
=== wizmic [n=michael@dsl-145-127-104.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
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mhzLaserJock: thx for documenting it12:42
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pyginight all01:22
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HedgeMagehi bddebian 02:49
bddebianHeya HedgeMage02:49
HedgeMageHow's life?02:49
bddebianPretty sucky thanks. You?02:50
HedgeMageNot bad, just slow going 02:51
LaserJockbddebian? ajmitch not showing you the love? ;/02:53
HedgeMagehiya LaserJock 02:53
bddebianLaserJock: heh02:54
LaserJockhi HedgeMage 02:54
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=== RichEd looks around ... seems verrrru quiet
LaserJockhola RichEd 09:01
RichEdhi LaserJock :)09:01
pygihey RichEd && LaserJock 09:02
RichEdquick question LaserJock: does firefox keep temporary files somewhere ? I was buwy with a wiki edit, and had done only a preview and not a save when I hit a hang last night ... any idea where the local copy may be ?09:02
RichEdgreetz pygi 09:03
Burgundaviahey RichEd, LaserJock09:03
RichEdBurgundavia ... mornin'09:03
LaserJockRichEd: hmm, not exactly09:08
LaserJockyou could try your cache09:08
LaserJockwhich would be in ~/.mozilla09:08
RichEdah .... I was looking in /firefox :) thankx will have a look09:09
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RichEdhey cbx33 09:25
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mario_sorry RichEd, dsl down09:27
RichEdno problem ... change you nick and I'll resend09:27
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
cbx33hi RichEd pygi 09:28
LaserJockhi cbx33 09:46
LaserJockI guess it's morning there09:46
cbx338:45 now ;)09:47
cbx33how about where you are ?09:47
cbx33must be like 11 ?09:47
LaserJockalmost 1:0009:48
cbx33working latE?09:48
cbx33get to bed dude09:49
LaserJockhmm, seems to be a 16hr Ubuntu day09:49
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cbx33hey ogra 10:29
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RichEdbrb ... reboot11:57
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cbx33hi EmxBA 11:58
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willvdlhighvoltage, ola12:25
=== pygi [n=mario@89-172-232-162.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBApygi: hi12:27
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pygihi EmxBA 12:27
cbx33hey pygi 12:29
pygiho motu :)12:29
EmxBApygi: are you in the motu team?12:29
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=== motu is now known as cbx33
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pygiEmxBA: nop :)12:33
EmxBApygi: hmm...i know that someone from ubuntu-hr team is in motu...12:34
pygiEmxBA: ivoks12:34
pygicbx33: ergh, I told you not to mention me anywhere :P12:34
cbx33mention you what .... hwere ;)12:37
pygicbx33: the blog post :P12:37
cbx33I can remove if you wish12:38
pygilol, told you to stop appologising for nothing :)12:38
pygiAnd I'm just joking :)12:38
cbx33argh.....but you just told me off ;)12:38
cbx33you deserve credit12:38
pyginot really :P12:38
cbx33you made me the python coder I am today12:38
cbx33I just didn't know where to start and probably wouldn't have without you help12:39
=== pygi thinks he did nothing
pygilol, what a changelog:12:41
pygi   * Let's try this one more time (trust no one): 12:41
pygicbx33: :)12:42
pygicbx33: you haven't answered to my question yesterday....you working on gallium alone?12:43
cbx33pygi: I didnt see that question12:44
pygicbx33: doesn't matter :)12:44
cbx33umm Amaranth started it all and did a lot12:44
cbx33I've been try ing to get hold of him to see if he likes my additions12:44
cbx33I've done some formatting and started adding some features in12:44
cbx33like the date slider al a kalzium12:44
cbx33but I've been pretty busy with other things of late ;)12:49
cbx33like getting all my work done so I can goto UDS12:49
pygihehe :)12:49
pygihey Amaranth :)12:57
Amaranthcbx33: is the logout noise supposed to be depressing? i just noticed yesterday12:58
pygiAmaranth: that is intentional. Should make you never want to leave Edubuntu :)12:58
Amaranthyeah, exactly12:58
cbx33Amaranth: I added my branch to gallium01:00
Amaranthcbx33: wow, you managed to edit it without puking? :)01:00
cbx33well i did once or twice01:00
cbx33take a look when you have a chance01:00
cbx33you will probably puke back :p01:00
Amaranththat was an almost non-stop 2 day coding session01:01
Amaranthmeant to be a proof of concept, i was only just starting to clean it up when school started01:01
pygiAmaranth: what?! you mean you actually sleeped? That is no good, no good :)))01:01
cbx33pygi: heheh ;)01:01
Amaranthpygi: not so much that, i stopped for 3 hours to watch a baseball game :)01:02
pygiAmaranth: even worse, you watched tv!!!01:02
=== pygi doesn't want to remember network manager time for dapper or do it again any time soon :(
Amaranthi'm going to kill my cable company01:03
Amaranthbrb, restarting modem for the 5th time in about 16 hours01:04
pygidon't, they electrocute you then :)01:04
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Amaranthcbx33: hey, maybe we'll be able to do a little gallium hacking in mountain view :)01:10
pygiAmaranth: :)01:12
pygiAmaranth: Gallium should be packed with features and considered done for first stable release in MV :P01:12
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pygiAmaranth: whats wrong? :)01:14
Amaranthcode...full of...hacks01:15
Amaranthneeds...rewrite...to not suck01:15
Amaranthit was just a bunch of "how can I do this?" exploratory stuff01:15
pygiwell, MV :P01:18
AmaranthYes, the Google air should make miracles happen ;)01:18
AmaranthMaybe I'll release a beta for 3 years01:19
pygiAmaranth: or stable once MV is done  :P01:19
Amaranth* <--joke01:20
Amaranth:) <--you01:20
=== Amaranth goes for more caffeine
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cbx33hi rodarvus 01:23
rodarvushi cbx3301:24
pygiho hi rodarvus 01:25
cbx33Amaranth: i need to find a faster way to implement what I implemented at the moment01:25
cbx33but the...scratch that01:25
rodarvushi pygi01:25
Amaranthcbx33: Yeah I know it had performance issues when doing anything that isn't sitting there looking pretty.01:25
AmaranthI'm thinking it should use goocanvas, those guys know what they're doing. :)01:26
cbx33well my slider was redrawing the whole screen ;)01:26
cbx33goocanvas eh?01:26
Amaranthit shouldn't have been, i have some code in there to do damage management01:26
Amaranth("this part changed, redraw it")01:26
Amaranthwith double buffering! :)01:27
cbx33dude you rock !01:27
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flinthighvoltage, Jonathan, good morning! is there a meeting this morning?01:29
Amaranthoh my calendar is out-of-date01:29
ogranope, this evening01:29
ogra(just updated)01:29
Amaranthhey, i'll be home for that one01:31
Amaranthtoo bad i'll probably miss the bling meeting on friday (desktop effects team meeting)01:31
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bddebianHi Amaranth01:37
pygihighvoltage: I'll eat you :) Where's my report on what media you used? :)01:42
flintogra, thanks Ollie, how is the new house coming?01:43
ogragreat 01:43
ograflint, we just got our solar heating on the roof :) http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/CIMG0923-1.JPG01:43
highvoltagepygi: heh, my computers at home are have been lying in pieces in my room for the last week or so :)01:44
flintogra, I never can figure out the time early in the morning.  Our place in Barre Vermont is a LOT of work.  Right now I am back in DC.  I got my first skylight up and can use it as a hatchway to put up the solar panels.  01:44
pygihighvoltage: hm, oki :)01:44
flintogra, BEAUTIFUL pix!  I got to take some pictures myself.01:44
ograflint, will we see you in mountainview ? 01:44
highvoltageI was just checking in to make sure whether the meeting today was at 12:00 or 20:00, I see it's at 20:00. which is good, I'm at an expo today01:44
=== ogra is testing beta isos
highvoltagethere's again lots of edubuntu interest, I'm handing out lots of CD's and telling people to subscribe to edubuntu-users :)01:45
flintogra, I have been a building contractor for the last few weeks, what date is Ubuntu CA?01:45
ogragive them edgy, its soo sexy :)01:45
ograflint, Sunday 5th to Friday 10th November01:45
ograi'll likely be in maine somewhere at the ltsp conf from Nov 1st to 5th :)01:46
RichEdhello flint01:46
ograand was in detroit a week ago01:46
ogradiscovering the US ;)01:46
flintogra, Thanks baby...  I might meet you at the LTSP convention.  I am currently on a zope/plone deathmarch in DC.  (oh joy :^)01:47
flintogra, you be careful in the US we are armed lunatics (eg our foreign policy :^)01:47
ograas long as it pays your mortgage01:47
flintogra, preciscely.01:48
flintRichEd, hey how is the Jane doing?01:48
ograright, i was fering that a bit, but had no impression like that when i was in detroit ...01:48
cbx33CRIKEY ogra that solar panel is cooool01:48
flintogra, my favorite part of that area are the big signs on the freeway that say "Flint"01:48
ograi just noted that detroit doesnt really have sidewalks anywhere :)01:48
RichEdJust emailing her now flint : she's well thanks.01:49
flintogra, sidewalks are illegal in the US.  01:49
ograyou have a sidewlak that goes over three or four houses and ends at a tree :)01:49
ograor "just ends" ....01:49
flintRichEd, excellent. Circumstances have conspired to keep me from focusing here on the edubuntu stuff which is what I would like to do.01:49
ograwas funny when i wanted to walk a bit while having a ciggy01:50
flintogra, you took your life in your hands.  I have been smoking "Bee Dees" a low smoke for Lahore, Pakistan.  You must try one...01:51
Amaranthogra: Detroit is "Motor City", no one walks :P01:51
flintogra, The guys I am working with bring them back.01:51
ograright, i noticed that :)01:51
ograflint, bring them to maine :)01:52
RichEdWalking is unpatriotic in the US. It supports the children's economy in Korea instead of the US Oil economy.01:52
flintogra, that is a fine house, and a very nice terra cotta roof.01:53
RichEdflint, you come back into the fold at a good time. I will send you some links to planning theory. I am sure you will have some valuable input.01:53
ograi like it as well ... its just way to much in the city area ...01:53
pygiRichEd: heh :)01:53
flintRichEd, maybe the mid term elections will change this, we can hope that there is no terror incidents to change us more to the right wing.01:53
RichEdflint: well let's hope george behaves then ;)01:54
flintRichEd, thanks.  and particularly thanks Ollie for the picture of your garden.  It is quite fine.01:54
lucasvois there a possibility to use a usbstick to instal edgy or dapper?02:06
ograif its big enough and your HW can boot from it, i dont see why not02:07
bimberilucasvo: yes you can - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:07
lucasvoogra: I once saw a ready made image for debian which had the minimal environment and donloaded the packages over ftp02:07
lucasvobimberi: that sounds complicated02:09
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lucasvobimberi: I did it once, the image was not larger than 100mb02:11
bimberilucasvo: yes it is, a bit.  Involves the whole CD image.02:13
lucasvook, let's try it over tftp02:14
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jingl3Hi folks, I have a problem booting xserver on a Mini-ITX thin client wired to Dapper. The thing boots fine under Breezy02:34
pygiogra: what happened with Ryan's Amenity and stuff? (gscoc)02:34
jingl3Any suggestions?02:34
ograjingl3, what kind of graphics card ? 02:34
ograpygi, ask jsgotangco, he mentored him iirc02:35
pygiwill do :)02:35
jingl3I'll look....02:35
jingl3Trident Blade integrated 3D graphics core...02:36
ograhmm should work with the trident driver ...02:37
jingl3Instead of XSERVER = auto?02:37
ograoh, you use an lts.conf ? 02:37
ogracan you tyr if it works without ?02:37
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ograour ltsp should autodetect everything to have a basic running setup ... lts.conf should only be used for tweaking 02:38
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jingl3OK. It's not connected to Internet yet, so must go off & try. Many thanks.02:39
ograworst case, if the driver is really broken for that card (which i hope is not the case) you can use XSERVER=vesa ... 02:39
cbx333dudes anyway to get an external monitor working on dapper on a tosh laptop02:39
ograits not pleasant but will at least get it working02:39
cbx333I've tried the keys but it doesn't work02:41
cbx333anyone know why?02:41
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cbx333ogra: got a problem03:16
cbx333some clients are not finding tftp03:17
cbx333they have got their dhcp ip03:17
cbx333but tftp timeout03:17
cbx333however on my localmachine here I just managed to install tftp and download pxelinux.003:17
ografrom where ? 03:18
cbx333i did tfp
cbx333and did get ltsp/pxelinux.003:19
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cbx333and it worked03:19
ograin edgy ? 03:19
cbx333no dapper03:19
ograthat shouldnt work03:19
ograin dapper thats the right path03:19
cbx333but it did ;)03:19
pygidamn dsl!03:19
ograedgy has arch specific subdirs now ...03:20
ogracbx33, but if some get it and some dont that rather sounds like a network prob03:21
=== RichEd -> lunch
cbx333that sux03:22
cbx333maybe it's the network card03:22
=== pygi doesn't like his adsl
ogracbx33, you dont use a HUB, do you ? 03:23
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=== TeePOG greets everyone
=== ogra waves to TeePOG
pygihey TeePOG 03:25
TeePOGogra! how goes?03:25
TeePOGhi pygi03:25
ografine ... perparing for beta :)03:25
cbx333ogra: I'm in the same room here on the same switch03:25
cbx333but it doesn't work03:25
ograand you dont have any other dhcp server running on that network ....03:26
cbx333well i have my windows dhcp which serves all the machines03:27
cbx333but that's what I've always used03:27
cbx333and it has been fine03:27
cbx333ogra: no other ideas?03:33
ograit can only be dhcp or the network03:33
pygicbx333: wanna review package on revu?:)03:35
cbx333pygi: i would love to, could I do it a little later03:36
cbx333I'm trying to teach these kids03:36
pygicbx333: oki, perhaps, if Tonio_ doesn't find someone else by then :)03:36
=== pygi already reviewed but can't ack it :P
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lguerraGood Morning03:41
pygihey lguerra 03:42
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lguerraRichEd: ping03:51
RichEdlguerra: pong03:55
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sbalneavMorning all04:20
=== RichEd doffs his hat to mr sbalneav
sbalneavMorning RichEd 04:21
ograhey sbalneav 04:21
sbalneavHey, you got 20 minutes or so today?  I'm doing the section in the handbook that documents the lts.conf entries, and I want to go through them with you to make sure we get the ones we support, and the ones that arent are removed from the docs.04:22
ograyup, i'll try to find some time between the iso tests04:24
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ograsbalneav, btw http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current/ smealls very much like a beta release :)04:30
=== ogra goes for an i386 install test
pygisbalneav: Edubuntu handbook? :)04:44
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sbalneavpygi: Yes, I volunteered to update the ltsp section in the edubuntu handbook.04:44
pygisbalneav: nice, thanks :)04:44
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pygijsgotangco: hey :)04:45
jsgotangcohey pygi04:45
pygijsgotangco: how did ryan go for GSoC?04:46
jsgotangcohe's pretty ok and finished the project, but he didn't do so much on having his project included in universe at least04:46
pygihm, did he continue with being involved in Ubuntu? I don't see him really04:49
jsgotangcohe would have wanted to, but he said he has problems connecting to irc from his campus so i told him to at least get involved in the mailing list or something04:51
jsgotangcohe did send one email though04:51
pygiright, heh :P04:52
pygithink we should package that stuff for him today?04:52
pygiwould be nice to have it at least in universe for edgy04:54
jsgotangcodo you know where its located?04:57
jsgotangcoits in a sourceforge project site04:57
jsgotangcohe used to be available on jabber regularly, but by the end of the program he doesn't go much online anymore04:58
jsgotangcobut then he actually *finished* the project as intended04:59
jsgotangcohe would have wanted to have this on universe for sure, but he probably didnt know much of the process and since he couldn't come on IRC, he had a hard time interacting on email04:59
pygiwell, can't we package it for him right now? :P05:00
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jsgotangcopygi: sure we can05:00
jsgotangcopygi: are you going to?05:00
jsgotangcopygi: this past few weeks has been hectic to me, i could barely come online even 05:01
pygijsgotangco: dunno, depends on how much work it would involve (and hopefully it doesn't need edgy-deps at this moment)05:01
pygijsgotangco: it's also interesting he provides ubuntu package on SF05:04
jsgotangcohe surely did his homework05:06
jsgotangcoshould i send him an email regarding this?05:07
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jsgotangcoand try to have it on the archives if its still possible?05:07
pygiI'm kinda confused with all the files on SF page tho....does every part needs to be included? or is quizzical sum-of-summarum everything?05:07
pygijsgotangco: perhaps, but he would have to respond very quick if we want it in edgy05:07
jsgotangcowell what he did was split all the components05:08
pygijsgotangco: also quizzical contains server, lib, bla, bla, all in one05:08
pygihm, right05:08
pygibut how I know what to package? All things that are there?05:08
jsgotangcobut it seems some of the packages may have the same stuff inside05:08
jsgotangcoi just looked at quizzical and quizzical-student05:09
pygiif nothing, this things certainly need to be further developed and maintained05:09
pygihe did a magnificient job05:09
jsgotangcowhat's your email? ill put you on CC05:09
pygiups, that'll be in logs now05:10
pygidamn :P05:10
pygiwhat exactly you gonna send? :)05:10
pygithe deb packages even seem to be properly named05:11
jsgotangcojust an email asking him about it05:12
pygioki :)05:13
pygiask him if he has source packages for all that stuff05:13
pygiif he does, I can inspect them & fix if something needs fixing05:13
pygijsgotangco: and ask him what exactly needs to be included so this would be functional....all or just some (which?) components05:15
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pygijsgotangco: thanks :)05:23
pygihey gnomefreak cbx33 05:23
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cbx33hi pygi 05:29
pygijsgotangco: building chroot right now05:29
pygiwill brb05:31
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neurogeek.seen mhz05:34
neurogeek!seen mhz05:34
ubotuI last saw mhz (n=mhz@moinmoin/fan/mhz) 16h 30m 57s ago, changing nicks05:34
neurogeekuff 16 hours??05:35
pygijsgotangco: you think we'll here from him today?05:35
jsgotangcohe'll probably reply when i wake up05:36
pygidunno when exactly is freeze...I take it 14:00 UTC05:36
jsgotangcowhat can you build from his sources?05:37
ogracould someone else check the i386 install CD as well ? 05:38
pygijsgotangco: I can see if debian/ dir is written correctly05:38
sbalneavogra: I'm downloading it at home, I'll try it tonight.05:38
ograi have a hardlock if i try to reboot and am not sure its not my amd64 causing it with the i386 kernel05:38
ograapart from that its ready for beta ;)05:38
sbalneavYou want two network cards right?  To test the autoconfig of the ltsp interface?05:39
pygiogra: I'll see what I can do given my bad connection today :-/05:39
ograwith all bells and whistles05:39
ograsbalneav, right05:39
sbalneavok, Will do when I get home.05:39
ograi test with three here ...05:39
ograworks fine including the autoconfig ...05:39
ograone NIC should give a warning that you need to set up ltsp manually ... two should just configure the second one silently and three or more should gve a selection list05:40
ograif anyone wants to test but doesnt own a thin client, /usr/share/doc/ltsp-server/examples/qemu-ltsp is very handy ;)05:42
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jsgotangcoi didnt know it was possible05:47
ograits wonderful for testing ...05:47
pygijsgotangco: we have that some time now already05:47
jsgotangcoi thought only vmware was able to do it05:47
jsgotangcopygi: its possible?05:47
jsgotangcoit seems to have clean deps05:48
pygijsgotangco: its possible what? qemu-ltsp or ryan's work? :P05:48
jsgotangcopygi: ryan's05:48
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pygijsgotangco: well, it would be possible (I could package it from scratch probably) If I would just know what exactly do we need to package05:49
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jsgotangcopygi: ok hopefully ryan responds earlier, im going to catch my zzzz and just check tomorrow morning05:57
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mario_damn connection!!!06:20
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LaserJockman I fell like crap this morning06:31
LaserJockogra: how's the beta treating you?06:32
=== RichEd serves LaserJock a plate of steaming crap ... here you go
sbalneavWhat, did you hand him a Windows CD?06:37
sbalneav(sound of rimshot)06:37
pygisbalneav: lol :)06:37
LaserJocksbalneav: heh06:38
LaserJockI need caffeine06:38
sbalneavAaaaalways with the windows jokes. :)06:38
RichEdKeeps us sane ... have to have someone to kick and it can't always be the dog !06:39
pygisbalneav: should get Brasero in universe today I hope if I'm upto packaging :)06:39
LaserJockI did 16hrs on Ubuntu yesterday (not much to show for it though :( ) and ended at 2:30 am06:39
LaserJockvery unusual for me06:39
LaserJockso this morning I'm reaping the consequences06:39
LaserJockand edubuntu-menus is still in binary NEW :/06:42
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cbx33LaserJock, what are you doing up06:46
cbx33you need the extra sleep dude06:46
=== cbx33 and AliasVegas are going to look at a new house to rent tonight
rodarvuscbx33, on a semi-related subject - I bought my house early this year06:47
cbx33rodarvus, which we could afford to buy06:47
rodarvusjust yesterday I spent half of my monthly salary paying a double monthly payment :/06:47
LaserJockcbx33: gotta .. keep .. going06:48
LaserJockI should start trying to sell my house06:49
cbx33LaserJock, you have a house06:49
LaserJockyep, had it for 3 years now06:49
LaserJockjust a little one (for here)06:50
LaserJock904 sq. ft.06:50
LaserJock2 car garage06:50
LaserJockand a rather large back yard for our area06:50
LaserJockwhich I'm trying to landscape06:50
LaserJocknevada desert wasn't meant for green grass :-)06:50
cbx33LaserJock, nice06:50
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jingl3ogra, hi again! I tried your suggestions... 07:05
jingl3With no lts.conf all the terminals simply show the BusyBox prompt. 07:06
jingl3The using XSERVER = trident, the Mini-ITX box boots right up the the X screen, then shows the tty login.07:06
jingl3It's a puzzle 'cos the Mini-ITX box boots fine with Breezy07:06
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=== RichEd -> dinner : back for meeting
LaserJockdoh, there's a meeting today?07:26
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ograjingl3, thats a bug in ldm ... look for a line with usplash in it in /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/sbin/ldm and chaneg the option from stop to start 07:41
cbx33bbl guys07:41
ograjingl3, i have prepared a fix for dapper-updates already for that issue ... but there are some more and i want to upload them all together ...07:42
AmaranthLaserJock: in about 2 hours07:42
Amaranth2 hours 20 minutes07:43
Amaranthtoday is bug day too07:43
pygiogra: any chance you'll have time for me tommorow early morning?07:43
pygiIf all goes well, a lot of packages for review07:43
LaserJockAmaranth: and "stuff as much crack in Universe as you can" day ;-)07:44
pygiLaserJock: you could also be helpful :P07:45
LaserJockwe'll have to see07:45
LaserJockI'm really busy07:45
pygiah, ok :(07:45
ograpygi, depends on how much testing i have left until then 07:45
LaserJockbut who knows, poke me when you need a review and I'll tell you "yep" or "nope" 07:45
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Amaranthi have to get beryl packages out before the meeting07:46
Amaranthbut i don't get home until 30 minutes before the meeting :P07:46
mhzRichEd, ping07:47
=== mhz is on IRC via Java
RichEdhi mhz07:48
RichEdJava s/w Java island or Java coffee ?07:49
mhzRichEd: i am at Watts (the huge Chilean company I mentioned some time ago)07:49
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mhzRichEd, also I have been talking to lguerra 07:50
RichEdWhat's up there at Watts. Are you doing some work for them ?07:50
mhzthx, for helping him, esp. since I am very 'unstable' oin web lately07:50
RichEdYep. I've been chatting with lguerra as well.07:50
mhzRichEd, yup, little consulting work07:50
RichEdWe've agreed to help him with the Colombia presentation as follows:07:51
mhzRichEd, there are many tests they are performing, at desktop and server levels07:51
RichEd1) Pygi and I are preparing a presentation for Hungary event.07:51
RichEd2) we will compare with what you said you had for lguerra, and do best effort combo07:52
RichEd3) he will use the 2 schoolgirls who have been helping with edubuntu.org spanish transalation to translate presentation to Spanish07:52
mhzI will provide URL for the presentation I have been working on07:52
mhzthough it was fist conceived for Ubuntu general purposes   Edubuntu, later on07:53
RichEd4) I have suggested that he use the 2 schoolgirls to deliver the persentation to his audience, and to talk about how they themselves are involved with and help with and benefit from the Edubuntu community effort07:53
mhzit is made in MoinMoin wiki and uses a real cool moin plugin that renders page as fullscreen presentation with menu and all07:54
RichEdi.e. if two little schoolgirls are not afraid, how can they be afraid ?07:54
RichEdWe are chatting about the possibility of:07:54
mhzgood point07:54
RichEd1. Ubuntu T-shirts for the girls ... and possibly a certificate saying thanks for their good work (on edubuntu.org translation) ... for a school hand-over ceremony07:55
=== mhz is now working on a simple 'thanks kind of diploma' with Edubuntu LoCo Cl logo and key fingerprint ;)
RichEdgood :) we can piggyback ... just something "in recognition of the hard work and spirit" etc.07:55
mhzI can provide the SVG (source file) for anyone interested on using it as base07:55
RichEdgood :)07:56
=== mhz will send it to the ML
RichEd2. and possibly a video or photo welcome and introduction for the presentation ... Mark best if possible ...07:56
mhzRichEd, there is gonna take place the IV Forum for Education Libre in Venezuela07:57
RichEdThanks for the offer of help with the persentation.07:57
RichEdRichEd, there is gonna take place the IV Forum for Education Libre in Venezuela <- sorry please clarify ?07:57
mhzmy friend of the ISEIT institute is one of the leading speakers07:57
RichEdis this the same venue / event as the lguerra one ?07:58
mhznope, a diff event07:59
mhzUsually, since July on, there are many events related to FLOSS in LAm08:00
mhzin Chile, 2 are also coming08:00
mhzbeing the one sponsored by one of the most important universities, the event we all must go.08:01
mhzUniversidad Tecnica Santa Maria08:01
mhzRichEd, BTW, pressin on 'El Mundo Ubuntu' at this URL will opne the SLideShow http://mhz.homelinux.org/tcwiki/PesentacionesUbuntu08:02
mhzRichEd, on a totally diff topic... I also requested some materials to marilize via special-requests-web-form08:03
mhzbut havent heard form her yert08:04
mhzAnd, last but not least... we should keep an eye close to the Fluxbuntu project. Joejaxx and have been talking lot lately08:05
mhzand they will provide a Fluxbuntu Education Edition (FEE)08:05
mhzthis will allowed the use of PII and PIII without the need of GNOME and some other heavy libs08:06
RichEdthis is good news: <mhz> RichEd, yup, little consulting work <mhz> RichEd, there are many tests they are performing, at desktop and server levels <- is any of it Ubuntu or Open Source08:06
=== pygi just saw his name, so he peeked in
RichEdmhz: I'll check out the presentation ... just a bit now with some work for the meeting08:07
mhzfor meeting?08:07
mhzoghhh, WED!!!08:07
mhz20:30 UTC?08:08
pygi20:00 UTC 08:08
mhzpygi: thx08:09
mhzthis not having web at workplace is killing me08:09
highvoltageogra, LaserJock: good evening08:16
LaserJockhi highvoltage 08:17
pygihighvoltage: !!!08:18
highvoltagehey pygi 08:18
pygihey highvoltage :)08:18
highvoltageogra, LaserJock: I only had 2.5h sleep last night, may I be excused from the meeting tonight?08:19
mhzhJonathan, hi there mon! long time no see ya08:22
highvoltagehey mon!08:22
highvoltagethat's the first time I saw someone put an additioanl 'h' there08:23
highvoltagei'll have to update my 'how to spell jonathan' howto.08:23
RichEdhhello hhighvoltage08:23
highvoltagehi RichEd 08:24
=== mhz will get launch now...after 12 hours with no eating :)
mhzthat explains the mispelling08:25
=== mhz will get back in 60 minuts
=== mhz is now known as mhz_brb
RichEdhighvoltage: you may be excused from the meeting ... I'll make your apologies if you'd like.08:26
=== mhz_brb is now known as mhz_off
RichEdLaserJock: you've also been burning it hard ... so we will understand if energy levels are low.08:26
highvoltageRichEd: that would be appreciated08:27
highvoltageRichEd: btw, are you going to come by Futurex this week?08:27
RichEdhighvoltage: I'm so out of touch with local events ... is it at CTICC ?08:28
highvoltageRichEd: yes, it is08:29
RichEdDo you have some sort of presence / interest ?08:29
RichEdAnd it there aurl I can check out ? times etc.08:29
highvoltagewe have a stand there08:29
RichEd*a url08:29
highvoltage(we tuxlab)08:29
=== cbx33 [n=pete@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
pygihey cbx33 08:30
cbx33hey pygi 08:30
highvoltagewe (clu)g is there too.08:30
highvoltageRichEd: http://www.futurexcape.co.za/08:30
pygicbx33: 7 things to package this night :P08:30
cbx33package things from scratch08:31
RichEdthanks highvoltage ... will check it out and wil definately make a turn past ... will let you know when so we can chat to clug and catch a coffee08:31
pygicbx33: indeed, from scratch :)08:31
highvoltageRichEd: great08:32
cbx33pygi, wow08:32
highvoltagei'm going to retire now and sleep right through to 7am tomorrow morning :)08:32
pygicbx33: wanna help? But be prepared not to sleep :)08:32
highvoltagegoodnight all!08:32
pyginight highvoltage 08:32
highvoltageI'll read the logs when I wake up :)08:32
highvoltagenight pygi!08:32
cbx33pygi, eeek....I'll try to help out08:32
cbx33but I won;t be able stay up all night ;)08:33
pygicbx33: :P08:33
cbx33is this stuff for edgy?08:33
pygiindeed :P08:33
cbx33how is it gonna get in08:33
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cbx33isn't it past feature freeze08:33
pygicbx33: well, universe08:34
cbx33yikes FF is tomorrow for that isn't it?08:34
LaserJockhence the rush ;-)08:34
cbx33pygi, what packages are they?08:35
pygicbx33: indeed, tommorow :P08:35
LaserJockI should do about the same tonight as well08:35
pygicbx33: Brasero and the work Ryan did for GSoC08:35
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jingl3ogra: Thanks, I'll make that change in ldm. The server is offline, it will be a while before it gets more updates.08:42
LaserJockpygi: what did Ryan do?08:44
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pygiLaserJock: very short version :P08:58
nixternalhow is edubuntu doc work going?  everything prim and proper08:58
sbalneavnixternal: I've been working on bringing the ltsp side of things up to date.09:00
nixternalcool...i am going to start looking over what is going on and hopefully start contributing to this project...i think this is the best marketable idea Ubuntu has right now09:01
nixternaljust need a good solid KDE version ;)09:01
pyginixternal: be shhh :)09:01
nixternali should have ducked, as I knew that was coming09:02
pyginixternal: but Edubuntu handbook rocks ;)09:02
nixternalw/o a doubt, but so does KDE Edu ;)09:03
=== nixternal ducks this time
=== nixternal jumps to avoid the foot sweep as well
LaserJockwell, that's why we ship it nixternal 09:03
pyginixternal: don't worry, I won't shoot you, you know :P09:04
LaserJockit's not that we *want* KDE apps surely ;-)09:04
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nixternalLaserJock: oh sure, hide the fact that you are a raging KDE user in here.  Everyone, I have proof that LaserJock in fact dislikes Gnome and LOVES KDE!!!09:04
nixternaljust don't ask me to show you the proof..i can't do that..it is classified still09:05
LaserJockoh whatever09:05
LaserJockI'm an equal oppritunity DE user ;-)09:05
=== mhz_off is now known as mhz
nixternalme too...KDE and KDE09:06
pyginixternal: :P09:07
nixternali wonder if hplip is going to be fixed soon...i can't print ;)09:14
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mhzi have installed Edubuntu but enduser prefers the 'ubuntu' splash at booting time :(09:42
LaserJockwell, that's pretty easy to change09:43
=== pygi nods
mhzhow can i set it to ubuntu?09:44
LaserJockmhz: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so09:46
mhzIIRC those were the commands i issued09:47
mhzi got 2 alternatives09:47
mhzedubuntu and ubuntu09:47
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mhzI choose #2, the ubuntu one09:47
mhzbut when I reboot, at the killing process I see Ubuntu  but, at booting time, still ubuntu09:48
mhzedubuntu i mean09:48
mhzand when I reboot, at the killing process I see Ubuntu  but, at booting time, still ubuntu09:48
mhzedubuntu i mean09:48
mhzand when I reboot, at the killing process I see Ubuntu  but, at booting time, still edubuntu09:49
=== mhz sighs
LaserJockthat's odd09:51
=== mhz will try on his machine now, just in case
LaserJockI've done it before09:51
mhzVERY odd09:51
LaserJockEdubuntu meeting soon?09:52
RichEd===== edubuntu meeting ====== 8 mins ===== #ubuntu-meeting09:52
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rodarvusquick reboot before meeting begins09:55
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willvdlevening all09:56
=== AliasVegas [n=aliasveg@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
RichEdgreetz willvdl ...thanks for the email.09:58
mhzLaserJock: 09:58
mhz*     1        /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-default.so      2        /usr/lib/usplash/edubuntu-splash.so09:58
mhzit is weired09:59
mhzI may be missing something there09:59
=== ogra waves
cbx33hey ogra 09:59
mhzI had the '* ' symbols togetehre09:59
mhznnow I have * for default and   for the othere09:59
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LaserJockmhz: man update-alternatives and make sure you were doing the right thing10:00
RichEd===== edubuntu meeting ======> now <===== #ubuntu-meeting10:00
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cbx33ping crimsun 10:11
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meuserjquick ltsp question...10:34
meuserjI'm creating a script for starting rdesktop by combining the LTSP script and the (ed)ubuntu xstart script... I got it working perfectly, except for one thing:10:35
meuserjwhen I assign it to SCREEN_01 it starts up fine, but keyboard input stops working10:35
sbalneavCan you try it on screen 02?10:36
meuserjwhen I assign it to SCREEN_07, keyboard and everything work, but after startup, the screen goes back to TTY1 for some reason10:36
ogrameuserj, in dapper ? 10:37
meuserjogra, yeah10:37
ogratry if that still happens if you remove the splash argument in the pxelinux config10:37
sbalneavogra: Interaction with either the getty, or usplash?10:37
sbalneavyeah, thought so.10:37
ograusplash ... 10:37
ogravery likely10:37
ograwe need to call /etc/init.d/usplash start (yes start, dont ask) in the ltsp-client initscript ... i have a fix prepared for dapper ... but thats waiting for some other stuff10:38
ograbut will likely be in dapper-updates before edgy releases10:39
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meuserjok, that did the trick.. thanks.10:41
ograyou should also be able ot just do the fix in the ltsp-client initscript i described above ...10:42
cbx33ogra, I still didn't solv that tftp prolbem10:42
ograit calls stop there instead of start10:42
cbx33must be the mobo10:42
=== pygi shoots himself in the leg
=== RichEd mops up the blood
pygiit's actually sad how useless I can be :P10:45
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mario_cbx33: ergh, sorry, lag over 30s10:49
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pips1ogra, I want to use your 'rsyncer.sh' script to update the old daily to the latest... I read the --help, but I don't quite remember: do I need to place the old daily iso in the same dir as the script?11:00
ogranope an edubuntu subdir11:01
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pips1ogra: so, unless i use the --create option, it will only sync isos that already exist in subdirs?11:11
ograelse it will just download them11:14
meuserjok, I've got one more question.... There is an unused ide flash drive on the thin client I am dealing with... I have formatted it as swap space, and added the fstab entry to the nfs mount that it uses, but it doesn't seem to be picking it up... is there something that I am missing?11:17
ograyes, the initscript is likely disabled ...11:19
ogralook for swap in the intiscripts dir and link an S script to rc2.d 11:19
ograwe have ful swap support in edgy ...11:19
ogra(even ful network swapping)11:20
meuserjyeah, I was reading about that11:20
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pips1ogra: erm, I just tried ./rsyncher.sh and it didn't do anything?! 11:27
ograhmm, i didnt use it for a while ...11:27
pips1I'll just try some of the -- options, then :)11:29
pips1trial and error :)11:29
cbx33darn it ogra I wish I'd have gotten grasynco out in time11:29
cbx33got caught up11:30
cbx33pips1, next release there is a nice grahpical tool called grasynco to do it all for you11:30
ograpips1, rsync -az --progress rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/edubuntu/daily/current/edgy-install-i386.iso edgy-install-i386.iso (in the edubuntu dir where the iso is ... mind oyu, thats from the top of my head)11:31
mhzogra: why is that after specifying DNS at either the network-admin tool or via /etc/resolv.conf, settings are wiped out and none stays there after rebooting?11:37
mhzoops, hi ogra 11:37
pips1ogra: so that is using "plain" 'rsync' instead of your 'rsyncer.sh' ... right11:37
ogramhz, are you using network manager or do you have installed evil stuff like resolvconf ? 11:37
ograpips1, thats what rsyncer actually does :)11:38
mhzLaserJock: my last try regarding usplash will be a tip I got:sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-YOUR VERSION 11:38
mhzogra: i installed Edubuntu server but user prefers/needs  ubuntu look ;)11:39
mhzso, yes, I have resolvconf (default in my laptop too)11:39
ograthats crap11:40
ograremove it and your resolv.conf wont be touched11:40
LaserJockI had to figure that out the other day11:40
LaserJockI couldn't figure out why my network wasn't working when I rebooted11:40
=== jinty [n=jinty@195.Red-83-58-178.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
ografor the initramfs ... use sudo update-initramfs -u11:40
mhzplus, after user sets dns values viua network-admin tool, these setting still need to be manualy specify by choosing a 'location', instead of just rebooting using previous setting11:41
mhzogra: so, basically, you suggest:11:43
mhzremove resolvconf app11:43
mhzrun initramfs?11:43
mhzLaserJock: you already solved it?11:43
LaserJockthe network thing11:44
mhzthat same way?11:44
LaserJockremove resolvconf11:44
=== mhz is rebooting to proceed removing
pips1ogra: I'm almost done rsyncing the amd64-install, which I will try to test with a server with 2 nics setup11:57
ograi just discovered a bug on powerpc ...11:58
ograi hope it doesnt affect amd64 as well11:58
pips1ogra: what live-cd arches do you want me to test, in what priority order?11:58
ograall you like ... any prio you want ...11:58
ograi havent tested any yet11:59
ograand i'll have a hard time getting that fix into ppc11:59
pips1you know what's going wrong already?11:59
ograa stipud oversight 12:00
mhzYEAH!!! it works12:00
ograi moved mknbi to the architecture specific dependencies already, but missed to remove it from ltsp-build-client 12:00
mhzthough we see a nice resolvcong   ---  failed  at booting time :12:00
ograso it tries to install it on all arches12:00
ograi'm not sure amd64 has mknbi12:01
pips1mhz: what works?12:01
ograbut i know ppc doesnt12:01
pips1ogra: what is mknbi ?12:01
ograthe etherboot piece that creates netboot kernels12:01
pips1ach, never mind12:02
mhzLaserJock: also, the usplash got fixed by running the dpkg-reconfigure thing12:02
mhzogra: thx!12:02
mhzLaserJock: thx!12:02
mhzoh, well, maybe there is only another issue left.12:07
mhzBoth on his edubuntu server and in my laptop, smaba seems to be crappy12:08
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pips1you can't access any windows partitions? or... ?12:10
mhzpips1: if we try to install/remove samba, it complains a lot12:11
mhzand does not let us12:11
mhzdo anything12:11
mhzaptitude shows it installed12:12
mhzalso, after a dist-upgrade, I even got firefox segmentation fault12:12
mhzand some X issues that force me to restart x12:13
mhzanyone else has had issues after upgrading?12:14
pips1that sounds pretty unstable to me12:14

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