
unix_infidelare you on the live cd?12:11
unix_infidelIIRC you need to manually mount partitions on the live cd.12:11
unix_infidelthe installer does it for you in dapper.12:12
ubuntu__no i tried teh installer and i can't find it12:12
ubuntu__the drive is corrupt12:12
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ubuntu__i wanna get something off of it12:12
ubuntu__i'm about to RMA it12:12
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zorglu_relax and describe your problem as accuratly as possible, calmly12:13
mamgomezon toy?????????'12:13
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ubuntu__ok well it can't access the drive12:14
ubuntu__i tried formatting and it froze12:15
epsilomhi, I have problem with krfb12:15
ubuntu__its like if you access a certain part of the drive it freezes the computer12:15
unix_infidelwho told you to you to format.12:15
ubuntu__it couidn't boo into windows12:15
ubuntu__i was trying to reinstall windows12:15
ubuntu__and i tried formatting12:15
ubuntu__but i plugged it into another computer and it found it and the linux partition was there12:15
ubuntu__but since it was windows i coudn't pull anything off12:16
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ubuntu__mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab12:17
ubuntu__that the error i get when i try to mount it12:17
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zorglu_you said that you tried to install window on this drive and that window freeze while it is formating the disk ?12:18
ubuntu__like i said12:19
zorglu_hmm no good for you12:19
ubuntu__its like it freezes the system when a certain part of teh drive is accessed12:19
zorglu_i mean this is likely a crash from the disk12:19
ubuntu__maybe a bad sector or something12:19
ubuntu__but i'm gonna RMA it12:19
ubuntu__return the drive to western digital and get a new one12:20
notechwhat command did you use to try and mount it?12:20
ubuntu__anyways i have to go now12:20
Accwow, life with linux can be easy and colourful, you just have to read and listen precisely.. ;) gn8 everyone, i'm startin to get through this12:20
ubuntu__i didn't ugse a command to mount it12:20
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notechhmm, ok12:20
epsilomkrfb don't accept more of two conexion, why??12:20
ubuntu__private msg the command or something, i'm going to supper12:20
ubuntu__or just say it now12:21
nikkianai don't suppose there's a way to create a "minimize all" button to use with my desktop?12:21
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notechubuntu: you'd need to create a mount point first, then try manually mounting it12:21
notechubuntu: mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /media/some-mount-point12:22
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notechoops, ubuntu__ ^^12:24
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Tallia1Kubuntuis the edgy release ( kubuntu+1) stable by now?12:25
Skrotdapper+1 ;)12:25
LjLTallia1Kubuntu: no, if it were it would be the release version ;)12:25
Tallia1Kubuntuwas wondering if was well worth to install it12:25
Tallia1Kubuntui mean, not stable.. but pretty stable12:25
Tallia1Kubuntufurthermore, isn't KDE4 to be released in this period? is it in dapper+112:25
notechonly you can decide12:25
kolinhaving some trouble installing my hp deskjet 3650, anyone help?12:25
LjLwell, i don't know, personally i'm sticking with dapper. however there is also a #ubuntu+1 channel where they might know more about edgy12:26
kolinit just isn't in the list of available printers12:26
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LjLTallia1Kubuntu: there is a *very* experimental version available (not in by default, though) for edgy. it looks just like 3.5 except it crashes more, though (it's codenamed "Krash", you figure...)12:29
Tallia1Kubuntui see.. in this case i will wait..12:30
Tallia1Kubuntucan i ask you anyway the release dates for dapper+1 and KDE4 in kubuntu?12:31
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule12:31
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule12:31
LjLoctober 2612:31
LjLfor kde4, no idea. i guess the devs have no idea either12:32
chessmastercan anyone tell me how i can make kubuntu recognize more than one hard driveat a time12:32
LjLchessmaster: well, it should do that without anything special from your part. the primary master should be at /dev/hda, the primary slave at /dev/hdb, secondary master /dev/hdc, secondary slave /dev/hdc12:33
LjLhdd that is12:33
LjLthat is if you're using normal parallel IDE at least12:33
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chessmaster well its not recognizing the other harddrives12:33
LjLchessmaster: you mean there is no such file as /dev/hdb or /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd?12:34
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chessmasterI'll check but when i got storage media it doesnt recognize the other drives12:35
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chessmaster* go to12:35
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angeTlssalut  tous|hi everybody12:36
LjLchessmaster: well, i'm not too familiar with the KDE storage media interface to be honest. by the way, do you know if the drive(s) get recognized in Windows?12:36
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chessmasteri dont have windows on here12:37
angeTlsmaybe i can help u, what's your problem?12:38
LjLchessmaster: ok, well then are you sure the drives are connected correctly, with the slave/master jumpers and all set?12:38
chessmasterthey are allo set on cable select12:38
zorglu_chessmaster: does the bios see the drives ?12:38
chessmasterit recognizes all 4 of them12:39
zorglu_how many drives do you have ? acutally pluggedin i mean12:39
zorglu_ok you got 412:39
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zorglu_chessmaster: ok do "cat /proc/partitions" and put that in pastebin12:40
LjLchessmaster: well, for lack of better ideas, let's just see if your system actually is seeing the drives or not. type a      sudo sh -c "head /dev/hda | hd"    where /dev/hda is also /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd12:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:40
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LjLchessmaster: you should see the beginning of your HD contents, in hex12:40
zorglu_oh i didnt knew hd, always used od but it isnt nice :)12:41
chessmasterright now im in then dev file i see hdc hde hde1 hde2 hde512:41
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LjLzorglu_: octal... argh =)12:42
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LjLchessmaster: /dev is a directory, not a file. but... you don't see hda?12:42
LjLchessmaster: what's the disk that you booted *from*? (in other words, where is your root partition?)12:42
chessmasterdo you mean the name of the drive?12:44
LjLchessmaster: no, i mean the /dev/whatever. just type a "df" and see what /dev/ file your "/" partition corresponds to12:44
LjLchessmaster: it will say like "/dev/hda2             12136384   5489596   6030296  48% /", if for instance your root partition is on /dev/hda2   (of course this is my output)12:45
chessmasterthere is no hda12:45
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zorglu_dumping it to pastbin would be faster :)12:45
LjLchessmaster: ok, but then where is it? it will say that12:45
chessmasterdev hde112:45
LjLchessmaster: ok, and what's that disk phisically? the primary master?12:46
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chessmasterthey should all be on cable select12:47
LjLchessmaster: well, that just means that the position on the cable will select... but they still are either primary or secondary, and either master or slave ;)12:48
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LjLchessmaster: if you're using cable select with an 80-pin cable, the drive on the far end of the cable is the master, and the one in the middle of the cable is the slave12:48
LjLchessmaster: also, if you're using an 80-pin cable, you should make sure that the blue (or cyan) end of the cable is the one that connects to the motherboard12:49
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grotheskSomeone familiar with suspend around?12:50
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chessmasteryes i know i amn working at a computer refurbishment place right now12:50
grotheskI need to unload a wlan module. Where do I set the command?12:50
ulyssusgorthesk reminds me of linux-club =)12:50
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kolinhaving some trouble installing my hp deskjet 3650, anyone help?12:51
grotheskulyssus: You might be right *g*12:51
zorglu_rmmod wlanmodulenamedependingofyourconf :)12:51
grotheskzorglu_: I want it in the respective suspendscript. But I don't know which onw.12:51
LjLchessmaster: well, fact is, other than a hardware configuration problem, i can't think of a reason your drives would show up that way on Ubuntu.  which doesn't mean there is no reason, just means i don't know of one.12:52
zorglu_grothesk: neither do i :) but i can tell you that 'lsmod' will list all currently loaded module, and that 'rmmod' will unload them :)12:53
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grotheskzorglu_: Thanky you. But I knew that already...12:53
chessmasterwell thx for your help a friend of mine who knows alot more about linux will be here in a few hours12:53
zorglu_2 disapointed customers in a snap :)12:54
grotheskI know that manually rmmoding that module will suspend my notebook. But I'm a lazy guy and want a script to take care of it.12:54
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LjLchessmaster: but just out of curiosity... you have no CD readers in that machine?12:55
LjLchessmaster: and have you tried asking in #ubuntu too? there's a lot more people there (which can be a good or a bad thing, depends...)12:56
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jimmixhi, i wanna know how to install xgl and cgw01:00
kimodoesnt kubuntu have an edgy repo yet?01:00
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Hawkwindkimo: It does, but it's recommended you stick with Dapper until Edgy becomes stable and doesn't break all the time01:00
Hawkwind!xgl > jimmix01:01
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kimoErr http://kubuntu.org edgy/main Packages 404 Not Found01:01
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Hawkwindkimo: Why are you wanting to upgrade to Edgy ?01:02
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Hawkwindkimo: And it would be edgy main   not edgy/main01:02
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Junisis true the rumor that ubuntu dont will send the free cds?01:02
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kimoyeah that's apt's output01:03
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HawkwindJunis: Huh ?01:03
Hawkwindkimo: Are you running Edgy or Dapper currently ?01:03
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:03
zorglu_bad command01:03
mike__evenin folks.... anyone got a good recomendation  for an e mail program to use in  kubuntu01:04
grotheskmike__: kmail.01:04
kimoI switched the repo config ... preparing for migration01:04
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mike__is that already installed?01:05
zorglu_mike__: kmail is the official one for kde, but thunderbird is very popular01:05
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zorglu_aka there is 2 upto you to choose01:05
zorglu_yep kmail is already installed01:05
zorglu_thunderbird requires 1 line of text to install01:05
h3sp4wnmike__: pine / mutt (I use pine but you cannot distribute modified binaries)01:05
Hawkwindkimo: Why are you upgrading to Edgy ?  You realize it's not final, still breaks quite often and isn't meant for everyday desktop use quite yet01:06
zorglu_or telnet smtp.isp.com 25 :)01:06
kimoHawkwind: yeah I understand01:06
kolinwhat's the right driver format for installing a printer?01:06
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mullikenHey there.  Is there someone who can help a Kubuntu noob for a minute?01:06
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zorglu_i start counting sec... :)01:07
mike__I  use t-bird in xp this instalation line you do a sudo command in your terminal?01:07
h3sp4wnkolin: /etc/printcap (the syntax is insanely complicated though)01:07
benhey does anyone here have an invitation code to demonoid.com?01:07
Hawkwindben: Heh, probably the wrong channel to be asking01:07
kolinall i want is to install a printer01:07
zorglu_mulliken: if you have questions, shoot away01:07
kolinand it isn't in the list of HP avaiable01:07
mullikenOkay, thanks.  Here goes....01:07
benfigured that but thought it was a shot01:07
zorglu_mike__: ?01:08
kolinso i am trying to get this hpijs driver thing figured out and have no idea what i am doing01:08
mullikenI just installed 6.10 from a Linux Magazine DVD, and I have installed it under VMware....01:08
h3sp4wn6.10 is edgy right ?01:08
mike__zorglu yes    was talkin about installing  t-bird01:08
Hawkwindmulliken: 6.10 or 6.06 ?01:08
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Yes01:08
mullikenThe process of installing VMware tools, calls for compiling some code.  There is a script that performs that function....01:08
mike__sorry for time gap01:08
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h3sp4wnwhy would a magazine provide edgy ?01:09
Hawkwindmulliken: If you truly installed 6.10 then you can get help in #Ubuntu+1 which is the channel for Edgy questions01:09
mullikenIn order for that script to run, it wants a compliler, and the kernel header modules, and make, of course.01:09
zorglu_mike__: what is tbird ?01:09
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ulyssusthunderbird ;)01:09
deoptimaanyone have a radeon xpress 200m videocard?01:09
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:09
zorglu_mulliken: for you01:09
kolinUnable to create the Foomatic driver [HP-DeskJet_3650,hpijs] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.01:09
mulliken The install did not provide those thinsg.  I have used "apt-get" to find make, and gcc-4.0, but I can't find the kernel headers.01:09
kolinanyone know why this would be happening?01:09
zorglu_mike__: ok put my name in your reply, it helps me follow01:10
Hawkwindmulliken: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers01:10
LjLmulliken: follow the build-essential suggestion01:10
mullikenAnyone know how I get the kernel headers for the version I am running, using apt-get?01:10
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mullikenI'll go try that right now.01:10
zorglu_mike__: ok do 'sudo apt-get install thunderbird' and it will install it01:10
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h3sp4wnmulliken: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r` (to make certain you get the right ones)01:13
zorglu_just install kubuntu 10days ago, coming from fc4, this is a really clear desktop :)01:14
zorglu_just a good irc client, a good IM and a good music player01:14
zorglu_and the font are better rendered that on fc401:15
zorglu_well it is all good :)01:15
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zorglu_$ man hd01:19
zorglu_Reformatting hd(1), please wait...01:19
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zorglu_maouaoua pretty scary :)01:20
Wizman87If I download the CD or DVD from the Kubuntu website, are they both bootable?01:20
Wizman87Thanks. ^^01:21
Wizman87Does it matter which one I get?01:21
Wizman87I have an AMD processor01:21
Wizman87so should I get AMD64?01:21
zorglu_amd64 will cause more trouble as it is not yet well supported by some things01:21
Wizman87or the windows version: i38601:21
Wizman87does it matter which one I get?01:22
zorglu_like web browsing with flash01:22
Wizman87I mean.. I have Windows.. but I have an AMD processor01:22
Wizman87not 64-bit though01:22
zorglu_i will advise for a i386 version01:22
Wizman87I assume the i386 is the 32-bit version?01:22
zorglu_work on amd64 too, but in 32bit01:22
Wizman87I see, and powerPC are for PowerPC desktops01:23
zorglu_yep, mac box01:23
Wizman87thank you once again ^^01:23
unix_infidelpower pc platforms, that means laptops, desktops etc etc01:23
Wizman87I'll download the i386, thanks01:23
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zorglu_i just love kubuntu :)01:24
MadRabbitwhat do I need to make my own cursor? I made my own for windows (I have vision problems).  or can I somehow convert my *.cur* to whatever it needs to be in linux?01:24
zorglu_the little OSD from amarok when a new song is starting, all nice and slick :)01:24
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zorglu_it is in the theme of kde somewhere... dunno where01:25
zorglu_is there a kde-art channel01:25
zorglu_On Screen Display01:25
zorglu_stuff which appears on screen but which are not windows01:26
ulyssussure, it is =)01:26
cpk2I need help with how to edit my xorg.conf so I can pick different screen resolutions01:27
MadRabbitto put kubuntu on a dell inspiron laptop; the desktop cd will do that ok?01:27
cpk2i tried figuring it out for myself, that didnt turn out very well =P01:28
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ulyssuscpk2: 'sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf' should help01:29
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cpk2ulyssus: i know how to edit it =) but when i tried adding resolutions into the modelines x didnt like it01:30
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josh_whats up people01:45
josh_got a question01:45
josh_anyone know a place where i can find a good speed test?01:45
josh_my cable company is yanking me around01:45
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simon__hi everyone01:48
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simon__can someone give me a quick heads up why k3b doesnt burn anything over 4 gig?01:49
Hawkwindsimon__: Seems weird, as I burn stuff with k3b over 4GB all the time.  4.4GB to be exact01:49
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cpk2Need help editing my xorg.conf so I can have more than !one! screen resolution.  Tried adding resolutions into the modelines and it didnt like that =\01:51
simon__hmm thnx hawkwind must be a setting ive got wrong01:51
simon__nero linux burns over 4 gig fine01:51
Hawkwindcpk2: Using nvidia ?01:52
yantuxhi, anyone can help me with installation kubuntu01:52
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cpk2Hawkwind: yes01:52
yantuxsimon_ u speak spanish?01:52
cpk2propietary drivers01:52
Hawkwindcpk2: Hold on, I'll give you my xorg.conf file01:52
paran_simon__: are you using fat32?01:52
simon__hmm good point01:52
Hawkwindcpk2: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/12301:53
yantuxwhen i reboot, the system says: unable to mount root, kernel panic01:53
Hawkwindcpk2: I'm using Nvidia with TwinView so that xorg.conf should help you01:53
cpk2Hawkwind: thanks =D01:53
paran_simon__: ok. i guessed it might be on a windows partition with fat32. fat32 can't handle files bigger than 4G01:53
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Hawkwindcpk2: No problem01:54
cpk2Hawkwind: wow, your "screen" section is so much simplier than mine01:54
simon__nah definately ext3 file structure01:54
simon__but good point anyway01:55
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simon__ill use nero linux till i can work out why k3b doesnt like over 4 gig01:55
yantuxwhen i reboot, the system says: unable to mount root, kernel panic01:55
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yantuxand i don't enter to system :(01:56
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simon__does everyone like the new beta driver (nvidia)01:56
simon__cant seem to get tv out working correctly to display a copy of my monitor though01:57
cpk2Hawkwind: see heres the funny thing i have more than one mode in the xorg01:57
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Hawkwindcpk2: You should be able to edit the resolution line accordingly and then just use my xorg.conf and it should work01:59
Hawkwindcpk2: I got mine from someone else when I first started on Kubuntu and it worked without issue02:00
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cpk2Hawkwind: i have those modes and more that you have under "display" so I dont really understand what would need to be changed?02:02
Hawkwindcpk2: What resolution(s) are your monitors running at ?02:03
cpk2just one monitor02:03
cpk2at 1024x76802:03
HawkwindI thought you were trying to do two monitors ?02:03
cpk2i hope i didnt typo an s in there...02:04
Hawkwindcpk2: Ohhhhh, I read it wrong, sorry02:04
cpk2hmm i suppose i didnt really say either way02:04
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HawkwindI thought you were trying to do dual monitors, sorry02:04
cpk2no problem, just happy someone is trying to help me =)02:04
Hawkwindcpk2: So don't use my xorg.conf :P02:05
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Hawkwindcpk2: Though I can do the three resolutions listed in my xorg.conf if that makes you feel any better02:05
Hawkwindcpk2: That is, if I were to use just one monitor, but I use dual monitors02:05
fildo_matrox card rocks with dual monitor02:06
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cpk2Hawkwind: thats the thing, i have more than one resolution listed but i cant use them02:08
supergregsorry for being offtopic, but does anyone know how to get help with java on this network? Cannot join #java because I need to be identified etc. Just a hint would be good. Channel-listing shows no channels on this network...02:09
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cpk2you could just go to the freenode site and register...02:11
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supergregaha, so there's a site! Thanks, will do.02:12
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cassidyhey guys02:14
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cassidywould somone want to help me out for a sec? My sound quit working out of no where and i dont know what to do :(02:15
cassidywait.... brb02:15
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||arifaXI lost my desktop icons. reboot works to bring them back (happened before) whatelse can I do without rebooting?02:17
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NameNomadI have .m4a and .wma music files, how can I get them to play correctly in amaroK?02:18
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NameNomadI'm trying to look at amaroK scripts, but I've got no idea what I'm looking for02:19
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rawrnessIts nice to be back in linux02:20
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rawrnessfinaly got windows to work   if you could call windooze working.02:21
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rawrnessits sad that family refuses to learn.02:21
simon__hey does ne1 know a way to hold your prefered view options in konqueror when viewing your files, im sick of constantly switching from folder view to detailed view which is what i like?02:22
cpk2||arifaX: i suppose just restarting x would bring them back but that is still pretty drastic02:22
NameNomaddoes anyone know how to get .wma and .m4a files to work in amaroK or Kaffeine?02:22
simon__ive searched and searched to no avail02:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:22
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cassidyHey, would somone want to tell me how to get my sound working again? I got one of those stupid sound blaster audigy se cards (ca0106), It was working but then when i turned on my computer one day it was gone02:23
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rawrnessSomethings are just evil.......02:25
rawrnesshave you tryed smacking your computer?02:25
rawrnessabuse tends to help02:25
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cassidylol i havent tryed that no02:26
rawrnessTheres also the threating to throw out the window.02:27
rawrnessworks great in appartments02:27
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rawrnessI don't think anyones up...02:30
cpk2its 5;30 pm here02:30
rawrnessBtw i want to make a alert message for windows that never ends unless you ctrl alt delete it02:32
rawrnessi heard you can make one with visual basic.net is there a linux  equiv i cna do this with?02:32
rawrnessexcuse my poor spelling though.02:32
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simon__hey does ne1 know a way to hold your prefered view options in konqueror when viewing your files, im sick of constantly switching from folder view to detailed view which is what i like?02:36
cassidy#join alsa02:38
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caseyomahOkay, I had amaroK installed on Ubuntu with package kubuntu-desktop installed, and now with my install of Kubuntu from CD it doesn't have all the features. Why? How do I get back the "Repeat album", "Random album" and ID3 multi-tab dialog?02:43
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Dr_willissimon__,  ya know - i never noticed a way either..02:48
Dr_willissimon__,  the #KDE guys may know a way02:48
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simon__np Dr willis thnx for the tip02:51
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Dr_willissimon__,  thers some sort of  'save layout/session/' featire -but i dont think the default kde layout under kubuntu has many examples02:52
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simon__hmmm might be a way to do it02:53
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Dr_willisi found a bunch of exampkles once.. one with a file manager window above, and a shell below. :P02:54
Dr_willisthat was my fav.02:54
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caseyomahOkay, I had amaroK installed on Ubuntu with package kubuntu-desktop installed, and now with my install of Kubuntu from CD it doesn't have all the features. Why? How do I get back the "Repeat album", "Random album" and ID3 multi-tab dialog?02:56
simon__awesome ive worked it out02:56
simon__want to know dr willis02:56
simon__1 sec slow typer02:57
simon__start konqueror02:57
simon__get your prefered view happening02:57
simon__press settings, then save view profile02:58
simon__and save it02:58
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simon__restart konqueror and prefered view should stick02:59
simon__follow all that? did it work for you?02:59
simon__has been bugging me for mnths02:59
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cpk2know whats been bugging me? I only have !one! screen resolution to pick from03:03
Dr_willistheres klot of view profiles you can download also  :P03:03
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cpk2and if anyone has any advice to lend it would be greatly appreciated03:03
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simon__yer what some cool ones dr willis03:03
Dr_willisedit the xorg.conf to allow others03:04
cpk2i have more than one resolution in xorg already03:04
Dr_willissimon__,  i like the one with file manager on top. and terminal on the bottom03:04
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Dr_williscpk2,  its not using them then. as far as i know - the info comes from that file03:04
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Dr_willisnot that i ever change res. :P03:05
wordwhen trying to mount an nfs share from one computer on my network it er...doesn't do anything..it stays at 0% all the other computers on the network don't have a problem03:05
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caseyomahHow do you open terminal  in konqueror?03:07
Dr_willisya mean the Konsole menu item?03:07
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software_ayuda en espaol03:08
caseyomahI mean split konqueror into File manager/terminal.03:08
software_cual es el link para la ayude en espaol?03:08
Dr_willisIts a menu item.. i forget where :P03:08
Jucatocaseyomah: F803:08
Dr_willislets see03:08
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:08
JucatoPress F8...03:08
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Dr_willisyea f8 does it03:08
Dr_willisnever knew that03:08
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cpk2where is the xorg logfile?03:11
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Dr_willis    /var/log/03:11
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Dr_williswould be my guess. :P03:12
Phoenix1701Hey folks...  I got bit by the kernel update nvidia driver problem, but the updated restricted drivers package didn't fix things for me.  I've heard that the corrected drivers were only provided for the 386 kernel, and I'm running the 686 kernel.  Anyone have news or help to share on this?03:12
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Dr_willisHmm.. ive not noticed any problem..03:12
Dr_willisperhaps i will wait a wile for my next update. :P been a few days03:13
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Phoenix1701Well, this last update was about a week ago, but as I said, the fix seemed not to apply to my configuration even though the original problem did...  so I have to start up using the old kernel.03:14
cpk2lol the logfile says "do i need RAC? no i dont"03:15
Dr_willisWell do you?!03:16
Phoenix1701So, I'm guessing no one here has the lowdown on this?03:18
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not_benhjust checking before I go and totaly screw something up, if I want to track Edgy/testing then just s/dapper/edgy/ in etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade... .correct?03:19
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rawrnessI am thinking about buying a tv card for my computer any suggestions?03:21
Dr_willischeck the Mythtv sites./boards for recoomned cards03:21
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software_ocupo ayuda con el ark03:27
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software_a need help whit the ark03:27
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software_don't work the program03:27
caseyomahOkay, how do I properly mount a vfat (/dev/hdb1) with rwx access to everyone using automount?03:27
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse03:28
software_necesito ayuda en espaol porque no soy muy bueno con el ingles03:28
software_alguien me puede ayudar?03:29
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:29
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.03:29
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Dr_willisBenu Nochos...03:32
Dr_willisChurro Grande!03:32
rawrnessbean  nachos yum!03:32
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Dr_willisBean Churros!03:33
Dr_willisI made CheeseCake today. :P03:33
rawrnessOT: eating cheesecake03:34
Dr_willisTHey got cheesecake filling allready made in a tub like butter. :P  I almost dident put it in a Pie Shell.03:35
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=== Dr_willis goes back to eating
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rawrnessi am making a dvd any one know anyway to get all the vol at the same level?03:40
jj_volume normalizer03:40
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rawrnessand what has that?03:41
jj_you can get a plugin for xmms03:41
jj_just google volume normalizer03:42
rawrnessmyth tv looks kickass03:43
jj_it is03:45
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jj_im still on 0.19, i need to get 0.2003:46
StrudelNinjaHey. I finally got sound in firefox but now I'm not getting any after I close amaroK. Is there any way to kill anything that may be using the sound or something?03:46
rawrnessI take it though i can't use my pc as a pc afterwards though03:46
jj_why not?03:47
rawrnessScratch that then.03:47
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HawkwindStrudelNinja: sudo fuser -k /dev/dsp03:48
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caseyomahDoes automount autounmount when done on hdds?03:51
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ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox03:53
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Jucato_caseyomah: afaik, no03:55
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wordwhen trying to mount an nfs share from one computer on my network it er...doesn't do anything..it stays at 0% all the other computers on the network don't have a problem and...apparently after half an hour it says it isn't available?04:00
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diswillneed help with klamav04:04
menacewhats the problem? maybe we can help04:05
jj_word, what OS are you trying to transfer from04:05
diswillautoscan process dies unexpecitly after about 3 to 5 seconds04:05
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wordjj_: both are linux kubuntu it has no problem mounting a file exported from mine :-/ but it won't let me mount it's04:05
dietguyis kubuntu, the distribtor of linux with lots of cool editing software for video and sound?04:06
dietguywhich one is04:06
jj_its just ubuntu with KDE04:06
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jj_any of them04:06
Dr_willispick what software ya want.. and install it.04:07
dietguyubuntu is?  I download it and abuntu was a run in windows thing. What the hell is that about04:07
jj_have you read the guide04:07
menaceyea, ive been wondering myself what the difference is between ubuntu and kubuntu04:07
Jucato_I think he's talking about the free software that can be installed on Windows using the Dapper Desktop CD?04:07
jj_one uses gnome and the other uses KDE04:07
dietguyI want free stuff like a photoshop and adobe premeire editor as well as something like foundry audio loops04:08
menacethats the only difference jj?04:08
Jucato_menace: yes04:08
menacediet guy: wine04:08
Dr_willis"TheOpenCD" has a lot of Free/GPL software for windows.04:08
diswillthat is what I thought04:08
worddietguy: some are in development...kino is pretty good from what i've heard04:08
dietguyI want to run linux with the same kind of GUI as windows. does it exist or is everything type command?04:08
menacekubuntu has a GUI...04:08
Dr_willisI think dietguy  needs to go do some basic research.04:08
jj_there are tons of GUI's04:08
menacewhy would you want windows over linux's?04:08
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Dr_willisand download a live cd and try it.04:08
dietguythats why im here04:08
dietguystop being an elitist04:09
menacejust stick with the linux GUI04:09
jj_download the unbuntu live CD, burn it, and boot your computer from CD drive04:09
Dr_willisDo some reading. and look at the live cd's.04:09
dietguyi dont know anything about it04:09
Jucatodietguy: Linux is different from Windows in many ways. it does have a GUI, so you won't have to type in commands most of the time04:09
jj_word, sorry04:09
jj_possibly check your permissions?04:09
menaceO.o i need to register my name04:10
dietguyso what would you recommend for me. What distributor04:10
dietguythats free04:10
Jucatodietguy: care to do some reading?04:10
dietguywith editing stuff04:10
Dr_willisMosta ll of them are free.04:10
dietguyI guess I have to since no one will help me out04:10
Dr_willisand you can install any of that stuff on most any of them.04:10
jj_you might need to download some editing stuff though04:10
dietguythank you jj04:10
Jucatodietguy: https://help.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html to get you a bit introduced to Linux (Chapter 2 specifically)04:10
dietguykubuntu is the best for me then?04:10
jj_I would think so04:11
Dr_willisBest - depends on your needs.. Kubuntu is very well done.04:11
CVirusdietguy: what are you specs ?04:11
lupine_85or fvwm ;)04:11
jj_for image editing, use the gimp04:11
menacelupine: fvwm?04:11
dietguyi want video editing stuff and audio stuff and photoshop stuff04:11
JucatoKubuntu is easy to use, free, and comes in one CD only. but you would need more than a dial up connection if you want more software04:11
CVirusmenace: dont bother04:11
menaceok sorry04:11
lupine_85looks very much like windos04:11
dietguydoes it run windows software?04:11
dietguyi have 3D studio max04:11
menacedietguy: download wine04:11
CViruscan we please stop confusing the guy ?04:12
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:12
dietguyoh ok.. wine is to run windows platform?04:12
jj_dietguy, might I ask why you want to run linux?04:12
dietguyim told it doesnt crash as much and is safer to use on the internet with its firewall04:12
dietguyand windows crashes max04:12
jj_technically, it has no built in firewall04:12
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jj_other than tables04:12
lupine_85iptables is a built-in firewall...04:12
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Dr_willis and the frirewall in itself dosent actually make it safer. :)04:13
dietguydoes iptables come with linux?04:13
lupine_85heh, true04:13
dietguywell, i was told it makes it harder for people to intrude04:13
Dr_willisiptables is the user interface to the firewalling features of the kernel.04:13
jj_its more the fact that you arent succeptable(sp?) to viruses04:13
lupine_85but ubuntu also has no open ports by default04:13
Dr_willisand no spyware, or other crud-ware04:13
lupine_85as such, it's inherently safer than windows with it's smb, cifs, mssql, etc, etc04:14
lupine_85oh, and UPnP of course04:14
menacethe computer teacher at my school says it doesnt matter if you have linux, your just as likely to get viruses and spyware.04:14
lupine_85what a joke04:14
dietguyKubuntu  have spyware?04:14
jj_but just know if you are going to try and run windows software on linux, its going to be a PITA04:14
Dr_willisHes wrong  men. plain and simple.04:14
lupine_85your computer teacher doesn't haver a clue then ;)04:14
menacehe runs SuSe04:14
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Dr_willisWell that explains it all.04:15
lupine_85SuSE has sshd open and running by default...04:15
lupine_85at least opensuse 10.1 does04:15
jj_that sucks. lol04:15
CVirusdietguy: Linux doesnt have spy ware04:16
CViruscan we please stop confusing the new comer ?04:16
Dr_willisjust ssh running isent that big a deal. of course it depends on its specific configs.04:16
lupine_85it has rootkits instead04:16
dietguyok cool. Last question04:16
lupine_85and exploits04:16
dietguyWill Kubuntu find all my drivers. Audio and such04:16
jj_what cards?04:16
lupine_85they're bigger in linux than spyware or viruses, but still much less of a problem04:16
dietguyits an old laptop, i dont have specs on it :(04:16
Dr_willisdepends on the devices.04:16
jj_then probably04:16
CVirusdietguy: indeed ... Kubuntu works with most hardware out of the bos ... but some hardware isnt supported under linux04:16
lupine_85old generally == supported04:16
StrudelNinjaOk, I'm definitely not getting ANY sound in flash in firefox or IE6 in Wine04:16
dietguyits like 4 years old. Its an HP04:16
lupine_85StrudelNinja: aoss firefox ?04:17
lupine_85does konqueror get sound?04:17
Dr_willisUbuntu/Kubuntu is one of the best disrto ive ran on my laptops04:17
CVirusDr_willis: same here04:17
menacestrudel, is amarok or any other multimedia device open?04:17
jj_any professional audio cards probably wont have drivers04:17
Dr_willisno driver for that Creative Xi-Fi yet i think either.04:18
dietguyOK, im going to install Kubuntu. When I install wine, is it pretty self explanitory or is it a big process to run stuff04:18
dietguynope its not easy or..04:18
Dr_williswine is a complex tool. that is worth reading up on - theres a LOT of tweaking that can be done with it for specific apps.04:18
lupine_85just "wine /path/to/.exe"04:18
lupine_85it might work for a paritcular app, it might not04:18
StrudelNinjaall I have open is FF, konvo, knotes, and gAIM04:18
jj_dietguy, you might want to look into some linux equivelents also04:18
ubotublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro04:19
menacetried a restart?04:19
StrudelNinjayeah just did04:19
StrudelNinjano luck04:19
dietguyoh, there is no "Click on icon" runs auto feature?04:19
StrudelNinjaI've had it work ONCE since I started04:19
dietguyi have to type command? :.04:19
lupine_85you can do that too04:19
StrudelNinjaand it stopped shortly after04:19
jj_look into audacity, the gimp, and blender04:19
menaceusually when that happens to me, it have to exit out of armarok then restart firefox strudel04:19
lupine_85the first time you double-click on a .exe it'll ask you what to run it with - you just say wine04:19
lupine_85then double-clicking .exe files will work04:20
StrudelNinjakonq won't even load any flashes04:20
Dr_willisbest to not rely on just doubleclicking .exe's  :)04:20
dietguyok.. im gonna go install it. Do I have to reinstall all my softwares? Do I have to partitian my harddrive or run it on the same drive letter?04:20
StrudelNinjaI've had almost no luck with flash ever since I installed04:20
jj_you have to repartition04:20
jj_and you wont have drive letters04:20
dietguyso split it to another letter?04:20
Dr_willisLinux instslls on its own hard drive partitions.. the idea of a 'drive letter' does not exist.04:20
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jj_you will have hda's04:21
dietguysounds scarey04:21
Dr_williswindows wont see the linxu partition at all.04:21
menacesudo apt-get remove flash, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install flash?04:21
Dr_williswindows is scary how it handles drives.04:21
lupine_85repartition your hard drive in windows. resize the windows partition so you've got some free space04:21
dietguydo I have to purge my system of windows?04:21
lupine_85no :)04:21
lupine_85do ^ that^04:21
dietguypurge it out?04:21
Dr_willisLinux is its own os..   it dont need windoiws.. but it can coexist with it.04:21
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lupine_85then choose option 2 in the installer04:21
lupine_85no, resize the windows partition04:21
dietguyI know.. but i thought I could run both at ddifferent times04:21
jj_you can04:22
dietguyok so use Partitian magic then04:22
dietguysplit it04:22
Dr_willisa Live cd  that runs gparted - is good to use to repartition the windows drives.04:22
dietguyguh  im confused04:22
Dr_willisYou boot to one os, or the other.. simple.04:22
dietguyI dont know how to make a bootable disk No one ever taught me :(04:22
jj_you just need free, unpartitioned space on your HD04:22
Dr_willisYou dont need a bootable disk04:22
lupine_85partition magic is your best bet for resizing a windows partition04:23
dietguylupine, so yes?04:23
dietguyuse that04:23
menacedude guys, just tell diet to but a secondary harddrive and install it on the second harddrive....04:23
jj_too complicated04:23
Dr_willisI have 6 hard drives. :P04:23
lupine_85dietguy: yes, partition magic04:23
lupine_85ubuntu/gparted "might" work, but I've seen it kill at least one ntfs partition04:23
Dr_willisor Live CD + Gparted04:23
menacedr_willis, all plugged in and usable at one time?04:23
dietguyhow much space is Kubuntu04:23
Dr_willismenace,  yea. :P got spme extra controller cards04:23
jj_gparted has been known to be a serious ntfs killer04:23
menacejj: it took me 5 minutes to do that and i knew nothing about linux04:24
menacedr_willis: omfg, your the master04:24
Dr_willismenace,  gotta have room for the porn! :)04:24
menacerofl yea04:24
=== lupine_85 hides teh pr0nz
menacelol i thought i was the only one here that got a new harddrive just for porn....04:24
Dr_williswell porn and ROMS04:25
menaceSnes or what?04:25
Dr_willisall sorts.04:25
menacemy friend found a ps2 and xbox emulator :D04:25
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menaceidk if its lagit(sp) though04:25
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Dr_willisthe idea of a xbox emulator..  is amusing.04:25
Dr_willisthe PS1 emulators out are amazing.04:25
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rawrnessvery much04:26
lupine_85well, it's all about the hardware in the end04:26
Dr_willisthe Amiga emulator is kicking also.,04:26
menacenever seen them04:26
lupine_85graphics card especially04:26
StrudelNinjaEven after I uninstalled and reinstalled both flash plugins for firefox, neither worked. one crashed firefox, and I have no audio on the other04:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about UAE!!!! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:26
rawrnessi can happly play my ff games even though my ps2 broke04:26
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rawrnessstupid 2 year olds and high places04:26
cpk2anyone know anything about iptables and masquerade?04:26
Dr_willisnot tried the PS2 emulators.. seems that would take a lot of power in a system04:26
rawrnessmuch so04:26
lupine_85cpk2: firestarter will do it easily for you04:27
menacei need a new graphics card and a few gigs of ram...too phracking poor though04:27
lupine_85otherwise check the netfilter homepage04:27
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rawrness2 gigs of ramm on cruiel about 120 bucks04:27
StrudelNinjaI wish I could just make flash work ><04:27
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rawrnessflash is evil04:27
rawrnessdo your computer think it have flash strudel?04:28
rawrnessthen you need java04:28
StrudelNinjaflash animation plays, but I have no audio04:28
StrudelNinjahave it04:28
menaceget automatix!!!!!!!!!04:28
rawrnessi know that problem04:28
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lupine_85aoss firefox ?04:28
=== Dr_willis runs from Automatix
StrudelNinjasomeone told me to run "ln -s /tmp/.esd-1000 /tmp/.esd" but that doesn't do anything04:28
=== menace gets firestarter
sh4d3zis there a substitute for win movie maker?04:29
rawrnessyou have to edit somefile04:29
menacedr_willis: it didnt work for you?04:29
Dr_willismenace,  ive seen many a people in here - who got their systems trasked by automatix.04:29
Dr_williseasyubuntu works ok.. and is safer i hear.04:29
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menacesh4d3z: www.kde-apps.org...check that out brother04:29
Dr_willisbut i perfer to install my own stuff.04:29
menaceah, it hasnt messed me up04:29
menacewait shadez,  www.kde-apps.org04:30
rawrnessautomatrix takes the  whole point out linux in my opnion04:30
menacei just got it for frostwire04:30
rawrness<- likes to do it him slef04:30
Dr_willisautomatix has a very inteesting and flame filled history.04:30
sh4d3zhaha i actually clicked on that first one lol thanx again04:30
menacelol np04:30
=== menace pee's his pants
menaceI HAVE NMAP04:31
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Dr_willisnmap -s
Dr_willisnmap -Sp
lupine_85can j00 hax0r my b0xen?04:31
menacefirestarter is scary04:31
menacemade my screen go dark04:31
joseantonioI cant reproduce kaffeine and amarok  any mp3  i cant04:33
menacesay again?04:33
joseantoniono se reproduce ningun mp3 con kaffeine  ni amarok que puedo hacer04:33
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jj_dr willis, how much space do you have total?04:34
=== menace is a first year spanish student
Dr_willisjj_,  i never added it all up.. actually i got some removed at the moment.. my fileserver died.. i need to put the d4ives in the new one.04:34
rawrness<- refuses to learn spanish cause all the illegal mexicans where he lives,04:34
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Dr_willisseveral 250's a few 300's and a handfull of 120's04:34
menaceyou dont live in america do you rawrness?04:35
joseantonioin kubuntu,  amarok  and kaffeine,  cant reproduce or play  mp304:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:35
menacesame here04:35
rawrnessthus the illegal part*04:35
jj_when you said you had a ton of controllers, you made me think of this guy - http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1006837&page=1&pp=2004:35
menaceomfg dr_willis04:35
rawrnessi am sure anywhere else has lots of illegal mexicans04:35
rawrnessthat just walzed over the border04:35
joseantoniowha th04:36
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Dr_willisMythbusters - The Immigrant Catapult.04:36
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StrudelNinjabrb, let's see if this works04:37
amadeusCan someone help me? I need to know what to do with a debian file after i download it?04:37
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[-KaSatKa-] Have they made a fix for the screensaver error?04:37
Dr_willisdpkg -i whatever.deb04:37
Dr_williswith a sudo infront. :P04:38
Dr_willisfor good luck04:38
amadeuslol thank04:38
cpk2lupine_85: i dont really want to get firestarter to do just one small thing, my room mate uses slack and set he got his laptop to access the web through his slackware box by just doing one command04:38
cpk2but he cant remember what it was04:38
jj_Dr_willis, ^^^ that guy has 5.19tb in one box, you wanna talk about porn...04:38
cpk2dont know why i put set in that sentence04:39
Dr_willisjj_,  must be HighDef Porn!04:39
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menacewhats the difference in slack and kubuntu?04:39
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Dr_willisslackware is a totally different disrto04:40
cpk2iptables is still the same04:40
lupine_85iptables -A NAT <something> -j MASQUERADE04:40
menaceok, how drwill?04:40
lupine_85don't ask me what <something> is04:40
[-KaSatKa-] Have they made a fix for the screensaver error?04:40
lupine_85man iptables or check the netfilter website04:40
cpk2reading the *huge* man04:40
Dr_willisslackware is slackware.. :P kubuntu is a debian related/variant/offspring.04:40
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Dr_willisdifferept package managers, different init systems...04:40
menaceslack is more for hacking maybe?04:41
cpk2slack is diy04:41
cpk2maybe i need to have a postrouting and prerouting rule?04:41
menaceanyone here tried the backtracker distro?04:41
Dr_willisslack is sort of old-skool in ways. :P go ask in #slackware I guess04:41
StrudelNinjaok so rawrness I tried your first link and got http://pastebin.ca/18365304:41
rawrnesshave you tryed the 2ed one?04:42
StrudelNinjaabout to04:42
rawrness2ed one better04:42
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rawrnessi doed number 204:43
StrudelNinjabash: aoss: command not found04:44
amadeusthe depackaging of the debian file is not working... can someone help?04:45
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jj_whats a good p2p client for kubuntu?04:45
jj_gnutella network?04:45
rawrnessfrostwire is good if your used to limewire04:45
rawrnesssame thing just blue.04:45
menacewhats gnutella?...i know frostwire has it but...what is it?04:46
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jj_its just a network04:47
StrudelNinjarawrness: I can't aoss firefox04:47
jj_anonymous searching04:47
jj_and its not centralized like napster was04:47
rawrnessthen go down more04:48
rawrnessits like th 5th thingy down04:48
rawrnessyou edit firefox so it uses aoss sted of oss04:48
StrudelNinjaby eKlipSe?04:49
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rawrnessi think04:49
rawrnesswhats the url again04:49
StrudelNinjalet's see if it worked04:50
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willwhat's the command for delete?  anyone?04:51
StrudelNinjaok I have sound now04:51
menaceapt-get remove (insert program)04:51
menacekoo strudel04:51
rawrnessand i helped my 2ed person04:51
StrudelNinjalet's see if it will KEEP working...04:51
cpk2will: rm?04:51
willmenace: does that work for a file?04:51
menacejust right click and delete will04:52
cpk2will: cli is rm04:52
willyah, it wouldn't give me permission so I was going to try the terminal04:52
willI'm very new to this, if you can't tell04:52
cpk2terminal is rm04:52
menacesudo rm (file)...right?04:52
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menaceim new, too04:52
cpk2you might need to do a recursive rm04:53
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Phoenix1701Hope no one minds my asking this question again: I got bit by the kernel update nvidia driver problem, but the updated restricted drivers package didn't fix things for me.  I've heard that the corrected drivers were only provided for the 386 kernel, and I'm running the 686 kernel.  Anyone have news or help to share on this?  Do I have any recourse?04:55
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amadeusi need help installing a debian package.. can someone help me?04:55
jj_whats wrong04:55
menaceamadeus, right click install?04:55
amadeuscrap.... i'm an idiot04:56
amadeusthanks, menace04:56
menacelol np04:56
willI'm trying to repair my adept after java fucked it up.  I've got a forum http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=473263 but I'm still having trouble solving the problem04:57
willanyone worked through this before?04:57
menaceis it locked?04:57
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:57
jj_can you do a forced remove?04:58
willmenace: yes.  I've deleted the lock file as instructed in the forum, however it comes right back (the guy in the forum had the same problem)04:59
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willmenace: they sort of lost me after that04:59
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claydohthere may be more than 1 lock file05:01
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jj_what happens when you open adept?05:01
claydohin different dirs05:01
willYou will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.05:02
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claydohuse the find files in the kmenu to search for 'lock' in 'var' and delete them05:03
jj_have you tried sudo adept?05:03
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menacedoes anyone know how to access a primary harddrive (running windows) from a secondary harddrive (running linux)05:04
willclaydoh: I've already deleted it05:04
jj_without rebooting?05:04
claydohall of them, there may be others in other locations05:04
willclaydoh: when I restart adept the lock file returns05:04
willclaydoh: I've tried sudo adept.  and I've restarted05:05
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jj_menace, do you mean boot windows in linux, or just mount the drive?05:05
willclaydoh: I'll search05:05
menacejust mount the drive so i can access the files on the primary harddrive from my secondary harddrive05:05
claydohthen delete those, and install a program called Synaptic05:05
claydohsudo apt-get install synaptic05:06
claydohin a terminal05:06
jj_you should just be able to mount that disk?05:06
claydohthat is a better, bug free package manager05:06
menacei tried to go to system menu>39g media05:06
menacebut i get this error05:06
menaceCould not mount device.The reported error was:mount: can't find /dev/hda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab05:06
willclaydoh: I'm a few steps back, but I searched for 'lock' and found three.  deleted all. restarted adept. same error.  searched again and all three returned.05:07
jj_strange. thats beyond my knowledge05:07
menacewill i had this problem yesterday05:08
menacebut i cant remember how they fixed it05:08
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Phoenix1701menace: For the record, I'm having the very same problem.05:08
Phoenix1701I imagine adding it to the fstab manually would probably fix it, but I refuse to do that on principle. ;)05:09
menaceits an easy fix05:09
willmenace: trying to install java?05:09
menacetrying to open adept05:09
claydohyes, as adept is buggy, delete those again, and install synaptic as I noted above05:09
moparisthebestcan I tell how much harddrive space is left from the command line?05:09
jk-moparisthebest: df -h05:09
Phoenix1701claydoh: Is Synaptic really that much better than Adept?  Or is this personal preference speaking?05:11
willclaydoh: got this error E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:11
menaceyea do that will05:11
willclaydoh: btw, why doesn't control-c work in the terminal?05:11
claydohsynaptic won't cause the problems that adept is05:12
claydohtho in edgy adept is trouble free05:12
claydohwill: then run the command: sudo dpkg --configure -a05:12
claydohthe next version of Kubuntu05:13
willdo I need to get that?05:13
claydohnot now05:13
willstill bug-filled?05:13
Phoenix1701Huh.  Will Synaptic let me get this mythical restricted driver package that will make my nvidia driver work and allow me to boot?  'Cause that'd be keen.05:13
claydohalpha/beta stgae05:13
Phoenix1701will: It's not even remotely close to release at this point; I'd stay away for now.05:14
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willclaydoh: I just did the dpkg...  what was that for (trying to slowly learn what I'm doing)05:14
jj_i wish installing stuff in linux was easier05:14
Phoenix1701claydoh: Well, it definitely exists for 386...  but I've got the 686 kernel, and no one seems to be able to tell me if there's an analogous package for that or where to get it.05:14
jk-jj_: as opposed to 'apt-get install <program>' ?05:15
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menacejj: get automatix if you dont like the installation05:15
menacei've heard a bunch of people say it's bad code and messed up theyre system05:15
jj_its just there is always something different with every program05:15
menacebut i havnt had any problem with it05:15
KyralIT IS!!05:15
claydohif you install 'nvidia-glx" by whatever means, it will install the restricted-modules as well05:16
claydohwill: i think it just cleans up whatever was interrupted safely05:17
Phoenix1701Hmm...  I'll see if I can do that.  Would it be best to boot up into the previous kernel so I can use Adept, or just apt-get it from the command line?05:17
willclaydoh: k.     so do I need to re do the apt-get?05:17
claydohif you have the 656 kernel, it will install the correct linux-restricted-nodules05:17
claydohwill: yes, to install synaptic05:18
jj_doesnt synaptic come standard with ubuntu?05:18
claydohiether way will be good. Phoenix170105:18
claydohjj it does for Ubuntu, but Kubuntu uses adept05:19
Phoenix1701claydoh: It says I already have the latest version.  :/05:19
claydohbut for dapper  usually recommend Synaptic05:19
claydohwill: good its installed05:19
claydohit should be in the System menu, but it may not show up until you log out/log im05:20
Phoenix1701claydoh: So assuming it's telling the truth and I really do have the latest version of nvidia-glx, what else might be the problem?05:21
moparisthebestis gzip better compression than bzip2?05:21
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claydohPhoenix1701: then you need to enable it, either manually in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:21
willclaydoh: was that a question or can you somehow see what I'm doing?05:21
claydohor try this command:'sudo nvidia-xconfig'05:22
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claydohthen restart x (ctrl-alt-backspace)05:22
claydohwill: ?05:23
Phoenix1701claydoh: I did that last command from the root command line prompt, and although it appeared to run, X still wouldn't start.05:23
Phoenix1701"Module nvidia not found"05:23
claydohthen reboot?05:23
willclaydoh: you said "good, it's installed" just when I had installed it.  got a little creeped out.05:23
=== claydoh has sooper-dooper powers
willclaydoh: but I installed it and thanks.05:24
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willclaydoh: is synaptic a java made program?05:24
willclaydoh: or did it automatically finish my java install, because I had to agree to a java license agreement05:24
Phoenix1701claydoh: Reboot didn't help...  still "module nvidia not found"05:25
willclaydoh: cool.  I like the program already.  do I need to update my source list?05:25
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claydohwill: yes, its usually a good idea05:25
cpk2lupine_85: i got it to work =D05:26
cpk2had to set ip_forward to 105:26
lupine_85cool :)05:27
willany recommendations? and should I delete adept?05:27
Phoenix1701(BTW, just to make sure this is stated, the older kernel loads just fine and I get full 3D acceleration)05:27
menacei would say keep it just in case05:27
menacebut thats jus tmy opinion will05:27
willbut I can't use it can I05:28
claydohPhoenix1701: try installing linux-restricted-modules-68605:28
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tchunghi, does anyone know where to get java runtime environment plug-in for firefox?05:29
Phoenix1701That's interesting.05:29
Phoenix1701It's got a new version for me.05:29
Phoenix1701I wonder why it didn't tell me about it when I did an apt-get update before.05:29
menacetchung: sun java 5.0 web start...it should have everything java you'll need...05:30
claydohwill: don't forget sun-java5-plugin for browser java plugin :)05:31
Phoenix1701And now X starts!05:31
claydohPhoenix1701: sweet!!!!05:31
tchungThank you guys05:31
claydohwill: you can keep adept, unless you really nned the space05:31
Phoenix1701My sentiments exactly!  Thank you VERY much, claydoh.  I'm still not sure why that worked, but I've no complaints!05:32
tchungis it on the repository?05:32
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claydohtchung: sun-java5-plugin is what you need05:32
tchungjust google it?05:32
claydohbut you will need to enable multiverse in your package list05:33
willclaydoh: cool.  and now it works.05:33
Phoenix1701Err...  but that's odd too.  When I log in, my screen goes black.05:33
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menacewow, i've never had those problems phoenix,..corrupted installation?05:33
willclaydoh: do you know the url for multiverse05:33
claydohcould be a refresh rate detected incorrectly05:34
willclaydoh: actually, it looks like its already on there05:35
Phoenix1701claydoh: Possibly...  I wasn't looking closely enough when it happened.  Root can log in just fine...05:35
Phoenix1701And absolutely nothing will fix it now; not Ctrl-Alt-Backspace or Ctrl-Alt-Delete.05:35
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Phoenix1701menace: I think more likely it's because I have both an internal Intel graphics chip and an Nvidia PCI card.05:36
claydohadd multiverse to the line 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dappper universe'05:36
Phoenix1701That's a notoriously problematic combination.05:36
=== claydoh shakes finger at Phoenix1701 :P
Phoenix1701Yeah, I accidentally did sudo startx rather than just startx, and that went just fine.05:36
menaceinternal, you mean integrated or you installed one?05:36
Phoenix1701Note the accidentally there.  ;)05:36
Phoenix1701menace: integrated, unfortunately.05:36
claydohoh thats ok05:37
willanyone know why w32codecs won't download?05:37
claydohserver may be down atm05:37
claydohbut idf it woorks as sudo, it should go fine on your next reboot iirc05:37
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tchungI have got the package now but I have got the "dependency is not satisfiable" error message. Is there any way to know what other packages it needs?05:37
menaceit downloaded probably05:38
menacesearch for the debian package05:38
menaceand install it05:38
menacethats what happened to me05:38
Phoenix1701Huh.  Started up just fine this time...  must have just been one of those random things computers do *cough*thatarentrunningmacosx*cough* ;)05:38
willhow do I do that? I found it using synaptic, and tried to install.  I get a download prgress bar, but it doesn't make any progress05:39
menaceis there a button to press called "show details" or anything like that?05:39
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Phoenix1701And I do have graphics acceleration -- I'm running Compiz, I'd know if I didn't.05:39
Phoenix1701So I think that's definitely problem solved. :)05:39
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claydohtchung: using Adept or synaptic?05:40
tchungclaydoh: I download straight from a debian server05:40
claydohif not, you will need to find what packages it needs05:40
claydohdon't do that05:41
tchungis it on synaptic?05:41
moparisthebestcd apache05:41
claydohuse a package manager05:41
moparisthebestdarn, wrong window, lol, I should get some sleep :/05:41
tchungI will try05:41
claydohtchung: it is but you will need to enable univers/multiverse05:41
claydohlint to follow05:41
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claydohlonk to follow05:41
claydohheh link05:41
awilcox2 seconds and already an LOL :P05:42
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AWOSDevI have a problem with ssh05:42
willclaydoh: im using synaptic.  I can select "show progress of single files" but nothing shows up there either05:42
willlooks like it may have been removed from the repos?05:42
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claydohit may not be able to download it05:42
claydohif the server is down05:43
AWOSDevWhen I ssh into, well, anybody's [U/Ku] buntu machine I can't sudo05:43
AWOSDevIs that on purpose?05:43
menaceim out, later guys05:43
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claydohwill: actually it isn't there for legal reasons05:43
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AWOSDevWhat's he trying to download?05:44
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jk-AWOSDev: you can only sudo if you're in the admin group05:44
AWOSDevI can sudo on regular computers05:44
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AWOSDevlike if I'm sitting in front of the computer05:44
TehKewl1my wireless works in windows, and used to work in linux, but now it fails when I try to connect05:44
AWOSDevbut if I'm 15 miles away I can't05:44
TehKewl1I'm using a d-link DWL-G63005:45
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tchungclaydoh: I really can't find the plug-in... :-(05:45
TehKewl1which has an ralink chipset I think...05:45
AWOSDevWill you yell at me if I paste three lines of output?05:46
tchungclaydoh: I have enabled all repositories and I still can't find it05:46
AWOSDevIs that a yes?  :)05:46
AWOSDevI'll take that as yes... :|05:48
claydohtchung: did you reload the package list?05:48
tchungI didn't05:48
claydohs'ok :)05:48
AWOSDevSo there is no way to sudo through ssh?05:49
BluDog_Anchoritesudo through ssh works05:49
AWOSDevNo it doesn't, I have three lines here that say it doesn't05:50
willanyone know where to find linux drivers for dell printers?05:50
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BluDog_AnchoriteAWOSDev: your config is wrong then05:50
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AWOSDevBluDog_Anchorite: how do I fix it without sudo?05:50
allisfreewhich app can i use for read news group(nntp)?05:51
AWOSDevDo you want to see the three lines?05:51
AWOSDevallisfree, you can try Mozilla Thunderbird.05:52
AWOSDev!thunderbird > allisfree05:52
BluDog_Anchoritepm them to me05:52
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claydohyou need to be logged in as a user in the admin group05:52
claydohbut I won't yell over 3 lines05:52
claydohon nthe remote machine that is05:53
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Dr_williswill,  check the cups.org site - dell printers are most likely just rebranded from some other company05:53
_Dinkwill, http://linuxprinting.org/05:53
AWOSDevOkay that's great and all, but I'm not convinced that access rights are my problem.05:53
allisfreeAWOSDev: thanks, is there a kde app?05:53
willnevermind.  I figured it out.  thx05:53
claydohallisfree: knode is kde newsreader05:54
claydohbut it doesn't do binaries05:54
_Dinkwill, also you might check to see if another brand has that printer, A lot of times Dell and other just takes lexmark/hp etc and put their log on it ;)05:54
Dr_willisi like pan for my news reading05:54
_Dinkahh k05:54
claydohklibido is a gui binary downloader05:55
claydohpan is the best05:55
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claydohtho not KDE05:55
Dr_willislibido  :)05:55
ubotuknews: Graphical threaded news reader. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0b.1-20 (dapper), package size 227 kB, installed size 576 kB05:55
allisfreedaydoh: Sorry, what's means "doesn't do binaries"05:56
AWOSDevallisfree: That means only source code is available, which you would have to compile.05:56
Dr_willisyou cant download porn with them :P05:56
allisfreei found it with apt-cache05:56
claydohdoen't download pr0n and warez :)05:57
Dr_willisnews groups can have messages.. or 'binary files' in them. :P05:57
allisfreei use edgy05:57
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AWOSDevHow do I add a user to a group using only Konsole?05:57
claydohknews is ancient, realllyyy ancient05:57
cpk2xorg is pretty ancient05:58
cpk2we all use that05:58
AWOSDevI just apache search nntp05:58
AWOSDev***apt-cache search NNTP sorry05:58
=== AWOSDev works too hard on servers
claydohxorg is updated05:58
willclaydoh: that link actually was needed.  however, I lack permission to install.  it says to "click on the administrator mode" button below (in system settings - printers)  but there is no such button05:58
Dr_willisenlarge the window.. the bitton may be hidden05:59
Dr_willisive noticed it dont quite resize correctly05:59
willDr_willis: you're a genius and I'm a moron05:59
willDr_willis: thx05:59
AWOSDevShould I just edit the /etc/group file?06:00
Dr_willisAWOSDev,  thats one wat06:00
fowlduckanyone else have synaptic issues in kubuntu edgy?06:00
AWOSDevWhat's a more decent, less 'last resort' option?06:00
Dr_willisAWOSDev,  check up on the different shell command to manage groups..06:00
claydohAWOSDev: sudo addgrp <user> <group>06:00
Dr_willisive never messed with them much06:00
AWOSDevfowlduck, they added synaptic to Kubuntu?!  finally...06:01
AWOSDevclaydoh, thanks06:01
claydohno its not there by default06:01
claydohsynaptic in edgt that is06:01
fowlduckAWOSDev: no, they didn't, but you can just as easily install and use it, since it's superior to all other offerings06:01
AWOSDevsudo: addgrp: command not found06:01
AWOSDevfowlduck, I agree06:01
AWOSDevthat's its the best graphical package management06:02
AWOSDevDr_willis, :)06:02
fowlduckbest i've ever used, better than yast even06:02
AWOSDevfowlduck, you mean addporn or synaptic :P06:02
AWOSDevno I agree, I hated YaST06:03
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fowlduckyeah, yast was weak06:03
fowlduckand adept is junk, it fails when you need command-line interaction from a package that uses a cli dialog06:04
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AWOSDevYaST was very hard-coded, I mean I had to do SaX2 by myself because YaST kept screwing it up...and don't even get me started on xinetd or NIC configuration...06:05
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claydohAdept in edgy runs great, the only thing I see not working is the repository management06:06
claydohbut it doesn't leave lock files everywhere anymore06:07
claydohbut I am biased towards synaptic, just haven't neede it in edgy yet06:07
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Dr_willis fowlduck  i think theres just a package missing that is needed for that feature.06:09
Dr_willisfowlduck,  i ran into that issue once..  but i forget the package name.06:09
fowlduckthe fact that it isn't included makes it inferior06:09
Dr_willisfowlduck,  or it makes it a oversight on the kubuntu  devs06:10
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fowlducknaw, inferior06:10
claydohno not an oversight, they just are trying to maintain QT based apps06:11
claydohsynaptic can be installed quite easily06:11
=== Dr_willis yawns,,, whatever
fowlduckclaydoh: adept is Qt-based, isn't it?06:12
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fowlduckso how does what you said apply?  we weren't talking about kubuntu not including synaptic06:12
fowlduckbah, whatever06:13
claydohsorry, that what i though you were talking about06:13
Dr_willisIve frogotten whatever we wehre talking about...06:13
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fowlducki forgot who you are....who i am....mommy!06:14
willif I'm doing something in the gui that I need administrator permission for (such as editing my sources list on KAte)  how do I change to SU06:14
larson9999i'm setting up freedos now and it's making appreciate the unix command line.  however, many things have been ported06:14
claydohwill: various ways:06:15
claydohrun 'kdesu <gui-app>06:15
claydohor, if its a text file, simply right-click on it, select Actions-Edit As Root06:16
fowlduckwill: i used to make a shortcut for kate that ran 'kdesu kate', maybe that will work best for you06:16
willcool.  I like that "edit as root" deal06:17
fowlduckhave fun, i'm takin off people06:18
AWOSDevIs Dr_willis and fowlduck the same person?  I mean they both left at the same time and their quit messages are the same...06:21
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AWOSDevIs there a way I can get MySQL 4?06:23
AWOSDevfound it06:23
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arunkaleUmm I have a .dat video... how do I play it?06:27
AWOSDevWhere did you get it?06:28
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AWOSDevThere are many types of .dat files06:29
arunkalewell, a friend of mine has a band, and he has tihis music video with a .dat extension06:29
arunkalei can play it in windows using windows media player06:29
AWOSDevalright, have you tried XINE?06:30
BluDog_Anchoriteor mplayer ?06:30
arunkalei dont have mplayer06:31
arunkaleshould i get it06:31
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AWOSDevIf you can find it, I can't find it anywhere...06:32
arunkalecant i get it off adept?06:32
BluDog_Anchoriteits in one of the repos06:32
BluDog_Anchoritego through the restricted formats how-to06:33
arunkaleyeah i found it06:33
abattoirarunkale: would it be possible for me to see the video too? I love watching startup bands...06:34
arunkalewell, i guess.. it's a cool video as well.. gorillaz style06:35
arunkalebut it's a pretty big file06:35
arunkalesome 20 MB06:35
AWOSDevthat's not that big to us Cable/DSL people :)06:35
BluDog_Anchoritesounds like a job for DCC, FTP, HTTP, etc....06:36
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AWOSDevHow do I get php4 and php5 to coexist peacefully?06:37
arunkaleheh looks like i can view the video using vlc06:37
AWOSDev$ sudo apt-get install php4 .............  The following packages will be REMOVED: php506:38
arunkaleabattoir do you want me to dcc the file to you06:38
abattoirarunkale: nah, nvm06:38
AWOSDevwhat kind of music is it?  like rock?06:38
BluDog_Anchoritejust dont try making VLC fullscreen in E17.06:38
abattoirarunkale: thanks for the offer though06:38
AWOSDevAlso how do I get php3?06:39
arunkaleit's electronica-rock types06:39
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arunkaleand it'sa killer video06:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Multilib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:39
AWOSDevThat package 'is not available, but referred to by another package'.06:39
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AWOSDevis it even possible to get php3, php4 and php5 all running on one Kubuntu machine?06:41
AWOSDevI can do it in FreeBSD06:41
=== AWOSDev contemplates, *gasp*, switching
AWOSDevHey ubotu06:41
AWOSDevI mean ubuntu06:41
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ubuntukubuntu here-06:43
AWOSDevNo, you're ubuntu :)06:44
ubuntui so confused--------06:44
AWOSDevI just meant that your name is Ubuntu, not Kubuntu ;)06:44
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ubuntuwhatever   :- >06:45
thi. i type: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly libxine-extracodecs , but it doesn`t download,says that it didn`t find that package. i checked the universe repository06:45
ubuntujust call me Ken, dude06:45
AWOSDevokay, Ken dude :)06:46
AWOSDevt, which package can it not find?06:46
tAVOSDev - libxine-extracodecs06:46
ubuntuwhere the hell am I?06:47
AWOSDevt, have you enabled the multiverse repo?06:47
moparisthebestif I want to run a single command on startup, do I just put it in a file named anything and put the file in my init.d folder?06:48
AWOSDevubuntu, you are in the Kubuntu Support Channel.06:48
claydohyou need to enable the repository06:48
tno, i will06:48
moparisthebestdoes it have to be .sh ?06:48
AWOSDevmoparisthebest, try your .bashrc file06:48
AWOSDevIf you want it to be run before you login, edit the .xinitrc06:48
ubuntuwhat happened to Kubundu support????06:48
moparisthebestI want it to be ran on startup AWOSDev06:49
moparisthebestits a webserver, so I need it to restart everytime the computer does06:49
tAVOSDev - i wrong. this multiverse is ON06:49
AWOSDevcan't you just set apache2 to startup automatically?06:49
moparisthebestI have to call this AWOSDev :06:49
moparisthebest/opt/lampp/lampp start06:49
AWOSDevt, what error does it give?06:49
ubuntuyou guys need to get a life,     he he06:50
claydoht: did you reload after enabling universe/multiverse?06:50
moparisthebestwould I put it in the .bashrc file then AWOSDev ?06:50
AWOSDevmoparisthebest, that would be when you log in, it runs that file06:50
tmaking tree. couldn`t not find package libxine-extracodecs (not exactly in english)06:50
tclaydoh - yes06:51
moparisthebestits ran as root AWOSDev06:51
ubuntuI need some better drugs, man......06:51
moparisthebestso would that work?06:51
AWOSDevmoparisthebest, um, not exactly the way you want it to...06:51
AWOSDevubuntu, what?06:51
AWOSDevI don't have drugs to give you :)06:51
moparisthebestso how would I make root run that command on startup?06:51
ubuntuyou guys are a trip-----06:52
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AWOSDevmoparisthebest, hold on06:53
moparisthebestok :)06:53
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AWOSDevmoparisthebest, you need to put that command in /etc/init.d/rc.local06:54
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moparisthebestthere is an rc06:55
moparisthebestbut no rc.local06:55
AWOSDevthen make one :)06:55
moparisthebestok, :)06:55
AWOSDevjust make sure the first line is06:55
moparisthebestis there a way to run a command on shutdown?06:55
AWOSDevmoparisthebest, you sure do ask alot of hard questions :P06:55
AWOSDevhold on again :)06:56
unix_infidelmoparisthebest: explain the situation in more detail.06:56
moparisthebestunix_infidel, I simply need to run "/opt/lampp/lampp start" as root on every bootup06:56
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moparisthebestsorry about the hard questions AWOSDev :P, thanks for helpign though :)06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rc.local - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:57
unix_infidelmoparisthebest: rc.local is a sort of a starup script for lazy people.06:57
moparisthebestand if possible unix_infidel run "/opt/lampp/lampp stop" on every shutdown06:57
unix_infidelyou're better off adding it to the real init system.06:58
moparisthebesthow would I do that unix_infidel ?06:58
unix_infidelmoparisthebest: you know anything about sysvinit?06:58
moparisthebestno :/06:58
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unix_infidelhmm, to be honest, its a good idea to learn how ubuntu and linux in general starts and stops services.06:59
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AWOSDevOkay I'm back06:59
AWOSDevwith good news06:59
unix_infidelthat way if you're setting up a server, you know its starting up and shutting down properly.06:59
AWOSDevyou were right the first time moparisthebest06:59
unix_infidelthe poor man's solution is rc.local.06:59
ubuntui'm back now06:59
AWOSDevmake a .sh file in the init.d folder and make it executable06:59
AWOSDevthen make a .sh file in the rc0.d folder and make it executable for shutdown06:59
moparisthebestoh, ok, it is that simple then, great :)06:59
AWOSDevunix_infidel, I'm right aren't I?07:00
moparisthebestthere are a lot of files in there that are not .sh07:00
AWOSDevthat's my understanding of sysvinit07:00
moparisthebestthey have no extension, that is what I thought I had to do07:00
roadkillcould some one assist me in mounting my ntfs partition07:00
AWOSDevroadkill, mount -t ntfs /dev/hd<whatever> /wherever/you/want/to/mount07:00
unix_infidelmoparisthebest: follow that guide that claydoh posted.07:01
unix_infideland be SURE to do your own research before doing ANYTHING.07:01
AWOSDevroadkill, actually sorry, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hd<whatever> /wherever/you/want/to/mount07:01
moparisthebestyep, I don't know how I could have missed that part, I must have read it a thousand times :(07:01
moparisthebestthanks everybody :)07:01
AWOSDevnp moparisthebest :)07:02
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roadkillwhat dose -t do?07:09
AWOSDevWhat program are you using?07:10
AWOSDevoh mount07:10
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AWOSDevIt specifies the file system Type07:10
AWOSDev"T" for "Type"07:10
AWOSDevlike iso9660 for CDs, ntfs, vfat, etc...07:10
AWOSDevfor more info, type07:10
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AWOSDevman mount07:10
AWOSDevon your Konsole.07:10
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Lamingtonhas anyone used the gpg plugin for kopete ?07:32
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Healotnot me07:33
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AWOSDevGood, moparisthebest left.  It was so hard talking to him.  Mopar is definitely not the best :P07:34
LamingtonI'm told I should... nasty people might watch my inane conversations :P07:34
AWOSDevOh crap07:35
AWOSDevI said that on the regular channel07:35
=== AWOSDev hides
Lamingtonwell... I think I'll just RTFM a bit more... cyas07:36
AWOSDevbye Lamington!07:36
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tommghello, where i have to put my *.ko module to load it during the boot proccess?08:30
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ubuntu  hgghgghg09:15
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ubuntugood morning........jim09:19
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_rince_is it normal that thunderbird is missing the taskbar icon?09:20
_rince_it just displays an X instead of an evelope or something similar09:21
ubuntu zxxcvbnnm,l878'''''00e56hyygfbslo897'-[9uf09:21
ubuntudsv tdyhjhio;'kyuftrg5s09:23
ubuntusorru jlm09:24
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ubuntuneed coffee................09:26
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ubuntuneed coffee................I am Hal.......09:28
ubuntuyour computer.09:29
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draikAnyone here have/use Photogenics?09:29
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ubuntuwhat time is it........carla?09:31
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CaptainMorganwhere do I find the options for hotkeys?09:33
emonkeyCaptainMorgan, in the system settings09:33
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ubuntuuse help.....................cm09:33
CaptainMorganemonkey:  got that far on my own, where next?09:33
abattoirubuntu: could you stop that please?09:34
emonkeyCaptainMorgan, I don't know the name in english but its the icon with the flags09:34
abattoirCaptainMorgan: try Regional and Accessibility09:34
CaptainMorgangreat, thanks09:34
emonkeyyes this one09:34
ubuntu__hello.. please help.. how i can reinstall grub? i was reinstall WinXP and my MBR was rewriting.. so i can only load in winXP but not in kubuntu09:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:34
CaptainMorganodd tho.. why wouldn't it be found within keyboard :(09:35
abattoirubuntu__: ^^^^09:35
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ubuntusorry abattoir..........09:38
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llxcamxllYou will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.09:40
llxcamxllthere aren't any open?09:40
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slamiceDoes anyone know if any advanced multitrack sound freeware is available through kubuntu?09:46
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KCHello everyone?10:07
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QuirkyCarlawhy is everything in german_10:15
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thomasHow does this irc work10:19
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QuirkyCarlahow do i change the language on kubuntu10:21
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Dargoranyone know of any spider solitaire clones10:32
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abattoir!info kpat10:39
ubotukpat: KDE solitaire patience game. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 318 kB, installed size 792 kB10:39
abattoirhmm, he's left...10:40
=== Jucato has been inactive in #k today...
abattoir* he has left :P10:40
liviuxHi all. I've got a problem: I downloaded the w32codecs but can't read some video format. Maybe there are other package nedeed?10:42
Jucatoliviux: what kind of video format are you trying to play?10:42
liviuxsimply .avi10:42
QuirkyCarlacrap this is a frickin german keyboard10:42
Jucatoliviux: try installing "libxine-extracodecs" from the multiverse repository10:43
=== QuirkyCarla goes nuts
Jucato!multiverse > liviux10:43
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liviuxI will try thank you very much10:44
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emonkey!multiverse > emonkey11:08
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sakitelhi , i want to install cacti11:26
heXLerhi  I've a strange mount problem..  I've mounted a windows fat32 partition to use the Firefox profile in both OS..  since today ff crashes and I lose my write rights on this partition until I remount it :|11:27
sakitelbut i can't, i think i have a problem with the repositry11:27
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ubuntu_hello, can i ask a newbie info to someone?11:28
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sakitelhi , i want to install cacti11:28
sakitelbut i can't, i think i have a problem with the repositry11:28
zorglu_ubuntu_: just ask11:29
Jucatosakitel: what problem are you having?11:29
sakitelit said:   cacti: Depende: mysql-client11:30
heXLercan somebody help me plz ?11:30
ubuntu_when i try to install a package the system tells me i don't have c++ libraries and i'm sure i have them or i do not have them in the usual place, how can i configure?11:30
Jucatosakitel: do you have your "main" repoisitory enabled?11:31
sakiteli think so11:31
Jucatoubuntu_: are you trying to compile something?11:31
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ElectrolyteDoes Adept/atp have a setting to show an icon in the systray when updates are available?11:31
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JucatoElectrolyte: Adept has, it's called Adept Notifier11:32
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ElectrolyteAh ok, I had best start looking for it then.11:32
Jucatoit starts up automatically when you start KDE11:32
sakiteli was uncoment some lines, and I added some lines11:32
ElectrolyteI closed it and can't find it again :/11:32
JucatoElectrolyte: "adept_notifier"11:32
ElectrolyteAh, thanks.11:32
sakiteljucato: i was uncoment some lines, and I added some lines11:33
ElectrolyteThere we go, running.11:33
Jucatosakitel: what line did you uncomment and what did you add? you need to have something like this line enabled so that you could install mysql-client "deb http://xx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted"11:34
zorglu_q. is there a way to prevent firefox from 'beeping' when a search in the webpage is not found ?11:38
sakiteljucato: Could I send you the file "sources.list" to check that please?11:39
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Jucatosakitel: paste it in pastebin11:39
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:39
Jucatouse pastebin then once you hit send, give the URL11:40
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thomas_I have some questions about Konsole and why it will not work11:43
Jucatowhat doesn't work?11:43
thomas_I try and install tar.gz and it always says it can not find directory11:44
heXLerHi  my mounted partition isn't stable since this morning  can somebody help me ?11:44
Jucatothomas_: how are you trying to "install" it?11:45
thomas_First of all does this look right to you thomas@thomas-desktop:~$11:45
thomas_When I looked at a book on Ubuntu it only had the name once11:46
Jucatothat's the normal prompt11:47
sakiteljucato: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2496911:47
sakiteljucato: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2496911:47
Jucatothomas_: why are you logged in as root?11:48
zorglu_paste.ubuntu-nl.org takes a lot of time to connect from here, am i the only one ?11:48
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Jucatoit's very random zorglu_...11:48
thomas_that is what it says you are not lodded in as root to ibstall11:48
zorglu_Jucato: ok11:48
Jucatothomas_: you should not log in as root. Ubuntu uses sudo for that11:49
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:49
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:49
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Jucatothomas_: btw, what are you trying to install? have you checked if it's available in the repositories?11:49
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:49
HabaKKuk;] 11:49
thomas_I type in sudo11:50
Jucatosakitel: I'm confused, what are you running? Dapper or Breezy11:50
JucatoHabaKKuk: you only repeated what I did :P11:50
thomas_it as for the password11:50
thomas_I enter it11:50
HabaKKukJucato: i know11:50
HabaKKuk;] 11:50
sakiteljucato: I don't know what is Dapper, sorry i am new11:51
thomas_as soon as you try to install a tar it says you are not logged in as root to install this file11:51
Jucatosakitel: can you please type this in Konsole and give me the line with "Description:": lsb_release -a11:51
Jucatosakitel: Dapper is the code name for the current release of Kubuntu, Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long Term Support)11:52
Jucatothomas_: you use sudo like this: "sudo <sommand>"11:52
sakiteljucato: It said dapper11:52
Jucatosakitel: your sources.list is all wrong. it still says "breezy" (previous release)11:53
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Jucatothomas_: what are you trying to install? it might already be in the repositories.11:53
Jucatosakitel: where did you get that sources.list?11:53
sakitelthomas_:use the same pass for your sesion "thomas"11:53
sakitelin a tutorial11:54
sakiteljucato: in a tutorial11:54
Jucatosakitel: that tutorial is old.11:54
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sakiteljucato: http://www.guia-ubuntu.org/breezy/repositorios11:55
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Jucatosakitel: see the URL says "breezy" which is the previous release. it's old11:55
sakiteljucato: they said just copy this and in source.list11:55
Jucatoyes I know. but the repositories that it is using is for Breezy, not Dapper11:55
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sakiteljucato: so now i have to search another source.list11:57
Jucatoun momento, por favor (the only bit of Spanish I know...)11:57
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Jucatosakitel: http://www.guia-ubuntu.org/dapper/index.php/Portada11:58
JucatoI think it has the proper updated guides there11:59
Jucatohm.. sakitel11:59
Jucatoyou are using Kubuntu right?11:59
Jucatooh, the guide seems to be for Ubuntu12:00
Jucatoyou can get a new sources.list from this site. just follow carefully the instructions: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources12:00
Jucatoand do not include these two: "deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/ dapper free non-free" and "deb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/ dapper free non-free"12:01
Jucatosakitel: just make sure you add the ones with "dapper", not "breezy"12:01
sakiteljucato: thanks, i was thinking that i can use the same files for ububuntu12:02
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Jucatosakitel: you can use the same repositories from Ubuntu, but the guide shows apps from Ubuntu only12:03
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SAngeliHi, I am having troubles configuring my usb digital camera (digiKam). FujiFilm E550 usb. Anyone can please help?12:03
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sakiteljucato: thanks a lot12:04
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SAngeliHi, I am having troubles configuring my usb digital camera (digiKam). FujiFilm E550 usb. Anyone can please help?12:07
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Schalkenhow come when I select 'Start or install Kubuntu' it says 'I/O could not read CD [Reboot] '?12:10
Schalkeni checked the md512:11
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sakitelSAngeli: I have the same problem but my camera is a genius VideoCAM Eye12:12
sakitelSAngeli: the problem is the manufacturer doesn't make a driver for linux, i hate them12:12
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Schalkenand Ubuntu worked on the same CD-RW.12:13
tobiashi! A new problem turned up just this instant. No browser can open a website that contains a flash-object. I tested it thoroughly and also tried downgrading the non-free flashplugin as well as only trying to use the gpl-flash package. Former produces a non-responding browser, latter crashes the browser completely. As I'm a webdesigner, this is a major problem. Anyone got an idea what might fix this?12:13
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JucatoSchalken: possibly a bad burn? there's an option to check the install CD when you boot. give it a try12:14
Jucatotobias: can you give an example of a site with that flash-object?12:15
SchalkenJucato: yes when i select that i get the same error.12:15
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Raul12hi guys12:15
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tobiasJucato: Pick any... the problem occurs on every website that has a flash-object. I tested it on a website I manage as well as on Google-Video - Just to be sure it's not my flash-movie... This problem never occured before and the website worked just fine.12:16
Jucatotobias: Google Video works here...12:17
tobiasI now downloaded the Firefox flashblock-extension, which will - after 30 seconds of waiting - at least allow me to view the site without the flash-movie.12:18
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jelleso, Hi. Is there anyone who can tell me anything about the following 'translucency' bug: translucency works great for me in all windows accept in Konqueror. When I deselect the window, it becomes translucent but when I select it again it should come up with full opacity. The problem is, it doesn't. It keeps it's opacity12:18
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tobiasJucato: I don't know why this happens ... Adept tried to upgrade the Flash-Plugin several times in the last week, but the configuration-process in the terminal always failed. Then, one day, it just passed the config without any hassle. I thought the problem fixed itself.12:19
tobiasJucato: But now it seems it only got worse!12:20
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tobiasJucato: Odd problem, is it not? Maybe I'll just live another week without Flash & then hope that another package-upgrade will fix it... ;-)12:23
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Jucatohave you tried removing and reinstalling flahshplugin-nonfree (in the command line)12:24
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tobiasJucato: No, not in the command-line, but with Synaptic (I like Synaptic better than Adept..) I did this like three times already ... and once I deleted the flash-non-free package in Synaptic and let Firefox itself download & install the 'missing plugin to display the contents of this website'... all with the same results.12:28
zorglu_to follow jugato suggestion seems a good idea from here :)12:28
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:31
zorglu_hmm the ubotu suggestion are too broad12:31
zorglu_people no more read them as they dont find what they want quicly enougth12:31
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zorglu_the relation between flash and mp3 issue and their solution is non obvious, but still uboto provide the same links12:32
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zorglu_tobias: there is a page somewhere about installing flash in command line12:33
zorglu_somwhere in the ubuntu wiki12:33
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tobiaszorglu_: What is the difference between the messages in the terminal-window of e.g. Synaptic and a real console? Will I get useful information I won't see otherwise?12:36
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MDCorethis link might help too: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/12:38
MDCore(re the flash thing )12:38
zorglu_as an example adept as issue to install some stuff because the installer requires some human interaction and adept doesnt handle it12:39
zorglu_i dunno about synaptic12:39
roconnorCan I configure KDE to not have application steal keyboard focus when I'm busy typing in a windo?12:40
zorglu_dunno, but it is clearly something usefull12:41
zorglu_it happen to me a lot too12:41
roconnorgnome has _NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION12:41
zorglu_may ask on #kde12:41
Jucatoroconnor: try pressing Alt+F3 Advanced > Special Window Settings > Workarounds tab12:41
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JucatoI'm not sure if that's what you're looking for, though...12:42
roconnorJucato: interesting12:42
zorglu_isnt kde nice :)12:42
roconnorJucato: how long lived are those settings12:42
zorglu_all options are there available, up to you to find the one you want :)12:43
roconnorjust for the session, or whenever I use that application?12:43
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Jucatoas long as you don't change/remove them12:43
zorglu_it is per window, according to a popup i got12:43
roconnorJucato: I'll try out this focus stealing prevension12:43
Jucatoand you can view all the exsistng window/application "rules" in System Settings > Desktop > Window-Specific Settings12:44
roconnorAh, there is a setting for focus stealing prevention there12:45
roconnorI changed it from Low to High12:46
roconnorMaybe it will help12:46
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digitolianhelp needed12:51
digitolianwhere to fine nvidia kernel source12:51
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martin_digitolian: What are you going to try?12:53
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digitolianwould like to install the nvidia kernel source so I can get the driver working12:53
martin_You mean the free driver or the non-free nvidia one?12:54
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:54
digitolianI dont need a how to I need the source12:55
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zorglu_so get them :)12:56
martin_http://www.nvidia.com/page/partner_certified_drivers.html ?12:56
martin_I'm not sure what you really want.12:56
zorglu_he want the soruce of the nvidia driver12:56
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zorglu_unclear as of why nor which driver he is talking about tho12:57
digitolianmartin can you read12:57
zorglu_and he is not very polite :)12:57
martin_nope, I'm just guessing what you might want ;-)12:57
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digitolianthis is a fact12:57
Jucatodigitolian: can you post the link where you are getting the instructions for installing nvidia drivers?12:57
digitolianok look the nvidia driver needs 5 bineries to install12:58
Jucato5 binaries?12:58
martin_Are you sure you can read? :-P12:58
zorglu_hehe :)12:59
martin_The binaries at the website are for different architectures.12:59
liviuxDo sombody use ktranslator or however another program which need dictionary?12:59
martin_So pick the right one.12:59
Jucatohm.. you need nvidia-glx-dev?12:59
digitolianin adapt that what they look like12:59
Jucatodigitolian: just nvidia-glx12:59
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digitolianthe 5th one isn't needed i just have it installd it's nvclock-glx01:00
Jucatothen install the linux-restricted-modules that matches your linux-image-xxxx version01:00
digitolianso i am running 15-27 38601:00
digitolianok i'll try that but I am sure it didn't work before01:00
=== zorglu_ admires Jucato for his tolerance on though clients
Jucatothen get the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-38601:01
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Jucatoheh :)01:01
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martin_digitolian: What precisely didn't work before there?01:01
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digitolian linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-386 not in my repositorys01:02
digitolian linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-38601:02
digitolianand that one is already installed01:02
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Jucatodigitolian: you need to enable dapper-security "restricted" to get that01:02
digitolianI have installed the 27 kernel thos01:03
martin_Uhm, right, I can't find it here either :-(01:03
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digitoliancould you give me the Repository I dont seem to have it01:03
digitoliandeb and debsrc01:04
Jucatodigitolian: add "restricted" to the "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main" line if it isn't there01:04
digitolianin adapt type nvidia01:04
digitolianyou will see what I am talking about if you have an nvidia kard you should have the 2 glx and the 2 kernel modules installed01:05
JucatoI already said that you only need to mark nvidia-glx01:05
digitolianI have another box with a nvidia card and it works supper fine there01:05
Jucatoif the other nvidia packages are needed, they will be marked automatically01:05
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digitolianI thought so but it seems that nvidia-kernel-source is in a diffrent repository01:06
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llxcamxlldoes cedega work on kubuntu??01:06
Jucatoin the meantime, have you already installed the proper linux-restricted-modules?01:06
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digitolianyes cedega will work if you get your device's like screen card and sound installed proply01:07
Linux_Galorellxcamxll: Linux is Linux, cedega is will work fine01:07
digitolianthere is a diffrence between work and run01:08
Linux_GaloreI wouldn't pay for cedega though, they dont submit anything back to the wine project01:08
=== Jucato sighs
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Linux_GaloreI "will" page for codeweavers though they "do" submit code back to wine01:09
JucatoI hope that next time, people will be more specific and say "help demanded" instead of "help needed"...01:09
Linux_GaloreJucato: yeah, tell them the "demand" rate is $80 an hour01:10
Linux_GaloreIm surprised no one has setup a paypal "help on demand" rig01:10
Jucatoprobably because the IRC falls under the "free" support options...01:11
Linux_Galoreuse the money to help some of our projects along01:11
martin_Any sane-specialists here? A formerly running scanner refuses to work with my new computer properly.01:11
Linux_Galorewell if the money goes back into FOSS software as a donation Im fine with that01:11
=== Jucato doesn't think he's sane at all...
Linux_Galoremartin_: did you check the logs01:12
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martin_The problem is that it is recognized but when it should start to scan it switches off the lamp, runs over the whole scan-area and still tries to continue ;-)01:12
martin_It's a parport-scanner, running with the plustek_pp-backend.01:13
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martin_the logs don't say too much at all :-(01:14
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Linux_Galoremartin_: whats the brand/model01:15
martin_Plustek OpticPro 600P01:16
martin_And that's what it is recognized as.01:16
martin_On my former computer it ran smoothly without any problems.01:16
martin_Parport bios-settings are epp 1.901:17
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Linux_Galoremartin_: hmm wonder if you kernel has the pt_drv  driver01:18
martin_Doesn't need at all, but nevertheless I've tried with this one. When I load the module it recognizes the scanner but gives some bad output in dmesg01:18
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martin_The output in dmesg says in short that there was a little kernel-oops and I should rather restart my computer.01:20
martin_But anyhow, it worked with my former computer over the parport with direct access.01:20
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sakiteljucato: are u there?01:21
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sakitelanybody who use the openofice in spanish????01:22
Linux_Galoremartin_: found a howto on configuring the plustec back end that sane uses -> http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man5/sane-plustek_pp.5.html01:23
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sakitelanybody who use the openofice in spanish????01:23
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:24
zorglu_sakitel: no need for multiple ? too :)01:24
martin_Linux_Galore: Thx, that's the manpage that I've read several times already :)01:24
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sakitelzorglu_: do you use the openoffice in spanish01:25
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sakitelor another language01:25
j2daoshwhats up?01:25
j2daoshanyone in here use NX?01:25
asranielhi, i need urgent help. When i try to install a printer on the laptop of my girlfriend and i try to chose a driver, i always get a error that this driver does not exist or that i dont have the rights. but i started kcontrol as root.. can anybody help me?01:25
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zorglu_sakitel: nope i dont use openoffice01:27
j2daoshasraniel: are you trying to install to network printer? or local?01:27
Linux_Galoremartin_: found a page with what the defaults should be -> http://www.atlas.uni-wuppertal.de/~sandvoss/linux/root/scanner.txt01:27
Linux_Galoremartin_: and its for you model scanner01:28
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sakitelmy problem is i can't use the spellcheck in my language01:28
martin_Linux_Galore: I'll try it, thx!01:28
sakitelmy problem is i can't use the spellcheck in my language(spanish)01:29
Linux_Galoremartin_: basically it shows whats needed and in set conf files what should be there01:29
sakitelmy problem is i can't use the spellcheck from openoffice in my language(spanish)01:30
Linux_Galoresakitel: you can add dictionaries01:30
martin_Most of it already exists, some single lines are different. But what makes me wonder is that the lamp switches off before scanning. Quite unusual for a scanner...01:30
Linux_Galoresakitel: if they have a dictionary for Australia trust me there is one for spannish01:30
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sakitelLinux_Galore: how can i do that?01:31
sakitelLinux_Galore: how i can  do that?01:31
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j2daoshanyone have the freedict language packs?01:32
Linux_Galoresakitel: hold on a sec let me power up my kubuntu machine01:32
martin_Linux_Galore: there was it again. Waited its 30s for preheating the lamp, lamp went in position, switched off, ran over the whole scan area and "crashed" at the case of the scanner :-(01:33
sakitelLinux_Galore: thanks01:33
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Linux_Galoresakitel: there is an openoffice dictionary file you can add with adept01:35
Linux_Galorethat supports spannish01:35
elias_do you know a great simple wiki for documentation purpose?01:37
elias_do you know anything my grandmother could handle?01:37
elias_something that guids the users while editing01:38
Linux_Galoreelias_: hmm kwiki01:39
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zorglu_elias_: i use media wiki for this exact purpose01:39
j2daoshok... i need to learn another language... does linux have software for that?01:39
zorglu_not my grandmother, but documentation :)01:39
Linux_Galorej2daosh: yep01:39
zorglu_j2daosh: yes. look at kde-edu or eduubuntu01:39
j2daoshi have that running... what is the program?01:40
zorglu_dunno :) but there are some01:40
zorglu_sure they will be advertized in kde edu or edu ubuntu01:40
elias_I am looking for something especially for documenting my network. So I was thinking about something that helps me to keep data to all my machines/IPs and allows me to automatically create lists from all IPs/machines. Is there a way to define templates that help me with that in either of the above?01:41
zorglu_elias_: this is very specific :)01:41
zorglu_elias_: look at all the network admin stuff01:41
elias_where to find the network admin stuff?01:41
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zorglu_googling for you, 1min01:42
sakitelLinux_Galore: ?...where did u say?01:42
martin_Hm... none of my tries about my parport-scanner worked out, so I'll plug in my former computer again to test/copie configs, maybe it works... thx anyway.01:42
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j2daoshwhat are you needing elias_?01:42
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zorglu_elias_: didnt find anything usefull sorry01:43
smjorHello. I have a question regarding the adept-notifier icon. Is it supposed to stay in the systray, or disappear?01:43
j2daoshwhat is he/she needing?01:43
j2daoshsmjor: depends... have you updated everything?01:44
j2daoshif you have and you dont want it... right click, exit and when it pops up asking about running at startup say no01:44
j2daoshalso, by default, anything you leave open when you shutdown will come up on the next startup01:44
smjorYes, system up do date. When I log in, green icon appears and disappears after a few seconds. But sometimes it stays in the tray01:45
j2daoshso if you left it up and then did a shutdown it will come up the next time your computer loads01:45
smjorNot the case with this icon01:45
smjorI have described the problem in detail here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26627501:45
j2daoshyou should be able to right click it when in the systray and close, then say no to startup... thats what i did for mine anyway01:46
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smjorIf anyone can take a look, i'd appreciate it01:46
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smjorBut I want the icon there. If its supposed to be there...01:46
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j2daoshit just depends on you.... think of it like the systray on windows.... whatever you have starting will be there at startup... if you dont want it... take it out... if you do... leave it there01:47
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Linux_Galoresmjor: thats normal01:48
smjorNo, thats the problem! The icons behaviour is NOT consistant.01:49
smjorLinux_Galore, do you have the same problem?01:49
j2daoshsmjor... there have been quite a bit of updates recently.... its most likely your seeing it pop up and stay when it finds something it needs to update01:49
j2daoshother times it comes up, scans, sees nothing to update and goes away01:50
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smjorBut then, why doesn't it go away sometimes?01:51
j2daoshbecause there is nothing on your system to update01:51
Linux_Galoresmjor: the green icon just means it making a connection, of the time varies that might be a network issue01:51
j2daoshis he talking about the icon in systray or the green light at the top left?01:51
j2daoshgimme a sec ill go read it01:52
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j2daoshLinux_Galore: is correct about the green icon (not in the systray). its just showing the connection01:54
reisihi everyone! how do i check from www for example, which version is the *ubuntu nvidia driver...?01:54
Linux_Galorej2daosh: just saying the icon doesn't always appear for the same periods, on my normal DSL setup and at work the icons pope up very fast and disappears, but on dial up its there for a while01:54
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j2daoshthe systray icon on the other hand... that could be several things01:55
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j2daosh1- you didn't close that from last time you logged out01:55
j2daosh2- it was set to startup at computer start01:55
j2daosh3-it saw updates and needed your attention01:55
j2daosh4-you manually ran the program01:55
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=== j2daosh those are about all i can think of....
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b0kononHi, i accidentally installed kubuntu over the windows partition, i am reinstalling windows. i know that its quite difficult to get the boot screen back01:56
b0kononwanted to ask though, whether its possible-01:56
Linux_Galorej2daosh: thats the cli command to start google earth01:56
j2daoshyes it is possible01:57
b0kononusing the grub shell-01:57
=== j2daosh shrugs
j2daoshnever used google earth01:57
b0kononj2daosh- so all i need to do is grub install (hd0) ?01:57
j2daoshin essence.... yes01:57
j2daoshmuch easier said then done01:58
j2daoshwhen it happened to me it kept taking grub errors at stage 201:58
j2daoshmaybe you will have better luck01:58
MDCorehow do I get my skype contacts into kopete? I've installed the relevant plugins (I think) but I don't see an option to add an account or anything about skype in the plugins.01:59
b0kononor someth like that- havent used the grub shell since gentoo- yeah, i remember, ubuntu is much difficult to configure from the command line- especially compared to gentoo.01:59
j2daoshbrb need to log out and log back in with irssi01:59
b0kononanywhos, will look up some docs. thanks.01:59
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j2daoshyou should be able to use the ubuntu disk01:59
j2daoshpop it in under live mode, bring up a shell, mount the harddrive, then run the grub installer02:00
j2daosh*should* being the key word, i would double check but that is most likely the easiest way to do it02:00
smjorOK, thanks guys. So its normal for the green circle icon to appear/disappear depending on the time it takes to check for updates etc?02:01
b0kononok, lets see whether the easiest way turn out to be that easy- most of the times I've seen myself getting into more trouble trying to take the shortcut :P02:01
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smjorOK, i'm sorry if i'm nagging about this, but afaik, adept-notifier is started via shortcut in /usr/share/autostart. So i its just checking for updates, it should _always_ go away (give or take a few seconds) if none are available?02:06
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kubuntuI need to write a script (sed, perl?) to parse a text file containing things like "onetag{filename};anothertag{filename};..." and extract a list of filenames that are declared using "onetag", for example. Someone can help me??02:11
SeanTaterkubuntu: it sounds likte you want the script to say almost the same thing as what it is given..02:13
SeanTaterkubuntu: It sounds like something perl would be good at --02:14
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stu_I'm failing to see any obvious advantages of using a linux desktop - am I missing something obvious other than its free ?02:21
zorglu_obviously depends of what you need/want :)02:21
abattoirstu_: depends on what you're looking for ;)02:21
zorglu_me first :)02:21
abattoirzorglu_: hah, you beat me to it :P02:21
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abattoiragain :P02:22
zorglu_again ? :)02:22
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abattoirno, when you said 'me first..'02:22
zorglu_aha ok :)02:22
zorglu_double race :)02:22
MDCorestu_: it does depend a lot on what you are using it for. I find, though, that the software is much better integrated than on, say, windows.02:22
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zorglu_well linux is free of charge, have more software, and run faster, but support less hardware02:23
stu_MDCore: could you give me an example ?02:23
stu_I find it runs slower tbh02:23
stu_however I will say memory management is obviously better02:24
MDCorestu_: well, for example, I like using the K-apps where I can. The benefit there is that the look and feel is largely the same across apps. A nice thing for me: I _love_ keyboard shortcuts.. and in KDE you can set keyboard shortcuts for all your apps in one place (the control panel)02:24
zorglu_stu_: one other point, is that ubuntu, and linux in general, wants its users to be happy, if you are not happy with linux, there is no reason to use it :)02:24
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stu_I'm happy with it, but only because I think its amazing what they have done02:25
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MDCorestu_: also, I find that I can fire up my package manager, and find software that does what I need to do. the package manager takes care of installing it, setting it up etc. And it will just as easily remove it.02:25
stu_its incredible how far the gui has come and how easy it is to use02:25
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stu_my main problem at the moment is I cant get it to look the way I want it to... perhaps you guys can help - firstly, can I have my task bar two rows of application high - like in windows as I always have so much stuff open02:26
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abattoirstu_: sure rt. click on it->Configure Panel02:27
abattoirstu_: then you can choose the size there02:27
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stu_right, that kind of worked but now its made the icons for the k-menu etc so large they are taking up half the width02:28
zorglu_hmm i think you may look at the docking apps if you have no many apps runnin02:28
zorglu_what is it ?02:28
zorglu_kdock ? and the other in 3d ?02:29
Jucatostu_: try a Custom size of 4802:29
abattoirzorglu_: kxdocker ?02:29
zorglu_abattoir: thanks02:29
MDCorestu_: also, use multiple desktops!02:29
zorglu_and have the window in the taskbar from only the current desktop02:29
MDCoreditto :)02:30
stu_yeah multiple desktops are ok, except the icons for the desktop are also friggin huge02:30
abattoirstu_: you mean on the desktop or in the panel?02:30
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zorglu_i have 6 desktop and rarely got more than 2-3 windows per desktop02:30
Jucatostu_: have you tried what I recommended?02:30
stu_this size of 48 is cool cos now I get two rows of open applications02:30
stu_but still the icons are to large02:30
MDCorestu_: the kmenu icons ?02:31
zorglu_stu_: what i ask what are those applications that you run ? i mean why do you have so many02:31
stu_aye, and the desktop selection ones02:31
Jucatostu_: the size of the icons (K Menu, etc) depend on the size of the panel. so you either have smaller icons or 2 rows of system tray icons.02:31
JucatoI don't think you can have both without some editing02:31
stu_web browser, konsole, remote dekstop, email client, another konsole02:31
MDCorestu_: Add the quick launcher applet.02:31
stu_file browser02:31
MDCoreit is a lot like windows' Quick Launch bar. Small icons02:32
zorglu_stu_: hue, i run all that simulatenaously without any crowded taskbar02:32
MDCoreI just added it now and I have two rows of small icons (not huge like the kmenu)02:32
MDCoremaybe just leave the kmenu button as a big "Start Button"02:32
stu_max res on this laptop is 1024 tho :/02:32
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Jucatosame as mine :)02:32
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JucatoI auto hide my panels :P02:33
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zorglu_stu_: same here, i think it is just a matter of configuration, you dont seems to have an unuusal number of apps running02:33
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stu_what about the size of the icons in what windows call the system tray ?02:33
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zorglu_same name in linux02:33
Jucatostu_: that's also set to a specific size02:33
zorglu_yeah what about them02:33
MDCoreah.. tricky.. on KDE that's called.. the system tray :D02:33
pascal_when I run glxinfo I get the following error: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".02:34
pascal_what can I do?02:34
Jucatoon GNOME, it's called the notification tray actually02:34
pascal_I just installed the fglrx driver02:34
stu_yeh in gnome I didnt have this problem02:34
MDCorestrange.. I've got pretty small icons in my system tray.02:34
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stu_they are what you could small, but they could be smaller02:35
Jucatostu_: icons in the system tray don't change size, no matter the size of the panel02:35
zorglu_stu_: play with the configuration, you will reach what you need02:36
MDCoreI agree with zorg... it took me a while, but eventually I got it looking right. just play with the settings02:36
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zorglu_took me a week between install and having a nice desktop as i like it02:37
stu_you how when you hover over something you get that popup description, can I make that text only ?02:37
stu_yeah its slowly getting better02:37
MDCorein the panels option in control pannel02:37
MDCoreuntick Enable icon mouseover effects02:37
MDCorebut leave "show tooltips" ticked02:37
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stu_now only the system tray gives me a description02:38
stu_anyone got an IBM thinkpad here?02:39
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stu_you get the buttons working? volume etc?02:40
stu_tells me to insmod nvram02:40
stu_but I aint got that module02:40
stu_ah, heres a question I've been meaning to ask - is there a show desktop button ??02:41
lupine_85ah, ok02:41
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lupine_85stu_: thre's a show desktop plugin you can bind to a keypress02:41
lupine_85erm, oops02:42
lupine_85ignore me02:42
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zorglu_yep it is an applet02:43
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zeeoHi i'm trying to get my wireless to work02:44
zeeonot having a lot of luck02:44
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zeeowhen i try to enable the card it just disables02:44
zeeoi installed the windows drivers02:44
stu_using ndiswrapper ?02:44
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stu_and modprobe ndiswrapper gives you what you would expect?02:45
zeeono error02:45
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stu_ages since I used ndiswrapper02:45
stu_iwlist scanning give you anything02:46
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DaNET5229Hi all02:46
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stu_or is iwlist for madwifi ?02:46
zeeoapt-get install wpasupplicant02:46
zeeoeth1      Interface doesn't support scanning : No such device02:47
skylveI've one probs :( I can't load kubuntu ... I can acces to it with Putty but it block on load screen ...02:47
zeeolike i say02:47
zeeoi can't enable it02:47
zorglu_skylve: what is the last line it display ?02:47
zorglu_the stuff below the 'kubuntu + progress bar"02:48
zeeohow can i get more debuging info02:48
zeeoon the card02:48
zeeotry to find out whare it is failing02:48
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zeeoroot@zeeo-laptop:~# ndiswrapper -l02:51
zeeoInstalled ndis drivers:02:51
zeeolsbcmnds                driver present, hardware present02:51
skylveZorglu_ : It load all things ... But after there is a screen with just Kubuntu+progress bar02:51
stu_ive installed kxdocker but failing to figure what its supposed to do02:52
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stu_ive got an icon in my system tray... thats about it02:52
skylveZorglu are u here ?02:53
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stu_ah it was hiding under the task bar thing02:56
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omarhello, there are some web pages in flash that I cannot see. However others open easyly, what can I do03:06
omarI have firefox03:07
CVirusmaybe they are flash 8 websites ?03:07
omarCVirus: what can I do03:08
CVirusomar: wait for the release of a flash 8 version for linux03:08
omarCVirus: but I used to use those pages with linux03:08
CVirusomar: no idea then03:09
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omarCVirus: can you try the pages in your machine http://www.latinka.com/ and www.bws.com.pe03:10
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CVirusomar: works with the second website03:11
omarCVirus: but I need the small part in flash03:12
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manneHi, somebody here, who can help me with cdbs problems under (k)ubuntu03:18
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SuperSubdoes anyone know if you can map outlook pst files in evolution mail?03:21
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Film905SuperSub, I dont think you can. See if this helps: http://www.snapfiles.com/get/outport.html03:25
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llxcamxlldoes anyone lnow how to get nexiuz to work on kubuntu???03:27
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LjLllxcamxll: it works without doing anything special here03:29
llxcamxllyeah but i'm heaps newb03:29
llxcamxllits no double click is it?03:30
LjLllxcamxll: oh, i don't know, i just type "nexuiz" in the shell03:30
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neutroni got some problems, my keboard stoped working when i startedmy computer today, tried recovery mode, but when i tried to type the root password,every time i pressed a key it gave me a error, and sugested me to "setkey x" or something simmilar, is there any way of fixing this?03:43
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Dr_willisHmm.. Every time I go to 'configure' a launcher button on the panel for a program.. the icon gets reset.03:56
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Dr_willisOr is it.. lets see..03:56
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racookierhi, kubuntu cant resolve hostnames (i.e. security.kubuntu.com) to update or upgrade packages, but i can surf the web with konqueror ??????? some one have any idea?03:57
Dr_willisservers may be down/overloaded.03:58
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Dr_willisping security.kubuntu.com03:58
Dr_willisping: unknown host security.kubuntu.com03:58
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Dr_willisping security.ubuntu.com03:58
Dr_willisPING security.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.03:58
Dr_willisLooks like there is no security.Kubuntu.com03:58
lupine_85sounds right to me03:59
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Dr_willisMoo! :P04:00
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racookierin the proccess control the networking (basic tcp/ip networking) appears as not running04:01
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fs-acan the K bar get a normal directory so its files are clickable and its dirs submenus?04:01
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Dr_willisfs-a,  i seem to recall some sort of quickbrowser add on for it .04:06
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Dr_willis'quick file browser' applet - addit to the panel04:07
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bob_hello, does anyone know an approriate chanell to ask questions about imagick x86 compile problems?04:09
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Dr_willisYou sure its an Imagemagik problem?04:11
Dr_willischeck their web site - they may have an irc channel on this or some other server04:11
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Dr_willisor at least a web forums04:11
ubotuimagemagick: Image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 6: (dapper), package size 1576 kB, installed size 4068 kB04:12
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HawkwindThey don't have an IRC channel on freenode unfortunately04:12
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bobbin #konqueror04:15
omarguys, I can't open some pages with flash, that's weird 'cos I opened them some days ago, I uninstall and reinstall flashplugin-nonfree, but I still can't open 'em, what can I do, should I install easyubuntu or automatix, some people here tell me not to do that04:15
bob_thanks for the tip04:15
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racookierok  look this:  ping archive.ubuntu.com  (unknown host archive.ubuntu.com)04:17
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thoreauputicracookier: you have a dns problem04:18
racookierok  look this:  ping archive.ubuntu.com  (unknown host archive.ubuntu.com) but if i enter archive.ubuntu.com in konqueror i can surf the server, but apt cant find it04:18
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racookierin the proccess control the networking (basic tcp/ip networking) appears as not running (this is normal??) i have lan connection with other computers anyway04:19
thoreauputicracookier: do you have a proxy set?04:19
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thoreauputicto restart networking,  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:19
=== racookier slaps Dr_willis around a bit with a large trout
omarguys, I can't open some pages with flash, that's weird 'cos I opened them some days ago, I uninstall and reinstall flashplugin-nonfree, but I still can't open 'em, what can I do, should I install easyubuntu or automatix, some people here tell me not to do that04:20
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thoreauputicomar: don't use easyubuntu or automatix04:20
omarthoreauputic: I don't wanna really04:20
thoreauputicomar: do you have the most recent update of flashplugin-nonfree ?04:21
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racookierno problem anyway i restart networking, they appear as not running but i have lan connection ok (in fact i'm here trough proxy)04:21
omarthoreauputic: think so, I did apt-get update flashplugin-nonfree already04:21
racookierbut apt cant resolve host names to update the system04:21
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racookierping cant resolve host names04:22
thoreauputicracookier: check what you have in /etc/resolv.conf04:22
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thoreauputicsounds like a DNS issue, or you can't reach a gateway running a nameserver etc04:23
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thoreauputicalso a proxy will confuse apt04:23
Film905thoreauputic, you took the words right out of my mouth....er off my keyboard04:23
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omarthoreauputic: yes it's updated04:25
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thoreauputicomar: what does "locate flashplayer.xpt"  without  quotes return?04:27
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thoreauputicomar: and/or  locate libflashplayer.so04:28
zeeowho can help me with my wireless under kubuntu04:28
omarthoreauputic: /home/omar/.mozilla/plugins/flashplayer.xpt04:28
thoreauputicomar: and the other one?04:28
zeeoi keep geting eth1      No scan results04:28
omarthoreauputic: /home/omar/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so04:28
thoreauputicomar: OK - did you install falsh from their website ?04:29
thoreauputicomar: because those are user specific - so I doubt that flashplayer-nonfree is inatalled04:29
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thoreauputicomar: dpkg -l flashplayer-nonfree | grep ^ii    < -- any output?04:30
omarthoreauputic: I used apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:30
thoreauputicbah s/flashplugin-nonfree , sorry04:31
thoreauputicomar: does  dpkg -l flashplugin-nonfree  produce output?04:31
omarthoreauputic: what do you mean04:31
thoreauputicomar: ^^^04:31
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omarthoreauputic: that's a lot04:32
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omarthoreauputic: you want me to write it down04:32
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thoreauputicomar: a package doesn't put plugins in your home dir - it puts them in the system hierarchy04:32
racokkier2ok, my resolv.conf has nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx04:32
thoreauputicomar: no, don't paste it04:32
racokkier2anyway apt cant contact with servers04:32
grotheskIs compiz/XGL broken at the moment? I can't install it according to the wikis. :-(04:32
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omarthoreauputic: that I got: Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold04:33
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thoreauputicomar:  what does    dpkg -l flashplugin-nonfree | grep ^ii   say ?04:33
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omarthoreauputic: dpkg -l flashplugin-nonfree | grep ^ii04:34
racokkier2and ping  (network is ureachable)04:34
omarthoreauputic: ii  flashplugin-nonfree 7.0.68~ubuntu2~dapper1 Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer04:34
thoreauputicOK it's installed then04:34
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thoreauputicomar: try removing the plugins from ~/.mozilla/plugins ( or just move them)04:35
thoreauputicracokkier2: can you ping your router/ gateway ?04:36
omarthoreauputic: removed04:36
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zeeoracokkier2 do a trace route04:36
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thoreauputicomar: restart your browser and try  badgerbadgerbadger.com  :)04:37
omarthoreauputic: it works nicely04:38
thoreauputicomar: OK problem solved then :)04:38
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omarthoreauputic: nop.04:38
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thoreauputicomar: ?04:38
omarthoreauputic: my pages like www.bws.com.pe04:38
omarthoreauputic: and www.latinka.com do not work still04:38
thoreauputicomar: are you sure these pages do not require flash 8?04:39
omarthoreauputic: I am not sure of anything lately my friend04:39
rawrnessI don't like the menu bar thingy size how can i change it?04:39
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rawrnessit just takes up to much space04:40
Jucatolatinka.com doesn't work on Konqueror either. but it says it's just using Flash 704:40
=== Jucato checks on Firefox
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omarjucato; I am using firefox04:40
LjLrawrness: system settings, panel04:40
Dr_willishttp://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama.php         My fave04:40
rawrnessdo other sites work on firefox?04:40
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Jucatolol! Dr_willis have you seen the badgers.php?04:41
omarrawrness: yes04:41
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Dr_willisthers a badger wallpaper somewhere thats sort of a DaVinci-Badger04:41
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Film905Omar: those sites may need a higher version of flash. They work fine for me, but I have my system edited to look like I have flash 904:41
Jucatoomar: latinka.com works on my Firefox (but not on Konqi)04:41
ubuntu_newbiehas any tried to install sun studio creator?04:42
=== thoreauputic 's firefox has suddenly decided not to open links from xchat
omarrawrness: how can I have my system like yours04:42
rawrnesswhat you mean like mine?04:42
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omarFilm905: sorry , how can I do the same04:42
Jucatoomar: bws.com.pe works04:43
thoreauputiclatinka.com works in firefox here04:43
omarrawrness: I got confused sorry, with Film90504:43
ubuntu_newbiemoreover, when i try to install i get "The following RPM packages need to be installed: compat-libstdc++, compat-libstdc++-devel"04:43
omarjucato: yes those used to work04:43
rawrnessunderstandable ithink....04:43
Jucatoomar: do other Flash sites work?04:43
thoreauputicmeh, the mere idea of having a *whole* site running on flash is obscene....04:44
Film905omar: instructions at http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/08/14/flash-9-for-xubuntu/04:44
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ubuntu_newbieWhat do ineed to install to get compat-libstdc++, compat-libstdc++-devel|?04:45
Film905the tweak has worked well for me for about a month. But, as always, use at your own risk04:45
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omarjucato: yes always04:46
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racokkier2yes i can ping my gateaway04:47
racokkier2yes i can ping my gateaway04:47
ubuntu_newbiecan u help me a bit. have you ever installed sun studio creator?04:47
Jucatoubuntu_newbie: who? me? nope... sorry04:47
ubuntu_newbieaight, What do ineed to install to get compat-libstdc++, compat-libstdc++-devel|?04:48
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Jucatohm... we don't seem to have those in our repos. we only have libstdc++, no "compat-" stuff04:49
rawrnessahh hide menu is the koolest thing ever04:49
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rawrnessno stupid bar in my way04:49
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Jucatorawrness: what menu?04:49
JucatoI mean, what bar?04:49
omarFilm905: did it , but nothig04:49
rawrnessthe one with the kmenu04:50
Jucatoaaah :)04:50
rawrnessi hate cludder04:50
rawrnessbut love shortcuts04:50
neuronmy keyboard doesnt work anymore when i try to run ubuntu in normal mode, but it does in recovery mode, i can even startx and it works, i just saw something in my Xlog04:50
neuron"(WW) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap"04:51
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omarFilm905: do u think is a good idea to remove firefox and get it back04:52
racokkier2yes i can ping my gateaway but nothing more that local addresses04:52
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rawrnesswhat was the keyboard shortcut for resoultion04:52
Dr_willisrawrness,  you mean alt-ctrl-NUMPAD + and - ?04:53
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racokkier2ping www.ubuntu.com (unknown host)04:53
thoreauputicracokkier2: and you are sure your nameservers are correct? Can you ping  ?04:53
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rawrnessah i iknow why icoun't get it to work right04:54
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rawrnessstupid 10 $ wireless keyboard04:54
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rawrnessil just change the res. thingy in the file04:54
rawrnessand hope i don't screw it up this time04:55
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racokkier2in other computers i can ping but here no04:56
rawrnessbtw how can i make a program start on startup04:56
thoreauputicracokkier2: other computers on the same network? Same subnet?04:57
Jucatorawrness: create a link in ~/.kde/Autostart04:57
Dr_willisrawrness,  depends on what you are wanting to start also...04:57
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xwolf-how can i open gnome sessions with the same installation i am using now?04:58
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Dr_willisxwolf-,  huh?04:58
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steveireHey, A few days ago a compiz icon appeared in the bottom right of my screen which was handy for turning it on/off, now it's disappeared again. Any idea what gives?04:59
thoreauputicxwolf-: umm - install ubuntu-desktop04:59
racokkier2yes same subnet04:59
xwolf-thoreauputic just that?04:59
steveireAlso, since installing acroread, that has become the default application for pdfs. How do I change that back to kpdf?04:59
thoreauputicracokkier2: well, I'm puzzled - did you try pinging other iPs like (google)04:59
thoreauputicxwolf-: yes - it will install gnome, and you can choose it on login, or choose KDE etc05:00
Jucatosteveire: in Konqueror > Settings menu > Configure Konqueror > File Associations05:00
xwolf-thoreauputic great, ok.05:00
xwolf-thank you05:00
thoreauputicxwolf-: no problem :)05:00
Jucatoxwolf-: I'd suggest using "sudo aptitude update" then "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" to do that05:00
xwolf-how about using adept for that, Jucato?05:01
Jucatoif you have plans of removing GNOME in the future05:01
Jucatoxwolf-: hm.. Adept...05:01
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Jucatoxwolf-: aptitude has this nice feature that it will remove whatever was installed with a package, IF you installed it with aptitude05:01
steveireJucato: done on the second point, cheers. Any idea on the first point?05:01
xwolf-i'm not gonna do it right away, just considering the facts on using different window managers05:02
Jucatosteveire: no idea, sorry05:02
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Jucatoxwolf-: ok. just thought you'd like to consider that :)05:02
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racokkier2any idea about ???05:04
xwolf-already done that, thank you05:04
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rawrnesspeoples perfereces:  high res or low res?05:06
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racokkier2or one command to configure net05:07
racokkier2net-config or something05:07
rawrnessWeirdness konquoror just opened 18 windows05:08
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thoreauputicracokkier2:  have a look at  man interfaces05:12
thoreauputicracokkier2: and  man resolv.conf05:12
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jpiccolo_native rez05:13
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rawrnessI have noticed that my cd drives don't like to manuely open with the button05:20
rawrnessi have to click the eject icon....05:20
rawrnesshalf the time05:20
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Film905On my laptop the cd drive will not open manually if the media is mounted.05:21
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Film905I have to umount and then it will open. or I have click eject05:22
Jucatorawrness: try to close any app/tab that has accessed the media05:22
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neurongot a problem with my keyboard, it stops responding when i kdm starts, this doest happen in recovery mode tho05:22
rawrnessthen how ar eyou typing?05:23
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neuroni cant type my password in, and i figured that it stops running becouse i was spamming numlock, and when kdm started it stop working05:23
neuronim in recovery mode05:23
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neuronkeyboard under kdm works in recovery mode05:24
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steveireWhat do I use to view a dvi file? It previews in konqueror, but doesn't open in kpdf.05:25
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Jucatosteveire: try kghostview. I think that's installed by default05:26
kesaraHow can I get a 686 kernel with smp support without manually configuring?05:26
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kesaraActually what is the name of the pkg that I need to install?05:27
steveireDoesn't open it for me anyway.05:27
Jucatosteveire: can you check what Konqueror is using to preview the file? Right-click on the file and see what Preview with _____ says05:28
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steveireI mean the icon is a mini version of the file. Right click doesn't give any preview option.05:29
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sam_hey... any guys here not how to use patch and diff to patch files?05:31
Jucatosteveire: that's strange...05:32
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Jucatohm... what type of a file is a .dvi?05:33
steveireI've messed with konq before though, and set html files to be associated with Kate. No I can't use it as a browser. I'm going to do a clean edgy install in a few weeks and get everything right this time.05:33
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steveireJucato: I can open it with xdvi05:34
Jucatoit's a LaTeX file?05:35
=== Jucato is not familiar with it..
steveireyes, it is.05:35
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sanpijoin c05:38
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Film905any suggestions on pod/vidcast clients for linux?05:55
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abattoirAmarok(the default music player) is a pretty nifty podcasting client05:56
abattoirFilm905: ^^^^05:56
Film905outstanding. I didn't realize it had that capability..05:57
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abattoirFilm905: you'd be amazed by what it can do ;)05:58
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Kubuis there any program like DOWNLOAD accelerator Plus for ubuntu?06:01
claydohkget, d4x06:02
abattoirKubu: kget ?06:02
abattoirhah :P06:02
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ubotukget: download manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu6.2 (dapper), package size 425 kB, installed size 1164 kB06:07
ubotuwget: retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 225 kB, installed size 1952 kB06:07
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dimsuzhi guys! Yesterday I noticed that something eats my dialup traffic. Soon I discovered that this is some cron job running apt. Wtf? Can I disable this behind-the-scenes downloading?06:09
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lupine_85dimsuz: sudo crontab -e ?06:10
lupine_85it might be in there06:10
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lupine_85if not, check your cron.daily, cron.weekly, etc directories06:10
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dimsuzlupine_85: I just did it. Can't find. I recall this script called smth like "res...." Well, maybe I missed it. I'll look closer...06:11
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h3sp4wndimsuz: have you installed cron-apt ?06:12
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dimsuzh3sp4wn: hm. no idea. not manually in any case. maybe as a part of dist-upgrade... how to check?06:14
h3sp4wnaptitude show cron-apt | grep -i installed06:15
claydohcould it be adept-updater?06:15
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abattoir!info kitty06:15
ubotuPackage kitty does not exist in any distro I know06:15
abattoir!info kitty edgy06:15
ubotukitty: a Qt/KDE based RSS podcast and video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 246 kB, installed size 648 kB06:15
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abattoirFilm905: there doesnt seem to be a packge for it in the repos, I guess you'll have to download and compile it manually06:16
dimsuzh3sp4wn: State: not installed06:16
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h3sp4wndimsuz: I suppose it could be adept-updater (remove adept and adept-updater)06:17
dimsuzh3sp4wn: they weren't running for sure...06:17
h3sp4wnno idea then (I would remove them anyway)(06:18
dimsuzh3sp4wn: i looked at process tree with ksysguard and it looked like: sh->anacron->resXXXXX->apt->http IIRC06:18
dimsuzh3sp4wn: :)06:18
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dimsuzh3sp4wn: then I just killed apt and all returned to normal06:19
dimsuzh3sp4wn: thanks for help!06:19
Kubupor que no tengo permisos para instalar el driver de la impresora?06:20
h3sp4wndimsuz: I still think it would be the adept updator06:20
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dimsuzh3sp4wn: ok, I'll check it out06:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:22
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pacoanybody know if xgl run under kubuntu edgy06:26
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GhostriderI've got a question about kubuntu: how do I need to format my partitions for it?06:26
segfault_Ghostrider, one large partition mounted at / and a swap partition is likely suficient06:27
abattoirpaco: yes, i've heard of people running it under both dapper and edgy06:28
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:28
abattoirpaco: ^^^ might help you06:28
Ghostriderat the moment I've got a large windows partition and a large linux partition (linux is not installed yet)06:29
azzgori got a problem, my keyboards doesnt work anymore after kdm starts, its like it got plugged out06:29
segfault_Ghostrider, add a swap partition for linux to that and u should be fine06:30
Ghostriderok thanx06:30
Ghostriderdoes it need to be a primary or an extended?06:30
segfault_doesnt matter06:31
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pacothanks ubotu06:37
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|lostbyte|Hi guys.06:42
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adam__hi there06:44
adam__can i safely cancel adept update process and continue it later on ?06:45
adam__the packages are still downloading06:45
seumasI had to unplug all of my drives except cdrom and one drive to get Ubuntu installed. Now that it's installed, should I be able to plug the other SATA drives in and expect it to automatically choose the right boot drive?06:46
sakitelhi everybody06:47
sakitelmy problem is i can't use the spellcheck from openoffice in my language(spanish)06:47
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adam__is there anyone who knows the answer ?06:49
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seumasadam_: I can't speak to adpet specifically, but I think it should be safe if it's just downloading (they don't install until everything in that session has downloaded). HOWEVER, you might have a problem if something has already downloaded that depends on the package that isn't yet finished downloading... Haven't ever actually done that myself though, so hopefully someone who HAS can say for sure.06:51
seumasadam_: I think apt-get and aptitude would let you cancel out of the whole process, so if downloading is still occurring - NOTHING gets installed. Even already downloaded stuff. But I just don't know about adept.06:52
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mrbrdohow can you change a certain line in a text file in one line (without tools like nano, vim..) - only change a certain line by one-line command06:59
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zorglu_mrbrdo: by doing a real complex, unreadable bash shell06:59
zorglu_and i forgot unmaintainable :)07:00
mrbrdoso it's not possible an easy way?07:00
zorglu_or you put this script in a file and then execute the script :)07:00
zorglu_no trivial way, as far as i know07:01
seumasYou could probably do something with sed and the substitute command if you know exactly what content you want to replace.07:02
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trappistyou could say: perl -pi -e 's/this/that/' filename07:02
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seumasor do the same thing with sed without loading perl. ;)07:02
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seumasOf course, I'm not sure how (simply) you could make sure it only changes ONE line and not every line that matches, via sed.07:03
mrbrdoi can use ASP only07:03
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seumasYou must drink a lot.07:03
zorglu_anybody what he meant by ASP?07:04
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trappistI guess active server pages07:04
seumasNot sure why you'd use ASP to edit a line in a file from the command line....07:04
trappistyeah prolly not.  certainly not in linux :)07:04
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h3sp4wnThere is a program for using asp in linux (forget the name of it - was included with cobalt raq / cubes)07:05
zorglu_oh this is a microsoft thing for doing web, correct ?07:05
trappisth3sp4wn: nowadays I think it's called sunone asp.  sun bought it from chilisoft07:06
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mrbrdopretty weird07:06
mrbrdoLinksys WRT54G runs on Linux07:06
seumasWhoa, I didn't know that.07:06
mrbrdoand it uses ASP07:06
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CainMadnessHow would I access the music files on my hard drive? My brother-in-law partitioned the drive I'm running Linux on, and the music wasn't put into the partition with Linux, and I can't seem to access the other partition through any of my media players.07:06
seumasAnd I'm a Sun engineer :)07:06
danbuntucain mount the partition07:07
h3sp4wnmrbrdo: v5/v6/v7 uses vxworks07:07
seumasCainMadness: You should be abut to mount the drive and (at least) read it.07:07
trappistseumas: http://www.sun.com/software/chilisoft/07:07
mrbrdonah mine is still on linux :)07:07
mrbrdov2 i think07:07
mrbrdoanyway, brb07:07
CainMadnessAnd how would I mount it in Linux?07:07
seumasCainMadness: I don't know how to do that with the kde interface, but just 'man mount' from the command line and it should get you going. Then you can play with automount to keep it always loading.07:08
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Dr_willismount what?07:08
CainMadnessOther partition on the drive I'm using.07:09
Dr_willisit a ntfs/windows parttion?07:09
Dr_willisif so,..,07:09
Dr_willisDefacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions -->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume07:09
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CainMadnessI'm using a dual boot. On the first drive is NTFS with windows. On the second drive, is Kubuntu and FAT32, with the music in the other partition n this drive.07:09
CainMadnessSo first drive doesn't matter.07:10
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Dr_willisedit the fstab. make an entry for the new drive. Be sure to make the mountpoiint first. and if its ntfs/fat32 be sure to use the right umask= options07:10
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zorglu_fat32 is the name for linux too ?07:11
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Dr_willisvfat is the filesystem for the fat32 variants. :P07:12
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Dr_willisfrom my fstab -->   /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       107:13
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gissiAnyone tried to compile the Asterisk 1.4 beta2 on Ubuntu already?07:17
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main2i got a nvidia 6800 with 128MB, can i use my 20" TFT on the 1680x1050 resolution?07:19
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:20
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zorglu_q. is there a bot command to perform search on the help.ubuntu.com ?07:21
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h3sp4wnNot as far as I know - There is not even a plain text version of the docs on there07:23
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zorglu_too bad07:25
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h3sp4wnI tried stripping the html tags from it once but its got too much javascript etc for me to do it quickly07:26
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igorI have a question too, funny how to keep my Konvesation program allways on top? :)07:28
zorglu_igor: alt f3 -> advanced -> always on top07:29
zorglu_keep above other i meant07:29
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sakiteljoin #kubuntu-es07:32
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igorat least :), thanks zorglu_, any suggestions on best linux audio player?07:33
h3sp4wnigor: amarok or moc07:33
Morticeamarok. hands down.07:33
zorglu_best is subgective, amarok is popular07:33
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zorglu_require a huge amount of memory but looks nice on the screen07:33
h3sp4wnmoc is good if you are not running X (the executavle is mocp)07:33
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fdoving!info mpd07:34
ubotumpd: Music Player Daemon, the name says it all. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.5-5.1 (dapper), package size 96 kB, installed size 332 kB07:34
igorhow about something similar to WinAmp? :)I tried Amarok, yaak07:34
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fdovingigor: beep-media-player07:34
zorglu_xmms ?07:34
t_hi. question: i installed fresh kubuntu desktop and amarok doesn`t want to read ogg music. what`s wrong?07:34
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zorglu_t_: can you hear any sound , beside not the one of amarok07:34
seumast_: Are you sure it can't read it? Or is it just not playing it to your sound card? That is -- if you look at the visualization thingy, does it look like it's playing something?07:35
t_zorglu- yes, with ubuntu start etc.07:35
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t_seumas - visualisation is still07:36
seumast_: Because I had exactly that problem. The only way I found to fix it was to install Ubuntu, then install the kubuntu-desktop package on top of it. :(07:36
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zorglu_t_: oh check the internal volume of amarok ?07:36
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t_in amarok litlle (winampy) windows is`nt even name of the song even if i double clicked the file07:37
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t_i use the oggs from xiph.org07:37
t_i click the file .ogg, and amarok starts, but there is no song name in amarok07:39
seumast_: If you check the amarok configuration, does it have an "engine" selected? Should be Xine by default, I believe.07:39
t_yes it is07:40
t_it`s fresh system, i only configured the internet connection07:41
t_the movie with Mandela in koffeine works with sound07:42
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t_it`s problemm with amarok07:43
t_the oggs work with koffeine07:43
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Dr_willisDarn it - where is it that you can get a list of all the KIOSlaves - like  apt:\ and fish:\   ( i think thats the riht term)07:46
Dr_willisi found it once...07:46
abattoirDr_willis: its in Khelpcenter07:46
abattoirDr_willis: Kmenu->Help07:46
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fdovingDr_willis: you can use kinfocenter -> protocols.07:47
Dr_willisthere it is. :P07:47
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h3sp4wnDoes anyone know all the different options for starting and stopping things with dcop ?07:47
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fdovingh3sp4wn: like 'kdcop' lists them?07:48
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ubuntu_newbiehey hey07:49
h3sp4wnfdoving: for example dcop dcop kicker restart (just some doc's about the options for that command)07:49
ubuntu_newbieis there an installer for compat-libstdc++ on Ubuntu?07:49
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fdovingh3sp4wn: i doubt they are documented anywhere.07:50
Dr_willisThere is no documentation available for /kio_apt/index.html.  - lol! someone better get writing some docs! :p07:50
ubuntu_newbieI'm trying to get Sun Creator Java studio installed07:50
TheGateKeeper_amazing how much crap comes up when you kioslaves into google07:51
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ubuntu_newbieNever mind :)07:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compat-libstdc++ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
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voraistos-Hey. So, as i promised, reiserFS = ????07:53
ubotuThanks for the help!07:53
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops07:54
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm07:54
voraistos-much faster. very happy i tried that. And, by the way, i tried kubuntu as well. Good Bye gnome. Sorry about that ;)07:54
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zorglu_http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 is so fun07:56
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t_if anyome know the answer for question: how to run amarok (it even doesn`t shows the song name in itself after double click on file) then i`m listenning08:04
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voraistos-hey guys, i just installed kubuntu, and i was wondering, to install extra codecs, flash and stuff, do i have to do it the ubuntugnome way ?08:04
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abattoirt_: is amarok loaded? do you see it?08:05
abattoirvoraistos-: there are some variations...08:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:05
abattoirvoraistos-: ^^^ the first link should help08:05
voraistos-what about the variations? 8is it included?)(hmm... ill suppose so)08:06
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abattoirvoraistos-: well, for mp3 support, in gnome i guess you had to install gstreamer stuff08:06
abattoirvoraistos-: here you'd nee libxine-extracodecs08:07
abattoirvoraistos-: the flash package is same, but you'd have to explicitly 'enable' it in konqueror08:07
voraistos-ok. i know about xine08:07
t_abattoir - sorry08:08
t_yes it`s loaded08:08
t_i can see it08:08
t_the visualisation is still on 008:08
abattoirt_: is the file an mp3 file? do you have the relevant codecs installed?08:08
t_it`s ogg vorbis08:08
abattoirt_: hmm, is it added to the playlist?08:09
voraistos-they talk a lot about ogg theora, but no Xvid? u know why ?08:09
abattoirwho? :P08:09
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abattoirmaybe because Ogg theora is a free format and Xvid is a restricted one?08:09
voraistos-ubuntu forums and wiki ...08:10
voraistos-i dont think xvid is restricted08:10
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t_abattoir - yes08:10
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t_the koffeine works ok with this file08:10
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t_it`s the canon ogg from xiph.org08:10
voraistos-xvid is GPL208:10
seumasErm... xvid is GPL08:11
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abattoirt_: hmm, which version of amarok do you have?08:11
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abattoiraah, its DivX which is protected, isnt it...08:12
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t_abattoir - how to check?08:12
seumasYeah. divx is also that crappy self-destruct rental thing that bombed :)08:12
erik_[NL] hi all :D08:12
abattoirt_: Help->About amarok08:12
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trappistseumas: hah I remember that.  that was fun.08:13
t_abattoir - 1.3.908:13
erik_[NL] finaly got Opera with Flashplayer plugin, on my amd64 kUbuntu, but how do i install a realplayer plugin?08:13
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erik_[NL] the flash player sux btw08:15
voraistos-what? gnash ?08:16
abattoirt_: 1.4.3 is the latest version, do you want to upgrade to that to see if it works?08:16
seumasWe're always a good two versions behidn the real flash. :)08:16
abattoirt_: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.3.php08:16
trappistseumas: supposedly not for long.08:18
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seumasWhen the linux team at adobe releases the linux flash plugin, is that going to be the latest version to match the windows/osx versions?08:18
seumasI presumed it would probably just be an "official" lagging distribution. :)08:19
stu_I need to burn an ISO - what should I use please?08:19
voraistos-we do dream too08:19
seumasstu_: erm.. k3b... probably already installed.08:19
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erik_[NL] and another thing, when i add: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main to my repository, nothing happens when i update :(08:19
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TheGateKeeper_erik_[NL] :08:20
TheGateKeeper_wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/r/realplay/realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb08:20
TheGateKeeper_sudo dpkg -i realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb08:20
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t_abattoir - i use the two first codes from site you gave me08:21
t_abattoir - but how to install the new amarok itself?08:21
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erik_[NL] THNX TheGateKeeper :D08:22
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erik_[NL] TheGateKeeper, is there a amd64 build for that? or do i use the --force-architecture command08:24
abattoirt_: open adept, then go to Manage Repositories08:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dapper-commercial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:25
abattoirt_: there add the 'deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-143 dapper main' line08:25
t_abattoir - ok08:25
abattoirt_: after that click apply, close and then fetch updates08:25
abattoirt_: search for amarok, it should say 'Upgradable', click on it and upgrade :)08:26
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voraistos-is libxine-extracodecs still in the repos ? cant find it after enabling everything :(08:26
t_abattoir - i thought it would be something like this08:26
t_abattoir - thanks Frenchman08:26
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abattoirt_: heh :P08:26
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abattoirvoraistos-: its in multiverse08:26
abattoirvoraistos-: you'd have to 'add' that08:26
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:26
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abattoirvoraistos-: ^^^08:27
h3sp4wn!info libxine-extracodecs08:27
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB08:27
voraistos-well, i am not knew to ubuntu, what i mean is multiverse "should be" enabled, since i just enabled it ;)08:27
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h3sp4wnwell its not08:27
voraistos-hmm... ill try that the vim way08:28
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abattoirvoraistos-: check if you enabled it agains dapper-backports, rather than dapper08:29
t_abattoir - (for me) it`s strange- i don`t have amarok-engines installed08:29
abattoirand also make sure you fetched updates :)08:29
abattoirt_: aah, that must be, strange that i didnt think of it :(08:30
abattoirbut then, i'm so tired :(08:30
abattoir*that must be it08:30
abattoirt_: try installint the metapackage along with the amarok-xine engine08:30
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voraistos-ok. i found my problem. original sources.list was incomplete. however i just took a look at the link u gave me, what is the canonical commercial repo?08:31
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voraistos-damn. all those french guys....08:34
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TheGateKeeper_where is the printer que?08:35
t_when i try to install this strange part of amarok- there is "there was an error commiting changes. possibly there was a problem."08:35
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tr0gwill someone help me08:39
TheGateKeeper_np I found it08:39
tr0gI installed kub  and my monitor went black08:39
tr0gis there another linux gui that i can install08:40
tr0gim running gentoo right now, but all I have it a command prompt  livedcd root08:40
t_what is the open source alternative for adobe flash?08:40
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LeeJunFantr0g: it sounds more like an X error that any gui you install will suffer from.08:41
TheGateKeeper_tr0g: installed kubuntu?08:41
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ConsoleFxi am getting this error message when i am clicking the deb file directly...08:52
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ConsoleFxthe utitility is not in your path...08:53
ConsoleFxplz install it or contact your system administrator...08:53
ConsoleFxwhats the prob..08:53
ConsoleFxi am geting this error in aptget..08:53
ConsoleFxi am unable to install any deb :(08:53
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ConsoleFxand after that i tried in another way too... sudo dpkg -i package.deb .. but still i am getiing the following error -> dpkg-deb: `libxine-extracodecs_1.1.1+ubuntu1-2_i386.deb' is not a debian format archive08:54
ConsoleFxdpkg: error processing libxine-extracodecs_1.1.1+ubuntu1-2_i386.deb (--install):08:54
ConsoleFx subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 208:54
ConsoleFxwhy its happenning??08:55
ConsoleFxhow i can install deb apps then :shocked:08:55
ConheHOWTO run program in cobol?08:55
ConsoleFxplz help08:55
ConheSMB connection failed08:56
ConsoleFxwhy all are silent here..08:57
claydohConsoleFx: some of us are doing other things :)08:57
claydohuse the package manager, you probably have corrupted downlods08:58
ConsoleFxi know how to install apps.. but i am getting these errors :( why?? i think it shouldn't show these errors..08:58
|lostbyte|Today is googles birthday.. :)08:58
ConsoleFxnope claydoh.. i have checked its md5 too08:58
ConsoleFxits all correct08:58
ConsoleFxplz help08:58
ConheHOWTO run program in cobol?08:58
claydohso use  Adept or apt-get after enabling the proper repositories08:59
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t_this problemm with amarok - it reads FLACs, but not ogg. :D :D :D08:59
claydohworks fine for ogg for me08:59
ConsoleFxya i used apt-get -install pack.deb and enter and i m getting this error Reading package lists... Done09:00
ConsoleFxBuilding dependency tree... Done09:00
ConsoleFxE: Couldn't find package libxine.deb09:00
ConsoleFxso what i will do now :(09:00
akusjest tu ktos z polski09:00
claydoh'sudo apt -get install libxine-extracodecs'09:00
ConsoleFxi am very worried09:00
claydoh'sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs'09:00
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ConsoleFxi used it too...09:01
claydohdid  you enable the extra repositories, then run 'sudo apt-get update'?09:01
ConsoleFxroot@exploit-laptop:/home/exploit/Desktop/# apt-get install libxine.deb09:02
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ConsoleFxwll how to enable tthe extra repositories..09:02
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ConsoleFx@ claydoh09:02
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claydohsee my links above09:02
t_what is good source for vorbis/flac torrents?09:03
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ConsoleFxis it?? -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:03
ConsoleFxya claydoh i also did it :(09:03
claydohthen run this command exactly: 'sudo apt-get update'09:04
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claydohthen try this exactly:09:04
t_i can`t find torrent flacs for backstreet boys :/ :D09:04
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claydoh'sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs'09:04
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claydohthen post any error messages if you get em09:05
claydohusue http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ if you have to paste a lot of text09:05
ConsoleFxdo i need to give ' mark  in the commands?09:05
claydohsorry, forgot that  wa there on my clipboard09:06
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seb__Hello all.09:09
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seb__Is there somebody who already translated KDE applications? "make package-messages" use a gettext version that is not designed for KDE. I tryed to install teh package "gettext-kde - version of gettext used by KDE" but it says it's already installed. I do nto understand: isn't gettext-kde the patched version of gettext for KDE?09:10
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Blissexseb__: ask in #KDE-devel as that's really a devel issue.09:11
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seb__Blissex: thanks09:12
Tm_Tseb__: ugh, sounds indeed devel-kind of question09:12
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t_i`m getting that directories to play mp3, i checked multiverse repositories, and type "libxine-extracodecs" in search but there`s nothing09:14
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:17
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claydohmake sure you have universe as well09:17
Blissext_: look at the first link above.09:17
t_Blissex - but there is nolibxine-extracodecs in my Adept (i checked multiverse)09:18
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voraistos-I want amarok to detect my .aac files to include them in my library do you know how i can do that ?09:20
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t_claydoh - ok, i did. let`s find out if it will give something09:20
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voraistos-doesnt seem to have any option like that in the GUI09:20
t_claydoh - no, there is still no "libxine-extracodecs" in adept09:21
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voraistos-what the repo problem? i can certainly solve it ;)09:21
t_voraistos - i can`t find libxine-extracodecs in my Adept09:22
voraistos-pls not that ubuntu main restricted universe and MULTIVERSE might not be there09:22
t_voraistos - i checked multiverse and universe, + that what was on kubuntu desktop install09:22
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t_voraistos - what do you mean?09:23
voraistos-i just installed kubuntu, and i had to add multiverse myself (with vim)09:23
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Mo-Zuhm... in buntu u use gksudo gedit (etc)  on a command in terminal.... how does that  command sound in kubuntu?09:24
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t_voraistos - http://img174.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot2ua8.png09:25
t_voraistos - i doesn`t mean that i have multiverse?09:26
voraistos-you can join #voraistos as well09:26
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ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code09:26
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Mo-Zcan someone help me?09:27
Mo-Zuhm... in buntu u use gksudo gedit (etc)  on a command in terminal.... how does that  command sound in kubuntu?09:27
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claydoht_: did you refresh/reload after making the changes?09:27
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voraistos-claydoh: he has the problem i saw. multiverse is not there09:28
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Mo-Zuhm... in buntu u use gksudo gedit (etc)  on a command in terminal.... how does that  command sound in kubuntu?09:31
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claydohtry kdesu kwrite09:32
claydohkdes = gksudo, kwrite=gedit09:33
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ubotuIn KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo09:34
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h0axoh hello :P09:34
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Mo-Zthx.. an do u know the command for a window in root? (in ubuntu i recall this was sudo nautilus or something)09:37
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voraistos-sudo konqueror i think09:39
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:39
LeeJunFansudo -i will get you a root shell.09:39
voraistos-sudo su as well09:39
h3sp4wnsudo su (seems pointless to me)09:39
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voraistos-just easier on the keyboard09:40
Mo-ZLeeJunFan: i was thinking more about running konqueror as root....09:41
LeeJunFanshould use kdesu for that.09:41
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LeeJunFankdesu for any kde application. If you use sudo [kdecommand]  it preserves env variables like $HOME, and you can end up tmp files and sockets being owned by root.09:42
LeeJunFanstuff in $HOME, /tmp and /var/tmp is likely to get messed up ownership using sudo [kdecommand] 09:43
h3sp4wnMo-Z: krusader is better than konqueror (if you must run a gui app as root)09:43
voraistos-yeah. konqueror is internet more than ready, so hacker big door opened09:43
Mo-Zdo i need to download that app or is it allready installed?09:44
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h3sp4wn!info krusader09:47
ubotukrusader: Twin-panel (commander-style) File Manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.60.1-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 1940 kB, installed size 5280 kB09:47
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chris_I've got a weird one: I bring up the Kubutu "System Settings" tool, click "Printers", and the click09:48
chris_"Administrator Mode".  I get the nice red outline of an empty window and... nothing.09:48
chris_Any clues?09:48
kbnot really :(09:49
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voraistos-your system seems broken. cant really know since i dont have a printer09:50
chris_voraistos: Any ideas on how to un-break it?09:50
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shankygood evening09:52
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gnomefreakiirc the printer issue he has is due to latest updates and is known about09:55
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gnomefreaknixternal: ping09:55
Myxocan anyone help me with configuring my wireless card?09:56
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:56
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Myxowell alright but my laptop won't even recognize my wireless card right now09:57
Myxoi've got the drivers installed with ndiswrapper, but I can't connect to anything09:57
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Myxoso no one can help me then?10:00
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shankyhey, I have just install kubuntu, and I can't find how to add an scanner in order kooka o xsane to use it10:04
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MDCoreit is cool to ask about compiz packages here ? (i.e. why can't I get all of them)10:07
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main2MDCore: ?10:08
main2what is all MDCore?10:08
lipeukHi guys! I'm with a laptop and I've just installed ubuntu on it. When I start it, nothing has came up so far. Just this msg... Mounting root file system. I have got a sata hard driver.10:09
MDCorefrom what I can tell... it's either compiz-manager or csm that I need.10:09
t_why there are so many french geeks that support newbies?10:09
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main2MDCore: one sek?10:10
main2one sec..10:10
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main2MDCore: 'compiz' is a 'meta transform' (am i saying that right) pacakge10:11
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main2so if you install it via adept, it will install the other needed10:11
main2you need 'compiz' and 'csm'10:11
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MDCoreyeah.. but I can't find csm despite adding all the required repositories... :P10:14
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draikWhat does it mean when I get this error...              Floating point exception10:14
MDCoreif I try to install csm I get: "Package csm is not available, but is referred to by another package."10:14
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draikI'm trying to run    ./Photogenics    but that's the error that I keep getting10:15
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higi__does windows vista consume a lot of memory and stuff?10:18
KyralWhy would WE know that?!10:18
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draikgood point10:18
Kyral(But rumors state that it will require a gaming-class PC to run all its toys)10:18
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draikKyral, AFAIK, I've heard it will consume quite a bit of all your resources, a bit more than just gaming-class10:19
KyralConsider you can get all the Aero Effects from XGL NOW10:19
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draikXGL doesnt work for me10:20
KyralThen Aero won't lol10:20
sybuxhi, I've got a little problem. The K bar with the k menu and all other quick lunch doesn't start time to time. What shell command shall I run to start it ?10:20
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h3sp4wndraik: You could try xgl on kanotix (all you need to do is run a script and everything is done for you)10:21
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draikh3sp4wn, thanks. I'm not into XGL anymore as I was at first10:21
draikh3sp4wn, would you know what    Floating point exception    means? I can't run a certain app10:22
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h3sp4wndraik: on 64 bit ?10:22
t_who ho10:23
Lintsihey, where i can get kaffeine 0.82 as *.deb?10:23
h3sp4wndraik: No idea it could mean alot of things10:23
fildo_is konversation v1.0 on backports yet?10:23
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nixternalgnomefreak: pongalong10:23
draikThe sad thing is that there is no install or configure file for Photogenics. It says to either click on the icon or to type "Photogenics" on CLI10:24
draikthanks though, h3sp4wn10:25
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t_yeah, baby10:26
t_who`s the daddy?10:26
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main2crimsun: hi m8, vlc not in the backport yet right?10:27
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Hawkwind!info vlc10:27
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB10:27
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t_ktorrent keeps crashing on opening10:31
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sync350Does anyone know where I can find printer drivers for a HP deskjet 842c printer?10:31
Lintsi!info kaffeine10:31
ubotukaffeine: versatile media player for KDE 3. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.1-1.3ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 1528 kB, installed size 3748 kB10:31
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sync350anyone know anything about finding linux printer drivers?10:34
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now3dsync350: check Linux Printing project10:35
sync350where at?10:35
sync350nvm... i'll google that :p10:36
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sybuxhi, I've got a little problem. The K bar with the k menu and all other quick lunch doesn't start time to time. What shell command shall I run to start it ?10:36
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sync350K, i think i found the site, thanks now3d :)10:36
now3dsync350: no10:37
now3dsync350: no problemo i mean ;)10:37
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jeismaAccidentially turned off my menu toolbar, what do I press to get it back?10:42
DaSkreechhow do I get a list of the printers available to this computer?10:42
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DaSkreech Without konqueror?10:42
DaSkreechjeisma: Ctrl+M10:42
jeismaDaSkreech: thanks10:42
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Mochitogood afternoon10:43
obf213is there a quicktime plugin for firefox10:45
obf213i already read the restricted formats page10:45
obf213and i have all that stuff but quicktime doesnts seem to work in firefoox10:45
DaSkreechobf213: does it work in mplayer?10:46
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obf213DaSkreech i cant save and open it10:46
obf213it has to open in the webbrowser10:46
sybuxArg... I'm surfing on a site that display embeded video but it's in windows media player and it can't load. Is there a way to see them excpeted by opening the source code and cut and paste the link to the .wmv ?10:46
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Dr_willissybux,  theres a few 'video downloader' extensions on the firefox extsnsion site. that may let ya download the .wmv10:47
sybuxok I'll try with firefox and not konqueror !10:47
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progereayubuntu doesnt seems so easy after all :(10:54
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progerhelp with easyubuntu needed10:57
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sync350why isn't it easy, what do you want help with?10:58
kay_glx wont work on kubuntu ?10:58
DralaFiI wonder how long 'till kubuntu has kde-3.5.410:58
=== TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-116-184.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_willisits in some of the testing repos.10:59
Dr_willisi dident see much of a diff. so i dident bother putting it on this new install yet.10:59
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progerwhen i type sudo python easyubuntu.in - error message occurs 'cannot connect to X server'10:59
Dr_willisglx works fine for me on kubuntu kay_10:59
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Dr_willisproger,  how did you login ?11:00
Dr_willisare you ssh'd in? or somthing odd?11:00
kay_do anyone know how i put in gaim xfire in kubuntu?11:00
progereee, i m typed this from kde Shell11:00
kay_Dr_willis:  hm hoe you get it?11:01
kay_Dr_willis: i mean which packages11:02
lipeuk  I installed ubuntu on my laptop and it has sata hard disk which is not recognizing by the system. I load live cd again and i am trying to mount the partition i created and it says special device does not exist but it does! does anyone know how to fix it up?11:02
Dr_willisgaim xfire in kubuntu? You mean "how do i INSTALL gaim and xfire under kubuntu?' ?11:03
kay_Dr_willis: no sorry i mean glx11:03
kay_Dr_willis: and gaim has an xfire polugin but i have read it wont work in kubuntu11:04
kay_Dr_willis: but first the glx thing11:04
shankyhey, I have just install kubuntu, and I can't find how to add an scanner in order kooka o xsane to use it11:04
shankyany idea?11:05
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claydohneed make and model of scanner11:05
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kay_Dr_willis: you there?11:05
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Dr_willisall i did to get GLX working was follow the !ati or !nvidia docs/guide.11:05
kay_Dr_willis: ah ok11:06
kay_Dr_willis: i mean the cube desktop you know?11:06
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claydohshanky: if yo tell us the brand and model, we might be able to help :)11:07
Dr_williscube desktop?11:07
Dr_willisyou referng to the XGL stuff?11:07
voraistos-hey does any one know how to install gnash for x86 ?./configure is looking for some x package , i dont know what that is !11:07
voraistos-or AIGLX11:07
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h3sp4wnvoraistos-: have you installed xorg-dev11:08
claydohvoraistos-: you will need xorg-dev, and a lot of other -dev packages11:08
kay_Dr_willis: yes i think that is what i mean11:08
shankyclaydoh: is an epson dx3800 multifunction printer11:08
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shankyconnected via usb11:09
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@London-HSE-ppp3548173.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
Dr_williskay_,  xgl is a work in progess and dont worth for me yet11:09
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:09
Dr_willisgo read up on it.11:09
erik__hi! i'm a newbie, why after kubuntu installation cdrom is disable?how can i work it?11:09
claydohshanky: http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl?manu=epson&model=dx3800&bus=any&v=&p=11:09
=== voraistos- tries XORG-dev
claydohso we have a starting point :)11:09
Dr_williserik__,  clarify the 'disabled' part ?11:09
kay_Dr_willis: xgl sorry11:10
erik__cdrom with I make an installation of os11:10
=== claydoh looks at the docs
Dr_williserik__,  that.. clarified nothing. :P11:11
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erik__I install OS with cdrom drive, now with OS operative this drive is mount but disable.11:13
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Dr_williserik__,  you put in a cd.. you can access the cd?11:14
Dr_willistry right clickiong on the cdrom icon and using the mount/eject menu items?11:14
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voraistos-h3sp4wn claydoh , now it is looking for DSL velopement and mixer package ..... rings a bell ?11:15
naegling23im having a problem with a game not going full screen, it then steals the mouse, so I cant move it out of the screen, but I cant close the screen because not all of it is visible.  I end up having to turn the computer off in order to exit11:16
claydohvoraistos-:  nope :(11:16
naegling23I cant alt tab or ctl alt esc either11:16
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erik__I don't have icon...if i go in control panel-->disk and filesystem i can see the drive /media/cdrom0,type auto, /dev/hdb - disable11:16
Dr_willisnaegling23,  try alt-ctrl-backspace or alt-ctrl-f1 :P11:16
gsuvegia hve problem with opera. many sites in opera looks ugly. ff / konq good. but, if im install opera-static sites look good in opera.11:16
gsuvegMetaMorfoziS: szia11:17
h3sp4wnvoraistos-: check config.log11:17
claydohshanky: I may have it, gimme a sec to check11:18
naegling23ok, dr willis, if it works ill let you know, if it doesnt, ill be back in five minutes after I reboot11:18
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voraistos-h3sp4wn ok i check11:19
voraistos-hmmm there is a lot11:20
claydohshanky: you need to open the file (with sudo) /etc/sane.d/epson and edit it11:20
=== MrObvious [n=paul@adsl-67-66-110-116.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
claydohthere is a line near the bottom that only has "usb", put a "#" in fron of it11:21
claydoh tha will disable that line11:21
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claydohand on the line a few below that, remove the "#" from the line that has this:11:22
claydoh# usb 0x4b8 0x11011:22
claydohsave, and you should be OK11:22
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shankyclaydoh: thanks11:26
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CelesteWill it slow down my system when I install  "ubuntu-desktop" on a "kubuntu" ?11:28
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MetaMorfoziScsa gsuveg11:29
shankyclaydoh: I have done waht you told me, and xsane can't still detect any device11:29
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joseantonioalguien que hable espaol?11:29
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shankyjoseantonio: query11:30
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gsuvegCeleste: hmm?11:30
shankythere is something similar to Yast in kubuntu?11:30
claydohshanky: try running it with sudo: kdesu kooka11:31
claydohSystem Settings is the closest thing11:31
claydohto yast11:31
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|lostbyte|Hi, any one could help be know why eth0 wont show in ifconfig ?11:32
|lostbyte|dmesg | grep eth011:32
|lostbyte|[4294692.971000]  eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xe09ba800, 00:16:76:7a:66:98, IRQ 19311:32
|lostbyte|[4294692.971000]  eth0:  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8100B/8139D'11:32
zorglu_|lostbyte|: do 'ip link'11:32
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trappist|lostbyte|: is eth0 in your /etc/network/interfaces11:33
|lostbyte|1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue11:33
|lostbyte|    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:0011:33
|lostbyte|2: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop qlen 100011:33
|lostbyte|    link/ether 00:16:76:7a:66:98 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff11:33
|lostbyte|3: ppp0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 311:33
|lostbyte|    link/ppp11:33
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progeryahoo,easybuntu is trully easy11:33
trappist|lostbyte|: please don't do that11:33
fildo_hey guys, i removed konversation .11:33
fildo_i try to reinstall, but i get umnet deps11:33
|lostbyte|trappist, yes i have eth0 in there.11:34
zorglu_|lostbyte|: look for more dmesg... the card is later removed11:34
fildo_actually nevermind11:34
|lostbyte|zorglu_, dmesg is pasted on top.. for eth011:34
fildo_user error ha!11:34
trappist|lostbyte|: is it in 'ifconfig -a'11:35
zorglu_|lostbyte|: same as last time :) http://perso.orange.fr/pierre.g/xnview/images/screenshots/xnview1_lnx.jpg11:35
zorglu_not that cur/past11:35
shankyclaydoh: as root I get this message: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16611:35
|lostbyte|There is an eth111:35
|lostbyte|trappist, ^^11:35
zorglu_!baddevice > shanky11:35
zorglu_trappist: 'ip link' doesnt show eth011:36
shankythanks zorglu_11:36
zorglu_ok off for tremulous fragging, this is serious stuff :)11:36
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|lostbyte|trappist, Thats right..11:37
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|lostbyte|trappist, its eth111:37
claydohshanky: try installing sane-utils (it is in universe repositories) and run the command sane-find-scanner11:37
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|lostbyte|trappist, Why did it take eth1 ? can i change it back ?11:38
claydohyou are looking for vendor= and product=,11:38
claydohmaybe they are different than what the sane site says11:38
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claydohif you look at the epson fconf file you will see where they need to go11:39
claydohother than that, I am at a loss11:39
zorglu_|lostbyte|: trappist: sorry i didnt notice that eth0 from dmesg had the same mac, that ip link eth1, sorry11:40
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shankyclaydoh: I think the settings are ok, is a problem with the baddevice message, I'm going to restart X11:41
claydohx won't fix, maybe a reboot11:41
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claydohbut I have to leave, hopefully you cna get it easily sorted11:41
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joseantoniome dice la utilidad no esta en su path11:45
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:45
erik__Dr_willis I make operation and it's function, now when i insert cd appear icon and i read cd, now the problem is with dvd-rw11:46
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erik__when I insert cd it doesn't work, in disk & filesystem I can see it but is unmount and I don't know what I do.can you help me11:47
islam_As Salaam e laikum (meaning: May Peace b on u) . http://www.submission.org/ ... Your source for Islam (submission) on the internet.11:47
islam_ [112:0]  In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful11:47
islam_ [112:1]  Proclaim, "He is the One and only GOD.11:47
islam_ [112:2]  "The Absolute GOD.11:47
islam_ [112:3]  "Never did He beget. Nor was He begotten.11:48
islam_ [112:4]  "None equals Him."11:48
islam_ http://download.al-islaam.com/audiovideo/anasheedram/al-islaam/html/samtan/lastbreath.swf11:48
trappist|lostbyte|: oh, that's happened to me.  for some reason something changes in /etc/iftab, where it can be fixed11:48
|lostbyte|trappist, thanks, will look over that right now..11:49
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dadsomeone help me please11:52
dadhow do I install on linux I have downloaded firefox and I dont know how to use prompts11:52
gnomefreakdad: we cant unless you tell us the problem11:52
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dadi installed kub11:52
gnomefreakdad: you didnt need to download it11:53
LjLdad: load up Adept. that will let you install software11:53
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto11:53
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:53
dadadept on kub is where11:53
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!11:53
gnomefreakdad: in the K menu under system or utilities11:53
dadjust teach me how to change dir ectorys11:53
dadand install manually  please11:53
=== gnomefreak not on kde right now
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins11:54
gnomefreakdad: ^^^ read that11:54
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LjLdad: to change directories, you use the "cd" commands. to install from terminal, you use "apt-get install blah"11:54
dadi dont want to install that  i have kybuntu now11:54
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dadi tried cd\desktop11:54
=== citizin [n=citizin@c-69-136-213-254.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dadhow do i format it11:54
gnomefreakdad: its cd Desktop11:54
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LjLthat would be "cd Desktop", i think11:54
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dadk  thanks11:54
LjLdad: case matters, and so does spacing11:55
=== stone123 is now known as Rambo3
dadok the command is apt-istall?11:55
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LjLdad: no, "apt-get install", followed by the name of the package you want to install11:56
LjLdad: actually, "sudo apt-get install" (you need sudo to have administrator privileges)11:56
dadok brb11:56
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:56
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_macWenas... alguien habla espaol ????11:58
dadit says file is locked11:58
dadapt-get install firefox = lock file?11:58
dadcould not open lock file"11:58
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_macSomebody speak spanish ???11:59
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nimnrod_mac: hola mac12:00
dadhey guys  why is my file locked12:00
shanky_mac: join #kubuntu-es12:00
Acccan i use .rpm filesunder kubuntu12:00
_macjoin #kubuntu-es12:00
_macCOMo ?:S12:00
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dadonce in a directy  how do i view files in that directory12:01
Acccan i use .rpm files under kubuntu ?12:01
nimnrod_mac: /join #kubuntu-es12:01
_maccomo hago eso ??12:01
shanky_mac: necesitas una / antes del join -> "/join #kubuntu-es"12:01
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_macxD gracias12:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aoss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:02
|lostbyte|!find aoss12:02
ubotuFile aoss found in alsa-oss12:02
Accit is the following problem12:02
Acci want to use mycanon i550 printer12:02
Accbut the only driver i can find is an rpm12:03
Acccan i use this under kubuntu?12:03
Accand how?12:03
Rambo3did you check linux printer page12:04
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).12:04
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Rambo3check that first12:04
Accand what's the url?12:04
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Acci'm a starter, u have to know12:04
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dadyoure in a helpdiectory12:05
dadhow do you look at all the files12:05
dadin the dos like window12:05
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dadls dir12:07
Accah yes, found it myself, nevertheless thx very much12:07
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Rambo3dad try : ls -la12:08
dadeverything says its locked up12:10
dadwhen i  try that aptget intalled thing12:10
dadits locked12:10
Rambo3you have synaptic running12:11
dadim confused12:11
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