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ARogueHi, is anyone aware that kdar cannot be installed in edgy - and if so do you know a fix?12:38
jdongooh, really?12:39
Riddellhi ARogue 12:39
jdongyeah, you're right12:39
ARogueyup, per <rideout> ARogue: it looks like kdar was even, built with libdar64-4, but the debian/control file wasn't ever updated12:40
jdongI assume kdar needs to be rebuilt12:40
ARoguei just started using kubuntu a few days ago (gentoo on other boxes) so I don't yet know who to notify or how to do it myself12:41
RiddellARogue: you've come to the right place12:41
RiddellARogue: would you be able to recompile and test it?12:41
Riddellmy machines are down just now for testing beta candidates12:42
jdongRiddell: I'll send it through a pbuilder and see what comes out12:42
ARoguedon't know -- i compile all the time in gentoo, but just came to kubunto and don't know how to do things yet12:42
jdongARogue: apt-get source -b kdar12:43
jdongthat's the simplest way12:43
ARogueIf you talk me through it I probably can12:43
ARoguerats -- just realized I'm talking from my gentoo box -- I talk notes and switch and give it a go -- so, is the apt-get it or do i then utter more magic to build?12:44
ARogueand then is it dpkg -i to install?12:45
Riddelllike jdong said12:45
Riddellyes, it is12:45
jdongARogue: first, sudo apt-get build-dep kdar12:45
jdongARogue: that fetches the packages you need to build kdar12:46
jdonggentoo doesn't have the concept of "build dependencies", because all the build headers are installed by default anyway12:46
ARoguejdong & riddell - thanks, it is compiling now on the other box -- i'll report back shortly12:50
Riddelljdong: but it must still need packages installed before others can be built12:50
jdongRiddell: right, it does, but there's no concept of separating binaries and development headers12:51
ARoguewell, the the config die when it did not finf libdar -- I have dar installed so I guess its looking for headers12:52
Riddelljdong: I see12:53
jdongARogue: did you do sudo apt-get build-dep kdar?12:53
RiddellARogue: does it not build-dep on libdar-dev ?12:53
jdongRiddell/ ARogue: reproduced build failure here too12:54
=== rideout is listening to And She Was by Talking Heads [amarok]
ARoguei did the apt-get build-dep kdar which seemed happy12:55
jdongyeah, I see that12:55
jdongBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.0), cdbs, kdelibs4-dev, libxi-dev, libdar-dev12:55
jdongdoes build-dep on libdar-dev12:56
ARoguesynaptic says I have libdar-dev installed12:56
rideoutjdong: can kdar be built with libdar 2.3.0-5 ?12:57
jdongrideout: I'm not sure12:57
rideoutdapper kdar was built with 2.2.4-2ubuntu212:59
ARoguewell, I must break for dinner -- wife and kids calling.  I'll check back later and try anything you want me to.  At very least you folks are now aware of the problem even if there is now quick solution01:00
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ARogueRiddell & jdong: quick break from dinner to report the build failed looking for libdar, apt-get install libdar reports no such package, but libdar64-4 exists and is installed (was pulled in by dar itself).  As a shot in the dark, the build has an outdated dependency in it?01:24
jdongARogue: I'm guessing the version of kdar we have was never meant to build against libdar 2.3.x01:25
jdongwe used to build it against 2.2.x01:25
ARogueokay, by having this conversation have I effectively reported the problem to the right people?  If not, what is the correct procedure to open a bug report in edgy  -- sorry but as a new kubuntu user I just don't have the lay of the land ;)01:28
jdongARogue: go onto launchpad.net, ubuntu distro, source package kdar01:29
jdongARogue: and file a bug report there01:29
jdongARogue: IRC is not a replacement for a proper bug report... we will forget :)01:29
ARoguek, thanks -- will do after diner -- I figured as much but for all I know you or another denizen of the channel is the kdar god <G>01:30
jdongARogue: even the package gods want you to file bug reports01:31
jdongARogue: i speak from experience.... :)01:31
jdong(I usually like to get away with drive-by bugreports via IRC, but they simply don't work)01:31
Jucatojdong is still traumatized with ktorrent? :P01:32
jdongJucato: ktorrent is a DREAM now01:32
jdongJucato: those patches really worked01:32
Jucatonice :)01:32
jdongooh knetworkmanager 0.1 got tagged?01:37
=== jdong wonders if this is suitable edgy material :)
jdongwasn't Tonio talking about knetworkmanager earlier today?01:38
JucatoI think he was talking about a different app01:40
Jucatohttp://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=16264 I think01:41
Jucatoheh Riddell's wearing a kilt when the aKademy 2006 group pic was taken :)01:42
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ARogueback from supper, I filed a bug report at launchpad.net for kdar -- thanks for your help folks.  I've always appreciated the gentoo community -- looks like the kubunto community is just as friendly and helpful02:43
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nixternaloem-config going to be fixed for beta?  right now in the release notes I have artowrk (kicker, win-deco), guidance (dual battery)03:40
nixternalim stretching for info03:40
nixternaloh, and just so you know, current LiveCD is broken. you have to startx from cli03:41
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imbrandonRiddell, ping03:55
imbrandonRiddell, or any qmake gos care to tell me why this is calling ccache http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25035/ ( when yall wake )04:32
imbrandoni dont see it in any of the qmake.confs04:32
rideoutanything for a $cat mytharchive.pro | grep ccache ?04:50
imbrandonrideout, nope , was the first place i checked ( along with all the other .pro files )04:51
imbrandonits something with qmake i'm guessing04:52
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lnxkde someone using edgy kde compiz and aiglx on Ati?05:04
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nixternalinvoke-rc.d: initscript hplip, action "start" failed.06:17
nixternaldpkg: error processing hplip (--configure):06:17
nixternalanyone get that error after recent updates?06:17
=== Hobbsee didnt seem to notice it, but i saw someone else mention it in -motu earlier
Hobbseechecked for a bug?06:20
nixternaldon't see one06:20
=== nixternal files away ;)
Hobbseenixternal: try running sudo /etc/init.d/hplip start?06:30
nixternalsame error06:30
Hobbseewhat exactly does it say?06:31
nixternalwell, still fails06:31
nixternalbug #6271806:31
UbugtuMalone bug 62718 in hplip "[Edgy]  Current Updates (2006-09-27) Break HPLIP" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6271806:31
nixternalhow about that error?06:35
Hobbseenixternal: reproducable.06:37
Hobbsee_Sime: *poke*06:37
nixternalHobbsee: i have that for display, user mgmt, and disk & file systems06:37
nixternali already filed a bug a couple of days ago on it06:37
=== Hobbsee nods
nixternalwhen i run them from the cmd line, all of them say the same thing about guidance06:38
Hobbseenixternal: when _Sime or tonio or Riddell is around, poke them.06:38
nixternalcan i borrow your stick?06:38
Hobbseewhat for?06:38
=== Hobbsee huggles her stick protectively
nixternalto poke06:38
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claydohlol I watched the show, didn't even notice the KDE desktop06:52
imbrandonlol me too06:53
imbrandonis that your site ?06:53
claydohno I am not that talented :)06:53
claydohor ambititous06:53
imbrandonheh just wondering i was gonna link to it in my blog06:54
claydohI have http://claydoh.com06:54
claydohnot worth linking to06:54
claydohmine that is06:54
claydohtho http://emacdosports is a little nicer, still not worth linking to 06:55
claydoherr http://emacdogports.com06:55
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nixternalhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta/Kubuntu   <- This needs some content and some changes from Knot 3...feel free to add them..im going to bed, and will work more on this in 8 or so hours ;)08:51
nixternaland if you have time and patience, it would be great if these could get REVU'd -> http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3142 | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3148 | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3168 | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3147 | http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=316408:52
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imbrandonokies i'm off for a few hours, time for some sleep , rember , go fourth and pimp the KDE ( ala http://www.imbrandon.com/2006/09/28/pimping-kde-style/ ) , gnight folks09:34
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abattoirRiddell: hi, w.r.t bug 62692, was this after you ran oem-config-prepare ?11:02
UbugtuMalone bug 62692 in oem-config "kubuntu oem-config doesn't start" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6269211:02
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Riddellabattoir: I didn't run that11:44
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Tonio__hi all11:45
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Tonio__Riddell: first knetworkmanager official tarball is just out, I'm packaging and preparing uvf exception requet11:45
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RiddellTonio__: great11:49
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Riddell** beta testers needed https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current11:51
abattoirRiddell: after you finish installation, you are supposed to login as oem into a 'normal KDE session', then you configure it according to your needs then you run 'sudo oem-config-prepare'. This is what gets it into a 'shippable' state. The oem-installer comes up when a user first boots it, so it'd be your next reboot11:51
Riddellabattoir: I'll try that again then11:52
Riddellabattoir: what was all that about using xsetroot and stuff for then?11:52
abattoirRiddell: ok :)11:52
abattoirRiddell: that was for the 'next reboot'11:53
abattoirRiddell: when you login is oem, you set it up for the user. So technically, the next reboot is what a typical user would see(the bit where the KDE UI comes up)11:54
abattoirRiddell: btw, are you testing oem-config in the beta?11:59
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abattoirRiddell: because there was a bug, i'm not sure if the fix made it into the beta12:02
abattoirRiddell: if you are testing it in the beta, its still not an issue, just make sure you add "sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/lib/oem-config')" to /usr/sbin/oem-config-dm12:03
Tonio_Riddell: shame on me but I don't have any writable cd to test.... sorry12:07
abattoirRiddell: i'll test the DVD, if it already isnt being tested by someone else12:23
abattoirDVD for i386, that is12:24
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Riddellabattoir: I doubt that'll be the final DVD01:04
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danimoRiddell: ping?01:29
Riddellhi danimo 01:29
danimoRiddell: when I enable zeroconf, how exactly does amarok show daap shares?01:30
danimoRiddell: just by adding a daap device?01:30
danimo(without any specific hosts)01:30
Riddellno idea01:31
danimoRiddell: any idea who knows?01:31
danimoimbrandon? :)01:31
Riddell#amarok?  or their developers channel?01:31
Tonio_fancy testing the new knetworkmanager ?01:36
=== Riddell still beta testing
Tonio_danimo: concerning bug 56366, I think both you and Hobbsee have the issue01:43
UbugtuMalone bug 56366 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager is a misbehaving app according to kwallet" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5636601:43
Tonio_danimo: would be nice if you can test with this :01:43
Tonio_danimo: I would like to indicate that the bug is close in the uvf exception request ;)01:45
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danimoTonio_: I can't try it today, sorry01:56
danimoTonio_: exam tomorrow01:56
Tonio_danimo: hehe, okay :) I'll check with Hobbsee|Remote01:56
danimoTonio_: but I disagree strongly about the "cannot backport to dapper" statement01:56
Tonio_danimo: that'll probably be possible with the stable release once approved01:57
Tonio_danimo: why don't they want to ?01:57
danimoTonio_: hmmm?01:57
claydohdanimo: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Music_Sharing01:57
danimoclaydoh: yeah, doesn't work for me01:58
danimoclaydoh: having a mac in the same lan01:58
claydohI did install firefly daap server on a box and amarok saw it, but you had to poinyt it to an address01:58
danimoyes, but that's not the point of zeroconf, you know? :)01:58
claydoha little bit unclear on tjhe setup aas well01:59
claydohplus you have to install the daap server as well02:00
claydohor run itunes I guess02:00
claydohzeroconf saw the share OK though02:01
Tonio_danimo: who said that will not be backported ?02:02
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danimoTonio_: you in the bugreport02:06
danimoTonio_: because if you want people to stay on dapper (keyword: LTS), we need to give them a working knm02:06
danimoTonio_: that is: WPA working without workarounds, kwallet working02:06
Tonio_danimo: yeah okay, I said this ;)02:07
danimoTonio_: and I think that's a bad idea02:07
danimoTonio_: we should at least provide a backport02:07
Tonio_danimo: Well in fact I was wrong, it looks like the backport requirement policy is lower than in the past, so we can think of a backport in fact02:07
danimoTonio_: of a more recent version02:07
Tonio_danimo: okay let's do this, imbrandon can provide backports, I'll ping him once 0.1 gets in :)02:08
Tonio_imbrandon: talking about that, what is the status of proftpd backport ? I can't see it in the repos02:08
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Tonio_danimo: in the past only backports for critical bug release went out, but that has apparently changed02:08
danimothat's good02:10
Riddellabattoir: you're right about oem-config working, and also that it installs and uses the gtk frontend02:13
abattoirRiddell: i think it fetches oem-config-gtk only if you have an internet connection02:14
abattoirnot very sure though, since i dont know where to hunt for info02:14
Riddellyes, it's not on the CD.  but I've no idea why it would want to install it though02:14
abattoirRiddell: what do you mean by me being right about 'oem-config working' ?02:14
Riddellabattoir: my bug report from yesterday saying it didn't work, I just wasn't following the instructions :)02:14
abattoiraah ok :)02:15
abattoirRiddell: so is it still broken in beta(i.e it doesnt have the sys.path.insert line) ?02:15
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Riddellabattoir: how would I know if that was broken?02:16
abattoirRiddell: well, if you didnt add that line, it wouldn't have worked02:16
Riddellit worked02:16
Riddelland I didn't add that line02:17
abattoirso the fix made it in then, thanks :)02:17
abattoirRiddell: and also, i've managed to get myself some hosting space, do you want me to shift the bzr branch on muse or is it ok if it still resides there?02:17
Riddellabattoir: it's not a problem where it is02:18
Riddellabattoir: although these days hosting on launchpad is probably best02:18
Tonio_Riddell: Bug 62774 (in case you wanna support !)02:18
UbugtuMalone bug 62774 in knetworkmanager "0.1~svn-r575138 -> 0.1 UVF Exception Request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6277402:18
abattoirRiddell: ok, i'll speak w/ Kamion about that02:18
Riddellabattoir: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/oem-config/+bug/6277702:19
UbugtuMalone bug 62777 in oem-config "kubuntu installs oem-config-gtk" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  02:19
RiddellTonio_: could you get an svn log since our last version of knetworkmanager?02:20
abattoirRiddell: i have some screenshots, i'll upload that and confirm it?02:20
Tonio_Riddell: yes, I'll add this02:20
Riddellabattoir: sure02:21
abattoirRiddell: http://muse.19inch.net/~abattoir/shots/8.png might not be prove anything concrete but shows them being installed02:21
bddebianHowdy folks02:24
Tonio_Riddell: added, the problem is that they don't comment a lot on their changes :)02:27
Tonio_Riddell: I don't know if that'll be of any use02:27
RiddellTonio_: it'll be the best there is02:27
Tonio_Riddell: yes, I agree. it is added anyway :)02:28
=== Riddell adds support
Tonio_Riddell: great, thanks ;) I can't wait for beta to come out......; I have so many uploads to do......02:29
Tonio_kdelibs, kdebase, kdeaddons, kaffeine, kmplayer, knetworkmanager, kds, katapult, ktorrent...02:30
Tonio_who's next ?? I'm hot !02:30
Tonio_Riddell: concerning the konqueror changes, I had a few persons using my repo that repoted everything works like a charm, so I think we can upload them with no risk even after beta02:31
Tonio_Hobbsee and Jucato also repoted everything was perfect02:32
RiddellTonio_: what are the changes?02:32
RiddellTonio_: oh, flash and adblock?02:32
RiddellTonio_: also we should change the media:/ link on about:konq02:33
Tonio_Riddell: yes02:33
Tonio_Riddell: concerning the changes, that also include the quick view switcher in konq02:33
Tonio_and adblock thing is SO usefull... I have it here for 3 days and I can't leave without :)02:34
Tonio_Riddell: I'm changing this on about:konq02:34
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Tonio_Riddell: I fixed in kubuntu_73_nomediaioslave_mounthelper, should be okay now02:39
claydohTonio_: I also confirm no problems using your packages as well :)02:42
Tonio_claydoh: hehe great ;)02:42
claydohtho I still favor firefox, but am fighting that :)02:43
Tonio_claydoh: good to ear02:43
Tonio_claydoh: fight on !02:43
claydohI just need to figure out if konq 's address bar can act more like FF02:44
Tonio_the only thing that messes me up with konq is google maps02:44
Tonio_appart from that it's perfect ;)02:44
RiddellI have no problems with google maps02:45
Tonio_and so fast to launch compared to "firediplodocus"02:45
Tonio_Riddell: hu ?02:45
Riddellalthough google calendar doesn't work02:45
Tonio_Riddell: let me show you an example :02:45
claydohif I type , say "claydoh <ctrl><enter> " ff assumes "http://claydoh.com"02:45
claydohI like that02:45
claydohand my wife swears by that02:45
Tonio_Riddell: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,+Mountain+View,+CA+94043+02:46
Tonio_that link fails to me with konq and works with firefox02:46
Tonio_konqueror leaves me in ocean02:46
Riddellworks fine for me in konq02:47
abattoirTonio_: me too ;)02:47
claydohsame here02:47
Tonio_Riddell: what is your secret ?02:47
Riddelldo you have safari brower agent on?02:47
Tonio_Riddell: let me check02:47
Tonio_Riddell: I changed to safari 2.0 but that doesn't change......02:48
Tonio_Riddell: what I have here is a map and images are "nor representable with that zoom", and if I zoom out, I am in the middle of nowhere in atlantic ocean....02:49
claydohmy address works fine as well :)02:50
Tonio_abattoir: "me too" means it works or means you have the same problem than me ?02:50
claydohworks fine for me02:51
claydohyour link works fine for me02:51
abattoirTonio_: sorry, should have been more explicit, i meant it works for me02:51
Tonio_claydoh: you are using my packages and that works right ? so It's not my package issue ?02:52
abattoirTonio_: i have firefox 1.5.4 as the Fake iD02:52
Tonio_abattoir: okay let's test02:52
abattoirTonio_: i've also found that after changing your ID you might need to refresh twice for it to start working properly02:52
claydohafaik but Ill check02:53
Tonio_no same here.......02:53
Tonio_that's a nonsense02:53
Tonio_it always bring me to the center of the map02:53
Tonio_hum that's weird....02:55
Tonio_let's test on a new profile.....02:55
Tonio_hum, that's due to my profile.... very strange......02:57
Riddellhmm, no imbrandon 02:59
Tonio_Riddell: in fact I changed my settings to use firefox for domain "gmail.com" that causes the issue.......03:00
Tonio_Riddell: weird since that's not the same domain, but that's it03:00
Tonio_when I remove this, it works03:00
Tonio_I don't understand how google works with user-agent, but that's strange......03:00
claydohwhats really cool about konq is I can have multipanes, one say with a website url, one with the site's files, and even another with a local dir used to tranfer files to the webserver03:04
claydohdoing so now actually :)03:04
claydohnow if I can embed Kate in there :)03:05
claydohhmm does quanta do that?03:05
Tonio_okay in fact it works as long as you don't play with useragent03:07
Tonio_then you get normal interface without javascript03:08
Tonio_but as soon as you change this to "default" or any recent browser, it fails03:08
Tonio_at least here03:08
Tonio_Riddell: just saw a very nasty bug...03:08
fabosomeone could confirm kvpnc sync -> 62790 , thks03:09
Tonio_Riddell: when you use 2 kde sessions, if you disconnect one, usplash launches and you are not prompted put the second session password bafore making a ctrl + alt + 703:09
Tonio_Riddell: is that know issue ?03:09
Tonio_usplash should launch on kde logout afaik, but at kdm shutdown03:10
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Tonio_Riddell: isn't that something you changed since usplash on shutdown wasn't working ?03:11
RiddellI've no changed anything03:12
Riddellit's the same patch as in dapper, but that wasn't perfect at all03:12
Tonio_Riddell: okay because usplash now works everytime on shutdown, which is good03:12
Tonio_Riddell: don't know what changed, probably usplash code itself03:12
Tonio_can someone confirm the issue ?03:14
Tonio_Riddell: just retried, and same, ctrl + alt + F7 required when closing the session... it worked before since I'm using this very often03:14
Tonio_that major issue since 90% of the users will not find how to get the login dialog...03:15
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nixternalLure: thank you for the dual battery image!  you rock!04:03
Lurenixternal: that is the least I can do - the fact is that YOU rock! ;-)04:03
nixternali have been busy this week..im going to try and work on that this morning04:04
nixternaltry and get it done before the beta release04:04
=== Hobbsee wishes that whatever's wrong with this code will become more obvious.
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Hobbseesurely if (true) {cout whatever} should actually cout!04:12
LureHobbsee: depends how "true" is defined ;-)04:12
Hobbseeargh...the damned function isnt even being called, for some reason04:13
LureHobbsee: that could explain it ;-)04:14
Hobbseeheh, yeah04:15
abattoirHobbsee: isn't it cout<<whatever or is that implied?04:16
Hobbseeabattoir: it's implied04:16
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Hobbseehi el04:22
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Tonio_Hobbsee hey :)04:24
Tonio_Hobbsee can you confirm me this issue ? http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/1904:24
Hobbseehey Tonio_ :)04:24
Tonio_simply launch a new kde session, and disconnect......04:25
Hobbseeah ha!  it gets partway thru, then dies very quietly04:25
HobbseeTonio_: disconnect?04:29
Tonio_Hobbsee: logout ;)04:31
Tonio_open a second kde session and logout from it, you'll see usplash loading, and before you hit ctrl + alt + f7, impossible to get back to the first one04:32
Tonio_Hobbsee I'll report if you confirm :)04:32
Tonio_rebooting, I'm testing a kdm fix04:32
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Tonio_Hobbsee confirming ?04:41
Tonio_Hobbsee the issue doesn't look related to usplash itself, but to the fact there is no more switch from vt8 to vt7 automatically04:42
=== Hobbsee hides
Tonio_Hobbsee usplash launching/stoping shouldn't impact this04:42
Tonio_Hobbsee hehe04:42
elhi Hobbsee , hi Tonio_ , hi all04:55
Tonio_hello el04:55
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Riddellnixternal: ping05:37
Riddellnixternal: what's the status of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta/Kubuntu ?05:37
nixternalworking on it now05:37
Riddellnixternal: do you know if there's a good document with upgrade instructions?05:39
nixternalnot for edgy, i really haven't seen one...i think people still use the dapper guide, just change out dapper with edgy05:39
Hobbseethat cpufreq bit of guidance - i dont see it.05:39
jdong"OpenOffice.org is newer ;) "05:40
Hobbseethat's what usually happens05:40
jdongI love it05:40
nixternali go through and add headings, and then go back and fill in the content05:40
nixternali need headings, so feel free to hit me up ;)05:40
nixternalthere hasn't been that much of a change in the past week really05:40
jdongstrictly since knot-3,  that's an accurate list05:41
nixternali love how the OOo website makes it so easy to find their release notes05:41
nixternalit would be quicker to dl the source i think05:42
jdongat least it's better than trying to figure out what's changed since SUSE releases05:42
jdongthe guys post like a 12MB changelog05:42
Riddellnixternal: where is the dapper guide?05:42
jdongwith every single change in svn :)05:42
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:42
nixternali think that is it05:42
nixternalthere you go05:43
nixternali totally forgot that joe did that05:43
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Riddellnixternal: hmm, that's for ubuntu05:45
Riddellwe need a kubuntu version05:45
HobbseeRiddell: does adept even handle dist-upgrades?05:46
RiddellHobbsee: sure05:46
Riddell"Full Update"05:46
Hobbseeeven if it does, does it give you a decent error message apart from "something broke.  please fix it"05:46
Hobbseeahhh, right05:46
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Riddellproofreaders needed05:58
Tm_TRiddell: seems ok to me06:00
nixternalIf you have a Kubuntu 6.06 Beta CD p06:00
nixternalchange that to 6.1006:00
abattoirRiddell: isnt it Adept->Manage Repositories rather than File->Manage Repositories?06:00
Tm_Tah, true :)06:00
Riddellabattoir: done06:00
nixternallooks good Riddell!06:01
nixternalhow much time until the release?06:01
nixternalsay at least an hour ;)06:01
Riddellnixternal: I can give you an hour :)06:01
nixternalnah, no biggy..i just want to have some meat for the beta wiki page06:01
nixternalsomeone, i need a default snapshot of the current desktop...so i can show the new taskbar06:02
nixternaloh, and open up a window, so i can get a default view of an active window bar and an inactive window bar...for win-deco updates06:03
Tm_Tnixternal: I'll do it, if my resolution is ok, 1400x105006:03
nixternalouch...i need 1024x768, following KDE styling guide06:03
nixternalthanks though...06:03
nixternalmy vmware edgy is broke for some reason06:03
nixternalcan't log in..everytime i goto log in, it goes back to the kdm login window06:04
Tonio_hum great, we'll be able to upload toonight ;)06:04
Tm_Tagh, have to go, sorry ->06:04
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=== Riddell adds some more to "What's New?"
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nixternalsomeone able to explain the "multiple batteries" in Guidance? 06:27
nixternalim still using a 90's laptop, and the 1 battery in it doesn't work ;)06:27
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jdongnixternal: what's there to explain, other than gpm supports  having multiple batteries?06:29
Tonio_can that be called a launchpad bug ?06:29
nixternalhehe, alrighty...just wanted to know if there was more to it06:30
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RiddellTonio_: could be launchpad or us06:32
Tonio_Riddell: in any case, launchpad should say translation is 84% complete and there is nothing untranslated...06:33
Tonio_Riddell: how could it be us ?06:33
RiddellTonio_: probably launchpad then, I'm not sure what I'm looking at06:34
Tonio_Riddell: hehe okay, I'll report on #ubuntu-devel06:35
RiddellTonio_: #launchpad06:37
Tonio_yeah, seen this ;)06:38
nixternalwo0t...got vmware working06:39
=== nixternal takes some new pics
jdongnixternal: tired of typing LD_PRELOAD yet? ;-)06:40
nixternalnever ;)06:41
nixternalis there a pic of the Kubuntu Usplash?06:42
Riddellnixternal: apt-get source kubuntu-default-settings06:43
nixternaldon't have to apt-get, already apt-got ;)06:44
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Riddellanyone got a good idea for an announcement image?06:49
Riddellso far I've come up with http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu-1.jpg and http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu-2.jpg06:49
nixternalumm..send me one of those now! ;)06:50
abattoirhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades , Adept entry added06:50
nixternalthanks abattoir!06:50
nixternalyou rock!06:50
abattoirhehe, lol06:51
abattoirnixternal: my pleasure :)06:51
Riddellthanks abattoir 06:52
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claydohIs it just me or is adept not able to manage repos?06:53
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abattoirclaydoh: in edgy, its a known bug06:53
claydohits greyed out06:53
claydohahh theres the bug report06:54
Riddellclaydoh: no idea what's causing that, obviously it's important to fix before release06:56
claydohI just noticed really, usually do a quick text edit06:57
claydohfor that matter I haven't even installed synaptic yet, haven't needed to06:58
remonhi, anyone here also having problems with amarok and getting flac/mp3 to play in edgy?06:58
claydohno flac here, but mp3 is fine06:58
claydohno flac here, but mp3 is fine06:58
=== claydoh is listening to "The Linux Link Tech Show Episode 159" by dann@thelinuxlink.net (Dann Washko, Linc Fessenden, Pat Davila, Allan Metzler) on The Linux Link Tech Show MP3 Feed [Amarok]
remonhm, it's really a bad thing. can't find any information except the known probem with flac and xine in amarok 1.4.106:59
abattoirremon: you do have libxine-extracodecs installed right?06:59
remonif this still holds true for amrok and edgy..06:59
remonabattoir: yes06:59
remonjust got an idea, seems to work now :)07:04
remonthanks anyway07:04
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mhbhello everyone07:11
Tonio_hi mhb07:12
Riddellhi mhb 07:13
nixternalhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta/Kubuntu  <-- ready for some proofing and more content if needed. I have to head to school, and will be gone for about 4 hours07:13
mhbnixternal: good work with the beta page, as usual :o)07:13
nixternalthank you!07:14
mhbnixternal: heh, I've seen it even before the link came07:14
nixternaljust added usplash to the mix..yes that is a cheated usplash, i put together the images from *default-settings ;)07:15
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Riddellnixternal: looks great07:17
Tonio_hum, it looks like the wine kde frontend isn't available in systemsettings07:17
Tonio_... and fails to work in kcontrol07:18
RiddellTonio_: that's why I didn't make it available07:18
Tonio_Riddell: hehe okay :)07:18
Tonio_Riddell: talking about that, I discussed with _Sime yesterday and he will re-enable the functionnality to add new kcm modules by desktop files tagging07:19
Tonio_Riddell: but to avoid the plenty of kcontrol modules that we don't want, we'll probably use another tag07:19
Riddellhmm, ok07:20
Tonio_Riddell: I'll fix the kcm extensions that we want to be able if packages are installed, like knemo for example07:20
Tonio_Riddell: the idea is that we can optionnaly allow an app in systemsettings...07:20
Tonio_Riddell: it is not ideal, but that's the best we can do. there aren't that much kcm packages, I can maintain them07:20
Tonio_although we will need to look carefully at debian sync....07:21
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Tonio_Riddell: wineconfig.py has apparently an issue encoding some chars.... I'll try to get that fixed07:24
nixternalRiddell: http://nixternal.ubuntu-rocks.org/yay.png07:25
nixternali was told to ping you about that ;)07:25
nixternalok, im gone for real, glad you like the page, if i get back and there isn't a release yet, i will continue adding stuff if needed...bbiaf07:25
mhbum... when is the beta release expected?07:29
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mhbI'm eager to test if the langpacks got fixed 07:32
Riddellmhb: within an hour or two07:43
Riddell(at a guess)07:43
sebasRiddell: When exactly is the UDS?07:46
_Simehi all07:47
sebashi Sime07:47
Riddellsebas: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuDeveloperSummitMountainView07:47
RiddellSunday 5th to Friday 10th November 200607:47
sebasAye, thanks07:48
Riddellproofreaders, artists: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/edgy-beta.php07:48
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mhbRiddell: too bad the t-shirt has the older logo :o)07:54
Riddellit doesn't, it just has a monochrome logo07:55
tomaRiddell: looks good, maybe a bit more attention to Upstart? Or a link or something.07:56
tomaanyway could find any obvious typo's07:57
Riddellthanks toma 07:58
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_SimeTonio_: ping08:01
mhbRiddell: is the Kubuntu Device Database translatable?08:01
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Riddellmhb: yes, should be hwdb-client08:02
_Simeanyone know Tonio_ 's email  addy?08:03
_Simefound it!08:03
abattoirRiddell: layed out should be laid out?08:04
abattoirthis is under the System Settings item...08:04
mhbRiddell: hm, weird ... hwdb-client is 100% translated and still I don't see a single Czech word in KuDDB 08:05
mhbRiddell: OK, I'll let you know if it's the same in beta08:05
mhbRiddell: (or I'll file a bug or something like that)08:06
Riddellmhb: please do08:06
Riddellabattoir: fixed08:07
Tonio__Sime: testing thanks08:11
abattoirRiddell: and Amarok 1.4.3, with automatic "installation" of MP3 support... sounds better?08:12
abattoirRiddell: otherwise it looks great :)08:12
gnomefreakamarok with auto install of mp3 support is safe?08:13
Riddellgnomefreak: why wouldn't it be?08:15
gnomefreakmp3 is illegal in places isnt it?08:16
gnomefreakand its a restricted format also08:17
Riddell"illegal" is a variable term :)08:20
Riddellbut it's always been on the servers, this doesn't change anything08:21
gnomefreakoh ok08:21
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Tonio__Sime: do you get an UnicodeEncodeError when launching /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/wineconfig.py ?08:26
Tonio_I know how to fix, but I can't find a way to know where in code is the problem exactly08:26
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_SimeTonio_: I can't test that right now...08:36
Tonio__Sime: okay thanks, I'll try on my own, and after I'll play with kss and give you feedback08:36
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DaSkreechSweet :)08:42
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DaSkreechBeta ships today?08:52
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bobesponjais media:/ broken in Knot3 cause I can't mount any hard drive, it works though when I mount them manually 09:16
bobesponjaI get a:09:17
bobesponjaDid not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.09:17
jdongTonio_ / imbrandon: ktorrent ok to upload now? btw topic should probably be updated s/knot3/beta09:22
Riddelljdong: go ahead with topic09:24
Riddellbobesponja: yes, it's an issue09:24
jdongRiddell: err, I don't think I can do that :)09:24
jdongbrb, reboot09:26
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bobesponjaRiddell: ok thanx, I suppose it'll get fixed soon :)09:29
Riddellbobesponja: well, these sorts of bugs are often tricky09:30
bobesponjaRiddell: do you know what package is in fault?09:31
Riddellprobably kdebase09:32
Tonio_jdong: I have the package ready09:39
Tonio_Riddell: is main reopened ?09:39
RiddellTonio_: you can up09:40
RiddellTonio_: you can upload09:40
Tonio_Riddell: great, let's go09:40
Riddellif it's not reopened they'll go through when it is09:40
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel ! | Beta Released | TODO: Gamin fixes at: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Merges at: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | We will miss you, lilo...
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=== nixternal starts the beta 2 release notes page ;)
Riddellnixternal: that's release candidate10:01
nixternali forgot RC is next10:01
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nixternali wonder if the reason that hplip won't create/update the user account is because the userconfig is borked10:32
Tonio_Riddell: I've uploaded everything, let's wait...10:32
Tonio_it was not reopened10:32
RiddellTonio_: that's fine, they'll go through when the block is removed10:32
Tonio_yeah I read :)10:33
rouzicThanks for the Beta10:36
DaSkreechCan I dist-upgrade to beta now?10:36
claydohweee! beta torrent has one seed, and like 2/3 downloaders10:46
claydohgonna take me a while before I can seed the full iso :(10:46
RiddellseaLne: ^^10:47
Riddellthe announce hasn't passed through mailman yet10:47
claydohbut thays only cuz I have sooper slow dsl now, my upload is low10:48
jdongDaSkreech: you can always dist-upgrade :)10:48
=== jdong was the first seed for ubuntu 6.10 beta live
jdongand at a poor 35KB/s, it didn't mean too much :)10:49
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claydohmy current upload speed is only6-810:53
claydohprob should just d/l with kget10:53
claydohthen seed it10:53
DaSkreechjdong: Torrent? 11:00
DaSkreechURL URL URL :)11:00
jdongDaSkreech: releases.ubuntu.com/6.1011:01
DaSkreechWoot :)11:04
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Tonio__Sime: the systemsettigns tweak works very nicelly11:32
Tonio__Sime: I think it is time to add that to svn ;)11:33
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Tonio__Sime: yeah, it works perfectly :-)11:40
Tonio__Sime: let me know when you commit to svn, I'll sync and package :)11:40
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_SimeTonio_: no changes at all?11:49
Tonio__Sime: hum, according to my tests, it is perfect11:50
Tonio__Sime: I don't see anything else to change11:50
KuhrscherHi everbody11:50
Tonio_hi Kuhrscher11:50
KuhrscherThe Kubuntu-Installer does not install language-pack-kde-xx but language-pack-gnome-xx...11:51
Tonio__Sime: after this I'll try to find out what is the problem with wineconfig.py....11:51
KuhrscherWhere is the right point to report this bug?11:51
Tonio_looks like an encoding problem with translations or something11:51
Tonio_Kuhrscher: graphical or text install ?11:52
_SimeTonio_: committed11:52
Tonio__Sime: great, I'll sync11:53
Tonio_Kuhrscher: ubiquity11:53
Kuhrscherok, thanks11:53
Tonio_Kuhrscher: but that's a bit strange.....11:54
Tonio_Kuhrscher: beta cd  ?11:54
Kuhrscherjust installed, but have been the same for Knot 311:54
Tonio_hum, I'll test when I'll have blank cds available11:54
KuhrscherShould I report a bug anyway?11:55
Tonio_Kuhrscher: also please report that on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/EdgyEft/Beta/Kubuntu/Feedback11:55
Tonio_Kuhrscher: yeah, we'll see if that gets confirmed or not :)11:55
KuhrscherIt true, really ;-)11:56
KuhrscherTonio_ hwdb-client doesn't use the installed translation... Same location?11:58
Tonio_Kuhrscher: yeah, that page is done for this :)11:59
DaSkreechHey Saki is there :)12:00
Tonio__Sime: I'm just building kss, will upload if the package builds correctly (no doublt on this)12:03
Tonio__Sime: then I'll start fixing universe apps like knemo or the pure-ftpd frontend12:04
DaSkreechAh no Tonio :-(12:09
Tonio_DaSkreech: hu ? I'm a bit lost....12:10
DaSkreechSorry keep going back to http://static.kdenews.org/jr/akademy-2006-group-photo.html and searching for people12:11
DaSkreechSaki is there with John :)12:11

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