
ajmitchgeser: universe security is primarily our responsibility12:10
LaserJockI just don't know who12:10
tsengLaserJock: not really dude12:10
tsengits fast enough12:10
tsengbetter things to do12:10
minghuaI remember CVEs are tracked in a special place12:10
LaserJockwell, I think Kamion and Keybuk have better things to do most of the time12:10
Q-FUNKLaserJock: as I said a number of times:  there's plenty of people with a good understanding of the arhcive and of what consttutes good packages.12:10
Q-FUNKsame thign at debian12:11
tsengLaserJock: mark isnt going to pay someone just to man the archive12:11
LaserJockit's hard with this fast of a dev cycle when you have to wait weeks for things12:11
tsengLaserJock: and any person with such skills can do something more useful12:11
LaserJocktseng: I'm not talking paid12:11
geserajmitch: i'm trying to rebuild php4 from debian unstable (for security fixes) but fails as it needs both libdb4.3-dev and libdb4.4-dev12:11
LaserJocktseng: I know what you mean12:11
Q-FUNKthat only 1 or 2 new guys per decade get trusted enough to get the root they need to act is a whole other issue.12:11
tsengLaserJock: ask for a login to davis12:11
tsengLaserJock: good luck12:11
LaserJockthat's what I'm saying12:11
geserajmitch: have you an idea how to proceed?12:11
LaserJocktseng: what I'm saying is I'd like to see more time put into archive admin but I don't really see that happening12:12
ajmitchgeser: no, I haven't touched php4, infinity may know when he's around tomorrow12:12
=== ajmitch gets back to work
Q-FUNKLaserJock: and it so happens thta kamion and keybouck indeed are better at less boring tasks, so why not have someone else e.g. not internested in reinventing sysvinit handle NEW?12:13
tsengLaserJock: we could also have an art team12:13
tsengLaserJock: yay fantasy land12:13
Q-FUNKthere is an art team12:13
LaserJockQ-FUNK: like who?12:13
LaserJockI'm not seeing anybody12:13
Q-FUNKi was subscribed to the list until a few months ago12:13
tsengQ-FUNK: there is a group of people who think that brown gradients are art12:13
tsengyeah sorry12:14
Q-FUNKpeople got tired of jdub and jane silber constantly butting in and calling the shots, despite not contributing anything artistic.12:14
tsenghad to do it12:14
LaserJockit'd be nice if archive admin'ing was faster12:15
LaserJockbut it'12:15
LaserJockit's not as bad as it used to be12:15
LaserJockand from my limited experience in Debian it's about on par12:15
LaserJockat least for NEW Ubuntu seems a bit faster12:15
tsengloads faster12:16
Q-FUNKi also used to subscribe to ubuntu-marketing.  same issue.  every time we were about to figure out a solution to something, jane silber butting in out of nowhere.12:16
LaserJockbut debian doesn't have the sync thing12:16
LaserJockbut right now most syncs take a couple days tops12:16
LaserJockI think12:16
Q-FUNKat least not on my packages12:18
FujitsuLaserJock, mine regularly take a week.12:18
Q-FUNKit indeed was worse back when one had to nag elmo, but I cannot say it got any better now.12:18
crimsunQ-FUNK: these are all valid points, and I wish you could have raised them at the TB meeting today (for which you applied for ubuntu-dev membership but didn't show)12:18
LaserJockFujitsu: oh really?12:18
LaserJockyeah, a week is tough when we're up against a freeze12:19
LaserJockit's not bad if you are doing single packages12:19
Q-FUNKcrimsun: I'll eventually show up :)  I just cannot be everywhere at the same time.12:19
crimsunQ-FUNK: understood :)12:19
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LaserJockbut when you have packages that depend on others ...12:19
crimsunFujitsu: congrats12:19
FujitsuLike, my oldest one now is from a week ago.12:19
FujitsuTHanks crimsun :)12:19
FujitsuAnd thanks for sending in an email :12:19
FujitsuLaserJock, exactly, like gnome-chemistry-utils.12:20
lotusleafI was using debmirror and went to sleep and woke up and it stopped midway, is there any way to continue where I left off without starting all over again?12:20
Fujitsulotusleaf, just start it up again.12:20
lotusleafFujitsu: it won't remove directories or anything?12:20
minghuaI think crimsun is right, we (MOTUs) should mention this on TB meeting12:21
FujitsuNo, unless they've been removed from Packages.12:21
Q-FUNKcrimsun: I'm working on a project whose website just opened today (albeit with filler content, for now).12:21
lotusleafFujitsu: thanks! :)12:21
Fujitsuminghua, I agree too.12:21
Fujitsulotusleaf, otherwise I'd not have a mirror, mine often fails.12:21
minghua(maybe too late for edgy though, but at least make sure this doesn't happen again before edgy+1 freeze)12:21
lotusleafFujitsu: whew, that's a relief to hear. ;)12:21
Q-FUNKcrimsun: my blog on the debian planet says a bit about it.12:21
crimsuncbx33: congrats, too12:21
FujitsuI do find it a little strange that two of the absolutely key developers are the ones spending the time doing syncs etc., when they can (and do) do better things.12:22
crimsunit seems to be a trust issue, which I can understand12:23
Q-FUNKkeybuck's work on startup is a reason to rejoice.  as to why he ends up doign what others withotu inspiratin to code but who can tella bad package from a good one ciuld do is beynd me.12:23
minghuaQ-FUNK's blog entry sounds just like teasing to me :-)12:23
crimsunit was actually discussed either in #ubuntu-devel or at a TB meeting a while ago. There's soyuz work for a sync (LP) button iirc12:24
LaserJockI think that's the solution that they are waiting on12:24
Q-FUNKwhne is soyuz going to orbit?12:24
Fujitsucrimsun, they mentioned in a TB meeting in January that that was coming `soon'.12:24
LaserJockFujitsu: good, that means by this Jan. it might happen ;-)12:24
Q-FUNKfree software and (lack of) deadlines.  *sigh*12:25
FujitsuQ-FUNK, ah, but Soyuz isn't Free.12:25
FujitsuIf it were, this would have been implemented months ago.12:25
FujitsuAs it'd be incredibly useful.12:25
LaserJockI doubt it12:25
Q-FUNK  12:25
LaserJockI don't think this stuff would go that much faster as open source12:25
LaserJockbut I could be totally wrong12:26
LaserJockhave been in the past ;-)12:26
FujitsuHaving it open would allow much greater participation, I'd assume.12:26
FujitsuBut that's not going to happen.12:26
LaserJockassuming be want/would work on it12:26
Q-FUNKi mean, what is the point of motu team being called _master_ of the universe if we have to pss thru the keybuck/kamion bottleneck?12:26
LaserJockQ-FUNK: hahaha12:27
LaserJockwell, we proposed a Universe archive admin team once12:27
=== Fujitsu points out planet.ubuntu.com, top post.
Q-FUNKwhat is it that the team masters, exactly?12:27
FujitsuLaserJock, in the TB meeting in January, I believe.12:27
LaserJockQ-FUNK: uploading, and screwing up peoples computers ;-)12:28
FujitsuBut that can't happen, 'cause they access the DB raw, so no permissions.12:28
Q-FUNKnot acceptable to the lose canons that be?12:28
LaserJockI do think there's a trust issue12:28
Q-FUNKfix the db, not the process.  how is that hard to get?12:28
LaserJockwell placed or not12:28
FujitsuLaserJock, there is certainly a trust issue.12:28
LaserJockwell, the thing is they already have a solution planed (via LP)12:29
FujitsuQ-FUNK, the web frontend hasn't been developed yet... It's coming `soon'.12:29
cbx33thanks crimsun12:29
Q-FUNKthat's why i said that it's similar to debian putting everythign in the hand of ganneff and elmo.  bottleneck.12:29
tsengto address that, I was told the "trust issue" was data center policy12:29
tsengnot sure if that is canonical DC policy or the DC itself12:29
LaserJockbut again, who would be doing the admin'ing12:29
tsengbut i know that the same DC has all of AOL's European equipment12:29
tsengand other high priority things12:29
LaserJockthe same issue arises, I think12:29
tsengthey are happy to give boxes outside that DC12:29
tsenglike tiber12:30
LaserJockgood people who know what they are doing are going to be developing12:30
tsengand boxes for LOCO teams12:30
LaserJocknot admining12:30
Q-FUNKI would gladly admin.12:30
Q-FUNKI onyl got into packaging by accident.12:30
Q-FUNKand don't code at all.12:30
FujitsuAnyhow, it needs to be brought up at the TB, as one-week delays in syncing a week before the freeze is really not good.12:31
crimsunit's really not as critical; exceptions for these bugfixes are normal12:31
Q-FUNKespecially when the case is a debian maintianer who when thru the trouble f merging a fix onyl beneficial to the ubuntu side, imho.12:31
LaserJockFujitsu: but it only matter like one or two weeks a release, which makes it difficult to be pursuasive12:31
FujitsuLaserJock, true.12:32
Fujitsucrimsun, dependencies are also problems.12:32
crimsunsurely. I imagine things will be a bit better after Thursday (beta).12:32
LaserJockexcept Universe Freeze is Thursday12:32
FujitsuThat's the problem, though. We're in freeze after beta.12:32
crimsunwe have freeze exceptions, too12:33
FujitsuHaving UniverseFreeze and beta on the same day is silly.12:33
LaserJockthat's the other thing too12:33
crimsunand bugfixes that are as critical as the one Q-FUNK mentioned go through12:33
Q-FUNKexception are had to come by, unless we fix an RC bug.12:33
LaserJockDapper's freeze was hardly a freeze12:33
FujitsuLaserJock, rather slushy?12:33
LaserJockQ-FUNK: heh, not in Universe12:33
LaserJockFujitsu: rather12:33
Q-FUNKI'm not even sure if mine qualifies as RC fix.  it does solve a long-standing issue preventing cups-pdf from being usable on ubuntu, but that's about it.12:34
LaserJockQ-FUNK: I don't think it'll be a problem12:35
crimsun"not being usable" sounds critical to me12:35
FujitsuI don't think having universe frozen and the beta released on the same day is a good idea, because in the time leading up to that date, the core-devs are busy doing that, which means little/no archive-adminning just before freeze.12:35
FujitsuWhich is right when it's needed most.12:35
minghuaisn't there some rule like "existent sync requests before freeze will be processed"?12:35
Q-FUNKsince universe packages tend not t end up on the cd anyhow, why can't universe be a neverneding backport repository then?12:36
Fujitsuminghua, I'd bloody well hope so.12:36
LaserJockminghua: I really don't know12:36
LaserJockI know some of my stuff got dropped in Dapper's UVF12:36
azeemwhen exactly is the freeze?12:36
crimsunFujitsu: I agree that it would have been nice to shift it to a week before Beta (my original suggestion), but we'll have to live with it now12:36
LaserJocksome time12:36
azeemheh, ok12:36
Fujitsuazeem, some time on the 28th, estimated by Mithrandir last night to be around 1400UTC.12:36
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Fujitsucrimsun, noted, but it needs to be looked at for Edgy+1.12:37
FujitsuSpeaking of Edgy+1, shouldn't the name be released at some point!?12:37
LaserJockI was at the edgy release schedule BOF a couple times12:37
Q-FUNKbleeding eft12:37
LaserJockI think UniverseFreeze was a little bit of an after thought ;-)12:38
nictukucan I expect that all packages installation and upgrades work fine non-interactively?12:38
ajmitchLaserJock: it always is12:38
Fujitsunictuku, no.12:38
ajmitchLaserJock: generally up to us to decide12:38
Fujitsuajmitch, LaserJock: That's not good...12:38
LaserJocknot really12:38
Q-FUNKLaserJock: but why freeze something that doesn't end up on the cd in the first place?  that part i really don't get.12:38
lifelessQ-FUNK: quality control12:38
lifelessQ-FUNK: the cd's are -not- why main freezes12:39
LaserJocklook, my impression (this is only my opinion) is that mdz doesn't really care a whole lot of Universe is doing12:39
ajmitchhey lifeless12:39
LaserJockso we can more or less do what we want with it12:39
ajmitchLaserJock: he's quite easy-going with universe12:39
azeemlifeless: bummer about opensync-0.1912:39
lifelesshi ajmitch12:39
LaserJockwe did, IMO, have a fairly solid leadership structure12:39
LaserJockwhich we no longer have12:39
Q-FUNKlifeless: and yet universe truely is unsupported on ubuntu.  might as well make it a perpetual backport then.12:39
lifelessazeem: about upstream sitting on arse for 6 months and not releasing ?12:39
LaserJockwhich has made these issues harder to deal with12:40
ajmitchLaserJock: then we'll change that12:40
azeemlifeless: sort of, they're talking about releasing for a month now12:40
LaserJockwe need some leadership to step up12:40
azeemor rather not talking12:40
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FujitsuLaserJock, who used to lead?12:40
LaserJockdholbach and ogra12:40
lifelessazeem: yahuh. actually about 3 months abauer has been saying 'when the xyz branch is merged'12:40
ajmitchLaserJock: fine, let's do it :)12:40
LaserJockwhen was the last time we had a MOTU meeting?12:40
LaserJockwe used to have those all the time12:40
azeemlifeless: apparently things is sort of tagged or committed in svn12:41
FujitsuLaserJock, not since Edgy opened, AFAIK.12:41
ajmitchLaserJock: I've got some lists of packages (unmet deps), I'll get some build logs from fabbione soon12:41
Q-FUNKactually, speaking og dholbach and ogra, why don't they get right s to process new/universe?12:41
lifelessazeem: thats a start, but wow a bit late.12:41
ajmitchLaserJock: even the last revu day we had to prod people to get going12:41
LaserJockQ-FUNK: they are too busy doing dev work12:41
LaserJockajmitch: exactly12:41
LaserJockwe are, IMO, a rudderless ship12:41
FujitsuI think we need a meeting.12:42
lifelessLaserJock: so organise a meeting12:42
FujitsuLaserJock, yes, all working independently.12:42
FujitsuSome structure needs to be organised, I think.12:42
LaserJockwe used to be more of a well-oiled machine12:42
Q-FUNKidea:  since universe is not supported, assign all paid canonicals to only catter to main and leave absolute free reign over universe to motu team?12:42
=== ajmitch hasn't seen that many problems with how we've been going
LaserJockQ-FUNK: that is more or less done with the exception of archive admin'ing12:42
Q-FUNKyet archive admin is the bottle neck.12:43
Q-FUNKback to # one12:43
LaserJockI don't think it is, honestly12:43
Q-FUNKkeybuck and kamion should spot two unpaid peeps from motu and give them access.  there.  sorted.12:43
LaserJockit's *a* bottleneck, probably always will be12:44
LaserJockQ-FUNK: heh, easier said then done since they don't let other paid devs do that12:44
LaserJockIt's an issue12:44
LaserJockand maybe we can solve it that way, that'd be up to the TB12:44
Q-FUNKthe solution to this sounds similar to the enverending dilema is similar to debian and non-free packages: put it in a separate archive with its own team and own new queue.12:45
minghuaI don't think archive-admin is the only bottleneck either12:45
minghuathe thing is universe means completely different thing to different people12:45
Q-FUNKlet's have a www.apt-universe.org12:46
=== minghua suspect that some people see lack of REVU reviewers as the biggest bottleneck
LaserJockyes, that's a big one12:46
LaserJockI'd say our biggest bottleneck is the lack of MOTU hours12:46
minghuaI also know the Chinese Xubuntu derivative has their own repo12:46
LaserJockeither having more hours/MOTU or more MOTUs12:46
FujitsuWell, in a month I'll have literally every hour of my time for 3 months, that'll hopefully do something.12:47
minghuathey don't push their changes into ubuntu proper because (1) some changes are just dirty hacks (2) there are just fewer experts on Chinese-specific issues, and it's hard to explain12:47
Q-FUNKLaserJock: chicken and egg.  again, a typical debian dilema.  too huge distro to release in atimely fasion yet NM and especially DAM slowing the arial of more volunteers.12:47
LaserJockthings maybe haven't been so bad, as ajmitch has suggested12:47
minghuaI wonder what they see the bottleneck is12:48
ajmitchLaserJock: where do you think the MOTU hours could be better spent then?12:48
LaserJockajmitch: not better spent hours, we just need more of them12:48
LaserJockthe thing is, we have a huge amount of work to do12:48
LaserJockthis isn't just about packaging12:48
minghuaI agree with ajmitch that we are doing fine as is12:49
LaserJockminghua: without meetings, or organization?12:49
minghuahowever I wasn't really involved in the days of strong leadership12:49
LaserJockwell, I though even dapper was better12:49
minghuaLaserJock: leadership.  meetings are still necessary, IMO12:49
crimsuncan we at least agree on shifting away from bringing newer packages (syncs, merges) in unless they fix /critical/ bugs?12:50
minghuathe problem is who to organize them12:50
LaserJockminghua: of course12:50
LaserJockI think one of the problems12:50
LaserJockis that MOTUs tend to get sucked into other things12:50
crimsunwe're about a month away, so we really need to be concentrating on making things at least installable and runnable12:50
Q-FUNKwe need people to sift thru new packages and syncs.12:50
LaserJockbeing a MOTU isn't neccessarily the stoping point12:50
Fujitsucrimsun, yeah.12:50
FujitsuQ-FUNK, not at this point in the release cycle.12:51
Q-FUNKit's a question of dividing the workload.12:51
minghuacrimsun: I agree with you, but I am not sure other users do, they just want their new/most up-to-date software12:51
crimsunminghua: they'll have edgy-backports12:51
ajmitchLaserJock: certainly - I've not done as much on universe this time round12:51
crimsun"as much crack as possible!"12:51
LaserJockwell, there is another issue here12:51
lifelessI think that its important to recognize that there are two groups of users of universe :12:51
LaserJockregarding merges/syncs12:51
LaserJocknot all merges/syncs are created equal12:51
Q-FUNKLaserJock: being a motu helps, just as being a fully empowered DD at debian does.12:51
lifeless *) bleeding edge testers. These users want to track universe in the current development version.12:52
lifeless *) end users / corporates etc. These users want the universe that matches a release of main to be as stable as possible12:52
LaserJockwhat we don't have is any system (I don't think) to prioritize and organize merge/sync12:52
LaserJockso we just attack the whole thing12:52
lifelessuniverse is not 'supported' -> does not mean 'universe is unused' or 'universe should be unstable'12:52
crimsunlifeless: agreed. I think we need to shoot for the latter, since edgy-backports should open after freeze, and at least core-dev can upload to it directly.12:53
ajmitchapt-cache -i unmet |grep Package |wc -l12:53
FujitsuLaserJock, a MoM-type thing with a feature like that would be nice.12:53
crimsunajmitch: let's attack that wiki-style12:53
ajmitchFujitsu: we used to have that12:53
ajmitchcrimsun: that got painful real fast12:53
Fujitsuajmitch, why don't we any more?12:53
ajmitchwiki has been slow lately12:54
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crimsunajmitch: true, better suggestion?12:54
LaserJockFujitsu: nobody organized it/got it going12:54
Q-FUNKlifeless: then again, several years of helping users on #debian @ircnet shows that users do want the latest of $favorite_desktop_app without aving to upgrade everything.12:54
ajmitchcrimsun: revive the old merge tracker on tiber?12:54
LaserJockI loved the merge tracker on tiber12:54
lifelessQ-FUNK: indeed they do, and backports is the route we offer to do that.12:54
crimsunajmitch: sounds feasible12:54
LaserJockmuch better than the current MoM12:54
ajmitchsomething I can tackle tonight12:54
FujitsuWhy'd we move off the tiber one?12:54
LaserJockFujitsu: nobody got it going again12:55
Q-FUNKlifeless: so it sounds t me that we need two universes:  backports and moving target.12:55
ajmitchFujitsu: because it required more manual work to setup & keep in cync12:55
LaserJock*read* lack of leadership, organization, time12:55
ajmitchit was offered when edgy opened12:55
Q-FUNKlifeless: what you describe is what I would call, in debian terms, unstable and backports.12:56
lifelessQ-FUNK: I was trying to show that there are different populations of users. some users want different things12:56
LaserJockQ-FUNK: or what we have now, universe and -backports ;-)12:56
lifelessour role is to try to strike a balance between the huge space of requests and what we can deliver12:57
minghuaI am really not sure about the quality of ubuntu's -backports12:57
Q-FUNKhm.. how hard would it be to have a builder infra that can turn universe into a perpetual universe/backports?12:57
LaserJockminghua: well, that's an issue in itself12:57
LaserJockQ-FUNK: why would be want to do that?12:57
minghuait seems the backports admins also lacks man power to check the package carefully12:58
Q-FUNKas in e.g. gnome packages within minro releeases subsequent to whatever made it to the last ubuntu being always backported.12:58
minghuaand my understanding is that ubuntu's -backports doesn't work like debian's backports.org12:58
minghuai.e., you don't have choice between packages, you either stay at dapper or upgrade everything to dapper-backports12:59
Q-FUNKat debian, releases take too long to do it, but at ubuntu, it would be easy to have e.g. gnome 2.14.x always straight to backports12:59
Q-FUNK..until edgy is released, at which point backports offers the latests 2.16.x01:00
azeemQ-FUNK: gnome is in main, not universe01:00
Q-FUNKazeem: hence why i said that we need two backports repo too.01:00
minghuaQ-FUNK's words actually raises a question: what will happen to dapper-backports once edgy is released?01:01
LaserJockUbuntu's got main restricted universe multiverse -security -updates -backports -proposed01:01
Q-FUNKazeem: remember when bruce perens prosed hosting contrib and non-free completely outside debian servers?01:01
LaserJockI think we have enough repos01:01
LaserJockwe just need to do the work01:01
Q-FUNKwe need to be empowered to do the work01:01
LaserJockminghua: people can still upload to dapper-backports01:01
LaserJockprobably until it's done being supported01:02
minghuaLaserJock: who can upload to -backports right now?  my understanding is only core-devs?01:02
LaserJockcore-devs and backports team?01:02
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LaserJockstill MOTUs01:03
minghuaLaserJock: I only see backport team requesting sync-like backports, not uploading01:03
LaserJock+1 ;-)01:03
LaserJockminghua: right, I think that might go into effect for edgy's backports or something01:04
Q-FUNKyikes!  2am.01:04
minghuaanyway, as none here is involved in backports (and they don't seem to have a channel here), not much point to discuss too much01:04
=== Q-FUNK hits the sack
Q-FUNK'night y'all!01:04
minghuanight, Q-FUNK01:04
LaserJockminghua: they are MOTUs01:04
LaserJockminghua: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-backporters01:05
minghuaoh, I didn't know crimsun is in backporter team01:07
LaserJockhe does a lot01:07
nixternalhe is in everything and everywhere01:07
LaserJockwaayy to much to be healthy I think ;-)01:07
nixternali agree01:08
nixternalnever seen anyone whose shrink fired them...01:08
nixternalanywho, im grabbin' pizza, who's in?01:08
nixternalbbiaf ;)01:08
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Fujitsuazeem, ping.01:20
FujitsuNote that you can specify /distros/ubuntu/sourcepackage when you're filing a bug by email, so you don't have to do it manually.01:21
azeemright, I figured that out now01:21
azeemthe first two I filed weren't in Ubuntu, and used them as template for the others, so :)01:22
FujitsuAh, OK.01:22
Fujitsu'night, pygi.01:23
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LaserJockFujitsu: do you use email a lot for bugs?01:27
FujitsuLaserJock, yes.01:28
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LaserJockFujitsu: hmm, I'll have to have you show me some time01:28
FujitsuUsingMaloneEmail on help.launchpad.net describes a bit, I believe.01:28
nictukuwhat do you think of "widy" for the name of a software?01:31
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FujitsuLaserJock, did Debian tasks always appear as seperate bugs, up the top of subscribed bug listings? I don't remember those being at the top of MOTU Science's list before...01:33
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lotusleafI never realised how big the universe was02:01
LaserJockheh, really?02:05
LaserJockit's everything in Debian - Main02:05
lotusleafit's mighty big!02:10
LaserJockand then you think of how many people are working on it02:10
minghuaoh, no, not this stupid compression format discussion again02:13
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keescookanyone familiar with the buildds around?02:25
keescookoh, good.  I'm not going crazy.  the version prior to my upload didn't build on sparc or ppc either.02:27
LaserJockkeescook: what do you need?02:31
keescookLaserJock: crimsun uploaded a crash-fix for "abuse-sdl" that I made, and today I saw that the builds on sparc/ppc failed.  (my change was trivial)02:32
keescookbut I see that the build on the version prior failed also02:32
keescooknot mine: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/abuse-sdl/1:0.7.0-4ubuntu102:32
keescookmine: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/abuse-sdl/1:0.7.0-4ubuntu202:32
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crimsunto note, the latest patch hasn't been integrated yet02:33
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keescookcrimsun: yup, that's fine.02:37
bddebianHeya gang02:38
keescookwhat's the normal situation when a package doesn't build across all archs?  (i.e. should a bug have been opened against 1:0.7.0-4ubuntu1?)02:38
keescookhiya bddebian02:38
bddebianHello keescook02:38
LaserJockhi bddebian02:40
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-125-169.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya LaserJock02:40
bddebianHi Hobbsee02:40
LaserJockhola Hobbsee02:40
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Hobbseehey bddebian, LaserJock02:41
LaserJockhmm, maybe I've been doing to much computer work02:43
LaserJockmy boss just asked me if I had pink eye02:44
zulLaserJock: you been reading the forums again havent you? :)02:45
LaserJocknope just irssi and mutt02:45
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LaserJockanybody know what shift does?03:31
LaserJockit's in a shell script03:31
tsengits a built-in03:32
tsengyou can find it in man bash as well03:33
LaserJockah, I was doing man push without luck03:33
minghuaLaserJock: help shift (in bash shell)03:34
minghuabascially it manipulates command line arguments03:34
minghuaand tseng is right, bash(1) man page has more information03:35
minghuait's just that bash's man page is a bit daunting03:36
tseng /shift works03:36
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zulhappy joy joy..04:31
Hobbseewhat's up, zul?04:35
zulnot much04:37
zulummm...who will be handling uvf requests for universe? ;)04:43
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bddebianwb Toadstool04:47
Toadstoolhey ajmitch, bddebian04:47
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crimsuntheCore: please provide a URL to the 1.15 orig.tar.gz for #6241605:07
crimsuntheCore: sorry05:07
crimsunTheMuso: please provide a URL to the 1.15 orig.tar.gz for #6241605:07
Hobbseebug 6241605:08
UbugtuMalone bug 62416 in espeak "espeak: Request review/upload of new package." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6241605:08
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imbrandonsomething has totaly bored my ibook05:30
imbrandonon thsi last update05:30
lupine_85new kernel?05:31
imbrandoni'm not sure what it is tbh , still trying to debug , but its kinda hard without a keyboard05:31
imbrandonwell my keyboard dont work in X anymore, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg dosent show the debconf screen , eg it all go's black05:32
imbrandonouch infact on reboot kdm dont even start05:32
imbrandonok fixed, yay \o/ for manual hacking of trhe xorg.conf05:35
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LaserJockhola Fujitsu05:42
FujitsuHey LaserJock.05:43
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imbrandonoh wow LaserJock check this http://www.intel.com/research/dpr.htm05:45
imbrandonnow thats incredable, too bad i will be an old man before its mainstream05:45
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superm1Brandon, I uploaded a fix for both the mythtv and mythplugins package a little bit ago.  if you have a moment05:50
imbrandonsuperm1, sure. i'll look here in a sec05:51
imbrandonajmitch, you busy ?06:10
ajmitchI didn't do it!06:10
ajmitchoh, sorry06:10
ajmitchyes, imbrandon?06:10
imbrandoncan you eyeball superm1's merge of mythplugins with me, there are alot of changes and i dont wanna miss anything this close to freeze06:11
imbrandonif you have the time06:11
ajmitchin ~6 hours, maybe06:11
imbrandoni'm looking it over now too ( i dident run revu-tools on it just doing it localy )06:11
ajmitchI'm not really available for anything indepth right now06:11
superm1imbrandon, my only worry with it was if I still missed some files like you had mentioned.  I found two xml files that weren't getting added06:12
superm1but beyond that I didn't see anything missed06:12
=== ajmitch just saw irc highlight in the background
imbrandonajmitch, ok no worries when you have time06:12
imbrandonsuperm1, cool, yea i just have to check this really well as there are alot of changes from 0.18 to 0.2006:12
imbrandon( mostly becouse of the ubuntu deltas from before )06:13
superm1makes sense.  I figure at this point, its better to get the version in at least by the freeze, and if something is missing, make a minor version bump right by freeze time06:13
imbrandonthe mythtv looks ok though, i'll upload that after bit06:13
superm1k good06:14
superm1and I think I finally understand how to increment versions :)06:14
imbrandonheh yea dont increment them every time when you upload to revu06:14
imbrandoni ment to explain that to you better when i had time06:14
superm1yea I've been gone for a bit, forgot to leave IRC when I left town too06:15
superm1if you tried to ping me this weekend06:15
imbrandonbasicly it boils down to <package>_<upstream_version>-<debianvr_reversion><ubuntu_revision>06:16
imbrandonand we only change the ubuntu ones06:16
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imbrandonbefore you bumped the debian 0.2 to 306:16
imbrandonso like a debian package of blah_1.0-1 would end up blah_1.0-1ubuntu1 then blah_1.0-1ubuntu2 etc06:17
superm1now what about those cases that you are syncing from a repo like debian-multimedia, and they make a few small changes, and bump the debian version, but you already backported those changes?06:17
superm1should you still only bump ubuntu version?06:17
imbrandonsyncs dont get version bumps, merges do06:17
imbrandonand i think you mean a merge06:18
superm1yes I do06:18
Fujitsu_I like it how Linux XChat is still better than the Windows version, even running through Cygwin/X :)06:18
imbrandonFujitsu lol06:18
imbrandonsuperm1, like umm.... ok give me an example06:18
imbrandonoh ok ....06:18
superm1well in the mythplugins package.  I had fixed some mythweb packaging related things that marillat didn't have right.  he fixed it in a later version of his, but I already had it covered06:19
superm1so should I have adopted his new version number for the debian version?06:19
imbrandonso you mean if we have blah_1.0-1ubuntu3 and it has changes , then debian makes blah_1.0-2 and incorperates those changes ?06:19
imbrandonthen we just sync , overiding our changes and blah_1.0-2 gos into the archive06:20
imbrandonassuming everething was covered, if they only incorperated part of it then we06:20
superm1have to put our patches back on06:21
superm1that are missed, irght?06:21
imbrandonmake blah_1.0-2ubuntu1 with the remaining changes06:21
FujitsuThen we merge, and keep the delta. Yay, more Ubuntu delta. What fun.06:21
imbrandonsuperm1, right06:21
superm1okay that makes a lot more sense then.06:21
imbrandonyea the versioning can be hell if you dont understand it , but once you catch on its easy ( assuming everyone plays by the rules )06:22
Fujitsuimbrandon, which they often don't, although it's generally a mistake.06:22
HobbseeFujitsu: congratulations - uploaded all your new merges yet?06:22
imbrandonFujitsu, yea ;) yay for epocs06:23
FujitsuHobbsee, thanks :)06:23
Fujitsu4 or so, I think.06:23
superm1well and it clearly starts to become a bit messy if the maintainer doesn't watch closely at what changes between upstream patches and their own06:23
imbrandonoh yea Fujitsu congrats man ;)06:23
Fujitsusuperm1, they have to, or things explode :)06:23
FujitsuOh yes, that reminds me...06:23
crimsunI look forward to not having to ACK every single thing coming through u-u-s06:23
Fujitsuimbrandon, Hobbsee says you have a machine that you let MOTUs build on...06:23
Hobbseecrimsun: *grin*06:23
Hobbseecrimsun: yeah06:23
FujitsuYeah, thanks for all the sponsorships in the past, crimsun :) They're much appreciated.06:24
imbrandonFujitsu, yea select friends, not nessesarly MOTU's ;) want access ?06:24
FujitsuAh, if you want to give it to me, yes please :)06:24
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ajmitchimbrandon: I'm not your friend? :)06:24
imbrandonFujitsu, sure, give me a littlebit to finish up some stuff06:24
imbrandonajmitch, haha you never asked for access ;)06:24
Fujitsuimbrandon, take your time, I'm in no big rush.06:25
Hobbseehe doesnt need access :P06:25
ajmitchimbrandon: probably since I have a fast box anyway - just no ppc to build on06:25
imbrandonyea i need to get a ppc box setup , i promised Seveas i would set one up for him06:25
imbrandonFujitsu, you want a x86 account or x86_64 ?06:26
ajmitchimbrandon: if you or anyone can provide one for MOTUs to build on, it'd be great06:26
ajmitchI have x86 & amd64 already at home06:26
Fujitsuimbrandon, good question...06:26
crimsunppc would be most appreciated.06:26
=== ajmitch was lookign for a cheap mac mini or similar for building on
imbrandonajmitch, yea i will likely open up a "small" build farm shortly for motu's once i find a good way to secure it so its semi automated accounts with ubuntu-dev access etc06:26
FujitsuI've got an OKish x86, so I might grab x86_64, if you please.06:27
imbrandonFujitsu, ok06:27
ajmitchI've opened my amd64 box up to others in the past if they need access06:27
imbrandoni just picked up 2 ppc 400mhz boxes with 256mb ram i plan to do it with, and i have 2 vm's on the amd64 ( that only Seveas takes advantage of atm )06:28
ajmitchimbrandon: xen ftw06:28
imbrandonyea i'd like to find a way to make the accounts semi automated etc06:28
imbrandonyea the amd64 is a a xen setup , it WAS vmware06:29
ajmitchthere's a 400MHz ppc at home, with 512MB RAM06:29
ajmitchbut it gets used for OSX all the time06:29
ajmitchso I can't reboot it for building06:29
Fujitsuajmitch, :(06:29
imbrandonheh i got these from a guy at the lug for 25$ each06:29
ajmitchyeah, this is ex-university06:29
imbrandonthey dident have monitors or hdd's but i threw a cheap 20 gig in each , probably will ahve to up that if i give semi-public access06:30
imbrandonbut headless should be fine06:30
ajmitchheadless is preferable06:31
ajmitchless things to go wrong :)06:31
imbrandonsuperm1, one thing i did notice ( havent looked 100% is your changelog entries are past 80 chars long ) not a big deal, just fyi06:31
imbrandonajmitch, exactly06:32
=== LaserJock thinks of "The headless Pbuilder"
superm1so they should be less then 80 chars most the time then?06:32
Fujitsusuperm1, which?06:32
imbrandonyea just wrap them to the next line if needed with 4 spaces indent06:32
superm1changelog entries06:32
imbrandonlike i said not a real big deal but its nice for those on 80x2506:33
superm1I work off a 1600x1200 display on my thinkpad, so I'm used to long lines for things in nano :)06:33
=== imbrandon uses a high res also , but not everyone can or does ;)
=== ajmitch uses high-res, but doesn't maximise all the windows
imbrandonyea thats why i use a high res is to get more windows on the screen(s) at once06:35
imbrandonnot nessessarly more from each window06:35
imbrandoni want to konw how some do those consoles ON the desktop like i see in some screenshots06:36
imbrandonlike as if the console was the wallpaper06:36
superm1well you can run some apps as a root window06:36
superm1xscreensaver comes to mind06:36
=== LaserJock has a Gentoo flashback
imbrandonthat would just rock for irssi06:36
imbrandonLaserJock, hahaha06:37
superm1I think I actually did that once just to show someone what it was like to have a cool screensaver as a background in fluxbox once, and then never used it again06:38
imbrandonyea i did the screensaver thing when i tried xgl06:38
imbrandonbut never used it past that06:38
superm1well if you really wanted to just have a terminal on bottom, you probably could hack together a devilspie script to guarantee its always below other windows and it doesn't show up in the task list06:40
jlduggerthere's no "always on bottom" option? ;)06:41
imbrandonheya jldugger fancy seeing you here ;)06:42
jlduggerim digging down into my laptop06:42
jlduggerand nobody on #ubuntu-laptop is alive06:42
jlduggerso how high up on the motu totem pole are you, that people are asking you to look at their packages? ;)06:43
imbrandonheya i was gonan ask the guys too ( next meeting i made it to ) about a ubuntu loco team for us, i kinda been piecing togather the stuff for it06:43
ajmitchjldugger: he's *beyond* motu06:43
imbrandonjldugger, i'm core-dev now ;) past motu per se lol06:43
ajmitchwe all sit at his feet & bask in his wisdom now06:44
crimsun(no, MOTU with main privs)06:44
jlduggerdoes that mean you work for canonical, or just motu with MOAR POWAR?06:44
lifelessall haill imbrandon06:44
imbrandonhahahah ajmitch /me baskes in ajmitch and crimsun's dietyness06:44
LaserJockteach me, oh wise one06:44
lifelessjldugger: working for canonical and being core-dev/moru are orthogonal06:44
crimsunno, I'm basking in bddebian's and LaserJock's06:44
imbrandonjldugger, MOTU with "moar powar" hehe06:44
ajmitchcrimsun: the deity & raging MOTU-holic?06:45
imbrandonbasicly instead of breaking 50% of peoples systems i can brake them all06:45
ajmitchlifeless: are you doing more QA stuff yet?06:45
LaserJockand in mor interesting ways06:45
imbrandonLaserJock, yea ;)06:45
lifelessajmitch: some06:46
=== ajmitch has plans to break upstart
ajmitchbut don't let keybuk hear that06:46
imbrandonjldugger, havin laptop probs ?06:47
jlduggermore like tablet problems06:48
jlduggerits so wierd06:48
jlduggerwhen i convert it to tablet mode06:48
jlduggernothing happens06:48
jlduggernot even an acpi event goes into the log06:48
jlduggeri open it back up and i get one06:48
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imbrandonoh wow, sounds harwareish06:49
jlduggeri can close the lid the regular way06:49
imbrandonthat is strange06:49
jlduggerdoes whatever you set it up to06:49
jlduggeri was really hoping i could hack up lid.sh, but the events never come in06:50
jlduggeri wonder how windows does it06:50
imbrandondoes it do anything else like a keyevent or ANYTHING ?06:51
jlduggeri forgot how to check keyevern06:51
jlduggerbut i got nvidia binary drivers to suspend06:51
imbrandonheh lucky06:52
jlduggerjust followed the directions06:52
jlduggeron the wiki06:52
jlduggernot suspend06:52
jlduggersuspend is a pile of poo anyways06:52
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imbrandonrun xev and see if it outputs anything when you06:52
imbrandongoto tablet mode by some weird chance06:52
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jlduggernothing on xev that i can tell06:54
jlduggerwhat i was hoping to do was tie the conversion to a xrandr06:55
imbrandonand rotate the screen ?06:55
jlduggerpretty important unless you want to draw upside down06:56
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imbrandonwith all the "new crack" alien posts about xen and oo.o i'm suprised no one has tried a 2.8 kernel06:59
=== LaserJock obviously doesn't know how to make shell scripts
ajmitchimbrandon: 2.8?07:00
imbrandonerm 2.7 working branch stuff07:00
ajmitchthere is a 2.7 branch?07:00
jlduggerthis is news07:00
imbrandonshould be , i thought07:00
ajmitchthey don't work that way anymore07:01
imbrandonwell that would be why there is no new crack stuff07:01
imbrandonahh shows how much i follow the kernel dev07:01
jlduggerthere is07:01
jlduggertickless kernel07:01
jlduggerthey just use like -mm branch now07:02
imbrandonah so its not an odd even thing anymore? lol07:02
imbrandonits been a while since i touched kernel source07:02
=== imbrandon waits for LaserJock to have another gentoo flashback
jlduggerkerneltrap had a excerpt from lkml about  how to proceed07:02
LaserJockimbrandon: sorry, fighting with a simple shell script07:03
imbrandonahh i have no desire to , was just a passing thought07:03
imbrandoni try not to rool my own unless there is an ABSOLUTE need to07:04
jlduggerits still fun to read kernel trap and see what's going on07:04
imbrandoni leave that to the deities like zul and such07:04
LaserJockgrrr, I'm really trying not to use python07:06
jlduggerman, i hope all these people automatically subscribed to my wiki page don't mind all these edits to it07:09
imbrandonmost of the time they filter on words/pages and are subscribed to them all but on that note you can tick the box that says "trivial change" and it wont email anyone07:10
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-221-212.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jlduggerthe other thing i'll probably have to file / find bugs about is using the pen as a mouse07:14
jlduggercuz theres no way i can hack that up on my own07:15
jlduggerbut getting the wiki page done and nvida+suspend is a good nights work07:15
jlduggeri guess to bring this closer to motu topic, what's the policy on open source software written in a language that doesn't have an open source compiler yet?07:16
joejaxximbrandon: how do i list all the current process along with their pid's other than top07:16
jlduggerps aux07:16
imbrandonjldugger, i'm looking at getting ubuntu-kc loco team togather to for all us ubuntu peeps from kclug ( and some from ks too htat arent in kclug have already contacted me )07:17
imbrandonjoejaxx, ps ax07:17
imbrandonor ps aux07:17
jlduggeror just dig through /proc ;)07:17
imbrandonjldugger, well it would be kinda hard to bootstrap i source package into the archive without a compiler07:18
jlduggerimbrandon, interesting, but are there many ubuntu-kc people?07:18
imbrandonjldugger, 3 of us so far, but i havent asked the lug yet07:18
jlduggeri wonder if i count as KC07:18
jlduggerits like a 2 hour drive from here07:18
imbrandoni kinda wanted to make it a subset of the current kclug incorerating other people that arent part of the lug ( nor wanna be )07:19
imbrandoncrweb is in IL lol07:19
jlduggerand you're counting him?07:20
imbrandonsoo i think 2 hours is ok ;)07:20
imbrandoni meant he is part of kclug and in IL07:20
jlduggeri have no idea why he's in kclug07:20
imbrandonlol me either, i think he is lonely most of the time, and thats not a bad thing, he seems harmless07:21
imbrandonand jbroudhard is in st joe ( 1 hour away ) soooo , maybe ubuntu-midwest ;)07:21
LaserJockimbrandon: can I come? ;-)07:21
imbrandonLaserJock, well that would make it ubuntu-usa07:22
imbrandonsides LaserJocki think the colorado loco team is closer to you ;)07:23
LaserJockthere's a Utah one07:23
LaserJockand a California one too07:23
imbrandonLaserJock, you been makin it to the rlug's ?07:23
LaserJockI made 107:23
LaserJockthen missed 2 I think07:23
LaserJockthey keep doing them on bad days07:24
imbrandonyea that was my problem when i was in reno07:24
LaserJockI was in Mt. View giving a presentation at Ubucon for one07:24
LaserJockso I don't feel bad07:24
imbrandonthe problem i have in KC is its WAY down town07:24
imbrandonand normaly i dont have a ride ( as i dont drive )07:24
lotusleafcars are evil07:25
LaserJockI drive everywhere07:25
imbrandonheh my last one was, well it got me lots of speeding tickets07:25
imbrandonso i sold it and got a motorcycle, but that dosent work well in KC, did in NV07:25
imbrandonKC weather is too unpredictable07:25
lotusleafif you slide an F in between the K and C it's lunch07:26
imbrandon( plus my lic is revolked atm for speeding )07:26
imbrandonshhh dont tell anyone ;)07:26
imbrandonjldugger, going for membership ? or just keeping your wiki updated ?07:27
=== ajmitch needs a drink now
=== lotusleaf hands ajmitch whipped guacamole, chilled, with habanero juice
ajmitchI'll pass on that thanks07:35
=== lotusleaf flaps arms in feather suit
lotusleafajmitch: like Jim Morrison said, people are strange07:36
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imbrandonhum the more i look at this , this might work out good07:50
imbrandon( building a MOTU farm )07:50
Hobbseeimbrandon: just teach them about debsign -r07:51
imbrandonoh definately07:51
LaserJockHobbsee: oh, that's cool07:52
HobbseeLaserJock: indeed :)07:52
imbrandoni'm wondering how much of it will be incorperated into personal repos on LP though07:52
imbrandonwhen/if that ever comes to be07:52
ajmitchimbrandon: nearly all of that, and REVU functionality as well07:53
ajmitchHobbsee: yes, it's good not having your key on other  people's computers, isn't it? ;)07:53
imbrandoni liked the idea of sf.net build farms and suse build farms07:54
imbrandonseems alot of compnies are doing it07:55
Hobbsee:P at ajmitch07:55
Hobbseejust wait till i see you next...07:55
ajmitchand what will you do? :)07:55
imbrandontickle you with a pointy stick07:55
Hobbseeajmitch knows perfectly well what i'll do to him07:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: i dont need to use my stick.  i can just tickle him so that he glares at me :P07:59
ajmitchstamp her foot & put hands on hips with an angry glare? ;)07:59
Hobbseeno, and i dont think you ever saw that08:00
=== Hobbsee lunches
ajmitchlunch? it's 4pm!08:00
jlduggerimbrandon, i donno. at the moment, i figure i'll move up the tree as I need to. there's plenty one can do without being approved08:05
imbrandonoh jez, suse makes the deb but provides the source in an rpm08:05
imbrandon*rolls eyes*08:05
=== robitaille [n=daniel@ubuntu/member/robitaille] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== minghua wonders if SUSE's debs are made by dpkg or not
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== pygi [n=mario@89-172-193-230.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonheya lfittl08:08
lfittlhey imbrandon08:08
imbrandonminghua, http://software.opensuse.org/download/openSUSE:/Tools/xUbuntu_6.06/08:08
imbrandonthats what i was talking about ^^08:09
siretartLaserJock: ajmitch: right, I've now moved in, and now I'm around way more often. I'm not that active in this channel, but I'm available08:11
ajmitchhey siretart08:11
LaserJocksiretart: hi!08:11
imbrandonheya siretart08:11
siretartthere is a deadline for a scientific paper this friday, this has priority, but I'm here08:11
siretarthuhu ajmitch, LaserJock, morning imbrandon08:11
ajmitchsiretart: I'll probably have a pile of universe freeze exceptions for you, since I won't get them done by thursday08:12
siretart(its 8:11am for me now)08:12
ajmitchsiretart: depends on how willing you are to trust some of us MOTUs :)08:12
imbrandonamsterdam times ;)08:12
siretartajmitch: I myself have one. FAI. Thomas Lange (debian maintainer and upstream) suggests to have fai 3.0 in edgy, since it may be easier to get running08:12
minghuaimbrandon: there is "# Automatically added by dh_python" in the postinst", so looks like the .deb is built quite professionally08:12
siretartbut he won't release it before weekend08:13
minghuahi siretart08:13
siretarthuhu minghua08:13
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-motu
minghuaimbrandon: but it seems there is no source for osc08:19
minghua(the srpm is for kiwi, which has binary rpm packages, but no debs)08:19
imbrandonyea i noticed08:19
imbrandonno source, no install08:19
=== ajmitch has a kiwi update here to fix up & get in
imbrandonbut i DID finaly find where they his the SaX2 branch08:19
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@dsl-hkigw7-fe10f900-10.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-120-226-54.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKprety neat08:29
Q-FUNKcould work well in LTSP08:29
=== lucas [n=lucas@ubuntu/member/lucas] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockQ-FUNK: for supporting local devices?08:36
joejaxxdoes anyone know how much space it whould take to download all of the main and restricted repos?08:45
LaserJocka fair amout08:45
LaserJockI can't remember08:45
LaserJockall archs and source too?08:46
Q-FUNKLaserJock: mostly that it's a super tiny replacement for udev, which would be perfect on thin clients with low resources.08:46
joejaxxLaserJock: i guess08:46
LaserJockQ-FUNK: I think the edgy LTSP will have that08:46
LaserJocknot that specifically08:47
joejaxxLaserJock: yes i whould include all archs and source08:47
LaserJockbut those features08:47
LaserJockjoejaxx: it's proably less than 10 GB08:47
joejaxxLaserJock: wow really?08:47
LaserJockfor Main08:48
joejaxxhow much whould universe and multiverse taken up08:48
LaserJockonly 4,000 packages08:48
joejaxxLaserJock: what about restricted though08:48
LaserJockrestricted doesn't have much in it08:48
joejaxxso now i need to know how much universe and multi verse whould take up08:49
LaserJockraphink: ping?08:49
LaserJockjoejaxx: significantly more then Main ;-)08:50
joejaxxLaserJock: interesting08:50
joejaxxLaserJock: what whould you said whould be ample enought bandwidth for a mirror of main and restricted08:51
LaserJockreally not sure08:53
joejaxxoh ok08:58
LaserJockdepends on how much traffic you get08:58
joejaxxoh ok08:58
joejaxxLaserJock: thank you for the information :)08:58
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B1F83.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachgood morning - HAPPY HUG DAY!08:58
dholbachhey ajmitch08:58
LaserJockhi dholbach08:58
dholbachhi LaserJock08:59
ajmitchdholbach: it ought to be another REVU day, imho08:59
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dholbachnobody stepped up to write an announcement :-(09:01
dholbachwe agreed on it before09:01
ajmitchsorry about that09:01
dholbachno - I didn't mean to blame oyu09:02
LaserJocksure ;-)09:02
lfittlmorning dholbach :)09:02
imbrandonheya dholbach09:02
imbrandonhug day today ?09:02
dholbachwhat do we do about REVUing?09:03
dholbachtomorrow will be universe freeze09:03
imbrandoni've been revuing as i have time09:03
imbrandonand afaik all the active motus in here have been09:03
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandoneven without a "set day"09:03
=== ajmitch still has a pile of packages to get into edgy that won't make it by freeze day
dholbachok, what I suggest now is: if there are easy fixes to do, attach a debdiff to fix them an do it09:04
dholbachit doesn't make sense to go through n iterations at this point09:04
dholbachif the package maintainer disagrees, he can still roll back09:04
ajmitchdholbach: will you still consider new packages after the freeze?09:04
dholbachi wouldn't like that - because I already discussed it with Matt09:05
dholbachUniverseFreeze is much later than UpstreamVersionFreeze this time09:05
dholbachyou can try to talk to him09:05
=== ajmitch will have to drop a couple of things then
dholbachI will do UVF exceptions, yes - but for NEW packages - talk to him instead09:05
ajmitchsome xen-related stuff I'm doing, and a couple of others from debian09:06
dholbachtalk to Matt :/09:06
dholbachyou might not have to drop it yet09:06
=== ajmitch also has some stuff in NEW that's been stalled there
dholbachme too09:06
imbrandonyea NEW is getting backed up09:07
dholbachI hope that stuff gets processed09:07
dholbacheverybody's busy with beta09:07
ajmitchand another few authentication-related packages I didn't get round to tidying up & uploading09:07
=== ajmitch sighs
ajmitchtoo many loose ends I haven't tidied09:07
imbrandonajmitch, anything i can help with ?09:07
ajmitchI'd have to dig through it & see09:07
imbrandonkk well if you run accross soemting lemme know09:08
ajmitch& it's usually nothing major to do, the time it takes for me to grab it all, I'd be able to update it09:08
=== ajmitch has packages for things like gtickets for handling kerberos tickets
ajmitchmaybe I can stick it on revu now09:09
ajmitchhm, empty debian/copyright, I didn't fill that one in09:10
LaserJockbah, ubuntu-archive won't mind ;-)09:10
=== ajmitch adds GPL boilerplate
LaserJocktell them you'll do it on the next upload ;-)09:11
=== LaserJock will never make core-dev
superm1hey guys, I just debianized another package in hopes of fitting it in before the freeze tomorrow.  I threw up "backstep"09:11
imbrandonbah compiling suse stuff on ubuntnu just plain sucks /me gives up on sax untill edgy+109:12
imbrandonthe deps are all nuts09:12
ajmitchok, gktools updated09:13
=== ajmitch hasn't checked the package for months
ajmitchso pick over it on REVU :)09:13
imbrandonanyone have some sugestions about what i can do with bug 59534  ( my main problem is libvisual-0.4-plugins isnt in main )09:13
UbugtuMalone bug 59534 in libvisual "Libvisual autoinstall by demand" [Low,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5953409:13
ajmitchI have no idea how rough it still is :)09:13
imbrandonhum i guess a review and MIR would be the best way09:15
ajmitchpick that over, I have to head out in ~10 minutes09:16
ajmitchno idea if it still builds ;)09:16
imbrandoni can run revu-tools now , hehe09:17
joejaxxdoes anyone know why webmin was removed?09:20
imbrandonnp, umm why dosent revu just nuke the changes file instead of making it unreadable09:20
imbrandonjoejaxx, webmin is evil, they ignore cve stuff09:20
imbrandonits in the blacklist sees , qoute :09:22
joejaxximbrandon: ?09:22
imbrandon# mdz, 2004-06-14: upstream deliberately obfuscates vulnerabilities09:22
imbrandon# mdz, 2004-06-20: CAN-2002-0757, CAN-2003-0101, SNS 74, SNS 7509:22
imbrandon^^ from the blacklist09:22
imbrandonthis a no no09:22
joejaxxoh wow09:22
Q-FUNKwould anybody know when janimo is online usually?09:22
imbrandonajmitch, looks to ftbs , messed up desktop file?09:23
imbrandondesktop-file-install created an invalid desktop file!09:24
imbrandonmake[3] : *** [install-data-local]  Error 109:24
ajmitchhow special09:24
ajmitchfedora crap, I'm sure :)09:25
imbrandonsomething about X-Fedora09:25
imbrandonnot sure09:25
ajmitchit hates X-Fedora & Application09:25
ajmitchwill patch that09:25
=== mario_ [n=mario@89-172-198-74.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonlooks liek the "actual" build went fine though09:26
=== ajmitch shrugs
ajmitchI'll sort it later09:27
imbrandonwant me just to remove those two from the rules ?09:27
imbrandon--add-category X-Fedora \09:27
imbrandon                --add-category=Application \09:27
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ctd____ [i=ctd@incubus.progsoc.uts.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonoh yea now that Fujitsu is a MOTU he can revu ;) hahaha09:29
=== imbrandon jabs Fujitsu ;)
FujitsuOh $*#$ :P09:29
LaserJockimbrandon: shouldn't you be asleep?09:29
=== Fujitsu stabs Hobbsee with his long pointy stick of I'm-a-MOTU-too-DOOM!
FujitsuHi imbrandon, LaserJock.09:29
imbrandonLaserJock, probably, but i got up late today09:29
HobbseeFujitsu: fix universe, kthnksbye!09:30
Hobbseeand it's MY POINTY STICK!09:30
FujitsuLong done, Hobbsee.09:30
FujitsuUniverse is absolute perfect in every single way.09:30
FujitsuNot a single flaw.09:30
=== LaserJock looks around and flicks an electron
=== Fujitsu slaps away LaserJock! Noooooo.
imbrandonLaserJock, question is shouldnt /you/ too ;)09:31
imbrandon( sleep )09:31
LaserJockimbrandon: yes, but you are +2 hrs09:32
FujitsuI've only made 4 uploads today :(09:32
FujitsuBut I have been at school.09:32
imbrandonwell i was/am glad to see someone else from my lug getting into the ubuntu community other than just installing it ;)09:33
FujitsuYay :)09:33
imbrandonjldugger ^^09:33
FujitsuAha, I saw him on earlier :)09:34
imbrandonmost of the lug /uses/ ubuntu but very few participate in the community much09:34
imbrandonwe have like one token gentoo guy and one token slack guy , all the rest use ubuntu or kubuntu09:34
Fujitsu'tis the same worldwide, I'd presume. If everybody participated in the community, Freenode would have exploded years ago :P09:35
imbrandonwell not just irc, email, forums , etc etc etc09:35
imbrandoni can count the messages on our ML on my hands this last month hehe09:36
imbrandonbut we have something like 40 members09:36
imbrandonor thereabouts09:36
LaserJockhmm, anybody use mini-dinstall here?09:37
=== shawarma [n=sh@vega.linux2go.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonwoot i'm a level 38 idler09:39
lotusleafimbrandon: crawl has more of a challenge ;)09:39
imbrandon[02:37]  <NewdleBot> imbrandon, the Digital_KDE_Blasphmey, has attained level 38! Next level in 1 day, 22:54:30.09:39
imbrandoncrawl ?09:39
ubotucrawl: Dungeon Crawl, a text-based roguelike game. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.0.0beta26-7 (dapper), package size 619 kB, installed size 1512 kB09:39
lotusleafimbrandon: the most addictive game in the world09:40
imbrandonheh idlerpg i dont have to do anything though09:40
imbrandonmy kinda game09:40
lotusleafwell, true. ;)09:40
LaserJockhmm, somebody must be looking at TeX09:42
FujitsuI don't see changelog entries like this often:09:43
Fujitsu  * Sync with Ubuntu.09:43
Fujitsu(in Debian)09:43
FujitsuLaserJock, why?09:43
LaserJockI've seen a few09:43
LaserJockmy email has all of a sudden gotten a few tex emails09:43
LaserJockhmm, that's a rather stupid sentence09:43
FujitsuNot really, it's a little odd, but not too bad.09:44
FujitsuI uploaded a galeon merge about 7 hours ago... It appeared on my +packages, but the version doesn't exist yet, it gives a 404.09:45
FujitsuWow, yeah... 10 TeX emails.09:46
Fujitsu11, then.09:46
=== crimsun pokes Fujitsu
FujitsuHi crimsun.09:48
crimsunthanks for clarifying 6242209:48
=== Fujitsu unpoke.
FujitsuYes, oops. Sorry.09:48
FujitsuI think I must have copied the description from the mpd one, and changed all the details except the name.09:49
FujitsuNow I see why you suggested I grab it from experimental :)09:49
FujitsuAnother 10 or so closings of TeX bugs.09:50
FujitsuSomebody has been having fun...09:50
LaserJockdid Debian just upload new TeX?09:51
FujitsuLaserJock, looks like it... I got like 30 emails about it to -science...09:51
FujitsuWe're about to get growled at by them, aren't we?09:51
LaserJocknot if we are prompt about it I don't think09:52
LaserJocki.e. we should look into it before edgy is released09:52
FujitsuBut that'll mean a UVFe...09:52
LaserJocknot necessarily09:52
LaserJockif they just bumped the Debian revision09:53
=== Fujitsu checks.
LaserJock3.0-22 with a high importance09:53
LaserJockfor tetex-base09:53
FujitsuThere's also tex-common yesterday, new upstream.09:53
Fujitsu(it's native)09:54
Fujitsu0.29 -> 0.30.09:54
crimsunFujitsu: (btw, you can mark that one in progress since you've already got a source package ready to upload, or you can just upload and mark it fix committed)09:54
Fujitsucrimsun, true, I shall upload it, but I couldn't last night :P09:54
FujitsuAnd another 8 or so mails...09:54
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-160-148.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Fujitsuimbrandon, ping.09:57
imbrandonFujitsu, pong09:57
Fujitsuimbrandon, did you get around to creating me an account?09:57
crimsunand did you get me a pony?09:57
imbrandonoh , no i got sidetracked with some amarok bugs, will do now09:57
FujitsuAh, thanks.09:58
imbrandoncrimsun, no pony for you09:58
=== Fujitsu hands crimsun a pony, for all his sponsorships. :P
FujitsuDo packages often vanish into the Soyuzian void?10:00
crimsunwhat sort of packages?10:00
FujitsuI uploaded galeon, it appeared on my +packages about 7 hours ago, but the new version is still yet to be seen.10:00
crimsunyou'll get two separate ACCEPT e-mails, actually10:01
crimsunthe first is for the upload, the second is for the source10:01
Fujitsucrimsun, noted, and one to the list, I think I got both, but I'll check.10:01
crimsun(since the queue is in manual processing mode)10:01
FujitsuAh, so there's no option for just main freezing at this time?10:01
crimsunnot afaict10:02
FujitsuI did note that the first ACCEPT email said it was waiting distro manager approval, but I presumed it always did that, and was automagic.10:02
FujitsuAnd the new galeon isn't in any of the queues... Should it be?10:03
TheMusoFujitsu: How did the meeting go this morning?10:03
imbrandonnot till the source is accepted afaik10:04
FujitsuTheMuso, OK :)10:04
TheMusoCongratulations then!10:04
crimsun    galeon | 2.0.2-1ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/universe Packages10:04
crimsun    galeon | 2.0.2-1ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/universe Sources10:04
FujitsuThanks :)10:04
imbrandonTheMuso, him and cbx33 got in ;)10:04
FujitsuNope -2ubuntu1 is mine.10:04
Fujitsu(although that's also mine, it's an old one)10:04
crimsunare you using dput?10:05
crimsunhmm, you already got the ACCEPTs10:05
FujitsuI can't see the second one here.10:06
crimsunoh, you just got one accept?10:06
crimsunah, then it hasn't been source accepted yet10:06
FujitsuIt'd be nice if it appeared somewhere.10:06
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuThanks for explaining that.10:07
crimsunonce it's source accepted, it'll appear on edgy-changes10:07
FujitsuAre there normally two emails, or just because it's frozen?10:08
crimsunthe latter10:08
crimsunif the source package name already exists doesn't generate any new binary packages, you'll get the one source accept10:09
crimsunexists and ^10:09
FujitsuYup, that's what I thought.10:09
imbrandonLaserJock, here is what you need for your next notebook http://static2.instructables.com/pub/FL7/YG8X/FL7YG8XV3WEP27T6EB.medium.jpg10:12
LaserJockimbrandon: oh, that is impressive10:14
jblackDear santa: All I want for christmas is my two front teeth and for the mythtv pacakges to not be 1/2 0.20 and 1/2 0.18. :)10:15
FujitsuIs there a REVU admin around?10:15
FujitsuOr somebody who can obliterate my accidental galeon upload from this morning?10:15
crimsunjblack: should be fixed next week10:16
imbrandonjblack, i'm working on the other half right now10:16
FujitsuBecause I forgot dput was defaulting to REVU for my first upload >_>10:16
jblackimbrandon: You rock.10:16
crimsunFujitsu: hah, that was the dput question ;)10:16
imbrandonshould be done in the next day or two like crimsun said10:16
Fujitsucrimsun, aha.10:17
=== Fujitsu is bored.
FujitsuAny MOTU tasks anybody can suggest?10:17
jblackimbrandon: Your work has made a change in my day to day life.10:18
crimsunyou probably shouldn't ask that within reading distance of LaserJock, bddebian, or Hobbsee10:18
Hobbseefix the archive.10:18
Hobbseewrite my assignment for me10:18
=== Fujitsu runs away, then.
Hobbseethere's a start.10:18
jblackwithin two days of 0.20 I put my phone company and satellite dish company that their services were no longer required. :)10:18
jblack(of me trying 0.20).10:18
FujitsuWhat a MOTUish task the latter of those is, Hobbsee.10:18
jblackThats like $80 a month you're saving me. That's a lot for someone between jobs. :)10:19
Hobbseeit's only part of my uni degree, yes10:19
FujitsuAw, why are there no new members of motu on LP? It's got a cool emblem :'(10:20
FujitsuAh, so /that's/ where my mpd upload went. I left out `ubuntu' from the command-line as well. Fortunately, I've changed the default now :)10:21
=== Fujitsu kicks self a bit.
crimsunit's actually safer initially to set the default to some nonsense one10:22
imbrandonlike local10:23
crimsunthat way you /have/ to type 'dput ubuntu ..'10:23
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #ubuntu-motu
cbx33mornin all10:25
imbrandonheya cbx3310:26
imbrandoncontrats btw10:26
cbx33thank you10:26
cbx33you know I didn't even see that was missplet10:26
cbx33must be tired10:26
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJocklooked good to me too :/10:28
FujitsuHi ogra.10:28
=== jblack waves to ogra
cbx33boo ogra10:29
=== Hobbsee attacks ogra with a feather duster
=== Fujitsu uploads a new version of Hobbsee, without the sticks and feather dusters.
LaserJockFujitsu: just as long as it's not a new upstream release10:30
LaserJockwe only want a patched Hobbsee10:30
FujitsuLaserJock, she's officially supported?10:30
LaserJockno telling what havok a new upstream release might do10:31
LaserJockoh yeah10:31
crimsunI think I'm going to keep mum on those ramifications10:31
LaserJockcrimsun: what are you doing up?10:31
HobbseeLaserJock: and how would a patched Hobbsee work?10:31
crimsunhuh? I'm always awake at this hour10:31
crimsun(besides, I need to convert this assignment to Python from Java)  Yeah.10:32
TheMusocrimsun: Re espeak: http://www.themuso.id.au/ubuntu/espeak_1.15.orig.tar.gz10:32
LaserJockHobbsee: bionic woman10:32
crimsunTheMuso: excellent, thank you10:32
Fujitsucrimsun.... TO Java!/10:32
crimsunFujitsu: (I think you misparsed that)10:32
LaserJockcrimsun: dude, you seriously need a break10:32
crimsunremember, I don't need more insanity10:33
FujitsuCome on crimsun, take a break :)10:33
HobbseeLaserJock: yes, well, obviously...10:33
cbx33crimsun: do you rememebr you helped me out a little while back when my usb-audio  midi device was being cpicked up as hw010:33
crimsuncbx33: vaguely, hopefully you're not offended if I don't say it's crystal-clear10:33
cbx33i recently setup a new machine .... can you remember what we did?10:33
cbx33heheh np10:34
crimsuncbx33: what was the original issue?10:34
cbx33when I boot with my USB midi box plugged in10:34
cbx33it steals hw010:34
cbx33so JACK throws a fit10:34
crimsunoh, this must be a dapper box10:34
cbx33if I plug it in after booted up10:34
cbx33it's fine10:35
cbx33yes it is10:35
cbx33will hopefully be edgy soon10:35
crimsunok, I 'fixed' that in #31109, #46996, and #46998 by placing the following in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base:10:35
crimsunoptions snd-usb-audio index=-210:36
cbx33crimsun: on the ubuntustudio.com setup page....they have it written as  options snd-usb-audio index=1 which didnt work, should I notify them?10:40
crimsunwell, you should tell them this:10:40
crimsunindex=1 is valid only if you also explicitly specify index=0 for another card (via an options line)10:40
LaserJockbtw, they are going to start working on mubuntu10:40
cbx33ah i see10:41
cbx33LaserJock: cool10:41
Hobbseecbx33: congratulations10:41
Hobbseecbx33: fix all of universe with Fujitsu.  kthnksbye!10:41
cbx33thanks Hobbsee10:41
LaserJockI was talking to them about getting metapackages in Universe10:41
cbx33LaserJock: it's funny I had actually written a short spec about meta packages for an ubuntustudio subdistro10:42
cbx33and a few weeks later mubuntu popped up10:42
LaserJockFujitsu: multimedia ubuntu10:42
TheMusocbx33: Where can one find out more about mubuntu?10:42
LaserJockwell, one of the guys was wanting to write an Automatix script to do it10:43
FujitsuLaserJock, you said the forbidden.10:43
cbx33TheMuso: I don;t know10:43
LaserJockso I helped straighten some things out10:43
FujitsuThat's just wrong wrong wrong... And I hope they do eventually get their metapackages in.10:43
FujitsuGood, good.10:43
cbx33I just hope it's going to include things like ardour10:43
LaserJockTheMuso: you could ask on #ubuntu-studio I think10:44
LaserJockthe question was how to handle Multiverse packages10:44
LaserJockso I suggested making mubuntu-desktop and also mubuntu-multiverse metapackages10:44
cbx33LaserJock: good plan10:44
FujitsuWhat multiverse stuff do they use?10:45
TheMusoLaserJock: Thanks.10:46
LaserJockanyway, I encouraged them to get things into Universe/Multiverse and go the packaging route as opposed to the Automatix route10:46
LaserJockso hopefully something will come of it10:46
cbx33LaserJock: ++10:46
cbx33if not, I may pick up the interest ;)10:46
FujitsuLaserJock, I hope you succeed. The less Automatix in the world, the better.10:46
LaserJockdolson is a cool dude and knows how to package10:47
LaserJockso I think it'll work out10:47
TheMusoThe biggest problem with something like mubuntu for audio etc is a realtime kernel.10:47
cbx33but then I havn't had a problem with it10:47
TheMusoI have decided that when I get things set up here, I will be using another distro for audio stuff, for a few reasons.10:47
=== TheMuso likes to use the realtime patch.
crimsunwell, the -rt kernel itself isn't that big an issue; it's integrating -rt with the other Ubuntu patches10:48
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TheMusocrimsun: Indeed.10:48
crimsunI looked at it for Breezy, ran away, then looked at it again for Dapper and ran away again, so I didn't bother for Edgy10:48
TheMuso-rt is so damn intrusive.10:48
TheMusocrimsun: It may be easier starting vanilla, applying -rt, and then putting the other stuff on top of that.10:49
TheMusoBut I don't know a hell of a lot about it.10:50
crimsunthat's the plan10:50
crimsunalthough honestly I'm not sure the approach is worth the go10:50
crimsunmost people aren't going to be buying exotic hardware, ala bigiron, for their setups10:51
cbx33crimsun: ++10:51
cbx33it seems to work fine with my setup10:51
=== LaserJock puts on some 92kbs .mp3-converted-to-.ogg stuff for the audiophiles
TheMusocrimsun: I have found the -rt patch when I have used it to be really nice however.10:51
cbx33maybe I shoul dbuy a delta101010:52
crimsunTheMuso has 3 of those iirc10:52
TheMusocbx33: I have a 1010LT and love it.10:52
TheMusocrimsun: A Delta 66, a 1010LT, and a DMX 6Fire 24/96.10:52
TheMusoAll synched toghether.10:52
TheMusotogether even10:53
cbx33I had a small studio whilst at uni10:53
crimsunthree synced is damned impressive10:53
TheMusoAnd with a little patch to alsa-lib to one of teh plugins, it works with jack.10:53
cbx33akai DPS12i - logic gold - spriti folio10:53
cbx33JACK rocks10:53
cbx33I'd like to get more into it again10:53
TheMusoWith 3 synched cards, damn right it does.10:53
cbx33I hope I get to work on the sounds for edgy + `10:53
Plugright, ajmitch10:54
Plughave I got a deal for you!10:54
TheMusocbx33: Were you the one who did the sounds for edgy?10:54
TheMusoIf so, I have some ideas for edgy+1.10:54
LaserJockI want a seasonal sound theme selector for edgy+1 ;-)10:55
crimsunthat's crazy talk10:55
TheMusoHey thats not a bad idea. :)10:55
crimsunnext thing you know they'll be wanting seasonal ponies10:56
LaserJockcrimsun: well, like I ever listen to sound in Linux10:56
LaserJockbut still, if I did, that's what I'd want10:56
=== TheMuso turns off sound also.
crimsunsound? pssht, what's that?10:56
TheMusoAlthough I quite like the sounds for this release.10:56
crimsuntbh I think Edgy is more polished than Dapper10:57
LaserJockcrimsun: that thing that never works10:57
cbx33TheMuso: yes it was me10:57
crimsundon't make me invoke the pointy stick o' doom10:57
cbx33I have a change to make to the shutdown one yet though10:57
TheMusoAh right.10:57
cbx33it's too darn long10:57
cbx33TheMuso: want to move to a pm?10:58
cbx33I'm interested in hearing your ideas10:58
LaserJockI'm my P I it's not too long, j/k10:58
LaserJockshesh, lack of sleep10:58
TheMusocbx33: WHy did you choose a plain key of C major? :)10:58
cbx33it's just right on my Athlon 3200 here as well10:58
TheMusocbx33: sure10:59
cbx33TheMuso: I dunno.....just seemed to work i guess10:59
Plugok, preparing for release11:01
Plugshould I remove my changelog of all the cruft between versions on revu?11:01
Plug(ie can it say -10 Initial release)11:01
Plugor will people wonder where 1-9 went11:01
crimsunor rather, 1.0-0ubuntu111:02
imbrandonPlug, you shouldent bump the version each time you upload to revu ;)11:02
LaserJockREVU is rather interesting that way11:02
PlugErm, I'd think you should do excatly that11:02
crimsunthe only thing that's necessary is that it should be something-0ubuntu111:02
LaserJocknot exactly the true packaging experience11:02
Plugso you can tell builds apart somehow!11:03
LaserJockalways including the source tarball, for instance11:03
Plugcrimsun: I am currently up to -0ubuntu1011:03
imbrandonthey are seperated by date on REVU11:03
Plugso I can regress, or use an epoch, or something11:03
Plugimbrandon: packages built from REVU aren't11:03
crimsunPlug: from a maintainer's perspective, it makes more sense to have the initial Edgy upload be foo-0ubuntu111:04
imbrandonREVU wont care if its an older version uploaded11:04
crimsunI'd avoid epochs11:04
LaserJockthe packages on REVU are sperated by date11:04
LaserJockso you can upload the same version over and over without problems11:04
crimsunPlug: besides, with whichever vcs you're using, the changes are already tracked11:04
PlugI'd be worried that people will build the package to test, and how can you tell one -0ubuntu1 version from another, easily, as a tester11:04
imbrandonyea what laserjock said ( if dput complains remove the .upload file )11:04
Plugso the consensus appears to be, go back to -0ubuntu1 :)11:05
imbrandonPlug, by date on revu11:05
crimsunPlug: for the initial Ubuntu upload, that's my suggestion11:05
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Plugimbrandon: harder when I've build a binary package from the source I downloaded, but people using REVU have to be careful I guess11:06
imbrandonfrom what ive been told, the version should always stay at what is targeted for upload to the archives on REVU11:07
LaserJockmost of the time they aren't going to be grabing 5 different versions11:07
PlugI quite often build binaries of versions of something I'm working on, for people to test11:07
imbrandononly the latest11:08
LaserJockah, well that sort of makes sense11:08
imbrandonsure , just tag something like ~test1 etc on it ( just dont upload that to revu )11:08
=== Plug uploads a version that might be construed as 9 versions old ;)
crimsunTheMuso: out of curiosity, does libespeak1 not contain anything that was formerly in espeak?11:09
TheMusocrimsun: Versions prior to 1.15 did not have a shared library. libespeak1's contents is entirely new.11:10
crimsunTheMuso: ok. And espeak-data is entirely new for post-1.11?11:11
TheMusocrimsun: espeak-data is stuff that was in espeak from version 1.11 and before. Espeak-data was created as the shared library as well as the binary executable need the data it contains. Have I used the conflicts/replaces stuff incorrectly?11:11
crimsun(i.e., checking if it makes more sense to C+R < 1.15)11:12
crimsunno, your intent is correct11:12
StevenKTheMuso: Stupid question, if I may.11:12
TheMusoStevenK: Fire away.11:12
TheMusocrimsun: I did that because there weren't any versions that were made as packages between 1.11 and 1.1511:13
StevenKTheMuso: Well, it depends if you have used Orca.11:13
TheMusoStevenK: If I've used orca, hell yes I have!11:13
crimsunTheMuso: right, I'm trying to cover the case where someone [perhaps overzealous]  has taken your prior packaging infrastructure and generated his/her own debs, say for 1.1411:13
StevenKTheMuso: Bart likes it, except for one niggling thing. If he is moving down a list, when he moves the next element, it should stop saying the previous element - which it doesn't.11:14
StevenKTheMuso: Is there some way to set that behaviour?11:14
TheMusoStevenK: What prog?11:14
StevenKIt seems to occur for everything.11:14
StevenKEven icons on the desktop, for example.11:14
TheMusoIs he using flat review mode, or just the arrow keys?11:15
TheMusoAnd what version of orca?11:15
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Pluggo go go! :)11:17
StevenKTheMuso: 1.0.0-0ubuntu111:17
StevenKTheMuso: However, for the other question, I couldn't say.11:17
TheMusoWhat synth?11:18
TheMusoBecause I haven't had such weird problems. I'll have another play later, but I can't remember such behavior happening.11:19
=== StevenK wonders if Bart followed through with his threat of posting to the mailing list.
FujitsuBart, StevenK?11:19
TheMusoI haven't seen any posts yet.11:20
TheMusoFujitsu: Bart Bunting.11:20
StevenKFujitsu: Bart Bunting, a vision-impaired co-worker of mine11:20
StevenKTheMuso: Any help/pointers would be cool.11:21
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sivangdoes someone know how to make scp skip already existing files?11:22
TheMusoStevenK: I'll see what I can find.11:22
StevenKTheMuso: Thanks muchly11:22
TheMusoStevenK: No problem.11:23
TheMusoCOming to SLUG on Friday?11:23
=== StevenK writes out a sticky note, "I owe TheMuso one upload"
StevenKTheMuso: Not this month.11:23
TheMusoStevenK: DOn't mention it.11:23
givredholbach: I apply your patch, and it seams now good for revu. http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3253 .Thanks11:24
dholbachgivre: rock and roll11:24
dholbach(to upload you can do this:           debuild -S -sa -k<mail address>          )11:25
dholbachso I could do    debuild -S -sa -kdaniel.holbach@ubuntu.com11:25
dholbachthat's when I sponsor uploads for somebody else11:25
dholbachbut good work on the package11:25
dholbachsomebody else to review it, so we can get it in?11:25
LaserJockok, time for bed for me11:25
cbx33nn LaserJock11:25
imbrandongnight LaserJock11:25
dholbachnight LaserJock11:25
cbx33hi dholbach11:25
Fujitsu'night, LaserJock.11:26
LaserJock16 hr Ubuntu day11:26
Fujitsudholbach, that'd be nice.11:26
=== dholbach hugs LaserJock
dholbachFujitsu: hm?11:26
dholbachFujitsu: you review it too?11:26
FujitsuGetting it in :)11:26
Fujitsudholbach, I could...11:26
FujitsuI can't actually advocate it, though.11:26
dholbachbecause we need a revu admin for that?11:26
imbrandonFujitsu, poke ajmitch about that later , he can fix you up11:27
FujitsuOK, will do :)11:27
dholbachFujitsu: just add your comment then11:27
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dholbachthat's good enough11:27
crimsunsire.tart is active now11:27
Laser_awaybah, don't let mere formalities get in the way of raging Ubuntu-holic MOTU action11:27
=== dholbach high-fives Laser_away
dholbachthat's the spirit11:27
FujitsuCan I use dget or something on REVU?11:28
imbrandonon the dsc file yes11:28
imbrandondget <url to dsc>11:28
FujitsuOK, good.11:28
FujitsuThanks :)11:28
imbrandondholbach, is that dh@ you ?11:29
dholbachimbrandon: yes11:29
imbrandoncool ok11:29
imbrandonPlug, looking at yours now11:31
Plugimbrandon: thanks!11:31
givredholbach: great, thanks for the tips, i'll remember it11:31
dholbachgivre: cheers11:31
FujitsuMy connection to imbrandon's server has just become really laggy :(11:32
FujitsuIs ntfs-3g meant to have a large number of changelog entries?11:33
FujitsuI don't think so...11:33
FujitsuEspecially some with the distro set to unstable.11:34
FujitsuOr was this in Debian first?11:34
FujitsuIt can't have been.11:34
PlugNothing is in Debian first any more :)11:35
Fujitsugivre, dholbach: The changelog is iffy.11:35
givreFujitsu: the thing is that i use it in my own repo since the first version11:35
Fujitsugivre, the changelog is not right...11:35
FujitsuFor one thing, the version should be -0ubuntu1.11:36
FujitsuNot -1ubuntu1, as it's not in Debian yet.11:36
imbrandonFujitsu, upstream can use the debian changelog too  ... but it should be -0ubuntu111:36
dholbachsed -s 's/unstable/UNRELEASED/' debian/changelog    - probably11:36
Fujitsudholbach, yeah.11:36
FujitsuAnd drop the latest version to -0ubuntu1...11:36
crimsunTheMuso: in the future you might find the library-maintenance portion more manageable with dh_install and using *.install11:37
imbrandonunless like some upstreams use -N also then its say 0.4.4-2 becomes 0.4.4-2-0ubuntu1 right ?11:37
imbrandoncrimsun, ^^11:37
Fujitsuimbrandon, yes.11:37
FujitsuAnd do we really want:11:37
FujitsuConflicts: ntfs-3g (<=20070811-BETA-1)11:37
crimsunin that case you get Hobbsee and poke upstream til upstream makes the version sane11:37
TheMusocrimsun: The makefile for the source doesn't create symlinks, and does not have an install target.11:38
FujitsuBecause the version wasn't released, it seems a little odd to label it as a conflict.11:38
crimsunTheMuso: understood, just looking over debian/rules atm11:38
imbrandonFujitsu, yea so like 20070920-BETA-1-0ubuntu111:38
imbrandonugh that ugly though11:38
FujitsuAh, so the 20070920-BETA-1 is upstream?11:38
imbrandonhe is upstrream afaik11:39
imbrandonerm maybe not11:40
imbrandonwow ok looking at the upsream version numbers this package is actualy all wrong ( versioning wise ) ..... *looks*11:41
givreFujitsu: conflicts was due to a change inthe packaging in 20070811-BETA-1, so it was important to put it for my repo11:41
givreimbrandon: i'm not upstream, but i'm in contact with11:41
givreFujitsu: i think the best should be simply to do a new version with only the edgy version in changelog11:42
Fujitsugivre, yes, and eliminating the Conflict.11:42
FujitsuAnd I don't see the point of README.Debian.11:42
imbrandonhrm looks like it needs to be ntfs-3g_2006.09.20-0ubuntu111:43
givreFujitsu: right i'll  do that11:43
imbrandonhttp://mlf.linux.rulez.org/mlf/ezaz/ntfs-3g-download.html going by upstream11:43
FujitsuThanks, imbrandon.11:43
FujitsuSo, to summarise ('cause I can't comment on REVU):11:43
Fujitsu * Version number is wrong11:43
Fujitsu * Changelog wants redoing11:44
Fujitsu * Remove Conflicts from debian/control...11:44
Fujitsu * README.Debian is a little pointless.11:44
FujitsuI think that's about it.11:44
imbrandonyea if this package isnt native ( its not ) the cahngelog only needs to be "initial release "11:45
givreimbrandon: the thing is upstream version is  ntfs-3g-20070920-BETA11:45
Fujitsugivre, will upstream every have a non-date-based release?11:46
imbrandonall of them are beta, they ahvent come out of that phase, they version by date ( your going off the tarbal name )11:46
Fujitsuimbrandon, if they ever release a non-date-based one, 20070920 is going to be greater than it.11:46
givreFujitsu: he want to change that in the future, but not yet11:47
imbrandonFujitsu, they havent so far, but thats where epocs come in11:47
Fujitsuimbrandon, I've never looked into epochs myself.11:47
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FujitsuAny REVU admins around?11:47
imbrandongivre, btw that tarbal is misnumbered ( its not 2007 yet )11:48
crimsunFujitsu: (perhaps siretart)11:48
cbx33Fujitsu: I could comment but I don;t have my login details11:48
cbx33not here anyway ;)11:48
Fujitsusiretart, ping.11:48
FujitsuThanks, imbrandon.11:48
FujitsuOops, crimsun.11:48
imbrandonfujitsu basicly the shor story is 1:1.0 > 2006092711:48
Fujitsuimbrandon, I realise.11:48
FujitsuOtherwise there'd be no point to them :)11:49
givreimbrandon: i'm not sure but i think he made a mistake in the first release and don't want to change it back to not conflicts with older version11:50
cbx33Fujitsu: I can get my pass for REVU did you want me to add those comments11:50
imbrandonanyhow givre they misnumbers the tarbal and http://mlf.linux.rulez.org/mlf/ezaz/ntfs-3g-download.html on that page but the actualy program number is the date in 200611:50
Fujitsucbx33, don't bother, I've given them to givre here, so it's not important.11:50
cbx33ok np11:50
imbrandoni already did it cbx3311:51
imbrandonerr Fujitsu11:51
FujitsuThanks :)11:52
givreimbrandon: so do you think i should name it 20070920-BETA-1-0ubuntu1 20060920-BETA-1-0ubuntu1 or 20060920-1-0ubuntu111:52
Plug1.0+20060920-0ubuntu1  ?11:53
cbx33imbrandon: is there a way we can change out REVU passwords?11:53
FujitsuPlug, I think that might be better.11:53
imbrandoncbx33, no ;(11:53
FujitsuAt least, the dots in imbrandon's shouldn't be there.11:53
imbrandonPlug, no becouse it might not be released as 1.011:53
imbrandonit might get released as 0.511:53
imbrandonyou have to follow upstream11:53
Fujitsuimbrandon, that's a good point.11:54
FujitsuSo 20060920-0ubuntu111:54
PlugTrue, another number than 1.0 might also suffice then11:54
=== cbx33 plans to commit his to memory
imbrandonwhy any at all, follow upstream IF they release a numbered version use an epoc , thats what they are made for11:54
cbx33now I am a MOTU, does this mean I can advocate pacakges?11:54
Fujitsucbx33, once an admin enables it.11:55
givreimbrandon: so i have to follow upstream but correct his mistake ( wrong date) ?11:55
Fujitsuimbrandon, yeah.11:55
Plugif you can, look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3262 ;)11:55
imbrandoncbx33, if you have spoke to a revu admin yes ;)11:55
crimsunTheMuso: done, thanks.11:56
imbrandonPlug, yes i have it building now11:56
TheMusocrimsun: Thank you.11:56
Plugimbrandon: indeed - thank you - but I believe I need 2, and the more feedback the better!11:56
imbrandongivre, yea thats just a mistake in the TARBAL NAME, if you look at the actual release numbers on the downloads page and the changelog11:56
imbrandonthats what to go by11:57
cbx33imbrandon: so do you mean...for every package....once a REVU admin is happy then I can advocate...or just to tell a revu admin I am a motu now?11:57
imbrandoncbx33, the latter11:57
givreimbrandon: ok, thanks11:57
imbrandononce you have been "upgraded" on revu you can, its not automagic /yet/11:58
cbx33thanks imbrandon11:58
PlugIs Launchpad mooted to have revu-like capacity at any stage in the future?11:59
imbrandonsomeday ;)11:59
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xopherHow does apt handle version numbers, which is considered newer: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic-2.6.17_2.6.17.5-5 or ..5-5.1 ?12:11
Plugdpkg --compare-versions iirc12:11
Plug"man dpkg" tells you12:11
xopherok, thanks12:12
Plughmm, that tells you how to test, but doesn't say why12:12
Hobbseewhat are the two version numbers?12:12
xopher2.6.17-10-generic- and 2.6.17-10-generic-
cbx33imbrandon: for some reason I already have the advocate capability12:13
Hobbseexopher: the latter is greater12:14
imbrandonxopher, " dpkg --compare-versions 2.6.17-10-generic- gt 2.6.17-10-generic- && echo yes "12:14
xopherallright, thanks12:14
TheMusoWow. Another kernel.12:15
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Plugimbrandon: thanks!12:28
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Fujitsumotu: O12:30
siretartFujitsu: pong12:30
Fujitsusiretart, hi. I'm a MOTU now, can my REVU account please be modified to exhibit such capabilities?12:31
StevenKFujitsu: When did you get MOTU?12:32
FujitsuStevenK, this morning at about 6:20 :)12:32
cbx33siretart: mine too if you have time12:32
StevenKFujitsu: Nice! Congrats.12:32
FujitsuThanks :)12:32
=== StevenK ponders reading the logs to see what crack Keybuk and mjg59 were on.
siretartFujitsu: cbx33 congrats!12:33
siretartcbx33: your revu id?12:33
FujitsuThanks siretart :)12:33
=== Fujitsu attacks StevenK.
=== StevenK wards it off easily.
FujitsuTrue, with your uber-DD powers.12:33
siretartdone (both)12:34
=== StevenK buggers out into the repainted big blue room.
Fujitsusiretart, thanks :)12:34
=== siretart wants DD powers as well!
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imbrandonme 312:34
cbx33thankx siretart12:34
StevenKsiretart: I know a good plastic surgeon...12:34
siretartStevenK: oh. sounds promising12:34
givr1imbrandon, Fujitsu : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3263 ;)12:39
Fujitsugivr1, noted, I'm about to advocate.12:39
Fujitsugivr1, I hate to say it...12:43
FujitsuBut it looks fine!12:43
givr1Fujitsu: thanks12:44
givr1Fujitsu: why hate ?12:44
FujitsuWho knows :P12:44
FujitsuAdvocated on REVU. Now you just need to find somebody else.12:45
givr1Fujitsu: ok, many thanks12:46
FujitsuNo problem :)12:47
givr1dholbach, imbrandon : ^^^  ;)12:47
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imbrandongivr1, sorry was afk, looking now12:48
PlugFujitsu: you can advocate now! Maaaaaaaaaaate! :)12:50
FujitsuPlug, true. I'll have a look at -pptp.12:50
imbrandongivr1, uploaded12:52
Plug(cutting it rather fine!)   I'm off to bed12:52
givr1imbrandon, Fujitsu :great. Many thanks guys :)12:55
FujitsuNo problem, givr1. Thankyou for putting in the work to package it!12:55
imbrandongivr1, thanks for the package, ok i'm off to bed soon gnight fellas12:56
FujitsuGoodnight, imbrandon.12:56
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imbrandonFujitsu, and btw , shiney new kernel just for you ( -10-generic )12:57
dholbachimbrandon: rock on12:57
dholbachgivr1: way to go!12:57
imbrandonhehe gnight dholbach12:57
lastnodecan someone point me to the MOTU python packaging policy?12:58
lastnode(i've seen the deb py policy, i was wondering if MOTU has other requirements)12:59
Fujitsulastnode, nope, just the Debian one.12:59
lastnodeFujitsu, thanks a lot.12:59
FujitsuNo problem.12:59
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lastnodeFujitsu, just reading the policy doc here, and is it necessary to bytecompile py modules? or is that just an option?01:02
lastnode(using python-support/central)01:03
Fujitsulastnode, I believe it's optional, but I couldn't be sure.01:03
lastnodeok, much thanks again, Fujitsu01:06
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phanaticgood afternoon01:18
FujitsuHi phanatic.01:18
phanatichey Fujitsu01:18
phanaticFujitsu: congrats for -dev ;)01:19
FujitsuThanks :)01:19
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bddebianHeya gang01:34
FujitsuHi bddebian01:35
bddebianHeya Mr. MOTU :-)01:35
FujitsuHeya Mr. Hon. God :-)01:35
bddebianAhh :-)01:37
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FujitsuHey \sh.01:52
Hobbseehey \sh01:52
bddebianHi \sh01:53
Riddell\sh: have you heard from amu at all recently?01:56
\shRiddell: he is behind me01:57
Riddelloh, cool :)01:57
=== ogra waves at \sh and amu
\shI told him to come01:57
Riddell\sh: can you ask him if he got my e-mail, I'd like to sort out the issue with his shop before someone gets upset01:58
\shdone...he will connect in a few01:59
\shhey ogra01:59
=== Hobbsee waves at ogra
\shdid I already say that I dislike SLES10?02:00
=== ogra waves at Hobbsee :)
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dholbachany other good candidates for getting uploaded?02:03
dholbachI added some comments to gnomescan yesterday02:03
dholbachsome of them should be easy to fix02:03
cbx33dholbach: thanks for the comments on grasynco02:05
cbx33I'll get that fixed up for edgy + 102:05
dholbachcan't we get that fixed for edgy? :)02:05
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cbx33not much point really02:05
cbx33hmm no02:05
cbx33because it would need to update the latest edgy +1 cd isos02:06
ogradholbach, its a tool to download milestone releases :)02:06
dholbachand i looked at firefox-launchpad-ingetragion02:06
dholbachor whatever it was called02:06
dholbachit'd be nice to get it renamed, to not clash with LPI02:06
dholbachbut apart from that it was good to go02:06
ogradholbach, not much point fixing it one day before beta i guess :)02:06
=== Fujitsu runs off to bed.
dholbachedgy users could download edgy+1 isos02:07
dholbachbye Fujitsu02:07
cbx33hmmm true02:07
FujitsuSee ya, dholbach02:07
cbx33but we don;t know what format the edgy + 1 archive will take02:07
cbx33could be some name changes02:07
lionelpdholbach: I renamed my firefox-launchpad-integration02:10
dholbachlionelp: ROCK ON02:11
dholbachlionelp: will look into getting it uploaded later02:11
dholbachi'll be out for lunch now02:11
dholbachbut the packaging looked good02:11
dholbachso bribe somebody else into lookint at it in the meantime ;-)02:11
=== dholbach hugs lionelp
dholbachsee you later!02:11
lionelpsomone to have a look on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3254 ? (firefox-launchpad-plugin)02:12
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lionelpbddebian ?02:14
=== pygi looks
pygilionelp: is this some kind of firefox plugin?02:22
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lionelpit adds in quick search fields search on launchpad02:22
lionelpthis is not an extension (in Firefox words)02:22
pygihm, perhaps you should note the depend on firefox by version because firefox sometimes breaks compatibility?02:23
pygilionelp: thought it was regular extension, sorry02:23
pygihomepage seems non-reachable :P02:24
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lionelpIt is a blank page02:24
lionelpI have to change it (my own website)02:24
lionelpI'll do it :)02:25
pygiseems nice otherwise :)02:25
lionelpcool :)02:25
pygiat least by quick looking over it :p02:26
lastnodeim trying to wrap my head around packaging. if im packaging an app that uses an interpreted language like python, i dont need /debian/rules do i?02:28
Adri2000how debdiff should be named ?02:30
HobbseeAdri2000: doesnt matter02:31
Adri2000Hobbsee: W: gtodo source: changelog-should-mention-nmu02:32
Adri2000W: gtodo source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 0.14+cvs20050820-2ubuntu102:32
Adri2000can i ignore or not ?02:32
ograyou can02:32
Hobbseeyou can ignore both of those warnings - they're debian specific02:32
ograubuntu has no NMUs02:32
=== Hobbsee sneaks more MB onto ogra's cds while he isnt looking, again
ograevil you02:33
=== Hobbsee flashes her evil red eyes around
Hobbseeogra: muhahahha.  that's definetly me.02:33
sivanglastnode: you do need one. all packages require this file.02:34
lastnodesivang, ok, thanks02:35
Adri2000http://adrishost.homeip.net/~adri2000/ubuntu/gtodo_0.14+cvs20050820-2ubuntu1.debdiff < does it look good?02:36
Adri2000i don't know where these two lines come from:02:36
Adri2000only in patch2:02:36
ajmitchevening all02:37
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bddebianHeya ajmitch02:39
=== ajmitch shouldn't go on irc just before bed
crimsunhah. Just converted this Java assignment to both Python /and/ Ruby.02:39
ajmitchwell done crimsun02:39
Hobbseehey ajmitch02:43
ajmitchhi Hobbsee02:43
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Adri2000can someone check my debdiff please?02:45
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seaLnecan someone remind me how to do a sync request?02:51
Adri2000report a bug02:52
HobbseeseaLne: use the request sync script on DeveloperResources02:53
Adri2000but universe freeze is tomorrow02:54
=== Hobbsee wonders if the sync requests have to be in by then, or the syncs have to be done by then.
pygiHobbsee: well, after tommorow, you'll need Universe exception I take it02:55
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ajmitchHobbsee: afaik they'll try & clear backlog of syncs that were filed beforehand02:59
ajmitchgoing from what happened with dapper02:59
Hobbseeajmitch: oh good03:00
ajmitchif not, you'll find out :)03:00
Hobbseethen i'll whinge03:04
seaLneHobbsee: the script dosen't try to use your local mailserver which seems strange and breaks therefore for me03:10
HobbseeseaLne: the new one uses the ubuntu default one, yes.03:10
HobbseeseaLne: you can change it though03:10
Hobbseeor just do it manually03:10
seaLnejust send a mail with that content?03:11
seaLnedoes a motu need to confirm it?03:14
seaLneBug #6261503:14
UbugtuMalone bug 62615 in sleuthkit "Please sync sleuthkit (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6261503:14
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seaLneit builds fine03:16
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Tonio_Hobbsee, seaLne, fancy revuing this http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3264 ?03:22
=== pygi will also look
lupine_85ooooooh does that work? ;)03:25
ajmitchno way I'm reviewing anything right now, it's way past my bedtime :)03:25
=== Hobbsee wonders what the star in debian/control is for
lupine_85it's half 2 in the afternoon here03:26
lupine_85so... the magical incantation: "fancy revuing this http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3211 ?" ;)03:27
=== lupine_85 is more or less resigned to it not getting into universe until edgy+1
seaLneHobbsee: *?03:28
pygiseaLne: ah, nothing, in the description :)03:28
HobbseeseaLne: yes03:29
pygiTonio_: you have probably un-needed "*"  in description in debian/control :)03:29
seaLneoh found it03:29
seaLneHobbsee: do sync requests need a motu ack?03:30
HobbseeseaLne: yep03:30
pygiseaLne: two acks I take it03:30
Hobbseeno, just one03:30
pygiHobbsee: ok, oki :P03:30
Hobbseeand to follow the policy03:30
Tonio_pygi: humyeah true, I'll change before upload03:30
dholbachhow's the REVUing going?03:30
Hobbseeposted on ubuntu-devel-announce03:30
seaLneHobbsee: fancy looking at Bug #62615 ?03:30
UbugtuMalone bug 62615 in sleuthkit "Please sync sleuthkit (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6261503:30
pygiTonio_: otherwise seems fine for me (Disclaimer: I'm NOT motu)03:30
Tonio_pygi: thanks03:31
seaLnepbuilding knetstats just now03:31
HobbseeseaLne: builds and installs fine?03:31
HobbseeTonio_: looks good to me too, apart from the aforementioned star.03:31
pygiTonio_: the "." should probably be at the end of sentence, and not in new line also :P03:31
seaLnethat is a formating thing for control files03:32
pygisorry :)03:32
Tonio_Hobbsee great, can you comment on revu ? I'll fix the start before upload03:32
pygime has some problems with his system :(03:32
HobbseeseaLne: done03:32
pygiTonio_: just ignoreme :)03:33
HobbseeTonio_: done03:34
Tonio_pygi: hehe :)03:34
Tonio_Hobbsee thanks, I'm just waiting for sealne03:34
seaLnei'm not a motu03:34
=== Hobbsee didnt ack it.
seaLnebut i can confirm it works well for me03:37
Tonio_Hobbsee just reuploaded so that you can advocate03:37
lupine_85*ooooh a bug in rutilt03:38
=== lupine_85 fixes
seaLnei wonder how it decides what bw is the top of the applet03:38
=== Hobbsee waits for it to hit
Adri2000Hobbsee: can you look at bug #48628 and see if the debdiff is good03:38
UbugtuMalone bug 48628 in gtodo "gtodo.desktop: Missing Encoding Directive" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4862803:38
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Hobbseeer, you've just moved the encoding bit up?03:40
Adri2000yep :p03:40
Adri2000not really difficult to did but it fixes the problem03:41
Hobbseehmmm okay03:42
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Adri2000you can pbuild it to check, it is not very long to build03:45
Tonio_Hobbsee: just waiting for a "yes" ;) http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=326403:45
Adri2000Hobbsee: then is it ok to upload?03:45
HobbseeTonio_: done :)03:46
HobbseeTonio_: i just refreshed it03:46
HobbseeAdri2000: poke Tonio_, i'm not uploading at this time of night :P03:46
Hobbseeunless i absolutely have to03:46
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Adri2000Hobbsee: heh :p i didn't realized, it's afternoon here03:48
Adri2000Tonio_: ? ;-)03:49
Hobbseeoh gosh, i love bugs like this.  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6261803:49
UbugtuMalone bug 62618 in kdeartwork "edgy default purple color ugly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 03:49
pygiHobbsee: lol03:49
Hobbseea) it's in the wrong package.  b) it's a design issue, not everyone likes everything c)  it's very easy for the user to change d)  see point b)03:50
Hobbseecan someone else reject that?03:50
lupine_85purple ++ ;03:50
lupine_85* ;)03:50
Hobbseeexactly :)03:52
lupine_85brown -- though03:53
\shHobbsee: why don't you reject it?03:54
Hobbsee\sh: i did.  i was trying to think of a way to do it diplomatically03:54
Tonio_Adri2000: yep ?03:54
lupine_85oh, my. revu + F5 is bad03:55
Adri2000Tonio_: bug 48628, look at the debdiff i posted, if it's ok for you, can you upload ?03:55
UbugtuMalone bug 48628 in gtodo "gtodo.desktop: Missing Encoding Directive" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4862803:55
Tonio_Adri2000: yep, look okay, but I will not upload for dapper, only edgy.03:56
Tonio_Adri2000: I'm building and if it is ok, uploading03:56
Tonio_Adri2000: you should ping the debian maintainer to add the patch, since this package is synced04:00
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Adri2000Tonio_: ok, i will email him04:01
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Adri2000Tonio_: hum are you sure the problem occurs also in debian? because the adding of "X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gtodo" seems ubuntu specific04:03
Tonio_hum indeed :)04:03
Tonio_Adri2000: uploaded04:08
Adri2000:-) thank you04:09
Tonio_Adri2000: de rien :)04:09
Adri2000ah ! franais ;)04:10
Tonio_Hobbsee: you like stupid bugs ?04:14
UbugtuMalone bug 62291 in kdebase "Image from removable device set as background not kept" [Unknown,Confirmed] 04:14
Tonio_this one is *very* stupid too :)04:15
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HobbseeTonio_: ooh, lovely.  i vaguely remember seeing that.  we really do need a response for "your bug is stupid.  try "no"." - but i havent seen one that's diplomatic04:15
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lupine_85oooh, I don't know.04:18
lupine_85suppose <someone> could add a dialogue box that asks them if they want to copy to ~ if the path is /media04:19
seaLnemaybe we should have a special list of bugs that we keep for when we are in a bad mood to answer :)04:19
lupine_85but yeah, a bit silly ;)04:19
HobbseeseaLne: the list would get far too long.04:20
HobbseeseaLne: and my patience isnt that good.04:20
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fbondanyone know:04:23
fbondusing cdbs-edit-patch, whitespace in my debian/rules file is causing diff command to fail04:23
seaLneanyone fancy looking at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3268 ? i'm not sure about the last thing in lintian04:23
fbondI can remove whitespace: DEB_TAR_SRCDIR := snd-8    =>    DEB_TAR_SRCDIR :=snd-804:23
fbondBut it seems like the situation shouldn't be that fragile?04:23
fbondIs this a bug in cdbs-edit-patch?04:23
fbondOr a bug in (gasp) make ?04:24
lfittlseaLne: sleuthkit should be in Build-Depends-Indep04:24
seaLnelfittl: with the others as is?04:25
lfittlyep, although I am not completly sure about dpatch04:26
seaLnelfittl: actually can yu clarify what you just said as i misread it and now it dosen't make sense to me, did you mean the other way round?04:26
lfittlsure :)04:26
seaLneBuild-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), dpatch04:26
seaLneBuild-Depends: sleuthkit04:26
lfittlswap Build-Depends-Indep and Build-Depends ;)04:27
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seaLnethen it complains with a different error04:27
lfittlmom, will take a closer look at it04:28
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lfittlBuild-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), dpatch04:31
lfittlBuild-Depends-Indep: sleuthkit04:31
lfittlseaLne: ^04:32
lfittlworks for me04:32
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seaLnelfittl: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=327104:41
seaLnelintian still seems unhapy04:41
lfittlseaLne: because you have dpatch and debhelper in build-depends-indep, they should be in build-depends and sleuthkit should be in build-depends-indep04:42
Adri2000Tonio_: the new release should appear in launchpad first ?04:42
seaLnelfittl: arrrggggg :)04:42
Tonio_Adri2000: yeah, you should see the source package before it gets built04:43
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seaLnelfittl: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=327204:46
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lfittlseaLne: you should also mention that change in debian/changelog04:48
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seaLnelfittl: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=327304:56
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lfittlseaLne: looks good, will upload in ~ 10 min05:03
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seaLnelfittl: thanks for your help05:05
lfittlno problem ;)05:05
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lfittlseaLne: uploaded05:08
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lionelplfittl: could you review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3254 ?05:32
lfittllionelp: sure05:33
lionelpthanks :)05:33
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lfittllionelp: why are you removing *.old and debootstrap-dir on clean?05:36
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lionelplfittl: should be the result of a copy-paste05:38
lionelpit is useless, that's true05:38
lfittlah, ok, removing the useless stuff from debian/rules is still nice ;)05:38
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lfittlalso, .PHONY lists the checkroot target, which doesn't exist, and the build-stamp target is not creating the file build-stamp05:39
lfittland build should not depend on install, instead binary-indep should depend on build and install05:40
lionelplfittl: ok, modified05:43
lionelpWhat the .PHONY line used for ?05:43
lfittlnormally each target is used to create the file that corresponds to its name, .PHONY says that all the targets it depends on have nothing to do with files05:46
lionelpOki, thansk !05:47
lfittl-> http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Phony-Targets.html for further information ;)05:47
lionelplfittl: something to add before I upload it again ?05:47
lfittlno looks good, but haven't tested it yet, will do a quick build + test05:48
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dholbachlionelp, lfittl: I'll give my ok later on, after a quick walk05:51
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lfittllionelp: one last thing, maybe Section: web fits better than base05:52
lionelplfittl: changed :)05:52
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lfittllionelp: works, and is useful too, nice work05:58
lionelplfittl: thanks, but it was not a lot of work :)05:58
lfittlyet another thing I just saw, the description has a Homepage listed, but the page seems to be empty05:59
lionelplfittl: yes, this is my homepage, I will add something ASAP06:00
lionelpat least a link to the sources06:00
lfittlah, ok06:00
lionelpor you prefer I delete it ?06:00
lfittlno, if you add something soon its no problem06:01
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lionelpOk, uploading with your remarks06:03
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lionelplfittl: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=327406:06
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lfittllionelp: build-stamp should not be in .PHONY, debootstrap-dir shouldn't be removed on clean and install target should depend on build, sry to be so picky, but getting debian/rules right is always a good thing to have06:10
lfittl*install should depend on build instead of build-stamp06:11
lfittlbut after fixing these little things, it is ready to be uploaded :)06:12
lionelplfittl: no pb for beeing so picky, it like that I will learn !06:12
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lionelplfittl: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=327506:16
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lfittllionelp: uploaded :)06:19
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lionelpthank you very much lfittl06:20
lfittlno problem06:20
lfittlanybody else in need of a package review?06:20
sivanglionelp: going to install this once it built06:20
superm1i uploaded backstep last night06:21
superm1and looking for revu06:21
lionelpsivang: cool :)06:21
lfittlsuperm1: will take a look06:22
lupine_85lfittl: me :)06:22
mario_superm1: I can help you with looking over package, link pls?06:22
mario_sivang: how goes db2? :)06:22
lfittllupine_85: revu link?06:22
=== mario_ looks
lfittllupine_85: will review it after being finished with backstep06:24
lupine_85ok :)06:24
lupine_85my first package btw so be gentle ;)06:24
sivangmario_: not using your nick anymore? :)06:24
mario_sivang: I'm getting dc'ed every several seconds due to this damn adsl connection!!!06:24
sivangmario_: I see06:25
mario_sivang: so no point in killing ghosts :)06:25
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sivangmario_: right.06:26
mario_I know it'll be good :)06:26
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lfittlsuperm1: debian/dirs is not needed, as the directories should be created by $(MAKE) install06:27
lfittlsuperm1: newest standards version is 3.7.2, and if you don't intend to backport the package to dapper, you should use debhelper level 506:28
pygiwhen is universe freeze exactly?06:29
lfittltomorrow, approx. at 1400 UTC06:29
superm1okay.  i can take care of those things then06:30
superm1anything else?06:30
lfittlnot finished yet ;)06:30
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lfittlsuperm1: please include the full license header that is written in the header files in debian/copyright, also you should mention the Copyright06:35
lfittls/header files/source files/06:35
superm1so i should just copy it verbatim from the license shipped with the package then?06:36
lfittlif all files have the same license, just copy the license header from one of them, for example src/daemon.c06:36
superm1Ok. Yes, they should all be under GPLv206:37
lfittljust format it a little bit nicer, e.g. remove the * comment markes at the beginning, but keep the text06:37
lfittlthe source files seem to mention gplv2 and later06:37
superm1oh, and later?06:38
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superm1i'll have to double check then06:38
lfittlyep, debian/copyright is important, there should be no errors there06:38
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dholbachlionelp: congratulations on firefox-launchpad!06:44
dholbachlfittl: thanks06:44
superm1using "head -n 7 *.c | more", it looks like the headers for all the source files are identical.  I'll just copy one of them then.06:44
lfittldholbach: no problem, getting at least those who are interested in their packages done before UniverseFreeze seems important to me06:45
dholbachto me too06:45
lfittlfine, then you can continue with reviewing http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3266 :P06:46
lfittlmmh, if only my own todo list before freeze would be shorter (ogre update, glest upload, and some debian syncs)06:47
dholbachwe sitll have time for syncs06:47
lfittlreally? :=06:47
dholbachwe can consider uvf exceptions for those06:47
dholbachthat depends of course, but still06:47
lupine_85hehe, 3266 is tiny :)06:48
=== dholbach looks at runtilt
=== lupine_85 looks happy
lfittlglest is easy, the debian pkg-games team has finished the work started on REVU, so it was just a matter of fixing a little automake problem, now I just have to do a quick test build ;)06:48
dholbachthat's cool06:48
dholbachglest-data is already approved06:48
lfittlyep, I know06:49
dholbachrock and roll06:49
lfittlbut first, 2 package reviews, then glest ;)06:49
bddebianw00t, we are going to get glest?06:51
dholbachjoin the REVU crew ;)06:51
LaserJockwhat the heck is glest?06:51
bddebianA game06:51
bddebiandholbach: Right, I haven't done anything for REVU..06:51
dholbachbddebian: kidding :)06:52
bddebianThough my RL work is kicking my arse so I am behind :'-(06:52
LaserJockbah, forget about RL, Ubuntu is all that matters ;-)06:53
lionelpthanks dholbach, and thanks for your help06:53
dholbachlionelp: not to worry06:53
dholbachlionelp: i enjoyed it :)06:53
lfittlsuperm1: how did you create the orig.tar.gz? (as upstream only provides .tar.bz2)06:56
superm1extracted it, and recompressed it06:56
superm1as tar.gz06:56
lfittlrun bunzip2, then gzip -9, don't extract it and recompress06:57
superm1wasn't really sure what to do in cases that tar.gz wasnt avail06:57
lfittlif its a tar.bz2 simply decompress it, and recompress the tarball06:57
lfittlin case of a zip you would have to completely extract it06:58
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lfittlsuperm1: if you fix all the things mentioned, well done, and it also works here :)06:59
lionelpdholbach: me to :)07:00
superm1Ok, i'll have it up in a little bit07:00
dholbachlfittl: commented on rutilt07:00
lfittlk, just tell me when it is ready ;)07:00
lionelpdoes someone with an AMD64 could do a build test for me ?07:00
lionelpon this : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=320707:00
superm1I can do it for u after I fix up backstep and upload it if you'd like07:01
lfittldholbach: ah, good, now I can work on glest, as you already did the first step :)07:01
lfittl* with reviewing rutilt07:01
=== lupine_85 looks
dholbachtsssssss :)07:03
dholbachlfittl: thanks Mr. Manager07:03
lupine_85ah, ok :)07:03
dholbachlfittl: we needed a new MOTU Manager for ages07:03
dholbachlfittl: thanks for taking up the challenge07:03
=== lupine_85 would need to look up debian/patches
lupine_85apart from that, seems simple enough :)07:03
lfittldholbach: a new one? who was the old one?07:04
lupine_85thanks - I'll get it done ASAP07:04
dholbachgood question :)07:04
lfittlMOTU manages itself, there is no need for a single manager ;)07:04
pygidholbach: have a sec for me?07:05
dholbachpygi: fire away07:05
lionelplupine_85: are you talking to me?07:05
pygidholbach: when exactly tommorow is freeze? I need to get at least one package done (and possibly 6 more if I can get sources in time)07:06
lupine_85to dholbach :)07:06
dholbachpygi: dunno yet07:06
lfittlpygi: somewhere I heard 1400 UTC07:06
pygidholbach: aha, oki07:06
dholbachlupine_85: dpatch is what you probably want07:06
pygithank lfittl07:06
lionelpdholbach: could you do another build test on your AMD64 for http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3207 when you have a little time ?07:07
superm1lonelp i just kicked it off on mine07:08
superm1it built fine07:08
lionelpsuperm1: great !07:09
dholbachlionelp: sure07:09
superm1only one thing didnt look so good, but its not amd64 specific07:09
superm1docbook2x-man debian/nagcon.1.docbook07:09
superm1I/O error : Attempt to load network entity http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd07:09
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superm1lfittl, uploaded the changed package.  it juts upadted on the revu page, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=327607:11
dholbachlionelp: builds nicely - doing a review of the rest07:12
lionelpdholbach: cool07:13
lfittlsuperm1: just noticed, the version number is wrong, 0.3-0ubuntu1 is the correct one07:15
superm1oh even though its not coming from debian upstream?07:15
dholbachlionelp: looks SUPER07:15
=== dholbach hugs lionelp
dholbachif somebody wants to pick up nagcon - go!07:16
lionelpthanks again dholbach!07:16
dholbachlionelp: anytime07:16
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lfittlsuperm1: we need ubuntu versioning so that debian people can package it too, and their package can update ours, that would be impossible if both Debian and Ubuntu would use 0.3-107:16
superm1ah makes sense07:16
superm1should i reupload with that version number then, or can you make that minor change when commiting it?07:17
dholbachlfittl: i'll upload gmult and change dapper -> edgy myself07:17
lfittldholbach: k, same thing with cdpr, will update the standards version and upload ;)07:18
dholbachlfittl: ROCK07:19
dholbachi'll just do a quick edgy testbuild07:19
lionelplfittl: you will have time to review nagcon ?07:20
lfittllionelp: maybe later, have to do some own packaging work before the freeze ;)07:20
lionelplfittl: sure !07:21
dholbachgmult uploaded07:26
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lupine_85how does one use dpatch to modify a file, when both the original file and the patch to be applied changes every build?!07:30
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lupine_85no wait, the target (how I want the file to look) is always the same...07:31
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lupine_85question - can I use debian/rules to edit debian/patches/blah ?07:37
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dholbachlupine_85: just add the dpatch runes to debian/rules (explained in /usr/share/doc/dpatch), then run   dpatch-edit-patch 01-my-patch-that-fixes-the-world07:46
dholbachthen do your changes (in a subshell)07:46
dholbachthen hit ctrl-d07:46
dholbachthen add the patch name to debian/patches/00list07:46
lupine_85but the file to be patched changes every build07:47
LaserJockhow is the file generated07:47
lupine_85by the configure.sh script07:47
LaserJockout of nothing or from a .in file?07:48
lupine_85out of nothing07:48
lupine_85it just uses echo07:48
lupine_85I was using sed to edit the generated file directly; I was considering pointing it at the patch file07:48
lupine_85don't know if that'd be "allowed" though (seems a bit pointless ;) )07:48
lupine_85the file gets removed every make clean07:49
LaserJockwhy not patch the configure.sh to make the file you want?07:51
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lupine_85that could work :)07:53
dholbachwb hub07:53
=== dholbach looks at gpixpod
lfittlsuperm1: sry, totally forgot to answer you, yes please upload again with the correct version08:01
lfittlsuperm1: another thing, Depends: libgtk2.0-0 is not necessary, $(shlibs:Depends) automatically inserts it08:04
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azeemLaserJock: hey08:21
azeemLaserJock: do you have an edgy desktop?  Can you tell me whether xmakemol still works fine?08:22
azeemLaserJock: also, I tried to quickly have a look at the bkchem python stuff last night but failed08:22
=== azeem successfully evaded the new python policy so far
LaserJockI didn't08:22
LaserJockazeem: xmakemol looks fine to me08:26
LaserJockI loaded a .xyz and moved it around08:26
azeemcause the current Debian version FTBFS08:27
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azeemwell, we could merge the dapper Ubuntu changes I guess08:28
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azeemUbuntu doesn't support OpenGL'd motif/lesstif08:28
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superm1lfittl, Sorry, stepped out of the office.  I fixed the version and changed that dependency, and re-uploaded. http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=327908:56
superm1LaserJock, do you know if anyone else got a chance to look at mythplugins this morning after brandon did?08:57
LaserJocknope, sorry08:58
superm1do u remember who he had asked?  I don't have my log from last night on me08:58
gnomefreakis there any plan to include the new beta nvidia drivers in edgy or sticking with the version thats there?09:00
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=== gnomefreak has strange feeling its gonna be too late when they are released and people are assuming they will be in edgy
LaserJocksuperm1: it was ajmitch I believe09:03
superm1Ah okay.  I'll watch for when ajmitch unidles then and ask him.09:04
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lfittlI need someone to test glest packages (3d accel is not working for me atm): http://www.ixios-software.com/~lfittl/ubuntu/glest/ / http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=327809:26
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Lutinplease, how can I write a debian/control file that allows two pacakges to remove each other ?09:31
LaserJockLutin: how do you mean?09:31
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LutinLaserJock, having foo1 and foo2 removing each other. installing foo1 removes foo2, and install foo2 removes foo109:33
Lutinhow can I do that09:33
LaserJockor Replaces: perhaps09:33
LaserJockcheck the Debian Policy09:33
LaserJockLutin: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps09:34
LutinLaserJock, thanks09:34
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phanaticanybody having time for a quick check? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3281 (just a new upstream version)09:46
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lionelpmorning ajmitch09:53
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superm1lfittl, thanks for the advocating.  Just need one more MOTU to approve and its in right?10:04
superm1ajmitch, did you get a chance to look at mythplugins after imbrandon did?10:04
ajmitchno, was I expected to?10:04
superm1I thought he had asked you if you could at some point...could have been someone else last night.10:05
superm1i dont have the log with me here10:05
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ajmitchright, he did ask me, and I ended up being very busy again :)10:06
superm1well if you get a chance at some point today, can you take a look then?10:06
ajmitchthat could be a challenge to find time10:07
=== ajmitch is just waking up for the morning before going off to work
superm1Ok.  Well I'll keep an eye out for another free MOTU then.10:08
ajmitchok, sorry about that10:08
superm1Not a big deal, just trying to beat the UVF and have time to fix anything wrong before that :)10:08
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lionelpping Toadstool10:19
Toadstoollionelp: quick pong, I am working10:21
lionelparf, I was looking for a MOTU to review my package...10:21
lionelpno time now ?10:21
Toadstoolnot for a review, sorry10:21
Bazzilionelp: try cbx33 he's motu since today10:22
phanaticToadstool: for an upload maybe? :)10:22
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lionelpyeah, thanks Bazzi !10:22
cbx33sorry I can't uplaod yet10:22
lionelpping cbx3310:22
lionelparf :)10:22
cbx33my key needs to be signed ;)10:22
Toadstoolphanatic: I don't upload without reviewing and pdebuilding :p10:22
=== Toadstool &
cbx33phanatic, neither do I10:23
superm1cbx33, would you be able to at least do a revu, and let another MOTU revu and upload later?10:23
cbx33I can do a quick scan, but I'm currently in the edubuntu meeting10:23
cbx33and try ing to sort out a few last minute changes10:23
phanaticToadstool, cbx33: of course, of course...10:23
superm1haha... Ok.  Looking for a look at mythplugins10:24
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cbx33looing now10:27
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cbx33superm1, I'm afraid I havn't got the amoutn of time I hoped10:33
cbx33I'm not toign to be able to loook at it tonight10:33
superm1Oh ok.10:33
cbx33sorry dude10:33
superm1Not a big deal.  I'll grab another MOTU when they pop around asking what needs to be looked at10:34
cbx33first scan looks ok10:34
superm1k, well thats good at least then10:34
superm1congrats on becoming a motu btw10:34
cbx33thanks superm110:38
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cbx33superm1, have you pbuilt it yet?10:40
ajmitchhi Burgundavia10:40
cbx33good good10:41
superm1brandon took a look last night, and wanted to get another MOTU opinion about it before giving it another look and committing10:43
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keescookcan someone upload my latest debdiff attached to bug 3616?  this solves a crash and the compile failures on sparc and ppc.11:02
UbugtuMalone bug 3616 in abuse-sdl "Abuse segfaults immediately on start (amd64)" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/361611:02
keescookcrimsun: sweet, thanks.11:03
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pygiHobbsee_: ping11:04
cbx33crimsun, can I pick you brains11:07
crimsuncbx33: sure, though I will be lagged in response (phone)11:09
cbx33ok....my sound card....currently a crappy onboard NForce2 - seems to only be able to use 48000, JACK is unable to chaneg it11:09
cbx33is there a way to change this as all my recordsing for the ubuntu sounds are at 44 in ardour11:09
cbx33and are suffering from chipmonk syndrome11:10
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crimsunso -r 44100 fails?11:10
cbx33well in qJACKctl I do th drop down to 22 or 44 and it still starts at 4811:11
cbx33crimsun, apparent rate = 4410011:12
cbx33creating alsa driver ... hw:0,0|hw:0,0|1024|2|44100|2|2|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit11:12
cbx33control device hw:011:12
cbx33configuring for 44100Hz, period = 1024 frames, buffer = 2 periods11:12
cbx33but then in qjackctl it runs at 4800011:14
crimsunwell, the short answer, then, is "maybe". You can try setting up a custom ~/.asoundrc with a rate parameter and then telling [q] jack[ctl]  to use it, but that's not recommended. It actually looks like your hardware is locked to 48000 (quite common for via82xx and intel8x0, as in your case)11:14
crimsunso qjackctl is displaying two different sampling rates?11:15
cbx33well in the messages it says it's running at 4411:15
crimsuntry passing the values to jack directly11:15
crimsunjackd, sorry11:15
cbx33but the actual hardware monitor says it's at 4800011:15
LaserJockpygi: how's your packaging going?11:16
cbx33crimsun, I never ran it manually before ;)11:17
cbx33will try now11:17
pygiLaserJock: erhm...how do I put that....11:17
pygiLaserJock: very bad? :)11:17
LaserJockpygi: what's happening?11:17
cbx33crimsun, pete      9670  0.4  3.4  36068 36096 ?        SLsl 22:17   0:00 /usr/bin/jackd -R -dalsa -r44100 -p1024 -n2 -D -Chw:0,0 -Phw:0,0 -i2 -o211:17
cbx33i guess that's a no11:17
pygiLaserJock: well, other then the fact I lost the touch and I'm useless? :)11:17
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LaserJockwhat package are you working on?11:18
pygiLaserJock: brasero11:18
pygiLaserJock: the debian folks have some problems:11:18
pygi1)the version is outdated11:19
pygi2)the debian Brasero(Bonfire) maintainer sucks a lot11:19
pygiBut seems we won't have that package for edgy after all :(11:19
cbx33nope it still runs with 4800011:20
crimsuncbx33: ok, just to check, what's the output from ``grep VRA /proc/asound/card0/codec97#0/ac97#0-0''?11:20
LaserJockyou are trying to package a new upstream version?11:20
cbx33hang on11:20
pygiLaserJock: yup, we dont have that app in Ubuntu11:20
LaserJockpygi: but it's in Debian?11:20
pygiLaserJock: read above two facts :)11:20
cbx33crimsun, nothing11:20
crimsuncbx33: bingo.11:20
superm1Laserjock would you be able to do a second revu on something lfittl revud/advocated earlier?11:21
pygiLaserJock: package is outdated (old version) and trust me, you dont want that package in Ubuntu11:21
crimsuncbx33: if the dsp supports it, you'd have something like this:11:21
crimsunExtended ID      : codec=0 rev=1 AMAP DSA=0 VRA11:21
crimsunExtended status  : VRA11:21
cbx33looks like I need a new sound card then11:21
cbx33hoo freakin ray11:21
crimsununfortunately, yes11:21
LaserJockpygi: right, I'm just trying to understand the package history11:21
crimsun(on the other hand, you didn't want that onboard anyhow!)11:21
cbx33with like only a few days before release11:21
cbx33crimsun, true11:22
cbx33but I can't afford a sound card at the mo11:22
LaserJockpygi: so why not do a better package and then submit that upstream when you are done?11:22
pygiLaserJock: I'm trying to create a better package, you know :) I'm just plainly useless and lost the touch as said above :P11:22
geserI'm trying to rebuild gaim-encryption against libnss from firefox. the package builds but doesn't have a depends on libnss11:25
crimsuncbx33: where do you guys in the UK normally buy computer hardware online?11:25
geserhttp://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/3872/ shows the warnings from dh_shlibdeps from pbuilder log11:25
geserhow do I fix this?11:26
cbx33crimsun, I just used scan.co.uk11:26
LaserJockpygi: well, don't hesitate to ask here11:26
cbx33and sometimes cclonline.com11:26
pygiLaserJock: trust me, today nothing can help :)11:26
LaserJockyou need more MOTU faith ;-)11:26
pygiWhat I believe that I need is more sleep :)11:27
cbx33then sleep my friend11:27
pygicbx33: can't :)11:28
pygiwouldn't get anything done then :P11:28
LaserJocksuperm1: what's the URL?11:28
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ajmitchpygi: sleep? nah, just fix packages11:32
pygiajmitch: As I said, I WOULD if .....11:32
ajmitchyou shouldn't let yourself get out of touch :P11:33
pygiajmitch: and then you will develop libburn instead of me if I get more up to speed with packaging, right? :)11:34
ajmitchof course..11:36
pygiLaserJock: it's supposed to be quiet trivial actually if I could just get all the build-deps11:36
pygicorrectly, ofcourse :)11:37
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pygiLaserJock: I'll try early morning tommorow, but I doubt it11:41
pygiah well :)11:41
ajmitchpygi: should only take a few minutes :)11:45
pygiajmitch: few minutes what?11:45
ajmitchgetting all the build-deps right for a package11:45
pygiyou get them then for me pls :)11:46
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adolso1LaserJock: ping12:03
LaserJockadolso1: pong12:06
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adolso1do you have a minute to give advice?12:07
LaserJocksure, what do you need?12:08
adolso1is there a better place to discuss this? I don't wanna pollute the motu guys' environment here12:08
LaserJockadolso1: if you nick is registered you can pm me12:09
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