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=== rideout [n=rideout@71-215-73-126.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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ograKeybuk, uploads are queued, right ? 12:20
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mdzmvo: back12:27
mdzajmitch: yes, I think MOTU should take responsibility for that but I'm happy to advise12:28
mvohow did it went?12:28
mdzmvo: so what are we doing about 61684?12:28
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mdzmvo: clean bill of health, my teeth are lovely12:28
mvomdz: great! congrats :)12:28
ogramdz, i found a bug that breaks my ppc and amd64 builds ... do you know if its safe to upload a new ltsp (can tollef cherrypick that package if i do that) to get new isos in the morning ?12:29
ajmitchmdz: ok, we have a team of dholbach, slomo & siretart to handle exceptions for universe now12:29
ograi know they are queued ...12:29
jdongmjg59: http://pastebin.com/79577512:29
mvomdz: we have two options (well, three): a) empty /var/lib/apt/extended_states b) upload new apt with a single line patch c) ignore the thing [I don't like c)] 12:29
mdzogra: uploads are queued12:30
mdzmvo: b)12:30
ogramdz, right, but can he cherrypick it (or does he need to accept all of the queue)12:30
mdzogra: they are processed individually12:30
ograok, then i'll upload and send him a mail to ask for new isos ...12:31
ograits so silly ... grmbl12:31
mdzogra: what's the bug# for your issue?12:33
ograjust filing it ... 12:33
=== Arador [n=dcg@160.pool80-103-1.dynamic.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograi moved mknbi for early packages to ltsp-client arch specific deps (i thought) but missed to remove it from early  packages12:33
ogramdz, bug 6269012:36
UbugtuMalone bug 62690 in ltsp "mknbi dependency breaks powerpc and amd64 installs" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6269012:36
mdzok, 62690 and 61684 are the only issues I am aware of for beta12:36
mdzif there's anything further I ought to know about, please yell (and get a bug filed with the beta milestone)12:36
ograsure, i will ... but there should be none ... if i remove mknbi for the early_packages variable it even finishes the install12:37
mjg59jdong: Ha. That's the code I just added. Hang on.12:37
mdzmvo: is there any way you can confirm whether the livefs build script is doing the right thing?12:37
mdzmvo: if it isn't, your fix won't correct the problem12:37
ograi would have catched it this afternoon already if i had the isos ... damn telekom12:37
mdzsfllaw: any problems uncovered in the lab?12:38
mdzyou reference bug 62689 in the wiki...12:39
UbugtuMalone bug 62689 in debian-installer "Hangs at 2% of "Select and install software"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6268912:39
doko_think, I found the cause for the OOo build failure. we'll see tomorrow, if the build succeeds12:39
doko_good night12:40
=== Toadstool [n=jcorbier@dedibox1.famille-corbier.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzmvo: you may want to have a look at 62689; it seems to be apt which is stalled12:40
mvomdz: hfsutils is installed on recent live-cds. that is a indicator that the livefs build uses the new apt taskinstall-code (becaue hfsutils is no direct dependency of ubuntu-standard on i386 but has a task header)12:42
jdubha ha ha ha ha12:44
jdubESR -> Freespire Leadership Board12:44
Fujitsu... really?12:44
jdongha crap mjg59, that usplash crash might not be valid... I just realized it built in a dapper pbuilder12:44
tsengjdub: can't wait for the cartoon12:44
BurgundaviaFujitsu: yep12:44
=== jdong smacks himself for pbuilder stupidity AGAIN
jdubso, apparently it's true: they really *don't* have anyone there who knows anything about how the floss world works12:45
Burgundaviajdub: did you see the review by the Free Agent of Freespire. He was not impressed and thought that Ubunut (and OpenSUSE) were just as good12:45
jdubjust reading it12:45
jdubbut he was an ubuntu fanboy way back12:45
mvosfllaw: is #62689 reproducable? or do you have the machine with that failure still runing?12:45
mvomdz: I would like to upload a ddtp tarball bug #59673. is that acceptable for the beta? its not critial though12:46
UbugtuMalone bug 59673 in synaptic "Synaptic shows a description in incorrect language for korean" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5967312:46
ijuzjdub: when you buy freespire consulting from ESR you get a free gun ;)12:47
jdub"When you get right down to it, there's really no comparison: Ubuntu's package management is easier and more attractive."12:48
jdub^ on click'n'run12:48
jdongthat's right, let the egos fly free :)12:48
jdongmjg59: false alarm; usplash still segfaults12:49
mjg59jdong: Yeah, working on it now12:50
=== Gman_ [i=gman@nat/sun/x-d8d6d65e1e529098] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Ngis it too late to get a wireless driver regression looked at for the beta release? just found it when I booted a beta from earlier today12:53
mjg59Ng: Almost certainly, I'm afraid12:53
mjg59Ng: What driver?12:53
Ngatheros, but only some versions12:53
Ngmy desktop is fine (upgraded from dapper), my laptop complains of missing symbols from the live cd12:53
mjg59jdong: Amusingly, I can't reproduce here12:53
Ngit's bug 6093812:54
UbugtuMalone bug 60938 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17 "Atheros Chipset Not Detected; Unknown Symbol" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6093812:54
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jdongrideout: please don't do that.... it gives me headaches :)12:54
mdzmvo: let's only fix what's needed for the beta at this point12:54
jdongmjg59: hmm interesting.... this time I am confident that I built usplash in an edgy pbuilder....12:55
mjg59jdong: But the bug is clearly that the ds passed to gl_getpalette is NULL12:55
mdzmvo: great, thanks for confirming that12:55
mdzmvo: is the fact that hfsutils has a task header on i386 a bug?12:55
Ngactually no I don't know that it works on my desktop machine, that's still on -8 which had previously fixed the bug12:55
mjg59jdong: Which shouldn't be possible :)12:56
jdongmjg59: yay! that's always good :)12:56
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mjg59jdong: Can you check that usplash_svga_init contains a call that mallocs initial_palette?12:56
jdongmjg59:         initial_palette = malloc(sizeof(char) * 768);12:57
mdzogra,mvo: notify me when your uploads are in the queue12:57
Ngmjg59: are there release notes for the beta? it might be worth mentioning that atheros chipsets won't work?12:57
ogramdz, its in, but i also mailed tollef12:57
mjg59Ng: That may have been version skew in the linux-restricted-modules used in the daily image12:57
mvomdz: it looks like the generated task headers are not arch-specific - so there is a bug there12:57
mdzogra: tollef has gone to sleep12:57
mvomdz: apt is uploaded12:57
mjg59Ng: It's quite possible the beta will work12:58
mdzI'll be driving12:58
ogracool, thanks12:58
mjg59jdong: can you throw a printf after that to check that the malloc succeeded?12:58
jdongmjg59: doing that right now :)12:58
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mdzogra,mvo: apt and ltsp accepted, should be in time for this cron.daily12:58
mjg59jdong: usplash_init is certainly called before usplash_setpalette ever is...12:59
Ngmjg59: if I reboot into -10 on my desktop and it's still doing it, since no edgy cd has been near that machine, that would suggest not, right?12:59
ogranice :)12:59
mjg59Ng: Probably, yes12:59
mvothanks mdz!01:02
Ngmjg59: phew, the desktop is ok, thanks :)01:05
mdzmvo: please file a bug about the task header01:05
mdzmvo: subscribe ubuntu-archive01:05
jdongmjg59: uhh, is usplash_vga_init() ever called?01:07
jdongmjg59: I don't see it in the backtrace01:08
jdongand none of my printfs in that function show up :)01:08
mjg59jdong: It won't be in the backtrace - it's not in the call chain01:08
mjg59usplash_init is called at line 353 of libusplash,c01:08
mjg59That returns usplash_operations->usplash_init, which is set to usplash_svga_init earlier on01:09
mjg59printfs won't show up - stdio has been closed01:09
jdongwell, off to file IO then :)01:09
mjg59gdb it, break on usplash_svga_init?01:09
mjg59Then step through that01:09
mvomdz: bug #6269901:11
mdzUbugtu: bug 6269901:11
mdzUbugtu: scoundrel01:11
ograSeveas, ?? ^^^ 01:12
mdzNg: are you sure you have the new restricted-modules installed?01:13
UbugtuI don't recognize you.01:13
Seveasbug 666601:13
UbugtuMalone bug 6666 in malone "visited links on bug page have insufficient contrast" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/666601:13
Seveas bug 6269901:13
Seveas-Ubugtu- Error: Error getting Malone bug #62699: Bug does not exist01:13
Seveasso he was working after all ;)01:13
jdongmjg59: I set a breakpoint on usplash_svga_init, it segfaults before reaching the breakpoint01:14
mjg59jdong: Bongtastic01:14
Ngmdz: I have several versions installed on the desktop it would seem, the broken one (laptop) was using whatever was in the .2 live cd from 2006092701:15
mjg59jdong: No, I genuinely can't see any way that can happen01:15
mjg59jdong: And I can't reproduce it here at all01:15
Ngmdz: I was just in the middle of putting a comment with some more info on the bug, is there anything I can include to make it more useful? or is it likely not a bug as mjg's suggestion and it working on my desktop suggets?01:16
mdzNg: you could answer the question I asked in the bug01:16
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Ngmdz: sure. I know the result, which is a weird error about symbol -1 not being found, but I think that was because that module isn't really available, there was a ath_hal.mod.o afair, but I'll check01:17
mjg59jdong: Oh, hm.01:18
mdzNg: note that I said ath_hal, not ath_pci01:19
mjg59jdong: Ok, now I can reproduce it01:19
Ngmdz: yeah, when I noticed ath_pci failing to load I tried it by hand, then ath_hal, but I will double check01:19
mvosfllaw: please ping me about #62689 as soon as you can, that concerns me somewhat01:20
mdzmvo: sfllaw has left the building, call his mobile01:20
mvomdz: right, missed that. will do01:20
mdzmvo: that's because he didn't mention it01:21
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neuralismdz: i have a confidential matter to discuss. do you prefer irc or mail?01:22
mjg59jdong: Oh crap, i see01:22
mdzneuralis: if it isn't about the beta release, then email is better01:23
neuralismdz: it's not; i'll mail you.01:23
slomo_Remenic: ping? (short question and maybe a bug about clearlooks)01:23
mjg59jdong: It's in bzr now, but you may need to wait for http to catch up01:24
jdongmjg59: ok, thanks01:24
mjg59Oh, hang on, that's not going to work01:24
mjg59No, wait, it should do01:25
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jdongI'll let you know :P01:25
mjg59jdong: Move the call to gl_getpalette to just underneath the malloc01:25
jdongmjg59: where's that?01:27
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jdongI'll just wait till launchpad catches up01:27
mjg59jdong: In usplash_svga.c01:28
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jdongmjg59: alright, let's see if thist works... :)01:28
joejaxxKamion: may i pm you?01:31
Ngmdz: done01:31
mdzjoejaxx: colin is not online01:32
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jdongmjg59: that fixes it01:33
mjg59jdong: All works ok?01:33
joejaxxmdz: ?01:33
joejaxxmdz: colin?01:33
jdongmjg59: yeah, finally the logo's not in inverted colors :)01:33
zuljoejaxx: kamion is not online01:33
joejaxxzul: oh alright i was not aware01:34
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jdongmjg59: fix your bzr whoami on vaio :P01:56
neuralismdz: sent, and rather time-sensitive, though i'm aware of your current preoccupation with the beta.01:56
mdzapt and ltsp built successfully01:57
mjg59jdong: Mm?01:59
jdongmjg59: committer: Matthew Garrett <mjg59@vaio>02:00
jdongmjg59: set a real e-mail address02:00
mjg59I don't usually commit from there02:00
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ogramdz, did you already trigger new edubuntu isos ? else i will do that before i go to bed now 02:26
mdzogra: I did02:26
ogra(ltsp 0.115 is up )02:26
ograoh, wow02:26
ograthanks 02:26
mdzall alternates are building now; I'll do desktop after that02:26
tsengare we there yet?02:26
ograok, i'll strt my rsyncs then and will test tomorrow morning ...02:27
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Viper550I have an interesting installer idea for Edgy+102:35
mdzdoko_: that's great news, let me know what you find02:37
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Viper550What the heck just happened?02:39
tsengits called a netsplit02:39
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tsengone or more servers loose their connection to the network02:40
Fadeusually caused by routing flaps in transit networks, but also caused by DDoS attacks. :)02:40
Fadeit almost reminds you of the halcyon days of efnet. 02:40
ograor by mindless server admins that sumble over a power cable ;)02:41
Lathiatmost of the time its just somethign dying02:41
Lathiatogra: hehe02:41
Lathiator even network rerouting02:41
tsengogra: that would never happen02:41
Lathiatno ones built redundant paths into an ircd yet :)02:41
Fadelargely because of the way the irc rfc is layed out.02:41
Fadeanyhow, bed for me. 'nite02:42
Viper550Well, anyway, here is my idea...You know how the new Desktop CD for Dapper uses that new Casper installer system?02:42
ogratseng, i worked for a cble company in another life where they had the most expensive redundant systems i've ever seen ... one day a colleague of mine worked in the DC and wanted to pick up something ... he touched a switch with his butt in an open server cabinet ... the whole TV for the region was down for some hours02:43
tsengogra: i forgot </sarcasm>02:43
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ograright :)02:43
ograhe got fired for that btw ... even he wasnt the guy who left the door open02:43
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tsengogra: similarly we had a contractor from Siemans lift the glass covering and push the big red emergency power shutoff button02:45
Viper550Uhh, did anyone pay attenton to my comment?02:45
ogratseng, haha ...02:45
neuralisViper550: casper is not an installer. do you mean ubiquity?02:45
LaserJockand "02:45
Viper550Well, whatever, the new system where it copies files instead of packages02:45
tsengViper550: you could finish your thought at least02:46
LaserJock"new" WRT to Dapper is a little... old ;-)02:46
Viper550Well, why don't we try and make a text-based installer using that system, so we can also use the new faster system on older systems02:47
LaserJockViper550: go for it!02:47
tsengbecause the text-based installer doesnt have the filesystem with all the files on it02:47
tsengit has a set of packages02:47
tsengand is very tied to this assumption02:47
tsengubiquity, the new installer, was written from scratch with completely different assumptions at its core02:48
LaserJocktseng: I'm assuming he was offering to write us a new text installer :-)02:48
Viper550I know, I meant make a new installer by scratch, using Ubiquinty's design02:48
tsengLaserJock: oh, fantastic02:48
Viper550I'm not a coder, but still: A text based Ubiquinty-based installer would be awesome!02:48
tsengViper550: to shave 5 minutes off installs?02:48
jdongViper550: honestly... :)02:49
ograwouldnt help me in edubuntu ... nor would it help the xubuntu people 02:49
ograwhich leaves you with kubuntu and ubuntu ... which both are fine for installing in graphical mode ...02:50
tsengsaving 5 minutes on "alternate" installs isnt worth the burden of building and maintaining a new installer02:50
ograso where is the advantage ? 02:50
Viper550Yes, giving everyone a chance to have a faster install is a great idea. I hate how you need 256 MB ram to use the Desktop CD, not everyone has that powerful of a system!02:50
LaserJockViper550: you are talking about 2 different things02:50
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tsengViper550: please understand the huge ammount of effort02:51
LaserJockspeed of install isn't the same a lowering install requirements02:51
tsengViper550: that needs to be weighed against any possible gains02:51
LaserJockI think the desktop takes much more resources then the installer itself, I think02:51
ograwell, or just provide the code :)02:51
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Viper550Yeah...or maybe a boot option on the desktop CD that only loads a minimal window manager and the installer02:52
tsengthat sounds a more worthwhile development effort02:53
tsenggo for it02:53
FujitsuYes, that's not a bad idea, actually.02:53
FujitsuThat's a very very good idea.02:53
jdubi think that's already on the plans02:53
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jdubfor edgy+102:53
Viper550Maybe just setup a Openbox desktop with the Ubuntu wallpaper in it...02:53
ograwhy bother with a window manager and a wallpaper ? 02:54
ograjust run the installer fullscreen02:54
jdubogra: because the installer opens windows, which need managing02:54
ograah, right 02:55
jdubmetacity is small enough02:55
Fujitsuogra, I love ion, but it's not exactly suitable :P02:55
ograjdub, btw, will we see you in mountainview ?02:55
Fujitsujdub, if you remove Gnome from the equation, it is.02:55
Viper550Hmm, what does Anaconda use for stuff like that?02:55
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jdongthe casper live system itself uses a lot of RAM on low-ram systems02:56
tsengViper550: do you recall it opening any windows?02:56
jdongI don't think even an openbox/fvwm would do it02:56
jdongViper550: suse's installer uses fvwm; I'm not sure what anaconda uses02:56
Viper550Yeah, the "Please wait while the install begins, this may take several minutes" and some other screens like in partitioning02:57
=== ogra is off to bed
Viper550I mean like this: http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/original.php?release=596&slide=902:58
jdubFujitsu: that's what the proposal was02:59
jdubogra: not afaik02:59
ograjdub, sad :/03:00
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jdong_wow, uswsusp has a progress bar03:25
Seqi've created my own package repository, and when building packages have the .dsc and .changes file signed (via debuild). I've also imported my public key with apt-key. Does anybody know how to get it to stop warning me about my packages being unverified?03:48
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mdzinfinity: ping03:51
infinitymdz: pong03:51
mdzinfinity: bug 6271203:51
UbugtuMalone bug 62712 in Ubuntu "Language support packages are marked as automatically installed" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6271203:51
infinitymdz: That's because *-live aren't tasks currently.03:52
mdzinfinity: tasks don't exist for them at all?03:52
mdzI think we have to live with this for beta then03:52
infinityI'd have been more concerned about it, except that the first thing we do on a ubiquity install is to remove all the -live depedencies anyway.03:53
infinityThough, we don't remove the langpack stuff (or re-add it in a suboptimal fashion), which would be leading to this.03:53
mdzI don't suppose mvo added a "pretend all the dependencies are manually installed" flag...03:54
infinityThat would be awfully clever, but I don't think so.03:54
mdzwe could release beta with this bug, but if we can fix it in the livefs build, I think that's worth it03:55
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mdzany better idea than hardcoding the lists of *ubuntu-live deps?03:56
infinityWell, there are a few ways to fix it, and all seem resonably trivial.  Could be fixed in apt (with a new flag), in the archive (adding tasks), or in ubiquity itself by reordering how it does some things.03:56
mdzfixing it in apt is a 4-hour process03:56
mdzonce the fix is uploaded03:56
infinityFixing it for beta would mean me pulling the seed output and parsing it to manually install the lot.03:57
infinityI already do that for the OpenCD builds, so the code exists.03:57
mdzoh, interesting03:57
mdzI'm also thinking of ways we could correct this with an update03:57
mdzunfortunately the extended status doesn't say which package pulled it in, so it's tricky to say03:58
infinityI can certainly do the ugly livefs.sh hack for now, and we can discuss with Kamion and mvo the "right" way to fix it later.03:58
infinityShould be about 10 minutes of cut-n-waste and another 10-20 mins to test locally and make sure I didn't bugger it up.03:58
mdzI don't think anything acts on the autoremove data as yet, so this arguably isn't a very big deal03:59
mdzif we can fix it cleanly in an update04:00
infinityWell, fixing it cleanly would mean magically marking all that stuff as manually installed later... Which sounds tricky.04:00
mdzthe marking is easy; it's the test for whether we should mark it which I'm unsure about04:00
mdzthe livefs approach seems worth a try04:00
mdzbtw, please disable the cron jobs if you haven't already04:01
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infinityThey've been disabled for a couple of days, since Tollef requested it.04:01
mdzthe cdimage builds weren't for some reason04:02
infinityThey are now, I assume?04:02
mdzI have disabled them now, yes04:02
infinityWell, most of them.04:03
infinityI assume you left ports and xubuntu enabled for a reason?04:03
mdzhad no reason to disable them04:03
mdzI don't know if they're even succeeding, but they weren't in my way04:03
infinityFair enough.04:03
mdzI haven't seen jani and have no idea if there will be a xubuntu beta04:04
=== infinity thinks harder about this bug.
mdzso I haven't been poking at it04:04
infinityI think I must misunderstand how ubiquity works.04:04
crimsunmdz: there are plans, yes04:04
infinityI assumed it removed all of the *-live stuff, then installed langpacks.04:04
infinityBut obviously not, or this wouldn't happen.04:04
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mdzright, it filters the langpack stuff04:05
infinityAhh, pain.04:05
infinityMakes more sense for speed, I guess, just exposes this.04:05
mdzwe could fix this by hacking up /var/lib/apt/extended_status at the end of the livefs build04:05
infinityOkay, I'll hack livefs.sh to just install it all manually for now.04:05
mdzfixing extended_status is arguably more correct04:05
mdzsince if they later remove the langpack, it'll DTRT04:06
mdzit's pretty easy to parse04:06
infinityHrm, so just make language-support-en be marked manual, but leave the rest auto?04:06
mdza perl one-liner would do the job I expect04:06
mdzsupport and pack04:06
mdzlet me try it in a live boot04:06
infinityWell, if you drop support, you might want to auto-remove pack, no?04:07
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mdzinfinity: they're both explicitly seeded, and selecting the installer language should make them both manual04:10
mdzinfinity: perl -i.old -nle '$dec=3 if /^Package: language-(pack|support)/; print unless $dec-- > 0;' /var/lib/apt/extended_states04:12
mdzinfinity: or the more correct perl -i.old -nle 'print unless /^Package: language-(pack|support)/ .. /^$/;' /var/lib/apt/extended_states04:13
mdzshould do the trick04:13
infinityKay, let me do a test build here.04:14
mdzwould be nice if "apt-get install <thing it thinks was autoinstalled>" would DTRT04:16
mdzbut it doesn't04:16
mdznor does --reinstall04:16
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gnomefreakthese jobs for ubuntu, does that mean we are losing these people that do it now or they just dont want to do that project anylonger?04:29
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infinitygnomefreak: Some of it's increased workload, some is getting specialists on board to take over specific tasks from currently overworked people.04:31
gnomefreakah ok04:31
gnomefreaki was like oh crap not ben and keybuk 04:31
mdzgnomefreak: "growth" in a word04:34
gnomefreakty 04:34
gnomefreakgrowth is a good word :)04:34
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mdzinfinity: joy?04:49
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infinitymdz: Yup, tested okay, rolling it out nowish.04:49
mdzinfinity: ok, please build them all (well, the ones with langpacks) once it's ready04:50
infinityWill do.04:51
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nictukugnomefreak, so are you applying too?04:59
gnomefreaknictuku: i was gonna apply to one of them but i cant move to canada04:59
nictukuwhy not? www.canadianalternative.com05:00
gnomefreaknictuku: my son and is mother05:01
infinitymdz: I'll just statr pumping out ISOs as the livefs images become available.05:03
infinitystart, too.05:04
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mdzinfinity: thanks05:18
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infinitymdz: ubuntu/desktop 20060928.2 is ready, if you want to test the hack.05:31
mdzI will05:31
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mdzhmm, my rsync is stalling05:39
Hobbseeyours too? pitti and ogra were complaining about similar things last night05:40
mdzworked the second time05:45
infinityI wonder if I should donate out-of-pocket to get faster disks on king and royal.05:46
infinityI suppose I could file an RT request with my credit card details and see how that goes. :)05:47
Fujitsumdz, may I recommend some/more context in future emails such as the `Beta release status' one to -devel? It's very out of place.05:54
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infinitykubuntu/desktop 20060928.1 built and mirrored05:57
mdzFujitsu: pardon?05:57
mdzit doesn't get much more on-topic than that05:57
LaserJockmdz: I was confused as to what you were really saying05:57
Fujitsumdz, not off-topic...05:58
mdzit was primarily a brief note to the release team letting them know what happened while they were asleep05:58
LaserJocksure, I know05:58
mdzbut I figured it might be of interest to the development team in general as well, so sent to -devel05:58
mdzin crunches like this, I'm not likely to have time to write a detailed progress report, and the situation changes quickly anyway.  however, it's important to keep the development team informed05:59
mdzwhat do you think could be done differently to improve it?05:59
FujitsuI don't know, but it looks very much like it was indeed addressed to just the release team, and is going to confuse people who don't know everything about the current status.06:00
FujitsuI don't know how it could have been improved, though...06:01
crimsunit seems a few initial impressions were "huh? Is the beta still scheduled for release [today] ?"06:01
minghuamdz: I think saying that it's mainly for the release team, but others on -devel may be interested would be good06:02
minghuathat way if I don't understand, I know it's not mainly intended to me06:02
Fujitsuminghua, yes, as it's obviously very directed to the release team. It's just going to confuse everybody else if they think they should be able to understand it.06:03
minghuamdz: but I sure appreciate the update, it's definitely better than nothing06:03
mdzFujitsu: appearances aside, it really is a developer-oriented list and we should be able to have this type of conversation on it06:06
mdzI'll try to remember to add a one-liner at the top if I do it again06:06
Fujitsumdz, that'd be good.06:06
mdz[warning! actual development content inside, please open carefully]  ;-)06:06
FujitsuIt may be a development-oriented list, but a whole lot of people on it aren't developers, and a lot of the discussion isn't as developer oriented...06:07
FujitsuHaha, exactly06:07
ajmitchFujitsu: that's more a problem with how the list has drifted off topic lately06:08
Fujitsuajmitch, of course.06:08
infinityI'd like to think that people reading a devel list will apply "If I don't understand it, it's not for me" to each message, as a general rule.06:09
infinityI certainly don't understand (or care to understand) half of what I read on lkml, for instance.06:09
ajmitchand I appreciated having the release update on -devel06:09
Burgundaviamdz: does LP allow anybody to target a spec at Edgy?06:13
mdzBurgundavia: I believe it allows anyone to propose a spec for edgy, but only privileged users can approve it06:14
Burgundaviahttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-6.10 <-- the spec list here looks really odd06:14
Burgundaviaoh, and deferred should remove a spec from the targetting06:14
mdzBurgundavia: oh, a milestone, not a release06:16
mdzI have no idea, maybe06:16
mdzthat might not require any special privileges06:17
Burgundaviathat is a bit of an issue, because being on that list implies it is being included06:17
fabbionemorning guys06:17
mdzinfinity: workaround confirmed in the current build06:17
fabbionehow are we doing?06:17
mdzfabbione: I sent an update to -devel (of all places! ;-) )06:17
infinitymdz: Excellent.06:18
fabbionemdz: reading.. thanks06:18
=== fabbione sips some coffee
infinitymdz: edubuntu is almost there.  Do we care about xubuntu for beta?  (I'm building it anyway, out of the kindness of my heart, but if it's not urgent, I can go grab some lunch and pay my rent before I spin the xubuntu ISOs)06:18
mdzinfinity: crimsun seemed to be in the loop on xubuntu, I know nothing06:19
infinitycrimsun: ?06:19
crimsuninfinity: it's not urgent but would be greatly appreciated06:20
mdzinfinity: I don't think anyone is present who is actively working on xubuntu beta, so I don't think there's any hurry06:20
infinitycrimsun: Okay, I'll spin the xubuntu ISOs when I get back from lunch/rent, then, since paying rent before my real estate agent closes is somewhat time-sensitive. :/06:20
crimsuninfinity: many thanks!06:21
mdzinfinity: the edubuntu desktop build will be 20060928.1?06:22
=== infinity twiddles his thumbs, waiting for lithium to finish with edubuntu.
infinitymdz: Should be, yeah.06:22
mdzinfinity: and you're only building desktop/live, right?06:22
infinitymdz: Right.06:22
mdzI'm posting a list of candidate build numbers 06:23
fabbione62712 might affect netinstalls too06:24
fabbionemdz: what was the workaround you used?06:25
infinityWon't affect netinstalls.06:25
infinitySince netinstalls won't install ubuntu-live and then remove it.06:25
fabbioneah right06:25
infinitymdz: edubuntu/desktop 20060928.1 published.06:26
infinityAnd really, really, really big on powerpc.06:26
infinityI can only assume that ogra's already aware of that, mind you, since he's got his finger on the pulse of all things CD-size-related.06:27
Burgundaviamdz: https://launchpad.net/products/blueprint/+bug/6271706:27
UbugtuMalone bug 62717 in blueprint "Anybody can target specs at milestones" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  06:27
mdzedubuntu on powerpc is academic06:28
AmaranthYeah who has the money to spend on an Apple server?06:28
AmaranthOr even an apple machine as a client, seeing how it's targeted at schools06:29
mdzAmaranth: server and a bunch of thin clients, even06:29
LaserJockI've seen a few ppc thin client questions in #edubuntu06:30
LaserJockbut ususally with x86 servers06:30
infinityAn beefy Xserve and a mess of old, used candy-coloured iMacs wouldn't be so bad.06:31
infinityAnyhow, off to go pay my rent, since I'm not fond of eviction.  Back in an hour or two, public transit depending.06:32
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solomakhinis it safe to upgrade to edgy?06:56
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Hobbseesolomakhin: no.   it could all break.06:59
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jdongsolomakhin: if you're asking that, the answer is probably no.06:59
solomakhinHobbsee: what breaks?06:59
solomakhinjdong: ok06:59
Hobbseesolomakhin: i'm not quite sure at the moment06:59
Hobbseebut i agree with jdong 06:59
jdongsolomakhin: Almost everything works ok for me right now; a few gnome apps still are a tad unstable...07:00
solomakhinalright, thanks guys07:00
jdongsolomakhin: but with a development release at anytime the situation can drastically change07:00
jdongI wouldn't rule out data loss, corruption, etc07:00
Hobbseethe world blowing up07:00
solomakhinwow, pretty scary07:01
solomakhindo you do this to all n00bs? ;)07:01
jdongsolomakhin: just an example, it was recently discovered that the knot3 live installer goes on formatting rampages07:01
jdongsolomakhin: there's been at least 2 people reporting complete data loss on their NTFS partitions07:01
Hobbseejdong: so did one of the kubuntu dapper ones.  :D07:01
jdongso again, I wouldn't rule out something like that happening07:01
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Hobbseejdong: i tried to convince Riddell that this was part of a bugfix for bug 107:02
=== solomakhin 's jaw is dropping
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in ubuntu-meta "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/107:02
jdonghobbsee: hehe :)07:02
Hobbseesolomakhin: no - but most of the time they dont come into -devel and ask - they ask in #ubuntu+1, and  usually ask "how do you  upgrade too"07:02
jdongsolomakhin: so, personally I'd recommend either setting aside a test _computer_ / vmware or wait till edgy's release :)07:03
Hobbseethen get really shirty when you answer "if you have to ask that, you shouldnt upgrade to the development release" with "oh, i should be able to make that choice for myself" yada yada yada...07:03
jdonghobbsee: ugh, we had a guy on the forums wanting to upgrade to edgy...07:03
Hobbseejdong: only one?  *g*07:03
jdonghobbsee: after 22 replies, he was unable to edit his sources.list07:03
=== Hobbsee headdesks
Hobbseeyes.  remind me why they stay on the forums, and why the bugtracker is slightly complex07:04
jdongthat's a pretty good sign you shouldn't use edgy :)07:04
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jdonghobbsee: we're like your noob filter :)07:04
Hobbseei think i'm going to start saying in edgy+1 "sure, it's fine to upgrade.  try it and see"  and then watch them go back to dapper when it all breaks, and tell their friends07:04
solomakhingood job, ``team n00b filter!''07:05
Hobbseewith a proper /topic of course, so that those observant people would notice that they shouldnt install it07:05
Hobbseeer, then go back to edgy.  or dapper.07:05
Hobbseejdong: *grin*07:05
Hobbseesolomakhin: it's safer than usual, due to the beta, but you're still likely to experience lots of breakage, so it's safer to wait07:07
=== Hobbsee looks forward to when her X works again.
solomakhinHobbsee: thanks for advice07:08
Hobbseesolomakhin: :)07:08
LaserJockHobbsee: your X isn't working?07:09
HobbseeLaserJock: indeed.  i'm still booted to 2.6.17-7-generic, as the later versions dont work07:10
=== Hobbsee looks for her bug report
UbugtuMalone bug 61979 in xserver-xorg-video-i810 "[Regression]  2.6.17-8-generic makes X crash if DRI is enabled in xorg.conf" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  07:11
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jdonghobbsee: have you tried starting x without kdm?07:15
jdongkdm's a bit kooky with how it uses X... fglrx doesn't like it either07:15
Hobbseejdong: of course.  still dies.07:15
Hobbseei'm not *that* shocking at debugging X crashes07:16
=== Hobbsee updates the report
jdongbtw, not to be naggy/annoying/etc, but where are we on the road to beta iso's? :)07:17
Hobbseejdong: i think we're on the road to testing them, actually07:19
Hobbseeubuntu alternate was oversized07:19
jdongare the 928.2 daily-lives the ones?07:20
Hobbseeyeah, i would think so07:21
=== jdong queues some up for the night
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infinitycrimsun: xubuntu has new images up, and I've disabled the xubuntu cdimage cronjobs so they don't get regenerated out from under you.07:53
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pittiGood morning08:04
Hobbseehey pitti!08:04
mempfhey guys08:04
infinityHey pitti.08:06
infinitySomeone should email me some food.08:06
Hobbseei dont think it'd work very well08:07
pittihey Hobbsee, hello infinity, moin mempf 08:07
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mempfcant get edgy installed on my pc08:07
mempfi want to try that new nvidia driver08:07
mempfwhy would the setup hang at: Retrieving file 819 of 81908:10
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pittimempf: wait a bit08:14
pittimempf: look at VT3 or VT4 for what's going on08:14
mempfil try that08:14
pittiwhoa, do today's desktop images really differ from yesterday's?08:15
pittisent 189602 bytes  received 108425 bytes speedup is 2459.1108:15
tfheenpitti: not very much, but yeah, a bit08:17
pittitfheen: how does it look so far?08:17
pittiI'll continue the powerpc testing now08:17
mempfis the beta release soon/08:18
tfheenpitti: I woke up 19 minutes ago, I've just skimmed my inbox. :-)08:19
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pittitfheen: I'll bump the desktop CD date on T/Current and mark the results as obsolete08:22
infinitypitti: mdz sent a list of candidates to -devel, if you need exact numbers.08:23
=== pitti would have used the latest available ones, but will check mail before
infinityShould be the same, I've not changed them since then. :)08:26
tfheenpitti: thanks. :-)08:26
tfheeninfinity: the -server one isn't the latest, iirc08:26
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infinityAhh, we didn't respin -server this morning, we were just doing desktop/live mangling.08:26
pittiRiddell: I updated the CD timestamps for Kubuntu on T/Current, but did not obsolete the previous test results since I don't know which ones you tested already08:30
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Hobbseepitti: i'm not sure if any official testing notice has gone out for kubuntu based cds yet08:34
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fabbionepitti: ping?08:40
gesercould someone please giveback pstngw? it failed to build because of chroot problems. thanks08:40
pittifabbione: pong08:40
fabbionepitti: see /msg08:41
fabbionei am having some locales issues08:41
fabbioneperhaps you know what's wrong08:41
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=== pitti is pleased that the live CD check works great now
tfheenpitti: which one of them?  The desktop one or the alternate one?08:46
pittitfheen: desktop (sorry, 'live' is still in my fingers)08:46
pittithe one I previously got no feedback for08:46
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tfheenpitti: oh, sorry, I can't read, you wrote live there.08:47
geserinfinity: hello. I'm trying to rebuild php4 but it fails to build as the build-deps need both libdb4.3-dev and libdb4.4-dev and both can't be installed at the same time. have you an idea how to resolve it?08:47
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bluefoxthingwell shit.08:50
bluefoxthingwine freezes, then crashes X08:50
bluefoxthingtwice I tried, then I couldn't log in08:50
bluefoxthing(gdm just hangs on log-in)08:50
HrdwrBoBwrong channel08:50
bluefoxthingon Edgy08:50
Fujitsubluefoxthing, so what? This is for development, not complaining about development releases?08:51
bluefoxthingFujitsu: is part of development recognizing potential problems?08:52
Fujitsubluefoxthing, no, that's the bug-tracker's job.08:52
Fujitsupitti, what's up?08:52
bluefoxthingi'm waiting for that machine to reboot so I can figure out wtf is breaking it08:52
infinitygeser: It'll be fixed post-beta.08:52
pittiremoving ubuntu-desktop *still* kills 983248329 packages08:52
pittiI thought mdz said that was fixed now08:52
Fujitsupitti, and I see that bug is marked fixed.08:53
bluefoxthingmeanwhile, can anyone else run wine without it crashing X?  (i.e. is this a video driver problem?)08:53
infinitypitti: Erk.  It was meant to be fixed in the most recent images.  I blame mvo.08:53
bluefoxthing(mplayer was doing this to X a while ago too)08:53
pittiinfinity: I just did 'sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove ubuntu-desktop -s' and it killed everything08:53
pittiinfinity: ^ in the ppc live session08:53
infinitypitti: *sigh*.. Not good.08:54
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infinitypitti: What version of apt is on that livefs?08:54
pittiinfinity: 0.6.45ubuntu1308:54
infinitypitti: It was meant to be fixed with 0.6.45ubuntu14 ...08:54
bluefoxicysystem functionality restored, damn.  Now how do I figure out why it's breaking08:54
infinitypitti: Err.  D'oh.  I thought 0.6.45ubuntu14 got into the latest images.  Feh.08:55
pittinew images?08:55
infinityOh, yeah, it is in the latest..08:55
bluefoxicyoh screw it I'll just file a bug and let somebody else figure it out08:55
infinitypitti: 20060928.2 has the right apt version, I'm not sure what you're testing..08:56
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pittiinfinity: ugh, seems that this morning's rsync picked the wrong one, sorry08:57
tfheeni386 seems good wrt auto-remove.08:58
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crimsuninfinity: thanks!09:02
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bluefoxicy*slight anger*09:16
bluefoxicymy hard disk is cranking, nothing intensive is running09:16
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Fujitsu*slight anger*09:22
FujitsuYou're ranting in a development channel, not advisable.09:22
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FujitsuThankyou for uploading those tor fixes, pitti.09:26
pittiFujitsu: oh, the thanks is your's for preparing them :)09:27
FujitsuIt didn't take very long :)09:27
Kagoushawarma: i open 2 bugs for rastudio Bug #62734 and  Bug #62733 09:28
UbugtuMalone bug 62734 in rawstudio "Close Button don't work in About dialog" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6273409:28
UbugtuMalone bug 62733 in rawstudio "Can't open a file" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6273309:28
Kagous/rastudio/rawstudio 0.4.1 released today (one is High)09:29
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ograinfinity, ?09:43
ograinfinity, what did you do to the ppc cds ? 09:44
poningruhow much longer till beta is released?09:44
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poningruerr today I guess in some places09:44
ograinfinity, they were ~672M for the last *weeks* and i didnt change anything ... there must be something gone wrong09:46
ogramdz, ^^^09:46
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ograinfinity, the edgy-live-powerpc.list of edubuntu 20060927 and  20060928.1 are identical, there must be something *very* wrong with the builds if there are 70MB difference09:56
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raphinkis it normal that nothing seems to be approved in the NEW queue for 9 days?10:02
raphinkwhen universe freeze is tonight :s10:02
Fujitsuraphink, this is what happens when the archive admins get busy with other stuff.10:03
raphinkwell we're overtaking a lib transition10:03
raphinkI uploaded the new lib 3 days ago, hoping to have the time to upload the new apps building on it in time10:04
raphinkbut it has been stuck since10:04
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pittimvo: does the amd64/desktop boot for you? it's totally busted for me10:07
pittimvo: it just sits around with a black screen forever10:07
mvopitti: it did yesterday, let me recheck10:08
pittiand since we did a very thorough job ob eliminating all possibilities of debugging, I can't say what's wrong10:08
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mvothe nvidia problem maybe?10:09
tfheenpitti: not even the first boot menu?10:09
ograhmm, seems infinity is asleep ... 10:10
ograafter making my ppc live CD explode ... :/10:11
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tfheenpitti: -desktop seems to boot correctly for me on amd64 (vmware) at least.10:12
ogratfheen, do you have any idea what can cause a 70MB oversizedness between two builds with identical .list files ? i have no clue where to start searching here 10:12
tfheenogra: that sounds.. special.10:13
tfheenogra: -live?10:13
ograthey have been ~670M for the last weeks10:13
pittitfheen: I get gfxboot10:13
ograand suddenly i get >740M10:13
ograyes, ppc only10:13
pittitfheen: if you have nvidia, maybe you can try a real boot?10:14
infinityogra: I didn't "do" anything to them.10:14
pittitfheen: I don't see anything since uslpash does not work and upstart is absolutely quiet10:14
mvoogra: the list of files is identical you say?10:14
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ogramvo, yes10:14
tfheenpitti: remove "quiet" from the boot options?10:15
ograinfinity, but there must have something changed :)10:15
tfheenogra: rsync is on crack10:15
mvoogra: my suspicion was the new install-task method abecause of bug #6269610:15
UbugtuMalone bug 62696 in soyuz "Task headers in Packages files do not match seeds exactly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6269610:15
ograah !10:15
pittitfheen: ah, in the expert menu, right10:15
=== pitti tries that
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tfheenogra: hmm, no, actually not.10:16
ograno, the size on lithium is the same10:16
infinityErr, the manifests aren't even close to identical.10:17
dholbachgood morning10:17
pittihey dholbach 10:17
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dholbachhey pitti, hey mvo, hey heno!10:17
tfheenhi Henrik10:17
mvopitti: blank screen for me too :/ with nvidia 10:17
pittimvo: alternate install still has the desktop removal problem10:17
mvohi heno10:17
henohi all!10:18
pittimvo: does it start anyway?10:18
dholbachhi tfheen, infinity, ogra :)10:18
pittimvo: I'm used to the black screen, we have that usplash bug for months, but so far it at least started fine10:18
mvopitti: it is still starting, but I see progress10:18
pittiok, may be hw specific then10:18
infinityogra: gcompris* and tuxpaint* look like good candidates for the extra usage, though other stuff has changed too.10:19
ograinfinity, argh, how did all the excluded packages end up there 10:19
pittimvo: do you still know the desktop removal bug number? I need to reopen it for alternate installs10:19
ograyes, i'm just diffing the manifest 10:19
infinitymvo: And yes, I suspect ogra's issue is due to the task/metapackage mismatch bug.10:19
ograneither was included on ppc since dapper10:19
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mvopitti: #6168410:19
=== BringZten [n=Wonton@219-89-6-61.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel
BringZtenI love fucking ubuntu10:19
BringZtenI'm concerned about the state of linux10:20
HobbseeBringZten: why are you here?10:20
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BringZtenVista is amazing and I hate microsoft10:20
infinityogra: Anyhow, mdz's already stated that he's perfectly happy to ignore edubuntu/powerpc for beta, so it's not the end of the world, as long as we get the archive bug fixed soon.10:20
Hobbseeand how were you allowed back in?10:20
mvoinfinity: I guess its missing support in germinate? the extraoverrides support arch-dependant tags10:20
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ograinfinity, i'm not yet sure my amd64 install CDs are ok ...10:20
mvopitti: amd64/desktop is up10:20
ograthe only thing thats really shiny is i386 ... 10:20
mvopitti: the auto-install problem is fixed on live at least :)10:21
ograinfinity, my users will complain a lot ... if i can avoid that that would be nice :)10:21
infinitymvo: Well, germinate obviously works right for the metapackages. :)  It's the germinate->archive glue that's obviously lacking smarts, though.10:21
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infinityogra: I doubt we'll fix the archive today.10:21
infinityI can look into it, though.10:22
ograright, if its the archive i cant do much10:22
mvoinfinity: eh, that was what I meant. the soyuz guys told me that the generation of the overrides was part of germinate 10:22
=== ogra does another ppc install
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HobbseeBringZten: *eyebrow raise*10:23
Hobbseeare you going to behave, or are you out to create trouble, yet again?10:23
BringZtenI was serious but this isnt the right channel.10:23
pittimvo: confirmed, works fine on live10:23
mvopitti: so its the way the install installs stuff on the disk :/10:25
pittimvo: yes10:25
mvopitti: I added a comment10:26
pittiok, re-trying to boot this amd64 desktop with some expert options, bbl10:26
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tfheenso, do we need new alternates due to the apt bug?10:26
mvotfheen: it seems more like a problem the way the installer works right now10:27
ogratfheen, could you wait a while until i tested amd64 ... i have a weird report for it ... and my isos finished only this morning to rsync10:27
ograso if there is a chance for rebuilds i'd like to have some fix in if possible ...10:28
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tfheenogra: 'k10:28
ograi just have to finish the ppc install here to be able to get on IRC if the worls explodes ... 10:29
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pittiindeed, without 'splash quiet' the amd64/desktop boots for me10:34
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ograok, at least my ltsp bug on ppc install is fixed ....10:34
pittimvo: ugh, no more German translations on the desktop CD :/10:35
mvopitti: yeah, I noticed that too :/10:35
ograpitti, that should only affect the panel 10:35
pittiogra: how do you mean?10:35
ograi never had germany transaltions on edubuntu 10:35
ograbut the menu entries etc are usually in german ...10:36
ograits only parts that are missing their translations (usually)10:36
pittimvo: hm, I got U.S. keyboard although I selected German; can you confirm this?10:36
mvopitti: yes10:37
pittimvo: I usually choose U.S. keyboard anyway, but for the sake of testing I had German keyboard this time10:37
mvopitti: and the installer defaults to US keyboard even if you select german as language10:37
ographew ... ppc install looks fine ... (yet)10:38
pips1testing german keyboard is much appreciated :)10:39
ograpips1, arent you a de_CH type  ? 10:39
pips1yeah, but even de testing is good in my book :)10:40
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pittimvo: did you already file bugs about that or shall I?10:41
mvopitti: I haven't yet, I just wanted to confirm this again first (I have seen it last night when I was *very* tired)10:42
mvopitti: but now amd64/live is not booting10:42
mvooh well10:42
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ograpips1, did your amd64 get over the base install and did you get that "invalid release file" error in ltsp or even before ? 10:45
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pittimvo: bug 62738?10:45
UbugtuMalone bug 62738 in Ubuntu "amd64 desktop does not start" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6273810:45
pittimvo: anyway, when I noticed the keyboard thingy, I was already in ubiquity's keyboard chooser, so it was too late10:46
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mvopitti: right, I will report it when I can reproduce it again10:48
pips1ogra: erm, how can I tell?10:55
ograwell, did it break in "installing ltsp chroot" ?10:56
pips1I got it when it was trying to build ltsp chroot10:56
ograor even before10:56
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pips1"half way" through10:56
ogranope... thats only the progressbar10:56
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ograits lying10:57
ograthat error you describe must be at the very beginning ... i just wonder why the release file might be considered broken (the "installing base system" step does exactly the same)10:58
ograi'll test soon ... ppc is nearly done ...11:00
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mvopitti: bug #6274311:01
UbugtuMalone bug 62743 in Ubuntu "US keyboard on the livecd when selecting german in the boot-menu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6274311:01
seb128tfheen: hum, mono is still broken on the desktop CD :/11:01
seb128and I still get a qwerty layout when I pick french11:02
mvoseb128: qwerty is probably #62743 too11:02
ograseb128, see mvo's bug :)11:02
=== mvo hugs ogra
=== ogra hugs mvo
pittimvo: ah, so I wasn't hallucinating (I confirmed the bug)11:03
=== mvo hugs pitti
=== pitti hugs mvo
pittiok, amd64/ubiquity install finished, let's look into it :)11:04
ograwoah, that 640x480 usplash picture looks so bad ...11:04
ograbut edubuntu ppc install works :)11:04
fabbioneogra: can you try switching from X to console on ppc?11:05
mvogood morning Kamion11:05
ografabbione, will do ...11:05
fabbionemorning Kamion11:05
Kamionmvo: it's not really part of germinate as such - it's a wrapper script built on top11:05
ograwaaahhh ... the sounds is way to loud11:05
fabbioneX crashes badly here11:05
fabbionefull machine hangs11:05
ogradont we set it to 80% anymore ?11:05
ografabbione, works for me ... on the ibook11:05
mvoKamion: in what repository is it? do I need to talk to cprov about it?11:06
infinityKamion: How many minutes/hours of hack time would it take you to make the wrapper generate arch-dependant overrides?11:06
=== fabbione curses ati
Kamionmvo: it's part of launchhpad11:06
Kamioninfinity: not sure, will investigate11:06
Kamionis it beta-urgent?11:06
infinityOnly if ogra wants ppc/desktop CDs.  Otherwise, not really.11:06
infinityBut if it's a 5-minute hack, may as well.11:06
infinityIf not, then it can wait.11:07
elmoif you're talking about the tasks, you'd have to change how launchpad writes it's apt.conf for apt-ftparchive11:07
elmoand do per architecture sections11:07
Kamionyeah, I thought it might be something like that ...11:07
infinityOh, feh.11:07
elmo(which doesn't sound 5-minute to me...)11:07
infinityI thought it was just cron.germinate to blame here.11:07
infinityYeah, the apt.conf mangling in the publisher is less obvious.11:08
Kamiondo you happen to know how the file needs to change?11:08
elmoinfinity: no - both dak and soyuz use one section per distro-release/suite, that covers all architectures -> on extra override file for all arches11:08
KamionI don't know that bit of apt-ftparchive11:08
ograinfinity, since the install cd for ppc is ine i can live with broken live ones11:08
elmoonly way to have per-architecture extra override files without hacking apt-ftparchive would be to write different 'tree' sections for each distro-release+architecture11:08
KamionI thought apt-ftparchive already got hacked to support per-arch fields11:09
elmobtw, this is hand-waving speculation based on what I'd do in/for dak if we were still using it.  I am not team soyuz and I do not speak for them11:09
mvoelmo: can't we use the pkg/arch syntax? or is the apt-ftparchive too old for this?11:09
Kamionof course drescher is still using *hoary*'s apt-ftparchive11:09
elmoKamion: in extra overrides? news to me, and we're still using hoary's apt-ftparchive11:09
Kamioncan we please upgrade that at some point?11:10
mvoyeah apt-ftparchive has it, but not in hoary :/11:10
infinityWell, we want edgy's ideally anyway.11:10
Kamion  * Support architecture-specific extra overrides11:10
Kamion    (closes: #225947). Thanks to  Anthony Towns for idea and11:10
Kamion    the patch, thanks to Colin Watson for testing it.11:10
infinityFor a variety of reasons.11:10
Kamionin 0.6.4111:10
elmoKamion: I've had that discussion to death - please feel free to convince them of that11:10
elmothey seem more interested in rewriting apt-ftparchive11:10
elmobut i would say upgrading from hoary to later is not something you'd want to do before-preview11:11
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mvothe new version would be much faster as well ..11:11
infinityelmo: No, doing it right after beta would be nice though.11:11
fabbionealso because hoary is close to EOL11:11
infinityKamion: Anyhow, ogra's said he can live with his breakage, so looking at this immediately post-beta would be nice to put on our TODO.11:11
infinityKamion: And edgy's apt would be the ideal one to backport, since mvo's given us some other archive-related fixes recently.11:12
Kamionelmo: last I heard they were going to keep using apt-ftparchive for the distro for edgy, and trial the replacement on PPAs11:12
Kamionso there's a worthwhile window11:12
mvoinfinity: when this gets started, please ping me so that I can double check again that we have everything etc11:12
=== ogra goes for amd64 testing
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elmoKamion: I'd certainly hope so - given the replacement will be generating Packages/Sources for the entire distro including d-u and d-s11:13
=== mvo grumbles because he can't find the no-partman-resize-progress bugnumber
Kamioninfinity: I can create *-live tasks fairly easily, but after beta11:14
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infinityKamion: I'm unconvinced that *-live as tasks is the correct solution anyway.11:14
infinityKamion: That bug magically goes away completely if I'm allowed to roll out stacked-livefs post-beta.11:15
KamionI thought we discussed that the other week11:15
Kamionit would be nice to have *-live as tasks anyway because rolling new metapackages for late changes is time we don't need to waste11:15
infinityThough it doesn't *hurt* to have *-live as tasks, I guess, it just feels like unnecessary cruft.11:15
Kamiontasks are less cruft than metapackages, honestly11:15
infinityOh, fair point on the "screw metapackages" front.11:15
infinityI forgot baout that conversation.11:16
Kamionanyway, time to clear up universe syncs11:16
infinityI'm losing it in my old age.11:16
carlosRiddell: hi, did you imported already new kopete translations from upstream? Could I move it from kdenetwork to kopete in Rosetta?11:16
FujitsuKamion, yay :)11:16
infinityKamion: Would you object to having -minimal as a task too, then, even if we never actually use it (cause we debootstrap it)?11:17
infinityKamion: I find it moderately handy to check Task headers in the Packages files sometimes.11:17
Kamioninfinity: I guess not11:19
ogra2amd64 is broken :(11:21
ogra2THANK YOU DEBIAN for disabling amd64 in ltsp !!!! 11:22
ogra2gah, how did i merge that  11:22
pips1ogra2: :/11:26
mvoKamion:  would it be possible to change the way packages are installed via the alternate installer? to fix #61684? post-beta, but we should put it into the known-issues section 11:26
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pygimorning all11:29
Kamionmvo: yeah, should be11:30
Kamionit'd just be a tasksel change11:30
mvocool, thanks!11:31
tfheenseb128: mono> known, didn't make it for beta.11:33
pygisivang: ping?11:34
dholbachwhat do I need to include in a bug report about ubiquity hanging in after the timezone configuration?11:35
Kamiondholbach: /var/log/syslog11:35
seb128dholbach: there is a g-s-t bug opened, time-admin crash when selecting a timezone if no timezone is set before11:36
seb128dholbach: is your issue time-admin crashing?11:36
dholbachI can't click 'next'11:36
dholbachno, there was not crash message11:36
Kamiondholbach: could you cancel ubiquity, and try again with 'sudo env UBIQUITY_DEBUG=1 ubiquity' please?11:36
Kamionthen (a) there should be debconf debug output on stderr, which I'd like, and (b) /var/log/syslog should be more informative11:37
KamionI must arrange for the debconf debug output to go to syslog11:37
dholbachurg, now it worked11:37
dholbachi'll do all the installations with UBIQUITY_DEBUG=1 now11:38
mvoI'm adding a "Known issues" to the EdgyEft/Beta page. I add mono, nvidia usplash-amd64, apt-auto-install/alternate. anything else?11:38
seb128mvo: the keyboard layout thing?11:38
dholbachseb128: already there11:38
dholbachah no11:38
mvoseb128: right11:38
dholbachdifferent page11:38
ogra2mvo:  no amd64 install CD for edubuntu11:38
Kamiondholbach: might want to reboot and try again, same procedure11:38
ogra2and no ppc live11:38
Kamionexcept this time start with UBIQUITY_DEBUG=111:39
dholbachKamion: right-p11:39
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mvoogra2: do you have a bugnumber?11:39
ogra2mvo: not yet ... let me get my grub back on my main machine ... 11:40
henoKamion: are the AT casper settings supposed to work now or is it still pending (in beta freeze perhaps)? I doesn't work in my tests11:41
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\shI know this question is not suitable for this channel, but does anyone know someone who installed an oracle server 10g on dapper?11:41
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Kamionheno: the casper accessibility script is broken11:45
KamionI found that last night and SMSed it to tfheen11:45
henoKamion: ok, thanks11:45
henoyou SMSed the script? :)11:45
Kamionlet me make sure my fixes are committed11:45
henook, cool11:45
Kamionno, it was just an extra "fi" so describable in an SMS11:45
tfheenKamion: it's not set -e, so it doesn't matter, though11:45
Kamiontfheen: sh bails out on the syntax error, I believe11:46
tfheenKamion: gnr, ok.11:46
tfheensilly sh.11:46
KamionI'm going to make casper run 'sh -n' over everything on build11:46
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ogramvo, bug #6275011:47
UbugtuMalone bug 62750 in ltsp "merge oversight, not possible to build amd64 chroots anymore" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6275011:47
dholbachKamion: still works - I'll let you know as soon as I dig something up11:48
Kamionbzr: ERROR: Lock was broken while still open: LockDir(sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk/.bzr/repository/lock) - check storage consistency!11:48
Kamiontfheen: were you committing at the same time?11:48
tfheenKamion: I committed a minute ago, but bzr errored out:11:49
tfheenbzr: ERROR: rmdir failed11:49
Kamionwe obviously clashe11:49
tfheentry to run bzr update?11:49
Kamionthis is a known bzr bug; mdz and I ran into it with the seeds11:49
ogradoes that mean we'll get a rebuild ? 11:49
mvoogra: thanks, added11:49
Kamionupdate works, but I bet the lock is still hanging around. I'll prod via sftp11:50
Kamionogra: does what mean that we'll get a rebuild?11:50
ograKamion, what you guys are doing there 11:50
tfheenogra: at least my fix isn't beta-critical11:50
ograif so i'll try to fix the amd64 ltsp bug 11:50
ograthen i'll go without amd64 for beta11:50
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ogra(i dont want to cause a rebuild, but if you do one anyway, please ping)11:51
seb128Kamion: on what package should the "desktopCD set a qwerty keymap instead of the one corresponding to the locale picked" bugs be assigned?11:52
Kamionseb128: ubiquity11:53
Kamionseb128: same directions as for dholbach11:53
seb128Kamion: but ubiquity is not running at that stage, is it?11:53
Kamionoh, that11:53
seb128Kamion: the issue is on the desktopCD environment11:53
Kamionseb128: gfxboot-theme-ubuntu then, please; describe exactly what you did at the boot prompt11:53
tfheenpossibly casper too11:53
RiddellKamion: trying a netboot I end up with a dapper install, is that likely to be a bug or me having done something stupid?11:54
tfheenseb128: please include /proc/cmdline too11:54
seb128I pressed F2 and picked french11:54
Kamiondescribe it in the bug, not here :)11:54
seb128german guys (mvo, pitti,) have the same issue11:54
seb128k ;)11:54
KamionRiddell: where did you get the netboot image from?11:54
dholbachok, Kamion: got the bug again: http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/ubiquity-debug.log  - especially the last line is weird11:54
RiddellKamion: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/11:55
dholbachKamion: any of your ubiquity bug tags you'd like me to use?11:55
KamionRiddell: sounds like a bug - I'd like /var/log/installer/cdebconf/questions.dat11:56
Kamiondholbach: er, WTF11:56
KamionI have no idea where that message comes from; do you have any idea?11:56
Kamiondholbach: no, none of the tags are suitable11:56
Kamionmark it high importance though please11:56
dholbachanything I could try to debug?11:57
Kamionyou could grep your system for bits of that message, I guess ...11:57
Kamionor see what processes are running?11:57
Kamionalso /var/log/syslog would still be helpful11:57
dholbachok, i'll attach that too11:57
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seb128Kamion, tfheen: bug #6105012:00
UbugtuMalone bug 61050 in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu "[Edgy]  Knot-3 Live CD sets up keyboard in English instead of Spanish" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6105012:00
seb128updating title too now :p12:00
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dholbachKamion: bug 62752 - grep is still running12:02
UbugtuMalone bug 62752 in ubiquity "timezone selection in ubiquity hangs, when just proceeding and clicking next" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6275212:02
ogra2eeek ... who translates "install commandline system" to "einen server installieren"12:02
ogra2+thats evil12:02
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Kamionogra2: I fuzzied that translation when I renamed server to command-line12:04
Kamionogra2: did you actually see it on the boot menu?12:04
ogra2right now 12:04
Kamionogra2: please file a gfxboot-theme-ubuntu bug saying that it isn't properly ignoring fuzzy translations, then12:04
ogra2the english version is fine ...12:04
Kamionit obviously wasn't deliberately translated that way12:04
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dholbachKeybuk: do you have any idea, why this could happen on edgy amd64:  http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/edgy-20060927-1.png ?12:09
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dholbachKamion: that's something in dbus12:15
Kamionwhat the hell's using dbus anyway12:15
dholbachKamion: dbus-daemon, lidbus-1.so seem to contain that string12:15
Kamiongnome-screensaver-command is the only candidate I can think of12:15
dholbachhow does the timezone-map-thingie work? which piece of code are you re-using there?12:16
seb128gnome-system-tools uses dbus too12:16
Kamionfrom evolution via g-s-t12:16
Kamionbut it doesn't use dbus12:16
seb128g-s-t communicates to the backend over dbus12:16
Kamionseb128: ubiquity doesn't invoke g-s-t unless you press the "Set Time" button12:16
Kamionthe map widget is just gtk drawing code12:17
dholbachI added that bit of information to the bug report too, in any case12:18
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=== dholbach tries another installation
Keybukdholbach: isn't that the nvidia bug?12:20
Kamionubiquity calls gnome-screensaver-command --poke every 30 seconds to stop the screensaver kicking in12:20
dholbachKeybuk: oh, does that happen with the 'nv' driver too?12:21
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dholbachKeybuk: this amd64 box does has an nvidia card12:21
KeybukI don't know, mjg59 would know more12:22
KeybukI think it's a card bug12:22
dholbachit used to work before ;-)12:22
Keybuksvgalib not friends, or something12:22
dholbachah right12:22
dholbachok - thanks12:22
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dholbachKamion: do we have a bug about choosing to partition  /dev/sdb  manually, then gparted showing  /dev/sda ?12:24
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guyoHi all. Should I file a bug with ubuntu to request support for "E_CONTACT_PHONE_HOME_2" and "E_CONTACT_PHONE_BUSINESS_2" in contact-lookup-applet ? if this is not a case, what should i do ? I have a (laughably simple) patch for it already12:26
dholbachguyo: could you file a bug with the patch at  http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/contact-lookup-applet/+filebug  ?12:27
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guyodholbach: sure, i didn't know if i had to file a "bug" since it was more an enhancement and there were no switches in launchpad to specify what kind of "bug" it was12:29
dholbachguyo: bugs with patches are fine12:30
guyodholbach: thanks, will do12:30
dholbachguyo: thanks a lot12:30
Kamiondholbach: yes, there's a bug about gparted not managing to deal with more than one hard disk at the moment12:31
KamionI can't look at it until I have my vmware setup available again12:31
dholbachKamion: ok, I'll try to find it and follow up on it and attach my ubiquity log12:32
seb128tfheen, Kamion: I just uploadaed a new gnome-utils package revisions with a Build-Depends on liblaunchpad-integration-dev, fixing the build issue it has. The previous version which didn't build fixed some patches (lpi, menu changes) dropped and make the "Applications,System Tools" category not been listed by default again12:32
seb128dunno if the menu cleanup matters for beta, probably not12:32
dholbachand I have a edgy-wallpapery upload pending fixing the "artwork preview" text not to be under the panel - if that is deemed important enough (visible it is :-)), I'd prepare and upload that one too12:33
mvocould someone let me know if we rebuild alternate again? I have a trivial patch pending for the cdromupgrade script then12:35
ograi just uploaded a fixed ltsp version ... if we could rebuild that would be cool (at least edubuntu amd64)12:36
mvoogra: if that is fixed, please update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta (KnownIssues)12:37
ogramvo, well, the beta CD will still be broken ...12:37
pittiseb128: ping?12:37
seb128pitti: pong12:37
pittiseb128: on the powerpc desktop, gnome-settings-daemon consistently fails to start12:37
pittiseb128: do you have some hints how to debug that?12:37
seb128pitti: is your clock correctly set?12:38
ogramvo, so unless we'll have an alternate rebuild its still true12:38
tfheenpitti: can you start i manually?12:38
seb128pitti: one frequent cause is 'year is 1904' or something like that12:38
pittiseb128: ah, heh, right12:38
ograyes, thats typical12:38
pittiseb128: no, date is correct12:39
seb128pitti: can you try running it from a command line ?12:39
pitti(bah, something is DoSing my hard disk, gimme a minute)12:40
FujitsuThanks Kamion.12:40
pittiseb128: yep, I started it, now I get the ubuntu theme instead of the blue one12:41
seb128so it fails from the session but starts correctly by hand :/12:41
seb128anything useful to ~/.xsession-errors?12:41
pittiseb128: this does not happen on the ubiquity-installed system either12:41
dholbachKamion: found it: bug 6135012:42
UbugtuMalone bug 61350 in ubiquity "[edgy knot 3]  Manual Partitioning does not allow editing of second drive" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6135012:42
dholbachi'll follow up there12:42
seb128pitti: that happens on desktopCD boot every time?12:42
Kamiondholbach: please look at gparted12:42
tfheenpitti: if you get the "could not start" dialog, it's probably dbus activation timeout being too low.12:42
pittiseb128: only on powerpc12:42
tfheenpitti: I've seen that before, but on amd64.12:42
pittiyeah, sounds like a race condition12:42
pittisince on the installed system it works12:42
Kamionbecause I'll be marking that ubiquity bug as a duplicate when I get round to it12:42
pittibut the CD is slow ion my laptop12:42
seb128mdz got a similar issue once12:43
ograseb128, i heard about it on ltsp, but didnt see it myself yet 12:43
seb128but with no data and no way to reproduce it that's no fun to debug12:43
dholbachKamion: right - I'll look for upstream patches that might fix that12:43
ograi think sbalneav told me about it, i'll try to get him reproducing it12:43
tfheenseb128: it's because we're using dbus activation and the timeout by default is 15s or something.12:43
pittiseb128: hm, nothing helpful in .xsession-errors12:43
tfheenseb128: I've talked with you about it before. :-P12:43
seb128tfheen: right ;)12:44
seb128workaround: extend the 15s12:44
pittiseb128: shall I file a bug?12:44
seb128pitti: on dbus? ;)12:44
pittiit's not a big deal, live goes on without it12:44
pittiseb128: well, if the timeout is in dbus, sure12:44
seb128pitti: I'm not sure that's a gnome-settings-daemon issue, it depends on dbus working12:45
Kamiondholbach: don't bother, I think it's edgy-specific12:45
Kamiondholbach: I'm happy to deal with it, just next week12:45
tfheendbus should really have a longer timeout.12:45
Kamiondholbach: somebody already went upstream12:45
pittitfheen: ok, I'll file a dbus bug then12:45
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dholbachKamion: Ok - I'll try some more installations then and plug out the other disk. :)12:46
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pittiseb128: I filed bug 62736, I'll look into it after beta12:49
UbugtuMalone bug 62736 in gnome-volume-manager "Volume Manager unresponsive in Gnome and command line" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6273612:49
ogracould someone approve my ltsp upload so that in the unlikely case of an alternate rebuild the binaries are there ?12:49
pittibug 62763 even12:49
UbugtuMalone bug 62763 in dbus "dbus activation timeout too short" [Low,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6276312:49
seb128pitti: ok, thank you12:49
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infinitytfheen: You're fine with ogra's ltsp upload?12:50
infinitymvo: Is your dist-upgrade upload beta-critical?12:51
tfheenogra: do you have your ltsp diff somewhere?12:51
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ograerr, tfheen wait a sec ... bzr disagrees with debdiff ...12:51
mvoinfinity: no, but *if* alternate would be rebuild again it would be a trivial fix that should be in too12:51
infinitytfheen: Same for mvo's dist-upgrader, then.12:52
tfheenI'm really, really, really hoping we won't rebuild at this point.12:52
infinitySo am I, but I can push this stuff through quickly, "just in case".12:53
ogratfheen, but *if* it would be nice to have the fixes there :)12:53
infinityIf that's wanted.12:53
=== infinity shrugs.
ograinfinity, not for me yet, i need to find out why bzr export didnt export the full patch12:53
mvotfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/dist-upgrader-20060928.1238.diff <- the diff12:53
lastnodeinfinity, i keep pinging you on the weekend. is it still the weekend over there? ;-)12:55
infinitylastnode: Doesn't appear to be.12:55
lastnodeinfinity, got a second? you may not recall but we spoke a little about a project when i first came in here a few months back12:56
tfheenmvo: there's no changelog.  What does it fix?12:56
infinitylastnode: I have a vague recollection of discussing something or other with you.12:56
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lastnodeinfinity, is now a good time? i can always ping you later.12:57
infinitylastnode: After beta is out would be better.12:57
lastnodesure infinity, cheers12:57
mvotfheen: it fixes the cdromupgrade script. it assumes it gets a absolute path later but mktemp -d bla gives a relative one12:58
pygihello, could somebody please kick libburn 0.2.2-0ubuntu2 from NEW for me, thank you :)12:59
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ograah, silly me ... i have a wrong package around i debdiff against ...01:00
infinitypygi: Why is libburn-doc arch:any instead of arch:all?01:00
pygiinfinity: dunno, I haven't packaged it01:00
tfheenmvo: what happens if we don't include it?01:01
ogratfheen, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ltsp-debdiff.txt01:01
slomo_pitti: regarding bug #62763... might this be the bug that seb128 told me about yesterday that's fixable with libxt-dev as dbus build-dependency or the correct fix i have locally (i.e. regenerating the autotools patch with a non-broken autoconf)?01:01
UbugtuMalone bug 62763 in dbus "dbus activation timeout too short" [Low,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6276301:01
infinitypygi: Care to prod ivoks about it?01:01
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pygiinfinity: uh, then it would take a lot of time, he isn't online much01:02
infinitypygi: Or fix it.  Your choice.01:02
pygiinfinity: ok, I'll fix it01:02
ajmitchbetter chance of getting brasero done that way :)01:03
pygiajmitch: indeed, we don't have much time01:03
infinitypygi: Other curious oddities about the package: libisofs and libburn don't have an SOVER in the package name.  That's a bit wrong.01:03
slomo_ajmitch: brasero is in NEW currently btw... but the non-libburn version ;)01:03
infinitypygi: Oh, wait, that was an old version.  The current one does.01:04
ajmitchslomo_: right, I didn't know it was done, I can move onto more important stuff then01:04
pygislomo_: I don't want non-libburn version :)01:04
dholbachone of my power cables just died01:04
infinitypygi: So, yeah, my only complaint is the doc package.01:04
dholbachhow weird is that01:04
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=== dholbach shakes head in disbelief
=== dholbach does another install
infinitypygi: When you change it to arch:all, make sure the package still builds properly with "dpkg-buildpackage -B" and "dpkg-buildpackage -b"01:05
ogradholbach, get a cable with cooling ;)01:05
slomo_pygi, ajmitch: was a "sync" from pkg-gnome svn... but it's the non-libburn version because the one with libburn support is called "unstable development version" or something similar ;)01:05
ajmitchslomo_: figures01:05
pygislomo_: it's stable :P01:05
dholbachogra: right - I'll set that on my list next to the new dvd drive01:06
ogradholbach, but avoid water cooled ones ;)01:06
ajmitchslomo_: how confusing, your last changelog said sync with pkg-mono svn ;)01:06
dholbachogra: I hope I learnt the lesson about water and computers01:06
dholbachand a broken harddisk... nice01:07
dholbachthis feels like hardware spring cleanup01:07
ographew .. you had a lot of trouble recently01:07
slomo_ajmitch: oops :)01:07
pygislomo_: so even if I package libburn version we cant get it in?01:07
ograinfinity, disregard my mumbling about the ltsp package ... what i uploaded is fine ... the local old package i had here was wrong ...01:08
tfheenogra: I'm fine with approving it, but I don't want to rebuild for beta..01:08
ogratfheen, ok 01:08
tfheenogra: so it's kinda irrelevant01:08
infinityI'll aprove it and push it through, on a "just in case" basis.01:08
ogradeal :)01:08
infinity(But I doubt we'll find any showstoppers at this point)01:09
tfheeninfinity: please do.01:09
infinitytfheen: Same with mvo's dist-upgrader?01:09
tfheeninfinity: I'm still waiting for an answer to what's broken if it's not approved, so not yet.01:09
infinitymvo: ?01:09
slomo_dholbach: when exactly does universe freeze start? now, 23:59 or when? :)01:10
dholbachslomo_: I doubt it's me deciding that - bug 23:59 UTC would make everybody happy, I guess ;-)01:10
UbugtuMalone bug 23 in baz "baz redo should use merge3 for conflicts like most other commands do." [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2301:10
infinityslomo_: When Kamion's done processing universe syncs. :)01:10
slomo_dholbach: ok ;) 23:59 UTC sounds ok ;)01:10
=== dholbach hugs infinity
ajmitchand then poor kamion has the backlog of new source packages01:11
=== infinity gives mvo 2 more minutes to speak up before he starts a publisher run.
slomo_pygi: well, the libburn versions are called development releases... no idea... if you want i can give you the package that's currently in NEW and you update it to the libburn version ;)01:11
ajmitchthat rate of new uploads has gone up in the last week or so01:11
mvoinfinity: yes please01:12
mvo(within the 2min :)01:12
infinitymvo: 05:09 < tfheen> infinity: I'm still waiting for an answer to what's broken if it's not approved01:12
pittitkamppeter: I did some digging for bug 40795; do you have an idea about that?01:13
UbugtuMalone bug 40795 in cupsys "cannot create printers in live system" [High,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4079501:13
pittitkamppeter: (brb for discussion, rebooting)01:13
mvotfheen: if we don't include it, please won't be able to easily test the cdromupgrade. they will require a backport of update-notifier01:13
ogratfheen, oh, wouldnt a edubuntu amd64 install only rebuild be possible ? 01:14
tfheenogra: it would, but do you have time to test it properly?01:14
ograyou mentioned something like that yesterday 01:14
mvotfheen: the backport is required anyway so its not that bad. it would be a nice-to-have though01:14
ogratfheen, well, it will take me ~2h to test01:14
tfheenmvo: so it doesn't really matter, then?01:14
tfheenogra: including soyuz + cd building time?01:14
tfheenand rsync01:15
ograso it depends somewhat on the tsp package build speed01:15
infinitysoyuz turnaround is going to be about 70 mins from when I push the button.01:15
mvotfheen: its not worth a rebuild no (as I said earlier)01:15
tfheenmvo: ok.01:15
ograthe rsync works fine today, should be done in a minute for that change01:15
tfheenmvo: I'll hold it off, then.01:15
=== infinity leaves dist-upgrader in unapproved, and pushes the button.
tfheeninfinity: thanks.01:15
slomo_pygi: so what do you think? :)01:16
pygislomo_: lemme solve the libburn first :)01:16
pygiok? :)01:16
slomo_pygi: ok ;) but only ~12 hours left until universe freeze01:17
pygislomo_: yes, I know that :(01:17
ograslomo_, it would be nice to have something that uses libburn in the archive ... so it gets user testing ... we plan to do some stuff with libburn in edgy+1 with ltsp01:17
slomo_ogra: yes, agreed... but on the other hand brasero is a really nice application and i would hate it if it's broken for edgy :(01:18
pygislomo_: don't see why would it be broken?01:20
ajmitchlibburn package needs some love before use, I'd say01:22
slomo_pygi: imho development release sounds scary and libburn support is rather new and nothing used libburn before so we don't really know how well libburn behaves... one month earlier or something we would've enough testing and time to fix anything that might show up but now it's really late ;)01:24
pygislomo_: actually cdrskin uses libburn :) If you want I can show you how to burn cd using k3b over libburn :)01:24
ajmitchslomo_: I'm just looking at the libburn package, it makes me sad01:25
slomo_ajmitch: why?01:25
pygislomo_:  a lot of packaging issues01:25
ajmitchvery loose shlibs, explicit depends on libc6, -dev packages don't require any specific libburn-1 version, etc01:26
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ajmitchand the SONAME is libburn.so.2, while the package is libburn-101:26
slomo_ajmitch: is this the package in the archive?01:26
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ajmitchthe package in binary NEW01:27
ajmitchwhich infinity hasn't quite let through, afaik01:27
ajmitchI haven't looked at 0.2-2 in the archive01:27
slomo_probably should be rejected then and fixed before imho01:27
tfheenogra: haven't you tested any of your live CDs and only i386 installs?01:27
infinityI'm rejecting it anyway.01:27
slomo_pygi: ok but how many users are using this already? but i guess for edgy+1 it would make sense to move everything to libburn very early01:27
infinitypygi: The SONAME and package name don't match still, apparently.  Fix that too, please. :)01:27
ajmitchinfinity: thanks, I'll look at overhauling it01:27
pygiinfinity: obviously I should create a new package :)01:28
infinityajmitch: The SONAME thing and the "doc package is arch:any, not arch:all" things are the two blockers for me.01:28
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infinityajmitch: You and pygi can fight over who gets to fix it.01:28
pygislomo_: true, but we don't get edgy audience then01:28
ogratfheen, i tested i386 live ..its fine 01:28
pygiinfinity: perhaps just that two blockers for you, but there are more issues01:28
ogratfheen, i'm just a bit behind on the wiki, sorry01:28
pygiwe can't let it in like that01:28
ajmitchI've got plenty enough to do, pygi can fix it if he can get everything sorted by freeze :)01:28
tfheenogra: ok.  What about amd64 and powerpcs?01:29
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infinitypygi: Oh, I'm sure there are lots.  Those are the two obvious "I don't want to ACCEPT this" blockers.01:29
pygiright :)01:29
=== ajmitch has to split up xen-3.0 some more anyway
ogratfheen, powepc live is exploded due to an archive bug01:29
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ajmitchtfheen: fyi I've got xen userspace headers, and libvirt built01:29
=== infinity rejects those binaries, so no one else is tempted to accept them.
tfheenajmitch: you're aware of the git repo zul and I are using for xen (the kernel bits)?01:30
ajmitchtfheen: yep, I've got that checked out01:30
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ajmitchwhile zul is off sorting 2.6.17 I'm helping him with the userspace parts01:31
dholbachKamion: did you already get a bug about gparted showing no partitions and harddisks, but a "next" button, which brings you to a screen where I can choose the 3 existing partitions and assign mountpoints?01:31
pygislomo_: dunno what to do with Brasero. Would be great if we could squeeze it in Edgy, but if you really think it'll break something...01:32
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ograwho didnt respect my lock01:33
Kamiondholbach: no01:33
Kamiondholbach: well, maybe, but hard to say :)01:33
slomo_pygi: yes... but i would prefer no edgy audience over one million bugs that we can't fix anymore for edgy after release... i don't think it _will_ break but it _might_ break and we could get no chance to fix it for edgy01:33
pittihi rodarvus 01:33
Kamiondholbach: that's usually because gparted crashed; please attach /var/log/syslog01:33
dholbachKamion: alright - i'll try to find it, then file it on my own01:33
rodarvushi pitti!01:33
dholbachKamion: I'm sorry to pester you like that01:34
slomo_pygi: on another topic... are there n-c-b patches to use libburn? :)01:34
Kamiondholbach: no, please don't ever attach information to an existing ubiquity bug that somebody else filed01:34
pygislomo_: ah, ok then01:34
dholbachKamion: alright01:34
pygislomo_: translate "n-c-b" for me pls :)01:34
Kamionit's much more work to untangle multiple problems from one bug than it is to mark bugs as duplicates01:34
slomo_pygi: nautilus-cd-burner01:34
pygislomo_: oh, no, not really01:34
slomo_pygi: and please don't get me wrong, i would love to change everything from using cdrecord to something sane... but not now :)01:35
slomo_pygi: hmm, did you already talk with n-c-b upstream about this?01:35
pygislomo_: no01:35
pygislomo_: I'm not sure who exactly n-c-b people are as first point, and as second I'd like to approach them once libburn 1.0 is out01:37
pygiwhich at our current development speed with two and a half developers shouldn't take too much really01:37
pygislomo_: is n-c-b based on cdrecord currently?01:38
slomo_pygi: ok, that's good :) well, look at /usr/share/doc/nautilus-cd-burner/copyright ;)01:38
pygislomo_: if so, you could easily talk it into using libburn (if it's based on cdrecord)01:38
slomo_in edgy, yes... in debian it uses the debian cdrecord fork (forgot it's name)01:38
pygiright, wodim01:38
pygislomo_: well, you can easily change it to use libburn without source code changes :)01:39
pygislomo_: want instructions? :P01:40
dholbachKamion: bug 6277201:42
UbugtuMalone bug 62772 in ubiquity "gparted shows no partitions, but a next button (which brings you to the partition-mountpoint screen)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6277201:42
Kamiondholbach: http://librarian.launchpad.net/4536398/syslog gives a 40301:44
Kamioninteresting though, that's a gparted bug - gparted is starting up fine, just not displaying anything01:44
ogradid you change the premissions before uploading ? 01:44
=== Kamion shuffles it over
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dholbachKamion: i'll try to add it again01:45
gnomefreakwhat kernel is default in the 386 installer now?01:45
gnomefreaki meant 386 486 586 -generic?01:46
slomo_pygi: sure01:46
ajmitchslomo_: ok, I think I got most of the libburn issues :)01:46
pygislomo_: install cdrskin and just link "cdrecord" binary to "cdrskin" binary01:47
mvoKamion: have you seen something #62644 before? I have seen this yesterday on a friends system01:47
seb128bug 6264401:47
UbugtuMalone bug 62644 in ubiquity "Various freezes with ubiquity on AMD64 Edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6264401:47
dholbachKamion: attached a new one01:47
slomo_pygi: ok, that's what i expected :) i'll test that later... but i guess when using libburn directly you don't have to exec another app for burning?01:48
pygislomo_: ofcourse not. libburn is a library :P01:48
infinityogra: Will this new ltsp require an amd64/live rebuild too, or just amd64/install?01:49
pygiinfinity: livecd doesn't have ltsp I think01:49
pygibut ogra will tell01:49
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ograinfinity: only install ... live doesnt ship ltsp01:50
Kamionmvo: no, sorry01:50
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pygiI was even correct :P01:51
infinityogra: Alright.  I'll respin that image for you as soon as the publisher's done.01:51
ograinfinity: wowie, thanks a lot !01:51
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infinityogra: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20060928.2/02:16
ograyay, thanks :)02:16
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bddebianHowdy folks02:23
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slomo_Remenic: ping? :)02:28
Kamionjdong: could you or one of the other backporters confirm the backport request for xmoto 0.2.1-1 in bug 57754, please?02:30
UbugtuMalone bug 57754 in Baltix "Please backport xmoto" [Undecided,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5775402:30
bddebianHmm, someone is cleaning out the queue this morning02:34
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ograoh nooo 02:47
ograthere is no linux-image-amd64-generic package anymore ? not even as transitional package ?02:47
ograoh crap ...02:48
pittithat will hurt us for dapper upgrades, right?02:48
ograand for my ltsp rebuild 02:49
ograinfinity: sorry, it didnt help ....02:49
ogranow its failing on teh kernel install ... even the other bug is fixed02:49
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AnAntdid Ubuntu remove the ability to set hardware clock to GMT while system clock to some timezone ?02:51
AnAntin Edgy that is02:51
seb128AnAnt: no, edit /etc/default/rcS, the UTC= option02:52
AnAntseb128: thanks, why can't I find it in time-admin 02:53
seb128AnAnt: because there is no option for it, and there was no option for it before neither02:54
AnAntseb128: I remember I configured it somewhere before without having to edit that file02:54
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sfllawKamion: Ping?03:02
ograpitti: hmm, that package seems to exists ... its just not on the CDs03:05
ogra(the transitional one)03:05
ograso it will probably break on CD upgrades03:05
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infinityHrm, yeah, probably needs to be in ship for CD upgrades.  Good point.03:05
ograyep ...03:05
sfllawKamion: I was wondering if there are any switches to up d-i's verbosity.  Specifically for "in-target".03:06
ograwell at least one positive outcome of the rebuild then :)03:06
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ogradholbach_: oh, since when are you with alice ? 03:22
pygiinfinity: ping03:23
pygiinfinity: kick the libburn if it suits you pls :)03:23
pittican I upload a new openssl? I'm fine with having it stalled until after beta, but I'd like to get it into edgy ASAP03:24
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tfheenogra: You're happy (as it goes) with the current state?03:42
tfheenRiddell: you too happy with your current ISOs?03:42
Riddelltfheen: i am yes03:43
tfheenRiddell: ok, thanks.03:43
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infinitypitti: You can upload whatever you like, I'll just not approve it until after beta.03:44
Riddellmatthewrevell: your presenkse has reminded me, did the lugradio episode go out?03:44
ogratfheen: well, happy is something else ... but i'm ok with it03:44
matthewrevellRiddell: It's due to go out on Monday.03:44
tfheenogra: you have to have something to improve on for release, you know.03:44
tfheenogra: feel free to update http://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes 03:44
matthewrevellRiddell: Sorry, that's Monday 9th October03:45
tfheenRiddell: if you have problems in your release, feel free to update ^^ too03:45
ogratfheen: i'm more coincerned about people upgrading from dapper on amd64 without the transitional kernel package on teh CD03:45
tfheenogra: add it to the list of release notes, then.03:45
=== ogra pokes the ibook keyboard
tfheenogra: I guess telling you "you should have tested upgrades before" doesn't help? :-P03:45
ogratfheen: will do ... fixing it is trivial for me either way03:45
pygiinfinity: looks nice or?03:45
ogratfheen: did *you* test upgrades, its not edubuntu specific03:46
Riddelltfheen: there's no changes to the ISOs I want for the beta.  should I be testing DVDs?03:46
ogratfheen: linux-image-amd64-generic is not on any of teh CDs03:46
ogratfheen: but all dapper users have it ...03:46
tfheenRiddell: if you had done so, it would have been useful, yes.03:47
Riddelltfheen: should we not make new DVDs to match today's CDs?03:47
tfheenRiddell: we could, sure.03:47
Riddelltfheen: I'll do that now03:49
tfheencare to do ubuntu and edubuntu ones too?03:50
Riddelltfheen: will do03:50
ograRiddell: thanks03:50
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sivangpygi: pong04:04
maswantfheen: you gyus going to want a beta iso push soon:ish? I'm [VAC] :ing, so I won't be online after the conference sessions end04:05
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tfheenmaswan: yes, I'm writing the release announcement now.04:06
tfheenI guess I should publish and push to you guys first.04:06
maswantfheen: ah, ok. let me know when I should hit the mirror sync04:06
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Kamionsfllaw: what sort of verbosity do you mean?04:13
Kamionsfllaw: in-target just fiddles about with a bunch of environment variables, fds, and other misc. setup stuff, and then runs a subsidiary command in /target; the stdout and stderr of that command are logged in their entirely04:14
azeemanybody know about the "Headphone jack sense" option (or similar) in gnome-volume-control's Switches panel?04:15
azeemit was enabled on my supervisor's X40, which resulted in no sound (neither speakers nor headphones) at all04:15
azeemon dapper04:16
tfheenmaswan: apparently, we trigger you?04:16
mjg59azeem: It's not enabled by default04:16
tfheenmaswan: note that this is releases.u.c, not cdimage.u.c04:16
azeemmjg59: ok, so maybe his sound was muted somewhere, he pushed some buttons and then didn't get anywhere04:17
tfheenGloubiboulga: how is xubuntu, release-wise?04:17
Hobbseeazeem: i've had that problem too.  with breezy, i think04:17
elmotfheen: yeah, we don't trigger anyone for cdimage04:17
mjg59azeem: The Thinkpad mixers are wired up differently to most - the headphone sense stuff is done in hardware outside the sound chip04:17
elmotfheen: and maswan is one of the few people who has a full cdimage (and thus DVD) mirror04:17
azeemmjg59: though he claims he never heard any sound at all (not even the login jingle)04:17
mjg59azeem: His system was probably muted when he first installed04:17
azeemwell, problem solved, but with some luck I guess04:17
azeemhe upgraded from hoary and breezy04:18
maswantfheen: ah, ok. releases you trigger, cdimage is cron:ed (and I usually manually trigger that when you don't want to wait until 09:00 CET)04:18
mjg59The fact that we have this "break me" button is irritating, but hard to get right04:18
ogrameh, is LP down ? 04:18
tfheenmaswan: can you set up an at job to trigger cdimage at 2100 CEST?  That should leave us plenty of time.04:18
maswantfheen: sure, I can do that04:19
Nafallomaswan: ooh. does that mean you have se.cdimage.ubuntu.com now? :-)04:19
tfheenmaswan: excellent, thanks.04:19
maswantfheen: now we sync at 09,2104:20
tfheenmaswan: thanks a bunch04:20
maswanNafallo: well, it's not a _full_ mirror, just the "release" directories. but that's the reason ftp.acc.umu.se is often listed in release anncouncements for knot-Ns and betas etc04:20
Nafalloah, oki :-).04:21
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jdongKamion: more recent versions of xmoto no longer backport; wants newer dpkg-dev04:25
Kamionjdong: ok; could you reject that bug then?04:25
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Kamionjdong: since the rest of it should be done04:26
jdongKamion: sure thing04:26
jdongso how's the beta release going?04:28
Kamionnearly there04:28
KamionI've not been much involved, Tollef has been heroic this time04:28
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jdongwell, fixing that nasty NTFS ubiquity bug was a huge contribution in my books :)04:30
Kamionyeah, sorry about that, I should have noticed that bug ages ago04:30
KamionI believe it was present in dapper, in fact04:30
Kamionif there's another dapper point release, I'll take the fix04:30
jdongyeah, hobbsee was telling me that last night... she claims it's a fix for bug 1 :)04:30
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in ubuntu-meta "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/104:30
Kamionit wasn't actually NTFS-specific at all, AFAIK04:31
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ogratfheen: just for your pleasure, TestingCurrent for edubuntu is complete now ... i even retested the i386 install to carch possible regressions ...04:32
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=== Kamion runs out again for the school run
KamionI feel like lamont04:33
sivangKamion: heh04:33
=== tfheen plays with publish-release.
ograKamion: wearing glasses now ?04:33
ograor a fireman outfit ?04:33
thomKamion: as long as you're not toting a large gun it's fine04:34
ograthom: well, depends if his laughing changed as well ;)04:34
tfheenif that don't look good, I wouldn't know04:35
ograjust dont call them like that for edubuntu :P04:35
ograwe still have -install-04:35
tfheenpublish-release won't let me, so that's fine04:35
ogrado you exclude ppc-live and amd64-install from teh released ones ? 04:36
ograor do i need to warn users ?04:36
tfheenI could, sure04:37
ograthat would be nice :)04:37
tfheenshame I don't take bribes or I could get rich doing this job. :-P04:38
ograwell, ask for a beer in california, i'll surelay pay you one :)04:38
=== jdong extends that offer to the metro detroit area, too
tfheenif they have something which isn't like having sex in a canoe, sure.04:38
ograi had some nice ones in detroit04:39
=== jdong still underage :(
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tfheenogra: happy with /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/www/simple/edubuntu now?04:50
ograergh ... i have no ssh id on this machine ...04:51
ograso i cant log in to lithium ...04:52
ogragive me 10 mins04:52
tfheenyou seem to be in getent passwd..04:52
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ograbut i have no password on any DC machines04:52
tfheenoh, in that respect.  Sure04:53
ograi'll just need to reboot teh amd64 ... takes a moment ...04:53
ograyep, looks right04:54
sfllawrodarvus: How does Edgy detect monitor resolutions?04:54
sfllawrodarvus: This is regarding bug 49115.04:54
UbugtuMalone bug 49115 in xorg-server "Max resolution not detected properly for IBM G78" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4911504:54
ograsfllaw: dccprobe04:54
sfllawogra: Thanks.04:54
mjg59ogra: Not entirely04:55
mjg59sfllaw: xresprobe04:55
ograwell, which calls dccprobe internally, no ?04:55
tfheenogra: sometimes.04:55
sfllawmjg59: Found that package.04:55
mjg59ogra: Depends on the hardware04:56
ograah, i thought you made it multiarch in dapper04:56
mjg59ogra: No, I mean ddcprobe does nothing useful on laptops04:56
ograhmm, it does for me here ...04:56
sfllawIt must depend on the laptop's monitor hardware.04:56
sfllawYou know, whether it supports DDC.04:56
mjg59ogra: Almost no laptops implement ddc. You have to query the graphics hardware.04:56
mjg59Which is what xresprobe does04:57
Nafallomorning mdeslaur 04:57
ogramjg59: on my amd64 i just tested it ... 04:57
sfllawmdz: Top of the morn.04:57
mdzhow are we doing?04:57
ogramjg59: worked perfectly04:57
Nafalloehrm... s/mdeslaur/mdz/04:57
Hobbseehi mdz 04:57
mjg59ogra: Your laptop may be some weird freaky exception, but in general laptops do not do ddc for the internal panel04:58
ograit even recognizes teh difference between internal (ldc) and external (crt) modes04:58
tfheenhi mdz.04:58
jdongso does it look like 0928.2 will become beta?04:58
ogramjg59: i tested it on another amd64 lappie for tfheen when he hacked on it in dapper and it worked there as well04:58
ograprobably it improved ? 04:58
tfheenmdz: I've started running publish-release now.04:58
mjg59ogra: Whereas on mine, it just gives a set of modes the video hardware can support - there's no edid block04:59
mjg59ogra: Dude. No. Most laptops do not provide any useful ddc content for the internal panel.04:59
mdztfheen: great. do we have an announcement draft?04:59
seb128Keybuk: I've uploaded slab to edgy yesterday if you fancy accepting some new crack from NEW ;) (the package comes from Debian so it should be fine)04:59
dholbachseb128: don't forget the telepathy packages ;)05:00
seb128dholbach: I've not uploaded one of those to NEW yet :p05:00
Nafallodholbach: does that include farsight? :-)05:00
dholbachNafallo: yes05:01
dholbachNafallo: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Telepathy/Modules05:01
Nafalloyay :-)05:01
Nafallooh, everything is ready? :-)05:01
KamionI'm working on NEW05:01
Nafalloah, not sharp and wilde :-)05:01
pygiKamion: ok, I guess you'll kick libburn if it's fine now then? :)05:01
rodarvussfllaw, as mjg59 mentioned, xresprobe is the main responsible05:01
rodarvusfor resolution detection05:01
dholbachNafallo: wilde was too hard to do - if you fancy java stuff - give it a try05:01
mdzKamion: if you're doing archive stuff, please sync cpio per 5922805:02
dholbachNafallo: and -sharp is too broken05:02
Kamionpygi: I guess so, but I haven't got there yet05:02
pygiKamion: ok, no worries05:02
Kamionmdz: I thought I should wait until after beta for that one05:02
Nafallohehe, will not start with java now. I05:02
KamionI did all the non-main syncs05:02
Kamionwell, all the correct ones05:02
NafalloI'll happily dodge is as long as possible :-P05:02
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lfittlKamion: I added another bunch of non-main syncs some hours ago, sry ;)05:02
=== Nafallo should file one against logcheck, but I
NafalloI'm not main05:03
Kamionlfittl: no worries05:03
Nafallodamn enter key! doesn't sit there on the other keyboard...05:03
mdzKamion: ah, right, syncs wouldn't stop in unapproved, would they05:04
Kamionthey sail through05:04
mdzKamion: that one should be first on the list when the time comes though05:04
Kamionyep, it will be05:04
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tfheenmdz: http://err.no/tmp/beta.txt05:09
sabdflwhat's the kde equivalent to gksu?05:10
Riddellsabdfl: kdesu05:10
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sabdfland update-manager?05:10
joejaxxKamion: may i pm you?05:11
Riddellsabdfl: adept_updater05:11
tfheenEVERYBODY: please help fill in the beta release announcement http://err.no/tmp/beta.txt05:11
sabdflRiddell: is there an equivalent to update-manager -c -d ?05:11
Seveas(tfheen: put it in a gobby session for real collaborative editing :))05:12
Riddellsabdfl: what does that do?05:12
seb128tfheen: maybe a "known issues" would be useful?05:12
tfheenSeveas: My head feels like it's going to blow up any minute, so I'd prefer not having to fight gobby today.05:12
carlosdoko_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~carlos/language-packs/ooo-edgy-2006-09-28.tar.bz205:12
sivanghey sabdfl 05:12
ogratfheen, sabdfl,  i wonder if we should annonce that we ship an ltsp5 prerelease ;)05:12
pygitfheen: shouldn't we put "New Init System - Upstart" or something? :)05:12
\shRiddell: -c check dist-upgrades , -d devel-releases05:12
carlosdoko_: I checked it with md5sum05:13
crispin__hmm, ubuntu thong on bbc news ... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/5388182.stm05:13
mdztfheen,EVERYBODY: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyBetaAnnouncement05:13
mdztfheen: do we have release notes from knot 3 to be the basis for the beta release notes?05:13
doko_carlos: thanks, will prepare the package05:13
mdztfheen: or better, something newer from the marketing team?05:13
Kamionjoejaxx: it always helps to say what it's about05:13
tfheenmdz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta05:13
sabdflRiddell: the upgrade assistant, and includes pre-release upgrades05:14
sabdflso, dapper -> edgy offered05:14
carlosRiddell: is there any chance to get https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-i18n/+bug/60049 fixed?05:14
UbugtuMalone bug 60049 in kdebluetooth "Import of translations for KDE's desktop-* failed" [Undecided,Confirmed]  05:14
tfheenogra: please add ltsp 5 to the list.05:14
mdztfheen: great05:14
sabdflogra: has jammcq made an official announcement of ltsp5?05:14
joejaxxKamion: livecd-alternative install hybrid cd05:14
sabdflif not, please don't mention it here, that's stealing their thunder05:15
mdzmvo: what does the -c flag to update-manager do?05:15
ograsabdfl: only the wikipage you saw that says that they'll base on our existing code05:15
sabdflthen i don't think we can claim it05:15
ograwas just an idea :)05:15
mvotfheen:  shouldn't the announcement  mention https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta?05:15
tfheenmvo: it should, please change it on the wiki05:16
Riddellsabdfl: no, you have to edit the repository in Adept Manager and do a Full Upgrade (i.e. dist-upgrade)05:16
sivangmdz: there is no mention of the python version, I would include something about moving to pycentral and stuff05:16
mvomdz: it means "check for upgrades". we decided back in dapper that it shouldn't offer dapper->edgy upgrades by default05:16
Kamionjoejaxx: sure, I guess so05:16
Riddellcarlos: yes, I'll look at that after beta05:16
Riddelltfheen: are we doing separate announcements?  (my preference)05:17
sivangmdz: for "under the hood" section, given python is now a big part of what's under it.05:17
\shis there any reason, why ca-certficates packages installs the whole world of ssl certs into /etc/ssl/certs and updates them, to make ldap clients (e.g. ldap-pam etc.) very slow for user lookup etc. Thing is, the ldap clientlb looks up every cert for authentication with the ldap server05:17
mvotfheen: thanks, done05:17
sabdflRiddell: so there is no smart update, which gets rid of deprecated packages etc?05:18
carlosRiddell: thanks05:18
Kamionsivang: python-central isn't a user-focused change; it's there to make maintaining the system easier for us05:18
mdzmvo: I see, I'll clarify in the announcement05:18
mvomdz: thanks05:19
sivangKamion: okay.05:19
Riddellsabdfl: sadly no, a broken embedded console in pykde has been the main blocker for porting the tools from ubuntu but upstream told me it was fixed last week so I want it to be done in edgy+105:19
sabdflRiddell: ok :-/05:20
mvoRiddell: oh? its fixed now? that is good news!05:20
tfheenmdz: my head is utterly exploding (second day of flu-ish sickness), so I'm going to get a bit of rest.  Colin knows what I've done wrt publishing and is fixing the .htaccess and HEADER.html files.05:20
Riddellmvo: well he sent me an e-mail asking me to check it, which I'll do after beta05:20
tfheenmdz: if there's anything urgent, I have my phone, so just call or SMS me.05:20
mvoRiddell: sure :) feel free to CC/forward me05:21
mdztfheen: ok, thanks much05:21
Nafallotfheen: take care mate05:21
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joejaxxsabdfl: it is nice to meet you05:23
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mdzKamion: is there a bug open about this mono issue mentioned in the release notes?05:23
ogracould someone look over the formulation for the ltsp part, i know my english grammar sucks today05:24
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seb128mdz: bug #6275605:25
UbugtuMalone bug 62756 in squashfs "mono confused by the desktopCD" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6275605:25
Kamionsorry, seb beat me to it05:25
seb128mdz: I think Tollef said that was a squashfs issue, feel free to reassign if that's not the correct package05:26
joejaxxwell bbl all05:27
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mdzseb128: just wanted a bug ref for the release notes05:28
mdzsabdfl: thoughts about mentioning known issues in the announcement vs. only linking to the release notes?05:28
ograsabdfl: see pm :D05:28
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mdzseb128: looks like either unionfs or casper; I've cleared the package field for now05:30
seb128mdz: ok, thank you05:30
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doko_dholbach: time for OOo hicontrast icons?05:30
sabdflmdz: very serious known issues in announcement, anything else in the release notes i'd say05:31
dholbachdoko_: righto05:31
dholbachheno: did you ever have a look at the locolor icons that are shipped with openoffice? /usr/share/icons/locolor? which of the themes would they fit to?05:32
mdzsabdfl: if they were very serious, we wouldn't release with them ;-)05:32
dholbachdoko_: might make sense to split them out into a different package05:32
mdzsabdfl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta#head-5468d6dc677b5eca2e68d93411f74c6135c9de2805:32
doko_dholbach: maybe05:32
infinitymdz: If we're past the point of no return and pretty much published, shall I thaw edgy again, and clear unapproved?05:33
dholbachdoko_: we wouldn't want gnome-accessibility-themes to pull in openoffice.org-common :-)05:33
mdzinfinity: kamion is at the helm05:33
mdzKamion: was that pre-publishing or publishing-publishing?05:33
infinityKamion: Ditto. :)05:33
Kamionmdz: the latter05:34
mdzelmo: ping05:34
ogramdz: i have jammcq's approval for calling our ltsp ltsp5-prerelease ... how do i formulate that best ? suggestions ?05:34
Kamiontfheen decided to just blat it straight through ;-)05:34
Kamionwe haven't put the DVDs and such anywhere yet05:35
Kamionwhat am I doing with Xubuntu?05:35
mdzKamion: have you or tfheen been in touch with elmo?05:35
sabdflmdz: looks really good! who put that together?05:35
mdzsabdfl: marketing team, I believe05:35
Kamionmdz: tfheen talked with him earlier since elmo wanted to know if he could steal a machine back from emergency buildd duties05:36
henodholbach: not having seen it in action, I would think they would fit with High Contrast and possibly High Contrast Inverse05:36
Kamionso he's aware that beta is nowish05:36
slomo_mdz: wasn't LPI affected by the mono problem too?05:36
henodholbach: how can I select them so I can test them with the themes?05:37
dholbachheno, doko: ok, maybe it's best to split it out with an added index.theme file, then try it with different themes05:37
dholbachheno: we're not able to put it into action yet :-)05:37
crimsunKamion: janimo, Gloubiboulga are testing atm05:37
dholbachheno: I'll ping you again at that time, sorry - I thought you had a peek at /usr/share/icons/locolor/ already :)05:37
Kamioncrimsun: ok, thanks, let me know as soon as there's an answer05:38
Kamionif you could05:38
crimsunGloubiboulga: ^^05:38
Hobbseesabdfl: mdz: @ who did that page - marketing or doc team, i suspect05:38
henodholbach: I'm looking at the icons now. I guess I can imagine what they look like on the OOo widgets :)05:38
Gloubiboulgahi Kamion, hi crimsun05:38
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GloubiboulgaKamion, alternate image failed for me (bug 62770)05:39
UbugtuMalone bug 62770 in debian-installer "debootstrap: cannot execute mount (Xubuntu daily 20060928)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6277005:39
GloubiboulgaI've re-burnt the image, and am off for an other test right now...05:40
dholbachdoko: seems they are not so many05:40
dholbachdoko: 62? is that about right?05:40
KamionGloubiboulga: !05:40
KamionGloubiboulga: definitely smacks of a bad CD05:41
GloubiboulgaKamion, I hope so :)05:41
mdzslomo_: LPI and mono -> dunno05:41
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ograGloubiboulga, note that amd64 ltsp is broken due to a missing transitional kernel package on the CD 05:42
ograwill hit you too05:42
Gloubiboulgaogra, ok05:42
seb128slomo_: bug #6007105:42
UbugtuMalone bug 60071 in launchpad-integration "Gets confused when using --translate --pid $pid on the live cd" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6007105:42
slomo_seb128: thanks05:42
seb128slomo_: np05:42
dholbachKamion: thanks a lot for the  green  spots on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Telepathy/Modules :-)05:44
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=== sivang goes to check what's causing his laptop to slow to almost a mementous halt
mdzlifeless: say, what happened to your conflict checker?  did your work in progress get handed off to anyone?05:51
lfittlKamion: any idea why nvidia-cg-toolkit got removed from Ubuntu?05:52
=== sivang goes for a reboot after dist-upgrade
Kamionlfittl: I can't find any record of it ever having been there05:54
elmocan I claim lock on lithium:~cdimage/bin/sync-mirrors ?05:55
Kamionelmo: yes05:55
lfittlKamion: huh, interesting, sry for bothering you then05:56
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Kamionhmm, we never rebuilt kubuntu and edubuntu dvds05:56
=== Kamion starts on that
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ograwell, according to the daily report there are a bunch of uninstallables on the DVDs 05:58
Kamionhaven't cared about that for the beta05:58
mdzelmo: some of the releases mirrors have the files, but don't honor our header or .htaccess05:58
mdzelmo: can we make that a requirement for new mirrors, so it looks consistent?05:59
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mdzelmo: and are we concerned about bandwidth enough to list them anyway, even though they're ugly?05:59
elmomdz: err, we could, but it could cost us mirrors05:59
elmomdz: I've really no way of predicting how much bandwidth we'll end up using, but if you want to drop the ugly ones, I'm sure it won't hurt us too much06:00
mdzelmo: as long as the first one listed for each region looks right, I'll keep it06:01
mdzwe should probably be more strict for final06:02
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mdzbeta users are expected to know more or less what they're doing, but a lot of folks would be lost with a directory listing06:02
doko_Riddell: ping06:02
mdzouch, the australian mirror has nothing06:03
Riddellhi doko_ 06:03
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elmomdz: the trigger hung, I've just fixed that, and the remaining ones should be syncing now06:03
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mdzelmo: oh, I guess I should wait before trimming the list then?06:03
mdzelmo: can you give me a shout when they're as good as they're likely to get for now?06:04
elmomdz: yes pleasse and  will do06:04
doko_Riddell: please could you run a strace -f -e trace=file oowriter 2>&1 | grep 'images.*zip'   and tell me which zip file is accessed in KDE?06:04
Riddelldoko_: /home/jr/.openoffice.org2/user/config/images_crystal.zip06:07
Riddelland /usr/lib/openoffice/share/config/images_crystal.zip06:07
sfllawmvo_: I'm attempting to reproduce bug 62689...06:07
UbugtuMalone bug 62689 in Ubuntu "Hangs at 2% of "Select and install software"" [Undecided,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6268906:08
sfllawmvo_: Is there any particular thing I should do to get you a good logfile?06:08
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doko_Riddell: thanks06:08
mvo_hello sfllaw!06:10
mvo_sfllaw: if you can reproduce it I would like to know about the ps ax stuff that is going on. I had a similar issue were it appeared to be hanging but it turned out that it was just apt-extracttemplate runing06:11
sfllawIs there an strace udeb somewhere?06:12
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sfllawmvo_: Locked up.06:13
Kamionsfllaw: you can udpkg -i strace.deb06:13
sfllawOn 20060928 alternate amd64.06:13
Kamion(not in general, but it works in that case)06:13
sfllawKamion: Oh.  You mean the _normal_ package.06:14
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mvo_sfllaw: oh, hard lock up? or can you still switch consoles?06:15
Kamionsfllaw: yeah, it's simple enough that you can just slam it into the installer environment without adverse consequences06:15
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sfllawmvo_: I can switch consoles.06:19
Kamionseb128: slab accepted06:22
seb128Kamion: great, thank you!06:22
seb128Kamion: will make some users happy ;)06:22
jdongout of pure curiousity, why on earth do we have reiser4progs in the default system?06:26
Kamionjdong: we don't any more06:27
sjoerdpitti: pling06:27
=== Kamion scratches his head at a "shared source" licence in NEW
pittisjoerd: hey06:27
pittisjoerd: (busy with talking to three other people, but go ahead :) )06:27
Kamionelmo: would you mind eyeballing this quickly? it actually looks ok - there's just a patent termination clause I'd like to check06:28
jdongKamion: hmm, you're right. Now why doesn't autoremove flag it? :D06:28
sjoerdpitti: i was wondering, does the current pmount encrypted device mount magic ensure in some way that only the one that unlocked the device can actually mount it ?06:28
Kamionjdong: autoremove may not work well for packages that used to be in minimal and aren't any more06:28
elmoKamion: sure?06:28
Kamiondue to the way minimal is installed06:28
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Kamionelmo: drescher:/tmp/cjwatson/queue/ironpython-1.0/License.html06:28
jdongooh, ironpython :)06:29
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elmoKamion: where's this aimed at?  universe or multiverse?06:30
pittisjoerd: hm, not right now, I think, good point; I think there's a race condition between two simultaneious pmounts, but I have to check06:30
sjoerdpitti: i'm looking at moving over to gnome-mount and stuff.. but at least hal doesn't do that yet so..06:31
Kamionelmo: don't know yet06:31
Kamionelmo: I note that the licence claims to apply to use of the software (not merely distribution)06:31
elmoKamion: I don't think that's a problem per se06:32
elmoKamion: and I think this kind of patent termination is fine, it's the weakest form, and there are plenty of existing examples of stronger ones in main06:32
Kamionyeah, I think it's a licence bug in that it goes beyond copyright, but it doesn't seem to impose anything obnoxious on userss06:32
Kamionit does leave me wondering what patents apply to ironpython06:33
elmoyeah :(06:33
Kamionand the package could be considered a derivative work, not the original, so per the licence wouldn't acquire patent rights06:34
jdongoh, it's not like it's from microsoft or anything </sarcasm>06:34
sfllawmvo_: Sorry, computer died.06:34
sfllawIt looks like dpkg-preconfigure --apt is stuck on wait(-1)06:35
sfllawIs there anything I can poke at specifically?06:35
Tonio_hum, is that a launchpad bug ? http://tonio.homelinux.org/tmp/capture13.png06:36
Kamionelmo: so having thought about it I can see why Keybuk was scared and left it in NEW. OTOH I don't want to leave it there forever06:36
Tonio_84% translated and no untranslated strings ?06:36
Tonio_hum, sorry #launchpad is the place for this06:38
pepsimanTonio_: try the "needs review" filter06:41
Tonio_pepsiman: yeah seen that too, but that should be indicated somehow. that's a bit confusing, since something that needs review is already tranlated :) should appear as 100% then...06:42
mvosfllaw: hm, not right now. I haven't seen something like this yet, but if you could add your findings to the bugreport that would be cool. I will have to leave soonish for some sports ./06:43
sfllawmvo: Is there some set -x I can do somewhere?06:44
sfllawIt looks like there's a bunch of shell here.06:44
sfllawOr Perl.06:44
Kamionsfllaw: /var/lib/dpkg/info/pkgsel.postinst and /target/usr/bin/tasksel would probably be places to look06:45
sfllawKamion: Yes, those are the scripts that are running.06:46
sfllawI will poke at them.06:46
mvosfllaw: is apt runing at all at this point?06:46
sfllawmvo: aptitude is.06:48
sfllawIt's STOPped.06:48
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GloubiboulgaKamion, same issue with an other CD06:51
KamionI can't understand why this would only affect Xubuntu06:51
Gloubiboulgaand the iso md5sum is correct06:51
Kamionhave you tried in a different drive?06:51
jdongwhoa, beta dvd's?06:52
GloubiboulgaKamion, nop, I have only 1 drive06:52
Kamionyou might want to try cleaning the lens ...06:52
Gloubiboulgajdong, no, aternate xubuntu image06:52
jdongGloubiboulga: no, I was just noticing how releases/edgy/beta is full of DVD ISO's06:53
Gloubiboulgajdong, oops, sorry 06:53
Kamionthey're kind of sub-beta quality in that they've not had much testing, but we're throwing them out along with the beta06:53
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jdongKamion: oh, ok, cool06:54
=== mvo is away for ~2h now
pips1mjg59: :-D06:57
=== jdong notes he's the first seed to ubuntu-6.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso
mjg59Kamion: Thanks for NEWing06:57
=== HiddenWolf rsyncs
jdongKamion: I couldn't help but notice the PPC dvd is 1/3 the size of the other DVD's?06:59
Kamionjdong: interesting point07:01
KamionI can't say I know what's up there07:02
KamionI think I'll purge it07:04
Kamionthe build from the previous day was fine07:04
doko_Kamion: found anothet 15MB to save on the CD07:04
doko_another even07:04
Kamiondoko_: cool, where?07:04
doko_OOo :-)07:05
=== jdong sits in an empty bittorrent swarm, waiting for the onrush of leechers :)
HiddenWolfjdong: got a link to the torrent? I can sync 10mbit.07:06
doko_so now I'm at about 23MB, for edgy+1 we should check the duplicate files and move huge upstream changelogs into -dev packages07:06
HiddenWolfjdong: seed, that is.07:06
Kamiondoko_: if that's in your next OOo upload, that will be fantastic07:06
Kamionthanks for finding that07:06
=== Nafallo starts looking for peers
Nafallojdong, HiddenWolf: amd64-desktop? :-)07:07
doko_Kamion: I'll split it out in extra packages; if I overlooked something, then we can just add dependencies on these extra packages07:07
HiddenWolfNafallo: is that needed most?07:07
NafalloHiddenWolf: that's where I look for peers ATM ;-)07:08
HiddenWolfNafallo: sorry, I've got an i386 rsynced. :)07:08
Spadsjdong: Ng and I are sitting on ubuntu-6.10-beta-alternate-i386.iso and see each other but no seeds07:09
jdongHiddenWolf: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/07:09
jdongHiddenWolf: the 6.10 ones are towards the bottom07:09
jdongSpads: I'm sitting on the livecd, no other seeds/peers07:10
jdongSpads: ah, two leechers now :)07:10
HiddenWolfThere, seeding i386-desktop07:11
=== Spads leeches
Nafallojdong: I'm one of them ;-)07:11
jdongthis should be baptism by fire for my newly patched ktorrent :)07:11
jdong83.227.x.x of sweden is slurping from me right now :)07:12
Nafallome :-)07:12
LaserJockhmm, can you seed torrents without actually downloading the whole thing first?07:12
HiddenWolfjdong: heh, Last knot I managed to upload 60g in a weekend07:12
NafalloLaserJock: you seed the parts you have while you download :-)07:12
jdongLaserJock: the beta's apparently the most recent daily-live build, which I leeched last night via HTTP07:13
LaserJockhmm, what if I already have the .iso? will it seed that ok?07:13
jdongLaserJock: yeah, it'll seed fine07:13
jdongLaserJock: just coax your torrent client into accepting it07:13
LaserJockI was thinking I could rsync a knot3 .iso real quick and seed it07:13
LaserJockI don't really use torrent as it is incredibly slow for me, but I'm sure the uni won't mind me contributing to the open source world ;-)07:14
HiddenWolfLaserJock: just rename your iso to the torrent-name. IE ubuntu-6.10-desktop/alternate-$arch.iso07:14
Nafalloand beta in the middle somewhere ^ :-)07:15
HiddenWolfNafallo: ssht. ;)07:15
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rodarvusmjg59, ping07:24
mjg59rodarvus: Hi07:24
rodarvusI noticed you uploaded a package called 'xserver-xorg-video-intel' a few minutes ago - is this package based on the modesetting branch of -intel git repo?07:24
mjg59rodarvus: Yup07:25
rodarvusoh, nice07:25
mjg59It's rather flaky right now07:25
rodarvusI considered doing this some time ago but it was not top priority so I just ended postponing this package07:26
rodarvusyup, I didn't had much success with this package either, but it was helpful in at least one case (for a guy with a LFP panel which was not working with the standard driver)07:27
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sladenexcellent.  I thought we were too late for that in edgy07:28
rodarvusas we would say in Brazil, mjg59 scored this goal at the 49 minutes of the second half07:29
rodarvusuniverse beta freeze starts either at 23:59 UTC, or earlier, at dholbach's discretion >:-)07:30
dholbachrodarvus: thanks for upsetting everybody when I refuse to go to bed at 1:59 local time ;-)07:31
rodarvusdholbach, so you're actually sleeping at night? tsc tsc.07:33
dholbachi'll quit working late today, so you have some hours to play still07:33
dholbach-> break07:34
Nafallodholbach: good :-)07:35
LaserJockanybody know if releases.u.c has rsync?07:35
LaserJockserver that is07:35
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | 6.10 beta released
elmoLaserJock: of course it does07:37
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LaserJockelmo: ok, I wasn't sure if I was just doing the rsync command right or if on cdimages.u.c was supposed to be rsyncable07:38
HiddenWolfLaserJock: rsync --progress rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/current/beta.iso beta.iso07:40
LaserJockHiddenWolf: yeah, I just wanted to get it from releases.u.c to make sure I got the right .iso07:41
HiddenWolfLaserJock: this worked for me for live i38607:42
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doko_iwj: ping07:51
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keescookworking on building an edgy chroot, but I'm getting an error about missing linux-kernel-headers.  Is this my fault or the archive's fault?07:55
elmokamion/tfheen/riddell/ogra/whoever: cdimage.u.c space usage jumped by 130Gb or so ...07:55
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ograelmo, i suspect a lot of temporary builds can go ...07:56
ograwe usually keep only 3 past builds 07:56
geserdoes somebody know why the Contents file for edgy doesn't get updated since 07-Jun-2006?07:56
rodarvuskeescook, linux-kernel-headers was replaces by linux-libc-dev some time ago (and should be 'provided' by it)07:58
rodarvusbut its hard to say whos at fault without more details07:59
keescookI just did a straight debootstrap07:59
keescook(but I'm on a Dapper system, trying to debootstrap an Edgy...)07:59
ograhow ? 07:59
ograusing the edgy debootsrap ? 08:00
rodarvusmight be an outdated mirror (linux-libc-dev was uploaded just a few days ago)08:00
keescookI think so, ah...yes, I see what I did08:00
iwjdoko_: pong08:00
keescookogra: yeah, I think I pulled the edgy debootstrap.08:00
keescookso I need to update it.  cool.08:00
doko_iwj: if you care about FF, could you have a look at bug 61104? not sure if it's a troll ...08:01
UbugtuMalone bug 61104 in gcc-4.1 "Build process of firefox trunk is broken using gcc 4.1.1 with some "undefined reference" related to gcc bug #26905 ?" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6110408:01
iwjdoko_: What a pleasant submitter.08:04
mdzkeescook: sounds like you're using an old debootstrap08:05
=== iwj reads it in w3m to make it legible.
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keescookmdz: yeah, though updating it didn't help.  s'okay, it worked in the past, I was just trying to have both and amd64 and i386 edgy.  I'll still amd64 edgy for the moment, as I have i386 edgy running okay08:05
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doko_iwj: yeah, can't pull everything from fc, there must be an option to build without the -fvisibility options?08:06
iwjdoko_: We're not using some GCC prerelease, are we ?08:09
doko_iwj: we do, but from the 4.1 branch; 4.2 isn't released yet.08:09
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iwjIt seems to me that the submitter should get a workaround put into the firefox tree.  I assume that this bug is present in stock gcc 4.1 ?08:11
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_ionI posted a patch. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/preload/+bug/6282708:13
UbugtuMalone bug 62827 in preload "parses /proc/N/maps incorrectly, renders whole program nonfunctional" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  08:13
doko_iwj: it's not in 4.1.0, but in 4.1.108:14
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iwjdoko_: That's lovely then, isn't it.  Will there be a 4.1.2 in time for edgy release ?  I assume not.08:15
iwjSeems like just one of those things, really.08:16
doko_iwj: no, but it won't be fixed in 4.1.2 at all, as jason explains08:16
ograhey, its edgy ... its supposed to have the latest cracks ... 08:16
ograor was it crack ?08:16
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iwjdoko_: Err, I must have missed that.  As Jason explains where ?  (Jason who?)08:19
Ubugtugcc.gnu.org bug 26905 in c++ "default-visibility class symbol improperly resolved as hidden-visibility" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]  08:19
iwjOh, yes, comment #6.08:20
doko_heh, Ubugtu became more intelligent?08:20
iwjWell, I think we should do nothing about this and tell the submitter `sorry'.08:20
iwjIf they want to go and use Fedora, fine.08:21
iwjThere seems from these transcripts to be some attempts to workaround this by mozilla people but not successfully.  Clearly their configure script is buggy.08:21
iwjI think that's where the effort should go.  Having every distro randomly backport patches isn't the answer.08:22
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iwjdoko_: Did you want anything more concrete out of me ?08:23
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doko_iwj: just knowing, if there's an option to build without the visibility stuff08:24
iwjI don't know, I'm afraid.  I think that's what the configure script is probably trying to do.08:24
pittimdz: do you think bug 62542 is annoying enough to be fixed for edgy final? or rather edgy+1? it could be considered feature work and it would break the UI08:33
UbugtuMalone bug 62542 in apport "Apport should not do its expensive bits without user confirmation" [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6254208:33
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pittimdz: I'm leaning towards edgy+1, but I'd like to collect some opinions08:33
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mdzpitti: I think that if it notifies the user that it's doing the work, it will be ok08:35
pittimdz: ok, so you want that update-notifier icon for edgy?08:36
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mdzpitti: also, I noticed ionice in schedutils which might be worth a look08:38
mdzpitti: yes, I think we should do something for edgy.  the system gets very sluggish when it's running and the user can't tell why08:38
_ionI agree.08:39
TreenaksStuff like firefox might look like it's frozen too... with white pieces on it from where you've moved windows08:40
pittimdz: so we can either move the sluggish parts into the frontend, or change u-n to display an icon/notification/whatever while apport is grinding08:40
Treenaksthat might look weird..08:40
pittimdz: we cannot do anything while the kernel dumps core, apport isn't yet called at that time (with the current kernel interface, this will get better in edgy+1)08:41
pittimdz: but the gdb and dpkg parts are the major culprits, and they could be done in the frontend, too08:41
mdzpitti: firefox dumping core takes a long time08:42
pitti(it's just a matter of moving collect_static_information() from apport to apport-gtk08:42
pittimdz: I agre08:42
mdzbut if that's before apport is called, we can't do much for edgy08:42
pittimdz: but as I said, ATM the kernel dumps core and then calls apport08:42
mdzgdb and dpkg in the frontend would address bug 62542 as well08:43
UbugtuMalone bug 62542 in apport "Apport should not do its expensive bits without user confirmation" [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6254208:43
pittiIn Wiesbaden, BenC and I developed a better approach, but it's fairly different and not really appropriate to change at that time08:43
mdzsince you could easily only do them if the user wants to make a full report08:43
pittimdz: right, therefore my question whether you want to see it in edgy08:43
jdongis gutenprint safe to backport to dapper?08:44
pittimdz: I can work on it today and tomorrow if desired (it's not intrusive, I just want to do a proper test suite check for it)08:44
mdzpitti: I'm less concerned about that than about the visibility to the user, but it sounds like they could both be solved at once, so that's fine with me08:44
pittiok, great08:44
=== pitti adds an edgy tag
pitti... milestone, rather08:45
BenCpitti: So you want me to implement my end?08:45
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pittiBenC: I'd rather not for edgy08:45
pittiBenC: it took enough time to get the current patch right :)08:45
pittiBenC: I'll just move stuff within apport08:45
lucasRiddell: any news on the ruby issue ?08:51
Riddelllucas: on ppc?  it should all work now08:52
lucasRiddell: was it uploaded ?!08:53
tkamppeterIs there an Ubuntu development team meeting today?08:53
trappistI'm subscribed to that bug but I don't remember seeing that update08:53
Riddelllucas: no, the buildds were changed to have a different linux build on them08:53
lucasoh, there are inconsistancies in the build logs08:53
lucasRiddell: could you fix ruby1.9 too then ?08:54
seb128tkamppeter: no, cf mail from Matt on the list08:54
lucas"Checking for sin() in C library m... no" interesting build failure: http://librarian.launchpad.net/4537345/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-i386.xmms2_0.2DrFeelgood-6_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:55
lucas(builds fine locally)08:55
Keybuklucas: building on ubuntu christian edition?08:56
tkamppeterseb128: Which list, to which lists should I subscribe in general as Ubuntu developer? I have only communicated by IRC and personal e-mail up to now.08:56
lucasKeybuk: non :)08:57
lucaswhy would I do that ?08:58
Keybuklucas: no sin in the C library08:58
lucasI'll have to ask infinity ;)08:58
seb128tkamppeter: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-announce08:58
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seb128tkamppeter: it has been on the ubuntu-devel list too08:59
SeveasKeybuk, LOL08:59
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lucasKeybuk: you should blog it09:00
seb128tkamppeter: ubuntu-devel-announce has useful informations usually, discussions happen on ubuntu-devel (a good part of the discussions being user noise though)09:01
pittimdz: argh, that would mean that we would not get gdb and packaging information for system process crashes09:02
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jdongtkamppeter: do you keep track of gutenprint?09:03
pittimdz: however, it's still a good compromise for edgy then09:03
mdzpitti: hmm09:04
mdzpitti: if they know enough to file a crash dump without apport-gtk, they can probably choose the right package too ;-)09:04
pittihm, and we need to determine whether the program was packaged nevertheless09:04
mdzbut losing gdb is unfortunate09:04
pittimdz: it's not that unfortunate09:05
mdzpitti: is gdb really that slow? can we continue to do gdb in the backend and dpkg in the frontend?09:05
tkamppeterjdong: Yes, I am subscribed to the developer list of Gutenprint, but I have no Epson inkjet printer handy for tests.09:05
pittimdz: we can easily generate our own stacktrace with the core dump09:05
jdongtkamppeter: I've got a backport request here for edgy gutenprint to dapper...09:05
pittimdz: in fact, that's what apport-retrace does09:05
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jdongtkamppeter: I know nothing about gutenprint, so I thought I'd get your expert opinion on whether or not that's a good idea09:05
pittimdz: but yes, I agree for the package09:05
pittimdz: I can also wrap this function into a 10-line CLI tool to add gdb and packaging information09:06
mdzpitti: oh, we would still get a stack trace, just not decoded?09:06
mdzif so, that would be ok09:06
pittimdz: *if* the user sends us a core, yes09:07
pittimdz: but for non-user processes, there is no apport-gtk offering to remove it anyway :)09:07
tkamppeterjdong: It is probably a simple rebuild under Dapper, I have also always rebuilt all printing packages which I made on Mandriva 2007 also on 2006 because of Mandriva's Corporate server, and 2006 is 1 year old.09:07
UbugtuMandriva bug 2007 in Installation "Switching to alternate screens during install crashes X" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]  http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=200709:07
pittimdz: since non-user apport report submission is pretty much an advanced task for now, I think that's acceptable09:07
jdongtkamppeter: it builds in a dapper builder, but I have no idea how to test it :)09:07
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tkamppeterGutenprint has rebuilt there straight forward, only in CUPS 1.2.x I had to de-activate D-BUS.09:07
jdongtkamppeter: I'll post the rebuilt debs back on the launchpad ticked and have the OP test it09:08
tkamppeterTesting is easy: Install it, including the cupsys-driver-gutenprint package.09:08
slomo_hm is there any reason why uploads still need manual accepting?09:09
tkamppeterHook an Epson inkjet (best solution) or at least some HP inkjet, older Canon inkjet, or an arbitrary PCL 3/4/5/5e laser.09:09
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jdongtkamppeter: I've got two printers; not enough data to determine if there are any potential regressions from dapper's version to edgy's09:10
tkamppeterJdong, should we wait for some week then to see how Edgy bug reports on the final Gutenprint develop? I think if a printer prints correctly under Edgy it should print correctly under Dapper with the same driver.09:11
jdongtkamppeter: right; I'm considering keeping that bug report open for a bit longer09:12
tkamppeterjdong, which model are your two printers?09:12
jdongHP deskjet 722C, HP laserjet 5P09:12
tkamppeterjdong: DJ 722C tests only pnm2ppa and not Gutenprint (does it print under Edgy?), LJ 5P is a test candidate for Gutenprint, but not for the color-correctness.09:13
tkamppeterAnyone here who has a recent photo inkjet from Epson and a Dapper box?09:14
HiddenWolfCan someone poke a fridge admin and put Edgy on?09:24
SeveasHiddenWolf, #ubuntu-fridge09:26
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pradeephi zyga 09:43
jdongBenC: unusual_dev nudge? ;-)09:47
BenCjdong: ok, thanks09:48
jdongBenC: also, a while back I asked/filed about tifm21xx for Dapper... have you had a chance to see if there's any hope for that?09:48
tfheenmdz: I got the list of mirrors on that announce from James09:51
BenCjdong: not yet...probably be after release before I give dapper any love09:53
jdongBenC: sounds good. edgy all the way!09:53
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appelzaI know this isnt a support channel, but my question could possibly be a bug, as I have had no help with it in over a week of googling and #ubuntu chats10:01
appelzaMy amd dual core opteron has ubuntu server 64bit installed, and only 2gb of its 4gb gets detected..its a tyan thunder board, and the smp k8 64bit kernel10:02
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ijuzappelza: is the memory working with other kernels?10:03
appelzaive tried the smp and the normal 64bit-server kernel10:03
zygapython2.4-doc is broken10:03
appelzaneither detect the full 4gb10:03
ijuzappelza: can memtest86 see the memory? you may also try a new kernel10:05
appelzawhich other kernels should I try? I havent done the memtest check10:05
jdongappelza: try some 32-bit ubuntu's, try some other distro livecd's.... try to see if it's ubuntu-specific or amd64-specific or linux-specfic10:06
appelzaOk, makes sense.  Thanks10:07
mdztfheen: right, that was the list of triggered mirrors.  they didn't all get the release in time though10:08
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tfheenmdz: ok10:12
mdztfheen: how are you feeling?10:12
tfheenmdz: I took a painkiller so I no longer feel the need to chop my head off, but I have a bit of a fever and such.10:12
tfheenmdz: I suspect I won't be very effective tomorrow, though.  We'll see.10:13
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mdztfheen: the only thing I need from you soonish is for you to review those process docs I emailed about; it's important to do that while it's fresh in your mind10:14
slomo_mdz: will uploads be auto-accepted later again?10:15
geserdoes somebody know why the Contents file for edgy doesn't get updated since 07-Jun-2006?10:16
tfheenmdz: sure, I'll get to that tomorrow10:17
AlinuxSOSHello, mjg59 Ubuntu Edgy Beta is realised but https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts/+bug/55966 still remains a big problem for us (Georgian users). Sorry if I continue disturbing you...but I hope that you solve this problem before final realise. Thank You!10:20
UbugtuMalone bug 55966 in ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts "ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts.conf problem." [Undecided,Confirmed]  10:20
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AlinuxSOSHello, unifont package has a very crappy Georgian glyphs  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/unifont/+bug/62849 Here is a bug + solution...maybe somone package it for me so I can test unifont package with georgian fonts ? Thank You.10:32
UbugtuMalone bug 62849 in unifont "Georgian (ka) letters are very crappy!" [Undecided,Fix committed]  10:32
lifelessmdz: its still there in hiatus, I didn't have anyone specific to hand it off to, nor have I done more work on it.10:34
lifelessmdz: we can hand it off to someone at UDS MV perhaps10:34
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AlinuxSOSpeople is there somone who maintains unifont pacakge ?10:34
AlinuxSOSmdz, sorry for disturbing...maybe you can help me ?10:35
LaserJockAlinuxSOS: I'm guessing that would be the Maintainer10:35
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AlinuxSOSLaserJock, who is unifont mantainer ?10:36
doko_Keybuk, Kamion: wsdl4j and axis ping10:36
LaserJockAlinuxSOS: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/unifont/10:36
AlinuxSOSLaserJock, so what do you suggest me ?10:37
AlinuxSOSI've a solution for unifont, how can I commit it ?10:37
LaserJockAlinuxSOS: is it a bug fix?10:37
icecrashshort question on configuration settings for apache2 suexec10:38
AlinuxSOSyes, practically it's new redesigned glyphs for Georgian (ka) range.10:38
LaserJockAlinuxSOS: then attach a patch10:38
LaserJockto the bug report10:38
AlinuxSOShttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/unifont/+bug/62849 maybe it's enough ?10:39
UbugtuMalone bug 62849 in unifont "Georgian (ka) letters are very crappy!" [Undecided,Fix committed]  10:39
icecrashthe compiled defaults in ubuntu version don't let reach you any cgi in apache's default cgi-folder /usr/lib/cgi-bin10:39
AlinuxSOSbut I don't know who the maintainer is...so I don't know to whom assign it.10:39
LaserJockAlinuxSOS: don't assign it10:39
bluefoxicymost awesome idea ever.10:40
bluefoxicyOK how does this sound, hypothetically10:40
icecrashin debian bug #31225210:40
bluefoxicy1:  LiveCD is booted10:40
UbugtuDebian bug 312252 in thus "SuExec FHS compilance" [Normal,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/31225210:40
mdzAlinuxSOS: I'm sure we talked about this around the same time near the Dapper release, but you need to raise these issues earlier in the deveolpment cycle10:40
mdzAlinuxSOS: don't wait for beta before testing Georgian10:40
bluefoxicy2:  LiveFS is mounted (compressed squashfs for Live environment)10:40
LaserJockAlinuxSOS: on the left side of that bug report the Creator and Maintainer of the package10:41
mdzAlinuxSOS: it makes it very difficult for us10:41
bluefoxicy3:  tmpfs is mounted10:41
LaserJockAlinuxSOS: if you can attach a patch or debdiff that would also be helpful, I would guess10:41
bluefoxicy4:  LayerFS gets mounted with zlib encryption overtop the tmpfs; files written to the RAM-backed temporary file system will be compressed10:41
AlinuxSOSmdz, it another issue, it'f for unifont, not ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts.10:41
icecrashUbugtu: only temp solution AP_DOC_ROOT=/ which makes security settings obsolete?10:41
mdzAlinuxSOS: bug 6284910:41
UbugtuMalone bug 62849 in unifont "Georgian (ka) letters are very crappy!" [Undecided,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6284910:41
bluefoxicy5:  Continue as normal, unionFS compressed tmpfs overtop LiveFS and pivoting root as needed10:42
mdzAlinuxSOS: unifont hasn't changed since Dapper10:42
mdzAlinuxSOS: neither has ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts10:42
AlinuxSOSmdz, it's unifont. but 55966 Bug is not solved too.10:42
icecrashups bot10:43
AlinuxSOSmdz, Edgy has for the first time Georgian range for georgian fonts.10:43
AlinuxSOSso they are crappy and not proportional. So I provided a new, redesigned fonts.10:44
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AlinuxSOS24 September I've mailed Matej Vela, about this... who told me that is better if I mail to: debian-user@lists.debian.org (solution included, I mean georgian glyps hex code), but still no answer or something similar.10:46
mdzI don't know who Matej Vela is or why debian-user would be a good place to discuss it10:47
AlinuxSOSmdz, mjg59 promised me a solution for ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts too, but there is no changes...Ubuntu Dapper or Edgy still contain an old 0.2 verison of pacakge.10:48
mdzAlinuxSOS: I will make a deal with you10:48
UbugtuMalone bug 55966 in ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts "ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts.conf problem." [Undecided,Confirmed]  10:48
mdzAlinuxSOS: I will help you to work on these problems10:48
mjg59Fontconfig needs work to fix this10:48
mdzAlinuxSOS: if you will commit to doing this before feature freeze next time10:48
AlinuxSOSArne Goetje, provided a solution, but it's not enough...10:49
mdzAlinuxSOS: do we have a deal?10:49
mjg59AlinuxSOS: Arne's config stuff is broken - it doesn't validate10:49
AlinuxSOSmdz, you are developer and boss here..Matthew too is boss for me..So I must deal with you guys...10:49
mdzAlinuxSOS: I don't think we're understanding each other10:50
AlinuxSOSI'm really work a lot for creat Ubuntu's Georgian community...but as I'm not a programmer..I need some help...10:50
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mdzAlinuxSOS: Ubuntu uses a time-based release schedule, which means that certain work needs to be done on time10:50
mdzAlinuxSOS: you can read more about this here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases10:50
mdzAlinuxSOS: we are grateful for your help and would like to work together, but it is essential to consider this10:51
AlinuxSOSmdz, I understand you, I'm sorry that all the time I disturbed Matthew too...10:51
mjg59mdz: Strictly, this isn't a feature. We've got broken config parsing.10:51
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AlinuxSOSguys, the situation for Dapper or Edgy for Georgian users is critical... people installs http://packages.debian.org/unstable/x11/ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts 0.3 verison of pacakge...that is provided for Debian and not Ubuntu.10:53
mdzmjg59: I agree10:53
mdzmjg59: but testing can't wait until after beta10:53
mjg59mdz: I discussed this with Keith Packard over the weekend. The correct behaviour is now implemented in fontconfig upstream10:54
mjg59I'm looking at the extent of the code change now10:54
AlinuxSOSArne Gotje said to me that it's very difficuld to have something universal...so fontconfig can't be universal configuration...10:55
mdzAlinuxSOS: that's why we implemented per-locale settings for fontconfig10:55
AlinuxSOSI've searched a lot about this issue...I'm not really last minute this time..10:56
mjg59mdz: They don't really work10:56
mdzthat would be unfortunate10:56
mjg59mdz: At lesat, as far as I can tell. Where are they implemented? They're not mentioned in the fontconfig changelog10:57
mdzmjg59: language-selector, /etc/fonts/language-selector.conf, all that jazz10:58
AlinuxSOSI remmeber Dapper realise verison 0.2 of bpg font...that package was without fonts.config file...and I was really last minute, but now I've worked a lot(Font design, testing, best fontconfig searching,testing again..., bugging Matthew all the time!,searching other similar fonts with similar problem, finding Arnje Gotje...)that's my maximum, I've done a lot... and no results :/ I'm simply sad about it..I'm not angry or something simi11:00
AlinuxSOSlar...I'm only a little bit sad.11:00
mdzAlinuxSOS: it sounds like mjg59 has already been working on this.  what would you like for me to do?11:01
mjg59mdz: Ah, I see. This is all a bit of a hack.11:01
mdzmjg59: yes, it is.  but it's *our* hack!11:01
mjg59mdz: Fontconfig supports doing this based on user locale11:01
AlinuxSOSmdz, nothing just complaining... I'm really adore your job and the way of doing...but you should understand me...I'm simple mortal man :)11:02
AlinuxSOSnow I'm working with debian-translation :) + GNOME :D11:02
mdzmjg59: not quite, that's why we have this hack11:02
mjg59mdz: Upstream does. It was broken in the version we have.11:03
mdzmjg59: I asked Keith about it at the time and he said that was not what it did, and not what it should do11:03
AlinuxSOSI'm really multifuncitonal...and I should care about all :)11:03
mjg59mdz: Ah. He appears to have changed his mind.11:03
mjg59How irritating :)11:03
mjg59Ok, let me see what I can do with this...11:04
AlinuxSOSmjg59, if you need a tester for Georgian, I'm ready to help you !(If you need my help of course)11:04
=== mjg59 looks at fontconfig config files and loses the will to live. Again.
mjg59mdz: I still don't really understand this. language-selector.conf is empty.11:05
=== AlinuxSOS knows that he is a bad guy and he thanks Matthew, Matt and Ubuntu :D
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joejaxxanyone know what the usbstick path is ?11:07
mjg59joejaxx: /media/something11:07
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mjg59It'll depend on whether there's a label or not11:07
jdongjoejaxx: is that really a #ubuntu-devel question?11:07
joejaxxmjg59: hmm11:07
joejaxxjdong: oh sorry11:07
joejaxxi though i was in *-offtopic11:07
joejaxxsorry to disturb11:07
jdongjoejaxx: that's ok. I thought you were working your way towards a bug report or something :-)11:07
joejaxxjdong: :)11:08
AlinuxSOSmdz, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/unifont/+bug/62849 are we still in time ?11:08
UbugtuMalone bug 62849 in unifont "Georgian (ka) letters are very crappy!" [Undecided,Fix committed]  11:08
mdzAlinuxSOS: what do you want from me?11:08
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AlinuxSOSmdz, accepting a patch for Georgian range in hex for unifont.11:09
mdzAlinuxSOS: that patch says that you received some glyphs from someone else and need to test them.11:09
mdzAlinuxSOS: they need to be tested *before* being accepted, not after11:09
AlinuxSOSmdz, my problem is that I need someone who could package them for me...afterwards I test..If there is errors I correct them and send a patch again.11:10
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AlinuxSOSbut seems that unifont is orphan package :/11:11
mdzAlinuxSOS: why do you believe that your bug has to do with unifont?11:11
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mdzAlinuxSOS: we already have a font for georgian, why not use that instead of unifont?11:12
AlinuxSOSmdz, because it contains bitmap fonts, that we need for debian-installer11:12
AlinuxSOSfor debian-installer ?11:12
mdzAlinuxSOS: you already marked your bug fixed11:12
crimsunmdz: Hi, does the debdiff linked from bug 62855 look ok for dapper-updates? Jeff and I spoke earlier in -motu about it.11:12
UbugtuMalone bug 62855 in alsa-lib "Stereo line-in capture broken in alsa-lib 1.0.10 for "simple mixer" cards." [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6285511:12
mdzcrimsun: please use the guidelines and process at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates11:13
crimsunmdz: ok, thanks11:13
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mjg59mdz: Do we have docs for the langpack/fontconfig integration anywhere?11:13
mdzmjg59: I doubt it; mvo would be the authority on the language-selector bits11:13
AlinuxSOSwe already have a font for georgian, why not use that instead of unifont? Which one ?You mean bpg font ?11:14
mjg59I see11:15
=== robertj [n=robertj@68-117-221-30.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59Right, I can do this11:17
=== thekorn [n=markus@a81-14-157-195.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
AlinuxSOSmdz, http://img353.imageshack.us/my.php?image=scr3la3.png  I mean this font. And if it's not unifont...so which package provides that horrible glyphs ? (It's not bpg fonts 100% sure)11:21
mdzAlinuxSOS: which ones are horrible?  I can't tell11:22
AlinuxSOSmdz, :)just trust me, I know how georgian font must be.11:23
AlinuxSOS letter "e" is too long :)11:24
mdzAlinuxSOS: that is a screenshot of gfxboot11:24
AlinuxSOS1.  11:24
mdzAlinuxSOS: gfxboot gets its fonts from the theme11:24
mdzAlinuxSOS: the theme gets them from X11:24
AlinuxSOSmdz, yes... so I need to know which font is used for gfxboot ?11:24
AlinuxSOSit's bitmap font, unifont contains bitmap fonts. BPG fonts are .ttf type...so gfxboot dosen't use them.11:26
mjg59mdz: Ok, this actually ought to be trivial to fix (at least, to the extent that it's fixed in Chinese, for instance)11:26
mjg59mdz: Needs one file adding to language-selector-common11:27
mdzAlinuxSOS: the gfxboot theme, when it is built, looks for an X font which matches certain characteristics11:27
mdzAlinuxSOS: and converts it into the format it needs11:27
=== givre [n=flo@APuteaux-152-1-10-78.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
AlinuxSOSso I don't really know origin of this font.11:27
mdz        getx11font -v -l 18 -p 2,4 \11:27
mdz        -c ISO-8859-15 -c ISO-8859-2 -c koi8-r \11:27
mdz        `$(KEYMAPCHARS) keytables.inc` \11:27
mdz        -t tmp.txt \11:27
mdz        -t install/log -t boot/log \11:27
mdz        -t langlist -t langnames.inc \11:27
mdz        -f -gnu-unifont-medium-r-normal--16-160-75-75-c-80-iso10646-1 \11:27
mdz        --fsize 16,5 \11:27
mdzlike so11:27
AlinuxSOSunifont-medum? 11:27
mdzAlinuxSOS: !11:28
AlinuxSOSWhat because I said It11:28
AlinuxSOS<mdz> AlinuxSOS: why do you believe that your bug has to do with unifont?11:28
mdzAlinuxSOS: will you answer the question now?11:28
mdzAlinuxSOS: someone told you to look at unifont, and it wasn't me11:29
AlinuxSOSmdz, which question sorry me ?11:29
AlinuxSOSmdz, yes It was Kamion or CollinWatson :) but I'm not sure...11:29
AlinuxSOSnot you of course :)11:29
givreKamion, others : nobody to accept ntfs-3g ? it's still in new11:29
mdzgivre: tomorrow is archive day11:30
mdzgivre: Kamion's day, if I'm not mistaken11:30
mdzgivre: he does it on Fridays, Keybuk on Tuesdays11:30
givremdz: ok, thanks for the info11:30
AlinuxSOSwho packages unifont for ubuntu ?11:31
mdzAlinuxSOS: no one. we use the unifont package from Debian11:31
mdzAlinuxSOS: which, as you've learned, is unmaintained11:31
AlinuxSOSmdz, and how can I submit my glyps range for Georgian ?11:32
AlinuxSOStest & realise.11:32
mdzAlinuxSOS: I think you mean the word "release" when you say "realise"11:33
AlinuxSOSI don't know howto build a .deb :( Or howto repackage unifont with new fonts ?11:33
mdzAlinuxSOS: there are a couple of things you could do11:33
AlinuxSOSmdz, ? what things ? :/11:33
mdzAlinuxSOS: one would be to work with the upstream maintainer of unifont, the other would be to work with a Debian or Ubuntu developer11:33
mdzAlinuxSOS: you could also learn how to modify and build the package11:33
AlinuxSOSmdz, is it difficult to buld a unifont package ?11:34
mjg59AlinuxSOS: If I show you a screenshot, can you tell me whether the right fonts are being used?11:34
mdzAlinuxSOS: it looks like a pretty simple package11:34
AlinuxSOSI can collaborate with people...I need only someone who realises testing verison..and afterwards I confirm a final .deb without errors.11:35
AlinuxSOSmdz, simple :) for you! :D11:35
AlinuxSOSmjg59, right fonts ?11:35
mjg59AlinuxSOS: Does http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/tmp/georgian.png look right to you?11:35
AlinuxSOSWhat do you mean ? (sorry my English is not perfect)11:35
AlinuxSOSmjg59, just a moment.11:36
mdzAlinuxSOS: what is Gia Shervashidze's email address?11:36
AlinuxSOSmdz, yes great.11:36
mjg59AlinuxSOS: Was that to me?11:36
mdzAlinuxSOS: yes great is not a valid email address11:36
mjg59mdz: Mixed up nicks, I think11:36
AlinuxSOSmdz, Gia Shervashidze <giasher@telenet.ge>11:36
mjg59mdz: Ok. Can I add one file to language-selector-common ?11:37
AlinuxSOSmjg59, which file ? BPG font 0.3 ?11:37
mjg59It's just a fontconfig fragment that instructs it to use the correct fonts in the ka_GE locale11:37
mjg59Like the existing zh_CN and so on11:37
AlinuxSOShttp://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/tmp/georgian.png For me it's super! 11:38
AlinuxSOSIt's a solution that I so desire...11:38
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mdzAlinuxSOS: so if I gave you a .deb of unifont, you could test it?11:38
AlinuxSOSmdz, yes of course11:38
mdzAlinuxSOS: how?  does something other than gfxboot use it?11:39
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@94.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
AlinuxSOSmdz, in terminal mode, when I doo ctrl + alt + F1 system goes in terminal mode..I've text file with entire alphabet and text.11:39
mjg59AlinuxSOS: That's not likely to be the same font11:40
mdzAlinuxSOS: your console uses unifont?11:40
mdzthat seems unlikely since it is an X font11:40
AlinuxSOSmdz, gnome-terminal uses fixed width font,courier like. but in terminal(non X)it uses that crappy georgian font...that you see on gfxboot11:41
mjg59mdz: Can you take a look at http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/tmp/language-selector.debdiff ?11:41
mdzAlinuxSOS: perhaps it uses a font which looks very similar11:41
mjg59AlinuxSOS: It's likely that they're the same glyphs but from different files11:41
mjg59The terminal doesn't accept X fonts directly11:42
mdzAlinuxSOS: I don't see how you can test this unless someone builds a CD for you, which is a lot of work11:42
AlinuxSOSmdz, no I recorgines them because I've worked a lot with BPG font designer.11:42
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AlinuxSOSmdz I think that I we correct unifont we correct everything..because in terminal mode there is the same font.11:43
mdzAlinuxSOS: I am highly confident that if I give you a unifont .deb and you install it, your console font will not change.11:43
AlinuxSOSmdz, I can test it right now...11:45
mdzAlinuxSOS: if you would like to see who is right: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/temp/unifont_1.0-3ubuntu1_all.deb11:45
AlinuxSOSI install unifont and restart system.11:45
mdzI will wait with bated breath11:45
AlinuxSOSmdz, ;)11:46
mjg59mdz: That language-selector change should fix the issue for Georgian, though I may need to add a couple of fonts to the ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts package for full effect11:46
mjg59Either way, I think they're correct - it mimics the config that people have been setting up manually and has no effect on non-Georgian setups11:46
mdzmjg59: I am not familiar with that stuff to judge at a glance whether it is correct, but it seems perfectly reasonable11:48
mjg59mdz: The code will only be used if Georgian is selected by language selector11:49
mjg59So the very worst it could do would be to have no effect, and the likely cause is that Georgian users stop complaining that their fonts look bad :)11:49
mdzmjg59: I think we have only one georgian user and he is very noisy11:50
mjg59mdz: No, I've got reports from at least two more11:50
mjg59Any objection to me uploading that, in any case?11:50
mdzmjg59: are they any more personable?11:50
mdzmjg59: if you tested it and it did what you expected, it's ok with me11:51
mjg59mdz: Ok. Doing so now.11:51
mc44its harder for people whos first language isnt English :p11:51
=== mjg59 looks forward to getting back to fonts that don't suck at 6 points
=== AlinuxOS [n=alinux@d83-176-14-113.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59Right, uploaded11:52
AlinuxOSmdz, there is still that crappy font :(11:52
mdzAlinuxOS: !11:52
mjg59AlinuxOS: As mdz said, it's unlikely that an X font will make any difference on the Linux console11:53
AlinuxOSyou think that it's some BPG's font bitmap deformation ?11:54
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mdzAlinuxOS: no, it is exactly as I said before. they are two  different fonts.11:54
mjg59mdz: Oh, hm, one problem.11:54
AlinuxOSit really looks so crappy.11:54
mjg59mdz: The language-selector.conf link doesn't seem to get regenerated on reconfigure.11:54
mjg59Argh, fontconfig-voodoo11:55
mjg59What could possibly go wrong11:55
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AlinuxOSmdz, I should investigate about that differen font...In Dapper there was white cubes instead of letters.11:55
AlinuxOSI think it somewhere here: /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc11:56
mjg59AlinuxOS: No11:56
mjg59AlinuxOS: X fonts are not used for the console11:57
AlinuxOSand where is console fonts location ?11:57
AlinuxOSI'll start remove one-per-one before I get white cubes...11:57
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AlinuxOSso maybe I can find that crappy thing...11:58
mdzAlinuxOS: is your goal to fix the console or to fix the CD boot screen?11:58
mjg59mdz: I believe that fontconfig-voodoo has behaviour that is less than optimal11:58
mjg59mdz: In that it won't replace a link to /usr/share/language-selector/fontconfig/none even if there's now a locale-specific entry available11:59
AlinuxOSmdz, both (because they are the same font). I'l show you debian-installer portion.11:59
mjg59AlinuxOS: They are *not* the same font11:59
mjg59AlinuxOS: gfxboot comes from an X font. The console comes from a console font.11:59
AlinuxOSmjg59, not the same physically...but the same design...11:59
mjg59AlinuxOS: They may look the same, but that doesn't mean that they're in the same package11:59
mjg59AlinuxOS: Right. The fact that they're the same design is entirely irrelevent12:00
AlinuxOSmjg59, exaclty I mean that design is the same..but not package.12:00
mjg59AlinuxOS: So they're not the same font12:00
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mdzAlinuxOS: I've spent over an hour trying to help you, but you won't listen to me12:01
mdzAlinuxOS: I'm going to have to get back to my work shortly12:01
mjg59crimsun: Uh, did you mean to send that to mdz rather than me?12:01
mjg59mdz: The stuff I've uploaded should make this work for new installs, but not for updates. I'll talk to mvo about the best way to deal with that.12:01
mjg59It involves Python, so I'm not going to try to fix it myself12:01
mdzmjg59: would be a good plan to file a bug for him12:02
crimsunmjg59: er?12:02
mjg59mdz: Yeah, doing that now12:02
mjg59crimsun: Oh, erm. Who did you mail your SRU to?12:02
mjg59Oh, it's from Launchpad12:02
mjg59Never mind12:02
mdzmjg59: will the X server reread its font directories to pick up new fonts, or does it need a restart?12:03
AlinuxOSmdz, http://img181.imageshack.us/my.php?image=debianinstalleryk5.png see here12:03
mjg59mdz: fontconfig should deal12:03
AlinuxOSit's the same:  ...letter "" is the same (other letter too) of gfxboot.12:04
mjg59AlinuxOS: They are *not* the same font12:04
AlinuxOSmjg59, yes I understand :)12:04
mjg59AlinuxOS: So showing us that they're both broken doesn't help12:04
AlinuxOSmjg59, yes they are broken in the same way..they have the same design.12:05
mjg59AlinuxOS: Yes. We know that. That doesn't help us fix them in any way.12:05
mdzmjg59: xset fp rehash is what I want, but it doesn't work12:07
mdzit seems to bail out because some of the font path elements don't exist12:07
mdzwhat a piece of junk12:07
mjg59mdz: xset fp rehash will only work with X core fonts12:07
AlinuxOSmjg59, so I must find both. Console one and Menu font too...cause both fonts need the same correction.12:07
mjg59mdz: We don't even get our bitmap fonts from there now, unless you're using a legacy application12:07
mdzmjg59: like xterm?12:07
mjg59mdz: Yeah12:07
mdzmjg59: that's the only way I can see to access this font12:08
mdzit doesn't use defoma or any of that jazz12:08
dholbachgood night12:08
mjg59mdz: dpkg-reconfigure -plow fontconfig and enable bitmap fonts12:08
mdzit just drops it in an X font dir and runs mkfontdir12:08

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