx] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
joejaxxhello all06:17
joejaxxi was wondering if you all knew who did the ubuntu splash?06:22
troy_swhich splash?  usplash or logon splash?07:07
joejaxxtroy_s: yes07:09
joejaxxthe usplash07:09
troy_swhich one?07:10
troy_sdo you have a screenshot?07:10
troy_sbecause one is a temporary placeholder07:10
joejaxxtroy_s: i meant the dapper one:)07:10
troy_susplash in dapper is msikma07:10
joejaxxoh ok07:11
troy_sall known credits are in the archives07:11
troy_sof the wiki07:11
joejaxxdoes he or she come on often?07:11
joejaxxtroy_s: oh i did not know that07:11
troy_she.  and yes you can contact him via the mailing list, launchpad, etc.07:11
joejaxxoh alright07:12
joejaxxi was just wondering because i develop Fluxbuntu and i was wondering if he could help make a splash07:12
joejaxxtroy_s: right now it looks like this07:12
joejaxxtroy_s: btw i am graphically-disinclined07:13
joejaxxtroy_s: http://fluxbuntu.org/usplash.png07:13
troy_si am sure he would be interested in helping you.07:13
joejaxxtroy_s: oh ok :)07:13
troy_she collaborated on the edgy usplash07:13
troy_sbut of course, most likely, all of the edgy artwork will revert to dapper's look.07:13
joejaxxtroy_s: oh ok07:14
joejaxxi have not seen the new edgy splash actually07:14
Madpilottroy_s, no new look for edgy, hmm? Too bad, but I'm not terribly surprised.07:14
troy_susplash has been revised and updated by sev eas in this channel07:14
troy_smadpilot -- its a political fest.07:14
troy_si am sure there will be a last minute rush to get something out the door.07:14
Madpilotthis has been the art team's shakedown release; DocTeam went thru this w/ Breezy then got it's sh*t together for Dapper07:15
troy_sjoejaxx you know of the newer usplash implementation?07:15
Madpilotthen kind of slumped for Edgy... :|07:15
joejaxxtroy_s: no i do not07:15
troy_smadpilot -- it is a little more than getting shit together.07:15
joejaxxtroy_s: you mean the one that supports 256 colours?07:15
troy_sjoejaxx yes07:15
troy_sand animation07:15
joejaxxwow really?07:16
joejaxxis there any documentation on it?07:16
troy_sjoejaxx yes.  it is quite capable now.  your best information source is sev eas in this channel.07:16
joejaxxah ok07:16
troy_sMadpilot -- ultimately there is one client and his aesthetic is a bit tough to locate without an extensive bit of design book citing.07:17
Madpilottroy_s, true - at least documentation is a bit more objective07:18
troy_scurrently there are a number of issues to resolve, some of which _might_ get addressed at the next summit.07:18
troy_sMadpilot well ultimately the ubuntu distribution probably needs to seriously evaluate exactly what it is.  the name, the ethics, etc, all connote a certain directionality to design -- even though there isn't a concrete outline / motif in place.07:19
troy_sMadpilot further, in order to be distinctive, it is going to require an overarching style, unless everyone is happy heading into the "middle gray" school of thought.07:19
Madpilot"corporate grey" :)07:20
troy_sMadpilot exactly.07:20
Madpilot"corporate blue" would be more accurate for desktops07:20
troy_sMadpilot well blue is well overdone07:21
troy_sMadpilot and anyone who attempts to bring up the "psychology of colour" should do a little research, as all research in that area has yielded completely different results.07:21
troy_scolour is learned and societal.07:21
=== troy_s [n=aphorism@d206-116-6-170.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== troy_s [n=aphorism@d206-116-6-170.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_swell that was fun07:32
joejaxxtroy_s: you want to see two wallpapers that are included?07:48
troy_sfor dapper?07:48
troy_swiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Archives should have them07:48
troy_sor are you speaking for fluxbox?07:48
joejaxxfor fluxbuntu07:48
troy_soh yes... i would love to.07:48
troy_sflux is lovely.  i was a diehard blackbox fan for the longest time.07:50
troy_si though the default look of flux was similar to the default look of blackbox?07:51
troy_scthulhu look or whatever it was.07:51
joejaxxyes that theme is called choke07:51
joejaxxthe default one is MEta07:51
troy_sjoejaxx do you have anyone who is responsible for the artwork in flux?07:54
troy_sbecause i know that there are probably a few people who are adept in the team who might enjoy tackling such a project.07:54
troy_sanyways, i must be off to bed due to earlier call tomorrow.07:55
joejaxxyes there are people but anyone is welcome to contribute :)07:55
troy_sbe good joejaxx07:55
joejaxxtroy_s: oh alright07:55
joejaxxtroy_s: yes i will07:55
troy_sjoejaxx contact the list07:55
joejaxxtroy_s: goodnight :)07:55
joejaxxtroy_s: ok07:55
troy_sjoejaxx -- pretty certain that msikma might be able to help you out a little -- even provide a derivative of the edgy usplash07:55
troy_swhich would be nice in terms of consistency...07:56
troy_sok.  be good.07:56
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mhbhello fellow artworkers :o)05:32
=== lapo [n=lapo@host102-254-static.189-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== fschoep [n=frank@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoeptroy_s: ping07:20
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@57.23-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoeptroy_s: if you're hiding, please come out :-)07:53
PingunZHey fschoep How is the battery charger doing .. ?07:54
=== msikma [n=Msikma@s55933ad4.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoepPingunZ: it'll be here in three days or so :(08:12
fschoepuntil then it's Mutt and Konversation for IRC08:13
fschoeptroy_s: If no one else can help, maybe you can hire the A-Team?08:25
joejaxxmsikma: are you currently non-idle?08:51
fschoeptroy_s: Come out with your hands above your head :)08:52
=== lapo [n=lapo@host59-202-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== fschoep [n=frank@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoeptroy_s: ping11:07
fschoeptroy_s: don't hide I'll be waiting here for an eternity to talk to you :)11:09
msikmajoejaxx: I am now.11:13
joejaxxmsikma: :)11:13
joejaxxmsikma: i am the developer of fluxbuntu and i was wondering if you could help make a usplash for us11:13
joejaxxmsikma: our usplashes work11:14
joejaxxbut the palettes are not correct11:14
joejaxxfschoep: :P11:19
fschoepjoejaxx: Hi there :)11:20
joejaxxfschoep: hello :)11:20
fschoepFluxbuntu eh/11:20
fschoepI used Fluxbox for a while11:20
fschoepThen I figured my machine could run KDE11:20
fschoepAnd GNOME11:20
fschoepBut Fluxbox still attracts me somehow11:20
joejaxxthat is why we are here the project anyway11:21
fschoepIt's very lightweight11:21
joejaxxfluxbuntu runs on a vast amount of computers11:21
fschoepHow is the project going?11:21
joejaxxit is going quite well11:21
fschoepGood to hear11:21
fschoepAre you the only core dev?11:21
joejaxxi am going to be releasing Revision 2 in two days11:21
joejaxxfschoep: i am the lead developer but there are others on the development team11:21
fschoepI see11:22
fschoepDo you have a project page (too lazy to search right now) ?11:22
fschoepI should've known :)11:22
fschoepAh, nice site - very lightweight as well with the whites and greens11:22
joejaxxyes it is11:23
fschoepWho created the design?11:23
joejaxxit survived a digg effect11:23
fschoepWhoa :)11:23
joejaxxfschoep: it is an open source design i picked it out to compliment the lightwieghtness of fluxbuntu11:23
fschoepI see, good choice though11:23
fschoepHave you considered tweaking the CSS a bit?11:24
joejaxxwhich parts?11:24
fschoepThe light green link color should be a tad bit darker to improve readability11:24
joejaxxi will take that into consideration11:24
joejaxxi will change that tonight11:24
fschoepI usually use a tool to evaluate such things:11:25
joejaxxwow thanks11:25
fschoepNo problem, don't spend too much time twiddling with the colors, your distribution is what counts :)11:26
fschoepFor reference, your background is FFFFFF and the link color itself is "8cd749"11:27
fschoepEnter it and see the result :)11:27
fschoepYou might want to try the websafe #009900 color for the link11:28
fschoepAnyway, let's get to the interesting part11:28
fschoepDo you have some screenshots up?11:28
joejaxxfschoep: yes11:28
joejaxxfor the new one11:28
joejaxxhttp://fluxbuntu.org/sneakpeek.png & sneakpeek2.png11:29
joejaxxthe default is the second one11:29
joejaxxbut the firstone is included also11:29
joejaxxfirst one*11:29
joejaxxwallpaper wise i mean11:29
fschoepLooking good!11:31
fschoepI notice icons on the desktop, is that a new feature in Fluxbox?11:31
joejaxxthat is rox11:32
fschoepI see11:32
joejaxxand to make an icon on there11:32
joejaxxall you do it drag sometihng to there11:32
joejaxxfschoep: it can be turned off if it is not to your liking11:33
fschoepOh, I think I'd like it11:33
fschoepI always tweaked my menu file to have apps right in my menu when I opened it, but this is nice as well11:33
joejaxxwell the menu updates in fluxbuntu11:33
fschoepI used Fluxbox at release 0.9.7 I think11:33
joejaxxlike for the alpha rev1 release i installed firefox and it came up in my menu afterwards11:34
joejaxxfschoep: oh ok11:34
fschoepAuto menu updates is nice, my distribution (I think Mandrake 8.2 or so) didn't have that at the time for Fluxbox :)11:34
fschoeptroy_s: Are you there by chance?11:36
fschoepmsikma: Are you there?11:37
fschoepSeveas: Are you there?11:40
fschoepI seem a bit desperate for a chat, but this is normal, folks :)11:40
joejaxxfschoep: i think everyone is away at the current moment :\11:40
fschoepYou're here, right ;) ?11:40
joejaxxyeah :)11:40
joejaxxi am just in alot of channels11:40
fschoepThat's a lot indeed, I'm only in here11:41
joejaxxall on different servers11:41
joejaxxfschoep: :)11:41
fschoepWhoa and you're not going insane?11:41
joejaxxnope lol11:41
fschoepWhen I started in July I hated IRC11:41
fschoepI'm getting used to it slowly11:41
fschoepI might start to like it even11:41
joejaxxfschoep: :)11:42
fschoeptroy_s: I know it's the other way around usually, but if you have a few minutes...12:01

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