
svu_tvBenC, sata??? on g512:25
BenCsvu_tv: just wondering what it was that loaded and worked for you :)12:26
BenChard to keep track of the bugs everyone comes in here for12:26
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mjg59BenC: Nngh. I get an oops on boot with -1012:46
BenCmjg59: did you use -9?12:46
BenCcan you try -9 and see if it's in there too?12:46
mjg59It's in hwclock, presumably when it opens /dev/rtc12:46
mjg59And yeah, /dev/rtc is b0rked now12:47
BenCcan you narrow down when that broke?12:47
mjg59Will tryt12:47
mjg59Installed with -712:47
mjg59So somewhere between that and -1012:47
BenCwhat kind of system is this?12:48
BenCp4, core duo, amd?12:51
mjg59Pentium M12:53
BenCplease file a bug so I can mark it for edgy release at least12:54
BenCfriend of mine has a Celeron M I can try testing12:55
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zulBenC: ping01:06
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BenCzul: pong01:14
BenCmjg59: unfortunately my buddies Toshiba Celeron M laptop doesn't seem to have a problem01:14
mjg59BenC: Ok. I'll reboot in a moment with -9.01:14
zulBenC: what does the machine_reset do in drivers/acpi/bus.c do 01:15
crimsunthis ThinkPad X41-2527 boots fine with -1001:15
mjg59zul: It disables acpi and then reboots01:15
crimsun(Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor)01:15
zulah ok01:15
BenCzul: #ifdef CONFIG_X86_32 wrap it01:16
zulyeah because its complaining that it cant find machine_reset01:16
BenCor ifdef it out when XEN is enabled01:16
zulalready did01:16
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mjg59BenC: -7 is good, -8 is broken01:45
BenCmjg59: acpi update maybe?01:47
=== mjg59 shrugs
mjg59I'll take a look later on01:50
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benhhi folks02:26
benhBenC: there are a bunch of pending patches that I would recommend02:27
benhBenC: turning bcm43xx/softmac into something useable and approx. stable even with wpa02:27
benhBenC: in addition I should send you guys some backports of ppc fixes for 2.6.17, I'll try to do that later this week or next week02:28
mjg59benh: Yeah, I've just been going through those on bcm43xx-dev02:28
mjg59benh: Anything beyond Larry's megapatch?02:29
benhmjg59: yah, mb's softmac debug stuff improves things for me02:29
benhmjg59: but it's flooding the kernel log :)02:29
benhmjg59: there have been at least one actual race fix extracted from that patch by larry (see mail from yesterday/today)02:29
benhmjg59: might be best asking mb what's his take on the matter02:30
benhI've been running with the whole lot (including the dmesg flooding) for about 2 days now and it's been remarkably stable02:30
mjg59We can drop the dmesg flooding in any case02:30
benhit still has the shitty tx power issue of all 4318 chipsets but at least it won't blow up or lose the AP completely anymore02:31
benhyeah, maybe worth asking mb however what in his patch he thinks actually fixes something02:31
benha lot of it is just additional debug output for him to track down in case there's another race02:31
benhah also02:32
benhthere's a small issue with windfarm on iMac G5 & cie02:32
benhthose drivers aren't autoloaded for various reasons (I do need to fix that)02:32
benhthus you probably need to have some config file setup at install to autoload windfarm_* (some might fail, since they don't all apply to all machines, but that's ok)02:32
benhat least on 64 bits Macs02:33
BenCbenh: Sounds good02:41
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zulBenC: ping04:31
zulxen works from ubuntu git
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jikanterwhere is the /proc/mapped_base file in the 2.6 x86-64 kernel?06:50
jikanteror is their such a thing?06:50
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ivoksBenC: this is the situation: ich on dapper works only in IDE mode (uses ata_piix), ich8 on edgy doesn't work at all10:38
ivoksBenC: so, both dapper's and edgy's ahci are in non working state for ICH810:38
ivoksBenC: i'm afraid i can't do any more testing since my client needs he's computer :(10:39
ivoksi should've take english courses... :/10:40
tonfa*taken ;)10:40
ivokstonfa: i've taken french instead :))10:42
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ph8|workivoks: using ben's latest kernel?12:17
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zulwhats with all this Bug Watch Updater email's that got spammed01:18
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BenCph8, ivoks: Latest daily images should have all the jmicron stuff at least02:51
BenCI need to figure out about ich802:51
mjg59BenC: I should be getting an ich8 soon02:53
mjg59Then I just need to find a sata drive...02:54
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zultfheen: ping03:46
tfheenzul: hiya03:46
zulim going to be uploading 2.6.17 for xen sometime tonight so ill move xrm to 2.6.17 as well03:46
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mvohi! I got something in dmesg with the current livecd that doesn't make sense:04:42
mvo[17180694.200000]  nvidia: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel.04:42
mvo[17180694.200000]  nvidia: Unknown symbol init_module04:42
mvo[17180694.200000]  nvidia: Unknown symbol cleanup_module04:42
fabbionethe what and the what?04:49
fabbionemvo: probably better to tell that to tfheen 04:49
tfheenuh -- it loads nvidia by default?04:49
mvono, that was me04:50
mvodebugging a problem with a regression of the livecd on a nvidia board04:51
tfheentry to run depmod -a first and see if the problem goes away04:51
mvobut I wanted to know if the nvidia problem would give me a correct screen04:51
mjg59tfheen: It does try to load nvidia by default, yes04:52
mjg59But we then don't use it for X, so it's irrelevant04:52
mjg59mvo: The nvidia module isn't used on the livecd04:52
mvomjg59: I know, I downloaded it on the livefs to test if that one works (the nv module gives a incorrect screen)04:54
mvoa garbage screen that is04:54
mjg59mvo: nv is expected to work. 04:56
mvomjg59: right, but it doesn't on this system. it used to work on dapper, but the current i386/edgy/livecd is no longer working, X comes up as garbage04:57
mjg59mvo: I think that's a more interesting problem than the nvidia one :)04:58
mvomjg59: :)04:58
mjg59Since it's what users will actually get04:58
mjg59What system is this?04:58
mvomjg59: I'm attaching the logs now04:58
mvomjg59: its a duo core2 with nvidia 6800 (bug 62628)04:59
mjg59mvo: A laptop?05:01
mvomjg59: no, a desktop05:01
mjg59Using DVI?05:01
mjg59It claims to have found an analog device, and then talks about TMDS setup05:02
mvomjg59: the system has two monitors (one via dvi, one vga)05:02
mjg59mvo: Oh, ok05:02
mjg59mvo: Can you try with only one connected?05:02
mvomjg59: ok, trying that now05:03
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mvomjg59: bingo! with only one lcd connected via vga it works. with dvi it does not work interesstingly05:13
exobuzzis there any chance the ubuntu kernels could ship with option CONFIG_MD_RAID5_RESHAPE=y ?05:13
mjg59mvo: Ok, so it's screwed up somewhere there05:13
exobuzzits a feature marked as experimental, but wouldnt effect anyone unless they actually tried to reshape using mdadm from the command line..05:15
exobuzzand i assume if someone tries to reshape, then they want the feature ? :)05:15
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zulhah...put that in your pipe and smoke it07:32
zul xen-image-xen0-2.6.17-1-generic-xen0_2.6.17-1_i386.deb07:32
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Xnixanyone around?07:52
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