
dadyou mean partician magic?12:11
dadi installed it12:11
dadbefore i reformatted12:11
Rambo3you can't have add/remove aplication running and apt from Windows like Dos terminal12:11
dadi thought it was erased12:11
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dadwhat do i do12:12
dadhow does this work12:12
INFP-ShevekDoes anyone know of a quicktime .MOV player with a graphical user interface (read: pause button) that can be easily installed in Kubuntu?12:12
Rambo3sudo killall synaptic12:12
Rambo3sorry you are on kde12:12
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.12:12
dadhow do i install firefox in kubunto12:13
h3sp4wndad: sudo aptitude install firefox12:13
LjLdad: "sudo apt-get install firefox" from a console12:13
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Rambo3just use a *#"! GUI frontend12:14
LjLRambo3: well, that won't be of any help, if his problem is that the database is locked.12:14
dadi dont know what that means12:14
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dadok  thanks lll12:15
LjLRambo3: (besides, it's a *tad* easier to explain how to install firefox from a console, isn't it)12:15
INFP-ShevekUmm, about that quicktime player, ppl?12:15
LjLdad: if that errors out saying that the "APT database is locked", or something, be sure you close Adept or any other package-managing applications you might have running...12:15
Rambo3database is locked becouse of updatemanager12:15
LjLRambo3: oh, why does it do that?12:15
Rambo3sudo killall Adept12:16
Rambo3he opend it , i dont know12:16
Rambo3dad in teminal type :sudo killall Adept12:16
INFP-ShevekDoes anyone know of a quicktime .MOV player with a graphical user interface (read: pause button) that can be easily installed in Kubuntu?12:16
dadwhat are so files12:16
progerI spent 3 hours trying to install easyubuntu :( can do it :(12:17
dadSO format12:17
INFP-ShevekShared object. Like a DLL file in Windows.12:17
h3sp4wn.so files ?12:17
dadwhat is that12:17
LjLdad: files with a ".so" extension are shared libraries12:17
dadwhat about xpt12:17
dadmaybe they're compressed?12:17
dadmaybe i forgot to uncompress something?12:17
LjLbut why where what who?12:17
INFP-ShevekNoone here know about a working QuickTime player with a GUI for Kubuntu?12:18
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LjLdad, what you're trying to do is install firefox - correct?12:18
progerLjL: when I run ' python easyubuntu.in' i have err msg :X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16612:19
INFP-ShevekCan anyone even hear me here?12:19
rideoutINFP-Shevek: mplayer, xine, vlc12:20
progerany idea whats wrong12:20
INFP-Shevekmplayer has no GUI though. And I thought Xine was just a media library?12:20
rideoutINFP-Shevek: kplayer gui, kaffeine for xine12:20
LjLproger: err, no. never used easyubuntu12:20
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=== ARogue [n=arogue@cpe-24-93-148-202.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
progerok, its doesnt seems so easyanyway12:21
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INFP-ShevekVLC seems worth checking out. Kaffeine chokes on .MOV files.12:21
LjLINFP-Shevek: xine is an engine... it also has a gui, "xine-ui". not native KDE though12:21
rideoutINFP-Shevek: make sure you have the right codexs12:21
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rideoutLjL: yeah, but kaffeine use xine and is great12:21
INFP-ShevekCan I install a codec to make MOV files work in Kaffeine?12:21
dadim going to go on a mind kill rampage12:21
LjLrideout: yeah, honestly though i have no idea if either can play quicktime12:22
rideoutINFP-Shevek: mov files use a bunch of different codec, plus there are some weird issues with streaming and some codecs12:22
rideoutsound usually is supported, but not always video12:22
ARogueCan someone field a question on how to install kdar on edgy?  The package managers say a dependency does not exist.12:22
INFP-ShevekI'm gonna try VLC. It says on the site it supports MOV. I'll be back if it doesn't work.12:23
INFP-ShevekThanks ppl.12:23
Rambo3!info kdar edgy12:23
ubotukdar: archive data to disc. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 1268 kB, installed size 2212 kB12:23
LjLARogue: try asking on #ubuntu+1 perhaps12:23
ARoguek, i just started using kbuntu a few dys ago so I don't know my way around yet (gentoo on my other boxes) -- thanks for the pointer12:24
h3sp4wnARogue: libdar3c2a is not installable12:25
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LjLARogue: well, perhaps you'd be better off using the stable version (Dapper)...?12:25
ARogueyes, that is the message I got -- what does it mean?12:25
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Rambo3ARogue: i cant find it in repos even with all of them enabled12:25
enroldhi all12:25
h3sp4wnARogue: Probably means something has been updated but the virtual package has not yet file a bug12:26
progerwhen I log on to KDE Konversation starts in Maximized mode,its whery annoying is there is someway, how to autostart minimezed12:26
ARogueLjL -- I wanted to use dapper, but I really wanted some mdadm features that were not in dapper, but were in edgy for my raid arrays12:26
LjLi see12:26
rideoutthat is because libdar64-4 replaced libdar3c2a12:27
ARogueI guess the answer is to just wait -- dar works fine, but it doesn't provide a reasonable way to search -- you kind of gotta list and grep12:27
Accwhy does the controlcentre tell me: the driver is not where it is supposed to be12:28
rideoutARogue: it looks like kdar was even, built with libdar64-4, but the debian/control file wasn't ever updated12:29
ARoguerideout, ok thanks, so it's probably just a matter of waiting for kdar to be updated.12:29
LjLproger: perhaps right click on the window title, then "Advanced", then "Special application settings", then check "Minimized", and (i assume) "Apply initially". haven't actually tried.12:29
LjLwhat's dar anyway?12:30
Acchow can i now get to a working canon i550 printer driver12:30
rideoutARogue: you should contact the ubuntu maintainer, that is how it gets updated, I bet it isn't something they're aware of12:30
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ARogueIs this something I can fix myself, or should I perhaps resort to my gentoo ways and grab the source and compile12:30
Rambo3works too12:30
Rambo3configure make make install12:30
rideoutARogue: i just checked the .deb, it actually is compiled fine, but the stated dependencies are wrong12:31
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Lexaeusok I need help12:31
ARoguerideout, k, I know this sounds naive, but what the approved way to contact the developer?12:31
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Lexaeuswhen the CD boots, all goes well until it loads the X server, at which point the screen goes blank, however, if I let it sit for a bit longer, I hear the startup sound and everything seems idle, waiting for me to use it12:32
rideoutapt-cache show  kdar | grep Maintainer12:32
rideoutbut sometimes that guy is only from debian and not ubuntu12:32
ARogueLjL, dar is a very nice little backup program12:32
rideouttry asking on #kubuntu-devel12:33
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baka_alguem pode me ajudar aqui?12:33
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.12:33
rideoutLexaeus: sorry, no ARogue12:33
baka_gostaria de saber como eu posso logar como ROOT para editar o meu menu.lst? porque quando eu edito eu nao consigo salvar12:33
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rideout ARogue also, i think Riddell maintains most kde packages12:34
ARoguerideout, thank you, do that.   ps., you guys are very helpful, thanks, so far I'm enjoying kbuntu and am not missing the hours of compiles on gentoo12:34
ARogueoops, I'll do that --- not do that!!!12:35
Lexaeus...compiling KDE in Gentoo...12:35
=== Lexaeus twitches
rideoutLexaeus: i was once crazy enought to try lfs12:36
=== rideout shudder
h3sp4wnI still mean to try cross-lfs12:36
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ARogueyeah, compiling KDE in gentoo is an all day affair, but I guess it make you feel like a eal man <G>12:36
ARogueeal = real12:36
Lexaeusbut anyway, does anyone have any idea what's up with my problem? it IS a laptop, and this did happen to me before, I swear...I just don't remember how I fixed it12:37
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ubotuconky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 95 kB, installed size 316 kB12:38
rideoutLexaeus: can you do a ctrl+alt+f1 to get to the terminal and then look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?12:39
Riddellhi ARogue, glad you like kubuntu12:39
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Lexaeusyes I can, let me boot the LiveCD and come back...12:39
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arafatis it possible to connect to a wlan without having to use your password? coz i'm installing linux for my mother and i want it to be as less complicated as possible:-)12:51
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h3sp4wnman interfaces / man wireless / cat /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes (12:52
h3sp4wnask what you don't understand12:52
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arafatcool! exactly what i need! Thanks!12:53
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=== rideout is listening to And She Was by Talking Heads [amarok]
Acci have downlaoded a package12:55
Accapt-get says can't find12:55
Accdo i have to add the directory to sources.list?12:55
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BlissexAcc: not as simple as that unfortunately. Just use 'dpkg' perhaps.12:56
BlissexAcc: else use 'apt-ftp' or similar to build a repository index.12:56
BlissexAcc: and then add the repository to the list of sources as you said.12:57
Lexaeussays a whole whack of stuff about not being able to open /dev/wacom, whatever that is12:58
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Accthank u01:00
jpiccolowacom is the pads that you can write on and show up on the screen01:00
rideoutLexaeus: that is for tablets, enabled by degault, it is just ignored if you don't have one01:00
Accand dpkg is already on my computer or do i have to install ist and whats the package name?01:00
rideoutLexaeus: anything else shown, did you do a grep EE? or grep WW01:00
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BlissexAcc: 'dpkg' is what 'apt-get' uses to actually install things. 'apt-get' is a frontend that downloads packages and their dependencies, and then uses 'dpkg' to install/remove them.01:01
LexaeusI'll pastebin my log01:01
Lexaeusbut to me, everything looks fine01:02
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LexaeusI think it's some sort of setting in the xorg.conf I need to turn on for the monitor...but for gods sake I cannot remember what it is01:02
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inteliwaspi think i must have POed some higher power... nothing today is going right...01:03
Accah, thx, the pieces seem to come together slowly, day by day.. won't give up :)01:03
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Homeris there a character map like program for KDE?01:05
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ubotukcharselect: character selector for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 69 kB, installed size 332 kB01:05
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto01:06
JucatoHomer: kcharselect ^^^^01:06
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inteliwaspanyone have any experience with the ati binary?01:08
h3sp4wnIn what sense01:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:09
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rideoutinteliwasp: what would you like to know?01:10
inteliwaspoh just need to fix X... it does not like the ati binary after the last kernel update01:11
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Dr_willisedit the xorg.conf and  change the fglrx driver back to somthing else.. untill you can try ti get it working again.. perhaps01:14
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Lexaeusok, http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/0NHNHk72.html01:14
rideoutinteliwasp: the driver probably needs to recompiled, if you installed it yourself01:18
gekko`If I copy a hdd to another one with dd, does it also copy the mbr over?01:18
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rideoutinteliwasp: if you use the restriced packaged you need to wait until the maintainers update it or you can just install it yourself01:18
Dr_willisdepends on the dd command.01:18
Dr_willisyes it can.01:18
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rideoutrideout: also make you run depmod, i've frustatingly forgotten that a few times01:19
gekko`Dr_willis: ok, so it would look like this: dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb right? hda source, hdb destination01:19
software_necesito ayuda en espaol01:19
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:19
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Dr_willisyep.. gekko`01:20
gekko`ok thanks01:20
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Dr_willisgekko`,  those 2 drives are IDENTICAL in size are they not?01:20
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Dr_willisexactly down to the atom identical? :P01:21
gekko`i dont know that exactly :-D01:21
gekko`Dr_willis: why, it could be a problem?01:21
Dr_willisHmm.. i just noticed that all my bookmarks got trashed..01:21
Dr_willisgekko`,  dd ing from a 120gb hd to a 200gb hd = 80gb that gets lost somewhere.. :P01:21
Dr_willisdoing the reverse - is even worse01:22
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:22
TIM90i installed kubuntu a wile back but i keep getting crash (i think its my ati card 955001:22
gekko`Dr_willis: that doesn't sound good. Could I cp all files and then just dd the mbr to the other hdd?01:23
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TIM90Any one know why01:24
nanotubehello, is it possible to install realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20)01:24
nanotubeI do not have a module for that..01:25
nanotubewhere do I need to look?01:25
Dr_williscp may screw up with links and permissions01:26
TIM90=-Ook thnks:-$01:26
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Dr_willisgekko`,  theres some tar command with a few extra optiosn that the prefered way to 'mirror' a drive.01:26
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abaldwinso...Ive now ben using Kubuntu for several days, and liking it...but I am experiencing a little weirdness.  KDE SCreensaver is not comin g on at all.  And Karamba seems to dump my network connection (Lquid weather, I figure, must be doing something weird when updating itself, perhap?)01:28
abaldwinoutside of those two things, I like it here01:28
Dr_willis*#&$&# eye candy01:28
Dr_willisscreensavers are to save the screen! not show Porn images.. Err... vacation pics...01:29
Dr_willisI got a weather extension for firefox i perfer.01:29
Dr_willisI think theres a weather applet for the panel as well01:29
abaldwinwell, I only have px of my wife on the slideshow...and not the nudie ones I took on our honeymoon, either01:29
Dr_willisGot a url? :P .. oh wait.. you said NOT.... never mind..01:30
Dr_willisMy wife was in some silly XXX chat room and they watned to see her.. so she turned on the tv and poped in a Porn Flick... then pointed the webcam at the tv...01:30
abaldwintheyd melt your monitor...My wife is HOT!  She from Brasil01:30
Dr_willisNow that was funny.01:31
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Dr_willisMy wife is HOT-tempered - shes a redhead.01:31
abaldwinthat is funny01:31
Dr_willisand she can throw a mean shoe.01:31
abaldwinyeah, my wife likes to break plates...hot latina temper01:31
Dr_willisThats why I buy paper plates now.01:32
abaldwinI had all kinds of issues with kde scrnsaver in fedora, too, so im wondering if its just kde screen saver01:32
abaldwinI configure it to require a password to re-enter.01:32
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abaldwinI was using th slideshow, but changed to ktuxsaver, doesnt seem to make a difference01:33
Dr_willis i just have the monitor power down after 5 min.01:33
Dr_willisi must be old-skool01:33
abaldwinyeah...but I like eye-candy01:33
Dr_willisLike your wife.. :P01:34
Dr_willisCall her that.. and see how mad she gets...01:34
=== Dr_willis sends abaldwin a get well soon card.
abaldwinI always treat her with the utmost respect01:34
abaldwinshe demands it01:34
abaldwinand merits it, as well01:34
abaldwinnot only gorgeous, she is also brilliant01:34
abaldwinbut I do tell her frequently just how HOT she does look.01:35
abaldwinI dont think calling her eye-candy would phase her a bit01:35
Accwhat is the last way out? no driver brings i550 canon printer to print01:35
Accwhat can i do now?01:35
abaldwindunno,  hve hp deskjet 5550, foomatic and hjis01:36
Accbuy a new printer, step back to windows again?01:36
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abaldwinHP printers are well supported in linux01:36
Acci see01:36
abaldwinmine works like a charm01:36
abaldwinbut the kde print configure thingy should find the right driver and then you should be fine01:36
abaldwinonly, make sure youve enabled it for all users, or, at least, the user account from which you are trying to print01:37
abaldwinI learned that the hard way01:37
Accno, there is merely one driver on the whole internet, build for rpm.. i got it and did did... nothing.. just one small error message01:38
qed_try this for dd    http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=36250601:38
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Acci'll try one more thing now01:40
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Accnot now01:47
Acctomorrow is a day either01:47
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=== paddy2k passed on his live cd to a new home today
jpiccolo_where is the equivelent to the host file from windows in linux?01:53
LjLwhat's the host file in windows?01:53
Celestejpiccolo_, /etc/hosts01:53
CelesteLjL, there is one ... really *g*01:53
Celestejpiccolo_, /etc/hosts  can be edited as root (sudo -s)01:54
Celesteits a file without a suffix01:54
LjLi can believe that, i'm just not too familiar with windows :)01:54
CelesteLjL, are you an advanced kubuntu user?01:54
CelesteI would like to hear the opinion of an advanced user about something01:55
LjLCeleste, not really... i know linux better than i know windows, but i know neither extremely well... and i haven't used kubuntu for so long.01:55
Celestethank you anyway01:55
Celesteif there is *anyone* here who REALLY *knows* the answer, (and not guesses *g*) then PLEASE tell me the following thing:01:56
LjLi do know a thing or two about computers in general, and i know roughly how an operating system works and very roughly how to write one, but the specifics... not really ;)01:56
CelesteCan it slow down my Kubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06.1 System in *any* way,  when I additionally to my  normal KDE  install  "ubuntu-desktop"  for gnome?01:57
LjLCeleste: yes, because i'm almost sure... well, i mean, i'm not really *guessing*... :P that installing ubuntu-desktop will get you some additional daemons executing. which means a potential slow down01:58
LjLhow appreciable that would be... dunno01:58
Celestewhat daemons?01:58
Junisi have problems with akregator... each day say me that i have very much post without read... but i had read all this post01:58
Celestewill it be slower when I start a program like firefox?01:58
Celestewhats about running KDE when ubuntu-desktop is installed?01:59
Celestewill kde load any gnome stuff then?01:59
LjLCeleste: dunno, but there are for instance some ACPI-related daemons that Gnome uses on Ubuntu, while KDE does not.01:59
LjLCeleste: i really think you won't notice any additional slowness. but if you are in KDE and you load a Gnome program, that of course *will* load slower than if you had loaded it from inside Gnome (since it has to load all the Gnome libraries and stuff from the grounds up)02:00
LjLCeleste: only real problem i've had with both KDE and Gnome installed is colors, fonts, themes and things like that getting a bit messed up (in an attempt, i assume, to make the look of kde and gnome apps more uniform)02:01
menace_is gnome for slower computers?02:01
LjLmenace_: no, not really. they're both slow enough :)02:01
menace_lol ok'02:01
CelesteLjL, ok thank you02:01
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LjLCeleste: note, in any case, that if you use aptitude (as opposed to adept, synaptic, apt-get or whatever) to install ubuntu-desktop, you'll be later able to remove all of it with a single command.02:02
Celesteand if no developer made anything wrong, I will be able to purge the stuff02:03
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Celesteto time to say a prayer *g*02:03
LjLwell keep in mind that even if you purge, some files will probably be left in your home dir02:04
LjLyou might or might not care, but...02:04
CelesteI will keep using KDE02:05
CelesteLjL, do you use the default KDE ?02:05
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Celesteor can it be pepped up?02:05
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menace_am i allowed to show a link to ask a question about?...like ask how to make your kicker look a certain way02:06
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Celestemenace_, of course02:06
Celestelinks are not prohibited here02:07
menace_hw could i make my kicker look like that?02:07
menace_im running kubuntu02:07
Celesteas far as I know, they are allowed in every single support channel on the whole IRC network02:07
Celestelemme look02:07
LjLCeleste: what do you mean with "default"?02:07
menace_because that kicker is beautiful02:07
Celesteok, I  WILL  use KDE !02:08
aztunanyone with the last version of firefox (kubuntu package) can open this web???02:08
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Celestethat looks great02:08
aztunfirefox closes when I open it: www.grc.upv.es02:08
Celestemenace_, yes it can be done02:08
Celestemenace_, moment pls02:08
Celesteaztun, I will try it02:08
menace_alrighty take your time02:08
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Celesteaztun, Grupo de Investigacion de Redes de Computadores02:09
aztunthx Celeste02:09
Celesteaztun, maybe I wrote it wrong02:09
CelesteI can see the site02:09
Celestethe whole website02:09
aztunso I dont understand why firefox gets closed02:09
Celestedo I have to proof it by a screenshot or do you belive it?02:09
aztunsegmentation fault02:09
CelesteMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060921 Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/
aztunwhen I go on that website02:09
Celesterunning kubuntu 6.06.102:10
CelesteDapper drake02:10
D4rklyif i plug in a usb device and do lsusb and the device i just plugged in doesnt appear in the list is it broken or just not supported ?02:10
Celestenote the .102:10
aztunsame configuration for me Celeste02:10
aztunbut get seg fault02:10
CelesteD4rkly, hold the line02:10
Celestemenace_, ...02:10
Celesteno idea aztun02:10
Celestemenace_, so you problem was the taskbar02:10
Celesterightclick the taskbar02:10
CelesteConfigure Panel02:10
Celestethere you can choose a background image02:11
Celesteuse gimp to create such a dark background image02:11
Celestethe startbutton ... dunno how, this is theme driven02:11
menace_what size?02:11
Celestebut the black background is simple02:11
Celestethe size your panel has02:12
Celesteyou can choose the height02:12
Celesteok, need to go I am sorry02:12
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D4rklyif i plug in a usb device and do lsusb and the device i just plugged in doesnt appear in the list is it broken or just not supported ?02:25
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jpiccolo_quake4 dont look good on my system, it wont use the right rez, anyone know how to fix it?/02:28
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iosyin bash, what is the command line for calculating the interval between two dates? i mean, how do i operate with dates?02:32
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josesitoHello! Does someone know if a SD-Card reader MP3 player named Q-CUBE II is compatible with linux?? please?02:40
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Hawkwindjosesito: I've never heard of it.  Have you contacted the manufacturer ?02:41
josesitoLOL try looking for it in google ;)02:42
HawkwindTry looking for what ?02:42
josesitoQ-CUBE II02:42
HawkwindDo you not know the manufacturer ?02:42
josesitothere's almost NOTHING about it....it must be the most generic mp3 player i've found-....besides it costs 12 bucks!02:43
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Dr_willisjosesito,  boot up a live cd and try it,.02:43
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Hawkwindjosesito: q-cube happens to be the manufacturer02:43
josesitoDr_willis, i haven't even bought it yet!02:44
josesitoHawkwind, yep seems so02:44
Dr_willis$12 - no big loss.02:44
Dr_willisif it has a removeable sd card. then that should be using the vfat filesystem02:45
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iosyin bash, what is the command line for calculating the interval between two dates? i mean, how do i operate with dates?02:45
josesitoDr_willis, i know it's not a big loss in your money, but it's a lot for me =)02:45
josesitoanyway...i think i'll try02:45
josesitothanks anyway02:46
Dr_willisjosesito,  repeate after me  "would you want fries with that sir?"02:46
HawkwindI would certainly think with it having a removable SD card it wouldn't be a problem to use it in Linux02:46
josesitoi think so too02:46
Dr_willisThe idea of a 12$ mp3 player - is sort of amazing02:46
josesitobut my main concern is that the seller says it doesn't work on linux02:46
HawkwindDr_willis: Rather scary if you ask me :P02:46
josesitoDr_willis, google it, you can buy a lot of 1k in alibaba02:47
Hawkwindjosesito: The player itself probably doesn't.  However, you can probably put the SD card in a card reader and it show up fine02:47
josesito(directly from china...or something like that)02:47
josesitoME STUPID!!!02:47
josesitoi forgot i already have a card reader ;)02:47
Jucatoa $12 mp3 player here would be a dream come true :)02:47
josesitoso it'll probably work02:47
HawkwindWell of course the card is not included02:47
josesitoYES IT EXISTS!!!02:48
josesitoi can ship some!02:48
josesito15 bucks!02:48
josesitowho wants fries with that??02:48
HawkwindHowever, it handles up to 2GB cards which are fairly new and the largest on the market at the moment I think so I see no reason you would have issues with it02:48
josesitoi hope not02:48
josesitoi'll try it02:49
josesitothanks and bye all!02:49
Dr_willisor x in  a b c ;do echo "move $x* $x "; done02:51
Dr_willisbut i want to do it for a through z, and not type in a b c d e f g ...z ect.. :P02:51
Dr_willistheres some shortcut for that i am forgeting aint there?02:51
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Lexaeusquick question, how do I change root's password?03:00
LexaeusI fixed my earlier problem, I needed Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS, None", so now I've got Kubuntu installed03:01
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SmrtJustinMy audacity keeps complaining that something is using my /dev/dsp (so does xmms using the OSS driver), how can I find out what is and kill it?03:04
gnomefreakhow do i get amarok to show lyrics?03:04
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ubotukbfx is a replacement menu for KDE with enhanced features03:06
menace_i downloaded kbfx, but cant find it, does anyone know how to run it or whatever?03:07
menace_downloaded and installed03:07
Dr_willisneve rheard of it.. check the package manager for what it installed. and check the docs dir03:07
Dr_willisactually i think i did use a live cd the other day with it.03:08
Dr_willischeck the 'add to panel' menus03:08
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menace_thanks will, i found it and it looks great03:09
Lexaeusanyone? root password?03:11
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:12
LjLshort answer: don't.03:12
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Lexaeushow do I change my root password, I mean03:13
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LjLthat page explains it. note that there is *no* root password set at all by default.03:13
Telroth_Plushie|root is disabled03:13
rkramdenif root has a password set, as root 'passwd'03:13
Telroth_Plushie|sudo <cmd> to run a command as root03:14
Telroth_Plushie|sudo -i if you're going to be using a lot of root cmds03:14
Telroth_Plushie|but root account doesn't need to be enabled03:14
Telroth_Plushie|just a security risk.03:14
gnomefreakmenace_: right click the kicker adn add it to the kicker03:14
menace_i did03:15
menace_im working on it, kbfx is awsome03:15
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soulriderdoes anyone know the release date of edgy ?03:21
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=== LjL ... .-- .. - -.-. . ... - --- -.-. .--
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ulyssusa lot of people ask for edgy-release o.o'03:22
soulriderim using edgy actually03:22
NthDegreeedgy currently uber-sucks03:22
soulriderno it doesnt03:23
NthDegreetoo much memory leakage03:23
soulriderit works as good as dapper for me03:23
ulyssuswhere is the difference? i heard it works better on x6403:23
soulriderand much faster03:23
NthDegreeulyssus: i majorly disagree03:23
soulriderits works a LOT faster than dapper03:23
ulyssusNthDegree: k ^^;03:23
soulriderNthDegree: i used to have terrible memory leak problems with azureus, and now it works fine03:23
soulriderwhat i dont like is the purple03:24
NthDegreeit's probably only Kubuntu affected by leaks as usual03:24
soulriderthe one in know 2 was a LOT better03:24
NthDegreesoulrider: they are making it blue again gradually i think03:24
NthDegreeor atleast it looks that way03:24
soulrideryea, the blue in dapper was awesome03:24
NthDegreethe blue was almost standard KDE03:24
soulriderstill, it looked great03:25
soulriderpurple in knot 2 wqas great too03:25
NthDegreemaybe they did purple to make the girls happy during early development :p03:25
soulriderbut the one in knot 3 kinda sucks03:25
NthDegreeI ignore the knots, upgrading is so much easier than reinstalling03:25
soulrideri didnt reinstall03:26
soulrideri just opened my sources list03:26
soulriderreplaced all "dapper" for "edgy" and that was it03:26
soulriderupgrade went almost flawlessly03:27
NthDegreeyeah same here03:27
NthDegreeand boy did I regret it03:27
soulrideri didnt03:27
soulriderat all03:27
soulriderit works great!03:28
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soulridertoo abd they wont be shipping edgy CDs right away03:29
NthDegreefor some reason Kubuntu runs suckily on my machine03:29
ulyssusthey wont be shipping oO? Why?03:29
NthDegreeeven Windows was uberly quciker03:29
soulriderthey will i think03:30
NthDegreeulyssus: they don't get shipped till stable release03:30
soulriderbut not at first03:30
ulyssusah, ok. but that's no surprise03:30
soulriderNthDegree: the newslatter didnt say that03:30
NthDegreelook at the other releases03:31
NthDegreethey all got ship it after a few weeks03:31
soulriderahh ok03:31
NthDegreebut they'll be shipping 2 releases now03:31
soulriderive been using ti for 2 or 3 months03:31
NthDegreeDapper and Edgy03:31
Hawkwindsoulrider: They don't ship until about 3 - 4 weeks after the stable release is made.  Sometimes a bit earlier, but they have to make the release, then get the CD's pressed, so it takes time03:31
soulriderahh, allright03:32
HawkwindNthDegree: They stop shipping Dapper when they start shipping Edgy03:32
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NthDegreeDapper is LTS03:32
NthDegreethey can't03:32
NthDegreeLong Term Support03:32
HawkwindLong Time Support03:32
HawkwindNthDegree: It always happens.  Doubtful they will ship Dapper and Edgy at the same time03:32
NthDegreeI think they will03:32
NthDegreesince otherwise Ubuntu can't be an enterprise-quality linux03:33
NthDegreethe LTS is like the Ubuntu equivalent to RHEL almost03:33
NthDegreeas in full support for years03:33
ulyssusBut isn't support of free CDs kinda unusual?03:34
wordwhats a good linux distro for server?03:34
soulrideris it "safe" to runt he kubuntu live CD ona machine with only 192 mb of RAM ?03:34
wordsoulrider: you won't damage anything with the live cd03:35
NthDegreeit is safe03:35
NthDegreebut it might freeze due to lack of RAM03:35
NthDegreei'd use the alternate CD for it03:35
soulrideryea, thast what i meant03:35
NthDegreefor installation use the alternate CD03:35
soulridersade as in run03:36
soulriderwell, im not planning to install it just yet03:36
Hawkwindword: Since you are asking in a Ubuntu related channel, we will certainly tell you the Ubuntu Server Edition03:36
soulrideri wanna test it on a laptop and make sure everything runs smoothly03:36
soulriderim planning to replace win for kubuntu there03:36
soulrideror maybe xubuntu03:36
soulriderbut its my moms comp03:36
Hawkwindsoulrider: It will run perfectly fine on a machine with 192MB of RAM.  No problems03:36
soulriderah great03:36
NthDegreeword, try OpenBSD for a server it's easier to maintain a secure server with than the average distro :p03:37
=== NthDegree is honest ^.^
Dr_willisTrustix has a new edition out.03:37
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HawkwindBahhhhh, I totally disagree03:37
Dr_willisbut my serving needs are minimal03:37
Hawkwindword: Probably best to try several and see what *you* like best, not what others like03:37
NthDegreeOBSD is very "minimal" :p03:37
NthDegreei'd actually be crazy enough to run Source Mage or Gentoo on a server lool03:38
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HawkwindThough that's totally offtopic for this channel03:39
wordHawkwind: well it's not for me..or anyone I even know a friend of my brothers so was just wondering if ubuntu server addition was feasable03:39
Dr_willisSomeone mentioned a server focused disrto the other day  - but i forgot the name/url.. and cant find it now.. so i guess its not real popular. :P03:39
Dr_willisI dont see why ubuntu wouldent make an ok server. :P but it depends on yoru serving needs I guess03:40
HawkwindDr_willis: Most popular server based is probably CentOS03:40
HawkwindAny distro makes a good server, if you know what you're doing03:40
NthDegreeCentOS is good for a desktop03:40
NthDegreeserver though :|03:40
Dr_willisHawkwind,  yea - this was some oddball named one tht id never heard of it was focused on just being a fileserver I think.03:40
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:42
Kr4t05Stupid YouTube... ><03:42
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AWOSDevI need help with Apache.03:44
AWOSDevWhen I try and connect, I get a timeout error.03:44
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AWOSDevIt is listening on port 80 and I do not have a firewall on my internal NIC which is where I want to access it from03:44
AWOSDevI have also tried to no avail03:45
AWOSDevI read the Apache FAQ and documentation, and tried the #apache channel03:45
AWOSDevbut none of that helped03:45
AWOSDevCan anybody help me?03:45
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NthDegreehmmmm] 03:47
NthDegreewhat network is it listening on?03:47
NthDegreeif it's listening on your local network try or the like03:48
AWOSDevIt's listening on all interfaces03:48
NthDegreetry the internal IP of your machine03:48
AWOSDevtcp        0      0    *               LISTEN03:48
AWOSDevI tried and my internal (and external firewalled for throughness)03:49
AWOSDevand they *all* timed out03:49
NthDegreeiunno then03:49
NthDegreedisconnect from the interweb and turn off the firewall03:49
NthDegreesee if it helps03:49
AWOSDevI'm kind of, uh, sharing this connection03:50
AWOSDevCan't readily disconnect like that :P03:50
NthDegreeoh lol03:50
HawkwindYou shouldn't have to anyways03:50
AWOSDevbut I'll temporarily disable the firewall03:50
AWOSDevfor like 5 seconds03:50
HawkwindAWOSDev: Have you tried http://localhost  ?03:50
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AWOSDevI already tried
AWOSDevbut I just tried that and still timeout03:51
AWOSDevoh wait03:51
HawkwindIs apache even running ?03:51
AWOSDevI use iptables03:51
AWOSDevso I can't disable the firewall03:51
AWOSDevthat'll disable sharing too :)03:51
AWOSDevYes apache is running03:51
HawkwindDefinitely sounds like a firewall/iptables issue then03:52
HawkwindAre you sure port 80 is open and forwarded to the machine you have apache running on ?03:52
AWOSDevI force-reloaded just now03:52
AWOSDevstill timeout03:52
AWOSDevit's on the gateway03:52
AWOSDevno forwarding necessary03:53
HawkwindIf it's timing out, then it's a firewall issue03:53
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AWOSDevOkay I did03:55
AWOSDevsudo iptables -F03:55
AWOSDevthat disables the firewall right?03:55
AWOSDevWell for some reason that took me (the primary computer) down too03:55
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AWOSDevI couldn't even Google until I put the firewall rules back in.03:56
AWOSDevBut it still timed out on
AWOSDev(Google came up unknown host)03:56
AWOSDevso what now?03:56
AWOSDevI can however:03:56
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AWOSDev* PING myself from laptop  * SSH to myself from laptop  * Connect to FTP from other desktop03:57
AWOSDevso it can't be the firewall03:57
AWOSDevbecause I can do all those things03:57
AWOSDevHawkwind, you still there?03:57
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HawkwindAWOSDev: I am.  I know just the basics to apache so the best I can tell you is to wait for the guys in #Apache to help03:58
AWOSDevI already tried that03:59
AWOSDevhe's stumped03:59
AWOSDevSo no one in #Apache can help me and no one in here can help me04:00
AWOSDevYou'd think that with ~250 nicks in each channel *somebody* out of those 500 people could help me04:00
HawkwindIt's obvious that port 80 isn't open or isn't forwarded.  So until you solve that, then you're out of luck basically04:01
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AWOSDevforwarded?  huh?04:02
AWOSDevIt's on the main machine04:02
AWOSDevit's not on a NAT machine04:02
AWOSDevI can't even connect to localhost though04:03
clojsterhey... anyone know some application for automatic searching and connecting to wireless networks in console?04:04
AWOSDevclojster, iwconfig04:04
HawkwindExactly.  So that tells you that port 80 isn't open or forwarded appropriately04:05
AWOSDevI don't understand what you mean by forwarded.04:05
clojsterbut how do I find the network? Let's say i dont know the ESSID04:05
AWOSDevI don't remember04:05
HawkwindAWOSDev: Forget about forwarding since you've made it clear it's on the same box.  Port 80 is *not* open somehow or is blocked.  That's what you need to worry about04:05
AWOSDevbut it's possible04:05
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)04:06
clojsterAWOSDev: don't think so... I've read the man04:06
AWOSDevclojster, it's something to do with your card supporting it04:06
AWOSDevI don't know maybe I'm remembering wrong04:07
clojsterAWOSDev: yep... you remember it wrong04:07
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AWOSDevI have the freaky bcm43xx hack anyway04:07
AWOSDevIt wouldn't apply to you :)04:07
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clojsterAWOSDev: hmm04:07
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clojsteri need some wifi scanner for console04:11
lupine_85e.g. iwlist <interface> scan04:12
AWOSDevThat's it!04:12
AWOSDevThat's what I used!04:13
lupine_85really! ;)04:13
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Philip5 i'm having a strange install problem with php and apache2 on ubuntu... i have apt-get and installed them both and also used a2enmod to enable php5 module (also installed with apt) but when i click on a php page on my server it wants to be downloaded04:15
clojsterAWOSDev: yep. and what if the neteork is WEP protected?04:15
Philip5apache say that he have loaded the php5 module when i restart it. and the mimetype is also set04:16
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AWOSDevPhilip5, have you looked at the Wiki yet?04:17
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)04:17
AWOSDevI figured it out partially04:18
AWOSDevwhen I did the flush of iptables04:19
AWOSDevit was still set to DROP all04:19
AWOSDevso when I changed it to ACCEPT it worked04:19
AWOSDevbut now I'm vulnerable04:19
AWOSDevI only want it on my internal NIC04:19
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AWOSDevnot being broadcast to the whole Internet...04:19
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pchamorrojoin #ubuntu04:21
pchamorroJOIN #ubuntu04:21
Admiral_Chicagopchamorro, that's not neccessary04:21
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins04:22
pchamorrothanks, this afternoon I joined to #ubuntu channel too but I don't remeber how04:22
AWOSDevput a / before join04:22
AWOSDev   /join #ubuntu04:22
Admiral_Chicago /join #ubuntu04:22
Admiral_Chicagobut no spaces04:23
AWOSDevActually you need a space between "join" and "#ubuntu"04:23
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root___I need help, if someone might be so kind.04:24
AWOSDevWhat do you need help with?04:24
root___Well... it's kinda complicated but I'll try best to explian.04:24
NthDegreeyou're logged in as root so it must be bad :|04:24
root___I was trying to install the appropiate kernel for my ubuntu system and I lost my Gui.04:24
root___I am currently stuck in the command line thing.04:25
AWOSDevroot___ well04:25
NthDegreetry dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server04:25
AWOSDevroot___ no on the command line04:25
Admiral_Chicagosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:25
root___ok, was just making sure.04:26
Admiral_Chicagothat will fix x server04:26
NthDegreeroot___: listen to Admiral_Chicago he just corrected what I was saying lol04:26
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Admiral_ChicagoNthDegree, actualyly you were rigdht04:26
Admiral_Chicagohe was root04:26
root___While I am here, would it be to much to ask for a little more help?04:27
=== NthDegree slaps himself
root___First off, how do I change my user name here?04:27
NthDegree /nick name04:27
Admiral_Chicago /nick something04:27
Admiral_Chicagono space though04:27
NthDegreeput /nick and the name you wanna be04:27
=== root___ is now known as KAC
KACSomebody has my name already...04:28
NthDegreebleh, register a good one with NickServ04:28
KACAnyway. Alright, on to the harder things.04:28
=== Dr_willis waits... this is going to be good... he just knows it...
NthDegree69ms lag lol04:29
KACI have a ubuntu dapper system already. I want to change it over to full Kubuntu. I haven't been able to figure it out using synaptic, Apt-get or Aptitude.04:29
AWOSDevsudo apt-get install kubuntu04:29
NthDegreeKAC easy04:29
AWOSDevsudo apt-get remove libgnome004:30
AWOSDevThat's how I did it04:30
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NthDegreeKAC try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:30
AWOSDevOh shoot yes -desktop04:30
AWOSDevforgot that part :)04:30
NthDegreethen follow AWOSDev's tip for removing the old GNOME04:30
KAChmmm... don't know how to scroll up. Could someone repeat the dpkg command that was given not to long ago?04:31
Admiral_Chicagosudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop04:31
Admiral_Chicagoshift + page up04:31
AWOSDevdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:31
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KACI quiet enjoy the linux system so far. If I had done even a quarter of the things I've done in learning to use the Linux system on a windows system I would be rather unfortunately stuck at this moment.04:33
AWOSDevKAC, yep04:34
AWOSDevreally the only way to screw up Linux is rm -rf /04:34
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AWOSDevwhich basically reformats the hard disk :)04:34
Admiral_ChicagoKAC, its got a leaning curve but its good to learn how an OS actually works04:34
AWOSDevNo if you want to learn how an OS actually works go to #OSDev :P04:34
KACquestion, how would I sign into a registered name? Cause I think that I registered my other nickname already.04:34
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AWOSDevKAC, just type /nick youroldname04:35
AWOSDevthen type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY yourpassword04:35
KACWouldn't it require a password of some sort?04:35
KACah ok04:35
=== NthDegree has gotta learn to be more serious
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AWOSDevWhat do you mean NthDegree?04:36
KAChmmm... it simply states that the nick name is already in use.04:36
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NthDegreeI joke too much04:37
NthDegreeKAC try /msg NickServ RECOVER yournickname yourpassword04:37
NthDegreethen afterwards /msg NickServ RELEASE yournickname yourpassword04:37
ian_gah, why must kde punish me?!?!04:37
NthDegreethen /nick yournickname04:37
ian_sorry, thats not a legitimate question, just some general frustration about kmail04:37
NthDegreethen /msg NickServ IDENTIFY yourpassword04:37
AWOSDevBoy IRC is a lot harder than it was a few years ago :)04:38
ian_anyone know what to do when kmail refuses to connect? it just says something about cannot connect04:38
ian_but the server is fine, works from my mac04:38
AWOSDevian_, can your Konqueror browser?04:38
KACwell I am off to see if I can escape my console made prison.04:38
AWOSDevOkay KAC04:39
Admiral_Chicagomight be the port...04:39
KACthat is if I can figure out how to get out of here first. XD04:39
AWOSDevKAC, try /quit04:39
AWOSDevoh he got it :)04:39
ian_AWOSDev: yeah, it all works, I can ssh to the mail server, I port scanned it because I was messing with the firewall and all the ports are still working04:39
AWOSDevmaybe they disable you because you portscanned them :P04:39
ian_its imaps, works from my mac, but if the connection gets killed for any reason, kmail can't figure out how to reconnect04:40
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ian_awosdev: its my server04:40
ian_thats my one frustration with linux, all the kde apps have tons of unmaintained buggy features, and gnome keeps taking out buttons until I can't actually do anything04:41
Dr_willisthat describes gnome all right04:42
Dr_willisBut KDE's add-printer interface is.... welll.. needs work. :P04:42
ian_yeah, you can't preview your screensaver anymore, even the uber-noob-friendly os x decied that was an ok feature04:42
Admiral_ChicagoDr_willis, it is brand new...04:42
ian_gnome: we don't have a button for that, its too complicated04:42
Admiral_Chicagoit just got instated in dapper04:42
Dr_willisgnomes add-printer stuff. works    but still i perfer the cups web interface..which the ubuntu guys decided to cripple.04:42
ian_kde: don't click that button, it always crashes the app for some reason04:42
Dr_willisAdmiral_Chicago,  yea. but when it sizes itself so that the 'administrator mode' button is hidden off the bottom of the screen... that is really - amusing. :P04:43
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AWOSDevian_, Have you driven at Console lately?  :P04:43
AWOSDev***a Console04:43
Admiral_ChicagoDr_willis, i don't like that older monitors do that04:43
Admiral_ChicagoDr_willis, thats more of a drawing problem that anything04:44
Dr_willisAdmiral_Chicago,  this wasent a monitr issue.. the program itself was to blame.04:44
Dr_willislet me see if it does it again04:44
AWOSDevI don't like what Kubuntu has done to Kcontrol with the freaky 'system settings' thing04:44
AWOSDevI still can't find Screen Saver in it04:44
Dr_willisfirst time i ran it - it wasent viewable at the bottom. now that i ran it and resized it - it corrected itself it seems04:45
Admiral_ChicagoAdmiral_Chicago, i take back the monitor thing04:45
Admiral_Chicagoi was just babbling04:45
Dr_willisi wish there was a  'set up as default kde' option04:45
Admiral_ChicagoDr_willis, suggest that04:46
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KickAssClownWell I'm back04:47
KickAssClownI did the reconfig, but the system still hangs when it goes to start the Gui.04:48
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software_ayuda en espaol04:49
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:49
KickAssClownAnyone have any ideas?04:49
AWOSDevyeah, use the Console :)04:50
KickAssClownI tried installing the linux image 2.6.15-27-k704:50
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KickAssClownWhich is what I am running currently. By default I had linux image 2.6.12-8-i38604:50
KickAssClownit all started when I changed over my kernel.04:51
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KickAssClownMy computer runs a AMD 900mhz processor and a Geforce 4 mmx 64MB graphics card.04:52
KickAssClownI've installed the Kubuntu-desktop and all affiliated packages and removed the Gnome desktop and all it's affilated packages.04:53
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KickAssClownthis is frustrating.04:54
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KickAssClownQuestion: Is there a AMD distribution for Kubuntu or Ubuntu?04:55
AWOSDevKAC, yes04:56
Admiral_ChicagoKickAssClown, not unless you use 64 bit04:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about k7 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
Admiral_Chicagoor actually ignore me04:56
bimberi!info linux-k704:56
ubotulinux-k7: Complete Linux kernel on AMD K7.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB04:56
Admiral_Chicagoyes you probably have k704:56
KickAssClownthat would be the package I installed... do I need the I386 packages also?04:57
Dr_willisThats one of the things i liked bout Gentoo  - they used the "Vanilla KDE" :)04:57
KickAssClownok cause I removed them.04:57
KickAssClownI thought it might help to change my repositories to point to a non-i686.deb distro, but I couldn't find any info on it so... here I am.04:58
KickAssClownOh and if no one noticed I am rather new to Linux.04:58
=== shawnyboy [n=icechat5@66-168-157-180.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
AWOSDevi686 = Pentium Pro/K6 and above04:59
shawnyboyHey everyone!!04:59
KickAssClownI've been using Windows for near 10 years now.04:59
KickAssClownI quit this past august.04:59
AWOSDevwell good for you!04:59
shawnyboykubuntu worked fine all day, except now i turn it on and i cant login to kde its an endless loop!04:59
AWOSDevI quit in 200204:59
AWOSDevshawnyboy, what error?04:59
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KickAssClownMaybe he's having a similar issue as I am.05:00
shawnyboyit gives no error, just a garbled screen for a sec, a black screen for a sec, and then back to the login menu05:00
KickAssClownconsole login?05:00
shawnyboyno gui05:00
shawnyboyi can login to the console tho05:00
shawnyboyctrl alt f1 or f2 or w/e05:00
KickAssClownoh... I can't even get to the gui.05:01
shawnyboyit has worked flawlessly all this time, but now it wont login05:01
KickAssClownQuestion: Would it be wise to tear down and rebuild?05:01
AWOSDevKAC, for what purpose!?05:01
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KickAssClownHopefully to undo whatever it is that i have done to my system.05:01
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shawnyboywhats the X driver i can use besides the ati one?05:02
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KickAssClownBring it down to bare-minimum and then essentially re-install my os from the console.05:02
AWOSDevKAC, gee that's painful05:02
lnxkdesomeone using edgy kde compiz and aiglx on Ati?05:02
AWOSDevjust reinstall without a teardown05:02
KickAssClownI know but I have been messing with this for almost 10 hours now.05:03
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KickAssClownLike I said, Frustrating.05:03
NthDegreeKickAssClown: did you make a separate /home partition?05:03
shawnyboyno THIS is frustrating lol05:03
Admiral_Chicagoshawnyboy, yes vesa is OS verison05:04
AWOSDevshawnyboy try vga05:04
NthDegreeshawnyboy: vesa will work05:04
KickAssClownUmmm... maybe, I can't honestly say. It was shear luck that I thought of using the console based web browser and found this place.05:04
shawnyboyim trying vesa in xorg.conf just to see if the video driver has gotten screwed05:04
coreymon77i just made another comvert05:04
NthDegreeKickAssClown: reinstall05:05
KickAssClownHey shawnyboy, you stuck out in console also?05:05
shawnyboynope, vesa driver does it too05:05
shawnyboyno i get the login gui, but its looping05:05
shawnyboyati driver AND vesa driver does the same thing.05:05
KickAssClownAlright, so what will I want to re-install?05:05
shawnyboyi wonder if this has anything to do with how i had to manually power off the laptop since when i hit shutdown i got a black screen and it sat there. sometimes it does that sometimes it doesn.05:06
KickAssClownAt this point I have installed the k7 kernel, uninstalled the I386 kernel, uninstalled and re-installed the KDE, uninstalled the GDE, Upgraded... and some otherthings that i can't particularly remember at the moment.05:07
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KickAssClownoh and installed the entire kubuntu-desktop.05:08
AWOSDevGDE that's funny05:08
AWOSDevit's GNOME not GDE :)05:08
KickAssClownsame difference.05:08
KickAssClownit's gdm and kdm... :D05:09
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KickAssClownis there a perscribed method of re-installing one's distribution?05:10
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shawnyboyhmm, kdm.log doesnt show much05:10
shawnyboydmesg either05:10
shawnyboydang this is just weird05:10
Dr_willisWee Got my C64 emulator going. :P05:11
Dr_willisnow to find the Geos Disks05:11
shawnyboywhats a c64?05:11
Dr_willisWe need a GEOS window manager/DE Clone05:11
KickAssClownsomething like that.05:11
KickAssClownold style stuff.05:11
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KickAssClownThanks for your help, people.05:12
AWOSDevWhat about the C64?05:12
HawkwindI have 2 C64's sitting here next to me.  One is hooked up, one isn't :)05:12
Dr_willisAt one point in time Geos was the #3 os - right behind dos.. accordin to the wiki pages,.05:12
flaccid_i used to use GEOS on C6405:12
Dr_willisI got several in the garrage05:12
Dr_willisWe got a Dev team then!05:13
Dr_willislets get cracking on a Geos KDE theme!05:13
AWOSDevI'll do it05:13
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AWOSDevI have GEOS05:13
tobiasim drunk05:13
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AWOSDevWhat's going on with the bot?05:14
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tobiasits probably drunk too05:14
=== NthDegree [n=FreeNode@194-247-235-214.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_willisI have some GEOS software still in its shrink wrapped packageing.05:15
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AWOSDev"Although 64 kB of DRAM cost over US $100 at the time"05:15
Dr_willisWhere ya live at AWOSDev ? :) ill ship it to ya05:16
Dr_willisif its close.. lol05:16
AWOSDevmy GEOS is broke05:16
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Dr_willisI found a C64 at a rummage sale for $2 still wrapped up05:16
AWOSDevI tried to get it running on my 586/100 but it whined about the graphics card05:16
Dr_willishttp://cmdrkey.com/cbm/geos/geos-13.html     Download Geos.05:16
AWOSDevyes I did that to see if that was the problem05:16
AWOSDevstill no dice05:16
shawnyboyanyone know how to fix the kde loop?05:17
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AWOSDevyou could ship me your C64 though, I wouldn't mind that :)05:17
AWOSDevI live in the United States05:17
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Dr_willisIm in Indiana05:17
Dr_willisNorth of Inianpolis (in kokomo)05:18
Dr_willisHow many ya want/need. :P05:18
AWOSDevI'm in Florida05:18
shawnyboykokomo :D05:18
AWOSDevnear kokomo :P05:18
Dr_willisHmm.. Sister lives in Florida05:18
AWOSDevnah just kidding05:18
AWOSDevnorth of Miami05:18
AWOSDevwell north of Miami05:18
Dr_willisway down south eh..05:18
AWOSDevI don't have the room in the house for another computer05:19
AWOSDevI already have 14 :)05:19
Dr_willisMine are in the garrage05:19
Dr_willisId like to take the macSE and an EPIA motherboard and make a micro pc.05:19
Dr_willisbut i cant find a little lcd for it cheap.05:19
AWOSDevdo you have an Apple II?05:20
Dr_willisplus its somthing i dont really need.05:20
Dr_willisI got an Apple 2C - the semi-portable one with the folding handel05:20
Dr_willisI thatink thats what its called.05:20
Dr_willishad the funny dorvak keyboard button on the case.05:20
=== InteliWasp [n=inteliwa@69-168-176-97.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_willisI gave away the Ti-9???'s i had.05:21
AWOSDevwhat's something you don't need?05:21
tobiashow do i see this online channel nrk.no "http://www1.nrk.no/nett-tv/klipp/191683" in ubuntu? it says it needs an unknown plugin in firefox :\05:21
AWOSDevI certainly don't need anymore computers?05:21
Dr_willisi dont need any of these. :P05:21
Dr_willistrying to clean out the garrage05:21
AWOSDevI only really use 5 or 6 of the 14 I have :P05:21
AWOSDevgonna give one away to a friend to start her with Linux05:21
Dr_willisTHe Ham Radio guys dont even need C64s any more.. a few still use them05:21
Dr_willisbut not many05:21
AWOSDevrecycle old computers as b-day presents!  yay me!05:22
AWOSDevIf you are seriously gonna send it to me free05:22
AWOSDevI'll think about it05:22
AWOSDevthing is, I'm trying to clean out the house05:22
AWOSDevgetting another computer would be ridiculous :)05:22
shawnyboyi am unable to login to kde, its looping with no error messages05:23
tobiaswhat is mplayer plugin?05:23
tobiasdoes it excist in ubuntu?05:23
shawnyboyi think so05:23
shawnyboyit lets you play content in web browser through mplayer05:23
tobiasadept will save me :D05:24
tobiasi love ubuntu05:24
Dr_willisYep thats what sucks AWOSDev  - well they will sit on their shelfs for another 10 years..05:24
Hawkwindtobias: mozilla-mplayer05:24
tobiasi need to get that package?05:24
AWOSDevDr_willis :)05:24
Dr_willisI keep wanting to get one of those pci cards that canread/write the old drive/disk formats05:25
AWOSDevwell in ten years I'll be sure to ask you for it :)05:25
Dr_williswe shoudl make a Geos Kde theme however. :P05:25
AWOSDevAs of 2006, C64 enthusiasts still develop new hardware, including Ethernet cards, specially adapted hard disks and Flash Card interfaces.05:25
Dr_willisfun to run Geos on the VICE emulator,  at turbo speed05:26
tobiasgetting it :D05:26
Dr_willisI got one of those C64s in a Joystick :)05:26
tobiashawkwind: thanx m8e05:26
Dr_willisC64 + Geos in a joystick thing = cheaper then that One Laptop Per child thing.05:26
AWOSDevDr_willis true05:27
AWOSDevjust give all the kids C64s to play with :)05:27
flaccid_i want one05:27
flaccid_actually i have an amiga05:27
flaccid_but yeah05:27
Dr_willisI got several amigas05:28
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Dr_willisas well05:28
flaccid_lucky youu05:28
flaccid_i have an old typwriter05:28
Dr_willisI used to IRC on a Green-bar printing Terminal05:28
flaccid_that smasd05:29
tobiashow do i find out how much free space is left on my hd?05:30
flaccid_for CLI, its df -h05:30
tobiasthanx :)05:30
Dr_willisHeh - VICE (c64 emulator in warp mode  - running at 4600%)05:31
flaccid_otherwise right click on the drive in konqueror05:31
tobiasif a video stream is going slow, how do i make the swap file for the mplayer bigger?05:31
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tobiasthe video stream is really like.. choppy05:31
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shawnyboymake sure if you are playing from the hd you have dma turned on05:31
shawnyboyi would help you more but i have to figure out my own problems05:32
tobiasok :)05:34
tobiasI will find out05:34
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Dr_willisHmm..  the GEOS disk images aint working in vice! grr!05:36
AWOSDevOkay okay back to semi-on-topic matter05:36
AWOSDevwhat's the best way to block every port *except* 8005:36
AWOSDevand then do NAT05:36
AWOSDevwith iptables05:36
AWOSDevwithout using a GUI05:37
shawnyboywill someone please help me?05:37
Dr_willisThere it goes05:37
AWOSDevwhat, being semi-ontopic?05:37
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tobiaswhich partition is my swap partition?05:38
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tobiasthere was this line under my konversation program sayin the adress to a frequently asked questions page, right when i asked my question :)05:40
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tobiasthat was nice05:40
tobiasmy computer is gaining sentience slowly05:40
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fildohey how can i check opengl05:42
fildois operational05:42
nick_run a gl screensaver?05:43
fildoim trying to play nexiuz , but when i open game, i get a black screen, with a mouse still active over the top05:43
AWOSDevfildo, type glxdemo in Konsole05:43
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verbosewhere is DISPLAY set at boot?05:44
fildoyeh brang up some screen05:44
Dr_willisDISPLAY is set when X starts up.05:44
fildothat i can resize n redraw05:44
verboseDr_willis: in which file?05:44
Dr_willisits normally like ':0'05:44
Dr_willisits not set by a file05:44
Dr_willisX determines its value05:44
Dr_willisor an env variable05:44
Dr_willisif you run several X sessions your display will  go up by 1 for each one.05:45
verboseDr_willis: so if i put export DISPLAY="blah:0" in my ~/.bashrc it should work?05:45
verbosei don't need it set for kdm or anything?05:45
Dr_willisecho $DISPLAY05:45
Dr_willisthats short for ''05:45
Dr_willisverbose,  i doubt if exporting it that way will fix much..05:45
Dr_williswhy not state the problem...05:45
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pfein_my laptop 'hangs' on resuming from suspend/hibernate... not sure if it's actually hung, but the screen stays off & the keyboard doesn't do anything..I don't have a capslock light, fwiw ;)05:48
Dr_willispfein_,  ati video cards?05:48
pfein_Dr_willis: yup, M605:49
verboseDr_willis: i'm using xmove between two hosts, and it doesn't want to work when the X sessions(by way of DISPLAY) have no names05:49
verboseso i want to set DISPLAY on host a to something like a:0 and b:0 on host b05:49
Dr_willispfein_,  ive heard theres some  bugs with the ati drivers and suspend.. sadly05:49
Dr_willisverbose,  cant say that ive ever messed with xmove05:49
Dr_willisdisplay should be the ip# of the machine and :0.005:50
pfein_hmm, I was thinking I just needed to whack it with vbetool on resume...05:50
verboseDr_willis: i've never seen it as an ip05:50
verboseonly as names05:50
verbosebut whatever05:50
Dr_willisbut ssh - sort of works without needing to set the display :)05:50
Dr_willisverbose,  the names get looked up to their ip#'s05:50
verboseDr_willis: yes, but ssh doesn't do what xmove does05:50
Dr_willisin the hosts file normally.05:50
tobiasI searched for dma changing and ubuntu and on one of the pages it said that dma could be very bad for the hd if used in the wrong way!05:51
verbosebut DISPLAY isn't technically a resolvable name05:51
verboseit logically should be the same as the hostname05:51
verbosebut isn't a requirement05:51
Dr_williswhen its just :0.0 - its shortcut for i though. not actually the hostname05:51
verbosetobias: yeah05:51
Dr_williswell for 'localhost' i guess. :P05:52
verboseerr, not tobias05:52
verboseDr_willis: yeah05:52
verboseit's localhost05:52
verbosebut that doesn't help when you want to connect to a remote X session05:52
tobiasis dma dangerous?05:52
verbosei'm just gonna mess around with it05:52
verbosetobias: no05:52
verbosetobias: np05:52
LeeJunFantobias: if you don't enable DMA you are only going to get about 1/2 the speed out of your HD.05:52
AWOSDevGee can I really make it go faster?05:53
AWOSDevHow do I enable DMA?05:53
pfein_tobias: it's usually on by default: sudo hdparm -I /dev/hda |grep dma05:53
tobiasleejunfan; how do I enable!?05:53
LeeJunFanAWOSDev: it probably already is.05:53
Dr_willisverbose,  i just ssh in and export the variable05:53
verboseDr_willis: yeah05:53
LeeJunFanrun sudo hdparm /dev/hda it will list the current settings.05:53
Dr_willisproblem with putting it in a .bashrc is that it may get set when it shouldent be set05:53
tobiasDMA: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 udma4 *udma505:53
verboseDr_willis: i'm familiar with x forwarding05:53
verbosexmove is different though05:54
timhi, I am trying to install EasyUbuntu but I can't find it on repositories...05:54
tobias5 is good right?05:54
tobiasudma5 I mean05:54
verboseDr_willis: which is exactly why i'm trying to figure out where DISPLAY gets set05:54
AWOSDevYep both /dev/hda and /dev/hdb are "using_dma" :)05:54
Dr_willisit may be better in the .bash_profile - to check for it.05:54
LeeJunFantobias: yeah, that's what you want.05:54
Dr_willisi would guess its getting set by the 'startx' script05:54
tobiasthen its the swap file I need to embiggen05:55
verboseDr_willis: nope05:55
Dr_willisthe vncserver script sets the DISPLAY to be somtning differnt. so it may be the X binary then.05:55
tobiasor the swap .. whats its called... swap.... "/swap something_/"05:55
LeeJunFanit's started by /etc/init.d/hdparm or actually the link in /etc/rc2.d/*hdparm05:55
LeeJunFanand it uses the conf in /etc/hdparm.conf05:56
verboseDr_willis: i can't imagine that they'd hardcode it in the binary05:56
verboseit's gotta be in some config file05:56
Dr_willisits scanning the system and setting it according to how it thinks it needs to be set.. if ya ran a 2nd x sessionit  sets it to localhost:1, then localhost:2 from what ive seen05:57
Dr_willischeck the source? :P05:57
Dr_willisi cant even find any docs for xmove! :P05:57
Dr_willisall the google hits are for 'moving from windows to linux'05:58
shawnyboyyay i fixed the problem myself.05:58
Dr_willislets see if i can xmove from  this display to the vnc display. ;)05:59
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=== Dr_willis rembers fighting with xmove befor and finding it annoying.. and gives up again.
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Dr_willisWoo Hoo.. i got xmove working. :P06:21
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nick_how do i check is xgl is installed before i install compiz06:30
flaccid_ps aux | grep xgl06:33
flaccid_ps aux | grep -i xgl06:33
sakitelsomebody knows which is the repository for ndiswrapper????06:36
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ubotundiswrapper-utils: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 27 kB, installed size 136 kB06:37
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iosyin bash, what is the command line for calculating the interval between two dates? i mean, how do i operate with dates?06:38
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maltaethironhey guys, how do i ping an ip from konsole?06:39
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kacdang it.06:41
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KickAssClownAnyone awake at current?06:42
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KickAssClownI'm still stuck outside.06:43
sakitellupine_85: sorry but i'm new, so how can I add that description into my repository?06:45
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:46
lupine_85it's in main so you don't need to do anything06:46
lupine_85just apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils06:46
lupine_85(or use adept)06:46
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physicsnickbit of a noob question here, how do I get my system to automatically run a program when I log in?06:47
iosyphysicsnick: kde?06:48
iosyphysicsnick: simply leave it open when leaving kde06:48
iosyphysicsnick: the session is saved automatically06:48
sakitellupine_85: thanks, my problem was i just put apt-get ndiswrapper06:48
physicsnickno, i want it to run a script06:48
iosyphysicsnick: then whatever executable script you want run at startup add to the ~/.kde/autostart folder (or something like that)06:49
physicsnickperfect thanks06:49
physicsnickis there a GUI tool to do that for me?06:49
sakitellupine_85: and is with "utils", thanks a lot06:49
iosyphysicsnick: wait06:49
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KickAssClownThis is rediculous.06:55
KickAssClownAlright what do I need to keep to be able to download and install a kubuntu opperating system?06:55
KickAssClownPlease tell me somebody is awake, and paying attention06:56
lupine_85download the CD06:57
lupine_85put it in the CDROM drive06:57
lupine_85restart the PC06:57
lupine_85follow the prompts06:57
claydohdon't understand the q06:57
KickAssClownI want to get my gui going again06:57
siewyukwhat happened to your gui?06:57
KickAssClownCurrently I am stuck in console, outside the Gui.06:57
KickAssClownI changed my Kernel from 2.6.12-8-i386 to 2.6.15-27-k706:58
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lupine_85so reinstall linux-restricted-modules06:58
KickAssClownwhen I did this, my gui died, for lack of better termonology.06:58
lupine_85or whatever had your graphics card drivers in it06:58
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KickAssClownI am fairly sure I have done that06:59
claydohyou can also try booting to the old kernel if you didn't uninstall it06:59
KickAssClownI have uninstalled Gnome, installed and re-installed KDE.06:59
claydohits an xorg/video issue, not a gnome/kde thing07:00
KickAssClownI have uninstalled the core Ubuntu-desktop, and installed the core Kubuntu desktop.07:00
claydohif you hit esc (iirc) when you see a grub prompt during boot, you can choose which kernel07:01
KickAssClownI was told by nth to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:01
claydohwhat video card?07:01
KickAssClownGeforce 4 mmx 64MB agp 8x, pci card.07:01
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claydohdo you have nvisia-glx installed?07:02
KickAssClownI think so, I can check.07:02
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claydohand linux-restricted-modules-k707:02
KickAssClownthat was the last string of things I messed with.07:03
KickAssClownI went along and installed the k7 stuff.07:03
claydohbut at least you should be able to get to a gui if you can boot with the previous kernel07:03
KickAssClownQuestion: what happens if you have more than one kernel?07:03
claydohmakes it easier to manage07:04
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claydohnothing, other than extra drive space07:04
claydohbeing used07:04
KickAssClownhmmm... cause i had several kernels until I figured out I only needed one.07:04
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claydohgives you a fallback07:04
KickAssClownand that is when I started having this issue.07:04
KickAssClownI'm going to check my drivers and I should be back within 10 minutes.07:05
claydohedgy won't have all the kernel confusion thank goodness07:05
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n8k99anybody else on ppc having trouble with Koffice on Edgy?07:15
fdovinghmm.. koffice..07:15
n8k99yeah, can't get it to install07:15
fdovingi'll check in a moment.07:16
jdcnyctesting 1,2,307:16
n8k99apt-get and adept both claim it to be a broken package07:16
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RawSewagesomeone is crashing my client with a DCC hack07:16
RawSewagesomeone is crashing my Konversation with a DCC hack07:16
RawSewageis there a way to fix it07:17
RawSewageusing 1.007:17
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit07:17
fdovingcould it be this?07:17
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fdovingin that case, it might be your router.07:17
jdcnycDumb Question: I just installed Kubuntu and I want a bash shell07:17
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fdovingjdcnyc: kmenu (K in the lower left corner) -> system -> konsole07:18
n8k99jdcnyc: maybe konsole07:18
claydohjdcnyc: Konsole is what you want07:18
n8k99alt + f2 then type "konsole"07:18
RawSewagefdoving, thx07:19
jdcnycThanks! Now I can find out whoami :)07:19
n8k99jdcnyc: glad to help07:20
n8k99fdoving: any luck on koffice?07:21
fdovingn8k99: still waiting for 'apt-get update'07:22
jpiccolo_anyone know why quake 4 wont use the rez that i set it too?07:22
n8k99sweet thanx07:22
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KickAssClownHello people.07:23
KickAssClownI'm back into my gui07:24
fildohas anyone got nexuiz running here07:24
claydohusing the previous kernel, or k7?07:24
fdovingn8k99: missing dependencies here.07:24
orient2000Some long time ago famost creator of an operator system was in a Polish village. He noticed a peasant striking a horse from his carriage and yelling at him VISTA VISTA VISTA VIO. That is how he come up with a new name for his new version of Microsoft Windows Vista.07:24
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n8k99fdoving: yeah that's what I have have been getting for a week07:24
KickAssClownThanks for pointing me at the Driver. I found out that for some odd reason, that I do not understand, my graphic card's driver was switched off.07:24
fdovingorient2000: offtopic chat goes to #kubuntu-offtopic, thanks.07:25
Caitlinorient2000, hehehe07:25
fdovingn8k99: it'll be fixed.07:27
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n8k99fdoving: oh yes, i know that, it's late september, i would think that that is someting that gets fixed before edgy is released07:29
n8k99or at least it would be nice07:29
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n8k99and with koffice in rc1 now - it would be super sweet to have all the new freshness in the new freshness07:29
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CaitlinI saw Kubuntu Edgy Knot 3. Absolutely gorgeous. :)07:30
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fdovingi think beta will be released to day.07:31
n8k99yeah it is scheduled for today07:32
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CaitlinHmmm I'll have to check that out.07:34
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abortdanyone around?07:50
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AWOSDevWhat's the command you use to start KDE tools as root07:51
AWOSDevI thought it was ksudo07:51
AWOSDevbut it isn't07:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ksudo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
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AWOSDevThis is going to drive me insane!07:52
AWOSDevThanks claydoh!07:52
AWOSDevNow back to work.07:53
AWOSDev(for me)07:53
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orient2000I can not get it. What is a diference between Kubuntu Edgy and 6.0x LTS?07:55
abortdwhile im in kubuntu it used to have stacked programs in the tray now its just one long tab of the programs and not neatly stacked07:56
abortdhow do i fix it?07:56
abortdi've tried everything i think07:56
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule08:00
fdovingorient2000: ^^08:00
claydohabortd: try resizing it custom, right-click on the kicker, Configure Panel, then in the size, choose ustom and play around,  I use 5308:00
fdovingorient2000: edgy is the next version of kubuntu/ubuntu. will be released in a month or so.08:00
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule08:01
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duncan_how are you supposed to install the newest nvidia drivers08:06
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NthDegreeuse the .run package08:09
NthDegreedo it the normal way and go on the nvidia website for the latest08:09
duncan_it said i needed binutils08:09
orient2000it confused me because name was changed to 6.0x LTS and now back to Edgy 3.08:10
NthDegreeof course you do08:10
duncan_sorry I'm new to linux :P08:10
NthDegreewell try using the packaged nvidia drivers then08:10
duncan_but they are older?08:10
NthDegreeit requires a lot of somewhat unnecessary messing around for the latest08:10
NthDegreeduncan_: yes and they have been well tested08:11
NthDegreethe reason things stay older in Linux is usually down to stability08:11
NthDegreeolder usually means more stable and better tested meaning less bugs08:11
duncan_But at the cost of less performance?08:11
NthDegreeuh not necessarily08:12
NthDegreeperformance on new versions is somewhat a myth08:12
NthDegreeit's new features you get on newer versions08:12
NthDegreele doggy poop :p08:14
=== NthDegree had to be somewhat spontaneous and stupid there
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|michael|how well does kde install and run?08:25
|michael|any known problems?08:26
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|michael|I am new and comming over from suse....  I have heard a lot of good thing about ubuntu/kubuntu08:27
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orient2000I just installed opera and I had some errors. [Invalid UTF-8]  Could not parse file /usr/share/applications/kde/kmess.desktop desktop entry contain line 'Comment[de] =MSN Messanger Clone f\xfcr KDE3' which is not UTF-808:32
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Vaniquelo NthDegree:)08:34
NthDegreesorry but I just hate the look of KVIRC right now08:35
NthDegreeno offence08:35
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KickAssClownHey AWOS, I'm back in my gui, finally.08:35
NthDegreeit has more functionality but looks uglier than windows lol08:35
NthDegreedare i say08:35
KickAssClownIt was a stupid thing08:35
KickAssClownsomehow my graphic package, nvidia-glx, got disabled. I can't figure out how.08:36
gsuvegia hve problem with opera. many sites in opera looks ugly. ff / konq good. but, if im install opera-static sites look good in opera.08:37
gsuveganybody have idea why?08:37
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LamingtonI can't use Adept Updater08:38
LamingtonThis is incredibly annoying08:38
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LamingtonI keep getting this message:08:39
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LamingtonAnother process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.08:39
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LamingtonI have no idea what else might be using the packaging system database... I havent been using apt or anything... I've rebooted my computer and all...08:40
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orient2000did you do any manual changes in any lists?08:43
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LamingtonI added Enlightenment E17 to my sources.list08:43
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orient2000the same thing happened to me. I think I removed it and everythink was OK then.08:44
lupine_85Lamington: try deleting the lock file08:44
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lupine_85 /var/dpkg/lock or whatever it's called08:44
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LamingtonI think I might just remove E and its sources... I've had a play with it, it looks good but its still a bit alpha for me08:45
Lamingtonlupine_85: why would it be locked ?08:45
lupine_85if, for example, adept crashed08:46
Lamingtonah k08:46
lupine_85any situation where a program created the lock file, but didn't remove it08:46
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thi. how to format ups?08:46
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sakitelsomebody who uses ndiswrapper?08:55
sakitelsomebody who use ndiswrapper?08:55
twhat is the password for kdewallet? my password doesn`t work08:55
sakitelt: try with you msn pass, maybe you put a mistake and confuse the pass08:56
sakitelt: or try another of your pass08:56
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sakitelt: or try another of your pass???08:56
sakitelsomebody who use ndiswrapper?????????????08:57
sakitelsomebody who use ndiswrapper?????????????08:57
sakitelsomebody who use ndiswrapper?????????????08:57
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tsakitel - i`ve never set the password for kwallet09:00
tit`s fresh kubuntu on this machine09:00
tand kwallet wants password09:00
Lamingtonhmm things looking better now09:02
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sakitelt: well, just close the kwallet09:04
sakitelt: and then continue were you do it09:04
Lamingtonthanks for your patience guys09:04
tsakitel - thanks09:05
jpiccolo_you see the prices on hard drives09:09
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prokherhi, guys is it possible to make kmail work through socks proxy? i set up socks proxy in kde settings and button "test" said everything is ok, but kmail can't get mail... what is wrong ?09:16
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thow to install quake 3 demo on kubuntu? http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=26&lid=5709:21
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=== chalcedony smiles
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manu__somebody help me?09:40
chalcedonyhi manu__ i don't know much to help09:41
manu__is about photoshop09:41
manu__i install gimp09:41
manu__and i want see gimp like a photoshop09:41
manu__i want see gimp only in one window09:42
chalcedonytry #photography ?09:43
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BadWolf_i have a usb mouse... how to configure it?09:47
tBadWolf_ ?09:47
tin what way?09:47
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BadWolf_t: for kde09:50
BadWolf_or just tell me what device it is in /dev09:50
BadWolf_and i put it into the xorg.conf09:50
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elisianohello guys09:52
elisianois there anyone willing to help me out?09:52
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weedarBadWolf_: usually usb mice will work right after plugging in09:54
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elisianohow can I set a package status manually? I mean there is a package which depends on libdbus-1-2 but libdbus-1-3 is installed...10:07
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MDCoredoes it depend on libdbus-1-2 explicity or libdbus >= 1-2 ?10:14
MDCorelet me try this :)10:14
MDCore!package libdbus10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package libdbus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
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cpk2trying to use the live cd on my desktop, but can only seem to get working video in a terminal other than 7...10:16
cpk2using an nvidia card10:16
thow to open all mp3s with koffeine? i checked on opening one mp3 that it should use koffeine for all kind of that file type (mp3) in koffeine, but amarok still opens them10:17
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tdamn. if i try to uninstall amarok it wants to uninstall kde-desktop too10:22
elisianoMDCore: it depends on libdbus-1-210:23
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elisianomaybe the original package was misconfigured?10:23
MDCoreelis: can you not install libdbus-1-2 ? also there is the nodeps stuff that I've heard of... ask in #debian ? or #ubuntu ?10:24
MDCoret: try this...10:24
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MDCoret: Konq -> configure kong... -> File Assocations10:24
MDCoret: type mp3 and change the preferred order.10:24
elisianomay I paste here?10:25
elisianoit's 4 lines10:25
cpk2any idea why my desktop has problem with video using the live cd? only thing i say in the Xorg log was was a warning about a bad v_bios10:26
tMDCore - thanks, i`ll try it. who`s your favourite free music author?10:26
elisianoPackage libdbus-1-2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source. E: Package libdbus-1-2 has no installation candidate10:26
MDCoret: uh ... ? ? no idea.10:26
elisianoou btw, I'm using edgy... that could be the problem :)10:27
MDCoreelisiano: what package are you trying to install ?10:27
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MDCoreaaaaah compiz :D10:27
MDCoreI've been messing with that for the past week.10:27
MDCorestill no pretty :(10:27
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MDCoreThere are a lot of conflicting instructions on the net for how to set it up.10:28
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elisianoI heard that in the future kde will have native support for compiz10:28
MDCoreand the compiz stuff change to beryl... it's all very confusing right now.10:28
MDCoreI think I'm going to wait till you don't need to be a compiz/*buntu developer to set it up :)10:29
elisianolol :D10:29
elisianoit's pretty though10:29
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MDCoreit is... that's why I want it... impress my friends with my leet cool desktop (what..? I'm supposed to be working?? oh riiiight )10:30
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elisianome too ^_^10:31
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elisianoworking in a nice environment makes you feel better though10:32
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SlynderdaleWhats a good instant messanger for Ubuntu?10:35
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ArepieSlynderdale: Gaim ?10:36
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Healotand many more, but GaIM rocks :-10:38
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ubuntukopete is kde's10:38
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SlynderdaleJust installed Ubuntu+KDE tonight so I'm still a bit new. I added WIne and so far, everything seems to be going well.10:42
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ti try for 1st time to burn audio cd in K3b. but there is error- "Cdrecord has no permission to open the device". what`s the solution?10:44
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tabattoir - hi again. i try for 1st time to burn audio cd in K3b. but there is error- "Cdrecord has no permission to open the device". what`s the solution?10:45
SlynderdaleWhats your perferred browser of choice for Kubuntu?10:45
abattoirt: did you run k3bsetup2 ?10:46
abattoirt: wait a sec10:46
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abattoirt: Settings->K3B setup10:47
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gazoupk tu tes connecter tu me gonfle...10:47
tabattoir - and check setting -> burning, right?10:49
gazounan je nattend pas tu me gonfle je tai di de ne pas te connecter et tu te connecte ya du foutage de gueul kan mm10:49
abattoirt: once you run that, and click apply, ok, it should work10:49
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:49
gazoua qui tu veux que je demande?10:50
gazouet cest quoi le pseudo de ta pute?????10:50
Greenlynxje me suis connect a l'instant10:50
Greenlynxnj si tu di d gros mot il vont te kicker10:50
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Greenlynxvien en priv10:50
tabattoir - doesn`t work, even after reloaded the k3b10:50
gazouje men fout de se truk a la con10:50
tthe same error - cdrecord has no permission to open the device10:50
gazoude toutes facon est pour des rencontre alors je vois pourquoi tu y es...10:51
abattoirhmm ok, are you trying to decode mp3s?10:51
abattoirt: ^^^^10:51
tabattoir - yes, but i installed the requider library10:51
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abattoirlibk3b2-mp3 huh?10:52
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:53
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gazouen tout cas desolee de se que greenlynx a pu vous dire sur moi mais cetais hors context.je suis passer pour folle mais bon cest pas grave je suis habituer avec lui...10:53
gazouen tout cas si il y en a une qui ose lui reparler je risque de me deplacer...10:54
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:54
abattoirgazou: ^^^^10:55
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abattoirt: could you try 'cdrecord -scanbus' in a terminal(konsole) ?10:55
tabattoir - http://img174.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot4oq1.png10:56
tabattoir - ok10:56
SlynderdaleDoes Kubuntu come with Bash out of the box?10:56
abattoirt: tell me if you get an error10:56
MDCorewhat is the difference between removing a package and purging a package ?10:56
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tabattoir - error trying to open10:57
tabattoir - cdrecord - permission denied10:57
abattoirt: ok, then this thread is for you :)10:57
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tabattoir - thanks. long time to read10:58
abattoirt: at least it'd solve the issue(hopefully ;) )10:58
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tabattoir - do you eat frogs?10:59
abattoirbut you might want to read it fully, as other simpler solutions seem to be posted afterwards10:59
abattoirno, I'm not french :)10:59
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abattoir(assuming that's what you tried to imply)10:59
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bltcmay i have ur attention lpease?11:03
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tabbatoir - how to make new file in /etc/udev/ ?11:04
bltci dunno11:05
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tabbatoir - how to make new file in /etc/udev/ ? i got "acces denied"11:06
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zorglu_!info strigi11:08
ubotuPackage strigi does not exist in any distro I know11:08
zorglu_t, i think there is a config file11:09
abattoirt: sorry...11:10
abattoirt: there seem to be other simpler solutions as well11:10
abattoirt: like running dpkg-reconfigure on cdrecord and changing the ownership of the device11:10
abattoirt: look at posts 2 and 611:11
h3sp4wncdrecord should be suid root11:12
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tabattoir - i just type code from post to console and reboot?11:14
abattoirt: which ones?11:14
tchown root:cdrom /dev/sg011:14
abattoirt: did you run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure cdrecord' ?11:15
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abattoirt: and i think you should append the cdrecord... command to /etc/rc.local11:15
tin this "sudo dpkg-reconfigure cdrecord" they ask me if i want to install SUID11:16
h3sp4wnotherwise you will need to record cd's as root11:17
abattoiryes, suid root11:17
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tabattoir - ok, pasted. now reboot11:22
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derohey does anyone know how to changed bpp desktop11:23
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cpk2using live cd, booting in safe mode gives me ok graphics, however the normal bootup the system cant figure out the monitors hsync and vrefresh and even when i manually edit xorg with the correct values i still cant get a picture, any ideas?11:25
tabattoir - "Performing Optimum Power Calibration"11:25
h3sp4wncpk2: Have you made your own modeline ?11:25
tabattor - ok, it`s writing11:25
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cpk2h3sp4wn: no...11:26
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h3sp4wncpk2: What resolution and refresh rate are you trying to use11:26
tabattoir - i eat frogs, but i`m not french either11:26
abattoirt: good :)11:26
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abattoirt: yes, i wanted to make that clarification, that's why i said "if that's what you imply" ;)11:27
cpk2h3sp4wn: any, all i get is static when trying to boot the live cd in normal mode11:28
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cpk2and the xorg currently has no modelines in it11:29
h3sp4wncpk2: laptop or desktop - widescreen ? anything else out of the ordinary11:29
cpk2its a desktop nvidia 660011:29
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_laurentsalut  toutes et tous11:30
cpk2the xorg currently has no modeline entries11:30
_laurenthi all11:30
h3sp4wncpk2: lcd panel or crt ?11:30
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h3sp4wncpk2: http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl11:30
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cpk2its pretty much all standard11:31
_laurentis anybody knows how to install python 2.5 on my kubuntu ?11:31
cpk2h3sp4wn: ooh cool thanks for the link11:31
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h3sp4wncpk2: Either install it from the alternative cd or live cd (or use knoppix or kanotix kubuntu is a lousy live cd)11:31
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Rambo3!info python2.411:32
ubotupython2.4: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.4). In component main, is important. Version 2.4.3-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 2673 kB, installed size 9068 kB11:32
cpk2h3sp4wn: the funny thing is my laptop had no problems at all11:32
Rambo3!info python2.511:32
ubotuPackage python2.5 does not exist in any distro I know11:32
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ti planning to get more solar collectors to power my pc11:33
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don-harry!wiki theme kdm11:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki theme kdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:36
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greisterHow to get root privilige under kubuntu?11:38
h3sp4wnsudo -i11:38
greisterget root password?11:39
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:40
cpk2h3sp4wn: that site seems to not like me trying to use 1024x768 even though my monitor documentation says it supports it easily11:41
abattoirgreister: ^^^^11:41
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h3sp4wncpk2: 1024x768@75 ?11:44
h3sp4wncpk2: Modeline "1024x768@75" 85.52 1024 1056 1376 1408 768 782 792 80711:45
cpk2h3sp4wn: nevermind, i got it figured out, the boxes for aspect are misaligned on my browser11:45
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cpk2h3sp4wn: any reason not to do 1024x768@85?11:47
h3sp4wncpk2: if the monitor can handle it no (but I would wait until it is installed and use the nvidia binary drivers)11:48
main2anyone using a 1650x1080 resolution (on LCD)?11:48
cpk2binary = nvidia propietery or the free ones?11:49
main2my NVIDIA driver says (in xorg.conf) (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1650x1080"; removing.11:49
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h3sp4wncpk2: non-free11:49
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h3sp4wnmain2: Make a suitable modeline http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl11:50
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h3sp4wnmain2: modeline's go in Section Monitor11:50
main2ive done that, using the following settings...11:51
h3sp4wnmain2: then add the modeline section "screen" (i.e 1650x1080@60)11:51
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main2is it important to use @hz?11:54
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h3sp4wnOtherwise the modeline won't be used (afaik - not spent ages messing with them)11:54
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jmzwhy am I getting "invalid or corrupt kernel image"?11:55
main2all my modelines are without @hz11:55
jmzwhen I try to install from CD11:55
h3sp4wnjmz: corrupt cd ?11:55
main2crashing my xorg..11:55
jmzi got the ISO off the site11:55
h3sp4wnjmz: check the md5sum against the burnt image11:55
jmzthis happened twice to me11:55
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jmztwo cds11:56
jmzmaybe somethings up11:56
h3sp4wnCould be the initial file was downloaded wrong11:56
h3sp4wnmd5sum whatever.iso11:56
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jmzim on winblows11:56
main2(WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1650x1080@60"; removing.11:56
h3sp4wnmain2: does it work with nv ?11:57
main2could try..11:57
jmzdefinately a cd prob huh?11:57
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h3sp4wnjmz: If you are using the dapper cd and getting that error I can't think of anything else11:58
jmzok thx h3s11:58
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h3sp4wnjmz: Have you tried the alternative cd ?11:58
jmzwhats that?11:58
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h3sp4wnthe other cd you can download11:58
jmzwhy is it differnet?11:59
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h3sp4wndifferent installer and not a live cd11:59
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jmzoh that11:59
jmzi will give the alternative a try as well11:59
h3sp4wnjmz: burn DAO at a low speed (4x for example)12:00
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cpk2h3sp4wn: for some reason xorg says modeline is an invalid entry in the display section, will this be a problem that will be easy to fix after I install kubuntu?12:00
jmzcould be my burner12:01
h3sp4wncpk2: Should be12:01
jmzwell thx12:01
jmzim going to have to wait on this one12:01
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cpk2is dedicating a 40gig hard drive to root and swap a bit overkill?12:16
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abattoircpk2: depends on your needs... you are going to have  a separate /home partition?12:18
cpk2yeah i have a 300gig that will be /home12:18
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abattoircpk2: then yes, for most users its way overkill12:19
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cpk2its just, whats the point of partitioning the little 40 to partly be on home? i think it would be easier/cleaner to have root on its own small drive so i can eventually get rid of it without having storage spaning onto that drive12:20
h3sp4wnI would put the swap onto the faster drive12:21
cpk2i suppose that would be my big sata drive12:21
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cpk2just trying to figure out how i want my desktop partitioned12:21
cpk2so any helpful input would be greatly appreciated =)12:22
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h3sp4wncpk2: http://paste.debian.net/13881 (that is mine)12:22
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h3sp4wncpk2: http://paste.debian.net/1388212:24
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h3sp4wn(I have a 320gb drive didn't really know how to partition it but its ok at least for the moment)12:24
cpk2i dont really get the point behind using reiserfs12:26
cpk2i was thinking of just having a root swap and home and then maybe a samba partition as well12:27
h3sp4wnI want / seperate to /usr12:28
h3sp4wn(incase something goes wrong) so / is always ok12:28
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cpk2how much space did you give /usr?12:29
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h3sp4wntoo much12:30
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h3sp4wnI should have made / only 1gb12:31
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cpk2hah, so i suppose if i gave / about 5G and /usr 20ish that would be good?12:31
h3sp4wncan only be very small if everything else has its own partition12:32
cpk2what would everything else be?12:33
ti don`t have sound only in KsCD12:33
h3sp4wncpk2: no idea I hava shown you what I use12:34
ti set to direct, and works12:34
cpk2h3sp4wn: it looks all complicated and messy =\ whats the command to print that list you gave me?12:35
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h3sp4wnmount or df -h12:36
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cpk2h3sp4wn: these all seems like it might be a little overwhelming for poor old nooby me =\12:40
h3sp4wncpk2: If you do run out of space you can just symlink stuff to other partitions12:41
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flaccid_how do i change the font for firefox' menus etc.?12:41
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tktorrent crashes every time i try to start him12:41
cpk2h3sp4wn: what i kinda was visualizing was having my /home data be free from the rest of the system so if needed i can transfer the hard drives around or something12:42
crazy_penguinGood day all! :)12:43
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Igor_V2oi] 12:58
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Papandapulohow are you people01:00
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatric, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak or Hawkwind01:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ttop10 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:01
Papandapulofuck you01:02
Papandapuloubotu do now01:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about do now - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:02
tban him01:02
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tPapandapulo - ignore01:03
Papandapulojoin to channel #kutaisi01:03
copterhi, ive got some problems with a DVD burning speed in K3B. DMA is on, burner is 16x, media is 16x, max speed gained is 4x. help anyone?01:03
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h3sp4wncopter: kdesu k3bsetup01:04
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copterh3sp4wn: ok, and than?01:04
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coptereverything looks fine01:05
h3sp4wncopter: all permissions are correct (cdrecord suid root etc)01:05
copterh3sp4wn: cdrecord 0755 root.root, cdrdao 4711 root.root01:06
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h3sp4wncopter: well cdrecord is not suid root then01:06
copterh3sp4wn: /dev/hdc 660 root.cdrom01:07
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abortdhow do i add multiverse to kubuntu?01:07
h3sp4wnk3bsetup sets the permissions as it wants them01:07
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main21680x1050 is working (well.. gdm is starting up in this mode) but then kde puts it back to 1280x102401:07
main2where does KDE store its display resolution?01:07
copterh3sp4wn: em, ok, than i should add suid root to cdrecord and thats all?01:08
h3sp4wncopter: Just apply the settings from k3bsetup01:08
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copterh3sp4wn: yes, but it says no change everywhere01:09
Linux_Galoremain2: kcontrol -> Peripherals -> display01:09
copterh3sp4wn: clicking ok doesnt do anything01:09
main2Linux_Galore: that doesnt work here, after i installed XGL it stopped working..01:09
h3sp4wncopter: just manually change the permissions as it wants to then01:09
main2Linux_Galore: do you know where that value ends up?01:09
main2because i know that it will work if i change it there01:09
Linux_Galoremain2: I gave up on xgl01:10
main2Linux_Galore: i will give up soon if the memory leaking doest stop, but meanwhile - i fuck around a bit01:10
Linux_Galoremain2: its still technically unstable01:10
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main2Linux_Galore: thats why its called 'alpha-stage' software :P01:11
copterh3sp4wn: "as it wants to", but k3bsetup says its all fine. can you write me plese what exacly i have to change manually. only cdrecord suid root?01:11
Linux_GaloreI have better things to do than worry about menu animation01:11
h3sp4wncopter: it lists its permissions on the right hand side any that are not marked as ok change01:11
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RawSewageis there a way to throttle the speed on Klibido01:13
copterh3sp4wn: than im idiot or something isnt right there. on column 'new priviliges' it says 'no change' everywhere and i have no idea how to change it inside k3bsetup :/01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:18
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twenty2sixtyhi! i'd like to have my laptop's synaptics-touchpad fully supported in kubuntu. therefore i need synaptics-driver-version 0.14.4 or higher. the official repos only offer 0.14.3. i could of course download & install the latest driver manually. but it would be nicer to have a repo that offers a more up-to-date version of the xorg-synaptics-driver. anyone here who has an entry for the sources.list at hand that might offer this01:28
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copterh3sp4wn: after manual set (sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/cdrecord*) K3B complains that due to security reasons since Kernel 2.6.8 cdrecord should have root suid01:33
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copterh3sp4wn: k3bsetup says to change it back to 75501:33
h3sp4wnI thought root suid was 471101:35
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cfraz89just installed edgy eft01:35
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copterh3sp4wn: well, i googled it, to change to 475501:36
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h3sp4wnmaybe I use a later version of k3b / cdrecord01:37
copterh3sp4wn: after change to 4711 K3B says it cant find cdrecord at all01:37
h3sp4wnthat is what I have it set as and its working fine (kde 3.5.4)01:37
copterdo you burn as root?01:38
h3sp4wnwell I think cdrecord runs as root but k3b does not01:38
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copterwell, 4711 says -rws--x--x 1 root root    133 2006-04-12 09:32 /usr/bin/cdrecord, so no read for k3b i presume01:39
copter4755 did the trick (-rwsr-xr-x)01:39
copterbut K3B complains01:39
gratisi`ve got problemm with amarok. it plays cdaudio, but doesn`t want to play mp3, ogg. koffeine works ok with any kind of these files but i need options from amarok. what`s the solution? i`ve got the newest amarok version01:40
h3sp4wn-rws--x--x  1 root   root     363924 2006-09-21 13:07 cdrecord (that is what I have)01:40
copter-rws--x--x 1 root root    133 2006-04-12 09:32 /usr/bin/cdrecord (size differs.....)01:40
gratismore details- amarok plays music files only then when i open them in amarok01:41
copterdoes K3B has to be set manually to some special group01:41
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gratiswhen i start music files from konqueror, amarok starts but there`s nothing changing in it01:41
h3sp4wncopter: Its beyond me now01:42
LeeJunFandamnit. us.archive.ubuntu.com just went down in the middle of me downloading from it.01:42
LeeJunFanoh, looks like it's back now.01:42
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copterh3sp4wn: ok, anyway thanks a lot for help.01:42
copterh3sp4wn: i know where / what i have to search for now :)01:43
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cfraz89did the ubuntu servers go down?01:44
cfraz89i was in the middle of an upgrade...01:44
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gratisproblemm with amarok (look my previous texts): it`s look like that when i try to start music files from konqueror- http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot5bu0.png01:44
LeeJunFancfraz89: yes, look up about 5 lines at my last.01:44
gratiswhen i start files from amarok- all works ok01:44
llxcamxll!java re01:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about java re - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:44
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository01:45
cfraz89LeeJunFan: thanks :)01:45
cfraz89does anyone know what happened to kget in edgy?01:46
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cfraz89it seems they have just slowed down totally...01:48
LeeJunFancfraz89: znarl is going to get the server taken car of.01:48
cfraz89ok, :)01:48
zorglu_gratis: the issue comes from the system: in konqueror url i think01:50
zorglu_gratis: try playing it directly from the root dir01:50
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gratishow to do it?01:51
cfraz89edgy sure is nice...01:51
gratiszorglu_ ^01:51
zorglu_left tab of konqueror "root folder" -> goto to the dir with tthat01:51
zorglu_i dunno where it is01:51
LeeJunFanyes and edgy doesn't have that problem gratis is having with system:/ and media:/ links as it translates to full paths in konqueror now. :)01:52
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zorglu_LeeJunFan: nice :)01:52
zorglu_LeeJunFan: there is an issue with playing m3u from the web too01:52
gratiszorglu_ i don`t have any amarok folders in myname folder01:52
LeeJunFanzorglu_: yeah, that was a sore spot with me, kde apps didn't even handle it half the time, amarok, k3b, etc..01:53
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zorglu_LeeJunFan: when i clock on a url, konqueror download it in a local file and then pass it to amarok, but the local file doesnt have .m3u at the end, so amarok doesnt handle it as a playlist01:53
zorglu_i had to do a script to workaround this01:53
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zorglu_gratis: find the audio file you wanna play and click on it, but from 'root folder' tab01:54
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zorglu_LeeJunFan: do you know if this one have been fixed ?01:54
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gratiszorglu_ what do you mean by "root folder tab"?01:55
zorglu_ left tab of konqueror "root folder" -> goto to the dir with tthat01:55
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gratiszorglu_ you mean /root ? i don`t have any amarok here01:57
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zorglu_1. open konqueror01:58
zorglu_2. look on the left of the win01:58
zorglu_you will see tab01:58
zorglu_3. click on the one called 'root folder'01:58
zorglu_i cant do better than that :)01:58
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gratisi did it01:59
gratisim in /01:59
zorglu_now find the audio file you wanna play with amarok02:00
zorglu_and click on it02:00
gratiswow, plays02:00
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zorglu_cool :)02:01
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RawSewagein Konqueror, is there a way to delete things in the left side pane, rather than right-clicking and selecting Delete02:02
RawSewageI want to delete things in the left side using the Delete key, but it doesnt work02:02
gratiszorglu - but if i open my music folder via shortcut and try to start the file, there`s silence02:03
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gratiszorglu - i made better shortcut now, thanks02:06
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ctwHi, I have a strange problem that I hope somebody can help me fix. When I'm in the printer settings dialog and click on "add printer", the backend selection screen only includes SMB, other printer type, and class of printer. All other choices are grayed out. How can I enable the other backends?02:17
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gratiswhat does "full upgrade" button in Adept?02:21
ctwI'm using KDE 3.5.402:22
cfraz89gratis: it upgrades all packages, including major ones which may break your os02:23
cfraz89but its generally safe02:23
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gratiscfraz89 lol02:24
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sorush20how do if get to view the properties of a file to find out what time a file was created ?02:26
sorush20the file is a wma02:27
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gratissorush20 - send me it02:29
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sorush20gratis: how do I ? and also why should I the audio is from a lecture.. I dont think I need to send youit02:30
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ctwsorush20: right click on the file and select properties02:36
sorush20ctw: that dosent give me the info about when it was created..02:36
ctwsoursh20: this info may not be available02:37
sorush20ctw: why is that can I do something to make sure I can see it?02:38
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_thumper_what do people use to sync palms with kontact?02:41
_thumper_I have a tungsten T502:41
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tsbHello. I am trying to enable kmix's "mute" feature. However, my soundcard doesn't have a "master" channel, only PCM, and so it doesn't work. Any ideas here? Ideally I'd have master, since taht would also make my volume up/down buttons work automatically (they work on master, not PCM)02:44
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llxcamxllhas anybody had a working copy of quake1 on kubuntu??02:48
ctwIf you go on "Print System" -> "Add printer" and hit "Next" what do you see? For me most of the backends are grayed out ... :(02:49
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zenwow across servers02:55
flakewhen i create some shell batch-like processes to run manually, where should i store them -  in my home folder, or somewhere in one of the root folders02:55
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cfraz89does anyone know where the kget package is in edgy?03:02
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abattoir!info kget edgy03:08
ubotukget: download manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.4-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 431 kB, installed size 1172 kB03:08
abattoircfraz89: ^^^ its in universe03:08
m3xicanDasnipa`: :)03:09
abattoirdrarem: if you want to run it manually, i guess you can store it pretty much anywhere03:09
cfraz89abattoir: i'm such a doobie, thanks :)03:09
abattoircfraz89: no problem :)03:09
cfraz89forgot to enable universe ^^03:09
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ubuntuwhen i can take the repo03:23
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pielgrzymdoes the standard (k)ubuntu kernel have splash screen support compiled? or should I patch the source availible on repositories?03:26
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jfdbmiI am trying to get the key for updating my kde to 3.5.4 but I cannot connect03:26
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jfdbmiThis is the message in the konsole Connecting to people.ubuntu.com||:80...03:28
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Igor_V2hi, i have a hidden directory...how change it for a normal one...no hidden...???03:40
Igor_V2anybody knows??03:40
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LjLIgor_V2: "hidden" files (or directories) in Unix are simply files whose name start with a "." (period).  remove the period from the name, and it won't be hidden anymore. however, if programs expect the period to be there, they will rbeak03:41
bubblenutIn order to upgrade to edgy do I just have to make sure all my packages up to date, change my sources.list so that all "dapper" entries are changed to "edgy" and to a dist-upgrade?03:42
LjLIgor_V2: otherwise, from a console, you can just type "ls -a" rather than just "ls" to see the hidden files03:42
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h3sp4wnbubblenut: don't use adept or synaptic to do the dist-upgrade03:43
desideratouse apt03:43
CViruswhats the point ?03:43
bubblenuth3sp4wn: OK, apart from that is it OK?03:44
Dasnipa`m3xican, ;)03:44
h3sp4wnbubblenut: Maybe / maybe not / couldn't say for sure03:44
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bubblenutOh well, here goes :/03:45
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bubblenutSeems to be worH^H^H^H^03:46
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insanekaneanyone got a tablet notebook working with Kubuntu ?03:51
Dr_willisHmm.. Some one wqs asking about making rars under linux with the gui. I just noticed the rghtclick _> Compress --> make .rar    menu item :P03:51
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Dr_willisHow convient03:52
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jfdbmi_is there a way to download a key and add it besides wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg03:58
CViruskgpg ?03:59
h3sp4wnyou can download it from a keyserver03:59
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jfdbmi_and then how do I add it?04:00
h3sp4wnapt-key add04:00
Dr_willis besides wget? Why not use wget?04:00
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jfdbmi_I am getting timed out04:00
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h3sp4wngpg --armor --export 1F41B907 | sudo apt-key add -04:01
jfdbmi_I don't understand why04:01
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h3sp4wn(after you have got the key in root's keyring04:01
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Dr_willis10:01:31 (7.54 KB/s) - `kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg' saved [26430/26430] 04:01
Dr_willisit just worked for me jfdbmi04:01
jfdbmi_where do I save the key04:01
nixternalgpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys <key_ID> && gpg --export --armor <key_ID> | sudo apt-key add -04:01
jfdbmi_in home folder?04:02
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jfdbmi_doesn't for me for some unknown reason04:02
jfdbmi_here is the line I get Connecting people.ubuntu.com||:80...04:03
jfdbmi_and then no key04:03
Dr_willisConnecting to people.ubuntu.com||:80... connected.04:03
Dr_williswhy are you getting
jfdbmi_I don't know04:03
jfdbmi_how to resolve this?04:04
Dr_willissounds like a dns issue. or somthing04:04
h3sp4wnuse the ubuntu-keyserver ?04:04
jfdbmi_I use ADSL router04:04
Dr_williswget http://~
Dr_willisoops typo04:04
SethieSilly question... Can you install Kubuntu with the Kubuntu live CD?04:04
Skrot~? :)04:04
Dr_willisSethie,  yes04:05
jfdbmi_ok let me try04:05
SethieHow? It didn't show up in the boot menu, Dr_willis04:05
h3sp4wnSethie: link on the desktop04:05
SkrotSethie: Boot the live CD and clock the "Install" link on desktop :)04:05
Dr_willisSethie,  look on the desktop for the icon named "INstall to hard drive" :)04:05
SkrotReally neat way of installing Kubuntu.04:05
Dr_willisToo bad the installer itself is a little on the dumb side04:05
SethieThe desktop is pretty empty? :/04:06
Skrotyou have to acctually let it start KDE and stuff, Sethie :)04:06
Skrothum.. old livecd?04:06
Dr_willisThat would be my gyess04:06
Sethie2004 december something something04:06
Dr_willisits a recent addation to the final cd's04:06
SkrotDr_willis: The pyqt/pykde thingy?04:06
Dr_willisso get a newer live cd04:06
SethieOk, I'll download one of the latest cd's :) Thanks guys04:06
jfdbmi_Hurrah I got it thanks Dr_willis04:06
Dr_willisMepis did have a smarter/nicer livecd-installer script04:07
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SethieAnd how can this 2 years old Kubuntu be working on a 64-Bit processor?04:07
h3sp4wnthe knoppix / kanotix one I think is the best04:07
SkrotSethie: AMD or Intel?04:07
Dr_willisa 64bit cpu can run 32bit disrtos just fine04:07
Dr_willisI do it all the time04:07
Dr_willisIt can even run DOS.04:07
h3sp4wnDr_willis: Not itanium04:07
SethieSkrot: AMD04:08
SethieAh right, makes sense... :D04:08
Dr_williswell itaniums are stupd then :P  No wonder no one likes them.04:08
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Dr_willisand their momma dresses them funny.04:08
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h3sp4wnPentium Pro's were good for 32 bit (but bad for 16) - may as well just use a 64 bit os on a 64 bit chip04:09
SkrotAny reason why *ubuntu choose usplash over fbsplash/gensplash btw?04:09
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Dr_willisI disable the splash anyway. :P04:10
Dr_willisproberly it was more convient.04:10
Dr_willisi think edgy is going to some other splash system04:10
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Skrotnope, I asked04:10
Skrotit'll still use usplash afaik04:10
Dr_willisThere was some wiki/talk in the channel the other day about it..04:10
h3sp4wnI think splashy looks the bet04:10
Dr_willisbut i disable splash anyway.. so i dident pay aggention04:10
SkrotI like fbsplash.. havent tried splashy though04:11
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jfdbmi__this is what i got when i did apt-key add04:11
jfdbmi__gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found04:12
Skroth3sp4wn: Does splashy allow framebuffer with images in normal console?04:12
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SkrotOr is it just for boot process?04:12
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h3sp4wnSkrot: What do you mean ? what images do you want in the framebuffer ?04:13
Dr_willisconsole with images? seen that in a few live cd's - makes the console very unuseable. :P04:13
SkrotMine is very usable04:13
SkrotLet me grab a screenshot :)04:14
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Dr_willisi find it annoying that GPM isent installed by default04:14
Dr_willisthen again - i find hte framebuffer console - to cause more problems then it solves.04:14
Dr_willisand it sure slowed down my gentoo instlls on my old box's :)04:14
Dr_willisThen i discovered DistCC :)04:15
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Skrothttp://folk.ntnu.no/romnes/fbconsole.png like that :)04:17
DaSkreechjfdbmi___: I think that may be normal04:17
Dr_willisbetter not be a screen shot from goatese :)04:18
SkrotIt's 1024x768 though. Couldn't get 1280x800 fb on my laptop :(04:18
Skrothaha, it's not04:19
Dr_willisnasty in my oponion. :P04:19
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Acchow the hell, sorry, does the kde-screensaver work? it just doesn't want to work04:19
Dr_willisIll stick with my black bg and green text. :)04:19
Skrothehe, that works too. I was just kinda bored and then I found out about fbsplash so I gave it a shot04:20
Acccan anyone help me with the screensaver?04:21
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SkrotGreen on black always give me a 1980s feel though :p04:21
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stuqhi all04:21
stuqis there any way to disable live mode when installing kubuntu?04:21
proogmy friend has a problem with his kubuntu installation: every time kubuntu boots, it runs dosfsck (i think), thus slowing the booting down a lot. is there a solution for this problem?04:21
stuqlike... go back to the old way04:21
stuqthe live session running off the CD is very slow and buggy04:22
Dr_willisis he shutting down properly?04:22
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Dr_willisi found the live cd to work ok. :P for its job.04:22
proogDr_willis: talking to me?04:22
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stuqwell, the mouse response is very slow04:22
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stuqit keeps trying to access the CD before it does anything04:23
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Dr_willisproog,  yes.04:23
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prooghe is shutting down properly, yes04:23
Dr_willisstuq,  a swap partition on the hard drive helps it greatly.04:23
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stuqboot: option?04:23
Dr_willisproog,  is he using that ext2 filesstem tool under windows?  if you use that and windows crashes - the linux drive is marked unclean and is checked.04:24
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Acci'll ask one more time: has anybody a working screensaver?04:24
SkrotI have a working screensaver04:24
proogDr_willis: no he doesn't04:24
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Accmine doesn't start04:24
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zenyeah mine works fine04:24
SkrotAre you trying to use a screensaver that needs opengl?04:24
Accno, standards only04:25
_Shade_hi there04:25
zendo any of them work04:25
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Acci put the cross into checkbox:start wautomatical and so on04:25
SkrotTried "test", Acc?04:25
_Shade_anyone knows how can i play realplayer movies in kaffeine ?04:25
Accyes, testing works just fine, it does not want to start, when i leave pc04:26
Acci already read about Videogroup and added my user to this group, still no working screensaver04:26
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zenhow  long has the install been in the system for04:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:27
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Accmh, i'm despairing here with the easiest04:28
Accsmallest details04:28
zenyeah with good reason04:29
zennever seen that sort of error before04:29
zendo movies play ok04:29
stuqthis is nuts04:29
stuqis there a way to go back to the txt-based install04:29
stuqthis is taking forever04:29
h3sp4wnuse the alternative cd04:29
=== stuq looks
Accyes, i have a suspicion though04:30
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Accmy optical mouse could be to sensitive?04:30
_Shade_does anyone know how to help me ?04:30
Accor its configuration04:31
Dr_willis_Shade_,  follow that !realplayer wiki url yet and read?04:31
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Acci can try... ill leave the mouse on its back now04:31
zentyurn the mouse over so it cant see anyting04:31
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zengood ide04:31
_Shade_Dr_willis: i already did it - it doesn't help04:32
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Acci'll be back ;)04:32
_Shade_Dr_willis: any other ideas ?04:32
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zen_Shade_:  whats the problem again04:33
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_Shade_zen: kaffeine doesn't play my realplayer movies04:34
zenoki and you have the licences for them not all real player is able to play due to licence requirements04:34
Acchm... i'll try more things, c u soon04:35
zensome are issues due to the site the file came from04:35
zendo youknow if it works without a internet connection to play it in windows i ssume you have tried windows to test itis working04:36
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Dr_willisHmm.. wife cant use the skype  phone while i am downloading torrents. :(04:37
Dr_willisit makes her connection all  flakey04:37
zencan happen04:37
=== zen hates skype
=== zen hates torrents
zeni dont liek the tracker04:37
Dr_williswell boo hoo for you. :P04:37
stuqzen try gizmoproject04:37
Dr_willisIts handy for disrto isos.04:38
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zeni have all i need right now and my dl box is doing nicely on  its own04:38
Dr_willisYou need more!04:38
Dr_willisMust have Eye candy!04:38
zenwhat 700 gig of files is not enough files04:39
_Shade_zen: "there was a problem during loading a cook.so.6.0 library"04:39
Dr_willisya gotta reforamt and reinstall to upgrade to kde
glj12still no sound on my lappy. =(04:39
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tgentryWhat file holds the commands to start kde?04:39
h3sp4wn/usr/bin/startkde ?04:40
Skrotstartkde methinks04:40
Skrotor what he said04:40
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tgentryis it configurable?04:40
h3sp4wnits just a shellscript so yes04:40
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zenpm _Shade_04:41
glj12anyone else here have kubuntu on their laptop with no sound?04:41
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tgentryI have kubuntu on my Dell running edgy  with sound04:41
tgentryoh no sound...sorry04:41
Skrotwhich dell?04:42
glj12i have a gateway mx323004:42
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zenyoucant hear me can you _Shade_04:42
tgentryLatitude d61004:42
Skrottgentry: What does lspci | grep -i audio say?04:43
zeni asked what file is it exactly04:43
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glj12let me try04:43
Accno chance04:43
Accno screensaver04:43
SkrotMy screensaver started after 5mins, even locked the screen if I told it to04:43
glj120000:00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)04:43
tgentrySkrot 00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)04:43
_Shade_zen: no i can't04:44
zenthought so04:44
Skrotglj12: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2598004:44
zenyah i am04:44
glj12Skrot: does that mean much to you? lol04:44
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Skrottgentry: That soundcard uses snd_intel8x0m module..  it's probably been blacklisted04:45
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tgentryhmm ok how do i go about stopping kde from auto starting when I boot Kubuntu?04:46
tgentrybut I want to manually start it04:46
SkrotCheck out /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist -- see if it says anything about snd_intel8x0m04:46
_Shade_zen: you can04:46
tgentrySkrot: my card works fine04:46
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_Shade_zen: you can't see me either i suppose04:46
Skrotyou said you had it running with no sound?04:46
tgentryno I had sound someone else said they didnt04:47
h3sp4wntgentry: use sysv-rc-conf to stop kdm running (remove from all run levels)04:47
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Skrottgentry: Damn, I didn't read the lines before you said you had kubuntu with edgy etc04:47
BigIronGood morning!04:49
tgentryok so where is that conf file located..04:49
SkrotIf you don't want KDE started at boot you probably want to disable KDM04:49
JunisBigIron: It's 16:49, Good Afternoon :)04:49
fdovingtgentry: 'sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remove' to stop kdm from starting at boot.04:50
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tgentrytahnks fdoving04:50
tgentrythanks even04:51
fdovingtgentry: to get it back: 'sudo update-rc.d kdm defaults'04:52
fdovingmight put that in a notes.txt for later use :)04:52
Skrotfdoving: Is there a easy way to do that to all services? I once screwed up my rc.d so bad that reboot and halt didn't work.04:52
tgentryyes just did thanks a million04:52
fdovingSkrot: get them back to defaults?04:53
fdovingSkrot: restore a backup of /etc :)04:53
SkrotDidn't make one :)04:53
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SkrotSo I reinstalled04:53
fdovingSkrot: well.. the problem is not all the startup scripts should be set to defaults.04:53
BigIronA flash plug-in download has lockked up my synaptic program , everytime I try to use it I get a message to run dpkg --configure -a which stalls. How do I fix this?04:53
SkrotI see04:53
zorglu_q. any body succeed to uses the webcam with kopete to talk with msn people ?04:53
SkrotBigIron: Run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" in konsole04:53
fdovingSkrot: however, setting everything to defaults will probably let you start the box.04:54
BigIronI'll try that.04:54
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Skrotfdoving: starting it wasn't a problem. But whenever I typed "reboot" or "halt" nothing happened :)04:54
Skrotas sudo/real su ofcourse04:54
fdovingSkrot: ah. nice one. :)04:54
|lostbyte|Where do i view processor details ?04:55
h3sp4wn(I have that problem at the moment if I run init 0 or halt it just kills all processes but doesn't unmount any filesystems etc - not got round to fixing it as init 6 works fine)04:55
fdoving|lostbyte|: /proc/cpuinfo04:55
Skrot|lostbyte|: cat /proc/cpuinfo04:55
SkrotThere's also some info in /sys/devices/system/cpu/ if you want to know about speedstepping and such04:56
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llxcamxllwould some one be able to help me??04:57
BigIronWhen I run dpkg in konsole it promts for password then shows "Downloading" and goes no farther.04:57
ZEN2i had that04:57
ZEN2i just waited longer04:57
SkrotBigIron: You're trying to download flashplugin-nonfree?04:58
ZEN2i waited 5 hours and suddenly it showed it was finished and sucessfully installed04:58
BigIron5 hours wow04:58
tgentryahh thats another question how do i clean up apt. I had some downloads that didnt complete or where broke and everytime I update or add new software it tells me not all where installed04:58
SkrotBigIron: I had some problems with that one as well. Just ended up "sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree" and downloaded and installed manually from adobe04:58
llxcamxllThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.04:58
llxcamxllwtf is that04:58
h3sp4wnsudo dpkg --configure -a04:59
tgentryyeah thats my error lol04:59
h3sp4wnsudo aptitude clean && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade04:59
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|lostbyte|fdoving, Skrot; thanks05:00
tgentryok then theres this question.. are these commands in the system help ?05:01
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Sevenhillhow can i overcome this problem ?05:01
SevenhillFailed to fetch http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kde4libs/kde4libs-data_3.80.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb  Size mismatch05:01
SevenhillFailed to fetch http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kde4libs/kde4libs-data_3.80.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb  Size mismatch05:02
SevenhillFailed to fetch http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kdepimlibs/kdepimlibs-data_3.80.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb  Size mismatch05:02
Skrotwe get the idea, Sevenhill :p05:02
SevenhillFailed to fetch http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kdepimlibs/kdepimlibs4-dev_3.80.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb  Size mismatch05:02
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o fdoving] by ChanServ
Sevenhillonly 3 of that files give error05:03
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o fdoving] by fdoving
fdovingtry another mirror.05:03
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zorglu_does 'apt-get update' help ?05:04
tgentryhmm the apt clean and update still didnt get rid of my clam antivrus broke messages05:05
Sevenhillhow can i fix that05:05
Sevenhillfdoving:  how can i set the which mirror will be used for apt-get05:05
h3sp4wntgentry: sudo aptitude purge ~B05:05
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|lostbyte|Where do i look for bugs concerning kubuntu ?05:05
reisihow does one turn off automatic spell checking in kde?05:05
trappistSevenhill: you specify it in /etc/apt/sources.list05:06
tgentrywill try that05:06
trappistreisi: in kde?  that's a per-app setting iirc05:06
h3sp4wntgentry: sudo aptitude purge \~B (with zsh)05:06
tgentrystill no go...but actually reading it it said I havent configured clam antivirus? When I run it it says its up to date...05:09
tgentrydo i need antivirus with linux?05:09
zorglu_tgentry: unlikely05:10
zorglu_clam antivirus is mainly for parsing emails when you run a mail server05:10
tgentryok wow learning a lot today...he he05:10
zorglu_cool :)05:11
tgentrynow lets see if add/remove works...lol05:11
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llxcamxllcan i add reps that aren't already added in the rep manager?05:12
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zorglu_llxcamxll: yes05:12
tgentrythanks a lot guys you all have helped me a lot. going to reboot and see if all is well...bbiab05:13
zorglu_llxcamxll: if you do, dont forget to do 'sudo apt-get update' afterward, it update the local cache of the repositories content05:13
llxcamxllwhere would be a good place to find other reps?05:14
h3sp4wnThere are not many of any use05:14
h3sp4wn(that won't break things badly if you want to upgrade to edgy)05:15
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llxcamxllso what other sorta content can be found in other reps?05:17
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llxcamxlllike games?05:18
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ZEN2what do they mean by universe05:22
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uharc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uha - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:27
|lostbyte|!find uha05:27
ubotuFile uha found in mc05:27
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2073 kB, installed size 5952 kB05:27
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Sevenhillhi again05:28
Sevenhillit is same with other mirrors05:28
SevenhillFailed to fetch http://en.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kde4libs/kde4libs-data_3.80.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb  Size mismatch05:28
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tgentryok im back and everything seem to work well thanks again to all that helped me :)05:29
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zorglu_Sevenhill: tried to do 'sudo apt-get update'05:40
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Film905I need a linux equivilant to windows hyper-terminal, any suggestions?05:46
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SkrotFilm905: For what purpose?05:47
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SkrotI seem to remember that hyper-terminal did ftp connections as well as serial connections05:47
Skroterr, telnet, not ftp05:47
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x-demonhi all05:50
x-demoni need help05:51
epJust built Qt 4.1.4 Need to set path in my environment variables.  Qt readme says to edit the profile.  What's the "kubuntu way" extend the environment variables?05:52
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x-demonwhen i starting kubuntu i doesnt see anything05:52
Dr_willisstarting the live cd? the installcd? or did you get it installed.05:53
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x-demonafter installing05:53
Dr_willisFilm905,  connecting to a BBS?05:53
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epI'm from windows -- just built Qt because i need the latest version (sorry) --  Do I need to  RTFM and go thru mailinglists and online forums just to set an environment variable?05:54
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Dr_willisexport WHATEVER=whatever in the .bashrc or similer file..05:55
mattikHello. How I get keyboard running in flash games with Dapper and firefox?05:55
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zorglu_ep: i hope you know what you are doing, updating qt from source is known to be very hard05:55
x-demonhey doctor ^)05:56
zorglu_ep: because it is :)05:56
Dr_willisx-demon,  you see the login message? or any boot messages? 'dont see anything' is vague.05:56
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x-demonno, i doesnt see ANYTHING05:56
zorglu_ep: experimented people like kde4 dev have issue with it... so up to you to see05:56
epno errors or warning on the build :-)05:56
x-demoni looks like...05:57
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x-demonmy monitor supports 60 gerz, maybe server selects 70?05:57
Hawkwind!info boost edgy05:58
ubotuPackage boost does not exist in edgy05:58
Hawkwind!find boost05:58
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ubotuFound: libboost-dev, libboost-python-dev, libboost-python1.33.1, boost-build, libboost-date-time-dev (and 21 others)05:58
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LjLnew factoid05:58
ubotuSaying "I don't see anything", or "It says nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you just see a black screen, say so, if you just see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an error message, say so, etc.05:58
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SkrotFilm905: Try cutecom05:59
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gratiswhen will be realesed next kubuntu? i`ll get next holiday from work06:00
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule06:01
_xangel_query nick06:01
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Dr_willisx-demon,   so you dont even see any boot screen messages?  if so.. then.. thats real odd.. you hear the drives spin up? hear a startup sound?06:01
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LjLx-demon: and, does the monitor go to standby?06:02
zorglu_gratis: be aware that right around those date the servers go very slow due to the sudden amount of people using them :)06:02
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zorglu_gratis: i mean forsee like 3-4 week after the release to get nice fast servers, or you will spend your hollyday looking at the installer :)06:03
x-demoni must go06:03
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x-demonsee later06:03
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Dr_willisheh - or upgrade the day befor the release..06:03
Dr_willisinstall an older version, then upgrade.06:04
zorglu_Dr_willis: interesting stragegy :)06:04
gratiszorglu_ i use bittorrent, man06:04
Dr_williszorglu_,  darn! now everyone will do it!06:04
Dr_willisbittorrents are good for this06:04
zorglu_yep but limited to the cd :)06:04
Dr_willishow about a distributed apt-get system. :)06:04
zorglu_gratis: you see, man ? :)06:04
zorglu_Dr_willis: in the pipe :)06:05
gratiszorglu_ - so 19th october06:05
mark__I have installed kubuntu and think it is great (bye bye windoze soon) How do I change the screen resolution? I have gone to the settings page, and the highest it will go is 800 * 60006:05
Dr_willisi mentioned that the other day to guys at work for ms updated and stuff and they were 'how do you make sure they aint been messed with" - im like.. gee your MMORPG games are allready doing the same thing.06:05
mark__anyone help?06:05
Dr_willismark__,  whats your video card?06:06
gratisanother note in my calendar06:06
mark__hang on06:06
gratisis kubuntu realeases on the same day day (g)ubuntu?06:06
Dr_willisgratis,  most likely06:06
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gratisare there edgy-efty wallpapers from from latest edgy eft version?06:11
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mark__it is a nvidia geforce fx570006:12
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Dr_willisdid yuo install the nvidia drivers yet? following the !nvidia guide?06:13
mark__must dash - phone call back asap06:13
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:13
mark__ok ta06:13
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mark__many thanks06:13
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mark__right, sorry about that, I just checked the video card, it is an fx5200 - PCI - 256Mb06:18
mark__what was that configuration site again please?06:18
Dr_willisnvidia is nvidia. :P install the !nvidia stuff06:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:18
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zorglu_q. how do i make the desktop to refresh more frequently with the ~/Desktop directory ?06:22
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Dr_willisnever noticed. :) i tend to not show any icons on the desktop06:24
Dr_willisMore clutter06:24
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zorglu_yep but i do funny thing with this :)06:25
zorglu_and vlc doesnt record my sound...06:25
stamkaneis apo ellada?06:25
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:25
LjLthat's greek06:25
zorglu_ok :)06:25
ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr   06:25
zorglu_a lot more funny characteres in greek :)06:26
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ubotugr is #ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia ellhnes xrhstes06:26
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zorglu_stam: we speak english here06:26
zorglu_stam: we dont understand you06:27
zorglu_what language are you using ?06:27
zorglu_q. how do i know which sound system, my kde is using ?06:27
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zorglu_the control center says 'autodetect'06:28
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ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia ellhnes xrhstes06:28
zorglu_is that better ?06:28
zorglu_apparently so :)06:29
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:29
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fleissigfionamy ark isnt working, it says it can't start a subprocess. What is wrong06:37
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ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia ellhnes xrhstes06:38
LjLlet's put the accents right =) (assuming they are)06:38
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gratismy edgy-efty wallpaper: http://img181.imageshack.us/my.php?image=edgyeftmd1.jpg (1280x1024)06:39
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Dr_willisa red spotted newt06:42
Dr_willisIlleagle to buy/sale in this state06:42
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gratisDr_willis so edgy eft will be nobodys :D06:43
pielgrzymanyone using usplash here? :)06:43
Dr_willisI can buy/sale a King-Cobra.. but i cant buy/sale a red spotted newt..or bullfrog, or Spadefoot toad06:43
gratisDr_willis got you point of view06:44
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Dr_willisthe State Gov. decided about 2 years ago ti make it illeagle to buy/sale native amphfibians.. for some reason..06:44
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ilecan any one tell me what is the best program for watching tv so I can install it06:45
Dr_willismythtv is nice06:46
Dr_willisvlc can also use a tv tuner card.. but never messed with it.06:46
Dr_willismany of the other media players can as well.06:46
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ileis there any possibility to use the remote contrelo too?06:47
zorglu_q. is the ubuntu freeze already done ?06:47
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule06:47
LjLzorglu_: short answer: partly06:47
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zorglu_ok thanks06:48
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fleissigfionai found this deb thing (http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb) how do i add it to my repositories06:50
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:51
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Dr_willisfleissigfiona,  read that last url. same package.. ubuntu speficif however06:51
ileDr_willis: is there any possibility to use the remote control too?06:52
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fleissigfionaok, thank you06:52
Dr_willisile,  theres always a possibility.06:52
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Dr_willisbut it depends on the hardwarew and how much work you put into it.06:52
ileI like that answer06:52
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ileI ment if there is a program already06:53
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x-demonok im here06:53
Dr_willisNo idea.. i aint google. :P06:53
x-demoni see strange lines06:53
LjLile: for what card?06:53
Dr_willissome remotes can work with linux.06:53
Dr_willisit depends on the remote.06:53
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x-demongreen/black green/blacks06:53
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x-demonany ideas?06:55
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software_ayuda en espaol por favor06:56
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:56
=== tgentry is away: Gone away for now.
sciongot there first Dr_willis!06:56
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ubotuelvis: powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (with X11 support). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-5 (dapper), package size 298 kB, installed size 720 kB06:56
Dr_willisNo you dident! i did!06:56
Dr_willisi aint even seen you type yet! :)06:57
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scion[17:56]  <scion> !es06:57
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.06:57
Dr_willis[12:56]  <Dr_Willis> !es06:57
Dr_willissee i was 5 hrs ahead of ya! :P06:58
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x-demonhey doctor06:58
scionyeah yeah lol06:58
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ile.j lugola06:58
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eeoshi there anyone who knows about a good cad package under kubuntu?06:59
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Dr_willisqcad is nice.06:59
Dr_willisbut it depends on your needs06:59
Dr_willisNOt even sure what other linux cad programs exist07:00
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mark__Brilliant - Thats better thanks chaps!07:01
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eeosDr_willis yes i am using qcad, but some of the commands are evry convoluted07:01
Dr_willisthats part of the cad world. :P07:01
Dr_willisalli do with cad is layouts of my house and so forth07:01
ileLjL: the TV card is from Kworld match ot smth07:02
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mark__I have a plantronics headset and a soundblaster sound card, sometimes when Kubuntu starts the sound only comes from the headset, how do I fix this, any ideas?07:02
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Dr_willistwiddle with the mixersliders?07:03
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mark__excellent - two problems solved already ! Hope it stays the same next time I start Kubuntu. So much nicer to get away from windoze07:12
=== fleissigfiona can play dvds now
mark__Bit of Hawkind for a test....07:13
lupine_85nice :)07:13
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lupine_85oh... http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/snapshot3.png07:13
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lupine_85(snapshot1 and snapshot2 also exist)07:13
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mark__now as my mates use msn to chat with voice, is there a way to use voice with kopete or a similar, I know about sip phone but mate wont use it, he trusts Gates too much?07:14
=== Dr_willis wonders when IM tools became voice chat tools...
abattoirmark__: skype is an option07:15
abattoirmark__: and i think amsn supports voice... not sure though07:15
Dr_willisI got my wife a Skype Phone. :P07:15
Dr_willisso she can just dial and talk07:15
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mark__he wont use skype ! I used voipcheap for ages, it was free o phone but they changes it. He jst wants to use messenger all the time. I have got so I can type to him, would be nice to speak to him from Kubuntu as well, thats the only thing stopping me from dumping windoze  totally..07:17
zorglu_Dr_willis: kopete and decibell tries to make it happen... slowly :)07:17
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Dr_willisi get annoyed at being everyones "IM Tech support" guy at work. :P07:17
Dr_willisi dont even use the programs.. and they are likle "What do you use then?"07:17
Dr_willis"I use IRC!"07:18
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Dr_willisand no its NOT called 'mIRC' :)07:18
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mark__I looked at IRC, does it goto Messenger with voice?07:18
Dr_willisthen they know to leave me alone for a while.. since i am foaming at the mouth by that time.07:18
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mark__I have been at this Linux cinversion now for 3 weeks and loving every minute of it!07:19
mark__converesion as well!07:19
Dr_willisone pervert. wanted to know how to record these webcam videos he was watching to dvd. :P07:19
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zorglu_mark__: evil keyboard :)07:20
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dhqhey all07:22
dhqi have a problem some keys on my key board sont work07:22
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ubotuxmodmap: X input map modification. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.0-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 76 kB07:23
trappistdhq: like the d?07:23
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josh__how do you install themes? i cant find the option.. lol07:24
dhqtrappist: my single cotes dosnt work the functions key the windows key many more07:24
borisyeltsinI need some way to slow down an mp3 that is playing. Any suggestions?07:25
zorglu_alsaplayer does it07:25
borisyeltsinisn't that command line?07:25
zorglu_it is the name of the programm doing it07:26
zorglu_no time to explain more sorry07:26
borisyeltsinok.. I'll check it out.07:26
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54007FD9.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu
josh__how do you install themes? i cant find the option.. lol07:26
MetaMorfoziSwhy possible to my keyboard after a while stops working07:27
dhqh3sp4wn: i have the lates version of xmod map07:27
h3sp4wnwell use it then to set your keys read a howto07:27
MetaMorfoziSmy "ko.ml" buttons after a while stop functioning07:27
borisyeltsinthanks zorglu107:27
MetaMorfoziSthis is a ntoebook07:27
MetaMorfoziShow can i debug it?07:27
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MetaMorfoziSplease answer fast, before my keys stops working?07:27
zorglu_borisyeltsin: cool :007:27
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dhqh3sp4wn: i cant understan it07:30
josh__how do you install themes in kubuntu?07:30
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albackerisn't there a hibernate option on kubuntu ?07:30
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albackerdhq, where ?07:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apci - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:31
ubotuacpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (dapper), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)07:32
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albackerdhq, what does that mean  ?07:32
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dhqalbacker: install the acpi and then check the options in your power settings07:32
albackerdhq, ubuntu has hibernate when you shut down the PC, kubuntu doesn't ..07:32
albackerdhq, ah ok..07:32
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heXLerHi, my root certificates in Firefox are missing and now ff asks at every site if I want to accept a certificate because it can't check it. I already tried to reinstall ff but the missing certificates weren't fixed .. any solutions? :|07:33
ubotuxev: X client - xev. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 11 kB, installed size 68 kB07:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keycodes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
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scheurihi all07:37
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SlynderdaleHmm, anyone here have any "must have" applications on LInux/(K)Ubunto that isn't package my default?07:40
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dhqis there a way to scan and restore dead keys in kubuntu automatically07:41
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geoff270join /amule07:42
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mark__Where di I find AMSN?07:42
geoff270join # amule07:42
_eol_Slynderdale: digikam07:42
geoff270anybody know how I get to amule chat?07:43
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Slynderdalesay /join #amule07:43
Slynderdalewith the /join07:43
albackergeoff270, all you have to type is :07:44
albacker/join #amule07:44
albackercopy paste all what i said..07:44
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DaSkreechSkrot: tried telnet ?07:49
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DaSkreechzorglu_: really? a distributed apt-get?07:51
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: you can aptitude at least to download more than one thing at once by including multiple repositories with the same files07:52
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gratiswho has edgy eft installed? i need new wallpapers from it07:52
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h3sp4wnDaSkreech: No I can't get it working now (I have had it doing 2 at once though)07:56
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josh_how do i install a theme?07:58
dhq_cant get these dead key workin07:58
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DaSkreechSlynderdale: Yakuake07:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about deadkeys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:00
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: That's decidely not distributed :)08:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dead - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:00
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:00
ubotuInstall gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance (KDE).  For a good KDE guide, see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=308:00
DaSkreechjosh_: instructions are normally in the theme08:00
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: I managed to get it to download off 2 servers at once (but I can't now)08:00
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DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Oh that kind of distribution08:01
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h3sp4wnDaSkreech: What do you mean by distributed ? update a large number of machines at once ?08:02
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: I would just use my own mirror and cron-apt for that08:02
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josh_it goes "icons-install-kde.sh" for run the scripts08:06
mark__how do I read NTFS drives?08:07
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gsuvegmark__: hard.08:09
TheGateKeepermark__: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&forum_id=2697  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14248108:09
scheuridoes anyone know of a repo with samba 3.0.23c?08:10
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h3sp4wn!info samba edgy08:12
ubotusamba: a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 2836 kB, installed size 7200 kB08:12
h3sp4wnscheuri: debian unstable08:12
scheurilooks like...hmm...then it means I need to use debian etch08:12
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h3sp4wnor backport it yourself08:17
scheuriwell, yes....would love too...but..08:19
scheurithere are no skills for that present...;)08:19
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h3sp4wnetch has it as well08:20
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Like bitTorrent08:20
DaSkreechh3sp4wn:  Pull from other users who are willing and have the .deb cached08:20
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: I think that is a horrible idea (bittorrent causes so much annoying latency for the internet in general)08:22
DaSkreech!info edgy skreencast08:22
ubotuPackage edgy does not exist in dapper08:22
DaSkreech!info skreencast08:22
ubotuPackage skreencast does not exist in any distro I know08:22
DaSkreech!info skreencast edgy08:22
ubotuPackage skreencast does not exist in edgy08:22
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daftvadercan anyone tell me how to limit my bash tag? i dont want it to include all the directory that i am in. just the current dir08:22
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DaSkreechh3sp4wn: I didn't say BitTorrent. but maybe something like it08:22
DaSkreechIt doesn't need to be the main holder of the fles08:23
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DaSkreechdaftvader: edit your $PS1 variable08:23
daftvadereg. james@home:james$    not james@home:/home/james08:23
daftvaderok thank you08:23
daftvaderhow do i do that?08:23
daftvaderis it in a bash conf file?08:23
larson9999the more i hear about vista, the more i'm gonna run08:23
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DaSkreechdaftvader: Yes and no :)08:23
DaSkreechgoogle for bash PS1 and PS208:24
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DaSkreechit will help sort things out hopefully08:24
DaSkreech Once you have it the way you want it ask again how to make it permanent ok?08:24
daftvaderthank you08:24
DaSkreechdaftvader: sure08:24
larson9999for what it's worth, i encountered some pcs on which i couldn't boot gparted live ver 0.2.5.  they all boot with ver 03.3.1-108:24
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DaSkreech!info screenkast08:25
ubotuPackage screenkast does not exist in any distro I know08:25
DaSkreech!info screenkast edgy08:25
ubotuPackage screenkast does not exist in edgy08:25
larson9999DaSkreech: screenkast make ubuntu packages.  check their site.  at least about a month ago, they did08:25
larson9999i installed from those instructions08:26
DaSkreechlarson9999: how come it doesn't turn up in the bot?08:26
larson9999DaSkreech: it's on their own server08:26
main2can anyone tell me how i can turn off the Kaffeine thing in firefox?08:26
larson9999DaSkreech: it's kind of a chore to try to compile it.08:27
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larson9999so you want the packages imp08:27
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gratisis there chance that mp3 lame will be in "resticted" not in "multiverse"? (sounds quite 1557)08:29
DaSkreechnope multiverse :)08:30
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gratis^ you know what i mena08:31
DaSkreechI do?08:31
gratisyou know the diferences between repos, man?08:31
DaSkreechAnd lame is in Multiverse08:31
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gratisi know it man08:32
DaSkreechAh ok :)08:32
gratisi ask about the future08:32
DaSkreech So what was the question08:32
gratiswill it be in restricted08:32
azzcoDoes anyone else have weird problems with printers?08:32
DaSkreechNot unless they start freeing up the license around it08:32
Riddellgratis: no08:32
azzcoI've got a HP PSC 750 that just keeps spitting out paper...08:32
gratisbut in restricted can be all-closed software, but supported by buntu, right man?08:33
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daftvadercool, thanx daskreech, got it working08:33
daftvaderhad to edit the ./bashrc file under my home dir08:33
DaSkreechdaftvader: Ok :-) sweet going man08:34
DaSkreechdaftvader: welcome :-)08:34
MDCorehow do I integrate skype into kopete?08:34
gratisso i don`t see the barriers between better support of lame in buntu what will end in transfer from multiv to restricted08:34
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DaSkreechRiddell: http://static.kdenews.org/jr/akademy-2006-group-photo.html08:35
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RiddellDaSkreech: hmm?08:35
DaSkreechStrigi working on a picture08:35
Riddellfor some definition of Strigi08:35
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DaSkreechYour name is on the search box so of course I assumed you knew about it :(08:36
gratisDaSkreech wow, so many geeks in one place08:36
gratisone thing what i really like in linux is that that os makes people do great meetings in great atmosphere. i havn`t seen any windows-only parties :D08:38
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DaSkreechgratis: try ##former-mspengiuns :-)08:39
daftvaderi've seen a doors party08:39
daftvaderbut that was back in the 60s08:39
larson9999azzco: i had that problem with an hp printer.  my printer 'guru' guy at the time told me it was a memory problem and i should get a new printer.  i did google to verify that and found sites saying it was in fact hw issue and the fix was more expensive than getting a new printer.  i can usually find a hp-6l for about $10.  in this case i actually found an hp-2100 tn with a net card installed for only $15.08:39
gsuvegwhats with kde4 ? it come out within one year ?08:40
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DaSkreechgsuveg: It tries to come out about the time it's nearly finished08:41
azzcoTHX larson999908:41
gsuvegDaSkreech: it release if it finished ? ;)08:41
gronbaekDo any one know how to "krandrtray"? The option menu just opens a blank window. I'm trying to rotate the screen 90 cc. Is it something to do woth the driver or the X settings?08:41
DaSkreechgratis: try ##former-mspenguins even08:41
DaSkreechNearly :)08:41
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gronbaek*use "krandrtray" it should have said.08:42
azzcolarson9999: I've got a dell printer wich isn't in use I'll try that insted thx for talling me :)08:42
DaSkreechAs soon as it comes out there are going to be blogs all over saying I thought it was to have Feature X where is Feature X?08:42
gsuvegDaSkreech: u know a roadmap?08:42
larson9999azzco: keep in mind to me a new printer is a used one for less than $20.  in your case it might not be cheaper to get a new one. i think it was corrupt memory on the mobo but you should be able to google something up.08:42
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DaSkreechPretty much you can ignore KDE roadmaps :)08:43
DaSkreech they make them then spend so much time coding it only gets updated like a week before stuff actually comes out :)08:43
DaSkreechthere should be on on the kde wiki and on developers.kde.org though08:44
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gratisdo you, guys, think that making kde port for windows is a good idea?08:45
h3sp4wnI think making the unix port better would be a better use of time08:45
claydohwhy not?08:45
claydohmy wife loves, say koffice. It would be cool if she coulfd use it at work08:45
MDCoreI think vmware is the best solution for that.08:46
MDCorethere is a KDE port for windows, sorta, on cygwin08:46
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gratiscygwin is not for gray-ones08:46
MDCorebut what is the point when vmware will run linux distro's "native"08:46
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DaSkreechWell just one off warning that this is going to be asked to be thrown into O-T08:47
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max__error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | where do i get this C compiler ?08:47
aztunmax_: sudo apt-get install gcc08:48
aztunsudo apt-get install build-essentials08:48
h3sp4wnmax__: install build-essential08:48
MDCorethat's the one build-essential08:48
claydohmax__: try installing the package build-essential08:48
DaSkreechlarson9999: what do you mean the packages should be imp?08:48
max__thank you08:48
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larson9999DaSkreech: i meant 'so you want the packages instead of compiling it imo'08:49
DaSkreechlarson9999: Well yes I had heard that thy were submitted for universe08:50
DaSkreechSo I wanted to know if they had made it in08:50
larson9999DaSkreech: aha08:50
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max__error: Can't find X includes | have another error.08:55
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max__the build essential worked08:56
max__whats this x includes ?08:57
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Dr_willisJust noticed that you cant   cd media:/sdg1/willis/OurPictures_DVD_Work08:59
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Junisi want to config the system, for load always a module before another module on system start... How can i do that?08:59
intelikeymind if i post an error?09:00
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intelikeyALSA lib confmisc.c:672:(snd_func_card_driver) cannot find card '0'::ALSA lib conf.c:3493:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such device::ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings::ALSA lib conf.c:3493:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such device::ALSA lib confmisc.c:1072:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name::ALSA lib con09:01
intelikeyprobably turncated... it's too long for one line.09:02
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intelikeybut does that mean it has to have alsa-utils or something and it's not installed ?09:02
abattoirintelikey: you know its not right to flood the channel... :(09:02
intelikeyabattoir one line is not a flood09:02
intelikeynot in any channel09:03
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cpk26 lines on my screen but who's counting? =P09:03
bobesponjahey all09:04
bobesponjawhere do I put a script I want to execute at boot?09:04
Dr_willisrc.local normally09:05
intelikeybobesponja /etc/init.d   link it to /etc/rc?.d/   man update-rc.d for all the details09:05
Dr_willisdepends on when the script needs to run, and what its doing09:05
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bobesponjaDr_willis: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward09:06
bobesponja$iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE09:06
bobesponjathis is what it does09:06
Dr_willisthat can eaiaslly go in the rc.local then09:06
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DaSkreechcan some one give me a opensource program that's easy to compile and is small?09:07
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DaSkreechNo OO.o :)09:07
Dr_willisthere may be a better place for it. but not sure of it.09:07
Dr_willisDaSkreech,  helloworld.c ?09:07
bobesponjaok thanx09:07
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kesarahow can i change the services and runlevels?09:10
kesarais their something similer to rc-update in gentoo?09:11
LjLuhm, update-rc.d perhaps?09:11
h3sp4wnrcconf or sysv-rc-conf09:11
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases09:11
cpk2init doesnt change anything if thats what you are wondering =P09:12
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Rambo3is there any kde theme manager like thing here like in ubuntu09:13
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gratiswho will give me link to the picture with dates of approaching of the  versions of edgy?09:13
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule09:14
LjLRambo3: kcontrol / appearence and themes / theme manager might be it09:14
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gratish3sp4wn thanks, just what i`m looking fort09:14
Rambo3kesara its just easyer to simling and rm sevices09:15
Rambo3thaks for 5 years of linux never used kde09:15
larson9999wow.  thunar is kinda nice file manager.09:16
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kesaralarson9999: I wan't call it a file manager... :) last time I used.. it has features similer to gtk file open dialog.. :) and nothing more...09:18
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trappistlooks like a file manager here09:20
zorglu_larson9999: url ?09:20
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AWOSDevI'm having a problem with my LAMP installation09:21
AWOSDevI'm using PHP for the P09:21
AWOSDevI don't seem to have mysql.so09:21
AWOSDevFatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/phpcart/admin/payment_types.php on line 809:22
kesarazorglu_: http://thunar.xfce.org/09:22
Rambo3AWOSDev: did you start mysqld09:22
AWOSDevWhen I did 'locate mysql.so'09:22
AWOSDevI only found it in the /usr/lib/perl5 and /usr/lib/python2.409:22
AWOSDevRambo3, yes09:22
kesara*Thunar* GTK File open dialog with tabs.. :)09:22
AWOSDevRambo3 I just created the databases using the MySQL monitor, it better be running :)09:23
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AWOSDevIs there some package that I didn't get that I need?09:23
AWOSDevI apt-got php5 mysql4.1 and apache209:23
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Rambo3just fallow the wiki .09:24
AWOSDevI did09:24
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AWOSDevI missed php5-mysql :P09:25
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zorglu_kesara: i never tried xfce but it seems nice especially if it doesnt use that many rescources09:28
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gratisi`m local activist in my town. i`ll think about something in 26th october09:29
DaSkreechDr_willis: URL? :-)09:29
azzcolarson9999: I'd just like to tell you that I managed to get a printer to work :) (although the ink was out >_<) THX for the help :)09:30
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zorglu_gratis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams <- i think you may find this of interest09:32
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gratiszorglu_ thanks, i didn`t know that09:33
lmuellerNeed help with Kernel 2.6.18 and S-ATA09:33
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h3sp4wnon edgy or dapper ?09:40
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Kubuntu Support Channel | Edgy Beta Released | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage
asruhelp! where to find extra repositories09:40
Riddell** Edgy Beta Released http://kubuntu.org/announcements/edgy-beta.php09:41
h3sp4wnlmueller: and you have updated udev and sysutils ?09:41
Dr_willisHmm. a Long time ago. i rember seeing on KDE a menu item that would take a directory of images and make a nice set of Html index files and thumbnails09:41
Dr_willisbut cant seem to find it now. was it some add on?09:41
cpk2is there going to be a seamless upgrade from dapper to edgy?09:41
Dr_willisUpgrades always have potential issues. :P09:41
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cpk2yes, but in theory are they planning for it to be seamless? =)09:42
h3sp4wndebian stable to the next stable has always worked perfectly when I have tried it09:42
Dr_willisthats always the plan09:42
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h3sp4wn(which was only woody -> sarge)09:42
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lmuellerI did. The 2.6.10 Kernel runs fine but 2.2.18 brings a /dev/sda5 does not exist09:42
Dr_willisdebian stable to debian stable has always caused a Nuculear explosion when ive tried it. :P09:42
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Dr_willisLuckly I was in Soviet Russia at the time09:43
h3sp4wnWorking as a spy ?09:43
arandit was a long time ago the, mr Dr_willis?09:43
h3sp4wnlmueller: There are other packages you need to upgrade for 2.6.18 to work well on dapper (perhaps more than 2.6.17 which I did get working)09:43
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gratiswhat kde programms are now fully supported on windows (w/out cygwin)?09:44
lmuellerOK but I tried also the 2.6.15 wicht didn't work neither09:44
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cpk2gratis: the live cd has about 4 programs you can install if you autoplay it in windows09:45
h3sp4wnlmueller: where is 2.6.10 from ?09:46
gratisyeah,i know. but are there other?09:46
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lmuellerFrom the Install CD09:46
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AWOSDevPerfect I screwed up my apache2 royally09:47
AWOSDevI tried to install php4 when my MySQL extension wasn't working09:48
AWOSDevso I removed it09:48
AWOSDevreinstalled php509:48
AWOSDevand now I get09:48
AWOSDevOpen ''?  Type: applcation/x-httpd-php09:48
AWOSDevSave      Open     Cancel09:49
AWOSDevI already followed the Wiki's instructions of installing the libapache2-mod-php509:49
AWOSDevand force-reloading of the server09:49
AWOSDevBut that didn't help09:49
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AWOSDevWhat do I do?09:50
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DankerHi. How to know, what /dev/ file device is using?09:51
AWOSDevI also tried the sudo a2enmod php509:51
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AWOSDevDanker, what device?09:51
DankerLets say USB09:51
DankerEvery device has a /dev/ file09:52
anne_ Hi, I'm new to kubuntu (but not to linux) and would need some help :)09:52
DankerSo how to know which?09:52
virgiliowhere I can report problems using update tool from dapper to edgy?09:52
AWOSDevOhhhh I get it now09:52
zorglu_anne_: ask your question09:52
anne_I'm trying to install mp3 support, but can't find this libxine-extracodecs.09:52
lmuellergoing down for (another) reboot ...09:52
zorglu_Danker: look at the minor/major and parse the kernel source09:52
Dankeruncomment repositeis09:52
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:53
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:53
cpk2!info libxine-extracodecs09:53
pjzdoes 6.10 do any better at supporting multiple displays than 5.x did ?09:53
zorglu_Danker: car /proc/devices may help09:53
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB09:53
anne_went to "adept" and activated universe and multiverse, but no success, when searching "linxine"....09:53
AWOSDevDanker, zorglu_ means "cat /proc/devices" not "car /proc/devices"09:53
cpk2anne_: well its there =)09:53
AWOSDevanne_ it's libxine09:53
AWOSDevnot linxine09:53
zorglu_AWOSDev: thanks :)09:53
Dankerya, i know :)09:54
cpk2might want to double check your sources.list09:54
zorglu_anne_: dont forget to update too09:54
anne_ok - justa type here :)09:54
AWOSDevThough, zorglu_, I would love to see my car's /proc/devices :P09:54
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Dankernothing useful there09:54
AWOSDevGee the room was silent when I asked my Apache2 question09:55
anne_Ah, thanks, zorglu - that was ist!09:55
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AWOSDevanybody wanna help with that?09:55
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Dankerdmesg doesnt give good info too :(09:55
cpk2everyone wants to answer the easy questions =)09:56
DankerWhat apache question?09:56
DankerI worked a little with it09:56
DankerI am a web-dev :)09:56
AWOSDevOkay good :)09:56
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AWOSDevwell I don't want to flood the channel with a paste so I'll condense my 6 line question to one09:56
zorglu_Danker: so look at the kernel source09:56
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gsuvegAWOSDev: pastebin?09:57
Dankertoo hard...09:57
AWOSDevI screwed up my apache2 by removing php5 installing php4 then removing php4 and installing php5.09:57
Dankerhow it screwed?09:57
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AWOSDevNow it comes up the dreaded Save As when I try and open a PHP file on my server09:57
gratis27 days, 4 hours, 02 minutes, 10 sec to Edgy Eft09:57
JosefKAWOSDev: you just need to install modphp09:57
Dankerhttpd.conf is fucked09:58
AWOSDevjosefk, I already did that09:58
Dankerit needs to add 1 line ;)09:58
AWOSDevDanker, I assumed that :)09:58
pjzhow hard is it to get Kubuntu setup to do dualheaded X?09:58
Dankeri will look09:58
DankerIts esay09:58
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DankerI use it now :)09:58
pjzI think I tried with 5.10 and couldn't get the LiveCD to do it so I didn't bother to install it09:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dualhead - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:58
AWOSDevJosefk, I already installed modphp, a2enmod'ed it, and force-reloaded the server.09:58
ubotuxinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo09:59
pjzubotu: cool, thanks09:59
zorglu_pjz: this one09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cool, thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
DankerAddType application/x-httpd-php .php09:59
zorglu_pjz: ubotu is  abot :)09:59
Dankertry to add this09:59
Dankerhere is my DUAL-HEAD10:00
AWOSDevDanker, I did10:00
AWOSDevstill didn't work10:00
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:00
pjzzorglu_: ah, thanksto you then :)10:01
Dankerwhat is in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled ?10:01
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Dankeris there php5?10:01
DankerU are using Debian-based system?10:02
AWOSDevDanker, yes I'm using Kubuntu :)10:02
DankerSo what is in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled ?10:02
DankerDid i helped with dual head ?10:03
AWOSDevand my apache2.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25098/10:03
Dankerwhat are contents of php5.load and php5.conf ?10:04
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DankerDoes apache outputs any errors when you "apache2 -k restart" ?10:05
DankerLooks same like mine's10:05
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DankerMaybe binaries, has fucked up?10:06
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AWOSDevNo, Danker, no output at all just restart10:06
Dankercat /var/log/syslog ?10:06
AWOSDevDanker I highly doubt the binaries are at fault10:06
AWOSDevI think it's just me10:06
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Dankerany errors there?10:06
AWOSDevLast thing was two minutes ago, nmbd10:07
micheleyour country?10:07
AWOSDevUnited States10:07
michelei am italy ciao a tutti10:07
AWOSDevlet me guess yours, Italy?10:07
AWOSDevoh I guess I was right :)10:08
Danker /var/log/apache2 try looking10:08
DankerMaybe u will find something useful10:08
michelei do not speak good inglish10:08
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:08
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DankerDoes /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so exist?10:09
AWOSDev[Thu Sep 28 20:05:30 2006]  [notice]  Apache/2.0.55 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.1.2 configured -- resuming normal operations10:09
AWOSDevYes my clock is off10:09
AWOSDevbut it *does* says PHP/5.1.210:09
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AWOSDevYes, Danker, it does exist.10:10
DankerMaybe here is some special definions for your site ? /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/10:10
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lmuellerBingo!!! append = "root=/dev/sda5" did it!10:11
DankerCheee, i dont know what is left then...10:11
DankerLets turn on imagination :)10:11
AWOSDevMaybe go to the Apache channel?10:12
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DankerThere is always ant windows style way left: reinstall with purging :D10:13
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AWOSDevYeah I'll try the #apache channel first!  :)10:13
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DankerDoes anyone has good way how to know what device file in /deve10:14
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uwohi all. is anyone using amarok to sync video podcasts? mine syncs them as audio, so i can't open them on ipod...10:14
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Dankermy device got10:14
zorglu_gratis: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Salon10:14
zorglu_gratis: on a similar veine10:14
Danker /dev/*10:14
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gratiszorglu_ interesting10:15
JosefKanyone else having usplash problems on edgy?10:16
gratiszorglu_ readed and added to bookmarks :)10:18
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zorglu_gratis: they share a similar purpose with ubuntu, a lot of idea in the creative common side10:19
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule10:19
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Danker_Does anyone has good way how to know what device file in /dev/ has my device ??10:28
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zorglu_Danker_: you asked that 3times, this is offtopic and has been answered the first time you asked10:29
Danker_That wasnt a a thing i expected10:30
Danker_I am looking for more ideas10:30
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groth|zzZZzzWho is building azureus packages? I'd love to get an updated Version of it somewhere. But I can't find any in apt.10:32
AWOSDevYay!  SQL worked!  Thanks Danker_ :)10:33
Danker_Good for you :)10:33
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segfault_groth|zzZZzz, azureus is simple to install u dont even have to compile use apt-get to remove and grab the latest version from the web10:34
reisicould someone point me to a picture of 6.10 systemsettings?10:34
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gratiswhy there are 4 months (not 6) between 6.06 and 6.10?10:35
trappistreisi: I could take a screenshot if you want.  what are you looking for?10:35
h3sp4wngratis: dapper took 8 months to complete10:35
trappistgratis: because 6.06 was supposed to be 6.04, but was delayed10:35
trappistgratis: and the decision was made to not throw off future releases for it, but to shorten edgy's cycle instead10:36
gratisand the final release is always on 26th of month?10:37
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guyhier wordt niet veel gezegd zeker ?10:42
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ilehow to create the folder /usr/java/ ? trough the console10:42
groth|zzZZzzgratis: That is dutch, not german!10:42
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gratisgroth - stay frosty10:43
segfault_ile, man mkdir10:43
trappistguy: #ubuntu-be10:43
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ilesegfault_: thank you10:44
gratis27d,3h,15m,10s to edgy10:44
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zorglu_lets start counting :010:45
fignewweeee: the best part of college: http;//fignew.com/snapshot1.png10:46
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Blissexfignew: until all the students arrive and start downloading from YouTube.com10:47
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gratisfignew - :-O10:47
software_ayuda en espaol10:47
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about castillan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:48
fignewBlissex: nahh, that's only a fraction of the pipe... I've downloaded at 6MBps from HTTP before :P10:48
fignewat that point, it's your computer slowing you down10:48
gratisin village near my town only the (i don`t know how to name him in english) chieftan has internet, and he burned linuxes for all10:49
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Blissexgratis: "mayor" probably10:49
cpk2fignew: you only have a 10kB/s up though =\10:50
gratisBlissex - in village?10:50
Dr_willis chieftan ? :)10:50
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gratisDr_willis - it`s in village, you know10:51
fignewcpk2: it's a well seeded torrent :/ I have the upstream set at 100kbps10:51
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cpk2in the azureus channel there was some guy with a fiber line for only $20 USD10:51
cpk2lucky guy lived in japan10:52
Dr_willisgratis,  'it takes a villiage' :P10:52
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gratisDr_willis - got your point hehe10:52
Dr_willisOld 'political' joke.10:53
zorglu_gratis: where are you in the world ?10:53
gratiszorglu_ in Poland10:53
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gratisyou know Kaczynski brothers etc.10:54
zorglu_i like this :)10:54
gratisJohn Paul II etc.10:54
SkrotVader! ;)10:54
gratisthats right :D10:54
zorglu_a mayor of a village in polland burn linux for the whole village :)10:54
gratisand for the money that would be put on ms windows he made a road10:55
zorglu_gratis: serious ?10:56
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gratiszogrlu_ - yes. what`s strange in it?10:56
Blissexgratis: that sounds exactly like a good idea.10:56
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zorglu_gratis: i fell you wanna contribute, make a movie about this road, how the mayor paid for it etc... this would be amazing work10:57
zorglu_gratis, film children using the road to go to school :)10:57
cpk2or at least a short testimonial type thing10:57
Blissexa similar idea is Ubuntu: it was created also because Mark though that poor south africans adding to the profits of rich american shareholders was not such an awesome idea.10:58
zorglu_gratis: such a movie would be a great testimony about what is linux10:58
gratiszorglu_ and publish on CC? :)10:58
knapper_hey guys, im getting the following error when I go to compile a theme: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25104/10:58
zorglu_gratis: clearly :)10:58
knapper_can anyone help me figure this one out?10:58
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Blissexgratis: more specifically get in touch with Canonical, there are good chances they would like the story.10:58
knapper_I have installed the qt packages10:58
knapper_and the dev packages10:58
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Blissexgratis: of course it would also help the mayor politically.10:59
h3sp4wnBlissex: He is a businessman primarily (and a good one) He would do more if he was really 100% like he appears to be10:59
zorglu_Blissex: gratis: seems like a winwin situation we got here :)10:59
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Blissexh3sp4wn: yes, but the difference is between a businessman who only wants to take money from you, and one who also cares somewhat about good side effects...10:59
h3sp4wnBlissex: I would say bill gates has done more good11:00
Blissexh3sp4wn: not with his business...11:00
h3sp4wnBlissex: Bill & Melinda Gates foundation11:00
Dr_willisHes given away more $$ this year then i will make in 10 lifetimes..11:00
Dr_willisof course once ya get that rich.. what else ya going to do with it all.11:01
h3sp4wnBuy nuclear weapons ?11:01
cpk2I'm still trying to figure out how ubuntu managed to pay for a billboard add just south of san francisco11:01
cpk2err billboard ad*11:01
gratisbut Bill support fighting with some disease11:01
gratisin really big money11:01
Dr_willisI think he should do sould do some weird stuff like build a 'palm island' sort of thing off the coast of Florida11:01
Dr_willisor GPL Dos! :P11:02
Dr_willisor Support Nader for president11:02
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h3sp4wngratis: 20 million I believe he has spent on ubuntu11:02
Dr_willisInvest in a space elevator, and a farm of offshore windmoills for power.11:02
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Dr_willisI wonder when that One-Laptop-per-child thing will start selling them11:03
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shadowhywindHi all11:03
h3sp4wnThey are both businessmen who have made alot of money - and what they give away is to them irrelevant11:03
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gratisjust remember gentlemen that MS is not only Gate`s thing. not only he decises11:03
shadowhywinddoes anyone know how to set up a hotkey to disable speakers and enable headphones in one hotkey?11:03
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gratiszorglu_ in matter of counting down, i have something like this near os clock: http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=clipboard01ec1.jpg11:07
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Whopper|Awayim new to kubuntu, and have just posted on shipit.11:07
Whopper|Awayso, does it work with my dsl, and will I need to uninstall all my windows programs?11:08
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shadowhywindyes it should work with any dsl as long as your ethernet jack/wireless card works11:09
kaymaybe someone can help me with gaim i need a plugin for gaim to run xfire it is a chat for gaming do anyone know how i get this to work?11:09
Whopper|Awayshadowhywind: great!11:10
shadowhywindand you can leave your Windows alone if you want to duel boot11:10
shadowhywind*sorry for slow response talking with HP*11:10
Whopper|Awayit's ok ^_^11:10
Whopper|Awayone more thing11:10
shadowhywindask away Whopper11:11
Whopper|Awaywould it be ok to uninstall windows first, then boot kubuntu up off the cd?11:11
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shadowhywindare you getting rid of windows completely?11:11
shadowhywind*claps* first Congrats!11:12
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=== Whopper|Away now knows windblows is the root of all evil
shadowhywindmy suggestion is just leave windows alone and just have the cd just reformat it, just easyer that way i think11:12
Whopper|Awayim using it on a relativly old second pc11:13
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Whopper|Awaywill it operate good on 3.5 gb?11:13
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gratisdid you guys saw that movie (on youtube i think, adobe flash) in which some guy destroying big number of shipit ubuntu cds with axe?11:14
h3sp4wnWhopper|Away: no women are the root of all evil (Women takes time and money. Women = time x money Time IS money11:14
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gratisthis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RpoWKpAL9Q11:15
gratisjust... strange11:15
Sanneh3sp4wn: very funny...11:15
h3sp4wnWhopper|Away: Women = money x money = money ^ 2 Money is the root of all evil money = sqrt(evil)  money^2 = evil since women = money^2 women = evil :) (maybe a bit wrong)11:15
shadowhywindh3sp4wn your wrong, HP is the root of all evil, They wont give me a cd, becuase i AM UNDER warrenty11:15
Lexaeusdo any apt repositories have the ltmodem package, seems it's what I need to get my modem working in Kubuntu11:16
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Whopper|Awayguess I should start cleaning some junk off the drive11:16
LjLLexaeus: have a look at linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-38611:17
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gratislogout. will be here tommorow, 4am UTC, 6am polish time11:19
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h3sp4wnSanne: Also not true (but humerous for 5 seconds)11:23
=== MDCore is away: Away at the moment
Sanneh3sp4wn: maybe for non females ;)11:23
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h3sp4wnshadowhywind: HP have always been pretty decent to me (when I was working for a company with a support contract - got parts within 4 hours)11:24
shadowhywinddon't get me wrong, i love HP, in there own backwards ways. I have actraully never owned anything but a HP11:25
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shadowhywindthe girl i am talking with now, is just an idiot.. hehe11:25
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:05
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DShepherddoes anyone know how to configure a psuedo printer? (kde specific)12:08
DShepherdfrom the commandline that is12:10
DaSkreechGUI dead?12:10
DShepherdno its alive12:10

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