
PWill|hwBladesonfire: have you tried WPA2 with a different router?12:01
spdfACETACE, Google is probably where its at12:01
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PWill|hwif it works, buy another one, and see if your boss/management will refund you12:01
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BladesonfireNot WPA2, since WPA seems to work everywhere else12:01
BladesonfireMeaning... with any other router I've tried12:02
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BeawolfeLampshade ....if your still her can you possible tell me how to get par2 and unrar to work in the GUI?12:02
ACETACEokay spdf thanx i'll look into dependency related problems then ;) thanx for the help12:02
ladydoorDr_willis: so when you said it's stored in memory, i suppose by that you mean it's *not* stored on the harddisk anywhere?12:02
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spdfACETACE, I think all you need is binutils, gdb, and gcc.12:03
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JosefK_anyone know a repository with python 2.5 packages for Dapper?12:04
ladydoorJosefK_: no, but you can install from source12:05
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lampshadeBeawolfe: I'm not quite sure what you mean.  If they are installed you can just open a terminal and use them like you normally would.  Or you can right click on a file and choose extract most of the time and it will be fine anyway.  To open a terminal, goto Applications >> Accessories >> Terminal12:05
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robbbbhow do i change the color of the text in gnome-panel?12:05
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BeawolfeLampshade....so it isnt just point and click the file like you would do in WinXP?12:07
ladydoorBeawolfe: it's not particularly difficult to type "unrar e filename.rar"12:07
lampshadeBeawolfe: umm yeah it is really.  I mean for unzipping stuff 99.9% of the time I Point, right click, click extract here.  Or I can choose open and launch the program12:07
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lampshadeBeawolfe: I use the terminal with it only rarely now days.  The reason I mentioned how via terminal was because you asked how12:08
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JosefK_ladydoor: meh, checkinstalling it, I'll stick the package somewhere public12:10
Dr_willisladydoor,  not that i know of.12:10
ladydoorJosefK_: cool. you might want to divert ubuntu's python just to be safe12:10
D-sidehrm. what is it that controls automounting? is it autofs?12:10
ladydoorDr_willis: thanks anyway12:10
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BeawolfeLampshade ...sorry if I confussed you.........I asked how I could get it to work in the GIU or was it strictly terminal...I am a dual boot system that I an trying to get away from Bill GATES control12:10
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ruzgarhow can i save my programs package list12:11
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Dr_willisruzgar,  you mean a list of what all packages are installed?12:12
Dr_willisthers some apt command that can show the list.. i just cant rember what it is.12:13
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:13
steveHi, I was just wondering which file I should edit to change my screen resolution, the proper resolution size is not listed in the app of the system menu.12:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rixres - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:13
D-sidewhat, something like dpkg -l > pkglist ?12:13
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ruzgarsteve that is xorg12:13
BeawolfeThanx All.......will try and see if I can get this to work now12:14
steveruzgar I edited xorg.conf and for modes I have only listed 1280x1024 but I can't get that res to actually work, I'm using Edgy btw12:14
whadarhello, ive installed java5 (with synaptic) and want to use it. but executing "java <*.jar>" uses jre 1.4.2. how can i change to the newer version?12:15
lampshadeBeawolfe: no, there are gui ones.  honestly, if you want to, you can do pretty well almost everything in Ubuntu now without a console.  Seriously.  I use my console for writing code and that's it anymore12:15
ruzgarumm i dont know12:15
ruzgari think you should use http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:15
lampshadewhadar: you need to reset the default java thingy, lemme look real quick12:15
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whadarlampshade: thanks12:15
lampshadewhadar: update-alternatives12:15
lampshaderun that and then choose the new sun 1.5 engine as the default one12:16
georgywhadar : sudo update-alternative --config java and make your choice12:16
lampshadethere you go yeah12:16
steveruzgar thanks I'm checking that out now12:16
ruzgarnot important12:16
DigitalNinjaDoes anyone know if swap has to be on a RAID partition when booting on RAID 1?12:16
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UKMattHey, I need to install a C compiler, which should I use?12:17
DigitalNinjaUKMatt: gcc12:17
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UKMattdigitalninja, gcc, or g++?  whats the difference12:18
lampshadeUKMatt: g++   install build-essential in synaptic or sudo apt-get install build-essential12:18
DigitalNinjaUKMatt: One is for C and the other is for C++12:18
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UKMattdigitalninja, oh well it can use c++, so i'll go w/ that12:18
lampshadeBoth will get installed when you install build-essential along with some other tools like make12:19
DigitalNinjaUKMatt: There is a package that gives you all the devel stuff. Can't think of it12:19
UKMattlampshade, ty12:19
DigitalNinjaUKMatt: do what lampshade says12:19
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DigitalNinjaUKMatt: If you install gcc or g++ you will be missing a few things12:19
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stodgeI can't believe how dificult the printer setup process is for remote printers...12:20
D-sideI don't mean to parrot, but if anyone answered me I missed it. I'm looking for what does automounting in dapper. specifical usb drives12:20
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okiarohow do i find out which /dev/sd* or /dev/hd* actually have hds on them ?12:20
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DigitalNinjastodge: That has sucked for years12:20
UKMattanyone know anything about "configure: error: *** SDL version 1.1.5 not found!" error?12:20
D-sideokiaro: dmesg, for one.12:20
florghi, i've created a ext3 partition to move my /home directory there. Now i try to mount the partition in fstab, but can't get user permissions. Any ideas?12:20
okiaroD-side,  even if they aren't mounted?12:20
D-sidesteve: really depends on what printer and how you're accessing it remotely.12:21
DigitalNinjastodge: The CUPS people need to fix that.12:21
D-sideokiaro: the kernel doesn't care if its mounted.12:21
D-sideit only knows what devices are available.12:21
whadarupdate-alternative: command not found12:21
BeawolfeLampshade ...I just tried to unrar a file and it said the file was not supported?????????????? now what?12:21
okiarogreat, thanks D-side , i'll look into tat12:21
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whadaranyway i found galternative thing which seems to be a real gem!12:21
georgywadhar : update-alternatives12:21
LjLBeawolfe: do you have unrar installed?12:21
Beawolfefree unrar yes12:22
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{blecheimer}wo gibts ne original sources.list fr dapper?12:22
lampshadeBeawolfe: hmmm not quite sure, that's odd.  I would try to install the nonfree version of unrar and then try again.12:22
LjLBeawolfe: perhaps you need nonfree for that specific archive.12:22
lampshadeBeawolfe: the nonfree one will be just called "unrar"  it should install super quick12:22
{blecheimer}ups. where can i find a original sources.list for dapper?12:22
vorbote{blecheimer}: /usr/share/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/serverguide/sample/sources.list12:23
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whadargreat! the alternative thing did the magic and galternative seems to be very useful! the only problem is that is nowhere in the menu...12:24
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:24
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:24
georgywhadar : remember it :)12:25
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{blecheimer}vorbote, thanks12:25
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Beawolfeokay the nonfree version did work........now all I have to do is get the par2 files to do the same thing!12:25
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SurfnKidcould someone tell me how to reset all mozilla firefox settings12:26
yoshiznit123surfnkid, does that include bookmarks, history, etc?12:26
whadaralternatives is very important IMO... is it global configuration or local for the user?12:26
robbbbanyone have the mplayer firefox plugin crash the whole of xorg?12:27
D-sideits really not supposed to work like that. thats pretty bad.12:27
D-sidewhat kind of video card do you have in there?12:27
lampshadehaha, I"ve had it crash before but not all of xorg.  Crap I mean it doesn't even crash when I use it with Xorg and xgl12:27
robbbbati x70012:28
D-sideare you using the crap binary ati driver?12:28
georgywhadar : global12:28
D-sideeven money says yes. :D12:28
robbbbgood question12:28
robbbbi think so yeah12:28
D-sidei'd try it again with the simple xorg included 2d driver.12:28
D-sideati drivers (for me) have sucked always.12:28
D-sidei know thats probably not what you want to hear.12:28
robbbbit's pretty shitty one bad program can crash the whole of xorg though12:29
KDanif installing on a server, do i want the server iso or the alternate iso?12:29
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D-sideits not the program's fault.12:29
D-sidewell, thats the working theory anyway.12:29
CrippsFXI have a broadcom airport one card (bcm4318) running on Dapper amd64, the process of getting the card up (after "ifconfig eth1 up") is located here: http://pastebin.ca/183429  ... I was wondering if someone could help me out in trying to figure out why I'm not getting a dhcp lease.12:29
D-sideblame ati and their incompetent code monkeys12:29
D-sidersync never fails to amuse me.12:30
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robbbbcan monodevelop handle vb.net?12:30
D-sidei'm copying 16G to a usb disk.12:30
EriKanybody in here use Xephyr and ever have it become convinced the caps lock key is permanently on?12:30
CrippsFXD-side, what problems have you had with the fglrx driver?12:30
KDanif installing Ubuntu on a server, do i want the server iso or the alternate iso?12:31
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D-sideCrippsFX: tons of just awful crap. lockups, crashes, incompatibilities with xv (which was necessary at the time).. tons12:31
D-siderobbbb: should be C# only.12:31
D-sidethat i'm aware of anyway12:31
robbbbany vb -> c# converters?12:31
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shut-has any one found a driver for canon pixma ip160012:31
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D-sideshut-: what does google say?12:31
CrippsFXD-side, ah yeah, I've had lockups and crashes on amd64 ....12:31
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wasabi_Don't suppose anybody has experience with aacraid PERC controllers in ubuntu?12:32
D-sideCrippsFX: oh lets not even talk about amd64.12:32
CrippsFXD-side, I know ;)12:32
D-sidewasabi_: i avoid them like the plague. :)12:32
wasabi_Well. That doesnt' help me.12:32
CrippsFXD-side, amd64 is getting better .... but it's still in the "development only" stage, IMHO12:32
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robbbbwasabi_, yeah i have had one working12:33
wasabi_The driver works fine. Just can't find a management utility.12:33
robbbbthere was something strange about it though12:33
wasabi_To rebuild stuff, etc.12:33
TheHHi, I'm having trouble getting back to the torrent I was downloading after reboot with bittornado, it doesn't show12:33
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TheHany suggestions?12:33
DigitalNinjaHow do I configure frame buffer? I can't see the bottem of the console12:33
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stevedo you guys know where I can get csm or gset-compiz?12:34
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.12:34
szb04hi guys12:34
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shut-see i want to swich to ubuntu but i dont want to untill i get a driver12:34
spdfsteve, google. beerorkid has reps for them though12:35
MadRabbitIs there a downloadable ubuntu or kubuntu *DVD* image? so all the packages/apt's would be on one disc I could send to someone?12:35
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slavikshut-: driver for what?12:35
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szb04im a newbie and need a gui interface for a mail server12:35
szb04any recommendations12:35
stevespdf, I've tried the beeorkid he doesn't seem to have it, I'll look again though12:35
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xMorphixI need some help with an interesting issue12:36
slavikshut-: what kind of printer?12:36
vorboteMadRabbit: yes, there are DVDs that contain all the main repository, plus a live CD image. Check http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/12:36
xMorphixfrom my network file, it seems I am connected to an ftp12:36
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:36
xMorphixdrluv.no-ip.org to be exact12:36
shut-canon pixma ip160012:36
TheHany suggestions? bittornado , can't find torent I was working with before reboot12:36
xMorphixand it won't let me delete it12:36
xMorphixor trash it12:36
georgysteve : deb http://compiz-mirror.lupine.me.uk/ dapper main12:36
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slavikhmm, Canon didn't write a linux driver yet?12:37
MadRabbitvorbote: thnx!12:37
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TheHHi, I'm having trouble getting back to the torrent I was downloading after reboot with bittornado, it doesn't show any help?12:37
D-sideszb04: don't take this the wrong way, but if you're that new to it, i'd much prefer you didn't run a mail server open to the 'net.12:37
D-sidei don't know of any as it is, so i couldn't be helpful if i wanted to.12:38
szb04D-side it wont be12:38
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mickcan anyone think of a good reason why xev wouldn't recognize some mouse buttons as buttons12:39
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xMorphixomg haxors help!12:39
axeeOohi, im getting lagged sound in the game warsow. It uses the openal sound library. I have updated/changed my openal version but i still have about a .5ms lag of sound throughout my entire gaming session. Any ideas on perhaps why?12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dovecot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pop3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
shut-is turboprint anygood12:41
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stevegeorgy, its finding either of the compiz config managers12:42
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shut-is turboprint good to use12:44
xMorphix[[[[[  Could not open location 'ftp://anonymous@drluv.no-ip.org:2345.' Deatils Unknown: Unknown Error Code 3012:44
nannoshut-, its best to use normal cups.... while turboprint can be decent, normal cups is better.... i used tp for awhile but then decided it's just better to get a better printer (one compatible with cups)12:45
nannocups = what most linux distros (ubuntu as well) use as their default printing server12:45
nannoshut-, you can always install it and try it out... it has an unlimited (time wise) trial, but you can only print with the lowest settings12:46
Rufflesis it already possible dist-upgrade dapper into edgy ?12:47
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zoredacheprobably, I doubt it is completely stable12:47
stodgeCan anyone recommend a good Gnome image viewer that can show thumbnails on a Samba drive?12:48
cpk2its only about a month away from release12:48
Rufflescan't wait though! :D12:48
Rufflesi'm ubuntu maniac12:48
Rufflesactually i wanna try gnome 2.16 out12:48
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shut-is there a way to get full?12:48
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JosefKstodge: if you use smbmount (desktop machine?), then anything can12:49
ubotusmbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 369 kB, installed size 888 kB12:49
stodgeHmm good point. I just dont want to mount all the samba drives12:49
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stodgeToo many12:49
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steveI just installed edgy today, it definately boots faster than dapper12:50
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JosefKstodge: I'd have assumed anything using GNOME's VFS should be able to handle it, so I'm surprised if fspot (mono, GNOME integrated) can't12:50
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sdubois92I need some help. I am having trouble playing any type of sound or audio in ubuntu and I dont think ubuntu has recognized my sound card.12:50
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georgysdubois92 : wich soundcard ?12:51
stodgeOh sorry - I forgot to enable thumbnails for remote drives :P12:51
sdubois92Im not sure, I bought an IBM PC on ebay12:51
stevegood work stodge12:52
tlockneyanyone had trouble installing ubuntu server on an opteron box before?12:52
HOThmmm, so what would be the upgrade path from dapper to edgy?12:52
stodgeTired tonight - having a blonde moment! lol12:52
sdubois92I plugged in my speakers and no sound12:52
JosefKHOT: by release, doing a dist-upgrade will be stable - it isn't guaraunteed beforehand though12:52
georgysdubois92 : type lspci | grep audio in a console12:52
HOTJosefK: if things went bad, is it easy to "roll back" ?12:53
sdubois92lspci  |  grep audio12:53
sdubois92just like that?12:53
JosefKHOT: no ;) keep a tarball of your system handy12:53
georgysdubios92: yes12:53
sdubois92should it work now?12:53
HOTJosefK: one thing i have always struggled with is what you actually have to tar to be able to restore, would it be safer to use something like ghost?12:54
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georgysdubois92 : do you have a output ?12:54
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JosefKHOT: yeah, so long as you're using ext2/3 ghost can handle it (make sure you backup the boot-sector too to catch GRUB)12:54
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HOTJosefK: good info, thanks12:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about peerguardian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
sdubois92im not hearing any sound12:55
=== Grouchytim [n=Grouchyt@mobile-166-137-252-208.mycingular.net] has joined #ubuntu
sdubois92the back of my Pc has three audio jack, output, input and mic12:55
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:55
georgysdubois92 : after doing lspci | grep audio, what output do you have in the console12:56
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sdubois92i copied and pasted that in12:56
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sdubois92it did nothing12:56
sdubois92said nothing12:56
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ivxdoes anyone use a webcam with ubuntu and how are you supposed to use it? if it is compatible with it will an icon just pop up on the desktop?12:57
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georgysdubois: you mean you don't have anything ?12:58
grotheskI need to rmmod a certain module in order to be able to s2d my notebook. In which script should I include a 'rmmod rt2500'?12:58
sdubois92this is what it says12:58
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TheReconHunterCan someone help me? I seriously messed up my GRUB12:58
sdubois92steven@IBM:~$ lspci | grep audio12:58
TheHHi, I'm having trouble getting back to the torrent I was downloading after reboot with bittornado, it doesn't show any help?12:58
sdubois92just like that12:58
TheReconHunterI just reinstalled windows xp, and had to restore GRUB12:58
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TheReconHunterbut now12:58
TheReconHunterwhen i try and login, when i pick ubuntu as my OS, it says Error 17: could not mount partition12:59
georgysdubois92 : bad, it will not recognize your soundcard yet12:59
JosefKgrothesk: you put 'blacklist *module name*' into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:59
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=== OffHand [n=OffHand@c72143.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sdubois92what should I do?12:59
TheHhow can I get back to a torrent I was working on with bottornado?12:59
=== SpacePope [n=EvanStaf@cpe-66-69-94-23.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sdubois92Get a new card?12:59
georgysdubois92, : what laptop do you have ?12:59
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:59
sdubois92im not using a laptop01:00
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sdubois92IBM PC 300PL01:00
OffHandcan anyone help me with excluding a file from asking for a password?01:00
georgysdubois92, : what computer do you have ?01:00
sdubois92IBM Personal Computer 300PL01:00
georgysdubois92, : wait a moment01:00
sdubois92Okay, thanks01:00
erik_TheH, I havent used it in awhile but if you add the torrent and point it at the old location and it should continue the download, of course I could be wrong so make a copy of what you have already downloaded so far.01:00
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TheReconHunterI just reinstalled windows xp, and had to restore GRUB, but now, when i try selecting Ubuntu as my operating system, all I see is error 17:Could not Mount Partition.01:01
JosefKOffHand: you can do some trickery in your /etc/sudoers file - but what's the problem?01:01
grotheskJosefK: But then it won't get up, when I start the notebook?01:01
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JosefKgrothesk: indeed, it's blacklisted01:01
SpacePopeI just left Ubuntu installing before I went to schoo, it's done now, and I don't know how to get my Netgear WGT111T adapter to work01:01
grotheskBut I need that module for my WLANconnection, JosefK01:01
SpacePopeI noticed there's a topic on that in the forum, but I know nothing about Linux01:01
TheHwell I opened the torrent yesterday when I downloaded the torrent file it set it to open with bittornado, so I don't know where that little file is01:02
OffHandJosefK, I need to exclude /urs/sbin/hddtemp from using sudo01:02
TheReconHunterI just reinstalled windows xp, and had to restore GRUB, but now, when i try selecting Ubuntu as my operating system, all I see is error 17:Could not Mount Partition.01:02
JosefKgrothesk: oh... sorry, when you said 'rmmod', I think you wanted it permanently removed01:02
OffHandJosefK, and this didn't work: admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /urs/sbin/hddtemp01:02
sdubois92you have to mount it01:02
TheReconHunterAny idea what to do?01:02
TheHnow when I re open the software, bittornado it doesn;t open that torrent I was working on01:02
TheReconHunter@ sdubois92- its a primary partition, how do i mount it?01:02
grotheskJosefK: No, just before going into suspend that module hast to be unloaded.01:03
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TheHit ask me for a torrent file, Only thin I have the folder where is saving what I'm downloading.. I dont knowif it makes sense01:03
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sdubois92dunno, ask on the boards01:03
JosefKgrothesk: I'm sorry, I don't know where to look for that :/01:03
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TheReconHunterAnyone else have an idea?01:03
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SpacePopedid anybody see my question?01:04
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erik_I think the easiest way would be to find the .torrent again and then install a client with more features to help in the future01:04
=== Boson__ [n=ircap8@231.Red-83-60-101.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
georgysdubois92, : try sudo modprobe snd-cs4232  in a console01:04
SpacePope I just left Ubuntu installing before I went to school, it's done now, and I don't know how to get my Netgear WGT111T adapter to work01:05
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JosefKOffHand: tried "your-username ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hddtemp"01:05
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sdubois92steven@IBM:~$ sudo modprobe snd-cs423201:05
sdubois92FATAL: Error inserting snd_cs4232 (/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/sound/isa/cs423x/snd-cs4232.ko): No such device01:05
sdubois92thats what i get01:05
JosefKOffHand: replacing 'your-username' with the obvious :)01:06
georgysqubois : ok, will search01:06
decherdttTheReconHunter:  googling hints that XP could have changed the partition ID...fidsk -l?01:06
OffHandJosefK, that's whats in it: admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /urs/sbin/hddtemp01:06
JosefKoh, odd username :P in that case it looks fine01:06
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=== SpacePope would appreciate it if somebody could tell me when they are ready for my question
OffHanddo i have to reboot?01:06
JosefKOffHand: although /urs is mis-spelt, it should be /usr01:07
whatsrealSpacePope: go ahead01:07
SpacePopeI just left Ubuntu installing before I went to school, it's done now, and I don't know how to get my Netgear WGT111T adapter to work01:07
OffHandno shit lol01:07
OffHandmust be it01:07
=== Caplain_ [n=matt@34.detroit-06-08rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpacePopeand this is my first time using any sort of Linux01:07
TheReconHunterwhat does sudo mount -a do?01:07
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JosefKOffHand: I assumed it was a typo in IRC, not the file ;)01:07
Celestehow can I find out the IP that my computer is located at in the network please?01:08
whatsrealSpacePope: gimme a sec and let me find the right page01:08
JosefKCeleste: ifconfig01:08
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JosefKCeleste: the Network Tools program also shows your IP01:08
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whatsrealSpacePope: can you do iwconfig and get a cogent readout?01:08
whatsrealin a terminal01:08
SpacePopein windowsuser speak please01:09
CelesteJosefK, I tried out ifconfig but did not show me my eth0 ip01:09
Celesteoh dear noo01:09
JosefKCeleste: it should do, unless the interface isn't up? :/01:09
Celesteit should be at eth101:09
georgysdubois92, : try sudo modprobe snd-cs4236  in a console01:09
CelesteJosefK, how to switch the interface up?01:09
JosefKCeleste: ah :P just doing 'ifconfig' without an interface will list all 'up' interfaces01:09
OffHandhmm still no luck01:09
JosefKCeleste: sudo ifup *interface*01:09
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whatsrealSpacePope: open a terminal, it should be in the applications >> accessories menu01:10
whatsrealand type iwconfig01:10
sdubois92steven@IBM:~$ modprobe snd-cs423601:10
sdubois92WARNING: Error inserting snd_cs4236_lib (/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/sound/isa/cs423x/snd-cs4236-lib.ko): Operation not permitted01:10
sdubois92FATAL: Error inserting snd_cs4236 (/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/sound/isa/cs423x/snd-cs4236.ko): Operation not permitted01:10
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SpacePopeok ,1 sec01:10
TheReconHunterI just reinstalled windows xp, and had to restore GRUB, but now, when i try selecting Ubuntu as my operating system, all I see is error 17:Could not Mount Partition.01:10
CelesteJosefK,  Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1.01:10
WhiteDethanyone here installed xmms infopipe before?01:10
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georgysdubois92, : sudo modprobe01:10
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=== NaMcO^ : hi
JosefKCeleste: no entry for it in /etc/network/interfaces - if you're on ubuntu, try installing the "network-manager-gnome" package and logout/login01:11
mrcuteoanyone knows a better curse mail client other than pine and mutt for ubuntu ?01:11
Scorchedi'm running Ubuntu Dapper, and have completely confused my apache2 and php5 install, is there an easy way to reinstall apache2 to get a clean slate so I can start over instead of trying to fix the mess I made?01:11
sdubois92steven@IBM:~$ sudo modprobe01:11
sdubois92Usage: modprobe [-v]  [-V]  [-C config-file]  [-n]  [-i]  [-q]  [-Q]  [-b]  [-o <modname>]  <modname> [parameters...] 01:11
sdubois92modprobe -r [-n]  [-i]  [-v]  <modulename> ...01:11
sdubois92modprobe -l -t <dirname> [ -a <modulename> ...] 01:11
SilentDissonancehello :)01:11
TheReconHunterI just reinstalled windows xp, and had to restore GRUB, but now, when i try selecting Ubuntu as my operating system, all I see is error 17:Could not Mount Partition.01:11
SpacePopeok, i typed iwconfig01:11
LjL!tell sdubois92 about pastebin01:11
mrcuteoScorched: sudo apt-get remove apache201:11
LjLsdubois92: modprobe should be followed by the name of the module you want to load01:11
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JosefKCeleste: you'll get an icon in the system tray when you log back in, left-click it to configure network interfaces01:12
georgysdubois92,  : sudo modprobe snd-cs423601:12
Scorchedmrcuteo, I tried that, and it left everything in place and apache was still running01:12
whatsrealSpacePope: were there any interfaces available?01:12
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Celestethank  you JosefK01:12
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SilentDissonancequick question:  ubuntu appears to be installed and working fine.  i have a SB Live! card.  it appears to be detected and functional, is there a way to set it to use digital output, or shall I just climb behind my desk and hook up the other leads?01:12
SpacePopeit had 3 things, and they all said no wireless extensions next to them01:12
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sdubois92sudo modprobe snd-cs423601:12
sdubois92then nothing01:12
sdubois92steven@IBM:~$ sudo modprobe snd-cs423601:13
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georgysdubois92 : that's ok, now open a soundmixer01:13
LjLsdubois92: that means it has succesfully loaded the module01:13
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mrcuteoScorched: do you install apache2 from .deb packages? or manual compilations?01:13
sdubois92whats a soundmixer01:13
sdubois92sorry, im kinda novice when it comes to linux01:14
DethKlokDo you need X installed inorder to use the line vga=791 on the grub menu?01:14
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DethKlokif that makes any sense to anyone01:14
mrcuteoanyone knows a better curse mail client other than pine and mutt for ubuntu ?01:14
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erik_SikentDissonance there should be a switch in the volume control menu01:14
Ignite__DethKlok, no you don't01:14
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georgysduboi, 92, : that's ok, i mean a mixer like kmix or somethi,g similar01:15
sdubois92how can i get a mixer?01:15
georgysdubois : in your menu, under sound and video ?01:15
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DethKlokIgnite__: would 791 be good for a 20inch wide screen (1680x1050)?01:15
LjLsdubois92: you should have one installed by default.01:15
SilentDissonanceerik_:  thanks, do you mean in the device manager, or am I looking in the wrong place?01:16
Ignite__i'm not sure, you should look it up :)01:16
Ignite__@ DethKlok01:16
georgyLjL : thanks for help :)01:16
DethKlokIgnite__: What would i search for?01:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about backgrounds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:16
sdubois92movie player, rythombox,  serpintine, sound juicer, and sound recorder01:16
jmitchjis there a command to force eject a DVD?01:16
sdubois92thats all i have01:16
JosefKjmitchj: sudo eject01:17
meal3837anyone know where the default background images are stored?01:17
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Ignite__DethKlok, do you really need me to answer that? :P01:17
SpacePopewhatsreal are you still with me?01:17
DethKlokIgnite__: well google but i mean what do i search for lol01:17
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@dsl-200-78-91-222.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
jmitchjcomes back device busy01:18
JosefKjmitchj: rogue processes ;) is it your only drive?01:18
DethKlokIgnite__: see i know if i add vga=791 console text doesnt look huge01:18
JosefKjmitchj: find /media/cdrom -exec fuser {} \;01:18
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DethKlokIgnite__: Frame buffer?01:18
erik_SilentDissonance: when I enabled the digital out it was in the volume control, double click the speaker in the upper right and it may be in the preferences01:18
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JosefKjmitchj: you'll get a bunch of process ID's you'll need to manually 'kill' before you can unmount/eject the drive01:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Background - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:19
jmitchjit just finally ejected01:19
=== cArNy [n=john@plns-207-7-184-60-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jeeves_Mossall:  can any one help me with a X Server problem?01:19
georgysdubois92, : type gnome-volume-control in a console01:19
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:19
JosefKjmitchj: nvm then :) but that would work if it happens again01:19
sdubois92got it01:19
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SilentDissonanceerik_:  *sigh* thank you for making me feel like a total noob.  LOL01:19
jmitchjany reason why a certain DVD would not work and others would?01:19
georgysdubois92 : and ?01:20
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sdubois92it opend up a Volume control window01:20
JosefKjmitchj: if it's the ejecting, it probably had nothing to do with the DVD and more the programs you were running01:20
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MadRabbitwhat do I need to make my own cursor? I made my own for windows (I have vision problems).  or can I somehow convert my *.cur* to whatever it needs to be in linux?01:20
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georgysdubois92,  : sound ?01:20
NaMcO^how to check ip of dynamic dns (ip take in automatic by isp) ???01:20
erik_SilentDissonance: dont worry about it, did you find it?01:20
sdubois92do i need to change anything in the volume control?01:20
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SilentDissonanceerik_: yes, thank you very much! :D01:21
jmitchji have a AMD64...so i found out the packages to load to get DVD's playing...i tried LOR and everything was fine then i tried Narnia and no go01:21
erik_SilentDissonance: no problem01:21
georgysdubois92 : pump up the volume, and others01:21
SilentDissonanceone final question:  MP3 support?  am I missing an app or something?  I get a "you do not have a decoder installed to handle this file" error.01:22
meal3837where can I find the PNG files for the background pictures?01:22
SpacePopewhatsreal: can you give me some indication that you're alive so that i know whether i'm talking to the wall or not?01:22
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WhiteDethanyone installed xmms infopipe before?01:22
tannerldno walls here (or windows for that fact) :P01:23
jmitchjther's gotta be a reason...any ideas?01:23
sdubois92no sound still01:23
=== NaMcO^ : notte
SilentDissonancetannerld: i'd call x a windows manager.. ;)01:23
mjr!restrictedformats > SilentDissonance01:23
KyralX isn't a window manager01:23
tannerldOh :P01:23
KyralX is merely the framework01:23
SpacePopewell can somebody help me out then since the guy who was apparently went afk?01:23
JosefKsudo kill -9 `find /media/cdrom -exec fuser {} \; | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/\([0-9] *\)[a-zA-Z] /\1/'`01:23
KyralX requires a window manager01:24
georgysdubois92 : search after preferences01:24
JosefK^ can anyone confirm that last sed command there (kills all processes using files on a CD)01:24
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J-_is there a program that i can get that i can, which will tell me what exact colour a part of a picture or pixel is?01:24
=== Kyral sees a massive ugly RegExp and panics
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SilentDissonancemrj: thanks :)01:24
J-_that i can get**01:24
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georgysdubois92, : edition ---> preferences01:25
=== SpacePope is wondering if someone can help him since the other person who was went afk, and people notice purple text more
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about png - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:25
sdubois92im there01:25
ubotuThe available desktop environments in Ubuntu are Gnome (ubuntu-desktop), KDE (kubuntu-desktop), XCFE (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM  and others.01:25
erik_SilentDissonance: check out getautomatix.com it will help get codecs and other common things set up01:25
sdubois92it has a list of things like master, aux, microphone01:25
georgysdubois92,: enable it all01:26
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Celesteis there a simple way to save all the firefox bookmarks as a file or so?  I need to setup my PC from new and I would like to keep by bookmarks01:26
EriKsince everybody else is thainking you, thank you, erik_  for making my irc client light up like a christmas tree :))01:26
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ScorchedI have a server that has gotten very messed up, is there a way to rebuild it with a fresh install while I'm still remote?01:27
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Megaqwertydoes anyone know the MD5 Sum of the Ubuntu Live CD?01:27
meal3837off the top of my head?01:27
lhdshey i want to copy a personnal dvd and i have ubuntu, one dvd reader and one dvd recorder how to proceed?01:27
meal3837not really01:27
JosefKCeleste: firefox can export them iirc, it's in Manage Bookmarks or the file menu (failing that, ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/bookmarks.html)01:27
sdubois92nothing still01:27
SpacePopeI just left Ubuntu installing before I went to schoo, it's done now, and I don't know how to get my Netgear WGT111T adapter to work01:27
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izm99i'm trying to compile a java program on ubuntu, and it's complaining about iface.UserInterface from swing.  anyone have an idea how to fix this?01:28
harisundHello! I have a DHCP server running, and my LAN clients acquire IPs correctly. The DHCP server's leases file shows me the currently connected machines. Now what do I need to setup so that from the LAN I can access the machines by their host names rather than their IPs?01:28
whatsrealSpacePope: sorry I got called away01:28
SpacePopeoh ok01:28
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SpacePopei just get paranoid when i don't get a response after a while01:29
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SilentDissonancethanks guys, i'll poke around.  rather nice to have knowledgeable people right here to help :)  again, thank you :)01:29
georgysdubois92: how you try to hear sound via cd ?01:29
erik_sorry, should I get a different name? first time using irc01:29
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sdubois92no, im playing a youtube video01:29
sdubois92trying to hear sound from that01:29
whatsrealyeah, ummm...lets see01:29
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EriKno, erik_01:29
EriKI was kidding, makes me pay more attention to this channel, anyway01:30
georgysdubois92 : do you have restart your browser ?01:30
Megaqwertydoes anyone know the MD5 Sum of the Ubuntu Live CD?01:30
JosefKharisund: you can setup a DNS server somewhere, or just add 'ip hostname' entries into /etc/hosts01:30
meal3837sdubois92: are all your cables plugged in?01:30
sdubois92all of my cables are in01:30
eclipse750mG... how do 1 1nst@ll a .eXe?!?!01:30
eclipse75hehe just kidding01:30
sdubois92should i restart my browser?01:30
eclipse75just trying out the ubuntu liv01:30
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-236-245-139.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
georgysdubois92, : yes01:30
whatsrealSpacePope: do you have your windows installer disk for your wireless adaptor?01:30
harisundJosefK: adding to /etc/hosts will allow me to only access the DHCP clients from that machine. I want each client to be able to access each other client.. I can't go around modifying each client's /etc/hosts file, can I ?01:30
meal3837eclipse, how do you like it?01:30
SpacePopeit's in the lappy right now01:31
sdubois92yes! it works!01:31
sdubois92thank you guys so much!01:31
eclipse75eh i like my slackware better01:31
whatsrealpop that in and see if you can find a netwg111.inf file or similar on it01:31
jmitchjJosefK...any idea why one DVD would work and not another?01:31
eclipse75im not much for automation01:31
harisundJosefK: though your idea of setting up a DNS server is a good one. My question is, how do I synchronize between the DHCP server and the DNS server. Every time my DHCP server hands out a new lease, it should inform my DNS server.01:31
georgysdubois92, : good, know we have one thing to do for the next boot01:31
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SpacePopethere is a file named 'netwg11t.inf'01:32
georgysdubois92 ; wait a moment01:32
eclipse75hrmm but this would be a good distro for people to be introduced to linux on01:32
eclipse75very clean01:32
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whatsrealyeah thats the one. copy it over to your /root directory01:32
meal3837eclipse, you have to admit, that in a live cd setup, it's very nice to just go, and not worry about making everything work first01:32
JosefKharisund: you can tell the DHCP server to hand specific IPs to specific MAC addresses01:32
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eclipse75yeah, but i like doing things the long way and plus they are to my spec then01:32
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JosefKharisund: how you do it depends on the server, for the hostnames it might be easier to use NIS (http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/edgy/net/nis)01:33
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harisundJosefK: again, the number of machines makes it hard to do so. Yes, that would be the solution indeed, and then store those addresses permenantly but what I am particularly looking for is some sort of automatic sync between the DHCP and DNS server01:33
jmitchjJosefK: any ideas on the DVD problem?01:33
SpacePopeyou mean the root folder under the file prowser?01:33
meal3837yeah, i hear ya. you would love debian, i'll bet01:33
cpk2I need help with how to edit my xorg.conf so I can pick different screen resolutions01:33
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georgysdubois92, : type sudo gedit /etc/modules in a console01:33
whatsrealit is a folder called root01:33
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erik_the root's home01:33
whatsrealerik_: yeah01:34
ryanakcaWhere can you see the results for that ubuntu survey in the #ubuntu-offtopic topic?01:34
eclipse75well im outty01:34
eclipse75have fun01:34
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SpacePopeit won't let me paste01:34
JosefKharisund: I worked in a company where we had upwards of 1000 PCs, and we _still_ assigned MAC addresses to specific IPs (desktop units were thin-clients though, so no need for them)01:34
sdubois92# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.01:34
sdubois92# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded01:34
sdubois92# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.01:34
harisundJosefK: ah ... awesome....01:34
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@c-71-207-98-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== EriK is paying closer attention to #ubuntu then he has in months....come more often, erik_
Jack_Sparrow!paste > sdubois9201:35
whatsrealSpacePope: then just put it in your home directory01:35
georgysdubois92, : don't paste01:35
JosefKharisund: really, for most of the machines in the network, you probably don't need hostname/IP matches (if you do - should you centralise storage?)01:35
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:35
SpacePopeok, it's in my home directory01:35
sdubois92is everything all set?01:35
=== Alllleex1 [n=alex@fl-71-52-203-246.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKharisund: and for servers, it isn't so much hassle01:35
georgysdubois92,  : Know add at the end snd-cs423601:35
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Alllleex1can anyone help a newb with a quick installing problem?01:36
harisundJosefK: Ok! Will have a look again. Thanks01:36
whatsrealopen your package manager (I believe it is the bottom option of your applications menu) and poke around for an ndiswrapper01:36
Geoffrey2I have a 3 page document I need to scan and convert to pdf....if I scan them into Xsane, is there any way to take the three images and combine them into one pdf?01:36
georgysdubois92, : and save01:36
stodgeAny ideas how to remove the GNU Java packages without removing OpenOffice?01:36
sdubois92after psmouse?01:36
sdubois92so psmouse snd-cs423601:36
georgysdubois92, : yes01:36
JosefKharisund: NIS is a good way to distribute those hostnames through the network though, np's01:36
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georgysdubois92, : in a new line01:37
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whatsrealsorry I can't be specific my lappy is old and not powerful enough for the graphics that come standard with ubuntu, so I am generalizing01:37
sdubois92all set?01:37
Jeeves_Mossall:  HELP!!!!  Can some one help me figure out what I did wrong with my install?  I can't get Gnome to come up and be stable01:37
georgysdubois92 ; you save the file ?01:37
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@wcnat-41-43.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu
SpacePopedunno where that is, and btw i think this is an older version of ubuntu01:37
SpacePopei got it on a cd and it got here in april01:37
georgysdubois92, : know reboot your computer, and tell me if you have sound01:38
Jack_SparrowJeeves_Moss: Is this a new install or were you trying to add something to it?01:38
sdubois92okay, i will be right back01:38
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Jeeves_MossJack_Sparrow:  WOW!!!  long time no chat!!!01:38
meal3837spacepope: ubuntu didn't beg you to update?01:38
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Jack_SparrowHow ya been01:38
whatsrealcan anyone give me a hand with SpacePope I don't have enough experience with the ubuntu package manager to be able to guide him without it infront of me01:38
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SpacePopeno intarwebs on this comp yet01:38
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eternalswdanyone know a howto for building windows programs in ubuntu?01:39
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Red-SoxHi, I need some help with 6.06, just installed and it says that eth1 is active, but Firefox can't display any pages or anything, this is over a wi-fi network01:39
Kyraleternalswd: you...can't01:39
Alllleex1anyone know how to install shake 4 on ubuntu?01:39
Kyraleternalswd: unless its like Java or Perl or some basic scripting language thats been ported to Windows01:39
Jeeves_MossJack_Sparrow: I was mucking around with apache, php5, and MySQL, then when I rebooted, it orignaly said that it coulden't load X server, so I reinstalled xserver-xorg, and not it comes up to a blank screen with a pointer!!01:39
whatsrealSpacePope: not even an ethernet?01:39
SpacePopeat the bottom of applications there is an add applications option01:39
[BTF] Chm0dif I have the nvidia drivers installed should I have this file? libGL.so01:39
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Jack_SparrowJeeves_Moss: Can you get to recovery mode.?01:39
JosefKRed-Sox: it most likely tried to bring eth1 up, but couldn't because of WEP/WPA01:40
whatsrealSpacePope: yeah, that is the option we want, do you have an ethernet cable you can plug in there?01:40
SpacePopei can't get to an internet connection unless i hardwire it with a cat501:40
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SpacePopewhich is why i'm trying to get the adapter to work01:40
JosefKRed-Sox: _or_ you have eth0 and eth1 pointing to the same network (that confuses the poor thing)01:40
SpacePopebut i am right next to my router01:40
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Red-SoxJosefK: no it's not01:40
Jack_SparrowJeeves_Moss: IF so use   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:40
SpacePopeso i can plug in a cat501:40
JosefKRed-Sox: ifconfig eth1 - does it have an IP assigned?01:40
Red-SoxJosefK: eth0 is active, should I disconnect it?01:40
whatsrealcause we will need to download some programs to get your wireless working01:40
JosefKRed-Sox: indeed, you can 'sudo ifdown eth0' to take it down01:40
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SpacePopeok let me find a cat501:41
JosefKRed-Sox: if you don't want it to come up when you next boot, remove the 'auto eth0' line from /etc/network/interfaces01:41
Red-Soxokay JosefK I'll give it a try thanks01:41
Jeeves_MossJack_Sparrow:  I did that one allready.  Then it booted into a desktop (no icons, etc), and when I clicked on the menus, the system locked up.  I rebooted, and I get a log in, once I type in my stuff, it goes to the blank desktop (no menus or icons), and a pointer!!!01:41
[BTF] Chm0d if I have the nvidia drivers installed should I have this file? libGL.so01:41
JosefKRed-Sox: np's01:41
=== Boson__ [n=ircap8@231.Red-83-60-101.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
vickythedochi, what program is good for web page building, i need something similar to dreamweaver01:41
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Jack_SparrowJeeves_Moss: I suppose no backup..01:41
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georgyvickythedoc,: try nvu01:41
sdubois92everything works01:41
Kyralvickythedoc: Learning the language yourself :P01:41
sdubois92i heard the login sound01:42
cpk2how would i go about having my display have more screen resolutions?01:42
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KyralHTML isn't hard....01:42
meal3837somebody smarter than me: where  can I find the background images?01:42
Jeeves_MossJack+Sparrow:  lol...  ummmm.  no?01:42
sdubois92nvu is awesome01:42
=== whadar [n=hadar@bzq-88-152-43-233.red.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu []
sdubois92very easy to use01:42
Geoffrey2I have a three page document that I need to scan and convert to pdf...what's the best way to keep all three pages in the same pdf document?01:42
sdubois92better in linux01:42
Red-SoxJosefK: still doesn't work :(01:42
eternalswdkyral, that stinks.  know of a way I can pipe internet from my ubuntu machine to my windows machine when with my ubuntu machine connected to a proxy server?01:42
vickythedockyral i know but i like help with text editing01:42
JosefKmeal3837: /usr/share/backgrounds01:42
sdubois92just like a word processing document01:42
matttailcan any one tell me, if I were to instal ubuntu (or possibly kubuntu) and switch over to using windomaker, will I still get automatic updates?01:42
Kyraleternalswd: I didn't say impossible. But for something like C....01:42
vickythedocok thanks sdubois92 and georgy01:42
SpacePopeok i plugged the laptop into the router01:42
JosefKRed-Sox: erk :/ 'sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifdown eth1 && sleep 3 && sudo ifup eth1'01:42
georgysdubois : great ! remember that the module for your souncard are: snd-cs4236 for the next time you have to configure it01:43
Kyraleternalswd: Java should work...as should Perl...just don't use *Nix specifics01:43
sdubois92thanks georgy for helping me with my sound problem01:43
Alllleex1how do you get permission to copy files from your desktop to the File System?01:43
JosefKRed-Sox: after that, check you can ping your router by its IP, and then try pinging www.google.com01:43
harisundDoes iptables allow ranges of ip addresses in its configuration?01:43
Jack_SparrowJeeves_Moss: nless there is something really special and must untangle that mess you might want to reinstall.01:43
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lupine_85harisund: for most things, yes01:43
Red-SoxJosefK: that is the longest command I've ever tried....01:43
eternalswdkyral, the program I'm testing is mostly c++01:43
lupine_85specify using the CIDR range01:43
cleptohi i need some help... i installed ubuntu and everything now when i try to start it it goes to the login screen and i type in my username and password then the screen flashes a few times and then resets to the login screen. this happens 4 to 6 times then it brings me to the text login screen i log in then i can startx no problem... how do i fix this?01:43
SpacePopethere is a cord going from my router into my ethernet card01:43
harisundlupine_85: So I am guessing I could do ?01:44
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whatsrealok, you should be able to open a terminal (or use the already open one) and type sudo dhcpcd01:44
Jeeves_MossJack_Sparrow:  ummmm, yea actuly, there is a 1Gb video I was working on in Ubuntu that the only way of getting it off is to burn it to a DVD.  Is there a magic program that will reinstall all the missing parts?01:44
lupine_85erm, if your network is that broken then yes01:44
cleptohi i need some help... i installed ubuntu and everything now when i try to start it it goes to the login screen and i type in my username and password then the screen flashes a few times and then resets to the login screen. this happens 4 to 6 times then it brings me to the text login screen i log in then i can startx no problem... how do i fix this?01:44
Red-SoxJosefK: when this is done, just "Ping http://www.google.com?"01:44
whatsrealthat should getyou internet01:44
lupine_85harisund: erm, if your network is that broken then yes01:44
JosefKRed-Sox: try pinging your router ( first01:44
SpacePopei'm not getting anything01:44
Jack_SparrowJeeves_Moss: I wish..01:44
lupine_85the very *most* you should be taking in that IP range is a /1601:44
whatsrealok type ifconfig01:44
Red-Soxbut okay JosefK, but this command isn't done yet....01:44
Jeeves_MossJack_Sparrow:  join me in #Jeeves01:44
Jack_SparrowJeeves_Moss: Can you access the video data with a livecd01:45
harisundlupine_85: So I am guessing I could do, I mean .. Here's my thing. I have my DHCP server setup to hand IP address from to to known hosts, and to to unknown hosts. And I want to use iptables rules for the unknown hosts. So what I mentioned is possible?01:45
JosefKRed-Sox: if it responds, you have net access - Ctl+C to kill it - try pinging www.google.com01:45
lupine_85anything more and you start cutting chunks of the internet away from you01:45
eternalswdkyral, would I be able to connect to the proxy from my windows machine if I set up an ssh server on my ubuntu box.  my two boxes are currently connected via crossover cable01:45
JosefKRed-Sox: if you can ping your router, but not www.google.com, that means the problem's DNS01:45
SpacePopeok i typed ifconfig01:45
whatsrealwhich of the interfaces there look like they will work, there is probably a l0 and a eth0 or fxp0 or something of that variety that has a mac address under it01:45
lupine_85harisund: a better solution would be to use two different networks01:45
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lupine_85e.g. and
harisundlupine_85: my eth1 (LAN NIC) IP is Will it work if I have two different /24 subnets?01:46
Red-Soxah JosefK gtg, bbl thank you01:46
meal3837whatsreal: or maybe ath001:46
lupine_85linux can only take so much breakage before it acts insanely01:46
JosefKnp's, turning in for the night myself01:46
lupine_85harisund: you can give it another IP in the second range if needed01:46
cleptocan anyone help me with my problem?01:46
=== Boson_ [n=ircap8@143.Red-83-58-116.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:46
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SpacePopei don't know :(01:46
cleptoi did01:46
harisundlupine_85: ok ! And hehe .. no I do not intend to break my box .. it is my router here :)01:46
[BTF] Chm0danyone answer a question for me?01:46
Alllleex1Can someone help?  I need to know how to copy files to the System Files from my desktop, does anyone know how the change the settings so i have permission to copy the files over?01:46
cleptohi i need some help... i installed ubuntu and everything now when i try to start it it goes to the login screen and i type in my username and password then the screen flashes a few times and then resets to the login screen. this happens 4 to 6 times then it brings me to the text login screen i log in then i can startx no problem... how do i fix this?01:46
SpacePopethere's inet addr and inet6 addr01:47
SpacePopeand a bunch of stuff i can't understand01:47
=== martin [n=martin@c-67-176-41-59.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85you can ignore inet6 usually01:47
=== fildo_ [n=fildo@c58-107-115-197.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85use ip, by the way, not ifconfig01:47
georgyclepto : wath's your graphic card01:47
meal3837clepto: what do you mean by "and everything"?01:47
martinwhat is the easiest way to update ubuntu01:47
cleptoati radeon 700001:47
whatsreallupine_85: I will admit to being a general linux geek and a relative newbie to ubuntu specifically.01:48
cleptoi installed the drivers using synaptic package manager01:48
lupine_85good for you :)01:48
cleptoreset it and its still not doing it01:48
whatsreallupine_85: what does ip do?01:48
SpacePopeso do you want the ipaddress?01:48
whatsrealis it more nicely formatted?01:48
meal3837martin: sudo apt-get update01:48
lupine_85it's the replacement to the legacy ifconfig and route01:48
georgyclepto ; wich driver you have install01:48
meal3837sudo apt-get upgrade01:48
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[BTF] Chm0dmartin click on system, administration, update manager01:48
lupine_85for instance: ip addr show01:48
cleptohold on lemme check01:48
lupine_85ip -6 addr show01:48
whatsrealyou have an ip address?01:48
SpacePope i don't think it's a real one01:48
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martinthank you01:49
meal3837space pope: that's the loopback address01:49
=== sdubois92 [n=sdubois9@c-24-91-93-169.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sdubois92Georgy my sound isnt working again01:49
eternalswdhow do I set up an ssh server with public, private keys with the client computer being a Windows box?01:49
whatsrealno that is (probably) your l0 device, type ip like lupine_85 suggested and see what devices you have under there01:49
martinis there any way to get dell printers to work with linux...01:49
martinthat has been my major turn-off01:50
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SpacePopeit said usage:ip01:50
georgyclepto : ask somebody else, i'm not a ati expert01:50
SpacePopeand a bunch of stuff under01:50
lupine_85eternalswd: "I'm feeling lucky" on google with public key authentication as the string01:50
lupine_85SpacePope: "ip addr show"01:50
georgysdubois: what's happen ?01:50
cleptowell im in x now01:50
whatsrealtry ip -a01:50
whatsrealor what lupine_85 said01:50
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meal3837clepto try unistalling th driver01:50
lupine_85ip is completely different to ifconfig01:50
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lupine_85man ip for full details01:50
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SpacePope i typed in ip addr show01:51
cleptogeorgy: im in x now i dont think its a driver problem. becuase i can run it. i had the problem before i installed the driver too01:51
SpacePopeand got a bunch of stuff01:51
cleptothe problem is the log in screen01:51
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meal3837clepto: you might try reinstalling ubuntu01:51
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:51
lupine_85do that01:51
meal3837sometimes, things can get weird01:51
lupine_85meal3837: this isn't windows ;)01:51
georgysdubois92, : ?01:51
cleptothat is not working it keeps crashing and resetting i even tried the different log in screens eventually it gives up trying and boots me to the text prompt then i can log in that way and startx01:51
SpacePopeit says event not found01:52
sdubois92i tried playing a youtube clip again but i didnt hear any sound01:52
meal3837lupine: true01:52
SpacePopekeep in mind i chose not to set up ethernet during the ubuntu installation01:52
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SpacePopeif that means anything01:52
lupine_85makes no difference01:52
georgysdubois92, : okay, in a console : sudo modprobe snd-cs423601:53
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_m0nkhey guys01:53
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SpacePopewell i got event not found01:53
_m0nki was wondering if you guys could help me with something01:53
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MinisterPoliteany idea why xgl is broken? no one in #xgl is speaking01:54
sdubois92No sound01:54
_m0nki have an SSH server setup...and i was wondering if you guy scould tell me how to get X forwarding to work01:54
sdubois92i restarted my browser01:54
lupine_85try #ubuntu-xgl01:54
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sdubois92no sound01:54
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kuHey guys, I'm just wondering, how would I remove ubuntu without doing any harm to my windows partition? I'm mostly worried about the boot partition ruining my ability to boot into windows. I'm only doing this because I'll soon get another machine which I'll dedicate to linux and I'd like to remove it completely from this one.01:54
meal3837lupine: do you know where ubuntu keeps its background pictures?01:54
SpacePopethat didn't give me any response01:54
georgysdubois92: open a mixer01:55
sdubois92what was the thing to type into the console to get the gnome mixer up?01:55
_m0nki am using puTTy to connect to my laptop right now if that helps with my question at all01:55
georgysdubois92 : gnome-volume-control01:56
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mcphail_m0nk: you can't forward X unless you are running an X server on your local machine01:56
SpacePopehave you guys given up on me? :(01:56
_m0nkmy n00b bad01:56
[BTF] Chm0d if I have the nvidia drivers installed should I have this file? libGL.so01:56
lupine_85SpacePope: where's the pastebin ?01:56
mcphail_m0nk: try installing cygwin01:56
SpacePopepastebin gave me event not found01:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:57
_m0nkdo i need cygwin on any windows boxes i use?01:57
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lupine_85works here01:57
decherdttSpaceP try sdo modprobe -a, to load the netcard module01:57
_m0nkbecause i am setting this up more for my *at school use*01:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:57
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decherdttSpacePope: then sudo ifup eth001:58
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mcphail_m0nk: as far as i am aware you will have to run an X server on any machine you wish to forward X to01:58
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SpacePopeit prompted me for a password01:58
_m0nkok are there any Java based apps for that, that i can download?01:58
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lupine_85...no. it dosn't.01:59
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SpudDoggDoes anyone here know if it is possible to stream movies from a windows share in ubuntu?  Is there a particular movie player I need for that?01:59
_m0nkjava is the ONE thing my school cant take from me:)01:59
SpacePopei typed sudo ifup eth001:59
mcphail_m0nk: the alternative would be to use vnc or nx01:59
meal3837spacepope: that's your system password, for sudo privileges, same as login01:59
GekitsuuSpudDogg: VLC works pretty well for streaming video cross-platform01:59
_m0nki see01:59
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snooocould someone help me with a apt-get issue? I'm having trouble trying to download dev files, keep finding unmet depedencies. using dapper and backports.01:59
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Buglousewhat are you tring to ger01:59
_m0nki can stick with text terminals i guess:) those are more 1337 than VNC02:00
treedreamerI have some problem with locales, i just want to make English my default language,but to use my native language when opening a certain app ,say ,gedit ,i searched the Web but found no helpful information . Is there anyone giving me some tips :-P02:00
snoooBuglouse: evolution-dev02:00
SpacePopeit now says 'ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0'02:00
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_m0nkand i dont want to open up anymore ports on my router02:00
SpudDoggGekitsuu:  Isn't VLC for remote desktop?02:00
[BTF] Chm0dpoopy ive asked my question 3 times nobody wants to answer? :(02:00
GekitsuuSpudDogg: Nope that's VNC02:00
lupine_85eth0 doesn't exist then02:00
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GekitsuuSpudDogg: www.videolan.org02:00
decherdttSpacePope:  Figure, twas a blind shot in the dark02:00
SpudDoggGekitsuu:  Ahh, ok...Sorry, lol02:00
SpudDoggGekitsuu:  Thanks man02:00
Buglousesnooo: worked for me02:01
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mcphail_m0nk: if you run nx you won't need to open any new ports02:01
GekitsuuSpudDogg: No problem :)02:01
Buglousesooo: what command are you useing02:01
_m0nki wont? it will work through port 22?02:01
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mcphail_m0nk: (it uses ssh)02:01
snoooBuglouse: apt-get install evolution-dev02:01
SpacePopeso what does that mean for me if eth0 doesn't exist?02:01
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meal3837do you have an ethernet adapter?02:01
Buglousesnooo: add sudo before that and you should be fine02:01
_m0nkmcphail: thats what i like to hear:) you get my attention when you say SSH:)02:01
thammmmmmmkjkjCan i get help on setting up a network mainly for Internet connection shearing please ,i have a ubuntu system and a window both connected to a hub02:01
lupine_85it means that it didn't find your ethernet adaptor... or that it called it eth102:01
lupine_85or something02:01
snoooBuglouse: I am using sudo.02:01
romdosSpacePope: it is not entered in /etc/network/interfaces02:01
Buglousesnooo: kk02:01
SpacePopeit's a card thing that slides into the side of the laptop, with a place to insert a cat5 cable02:02
snooois the output im getting02:02
mcphail_m0nk: the server is in the seveas repository, but it is a little bit of a fiddle to set up02:02
snoooits complaining about unmet dependencies02:02
_m0nkok heres my next question...how can i switch from pty to tty whie im connected? *if there is a way*02:02
romdosSpacePope: try /sbin/ifconfid -a to see all interfaces (not just the ones that are up)02:02
meal3837spacepope: make suere your pcmcia services are activated02:03
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SpacePope it says no such file or directory02:03
meal3837and that your internet switch(if you have one on your lappy) is turned on02:03
romdosSpacePope: try /sbin/ifconfig -a  (sorry)02:03
Buglousesnooo: well if i can do it then im sure that you don't have the corrent dependacie intalled02:03
Buglousesnooo: type02:03
snooosomething is messed up - i have nothing to upgrade...02:03
Buglousesnooo: sudo apt-get update02:04
snoooBuglouse: have done that02:04
SpacePopemeal3837: I don't know what a pcmcia service is02:04
SpacePopefirst time ever using linux02:04
Buglousesnooo: could you pm me your depenancy list?02:04
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sdubois92Georgy, still no luck with the sound. I turned everything in the sound mixer on all the way but still no luck02:04
romdosSpacePope: what are you trying to connect to?02:04
ShishI don't know what a pcmcia service is and I've been using linux for ~5 years ._.;;02:05
georgysdubois92: do you restart your browser ?02:05
snoooBuglouse: what dependency list? the one produced by evolution-dev?02:05
SpacePopei'm trying to connect to a series of tubes02:05
meal3837it's a laptop thing02:05
_m0nkpcmcia arent those laptop pci?02:05
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georgysdubois: strange02:05
_m0nkliek where you stick network cards and junk02:05
meal3837he's using a pcmcia ethernet adapter02:05
romdosSpacePope: you have a dhcp server or a static ip?02:05
ShishThat'd be why then; I've never had a laptop D:02:05
Buglousesnooo: no your dependency list... here type this02:06
georgysdubois92 : type a lsmod in a console and pastebin02:06
zmutteStrange, I cannot connect to my workstation through ad-hoc from my ubuntu laptop02:06
meal3837the problem might be that it's not turned on, either in the hardware, or the software02:06
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:06
_m0nkshish: before i had a laptop i knew tat:| but only because my dad had me reading tech manuals when i was younger02:06
sdubois92how do i pastebin02:06
amicrawlei'm having a problem with sudo dpkg -i02:06
towsonu2003I have a real stupid question: how do you download debian unstable? I just couldn't locate any guides...02:06
romdosSpacePope: have you entered in all your info (default gateway, nameservers)?02:06
Buglousesnooo: vi /etc/apt/sources.list02:06
georgysdubois92, : ! pastebin02:06
Alllleex1Anyone know how to install Flexlm from the distro?02:06
SpacePopeto where?02:06
SpacePopei just installed ubuntu02:07
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snoooBuglouse: oh my sources.list02:07
snoooi'll pastebin it02:07
SpacePopeand i am talking to you all on a different pc of course02:07
amicrawledpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of vdrift-full02:07
snooovi /etc/apt/sources.list02:07
Buglousesnooo: look in there for all the links thouse are your depencese02:07
Shishtowsonu2003: #debian would be more appropriate... but you can just edit /etc/apt/sources.list from an existing debian install and change "stable" to "unstable"02:07
_m0nki was lucky as hell when i installed ubuntu02:07
_m0nki put it on an old toshiba satelite 420002:07
sdubois92!pastebin steven@IBM:~$  lsmod02:07
sdubois92Module                  Size  Used by02:07
sdubois92rfcomm                 40216  002:07
sdubois92l2cap                  26244  5 rfcomm02:07
sdubois92bluetooth              50020  4 rfcomm,l2cap02:07
sdubois92nvram                   9224  102:07
romdosSpacePope: well, ubuntu has a gui way to do it, but it can also be done in /etc/network/interfaces02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin steven@IBM:~$  lsmod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
sdubois92uinput                  9088  102:07
sdubois92ppdev                   9220  002:07
_m0nk*everything was supported*02:07
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sdubois92cpufreq_userspace       4696  002:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:07
sdubois92cpufreq_stats           5636  002:07
sdubois92freq_table              4740  1 cpufreq_stats02:07
ruzgaris there a clipboard program in gnome works flawless like klipboard?02:07
ladydoorsdubois92: stop!02:07
sdubois92cpufreq_powersave       1920  002:07
sdubois92cpufreq_ondemand        6428  002:07
sdubois92cpufreq_conservative     7332  002:07
ladydoorsdubois92: use pastebin02:07
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sdubois92dm_mod                 58936  102:08
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sdubois92md_mod                 72532  002:08
amicrawlehow do i fix this problem02:08
sdubois92ipv6                  265728  602:08
towsonu2003thanks Shish :)02:08
ladydoorsdubois92: STOP02:08
sdubois92snd_cs4236             16324  302:08
sdubois92snd_opl3_lib           10624  1 snd_cs423602:08
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sdubois92snd_hwdep               9376  1 snd_opl3_lib02:08
sdubois92snd_cs4236_lib         16512  1 snd_cs423602:08
zmuttesdubois92: part from channel02:08
sdubois92snd_mpu401_uart         7808  1 snd_cs423602:08
sdubois92snd_rawmidi            25504  1 snd_mpu401_uart02:08
SpacePopegood gof02:08
sdubois92snd_seq_device          8716  2 snd_opl3_lib,snd_rawmidi02:08
sdubois92af_packet              22920  202:08
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sdubois92snd_cs4231_lib         26752  2 snd_cs4236,snd_cs4236_lib02:08
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!02:08
sdubois92snd_pcm_oss            53664  002:08
sdubois92snd_mixer_oss          18688  2 snd_pcm_oss02:08
SpacePopethe text02:08
|freaky|oi vey02:08
sdubois92snd_pcm                89864  4 snd_cs4236_lib,snd_cs4231_lib,snd_pcm_oss02:08
SpacePopeit keeps going up and up02:08
sdubois92snd_timer              25220  3 snd_opl3_lib,snd_cs4231_lib,snd_pcm02:08
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thammmmmmmkjkjcan some some one pm me ,really need a hand02:08
zmuttethank lord02:08
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Seveas!someone > thammmmmmmkjkj02:08
SpacePopewhat about the GUI way to do it?02:08
benhbenh@tika:~$ sudo ifup eth102:08
benhwpa_supplicant: wpa-action support has been removed, see wpa_action(8) manpage...aborting!02:08
benhrun-parts: /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wpasupplicant exited with return code 102:08
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naliothbenh: please don't paste02:09
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ruzgaris there a clipboard program in gnome works flawless like klipboard?02:09
meal3837spacepope: system > administration> networking02:09
_m0nksorry guys i got disconnected :| something broke my wifi connection02:09
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BuglouseDoes anyone know of the Windows Internet Media Streamer called Sam3 Media Broadcaster?  I'm looking iether to install that on my Ubuntu Drapper Drake OS or an alternative to that.02:09
naliothbenh: please don't paste02:09
zmutteI need some help with iwconfig, I have configured it to be able to connect to my stationary computer through ad hoc but it doens't make any connections02:09
benhwhat problem do you guys have with pasting 2 lines !!!???02:09
SpacePopeok, i'm there02:09
thammmmmmmkjkjseveas please help darling02:09
benhdamn, it's sort of a fascist channel here ?02:09
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:09
romdosSpacePope: um, system->administration->networking02:10
benhI understand needing pastebin for large pastes but there's a limit02:10
zmuttebenh: two lines?02:10
Seveasthammmmmmmkjkj, if you don't say what you need help with, no one can help 02:10
meal3837what devices are listed?02:10
_m0nkwhy was sdu*whatever the rest is* posting up his running processes?02:10
ladydoorbenh: what're you talking about?02:10
amicrawlehow do i fix this problem02:10
amicrawledpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of vdrift-full02:10
SpacePopei'm in the network settings now02:10
meal3837SPACEPOPE: There should be at least one device listed there02:10
Seveasamicrawle, sudo apt-get -f install02:10
meal3837etho, eth1, ath0 . . .02:11
Alllleex1How do u install flexlm?  Its not in the package manager02:11
thammmmmmmkjkjok i cant get this frost wire to work ,the icon is there but nothing happens when clicked02:11
amicrawlewhat is -f mean02:11
SpacePopeit says ethernet connection-the interface eth0 is not configured02:11
meal3837click on it, then click configure02:11
BuglouseDoes anyone know of the Windows Internet Media Streamer called Sam3 Media Broadcaster?  I'm looking iether to install that on my Ubuntu Drapper Drake OS or an alternative to that.02:11
benhsomeobody knows what's up with wpa supplicant in edgy ? ifup eth1 gives an error02:11
SpacePopethere is no configure open02:11
benhabout wpa-action support being removed02:11
meal3837try properties02:12
SpacePopeall i see that i can do is properties02:12
SpacePopei'm there?02:12
benhlooked at the script, there's indeed a test for IF_WPA_ACTION, which doesn't seem to be defined anywhere (grepp'ed around /etc)02:12
SpacePopeignore the  question mark02:12
meal3837what options do you havea?02:12
SpacePopeenable this connection is unchecked02:12
meal3837check it02:12
SpacePopenow i have to fill out stuff02:13
SpacePopei guess02:13
romdosSpacePope: yup02:13
SpacePopewith what02:13
meal3837does it give you an option for dhcp?02:13
jendaI need help converting a CDClone image to iso (or burning it)02:13
meal3837try that02:13
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meal3837and then click ok02:13
SpacePopewill it matter if i have a static ip on this desktop?02:13
jendaThe instructions on the wiki fail at aclocal02:13
meal3837wait, tell me about your network02:13
romdosSpacePope: what type of isp do you have02:14
SpacePopecable=road runner02:14
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SpacePopethe wireless router is a netgear WGT62402:14
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JimyLinuxI have a question02:15
thammmmmmmkjkjDoes any one know how i can go about configure a  network with 2 computers (one windows the other ubuntu)02:15
meal3837what is it's address?02:15
SpacePopei have the laptop hardwired into the wireless router02:15
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SpacePopemy desktop is not connected to the wireless router02:15
SpacePopeby the way02:15
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shawn_workErm, where did alsaconf go in Edgy?02:15
georgythammmmmmmkjkj, : you need to install a samba server02:15
shawn_workI can't configure sound at all02:15
meal3837your modem has more than 1 port?02:15
SpacePopei think02:15
meal3837check it02:15
BuglouseDoes anyone know of the Windows Internet Media Streamer called Sam3 Media Broadcaster?  I'm looking iether to install that on my Ubuntu Drapper Drake OS or an alternative to that.02:16
romdosSpacePope: sudo dhclient eth0 will let you know if dhcp will work for you02:16
SpacePopelast time it was like02:16
JimyLinuxI use Fedora Dore 5...how to install Ubuntu through wget or RPM??02:16
snoooBuglouse: have sorted it - i was missing a repoistory, weirdly02:16
SpacePopedesktop>phone router>modem02:16
ppoHi, is there a simple way to retrieve a file from a package?02:16
ppoI need to recover the file /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.conf (Drapper/AMD64)02:16
SpacePopelet me double check02:16
snoooBuglouse: dapper-updates wasn't in the list02:16
jribshawn_work: I don't think ubuntu uses alsaconf, but edgy support is in #ubuntu+102:16
thammmmmmmkjkjthanks Georgy ,do i add that from the add/remover window02:16
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lupine_85ar -x the .deb file? ;)02:16
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georgythammmmmmmkjkj, ; yes02:16
Buglousesnoo: ... yes it was... if the link you gave me was your config then it was02:16
Buglouseand if not then add it02:16
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snoooBuglouse: only the source was there02:17
Gekitsuuis anyone using bzr to manage /etc?02:17
georgythammmmmmmkjkj, : but is not easy to configure it02:17
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snooosource packages02:17
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:17
zmutteKind of strange, the w-lan card can scan and so on but the lights aren't lit. I use the broadcom bcm43xx driver02:17
SpacePopethis desktop is plugged into the phone router which is plugged into the cable modem02:17
thammmmmmmkjkjGod bless you Georgy ,i will try my best to configure it02:17
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JimyLinuxI use Fedora Dore 5...how to install Ubuntu through wget or RPM??02:17
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Buglousesnooo: well i always add more links to that file so that i can get more packages.02:18
meal3837ok, do you know if dhcp is enabled on the router?02:18
Buglousesnooo: did you get that package yet?02:18
newpZhi for some reason i can not take the mov files from my digital cam and import them into kino... is there a way to convert them into a more standard mov format?02:18
MortuisHow do I tell how much memory each process is using on the command line?02:18
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gallagJimyLinux: install wget through rpm? Not likely.02:18
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gallagJimyLinux: um -- I( mean ubuntu02:18
snoooBuglouse: yeah all sorted now. like i said, it was missing the dapper-updates repository - my sources-list is a state02:18
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Buglousesnooo: nice to know02:19
BuglouseDoes anyone know of the Windows Internet Media Streamer called Sam3 Media Broadcaster?  I'm looking iether to install that on my Ubuntu Drapper Drake OS or an alternative to that.02:19
gallagJimyLinux: installing ubuntu will need to be done with the installer02:19
SpacePopemy laptop, which is the thing with ubuntu, is plugged into the wireless router,02:19
JimyLinuxOnly 600MB install CD?02:19
meal3837and that's the one we're trying to get working?02:19
gallagJimyLinux: Installing it, if you don't partition, will remove fedora, replacing it with ubuntu02:19
gallagJimyLinux: faryed so02:19
SpacePopewe're trying to get the laptop working02:20
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gallagJimyLinux: yes, you will have to download 600mb of iso02:20
JimyLinuxI installed Fedora 5 5 days ago...02:20
nkayhanIs there a reason why when you open "fail safe terminal" it's only a small box in the bottom of the screen, and is there a way of changing this?02:20
meal3837does the router serve dhcp?02:20
gallagJimyLinux: and ... so...02:20
MortuisWhen I installed Apache, it installed a bunch of other packages that were dependencies.  I want to remove Apache now, how do I get it to get rid of all those other packages as well?02:20
SpacePopethe wireless router>?02:20
JimyLinuxI installed by ftp...install disk is 6.7 MB!!02:20
fildo_whats it like JimyLinux02:21
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meal3837ok, then dhcp should work out for you02:21
gallagJimyLinux: um --02:21
SpacePopelet me see if it works02:21
JimyLinuxubuntu have no ftp install?02:21
meal3837make sure your default gateway device is eth002:21
nkayhanany ways to change the size?02:21
gallagJimyLinux: how was that -- I doubt anything that small would work02:21
ShishMortuis: some of the more advanced package managers take care of that for themselves, there's nothing within apt itself02:21
gallagJimyLinux: ubuntu has no ftp install I know of02:21
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shwagi am running dual monitors. How do I change which window is the 1st one...where the login screen appears.02:21
ShishMortuis: although there is an app somewhere which'll list all the packages which are installed and not needed bu anything02:22
MortuisShish: So I'm SOL if I installed with apt-get?02:22
briguydis it possible to share a USB external hard drive with samba?02:22
SpacePopeok i have internet working on the laptop now02:22
Gekitsuushwag: one is to switch the video cables between the 2 cards02:22
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meal3837i get people online for a living02:22
nkayhancan I change it?02:22
meal3837this is like working from home02:22
JimyLinuxI need shipit CD...I must install 6 weeks later02:22
SpacePopebut don't forget my problem is getting the WG111T wireless adapter working02:22
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shwagGekitsuu: good thinkging!  but this is a laptop.02:23
SpacePopei'm just hardwiring this to update ubuntu02:23
meal3837built in card, or pcmcia?02:23
Gekitsuushwag:  K I don't know for sure but changing the order they appear in the beginning when you do Screen0 LeftOf Screen1 might work02:23
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shwaghow do i install LAMP ?02:23
nkayhanHelp, can you change the size of the failsafe terminal02:23
gallagJimyLinux: Freespire also requires a very large download, and it will replace fedora, just like ubuntu, but it's a bit easier. You may find it more friendly.\02:23
SpacePopethe wireless adapter is USB though02:23
gallagshwag: through apt-get02:23
Gekitsuushwag: so Sreen1 Right of Screen002:23
ladydoornkayhan: what resolution do you want?02:24
meal3837oh . . . ew02:24
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simtoweranyone know how to disable ssh login by password for only one user account? i am not super user02:24
bimberiubotu tell shwag about lamp02:24
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nkayhanladydoor: whatever, so long as it fills the screen.02:24
gallagshwag: sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql5-server02:24
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gallagshwag: what ubotu said02:24
meal3837go ahead and update, i'll see what i can find out02:24
JimyLinuxQUESTION....Ubuntu's advantage and Fedora's advantage? What is better? I have pentium 3 400Mhz 192MB ram PC...:)02:25
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ladydoornkayhan: ummm, i don't want to give you an incorrect resolution. all i know is that you can enter vga=792 as a kernel option in menu.lst to change the resolution, but i forget just what resolution that is.02:25
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HedgeMageJimyLinux: that's like asking whether chocolate ice cream is better than strawberry.. it is, inevitably, a matter of taste more than anything else.02:25
meal3837jimylinux: ubuntu seems to run verywell on my 566mhz celeron machine02:25
ArrenLexladydoor: why not change the resolution in xorg.conf?02:25
briguydJimyLinux, i'd say xubuntu, though  i'm obviously biased02:25
JimyLinuxAnd, I need linux for installing MEDIAWIKI02:25
ladydoorArrenLex: because a failsafe terminal isn't x02:26
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HedgeMageJimyLinux: Depending on how well you tweak it down, either could run.02:26
gallagJimyLinux: they are somewhat similar -- there are not gigantic advantages02:26
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nkayhanladydoor: well, is that 792 the resolution, I can monkey from there02:26
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JimyLinuxI heard goobuntu... it is good?02:26
briguydis it possible to share a USB external hard drive with samba? i am having a bit of trouble02:26
gallagJimyLinux: it does not exist02:26
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zoredacheit should be briguyd02:27
gallagJimyLinux: ubuntu uses gnome by default02:27
Gekitsuubrian98:  it is, I have a USB that is shared out via samba02:27
briguydJimyLinux, with older hardware, you might want to try xubuntu02:27
SpacePopewhere do i go to update to dapper?02:27
briguydGekitsuu, how did you do it?02:27
Seqis there a way to determine what version of ubuntu you are running? Much like /etc/debian_version?02:27
ladydoornkayhan: ummm...ish02:27
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Gekitsuusame as a regular directory, It's just mounted and then I added a share statement in my smb.conf02:27
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briguydits basically ubuntu with the XFCE desktop instead of gnome, with omre lightweight apps02:27
Seqi suppose i should mention I'm curious from a scripting point of view..02:27
POVaddctSeq: cat /etc/issue02:28
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bonkoim just installing. I need to have a /boot partition. do I install grub then to sda1 if that is the /boot part. or do i put sda?02:28
briguydit shows up in my smbtree, but i cant mount it remotely02:28
SeqPOVaddct: thanks!02:28
Andrew67of course issue could be modified, perhaps you can also check sources.list02:28
bonkoby default it has hda for grub02:28
JimyLinuxMy Fedora 5 Gnome and KDE, Sound card is not working!! :(02:28
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ArrenLexbonko: if you want grub to handle your master boot record, put it in sda02:28
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Gekitsuubriguyd: what is the error you're seeing?02:28
gallagJimyLinux: Tell a fedora forum or channel aboiut that02:28
gallagJimyLinux: you are not in the right place for that question02:28
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|freaky|Does anyone here use KVirc?02:29
JimyLinuxWhen I install debian woody, Sound is good...but fedora don't!!02:29
bonkoArrenLex: I typed in sda1, and now ubuntu is installing02:29
briguydhmm, it worked now02:29
briguydhold on02:29
ladydoorJimyLinux: this isn't debian.02:29
gallagJimyLinux: Tell #debian or #fedora02:29
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ArrenLexbonko: you're not going to be able to boot it.02:29
briguydno it didnt02:29
supermanDoes anyone know if the US repositories are working?02:29
SpacePopewhere do i go to update to dapper?02:29
Gekitsuusuperman: They are for me02:29
Andrew67SpacePope: there's a wiki entry about that02:30
bonkoArrenLex: I have 2 hard drives hda and sda, my /boot is 100M sda102:30
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JimyLinuxSo, I think Ubuntu...(It provide...onestop install?)02:30
|freaky|The question that i have with KVirc is the channel list, at the bottom, clicked on it orientation i clicked flat and now its gone and i cant figure how to get it back02:30
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gallag!upgrade > SpacePope02:30
supermanGekitsuu: Seem 2 be having troubles ... hope I didn't break it02:30
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Gekitsuubriguyd: what isn't working?02:30
Dekkardhas there been instances of X breaking for no apparent reason?02:30
briguydGekitsuu, "4955: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an invalid share name)02:30
briguydSMB connection failed02:30
gallagDekkard: yes02:30
bonkoArrenLex: so i guess it should be (sda), will it end up in the sda1 part?02:30
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:30
gallagDekkard: it was an upgrade issue02:30
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ArrenLexbonko: if you chose to install grub to sda1, that means you installed grub to the boot sector of that PARTITION. That means, once that PARTITION is selected by the master boot loader, grub will load it.02:31
Andrew67SpacePope: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:31
ArrenLexbonko: you still need a master boot manager.02:31
gallagDekkard:upgrade again and see02:31
JimyLinuxFor my old system, xubuntu is work well?02:31
briguydGekitsuu, using "sudo mount -t smbfs //demaio-desktop/Big_Music /media/music"02:31
Gekitsuubriguyd: if you do a smbclient -L localhost on the box that is sharing the drive do you see the share?02:31
Dekkardgallag:  i did..nuttin02:31
briguydhold on02:31
gallagDekkard: a newer one should be available02:31
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Dekkardonly upgrade for dapper was thunderbird02:31
gallagDekkard: then it's probably somewhat normal02:31
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Dekkardexcept i have no x02:31
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saifhello, i was doing un upgrade, my computer crashed and grub opens bash, and i can't boot! currently using livecd to boot! vat should i do?02:32
gallagDekkard: the break was earlier02:32
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Dekkardi know.. i remember reaing about that.. but now mine just broke..02:32
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briguydGekitsuu, yeah, its there02:32
gallagsaif: do you know any terminal commands?02:32
Dekkardas i remember there was a workaround..02:32
saifi know some!02:32
bonkoArrenLex: thanks, the problem is I need a 100M /boot partition becuase of some bios issues02:32
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jmitchj I have installed Unbuntu on an External Hard drive, sometimes my Internal Hard drive disappears from the list of devices in Computer - File Browser...any ideas why?02:32
gallagsaif: try this one: gdm || kdm02:33
Gekitsuubriguyd: hmm did you check the logs in /var/log/samba?02:33
briguydon which machine?02:33
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SpacePopehow do i check what version of ubuntu i have right now?02:33
Gekitsuubriguyd:  the server02:33
saifgallag, interresting, we are trying to fix the grub menu though right?02:33
gallagsaif: no02:33
gallagsaif: I was trying to see what went wrong02:33
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Dekkard it cant find the cursor02:33
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briguydGekitsuu, hold on02:34
Dekkardprolly because i installed artwiz cursor02:34
gallagsaif: but I have to go.. sorry,02:34
saifgallag, gdm is already running,02:34
juanjohi: what would i need to do in order to get my external microphone working with ubuntu in a macbook?02:34
saifgallag! :) ok thanx for the try!02:34
ladydoorSpacePope: cat /etc/lsb-release02:34
SpacePopenvm found it02:34
SpacePopety though02:34
meal3837which ver?02:34
liogetshi every time i try to play a file with mplayer it displays me an arror saying "alsa-control: unable to find simple control 'PCM',0" how can i fix this?02:34
SpudDoggHas anyone here ever used backtrack?02:34
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GekitsuuSpudDogg: I have, it's a pretty cool live CD but I was a huge fan of Whax and Whoppix too. backtrack is better02:35
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Dekkardso gallag... i think i need to edit x11 config02:35
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meal3837spacepope: i was checking around for info on linux and the  WG111T . . . doesn't look promising02:35
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ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:36
SpudDoggGekitsuu:  My concern is that I'll need to update drivers, etc for my wireless devices.  How is that done when just running on a livedisc?  Maybe it has everything you need for the most common devices? Atheros, Ralink, etc?02:36
saifno hints, any1?? it's as if my grub has been erased! it's no even showing the first menu, and throws me into a bash command! where i can't do anything! need to boot!02:36
SpudDoggmeal3837, if all you want to do is access a network and the internet, just use ndiswrapper02:37
GekitsuuSpudDogg: actuall backtrack is based of Slax which has a really easy way of adding files to the livecd check out the slax website for how to add custom modules02:37
bsmntbombdoodWhy is gateway/tor/ banned in here?02:37
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LjLbsmntbombdood: too much abuse coming from it02:37
SpudDoggGekitsuu, well, I'm just going to burn the disc and get a feel for it.  If I like the way things work, I'll work on using it.02:37
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GekitsuuSpudDogg: not a bad idea, I'm using it for a USB/QEMU stick computer when I travel to Japan02:38
SpacePopenot promising?02:38
SpudDoggGekitsuu:  Also, is there a way to install the distro?  Maybe on another partition?02:38
GekitsuuSpudDogg: I'm not sure I don't think I ever tried it02:38
meal3837yeah, i saw a lot of forums where people installed ndiswrapper, and then the windows drivers . . . which is supposed to work02:39
DenstarkHi there. I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Sound card, and I want to turn down the base that my speakers put out. I tried changing it in alsamixer but nothing happens. Can anyone take a stab at helping me? =)02:39
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SpudDoggGekitsuu, yea, I've never tried dual-booting linux and linux, lol02:39
meal3837and none of them were succesfull02:39
ZemylaI have Ubuntu working in VMWare. :D02:39
Gekitsuuafk for a minute02:39
ZemylaIt's kind of slow, though. :{02:39
SpudDoggGekitsuu, I guess that your be kinda dumb to do...I would imagine most things I can do in backtrack can be done in Ubuntu...Maybe just a little easier?02:39
zoredacheyes, you can dual boot multiple versions of Linux02:40
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LjLZemyla: well, VMWare is quite fast, but surely a native install would be faster02:40
SpudDoggGekitsuu, sorry i meant to say that would be kinda dumb...02:40
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LjLZemyla: be sure to specify at least 256MB of "virtual" RAM in VMWare02:40
ZemylaThough... maybe it's slow because I have the virtual hard drive compressed. :D02:40
LjLZemyla: ubuntu gets quite sluggish with less than that02:40
SpacePopei thought i saw one on the ubuntu forums02:40
Gekitsuuactually backtrack includes some security tools that I don't think have been packaged for ubuntu yet so some things are MUCH easier in backtrack02:40
SpacePopebut i didn't under stand it02:40
SpacePopeso i came here02:40
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LjLZemyla: well, never used that feature02:41
liogetshi every time i try to play a file with mplayer it displays me an arror saying "alsa-control: unable to find simple control 'PCM',0" how can i fix this?02:41
SpudDoggmeal3837, open up synaptec, search for ndiswrapper, and install the GUI interface...it is unbelievably easy.  if you have problems after that, you might have the wrong driver02:41
ZemylaI'm just using the standard NTFS compression to compress it.02:42
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LjLZemyla: i see, well even then, haven't tried it. i suppose it *could* interact badly, though02:42
SpudDoggHey, when someone says "Windows" around here, does anyone else sorta cringe?  I know I do.02:42
LjLSpudDogg: Windows02:42
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zoredacheI cringe when someone says disk compression... Disk compression is for people that hate their data02:43
rilliamanybody have some hints on how to get twinview working on my nvidia gs 7600?02:43
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LjLSpudDogg: Windows Win32 Office Word PowerPoint SmartDrive MS-DOS Bad command or file name Retry Ignore Fail system.ini win.ini registry Program Manager Internet Explorer Outlook Express02:44
Polym0rphlot of ppl here ;D02:44
Dr_willisrilliam,  i followed some guides i foung on the gentoo wiki to get mine going. theres also a tool to configure twinview under ubuntu. But backup your xorg.conf first02:44
=== caseyomah [n=caseyoma@ip70-160-11-231.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
caseyomahOkay, I had amaroK installed on Ubuntu with package kubuntu-desktop installed, and now with my install of Kubuntu from CD it doesn't have all the features. Why? How do I get back the "Repeat album", "Random album" and ID3 multi-tab dialog?02:44
SpudDoggLjL, lol.  Thanks man, I needed something terrible to get my mind off that speeding ticket today02:44
meal3837spacepope: it looks like it is possible to make it work . . . but it involves install gnu development tools, downloading source code, compiling the source code . . . it's a mess02:44
ZemylaI had to install flex and bison from the Internet. ;_;02:45
briguydGekitsuu, im not seeing anything02:45
LjLSpudDogg: well, if you use Windows, you'll never get a cyber-speeding-ticket, that's for sure. just make sure you don't occupy a "60km/h minimum" lane...02:45
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Gekitsuubriguyd: are you sure you have the right permissions setup?02:45
Dr_willisnvidia-xconfig -twinview02:45
=== Ma1 [n=max@modemcable098.210-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
drminimeHey, I need a driver for an ATI Radeon R100 7200 card, x server won't start.  any suggestions?02:46
meal3837spacepope: i have not yet successfully built a program from source, so if it wer me, i would just buy a pcmcia adapter02:46
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Gekitsuubriguyd: In smb.conf you need to have permissions set in the share statement02:46
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LjLSpudDogg: on the other hand, that now reminds me of the ticket i got for forgetting to check my ticket on the bus... ouch. that still hurts.02:47
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simtowerhello, how do i get hibernate to work on ubuntu?02:47
LjLsimtower: pray, mostly02:47
simtoweris there an error log or something i can check?02:48
SpudDoggLjL, do you use Windows?02:48
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briguydGekitsuu, the drive says that only owner can do anything, but i cant change that for some reason02:48
LjLsimtower: try tinkering with /etc/defaults/acpi-support02:48
Gekitsuubriguyd: on the server it says that?02:48
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briguydon the server, the mounted drive is unable to change permissions02:49
LjLSpudDogg: not too often, but admittedly i do have it installed. (and it's the only system installed on the other 2 machines in the house, but that's not my fault)02:49
Gekitsuubriguyd: how is it mounted? manually or via fstab?02:49
briguydi plugged it in and it mounted it02:49
SpudDoggLjL, I'll admit it too.  Sometimes I gotta play Flight Simulator, you know?02:49
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LjLSpudDogg: ever gave FlightGear a try?02:50
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drminimeHey again, I need a driver for an ATI Radeon R100 7200 card, x server won't start.  any suggestions?02:50
SpudDoggLjL, no, and I dont think my lappy will run it.  I'm sure my desktop comp will, but that has 64bit ubuntu on it02:50
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LjLSpudDogg: shouldn't matter, flightgear is open source and comes with Ubuntu binary packages in the repos...02:51
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Gekitsuubriguyd: what are the perms where it's mounted? who's the owner and who's the group?02:51
SpudDoggLjL:  Is that comparable to MSFS?02:51
Sir_Brizzdrminime, didn't the default driver work?02:51
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PPAAUULLDoes anyone know of a Graphing Calculator for Ubuntu?02:52
briguydGekitsuu, oh, its mounted in /media, lemme check permissions, but I havent changed anything there02:52
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LjLSpudDogg: well, i'm not a FS expert, but it does attempt to be realistic (even too much for my liking... i think MS FS tries to make it a little simpler. for example, in FlightGear the standard Cessna plane starts crazily turning left as soon as you fire the engine -- and that's intended behavior)02:52
briguydGekitsuu, should i try mounting it somewhere else?02:52
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Gekitsuu I'm taking a look at how mine is setup02:52
LjLSpudDogg: a bad point is the "artificial intelligence" ATC, in that there is none (or almost).02:52
caseyomahWhat is the difference between fstab and mtab?02:53
superkirbyartistDialup issues with 6.06 LTS.02:53
SpudDoggLjL, do you know if FlightGear has realism settings?  Automatic, real-time weather updates, etc?02:53
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drminimeno, default driver isn't working02:53
t3nxthow can i mount an .iso file in ubuntu??02:53
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:53
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Dekkardany Xorg ninjas?02:54
LjLSpudDogg: it's got real time weather updates, yes, and a few realism-related settings. you can also download the world in a relatively detailed format, which includes SRTM altitude points and land use, as well as (obviously) airports and navigation aids02:54
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juanjohi: what would i need to do in order to get my external microphone (using the line-in) working with ubuntu in a macbook?02:54
superkirbyartistModem works but does not authenticate.  Makes noise, stops, dials again, makes noise, stop...02:54
Dekkardi get this fatal error could not load cursor font cursor02:54
LjLSpudDogg: the 3D clouds are less than satisfying though ;)02:54
ubotuxconfig is To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:54
SpudDoggLjL, well definately sounds like I should check it out.  But anyway, I gotta take off for now, I'm gonna try my backtrack livedisc02:55
Dr_willissuperkirbyartist,  last i saw somthing like that ages ago.. the ppp password/encryption was wrong.02:55
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Dr_willissuperkirbyartist,  but that was years ago02:55
superkirbyartistHelp please?  What to do?02:55
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LjLSpudDogg: ok, well, just visit the site or even just "sudo aptitude install flightgear", it's all that's needed to install it on ubuntu02:55
mikeo1how do i get ubuntu to detect my keyboard correctly?02:55
SpudDoggLjL, thanks man.  ttyl02:55
superkirbyartistWhen I move dialup does not work.  I move quite often.02:55
LjLSpudDogg: (though of course that does *not* get you the detailed world data, which you'd have to download separately)02:55
GekitsuuI have the permissions on my usb drive set so that my user is group and owner02:55
levanderHas anyone tried copying the Dapper Live CD / Install CD onto a USB Flash Drive?02:55
Gekitsuuof all files02:56
bruenigmikeo1, select it in System>Preferences>Keyboard02:56
mikeo1none are listed02:56
flamesrockhmm this isn't really ubuntu related, but does anyone know anything about cellphones?02:56
briguydGekitsuu, where is it mounted02:56
LjL... what kind of question is that?02:56
superkirbyartistWhen no high speed is available...  I meed to use dialup.02:56
briguydflamesrock, try #ubuntu-offtopic02:56
bruenigmikeo1, you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select it when you get to the keyboard part02:56
Gekitsuuthe actual directory where it's mounted is root:root but everything under is user:user02:56
flamesrockahh thanks briguyd02:56
Dr_willisflamesrock,  they are over priced and they always seem to promise better stuff then they deliver. :P02:56
flamesrockall my friends have one02:57
Gekitsuuand I'ts shared at the root02:57
briguydGekitsuu, so how can i change my permissions on the drive if its not letting me?02:57
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asdfi just upgraded to edgy and when i boot i see this ugly boot logo02:58
superkirbyartistI AM SERIOUS!  Please help me.02:58
asdfwhat's the deal with that02:58
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:58
mikeo1dont want to reconfigure x and have  it mess up my dual monitors02:58
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule02:58
edjuCan't find this on the ubuntu site . . . I see that an install of ubuntu does not provide the kernel source.  Can I compile a vanilla kernel from kernel.org, or do I need some ubuntu pathches or other?02:58
mikeo1is there a way to get it to work just by editing the xorg.conf?02:58
briguydasdf, try #ubuntu+102:58
Gekitsuuif you do sudo chown user:user it won't let you?02:58
asdfbriguyd: thanks02:58
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ithicineasdf: the final boot logo hasn't been included yet.  What you see is a placeholder demonstrating and testing some new bootsplash capabilities02:59
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briguydGekitsuu, type it in just like that?02:59
Gekitsuutry it on a single file first02:59
totall_6_7does anyone here use kvirc i am stuck and there is no help in the kvirc room, The rooms list that shows what rooms you are in (down at the bottom) you can select orientation and in orientation you can select flat. Question: how to get the rooms list back once you select flat02:59
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t3nxti got a problem mounting .iso files... look what i get in terminal:02:59
t3nxtsudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 1.ISO /cdrom02:59
t3nxtmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop4,02:59
t3nxt       missing codepage or other error02:59
t3nxt       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try02:59
t3nxt       dmesg | tail  or so02:59
Gekitsuuso sudo chown username:username test.file02:59
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bruenigmikeo1, I am sure there is, you could edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:59
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mikeo1how do i get it to detect a generic logitech keyboard?03:00
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flamesro1kWTF seveas? I called you a jerk and you ban me?03:00
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Jack_SparrowThat is how it works03:01
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ithicinet3nxt: are you sure your iso is good?  Sounds like it's corrupt or just isn't iso966003:01
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Dekkardproblem is the cursor..03:01
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BlueEaglemikeo1: Your keyboard isn't detected?03:01
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mikeo1its a standard logitech03:01
BlueEaglemikeo1: Are you refering to the multimedia keys?03:01
mikeo1i am referring to the super key03:01
mikeo1or the windows key03:01
Dekkardjust went through reconfigure..get the same error03:01
mikeo1because it isnt detected the zoom feature in xgl doesnt work03:02
Dekkardand i am clueless with vi or vim03:02
BlueEaglemikeo1: And how is it not detected?03:02
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superkirbyartistI will need help with my dialup.03:02
mikeo1extra multimedia keys dont work either03:02
bruenig!repeat > superkirbyartist03:02
Jack_Sparrowmikeo1: Try in the xgl room03:02
mikeo1keyboard preferences - layouts is us03:02
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mikeo1and layout options is blank03:02
mikeo1keyboard model: unknown03:02
superkirbyartist!patience >superkirbyartist03:02
BlueEaglemikeo1: Did you have a look-see on the keyboard shortcuts application in the settings menu?03:02
TheReconHunterHey, I have a bad problem. I just re-installed windows, and my GRUB disappeared. So, i used the console in the live cd to get grub back, but now, when GRUB starts, and i choose ubuntu, I get an error message reading ERROR 17: Cannot mount Partition. Any idea waht is wrong?03:03
jazzrockerDekkard, vimtutor03:03
mikeo1dunno what that is03:03
mikeo1so no03:03
jazzrockerDekkard, vi and vim are installed on nearly all *nixes by default. so they're always good to know.03:03
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BlueEaglethereconhunter: You probably specified the wrong root device.03:03
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jazzrockerDekkard, plus vim et al is badass and leet and hardcore coders know that vim is teh roxor03:03
BlueEaglemikeo1: Then I suggest you have a browse trough the settings section of the menu.03:04
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mikeo1whats settings section03:04
TheReconHunterI dont think so..... because I boot to (hd0,2)03:04
livingtmCan someone recommend a good package for ripping data cd's to iso?03:04
TheReconHuntermy second partition on my only hard drive03:04
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BlueEaglemikeo1: There should be an entry for keyboard shortcuts where you can define a function to the super and (most) multimedia keys.03:04
writingdeskthat is hd0,103:04
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Jack_SparrowThey start at 003:04
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TheReconHunterhmm, when i type din find /boot/grub/stage103:05
BuglouseDoes anyone know of the Windows Internet Media Streamer called Sam3 Media Broadcaster?  I'm looking iether to install that on my Ubuntu Drapper Drake OS or an alternative to that.03:05
drminimehey, i am having a rough time - i'm using "ls -R | grep <name>" to find a file, but i can't tell where it is in the hierarchy03:05
BlueEaglethereconhunter: That would be /dev/[h|s] da3, right?03:05
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TheReconHunterthats what i got03:05
liogetsevery time i try to play a file with mplayer it displays me an arror saying "alsa-control: unable to find simple control 'PCM',0" how can i fix this?03:05
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drminimeanyone know a useful ls switch to help find a file?03:05
Gekitsuubriguyd: I'm sorry but I need to head to bed another thing to check is to try and sudo the mount on the client side and see if that works03:05
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TheReconHunterBlueEagle: How can i double check03:05
kwtmHelp!  If adept says "You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.", how do I tell adept that no other such process is running?  I already deleted /var/lib/dpkg/lock03:05
mister_robotodrminime: find <dir> -name <filename>03:05
Buglousedrminime: grep03:05
drminimethanks roboto03:06
Buglouseor that03:06
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BlueEaglethereconhunter: You can list all partitions with: sudo fdisk -l03:06
TheReconHunterActually, ill check in Gparted03:06
mikeo1no super key is listed ther03:06
Flannelkwtm: you don't, it'll automatically know that, restart adept making sure everything else is closed03:06
BlueEaglethereconhunter: Also you can look at /etc/fstab on the mounted system.03:06
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kwtmFlannel: Okay, I will try again.03:06
BlueEaglethereconhunter: or you could simply remember which device is your root partition.03:06
Buglousehas anyone used ntfs-3g?03:06
mikeo1random shit like this is why i can never leave windows: stuff just works there03:06
TheReconHunterMy Ext3 partition is listed as hda303:06
briguydGekitsuu, thanks for the help!!03:06
starleafHi all. New here, just found Ubuntu on the web and tought why not... But now I have seen that you can have you desktop as a "cube" and rotate the workspaces... Uhm... anyone knows where I should start?03:07
BlueEaglemikeo1: Well there is an entry for show menu, isn't it?03:07
Flannelstarleaf: #ubuntu-xgl03:07
BlueEaglemikeo1: ..and you can configure the super key to do that action, can't you?03:07
Gekitsuubriguyd:  sorry I didn't help you get it worked out, good luck :)03:07
=== sproingie got sick of the xgl eye candy in less than an hour
mikeo1i want it for use in xgl03:07
kwtmFlannel: I just tried it again, twice.  Maybe I should run "apt-get -f install" first?03:07
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=== lupine_85 uses it for productive purposes
Buglousewhen using NTFS-3G: I'm  trying to mount a usb external hd and a internal IDE hd... but an error keeps comming up that the NTFS journal is unclean.03:07
Flannelkwtm: are you using kdesu to run it?03:08
Buglouseand i tried using ntfsfix03:08
BlueEaglebriguyd: I didn't get the start of the problem. Is the share on a linux box?03:08
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lupine_85Buglouse: that usually happens when the ntfs fs is partly-borked03:08
Jack_SparrowBuglouse: Sounds like you need to go into windows and clean it up from there.03:08
Red-SoxHi, my eth1 isn't really working... :P03:08
Red-SoxThat's all I can say...03:08
Red-SoxThat's wireless BTW03:08
briguydBlueEagle, im trying to share an external USB hard drive from one ubuntu box to all the computers in the house, but starting with an xubuntu box03:08
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TheReconHunter@ BlueEagle/anyone else- My Ext3 partition is listed as hda303:08
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BlueEaglebriguyd: Have you checked the permissions of the mountpoint? Ie. can the user attempting to mount it read and execute the directory in question?03:09
Buglousebut the ntfsfix message comesup as "setting flags on partion" - Failed03:09
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kwtmFlannel: Yes, I am (it automatically does it).  I think I found the problem: I had tried "apt-get -f install" without "sudo".  This time I used "sudo apt-get -f install", and it told me to run "sudo dpkg --configure -a", so I'm doing that.  It seems to be resuming where it left off installing before it crashed.03:09
briguydBlueEagle, that may be the problem, im having trouble changing the permissions on the drive, its not letting me do it03:09
BlueEaglebriguyd: You might want to mount it on a mountpoint that is owned by root:samba and make a samba group in which you add the users you want to access samba shares. Be sure that the mountpoint is group-writable.03:09
TheReconHunterAny idea as to where to proceed now?03:09
BuglouseJack_Sparrow: I thought that i may have to boot the hd in a windows OS and like... Reboot or shudown... is that what i have to do, or is there something more to it?03:09
BlueEaglebriguyd: Which filesystem is it on the drive?03:10
TheReconHunterwhen i find03:10
briguydim assuming FAT3203:10
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Jack_SparrowI was reading the ntfs-3g site and they say specifically what needs to be done03:10
briguydbecause it works on both mac and linux03:10
BlueEaglebriguyd: Then you'll need to mount it with -o uid=root,gid=samba (if you take my advice and use a samba group)03:10
SpacePopeit gives me an error message when i try to upgrade to dapper :|03:10
TheReconHunterwhen i find /boot/grub/stage 103:10
TheReconHunterit tells me03:10
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TheReconHunterso then i do root (hd0,2)03:11
briguydBlueEagle, i gotta do some other stuff first, ill get back to this problem in about an hour03:11
BlueEaglebriguyd: Alternately you can specify a fmask and a dmask iirc. Check the mount manual pages.03:11
geocritterCan anyone tell me how Ubuntu sets up the TI-PCIxx21 cardbus stuff?  It's the only distro that sees and sets up the support, and I would LOVE to figure out how it dows it03:11
BlueEaglebriguyd: It should list options for vfat iirc.03:11
Jack_SparrowTheReconHunter: hda3 should be hd0,2 yes03:11
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BuglouseJack_Sparrow: do you have that link by anychance.. i only found Ubuntus help page for that03:12
TheReconHunterJack_Sparrow: if ive selected this as my root, and setup grub on my whole hard drive, why do i still get the message that my partition cant be mounted03:12
Jack_SparrowOne sec, I'll look03:12
BuglouseJack_Sparrow: nm .. found it03:12
Bertohi - longtime linux user, first time ubuntu user -- I am trying to compile new ndiswrapper drivers (they are OLD in the repository), and I get this error:  Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build ... i DO have the kernel-headers package installed.  Any ideas?03:12
trianglemanwinsi'm a n00b to linux and i'm working on wine.  The .wine folder won't show up in the gui but when i find it through terminal i can find it.  I need to move some files into that folder and i don't know how to in terminal03:13
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TheReconHunterany ideas whats wrong?03:13
Berto2 I am trying to compile new ndiswrapper drivers (they are OLD in the repository), and I get this error:  Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build ... i DO have the kernel-headers package installed.  Any ideas?03:13
krazykittrianglemanwins: mv03:13
BlueEagleberto: /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build should be a symlink to the kernel source tree iirc. Did you check !wireless ?03:13
BlueEagleubotu: tell berto about wireless03:13
krazykittrianglemanwins: mv whateverfile .wine/location03:13
Jack_Sparrowhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009  and yes, just going into windows should do it but if not then there is more help there.03:13
TheReconHunterI strongly believe that it may be my menu.list03:13
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Berto2BlueEagle, haha ok thanks you busted me doubling up03:13
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BlueEagleberto: Ie. you might need the source tree of your kernel and when you install it with apt it simply gets a compressed file. You will also need to unzip that file.03:14
BlueEagleberto: oh.. I didn't spot the 2. I just typed ber<TAB> :p03:14
BertoBlueEagle, ok i need to make that symbolic link tho03:14
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BlueEagleberto: ln -s <target> <link-name>03:15
BertoBlueEagle, i know :)  i've used linux for 8 years.... but new to ubuntu and not a SUPER tech with it03:15
OmniDWould anyone have any clue as to why vmware refuses to start?03:15
BlueEagleberto: Kk. :)03:15
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Dr_willisOmniD,  run it from a terminal and see if any error messages show up?03:15
Dr_willisOmniD,  you are not using edgy are you?03:15
BlueEagleomnid: In most cases it's because it's not configured right.03:15
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briguydBlueEagle, the owner of the ubs drive is the user, the group is the user, the permissions still seem to be set to 70003:15
UKMattHas anyone ever heard of a screensaver killing X?03:16
OmniDDr_willis, not using Edgy03:16
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OmniDBlueEagle, it's run before03:16
Buglousecan you use wine to do a chkdisk?03:16
OmniDsuddenly does not run anymore03:16
Dekkardwll this as good a time as any to learn vim... (laff)03:16
BlueEagleomnid: upgraded?03:16
briguydim not getting an error anymore when i try to mount it on the other machine, but it doesnt list any files under the mountpoint03:16
BlueEaglebriguyd: then you might want to specify masks for the mount point.03:16
Steildo you think my microsoft mouse is incompatible with my sun mousepad and ubuntu? it makes a loud noise when I use it03:16
Dekkardis vi the same as vim..basically?03:16
BertoBlueEagle, awesome, thanks..  more compile errors but il'll plow those down myself03:17
briguydBlueEagle, what is that and how do i do it?03:17
Dr_willissun mousepad?03:17
BlueEaglebriguyd: But if the owner is the same user attempting to mount the samba share then I really don't know. :/03:17
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SteilDr_willis: Sun microsystems03:18
BlueEaglebriguyd: man mount  <= that will give you the manual page for mount. It will list a section of availible options for the filesystem. I think the options you want is fmask and dmask. Also you might specify masks in the samba deamon configuration file.03:18
Steil"The network is the computer tm"03:18
Halpowhy can't I edit the "Places" menu03:18
geocritterSteil: you mean one of the old silver mousepads03:18
Steilno no no03:18
ziro01don't know03:18
OmniDBlueEagle, seems you are right03:18
BlueEagleberto: Not sure if you need to link into a spesific directory in the kernel source tree.03:18
Steilit's from sunmicrosystems, sun.com03:18
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caseyomahBlueEagle: umask is dmask+fmask03:18
briguydBlueEagle, scratch that, im still getting the same errors: "5044: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)"03:18
OmniDit is not configured... however, why doesn't it do that automatically?03:18
Dr_willisSteil,  and whats so special about this mousepad that you think it may be affecting the system?03:18
BlueEagleberto: If you've got another distro then you might check where the link is pointing.03:19
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Steilno man it just makes crazy noises03:19
Steiland a grinding noise03:19
BertoBlueEagle, no i think it's good... i didnt' even have gcc installed! lol.... now i'm missing something like modpost:  /bin/sh: scripts/mod/modpost: No such file or directory03:19
briguydBlueEagle, do i do this on the client or the server machine?03:19
BlueEaglebriguyd: On the server as that is where the mountpoint of the usb drive is.03:19
geocritterSteil: is it a ball mouse or an optical (i.e., is the sound coming from the mouse or the speakers?)03:19
jazzrockerDekkard, vi and vim are quite similar though there are enough differences to keep the two versions around. vi is the original and vim = Vi IMproved03:19
BlueEagleberto: build-essential is a nice package if you want to compile stuff03:19
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BlueEagleubotu: tell berto about build-essential03:20
nexsanhie everyone03:20
Steiland the sound is coming from the mouse03:20
jazzrockerDekkard, vi is older and some hackers who learned vi prefer the way it works03:20
Steilwhen it rubs against the keyboard03:20
Steilor the mouspad03:20
Steilbut it goes away when im in windows03:20
nexsancan someone help me with a problem i'm having installing ubuntu?03:20
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nexsan<- linux newb03:20
BertoBlueEagle, awesome thanks, i need to learn all these good package names03:20
jazzrockerDekkard, i personally can't stand vi but much prefer gvim03:20
BlueEagleberto: In time you will. ;)03:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about factoids - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:20
BlueEagleberto: http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi contains loads of useful links.03:21
Halpowhy are you unable to edit the "Places" menu, but the others are editable03:21
nexsananyone else experiencing a freeze when ubuntu is going through its checklist at boot?03:21
caseyomahFor my information how do I recover (properly) from X config files in my user directory keeping me from logging in?03:21
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geocritterSteil: now THATs an interesting problem...03:21
BlueEaglenexsan: If you're freezing you might concider turning up the heat... Also it would be helpful if you could tell us where it freezes up and if it's a complete freeze or just a stall.03:22
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Bertogood stuff BlueEagle....03:22
kwtmnexsan: At what part of the checklist does yours freeze?03:22
Bertoso has anyone here setup bcm43xx wireless driver by any chance?03:22
briguydBerto, i have03:22
nexsanit's a complete freeze at "Parport0: PC style at 0x378...." i disabled the paralel port still does it, only that line doesn't show anymore03:23
Geoffrey2I'm trying to figure out how to scan a multi-page document and convert it into a single PDF file...I'm looking at xsane, but it looks like that would make each page a seperate image03:23
nexsanunder the [PCI]  list03:23
Bertobriguyd, with 43xx or with ndiswrapper?03:23
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krazykitBerto: broken in dapper, in my experience.  ndiswrapper worked significantly better03:23
briguydive had bad luck with 43xx03:23
nexsanit doesn't freeze when it is booting like in most cases, it freezes half way down the list....03:23
jmartinihas anyone had issues with their box freezing since the most recent kernel or xorg update?03:23
kwtmnexsan: It sounds like something is freezing at the part after Parport0, but it doesn't have a chance to display a message yet.  I don't recall what comes after that part.03:23
Bertobriguyd, yeah, i'm working with ndiswrapper too..  the ubuntu help page about obtaining firmware and such with bcm43xx-fwcutter totally lost me03:23
hypei need an advice: i plan to buy a new hard drive: will it be "recognized" straght away or will i have to modify /etc/fstab ?03:23
writingdeskTrying to compile my own kernel but need to change option CONFIG_4KSTACKS=y  to no, can I do this from the command line with make?03:23
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nexsanyea i was looking for a list to see what it is03:24
nexsanso i can disable it in the bios03:24
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Bertokrazykit, briguyd ok thanks... i'll keep going after ndiswrapper03:24
nexsanbut i don't know what to search for...03:24
tahorghype: internal or external ?03:24
BlueEaglenexsan: if you try the recovery mode you should get a text based console and it might yeld more useful information.03:24
briguydBerto, need any help?03:24
kwtmnexsan: Maybe I can boot up my other Ubuntu box and see what appears...  BlueEagle also has a good idea.03:24
nexsanhow do i pull up recovery?03:24
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BlueEaglehype: For any new partitions you'll need to add entries into /etc/fstab to have them automatically mounted to spesific mount points.03:25
briguydBerto,  make sure you blacklist and rmmod the bcm43xx driver03:25
tahorghype: you will have to create the partitions and to edit fstab03:25
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hypewhat should i do: plug it in, fdisk -l and add to fstab?03:25
BlueEaglenexsan: THere should be an entry in the grub boot menu.03:25
meherenit says that it is unable to lock the suorce directory what can i do to fix that?03:25
tahorghype: yes, or use the graphical interface03:25
Bertobriguyd, well compiling ndiswrapper i'm having problems with modpost:  /bin/sh: scripts/mod/modpost: No such file or directory03:25
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nexsanhow do i access it?03:25
linlinwhats the best player to play divx and xvid files with on ubuntu/kubuntu ?03:25
Dr_willisi like vlc03:25
hypeand concerning formating03:25
nexsani haven't installed the OS yet03:25
Bertobriguyd, blacklist?  i've never done that, how do you blacklist a module?03:25
krazykitlinlin: xine, vlc, mplayer03:25
BlueEaglehype: Well most new harddrives needs to be partitioned and formatted before you can actually use them.03:25
krazykitBerto: add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:25
linlinapt-get install vlc says it cant find a package03:26
hypehow shoul i do thatN BlueEagle ?03:26
linlini like vlc too03:26
tahorghype: formating is easy03:26
briguydBerto, no need to compile, just install ndiswrapper-utils from the repos03:26
Dr_willis!info vlc03:26
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB03:26
Dr_willissetup the right repos.03:26
tahorghype: mke2fs /dev/hdxx03:26
nexsanvlc is the best03:26
nexsani use it in windows03:26
Bertobriguyd, ndiswrapper-utils is WAY old!  its like 10 versions out of date for me... what does apt-cache show that you have03:26
hypeok :] 03:26
Dr_willisvlc can use a few tweaks here and tehre.. but it does play well. :P03:26
BlueEaglehype: So you might want to install it into the machine. Boot up and then run fdisk (or your favorite disk partitioner) and chop it up into useful sizes. Then it's a matter of running mk*fs where * is the filesystem of choice.03:26
tahorghype: mke2fs -j if you want ext303:27
linlinwhat repos do i have to get03:27
lupine_85not mkfs.* then? ;)03:27
tahorgwith journalin03:27
meherenhow can i unlock the source dir?03:27
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hypelupine_85, <303:27
tahorglupine_85: it's possible too03:27
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BlueEaglehype: After that you might want to make mount points in /media/ and add intries in /etc/fstab to mount the partitions to the coresponding mount points.03:27
lupine_85symlinks r0x0rz03:27
hypeBlueEagle, i understand this part :p03:27
briguydBerto, to blacklist, add "blacklist bcm43xx" to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:27
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tahorglupine_85: mkfs.* are not symlinks03:28
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hypei feel a bit confused about partionning, just dont remeber how i did t  first; used to use partition magic on Xp03:28
BlueEaglehype: Good, good. One just can't be too thurough when explainign stuff in here. Impossible to know the level of competance of all users. :)03:28
meherenhow can i unlock the source dir?03:28
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:28
Arrickam i here?03:28
Bertobriguyd, yep, already did it.    Question -- should i have /usr/src/linux-source   or just /usr/src/linux-headers ?  I figure i need more than just headers!03:28
nexsancould the problem be the fact that i don't have a Linux partition set on my drive?03:28
BlueEaglehype: You might want to try gparted. :)03:28
nexsancould that be what is causing the freeze?03:28
lupine_85Berto: what are you trying to do?03:29
hypecheers BlueEagle03:29
BlueEaglehype: np. :)03:29
meherennvm i found the file...03:29
SpacePopecan somebody help me please?03:29
lupine_85linux-source is for building your own kernel. linux-headers is for building kernel modules03:29
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Bertolupine_85, i want to compile ndiswrapper from sourceforge.   i am having problems, /bin/sh: scripts/mod/modpost: No such file or directory03:29
briguydBerto, the version of the utils in the repos for me is 1.8-0ubuntu203:29
lupine_85linux-headers is for you03:29
Bertolupine_85, yep, i got that.  dang.03:29
nexsanthis is a little frustrating.... having to deal with windows another day....03:29
lupine_85that error message is something to do with the source03:30
tahorgwow ugly.03:30
linlini cant install xine or vlc03:30
SpacePopewhen I try to update from breezy badger to dapper drake, it gives me an error saying 'could not calculate the upgrade'03:30
linlincant find package03:30
Bertobriguyd, yeah, ndiswrapper 1.23 is out...  and the repos one didn't work for me03:30
lupine_85do you have all the deps installed?03:30
=== tahorg apt-get remove gparted
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs03:30
bruenig!info vlc03:30
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB03:30
lupine_85SpacePope: what it says on the tin. Something is broken03:30
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brueniglinlin, do you have universe enabled?03:30
ubotuffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20050918-5ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 3833 kB, installed size 9808 kB03:30
lupine_85do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?03:30
briguydBerto, how didnt they work?03:30
SpacePopei do03:30
briguyddidnt install?03:30
SpacePopei'm pretty sure03:30
BlueEaglelinlin: Did you modify your /etc/apt/sources.list?03:30
linlini did03:31
SpacePopei don't see how it couldn't be installed03:31
linlini un commented everythng in there03:31
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linlinall the entries, not the comments of course03:31
SpacePopebreezy badger is 100% upgraded03:31
linlinis thater another one i must adD?03:31
BlueEaglelinlin: And even after enabling universe and doing sudo apt-get update you still can't find it?03:31
hypeBlueEagle, i just found the disk manager in systel tab :p03:31
lupine_85if you remove any GUI application that came installed by default, ubuntu-desktop will go along with it03:31
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SpacePopeso i don't understand how it isn't working03:31
lupine_85and you have modified your sources.list appropriately?03:31
BlueEaglehype: That would be just as good, probably. :)03:32
mocohi everyone, I found a funny bug, not quite a bug, but need some confirm, can some1 here RightClick on Menu Bar and Edit Menus, then go to Office or Internet, there are 2 icons for Evolution, though 1 appears, I checked and found out that the other icon is old evo-2.2 but has not yet removed, if u check in Prefered Apps,the entry for 2.2 is also still there, isn't it a bug?03:32
hypethats what i used :D so i shoul boot and go format my disk there03:32
SpacePopefirst day of linux, and man am i disappointed03:32
Bertobriguyd, when i'd modprobe ndiswrapper i'd get an error...   can't find that error now tho03:32
hypethx :)03:32
lupine_85well, you're only trying to use unstable beta software on your first day03:32
lupine_85what do you expect?03:32
SpacePopewhat beta software?03:32
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hype(btw BlueEagle gparted is installed by default? i thought it was a boot cd thing)03:32
nexsanAlso, ubuntu live cd freezes when the progress bar black window shows....03:32
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lupine_85I doubt you'd even think of installing the latest (broken) vista rc103:33
BlueEaglemoco: Not really as entries in the menu that are dead (ie point to non-existing files) are not listed when you actually use the menu and the old versions might not have made the menu entries correctly and thus they are set in the menu by other means.03:33
krazykitlupine_85: he said breezy to dapper...03:33
BlueEaglehype: I really do not know. I am a xubuntu man myself. :)03:33
lupine_85sorry ;)03:33
nexsananyone know what comes after Parport0 at boot?03:33
hypeok thx anyway :)03:33
SpacePopeany help then?03:33
nexsanneed to disable it in the bios... feels like i'm speaking to myself...03:34
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lupine_85not really sure03:34
lupine_85it should "just work"03:34
writingdesknexsan:  did you do a checksum on the image and cd?   I had one freeze on me, and it was because the iso file was not burnt properly (even though it showed success)03:34
mocoBlueEagle: I don't think so. if you remove file evo-2.2. desktop in /usr/share/applications, this will fix, i have been playingaround but none packages gone broken if that link removed03:34
SpacePopei checked 2 topics and nobody gave a good answer03:34
lupine_85you modify sources.list then run sudo apt-get update then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:34
lupine_85that's all there should be to it03:34
AngryElfif IVTV is more or less a dependency for mythtv why isn't it a package? and also why then is mythtv a package?03:34
SpacePopewhat the hell does that mean :S03:34
nexsanno i haven't done a checksum03:34
lupine_85commands to put in a terminal window....03:34
nexsanplease elaborate03:34
BlueEaglemoco: Was anything broken while the link was in place?03:34
ubotumythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/03:34
SpacePopei don't know one word of code besides [html] 03:35
linlinthyat is my sources.list03:35
BlueEaglemoco: Will removing the link break a degradation to evo-2.2?03:35
linlinis it right to download VLC ?03:35
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Bertobriguyd, looks like i got it to compile, i had a mismatched linux-headers i believe.... oops!  thanks for the help03:35
BlueEagleberto: Good stuff.03:35
mocoBlueEagle: not at all, since Evo reach up 2.8, i think the team forgot to remove it03:35
SpacePopehow do i get to sources .list?03:35
nexsanwritingdesk: the freeze is both on the desktop cd and the alternative03:36
BertoBlueEagle, def.  this is a new laptop from work, partitioned it right away and would love to work from my courtyard wirelessly in linux03:36
writingdesknexsan: For instance in k3b there is an option when you burn an iso, to do a checksum on the cd to verify the integrity.  If you do that you will ensure that the CD you are using is not broken.  Try reburning at a slow speed and verifying file integrity03:36
lupine_85gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:36
BlueEaglemoco: But does it break evo-2.2 if you were to install an old package? Ie. might it be a backward compatibillity fix?03:36
lupine_85change all occurances of 'breezy' to 'dapper'03:36
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BlueEaglemoco: However if you'd like to report it as a bug then !bugs03:36
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nexsanwritingdesk: ok03:36
edjuCan't find this on the ubuntu site . . . I see that an install of ubuntu does not provide the kernel source.  Can I compile a vanilla kernel from kernel.org, or do I need some ubuntu pathches or other?03:36
nexsanwritingdesk: i'm using nbr03:36
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eugmanHey, Is it possible to set up a one computer cvs server and client?03:37
Dr_willisUbuntu has some kernel patches. You can get the kernel source.03:37
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:37
nexsannero burning rom03:37
briguydBerto, cool03:37
SpacePopeit said authentication rejected03:37
BlueEagleedju: To build your own kernel you'll need the kernel source tree (apparantly) and the build-essentials package.03:37
SpacePopebut still opened up sources.list'-gedit03:37
BlueEagleubotu: tell edju about build-essentials03:37
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BlueEaglespacepope: ALT+F2 and type in: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:38
nexsanwritingdesk: burning at a slower speed03:38
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eugmanWho has the power to add ubotu responses?03:38
nexsansee if that will work...03:38
BlueEaglespacepope: that will run gedit as root so you can save your modified sources.list file into /etc/apt/ directory.03:38
SpacePopeand there was nothing in sources.list03:39
nexsanquestion... does cedega run well on ubuntu?03:39
Dr_willis nexsan  yes.03:39
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Bertobriguyd, that's right!!  the wifi light is on in my laptop now!03:39
SpacePopein windows sp33k?03:39
BlueEaglespacepope: if your sources.list is empty (make sure you didn't make a typo) then you might want to try !easysource03:39
BlueEagleubotu: tell spacepope about easysource03:39
nexsancan't wait to get rid of this03:39
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Jay_LevittAnyone know why sendmail might not be advertising STARTTLS?  I'm using a sendmail.mc that previously worked fine on Mandrake.. sendmail -d0.1 shows STARTTLS compiled in as the package advertises.03:40
Bertoallright all - using kubuntu... any recommended wireless GUI apps?   i get sick of iwconfig/iwlist/etc...03:40
nexsancan i setup the partition directly from the installation, or is it necessary to create it before???03:40
SpacePopewhat's the 2 letter code of USA?03:40
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager03:40
krazykitnexsan: cedega doesn't run well on anything, in my opinion.03:40
eugmanAnyone here who can answer a few questions about cvs?03:40
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nexsankrazykit: why do you say that?03:41
BertoDr_willis - thanks... instlaling now03:41
BlueEagleubotu: tell eugman about anyone03:41
Jay_Levitteugman: I used it many years ago... more recently I'm an SVN convert, but what's up?03:41
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nexsanit's always fun trying to make games work on linux...03:41
krazykitnexsan: but that's me being biased against a closed-source program that doesn't work as well as it says it did.03:41
SpacePopewhat is the 2 letter code for USA?03:41
krazykitSpacePope: us03:41
Jay_LevittSpacePope: us03:41
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Jay_LevittSomniis: That's two letters and two dots!03:41
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SpacePopedo i check include updates and include security updates?03:42
krazykitnexsan: i never got half-life 2 working back in the 4.x days, when it was considered "out of the box"03:42
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krazykitSpacePope: yeah03:42
BlueEaglespacepope: updates and security updates are generaly a good thing, yes.03:42
nexsankrazykit: i got steam running, and cs:S03:42
eugmanBlueEagle, yes i know about anyone. But I don't have much of a specific question. Jay_Levitt, Let's say I have a personal computer and want to write a research paper or something else, how would I setup things to track revisions?03:42
SpaceFrogIs it possible to use VMWare or something similiar to boot my Windows OS partition within Linux?03:42
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nexsankrazykit: nvidia drivers were a bit buggy at the time...03:42
SpacePopei don't know how to work source o matic :S03:43
mocoBlueEagle: this is a mistake left by developers, when testing they leave evo-2.x for testing b/w 2.x versions, when finishing, they forgot to remove those 2.x links, they should only leave 1 entry as 'evolution'03:43
briguydBerto, get it working?03:43
kwtmnexsan: I booted up my Ubuntu box.  It didn't list Parport0 or anything in as much detail; it just said things like "initializing hardware", etc.  I didn't know what button to push to make it switch to a more detailed screen.03:43
krazykitnexsan: ati drivers are always buggy and crummy03:43
SpacePopethis is my first time ever using any sort of linux03:43
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wickedpuppySpaceFrog, there is vmware for linux03:43
Jay_Levitteugman: Well, for starters, any reason you decided to choose CVS?03:43
Bertobriguyd, yeah, now i gotta hook up my garbage access point.  If it doesn't reach my courtyard, then I shall be buying one of those routers that you acn load linux on and pump up the signal a bit03:43
kwtmAnyway, good luck.  I have to go now.03:43
BlueEaglemoco: then !bugs unless it's already filed. :)03:43
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nexsankwtm: thanks... of course it would probably list different things on your box than mine... i disabled the parport0 in the bios and it didn't list it anymore...03:43
eugmanJay_Levitt, because I am ignorant of the alternatives besides svn.03:44
nexsani'm slow burning the iso03:44
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mocoBlueEagle: can you submit a bug report on this? since I don't know how, remove /usr/bin/evolution-2.2 and evolution-2.2.desktop in /usr/share/applications will fix this bug03:44
nexsansee if that works, i was burning at 40x before03:44
Bertobriguyd, thanks a lot.  i'm sure i'll have more questions on the transition (longtime mandrake/mandriva user).. very impressed with ubuntu besides a few issues03:44
nexsandid a 16x now03:44
eugmanI started linux about a year ago so I'm still new to all of this.03:44
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nexsanlet's see if this works... i'll be back in a sec with more details....03:44
BlueEaglemoco: I've never reported any bugs so I don't know how either. I just know where to find information on doing that. ;)03:44
Jay_Levitteugman: Good reason :)  I think you'll find a lot more support and community for SVN than CVS... that alone might be reason to use it03:45
Jay_Levitteugman: But at a very, very basic level: You'd set up a "repository" and a CVS/SVN server to manage it03:45
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SpacePopeso do i paste the source ting into sources.list?03:45
Jay_Levitteugman: Then you use a CVS/SVN client to check your file(s) into the repository.  Each time they change, you check them in again, and the repository keeps track of the changes03:46
BlueEagleeugman: If you don't have any spesific question to a spesific application and a spesific error or atleat generlal error then perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic might be more suiteable. :)03:46
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xdxwhere can i find that wallpaper : http://img390.imageshack.us/my.php?image=newtwody0.png ?!03:46
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SpacePopecan someone just help me in pm since i seem to be ignored in the main room?03:46
Red-SoxUhm, I thought at first that just my wireless networking with this fresh install wasn't working, but it turns out the LAN line doesn't either, any ideas guys?03:47
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Bertonext big project will be to get kde + ubuntu + xgl + compiz working... but i won't bother y'all about that one :)03:47
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SpacePopei've been in here for an hour and a half asking for help and i feel like somebody is paying attention to me for 2 minutes and then forgets about me03:47
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SomniisSpacePope: perhaps we don't know how to help you, so we say nothing.03:48
eugmanJay_levitt, so do you think one of the two versioning systems would be the best solution to what I want?03:48
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Red-SoxSpacePope: did you get my PM?03:48
HooveyySpacePope: nobody has to help you.03:49
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Jay_LevittSpacePope: Yes, exactly - welcome to IRC!03:49
HooveyyWe're here because we want to help, however most of us have lives.03:49
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:49
Red-Sox*Whispers* I think he died *Whispers* >.>03:49
SpacePopewell, i do go to the help channel to get help, not to be ignored ;)03:49
HooveyyPlease re-ask your question and I may be able to assist you.03:49
Red-SoxSpacePope: If people know how to help, they will, just don't complain about how no one can duplicate your problem03:50
SpacePopewell, red-sox seems to be helping me in PM03:50
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HooveyyOkay, that's good.03:50
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Jay_Levitteugman: For single text files like research papers, I think they would be overkill, but I'm not sure I know a simpler solution to suggest03:50
hypeif people dont answer, it often me they dont have the answer tbh :p03:50
Red-SoxSpacePope: register your nick, I can't recieve your messages03:50
SpacePopei just prefer to hear that my problem can't be fixed, instead of me waiting 30 minutes for a response03:50
willzzzbtw how is ubuntu resume from hibernation progressing? i use the official nvidia driver and my screen is stuck/frozen after resuming03:50
trianglemanwinshas anyone here attempted WoW on ubuntu?03:50
willzzzso I can't hibernate on my laptop :\03:51
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SpacePopehow can i register my nick?03:51
Hooveyytrianglemanwins: I have on Wine03:51
HooveyyI've also tried HL2.03:51
eugmanDoes someone know of a system simpler than cvs/svn for tracking changes in a singles or few files?03:51
Red-Sox /msg nickserv register _PASSWORD_03:51
HooveyyHmm, they didn't run so well in wine.03:51
hype(theres thread on ubuntu forums, gaming section)03:51
trianglemanwinsanyone have success with wine?03:51
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HooveyyI have.03:51
HooveyyThe installs were slow.03:51
willzzzWoW works fine with cedega i heard but that isn't necessarily free03:51
HooveyyAnd the games did not run so well.03:51
Red-Soxtrianglemanwins: yeah whatcha tryin to install?03:51
willzzzyou can get wine/winex working if you tweak it alot03:51
HooveyyCEDEGA is good, however it is no longer free.03:51
willzzzim trying to get CS:S working without crashing when connecting to servers03:52
Red-SoxCan't you compile it w/ CVS for free?03:52
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HooveyyI'm not sure.03:52
jmartinihow do I get ubuntu to scan the usb ports for new devices03:52
eugmanwillzzz, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=209503:52
starleafWhat package should I choose when downloading perl? AS, DEB or RPM?03:52
Hooveyyjmartini: what happened when you plugged the device in?03:52
Red-SoxSpacePope: did you reg your nick?03:52
Bryceeugman: hold on i do know of one03:52
trianglemanwinshow do i respond to people when their name is yellow?03:52
Red-SoxSpacePope: I've got 8 minutes 'till bed time03:53
Red-Soxbig tests tomorrow03:53
wickedpuppystarleaf, clearly its deb ... why bother downloading ? perl is in repo ... and unless i am mistaken its in ubuntu by default03:53
jmartininothing, it was seen by the system, I unplugged it and plugged it back in and now nothing03:53
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SpacePopei'm registered03:53
jmartiniI can reboot to get it back but thats just kludgy03:53
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Red-SoxSpacePope: okay now send messages if you want help03:53
SpacePopei am03:53
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Hooveyyjmartini: so, it disappears, or what?03:54
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Red-SoxSpacePope: /msg nickserv identify _PASSWORD_03:54
mchao1Hi guys, can anyone tell me how to exit X server to install nvidia drivers?03:54
trianglemanwinswhat does it mean if someones name is in yellow?03:54
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starleafwickedpuppy: Apparently not in the version I downloaded yesterday... trying to install the "cube" desktop, but first it said that I didn't have C and now it wants perl...03:54
=== SpacePope is now known as EvanIsaac
EvanIsaaclets try this03:54
supafly420how do i reconfigure the x-window system?03:54
jmartiniHooveyy: yes, specifically I'm talking about my usb headphones03:54
sivikmchao1, ctrl-alt-f1 and then killall xdm/kdm/gdm depending on what you are using03:54
Red-SoxJust identify EvanIsaac03:54
siviksupafly420, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:54
wickedpuppystarleaf, what version of perl is it asking for ?03:54
newpZhi in gimp, under script-fu all the alpha to logo choises are greyed out... how do i enable them?03:54
ubotuxconfig is To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:54
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hypesupafly420, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:54
mchao1sivik: I tried that but I just get a blank black screen03:54
Red-Sox6 minutes EvanIsaac03:54
briguydBlueEagle, ok, i was able to mount the user's directory on the remote machine with no problems, in that i have a symbolic link back to the USB drive, it doesnt work on the remote machine, however, another sym link to another area on the same hard drive works fine03:55
sivikmchao1, ok, ctrl-alt-f203:55
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drminimeHey, my desktop is not refreshing - i just installed XFree86 to work w/ my ATI graphics, does anyone have any advice?03:55
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sivikdrminime, did you restart the xserver?03:55
starleafIt just says "XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool"03:55
mchao1sivik: thanks I give that a try brb03:55
eugmanhype, sivik, typing !xconfig will save you time.03:55
HooveyyHoly, I do not like cold pills anymore. I took an Advil one for my cold and now I'm drowsy. :/03:55
sivikeugman, yeah, oh well03:56
drminimewhat's the restart command?03:56
lostboyzhi i had a question03:56
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HooveyyAsk away lostboyz.03:56
sivikdrminime, ctrl-alt-backspace03:56
starleafwickedpuppy: Sorry, it just says this and exits: "XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool"03:56
eugmansivik, I'm only saying because that question seems to come up often.03:56
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Red-Sox[away] lostboyz: shoot03:56
jmartinidrminime: shutdown -r now03:56
lostboyzwhy is it that i can use my webcam in ekiga but it does not start in amsn?03:56
sivikeugman, ok, thanks03:56
wickedpuppystarleaf, thats a perl module .. not perl03:56
mchao1sivik: just a blank screen again03:56
sivikdrminime, sudo poweroff03:56
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Hooveyylostboyz: maybe it's unsupported in aMSN.03:56
drminimedid that, same issue03:56
eugmanbryce, any luck yet?03:56
sivikjmartini, poweroff is shorter to type03:56
wickedpuppystarleaf, pls look for that module in synaptic and then install it03:56
sivikmchaol: thats weird03:57
lostboyzno webcam was working in amsn in suse03:57
Bryceeugman: still looking have no fear03:57
lostboyzwhen i had it working03:57
jmartinisivik: but not standard across unixes03:57
trianglemanwinsany idea how to reconize cds in wine?03:57
sivikjmartini, lol03:57
Hooveyylostboyz: latest version of aMSN?03:57
Dr_willisedit/check the wine configs and docs.03:57
drminimedon't need it, martini03:57
siviktrianglemanwins, you have to mount the disc first03:57
starleafwickedpuppy: Let me guess... browsing thrugh Howtos again?03:57
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sivikdrminime, but i'm assuming he is using ubuntu since he is in this channel03:57
wickedpuppystarleaf, synaptic .. not hot-to03:57
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wickedpuppyhow to03:57
trianglemanwinshow do i respond to a personal message?03:57
slavikanyone have luck installing apache through synaptic?03:58
wickedpuppytrianglemanwins, type03:58
starleafwickedpuppy: :)03:58
BlueEagletrianglemanwins: You'll need to register with nickserv03:58
siviktrianglemanwins, you click on the tab03:58
twystedok so im going to install ubuntu but i still want to be able to update my ipod any suggestions?03:58
Hooveyyslavik: why not just install the LAMP server?03:58
jmartiniI use alot of things so its easier to stick what works across most of them03:58
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XMuffinFlavoredXsudo apt-get install gtkpod03:58
XMuffinFlavoredXThats for iPods.03:58
newpZis there like script-fu plugins for gimp to get the greyed out stuf working?03:58
slavikHooveyy: it was just a question ...03:58
slavikand ubuntu can be a LAMP server03:58
lostboyzyes i have latest version of msn03:58
XMuffinFlavoredXtwysted: sudo apt-get install gtkpod03:58
BlueEagletrianglemanwins: /msg nickserv help03:58
Hooveyylostboyz: Hmm, okay, I'm not too sure then, sorry03:58
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BlueEagletrianglemanwins: that ought to show you how to register.03:58
Hooveyyslavik: I tried it once, installed fine,03:59
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Hooveyyslavik: I couldn't get SQL to install though ;/03:59
Halpowhy is editing the "Places" menu restricted?03:59
wickedpuppyHooveyy, what apt-get you used to install sql ?03:59
HooveyyI installed it out of the Synaptic GUI03:59
wickedpuppyclient or server btw ?03:59
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)03:59
trianglemanwinsmsg BlueEagle test03:59
Geoffrey2can anyone tell me how, in the xsane image scanner, to get a document scanned in black&white instead of color?03:59
wickedpuppytrianglemanwins, you must have /03:59
eugmanNewpZ, I think there is probably something else causing your problem. Like working on an indexed image.04:00
drminimedesktop still having a refresh problem04:00
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wickedpuppyHooveyy, so installed failed ? or ??04:00
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drminimetried restarting x, no good04:00
slavikHooveyy: I tried, they only had 1.3 in repos and that gave errors ...04:00
newpZeugman, its a new project :)04:00
BlueEagletrianglemanwins: You might want /msg blueeagle test for that. :p04:00
newpZi want to make something with it04:00
Hooveyywickedpuppy: It installed but wouldn't start.04:00
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wickedpuppyHooveyy, how did you star it ?04:00
drminimeany other suggestions?04:00
slavikmysqld ...04:00
slavikI think04:00
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Bryceeugman: really stlill looking just not having luck04:00
BlueEagleslavik: is what you are looking for: sudo apt-get install php5 mysql-server04:01
eugmannewpZ, I'm not sure then. Maybe you need Scheme but they should be working.04:01
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slavikwell, at work, I will be installing LAMP with Tomcat and FreeTDS04:01
HooveyyI'm gonna boot Ubuntu into VMWARE and try installing Apache / SQL04:01
starleafARgh! Ubuntu is a bit annoying when you aren't root... how do I bypass the synaptic complaint about me not being root?04:01
twystedHooveyy> how couldnt u get mysql server to install?04:01
Hooveyytwysted: It installed04:01
HooveyyBut wouldn't start04:02
twystedstarleaf> it should ask you to run as root04:02
BlueEaglehooveyy: Does it give any error messages?04:02
HooveyyBut that was a while ago, I'm gonna try again even though I have no use for it :p04:02
twystedHooveyy> check the error log and find out why04:02
HooveyyNo, no.04:02
slavikBlueEagle: not really ... I have no use (for now) for it, but for work I will be doing this on Fedora Core 5 or CentOS 4 and I have to compile my own PHP anyway ... maybe even Tomcat04:02
HooveyyOne sec, booting up Ubuntu.04:02
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starleaftwysted: Just says Sorry, you are not root, you can only read but not change the package database04:02
wickedpuppystarleaf, sudo04:03
twystedstarleaf> restart synaptic  it shouldnt do that, are you the only user?04:03
wickedpuppystarleaf, when you use synaptic it asks for the password isnt it ?04:03
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Dr_willissudo synaptic04:03
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Bryceeugman: how bout git?04:04
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starleafI'm the only user, but it was three hours ago since my last cup of coffee... :P tried su not sudo... :/04:04
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eugmanI'll take a look at it04:04
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XMuffinFlavoredXstarleaf: run gksudo synapatic04:04
XMuffinFlavoredXIsn't that it?04:04
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Bryceeugman: http://www.darcs.net/04:04
Bryceeugman: that's the one that i was thinking of04:05
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=== starleaf is succesful! :)
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ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)04:05
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SpaceFrogWhat repository has GAIM BETA 2?04:05
slavikHooveyy: when you are setting up a 'real' server (where there are Microsoft things that need to be used), you have to compile half the stuff anyway04:05
slavikSpaceFrog: for you, none :P04:06
eugmanBryce, looks interesting. What's different about it?04:06
wickedpuppyoh Hooveyy if you still can't start mysql try sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start04:06
SpaceFrogslavik: Why? :(04:06
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slavikSpaceFrog: because dapper is stable, hence you get only 1.5, unless you want to compile your own :)04:06
SpaceFrogoh, i see04:06
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Arrickhi guys and gals04:07
Hooveyywhere can i get apache 1.3.37? :p04:07
AstrayHi there.04:07
wickedpuppyi doubt here for gals ...04:07
lupine_85!info apache dapper04:07
wickedpuppyHooveyy, in the repos ?04:07
ubotuapache: versatile, high-performance HTTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.34-2ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 375 kB, installed size 808 kB04:07
Arrickwhaere would I find the files for openssh-server in the breezy setup?04:08
wickedpuppyArrick, you got to download from the repo ...04:08
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wickedpuppyi don't think its in the cd ...04:08
wickedpuppyno sure...04:08
BlueEagleslavik: soo... ehh.. what was the ubuntu related question again? I just installed apache on this box.04:08
Arrickwickedpuppy, I have it installed, I want to edit it04:08
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Bryceeugman: it's simple and powerful04:08
Arrickbut I cant fine the files04:08
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slavikBlueEagle: what version?04:08
wickedpuppyArrick, its in /etc/ssh04:09
Bryceeugman: i've have much less trouble with that htan cvs04:09
Bryceeugman: and it's still pretty powerfull04:09
wickedpuppyArrick, normally config files are in /etc/program_name04:09
slavikOk, I am pissed off ...04:09
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slavikUbuntu is wasting like 3GB of HDD space!!!!04:09
eugmanBryce, ok cool. I'll try it out this week.04:09
slavikFOR NOTHING!!!!!!04:09
wickedpuppyslavik, ? how ?04:10
Hooveyy..Ok then04:10
Arrickthanks wickedpuppy04:10
Hooveyywhere do i put php files04:10
slavikwickedpuppy: Edgy made a 3GB swap aprtition, but when I look at top ... it's not used at ALL!!!04:10
Hooveyyi just installed apache04:10
Hooveyyphp, and sql04:10
=== sitec [n=sitec@host88.200-117-202.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Hooveyyand i dunno where i put php files04:10
sproingiethree whole gigs, how unforgiveable04:10
wickedpuppyslavik, so you let the cd do the partitioning ?04:10
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slavikI want my 3GB back04:10
sproingiepartition it yourself next time04:10
slavikyeah, heh04:10
slavikI guess it did RAM*2.5 or something04:11
slavikactually, manual editing didn't work ..04:11
sproingieno i think it just takes 3G04:11
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wickedpuppydude .. it asked for permission before it does the partitioning ... so yah the fault lies with the guy so says yes04:11
Bryceeugman: also if you feel intrepid try out searchign "revision control" (without the quotes of course) in synaptic and that'll show you all the ones in the apt repository which wll make installation a snap04:11
slavikI didn't know 3GB was so much04:11
Red-SoxOkay, I'm back :)04:11
sproingiethat whole RAM*2 thing is an old saw that isn't necessary any more04:11
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slavikDo you know how much usefull material I could fit on there?04:12
sproingiecame from when linux was using a buddy allocator i think04:12
wickedpuppysproingie, you never know ... i have a com with 128 mb of ram ..04:12
BlueEagleslavik: Server version: Apache/2.0.5504:12
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Red-SoxNow, who was I helping in the PM...EvanIsaac was it?04:12
slavikBlueEagle: from the repos? I don't remember it there04:12
sproingiewickedpuppy: heh you probably want a lot more then04:12
BlueEagleslavik: From the repos.04:12
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slavikoh ... damn it ... I forgot that v2.0 is called httpd not apache04:12
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slavikoh well04:13
wickedpuppysproingie, true .. but with 2 gig of swap .. its running fine04:13
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eugmanBryce, so anythere where I keep track of changes to files would fall under the category of revision control, correct?04:13
BlueEagleslavik: I'd slap a !language on you if I were from the US. :)04:13
slavikBlueEagle: not my fault they renamed it for some weird reason :P04:13
starleafApparently now I don't have GTK2.0+?? Synaptic says it's installed...04:13
Bryceeugman: yup i'd assume so, i dunno why not04:13
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wickedpuppystarleaf, what error message says you don't have gtk2.0 ?04:14
Bryceeugman: heh, well anything with different versions... that you track....woudl be revision control04:14
Arrickwickedpuppy, can I set ssh up so it listens to more than one port?04:14
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wickedpuppyArrick, more than 1 port ?04:14
wickedpuppywhy ?04:14
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sproingiei can think of a lot of reasons why04:15
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Arrickyeah, on my router I can make it forward to a range of ports, and I would like to make it 2 ports04:15
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HooveyyWhere do I put PHP files (I have Apache, PHP5, and MYSQL installed) on Ubuntu?04:15
joshua__hello all04:15
eugmanBryce, Well I could imagine that it could have a specific meaning like projects able to manage large projects why some sort of more tangential program would have some other definition.04:15
HooveyyI just installed the LAMP stuff.04:15
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slavikHooveyy: into the DocumentRoot04:15
HooveyyWhich is where? ;/04:15
slavikwhich is defined in the apache config04:15
wickedpuppyArrick, you can try ... i never try before .. the file to edit is /etc/ssh/sshd_config04:15
starleafwickedpuppy: the ./conf I run to setup for the "cube" says No package 'gtk+-2.0' found04:15
eugmaner, programs able to manage large projects04:15
Arrickok thanks04:15
HooveyyWhere is the Apache config? :p04:15
asdfi'm installing the kernel soruces to enable smp for this duo laptop. is there anything i need to do in order to use the existing config?04:16
wickedpuppystarleaf, the "cube" ... it isn't in the repo ?04:16
starleafwickedpuppy: along with a whole bunch of other things it needs...04:16
diswillneed help with klamav on kubuntu the auto scan process dies unexpectitly very quickly 3-5 seconds after I enable it. Does any one care to helpl me fix this? TIA04:16
slavik /etc/apache/httpd.conf04:16
wickedpuppyHooveyy, as always /etc/apache04:16
slavikor /etc/httpd/httpd.conf04:16
Bryceeugman: no no it wasnt you, i was just thinking and well... it seems like the kind of thing that would have about a thousand crazy names04:16
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wickedpuppystarleaf, pls check if there is a ubuntu or debian package for that ... before compiling ...04:17
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starleafwickedpuppy: If it went into repo half an hour ago, from whereI got it a post two days ago said mem leak was fixed and it was stable04:17
Arrickcan I make it where I have two nics activated, one with dhcp which listens to nothing and the other with a static that only listens to certain ports?04:17
Bryceeugman: i wasn't trying to be an ass, i was just confusing myself by overthinking it because it just seems ambiguious04:17
Bryceeugman:  no offence was meant04:17
wickedpuppyArrick, you got two lan ports ?04:17
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starleafwickedpuppy: I have tried, but I dont know what to search for other than "aiglx"04:17
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gunfusubuntu tell me about xserver04:18
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BlueEagleubotu: tell gunfus about xserver04:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
eugmanBryce, None was taken I was just trying to show that from my point of view things don't seems that simple. Unfortunately they aren't always as simple as they should be with linux.04:18
h6wHey, I know that usr is short for user and bin is short for binary.  Home means peoples home folders, and boot is for the boot process and proc is for system processes.  But what does etc and var stand for?  I can't seem to find it on the net anywhere.04:18
wickedpuppywhat is this cube thing you are installing ? honestly i never heard of it before ... perhaps others sed it before ?04:18
gunfushi guys, I am trying to setup my xserver to have access by another user (myttv)04:18
BlueEagleubotu: tell gunfus about xorg04:18
Arrickwickedpuppy, yeah, I have dozens, but two in this box04:18
slavikBlueEagle: I installed the default FC5 apache/PHP and here's the kicker ...04:18
BlueEaglegunfus: that seems to have done the trick. :)04:18
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Bryceeugman: yeah i know exactly what you mean. Like the fact that there's a million ways to say and do things is great.....but that's also a big pain in the ass too04:19
HooveyySweet, VMWARE lagged ;\04:19
BlueEagleslavik: You need to edit stuff to make php avail to apache?04:19
wickedpuppyArrick, for that stuff you got to consule the how-tos ... i never set up ssh that way before04:19
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)04:19
Hooveyythere ya go.04:19
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:19
slavikPHP was configured with apsx2=/usr/bin/apsx (which wasn't there), then it was configured with --with-unixODBC=/usr/share and later there was a --without-unixODBC :D04:19
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:19
gunfus<BluEagle> bug in obutu it never said anything about xorg04:19
slavikBlueEagle: you need to add a data type, so that apache knows how to treat it04:19
ubotuxfs: X font server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 50 kB, installed size 180 kB04:20
slavikgoogle something like 'apache php mime type'04:20
Arrickwickedpuppy, if i can get knowledge from here ont eh two nics, i can setup the ssh, now that i knwo where the files are04:20
BlueEagleslavik: Well, it worked OTB here. :)04:20
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:20
slavikBlueEagle: because someone with a brain compiled it ...04:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xfs-filesystem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
BlueEagleslavik: :D04:20
wickedpuppyArrick, aren't the two nics working ?04:20
starleafwickedpuppy: It's a graphical verion of the four desktops you usualy have in a linux WM but instead of clicking on the icons to switch desktop you just rotate it04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fat16 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
Brycewait a second.... tell me that ubotu was kidding04:20
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse04:20
wickedpuppystarleaf, you talking about xgl ?04:20
slavikso I had to recompile apache (because apsx was never installed) and then make a proper php compile (mainly because I needed tio compile it with a MS-SQL driver)04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fat32-filesystem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
Brycewhen it said that postgresql was a scripting language04:21
BlueEagleslavik: Well that depends really as PHP can do dangerouse or atleast unwise things with your system so you might want to make sure the users has got some clue before making it availible.04:21
starleafwickedpuppy: You tell me, I just saw a picture of it and wanted to try it...04:21
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops04:21
HooveyyI think the bot exploded............04:21
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sproingietechnically you could throw your entire app into pgpython or pgperl or whatnot04:21
BlueEagleslavik: ...but that's moving offtopic. :)04:21
sproingieit wouldn't be wise...04:21
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wickedpuppy!xgl > starleaf04:21
Arrickonly one is active, I remember some problem having wireless and a lan workign at the same time, adn I dotn want that to happen to my box with two lan cards04:21
Arrickwickedpuppy, ^04:21
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tonyyarussoHooveyy: Should have tried searching at the URL it gave you.  Now you're being ignored.04:22
gunfusHey guys..04:22
slavikBlueEagle: your php box also has ftp for php enabled?04:22
slavikwhatever that is04:22
gunfusin my application menu I don't have system tools04:22
wickedpuppyArrick, both are lans right ? are they detected ? when you do ifconfig04:22
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gunfusrun as a different user04:22
starleafwickedpuppy: Thanks! :D04:22
slavikwhere would I change my default audio output device?04:22
BlueEagleslavik: If you'd like to continue this conversation we can do that in #ubuntu-offtopic :)04:22
BlueEagle...or /msg me :)04:23
Arrickwickedpuppy, yes04:23
slavikit's pretty much done, not much to talk about04:23
gunfusin my application menu I don't have system tools > run as a different user?04:23
wickedpuppyArrick, then try this sudo ifup eth?04:23
wickedpuppy? means 1 2 or 3 ... its regex :P04:24
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Arrickok, i just wanted to make sure that it wouldnt cause probs, cause it is what I am writing on, and I am voiced in freenode04:24
wickedpuppygunfus, what about in System menu ?04:25
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hav0kwhat's the command to set a password?04:25
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BlueEaglehav0k: passwd04:25
wickedpuppyArrick, well .. if i see you disconnected i know what happened ...04:25
hav0kthanks BlueEagle04:25
Arrickyeah thanks04:25
gunfus<wickedPuppy> nop..04:25
BlueEaglehav0k: np. Also please concider using sudo -s instead of setting a password for root.04:25
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Likwidoxigeni'm heading out goodnight guys04:26
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HooveyyHmm, two of my friends r missing.04:26
HooveyyWhoops, offtopic.04:26
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gunfus<wickedPuppy> nop..04:30
gunfusin my application menu I don't have system tools > run as a different user?04:30
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:31
brian98gunfus: your point?04:31
davei like aptitude and i know its best for package management and all but why does it constantly want to uninstall all this stuff?04:31
brian98dave: like when?04:32
Boson_ny1 here know foobar?04:32
slavikdave, maybe the packages conflict :)04:32
gunfusbrian98:  How do I get it..?04:32
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gunfusbrian98: how do I get the menu that I don't have under Applications  > run as a different user04:33
daveit says the following packages are unused and will be removed04:33
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Boson_ny1 here know foobar?04:33
daveand some of them i know I use04:33
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Lam_is there an option i can add to the monitor section of my xorg.conf file to force detection of "widescreen modes" despite my monitor not (but it does) supporting it?  i don't want to ADD a widescreen resolution because certain games check the monitor for resolution capabilities04:33
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Telroth_Plushie|gonna have to add it to force it04:34
Lam_i'm using widescreen resolutiosn right now04:34
Lam_but counter-strike will not let me change my aspect ratio04:34
ubotuphpmyadmin: set of PHP-scripts to administrate MySQL over the WWW. In component universe, is extra. Version 4: (dapper), package size 3516 kB, installed size 13724 kB04:34
Lam_it thinks my monitor can't support widescreen04:34
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Lam_so i play 1024x768 with the screen stretched horizontally to 128004:35
Lam_which is annoying04:35
Lam_if possible, i can live with scaling too. if i can get counterstrike to add huge black bars on the side to maintain aspect ratio, that's fine04:35
brian98gunfus: alacarte menu editor is your friend04:36
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brian98add run as a different user under system tools04:36
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gunfusbrian98:  Ahh would you look at that..04:36
gunfusthat wasn't there in previous relases04:37
brian98gunfus: sorted?04:37
gunfusbrian98: Yep!! Thanks Man!04:38
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DenstarkHi there. I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Sound card, and I want to turn down the base that my speakers put out. I tried changing it in alsamixer but nothing happens. Can anyone take a stab at helping me? =)04:40
Arrickhey, which port has more problems with attackers, 21 or 22?04:40
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brian98arrick: why?04:40
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krazykitLam_: in wine?  you could window it.  use the "virtual desktop" feature in winecfg and just get rid of the window borders04:41
brian98no worries04:42
Lam_krazykit: i'm using cedega, but if it works with wine, i don't mind trying that04:42
krazykitLam_: oh, i don't know cedega.  i'm sure there's some option there.04:42
Lam_krazykit: i'm trying to get it to maintain aspect ratio in fullscreen mode, whether it is 4:3 or 16:1004:42
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nexsanno deal04:43
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Arrickgood lord I had lag so bad I thought my dual nics bumped me off04:43
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nexsandifferences between fedora and ubuntu?04:44
spuddoggDoes anyone know how to get the menubar back in XChat?04:44
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Ascnexsan: yes04:45
=== Cruvader [i=Vyle@d141-155-213.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
CruvaderHi guys, I just installed ubuntu my first linux distro!, but i really need some help04:46
BuglouseDoes anyone know of the Windows Internet Media Streamer called Sam3 Media Broadcaster?  I'm looking iether to install that on my Ubuntu Drapper Drake OS or an alternative to that.04:46
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Cruvaderi plugged in my laptops wireless card after install and i dont know how to install it? :(04:46
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Ascnexsan: Yes, there are04:47
thenetduckdoes anyone know of a good backup program to back up my system???04:47
Cruvaderis their a command i can run or something04:47
cpk2Cruvader: what kind of wireless card?04:47
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Cruvaderum lemme go check04:47
nexsani can't get ubuntu to install04:47
cpk2Cruvader: hopefully it will show up in lspci04:47
nexsanhe might have to compile a driver04:47
nexsani had to do that with my d-link card04:47
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Cruvaderit's made by Proxim? um ..04:48
Cruvaderproxim gold card? : o04:48
aroondoes it come with a high credit limit?04:48
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cpk2Cruvader: can you see it in lspci when it is in your laptop?04:48
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Phoenix1701Hey folks.  I got hit by the kernel upgrade/nvidia driver problem, but the new restricted driver package didn't fix it for me.  I think it might be because I'm using the 686 kernel, not 386 -- do I have any recourse here?04:48
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Cruvaderi'll check again lol04:49
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nexsandoes anyone know why ubuntu freezes when it's going through the checklist upon boot- install?04:49
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Arrickok guys, I am using the right password, and I am getting denied, how do I check my username, to make sure I am using the right own?04:50
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spuddoggDoes anyone know the syntax and command to make a symlink?04:50
TIM90nexus what graphics card do you use04:50
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nexsannvidia 7900 gt ko04:50
brian98arrick: doing what04:50
Ascarrick: id04:51
wickedpuppyspuddogg, ln -s04:51
Dr_willisln -s somthing somthingelse04:51
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Arricki figured it out thanks anyways, it was a caps deal04:51
Phoenix1701nexsan: Is it hanging at the "loading hardware drivers" stage, perchance?04:51
eternalswdI have an ubuntu machine that connects to the http/s via a proxy server say, server.com:80  I have a windows machine that's connected directly to the ubuntu machine via crossover cable.  I have ssh setup between the two.  How would I set port 80 from the windows machine to tunnel through to server.com:80?04:51
TIM90ok i thought i would have been your card  it was an ati04:51
EvanIsaaci'm trying to upgrade from breezy badger to dapper drake04:51
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nexsanno, it hangs right after the line: parport0 PC Style at....04:51
Phoenix1701TIM90: That same error exists with nvidia cards too, actually.04:52
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=== ToHellWithGA [n=ryan@c-71-199-159-222.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
EvanIsaacand i'm doing it by the upgrading by changing sources and the command line section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades04:52
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Arrickhow would I go about setting up 1 nic so that it doesnt listen to any ports, but the other one does?04:52
tyler_dwireless networking problem, cannot enable wireless networking, no error messages?04:52
Phoenix1701nexsan: Hm...  in that case I'm not so sure; is this a new thing, or has it always done this?04:52
nexsanwhich i have gone and disabled the parallel port, the line no longer shows and still hangs...04:52
EvanIsaacmy question is when i typed in sudo apt-get update04:52
Arricktyler_d, are you connected by lan at the same time?04:52
nexsani've only tried installing today04:52
EvanIsaaceverything seemed to work fine except the last thing i got04:52
nexsanthe live cd also hangs04:52
TIM90nexsan : is this and alternat cd04:52
yangerkino-dvtitler: Depends: kino (>= 0.7) but it is not going to be installed  E: Broken packages04:52
ToHellWithGAi need to open or convert a MATLAB .fig file for use in a presentation.  can that be done in ubuntu without using MATLAB through WINE (which is painfully slow)04:53
yangeris that a bug?04:53
tyler_dArrick: tried with and without04:53
nexsanalternate cd04:53
yangerkino is 0.804:53
EvanIsaaccpufreq: change failed with new_state 1 and result 004:53
Phoenix1701nexsan: Do you have an Intel onboard graphics card?  (This may very well not have anything to do with your problem, but it's something I've observed)04:53
Arrickcheck the compatibility list tyler_d ?04:53
tyler_dArrick: found where04:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:53
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EvanIsaacanyone? anyone?04:53
Arricktyler_d, check ubotus post04:53
AscDoes the OSS MATLAB-similar-program have the ability to read such things?04:54
Phoenix1701Okay...  then I'm out of ideas.04:54
nexsanfull specs: AMD Athlon X2 4200, 2 GB Corsair XMS DDR2, WD 250 GB SATA04:54
nexsanAsus M2N motherboard04:54
spuddoggwickedpuppy, do you know the exact symlink syntax?  i need `/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build' to point to '/usr/src' (or vice-versa, can't remember04:54
nexsannvidia 7900 gt ko04:54
BuglouseDoes anyone know how I can boot into windows without having to install the OS. ie; from a CD?04:54
nexsanno freaking idea what could be causing the freeze04:54
TIM90is that th only hard drive you have in you system04:55
nexsani disabled the J micron controller to no avail...04:55
wickedpuppyspuddogg, ln -s somthing somthingelse <-- from Dr_willis04:55
whatsrealBuglouse: wrong freaking channel04:55
nexsani have one drive, with no linux partition set, could this be the problem?04:55
spuddoggwickedpuppy, ahh, that clears everything up :)04:55
nexsanor could i set the partition from the installation?04:55
ArrickBuglouse, join #windows04:55
TIM90only one way to find out04:55
wickedpuppyspuddogg, you can also do man ln of course :P04:55
Buglousewell i have Ubuntu installed but need to do a windows task....04:55
whatsrealwhat do you need to do?04:56
TIM90Buglouse whats that task then04:56
Dr_willisvmware :P04:56
tyler_dArrick: nothing04:56
EvanIsaacanybody hear what isaid??04:56
Arrickif its not on that list, give details of what you have in here, and you will get helped quicker04:57
Arricktyler_d, ^04:57
EvanIsaacthis is a matter of life or death for my laptop :\04:57
nexsani'm getting pwned by ubuntu04:57
jwl007haha welcome to the club04:57
AscToHellWithGA: Try looking into 'scilab' and 'octave'.  They are OSS programs with (supposedly) reasonable compatability with MATLAB04:57
EvanIsaacdoes anyone know anything in here?04:57
EvanIsaacbecause i sure don't04:58
nexsanthey do, but not our issues04:58
Dr_willisI dident even see your question.....04:58
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ToHellWithGAAsc: i'm using octave, but i think scilab actually uses matlab04:58
spuddoggman, i need kitche04:58
=== Dr_willis goes back to sleep....
EvanIsaacI'm trying to upgrade from badger to drake04:58
AscEvanIssac: no, we're all as clueless as you.  Every one of us/04:58
VyleYeah the card shows up when I use 'lspci'04:58
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Phoenix1701EvanIsaac: I know a great deal of things.  Now, how many of those things have anything to do with Ubuntu, I can't say04:58
TIM90why do you want to chkdsk04:58
EvanIsaacI just want to know if i should put the 2nd command in04:58
tyler_dArrick: when I go to enable wireless networking through network settings, the computer thinks for a bit, then I click ok, thinks for a short period then nothing, on the panel it doesn't show up and no indication of it trying to??04:59
Dr_williswhat second command?04:59
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EvanIsaacof upgrading from badger to drake by changing sources and the command line04:59
nexsansomeone have a gun and a penguin handy?04:59
EvanIsaaci'm using  the steps given on sudo apt-get update04:59
Arricktyler_d, give the model and make of your laptop, as well as the wireless card04:59
brian|lfswtf did you all do to xgl it don't install anymore04:59
nexsansince i need the pc, might as well kill the penguin04:59
ranekI'm rather new to Ubuntu, could any one tell me how to get drivers for my videocard04:59
brian98tyler_d: have you  ran iwconfig ?04:59
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Dr_willisapt-get dist-upgrade i thought.. or theres som eother command also..05:00
brian98to see if it recs. any wireless extensions05:00
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:00
EvanIsaacUpgrating by changing sources and the command line05:00
EvanIsaacbut the thing is05:00
tyler_d brian98: no I have not05:00
EvanIsaaclet me talk to you in pm willis it'll be less chaotic05:00
Phoenix1701EvanIsaac: And the second line you're referring to is...?05:00
brian98shell even05:00
EvanIsaacthe second one is05:00
brian98sudo iwconfig05:00
_joehi all05:00
_joewhere is my su command?05:00
EvanIsaacsudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:00
TIM90hahah you will get it sorted nexsan05:00
wickedpuppy_joe, use sudo05:00
_joei tried05:00
brian98_joe gone fishing05:00
tyler_d brian98: shows up as configured05:00
EvanIsaacbut it says that if the first one fails i shouldn't try the second or i'll get a corrupted system05:01
nexsani wish, this is frustrating05:01
Dr_willisEvanIsaac,  sounds to me lik eyou are making a complex problem out of a simple task..  fix the sources, use  the dist-upgrade command.05:01
_joebut why can't i su to root05:01
brian98_joe sudo -i05:01
ranekIs there a place I can read a step by step on how to get Ubunto set up?05:01
Phoenix1701Oh!  I see.  I'm pretty sure that's basically the command that does the actual work, so yes, it's definitely necessary.05:01
wickedpuppy_joe, use sudo command05:01
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_joeooh ok05:01
nexsani'll have to go into the bios and start disabling options to see which one is not letting me install05:01
Dr_willisEvanIsaac,  ive found it better to backup /home and  do a clean install.05:01
_joeit still says grub though05:01
Phoenix1701(apt-get update just gets an updated list of packages -- it's the dist-upgrade that installs them all)05:01
Arrickubotu tell ranek about wiki05:01
_joeand some long line with vmlinuc05:01
TIM90tell me exactly what happends dude05:01
EvanIsaacand the first command that i put in looked like it went through well05:01
_joei type "sudo -i" and it says boot failed05:01
EvanIsaacexcept that i got  this:05:01
_joeon my last linux this worked05:01
nexsanTIM90: talking to me?05:01
EvanIsaaccpufreq: change failed with new_state 1 and result 005:02
Arrickhow would I go about setting up 1 nic so that it doesnt listen to any ports, but the other one does?05:02
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brian98tyler_d: if you run ifconfig has it got an ip?05:02
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tyler_darrick: desktop pc amd k7 build05:02
nexsanTIM90: When i boot up with the cd in the drive, i get the list of options of which i select text based...05:02
EvanIsaacso did that mean that my first command failed??05:02
Phoenix1701Hm...  now, don't take this advice on its own, because I wouldn't want to be responsible for your Linux installation burning down, but that doesn't strike me as a particularly bad message.05:02
nexsaneverything loads05:02
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nexsanuntil the list appears with all the hardware....05:02
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Phoenix1701It says it failed with result 0, but 0 is usually "success"05:02
Arrickbrian98, he woudl run iwconfig for wireless right?05:02
TIM90what hardware05:03
nexsanit stops at Parport0: PC Style at 0x378...05:03
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EvanIsaacok, well if the only thing it corrupts is linux then i don't care05:03
=== Deaigo is now known as BoggsBeer
_joeno one knows what my problem is?05:03
EvanIsaaci just installed badger this morning05:03
nexsani disabled the Parallel port05:03
tyler_dno ip address05:03
brian98arrick: then ifconfig will give you fino on IP's05:03
_joei wish i hadn't erased windows05:03
brian98info even05:03
EvanIsaacso phoenix you say go for it?05:03
nexsanthe line doesn't appear anymore, but it still freezes....05:03
Phoenix1701hehe.  I can pretty much guarantee it won't hose your system in any larger capacity than that, yes.05:03
tyler_dshows all the information applicable though05:03
lmosherI've got several wireless networks available at my office (each w/ different strengths). In the built-in wireless tool I can't seem to tell the relative strengths of each one, which means I have to try them individually until I get a strong signal. Is there a better tool?05:03
WhiteDethhow do I get Bluetooth working? :\05:03
brian98_joe don't stop just yet05:03
TIM90dont cennect stuff to the pc when installing05:03
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_joebrian98: ok05:03
Phoenix1701If you have all relevant data from your Linux partition backed up and/or don't care if it gets vaporized, I'd say you're go for launch.05:03
nexsanTIM90: like what?05:03
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EvanIsaacwell if you're wrong you have to pay me the full value of this pc, which is 75$ ;)05:03
nexsanusb devices?05:03
brian98_joe so, tell me your exact situation05:04
_joei was on redhat before, didn't have this trouble05:04
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_joebut now my son gave me a ubuntu CD and said it would be better05:04
Phoenix1701lol.  You could just videotape it bursting into flames and dancing around on fire, and sell it on the Internet for more than that.05:04
_joeso i tried it05:04
TIM90yeh every thing that you have connected05:04
_joebut i don't think he really knows much about linux05:04
brian98_joe well, it usually is05:04
nexsanTIM90: what about mouse, keyboard....05:04
_joecause this didn't happen with redhat05:04
brian98_joe and I'm impartial05:04
EvanIsaaci reallly realllllly hope this won't make my system unbootable05:04
nexsanTIM90: they are USB05:04
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brian98_joe where are you @ now?05:04
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Dr_willisEvanIsaac,  it pays to backup :P05:04
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EvanIsaaci don't have anything to backup05:05
_joei'm sitting here and it says grub and then has several lines which i think is the shell prompt05:05
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TIM90Well that too can add to your problems05:05
_joesome vmlinuc05:05
_joeand every time i try to sudo05:05
EvanIsaaci just want to know if it'll make the actual laptop unusable05:05
Dr_willisEvanIsaac,  then just do a clean install of the newer versions.05:05
_joei get "boot error!"05:05
mikereHow can I switch my xorg to use vesa instead of matrox (matrox is not refreshing properly when I scroll in web browsers)05:05
_joemaybe i screwed up the install05:05
Phoenix1701I'm fairly certain it won't, but whenever you find yourself uttering words like that, it's a good plan to make sure you aren't going to be up a creek without a paddle if it does.05:05
nexsanTIM90: there is nothing else connected except USB devices...05:05
brian98_joe so your on a different machine now?05:05
brian98_joe ok, you just installed05:05
wickedpuppy_joe, you are in grub ... not in the bash shell .. are you ?05:05
EvanIsaaci don't have any data i want to back up05:05
nexsan_joe sounds like a MBR problem05:05
EvanIsaaci just want the hardware intact05:05
Asc_joe: it sounds like it didn't boot and you're in the grub console wossname05:05
_joei don't know, i thought it was my shell05:05
EvanIsaacso i can do a clean install if it doesn't work05:06
=== sturm_- [n=jef@Toronto-HSE-ppp3875167.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Phoenix1701The chances of upgrading to Dapper damaging your hardware is probably very near zero.05:06
nexsanJesus come back and kill the penguins!05:06
AlllleexxReally need help installing a program in ubuntu, but having major problems trying to "decode" the instructions because im a stupid windows user.  I would paste the instructions but they are sorta long, if you could help me out it would be a great help, just send me a PM, cheers.05:06
Asc_joe: If you did a standard install, it should boot to a graphical login prompt05:06
brian98_joe type startx and see what errors you get05:06
EvanIsaacwell lhere goes nothing05:06
Phoenix1701About the worst I could see happening would be it dances around on your boot block and you end up having to reinstall from scratch05:06
Phoenix1701And even that is not very likely.05:06
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EvanIsaaceverybody cross your fingers05:06
nexsanok, i'm gonna try this one more time, if this doesn't work, i'm gonna put ubuntu on hold until the next release05:06
Jack_SparrowAlllleexx: What are you trying to install?05:06
_joeok i just tried startx05:06
nexsanthis is very frustrating....05:06
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Dr_willisI could of done a clean install of dapper - in the time this questioning has been going on. :P05:06
_joeit did the same thing that sudo did05:07
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Alllleexxshake 4 for linux05:07
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_joedoes ubuntu not come with sudo or startx?05:07
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Dr_willis_joe,  it comes with both.05:07
tonyyarusso_joe: Sure it does.05:07
Jack_SparrowAlllleexx: Sorry never heard of it..05:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:07
Shadow_milI installed gnome on KUbuntu, does that mean I am using Ubuntu now?05:07
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wickedpuppy_joe, let me just say i think your install is screwed ....05:07
=== rever [n=rever@ip72-200-185-44.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sturm_-hi, i've been having a VERY annoying problem with ubuntu....i am coding a program of my own, and get a segmentation fault somehow (trying to find the bug), however, EVERY time i get that error, ubuntu crashes my computer completely...even if i run my program in gdb, i get a break when the error happens, and then if i try to quit, bam it freezes the computer again...any suggestions?? its getting quite annoying and hard to find that bug :(05:07
Dr_willisShadow_mil,  means you installed Gnome on Kubuntu. :P05:07
_joemaybe i shoudl try restarting?05:07
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jwl007fluxbox for the win05:07
Dr_willisShadow_mil,  pick what gui to use from the login screen05:07
mikereHow can I switch my xorg to use vesa instead of matrox (matrox is not refreshing properly when I scroll in web browsers) - sorry for repeat question but since xchat scrolls i have hard time reading here too =/05:08
Phoenix1701sturm_-: Wow.  Welcome back to 1986, eh?05:08
Shadow_milDr_willis: I do... gnome05:08
TIM90check the cd for defects and take your time on the install ,maybe do a live cd install,i found it fast and less head aches05:08
Alllleexxcould i maybe send u the instructions and just take a look, like i understand some of it, but the rest im like..whats is that05:08
_joecould it be perhaps cause i see the windows boot screen for like a a second when the computer comes on that this is happening?05:08
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tonyyarussoShadow_mil: Means you have both, really.  Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the same thing really, just a matter of branding.05:08
Jack_SparrowAlllleexx: Post a link...05:08
sturm_-yeah, its a real pain :/05:08
=== BobbyGeneric [n=leo@20151058061.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
_joenope, restart didn't help05:09
_joestill says "boot failed"05:09
_joelike, this menu comes up05:09
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wickedpuppy_joe, reinstall05:09
sturm_-i have no clue why it freezes like that everytime, it just shouldn't...i haven't tried on another computer yet to see if the same but i suspect it will05:09
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bobby__joe: you are a fucking idiot05:09
wickedpuppybobby_, language05:09
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:09
_joeive already installed like twice because first it didn't run any05:09
=== supermiguel [n=miguel@252-223.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_joethen my son came to help05:09
Jack_SparrowShadow_mil: Just different window managers.. you can select which one at the option where you enter your login05:09
Arrickhow would I go about setting up 1 nic so that it doesnt listen to any ports, but the other one does?05:09
_joeand he got it to run, but sudo didn't work so he told me to ask here05:09
_joehe's a linux guy down at mediacom05:09
Phoenix1701sturm_-: I'm not sure what the issue is, but does this happen *whenever* your app segfaults, or just this particular bug?  It's possible you found a bug in a system call somewhere.05:10
Jack_Sparrow_joe: Did you run the livecd to install Ubuntu05:10
_joehe says they use unbuntu there and that he gets help here05:10
wickedpuppy_joe, so you managed to get into ubuntu and ran bash but sudo doesn't work ?05:10
EvanIsaaci think it's working05:10
_joei think so, jack05:10
Phoenix1701EvanIsaac: No pillars of flame, at least?05:10
TIM90joe set your hard drives up properly and in the bios05:10
acidtonicquestion, I hooked up my ubuntu machine to a different monitor at work, I didnt change any settings, but now that im home, i cannot run at 1600x1200 and I've noticed in my log that it cant read the edid data from my monitor05:10
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_joemy son put in the unbuntu hard drive to install it05:10
Alllleexxjack i sent u the paste05:10
_joeso i think it's set up right05:10
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=== goethe [n=goethe@ppp-71-139-19-140.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrow_joe: Did you get a working desktop and an icon that said Install..?05:11
_joewe did at first05:11
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_joebut now sudo and startx don't work05:11
sturm_-Phoenix1701, happens everytime i get a segmentation fault, i had the same error last time except it was another place in my code, luckily i found it after a while...05:11
_joeso i guess i'll have to reinstall05:11
TIM90joe have windows on any off the drives05:11
Asc_joe: ....hard drive?  I'd suggest installing from a CD05:11
Jack_SparrowAlllleexx: Post a link to your program in the channel05:11
goetheI can't print anything from Evince anymore... anybody have suggestions??05:11
_joewell i get a windows screen right at the beginning05:11
brian98_joe: sorry had to reboot there..05:11
_joefor like half a second05:11
wickedpuppy_joe, you are not in bash ... sudo and startx won't work ...05:11
EvanIsaacno pillars of flame....yet05:11
_joeunbuntu doesn't run bash?05:11
_joebut it is linux?05:11
Asc_joe: you are not in ubuntu05:11
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EvanIsaacbut i think the laptop is going to turn my legs into pillars of flame05:11
=== ReinH [n=reinh@cpe-70-112-17-191.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sturm_-last time it was because of a bad assignation of pointers, but this time i think it has to do with my vector class, however i haven't found yet, and it really takes time to reboot every time, its like i just get one shot and hope i fix it05:12
ReinHHi folks05:12
=== LiraNuna [n=LiraNuna@IGLD-84-229-208-253.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussoAlthough...I suppose theoretically a person could dd the install CD contents to a USB hard drive, true?05:12
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Phoenix1701sturm_-: Well, let's get this down to the bare minimum case: if you create a simple C file like, int main() { int *foo = NULL; foo++; }, what happens when it segfaults?05:12
Arrickevening Tonus05:12
Arrickevening tonyyarusso05:12
Arricksorry Tonus05:12
sturm_-hmm gimme a sec05:12
wickedpuppy_joe, my advice .. pls call your son back05:12
_joeAsc: no, i'm on my son's computer cause unbuntu won't run05:12
TIM90joe try a clean hard drive install ubuntu in it an enjoy,that will work05:12
brian98_joe: download the iso from ubuntu.com burn it, boot into the livecd enviroment and install on machine, should be smooth as a babys bottom05:12
tonyyarussoArrick: Hey.05:12
_joewickedpuppy, ok05:12
sturm_-good idea to test :)05:12
EvanIsaacit's like 150 degrees on my lap05:12
Asc_joe: On the computer where you are trying to run ubuntu, it is not in ubuntu.05:13
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goetheanybody know how to fix evince to print again??05:13
Arricktonyyarusso, do you know how I would go about setting up 1 nic so that it doesnt listen to any ports, but the other one does?05:13
spycathi all05:13
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_joeAsc: well i think it is, but it just says "boot failed"05:13
tonyyarussoArrick: Can't say I do.05:13
Asc_joe: better yet, download the alternate install CD so you don't have to boot to a graphical environment.05:13
Asc_joe: Do you know what a boot loader is?05:13
brian98_joe: download the iso from ubuntu.com burn it, boot into the livecd enviroment and install on machine, should be smooth as a babys bottom05:13
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TIM90and try repairing the windows hard drive ,stick your windows cd in the  drive and Wait for it to boot then press f605:14
_joeasc, i don't think so05:14
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_joeasc, is it the windows screen that comes up for a second?05:14
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_joebrian98, ok, will do05:14
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Jack_SparrowPlay Nice, see everyone tomorrow05:14
Arricktonyyarusso, what I am trying to do, ist set up this ubuntu box so that all incoming and outgoing on one connection is allowed (network side) and all incoming from the other is blocked except what i specify (internet side)05:15
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Asc_joe: there's a place on the hard drive that stores a program that tells the computer what operating system to boot, and where it is.  The one that comes with Ubuntu (Grub) has a command line05:15
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Asc_joe: it *sounds like* the computer that you're trying to boot Ubuntu on, is in Grub's command line05:15
iLLf8d_joe, you sure your computer came with that its an option =P05:16
TIM90thats what i been trying to tell him ASC05:16
tonyyarussoArrick: Makes sense, and a good idea.  If you work it out, a wiki page on the subject would be good (I assume you've already checked for one).  Good luck!05:16
AscTIM90: Yeah....05:16
_joeasc, aha! i think i saw something about drub05:16
Arrickthanks tonyyarusso05:16
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:16
TIM90Asc is there a command to repair his Grub loader05:17
_joemaybe all i need is to repair my grub loader?05:17
brian98tim90: why would that happen just after installing ubuntu?05:17
AscTIM90: I usually do that by invoking dark gods.05:18
EvanIsaacmaybe while dapper is installing you guys can tell me how i can get my netgear WG111T USB Wireless Adapter to work05:18
Arrickbrian98, happens very often05:18
iLLf8dbrian98, a virus?05:18
tonyyarussoTIM90, _joe: that repair can be done from the Recovering... wiki link instructions.05:18
TIM90well he has windows on it05:18
brian98joe_ http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-repair-corrupt-mbr-and-boot.html05:18
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iLLf8dmust be spyware05:18
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_joemaybe spyware05:18
_joei had a lot recently05:18
_joethat's one reason we erased windows05:18
_joebut redhat seemed to have gotten some too05:18
whatsrealEvanIsaac: you are probably going to need ndiswrapper to do it05:18
brian98_joe that link should do you05:18
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vbgunzmplayer is not in the repos, do I have to build i ?05:19
AscTIM90: Actually I have no idea why it's booting to Grub.  Installing windows after Linux should just overwrite the bootloader with its' own, or break it.  Eh....05:19
TIM90thanks brian98 ill have a look at that :-*05:19
Arrickman I lost my voice on freenode and havent been voiced in the last 45 minutes05:19
jribvbgunz: mplayer is in dapper multiverse05:19
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_joethanks, brian9805:19
Asc_joe: did you try to install windows just before this happened?05:19
_joei will check it out05:19
jribubotu: tell vbgunz about multiverse05:19
Arrickwhazzup jrib `05:19
vbgunzjrib: I have all repos enabled...05:19
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jribArrick: hi05:19
brian98joe_ acutally type # grub-install /dev/hda05:19
brian98without the #05:19
jribvbgunz: pastebin your sources.list please05:19
_joebrian98, will that command work even though i don't have a feedora or noppix cd?05:19
Arricklater guys an gals05:20
_joelike the article talks about?05:20
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vbgunzjrib: http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/202005:20
=== whatsreal thinks he scared EvanIsaac away
sturm_-Phoenix1701, hmm im having trouble generating a segmentation fault, any idea of an easy code that will create one?05:21
EvanIsaacmaybe while dapper is installing you guys can tell me how i can get my netgear WG111T USB Wireless Adapter to work05:21
EvanIsaacno you haven't05:21
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TIM90Later arrick05:21
EvanIsaacI've been waiting forever though05:21
jribvbgunz: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mplayer,  pastebin the result05:21
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EvanIsaacwhatsreal you there?05:21
Phoenix1701sturm_-: The code I posted just above ought to do the trick.05:21
eternalswdvbgunz, if you want proprietary stuff in mplayer, you're better off building from source.  it's really not that hard, and if you use checkinstall, it will make a .deb file for you and install that so that you can uninstall from synaptic05:21
Asc_joe: when you booted, did it print a message like "GNU GRUB version x.xx (xxxx lower/ xxxxxx upper memory)"?05:21
vbgunzjrib: ok05:21
Phoenix1701int main() { int *foo = NULL; foo++; }05:21
Phoenix1701Oh, actually, sorry.05:21
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Phoenix1701int main() { int *foo = NULL; *foo++; }05:21
Phoenix1701That * is important. :)05:22
sturm_-Phoenix1701, nope it doesn't create any error...05:22
EvanIsaacwhatsreal: you there?05:22
whatsrealEvanIsaac: yeah, you are going to need to install ndiswrapper through apt-get or another package manager of your choice and grab the .inf file from the netgear site05:22
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whatsrealI believe05:22
EvanIsaaci think the cd has a .inf in it05:22
_joeasc, i think something like that05:22
EvanIsaachow do iuse ndiswrapper?05:22
vbgunzjrib: sorry, updating was all I needed05:23
=== vbgunz thought it was up to date
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vbgunzjrib: thanks :)05:23
jribvbgunz: np05:23
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spuddoggAnyone here know how to read the info that is in the packets grabbed by airodump?05:23
whatsrealEvanIsaac: let me get you a link05:23
EvanIsaacok thanks05:23
TIM90esc i think a reinstall without windows in the way would sort this out ?05:23
EvanIsaaci'm going to go get some chocolate to take away the pain05:24
OmniDwhoever recommended me to update my dealie in vmware05:24
brian98joe_ I thnk at this stage a reinstall is the easiest *duck(05:24
Asc_joe: Yes, that sounds like the grub prompt.  I have to leave right now, but try installing from a CD.  Or finding someone who knows how to use the GRUB prompt to boot.05:24
whatsrealEvanIsaac: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation will get you to a site that helps with ndiswrapper05:24
EvanIsaac hooolly crap i pulled out the adapter and the metal burned my finger05:24
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vbgunzeternalswd: I do wish to play some proprietary stuff. I know how to make debs and already have the codecs, e.g. gxine and totem play fine. Do you think I should still build from source?05:25
sturm_-Phoenix1701, ok i created a segmentation fault but it didn't crash this time with a simple main()...05:25
TIM90lter Asc05:25
whatsrealEvanIsaac: yeah, my dlink usb adapter gets pretty hot some times05:25
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sturm_-bah, ill go on and try to find it somehow, its just really annoying to freeze the whole computer05:26
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_joeasc, ok, thanks for the help :)05:26
Phoenix1701sturm_-: Check to see if maybe you're doing something really funky in your app, preferably something involving the kernel in some way.05:27
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sturm_-its weird because i run it in gdb, and then i get segfault, so i do ctrl+z, and stop the app, so then its ok it doesn't freeze, but the 3d app is still open05:28
eternalswdvbgunz, mplayer has a different codec set than gxine/totem called win32codecs but that is not in synaptic.  if you follow the guide at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187709 you can compile your own, you don't need to do the x264 stuff and replace "make install" with checkinstall.  read pages 12 and 13 of the thread,  I have a link to the full tarball source of mplayer as well as some tips on the configuration line.05:28
sturm_-and then if i go to shutdown the computer, it tries to close it and freezes on its own05:28
sturm_-so basically if i do ctrl+z each time im kinda "safe" until i try to shutdown, really really weird05:28
brian98joe_ I'm out of here, you ok ?05:28
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vbgunzI have w32codecs installed. Will check out the thred anyhow :)05:29
_joebrian98, i will survive! i'm in the process of running grub-install /dev/sda1 right now!05:29
Telroth_Plushie|sturm_-, ctrl+z halts, ctrl+c quits.05:30
malice_? I deleted my network connection icon from the top right and it was near my calander/time now I went to add it back and it is in the middle how do I put it back?05:30
malice_I tried move05:30
sturm_-oh yeah if i do ctrl+c it freezes ;) so i halt it and i can keep on going and start another gdb again...eh05:30
malice_that does not work05:30
Telroth_Plushie|sturm_-, kill `pidof gdb`05:30
malice_it never puts it back to the speaker05:30
goethewhere/who can i ask about evince??  Evince won't print anymore...05:31
Telroth_Plushie|sturm_-, kill -kill `pidof gdb` <-- it can't freeze this, it will be foreced to die05:31
sturm_-nope, doesn't work i tried, it doesn't kill it, it stays there05:31
eternalswdvbgunz, with something like mplayer, there's processor specific code that makes it worth your while to compile your own.05:31
sturm_-kill -kill pidofgdb ?05:31
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Telroth_Plushie|sturm_-, have to use backticks05:31
Telroth_Plushie|`pidof gdb`05:31
Telroth_Plushie|get the pid from ps05:31
Telroth_Plushie|ps aux | grep gdb05:32
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Telroth_Plushie|then kill -kill <pid>05:32
brian98joe_ and it looks like it's doing something? Happy daze if so!05:32
lupine_85"[04:32]  <-- _: malice_ adds the nick and %2 the reasonRemote closed the connection has left this server (%2)."05:32
lupine_85is that right?05:32
vbgunzeternalswd: ok, will look into it, I know how to build like a novice ;)05:32
_joebrian98, it might be...05:32
lupine_85looks like bad translation team effort to me05:32
brian98joe_ I hope it's ok!05:33
brian98joe_ If not go back to plan a05:33
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
brian98joe_ http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/05:33
_joeok thx :)05:34
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eternalswdvbgunz, I compiled my first program two weeks ago, so I'm pretty new as well, but well documented procedures make things pretty easy.05:34
mikereWelp, hand editing xorg.conf and replacing mga" with vesa" succesfully switched to the vesa driver for me05:35
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ranekHow can I get the newest version of Ubuntu?05:35
ranekI seem to have an older version05:35
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mikereNow for question #2: anyone here been able to get a Lexmark Z33 working with cups?05:35
mikereranek: you should be able to upgrade from Synaptic05:36
Flannel!tell ranek about upgrade05:36
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Flannelranek: steps are slightly different depending on what old version youre using, that page explains it all though05:36
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Sturm___guess what :P05:36
eternalswdif I have a proxy server, say server.com:80 that I can connect to from my ubuntu machine, say ubuntu.org with a windows machine ssh'ing to ubuntu.org, would "ssh -L 80:server.com:80 ubuntu.org" allow me to set my windows proxy as localhost:80?05:37
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brian98<eternalswd> http://www.hackaday.com/2005/08/31/how-to-ssh-http-proxy-setup/05:38
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variantlo all, how do you set the default video player? I want all video files including dvds to open with vlc05:39
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Alien|Freakhey guys.. anyone know how big the ubuntu mirror is?05:39
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mikereIm at a friends trying to set him up with Ubuntu after his non-genuine Windows became too much to deal with.  Only stopper for getting him converted to Linux atm is getting his Lexmark Z33 printer up - anyone got any suggestions?05:39
lmosher_I need to install GTK+-2.0 and and GTK+-devel. I'm pretty sure I have gtk installed, but what are the devel packages called?05:39
spuddoggAnyone here good with aircrack-ng?05:39
EvanIsaachow long should a 5.1 to 6.06 update take05:39
brian98variant: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3442305:39
Alien|FreakEvanIsaac, depends on the bandwidth05:40
TuxthePenguin84EvanIsaac, tooke me about 2 hours once05:40
FlannelEvanIsaac: 5.10 to 6.06 would depend entirely on your bandwidth, and how much software you had installed05:40
Sturm___Phoenix1701, yeah, kill kill kills my computer ;) there's no way i can touch to that process , the only way i can deal with it is to put it to halt, and then once im done, i have to manually shut down the computer (hardware way...)05:40
EvanIsaaci only had the bundled software05:40
brian98<Alien|Freak>  strange q, why? u thinking of setting one up05:41
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variantbrian98: yeah i know you can do that.. i am looking for amore global settins so i dont have to do that for every video type under the sun05:41
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EvanIsaacand my screen just went blank05:41
Alien|Freakbrian98, yeah...05:41
ranekHow do I install the drivers for my Graphics Card?05:41
Alien|Freakif we have enough space.. I'd like to05:41
EvanIsaacbut i can still hear the HD working05:41
Telroth_Plushie|ranek, nvidia or ati ?05:41
Alien|FreakI know we don't have enough space for the full debian mirror..05:41
Alien|Freakbut Ubuntu would be nice05:41
Telroth_Plushie|ranek, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:41
EvanIsaacshould the screen go blank during the update?05:42
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FlannelEvanIsaac: screen went blank due to inactivity, probably, normal screensaver sort of thing05:42
EvanIsaacbut it was updating05:42
EvanIsaacor is05:42
Telroth_Plushie|sudo nvidia-xconfig05:42
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Telroth_Plushie|then reboot05:42
brian98<Alien|Freak>  No Idea :)05:42
Telroth_Plushie|you should see the nvidia logo when X starts05:42
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FlannelEvanIsaac: right, it most likely still is, blank display is just turning off the screen, not the computer05:42
zer0efxEvening. For some reason when I try to copy a file to /usr/src/alsa it says i dont have permission to write to that folder? how can I copy files to these main folders?05:43
EvanIsaaci touched the touchpad05:43
ranekOk then, Thanks!, How do I whisper in this program?05:43
EvanIsaacstill blank05:43
spuddoggAnyone here good with aircrack-ng suite?05:43
TuxthePenguin84Telroth,Plushiel, does that give you 2D or 3D support?05:43
brian98<zer0efx> sudo cp05:43
Alien|Freak:(  my univ. main lug users are either ubuntu or gentoo.. gentoo is easy... and works pretty nicely... not sure about ubuntu...   I guess I'll ask uncle google05:43
Telroth_Plushie|TuxthePenguin84, 3d05:43
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FlannelEvanIsaac: with just the base system, I believe its about 650MB of packages.05:43
Telroth_Plushie|ranek, /msh <nick> <msg>05:43
krazykitAlien|Freak: gentoo is not easy... it's a pain when stuff breaks or doesn't compile.05:43
Telroth_Plushie|i.e. /msg Telroth_Plushie| HELLO!05:43
Telroth_Plushie|but you have to register your nickname first05:44
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brian98 good night all05:44
Telroth_Plushie|/msg nickserv help reigster05:44
zer0efxThanks brian9805:44
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Dekkardis there a command to update the font cache?05:44
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jribDekkard: fc-cache I think05:45
EvanIsaacwell i really hope this blank screen isn't a bad thing05:45
ranekWhen I typed sudo nvidia-xconfig It said unknown command05:45
bordinnickserv help register05:45
Alien|Freakkrazykit, I meant as far as setting up a mirror05:45
wickedpuppybordin, /msg nick help register ...05:45
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jribranek: you have nvidia-glx installed?05:46
Alien|Freakplus it builds the mirror as we go.... so if the package isn't there yet... it'll download it.. and add it to the repo so the next person that fetches it grabs the cached package05:46
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ranekI typed this before that command, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:46
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jribranek: and what did it say?05:47
bl4cktoneHi Everybody!05:47
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muaddibAny recommendations on parition a disk that is 900GB05:47
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ranekHmm I can't seem to whisper people.05:48
jribranek: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:48
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crimsunranek: you're not identified.05:48
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crimsun(this network requires registration and identification for that)05:49
EvanIsaacany answer to why the screen has been blank for such a long time?05:49
bl4cktoneAnyone know of some kind of log in 6.06 that would permit me to see why when I come back from a few hours away from my laptop it comes up at the loginscreen?05:49
wickedpuppyi can think of /var/log/messages05:50
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tchunghi, I am trying to install sun-java5-plugin. Does anyone know how to search for it on Synaptic?05:50
ranekSo, how do I register?05:51
tchungI have tried "sun java" and nothing good shows on05:51
jribubotu: tell ranek about register05:51
jribtchung: have you enabled multiverse?05:51
wickedpuppy./msg nickserv register password05:51
tchungjrib: yea.05:51
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EvanIsaacif i unplug m y laptop from the ac charger, move it upstairs and plug it back in will it screw up my upgrade05:51
tchungjrib: reloaded my list05:51
IcemanV9!java > tchung05:51
thompadoes anyone know what creating a 100M /boot partition at install do?05:51
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EvanIsaacin the middle of th eupgrading process05:51
jribtchung: what arch?05:51
kronoscan anyone tell me from where can i get the latest kernel amd64 ?05:51
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mister_robototchung: sun-java5-plugin?05:52
tchungmister_roboto: yea05:52
Skarrhey guys05:52
tchungjrib: arch?05:52
jribtchung: architecture05:52
thompahow can i view if other partitions are empty?05:52
jribtchung: i386, amd64, ppc?05:52
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AngryElfis there a bash username variable -- or some way i can get the user that ran  my script into a variable?05:53
jribtchung: pastebin your sources.list please05:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:53
subparalright, this is a silly question, but I forgot where fstab ws located05:53
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jribAngryElf: umm there is $USER, not sure if that will give you what you are asking though05:53
Dr_willis /etc like most config files05:53
IcemanV9EvanIsaac: maybe .. logical thought would be wait until it finishes upgrading first before move it to upstairs05:53
subparso /etc/fstab correct?05:53
tchungI think I have got the page to help me .... thank you jrib :-)05:53
wickedpuppyAngryElf, you can always create a second bash script in which it runs the the script you want from the argument it gets05:53
jribtchung: k, np05:53
ranekSo I registered now, so I should be able to whisper people, correct?05:54
kronoscan anyone tell me from where can i get the latest kernel amd64 ?05:54
wickedpuppyranek, message ...05:54
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flacohi.. anyone has installed the ipw2200-ap driver?05:55
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ranekwickedpuppy, Testing05:55
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EvanIsaacit seems as if the updating is unpacking and then removing again05:55
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wickedpuppyranek, no i mean usually we call it private message .. not whisper .. in case you ask help from other channels05:56
wickedpuppyand they wonder what you mean05:56
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freeportis there w32codes under amd64?05:56
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SilentDissonancehello :)05:58
twopoint0hello ^^05:58
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twopoint0anyone out there able to help me navigate the repository to get Enlightenment?05:58
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mythtvboxopen up synaptic and browse05:59
mythtvboxif you dont have your repos setup check out the ubuntu guide05:59
mythtvboxyou can find it by typing ubuntu guide in google06:00
IcemanV9apt-cache search enlightenment06:00
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twopoint0I was getting some help on the forum, and I was told...06:00
mythtvboxor do what iceman said06:00
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OmniDHow do I get unrar?06:00
twopoint0sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list Remove the # in front of the repositories.Save and exit.Re-start synaptic06:00
_Dinkapt-get install unrar ?06:00
mythtvboxgo install automatix06:00
SilentDissonancebit of an odd question...  I have an Athlon processor in my machine.  This is a fresh install of Ubuntu, so it's running the 386 core.  A package I wish to use states it requires i run the i686 core...  Am I right to assume that this package won't work for me?06:00
mythtvboxit will install support for unrar06:01
mythtvboxgetautomatix.com or .org i think06:01
IcemanV9if you want to know what's the version --> apt-cache policy enlightenment06:01
OmniD_Dink, Package unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:01
OmniDThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:01
OmniDis only available from another source06:01
OmniDE: Package unrar has no installation candidate06:01
twopoint0but i run sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list, and i don't see a # to delete06:01
mythtvboxHas anyone here ever gotten lirc to work with imon support?06:01
Phoenix1701SilentDissonance: If it's specifying that tightly, chances are it won't work, that's correct.06:01
variantOmniD: there is abunch of unrar implementations06:01
variantOmniD: try unrar-gpl06:01
SilentDissonancePhoenix1701: thank you.  would it be better, in general, if I switched over to the k7 core?06:02
hav0kcan anyone help me with NetworkManagerApplet?06:02
OmniDvariant, E: Couldn't find package unrar-gpl06:02
_Dinkmight have to add a repository or 206:02
_Dinknot sure which one has it06:02
Phoenix1701SilentDissonance: I don't have any hard data on that, but I'm pretty confident that the answer is a distinct "yes".06:02
OmniDI thought I had universal and multiverse enabled though06:02
mythtvboxOmniD go install automatix06:02
variantOmniD: search for it06:02
variantOmniD: apt-cache search unrar06:03
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_Dinkits probably in seveas06:03
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mythtvboxit is a program for installing 3rd party programs such as .ace and .rar support06:03
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Phoenix1701It'll definitely improve performance, and has no discernable down sides that I know of.06:03
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foureight84does broadcom 57xx nic work out of the box with dapper?06:03
hav0kNetwork manager applet wont show wireless stuff, it only has wired connection06:03
SilentDissonancePhoenix1701: lol i figured as much.  I see it on the install CD, and since I've only installed one other thing here, it's not a big deal if it hoses.  The question is, of course, which should I pick?06:03
foureight84i can't get mine to work06:03
variantRookie-: yes06:03
bl4cktoneI was wondering if anyone could help me with this, When I leave Ubuntu alone for an extended period of time I come back and it's at the login screen.  I've attached a copy of my var/log/messages http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24955 Thanks guys!06:03
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Phoenix1701Between 686 and k7, you mean?  Or...?06:04
linlinmy ssh sessions to my server are timing out after a period of inactivity, only a few minutes, what could be the problem?06:04
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IcemanV9hav0k: right-click on the icon .. it should show two check boxes (wired AND wireless)06:04
variantlinlin: you need to set the ssh timeout variable06:04
SilentDissonanceahh, sorry.  Ubuntu CD in the drive, Synaptic up and browsing from the CD.  Got a bunch of kernels listed to install, which should I choose?06:04
hav0kIcemanV9, yeah, it should, but only wired is there06:04
Dekkardis there a package that installs default fonts and cursors?06:04
SilentDissonanceI assume it'll be a -k7 one, but there's quite a few versions listed here.06:05
OmniDmythtvbox, hey synaptic could not find automatix06:05
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warlockcp: cannot create regular file `/home/sbnc/sbnc/tickle.so': Permission denied06:05
Phoenix1701bl4cktone: I'd be willing to bet good money this is the issue: "ipw2200: Firmware error detected.  Restarting."06:05
warlockAnyone know how to fix this?06:05
mythtvboxopen up a webbrowser06:05
fowlduckwarlock: sudo?06:05
mythtvboxand search in google for get automatix06:05
linlini see no timeout settings in /ertc/ssh/sshd_config variant06:05
Phoenix1701SilentDissonance: Ah.  I think the latest one is 2.6.15-2706:05
variantplease dont use automatix, its lazy and will break your system and we will all laugh at you for using automatix :P06:05
Dekkardwarlock to edit any file not in yer home dir you need to sudo06:05
foureight84is the broadcom 57xx nic supported in dapper?06:05
mythtvboxyou will go to the automatix website and it has simple instructions on how to get it installed06:05
mythtvboxits really easy to do06:06
fowlduckwarlock: you don't have permission to create files in that directory, get permissions or use root permissions06:06
IcemanV9hav0k: it happened to me last week. i went CRAZY trying to figure it out and no answer from forums for a few days. then, all of sudden, it came back on its own. WEIRD.06:06
mythtvboxbut you will be thankfull i showed ya06:06
warlockDekkard - well. I'm trying to do "make install" as the user 'sbnc' - can I change the permissions through root so sbnc has access to it?06:06
mythtvboxit will help get lots of stuff setup on your system with no pain06:06
hav0kwell, it's never been there06:06
SilentDissonancethank you Phoenix1701.  I'll give it a go, if I'm not back shortly, it wasn't correct.  lol06:06
hav0knot since i installed it06:06
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bl4cktonePhoenix1701: I just forgot I didn't have my new WEP key put into it, do you think that would cause a Firmware Error or would you think it's more a driver issue?06:06
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subpar_ahh, Xorg looks so much better than full screen console06:06
stikifis the compiz stuff still broken, i am getting errors when i try to apt-get install cgwd06:06
Dekkardwarlock have you tried doing sudo make install?06:07
warlockas sbnc?06:07
warlocklets see06:07
Phoenix1701bl4cktone: Well, a firmware error is definitely a low-level problem...  driver would be a good guess.  Do you recognize ipw2000 as some particular device?06:07
Phoenix1701er, ipw2200 rather06:07
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warlocksbnc@zkillz:~/sbnc-1.1/tickle$ sudo make install06:07
warlocksudo: unable to lookup zkillz via gethostbyname()06:07
fowlduckwarlock: make install is the only step you need root permissions for06:07
IcemanV9hav0k: try to go wireless first before you turn the box on?06:07
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OmniDwhy has no one told me about automatix before06:07
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hav0kalright, ill try that... ill be back in a sec06:08
Phoenix1701If that's your wireless card, then it might very well be as you suspect...  though it shouldn't reboot your box just because it doesn't have a WEP key, obviously.  lol06:08
bl4cktonestikif: I just install compiz a day or two ago here is the link I used to do it with06:08
IcemanV9!automatix > OmniD06:08
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Dr_willisOmniD,  best to NOT use automatix06:08
IcemanV9that's why. :)06:08
OmniDI know what it is NOW06:08
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warlockworked - but still getting errors, though its the BNC software called sbnc - anyone know anything about it?06:08
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bl4cktonePhoenix1701: yeah it's my Internal Wireless Card for my laptop06:08
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OmniDDr_willis, why?06:09
OmniDIs it dangerous?06:09
fowlduckwarlock: if the error is the gethostbyname() it's a DNS error.  Make sure your hostname is included in /etc/hosts06:09
Dr_willisOmniD,  it has a rather Large and Flame Filled History.. In short.. it can trash the system.06:09
Phoenix1701bl4cktone: Try the WEP key thing first; if it keeps happening, you might look into that driver (do a forum search for it, perhaps) and see if there are better drivers or more generic ones that still give you the functionality you need but don't cause your computer to spontaneously combust at random intervals.06:09
stikifbl4cktone, thanks06:09
WhiteDethsomeone please help me with making Bluetooth work :(06:09
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warlockfowlduck - what do you mean? how should the line look like?06:10
OmniDDr_willis, thenw hy would anyone recommend me to use it??06:10
OmniD*then why06:10
warlock127.0.0.1localhost.localdomainlocalhostcow <- is what I got atm.06:10
fowlduckadd zkillz to the end of that line06:10
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Phoenix1701OmniD: Because "can" isn't the same as "always does", and as you've seen the potential benefits of using it are compelling.06:10
Dr_willisOmniD,  you DONT see people in here normally reccomending you to use it.06:10
MadpilotOmniD, automatix is still popular for some reason - why exactly still puzzles many people...06:10
MinisterPoliteOmniD:  its much more stable now, people here would rather you learn how to do what it does manually06:10
Phoenix1701I've never been tempted to, because I run Kubuntu and I get the impression Automatix will basically install all of Gnome and then merrily do its thing.06:10
bl4cktonestikif: No problem man I'd go to #ubuntu-xgl if you need more help but that writeup did the trick for me06:11
Dr_willisEasyUbuntu works very well..but even it is getting less needed.06:11
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warlocksbnc@zkillz:~/sbnc-1.1/tickle$ sudo make install06:11
warlockthen it dies..06:11
mike-ekimhow can I set this soit can do console login instead of graphical06:11
zer0efxI'm trying to get my sound working, and I have to do some alsa work.. when i am compiling the files, i get this error "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH"06:11
mike-ekimcause it stalls when tis loading the graphical login06:11
IcemanV9cli is always the BEST to install stuff06:11
Phoenix1701zer0efx: Sounds like you don't have the build-essentials package installed.06:11
OmniDMadpilot, isn't it still easy to use? That's why people would use it.06:12
khaije1anyone know/heard of any linux-based ebay automation tools?06:12
bl4cktonestikif: I've been running compiz for about a week now it never fails to impress the peeps ;)  I just can't get enough of it06:12
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MadpilotOmniD, yes, it's easy to break your system with it ;)06:12
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zer0efxPhoenix1701: alright thanks.. i'll go look for that06:12
hav0kIcemanV9, it didnt work... it only had wired06:12
OmniDMadpilot, I was recommended to use it because unrar is failing install06:12
khaije1I'm tring to help a non-profit with selling some of their excess inventory :-)06:12
mike-ekimWhat do I need to do/edit to have Ubuntu boot in and have console login rather than graphical06:12
freeportsomebody know how to play rm/avi/rmvb under ubunt_amd6406:12
mister_robotoPhoenix1701: that's not true, it will install many optional packages, some from non-standard repositories. it's not just a matter of installing all of gnome. it will put in all the codecs to play all video and music files/ play dvd's and a lot of other things. stuff that is kind of a ping to do manually06:13
MadpilotOmniD, unrar is in Universe, I think - if you've got Universe enabled properly, unrar should install just fine06:13
MinisterPolitekhaije1 email me mepolite@gmail.com06:13
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hav0kis there any way to edit it... and add in the eth106:13
OmniDMadpilot, it is not there06:13
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Madpilot!info unrar06:13
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB06:13
khaije1MinisterPolite: thanks, but why is that?06:13
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OmniDPackage unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:13
MadpilotOmniD, sorry, it's in Multiverse - do you have that enabled?06:13
OmniDThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:13
OmniDis only available from another source06:13
OmniDE: Package unrar has no installation candidate06:13
stikifbl4cktone, are you using it with multiple monitors, i read that could cause problems with it06:13
SeraVitaehi there06:13
OmniDI have both enabled06:13
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OmniDIs there any way I could look up to be sure though?06:14
MinisterPolitekhaije1: i may be able to help you unload some of that equipment06:14
Phoenix1701mister_roboto: Oh, I'm aware of what it's *designed* to do...  but it assumes you're running Ubuntu with Gnome, and if you're not, it'll install everything it needs to get all its Gnomy bits working, which turns out to be a large portion of Gnome.06:14
IcemanV9hav0k: i don't know. it's all i know. i haven't figure it out on adding eth1 to it. at least, mine got it back for now.06:14
SeraVitaeIm trying to install dapper on a 433mhz celeron with 192mb of ram, the live cd boots fine, but it is EXTREMELY slow to do anything, harddrive and cdrom are going full blast but i just chose english language for install and it's taking about 20 minutes and it's still sitting there.06:14
SeraVitaeis this because the pc is slow or do i have a faulty cd or something?06:14
zer0efxPhoenix1701: found it, ty06:14
bl4cktonestikif: No I'm using it on a 17" LCD on my Dell laptop,  you may want to ask the guys at #ubuntu-xgl they know that stuff like the back of their hand.06:14
hav0kalright... well ill try to uninstall it, and reinstall... maybe it will pick it up... do you know if it's in the apt IcemanV906:14
SkarrDo blackhats even exist anymore?06:15
MadpilotOmniD, easiest way - at least, easiest to explain here - is to open a terminal and type "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" then pastebin that06:15
MinisterPoliteSeraVitae: slow pc....06:15
IcemanV9hav0k: i know there is a newer version out there, but it is not in the backport.06:15
mister_robotoPhoenix1701: ahh, ok. i didn't feel like going through all the manual steps and used it on this kubuntu machine to get all the video codecs.06:15
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Phoenix1701khaije1: Well, if you don't mind having Java installed, there's JBidWatcher...06:15
hav0ki dont remember how i installed it06:15
harisundHello! I have a Ubuntu box acting as a gateway doing nat, and it runs dnsmasq. The DHCP clients on the LAN can identify each other by hostnames, but the Ubuntu box itself doesn't know of the DHCP clients. Anyway around this? I tried adding nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf but to no avail.06:15
khaije1MinisterPolite: oic, it's most books and other odds and ends06:15
IcemanV9hav0k: yes, it is in the repo06:15
khaije1iow not computer stuff06:15
Phoenix1701mister_roboto: Indeed.  Me neither...  I don't really have the need for it, honestly.06:15
hav0kIcemanV9:  as what?06:15
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khaije1thx Phoenix1701, i'll check that out :-)06:16
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bl4cktonesikif: Not that it makes it impossible I've seen a few youtube videos of people with dual monitors handling it fine06:16
IcemanV9hav0k: network-manager-gnome06:16
hav0kIcemanV9, thanks06:16
OmniD!multiverse > OmniD06:16
mike-ekimIm having trouble with graphical login06:16
mike-ekimhow can i change to have it boot to console login06:16
mike-ekimcause it stalls and stops responding after it tries to bring up the graphical login06:17
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup06:17
=== IcemanV9 wonders why a newer version of mplayer does not stay embedded within the FireFox?!?
mister_robotomike-ekim: if you're talking about from the initial login dialog, you can select that from the session type list on that same dialog (kde/gnome/whatever desktop manager you have, or console)06:18
mike-ekimok, but I need to edit the file06:18
mike-ekimcause the login screen isnt coming up06:18
mike-ekimso taht would be impossible to set the default session to come up06:19
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WhiteDethHow do I view lsub output?06:19
WhiteDethdoes anyone know?06:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lsusb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
SeraVitaelsusb | more ?06:19
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WhiteDethsweet cheers06:19
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khaije1MinisterPolite: are you still interested although it's not computer equipment? Typically books and things like that06:20
SeraVitaeis there any way with dapper to install directly without having to boot livecd wise? for some reason on like 3 different boxes i've had nothing but trouble trying to do an install from the live desktop. yet when it does get there, it works fine.06:20
mister_robotomike-ekim: hmmm if X fails to start properly, it should just go to console login automatically. that's what i've seen before when there was an x configuration problem. don't know06:21
IcemanV9SeraVitae: grab alternative cd06:21
mike-ekimcan you help me set this to start in console login06:21
mike-ekimin redhat i would edit inittab, set to run default initmode 306:21
mister_robotomike-ekim: have you tried ctl-alt-f1/f2/etc for a console screen?06:21
mike-ekimbut that doesnt seem to cut it here06:21
SeraVitaeIcemanV9 - hm. i might try that if i dont get anywhere.06:22
khaije1Phoenix1701: it looks like this is for bidding on ebay, i am looking for a tool that could be used by a seller... are you aware of anything like that?06:22
mike-ekimmister_roboto: yes,i tried that but the computer stops responnding prior to launching the login06:22
Phoenix1701Oh!  No, sorry...  I'm not.06:22
mister_robotomike-ekim: you could boot the live cd, then mount your hd and go edit your inittab06:23
mike-ekimi can06:23
mike-ekimim in rescue mode now06:23
ranekWhich Cedega should I down load, the one for redhat? I don't see one listed for Ubuntu06:23
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mike-ekimi can edit files06:23
mike-ekimjust tell me where to go06:23
mike-ekimor what to do06:23
mike-ekimin the inittab06:23
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variantmike-ekim: you dont edit inittab06:23
mike-ekimwhat do I do then?06:24
variantmike-ekim: oh sorry i was thinking of somtihng else :) sorry, too tired here06:24
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mister_robotomike-ekim: id:2:initdefault:   is the line for the default runlevel06:27
whurley Has any one installed Ubuntu Server on dual opterons? I'm having issues where it doesn't get past "booting kernel". However, I read the forums and I haven't been able to find any solution (not that I couldn't be looking in the wrong place). I'm trying to get this server up and running tonight and hoping someone here can help me.06:27
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wolfjbI'm trying to switch from an installed debian sid distro to ubuntu 6.06. I have downloaded and created the AMD64 Alternative CD, but when I try to do the install, it doesn't recognize my LVM partitions. Is there a howto I've missed that discusses this on the website (or can someone give me some pointers?)06:30
wolfjbdid that post?06:31
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wolfjbtake 2 (reposting since it looks like half of my original message got dropped into ether or something)06:31
wolfjbI'm trying to switch from an installed debian sid distro to ubuntu 6.06. I have downloaded and created the AMD64 Alternative CD, but when I try to do the install, it doesn't recognize my LVM partitions. Is there a howto I've missed that discusses this on the website (or can someone give me some pointers?)06:31
WhiteDethno it was posted fine.06:32
wolfjbsorry for the dupe then06:32
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berto-hi everyone.  does anyone know if it's possible to put the drives in a mdadm RAID array to sleep?06:34
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WhiteDethCan someone help me install bluetooth?06:35
WhiteDethIt's installed, and it detects up fine too, just wont find any bluetooth devices.06:35
MinisterPolite2 outta 3 ain't bad06:36
wickedpuppythat brings the question ... do you have any bluetooth device enabled ?06:36
WhiteDethmy phone.06:36
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khaije1wolfjb: i don't have advice on your partic situation, but i can tell you that (at least in the past) the installer had the ability you're describing, if you wanted to save time i would suggest installing to a normal partition and then using evms to properly access your lvm parts06:36
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup06:36
khaije1wolfjb: though not ideal it would probably save you time06:36
WhiteDethI followed that guide.06:36
wickedpuppyfor a real bluetooth ... pls contact your dentist06:37
WhiteDethwhen I do hcitool deb06:37
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WhiteDeth*dev :|06:37
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twopoint0sorry, I can't find enlightenment in the repo, i'm not sure what I am doing wrong06:37
WhiteDeth hci0    00:16:41:4B:19:7006:37
WhiteDethso I know the laptop detects that there is a bluetooth device installed.06:37
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wolfjbkhaije1: the installer has changed (it seems) because the instructions I could find worked perfectly when I did it 5.10 on a different machine06:37
WhiteDethbut sudo hidd --search gets me nothing.06:38
wolfjbthe 6.06 installer doesn't have (or seem to have) the same functionality06:38
WhiteDethit searches and finds nothing :\06:38
wickedpuppytwopoint0, what did ya search ? you have all the repos enabled and updated ?06:38
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khaije1wolfjb: i've noticed the same thing, the general quality of the installer decreased, i guess it's a temporary by-product of trying to get fancy with ubiquity06:38
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twopoint0this is my first linux distro, and my first 48 hours with it, how can i make sure i have all the repos enabled and updated?  I planned on searching enlightenment or E1606:39
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:39
wickedpuppyno prob ... btw .. first linux distro ... do you know anyone who is good with linux ?06:40
[BTF] Chm0dIf i have the nvidia drivers installed should I have the file libGL.so?06:40
wolfjbkhaije1: I'm not that familiar with evms, is there some doc somewhere I can go read about it (haven't looked yet...)06:40
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khaije1wolfjb: it's nothing to be intimidated by, it's a unified front end for storage mgmt, you can find plenty w/ a google, or you could install it and check the man page06:41
khaije1wolfjb: i use it to manage my lvm's and have found it to be *very* easy and useful06:42
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twopoint0i know some people online, from mmos that are good with linux, but i tend to rely on my books, google, and the forums06:42
wolfjbkhaije1: cool! thanks for the tip, I'll go start reading06:42
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relaxdiegohello folks. i need help on my bottom panel. for some reason, every time i log-in, it keeps appearing on top and i have to check "Expand" before i can make it return to the bottom again.06:43
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bl4cktoneHow do I add Terminal to my right click menu? Anyone?06:44
wickedpuppyrelaxdiego, no idea about that one ...06:44
twopoint0wickedpuppy, i see 4 things, 1 that doesnt pertain to enlightenment.  one is a keybinding editor for enlightenment window manger, and the other 2 say that they are a graphical menu editor for enlightenment06:44
relaxdiegowickedpuppy: it's strange really. i've tried saving my session after fixing it.06:44
twopoint0for the sake of simplicity, i want the graphical one right?06:44
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relaxdiegowickedpuppy: still, it happens. even if i turn of compiz+AIGLX06:45
drcodeany one know about grid project06:45
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wickedpuppyrelaxdiego, no idea dude06:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:46
relaxdiegowickedpuppy: yeah. maybe i should just dump ubuntu for windows.06:46
relaxdiegoJUST KIDDING!06:46
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trianglemanwins_can you run a .run in ubuntu?06:46
WhiteDethI dumped Vista yesterday for Ubuntu06:46
relaxdiego;-) i love ubuntu06:46
wickedpuppyrelaxdiego, why not ? both are tools .. choose what you want ..06:46
twopoint0wickedpuppy now how would i go about applying a theme, after having installed elightenment?06:46
WhiteDethbeen great so far.06:46
wickedpuppytwopoint0, no idea about enlightenment themes .... gnome themes i know06:47
warlockIs there a way to *look* for a line in a file, ex, if I want to look for the line "something_test.dev" in all of the files?06:47
wickedpuppywarlock, grep06:47
warlockcould you give me the line for it wickedpuppy ?06:47
wickedpuppytry grep something_test.dev *06:47
wickedpuppytry this ?06:47
trianglemanwins_what is a .run and can it be used in ubuntu?06:48
drcodeis there good grid project in linux?06:48
wickedpuppytrianglemanwins, can you open it up in text editor ?06:48
WhiteDeth839 users in here and like 5 awake.06:48
trianglemanwins_no, it attempted to06:48
wickedpuppyit attempted to ?06:49
wickedpuppywhat is it attempting to do ?06:49
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deep__WhiteDeth, 6 awake :)06:49
WhiteDethoh, gee sory.06:50
WhiteDethI was one off.06:50
deep__Haha =)06:50
WhiteDethstill...no one that can help me?!06:50
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deep__WhiteDeth, *starts finding your problem*06:50
nandemonaiHi peoples, anyone know if the MuSE streamer app is available via apt-get for Dapper? I see muse the sequencer and muse-el some project management thing but not MuSE Streamer?06:50
WhiteDethmy laptop detects bluetooth device, but it doesnt find anything when I search for devices around.06:50
twopoint0so by using the synaptic package manager, i have not just compiled the file, i have also installed it. is that correct?06:51
deep__WhiteDeth, what is it your searching for?06:51
wickedpuppytwopoint0, nope06:51
WhiteDethmy phone.06:51
wickedpuppyyou never compile06:51
twopoint0uh oh06:51
twopoint0well not compile06:51
wickedpuppyyou get a package and install it06:51
twopoint0i installed the package, but i'm not qute sure where it went06:51
wickedpuppytwopoint0, which package ?06:52
deep__WhiteDeth, And with what software are you searching with?06:52
twopoint0E16 enlightenment06:52
wickedpuppytwo you want to go into the enlightenment issit ?06:52
CorpseFeederI am trying to use the nvidia video drivers, but I also want to be able to play DVDs, so instead od unistalling the restricted moudles necessary for DVD, I want to edit the restricted modules configuration file according to the instructions on the Nvidia Linux Forums... It tells me to edit linux-restricted-modules but the only file I have in the directory mentioned is linux-restricted-modules-common - Should I make the changes to06:52
wickedpuppytwopoint0, i mean06:52
WhiteDethdeep_ I've also tried searching via the Bluetooth OBEX Object, but it wont find any devices either. I know my bluetooth device is working, that's for sure.06:52
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deep__WhiteDeth, must'nt you get a software that can read that specific phone?06:53
twopoint0i downloaded a them which is dependant on enlightenment06:53
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twopoint0i have the tar.gz for the theme, and i used synaptic to get E1606:53
WhiteDethdeep_ Not necessary, it should atleast see my phone, detect that there's a bluetooth device around.06:53
twopoint0but i dont know how to access enlightenment and/or how to apply the theme06:53
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CorpseFeederwhen I say "only file" what I meant was "the closest matching file"06:53
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jikanterwhere is the /proc/mapped_base file in the 2.6 x86-64 kernel?06:54
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whurleyany ubuntu server experts online tonight?06:54
wickedpuppytwopoint0, would you mind searching for google on "configuring enlightenment theme" ?06:54
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:54
deep__WhiteDeth, Thats true. Err, well. I dunno. :/ i think ubuntuguide.org has something about bluetooth devices.06:54
nandemonaitwopoint0, Enlightment is a whole window manager.. like Gnome or KDe06:54
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WhiteDethdeep_ cheers, ill check there.06:54
twopoint0someone on irc told me "Copy your folder with your new theme to your ~/.enlightenment/themes folder. Then, start X11 and in enlightenment 'select' the new theme in the Themes 'menu' (you'll see it there)."06:55
twopoint0ok, i'll take another look at google and see what it tells me06:55
wickedpuppytwopoint0, eh ah ... you are already in gnome isnt it twopoint0 ?06:56
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nandemonaitwopoint0, A little hint.. to start enlightment you need to log out and change your session from gnome/kde or whatever to Enlightment.06:56
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wickedpuppytwopoint0, then x has already been started ?06:56
nandemonai*Enlightenment even06:56
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ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)06:56
twopoint0so if i change my session, do i do that with killall gdm, and then sudo (whatever enlightenment is)?06:57
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twopoint0nandemonai the first thing i need to do is log out then right?06:57
wickedpuppytwopoint0, pls follow nandemonai help on going into enlightenment06:58
nandemonaiYou dont need to kill anything.06:58
Healotnandemonai wa, nandemonai06:58
twopoint0ok i wont kill anything06:58
nandemonaiWhen you first boot up you get a login screen right?06:58
twopoint0that is correct06:58
nandemonaiGood ;)06:58
nandemonaiSo on that screen is a sessions button..06:58
nandemonaiThere you can pick your window manager.. gnome, kde, enlightment etc06:59
Beawolfecan someone please tell me how to get a par2 file to verify in the GUI?06:59
twopoint0i can vaguely recall where that is, bottom left or somewhere around there06:59
wickedpuppybottom left06:59
CorpseFeederI am trying to use the nvidia video drivers from the nvidia website, but I also want to be able to play DVDs, so instead of uninstalling the restricted modules necessary for DVD playback, I want to edit the restricted modules configuration file according to the instructions on the Nvidia Linux Forums... It tells me to edit linux-restricted-modules but the closest match I have to that file in the directory mentioned is linux-restr06:59
twopoint0ok, so log out and then pick my window manager from the session manager, am i understanding this?06:59
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nandemonaiThen just login once Enlightenment is choosen and voila.06:59
wickedpuppyyes twopoint006:59
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Flanneltwopoint0: right, there will be a "sessions" menu to choose from at gdm/kdm/xdm (the place you log in)07:00
twopoint0oh amen, i think this is the first linux thing i have actually understood, i need to get further into my books but it's only been less than 2 days =X07:00
nandemonaiYour doing pretty well then ;)07:00
wickedpuppytwopoint0, normally linux books are outdated07:00
wickedpuppyoh well07:00
nandemonaiIRC = Best linux resource ever.07:01
Healotthe latest ones are printed... really07:01
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twopoint0hmmm it's not there07:01
nandemonaiSo err anyone tried MuSE streamer on Ubuntu?07:01
nandemonaiOh twopoint0?? It should be if it installed cprrectly.07:02
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nandemonai<- Can't type today.07:02
twopoint0i see last session, GNOME and some other things, but nothing related to enlightenment07:02
wickedpuppytwopoint0, you did installed this right ?07:02
wickedpuppyenlightenment - The Enlightenment Window Manager07:02
CorpseFeederhow do I stop the screen fading when it's about to put the screen saver on?07:02
twopoint0it should have been installed right, i got the package via synaptic07:03
wickedpuppyCorpseFeeder, press any key ? or move mouse ?07:03
wickedpuppytwopoint0, can you double check ?07:03
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twopoint0sure, just go back and search for it like before then yea?07:03
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wickedpuppytwopoint0, nope .. just that above package has been installed07:03
CorpseFeederhaha.. no I mean is there anyway to stop it from doing the fade thing at all?07:03
twopoint0hm, how would I go about doing that?07:04
wickedpuppyCorpseFeeder, you mean lengthen the screen saver time ?07:04
wickedpuppytwopoint0, search for The Enlightenment Window Manager07:04
twopoint0btw if anyone wants to tell me to stomp on my NIC and cancel my ISP go ahead, this is making me feel like an idiot07:04
CorpseFeederno I mean have screen savers so they just start with out going through the fade business07:04
wickedpuppytwopoint0, as i said if you know a local guru it would be a lot bettter07:04
khaije1CorpseFeeder: it's configurable in the advance tab under screen saver which is found under admin07:04
nandemonaiI think CorpseFeeder just wants to turn off the fade effect.. good question as I have no idea.07:04
AlienXanyone having issues with firefox hanging their system? It's been happening for the last 2 weeks on my box and it's being a bit frustrating07:05
twopoint0it was not installed but i rather installed something else that i have no clue what it pertains to but I am sure I will figure it out soon07:05
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nomasteryodaAlienX, yes07:05
twopoint0it related to enlightenment, but it wasnt the manager07:05
nomasteryodaedgy or dapepr AlienX07:05
twopoint0ok one moment, let me try this again07:05
khaije1CorpseFeeder: you can increase/decrease the time from there07:05
CorpseFeederhmmm.. wel ther is no advanced tab on my screensaver settings07:05
wickedpuppytwopoint0, you will no doubt but you will go under a lot of stress ... pls do not tell people linux is hard to use k ?07:05
nomasteryodaCorpseFeeder, true i don't have it either07:05
nomasteryodadapper nor edgy07:06
twopoint0i won't07:06
AlienXnomasteryoda, dapper. I think the issue might be that it's not playing nicely with skype07:06
khaije1CorpseFeeder: type xscreensaver from cmdline07:06
nomasteryodasome Ubuntu setting to Gnome seems to have rendered the advanced tab to oblivion07:06
twopoint0it's even more embarassing to admit that i am in my first semester of network security, i decided to start with linux to become more familiar with it, i figured it could only benefit me07:06
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wickedpuppywell then happy screwing up twopoint0 ... thats how we all learnt .. i usually format my harddisk every 3 months or so07:06
xaxxon_I'm trying to get mp3 files to play in rhythmbox.  I found the bit where it says how to install the codecs, but I can't seem to find those packages in synaptic07:06
nomasteryodaAlienX, so if skype is off, then it's ok?07:06
twopoint0it's complicated, but already i can recognize the flexibility and function and i am happy that i get to learn07:06
SeraVitaeubuntu is starting to shit me.07:06
twopoint0and thanks to you all for helping out with this =D07:07
SeraVitaethis is now 4 copies, 2 computers and 2 cdrom drives.07:07
SeraVitaesame crap.07:07
wickedpuppytwopoint0, you are in network security ? i suggest you get nmap and ethereal first07:07
wickedpuppynmap will blow you away07:07
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Flannelxaxxon_: you need to enable some repositories, the top of the page (of the one with the instructions) should mention that, or maybe the top of the blip on how to install that specific codec07:07
CorpseFeederi get no such command for xscreensaver07:07
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AlienXnomasteryoda, i don't know...I'll give it a look tomorrow. It completely hangs my system for a good 30 seconds :(07:08
khaije1CorpseFeeder: hmm... what version of ubuntu are you using?07:08
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xaxxon_Flannel: looking.. not seeing, but not done looking07:08
nomasteryodaAlienX, i just reboot min... hot07:08
wickedpuppyCorpseFeeder, cat /etc/issue07:08
nomasteryodaif they will and powerdown with button if not07:08
nomasteryodai gave up07:08
nomasteryodai don't run firefox or whatever it will be called soon...07:08
=== Max_- [n=max@modemcable174.139-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Max_-hi all .. how do I get mysql up and running?07:08
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Flannelxaxxon_: you're looking here, right? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-1340337f2ca1d0c54900935468515ba7630fcc5907:09
CorpseFeederI'm using 2.6.15-27-386 kernel07:09
wickedpuppyMax_-, mysqld or sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start07:09
Beawolfecan someone tell me how to get a par2 file to verify while in the GUI07:09
FlannelMax_-: you looking to do it with apache2? or just on it's own?07:09
nomasteryodaCorpseFeeder, do this... sudo apt-get install xscreensaver07:09
Max_-wickedpuppy, .. gotta install it :P07:09
nomasteryodathen you'll be happy07:09
xaxxon_flannel: I hadn't been; I am now07:09
CorpseFeeder6.06.1 ubuntu I think07:09
Max_-Flannel,  on it's own... first I'd like to know how to get it07:09
wickedpuppyMax_-, you mean how to install mysql ... sudo apt-get install mysql-server07:09
wickedpuppyuse synaptic07:10
Max_-okay, thanks07:10
wickedpuppywhichever you prefer07:10
Flannel!tell Max_- about lamp07:10
poningruMax_-: what is this for?07:10
FlannelMax_-: read that page, but ignore the stuff that isn't just the base mysql packages ;)07:10
AlienXnomasteryoda, i won't be rebooting tonight.07:10
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nomasteryodaAlienX, good07:11
nomasteryodame niether...07:11
SeraVitaeis upgrading from badger to dapper worth it?07:11
SeraVitaeim just running the pc as a lil server07:11
nomasteryodain ubuntu... i don't have to too often...07:11
Max_-Flannel, .. well I like that Lamp thing... because even though I just need mysql at the moment, I'll have to work with apache and php very soon.. so I better put this all up now07:11
SeraVitaebut it refuses to boot dapper07:11
xaxxon_Flannel: the directions don't say anything about adding repositories, just gstreamer..-plugins-ugly which I don't seem to be able to find07:11
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Flannelxaxxon_: what version of ubuntu are you running?07:12
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Flannelxaxxon_: you need to have universe enabled, there's a link later on in that section that mentions universe... although it should say that first.07:12
khaije1CorpseFeeder: try this one... xscreensaver-demo07:12
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Flannelxaxxon_: it's indirectly sort of kind of mentioned as the first thing under "mp3"07:13
nomasteryodaCorpseFeeder, did you install the xscreensaver yet?07:13
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nomasteryodagrr wrong term07:13
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khaije1anyone know how to determine the ubuntu version from the cmdline?07:13
nomasteryodawelcome frederic_07:13
CorpseFeederyes I installed it07:14
wickedpuppykhaije1, cat /etc/issue07:14
khaije1sweet thanks wickedpuppy07:14
frederic_tu peut m aider a configurere amule pour la connexion07:14
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:14
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CorpseFeederI typed xscreensaver to see what it did, and when I exited it, my console window stopped responding :)07:14
fulldhow do i undivert?07:15
wickedpuppyundivert ?07:15
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fulldi did a dpkg-divert --divert07:15
fulldand that was back - i want to go back07:15
khaije1CorpseFeeder: can you type 'cat /etc/issue' w/o quotes to verify your ubuntu version?07:15
=== HeavyThinker [n=rob@CPE-58-166-175-234.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
khaije1CorpseFeeder: new window if you have to :-)07:16
Caplaineject -T returns an error that -T is an invalid option07:16
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:16
CorpseFeederyes, Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS \n \l07:16
=== citizin [n=citizin@c-69-136-213-254.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
frederic_i a personne sur ubuntu.fr07:16
xaxxon_flannel: thank you, I think I found what I needed07:16
khaije1CorpseFeeder: do you keep the software up to date?07:16
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wickedpuppyoh hmms .... Caplain you wanna eject cd drive ?07:17
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frederic_i a personne sur ubuntu.fr07:17
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:17
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chris86wmhey guys07:17
CorpseFeederI don't know.. I let it update whenever it asks me, if that's what you mean07:17
link_36pWhere can i change the default window manager that gnome-session starts?07:17
citizinI have a annoying problem if anyone is willing to help me out.07:17
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:17
Caplainwickedpuppy: i want to make an applet that i click to eject or close my cd tray07:17
Caplainnot cause im lazy i sware07:17
=== a_thing [n=notroot@c-67-181-61-13.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wickedpuppyCaplain, the command is eject ... you have tried it ... no ?07:18
khaije1link_36p: easiest way is from the display manager screen07:18
a_thingWhat is/are the package(s) for OpenSSH?07:18
CorpseFeederIs Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS not up to date or something?07:18
wickedpuppya_thing, you can search for openssh in synaptic07:18
HealotOpenSSL do you mean?07:18
FlannelCorpseFeeder: up to date? no, it was up to date when it was packaged, but there have been updates after that07:18
Caplainwickedpuppy: oh it works very well for ejecting but then ill have to have a seperate icon for closing the tray07:18
citizinI have a geforce fx 5700le, ubuntu seems to recognize it's connected if I type "lspci -x" but, if I go to my BIOS, Enabled PCI, and then try to boot into ubuntu it hangs at "detected hardwar drivers"07:18
=== twopoint0_ [n=brooks@c-68-60-143-116.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
twopoint0_alright, it's there now07:19
wickedpuppyCaplain, i have no iea how to close the tray .. if you found out pls tell me07:19
a_thingwickedpuppy: I don't have Ubuntu, I want to know this for a tutorial I'm writing.07:19
Flannela_thing: packages.ubuntu.com07:19
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CorpseFeederIs there something I need to do to make this thing update then?07:19
wickedpuppya_thing, eh ah .. you don't have ubuntu and you are writing a tutorial ? on ubuntu ?07:19
HeavyThinkerclosing the cd tray is just 'eject -t'07:19
FlannelCorpseFeeder: just normal update manager/synaptic updates07:19
khaije1CorpseFeeder: to update type this command into a terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:19
wickedpuppyahh small -t07:19
HeavyThinkerfor anyone whose still asking...07:20
a_thingwickedpuppy: On OpenSSH.07:20
wickedpuppyneat ... thanks07:20
twopoint0_wickedpuppy, who else was it that was helping me with enlightenment07:20
citizinand I downloaded the drivers from synaptic07:20
wickedpuppya_thing, pls follow the link that Flannel gave ya07:20
Healota_thing: do you mean OpenSSL?07:20
wickedpuppytwopoint0, a lot of people .. its ok07:20
a_thingHealot: No, OpenSSH.07:21
Caplainwickedpuppy: well eject -T toggles the tray in gentoo but thats for version 2.1.x but that doesnt seem to work in ubuntu, but eject -t closes the tray07:21
wickedpuppyCaplain, -t not -T07:21
CorpseFeederok.. that responded with a lot of guff.. then "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."07:21
Healot!find openssh07:21
ubotuFound: openssh-client, openssh-server07:21
Caplaini have 3 cdrom drives...and i dont want to make 6 icons or shortcut keys07:21
Flannela_thing: again, from that site: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/net/openssh-server07:21
wickedpuppyoh okie you got -t too07:21
a_thingpackages.ubuntu.org is what I was looking for.07:21
citizinSo does anyone think they can help me with this problem?07:21
citizinI really don't want to go back to windows :\07:21
khaije1CorpseFeeder: o ok, thats a good sign, did you ever try the screensaver-demo option?07:22
Healot!ask > citizin07:22
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FlannelCorpseFeeder: then you're up to date07:22
wickedpuppyCaplain, if you do man eject ... you will see there is no -T07:22
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aztracker1citizin, what's the problem?07:22
wnoronhaany one ubuntu on powerbook users here07:22
Caplainwickedpuppy: correct, but i want to toggle07:22
CorpseFeederI typed in xscreensaver-demo, and it looked no different to typing xscreensaver by itself - am I missing the point?07:22
Caplainwickedpuppy: eject -h shows -T07:23
citizinwell.. if I boot ubuntu (dapper) with onboard video, it boots fine. If I try to boot it with my PCI card (nvidia fx 5700le) it hangs at "detected hardware drivers"07:23
wnoronhai need to know how to solve teh synaptic touch pad issue. but its getting reall07:23
citizinBut, I installed Nvidia drivers07:23
wickedpuppyCaplain, not here ... i don't see no -T07:23
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link_36pkhaije1 > Where is the display manager screen?07:24
Caplainwickedpuppy: oh youre right...hmmm i guess it is only for version 2.1.x which seems to be unsupported in ubuntu07:24
CorpseFeederoh.. typing xscreensaver by itself doesn't work anymore.07:24
khaije1Flannel: weird huh?07:24
Flannelkhaije1: what? what is?07:24
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khaije1link_36p: that is the first screen you see when you sign in, it should have an option to let you pick a different window manager, but remember you have to install them first before they are available07:25
khaije1Flannel: CorpseFeeder's problem07:25
Flannelkhaije1: what is his problem?07:25
CorpseFeedernow when I type "xscreensaver" i get "xscreensaver: 15:23:40: already running on display :0.0 (window 0x2a00001)07:26
CorpseFeeder from process 6114 (mouser@mouser-desktop)."07:26
aztracker1citizen, think you need to enable the nvidia-glx drivers...07:26
WhiteDethAnyone here who can help me with Bluetooth?07:26
CorpseFeederbut xscreensaver-demo launches the screensaver panel07:26
citizin!ask If I boot ubuntu with onboard video, it boot's fine, if I enable PCI in my BIOS and try to boot it hangs at "detecting hardware drivers", I got the legeacy nvidia drivers from synaptic and still no go, any help here?07:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask If I boot ubuntu with onboard video, it boot's fine, if I enable PCI in my BIOS and try to boot it hangs at "detecting hardware drivers", I got the legeacy nvidia drivers from synaptic and still no go, any help here? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:26
aztracker1citizin, err.. nm.. maybe try the legacy version, dunno..07:26
citizinI did try the legacy version.07:26
citizinI tried both drivers in synaptic.07:27
khaije1CorpseFeeder: does it have an advanced tab?07:27
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wickedpuppyk guys i go play FFVIII07:27
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Caplainwickedpuppy: eject-2.1.3_i386.deb07:28
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CorpseFeederwhen I launch from console with xscreensaver-demo there is an advanced tab, yes. But the screensaver panel from clicking System>Preferences>Screensaver is still the old one with no advanced tab07:28
twopoint0_is anyone here familiar with applying enlightenment themes?07:28
Caplainor i68607:29
citizinI mean, Im not linux guru, Im very noob, I know the bare bone basics, but this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33142 is very confusing, and the first step isn't working properly. im unable to find my pci id for the video card07:29
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khaije1CorpseFeeder: you've arrived, the option is under 'fading and colormaps' do you see it?07:29
WhiteDethanyone use XMMS Infopipe??07:30
CorpseFeederyes, I found the way to switch it off, thanks. Anyway, my other question... are the files linux-restricted-modules and linux-restricted-modules-common the same file which I need to edit for nvidia drivers to work?07:30
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citizinWell, if anyone can help me out, please PM me, I really need my video card working, Until then I guess its back to google.07:31
NickGarveyI am unable to log in, I will log in and then it will put me right back at the log in screen, I don't see anything in the log files07:31
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Beawolfeanyone willing to help a NOOB get a par2 file to verify in the GUI?07:31
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wnoronhaIs there any fix for teh SynatpicTouchpad and Apple Powerbook 17" (PPC)07:31
twopoint0_if someone tells me to run X11, what are they telling me to do >.>07:32
wnoronhatwopoint0_: startx07:32
SeraVitaerun the gui thingy.07:32
SeraVitaewith lots of pretty pictures.07:32
khaije1CorpseFeeder: you don't need to edit any files for nvidia, just install and activate07:32
CorpseFeeder I am trying to use the nvidia video drivers from the nvidia website, but I also want to be able to play DVDs, so instead of uninstalling the restricted modules necessary for DVD playback, I want to edit the restricted modules configuration file according to the instructions on the Nvidia Linux Forums... It tells me to edit linux-restricted-modules but the closest match I have to that file in the directory mentioned is linux-rest07:32
khaije1no no just use the packaged ones, it's easier (or at least more standard setup)07:33
khaije1CorpseFeeder: do you have all your repositories enabled?07:33
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CorpseFeederall repositories are enabled07:33
citizin0000:01:0a.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV36 [GeForce FX 5700LE]  (rev a1) --- is "0000:01:0a.0" my video cards pci location?07:35
CorpseFeederthe problem is nvidia drivers won't work with the restricted modules installed and DVDs can't be played without the restricted modules... and the Nvidia forums say that I can edit the configuration file to disable something if I don't want to uninstall the restricted modules.07:35
khaije1nvidia is in a restricted module07:36
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citizinCorpsefeeder, are you running a nvidia card as well, cause I can't seem to get my nvidia card to load with ubuntu dapper07:36
CorpseFeederyeah.. the nvidia driver in the restricted modules package conflicts with the nvidia driver from the nvidia website07:36
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CorpseFeederfrom the Nvidia Linux Forum " If you use Ubuntu, please also ensure that the linux-restricted-modules packages have been uninstalled. Alternatively, you can edit the /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules configuration file and disable the NVIDIA linux-restricted kernel modules (nvidia, nvidia_legacy) via:07:37
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NickGarveycan someone help me with my login problem?07:37
citizinCorpsefeeder, if I remove that would it boot ubuntu with my video card?07:37
Theolustrais it possible to connect to an existing session with XDMCP or perhaps some other way?07:37
khaije1CorpseFeeder: i'd reccomend you use the restricted nvidia driver07:38
CorpseFeederThe restricted drivers are crap07:38
twopoint0_no one available to help me figure out how to apply themes to enlightenment?07:38
wnoronhais there a ubuntu mac channel?07:38
Theolustrapossibly move an app from one X display to another?07:38
citizinI don't think anyone can even see what im typing.. hm..07:38
CorpseFeederthe transparency in the restricted drivers does not work.. the drivers from Nvidia do work though07:39
Ackeubu_hey the gnome autohide panel doesnt completely hide the panel. is that how it should be? or can i change how much it hides?07:39
SeraVitaecitizin - nup, can't see what you're typing. try typing in capslock so we can hear it louder07:39
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khaije1CorpseFeeder: you misunderstand, there are free drivers, and there are restricted drivers, the restricted drivers for ubuntu are the same as the one's from the website, they are just packaged for ubuntu07:39
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citizincapslock, lol... good way to get kicked.07:39
SeraVitaebut hang on, you just responded to my message.07:39
SeraVitaei thought nobody could read your text.07:39
davvswnoronha, is it very slow?07:39
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khaije1CorpseFeeder: the free drivers are the ones that are playing catch up for various reasons, but i wouldn't say there are crap anyway07:40
citizinWell, thats what I thought, but I guess its just no one knows the answer to my problem07:40
CorpseFeederthen how come they don't work?.. I get all multicoloured garbage with the restricted drivers...07:40
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khaije1CorpseFeeder: so you want the restricted driver from ubuntu because it is just more automated install07:40
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TheolustraAnyone know if it's possible to remotely connect to an existing X session (with XDMCP possibly)?07:41
james296isnt it possible to view pdf files on firefox without having to get adobe reader??07:41
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citizinjames296, I believe google does that.07:41
khaije1CorpseFeeder: what does this command return ' sudo lsmod | grep nv '07:41
james296google does what?07:41
FlannelTheolustra: it is, and yes, XDMCP is one option, although only within a LAN, since most routers filter UDP for external traffic07:41
SeraVitaeso you can use X remotely, sorta like VNC?07:41
citizinIf you upload it to a ftp, I've seen google bring up pdf files, and next to the link it has a "VIEW PDF" and it loads the pdf in the browser07:41
TheolustraFlannel, yes I'm on a lan. How then?07:41
CorpseFeederit says...07:42
CorpseFeedernvidia               4547540  1207:42
CorpseFeederi2c_core               21904  5 i2c_acpi_ec,adv7175,saa7110,nvidia,i2c_algo_bit07:42
CorpseFeederagpgart                34888  2 nvidia,sis_agp07:42
Beawolfecitizen I see you but we are being ignored.....I have asked the same question 5 times with no reponse in the last 20 mins07:42
TheolustraSeraVitae, so I can remotely access a running app07:42
FlannelTheolustra: you need to go to login screen setup, enable remote logins and some other things that are disabled, then you can connect via XDMCP07:42
OnbirHey. How to setup the deskbar to find everything including in logs and Gaim conversations?07:42
citizinBeawolfe, I just think no one knows our problems.07:42
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CorpseFeederso.. does that mean anything to anyone?07:42
james296Im talkin about when going to the System Documentation site from the System>Help menu07:42
TheolustraFlannel, I got a login but when I do it doesn't let me connect to the existing session, just asks if I want to login anyway07:42
SeraVitaeTheolustra - yes, i know, but i was asking something different.07:43
citizinWhich is unfortunet, cause WINE Is reporting OpenGL errors, Im thinking its cause im using on board video07:43
james296and when I click PDF, it returns with this error...07:43
FlannelTheolustra: oh, to an existing session?  I'm not sure how to do that, pretty sure it's doable though07:43
citizinSeraVitae, think you could just answer me a quick question?07:43
SeraVitaeUhhhhh. i just installed breezy badger and when it rebooted, it's sitting at a grub> login doing nothing. wtf?07:43
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khaije1CorpseFeeder: just seeing what driver you're using now. type this ' grep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf '07:44
TheolustraFlannel, when I login to that host locally, it asks if I want to resume the existing session or start a new one. Remotely not so :-/07:44
harisundHello! When I acquire a IP using dhcp, the name server information is stored in /etc/resolv.conf. Can I modify this in anyway? (in other words, when my ISP provides me with the name servers, I want Ubuntu to store it in /etc/isp.conf and not /etc/resolv.conf as it does now)07:44
dibblegowhen I click a link in xchat, mozilla opens instead of my preferred browser - is it an xchat setting or something else?07:44
james296Could not launch Adobe Reader 7.0. Please make sure it exists in PATH variable  in the environment07:45
dibblegoharisund, a symlink?07:45
harisundTheolustra: I am guessing you need something like VNC then .07:45
citizinjames296, I had that problem earlier07:45
OnbirHey. How to setup the deskbar to find everything including in logs and Gaim conversations?07:45
citizinonly with a diffrent program07:45
CorpseFeederit respondeth with...07:45
james296and to fix it?07:45
CorpseFeeder# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig07:45
CorpseFeeder# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeister@builder3)  Tue Aug  1 21:11:12 PDT 200607:45
CorpseFeeder    Driver         "nvidia"07:45
harisunddibblego: won't do. I don't want it to modified at all. I want to keep my version of /etc/resolv.conf07:45
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citizinIm trying to remember...07:45
Theolustraharisund, kinda hate VNC...but maybe so07:45
citizinI googled it and found a good fix though.07:45
citizinWish I could remember...07:46
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james296cuz I remember that I was able to view PDF files without it before Automatix automatically installed Adobe Reader when I even disabled it...07:46
SeraVitaeso wait lemme get this right07:46
SeraVitaewith like XDMCP or whatever07:46
SeraVitaeyou can like run the x 'client' on one machine07:46
NickGarveywhen trying to log in, I am logged out instantly, what might cause this?07:46
SeraVitaeand it gets sent text messages or whatever07:46
khaije1CorpseFeeder: have you restarted you're machine since you installed it?07:46
SeraVitaeof what to display.. from the x 'server' on another machine?07:46
=== citizin is now known as Citizin|Googling
SeraVitaesorta like vnc but rather than sending all video/i-o data, it just sends messages?07:46
james296you gonna help me out here?07:46
richiefrichSeraVitae can be like vnc too07:47
SeraVitaethat is made of WIN. can i use an XDMCP client on windows?07:47
twopoint02 questions, 1) i am having a hell of a time installing an ASUS EAX 1600 PRO, other than the ATI wiki, does anyone know what I can do to get this taken care of, and 2) if i have enlightenment installed, and a theme downloaded in tar.gz format, how do i apply it07:47
harisundSeraVitae: Yes. You can install the X server in Cygwin and use that.07:47
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SeraVitaei meant using windows as the client, but yeah.07:47
SeraVitaei'd rather use my nix box at home via my windows box at uni.07:47
harisundSeraVitae: there's just one caveat to using XDMCP though. It's fast and all that due to no encryption, but you need a publicly resolvable IP address on the client side.07:47
TheolustraSeraVitae, you'd need an X server07:47
SeraVitaethat said, my linux box just died.07:47
SeraVitaeharisund - i'm cool with that07:47
harisundSeraVitae: There are other options for the remote access of Linux machines from school Windows machines :)07:48
SeraVitaehow can i boot linux from grub> ?07:48
CorpseFeederAll I know is the nvidia Linux drivers downloaded from the Nvidia website work perfectly, and the drivers in teh restricted modules cause multicoloured garbage on screen.07:48
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harisundSeraVitae: boot Linux from grub? What does that mean? You lost the grub configuration files?07:48
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SeraVitaei mean i shoved badger install cd in07:48
SeraVitaeit installed fine07:48
SeraVitaei reboot and it's sitting at grub>07:48
=== SeraVitae shrugs
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:49
james296so what do I do?07:49
richiefrichSeraVitae and  that means you need  to fix it07:49
SeraVitaebut i didn't even break it. that was default from badger. :P07:49
richiefrichSeraVitae  type  -->  help07:49
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SeraVitaeyeah i've tried some options07:50
SeraVitaelike boot and stuff07:50
SeraVitaenothing seems to help.07:50
khaije1CorpseFeeder: oh i think i see the problem..07:50
richiefrichSeraVitae  type  -->  root (hd0,0)07:50
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richiefrichSeraVitae  type  --> setup (hd0)07:50
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C-O-L-Twhat kind of html editor exists in linux? instead of gedit? I mean I need some easy to use tool like Dreamweaver for Windows07:50
CorpseFeederinstalling the linux-restricted-modules stops X from starting, but apparently I can fix that if I type "DISABLED MODULES="nv"" into a config file somewhere... then the Nvidia drivers will work AND let me have restricted-modules installed too.07:50
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AWOSDevC-O-L-T try Kdevelop07:51
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khaije1CorpseFeeder:  i don't have experience with this so i'll refer you to this document and back to the community https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper07:51
SeraVitaeokay that did stuff07:51
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richiefrichSeraVitae  what did it shoot back ?07:51
AWOSDevC-O-L-T it's an IDE that allows you to do HTML editing (among other things)07:51
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richiefrichSeraVitae any errors ?07:51
SeraVitaenope looked happy07:51
SeraVitaeeverything succeeded07:51
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AWOSDevI need help with Apache07:51
richiefrichSeraVitae  --> quit07:51
ElDesconocidohello all07:51
Citizin|GooglingOk, I think im getting somewhere, but I ran into another problem.07:51
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FrankXoi oi folks!07:52
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SeraVitaerichiefrich - rebooted. still does same thing07:52
eric_souderhello everyone07:52
Citizin|GooglingIm following this guide, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2907:52
ElDesconocidoi need help with soft modem07:52
richiefrichSeraVitae   then you dont have a conf07:52
Citizin|GooglingBut, when I attempt to enable the driver, I get this07:52
richiefrichSeraVitae  -->  root (hd0,0)07:52
MadpilotAWOSDev, for Apache help, try #apache07:52
Citizin|Googlingcitizin@CDesktop:~$ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable07:52
Citizin|GooglingError: your X configuration has been altered.07:52
Citizin|GooglingThis script cannot proceed automatically.07:52
SeraVitaeokay, but shouldn't the official badger release have done this already :/07:52
eric_soudersounds like the xgl compiz questions have been coming07:53
SeraVitaedone root07:53
FrankXi canny get it to boot, just get a black screen with a underline cursor at the top left corner!07:53
SeraVitaedone setup (hd0) as well07:53
richiefrichSeraVitae configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst07:53
Citizin|GooglingFrankX, I had that problem with a few distro's.07:53
SkarrHey, I need some help: I went to the director that I extracted ndis wrapper to, and I said sudo build but it gave me some error07:53
eric_souderis anyone available for a question?07:53
SeraVitaerichiefrich - im guessing if i can get it to boot manually once i can update-grub and it should be all good?07:53
Citizin|GooglingAre you using a PCI Card?07:53
richiefrichSeraVitae whats that line do ?07:53
richiefrichSeraVitae configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst07:53
SeraVitaefile not found07:53
SeraVitaeyeah, it's 404.07:53
richiefrichthats is your issue07:54
richiefrichyou need that file07:54
FrankXa PCI 'what' card - grafix??07:54
SeraVitaeokay, but i haven't even gotten access to my system yet. how am i expected to do this.07:54
Citizin|GooglingFrankX, yes.07:54
richiefrichSeraVitae do you have a  LiveCD ?07:54
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SeraVitaeyeah, i have livecds but they fail on both of my computers.07:54
SeraVitae4 different isos from official source07:54
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SeraVitaeand 2 cdrom drives07:55
richiefrichSeraVitae so none boot ?07:55
SeraVitaethey all stall.07:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:55
SeraVitaebadger is the only thing i could get to run.07:55
richiefrichSeraVitae knoppix?07:55
FrankXI've got one in as I was using it to set up a double head on windowz - can Ubuntu not handle it?07:55
Citizin|Googling!pci port07:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pci port - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:55
SeraVitaedon't have it handy, and tbh, i'm getting really sick of downloading 700mb isos all day.07:55
Caplainis it safe to install libc6 2.4.6-6?07:55
Caplainis it safe to install libc6 2.3.6-6*?07:55
richiefrichSeraVitae  what do you have ?07:55
eric_souderi am looking at installing xgl and compiz on an ati radeon xpress 200m pcie 5955, has anyone been able to do it? or atleast know of a how to out there that shows how?07:55
FrankXall i had lol07:55
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:55
Skarr>Hey, I need some help: I went to the director that I extracted ndis wrapper to, and I said sudo build but it gave me some error07:55
SeraVitaerichiefrich - about 4 livecds of dapper07:56
SeraVitaeand 1 badger cd07:56
richiefrichSeraVitae  so all  the same distro07:56
richiefrichSeraVitae  why not try another one... and why di dyou d/l 4 of the samething07:56
=== A-L-P-H-A [n=alpha@CPE0018397a8bca-CM0012c9a9b2ea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
A-L-P-H-Ahow do I take screen shots of my desktop?07:56
SeraVitaebecause i wasn't sure why they were stalling on my pc.07:56
richiefrichA-L-P-H-A scrot07:57
SeraVitaedapper fails on all 3 of my computers07:57
SeraVitaemore to the point, any ideas why this would happen? badger was all like 'yey, reboot your computer and you can use it'07:57
MadpilotA-L-P-H-A, hit the PrintScreen button07:57
SeraVitaeand i certainly cant ;)07:57
ElDesconocidoa ubuntu 6.10 is not free shipit??? 1,507:57
eric_souder?? should be free07:57
Healotit's free; canonical paid the fee for you07:57
eric_souderi am looking at installing xgl and compiz on an ati radeon xpress 200m pcie 5955, has anyone been able to do it? or atleast know of a how to out there that shows how?07:57
SeraVitaerichiefrich - if i need a configuration file, is there some way i can just boot linux from grub manually and then update-grub?07:57
richiefrichSeraVitae  so there all the same thing.. i  bet knoppix will at least  load and make it so you can fix it07:57
MadpilotElDesconocido, 6.10 isn't out yet07:57
SeraVitaerather than finding/downloading another huge distribution?07:58
richiefrichSeraVitae yes a liveCd07:58
FrankXcheers folks - am off to work07:58
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SeraVitaei think ill just give up on it07:58
SeraVitaethanks anyways07:58
themisfit610hey folks I've got some questions about compiz07:58
SeraVitaeim sick of downloading isos heh07:58
richiefrichSeraVitae  thats just it you d/l 4 of the same07:58
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A-L-P-H-AMadpilot: okay... installed, and captured... now how do I run it without me running it from the shell?07:58
SeraVitaefrom official site with checking MD5's.07:58
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SeraVitaeon 3 different computers.07:58
SeraVitae4 different burns.07:59
SeraVitaeand every time ubuntu has failed in one way or another07:59
A-L-P-H-AMadpilot: btw, thanks for telling me about scrot.07:59
richiefrichand why did you dl  the same iso07:59
MadpilotA-L-P-H-A, you want to do automatic screenshots?07:59
richiefrichi dont get it07:59
SeraVitaerichiefrich - i appreciate your help but i don't think what i'm saying is getting across to you07:59
SeraVitaei re-downloaded from the offical *working* ubuntu download site07:59
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A-L-P-H-AMadpilot: I'd like to be able to hit maybe a key-combo, and it'd take a screenshot.07:59
themisfit610I tried getting the new fork beryl running on 6.06, and some how borked up my nvidia drivers, i am getting a version mismatch when i startx and have to use vesa mode. how do I remove the nvidia drivers and start over?07:59
SeraVitaebadger and dapper07:59
SeraVitaeand NEITHER of them work on 3 computers with various hardware swaps.07:59
SeraVitaewhat do you expect me to do ?08:00
richiefrichSeraVitae   d/l another distro08:00
SeraVitaedownload another copy of linux to fix the linux that should already work?08:00
richiefrichthere are many out there08:00
MadpilotA-L-P-H-A, in the graphical desktop, just hit the Print Screen button on your keyboard... in terminal, I've no idea08:00
SeraVitaeyeah, and that's where i just said i'm getting sick of that, so i'd rather give up.08:00
richiefrichSeraVitae there not all the same08:00
A-L-P-H-ASeraVitae: could do basic hardware, and then layer it on top to figure out what doesn't work.08:00
SeraVitaeA-L-P-H-A - i can't get more basic than a motherboard ram and cpu.08:00
ElDesconocidoThe current plan is to continue to ship Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, due to it being a long supported release, while Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) will be available for download only.08:00
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richiefrichyou need a video card to08:01
SeraVitaeit just doesnt make sense why ubuntu just spent 40 minutes installing all these amazing software packages, then fails to setup grub.08:01
SeraVitaerichiefrich - onboard.08:01
themisfit610can someone help me get my nvidia drivers re-loaded with the latest 9625 release?08:01
MadpilotElDesconocido, yes, that's true. You'll be able to buy 6.10, or just upgrade a 6.06 install to it, though08:01
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SeraVitaei tried it on a 400mhz/64mb, 433mhz/192mb and an xp3000+/2.5gb08:01
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richiefrichSeraVitae so the install cd booted?08:01
A-L-P-H-ASeraVitae: oh.08:01
SeraVitaeif you haven't noticed right now, im saying ubuntu hates me. :P08:01
A-L-P-H-AMadpilot: hmm... printscreen only captures one monitor, not all of them.  Oh well. :) thanks.08:02
MadpilotSeraVitae, the LiveCD isn't likely to run on those first two - nowhere near enough RAM08:02
richiefrichSeraVitae  then reinstall and select lilo08:02
ElDesconocido1,5 Euro$ :-O08:02
SeraVitaerichiefrich - i don't think i got an option to isntall lilo. but i'll look again08:02
FlannelSeraVitae: if you're just installing grub/bootloader, you don't need to go through the whole install again08:02
richiefrichSeraVitae  there is08:02
FlannelSeraVitae: did you use the alternate ISO? or the deskop one?08:02
themisfit610can someone help me get my nvidia drivers re-loaded with the latest 9625 release?08:02
SeraVitaei used badger cd08:02
SeraVitaeit doesn't have a live/desktop08:02
SeraVitaeso no 'alternate' per se08:02
FlannelSeraVitae: alright, sounds good.  Go into expert mode, and next to grub is lilo08:02
richiefrichdo lilo08:03
FlannelSeraVitae: it'll be all the way down the list, you'll skip all the steps08:03
SeraVitaewill do that08:03
richiefrichthat will work08:03
ElDesconocidoEUR 1.50/CD08:03
SeraVitaeexpert mode now08:03
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FlannelSeraVitae: you might have to hit 'back' or 'cancel' or something, whatever the first thing is, to get back to the menu, out of the wizard-ish installer08:03
ChousukeLilo is not as flexible as grub though :/08:03
richiefrichChousuke not true08:03
SeraVitaei really don't care though.08:04
SeraVitaei just want it to boot. its not like im doing any fancy bootloading/multiboot things.08:04
Ackeubu_hey evolution doesnt remember my password. i have to type it everytime i check my mail. or send mail. how can that be???08:04
SeraVitaei should point out in expert mode i have access to a shell.08:04
richiefrichChousuke lilo doesnt have on feature thats edit on boot which as in with lilo you run 'lilo' b4 you reboot and that tells you if the things are right08:04
SeraVitaenfi how i could update-grub from it tho.08:04
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harisundIn my DHCP server, the client information is stored in the leases file. How do I clean the leases file of computers that are no longer on the network (say, they have been switched off). I see a lot of computers in the leases file that I am not able to ping at all :(08:05
Chousukerichiefrich: what are you talking about?08:05
ElDesconocidoAlguien habla espaol???08:05
themisfit610can someone help me get my nvidia drivers re-loaded with the latest 9625 release?08:05
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richiefrichChousuke your comment on lilo08:05
ChousukeI said lilo is _not_ as flexible as grub08:06
richiefrichChousuke lilo can boot more computers08:06
richiefrichand thats not true08:06
NickGarvey!es > ElDesconocido08:06
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Skarrdoes amd64 mean any computer that runs on an amd processor?08:06
SkarrI just found out that I use an amd processor...08:06
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Skarri always though emachines used intel08:07
NickGarveySkarr: no, amd64 means a 64 bit processor08:07
ElDesconocidothanks you nickgarvey08:07
Caplaini have a broken package and synaptic wants to remove ubuntu-base, is this safe?08:07
NickGarveySkarr: if you do not have a 64 bit processor, do NOT use the amd64 packages/iso08:07
SkarrNickGarvey: oh, lol08:07
SkarrNickGarvey: good, ive been using the right thing08:07
upgrdman_im trying to write a cd, but appearntly some files i have, have invalid unicode name. is there a tool to fix this, or something to fix my problem?08:07
NickGarveySkarr: and even if you do, you might want to do 32 anyway08:07
Skarrwell they only have intel x86 and amd x6408:07
Chousukerichiefrich: Well, I suppose LILO does its job, but you still have to re-install it every time the config changes.08:08
Chousukerichiefrich: which is unnecessary in grub08:08
Peumamanhey does anyone know why my max volume in ubuntu is significantly quieter than when i'm running windows?  any drivers i need to install or something?08:08
MadpilotSkarr, Intel x86 is what you want - that covers the 32bit AMD processors too08:08
richiefrichChousuke so08:08
Skarroh, ok thanks08:08
ubotuThanks for the help!08:08
NickGarveyPeumaman: try turning up the pcm too08:08
SkarrHa, I knew there had to be a ubotu command for thanks08:08
SeraVitaebecause this box has 64mb of ram08:08
SeraVitaeshould i do a lowmem install?08:09
richiefrichChousuke i just know that it boots more computers and just works.. unlike grub on old harware08:09
SeraVitaeif i can get it to boot and it's happy, i will be putting 192mb of ram in it08:09
ChousukeBut I have to get to lectures08:09
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NickGarveySeraVitae: YES08:09
NickGarveySeraVitae: 64 is very low, I would really not suggest using ubuntu, I would suggest xubuntu (it might work), or damn small linux08:09
SeraVitaeit'll be going up to 192 soon08:09
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SeraVitaei have a ubuntu server cd08:10
SeraVitaei should probably do an install of that08:10
SeraVitaeand then install gdm or some small window manager08:10
[BTF] Chm0danyone here get xgl/compiz working?08:10
NickGarveySeraVitae: yes, and then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop when you get the RAM08:10
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:10
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[BTF] Chm0dyea tried that08:10
PeumamanNickGarvey: pcm?  what is that and how would i do it?08:10
SeraVitaeNickGarvey - yeah. i might just run fluxbox tho. i'd be happy with that08:11
SeraVitaewe'll see08:11
NickGarveyPeumaman: should be an option under the volume control?  (I use kde.. so.. I am not sure)08:11
[BTF] Chm0di added what need to in source.lst but im still not able to install compiz-manager and cgwd08:11
bl4cktoneHey guys got some good places I can pick up some nice screen savers or one you would recommend?08:11
=== Matthai [n=Matthai@kovacic-m.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarvey[BTF] Chm0d: try running "sudo apt-get update"08:11
[BTF] Chm0ddid that too hehe :)08:11
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NickGarvey[BTF] Chm0d: what is the output of "apt-cache search compiz"08:12
[BTF] Chm0dhmm lemme see08:12
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xed2hey guys, can i mount a ntfs hdd via the live cd of 6.06?08:12
bl4cktoneChmod check this out08:12
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SeraVitaeubuntu server cd is freaking amd64.08:13
PeumamanNickGarvey:  what does pcm mean?  that might help me find it08:13
[BTF] Chm0dwhats the url for the pastebin again?08:13
[BTF] Chm0dbl4cktone i believe I have been there08:19
NickGarveyPeumaman: no idea08:19
NickGarveyPeumaman: let me show you a screen shot08:19
bl4cktoneI justed used that like last week to get it working for me and I'm in week 3 of linux :)08:19
MadpilotSeraVitae, there might be an amd64 server CD, but there's an x86 one too...08:19
[BTF] Chm0dhmm ill give it a whirl again08:19
[BTF] Chm0dlet you know in a min :)08:19
=== CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp98-175.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ackeubu_to uninstall hpijs, i have to uninstall gnome-desktop?! What is gnome-desktop? i suppose i need that to run gnome???08:19
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FlannelAckeubu_: gnome-desktop is just a meta package, it's safe to remove, but if/when you upgrade (to edgy), you'll want to reinstall it08:19
Ackeubu_Flannel: i am running edgy08:19
NickGarveyPeumaman: http://nickgarvey.no-ip.org/~nick/kmix.png08:19
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Ackeubu_Flannel, so i should keep it?08:19
[BTF] Chm0drepositories are broken right now08:19
FlannelAckeubu_: then, whenever you upgrade to 7.04, you'll want to reinstall ubuntu-desktop08:19
[BTF] Chm0di can't do anything anyway :)08:19
FlannelAckeubu_: after edgy is finalized, you'll want to reinstall it, incase some stuff was added at release08:19
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PeumamanNickGarvey: thanks08:19
FlannelAckeubu_: but, your system won't break because of not having it08:19
Ackeubu_Flannel: i better keep it then, I never remember to reinstall it.. ;)08:19
FlannelSeraVitae: actually, you're probably better off with the Alternate ISO, then do a 'server' install, just like youused to.  since, you won't want the customized kernel most likely.08:19
[BTF] Chm0dguess i will try this install tomorrow.  have a good night guys peace08:19
ltnelson89hey, does anyone have any experience with bluetooth keyboard and mice?08:19
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:19
NickGarveyTHX-1138: ha! I win!08:19
Ackeubu_ltnelson89: yes i do. it doesnt work very well for me.08:19
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ltnelson89well i got it work fine... i just need it to auto connect at boot so i can login and stuff08:19
THX-1138any tips on fonts in WINE?   - fuzzy fonts make me squint.08:19
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Ackeubu_ltnelson89: i might need to give it another shoot. ;)08:19
=== joshmoore [n=josh@p213.54.180.109.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
CorpseFeederwell.. I looked at that page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper and it just seemed like a long-winded way of doing what the Nividia configuration utility does anyway, so I said "sod that" and and just bit the bullet and edited the file linux-restricted-modules-common instead of of the file linux-restricted-modules, added the line to diable modules starting "nv" and now I have a working Nvidia card with transpa08:20
THX-1138<< Wipes glassse - nope not much help.08:20
PeumamanNickGarvey:  thanks, but i can't seem to find anything like that in ubuntu... the only sound menu (under system->preferences->sound) is really basic08:20
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NickGarveyPeumaman: try the command "alsamixer" in the terminal08:21
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PeumamanNickGarvey:   AWESOME!  thank you so much!  it was the pcm08:23
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Tiesiog_bandauhello, I need help. I have computer with Ubuntu ant there is a printer. How could I connect to this printer from other computer (W XP)?08:25
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NickGarveyTiesiog_bandau: I think samba is what you are looking for, although I have never done this myself08:25
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:25
THX-1138tieslog - there is a menu item that works perfectly08:26
THX-1138administration >> Printing.08:26
Ackeubu_i have 9 ubuntu+9recouvery mode + memtest + gentoo+ windows listings in my grub. hehe. pretty annoying.. i am running edgy. But still have 2.6.15 listings, SO am i still having all files used for dapper on my system?08:26
=== Tristan1848 [n=Tristan@S0106001195066135.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelAckeubu_: remove your old kernels via apt-get08:27
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Ackeubu_Flannel: okay08:27
bawnpais there a decent free as in free beer standalone flv player for linux?08:27
ltnelson89ok... now ive gone through the link given to me for bluetooth... but ive allready done all that, but i still cant get my keyboard and mouse to connect automatically before the login screen.  any more ideas?08:27
SeraVitaebawnpa - vlc player?08:27
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Tristan1848(I'm having trouble getting video players in linux play storebought DVDs)08:28
bawnpai just installed vlc media player 0.8.4 but it doesn't play my files.  maybe i'm doing something wrong.  have you played flv on it?08:28
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Tristan1848what's FLV?08:28
THX-1138dvdcss - vlc or mplayer is likely what you will want08:28
bawnpaflash movies08:28
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bawnpai'll give mplayer a shot08:29
THX-1138filetype used by youtube and google isn't it?08:29
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bawnpayea and a few other no-name services too i believe08:29
ltnelson89nobody has a clue how to get a bluetooth device to load at boot?  well moot... cuz the forums dont help that much either08:29
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Tristan1848(anyone have a clue on this not playing storebought DVDs thing?)08:29
THX-1138rc.d for bluetooth - total guess here.08:30
Nagrajhow do i transfer any file from postgres server to my local system08:30
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bawnpaworks with mplayer thanks08:30
bawnpawonder why vlc choked on them.08:30
coldbootI've got the fglrx driver working with dual monitors at 1920x1200, and I had this working fine with gnome+metacity. However, when I use xfce, I can't drag windows between screens, I think they're running a separate instance on both displays. First of all, what's that called? Is XFCE not Xinerama aware? Could there be something wrong with my configuration, where xfce should atually work fine with this config?08:31
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THX-1138It didn't load using  sessions >> startup programs?08:31
Lam_i used to be able to highlight a music file to "preview" it but it doesn't work anymore. why?08:31
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ryctorhow do I get cinerama working in ububtu?08:32
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ltnelson89i dont know if its loading my dongle at boot or not... but i push set them up just before hand so they can connect and nothing happens until i get into the terminal and type "sudo hidd --search"08:33
tengilhow do i setup oidentd to let my internal boxes ident correctly08:33
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ryctorermhm, let me google it first08:33
tengili have tried to google but i aint succeeding08:34
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jtkiefereven following the instructions I've found that windows doesn't seem to like Ubuntu shares that much08:35
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Theolustrajtkiefer, much experience with windows workgroups?08:36
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jtkieferTheolustra, not really that much but the wider network I'm part of requires me to use a specific workgroup so both are forced to be on the same workgroup or else I have to sacrifice the use of the WAN08:37
jtkieferincluding the internet08:37
Theolustrajtkiefer, workgroup or domain?08:38
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jtkieferTheolustra, workgroup, for some reason they use that instead of domain controls08:39
Nagrajany help for downloading files from postgres to local machine08:40
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Theolustrajtkiefer, wierd. So what problem? You have the same username/password on both machines?08:40
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jtkieferactually it may be technically different due to caps restrictions08:40
FlannelNagraj: how you want to interface with it?08:41
xiambaxi just updated my ubuntu box and wanted to add some new stuff to it08:41
Theolustrajtkiefer, I'm no samba expert but I suspect they make naming compatible with windows08:41
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WhiteDethwhats the best ident server to use?08:41
Theolustrajtkiefer, you may want to check around on some forums for troubleshooting tips08:41
screechingcatxiambax : so whats the problem ?08:41
xiambaxwhats one of the nicest media players for ubuntu08:41
xiambaxi need to get media apps08:41
xiambaxthere was  a really nice K media player i used once08:42
xiambaxno i hated totem08:42
xiambaxsomething for music08:42
xiambaxthats it!08:42
THX-1138mplayer, vlc, xmms, beep media08:42
Theolustracheck out Quod Libet08:42
THX-1138amarok is good too08:42
xiambaxis amarok in the package manager?08:42
Flannelxiambax: yep08:42
MadpilotMuine for album playing08:42
xiambaxsweet deals08:42
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jtkieferThelustra, thanks, I'll do that08:43
tonyyarussoSo I'm pondering switching my keyboard layout, and realized something: while I now know how to do so both in X and on the terminal, I have a bios boot password, and at that level I couldn't _actually_ change it, although by hitting the keys for "password" (not the real one) it could just go in as "gobbledygook" and wouldn't matter for all intensive purposes, right?08:43
WhiteDethwhats the best ident server to use?08:43
screechingcatWhiteDeth : did u get it installed finally yesterday ?08:43
ltnelson89at what time would the dongle start during boot?08:43
xiambaxim normally not this stupid i stopped using linux for a year and there have been alot of advancements!08:43
WhiteDethscreechingcat: Im in Ubuntu now :D08:43
screechingcatWhiteDeth : what solved the prob ?08:43
Madpilotxiambax, totem has advanced too - give it another shot ;)08:43
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xiambaxreally. i dont like k apps08:43
WhiteDethscreechingcat: What problem?08:44
screechingcatxiambax : but make sure it is totem-xine08:44
xiambaxim probably just gonna install fluxbox soon myself :D08:44
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THX-1138tony - wouldn't your bios be loaded before any operating system specs/08:44
screechingcatWhiteDeth : you were gettin some error during install right ?08:44
xiambaxi havent been using linux for a year and now that im in ubuntu i realized what i was missing08:44
xiambaxspeed hahaha08:44
WhiteDethscreechingcat: Oh, that, haha, you wont believe what I did. I just clicked the continue button and let it install anyway.08:44
screechingcatWhiteDeth : and it workd ????08:45
xiambaxmmmmm my bridge peircing is being a pain08:45
tonyyarussoTHX-1138: Right, that's why I'm thinking the keymap has no effect, but ultimately it shouldn't matter since what I'm putting in isn't sensible text, but just a unique series of keystrokes for this particular purpose.08:45
WhiteDethscreechingcat: Like a charm ;)08:45
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xiambaxmmmmmmm do msn clients in linux still blow chunks?08:46
screechingcatWhiteDeth : Cool ! ;)08:46
unimatrix9hi there08:46
SeraVitaexiambax - gaim is great.08:46
WhiteDethSo...still looking for a good ident server. I want my ident fixed.08:46
SeraVitaeim still looking for a nix or java MSN client that is single-window only though.08:46
xiambaxi hated gaim the only thing i kind of liked was aMsn08:46
WhiteDethEfnet doesnt like me much with my broken ident.08:46
unimatrix9how do i install an new x11 mouse theme?08:46
screechingcatxiambax : aMsn sucks but Gaim 2.0 beta 3 rocks08:46
unimatrix9gnome desktop08:46
xiambaxi will have to give it a shot08:46
xiambaxpersonally i wish windows made a linux version of their im client08:47
screechingcatunimatrix9 : get xcursor08:47
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xiambaxWhiteDeth, try irc.prison.net08:47
xiambaxident problems should go away08:47
WhiteDeththats a server.08:47
xiambaxbut its an efnet server08:47
WhiteDethum, dont I need an ident server running to fix my ident? :\08:48
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xiambaxgiver a try08:48
WhiteDethI AM on irc.prison.net actually.08:48
xiambaxgo go ubuntu update!08:48
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unimatrix9i have xcursor08:48
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unimatrix9now i have an theme here on the desktop, where do i put it?08:48
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unimatrix9xcursor theme..08:49
jtkieferdidn't their used to be an alternate social channel for ubuntu?08:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xcursoe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:49
Madpilotunimatrix9, open xcursor & drag the theme file into it's window from your desktop08:49
Madpilotjtkiefer, #ubuntu-offtopic08:49
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:49
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Scottrixhey peoples...got a compiz question if anyone can help me out08:50
Madpilotlast URL in ubotu's blurb, unimatrix9 ^^^08:50
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:50
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=== jtkiefer wonders if there's a way to get xchat to pass a fortune string to the /quit line on exit
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Scottrixbeen updating compiz, now it has that window manager, but i can't manage to actually apply changes to the compiz settings. any ideas?08:51
FlannelScottrix: #ubuntu-xgl08:51
MadpilotScottrix, #ubuntu-xgl08:51
Scottrixwill do08:51
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unimatrix9cant find xcursor in the menu...08:52
digimikehaving problems with X08:52
digimikestartx, just turns the screen black, cant exit out or anything08:52
digimikecant boot the box to get into console login08:52
digimikeim going crazy08:52
digimikesomeone pleaseeeee08:52
nextstateI installed ubuntu on my dad's computer. I put in a dvd and totem starts but won't play. So, I install totem-gstreamer. Then I get an error about not using libdvdcss. So, I install libdvdcss from source and I still get the same error. What is the proper route here?08:53
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Madpilotunimatrix9, on my machine it's at System->Preferences->Cursor Selection08:53
Madpilotnextstate, use totem-xine08:54
screechingcatnextstate : check out ubuntuguide.org08:54
Nagrajdigimike:while boot press esc button so the u can go to single user mode08:54
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nextstateMadpilot, thanks. I'll check that out next time.08:58
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=== nextstate goes off to read the guide
digimikeNagraj: if I press escape, single user mode is that like the rescue mode option?08:58
digimikecause I can get into that, but I dont know what to do to fix this08:58
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SeraVitaeanyone know of a good guide for setting up bandwith throttling/limiting in ubuntu? its broken in ubuntu documentation08:58
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Nagrajgo to /etc/init.d/xorg.conf and check the monitor option in the file08:58
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harisundHello! cat /proc/meminfo shows my server is running low on memory. What command line tool do I use to find out what programs are hogging my memory???08:58
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Winter-SoulsticeAnyone had experience installing nvidia drivers for 64-bit ubuntu08:58
Madpilotharisund, try "top" - but don't worry too much, memory is there to be used, after all08:58
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Winter-Soulsticeharisund: I dont know but dont they have a process manager you can download?08:58
harisundWinter-Soulstice: neither do I. And this has to be command line only . Madpilot thanks! Didn't think of that ...08:58
jtkieferharisund, the easiest command line command for that would be ps08:59
harisundjtkiefer: how do I get ps to show me memory consumption.08:59
jtkieferwhich will show the processes and has variables to show all the specific stats on them08:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wikidocs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:59
sidny4I have two 160Gb SATA hard drives raided together and would like to install ubuntu on partition 1 (there are two partitiong) The install CD doesn't recognize that there is a raid08:59
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:59
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Flannelsidny4: grab the alternate ISO08:59
jtkieferharisund, I'll check the man file, just a sec08:59
sidny4yup, already have that08:59
harisundjtkiefer: yes.. me too :)08:59
jtkieferI don't remember them all off the top of my head09:00
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:00
harisundoh yeah,ps has tons of command line switches indeed09:00
jtkieferharisund, try ps v09:00
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jtkieferthat'll show virtual memory usage09:01
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digimikenagraj: what should that option be set to?09:01
harisundjtkiefer: nice .. will have a further look. Thanks !09:01
jtkieferno problem09:02
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AxcerHow come evolution won't let me see my mail?09:02
Winter-SoulsticeSomeone have wireless question09:02
AxcerLike it downloads it but it won't let me see it09:02
ianm_I just want to say, while I've been an Ubuntu user since it started, I just installed for the second time (HD crash), and GOD DAMN is it slick, it got everything down to the volume keys.  and with the live CD I was IMing and listening to internet radio while it installed, by far the best install experience ever.  besides style choices there was no config to do at all, heavenly.  good work everyone :)09:03
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jtkieferis there an effective way to do system level throttling of virtual memory usage by specific programs?09:03
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jtkieferianm, were you using just the livecd or did you have one of the cd's with the extra packages as well?09:04
jtkieferianm, I just installed for the first time the other day just using the livecd and the part that took me awhile was package downloads09:04
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mcquaidhello, i was going to check out edgy by installing it on another drive which is already ext3 with a bunch of random crap09:06
Madpilotmcquaid, and?09:06
mcquaidso i unmounted it and tried resizing it to make a swap while still in dapper, it went for a long time but failed on fsck i believe (i missed the msg)09:06
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mcquaidthis a new drive that I partitioned in dapper about a month ago09:07
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mcquaidI guess at this point I should run fsck manually on that drive to see if theres an error09:07
kzmHi!  I can't seem to re-find my bug report (backport request, actually) in launchpad.  Isn't there a "my bugs" button or something?09:08
mcquaidi never run fsck manually, is there anything special i should pass? or how do i indicate which drive/partition?09:08
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mcquaidman fsck says i cant specify a mount point instead of /dev/.  I guess it doesn't have to be unmounted to check it?09:09
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RawSewageanyone here experiences with hellanbz09:10
RawSewageanyone here experiences with hellanzb09:10
Madpilotkzm, check your own LP userpage, look in the 2nd box down on the left for "Bugs" - then choose "Reported" in the top left box of the next screen09:11
bawnpaanyone happen to have a list of advertisement website host addresses so i can add them to /etc/hosts so my machine won't resolve them properly :] 09:12
bawnpalike ad.doubleclick.net09:12
jtkieferif I wanted to link to the wastebasket from the desktop where should I point the link?09:12
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mikeyi just installed java 5.0. how do i configure apps to use this over other java apps09:13
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tonyyarussoNone of my bugs reported have been fixed :(09:13
kzmMadpilot, thanks.  However, I still can't find my bug.  Wrong launchpad? :-)09:13
Madpilotkzm, there is only one launchpad.net... LP might hide fixed/closed bugs by default, I can't remember09:13
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axcerCan someone help me out, I can't view my mail in evolution, it downloads the mail and says I have new messages but it won't let me see them09:15
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bawnpanvm, found such a list <309:15
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mcquaidgparted failed resizing a ext3 part.  i think it failed at the e2fsck stage.  i unmounted and manually ran e2fsck and get:09:16
mcquaid/dev/hdd2: clean, 10466/9453568 files, 15445620/18884407 blocks09:16
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tonyyarussojtkiefer: ~/.Trash09:17
mcquaidbut it reports back instantly.  I don't think that it actually done a thorough check of the drive09:17
mcquaiddo I have to pass some other cmd?09:17
tonyyarussojtkiefer: I think if you drag and drop from the trash icon it will create a link.09:17
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THX-1138axcer - gah - Thunderbird was easier to configure. and i didn't get any warnings about mail transfers not complying to the rfc - evolution got uninstalled.09:18
jtkieferI'll try that09:19
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WhiteDethI just installed Wine.09:22
WhiteDethbut now where is it?09:22
WhiteDethwhere do I run it or whatever? :\09:22
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skoenmanhello people me again09:23
skoenmank if got a question09:23
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axcerit seems alot of people have this problem with evolution on ubuntu, but there seems to be no answer09:24
skoenmani have 2 cds the one has ubutuserver and the other ubuntu desktop09:24
axcerI've been searching google for quite awhile now'09:24
dalfzi need to paste greek symbols into dia, is there a symbol app that can copy symbols to clipboard?09:24
skoenmani need to add the desktop repository to the server desktop09:24
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wickedpuppyWhiteDeth, type wine in prompt ... what you get ?09:26
WhiteDethahh, comes up with wine commands09:26
WhiteDethisnt there a graphical interface for this though?09:26
wickedpuppyWhiteDeth, well so you can run wine! :P09:26
wickedpuppywine ? not that i know of09:27
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:27
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wickedpuppyskoenman, you want to install gnome ?09:27
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skoenmanon one of the guide it says to use the command in server called apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:28
wickedpuppyskoenman, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:28
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zaggynlWhiteDeth, http://freshmeat.net/projects/xwine/09:28
lavihi, when I typed make, I got below error infor.09:28
enatwhat do you think the best (resolution, font, DPI) settings are on a 19" monitor?09:28
laviaclocal-1.8: cannot open > aclocal.m4: Permission denied09:28
laviwhat's the problem?09:28
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mcquaidcan a non-contiguous portions of a drive prevent parted from resizing a partition?09:28
skoenmanthis is all good but what then happens is it starts downloading the file and i want it to take it from the cd09:28
WhiteDethxwine != wine?09:28
wickedpuppyenat, depends on the user .... i am using 1280 X 102409:29
dalfzhow can i enter greek symbols from keyboard??09:29
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skoenmani have tried apt-cdrom add09:29
WhiteDethgraphical interface09:29
mcquaide2fsck reports  (13.7% non-contiguous)09:29
skoenmanthat thing then only gets 2 pakages09:29
enatwickedpuppy: hmm .. yeah, 1280x1024 looks good, but it's a little _too_ small i find09:29
mcquaidgparted failed resizing it09:29
wickedpuppylavi, what was the command you used ?09:29
enator maybe i'm just used to 1024x800?09:29
skoenmanhmm so now i dont know09:29
wickedpuppyenat, as i said depends on the user ... yup09:29
WhiteDethenat: You find that small? Im running 1920x1200 on a 17" laptop screen.09:29
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:29
enatWhiteDeth: how can you read that? :o09:30
Madpilotenat, get a larger monitor; 1280x1024 on a 19" looks fine here ;)09:30
skoenmanany idees09:30
=== enat rubs eyes in wonder
WhiteDethw0lf: Go to #ubuntu-xgl09:30
wickedpuppyskoenman, so you got gnome ?09:30
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WhiteDethenat: Works fine, infact, it's the native resolution of this screen!09:30
zaggynlWhiteDeth, XWine is a graphical user interface for the WINE emulator. I09:30
skoenmanyeah on the ubutu desktop cd09:30
wickedpuppyskoenman, ok then ... whats seems to be the problem ?09:30
mcquaidenat with lcds you don't really have a choice.  you should always run at the native resolution, anything else will look ugly09:30
laviwickedpuppy: I just typed make after ./configure09:30
skoenmanbut now how to install the desktop without loosing the info on the server09:31
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axcerThe only way I can view mail with evolution is to go select all mail and then use the arrow icons to navigate blindly through emails09:31
wickedpuppylavi, the one you are trying to install ... is it not in repo ?09:31
wickedpuppyhave you searched it there ?09:31
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enatmcphail: yes, true09:31
enatanyways, off to play with some settings09:31
enataway and some crap09:31
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wickedpuppyskoenman, installing gnome-desktop won't screw up the system ... not to me09:31
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skoenmanill try it09:32
byenhello. Anyone know how to enable single window mode in epiphany?09:32
wickedpuppyskoenman, i suggest back-up though09:32
laviwickedpuppy: gail09:32
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ianm_jtkiefer: just the normal CD09:32
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skoenmanne got everything in my head luckily09:32
wickedpuppylavi, gail or libgail ?09:32
skoenmank so whats the command that i use ???wickedpuppy???09:33
wickedpuppyskoenman, back up or install gnome ?09:33
skoenmaninstall gnome from the desktop cd??09:33
laviwickedpuppy: libgail09:33
skoenmanis there a way???09:33
wickedpuppyskoenman, you can install from repo ... no need cd ..09:34
wickedpuppylavi, libgail is in the repo ... no need to compile it09:34
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skoenmanhmm k ill try09:34
wickedpuppyskoenman, open up synaptic and search for libgail09:34
skoenmanhmm k09:34
wickedpuppybtw ... when you normally have permission problem next time , try sudo ...09:35
laviwickedpuppy: the libgail has mirgrated to our testing ENV , so we need to compile09:35
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wickedpuppylavi, well then up to ya ... sudo make and sudo make install ...09:35
laviwickedpuppy, you mean I can not access that file ? but I can `cat` that,09:35
wickedpuppylavi cat is read...09:36
wickedpuppysurely you know about rwx thingy ?09:36
laviwickedpuppy: yes09:36
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wickedpuppygreat :P09:36
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axcerdoes anyone here even use evolution?09:37
laviwickedpuppy: which program would read the aclocal.m4?09:37
nextstate2i use evolution vicariously09:37
wickedpuppylavi, after you did ./configure .. what did you do ?09:37
axcerbut you don't know why I can't see my emails even though its registering that I have emails in my mailbox09:38
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ianm_axcer: filter?09:38
axcerI just installed it09:38
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ianm_axcer: is there a search in the box at the top?09:39
laviwickedpuppy: just `make`09:39
wickedpuppylavi, and it gave ya permission problem right ?09:39
axcerianm_: yes09:39
WhiteDethis there an english version of XWine?09:39
ianm_axcer: click Clear09:39
bobbyso does anyone know when the final realease of edgy will be out? beggining of october middle or end?09:39
axcerianm_: doesn't seem to do anything09:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xwine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:40
laviwickedpuppy: for configure I did get those problem, you mean for make?09:40
wickedpuppylavi, yup ... btw if you got problems for ./configure how can you continue with make ?09:40
laviwickedpuppy, *I did not get *09:40
wickedpuppylavi, oh ok .. well this is what happened09:41
WhiteDethis there an english version of Xwine??09:41
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axcerianm_: so I do have a filter on?09:41
laviwickedpuppy: what for?09:41
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wickedpuppymake requires to access system files .. meaning it should only be executed by root .. so in ubuntu use of root is discouraged we use sudo instead ... try sudo make09:42
ianm_axcer: only if the box has something in it09:42
nextstate2axcer: stoopid question, you do have Inbox highlighted right?09:42
laviwickedpuppy: in our testing env, there isnot sudo application :(09:42
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SeraVitaeanyone here use wondershaper?09:42
pebblest`Hi, how to downgrade Mysql 5.0 to Mysql 4.1. I removed mysql5 but when installing mysql 4.1 it reports that "Aborting downgrade from (at least) 5.0 to 4.1.09:43
pebblest`dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-4.1_4.1.15-1ubuntu5_i386.deb (--unpack):09:43
pebblest` subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1"09:43
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wickedpuppylavi, may i ask what are you using in the testing env ?09:43
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wickedpuppywindows ? linux ? if linux which distro ?09:43
laviwickedpuppy: sure, scrachbox09:43
axcerianm_: it has nothing in it09:43
=== lavi *scratchbox*
wickedpuppylavi, i assume its linux distro ?09:43
ianm_try Folder / Expunge too (syncs things up)09:43
laviwickedpuppy: ya09:43
wickedpuppylavi, su -09:43
wickedpuppyand enter the roor password09:44
kzmAny way to reduce the speed (resolution) of the mouse?09:44
kzm(no, xset m doesn't do it)09:44
laviwickedpuppy: I got "su: This applet requires root priviledges!" after `su`09:44
wickedpuppylavi, su -s .. and enter what did you get ?09:45
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laviwickedpuppy: got the same :(09:45
wickedpuppyno no09:45
wickedpuppysu -09:45
laviwickedpuppy: the same :(09:45
wickedpuppylavi, you need root account to install stuff ....09:45
wickedpuppypls contact your sys admin09:45
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laviwickedpuppy: wow, ... tnx09:46
wickedpuppylavi, are you new to linux ?09:46
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axcerianm_: I'll stick with mutt..09:46
laviwickedpuppy: maybe09:46
wickedpuppylavi, i see ...compiling is usually not necessary nowadays09:46
SeraVitaehey guys, i dont know any progamming or scripting except mirc, and visual basic. i've just installed wondershaper and i'd like to setup a little script or program that pings an IP address like once a minute, and depending on the response, performs a wondershaper command09:46
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SeraVitaeany idea where i should start?09:47
wickedpuppyubuntu repo has over 15000 software09:47
wickedpuppySeraVitae, yes .. #bash09:47
wickedpuppythey may be able to help with bash scripting .. or #perl ... or #ruby ... or #python ...09:47
laviwickedpuppy: tnx anyway ;)09:48
wickedpuppyno prob :P09:48
SeraVitaeyeah im gonna try to track down some of my nix bddies09:48
ianm_SeraVitae: ruby ruby ruby ;)09:48
wickedpuppyno ianm_ its 3.times puts "RUBY!!!"09:48
wickedpuppyruby channel is quiet though ...09:49
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SkarrCan someone help me get the .inf for my driver?09:50
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SkarrGuessing that's a no.09:52
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screechingcatSkarr : what's the name of the driver ?09:52
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SkarrWUA 134009:52
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WhiteDethHow do I start tilda?09:52
WhiteDethI've installed it, but it doesnt work :\09:52
SkarrOn the ndiswrapper list it has a link to it but its broken09:53
screechingcatSkarr : company ?09:53
wickedpuppyWhiteDeth, how do you found out it doesn't work ?09:53
screechingcatok hold on09:53
WhiteDethwickedpuppy: I tried hitting F1 since it said that is the default key/09:53
wickedpuppyWhiteDeth, come to think of it i never used tilda before ... or know what is it .. lol ... what else does it says ?09:54
WhiteDethwickedpuppy: I'll link you.09:54
ubotutilda: Linux terminal which behaves like terminals in shooter games. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.1-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 33 kB, installed size 148 kB09:54
WhiteDeththere :D09:54
wickedpuppyWhiteDeth, tried typing tilda in shell ?09:55
wickedpuppythanks for the info ...version 0.09.1 ...09:55
screechingcatSkarr : this is the link for ur windows drivers - ftp://ftp.dlink.com/Wireless/wua1340/Drivers/WUA1340_driver_100.zip09:55
wickedpuppythats ... not even .109:55
Skarri know, screechingcat, but i couldnt find the inf09:56
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screechingcatSkarr : its not in that download ?09:56
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SkarrI have the disc, but ill look at that download09:56
Skarrprolly the same thing09:56
WhiteDethwickedpuppy: It opened up the settings, but it still wont initiate tilda like it should.09:56
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Skarrif this works, all my pen0rz are belong to you09:57
wickedpuppyWhiteDeth, i think the program is still full of bug ... its not even 0.1 version yet ....09:57
mcquaidhmm, is gparted buggy in dapper? it keeps looping trying to resize an existing ext3 partition09:57
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WhiteDethdamn, I was looking forward to a cool terminal :P09:58
mcquaidit starts with e2fsck for ages, then goes to resize2fs then it's back to e2fsck again09:58
wickedpuppyWhiteDeth, really ... its just a baby :P09:58
screechingcatSkar : inside your download, there should be a .sys file and a .inf file. if anything else is there, just ignore them. take out these two files into a separate direcotry09:58
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screechingcatcd to that directory and install the drivers via ndiswrapper -i09:59
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screechingcatSkarr : download completed ?10:01
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mwright1Hi I have a WG311 wireless pci adaptor  Ibelieve its madwifi-n10:01
mwright1can anyone direct me to the package so I cvan install it (machine isn't on the net yet)10:01
screechingcati have the same thing10:01
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screechingcatmwright which version is your WiFi card ?10:03
mwright1Netgear WG31110:03
screechingcatcool. there's a really cool wiki to get a Wg311v3 configured.10:04
screechingcathere's the link - http://www.jimbo7.com/wiki/index.php?title=WG311v3_LINUX_WIKI10:04
mwright1cool I'll take a look10:04
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Skarrscreechingcat: nope thats the same setup that i tried to find the ..inf on10:05
screechingcatSkarr : there's no inf in there ?10:05
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Skarrits just a setup.exe10:05
DiegoSo I downloaded the Ubuntu 6.06 i386 desktop torrent, burned it with Nero. What do I do now?10:05
iskywalkerdoes someone have a matrox? i have problems with glxheads and with blender...10:05
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Skarrand i already have it set up on windows10:05
=== puffy001_col [n=centraln@dsl-jklgw4-fe9bf800-133.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatSkarr : crap. this is going to be hard10:06
iskywalkerDiego: did you read the manual?10:06
puffy001_coldoes anyone know a good cd/dvd burner for gnome?10:06
Skarrdiego: do you want to get rid of windows, duel boot, or just run live?10:06
mwright1that looks painful for offline installation10:06
Skarrscreechingcat: uh oh10:06
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screechingcatpuffy001_col : try GnomeBaker10:06
mwright1how do I do a rpm -q in dpkg speak10:06
puffy001_colscreechingcat: danke danke ;)10:06
DiegoI'd like to run Live, but ultimately, I'm getting rid of Windows.10:06
wickedpuppypuffy001_col, gnome baker ... i recommend k3b though .. its kde app .. so if you are only looking for a gnome app then don't try it :P10:06
mwright1I want to see if a package is installed10:06
mwright1ie rpm -qa |grep NdisWrapper10:07
Skarrscreechingcat: it does come with 2 .sys's and 1 bin10:07
wickedpuppymwright1, dpkg -i10:07
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wickedpuppyor man dpkg10:07
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mwright1-i is install10:07
wickedpuppywait wait .. -i is install .. sorry10:07
wickedpuppyyah my mistake10:07
SkarrDiego: OK, just stick it in there and go to bios settings and choose boot from cd rom (it might do it automaticly) and youll be using live. Once you use it, if you like it you can install it, on a seperate partition or just delete windows10:07
screechingcatmwright : inside your download, there should be a .sys file and a .inf file. if anything else is there, just ignore them. take out these two files into a separate direcotry. cd to that directory and install the drivers via ndiswrapper -i10:08
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DiegoAlright, I'll trythat.10:08
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mumbles-outim bored already . dammit10:09
DiegoWait. Where are these BIOS settings you speak of. :(10:09
wickedpuppyDiego, when you boot ya com .. you got to press .10:09
DiegoAlright, thanks.10:09
screechingcatSkarr : read this, maybe useful - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14627810:09
wickedpuppythat will lead ya to bios settings ... or whatever the key is printed10:09
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Skarrscreechingcat: sp o just rename the .sys file to .inf?10:11
screechingcatSkarr : is that what that thread says ?10:11
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screechingcatSkarr : i dont think your supposed to rename your .sys file10:12
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MindOfChaosIm logged on with a live CD and its loaded in German for some reason10:12
Skarrit says Inside should be a number of files including that oh-so-prized Dr71WU.inf file! but there is only a dr71wu.sys file10:12
screechingcatSkarr : Best Bet try #ndiswrapper10:12
SkarrMindOfChaos: auf wheiderzhen10:13
MindOfChaosIs there any way for me to change the system langage setting from the console or some thing?10:13
MindOfChaosubuntu live cd *10:13
iskywalkerdoes someone have a matrox? i have problems with glxheads and with blender...10:13
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KCWhen you boot from a live CD don't you have the option to choose the lang?10:14
mlopeshi. which is the latest tutorial for installing AIGLX on dapper drake?10:14
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Skarrscreechingcat: wait, it says to find the .inf in the c:\ program files \ d-link \ wua \ drivers folder on wine, but i installed it on windows and its not there, and it doesnt seem to work for me on wine- you think i could find it if i used wine?10:15
KCHas anyone ever had a problem with wireless that goes like this: Can see AP's but can't connect no matter the security settings?10:15
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screechingcatSkarr : try to boot into your windows partition and find it. if not ask for help over at #ndiswrapper10:16
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Skarrscreechingcat: i'm on my windows partition and I cant find it... can someone do me a huge favor and try installing a driver in wine on ubuntu?10:16
screechingcatSkarr : Ok, i'll try. but it'll take me at least half an hour so hold on10:17
KCHas anyone experinced something like my problem? Can see AP's but can't connect.10:18
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screechingcatSkarr : here's a very useful tutorial mate -http://www.suseforums.net/lofiversion/index.php/t22109.html10:19
weexKC, i usually do it's via command line, iwconfig and dhclient10:19
Skarrscreechingcat: im pretty sure I just need to rename it :\10:20
zaggynlhelp, I'm trying to build a Java app, but the menu option 'Build' is greyed out10:20
zaggynl(in Eclipse)10:20
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screechingcatSkarr : ok go ahead then, but im not really sure about this since mine worked pretty nicely with ndiswrapper10:21
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KCweex: I have ran iwconfig and it shows the device that has wireless as eth1, shouldn't it be wlan*10:21
Skarrwell ndiswrapper doesnt take .sys files10:21
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KCor does that matter?10:21
weexit could be ath0, it depends on your chipset10:21
screechingcatSkarr : there's a native Linux driver10:21
Skarrwhat do you mean by that10:21
weexKC, i don't think it matters as long as 'iwlist scan' works on eth110:22
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screechingcatsee this - http://www.ralinktech.com/drivers/Linux/RT73_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.3.0.tar.gz and this - http://www.ralinktech.com/drivers/Linux/RT71W_Firmware_V1.8.zip10:22
KCI have not ran iwlist scan - I am in windows now - but doesn't that show you the networks in range correct?10:22
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weexKC, yes10:23
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weexthen you'd want to use iwconfig with essid and enc and enc key options10:23
weexthen dhclient eth1 to get your ip addr/dns/gw addr10:23
Skarrscreechingcat: i tried that a long time ago but hte first one has a broken link, and the second one is just a bin file10:23
weexthat's 3 iwconfig calls btw10:24
Skarroh well im off to try it10:24
screechingcatSkarr : Ok try rename and install. and then try wine and install10:24
Skarrit doesnt work on wine for me10:24
weexgetting wireless working in linux is still a pain, but it's huge from a useability standpoint10:24
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weexi am now 70% linux largely because i found a good wifi card(and i can run win in vmware)10:25
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KCWell it seems to be the problem is that I can see the AP's I can edit the key info but it just refuses to connect, I have tried with wep on my AP and with out. Still same thing. I havn't tried those commands but I will give them a ago thank you very much.10:25
househeadmorning / evening / afternoon all10:26
drumline_Ubuntu can do WPA, correct?10:26
househeadquick question... does anyone know of a way to resize an ext3 partition backwards, i.e. to use free space before it?10:26
froudThis may sound like s stupid question, but in what situations is the installer setup menu option "Boot from first hard disk" useful, other than booting from the hard disk if you forget to remove the installation media after a reboot, play?10:27
weexdrumline_: i think so10:27
KCThanks everyone!10:27
househeadfroud: the reason you suggested I presume is the only useful one10:27
mlopesHi. I'm trying to install AIGLX but during the install process there seems to be some packages missing10:28
househeadanyone got an angle on my ext3 question?10:28
mlopeslike compiz-manager, csm, compiz-plugins10:28
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lavihi, DEXCLUDE mean what?10:28
mlopesI've added the repositories and fetched the updates10:28
mlopesusing dapper drake. any ideas?10:28
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froudhousehead: what is your install ubuntu boot in local other than MBR10:28
househeadmlopes: I can't seem to find the csm packages ANYWHERE, and my sources.list is HUGE10:28
Healot!info gparted10:29
ubotugparted: partition editor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 1280 kB10:29
househeadfroud: not sure what you mean10:29
mlopeshousehead, but it shows up on a lot of tutorials10:29
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MistaEDmlopes: compiz-quinn is in the middle of changing the name/package to beryl/emerald for compiz/csm, so you need to sit tight until there are new packages being released10:29
househeadHealot: please dont patronise me10:29
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mlopesMistaED, ok thks!10:29
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iskywalkerdoes someone have a matrox? i have problems with glxheads and with blender...10:30
househeadHealot: i know how to access documentation, the usual case is that ext3 can only be resized up, or to the left, i am looking for an elegant solution to this10:30
MistaEDmlopes: you could try forum.beryl-project.org for some experimental packages for beryl/emerald or look for other ways to get the older compiz/csm *shrugs*10:30
froudhousehead: if you install ubuntu GRUB in location other than the MBR, this would mean that the MBR is still intact as it was prior to installation and could there be booted. Or have I got it all wrong?10:31
froudhousehead: perhaps another use for "Boot from first hard disk" is in this senario?10:31
weexhousehead: if you try to resize it with a lower start what does it do?10:31
weexor perhaps a lower start isn't an option10:32
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AnAntcan someone help me in confguring whereami, I need to differentiate between 2 cases: 1) That the wifi interface is disabled (radio off)  . 2) that the wifi interface is enabled yet no AP is scanned10:32
househeadwhat does "lower start" mean?10:32
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weexi mean when you use parted and do a mkfs or something is usually asks for a start and a size10:32
househeadAnAnt: try "iwconfig" from the command line10:32
pebblest`I need help. How to force install packages in ubuntu?10:33
AnAnthousehead: then ?10:33
househeadweex: yea, but I am resizing an existing partition10:33
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AnAnthousehead: how would that work in /etc/whereami/detect.conf10:33
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househeadAnAnt: you could use a bash script and the cut command to parse output from iwconfig10:34
weexhousehead: the resize option does have a start end so as long as the space is available, the syntax of the command seems to allow it10:34
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weexresize NUMBER START END       resize partition NUMBER and its file system10:34
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househeadweex: not sure where I am going wrong then10:34
wolfAlfahello, does anyone know what package to install for webdav on apache10:34
weexhousehead: where does your partition start?10:34
househeadweex, i sec, will find out10:35
AnAnthousehead: you mean that I can run commands from detect.conf ?10:35
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wthww-pmg4hello all10:36
weexhello wthww-pmg410:37
wthww-pmg4hehe, ubuntu is on my G4 as you can tell from my nick :P10:37
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weexplease decipher10:38
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NET||abuseis bluej anywhere in he debs?10:38
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HealotNET||abuse: there isn't any, install the JDK and download the JAR installer from BlueJ's site10:40
Dargordoes anyone know of a spider solitaire clone10:40
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NET||abusenuts.. Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit10:42
weexDargor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider_(solitaire)10:42
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NET||abuseoh wait, it wants gnu.. i have sun java,, is that why it can't load up GtkToolkit ???10:44
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jtkieferanyone know what folder contents can't be entirely displayed error normally means when trying to view a shared windows directory10:44
HealotNET||abuse: whereis java10:44
NET||abuseHealot, /usr/bin/java10:44
ChanduWhere can I get inforamtion on How to create ubuntu custom cd10:44
Healotln -s /usr/bin/java10:44
NET||abuseoh nuts... it's te gnu java 1.4.210:44
ChanduI want to create a custom cd with own set of packages10:44
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Healotupdate-alternative then10:45
NET||abusewhat's the alternatives thing10:45
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NET||abuseHealot, cheers :)10:45
weexChandu: look for mybuntu10:45
Healotupdate-alternative<tab> --config java10:45
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heXLerI have a realy strange mount problem   can somebody help me ?10:46
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:47
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heXLerI've mounted a FAT32 windows partition and it works until today  I don't know why but if I start Firefox or Thunderbird (profile folder is on the windows partition) I lose my write rights on this partition and firefox crashes10:49
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Healotthe fstab line?10:49
NET||abusewhere's good to install bluej? /usr/local/bluej?10:49
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Vexor1good evening everyone10:50
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heXLer /dev/hda2       /media/windows_c vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=1000,uid=112 0       010:50
bonescan youtube and google videos work?10:50
Vexor1can anyone help me with installing freevo ? i am new to linux and am having an issue intaslling the mmpython section?10:50
HealotNET||abuse: anywhere you think it is good to reside10:51
HealotheXLer: your current user is?10:51
heXLerHealot:  100010:51
Healotin guid and uid10:51
NET||abuseok, well i stuck it in /usr/local/bluej10:51
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heXLerHealot: guid und uid are id 100010:52
HealotheXLer: the rw option is missing10:52
Healotor you could remove the gid/uid options10:53
Healotyeah, remove the defaults option10:53
wabbersHello guys! I would like to mount my windows disk for write and reading. They are already mounted to the ubuntu installation but I am not able to access it. Any clue?10:53
heXLerHealot: I've mounted my other data partition the same way and it works   and I can write on the window_c until I start firefox10:53
heXLerHealot: I'll try it10:54
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Vexor1so can any one help me with my problem ?? i am gettin gthe following error when installing mm python unable to execute gcc: No such file or directory10:54
Vexor1error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 110:54
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heXLerHealot: now it is mounted as root and I haven't any write rights as user10:55
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Vexor1maybe i am not to good at this chat thing . is there any where i can get support ?10:57
Negative_Infinitubuntuforums.com i guess :D10:57
HealotheXLer: option that you need is rw,umask=000710:57
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wabbersVexor1: you need a gcc compiler. You may get that by running a command in terminal: ":sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 "10:58
Vexor1ok thanks negative. i will try there unless u can help me with the issue i am experiancing ?10:58
heXLerHealot: I have these options in the fstab.  Now I have all rights I need   but after starting firefox  I can't write anything on this partition but the rights don't change10:58
wabbersHello guys! I would like to mount my windows disk for write and reading. They are already mounted to the ubuntu installation but I am not able to access it. Any clue?10:59
Vexor1thanks for that i will give it a try now. sorry for the noobish ness of my questions10:59
Negative_Infinitvexor: can you tell me your problem?10:59
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NET||abuseawww hell.. i edited my applications menu, added 2 editors to the programming menu,,, bu they didnt' stay.... why???10:59
wabbersVexor1: try that command without the : infron of sudo >(10:59
NET||abusethey vanish after i close Alacarte10:59
wabbersdamn desktop.. >(10:59
wthww-pmg4ok screenys once i put them on imageshack :)11:00
Negative_Infinitwabbers: try the preferences->disks tool11:00
NET||abuseinfact thy were only ever in Alacarte, and never got onto the Applications menu for real..11:00
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NET||abuseis there a reason it would do this???11:00
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heXLerHealot: I've already reinstalled firfox but I've still this problem11:01
Vexor1thanks wabbers it seems to be downloading the gcc compiler . ( what ever that is ?) i will try again in a moment to do the install11:01
Healotcan you write a file on that partition?11:02
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wthww-pmg4theres my screeny :)11:02
Healotforget firefox for w while11:02
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wthww-pmg4wrong channel11:02
heXLerHealot: yes i can write a file on this partition11:02
heXLerHealot: after starting firefox I can't11:03
HealotheXLer: remount the parition11:03
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Healotand check the mount status after you ran ff11:03
azcazandcohi people11:03
NET||abusedang it...#11:03
NET||abusei can't add anything to my menus11:03
wabbersyou welcome Vexor1 :) I would just wish someone was just as nice to me with my problem :)11:03
NET||abuseCan anyone help me here???11:03
NET||abusealacarte isn't working11:03
NET||abuseI've tried as both my own user and root11:04
NET||abusewell, gksudo11:04
Vexor1ok i have downloaded the gcc thing and re ran the command to installl mmpython but i get this11:04
azcazandcoif I backup my home dir onto another partition, can I do a pretty much safe re-installation of ubuntu and then just copy my home dir back accross?11:04
Vexor1mkellow@mkellow-media:~/mmpython-0.4.9$ python setup.py install11:04
Vexor1running install11:04
Vexor1running build11:04
Vexor1running build_py11:04
Vexor1running build_ext11:04
Vexor1building 'mmpython/disc/cdrom' extension11:04
Vexor1gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.4 -c disc/cdrommodule.c -o build/temp.linux-i686-2.4/disc/cdrommodule.o11:04
Vexor1unable to execute gcc: No such file or directory11:04
Vexor1error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 111:04
NET||abuseazcazandco, i'd suggest bein picky about what files you copy back over11:04
NET||abusechanges to script in your home dir won't be happy11:05
NET||abuseor just prevent overwrite when you do11:05
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azcazandcoI just wanna make sure I have my firefox stuff & mail etc11:05
NET||abusefirefox stuff and mail?11:05
azcazandcodunno how much else is of importance11:05
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NET||abusewell yeh, you should be able to copy certain files over,, is this bookmarks/layout preferences? and your mail store11:06
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bionoidVexor1: sudo apt-get install gcc11:06
NET||abuseyou probably would have to re-attach the mail store to thunderbird or evolution, or whatever you use11:06
heXLerHealot: the partition is still mounted after I've started ff  but I see that I can't create a new folder11:06
NET||abusei need coffee......11:06
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Guard] [anhi11:06
azcazandcome too11:06
rexbinarycoffee good11:07
Guard] [anwhat's the best way to join an active directory domain ?? there are 2 howtos on the wiki: using LDAP or using WINBIND, which is best ?11:07
Guard] [anplease :)11:07
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Vexor1bioniod just did that before and no joy still have same issue11:07
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tasukiHi, I have a very strange problem with wifi (prism2.5, using orinoco_pci) - it used to be fast (300kB/s) in breezy and sooner and now it is usually very very slow (10kB/s). However, sometimes it gets fast again. The confusing thing is that it happens in *jumps*, there's nothing between 10kB/s and 300kB/s... only these two states are possible.11:08
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tasukiAnyone has any ideas what could cause this?11:08
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Vexor1bioniod: do u have any other ideas ?11:10
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Vexor1bioniod: dose the machine need to restart after the gcc install ? before it can be used ?11:10
heXLerHealot: as I said  I can create new files folders etc.  after starting ff the filesystem is still mounted all rights are the same  but I get an error message that the filesystem is write-protected  even as root11:11
HealotheXLer: type mount again, after you ran/closed ff11:12
Healotlets see the mount permission again11:12
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DennyCraneHi, I have an odd problem with sound on my laptop, sometimes when I have booted the system the earphones dont work when they are plugged in and they dont cut out the speakers. Other times they work fine. There seems to be no obvious reason, nothing in dmesg either. My laptop soundcard is an onboard sigmatel jobby - running dapper11:12
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bonestheres no flash for amd64?11:13
heXLerHealot: remount it with umount and mount ?11:13
Guard] [anwhat's the best way to join an active directory domain ?? there are 2 howtos on the wiki: using LDAP or using WINBIND, which is best ?11:13
Healotno... just run ff, close it, and check the permission again, using mount11:13
zhossainguys, i have gcj installed which apparently is a openoffice dependency, but i want to use the "java" jre of the sun-jdk, how do i keep gcj and use sun java ?11:14
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mnbvcxzhow do i install a music player in my home directory able to play shoutcast streams, codecs are missing, but alsa is working, have no root permissions.. any ideas?11:15
AbortDmplayer comes pre installed?11:15
heXLerHealot: /dev/hda2 on /media/windows_c type vfat (rw,utf8,umask=000)   as in fstab11:15
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mnbvcxzAbortD, no it doesnt11:17
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AbortDon dapper drake?11:17
AbortDit did for me....11:17
zhossainguys, i have gcj installed which apparently is a openoffice dependency, but i want to use the "java" jre of the sun-jdk, how do i keep gcj and use sun java ?11:17
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Bazzizhossain: update-alternative --config java11:18
Bazziupdate-alternatives rather11:18
mnbvcxzAbortD, im using ubuntu but this is a fedora box at school11:18
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mnbvcxznot afraid of compiling something but dont know exactly what11:18
AbortDif your   trying to fix fedora then go to a fedora or a redhat chan11:19
AbortDbut if your talking about ubuntu11:19
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-214-156-231.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bonesinstalled amd64...looks like it was a wasted effort cause stuff doesnt work as well11:19
AbortDmplayer is pre installed and you need to get codecs11:19
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zhossainAbortD, how do i get mplayer in ubuntu, the repos dont seem to have it11:19
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AbortDmplayer is movie player11:20
freeportchange source11:20
boneszhossain: i donno did  you add restricted universe multiverse to your apt line?11:20
mnbvcxzAbortD, yes i know but ppl are generally more helpful in here :)11:20
AbortDgenerally they know more than me11:21
AbortDif your on dapper drake11:21
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AbortDit's pre installed11:21
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zhossainbones, can u explain those universe multiverse things.. i am new in ubuntu, i basically use gentoo at home11:21
mnbvcxzyes but they dont use it here11:21
jazzrockerzhossain, those are repositories11:21
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AbortDbut all you have to do is install codecs11:21
AbortDwhich is11:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:21
boneszhossain: yes11:21
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boneszhossain: nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list11:22
AbortDmnbvcxz, are you trying to fix fedora or ubuntu?11:22
jazzrockerzhossain, it's like an extended version of portage with non-free and oddly-liscenesed stuff11:22
jazzrockerzhossain, multivers and universe are two of the repos that have a lot of the common software that doesn't ship with Ubuntu by default for various reasons11:22
heXLeraarg  Healot left.. can somebody help me ?11:22
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zhossainjazzrocker, ok11:22
bonesdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper multiverse universe main restricted11:23
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boneszhossain: like that11:23
bonesthen apt-get update11:23
bonesapt-get install mplayer11:23
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leminothe music doesn't go completely silent when i lower the master to 0. can ayone help me with this?11:23
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boneszhossain: or open synaptic package manager from the menus and look in there11:24
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SkarrOK, I got the inf file and set that for ndiswrapper, but ndiswrapper says I dont have the hardware11:24
zhossainbones, but i can't find mplayer.. it doesn't exists11:24
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boneszhossain: ok just sec...let me see11:24
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:25
jazzrockerwouldn't it be better to add them via synaptic?11:25
boneszhossain: are you using dapper?11:25
leminoanyone who knows about this problem?11:26
jazzrockerlemino, turn off your speakers?11:26
zhossainbones, i am using 6.06 LTS.. god knows what that means.. i guess Ubuntu uses too many jurgeons of its own :P gotta learn a new language i guess :P11:26
jazzrockerlemino, mine have a power switch as most of them usually do11:27
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jazzrockerzhossain, that's a lot of guessing11:27
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zhossainjazzrocker, bones what is this dapper thing ?11:27
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boneszhossain: you just have to goto the synaptic package manager in the System/administration menu and click repositories add to add that url to get the stuff deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper multiverse universe main restricted11:27
jazzrockerzhossain, dapper is the code name for the os you are using11:27
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Gekitsuu_zhossain: Think of it as something easier to remember that 6.06LTS11:28
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zaggynlDapper :>11:28
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leminojazzrocker: hmmm.... that doesn't sound like a easy solution.11:29
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zhossainbones, aha.. i got it now.. so what the different names.. dapper, then what else ?11:29
jazzrockerlemino, lol... omg... because turning of the power switch on your speakers is *sooooo* hard11:29
zaggynlEdgy or something11:29
adithello i wanna to join this chat, may i?11:29
frogzooany good resource for getting setting up iptables as painlessly as possible ? (no gui, rc scripts)11:29
zaggynladit, you just did11:29
jazzrockeradit, no11:29
jazzrockerfrogzoo, tldp.org ?11:30
frogzoo!docs > zhossain11:30
leminojazzrocker: when I mute the master, everything goes silent, just as it's supposed. but when I lower the master to 0, I still hear the music.11:30
Gekitsuufrogzoo: what are you trying to do with iptables block, nat or other?11:30
zaggynlthat cracked me up haha11:30
aditok, i follow the "no" answer thaks11:30
jazzrockerlemino, so where's the problem11:30
frogzoojazzrocker: looking for ubuntu specific details of setting up iptables with rc scripts11:30
leminojazzrocker: that the music don't go completely silent when I lower the master to 0. as I see it that should be the same as muting it.11:31
frogzooGekitsuu: i can handle the rules, I want a standard way of managing rules through scripts that integrates nicely with the debian style networking11:31
jazzrockerlemino, so where is the *problem*11:31
Gekitsuupersonally I just have my firewall called from rc.local. If you wanted to have it come up before networking you could write an init.d script and put it in the order before networking comes up11:32
leminojazzrocker: well, I would like to be able to controll the volume, that's all.11:32
jazzrockerlemino, if you want your volume level to be zero, why would you want to have the empty speaker his in your face anyway?11:32
jazzrockerlemino, you *can* control the volume11:32
boneswhat version release do i use for amd64 so that everything will work except the amd64 release?11:32
jazzrockerbones, yes use x86 for now11:33
frogzooGekitsuu: I have a lot of interfaces that I bring up/down constantly, so I'd like to work it in with the /etc/network/interfaces script, but want a standard way of doing it, so I don't have to redo it with every new release11:33
boneshave to reinstall...shame11:33
jazzrockerbones, x86_64 still has "issues" with various things that you probably don't wanna deal with11:33
leminojazzrocker: well, do you have any idea on how I could get what I want? from my understanding this isn't the way it works normally.11:33
jazzrockerbones, e.g. flash11:33
zhossainbones, so what is the code name for 6.06LTS11:33
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frogzooGekitsuu: or does iptables allow for managing rules for interfaces that don't exist yet ?11:34
jazzrockerlemino, no i don't know how you can get what you want, but i do know that you should (theoretically) be capable of modifying the "way you just absolutely MUST understand things for your universe to stay intact"11:34
boneszhossain: you mean dapper? there are im not sure...3 different sets of ubuntu versions called repositories11:34
Gekitsuufrogzoo: It did when I was doing that on redhat I Haven't tried it since I switched to Ubuntu I can't imagine they've taken that feature away in newer versions of netfilter11:34
jazzrockerlemino, in the world of computers, there is *never* a right solution, only many non-optimal solutions from which you must choose and or combine the lesser of the non-omptimal11:35
frogzooGekitsuu: cool, well that should make things easier I hope, thx11:35
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ubachoohi all11:35
boneszhossain: and those key words like main is the main distro part...the rest is like add ons11:35
jazzrockerlemino, the behavior you want is already defined... it's called *turning off your speakers"11:36
bonesrestricted...universe..multiverse etc11:36
jazzrockerlemino, if you can't figure that out, i can't help you11:36
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zhossainbones, no no, i was asking if there is any code name for 6.06LTS version of Ubuntu ?11:36
ubachoowhats that reconfiger command you can run if your x windows dies11:36
jazzrockerzhossain, yes. ther. is.11:36
jazzrockerzhossain, we *told* you already: Dapper11:36
ubachoolike if you swap grafics cards11:36
zhossainjazzrocker, o ok11:36
frogzoozhossain: 6.06 LTS is known as Dapper Drake11:37
jazzrockerubachoo, sudo dpkg --reconfigure xorg (i think)11:37
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bonesyes dapper is the one you are using11:37
ubachoojazzrocker: chears11:37
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leminojazzrocker: so you mean, that if you your normal stereo at home still poured out a little music when you had lowered the volume to 0, you would just be satisfied and turn it completely off (if you wanted it to be silent for a minute or two)?11:37
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wnoronhaainat there no ubuntu ppc channeL?11:38
ubachoojazzrocker: isn't there one that like takes you thru all settings  like mouse and everything11:38
ubachooall in one11:38
NET||abuseCan someone please help me sort out this menu lark...11:38
NET||abusei can't add new applications to my menus11:38
jazzrockerlemino, if i wanted no more sound, i would, indeed, turn it off, not down11:38
NET||abusealacarte doesn't want to add new entries11:38
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NET||abusei've tried as myself and gksudo'd11:38
NET||abusebut it doesn't apply the changes to the menu11:38
NET||abuseand they aren't there in alacarte when you start it again11:38
jazzrockerlemino, if i wanted to pause my music, i would in fact, hit the pause button on my media player, rather than turning my volume down <- appropriate action for the appropriate task11:39
jazzrocker!tell NET||abuse about enter11:39
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leminojazzrocker: I admit this isn't that big of a problem but I still can't let go of the thought that something isn't working exactly as it should.11:40
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leminojazzrocker: are you telling me that your system behaves the sam way as mine?11:40
bonesam i likely to have problems installing the video card with i386? nvidia driver etc?11:41
AbortDhappens like that sometimes lemino just like when i hover over a song it wont preview11:41
AbortDget used to it11:41
bonesi did with amd6411:41
boneswill i have to use alternate i386?11:41
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jazzrockerlemino, i don't know, i've never thought about it or cared... when i want zero volume, i simply turn my speakers off11:42
NET||abusefine fine, i won't do that... but this is a simple isue, googl doesn't seem to have the answer.. i don't know... it just wont update my menus.. I wish i could do this.. i have 2 editors, Zend Studio and BlueJ that i want to be able to launch,, and it's very annoying having to go though a big long startup path that chances are i'll either get wrong, or at some stage forget11:42
Lunar_Lampjazzrocker - not an option for those of us on laptops11:42
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Lunar_Lamphowever, lemino : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1535110 <== 2nd page has what you want i think11:42
jazzrockerLunar_Lamp, hahahaha, i have no respect for laptop speakers11:42
froudUbuntu Alternate CD 6.06 what's the diffeence between  options "Install in text mode" and "Install a server"?11:42
jazzrocker"laptop speakers" is an oxymoron11:43
NET||abuseand i'd rather not clutter up my desktop with more icons... so alacarte menu editor seemed to be the bst way.. now this thing just won't apply or hold the additions i make11:43
Tyk0ssomeone that understand my problem i have? i just finished installation of ubuntu server, and when it boot the computer restarts over and over again.. :(11:43
bonesfroud: i think the cd contains all the stuff for a desktop11:43
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NET||abuseTyk0s, is it on the grub menu? did you do a multi boot install (window and linux)11:43
bonesfroud: and the server contains just for server11:43
Tyk0snope just ubuntu atm.11:43
froudbones: so you mean text install mode installs the desktop11:43
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NET||abuseTyk0s, hmm, what stage does it get to?11:43
froudbones: and server is headless11:44
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bonesfroud: alternate should install desktop yes11:44
NET||abuseTyk0s, up to post(hardware issue) or past that into grub (boot loader issue) or does it try to get into ubuntu itself.. and then fail (reload ubuntu ! )11:44
Tyk0sits counting down 3,2,1 then it says "booting kernal somthing11:44
froudbones: when in text mode?11:44
NET||abuseah,,, so it's loading kernel then fails11:44
bonesfroud: right for if you have video driver issues i guess11:44
Tyk0syeah restarting the computer everytime it gets there11:45
froudbones: thx11:45
frogzooTyk0s: the 3,2,1 is grub - & then it should boot - where does it crash/reboot ?11:45
NET||abuseTyk0s, can you select safe mode in the list of boot options there and get it running?11:45
boneslike i did when i installed amd64 desktop...i had driver inssues so i couldnt install it11:45
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Tyk0spressed esc now.. and i have 3 choices to make11:46
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frogzooTyk0s: recovery11:46
heXLerHi my mounted fat32 filesystem becomes read-only after a while of usage  can somebody help me ?11:46
frogzooTyk0s: that will boot single user11:46
NET||abuseyup, recovery11:46
frogzooTyk0s: see if that works first11:46
Tyk0subuntu, kernal 2.6.15-26-server, ubuntu, kernal 2.6.15-26-server (recovery mode), ubuntu memtest86+11:46
Tyk0sthose 311:46
jazzrockerNET||abuse, so why not just use a launcher panel on autohide?11:46
frogzooTyk0s: please pay attention "kernal 2.6.15-26-server (recovery mode)"11:47
Tyk0sokey try recovery now11:47
bonesfroud: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/releasenotes/60611:47
Tyk0srestart : /11:47
NET||abusejazzrocker, cause i'd rather solve problems than ignore them11:47
jazzrockerNET||abuse, a launcher panel is not a solution to your "problem" ?11:47
frogzooTyk0s: :-(11:47
NET||abusethat's the way of politititions11:47
jazzrockerNET||abuse, your stated problem is that you want a way to launch apps without cluttering your desktop11:47
Tyk0sdon't know what to do : /11:48
jazzrockeryou mean poloticians?11:48
jazzrockerlol, politicians11:48
frogzooTyk0s: any problems during install ?11:48
bonesdoes the i386 distro use the latest nvidia driver?11:48
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NET||abusejazzrocker, yeh, ok, so it would achieve the same result,, but a secondary problem is that alacarte doesn't work, and what happens when i want to add something to the menu again?11:48
jazzrockerbones, not unless you configure it to11:48
Tyk0sit came some error "not valid cd or something" blabla may cause problems later11:48
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jazzrockerNET||abuse, in that case i don't know11:48
NET||abusebones, no, nvidia driver is nonfree,11:48
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Tyk0sdownloaded it from ubuntu.com11:49
bonesso its possible it wont work with my video card?11:49
jazzrockerbones, but there is an nvidia driver you can get via the repos11:49
NET||abusebones, so you have to add nonfree deb to sources.list and then install nvidia-binary11:49
frogzooTyk0s: something like incorrect md5 checksum ?11:49
Tyk0shmm dont remember..11:49
bonesshould i install alternate i386 then?11:49
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Tyk0sshall i burn it to a dvd instead of cd?11:49
jazzrockerbones, omg, dude, your video card will work. whether it has the proprietary accelerated drivers installed and working i don't know.11:49
NET||abusebones, non free is annoying that, it's not open,, but they work very well, i use em at home and they're fine11:49
frogzooTyk0s: shouldn't matter - maybe burn it again at 1/2 maximum speed - then check the md5 if you can11:50
jazzrockerbones, if you had an ATI card i'd be apt to say that it wouldn't work but you've got nVidia and nVidia on linux works well11:50
NET||abuseATI i use on my lappy, i use radeon, works better for some reason, and i run Xgl11:50
boneswith amd64 desktop i couldnt instal it cause it didnt have a problem driver to boot11:50
Tyk0sthe server is on 698mb and nero express warning me that the file is bigger then the cd (i use 700mb 52x cd's)11:50
NET||abusejazzrocker, so you don't have any clue on how to get this alacarte working? thanks for the suggetion to use auto hide launcher panel,, it's a good idea11:51
bonesso i used alternate text install11:51
GLFAny help for sound driver issue on old Dell GX1? Crystal Semiconductor CS423X.11:51
frogzooTyk0s: it's typical for the iso to be bigger than media's capacity11:51
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frogzooTyk0s: that's not a problem11:51
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jazzrockerbones, x86 should be fine. as i said, 64 still has plenty of quirks11:52
Tyk0sokay.. any ideas what to do then? :)11:52
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jazzrockerTyk0s, don't use nero?11:53
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Tyk0swhy not? :)11:53
jazzrockerTyk0s, CDBurnerXP Pro is free and IMO better11:53
jazzrockerTyk0s, because it's being retarded?11:53
Tyk0sshouldnt matter? or11:53
frogzooTyk0s: use nero to validate the burnt cd11:53
Caplainsoftware is as retarded as the programmer/user11:54
frogzooCaplain: that bad ?11:54
Caplainwhich is why we are not using windows11:54
boneswindows killed computing11:54
Caplainso did solitare11:54
Caplainwindows killed the dinosaurs11:55
bonesdevelopers! developers! developers!11:55
jazzrockerbones, you rang?11:55
=== bones jumps up and down
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NET||abusebones, is your surname ballmer?11:56
leminojazzrocker: This is what I'm talking about: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/alsa-utils/+bug/1645411:57
Caplainif this was #gentoo there would be /ban's flying all over the place11:57
leminoLunar_Lamp: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/alsa-utils/+bug/1645411:57
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Caplainbug == feature11:57
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Caplainhow many times can i get my system to crash so i have to do a hard reboot before my filesystem fails?11:58
kriticalDoes anyone know how to map one directory to another?... I can never remember11:59
Caplainln -sf11:59
Caplainln -sf origional link11:59
kriticalCheers =)11:59
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SpaceFrogIs there a Flash Player 9 for Linux?11:59
Caplainln -sf /dev/null / :-D11:59
jazzrockerSpaceFrog, only 7 i think11:59
beanzUbuntu does not seem to include a script to seed torrents at boot - is this right?11:59
jpjacobsSpaceFrog, not yet.. they are working on that..12:00
Caplainisnt flash os independant?12:00
SpaceFrogAh, okay12:00
Caplainunless you use wine12:00
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SpaceFrogI might just install Wine/Firefox.12:00
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bonesSpaceFrog: i think i just saw only 712:00
jazzrockerSpaceFrog, personally I'd go with vmware-server/firefox if you really want flash12:01
bonesSpaceFrog: oh unless you mean for making flash there isnt one afiak12:01
whymehi there - does hotkey-setup package work for asus laptops as well12:01
Naseercan anyone help me setup my internet connection by lan using pptp12:01
jazzrockerSpaceFrog, cuz wine apps don't run/render the same as the "native" versions inside vmware12:01
Caplainyou could cheat and "wine Flashinstaller.exe" to your linux firefox....tell me if it makes your system go crazy12:01
SpaceFrogThat is another idea12:01
SpaceFrogi'll see how i go12:01
CaplainNaseer: oh boy...where to start!12:01
TLEHey. I'm looking for a list of graphics cards and their useability in Ubuntu. I think I'va heard of such a thing but I can't seem to find it. Could you point me in the right direction ?12:02
jazzrockerSpaceFrog, bad idea, but it is another one... vmware-server is free by the way12:02
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CaplainTLE: ati and nvidia are very supported, nvidia doublyso12:02
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arvind_for once i need to rename file htaccess.txt to .htaccess how to do that...mv command if ran vanishes the files12:02
Naseercan anyone help me12:03
bonesbut the topic should say video card might not work with amd64 desktop/use alternate12:03
Caplainarvind_: .filename files are hidden unless you do a ls .*12:03
frogzooarvind_: ls -a12:03
Lunar_Lampavrind_ to see the file you will need to "ls -a" as files prefixed with "." are hidden12:03
CaplainNaseer: whats your config? i did a pptp once12:03
SAngeliHi, I am having troubles configuring my usb digital camera (digiKam). FujiFilm E550 usb. Anyone can please help?12:03
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Naseeri don't know how to make my internet connection12:04
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arvind_thanks Caplain  and frogzoo  :)12:04
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Naseeri have installed ubuntu yesterday12:04
CaplainNaseer: and what type of connection do you have?12:04
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Naseeri am using lan & i connected by WAN Miniport (PPTP)12:05
Lunar_Lamphow do i set up xchat so that double clicking on a nick will open a pm window? i don't like having to right click and select open dialog window12:05
Naseerfor windowsxp they provided me with the setup12:05
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boneswith k3b burn an iso to dvd?12:05
rofl0rLunar_Lamp, you can download the source and change it12:06
Lunar_Lampso there's no config option then?12:06
rofl0ror se another client12:06
CaplainNaseer: usually a pptp connection is a tunnel that is used over an existing internet connection12:06
xopherLunar_Lamp, Im sure you can set an option to do that12:06
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xopherbut I dont know what or where so12:06
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Lunar_Lampxopher - seemed to me the kind of thing you should be able to do12:06
physicsnickhey all, i have a question about my printer12:06
Naseerso how could do it in ubuntu12:07
JohnRobertcan anyone tell me when the next release of ubuntu will be out?12:07
TLECaplain: Sorry my bad, perhaps I should have specified it better. I have a ATI X800XL and I am NOT impressed with the current state of the official drivers, so I'm gonna try an trade it with some windoze user for a Nvidia card, so what I'am looking for is info on which Nvidia cards works better for people than others12:07
physicsnickwhenever i print anything out of kpdf, its shifted upwards12:07
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physicsnicklike it starts at the very top of the page (no margin whatsoever) and there's about an inch and a half blank space at the bottom of the page12:07
physicsnickhow can i have it center the pages?12:07
SAngeliHi, I am having troubles configuring my usb digital camera (digiKam). FujiFilm E550 usb. Anyone can please help?12:07
rofl0rJohnRobert, afaik there is a new version in october12:07
JohnRobertstable release?12:08
CaplainTLE: i have an nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x] 12:08
Caplainand it works very well12:08
JohnRobertI need an excuse to format my hard disk back to ext3...basically I cba with trying to get a xen kernel to work with rieserfs12:08
CaplainNaseer: i still dont understand your current lan setup12:08
TLErofl0r: Yeah but when in October *TLE stumps his feet in the ground like a litle kid12:08
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Naseerso no one could help me12:09
CaplainNaseer: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-91249.html12:09
Caplainthat should help you out12:09
Naseeri want to completely swtich over to ubuntu from windows but just because of that i could not switch over12:10
CaplainNaseer: www.google.com is your friend!12:10
Caplainmy switch over involved mke2fs -j /dev/hda112:10
Caplainit was a nice switchover12:10
Caplaintook care of that nasty bootvirus i had that kept displaying Windows XP at start up12:11
Caplainbtw....dont go and run that command before you read about it12:11
TLECaplain: ok, thanks, but.. I was hoping to get input from more than one person, hence the searching for a hardware compatility list12:12
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CaplainTLE: did you google for one? thats what ide do12:13
CaplainTLE: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2457.html12:13
Caplaintook me less than 5 seconds....12:13
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physicsnickQuestion: Adobe Acrobat won't print, although other programs print fine. I assume my "printer command" line is wrong; where do I find the proper command?12:14
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tizwontcp tizwon version12:16
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dalfzwhy does suddenly add/remove programs tell me i have the wrong admin password?! i don't have the wrong password12:22
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TLECaplain: Yeah, I just found that myself :$ It must have been the inclusion af compatility to the search terms that did it, because before I just ended up with getting a lot of support requests.12:23
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nomad111can any1 help me please12:23
nomad111its to do with my screen resolution12:23
SpCombdon't ask to ask - ask12:23
nomad111well i cant get my screen resolution to go higher than 1024 x 76812:24
nomad111which is terrible12:24
nomad111i have an intel 945gm chipset12:24
nomad111and i installed i915 resolution package12:24
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azza_008i think i screwe my pc12:25
azza_008please help12:25
SportWillydoes anyone know howto configure a Kworld xpert pvr 878 tv card?12:25
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azza_008please help me man12:26
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azza_008i formatted the 2 linux drives and now when i reboot it says grub can ] t load12:26
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TLECaplain: There's a link to a list in the wiki, but it does not seem to be to comprehensive though. I suppose I'll just have to serach specifically when I find a card if it is not in the list12:26
SportWillyor a tv card in general?12:26
azza_008i formatted the 2 linux drives and now when i reboot it says grub can ] t load12:28
hastesaverHi, does anyone know how to start a (local) mailing list? Does one need root access?12:28
azza_008i formatted the 2 linux drives and now when i reboot it says grub can ] t load12:28
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:28
TLESportWilly: try searching for mythtv12:29
azza_008im just upset12:29
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dalfzwhat do i need to enter greek letters into whatever editor?12:29
dalfzi got english setup12:29
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hastesaverazza_008, understandable. But if you've just formatted all partitions, how do you expect grub to load? (Or is there more?...)12:29
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homme_seulhow to change my system's encoding to utf8 ?12:30
hastesaverdalfz, you could use the scim input plugin...12:30
azza_008well i still hasve windows12:30
TLEhomme_seul: Ubuntu uses uft8 per default12:30
homme_seulTLE and if i want to change it ?12:30
jazzrockerdalfz, use vim!12:31
dalfzhastesaver, i been trying that for an hour or so. i don't even know if it's installed right12:31
azza_008but even if i try to boot from CD drive it says error 2212:31
SportWillyTLE : i got mythtv, tvtime and kdetv but none works, i included options bttv i /etc/... but still nothing12:31
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TLEhomme_seul: dalfz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf12:31
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hastesaverdalfz, I got it to work at home... but I had some problems too; I don't remember. Try rebooting ;-)12:31
azza_008is grub on the windows partition12:32
hastesaverdalfz, By which I mean, zap X and restart it. That should be enough. Probably just logging out and back should be enough...12:32
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PierreSportWilly, check linuxtv.org, use the latest v4l drivers (you can compile them alone, without compiling a new kernel)12:32
hastesaverazza_008, you *should* be able to boot from the CD drive; that happens before grub takes over12:32
dalfzhastesaver, i just need a greek letter in my damn science report :P it appears in openoffice, but i'm unable to change font in dia12:33
azza_008well ill tell u what happens12:33
hastesaverdalfz, that's why you should use LaTeX for science reports ;)12:33
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dalfzhastesaver, i use latex.. and i use dia for figures :) and i need a greek symbol in my figure this time12:34
SportWillyYES!!! worked,  i was using wrong tuner type12:34
infidelcan someone give me an ideal of an application to browse a windows lan for shares12:34
SportWillythanx TLE, pierre...12:34
azza_008GRUB loading, please wait.....12:34
azza_008Error 2212:34
azza_008please help me12:34
Pierreinfidel, Menu "Places->Network Servers" as long as you have smb tools installed12:35
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infidelPierre, ok thanks12:35
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TLEdalfz: I trick I used. The last time i wrote a report where I used dia the text support sucked ass big time, suddenly the fontsize would change, so what I did was to save the diagram without text, then import it in GIMP and add an transparent layer and write on that. It has the advantage, that if you want to make another version of the same diagram with the same textm then you just copy the layers to it12:36
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azza_008please help im fretting here12:38
vrkhansi am trying to install ubuntu from the cd , but it took long time and notting installed12:38
vrkhansdid i miss any thing ,12:38
azza_008did it just load up12:38
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vrkhansi choose the first option , install ubuntu12:38
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dalfzTLE, hm that sounds heavy :) scaling dia figures with regular text has worked nicely for me.12:38
azza_008did u have a unused partition12:39
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hastesaverIs it possible to start local (on our college network, say) mailing lists? Does one need root access?12:39
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azza_008Haste how can i disable GRUB before the pc starts up12:39
ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/12:39
wolfAlfahello, could anyone help with the webdav on ubuntu12:40
dalfzTLE, thanks for the tip though.12:40
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whaley_hastesaver: contact your uni's it staff and ask12:40
azza_008Haste how can i disable GRUB before the pc starts up12:40
azza_008i think i fucked my pc12:40
AbortDazza what os are you trying to install?12:40
lastnodeazza_008, watch your language, please.12:41
TLEdalfz: Ok, if you can't get it to work any other way just lat me know and I'll explain it better12:41
AbortDubuntu i take it12:41
azza_008i deleted the12:41
azza_008yeah ubuntu12:41
azza_008i deleted the 2 linux partitions and now when i boot my pc it says GRUB has error 2212:41
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AbortDazza_008, just put the ubuntu cd if you dont want to keep the files on your drive just have the installation format your whole drive12:41
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azza_008i already formatted it12:42
azza_008i am dualbootgin windows12:42
dalfzTLE, what format do you save your figure in, from gimp?12:42
AbortDalright well still let ubuntu do it because it will fix grub and everything12:42
AbortDlet it do a full format12:42
AbortDit wont take long12:42
azza_008will it delete windows12:42
AbortDyou have windows on it?12:43
AbortDhave fun with tha12:43
AbortDdont know how to help you12:43
azza_008what can i try12:43
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AbortDdelete the whole partition and the one grub is in12:44
azza_008i cant get into anything12:44
TLEdalfz: From GIMP, when I was done with everything I saved them as .eps but that's because the way write report require them to be in that format, in general for a drawing .png would be the preferred choise12:44
AbortDmaybe partition magic has a boot cd12:44
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azza_008it cant boot cds i tried it12:44
azza_008it says GRUB error 2212:44
AbortDhahhaha that has to sucjk12:44
dalfzTLE, yes i see.   well, first thing.. i'm gonna reboot.12:45
hastesaverwhaley_, my "UNI's IT staff" is just this one guy... It's hard enough to get him to install things, asking him to actively maintain something would be impossible :)12:45
azza_008can u google thje error12:45
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jpjacobsazza_008, try smartbootmanager floppy http://linux.simple.be/tools/sbm12:45
hastesaverazza_008, you have a backup, right? ;)12:45
AbortDyou cann try12:45
azza_008no floppy drive12:45
azza_008no lol12:45
whaley_hastesaver: ouch, how does the place run then? :)12:45
azza_008wat place12:46
treedreamerhey , I am new to Launchpad , I want to translate the XMMS  app to chinese , what can i do ?12:46
jpjacobsazza_008, but if you get a grub error, it mostprobably is trying to boot from HD, so you'll have to adjust the boot order in your BIOS12:46
azza_008all i can access is the setup when u press delete12:46
azza_008i ave12:46
vrkhasncan any one help me12:46
whaley_hastesaver: in that case, just ask him for permission to set one up and you can configure the listserv tool yourself12:46
vrkhasni try to install ubuntu , from the cd12:47
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hastesaverwhaley_, yes, that's what I wanted to know. So I won't need the root password or anything to configure the listserv tool myself? And what package is that tool in?12:47
TLEtreedreamer: You should check if there is a team for translating into chinese and ask them how they do it, there might have some guidelines and/or wordlitsts ans something like that12:47
=== ^Down [n=O_O@cpe-24-164-89-91.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vrkhasnbut after a long time of running notthing installed12:47
^DownCan someone help me with this? http://pastebin.ca/18389912:47
azza_008i changed a settin try again12:47
whaley|gonehastesaver: you may need root, but if it is on one of your boxes that wouldn't be a problem12:47
vrkhasni dont understand why12:47
treedreamerTLE , thanks12:47
whaley|goneif you are using the univ's hosting, then i don't think you'd be able to do it12:48
vrkhasnbig pause of blank brownish screen12:48
^DownIs there a way to do this without removing all of these programs and libraries http://pastebin.ca/18389912:48
hastesaverwhaley|gone, ok, I understand. I'll ask him and see what we can do :)12:48
vrkhasni restarted my computer notting installed12:48
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webbenCan anybody recommend anything comparable to Pan Newsreader, that could be used from the command line?12:49
azza_008lol i was trying to boot off of the wrong disc llol12:49
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webben(It needs to be able to post messages from my Hotmail account).12:49
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vrkhasnit seems like its reading from the cd but dosnt show any thing on the window12:49
azza_008need to find real 112:49
scrphow can i change the default player in firefox? this totem player is terrible....12:49
webbenscrp: change it to what? mplayer? realplayer? vlc?12:50
scrpcant i just uninstall totem?12:50
hastesaverscrp, install the mozilla-mplayer (or was it mplayerplug-in ?) package12:50
scrpwebben: yea, anything else, mplayer or vlc is fine12:50
webbenscrp: IIRC just install the relevant packages12:50
scrpwebben: i think i already did that12:51
vrkhasni have windows installed can i still able to installed on the same partitation12:51
scrpi should have the vlc plugin at least12:51
scrpbut still totem always opens12:51
vrkhasnor do  i have to make partitions12:51
^DownI need some help with this without removing all of these programs and libraries http://pastebin.ca/18389912:51
webbenscrp: another thing to do is download a file of the type you're trying to open12:51
webbenscrp: and open it from the desktop12:51
azza_008yes i got ot12:51
scrpwebben: its not possible to download this i think :p12:51
webbenscrp: you should get an option to set vlc as the program to open it with12:51
hastesaverscrp, the mozilla-mplayer package works fine for me.12:52
webbenscrp: do you have a link?12:52
scrpwebben: try this http://veftivi.visir.is/veftivi/main.do?treeId=10016&progId=2338512:52
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scrpjust want to uninstall this totem crap12:53
scrpit always gives me an error12:53
scrpwhen trying to play that feed12:53
^Downsudo apt-get remove totem12:53
vrkhasnplease help me12:53
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vrkhasnthis is the first time i m installing linux12:53
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:53
hastesavervrkhasn, no, you can't install on the same partition; you have to make new partitions. Was that your question?12:54
scrphastesaver: still, firefox always uses totem player :p12:54
scrphastesaver: i installed mozilla-mplayer12:54
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vrkhasndoes there a way i can repartition my the partition where windows is already installed without deleting windows12:55
^Downscrp: "sudo apt-get remove totem" to completely remove it12:56
hastesaverscrp, ok, remove totem, gstreamer, and all the related nonsense :)12:56
webbenvrkhasn, yes ... have you backed up all your data first?12:56
hastesavervrkhasn, Yes. If you're using Windows 2000 or later, it comes with a Disk Management tool taht you can use12:56
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vrkhasnya on different partition on the same drive12:56
vrkhasnmy windows partition is 20 gib12:57
AbortDcan anyone help me with why totem will play mp3s but amarok wont but it will play wma files?12:57
vrkhasn20 gb12:57
hastesaverAbortD, you have to do some special things to get Amarok to play mp3s... wait12:57
vrkhasnif i want to repartition that drive how much do i need for linux12:57
AbortDthanks hastesaver12:58
Samuli^AbortD, it depends on what codecs you have installed for whichever backend you're using with the players12:58
rzkvrkhasn no one knows. take at least 512:58
AbortDamarok is great12:58
AbortDwish i could get it workin :p12:58
Samuli^AbortD, by default totem uses gstreamer and amarok uses xine, but you can change that for both.12:58
chopchop_AbortD: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/MP3_on_Kubuntu_6.0612:58
hastesavervrkhasn, 10 should be enough12:59
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Samuli^or just install all of the codecs for whatever backend.12:59
scrphastesaver: how can i see what packages are already installed on my system?12:59
vrkhasni am dfrag right now12:59
vrkhasnafter that what i need to do12:59
AbortDchopchop_,  thanks12:59
hastesaverscrp, You can start Synaptic and look for which ones are ticked :-) There is also apt-cache policy, for a specific package. You can also do apt-get remove TAB TAB :)12:59
vrkhasnrzk you mean 5gb01:00
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vrkhasnof space for linux01:00
Samuli^!restrictedformats > AbortD01:00
hastesaverAbortD, yes, that's the page I was looking for. Thanks chopchop_01:00
hastesaverAbortD, can't you just ask Amarok to use a different engine? gstreamer should do, I think...01:01
scrpalso i found another problem, when booting ubuntu my screen goes fubar... everything scrambles up (also all my consoles are blank, aswell as my screen goes blank when shutting down)01:01
hastesavervrkhasn, not defrag, there is something to resize partitions and create free space01:01
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vrkhasnwhich one is that01:01
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hastesavervrkhasn, I don't know; it's a long time since I used Windows :) It's in "Administrative tools" or some wordy thing like that01:02
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vrkhasnwhat option i need to choose to install ubuntu01:04
vrkhasnfrom the cd01:04
Upayavir1new Thinkpad T60, new Dapper install, no sound. aplay -l, lspci -vv | grep Audio, lsmod | grep snd all showed hardware there and modules loaded. Reinstalling with "apt-get install --reinstall -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confmiss -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confnew linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils" and then /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart didn't make any difference. Any ideas?01:04
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vrkhasnit didnt install any thing the last time i tried to installed01:05
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=== Upayavir1 didn't realise how important sound was until he started having an IM chat
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hastesavervrkhasn, try the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot; they might work for you, but no promises. BACKUP EVERYTHING!  Don't forget to defrag!01:06
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hastesavervrkhasn, and a backup on a different partition on the same drive is ridiculous.01:08
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WinterWeavercan anyone give me a link on how to get Ubuntu to read my DVD's ??01:08
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azza_008i am installing ubuntu what size should my boot and swap partitions be01:09
azza_008please help me01:09
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:09
WinterWeaverSwap Partition is basically a "Virtual Memory" drive... so that is up to you01:09
Upayavir1azza_008: I don't tend to have a boot partition as such. With a 100Gb drive, I have a 20Gb partition01:09
azza_008whaty doesally do boot actu01:10
Upayavir1for root, and swap the same (or slightly bigger) than the amount of RAM you have01:10
erUSULazza_008: boot: ~100 MiB swap: 1 or 2 * RAM size01:10
azza_008wat does boot actually do01:10
Upayavir1and the rest as /home01:10
AbortDthanks for all the help with amarok01:10
azza_008home??? not root01:10
Upayavir1azza_008: you can have a separate boot partition, which contains Linux kernel itself.01:10
Upayavir1And then have / mounted on a different partition.01:11
azza_008is it useful01:11
erUSULazza_008: it keeps the files esential for grub to be able to boot the system01:11
Upayavir1I don't tend to do that.01:11
scrplol after i removed totem, now i cant watch ANY video...its always just the sound and no picture01:11
azza_008ok i will do it01:11
Upayavir1I just stick it all on /01:11
azza_008here is what i need01:11
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Upayavir1And keep /home on a separate partition01:11
azza_008what is home01:11
azza_008is it root01:11
Upayavir1that's the equivalent of My Documents01:11
rajhow to priorities a process in linux01:11
azza_008ahh ok what is wrong with it with root01:12
Upayavir1raj, nice?01:12
AbortDits the equivalent to C:\01:12
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azza_008ohh ok01:12
dalfzdoes anyone know what keyboard layout has the "vartheta" letter? i can't see it in "greece", am i blind?01:12
WinterWeavererUSUL, Thanks for the DVD link... btw... ain't that name an angel's name ?01:12
Upayavir1you need to re-install you OS, and all of your files are stored within the OS01:12
AbortDnm i was wrong01:12
AbortDi lie01:12
Upayavir1azza_008: that would be poo.01:12
AbortDmy documents is correct i was mistaken01:12
azza_008what would01:12
knobbut root home is in /root not ./..01:12
rajis it possible  to priorities a process which is already running01:13
azza_008so y not just kerep it on same partition'01:13
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Upayavir1azza_008: yeah, I mean file system root, i.e. /01:13
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azza_008ohh ok01:13
knobyeh root mean user root and filesystem root01:13
Upayavir1azza_008: yeah, have one 20Gb partition for /, which contains /boot (kernel, etc), /root (root user's home dir), /usr (your whole OS)01:13
Upayavir1 /etc (all of your OS config)01:13
erUSULUpayavir1: maybe this is of some help http://michael-prokop.at/blog/2006/07/02/thinkpad-t60-laptop-with-debiangrml-linux/ or this http://vizzzion.org/?id=t6001:14
ubotuevolution: The groupware suite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 4586 kB, installed size 34184 kB01:14
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Upayavir1and then another partition for /home, which will have your /home/<YOURUSERNAME> directory01:14
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Upayavir1which will contain all of your local config.01:14
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Upayavir1erUSUL: thx, looking01:14
knob /usr not mean user01:14
azza_008is 44gb for root 5gb for swap and 20 mb for boot ok01:14
Naked_SnakeGuys, guess what! I'm getting an Ubuntu CD and gonna say screw teh windoze! :-D01:14
lastnodeazza_008, 5 for swap is a lot. id say a gig max :-)01:15
Naked_SnakeAKA : yay01:15
lastnodeNaked_Snake, awesome!01:15
azza_008ohh ok i had 1gb klast time and it lagged so what does swap do01:15
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Upayavir1erUSUL: wierd. I just muted/unmuted using mute button above keyboard, and...01:16
Naked_SnakeIf I'd ever get this e-mail back from ShipIt :(01:16
Upayavir1azza_008: 44Gb for root is a waste.01:16
Upayavir1azza_008: I've never filled 20Gb. 20Mb for boot is too large too, I'd say.01:16
azza_008isnt thhere all files are stored01:16
lastnodeazza_008, id say the biggest drive for /home01:17
lastnodebecause that's where all your files will be01:17
azza_008isnt home on root01:17
knobroot home is on /root01:17
scrpazza_008: yup it is01:17
lastnodeazza_008, no /root is the /home of the root user, which ubuntu doesnt have.01:17
Upayavir1azza_008: no, your home should be on /home!01:17
Shishazza_008: I have 5GB root, of which I've used 3.5 ; and the rest is /home01:17
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azza_008so i need 4 partitions01:17
Naked_SnakeI got a question though : will it work on my AMD 64?01:17
Naked_SnakeOr will I have to use a different box01:17
Red-SoxHi I've just installed ubuntu on my new inspiron e1505 and I'm very satisfied except for one thing, the Touch-To-Click, It's really sensitive, I think I may have found the answer in this forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1415526&postcount=3 but I don't know how to do that (It's at the bottom)01:17
Red-Sox  So essentialy, my question is how do I add "MaxTapTime" "0" on the line below "Driver" "synaptics"?01:18
Shish(and 512MB swap)01:18
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.01:18
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azza_008do i need 4 partitionsd01:18
scrpazza_008: if you install 44gb for / then that will cover /home (for the users) and /root (homedir for root)01:18
Upayavir1azza_008: three. 20Gb /, 2Gb (or ram amount) swap, /home everything else01:18
Shish20gb / o_O?01:18
azza_008so iis root cover ghome or not01:18
nomad111how do i remove old kernels once new one is installed01:18
lastnodeazza_008, / covers /home AND /root01:18
Red-SoxOr maybe, a better question is, what document is the line with "Driver and "Synaptics" in it?01:18
lastnodenomad111, synaptic01:18
azza_008ok so wat does swap dpo01:19
scrpazza_008: still if you want to make it simple just make a swap partition and / partition :p01:19
knobroot cover home and root home /root01:19
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Shish /root isn't really worth worrying about :P01:20
azza_008i mean /01:20
Upayavir1azza_008: swap is your "virtual memory". If your PC doesn't have enough RAM to store all your currently running apps, it will send some of it out into your swap partition.01:20
scrpthere is no need to setup so many partitions unless you are running a server01:20
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azza_008too late01:20
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lastnodeazza_008, you can generall just set / and /swap01:21
scrpbut by making a partition specially for /home can be useful, in case you need to backup your stuff01:21
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lastnodethat is enough :-)01:21
lastnodehey Docta01:21
azza_008ok an 200mb is ebough for boot01:21
Doctai need some help unziping things01:21
scrpazza_008: more than enough01:21
lastnodeyeah if you have a big disk01:21
lastnodeknock yourself out01:21
azza_008ok better safe than sorry01:21
Doctathe file ext is rar01:21
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:21
Janchi@ Docta: use Easy Ubuntu to make thtat happen01:21
azza_008should i get a new dd for my bday or a 500 gb h01:21
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gh0stwizardHi everybody! How I can install Seamonkey? apt-cache search seamonkey prints nothing...01:22
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azza_008a new pc or 500gb hdd01:22
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scrpazza_008: depends on your budget .)01:22
Shishazza_008: depends what you need01:22
azza_008this laptopis bad the mouse moves and clicks for no reason01:22
azza_008well movies01:22
scrpazza_008: however, if you are going to buy a new PC i recommend waiting 1 month or so for the new quattro CPU01:23
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azza_008well i have to wait tilnywayust a01:23
azza_008august anyway01:23
azza_008the budget would be abou 1500 australian dollers01:23
scrpazza_008: that quattro cpu is going to rock.01:23
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azza_008is it amd or athlon01:23
azza_008nah i take athlon any day01:24
azza_008amd rocks01:24
hastesaverRed-Sox, is it /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?01:24
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scrpquattro will own athlon lol01:24
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azza_008how much will it be''01:24
scrpthe duo cpu has 2 cores, im using it now and its uber01:24
scrpthe quattro will have 4 cores01:24
scrpso its like 4 damn cpu's in one cpu01:24
superkirbyartistwhen using wmdial i get error 8 (connect script failed)01:24
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azza_008how much lol01:25
scrpazza_008: not sure01:25
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DoctaI still can't exract it01:25
azza_008would it be 1000 us dollers01:25
bonyis there a way to login remotly to a server and run x?01:25
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scrpbony: yes01:26
superkirbyartistPlease there are 885 people in here.  Can you help me?  I get error 8 (connect script failed) when using wmdial!01:26
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SpCombI wonder how large the benefits of four cores will be...01:26
SpComband the price01:26
azza_008sorry man i am a noob lol01:26
elmargolHi if i do svn add, subversion includes pyc files how can I ignore them?01:26
azza_008also i spose i would need a uber mother board01:26
scrpazza_008: well you said a new computer01:26
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azza_008i know01:27
Upayavir1docta: my /boot is 212Mb, on a system that was installed March 2005, and has been through three Ubuntu upgrades (I think)01:27
superkirbyartistGo see (07:26:15)01:27
bonyscrp, and all the gnome apps? if so how to do that?01:27
azza_008also what does boot do01:27
Naked_SnakeI got another question01:27
azza_008u will get booted01:27
Naked_SnakeHow easy is Ubuntu to use if you've NEVER used any form of Linux before01:27
dalfzanybody know how i can compose a raw character from unicode?01:27
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scrpbony: there are 2 ways, one is to through ssh tunnel, the other is...dont remember, i think its vnc01:28
azza_008if u be quite ur q will be abswered01:28
Naked_SnakeWell, I used Knoppix but it messed up :-P01:28
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azza_008very easy i can use it lol i only tried a day or two ago01:28
bonyscrp, i think the ssh way is the secured way? but how to do that?01:28
azza_008when is th disc coming01:28
scrpNaked_Snake: Ubuntu Linux will do fine for browsing and office work, but not for games01:29
Naked_SnakeOh, well, I can always dual-boot for games01:29
scrpbony: i think vnc is better, but you can read up on google how to tunnel x through ssh :O01:29
Naked_SnakeAnd anyway, Doom is open source :-D01:29
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superkirbyartistIt is?01:29
Naked_SnakeYou didn't know that the Doom source was GPL?01:30
superkirbyartistIsn't is microsoft?01:30
Naked_SnakeIt used to be under the Doom Educational License01:30
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scrpNaked_Snake: anyway, if your worried you "could" run Ubuntu through vmware in Windows :)01:30
scrpbut vmware isnt free01:30
Naked_SnakeI'd rather dual-boot, I'm cheap01:31
scrp(and i never support anything that costs money in Linux)01:31
scrpopen source for life.01:31
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knobubuntu desktop is livecd dosnt need be installed01:31
azza_008it is slow as anything though01:31
Naked_SnakeYeah, but I want to install it ;001:31
scrpNaked_Snake: go for it :)01:31
knobi prefer not install any os then i have all hd01:32
Naked_SnakeI tried to install Red Hat once and ended up messing up my 160 gig HD (and then subsequently fixing it)01:32
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superkirbyartistso where is help?01:32
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scrpNaked_Snake: then use 2 hard drives01:32
azza_008no partition it01:33
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superkirbyartistWhy does no one help me?01:33
Naked_SnakeI will use a second HD, scrp01:33
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Naked_SnakeAnd it was my second HD when I tried with RH, but it was being used for Windows stuff too01:34
Naked_SnakeI partitioned it and the partition subsequently decided to screw itself01:34
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malice_I downloaded a deb file opened it up with my package installer and it told me : Same Version is available in a software channel. And it would rather me do it from there. But how and where do I do this?01:34
scrpsuperkirbyartist: not everybody have the expertise to answer questions about wmdial01:35
scrpor the knowledge to answer your question01:35
fyrestrtrmalice_: what did you download?01:35
azza_008i dont even know what it is lol01:35
superkirbyartistWell it is simple01:35
superkirbyartist!wmdial error 801:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wmdial error 8 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
superkirbyartist!Well you suck01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Well you suck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:36
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Doctaare there any ubuntu rar drivers01:36
azza_008that is rough ur a loser super jus ecause we can admit we dont know something01:36
elias_what is a great wiki for documentation?01:36
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malice_fyrestrtr : macchanger_1.5.0-1_i386.deb01:37
scrpDocta: if you need to unrar a file you can use unrar-free01:37
malice_Homepage: http://www.alobbs.com/macchanger01:38
malice_page I got it01:38
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nomad111can any1 help me, i just setup xgl but it doesnt seem to be working my gui is very choppy01:39
hantuIs there a way to not overwrite /etc/resolv.conf when switching from wired to wireless connection? For wireless connection, I had to use vpnc of some sort, and vpnc overwrites /etc/resolv.conf01:39
scrphantu: just backup your resolv.conf01:40
hantuscrp: and i have to do that every single time? :(01:40
scrpwell if you are using dhcp i think it will overwrite it01:40
scrpyou could make a script that does it for you automaticly01:41
malice_fyrestrtr : anything?01:41
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hantuI'm using static at home, and school's network is using dhcp. :o01:41
azza_008how do i update GNOME01:41
scrphantu: then you can make a script wich you run when you get home / or to school01:42
malice_I downloaded a deb file opened it up with my package installer and it told me : Same Version is available in a software channel. And it would rather me do it from there. But how and where do I do this?01:42
hantuswitching between 2 files?01:42
malice_deb file is: macchanger_1.5.0-1_i386.deb01:42
malice_Homepage: http://www.alobbs.com/macchanger01:42
scrpmalice_: open your terminal01:42
azza_008it still lags01:42
azza_008any1 help  me01:43
malice_do apt-get?01:43
scrpmalice_: and type, sudo apt-get install macchanger01:43
Samuli^malice_, yes.01:43
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Samuli^malice_, before installing anything from outside repos, ALWAYS do apt-cache search :)01:43
azza_008is there a system config somewhere01:43
malice_ok thank you for the tip01:43
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scrpazza_008: ubuntu will check for updates for you01:44
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scrpazza_008: you can also go to System > Administration > update manager01:45
azza_008how can i stop lag01:45
scrpazza_008: i dont know what's lagging :)01:45
azza_008when i open a browser the mouse slows alot and also i deleted top panel how do i get it back01:45
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CromagDKi forgot: is it possible to mount NTFS part.s via liveCD ?01:46
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jribCromagDK: yes01:46
jribubotu: tell CromagDK about ntfs01:46
Samuli^azza_008, your mouse slows? Or do you mean it's blinking?01:47
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azza_008it jumps around01:47
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anilomkarabhinay, hi01:49
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pricechild_hey all, could someone please help with my tv tuner?01:50
chibiaceLinuxant must die!01:50
pricechild_it used to work yesterday... but i reinstalled linux fresh01:50
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azza_008also when i scroll it hangs for about a sec01:50
pricechild_and now tvtime can access /dev/video0 if run as root01:51
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pricechild_if i change permissions on /dev/video0 to "read and write" for others... then tvtime says it can capture from it, but recieves no signal01:51
azza_008any ideas01:51
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nomad111hey all how can i find out wat gfx driver im using01:53
azza_008the CPU usage spikes when i open a program01:53
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chibiacenomad111, sudo lspci will probably tell you01:53
azza_008any way to reduce it a bit01:54
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reisihi everyone! how do i check from www for example, which version is the *ubuntu nvidia driver...?01:54
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Samuli^azza_008, there's pre-linking which could help.01:56
azza_008what is that lol01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pre-linking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
chibiacewhere can i go to hate linuxant for making drivers that you have to pay for to get full speed out of a 56k modem, man.01:56
azza_008i meant how can i do it01:57
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Samuli^azza_008, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74197&highlight=pre-linking01:57
nomad111far out i am having trouble installing aiglx01:57
dalfzhow come newly installed applications aren't showing in the applications-menu (or any submenu thereof) ?01:57
chibiaceprelinking probably wont give you any noticable gain.01:57
nomad111cant find certain packages01:57
jribdalfz: which application?01:57
bionoiddalfz: Some do, some don't. use the menu editor to add them manually.01:57
bionoidchibiace: LOL what?! You're kidding, right?01:58
dalfzjrib, for example, configuration editor under system tools,01:58
bionoidchibiace: What rate does a reduced-speed 56k modem get? 2400 baud?01:58
azza_008any other way01:58
frogzoodalfz: you need to relogin01:59
Samuli^azza_008, swithing to a faster desktop-enviroment or using lighter programs.01:59
chibiacelinuxant wants you to pay for the driver of the conexant modems or you will be limited to 14k01:59
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dalfzfrogzoo, ok trying that01:59
azza_008what is a good light web breowser02:00
_Arrickbionoid, no way 2400? not on your life02:00
eraccazza_008, links02:00
chibiace"Without the license, the drivers are limited to a maximum speed of 14.4Kbps." from the ubuntu wiki02:00
jribazza_008: try dillo02:01
bionoidchibiace: jesus. get a $5 modem? :P02:01
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chibiaceits in my laptop. it doesnt seem to be fully supported anyway.02:01
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THX-1138still using a computer from Packard Bell?02:02
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chibiaceits part of my sound card :S02:02
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eraccchibiace, Zoom makes a good PCMCIA modem.02:02
lucasvois there any way to install ubuntu using an usb flashdisk?02:02
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THX-1138Yes - there is a page in the forum. - anyone have the link?02:03
eracclucasvo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB02:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thumbdrive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashdrive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:04
chibiaceeep, the cheapest pcmcia modem i can get my hands on is NZ$8002:04
lucasvoeracc: isn't there a ready made usb image for netinstall?02:04
dalfzfrogzoo, relogin didn't help :/02:04
THX-1138!ubotu is Amnesiac02:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is Amnesiac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:04
eracclucasvo, ah, I misunderstood your question. I don't know.02:04
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chibiacedrivers shouldnt cost money :( it seems so wrong02:07
eracclucasvo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:07
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PunjabiFLOYDIANpeople i need some help regardin Anjuta02:08
tucozHi, i want to change the bootsplash to ubuntu instead of kubuntu. Anyone know how to do this?02:08
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tucozI found some info from breezy, but thought there might be a new way to do this in dapper02:08
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THX-1138chibiaca - no doubt. - worse the older the part the less likely the commercial   will be patched.02:08
IceToxHey! I'm having problems with mounting my disks to write and read permissions. Anyone has a good way to mount those windows disks to my ubuntu install?02:09
lucasvoeracc: thanks!02:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about DiskMount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:09
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:09
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse02:09
frogzooIceTox: fat or ntfs ?02:09
PunjabiFLOYDIANIceTox: see this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions02:09
Samuli^IceTox, you can't write to ntfs for one.02:09
azza_008does my ubuntu lagbecause i have 5gb swap02:10
THX-1138both and mac02:10
IceToxthanks it's ntfs frogzoo02:10
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse02:10
jribtucoz: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so   followed by  sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)02:10
Samuli^azza_008, maybe your computer just isn't up to it?02:10
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tucozjrib, cheers02:10
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manmadhaAny body from india?02:10
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azza_008wat 5gb swap02:10
IceToxSamuli^: I know I did it once before, after a tip from one in here.. However, my disk with all the logs and writings on the subject blasted.02:11
manmadhaany body know telugu language?02:11
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THX-1138lol your english is nuch better than my Bengali. Welcome to #ubuntu02:11
chibiaceazza_008 how much ram do you got02:11
THX-1138Wow. telugu? hm..02:12
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manmadhaTHX-1138, ya i have a prob02:12
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chibiacehow fast is your cpu02:13
manmadhaTHX-1138, My browser is not supporting telugu font.....how to add it?I can,t find it in the language list.......02:13
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PunjabiFLOYDIANpeople. please help regarding anjuta02:13
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eraccMan, is us.archive.ubuntu.com always slow? :-(02:14
chibiaceits probably the most busy server?02:14
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eraccI will be switching that then. :-)02:14
azza_008is 512 enough02:14
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chibiaceazza_008, yes but how fast is your cpu02:15
manmadha My browser is not supporting telugu font.....how to add it?I can,t find it in the language list.......02:15
THX-1138/usr/share/fonts   ?? simply add them ??02:15
eraccazza_008, 512MB RAM is "enough" depending on what you do.02:15
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto02:15
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer02:15
brekkerhi do anyone noxs the min spec for ubuntu02:15
azza_008so is the 5gb swap slowing it down02:15
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tucozPunjabiFLOYDIAN, there is a gnome irc server where you can get help with anjuta02:15
THX-1138Did that help?02:15
eraccazza_008, 512MB is fine for typical home usage.02:15
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chibiaceazza_008, why do you have 5gb swap02:16
manmadhaTHX-1138, ya seeing02:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANtucoz: you know the address?02:16
IceToxfrogzoo: how do I find out where my win disk is located? (hda1, hdd1 etc..)02:16
azza_008but is it the swap making it lag02:16
eracc5GB of swap is ... excessive.02:16
mypapitTHX-1138:= havent seen the movie for quite some time02:16
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tucozPunjabiFLOYDIAN, irc.gnome.org02:16
PunjabiFLOYDIANIceTox: sudo fdisk -l02:16
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IceToxtanks a lot PunjabiFLOYDIAN :)02:16
tucozPunjabiFLOYDIAN, I think there is a anjuta channel there as well. Otherwise you can try some gnome-dev channel02:16
chibiaceazza_008, it only uses swap if your memory is full. you can check from the system monitor program thingie02:16
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PunjabiFLOYDIANtucoz: is anjuta the standard IDE for Linux?02:17
frogzooIceTox: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda  should offer clues02:17
IceToxindeed frogzoo :)02:17
THX-1138myapit. - a really good movie AND a close count of the times i have asked for help learning linux and got it here. Thanks THX 1138 times. - grin02:17
eraccazza_008, I have 512MB RAM and 256MB swap. I /want/ stuff cleared from RAM instead of swapping to disk.02:17
tucozPunjabiFLOYDIAN, not sure. I don't think there is a standard IDE. But it is fairly integrated for gnome development though02:17
PunjabiFLOYDIANtucoz: thanks buddy02:18
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brekkerminimum cpu pleace02:18
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eraccI have yet to run out of RAM except for a runaway app that had a memory leak.02:18
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eraccNo, older version of the crossfire client.02:18
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eraccMeaning the GTKv1 client a few years back.02:19
THX-1138PunjabiFLOYDIAN - Do you speak Telugu?02:19
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tucozTHX-1138, he left02:19
chibiacei open alot of photos from my digital camera, when i had 256mb i could open 2 then my computer would be slow as02:19
Po0dleUbuntu killed my pc02:19
gyro54Any ideas on how to make a Audigy2 platinum remote work?02:19
eraccAt the time I had 512MB RAM and 1GB swap. The leaking client filled it ALL and brought the system to its' knees.02:20
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THX-1138Po0dle - What happened prior to it dying?02:20
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brekkerdo anyone nows the min hardware rec02:21
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Po0dleLoading GRUB, Please wait...02:21
Po0dleError 1702:21
Po0dletried all the solutions available on the interweb02:21
Po0dleall faield02:21
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brekkerdo anyone nows the min hardware rec???????????????????????????????02:22
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chibiacebrekker,  you could go quite low, my 800mhz duron finds gnome abit much though. 1.2ghz is probably the minimum speed for a nice ride02:22
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THX-1138Ah - medium difficulty fix for a new user. - Check out ubotu's link and you will be up and running in no time.02:22
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:22
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THX-1138Did that help?02:22
eraccchibiace, I am running xubuntu on an old Dell with 384MB RAM and a PIII 450MHz. Works fine with the lighter window manager.02:23
IceToxthanks frogzoo. The manual you gave me worked very good :)02:23
Po0dlei dunno02:23
chibiaceeracc, yes, but gnome doesnt. xfce is quite neat really02:23
eraccActually I prefer fluxbox. Installing the stuff *I* like now. :-)02:23
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malice_I have a wireless PCI card and in order for me to get connected to the internet I have to insert it just at the righ ttime for the system to see it. If I insert it to early it will freeze if I install it to late it will not see it at all. My question is, is there a way to mount this in terminal I have tried sudo ifconfig wlan0 up and then down when I am finished but sometimes it does not work or it freezes. Just wondering if there is a02:24
chibiacefluxbox is my favorite light wm, though i would never use it if gnome worked02:24
brekkeri use a athlon 1.1  with 512 ram and it works faster as any win02:24
Po0dleso THX02:24
eraccI'm switching all my SOHO biz systems (except for the FreeBSD server) to *buntu from Mandriva. Just started yesterday. :-)02:24
THX-1138eracc - Did i see a fluxbox version  of Uuntu on the web?02:24
Po0dlewhat do i need to look for on these sites02:24
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eraccTHX-1138, no idea. I just installed xubuntu and then used synaptic to get fluxbox.02:25
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jllitvayDoes anyone has installed ubuntu on G3 Powermac??02:25
bruno__hello , I am french ubuntu user, I am on 6.1002:25
IceToxNow, does anyone know how this metacity thingie works? :) I've got some cute themes which I wanna set in my ubuntu install.02:25
eraccTHX-1138, oh, that is cool! :-)02:25
THX-1138uofficial but it's there.02:25
eraccWell, I'll stuck with official and just pop on flux. :-)02:26
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chibiaceIceTox, you want to install themes?02:26
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brekkeri just wonna ust my very old duron 450 as 2end pc02:27
IceToxchibiace: indeed.. I'd like to have my gnome desktop look a little more comfertable :)02:27
chibiaceIceTox, you can drag them into the theme manager thing in system > preferences > theme02:27
chibiaceIceTox, or unpack it to .themes02:27
eraccOnly thing I don't like so far is this freaking slow us repository. I need to find a repository list so I can change this ...02:27
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IceToxah.. lemme try that right a way chibiace :)02:27
snarfis there a java package for unbuntu?02:27
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:28
gyro54Any ideas on how to make a Audigy2 platinum remote work?02:28
chibiacebrekker, try ubuntu with xfce, gnome might be too slow. the slowest specs i've run gnome on are 350mhz and 256mb and it is usable but not as fun02:29
Po0dlei dont understand this step02:29
Po0dleWhen the Ubuntu splash screen comes up with the boot: prompt, type in rescue and press enter.02:29
IceToxchibiace: "Windows Border Theme ATER-Blue correctly installed. You can select it in the theme details." <-- This message comes, but still, I cannot find the crappy metacity theme in my theme manager :)02:29
kanpachihello, when using mplayer  works fine, except when i load videos that have mp3 audio track, i get an error saying "Requested audio codec family [mp3]  (afm=mp3lib) not avaiable. Enable it at compliation". the video plays just fine and so does the sound, what do i do?02:29
brekkerok thanks02:30
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chibiaceIceTox, theme details, you can select each part of the theme02:30
eraccxubuntu should work "out of the box" on slower systems.02:30
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IceToxoh.. *blushes* Thanks chibiace :)02:30
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THX-1138Google "Linux Swappiness" some nifty tips on swapfiles and ram usage. bumped into a site some months ago. (yep nerdy but it does make a noticeable difference at least to me.)02:31
eraccJust to familiarize myself ... the CLI way to install software on *buntu is with apt-get?02:32
chibiaceapt-get install appname02:32
eraccOk, thanks.02:32
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eraccI prefer installing apps from the CLI.02:33
chibiaceme too02:33
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chibiacei make linux look hard to people who watch me02:33
THX-1138chibiaca - Soon you will have him bash scripting and giving up windows entirely. Where will it end? - lol02:33
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chibiacebash scripting is fun02:33
jribubotu: tell eracc about apt02:33
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=== eracc has been selling, installing, supporting AND using UNIX systems since 1987. :-p
brekkercan i install flash 5 on ubuntu??02:34
THX-1138It is Really nice to something only once and script it for the other nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine times.02:34
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jribbrekker: do you really want flash 5?  flash 7 is the most recent version for linux02:34
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brekkerok thanks02:35
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jribubotu: tell brekker about flash02:35
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eraccjrib, thanks.02:35
jriberacc: np02:35
PunjabiFLOYDIANpeople. what is the standard gcc command to compile a C file02:35
jribPunjabiFLOYDIAN: gcc -o file file.c02:36
PunjabiFLOYDIANjrib: thanks02:36
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jribPunjabiFLOYDIAN: -o lets you specify the name of the output file02:36
jllitvayDoes anyone has installed ubuntu on G3 Powermac??02:36
PunjabiFLOYDIANso if the output file has to be X then i should write gcc -o X file.c?02:36
chibiacecan i install ubuntu on my nintendo wii02:36
jribPunjabiFLOYDIAN: right02:37
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Dekkardanyone maybe give me a clue on how to reinstall the default cursor font from a terminal.. x is (sniff) gone02:37
Dekkardafter using linux for 6 years i had to learn vim last night02:38
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Dekkard ok.. im lame02:38
=== jrib can't believe you waited so long to learn such a great app
cbx333hey guys, I'm having trouble with an external monitor on dapper on a toshiba laptop02:38
Dekkard kinda like.. I didnt need to02:38
cbx333any ideas howtos tutorials ?02:38
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THX-1138nah vim is erm "unconventional"?? - lol02:38
eraccDude, I started with ed. vi was a great thing. ;-)02:39
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Dekkardbut vimtutor is a great thing to get you going02:39
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eraccOne basically need know only a handful of vim commands to use the thing.02:39
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Dekkardso now if i can just figure out how to get arwiz cursor gone and reinstall the default I should get X back02:40
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megasquidis fglrx driver differnt from the radeon driver?02:40
Dekkardi think thats what is killing the "cant find device serial wacom"02:40
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tyzefsalut je recherche benje02:41
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:41
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PunjabiFLOYDIANwhich is the best IDE for Ubuntu, except Anjuta. Can i use Emacs?02:41
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Raul654Simple question - I need an alarm clock for gnome02:41
tucozPunjabiFLOYDIAN, of course.02:41
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Raul654can anyone recommend one?02:41
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tucozPunjabiFLOYDIAN, I use emacs all the time02:41
PunjabiFLOYDIANtucoz: is it good for C programming?02:41
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eraccEmacs - a great OS that needs a good text editor. :-p02:41
tucozPunjabiFLOYDIAN, but i wouldn't call it an IDE02:41
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PunjabiFLOYDIANoh. its good for C Programming?02:41
Dekkarderacc:  that was funny02:41
tucozYes, it's excellent for C programming02:42
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PunjabiFLOYDIANok thanks :D02:42
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PunjabiFLOYDIANby the way, was wondering: in which language was Emacs programmed?02:42
Dekkardlook up the article "living in emacs"02:42
eraccDekkard, it was not original. I saw that on a pro-vim site. :-)02:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANoh. and C was programmed in ?02:42
Raul654Can anyone suggest an alarm clock applet for gnome?02:42
megasquidis "fglrx" driver differnt from the "radeon" driver?02:42
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chibiaceisnt the radeon the opensource one02:43
Dekkardonly problem with emacs is learning the 17,983 keyboard commands02:43
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stu_trying to get my ibm thinkpad buttons to work, it says insmod nvram - but I dont have the module - how do I get it ?02:43
kendalsI can't get guifications to install on gaim2.0beta302:43
kendalsIt tells me "ABI version mismatch">?02:43
PunjabiFLOYDIANkendals: why not use Synaptics? it takes care of package dependencies02:43
kendalsi've tried, punjab- same problem :(02:44
=== mon^rch [i=mon_rch@S0106000d873e0efe.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kendalsi go to plugins.02:44
kendalsand guifications is faded out.02:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANkendals: u need to compile from source. get the source.02:44
kendalsand the reason is as above "abi version mismatch:"02:44
kendalsi tried compiling from the source...02:44
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kendalsand i tells me it can't find 'gaim' package.02:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANthen u probably aint doing it right02:44
eraccDekkard, http://thomer.com/vi/vi.html (a vi site actually)02:44
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.02:44
deselby9I have some problems with soundcard02:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANcheck this out02:44
azza_008is it possible that having too much swap slows u down02:44
=== pedaboy [n=peda@85-124-137-146.favoriten.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
mon^rchhey, does anyone know if ubuntu will ever have mp3 support out of the box?02:45
PunjabiFLOYDIANazza_008: maybe. recommened is 2 and half times the amount of physical RAM. anything more than that is waste02:45
mjrmon^rch, probably will, but not before the mp3 patents have expired02:45
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PunjabiFLOYDIANmon^rch: use XMMS.w hyworry bout patents?02:45
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PunjabiFLOYDIANsee this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompileGaim02:46
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=== mon^rch likes amarok
deselby9how can I reset sound device ?02:46
mon^rchand that friggin libxineextracodecs wont install properly02:46
azza_008i was reccomended to have it as 512 from a develeloper my ram is 51202:46
kendalsthanks punjab- will give that a go.02:46
=== Tuxicomane [n=tuxico@147.242.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
PunjabiFLOYDIANazza_008: then its ok. too much swap is wate.02:46
PunjabiFLOYDIANkendals: yup try it!02:46
kendalsreport back in a few minutes heh02:47
=== chimai [n=chimai@cev75-3-82-232-62-80.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ackeubu_hey how do i se which ports my apps are using?02:47
PunjabiFLOYDIANlol ok02:47
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee ya guys. happy hacking.02:47
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eraccActually there are some Linux gurus that will say swap should decrease in size as RAM increases in size. The rule of thumb I have seen over and over is under 512MB make swap 2x RAM. At 512MB make swap 512MB or 256MB (depending on the guru). At 768MB and up swap may or may not be needed at all.02:47
=== ubanazi [n=ubuntu@Toronto-HSE-ppp3717218.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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SeanTaterk-man_:  , Ciao, Hola, Hallo, Hello, and Yo!02:48
stu_trying to get my ibm thinkpad buttons to work, it says insmod nvram - but I dont have the module - how do I get it ?02:48
Raul654what package is gnome-config in?02:48
ubanazithe desktop iso video doesnt work02:49
megasquidanyone know where i can get the 'radeon' drivers?02:49
SeanTaterubanazi: I've heard that a couple times recently02:49
k-man_why does only one use show up in the list of users that can auto log in? (and not the user I want?)02:49
ubanaziubanazi: il say it ten times02:49
=== Amaranth_ [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu
ubanazicant install it02:50
SeanTaterubanazi: install what?02:50
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ubanazicant install ubuntu without the desktop02:50
ubanazii mean without the video02:50
SeanTaterubanazi: ah! you mean X's Video, I thought you mean the one in the examples folder --02:50
Raul654Can anyone suggest an alarm clock applet for gnome?02:50
ukjadooni cannot seem to resize my partitions using gparted can anyone help?02:50
ubanazithe drivers for ubuntu must be obssolete obsolete video drivers02:51
=== Ermot [n=gello@hmpdmehed51-pool2-a31.hmpdme.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeanTaterubanazi: you can try the alternate CD02:51
ubanazioh! the alternate cd you say? you mean the one that works?02:51
SeanTaterubanazi: it does not need video drivers, but in all likelyness it will install a desktop without video02:51
pedaboyhi... can anyone help me with this: Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.02:51
=== sc0tty_ [n=yann@ARennes-257-1-135-2.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
SeanTaterubanazi:  / likeliness/02:52
ukjadooni cannot resize my ntfs partitions in gparted can anyone help please?02:52
SeanTatersc0tty_: :  , Ciao, Hola, Hallo, Hello, and Yo!02:52
eraccubanazi, I installed xubuntu desktop yesterday and the "install desktop" worked fine for me.02:52
ubanaziis that right? an iso that will actually installed called alternate. well i never woulda thought02:52
SeanTatersc0tty_: isn't google translate fun?02:52
sc0tty_yes it is02:52
=== vrkhasn [n=vrkhans@cpe-24-166-208-76.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubanazimaybe i should be more alternative and stop looking for obvious things02:53
=== zgb027 [n=zgb027@p54ABDBB4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
sc0tty_google is slowly but surely overtaking the world, starting with us02:53
=== SeanTater soaks up ubanazi's sarcasm
zgb027alles im lot?02:53
megasquidanyone know where i can get the 'radeon' drivers?02:53
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eraccubanazi, what video chipset is on your card?02:53
ukjadoonu can get ati drivers from02:53
SeanTatersc0tty_: I wish they had a google ISP02:53
ubanazieracc: nvidia02:53
darkanyelhow can i see a preview of my videos in nautilus???02:54
sc0tty_SeanTater: they'll get there one day02:54
=== Linuturk [n=Linuturk@mail.faia.com] has joined #ubuntu
ukjadoonthey do distribute linux drivers there02:54
SeanTatersc0tty_: so I heard02:54
eraccThere are quite a few nVidia chipsets ...02:54
ukjadoonbut they r kinda heavy02:54
sc0tty_I wish they had a google cellphone company02:54
ukjadoonaround 80 megs02:54
sc0tty_with googletalk on your cell :)02:54
=== medic30420 [n=medic304@c-68-32-105-208.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubanazithis old faithful nvidia02:54
SeanTatersc0tty_: I think the entire universe should have a serach button02:54
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ukjadooni am satisfied with my nvidia though and i am pretty much an nvidiot :D02:54
=== kedde [n=kedde@56342eed.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ukjadooni got my 7600 working on ubuntu in no time02:54
sc0tty_my desk could use one02:54
ukjadoonand working in blender is a pure joy02:55
ubanaziukjadoon: 7600gs?02:55
=== g-nome [n=chatzill@80-218-8-173.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
chibiaceSeanTater, its called google02:55
ukjadoonyeah 7600GS02:55
sc0tty_I just got a new keyboard02:55
ubanaziukjadoon: i have 202:55
ukjadooni have an XFX 7600 XXX edition02:55
sc0tty_and I have fancy play pause next previous keys02:55
ukjadoonohhhh awesome02:55
=== SeanTater looks at the sky and presses the translucent search button hovering in mid-air. OH-- so that's one's sirius!
sc0tty_I'm trying to set them but it doesn't work :@02:55
ubanaziand theyre both in there02:55
ukjadoonniice so u r using an sli?:S02:55
tucozmegasquid, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:55
darkanyelhow can i see a preview of my videos in nautilus??? plz O_O02:55
sc0tty_I can set them in the gnome utility, but no reaction from rhythmbox ...02:55
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ubanaziukjadoon: ya02:55
chibiacedarkanyel, is that even possible?02:56
ukjadoonmy motherboard only has a single slot02:56
sc0tty_darkanyel: preview or thumbnail ?02:56
=== Rich43 [n=Rich43@bb-87-82-22-134.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SeanTatersc0tty_: okay place I;ve seen them work is in linspire02:56
eraccubanazi, the system I installed xubuntu on yesterday has a video card with Riva TNT2 chipset. I did nothing special.02:56
ukjadoonsooo i couldnt get an sli configuration02:56
megasquidtucoz: i'm looking for the open source driver02:56
ukjadoonhey can anyone help me with gparted?02:56
=== Tuxicomane [n=tuxico@147.242.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
ukjadooni cannot seem to resize my ntfs partitions02:56
tucozmegasquid, isn't that available from apt-get?02:56
sc0tty_well the keys are recognized, xev shows it ... I guess it gets lost in the way02:56
azza_008y does it fucking lag please helpo me02:56
ukjadooni want to add more space to my ubuntu partition02:56
ubanazieracc: well dont tell ubuntu this 80 years later02:56
sc0tty_darkanyel: totem-thumbnail-something iirc02:57
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megasquidtucoz: possibly, do you know what the package is by any chance?02:57
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ukjadoonis there a way i could log into ubuntu as root?02:58
tucozmegasquid, xserver-xorg-driver-ati02:58
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Tyk0sif i install ubuntu desktop.. does it find my other disks? (e: f: etc.) ?02:58
lastnodeTyk0s, it should find them during install. if not you can add them later in fstab02:58
ukjadoonbecause i think i cannot resize it cause i am not logged in as root:S02:58
ukjadoonor something02:58
Tyk0soh okay..02:58
azza_008y does it fucking lag please helpo me02:59
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megasquidtucoz: thanks02:59
darkanyelsc0tty,sorry, i dont undestad :S02:59
lastnodeazza_008, language. you've already been warned once.02:59
eraccukjadoon, sudo passwd root02:59
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lastnodeazza_008, we want to help you, but we cant if you keep speaking in that manner. this is a family friendly channel02:59
sc0tty_search for totem thumbnail in synaptic02:59
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=== SGL [n=Ted@a80-100-213-89.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
lastnodeeracc, we generally dont advocate telling users how to enable root on their boxen, just so you know.03:00
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sc0tty_8 channels is getting a lot ... I need to get a life ..03:00
azza_008ohh ok sorry03:00
eraccukjadoon, that will allow you to set a password for root and enable root login.03:00
eracclastnode, ok.03:00
lastnodeeracc, the rationale being that if a user really wanted a root account, he'd know how.03:00
eracclastnode, it is the first thing I looke dup. :-)03:01
lastnodeeracc, because then we dont have to deal with "oh no i accidentally rm -rf /usr03:01
lastnodeeracc, me too, but we don't advocate it here in #ubuntu generally03:01
lastnodejust fyi03:01
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=== LjL [n=ljl@62-101-126-215.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
eracclastnode, I get it. Next time I'll just say "use sudo, dude". ;-)03:01
azza_008any ideas03:01
stu_anyone know of a webpage showing linux desktops, themes, visual enhancements etc?03:01
LjLstu_: perhaps gnome-look.org (or kde-look.org)03:02
eraccazza_008, define lag.03:02
azza_008well when i open up a program the mouse jumps03:02
eraccWow, my mouse just stays on my desk. ;-)03:03
=== mon^rch [i=mon_rch@S0106000d873e0efe.cg.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu []
azza_008i mean th cursir03:03
eraccazza_008, I know.03:03
darkanyelsc0tty,what mean this?  "Video thumbnailer (Requires nautilus from the GNOME 2.2 release)"03:03
LjLazza_008: don't really have a clue, but... is that only when you open up a program, or more generically when the hard drive is being used?03:03
sc0tty_darkanyel: yes I guess03:04
azza_008when i poen a program and scroll down it hangs for about a second03:04
sc0tty_if you're running a gnome >2.2 you're fine, and I'd say you are03:04
sexcopter8000mhi, i want to access shared stuff on a windows machine. i have 3 xp pro machines connected to the router (plus this ubuntu laptop). i can access one of the xp machines, but not the other two. any starting points how to fix this?03:04
sc0tty_sexcopter8000m: can you access these machines from the xp box ?03:04
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
darkanyelso, a have to upgrade my gnome??? :S03:04
LjLazza_008: hm, what about if you have an iconified window, and open it up?03:05
chibiaceubuntu needs nfs discovery03:05
sc0tty_no, darkanyel if you have the latest ubuntu you have 2.1403:05
sc0tty_so you're fine03:05
SGLQuestion: Nothing happens when I do either "sudo updatedb" or "sudo apt-get install blaaaaa". Does anyone know what is wrong? (Using XUBUNTU)03:05
sexcopter8000msc0tty_, no, that's why i thought i'd try from ubuntu. what i really want to do is shit files from one pc to a laptop, which happen to be the two uncooperative xp machines03:05
LjLazza_008: if you minimize/iconify a window... i.e. press the button that makes the window go away into the window list... and then bring it back from the window list03:05
fourati did a fresh install of cupsys and i dont get the /etc/cups/client.conf file, what's wrong ?03:05
eraccazza_008, that sounds like a video redraw thing. Very likely related to your video card + driver.03:05
azza_008ill check03:05
darkanyelbut, so why i cant see the thumbnail03:05
azza_008well is there a sis liinux driver03:06
sc0tty_sexcopter8000m: I'd say it's a windows side problem then03:06
azza_008yeah it does a bit03:06
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fouratwhere's the  /etc/cups/client.conf in dapper ?03:06
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eraccazza_008, your video chipset is SiS?03:06
sc0tty_because you need to install totem-thumbnail so he can create the thumbnails :)03:06
sexcopter8000msc0tty_, think i agree... i've torn my hair out in front of them, not sure what it could be ><03:06
sc0tty_well I don't have windows around03:06
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omarhello, there are some web pages in flash that I cannot see. However others open easyly, what can I do03:07
azza_008yeah SiS03:07
omarI have firefox03:07
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=== liv [n=ubuntu@host190-158-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
SGLQuestion: Nothing happens when I do either "sudo updatedb" or "sudo apt-get install blaaaaa". Does anyone know what is wrong? (Using XUBUNTU)03:07
sc0tty_but I'd say try to do the same config that you have on the XP box that works03:07
eraccazza_008, hmmm, is this embedded video on the motherboard?03:07
gnomefreakomar: wait for flash 903:07
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gnomefreakomar: the pages you cant view are most likely built in flash 803:07
sc0tty_sexcopter8000m: from my memories of XP, you have 2 modes to share03:07
omargnomefreak: wait? what do you mean03:07
sc0tty_active easy share or whatever it's called03:08
gnomefreakomar: there will not be a linux build for flash 803:08
eraccazza_008, yikes. Er, I try to avoid those because they are usually cheap and slow. You may just have to live with that until you can swap hardware.03:08
firenxcan someone tell me if works03:08
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sexcopter8000msc0tty_, easy file sharing, yeah i've investigated that03:08
omargnomefreak: but I used to use those pages with linux03:08
sexcopter8000msc0tty_, apparently mixing home and pro can cause trouble, but they're all pro03:08
LjLfirenx: not here03:08
firenxhm ok03:08
azza_008i have no money03:08
chibiacesexcopter8000m, ive had very varied results with samba, mostly i cant access anything on the network cept the windows box, using 1 computer as a ftp server was much more efficient sadly, lately i played with nfs and it was nice but was very manual and i dont know how it would be setup on windows03:08
sexcopter8000mi just wish windows had the support ubuntu has!03:08
azza_008will fedora run bette03:09
firenxLjL: forbidden?03:09
gnomefreakomar: it could be the page isnt working (you havent given me a page that gives you problems03:09
LjLfirenx: no, i just can't reach port 8003:09
omargnomefreak: I tried 2 pages03:09
darkanyelsc0tty,you mean totem-gstreamer??03:09
firenxok.. musta done something wrong on the firewall..03:09
gnomefreakomar: care to give me them so i can see what the issue is?03:09
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sexcopter8000mchibiace, ok thanks. i can access one pc fine without fiddling with anything, so probably nothing wrong on my ubuntu side03:09
darkanyelsc0tty,cos' i cant find totem thumb...03:09
SGLCan someone help me with sudo commands not working??03:10
=== sda [n=me@0x55531859.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
LjLfirenx: well, note that on other ports i've tried, i get a "connection refused". on port 80 it just hangs there03:10
sc0tty_darkanyel: it comes if you use easyubuntu03:10
omargnomefreak: ok there you go www.bws.com.pe and http://www.latinka.com/03:10
LjLfirenx: (until it times out of course)03:10
eraccazza_008, I recommend upgrading to a new motherboard and nVidia AGP or PCIe graphics adapter.03:10
azza_008io cant03:10
eraccazza_008, I know that may not be an option.03:10
chibiacesexcopter8000m, check permissions and workgroups, i guess.03:10
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fourathow to submit a bugreport in ubuntu ?03:10
gnomefreakomar: you cant open that page at all?03:10
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com03:10
gnomefreakfourat: ^^^03:11
azza_008well wat can i do then03:11
sexcopter8000mchibiace, how? i've read about these permissions but don't know where to find/set them03:11
bintuthello all.. i just installed ubuntu here on my laptop but it's very slow.. :(03:11
sdaI have ubuntu installed on my laptop. What do I have to do, to output the display to my external screen (ordinary lcd with vga)?03:11
=== froud [n=froud@dsl-145-39-98.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
omargnomefreak: I can open but I need the smaill part in flash, but latinka I cannot open03:11
chibiacesexcopter8000m, dont ask me, i havent got samba going myself :P03:11
bintuti don't know what's causing this03:11
eraccazza_008, Hrm, give the video adapter as much shared memory as your BIOS will allow. Other than that there is not much you can do.03:11
bintutanyone have a similar experience?03:11
azza_008how do i do that03:11
gnomefreakomar: can you give me what version of flash you are using? apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree    will give you version03:12
darkanyelsc0tty,what is easyubuntu???03:12
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.03:12
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gnomefreakdarkanyel: ^^^03:12
=== jabular_ [i=jabular@82-32-17-244.cable.ubr03.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
eraccazza_008, If the option is available in your BIOS then you have to reboot and get into the BIOS settings on your PC using the instructions given you by the PC manufacturer. Depends on your BIOS as to how you actually access it. I know how to do mine, not yours.03:13
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firenxLjL: hey could you try again? think i figured out the problem03:13
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azza_008i am in the setup03:13
LjLfirenx: still not connecting03:13
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse03:13
darkanyelthanks gnomefreak^^03:14
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=== superbob [n=superbob@82-41-124-152.cable.ubr01.glen.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
firenxLjL: thought i had fixed the problem hehe03:14
LjLazza_008: i would also try putting the option   Option "SWCursor" "True"   into the mouse section of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:14
gnomefreakomar: i open them without a problem (find out version) than make sure you are using flash. in browser address bar type about:plugins  and see if flash is there03:14
azza_008what will that do03:14
ukjadoonhey eracc03:14
eraccazza_008, you'll just have to go through the BIOS pages until you see the option for amount of RAM to give the video. It may not BE there.03:14
=== Ziemas [n=flurf_fl@90-227-219-67-no62.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
ukjadoonsorry i was busy breaking my fast03:15
eraccukjadoon, yes?03:15
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-225-126-209.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ukjadoonthanx a million dude03:15
ukjadoonfor the help :D03:15
LjLazza_008: it will generate the mouse pointer in software rather than using your card's hardware sprite support.  supposed to be slower, but maybe it might solve your problem03:15
eraccukjadoon, you're welcome.03:15
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ukjadooni can finally log in as sudo03:15
azza_008ohh ok03:15
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=== aimaz [n=swp1@i-83-67-17-205.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLazza_008: also, make sure you actually have "sis" as your video card driver in xorg.conf, rather than "vesa" or whoknowswhat03:16
omargnomefreak: I can open but I need the smaill part in flash, but latinka I cannot open03:16
omar  Instalados: 7.0.68~ubuntu2~dapper103:16
omar  Candidato: 7.0.68~ubuntu2~dapper103:16
=== morrye [n=Administ@cpc1-hem12-0-0-cust982.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
omargnomefreak: those are the versions03:16
=== voraistos has a new box!!!! Hello by the way ;)
morryeWhat distro installs the GUI ubuntu?03:16
LjLmorrye: sorry? Ubuntu *has* a GUI by default. just download the "Desktop" version03:17
eraccazza_008, what LjL said about the driver is good advice too.03:17
gnomefreakomar: check about:plugins see what it says about flash03:17
=== lastnode_ [n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu] has joined #ubuntu
morryeLjL: Could you provide me with a link? I could only find the live cd and the server version.03:17
=== eracc is going to work now ... AFK
LjLmorrye: the live CD is also an install cd. but ok, hold on03:17
voraistoshey guys. I have to format my new box. should i use ext3 or reiserFS/4 ?03:17
Ermotin general is linux/ubuntu supposed to be faster than windows? i did the desktop install but it feels like a java app.  frames/controls take a while to react and stuff.03:18
LjLmorrye: http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/ <- this is an United States mirror.  the link you want is the first on the page, assuming you have a 32-bit x86 PC03:18
azza_008do u have the commands03:18
voraistosErmot: it should be much faster. are u using the liveCD ?03:18
gnomefreakomar: both pages opened here without a problem with flash installed (forgot to look at source)03:18
voraistosErmot: Ooops no u say u installed...03:19
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Ermotyeah i checked out the liveCD and decided to install it on a partition. that's cool it should be faster. i'll try updating drivers. was just curious if the "java-like" feel was normal03:19
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voraistosErmot: what do u call java-like ?03:19
Jack_Sparrowvoraistos: You still need to ask that.  SOme people say installed even though they are running the livecd03:19
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LjLazza_008: well, type "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (or, for a GUI editor, uh... i think "gsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf") to load up the xorg.conf file, then search for the "sis" string03:20
voraistosErmot: coz java is pretty much shit ;)03:20
sc0tty_my focus is screwed again :(03:20
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Ermotvoraistos: i click a button and half a second later it pushes. the GUI reacts to what i did a little while ago03:20
LjLazza_008: you should see a Driver "sis" entry in your video card section03:20
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sc0tty_my windows focus is set to click; but I need to click on the titlebar for the window to become active03:20
voraistosErmot: that is NOT normal at all...03:20
Ermotcool i'll look at it later. thanks for help :)03:21
LjLmorrye: there is also a non-Live, non-GUI version of the CD for installing, if you prefer that (it's called the "Alternate" CD). but the "Live" CD is the standard way of installing03:21
=== Berto [n=Berto@cpe-70-113-91-109.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
voraistosso anyone knows whats the best? ext3 or ReiserFS ? (the best... or at least which one u prefer to use ?)03:22
=== SuperSub [n=administ@c58-107-221-246.sunsh4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
sc0tty_I use reiserfs03:22
oskudevoraistos: ext3, but dont ask why ;)03:22
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SuperSubdoes anyone know if you can map outlook pst files in evolution mail?03:23
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voraistossc0tty_ and why is that so ?03:23
azza_008it says vesa03:23
Bertohi - does anyone here have a Dell Laptop with Ubuntu?  I need to know how to setup power options.  My laptop doesn't go into suspend mode ever or anything03:23
sc0tty_I find ext3 slow to boot after a power failure or something03:23
lukas_j #linux.de03:23
LjLvoraistos: ext3 is default, is well supported (particularly in Ubuntu) and tested. reiserfs has a (rightly? wrongly? who knows) fame for not being very reliable, in certain circles. it *is* supposed to be kind of faster. up to you03:23
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azza_008wat do i change it to03:23
sc0tty_I have 300GB, so it becomes noticeable03:23
psylocybehey, how can i work with .rar files ?03:23
Jack_SparrowSuperSub: You need to export them from outlook in a different format. or into Thunderbird03:24
LjLazza_008: change it to "sis" instead of "vesa".  then restart X03:24
azza_008what u mean restart x03:24
Bertopsylocybe, 'unrar' is the package you want03:24
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sc0tty_I kept reiserfs because that's what I used when this box was running debian headless03:24
SuperSubtry prefrences power managment03:24
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azza_008it wont let me save it03:24
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=== TeePOG greets everyone
sc0tty_when I got a screen, I installed ubuntu, but only reinstalled /03:24
sc0tty_which might be ext3 when I come to think of it03:24
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LjLazza_008: i mean press ctrl+alt+backspace, after saving any file you have open in any of your programs. note that, if that doesn't work, you'll be left with a text-only console, and you'll have to open xorg.conf again from there (sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and change it back to vesa03:25
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
psylocybeBerge, i guess03:25
SuperSublove the name03:25
sc0tty_yes my / and /opt are ext3 (ubuntu specific stuff I reinstalled)03:25
SuperSubjack sparrow03:25
Bergepsylocybe: Hm? What? Me?03:25
sc0tty_my /data and /home are reiserfs03:25
voraistossc0tty_ So would u recommend ReiserFS or Reiser4?03:26
psylocybeBerge, sorry03:26
sc0tty_reiserfs is fairly easy to install, the tools are easy to install, and it's (more or less) well supported03:26
SuperSubjack_sparrow is there a tool in ubuntu to do this?03:26
psylocybeBerto, apt?03:26
LjLazza_008: oh, also, you'll have to type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" after changing xorg.conf back -- again ONLY if it does not restart automatically03:26
sc0tty_I've never had problems with my reiserfs so far03:26
Jack_SparrowSuperSub: No03:26
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Bergepsylocybe: No problem. You obviously don't love my name (-;03:26
voraistossc0tty_ what kind of "tools" do i get ?03:27
sc0tty_mmh mkreiserfs03:27
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azza_008how do i open it so i can save it man03:27
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psylocybeBerge, its cool :D03:27
sc0tty_yo ucan find them in synaptic iirc03:27
Bertopsylocybe, what?  I did an apt-get install unrar   and it pulled down, but i have some extra sources defined too03:27
sc0tty_I find reiserfs to be geekier lol03:27
Jack_SparrowSuperSub: I never found one,  Thanks again to MS..  You can work around it like I said in how you export the file and get it into thunderbird etc03:27
sc0tty_it sounds better when you talk with people03:27
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Bergepsylocybe: It's actually my given first name, so, well, thanks (-:03:28
voraistossc0tty_ looool i am gonna check on synaptic what i can get03:28
Jack_SparrowI think there are more recovery tools for ext3 should there be a problem.03:28
sc0tty_I chose it at first after with the admin at work, he said he found it so much faster for a server03:28
SuperSubi have a look around03:28
sc0tty_after *talking03:28
omarhello , I am back I still can't open my flash pages03:28
Naked_SnakeFriggin' yay03:28
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javaJakeclock-applet: error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:28
javaJakeAny ideas?03:29
azza_008please tell me03:29
SuperSubhave u heard of transend tool03:29
=== HeavyThinker [n=rob@CPE-58-166-176-32.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
psylocybeBerto, to use, just unrar file ?03:29
SuperSublooks like it may be capable03:29
Bertopsylocybe, hmmm haven't used it for a while, i think it's unrar -x file.rar03:29
Bertopsylocybe, or maybe unrar x file.rar03:29
javaJakeI was messing around with mplayerplug-in to get it to work with Opera (failed) but now clock-applet crashes03:29
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psylocybeBerto, 10x!03:29
javaJakeIt says it can't find libplds4.so03:29
LjLazza_008: "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to open is, and alt+w to close and save.  but please mention "ljl" when you're talking to me, otherwise i'll probably miss it03:29
javaJakeBut I know it exists03:29
javaJakelocate says it is in opera03:30
javaJake's plugin folder03:30
azza_008ok it doesnt work03:30
javaJakeAnd /usr/lin03:30
javaJakeThis is the error I get:03:30
javaJakeclock-applet: error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:30
azza_008does it need " "03:30
Bertodoes anyone know how to force my laptop into suspend mode to see if my power options work at all?03:30
Naked_SnakeCool beans, baby, I am getting 3 Ubuntu CDs, 1 PC, 1 64 and 1 Mac03:30
eraccOne question before I head out the door for work. Is there an equivalent to FreeBSD's 'fastest_cvsup' command for *buntu? That FreeBSD command looks for the fastest repositories for one.03:30
LjLazza_008: so now you're into a text-only screen? (yes it needs the quotes)03:30
Jassossovinikazza_008 - you need to omit the " "03:30
LjLJassossovinik: no, not in this case i think...03:31
javaJakeeracc, yes there is...03:31
oskudeeracc: yup theres one... forgot the name...03:31
javaJakeeracc, but I can't remember what it is... darn....03:31
eraccHeh, ok, I know it exists. I'll look for it later. GTG03:31
JassossovinikLjL - seriously? i've edited xorg.conf loadsa times and never used "" :-s03:31
LjLJassossovinik: well, in mine i do have      Driver          "nvidia"03:32
Jassossovinikoh right - i thought you meant on the command line - heh!03:32
LjLJassossovinik: i don't know if it'd work even without the quotes, but they're definitely there by default03:32
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Jassossovinikyeah, you need it in the syntax of the file03:32
azza_008it stoill wont work03:32
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javaJakeAnybody know anything about clock-applet and libplds4.so???03:32
LjLazza_008: what does it do?03:33
=== voraistos is gonna try with Reiser4, tell you if he is happy with it or not:)
javaJakeClock-applet can't find libplds4.so03:33
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azza_008ahh sorry03:33
javaJakeAnd libplds4.so is in /usr/bin03:33
LjLazza_008: well, it'll give some error message or something i'd suppose03:33
sc0tty_voraistos: have fun :)03:33
Jassossovinikazza_008  what happens - there must ne an error or something03:33
azza_008i get it03:33
azza_008i was in alt+F2 lol03:33
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LjLazza_008: and the error is in alt+f1? or is it working?03:34
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psylocybeBerto, "cannot open file.rar" :~03:34
sc0tty_oh :( I didn't launch irssi in the screen .. pff03:34
azza_008i get itit wont work it opens a blank page03:34
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mon^rchwhat sre the benefits of getting the amd64 version instead of just the norm???03:35
LjLazza_008: oh well... change it back to vesa then03:35
azza_008no i mean i cant get it to SiS03:35
azza_008i cant get into it so i can save it03:35
LjLazza_008: uh? you're saying that "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" doesn't open up the file?03:35
LjLazza_008: (*without* the quotes this time ;)03:35
stu_mon^rch: presmably it can take advantage of 64bit architecure, address more memory etc03:36
stu_whether you will see a performance benefit I dunno03:36
mon^rchty stu03:36
LjLazza_008: what does it say in the status bar, "New File"?03:36
stu_there must be some benchmarks online03:36
mon^rchgood point03:36
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mon^rchi will try just the norm release of edgy to try it out (almost d/l, yay)03:37
stu_wtf is edgy?03:37
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:37
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mon^rchnext ubuntu...03:37
=== Gasten [n=martin@h228n9c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Beawolfecan someone please tell me how to get a par2 file to verify in the GUI?03:38
stu_cool, got a download link handy?03:38
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=== voraistos is crazy: he decided to have a custom install, choosing japanese language :)
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LjLstu_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/edgy/knot-3/03:39
=== voraistos thinks japanese support in ubuntu is pretty good by the way
mypapitalam_ria ubuntu03:39
=== AAAle [n=AAAle@host213-105-static.184-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
LjLazza_008, you still there? is nano saying "New file" at the bottom of the screen?'03:39
stu_mon^rch: benchmarks I have seen indicate a performance gain in using 64bit03:40
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mon^rchI am really happy with how fast ubuntu installs compared to what i've seen in the past03:40
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neutroni got some problems, my keboard stoped working when i startedmy computer today, tried recovery mode, but when i tried to type the root password,every time i pressed a key it gave me a error, and sugested me to "setkey x" or something simmilar, is there any way of fixing this?03:40
konfuzedhey there , I want to make 50 dvds with video documentaries. but i want it to player in somebodies home televeision dvd-player03:41
LjLneutron: does it work in the BIOS, or in Windows if you have it?03:41
stu_konfuzed: you're looking for DVD authoring software03:41
konfuzedwhere do I find the info to make that happen03:41
LjLazza_008: you sure you're typing it correctly? it's "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf", with an uppercase X and two ones03:41
stu_he wouldnt be able to get to recovery mode if the kb didnt work03:41
LjLstu_: well, true03:42
konfuzedok so what is the easiest to work with DVD authroing software on ubuntu03:42
mon^rchwhat is "nano"... some kind of editor? (try vi)03:42
azza_008i got in03:42
azza_008try what vi03:42
stu_nano is a easy to use text editor03:42
voraistoskonfused: maybe try to check ubuntu studio (google). i think they have a "video" section03:42
LjLmon^rch: yes, it's an editor, it's it's just a *tad* easier to use for newbies (including myself) than vi :)03:42
bintuthello all.. i just installed ubuntu here on my laptop but it's very slow.. :(03:42
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azza_008im in it there is no writing03:42
=== mon^rch nods
stu_vi sux, use vim03:42
voraistoskonfuzed: maybe try to check ubuntu studio (google). i think they have a "video" section03:42
bintuti don't know what's causing this.. anyone has a similar problem?03:43
sc0ttyvim is better03:43
=== voraistos loves vim
azza_008click new03:43
sc0ttyvi is a little oldish now03:43
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mon^rchvi, vim --- tomato tomAto03:43
LjLazza_008: click new?03:43
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stu_use kate03:43
stu_pico, nano03:43
stu_all easy03:43
azza_008how it isnt a button03:43
LjLazza_008: err, it was a question... what do you mean "click new"?03:43
mon^rchyeah, pico is cool03:44
azza_008i dont know03:44
LjLmon^rch: pico=nano, basically03:44
azza_008do u have a differant text editiot03:44
stu_so what have they changed in edgy03:44
LjLstu_: kate is fine (as well as gedit), until you're in a console03:44
mon^rchoh, okey-dokey03:44
sc0ttyI use vim for everything03:44
LjLmon^rch: nano is just a rewritten and improved (sort of) version of pico03:44
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neutronLjL: yeah,it works in the bios, not a keyboard error03:44
LjLmon^rch: few distros still ship pico03:44
sc0ttyfrom writing my scripts ; to writing my documents in latex; to writing my emails in mutt :)03:44
mon^rchthere is so MUCH software in linux... it's hard to pick favorites anymore03:45
stu_to be honest, someday you have to learn to use vim so it may as well be now03:45
LjLazza_008: look, what does it say if you type "ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf"?03:45
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johani have two version of ubuntu on my box using grub for db. Now i wanna get rid of the version of ubuntu that has grub on. How can i erase old ubuntu without messing grub03:45
LjLstu_: well, i've been using linux for a few years, and to be honest i never *had* to use vim, and never actually needed it03:45
=== mon^rch agrees with stu_ learn to use a console text editor
azza_008do u have msn i dont have time to read thi03:45
=== voraistos 's new box just crashed :(
LjLstu_: it might have powerful features, i don't doubt that... but i've never felt a big need for them03:46
neutronso is there any way of fixing it, i think i cen ssh to that machine03:46
LjLmon^rch: well nano *is* a console text editor03:46
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azza_008ok what do i need to do to edit the file again03:46
stu_yeah vi or vim are like always installed03:46
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mon^rchwoo-hoo edgy iso d/l'd03:46
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LjLazza_008: "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" - but i suppose it'll still not work, if it was not working before?03:47
stu_so if you ever find yourself on someone elses box or whatever and you know how to use vi then you dont need to mess about installing someting else03:47
LjLazza_008: no don't have msn03:47
DJAdmiralokay - by means of pure stupidity i installed easyubuntu03:47
azza_008with or without quates03:47
stu_especially on a distro that doesnt have a package manager03:47
=== voraistos thinks vim + w3m = good bye gnome
LjLazza_008: without03:47
DJAdmiralit refuses to boot - how the heck do i remove it?03:47
Dekkardcan anyone tell me the name of the package that installs the default ubuntu fonts and cursor fonts?03:47
stu_does anyone use remote desktop to connect to windows boxes, Im finding rdesktop flaky03:48
azza_008got it03:48
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LjLstu_: well, most distros i've used have nano included. i wouldn't use a distro that only has vi, to be honest. and if "someone else" does, well, it's their problem... they'll *know* how to use it, i'd hope03:48
neutronany ideeas?03:48
LjLneutron: honestly no03:49
azza_008how do i save it03:49
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LjLazza_008: ctrl+x03:49
DJAdmiralCan anybody help me remove easyubuntu please? it's a pain03:49
azza_008wat now03:50
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LjLazza_008: so now you have "sis" or "vesa"?03:50
stu_lol, I thought ubuntu was easy03:50
voraistosDJadmiral: maybe you should try parted03:50
LjLazza_008: type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"03:50
LjLazza_008: no quotes03:50
azza_008cant i just restart the pc03:50
voraistosDJadmiral: or gparted if you want the gnome interface03:50
LjLazza_008: uh, yeah. don't see why, though03:50
stu_I think that command will be a bit qiucker dont u03:50
azza_008ohh ok03:50
stu_unless u're really slow on a keyboard :)03:51
=== Krooga [n=nospam@cust3634.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
azza_008sudo /etc/init.d.gdm.restart03:51
mon^rchu funny stu_03:51
azza_008i was typing on the wrong keyboard03:51
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neutronoh, darn03:51
stu_maybe you should have rebooted lol03:51
Beawolfecan someone tell a NOOB how I can get a par2 file to verify or work in the GUI?03:52
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LjLazza_008: note that if you type "sudo /et<TAB>ini<TAB>gdm restart" it will auto-complete the filenames for you. maybe not very useful or time-saving in this specific case, but it's handy in general03:52
mon^rchedgy all burned.... yay now I go to install back in about 40 mins03:52
stu_Beawolfe: you dont like the command version ?03:52
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Beawolfecant get that to work either03:52
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DJAdmiralvoraistos: what do you mean by a partitioning program?03:53
azza_008tells me to login03:53
azza_008now it is in no gui03:53
LjLazza_008: then do so, and see if the mouse is working03:53
azza_008gui is gone03:53
LjLazza_008: ah, you're still in a console?03:53
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azza_008wat do i type now03:53
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LjLazza_008: well then "sis" isn't working. edit the file again, and put "vesa" back03:53
LjLazza_008: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:54
azza_008ill reset it first lol just to be safe03:54
azza_008and wat the hell is vesa03:54
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DJAdmiralvoraistos: why are you telling me to use a partitioning program?03:54
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HeavyThinkerDJAdmiral: dj, you have the problem where you installed easyubuntu, it doesnt start, and now you cant remove it, right?03:54
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anilomkarI want to compile and run Java in linux please help me03:54
DJAdmiralHeavyThinker: Right on.03:54
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ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:55
LjLazza_008: VESA is a standard protocol for communicating with graphics cards, that most (all) graphics card for PC implement. this allows your system to use a card even if it doesn't have drivers *specific* to that card. however, it's slower and more limited than if you were using the specific drivers.03:55
[Yatta] quick question is there a single log file that shows who has used the su command?? no /var/log/messages03:55
HeavyThinkerDjAdmiral: had the same problem here, still havent got a fix for you though :(03:55
voraistosDJAdmiral: sorry i wasnt around, but the best is not to use easyubuntu. only put shit on your system.03:55
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stu_trying to get my ibm thinkpad buttons to work, it says insmod nvram - but I dont have the module - how do I get it ?03:55
azza_008wat now03:55
LjL[Yatta] : /var/log/auth.log i suppose03:55
HeavyThinkervoraistos: mmm yeah, lucky this is my test system03:55
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snoopI need help installin gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse it wont install :(03:56
=== HeavyThinker shakes a fist @ easyubuntu
LjLazza_008: you changed back the file, and saved it? if so, type again sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:56
DJAdmiralHeavyThinker, voraistos: I used easyubuntu the last time round - it worked just fine :S03:56
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stu_snoop: what are you installing it with and what do you mean it wont install03:56
[Yatta] LjL: thanks.. i'll check it out03:56
voraistosDJAdmiral: just do it the normal apt way03:56
UKMattHey I have two not really ubuntu questions, how do I create a package with a password in UB w/ unrar?03:56
omarguys, I can't open some pages with flash, that's weird 'cos I opened them some days ago, I uninstall and reinstall flashplugin-nonfree, but I still can't open 'em, what can I do, should I install easyubuntu or automatix, some people here tell me not to do that03:56
snoopstu_: i tried to apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse but I get errors03:56
Beawolfestu_ any help if possible..........i have tried the command line and I guess my old dos ways dont help at all...........thats why I want to try in the GUI03:56
azza_008all capitals03:57
DJAdmiralvoraistos: That doesn't work. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't tried that.03:57
LjLazza_008: ?03:57
azza_008for vesta03:57
LjLazza_008: vesa you mean? no03:57
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LjLazza_008: "vesa", with quotes, and lower case03:57
[Yatta] LjL: nope.....03:57
DJAdmiralomar: no matter what - do not install easyubuntu or automatix. it's an absolute royal pain.03:57
Dr_willisomar,  its possible the flash sites did some updates03:57
azza_008ok kewl03:57
stu_Beawolfe: u talking about par yeah? been ages since I used it03:58
UKMattCreating a .zip (or some other form) with a password?  anyone?03:58
HeavyThinkervoraistos: "subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" - apt's output when i try to apt-get remove easyubuntu03:58
snoopstu_ any idea?03:58
stu_snoop: unless you explain in more details the error you are getting no one can help you03:58
HeavyThinkervoraistos: not very helpful, really03:58
stu_you dont walk into mcdonalds and ask for a burger do you03:58
Beawolfestu_ yeah par2 util03:58
azza_008ok it works again03:58
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stu_Beawolfe: I used to run it from command line and never had any issues03:58
azza_008lol wat was the mouse thing03:58
stu_dont have any par files handy tho03:58
snoop  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse: Depends: liblame0 (>= 3.96.1-1) but it is not installable03:58
snoopE: Broken packages03:58
omarDJAdmiral: I know I don want to install 'em but I need to use those pages those are www.latinka.com and www.bws.com.pe03:59
omarDJAdmiral: please03:59
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LjL[Yatta] : well, here it does show whenever i use sudo. it also shows if i use su, although the username of the invoker isn't listed...03:59
stu_snoop: are you using apt-get ?03:59
stu_or a gui based thing03:59
azza_008LjL:what was the mouse thing03:59
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LjL[Yatta] : see, for example this is saying that i typed "sudo su"  Sep 27 15:58:52 localhost sudo:      ljl : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/ljl ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/su03:59
DJAdmiralomar: No idea - as of the moment the flashplayer-nonfree package is going nuts.03:59
=== voraistos told u to use parted first ;) Sorry about that :(
stu_I had the same issue, was searching for wrong thing04:00
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stu_one sec Ill try find the right one04:00
omarDJAdmiral: :(04:00
SatanGolgahow do u start vmware in the background when starting from terminal, and how do u make it start from Applications>System Tools>Vmware  because it just loading not starting atm, thx04:00
DJAdmiralvoraistos: you're confusing me: I'm talking about a program here - not ubuntu.04:00
[Yatta] shot i'm on a centos box right now.... so it may be different here..04:00
Beawolfestu_ like I said my old dos ways are keping me from using the command line....................I cant seem to get to the dir where the files are to verify with the command line.........I guess my mind is strting to go04:00
DJAdmiralvoraistos: Why the heck are you telling me to use a partitioning program when I'm just having troubles with a program?04:00
[Yatta] i can't ssh into my box @ home?? somon prob kick the cat5 out ...argghhh04:01
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anilomkarI am not able to play Video in linux what to do please help me04:01
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voraistosDJAdmiral: the problem is that this prog srwed your system. Am I right ?04:01
LjLazza_008: well, you should put    Option "SWcursor" "True"       in /etc/X11/xorg.conf,  in the section that says Section "InputDevice" followed by Identifier "Configured Mouse"04:01
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LjLazza_008: well, you should put    Option "SWcursor" "True"       in /etc/X11/xorg.conf,  in the section that says Section "InputDevice" followed by Identifier "Configured Mouse"04:01
DJAdmiralvoraistos: ...04:01
voraistosscrewed *04:01
stu_snoop: try sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly04:01
LjLazza_008: just put that before the EndSection line04:01
HeavyThinkervoraistos: nah, it jsut doesnt start and the package refuses to be apt-get removed04:01
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HeavyThinkervoraistos: easyubuntu, i mean04:01
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DJAdmiralvoraistos: You assume things - it didn't completely "screw up" my system.04:01
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azza_008u mean emulate 3 buttons04:02
UKMattthere isn't a skype version for ubuntu is there?04:02
DJAdmiralvoraistos: The only trouble i'm having is that it refuses to uninstall - that is all.04:02
DJAdmiralUKMatt: there is.04:02
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto04:02
LjLazza_008: no, i don't mean that04:02
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voraistosDJAdmiral: I think there is just no solution. since i dont use easyubuntu because i know it is crappy. Ill try to make a simple .sh script so people can read DVDs and use youtube easily ;)04:02
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azza_008i cant find anything else04:03
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anilomkarI want to play Video in Linux please help me04:03
harisundDoes anybody know how I can fill up a hard disk completely? I want to check if the hard disk is working (as in each sector) . I am thinking there is some dd command perhaps?04:03
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UKMattcool ty!04:03
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carldis there a grub.conf on dapper?  I am used to fedora :(04:03
azza_008cant find SW04:03
snoopstu_ ?04:03
thoreauputiccarld:  /boot/grub/menu.list04:03
LjLazza_008: of course you can't find it... you have to *add* it04:03
azza_008ohh where04:03
stu_snoop: try sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly04:03
DJAdmiralharisund: you can unpack a googolplex04:04
jribubotu: tell anilomkar about video04:04
stu_did you get that?04:04
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LjLazza_008: i'd pastebin an example, except i can't connect to the pastebin04:04
azza_008ohh ok04:04
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LjLazza_008: before the "EndSection" line of your "Configured Mouse" section04:04
HeavyThinkervoraistos, DJAdmiral: found a thread which might help for the easyubuntu thing - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=bbb8b87d22fa9fbeac269217c8258cba&t=25776704:04
fooHow can I install a network printer via CLI ?04:04
harisundDJAdmiral: I only wish I could :) ... I haveto check every secor of 200 (well, 186) GB hard disk ..04:04
thoreauputiccarld: sorry menu.lst04:04
carld2.6.15-27 breaks my 3945 wireless card, any other reports of this?04:04
carldthoreauputic, thanks04:04
thoreauputiccarld: np :)04:04
gallag!restricted > anilomkar:04:04
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gallag!restricted > anilomkar04:04
Arrickmorning everyone04:05
DJAdmiralharisund: There is this superpacked gzip tar of an actual googolplex. Let me find it and you might be able to use it.04:05
voraistosHeavyThinker: thx for your HeavySearch :)04:05
azza_008so what do i put in04:05
snoopstu_ isnt that the same thing as login as root and running the apt-get install package04:05
gallaganilomkar: oops -- yoy already got it04:05
Arrickis there a way to put yahoo messenger on a ubuntu breezy box?04:05
HeavyThinkervoraistos: well, im solving this problem for myself as well ;)04:05
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azza_008can u copy and paste an exaple here04:05
thoreauputiccarld:  grub.conf is a Red Hat_ism04:05
LjLazza_008:   Option "SWcursor" "True"04:05
Arrickif I can do it, I can get my wife off of windows04:05
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LjLazza_008: no, i cannot flood the channel04:06
stu_snoop: the package name is a bit different to what you said earlier isnt it?04:06
azza_008i mean just 2 lines04:06
voraistosHeavyThinker: soon we will need a wiki entry "HowTo remove Easyubuntu" lol04:06
snoopoh yeah ok04:06
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DJAdmiralHeavyThinker: Thank you so much - The next time I'm in your city I'm buying you a lobster dinner.04:06
snoopI need it cause I want to play mp3 files stu_04:06
HeavyThinkerDJAdmiral: cheers.04:06
stu_snoop: I may have installed libgstreamer0.10-0 first04:06
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krazykitsorry, ssh'd in from  a mac... causing issues :-/04:07
harisundwhoa DJAdmiral I thought you were joking. Where can I find this googolplex you are talking about?04:07
LjLazza_008: found a pastebin that works... look at here http://pastebin.ca/184031 - it should be similar to this04:07
snoopstu_ I did04:07
snoopall I need was this one04:07
=== DJAdmiral pops open a bottle of champagne and drinks with HeavyThinker as they watch easyubuntu being removed from their computers
stu_snoop: what was the command that you ran, which gave you the error ?04:07
stu_checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:07
stu_See `config.log' for more details.04:07
DJAdmiralharisund: One sec.04:07
Tyk0si use 1280x1024 screen but some of my screen is outside the my computer screen :P hope you understand me04:08
stu_^^ any ideas anyone ?04:08
johanwhen trying to install network printer it keeps asking for user and password how can i disable this04:08
fooHow can I install a network printer via CLI with the server edition?04:08
LjLstu_: "sudo apt-get install build-essential"04:08
jribstu_: install build-essential04:08
snoopbut I got to install it now, and I can play the mp3 file :), thanks man04:08
LjL!tell stu_ about build-essential04:08
johanis this same foo as in #lfd04:08
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snoopstu_ thanks04:08
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elddikhi, i'm still trying to figure out this sshd putty problem. I've experimented with TCPKeepAlive on both sides and the connection still disapears. at that point, i can no longer ping the sshserver machine from my local. however other machines on the network can connect/ping/surf to the sshserver box. any ideas04:08
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stu_snoop: working now ?04:08
elddikor pity ?04:09
azza_008do i need to restart04:09
ArrickDJAdmiral, is there a such thing as easyubuntu?04:09
=== elddik contemplates a 2hr trek to the server
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UKMattHey, so does anyone know of a reason that Skype cannot connect to the internet?04:10
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UKMatt(and I don't have a firewall)04:10
azza_008LjL:would i need to restart04:10
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stu_UKMatt: could be a NAT issue04:10
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stu_or PAT04:10
UKMattstu_, what are those?04:10
elddikLjL http://cl1p.net offers a nice paste service04:10
stu_you have a router?04:10
DJAdmiralArrick: yes - it's a terrible terrible program04:10
baCan anyone help a nube?04:11
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:11
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DJAdmiralharisund: here you go: http://www.selenic.com/googolplex/04:11
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azza_008LjL would it need to be restarted04:11
LjLazza_008: yes, ctrl+alt+backspace again04:11
stu_UKMatt: do you have a router? or does your pc have hte public IP address?04:11
stu_checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!  <--- anyone ?04:12
cherwineverything is a file in linux, if you want to access for instance your harddrive you look for /dev/hda, so with that in the back of your head, where does eth0 reside?04:12
DJAdmiralharisund: that should hopefully fill up your hard disk a bzillion times over =D04:12
Beawolfestu_ any suggestions besides quit?04:12
UKMattstu_, no router, and public IP address?  what do you mean04:12
erUSULstu_: install xlib-dev ??04:12
LjLelddik: ok, will keep that in mind. i suppose it might just be my connection though, since i've tried a few random pastebins and i could hardly connect04:12
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azza_008still does it04:12
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RedKriegI'm going to be generating packages for a small project written in python and I have no experience making packages.  there are only a few files in the trunk right now and no make files, configure files, etc.  Does anyone have experience with this that can offer some guidance?04:12
stu_cant find that package erUSUL04:12
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jribba: what do you need help with?04:13
erUSULUKMatt: if you have a router you need to nat (redirect) the apropiate ports to your pc04:13
baCan anyone point me in the direction to get some dummy help for installing java?04:13
azza_008far out04:13
stu_Beawolfe: what error u get from comand line ?04:13
jribubotu: tell ba about java04:13
azza_008wat else could it bre04:13
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AnswerHow do I restart the sound system,  like /etc/init.d/networking restart, but for sound?04:13
stu_ba: you want the JRE ?04:13
UKMatterusul, i don't have a router04:13
erUSULstu_: the name may be different but is something similar04:13
erUSULUKMatt: firewall ??04:13
LjLazza_008: well, then i'm at a loss, i'm sorry... all i can say is that, in any case, using VESA as your video driver is definitely *not* optimal, and you should either manage to get the correct driver working (but... i don't know why "sis" wouldn't work), or get a new card04:13
elddikba: http://www.javalobby.org/java/forums/t72809.html04:13
UKMatterusul, no04:13
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LjLazza_008: note that i think you can get a decent AGP card for about 3004:13
harisundDJAdmiral: sweet...thanks04:13
baI think so.  I am a very green ubuntu user.  can't work it out04:14
snoopstu_ try to PATH= to where X files ar einstalled? dont know04:14
optikalI have exim setup to relay all outgoing mail through my isp's mail server, however on my machine I have 4 different public IPs set and I'm getting some mail errors because when exim sends the email its using the 4th IP set (eth0:4) not the primary one I want it to use (eth0).. how do I tell it which ethernet address to send from?04:14
DJAdmiralharisund: no problemo04:14
azza_008LjL wat is a nice lite weight browser04:14
omarguys, I can't open some pages with flash, that's weird 'cos I opened them some days ago, I uninstall and reinstall flashplugin-nonfree, but I still can't open 'em, what can I do, should I install easyubuntu or automatix, some people here tell me not to do that04:14
jribba: ubotu sent you isntructions in a private message04:14
azza_008brb actually04:14
erUSULstu_: is xlibs-dev04:14
AnswerHow do I restart the sound system,  like /etc/init.d/networking restart, but for sound?04:14
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TheGateKeeperba: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_J2SE_Runtime_Environment_.28JRE.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox04:14
jribomar: does badgerbadgerbadger.com work?04:14
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cherwinlook for alsa in init.d04:14
Beawolfestu_ invalid operation04:14
LjLazza_008: a *very* light-weight one is "links2", which can work both in text-mode and as a graphical browser. otherwise, i think Epiphany is relatively light-weight compared to Firefox04:14
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stu_Beawolfe: what command are you issuing?04:15
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erUSULomar: try 'sudo update-flashplugin'04:15
elddikAnyone familiar with sshd magic around?04:15
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harisundelddik: yes?04:15
harisundelddik: just ask your question. Someone might be able to help you out04:15
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Beawolfepar2 pan/ and filename04:16
snoopstu_ you know how can I change my resolution to 800x600 ?04:16
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:16
baThank you.04:16
elddikharisund: i putty over to a lamp server w/ zenoss and suddnly the connection is lost (software reset) . after that I can't reach the box until some period of time04:16
optikalI have exim setup to relay all outgoing mail through my isp's mail server, however on my machine I have 4 different public IPs set and I'm getting some mail errors because when exim sends the email its using the 4th IP set (eth0:4) not the primary one I want it to use (eth0).. how do I tell it which ethernet address to send from?04:16
omarjrib: yes it works04:16
stu_right click on the desktop theres a thing there to change youre res04:16
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Beawolfestu_ par2 pan/ and filename for par2 file04:16
jribomar: okay, can you give an example of a site that isn't working?04:16
snoopyou sure?04:16
omarjrib: latinka.com04:17
snoopi dont think so04:17
stu_Beawolfe: I dunno what the syntax is supposed to be, so I cant really help04:17
harisundelddik: hmmm.....are you sure it is a SSH server issue? If you have physical access to the server, maybe you can try running tcpdump on it04:17
SatanGolgahow do u make it Vmware server start from Applications>System Tools>Vmware Server? it comes up in the taskbar but then nothing happens, works from terminal as root though04:17
elddikharisund: it seems the server refuses my connection , even for http after i lose ssh. as soon as i re-establish ssh connection - everythinke else works04:17
jribomar: what happens exactly?04:17
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omarjrib: doesn't open at all04:17
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elddikharisund: also, other machines on the same network, can access the machine when i can't04:17
snoopSystem - Preferences - Screen Resolution wont work when I set it to 800x600 it goes back to its defualt04:18
stu_Beawolfe: par2verify04:18
omarjrib: but there are some pages that works04:18
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snoopany idea?04:18
As1LjL: can u search for wat the thing might be04:18
harisundelddik: hmmm...doesn't quite sound like a SSh problem. Do you have physical access to the server, and a KVM perhaps?04:18
As1the SiS thing04:18
elddikharisund: its 2hrs away :( gonna make a trek there later, but want to be armed with ideas for debugging. don't have access to the box atm04:18
jribomar: I'm not sure why that would happen.  Do you have javascript enabled?04:18
anilomkarubotu, when i am trying to logging in to Sify Broad band i am getting a msg like Login Failed: get the latest version of client what to do?04:18
ubotuwhen: minimalistic personal calendar. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.23-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 29 kB, installed size 124 kB04:18
snoopanyone know how can I change my resolution to 800x600 ?04:18
omarerUSUL: not results04:18
stu_Beawolfe: par2verify <par2 file>04:18
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:18
omarjrib: I dont know04:18
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erUSULomar: have you restarted firefox ?04:19
elddikharisund: i can connect to it every few minutes, does that help?04:19
soniumhttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/31128-1.jpg <- how can I make the gnome-panel look like this? especially the two-line orientation of the desktop switcher applet and the clock?04:19
As1LjL: it is azza04:19
harisundelddik: uh oh.. whaht I am thinking is perhaps running a tcpdump on the server and checking if it receives connections from your client side..04:19
ermakcan anyone help me to get my tv-tuner work?04:19
stu_checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3) (headers and libraries) not foun <---- anyone ?04:19
omarerUSUL: yes04:19
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snoopanyone know how can I change my resolution to 800x600 ?04:19
harisundelddik: that ... or perhaps check the ssh server logs for anything funny that you might find04:19
erUSULomar: then i do not know what may be wrong04:20
=== Bassetts [i=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
stu_snoop: two people have already done a !fixres for you, read it04:20
omarerUSUL: thanks anyways04:20
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elddikharisund: i checked hte logs, found some Signal 15s04:20
omarjrib: I dont know how to enable my javascrip04:20
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diminthedamhello. is it possible to make an Ubuntu ISO from my own server set up?04:20
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stu_snoop: do yo unow know how to change or are you having problems changing res??04:20
jribomar: what browser are you using?04:20
Dr_willissonium,  you sure thts not a 'design concept/idea'04:20
Arrickis there a way to put yahoo messenger on a ubuntu breezy box?04:21
As1LjL: http://www.sis.com/support/support_faqs_16.htm04:21
omarjrib: firefox04:21
snoopsorry dint see it04:21
harisundelddik: hmmm... srry .. running out of ideas here...04:21
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jribomar: edit > preferences > enable javascript04:21
=== qos [n=qos@dslb-088-076-162-085.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
qoshey all04:21
tyler_Hello room04:21
snoopThis Howto is intended for those who have installed or upgraded to Hoary04:21
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=== sproingie [n=chuck@64-121-2-59.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
qosi deleted a file on a ext3 partition. how are the chances to get it back?04:22
tyler_How does one go about testing to see if OpenGL is working?04:22
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Alan-DI have question concerning the command "chgrp".  Does it change the ownership of a directory or just the access for a group to a directory?04:22
omarjrib: you mean in firefox or in the system04:22
stu_glbox or summin innit04:22
elddikharisund: thanks for trying. i guess a trip out to the farm is unavoidable04:22
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jribomar: firefox04:22
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sproingieAlan-D: it changes which group owns the file or directory04:23
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davisdmgi have a question04:24
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harisundAlan-D: only the group that owns it. If it doesn't have group write permissions, it still doesn't help04:24
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Beawolfestu_ I tried that and it keeps coming back telling me there is no par file present even tho I am looking at it in the file browser04:24
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As1LjL are you here04:24
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:24
Alan-Dsproingie: how do I change the access to a directory for a specific group?04:24
tyler_is there any kind of terminal command to check for opengl status?04:24
omarjrib: it's enable :(04:24
sproingieAlan-D: you mean add a group but otherwise not change the access?04:25
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kujaHi, I'm using the Dapper LiveCD using my 512MB as a persistent storage device. Space tends to get used up quickly, and I was wondering if there was a way of getting a list of files and directories directly on my pen drive and not the CD.04:25
jribomar: ok, close all instances of firefox.  Then in a temrinal run 'firefox -safe-mode'.  Any difference?04:25
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sproingieAlan-D: setfacl.  which afaik doesn't work on stock ubuntu04:25
stu_Beawolfe: what are you typing exactly?04:25
ivaldityler_: type glxgears in a terminal. if the animation isn't choppy, it should be working04:26
erUSULAlan-D: chmod g+xw /path/to/dir (the dir must be owned by that group chgrp group /path/to/dir)04:26
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As1might it help if i update04:26
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LjLAs1: yes, hm, well at a quick glance it would appear they only list drivers for the 2.4 kernel, and ubuntu uses 2.604:26
Alan-Dsproingie: no, I mean create a directory under a user name X and a group Y.  And have group Y W+R access to the directory of user X.04:26
Beawolfestu_ par2verify /pan csi04:26
erUSULAlan-D: or rightclick with nautilus and change permisions graphically04:26
tyler_is there a less wishy washy way to see?04:26
carldwhat do I install to install the kernel source for vmware configuration?04:26
davisdmgi have an ati mobility radeon 9700 in mi portatil....how can i put mi resolution in 1280x800?(Sorry mi english)04:26
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brush01ukGreetings Everyone, hope all well ?04:26
omarjrib: nothing04:26
stu_checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3) (headers and libraries) not foun <---- anyone ? ive tried install all sorts of QT libs etc but still no luck04:27
tyler_its an older video card, it could just be choppy because of that04:27
stu_not sure which package it is I need exactly04:27
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stu_Beawolfe: what is the name of the par2 file04:27
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diminthedamhi room: is it possible to create an ISO out of my Ubuntu installation? for easy installs on other computers, later on04:27
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hastesaverstu_, ugh, why are you installing apps by compiling instead of from the repos?04:27
jribomar: don't know then.  That's really strange that it doesn't work on some sites.  Hope you figure it out04:27
sproingieAlan-D: oh that's easy, what erUSUL said.  chgrp Y dirname; chmod g+rw dirname04:27
LjLAs1: well no that's probably just the framebuffer drivers, nevermind... but however, the "details" pages on the X drivers don't seem to be there04:27
stu_Beawolfe: you need to run par2verify nameoffile.par204:27
=== linlin [i=linlin@c-67-173-49-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bintutanybody can help me here..?  my gnome is very, very slow.. :)04:27
Beawolfestu_ csi.par204:27
LjLAs1: and i don't know what card model you have... do you?04:27
omarjrib: thnx anyways04:27
sproingieAlan-D: if you want to change all the existing files and dirs under that directory, use the -R flag to both commands04:28
stu_hastesaver: dunno, I downloaded some theme and Im following the readme04:28
stu_Beawolfe: par2verify csi.par204:28
As1umm ill tell u in a minute04:28
stu_par2repair csi.par2 to fix it04:28
LjLstu_: you probably want to install "libqt3-mt-dev"04:28
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kromelanyone ever had issues when you click on the Audio tab, it closes Winecfg?04:28
qosi deleted a file on a ext3 partition. how are the chances to get it back?04:28
sproingieAlan-D: or you can right-click the folder in nautilus and select the permissions tab04:28
As1661/741/760/761 PCI/AGP VGA Display04:29
As1thats all it says04:29
ivaldityler_: type "glxinfo | grep direct" in a terminal. if it replies with "direct rendering: yes", it's working.04:29
LjLqos: almost zero. ext3 is very badly suited for recovery of deleted files.04:29
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davisdmganything have an ati?04:29
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qosLjL, i didnt wipe it. simple deletion ... no chances`?04:29
tyler_does anyone know which drivers are best for Geforce2?04:29
stu_nvidia ones04:29
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As1LjL:661/741/760/761 PCI/AGP VGA Display04:29
Alan-Dsproingie: ver: ubuntu 6.06:  If I user the "chgrp" command, all users will have access to the directory even if it's in the home directory of another user?04:30
chantrahi guys, does anyone knows how to get the network interface tun0 to come up?04:30
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LjLqos: well, what kind of file was it? was it small? you might have a chance of getting [some]  data back by doing a raw disk dump04:30
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stu_ifconfig tun0 up ?04:30
stu_wtf is tun0 ?04:30
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chantrastu_: nope :s04:30
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sproingieAlan-D: i think all the directories beneath it have to be +x, which they probably will be, but otherwise, yes04:30
Dr_willisits for qemu i think04:30
timotejwho know where is slovenia ?04:30
YoussefAssadI was wondering if anyone here is successfully using AIGLX04:30
chantrastu_: root@edgytop:~# ifconfig tun0 up04:31
chantratun0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device04:31
YoussefAssadtimotej: balkans04:31
sproingieAlan-D: you'll need to use chmod g+rwx for it to be totally writable by the group04:31
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chantrastu_: it is a king of network tunnel04:31
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erUSULchantra: modprobe tun04:31
Alan-Dsproingie: thanks for the info!04:31
As1661/741/760/761 PCI/AGP VGA Display04:31
qosLjL, it was huge... part of a tv recording. 2 files missing... everone 1GB. but since that accident i didnt touch the device... no write/no read actions04:31
Beawolfestu_ tried that with the same results...............no such file04:31
timotejno slovenia in EU ;)04:31
chantraerUSUL: done04:31
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tyler_         is opengl dependant on   DRI?04:31
stu_Beawolfe: are you in the same directory as the file???04:31
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stu_are no KDE headers installed. This will fail <--- tried search for kde with filter of headers but not finding anything that looks usefull04:32
chantra[17197267.148000]  tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.604:32
chantra[17197267.148000]  tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <maxk@qualcomm.com>04:32
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erUSULchantra: now you have the device ifconfig tun0 up04:32
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darkanyelanyoone know how can i restore the defaults fonts in ubuntu??04:32
=== Arrick thinks everyone is giving him an iggy award, bacause he's still using breezy
Beawolfestu_ I guess not.....and there in lies the problem...I cant seem to get to that dir from the command line either04:32
LjLqos: well, if it was that large, it'll have been scattered across the disk a lot. you'd have to find out where the various segments lay, which is almost impossible. also, if it was a binary file (such as a TV recording is), you don't even have a search string to search for.  note that "apt-cache search undelete" will show you three program that attempt to perform undeletion of files, but AFAIK they only really work on ext2.04:33
stu_Beawolfe: and why not04:33
LjLAs1: well, those models don't even appear in the driver listings... :\04:33
stu_Beawolfe: stick with using tab to complete the names of file and folders04:33
As1ill wait for fedora04:33
Fracturehow do I force the package manager to update my grub menu.lst file whenever a new kernel is installed ?04:33
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.04:33
stu_Beawolfe: and remember its case sensitive04:33
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chantraerUSUL: even though I modprobed tun, there is no interface showing in ifconfig -a04:33
LjLstu_: "sudo aptitude install libkde4-dev"04:33
stu_thanks again04:34
LjLstu_: sorry, that's "sudo aptitude install kdelibs4-dev"04:34
Beawolfestu_ very new to linux and I will admit very dumb about command line................its not like old dos commands04:34
Dr_willisFracture,  it should be doing that anyway. or you can run that 'update-grub' command04:34
stu_ja, all I needed was the package name04:34
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Dr_willisBeawolfe,   why should it be. :P its not dos.. and thats a GOOD thing.04:34
FractureDr_willis: its not doing it automatically.. I must have stopped it somehow. How can I make it do it automatically >?04:34
stu_Beawolfe: where is this file in your filesystem?04:34
stu_desktop ?04:34
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darkanyelanyoone know how can i restore the defaults fonts in ubuntu??04:35
Dr_willisFracture,  ive never seen or heard of anyone who made it not do that.04:35
stu_folder on your desktop?04:35
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Dr_willisFracture,  so i got no idea.04:35
FractureDr_willis: lol04:35
FractureDr_willis: no worries, thanks04:35
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Beawolfehome/pan/pan which is my d/l folder04:35
Dr_willisFracture,  unless you totally edited/altered the grub conf file by hand. It only changes a select area of that file.04:35
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=== jarek [n=jarek@host-81-190-156-138.olsztyn.mm.pl] has joined #ubuntu
johando you know a site that uses java to test if my firefox works with java04:35
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erUSULchantra: ls -l /dev/net/tun04:36
Dr_willisFracture,  check for the lines -->  ### BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST04:36
Dr_willis  ## lines between the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST markers will be modified04:36
LjLJohan: http://www.bodo.com/javame.htm04:36
Beawolfestu_ home/pan/pan ...which is my d/l folder04:36
FractureDr_willis: I run dapper day to day.  I installed edgy in s spare partition, and during the edgy installation, I didn't tell it that /dev/hdc1 was my boot partition, so during the installation process, I had to skip the 'setup boot loader' step, then manually edit /etc/fstab to configure the /boot mount, and edit grub/menu.lst manually04:36
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tyler_         is opengl dependant on   DRI?04:36
chantraerUSUL: crw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 200 2006-09-27 09:52 /dev/net/tun04:36
kantlivelon2hey all04:36
chantrasounds good04:37
seshomaru123i have a nautilus problem - it disppaered04:37
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kantlivelon2anyone know why wpa isnt working?04:37
runahey :) what's the edgy status? is it yet frozen? should I try it?04:37
seshomaru123but is as-px it appears as "nautilus- no desktop" , how can i bring it back?04:37
stu_Beawolfe: whats the output of pwd04:37
runadapper is kinda old for my mobo (a f*cking via that needs 2.6.17 for dma HD access)04:37
ivaldidarkanyel: System > Preferences > Font. The first 3 should be Sans Regular, size 10, the window title font should be Sans Bold, size 10, and the last one should be Monospace Regular, size 1004:37
Beawolfestu_ pwd?04:37
Dr_willisFracture,  only things in the ### Begin and ##end stuff gets scanned and updated.. if you put a boot item stanza befor or after those - it wont get touched04:37
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule04:37
kantlivelon2anyone know why wpa fails to work?04:37
stu_Beawolfe: yes, type pwd04:38
erUSULchantra: i do not know how to configure tun devices go here http://bochs.sourceforge.net/doc/docbook/user/config-tuntap.html04:38
seshomaru123any of the nautilus appalications donmt work04:38
chantraerUSUL: cheers, gonna check04:38
LjLruna: look above. apparently it's not entirely frozen yet. universe is not, and the kernel neither04:38
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Beawolfestu_ home/dale04:38
runaLjL: tnx.04:39
seshomaru123ps ax04:39
stu_Beawolfe: cd ~/pan/pan ?04:39
LjLcd ~/mayday/mayday04:39
FractureDr_willis: running update-grub generates an incorrect root= line04:39
Arrickis there a way to put yahoo messenger on a ubuntu breezy box?04:39
=== Arrick thinks everyone is giving him an iggy award, bacause he's still using breezy
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FractureDr_willis: could it be related to me sharing the same boot partition between a dapper and a edgy install ?04:40
Dr_willisFracture,   ive had that issue befor  - whith my mixed sata/ide system.04:40
Dr_willisFracture,  thats possible.04:40
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Beawolfestu_ keeps saying no such file or directory04:40
frogzooFracture: so fix /boot/grub/menu.lst04:41
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:41
FractureDr_willis: ok, I think I will just create a separate boot partition for edgy, the dapper one was running low in space anyway04:41
dalfzhow can i prevent gok from starting up when i log in?04:41
frogzooFracture: also maybe /boot/grub/device.map04:41
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Dr_willisFracture,  run edgy in a vmware session :)04:41
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)04:41
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Lukedoes anyone know if Seveas' repo works with sparc64 arch as well?04:42
ivaldidarkanyel: you're welcome. :)04:42
FractureDr_willis: yeah, I had tried that initially, but I wanted feel the performance improvements :)04:42
Wandererhmm, anyone know how to get flash to use arts or something so that i don't have to kill all sound when playing youtube/google videos?04:42
LjLLuke: sparc64? is that even an Ubuntu architecture?04:42
ptydalfz: is it in system->preferences->sessions under the startup programs tab ?04:42
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LukeLjL: yea04:42
kromelhello, what is the best way for me to put my audio back at default? I'm having issues with Wine and other applications.  I think my sound files are screwed.04:43
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dalfzpty, can't see it there04:43
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Dr_willisFracture,  i tested out edgy a few days agoo.. then did a clean reinstall of dapper. :P04:43
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HooveyyEdgy is the own :p04:44
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ptydalfz: afraid i'm not sure then04:44
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LjLLuke: seveas's site says following archs are supported:  i386  powerpc  amd6404:44
freezey_!ubotu xgl04:44
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:44
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FractureDr_willis: why ?04:45
FractureDr_willis: I mean, why dapper ?04:45
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sonium!ubotu girls04:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about girls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:45
Dr_willisFracture,  vmware ddent work..  browser was crashing..  the fancy gfx dident work.. so :) over all it was a bust04:46
LjLdon't play with the bot pls04:46
rodneykdo you all know of any editing programs that will allow you to look at a config file and easily filter out each line that begins with #04:46
Mogzi've built my own kernel for reiser4 support. it works fine, except that when I install the kernel package it complains about "Searching for splash... no splash found"04:46
Mogzand... well, there's no splash04:46
FractureDr_willis: why didn't you go with edgy ?04:46
Mogzjust black for a really long time :)04:46
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!04:46
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Dr_willisFracture,  edgy wasent working good. so i reinstalled dapper.04:46
FractureDr_willis: fair enough04:47
soniumdoes anyone run here BOINC?04:47
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kujaHi, I'm using the Dapper LiveCD using my 512MB as a persistent storage device. Space tends to get used up quickly, and I was wondering if there was a way of getting a list of files and directories directly on my pen drive and not the CD.04:47
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rodneykwho can i bribe to add postfix 2.3.* to dapper sources04:47
LjLsonium: no, i used to run seti -- well, i still do automatically every night, but i suppose it's not working anymore. haven't upgraded to boinc.04:47
stravhey there, can anyone tell me of a good fax application that can run on dapper using an intel 536ep fax modem? (which dosen't seems to be supported by hylafax)04:48
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LjLkuja: uh, i'm not sure what you mean, but perhaps "find /dev/sda1", assuming your pen drive is called /dev/sda1?04:48
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LjLkuja: err sorry, scratch that04:49
krazykitso i have a pdf made in abiword that i can't copy the text out of (in evince or foxit on windows). pdftohtml and pdftotext do not work, either.  is there any way to extract this text?04:49
kujaIt'd be cool if I could mount the same device to 2 locations.04:49
LjLkuja: that would be "find /media/sda1"04:49
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kujaWhere on one side it's mounted as unionfs with usb + cd, and on the other side it'd be mounted as a usb alone04:49
LjLkuja: hm, i think you can... just mount it twice. don't know about unionfs, though04:50
LjLkuja: my /home partition mounts perfectly fine if i also mount it somewhere else04:50
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kantlivelon2anyone know why wpa fails to work?04:51
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LjLkrazykit: i assume you mean aside from pen and paper? :P04:51
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krazykitLjL: no, libgnomeprint is broken.  it doesn't make "correct" pdf files04:52
LjLkrazykit: it's possible (though just a guess) that abiword doesn't export characters, but just vector graphics04:52
LjLkrazykit: i see04:52
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krazykiti'm gonna set up gnome-cups04:52
neuron my keyboard doesnt work anymore when i try to run ubuntu in normal mode, but it does in recovery mode, i can even startx and it works, i just saw something in my Xlog: "(WW) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap"04:52
dalfzanyone how can i prevent gok from starting up when i log in? can't see it in sessions-startup04:53
ProN00bgnomebaker doesn't work for me, but graveman does (gnomebaker gives me partitially corrupt disks), anyone got any idea why ?04:53
LjLkrazykit: perhaps, as a last resort, you could try to OCR the file?04:53
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krazykitLjL: are there any good OCR programs for linux?04:54
Daniel-_I installed Dapper Server amd64 with Swedish language and swedish keymap, but when booted into the system the  keys are "delayed" in the way they show up one keystroke after they're pressed. (For example, I press  (nothing on screen)m press  ( on screen), space ( on screen)04:54
Daniel-_any ideas what I should check into?04:54
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dbzdeathhi i get a few of these messages when running fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage and i'm not sure why could someone please help me? dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: diversions involved - output may be incorrect04:54
dbzdeath diversion by nvidia-glx from: /usr/lib/libGL.so.104:54
LjLkrazykit: "good", i doubt it :\  i think gocr (also known as jocr, but the package name in Ubuntu is gocr i think) is the best (among the free ones, at least)04:54
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LjLkrazykit: i see there's also a gocr-gtk ui for it. though, first, you'd have to convert the PDF to a (big enough for OCR to work) bitmap... not sure which program you'd use for that04:56
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frogzooWanderer: try here: http://www.macewan.org/2006/06/01/howto-firefox-flash-video-sound-on-ubuntu-linux-dapper/04:56
LjLkrazykit: perhaps pdftoppm, if it can parse the file04:56
LjLkrazykit: (which is part of the netpbm suite)04:56
krazykitLjL: i have the pdf tools ;-)04:56
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johani cant use cups web interface with ubuntu my root passwd (as set with passwd) is denied04:59
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ivaldiDaniel-_: is this happening when connecting to the server through ssh or something similar? by the way, you might want to try #ubuntu-se04:59
anilomkarI am having RTL8139D ethernet card but the Ubuntu is not detecting that card what to do?04:59
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Dr_willisjohan,  its disabled/crippled by default - it 'looks' like it works  - but it dont..05:00
johanso i can i use it05:00
Daniel-_ivaldi: Yes, when connecting with ssh05:00
ivaldiDaniel-_: from a windows box?05:01
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johanhow can i have admin with cups05:01
Lukedoes anyone know how to get java sdk for sparc64?05:01
morryeCan ubuntu read NTFS hard drives?05:01
Daniel-_ivaldi: Yes, with putty05:01
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LjL!tell morrye about ntfs05:01
Dr_willisjohan, http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2076  mentions how to renable it -05:01
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Dr_willisjohan,  and the ubuntu wiki/forums discuss it as well05:01
Daniel-_ivaldi: but with same settings as other boxes which works fins05:01
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morryeLjL: I'm not on ubuntu, just wondering05:02
krazykitLjL: gocr is crummy :-(... it's only one page, i can retype it05:02
krazykitthanks anyway05:02
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LjLmorrye: well, the answer is yes05:02
Dr_willisDefacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions -->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume05:02
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LjLmorrye: it cannot reliably write to them, though05:02
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ivaldiDaniel-_: change the character encoding to UTF-8 in the putty settings. it should work then :)05:02
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Daniel-_ivaldi: Aha.. Ill check05:02
ivaldido that :)05:02
anilomkarWhy RTL8139D is not working in Ubuntu please help me05:02
LjLkrazykit: well, unfortunately a really good free OCR package is still missing05:02
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morryeLjL: Is it possible to convert them to a linux format without any data loss?05:03
nexsani'm back with the same problm as yesterday05:03
LjLmorrye: not really.05:03
LjLmorrye: of course you can copy the files to an ext3 partitions, but that's all i think.05:03
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morryeLjL: I have a media Hard drive which contains films and music. Its not a partition05:04
Daniel-_ivaldi: Yes, it works.. thanks alot =)05:04
Arrickis there a way to put yahoo messenger on a ubuntu breezy box? please respond, even if its to tell me no05:04
ivaldimorrye: you could convert the partition to FAT32, that should be safe to use with linux05:04
ivaldiDaniel-_: varsgod :)05:04
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krazykitmorrye: it has partitions.  you can't change ntfs to anything else without losing all the data05:04
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morryeivaldi: But would there be data loss?05:04
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bonesanyone know why i can kill the xserver?05:05
ivaldimorrye: no there shouldn't be. I did this when I started using ubuntu, and dual-booted05:05
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LjLmorrye: well, perhaps there's some way around it, but i don't know of any. you should copy the stuff somewhere else, reformat as ext3 (or FAT32, if you need windows to read that too) and copy everything back.05:05
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thoreauputicbones: what command are you using to kill the X server ?05:05
DiegoBah, I downloaded the ISO from the torrent, burned it with Nero, but it doesn't recognize the CD on boot-up.05:06
thoreauputicbones: and why ? :)05:06
LjLivaldi: oh, you can convert NTFS to FAT32? i though Windows allowed only the opposite, FAT32 to NTFS05:06
morryeLjL: there is alot of data, is it possible to transfer the data from NTFS partition to the one linux is installed on?05:06
Dr_willisDiego,  how did you burn it with nero? check the cd.. whats files are on the cd...05:06
bonesthoreauputic: killall -9 Xorg / /etc/init.d/gdm stop killall -9 gdmgreeter05:06
thoreauputicDiego: you have to burn it as an image05:06
ArrickDiego, did you burn a bootable cd? you have to specify in nero to do so05:06
Dr_willisDiego,  or use the  free 'burn at once' software05:06
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LjLmorrye: if there's enough space on the linux partition, yup05:06
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bonesthoreauputic: because im trying to update to the latest video driver...this nvidia driver is old05:06
morryethats fine then, thanks!05:06
thoreauputicbones: umm - just  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  should do it05:06
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bonesthoreauputic: ya it doesnt do it05:07
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DiegoHm. I'll try that.05:07
ivaldiLjL: I seem to remember doing that in Partition Magic. I could be wrong though, since it was years ago :)05:07
thoreauputicbones: are you running gnome/GDM ?05:07
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bonesthoreauputic: oh it did work05:07
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thoreauputicbones: hmm05:07
thoreauputicbones: so waht did you forget before ? *grin*05:07
bonesthoreauputic: forget?05:08
KenSentMeHow can i see how much space is left in a folder in console?05:08
thoreauputicbones: why do you think it "didn't work" before ?05:08
bonesthoreauputic: not sure05:09
thoreauputicKenSentMe: wrong question - do you mean a partition?05:09
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KenSentMethoreauputic: yeah05:09
ivaldiKenSentMe: df -h <folder>05:09
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KenSentMeivaldi: ok, ty05:10
ivaldiyou're welcome05:10
physicsnickanyone have a link to a guide on upgrading dapper to edgy?05:10
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thoreauputicdirecories don't have fixed sizes - only volumes/partitions05:11
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:11
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Dr_willisphysicsnick,  i advise waiting for edgy to come out.05:11
ivaldiphysicsnick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22705205:11
YoussefAssadbloody xgl packages b0rked...05:12
ivaldiphysicsnick: bear in mind that edgy is still experimental software. it could, and probably would, go wrong05:12
physicsnickthat's fine, i don't mind formatting again05:12
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KenSentMethoreauputic: i know, but i don't want to think about what /dev/hd? i'm on when i want to see how much i can put in this folder, that's why i asked it this way05:12
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Laneynp: Hooverphonic - Ginger05:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:13
whurleyAny one out there have experience installing Ubuntu Server on dual opterons?05:13
thoreauputicKenSentMe: OK that will work as long as it's a mount point like a separate /home etc05:13
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frogzooKenSentMe: df .05:13
KenSentMethoreauputic: i use seperate partitions05:13
thoreauputicKenSentMe: just  df -h by itself shows all of them05:14
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KenSentMethoreauputic, frogzoo: thanx for ur help05:14
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whurleyI have an issue where when installing Ubuntu server, all versions of boot options freeze at "io cfg registered" and the installation stops. Has anyone seen this05:15
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frogzoowhurley: dapper ?05:15
whurleyyes, 606.105:16
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whurley(sorry new to Ubuntu)05:16
frogzoo!fixinstall > whurley05:16
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aliendream23is there a program that will shrink dvd files to fit on a 4.7 gig disk in ubuntu (like dvd shrink for windows)?05:17
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kujaHow do I ignore dpkg "not configured, leaving unconfigured" messages each time apt is invoked?05:17
kujaI get the picture that sun-java5-bin sucks and can't find libjava.so, but how do I make it stop complaining?05:18
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whurleyfrogzoo: thanks, I'll go over that, but we've tried everything we found in the forums etc (apci=off, all boot options, etc.) and it still hangs. Give me a few minutes to read over all this and I'll try anything we missed. thanks again :)05:18
IRChello, i have a problem.. normally i get sound in movies etc. but not from youtube, any ideas?05:18
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thoreauputickuja:  try   sudo apt-get -f install  ( without arguments )05:18
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scrpwhats the deal with Ubuntu/Linux support with videos............05:18
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications05:19
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scrpand why the hell does firefox always open totem to play videos05:19
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kujathoreauputic: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/3Aa9RQ39.html05:19
johanhow can i change the resolution in login window05:19
thoreauputicscrp: umm - because it's the default?05:19
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ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.05:19
scrpthoreauputic: but totem is like, a crap player? and cant even play 80% of videos by default05:20
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scrpthoreauputic: how can i force firefox to use for example, vlc05:20
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czer323scrp> Probably because you haven't installed the media codecs.05:20
johanthe resolution for my login window is fuzzy so i'd like to change the resolution but i dunno where is the conf file for the login window05:20
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scrpczer323: actually i think i have05:20
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thoreauputicscrp: you haven't read ubotu's factoid , have you?05:21
thoreauputic!video > scrp05:21
scrpthoreauputic: i have, most of it05:21
ivaldiscrp: try installing mozilla-plugin-vlc05:21
scrpivaldi: firefox still uses totem05:21
thoreauputic!restricted > scrp05:21
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physicsnickis anyone here running edgy?05:22
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:22
ivaldiscrp: try removing totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin then05:22
A[D] minS!glx05:22
thoreauputicscrp: you can uninstall the totem plugin for FF if you wish05:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:22
frogzooPyroMithrandir: u'd do better @ #ubuntu+105:22
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:22
scrpivaldi: i tried that aswell lol05:22
czer323scrp> I usually use Easyubuntu to install all the codecs and embeded media player. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/overview.html05:22
A[D] minS!xgl05:22
scrpcan anyone of you guys play http://veftivi.visir.is/veftivi/main.do?treeId=10016&progId=2338505:22
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:22
IRCalso...how does one get quicktime-based clips in firefox running?05:22
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ivaldiscrp: I use mplayer for playing vids in firefox. perhaps you could try that?05:23
thoreauputicguys, please read the restricted formats wiki page and follow it05:23
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:23
scrpivaldi: wish i could05:23
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scrpivaldi: how would i tell firefox to use mplayer?05:24
kromelhow do I reinstall alsa? <-- noob05:24
ivaldiscrp: I just install mozilla-mplayer05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moailla-mplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
scrpivaldi: i have that already05:24
ubotumozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.17-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 421 kB, installed size 1500 kB05:24
ivaldiand it STILL uses totem?05:24
scrpivaldi: i've got mplayer and vlc, still uses totem05:24
scrpi even tried removing totem05:24
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neuronhey again05:24
scrpi hate totem05:25
ivaldiscrp: have you restarted firefox in-between these attempts?05:25
scrpcurse the devs for using totem05:25
Fractureanyone here use dbmail ?05:25
scrpivaldi: ofcourse05:25
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thoreauputicscrp: sounds like you've done something "creative" to your install05:25
neuroni just discovered that my keybord stopped working just after kdm started, this doesnt happen in recovery mode tho05:25
scrpthoreauputic: can you watch the above url i gave?05:25
ivaldiscrp: I can't see that video you linked to either05:25
czer323scrp> Or, you could try Automatix.  I usually use Easyubuntu first, and then go back with Automatix and get the things that Easy Ubuntu doesn't have.05:25
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neuronif i spam numlock, the light wont come off/on after kdm starts05:26
scrpivaldi: ....its easy to watch in windows05:26
thoreauputicczer323: please don't recommend those scripts05:26
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scrpwhy, WHY are they making it so difficult to watch videos05:26
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czer323Scripts like easyubuntu?  It's in the ubotu05:26
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scrpwhy not just INSTALL the multimedia packages05:26
thoreauputicscrp: patent isues05:26
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.05:26
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thoreauputicscrp: Ubuntu is Free software - and a lot of those things are not legal to include05:27
ivaldiubuntu takes pride in being completely open source, which is very good05:27
scrpthey arent doing anything illegal by having ubuntu with codecs and media players05:27
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ivaldiscrp: yes they do. the codecs are proprietary.05:27
landoanyone know of portrait software for linux. my lcd can swivel and i was hoping to be able to use that feature05:27
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thoreauputicscrp: I suggest you need to read up on patents and free software :)05:27
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sproingiepatents have nothing to do with it, it's licensing05:28
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thoreauputicsproingie: it's both actually05:28
scrphow is it illegal for them to install codecs on ubuntu by default but not illegal for me05:28
LjLsproingie: for some formats like mp3, it's patents05:28
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scrpdoesnt make sence05:28
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sproingiethe win32codecs pretty much openly violate MS's EULA that restructs them to windows05:28
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ivaldiscrp: it could be illegal depending on which country you live in.05:28
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thoreauputicscrp: you are misinformed, and shouting won't help05:28
LjLscrp: mp3 is patented. you can't encode without a patent, and possibly not even decode.05:28
LjLscrp: and don't shout.05:28
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ivaldiscrp: microsoft pays licensing fees in order to have mp3 support included in windows.05:29
sproingiescrp: redhat doesn't include mp3 out of the box either05:29
richeeI have problems with the gnome power manager not showing the proper icon..05:29
LjLscrp: without a05:29
LjLscrp: without a *fee* on the patent i meant05:29
kesaraHow can I get a 686 kernel with smp support without manually configuring?05:29
kesaraActually what is the name of the pkg that I need to install?05:29
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thoreauputickesara: linux-68605:29
LjLkesara: linux-686-smp?05:29
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richeeFor eg. when I have a full charged battery and I restart gnome and remove the power cord it still shows the charging icon05:29
scrpuhm, however its not illegal for me to make backup of my cds05:29
thoreauputickesara: smp by default05:29
scrpand i can make backups in mp3 format05:29
richeeis there any fix for this ?05:29
LjLscrp: uh, and what does that have to do with mp3?05:29
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scrpthere is no law that can ban you to have backups05:30
frogzookesara: stock 686 is SMP enabled05:30
thoreauputicscrp: this is off-topic05:30
richeecan anyone help ?05:30
LjLscrp: no, unless you have been granted a licence on the mp3 encoding patent, you can't.05:30
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whurleyfrogzoo: all of those options we're tried but thanks for the pointer05:30
czer323scrp> the encoder that ENCODES mp3s was developed by a compnay that requires you to have paid licensing fees to use that technology.05:30
thoreauputicplease discuss legal issues and codecs etc in #ubuntu-offtopic05:30
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frogzoowhurley: verified the install CD ?05:30
scrpah so thats what patent means05:30
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sproingiescrp: there's a difference beween use and distribution.  frauenhofer AG has actually sued makers of free codecs05:31
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LjLscrp: well, as you've been told, perhaps you should read to know what things mean, before stating they're false.05:31
whurleyfrogzoo: yes, and pulled 3 copies from 3 iff servers last night to make sure :)05:31
MalachiIs there a way I can share files with  a Windows computer using an ad hoc network?05:31
sandoogg is a better encoder anyhow my 2 c05:31
sproingiescrp: ubuntu and redhat don't feel like getting dragged into court05:31
frogzoo!samba > Malachi05:31
scrpi see, lets move this discussion to offtopic :05:31
frogzoowhurley: a bios update's worth a shot05:32
kesarathx for the help... linux-686-smp is what I was looking for...05:32
kujaMind the sort of off-topic question... but installing the Java runtime is a horrendous pain for me on Ubuntu, and I was wondering what are some good up-to-date alternatives that pose to be greater than JRE 1.5?05:32
kujagcj seems to show itself as 1.4.x05:32
sproingiekuja: JRE 1.6?05:32
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository05:32
Malachifrogzoo: I've got the sharing from Ubuntu part, I just can't connect to an ad hoc network.05:32
whurleyfrogzoo: checking into that now but it's a new cpu so I'm not sure what options will be available :)05:32
frogzookuja: jre installs out of the repos totally hands free05:32
kujathoreauputic: That precise thing is driving me nuts.05:32
kujaIt keeps failing saying it can't find libjava.so05:33
thoreauputickuja: amd 64 ?05:33
sproingieif you want the jdk, i recommend just installing the damn thing by hand05:33
kujaCould it be a unionfs thing? I'm using Dapper LiveCD and my USB pen drive as a pstore device05:33
sproingieif hand installing the jdk is too complex, java's probably not for you05:33
kujasproingie: Or maybe if you were in my shoes you would've committed suicide.05:33
kujaIt simply *does not work* as tutored in the forums or Ubuntu wiki05:33
ubotugpm: General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-21ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 201 kB, installed size 496 kB05:34
thoreauputickuja: I never tried installing java on the live CD - s it even possible?05:34
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sproingiekuja: no doubt, but i've had zero problems when i just did it by hand.  plugin and all.05:34
kujathoreauputic: Well, my USB pen drive is the storage device used by the LiveCD, so it's entirely possible to install whatever as long as there's enough space.05:34
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kujaI'm beginning to feel this might be some sort of unionfs thing though05:34
frogzookuja: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre05:34
sproingiekuja: the tricky thing about the plugin is you have to make it a symlink, not copy it05:34
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kujafrogzoo: That precise thing (and a manual install) fails with a "cannot find libjava.so"05:35
frogzookuja: dapper ?05:35
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PunjabiFLOYDIANguys. the terminal aint starting. what can be the problem05:36
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gerhardhey guys05:36
gerhardhow do I mount mdf/mds?05:36
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Rambo3PunjabiFLOYDIAN: messed up $path05:37
PunjabiFLOYDIANlol. it just started. tahnks anywyas05:37
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Rambo3it can be alot of things , can you create a shortcut on desktop and point it to gnome-terminal05:37
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PunjabiFLOYDIANno its ok. it was not responding. btw, do programs hang in linux even?05:37
fulat2kis there a way to make gnome/gtk apps look nicer in kubuntu?05:38
kujaIf anyone has the Dapper LiveCD with a USB device they could use as their persistent storage device to test and confirm this painful experience, please let me know.05:38
ivaldigerhard: try installing mdf2iso and use that to convert it to an iso image05:38
gerhardk thx05:38
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Rambo3PunjabiFLOYDIAN:  when some resources take to much  cpu time like networking busy devices and so on05:38
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PunjabiFLOYDIANok. i thought tat linux was error free. how can i configure the linux firewall?05:39
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freezey_X_GLZRender fail during gdm startup?05:39
Rambo3PunjabiFLOYDIAN: learn to use ubotu you ask too much smal questions05:39
PunjabiFLOYDIANRambo3: lol. ok.05:39
thoreauputicPunjabiFLOYDIAN: no software is "error free" :)05:39
freezey_has anyone ever seen that05:39
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)05:39
SubhumanPunjabiFLOYDIAN, use firestarter.05:39
gerharddo I mdf2iso the mds or mds??05:40
freezey_has anyone have saw X_GLZRender fail during gdm startup?05:40
gerhardah mdf05:40
richeePunjabiFLOYDIAN: Baale baale05:40
james296after getting Acrobat Reader, how can I make firefox use the default way of viewing pdf files which was opening the document reader or whatever it was called?05:40
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PunjabiFLOYDIANrichee: LOLS. where are  you from richee?05:40
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kujahttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-226161.html -- Someone seems to already have confirmed this. Reading this entry, does anyone happen to have a solution?05:41
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psylocybeif i get a error messenge like "Cannot open file.rar" the file is unviable?05:41
richeePunjabiFLOYDIAN: India05:41
PunjabiFLOYDIANI can see that.05:41
freezey_difference between gksudo and sudo?05:41
ivaldijames296: try downloading a pdf file, and change the "open with" setting to Acrobat Reader.05:41
tyk0s_how do i download winehq? im totally new in linux05:42
ivaldijames296: then firefox will honor that setting05:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANsudo apt-get wine05:42
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segfault_PunjabiFLOYDIAN, sudo apt-get install wine05:43
james296but I removed Acrobat reader after that because I dont want to use that, it was automatically installed, even though I unchecked its box in Automatix...05:43
PunjabiFLOYDIANyeah! sorry :D05:43
tyk0s_or how do i install in linux? dont know anything >_<05:43
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PunjabiFLOYDIANjust use the command: sudo apt-get install wine05:43
PunjabiFLOYDIANthen after the package is downloaded run the command wine05:43
james296and now I realized the darn Add/Remove Programs application is gone!05:43
frogzoojames296: for automatix support -> #automatix05:43
PunjabiFLOYDIANthe configuration will be complete05:43
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PunjabiFLOYDIANafter that, run as this (exe name test), command: wine test.exe05:43
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:44
tyk0s_in commando line?05:44
ivaldijames296: oh sorry, misread your question. download the pdf file and set it to "document viewer" instead05:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANhere is the sequence:05:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANsudo apt-get install wine05:44
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PunjabiFLOYDIANwine <EXE NAME>05:44
Rambo3tyk0s_: wineHq is for wine , use synaptic to install programs and ask ubotu about repos05:44
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PunjabiFLOYDIANbetween, guys I couldnt run Fireworks 8 on wine"? any suggestions?05:45
james296well thats already set but when I want to just OPEn the PDF file within firefox it told me that Adobe Reader is not available and cannot let me view it05:45
tyk0s_it cant find it, it says05:45
Rambo3repos couse i cant spell the whole word05:45
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:45
james296meanwhile I was able to open the file using Document Viewer as default...05:45
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee this > tyk0s_05:45
kujaHow do I check my glibc version?05:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glibc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
james296so, any help?05:46
ivaldijames296: try pressing the "add" button in the "open with" settings. then fill in "evince" as a custom command05:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
morryeHow do I open NTFS partition?05:46
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Rambo3physicly ?05:47
tyk0s_on winehq's homepage it says something about drapper and breezy05:47
segfault_kuja, dpkg -l | grep libc605:47
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PunjabiFLOYDIANmorrye: u need to mount it first05:47
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse05:47
azzgori seem to have a problem, keyboard doesnt work after kdm starts, but it works in recovery mode, dont realy know why this happens05:47
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee this05:47
james296still doing the same thing05:47
kujasegfault_: Thanks05:48
james296its a link Im clicking on to a PDF05:48
Rambo3tyk0s_: they are fresh packages but wine servers are slow . you need to enable universe and mutliverse in synaptic05:48
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morryePunjabiFLOYDIAN: How do I mount it without loosing any data? Its not a partition its a whole hard drive.05:48
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tyk0s_hmm okey..05:48
segfault_tyk0s_, iirc wine is in universe or multiverse u must enable them05:48
PunjabiFLOYDIANu dont lose data while mounting. its safe. mount means u give linux access to the partiton. only the root can modify it, so u r safe05:48
morryeHow do I mount it?05:48
Rambo3morrye: then partition is a whole drive05:49
PunjabiFLOYDIANjust use the diskmounter utitily, it will automount it05:49
aussiemani have just come over to ubunto from caos - im gettign used to apt again, what is this error meant to emean?05:49
aussiemanE: Type '' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list05:49
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse05:49
kujaOfficially confirmed. This is not a Ubuntu problem or a Java problem. It's a UnionFS problem.05:49
morryePunjabiFLOYDIAN: Where do I get the disk mounter?05:49
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee this link.05:49
morryeokay thanks05:49
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Jack_Sparrowazzgor: waht did you install last, what were you doing before you shut down the pc last night?  Did you make the mistake or running Automatix05:49
PunjabiFLOYDIANmounting is safe. absolutely.05:49
tyk0s_now it downloading it thx :P05:49
james296ok I fixed it lol05:49
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james296now, how can I get Add-Remove programs back into the Applications menu?05:50
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tyk0s_how do i find my other hard drive? got a D: but cant mount it05:50
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cyzie Our hearts and prayers go out to lilo and his family, we will miss you old friend   // what happeened?05:51
azzgorJack_Sparrow: not that i remember of, maybe just updated some packages with adept, cant realy remember wich05:51
PunjabiFLOYDIANguys try learning the ubotu05:51
PunjabiFLOYDIANif you want to ask something, jsut add ! before the word05:51
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PunjabiFLOYDIANthis way the channel is spammed05:51
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coincoin169can somebody help me with iptables ?05:51
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Rambo3or use /msg ubotu and stop cloging the channel05:51
aussiemanPunjabiFLOYDIAN, how does one get recognised here?05:51
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PunjabiFLOYDIANlol. what does that mean?05:52
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segfault_coincoin169, ask someone here may know05:52
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aussiemanwell i ask a question ... get ignored ... sorry but at elats someone could say hello welcome to unbunto05:52
aussiemanE: Type '' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list05:52
aussiemanwhat does that mean?05:52
frogzoocoincoin169: just say what you're trying to do & someone might be able to help05:52
aussiemani did frogzoo05:52
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PunjabiFLOYDIANaussieman: ask your question again. maybe i can help05:53
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: It means you need to post your sources list to the pastebin so people can look at the problem05:53
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aussiemani have just come over to ubunto from caos - im gettign used to apt again, what is this error meant to emean?05:53
aussiemanE: Type '' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list05:53
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cyzie Our hearts and prayers go out to lilo and his family, we will miss you old friend   // what happeened?05:53
Rambo3!register > aussieman05:53
sproingieaussieman: if no one answers your question, no one knows or has time.  it's irc etiquitte to not spam the channel with useless "dunno" or welcomes05:53
james296so can someone help me out here I really want that back05:53
manmadhaPunjabiFLOYDIAN, u r new to irc?05:53
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we2bycan any one test jinxi.cinaq.net for me? can u open the page?05:53
PunjabiFLOYDIANLOL. why do you ask this? i m. but i can stick to the rules pretty easily.05:53
kujaOkay, if I mount my pen drive as ext3 it works perfectly.05:53
segfault_aussieman, means ur sources.list is not right05:53
aussiemansproingie, it is also etiquite to say hello welcome to ubuntu. or it is with other distros05:54
aussiemannice to see you here can we help05:54
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:54
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Jack_Sparrowaussieman: 911 people say hello to aussieman05:54
manmadhaPunjabiFLOYDIAN, irc!05:54
stu_trying to get my ibm thinkpad buttons to work, it says insmod nvram - but I dont have the module - how do I get it ?05:54
coincoin169I entered that : iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -j DNAT --to-destination
coincoin169where is my IP logically all packets from my computer should go to my loopback interface and so i should not be able to reach any site on the web but I can open google seems like the rule is ignored05:54
deathz0rhi, i have a laptop pc and i installed ubuntu on it, but the max reso is like 1024 x 768 i want it to rise it to 1280 x 1024 how can i do that on gnome?05:54
manmadhaha ha05:54
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Rambo3!fixres > deathz0r05:55
orangemangomodify the xorg file thing05:55
deathz0rthanks Rambo305:55
stu_what do you mean by resive it to 1280 ??05:55
stu_er reseize05:55
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richeemanmadha: :P05:56
deathz0ruse a bigger resolution05:56
segfault_coincoin169, want to stop outbound communication, it might be easier to drop all on chain OUTPUT05:56
stu_but you just said that your max res was 1024?05:56
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treedreamerhello,guys . Does anyone know some GUI tools for FTP other than gFTP?05:56
coincoin169yes yes i know that05:56
frogzoocoincoin169: nat is for routed packets - not for packets originating from local machine, afaik05:56
james296so WHAT CAN I DO?05:56
deathz0rthis is a wide screen display05:56
sproingietreedreamer: konqueror05:56
manmadharichee, nothing....05:56
deathz0rstu yes, the max res i can change on gnome panel05:57
coincoin169but it is to try this kind of rule i mean POSTROUTING and PREROUTING05:57
james296how do I add the Add/Remove Applications menu back into applications?05:57
treedreamersproingie, I mean under GNOME05:57
morryeI have mounted a NTFS partition but it won't let me open it, does anyone know what could be wrong?05:57
sproingietreedreamer: i think nautilus might do an ok job with ftp05:57
james296its not available05:57
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aussiemanJack_Sparrow, i thought it was linux for human beings not for smartarse geeks05:57
frogzoocoincoin169: 1/2 a sec05:57
stu_so your monior supports a higher res only you cant choose it?05:57
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deathz0rso I guess I explained myself wrong.  I apologize.05:57
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: Watch your language.05:57
deathz0rstu_:  yes05:57
aussiemanim sorry what language05:57
treedreamersproingie,yes,but it is much slow to transfer files05:57
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > aussieman05:57
manmadharichee, u know how to get the opensource tshirts....?Not by ordering.....online?05:58
sproingieaussieman: sod off.  you come in here and demand politeness then carry on like that.  FOAD.05:58
stu_ah, ok, thought maybe you could trick it into sizing everything and sort of make it look like you're running 1280 but its actually 102405:58
trappist!coc > aussieman05:58
=== Kurgan [n=Eldersig@adsl-66-142-212-184.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
PunjabiFLOYDIANcome on guys. taht guy is rite05:58
orangemangoyou can run the startx setup, setupx?05:58
richeemanmadha: where whic country ?05:58
tyk0s_well.. i did that in terminal.. but i can't open my disk05:58
sproingienow, i gotta go05:58
manmadharichee, India05:58
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sproingieand before anyone else does it...05:58
tyk0s_its in "computer" but cant open it05:58
sproingie!coc > sproingie05:58
PunjabiFLOYDIANRichee: cant u see the IP. like u r from Bangalore.05:58
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deathz0rstill everything looks wider than usual05:58
richeemanmadha: go to open source meets :P05:58
stu_!coc > stu_05:58
richeePunjabiFLOYDIAN: yeah05:59
Warbojames296: hello05:59
lukas_how do i get the errors of startxfce4 or startfluxbox (which are on the screen) to file? something like startxfce4 >> file isnt working. I cant find the errors in /var/log/Xorg.log.old and dmesg doesnt contain it, too.05:59
manmadharichee, can u give me the links?05:59
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KurganHiya. Is this a good place for newb questions? :)05:59
PunjabiFLOYDIANKurgan: sure! ask :D05:59
james296will someone answer my question?05:59
WarboKurgan: yes05:59
richeemanmadha: what links ?05:59
stu_Kurgan: yes05:59
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ivaldijames296: shouting won't help you. have you removed checked that it isn't in the menu editor?05:59
KurganCool, thanks.05:59
aussiemanno im serious that if you advertise this as a friendly distro new comers should be treated with a minumum of respect05:59
=== khaije__ [n=khaije1@dsl093-056-093.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warbojames296: I just joined. What is it?05:59
treedreamerKurgan,don't ask to ask,just ask :)05:59
stu_Kurgan: its also a good place for not asking if you can ask05:59
PunjabiFLOYDIANLOL. aussieman is rite.05:59
james296no like I said, its not available at all in the menu editor05:59
richeemanmadha: u need to physically go u :P05:59
sproingieaussieman is no longer my problem.  later all05:59
=== sproingie &
ivaldijames296: make sure that the package gnome-app-install is installed then06:00
coincoin169but how do i alter the packets from my computer ?06:00
stu_you cant demand respect06:00
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: We are one of the best channels around.  We are extremely busy and we do not say hello to everyone that shows up.06:00
scrpbut asking to ask is only being polite :) no need to get all worked up over it06:00
james296and if it is?06:00
aussiemanif it is just another im a better geek than you channel then it is no better to other channels full of little upstarts06:00
manmadharichee, I didnt get u......:-(06:00
orangemangojust ask someone on the ubuntuforums.org06:00
KurganOk, simply put, as of this morning I've just about had it with Windows. I want to install Ubuntu, but am not sure about how to go about it, or, more importantly, if my motherboard and video will work. Using nforce4 mb and a GeForce 6600 vid card.06:00
richeemanmadha: I am far away u won't get me :)06:00
james296thank you!06:00
james296got it06:00
PunjabiFLOYDIANKurgan: perfect. linux supporst most hardware06:00
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james296for some reason I guess Automatix removed it on me...06:01
sproingieKurgan: with an nvidia 6600, you're in good shape.06:01
stu_Kurgan: it will work, of course dont expect everything to work straight off, it will take some playing06:01
sproingiegah now i'm late06:01
tyk0s_can someone help me mount my disk? it's in computer but i cant open it06:01
stu_wireless is always a bitch06:01
ivaldijames296: yeah, automatix can be pretty unforgiving at times. so I don't use it06:01
manmadharichee, if u post them to my address then i will pay the money...plzz06:01
james296not for me06:01
mopfliteKurgan: a good was to find out if ubuntu will work with your hardware is to download and burn the live cd iso, boot from it, and that should tell you whether your hardware will work with a full install or not06:01
PunjabiFLOYDIAN!DiskMounter > tyk0_s06:01
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: Feel free to take this offtopic or post your sources.list like we asked earlier.  If you do not know how to use the pastebin or post your sources list just ask.06:01
james296it picked up my wireless like a charm :-)06:01
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse06:01
manmadharichee, i tried soo hard to get the tshirtss.......but no use06:01
CarlFKstu_: not always - my wifi works out of the box06:01
KurganI've got the Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs already. :)06:01
james296same here06:02
manmadharichee, i feel very proud to ware them....06:02
mopfliteKurgan: I love the live cds, they are a great way to tell whether hardware is supported06:02
stu_Kurgan: you might want to look at kubuntu to06:02
Jack_Sparrowjames296: Automatix is one of the worst things you can do to Ubuntu06:02
coincoin169I found use OUTPUT instead of PREROUTING06:02
scrpi have to say, ever since i setup SMP kernel my console grahpics got even worse06:02
Laneynp: hooverphonic - every time we live together we die a bit more06:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:02
manmadharichee, sorry06:02
PunjabiFLOYDIANKurgan: linux rocks. but u will get sometime being used to it.06:02
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KurganDoes it matter that I'm running PCI-E video?06:02
PunjabiFLOYDIANlike u wont be able to figure out how to access windows, play MP3s or WMVs06:02
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PunjabiFLOYDIANbut once u do. u wont use windows ever again06:03
scrpJack_Sparrow: remember that blank screen in console problem i had? After i updated my kernel to use both cores of my cpu my graphics go fubar in bootup06:03
stu_linux hardware support out the box is better than windows06:03
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james296well Automatix was the only way for me to get my Nvidia graphics card running great and getting the NVIDIA Settings app06:03
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scrpstu_: errr careful those are big words06:03
stu_driver support is another issue06:03
james296because Easy Ubuntu doesnt work properly on this06:03
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scrpjames296: Automatix?06:03
james296and that is actually worse than Automatix06:03
mathrickhi, is there any easy way to see what packages exactly are backported?06:03
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mon^rchwoo-hoo running mIRC with wine from edgy06:03
wilcoxstu_ O RLY?06:03
g333k_workis there any repo to get the latest release of xfce ?06:03
frogzoocoincoin169: do it like so 'iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP'06:04
KurganMy "super secret plan" is to install Ubuntu (or Kubuntu) as my main OS, then install VMware Worksation, so I can still play XP-only games. :)06:04
aussiemanJack_Sparrow, i realise you are busy but i did not think that ubuntu people would be so rude, i could have been a newbie newbie with no experience at all and the first thing that happens is a you get told off for not being a real geek... lol .... i always wondered if ubuntu was more marketing than realityt and my first experience makes me think that again06:04
lastnodeg333k_work, you'll probably want to look for a .deb06:04
ivaldimon^rch: why would you do that? :D if you don't mind me asking06:04
lastnodeg333k_work, or compile from cvs? or try edgy?06:04
sjust1216I tried to update to edgy but could not06:04
g333k_worklastnode, yeah06:04
scrpKurgan: not going to work06:04
PunjabiFLOYDIANthis guy aussieman really rocks06:04
stu_wilcox: yes, I will find a windows driver for every peice of hardware almost06:04
g333k_worklastnode, what is edgy?06:04
PunjabiFLOYDIANpeople pay ur respect to him :P06:04
mon^rchcos the interface is better than xchat06:04
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule06:04
aussiemani get the same erro with the advice i ahve been given06:04
stu_Kurgan: you cant play games in vmware06:04
Warbostu_: Find one for a PPC Mac...06:04
sexcopter8000mi just realised my bro's laptop (running xp pro) for some reason is formatted to fat32. can the gparted livecd convert it to ntfs without damaging the contents of the drive?06:04
wilcoxStu_ ment sarcastic06:04
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse06:05
orangemangoWhy cant you just be ubuntu aussieman?06:05
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: This is a help channel not a chatter channel...  Try Ubuntu-offtopic if you choose to continue06:05
g333k_worklastnode, ubuntu 6.06 has the xfce4 beta 1, I want the beta 206:05
PunjabiFLOYDIANsee ya guys. happy hacking. :D06:05
snedarhi! how do I disable gnome-panel in gnome? I can remove it from the current session through the Sessions configuration window, but I don't want it to start at all.06:05
stu_Warbo: the almost in my statement allows me to disregard that request06:05
lastnodesexcopter8000m, you should be able to. but defrag first. and BACKUP.06:05
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lastnodeg333k_work, get 6.10, edgy06:05
sexcopter8000mlastnode, ok, thanks06:05
aussiemanmy question before you beacme hoiler than though was what does this error mean:06:05
aussieman Type '' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.lis06:05
KurganThat's the first I've heard about that. VMW is supposed to run anything that the hosted OS will.06:05
coincoin169yes frogzoo but now i'd like to alter the ip source of the packets I receive06:05
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lastnodeaussieman, malformed sources.list06:06
aussiemani have never seen it in 5 yrs of using linux06:06
stu_!xfce > stu_06:06
Jack_Sparrowtyk0s_: You mounted your ntfs and you still cant read from it?06:06
g333k_worklastnode, can I upgrade to edgy?06:06
aussiemanthanks lastnode06:06
orangemangomaybe your list is emtpy06:06
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aussiemanbut how does it become malformed without doing anything06:06
tyk0s_i can't open it in computer06:06
lastnodeg333k_work, yes change your dapper references in /etc/apt/sources.list to edgy. but it's in beta.06:06
stu_why you use Xfce??06:06
lastnodeaussieman, pastebin your sources.list please06:06
aussiemanwhere is the pastebin that you would like me to use06:06
wilcoxKurgan: no, not true. It's an emulation environment, so no real hardware connection (like host os)06:06
stu_I mean why use Xfce06:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:06
g333k_worklastnode, so it is unstable?06:06
lastnodeg333k_work, yes.06:06
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lastnodeg333k_work, it will be released in October, you can upgrade then06:07
sysdocWhat is the Ubuntu server channel called?06:07
mon^rchit's  stable enough06:07
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: Why dont you scroll back, I answered your question long before you started wining that no one said hello.06:07
stu_Kurgan: whilst you might get games to run they wont run well06:07
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/06:07
lastnodesynak, #ubuntu-server06:07
g333k_worklastnode, I can change the references just for aminute to get the last xfce and get back to dapper afterwards06:07
aussiemansorry Jack_Sparrow you didnt06:07
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tyk0s_shall i unmount it and try it over again?06:07
treedreamerbye ,good night !06:07
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lastnodeg333k_work, it doesnt work like that :-) what you _can_ do is search packages.ubuntu.com and try and dowload the edgy package. but it might break.06:08
KurganWell, that's utterly depressing.06:08
wilcoxKurgan: vmw doesn't support Directx (however there is a sort of alpha support for it.. BUGGY)06:08
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g333k_worklastnode, so what's the best solution then?06:08
Jack_SparrowWrong... I said post your sources list to the pastebin... which you still have not done after being asked a couple times...  So please stop wasting our time and yours06:08
lastnodeg333k_work, id wait for dapper, or built from source.06:08
coincoin169the packets are for my computer but I want it to believe the packets don't come from where they are really coming06:08
wilcoxKurgan: do you have intel-VT or amd-v processor?06:08
mon^rchand thank-you to whoever sujjested using xmms again.... (didn't even have to install ANY codecs)06:08
scrpisnt the best way to run Windows and Ubuntu in dual boot, to partition the hdd into 3 partitions? hda1 Wind, hda2 swap, hda3 leetnux?06:08
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Jassossoviniki'm following the guide HERE: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229559 - but i just can't get the patch to apply to the kernel, i get errors each time (HUNKS failed)06:08
Jassossovinikcan anyone give me some advice?06:09
lupine_85the patch and source don't match up06:09
wilcoxKurgan: no i mean Virtualisation support (pacifica)06:09
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lupine_85you can either try to apply it manually, or give up ;)06:09
Jack_Sparrowtyk0s_: You may need to edit your pmount allow to include that drive..  try this link for info  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:09
trevisis there a way to install the win32 codecs in edgy? it seems to have been removed from the repos06:09
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lastnodetrevis, #ubuntu+106:10
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gnomefreaktrevis: edgy is in #ubuntu+106:10
KurganNo clue, then. Not familiar with that.06:10
KenSentMeI deleted the trashcan from my gnome desktop by accident. How can i place a new trashcan on the right of the Workspaces (don't know the exact english word)?06:10
wilcoxKurgan: san diago series06:10
Jack_Sparrowlastnode: :)06:10
wilcoxooh ok06:10
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lastnodeheh, gnomefreak06:10
stu_frikkin java06:10
aussiemanok this is what i had before when i got the first error- it worked before fine06:10
Jassossoviniklupine_85 - how do i apply it manually, and also, the writer of the patch says he has gotten it to apply on the same kernel version06:10
KurganOh, that rings a bell. Lemme look at Everest....06:10
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stu_Ive installed java5-sdk and all the JRE packages I can find but when I try load the cisco web vpn port re-director applett it still tells me I need java06:11
wilcoxbecause if you have such a processor, you could try using XEN06:11
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wilcoxto use windows as guest06:11
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lastnodestu_, sub-java5-bin ?06:11
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stu_ill try it06:11
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lastnodestu_, it's in multiverse, you have to enable it06:12
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wilcoxwith xen, the guest can actually communicate with the hardware directly06:12
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Warbosun, not sub :)06:12
wilcoxjust like the host can06:12
D-meisthello all. ;)06:12
WarboD-meist: yo06:12
stu_you meant sun-java5-bin didnt you ?06:12
stu_lastnode: ^06:12
D-meistneed some help with a secondary hard drive I installed06:12
lastnodestu_, of course. sorry.06:13
WarboD-meist: Permission problem?06:13
stu_lastnode: then yes, I have that installed?06:13
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions06:13
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lastnodetrigger happy, i am06:13
WarboD-meist: OK, what format is it? (FAT32, NTFS, Ext3, etc.)06:13
lastnodestu_, hrm that's really wierd. what browser?06:13
=== orangemango [n=epsilon@ppp65-99.lns1.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
D-meistjust want my normal user to be able to read, write, execute06:13
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D-meistonly root can do that so far06:13
Jassossoviniklupine_85 - how do i apply it manually, and also, the writer of the patch says he has gotten it to apply on the same kernel version?06:13
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mon^rchis there a way to write to ntfs from linux?06:14
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lupine_85Jassossovinik: follow the instructions of the patch writer then06:14
WarboD-meist: That one's easy. Make sure your user has permission to read/write/execute the folder it is mounted to, then whatever files inside that you want access to (You know how to use chmod, right?)06:14
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stu_lastnode: actually I just tried firefox and its working now, I was using konqurer or whatever it was called before06:14
deep__how can i make use of my "extra" buttons on my razermouse?06:14
Jassossoviniklupine_85 i was already :-s but i was just curious that you said it was possible to manually apply a patch06:14
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lupine_85manually appling means opening up the .diff and the file(s) it's trying to patch, and doing each hunk yourself. It's not fun06:14
D-meistno.  how do you use chmod?06:14
lastnodeWarbo, you need some mount options to make it writable as well no?06:14
orangemangoisnt there some new driver 3tu something or other for ntfs06:14
stu_chmod is a whole new can or worms06:14
lastnodeD-meist, chmod xxx dir/06:14
Warbolastnode: ext3 is normally writable06:15
WarboI think06:15
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ivaldimon^rch: yes, although it is not recommended. it's still considered pretty experimental06:15
D-meisthow do I know what values to use for xxx?06:15
lastnodeD-meist, id do chown - chown user /media/hdaX06:15
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lastnodeD-meist, id do chown - chown -R user /media/hdaX i mean06:15
mon^rchyeah... heard about that one ty06:15
lupine_85ntfs-3f is apparently pretty good now06:15
lupine_85erm, 3g06:15
wilcoxdeep__: by adding some extra lines to the xorg.conf file06:15
lupine_85I still wouldn't recommend it though ;)06:15
Warbo"sudo chmod 777 /path/to/mount/point" will give everyone read/write/execute permissions for that folder06:15
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: Error line 1 is single # instead of double06:15
aussiemanthanks Jack_Sparrow06:15
lastnodeWarbo, isnt it generally safer to just give each user?06:15
Jack_SparrowCan we make nice now06:15
D-meistk, let me try Warbo's suggestion real fast.  I'll brb06:16
deep__wilcox: ...=06:16
WarboAnything more secure than that would involve setting the user and/or group06:16
lastnodeD-meist, security wise, id use chown, and give each user you want access. 777 means anyone can write,06:16
mon^rchwow, I'm suprised my wine worked so well right off the bat06:16
CrazedJack_Sparrow: you got time for me ? :)06:16
Crazedor busy :P06:16
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KurganAck. My Everest version is too old. Not giving me all the info. It's an AMD64 3000+. I can see "Virtual Mode Extension" is supported, but the other thing isn't listed (either yes or no).06:16
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Jack_SparrowCrazed: If I know the answer sure06:16
Warbolastnode: That's waht I'm on about, but secondary HD usually just means file storage for regular users06:16
aussiemanJack_Sparrow, sorry for dumb question but that is the actual first line of the text doc?06:16
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aussiemani changed that and still the same06:16
lastnodeWarbo, true.06:17
orangemangowhats a good irc app06:17
D-meistso for me since my user name is daniel, I would put the following into the terminal:  chown daniel /media/storage06:17
lastnodeaussieman, link your paste06:17
lastnodeorangemango, xchat06:17
Warboorangemango: Apparently XChat, but I use GAIM06:17
lastnodeD-meist, dont forget the -R flag06:17
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: what did you change it to?06:17
manmadhaD-meist, he first u read the manuals man..06:17
lastnodemeans recursive, generally helps06:17
habeebHello, I'm using Rhythmbox as my media player. I cant setup the keybindings for it from anywhere in the program, so I tried the "System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts" tried many combinations and nothing worked. Any ideas?06:17
orangemangolastnode: thx06:17
stu_can I load Xfce/gnome and KDE on the same box and switch between ?06:17
Crazedwell Jack_Sparrow, I got this problem with Klipper using Gnome a first it was working all fine and it just puts the icon in tray06:17
Warbo(XChat crashed the last few times I used it, so I gave up)06:17
wilcoxdeep__: Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"06:17
orangemangoWarbo: thx06:17
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Crazedbut now the icon wont go in tray06:17
D-meistk, lemme try06:17
lastnodestu_, sure06:17
lastnodeD-meist, man chown06:17
Crazedbut some annoying window where it holds the icon ..06:17
stu_lastnode: do I just install them using Adept ?06:17
psylocybehow can i see hidden files in xmms?06:18
deep__wilcox: Aaah, nice. What are the mousebuttons "known as" after that?06:18
lastnodeWarbo, xchat crashed? NEVER. :P06:18
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WarboI've heard that irssi has GUI modules, is that right?06:18
lastnodestu_, sure06:18
deep__wilcox: mouse4 and mouse5?06:18
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Jack_Sparrowaussieman: remove th first line06:18
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marciehello, where can i find the alternate text-mode cd for ubuntu and kubuntu? I find them listed as what I need but looking around the site I can't find them06:18
lastnodepsylocybe, #xmms please :-)06:18
Warbolastnode: It may have been XChat-gnome (I have heard a few flame wars between the two :) )06:18
wilcoxdeep__: yes06:18
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psylocybeoh thanks! :)06:18
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: a backup  is always a good idea  sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/sources.list.backup06:18
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Warboreleases.ubuntu.com I think has CD images06:19
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marciei'll go try06:19
aussiemanyeh i have a back up sudo does not work for me at all06:19
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Jack_Sparrowaussieman: Close the sources.list and open it again to make sure the changes are in place.06:19
lastnodeaussieman, sudo doesnt work?06:19
CrazedJack_Sparrow: you got any clue why ?06:19
aussiemanmaybe i have an old 86 laptop toshiba and the gui's are giving me hell06:19
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stu_what are the disadvanges of using Xfce ?06:19
mohaghna101i think breezy badger is better than dapper for old systems06:19
aussiemansudo works but the gks or whatever it is called does not06:19
sidny4I have the alternate cd, how do I make the ubuntu setup recognize the partitions on my RAID 0?06:19
Warbomarcie: See my above message ^06:19
LazyAngelHI! anyone knows if its possible to hotswat eSATA disks? I'm about to buy an external harddisk with either usb 2.0 or eSATA interface. But if it can't be hotswapped like USB, then i don't get the point...06:19
D-meistok, kewl!  that seemed to work, but write access seemes to still be disabled06:19
aussiemanso im doign things ass root and then apt06:19
aussiemanas im used to dong06:19
D-meistcan't paste into any of the directoreis06:20
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mohaghna101apt-get fails most of times06:20
Jack_SparrowCrazed: I have not used kiipper, so I wont be of much help.. Sorry.. but someone else may be using it.06:20
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mon^rchtc ppl06:20
Warboaussieman: If gksudo doesn't work then "sudo -s -H" then the command for the GUI app should work (not recommended, but it is better than "sudo gui-app")06:20
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Crazedwell it's just a KDE app under GNome06:20
ivaldistu_: it's perhaps not as user friendly or as well-integrated as Gnome, but it's getting there.06:20
Crazedusing the tray icon stuff06:20
marciethank you very much...the text mode is there, my old computer can't do the new type!06:20
twopoint0is WINE in the repo?06:20
Crazedbut not working right now :(06:21
D-meistu still there lastnode?06:21
Warbo!info wine06:21
lastnodetwopoint0, sure06:21
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB06:21
lastnodeD-meist, yes sir.06:21
stu_I've installed Xfce4 - now what?06:21
Warbotwopoint0: In Universe yes (they also have their own Ubuntu repo for newer verisons)06:21
sidny4I have the alternate cd, how do I make the ubuntu setup recognize the partitions on my RAID 0?06:21
D-meistkewl, it seemed to work, but write access still seems to be disabled06:21
D-meistcan't paste into any of the directories06:21
stu_how do I load it like06:21
orangemangowine is not an emulator06:21
holzmodemhow can i set firefox rc1 as default browsing application?06:21
IceToxAnyone knows how I can run the gtk2 script I have for firefox?06:21
lastnodeD-meist, paste your /etc/fstab please06:21
D-meistk, hold06:21
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Warbostu_: Normally go to login screen and choose it as "session" (button name depends on the theme you use)06:22
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stu_ill try - brb06:22
D-meist/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       106:22
D-meist/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       006:22
D-meist/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       006:22
D-meist/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       006:22
D-meist/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       006:22
D-meist/dev/sda        /media/usb0     auto    rw,user,noauto  0       006:22
D-meist/dev/hdb5 /media/storage ext3 defaults 0 006:22
WarboIceTox: "gtk2 script"? Is that a shell script or something?06:22
lastnodeD-meist, whoa!06:22
Alam_Ubuntuuse pastebin.ca?06:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:22
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IceToxnevermind Warbo :) I found out :)06:22
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: If you dont use my nick you get lost in the chaos... gksudo is for gui apps... is the original problem fixed?06:22
D-meisthehe, sorry.  i'm noob06:22
lastnodeD-meist, you can get kick/banned for that kinda flood06:22
D-meistsry :O06:23
lastnodeD-meist, set that defaults to rw,user06:23
aussiemanJack_Sparrow,  sorry i see that , no the sources are still fsucked06:23
r000tmysql in dapper is not like on other places is it?? someone know of this????? i try to log in with the anonymous user just doing mysql and get access denied and i cant see a test database06:23
WarboD-meist: Hang on, I need to reattach a poster to my wall........06:23
lastnodeD-meist, rw,user,umask=00006:23
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:23
Tomcat_r000t: The mysql install in Ubuntu is pretty secure, I doubt anonymous has access.06:23
D-meistand totally take out "defaults" right?06:23
stu_right I have Xfce up and running, I dont appear to have a menu though??06:23
aussiemanJack_Sparrow, i think i need a break, hence my original grumpiness, my back is startign to stress from this ...06:23
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: IS it still an error on line 106:24
lastnodeD-meist, of course fstab is read on boot, so you'll need to reboot06:24
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lastnodeD-meist, yes06:24
aussiemanJack_Sparrow, yes06:24
D-meistI'll see you in a couple minutes06:24
ivaldistu_: try right-clicking on the desktop, that should bring up a menu06:24
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lastnodeD-meist, sure06:24
WarboD-meist: I would suggest changing "user" to "users" as well, but I don't know if that will help directly06:24
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r000tTomcat_: so there is no test database either by default.. just trying to learn some mysql but things seem a bit different here06:24
lastnodeD-meist, hold up06:24
lastnodeWarbo, thank you06:25
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aussiemanjackstill got the error ill post it again06:25
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Jack_Sparrowaussieman: Redo you sources list from that link.. something deeper may be wrong...  how many non standard repos/apps have you installed06:26
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stu_xfce sucks lol06:26
aussiemana couple06:26
WarboHow am I meant to settle into University accomodation when all of my posters keep falling down? Crappy white-tack...06:26
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aussiemanJack_Sparrow,  sorry a couple but i commented them out06:26
frogzoocoincoin169: you could try your original rule s/PREROUTING/POSTROUTING06:26
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Jack_Sparrowaussieman: If you rebuild your sources list from that link and you still have a prblem then we need to dig deeper06:27
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frogzooWarbo: rising damp06:27
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jbuhi all...everytime i load firefox it says welcome to ubuntu 6.06, but when i do a cat proc/version in terminal it says 4.04 lubuntu...which is it?06:27
Ghostridera question, can somebody help me? how to format my hard drivers for ubuntu?06:27
aussiemanJack_Sparrow,  let me work on it and I will get back later, im gonna go take out frustration on my bike instead of you before it gets dark06:28
Jack_Sparrowaussieman: I need to get back to work here in a minute but somone is always around , just have a little patience.06:28
r000thow does ubuntu server compare to for instance debian .. and what are the differences06:28
r000tsomeone know of this06:28
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erUSULjbu: cat /proc/version gives the kernel version; cat /etc/lsb-release gives the ubuntu version06:28
DiegoAlright, so how do I burn the ISO to a bootable disc?06:29
SivikDiego: what program06:29
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aussiemanok Jack_Sparrow  here is the last pastebin which is the list i had going ok before this afternoon http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2500306:29
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Warbokernel 4.04? I WANT THAT!06:29
erUSULDiego: right click in nautilus and choose burn to disk06:29
SivikWarbo: 4.04 is a little old there06:29
DiegoNero, can get Alcohol 120 if it's better06:29
WarboWell I am using 2.6.....06:29
SivikWarbo: the newest kernel is 2.6.1806:29
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coincoin169i did this : iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to-destination
coincoin169so when i type in my browser address bar i rech google and i get the response and the google main page shows up in my browser06:30
SivikWarbo: and the newest 2.4 is
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ks1Sivik, I think you missed the point. 4.04 > 2.6.x06:30
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WarboIs 2.6.18 out yet? I downloaded a release candidate a few weeks ago06:30
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ks1although the versioning he used does not correspond06:30
Sivikks1: but i don't think he understand correctly06:30
SivikWarbo: yes, go to kernel.org06:31
ks1Warbo, 2.6.18 is out06:31
jbuerUSUL: oh ok06:31
WarboOK. It wasn't for me, just that a KNOPPIX I was recompiling needed a new kernel06:31
coincoin169but how does mozilla accept the packets i receive because he believes that i sent this packets to and not google so i might wait to receive only packet with ip source06:31
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ks1Sivik, he meant like kernel version 4.0 was out. He wants that because it is newer than say 2.6; 4.0 > 2.006:31
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues06:31
twopoint0sorry, where in the repo is WINE?  I search for it, but I don't think it's showing me what I am looking for06:32
Sivikks1: i didn't know they had different numbers to help describe them, i'm sorry06:32
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Warbo!universe > twopoint006:32
Siviktwopoint0: did you uncomment all of the other repos in the /etc/apt/sources.list?06:32
WarboMaybe try that06:32
lastnodeWarbo, did D-meist come back?06:32
twopoint0by uncommenting you mean removing the #, right?06:32
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WarboI didn't notice them06:33
ks1twopoint0, yes06:33
twopoint0yes I did06:33
geeksaucei have an intel mac and would like to dual-boot OS X and Unbuntu.  i've read that it's possible but i can't seem to find a how-to on it.06:33
Siviktwopoint0: yes06:33
erUSULtwopoint0: for the latest versions i use (from source-o-matic) deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main06:33
Siviktwopoint0: after you did that, did you sudo apt-getupdate?06:33
=== Warbo purposefully replaced the "him" in that sentence
Siviktwopoint0: after you did that, did you sudo apt-get update?06:33
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SivikerUSUL: what is the newest version of wine?06:33
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twopoint0i did not sudo apt-getupdate06:33
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Siviktwopoint0: do sudo apt-get update in order to update the changes you made06:34
frogzooSivik: 0.9.21 - but 0.9.20 has a src repo06:34
twopoint0i thought synaptic would do it when it reloaded06:34
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Siviktwopoint0: not sure, i don't use synaptic, i use command line06:34
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WarboIf you use the graphical way of adding repos then it will tell you to reload, but editing the file manually will not force it06:34
erUSULSivik: i have instaled Wine 0.9.2106:34
twopoint0Ign http://wine.budgetdedicated.com dapper Release.gpg06:35
twopoint0Hit http://wine.budgetdedicated.com dapper Release06:35
twopoint0Ign http://wine.budgetdedicated.com dapper/main Packages06:35
twopoint0Err http://wine.budgetdedicated.com dapper/main Packages06:35
twopoint0  404 Not Found06:35
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erUSUL!paste > twopoint006:35
Siviktwopoint0: use pastebin06:35
geeksauceanyone had any success with ubuntu on an intel mac?06:35
lastnodetwopoint0, those are wierd repos. wine is in universe06:36
Sivikgeeksauce: its probably not that difficult06:36
lastnodelourdes, ?06:36
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twopoint0i'm so lost but ok06:36
WarboI have started a Java course, and the lecturer has gone through "javac XXXXXXXX.java" then "java XXXXXX", what kind of thing should I install to compile Java? (Should I go all out with Eclipse and then get confused with options :) )06:36
iturkhi there i am trying to connect to a WPA network and i have this problem -> http://lists.shmoo.com/pipermail/hostap/2006-July/013706.html || The point is due to the error in the end of the log i cannot connect to the wpa network !! Is there anyone with the same problem ?? My board is a "prism GT" and i am using the hostap driver !!06:36
erUSUL!java > Warbo06:36
ks1Warbo, jdk06:36
lourdespvp.kvk, m kfkkkjnioh hymcj  bjnug06:37
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geeksauceSivik: i think the biggest problem will be figuring out which bootloader to use06:37
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WarboIt's that simple? OK, I htought I might need an IDE06:37
Sivikgeeksauce: just use the one that comes with mac06:37
WarboNow I could be petty and insist on GCJ06:37
ks1Warbo, you do not have to use an IDE, you can install eclipse if you would like06:37
geeksauceBoot Camp?06:37
ks1write code in vim/gedit/etc, then in terminal javac something.java06:37
geeksauceSivik: BootCamo?06:37
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geeksauceSivik: BootCamp*06:38
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OverandI'm having trouble with wifi on my friend's ubuntu machine06:41
Overandapparently it works in most places, butat her apartment it doesn't06:41
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g333k_workHello, I want to get one src pkg from edgy, where can I get it?06:41
OverandI'm current *at* her apartment, and the access point is fine06:41
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OverandIt's an orinoco-series card06:42
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Led_Zeppelinhey, anyone here know how to use the fbset command?06:42
Overandand i see the access point just fine in iwconfig, but when i try to run dhclient, nothing06:42
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Led_Zeppelinmy FB is screwed up06:42
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Winter-Soulstic1Anyone know where I can check to see why my wireless card works in a regular gnome session but does not in an xgl sessio? I am thinking there is a script running in gnome that is not in the xgl session06:43
g333k_workHello, I want to get one src pkg from edgy, where can I get it?06:43
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:43
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finalbetaSaying fb highlights me...06:43
wick2oanyone else having problems updateing with the http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security... source?06:43
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erUSULWinter-Soulstic1: network manager ??06:44
sidny4I have the alternate cd, how do I make the ubuntu setup recognize the partitions on my RAID 0?06:44
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO06:44
exmethixhey @ all06:45
exmethixi have a question06:45
DiegoI really can't figure out how to burn to a bootable disc from Nero or Alcohol 120.06:45
DiegoI burned a disc, but it doesn't seem to be bootable.06:45
exmethixi am using tightvnc viewer to control a pc in my network06:45
frogzooDiego: burn iso or image06:45
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Winter-Soulstic1Im thinking there is some script running when gnome starts but not xgl... where is the scripts that run when gnome starts?06:45
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g333k_workHello, I want to get one src pkg from edgy, where can I get it?06:46
exmethixi wnat to have a starter in my desktop, that automatically starts this desktop with host an password06:46
exmethixany idea?06:46
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LuisMendeshow can I add 7z support to File Roller?06:47
Winter-Soulstic1nope sorry06:47
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ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:47
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drewWhat's the bash equivalent of ipconfig?06:47
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drewLinAsH, Thank you.06:48
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Diegofrogzoo: I'm on WinXP. I downloaded the i386 desktop 6.06 Ubuntu ISO image, and don't know how to burn it to a bootable disc. I burned the image with Nero to a disc, but it refuses to recognize it when booting.06:48
exmethixDiego, maybe the image i defekt06:49
Winter-Soulstic1Did you make sure that you have your cd-rom as first boot priority?06:49
WarboDiego: Is there just the ISO file on the CD?06:49
=== Xklark [n=blahblah@CPE-69-76-233-228.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooDiego: you probly just burnt the iso as a file - you need to select 'burn image to disk' or similiar, then specify the iso as the file06:49
Led_Zeppelintrying to set my FB06:49
Led_Zeppelinanyone assist me?06:49
DiegoIt's a blank, yeah.06:50
DiegoHmpf. I'll give it another shot.06:50
XklarkHello, I had a problem with apt-get06:50
WarboLed_Zeppelin: I think it is a command line option for the level06:50
XklarkI am trying to install the OpenSSh and the FTP06:50
Xklarkand it says insert CD06:50
Xklarkso i put it in06:50
Xklarkthen, it ejects06:50
LinAsHDiego, check the md5 sum06:50
Xklarkand says insert cd.06:50
Xklarkand repeats06:50
WarboLed_Zeppelin: It's not in the manual06:50
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WarboMind you, you are probably on about your Framebuffer06:51
shwagI dont see anything on the common tasks guide about installing fonts? do I need to do that?  https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html06:51
Led_ZeppelinWarbo: hmm, how do I get atleast a good resolution?06:51
WarboWhilst I am on about Frozen Bubble :)06:51
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto06:51
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer06:51
DiegoLinAsH: How do I do that?06:51
WarboSorry, I couldn't resist06:51
D-meistok lastnode.  after chaning my fstab, I wasn't able to access my hdb5 at all.  Actually the little icon for the hd showed up in nautilus under filesystem.  But when I tried to double click it, it said, "Unable to mount the selected volume.  The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted."06:51
LinAsHXklark, remove the CD from your /etc/apt/source.list06:52
D-meistI've posted my fstab in the pastebin if you want to check it out06:52
yangowhat's the package to get the source of current installed kernels?06:52
Xklarkok ill try06:52
WarboLed_Zeppelin: Sorry, I am very immature, and I don't know anything about framebuffers (other than I always say no in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg)06:52
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yangoi tried kernel-source but it doesn't have the files generated by make06:52
Warboyango: The package is linux-source-2.6.1506:52
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Warbokernel-source is used by 2.406:53
Warboprobably because Debian can use a few different kernels experimentally06:53
ruzgarthe subtitle font size settings not works in totem?06:54
yangohmmm, thanks... but will i need to run make afterwards?06:54
yangoto get the files neeeded for building moduiles?06:54
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ruzgarmy setting is 72 verdana but that is too little06:54
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D-meistis anybody willing to check out my fstab and see what I'm doing wrong? :)06:54
Warboyango: Yes, that just gets the source with Ubuntu patches applied06:54
WarboModules use linux-headers-2.6.15-XXXXXXX06:54
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Warbo"sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)"06:54
yangoWarbo, then that's the package I'm looking for ! :)06:54
krupsanybody tried edgy out yet?  am mostly thinking about how it reacts to automatix.06:55
DiegoLinAsH, how do I check the md5 sum?06:55
LinAsHDiego, use this http://www.md5summer.org with the iso you downloaded and compare with this : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/release.1/MD5SUMS06:55
Warboyango: Run that command, and the bit inside brackets will give your version to the command06:55
bur[n] erkrups: just wait for edgy to become stable06:55
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D-meistlastnode, u there?06:55
BertoAre there any deb servers that have mplayer package WITH all win32 binary codecs?06:55
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yangoWarbo, thanks, but already did an equivalent command (not that newbie :) )06:56
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Warbokrups: I would say that Automatix would need to be rewritten, but judging from some of the stuff Automatix does I doubt any of it's users are "still" in Dapper :)06:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about podcast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:56
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Warboruzgar: Watch out, Apple will sue you!06:56
zappei'm using exim and dovecot and when i send mail to zappe@klaus.americandad.hv.se it works but when i send to zappe@americandad.hv.se i get unkown user. what can be wrong?06:56
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ruzgarlinux can play video podcast06:57
WarboI have to be off now, bye06:57
ruzgari mean amarok?06:57
xevix (o_06:57
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ubotupenguintv: podcasts and video blogs for Linux. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.02-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 127 kB, installed size 772 kB06:57
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chris12349I'm having some issues with nautilus and ssh,  I've got several servers  that I connect to w/ ssh that I save in Nautilus under "Places"  Most of the time when clicked,  they don't ask for a password and loops until nautilus no longer responds... any ideas?06:58
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FREThey all06:58
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samir85can somebody tell me how can i see which alsa version i am running ?07:01
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murochi all i need some help with some old nvidia grafics drivers07:01
ETronikmuroc, the legacy drivers?07:02
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ETronikmuroc, I'm no expert  but I got one ofthose07:02
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murocETronik: nope i read that cedega would run better with the driver 7676 but i cant install it correctly07:02
shwaghow do I uninstall something AND all the dependencies it installed ?07:03
ETronikU already got me stumped... :-) cedega ?07:03
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ephemerosyo ppl \m/07:03
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murocETronik: its a emulation program vor windows games07:03
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ETronikmuroc, I just gor the wikipedia pege on it :-)07:04
murocETronik:  sth like wine winex07:04
ETronikmuroc, ok so I cant help :-)07:04
murocETronik: okay thx anyway :)07:05
brian98<shwag> If you installed it with aptitude it's easy..If you use apt-get I'm not sure it uninstalls all the dependencies but I stand to be corrected07:05
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FalleStarI'm pretty new to Linux, if someone could help me figure out how to configure my PCI ATI Radeon 9250 that'd be great.  Ubuntu refuses to boot when I have it in.  I tried installing the fglrx-6-8-0_8.28.8-2_i386 driver but it still doesn't work.07:06
tyk0s_someone that play world of warcraft thew any emulater? winehq?07:07
erUSULFalleStar: i used to have that card and worked very fine with the free radeon driver try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and choose ati as the driver07:07
LinAsHFallenHitokiri, you must use the ati or radeon driver not fglrx07:07
g333k_workHow to upgrade to edgy?07:07
FalleStarAlright I'll try that, thanks :D07:07
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tyk0s_any tip of good emulator for games?07:08
FallenHitokiriLinAsH: nah. i'm happy with the fglrx driver07:08
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Squeetyk0s: what kind of games, snes, 64?07:08
LinAsHsorry wrong nick ;)07:08
morryeWhats the best linux partition format?07:08
FallenHitokiriLinAsH: i know ;)07:08
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tyk0s_like warcraft 3,starcraft,world of warcraft,counter strike etc.07:09
Squeemorrye: I like reiserfs07:09
FallenHitokirimorrye: there is no gerneral answer. it depends on what you plan to do07:09
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ncp10:06 < ncp> i have by mistake deleted /usr/sbin/postqueue, how can i make a new one? i get this error when i run mailq ( mailq: fatal:07:09
morryeSquee: Is there really a best or doesn't it matter?07:09
ncpexecv /usr/sbin/postqueue: Exec format error )07:09
g333k_workHow to upgrade to edgy from dapper ??07:09
Squeetyk0s_: well, use wine or cedega (cedega works perfectly for warcraft 3)07:09
morryeFallenHitokiri: I plan to store media files only, mainly .avi07:09
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule07:09
Squeemorre: It's more opinion, I like reiserfs because it recovers better07:09
tyk0s_okey.. where do i get cedega?07:09
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Squeetransgaming.com, however the binaries are going to cost you money, so you have to compile it by source by yourself07:10
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Squeegoogle for howtos on compiling it, I know there are step by step directions to do it07:10
FallenHitokirimorrye: ext3 is fine - i'm no fan of reiser - but that's because the old versions (suse 5.x) with large files jfs / xfs could perform better - depends on your system07:10
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morryeFallenHitokiri: Thanks for your help, i'm just looking for the most stable07:11
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FallenHitokirimorrye: they should all be stable07:11
TonrenHay guys.  I am using bcm43xx native firmware to use my wireless, but in many low-signal locations, Windows can pick up the signal fine, and Linux can't!  Should I try switching to ndiswrapper, or is it unlikely that this will affect my signal pickup ability?07:12
surlawHey =) anyone can help me with installing ndiswrapper to set up my wifi please ? ;) spent hours trying on different distribs, never worked :/07:12
JosefKdoes anyone know any alternatives to Maple for Ubuntu, or anything that can notate matrices fairly easily?07:12
Wandereranyone know how to enable monitor out on a laptop with ati video card?07:12
JosefKOpenOffice Math is too much hassle :/07:12
TonrenTwo ndiswrapper questions in two seconds!  TIME PARADOX, OH SHI-07:12
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surlawTonren ahah and u sue the same chipset as me07:12
morryeFallenHitokiri: how do I open up the partitioner?07:12
surlawnever got it to work :/07:12
TonrenJosefK: Do Maple and OOMath both use TeX?07:12
SqueeFallenhitokiri &morre: I've noticed that ext3 doesn't always recover well in ubuntu, but reiser has done it for me every time07:12
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anilomkarI want Google Talk in Ubuntu07:13
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JosefKTonren: I was looking for wysiwig, not layout for printing ;) but thanks07:13
Squeeanilomkar: google for tapioca07:13
morryeSpuee: Why would I need to recover?07:13
Tonrenanilomkar: Use Gaim with Jabber.  There's a help file on it in Gmail Help07:13
FallenHitokirimoreon: converting or new partitions?07:13
TonrenJosefK: Oh my.  Math WYSIWYG sounds like a nightmare07:13
Squeemorrye: you never know until you have to07:13
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LinAsHJosefK, wxMaxima07:13
JosefKTonren: indeed, but Maple and the stuff on the Mac do it fairly well - thanks LinAsH07:13
Tonrensurlaw: There are actually native drivers for Broadcom 43** in LInux... I think they're in a repository maintained by a fella named Cafuego07:13
surlawTonren, could u explain to me how u make ur wifi works ? =)07:13
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surlawi see07:14
FallenHitokiriSquee: as i already told: i only know the really old versions - but servers running ext3 never hand problmes if they shuted down not regularay (surges for example)07:14
anilomkarcan any one help me my ethernet card RTL8139D is not working in Ubuntu07:14
surlawi totally noob about linux so any more explanation on how to get them N :p07:14
Tonrensurlaw: I'm actually a little rushed to give a super detailed explanation, but let me give you as thorough an outline as I can:07:14
FallenHitokirianilomkar: what's the problem?07:14
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SqueeDoes anyone know how to list how many files are in a directory?  I can't just simply ls because there is almost half a million files in there07:15
Tonrensurlaw: Go to this URL http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/dapper-cafuego/bcm43xx/ and follow the instructions.  You must open a file called /etc/apt/sources.list and add the two specified lines to it.07:15
surlawtonren sure thx =)07:15
LinAsHJosefK, there is also octave (=matlab)07:15
anilomkarFallenHitokiri, not detecting in Ubuntu07:15
Dr_willisSquee,  they got spaces in the filenames?07:15
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Dr_willisSquee,  if not ya can do a echo * | wc -w07:15
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TonrenSquee: There's a command line test that lists the amount of lines in a given output... I can't remember it off the top of my head, but it exists07:15
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FallenHitokiriSquee: ls | wc , tree ,...07:15
FallenHitokirianilomkar: working in another system?07:15
Dr_willisls | wc -l07:15
Dr_willismay work better07:16
LuisMendesI use the command "mount -o loop,offset=32256 Image.img /home/user/Folder" to mound Image.img to a Folder... how can I unmount it?07:16
Tonrensurlaw: /etc/apt/sources.list is the file that determined where Apt(itude), the Package Manager, searches for stuff when you want to install things07:16
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g333k_workto do a "aptitude upgrade" do I need to edit my sources.list?07:16
TonrenLuisMendes: umount /home/user/Folder07:16
tucozHi, do you know how to change the gdm theme from xubuntu to ubuntu?07:16
anilomkarFallenHitokiri, Not working the drivers for Kernel version 2.6x not available07:16
Tonrentucoz: By GDM theme, do you mean login theme?07:16
Squeetucoz: do you have a theme already?07:16
surlawtonren so i need to edit it to make it look not on the web07:16
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FallenHitokirianilomkar: do you have the sources?07:16
Tonrensurlaw: Not quite, you just need to add the two lines provided at that URL, to tell it to look in a specific location07:16
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anilomkarya i am having source but that is for Kernel version 2.4x07:17
LuisMendesTonren, thanks, it works!07:17
tucozSquee, Tonren: not sure. I use gdm, but is on the login screen it says xubuntu. I used xubuntu for a while, bit is back with gnome.07:17
TonrenLuisMendes: No prob07:17
surlawTonren: but i dont have the net on the other comp, since i cant get my wifi to work :/07:17
Tonrentucoz: Login screen... you mean bootup screen?07:17
tucozTonren, so I guess I mean login theme07:17
anilomkarFallenHitokiri, ya i am having source but that is for Kernel version 2.4x07:17
surlawtonren: i dled the file, ill tranfer it with my usb key anyway07:18
tucozTonren, no, not bootsplash07:18
Tonrentucoz: If it's as simple as the login screen, then just to System -> Preferences -> Login07:18
tucozoh. thanks07:18
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FallenHitokirianilomkar: is this a gigabit-nic?07:18
tucozTonren, if i had that will say. I can not find a login entry in the preferences menu07:18
anilomkarno Intex07:18
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Tonrensurlaw: That's a good idea.  Once you've installed it, do "sudo modprobe bcm43xx".  AT that point, wlan0 or eth1 should show up in your network manager applet.07:19
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anilomkarFallenHitokiri, No Intex07:19
linuxboyfriendhi all07:19
Tonrensurlaw: If anything doesn't go as planned, refer to this URL: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper07:19
FallenHitokirianilomkar: 10/100mbit or 1000mbit (gigabit)?07:19
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tucozTonren, nevermind. It was in administration :)07:19
surlawtonren ok thx a lot :)))07:19
Tonrentucoz: My bad.  :P07:19
anilomkarFallenHitokiri, 10/100mbit not gigabit it is Intex07:19
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tucozthanks for the help07:19
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linuxboyfriendcan anyone tell me that how can i save a sequence of webpages i.e http://www.webpage.com/book/chapter001.htm to http://www.webpage.com/book/chapter100.htm07:20
morryeHow do you use the root user (not in terminal)07:20
FallenHitokirianilomkar: the label doesn't matter -  RTL8139D is the important information. should be a realtek and the 8130too module should work fine07:20
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main2 i got a nvidia 6800 with 128MB, can i use my 20" TFT on the 1680x1050 resolution?07:20
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Tonrenlinuxboyfriend: You could use a download manager, or write a bash script.  Both are extremely hard to get the hang of, unfortunately.07:20
=== CraHan [n=CraHan@180.0-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
main2with the current nvidia drivers?07:20
anilomkarno i tried that also but it is not working07:20
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FallenHitokirimain2: yes you can07:20
Tonrenlinuxboyfriend: Try asking in #bash or ##linux, but be careful, they're a harsh folk!07:20
TonrenHay guys.  I am using bcm43xx native firmware to use my wireless, but in many low-signal locations, Windows can pick up the signal fine, and Linux can't!  Should I try switching to ndiswrapper, or is it unlikely that this will affect my signal pickup ability?07:21
FallenHitokirianilomkar: what is not working - a little more input please07:21
OnbirI'm looking for the channel operators of #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu. In #ubuntu-ops, i don't know WHO there is an operator. Also... they don't seem to answer. Anyone?07:21
main2FallenHitokiri: can you tell me more about it? :-))07:21
JosefKhmm, wxmaxima keeps losing the connection to Maxima :/07:21
main2example... what settings should i use for the monitor in xorg?07:21
FallenHitokirimain2: just edit the lines in xorg.conf07:21
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main2to what?07:21
main2FallenHitokiri: i know how xorg.confs work, but i dont know what settings to use for the tft07:22
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morryeIs there a way to partition a disk through the terminal?07:22
WRFC_Rabbithow do i configure wine??07:22
FallenHitokirimain2: blitz@Sara:~ # cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep 1680x1050       Modes       "1680x1050"07:22
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main2ive added it, but it did not work..07:22
SomniisWRFC_Rabbit: winecfg in terminal07:22
FallenHitokirimain2: wait a moment07:22
Tonrenmorrye: Indeed there is.  Type "man makefs" to get your learn on.07:22
main2because i dont know what device monitor settings to use07:22
anilomkarFallenHitokiri, i searched for driver for my card but i didn't found07:22
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cbeck20does anyone know how to update your kernel to 2.6.17?07:23
anilomkarFallenHitokiri, when i tried lspci -i that is showing that Unknown Device07:23
cbeck20for amd6407:23
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FallenHitokirimain2: http://rafb.net/paste/results/yPOjbH93.html07:23
main2thank you FallenHitokiri :- ))07:23
FallenHitokirimain2: search for screen07:24
morryeTonren: That didn't work, could you tell me the command please?07:24
FallenHitokirimain2: starting at 41907:24
Tonrenmorrye: Oh snap.  Sorry.  One sec...07:24
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Tonrenmorrye: OK my bad, it's "mkfs" not "makefs"07:24
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DiegoBlah, my md5 sums are wrong. Torrent downloaded wrong. :/07:25
DiegoHow long do the CDs take to ship, usually?07:25
WRFC_Rabbitanyone know if it is possible to play conquer online through UBUNTU?07:25
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse07:26
LinAsHcbeck20, in Dapper ?07:26
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oculto_alguem pode me ajudar aqui?07:26
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kromelany ideas?  alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device07:26
cbeck20Linash: yes in Drapper07:26
main2fallen, thanks a lot mate :-))07:26
FallenHitokiriubotu: why should it be unsafe to write on ntfs - you only have to use ntfs3g07:26
WRFC_Rabbitanyone know if it is possible to play conquer online through UBUNTU?07:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about why should it be unsafe to write on ntfs - you only have to use ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:26
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oculto_como eu posso customizar a conexao com internet no unbuntu?07:27
TonrenFallenHitokiri: ubotu is a robot07:28
oculto_Tonren,  como eu posso customizar a conexao com internet no unbuntu?07:28
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:29
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|freaky|erUSUL: i would just like to copy the info that is on a ntfs drive. copy it to my linux drive and reformat that drive to a linux partition07:29
cbeck20I need the linux kernel 2.6.17 in Drapper to be able to install bcm43xx card I have07:29
|freaky|erUSUL: since i no longer have windows at all07:29
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Tonrensharms: I'm pretty sure he's actually speaking Portuguese.  What's the two-letter thingie for that?07:29
Diego.pt or .br07:30
cbeck20I don't know if this command will work "sudo apt-get install-source-2.6.17?07:30
dk06it should work07:30
DiegoThe language is .pt, but most speakers online are .br07:30
andresmarinabla en espanis07:30
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Tonrenoculto_: lo siento, pero solamente puedo hablar espanol.  en este quarto, solamente hablamos ingles para ayudarse.07:30
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:31
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.07:31
=== pickett [n=pickett@ppp112-152.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tonrensharms: good show07:31
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
eraccOh, bad. Installed fluxbox and had NO MENUS with RMB click. Had to switch to console, killall fluxbox and run 'update-menus' myself. Ick.07:31
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Tonreneracc: That's hardcore07:31
xeruxHow can I install ubuntu without the GTK program ?07:31
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xeruxthe old way07:32
erUSUL|freaky|: i used ubotu for my own purposes. i should have msged though. sorry for the confusion07:32
LinAsHcbeck20, it's at your own risk put you might try to put 'deb ftp://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main' in your /etc/apt/source.list then 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic' then remove the line from your source.list quickly!07:32
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eracclinuxboyfriend, wget can save web pages or an entire web site for you.07:32
cbeck20ok I'll get that a shot07:33
=== Dasnipa] [ [n=Dasnipa@deltaalpha.stev194.eiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Tonrenxerux: You can use a server install CD07:33
xeruxIs it possible to install ubuntu the old way ?07:33
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Tonrenxerux: Then, at your liesure, run sudo aptitude install gnome-desktop07:33
xeruxTonren: hmm..07:33
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Tonrenxerux: err... ubuntu-desktop07:33
linuxboyfrienderacc: i only want some sequence of pages, not entire site07:33
eraccTonren, well, at least I knew what to do, eh? ;-)07:33
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Tonreneracc: for serious07:34
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Tonrenxerux: protip: Wait longer before repeating your question.  i started typing as soon as i saw your message but you still repeated before I answered.  :\07:34
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xeruxTonren: sorry.07:34
eracclinuxboyfriend, are all those pages off one page? If so you can tell wget to get everything off that one page then delete what you don't want.07:35
KenSentMeIs there a major difference between the 386 and 686 kernel in performance?07:35
Tonrenxerux: It happens07:35
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TonrenHay guys.  I am using bcm43xx native firmware to use my wireless, but in many low-signal locations, Windows can pick up the signal fine, and Linux can't!  Should I try switching to ndiswrapper, or is it unlikely that this will affect my signal pickup ability?07:35
linuxboyfrienderacc: how?07:35
xeruxTonren: yeah, well, I do some tech-support on efnet and I know it can be annoying.07:35
eracclinuxboyfriend, or you could loop through a bash script and grab the pages. That is a little more effort but doable.07:35
Tonreneracc: Do you know if globbing works with wget/curl URLs?07:36
Tonrenxerux: ahh.  hehe, np.07:36
linuxboyfrienderacc: i will be thankful if u guide me07:36
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tucozwouldn't something like: for i in $(seq 0 100); do wget http://www.web.com/$i; done work?07:37
eracclinuxboyfriend, heh, I don't know the answer off the top of my head. I just know it can be done because I have done it in the past. I would have to review 'man wget' which is something you can do.07:37
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tucozin case one could pad 0 to 000 somehow07:37
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mcphaillinuxboyfriend: wget http://whatever/{0..1}{0..9}{0..9}.html might do it07:37
eraccTonren, globbing will work for FTP with those but not HTML IIRC.07:37
lightseedhow do i get my sound working when it works at start up but not for music07:38
LjLmcphail: wget expands URLs that way? cool07:38
Tonreneracc: Doesn't globbing happen on the client side, though?07:38
mcphailLjL: don't know if whet does, but bash does07:38
Tonrenmcphail: I guess you just answered the question I asked eracc.07:38
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LjLmcphail: ah, well, but bash only know about the files in the current path.....07:38
Tonrenlinuxboyfriend: for more info on the technique that mcphail just gave you, type "man glob"07:38
TonrenLjL: True, but it can still count from 0 to 9, etc.07:38
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:38
maryhamhello to all07:38
maryhamProblem with samba and swat07:39
harisundlinuxboyfriend: what kind of globbing are you looking at?07:39
LjLTonren: that's true as well. i actually thought it would only expand to stuff that actually exists in the path07:39
mcphailactually, i suppose the first {0..1} is overkill. That will end up globbing everything up to 19907:39
TonrenLjL: I was wondering about that myself.07:39
maryhamwhen I am trying to update my system I receive error 10207:39
eraccTonren, I was thinking of * globbing though. The info put up there by mcphail might work. I've never tried that.07:39
Tonreneracc: It's cool; it works!07:39
LjLTonren: well, your command line does work though, so i guess the answer is no07:40
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TonrenLjL: What do you mean by that...?07:40
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LinAsHxerux, did you get your answer ?07:40
LjLTonren: i mean that "wget http://whatever/{0..1}{0..9}{0..9}.html" works (sorry though, i said "your" but it's mcphail who gave that), so it must means that bash doesn't really care about filenames, in this instance07:41
kromelany ideas?  alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device07:41
LjLTonren: (and it still works if you use, say, "echo" rather than "wget", so it's not wget doing that)07:41
mcphailLjL: you aren't globbing filenames - the {} just makes a range07:41
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morryeHow is java installed on ubuntu?07:42
TonrenLjL: Right.  Like mcphail said, wget doesn't glob, bash does07:42
UKMattIs there anything extra I have to do to configure a Mic?07:42
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ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository07:42
LjLmcphail: right -- but i believed that, in any case, bash would only allow that sort of "pseudo-regexps" when they ended up corresponding to filenames. i was mistaken.07:42
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Tonrenmorrye: Listen to ubotu; h eknows his shit.07:42
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schizoschafhi. was knnte das problem sein, wenn ekiga beim verbinden wegen problemen beendet?07:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dew - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:42
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:42
mcphailLjL: bash is full of surprises!07:42
LjLmcphail: heh07:42
schizoschafauf beiden seiten scheint alles zu funktionieren07:42
TonrenFreaking language codes.  "German," I thought.  "German... is that 'ge'?"07:43
morryeTonren: How do I do that?07:43
=== Tonren is a stupid American.
LjLTonren: "Deutsch" is the German for German ;)07:43
Tonrenmorrye: Just visit the URL that ubotu just said.07:43
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schizoschafargh... my bad :)07:43
TonrenLjL: I know, I know... I just think that everyone should cater to my assumptions, is all07:43
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morryeTonren: he told me nothing07:43
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Tonren!java > morrye07:43
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schizoschafwhat might be the problem if ekiga stops connecting with an error, while settings on both sides seem top be ok?07:44
Tonrenmorrye: np07:44
Tonrenschizoschaf: Spawn more overlords.07:44
LjLschizoschaf: never used ekiga to tell the truth, but perhaps you (or the other peer) are behind a NAT or some other sort of firewall?07:44
schizoschafTonren, lol07:44
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Tonrengotta run guys07:45
schizoschafLjL, it has detected my NAT07:45
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schizoschafand says NAT is ok07:45
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lightseedhow do i get my sound card working for apps. it worked with the x startup sounds07:46
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LjLschizoschaf: ok, well, was just a thought... i'd install ekiga and try tinkering, but it's kind of big =)07:46
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems07:46
surlawTonren: don't u know any linux distrib that can make the wifi work without hours and hours of forum read and thousands of commands ? like suse or mandriva or linspire or i don't know ? coz im really getting tired of this i really new to linux, and install ndiswrapper, get packages, update kernel to get firmwares and such are just too complicated for me :/07:47
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surlawTonren : i tried debian, gentoo, ubuntu and redhat so far07:47
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LjLsurlaw: Tonren has left07:47
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miremok tal07:48
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surlawyeah alright just just waw it =) im jus making myself stupid ^^07:48
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surlawdamn linux never works whatever the distrib, really getting tired of this :/07:48
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trianglemanwinsgreetings.  I can't find Synaptic Package Manager!07:49
LjLsurlaw: oh well, with the amount of traffic there is in here, it's easy to miss joins and parts... anyway, all i can say is that AFAIK most linux distros aren't very smooth with wireless, right now. but i don't really know.07:49
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philc"update-rc.d foobar defaults" will have foobar start when the computer boots?07:50
LjLsurlaw, linux works, the problem is that drivers for certain kind of stuff are hard to write and to keep up with. (especially when manufacturers don't give out the specs...)07:50
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KenSentMeIs there a major difference between the 386 and 686 kernel in performance?07:50
ivalditrianglemanwins: isn't it in System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager ?07:50
LjLKenSentMe: major, definitely not. installing the "best" kernel shouldn't hurt, though.07:50
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inimesekenehow can i monitor my NB temperature?07:51
surlawLjL: yeah i find that really crazy, i mean so much distribs are made for noob to be able to get to linux smoothly, but its impossible to make wifi work fine even after hours of search... and what can you do with linux without internet .. totally useless :/07:51
trianglemanwinsis it because i'm logged in as root?07:51
UKMattI have a quick non-ubuntu question for anyone, I know for bittorrent you need to seed AND leach, how is it that you seed, is there a program that I keep open?07:51
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ivalditrianglemanwins: the user you're logged in as has to belong to the "admin" group, in order for synaptic to show up07:51
trianglemanwinsmsg ivaldi do you get these kinds of messages? i'm new to irc07:51
schizoschafanyone here who actually uses ekiga?07:52
Dr_willisUKMatt,  once you download the  torrent files.  you just stay connected after you get 100%07:52
UKMattDr_willis, oh ok cool, so nothing I need to do07:52
LjLsurlaw: i know, but the distro makers, and driver developers, do what they can...07:52
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Dr_willisUKMatt,  just let it run for a few weeks. :P07:52
inimesekenehow can i monitor my NB temperature?07:52
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Dr_willis!info lm-sensors07:53
ubotulm-sensors: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.9.2-5ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 463 kB, installed size 1452 kB07:53
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surlawLjL: yeah i know, you have any idea where i could find help with that ? i spent hours on irc posted so much on forums, but id need someone knowing wifi spending like 3-4 hours straight helping me out and i think it'll work :D know any place with such nice guys around ? lol07:55
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theclawaren't there any packages fr kernel 2.6.18 in ubuntu?07:55
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Dr_willistheclaw,  not for Dapper that I know of.07:55
aliendream23hello, if I have a folder with dvd9 video files, how do I shrink that down to dvd5 size files without wine and dvdshrink?07:55
Dr_willistheclaw,  not sure what edgy is using.07:55
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trianglemanwinscan root access Synaptic Package Manager?07:56
trianglemanwinsor rather should root be able to07:56
Dr_willistrianglemanwins,  yes.07:56
theclawDr_willis: okay07:56
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scheurihi all07:57
LjLsurlaw: here, if you're lucky... myself, i'm definitely all wired :)07:57
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TheGateKeeper_trianglemanwins: gksudo synaptic07:57
scheuriI have a (probably quite stupid) question...its about different user/accounts on a machine...one accounts should be able to use application X, some don't...how do I actually do that? (OOo for example, john may use it, but henry may not)07:58
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CrimsonKingdoes ubuntu not have a wheel group?07:59
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trianglemanwinsi don't think anyone gets my personal messages08:00
mbvoI'm trying to install jre but when i type in "sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre" it tells me it can't find the package08:00
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nodoi m running08:00
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bluefox83you might try apt-cache search java and find the real name of the package08:00
nodoubuntu and would like to install firefox (latest version)08:00
nodowhat can i do?08:00
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins08:01
TheGateKeeper_mbvo: you need to enable multiverse08:01
eraccCrimsonKing, the first user added to the system has sudo access to all commands.08:01
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ladydoorCrimsonKing: there is one, but admin is the group associated with sudo08:01
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trianglemanwinshow can i send personal messages?08:01
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eraccJust add another sudoer.08:01
ladydoorCrimsonKing: just kidding...there isn't one08:01
nodoladydoor:  TheGateKeeper_  BlueEagle08:01
nodopls help08:01
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scheuriladydoor: so whats wheel for gentoo, is admin for ubuntu (easily put), right?08:01
CrimsonKingladydoor: ah, so who  has rights to su?08:01
shwaghow can i find out what the dependencies are one  apt-get install rails08:01
ladydoorscheuri: i think so.08:02
ladydoorCrimsonKing: i *think* it's people in the admin group.08:02
mbvowhat is multiverse and how do i enable it?08:02
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:02
ladydoormbvo: ^^^08:02
CrimsonKingladydoor: i'm still pokign the hell out of that box btw, i've compiled tcl and expat through a 'plugin' in a web forum i run08:02
nodoladydoor:  what version of firefox do you use?08:02
scheuriladydoor: on the other hand...as it is SUDO, you may need to edit the config file in /etc for sudo...sudousers or something08:02
ladydoorCrimsonKing: yikes...good luck08:02
CrimsonKingand now have an expect script to su to my user, but from here i am kind of stalled08:02
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TheGateKeeper_scheuri: I don't know the answer to your question, only an idea, modify the group that startx command belongs to, and only put the people you want in that group08:02
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CrimsonKingi'm just trying to find out who has rights to root08:03
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ckoehlerI want to install a newer version of logwatch, but the newest is not available in the dapper repos, only edgy08:03
ckoehlerwould it be possible to use the edgy one?08:03
ladydoorscheuri: sudoers08:03
scheuriTheGateKeeper_: thanks for your answer...well...its not X (Window) I am actually talking about (sorry, my bad)...I am talking about applications in general (such as OOo, KMail and such)08:03
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eraccCrimsonKing, the first user added to the system has sudo access to all commands. (effectivley is "root" for the box)08:03
ckoehlerit's just a bunch of perl scripts08:03
scheuriladydoor: ah, yes, indeed08:03
ladydoorckoehler: just compile from source08:03
CrimsonKingokay, so their is an 'admin' user in debian?08:03
nodoladydoor:  how can i install that version of firefox on my ubuntu?08:03
ladydoorckoehler: much more stable08:04
ckoehlerladydoor, it's perl though, I didn't think you need to compile that08:04
ckoehlerso it's just copying stuff over huh08:04
CrimsonKingeracc: what is the 'admin' user?08:04
ladydoorCrimsonKing: errr...ubuntu does not equal debian. they're different OS's. and admin is a group (less /etc/group|less admin)08:04
nodoladydoor:  how can i install that version of firefox on my ubuntu?08:04
eraccCrimsonKing, the very first user added to the box.08:04
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CrimsonKingi didn't do the install08:05
CrimsonKingit came with the server08:05
TheGateKeeper_!repos > mbvo08:05
Focuzhello all!08:05
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ladydoorckoehler: ok, do whatever you do with perl source. it's not a good idea to install development repos--especially if you're not actually using the development release.08:05
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ckoehlerladydoor, yeah didn't really want to do that, just want that one app08:05
ladydoornodo: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade should do the trick if firefox is already installed...08:05
TheGateKeeper_mbvo: http://za1012001.googlepages.com/modifyingubunturepositories08:05
eraccCrimsonKing, how do you login to the box then?08:05
ckoehlerladydoor, so thanks, will do that :)08:05
CrimsonKingeracc: i used to ssh in as root when i needed root08:05
ladydoorckoehler: yeah...i'd seriously check the website and find how to install it manually. good luck!08:06
CrimsonKingeracc: but i killed my sshd by accident08:06
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eraccAck! Never allow root to ssh in! :-p08:06
CrimsonKingeracc: and are now interacting with the box through a series of php scripts which i inject, and expect to handle su-ing to my regular user08:06
eraccThat can be brute force attacked.08:06
CrimsonKingeracc: i don't allow password authentication08:06
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trappisteracc: not on ubuntu :)08:06
CrimsonKingeracc: its key only08:06
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CrimsonKingand yea i run fail2ban08:06
CrimsonKingwhich also helps08:06
nodoladydoor:  it does not work08:06
eraccAh, ok.08:06
nodomaybe i need a good rep?08:06
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scheuritrappist: if you have set a password for root, it is possible...:)08:06
ladydoornodo: does it spit out an error? if it's long, paste it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:07
mbvois there a simple way to install jre without errors?08:07
trappistscheuri: yes.  that would suck.08:07
sarikanhi, can i configure the console resolution to 1440*90008:07
trappistmbvo: add your extra repos and say sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre08:07
errpast-wcI've used "Easy Ubuntu" with 6.06 and still can't get sound on Flash.  Pic is fine08:07
scheuritrappist: well, I do that too, sometimes....some people like to have root...and sometimes it is a security risk to have sudoers08:07
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nevermind85hi all08:08
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Focuzhello nevermind8508:08
trappistscheuri: it's a security risk to have an account with root privileges.  at least with sudoers, if something went wrong, you know who did it.08:08
pradeephi nevermind8508:08
nevermind85i got a problem with fstab and smbfs, anyone can help me?08:08
TheGateKeeper_mbvo: use the url I gave you08:08
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scheuritrappist: true...but if the account with sudo-priviliges has a weak password....well....08:08
ladydoornodo: (and then tell me the url pastebin gives you)08:08
Focuznevermind85: sorry08:08
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scheuritrappist: and I am taking about the one which comes with the first install (which has ALL rights root has)08:09
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trappistscheuri: then you shouldn't be allowed near a computer, and you're just as likely to give root a bad password08:09
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nevermind85the thing is that i'm mountnig as local a drive in another pc, but i don't seem to be able to get rw permissions08:09
LjLscheuri: well, same can be said for the root password. of course, you'll say, "the root user will be smart enough to use a decent password!", but then same should apply for any sudoers, shouldn't it08:09
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scheuritrappist LjL....yes...that is why I said it MIGHT be also risky having sudoers...:)08:09
LjLscheuri: of course - having a computer connected itself *is* risky ;)08:10
jharrWhen I build a custom installer (I'm using a local mirror), can I just remove most of the packages from the CD to make the ISO smaller?08:10
scheuritrappist and LjL...sudoers alone does not make a machine more secure...it is ALWAYS the password (as well)08:10
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LjLscheuri: you're right, they don't. but they do tend to make users get better habits (like, for instance, not staying root all the time)08:10
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stu_easiest way to burn an ISO ?08:11
scheuriLjL: oh well...that is indeed true...;)...but well, can't help it anyway to connect that piece of plastic and silicon08:11
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LjLscheuri: i'm talking about myself, too, here -- on the box where i don't use sudo, i actually use root a lot more than i should. here, not.08:11
shwaghow do I do a COMPLETE removal...including deps.08:11
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scheuriLjL: there...I do absolutely agree08:11
trappistscheuri: honestly, I do key-only ssh then do ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL in sudoers08:11
shwagor how do I remove unused dependencies.08:11
sarikanumm, any ideas about configuring the console for 1440*900 ?08:11
trianglemanwinsanyone know how to get mp3 playback with amaroK08:11
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nodoladydoor:  my firefox version is
scheuritrappist: well, that is another story...not many people do this (and I am not judging now that they should or not. etc.)08:11
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trappistshwag: debfoster08:12
stu_trianglemanwins: install gstreamer dirty codecs08:12
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scheuricorrection...not many normal users do this08:12
nodoladydoor:  if i give the command upgrade it says me to dl 250 megs08:12
LjLshwag: you can use debfoster or orphaner. however, if you install stuff using aptitude rather than apt-get, dependencies will be removed automatically when you uninstall08:12
jharrshwag: I don't know of a good way off the top of my head, but you can install deborphan from universe to see what dependencies aren't needed08:12
stu_someone, I need to burn an ISO ? what app ?08:12
nodoi do not want to do that!08:12
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nodoladydoor:  have no sapce08:12
nexeushi there08:12
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trappistscheuri: that's good, because most "normal" users are happy to throw any and all security out the door in the name of convenience08:12
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nexeushving problem with vmware server any1 help plz08:13
scheuritrappist: I know...that bothers me...but still...it is just how it works...:(08:13
ladydoornodo: ok, then the problem is that you have a) too many unneccessary packages installed or b) too many random files. if you do the command df -h, you can see just how much space you have left08:13
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ladydoornodo: one thing you could do is archive rarely-accessed files08:13
ladydoornodo: another is delete things you no longer use08:13
trappistscheuri: in the end you can't bottle security.  it's in the hands of the user/admin.08:13
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scheuriI have a (probably quite stupid) question...its about different user/accounts on a machine...some accounts should be able to use application XYZ, some don't...how do I actually do that? (OOo for example, "john" may use it, but "henry" may not)08:13
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ladydoornodo: you might also run the command sudo apt-get autoclean to free some space08:14
ladydoornodo: does any of that help?08:14
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nexeushaving problem with vmware server any1 help plz08:14
scheuritrappist: indeed...that is where teaching comes into play08:14
LjLtrappist: well, *some* convenience in spite of security is understandable, in my opinion. where exactly you draw the line of course can be a matter of personal judgement08:14
trappistscheuri: make a group called, say, oousers, and make the oo apps executable only by them08:14
tmscheuri: use ACL?08:14
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nodoladydoor:  20 mb free08:14
trianglemanwinshow do i send personal messages?08:14
ardchoilleWell, security is NOT a destination, it's an ongoing process.08:14
scheuritm: thought about that, but somehow it seems too much of a hassle just for this...08:14
ladydoornodo: ok, so please try some of the things that i suggested just above here.08:14
trappistLjL: sure, security is a tradeoff.  how much convenience is worth how much security etc.  but most people don't think like that.08:14
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mbvoIt seemed to install the packages fine but i can't run limewire, it's telling me that jre's not installed08:15
ladydoortrianglemanwins: you need to register your nick. go to freenode's website for instructions as to how.08:15
TIM90Dose any one know why my built in Ethernet is not working (eth0)08:15
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scheuritrappist: aye...thought about that too...probably "easiest" way08:15
nodosudo apt-get autoclean run but still 20 megs free ladydoor08:15
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stu_TIM90: not sure who told that this is a psychic channel but they were wrong08:15
scheuritrappist: however, it means that I need to regroup ALL applications which somehow are affected by my rules08:15
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nexeus Virtual ethernet failed on config for vmware08:16
scheuriguess I need to go into ACL anyway08:16
nexeushelp plz08:16
scheurinexeus: what is the exact error message?08:16
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TIM90could you pls tell me were to go08:16
Bohic1Has anyone installed kismet via the archives?08:16
nexeusit ask met ot run /vmware-config.pl for config08:16
P4W3Rhow can i run base-config?08:16
scheuriTIM90: "not working" does not help us at all...08:17
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stu_TIM90: this is probably the right place but you have to give a bit more info than "it doesnt work"08:17
Nelonexeus u probably upgraded to a new kernel. VMware does not like that.08:17
P4W3Rhow can i run base-config?08:17
sureshotcan someone tell me how to turn off the blurps of who joins and leaves this channel08:17
scheuriTIM90: please try to be more specific...does it get an IP or not?08:17
ladydoornodo: right, so delete some of the crap that's taking up room on your harddrive. common sense--if you have no room, it won't magically appear; you need to make room. i assume your /home is not on a separate partition (if you don't know what i'm talking about, then it's not on a separate partition)08:17
nexeusthen gives virtual ethernet fail08:17
trappistscheuri: I've only ever bothered with that for gcc, which once saved me from getting hit by the slapper worm, since my openssl was out of date and I had gcc on a webserver, both of which were bad.  but chmodding gcc kept me from getting nailed.08:17
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nodoladydoor:  i have only 2 parts08:17
mon^rchno java on the edgy repo's???08:18
P4W3Ri dboostraped and installed ubuntu with dmraid on a via raid08:18
nexeusyeah i did upgrade but the new linux header is installed as well08:18
P4W3Rbut base-config is missing and i can not install it08:18
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TIM90no, it gets an ip of 169 when i plug my broadband in it (trying to make a network)08:18
ladydoornodo: ok, yes or no (i don't have much time to be patient):  is your /home on a separate partition from /?08:18
Nelonexeus I had the same error. run the config again and it works :)08:18
scheuritrappist: aye....sounds good....its just that I am about to set up a machine used in a library by guests (for surfing and printing only) and their employes (for mailing with clients and OOo as well)08:18
nexeusthird time try lol08:18
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scheuritrappist: in a library used by guests08:18
scheurinexeus: vmware does remember your network-config...it should not take liong08:19
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sureshotcan someone tell me how to turn off the blurps of who joins and leaves this channel08:19
Nelonexeus people tell me that there is vm file that needs to be modified so it does not do this with a new kernel08:19
nexeusstill same is it because i have vmplayer install08:19
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=== eracc had to disable ipv6 to get the NIC <> switch connection to work here.
ladydoornodo: if you don't know, then the correct answer is no08:20
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nexeuswell i did try to delete  /etc/vmware and reinstall08:20
nexeussame prob08:20
scheurinexeus: you should deinstall...not only delete it08:21
trianglemanwinsanyone know about mp3 playback with amaroK?08:21
Bohic1Am REAL new to this...what security issues to think about here???08:21
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nexeussudo: /usr/bin/vmware/vmware-uninstall.pl: command not found08:21
TIM90i just need to get this Ethernet port working,i can do the rest of the network my self,It does light up when i stick the cable in (Ethe0)08:21
scheuritrianglemanwins: I dont know if anyone here knows or not, but there is a special channel for amarok as far as I know08:21
scheurinexeus: try to locate it...it happend to me once as well08:22
ladydoornodo: ok! time's up. i've got to go. good luck.08:22
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sureshotcan someone tell me how to turn off the blurps of who joins and leaves this channel08:22
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SpCombuse irssi!08:22
P4W3Ri can not apt base-config08:23
factotumheh im using irssi and i still see who comes and goes08:23
shwagcan someone do sudo apt-get install rails --dry-run   and just tell me what the dependencies are. i want to make sure I got everything out.08:23
P4W3Rdependeces errors08:23
pchamorroI'm installing drapper in normal mode, but it'seems the mirrors are down!08:23
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SpCombfactotum: I assume blurps to mean sound effects08:23
NeloP4W3R is tehre a way to turn of the colors of irssi?08:23
factotumpchamorro: drapper is outdated, try dapper instead08:23
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P4W3Rdo not know08:23
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factotumSpComb: sound effects? ick!08:23
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pchamorroI mean ubuntu 6.0608:24
sureshotno how comes in and who leaves i dont need to know all that08:24
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scheuripchamorro: can you ping anything?08:24
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pchamorroping is not included08:24
pchamorrobut i can wget http://google.com and it works08:24
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TIM90 stu_can you help or not08:24
esahi! can i ask one question about Evolution e-mail?08:24
scheuripchamorro: uhmm...ping is not included and wget is? wow...didnt know that...08:25
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TIM90yes esa08:25
=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3763P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
pchamorrobut wget http://archive.ubuntu.com doesn't work (i dont remeber the exact mirror servername)08:25
esai have problem with scandinavian characters08:25
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esathey are just missing08:25
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications08:25
TIM90i cant help with that srry08:25
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scheuripchamorro: for me they seem to work actually08:26
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scheuripchamorro: I can browse it08:26
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mart_hi, has anyone sucessfully install gnucash on ubuntu dapper?08:26
surlawAnyone knows why i can see my wireless network under eth1 with iwconfig (and eth0 and lo too), but ifconfig doesnt chos abything except lo ? =)08:26
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Bohic1using 6.06LTS trying to get kismet working....????08:26
mart_im having problems with ./configure says cannot find SLIB are you sure you have it installed08:27
steve_333Is someone willing to try a question about cups, or point me in the right direction?08:27
scheuriBohic1: may you please ask in a proper sentence?08:27
TIM90is it possible to have more then 1 Ethernet port ,or does it create conflict08:27
proteusguys i toasted something.. it started with me editing my prefs.js for firefox, i closed the browser and attempted to start it up, and nothing happened.. after that i cp'd the file to another dir, and then deleted the file from it's original residence. and to no avail did firefox start up, so i decided to log out and back in, and nothing loads up, it get kicked back to the login screen...08:27
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pchamorromy display seems freezed but not, only is having problems with the mirrors :(08:28
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YaakovTIM90: It is common.08:28
bluefox83hey, is edgy the most up do date release of ubuntu, or is dapper?08:28
Bohic1I am using ubuntu 6.06 LTS and have d/loaded kismet, installedbut won't write to dir to start up08:28
shwagbluefox83: edgy installer completely failed for me, so i am on dapper08:28
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bluefox83cus i'm finding the latest release of amarok in edgey but not dapper08:28
scheuribluefox83: dapper (ubuntu 6.06 LTS) is the latest stable version...edgy is testing version (and will be released as stable soon)08:28
bluefox83shwag, congradulations...that doesn't answer my question08:29
bluefox83oh crap >.>08:29
proteusi even did a update and dist-upgrade, and i'm stuck here..08:29
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TIM90it seems ubuntu has a problem with drivers for built in Ethernet ports ,it this common08:29
mart_bluefox im on dapper, and i apt-get installed amarok08:29
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bluefox83i seem to have a version of amarok installed that is not in dapper08:29
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scheuribluefox83: how did you install it?08:29
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bluefox83TIM90, forget to 'modprobe <module>' ?08:30
niklas_eis there any newer version of qemu then 0.80.0 that I can install with apt-get?08:30
bluefox83scheuri, i don't remember :/08:30
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shwagbluefox83: get a cvs livecd smarty08:30
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TIM90Yaakov one ethernet works perfectly yet the built in one does not ,what could be the problem08:31
scheuribluefox83: then it might get difficult to help...www.kubuntu.org sometimes offers new versions of amarok for dapper by telling you what to add in your /etc/apt/sources.list and updating your machine...did you do this?08:31
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YaakovTIM90: Usually the hardware is not being recognized properly.08:31
pchamorroscheuri: I mean, ping is not installed yet, wget is.08:31
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Bohic1scheuri am real new to this...what security issues to check for using Gaim???08:31
scheuripchamorro: I see...hmmm...08:31
bluefox83scheuri, i don't have the entry in my sources.list so no..08:31
TIM90Yeh i think that the problem08:31
bluefox83and yet i have the most up to date version08:31
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bluefox83i'm not sure how that happened :X08:32
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scheuriBohic1: I am sorry...I fail to grasp the connection of kismet and gaim....08:32
=== NaMcO^ : hi
TIM90what i did was install a new Ethernet card on the PCI bus ,but it doesn't show up on the Ethernet list08:32
scheuribluefox83: well, okay...one way would be to purge amarok and reinstall it...but...well...that is windows-way...but as long as you dont know how you installed it...08:32
bluefox83in the mean time, how do you turn off the splash screen? my friend wants to kill it08:33
steve_333anyone know cups remote admin?08:33
FysidikoCan anyone explain how to use /etc/sudoers to let a (non-root) user run tuncfg?08:33
jharrTIM90: run `dmesg | grep eth` and see if it shows anything08:33
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins08:33
Bohic1scheuri 2 seperate questions last time I used unix/linux was xenix 28608:33
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kmaynardautomatix ftw08:33
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bluefox83scheuri, i'm not the one with issues..my friend purged his old 1.4 copy accidentally..and now he's trying to get another copy but we don't remember where i got it from to download in the first place08:33
TIM90thanks jharr ,ill try that now !08:33
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YaakovTIM90: If you type dmesg in a shell, and search through the messages, you can see if it was detected..08:34
scheuriBohic1: aahh..okay....well...as for gaim....just keep updating your machine with security updates...and you should be fine so far...and keep the same rules for mails...delete those who look bad and you dont know08:34
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Yaakovjharr: I missed your message up there, too distracted.08:35
scheuribluefox83: well, amarok is in the official repositories of Kubuntu (which can be mixed with ubuntu repos, no worries)...so check www.kubuntu.org what to add to your sources.list to get the latest amarok for dapper08:35
andredHow can I enable a non-UTF-8 locale in Ubuntu, such as ISO-8859-1?08:35
TIM90[17179586.272000]  eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xe09e6000, 00:10:a7:09:15:1d, IRQ 20908:35
TIM90[17179586.272000]  eth0:  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8139C'08:35
TIM90[17179586.272000]  eth1: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xe09fc000, 00:10:a7:09:2f:31, IRQ 16908:35
TIM90[17179586.272000]  eth1:  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8139C'08:35
TIM90[17179586.332000]  eth2: IC Plus Corporation IP100A FAST Ethernet Adapter at 000108:35
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scheuribluefox83: if you added the line to sources.list you just need to "aptitude install amarok" (or using adept)08:35
Blissexandred: very carefully! :-)08:35
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schizoschaf^might skype on another box but over the same router disturb ekiga?08:35
Bohic1Scheuri, THANKS.....u KNOW of xenix 286???? :)08:35
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not-a-botIs anyone able to help me with compiz and ubuntu dapper?08:36
Blissexandred: and depends what you mean by enabling and in which context.08:36
andredBlissex: Yeah, I don't want to use it generally, just for a specific application by passing LANG=sv_SE.ISO-8859-108:36
not-a-botOne of the latest updates broke it for me ...08:36
scheuriBohic1: well, I remember MSDOS 3.3...;)...and I had a tandon 286 with 8.5 MHz once...;)08:36
TIM90its the realtek eth0 i think08:36
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Blissexandred: ahhhh that's easy. Just make sure you got the relevant locale files.08:36
=== valvola Forza Bayern!!!
not-a-botI'm using the compiz-quinnstorm branch and xgl as session08:36
=== eracc has a Xenix 286 install disk set around here somewhere ...
Blissexandred: 'locale -a' and 'dpkg-reconfigure locale' or something similar.08:37
TIM90Yaakov is that any help08:37
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Bohic1scheuri ...started with msdos 2.1 :)08:37
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scheuriBohic1: arrr...you are older...you win...;)08:37
Blissexnot-a-bot: just don't do it. it is not worth it. you can quit anytime. :-)08:37
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DB42hi, my grub is messed up, how do i know which /dev/sdaX to write in the kernel "root=" line ?08:37
not-a-botall the sudden i don't have window decorations any more, no 3d effects ... nothing08:37
pchamorroI'm testing with wget http://www.ubuntu.com and it works, but wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com it doesn't08:37
YaakovTIM90: It sees the hardware, but apparently is it not loading drivers.  I am too distracted to help just now--sorry.08:37
BlissexDB42: usually 'fdisk -l /dev/sd*' would tell you something useful.08:37
Bohic1scheuri iBM PC jr 198308:37
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not-a-botWell I DID it for quote a long time and it worked very well08:38
DB42i dont have access to fdisk08:38
CrimsonKingdoes anyone know how i can get ssh to NOT use the inetd wrappers on ubuntu?08:38
pchamorroConnecting to cdimage.ubuntu.com:80...08:38
DB42since grub isnt working08:38
bluefox83how come i just found a ubuntu .deb of amarok 1.4.3 on my system?08:38
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andredBlissex: Yeah, that's how I've done it before in Debian, but running dpkg-reconfigure locales doesn't bring up the config program where you can select the locales, it just generates locales that are chosen from somewhere.08:38
not-a-botI just don't now WICH update borke it for me :-(08:38
scheuriBohic1: well...not as old as I am...but...;)...started playing games with a C64...but that does not count08:38
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shwagregarding, http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/pages/RailsOnUbuntu,  it says to do a bunch of speacial stuff for /usr/local  install...i skipped that, but it looks like the default is to use /usr/local anyways. does the doc need to be updated, or am I missing something ?08:38
pchamorroand then wget: server returned error 504: HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout08:38
nodohow do i upgrase a single package? (i.e. only firefox one?)08:38
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pchamorroI'm trying from my firewall...08:38
TIM90Yaakov thanks at-least i know were the problem lies08:38
tr0ghelp me please08:38
nodohow do i upgrase a single package? (i.e. only firefox one?)08:39
C-O-L-Thello I would like to share some files with a windows network but windows always ask a password and a username, if I type my password and username nothing happens08:39
scheuripchamorro: well...I must admit I cant help....I thought of connection problems, but most of your stuff works...right?08:39
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tr0gI am running kubuntu, and i dont have a monitor08:39
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tr0gits black08:39
Blissexandred: there is a difference between choosing which locales are available (as listed by 'locale -a') and which one is active. What's the problem?08:39
bluefox83nodo, sudo apt-get install <package>08:39
=== Ignite__ is now known as Ignite_
CrimsonKingnobody knows how i can run sshd to ignore the hosts.allow/deny files?08:39
WarboWhich package should I assign a bug to in Launchpad if Nautilus doesn't open sountracker files unless the filename ends with ".mod", ".s3m", ".it", ".xm", etc.? Is it a Nautilus bug or a MIME-info bug or what?08:39
schizoschaf^tr0g, press ctrl+alt+f108:39
DB42Blissex ??08:39
BlissexCrimsonKing: you don't want to do that, it can be done, but it is complicated.08:40
andredBlissex: Like I said when I run "dpkg-reconfigure locales" it just starts generating the locales, but I want to select a new locale to generate.08:40
schizoschaf^tr0g, that will bring you to a text login08:40
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DB42can grub show me the list of /dev/sdaX ??08:40
Blissexandred: but that also allows you to select which locales it generates.08:40
DB42not in (hd0,0)08:40
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tr0gCan someone help me08:40
schizoschaf^tr0g, see above08:40
andredBlissex: Aha, but how? It just starts generating right away without showing that dialog window I always used to get in Debian.08:41
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CrimsonKingBlissex: how can i (without root access btw, as a user)08:41
andredBlissex: Try it yourself and you'll see08:41
Samuli^best anti-psyware prog I've used is linux.08:41
CrimsonKingBlissex: its just got to be done08:41
Blissexandred: ahhhhhhhhh. I can't remember.08:41
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Samuli^spy even :D08:41
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tr0gschiz.. can i pm you08:41
Bohic1scheuri, am trying to dust off the cobwebs from memory re: irc..coming back S L O W L Y....:)08:41
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BlissexCrimsonKing: easiest way to describe: a 'chroot'. and/or use 'LD_RUN_PATH' and dummy tcpwrapper libraries.08:42
C-O-L-Thello I would like to share some files with a windows network but windows always ask a password and a username, if I type my password and username nothing happens08:42
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andredBlissex: Aha. Any idea who I should ask about it?08:42
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eraccHmmm, I'm getting frame errors on my NIC on the xubuntu box. I may have a marginal NIC there. :-(08:42
pchamorroscheuri: I already installed a workstation ubuntu 6.06 but it seems there is a problem with my internet link08:42
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nexeusscheuri, rebooted and reconfig vmware seems to work fine08:42
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scheuripchamorro: ummh...08:43
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pchamorroI'm gonna try from a cafe internet... thank you..08:43
scheurinexeus: great...08:43
crwebhas anyone else noticed bash scripts no longer seem to work in edgy?08:43
Bohic1scheuri, remember when a question about unix would elicit a RTFM and nothing more!! ;-)08:43
Blissexandred: this channel of course :-) Or Google or the Wiki :-).08:43
scheuriBohic1: it still does, my friend...it still does...;)08:43
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schizoschaftr0g, you need to identify to nickserv to send pms08:43
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schizoschaf /msg NickServ HELP register08:44
schizoschaftr0g type /msg NickServ HELP register its easy08:44
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Blissexandred: anyhow have a look at '/etc/locale-gen' and the 'locale-gen' command.08:45
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tr0goh ok08:45
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tr0gwell, in gentoo  i have a login08:45
TIM90jharr thank for the help08:45
tr0gi typed admin08:45
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tr0git wants a password08:45
tr0gwhat do I type?08:45
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare08:45
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jharrTIM90: No problem, you did most of the work :)08:46
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andredBlissex: All right, thanks08:46
TIM90yeh but you helped me know what the problem was ;)08:46
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jharrYaakov: yeah, me too :)08:46
Focuz_hello all08:47
=== macsim [n=macsim@cpc2-lewi5-0-0-cust19.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
r000tsomeone here know how the debian-sys-maint account works in mysql and about the password it has set???08:47
DB42can grub show me the list of /dev/sdaX ?? not in (hd0,0)08:47
CrimsonKingBlissex: any tips on creating dummy tcpwrapper libs?08:47
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ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo08:47
CrimsonKingBlissex: or can i build the sshd without tcpwrappers...08:47
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optimusprimehow do you uninstall xfce?08:47
Dr_willisfire up synaptuc and click all the xfce related packages and uninstall them.08:48
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r000toptimusprime: download from xfce home page there is a graphical installer08:48
Morticeoptimusprime: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:48
TheGateKeeper_optimusprime: apt-get remove <package name>08:48
Dr_willisYes - uninstalling large groups of packages can be a pain.08:48
nexeussudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop08:48
morryeWhats a good editor on ubuntu with nice color coding?08:48
DB42can grub show me the list of /dev/sdaX ?? not in (hd0,0) (so i know what to put in boot in root= kernel line..) plz.. i need this for linux to run08:48
r000tmorrye: vin08:48
UrikuI think the cd driver is not well defined =/ can I check it?08:48
nexeusoups install xubuntu08:48
r000tmorrye: vim08:48
DB42can grub show me the list of /dev/sdaX ?? not in (hd0,0) (so i know what to put in boot in root= kernel line..)08:48
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BlissexCrimsonKing: then build 'sshd' without tcpwrappers.08:48
Dr_willismorrye,  vim can do that. :P   You may want to try cream, or some of the emacs.08:49
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r000tsomeone here know of mysql in ubuntu and the debian-sys-maint account08:49
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Urikuerrr... I'm having troubles installing UT2004 on Linux.08:50
sharperguyHow can I get soundconverter to convert to mp3?08:50
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Morticesharperguy: to convert wavs to mp3? Use LAME.08:51
r000tnoone know anything of mysql in ubuntu and the debian-sys-maint08:51
macsimhi, any brits with ntl here ?08:51
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Dr_willisr000t,  i dont think anyone knows what you are talking about.08:51
sharperguynow wav08:51
ivaldisharperguy: you have to install a package called gstreamer0.8-lame, iirc08:51
sharperguy*not wav08:51
sharperguyok, ill  try08:51
andredBlissex: Adding "sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-1 in the file "/var/lib/locales/supported.d/sv" worked, just for your information.08:51
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r000tDr_willis: do you know about the default account debian-sys-maint created after installing mysql08:52
schizoschaftr0g, any progress?08:52
=== Code-E [n=cody@CPE0080c6eb2d23-CM0016b5319bac.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
nexeusUriku,  http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6&gameid=1708:52
Code-Ei need help with installing java08:52
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Code-Ethe one in add/remove says its not compatible with my system architecture08:52
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r000tDr_willis: or did you mean .. i wont get any help in this channel... although there are 959 logged in users .. and noone have a clue of mysql ..08:53
r000tDr_willis: :)08:53
Dr_willisr000t,  all i know abouyt MySQL i learned from my UsingMySQL book.. and i last used it years ago.. so nope. no clue.. neer heard of it.. id say check #mysql08:53
nexeusCode-E,  Use Automatix08:53
wolsr000t: have you heard of #mysql? cool channel that...08:53
Dr_willisr000t,  i would have to say.. time to get googling.08:53
wolsnexeus: No08:53
=== Dr_willis cringes at the mention of AUtomatix.
Blissexandred: that is a very odd location.08:53
Code-Enexeus: what is automatic08:53
nexeuswoups y08:53
=== hori [n=] [Hori] [@d83-184-181-111.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.08:54
wolsit's shit. all you need to know :)08:54
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C-O-L-Thello I am sharing some files with windows network but I can not see my files just printers why?08:54
schizoschafis anyone running ekiga and will try a short test call?08:54
sharperguyIt didnt work08:54
nexeusIts an auto installer for many app for newbies like me ;)08:54
sharperguyschizoschaf, try calling echo@proxy01.sipphone.com08:54
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Bohic1scheuri, am using gaim.. went to chanserv, type /list and get BIG list...how to search list???08:55
=== madewokherd [n=urk@VRP5000.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository08:55
wolsCode-E: use easybuntu08:55
=== ramvi [n=ramvi@190.80-202-33.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easybuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:56
sharperguyOk, just got soundconverter to let me convert to mp3, however it says "conversion compleated in 1 second". but nothing happened08:56
Code-Ewols: ?08:56
=== javaJake [n=javaJake@pool-71-126-50-232.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.08:56
wols!info easybuntu08:56
javaJakeI've got a song playing in mplayer from internet radio, and would like to pipe it to a file08:56
ubotuPackage easybuntu does not exist in any distro I know08:56
wolssharperguy: doh08:56
javaJakeHow do I do this without closing mplayer?08:56
C-O-L-Thello I am sharing some files with windows network but I can not see my files just printers why?08:56
javaJakeIs there a way to pipe sound going to speakers to a file?08:56
ramviHi! As I log into gnome X restarts and asks for the username again. What do I do? (It only happens if I type the correct username and password)08:56
sharperguyOk, just got soundconverter to let me convert to mp3, however it says "conversion compleated in 1 second". but nothing happened08:56
ramviSorry... I meant as I log into gnome; X restarts and asks for the username again. What do I do? (It only happens if I type the correct username and password)08:57
Code-Ewols so how do i install it08:57
javaJakeIs there a way to pipe sound going to speakers to a file? I need to know fairly quickly - I only have 10 minutes till the song exists the buffer08:57
=== Yawner [n=alex@82-44-194-226.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
javaJakeAnyone? :(08:58
wolsCode-E: you don't know how to install stuff on ubuntu? have you read manual(s)?08:58
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czer323Anyone have any experience with using Powersaved to manage the ACPI routines?08:58
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Code-Ewols how do i get this "easybuntu"08:58
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ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.08:58
wolsCode-E: it's easyubuntu08:58
kmaynardCode-E: google it?08:58
=== Xklark [n=blahblah@CPE-69-76-233-228.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
javaJakeIs there a way to pipe sound going to speakers to a file? I need to know fairly quickly - I only have 10 minutes till the song exits the buffer.08:59
javaJakeI am not usually pushy, but the answer to this question cannot wait too long08:59
javaJake...this time08:59
=== Munchkinguy [i=munchkin@wnpgmb11dc1-45-173-208.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
XklarkHello, could someone help me a problem regarding the OpenSSH on ubuntu?08:59
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javaJakeI might be able to...09:00
ompauljavaJake, hack alsa - there is no way to do that, that I am aware of09:00
Xklarki did the apt-get09:00
javaJakeHack alsa... hmmmm09:00
shut-how do u install java09:00
shut-the !java didnt work09:00
=== ofer [n=chatzill@85-250-18-163.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository09:00
javaJakeshut, goto ubuntuguide.com09:00
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Xklarki did the apt-get, but nothing happened09:00
Xklarkwhen i try to connect to it09:00
MunchkinguyWhy is gstreamer0.8-xvid found in the multiverse repository if it is licensed under the LGPL?09:00
Xklarkit says connection refused09:00
ompaulXklark, sudo apt-get install openssh-server09:01
javaJakeXklark, check that you don't have any firewalls installed, and that you installed openssh-server09:01
Xklarki did that09:01
Xklarki did09:01
Xklarkit installed09:01
Xklarkand stuff09:01
=== gord [i=gord@85-210-58-224.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
javaJakeCan you connect using
=== unreal_ [n=unreal@unaffiliated/unreal] has joined #ubuntu
Xklarkbut i dont know if its running09:01
Xklarkill try hold on09:01
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Xklarkits on adifferent computer09:01
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Xklarkon my network09:01
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javaJakeIs there a way to pipe sound going to speakers to a file? I need to know fairly quickly - I only have 10 minutes till the song exits the buffer.09:01
kmaynardnetstat -a | grep ssh09:01
javaJakeOh, whoops09:01
javaJakeI already got an answer09:02
Urikumuch better now... I hate IRC at Gaim09:02
JuhazMunchkinguy, patents09:02
kmaynardyou should see a line that says LISTENING09:02
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schizoschafXklark,  ps -A | grep ssh09:02
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javaJakekmaynard, are you talking to me? :)09:02
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ompaulshut-, to install java enable multiverse and install java there is no more to it than that09:02
LjLjavaJake, i think there *is* a program that can do that (intercept output to /dev/dsp), but don't really remember which program it is09:02
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kmaynardjavaJake: not really :)09:02
=== Somniis [n=Somniis@24-158-231-13.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjLjavaJake: you might always try the hard way, i.e. connect your line-out to your line-in, and record.09:03
Xklarki did that09:03
Xklarkit says LISTEN09:03
=== MikeyMike [n=mikeymik@ip70-179-218-46.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
MunchkinguyJuhaz: Is it in Muliverse in EU countries?09:03
kmaynardthen its running09:03
Xklarkbut how do i connect to it09:03
Xklarkwhats the IP09:03
Xklarki cant figure it out09:03
javaJakeXklark, what program are you using to connect?09:03
LjLjavaJake: "apt-cache show vsound"09:03
kmaynardXklark: ifconfig eth0  that will tell you your ip09:03
ompaulXklark, please put your collected thoughts on one line, this is not IM it is IRC the grandaddy of all IM09:03
ramviSorry that I ask again, but I really have to get into gnome and start working... As I log into gnome; (I guess) X restarts 'cause the loginscreen reappears. What do I do? (It only happens if I type the correct username and password)09:04
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Xklarksorry ompaul.09:04
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ompaulXklark, no worries09:04
javaJakeI do the same thing09:04
=== fildo_ [n=fildo@c58-107-115-197.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Code-EHow do I run this easy ubuntu09:04
javaJakeSee? I already did it!!!09:04
Urikuhmm... I don't seem to be able to make UT2004 install =/ can anyone help me?09:04
kmaynardCode-E: the website has directions09:04
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Xklarkyay, kmaynard. I LOVE YOU09:04
XklarkIt worked. Thanks for your help.09:05
kmaynardXklark: keep your distance09:05
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kmaynardand you're welcome :-D09:05
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fildo_i love you ? bit far dont u think09:05
JuhazMunchkinguy, area distinctions would be mighty confusing, so it tends to be lowest common denominator09:05
kromelmaybe, but having his children might not be.09:05
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fildo_cyber kids aye09:06
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verixwhat's the name of the headers for C/C++ development for things like sockets?09:06
=== foureight84 [n=kvtruong@ip70-187-188-219.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
javaJakeLjL, vsound wants to wrap around the program09:07
javaJakeI cannot do this, since mplayer is already running09:07
foureight84how do you enable esc to close the gaim chat window?09:07
fildo_foureight84: in gaim options / prefrences09:07
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fildo_its there somewhere09:07
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LjLjavaJake: right, well in that case i don't think you have many chances... personally i'd just go the record-the-line-out route, assuming you have a male-to-male cable09:08
oferI installed ie on ubuntu but don't know how to run it09:08
Squirrely_WrathOkay.  I'm trying to get ubuntu to see my creative zen micro.  All I want to do is transfer my mp3's onto my laptop.  Installed gnomad and still can't get it to work.  Any suggestions.09:08
javaJakeI do09:08
foureight84fildo_, thanks09:08
Urikuplease? anyone with experience installing UT200409:08
pchamorrojoin #ubuntu09:08
javaJakeThis could be done in Windows. Yet ANOTHER thing Linux doesn't do. *Sigh*09:08
LjLjavaJake: also, i think some soundcards actually allow to directly record what's being played, if you set the mixer correctly09:08
LjLjavaJake: how'd you do that in windows?09:08
=== NaMcO^ : chi gioca a gunbound ???
gnomefreakofer: because IE wont run without WINE and it doesnt run good with wine09:08
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:08
javaJakeAudacity would have "Wave Out Mix" or something like that in it's record list09:09
javaJakeThat would be the speaker output09:09
SubhumanLjL, you could use virtual cables too.09:09
foureight84there's no option for the esc09:09
javaJakeLinux obviously doesn't do this09:09
ofergnomefreak: also installed wine09:09
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SubhumanjavaJake, you sure it jus aint your card?09:09
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Subhumanmy audigy works fine , all the line ins and shit work no problem09:09
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gnomefreakofer: try wine file.deb09:09
LjLjavaJake: well, in my mixer i've got a "Capture" switch (and slider) in the recording tab, which i think is it09:10
gnomefreakfile.deb being the IE.deb file09:10
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javaJakeSubhuman, Audacity can't access the sound while mplayer is running, let alone let me record the speaker output09:10
foureight84i'm using gaim 2.0 beta 3.109:10
=== TIM90 [n=thami@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust595.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
fildo_gnomefreak: works fine for me .but my DE . is KDE.09:10
fildo_but i dont use it consitantly, only for a dev preview09:10
LjLjavaJake: i'm using KMix though, i suppose the gnome mixer might give things different names09:10
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Squirrely_WrathI guess that's a no09:10
javaJakeLinux has a "Capture" tab09:10
gnomefreakfildo_: huh?09:10
Urikucapture tab?09:10
fildo_gnomefreak: wine / IE .09:10
javaJakeLjL, the capture tab as Line-in, CD, Microphone, and Capture.09:11
RicardoPerezHi! I'm with Edgy, and the usplash artwork is like a "pattern test". How can I change the artwork to have the same usplash as in Edgy Knot 3?09:11
oferit is working now - had to do  /home/ofer/bin/ie609:11
TIM90hi guys does any one happen to know how to find out what ip adress i have (like a command)09:11
javaJakeThe Capture slider is the master volume for all recording sliders09:11
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gnomefreakfildo_: ick i have heard horror stories about running them together09:11
kromelanyone an Alsa expert?09:11
javaJakePlayback tab has MAster, Headphone, PCM, and PC Speaker09:11
javaJakekromel, do NOT look at me. :D09:11
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kromeljavaJake, looking away09:12
LjLjavaJake: hm, here i don't think the "capture" slider is the master recording volume, because i can record from microphone or line-in even with it turned to zero09:12
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SubhumanTIM90, ifconfig09:12
javaJakeOh, OK09:12
Subhumanyou mean internal or external TIM90 ??09:12
Subhumanifconfig for your internal, for external jus go to www.ipchicken.com09:12
cagdashow do we modify PATH variable system wide?09:12
kromelany ideas?  alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device09:13
SlackRathas anyone activated the root account and found it messed up protocols in the kde root account?09:13
fildo_LjL: im with you, my arch it setup fine with alsa09:13
=== synth7 [n=j@69-164-13-158.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
fildo_i can record straight awya with SB live09:13
TIM90the actual ip address eg..in windows its "ipconfig"09:13
ubotu         09:13
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il09:13
shut-how u create dir09:14
Urikuclose enough =P09:14
SlackRatwow, hebrew fonts, didnt know i had em..... :P09:14
TIM90Subhuman thank you ifconfig2 has do it for me ] 09:14
=== Munchkinguy [i=munchkin@wnpgmb11dc1-45-173-208.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
javaJakeLOL, me neither09:14
LjLjavaJake: look, apparently (i don't use Gnome or ESD so i can't really try), ESD has an "esdmon" program which should allow you to capture the output audio stream... if mplayer is using ESD for its output, you might give that a shot09:15
=== coldboot [n=neil@bas2-kitchener06-1177883611.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kromelyeah, I think ubotu just called our mothers names in hebrew.  not sure though09:15
SlackRatanyone had problems activating the root account in k/ubuntu?09:15
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LjLjavaJake: also, mplayer itself has a (command-line) switch to record to file, instead of playing on the soundcard... perhaps there is a way to change that at runtime, too?09:15
SlackRator announced armageddon09:15
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LjLSlackRat: no, because luckily, i didn't try.09:15
fildo_SlackRat: no09:16
gnomefreakkromel: that belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic not in #ubuntu09:16
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jharrSlackRat: no, if you're trying to login through kdm as root, make sure you enable root logins09:16
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:16
coldbootAfter doing an apt-get update, does anyone know why all my monospace fonts would end up wider? (If I make a terminal 100 characters wide, it's much wider in pixels than it was before the update, and the letters actually look wider as well. This only happened on one of my two dapper systems, both of which have been updated...09:16
jharrSlackRat: I advise to consider other options09:16
SlackRati did, i got the session up but an error about cant find protocols....09:16
gnomefreakjharr: not advised and not to be advised in this channel09:17
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ompaulroot is not adviced09:17
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ompauladvised even09:17
krupswierd, k8/smp enabled kernel gone in edgy?09:17
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule09:17
LjLgnomefreak: i think jharr is saying to *not* use root, and consider other options instead... which i think is correct09:17
SlackRati know, it became the only workaround for a problem tho, its back to being a hidden account now09:17
gnomefreakLjL: hence the ty09:17
ompaulkrups, you are in the wrong channel for edgy, next door, in #ubuntu+109:18
LjLSlackRat: what problem, out of curiosity?09:18
kromelthere a dedicated ubuntu alsa channel?09:18
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fildo_alsa is a generic linux term09:18
SlackRatno way of removing a directory with sudo and sudo su ,  it was still there in /etc and causing reinstallation problems for vmware09:18
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fildo_anyone could help . with any distro09:18
ompaulkromel, alsa is alas in this channel but not the edgy one09:18
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LjLSlackRat: you do know that you can type "sudo -i" to enter a root shell, don't you?09:19
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gnomefreakSlackRat: sudo -rf path/to/dir/dirname09:19
kromelahh, thanks ompaul09:19
SlackRatah, cool, thanks gnomefreak and LjL09:19
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SlackRati do also feel better knowing ubuntu can do everything debian can if need be.....  :P09:19
LjLSlackRat: and "sudo su" as well (which is not a very good idea, but anyway), will give you the *exact* same privileges as root, so the problem must really have lied somewhere else...09:19
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LjLSlackRat: of course it can. but there's no need to enable the root account to allow it...09:20
fildo_im used to using su .. coming from a redhat bg09:20
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sarikanhi there09:20
SlackRatme too fildo09:20
fildo_but sudo / sudo list is such a good idea09:20
SlackRatdebian and slack bg09:20
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kmaynardfirst thing i do is enable root09:20
sarikanhow can I make modify my kb layout for ctrl+alt to be equal to altgr09:20
ompaulkmaynard, what a waste of energy09:20
LjLfildo_: well, "sudo su" is not terrible, but just a tad redundant and, well, ugly... but you get used to "sudo -i" quite easily IME (not that one would normally use it too often, anyway)09:21
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kmaynardi remember when the "random" root pw in ubuntu was discovered...eff that09:21
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SlackRatubuntu isnt designed with root phobia, its designed to protect new users from full root access and the mess they can make of their OS09:21
kmaynardompaul: why? beats typing sudo all the time09:21
LjLkmaynard: root is simply locked, there's no "random" password... unless it was that way in older versions...09:21
ompaulkmaynard, ehh that was during an install process .....09:21
kmaynardLjL: it was cracked before09:21
ompaulkmaynard, and your not accurate in your decription09:22
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ompaulso lets leave it there09:22
Urikuwhat does "bash COMMAND" do exactly?09:22
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LjLSlackRat: sure, but fact is that there is *no need* to actually enable root, in order to have root privileges.09:22
kmaynardwhatever...point is, im enabling it with a different pw09:22
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ompaulkmaynard, and you won't suggest it to people here cos we don't support it09:22
SlackRatsudo mania is a user thing....theres no 'need' to compile ur own pkgs either but it s an option09:22
kmaynardim not suggesting anything. im saying what i do09:22
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ompauland it is offtopic for here :)_09:23
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SlackRatompaul, i agree it shouldnt be supported in a support room tho  :P09:23
gnomefreakkmaynard: dont want to type sudo all the type than type sudo -i09:23
LjLSlackRat: sure it is, but when someone comes here and asks how to compile XYZ, and i tell them that XYZ is already in the repos, and they say "well but i want to compile it anyway", then i say "fine... go on, but without my help"09:23
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kmaynardoh yeah, a sudo vs su -  discussion is OT in a linux room09:23
javaJakeLjL, DANG09:23
javaJakeLjL, No cable... can't find it09:23
gnomefreakkmaynard: very offtopic09:23
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ompaulkmaynard, cease - it is offtopic09:23
LjLSlackRat: of course everyone's free to do whatever the heck they like on their system -- it's just that i don't necessarily have to support that choice in here09:24
DCHello every109:24
ompaul!sudo > kmaynard09:24
Somniishello DC09:24
DB42ok, i'm tryin to boot grub with "root (hd0,5)" "kernel /boot/vmlinuz... root=/dev/sda5" <-- what am i doing wrong here ? it gives me KERNEL PANIC on trying to mount root09:24
Gostyhi there i want to php5 on apache1 can somebody help me?09:24
kmaynardjeez you guys are sensitive09:24
DCit's nice to be here with all Ubuntu-lovers :)09:24
wolsDB42: hd0,5 is NOT sda509:24
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wolsDB42: hd0,4 is09:24
gnomefreakDB42: try changing it to root=/dev/hda5 ;)09:24
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SlackRatis there a room for , shall we see, more advanced users of ubuntu?09:24
DB42(hd0,4) ok09:25
LjLjavaJake: may i ask how exactly you've come to have a buffered stream that you can't reproduce anymore? =) not trying to be inquisitive, just thinking if there might be some other way09:25
UrikuI can't remove the CD09:25
=== wols ducks and runs....
Urikuit says that device is busy09:25
DB42it is root=/dev/hda5.... help me out09:25
SlackRatfunny wols09:25
SlackRattry again09:25
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javaJakemplayer -cache (KBs) (Internet stream)09:25
LjLSlackRat: no. there is a room for users who want to talk about offtopic things, and that's #ubuntu-offtopic09:25
javaJakeThat sets how big mplayer's cache is09:25
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ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.09:25
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gnomefreakDB42: you said it was sda509:25
javaJakeYou can skip around in the cache09:25
SlackRatah , same difference......  :P09:25
DB42it was sda5....09:25
DB42it's SATA disk..09:25
Gostyhi there i don't know how to install php5 on apache1 can somebody help me? pleaseeeee.......09:25
gnomefreakshut-: sudo update-alternatives --config java09:25
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire09:26
Urikuplease help me, the CD won't come out in the middle of the install09:26
SlackRatfrostwire is nice09:26
LjLjavaJake: ok but what i'm asking is, why can't you just close mplayer and restart it, and re-get the stream from the net?09:26
gnomefreakshut-: do that first and choose the new one09:26
shut-i got gave09:26
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kmaynardompaul: is there a serious problem here?09:26
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gnomefreakshut-: did you set it as system wide09:26
ompaulkmaynard, with?09:26
javaJakeBecause the stream has been sent out already... this is a cache of stuff sent already. It's an internet radio09:26
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DB42anybody ? please help ...09:26
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javaJakeTrust me: I can't get this back without paying :)09:26
SlackRatkmaynard, er...yup09:26
wolsDB42: I already told you09:26
LjLjavaJake: ah, i understand. as i said, i was just wondering.09:26
gnomefreakshut-: than frostwire nor limewire will work09:26
javaJakeUnless I can get the audio out of the RAM... :P09:27
P4W3RNO BASE-CONFIG ??????09:27
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jharrDB42: grub starts with index 0, not index 109:27
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P4W3RNO BASE-CONFIG ??????09:27
gnomefreakP4W3R: please lose the caps09:27
P4W3RNO BASE-CONFIG ??????09:27
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javaJakeP4W3R, Please refrain from obsene language09:27
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LjLjavaJake: uh, well, you probably *can* do that. i'm not sure if interepreting it would be easy, but ... =)09:27
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Hans-MartinUriku: what are you trying to do?09:27
javaJakeLjL, I won't do that...09:27
kmaynardSlackRat: ?09:27
ompaulP4W3R,  mind your language09:27
P4W3Ri put caps because i am shouting09:27
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SlackRatpm me09:27
UrikuI am trying to instal Unreal Tournament 2004 (after I understood I had to do bash: linux-installer.sh -.-09:28
javaJakeOK, then no shouting. :D09:28
gnomefreakP4W3R: i know why i didnt ask why you were using them09:28
Urikuit asks for CD209:28
asmo674hurtcan i install Linux in one Hard drive with XP???09:28
DB42i know it starts...09:28
LjLjavaJake: i recall that on my Amiga, i had a program that could automatically scan the RAM for traces of any sound modules --- intended to be used to rip music from games, after a soft reset...09:28
Urikuand it won't let it out09:28
javaJakeIs there a /dev file I can use...09:28
peace-keeperhi what's a good bittorrent client for ubuntu ?09:28
DB42sorry, it's my mistake, here:09:28
DB42ok, i'm tryin to boot grub with "root (hd0,4)" "kernel /boot/vmlinuz... root=/dev/sda5" <-- what am i doing wrong here ? it gives me KERNEL PANIC on trying to mount root09:28
LjLjavaJake: not much help outside of AmigaOS though ;)09:28
fildo_asmo674hurt: yes09:28
Hans-MartinUriku: your shell probably has the working directory on the CD.09:28
kmaynardpeace-keeper: bittorrent09:28
Somniisasmo674hurt: yes09:28
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P4W3Rinstalling ubuntu in a RAID newly supported by dmraid09:28
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ubotubittorrent: Scatter-gather network file transfer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-6ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 92 kB, installed size 580 kB09:28
P4W3Rmanual install09:28
javaJakeLjL, Is there a /dev file I can use to pipe audio out of?09:28
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:28
Urikuso what do I do?09:29
asmo674hurtfildo_ how09:29
asmo674hurtfildo_ how??09:29
fildo_look up09:29
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wolsUriku: use lsof to see which process has a file open on your CD09:29
gnomefreak!dualboot > asmo674hurt09:29
LjLjavaJake: no, otherwise you'd be all set... the only /dev file you really have is /dev/dsp, but if you pipe stuff out of it, you just get the microphone (at least unless you have and can find the "capture" setting i was thinking about)09:29
GostyHi There! I have installed Apache 1.3 server and i haven't got PHP mod. I want to PHP5 but i can't find it with apt-cache search. Please help me if i want to lower some PHP script it ask me for download the script. Please Please help ME!!!!!09:29
fildo_or that .09:29
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Hans-MartinUriku: try to run the installer form another directory: "cd /tmp; bash /media/cdrom/installer.sh" or whatever09:29
wolsUriku: and either close the file (directories count as files too here)09:29
javaJakeLjL, ah... ok09:30
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)09:30
javaJakeLjL, What is /dev/snd for then?09:30
DB42can anybody hlelp me out ?09:30
Urikuhmm so just run it from another directory?09:30
asmo674hurtfildo_: and i have ntfs file sistem???09:30
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wolsDB42: since you don't read what people type: why should anyone09:30
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DB42wols: you said it's wrong index, but it's the correct one...09:30
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gnomefreakDB42: change root=/dev/sda5 to hda509:31
javaJake"The alsa drivers have native sound-devices in the /dev/snd/ directory."09:31
DB42gnomefreak: but i have a SATA DISK09:31
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DB42not a PATA09:31
Hans-MartinUriku: yup, try it (if you currently are running it from a shell whose working dir is on the CD)09:31
wolsDB42: sda5 is NOT hd0,5 in grub. never was, never will be09:31
javaJakeLjL, AHA: The alsa drivers have native sound-devices in the /dev/snd/ directory.09:31
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DB42my /dev/hda is a completly diffrent drive09:31
asmo674hurtfildo_: and i have ntfs file sistem???09:31
gnomefreakDB42: i dont remember asking but ok dont do it than09:31
fildo_and ?09:31
DB42wols: you dont read.. i said hd0,4 not hd0,5 i fixed my error09:31
wolsDB42: grub numres from hd0,0 onwards. If you had read the grub manual you knew. but you obviously didn't09:31
DB42gnomefreak: ok, thanks09:31
DB42i KNOW09:31
DB42AND I DID IT i wrote hd0,5 by mistake it's hd0,409:32
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fildo_partition hdd, to create space09:32
asmo674hurtubotu: it works already if i have ntfs file sistem???09:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about it works already if i have ntfs file sistem??? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:32
wolsDB42: you still haven't told what the error is09:32
LjLjavaJake: true, but still i don't think they have a device that allows to loopback the output stream... i might be mistaken of course09:32
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fildo_n boot ubuntu cd . point the empty space to install ubuntu on09:32
GostyHi There! I have installed Apache 1.3 server and i haven't got PHP mod. I want to PHP5 but i can't find it with apt-cache search. Please help me if i want to lower some PHP script it ask me for download the script. Please Please help ME!!!!!09:32
FysidikoCan anyone help me with sudoers?09:32
fatbrainHello, any good gui-ssh client available for browins me files?09:32
DB42wols: after the kernel is loading, i get in the middle KERNEL PANIC, can't mount root device "sda5"09:32
avrhi, strange problem with gnome-terminal in dapper. i'm on a laptop and thetouchpad works, but i cant select from gnome-terminal adn middle-click paste to another application09:32
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gnomefreakDB42: but yet you still have one09:32
DB42and fdisk shows my linux to be /dev/sda509:32
Urikuhey it's asking me if I want to install symbolic links:09:32
wolsDB42: kernel version? custom or ubuntu kernel?09:32
Urikuwhat does it mean?09:32
schizoschaffatbrain try gftp09:32
avrthis is only with gnome-terminal.. xterm select works09:32
DB42ubuntu kernel09:33
Hans-Martindoes anyone know how I can assign a fixed name to a PCMCIA WLAN card? it sometimes comes up as eth1, sometimes eth2 or eth3, and I always need to reconfigure the WEP parameters...09:33
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DB42should it be root=sda5 or root=/dev/sda5 ?09:33
wolsDB42: initrd line in menu.lst? what IDE chipset?09:33
DB42can anybody pastebin me his grub.conf file please ?!?09:33
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DB42nforce chipset09:33
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SomniisGosty: sudo apt-get install php5?09:33
DB42wols: can you pastebin me your grub.conf ?09:33
wolsDB42: do you have a LiveCD?09:33
schizoschaffatbrain better: Use places->connect to server from the main menu09:33
DB42it doesnt seem to work09:34
Hans-MartinUriku: in what context? it might want to install a link on your desktop - or it might want to install only part of the game on your HD, keeping the rest on CD09:34
LinAsHUriku, say yes09:34
fatbrainschizoschaf: You are the best.09:34
fatbrain(for now)09:34
DB42i can run the livecd, it borks in the middle, but i can mount my original linux on /dev/sda509:34
wolsDB42: there is no grub.conf. and it won't help you since my kernel is custom09:34
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schizoschafi knew it :)09:34
Code-Ethis easyubuntu is saying that the packages are corrupted09:34
Code-Ewhat do i do09:34
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gnomefreakCode-E: ask in #easyubuntu09:34
DB42can anybody here with a non-custom kernel, pastebin me his menu.lst from /boot/grub/ please ?!?09:34
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ubotuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.09:34
Uriku"Do you want to install sybmbolic links to a directory in your path"09:35
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fildo_shut-: use xmms  or amarok09:35
Urikuthen it asks if I where do I want to put it09:35
gnomefreak!grub > DB4209:35
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coldbootWhat determines the width of monospace fonts in Linux?09:35
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fildo_coldboot: nfi09:35
DB42i asked for something simple09:35
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DB42not for a generic guide..09:35
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LjLjavaJake: look, another (crazy) possibility based on your scan-the-memory idea... if you look into /proc/ProcessNumber/statm, where ProcessNumber is the mplayer process, you'll see the areas of memory that mplayer is used. if you then pipe those areas from /dev/mem into /dev/dsp, after some garbage, you might start hearing the actual recording...09:36
DB42gnomefreak: please pastebin me your menu.lst ...09:36
UrikuCode-E: I know that problem, you need to untick the online video feature09:36
coldbootfildo: no fucking idea?09:36
Code-Elol, at my stupidity09:36
fildo_coldboot: affirmative09:36
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javaJakeLjL, it is crazy enough that it might work09:36
LjLjavaJake: if you do manage to pinpoint the location in memory, then it shouldn't be *too* hard to make that into a working .wav file09:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ltsp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about muekow - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:37
gnomefreakDB42: i could but mine isnt "standard"09:37
gandalfcomehow do I automount sata drives that are connected via pcmcia sata adaptor09:37
gnomefreakDB42: please read the docs09:37
coldbootfildo: Alrighty then, wouldn't it be cool if the whole channel answered in a similar way if they didn't know something? =)09:37
gandalfcomethanks in advance09:37
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wolsDB42: since your kernel loads, it is no grub problem btw. you have a kernel problem09:37
Urikuyay it works!09:37
DB42maybe i need to add initrd line to grub ?09:37
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javaJakeLjL, being a beginner to this stuff, how do I take the memory numbers at use them?09:37
wolsDB42: DUH!. I already asked you that.09:37
fildo_coldboot: affirmative.make life easier, i take the method of i dont know. shut the fubar up.09:37
lostincI am trying to play avi and mpeg files with totem is there a way to get them to work or am I stuck with VLC?09:37
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Hans-MartinUriku: congrats09:37
DB42ok, i'll try it with that09:38
Urikunow I'll have UT2004 in Linux! finally a Linuxian pride09:38
wolsDB42: the question is however: why would you. the ubuntu default kernel already comes with a initrd line09:38
javaJakeLjL, these are the numbers reported:09:38
Urikunow let's see if the game will run -.-09:38
javaJake14306 4501 4263 1633 0 1066 009:38
kmaynardlostinc: try automatix09:38
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peace-keeperlostinc: according to my experience, you need to install at least 3 players if you want to play every format09:38
GostySomniis: but there is only libapache2-mod-php509:38
Urikumeh each trouble for its time09:38
kmaynardjavaJake: lottery picks?09:38
DB42wols: i run it witout09:38
linopiluriku what   was that ut2400 ?09:38
gnomefreakDB42: what kernel are you trying to boot?09:38
DB42i type "kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda5"09:38
DB42thats it09:38
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DB42the latest k7 regular09:38
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javaJakekmaynard, No, they are the numbers that supposedly represent where mplayer has stored the buffer data09:38
Urikulinopil: I'm installing Unreal Tournament 2004 in Linux09:38
nexeusu need to install the extra map and loki is the web u can find that09:38
javaJakeIn the RAM09:39
javaJakeOr whateve09:39
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Urikuit's hawt :309:39
DB42the latest on the resp offical09:39
linopilI ssee09:39
LjLjavaJake: i'm thinking about that myself. you could use "head" and "tail", but it wouldn't be too good i think.   anyway, sorry, gave you the wrong file - it's not statm, its /proc/#/maps the one you want09:39
RedGhostIs there a printscreen bash command09:39
peace-keeperwhere can i find bittorrent after i installed it? :D09:39
RedGhostor is that just part of gnome09:39
gnomefreakDB42: that doesnt tell me anything but that is why im not helping you your attitude isnt gonna get you help09:39
ubotubittorrent: Scatter-gather network file transfer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-6ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 92 kB, installed size 580 kB09:39
RedGhost /usr/bin or menu->internet09:39
peace-keepershut: that doesnt answer my question09:39
GostySomniis: but there is only libapache2-mod-php509:39
LjLjavaJake: you should see a number of memory areas there... which one is the right one, is guesswork. but it'd be probably the one labelled "heap", or the ones labelled "mplayer"...09:40
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fildo_RedGhost: ksnapshot ?09:40
DB42gnomefreak: what do you want to know, ? i run synaptic , and it gets me the kernels...09:40
DB42i'm not running any special kernel09:40
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gnomefreakDB42: what kernel is it?09:40
shut-i cant figure it eaither09:40
woodgrainis there a way to convert from dapper to debian unstable?09:40
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shut-its draper09:40
Horriblecan someone please tell me how to install a .deb file ? i've downloaded dc++ for ubuntu ...09:40
DB42gnomefreak: how do i know /09:40
fildo_is for kde09:40
LjLjavaJake: anyway, best thing to just pipe the specific area should be to use "dd". i am allergic to "dd" though, never can remember the syntax09:40
gnomefreakDB42: hint: place kernel numbers here09:40
DB42it's the kernel 90% of the people her ehas..09:40
krazykitwo`not easily09:40
lostincThanks guys! :)09:40
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peace-keeperwhy is everything 3 times as complicated as it was in win xp ?09:40
krazykitHorrible: sudo dpkg -i09:40
javaJakeLjL, I might just copy these all to files in a new directory to play around with later09:40
DB42i dont know.. i need to boot...09:40
javaJakeAlong with this map file09:41
gnomefreakDB42: you have been looking at it in your grub/menu.lst file09:41
Horriblekrazykit: thanks09:41
woodgrainHorrible, sudo dpkg -i packg.deb09:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bitcomment - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:41
DB42it's something -27-k7 at the end..09:41
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Hans-Martinpeace-keeper: because win-xp is kindergarden, and linux is for real men :-)09:41
GostySomniis: but there is only libapache2-mod-php509:41
erUSULpeace-keeper: bittorrent is where every other program you install is, somewhere in your $PATH. just launch it from terminal or Apps>Internet09:41
fildo_peace-keeper: complicated no .. free and open . yes09:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bitlord - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:41
kmaynardpeace-keeper: i would say it keeps the n00bs out, but i've been here long enough to know better09:41
javaJakeFOr everyone: does anyone know how to pipe data from RAM to a file?09:41
krazykitpeace-keeper: because it's new to you and you're not comfortable with what you're doing.  whenever i'm in a windows machine, i think, "why is everything 3 times as complicated as linux"09:41
gnomefreakDB42: what does uname -r sayu09:41
gnomefreakuname -r09:41
fildo_shut-: azereus09:41
fildo_for bit torrent09:42
javaJakeThere must be a special file that represents RAM???09:42
DB42gnomefreak: i need to make it work no ?09:42
DB42this is the same comp.. to tell you that i need to reboot09:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about azereus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:42
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo09:42
LjLjavaJake, no, if you only copy that "maps" file and the other ones in /proc, you don't get the actual memory contents. that's in /dev/mem, and will change together with your RAM... you could save the whole of that, of course, but it'd be *kind of* big09:42
peace-keeperno it's not new to me, it's much slower than windows, it crashes every few hours, and it's very very complicated09:42
shut-so do sudo apt-get install azereus09:42
peace-keeperand of course thats all my fault09:42
GostyHi There! I have installed Apache 1.3 server and i haven't got PHP mod. I want to PHP5 but i can't find it with apt-cache search. Please help me if i want to lower some PHP script it ask me for download the script. Please Please help ME!!!!!09:42
kmaynardpeace-keeper: apple?09:42
gnomefreakshut-: yes09:42
fildo_peace-keeper: i think the user is the problem .09:42
javaJakeLjL, 128 MB RAM + 512 Swap shouldn't be too bad09:42
LjLjavaJake: though if you have, say, half a gig of RAM, and your HD isn't 99% full, you might even try that ;)09:42
BlissexGosty: check on the wiki...09:42
nexeusi find utorrnet better09:42
javaJakeLjL, I think I will09:42
kmaynardmay be time to switch09:42
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wolsGosty: unlikely that there is php5 for apache 1.309:43
LjLjavaJake: well, hopefully the mplayer cache is in RAM and not in the swap09:43
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javaJakeOh, well, swap is being used a lot too09:43
Gostywols: i can't find libapache-mod-php509:43
peace-keeperyeah that's what the world needs.. a system that keeps "noobs" out and where the user is the problem09:43
javaJakeSince I've got oowriter, xterm, gnome-terminal, firefox, and xchat open09:43
javaJakeOn 128 MB RAM09:43
DB42i'll try messsing more09:43
LjLjavaJake: with 128MB, i'm sure it is... i've never really managed to use Ubuntu on 128MB, honestly =)09:43
knixtechDoes anyone have any info on installing open-xchange on ubuntu 6.06?09:43
shut-i get E: Broken Package09:43
javaJakeLjL, Well, it WORKS with plenty of swap!!!09:44
LjLjavaJake: anyway, to dump your RAM, i'd use the command "sudo dd if=/dev/mem of=file-of-your-choice"09:44
gnomefreakknixtech: open-exchange? for evolution?09:44
javaJakeLjL, OK09:44
javaJakeLjL, Don't I want to copy this map file too?09:44
LjLjavaJake: that it "works", i have no doubts. that's it's *usable*, hmmm09:44
knixtechgnomefreak, nah, to set up the server09:44
gnomefreakshut-: give full error on pastebin please09:44
Horriblewoodgrain: can you please look a bit in the private window ?09:44
javaJakeLjL, It is usable09:44
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wolsGosty: look for libapache2-mod-php5. and STOP the stupid yelling09:44
javaJakeAs usable as the desktop!09:44
javaJakeOh, wait... I have 192 MB RAM09:44
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LjLjavaJake: yes, you do, otherwise you'll have a hard time finding the right place... but just use the "cp" command for that one09:44
Gostywols: but i have Apache 1.3 i don't want Apache2 now09:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:45
LjLjavaJake: ah, 192 is starting to be more reasonable. i actually found that around 180MB is the limit of "usability", when i tested it a little with VMWare09:45
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wolsGosty: then you will go without php5. have a good day09:45
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javaJakedd: reading `/dev/mem': Operation not permitted09:45
javaJake2056+0 records in09:45
javaJake2056+0 records out09:45
javaJake1052672 bytes (1.1 MB) copied, 0.151439 seconds, 7.0 MB/s09:45
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LjLjavaJake: uh, did you use sudo?09:46
javaJakeOops, sorry about the flood09:46
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SonicChaoHow do you change the $HOSTNAME ?09:46
javaJakesudo dd if=/dev/mem of=mplayerramdata09:46
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woodgrainHorrible, I didn't get a pvt ... try again.09:46
LjLjavaJake: ok, you're right09:46
SonicChaolike sonicchao@sonicchao-laptop and sonicchao-laptop I want to be something else?09:46
zoredacheSonicChao: update the file /etc/hostname and then  run /etc/init.d/hostname.sh ?09:46
zoredacheoh, and relogin09:46
javaJakeWhat if I just "cat /dev/mem > mem"?09:47
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LjLjavaJake: weird, neither dd, nor cat, nor cp work... but hd does09:47
Gostywols: stupid human behaviour09:47
LjLjavaJake: tried that, operation not permitted09:47
marshallhey guys09:47
javaJakecat works... ?09:47
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Lam_what are all of the general packages do i need in order to compile programs?  (gcc, make, build-essential, etc...)09:47
javaJakeExcept it ruined my terminal09:47
mon^rchhow can i install java in edgy???09:47
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marshallhow do you get "Computer", the trash bin and home folder on your desktop?09:47
javaJakePiping doesn't work09:48
javaJakeBut plain printing does09:48
LjLjavaJake: yes, i've found out that as well09:48
johns^marshall: use the gconf editor09:48
bluefox83marshall, are you using windows?09:48
LjLjavaJake: (in other words, i just scr*wed up my console ;)09:48
Lam_what happens when a program says i don't have a package while configuirng it and when i check apt-get, it tells me i have the latest version09:48
marshallbluefox83, no, ubuntu09:48
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ivaldiLam_: build-essential contains gcc, make, and so on :)09:48
marshalljohns^, ok09:48
bluefox83marshall, then you don't need them09:48
Lam_ivaldi: neat. thanks :)09:48
ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)09:48
erUSUL!icons > marshall09:49
javaJakeLjL, now the song is at position 30%09:49
javaJakeLjL, not that the RAM markers changed... just the song's position09:49
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javaJake(Oh yea, did I mention that? The music is constantly "moving through" the RAM)09:49
ivaldiLam_: np :)09:49
=== shut- is away pm if u need me
javaJakeThis is strange...09:49
LjLjavaJake: wait, how do you know that?09:49
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javaJakeWell, I sorta hypothesised09:50
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LjLjavaJake: oh and by the way, "sudo cat /dev/mem >/dev/dsp" does work. strangely.09:50
javaJakeConsidering that the cache size remains the same, but the music itself goes through the cache like on a conveyer belt09:50
shut-Please be willing to wait we are helping on are free will lol09:50
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javaJakeDare I try?09:50
javaJakeDevice or resource busy09:50
LjLjavaJake: nah... even if you've "just" got 192 megs, it'll take hours to listen through all of it =)09:51
LjLjavaJake: hm? well that's possibly because mplayer is keeping /dev/dsp busy.09:51
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javaJakecp doesn't work09:52
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fildo_cp ?09:52
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marshallerUSUL, thanks09:53
samir85hey, can somebody here help me to install the new alsa drivers in my ubuntu ?09:53
javaJakeLjL, Try this: cat /dev/mem | grep /dev/urandom09:53
javaJakeThat works?09:53
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gnomefreakjava does cat /etc/apt/sources.list work?09:54
LjLjavaJake: uhm, while browsing to find the reason for this, i encountered a newsgroup posting that warns that *reading* (not writing, just reading) from /dev/mem can be dangerous.09:54
javaJakegnomefreak, yes09:54
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gnomefreakor ljl whomever the issue is with09:54
javaJakeLjL, Oh, really09:54
javaJakeLjL, RATS09:54
LjLjavaJake: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.unix.sco.misc/browse_thread/thread/ad3d0828e808a32c/3159236f1b613140?lnk=st&q=%22dd+if%3D%2Fdev%2Fmem%22&rnum=7#3159236f1b61314009:54
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Lam_one of the programs requires that i have wireless-tools >= 28pre9, and ubuntu installed wireless-tools 27+28pre13.  is there a way to override or fix the error because my program won't compile unless it detects said version09:55
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marnanelSo I found out I had a page about me in Launchpad already. If I register, do I get to write stuff there?09:55
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Lam_i'm assuming it read the 27 first before realizing that it meets requirements09:55
LjLjavaJake: about the grep /dev/urandom thing, what would that do? as far as i can read, it would just search for the *string* "/dev/urandom" inside of the contents of /dev/mem...09:55
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javaJakeYea... but all the same, I thought it was interesting it read it09:56
LjLjavaJake: and it still doesn't work anyway)09:56
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javaJakeThat post does mention a way to safely copy...09:56
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samir85hey, can somebody here help me to install the new alsa drivers in my ubuntu ? (please its very urgent)09:56
LjLjavaJake: i didn't read the whole of it... but anyway it seems to say you have to boot your system in a specific way?09:57
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javaJakeI guess09:57
javaJakeWell, next time I'll tell mplayer to save to a file09:57
LjLjavaJake: (and i don't think it's talking about Linux, but another Unix)09:57
javaJakeJust wish there was a simple silly little alsa special file that I could pipe the current audio to a file09:58
javaJakeIt seems simple enough...09:58
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morryeHow do you install java and all its libraries on ubuntu?09:59
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dependencies - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
morryeI have the compiler09:59
javaJakeLOL, you must get this Java question a bunch of times. :D09:59
morryebut it doesn't have all the libraries, such as swing09:59
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KyralI dispise Java10:00
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lipeukHi guys! I'm with a laptop and I've just installed ubuntu on it. When I start it, nothing has came up so far. Just this msg... Mounting root file system. I have got a sata hard driver.10:00
javaJakemorrye, I have it installed on my system using sun-java package in the multiverse repositories10:00
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javaJakeIt works like a dream... after you run update-alternatives --config java10:00
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KyralDon't use Java, use Ruby :P10:01
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javaJakeKyral, why!?10:01
morryejavaJake: What option do I use?10:01
KyralAnything Java does, Ruby does better10:01
morryeKyral: Don't be stupid.10:01
javaJakemorrye, what do you mean?10:02
morryejavaJake: It comes up with 3 options after running that command.10:02
KyralRuby is so flexible10:02
morryeKyral: I wouldn't use ruby if it was the only language10:02
javaJakemorrye, use the option that has "sun" in it10:02
CelesteCan it slow down my system *anyhow* when I install the "kubuntu-desktop" on  "Ubuntu" or  the  "ubuntu-desktop" on "kubuntu" ?10:02
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javaJakeKyral, how?10:02
CelesteSombody told me it could10:02
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Celestethats why I ask10:02
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KyralIts like the best of Java combined with the best of Perl combined with the best of Python combined with the best of Shell Scripting...10:02
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gnomefreakKyral: and javaJake dont go there if you want to talk about what one is better join #ubuntu-offtopic10:03
javaJakeKyral, ah, I see... another one of them Java variants. Ick.10:03
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KyraljavaJake: hehe its more Perl + OO :P10:03
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javaJakeKyral, your version may be better, I admit, but this version is more universal, and I know this one will work on nearly every computer10:03
morryejavaJake: Thats just messed up the compiler, did you use a guide on how to install?10:03
gandalfcomehow do I mount a ntfs drive (for example) that is readable from a normal user account as well? thanks in advance10:03
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kfm82hi all. i want to setup dual head graphics on my ubuntu 6.06 tls i386 pentium 4 notebook using nvida geforce go 440 gfx.... do i first apt-get xinerama?10:03
=== Kyral shuts up now
morryeKyral: Good :)10:04
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Myxoalright, can someone here help me since no one in the kubuntu channel will? I need to get my wireless card working on my laptop, I have the drivers installed using ndiswrapper and it seemed to work the other day (i could see networks in the area using iwlist), but now iwconfig doesn't even recognize any wireless devices.10:04
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KyralDoesn't mean I like Java :P10:04
morryeKyral: Can you program non-computer applications in Ruby?10:04
gnomefreakguys its offtopic10:05
morryeKyral: lifts10:05
Hans-MartinMyxo: what kind of card is it (manufacturer, model?)10:05
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HooveyyAh, it's an op! /me runs10:05
KyralI get it *shuts up*10:05
MyxoLinksys wpc54g v.310:05
CitizinI just followed a guide to enable my video card over my onboard intel, well, it only shows one screen resolution, anyone know how to fix this?10:05
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lipeukHi guys! I'm with a laptop and I've just installed ubuntu on it. When I start it, nothing has came up so far. Just this msg... Mounting root file system. I have got a sata hard driver.10:05
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morryeHow do you install the latest version of sun java on ubuntu?10:06
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d2812Hi. When I type the following command "sudo cd keys/" I get the error message "sudo: cd: command not found". Any ideas whats happening?10:06
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Henry_Beanhi, somebody could tell me how to set a module option to alsa?10:06
Citizinsudo: isn't a comment10:06
Citizintry "sudo" instead10:06
Citizinwithout the :10:06
=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3763P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakmorrye: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin   it will grab -bin and -jre10:06
CitizinCan anyone help me with my screen resolution problem?10:06
Lam_one of the programs requires that i have wireless-tools >= 28pre9, and ubuntu installed wireless-tools 27+28pre13.  is there a way to override or fix the error because my program won't compile unless it detects said version10:06
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Citizin!ask screen resolution10:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask screen resolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:07
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:07
Citizin!screen resolutions10:07
ubotuscreen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.2-4.1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 566 kB, installed size 976 kB10:07
twopoint0when i use nautilus to try and move files to /usr/share/xmms/skins it tells me i dont have permission, how can i extract the files I want, to that directory, with sudo10:07
d2812Citizin : I'm typing "sudo cd keys/"10:07
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Henry_Bean!ask module10:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask module - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:07
ubotuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about module - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:07
=== Caplain [n=matt@53.detroit-11-13rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks10:07
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:07
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ubotubitchx: Advanced Internet Relay Chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-4 (dapper), package size 1467 kB, installed size 6476 kB10:08
morryegnomefreak: I already have the latest version installed, but it doesn't come with all the libraries, I am assuming swing is used in the java linux enviroment.10:08
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gnomefreakguys stop playing with the bot10:08
Hans-MartinMyxo: have you set up ndiswrapper to do its thing on reboot?10:08
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gnomefreakmorrye: swing might be in the jdk package10:08
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morryegnomefreak: How would I aquire this? (very new to linux)10:08
LinAsHd2812, same here, type sudo su if you need to be root or just cd if you have rights10:08
gnomefreakmorrye: package is called sun-java5-jdk10:09
Hans-MartinMyxo: and what does iwconfig say? does it show the interface?10:09
gnomefreak!java > morrye10:09
ladydoord2812: or use sudo -i10:09
CitizinCan anyone help me add more screen resolutions to my nvidia card?10:09
Myxoyeah, I did "echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules"10:09
Citizinxorg.conf is still showing for the name my old onboard intel10:09
Citizinbut my nvidia is enabled right now10:09
gnomefreak!fixres > Citizin10:09
morryegnomefreak: Thanks for your help!10:09
d2812LinAsH: Any ideas why sudo doesnt like cd?10:09
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:09
Myxoiwconfig just shows says no wireless interface is present and has an ethernet interface.10:09
gnomefreakCitizin: read yoru pm10:09
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Citizingnomefreak, last time I wen't through this it messed up my xorg.conf and I was forced to reinstall ubuntu, but sense im on a fresh install I guess that don't matter this time.10:10
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LinAsHd2812, it's a shell integrated command10:10
ladydoord2812: because in most cases a simple "cd" should suffice (with a few exceptions) and so i think that's why it didn't get put in sudo's $PATH. or something.10:11
LinAsH(not a program in /bin)10:11
ladydoord2812: actually, what LinAsH said.10:11
Hans-MartinMyxo: sorry about the iwconfig question - didn't realize that you already said that it does not see teh interface.10:11
LjLd2812: why would you want to use sudo to cd anyway? =)10:11
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Myxothat's okay, I'm just happy to get some help with this10:11
Hans-MartinMyxo: so iwconfig probably sees the built-in ethernet interface10:11
ladydoorLjL: some dirs are restricted so that only root may enter them.10:11
LjLladydoor: well, in that case, a "sudo -i" might be reasonable10:11
d2812LjL : cause the directory is owned by root. Any i prefer not chowning them, if I can learn how to make sud work :)10:11
Myxoi got this laptop so I could do programming assignments for school but I can't even get the damn thing to connect to the internet10:12
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ladydoord2812: yeah, go for sudo -i10:12
LjLd2812: use "sudo -i". remember to type "exit" when you're finished10:12
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:12
d2812Any others which dont work with sudo?10:12
Myxoerr, sorry10:12
morryeHow do you search for a list of packages via the terminal?10:12
LjLmorrye: "apt-cache search blah"10:12
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto10:12
ladydoormorrye: apt-cache search foo bar10:13
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Hans-MartinMyxo: have you looked at the output of dmesg? does it say anything about ndiswrapper or your card?10:13
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crwebhow do i fix all my   perl: warning: Setting locale failed.   messages?10:13
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d2812Right, I'm off. Thanks LinAsH, ladydoor and LjL :)10:14
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MyxoOne moment, I'll check that.10:14
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=== DB42 [n=icebreak@l85-130-132-18.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
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DB42ok, i've booted into linux, but now each time i boot, the grub menu doesnt come up, and i need to manually write anything...10:14
DB42what do i need to do ? (i've changed menu.lst)10:15
tim_Hi all, how can I write songs to my ipod with rhytmbox (.9.4.1)? I can see the ipod there and play songs from it, but can't add to it from my library10:15
tim_any ideas?10:15
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TIM90what happend before that did you change any settings ,if so which ones10:15
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LjLDB42: perhaps put back the original copy of menu.lst? ;-)10:15
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DB42original copy ? huh ?10:15
LjLDB42: you said you changed it10:16
DB42i needed to edit it cause of changing the partition table10:16
LjLDB42: changing it in what way? you moved root to another partition?10:16
DB42why else would i change menu.lst10:16
LjLDB42: well, can you pastebin a copy of menu.lst?10:16
DB42do i need to do something ?10:16
ladydoorDB42: when you edit an important file, you NEED to make a backup10:16
TIM90Db42  do what ljl tell you10:16
LjLDB42: how could i know why you would :o)10:16
DB42what backup ? i changed /dev/sda7 to /dev/sda5 and the (hd0,6 to ,5)10:17
MyxoHans-Martin: what would I be looking for exactly in dmesg?10:17
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kitcheDB42: you know backup the menu.lst to let say menu.lst.bak10:17
DB42but i didnt HARM it10:17
DB42forget it10:17
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TIM90but you did change it10:18
LjLDB42: well but, i think Grub expects to find some files in a specific partition (the root partition, usually)... if you by any chance forgot to indicate *that* change, Grub might get confused and not load the menu. just a guess. let's see10:18
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Hans-MartinMyxo: anything with ndiswrapper, first10:18
=== Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host81-156-62-18.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
DB42ok, cool, how do i re-state it10:18
TIM90always back up if you going to do any thing to the file10:18
gansinhoanyone ever dealt with pocket pc's in linux?10:18
DB42i re-installed the kernel, do i need to reinstall grub ?10:18
Hans-MartinMyxo: try "dmesg|fgrep ndiswrapper"10:19
Myxondiswrapper version 1.8 loaded (preempt=yes, smp=no)10:19
LjLDB42: you reinstalled it *on another partition*, i think that is the problem10:19
erUSULDB42: no you shouldn't10:19
DB42what to do ?10:19
DB42i reinstalled it on this partitioj10:19
Paddy_EIREhey gals and guys , does anyone know how difficult it would be to install Photoshop 7 on ubuntu10:19
DB42after modding the menu.lst defaults10:19
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samir85hey, can somebody here help me to install the new alsa drivers in my ubuntu ? (please its very urgent)10:20
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Sprafahay guys10:20
kmaynardPaddy_EIRE: seriously?10:20
kitcheDB42: what did you edit the ubuntu one?10:20
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LjLDB42: well, off hand, i can't see anything too bad in your menu.lst...10:20
DB42i'm sure it's not bad10:20
DB42kitche, yes10:20
DB42i think i need to reinstall grub or so10:20
Sprafacan anyone tell me10:20
Sprafahow to uninstall ubuntu10:20
samir85hey can somebody here PLEASE help me with those damn alsa drivers ?!10:20
TIM90paddy ubuntu has an application that's similar to photo shop10:20
Sprafaas in10:20
gordapprently photoshop works 7 works okay via wine Paddy_EIRE10:20
Sprafai know i can just erase the partitions10:20
kitcheDB42: well grub doesn't need to be reinstalled only lilo does10:21
Sprafabut what about the dual boot10:21
marshalldoes anybody know where to get gdesklets?10:21
gordPaddy_EIRE, have a look at this http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=133610:21
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ladydoormarshall: the repositories10:21
DB42so what is the prob.. why doesnt it say an error or something10:21
marshallthe official site is pathetic10:21
DB42so i can know whats his prob10:21
samir85come on guys talk to me !10:21
gansinhodoes anybody could help me installing a driver to make ubuntu recognize my pocket pc?10:21
kmaynardSprafa: in windows, fdisk /mbr10:21
keith80403Is all the source code for Ubuntu GPL like all of Debian is ?10:21
Lunar_Lampmarshall - sudo aptitude install gdesklets10:21
ladydoormarshall: sudo aptitude install gdesklets gdesklets-data10:21
Paddy_EIREkmaynard: I know of The GIMP but the course I am doing is using photoshop 7 and there is no point in not having my work done for the sake of not yet knowing how to do things in the gimp10:21
wols_Sprafa: just delete the partition and rewrite your boot sector of the harddisk (fixmbr in a XP recovery consly for example)10:21
marshallladydoor, i mean the desklets10:21
LjLDB42: well, to reinstall grub, it's "grub-install /dev/whatever". i'm not sure it's what you need, but perhaps you might try.10:21
Hans-MartinMyxo: nothing more? then it probably did not load the driver. Or did you just cite the first line?10:21
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kmaynardPaddy_EIRE: you may wanna look into crossover office10:21
DB42LjL, : i'll try, thanks10:21
ladydoormarshall: if i recall from my brief stint attempting to use gnome, the desklets came with it10:21
DB42is there any file besides menu.lst that has partition definitions ?10:21
wols_DB42: what with the initrd. do you have one now?10:22
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samir85um, hello ?10:22
marshallladydoor, what do you use?10:22
DB42after adding it i was able to boot10:22
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ladydoormarshall: either gdesklets or gdesklets-data contains them10:22
DB42but grub isnt auto-booting10:22
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Hans-MartinMyxo: on my system (I have a not-so-well working netgear card, plus a good old OriNOCO) it says "ndiswrapper: driver wg311v3 (NETGEAR,02/22/2005, loaded" and some more10:22
TIM90paddy i dont think that posable ,10:22
ladydoormarshall: ratpoison, but that's offtopic. *shrug*10:22
LjLDB42: note that (IIRC!) the "/dev/whatever" is the device, not the partition. so "/dev/sda", and not "/dev/sda5"10:22
=== kmaynard [n=kmaynard@user-24-214-249-208.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
wols_DB42: define "autobooting". does the grub menu come up?10:22
LjLDB42: at least that's if you want it in the MBR10:22
samir85hey can somebody here PLEASE help me with those damn alsa drivers ?!10:22
LjLwols_: no10:22
DB42LjL, nah.. i'm not using it in MBR10:22
DB42wols_, no10:22
DB42i get the prompt10:23
DB42and need to manually write the stuff10:23
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LjLDB42: oh -- well then, stupid question perhaps, but have you set the current root partition to be the active partition, when you switched?10:23
wols_DB42: then your menu.lst is not found or fubar or whatever.10:23
DB42ljl: no, since i use XP bootloader :)10:23
=== kmaynard cringes
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LjLDB42: argh.10:23
DB42wols_, how does it know where to search ? is it written in the boot sector or something ?10:24
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DB42hmm.. it prolly is10:24
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wols_DB42: afaik yes10:24
DB42i'll retry it10:24
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lwizardlhow do I make multipart rars in linux?10:24
DB42btw, anybody got vista installed here?10:24
wols_samir85: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html you REALLY need it. as a hin: never ask to ask10:24
=== knixtech [n=stormcha@c-68-46-42-70.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
kitcheDB42: just so you know linux can't boot from the windows bootloader, unless you do some modifiying of boot.ini10:24
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wols_DB42: offtopic10:24
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DB42kitche, i've been doing it for years, so i know :)10:25
Paddy_EIREQuestion number 2, I love my ubuntu install but i decided to install OpenSuse 10.1 on my second hd and the suse grub/boot loader has replaced my ubuntu one.  Is there a simple way I can re-install the ubuntu grub back with suse as an option in that10:25
LjLDB42: not that it's my business, but why're you doing that? people usually use grub *to* boot windows, not vice versa...10:25
samir85ok thanks, i didnt intent to be rude, its just them for the last 30 minutes the whole channel is ignoring me ;)10:25
erUSULPaddy_EIRE: you can add ubuntu as an otion tu suse's. it sounds easier10:25
samir85and i really need to get my damn sound working ;)10:25
DB42ljl, dont remember, i think it's related to being burnt with grub once when it was on MBR10:26
segfault_Paddy_EIRE,  read man grub-install, then u have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to add suse10:26
gansinhowhere I configure ubuntu bluetooth options?10:26
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DB42and the current setup works pretty good to me10:26
Paddy_EIREerUSUL: its in suses although i dont like it10:26
=== Sergemine [i=Sergemin@162-41-207-82.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #ubuntu
wols_samir85: because you never asked a meaningful question or stated a problem. read the url I gave you10:26
Paddy_EIREsegfault_: k10:26
=== erUSUL has fat thumbs
TIM90sair85 what your sound card10:26
=== eyS_c0ld [n=oog@c-71-199-105-198.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sergemineis it the channel for Dapper. Hallo10:26
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LjLyes Sergemine10:27
=== rysiek|pl [n=rysiek@213-238-67-65.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu
SergemineGuys, here's a damn question. Sorry googled a lot, still didn't find an answer. Almost every time I try to install a good piece of software from www.getdeb.net or other place it keep saying: need libpango1.0-0 (>=1.12.3) but 1.12.2-0ubuntu3 is installed! I disparately need this  1.12.3! What's the trick? It is not there in @ packages.ubuntu.com . and the one from packages.debian.org doesn't get installed either! Someone help me pls!10:27
erUSULSergemine: yes it is (see /topic)10:27
LjLSergemine: that's because .debs made for Debian are not necessarily compatible with Ubuntu10:27
Sergeminei'l fix it10:27
erUSULSergemine: which is the software you tr to install?10:28
SergemineGuys, here's a damn question. Sorry googled a lot, still didn't find an answer.10:28
SergemineAlmost every time I try to install a good piece of software from www.getdeb.net or other place it keep saying: need libpango1.0-0 (>=1.12.3) but 1.12.2-0ubuntu3 is installed!10:28
wols_Sergemine: look in edgy, make a backport10:28
eyS_c0lddapper default install, on a laptop... installed totem-xine and xine-ui however when running totem to play Xvid states its not supported.. found a few things on google with people having the same problem but no solutions presented... cananyone point me in the right direction?10:28
SergemineI disparately need this  1.12.3! What's the trick? It is not there in @ packages.ubuntu.com .10:28
erUSUL!repeat > Sergemine10:28
segfault_Sergemine, u could try an edgy packge for that but will likely require other dependencies10:28
Sergemineand the one from packages.debian.org doesn't get installed either! Someone help me pls!10:28
samir85yeah i know how to ask questions. Here's my issue: My microphone isnt working (intel-hda ich7 familiy soundcard). Thus i tried to manually compile the new alsa-drivers 1.0.13rc3, but when i type  cat /proc/asound/version i still get alsa version 1.0.10 @ wols_10:28
BazzieyS_c0ld: enable universe+mutliverse repositories and then install gstreamer-plugins or libxine-extracodecs10:28
morryeIs there a editor on linux which you can edit language color coding?10:29
LjLSergemine, you're trying to install software that requires newer version of stuff than the one that's in Ubuntu. you simply can't do that, unless you use Edgy as you've been told (but note that Edgy is unstable and might/will break)10:29
ArrickWhat is the name for installing the irrsi client?10:29
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kmaynardmorrye: gvim10:29
Sergemineedgy one would be a loot10:29
=== MrNaz [n=naz@203-214-73-94.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gvim - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:29
samir85hopefully i described my issue this time precicly enough ;)10:29
eyS_c0ldBazzi what file do i change to enables those repos?10:29
LjLSergemine: you need packages from the Ubuntu repositories, not from the Debian repositories10:29
Sergeminebut everybody seems to have it10:29
morryekmaynard: Thanks10:29
erUSULSergemine: which is the software you try to install?10:29
Sergemineall new packages come with this dependancy10:30
segfault_samir85, alsa drivers are in the kernel, ull need to replace the kernel module with ur new compiled driver10:30
kmaynardmorrye: actually either vim-gnome or vim-gtk10:30
BazzieyS_c0ld: /etc/apt/sources.list universe is already there but commented out, and add multiverse to that then10:30
kmaynardmorrye: vim-gnome10:30
DB42tnx later10:30
TIM90try turning all the volumes up that what i found was the mian problem on my soud card (all the volumes mic every thing )10:30
ubotuvim-gnome: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GNOME2 GUI. In component main, is extra. Version 1:6.4-006+2ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 695 kB, installed size 1444 kB10:30
ubotuvim-gtk: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:6.4-006+2ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 694 kB, installed size 1440 kB10:30
wols_samir85: unload the 1.0.10 manually, and insmod the new ones manually. if they load, then overwrite the old files for 1.0.10 in /lib/modules/10:30
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LjLSergemine, "all" packages don't, because many packages don't even require that libpango. but anyway, you really need to use Ubuntu-specific packages for most purposes.10:30
ubotuirssi is a command line interface IRC client ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out )10:30
Sergemineand lots others10:30
samir85yeah actually i followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto to accomplish that10:31
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Arrickok i got that, how do i start irssi?10:31
Sergeminedoes anyone use the 6.06.1 version ?10:31
gansinhoguys, I really need some help, I use my pocket pc for work, and I need it synching with my ubuntu, I couldn't follow the how to in the forum because ubuntu does not have the driver for it... it is recognized but does not have the driver. ...10:31
wols_Arrick: "irrsi"10:31
kmaynardmorrye: i think the gnome text editor does highlighting too...might wanna check10:31
segfault_Sergemine, other thing u could do is get the src for the pkgs u want and compile them for ur system and the version of software u have10:31
eyS_c0ldbazzi i already added universe... there is no line for multiverse... where can i find the repo?10:31
erUSULSergemine: as LjL said if you want edge software you have to try unstable distributions10:31
wols_gansinho: then get a driver10:31
Sergeminewhat is the libpango1.0-0 version there >=1.12.3?10:31
BazzieyS_c0ld: just append a space and the word multiverse :-)10:32
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Arrickwols_, how do I join the freenode server in irssi?10:32
LjLSergemine: it's a Gnome-related library. the version that's currently in Dapper is too old for those packages.10:32
gansinhowols_:  yes, I'm stucked at this point =)10:32
Doctadoes anyone know how to install something into ubuntu10:32
eyS_c0ldbazzi thats too simple :-P10:32
LjL!tell docta about packages10:32
kmaynardlike what10:32
YaakovArrick: You might want to install a couple of scripts for irssi, wlstat.pl and trackbar.pl  (There is a #irssi, and they are helpful).10:32
segfault_Docta, apt-get install something10:32
samir85i tell you what i did. 1. download the new alsa-drivers & untar them 2. ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel 3. make 4. sudo make install 5. modprobe snd-hda-intel10:32
morryekmaynard: It does but I want to edit what strings are highlighted, does gvim give you the option to do this?10:32
erUSUL!synaptic > Docta10:32
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Dr_willisDocta,  thje add/remove program item in the menus too hard eh? :P10:32
samir85did i forget something ?10:32
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erUSULDocta: check the ubotu pm10:32
kmaynardmorrye: worth a shot...10:32
Sergeminebut why developers keep producing packages for that version?10:32
necronz 10:32
Sergemineall those are aimed to Dapper10:33
Doctawell there have rar for linux and when i fisished unziping it it made a folder with nothing to run10:33
ArrickYaakov, I have the xchat at home, however i am remot logging in so I can chat from school10:33
LjLSergemine: are you sure they are? i didn't even know about that site, but it seems it contains "experimental" stuff to me10:33
eyS_c0ldbazzi dont i need to refresh my repos after that? how do i do that?10:33
gansinhowols_: I need to know first, if there is a driver to dell axim or if I need to install a ipaq driver10:33
ladydoorDocta: i should hope *someone* does...otherwise, how did any get here???10:33
Sergemineat least that's what the getdeb.net is suggesting10:33
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YaakovArrick: I use irssi + screen and I am very happy with it.10:33
wols_gansinho: since you didn't even think it necessary WHICH PDA you have, how could anyone help you?10:33
LjLSergemine: where does it say they're for Dapper?10:33
BazzieyS_c0ld: sudo aptitude update in console is one way10:33
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wols_gansinho: since I have neither device, how should I know?10:33
Dr_willisDocta,  how about start at the begining.. what are you trying to install for linux that comes in a .rar file anyway>?10:33
gansinhowols_: I know my pda brand10:34
TIM90turned the sound up yet ?10:34
ubotupocketpc-gcc: The GNU C compiler for Pocket PC. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.2-2 (dapper), package size 3144 kB, installed size 14400 kB10:34
LjLSergemine: oh, right, it does say that.10:34
BazzieyS_c0ld: and then sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs10:34
wols_gansinho: but WE don't so we can't tell you anything duh!10:34
SergemineUbuntu 6.06 (i386):  pcmanf10:34
segfault_samir85, not sure where make install installs those ull have to read and find out, if they are put int he right /lib/modules dir then u prolly have to modprobe -r ur existing modules then modprobe the new modules, use lsmod to make sure they get removed10:34
eyS_c0ldBazzi that works i know i did it from commandline to update before10:34
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wols_gansinho: and it's never the brand or mdel with linux. it's always what chipset it uses10:34
kamuiwhere can I get some information on using the pocketpc-gcc compiler?  I don't even know how to invoke it10:34
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LjLSergemine: uh... that "mesk" package installs fine for me!10:34
Doctatheres no install file10:34
Dr_williskamui,  tried google yet? :P10:34
gansinhowols_: I'm not complaining about that, I was just trying to find someone who could help me10:34
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LjLSergemine: well, it doesn't actually *run*, but it installs10:35
ladydoorkamui: man pocketpc-gcc10:35
Dr_willisDocta,  'what is it' you are trying to install.10:35
kamuiDr_willis: yes, its only bringing up debian package info10:35
segfault_Docta, the untarred dir is the prog put the dir where u want and run the executable file in it to runt he prog10:35
ladydoorkamui: to read the manual.10:35
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Paddy_EIREwhy can i not eject a cd all of a sudden10:35
Sergeminethat's what i'm saying10:35
wols_gansinho: considering you don't give out info, I doubt you will ever find anyone who will be able to10:35
kamuiladydoor:  doesn't do anything10:35
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gansinhowols_: I know this is not a helpdesk =)10:35
Sergemineis something wrong with my default install?10:35
kamuiladydoor: there is no man page10:35
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ladydoorkamui: info pocketpc-gcc? wait, you have installed it already, right?10:35
LjLSergemine: and i also have libpango version 1.12.2, not 1.12.3... weird10:35
Arrickhey Yaakov this still doesnt help me with getting the server connected to my irssi screen10:35
morryeWhen trying to install something through the terminal I get the error: "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" does anyone know what this means?10:36
kamuiladydoor: yea, I apt grabbed it10:36
eyS_c0ldbazzi thank you!10:36
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Sergeminei feel real stupid now10:36
wols_gansinho: it is a helpdesk of sorts. but you must give the people some pertinent info about your problem before anyone can help you. And you STiLL haven't done that... YOu really don#t want help10:36
segfault_morrye, sounds like an error in the pkg chk for bugs filed10:36
ladydoorkamui: well...in that case, google is your friend10:36
gansinhowols_:  the point is, there is few info about this... so I just came here trying to find someone that had the same issue10:36
Sergeminebut thank you10:36
morryesegfault: How do I do that?10:36
Sergemineit was precious info10:36
Doctaim a n00b to this i got linux yesterday so what does linux use instead of .exe10:36
gansinhowols_: ok I'll be back later then...10:36
=== lamego [n=lamego@a83-132-143-177.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
SergemineLjL, thank you very much10:37
wols_gansinho: this is a big channel but how likely is it that out of only a 1000 people anoyne has a axim. which you still didn't tell which. good day10:37
ladydoorDocta: file extensions are optional in linux10:37
morryesegfault: It the says "Errors were encountered while processing: emacs21 cedet-common eieio speedbar"10:37
LjLSergemine: i don't know though, it's strange that it complains about libpango, while it installs fine here10:37
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kamuiladydoor: Ive tried all of this, the first 2 pages of links are all only debian package info related, nothing relating to use.  There aren't any pages about how to use it.  There must be a better search query, but I've tried pocketpc-gcc, linux pocketpc development, pocketpc-gcc howto pocketpc-gcc faq...10:37
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segfault_morrye, try installing them one at a time to find whcih is causing issue10:38
ladydoorDocta: you can recognize a binary package by a) its large size and b) its having execute permission (seen with ls -l--it's the "x"), and c) the distinctive green color of the filename.10:38
LjLSergemine: uhm, actually, the package *does* say in the dependencies that it needs libpango 1.12.3 ---- still, it installed fine with my 1.12.2 *puzzled*10:38
segfault_morrye, check for/report bugs here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs10:38
SergemineLjL I should probably install all the updates10:38
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Dr_willisDocta,  you may want to spend some time reading a few linux introduction guides/sites. -10:38
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LjLSergemine: try that... my guess is that those packages are simply a bit broken, though10:39
kitchekamui: so man pocketpc-gcc doesn't show anything on your system, and it's not the internet search but do it in your terminal10:39
ladydoorkamui: try pocketpc-gcc manual or pocketpc-gcc sourceforge10:39
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YaakovArrick: screen -U -S <Screen Session Name (e.g.: irssi)> irssi -h <Host to Bind (If needed)> -n <Your Nick>10:39
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YaakovArrick: Then, in irssi, /server <server-name>10:39
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LjLwhere the heck did this getdeb.net site come from anyway?10:40
ladydoorYaakov: of course, you could just put an option to start irssi in your .screenrc and setup default servers to connect to in irssi...10:40
kamuikitche: there is no man/info page for any of the pocketpc-gcc related packages.  I checked the /usr/share/doc/ pages, their only copywrite info10:40
YaakovArrick: Then, you can CTRL-A, CTRL-D to detach, and screen -x <session name> to reconnect (even multiple times)10:40
Sergemineok LjL thank you again. I will leave now.10:40
Yaakovladydoor: Yes, mostly this is a "get him started" dump.  I think he needs to learn more.10:40
ladydoorYaakov: oh, i see. sorry10:41
Yaakovladydoor: I use a shell script to maintain the connection if it drops, and other niceness.10:41
Yaakovladydoor: No, you are right.  BUT, this is OFF-TOPIC!10:41
=== Yaakov shuts up.
lipeukHi guys! I'm with a laptop and I've just installed ubuntu on it. When I start it, nothing has came up so far. Just this msg... Mounting root file system. I have got a sata hard driver.10:41
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Doctaahh ladydoor what was i to do to make .exe opition10:41
kamuiladydoor: nothing.  :(  is there just no documentation on pocketpc linux development?10:41
kitcheanyways kamui: it's man gcc or man g++ pocketpc-gcc just means that it's made for a pocketpc10:42
Dr_willisa laptop with a sata drive? aint that fancy10:42
ladydoorDocta: what do you mean by that?10:42
=== citizin [n=citizin@c-69-136-213-254.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
TIM90docto its not like windows10:42
lipeukDr_willis: hehe why?10:42
Doctai believe you said .exe were opition in linux10:42
kitcheDocta: .exe doesn't work on linux10:42
segfault_Docta, no exe in linux to make a file executable chmod+x filename10:42
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Dr_willislipeuk, i aint seen none of those yet. :P10:43
ladydoorkamui: i don't use it, so i don't know. sorry. it has to be related to gcc, though, so you may check out gnu's webpage10:43
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kitcheDocta: but there is wine which you can use .exe10:43
citizinI just got done following this guide that someone recommended to me in here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-75df3115f23359f3f48acd9be932d59109b982af10:43
=== alej82 [n=alej82@249.Red-83-61-121.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLDocta, files with an ".exe" extention are Windows or MS-DOS files. they don't work at all in Linux, unless with the help of an emulation layer.10:43
citizinwell its not working at all, I tried every step, and Im still stuck in 800x60010:43
ladydoorDocta: no, i said that file extensions are optional. so i can title a text file foo or foo.text. i prefer foo, you may prefer foo.txt.10:43
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wols_citizin: what videocard, what driver?10:43
citizinGeforce FX 5700LE, Nvidia-GLX Driver10:43
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LjLladydoor: "foo.ascii" is more descriptive (or "foo.utf8", as appropriate ;P)10:43
Doctaok then how do i install stuff10:44
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ladydoorLjL: true that--this is why i don't use file extensions. way too confusing :-)10:44
LjLDocta, using Synaptic or apt-get or aptitude or adept (they're all equivalent)10:44
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=== kfm82 just broke his nvidia geforce go 440 64mb generic x server in favor of the binary blob
erUSUL!synaptic > Docta10:44
erUSULDocta: check the ubotu pm10:44
Arrickhey Yaakov are these commands being run locally?10:44
wols_!synaptic > Docta10:44
segfault_Docta, apt-get install stuff10:44
ladydoorDocta: you'll probably like synaptic, as it's graphikal.10:44
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto10:44
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Arrickor are you ssh'd into your box like i am?10:44
erUSULDocta: go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto10:44
jeffrockhi all10:45
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wols_segfault_: don't tell people to use apt when they don't even know how to install. just can't end well :)10:45
kitchekamui: try man gcc since pocketpc-gcc is just a package name the real name of the program is gcc and g++10:45
YaakovArrick: On the machine that you are going to run irssi on.  ssh to that machine, and do it in that shell.10:45
qgwtrfadd/remove.. docta... very easy10:45
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:45
Arrickwhere would the man pages be for irssi, in ubuntu breezy?10:45
lopzideddoes anyone know of a good howto to setup a dual boot sytem with xp and ubuntu, with ubuntu already installed (e.g. adding the xp installation to an ubuntu computer)10:45
wols_Arrick: install screen for irssi over ssh10:45
DasteeZi'm having a problem installing kde on my ubuntu dapper drake install..i get an error saying ' Depends: language-selector-qt but it is not going to be installed' can someone help?10:45
Ackeubu_anyone tried ubuntu on mac mini? not the pentium edition but an older mini.10:45
YaakovArrick: Or, run it on the machine you are on, if that is where irssi should run.10:45
segfault_wols_, aye aye captain10:45
LjLArrick: i don't know, but try "dpkg -L irssi"10:45
ArrickYaakov, those commands you gave me didnt work10:45
Ackeubu_how did it work?10:45
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erUSUL!grub > lopzided10:45
TIM90docta listten to segfault10:46
YaakovArrick: Make it simple.10:46
citizinSo can anyone help me fix this screen resolution problem? I've tried editing my xorg.conf, every bit of it, from refresh rates, syncs, bit depth, none will give me anymore avalible resolutions, even though in xorg there under 24bitdepth is screen resolutions other than 800x60010:46
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YaakovArrick: irssi -c <server> -n <nick>10:46
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kamuikitche: gcc and g++ are the gnu c and c++ compilers.  the man pages for those don't contain any specific information about the pocketpc arm toolchains10:46
LjLwols_: uh, but APT *is* the way to install stuff, on here... am i missing something?10:46
AscSometimes when I boot kernel 2.6.18, I get an error "ide0: rexource 0x3F6-0x3F6 not free \n hda: ERROR, PORTS ALREADY IN USE" and the boot stops.  I need to know why this happens and/or what it means.10:46
YaakovArrick: If that doesn't work, you are lost.10:46
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wols_LjL: yes. for someone like Docta it's too complicated. They like shiny graphical things like synaptic10:47
YaakovArrick: If it doesn't, explain what actually happens.10:47
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zaggynlHow is the support for Intel software?10:47
wols_LjL: synpaitc as a gui presents choices. a commandline you have to know what to type. and DOcta doesn't know10:47
LjLwols_: uh, i think you're thinking of apt-get. but APT is not apt-get. apt-get is just a *frontend* to APT, just like Synaptic. APT itself is just the packaging/installation system10:47
TIM90Dockta are you sorted yet10:47
Arrickok Yaakov now its working10:47
citizinCan anyone at all help me.....10:47
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LjLwols_: synaptic, apt-get, adept, aptitude etc all rely on APT10:47
KyralLjL: for all intents and purposes APT = Aptget10:48
wols_LjL: and apt is not APT either...10:48
qgwtrfLjt apt is a front end dpkg is the format10:48
LjLKyral: if you say so...10:48
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wols_qgwtrf: no. deb is the format if anything10:48
qgwtrftrue dpkg is the back end...my bad10:48
LjLwols_: yeah, and ubuntu is not Ubuntu. except people use lowercase all the time on irc -- err i mean, IRC :)10:48
wols_LjL:  the short form of "apt" is often used when one means apt-get actually10:48
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LjLwols_: bah... wrongly so, then.10:48
Yaakovladydoor: By the way, good evening.10:48
zaggynlHow is the support for Intel hardware in Ubuntu linux?10:48
LjLwols_: *i* don't use it, and never would.10:49
KyralLjL: Why are you making a fight out of nothing?10:49
wols_LjL: on Linux, cas is kinda important. especially on command names. you surely know that?10:49
Citizincan someone please help me with my question... I really dont like 800x600 -_-10:49
KyralLjL: Or are you just an ass :P10:49
ladydoorYaakov: good evening!10:49
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:49
=== Krhis [n=Krhis@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu
wols_LjL: be proud of it then10:49
LjLKyral: sorry?10:49
CitizinI already did that10:49
Citizinif you read what I typed, I did the Fixres article10:49
Citizinall of it, and it didn't effect anything10:49
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Arrickhow do I register an altenate Nick on here?10:49
kitchekamui: I know what those are but pocketpc-gcc should be installed on a pocketpc, or set up in a way where it doesn't touch gcc and g++ since pocketpc-gcc executabels are called gcc and g++ also it's just a port of gcc and g++10:49
segfault_zaggynl, not knowing what specific hardware u are referring to makes it impossible to help u, but i use it success on p4s and core duos10:49
KyralLjL: I basically heard from you "I call it that so its right"10:49
CitizinIm still stuck in 800x600 @ 6010:49
LjLKyral: well, don't *call* me an "ass" please.10:49
jbudpkg: operation requires read/write access to dpkg status area -- what does this mean? i'm trying to install a .deb file10:49
wols_kitche: the word you looked for is "anal retentive". sometimes obssessive compulsive. not just "an ass"10:49
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:49
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segfault_jbu, use sudo10:50
KyralLjL: I call'em as I see'em :P10:50
kitchekamui: well you can try this arm-linux-gcc10:50
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erUSUL!fixres > Citizin10:50
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kitchekamui: think that is the name of the pocketpc-gcc executable10:50
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Citizinstop sending me that10:50
CitizinI already read it, the whole thing10:50
LjLKyral, fine, except it seems that *you* want to pick up a fight. *I* didn't call anyone names.10:50
Citizinand it does nothing for me10:50
Unix_n_Coffeegood afternoon people :)10:51
YaakovI have been doing a bunch of ARM Linux with a debian-derived distro.  It's fun.10:51
Unix_n_Coffeehow do i mount a ISO :|10:51
ladydoorLjL: Kyral can you take this to a private message?10:51
KyralLjL: *shrug* It DID defuse the arguement :P10:51
Citizinit dosn't fix my resoltuion, I've tried editing everything in the xorg file, even autodetection fails10:51
=== DanielX [n=DanielX@Toronto-HSE-ppp3724881.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_Coffeewhats the command?10:51
segfault_Unix_n_Coffee, man mount can tell u10:51
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DanielXHi everyone10:51
zaggynlokay thanks segfault_10:51
KyralUnix_n_Coffee: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/isomountpoint10:51
wols_Citizin: you _could_ manually edit...10:51
CitizinIf anyone can help me then please help me, but stop sending me the same link I've already been to which is what 2 people did already10:51
Unix_n_Coffeehow do i unmount?10:51
CitizinI Did manually edit10:51
ziro01don't know10:51
Citizinif anyone has been reading what I typed10:51
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KyralUnix_n_Coffee: sudo umount /path/to/isomountpoint10:51
segfault_zaggynl, np10:51
CitizinI manually edited xorg.conf more than once, the depth, the resolutions10:51
YaakovUnix_n_Coffee: umount /mount/point10:51
zaggynlI actually mean Intel hardware in general, not a specific component10:52
kitcheCitizin: did you put in your res infront of the other res?10:52
DanielXI have a kubuntu installed.. how can I access it by ssh ?10:52
KyralYaakov: Mounting to the Loopback requires Root10:52
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Unix_n_Coffeethanks everyone will give i t a try :)10:52
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arrick2how do I add my newly registered name to my cloak?10:52
_tom_DanielX, install openssh server10:52
Citizinkitche, all my resolutions in my xorg.conf are just ordered out in quotes.10:52
KyralUnless you have FUSE and FUSEISO10:52
ladydoorDanielX: you need to install openssh-server10:52
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ladydoorDanielX: and then download puTTY or something10:52
LjLKyral, wols_: at any rate, "APT" is not "apt-get", nor is "apt". and if someone says that "you use apt to install packages on ubuntu", and you interpret that as using apt-get rather than synaptic, you're just plainly wrong. and if you want to call me names because of that, please feel free to stop.10:52
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:53
YaakovKyral: "loop device" and yes, I left out sudo.10:53
DanielXOk, that's what i thought, some ssh server, but it isn't found by Adept10:53
kitcheCitizin: well if they are all commented out no wonder why it doesn't see your res that you put in\10:53
CitizinModes"1280x1024" "1280x960" "1280x768" "1152x864" "1152x768" "1024x768" "800x600"10:53
KyralLjL: It seems like you are forcing your opinion on others. And Frankly Synaptic calls Apt-Get so you DO use Apt-Get when you use Synaptic10:53
CitizinThats what it looks like10:53
Citizinso why aren't any of them but 800x600 showing up?10:53
Kyral(Want proof, the proof is in /var/(run/lock)10:54
kitcheCitizin: well if your trying to change them in gnome or something that acts different then what's in xorg.conf10:54
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DanielXCitizin : I had that problem. Set your bit rate to 16 instead of 2410:54
kitcheCitizin: but what driver are you using by chance10:54
CitizinI did10:54
DanielXin xorg.conf10:54
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andel1i'm trying to install java - i downloaded java binary from java.sun.com and i executed it ....for some reason it stuck after "Checking available disk space...10:54
andel1Checking Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment...10:54
andel1Extracting Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment files...10:54
andel1Deleting temporary files..."10:54
DanielXoh. that fixed my problem10:54
Unix_n_Coffeewait i am confused who can me the iso mount10:55
CitizinI tried setting it to 16, then CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE, and no luck for new resolutions to show up10:55
Unix_n_Coffeesudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/isomountpoint10:55
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KyralUnix_n_Coffee: yes10:55
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Unix_n_Coffeewhere do i enter the the iso file name?10:55
KyralUnix_n_Coffee: replace the "path/to" things with the actual paths10:55
Unix_n_Coffeei see10:55
CitizinKitche, if I take out the quotes in those resolutions, will they show up?10:55
LjLKyral: synaptic doesn't call apt-get.10:55
DanielXCitizin : you make the change then reboot, or reload the server in some way?10:55
Unix_n_Coffeelet me try :\10:56
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zmutteHey, I was wondering if there is anyway to "screen" graphic programs? (like screen textbased program)10:56
KyralUnix_n_Coffee: so /path/to/iso becomes the ISO and /path/to/isomountpoint becomes where you want to mount it10:56
CitizinDanielX, yes.10:56
KyralLjL: Then why does Synaptic block Apt? :P10:56
CitizinI rebooted a couple of times, still nothing.10:56
LjLKyral: because both are using the APT backend. so does adept. so does aptitude.10:56
DanielXhm. and if you set it even lower?10:56
kfm82zmutte, to achieve something similar, i am successfully using Xvnc in OpenBSD10:56
Citizinand I know my monitor can run higher then 800x600, it isn't old at all, and in windows it was running a 1280x1024@6010:56
KyralAPT Backend == Apt-Get10:56
LjLKyral: and aptitude, for instance, definitely does not call apt-get.10:56
gnomefreakboth are using dpkg :)10:56
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LjLKyral: wrong.10:56
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CitizinIf I run ubuntu off the CD in safe gfx mode I can run at 1024x76810:56
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:56
zmuttekfm82: I don't like VNC, more of a X-server - X-client fan.10:56
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kitcheCitizin: you trying to change it in the window manager res manager?10:57
KyralLjL: Yanno, STFU you are fighting on technicalitieds10:57
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DanielXit would be the card settings, not the monitor10:57
kfm82zmutte, guess what Xvnc does10:57
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!10:57
KyralTHAT is why I got pissed at you10:57
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Citizinkitche, I try to change the resolution in SYSTEM>PREFRENCES>SCREEN RESOLUTION10:57
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LjLgnomefreak --- kyral, "STFU" and calling me an ass (especially when i'm right) is not something i'm going to accept anymore.10:57
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kfm82zmutte, try xmx and xmove, but don't be disappointed10:57
wols_LjL: can you tell me why ubotu uses "apt" for the trigger and not apt-get which it describes? strange?10:57
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twopoint0can someone help me getting wine going? i can't find it in the repo10:57
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ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:58
kitcheCitizin: yeah I think that uses it's own configuration file10:58
Citizintwopoint, you need to add there rep to your list10:58
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Citizinkitche, well where do I find that file?10:58
SeveasLjL, and rightfully so10:58
DanielXso, where do i get openssh ?10:58
segfault_twopoint0, its in universe or multiverse10:58
LjLwols_: see above. they're just glued into the same factoid. that doesn't mean a thing.10:58
twopoint0i added it, but when i refresh and search for wine nothing comes up10:58
twopoint0segfault_ i'll check now, thank you10:58
kitcheCitizin: what window manager you using gnome?10:58
wols_LjL: you are an ass. kyral was right10:58
LjLthanks seveas10:58
wols_correction: a dumb ass. HADN10:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about langauge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:58
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zmuttekfm82: alright, xmx looks interesting for me for another cause :D10:59
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:59
zmuttekfm82: thanks10:59
Citizinyes gnome10:59
LjLwols_: ok, i'm done with you both.10:59
segfault_twopoint0, u have to apt-get update after adding new repositories10:59
Aspichi all.  quick q - i'm currently reinstalling ubuntu and am going to upgrade the kernel in order to use the native bcm43xx drivers (which I've done before on an old installation). rather than create a temporary internet creation using the firmware method and networkmanager to get pkgs such as kernel-package, is there a way i can dl them in say xp to my os shared area and read them in in ubuntu?10:59
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Citizinkitche, im running gnome10:59
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segfault_Aspic, u can mount an NTFS partition in ubuntu, best to mount read only10:59
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foureight84what's a good wireless network manager for gnome?11:00
Aspici've got ntfs parts mounted - i was wandering if there was a way i could dl apt-get packages to it and read it from ubuntu.11:00
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager11:00
Unix_n_CoffeeKyral this is so confusing11:00
foureight84haha thanks11:00
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Dr_willisAspic,  you dont want to write to NTFS partitions under linux. its risky11:01
=== NaMcO^ : notte
segfault_Aspic, u can do that from within windows, writing to ntfs under linux is quite experimental11:01
Unix_n_CoffeeKyral if i say i have a 1.iso and its in /home/Desktop/1/1.so how do i mount that?11:01
Unix_n_CoffeeKyral if i say i have a 1.iso and its in /home/Desktop/1/1.iso how do i mount that? *11:01
SeveasUnix_n_Coffee, kyral left11:01
lipeukI installed ubuntu on my laptop and it has sata hard disk which is not recognizing by the system. I load live cd again and i am trying to mount the partition i created and it says special device does not exist but it does! does anyone know how to fix it up?11:01
Unix_n_Coffeehow would i would mount that?11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about loop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
Unix_n_Coffeesomeone know?11:02
Aspici've also got a fat32 partition created for just this occasion :) the sharing between os i know about.  what i was needing help for is where to dl deb/synaptic packages from xp which i can then move across to ubuntu - the moving bit i can do, the dl bit from xp i don't know about11:02
kitcheCitizin: it seems ot be in gconf11:02
Dr_willisUnix_n_Coffee,  using that loopback filesystem feature of mount11:02
foureight84network-manager is ready out of the box with dapper?11:02
Dr_willisa quick google search will show examples.11:02
Citizingconf, do that would be /etc/X11/gconf.org?11:02
Unix_n_CoffeeDR_willis whats the command?11:02
Aspicfoureight - its on the cd. open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome11:02
twopoint0ok, heres what happens.  sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, i open it up and on winehq it tells me to add deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main, but in terminal i see that i get a 404 with that repo11:02
twopoint0so i added deb-src, and nothing shows up in synaptic after i update11:02
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Aspicmake sure you've got the cd in the drive (always catches me out that bit :))11:02
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Unix_n_CoffeeDR_willis mount: can't find /Desktop/1/1.iso/to/isopoint in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:03
TIM90Aspic is he having a network problem ?11:03
CitizinKitche, where would I find the gconf file?11:03
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AspicCitizin - who?11:03
AspicWhy? :P11:03
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bluefox83can anyone recommend an ftpd program with a gui?11:03
Unix_n_Coffeenobody knows?11:03
Dr_willisUnix_n_Coffee,  whats the exact mount command you are using? and THINK about what you are doing..  i am guessing you need to MAKE the /to/isomountpoint (which is an example)11:03
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Citizinit's sad no one knows how to allow more than 1 resolution in ubuntu...11:04
Dr_willisUnix_n_Coffee,  Linux tip #1 - it pays to think. not just follow directions blindly11:04
Unix_n_Coffeesudo mount -o loop /home/Desktop/1/1.iso/to/isopoint11:04
kitcheCitizin: it's in your /home /home/user/.gconf/desktop/gnome/screen/default/O looks for a file called %gconf.xml11:04
bluefox83Citizin, add them to your xorg.conf file11:04
Dr_willisUnix_n_Coffee,  congratulations you got a typo in there.11:04
joeljkpso i need to create a small hand-edited database, nothing special; are there any ms access alternatives for linux?11:04
CitizinBlueFox83, add what? My resolutions, cause I did that.11:04
segfault_twopoint0, wine is in universe or multiverse, u need deb line to install it, a newer version can be found in this repository deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main11:04
Dr_willismount /place/from /place/to11:04
Unix_n_CoffeeDR_willis whats the problem11:04
Aspicthe opensource one (forgotten what its called - but you've got it in the usual install)11:04
CitizinI've done everything on every article anyone has sent me11:04
Aspicopenoffice - sry11:04
Citizinnone has worked yet11:04
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bluefox83ciaron, did you restart X?11:05
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Dr_willisUnix_n_Coffee,  you need to cre4ate the MOUNTpoint first.. and use a correct command. you are missing a space.11:05
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twopoint0but when i dont have -src i get a 404 on the update link11:05
kitcheCitizin: go to the directory that I posted and look for a %gconf.xml11:05
bluefox83Citizin, did you restart X?11:05
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sethkCitizin, there are only two possibilities, really11:05
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sethkCitizin, well, three11:05
sethkCitizin, I'll skip the ones everyone always tells everyone about11:05
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CitizinI've rebooted11:05
sethkCitizin, it may not be properly identifying your monitor, and so it falls back to a default11:05
Citizinim getting sick of this, im about to just use fedora.11:06
segfault_twopoint0, deb-src is to get pkg src deb is to get binaries to install11:06
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sethkCitizin, can you post your X log to the paste web site?11:06
Unix_n_Coffeestill trying11:06
CitizinSethk, the autodetection identified my monitor.11:06
twopoint0ok one sec, let me retry and check if i get an error11:06
sethkCitizin, we'll be able to tell you exactly what's going on.11:06
Dr_willisUnix_n_Coffee,  did you correct your mount command?11:06
CitizinYou tell me where to find my xlog and Ill post it.11:06
sethkCitizin, I have to see the log to know11:06
factotumis there a command to get a list of my executible dirs?11:06
sethkCitizin, ok, one sec11:06
=== synap [n=synap@a80-127-71-226.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
synapHeya howla11:06
factotumor bash paths or whatever11:06
synapubuntu isn't booting any longer after a dist-upgrade11:06
kitcheCitizin: /var/log/X.0.log11:06
Unix_n_CoffeeDr_willis i dont know :|11:06
segfault_Citizin, also u could do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:06
Unix_n_Coffeestill trying11:06
synapI have reinstalled grub through the live cd11:06
sethkCitizin, /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:06
synapand it still ain't booting11:06
synapany suggestions ?11:06
Citizinsegfault, did that as well.11:06
AspicAnyone have any idea where i can dl apt packages from a non-linux os?11:07
Yaakovfactotum: echo $PATH11:07
factotumYaakov: thanks11:07
Dr_willisUnix_n_Coffee,  it would of been worth wile to google and find a few examples that do it :P11:07
segfault_Citizin, thats should allow u to pick the resolutions u want enabled11:07
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sethkCitizin, post the log, talk before that is wasted11:07
Unix_n_Coffeechris@chris-laptop:~/Desktop/1$ sudo mount -o loop /1.iso /to/isopoint11:07
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Unix_n_Coffeei am in the 1 directory with 1.so11:07
Unix_n_Coffeei am in the 1 directory with 1.iso*11:07
twopoint0ok i save that line into my sources.list and after updating it returns, Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/dapper/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found11:07
twopoint0E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:07
twopoint0E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:07
Citizinsethk, where do you want me to post this to? PM?11:08
factotumim gonna be installing Neverwinter nights in a sec, just didnt want to install it to my home dir11:08
Dr_willisUnix_n_Coffee,  and did you MAKE the directory the thing is to be mounting to?11:08
sethkCitizin, !paste11:08
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YaakovUnix_n_Coffee: / in front means from the root directory.11:08
Dr_willis Unix_n_Coffee  you realize that /to/isopoint is just an 'example'11:08
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:08
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hydrohello all11:08
Aspichello hydro11:08
twopoint0thank you citizin11:08
hydrocan someone recommend a good VNC viewer for Ubuntu?11:08
sethkCitizin, you've been messing around with this, and nobody told you to post the log?  :)11:08
segfault_twopoint0, the resource lock issue is u need to use sudo apt-get update11:08
=== Unix_n_Coffee /media/cdrom then a number?
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YaakovUnix_n_Coffee: /to/isopoint needs to be the name of a directory you create to act as mount point.11:08
hydroI tried xvncviewer but it has problems scrolling11:08
Citizinsethk, no one has really helped.11:08
CitizinIts more like i've been ignored.11:09
Dr_willishydro,  theres several of them, kde has one built in, or the vnc4viewer, or tightvncviewer11:09
segfault_segfault_, i dont use amd64 that arch may not be in that repository11:09
sethkCitizin, well, I'm sure they've tried.  let's look at the log.11:09
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twopoint0i am using sudo apt-get update11:09
sethkCitizin, paste the URL here when you have it.11:09
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Citizinpastebin just loads a blank page in firefox11:09
segfault_twopoint0, or u have synaptic open at the same time11:09
hydroDr_willis: thanks ... do you recommend running KDE on Ubuntu instead of the default (is default on Dapper Drake Gnome Desktop?)11:09
Unix_n_Coffeeit hink i got it...11:09
Unix_n_Coffeegold on11:09
Unix_n_Coffeehold on*11:09
sethkCitizin, not for me, I just checked it, and I run firefox.  are you sure it isn't just slow?11:09
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twopoint0that might be it, i just closed synaptic, let me try again11:10
ladydoorhydro: ubuntu=gnome. kubuntu=kde. xubuntu=xfce11:10
Citizin15mb broadband, im pretty sure, I'll try again11:10
sethkCitizin, hm, wait, you are right11:10
Dr_willishydro,  i mixx and match all the desktops.11:10
sethkCitizin, it's broken, damn11:10
ladydoorhydro: and you can always install other window managers (such as fluxbox) on any of those.11:10
sethkCitizin, ok, you can pm me, or paste it to #flood11:10
shwaghow do I set my buffer size in x-chat11:10
Dr_willishydro,  and ive messed with vnc a lot and cant recall any scrolling problems in vncviewer11:10
CitizinIll go to #flood11:10
kitchecitizin: use pastebin.ca or another pastebin site11:10
Unix_n_CoffeeFor many more details, say  man 8 mount .11:10
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:10
twopoint0didnt work after closing synaptic11:10
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hantu'sthere an alternative for xpdf? (thats not gnome/kde specific)11:10
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bluefox83ok..who knows how to use pureftpd?11:11
Dr_willisUnix_n_Coffee,  you need to MAKE the directory it is mounting to.. ie.. mkdir /to/isomount11:11
hydroDr_willis: for some reason, when running xvncviewer, I can scroll right and scroll down, but I can not then scroll back up and scroll left ... its weird.11:11
ladydoorhantu: pdftotext? :-)11:11
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sethktwopoint0, didn't work before closing synaptic either.11:11
hydroladydoor: thanks ... I just got started with Dapper Drake11:11
ladydoorhydro: np.11:11
Dr_willishydro,  never noticed that.  :)11:11
segfault_twopoint0, again amd64 may not be in that repository, im not sure i dont use amd 64, but u should still be able to use wine from universe or multiverse11:11
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TheGateKeepertwopoint0: doesn't look like they have an amd64, try putting this into your browser: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/dapper/main/11:11
ubotuUnless you're Dutch, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:11
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stu_anyone know if there is a package around for kiba-dock ?11:11
Citizinsethk, http://pastebin.ca/18439111:12
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strkwow, crowded here11:12
sethkCitizin, ok, looking11:12
YaakovThere's plenty of room.11:12
twopoint0so can i use binary i386?11:12
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:12
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Unix_n_Coffeenot working11:12
sethkCitizin, it's a mouse problem11:12
hydroDr_willis: looking at Synaptic Package Manager, I don't see vnc4viewer or tightvncviewer (but I do see tightvncserver)11:12
ladydoorstu_: not unless it doesn't have "kiba" in its name for some reason. you can always install from source, though.11:12
=== renatoborghi [n=renato@200-158-75-157.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
CitizinSethk, your kidding right?11:12
Unix_n_Coffeeill just burn the damn cd11:12
segfault_twopoint0, i doubt it but some one more familar with amd64 will have to answer that11:12
hydroDr_willis: and I do have universe settings turned on11:12
sethkCitizin, you using a tablet?11:13
CitizinWhat does my mouse (which is functioning fine) have to do with my screen resolution?11:13
strkpeople keep telling me ubuntu is the way to go, so ... let's see... is full network install possible ? (I've a spare partition I might use to try it out)11:13
CitizinNo, im using a regular desktop.11:13
Unix_n_Coffeethanks anyways guys11:13
twopoint0thanks i'll try their channel11:13
CitizinWireless mouse though11:13
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sethkCitizin, it's looking for a wacom tablet, for some reason.11:13
kitcheCitizin: it says no valid modes for your resolutions11:13
renatoborghiwhat do i do to use subtitle files when i'm watching videos?11:13
sethkCitizin, your modes are all detected as invalid11:13
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Citizininvalid? how are they invalid?11:13
Citizinxconfig detected them itself.11:13
sethkCitizin, that probably means that your vertical refresh is wrong11:13
hantuladydoor: i'll just whck in xpdf, thanks11:14
sethkCitizin, or as I said before the monitor detection is failing.11:14
CitizinI got my vertical refresh from my monitors specs online11:14
ladydoorhantu: there's acroread11:14
sethkCitizin, that's the wrong way to configure11:14
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synapok having the following problem11:14
CitizinHow, I followed the manual a few people gave me.11:14
synapgrub is starting VERY slow11:14
Citizinthe !fixres manual11:14
synapwhere very is minutes and minutes11:14
sethkCitizin, go through dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.  when it gets to the monitor section, choose the _middle_ difficulty level11:14
ladydoorhantu: (the acrobat reader)...it's kind of slow, though11:14
synapit still hasn't started11:14
synapI have this since the last dist-upgrade11:14
Citizinsethk, K hold on11:14
sethkCitizin, there you will select specific resolution/vertical frequency pairs11:14
sethkCitizin, then it will work.11:14
renatoborghii've downloaded a subtitle file for a movie, and i don't know how to play it during the video. can someone help me?11:15
silvertip257hello all, I was wondering if anyone would help me.  I'm new to Ubuntu11:15
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sethkCitizin, you should never do things with monitor specs unless the monitor isn't auto detected, and usually not even then.11:15
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:15
silvertip257all right11:15
morryeDoes anyone know of a good java editor for ubuntu?11:15
silvertip257well I've downloaded, burnt, and installed ubuntu on a drive11:15
silvertip257but it wont let me boot to it11:15
silvertip257it keeps asking for the live CD11:15
Dr_willissilvertip257,  look on the cdrom - what files are on there?11:16
kitchemorrye: eclipse but any text editor will work really11:16
silvertip257umm lemme c11:16
TIM90Give it what it wants11:16
sethksilvertip257, you've removed the CD from the drive, I assume11:16
Dr_willisSiliconViper__,  You are saying it booted partway then? whats asking?11:16
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silvertip257yes i have tried to boot it  w/o the CD11:16
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TIM90What happends11:16
sethksilvertip257, do you get to the grub prompt (the boot loader prompt)?11:16
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CitizinSethk, when it trys to auto-detect my monitor it says its a "FS 760"11:16
morryekitche: i'm looking for a text editor where you can edit the syntax highlighting styles, can you recommend one?11:17
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sethksilvertip257, it looks similar to the boot loader prompt when booting the cd11:17
Yaakovladydoor: Ghostview is an option.11:17
CitizinBUt its actually a FS760011:17
Citizinshould I correct that?11:17
sethkCitizin, that's probably ok.11:17
sethkCitizin, no, not for now, possibly later is easier ways don't work11:17
renatoborghican anyone help me make a .srt subtitle file play in a video file?11:17
ladydoorYaakov: aha, cool.11:17
sethkCitizin, they are probably very similar11:17
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silvertip257sethk I get a screen that says DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT A SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER11:17
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kitchemorrye: vim maybe emacs11:17
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CitizinSethk, I selected Medium11:18
Citizinno im at some screen resolutions and rates11:18
sethkCitizin, good11:18
Yaakovladydoor: I use Ghostview with Windows as well, when I don't want to license Acrobat.11:18
sethkCitizin, do the ones you need have a * on them?11:18
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ladydoorYaakov: good idea! i don't suppose there's a firefox plugin?11:18
sethksilvertip257, the boot loader isn't installed on the hard drive11:18
Dr_willissilvertip257,  thats the PC adsking for a disk with an OS in it.. sounds like you burnt the cd wrong.11:18
python_usergrub wont let me boot into windows xp cd11:18
Citizinsethk, im past that part11:18
shwagis amaroK the bomb? should I install it ?11:18
silvertip257HOW ?11:18
Yaakovladydoor: I haven't even explored that... I don't know.11:18
sethkDr_willis, no, he's trying to boot the hard drive after installing11:18
Citizinbut the ones I needed at that screen had the * On them11:18
simnduuude, Xchat is weary different from regulare mirc;P11:18
silvertip257i got version 6.xx11:18
sethksilvertip257, how what?11:19
sethkCitizin, good.11:19
silvertip257how can i have the wrong iso/cd ?11:19
Citizinsethk, "Choose the best resolution and rate you think your monitor is capable of"11:19
Citizinthats where im at11:19
sethksilvertip257, you don't11:19
python_useri tried changing the default to 7 in the menu.lst file11:19
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sethksilvertip257, he's confused about the question11:19
silvertip257lemme look for  where i go it11:19
ladydoorshwag: it's entirely up to you. read about its features on the interweb. if you like them, go for it.11:19
silvertip257*got it11:19
CitizinSethk, write monitor sync ranges to config file?11:19
sethkCitizin, ok, do it.  as long as the resolutions you need have *, you are ok.  at the end tell it Y to modify the config file11:19
sethkCitizin, yes, write11:19
Aspicanyone know a url where i can dl packages from manually?11:19
bluefox83anyone familiar with pureadmin?11:20
CitizinColor Depth?11:20
python_useralso, grub shows, i think unnecessarily the kernel option, the recovery mode two times11:20
sethkCitizin, then you should be able to start X.  if gdm is still running you'll have to kill it11:20
sethkCitizin, 16/24 is fine11:20
python_userthen the windows xp cd11:20
silvertip257sethk, i got it from this site http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/11:20
sethkCitizin, if it still has problems we'll need to see the log again.11:20
sethksilvertip257, there's nothing wrong with the cd11:20
silvertip257the top one regarding i38611:20
Citizinok, well, im going to restart, brb11:20
silvertip257well then? sethk11:20
sethksilvertip257, during the install, for some reason, the boot loader was not installed to the MBR11:20
ladydoorYaakov: ach well...i would've though older software like gv would have better keyboard support. thanks anyway!11:20
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silvertip257ah i shoulda figured that, but how can i remedy that, sethk ?11:21
sethksilvertip257, if the rest of the install went normally, you'll need to boot the live CD, mount the disk file system, and install the boot loader11:21
Yaakovladydoor: What's the issue?11:21
python_useri went into BIOS and checked if i had set boot to cd- rom as the boot option11:21
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python_userbut that didnt work either11:21
sethksilvertip257, the fedora rescue cd makes it very easy, if you don't mind doing a download.  It's a small download (for a cd, anyway, about 80 meg)11:21
silvertip257how do i install the boot loader now that everything else is on the drive11:21
sethksilvertip257, it's not hard to do with the ubuntu live cd, but you have to know more11:21
silvertip257yeah i've got the fedora CDs11:21
sethksilvertip257, ok, boot their rescue cd, or boot their cd1 and type linux rescue at the prompt11:22
silvertip257can u run me through it  the ubuntu way sethk ?11:22
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sethksilvertip257, do you know how to mount from the command line?11:22
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silvertip257cant say i do (i'm really really new @ linux stuff)11:22
python_userdoes anyone know why grub overides the default boot option and doesnt let me boot into the windows xp cd?11:22
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sethksilvertip257, do it the easy way.  there is nothing wrong with using a rescue cd11:23
ladydoorYaakov: it doesn't seem to have either emacs- or vi-like keybindings, and i didn't see a mention of them in the manual. i'll just stick with xpdf, which at least has j=down, k=up, etc.11:23
sethkpython_user, it doesn't.11:23
silvertip257what sethk?11:23
sethksilvertip257, boot the rescue cd11:23
Yaakovladydoor: Ah... *cough*geek*cough*11:23
python_usersethk, it does, i put the xp cd in11:23
sethksilvertip257, answer all the questions, say no to the question about starting the 'net interface, say continue at the prompt at the end.11:23
voraistos-does anyone know how to compile/install gnash ?11:23
python_userbut grub just loads the ubuntu kernel11:23
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silvertip257sethk what's the reason for no MBR ?11:24
sethkpython_user, no, you are interpreting what is happening, not describing it.11:24
rus1python_user: You need to change your BIOS to boot from the CD11:24
sethksilvertip257, possibly you told it not to install the boot loader on the mbr?11:24
sethksilvertip257, hard to know after the fact.11:24
rus1python_user, or possibly the XP CD is bad.11:24
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python_userrus1, i checked the boot option11:24
silvertip257sethk i've tried reinstalling it like 5 times to get it right11:24
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sethksilvertip257, the o/s, or the boot loader?11:24
python_userit says xp cd is the default boot option11:24
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rus1python_user, grub doesn't do anything 'till you get to hard drive boot.11:24
citizinsethk, No luck11:24
citizinStill the same11:25
ladydoorYaakov: actually, my mouse doesn't work, and so if it doesn't have easily-used keybindings i can't really use it11:25
silvertip257sethk the ubuntu OS11:25
sethksilvertip257, if you've done something twice, and it doesn't work, it won't help to do it 2 more, or 20 more, or 200 more times11:25
Yaakovladydoor: What's wrong with the mouse.11:25
silvertip257i've realized that sethk11:25
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sethksilvertip257, we can fix it, but there isn'11:25
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sethksilvertip257, there isn't really any way to find out what happened.11:25
python_useris there a way to uninstall ubuntu from inside ubuntu?11:25
python_userfrom the mbr?11:25
sethksilvertip257, once you can reboot, you'll be ok.11:25
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Leminohow do I change the java-version I'm running. Would like to switch to sun's version.11:25
silvertip257sethk: oh that's weird11:25
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dapperHey everyone11:26
sethkpython_user, you can replace the mbr with another from within ubuntu, if you have a backup of the one you need.11:26
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CitizinSethk, No luck.11:26
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silvertip257sethk I do not have the fedora rescue cd burnt and it's on the other computer11:26
sethkCitizin, ok, post the log, and also your xorg.conf11:26
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silvertip257sethk can u run me through the way 2 recover it w/ the ubuntu CD ?11:26
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sethksilvertip257, ok, then boot the live cd, mount the root file system that's on the disk, do a chroot to it, then run the grub utility11:26
python_usersethk, how do i do that?11:27
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NN-DMTHey all.11:27
sethkpython_user, what, restore an old MBR?  assuming the old mbr is in a file called old-mbr, you would do:   dd if=old-mbr, of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=111:27
NN-DMTAnyone had luck running compiz/beryl?11:27
denndahi. i recently installed aiglx with beryl but no window borders are drawn any more while using aiglx. how can i fix that?11:27
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:27
ompaulNN-DMT, ^^ go there11:28
python_userthanks sethk11:28
ladydoorYaakov: well, it's a laptop touchpad that *never* really worked so well, even under windows. and before this computer i'd never really used computers a lot, and so i've pretty much exclusively learned (fast) keyboard-friendly ways of doing things, and now i would *not* use a non-ratpoison WM or use a graphical program if there's a commandline alternative. *shrug*11:28
kitcheNN-DMT: ask in #ubuntu-xgl11:28
NN-DMTthanks all, sorry aabout that11:28
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silvertip257sethk how do i mount the root file system :-[11:28
CelesteWill it slow down my system when I install  "ubuntu-desktop" on a "kubuntu" ?11:28
gansinhohello, I'm trying to conect a pocket pc to my pc, and trying to know if it is recognized, following a how to in the forum I tryed to use the command "ls /dev" and watch for any changes between when the device is and isn't connected, but nothing changes here, any idea of what problem it is?11:28
sethksilvertip257, depends on the layout of the partitions on your hard drive.  you can get the layout by doing:   fdisk -l /dev/hda11:29
sethksilvertip257, assuming you are using an IDE drive11:29
silvertip257sethk yes11:29
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Yaakovladydoor: The man pages for gv IMPLY that you can change the bindings... but that may be a compile-time option.11:29
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silvertip257sethk woah i put the cd in & it has booted the GUI already11:29
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vasP_LI just installed beagle, and now when I press the search shortcut nothing comes up. any ideas`11:30
morphiri want to chmod read access to a directory(for all visitors)...however it turns off read access automaticaly after a while...how is this..do I need to cron this command?11:30
ladydoorYaakov: yeah, and me lazy11:30
Yaakovladydoor: Yes, yes you are.  But I like you anyway.11:30
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ladydoorgansinho: try doing dmesg|tail to see if anything got picked up.11:30
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ladydoorYaakov: lol.11:30
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kitchevasP #ubuntu-xgl they can help out more probably11:31
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andyrossOK, I need help.  As it happens, I need to build a kernel.org stock kernel on my amd64 box.  This is pretty straightforward on fedora (the distro's mkinitrd does the right thing) but I'm at a total loss as to how to make it work on Ubuntu.  mkinitramfs doesn't seem to take an argument telling it what kernel to use ... ?11:31
ladydoorgansinho: (look for pocket-pc-related events)11:31
gansinholadydoor: thanks! I'll try11:31
tony_hello . i have this strange problem .11:31
silvertip257sethk:  how do i get to the root file system from booting w/ the cd in & on ?11:31
CitizinSethK, heres my Xorg.Conf file11:31
kitchevasp: wait nevermind read your questoin wrong11:31
vaspkitche, noticed :)11:31
tony_when i install ubuntu on same harddrive with window , ubuntu can not recognize my network controller11:31
sethksilvertip257, do the fdisk command I gave you, and paste the results to the paste web site.  then we can tell you how to mount the root file system.11:32
tony_why is that11:32
sethkCitizin, the log?11:32
renatoborghii've downloaded a subtitle file for a movie, and i don't know how to play it during the video. can someone help me?11:32
renatoborghiit's a .srt11:32
silvertip257sethk:  wait how do i get to where i need to type that?11:32
michoelcHi. I just installed apache2 on my box. I was told that I could use webmin to configure it.. but I can't find where to in webmin.. I don't mind configuring it myself.. but where do I find the configuration file?11:32
andyrossHrm... this room might be too high traffic for folks to notice.  Trying again: anyone ever built a vanilla kernel onto an Ubuntu system and make the initrd work?  How?11:32
silvertip257sethk:  i'm using 2 computers right now11:32
sethksilvertip257, at a command prompt11:32
LinAsHjust name it the same as the movie with .srt11:32
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silvertip257sethk:  the terminal thing right?11:33
vaspI just installed beagle, and now when I press the search shortcut nothing comes up. any ideas? :)11:33
CitizinSethk, wheres the log location again?11:33
=== SaLsIcHa is away: I'm busy
sethksilvertip257, yes, that's one way to get to a command prompt11:33
hantuis there some sort of "script" to use different config file for apt depending on your internet connection?11:33
sethkCitizin, /var/log/X.....11:33
gansinhovasp: using XGL ?11:33
zoredachehow are you building your kernel andyross?  make-kpkg?11:33
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silvertip257sethk:  ok i'm on it11:33
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vaspgansinho, no.11:33
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DB42hi, i'm still having grub issues, what is this:11:33
andyrosszoredache: No.  A vanilla kernel.  Not the package.11:33
DB42grub-install /dev/sda511:33
DB42/dev/sda7: Not found or not a block device.11:33
renatoborghitrying again.... i've downloaded a subtitle file for a movie, and i don't know how to play it during the video. can someone help me?11:33
gansinhovasp: here doesn't work too, but I though it was something related to xgl. .. sorry, can't help you11:34
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hantuhrm, apt-config11:34
=== hantu figures
=== betzi [n=christia@lns-bzn-46-82-253-195-55.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
zoredachemake-kpkg is a debian/ubuntu tool that will take the vanilla source and then build you a .deb package for the kernel and all the scripts the system needs to update the bootloader and generate the initrd images11:34
betzi someone knows a better way to enable suspend to ram, than do noapic irqpoll acpi_irq_balance? Is that a hardware problem?11:34
silvertip257sethk:  nothing displays when i use that command11:34
zoredacheI strongly reccommend you using it for building kernels11:34
vaspgansinho, ok. I believe it might be because I tweaked Ubuntu to be faster.11:34
sethkCitizin, make sure the xorg.conf was rewritten.  check it's date with  ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:34
CitizinSethK, Log file:http://pastebin.ca/18440911:34
=== Sivik [n=kvirc@66-169-181-48.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
andyrossRight, but I don't *want* the package.  I need to write a script to generate the initrd file, and what is there is a frothing mess.  Surely *someone* does kernel development on an Ubuntu box?  Generating package is a big mess11:35
CitizinSethK, it was rewritten11:35
DB42can anybody help ?11:35
morphiri need to chmod read access to a directory on my server, so it sets read access permanantly.. what the chmod command?11:35
DB42getting my ubuntu working again11:35
silvertip257sethk:  i've already run the live CD GUI, that's where i'm using the terminal/command prompt11:35
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gansinholadydoor: there are no pocket pc related events in dmesg|tail11:35
renatoborghihummmm.... can someone at least respond to me? even a no will do... i've downloaded a .srt subtitle file for a movie, and i don't know how to play it during the video. can someone help me?11:36
LinAsHrenatoborghi, just name it the same as the movie with .srt11:36
ladydoorgansinho: is it usb? if so, were there any usb-related events?11:36
silvertip257sethk:  are you there?11:36
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renatoborghiok, LinAsH11:36
LinAsHrenatoborghi, (with mplayer)11:36
renatoborghibut what do i do to play it?11:36
factotumack, to replace the menu icon in gnome, what do you have to rename the file to? I cant remember, system-icon or something?11:36
gansinholadydoor: it  is usb (is a pretty new ppc )11:36
ladydoorrenatoborghi: do lastlog LinAsH 5 to see the *last* time that got said, before getting impatient...11:37
Yaakovrenatoborghi: http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=.srt%20subtitles&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-811:37
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gansinholadydoor: I'll paste in pastebin the result ok?11:37
ladydoorgansinho: kk11:37
factotumi gotta start writing stuff down lol11:37
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sethkCitizin, it isn't identifying your monitor correctly11:38
silvertip257is sethk still in this channel?11:38
Yaakovsethk just spoke11:38
Citizinsethk, so how can I fix that.11:38
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renatoborghiok, thx a lot LinAsH11:38
factotummaybe ill go ask in #gnome11:38
CitizinIt identifys it as a F760 when its a F760011:38
silvertip257ok well sethk is not responding to me anymore11:38
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sethkCitizin, let me look, hold on a minute11:38
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sethksilvertip257, sorry, I'm working at the same time11:38
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silvertip257sethk:  it's ok11:38
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AfiefIn OO.o math, how can i make the expression (%DELTA y) over (%DELTA X) look correctly formated without the ()? (sorry, but the OO.o user support channel didn't answer)11:39
sethksilvertip257, what did fdisk -l do?11:39
silvertip257sethk:  fdisk -l did nothing11:39
LinAsHAfief, with {} instead ?11:39
sethksilvertip257, it can't11:40
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sethksilvertip257, you have to describe what you see, not how you misinterpret it.11:40
silvertip257sethk:  it's weird how i have it set up b/c if i had my drive on w/ my dvd drive the formatting utility wouldnt recog it11:40
gansinholadydoor:  http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/742 (the other pastebin (in english is laggin)11:40
sethkCitizin, go through the dpkg-reconfigure but override the monitor choice, and choose generic monitor11:40
silvertip257sethk:  i dont think that's the prob tho11:40
AfiefLinAsH, thanks that solved it11:40
CitizinWhat do you mean choose Generic Monitor?11:40
CitizinWhere it wants a name?11:40
silvertip257sethk:  ok i typed in fdisk -l /dev/hda11:40
HooveyI wish there was Photoshop CS2 for Linux ;(11:40
sethkCitizin, there will be a choice of generic monitors with various maximum resolutions.  pick the one that fits best11:40
sethksilvertip257, yes, and?11:40
silvertip257sethk:  nothing shows up except the prompt again11:41
DB42can anybody help ?11:41
DB42grub-install /dev/sda511:41
DB42/dev/sda7: Not found or not a block device.11:41
DB42how is sda7 and sda5 related ? :)11:41
Citizinsudo dpkg-reconfigure does nothing11:41
sethksilvertip257, nothing?  are you in front of it at this moment and you are certain that you type return, and get only a prompt?  (which by the way is far from doing nothing)11:41
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ladydoorgansinho: weird. and you say that you'd already checked for a new device in /dev?11:42
LjLDB42: uh, uhm... are you sure there isn't *any* reference to sda7 left in your menu.lst? (i looked and i didn't find one, but just to be sure...)11:42
sethksilvertip257, if that's true, you must not be using an IDE drive11:42
silvertip257sethk:  when i type the command it jumps to another line and prompts me for another command11:42
sethksilvertip257, or you aren't using primary master11:42
mataharii hav a strange error:11:42
=== egon_spengler [n=egon@pool-71-98-92-14.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
silvertip257sethk:   type the command & hit enter11:42
mataharii want to boot from the livecd11:42
DB42by for some reason my / is mounted from /dev/sda7 (while i'm suer it doesnt exist) maybe thats the problem ?11:42
sethksilvertip257, if you are sure it's an IDE drive11:42
sethksilvertip257, then try it for hda, hdb, hdc, and hdd.11:42
mataharibut i always get into "Busybox" and there is only a root shell11:43
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silvertip257sethk:  it's damn well on an ide11:43
silvertip257sethk:  ok i'll try that11:43
mataharii already checked the md5sums, they are okay11:43
gansinholadydoor: I did the commands : ls /dev > /tmp/before  then ls /dev > /tmp/after  then diff /tmp/before /tmp/after11:43
gansinholadydoor:  but nothing shows up =//11:43
sethksilvertip257, the problem you are seeing is common with SATA.  but you said you are sure it's IDE, so one of those should show something, if only an error.11:43
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ladydoorgansinho: ok...i'm really sorry but that's about all i've got. you should perhaps do a search on http://www.ubuntuforums.org for pocket-pc or something...if you can't find anything, posting there will get you some attention :-)11:44
ladydoorgansinho: good luck11:44
=== Docta [n=jamal@CPE0017ee00aa0a-CM0012c9a07072.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
CitizinSethk, Im at "Enter and identifed for your monitor" Should I type "Generic Monitor"?11:44
silvertip257sethk:  none of the other switches do anything, it just gives me another prompt11:44
sethkCitizin, sure, the name doesn't matter11:45
=== Mystilleef_ [n=goldenmy@dhcp-3-200-172.studentaffairs.duke.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Doctaello... um i have problem installing rar for linux can someone help11:45
gansinholadydoor: thanks (for the time you spent/sorry bad english)a lot anyway11:45
sethksilvertip257, you are absolutely certain it is IDE, and not SATA Or SCSI11:45
LinAsHDocta, apt-get install unrar11:45
Doctai unzip the file i downloaded and then theres a folder with no files to run11:46
vaspI just installed beagle, and now when I press the search shortcut nothing comes up. any ideas? :)11:46
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gottreuI have a fresh install of Dapper Drake, what's the best way to start running Eft?11:46
LjLDocta, rar is in the repositories. you don't need to download or unzip anything manually11:46
ladydoorgansinho: your english is fine :-)11:46
LjL!tell Docta about packages11:46
DB42LjL,  ?11:46
sethksilvertip257, do you have an extra IDE controller that allows you to connect more than four IDE devices?11:46
LjLDocta: "sudo apt-get install rar". and enable multiverse if you have it disabled.11:46
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gansinholadydoor: thanks a lot, godbye11:46
silvertip257sethk:  no i cannot connect more than 4 ide devices11:47
crwebhow do i fix all my   perl: warning: Setting locale failed.   messages?  ( sorry if you messaged earlier I have hard time parsing everything)11:47
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Doctawhere do i find sudo apt-get install rar11:47
Flannelgottreu: You can upgrade to it, there might be some outstanding issues, but not that I'm aware of, ask in #ubuntu+111:47
ladydoorDocta: ...you don't find it11:47
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LjLDB42: wait, i'm not getting you... your root partition ("/") is /dev/sda7, but not while user? i don't understand that11:47
sethksilvertip257, are you sure there isn't a hardware problem here?11:47
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LjLDocta: you just have to type that in the shell11:47
gottreuFlannel: another channel..yay!  Thanks. :)11:47
=== gibbyno [n=gibbyno@host7-98-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
DB42i dont have /dev/sda7 yet mount says that / is /dev/sda7 ...11:47
silvertip257sethk:  i'm quite sure11:47
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:47
=== Kostanev [n=kostanev@kostanev.pazardjik.com] has joined #ubuntu
sethksilvertip257, the ubuntu live cd isn't helping.  burn that rescue cd.11:48
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DB42i think i'll update /etc/fstab and reboot, and retry :|11:48
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gibbynoah..ok :D11:48
sethksilvertip257, it does a better job of finding disk hardware.11:48
LjLDB42: uhm, either your partition table is a bit messed up, or... duh11:48
DB42nah, it's fine11:48
netGin there a working dapper-security mirror???11:48
silvertip257sethk:  well i know it's not SCSI for sure11:48
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DB42linux support for changing the partition table is abit totally borked though :)11:48
sethksilvertip257, ok, how about SATA?11:48
YaakovDocta: sudo allows you to act as root temporarily, apt-get is the package manager utility, install is a argument to it to tell it what to do, and rar is the name of the package.11:48
DB42even windows xp handles it better11:48
netGplease help me!!!11:48
LjLDB42: well, myself i've had horrible experiences with touching the partition table and running windows... YMMV11:49
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:49
ladydoornetG: calm down11:49
silvertip257sethk:  I'm not using any SATA drives in anything i work on either11:49
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DB42welp, i'll reboot11:49
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transgress_how can i see all mounted devices?11:49
=== twopoint0 [n=brooks@c-68-60-143-116.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ph8from the command line11:50
Doctaurg i cant find the shell you guys are talking about im a noob i got this OS yesterday11:50
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LjLDocta, you can do everything via a graphical interface if you prefer.11:50
ph8Docta: Applications -> accessories -> terminal11:50
LjL!tell docta about synaptic11:50
ph8or use the gui11:50
twopoint0is there someone available that could help me get codecs set up to play avi/mpg/wmv formats as well as dvds?11:50
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twopoint0i've done a lot of looking, and i can't find what it is i need11:51
ph8twopoint0: Get the package 'w32codecs'11:51
LjLDocta: you need to search for the "rar" package inside synaptic. if it's not there, then you have to enable multiverse. the site the bot gave you has instructions11:51
silvertip257sethk:  i'm using ubuntu's command prompt fyi11:51
ph8avi's can vary in their encoding11:51
chris_I've totally mucked up my wireless drivers - how do I restore my system to the shipped wireless drivers?11:51
sethksilvertip257, ok, try running lspci11:51
LjL!tell twopoint0 about w32codecs11:51
sethksilvertip257, see if it shows IDE interfaces and/or SATA interfaces11:51
silvertip257sethk:  run what lol?11:51
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sethksilvertip257, lspci11:51
sethksilvertip257, means list PCI11:51
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twopoint0but i can't use it if i'm using an amd 64?11:53
silvertip257sethk:   ok well it shows the USB and ethernet11:53
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DB42LjL, yeah that was the problem :)11:53
sethksilvertip257, how about IDE and SATA?11:53
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LjLDB42: that is, bad fstab?11:53
silvertip257sethk:  nothing regarding hard drives11:53
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silvertip257sethk:  what does lspci have to do with IDE ?11:54
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jdh41Hi,m I'm remastering an ubuntu CD for a specific purpose, and need to put some additional files onto the desktop of the liveCD - what and where do I need to change files in the filesystem to do this11:54
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Milk_Does anyone know of a way to control XMMS via CLI and shell scrits?11:54
sethksilvertip257, the IDE interface is connected to the processor via the PCI bus11:54
LinAsHtwopoint0, search for mplayer32 in the forum11:54
ayideni just installed ubuntu 6.06 and for some reason i cannot see anything when i try and access bash shell... cntrl alt f1 blinks and then i see black screen....????11:54
sethksilvertip257, no IDE controller, no disk11:54
jdh41Milk_: man xmms ?11:54
=== citizin [n=citizin@c-69-136-213-254.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorMilk_: you could use a different music player, a command-line one...11:54
sethksilvertip257, reboot your box, run the BIOS setup, and see what disks it shows11:54
CitizinSethk, still no luck.11:54
ayideni hold cntrl alt f7 and poof im at xserver screen11:55
sethksilvertip257, make sure the on board IDE isn't disabled in the BIOS setup11:55
silvertip257sethk:  well wth i've got one cause i boot windows on another drive w/ this machine11:55
CitizinCould this just be impossible for me to get out of 800x600?11:55
CitizinMaybe Ubuntu just hates me.11:55
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ayidenso i just cant see command line11:55
chris_Is there anyone able to help me out?  I have mucked up my wireless drivers and my device no longer shows up.  How can I restore the shipping drivers or am I SOL?11:55
sethkCitizin, just as a test, try changing "nvidia" to "nv" in xorg.conf11:55
ayideni cant see it at start up and i get no splash screen at startup11:55
CitizinI heard that makes the video card not work.11:55
Milk_ladydoor, the problem is, I need to control it via CRON to do things on the playlist/ skipt to songs11:55
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DB42trying to reboot11:55
ayidenany ideas?11:56
ladydoorMilk_: ah. i guess read the manpage11:56
Milk_ladydoor, its not much help :(11:56
ladydoorMilk_: or infodocs (even better) if it has those)11:56
ayidenor is 6.06 just setup this way?!?!?11:56
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Milk_ladydoor, unless you have a better idea on how to play a playlist, but play a specific song at specific times11:56
FlannelMilk_: you might be more interested in mpd or something11:56
LinAsHtwopoint0, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18897411:56
Milk_Flannel, mpd?11:57
silvertip257sethk:  i'm workin on it11:57
ayidenI cannot see my bash shell on f1-f6 I only see xserver and at startup everything is fine i just see black screen until gdm comes up11:57
=== GodFather [n=rcc@adsl-68-250-145-129.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelMilk_: http://www.musicpd.org/11:58
ayidenhow can I get the shell and see the splash screen at boot11:58
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Milk_Flannel, thanks!11:58
sethkayiden, after the gui comes up, do you have the consoles?11:58
CitizinSethk, the funny thing is, during auto-detecting, I deselected 800x600 as a avalible resolution, and it's still running in it11:59
sethkCitizin, if you look at the log, that's quite understandable11:59
sethkCitizin, it says that it has rejected all configured modes, and is using a default mode11:59
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ayidensethk: I only have f7+ i can only see gdm/gnome etc... I cannot see anything on f1-f611:59
sethkCitizin, that default mode turns out to be 800x600 in your case11:59
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CitizinI see.11:59
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ayidenI only see GUI11:59
sethkayiden, do this:     ps aux | grep tty            see if it shows anything12:00
ayidenwhen i try to switch to console I see login for a split second and then its just black12:00
sethkayiden, better, do:  ps aux | grep getty12:00
silvertip257sethk:  i've put my hd on the primary ide cable, but my bios freezes12:00
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sethksilvertip257, now that's quite interesting.12:00
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silvertip257sethk:  does that mean there is a conflict w/ the other drive (a DVD drive)on it12:00
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sethksilvertip257, make sure the drive is jumpered for cable select if you have an EIDE cable12:01
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