
Tonio_Riddell: fancy adding this too http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=3891512:17
Tonio_I think that could be usefull12:18
Tonio_Riddell: we need to improve konqueror, too many kde users are using firefox currently12:18
Tonio_it is a 3kB tarball but I think I can commit it to kdebase as a patch12:19
RiddellTonio_: yes, but it seems like too much of a new feature to add after beta12:20
Tonio_Riddell: hum, it is not a new feature, just a simple and little addon to the standard konqueror adblock12:21
Tonio_a frontend in fact....12:22
Tonio_it doesn't add any feature, just an easier way to manage the existing filter12:22
Tonio_Riddell: well I'm testing to implement this, you'll decide if that's too much or no12:25
Riddellsure, we should test it12:26
Tonio_Riddell: we need to ping pitti once again for digikam..... I ask him 3 times, but he was away and didn't respond12:30
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Tonio_Riddell: I'm updating kaffeine and writing UVF exception request02:33
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Tonio_hey bddebian02:38
bddebianHi Tonio_02:38
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-125-169.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Tonio_Riddell: I added the adblock kpart plugin as a patch to kdeaddons. Tested here, it works02:56
Hobbseehey Tonio_ 02:59
Tonio_hi Hobbsee02:59
Tonio_Hobbsee: fancy testing new konqueror features I'm implementing ? we need testers to decide if we upload this ;)03:00
HobbseeTonio_: which ones?  i dont use konq much03:00
=== Hobbsee wonders if fujitsu got MOTU today.
Tonio_Hobbsee: adblock improvement, konqueror flashplugin auto installer and quick view change toolbar03:01
Hobbseecool, he did :)03:01
Tonio_Hobbsee: he was approved03:01
HobbseeTonio_: nice!!!!  i'll test the last one, certainly03:01
Tonio_Hobbsee: here is the point : http://tonio.homelinux.org/tmp/to-test/03:02
Tonio_Hobbsee: for adblock improvement, download konq_plugins03:02
Tonio_Hobbsee: for konqueror flashplugin installer : kds + kdelibs03:02
Tonio_Hobbsee: and for the quick view change button, kds + konqueror and it's dependancies03:03
Tonio_here is the good link sorry03:03
Tonio_bddebian: you're welcome to test too ;)03:04
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=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee grabs them
bddebianHeya Jucato03:07
Tonio_hey Jucato03:07
Jucatohi bddebian!03:07
Hobbseehey Jucato!03:07
HobbseeJucato: testing stuff03:07
Jucatohi Hobbsee Tonio_!03:07
Tonio_Jucato: fancy crashing kde ?03:07
Jucatoon Edgy?03:07
Hobbseeput like that...03:07
Tonio_Jucato: hehe, seriously, I need testers for a few packages03:07
Hobbseedo we have to restart x?  i've forgotten how to refresh konq03:08
Jucatohm... if there's a possibility to make KDE crash on Edgy on VMWare... then I'm all for it! 03:08
Tonio_Hobbsee: no, just killall konqueror03:08
Hobbsee*resolves the deps manually*03:08
Tonio_Jucato: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/1803:09
Tonio_here are the infos03:09
Tonio_to test flash, simply remove the library on your machine, restart konq and go on a website that needs flash03:09
Jucatoit's ok if I run it on just vmware?03:09
Jucatookie dokie :)03:10
Hobbseecome on...i knew this would be a bad idea..03:10
=== Hobbsee thumps Tonio_
Tonio_for adblock improvement : http://kde-apps.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=38915&file1=38915-1.png&file2=38915-2.png&file3=38915-3.png&name=Adblock+Improvement03:10
Tonio_you should see this03:11
Tonio_and for the view switcher, simply browse files with konq03:11
Tonio_Jucato: think about "killall konqueror" since it preloads a konqueror session by default... closing is not enough to refresh its config03:11
Hobbseeokay, i think i've *finally* gotten all the deps03:12
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe :)03:12
=== Hobbsee starts to wonder if she's using RH7 again.
Hobbseeoh, wait, that requires multiple cds too03:12
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'm on kaffeine package, new upstream relase (bugfix release) is available03:13
HobbseeTonio_: woot :)03:13
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HobbseeTonio_: this the one button next to the stop button on konq?03:14
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes03:15
=== Hobbsee hits it repeatedly, and finds it doesnt do anything
=== Hobbsee wonders if there's any deps she missed
Tonio_konqueror nativelly has this functionnality, but it gives 3 buttons...... I patched to merge them into one03:15
Tonio_Hobbsee: click and wait03:16
Tonio_it is konq actionlist :)03:16
Tonio_they all work like that03:16
Tonio_same for "previous" or "next" for exampla03:16
Tonio_Hobbsee: doesn't work ?03:16
Hobbseeit goes dark, but doesnt do anything else03:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: push the buttoin and wait a second03:17
Hobbseei did :P03:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: hu ?03:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: did you keep the finger on the button for a second ?03:18
=== Hobbsee restarts X to double check that
Tonio_Hobbsee: not "click" and then wait03:18
=== Hobbsee smacks her fingers for windows-ish behaviour
Tonio_Hobbsee: all kde apps are working like that........ are you really a kde user ? ;)03:18
HobbseeTonio_: i was working in windows explorer last night, leave me in peace :P03:19
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe, okay ;)03:19
Tonio_Hobbsee: does it work now ?03:19
Tonio_I think that really needs to go in03:19
Hobbseeyeah!  :D03:20
Jucato_Tonio_: how do I bring up the adblock dialog box? I installed "konq-plugins_3.5.4-0ubuntu6_i386.deb"03:20
Tonio_then flashplugin :)03:20
Hobbseethen flashplugin?03:21
Tonio_Jucato killall konqueror, relaunch it and look at the bottom right, you should have the little icon03:21
Tonio_click on it, same way it works in firefox03:21
Tonio_Hobbsee: need testing flashplugin installation now ;)03:21
Tonio_that's the best one :)03:21
Jucato_the icon looked like Filter search that's why I ignored it lol03:21
HobbseeTonio_: yeah, but how to test? 03:22
Hobbseeinstall flashplugin-nonfree or something?03:22
Tonio_Hobbsee: hum, uninstall any libflash*.so03:22
Tonio_anywhere on your drive03:22
HobbseeTonio_: it matters i dont use ubuntu's firefox?03:22
Tonio_Hobbsee: nope, I don't think so03:22
Tonio_Hobbsee: just locate flash | grep so03:22
Jucato_hm.. even openoffice's libflash?03:23
Tonio_then reload konqueror, and go on a needing flash website03:23
Tonio_Jucato hehe no of course :)03:23
Tonio_Jucato libflashplayer.so is the file, but you certainly have several copies of them03:24
Tonio_so delete them all03:24
Jucato_hm.. kdelibs_3.5.4 or kdelibs4c2a? (for testing flash)03:24
Tonio_Jucato and kubuntu-default-settings03:24
Jucato_nah I don't flash intalled here yet :)03:24
Hobbsee /usr/lib/openoffice/program/libflash680li.so?03:24
Jucato_ah both of those kdelibs?03:25
Tonio_Jucato great then03:25
Tonio_Hobbsee: nope just libflashplayer.so files03:25
Jucato_er, do I need to have multiverse enabled? or it will enable it like in Amarok's MP3 script?03:25
Tonio_Jucato no need of a package, or multiverse03:26
Tonio_and it will not enable it03:26
Jucato_which should I install: kdelibs_3.5.4 or kdelibs4c2a_3.5.4?03:26
Tonio_no need to be sudo user03:26
Tonio_Jucato both03:26
=== Hobbsee kicks konq
Jucato_ah it will be installed in the user's directory? 03:27
Tonio_Jucato yeah, like firefox does03:27
Jucato_way kool! :)03:27
Hobbseehttp://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/badgers.php is a good URL03:27
Hobbseeso is the llama song :P03:27
Jucato_isn't youtube also a good URL? :P03:27
Tonio_Jucato nope since youtube autodetects if you have flash or not03:28
Jucato_hah. I usually use newgrounds.com to test03:28
=== Hobbsee kicks konq again
Tonio_Jucato so konqueror will not get application mimetype required for autoinstallation03:28
Hobbseei remember why i dont use this as my browser03:28
Tonio_Jucato, Hobbsee: a working url : http://www.pcinpact.com03:28
Jucato_Hobbsee: say bye bye to Firefox :P03:28
Tonio_just disable adblock and that should be okay03:29
jdong_ugh, please don't remind me of the friggin badger badger thing03:29
Jucato_jdong_: oooooh you should see the thread in the forums03:30
Jucato_jdong_: btw, could you move that to Ubuntu Cafe? I think it shouldn't be in the Edgy Eft section03:30
HobbseeTonio_: WOW!03:30
Tonio_Hobbsee: works ?03:30
HobbseeTonio_: yeah.  once i could get the rotten page to load :P03:31
Hobbseeon the badger page, no less :)03:31
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe03:31
Hobbsee*likes albinoblacksheep.com*03:31
Tonio_f*cking cool isn't it ?03:31
Hobbseebadger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom!03:31
Hobbseeyep :D03:31
Hobbseewish the firefox versions worked like that03:31
Tonio_that's a MUST, MUST have03:31
Hobbseeyep :D03:31
Tonio_so many users are simply leaving konq because of flash03:31
Jucato_grr... want to see this....03:31
Tonio_Hobbsee: and the good point is we can use this to install other plugins :)03:32
Hobbseeyep :D03:32
Hobbseeand then you can work on firefox :)03:32
Tonio_it has xml file configuration, in kds03:32
=== Hobbsee suspects that she shouldnt be using the mozilla binaries for it
Jucato_no need for sudo :)03:32
Tonio_choose the url, the licence, and the mimetype and that's it03:32
=== Hobbsee should have known better to test this....
Hobbseebadger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom!!!03:33
Tonio_Hobbsee: when flash9 is out, just an update of kds will do the job ;)03:33
Hobbseetrue that03:33
Jucato_looks like someone had too much coffee...03:33
=== Hobbsee doesnt drink coffee
Tonio_Hobbsee: so when I'll ngociate all this with Riddell, please be here to give your feedback :)03:34
Jucato_so that was the purpose03:34
Tonio_the problem is that adding big features after a beta is a bit too late03:34
=== Hobbsee offers Tonio_ her long pointy stick of doom for the task
Hobbseeyes well03:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe ;) It took me all the day to do all of this :)03:34
Hobbsee"broken feature" or "feature that works for some people" is better than "lack of crucial feature"03:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: true that03:34
Jucato_hm... strange.... do I need to do something extra to install the new kdelibs?03:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: the good point is that it doesn't work for non x86 cpu, but it is simply ignored and works as if the patch wans't there03:35
claydohholy cr@p! it works!03:35
claydohship it!!03:35
Tonio_Hobbsee: same if you remove kds, I tested03:35
HobbseeTonio_: oh good, yep03:35
Tonio_Hobbsee: it was important testing this too03:36
HobbseeJucato_: dpkg -i all of the debs that you needed03:36
HobbseeTonio_: yeah, of course03:36
Tonio_claydoh: which feature are you talking about ? the flash installer ?03:36
claydohwell that was sooo good, I am going out to buy some ice cream03:36
Jucato_Hobbsee: for some odd reason, kdelibs4c2a won't install... hmm...03:36
Tonio_claydoh: hehe okay :)03:36
claydohdon'y really use an adblocker much03:36
HobbseeJucato_: check the deps as for why :P03:36
claydohbut it looks good from here03:36
Hobbsee*already has konq adblocker installed, i think*03:37
Tonio_Hobbsee: we can even create a template for ad64 and ppc, if the .tar.gz was available :)03:37
Hobbseehehe, true that03:37
Tonio_Hobbsee: not usefull not, but for the future, can be interesting03:37
claydohwell the mrs want some ice cream, at her usual 9:45 PM craving, so I might as welltreat everyone03:37
Hobbseemake sure you do one for shockwave :P03:37
Hobbsee9.45pm icecream?  scary03:38
claydohya then I can play all those southpark games :)03:38
claydohya, *just* before all the big stores close03:38
claydoh9:45 asin 21:45 (in the evening)03:38
Jucato_hmm.. that is just soo strange....03:38
claydohI forget the rst of the universe uses a 24 hr clock more or less03:39
=== Hobbsee doesnt.
Jucato_dpkg doesn't give any errors when installing kdelibs4c2a, but when I try to install kdelibs_3.5.4, it says that the new kdelibs4c2a isn't installed...03:40
Jucato_ah.. hm...03:40
Tonio_Jucato install both at the same time03:40
Jucato_I think I forgot to install kdelibs-data? 03:41
=== Jucato_ ducks
Tonio_Jucato yep, indeed03:41
=== Hobbsee just downloaded the deps, tried installing them, grabbed more deps that the first ones errored out on, installed all of them again, rinse and repeate
Jucato_yeah... only problem was kdelibs4c2a wasn't complaining about missing deps03:41
Hobbseei can give you the whole list of what you need, if you want03:42
Tonio_ust one thing, that will break your apt config ;)03:42
Hobbseeyeah, well.03:42
Hobbseethat's where you have to be able to manipulate apt03:42
Jucato_oh it's ok... I took a snapshot of VMWare before I did all these :P03:42
Tonio_so when finished, just do apt-get remove "everything you installed" && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:42
HobbseeTonio_: why in particular will it break the apt config?03:42
Tonio_Hobbsee: it breaks config if you haven't installed everything, since you will have dependancies issues03:43
Hobbseetrue that03:43
=== Hobbsee fixed them.
=== Hobbsee fixed them harder, until they stopped erroring
Tonio_for example kcontrol depends on kdebase-bin 0ubuntu27 ans not 28 etc.......03:43
Tonio_that's not complicated, remove all packages that are causing issues, and reinstall kubuntu-desktop03:44
Hobbseeor just wait until the rest of it gets upgraded03:44
=== Hobbsee just kept upgrading - that works ;P
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes, that's another solution but that means no updates for 3 or 4 days03:46
Hobbseeon kdelibs and the like, or everything?03:47
=== Hobbsee creates a "syncs and merges" folder, and sends it to /dev/null
Hobbseeoh yes, i see now.03:49
Jucato_yay flash works!!!!03:49
=== Hobbsee fixes her system harder
Jucato_great job Tonio_03:49
Jucato_btw.. Hobbsee that badger site is just whacked03:49
Jucato_now for the next one...03:50
Hobbseecheck out llama.php too :D03:50
Hobbseecome on kdelibs-dbg_3.5.4-0ubuntu18_i386.deb.part....03:50
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Tonio_Jucato_: thanks :)03:52
Jucato_Hobbsee: that llama song is just LOL!!03:54
Jucato_lol dependency purgatory!03:58
Jucato_yay it works!!!04:01
Tonio_we need a package for this ! let's go !!!!!04:01
Jucato_Tonio_: to be included in Edgy?04:02
Tonio_Jucato probably too late for this....04:03
Tonio_Jucato hum, cpp files miss licence info, so I have to ping upstream before packaging04:04
Jucato_Tonio_: just one question about the View Mode icon. is it best to place it beside the stop button?04:04
Tonio_Jucato where else ?04:05
Jucato_hm.. before filter search?04:05
Tonio_on the right ? doesn't make sense for me.....04:05
Jucato_heh.. it just looked a bit out of place... Back, Forward, Up, Home, Refresh, Stop, <View Mode>, Clear Location, Location field04:06
Jucato_well, that's just me :P04:06
Jucatoanyway, it works great Tonio_! I really love the changes and hope they make it into Edgy (RC maybe?)04:12
Jucatoif my voice/vote counts, that's +1 from me :P04:12
Tonio_Jucato well should be in in a few days after beta is out04:13
Jucatovery nice :)04:13
=== Hobbsee notes that this is a mess.
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-177-70.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoisn't there a similar service menu that MEPIS is using?04:27
claydohdunno, probably04:30
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HobbseeTonio_: i cant reproduce your kopete bug04:46
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Tonio_Hobbsee: which one ?04:51
HobbseeTonio_: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/6193004:52
UbugtuMalone bug 61930 in kopete "Freeze when clicking a URL." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  04:52
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imbrandonTonio_, dident you say a reboot fixed that for you04:55
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Tonio_Hobbsee: ah ! It was due to kdelibs update :) I simply rebooted the computer and it reworked.05:06
Tonio_imbrandon: yeah I said that.......;05:07
Tonio_I'm doing a uvf exception request for kmplayer05:07
HobbseeTonio_: cool, okay.  i cant reproduce it :P05:07
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe :)05:10
imbrandonreject reject reject ..... heheh i need a big reject stamp today05:10
=== Hobbsee plans to make a few bugfixes for kopete
Hobbseeand...um...make myself the maintainer of kopete05:11
ajmitchtypical Hobbsee 05:13
Hobbseei keep getting asked if i'm the maintainer, etc.05:13
=== Hobbsee whinges about everyone coming to her
=== Hobbsee goes and hides in the corner
Jucatoyou talked to apachelogger yet?05:13
Hobbseenope...hence the "um"05:14
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=== claydoh has no problems with kopete, and promises not to bug Hobbsee
Jucatooh I will bug Hobbsee, I really will :P05:38
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=== Hobbsee attacks Jucato with her long pointy stick
ajmitchso violent..05:56
Hobbseeajmitch: indeed.  count yourself lucky that you got home in one piece :P05:58
ajmitchI am, I really am :)05:58
Hobbseei'm surprised that you're even thinking about coming back into the same country as me05:59
ajmitchHobbsee: I think I can sneak in without you knowing06:14
Hobbseeajmitch: yeah, you might.  good luck with that06:14
ajmitchhowever hiding from you at LCA may be harder06:14
Hobbseei'd thought you'd be more interested in hiding from pia, before she makes you do something :P06:20
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ajmitchnah, pia wouldn't do that :)06:26
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jdong_grr, would we take a patch for ktorrent backported from svn?07:03
jdong_it's supposed to resolve ktorrent's oscillating/slow/stalled download behavior07:03
jdong_I'm currently building and testing out the patch07:04
Hobbseejdong_: and put it into edgy?  sure07:06
jdong_Hobbsee: yeah, I'm targeting for edgy inclusion. I want ktorrent to be a viable client dammit :)07:07
Hobbseejdong_: heh.  dunno why.  i tend to do that for kopete all the time - particularly when we were using 0.11 still07:08
jdong_it seems like upstream is going new-feature-crazy in the interest of a 2.1 release, so I think it's a better idea for us to isolate that one fix than introduce a new version now07:08
Hobbseetrue that.  is the version done now?07:09
jdong_no, svn's a half-finished monster now07:09
jdong_I'm just cherry-picking diffs that pertain to fixing the download problem07:09
Hobbseeyeah, grab the patches to fix the bugs, and then wait till freeze ends07:10
jdong_and jesus ktorrent upstream sucks at using svn effectively07:10
jdong_it's a nightmare :)07:10
HobbseeTonio_: want to add https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/48954 to your kdelibs packages?07:29
UbugtuMalone bug 48954 in kdelibs "KDE File Sharing doesn't work with 2-character long home directories" [Medium,Confirmed]  07:29
Hobbseeor just wait for kde 3.5.5?07:29
Hobbseeactually, not sure if that is  fixed upstream. *shrug*07:30
imbrandonif Tonio_ dosent get to it i will after he uploads07:31
imbrandonjdong yea just upload the new changes to revu when you get done and i'll poke at them and uplaod it 07:32
imbrandon( after freeze )07:32
jdong_imbrandon: k, thx, will have fun figuring out which patch is needed and which is not07:36
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imbrandonTonio_, !!07:44
imbrandonTonio_, you did get permission to break the freeze for kdebase right ? heh07:45
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jdong_whee... looks like it works... :)08:19
imbrandonfeel free to email me a debdiff or just put the whole thing on revu08:25
imbrandoneither way08:25
jdong_imbrandon: alright; I'm uploading to revu now08:30
jdong_believe it or not, this would be my first time using revu08:30
jdong_so do make sure I didn't screw anything up with the package :)08:30
imbrandonsure ;)08:30
imbrandonthats the plan ;)08:30
jdong_maybe if I'm not too much of a klutz at this stuff, I will go for MOTU :)08:31
imbrandonheh 08:31
Jucato(make sure jdong_ built against the right release...)08:31
jdong_Jucato: thankfully, these are source packages :)08:31
=== jdong_ smacks Jucato anyway
imbrandonJucato, that wont matter , as i'll build it localy to test , revu will build it and the buildd's will build it08:31
=== Jucato whacks jdong_ with a big large salmon :P
=== Hobbsee whacks jdong_ as well
Hobbseecant be left out :P08:35
=== jdong_ goes to sleep to avoid being further whacked
=== ajmitch looks for broken uploads to revu
jdong_wow, it's 3 in the morning alraedy08:36
jdong_ajmitch: I didn't do it! I swear! ;-)08:36
Jucato(broken uploads c/o jdong_)08:36
=== Hobbsee blames jdong_ anyway
=== jdong_ shifts blame on whoever wrote the REVU wiki page
ajmitchyes, you're not in the keyring, big surprise08:37
=== jdong_ notices dvdauthor is trying to make a 19.5GB dvd
ajmitchso your upload was rejected08:38
jdong_ajmitch: oh does it take time from joining the contributor team?08:38
jdong_or do I need to do something else?08:38
ajmitchyou need to ask a revu admin to sync keyring08:38
jdong_ah, ok08:38
Jucatojdong_: :P08:38
ajmitchand then an admin gets frustrated with you, etc, syncs the keyring, unrejects the package..08:39
jdong_sorry :)08:39
ajmitchjdong_: this is a new package you're uploading, I hope?08:39
jdong_not really?08:39
=== ajmitch tries to discourage people from flooding revu with stuff that should be attached as debdiffs on malone
jdong_imbrandon suggested I upload it to revu... sorry if that's not the appropriate means08:40
ajmitchsince revu isn't really set for reviewing changes to an existing package08:40
imbrandon[01:25]  <imbrandon> feel free to email me a debdiff or just put the whole thing on revu  <--- s/upload to revu/attache to malone08:41
=== jdong_ heads into launchpad
imbrandonjdong : debdiff *.dsc > blah.debdiff08:42
=== imbrandon go's back to sax2
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jdong_imbrandon: bug 6256508:52
UbugtuMalone bug 62565 in ktorrent "svn patches for improved download speed." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6256508:52
ajmitchjdong_: your ktorrent upload will have to wait until after beta release, of course08:52
jdong_ajmitch: yep, I'm aware.08:53
imbrandonjdong ok got it, building and testing localy, if all go's well i'll upload when the freeze is over09:02
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seaLneweird my (ok not really mine) laptop seems to hang after some period of use after resuming from hibernate10:45
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kwwiiRiddell: the powermanager icons are updated in svn12:23
=== Jucato checks websvn
Riddellkwwii: cool, I'll pacakge that after beta12:30
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Riddellvery bling12:32
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imbrandonheya Riddell and kwwii, gnight Riddell and kwwii ;)12:58
kwwiinight imbrandon12:58
seaLneRiddell: you looked at libqt-ruby-qt4?12:58
imbrandonactualy i'm just going for a short nap, eyes been looking at revu all night12:58
imbrandonanyhow see yall in a bit12:58
kwwiihehe, have a good nap12:59
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RiddellseaLne: I thought Tonio_ was going to upload that01:00
JucatoHobbsee you're dancing again :P01:00
Riddellseems he hasn't01:00
RiddellseaLne: I looked at the debdiff and it's fine, so I'll upload now01:01
=== Hobbsee_ said before. she doesnt dance :P
RiddellseaLne: uploaded01:05
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Tonio_Riddell: which package should I have uploaded ?01:11
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Jucatoooh el's doing the dance too :)01:11
RiddellTonio_: qt4quby01:11
Tonio_ahhhhhhhhh yes, sorry I forgot....01:12
Tonio_I'm doing this01:12
RiddellTonio_: don't!01:12
RiddellI just did01:12
Tonio_oups, okay.... just woke up :)01:12
=== Tonio_ takes a coffee
RiddellseaLne: anything else of yours we should look at?01:12
Tonio_Riddell: the adblock addon works like a charm ;)01:12
Hobbseeyou got all the bits added?01:13
Tonio_Riddell: and several persons including Hobbsee tested the changes successfully, including the flash installer, who has worked for everyone01:15
seaLneRiddell: not atm01:15
Jucatousing this as a Flash test site: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/badgers.php01:16
JucatoHobbsee's favorite :)01:16
Hobbseellama.php is good too :D01:17
Jucatoyeah but the badger page is on crack! :P01:17
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Tonio_Riddell: just found an issue with systemsettings...01:21
Tonio_Riddell: all menus are locked, and I couldn't find a way to patch a kcm desktop file to appear the the menus...01:22
Tonio_Riddell: knemo now uses a kcm module to be configure, and it is therefore unusable01:22
Tonio_Riddell: we should have a possibility to add modules to systemsettings without touching it's code01:23
Riddellprobably _Sime knows more about that than I do01:25
Tonio_Riddell: yes I'll ask him, it was previously possible by adding a "systemsettings" category, we should add that back so that we can path universe apps for this01:26
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alleeTonio_: knemo: AFAIU to start it one would need to change a config value and then tell kded to load knemo01:28
Tonio_allee: changed with kded01:29
Tonio_allee: it is not a kde service anymore, and needs to be launched the first time from its kcontrol module01:29
Tonio_allee: changed with 0.4.5, sorry ;)01:29
Tonio_allee: I packaged it yesterday and saw that change, and issue with k-s-s01:30
alleeTonio_: AFAIU that 0.4.5 works behind the scene.  There a global config value that determine if knemo should run if yes, the kded value to load knemo automaticly get's set and knemo loaded.  You can do this in a desktop file too ;)01:31
alleeTonio_: that knemo works now this way was originally Dirk Mueller change to knemo is not running automaticly on multiuser systems01:32
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Tonio_allee: hehe great ;)01:33
Tonio_allee: the point is that we still have an issue with systemsettings01:33
Tonio_allee: but I didn't knew for knemo, thanks the the info01:34
Tonio_hey bddebian01:34
bddebianHi Tonio_01:34
alleeTonio_: s-s proboem? With knemo's kcm module?01:43
Tonio_allee: well k-s-s menus are fixed, there is no way to add a new module except touching the code, which was possible with previous version, by tagging the desktop file01:44
Tonio_allee: that should be changed, so that we can patch applications to appear in kss01:45
Tonio_it worked before, but not anymore, so I have to check that with sime01:45
alleeah, okay01:45
Tonio_we have to define a category for each kss section01:45
Tonio_Riddell: I will ask people to test konq improvements today, so that we can decide if we upload them or not01:46
alleeTonio_: so the problem is not a desktop file that starts knemo but a desktop file to get it into k-s-s01:46
Tonio_allee: true that01:46
Tonio_allee: fancy testing the changes in konq ?01:47
alleeTonio_: I like to confuse you ;)  Nevertheless sorry for not getting the point before jumping in01:47
Tonio_allee: hehe, no pb :)01:47
alleeTonio_: For next 10 days I enjoy 64k connection.  Not good to update edgy all the time ;)01:48
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Tonio_allee: ah... :)01:48
alleehi Hobbsee 01:50
Hobbseehey allee :)01:50
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Tonio_is universe frozen today ? I think it is tomorrow no ?02:03
Tonio_Riddell: so I can sync a universe app... great, I'm uploading knemo02:06
Tonio_Riddell: new debian version is available for more than a month02:06
Tonio_Riddell: ho, didn't told you I subscribed you to 2 UVF Exception Requests, for kaffeine and kmplayer02:07
Tonio_new kaffeine is mostly a bugfix release, so we really should get it in02:07
Tonio_allee: already plaid with http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=16264 ?02:09
Tonio_allee: looks pretty cool, and more "automatic" than knemo, doesn't prompt for anything when started02:10
Tonio_we probably should give a look :)02:10
alleeTonio_: no , have not tried it.  I've given up on network monitors...02:15
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allee I pester for some time the network-monitor applet writers to work together, without success ;)02:15
Tonio_allee: well I generally use one02:15
Tonio_allee: hehe, yeah I agree ;)02:16
alleeTonio_: when knetstats autodetec is clever enough to ignore the #$%!%#@ ;) sit0 interface.  I would switch02:17
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alleeShould we submit a wish so knemo autodetect can be run at first time run?  Detect code is already there.02:18
Tonio_allee: probably yes, but well if knetstats already does it, I will simply switch :)02:19
alleebut to be honest the your preconfigured setting are better easier to fix/adapt that any 'I'm clever code' ;)02:19
alleeTonio_: is it pkped already? My knemo usage is not set in stone either ;)02:21
Tonio_allee: I'm just doing the package02:21
Tonio_allee: will submit on revu today and upfully upload before universe is frozen02:22
Tonio_allee: interesting in porting hte package to debian ?02:22
alleeTonio_: I only submit to a debian repo, I always test on kubuntu ;)02:26
Tonio_allee: hehe okay, I'll give you the link for deb file02:27
alleeah, oh this reminds me   alioth-kde-extras-repo-for-kubunties wiki is still on my todo02:28
Tonio_allee: and I still need to get an alioth account.......02:28
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Tonio_imbrandon: ping ?03:21
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Tonio_anyone to revu http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3264 please ?03:25
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RiddellTonio_: looks perfect04:13
Tonio_Riddell: tried everything ?04:13
Riddellkwwii: your bug I think https://launchpad.net/bugs/6261804:13
UbugtuMalone bug 62618 in kubuntu-default-settings "edgy default purple color ugly" [Wishlist,Rejected]  04:13
RiddellTonio_: just looked at the packaging04:13
Tonio_Riddell: ah okay ;) I just had hard time convertir adblock from cmake to automake04:14
Tonio_Riddell: I'm not very use to write kde makefiles, even small ones ;)04:14
Tonio_Riddell: we have lots of stupid bugs now, same here : https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/6229104:15
UbugtuMalone bug 62291 in kdebase "Image from removable device set as background not kept" [Unknown,Confirmed]  04:15
Tonio_tastes or stupidnes of users aren't bug afaik ;)04:16
Hobbseewe've got one about a wifi card not being detected in any ubuntu distro, as part of k-d-s04:16
Hobbseei couldnt even imagine where to throw that one.  maybe suggest "try ndiswrapper, or google for a solution"04:16
Tonio_Hobbsee, hehe :)04:17
Tonio_honnestly, 62291 is probably the more stupid bug I've seen......04:17
Tonio_that's NORMAL behavior04:17
Riddellbug 6229104:18
UbugtuMalone bug 62291 in kdebase "Image from removable device set as background not kept" [Unknown,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6229104:18
Hobbseetrue that04:18
Hobbsee"works as intended"04:18
Tonio_Riddell: I didn't had "bug" since I already pasted the url 5 lines above :)04:19
Tonio_okay let's bug this :04:19
Tonio_"I'm symlinking a file over a smb share, I unplug the network cable, and the symlink fails to find the file"04:20
Tonio_"the idea would be to localy cache every external ressource for people that are not comfortable with a computer"04:20
HobbseeTonio_: you do that, then you get bugs complaining about apps not failing loudly enough due to not enough hard drive space04:21
Tonio_cache is EVIL04:22
Tonio_we have to avoid cache as much as possible04:22
Tonio_look at windows, you have cached datas everywhere, even DNS, and what to do when the cache is corrupted ?04:22
Hobbseeexcept for apt-cache and pbuilder-cache :P04:22
Hobbseetrue that04:22
Tonio_network doesn't work04:22
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Tonio_HobbseeI will reject he bug, in a diplomatic way04:22
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HobbseeTonio_: smart.    :)04:23
Tonio_Hobbsee bug 62291, that's diplomatic :)04:33
UbugtuMalone bug 62291 in kdebase "Image from removable device set as background not kept" [Unknown,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6229104:33
HobbseeTonio_: nice :)04:34
Tonio_Riddell: I was wondering if we shouldn't perform a foomatic-cleanupdrivers within kds or kdeprint postint script04:37
Tonio_Riddell: lots of people need to perform this to get kdeprint to work04:37
Tonio_Riddell: I tested the command with a previously installed printer, it doesn't cause any issue04:38
marseillaiI assume I agree with this bug. just copy the wallpaper in .kde/wallpaper.jpg and set this as wallpaper could be enough. The only thing would to change it when you change the wallpaper.04:38
Tonio_Riddell: any opinion ?04:38
Tonio_marseillai: hum, yes, but if we do this, we'll bever see the end04:38
Tonio_marseillai: and that'll give another bug04:39
HobbseeTonio_: what happens if it gets run twice?  any problems?04:39
marseillaii agree with this too Tonio_ 04:39
Tonio_Hobbsee nope04:39
Tonio_Hobbsee I ran it three times here, and relaunched kdeprint, my printer still works04:39
HobbseeTonio_: makes sense to run wiht it then, as long as it doesnt break anything04:39
=== Hobbsee nods
Tonio_Hobbsee, I agree, but I'd like Riddell's opinion first, since printing is a very sensible demain with kde :)04:40
Tonio_marseillai: then the guy replacing the file on the fly will not see any change at kde reload, and post a bug too...04:40
Tonio_marseillai: to me users have to use their brain too :)04:41
marseillaiwhen they have one ...04:41
Tonio_marseillai: if you link to a remote file and unplug the key, the remote file is gone04:41
Tonio_marseillai: that makes sense in my opinion04:41
marseillaiit make sense yes. but this could be a so little thing wich can bring usability confort. (to me)04:42
Tonio_marseillai: yes, but there are so much priorities ;)04:42
marseillaii don't have use for this "feature" because i've a directory dedicated for wallpaper but this could help user with sleeping brain! :)04:42
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Hobbseehey we planed to figure out the dpi stuff for edgy04:51
Hobbseeneedless to say, we didnt.04:51
Hobbseewell, havent so far.  wonder if there's a good way of detecting the screen size.04:51
Tonio_Hobbsee in theory only, but screens generally respond bad value04:52
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Tonio_Hobbsee it has been widely debated during dapper release cycle04:52
Hobbseeyes, i remember it.04:52
Hobbseewhere we just went with 96dpi, as it was the same as gnome.04:53
RiddellTonio_: do you know what foomatic-cleanupdrivers actually does?04:54
Tonio_Riddell: cleans a drivers cache that kdeprint uses04:55
Tonio_Riddell: when it is cleaned, kdeprint regerates it, simply04:55
Tonio_Riddell: am I wrong ?04:55
jdong_hobbsee: SUSE tries to detect screen size to set resolution, but it's pretty hit-or-miss04:56
jdong_hobbsee: the results are a pleasant surprise when fonts are readable on my 15.4/1920x1400 screen04:56
jdong_but on another 1024x768 flat panel, the results were horrid04:56
jdong_SUSE actually has a fallback mechanism... it'll ask you on first boot if it couldn't detect your screen size04:57
jdong_only problem is when it thinks it knows, but it's wrong :D04:57
Hobbseejdong_: heh.  right.04:58
Hobbseeyeah, true that04:58
Hobbseeit's dodgy on my machine too04:58
=== Hobbsee got otu the ruler, then further modified her xorg.conf
abattoirRiddell: hi, any idea how i can find why oem-config-gtk is being downloaded and installed even though it isn't on the CD(this happens randomly, sometimes it is installed, most times it isnt)04:58
Hobbseein dapper a while ago - works much better nwo04:58
=== Hobbsee beds
jdong_night :)04:59
Tonio_Riddell: foomatic-cleanupdrivers is just a matter of cache, there is no issue running it, except kdeprint will take 5 reconds to rebuild the cache when accessing the driver list after this command.05:01
Riddellabattoir: no idea05:03
RiddellTonio_: so maybe a postinst script of k-d-s05:03
Tonio_Riddell: hum, yes, okay, let's do that05:03
Tonio_Riddell: I'm doing this now since I have a pending kds package05:03
Tonio_Hobbsee_: remember when I said cache was evil ? here is another exemple :)05:04
Jucato(Hobbsee's gone...)05:04
Jucato*sniff* *sniff*05:04
Tonio_Jucato: hum, true that, but she'll read when coming back05:04
abattoirHobbsee_ hasn't :)05:04
Jucatoooh... a ghost :P05:05
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Tonio_Riddell: I just rebuild my repo for people who want to test the new packages... it'll make it easier05:59
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jdong_holy crap these patches make ktorrent fly :)06:31
nixternalya, but cupsys is now broke ;)06:34
jdong_aww :(06:35
jdong_cupsys seems to be a nightmare, doesn't it...06:35
nixternalit never has for me...as long as you use a HP printer you are good06:36
=== jdong_ has all HP printers
nixternalhehe me too06:36
jdong_damn ktorrent is beating out azureus now06:36
jdong_can't wait till we get those patches into edgy06:37
jdong_come on beta freeze..... melt :)06:37
abattoirjdong_: where'd i get these patches? :P06:37
jdong_abattoir: bug 6256506:38
UbugtuMalone bug 62565 in ktorrent "svn patches for improved download speed." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6256506:38
abattoirjdong_: thanks :)06:38
jdong_np :)06:38
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nixternalargh, the updates broke my kdm again06:46
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Tonio_hehe I love php :)07:00
Tonio_Riddell, imbrandon: when do we do the next meeting ?07:01
Tonio_jdong_: want me to prepare a package for ktorrent after beta is out ?07:02
RiddellTonio_: next thursday I thought07:04
Tonio_Riddell: in one week ?07:04
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Tonio_hum, cool that's nice to get beta feedback07:05
nixternalTonio_: i like your site alot...i wish i could get mine that clean, but i am graphically retarded07:05
Tonio_nixternal: I too :)07:05
nixternali don't even know my own website address ;)07:06
Tonio_nixternal: in fact I used a modified dotclear theme, ken graphics, and a friend's blog css :)07:06
Tonio_nixternal: I didn't do anything myself07:06
Tonio_nixternal: your blog isn't ugly at all07:06
nixternali did all the graphics on my page...well, lets just say I "colorized" them to match my colors07:06
nixternali think the purple is to purple maybe07:07
nixternalall the purple though is #6569ae, but it gets that dark color when you place an image over it..the images are transparent, but there is some shading that takes the purple and changes it07:07
Tonio_nixternal: I'm sure I couldn't have done better ;)07:07
jdong_Tonio_: imbrandon said that he would07:08
Tonio_jdong ah okay, let's forget this then :)07:08
Tonio_jdong_: I'm just keeping the package here in case imbrandon suddenly decides to migrate to suse :)07:08
RiddellTonio_: yes07:09
nixternali hope not...suse is in trouble..they don't have money and are not paying their bills...novells little issue is all over our business news here in the use..i guess they defaulted on a $350m note07:09
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nixternalright now they reported that funding of their open source projects would have to wait, because the novell suite needs the money..they had red hats head dude on tv talking with a big smile07:10
Tonio_nixternal: hehe, I didn't knew this07:11
Tonio_hard time for linux companies, mandriva too is in trouble... only redhat seems to be on its top07:12
nixternalwoohoo..no more terrell owens stinking up football!07:16
=== Tonio_ is listening to "End of the Beginning" by Jason Becker on Perspective [Amarok]
Tonio_best song of history07:17
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nixternalya, i went to a open source seminar last week or the week before...the topic was "WTF Is Linux"07:19
Tonio_nixternal: hehe, funny :)07:20
Tonio_Riddell: will you support kaffeine and kmplayer uvfe ? that'll help mdz to approve I assume07:22
mdzTonio_: FYI, I don't expect to be able to look at that until after beta07:22
Tonio_mdz: of course I didn't expect anything before beta is out :)07:23
RiddellTonio_: yes, I do, what's the bug numbers again?07:24
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Tonio_Riddell: bug 62554 and bug 6454407:25
UbugtuMalone bug 62554 in kmplayer "0.9.2a -> 0.9.3 UVF Exception Request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6255407:25
Tonio_bug 6254407:25
UbugtuMalone bug 62544 in kaffeine "0.8.1 -> 0.8.2 UVF Exception Request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6254407:25
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nixternalgg cablemodem07:33
nixternalyou know you are a geek, that when a cable modem dies, you have a choice from about 5 other replacements07:33
nixternalhey...we have a Kubuntu emergency07:39
nixternaltomorrow is beta release, and we don't have a release page ready07:39
nixternalhas there been a lot of changes since Knot 3?  I have the artwork section covered07:39
nixternalobviously a kernel upgrade, but anything "big"07:40
seaLnewas upstart in knot3?07:41
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abattoirnixternal: i could have finally given you the oem-config pics you were asking, but i'm not sure of it's status yet...07:45
nixternalupstart was in knot307:45
nixternalabattoir: Tollef just said it is broke07:46
nixternalOem-config has a bug where it does not start correctly and is therefore non-functional. [https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/oem-config/+bug/62648 The bug]  will be updated and once a fixed daily snapshot is available it will be linked to from this page.07:46
UbugtuMalone bug 62648 in oem-config "immediately crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  07:46
abattoirnixternal: yes, i was watching too :(07:46
nixternalit will probably be fixed within the next few hours im sure07:47
Lurenixternal: multi battery support in powermanager07:47
nixternalwell..the next snapshot or latest daily to be done up07:47
abattoirwell, Kamion 'fixed' it, i dont know if it gets into the beta...07:47
Lurenixternal: should we announce _Sime's media patches?07:47
nixternalwell, it needs to be displayed for the masses soon07:47
Lurenixternal: I think that are in good state 07:48
nixternalthe CD fixes07:48
nixternalman...my brain is definitely shot07:48
nixternalit has only been a week..and i can't remember what was done yesterday =/07:48
_Simehi guys08:01
Tonio_hey _Sime :)08:08
Tonio__Sime: I have a little issue with k-s-s08:08
Tonio__Sime: maybe you'll have the response08:08
_Simesomething about things no appearing in it.08:09
Tonio__Sime: how to allow a new component for example in network, without changing the code ?08:09
Tonio__Sime: it worked before, by tagging the kcm module's desktop file08:09
Tonio__Sime: it looks like it is not possible08:09
_SimeTonio_: the menu xml file needs extra "catch-all" lines added to it to display those other desktop files.08:10
Tonio__Sime: it worked before, not by adding that to the xml file, but via the categories tag in desktop files08:11
_SimeTonio_: I know.08:11
Tonio__Sime: we should change the xml file to allow that again, and we should define a series of tags that we can add to the kcm apps packages08:11
Tonio__Sime: isn't that the good way to do ?08:11
Tonio__Sime: so that if we want to enable something in kss, we just have to patch the desktop file in source package08:12
_SimeTonio_: it is not hard to fix. 08:12
Tonio__Sime: yeah I know, but as you maintain the code now :)08:12
_SimeTonio_: it is more a matter of including a heap things based on a tag and then explicitly removing all of the other modules that you don't want.08:13
Tonio__Sime: if we define specific tags, different from kcontrol ones, that's not needed08:13
_SimeTonio_: true, you could make a general tag and an advanced tag.08:14
Tonio__Sime: the point is that we need to define allowed tags and allow them in kss08:15
Tonio__Sime: probably a tag per category is the best08:15
_SimeTonio_: that is also possible.08:15
Tonio_like "network settings"08:15
Tonio_for example knemo should go there08:15
Tonio_maybe a tag for general, one for advanced and another one for subcategories08:16
Tonio__Sime: would you be okay for this ?08:16
_SimeI don't have a problem with it. The biggest problem will be for the packagers, and also compat with debian packages.08:17
_Simeand just with kcontrol in general.08:17
Tonio__Sime: yeah I know, that means we will have to patch everything08:17
Tonio__Sime: but as we have reordered the menus, it would be a pain to patch everything if we base everything on tags08:18
Tonio__Sime: that probably the best compromise08:18
Tonio__Sime: doesn't appear in kss, but if we want it, we have the possibility to patch08:18
Tonio__Sime: there aren't that many kcm modules08:18
Tonio__Sime: I am ready to patch all of them if needed08:18
_Simeand true08:18
Tonio__Sime: here is the point, can you decide the tags and update kss, and then I'll check at kcm modules and provides the patches08:19
seaLnehas anyone played with encrypted root? i'm not gettting very far08:19
_SimeTonio_: yeah, I can do that.08:23
Tonio__Sime: great, let me know when it's done, I'll prepare a new k-s-s package, and I will look at kcm modules that need to be patched08:23
_SimeTonio_: do you have an svn account at kde?08:42
Tonio__Sime: nope08:47
Tonio__Sime: I don't need one since I don't code, I can grab and package as anonymous08:49
Riddellimbrandon: how's koffice?08:57
Tonio_hum the locales package has changed..... sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales doesn't prompt me to check a new one09:09
Tonio_is that a bug or wanted purpose ?09:10
gnomefreakits intended last i heard09:14
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=== Mez [i=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MezTonio_, ping09:27
Tonio_Mez: pong09:28
MezTonio_, it was you who wrote KZenExplorer right ?09:28
Tonio_Mez: nope09:29
Tonio_Mez: I'm not a coder09:29
Mez!whois Anthony Mercante09:29
ubotuwhois: the GNU whois client. In component main, is optional. Version 4.7.11ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 28 kB, installed size 252 kB09:29
Tonio_Mez: my name is Anthony Mercatante09:29
Tonio_close but not the same :)09:29
Mezah, no, its andreas09:30
Mez~seen muszilla09:30
Tonio_Riddell: yeah I know for locale-gen, but we previously had a graphical scripted thing while reconfiguring the package....... that was far better09:31
Tonio_Riddell: that avoided editing /var/lib/locales/supported.d/* etc...09:33
=== jdong_ is now known as jdong
jdongwhee! gentoo/AIGLX/nvidia crack :)09:36
Mezgraphics on this box are uber dodgy09:38
MezRiddell: ping09:43
Mezor imbrandon09:43
Mezor someone with main upload rights09:44
RiddellMez: hi09:51
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-212-144-129-240.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Mez~Riddell: got a patch for katapult (double backspace) and soon to be an amarok fix patch too09:51
MezRiddell *09:52
MezRiddell: http://tiber.tauware.de/~mez//kubuntu_05_fix_doublebackspace.diff10:00
Tonio_Riddell: is there any reason the debconf interface has been removed from the locales package ? that was very usefull...10:00
Tonio_Mez: I'm preparing the package10:00
MezTonio_, what package ?10:01
=== rouzic [n=rouzic@82.Red-83-39-21.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Mez: katapult :)10:01
Tonio_with the patch10:01
Mezah :D well I'd do it but meh - lol10:01
Mezno proper net access10:01
Mezcant wait till I can take over my packages again10:01
Tonio_Mez: hehe :) do you have access to upload to main too ?10:04
Meznope :P10:04
MezTonio_, buit when i get back on track I plan to work towards it10:05
Tonio_yeah, that the issue... ;) well the package is done, I'll upload after beta is released10:05
Tonio_Mez: you should, that's earning a lot of time :)10:06
MezTonio_... ?10:08
MezTonio_, I dont get what you mean by "earning a lot of time"10:09
Tonio_Mez: no need to ping everyone and wait when you have a patch to upload to main10:09
Tonio_Mez: sorry for the bad english :)10:09
MezTonio_, ah yes - I know that feeling - but my GPG key is on my PC - I gotta wait till ovtober 23rd before I get net again10:10
Tonio_Mez: yeah it happened to me once... that so frustrating :)10:11
jdongTonio_: did you ever make any more discoveries about our delightfully missing unmount progress dialog? :)10:22
Tonio_jdong nope....10:25
Tonio_jdong: I tried to build kdebase and kdelibs without _Sim's patches and I still get the error10:25
Tonio_jdong: probably 3.5.4 bug10:26
Tonio_jdong: is that reported on kde bts ?10:26
jdongTonio_: I'm searching the kde bugzilla right now10:26
Tonio_I don't search there anymore, so messy........10:26
RiddellMez: we're in beta freeze today, I'll try and remember for tomorow10:29
MezRiddell: I believe Tonio_'s doing it ;)10:29
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jdongTonio_: hmm, can't seem to find anything useful in kde bug tracker10:31
MezTonio_, you have access to KDE SVN ?10:32
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Tonio_Mez: nope10:33
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Mezwb jdong10:42
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