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nixternali am thinking that with the cyrillic fonts, the same things needs to be done for like the korean fonts..that is my opinion right now...im looking into seeing if i can created and embedded font file for fop now12:33
nixternalthis isn't fun ;)12:33
jjessegood luck12:46
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LaserJockBurgundavia: ping?04:30
BurgundaviaLaserJock: pong04:31
LaserJockBurgundavia: when will you be back to CA?04:31
Burgundaviasaturday the 30th04:31
LaserJockBurgundavia: ok thanks04:31
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UbugtuNew bug: #62402 in baobab "[Edgy]  Disk Usage Analyzer (en-gb locale) is a mess" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6240207:28
Madpilotthat's either an upstream issue, or a translation team issue, tbh07:46
nixternalit is in gnomedocs07:46
nixternalyou got that, or you want me to get it?07:46
Madpilotgo ahead - was about to go afk for 10min07:46
nixternalok..im going to search gnome bugzilla first for it07:46
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nixternalcan't do upstream, as the en_GB.po in the gnome cvs is updated and fixed...the en_GB.po in our gnome-utils is bogus08:09
Madpilotwould have been easier to blame upstream ;)08:09
nixternalnow...do i create a patch to fix this...or just note the fix is upstream ;)08:09
nixternalactually..i can't do much with their po file08:10
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nixternalalrighty Madpilot, fix committed ;)08:32
nixternalthank god for Laser_away's packaging guide ;)08:33
nixternalthat was my first ever dpatch!08:33
nixternali think08:33
nixternalmdke must have auto-reply on his email set08:33
Madpilotvery cool. I plead utter ignorance of the whole field, myself.08:33
tonyyarussoDo you guys know any more about the issue that cropped up on the mailing list re:russian docs?09:03
Madpilotnothing that hasn't been on the list already09:07
Madpilotie that it seems more like a PDF generation issue than anything else09:07
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dholbachI'll upoad a new ubuntu-docs package with http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/ubuntu-doc.patch included12:52
dholbachif somebody of you would be kind enough to check and push it into svn that'd be nice12:53
dholbach(it replaces 6.06 with 6.10, etc in the browser start pages)12:53
bhuvandholbach: i'll check it12:56
bhuvandholbach: i see '6.10', but not '6.06 LTS'. is it intended?12:59
dholbachI uploaded it to edgy12:59
dholbachnot to dapper12:59
dholbachand Edgy is neither 6.06, nor LTS12:59
bhuvanthats true. i expected 6.10 LTS!01:00
bhuvanfine anyway01:00
dholbachno, 6.10 won't be Long Term Support01:00
dholbachit will be only supported for 1,5 years01:00
bhuvangot it01:00
dholbachThanks a lot.01:00
bhuvanas i dont have a pre-commit message, i see, you made following changes. 1) update changelog 2) include new makefile target, common-binary-post-install-indep 3) change the version string in all language start files. anything else i missed?01:01
dholbachinclude new Makefile target?01:02
=== dholbach double checks
dholbach./rules is wrong01:02
dholbach./debian/rules is right01:02
=== dholbach fixes the patch
bhuvandholbach: i would be glad if you can prepare this patch from inside top level dir. ie.. trunk01:03
bhuvando $ cd trunk && svn diff > ubuntu-doc.patch01:04
dholbachdoesn't    patch -p1 < patch-file    work?01:04
bhuvani didn't try yet, but wish to see if you can correct it. yeah, patch -p1 should work01:05
dholbachbut yeah, I can do that01:05
bhuvanthank you01:05
=== bhuvan visits the patch
bhuvandholbach: i've applied the patch. would you mind if i add latest serverguide updates to changelog file?01:13
dholbachto debian/changelog?01:13
dholbachdebian/changelog is problematic, because I already uploaded the fix01:13
dholbachso if you change it now, the debian packaging and the svn contents will be out of sync01:14
bhuvanfine np01:14
dholbachok cool01:14
dholbachthanks for your help01:14
=== dholbach goes for lunch now
bhuvandholbach: committed in 3319. when you sync the two debian/changelog files, see if you mention "New server-guide section to explain PHP5 installation, configuration and testing"01:19
dholbachbhuvan: sync how?01:19
dholbachI don't understand01:19
bhuvanlater on when you cross-check each files and update the missing entries01:20
dholbachthe package is uploaded already01:23
dholbachand I was not intending to change it (at the moment - maybe in another update in some days)01:23
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nixternalLaserJock: if you couldn't tell, i didn't have any luck with the pdf stuff last night..i have fop running, and it is pretty cool actually...i just couldn't get the font embedding stuff hashed out correctly07:54
LaserJockI imagine that was matt's problem07:56
nixternalwheller, steven i believe?  i have seen his name on some of the documentation..he seems to be a dev or something along the lines with fop07:56
trappistwe have a fop server here07:56
trappistwritten in ruby with some jruby stuff for the java side07:57
trappistcould probably share it07:57
nixternalsee if you can convert the russian destkop guide in dapper to pdf ;)07:57
nixternaleven if it is a temporary fix until we can do it "matt's" way07:57
trappistworth a shot :)  would need some tweaking, though.  we send it one xml file and one xsl file and get back one pdf07:57
=== LaserJock gets out the glue stick
nixternalxsltproc --xinclude destkopguide.fo libs/pdf/ubuntu-pdf.xsl kubuntu/desktopguide/ru/desktopguide.xml07:58
nixternalthat creates the fo07:59
nixternalfop destkopguide.fo desktopguide.pdf07:59
nixternaland that would create the pdf..however, russian would show up with #### instead of text...which i believe to be a font issue within fop, since it enjoys the acrobat14 font stuff07:59
trappistforgot about all that i18n stuff.08:00
trappistI don't know that our fop server would do any better08:00
trappistit *does* sound like a font issue though08:00
LaserJockit is08:00
LaserJockmatt had the same problem with asian fonts08:01
nixternalthe korean fonts right/08:01
nixternalbatang and dotum08:01
LaserJockand after much wrestling with fop and talking with fop devs he got it08:01
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trappistour resident fopmaster (the guy who wrote the server) isn't here today, but I can prolly bounce it off him tomorrow08:02
nixternalcool..that would rock..08:03
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LaserJockhi mdz 08:12
mdzis someone working on bug 61825?  that's needed for beta08:12
UbugtuMalone bug 61825 in ubuntu-docs "Firefox start page still says '6.06 Dapper Drake'" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6182508:12
LaserJockdholbach uploaded a fix today08:12
LaserJockwas in edgy-chages anyway08:12
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mdzok, I haven't read edgy-changes yet today and the bug is still open08:14
nixternalya, there should be a fix committed there ;)08:16
LaserJockdholbach doesn't mention the bug in his changelog08:17
LaserJockmdz: good to go ;-)08:21
mdzoh, excellent, it's already published08:22
theCoreLaserJock: are we in doc-freeze, yet?08:23
LaserJocktheCore: yep08:23
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