
ayidenyeah it shows stuff12:01
sethksilvertip257, it's possible.12:01
sethkayiden, tty1 through tty6?12:01
silvertip257sethk:  ok i'll have 2 take a look now12:01
kfm82all, so now i do have the nvidia binary X driver up and running, is there a way to change screen orientation from left-right to up-down? my external TFT is located over my notebook tft, not next to it12:01
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i3dhow to find out the windowid?12:01
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sethkayiden, try adding to the kernel command line in menu.lst:      vga=ask12:02
sethkayiden, then do what it tells you to do during boot, and see if the consoles are visible.12:02
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silvertip257sethk:  the drive still shows up as primary slave12:02
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sethksilvertip257, that's a problem.  it's an EIDE cable?12:02
sethksilvertip257, the EIDE cable has one blue, one grey, and one black connector12:03
sethksilvertip257, the older IDE cable has three black connectors12:03
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silvertip257sethk:  it's an eide cable12:03
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anosadid anyone try to install ubuntu on a pc (onboard vga) ??12:04
sethksilvertip257, make sure the drive is jumpered for cable select and the primary connector is plugged into the drive.12:04
ayidensethk: I noticed that quiet splash is on... -.- if i want splash screen what do i put?12:04
sethkayiden, take that out, at least for the moment.12:04
silvertip257sethk:  wait a min i've got a dvd drive that idk what it's jumpered 212:04
[NP] Tangentk guys, I'll be back tomorrow. later. [amsg] 12:04
ayidensethk: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro  noapic vga=ask12:04
sethksilvertip257, ok, you might want to temporarily disconnect the dvd drive12:04
ayidenthats whats there12:04
sethkayiden, ok, give that a try.12:05
sethkayiden, it may not help but there is a small chance it will.12:05
silvertip257sethk:  will it still work after the dvd drive is back in ?12:05
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chris_Is there anyone able to help me out?  I have mucked up my wireless drivers and my device no longer shows up.  How can I restore the shipping drivers or am I SOL?12:05
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silvertip257sethk:  the drive is still primary slave after taking the DVD drive off12:06
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sethksilvertip257, the black connector is connected to the drive, and the jumper is at cable select?12:07
sethksilvertip257, this is a very strange.12:07
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silvertip257sethk:  jumper is CS & it's one of the blk connectors12:07
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sethksilvertip257, if it's an EIDE cable, there is _only_ one black connector12:07
ruzgarhow can i backup my synaptic package list ?12:07
sethksilvertip257, sounds like it isn't.  jumper it as master12:08
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silvertip257sethk:  it has a blue end ...?12:08
sethksilvertip257, the blue goes in the mother board12:08
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sethksilvertip257, black in master, grey in slave, blue to the ide interface12:08
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silvertip257sethk:  i know it's on the mobo12:08
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zoredachewhat do you mean ruzgar?12:08
silvertip257sethk:  there are 2 other ends and they are blk12:09
ayidensethk: worked???....12:09
sethksilvertip257, then assume it isn't eide.12:09
detrahello ... What does this mean ? error: dependency is not satisfiable: libcairo212:09
ayideni just hit enter...12:09
ayidenha ha12:09
sethkayiden, good.  :)12:09
ruzgari hear that a command can save the package list12:09
sethkat least I helped one person tonight.12:09
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silvertip257sethk:  well @ a closer look seth the one end has gray w/in the black outer12:09
zoredachedo a dpkg --get-selections > filename.txt12:09
silvertip257sethk:  so which is master blk or gray?12:09
ruzgarafter re-install ubuntu can i loag this package list12:09
sethksilvertip257, black12:09
silvertip257sethk:  ty12:09
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ayidensethk: now i just need to know what to put instead of having to go through that each time12:09
ayidensethk: and what to put there to add splash screen12:10
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silvertip257sethk:  if i use the gray & set the hd for master would it still work ?12:10
zoredacheruzgar: after a reload then do a cat filename.txt | dpkg --set-selections and then do a apt-get dselect-upgrade12:10
sethkayiden, there is one option where it shows you a list of choices12:10
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ayidenayiden: yes i just pressed enter12:10
sethkayiden, pick one, make sure it works (you can see the consoles after it boots), then you will put   vga=XXXX  in the menu.lst12:10
sethkayiden, I don't remember which key gives you the menu, and which just defaults to 80x2512:11
silvertip257sethk:  cause the ide cable just wont reach if i need to put the gray into my DVD & the black into  my hd12:11
ayidensethk: thanks alot ^.^ now what do i add to see the splash screen12:11
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sethksilvertip257, that's a problem, but it isn't going to work the way it is.12:11
Lunar_Lamphow do i change my grub menu list default kernel again? "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst" and change the default number?12:11
detraanyone ?12:11
sethksilvertip257, get another cable.  or temporarily move the drive.  (or permanently move the drive)12:11
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erUSULLunar_Lamp: yes12:12
sethkayiden, that I don't know12:12
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IceToxis there any easy way to check what my network card is named? To see which drivers I have to search for..12:12
sethkdetra, right12:12
silvertip257sethk:  how come my drive works w/ windows the way i explained earlier ???12:12
erUSULIceTox: lspci12:12
sethkdetra, sorry12:12
detrasethk, do you know what it means ?12:12
sethkLunar_Lamp, right, change the default number12:12
sethkIceTox, lspci12:12
ayidensethk: well do you see the splash screen when you boot? (if your running ubuntu)12:12
IceToxerUSUL: that didn't give me any information on network card12:12
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IceToxsame for you sethk12:12
erUSULIceTox: lshw too System>Administration>DeviceManager12:12
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strkso, I was saying... does switching from debian to ubuntu sound as an easy task (having ~30GB of free partition) ?12:13
detraWhat does this mean ? error: dependency is not satisfiable: libcairo212:13
sethkerUSUL, then you don't have one.12:13
erUSULIceTox: post the output to a pastebin12:13
strkdetra: urgh.. reminds me of debian bugs ...12:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:13
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detrastrk, so ???12:13
IceToxtwo secs erUSUL :)12:14
strkdetra: so, nothing... I'm just thinking about switching to ubuntu hoping to get rid of them and your question makes me think it won't be all roses and flowers :)12:14
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kiddleHi, I'm connecting to a ubuntu 6.06 lamp server using ssh w/ putty. My session dies minutes into the connection while I'm tediously typing away (not inactive)12:14
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detrastrk, so you don't know how to fix it ?12:14
kfm82what exactly does this option in /etc/X11/xorg.conf do? Viewport   0 0 ... something related to the physical orientation of displays?12:14
strkdetra: nope12:14
detraWhat does this mean ? error: dependency is not satisfiable: libcairo212:14
strkdetra: but sounds a problem in the package management system12:15
Doctawhat do i do if i cant find multiverse in synaptic12:15
silvertip257sethk: how come my drive works w/ windows the way i explained earlier ???12:15
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zoredachedetra: it means the package that you are trying to install wants libcairo2, but isn't installed and it can't find it to install12:15
sethkkfm82, it just says that you are looking at a rectangle starting at position 0,0.  unless your physical resolution is lower than your logical resolution, it really does nothing12:15
sethksilvertip257, I've seen this before.  with some chipsets linux is more sensitive to incorrect cabling.12:15
sethksilvertip257, I think it gets hacked around in windows drivers.12:16
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detrazoredache, it says that the newest version of libcairo2 is already installed12:16
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:16
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kfm82sethk, i currently have display 0 located to the left of display 1, but i want it to be above the other, to match the physical orientation. what gives?12:17
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sethkkfm82, I've never tried to do that.  I don't know whether or not it is possible12:17
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detrazoredache, do you know how to fix it ?12:17
sethkkfm82, is there an option "above" like "leftof"?12:17
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zoredachedetra, I do not...12:18
kfm82sethk, in xorg.conf? where? what syntax?12:18
sethkkfm82, I'm only guessing, but it would be where you put leftof or rightof12:19
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sethkkfm82, but it may not exist, or that may not be the right name12:19
bolshyYarblockoskfm82, above is correct12:20
bolshyYarblockosalso, below12:20
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:20
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kfm82bolshyYarblockos, do you happen to have a wiki link for that above/below expression syntax?12:21
Flannelkfm82: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo  down at the bottom there's an example using "RightOf"12:21
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myesterioushey, gnome on ubuntu has tab feature like fluxbox ?12:21
Flannelmyesterious: you mean multiple workspaces?12:21
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kfm82Flannel, ah, turns out i already had that open, it's hidden down in the ATI section, never occured to me to read that, working with nvidia :)12:22
myesteriousi known the workspace but i am meaning tab feature like fluxbox,fwm,..12:22
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Flannelkfm82: sounds good ;) ServerLayout section should be the same for both12:22
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vince_hello used linux for awhile new to ubuntu and the gnome feel.........need help with resolution and graphic card settings12:23
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silvertip257_sethk:  for some reason i got kicked from the channel12:23
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myesteriousFlannel, like this12:23
kfm82Flannel, only the nvidia section talks about not using any xinerama packages as that functionality is already provided by the binary blob12:24
LjLsilvertip257_, you weren't kicked, your connection went out ("connection reset by peer")12:24
sethksilvertip257, I didn't do it.  :)12:24
AscMy main drive seems to be assigned to I/O address 0x3F7-0x3F7.  Is there a way to change the I/O address (or better yet make it a range, because 0x3F7 is already in use)?12:24
Flannelmyesterious: you mean like rolling up to the shade?12:24
YaakovSomeone has to find that peer guy and stop him!12:24
silvertip257_sethk:  it now says /bin/sh: cant access: tty: job control turned off12:24
silvertip257_sethk:  ok w/e12:24
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sethkAsc, that should be handled automatically during PCI bus negotiation.  unless you have ancient hardware12:24
LjLYaakov: doh12:24
erUSUL!fixres > vince_12:25
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Yaakovmyesterious: I have never seen fluxbox like tabs in Gnome.12:25
silvertip257_ok LjL ...12:25
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Flannelkfm82: then you'll have to check into nvidia documentation for it, which they should have.. somewhere12:25
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myesteriouslike firefox that has several pages in a window but will be used tab for switch any page.12:25
Ascsethk: If it's being handled automatically, it's being handled automatically wrong12:25
silvertip257_sethk: it now says /bin/sh: cant access: tty: job control turned12:25
detraDoes anyone know how to help me ??? When I try to install a deb file it says error: dependency is not satisfiable: libcairo2 ... but when I try to install it it says that it is installed ...12:26
sethksilvertip257, when you do what?12:26
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silvertip257_sethk:  now it's waiting for a command or something w/ a # character12:26
kitchemyesterious: so you mean virtual desktops right?12:26
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silvertip257_when i boot up, sethk12:26
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vince_detra make sure its up to date?12:26
myesteriousoh no kitche12:26
sethksilvertip257, it's not fully booted up.  it's in some sort of rescue or safe mode, I think.12:26
detravince_, it says its the newest version ...12:26
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silvertip257_sethk oh12:27
YaakovFluxbox can put tabs on the tops of windows so you can stack them.12:27
silvertip257_sethk:  now what?12:27
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Flannelkitche: if you go to that link, you see that each shade (the titlebar) has a little tab thing on top, you can apparently group windows together, and use that tab to switch between them12:27
YaakovI turn them off, myself.12:27
sethkAsc, you are talking about what kind of drive interface?  IDE?  SATA?12:27
vince_the dependancy is the same that you have loaded?12:27
bolshyYarblockoskfm82, try this howto as well http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174&page=112:27
Ascsethk: IDE12:27
myesteriousaha yep Yaakov12:27
sethksilvertip257, I'm not sure, let me think for a minute.  I'm talking to too many people at one time.12:27
myesteriousGnome can do it ?12:27
Yaakovmyesterious: Not that I have ever seen.12:27
sethkAsc, make sure there are no "hardwired" resource assignments in the BIOS.12:27
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bolshyYarblockoskfm82, you probably want to use twinview rather than xinerama12:28
Yaakovmyesterious: But I wouldn't swear that it can't.12:28
kitcheFlannel: sorry don't see a link but anyways that's not built into fluxbox anyways it might be an add on12:28
kfm82bolshyYarblockos, thx, turns out the ati howto configures the two displays as seperate devices12:28
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silvertip257_sethk:  what do i do now that it's there?12:28
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detravince_, Can I paste a pm to you with what it says when I try to install in a terminal ?12:28
kfm82bolshyYarblockos, exactly, i have twinview enabled, and get left-to-right dual head orientation12:28
Ascsethk: My BIOS has no such options.12:28
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sethksilvertip257, I have to take my dog out, I'll be back soon.  we've made progress, perhaps someone else can help for a while.12:28
sethkAsc, most do, but not all.12:28
Flannelkitche: http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/features/tabs.php  that link12:28
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silvertip257_ty sethk ... ty very much12:29
lasindiHi everyone, I'm looking for some good calendaring software on Ubuntu. I've tried Mozilla Calendar, but I would really prefer something else, especially something that used a native widget set. Any recommendatiosn?12:29
Ascsethk: It only happens with kernel 2.6.18; windows and 2.6.15-23 are fine.12:29
bolshyYarblockoskfm82, ok, so Option "TwinViewOrientation" "Above" should do what you want? in Device section?12:30
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vince_erUSUL ive tried that .........thinkin its a hardware issue as my hardware isnt matching is there somewere i can go to find the right drivers for my intel 810 graphics chip?12:30
sethkAsc, that's odd.  it does rule out the bios.  :)12:30
kfm82bolshyYarblockos, yeah, i just foind that very same line a minute ago. will test ASAP.12:30
bolshyYarblockoscool beans :)12:30
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silvertip257_would anyone else please help me ?12:31
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myesteriousWhats the difference between Desktop environment and Window manager ?12:31
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Ascsethk: I'm recompiling 2.6.18 right now with the same I/O scheduler as the 2.6.15-23 kernel.  If it's not that.....12:32
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sethkAsc, I can't imagine the scheduler having an impact on IO port assignments, but we'll see.12:32
silvertip257_is there anyone out there that knows a good bit about Ubuntu that would help me ?12:32
Rambo3silvertip257_: ask you question again12:32
jerbi've been drunk since win 3.1112:32
sethkAsc, I can't imagine anything else that makes sense either.12:32
kitchemyesterious: gnome is a Desktop environment and metacity is it's window manager, mostly desktop environments are bunch of programs working as one12:32
jacksonhow do I enable APM in my kernel without compiling a new one? I want to use APMD for my laptop12:32
silvertip257_rambo3:   it now says /bin/sh: cant access: tty: job control turned12:32
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eimajenthathi, I'm trying to return my dapper install more or less to the state it was in when the installer finished.  Is there a way to list all the APT packages that have been installed since then?12:32
erUSULvince_: use the i810 driver (man i810) try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to change the driver and other options12:33
detravince_, Can you figure it out ?? ?12:33
myesteriousfor MS Windows and MAC OSX ?12:33
vince_thank you erusul ill try again12:33
Ascsethk: Heh, yeah.  Think the architecture it was compiled for would affect anything? :\12:33
silvertip257_rambo3_:  it now says /bin/sh: cant access: tty: job control turned12:33
vince_detra? figure what out? i sent it in the message board that you sent me12:33
sethkAsc, it's not impossible.12:34
jacksonhow do I control my laptop's hard drive speeds and/or sleep states?12:34
detravince_, what do you mean ?12:34
Rambo3silvertip257_: who says that and log into rescu mode12:34
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detravince_, You just put it on a forum ?12:34
vince_no detra12:34
Ascsethk: I've been making mine for P4 coppermine... I guess if this doesn't work I'll try again with 38612:34
silvertip257_rambo3_: the computer diplays that12:34
vince_ok its showing that every dependancy you have installed is older12:34
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silvertip257_rambo3_: how do i get into resc mode?12:34
vince_and thats why its conflicting12:34
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vince_you need to update them or you can "try" to ignore and pray like hell12:35
vince_or do the right thing and install from source12:35
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nervozanhi there, i messed something up with fdisk...the NTFS partition is still there and can be mounted without errors. but it appears to be emtpy, even tho df -h says that most of the partition space is in use. any suggestions how to fix this/recover the files?12:35
detraHow do I update them when it says that its the newest version ?12:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about single - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:36
bdgraueis there a chance to switch between a startet fullscreen game and the desktop?12:36
vince_still new to ubuntu but........theres a package manager here.........which mean you should be able to find each one and update eachone12:36
silvertip257_rambo3_: how?12:36
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eraccI have a quite old server box that I have Mandriva installed on from using a boot floppy and Mandriva's network install over the internet. I want to install ubuntu server on this system. The only net install I see is for netboot, which is not what I need.12:36
Flannelsilvertip257_: push escape to get to the grub menu (it'll be righ tafter the POST screen) then select the "recovery mode"12:36
vince_everyother flavor of linux lets you do it12:36
vince_im sure Ubuntu does too ;)12:37
silvertip257_ok ty flannel i'll try it12:37
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wilcoxvince_: synaptic12:37
kfm82bolshyYarblockos, shoot, now that i inserted the TwinViewOrientation directive, startx bombs out with "no screens found"... will have to try some more12:37
vasP_LHi. I installed Beagle and now when I try to open the Search GUI i get this error in console: exec: 24: -a: not found12:37
vasP_Lany clues?12:37
eraccIf some kind soul could point me to a network install that runs over the internet from unbuntu repositories that would be perfect.12:38
silvertip257_flannel:  ok i'm gettin there, it's waiting for the file system it says12:38
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Flannelsilvertip257_: you already got to grub menu and selected rescue mode? then you're set, it just has to finish booting12:38
foureight84i accidentally removed the system tray off the top panel, how do bring it back?12:38
Flannelfoureight84: right click the top panel "add to panel"12:39
silvertip257_flannel:  ok, is it really supposed to take this long lol ?12:39
Flannelsilvertip257_: have you already selected the recovery console?12:39
silvertip257_flannel:  yes12:39
foureight84hmmm... but stats icon like gaim doesn't appear anymore... it's just launcher now12:40
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Flannelsilvertip257_: then, it's just normal booting, I don't remember it taking any longer12:40
detraok ... Everytime I try to install some deb file it says "error: dependency is not satisfiable:" Even tho the newest version is already installed ... What should I do ?12:40
silvertip257_flannel:  all it says is Waiting for root file system... ...12:40
vasP_LHi. I installed Beagle and now when I try to open the Search GUI i get this error in console: "exec: 24: -a: not found"   --- Any Ideas?12:40
silvertip257_flannel:  it's been there for a lil while12:40
silvertip257_flannel:  it's still the black command prompt screen12:40
Flannelfoureight84: you mean like the program tray things?  there's a selection that you can add that covers that12:40
Flannelsilvertip257_: right, that's all you'll have, is a command prompt12:41
bolshyYarblockoskfm82, hmm, I think I had that problem too, but I'm using ati. I think the fix was to switch which was the primary monitor12:41
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foureight84Flannel, hmm i'm trying to find that12:41
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detraok ... Everytime I try to install some deb file it says "error: dependency is not satisfiable:" Even tho the newest version is already installed ... What should I do ?12:41
silvertip257_flannel it says about the tty and job control turned off12:41
bdgraueis there a chance to switch between a startet fullscreen game and the desktop?12:41
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vince_ok still having problems with screen resolution :S12:41
silvertip257_flannel:  i have no idea what it's doing12:41
foureight84Flannel, yea i can't find it12:41
Dr_willisbdgraue,  huh?12:41
detraok ... Everytime I try to install some deb file it says "error: dependency is not satisfiable:" Even tho the newest version is already installed ... What should I do ?12:42
Dr_willisbdgraue,  huh?12:42
silvertip257_flannel:  i'm @ the screen where i select rescu or normal12:42
bdgraueDr_willis: what does  "huh" mean?12:42
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silvertip257_flannel:  i'm there  again12:42
detraok ... Everytime I try to install some deb file it says "error: dependency is not satisfiable:" Even tho the newest version is already installed ... What should I do ?12:42
Dr_willisbdgraue,  it means clarify your question.12:42
Dr_willisjust like how you used it. :P12:43
khyronpreciso de descriptografar12:43
bdgraueDr_willis: i startet a game, fullscreenmode12:43
foureight84Flannel, thanks i found it12:43
silvertip257_flannel:  it's waiting for the root file system again12:43
vince_detra............go to http://packman.links2linux.de/ check that out for what your looking for12:43
Flannelfoureight84: on breezy it's "window list" under 'Desktop and windows'12:43
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vince_and dl for a debian12:43
vince_and dl source12:43
foureight84Flannel, i added the notification area12:43
Dr_willisbdgraue,  try alt-tab yet>12:43
bdgraueDr_willis: and i will let it run and switch to the desktop, to chat with someone12:43
silvertip257_flannel ?12:43
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bdgrauewhat is yet> Dr_willis ?12:44
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Dr_willisbdgraue,  hit the #*&*@&@ alt-tab key,.12:44
silvertip257_flannel:  are you there ?12:44
foureight84Flannel, one last question. i installed network-manager-gnome, but it doesn't seem to work at all. how do i got about configuring it. i just need a guide12:44
Kojima-KazumaHi can someone help me with installing programs12:44
bdgraueok, i'll test12:44
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Dr_willisbdgraue,   or try some other key combos12:44
foureight84i can't find it on the forums12:45
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bdgraueDr_willis: that doesn't work12:45
Flannel!tell foureight84 about wifi12:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:45
silvertip257_flannel is alive?12:45
THX-1138Hi Dr. willis, Flannel.12:45
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Dr_willisbdgraue,  check the game docs. it may be locking the display badly. What game is this?12:45
Flannelsilvertip257_: so it never gets past mounting the root filesystem?  But it boots up into normal mode fine?12:45
bdgraueDr_willis: cube12:46
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silvertip257_flannel it wont boot @ all12:46
Dr_willisbdgraue,  the update to cube i think is called 'sourbratten' or somthing like that.  it may have some improvements.12:46
Kojima-Kazumacan you install files on ubuntu12:46
silvertip257_flannel no matter what mode i boot to12:46
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Kojima-Kazumalike normal programs12:46
bdgraueDr_willis: i use the "old" cube ;-)12:46
Flannelsilvertip257_: Ah, alright.  So, what did you do to your computer to break it?12:47
sethkKojima-Kazuma, try a more specific question12:47
Kojima-Kazumai made the switch from windows to ubuntu like a week ago and i need some help intalling programs12:47
silvertip257_flannel no i have not broken it12:47
Dr_willisread its docs then. Or try a different window manager. It may be a gnome issue..   hard to tell.. or just a bug in the game.12:47
silvertip257_flannel ubuntu just will not boot to the GUI12:47
lewixwhat's autopackage?12:47
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Flannelsilvertip257_: er, what? so when you do normal boot you get a terminal?12:48
silvertip257_sethk:  i have not gotten anywhere, that dog of yours doesnt walk very long12:48
Dr_willisSauerbraten / Cube2   :) what in the world is Sauerbraten ? isent that like  pickled cabbage?12:48
silvertip257_flannel i do not get anywhere when i normal boot12:48
silvertip257_flannel: all it does is give me there error i told u abt12:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cube - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
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foureight84!tell NIC12:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tell NIC - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:49
greymaidenHi, I'm looking for some Gnome support.  Anyone in here available to help me out?12:49
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Kojima-Kazumahow do I install programs on ubuntu12:49
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ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto12:49
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  fire up synaptic, and start cliking/installing12:49
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Flannelsilvertip257_: so it doesn't "just not boot the GUI", And, it started doing this when? did you upgrade your kernel? did you... do anything else?  what was the most recent thing you did before it broke12:49
Kojima-Kazumabut it doesnt hav the program i want12:49
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THX-1138An awesome program. ,amy times more powerul than anything in the windows world. "able to leap tall buildings in a single bound..."12:50
vince_ok dumb question time..............12:50
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  this is called.. asking a question.. then replying with another statement after the first questionis answered.. you should of said that to begin with. :P12:50
Dr_willisQuestion Ping Pong! :P12:50
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vince_new to ubuntu..........what is apt-get and how do i use?12:50
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  you installing somthing from Source then?12:50
silvertip257_sethk:  are u there?12:50
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  what are you trying to install exactly?12:51
silvertip257_ok flannel i jus tried to install v6 of ubuntu on a clean drive12:51
silvertip257_flannel:  that's the story12:51
greymaidenOkay, I'll jump in: I'm having problems loading gnome-volume-manager.  It tells me I need to enable hald services.  I've installed the latest kernel and am running the newest dapper as of about an hour ago.12:51
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  rar and unrar are in the apt-get repositories.12:51
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:51
bolshyYarblockosgreymaiden: what's up?12:51
ubotuunrar is rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression  There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:51
greymaidenHi bolshy, having some gnome issues, can you help?12:52
Kojima-Kazumauhh ok12:52
Flannelsilvertip257_: oh, so this is fresh?  Ah. 6.06?  alright.  Did you burn slow enough? (4x?)  Did you check the disk, andthe md5? are you using the Desktop or Alternate ISO?12:52
Ascvince_: It's a command like program to install/uninstall programs.  Using the Synaptic frontend is usually recommended.12:52
bolshyYarblockosI dunno, what's the issue?12:52
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  you may need to enable the other repositories in synaptic to find rar/unrar12:52
THX-1138silver - are you getting that error that the clib is awol?12:52
silvertip257_flannel i'm using the normal CD12:52
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silvertip257_flannel i just burnt it @ w/e speed it had me12:53
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THX-1138silver "Edgy Eft knot 6">>>12:53
silvertip257_flannel i told the live thing 2 check the cd12:53
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silvertip257_flannel:  i mean the desktop CD12:53
vince_:S Asc after reading a forum........i found that best way to fix my problem is threw apt-get12:53
Flannelsilvertip257_: right, thats probably the problem, burn it again at 4x, also, make sure you have 6.06.1 if you're using the desktop12:53
greymaidenWell, when I try to run gnome-volume-manager, it tells me I don't have hald enabled12:53
THX-1138silver "Edgy Eft knot 6"??12:54
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vince_as the other guy with the exact same problem that was the only way he won ;)12:54
greymaidenBut as far as I can tell, I do.12:54
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silvertip257_flannel:  how come it has to be 4x ?12:54
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Ascvince_: Well, to use it, start a terminal and use 'sudo apt-get [install/remove/whatever]  [package name] .'12:54
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danh_i want to stick virtual post-it notes on my desktop12:54
danh_what program should i use?12:54
Dekkardwhats the package for mp3 playbakc again..mpg123?12:54
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vince_Asc does it list or do i have to know the name?12:55
silvertip257_flannel i've got 6.0612:55
Flannelsilvertip257_: because burners suck, they do caching and stuff and it messes up ISOs12:55
silvertip257_flannel ok ty12:55
Flannelsilvertip257_: get 6.06.1, it's got an updated installer, 6.06 has some problems with it12:55
kfm82bolshyYarblockos, yay, it's working with above-below now!12:55
sergoi'm newbie on ubuntu and it's seems i need to install c++ compilers12:55
silvertip257_flannel would u be willing 2 give me an email or MSN s/n ?12:55
Ascvince_: You have to know the name.  That's why Synaptic is recommended; it lets you search the list.12:55
bolshyYarblockoskfm82: good stuff :) what was the problem?12:55
Dekkarddanh_:  there is a stickies applet12:56
Flannelsergo: you need the build-essential package12:56
Flannel!tell sergo about compile12:56
sergois on Synaptic c++ compiler?12:56
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Dr_willistheres dozens of note programs out.12:56
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danh_give me a name of one?12:56
sedrakewhats the command to start gdm?12:56
Dekkardsedrake: sudo gdm12:56
silvertip257_flannel would u be willing 2 give me an email or MSN s/n ?12:56
Flannelsergo: /etc/init.d/gdm start12:56
bruenigsudo /etc/init.d/gdm start12:56
bruenigor no sudo? I always used sudo12:57
Flannelsilvertip257_: er, what's wrong with IRC?12:57
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vince_ya Asc ill try that12:57
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kfm82bolshyYarblockos, turns out i accidentally added a trailing "s" to the "EndSection" directive so it read "EndSections" for a while... pretty hard to spot for the naked eye12:57
silvertip257_well flannel i dont like all your messages flying by12:57
Flannelsilvertip257_: /join #ubuntu-classroom12:57
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silvertip257_flannel other ppl talk & then i look back & it's gone, plus i'm not an IRC guru12:57
silvertip257_flannel join  that y ?12:57
bolshyYarblockosgreymaiden: sorry, I don't really know about that. why do you think you have hald enabled?12:58
Dekkardis there an edgy channel?12:58
sergohow to become a root?12:58
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Yaakovsergo: use sudo12:58
Flannel!tell sergo about sudo12:58
FlannelDekkard: #ubuntu+112:58
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greymaidenit's loaded in synaptic packet manager and it spits out data when I pidof hald12:58
greymaidenI have no idea what the data means. . .but it's there12:58
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:58
sergobut "su" for what is?12:58
rickardwhats the command to automatically generate a new xorg.conf?12:59
sergoi need to set up an password for root12:59
Flannelsergo: no, ubuntu doesn't use root accounts (or su) we use sudo instead, that page tells you all about it12:59
greymaidenFor the sake of argument, let's pretend I don't have hald neabled.  How would I do that?12:59
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silvertip257_ttyl flannel ty for everything, i gave up & booted up 2 windows12:59
Dr_willisI hear Tomboy is a nice note taker program01:00
Code-EHi, I have managed to install JRE but when I try to run FrostWire it says its not installed01:00
Lunar_Lampi have a dvd with music videos on it (commercial and legally mine) - how would i go about ripping the videos off it so that i can watch them on my laptop (as mpeg or avi preferably)?01:00
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eraccHmmm, I thought maybe the CD-ROM drive was bad on that old server. Apparently not because xubuntu is installing. :-)01:00
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brandiniok, I've setup a dual boot.... but I need help with one thing01:00
bolshyYarblockosgreymaiden: /usr/sbin/hald01:00
FlannelCode-E: how did you install java?01:01
brandiniwhat does the 0, and 1 mean in hd(0,1)01:01
ibob63sergo: are you still wondering about su?01:01
rickardnoone knows how to automatically generate xorg.conf?01:01
Code-EFrom easyubuntu Flannel01:01
EvanIsaacif i just downloaded the iso for dapper, if i right click and select open with Nero Burning Rom will it take me where i need to go in order to get bootable?01:01
Dr_willisCode-E,  do a 'java --version' and if you are NOT using th3e sun java. update the java alternatives like mentioned on the !java wiki page01:01
Dr_willisbraino,  drive 0 partition #101:01
FlannelEvanIsaac: most likely, yes.  Nero knows how to deal with ISOs01:01
Dr_willisbrandini, o,  drive 0 partition #101:01
EvanIsaachere goes nothing01:01
eraccOh well, a server with minimalist X is not so bad I guess.01:01
gbellmannwhat is the minimun ram to run a small database with ubuntu server?? can it run with 16 Mb??01:01
Code-EDr_Willis its showing 1.401:02
Dr_willisbrandini remeber that grub starts counting at 001:02
Code-EBut i am able to run java 5.0 web start or whatever its called01:02
EvanIsaacif redsox comes on asking for me tell him i'm installing dapper01:02
Dr_willisCode-E,  look BELOW that look at the full version01:02
LjLgbellmann: ugh, i dunno, but that sounds rather restricted01:02
brandiniDr_willis: ok, so if it's the second drive I need 1,101:02
brandinifor winders01:02
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Dr_willisCode-E,  does it sau jlg, or somthing instead of 'sun java'01:02
Dr_willisbrandini,  that would be 2nd drive the 2nd partition01:02
Code-Ejava version "1.4.2"01:02
Code-Egij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.0 (Ubuntu 4.1.0-1ubuntu8)01:02
=== brandini tries some thing
sergohow to configure an program to folder "usr" ?01:03
Dr_willisCode-E,  correct - you need to update the java - alternatives like at the !java wiki says01:03
ibob63does anyone know how to get firefox to print with opening a dialog box first?01:03
bolshyYarblockosrickard: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:03
sergoor in other words to install it in folder usr01:03
Dr_willissergo,  you may want to clarify that question.01:03
Code-E!java wiki01:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about java wiki - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:03
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository01:03
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Dr_willissergo,  that makes more sence.. what are you installing?01:03
bolshyYarblockosrickard: back-up your old one first?01:03
greymaidenuhh, usr/sbin/hald exists, what else did you want me to do?01:03
HellDragonanyone know where is the file that apt-get saves the things, i need to modify it to repair something01:03
ibob63sorry my question should be "does anyone know how to get firefox to print without opening a dialog box first?"01:04
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HellDragona file with packages names .etc01:04
HellDragoninformations on them01:04
bolshyYarblockosgreymaiden: run it?01:04
sjbrownHellDragon, maybe /var/cache?01:04
sergoi want to install vyqchat-0.2.801:04
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FlannelHellDragon: /var/cache/apt01:04
Dr_willissergo,  when compiling from source normally  you can do a ./configure >some options here that i forget< to set the base install dir.01:04
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LjLHellDragon: i would be wary of touching that stuff manyally, though...01:05
HellDragonit's not there01:05
LjLDr_willis, sergo: i believe it's "--prefix=/usr", or "--prefix=/usr/bin"01:05
Flannel!tell sergo about compile01:05
Dr_willisprefix thats it...01:05
Dr_willisi never can rember that term.01:05
zoredachewhat are you trying to 'fix' HellDragon?  the list of available packages or?01:05
HellDragonzoredache: something i already fixed by modifying the file i'm searching01:05
Dr_willis./configure  --prefix=/opt01:06
sergoWow... there is an error checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables01:06
Dr_willisis common.01:06
HellDragon"E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:06
zoredacheI would guess what you really want is in /var/lib/dpkg01:06
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=== Xenguy just found a box of homemade wine that had been forgotten about/lost...
greymaidenI get nothin01:06
LjLsergo: at any rate, you're usually supposed to install stuff that you compile yourself in /usr/local or /opt, rather than in /usr01:06
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HellDragon:o yes thanks zoredache01:06
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Lunar_Lampi'm looking for a webcam to use with ubuntu - does anyone have any tips/recommendations?01:07
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gimmulfabrotman:  hmmm doesnt seem to work, but i want sendmail up and running so it can send mail not just locally01:07
sergowhy the ubuntu doesn't seen cyrillic?01:07
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gimmulfHow do i setup sendmail to send emails just not locally?01:07
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sergoi have an russian cd with music, and russian character are not supported, why?01:08
sergomy default system language is russian01:08
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brandiniDr_willis: I'm afraid I need more help....01:08
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brandiniDr_willis: I've edited Grub a bit and it still won't boot windows.... they are on separate drives same channel01:08
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ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help01:09
dainanakihi guys, I'm having some resolution problems, can anyone help me out?01:09
Yaakov 01:09
Dr_willisbrandini,  :P  most likely you got grub naming wrong.. where is the windows drive at?01:09
=== condeh [n=condeh@host86-130-12-189.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisbrandini,  first drive on hda, ect...01:10
YaakovOK. That was silly.01:10
Code-Elol I just had to reset my default java environment01:10
=== Yaakov chastises himself.
PPAAUULLHow would I Mount a NTFS partition on a seprate HD?01:10
sergoYaakov: 01:10
=== vik [n=vik@cor9-ppp388.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisDefacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions -->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume01:10
Code-E!restricted format01:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restricted format - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:10
Code-E!restricted formats01:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:10
Dr_willisPPAAUULL,  edit the fstab.. create the correct entry.01:10
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Yaakovsergo: As it turns out, I am not Russian and can't speak the language.01:11
brandiniDr_willis: I think I've got it01:11
Dr_willisbrandini,  good :P01:11
brandiniDr_willis: it's hda1 and xubuntu is hdb101:11
dainanakiI'm having some resolution problems, can anyone help me out?01:11
=== brandini edits some things
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:11
Dr_willisbrandini,  that would be hd0,0 and hd1,0 in grub talk.01:11
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bolshyYarblockosgreymaiden: you said pidof hald had output? what was it?01:11
brandiniDr_willis: yeah, but I need the map (hd0) (hd1) stuff01:11
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condehHi, Im thinking of installing Ubuntu 6.06 onto an IBM T22. I heard there are problems with Savage S3 video. Anyone confirm this/advise? Thanks.01:12
Dr_willisbrandini,  if windows is on the first drive. why do you need to remap it?01:12
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brandiniDr_willis: it's on the 1 drive... which is second ;-)01:12
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Dr_willisbrandini,  yo u just err.. said the opposite. :P i think01:12
Code-ECan anyone tell me the name of a good media player01:13
brandiniOh :)01:13
=== brandini reboots and trise again
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Dr_willisCode-E,  depends on the media01:13
greymaidendammit, I gotta go :\01:13
ubutomcondeh, i dont know about IBM T22, but in my Fujitsu Siemens laptop is a s3 and it works fine (just2D), but thats ok, since this gfx card doesnt even have good drivers for windows :)01:13
greymaidenThanks for your time bolsy, but my husband is being annoying and won't let me work on bug fixes anymore.01:13
Flannelcondeh: while the T22 isn't listed, you can check for comperable comonents: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsIBM01:13
gimmulfHow do i send an email in terminal using mail/sendmail ?01:13
Code-EDr_willis mp3's mostly01:13
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bolshyYarblockosgreymaiden: sorry I couldn't help01:14
XenguyCode-E: for video, install both gxine + vlc + w32codecs (works for me)01:14
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condehFlannel & ubutom : Thanks01:14
XenguyCode-E: for mp3's and ogg, I use xmms01:14
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Code-EXenguy I'm looking for mp3 player01:14
cartuferhow can i get to a samba share from terminal?01:14
Dr_willisCode-E,  theres dozens of mp3 players out there.. xmms, beep-media-player, juke, amarok, ect.. depemnds on what featres ya want01:14
Lam_i know hibernate is kind of buggy, but does suspend work?01:14
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gimmulfHow do i send an email in terminal using mail/sendmail ?01:14
Dr_williscartufer,  you mean mount the share to a directory?01:14
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Code-EDr_willis can i use apt-get install to install xmms01:15
XenguyCode-E: fussy people seem to prefer other apps (amarok?) but xmms works for me01:15
sjbrowngimmulf, just use the mail command?01:15
erUSULgimmulf: man mail ??01:15
Lam_totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?01:15
gimmulfsjbrown: tried that but didnt figure out how01:15
sjbrownCode-E, the best is mpg12301:15
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Code-Eum thanks sjbrown01:15
=== spoogly [n=spoogly@c-67-186-3-117.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sjbrownyou don't need an in-your-face gui01:16
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Adept2point0is anyone here experienced with sedega?01:16
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kitchesedega? do you mean cedega01:16
Code-EOne more question:P: is it possible to use Windows drivers so that I can use my printer?01:16
kitcheAdept2point0 well what's your question exactly01:16
viatorCode E what is your prionter01:16
Dr_willisI cant find that url to this Java based media player i found once.. it had a nice interface like amarok/juke/ect. :P01:16
sjbrowngimmulf, well you can pipe cat to it, that's one way01:16
gekko`if i copy my whole hdd to another one with the dd-command, does it also copy the MBR?01:16
Adept2point0yes, cedega, i'm about to smash my computer and go back to windows, this is getting pretty frustrating01:16
HellDragonwhy i always get error when i try to install gzip01:16
sjbrowngimmulf, where did you get stuck?01:17
Code-Eviator: its a lexmark x235001:17
cartuferhow can i get to a samba share from terminal?01:17
Lam_i know hibernate is kind of buggy, but does suspend work?01:17
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Adept2point0i bought the program, installed it just fine, and the program i had wanted to install was in a zip folder, so i unzipped the whole thing, setup.exe as well to my desktop01:17
gimmulfsjbrown: i didnt get thaat far :)01:17
Adept2point0i enter all that information it asks for, click continue, and nothing happens01:17
gimmulfsjbrown:  how would the command look like?=01:17
Dr_williscartufer,  you can mount them with the proper use of the mount command, then access them as a normal directory01:17
HellDragonyay fixed01:17
HellDragonit tried to install it and it was already here01:17
cartuferyes, how i do that?01:17
Dr_williscartufer,  i tend to cheat and use 'smb4k' to browse/mount shares.01:17
HellDragonit kept trying*01:17
gimmulfsjbrown:  echo "blah" | mail mail@email.com  ?01:17
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:17
=== Neo8750 [n=zepski@c-24-11-230-88.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sjbrowngimmulf, cat "This is the body of my email" | mail -s "this is the subject of my email" foo@bar.com01:17
sjbrownoops yeah, echo01:18
sjbrownnot cat01:18
Dr_williscartufer,  the 'using samba' book is aviliable online with examples.01:18
THX-1138man mount 801:18
Code-EIs it possible to use windows drivers for printers?01:18
Dr_willisCode-E,  not very likely01:18
=== TIM90 [n=thami@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust595.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
cartuferya, i can get it easy from gui, but not terminal, unless someone knows the dapper drake root password01:18
gimmulfsjbrown:  it doesnt work its just like sendmail/mail isnt confiigured to send mails non-local01:19
Dr_williscartufer,  there is none.01:19
Dr_williscartufer,  sudo -s to get a root shell01:19
sjbrowngimmulf, any error?01:19
gimmulfsjbrown:  nope01:19
Xenguy!root > cartufer01:19
sjbrowngimmulf, anything in /var/log/mail/errors01:19
Adept2point0any ideas?01:19
viatorlook here01:19
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Yaakovgimmulf: sendmail can be used directly, if you are trying to test it.  sendmail <recipent> ENTER from: you@whatever RETURN subject: this is the subject RETURN this is the body RETURN . RETURN01:20
gimmulfsjbrown:  nope01:20
viatorcode e you dont need windows driver01:20
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Code-Eviator: what?01:20
Yaakovgimmulf: The . alone on a line ends the message.01:20
THX-1138I enabled a shared folder in ubuntu using the gui and goofed up the default for shared windows folders on other networked machines. - the other machines folders vanished01:20
Code-Eviator: theres no linux driver for it to my knowledgfe01:20
Yaakovgimmulf: I switched from ENTER to RETURN there, they are the same, sorry.01:21
gimmulfYaakov:  when i type sendmail email@adress.com <ENTER> nothing happens it just waits01:21
YaakovIt should.01:21
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YaakovStart typing, as I showed.01:21
Lam_totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?01:21
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kitchegimmulf: it will since sendmail is a mail server01:21
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Yaakovgimmulf: Sendmail isn't really intended to be used directly, it isn't "friendly".01:21
viatorlinux printing says it works01:21
Code-Elink please?01:22
Kojima-KazumaWhere do i put files for the synaptic manager01:22
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:22
Code-Ethank you01:22
=== bl4cktone [n=bl4ckton@ip68-106-136-83.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lam_can anyone tell me where the 'man'uals are stored?01:22
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  what files?01:22
THX-1138gutenprint is a vast improvement.01:22
sjbrownLam_, man man01:23
Lam_neat. thanks01:23
Kojima-Kazumawhen you go into the synaptic manager they have a bunch of install files and i found the install file for rar so where do i put it01:23
Dr_willisinfo man :P01:23
BirdEverytime I try to change the volume I get an error saying I must run gst-register first. How do I run gst-register?01:23
bl4cktoneHey guys something odd is happening, I don't get the outlines of my windows and I'm missing my multi deskop displays y'know 1-4 it was working fine last time I booted anyone know what happened?01:23
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  you are doing this the hard way01:23
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viatorthe driver it uses isnt  specifically for your printer01:24
viatorbut ut works01:24
Kojima-Kazumaokay whats the easy way01:24
THX-1138Bird - i am just curious, What happens when you run alsamixer?01:24
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  sudo  synaptic, search for rar, check the rar paclages mark them to be installed  and click applty01:24
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  they shoudl get auto-downloaded and installed01:24
bl4cktoneI can't even seem to drag my windows around01:24
THX-1138oops - too many nerdy cli apps.01:25
viatorif ppl want to play hardcore games they should buy a console01:25
Dr_willis!info rar01:25
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.30-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 236 kB, installed size 476 kB (Only available for i386)01:25
Kojima-Kazumathey don't have rar01:25
Kojima-Kazumathat is why i got the install file01:25
Jack_Sparrowbl4cktone: Did you have xgl installed, Hopefully you never used the Automatix script Change anything else of interest?01:25
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  then you need to update your  repositories - see how that says      In component multiverse,01:25
Dr_willisIts in the "multiverse" repository01:25
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bl4cktoneI do have xgl installed, and I do have automatix installed I updated it last session I think but haven't installed anything from it for a while01:26
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linuxpoetWhy would openoffice only run if I was root, even though as a user I can execute oowriter it just never shows up on the screen01:26
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:26
Jack_Sparrowbl4cktone: I would see if you can get help in XGL or Automatix...01:26
linuxpoetIf I am root openoffice will start normally01:26
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:27
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  fire up synaptic and enable the multiverse and other repositories, then the other programs should be there.01:27
Kojima-Kazumawhere do i enable multiverse01:27
Flannel!tell Kojima-Kazuma about multiverse01:27
Dr_willisKojima-Kazuma,  synaptic -> settings -> repositories   (logical eh?)01:27
sc0ttylinuxpoet: it can happen if OOo uses a file, or a dir, that is only accessible by root01:28
Flannellinuxpoet: probably because you ran it as root once, and it wrote some configuration file somewhere that now it can't read01:28
sc0ttyI've seen weird bugs like that once or twice01:28
linuxpoetahh hell01:28
sc0ttyyou remove completely01:28
Code-EIz there any way to tweak download speed or anything01:28
Flannellinuxpoet: we talking about root root? or sudo root?01:28
sc0ttyand reinstall01:28
Code-Eits currently slow as heck through the terminal01:28
linuxpoetsudo root (I don't ever root root)01:28
Flannellinuxpoet: right, go to your home dir, ls -al and check for stuff owned by root01:29
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sc0ttyls -al | grep root01:29
Flannellinuxpoet: And next time, never run graphical programs with sudo, use gksudo01:29
linuxpoetI didn't do it as sudo until I had a problem :)01:29
rus1Flannel: What's the difference? Why shouldn't you run graphical programs with sudo?01:29
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Flannelrus1: they set up environments differently01:30
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Flannelrus1: the most common problem is Xauthority or ICEauthority being owned by root, and then when youre normal user, you can't read it01:30
Kojima-KazumaThanks alot01:30
rus1Flannel, I guess I'll take your word that it's bad.01:30
rus1On a related (?) note, I want to use my scanner, but xsane won't find it unless I run it with sudo or gksudo, but when I do run it that way, it gives me all sorts of warnings that I'm doing something really stupid.01:32
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rus1Should I be worried?01:32
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sc0ttyrus1: is your user allowed to use such devices ?01:32
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rus1sc0tty: How do I tell, and if not, how do I change that?01:33
linuxpoetI think your user needs to be a part of the scanner group01:33
cartuferdr_willis, still not getting progress01:33
sc0ttyrus1: System>Administration>Users and Groups01:33
rus1I just want to get images from my scanner, and I've found running xsane with gksudo to work, if there's a better way let me know.01:33
Dr_williscartufer,  ive fogotten what the problem even is/was. :P01:33
sc0ttyselect your user01:34
sc0ttyproperties, then 3rd tab User privileges01:34
sc0ttymake sure "user scanner devices" is checked01:34
cartufermounting smb or user switching in gui to root01:34
rus1sc0tty: It is checked.01:34
rus1It already was.01:35
Dr_williscartufer,  'sudo -s' should get you a root shell01:35
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sc0ttythat's pretty much all I had, sorry01:35
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rus1That's okay.01:35
sc0ttyI don't have a scanner , so I can't check or try to reproduce01:35
viatorchmod xsane01:35
cartuferi prefer sudo su, but i don't need root terminal, i need to logoff user and switch to root01:35
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sc0ttycan you run xsane as your user ?01:35
rus1Yes, I can run xsane as my user01:36
rus1But when it scans for devices, it comes up empty.01:36
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DenstarkHey there, quick question.. I just need to convert a file from unencoded video to divx... how do I do that?01:36
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viatoror chown it01:37
Dr_williscartufer,  ugh.. why do you need to do that?01:37
rus1viator: I can run xsane just fine.01:37
Dr_williscartufer, http://www.faqs.org/docs/samba/ch05.html     - guide for mounting samba shares from the command line.01:37
rus1viator: Would chown/chmod ing it help it find the scanner that's attached?01:37
sc0ttyrus1: uncheck the run xsane thing in the removable media menu01:37
cartufermy hard drive ate itself, so i'm in live cd dapper drake, and mounted ntfs at /tmp/disks-conf-hda1 but it needs root01:37
viatorok the user can use it but it finds no device01:37
sc0ttyand unplug, plug your scanner01:38
viatorbut root or superuser finds a device01:38
linuxpoetI found the problem with openoffice01:38
rus1What is the removable media menu?01:38
Dr_williscartufer,  you can go to the console and connet as the root user i thought01:38
linuxpoetI love strace01:38
sc0ttyrus1: it's in System>Pref>01:38
yipHello everyone, I am woundering if somebody can help me on installing ATI proproprietary driver on my Ubuntu 64 bit. Previously, i have installed it quite a lot of times. Everytime i install it, it can boot up. Xorg.conf file is running fglrx driver. However, when I do 'fglrxinfo', my system crash (freeze). I need to do a hard reset to reboot my system. I also tried to load screensave. it also freeze my system. Therefore, I am looking fo01:38
yipr help here.01:38
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=== sc0tty is scared to see how well he knows the gnome menus
cartuferyes, thats y i need to mount samba, in gui no problem, but in shell i can't find it01:38
whurleyany Ubuntu server experts in the house (and willing to pm me to try and help with an issue)?01:39
linuxpoetOn my openoffice issue, just so people know, you can use strace oowriter to find out which file it is hanging on and then fix that file01:39
linuxpoetMy problem was the OSL socket in /tmp01:39
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Dr_williscartufer,  mount it to a direcgory like that url shows. :P01:39
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Dr_williscartufer,  # smbmount //maya/e /smb/e  -o "credentials=/home/jay/.smbpw,uid=jay,gid=jay,fmask=664,dmask=775"01:39
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rdzhi all. i want to insert an image in a html-formatted mail with evolution, but it does only put the link to the image on my computer, but not attach the image itself. how can i really insert an image?01:39
rus1So wait, xsane is supposedly running when I plug in my scanner?01:40
Dr_williscartufer,  # sudo smbmount //maya/e /smb/e01:40
sc0ttyrus1: yes01:40
sc0ttyevery time I think01:40
rus1sc0tty: I'm pretty sure it doesn't.01:40
rus1Yeah, it doesn't. I tried it.01:40
sc0ttywell if the option is checked , it should01:41
rus1It is, it doesn't.01:41
rus1The scanner is actually a printer/scanner combo.01:41
rus1But it works fine when running xsane as super user.01:41
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sc0ttybah ... my gnome is acting up again :@01:42
sc0ttyI keep having this weird focus bug ... :@01:42
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-253-49.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
viatorrus what scanner is it01:43
sc0ttygotta restart gnome01:43
rus1It's an Epson stylus cx4800 printer/scanner.01:43
dipnlikhi all. when i enter gnome, i have to kill an atieventsd process that uses 100% of cpu. how can I make it never appear again?01:43
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rus1Print and scan both work without a hitch out of the box under Ubuntu, except for the necessity of running xsane as sudo01:44
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:44
guyeverthow can i shut down the x-server in ubuntu desktop?? i want to install the nvidia drivers01:45
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THX-1138sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  then ALT+Backspace then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ??01:46
viatori found a few links desribing having to run as root01:46
viatorfor sanning01:46
viatorbut nothing thats solved the problem01:46
ladydoorguyevert: ctrl+alt+f1, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:46
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:46
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THX-1138more good info there..01:46
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ladydoorguyevert: then you can proceed to install the drivers.01:46
cartuferdr_wilis, thanks, but smbmount //emachine/c /mnt was enough01:46
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guyevertladydoor: thanks01:47
viatorjust try changing ownership of sane and xsane see it it works01:47
ladydoorunawokendreamer: not sure whether to say hello?01:47
viatornever know01:47
rus1viator: It's no big deal, but it does give me some pretty harsh "you're totally going to mess up your computer if you do this!" warnings when I run it as sudo.01:47
rukuartichyar... Does anyone have any clue why the side scroll on my laptop's touch pad would have stopped running?01:47
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rus1viator: You think I should change ownership to me?01:47
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jribubotu: tell unawokendreamer about multimedia01:48
rus1And how can I tell what they WERE owned by so that I can change it back if it doesn't work?01:48
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unawokendreamerhi um I need the drivers for the movie and music players?01:48
shwagcould evolution possibly run any slower ?01:48
MegaqwertyI've been having problems with the "network-manager-gnome" it would seem that it is preventing some programs from assigning addresses, and opening ports (i.e."Error: Failed to start listener: Cannot assign requested address") do any of you know how I could fix this? Oh, and I'm sure it is network-manager-gnome as these programs work fine after I uninstall it.01:48
jribunawokendreamer: check your private messages from ubotu, he sent you the info01:48
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rus1shwag: that's a funny question if you don't know what evolution is in the linux sense...01:49
unawokendreamersorry, juts exed it out can it be resent01:49
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jribunawokendreamer: $10 for resends01:49
jribunawokendreamer: just kidding :)01:49
=== killown [n=killown@201-43-44-146.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
viatorOn a correctly configured Linux system only the root operator has permission to access the scanner device01:49
shwagrus1: i noticed that after i hit enter01:49
rukuarticMegaqwerty: You might be trying to assign an IP address to your computer that another computer already has.01:49
jribubotu: tell unawokendreamer about multimedia01:49
kitchemultimedia > unawokendreamer01:49
kitcheopps for got the !01:49
viatoraccording to sane site01:49
rus1viator: So why does it give me such evil sounding warnings if I try to run it as root so it can see the scanner?01:50
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rus1That doesn't make sense.01:50
Megaqwertyjrib: that isn't possible, as the ip it is trying to assign is: the loopback connection01:50
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viatorset a group password for scanner group01:50
Megaqwertyjrib: it is also trying to tag a port onto it01:50
jribMegaqwerty: you sure you have the right person?01:51
Megaqwertyoh, whoops sorry01:51
rus1I gotta go, but thanks to everyone for trying to figure out this problem.01:51
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viatorlater rus01:51
briguydwhat's a good, somewhat lightweight, music player/organizer that is capable of handling 200+ GB libraries somewhat speedily?01:51
Megaqwertyrukuartic: that isn't possible, as the ip it is trying to assign is: the loopback connection01:51
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rus1briguyd: Is Amrok speedy?01:52
briguydrus1, not on a Pentium 301:52
viatori use banshee01:52
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viatorworks fine01:53
jattbriguyd: I guess handling 200GB of music in xmms is a nightmare (if ever possible) I would use amarok for that.01:53
viatornot as flashy though01:53
briguydanyone try either listen or songbird?01:53
briguydflashiness is not an issue for me01:53
viatori tried songbird on windows01:53
dipnlikbriguyd: listen looks fine but doesn't have ratings, so CRAP01:53
Code-Eomg yay i can play t3h musix01:53
kitchebriguyd: songbird isn't really stable right now at least for linux01:54
dipnlikbriguyd: i suggest gmusicbrowser01:54
Lunar_Lampsongbird could be great; but not yet on linux01:54
viatori was talking to some developers of songbird int heir forums01:54
viatorabout making an itunes store extension01:54
kitchewell it's on linux you just have to compile if Lunar_Lamp01:55
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dipnlikbriguyd: not on the repos, but very good. just don't edit tags if you're plannig to use extended characters - it screwed my korean song titles once01:55
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Lunar_Lampkitche - what i meant was that it's not good on linux yet - not very stable01:55
dirtyred40160hello all01:55
briguydhow's banshee?01:55
cartufercp: omitting directory `/tmp/disks-conf-hda1' wut am i doing wrong?01:56
Lunar_Lampbriguyd - when you say that amarok is too slow, have you tried chaging from the default database?01:56
Megaqwertyrukuartic? You still here?01:56
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kitchebirguyd: and chaning the player it uses01:56
viatori dont do much except add downloaded mp3's  and listen to them etc01:57
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briguydLunar_Lamp, no, the app itself, not the database01:57
viatorif you install the plugins for banshee01:57
briguydim on an 8 year old laptop01:57
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viatorfor metadata and maybe audioscrobbler if you do that01:57
viatorits ok01:57
MegaqwertyI've been having problems with the "network-manager-gnome" it would seem that it is preventing some programs from assigning addresses, and opening ports (i.e."Error: Failed to start listener: Cannot assign requested address") do any of you know how I could fix this? Oh, and I'm sure it is network-manager-gnome as these programs work fine after I uninstall it.01:58
amicrawledoes any body have a source list i can have lost mine while playing a round01:58
jribubotu: tell amicrawle about easysource01:58
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jribcartufer: cp -a  (see man cp)01:59
briguydamicrawle, theres one on http://www.ubuntuguide.org that should be good01:59
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:59
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cartufercp: missing file operand01:59
Jack_Sparrowsorry jrib..  Half asleep here.. one long day01:59
jribcartufer: what did you type exactly?02:00
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HELLOJOEHey, I just installed Windows Vista Beta 2, and now grub seems to be missing. How do I readd Linux to the MBR?02:00
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o0vapermonkey0ohi all02:00
jribJack_Sparrow: np, same here02:00
gnomefreakjrib: looks like cp -a02:00
gnomefreaki just did it :)02:00
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cartuferroot@ubuntu:/mnt# cp -u "/tmp/disks-conf-hda1" "/mnt/adam hard drive"02:00
cartufercp: omitting directory `/tmp/disks-conf-hda1'02:00
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o0vapermonkey0ohaving a little problem with my nvidia card i used the wiki to do it and i am getting a err who wants to help02:01
amicrawleCould not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:01
amicrawleE: Unable to lock the list directory02:01
amicrawlethat's what i get if i update my list02:01
jribcartufer: you need the a to copy directories02:01
gnomefreakamicrawle: either running apt in a terminal or have synaptic open02:01
Jack_Sparrowubotu: tell HELLOJOE about grub02:01
gnomefreakamicrawle: the rest of the error should say is another process using it02:01
meemoohi, i am having problems to change my screen resolution in GNOME i want to have 1280x1024 but the pref-menu in Gnome just shows 640x480 up tp 1024x768. i installed nvidia open gldriver and it works. i also edited xorg.conf and added my prefered resolution for all color depths but it doesn't appear in Gnome. Whats wrong? thanks02:02
amicrawlejust a termail open02:02
amicrawledo i need to reboot my box02:02
=== ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakamicrawle: your not running updates, synaptic, apt-get, or dpkg any where else?02:02
bl4cktoneHey guys I did Firefox_DSP="aoss" in my firefoxrc the sound was working for a while but now it stopped, does someone know what might have happened?02:03
ClayGany math gurus in here?02:03
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amicrawlei just have a  shell open02:03
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hiffysay folks, that i wanted to run a given version of windows virtualised.02:03
hiffyWhat would I use?02:03
gnomefreakClayG: you have a calculator in the menu02:03
MegaqwertyClayG: That would depend, what kind of math?02:03
jribClayG: you know there is #math :)02:03
LjLhiffy: qemu, or vmware02:03
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gnomefreakamicrawle: not sure why your getting that error than02:03
amicrawlesudo apt-get update02:03
amicrawlethat;s what i do02:03
viatormegaqwerty youve had this problem since before sept14th02:04
ClayGgnomefreak i use gcalctool works well02:04
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gnomefreakClayG: the hint was this is a ubuntu support channel not a math channel ;)02:04
ClayGi dont know how to figure this , using a calc or not02:04
Megaqwertyviator: yes, I probably have, however I have now narrowed it down the the actual cause of the problem02:04
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ClayGi guess i mean i dont know the formula , does that make sense?02:04
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gnomefreakClayG: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic02:04
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ClayGgnomefreak,  ok02:05
ClayGim asking in math02:05
ClayGthanks for the tip02:05
viatorto get the network manqager working did you have to edit /etc/network/interfaces   ?02:05
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ClayGer the other mega thanks , im in #math02:05
ClayGgnome im not asking in here, lol02:05
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-191-36.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hiffyLjL: which version of vmware would I use?02:05
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Megaqwertyviator: yeah, I only did it that way02:06
LjLhiffy: well, you basically have two choice -- you can use the "vmware-player" that comes in the Ubuntu repositories, or you can use (and install manually) whatever version comes from the official site02:06
viatoryou commented out everything02:06
LjLhiffy: i personally find it easier to use the vmware-player package02:06
Megaqwertyviator: except the lo02:06
Pierrehiffy, what's about the latest, 5.5 (no choice if you run under amd64)02:06
meemoohiffy: ubuntu package didn't work for me, but the installer you can download from vmware.com ist straight forward and working well02:07
LjLhiffy: note that vmware-player does not allow *creating* virtual machines, but only running them... however, all it boils down to is creating a config file and an empty virtual HD -- there are sites that can do this automatically for you02:07
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viatorand the application you are refferingto02:07
viatorwht is it02:07
hiffySee, I gots me a vista iso that I think it'd be funny to install (I have no dvd player so its not like i can burn it )02:07
meemoohehe, i tried it on vmware, didnt work for me02:07
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meemoomaybe you'll have to play with settings02:07
meemooi didn't bother to02:07
hiffyan overnight's download and a sign up to a useless newsletter for nothing!02:07
ClayGi love #math there is no man or google to hide behind, lol Megaqwerty  THANKS!02:08
sergohello : a question about Local area connection ; how to know the name of a computer by his IP, is possible?02:08
hiffyLjL: aight thanks02:08
hiffyand whattabout qemu? has anyone given that one a shot?02:08
gnomefreakClayG: stop with the offtopic chat its getting old.02:08
LjLhiffy: qemu is much slower, unless you use the kqemu accelerator module (which is not open-source, though)02:08
Megaqwertyviator: I'm going to open private chat, because I keep missing your responses02:09
LjL!tell hiffy about kqemu02:09
Pierrehiffy, if it fails in vmware, forget about qemu. qemu is not a complete VM, you will have more troubles02:09
meemoohi, i am having problems to change my screen resolution in GNOME i want to have 1280x1024 but the pref-menu in Gnome just shows 640x480 up tp 1024x768. i installed nvidia open gldriver and it works. i also edited xorg.conf and added my prefered resolution for all color depths but it doesn't appear in Gnome. Whats wrong? thanks02:09
loren95404 Is there a driver that allows windows to read/write ResierFS?02:09
LjLPierre: what do you mean it's not a complete vm?02:09
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ClayGgnomefreak, ok you are right.  I do have one I could use your help on02:09
gnomefreak!fixres > meemoo02:09
ClayGhow do i make getmail keep my messages/mails on the server instead of erasing them02:10
ClayGI'm having a real time trying to get mutt and getmail (er also ssmtp) working right02:10
meemoognomefreak: tnx02:10
hiffyslower you say. So whats the difference b/w vmware server and player?02:10
hiffyi was under the impression both were free.02:10
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Pierrehiffy, server is another thing. You need VMWare workstation02:11
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sergohow to join on local \\ ?02:11
LjLhiffy: both are, yeah, but server doesn't come with an ubuntu package, so it's manual installation (which *i* would avoid, since i prefer to keep my system cleaner, but that's just me)02:11
Code-EAnybody know how to install a driver for lexmark x235002:11
gnomefreakClayG: i know gmail has a setting in gmail for that. as for getmail i dont use but fetchyahoo does same and there isnt a way to stop it in fetchyahoo02:11
Code-Ethis linux printing says it works02:11
LjLhiffy: note they're both only "free" meaning gratis anyway, not open source02:11
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Code-Ebut its telling me to use laserjet drivers02:11
LjLPierre, server can work too02:12
=== ReinH [n=ReinH@cpe-70-112-17-191.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
D4rklyif i plug in a usb device and do lsusb and the device i just plugged in doesnt appear in the list is it broken or just not supported ?02:12
ReinHHi folks :)02:12
HELLOJOEWow. I got the Super Grub Disk file, and it's a bz2 file. How do I write that to a floppy?02:12
ClayGgnomefreak, I dont use gmail but if i ever do ill keep that in mind02:12
PierreLjL, sure, but lowering the difficulties will save him some time (inderectly your time too :)02:12
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gnomefreakClayG: ok guess im done giving you hints02:12
D4rklyif i plug in a usb device and do lsusb and the device i just plugged in doesnt appear in the list is it broken or just not supported by the kernel ??02:12
LjLhiffy: the difference basically is that the player doesn't allow creating VMs - but as i said, they can be easily created externally.02:12
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gnomefreakClayG: whatever mail server you use look for that setting02:12
LjLPierre: except Server is free, Workstation you have to buy...02:12
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Code-EAnybody know?02:13
ReinHNot sure if this is the best place to ask, but does nvidia have a confgen program I can use to set up my xorg.conf for dual monitors?02:13
PierreLjL, and you can create images using the server?02:13
pollypocketoh my god , dont take my frustrations personally ok. This problem with the dvd player is really pissing me off.02:13
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ClayGgnomefreak, i misunderstood, i thought you werte talking about making changes to the server i am grabbing the mail instead of the getmail file02:13
LjLPierre: yep02:13
pollypocketthe disc mounts and then unmounts randomly02:13
D4rklyif i plug in a usb device and do lsusb and the device i just plugged in doesnt appear in the list is it broken or just not supported by the kernel ??02:13
pollypocketeject does not spit out the disc but eject -t does02:13
Code-Ecan anybody help me?02:13
pollypocketwhen the disc mounts it stays mounted for a bout 1 minute02:13
PierreLjL, sounds like a good news, I thought it was not possible :)02:13
ClayGthats cool, where is the termcaps file i need to edit to change the default terminal size that launches, this is a gnome question02:13
HELLOJOEAre bz2 files something that don't work in Windows?02:13
=== DarkMageZ [n=darkmage@ppp229-182.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
pollypocketif the thing plays the movie it unexpectedly unmounts the disc and chokes02:14
gnomefreakClayG: i am or you can look for the ~/.getmail file if there is one see if it has a setting in there02:14
ClayGi was told to find it, and cant...02:14
LjLPierre: but still myself i just use the player. less hassle, and i feel more comfortable knowing the stuff i have installed all comes from the ubuntu reps...02:14
pollypocketwhat is going on with this problem and how can it be permanently stopped02:14
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pollypocketis this a nautilus problem, a hardware problem some problem with "mount" or some out of no where I/O Error02:14
hiffywell what i mean was whether would server would allow the creation of vms02:14
=== Code-E pokes people
ClayGhmm ill relook it02:14
pollypocket it should be so basic as to never have a problem02:14
hiffytho im starting to see this vista download as a waste of time02:14
pollypocket but when basic cd-rom disc access doesnt work, it is enough to make me not want to use ubuntu at all cause i cant even copy files off of a cd02:14
pollypocketit doesnt matter what disc is used, it doesnt stay mounted02:14
hiffyLjL: and yeah I knew it was gratis only.02:14
pollypocketI need to have this disc access issue fixed or find another distro02:14
hiffyLjL: thanks for the info tho.02:15
pollypocketplease help02:15
ClayGok i need a paste bin02:15
ClayGanyone got on i can use02:15
ReinHClayG: I like pastie.caboo.se02:15
LjLhiffy: well, it's good that you're starting to see it that way ;-)  j/k... anyway, now Pierre is saying he believed that Server doesn't allow creating VMs -- i was convinced of the contrary, but i might be mistaken02:15
ClayGReinH, thanks02:15
ReinHbut that's only because it's made with ruby02:15
Code-Ecan anybody help me with my printer for gawd sakes?02:15
LjLhiffy: anyway, vmplayer-player is at least worth a shot... after all, just the single command "sudo aptitude install vmware-player" will get it installed02:16
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kromelanyone know what permission /proc/asound/version should have?  currently it's at +r +r +r02:16
ClayGawsome, found it02:16
ClayGit looks like it is on of the top lines in !02:16
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ClayGdelete = true02:17
ClayGguess i should make that false, huh02:17
ClayGcool, see gnomefreak you helped someone on accident02:17
o0vapermonkey0ohow do i edit my xorg.conf file it will not let me save it02:17
hiffyLjL: I suppose you could say that. Feh. Much like say extra large packets of M&Ms, I have to resist impulse downloads as well02:17
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jacksonhow do I control my laptop's hard drive speeds and/or sleep states?02:17
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ClayGlooks like it was in (for me at least) /home/clay/.getmail/getmailrc02:18
=== Code-E growls
ClayGneed to get ssmtp working and im all set for now02:18
CzarAlexWhat package do I need to install to run an IRC server?02:18
ClayGanyone use ssmtp or know fo a good smtp app02:18
LjLhiffy: heh, well anyway a site where you can create VMs for the player is at http://www.easyvmx.com/02:18
ClayGfor the cli02:18
ClayGanyone got a recommendation02:18
gnomefreakClayG: there is no such thing as accident. most local config files are in ~/.02:18
ladydoorClayG: msmtp is easy to set up02:19
ClayGladydoor, ill check that out02:19
o0vapermonkey0oi try sudo xorg.conf did not work02:19
ClayGladydoor, once msmtp or which ever the person uses is set up, how does mutt know to invoke it when sending?02:20
pollypockethas anyone come across the disc i/o error and unmounting in the middle of playing ?02:20
o0vapermonkey0oany ideas to edit that file i am new to linux just want my video card to work right02:20
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ladydoorClayG: in .muttrc, set sendmail=/usr/bin/msmtp02:20
hiffyLjL: huzzah mate. Thank god for google02:20
ClayGladydoor, thanks again...02:20
ladydoorClayG: np02:21
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sergotell me please.. i have samba installed ... how to enter to local pc from my lan \\
ladydoorhiffy: or, more productively, thank the google dev team for google (and while you're doing it, perhaps politely ask that they move toward free-software'ing it)02:21
ClayGladydoor, im looking for msmtprc is that right?02:21
ClayGto edit?02:21
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ladydoorClayG: .msmtprc, yes. doing man msmtp will be helpful as far as seeing some of your options (and sample configs)02:22
hiffyladydoor: the new threat to opensource aint people running away with GPL code, it's webserives02:22
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hiffyI figured that one out a few weeks before the first /. story on it, so I'll just keep on saying, I thought of it first.02:23
ClayGladydoor, hate to do this to you again, but is that supposed to  be in ~02:23
ladydoorhiffy: well, opensource isn't the same as free. also, you can't really "run away" with gpl code--it *is* licensed :-)02:23
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ladydoorClayG: unless a program tells you otherwise, it probably has a config file called .programnamerc in your home dir (so, in short, yes)02:24
ladydoorClayG: with msmtp you just need to creat it.02:24
hiffyladydoor: I know the difference between free and libre.02:24
ClayGawsome ill peep the man and if caught up google for a sample rc02:24
ClayGthanks a bunch02:24
ladydoorhiffy: sweet.02:25
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ladydoorClayG: np02:25
hiffyladydoor: but in the case of web apps, is that these people take the code, change it, provide services with it, then go bankrupt with all your data in their servers and without contributing any packages back :B02:25
Celestecan I teach xmms to play *.wma files?02:25
hiffyladydoor: but maybe im paranoid?02:25
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hiffyladydoor: not wanting to sound like a cunt or anything.02:26
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ladydoorhiffy: PLEASE do not use that word. some of us (i.e., those of us in the channel who happen to be *women*) find it offensive02:26
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hiffyladydoor: pardon my french.02:27
ladydoorhiffy: ok.02:27
hiffyladydoor: insert sexist joke about the quantity of girls in a linux channel anyways here.02:27
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hiffyThat said I'm going to shut up now.02:28
crimsunisn't there a ubuntu-women, too?02:28
bimberigood idea02:28
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o0vapermonkey0owhere on the web do i post a bulliten so some one can look at my problem with my nvidia card02:28
EvanIsaacmy internet isn't working after installing dapper drake02:29
jimmyneturonhey guys need some help. if im using the terminal and typing, the help topics windows pops up. how can i resolve this?02:29
josesitohi all! Does someone know if a SD-Card reader MP3 player named Q-CUBE II is compatible with linux??02:29
ladydoorhiffy: true...but then again, part of the problem is that it's considered semi-OK to make fun of women in these male-dominated channels, and so it's hard(er) for a woman to seek support here. i just make it because i'm rude and abrasive, and so i can just correct somebody who says something like that.02:29
EvanIsaacsomebody help me unclog my internet tubes!02:30
=== Code-E slaps everyone
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:30
jpiccolo_quake4 dont look good on my system, it wont use the right rez, anyone know how to fix it?02:30
totall_6_7ouch who slapped me02:30
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Max_-What about having a good pdf printer under Ubuntu?02:31
josesitoDoes someone know if a SD-Card reader MP3 player named Q-CUBE II is compatible with linux?? please?02:31
EvanIsaacI just installed Dapper Drake and my internet isn't working, i'm using the same settings i used on Breezy Badger02:31
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ladydoorMax_-: openoffice and abiword can both save as PDFs, and then there're packages like LaTeX which make pdfs that actually look good02:31
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ladydoorMax_-: (using pdflatex)02:31
jimmyneturonhey guys need some help. if im using the terminal and typing, the help topics windows pops up. how can i resolve this?02:32
Max_-ladydoor, thanks!02:32
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ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:32
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ladydoorjimmyneturon: what terminal, what desktop environment/window manager?02:32
ladydoorjimmyneturon: and what "help window"02:32
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HellDragonhow can i unmount a partition ?02:33
EvanIsaacyou know, nobody has to wait when you tell them that you can't solve their problem, being unresponsive is just plain rude02:33
ladydoorHellDragon: sudo umount /path/to/mountpoint02:33
jimmyneturonladydoor: gnome, gnome terminal02:33
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:33
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HellDragonjd@modemcable251:~$ sudo umount /media/sda1    umount: /media/sda1: priphrique occup02:33
ladydoorjimmyneturon: are you pressing F1 by any chance?02:33
WhiteDethCan someone please take a look at this for me? - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25028/02:33
HellDragon(device already in use in english)02:33
WhiteDethI just installed Edgy, giving me errors already.02:33
jimmyneturonladydoor: the help window that popup with "about ubuntu" links02:34
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jimmyneturonladydoor: labled "help topics"02:34
ladydoorHellDragon: got that. are you running any programs from /media/sda1? was it mounted at boot? are you currently cd'd into a dir in it?02:34
HellDragonladydoor: no02:34
Code-Estop ignorizing me peoplz02:34
HellDragonor yes02:34
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HellDragonit works now thanks02:34
EvanIsaaci'm aware of that, there's nobody that doesn't respect you guys helping idiots like me out, it's just nice to hear whether somebody's trying to work on your question so you don't have to wait an hour, like i did yesterday02:34
ladydoorjimmyneturon: i think gnome-terminal has some kind of weird graphical configuration thing you can use...there may be a setting in there somewhere :-/02:35
ladydoor!patience > Code-E02:35
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:35
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Code-EYea patiences :-.02:35
Code-Eive been patient for the last hour02:35
ladydoorEvanIsaac: the thing is, it would flood the channel for everybody to be like "sorry, i've got nothing." but, just for the heck of it, sorry. I've got nothing.02:36
HellDragonyay problems with ntfs journal02:36
HellDragonneed to reboot under windows02:36
jimmyneturonladydoor: what do u mean?02:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nubcake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
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EvanIsaachey Dr. willis, can you help me with my networking proble m?02:37
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josesitoDoes someone know if a SD-Card reader MP3 player named Q-CUBE II is compatible with linux?? please?02:38
kittenSo xchat usually opens links in Firefox.  The other day, it suddenly started opening in just about every browser I have EXCEPT Firefox.  Currently it spawns a new Mozilla window.  Any thoughts on how to get it back to Firefox?02:38
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ladydoorjimmyneturon: doesn't gnome-terminal have some kind of weird graphical menu or something where you can set "profile settings" or somesuch confusion?02:38
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PierreCode-E, and you use this driver?02:38
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kittenI checked the urlhandler in both xchat and the dotfile...02:38
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Code-EPierre: um02:38
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EvanIsaacwhat just happened02:38
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ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:38
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PierreCode-E, "but LP says to use ..."02:38
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Dr_willisEvanIsaac,  its all your fault. :P02:38
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jimmyneturonladydoor: yes. profiles. what do i do there?02:38
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kittenSo xchat usually opens links in Firefox.  The other day, it suddenly started opening in just about every browser I have EXCEPT Firefox.  Currently it spawns a new Mozilla window.  Any thoughts on how to get it back to Firefox?02:38
tannerldwhat with all these people joiing?02:39
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Code-EPierre: they said to use a laser jet driver but they dont have the driver and this is not a lazerjet its an all in one02:39
EvanIsaacI'm having trouble connecting to the internet after installing Dapper Drake. The same settings worked fine on Breezy Badger. Help!02:39
Dr_willistannerld,  netsplit02:39
=== thejish [n=mike@CPE0013460a7ec9-CM00140496b00c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
PierreCode-E, the "LaserJet" driver is a generic driver for many printer. If you are looking for a driver to work with all features (like fax or scans), good luck :)02:40
=== phargle [n=phargle@adsl-68-127-77-94.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorjimmyneturon: i don't know--i'm honestly just guessing. i find it easier to use neither gnome nor gnome-terminal, so i'm kind of grasping at straws as i don't really know what's causing it.02:40
josesitoDoes someone know if a SD-Card reader MP3 player named Q-CUBE II is compatible with linux?? please?02:40
Code-EPierre: no I just want it to print02:40
jimmyneturonladydoor: do u know if ubuntu supports microsoft wifi keyboards?02:40
=== wheel [n=wheel@68-119-20-147.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
PierreCode-E, so try the laserjet one02:40
ReinHWhat's the apt-get command to check if a package is installed?02:41
green_earzEvanIsaac:  can you ping your router ?02:41
Lukeis there a way to select what java version to use?02:41
ReinHor check it's version?02:41
Code-Ethey dont have the driver though Pierre02:41
EvanIsaacping my router? how?02:41
Dr_willisjosesito,  you  should be able to put the card in a usb reader and linux should see it.. unless its very weird,02:41
ladydoorjimmyneturon: i'm sorry, i don't. that sounds like a job for my old friend Google :-)02:41
EvanIsaac<first time using linux02:41
bimberiLuke: sudo update-alternatives --config java02:41
PierreCode-E, you have it. LaserJet is available in ubuntu by default (and all linux)02:41
kittenReinH : You can use dpkg -l grep <packagename>02:41
ClayGladydoor, will trying to getmail i get the error "Delivery error (maildir delivery 10415 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/clay/Mail/))))02:41
josesitoDr_willis, it's actually an mp3 player02:41
EvanIsaacwell technically started yesterday, but was in this chat room the whole time02:41
ReinHkitten: thanks :)02:41
=== durga [n=durga@dialin-207-112-24-170.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu
josesitobut it plays music from a sd card02:41
kittenAw c'mon guys, someone must know this.02:41
jimmyneturonladydoor: well thanks for ur help. one more question, do u have aim?02:41
ClayGi have both ~/mail and ~/Mail and have tried both02:41
HELLOJOEI got the super grub disk, unziped it, and now I have an img file that I have no clue how to write.02:42
Code-Eok Pierre lol02:42
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EvanIsaacmy main goal is to get my netgear W111T wireless network adapter to work, but i can't do that if ican't even connect to ahardwired connection :\02:42
ladydoorClayG: ummm, does /home/clay/Mail exist?02:42
jribkitten: isn't there some xchat setting or is it using a mysterious "default" that you can't set?02:42
ladydoorjimmyneturon: np. and no, i don't...sorry02:42
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Dr_willisjosesito,  some days ya just gotta plug the sucker in and try. :P thers so many mp3 players out.. it 'should' appear as a hard drive.02:43
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kittenjnb: Well yeah, there's a setting, but it's nothing obvious -- you have to know the command to give to 'urlhandler' and anyway I didn't *change* anything.  In the middle of the day it just started doing this.02:43
EvanIsaacgreen_earz: how do i ping my router?02:43
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indrefBuy it a drink first.02:43
josesitoDr_willis, well, i hope it works...but i didn't want to waste the 12 bucks it costs ;)02:43
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kittenWhoops, got it.02:43
green_earzEvanIsaac: sudo route   and what is your default gateway, here its " default "   so i would ping   from a console02:43
indrefAnyone want to help a linux noob :D02:44
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indrefI have to change a file in the azureus program dir but I can't find it.02:44
Lukebimberi: thanks mate02:44
o0vapermonkey0opls hlp02:45
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bimberiLuke: np :)02:45
kittengreen_earz : Or he could type 'sudo dhclient eth0' and see what hands him an IP address.02:45
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HELLOJOEI got the super grub disk, unziped it, and now I have an img file that I have no clue how to write.02:45
EvanIsaacit says 56 bytes of data02:45
indrefAnyone want to help me navigate my directories?02:46
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kittenEvanIsaac : Do you know what your interface is?02:46
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green_earzkitten: your way is a better way02:46
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EvanIsaacwhichever one comes installed02:46
EvanIsaaci just installed it02:46
eXcentraindref, what're you looking for?02:46
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kittenEvanIsaac : Type 'ifconfig'.02:47
indrefeXcentra, I need to tweak my azureus02:47
kittenAnd see what interfaces you have.  You're looking for eth0 or eth1 or something, assuming you're using a cable and not wireless.02:47
Code-EHow do you update a driver?02:47
indrefeXcentra, http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Close_the_sliding_alert_box02:47
ClayGladydoor, sorry for the delay both Mail and mail exist02:47
ladydoorindref: .azureus is a dot-file, which means that it's hidden by default (because you don't want to look at config files unless you're the sort of person who plays with config files (i.e., me)). so you would do ls -a to see everything in your home dir, and it should be called either .azureus and .Azureus02:47
EvanIsaac when i type ifconfig it doesn't do anything02:47
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ladydoorClayG: are they empty02:48
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kittenIn the terminal?02:48
EvanIsaac yeah02:48
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indrefladydoor, Actually, that is a very good point..02:48
kitten...that's impossible.02:48
ClayGladydoor, yes ma'am02:48
kittenUnless you really don't have interfaces installed. :)02:48
eXcentraindref, where did you install azureus?02:48
=== kitten thinks
EvanIsaaci reopened terminal and stuff came up02:48
ladydoorindref: and the way you Change Dirs is with the command cd (cd dirname)02:48
kittenOkay.  What's there?02:48
EvanIsaactoo much stuff to type all at once02:49
ClayGConfiguration error: not a maildir (path)02:49
ClayGThe specified maildir path path does not appear to be a valid maildir. Check to ensure that it is a valid maildir, and that getmail has permission to write to it.02:49
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kittenNot all of it.02:49
green_earzEvanIsaac: in your browers address bar paste  and resolve it. the ip address is google.com.  reason for this is to see if you have dns ip addresses02:49
EvanIsaacLink encap:ethernet02:49
kittenJust the stuff on the very left.  eth1, lo, stuff like that.02:49
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indrefladydoor, I'm trying to use the gui.02:49
ladydoorClayG: ummmm...ok, that's really weird. you might have to ask the channel again, since i need to leave. but check the permissions on the folder and make sure it's got write-permission...bye02:49
EvanIsaacinet addr:
=== Code-E slaps you all
indrefeXcentra, I have no idea.02:49
ClayGi wonder if is sudo'ed something and it's still around02:49
Code-EHow do you update drivers02:49
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kittenAh, so you have an address, okay.02:49
ladydoorindref: oh. then i don't know how. i've got to go. bye02:49
ClayGtake care ladydoor02:49
indrefCode-E, Use apt get or Synaptic02:49
Isaiah_the_Martycan someone help me with some networking problems02:50
ladydoorClayG: you too02:50
eXcentraindref, lol, okay then.. how did you install it? automatix?02:50
kittenYou can't ping from that?    ping google.com02:50
Isaiah_the_Martyi cant set the default device to static ip02:50
ladydoorCode-E: stop it.02:50
indrefeXcentra, Synaptic02:50
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Isaiah_the_Martyi'm trying to ssh from my laptop into my desktop to back up some files02:50
EvanIsaacunknown host google.com02:50
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eXcentraindref, oh, wow. iirc, it was never in synaptic. anywho, it should be under /usr/share/azureus02:50
indrefWow, can't ping google but he can connect to IRC02:50
kittenWhat router is this plugged into?02:50
Code-Eindref: where in synaptic02:50
EvanIsaaca netgear wireless router02:50
kittenindref : I assume he's using a different computer. :P02:51
kittenEvanIsaac : Are you using wireless or a cable?02:51
pollypocketoh this is so annoying and frustrating02:51
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indrefkitten, Well, maybe :P02:51
Code-Enetgear router?02:51
Code-Eon irc?02:51
Code-Elol fail02:51
EvanIsaaci'm using cable, my main goal is to get my W111T wireless USB adapter working, but i have to get this done first02:51
indrefCode-E, Use the search function02:51
Code-EDCC SEND "STRING" 0 0 002:51
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pollypocketI need helpto figure out what is going wrong with this dvd-player02:51
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indrefeXcentra, I don't see the file I need in there.02:52
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kittenEvanIsaac : Which interface said it was 192.168.whatever?02:52
EvanIsaacCode E, why would I be asking how to get my internet to work if i were speaking on the same computer?02:52
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bimberiwell at least that means a k-line for him/her02:52
eXcentraindref, swt.jar?02:52
EvanIsaacinet addr:02:52
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EvanIsaacis that an interface?02:52
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kittenOn the left side.02:52
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indrefeXcentra, o use, rename the downloaded Azureus2xxx-Bxx.jar file to Azureus2.jar to replace your old jar in the Azureus program dir:  ChangeTheAzureusTwoJarFile02:52
kittenThere should be something that begins with "eth"02:52
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@cpc1-norw5-0-0-cust493.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
kittenTry this.02:52
kittensudo dhclient eth002:53
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EvanIsaaca bunch of stuff popped up02:53
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kittenGood.  Now ping google again.02:53
eXcentraindref, eh.. trying using search to find the file.02:53
EvanIsaacnow it's saying 64b from
EvanIsaacover and over02:54
kittenhaha, wtf.02:54
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indrefeXcentra, Not found.02:54
EvanIsaaci accidently typed02:54
EvanIsaacping google02:54
EvanIsaacnot ping google.com02:54
green_earzEvanIsaac: from a console  type :   lynx
EvanIsaachow do i make it stop02:54
indrefeXcentra, How do you search for hidden files.02:54
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kittenOh for crying out loud.02:54
=== kitten takes this to the dotfile
EvanIsaacwhere do i find a console?02:55
simtowerhello... gutenprint is too slow on my computer... is there a way to use gimpprint instead02:55
kittenYou're in a console, EvanIsaac.02:55
kittenWhere you've been typing this stuff.02:55
EvanIsaaci typed ping google.com02:55
indrefTerminal = console02:55
EvanIsaacit says02:55
green_earzEvanIsaac: ping
EvanIsaacbash:lynx:command not found02:56
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kittenForget lynx.,02:56
gnomefreakEvanIsaac: did you install lynx first?02:56
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EvanIsaacit says02:56
kittengnomefreak : How can he do that if he doesn't have internet?02:56
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EvanIsaac64 bytes from
EvanIsaacover and over02:56
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kittenEvanIsaac : Okay, then you've got a DNS problem.02:56
indrefEvanIsaac, That's a good thing.02:57
kittenUnless it works when you try google.com.02:57
ReinHBy the way, for anyone who was here yesterday, I've installed Ubuntu with nary a hitch and partitioned my /home folder as well. :D02:57
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kittenTry ping google.com02:57
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Shadow_milHas anyone else have the problem where it hangs the system when the "Checking all file system" happens on boot?02:57
gnomefreakkitten: he cant unless he downloads it from pc he has net than copies it to usb stick or cd and than installs it on ubuntu02:57
kittengnomefreak : Well, baby steps, yo.02:57
briguydwhen importing music in banshee, does it automagically scan subdirectories of the folder you specified?02:57
EvanIsaacnot it's saying 63 bytes from
EvanIsaacwhen i ping google02:58
kittenEvanIsaac : Then you've got internet.02:58
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kittenOpen a browser.02:58
=== AdmoIRC [n=Miranda@user-0c93s2v.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
kittenSounds like you just needed to run the dhcp client again (that's what dhclient eth0 did).02:58
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Shadow_milHas anyone else have the problem where it hangs the system when the "Checking all file system" happens on boot?02:58
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EvanIsaaci opened ff02:58
EvanIsaacand it brought me to the netgear smartwizard02:58
kittenForget that, go to a website.02:59
powerbookEek - I was playing around the panels in gnome, and now the battery applet icon disapeared, is there a way to reset the panels to default?02:59
EvanIsaaccould that help me get my wireless usb adapter to work without getting this thing called ndiswrapper?02:59
=== kitten kicks xmms
=== Shadow_mil pokes #ubuntu
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kittenEvanIsaac : hahaha.02:59
kittenOh man.02:59
SmrtJustinMy audacity keeps complaining that something is using my /dev/dsp (so does xmms using the OSS driver), how can I find out what is and kill it?02:59
kittenThat is going to suck.  A lot.02:59
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kittenWhat the hell...?03:00
EvanIsaaccould you guys walk me through that?03:00
briguydEvanIsaac, ndiswrapper is easier than you think03:00
kittenEvanIsaac : I dunno.  ndiswrapper is tricky but we can try.03:00
jessejoeok, anyone wanna help me figure out why ssh will not write to /etc/auth.log anymore?03:00
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kittenWhat it does is wrap Windows drivers so Linux can use them.03:00
kittenFor when there's no native driver.03:01
kittenIt's not *that* hard.03:01
kittenBut you need to find the right Windows drivers for your USB thing first.03:01
powerbookwould following these steps http://www.celsius1414.com/node/878 reset my gnome panels?03:01
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kittenpowerbook : Yes.03:01
indrefpowerbook, You could just add the panel back again.03:02
kittenYou'd be removing your settings.03:02
kittenAnd it would default.03:02
EvanIsaacmy router iit's making me go through a netgear settings thing before i can open any webpages03:02
kittenEvanIsaac : No, it isn't.03:02
kittenCheck your homepage settings.03:02
powerbookkittten: for only the panels, right?03:02
kittenEdit > Preferences03:02
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kittenpowerbook : Yeah, but indref is right.03:02
EvanIsaacok it's done03:02
kittenYou can just add it back.03:02
powerbookindref: my battery icon disappeared, and its because I was playing around03:02
h00tcan anyone help me ... i installed codecs w/ automatix but no matter what i play any player will just turn off ... this i 2 x it happend to me .. anyone know the probelm03:02
indrefpowerbook, Then put it back.03:02
powerbookkitten: i cant put the battery icon back03:02
powerbookit wont let me..03:03
indrefOh muffin.03:03
kittenDoes it give an error or something?03:03
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EvanIsaacmy internet works03:03
powerbookthe Power Managment icon03:03
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kittenEvanIsaac : Congrats.03:03
EvanIsaachow do i get ndiswrapper on here now?03:03
indrefEvanIsaac, Well done.03:03
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bimberikitten: and congrats to you on excellent help!03:03
kittenEvanIsaac : Like I said, go find the Windows drivers for your USB thing first.03:03
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eXcentraindref, I dunno if you've solved your problem or not but... try /usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar03:03
kittenbimberi : What's funny is I'm a newb myself.  Mostly.  I came in here looking for help. :P03:03
EvanIsaaci have them on a cd03:03
EvanIsaacthey're on a cd03:04
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kittenEvanIsaac : Copy them to a folder in your home directory.03:04
indrefeXcentra, I'll try that :)03:04
bimberikitten: cool :)03:04
EvanIsaacgive me a sec to look for the cd03:04
jessejoeanyone wanna hel me figure out mu mu auth.log problem please?!?!03:04
indrefeXcentra, Sweet, there is it!03:04
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Shadow_milWhere are the boot logs saved?03:04
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Red-SoxOkay, so far ubuntu's been running great, I was just wondering...how do I disable the "Touc-To-Click" function on my trackpad (I'm running this on a notebook)03:05
EvanIsaacgot it03:05
=== ungratefuljoint [n=ungratef@80-43-75-145.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== indref will be back in a moment, pushing files.
jessejoe<Shadow_mil> are you takeing to me?03:05
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=== kitten screams
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Red-SoxEvanIsaac, ?03:06
flacohi all.. I got dapper installed... why the sound card can only one "sound" at the time.. example... I got xmms playing a song.. and the sound of amsn dont sound until the song is over03:06
EvanIsaaci've got dapper drake on here now03:06
kittenflaco : Yup, that drove me insane.03:06
Red-SoxEvanIsaac: Great, have you updated your sources.list?03:06
ungratefuljointhi guys, do you know any good online poker games for ubuntu/linux ?03:06
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indrefeXcentra, Ok, help.03:06
Shadow_milWhere are the boot logs saved?03:06
=== Bass [i=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
eXcentraindref, yo.03:06
indrefeXcentra, How do I rename it, it's set as root.03:06
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kittenIt's because they're both trying to access, uh, whatever it is.  esd?03:07
flacocould be a problem of alsa?03:07
kittenAlsa, that was it.03:07
Dr_willisungratefuljoint,  load up 2nd live and play poker on it. :P03:07
kittenNo, it's not a problem.03:07
eXcentraindref, well, i would save the original .jar to the Desktop, rename it there03:07
kittenIt's that you don't have a "server" for it installed, though damned if I can remember exactly how I fixed that.03:07
=== DasteeZ [n=dasteez@adsl-68-251-248-46.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
EvanIsaacok i'm updating through software updates03:07
malakhiShadow_mil: /var/log/syslog03:07
eXcentraindref, and then in a terminal, do a "sudo cp Desktop/Azureus2.jar /usr/share/java"03:07
ungratefuljointDr_willis, whats that then?! url? or do i just look up 2nd live?03:07
kittenSorry. :/03:07
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Shadow_milmalakhi: thank you03:08
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malakhiShadow_mil: np03:08
indrefeXcentra, What?03:08
herbalHey, im trying to run in 1440x900 which is my monitors native reszolution, its all stretched out and doesent fit03:08
indrefeXcentra, Wait, that would work. What is cp?03:09
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Dr_willisungratefuljoint,  'secondlife' - its a On line MMORPG that seems to have a lot of games.. but its sort of weird. :P  not sure if they do poker... i saw lots of other gambling with it.03:09
eXcentraindref, cp is to copy the file there.03:09
oisacxDoes anyone knows how to see when the history of a package from unstable to stable? Because I want to know where the developpement of libc6 is for now and when it will become stable...03:09
Dr_willisungratefuljoint,  or find some java game sites that may have one.03:09
ungratefuljointDr_willis, i've got the webpage up looks wacked :)03:09
indrefsudo cp File NewDir ?03:09
Dr_willisungratefuljoint,  yea - they got a beta linux client03:09
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=== ReinH [n=ReinH@cpe-70-112-17-191.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EvanIsaacmy download speed is much slower on here than before i updated03:10
ReinHHow do I restart X server?03:10
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Shadow_milReinH: Ctrl + Alt +backspace03:10
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=== mon^rch [n=greg@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shadow_milHas anyone else have the problem where it hangs the system when the "Checking all file system" happens on boot?03:11
mon^rchhey, when did ubuntu first start as a company?????03:11
herbalwill someone help me, this is my xorg from another distro with 1440x900 working right http://pastebin.ca/184491  this is my xorg in ubuntu with it stetched http://pastebin.ca/18457403:11
Xenguymon^rch: funded by a multi-millionaire :p03:11
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indrefeXcentra, Ok, file moved. Now to see if it made any difference! :D03:11
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EvanIsaacare there different servers from which updates are downloaded from?03:11
XenguyEvanIsaac: mirrors, yes03:12
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bimberimon^rch: it isn't.  Canonical is the company.  I guess it just took over the ubuntu.com domain because that's where most people went looking for it03:12
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EvanIsaacbecause under the time thing in the setup i clicked on a city in mexico because it didn't have any you could click on in texas03:12
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[DaN] i'm having trouble mounting an ntfs partition at boot time for reading and writing...i followed the tutorial on the ubuntu guide and it doesn't mount it from the start..any help?03:13
EvanIsaacso that wouldn't cause it to connect me to a mirror in mexico right?03:13
=== ReinH [n=ReinH@cpe-70-112-17-191.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kothzI'm having a mentally tired moment - is there a best practices collection of packages for getting mail (via fetchmail), delivering them to a local user through the local MTA (postfix/some sort of imapd)?03:13
=== kitten prepares to do something stupid.
[DaN] anyone?03:13
indrefeXcentra, Thanks for the help. No idea if it solved my problem, but you rock all the same. :D03:14
mon^rchyeah, but when did it first get RELEASED???03:14
Xenguy[DaN] : I didn't even know it was (reliably) writable03:14
kothzDan: are you getting any messages03:14
eXcentraindref, heh. cool. hope it works out for you.03:14
ReinHHey folks, is this the best place to ask a gnome related question? I just set up multiple displays and my GreenT terminal window is currently spanning both displays. I want it to only span one display. How can I do that?03:14
[DaN] xenguy: according to this site is somewhat http://ubuntuguide.org/03:14
indrefeXcentra, Yeah me too.03:14
indrefeXcentra, It is me or is it crazier than usual in here.03:15
EvanIsaacgood god03:15
EvanIsaaci've waited 5 minutes for a 22mb file03:15
indrefLeave your god out of this.03:15
=== powerbook [n=eric@adsl-065-006-176-175.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
eXcentraindref, it's always like this, i'm sure :p03:15
dredhammerhello i was just wondering is there any video editing tool to cut asf streams with BEFORE encoding to another format?03:15
Xenguy[DaN] : never tried it - I always convert to FAT32 so I won't have to deal with the bleeding edge stuff03:15
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[DaN] kothz: no i just can't get into it...i have to mount it again manually and only readable03:15
bimberimon^rch: ah, Warty was released in October 200403:15
[DaN] xenguy: ok i was using an ntfs partition as a backup for files...i'll just convert it to fat3203:15
Red-SoxGrr...This isn't working for me >:-| any other suggestions?  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76585&highlight=touch-to-click03:16
ubotuhello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (dapper), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB03:16
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Xenguy[DaN] : that's one solution03:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about noodles - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:16
LjL!msg the bot03:16
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops03:16
[DaN] xenguy: yeah, pretty much the easiest one :)03:16
=== jrattner1 [n=jrattner@uhartford229116.hartford.edu] has joined #ubuntu
herbalwill someone help me, this is my xorg from another distro with 1440x900 working right http://pastebin.ca/184491  this is my xorg in ubuntu with it stetched  http://pastebin.ca/18457403:17
Xenguy[DaN] : just avoid the flames about what a crappy filesystem FAT32 is ;-)03:17
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green_earzEvanIsaac: you can use the commad sudo apt-setup to pick a ubuntu mirror server,  pick http03:17
LjLwell, it is. but it's supported by just about anything...03:17
=== synth7 [i=synth@69-164-13-158.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
kothzLowest common denominators are never pretty :)03:17
Xenguy[DaN] : that's all bullocks anyway - whatever works :-)03:17
[DaN] xenguy: yeah i agree, right now i just need it for this recovery partition that i need to copy :)03:18
kothzFind a way to make your Windows installation talk ext3 :)03:18
LjLkothz: not too hard, at least for reading...03:18
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Xenguy[DaN] : get to work :P03:19
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[DaN] xenguy: i will! thanks for the help03:19
Xenguy[DaN] : yw03:19
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TrevorTdoes anyone's dapper install hang when switching from vc 7 (X11) to a console vc and then back to 7 using xorg / fglrx?03:21
kothzanyone have fetchmail -> mta -> imapd setup on dapper?03:21
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SkarrI did ndiswrapper and it says I dont have hte hardware.03:22
TrevorTndiswrapper is a hack03:23
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braskohi, I'm having a problem taking screenshots03:24
braskoif I use gimp, xwd, or ubuntu's menu, I always get back a blank screen shot03:24
braskoany idea why the image I get is always blank? or how I fix it?03:24
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braskowow, I don't ever remember this channel being so quiet. Is this some sort of april fools joke?03:24
=== grizzli [n=grizzli@dslb-084-057-141-151.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138TrevorT - Yes, ati onboard video card. all the time./ - not with the second nVidua card.  - try this before switching terminals (#!/binbash script it.??)  in terminal   sudo /init.d/gdm stop   then startx  to get desk03:25
ReinHFolks, let me ask again please, is there a way I can have GreenT only span one of my dual monitors? Currently it spans across both when it drops down03:25
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TrevorTmaybe I'll just stick to using x as much as possible03:25
THX-1138yes, -  ugh. - got a laptop?03:25
=== h00t [n=h00t@ool-4574b975.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
TrevorTyeah, t30, radeon fb works fine.03:26
ReinHDo you guys have any opinion about using GreenT vs Kuake? Or does no one use that kind of terminal emulatur really?03:26
|thunderyay, i just switched from amd64 to the 32 bit dapper.  now I have to relearn how to install the goodiez , the easy way.  I had a bunch of pre built packages for 64.03:26
TrevorTheh, thunder why?03:26
TrevorTthe switch*03:26
h00tcan someone tell me what is the difference in synaptic among "something", something(universe) & something (multiverse)03:26
TrevorTI'm about to throw 64 bit on here03:26
THX-1138I want a laptop. just can't bring myself to use an ati card.03:26
TrevorTh00t version?03:27
h00tlatest 6.06.1 or something03:27
TrevorTTHX-1138: its a shame, ati hardware is all very nice until you go to setup it up to do anything with it03:27
=== gnomefreak loves kuake never heard of greent
|thunderTrevorT; installing anything is a pain. and you have to either build things yourself or use old ass pre built packages that are way out of date.  so i just switched to 6.06.1 32bit03:27
XenguyReinH: gnome-terminal works great03:27
XenguyReinH: or you meant something different?03:27
TrevorTI can't complain about the radeon fb though03:27
bimberih00t: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components03:27
braskono one has ever had the problem of getting empty(blank) screenshots?03:28
gnomefreakh00t: universe repo has extra packages multiverse repo has non-free packages03:28
ReinHXenguy: Can gnome-terminal blind up and down like, for instance, consoles in video games like Quake, UT2004 (which is where Kuake and I assume GreenT got the idea)03:28
TrevorT|thunder: you might try gentoo for 64 bit03:28
TrevorTbut yeah I mean03:28
gnomefreakReinH: no03:28
TrevorTyou wanna use as few uni/multi as possible03:28
XenguyReinH: wow, are you gaming or coding? :-)03:28
TrevorTalso as few backports as possible is the idea03:28
TrevorTthey're not covered by security patches :S03:28
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THX-1138TrevorT - A year ago i spent nearly a pile oif cash on an all-in-wonder card. - with all the datbase/.NET stuff windows just crawled along.03:29
h00tgot it thanx03:29
ReinHXenguy: lol, I like being able to hide and restore a persistant terminal window with a quick keystroke03:29
|thunderTrevorT; and i want to update to latest compiz+pluginz and cvs ndiswrapper to support my wifi at full speed. is capped at 1Mib currently.03:29
TrevorTbut shit in the multi/uni is generally unspported by the community is my understanding03:29
ReinHI find it immensely useful03:29
|thunderTrevorT; I dont have 2 days to devote to compiling my OS03:29
gnomefreakReinH: Xenguy kuake sits on top of your screen and folds up :)03:29
gnomefreakXenguy: that was for you03:29
=== mattSchultz [n=maschult@ip68-230-2-72.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
XenguyReinH: gnome defaults: Alt-F9 minimizes; foo maximizes :-)03:29
EvanIsaacso how long will it take me to install the adapter drivers using ndiswrapper?03:29
gnomefreakTrevorT: multiverse is03:29
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TrevorT|thunder: ever tried OpenSuse?03:29
ReinHgnomefreak: right, so does GreenT. My issue is that GreenT is currently spanning both of my monitors and I don't know how I would go about changing that03:30
XenguyReinH: Alt-12 does a 'roll-up' (if configured manually :-)03:30
ReinHXenguy: on gnome-terminal?03:30
mattSchultzI'm having trouble with the nvidia drivers...can anyone help me here?03:30
gnomefreakXenguy: kuake does it with a click03:30
ReinHI'm open to using gnome-terminal instead.03:30
gnomefreakReinH: im not sure on dual head03:30
=== drew [n=drew@ip72-201-90-222.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
XenguyReinH: more of a window-manager thing (I'm talking about Gnome default environment)03:30
ReinHGreenT uses a configurable hotkey03:31
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|thunderTrevorT; i dont mind running 32bit. My amd64 still is faster at 32bit code than a 32bit processor at same speed.  i dont have a huge sql DB or anything, so i'll just stick with dapper32. thanks though.  and no, all Ive ever tried are redHat9 and dapper.03:31
Xenguygnomefreak: and it's packaged for Ubuntu - rock on :-)03:31
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ReinHXenguy: How do I configure gnome-terminal to "roll up"?03:31
TrevorTI was thinking about buying a copy of sled myself to see if I could get those guys to fix some ati drivers since they're suse and all03:32
TrevorTand buying the copy gets you tech support03:32
TrevorTthing is, I don't have time to work on linux kernel / kernel drivers anymore ;)03:32
mattSchultzI need some help with nvidia drivers...does anyone have experience in installing them?03:32
TrevorTReinH: window shade03:32
=== tchung [n=tchung@CPE-139-168-7-192.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138Rein - toolbar preferences .. windows03:32
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TrevorTyeah opensuse last time I checked was pretty sexy03:32
XenguyReinH: it's not a gnome-terminal configuration - it is a GNOME thing - I don't remember the exact GUI, but I imagine it would be under 'window managing' or some such03:32
ReinHAh, I see the roll-up. It's not exactly what I'm looking for, but thank you :)03:33
=== senori [n=eosten@cust-216-98-235-095.turbonet.com] has joined #ubuntu
TrevorTXenguy: it's a ripoff of classic macos window shade isn't it (which is a ripoff of something else I'm sure) but the thought is there anyway..03:34
THX-1138TrevorT - Seen the profiles section for xterm - inal? - look under settings for some nice effects in terminal. feeling adventurous? type sudo gconf-editor03:34
ReinHI like that GreenT blinds up completely off the screen when not in use, and it doesn't have to have focus to blind back down.03:34
TrevorTTHX-1138: active transparencies yet? :)03:34
ReinHOh well, I'll tweak it03:34
h00tok ... can someone explain this to me ... i'm trying to remove totem ...but it says that i need to remove "ubuntu-desktop" WTF03:34
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THX-1138TrevorT - Yes, Translucency. - (still using xcompmgr here for effects "xdesktopwaves" compiz is just too busy for me.)03:35
bimberih00t: you can remove ubuntu-desktop, it's a metapackage -  but it's a good idea to have it in place for upgrades03:35
TrevorTsounds cool03:36
=== synth7 [i=synth@69-164-13-158.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
EvanIsaachow would i install python on ubuntu?03:36
bimberiEvanIsaac: it comes by default03:36
ReinHI'm using the translucency for gnome-terminal. It's nice :)03:36
h00tbimberi, what is a metapackage ...03:36
TrevorTsudo apt-cache search python03:36
XenguyTrevorT: I don't know where it comes from - it's free, and it works :-)03:36
bimberiEvanIsaac: type 'python' in a terminal03:36
Dr_willisPython should be installed by default03:36
TrevorTer you don't need sudo for apt-cache don't think03:36
Dr_willisyou dont. :P03:36
EvanIsaacthen how come in synaptic my only option is to install03:37
bimberih00t: a package that only has dependencies on other packages03:37
TrevorTTHX-1138: you need sudo for apt-get install03:37
TrevorTerr sorry03:37
TrevorT<-- just woke up from a nap, kinda confused03:37
=== bretzel [n=bretzel@Toronto-HSE-ppp3779959.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
h00tbimberi, almost everything sufficiently complicated has dependencies ... but what does metapackage do03:37
EvanIsaacbecause i want to update python from 2.4.3 to 2.5 final03:37
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bretzelHi  - Is any1 knows about gfxboot and ubuntu ( gfxboot-ubuntu theme  ) ???03:38
=== jbu [n=chatzill@12-5-52-153.static.bnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu
h00tbimberi, and why totem only not mplayer or beep03:38
jbudoes anyone know the command for telling which linux distribution you have?03:38
bimberih00t: only has dependencies, no software03:38
THX-1138!apt > TrevorT03:38
TrevorTbretzel: my hands are all dried out and peely cos I'm in the desert03:38
THX-1138!sudo > TrevorT03:39
SeqReinH: how are you using the translucency?03:39
TrevorToh cool03:39
bimberih00t: i don't know why - i guess because it's the default player for Gnome03:39
TrevorTthx eggdrop?03:39
EvanIsaacis python 2.5final out for linux?03:39
h00tbimberi, sorry but i don't get it ... why would something that doesn't do anything have dependencies03:40
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=== Crescendo_ [n=GWing@cpe-024-211-177-002.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiEvanIsaac: not for dapper (the current stable ubuntu release)03:40
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EvanIsaacok, thanks03:40
EvanIsaaci guess i'll start learning it then :)03:40
bimberih00t: so that you can install lots of stuff with 1 command :)03:40
EvanIsaacthank you all so much03:40
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm03:41
=== webhed [n=john@c-68-42-164-90.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ReinHSeq: Just so my wallpaper shows underneath the text, and I've configured the color profile to make the text easy to read (light text on a dark wallpaper)03:41
jbudoes anyone know the command for telling which linux distribution you have03:41
Dr_willisjbu,  theres normally a file in /etc/ that has that info.. but i cant rember the name. :P03:41
SeqReinH: oh, nevermind then :p03:41
jbuDr_willis: hmm03:41
SeqReinH: i thought you were talking about actual transparancy03:42
webhedDoes anyone know how to make icons in a panel automatically enlarge when you mouse over them like in OSX? I thought there was some setting somewhere to do that but don't know where it is now.03:42
ReinHlol, no, I wouldn't know about that. I can't see how that would be useful, to be honest.03:42
bimberijbu: /etc/issue  ??03:42
Dr_williscat /etc/issue03:42
=== grumpy|nix [n=grumpy|n@c-71-193-54-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
yarddogjbu,  cat /etc/lsb-release03:42
Dr_willisbut is that a LSB standard?03:42
jbuyarddog: thanks03:43
h00tbimberi, ok, i think i get it  ... it's like a constructor in java or something ... but then ... why would its part (totem) try to remove the parent package ...03:43
=== neighborlee [n=ubuntu@c-24-18-193-240.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jbuDISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu -- does anyone know if this is the 64 bit version?03:43
SeqReinH: it would tend to get distracting, especially for the active window. But I heard it was possible with gnome-terminal in gnome 2.16, and though you may be using that.03:43
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jbuDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 6.06 LTS"03:43
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Dr_willisjbu,  try uname -a03:43
ryanakcajbu: use pastebin next time... what you looking for, the codename or the kernel or what?03:44
webhedAlso I want the little handle deals at the end of the panel to not be there. I am not using expand for the bottom panel so its centered in the screen like the Mac Dock, except it has these ugly handles on the ends.03:44
ReinHSeq: I've just installed Ubuntu, so I haven't had a chance to check such things out yet. Sounds interesting in theory03:44
neighborleehi,,is there a known issue using manually edit partition  table , in knot 3 ? ( atm its just sitting here with spinning cursors,been like that for minute or longer )03:44
bimberih00t: because totem is a dependency of ubuntu-desktop.  apt doesn't discriminate.  If you're removing a depencency it will want to remove all dependant packages03:44
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jbui just need to know if my version is the 64bit version03:44
ryanakcajbu: uname -r03:44
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Dr_willisjbu,  use uname and see if the kernel says so. :P03:45
HarksawIs there an official list of known bugs that I can check to see if anyone's working on? (my SigmaTel onboard sound card has crackly sound, I'm pretty sure it's a bug)03:45
=== sureshot [n=sureshot@dpc67475065.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
webhedDoes anyone know how to make icons in a panel automatically enlarge when you mouse over them like in OSX? I thought there was some setting somewhere to do that but don't know where it is now.03:45
ryanakcaDr_willis: uname gives: "Linux" :S03:45
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jbu2.6.15-23-386  means its not the 64 bit OS right?03:45
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com03:45
ryanakcajbu:  you'll see something from uname -r like: 2.6.17-9-generic03:45
bl4cktonehey guys where do applications normally install?03:45
Dr_willisjbu,  try uname -a         I said 5 min ago. :P03:46
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ryanakcajbu: no, that's for pentium03:46
Dr_willisbl4cktone,  depends on the ap. :P03:46
bl4cktonewhat's an ap?03:46
bimberibl4cktone: files get put in lots of places03:46
=== tjb891 [n=trev@cpe-72-224-73-47.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
quuxthe standard is c:\program files03:46
jbuDr_willis: thanks, it prints out Linux jbu-cpu 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 13:49:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Lin ux03:46
yarddogryanakca, that is not the stock kernel for dapper03:46
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quuxbut not all apps follow this standard03:46
ryanakcajbu: uname -a will tell you...03:46
jburyanakca: yes03:46
=== bimberi readies the trout for quux
Dr_williswebhed,  i recall some feedback/launch feedback thing like that.. but aint noticed it in ages..  I always disable that silly stuff anyway03:46
ryanakcajbu:  that's for pentium03:46
bl4cktoneit was Klibido03:46
jbuok thanks all03:47
quuxgack, sorry. wrong channel, short attention span!03:47
tjb891is having a electrostatic air purifier within 3 feet of my computer bad for it, it makes the speakers emit faint noises when they are on but idle?03:47
ryanakcai386-686 is pentium03:47
bl4cktonea binary downloader03:47
bimberiquux: lol03:47
webhedDr_Willis - thanks03:47
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Dr_willistjb891,  i saw a case mod that used one of those as a main cooling fan.03:47
ryanakcatjb891: I wouldn't recommend it... I've zapped a few HD with static... but I can't say more than that...03:48
Dr_willistjb891,  but theres the air moving parts.. then the electrostatic parts..  :)03:48
Dr_willisid move it to the other side of the room.03:48
Dr_willisclean it while you are moving it. those things get filthy fast03:48
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bimberihome hints with Dr_willis :)03:48
tjb891ill turn it off a couple hours before i open my case03:48
ryanakcatjb891: if it's humid, it shouldn't be too much a problem... humidity cuts down on static... if it's dry... watch out :)03:48
lumgwadaHello I use gnome with a dual screen setup, I would like to set up one screen specifically for monitoring log tails  with all windows that are opened/moved to this screen become visible on all workspaces (preferably non focusable with alt+tab)... can any expert users suggest a method of achieving this?... or any other productivity tips? Any ideas would be great.03:49
Dr_willisbimberi,  wife has one and she smokes like crazy... that thing looke like it has road tar on it. :)03:49
=== ryanakca thinks about canadian winter + wool sweater = mega static shock :)
TrevorTand dry skin?03:49
TrevorTdue to lack of humidity..03:49
TrevorTand also working with cement, and drywall without gloves03:49
TrevorTand quite a bit of electrical and cat603:50
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ryanakcawriting on a chalkboard, my mom is a teacher and allwais has dry hands... and we're offtopic :)03:50
heathsteachers still have chalkboards?03:50
TrevorTugh that would suck03:50
indrefBye  :D03:50
Dr_willisThe New Ubuntu Line of Skn Care products!03:50
TrevorTPenguin Lotion03:51
TrevorTmade from 100$03:51
TrevorTerr %03:51
TrevorTyou know03:51
Dr_williswhatever that *#*@* stuff they get from lambs wool is.03:51
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TrevorTI'll take it03:51
TrevorTif it'll heal my wonded wannabe girl hands03:51
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Dr_willisIts supposed to be good stuff.03:52
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TrevorTWe've got lots of stuff from bed bath and beyond that I need to take advantage of03:52
heathsBag Balm03:52
Dr_willisThe latest additions to our range are Lanolin Oil and Lanolin Hand Lotion with Manuka Honey,03:52
TrevorTsome cuticle treatment stuff too, I didn't bother trimming my fingernails or tonails for a month because of all the work on the office here03:53
=== bretzel [n=bretzel@Toronto-HSE-ppp3779959.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu []
TrevorTbut is now finished so I'm slowly starting to resume normal living practices03:53
Dr_willisLanolin, also called, Adeps Lanae, wool wax, wool fat, or wool grease, a greasy yellow substance from wool-bearing animals, acts as a skin ointment, water-proofing wax, and raw material (such as in shoe polish).03:54
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Unix_n_Coffeemy ubuntu is all messed up the resolution :(03:54
Unix_n_Coffeeit has small dots on it03:54
Unix_n_Coffeeand its not clear03:54
heathsblink more03:54
Unix_n_Coffeeseems to be 256mb the color03:54
jimmy_neutroni need some help with ssh03:54
Unix_n_Coffeei tried reseting the xserver03:54
Unix_n_Coffeei guess it didn't work03:55
Unix_n_Coffee833 people in here wow03:55
Unix_n_Coffeesomeone help me please?03:55
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ethos_god that sucks, I just went though all that.   And the sad thing is, I got it to work, but I have no idea what I did....03:55
TrevorT833 new possibilities03:55
jimmy_neutroni can connect to ssh via putty. but how can i forward ports like port 80, 443, 8080, etc through the tunnel?03:55
Unix_n_Coffeei am on alaptop03:55
TrevorTjimmy_neutron: in the settings thing03:56
Unix_n_Coffeewhat do i do?03:56
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Xenguyjimmy_neutron: read an article or two ?03:56
Unix_n_Coffeei guess ill try reseting the xserver for the 10th time03:56
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TrevorTXenguy: I privmsg'd him03:57
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jimmy_neutroni want to have the ability to use unsecure wifi aps and connect to my network03:57
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.03:57
=== brasko [n=bob@ip70-181-32-198.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
Xenguyshit - still worked :P03:57
heathsUnix: have you tried anything aside from restarting X?03:57
jimmy_neutronXenguy: yea. thats how i setup ssh03:57
Unix_n_Coffeejimmy_netron you have to know the networks name03:57
TrevorThey xen guy, do you know if I can possibly apt-get dist-upgrade to get 64bit ubuntu on here?03:58
=== sproingie [n=chuck@64-121-2-59.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_Coffeewell not exactly03:58
XenguyTrevorT: don't run 64, no idea03:58
Unix_n_Coffeesee the icon on the top03:58
TrevorTcool thanks03:58
Unix_n_Coffeewith 2 computers03:58
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Unix_n_Coffeehaha no jimmy03:59
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Unix_n_Coffeeguys my graphics hard isnt working! was working fine for a year03:59
Unix_n_Coffeei am on a laptop03:59
=== Xenguy loves music ATM...
TrevorTbah, I'll just get the dapper 64 cd03:59
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TrevorTbefore I do though, anyone know of any X/fglrx problems with it?03:59
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TrevorTsuch as04:00
Unix_n_Coffeei was in recovery console04:00
Red-SoxHow come scrolling no longer works on my touchpad?04:00
Dr_willisI dont see much point in using the 64bit disrtos at this time04:00
Unix_n_CoffeeREd-Sox xserver problem?04:00
TrevorTRed-Sox: Synaptics hot corner?04:00
malcolmI've installed jre, and limewire on ubuntu, but when i go to run limewire it tells me that I don't have jre04:00
Red-Soxungratefuljoint: I don't hink so Trevinho Yes04:00
Unix_n_Coffeeerr my graphics !04:00
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Red-Soxmalcolm: Give Frostwire a shot <304:01
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TrevorTRed-Sox: give me your email and I'll send you my xorg..04:01
Red-Soxmalcolm: There is a .deb package available at the website04:01
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TrevorTyou should also have xorg-driver-synaptics or something to that effect04:01
Red-SoxTrevinho: PM?04:01
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TrevorTdapper getting replaced soon?04:02
Red-SoxTrevorT: did you get it?04:02
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:02
=== factotum [n=factotum@24-247-104-27.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_CoffeeDBO where are when i need you04:02
Red-Soxoh TrevorT you need to indentify04:02
DBOUnix_n_Coffee, at work till next week04:02
Unix_n_CoffeeDBO could you help me here, these kids are being mean! :P04:03
TrevorTthank you04:03
DBOUnix_n_Coffee, whats wrong?04:03
Unix_n_CoffeeI have a server problem!04:03
Unix_n_CoffeeI have a xserver problem!04:03
TrevorTidentified (+e)04:03
=== MaxL [n=max@S010600062582c114.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_Coffeemy grpahics are set seems like to be 256mb04:03
=== lostsync [n=lostsync@c-71-56-112-179.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_Coffeeshut be bits like 32 bit04:04
MaxLUm, will a ATI Radeon X700 Pro 256MB AGP Video Card work in Ubuntu Dapper Drake, or any Linux for that matter?04:04
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DBOUnix_n_Coffee, what you said makes no sense...04:04
DBOMaxL, yes04:04
MaxLDBO, any tweaking? And whats the deal with drivers?04:04
jimmy_neutroni have an exsiting ssh serv and client is putty on winxp. how can i frwd ports like HTTP traffic through the ssh tunnel04:04
wick2ohello, i have a very stupid question....i did a rm -rf on a folder that seemed to have a link to my /var/log folder04:05
DBO!fglrx MaxL04:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fglrx MaxL - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
wick2oif i (as root) recreate the /var/log folder04:05
DBO!fglrx > MaxL04:05
powerbookhow would I go about installing apache2 php and mysql on ubuntu dapper04:05
wick2owill the logs start to regen themselves?04:05
ethos_maxl, yes It will I JUST got mine to work....but I could not tell you how to go about it.  But it does work04:05
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wick2opowerbook apt-get -y install mysqld apache2 php04:05
wick2oor use symantic (sp?)04:05
MaxLethos_ so it takes some work to get it to work in linux?04:05
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Unix_n_Coffeeok DBO, i wanted to get cedgea working, and so i fiqured to install more resolutions to make some games work, i then reseted the xserver with the commands and now i am left with small dots on my screen not clear!04:06
powerbookwick20: I don't want to screw it up, what packages exactly would I need to install (all of them)04:06
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wick2opowerbook use symantic04:06
wick2olook down the list, pick the versions you need04:06
DBOUnix_n_Coffee, what video card?04:06
wick2oclick install and away it goes04:06
Unix_n_Coffeenvidia gogo 70004:06
Unix_n_Coffeei am not sure ill look04:06
ethos_ya it deffinetly works, but i'm such a noob with this stuff, I just crashed my way through it.......BUT like I said it does work, and I have the exact same specs as you04:06
DBOUnix_n_Coffee, can I see your xorg.conf please in pastebin04:07
Unix_n_CoffeeQuadro4 700 GoGL04:07
wick2opowerbook: http://www.linux-fuer-alle.de/doc_show.php?docid=4304:07
Unix_n_Coffeegot the link to pastebin?04:07
DBO!paste > Unix_n_Coffee04:07
wick2o.sorry didnt realize that was in german04:07
Dr_willisjimmy_neutron,  time to google for a ssh/windows guide or 2 i think.04:07
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ubotuxinit: X server initialisation tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 25 kB, installed size 144 kB04:08
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Unix_n_CoffeeDBO http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25034/ :)04:08
Unix_n_CoffeeDBO i know to change nvidia to nv04:08
ungratefuljointlol i installed wine, and the pokerstars windows client that my mate used before i forced ubuntu onto his laptop works fine :)04:08
powerbookwhat packages are needed for isntalling apache2 php and mysql04:09
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wick2opowerbook: i told you04:09
DBOUnix_n_Coffee, sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange04:09
Unix_n_Coffeedid nothing04:10
wick2oSymantic Package manager04:10
DBOUnix_n_Coffee, ok what monitor do you have?04:10
Unix_n_Coffeesays nothing04:10
Unix_n_Coffeei am on a laptop04:10
ungratefuljointis there information on installing codecs for all differnet packages, ie mpeg1 -2 mp4 mp3 divx xvid, in a system like fashion so that all packages can use them.....04:10
DBOUnix_n_Coffee, oh this is going to be fun, which laptop?04:11
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Unix_n_CoffeeDell precision m5004:11
Red-SoxTrevorT: Check your PM?04:11
bimberiubotu tell ungratefuljoint about restrictedformats04:11
Unix_n_CoffeeDBO ;) you know what i was thinking maybe now04:11
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Unix_n_Coffeemaybe i can use my old ubuntu's xorg configuration?04:12
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Lam_i used to be able to hover my mouse over music files and they would automatically play. now they don't do that anymore. why? :P04:12
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Unix_n_Coffeefor breezy bagger?04:12
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DBOUnix_n_Coffee, if you wanna try go ahead04:12
heathssweet ubuntu installed in vmware with no tweaking at all04:12
Flannel!tell Lam_ about mp304:12
Unix_n_Coffeebut its a different laptop ...04:12
FlannelLam_: on that page (restricted formats) theres instructions on getting the hover preview thing working04:12
Unix_n_Coffee:| only problem04:12
d3v1ant0n3Hellos. Is there any way of making panels the bottom layer on a screen (So windows float over them rather than under) on GNOME?04:12
=== OmniD [n=OmniD@cpe-72-178-230-2.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DBOUnix_n_Coffee, your monitor range probably needs to be improved04:13
DBOcheck the ranges on your old xorg.conf04:13
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Lam_Flannel:  neat. thanks a lot04:13
OmniDhellooo #ubuntu I was wondering how to get the controller device working04:13
Unix_n_Coffeechris@chris-laptop:~$ sudo gedit04:13
Unix_n_CoffeeGTK Accessibility Module initialized04:13
Unix_n_Coffeeapplication finalize called04:13
=== adioe3 nije tu: Away at the moment
Unix_n_Coffeewont load04:13
powerbookShould I install php5 or php4? (I remember reading something about problems with php4?)04:14
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Flannelpowerbook: not that I'm aware of, you might try ##php if youre worried about it04:14
crimsunpowerbook: the former04:14
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powerbookphp4? crimsun?04:14
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Philip5 i'm having a strange install problem with php and apache2 on ubuntu... i have apt-get and installed them both and also used a2enmod to enable php5 module (also installed with apt) but when i click on a php page on my server it wants to be downloaded04:15
AtKaaZhi, can one play two audio streams from console ? ie. mp3blaster and sox's "play" (or ie. two mp3s at once, in console, not in X)04:16
`paulmy firefox crashes evrytime with a "Bus error".... is this a bug or sumthin?04:16
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Philip5apache say that he have loaded the php5 module when i restart it. and the mimetype is also set04:16
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skallerhi, I'm upstream author of 'felix' and would like some advice how to link Launchpad to upstream bug tracker on sourceforge04:18
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SkarrOK , I installed ntgdisk and ndiswrapper and then I made a new driver and got the .inf file but it says that I don't have the hardware04:18
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AbortDcan someone help me im getting a error in amarok it says04:19
FlannelPhilip5: double check that the addTypes are in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf04:19
AbortDThe Script 'Default' exited with error code: 12704:19
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bimberiskaller: hi, give the #launchpad channel a try for that one04:19
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AbortDDetails: /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory04:19
Philip5Flannel: they are04:20
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`paulmy firefox crashes evrytime with a "Bus error" pls help04:20
bimberiskaller: np :)04:20
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FlannelPhilip5: and the php.conf looks normal?04:20
SkarrOK , I installed ntgdisk and ndiswrapper and then I made a new driver and got the .inf file but it says that I don't have the hardware04:20
Philip5Flannel: yes04:20
hypejust one question i plan to install Edgy on a new partition. Is it safe to keep my actual /home? (knowing lots of apps of edgy are different from dapper)04:20
Flannelhype: #ubuntu+104:21
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fooHow can I get gnucash working on ubuntu? ubuntu has 1.804:21
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Philip5Flannel: normal for php5.conf i hope is just having the addtypes04:22
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bimberifoo: install that then, or are you looking for 2.0?04:22
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foobimberi: Looking to get 2.0 working if I can04:23
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SkarrCan anyone help me with it?04:24
FlannelPhilip5: yeah, and you're sure you got all three packages?04:24
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Philip5Flannel: what three are you think of? apache, mod_php5 and?04:25
bimberifoo: hm, unless there is a dapper backport available you can either wait for (or use the beta of) edgy or backport it yourself04:25
sproingiehype: it's safe insofar as nothing will screw up the packages.  if anything acts funny though, you might have to knock out old files under your old ~/.gnome204:25
sproingieaaaand he's gone04:26
foobimberi: eh, I'll just use 1.8 I uguess04:26
THX-1138Did anyone else hear that? - Orc on the loose. - see you later and THANK YOU.04:26
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Philip5Flannel: works now... some stange way it was a firefoxproblem.... if i flushed the cache it worked04:28
Philip5Flannel: thans anyway04:28
Arrickhey guys and gals, what is a good CD burnign Application for Ubuntu Breezy?04:28
FlannelPhilip5: hmm, that is odd.04:28
Philip5Flannel: very04:28
=== ArrenLex [n=alex@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ungrateful-jointis there information on installing codecs for all differnet packages, ie mpeg1 -2 mp4 mp3 divx xvid, in a system like fashion so that all packages can use them.....04:29
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:30
LukeArrick: nautilus can burn CDs04:30
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ungrateful-jointubotu, thank you04:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:30
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ArrickLuke, is it in there by default?04:30
powerbookI just installed apache2 php and mysql, what is my mysql password?04:30
joe__hey, sound doesn't work on my 386 kernel partition but it does work on my amd64 partition, why?04:30
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ungrateful-jointoh sh*t what a noob i am lol. ArrenLex thank you. lol04:31
ArrenLexNo worries. =P04:31
=== boris55 [n=richards@79.charlotte-22rh15-16rt.nc.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisHmm.. Trying to compile an app and it seems that  X11/Intrinsic.h  is missing.. Cant seem to findit anywhere.. forums mention others with similer issue.. but no fix.04:31
Dr_willisor am i missing somtning here.04:31
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ArrenLexWillis: do you have xlibs-dev installed?04:32
ArrenLexWillis: specifically libxt-dev?04:32
boris55any ubuntu developers, here? I have a question.04:32
ArrenLexWillis: when you can't find files for compile time, pacakges.ubuntu.com is your best friend: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=Intrinsic.h&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=dapper&arch=i38604:33
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:33
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boris55why doesn't ubuntu come with setserial?04:33
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Dr_willisArrenLex,  i thought i did.. checking again04:34
ArrenLexboris: I'm guessing few people have serial ports anymore?04:34
boris55I have a modem that uses irq 169 and it's not recognzed until I use setserial04:34
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boris55I still use dialup.04:34
Dr_willislibxt-dev Hmm lets check on that.04:34
boris55live way out in the country. high speed will be here in 10 years.04:34
Beawolfecan someone tell me how to get a par2 file to verify or work in the GUI?04:34
ArrenLexboris: you're the first person I've talked to in four years using dial-up. It's really not a popular request. It's removed to avoid bloat.04:35
Dr_willislibxt-dev aha - missing that one...04:35
bimberiboris55: setserial is on the CD, just not installed by default04:35
ArrenLexDr_willis: told you so. =P04:35
boris55oh.. how do I find it on the cd?04:35
Dr_willisArrenLex,  well lets see if that fixed it..04:35
Dr_willisArrenLex,  :P theres about 4 questions like that in the forums as well.04:36
bimberiboris55: pool/main/s/setserial04:36
Dr_willisI just need to  apt-get install *-dev04:36
ArrenLexDr_willis: that is a BAD idea.04:36
ArrenLexDr_willis: you do that, you better have a terabyte hard drive.04:36
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bimberiboris55: or add the CD as a repository and Synaptic will find it04:36
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Dr_willisArrenLex,  :) close to it04:36
heathswon't be mising libraries though:)04:37
Dr_willisGotta compile the latest VICE !04:37
ArrenLexDr_willis: why? xD I had ten operating systems installed, 15 partitions, on my 40GB on my old computer, and was not pressed for space.04:37
Dr_willisand gotta try out the new gnome interface.. Lol04:37
boris55ok, I'll reinstall tomorrow.  I read the official ubuntu book. It almost made me cry.04:37
Dr_willisArrenLex,  Emulators mainly :P04:37
Dr_willisI got 6000+ C64 games right now to look through04:38
Dr_willis6000 c64 games = 412mb..04:38
ArrenLexAh. xD04:38
boris55cannot believe how quickly the ubuntu community has reached critical mass.04:38
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Rookie-good for linux ...04:39
silvertip257is sethk active @ this hour?04:39
Zaxchhey :p04:39
heathsi can't believe how many questions i've seen answered in the last 30 minutes04:39
Dr_willisboris55,  and they all come in here asking the same 10 questions... :P04:39
ArrenLexboris: it's a newbie distribution. Attractive to the "hating windows is cool" crowd.04:39
silvertip257heaths here's another one04:39
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silvertip257heaths if i have a live CD for ubuntu that successfully boots up & runs04:40
psylocybedebian rlz :D04:40
boris55same 10 questions? like what for example?04:40
ArrenLexDebian all the way!04:40
heathsi have to say as far as out of the box installation (vmware at least) that was simple04:40
=== jackson [n=jackson@ppp-70-251-91-106.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
silvertip257could the MBR be bad so that when i install it it would not boot the drive at all04:40
silvertip257heaths the past few things i said are my questions for you04:41
jacksonto where is the repo sun jre 5.0 installed? I can't find it in /usr/lib/04:41
ArrenLexsilver: grub refused to work on my old computer. I had to go with a third-party bootloader. It could be just something weird about your setup.04:41
silvertip257will anyone answer a question for me ???04:41
bimberijackson: dpkg -L sun-java5-jre04:42
ArrenLexjackson: /usr/lib/jvm/04:42
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sethksilvertip257, yes04:43
silvertip257heaths i'm not registered04:43
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silvertip257ok sethk04:43
=== ludomatic [n=ludo@smtp.xlprog-nc.com] has joined #ubuntu
silvertip257i need to know ur opinion04:43
swjcould someone tell me how to recover my password by sending it to the email address I registered with? thanks04:43
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silvertip257if i burnt a CD at max speed could the MBR be messed up ?04:43
sethksilvertip257, it's not impossible.  If you mean you are booting from the CD, it doesn't really have an MBR, but it  has something equivalent04:44
Admiral_Chicagosilvertip257, so04:44
silvertip257plus if the live CD booted a temporary OS, how could the MBR be bad or is the MBR copied to the hd be from a diff file04:44
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Admiral_Chicagowell not really04:44
bimberiswj: password to what? launchpad?04:44
sethksilvertip257, I've seen cases where a cd didn't boot, someone burned another at a slower speed, and it worked.04:44
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sethksilvertip257, in fact I had that happen to me last week at work.04:44
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swjbimberi: password for freenode04:45
sethksilvertip257, if you aren't sure, go ahead and reburn, all you risk is a blank cd04:45
jacksonbimberi: thanks. but how do I get eclipse to use it?04:45
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bimberiswj: you need to contact a freenode staffer for that04:45
Flanneljackson: sudo update-alternatives --config java04:45
bimberiswj: see the FAQ on the freenode.net website04:45
swjbimberi: thanks04:45
=== b-_-d [n=enyawix@24-183-201-35.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bimberithanks Flannel :)04:46
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silvertip257dang it i fudged up04:46
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silvertip257sethk i went to close a chat tab & totally disconnected04:46
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silvertip257so sorry please repeat04:46
ReinHHi folks, how's it going?04:46
silvertip257you had a bad CD @ work04:46
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org04:46
b-_-dhelp i want to install but i have no blank cd :( can i install from inside some other linux04:47
b-_-dchroot or something04:47
silvertip257sethk you there?04:47
sethksilvertip257, yes, but only for another minute04:47
AsymmetryI can't remember what install versions are on what ISOs. Does the DVD include both a desktop installer, and the server installer?04:47
silvertip257sethk if i burn a slower CD that will mostlikely fix it ?04:48
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sethksilvertip257, I can't say that.  No reasonable way for me to estimate the odds.04:48
silvertip257ok sethk04:48
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sethksilvertip257, are you burning it in a dvd/cd combo, by the way?04:48
silvertip257sethk yes i am04:48
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bimberib-_-d: there's a few different methods described at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation .  Hopefully something there will help you04:48
pcdoc911i am looking at instaling ubuntu on my system and have many many questions04:48
=== qch [n=QC@adsl-69-110-33-145.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethksilvertip257, I've seen this sort of problem more with those than with a burner that is just cd, not cd/dvd04:49
Flannelsilvertip257: 4x is the speed you want to burn at04:49
sethksilvertip257, which makes a certain amount of sense, since the heads are a bit different04:49
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sethksilvertip257, Flannel has a good recommendation04:49
qchanyone able to checkout audacity cvs?04:49
silvertip257ok thank you sethk & Flannel04:49
silvertip257i'll do that04:49
silvertip257btw i'll be lookin for you guys if something goes wrong04:50
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sethksilvertip257, as I said, all you'll lose is a blank cd/r.  no guarantees, though, just a possibility.04:50
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silvertip257esp b/c you were of so much help this round04:50
Flannelsilvertip257: take the time to check the md5 of the iso first04:50
AsymmetryOh, another question: Does Ubuntu support XFS?04:50
silvertip257how do i check that Flannel04:50
=== Phoenix1701_ [n=phoenix@pool-70-20-92-23.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
swjLooks like all the staffers are here :)04:50
bimberipcdoc911: ask away04:50
sethksilvertip257, if you have cygwin installed, you just do:    md5sum iso-file-name04:50
=== dallingham [n=dona@c-67-190-27-78.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethksilvertip257, but I suspect you don't have cygwin installed.  :)04:51
lenhow do I stop 3rd mouse button emulation?04:51
Beawolfeanother NOOB here with a question...can someone tell me how to get a par2 file to verify or work in the GUI?04:51
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silvertip257i'll get it tho if thats the easiest sethk04:51
sethksilvertip257, I don't know how to do it in windows without cygwin, but I'm sure there are a few thousand ways.04:51
silvertip257eh well i'll get it04:51
pollypockethow can I set the system to not auto-play a dvd after the the disc is mounted04:51
sethksilvertip257, if you do, change the install option from "default" to "all"04:52
dallinghamHi. I'm having problems bringing up a DLINK wireless PCI card (wda-1320. I keep getting a "Set Mode" (8B06) error. Any ideas?04:52
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silvertip257sethk:  what ?!?!04:52
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bimberiAsymmetry: ubuntu's mount command indicates support for xfs filesystems, i'm fairly sure it's not offered during install though04:52
Flannelsilvertip257: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto  but, you need a utility to generate the md5 on windows04:52
sethksilvertip257, it will give you a list of packages.  don't change those.  the very first line is an option for all the packages.04:52
Asymmetrybimberi, Okay, ReiserFS is good enough, then.04:52
lenhow do I stop 3rd mouse button emulation????04:52
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FlannelAsymmetry: if you get the alternate ISO, I believe XFS is available, I dont believe itis on the DEsktop ISO though04:53
Unix_n_CoffeeDBO here? :)04:53
sethksilvertip257, you'll see it, in the cygwin installer.  click where it says default, _once_, and wait, it takes 15 or 20 seconds sometimes to change from "default" to "all"04:53
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Unix_n_CoffeeDBO i got graphics to work :))04:53
sethksilvertip257, and if you click it again, it will change back to default.04:53
sethksilvertip257, www.cygin.com04:53
Unix_n_Coffeethanks for all your help04:53
sethksilvertip257, sorry, www.cygwin.com04:53
Unix_n_Coffeeanyone familiar with cedega?04:53
silvertip257sethk ummm lemme get cygwin first04:53
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bimberilen: look for the "Emulate3Buttons" option and /etc/X11/xorg.conf and set to false04:54
FlannelUnix_n_Coffee: might try #cedega04:54
Unix_n_CoffeeFlannel nobody is helping me in there04:54
Unix_n_CoffeeFlannel there being kids!04:55
silvertip257sethk what type of cygwin do i need to install ?04:55
silvertip257the Unix or the DOS04:55
lenbimberi: ty04:55
heathssilvertip257: md5sum.exe (windows) a tad easier than getting cywin:)04:55
Unix_n_CoffeeFlannel i just have a error of cannot find 640x480 video mode04:55
bimberilen: np04:55
Beawolfeyour not the only one Unix_N_Coffee04:55
silvertip257ok heaths04:55
heathssilvertip257: if all you want to do is check the hash04:55
AsymmetryYou know what's fun? Someone says to you, "You know what?" and you answer with "Yes, actually, I do." They just stand there like 'wait... what?'04:55
Unix_n_CoffeeBeawolfe thanks :)04:55
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silvertip257umm i'm listening 2 sethk heaths, i'm not sure what i'm checkin04:55
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sethkheaths, definitely, I said there must be a thousand other ways.   cygwin is a good package to have, though04:55
sortadiwhich is the boot option that disables the bootsplash?04:55
sethksilvertip257, any md5sum program will give you the same answer04:56
sortadiwhich is the boot option that disables the bootsplash?04:56
dallinghamAny ideas on why a dlink pci wireless is giving an error (Set Mode 8B06)04:56
Unix_n_CoffeeFlannel i just have a error of cannot find 640x480 video mode cedega error ... Xorg problem? :|04:56
silvertip257how do i know if it's good ? sethk04:56
wetduck_Does anybody here knows how to set a samba software?04:56
sethksilvertip257, oh, you'll find a file on the download site with the md5sum for each download file04:56
sortadiwhich is the boot option that disables the bootsplash?04:56
Unix_n_Coffeeanybody know?04:56
FlannelUnix_n_Coffee: I have no idea  I've never used cedega.  You bought it presumably, doesn't it give support with your $5 a month?04:56
Flannel!tell wetduck_ about samba04:56
silvertip257sethk oh .....hmmmm04:56
sethksilvertip257, sometimes there is a small file for each download file, and sometimes there is one file with sums for all the download files04:56
b-_-dReiser4 supported?04:56
sethksilvertip257, check the names, it will be reasonably obvious04:57
Unix_n_Coffeeyes it does i suppose04:57
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Unix_n_Coffeethanks Flannel04:57
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sortadiwhich is the boot option that disables the bootsplash?04:57
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:57
avrhello, my USB keyboard and mouse aren't working after a breezy (2.6.12) -> dapper (2.6.15-27) upgrade yesterday. The old kernel works. dmesg | tail says 'usb 1-1: device not accepting address 13, error -71'04:57
silvertip257heaths, sethk - md5sum.exe does not work in command prompt04:57
sortadiwhich is the boot option that disables the bootsplash?04:57
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ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:57
heathsyou have to down load it (48k)04:57
Dr_willissortadi,  'nosplash'04:57
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:58
silvertip257where heaths04:58
Dr_willissortadi,  may want to disable the framebuffer also with 'nofb'04:58
sortadiDr_willis, thanks a lot04:58
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sortadiDr_willis, what i want is a verbose boot04:58
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silvertip257heaths nvm i got one http://www.etree.org/md5com.html04:58
Flannelsortadi: remove "quiet"04:58
sortadiDr_willis, to check somethings at kernel level04:58
heathshas better instructions for ya:)04:58
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silvertip257oh haha04:58
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sortadiFlannel, thanks04:58
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foureight84i'm currently using network-admin. i wanna use network-manager instead. do i have to disable network admin before i switch to network-manger? would removing it in apt do the job?04:59
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edmundo_vhello, I was looking in my /etc/hosts file and found an entry with a address, anyone knows why this line exists?05:00
silvertip257heaths wait a sec what am i doing now ?05:00
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Admiral_Chicagoedmundo_v, thats your computer05:01
heathssilvertip257: reading05:01
sortadiFlannel, is that option of quiet also enabled at live-dvd?05:01
sortadiFlannel, i am using a live one05:01
silvertip257heaths: ok05:01
ArrenLexAdmiral: localhost=
edmundo_vAdmiral_Chicago, no its my hostname, localhost is, so why a entry?05:01
heathssilvertip257: the link explains how to get the tiny .exe and how to use it05:01
Admiral_Chicagoah i read to quickly05:01
Admiral_Chicagothen i have no clue05:01
silvertip257heaths:  which tiny .exe file ?05:02
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edmundo_vit works, but I didnt understood why it is there, I never saw any distribution that does that :)05:02
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silvertip257heaths:  which sum do i want @ the bottom of this ? http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/05:02
boris55what's the story with easyubuntu? is this an "official" ubuntu add on?05:03
bruenigI would assume if you removed it in apt that it would be unusable05:03
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.05:03
johnficcaautomatix is better05:03
silvertip257heaths nvm05:03
silvertip257heaths what utility do i use now that i know the hash i need to check05:03
bruenigthey are both evil so says people who I would think knows05:04
boris55ok, I just saw it on the net and it had all of the ubuntu logos and color schemes. looked kind of shady.05:04
Xenguythe word is, don't use either05:04
Xenguyor rather, use at your own risk :-)05:05
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bruenigwith the restricted format page, there really is no reason to, although it does take a bit longer to do it yourself05:05
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Xenguybruenig: yeah, pretty easy05:05
boris55I was encouraged to learn that there is an open source dvd format. Do you think it will get any traction?05:06
Xenguyboris55: what is the name?05:06
boris55not sure I read it in the official ubuntu book.05:06
boris55analagous to ogg05:06
BeawolfeA very confussed NOOB here......can someone tell me how to get a par2 file to verify or work in the GUI?05:07
johnficcadoes anyone know how to get w32codecs working all the way in ubuntu 64 bit05:07
bruenigjohnficca, there are some codecs that just don't exist for 64 bit05:07
ArrenLexjohnficca: you can't.05:07
Xenguybloody hell05:07
johnficcaoh cool05:08
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boris55I seriously don't understand restricted formats..  They all should be opened source.05:08
ArrenLexboris55: it's called "money" and some companies have to "make" it.05:08
johnficcatell that to the DRM05:08
bruenigthey can make it with hardware05:08
ArrenLexbruenig: no, because there are already hardware companies.05:09
bruenigsoftware ought to be free, and it is going that way05:09
johnficcais there any legal way to play dvds in ubuntu05:09
ArrenLexburenig: if they don't restrict your freedom you will copy intellectual property or something equally akin to murdering and eating little puppies.05:09
bruenigjohnficca, not in the US05:09
ArrenLexbuernig: and then big movie studios won't make deals with them. And you won't get money.05:09
XenguyArrenLex: fuck software corporations - all of them :-)05:10
Xenguythank you05:10
johnficcawhat about the freespire dvd codeocs05:10
bruenigubotu must be gone05:10
ArrenLex...ubotu is dead.05:10
Xenguyoops - fsck05:10
=== polin8 [n=bskahan@dsl254-074-249.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexWe knew you well, little guy. ;__;05:10
ArrenLexRest in peace. .__.05:10
johnficcacan you use them in ubuntu?05:10
bruenigjohnficca, it is illegal in the US05:10
silvertip257heaths:  i've figured it out & i'm checkin it now05:10
nrdbwhat gets me is when hardware compainies (i.e. epson) force you to use there cartridges, (can't even get them from overseas).05:10
johnficcayeah but not for freespire05:10
Xenguybruenig johnficca but then the US is illegal :P05:11
AsymmetryThe US can't tell me what software I can and can't use for legal purposes.05:11
bruenigXenguy, that statement makes no sense05:11
ArrenLexAsymmetry: actually... they can.05:11
AsymmetryNo, actually, they can't.05:11
bruenigAsymmetry, they can, perhaps you are unaware of the basic concepts of social contract or governance05:11
johnficcaI don't think so cuz I heard that ubuntu was talking to the freespire people about it05:11
ArrenLexAsymm: if you live there, they can. Whether or not you listen is up to you.05:11
AsymmetryPerhaps I'm not. I'm in the US military, I know full well.05:11
Xenguybruenig: think different :P05:12
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johnficcaletting them use the dvd codecs05:12
Rookie-seems to be some OT here ....05:12
Beawolfecan someone tell me how to get a par2 file to verify or work in the GUI?05:12
nrdbI need to get the Gnome.pm perl package, does anyone know what package this is in?05:12
AsymmetryIf I own a DVD, I can use whatever fscking codec I want to play it. If I want to make my own DVD with videos that I shot or have the legal rights to, or pictures, I can use whatever fscking codec I want to use to make it.05:13
ArrenLexRookie: ubotu died.05:13
AsymmetryNothing about that is illegal.05:13
XenguyAsymmetry: kill your superioroids05:13
ArrenLexAsymmetry: you CAN, yes. You're just not ALLOWED. Theoretically.05:13
=== kenestle [n=kenestle@cpe-72-224-75-164.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AsymmetrySince when? Show me where it says I can't.05:13
ArrenLexnrdb: libgnome-perl05:13
dave_48091DMCA , hehe05:13
AsymmetryShow me WHERE it says that.05:13
nrdbArrenLex: thanks05:13
ArrenLexAsymmetry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libdvdcss05:13
boris55I think you can record in your own codec. You're just not allowed to use proprietary algorithms for codecs.05:13
bruenigAsymmetry, let me edit your comment for you ...If I own a DVD, I believe I should be able to use whatever fscking codec I want to play it. If I want to make my own DVD with videos that I shot or have the legal rights to, or pictures, I believe I should be able to use whatever fscking codec I want to use to make it.05:13
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kenestleDoes anyone have experience with the ppc 6.06?05:14
dave_48091google DMCA , and have a nice read05:14
Asymmetrybruenig, I meant exactly what the fuck I said.05:14
bruenigAsymmetry, the edit was for correctness05:14
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robert_blah, debconf build is still giving me issues05:14
johnficcaFreespire is a community-driven, Debian-based Linux distribution which legally supports (or has one-click access to support): MP3, DVD, Windows Media, QuickTime, Java, Flash05:14
bruenignot for sentiment05:14
ArrenLexCan we please stop swearing here?05:14
Asymmetrybruenig, The edit was for you. My statement was correct as is.05:14
Rookie-its a big diff. between "can" and "allowed"05:14
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kenestleppc anyone?05:14
XenguyAsymmetry: yes, money grubbing CD/DVD monopolists are evil, and we like to copy stuff anyway05:14
johnficcaso why can't we use there dvd codecs05:14
bruenigjohnficca, yeah if you buy freespire because freespire pays the licensing fees05:14
AsymmetryNothing in the DMCA says that I can't find a codec to use. If I'm not using it for commercial gain, it's all good.05:15
=== caci [i=sk@andariel.informatik.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu
johnficcafreespire is FREE05:15
AsymmetryEspecially when I bought the discs, I made the videos and photos, etc.05:15
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Beawolfecan anybody here see what I am typing at all?05:15
AsymmetryMy material, my legal rights.05:15
dave_48091if you defeat a security device its a 20 years05:15
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bruenigAsymmetry, zealousness doesn't trump legality. Perhaps you believe the laws to be wrong unconstitutional whatever you stance may be. But that does not make you above the law.05:15
ArrenLexAsymmetry: you can create your own content and distribute it in whatever format suits your fancy. But if you're given a movie in a format that you don't own the copyright to, you can't decrypt it.05:15
Rookie-yea Beawolfe05:15
johnficcalinspire is Not05:15
Xenguyjohnficca: freespire is l0serware :P05:15
AsymmetryArrenLex, I never said I could.05:15
johnficcayeah I know05:16
XenguyBeawolfe: yep05:16
AsymmetryArrenLex, I can PLAY it.05:16
ArrenLexAsymmetry; I think we're arguing about completely different things.05:16
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bruenigLet me transform your claim into one that could be made by someone in the Klu Klux Klan. It is my right to kill blacks and jews, this country was founding by white christians and therefore I have a right to kill anyone I want who isn't a white christian.05:16
BeawolfeRookie TY I was begining to wonder if I was just talk to myself05:16
dave_48091you dont own dvd's and comerical software , you licence it and that dosnt include doing what you want with it  , sadly in the usa05:16
johnficcabut I was thinking if they got over the legal stuff I think ubuntu could too05:16
ArrenLexAsym: playing it requires decrypting it using software that hasn't paid for the rights to do this.05:16
Asymmetrybruenig, That's complete bullshit, and you know it.05:16
Xenguybruenig: die05:16
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Xenguybruenig: :-)05:16
etzerdhello all05:16
ArrenLexbruenig: that's the ubuntu-helping spirit! =D05:16
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etzerdI always have aquestion05:16
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etzerdit is out of ubunu05:17
bruenigAsymmetry, as legitimate as your "bullshit" argument is in its substance, perhaps offer why that analogy is not applicable05:17
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:17
bruenigboth claim the law is wrong and doesn't apply05:17
ArrenLexUBOTU IS BACK! ^___^05:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about IS BACK! ^___^ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
=== ArrenLex hugs him.
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about question - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
etzerdis anyone here ever install Debian?05:17
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:17
ArrenLexetz: I have05:17
Xenguyubotu: what?!!!?05:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about what?!!!? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
dave_48091< yup , many many times05:17
ArrenLexPoor ubotu is confused.05:17
boris55you might be right but to go against a company with tons of guns( lawyers)  we don't stand a chance.05:17
robert_dpkg-deb: parse error, in file `php4-4.4.2/DEBIAN/control' near line 9: missing package name05:17
zoredacheI have installed debian many times etzerd05:17
etzerdzoredache: I install Debian maybe10 time today05:18
Xenguy ubotu know about answering but not questioning -- who programmed this crap? ;-)05:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about know about answering but not questioning -- who programmed this crap? ;-) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:18
=== holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-211-197.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
etzerdalways at the end of the installation I have an error of xserver05:18
kenestlenoone here uses ppc?05:18
ArrenLexubotu the meaning of life05:18
ubotuthe: Full-screen character mode text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-4 (dapper), package size 277 kB, installed size 796 kB05:18
=== amicrawle [n=kvirc@adsl-75-24-201-175.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLex...he's ignoring me! :(05:18
bruenigno, he responded to your the05:18
kenestlegood answer me05:18
=== Crescendo_ [n=GWing@cpe-024-211-177-002.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
etzerdI have no problem like that when i install ubuntu or fedora or Suse. only with Debain05:19
XenguyArrenLex: uh boy :-)05:19
AsymmetryWell, this has been fun. I'm going to go do something constructive. I.e. not trying to justify why my legal rights are being compared to a violent racist group.05:19
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amicrawlemy nvida card is  jittrring05:19
etzerdmy video card is a nVidia GeForce 6200 with 256MB of memory.05:19
bruenighow dare he have to justify his claims, what is this a liberal democracy, come on05:19
amicrawleon games the req opengl05:19
etzerdit seems Debain have a problem with nvidia05:19
=== deflux- [n=tdondich@c-71-202-5-132.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zoredacheetzerd, why are you asking about a Debian issue in an Ubuntu channel?  Anyway X on Debian isn't really that easy to tsetup05:19
XenguyAsymmetry: die, rascit scum05:19
dainanakianybody have advice on how to fix screen resolution? I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but it still won't change resolutions05:19
silvertip257heaths or sethk:  how could i check to see if my CD is indeed the problem ?05:20
ArrenLexbruenig: what? This? A liberal democracy? Have you seen the government lately?!05:20
silvertip257flannel:  how could i check to see if my CD is indeed the problem ?05:20
bruenigArrenLex, right, that fits within my vague satire05:20
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bruenigor sarcasm I suppose more aptly named05:20
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amicrawle,y card is a nvidia 9800 fx  51205:20
=== mmuzzy [n=mmuzzy@ip72-200-185-231.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
etzerdzoredache: I'm not asking Debain question it is just to prove how easy ubuntu is to install over a certain distro.05:20
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:20
=== avihappy [n=avihappy@68-190-230-4.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguy!New Years05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about New Years - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:21
=== yst [n=yst@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops05:21
dave_48091that is because debian stable uses a older version of Xfree86 and not Xorg05:21
avihappyHow do i connect my windows mobile 5 device?05:21
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dainanakianybody have advice on how to fix screen resolution? I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but it still won't change resolutions05:21
zoredacheetzerd, ah, well I definatly agree that Ubuntu is really great as a Desktop system05:21
ArrenLexYeah, Xenguy. "Investigate" him somewhere else please. Get a room.05:21
silvertip257heaths, Flannel, & sethk:  how could i check to see if my CD is indeed the problem ?05:21
ArrenLex!resolution > dainanaki05:21
etzerdit is05:21
XenguyArrenLex: ahem, bruhahaha05:21
=== loop_ is now known as loopjeremyloop
dave_48091dai , edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file05:22
ubotuDetails of setting up synce-serial at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PocketPCHowto05:22
bruenigsilvertip257, you realize there are other people in the channel perfectly capable of answering?05:22
silvertip257bruenig go for it05:22
CaitlinAnybody in here know if Genbuntu is for real or is only a concept at this time?05:22
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boris55too bad 6.10 won't be part of the ship it program.05:22
XenguyCaitlin: definitely a concept05:22
ArrenLexNever hard of genbuntu. What is it?05:22
bruenigsilvertip257, well the question is ambiguous, I assume you are talking about your install cd05:22
bimberiboris55: ooh, where are you getting that info from?05:22
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CaitlinXenguy: How do you figure the viablity of it?05:23
silvertip257yes bruenig05:23
ArrenLexWhat is genbuntu?05:23
XenguyCaitlin: its the suitability that concerns me =)05:23
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bruenigsilvertip257, you should check the md5 of iso of the file you burned first05:23
zoredacheI would guess that it is Gentoo+ubuntu....05:23
=== blegg [n=noe@iub-vpn-70-46.noc.indiana.edu] has joined #ubuntu
CaitlinArrenlex: A concept to make a Gentoo type Linux.05:23
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:23
silvertip257bruenig i just checked the hashes of my iso05:23
ArrenLex...isn't Gentoo already a Gentoo type Linux?05:23
dave_48091you can turn any linux os , into gentoo05:23
CaitlinXenguy: Explain please?05:23
=== eXcentra [n=excentra@c-24-127-146-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
XenguyCaitlin: no thank you05:23
=== Zer0 [n=Zer0@203-219-130-10.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== Krooga [n=nospam@203-214-36-41.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigsilvertip257, if you burned at a high speed there could be burn errors. That is not checkable I don't believe. You could do a reburn at a lower speed and see if you get different results.05:24
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silvertip257bruenig i'll do that05:24
ArrenLexbruenig: it's definitely checkable. md5sum /dev/hdc05:24
dave_48091also it makes a difference on what type of cdr or dvr media your using05:24
CaitlinRight but the idea of setting flags and such is better left to Gentoo and Source compiling wouldn't you think?05:24
boris55i saw an article on tuxmachines, or lxer...05:24
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Zer0is there a channel for ubuntu ppc?05:24
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.05:24
silvertip257bruenig do u know of any free burning software that's good (just wondering)05:24
XenguyZer0: ubuntu-ppc05:24
bruenigsilvertip257, for linux?05:25
dave_48091you can already compile on ubuntu , why do it ala gentoo ?05:25
=== Xenguy stabs gentoo...
bimberiboris55: np, i'll scratch around myself :)05:25
zoredachedebian/ubuntu has can build packages from source... apt-get -b source {packagename} ...05:25
ArrenLexdave: too much time on your hands?05:25
silvertip257bruenig for both linux & windows plz05:25
CaitlinThat's what I was wondering......05:25
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bruenigArrenLex, I had assumed he was using windows, just a hunch05:25
=== Zer0 [n=Zer0@203-219-130-10.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
CaitlinThat is why I asked if it was real or not.05:25
Zer0Xenguy: i get redirected here (#ubuntu)05:25
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dave_48091I havnt heard of it , however anything is possible given enough skill and time/money hehe05:26
bruenigwindows, not sure, I always used pirate nero before I switched which was technically free. For linux I use gnomebaker on the rare occasions that I actually burn stuff.05:26
=== Xenguy stabs wind0ze...
ArrenLexI love k3b for burning.05:26
ArrenLexk3b owns all.05:26
bruenigk3b for gnome? no thanks half of kde for one app is not worth it05:26
Zer0does the aiport wireless card work with ubuntu ppc?05:26
=== Onbir [n=robin@linth.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
CaitlinI mean I have used Ubuntu and I liked it. No complaints. Actually Edgy-Eft Knot 3 looked great.05:26
dave_48091why do you need X to burn a cd , hehe05:27
bruenigis knot 3 a live cd?05:27
ArrenLexbruenig: yes, same as dapper is.05:27
Xenguykd3 is damn fine cd/dvd burning05:27
CaitlinBruenig: Yes05:27
CaitlinUntil it's finalized however.........05:27
bimberiZer0: pretty sure it does - check via here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:27
bruenigmight look at that when I get time. Love to experience the orange. Get to see the orange for one day every six months on the new released when I reformat05:28
boris55not the link I read but here it is.05:28
silvertip257bruenig thank you i'll look for gnomebaker when i get a good stable linux OS running05:28
avihappyI have a windows mobile 5, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PocketPCHowto did Not work.05:28
bimberiboris55: thanks mate :)05:28
bruenigsilvertip257, if you get ubuntu going it is a quick "sudo apt-get install gnomebaker" and your good to go05:28
ubotugnomebaker: application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 862 kB, installed size 2640 kB05:29
bruenigoh well actually you have to enable universe05:29
Zer0bimberi: thanks05:29
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AbortDgod kde is great05:29
bimberiahh, shipit continuing with dapper.  fair enough i spose05:29
dave_48091right but its pretty easy to do it by cli , right ?05:29
ArrenLexKDE owns all.05:29
silvertip257bruenig, I'm quite new to the linux scene as you probably can tell, so I'm not sure all you're talkin about, but i'm sure there is documentation05:29
boris55just saw the release schedule. final is out on my ex anniversary, so at least I'll have something to celebrate.05:29
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=== Xenguy stabs kde...
=== ArrenLex stabs Xenguy...
CaitlinAny word on KDE 405:30
XenguyArrenLex: finally!05:30
ArrenLexXenguy: suicidal?05:30
XenguyArrenLex: homocidal actually05:30
=== brendonjt [n=brendon@222-153-147-164.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Ubuntu]
bruenigsilvertip257, yeah well it takes a while but becomes very logical05:30
roostishawanyone, why do i get the following when using sudo:  sudo: unable to lookup myname-ubuntu via gethostbyname()05:30
CaitlinI think Xenguy just doesn't like everything05:30
bimberiZer0: np :)05:31
XenguyCaitlin: some nights are better than others ;-)05:31
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=== JacksLivr [n=JacksLiv@jules.dougstuff.com] has joined #ubuntu
CaitlinXenguy: I hear ya05:31
=== vik [n=vik@cor9-ppp388.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
silvertip257bruenig what do u mean becomes very logical ?05:31
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Xenguysilvertip257: comes naturally ?05:31
bruenigeverything makes sense. There is a lot of stuff and commands that seem foreign but if you take the time to learn them, it all seems to cohesively make sense. It is not just a rote memory, do this command here. The command themselves make sense.05:32
CaitlinUbuntu is very intuitive. One of it's strengths.05:32
JacksLivri have a windows xp single partition latop and a ubuntu CD. do i need anything else to turn this into a dual boot system? i dont have partition magic.05:32
silvertip257i hear ya bruenig ... i understand now, for a sec i wasnt sure what u were talkin bout srry05:32
=== mpan [n=mpan@a88-113-15-215.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
CaitlinUbuntu should help you dual boot JacksLivr05:33
bruenigJacksLivr, you can resize your windows partition within the ubuntu live/install cd05:33
bimberiubotu tell roostishaw about hostname05:33
Xenguybruenig: and all it takes is yaers to learn :-)05:33
JacksLivris it safe?05:33
boris55anyone ever run Xubuntu?05:33
verbosewhere is DISPLAY set at runtime?05:33
Xenguyer, years05:33
bruenigJacksLivr, make sure you defragment your windows partition before you try to install05:33
verboseand is it safe to change it to hostname:005:33
silvertip257bruenig what do u think about the 5 disk fedora core 5.0 linux ?05:33
verboseinstead of :0.005:33
bruenigJacksLivr, I did it with no problem05:33
bimberiroostishaw: (see /msg from ubotu) you will have to fix it in recovery mode05:33
=== eBs|Jack [n=2as@ool-18b98bf2.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
pcdoc911ok can someone pm me with install and what to download help?05:33
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ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.05:33
JacksLivrbruenig: is the windows default defragger sufficient?05:33
eBs|Jackcan anyone help with install from usb stick?05:33
silvertip257bruenig what do u think about the 5 disk fedora core 5.0 linux ?05:34
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eBs|Jackjackslivr no05:34
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roostishawbimberi, eek! how do i get to recovery mode?05:34
bruenig5 disks is overkill, I used Suse first because it had more disks and therefore I thought it would have more stuff and I wouldn't have to install it which I heard installing on linux was hard. But no big deal05:34
JacksLivr<gulp> is there a free one that is?05:34
Xenguyroostishaw: rescue   ?05:34
eBs|Jacknot a good one jacks05:34
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JacksLivrso what do i do?05:34
=== Xenguy stabs SuSE and RH...
eBs|Jacko&o is good but its not free05:34
eBs|Jackcrack it =)05:35
Xenguyroostishaw: :-)05:35
silvertip257bruenig how many disks for Suse?  Can i get that for free too?05:35
CaitlinSuse and Redhat..... <Snicker>05:35
ladydoor!u > silvertip25705:35
boris556 disks.05:35
JacksLivrbruenig; what defragger did you use?05:35
silvertip257what ladydoor05:35
bruenigultimately if you are looking for stability documentation and support, you have to go with ubuntu, once you get ubuntu under your belt you can move on if you like, I am thinking of moving on the gentoo or something else because of more control05:35
boris555 regular + 1 add on05:35
roostishawXenguy, so... how do i get there?05:35
=== d_ [n=d@67-43-242-103-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorsilvertip257: read the bot's pm :-)05:35
eBs|Jackhey guys i got my usb stick to boot the alternate install disk but i have problems mounting it as a cdrom drive05:35
bruenigJacksLivr, just the windows defragger, all the defragger does is allow you to resize the ntfs partition smaller05:36
Xenguyroostishaw: sorry, I'm not sure where you are now :-)05:36
=== nippy|lfs [n=Brian@216-15-45-30.c3-0.161-ubr1.lnh-161.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigas it all becomes situated closer together at the beginning of the drive05:36
d_Ubuntu is smarter than me again05:36
roostishawXenguy, how do i get into recovery mode to fix my problem...05:36
=== d_ is now known as thedash
CaitlinWho needs 5 disks +1 for a linux install?05:36
eBs|Jackhey guys i got my usb stick to boot the alternate install disk but i have problems mounting it as a cdrom drive05:36
thedashI can't edit my sources.list ?  it says timestamp too far in the future05:37
Xenguyroostishaw: still not sure what your problem is, but stuff CD into drive and type 'rescue'   ?05:37
silvertip257ladydoor ... this is a chat room/channel!!!!!!!!05:37
Xenguythedash: use root05:37
thedashI did05:37
Xenguythedash: insane05:37
bimberiroostishaw: it's an option in the boot menu05:37
bruenigthedash, do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:37
boris55I pledge only DVD installs from this point forward05:37
eBs|Jackthedash try checking that your system time is correct05:37
silvertip257ladydoor nah it's ok, but dont let me catch UUUUUU using u for you05:37
roostishawbimberi, ok, and what do i edit in those two files?05:37
thedashit is05:37
BeawolfeNOOB here........need some help if possible..............been trying for 2 days to get the answer.........can someone tell me how to get a par2 file to verify or work in the GUI?05:37
thedashthe time it gives me is a little ove 4 hours in the future05:37
pcdoc911can i please get a litte help?05:37
ladydoorsilvertip257: I never got into the habit.05:37
pcdoc911i am a little lost05:38
JacksLivrcool defragging now05:38
eBs|Jackhey guys i got my usb stick to boot the alternate install disk but i have problems mounting it as a cdrom drive05:38
Xenguythedash: if ubuntu won't "allow" you, install a different distribution on principle05:38
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-40-149.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
JacksLivreBs|Jack: sorry im a noob05:38
eBs|Jackanyone help me with the usb stick install?05:38
eBs|Jackjackslivr so am i05:38
thedashd@sh-main:/etc/apt$ sudo nano sources.list05:38
thedashsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Sep 28 03:14:53 200605:38
Xenguythedash: seriously, you could try using rdate or ntp to set your clock05:39
bimberiroostishaw: have a look in them now.  one has just the hostname.  the other will have it next to an IP address ( on my machine - ymmv)05:39
thedashworking on ntp atm05:39
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Xenguythedash: choose the 'simple option05:39
Xenguythedash: rdate is also simple05:39
bruenigBeawolfe, are you using usenet, you dirty pirater?05:39
eBs|Jackanyone ?? please??? i followed the instructions on the wiki and no luck....05:39
silvertip257ok ladydoor excuse me :P05:39
roostishawbimberi, and what should i expect out of recovery mode?05:39
=== weex [n=dsterry@c-24-7-32-200.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
weexhow do you all recommend for me to backup my ubuntu laptop?05:39
bimberiroostishaw: a superuser prompt.  you can then 'cd /etc' and then 'nano hostname' and 'nano hosts' to do your work05:40
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorroostishaw: recovery mode, also known as single-user mode, is a root bash shell.05:40
roostishawok, cool05:40
thedashwell, my computer has the correct time05:40
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pcdoc911is there a install at installs off the net?05:40
silvertip257catch you all later, thank you bruenig for all the help05:40
Beawolfebruenig ................whats the difference..........I have been asking this question for 2 days now and I am being ignored05:40
bruenigBeawolfe, are you familiar with !repeat or !patience05:41
bimberipcdoc911: yes - check here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation05:41
roostishawbimberi, so im guessing that /etc/hosts should'nt have just localhost next to ... so what am i missing?05:41
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ladydoorpcdoc911: i think there's a possibility of netbooting...just a sec...05:41
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues05:41
ladydoorpcdoc911: ^^^05:41
=== dkso3 [n=andrew@c-69-245-43-235.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Beawolfebruenig sorry no I am not05:41
bimberiroostishaw: no it needs to have localhost there05:41
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:41
=== silvertip257 [n=silverti@c-71-230-114-9.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:41
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LeeJunFanbimberi: you should have your hostname there too05:42
bimberiroostishaw: put your hosts on a pastebin05:42
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bimberiLeeJunFan: mine has it on a separate line against
LeeJunFanbimberi: then that's really all you need.05:42
bimberiLeeJunFan: yes i know, i'm the helper :)05:42
jimmy_neutronis it possible to have a different password for root (sudo) rather using my user account password?05:43
CaitlinBeowolf open the par2 file with smartpar.05:43
LeeJunFanbimberi: doh - ok, I'm going to bed.05:43
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mon^rchyes jimmy05:43
CaitlinSorry Beawolf use smartpar to open the par file.05:44
pcdoc911what ver is best 5.10 or this 6.06.1 lts?05:44
roostishawbimberi, http://pastebin.ca/18468105:44
bimberipcdoc911: 6.06.1 lts05:44
ladydoor!root > jimmy_neutron05:44
BeawolfeCaitlin I dont find smartpar at all05:45
=== cliffd [n=cld@c-24-127-86-218.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiroostishaw: ooh, that's pretty sparse :)  i'd add a line with " yourhostname" and make sure that /etc/hostname has the same hostname in it05:45
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CaitlinBeawolf: JUST A SEC05:45
CaitlinSorry didn't mean caps05:45
cliffdcan someone take pity one me and explain how I turn on php syntax/coloring in vim?05:46
roostishawbimberi, ok, will do05:46
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bruenig!info parchive05:46
ubotuparchive: Use PAR files to reconstruct missing parts of multi-part archives. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-4 (dapper), package size 30 kB, installed size 108 kB05:46
bruenig!info par205:46
ubotupar2: Parity Archive Volume Set, for checking and repair of files. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4-6 (dapper), package size 116 kB, installed size 368 kB05:46
pcdoc911ok y only 1 cd05:46
pcdoc911other distros were either dvd's or multi cd's05:46
roostishawbimberi, brb05:46
bimberiroostishaw: let me know how you go - i'm only 98.3% sure :)05:46
amicrawlemy card is a nvidia 9800 fx  51205:46
amicrawlehow do i install the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com05:47
amicrawlei can't get  root premission05:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:47
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dieselHow do I startup vino server05:47
amicrawlei don't want the ubuntu driver05:47
CaitlinBeawolf try here:   http://parchive.sourceforge.net/05:47
bimberidiesel: System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop05:47
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amicrawlei want it from nvidia05:47
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amicrawlei can't init to 305:48
Dr_willisi saw a wiki page discussing that amicrawle  - good luck.05:48
amicrawlewith out su05:48
=== pcdoc911 is not finding a net install cd?
bimberiamicrawle: sudo -i  (with your password) ?05:48
qazqaz70can i use two language ?05:48
Dr_willisamicrawle,  why do you need to go to init 3?05:48
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dieselbimberi: nice.  Anyway to run the Remote Desktop window through command-liine05:49
amicrawlebecuse nvidia need to be set at inti 3 then back to 505:49
qazqaz70can i use two language same time ?05:49
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dieselbimberi: right now, I am ssh with X forwarding and don't want to load the computers entire gnome-session05:49
bimberidiesel: vino-preferences05:50
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dainanakican anyone give me a hand with some troubleshooting for some monitor issues?05:50
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amicrawle"/sbin/init: /sbin/init: cannot execute binary file"05:51
Caitlindainanaki, I can try, what's the trouble?05:51
BeawolfeCaitlin I already have the par2 proggie installed...........when I try and do it in the command line it says there is no par file present and I try and do it in the GUI and it says it cant display the file05:51
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CaitlinBeawolfe I you sure the file is intact?05:52
boris55did edgy fit beta yet?05:52
fooAnyone in here located in the Los Angeles area (specifically Pasadena) and interested in giving a talk at our local LUG that meets at CalTech? We're looking for a speaker. Thanks :)05:52
CaitlinBeawolf and from the command line do you include the path to the file if necessary?05:53
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amicrawlei'm from the lugod05:53
dainanakiCaitlen, well I've compiled and installed the latest nvidia drivers, and I've changed my xorg.conf to reflect the changes, but I can't get my monitor to change to any resolution or refresh rate besides 800x600 at 50 Hz05:53
BeawolfeCaitlin it is from the synaptic package manager in the new dapper distro I just d/l 3 days ago05:53
mon^rchedgy looks like its going to be nice05:53
amicrawle<dainanaki> i had the same problem05:53
CaitlinBeawolf I mean the par2 file.05:54
BeawolfeCaitlin the par2 is in the home directory05:54
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Caitlindainanaki, Just a sec05:54
dainanakiamicrawle, how did you fix that?05:54
amicrawlelol reformat05:54
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amicrawleit would not let me goto any res05:54
amicrawlebesides 640x48005:54
weexany recommendations on a backup system for this laptop of mine? I looked in synaptic but there are many choices05:55
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amicrawlediskdar weex05:55
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timhi, I am trying to install EasyUbuntu but I can't find it on repositories...05:55
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Flanneltim: it's not in the repositories05:56
weexdiskdar is the way to go amicrawle?05:56
vikis there any useful software that indexes files (and possibly their contents) on removable media (CDs and DVDs) ?05:56
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timFlannel, thanks.05:56
Caitlindainanaki, Have you tried to install the drivers with easybuntu?05:56
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mon^rcheasyubuntu is in the edgy repos...05:56
weexamicrawle: so that's DAR in synaptic? don't see diskdar here...05:56
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CaitlinBeawolf is it in your home directory or home/user directory and does sudo make any difference?05:57
roostishawTO THE USER THAT HELPED ME:  i forgot your username, but i got my hosts file fixed, thank you!05:57
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dainanakiCaitlin, no, I wanted the latest so I could get compiz without xgl or aiglx05:57
CaitlinEasybuntu also works with Dapper05:57
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Caitlindainanaki, , There are testing binaries you could try05:58
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dainanakiCaitlin, I know, but I needed the 9xxx version binaries, which is what I'm trying to get working05:58
BeawolfeCaitlin it is in my home directory05:58
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Caitlindainanaki, I'm sorry. I think that I can not be of assistance. I tried.05:58
dainanakiThanks Caitlin05:59
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amicrawleis all so good gui05:59
CaitlinBeawolf: Try to put it in your home/user directory and sudo the command from the shell05:59
dainanakiamicrawle, did you say how I might fix my resolution?05:59
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dieselbimberi: Do you know why there would be no port listening for vino, even though all options to allow remote desktop are on in vino-preferences?05:59
CaitlinBeawolf: Tell me what happens06:00
qazqaz70can i use two language same time ?06:00
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bimberidiesel: hm, it should be on 590006:01
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weexthanks amicrawle06:01
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=== bimberi uses 'sudo netstat -plunt'
qazqaz70can i use two language same time ?06:01
qazqaz70please help06:02
dainanakican anyone give me a hand with some troubleshooting for some monitor issues?06:02
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BeawolfeCaitlin the first time I tried sudo it asked me for a password........then said there wasn't enough arguments...........the second time it worked fine06:04
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CaitlinBeawolf: So it works for you now?06:04
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Lorenshould I install x86_64 or x86 Ubuntu?06:05
dieselbimberi: yeah, that's what I would expect as well06:05
CaitlinBeawolf: Sudo is the superuser command which is why it asked you for a password.06:05
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weexsorry couldn't display all the contents of  <--- i'm getting this message when i try to connect to some windows shares i've used many times06:05
BeawolfeCaitlin the command line works with sudo06:05
BeawolfeCaitlin can I get it to work in the GUI?06:06
CaitlinBeawolf: Now there has to be a way to execute the gui command as a superuser.06:06
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=== aSt3raL__ [n=eric@65-102-149-238.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillegksudo gedit  <-- try that06:06
bl4cktonehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25042/  Can anyone tell me why when I leave my computer alone it gets kicked to the login screen?  here is todays messages log06:07
CaitlinThere you go Beawolf. Thank you.06:07
qazqaz70please i want help06:07
eBs|Jackhey guys i got my usb stick to boot the alternate install disk but i have problems mounting it as a cdrom drive06:07
qazqaz70can i use two language same time ?06:07
ardchoillegksudo is actually for gui apps, sudo is for command line stuff06:07
CaitlinThank you ard.06:07
eBs|Jackany help?06:07
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ardchoilleCaitlin: You're welcome :)06:08
CaitlinBeawolf: Try that.... See if it works.06:08
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ardchoilleBeawolfe: you can also type gksuexec in a term and it will give you the choice of which app you want to launch as root user06:09
BeawolfeCaitlin try what??? the gksudo?06:09
CaitlinBeawolf read what ardchoille is typing.06:09
ardchoilleBeawolfe: gksudo gedit06:09
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Caitlinardchoille, Beawolfe wants to open a par file in gui which needs su privledge06:10
Caitlinardchoille, apparently06:10
ardchoillewhich app opens a par file?06:10
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CaitlinBeawolf which app opens the par file?06:10
ardchoilleit should be "gksudo <appname> <filename>06:11
BeawolfeCaitlin par206:11
bimberidiesel: hm, did the process start? i get have one running /usr/lib/vino/vino-server (with lots of parameters)06:11
ardchoilleBeawolfe: try: gksudo par2 filename06:11
nick_whers the ubuntu tut for compiz/xgl?06:11
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:11
Caitlinthanks again ardchoille I lost the gksudo commnd. totally spaced it06:12
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JacksLivrok, ran disk defrag 2 times. everything is compacted in the first 50% of the drive06:12
ardchoilleCaitlin: It's easy to do06:12
Beawolfearchoille when I typed that in term it said authintacation rejected06:12
JacksLivrready to boot up ubuntu06:12
Caitlinardchoille, especially if you never use it. :)06:12
ardchoilleCaitlin: True06:12
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ardchoilleBeawolfe: It does that for me too, but it always runs the app06:13
qazqaz70why nobody help me ?06:13
JacksLivris there a good tutorial on turning a single partition xp computer into a dualboot ubuntu computer?06:13
qazqaz70please i want now how can i use two language same time ?06:14
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:14
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CaitlinCould you run an embedded user with a different language in Gnome?06:14
qazqaz70how ?06:15
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Beawolfeardchoille Like I said it will work in the command line with sudo...........but I should be able to get it to work in the GUI with just a click or something right?06:15
CaitlinI know you can in KDE but that question was more directed at the channel.06:15
qazqaz70i want like windows whe i want to change only i hold alt+shift bottom same time06:15
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:16
JacksLivrbimberi, thanks06:16
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screechingcatBeawolfe : try gksu06:16
bimberiJacksLivr: np :)06:16
ardchoilleBeawolfe: I've not seen a gui app that won't work with gksudo or gksu06:16
Caitlinqazqaz70, I'm not sure you can do that.06:16
Caitlinqazqaz70, I'm not sure though06:16
whurleyHey all, when installing onto boxes supplied to us by Penguin Computing (dual opteron 248s 4GB ram 300GB hd) the amd 64 bit Ubuntu cd boots up fine but freezes right after the "io scheduler cfg registered" and right before where the kernel should be loaded into the ram disk. We're tried several boot options and other tricks and tips but nothing works. Any suggestions?06:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse06:17
=== foureight84 [n=kvtruong@ip70-187-188-219.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Beawolfeardchoille sorry you lost me with that one06:18
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foureight84how do i load pages that use flash 9?06:18
naceryou cant06:19
foureight84awh lol06:19
ardchoilleBeawolfe: using gksudo or gksu simply launches an app as if root user had launched it06:19
screechingcatfoureight84 : you can if u run firefox under wine06:19
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foureight84but there's no way to do it in the native setting?06:19
ardchoilleBeawolfe: thus, "gksudo gedit" launches gedit as if you were logged into the root account and launched gedit.06:19
foureight84i mean an alternative06:19
screechingcatadobe is stuck at flash 7 for linux06:20
foureight84thanks guys06:20
screechingcatu can try swf-player, but i heard it aint that great too06:20
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foureight84what are you using?06:20
screechingcatflash 706:20
CaitlinI thought Linux was stuck at flash 7 too. Kind of a bummer.06:20
foureight84ah i see06:20
foureight84yea, i can't get the music to load on myspace06:21
screechingcatthere's a fix for that06:21
foureight84oh really?06:21
screechingcatmyspace dosent require flash 9 it just wants it06:21
Caitlinfoureight84, Have you put in restricted formats?06:21
foureight84what do you mean? i'm really n00b06:22
screechingcatand u can make it believe that u  have flash906:22
screechingcatlemme look it up06:22
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Dr_willisThose bums!06:22
=== ogami1972 [n=michael@66-90-245-105.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
bl4cktone_Did anyone reply seems like my IRC client crapped out for a few mins06:22
screechingcathere u go - http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/08/14/flash-9-for-xubuntu/06:22
Beawolfeardchoillle like I said I got the command line version to work....what I want now is to be able to get the par2 file to verify in the GUI instaed of the terminal06:22
ogami1972hello all! my usb mouse has mysteriously quit working06:23
=== JuGhEaD__ [i=user@cpe-24-33-21-54.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatogami1972 : unplug it and plug it back in06:23
Dr_williswas the cat playing with it? and hurt it?06:23
Geoffrey2me, I just installed wine and then installed the Windows version of Firefox and Flash 9....it's not my preferred method, but it'll have to do until Adobe gets Flash 9 for Linux out06:24
ogami1972it shows up in lsusb, and that was working, but has quit06:24
nacerlol the hack for flash906:24
ogami1972that being plug/unplug06:24
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ardchoilleBeawolfe: I'm afraid I'm of no help since I don't even know what a par2 file is :(06:24
JuGhEaD__I'm trying to figure out how to use the cp command06:24
nacerarchangelpetro, same as rar file for binnews06:24
Caitlinardchoille, Par2 is a usenet file container06:24
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RemyJuGhEaD__ - man cp06:24
JuGhEaD__didn't work - I'm on dsl live cd06:25
konfuzedGeoffrey2, i had to do the same06:25
ardchoilleJuGhEaD__: cd /path/file /path/destination06:25
JuGhEaD__well the other lappy is06:25
Dr_willispar2 is a rar parity check file I thought.06:25
RemyJuGhEaD__ - what about cp --help06:25
[BTF] Chm0dif I have installed the nvidia drivers shouldn't libGL.so be installed with that as well?  My quake2 wont use gl cuz it cannot find libGL.so06:25
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ardchoilleCaitlin: kinda like a .tar.gz file ?06:25
JuGhEaD__which do I put first, the source dir or the destination06:25
james296for some reason I cant start the Beagle service even though it shows up at system startup...06:25
ardchoilleJuGhEaD__: source06:25
Caitlinardchoille, more like a direction file, like  .conf kind of thing06:26
Geoffrey2konfuzed, it appears Adobe is actually working on getting Flash 9 out there, though it still looks like a 2007 realease date06:26
Dr_willis[BTF] Chm0d,  it may be looking in the wrong place for it.. quake2 is old.. You may want to track down some updated  unofficial variants of it.06:26
ardchoilleCaitlin: ah, ok06:26
=== AbortD [n=abortd@ip-12-195-52-66.ncwcom.com] has joined #ubuntu
nacerardchoille, nop you have 100mo of rar file + 100mo of par2 file for correct corrupted rar file06:26
RemyJuGhEaD__ http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?cp06:26
james296Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates06:26
james296a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries06:26
james296used by your application.06:26
james296what does that mean?06:26
nacer600 mo of rar file06:26
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Dr_willisyea - par files seem a littel over kill at times.06:26
Dr_willisbut they do come in handy.06:26
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JacksLivrthis would happen to me... the x server wont start on the live cd06:27
screechingcatGeoffrey2 : check the penguin.swf blog for more details. there's a complicated hack out there, with which u can install flash 9 on your linux systems right now06:27
konfuzedmaybe vlc could be made to play flash06:27
[BTF] Chm0dthx willis06:27
screechingcatkonfuzed : so far it dosent06:27
[BTF] Chm0dim thinking i need to creaete a symlink or some sort but dont know where hehe06:27
foureight84hmm the myspace music player still doesn't work06:27
=== ithiel [n=adriyel@cpe-24-164-119-161.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatfoureight84 : even after the hack ?06:27
ithielhello all06:27
Caitlinfoureight84, could try !restrictedformats06:28
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Dr_willis[BTF] Chm0d,  Yea.. i recall simile rissues ages ago.. but honestly the Q2 code is gpl'ed now - so theres some improved engines out for it.. you just need the q2 data files.06:28
screechingcatfoureight84 : wine is the only other option06:28
ithieldoes anyone know how compatible Ubuntu is with MacBook Pro hardware?06:28
foureight84okay i'll do that and then use wine if all else fails06:28
=== deedubb [n=deedubb@S010600055d22c57f.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
foureight84thank you for the help06:28
screechingcatno prob06:29
Geoffrey2screechingcat, what's the address for that blog?06:29
deedubbHello. I came from gentoo to ubuntu, and I like it, I really do, but the startup script outputs are just ugly on my server, anyone know if theres a patch/script etc that I can run to clean them other then just hidding all messages?06:29
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screechingcatGeoffrey2 : http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/06:30
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Dr_willisdeedubb,  i perfer to put them all in verbose mode. :P no framebuffer, no fancy bootsplash.. I want Pure Text Baby!06:30
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ardchoilleDr_willis: vga=791 ?06:30
screechingcatdeedubb : just wait for edgy eft, much better bootsplash there06:30
deedubbDr_willis, I do too but things like the tty font setting or whatever it is is just ugly06:31
Dr_willisim a sick little puppy!06:31
deedubbDr_willis, I disagree, on a server you want it to be verbose06:31
Dr_willisNever noticed the font getting changed from the kernel defaults06:31
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Dr_willisBah! my server dont even have a monitor..06:31
UKMattis there a feature in UB that allows you to rename multiple items at once?06:31
deedubbyou want it to tell you everything so when one day it doesn't work you can say "wow, it stopped after ...." not "what is this garbage? what does this line refer to? why is it indented?"06:32
nick_how do i check if xgl is installed properly before i move to compiz06:32
Dr_willisi wonder what would happen if i removed the video card.06:32
konfuzedhey is there some way i can change the desktop-calendar to a Mayan Calendar ?06:32
eBs|Jackso no one knows anything about how to make the usbstick install work?06:32
psylocybeany wine user?06:32
konfuzedor Zolkin fr linux06:32
ardchoilleDr_willis: That's intriguing06:32
screechingcatpsylocybe : yeah ?06:32
JacksLivrthe first time i booted the cd, it came up with a desktop. now everytime, X fails to start06:33
Dr_williseBs|Jack,  that 'ubuntu hacks' book had a chapter on getting a usb hard drive working.. and it took some effort.06:33
deedubbmost BIOSs dont boot without a video card06:33
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psylocybeim traying to run war3 but im getting some problmes06:33
psylocybei need to run the winecfg before try to run war3?06:33
Dr_willisdeedubb,  yea.. trying to quiet down the fileserver.. the video card fan is making a racket.06:33
deedubbgood luck; where can I file an enhancement level bug?06:33
psylocybescreechingcat, ?06:33
screechingcatpsylocybe : sorry, i use wine but not for gaming. why dont u try the ubuntu-games forum ?06:34
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psylocybecan u pass me th elink?06:34
screechingcathold on06:34
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BeawolfeCaitlin Thanx a bunch for atleast getting me to a point where I can get something to work!06:35
CaitlinBeawolfe: Sorry I couldn't be more help.06:35
JuGhEaD__the cp command is not working for a directory06:36
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JuGhEaD__how do you copy a directory ?06:36
screechingcatdo it thru GUI06:36
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JuGhEaD__GUI not loading that's why Im trying to figure out command line06:36
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JuGhEaD__the hdd and usb drive are mounted, all i need to figure out  is the syntax06:36
BeawolfeCaitlin atleast I can get the command line to work now...............I guess I got to spoiled with Windoze point and click06:36
Dr_willisJuGhEaD__,  i cheat and install and use 'mc' :)06:37
HeavyThinkerJuGhEaD__: cp -r (-r for recursive)06:37
CaitlinBeawolf: Yeah Win does make it seem easier eh?06:37
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JuGhEaD__the source is /mnt/hda1/pictures and the destination is /mnt/sda1   --06:37
Dr_willisim still annoyed that mc dont come installed by default06:37
lupine_85cp -a to keep everything inside the directory exactly as it is right now06:37
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JuGhEaD__yeah I don't have internets on this thing either06:38
uslineed help06:38
screechingcatusli : with what ?06:38
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uslimy grub menu dont have windows option06:38
[BTF] Chm0dhey guys whats the cmd to search for a file?06:39
Geoffrey2screechingcat, now, the hack for Flash 9, is that a response to one of the posts?06:39
uslihow to get it to the grub menu?06:39
screechingcatno. its one of the posts made by the dev06:39
BeawolfeCaitlin yeah it does...but I am trying to get away from windoze...........last virus took both of my machines down in 12 hours time  and all I could do was format and reload from scratch.......lost alot because of it06:39
screechingcatusli : one sec06:39
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screechingcatusli : do u kno one which partiotn your windows is installed ?06:39
ogami1972ok- still no luck with usb mouse- it turns on, and shows up in lsusb, and xorg.conf checks out against an old backup. any ideas06:40
uslii think hda206:40
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usli ..          /dev/hda2   *        1794        7117    42765030    7  HPFS/NTFS06:40
CaitlinBeawolf: Thats part of why I hate Win. Always have. Linux was the best move I ever made.06:40
screechingcatnow do sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:40
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jimmy_neutronhow can i edit the welcome msg once i login via ssh?06:41
screechingcatusli : hold on06:41
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uslii;ll wait06:41
BeawolfeCaitlin if I can get all of these issues I am comming across solved I will do the same with one machine06:41
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CaitlinBeawolf: What are the other issues? Maybe I can help a little06:42
BeawolfeCaitlin my next thing to tackle is the samba deamon so I can work in an NTFS partion from dapper06:42
BeawolfeCaitlin the 4 gig cap with fat32 is one issue06:43
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screechingcatusli : ok here's the windows part of my grub menu. try to replicate it but replace it with your settings wherever applicable06:43
jimmy_neutronis there a file where i can edit the welcome message once u login via ssh?06:43
screechingcatusli : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25046/plain/06:43
CaitlinBeawolf: NTFS should mount under /media/hd?06:43
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screechingcatBeawolfe : just use the ntfs3g driver to mount and read/write ntfs partiiotins06:44
BeawolfeCaitlin it will mount but I cant write to it sofar only browse the file tree06:44
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CaitlinBeawolf did you put in the ntfs tools?06:44
uslihd0,0 ?06:45
usliisnt it for ubuntu?06:45
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BeawolfeCaitlin I guess not ..what tools do you speak of?06:45
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CaitlinI write data to NTFS type partitions...... Like on my USB Hd.06:45
screechingcatusli : not if u installed windows first. but its different for everyone06:45
uslii installed ubuntu first06:45
CaitlinI think in synptic there are ntfs tools. Not entirely sure.06:45
uslithen reinstall my windows06:45
flyphisherjimmy_neutron: try /etc/motd06:45
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totall_6_7Thank you ubotu the link that bot gave worked like a charm, i can now view my files i had stuck on the ntfs drives, copy them over to the linux drives and format those drives to linux format06:46
totall_6_7thank you again06:46
screechingcatusli : thats y ubuntu is your first partition.06:46
jimmy_neutronthank you flyphisher.06:46
BeawolfeCaitlin I just found them and am installing now06:46
uslithen what should i put it06:47
uslihd0,1 ?06:47
screechingcatusli : one second06:47
CaitlinBeawolf: That may enable you to write to the partition. You may have to be su as well, but lets see what happens.06:47
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BeawolfeCaitlin it wont let me do it in the GUI I just tried06:48
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CaitlinBeawolf: Like I said you might have to be su. I don't use su in GUI, so I can't tell you how to do that.06:49
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CaitlinBeawolf: NOT RECOMMENDED: I use root if I need to do file ops, but that is if you know what you are doing only.06:50
screechingcatusli : i cant find anything on the forums. try hd0,1 and see what happens.06:50
screechingcatBeawolfe : you can read/write ntfs partitions with su with the new ntfs3g driver for linux06:50
screechingcatBeawolfe : sorry that was without su. not with it06:51
CaitlinNew driver? Hmmmm......06:51
Ascscreechingcat: out of curiosity, is that method safe?06:51
Beawolfescreechingcat I already have an NTFS partion I just cant write to is all only browse the files06:51
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screechingcatBeawolfe : yes i get it and u can do that with this driver06:52
solomakhinis it safe to upgrade to edgy?06:52
screechingcatAsc : its worked perfectly for me.06:52
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Beawolfescreechingcat where do I get the driver then06:52
CaitlinMust be prettMust be a pretty new driver06:52
lupine_85here also - more or less06:52
screechingcatAsc : but the author still puts out a word of caution since its beta06:52
lupine_85the grub package seemed a bit b0rken though06:52
Ascscreechingcat: Okay.  The previous ntfs write drivers I've heard about have been... shaky.06:52
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screechingcatBEawolfe : one sec06:53
Ascscreechingcat: 'course, I've already made my windows partition fat32 :p06:53
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screechingcathere's a guide on the forums - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009&highlight=ntfs+easy+method06:53
link_36pHey whats a good manufacturer for a laptop that has good linux/ubuntu compatibility?06:54
screechingcatlink_36p : acer06:54
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solomakhinlink_36p: lenovo06:54
flyphisherlink_36p:  I would agree with solomakhin06:55
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screechingcatlink_36p : if u got money its lenovo for u06:55
link_36pHmm they seem little more pricey than others, anywhere i could get a barebones?06:56
link_36pIs there a better place to buy than newegg?06:56
screechingcatlink_36p : acer bundles linux instead of winxp on some of thier laptops06:56
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JacksLivrquestion about partitions. there was a 47mb fat 16 and a 55gb ntfs... i added the swap and then i couldnt add any more primarys. i added an extended and put a logical 10gb ext3 for ubuntu install and another 40gb fat32 for common files. is that right?06:57
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Beawolfescreechingcat Okay Thanx got the page marked for reading and research06:58
tonyyarussolink_36p: Thinkpads.  (Lenovo)06:58
screechingcatBeawolfe : its just a two minute process really06:58
tonyyarussolink_36p: Also, system76 is gaining reputation, but I haven't tried one myself.06:58
AscThere are a few companies that make very cheap linux systems... only one I've got bookmarked only does desktops, but with a little searching you might be able to turn something up06:58
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JacksLivris that right? im scared to death to hit enter06:59
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BeawolfeThaqnx all for the help tonight06:59
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tonyyarussoJacksLivr: It should work anyway.  "Right" is relative, depending on your needs.  I don't actually know if it matters, but I like to have my / on a primary partition, so if I were to do it, I'd switch the swap and root install.07:00
screechingcatBeawolfe : that will 150$ please07:00
JacksLivrtonyyarusso: make the 10GB primary and put swap and fat32 in extended?07:01
THX-1138ntfs-3g is still in beta. COMMON PROBLEM :* File modification times aren't always updated. seems like the least scarey bug. - there are a bunch of 'em07:01
Asclink_36p: what kind of price are you looking for?07:01
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tonyyarussoJacksLivr: Yeah.07:01
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joe__yea, so i still can't get sound to work in my edgy partition (i386 kernel), while it works in my dapper partition (amd64-k8-smp kernel)07:01
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darkanyelanyone know how to install a microphone emic-11107:02
usliscreechingcat: it works07:02
uslithanks for your help man07:02
THX-1138I wonder if the patent on ntfs structure really profits anyone....07:02
screechingcatusli : no problem07:02
CaitlinTHX-1138, ms maybe07:03
JacksLivrtonyyarusso: ok, will it allow me to specify mount points later? i dont see them options yet07:03
RedGhostWell ntfs is a pretty good file system so if they want to be assholes about who can use and for what07:03
screechingcatTHX-1138 : who cares if they profit, as long as they can keep it closed source, they are keeping it non-open source and thats a strategic blow07:03
AbortDhow do i reinstall kde i got it through apt get07:04
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tonyyarussoJacksLivr: They should be there now, but even if they're not, the only mount point you _need_ to specify now is /, everything else can be edited later, although it's easier now and should be there.07:04
screechingcatAbortD : sudo aptitude reinstall kubuntu-desktop07:04
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AbortDdo i need to do it from inside of gnome screechingcat ?07:04
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screechingcatAbortD : you can do it from inside of any working terminal in ubuntu07:05
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darkanyelanyone know how to install a microphone emic-111?? plz!07:05
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screechingcatAbortD : wait07:05
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AbortDwell im logged into kde right now07:05
JacksLivrtonyyarusso: no, no place to specify mount points07:05
|michael|hello all07:05
screechingcatAbortD : you want to Reinstall it  ????07:05
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screechingcatAbortD : then its best to do it from Gnome07:06
JacksLivrthis is the most active channel i have ever seen at this time.07:06
AbortDsame command though?07:06
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tonyyarussoJacksLivr: All right, let's try to find them.  Hopefully I remember these screens.  What do you see now?07:06
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screechingcatAbortD : yeah07:06
JacksLivr<gulp> i hit enter.... its applying pening opperations07:06
|michael|I am try to add a program to my menu list and have not had any success. what am I doing wrong.07:06
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tonyyarussoJacksLivr: Maybe it does need to apply them before setting that.  Would make sense I suppose.  We'll see.07:07
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JacksLivrtonyyarusso: ok, now it goes ther07:08
tonyyarussoJacksLivr: Now it gives you the mount point option you mean?07:08
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JacksLivrtonyyarusso: my windows partition is called /media/sda2 is that ok?07:08
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AbortDits saying kubuntu desktop is not installed07:08
|michael|does anyone know how to add a program to the drop down menu?07:08
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rdemanowany PHP/MySQL gurus on?  I have PHP and MySQL installed, PHPMyAdmin lets me create a database, but when I try to write a script that accesses the database I get the error Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() in /var/www/urllist/index.php on line 1907:09
tonyyarussoJacksLivr: Sweet deal.  And yes, you can have it as whatever you want, theoretically.07:09
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tonyyarusso(Well, not /usr/bin or something reserved like that, but /media/googleshmort would be fine)07:09
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caduhello! guys! i'm willing to give a ubuntu a try (former debian user) but i need some help: first -> ubuntu.com boasts something like packages.debian.org? is ubuntu ok about developing (like, everything -dev and IDEs is there?)...think i gotta sick of those extremely outdated packages :)07:10
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE07:10
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Graigmany programs are able to pick up icons from a theme pack, but firefox is not.  why not? it just always has that ugly blue icon.07:10
JacksLivrtonyyarusso: i appreciate your time tonight... my fat32 is not showing up in this emn. its the only one that isnt is thatok?07:10
rdemanow|michael|: Applications -> Accessories -> Alacarte menu Editor07:11
AbortDyeah its saying its not there07:11
unfknblvblyou can install 3 ubuntu themes into firefox07:11
tonyyarussoJacksLivr: It's not showing in the list at all?07:11
tonyyarussoOr just not giving the set point option?07:11
JacksLivri guess i can ad it later?07:11
tonyyarussoYeah, you can.07:11
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JacksLivrsorry on the caps07:11
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)07:12
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tonyyarussoJacksLivr: It might be worth backing up a step and trying adding it again, just for kicks, but it's not the complete end of the world otherwise, just addtional hassle.07:12
JacksLivroh crap. its installing now07:12
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tonyyarussoAh well.07:13
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JacksLivrand it just told me that the fat16 that was already on there had errors. i didnt think it was gonna pay attention to the stuff i was not modifying07:13
darkanyelanyone know how to install a microphone emic-111?? plz!07:14
tonyyarussoMaster key to having a successful install: Don't get too stressed out.  After all, your worst case scenario is that you do it again.  Small loss compared to getting too frustrated and (in extreme cases) breaking the comp permanently.07:14
|michael|when an application does not auto install to the menu what do I do?07:14
JacksLivri am stressed07:14
screechingcatmichael : find the path of the application and add it thru alacarte07:14
HeavyThinker|michael|: you can File - New Entry in alacarte i think07:14
tonyyarussoJacksLivr: Do you know what that other one was anyway?  Seemed odd to have such a small partition.07:14
JacksLivri have no idea07:14
JacksLivrcompany issued laptop07:15
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|michael|to the bin file ?07:15
JacksLivrif this poops i'll be in trouble07:15
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=== JacksLivr prays
screechingcatJacksLivr : come on, it aint that bad. ubuntu always "just works" in the end07:16
=== HeavyThinker sees JacksLivr praying and starts thinking ubuntu is a cult again
tonyyarussoJacksLivr: Would you have proper backups for the Windows stuff if you totally fried it?  (Not saying you're doing so, just checking)07:16
jimmy_neutroni followed the guide on how to mnt ntfs paritions. but i can mount it b/c i get the error: ntfs journal is unclean07:17
jimmy_neutronany ideas?07:17
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JacksLivrtonyyarusso: i do have all my data backed up07:17
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tonyyarussoJacksLivr: There you go, then you won't be in trouble :)07:17
JacksLivrid have to get the computer reimaged the company way, but all my stuff is backed up07:17
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JacksLivrthe guy who images them is a friend of mine. he'd prolly keep a secret07:18
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ithiel"SportChick" in a Linux distribution channel? Anyone see the irony of an athletically oriented female name present in a Linux channel?07:18
AbortDhow do i uninstall kde?07:18
ithielnot being chauvinistic, just...observant.07:18
ArrenLex"SportChick" is a guy posing as a girl to get other guys to help him more quickly.07:18
SportChickithiel: :p07:18
d42I am able to turn on visual beep, but not able to turn on audio beep. How do I enable the audio beep?07:18
screechingcatAbortD : sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop07:19
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jimmy_neutroni followed the guide on how to mnt ntfs paritions. but i can mount it b/c i get the error: ntfs journal is unclean. any ideas07:19
hotbabe892Hi boys ;)07:19
ithielArrenLex observance countered with inference.07:19
SportChickclearly you haven't been paying attention07:19
AbortDPackage kubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed07:19
AbortD0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:19
ithielSportChick I just got her.e07:19
screechingcatAbortD : so its not there.07:19
AbortDit is though .....07:19
hotbabe892One of you manly guys want to help little 'ol me with some Ubuntu? ;);)07:19
ithielhotbabe892 *laughs* arren...07:20
|michael|does ubuntu support nfs?07:20
AbortDi can logout of gnome and login to kde07:20
fdovingscreechingcat: kubuntu-desktop is just for installing, it only depends on the packages KDE needs, they all doens't depend on kubuntu-desktop the other way around.07:20
AbortDright now07:20
fdovingAbortD: sudo apt-get --purge remove libartsc007:20
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JacksLivrtonyyarusso: what i wanna try... when this all working i wanna put vmware on the ubuntu install and create a virtual machine that uses the windows partition. then i can fire it up whenever i need to do anuything in windows and suspend it when i dont need it.07:20
screechingcatfdoving : but if u did it with aptitude u can remove everything with that one command07:20
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Kyynaracan't you just install gnome (if that's what you want), and get rid of kde in that way?07:21
screechingcatfdoving : thats what i did07:21
tonyyarussoJacksLivr: That's a sweet idea, but as soon as you get into that you'll have to find someone else for help ;)07:21
fdovingscreechingcat: that is correct, if you installed it with aptitude, aptitude keeps track of the dependencies.07:21
screechingcatKyynara : gnome and kde can exist side by side07:21
AbortDand then i will be able to reinstall it fdoving ?07:21
|michael|how do you handle two window managers  (kde and gnome) on the same machine07:21
fdovingAbortD: yes,later if you want, you can use 'sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop'07:21
JacksLivrim not gonna keep you on the hook much longer ;-)07:21
hotbabe892michael: you choose which to boot at the start of the X session or if you log out.07:21
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Madpilot|michael|, you only use one at a time - or you do the sensible thing, delete KDE, and keep the better of the two ;)07:22
|michael|can you select at the login screen?07:22
unfknblvblMadpilot: i concur07:22
AbortDKDE is better07:22
screechingcat|michael| : yes07:22
hotbabe892By "delete KDE" Madpilot means, of course "uninstall Gnome". Otherwise, he is right.07:22
AbortDi broke it though07:22
Madpilot|michael|, yes, that's when you choose07:22
screechingcatAbortD : kde is too slow07:22
AbortDi havent really noticed07:22
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hotbabe892It's not slow for me.07:23
MadpilotAhem. Folks, I did NOT mean to kick off a WM/DE War - take it to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to have one!07:23
PunjabiFLOYDIANguys. is office 2003 supported by wine?07:23
|michael|I like KDE better too.  but how stable is it on ubuntu or do I install Kubuntu?07:23
fdovingAbortD: there is a channel for kubuntu support/help - #kubuntu07:23
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screechingcatPunjabiFLOYDIAN : no07:23
hotbabe892Punjabi: go to www.winehq.com and use the "app database" for questions about which applications wine supports.07:23
screechingcatPunjabiFLOYDIAN : Crossover office supports it though07:23
unfknblvblPunjabiFLOYDIAN: open office does the job just fine07:23
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PunjabiFLOYDIANthanks hotbabe.07:23
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hotbabe892You're welcome, cute.07:23
foureight84Caitlin, how do i get network-manager to remember my wep password so i don't have to enter it everytime on startup?07:23
ithielhotbabe892 quit it. :|07:24
jpiccolo_anyone know why quake 4 wont use the rez i set it at?07:24
PunjabiFLOYDIAN<unfknblvbl>: since you say, i cant configure spellcheck in Open Office07:24
screechingcathotbabe892 : this is wierd07:24
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AbortDi still wish i could get my sound previews to work :P07:24
Caitlinfoureight84, Try putting it into the network settings under system07:24
ltnelson89i need help getting my bluetooth dongle to recognize my microsoft keyboard and mouse before i log in... any suggestions?07:24
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unfknblvblPunjabiFLOYDIAN: i never use spell check07:25
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ArrenLexGaim spellchecks for me, but I don't really need it.07:25
jpiccolo_i have logitech bluetooh and it works at startup07:25
foureight84Caitlin, ah that won't work. i'm not using network-admin. i'm using network-manager-gnome07:25
unfknblvblbut i'm sure you just need ot install or selct a dictionary07:25
ArrenLexAnd it just told me 'spellcheck' was spelt wrong. Ah, the irony.07:25
foureight84there's an authentication window that pops up every time on bootup. slows everything down07:26
ArrenLexPunjabi: what problems are you having with spellcheck?07:26
jpiccolo_ltnelson89, does you bluetooth double type letters?07:26
Caitlinfoureight84, So you don't have a network setting?07:26
screechingcatPunjabiFLOYDIAN : just get a better dictionary07:26
Caitlinfoureight84, where it lists your devices?07:26
foureight84i have it07:26
jpiccolo_ltnelson89, mine does all the damn time, annoying when coding07:26
foureight84but my eth1, wireless is disabled07:26
Caitlinfoureight84, You should enable it07:27
foureight84hmm okay07:27
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Caitlinfoureight84, There shoud be a spot in there for entering your key and then save it07:27
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ltnelson89ive been trying to figure this out for a week now... and ive gone through every tutorial in the book.... and it still wont connect to my devices during boot...07:28
Caitlinfoureight84, Welcome07:28
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ltnelson89?? 'ello? anybody here?07:30
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ArrenLexLots of people are here. What do you need?07:31
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unfknblvbla new computer07:31
screechingcat0 ops, 828 total07:31
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unfknblvbland a nice widescreen07:31
screechingcatunfknblvbl : granted. Next ?07:31
ltnelson89lol, someone with experience dealing with bluetooth keyboards at boot07:31
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unfknblvblscreechingcat: cheers07:32
unfknblvblETA >07:32
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screechingcatits microsft made07:32
dw_i've the following (big) problem. I have a hp pavilion dv9043ea and have a problem with any pcmcia card. the problem is, that apparently no pcmcia bridge is installed as this is the error message i get, when i try to start /etc/init.d/pcmciautils. question: what can i do, to install such a pcmcia bridge?07:33
d42"Enable system beep" is selected in System Preferences Sound gnome menu. But no beep! Clicking on button beside "System Sounds" item produces a beep. How do I enable the System Beep?07:33
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screechingcatso you'll ahev to wait a while07:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcmcia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:33
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jimmy_neutroncan some help me?07:34
jimmy_neutroni followed the guide on how to mnt ntfs paritions. but i can mount it b/c i get the error: ntfs journal is unclean. any ideas07:34
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screechingcatjimmy_neutron : start windows and shut it down properly07:34
ltnelson89is there maybe another channel someone can direct me to that deals more spacifically with bluetooth on linux07:34
sivikltnelson89, what distro?07:34
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: windows is not on this parition07:35
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:35
sivikltnelson89, try that07:35
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: its on an external hard drive (usb)07:35
screechingcatjimmy_neutron : ok, which guide did u follow ?07:35
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PunjabiFLOYDIANguys please suggest a way to run WMV files07:36
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jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700907:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:36
ArrenLexPunjabi: essentially you need the w32codecs package.07:36
PunjabiFLOYDIANwhere can i get that?07:36
ArrenLexPunjabi: search on apt-get.org07:36
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bobdole2099hi guys will the linux-source-2.6.15 work for 2.6.15-27-686??07:36
ArrenLexPunjabi: or download it from the mplayer website and untar it in /usr/lib/win3207:36
screechingcatPunjabiFLOYDIAN : add the PLF repo07:36
PunjabiFLOYDIANok i get it. but can u suggets a way to run Itunes files?07:37
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cablesm102Will Beagle 0.2.10 be in Edgy?07:37
screechingcatjimmy_neutron : did u do the fourth part ?07:37
ubotuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee07:37
PunjabiFLOYDIANaa. thanks07:37
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dw_additionally: all i can see in the lspci output containing "bridge" belongs to mpc51 (it's a nforce chipset)07:37
ArrenLexPunjabi: if you mean, how can I play DRMed files I bought from iTunes on Linux... you can't.07:37
unfknblvblwhats an itune file ?07:37
unfknblvbli've never had one of them before07:37
ltnelson89sivik, ive allready connected my bluetooth keyboard and mouse... they work fine (im even on them right now) but i cant get them to connect on or before the login screen07:37
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: yes i did. i took out the entry in fstab07:38
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cablesm102ArrenLex, you can07:38
ArrenLexunlsdafglasf: aac (m4a)07:38
ArrenLexcables: expand?07:38
cablesm102QTFairUse can remove the DRM07:38
screechingcatjimmy_neutron : not that. the one specific to usb drives07:38
PunjabiFLOYDIANoh. there must be some way aroudn this? lol. i read on doom260007:38
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ArrenLexcables: removing DRM != playing the DRMed file. It = illegal.07:38
unfknblvblIRC TIP: type part of the name and pres TAB07:38
UKMattHey guys - If I want to create a DVD with Menus (and it is a legal dvd), what programs can/should I use?07:38
PunjabiFLOYDIANyeah i know. but then a lot of things are illegal. so whwat!07:38
ArrenLexPunjabi: the only way around it is to remove your encryption in Windows when you downloaded the files.07:39
cablesm102ArrenLex, that's true, but so is playing a DVD with VLC.07:39
ArrenLexPunabi: google itunes drm.07:39
ArrenLexcables: indeed.07:39
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cablesm102I'm wondering if Edgy will have Beagle 0.2.1007:39
PunjabiFLOYDIANok. thanks guys.07:39
ArrenLexcables: I don't agree with the laws. I'm merely pointing them out so he knows what he's facing.07:39
UKMattAre there any programs that can burn a DVD with a menu?07:39
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: yea. in the "my computer" window i see my ntfs partition but i can't read or write to it. if i right click i see the scripts but i still get that ntfs journal error07:39
=== MikeS [n=MikeS@d206-116-64-187.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
d42Can any help? I have "Enable system beep" is selected in System Preferences Sound gnome menu. But no beep!07:40
d42Clicking on button beside "System Sounds" item produces a beep. So Software and Hardware working. I'm running Dapper.07:40
d42How do I enable the System Beep?07:40
screechingcatjimmy_neutron,  try posting your problem on that thread. givre will solve it07:40
angrybunnyhey guys, a quick question before i finally go Ubuntu07:40
angrybunnydoes it support .chm files?07:40
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3992 kB07:40
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ArrenLexWhat are .chm files?07:40
cablesm102angrybunny, what do you mean?07:40
cablesm102is that a help file?07:40
angrybunnycompiled html07:40
screechingcatangrybunny, what is tha /07:40
angrybunnythe help file07:40
cablesm102angrybunny, Ubuntu has its own XML help systeme07:41
ltnelson89so no one in here uses a (microsoft) bluetooth keyboard and mouse and/or has had to specially configure it to connect at boot?07:41
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: is ubuntu suppose to have an entry in "my computer"07:41
angrybunnyits because07:41
angrybunnyi have some e-books07:41
angrybunnysome aint the word07:41
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ArrenLexangrybunny: google is your best friend.http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81510 Is this helpful?07:41
angrybunnyi have like 8gb ebooks07:41
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angrybunnyin .chm07:41
screechingcatjimmy_neutron : i dint get it. can u rephrase that please07:41
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: is ubuntu suppose to have an entry in "my computer" if the ntfs partition is removeable?07:41
KenSentMeI deleted the trashcan from my gnome desktop by accident. How can i place a new trashcan on the right of the Workspaces (don't know the exact english word)?07:42
screechingcatjimmy_neutron,  it should show up in your places menu07:42
cablesm102KenSentMe, right click on the panel and hit Add to Panel07:42
screechingcatKenSentMe, right click > add to panel07:42
cablesm102It should be there07:42
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: yes i show that07:42
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slashmestickstonThat didn't work.07:43
Jaksh_Eethas anyone got Flash to play on Ubuntu AMD64? I tried to install gnash but the firefox plug in is not working07:43
slashmestickstonstickstongueout :P07:43
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=== Tomek- is now known as Tomek
d42I have a question about enabling the system beep on Ubuntu. Is this the right place to ask?07:43
ArrenLexMe stop now.07:43
cablesm102d42, sure07:43
=== gonzo_ [n=gonzo@66-168-54-161.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatArrenLex, finally07:43
sivikanyone here have openssh-client installed to check something for me07:44
AscOn a related note, does anybody know how to uninstall flash?07:44
gonzo_hey all07:44
angrybunny[ArrenLex] : thanks too much !07:44
cablesm102Asc, use the package manager...07:44
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: the error msg tells me i should run 'ntfsfix'07:44
ArrenLexAsc: how did you install it?07:44
d42I have "Enable system beep" is selected in System Preferences Sound gnome menu. But no beep! Clicking on button beside "System Sounds" item produces a beep. So Software and Hardware working. I'm running Dapper.07:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:44
gonzo_could any1 help me get my pvr-150 tv tuner workin07:44
screechingcatjimmy_neutron, try running it07:44
gonzo_with kdetv07:44
morphirarg, I need to have jdk-1_5_0_07-nb-5_0-linux-ml.bin installed.. I try: sh jdk-1_5_0_07-nb-5_0-linux-ml.bin..but it does not do the trick..tips?07:44
cablesm102d42, when do you expect to hear the beep?07:44
AscIt doesn't appear in Synaptic07:44
ArrenLexAsc: how did you install it?07:45
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: thats the problem i can't b/c its not a command07:45
screechingcatAsc : its flashplugin-nonfree07:45
cablesm102Asc, how did you install it?07:45
cablesm102Arren, beat me07:45
AscIt was a while ago, but I suspect I downloaded whatever's on the Flash download site07:45
angrybunnywell ty for the help guys. now imma go sleep :D cya !07:45
ArrenLexAsc: then it's probably in your ~/.mozilla/plugins07:45
d42cablesml02, when pressing backspace at the beginning of a line in a terminal session, etc.07:45
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screechingcatjimmy_neutron, i realy dont kno that much about usn drives. ask on the forum thread07:45
dibblegowhat is the default key binding to lock the screen?07:45
ArrenLexOr else in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins07:45
jimmy_neutronscreechingcat: thx thou07:45
cablesm102d42, I don't get that then.07:45
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AscArrenLex: Ah, thanks.  Found it.07:46
cablesm102I'm guessing it's just not a feature of the terminal07:46
ArrenLexAsc: just search your system for flashplayer.xpt and libflashplayer.so07:46
gonzo_could any1 help me with a pvr-150 with kdetv07:46
d42cablesm102, With visual beep on, the screen flashes.07:46
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screechingcatAsc : u actually comiled a tar.gz when there's a deb available07:46
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cablesm102d42, that's weird.07:46
ArrenLexcat: ah, if only Flash could be compiled.07:47
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ArrenLexAw! ^___^07:47
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cablesm102d42, i get visual but not sound07:47
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=== ArrenLex hugs BigBurlyMan and whispers sweet nothings
Ascscreechingcat: Can't say I recall; it was a while ago.  I guess it's possible, compiling usually isn't too hard.07:47
KenSentMecablesm102, screechingcat: the problem is that i can't get the icon to the right of the workspaces, i know how to get it on the panel.07:47
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d42cablesm102, with visual off, then should get sound, when sound is selected. Right?07:47
cablesm102no idea, d4207:47
screechingcat KenSentMe : right click icon and select move ican07:48
gonzo_could some1 please help me?07:48
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:48
cablesm102KenSentMe, rightclick on the workspaces, uncheck lock, then move them a bit07:48
cablesm102then when you go to Add to Panel, you should be able to drag the trashbin in.07:48
gonzo_i have07:48
=== gilesw [n=gilesw@bb-87-81-158-2.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexOh, so you have.07:48
gonzo_could any1 help me with a pvr-150 with kdetv07:48
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-68-248-227-199.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage07:49
KenSentMecablesm102: ah, now i found it, thanx07:49
ArrenLexgonzo: I guess you should take that as a "no one here knows how to help you with kdetv; try google, try the forums, or try asking again in 15-ish minutes."07:49
Jaksh_Eetyeah, Flash is a pain. I installed the Synaptic version and then my gmail kept crashing, so I had to take it back out but not flash sites are unable to be viewed, it really blowes07:49
ArrenLexJaksh: god bless proprietary standards, eh?07:49
gonzo_any1 no anything about pvr-150?07:49
Jaksh_Eetyeah, lol07:49
gonzo_tv tuner07:49
AscI never use flash sites, so all I get out of flash is highly annoying, cpu-eating ads07:49
d42Anyone have any idea what could be stopping the System beep, when it is selected in the preferences?07:50
screechingcatAsc : use flashblock07:50
Jaksh_Eetso I tried this gnash, but the Firefox plug in seems to not be working07:50
screechingcatJaksh_Eet, try swf-player07:50
ArrenLexJak: gnash is not yet useable. There is no game support, sound support, flash > 7 support...07:50
Jaksh_Eetand the Flash team doesnt think linux 64bit users will want the new flash, eerrrr07:50
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cablesm102!tell cablesm102 about ubotu07:51
ArrenLexJak: they know we want it. The problem is that Linux 64-bit users are like one half of one percent of the total flash users. Welcome to obscurity.07:51
THX-1138Asc. - Yes but you are also missing the long scans issued by skull and crossbones sites for windows vulnerabilities. - do you miss it?07:51
Jaksh_Eetnot really playing games on it, just trying to get flash sites to show in Firefox, like Gmail, lol07:51
screechingcatArrenLex, and with obscurity comes great responsibility07:51
cablesm102!tell KenSentMe about panel07:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
ArrenLexJak: what does gmail have to do with flash?07:51
screechingcatJaksh_Eet, gmail uses AJAX not flash07:52
Jaksh_Eetdont know but it crashes if it is installed07:52
AscTHX-1138: Eh?07:52
Jaksh_Eetbut if uninstall flash gmail works fine so you tell me07:52
=== ArrenLex hungers. Goes to eat.
=== marcels [i=marcel@mstoop.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nonehm i kinda messy upgraded from warty (only cd around) to dapper and later to edgy and now my xserver wont start anymore :p07:53
THX-1138Some shady sites use the browser id string to start probing for holes.07:53
gonzo_any1 no how to setup a hauguppe pvr-15007:53
nonestartx fails too07:53
Flannelnone: you can't just upgrade from warty to dapper, you have to go warty > hoary > breezy > dapper > edgy07:53
THX-1138you got to have java and flash installed and working for best results. naturally.07:53
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noneic .. that might be the problem07:53
nonei just changed the sources file07:54
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screechingcatnone : just order a dapper cd07:54
dtshow do i add a user with the command line so that the folders are set up and it asks me for pwd and so on07:54
Flannelnone: but, for the bandwidth required doing all those upgrades, just download 6.06.1 ;)07:54
dtsgentoo used to have superadduser07:54
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gonzo_any1 no how to setup a hauguppe pvr-15007:54
kujaHow do I find the size of a directory and all its files recursively?07:54
nonei got a dapper cd but its not bootable ..07:54
noneso i had to go for warty07:54
|michael|is there any way to install both kde and gnome at the same time on a ubuntu installation?07:54
Flannelnone: you mustve burned it too quickly or something07:55
screechingcatnone ; what do u mean ? if its not bootable then what is it for ?07:55
Flannel|michael|: certainly, just apt-get the other07:55
nonei dono i just doesnt boot :)07:55
screechingcat|michael| : DONT07:55
=== Maverynthia [n=KlingonE@c-66-177-121-238.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jaksh_Eetdoes swf-player have a Firefox plug in?07:55
noneand now im sitting on a broken edgy with no x server07:55
=== Wrentype [n=KlingonE@c-66-177-121-238.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138Flannel - How do you find out how much disk space is used and available? "du"?07:55
screechingcat|michael| : use sudo aptitude to install kde/gnome07:55
dw_anyone who can help me on installing a "pcmcia bridge"?07:55
FlannelTHX-1138: du and df (used and free)07:55
screechingcatJaksh_Eet, yes07:55
gonzo_any1 no how to setup a hauguppe pvr-15007:55
=== fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatgonzo_ try the forums mate07:56
[BTF] Chm0dthats what i have Gonzo07:56
Flannel|michael|: ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop are the package names, and yeah, aptitude is probably a better choice07:56
d42I have a question regarding getting the System beep to work. Which is the best email list for addressing this query?07:56
[BTF] Chm0dhaven't gotten it to work yet07:56
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noneso any hints on how to make it work again? already removed and reinstalled xserver-core but without effect07:57
JacksLivrwhere would i find the script that will let me fix my resolution for X?07:57
|michael|has anyone done this, installed both kde/gnome?07:57
JacksLivrthe x configure gui07:57
Flannel|michael|: yeah, Ive got both installed07:57
THX-1138mon deiu! i need to read man du then man df too. - Flannel you are the "man" for command line query - Thank You07:57
screechingcat|michael| : ive got all three07:57
Flannel!tell JacksLivr about fixres07:57
screechingcatnone : no use. its prolly broken in too many places07:57
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|michael|obvisouly it works07:57
nonedist-upgrade is fine ..07:58
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noneno held back packages or something07:58
tonyyarussod42: ubuntu-users would be the appropriate list.07:58
Flannelnone: suggest reburning a dapper one (at 4x, and check the md5 of the iso) then installing that, make sure you have 6.06.1, at that07:58
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d42tonyyarusso, Thanks.07:58
wmealing_hey guys, which file in the system could uniquely identify a system as ubuntu and its release ?07:58
screechingcatnone : i second flannel's recommendation07:58
=== gonzo_ [n=gonzo@66-168-54-161.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelwmealing_: "lsb_release -a"07:58
wmealing_Flannel, thanks !07:59
noneid rather install debian where distupgrades actually work :p07:59
Flannelwmealing_: or, whatever flag you want, theres options for all of the lines individual07:59
|michael|can I obtain smart for ubnutu / kubuntu?07:59
fyrestrtrnone: that's your choice. :)07:59
wmealing_Flannel,  yeah.. i just checked up on that.07:59
Flannelnone: You can't dist upgrade from warty to dapper, simple as that.07:59
surfacehow about dapper to edge later?07:59
ubotusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible for Edgy. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager08:00
wmealing_Flannel, would you happen to know.. if its different for the sub-buntus ? (kbuntu, etc ?)08:00
Flannelsurface: yes, o course08:00
fyrestrtr|michael|: sudo apt-get install smartmontools smart-notifier08:00
Flannelsurface: you just can only upgrade one at a time, currently.  Although works being done in edgy and later to try and get rid of that requirement08:00
fyrestrtroh whoops, thought you meant S.M.A.R.T08:00
Flannelwmealing_: what?08:00
gonzo_any1 no how to setup haupuege pvr-150 tv tuner???????08:01
wmealing_for example.. it says "Ubuntu" for ubuntu.. what about kbuntu ?08:01
Flannelwmealing_: no, I believe it's the same regardless,08:01
nonestrange that it worked and apt-get seems happy now08:01
surfaceFlannel:  alright08:01
wmealing_thankyou, you've been a big help .08:01
=== ArrenLex returns. All cheer.
THX-1138gonzo - I hate to do this going to say the mythtv channel or possibly even knoppmythj.  (Ducking barrage of incomming rotten tomatoes in 3..2..1..)08:02
JacksLivrfor the love of all that is good and holy. the laptop speakers beep at high volume when i screw up. i have the volume turned all the way down.08:02
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@p54A18116.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
|michael|why is there no "root" in ubuntu?08:02
Flannel|michael|: because we use sudo instead08:03
Flannel!tell |michael| about sudo08:03
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:03
ArrenLexmichael: the ubuntu people decided sudo was safer to use and\or more convenient.08:03
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gonzo_wat u mean i would perfer to usemplayer08:03
MikeSwhat does sudo stand for neway08:03
FlannelMikeS: Super User DO08:03
THX-1138the bot linked to a handy heap of info. - we could explain it to you in channel but then we likely would make spelling mistakes, grammer mistakes etc.  - bear with us.08:04
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ArrenLexSpeaking of spelling mistakes: grammar mistakes.08:04
THX-1138psst.. shh. i am really trying to look good here. - roflmao08:05
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=== Hanna_ [n=Hanna@ip217.cab24.trt.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLex(Sorry. =P)08:05
brendonjtjust out of interest, how hard is it to make a repocd?08:05
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gonzo_i love ubuntu but its 2 much work08:05
=== RedGhost [n=bp2626@S0106000c6e212de6.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
gonzo_no1 here will even help me with my tv tuner08:06
nonewell i will have to fix it just to prove you guys wrong  hehe08:06
christian_hi there. is there a possibility to create a ubuntu-bootdisk with cdrom-support (to start a cd installation)?08:06
Flannel!tell christian_ about install08:06
THX-1138I had to think of the time spent learning linux as time NOT re-oinstalling windows. - making the trasnsir\tion to a new OS is hard.08:06
Flannelchristian_: that page has a ton of install methods08:06
JacksLivrhow do i make the laptop speaker stop beeping when tab completion doesnt find what it is looking for?08:07
gonzo_i cant get my tv tuner or remote to work08:07
brendonjtor if i copy the  the files out of /etc/cache/apt/archives from one machine to another will the second machine install from the hdd or go to the net08:07
gonzo_its frustrating08:07
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Ascjackslivr: in gnome-terminal?08:08
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JacksLivrwell, there and in the whole system08:08
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JacksLivrwhen i shut down it beeps08:08
brendonjtGonzo, :i haven't got a tv turner card,  but just hang in there, ppl here  will help08:08
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=== TeePOG is back
Ascjackslivr: For gnome-terminal there's an option in preferences.  You might also look for an option relating to system beep in BIOS.08:09
THX-1138turn off terminal bell www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=404597  (tradionally old mainframes had bells. )08:09
=== chalcedony [i=llhull@c-71-56-76-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gonzo_ive been trying just so gay how windows is 1 2 3 with new hardware and with ubuntu u gotta go through 40 guides til u find one that works08:09
=== TornadoOfSouls [n=rolf@a80-100-209-52.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138gonzo_ - everyone here is using *nix. You can too.08:11
noneah another question my mirror has server desktop and alternate isos .. whats alternate?08:11
=== christian_ [n=christia@pD9E83C90.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["...]
gonzo_wat linux has the best hardware setup?08:11
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tonyyarussonone: Text-mode install, no live session.  Has advanced options and works for low-memory systems as well.08:11
=== Klick [n=danbryan@ip68-14-179-247.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
wickedpuppygonzo_, if you got problem with linux hardware ... pls complain to the manufactures if they have drivers for linux we won't be in such a big pile of crap reverse engineering their hardwares08:12
gonzo_ubuntu is to much work08:12
wickedpuppyand gonzo_  language08:12
=== inu|sleep [i=UPP@c-68-81-7-199.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:12
gonzo_o sry08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about formating - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
wickedpuppygonzo_, if ubuntu is hard .. pls try installing/using windows without drivers08:13
gonzo_ive been tryin to get some much stuff working and nothin will work08:13
gonzo_i no windows is the devil08:13
kujaWindows has more support, it's a widely known fact. How about you contribute to the Open Source Community, gonzo_?08:13
=== ironskilit [n=ironskil@cm-24-121-108-115.flagstaff.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu
kujaIf there are no drivers for what you want, write them.08:14
kujaContribute, and allow people in your position to use them happily.08:14
=== Schamane [n=Schamane@p54B1DF84.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
kujaThat is what the open source community is all about.08:14
gonzo_im terrible with computers08:14
Schamanea good morning to everyone08:14
gonzo_i always get programs in tar.gz08:14
ironskilithello everyone08:14
gonzo_i unzip and idk wat to do08:14
wickedpuppygonzo_, check out synaptic ... you never have to touch the source file again08:14
ironskilitanyone know how to install mythtv08:15
Schamanei got a big problem in getting ubuntu server running on an dell 195008:15
gonzo_what do i do?08:15
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Schamanedoes anyone got this server installed?08:15
kujagonzo_: Source distributions are usually made in tar.gz08:15
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kujaThe chances are high that you downloaded the program's source.08:15
wickedpuppyi havn't compile anything for 2 or so years i been using ubuntu ...and last time i compile was 5 years or so ago08:15
kujaCheck out Synaptic as wickedpuppy says.08:15
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wickedpuppyits been yum and apt-get all the way08:15
gonzo_i was getting stuff from there08:15
kujawickedpuppy: ew@yum08:15
wickedpuppygonzo_, are you using ubuntu ?08:15
kujaapt all the way =)08:15
wickedpuppyyum update / emerge world / apt-get update08:16
kujaEw at emerge08:16
kujaThat's still compiling unless it's a *-bin08:16
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gonzo_ill figure out the remote08:17
wickedpuppygonzo_, if you are using ubuntu now ... pls go to system -> admin -> synaptic package manager ... and install the package you want08:17
kujaI only compile when I need specific builds. Ubuntu allows me to get binaries for everything I need.08:17
=== CyberMad_sleep is now known as CyberMad
gonzo_i just dont understand this stupid pvr-150 tv tuenr08:17
kujagonzo_: apt-cache search lirc08:17
gonzo_i found lirc in synaptic08:17
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|michael|if you have both kde and gnome can they see all the same files and programs on the same disc?08:19
ironskilithow do I get ubuntu to recognize my tv tuner08:19
|michael|or do I have to setup the menus for both seperately08:19
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gonzo_i installed lirc how do i config it08:20
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|michael|aptitude install kde" did not work08:20
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Ascmichael: They will be able to run the same programs, but I'd be willing to bet you'll have to setup menus seperately for programs that don't make entries for themselves automatically.08:21
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indrefI need a synaptic xorg.conf walkthrough08:21
|michael|ok, I will check that out.  thanks08:22
treitteris there any way to include any available -dbg package by default when you add a package (for any front end)?08:22
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ironskilitcool this synaptic package manager rocks08:23
totall_6_7yes it does :D08:23
gonzo_any no anything about pvr-15008:23
indrefironskilit, You should use it all the time, even works for drivers08:23
ironskilitoh really08:23
brendonjtor if i copy the  the files out of /etc/cache/apt/archives from one machine to another will the second machine install from the hdd or go to the net08:23
indrefWho knows all the possible options for xorg.conf?08:24
=== starkruzr [n=jtd@adsl-70-224-88-162.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
dw_ah, i just read in the manual of the pavilion 9043ea that this this notebook doesn't have a pcmcia slot, but an !ExpressCard slot. Question: do i have to install additional packages to get this to work?08:25
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ironskilitokay, I need help w/ mythtv setup08:26
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gonzo_iron skillet how u get ubuntu to detect ur tv tuner?08:26
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ironskilitummm, haven't do that yet08:26
=== Wrentype [n=KlingonE@c-66-177-121-238.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IceToxhey guys.. I'm trying to find out what network card I have. been trying lspci that gives me nothing, and I've pasted my output on lshw on http://pastebin.com/795774 . Hope anyone can help me finding out which network interface card I have.08:27
gonzo_wat kind u got?08:27
ironskilitI guess you can use the synaptic package manager08:27
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hav0kdoes anyone else have kiba dock?08:28
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dsl_hello people08:29
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Schamanehow can i change the kernel in the ubuntu install disk08:29
Schamaneor where can i get an 6.06.2 version?08:29
geoaxisi need to download ubuntu package files..i am sitting at a nice DSL connection08:29
geoaxisbut problem is that my system is at home08:30
Schamanea bug in the installer kernel is fixed, but not in 6.06.108:30
geoaxisi need to download the files by hand08:30
KenSentMeWhat mediaplayer do you people use to play online videos?08:30
hav0kgeoaxis, you could download it, burn it, and take it home08:30
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FlannelSchamane: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization08:30
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geoaxishav0k:  well the problem is dependecies08:31
SchamaneFlannel: thx08:31
geoaxisthere are so many of them08:31
maxamillionhorray for the 2.6.17-10 kernel releasing in edgy today!!!! :)08:31
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hav0kso you want to get all of them?08:31
hav0klike, you already have ubuntu installed, you just want to get package files off the dsl?08:31
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geoaxishav0k : just all that are necessary to run mythtv08:32
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ironskilitmythtv is not showing up in Graphics08:32
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ironskilitwhat do I do08:32
Schamaneui, a lot of work for changing the kernel08:32
JacksLivrtonyyarusso: thanks for all your help. windows and ubuntu both work. I  have a long way to go to get ubuntu working well.... but the repartition and install worked. thanks again for all your help... gnight08:32
hav0khmm, if you have the list of them (how many are there)08:32
geoaxishav0k:  thats the probelm...i dont have a list08:33
hav0kwell, see if mythtv's website has a list... then you could prbably download them all08:33
hav0kby the way, does anyone use kiba-dock?08:33
geoaxishav0k:  what i could have done is run apt-get with -s and got a lost of all packages08:33
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geoaxisapt-get -s install mythtv08:34
Flannelironskilit: you need to have multiverse enabled08:34
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totall_6_7ironskilit: thanks for the idea; i have been trying to figure out how to format my ntfs drives to ext3 drives, and i was at a loss then you said synaptic and i thougth to search there for a way, i allready have something installed to do it: gparted08:34
totall_6_7thanks again for reminding me08:35
ironskilityou're welcome08:35
ironskilitjust found out about that tonight08:35
indrefWell, I found what I was after, anyone want a link or should I keep it for myself?08:35
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totall_6_7i have known about it for sometime, its one of the best things about ubuntu08:35
ironskilitFlannel: how do I enable multiverse?08:35
indrefironskilit, I can do that.08:36
Flannel!tell ironskilit about multiverse08:36
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lumgwadahey in  gnome alt+tab scrolls between windows of the same workspace is there a key combo for scrolling all windows and all workspaces?08:36
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hav0khmm, i dont really know what the problem is08:36
ironskilitalright I'm all eyes08:36
indrefironskilit, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories08:36
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Flannelironskilit: check your query from ubotu08:36
indrefironskilit, That link will help you do it in five seconds flat. Just be sure to follow the steps to the letter.08:37
IceToxhey guys.. I'm trying to find out what network card I have. been trying lspci that gives me nothing, and I've pasted my output on lshw on http://pastebin.com/795774 . Hope anyone can help me finding out which network interface card I have.08:37
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mwright1how do I install 2.6.x kernel headers?08:38
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lupine_85apt-get install linux-headers-<version>08:38
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lupine_85apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) gets the ones matching your current kernel08:39
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logos`Hello. I downloaded the DVD AMD64 iso file and have burnt it to a DVD. How do you boot it into the "Live" demo?08:39
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lupine_85put it in your DVD drive08:40
lupine_85reboot and set the bios to boot from CD if necessary08:40
lupine_85let it load up08:40
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logos`lupine_85: It boots fine but when it boots it give me the list of install options. What step gets you to the live demo?08:41
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lupine_85not a clue08:41
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lupine_85try them in order08:41
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KenSentMeHi. I'm running dual-desktop (desktop stretched over 2 screens) using the big desktop feature from ATI. Everything runs well, but Totem also stretches the video, just like my desktop is stretched. Anyone knows how i can get Totem to display videos normally?08:42
logos`lupine_85: I don't want it to over write what I have on my HD now. I was just wanting to run the Live demo to see what it looks like.08:42
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Flannellogos`: what options does it give?08:42
lupine_85logos`: the live DVD only supports installation from the desktop08:42
lupine_85so no need to worry08:43
bur[n] eranyone know if there is a gui that will initiate Reverse VNC connections?08:43
bur[n] ersomething tied to vino maybe?08:43
logos`Flannel: Just the standard "Install" options. I don't see an option for the "Live" demo...?08:43
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indrefI think I broke my terminal.08:44
indrefDoesn't work anymore :/08:44
ironskilitI read it but I still don't know how08:44
indrefI type in sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and nothing happens08:44
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indrefI just get a new line.08:45
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indrefWhat is that,.08:45
lupine_85use gksudo not sudo for GUI appts08:45
indrefI have been using this for three weeks and I've never even heard of gksudo08:46
indrefWhat gives.08:46
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kujaIn bash, how do I loop throug * files while skipping X?08:46
kujafor f in * ; do something ; done08:46
kujaBut I want to skip a certain file08:46
indrefI get a warning and nothing again.08:46
Flannelindref: what warning?08:46
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indrefGnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:08:47
indrefAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.08:47
lupine_85if f <blah> ; <do; fi08:47
Flannelindref: are you doing this is a terminal, inside of gnome?08:47
indrefRight now, same machine08:47
Flannelindref: try just normal gedit, it pops up fine (just read only), right?08:47
indrefI'm just trying to tweak my xorg.conf08:47
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indrefYeah, it does.08:47
indrefNormal gedit is fine, and read only.08:48
wmealing_does ubuntu deal with dual arch packages in a current shipping release ?08:48
kujalupine_85: How do I say "if $f not equal "foo""?08:48
lupine_85not sure08:48
indref$f <> "foo"08:48
wmealing_for example.. 64 and 32 bit packages installed at the same time08:48
lupine_85I don't do much bash scripting08:48
kujaThanks indref08:48
indrefIf not that then $f != "foo"08:49
lupine_85wmealing_: you generally only have one  or another arch installed at a time08:49
ironskilitwell, I'm kind of tired, I'll try again tomorrow08:49
wmealing_lupine_85,  ok.08:49
ironskilitlater everyone08:49
lupine_85you can --force-architecture if you really, really need to08:49
lupine_85not recommended though08:49
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ironskilitthanks for all the help08:49
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kascheifor f in *; if [ !( "$f" = "foo") ] ; then <do this>; fi; done08:49
Flannelindref: != is for strings, -ne is for integers08:49
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kuja$ for f in * ; if $f <> "upx" ; do upx --best $f ; fi ; done08:50
kujabash: syntax error near unexpected token `if'08:50
wmealing_lupine_85, what command will get verbose information from the package system, say if i wanted to know the arch.. I know its dpkg.. but dpkg.. what ?08:50
kujaindref: ?08:50
wmealing_similar to rpm -qi packagename08:50
indrefFlannel, News to me, I've never scripted bash before :D08:50
lupine_85wmealing_: it should all be in the name of the file08:50
lupine_85but... (wait)08:50
kujaI'll try that kaschei08:50
indrefI'm still trying to get my terminal to listen to me.08:50
=== wmealing_ waits with baited breath
indrefWait, maybe I should use vi for now08:50
wmealing_or something to that effect08:50
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lupine_85dpkg -f | --field  filename [control-field]  ...08:51
lupine_85e.g. dpkg -f a_file.deb Depends08:51
indrefvi works :D08:51
kascheiI forgot a "do" in there08:51
lupine_85or. just dpkg -f a_file.deb08:51
kujakaschei: Before the if?08:52
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wmealing_lupine_85, ok08:52
lupine_85there's also dpkg -I (uppercase i, NOT one)08:52
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kuja$ for f in * ; do if [ !("$f" = "upx") ]  ; then upx --best $f ; fi ; done08:53
kujabash: [: too many arguments08:53
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kujaSomething wrong with the [ part? :P08:53
kascheilet me try it :X08:54
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kujaI'm trying to compress all executables installed on my pendrive to save space :)08:54
kujaBut I don't want to mess up `upx'08:54
lupine_85you could always compress them all, then uncompress upx?08:55
lupine_85use bzip2 for maximum compression08:56
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kujaupx compressing itself? I'm afraid of the results.08:56
kascheifor f in *; do if [ $f = "foo" ] ; then echo ""; else upx --best $f; fi; done08:56
kujaWhy use bzip2?08:56
kascheiI'm too tired to figure out what I did wrong in the test08:56
kujabzip2 is for creating compressed archives08:56
kascheiit has max compression08:56
kujaupx is for compressing binaries08:56
kascheiwell, not max08:56
wmealing_lupine_85, thanks.. i'll give that a go.08:56
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lupine_85ah, ignore me08:57
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lupine_85never used upx08:57
kascheimy question: I would like to install ubuntu using just a 128MB flash drive. I followed the instructions up to the point where it wants me to copy the whole contents of the CD to my stick.08:57
sakitelsomebody who use ndiswrapper????????????08:57
kujakaschei: Using "$f" != "upx" works08:57
kascheikuja at 3am I make things needlessly complex08:58
kujaThat just means you're functioning at a complex level :)08:58
kascheiI spent 2 minutes trying to do it without a command after then08:58
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logos`Hello again. I rebooted to check and see if I was missing anything. I couldn't find any option for the "live demo." No one here knows how to boot the DVD into the Live demo mode?08:58
geoaxisneed help from an apt-get guru08:58
geoaxisi need a list of all dependencies of mythtv08:58
sakitelsomebody who use ndiswrapper????????????08:59
kujaHm, I removed a bunch of files through Move to Trash, but I don't see them in my ~/.Trash :P08:59
sakitelsomebody who use ndiswrapper????????????08:59
sakitelsomebody who use ndiswrapper????????????08:59
sakitelsomebody who use ndiswrapper????????????08:59
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kujaI spent a crapload of time removing files from the point I had 100MB on my pendrive now I have 108MB... something's wrong here.08:59
kascheiIs there a smaller install CD I can use for a barebones install? even the server iso is 500 megs09:00
whichwayubuntu christian edition09:00
kascheiis that in answer to me, whichway?09:00
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kujakaschei: Now how do I say "if $f does not contain "upx""? :)09:00
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kujaSo I can make a script which I can execute from anywhere without effecting upx09:01
kascheiyou might need something more complex than [09:01
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kascheiyou want to match against *upx*?09:01
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mwright1hey I've got wlan0.. just wandering how I select my preferred network09:01
mwright1and pass the wep key09:01
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kujakaschei: hm, sorry but how?09:02
kascheiI was asking for clarity09:02
foureight84is anyone here using the pam_keyring package to stop the nm-applet from asking for the keyring everytime you log on?09:02
kaschei[ only has test for string equivalence09:02
whichwaykaschei: have you tried puppy linux? damn small linux? xubuntu?09:02
kascheiI just want to install it as I have installed gentoo and debian, without a cd burner09:03
kascheieverything else about the computer is decent specs and I like xfce for my laptop and not much else09:03
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whichwaykaschei: xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce09:03
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kujakaschei: Yeah I would like to match *upx*09:03
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foureight84i'm trying to stop nm-applet from asking for the keyring on bootup09:03
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kascheiso does xubuntu have a smaller installer?09:05
fyrestrtr!installation > kaschei09:05
kascheiI have read that, as I stated09:05
fyrestrtrwell I wasn't here at that time.09:06
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fyrestrtrand if that doesn't answer your question, then the answer is no :)09:06
kascheiso the answer to the question "is there any way to install ubuntu from a 128mb drive?" is "no"?09:07
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MugginsM"yes there is, but it's quite hard"09:08
fyrestrtrand not a supported install method :)09:08
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holzmodemwhen will be the beta of edgy released?09:09
THX-1138October 25?09:09
holzmodemi mean the beta or rc09:10
HeavyThinkerspontaneous question for room: im looking for a graphing / plotting app (like a graphing calculator) - any reccomendations?09:10
THX-1138There are early betas called "Knot" available. - hm.. "knot" got to mean something chsllenging.09:11
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prokherhi, guys is it possible to make kmail work through socks proxy? i set up socks proxy in kde settings and button "test" said everything is ok, but kmail can't get mail... what is wrong ?09:11
holzmodemknot = alpha09:11
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THX-1138Ah. - You ARE right. - Alpha.09:12
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prokherholzmodem: btw, i am using kubuntu knot, and happy :)09:12
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THX-1138I am knot. - sometin'-somethin' about a missing clib <shrug> dunno.09:13
prokherholzmodem: i'm happy to download up to 100mb/day of updates :)09:13
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THX-1138100mbs daily? - your isp isn't making any money from you. - lol09:13
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holzmodemprokher, i am using it too09:14
brendonjthey guys  i added a terminal to the launcher,  how do i make it open  in root09:14
prokherTHX-1138: yea, i have unlimited traffic at work and at home, i pay monthly it independs on traffic downloaded/uploaded09:14
THX-1138Okay-okay. (uses referee time out signal) now i am feeling left out. - sheesh.09:14
brendonjtTHX-1138, :hehe  me to  no one  answering me09:15
THX-1138Aw - we can fix that. sry to have missed your question.09:16
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prokherguys, is there any official support anyway? please support me with kmail and socks proxy :)09:16
eurytusdoes using syslinux to prep a USB drive for install endanger the data on that drive in any way?09:16
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)09:17
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:17
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THX-1138nada pfft! - dumb bot09:17
HeavyThinkereurytus: not in my experience with a plain old fat32 formatted usb flash drive09:17
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)09:18
THX-1138erm - i am going to take double jeopardy question for one thousand alex it's a long shot. take a look at shorewall for help with kmail and your proxy?09:18
prokherops, sorry09:19
prokherTHX-1138: pardon me?09:19
Ascbrendonjt: make a launcher, enter 'sudo bash' in the 'command' line, and check the 'execute in terminal' box.  It'll start a terminal and query for the root password.09:20
THX-1138I dunno it sounded good at the time. i kinda make things up as i go along. (Hides under chair)09:20
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brendonjtAsc, :i am using the gnome terminal so instead of haveing gnome-terminal  have sudo bash09:21
Caplaini need a cross compiler that works with distcc09:23
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Ascbrendonjt: well, there's probably no way short of logging in as root to make it start as root by default09:23
Ascbrendonjt: You'll have to enter the root password one way or the other.09:23
sakitelI have this trouble09:24
rene32Hi folks! When I play a quicktime video with the built-in movie player, I get no sound. The annoying thingis, that I have to logout and login again to get the sound working again. Any ideas on what he problem could be?09:24
brendonjtyip  i know that what i mean as when the terminal opens it is at root@babylon5:~09:24
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brendonjtAsc, :yip  i know that what i mean as when the terminal opens it is at root@babylon5:~09:25
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ubotuFor at f support til Ubuntu p Dansk bedes du venligst g til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.09:26
sakitel$modprobe ndiswraper      ------------>  FATAL: Module ndiswraper not found.09:26
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sakitelI have this trouble09:26
sakitel$modprobe ndiswraper      ------------>  FATAL: Module ndiswraper not found.09:26
albertofuck you09:26
rene32sakitel: ndiswrappppppper09:26
ivaldiI think it's called ndiswrapper09:26
Ascbrendonjt: then problem is solved, da?09:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about admin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:26
eurytusOk, I am trying to copy lots of files to a USB hard drive from a mounted iso of the ubuntu installer. I used "cp -r /mnt/iso/* /media/usb1" and got three "cannot create symbolic link" errors, I think because fat32 doesn't support symlinks. Should I ignore these or have I messed something up?09:26
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brendonjtAsc, :yip  gksudo gnome-terminal09:27
Ascbrendonjt: Da.  Same effect.09:28
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems09:28
sakitelrene32: thans, an sorry, i need to sleep09:29
ISOLATEDViRuSsomeone want to direct me as to how to set up icecast for amarok?09:29
sakitelrene32: thanks, an sorry, i need to sleep09:29
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af_hi to all09:29
brendonjtAsc, :but with the gksudo  it works09:30
af_I have changed mobo on an ubuntu system, all works with the exception of the lan adapter. how to reconfigure it without gnome?09:30
=== chalcedony smiles
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Ascbrendonjt: sudo bash with terminal checkbox enabled works fine for me.09:31
sakitelrene32: No is the same09:31
lupine_85su works well here09:31
sakitelrene32: :S09:31
chalcedonyhow would someone running on ubuntu live set up samba for trouble shooting? he can't find it in init.d09:31
sakitel$modprobe ndiswrapper      ------------>  FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.09:31
jendaCromagDK: I think what you were looking for is !ops , but the problem seems to have solved itself.09:32
rene32sakitel: Have you installed ndiswrapper?09:32
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brendonjtasc: i went apps->assecories->terminal add to launcher09:32
gkori have a / directory and a /home directory but i also have a /dev/hda2 directory.  i am wondering if perhaps my home went to / and my /dev/hda2 that is mounted on my desktop is just home directory space ?  -- i dont know how to find out or remedy09:33
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Ascbrendonjt: my window manager doesn't have menus.... I just right-clicked on the desktop and selected make launcher09:33
chalcedonyis samba in init.d on the live cd ? or how ?09:34
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brendonjtasc:  what window manager are you using?09:34
sakitelrene32: yes, i have, so now i need up the module of ndiswrapper09:34
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Ascbrendonjt: Ion09:34
rene32sakitel: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper?09:35
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brendonjtasc:  me a bit dumb here never heard of it?09:35
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htimshello, i've a problem with starting gnome, after i logged in with gdm;  i only see the background but the gome-session seems to hang. i also found a zombie prozess: xrdb09:36
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rene32sakitel: Have a look here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-77214.html Similar problem.09:36
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htimsi just added a new user to my system and here everything works as expected.09:37
hoehavercan someone help me with dual boot...09:37
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hoehaveri have a 200 gig hard drive and i partitioned it in half09:37
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Ascbrendonjt: It's not as well known as Gnome/KDE... in any case, I was just saying that I don't know that much about what menu options are available, etc.09:38
hoehaverthe first partition has win XP on it and the other partition...well its not a partition its unalocated space.09:38
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af_funny , I can't finf anything about it09:38
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chalcedonyis there any way to move files using ubuntu live ?09:38
sasukehi when i try to login under my root account, it says Error, your last session lasted 10 seconds, and then it takes me back to the login screen09:38
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hoehaverim trying to install ubuntu 6.06 on the second partition...with the live install.09:38
chalcedonysasuke: you're haunted09:39
brendonjtasc:  cool  well thank you i learn't something tonight  thank you for your time09:39
hoehaverum....how exactly do i do this without messing up windows on the first partition..09:39
Ascbrendonjt: Glad I could try to help.09:39
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IceToxyou happend to know of any program already made logging unstabillity of your internet connection? I need a program logging when my internet connection drops out and for how long it stays down.09:39
Aschoehaver: you'll want to add two partitions, one for Linux, one for swap.09:40
sasukecan anyone help me?09:41
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hoehaverso in the unalocated space...i make two partitions...and the first of the two partitions has to be the swap?09:41
Aschoehaver: swap should usually be 256-512 (at the most) MB.  Linux (root filesystem) should take the rest of the space.09:41
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chalcedonyif a person has ubuntu live cd .. can he ssh or ftp or samba ?09:42
Aschoehaver: The order of the swap partition isn't really important.  If you've got more than maybe 512 MB or RAM, you can probably skip it if you want to.09:42
HeavyThinkersasuke: why're you trying to log in as root graphically?09:42
chalcedonyhi IrishMox09:42
HeavyThinkersasuke: i had the same problem when i didnt have a writable home directory.. if it helps09:42
sasukewell i have 2 accounts, and in the install i selected Sasuke, i added a new user and now my Sasuke doesn't work09:42
hoehaveri only have 256 mb ram...09:42
sasukeit gives me09:43
sasukeError, your last session lasted 10 seconds, and then it takes me back to the login screen09:43
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chalcedonyhi fix-09:43
Aschoehaver: You'll want swap then.  I've got 256 swap and 256 RAM and it works fine.09:43
sasukeHeavyThinker, howd you fix it09:44
HeavyThinkersasuke: check that /home/[account name]  exists for all of your accounts. if it doesnt, gnome will refuse to start, and exit like that09:44
hoehaverasc the greater amount of space you have for your swap drive...what will it do..09:44
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hoehaverlike...the most space the better it runs?? or.....?09:44
sasukei can't get in to it says i don't have the right permissions09:44
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:45
Aschoehaver: It's like Mac OS virtual memory or windows swap file.  The system uses the disk as slow supplemental RAM.09:45
sasukeit won't let me do sudo either09:45
Asc*windows page file09:46
hoehaverah, i see09:46
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hoehaverthhank you.09:46
HeavyThinkersasuke: ouch, you can get to a terminal, right?09:46
MugginsMyou can add more swapfiles later if you assign too little at install09:46
sasukeyeah in temrinal09:46
Ascglad to help09:46
HeavyThinkersasuke: what exactly goes wrong when you try to run sudo?09:46
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chalcedonyIceTox: what sort of connection do you have ?09:48
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hoehaverone more question....the swap..do i make it a primary partition?09:48
hoehaveror extended?09:48
MugginsMdoesn't matter, Linux doesn't mind if swap is primary or not09:49
hoehaverok, thanks09:49
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sasukeokay i'm in a failsafe terminal window09:50
sasukewhen i try something like this09:50
sasukesasuke@Sasuke:/home/techteam$ irssi09:50
sasuke** ERROR **: Couldn't create /home/sasuke/.irssi directory09:50
sasukesasuke@Sasuke:/home$ cd ./sasuke09:50
sasukebash: cd: ./sasuke: Permission denied09:50
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sasukeand i can't cd to it09:50
sasukei need to remove chmod 64009:50
enatls -lh $HOME09:50
enati mean09:50
enatls -ld $HOME09:51
HeavyThinkersasuke: well then, you need to recreate your home directory if it doesnt exist09:51
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ChaosFansasuke: chmod -R 740 $HOME09:51
enatsasuke: sudo chmod 755 $HOME && sudo chown sasuke:sasuke $HOME09:51
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HeavyThinkerthat'll do it. thanks ChaosFan and enat09:52
sasukeokay i can't type anything in the window :s09:52
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enathey, are the xgl packages bork or something?09:53
ChaosFansakitel: try switching to a vt using ctrl-alt-f1, log in (if you've set the root password, as root) and then chmod and chown your home09:53
TrackilizerI have a daul screen setup, but how do i disable one screen when playing games? do i have to edit the XORG file evrytime? or is the a script that will do that for me automatically?09:53
ChaosFanargh, sasuke, i mean09:53
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HeavyThinkerChaosFan: ahh true, didnt think of that... i did it in a failsafe terminal x login...09:54
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ChaosFanvts are handy ;)09:55
Sasukeokay that worked the sudo -R 740 $HOME09:55
Sasukebut now i'm on a new error09:55
eurytusok, in the "installation from usb memory stick" it says: edit syslinux.cfg and remove all references to "install"09:55
Sasukein the /home/sasuke/ it doesn't show the folder Desktop09:55
Sasukewell now its showing it, but its empty :s09:55
Sasukei had tons of stuff in it :S09:55
eurytusHowever, "install" seems to be replaced by "casper" in the latest version, and removing all these instances (%s/\/casper\///g) and booting gives "Could not find kernel image: /casper/.vml" when i try to boot09:56
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Sasukeokay bbs09:56
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eurytusindeed, the instructions are very vague about just what is supposed to be removed09:57
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TrackilizerIs there anyway one can screen will be disabled when starting a game? i have a daul screen setup, but i don't want to have to edit the XORG file everytime i start a game.09:58
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ChaosFanTrackilizer: thats depending on the game09:58
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IceToxLinda, I've got 4000kb/400kb.. How come? (chalcedony)09:58
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TrackilizerEvery game I've tried hasn't worked, Quake3, Warzone, Unreal tournament, even Planet Penguin Racer.09:59
chalcedonyIceTox: my friend might be able to help you in #Windows on unet09:59
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TrackilizerI just see part of the game on the right monitor, but only a litte bit of the game on the bottom right.10:00
IceToxok, thanks a lot linda :) And yeah.. Please come back to active in your home network :) I miss talking to ya :)10:00
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eurytuscan someone clarify what the part "Editing syslinux.cfg" means on this page?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick10:03
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eurytusthere no longer is any reference to "install/" but rather it says "casper/"10:03
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eurytusand when I remove all the paths, do I also remove the "boot=casper" parts of lines?10:03
eurytusdo I need to move everything in /casper to the root of the drive?10:04
eurytusI bet that's what it is10:04
eurytusinstall/ used to have everything, now casper does10:04
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kujaNo idea :S10:05
kujaI boot Dapper LiveCD using my USB stick as a storage device10:05
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marshallwhats the name of the channel where we talk about edgy again?10:06
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bahrHi, how do I make firefox detect proxy settings automatically? If I am at school, my aterm can use proxy because I made an export line in my bash_profile but, firefox wont connect to the internet unless I manually specify the proxy settings10:07
eurytusto whom should I speak about updating the install documentation?10:07
eurytusoh, it is a wiki10:07
eurytusI should have seen that coming10:07
Aaroncndoes anyone use realplayer listen to Internet radio (like BBC)? I open the website (bbc.co.uk/radio4), but realplayer (plugin) has no sound...10:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desklet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:08
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ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/10:08
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hoehaverdoes someone know of a website i can use as a guide to install my second OS10:08
hoehaverthis crap is...kinda hard.10:08
hoehaverto hard for me...i get to step 5 and i dont know what to do from there...10:09
Aaroncnhoehaver: what's your 2nd os/10:09
hoehaverubuntu 6.0610:09
AscWhat's step 5?10:09
mattyvmarshall: ubuntu+110:09
hoehaveri have a 200 gig hard drive and its cut in half...on the first partition i have windows XP and the second partiton isnt even a partiton its unalocated space10:09
marshallmattyv, thanks10:09
hoehaverstep 5 is where i choose my mount point10:10
C-O-L-Ti need an audio converter program for linux. I want to convert an mp3 file to wav10:10
Aaroncnhoehaver: 6.06 is likely able to detect the current os, and will install a dual grub something like that.10:10
hoehaverand i have to select my swap drive and the other partition for my base system...10:10
hoehaverbut on the selections it like " / "  " ?boot?10:10
hoehaverand all kinda of other selections..10:11
Aaroncndoes anyone use realplayer listen to Internet radio (like BBC)? I open the website (bbc.co.uk/radio4), but realplayer (plugin) has no sound.!10:11
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hoehaver" /boot "10:11
ivaldi!info soundconverter10:11
ubotusoundconverter: simple sound converter application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 32 kB, installed size 216 kB10:11
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hoehavernot a question manr :P10:11
ivaldiC-O-L-T: try that one :)10:11
Aschoehaver: the mount point for the linux partition should be '/' and boot should be enabled.10:11
zaggynlhow to check if your burner runs at udma?10:11
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C-O-L-Tivaldi: thanks10:12
lwizardlwhat is an app that works for making dvds in linux (author dvds including menu making) ? What about editing MPG2 video?10:12
hoehaverbut when i try to select the mount point only my first partition shows up10:12
hoehaverthe partition with windows XP on it10:12
mataharii have a problem with the ubuntu livecd10:12
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matahariit won't start - after the spalsh screen i get into "busybox"10:12
Aaroncndoes anyone use realplayer listen to Internet radio (like BBC)? I open the website (bbc.co.uk/radio4), but realplayer (plugin) has no sound.!10:12
matahariand it awaits commands from me10:13
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bomberohi friends, how to delete apt-get cache (/var) ?10:13
Aschoehaver: It sounds like the part of the drive you said was unpartitioned space, is unpartitioned10:13
matahari(initramfs) _10:13
imbrandonbombero, apt-get clean and apt-get autoclean10:13
Aschoehaver: You need to make a partition on said space before you can use it.10:13
BringZtenI love ubuntu dont get me wrong, I'm just concerned about linux cuz Vista (im not a microsoft fan) is really really freaking good.10:13
hoehaverwell...i thought i partitioned it10:13
bomberoimbrandon, thanx10:13
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hoehaveri clicked on the unalocated space...clicked new10:13
hoehaverspecified a sice for swap and ext310:14
hoehaverand clicked next...10:14
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ISOLATEDViRuSmy system wont detect when my ipod is connected and auto mount, how do i mount it?10:14
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Caplaindistcc is indicating that my system is i486 and not i68610:15
Aschoehaver: Ehh, I don't have any experience with the graphical installer.10:15
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Caplainhow do i fix that?10:15
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eurytusOk, I get it to sort of boot. It loads vmlinuz and initrd.gz and goes to a graphic saying "Loading essential drivers" and "mounting root file system." It stalls for a while, then the graphic disappears and I see the screen I was at before with text about booting.10:15
hoehaverAsc i understand10:15
AbortDcan i uninstall gnome after i installed kde?10:15
hoehaverthanks thou10:15
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hoehaverisnt is sudo apt-get remove gnome10:16
hoehaveror gnome-common10:16
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AbortDwill i keep everything i installed in gaim?10:16
AbortDlike the codecs and such10:16
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marshallhow do you know if you have a dual core processor if you arent running a kernel hat supports it?10:18
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hoehaverabortD i think so10:18
HedgeMagemarshall: look at the teeny-tiny print on the proc ;)10:18
mataharimarshall: do you have access to the kernel-source?10:18
cpk2trying to use the live cd on my desktop, but can only seem to get working video in a terminal other than 7... using an nvidia card10:18
hoehaveryou will only be uninstalling gnome.....but dont hold me to it10:18
cpk2not really sure what to do to pin point the problem and figure out a fix10:19
BringZtenWhat are your thoughts on vista?10:19
AscWhy uninstall gnome?  Unless you're REALLY short on disk space....10:19
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MugginsMI think Vista looks good, it's nice to see MS trying to get into the operating system market.10:20
MugginsMbut they've still got some learning to go before they catch up with real OS's :010:20
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htimshello, gnome-settings-daemon seems to hang on my system when starting gnome for one special user. others work fine -- i'm also seeing a zombie xrdb prozess spawned by gnome-settings-daemon.. can someone give me a hint how to fix this?10:20
Asc(at some point, somebody will say to take this to #ubuntu-offtopic, but hey)10:21
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Sasukeme again :P10:21
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Sasukewhen i open up Evolution Mail i get a error and it triples all of my emails10:21
ISOLATEDViRuSmy system wont detect when my ipod is connected and auto mount, how do i mount it?10:22
Sasukeso i get like 4298 unread emails10:22
Sasukeanyone know hoow to fix that?10:22
MugginsMnuts. I gotta go reboot into OSX because Adobe doesn't support Linux and I want to order pizza :)10:22
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=== HedgeMage wonders when Adobe went into the pizza business
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ISOLATEDViRuSisnt adobe bricks of mud...10:22
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glickyay! i finally learned how to build my own .deb packages10:23
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ISOLATEDViRuScool.. i guess <_<10:23
SasukeError while Synchronising "Inbox".10:23
SasukeSummary and folder mismatch, even after a sync10:23
glickbut i think the debian maintainers guide is MUCH clearer and more helpful then the ubuntu packaging guide10:23
Sasukeanyone know how to fix that problem?10:24
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AbortDcan someone help me uninstall gnome?10:24
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zaggynlHi, I seem to have UDMA2 enabled on my burner, but if I try to burn with nautilus-cd-burner, it takes 22 minutes to burn a 4.7 gb dvd :/10:25
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Aaroncndoes anyone use realplayer listen to Internet radio (like BBC)? I open the website (bbc.co.uk/radio4), but realplayer (plugin) has no sound.!10:26
slowzAbortD, i think apt-get remove gnome* --purge would remove gnome10:27
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AbortDhope this works good10:28
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AbortDhope it doesnt hurt kde10:28
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cpk2AbortD: there might be some apps you use in kde that use gtk10:28
slowzthat... im not sure about neither10:28
AbortDwhat if i reinstalled kde?10:29
Asc_If you don't need to remove gnome, I'd recommend leaving it....10:29
Sasukeanyone get an errors with Evolution Mail like10:29
AbortDi need to10:29
cpk2AbortD: it has nothing to do with installing kde, if you are using an app that requires gtk you might end up breaking it10:29
glickapt-get uninstall gnome-desktop?10:30
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kujaHow's the performance of Xgl/Compiz on a 2.2Ghz?10:31
johns^kuja: I run it on an AMD XP 2200+ and it runs fine10:31
kujaNo slowdowns?10:31
=== MugginsM finds xgl to be really smooth on much slower than that, although I suspect the graphics card matters more than the CPU speed
kujaAnd you get the smoothness?10:31
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johns^not really, depending on how much eyecande you want10:31
kujaOn a 64MB graphics acrd10:31
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RainesI got a problem, when trying to install madwifi it gives me this error build is missing, please set KERNELPATH.  Stop. Any idea how to fix it?10:32
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ubuntuwhats the difference on the live cd between normal graphics mode and safe graphics?10:32
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kujaAlso, anyway to automatically start xgl/compiz when booting into the livecd?10:32
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kujaCreate a symlink to X -> Xgl maybe? Unsure :S10:33
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slowzRaines, that sounds like you dont have the kernel source installed10:33
Rainesslowz, problably not :P10:33
RainesWhats a easy way to get the sources?10:34
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=== adioe3 ulijece u sobu.
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alfonsoskhow can i register my nick ?10:36
cherubielRaines: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3897210:36
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oskudeubuntu: i think the "safe graphics" mode should boot to 640x480 resolution with vesa driver... and the other would use the highest your monitor can and uses "right" drivers for your graphics chip...10:36
fyrestrtralfonsosk: type /msg nickserv help register10:36
Rainescherubiel: thanks10:36
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alfonsoskthx fyrestrtr10:37
ubuntuoskude: because trying to boot to normal i couldnt see anything on terminal 7 except static basically, yet the Xorg log looked fine, only thing that jumped out at me was a warning about V_bios10:37
fyrestrtrkuja: on my 2Ghz Centrino / 1 GB RAM / 64 MB video its smooth, but sometimes gets laggy.10:38
ubuntuoskude: would like to make sure this install is completely painless so dont want to jump right in when something might not work10:38
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oskudeubuntu: and does the safemode work ?10:38
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ubuntuoskude: yes, thats what I am in right now10:38
kujafyrestrtr: Ok, thanks.10:39
oskudeubuntu: i assume thats a notebook ? what graphics chip ?10:39
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ubuntuoskude: desktop with nvidia 660010:39
fyrestrtrkuja: but this is probably more a fact that xgl is beta software, and I have a ATI video card (not-so-great drivers)10:39
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oskudeubuntu: ok10:40
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=== Shadowpillar wants a 7300 GT GDDR3 :(
ubuntuoskude: oops forgot the log said something about vsync and hsync out of ddc range or something10:40
oskudeubuntu: oh, that could be the couse :)10:41
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oskudeubuntu: i solved such problems by reading the monitors manual and adding the correct h/v sync values to /etc/X11/xorg.conf (but i heard there are some "automatic" tools for this too...)10:42
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ubuntubooted in safemode I am still getting the bad v_bios checksum so i guess that isnt causing any problems10:42
ubuntuoskude: dont think mine has a manual10:42
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oskudeubuntu: mine neither, but the website of its manufacturer...10:42
ubuntuoskude: i will try to look it up then =)10:42
oskudeubuntu: you could allso read abit here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:44
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johns^kuja: you need to edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom10:44
johns^so Xgl starts10:44
johns^and then add compiz-start to your session with the session editor10:44
oskudeubuntu: but this doesnt work here "sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange"10:45
ubuntui cant remember if it was exactly ddc or not, i really should write these things down =X10:45
ubuntuoh ok i see it was ddc10:46
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ubuntuoskude: yeah that gives me nothing as well10:47
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oskudeubuntu: fyi: i got  HorizSync 30-60     VertRefresh 50-75    for a noname monitor at 1024x768x85hz10:49
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jensen_why does Firefox slow down after a whole day of surfing?10:50
oskudejensen_: memory full ? swap on slow hd ?10:50
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muhammadheey i have a technical problem with firefox the probelm when the page contains pictures have resolution more than 1024X768 i miss the horizontal scrollbar and had to wide the page manually any suggestions ?10:50
jensen_thanks oskude10:50
ubuntuon this pdf i am reading it says hfreq at 30-90 and vfreq at 50-16010:51
jensen_so do i just refresh the page or increase the swap?10:51
mcphailjensen_: firefox is said to have a lot of memory leaks. Close the app and reopen10:51
oskudejensen_: start would be type "free -m" on terminal to see how much mem you got free10:51
jensen_know i know what the memory leaks mean. show web browsing10:51
jensen_slow web browsing i mean10:52
ubuntuoskude: the bummer is the manual says the monitor supports ddc =(10:52
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ubuntuoskude: i am assuming i can still write to Xorg with the live cd?10:52
oskudejensen_: slow usage of firefox or pages render slowly ? there could be many reasons...10:52
oskudeubuntu: never done that, you gotta try10:53
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jensen_free -m says i have total 250 used 240 free 1010:53
jensen_the mouse moves with a stop and go motion when I drag it across the page.10:53
jensen_nothing to do with the render of the page10:54
oskudejensen_: hmm, and only in firefox or allso other apps ?10:54
ubuntuoskude: well i am off thanks for the help!10:54
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oskudejensen_: hows the cpu usage ? got many js/flash animations going on ?10:54
jensen_so far only on firefox10:54
robertttthello all10:54
jensen_nope just a plain html with pictures. morning ok evening slow10:54
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oskudejensen_: hmm, and restarting fx doesnt help ?10:55
jensen_restarting has helped. thanks again oskude10:57
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mcphailjensen_: the new firefox betas as supposed to correct some of the leaks.10:57
zaggynlAnyone good with burning DVD's in Linux? I seem to be only able to burn at 2.5x speed :<10:57
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zaggynlI already forced it into 32 bit transfer mode and udma210:57
jensen_has anyone used swiftfox?10:57
oskudezaggynl: and your burner can 100% burn faster ? (i had no problems buring with mine at 8x)10:58
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zaggynloskude, this is my burner: http://www.sw.nec.co.jp/products/optical/en/ND-3540A/index.shtml10:58
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oskudezaggynl: did you try k3b ? (burning tool)10:58
zaggynlI tried the nautilus burner, works, but slow, I tried gnome baker, didn't work at all (fail, i/o error), k3b I'm using now, runs at 2.5x speed10:58
zaggynland the fifo buffer jumps up and down10:59
zaggynldevice buffer: no info10:59
jensen_mcphail, will look out for the beta. thought that the 2.0 was for windows only10:59
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oskudezaggynl: hmm, no idea, sorry...10:59
zaggynlnp :P10:59
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mcphailzaggynl: could it be a DMA issue?11:01
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zaggynlmcphail, I forced it into udma211:01
Zibiianyone could give me a hint what (if anything) could I use instead of #warning (gcc) to get its argument evaluated? Recently i.e. #warning FOO (when FOO is #define'd) just shows "FOO" while I'd need to see its value11:02
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oskudezaggynl: does "hdparm /dev/hdX" show "using_dma    =  1 (on)" ? (where X is your dvd drive)11:02
zaggynlhdparm of my burner: http://pastebin.com/79595711:02
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Rainesbah, when doing modprobe ath_pci I get this error FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/net/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter has anyone tackled this error?11:02
MDCorehey all. what is the difference between removing and purging a package ?11:03
oskudeMDCore: purge removes config files too11:03
MDCorethat makes sense.11:03
zaggynlalso, when burning using k3b, I see the FIFO buffer go up and down11:04
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orbinzaggynl: hdparm -d would be more relevaqnt11:05
zaggynlah okay11:05
zaggynlit's not using udma11:05
orbinis it on or off?11:05
orbintry enabling it .... hdparm -d111:05
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zaggynldon't know if that's good thing to do whilst burning but wth11:06
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orbinyeah, i'd wait11:06
THX-1138Do burners use io32_support - What about -W Write Caching? The interrupt mask?11:06
orbindidn't know you had something using it11:06
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zaggynloh, I get a neat permission denied11:06
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mcphailzaggynl: use sudo11:07
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oskudezaggynl: heres something i found with google... http://www.mail-archive.com/cdwrite@other.debian.org/msg09698.html11:07
mcphailzaggynl: i have a similar burner and only get good results by setting dms11:07
agamotoHello from indonesia!11:07
=== AaSFi [n=AaSFi@eu83-213-214-42.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
zaggynlthanks people :o11:07
zaggynlheh k3b just froze or something11:07
oskudezaggynl: and if this isnt correct "The problem now has been identified and there will be a workaround soon." mail them ;)11:07
THX-1138Welcome to #ubuntu :)11:07
agamotoAnyone else here from ID?11:08
THX-1138Idaho? - no, just kidding.11:08
jensen_wonder what's taking up my FREE memory. Is there a program to see what's running?11:08
acidjameswhats ID ?11:08
orbinzaggynl: probably should have waited till it wasn't in use then11:08
zaggynlorbin, oh well I've got plenty of dvdrs atm11:09
orbinjensen_: gnome-system-monitor works fine for me11:09
acidjamesso they have internet in indonesia :D11:09
THX-1138jensen_ - google "linux swappiness" - it's caching recemtly used info for lightening fast retrieval.11:09
jensen_how do we access that orbin?11:09
agamotoApa kabar! yes, we do, but it's not very good. :)11:09
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zaggynlok dma is on, time to test another dvd11:09
orbinjensen_: should be in the system menu or you can run it11:09
acidjameswhat kind of internets do you have agamoto , 56K ?11:09
oskudezaggynl: was it off ?11:10
=== CraHan [n=crahan@cust.fiber-lan.vnet.lk.] has joined #ubuntu
zaggynloskude, it was off again yeah11:10
agamotoWe have DSL here, but the government controls it and they deliberately throttle it.11:10
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oskudezaggynl: iirc, it wont be saved when you set it with hdparm... but for got the solution for permanent :/11:10
agamotoI pay $250 USD a month for 384kb/s dl 64kb/s up11:10
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THX-1138easier to reset a file in ram than fetch it from a mechanical device that is far far away on the data bus. - proll'y take two bus tokens and a transfer ticket.11:11
zaggynloskude, whoa, I get an I/O error from k3b now11:11
zaggynland dma is off again11:11
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zaggynlI've had the exact same in windows, it would give a bunch of errors and then put it at PIO11:11
jensen_THX-1138 there's nothing running but the terminal and the xchat which i'm on but still it show only 3 out of 250 mb as free11:11
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agamotoI was hoping I could find someone here from Indonesia that might have the latest release on DVD that I could get from them locally. ;(11:11
oskudezaggynl: hmm, maybe new firmware ?11:12
zaggynlI haven't used any before, and I did work for a long time in windows11:12
THX-1138/etc/hadpams.conf is the file you want for editing. - please be careful and edit responsibly. - no need for a designated driver but be careful okay?11:12
zaggynl*it did work11:12
mcphailjensen_: linux tries to fill ram by default11:12
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mjrjensen_, ram not used is ram wasted11:12
jensen_Am from Malaysia and we pay about USD 25 per month for 1 Mb/s dl11:13
zaggynlthat's what I love about linux, doesn't use swap unless really needed, which is very very fast11:13
orbinTHX-1138: lol, bad typo11:13
MDCorejensen_: how do you know how much ram is in use ? (i.e. what command are you using )11:13
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agamotoyes, I love going to KL. Great Internet there. :)11:13
oskudezaggynl: so it does work upto 16x under on ms-software ?11:13
THX-1138orbin - Gah! - nice catch! - Thank You.11:13
jensen_just learnt the free -m from oksude11:13
orbinTHX-1138: no worries11:14
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zaggynloskude, yes, but I have to do registry hacks and programs to force it into udma2 and keep it that way, and if I burn then, it uses every available cpu/ram resource it has11:14
acidjames$250 for 386kbs DSL agamoto, but that for professional ?11:14
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oskudezaggynl: :/ sounds like a nice hardware... not ;)11:14
agamotoUnlimited bandwidth package from Telkom, the local... Telcom. :)11:14
agamotoThey suck.11:15
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allucis it good english to write "Your Profile" for "Your Details" ?11:15
MDCoreagamoto: you're from sa ?11:15
THX-1138jensen_ - We only just met. but can i ask a favor of you?  google "linux swappiness" - It'll make me look smart and i am suffering from low self-esteem.11:15
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allucabout addresses, name...11:15
allucphone number11:15
MDCoreah.. creepy..  very similar situation :)11:15
NineTeen67Comet"little" question .. How can I logoff another user that's logged into my computer (my wife was logged in, I selected "switch user" and now I would like to log her out w/out logging off myself ..11:16
jensen_THX-1138 - am googling it now11:16
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NET||abusehehe, just been chatting with people in my lug, we think there should be a "geek" option at install time for ubuntu, which would install geek tools, like nmap, nmapfe ethereal etc. etc.11:16
NineTeen67CometNET||abuse: and ssh be default .. lol11:17
jensen_google gave me this - http://kerneltrap.org/node/300011:17
NET||abuseNineTeen67Comet, sshd?11:17
mcphailNineTeen67Comet: try killing her shell?11:17
orbinalluc: no, in that context it's fine ... but if you go around asking people what their profile is, you might get blank stares11:17
NineTeen67CometNET||abuse: yep .. I can't believe it isn't installed by default as it is ..11:17
NET||abusewell no, i can understand the idea,,,11:18
NET||abusesshd is a server,, ubuntu is geared as a desktop11:18
NET||abuseunless you go with server option11:18
NET||abuseso there's a reason11:18
NET||abusebut administrator tools should probbably included, like network probes and remote administration utilities etc11:18
NineTeen67CometNET||abuse: but even as a desktop I use sshd to get in there and work on it, say if I'm installing on the wifes computer, I'll get it going and use ssh to finish up ..11:18
NET||abuseif you select secial "geek" check box ;11:18
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THX-1138jensen see the thingy about  sysctl -w vm.swappiness=10 - nifty11:18
NineTeen67Cometbrb .. gotta boot the wife off this box ..11:19
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allucorbin: thanks, it's same as in French then, but we don't use "details", that's why I was wondering11:19
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allucorbin: not with this meaning at least11:20
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acidjameshow can you afford that agamoto ?11:21
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agamotoIt's not easy. :)11:21
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THX-1138NEVER EVER  run this commad  "cat /proc/cpuinfo"   -    It'll chain you to google for a week at least....11:22
jensen_THX-1138 nope i cannot find it. is that article still valid since it was written in 2004?11:22
frogzooTHX-1138: lshw11:22
agamotoI'm actually here in the hopes of finding someone to send a edubuntu DVD to me, at my expense of course.11:22
useruserhow can i run emacs from a terminal and get the correct icon showing up in the gnome taskbar?11:22
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THX-1138Frogzoo - you have a dark side don't you? - ROFLMAO11:23
useruseralso, is metacity scriptable?11:23
acidjamesagamoto, you want it today ? coz it's free i think if you order it from ubuntu11:23
cpk2oskude: this is Ubuntu, the one with the video problems, changing the values in xorg didnt work =(11:23
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nrdbI have been looking for an example on how to do a gnome notification icon but can't find any :( anyone know where to find one ?11:23
oskudecpk2: :( hmm... i prefer the old text mode installer anyway ;)11:24
agamotoyes, but I like to get my hands on it as soon as I can.11:24
THX-1138jensen_ - carefully peek at the settings in /etc/hdparm.conf     -  maybe make a backup first.11:24
chemaja2alright, does ANYBODY ELSE feel a bit uncomfortable installing non-debianised (ie. packaged in .deb, etc.) software, ie. VMware Server? Is there a .deb available for this that will allow for a *truly* clean uninstall, without relying on VMware's uninstall script?11:24
jensen_k thanks thx11:24
agamotoI'm afraid it will take forever through the regular mail system.11:24
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-121-122.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
orbinagamoto: no linux groups or universities offering them?11:24
=== test [n=allen@cm155.gamma200.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
agamotoThis was my first stop.11:25
frogzoochemaja2: vmware player & server are in the repos11:25
testhi, i need some help here. I need to mount a virtual disk onto my drive with an ISO image.11:25
chemaja2frogzoo, woah... /me checks11:25
testbut i couldn't do it.11:25
testcan anybody help me11:25
agamotoThought I might get lucky and bump into someone here.11:25
=== xopher [n=xopher@a84-230-121-147.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
cpk2oskude: I am assuming i can install in safe mode, but if I cant fix with the live cd will I be able to fix it after its installed?11:25
termosi have a sb live! card and an onboard one and ubuntu doesn't seem to want to play sound out of any of them, sometimes it works randomly but i don't know why and how. what could i be doing wrong?11:25
testubuntu offers what clone software which functions like daemon tool ?11:26
nrdbtest: you have an iso image you want to mount?11:26
jazzrockeruseruser, you can use vim instead? :P11:26
testit must function as a DISK11:26
jensen_agomoto have you gone to http://ubuntulinux.or.id/blog/ for a disk?11:26
testbecause the file won't read if it isnt a disk11:26
=== Maverynthia [n=KlingonE@c-66-177-121-238.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
agamotoCannot trust the mail system.11:26
oskudecpk2: everything is possible...11:26
agamotoand it will take too long.11:27
=== Wrentype [n=KlingonE@c-66-177-121-238.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
agamotoI'm impatient. :)11:27
=== bouffy01 [n=bouffy01@ALyon-153-1-1-120.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
nrdbtest: try "mount -t iso9660 <filename> /media/<directory>"11:27
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testit doesn't work with the .exe file11:27
testit says, please insert cd-rom11:27
agamotoOh wait, that's an indonesian site. Hmmm.11:27
nrdbtest: use "sudo mount ..."11:28
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cpk2oskude: i would really prefer it to be painless though =P11:28
nrdbtest: an exe file would indicate a windows program ?11:28
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testi am using wine.11:29
testi tried using sudo mount to /media/iso11:29
testit didn't work.11:29
jensen_agamoto here's the official one http://ubuntu-id.org/11:29
chemaja2frogzoo, umm... WHICH repo? i can't find it in dapper (main, restricted, universe), dapper-updates (main, restricted) or dapper-backports (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) -- searching via an `aptitude update; aptitude search vmware' -- all i can see is the xorg server for it11:29
=== strk [n=strk@ip-113-193.adsl.cheapnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
oskudecpk2: well, there are many hardware manufacturers that keep their specifications secret to open source projects...11:29
Ignite_test, Sorry I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if it's mounting an ISO image just do "sudo mount -o loop <filename> <mount point>". :-)11:29
strkis ubuntu network install possible ? (from another distro, with an available 40Gb partition)11:30
agamotojensen, you're awesome. Thanks!11:30
=== sc0tty [n=yann@ARennes-257-1-145-251.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
nrdbtest: have you tried mounting to "~/.wine/drive_d"11:30
=== lpei [n=lpei@ALamentin-101-1-4-123.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
frogzoo!info vmware-player11:30
ubotuvmware-player: Free virtual machine player from VMware. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.1-4 (dapper), package size 11563 kB, installed size 31248 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)11:30
=== adrian [n=adrian@84-12-75-123.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Ignite_!info qemu11:31
chemaja2!info vmware-server11:31
ubotuqemu: fast processor emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 2602 kB, installed size 7360 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 powerpc alpha sparc arm s390)11:31
ubotuPackage vmware-server does not exist in any distro I know11:31
frogzoochemaja2: player only apparently11:31
=== Ignite_ points to the free software qemu
=== strk looking for help about network install (remote install)
chemaja2frogzoo, funny that i didn't see it listed >:(11:31
testnope, i will try now11:31
=== bag83 [n=bag@dslb-088-073-126-100.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ignite_strk, try the ``Alternate Install" CD11:32
oskudestrk: there are scripts to install debian remotely (like over ssh) but dunno if theres one for ubuntu...11:32
chemaja2frogzoo, vmware server is a nasty 99KB script that runs as root -- I *hate* bigass scripts that run as root.11:32
frogzooIgnite_: kqemu is fastier11:32
chemaja2oh well, time to learn how do jail stuff11:32
Ignite_frogzoo, isn't kqemu just a GUI frontend to qemu? or does that relate the when qemu complains about something or other relating the K when I run it?11:33
kalifstrk: can you do PXE-boot?11:34
testno luck dude, same problem ...11:34
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testany virtual clone emulator available for linux ???11:34
=== danage [n=UNIX@pD9E748B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
nrdbtest: you might need to put a link in "~/.wine/dosdevices" as well11:34
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Ignite_frogzoo, oh, I've just looked into it, kqemu is proprietary, I wouldn't recommend it's usage.11:34
=== LePays [n=LePays@ALamentin-101-1-4-123.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
testhow can i do that nrdb?11:34
mcphailIgnite_: kqemu is a non-free virtualisation module for qemu11:34
Ignite_mcphail, yeah I've just looked into it.11:34
mcphailIgnite_: sorry - crossposted!11:35
infidelanyone use samba? can you give me a hand setting up a share?11:35
frogzooIgnite_: nope - it's a proprietary kernel driver that allows much faster emulation - it's as good as a real cpu imo11:35
nrdbtest: cd "~/.wine/dosdevices"11:35
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testAs in, how can i add a link?11:35
=== alleyoopster [n=alleyoop@d83-179-247-161.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
testsorry i am a newbie.11:35
kalifchemaja2: just download the tar.gz from vmware11:35
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nrdbtest: "ln -s ../drive_d d:"11:35
jensen_anyone running ubuntu on a core 2 duo processor?11:35
Ignite_frogzoo, I wasn't recommending not using it for any quality purposes, I was recommending not using it for moral purposes.11:35
=== mcphail has found kqemu disappointing
testok, gimme a sec11:35
=== pschulz is now known as pschulz01
alleyoopsterhi everyone11:36
=== Crazed [n=Crazed@cc242865-b.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
testgeez, still no luck.11:36
chemaja2kalif, already done... and i'm looking at the install script and going "i have *no* way of quickly verifying what this is going to do to my clean clean system"11:36
testit seems that i must somehow tweak the system such that they recognise drive_d as the pri. drive.11:36
nrdbtest: got to go now dinner, bye11:36
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alleyoopsterI am looking for a little help finding a dependency for rubyripper. It is libfreedb-ruby. Anyone know where I can get this from? thanks11:37
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Ignite_frogzoo, it occours to me that Xen is Free Software (as in freedom), maybe that would be of use to you if you require faster virtualisation. :-)11:37
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oskudealleyoopster: you could try search here http://packages.ubuntu.com/11:37
=== Wrentype [n=KlingonE@c-66-177-121-238.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
danagehey... anybody know... when's the beta release for edgy eft?11:38
Ignite_Isn't it already out?11:38
Ignite_The beta that is.11:38
danageknot 3 i saw11:38
Ignite_Oh sorry, I must be mistaken. :-)11:39
alleyoopsteroskude: yeah tried there, also tried rarewares and google and hydrogen11:39
danagei read it's scheduled for today and i dont wanna download knot 3 if the beta is coming out any minute11:39
jensen_can we upgrade the OpenOffice via apt-get as well?11:39
oskudealleyoopster: if there aint any ubuntu package for it, you may have to compile it your self...11:40
=== Caplain_ [n=matt@53.detroit-06-08rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ignite_jensen_, as long as you install software via the package manager you can update it via apt yes.11:40
alleyoopsterthat's no problem if I could find the source11:40
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danageanybody? beta release?11:40
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oskudealleyoopster: consult the manual of the software you want to use (or their chat/list/forum)11:41
PunjabiFLOYDIANguys i downloaded the w32codes. waht should i use to play WMV files?11:41
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ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications11:41
alleyoopsteroskude: yeah, I have, it is listed as a dependency, but no more info. I'll try posting on there forum. Thanks for your input11:41
PunjabiFLOYDIANwhat should i use to play WMV specifically? cant get them to work!11:41
Ignite_alleyoopster, see apt-get.org you should be able to search for a repo that has the package you want.11:41
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Ignite_PunjabiFLOYDIAN, Totem11:42
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PunjabiFLOYDIANdoesnt worK! i have downlaoded the win32codecs. still doesnt work11:42
oskudealleyoopster: what package are you installing and from where ?11:42
jensen_but the OpenOffice came with Ubuntu Breezy so not sure if that can be updated.11:42
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oskudewho asked remote install, googles first result was this http://blog.nanorails.com/articles/2006/07/01/remote-ubuntu-dapper-drake-install11:42
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alleyoopsteroskude: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1284&release_id=629311:43
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.11:43
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:43
alleyoopsteroskude: one sec I'll find the deb for it11:43
oskudealleyoopster: well, thats not from ubuntu repository, so your on your own...11:43
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alleyoopsteroskude: the deb is http://www.rarewares.org/debian/packages/unstable/rubyripper_0.2-0rarewares1_i386.deb11:44
oskudealleyoopster: hmm, thats for debian ?11:45
alleyoopsteroskude: yes it is11:45
oskudealleyoopster: and your using ubuntu ?11:45
alleyoopsteroskude: yes I am11:45
danagenobody know? beta release? how do i find out?11:45
oskudealleyoopster: so you know that wont (mostly) work11:45
scrpwhy is port 631 open by default on my Ubuntu ?11:46
alleyoopsteroskude: well mostly debian files will work, ubuntu is based on debian after all11:46
oskudealleyoopster: ubuntu != dapper, but ubuntu is based on debian...11:46
oskudealleyoopster: there are many distros based on debian... still they may have different libraray versions = wont work11:46
oskudescrp: i think its cups (printing services)11:46
frogzooscrp: printer admin11:46
frogzooscrp: point your browser at it11:47
oskudealleyoopster: as you saw, it wants a library thats not in ubuntu, got it ?11:47
alleyoopsteroskude: I have installed many packages that are deb and they do work just fine, some don't but mostly they work11:47
oskudealleyoopster: well, then you had luck11:47
=== khaije1 [n=khaije1@dsl093-056-093.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooalleyoopster: debian debs are only a last resort, & you still need to know what you're doing11:48
=== htims [n=philipp@p5486FD40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138How do you verify an iso image file *burned* to  cd/dvd? - Did the image make it to disk without errors?11:49
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=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-214-156-231.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
scrphow do i point my browswer at it ?11:49
frogzooTHX-1138: 'sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/xxx bs=1000000 ; diff /tmp/xxx blah.iso'11:49
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frogzooTHX-1138: however k3b can do this for you11:50
=== termos [i=birkedal@gaupe.stud.ntnu.no] has left #ubuntu ["ERC]
oskudei wonder if you can do md5sum on cd/dvd ?11:50
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scrpbecause, i would think any open port is a security risk11:50
frogzoooskude: sure11:50
THX-1138Frogzoo - Thank You. (though don't think for i moment i have forgiven you for that lshw command thing. - going to take days to sort it out. - wide grin)11:50
=== pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #ubuntu
oskudescrp: yup, thats called paranoia, i use it all the time ;) you can close that one with "sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys stop"11:51
alleyoopsterfrogzoo: sure if there is an ubuntu package available I would go for that and you do need to be careful of dependencies11:51
oskudealleyoopster: and please look that its for your flavor of ubuntu (hoary/dapper) too11:52
frogzooalleyoopster: yep, so it's best not to mention it where newbs will see it11:52
gileswdoes anyone use this kernel patch set?11:52
scrposkude: so is that like a print server?11:52
=== Sub [n=jack@host86-143-76-174.range86-143.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooscrp: indeed11:52
alleyoopsterfrogzoo: but really I have used a quite a few debs and they have been running fine through breezy and dapper11:52
scrposkude: will init.d/cupsys stop prevent it from running on bootup?11:52
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oskudescrp: dunno, but i doubt11:53
alleyoopsterfrogzoo: sure point taken11:53
scrpand why did a print server get installed by default lol11:53
oskudescrp: cause the most people want to print, i assume...11:53
=== decherdtt [n=scott@ppp-70-129-183-154.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
scrpshould at least filter the port to localhost11:54
frogzooscrp: people can only connect to 631 from localhost - it's pretty safe by default11:54
oskudescrp: its open to outside ?11:54
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scrposkude: i just nmaped myself11:54
frogzooindeed it isn't11:54
oskudescrp: nmap localhost ?11:55
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wobsterHi everyone. I have a desktop setting for DPI of 75 to get reasonble results. Unfortunately, when I adjust the fonts with System->Fonts only the changing of the window-titlebar fontsize has an effect. Do I have to generate or install some special 75dpi package?11:55
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scrpim behind an office firewall so i cant nmap myself from the net11:55
oskudescrp: try nmap from another pc...11:55
=== bouffy-01-69 [n=bouffy01@ALyon-153-1-1-120.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
frogzooscrp: google 'shields up'11:55
scrphowever, i am a little interested in finding out whats wrong with my graphics11:55
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scrpis this a good idea?11:57
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=== Corporal_Dirge [n=Dirge@74-37-68-233.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
jojoman02ubuntu firefox poll: --> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26706611:58
scrpwhen im booting up my Ubuntu my graphics go fubar just before booting X, also all my consoles are blank when trying to switch to consoles from X...and, when shutting down after X disappears i have nothing but a blank screen waiting for the computer to shut down11:58
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Seveasjojoman02, don't spam11:58
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jojoman02Seveas: sorry, just wanted users to post their opinion, can't have a poll w/o users...11:59
=== LePays [n=LePays@ALamentin-101-1-4-123.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
Seveasjojoman02, this is a *support* channel, not a discussion channel11:59
jojoman02Seveas: understood...11:59
=== Die [n=mike@d142-59-51-126.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpCombwhere's the discussion channel then?12:00
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SeveasSpComb, #ubuntu-offtopic12:00
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@253.Red-83-35-0.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpCombdiscussion about ubuntu?12:00
SpCombimo, #ubuntu should be discussion and #ubuntu-support support if you wanted to seperate them12:00
=== IrishMox [n=ubuntu@host218-117-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
DieHi I'm having trouble adding repositories... I need ones to play AVI and Xvid files.12:01
=== alleyoopster [n=alleyoop@d83-179-247-161.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Diecan anyone help?12:01
SeveasDie, what's the problem?12:01
scrp!multimedia > die12:01
Corporal_DirgeAnyone have issues with swf files crashing Nautilus?12:01
scrpbrb restarting X12:01
DieI read on ubuntu guide that I need win32 codec... but I cant find it.12:02
useruserjazzrocker: could do12:02
useruserjazzrocker: but i still don't know how to make the icons work12:02
jazzrockeruseruser, hehehe. the vim icon doesn't show up in your taskbar?12:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:02
Seveasdie: http://seveas.theplayboymansion.net/dists/dapper-seveas/extras12:02
kalifchemaja2: VMware Server  won't do much to your system12:02
jazzrockeruseruser, are you gnome?12:02
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useruserjazzrocker: not when i run it from a terminal12:02
chemaja2kalif, how do you know12:02
useruserjazzrocker: i'm using it, yes12:02
jazzrockeroh right12:02
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useruserjazzrocker: actually vim is a terminal app for me :P12:03
kalifchemaja2: I use it every day12:03
DieNot Found12:03
DieThe requested URL /dists/dapper-seveas/extras was not found on this server.12:03
DieAdditionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.12:03
DieOHS-HTTPd/1.1.6 Server at seveas.theplayboymansion.net Port 8012:03
=== alleyoopster [n=alleyoop@d83-179-247-161.cust.tele2.fr] has left #ubuntu []
jazzrockeruseruser, well yes vim is, gvim is not12:03
jazzrockeruseruser, why not use gvim?12:03
kalifchemaja2: it'll install some files, but there's an uninstall script that actually works :)12:03
=== DavidVector [n=david@pool-162-83-161-34.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
chemaja2kalif, ...but how do you actually know12:03
jazzrockeruseruser, most cli apps do not have an icon... e.g. do you want an icon for ls too?12:03
=== madmax [i=madmax@poseidon.b.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu
kalifchemaja2: know what?12:04
Seveasdie: http://seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas/dists/dapper-seveas/extras12:04
Seveas(missed part of it ;))12:04
useruserjazzrocker: no, but i want an icon for gvim, for example12:04
kalifchemaja2: it doesn't change anything if that's your question12:04
useruserjazzrocker: or actually for emacs :P12:04
jazzrockeruseruser, gvim does have an icon... run it, find out12:04
chemaja2kalif, that it wont "do much to your system" and that it "actually works" to uninstall12:04
useruserjazzrocker: i bet it doesn't work if i type gvim & in an xterm tho12:04
jazzrockeruseruser, xemacs should also have an icon in the taskbar when you run it12:04
chemaja2kalif, yea, i believe you, but i'm asking how you can be sure12:04
kalifchemaja2: it's just new files12:04
jazzrockeruseruser, define "doesn't work"12:04
useruserjazzrocker: not when i run it from a terminal12:04
jazzrockeruseruser, if you type gvim in an xterm the gvim launches and gives the terminal back control12:05
chemaja2and you know this for sure how?12:05
DavidVectorI am trying to figure out how to secure rsync on an internet server.  I've checked docs and web sites -- no joy.  Does anyone have experience with this?12:05
jazzrockeruseruser, so the terminal is still the terminal and gvim is then gvim12:05
SeveasDavidVector, rsync over ssh12:05
useruserjazzrocker: i open an xterm, type emacs & and there's a generic icon for the emacs window12:05
madmaxi'm having a problem with synaptic... i ran an update and it said tomboy 0.4.5 was available but after the update i still had 0.3.5. i ran synaptic and marked all upgrades but not got marked. then i went to tomboy and i marked it for upgrade and it did upgrade it (although now it's not working anymore). what am i doing wrong ?12:05
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DieTHANK YOU !12:05
useruserjazzrocker: otoh if i clicky clicky the emacs icon in the applications menu, i get the correct icon12:05
useruserjazzrocker: i like the terminal, so this is a pain12:05
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jazzrockeruseruser, you "like the terminal" yet the icons for it are a "pain" to you? so why not just forget about the icons?12:06
useruserjazzrocker: also i can't see how to run emacs-with-an-icon using a metacity shortcut key12:06
oskudeDavidVector: these dont help ? http://www.google.com/search?q=secure+rsync&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial12:06
useruserjazzrocker: because switching between 20 windows which all have the same icon is Hard12:06
jazzrockeruseruser, real console users didn't have icons12:06
jazzrockeruseruser, um, ever heard of screen?12:06
useruserjazzrocker: ergo, i am not a real console user12:07
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jazzrockeruseruser, ergo you should use gvim or xemacs12:07
jazzrockeruseruser, and quit the fussing about "teriminal icons"12:07
eurytusI don't see anything on the WindowsDualBoot page about this, but does having two separate hard drives (with windows on one, Ubuntu on the other) complicate boot configuration at all?12:07
useruserjazzrocker: bah12:07
kalifchemaja2: it'll put new files in /usr/bin/ and other places, it doesn't change everyething, it's just a service like postfix. You can stop if you don't like it12:07
DavidVectorSeveas: Yes, I do rsync over ssh. But rsync is also being used for backup on the local net of the machine, so I need to run it in daemon mode.  Although I have a "hosts allow", it seems to me I'm able to connect directly from the internet, as long as I use a username and password.12:07
jazzrockeruseruser, seriously, CLI apps are not meant to have icons... that's part of why you use a gui12:07
useruserjazzrocker: i don't care about what i should do. point is there should be a way to launch an app from a terminal exactly like clicking the entry in the applications menu12:07
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useruserjazzrocker: emacs is not just a cli app12:07
useruserjazzrocker: type emacs & in an xterm and see12:08
jazzrockeruseruser, nor is gvim12:08
chemaja2kalif, that wasn't my question.12:08
useruserjazzrocker: this is not the point, anyway12:08
jazzrockeruseruser, yes i'm well aware that default emacs has an X11 front end12:08
SeveasDavidVector, rsync over ssh is not restricted by "hosts allow"12:08
jazzrockeruseruser, i used emacs for years12:08
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DavidVectorSeveas . . . testing . . .12:08
chemaja2kalif, i trust the repos, i don't trust 3rd party scripts.12:08
kalifchemaja2: oh....12:08
chemaja2kalif, at this point, i'd need to audit the pl script or find a way to jail it12:08
useruserjazzrocker: this is a real issue because I can't run apps from shell scripts and get icons12:08
chemaja2kalif, see my problem?12:09
useruserjazzrocker: at least, some apps...12:09
useruserjazzrocker: for example, firefox gives me an icon when run from a terminal12:09
jazzrockeruseruser, i don't think it's a real issue... i think you just think it's a real issue... i think if you change your wants these "problems" dissappear12:09
kalifchemaja2: do you need to run Windows as Virtual Machines?12:09
jazzrockeruseruser, gvim gives me an icon when run from terminal12:10
useruserjazzrocker: naturally, if people weren't so damn hungry, we wouldn't have famines12:10
jazzrockeruseruser, that's hardly a good analogy12:10
useruserjazzrocker: ok, i think it's a problem with the emacs package then12:10
chemaja2kalif, yea, but that's irrelevant12:10
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useruserjazzrocker: i just want to know how to fix the package12:10
useruserjazzrocker: point is that i run emacs from a shell script so i can use the emacsclient goodness12:10
jazzrockeruseruser, use gvim, that's how :) lol, sorry i don't know... hope you get it fixed.12:10
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useruserjazzrocker: i don't like the vi editors12:11
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kalifchemaja2: I was thinking Xen - but I believe Xen don't suppport windows yet12:11
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frogzookalif: correct12:11
chemaja2kalif, nah cause of legal reasons.12:11
jazzrockeruseruser, vi sucks. vim rocks. gvim is just icing on the cake.12:12
kalifsame outcome though :)12:12
useruserjazzrocker: no, editor wars suck12:12
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eurytusIn the partitioning part of the "alternate" mode of install, I get: "[!]  Partition disks File system is reporting the free space as 2194791 clusters, not 2194789 clusters. Warning!"12:12
eurytusmy options are Ignore and Cancel and Go Back12:13
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eurytusI've re-set the partitions for the disk in question several times and I always get that exact error12:13
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likewiseI do not understand where the ubuntu patches and configs are after I did an apt-get of the kernel.   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization/6.0612:14
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likewise(whoops, wrong URL)12:14
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cpk2is dedicating a 40gig hard drive to root and swap a bit overkill?12:16
Kamping_Kaiserdepends what yoru doing12:16
likewiseRephrase: How can I get the Ubuntu-specific kernel patches installed (i.e. which package must I install)?12:16
Kamping_Kaiserbut probably yes12:16
Kamping_Kaiserlikewise, yes, you can get the patches12:17
Asc_Are you likely to use 40 gigs?12:17
Kamping_Kaiserturn on the source repositories, in there12:17
oskudecpk2: i havent used swap bigger than 1gb...12:17
Kamping_Kaiser40 for root (asuming theres otehr partitions) is overkill12:17
cpk2swap will be 1 gig12:17
cpk2but the rest will be for /12:17
Kamping_Kaiserwhat are you splitting off from root?12:17
cpk2its just that its such a small drive i dont really see the need for splitting it into partitions12:18
eurytusit is overkill, but if you have a superfluous amount of storage don't worry about it12:18
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, 40 would be fine12:18
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oskudecpk2: small ? i got 20mb and i got 2 ubuntus on it...12:18
oskude *20gb12:18
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eurytusyou dual boot ubuntu and ubuntu?12:19
oskudedapper and edgy12:19
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eurytusI'll never forgive them for not recognizing the majestic echidna12:19
cpk2well I will be using a 300gig for /home and plan on getting another drive around 400gigs soon12:19
scrpomg, when i change my xorg.conf (change the setting nv to nvidia) my graphics are faster (screensavers) but my computer is slower and also my consoles go blank12:19
eurytuscan someone answer my question about clusters mismatch?12:19
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eurytusnamely: at the end of the partitioning part of the "alternate" mode of install, I get: "[!]  Partition disks File system is reporting the free space as 2194791 clusters, not 2194789 clusters. Warning!"12:20
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eurytusI'm tempted to hit "Ignore"12:20
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DavidVectorseveas:  Thank you, I believe you're right.  You're a smart guy :-)12:21
chendoany idea how to get the special character line graphics to work under screen with ubuntu?12:21
oskudeeurytus: hmm, maybe a "bad" hd, can you do fschk or something ?12:21
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WRFC_Rabbithi all12:21
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likewiseWhere did the linux-tree package go??12:22
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DieHello again... I am having a major problem with my Mplayer... when I open a video file  it starts erroring out real bad    it keeps flashing between the video window and the error window and then freezes up... i couldn't even read what the error window said... anyone know anything about this?12:22
eurytusfschk = fsck?12:22
oskudeeurytus: yup, sorry12:22
Asc_eurytus: it looks like a difference of two clusters... I'm tempted to vote for 'ignore'12:22
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eurytusI would ignore it if it meant two fewer clusters12:23
eurytusbut if it means two clusters that I will try to use and fail to write to?12:23
frogzooeurytus: you didn't format /dev/hda instead of /dev/hda1 ?12:23
eurytusI had lots of partitions12:24
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likewiseAnyone know how I can rebuild the Ubuntu kernel? I cannot find the package that has the Ubuntu kernel patches?12:24
WRFC_Rabbitcan i run my epson stylus photo rx420 printer on UBUNTU?12:24
chendoany idea how to get the special character line graphics to work under screen with ubuntu?like i'm trying to use iftop within screen and all i get is a with umlaut characters12:24
eurytusuh, it seemed to manage all of them fine except the fat32 one12:24
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eurytusI didn't actually format anything, I was using the installers partition manager12:24
eurytusis it safe to use parted in the alternate console and skip that step?12:25
orbin!printer > WRFC_Rabbit12:25
eurytusfsck.ext3 /dev/sdb1 yields: /dev/sdb1: clean, 11/9781248 files, 339751/19537040 blocks12:26
eurytusthat's after I format the whole drive with a single ext3 partition12:26
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WRFC_Rabbitits a usb all in one printer12:27
oskudeeurytus: hmm... never had that error, so cant think what to do, sorry...12:27
orbinWRFC_Rabbit: ubotu sent you some links12:27
orbinWRFC_Rabbit: check the hardware support one first12:28
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aqualukschei irc client sorry12:28
aqualukalso die hieen schon immer sda12:28
aqualukfr was steht sda eigentlich12:28
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:29
Zaronnhello all12:29
aqualukups sorry ;)12:29
ZaronnI just gto ubuntu CDs from my friend who downlaoded (he has fastrer connection) The server ISO has only 412MB while the desktop was 712.  does that mean he messed up the server download or is it usually that small?12:30
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cpk2Zaronn: the server download doesnt come with a window manager12:30
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Zaronnoh that explains it.12:31
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Zaronnone more question, can I add "server" components to a desktop installation? :) i am too new ot use command line for server :S12:31
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WRFC_Rabbitaaaw my printer is not on the list!12:32
evrenkan86how can i install ubuntu on macbook12:32
cpk2Zaronn: you mean like apache and whatnot? yes12:32
Zaronncpk2:I want samba (file and domain server) and fire/proxy for my small office network12:33
WRFC_Rabbitdoes ubuntu come with a firewall??12:34
elkbuntuWRFC_Rabbit, try using the drivers for similar models, if there are any, sometimes you can strike lucky12:34
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elkbuntuWRFC_Rabbit, yes, iptables, but you can install firestarter if you want to manage it graphically12:34
frogzooZaronn: server/desktop - it's all linux - you can run whatever12:34
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frogzooWRFC_Rabbit: you know tcp/ip well ?12:35
elkbuntuWRFC_Rabbit, for starters, hit your caps-lock key. you can then install firestarter and configure your iptables through menus and buttons12:35
frogzooWRFC_Rabbit: install firestarter thten12:35
cpk2WRFC_Rabbit: you can spend your whole life learning iptables12:35
frogzoocpk2: lies!!!12:35
frogzooiptables is amazing12:35
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cpk2oh its amazing alright12:36
WRFC_Rabbithow do i install firestarter?12:36
Juhazthose are not contradictory statements, amazing things usually take pretty long to master12:36
cpk2just tons of stuff though12:36
cpk2i mean look at the man12:36
jonseni neeld help regarding driver support for areca raid controller12:36
jonsendoes ubuntu tls has driver support for these controllers?12:36
jonsenwhere can i find a overview of the supported raid controllers?12:36
frogzoocpk2: try tldp.org for easier intro12:37
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WRFC_Rabbitdo i use terminal to get firestarter?12:37
frogzooWRFC_Rabbit: synaptic or whatever12:37
htimsjonsen, use google with linux + youradaptermodel12:37
Zaronnwhats a good remote control program?  From my windows machien I want to connect to my unbuntu machien xwindow12:38
jonsenhtims: i need to know if the ubuntu cd installer has support for this controller12:38
cpk2frogzoo: i just used masquerade and havent touched iptables since then =)12:38
WRFC_Rabbitwhat command do i use to get firestarter in terminal?12:38
WRFC_Rabbitim a noob by the way!12:38
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cpk2WRFC_Rabbit: did you already install firestarter?12:39
unfknblvblLIES i'm a bigger n00b12:39
WRFC_Rabbiti dont think so12:39
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htimsjonsen, when its supported by the linux kernel then your chances are good -- did you try the livecd already?12:39
cpk2WRFC_Rabbit: and what do you need to configure that you need to set up a firewall?12:39
frogzooWRFC_Rabbit: sudo apt-get install firestarter12:39
WRFC_Rabbiti only got ubuntu yesterday12:39
cpk2WRFC_Rabbit: there is no reason to set up it really then12:40
cpk2WRFC_Rabbit: unless you are trying to do ICS or something12:40
unfknblvblthat doesn't make me any less a n00b12:40
frogzooyeh WRFC_Rabbit, it's only needed if you're running a lan really12:40
jonsenhtims: the this is that i dont have the controllers right yes. i wwant to order them but only if they are supported12:40
WRFC_Rabbitamules kad is being firewalled12:40
cpk2WRFC_Rabbit: you will probably only cause more headaches for yourself12:41
WRFC_Rabbiti wanted to unblock it12:41
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Zaronnwhat's the best way to remotely connect to my linux desktop from a windows computer?12:42
WRFC_Rabbithow do i stop the firewall on Kad?12:42
cpk2Zaronn: winscp?12:42
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Zaronncpk2:thank u will look it up12:42
crazy_penguinGood day all! :)12:42
cpk2WRFC_Rabbit: not sure about ubuntu but kubuntu comes with the firewall completely unconfigured, ie not blocking anything12:43
WRFC_Rabbityh ty12:43
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WRFC_Rabbitamule is telling me that Kad is Firewalled!12:43
htimsjonsen, with google i found the following: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/4007512:43
htimsjonsen, it now should work fine with dapper..12:44
WRFC_Rabbitcpk2: amule is telling me that Kad is Firewalled!12:44
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htimsjonson, heres also a page about the hw support but i dont think that you'll your model there..12:45
htimsjonsen, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport12:45
webbenDoes anyone know how to get Gnoperic to actually produce sound?12:45
stizcould someone come up with a script to right click on an iso file and open/mount the file with fuseiso?? I allready have a folder nautilus-scripts with "Open as Administrator"12:45
unfknblvblwebben: you tickle its tummy12:45
webbenMy Gnoperic is silent. :(12:45
jonsenhtims: hehe, yeah there is only liste a 3ware raid controller :-)12:46
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jonsenhtims: but it seems that it should support the areca controller12:46
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:46
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life2how can I install the latest version of Gaim for Dapper please?12:47
cpk2life2: sudo apt-get install gaim12:47
htimslife2, cpk2, or with synaptic...12:47
life2cpk2: gaim is already the newest version.12:48
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life2it says newevest version, but its old and doesnt support many MSN features from others12:48
WRFC_Rabbitits really annoying me lol why is Kad firewalled?12:48
cpk2life2: so you have the latest version for dapper, if you want their latest beta release then you will have to build it yourself12:48
life2isnt there a newer version?12:48
life2cpk2: how?12:48
murfhello, how can i remove the package. I tried to remove apache2 via apt-get remove apache2 but there are still files of apache on the system (eg /usr/sbin/apache2ctl ...)12:49
cpk2life2: if you are lucky someone has made a .dep and you can use that other wise you will need to download the source12:49
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htimsmurf, dpkg --purge *package*12:49
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:49
life2cpk2: from?12:49
Millehowdy ppl12:49
WRFC_Rabbithow do i check if there is a firewall on my computer?12:49
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cpk2life2: gaim has a website12:49
life2cpk2: url?12:49
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cpk2google search gaim12:50
htimsmurf, and maybe you should search for other apache-related packages with dpkg -l  | grep -i apache -- to uninstall them too12:50
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life2cpk2: whats google?12:50
murfhtims: thx, i will try12:50
stizWRFC_Rabbit:  unless you download nodes.dat and put it in /.amule then Kad wont work because the default url for nodes list in amule is dead12:50
stefgHmm, does anyone know of if there's a 'netinst-iso' available for ubuntu somewhere, analogue to teh Debian-netinst ISOs ?12:50
cpk2hmm i wonder...12:50
ubotugoogle is a very popular search engine, http://www.google.com12:50
unfknblvblhow can you not know what google is ?12:51
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htimsstefg, afaik theres nothing like it12:51
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stefgSo time to make one :-)12:51
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htimsstefg, hehe but with and X gui please ;)12:51
WRFC_Rabbitstiz: how do i do that? if i havent done so already?12:51
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cpk2life2: i am worried if you dont know how to use google that compiling from source might not be for you12:52
webbenDoes anyone here use/administer Gnopericus or Orca?12:52
life2cpk2: Gaim 2.0 beta 3 for Dapper Drake x86  <-- is that the one?12:52
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cpk2life2: if thats the version you want and you are using dapper with an intel chip then yes12:53
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stefgThis is what I'm planning to do..  a rescue system like DSl or Insert, running in ram with fluxbox. And should be capable to bootstrap a full Ubuntu-Net-install...12:53
scheurihi all12:53
murfhtims: hmm there were some packages like apache-common liste in the output of dpkg -l, why it wasn't uninstalled when i ran apt-get remove apache2 ?12:53
life2cpk2: im using Intel chip and Ubuntu Dapper12:53
life2cpk2: how do I install the .deb file ?12:54
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)12:54
KillaHey does anyone know what mp3 decoder name is in synaptic12:54
mineraleIs there irc chatroom in freenode with discussion about spam and/or spam filters?12:54
stizWRFC_Rabbit:  google nodes.dat amule, or your problem is that you actually are 'firewalled' which probably means you have a router or something12:54
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stizcould someone come up with a script to right click on an iso file and open/mount the file with fuseiso?? I allready have a folder nautilus-scripts with "Open as Administrator"12:54
scheurianyone an idea if there is a tool to convert JPGs to PDFs? if yes, what is the name of this tool? Thanks a lot12:54
stizim not that smart12:54
htimsmurf, .debs dont have uninstall dependencies...12:54
scheurianyone an idea if there is a tool to convert/save JPGs to/as PDFs? if yes, what is the name of this tool? Thanks a lot12:54
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Killa Hey does anyone know what mp3 decoder name is in synaptic12:55
murfhtims: hmm allright12:55
scheurisorry for flood...but question was a bit too...ehmm..faulty12:55
scheuriKilla: you want to listen to mp3?12:55
WRFC_Rabbitwell im connected directly to my cable modem through Ethernet12:55
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POVaddctstefg: i have done a dsl-based rescue system with xfce 3 that runs in ram12:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about debbie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:56
Killabut it needs a decoder and i need the name of the decoder12:56
htimsmurf, but .debs are even with that little issue the best package format.. ;-)12:56
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scheuriKilla: there is a lot of information in !restricted12:56
stizscheuri: search synaptic, theres something in there for that12:56
life2scheuri: no12:56
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stefgPOVaddct: is that available for download somewhere? Might be an inspiration12:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:56
murfhtims: hmm i can recursive uninstall on the gentoo :)12:56
life2scheuri: but you can insert the JPG into a WORD document, and convert the WORD document to PDF12:56
htimsmurf, gentoo.... pff.... with gentoo you'll have to wait a week to have everything working...12:57
scheurilife2: I was doing this with OOo...but thought there might be another (better) way12:57
scheurilife2: I sure do...:)...thanks12:57
POVaddctstefg: i can set up a temporary http server here on my box. its only 128kbps upload, but anyway...12:57
htimsmurf, *G12:57
murfhtims: you are right12:57
tobyanyone know the key combination to move the mouse cursor between monitors?12:57
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WRFC_Rabbithow do i install the nodes.dat to amule?12:58
stefgPOVaddct: don't mind... i know the DSL/Knoppix initrd relatively well, so don't bother.12:58
htimsmurf, and imho its sometimes hard to guess if a library its used by somesoftware on a computer...12:58
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tobyi know there is one but i've been searching for days with no luck12:58
ptytoby: ctrl + alt and arrow key12:58
POVaddctstefg: i changed the cloop to zisofs12:58
life2scheuri: ok kid12:58
htimsmurf, cause not every user uses only packages from a distribution..12:58
ptytoby : oh sorry, i misunderstood - thought you were on about virtual desktops12:59
tobypty: thanks but that switches desktops I have 2 monitors12:59
KillaThanks i got it to work12:59
life2toby: you been searching for days have you?12:59
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Killanow can i use any kind of p2p on ubuntu12:59
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tobyI did it by mistake last week12:59
htimsKilla, like with every other os :)12:59
tobyi think its a Ctl-Alt something12:59
=== Die [n=mike@d142-59-51-126.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgPOVaddct: I guess, I'll go squashfs and let the complete thing be an initrd... hopefully this is possible, but e.g. the Acronis Rescue media work that way01:00
DieUnable to mount the selected volume.01:00
Dieerror: device /dev/sda1 is not removable01:00
tobyI also read it some where a few months ago01:00
Dieerror: could not execute pmount01:00
Diehelp please...01:00
tobydie you can solve this01:01
tobydie i'll try to find the link01:01
Ignite_Die, try removing the 1...01:01
life2whats Off-The-Record 3.0.0 ?01:01
Killawhat avi format how do i watch that01:01
Ignite_Die, /dev/sda not sda1.01:01
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Diehow do I remove it?01:02
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Ignite_Are you getting this error from a GUI app?01:02
Ignite_If so then you will have to find out what's wrong with that. :-)01:02
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DieGUI?... I'm using the file browser01:02
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g-nomehello, i have 1 GB of ram, how big should my SWAP be ? And what's the minimal/optimal size of an ubuntu install (with home) partition?01:03
SdobSiSdub2 gb i optimal01:03
stizok stupid question... when u open terminal where are you?  username@computername is /home/  ?01:03
tobydie https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions?highlight=%28pmount%29 may help01:04
Diethank you01:04
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ffDDuanyone ever tryed to resend some packet captured with TCPDump?01:04
scheurilife2: by the way...I just found out that imagemagick (with the command "convert") is able to convert jpeg into pdf...:)....01:04
KillaI wanna watch a .avi file watch decoder do i need01:05
scheurisorry for bothering you all01:05
WRFC_Rabbiti still havent resolved my amule problem... http://download.overnet2000.de/nodes.dat is my nodes thigy for KAD but it says its firewalled!01:05
Ignite_stiz, you see the ~? That means you're home directory, usually /home/<username> for example if I did ``cd ~/pics" I would actually be doing ``cd /home/oliver/pics". Home that helps. :-)01:05
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Papandapulokubuntu ubuntu fuck you linux01:05
Papandapulokubuntu ubuntu fuck you linux01:05
Papandapulokubuntu ubuntu fuck you linux01:05
Papandapulokubuntu ubuntu fuck you linux01:05
Papandapulokubuntu ubuntu fuck you linux01:05
Papandapulokubuntu ubuntu fuck you linux01:05
RezWarning: `Papandapulo' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.01:05
Papandapulokubuntu ubuntu fuck you linux01:05
Papandapulokubuntu ubuntu fuck you linux01:05
Asc_yay klines!01:06
Ignite_Papandapulo, please go fuck yourself.01:06
agentswhat the hell?01:06
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Killahow do i watch an avi01:06
Ignite_Killa, totem.01:06
Killai need the decoder name01:06
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Papandapuloform  you Ignite_01:06
scheuriKilla: or VLC...01:07
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Asc_killa: have you tried double-clicking?01:07
Papandapuloauu    ra klinjaaaobaaa aq01:07
scheuriPapandapulo: whatever your purpose is...this language is uncalled for01:07
Ignite_Papandapulo, there was no need for that, if you need help you should ask politely, not be a rude cunt like you did, now please do not talk to me.01:07
Asc_<- lagging01:07
g-nome2 GB of SWAP?01:07
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!01:07
SeveasRiddell, ?01:07
Riddellkick Papandapulo please01:08
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g-nomehello, i have 1 GB of ram, how big should my SWAP be?01:08
Seveassaw it01:08
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SdobSiSdubg-nome: 2 x RAM = 2 GB01:08
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Ignite_g-nome, traditionally you should make it 2x the size of your phisical RAM, but with that much RAM I wouldn't think it appropriate.01:08
scheurig-nome: this is one of the most philosophical qestions ever...:)...I do 2 GB because my HD is mostly big enough...01:08
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g-nomeSdobSiSdub: 2 GB is a LOT (!)01:08
Emperor_Nortonwhat's the command in bash to defrag your hard drive?01:08
agentsi have a gig of ram and find a gig swap more than adequate01:09
g-nomewould 512mb  be enough?01:09
agentsvery likely01:09
scheurig-nome: yes...but you never want to run out of swap...however, it is true that with 1 Gig of RAM, 2 gigs of swap is a lot...but if you can spare it....01:09
SdobSiSdubg-nome: it optimal01:09
Ignite_Emperor_Norton, you don't need to in Ubuntu, the filesystem doesn't fragment like certain inferior ones do. ;-)01:09
frogzoog-nome: on server - 2gig, lappie 1gig01:09
g-nomei think i will go with 768mb01:09
frogzoothere ya go01:10
Emperor_NortonIgnite: Really? Awesome01:10
htimsEmperor_Norton, Ignite_ , but its possible with "defrag"01:10
scheurig-nome: what is your harddisks size?01:10
g-nome250GB but i need every single byte01:10
Emperor_Nortonhtims: I had tried that...it didn't recognize that as a command01:10
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htimsEmperor_Norton, you'll have to install it ;)01:10
frogzooEmperor_Norton: no need todefrag ext301:10
scheurig-nome: uh...every single one? then buy a 500 gig HD...;)...sorry, just kidding...well then...try 512....but be warned...01:10
Killathanks again01:11
g-nomeand what's the minimal requirement for an ubuntu installation (with home)?01:11
scheurig-nome: if you do video editing or other space consuming stuff, you MIGHT regret it01:11
Ignite_htims, is that not for use on inferior filesystems? It's not needed for an ext3 or ReiserFS partition. :-)01:11
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g-nomescheuri: do you think 768mb is enough then?01:11
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frogzoog-nome: if you plan to use hibernate, you should stick with 1gig01:11
scheurig-nome: if you tell us what you intend to do with the machine...we might answer that more adequatly01:12
Emperor_Nortonw00t! thanks =)01:12
htimsIgnite_, its for ext*, minix and xiafs... and if its really needed or not... ask the maintainer.. ;-)01:12
g-nomewell more of all-round usage but no server or intense video editing01:12
scheurithere is defrag for ext*? wow...01:12
Ignite_htims, lol...01:12
life2scheuri: cool! cheers!01:12
scheurig-nome: in that case...512 might be enough...01:12
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davvshow do i resize a partition without destroying the data on it?01:12
scheurilife2: welcome...as usually I found out AFTER asking here...happens 80% of the time...;)01:13
g-nomeand what's the minimal requirement for an ubuntu installation (with home)?01:13
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scheurig-nome: with GUI?01:13
Ignite_davvs, use a program that takes precautions, GParted is a good one.01:13
frogzoog-nome: unless space is really at a premium you should stick with 1gig01:13
davvsok, thanks Ignite_, i'll try that01:13
scheurig-nome: hmmm...with XCFE instead KDE or Gnome...i'd say...around 1 Gig?01:13
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scheurig-nome: then a bit more...1,5?01:13
g-nomeand with home01:14
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scheurig-nome: where is your data? in home? then you need a lot Mooooooorreeee01:14
g-nomeit's not there01:14
g-nomeit's on a separate partition01:14
g-nomejust the config files in home01:14
scheurig-nome: okay...stop right now...:)....tell us WHAT you need and WHAT you want to do...otherwise we are just wild guessing01:14
htimsIgnite_, iirc the volume must be unmounted to run the defrag... and thats for most users not really easy.. ;-)01:14
Ignite_htims, I wouldn't see the point anyway...01:15
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g-nomescheuri: i want to know how big i should make my partition for JUST the ubuntu installation (/,/home,programs,etc...), but files will NOT be stored there01:15
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Emperor_NortonOooh...here's a good question...I know Linux can recognize the full 4gb+ ram, but will a memory controller on a standard x86 (non-server) mobo actually be okay with 4 gigs in it?01:16
scheurig-nome: if you are only using a few programs/applications and there is no big data stored in /home...then I would guess 1.5-2 gigs01:16
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g-nomeok thanks01:16
Samuli^g-nome, I'd make that 5-10GB, to be on the safe-side01:17
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dagers001apt-get postgresql-8.1 pgadmin3  the I used  sudo passwd postgres    and changed password for my, but when I trying connecting (by pgadmin3) I have because password is wrong01:17
g-nomei'll go for 5 then, after all i can still make it bigger, albeit risky01:17
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bam_hi I was wondering if anyone could give me a command that would give me only the top 5 lines of this command "find ~ -type f -printf "%T@ %t %h/%f \n " | uniq | sort -nr"01:17
malice_How do you mount and unmount a pc card in a laptop. If I have it in and take it out Ubuntu locks up. Just wondering if there is a comand to unmount/mount this01:17
Lob1i can't configure my network with a static ip, help plz01:18
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frogzoobam_: head -501:18
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POVaddctbam_: pipe it to head -501:18
frogzoomalice_: cardctl eject01:18
malice_fogzoo: and to mount it?01:19
bam_thx guys. I really enjoy this channel. People always so helpful. thx alot everyone.01:19
refnumzxi would like to setup automatic backup of my system, OS and data to a usb drive when i insert the key/drive into the usb port, a program/programs do do this?01:19
frogzoomalice_: usually just pop it in & hal will pick it up01:19
malice_ok ty01:19
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WRFC_Rabbitdoes anyone know any mmorpgs like Conquer Online that are compatible with Ubuntu??01:19
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agentsactually, second life is java...01:20
=== agents googles
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Zaronnhello all01:22
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Killawhat p2p do you guys use01:22
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Zaronncan anyone recommend a good remote xwindow client to connect to ubuntu from my windows machine?01:22
scheurirefnumzx: well, I do not now how to automatically make it...but maybe grsync (aptitude install grsync) might be a thing you like...it is using rsync to sync data01:22
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erUSUL!vnc > Zaronn01:22
scheurirefnumzx: there was another GUI-Tool, but I just cant remember its name...sorry...:(01:22
POVaddctZaronn: putty, winscp01:22
refnumzxyeah i know about and use rsync01:22
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scheurirefnumzx: ah, okay...sory01:23
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POVaddctZaronn: oh xwindow... nevermind01:23
refnumzxwell, thanks for the tip though01:23
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Killawhat p2p should i use01:23
refnumzxthe idea is for it t happen automagically01:23
ZaronnPOVaddct:winscp has the ability to connect as a xwindows session? thought only file stuff01:23
frogzooKilla: azureus is nice01:23
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Killacan i get music on that01:24
POVaddctZaronn: yeah, i skipped the xwindow part in your question01:24
frogzooKilla:firewire too01:24
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POVaddctZaronn: try vnc, maybe x11vnc as server on ubuntu and any vnc client on windows01:24
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Killaazureus is a bittorent client01:25
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Killai need a p2p like limewire01:25
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:25
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dagers001_apt-get install postgreslq-8.1 pgadmin3   then   sudo passwd postgres   and I changed password, but when I trying connection (by pgadmin3 in my example) I have alert "wrong password"01:26
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THX-1138frogzoo - "Lively" here this morning isn't it?  ;)01:27
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g-nomewhere's the best, *safest* place (folder,partition) to save files (from 1mb to 1GB)? Should i put them in home?01:28
mjrfor your personal files home is the natural choice01:28
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bam_I was wondering how I could find the PID of a running script from within the script? so that it would print the scripts own PID?01:29
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KillaYes it worked thanks01:29
=== jrib [n=jasonr@c-71-232-45-169.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138bam_ - sounds like fun - wanna see if ubotu has something for us?01:30
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands01:30
mwebam_: ps -e and some awk magic possibly. I'm not sure if you can get it directly01:30
Juhazbam_, $$01:30
bam_Juhaz: what?01:30
bam_echo $$?01:31
Juhazyes. or whatever you want to do with it01:31
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Juhazfor bash scripts anyway01:31
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bam_yeah it worked.thx Juhaz.:)01:32
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dangaI installed apace2 and it was working fine. Now about three days later I start it and I cannot access local host through the browser at all. And I have done nothing with iptables.01:32
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scheuridanga: any error message when starting apache2?01:32
danganot at all01:32
scheuridanga: how did you start apache2?01:32
dagers001_someone help me? I installed postgresql and pgadmin3  but I can't login, I changed password for postgres by "passwd postgres", but when I use pgadmin3 I can't login01:33
silent_screamhow do i mute gnomeradio from the terminal?01:33
danga/etc/init.d/apache2 start01:33
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dangascheuri ^01:33
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scheuridanga: okay...so no error message...have you portscanned your locahost (nmap)?01:33
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dangayes i have no port 80 open01:33
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scheuridanga: ah...okay...what happens if you stop and start apache2 again (/etc/init.d/apache2 stop and then start again)01:34
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dangascheuri: alright hold on01:34
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scheuridanga: sure do01:35
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dangascheuri: ok i did it... No errors01:35
scheuridanga: and still no port 80 open?01:36
dangalemme check01:36
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dangascheuri: ok i check through the browser and nmap and there is no port 8001:37
scheuridanga: have you installed any other software within these 3 days? changed hostname?01:37
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silent_screamhow do i mute gnomeradio from terminal? what is the command?01:37
anto9uswhere do I set my "Open New Window" shortcut keys for Nautilus? Can't find it in gconf01:37
dangascheuri: i have not changed the host but i have installed a lot of software01:37
scheuridanga: also networking software?01:37
dangayeah some network stuff01:38
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scheuridanga: okay...type "dpkg -l | grep apache" into your terminal01:38
dangascheuri alright did that01:39
scheuridanga: how many packages are listed?01:39
scheuridanga: that are quite a lot in my opinion...01:39
scheuridanga:  is there a apache (without the 2)?01:39
anto9usTHX-1138, no, it's not in there01:39
dangascheuri shoud i remove all that shit and reinstall apache?01:40
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scheuridanga: well...that would be windows-way...;)...could help, but still...we may found out what is wrong...gimme another 5 minutes, okay?01:40
dangaok kool man01:41
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scheuridanga: in these 9 packages listed...are there any without "apache2" in their names?01:41
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WRFC_Rabbitwhats the bes mmorpg for UBUNTU01:42
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scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: there is a list of opensource or free games at www.ubuntuforums.org...maybe there you find one01:42
scheuriwooppss...sorry... www.ubuntuforums.org01:42
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anilomkarI want Bean Development Kit in Ubuntu01:43
dangascheuri: apache-common, apach2-common, apache2-mpm-prefork, apache2-utils, libapache-mod-php4, libapache-mod-ssl, libapache-mod-ssl-doc, libapache-mod-php501:43
jpjacobsor look at http://www.happypenguin.org/01:43
Ignite_WRFC_Rabbit, you might want to have a look at Planeshift, it looks good to me: http://www.planeshift.it/01:43
WRFC_Rabbitim dling it now01:44
scheuridanga: I actually wonder why those php-moduls are for Apache 1.3 and not Apache 2...soooooo...they MIGHT be the problem01:44
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, it basically boils down to this: there are no games for linux ^^ (except ut and quake)01:44
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WRFC_Rabbitjust wondered if anyone would mention it01:44
=== Ignite_ slaps ProN00b
Ignite_Stop telling lies. :-)01:44
scheuriProN00b: that is very...very....veryyyy....ermm....unnice to say...:)01:44
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dangascheuri: I will remove those and then try to connect01:44
Ignite_There are plenty of games for GNU/Linux.01:44
scheuridanga: its worth a try01:44
anilomkarI want Bean Development kit in Ubuntu Please help me01:44
scheuridanga: do not forget to restart apache201:45
Emperor_NortonThere's um...d00m3, a few games by blizzard, and Wesnoth01:45
WRFC_Rabbithow do i install planeshift??01:45
WRFC_Rabbitjust click the dled file?01:45
ProN00bIgnite_, yeah, like minesweeper01:45
scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: is it an exe-file?01:45
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ProN00bscheuri, lol01:45
Ignite_ProN00b, that is a windows game, don't be silly.01:45
WRFC_Rabbitnope i dling the bin for linux01:45
dangascheuri: the php5 one says it is for apache201:45
dangai think php4 is the only in that i need to remove01:46
scheuridanga: okay...another (last) try...make "dpkg -l | grep http" in your terminal01:46
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mwethere is a minesweeper game for ubuntu as well01:46
ProN00bsorry, Ignite_ i mean "Mines"01:46
Zaronnhello all01:46
Zaronnhow do I start samba configuration? I have instaled the web based one btw01:46
anilomkarhello any one please tell me how to install Bean Development Kit in Ubuntu01:46
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dangascheuri: that returns nothing01:47
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Ignite_ProN00b, will you please stop telling lies, you are making false statements simply because you haven't taken the time to look for good GNU/Linux games.01:47
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ProN00bIgnite_, then tell me some of the good ones please01:47
Emperor_NortonIgnite: Erm....there aren't a *whole* lot of native linux games.01:47
mwefrozen-bubble ;)01:47
scheuriZaronn: you mean you installed "SWAT"...right? you need to start inetd as far as I know and then connect with your browser to localhost:90101:47
Ignite_Emperor_Norton, yes there are...01:47
Emperor_Nortonthat aren't variations on ROGUE01:47
dangascheuri: still nothing01:47
Emperor_Nortonor Nethack01:47
ProN00bEmperor_Norton, and even less if you add good of to the list of attributes01:48
Zaronnscheuri:Thanx a lot :)01:48
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scheuridanga: what was the output of the terminal thing with http?01:48
scheuriZaronn: welcome01:48
dangathere was no output01:48
Emperor_NortonIgnite: Please list some modern linux games por-favor. I know a few off the top of my head01:48
Ignite_There is the UT series, the Quake series and iirc the Doom series, there is also Nexius, that new game i'm not sure of the name, there are too many to mention...01:48
frogzooEmperor_Norton: WoW01:48
Ignite_Planeshift is another...01:49
scheuridanga: okay...so that means there is no "competition" to apache installed which might interfere...well...frankly I must admit I do not know what to do now...:(...sorry...maybe purging apache2 and reinstall it might help01:49
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Emperor_NortonI'm aware of Blizzard's commitment to providing ports to OSX and Linux01:49
Ignite_I've heard good things about Americas Army also...01:49
WRFC_Rabbitit would be nice if someone could make Conquer Online compatible with Ubuntu01:49
ProN00bIgnite_, ok, that makes one mmorpg and a whole lot of versions of the same fps01:49
bvanaerdeEnemy Territory: completely free game01:49
Ignite_I was about to mention that one.01:50
scheuridanga: good luck01:50
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ProN00bEmperor_Norton, blizzard gives a shit about linux01:50
mwecompletely old game as well. good game though01:50
dangascheuri: where are all the tgzs for these packages stored so i can fetch i whole new package01:50
Ignite_7 Cube 201:50
Ignite_- 701:50
Ignite_Pingus, neverball..01:50
p0mHey, anyone got time for an odd issue with Banshee, Mono and a missing dependancy which isn't missing?01:50
scheuridanga: you mean the .debs...;)....01:50
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ProN00bEmperor_Norton, you could prolly run the mac wow on linux with a few small hacks, but they don't do it01:50
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Ignite_infact, screw this, if you want to know some good games instead of me telling them all over IRC read for yourself: http://techgage.com/article/top_10_free_linux_games/401:51
WRFC_Rabbithow do i install planeshift??01:51
ubotuAppdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org01:51
ProN00bIgnite_, the lat few things you mentioned were all crappy01:51
Samuli^Ignite_, there isn't a lot. But hopefully the situation will improve as linux gains popularity.01:51
p0mApparently I'm missing dbus-sharp.01:51
Ignite_ProN00b, not really...01:51
Ignite_Samuli^, no treally..01:51
scheuridanga: if you want to get rid of them to make sure you download new ones type "(sudo) aptitude autoclean"01:51
ProN00bIgnite_, ya rly01:52
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bvanaerdeProN00b: windows user?01:52
Emperor_NortonWhat I'm getting at Ignite, (and I have alot of these games) Is that you don't find alot of Oblivion or HL2, or F.E.A.R. of BF2 level games in Linux01:52
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scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: if you have a bin, you should be able to run it by opening a terminal, make it executable and then type "sh yourgame.bin"01:52
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ProN00bIgnite_, the games on the page you just pasted sound like the 10 bucks a pop things you could buy for windows in 9801:52
Ignite_ffs, people assume that the games in the shops are the best... try looking elsewhere instead of complaining that the games you see in the shops are the only ones, and they don't run on GNU/Linux so there mustn't be any for GNU/Linux, it's ignorant.01:52
Emperor_NortonAnd also, in total, you've listed about probably 50% of ALL of the good games in Linux.01:52
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Emperor_Nortonthat are *native* linux.01:53
bvanaerdewhat's the problem, actually01:53
totall_6_7ProN00b: if you like games so much and you think that linux does such a bad job at porting them or you think that the slection is limited.....DO US A FAVOUR AND GO BACK TO WINDOWS01:53
Samuli^Ignite_, they ARE the best for obvious reasons.01:53
bvanaerdeif you don't like linux, then that's absolutely fine01:53
scheuriwow...wooow...calm down all...01:53
Ignite_Samuli^, why? because they are marketed? I don't thing so..01:53
p0mThere's plenty of games for linux.01:53
Emperor_Nortontotall: Actually the problem is that *developers* do not port to linux.01:53
p0mThere's also winex or whatever it's called now.01:53
frogzoototall_6_7: nah - dual boot dood01:53
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Emperor_NortonLinux could handle games absolutely fine, if developers would make ports01:54
p0mLinux can.01:54
scheuriEmperor_Norton: the problem is more...that "devs" are using directx instead of openGL...:)01:54
p0mTake Quake et al for instance.01:54
Emperor_NortonThat fucking too01:54
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ProN00btotall_6_7, or i could just continue to complain about it till so people realize the bad situation and do something about it ? you would rather have no games on linux at all ?01:54
frogzoop0m: ati's 3d drivers are the sux01:54
WRFC_Rabbithow do i make it executable?01:54
Emperor_Nortonfrogzoo: Hopefully that will change with AMD's acquisition of ATI :D01:55
Samuli^Ignite_, No, obviously marketing does nothing for the quality of the game, but think about it. Do actually hope to see a game like oblivion as open source?01:55
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, what is the anem of the file you downloaded ?01:55
p0mfrogzoo, Actually, I have no problems with them.01:55
Schamaneok the problem in drivers is the gpl01:55
scheuriProN00b: it is a circle of hell....not many people using linux want to game, so there is no sell...if there is no sell, no "new" games for linux to attract people...01:55
frogzoop0m: so slow...01:55
p0mThat I can agree on.01:55
Ignite_Samuli^, I don't want to see anything as open source, I want to see software as Free software...01:55
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unfknblvblpron is faster on linux than windows01:55
p0mIt runs slower than on stripped down win.01:55
ProN00bSchamane, yeah, thats why I bitch about it, and you should too...01:55
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bvanaerdeSamuli^: why should it be open source01:55
scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: type in your terminal "chmod +x PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin"01:55
ProN00bunfknblvbl, fo shorely01:55
Emperor_NortonSamuli: I don't necessarily expect big game developers to be putting their latest and greatest stuff out Open source, but I do hope they improve the amount of ports to linux they do01:56
PunjabiFLOYDIANguys. how can i check whehter i have w32codecs or not?01:56
Samuli^Emperor_Norton, that I'm hoping for too.01:56
SchamaneProN00b: i do, but i also understand ati`s probs01:56
PunjabiFLOYDIANcause i downlaoded and installed them. still i cant play WMV files01:56
Schamanewe will see, now its amd01:56
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frogzoo!codecs > PunjabiFLOYDIAN01:56
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scheuriPunjabiFLOYDIAN: type in your terminal "dpkg -l | grep codecs"01:56
SpCombhttp://techgage.com/viewimg.php?img=/reviews/gaming/top_10_linux_games/et_2.png&desc=Enemy%20Territory <-- linux01:56
PunjabiFLOYDIANok lemme try01:56
Samuli^the thing is that ignite argued that the best games aren't the ones that you can find on shops.01:56
Ignite_PunjabiFLOYDIAN, try installing totem-xine01:56
ProN00bEmperor_Norton, it isn't all that hard if you look at it more closely, look at how many games are made with the quake or ut engines... now look at it how many of them come with a linux binary...01:57
dainanakisee you guys later I'm off to school01:57
WRFC_Rabbitscheuri: home@home-desktop:~$ chmod +x PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin01:57
WRFC_Rabbitchmod: cannot access `PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin': No such file or directory01:57
frogzooSamuli^: they don't have WoW in shops ?01:57
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PunjabiFLOYDIANok the codecs are there. why cant totem play them01:57
ProN00bEmperor_Norton, people just don't care01:57
ubuntuhi guys01:57
Killai installed frostwire and it just wouldn't show up01:57
Samuli^and I'm just saying that of course they are, because they got motivation and money to make good ones.01:57
Killawhen i run it01:57
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, go to the directory the file is in01:57
scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: umhmm?? well...chmod +x yourgamename.bin01:57
Samuli^frogzoo, are you saying that wow doesn't benefit it makers in anyway?01:57
Ignite_Samuli^, they aren't always, take GNU/Linux for example, it's not marketed or (usually) in the shops, yet it's far superior to other OS'01:57
SpCombAA works on linux?01:57
Emperor_NortonProN00b: There will be a bigger market for linux games in the (relatively) near future01:57
WRFC_Rabbitits on the desktop01:57
frogzooSamuli^: no, I meant WoW is a good game, imo01:57
Killacan someone help01:57
SpCombI need to try America's Army sometime01:58
scheuritotall_6_7: easy...:)01:58
ubuntukill with what?01:58
Ignite_WoW isn't a game, it's a disease. :P01:58
SpCombalthough I'm a bit reluctant to do that for obvious reasons01:58
Killawhen i run frostwire it doesn't show up01:58
KenSentMeHi. I'm running dual-desktop (desktop stretched over 2 screens) using the big desktop feature from ATI. Everything runs well, but Totem also stretches the video, just like my desktop is stretched. Anyone knows how i can get Totem to display videos normally? I'm running Ubuntu Dapper.01:58
Samuli^Ignite_, it's not a game and took over 10 years to develop. You think that someone is going to go through all that trouble to make a... game?01:58
ubuntukila do u get any errors?01:58
scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: uhmm...funny....okay...wait a sec01:58
ProN00bEmperor_Norton, o rly, i am not too sure, i mean if even linux users in here flame me for demanding games for linux.....01:58
Ignite_Killa, do you have sun java installed?01:58
Killaummm no i dont think so01:58
ubuntuKilla:  do 1 thing01:58
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, then go to the desktop with cd Desktop01:58
Ignite_Salihu, games _do_ take years to develop...01:58
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ubuntutry running the application from konsole01:59
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, bevore doing chmod +x01:59
Emperor_NortonProN00b: developing nations are getting into this "Cheap PC = Runs linux" thing01:59
WRFC_Rabbitcd desktop??01:59
scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: do you hav konquerer or nautilus?01:59
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scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: ah...right....cd Desktop (capital D)...01:59
WRFC_Rabbitim a noob lol01:59
ProN00bEmperor_Norton, and i am not getting into the "cheap pc = runs games" thing, do you ?01:59
ubuntuWRFC_Rabbit:  kool, me too :001:59
Ignite_Samuli^, * even..01:59
Emperor_NortonImagine if the next South Korea (the largest consumer of MMORPG's) is raised on linux PC's?01:59
ubuntuWRFC_Rabbit:  we r no0b twins :)02:00
WRFC_Rabbitok i typed cd Desktop into terminal02:00
scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: you are right...you need "to go" to the Desktop with your terminal by typing "cd Desktop"02:00
scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: and now the command "chmod +x gamename.bin"02:00
ProN00bEmperor_Norton, next south korea ? you are dreaming... america won't allow a success storry like that again, it will bomb em away02:00
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Emperor_NortonProN00b: China is likely to be next South Korea in terms in game's, and china is developing the $125 dual core PC.02:01
scheuriI dont want to destroy the fun in here...but some of the discussion might be transfered to another channel, aye?02:01
Emperor_NortonYou've also got OLPC02:01
WRFC_Rabbitive done that02:01
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scheurikinda hard to track reponses and questions in here...02:01
SchamaneEmperor_Norton: i dont think this pc will ever be released ;)02:01
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Jack_Sparrowscheuri: This is nothing wait an hour or two02:02
Emperor_NortonSchamane: China has a very big incentive to develop it....granted the "Dual core" is 2 cheap 400mhz cores.02:02
scheuriJack_Sparrow: uh...really? well then...time to go in an hour or two...;)02:02
myrawhere am i02:02
Ignite_At your PC.02:02
wickedpuppymyra, #ubuntu ....02:03
scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: well...not it should be executable...not type "sh gamename.bin"02:03
Emperor_Nortonwait, or two 800mhz cores, depending on how their measuring02:03
Jack_Sparrowscheuri: Adding the persons name highlights the text making it much easier.  To type a nme you use tab complete..02:03
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scheuriJack_Sparrow: I know that and I try to do it everytime...but other people seeking help might not...02:03
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ProN00bEmperor_Norton, thats just a little weaker than my current system, and i can barely run gnome here02:03
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Jack_Sparrowscheuri: Kinda why I mentioned it while we were slow.02:04
WRFC_Rabbitscheuri: home@home-desktop:~/Desktop$ sh PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin02:04
WRFC_RabbitPlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin: PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin: cannot execute binary file02:04
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scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: okay...type "ls -la PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin" and tell me what is says at the first few letters02:04
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, .(PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin02:04
myrawat een gedoe zeg02:04
Emperor_NortonProN00b: It will probably run xcfe or something much scaled down...but regardless the integration of the "People's OS" to china will be a "very big thing"02:04
MikeVdamyra english?02:05
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, sorry, do ./PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin02:05
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WRFC_Rabbitscheuri: ls -la PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin02:05
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ProN00bEmperor_Norton, still, this thing won't run any cool games02:05
WRFC_Rabbitthanks pronoob :D02:06
scheuri*mumblers to ProN00b*...there are a lot of cool old games02:06
scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: did it work?02:06
Emperor_NortonPron00b: No, but it will raise a generation of new FOSS users, a rather large one at that, who will be a very receptive market for Linux native games02:06
ProN00bscheuri, thats why i changed cool to new02:06
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scheuriWRFC_Rabbit: great...:)...have fun02:06
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ProN00bEmperor_Norton, naw, nawt rly ^^ they will all pirate windows xp02:07
WRFC_Rabbitnow it wont let me save the game in /opt/PlaneShift02:07
JimmeyWhat's happened to lilo?02:07
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, uh, go root02:07
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ProN00bsudo sh02:07
Ignite_sudo -i02:07
Ignite_you mean :)02:07
ProN00bya ya02:08
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WRFC_Rabbitits not writable by the current user!02:08
WRFC_Rabbitbut i am the only user!#02:08
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, still, you need admin to install it02:08
Ignite_WRFC_Rabbit, cancel the install, then do "sudo -i" and then what you did in the terminal before to get the installer started..02:08
ProN00bWRFC_Rabbit, if sudo -i asks you for a password, type in your password02:09
scheuriwhat is the homepage of planetside anyway (he made me curious)02:09
Ignite_Actually no, use gksudo <installer filename>02:09
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scheuriplanetshift...not planetside02:10
finalbetagksu <installer filename>02:10
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kujaShouldn't the nvidia-glx package contain the nvidia kernel module?02:10
frogzoo!nvidia > kuja02:10
Jack_Sparrowkuja: different modeules for different kernels02:11
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Zaronnguys my screen keeps on going black on my new ubuntu installation and can not get it back by moving mouse or anything02:11
kujaI'm using the Dapper LiveCD and I want to get the nvidia module working, but when I installed it, X wouldn't start when trying to use it.02:11
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quintinso, I am installing this ubuntu crap again02:12
quintinI think it will suck just as much air this time too =)02:12
quintinwe shall see!02:12
Jack_Sparrowkuja: Were you trying the one from nvidia or the one from our repo/wiki02:12
Jack_Sparrowquintin: NIce positive attitude02:12
WRFC_Rabbitim stuck lol02:13
quintinJack_Sparrow: Bite me! :)02:13
WRFC_Rabbiti done sudo -i02:13
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quintin1:34 left in install02:13
WRFC_Rabbiti entered my pass02:13
Jack_Sparrowquintin: Do you need help or just commenting.02:13
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, don't do that. Abort and use : gksu <installer filename>02:13
WRFC_Rabbitnow it says theres no such dir!02:13
=== claw [n=claw@e181027007.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
Killafrostwire still isnt launching and i have the java plugin02:13
finalbetayou shouldn't use sudo, duno why someone told you that02:13
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ProN00bquintin, had any problems last time ?02:13
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quintinJack_Sparrow: Just commenting.  I'm a master of Solaris, SunOS, FreeBSD, and Debian, so I should be fine. >:P02:14
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WRFC_Rabbitin terminal??02:14
quintinProN00b: mostly lack of drivers02:14
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Killa frostwire still isnt launching and i have the java plugin02:14
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, use su to start commands with root rights. Or gksu if you want a graphic password dialog, like the one you get when you start synaptic or something.02:14
quintinProN00b: was seeing if an elderly person could use ubuntu on their laptop.  I'm installing it on a desktop appliance machine now... should work fine I think...02:14
WRFC_Rabbiti see02:15
kuja$ sudo modprobe nvidia02:15
kujaFATAL: Module nvidia not found.02:15
WRFC_Rabbitroot@home-desktop:~# gksu ./PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin02:15
WRFC_Rabbit(gksu:12506): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:02:15
Jack_Sparrowkuja: did you run into any errors during the install?  Did you make the manual edit of xorg?  Did you install the correct restricted modules?02:15
kujaI'm not doing this from X.02:15
kujaI simply want to load the nvidia module.02:15
Emperor_Nortonquintin: I use ubuntu on my laptop02:16
Killaare there anymore p2p programs like frostwire for linux02:16
Emperor_Nortononly problem I had was getting my wifi-card to work02:16
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, ok, weird, use su <./installed then>02:16
quintinEmperor_Norton: wifi drivers is a huge pain in the ass.  what kind of laptop?02:16
Emperor_NortonCompaq 2210US02:16
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=== Emperor_Norton is happy, just upgraded my ram to 1gb
quintinEmperor_Norton: not familiar with that line.  what's in it?  I have a compaq n600c as my current portable02:16
Emperor_NortonIt's a discontinued laptop.02:17
rdzhi all. i have a asus-laptop with built-in card reader. i wonder how i can make it work/mount. any hints, where to start?02:17
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quintinEmperor_Norton: I haven't made the leap yet and gotten rid of windows for desktop yet.  still use it for reasons of ease of use, software, and some games...02:17
quintinof course all my servers are FreeBSD or Gentoo though02:17
Emperor_Norton1 PCMCIA slot, 2 USB slots, 1 dvd/cd-rom player, 1 modem, 1 ethernet port, 1 broadcomm wifi, 15in monitor, 1gb ram maximum02:18
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Emperor_NortonIt was a budget line02:18
WRFC_Rabbitok start from the start lol02:18
DJAdmiralquintin: I've made the complete leap but every now and then I take out my old winme box to play UT or some wingames :P02:18
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Jack_Sparrowrdz: card reader as in memory stick or smart card reader?02:19
DJAdmiralquintin: QEMU doesn't really do the job for me lol02:19
WRFC_Rabbiti open terminal02:19
quintinDJAdmiral: And tell me, how do you feel?02:19
quintinDJAdmiral: heh I bet it doesn't...02:19
Emperor_NortonWindows Mistake Edition? Ew.02:19
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kujaAny idea on the nvidia driver?02:19
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WRFC_Rabbitthen type??02:19
YaakovGood morning, Jack_Sparrow.02:19
quintinEmperor_Norton: cpu ?02:19
Milleis there any program that allows me control how often the fans in my laptop should run? they normalt run on intervals, but the computers gets to hot so I would like to make it run more often.02:19
DJAdmiralEmperor_Norton: Yeah I know lol. You made a mistake though - It's actually windoze messed up edition02:19
rdzJack_Sparrow, smart card reader, actually it has slots for different kinds of card, i'm trying to read a mmc-card now02:19
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, su <installstartcommand>02:19
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Jack_Sparrowkuja: I asked three questions which you didnt answer yet02:20
DJAdmiralquintin: Oh it feels absolutely wonderful to be completely ms free on your laptop.02:20
WRFC_Rabbitbash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'02:20
Jack_SparrowYaakov: Goodmorning sir..02:20
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, if you need to do ./installer to start it, you now need to do su ./installer02:20
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, then it will probably ask your user password, so you give it.02:20
quintinDJAdmiral: I am sure that it does.....02:20
Zaronnanyone knows why my screen goes black in ubuntu?  I cant get it back by moving the mouse or keyboard02:20
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Emperor_Nortonquintin: the proc is a 2.0ghz (I think, maybe 1.8ghz) Celeron M02:21
WRFC_Rabbitinstaller being PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin?02:21
quintinDJAdmiral: maybe I do it soon... don't know.  I have to service win machines for clients often, so I wonder if it's best to leave it on my network to stay familiar with it02:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mmc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:21
Jack_SparrowZaronn: when does it go black? During the install?02:21
rdz!smart card02:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smart card - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:21
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Jack_Sparrowrdz: MIne just show up as usb drives when I stick them into a slot.02:21
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit,  su chmod 0777  PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin & su ./PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin02:22
DJAdmiralquintin: True - even though I don't use windoze anymore I can still do stuff with it like hell. After all, I have been using computers since I was 4 :|02:22
Emperor_Nortonand DJAdmiral: You don't need qemu or windows to play UT02:22
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, you need to make the file executable first.02:22
gypsymauroI'm trying to install ltsp-server  on ubuntu but it doesn't creates the tftpboot/ltsp/pxelinux.0 file where I can find it?02:22
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ZaronnJack_Sparrow:No i justinstalled it and workign great and got vnc orking and everything.. but after leaving it for a while i noticed it went black like a screen saver.  But the monitor is still up (green light not stand by) and cant get it back02:22
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, then you can start it using root rights. You need root because it will write to places where your normal user can't write.02:22
Jack_SparrowZaronn: Is this a laptop?02:22
DJAdmiralEmperor_Norton: Yes I know. there is UT for linux by Loki games. I've tried it. It doesn't work for me.02:22
rdzJack_Sparrow, is it on /dev/sdb1 or something like that?02:22
quintinDJAdmiral: hmm yea me since 2 or 3.... there are pics of me on dad's lap at his first home computer.. he coded things in BASIC and machine language to teach me numbers, shapes, counting, letters, etc...02:22
ZaronnJack_Sparrow:No its a dekstop02:22
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Jack_Sparrowrdz: yes02:23
KenSentMeHi. I'm running dual-desktop (desktop stretched over 2 screens) using the big desktop feature from ATI. Everything runs well, but Totem also stretches the video, just like my desktop is stretched. Anyone knows how i can get Totem to display videos normally? I'm running Ubuntu Dapper.02:23
WRFC_Rabbithome@home-desktop:~$ su chmod 0777  PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin02:23
WRFC_RabbitUnknown id: chmod02:23
DJAdmiralquintin: You mean he used to code in binary? whoa.02:23
quintinDJAdmiral: assembler02:23
rdzJack_Sparrow, ok, thanks, now i know that it is not recognized.......02:23
wickedpuppyis it me or more people chatting than helping or asking here ?02:23
DJAdmiralWRFC: You play Planeshift? wicked!02:23
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finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, eek, i'm all wrong :p it's sudo , not su indeed.02:24
WRFC_Rabbitnot yet lol02:24
DJAdmiralquintin: Ah - I used to mess around in assembly too. I've read up on this operating system coded entirely in assembly. it fits on a floppy and is called menuetos.02:24
Jack_Sparrowquintin: LDA#$4102:24
finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit,  sudo chmod 0777  PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin & sudo ./PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin02:24
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: You want to use sudo chmod, not su chmod.02:24
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WRFC_Rabbithome@home-desktop:~$ sudo chmod 0777  PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin02:25
WRFC_Rabbitchmod: cannot access `PlaneShift_CBV0.3.016.bin': No such file or directory02:25
quintinDJAdmiral: yea I've used it before.  cute project.02:25
ZaronnJack_Sparrow:Even VNC is black gonna telent and restart system :(02:25
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finalbetaWRFC_Rabbit, please cd to the dir where you have the file first...02:25
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: sudo chmod 0777 /path/to/planeshift/file02:25
WRFC_Rabbitok cd Desktop??02:25
quintinHow do I reinstall the bootloader from the LiveCD?  If I install win on this machine after installing Ubuntu first..02:25
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:25
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finalbetaIt's 3PM. Just woke up, have a hangover. So later.02:26
quintin*steeples fingers*  excellent.02:26
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: not quite - try copying the file to your home folder first.02:26
cripps_KenSentMe, depends ... whats the resolution per screen?02:26
DJAdmiralquintin: wait!02:26
g-nomehello, i have a problem with my ubuntu amd64 live-cd, it it freezes at the "mount filesystem"02:26
Emperor_Nortonmenuetos is proprietary though =\02:26
quintinDJAdmiral: what am I waiting for? :">02:26
g-nomebut it does not with the 32bit version :-( (and i have an amd64)02:26
DJAdmiralquintin: there is a faster solution: you ought to use SGD = Super GRUB Disk = worked wonders for me02:26
KenSentMecripps_: 1280x102402:26
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cripps_KenSentMe, hm. It stretches resolution on both screens? The primrary and the secondary?02:27
WRFC_Rabbitdo i need wide install??02:27
DJAdmiralBrb all02:27
Jack_SparrowDJAdmiral: Also note that there is a Universal Boot CD with Super Grub and tons of tother tools as well02:27
Emperor_Nortonof course I have one unresolved issue on my laptop, my max resolution is 1024x76802:27
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Emperor_NortonIntel i810 chipset02:28
Jack_SparrowDJAdmiral: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/02:28
Zaronnguys I want to telent and restart my machien but it asks me for the super user password and i never specified it.  is ther e adefault?02:28
cripps_DJAdmiral, menuetos is kinda fun ... I could never get the networking up though :/02:28
Jack_SparrowDJAdmiral: MEant Ultimate.. not universal02:28
=== cripps_ is now known as CrippsFX
KenSentMecripps_: cripps_ here's my xorg.conf http://lab.vandenieuwenhof.nl/files/xorg.conf02:28
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elmargolSomeone can recommend me a backup toll? I need incremental backups and a way to ignore some directories.02:29
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CrippsFXKenSentMe, I was asking about the totem stretching ...02:29
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi02:29
YaakovZaronn: sudo reboot02:29
WRFC_Rabbitwhat is system wide install for in planeshift install??02:29
Jack_Sparrowelmargol: for gui try ubackup02:29
roshlameWhich package do I need in order for my totem-xine player to be able to play XviD encoded files?02:29
CrippsFXelmargol, using cron, tar, and regular expressions, you can do anything!02:29
KenSentMeCrippsFX: yes, it's stretched on both screens, but only the video, not the window the video is played in02:29
Jack_Sparrowelmargol: one sec.. that may be sbackup02:29
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CrippsFXKenSentMe, hm. uhh ... have you tried using Xine instead? ;)02:30
g-nomehello, i have a problem with my ubuntu amd64 live-cd, it it freezes at the "mount filesystem"02:30
g-nomebut it does not with the 32bit version :-( (and i have an amd64)02:30
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CrippsFXg-nome, have you done a media check?02:30
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KenSentMeCrippsFX: i'm running xine02:30
cfraz89hi, has anyone here got aiglx on edgy going?02:31
g-nomeCrippsFX: you mean a md5 check?02:31
CrippsFXcfraz89, edgy = #ubuntu+102:31
mewtis there an edgy channel were i can ask questions about upgrading from daper to edgy02:31
mewtor should it be done here02:31
cfraz89CrippsFX: thanks02:31
WRFC_Rabbitwhat window manager am i using??02:31
CrippsFXg-nome, no, did you verify the CD after burning?02:31
ziro01I'll find out02:31
CrippsFXcfraz89, np :)02:31
cfraz89WRFC_Rabbit: probably metacity02:31
rdzhow can i find out, if there is support under ubuntu for " CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II"?02:31
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g-nomeCrippsFX: yes, and no errors02:32
rdzand if yes, how can i get it?02:32
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CrippsFXKenSentMe, hm. To tell you the truth, I really don't know.02:32
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yourself_myselfcfraz89: i did!02:32
CrippsFXg-nome, well ... truth be known ... 64 bit isn't worth it yet anyways ;)02:32
WRFC_Rabbithow do i find out definately?? im running ubuntu 6.0602:32
cfraz89yourself_myself: cool :)02:32
yourself_myself(running it now, actually)02:33
cfraz89yourself_myself: you used quinnstorm repos?02:33
g-nomeCrippsFX: it is actually :-) you can most of the programs working02:33
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g-nomeany way i will reburn it02:33
DJAdmiralback - what'd I miss? lol02:33
cfraz89yourself_myself: i cant seem to find cgwd or csm in the repos for edgy02:33
WRFC_RabbitKDE Gnome or other??02:33
yourself_myselfdeb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz edgy main-edgy aiglx-edgy02:33
CrippsFXg-nome, yeah, but they're mostly just recompiled versions of the 32 bit counterparts ... no code for USING the processor options.02:33
yourself_myselfadd this to your sources.list02:34
cfraz89yourself_myself: yeah, used that :) but cgwd and csm is missing02:34
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cfraz89i had xgl going in dapper02:34
DJAdmiralJack_Sparrow: already know about the UBCD, thanks02:34
cfraz89but just installed edgy02:34
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yourself_myselfhave you done "apt-get update"?02:34
elmargolIs dpkg --get-selections, the list of every installed and removed package on my system?02:34
Jack_SparrowDJAdmiral: Running behind this morning :)02:34
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WRFC_RabbitDJAdmiral: do i need system wide install?? and what window manager do i choose02:34
=== CrippsFX <3 Openbox
DJAdmiralJack_Sparrow: Not really - was just away.02:35
KenSentMeCrippsFX: well, no problem. You're not the only one :)02:36
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: No, that is not necessary and stick with GNOME.02:36
CrippsFXKenSentMe, :)02:36
Jack_Sparrowelmargol: Use Terminal type dpkg --get-selections > myprog.txt            to create a text file of installed programs02:36
WRFC_Rabbitokies ty02:36
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=== ephemeros yo! \m/
cfraz89yourself_myself: thanks, ill try it again :)02:36
DJAdmiralHey does anyone here know of the program that adds a menu called 'Debian' to the Applications menu?02:36
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WRFC_RabbitDJAdmiral: do i need to set the permissions??02:37
CrippsFXDJAdmiral, I can't remember ... on 32 bit Dapper I had that in there by default.02:37
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malice_If I do this sudo ifconfig wlan0 down then change my mac addy and then sudo ifconfig wlan0 up, and then sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart then iwlist wlan0 scan will this then reactivate my pc card on my laptop and then I can connect to the wireless network with my spoofed mac addy?02:37
yourself_myselfcfraz89: good luck02:37
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StarkerHi..where can I get Dsl configurations from ?02:38
cfraz89thanks :)02:38
WRFC_RabbitDJAdmiral: automatix done mine i think02:38
=== Levure [i=user103@infosourds.xdsl.openweb.be] has joined #ubuntu
LevureHello !02:38
cfraz89yourself_myself: :( i added that repo, and apt-get update02:38
cfraz89then apt-cache search cgwd give nothing02:38
Jack_SparrowWRFC_Rabbit: Automatix is evil and will come back and bite you later.02:38
CrippsFXmalice_, only one way to find out .... give it a shot.02:38
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Jack_SparrowWRFC_Rabbit: One of the worst things you can do to a system02:39
malice_cripps will any of these commands mess anything up?02:39
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: One thing - NEVER install automatix or easyubuntu - they screw up your ubuntu system02:39
yourself_myselfcfraz89: hang on, i'll check mine02:39
CrippsFXmalice_, doesn't look like it, no.02:39
cfraz89thanks :)02:39
malice_ok thank02:39
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malice_will try it02:39
WRFC_Rabbitcan u uninstall it??02:39
CrippsFXmalice_, np :)02:39
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DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: With difficulty - yes02:39
WRFC_Rabbitoh well a fresh install later then lmao02:39
LevureI would like to install Ubuntu for a deaf user which don't understand english. Does Ubuntu 6.06 LTS from http://www.ubuntu.com/download contains french locales and french speaking programms (OpenOffice, Thunderbird, Firefox ?)02:40
WRFC_Rabbitdo i need to set permissions??02:40
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: However all the stuff that you used automatix for cannot be reversed02:40
WRFC_Rabbitin the setup02:40
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LevureI would like to have the Ubuntu running in french :-)02:40
Jack_SparrowDJAdmiral: Full reinstall is much easier than untangling one of those02:40
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jpjacobsLevure,  that shouldn't be a problem02:40
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: Could you be more specific? Or could you send me a screenie or something so I know exactly what you're talking about.02:40
DJAdmiralJack_Sparrow: true. but in case you cannot afford to re-install - this is the only way to go02:41
Levurejpjacobs: does it does everything in the installation to setup all in french ?02:41
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:41
LevureSorry :-)02:41
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saracenhi all02:42
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saraceni need some help for a friend of mine who's installed dapper02:42
WRFC_Rabbitits ok02:42
saracenthis is the 2nd time he's updated and gotten to a black screen on reboot02:42
WRFC_Rabbiti worked it out :D02:42
saracennow he's afraid of updating02:42
saracenhe just installed the kernel update to dapper02:42
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: Oh cool.02:43
saracenreboot and no nvidia kernel module02:43
saracenit's happened to me a couple of times on edgy02:43
saraceni was just looking for the linux-restricted-modules for that version of the kernel02:43
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saracenthey don't exist02:45
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AnAnthow can I configure the hardware clock to be GMT & the system clock to be according to my timezone ?02:45
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ubotutime: The GNU time program for measuring cpu resource usage. In component main, is standard. Version 1.7-21 (dapper), package size 31 kB, installed size 144 kB02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
DJAdmiraloh well02:45
CrippsFXsaracen, just do "apt-get upgrade linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`"02:46
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Jack_SparrowAnAnt: right click clock and go to properties should do it02:46
WRFC_Rabbitit wont launch any planeshift things02:46
saracenthe modules aren't there02:46
CrippsFXsaracen, I have the same kernel version, and the linux-restricted-modules to boot02:46
saraceni searched for them with apt-cache02:46
WRFC_RabbitThere was an error launching the application. apparently!02:46
saracenhe's not very knowledgeable with this stuff02:46
saracenhe just did an update with the update manager02:46
saracenrebooted and got a black screen02:46
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WRFC_RabbitDetails: Failed to execute child process "/opt/PlaneShift/updater" (Permission denied)02:47
saracenwhat's ur output of apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules02:47
saraceni've ssh'ed into his pc to help him out02:47
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CrippsFXsaracen, just a sec.02:47
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Synaptic sees them02:47
AnAntJack_Sparrow: 1. I didn't get any properties (I use GNOME) 2. I tried time-admin02:48
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CrippsFXsaracen, http://pastebin.ca/18491702:48
CrippsFXkk ... gotta go ... shower time.02:48
WRFC_RabbitDJAdmiral: how do i get round that?? i cant open planeshift unless im ROOT!02:48
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Did he by chance install anything with the automatix script that would have changed his sources02:48
saracenno, i've checked his sources02:49
saracenthey're all at the default server02:49
Jack_SparrowAnAnt: preferences and adjust date and time?02:49
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saraceni'll upload his sources.list and the output of apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules02:49
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: sudo command?02:50
quintinnow I am remembering why I don't use this for desktop.  It's a huge pain in the ass02:50
WRFC_Rabbitcant i open it from my desktop?02:50
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quintinrather slow for this hardware too.  hrm02:50
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DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: You could create a desktop launcher.02:50
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WRFC_Rabbitok how do i do that??02:50
saracenis the sources02:51
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Ychis there really no flash newer than version 7 for ubuntu?02:51
WRFC_Rabbiti will need to make one for the installer, updater and the client02:51
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wickedpuppyWRFC_Rabbit, right click on the desktop and you will see02:51
cfraz89Ych: version 9 is in the making, but for now, 7 is newest for linux02:52
atkHi. I have finnish keyboard layout and I want to switch the usage of + and ? (same key, question mark comes with shift pressed). A quick overview of the process?02:52
Ychcfraz89, that sucks, all the websites require >802:52
guptahey is there a software repo cd for ubuntu tha can be downloaded ?02:52
cfraz89Ych, yeah...02:53
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:53
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Ychwhat with that, and wmv streaming not working im considering switching back to XP02:53
WRFC_Rabbitwhat do i type into the command boxes n stuff?02:53
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saracenthis is the output of apt-cache-search linux-restricted-modules02:53
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: sudo <insert command here>02:54
cfraz89Ych: video streaming shouldnt be too hard02:54
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DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: Maybe I could look up something appropriate on Planeshift's website.02:54
cfraz89plus its not long until flash 9 comes out02:54
Ychcfraz89, so they say, but all the players with a stream client (vlc, mplayer) refuse to play wmvs for me02:54
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: He has some repos rem's out that he might need?02:54
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Ycheven though i did all the w32 stuff02:54
saracenwhich ones02:55
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cfraz89Ych, did you try totem?02:55
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saracenthe main ones are in02:55
saracenand security02:55
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: I can uncomment mine and reload but I think that'ss be it.02:55
Ychcfraz89, totem plays them fine locally, but im not sure how to make totem stream the wmvs as a browser plugin02:55
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tomas_I am having some annoying issues... I just installed the newest driver from nvidia.com on ubuntu dapper. The install seems to go fine and the driver works just fine with the exception of that it stops working after a reboot. I have to launch the nvidia installer after each reboot which is starting to drive me nuts.02:55
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tomas_I also think i know the reason... X.org complains about some older nvidia kernel being in conflict, which means that some other driver is being loaded upon boot02:56
tomas_but i have no idea on how to remove this02:56
saracenOK Jack, that may be the case02:56
saracenbut if u look at the sources02:56
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saracenmain is in, updates are all in (universe and multiverse)02:56
saracenand so are backports02:56
quintinMy sound does not work02:56
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MilleI'm once again looking for programs... what partition manager can I use to move and resize my partitions? even ntfs.02:57
quintinMille: there is one with the ubuntu installer that works.  You could also get hiren's bootcd02:57
cfraz89Ych, i think the plugin is an extra download in synaptic02:57
BastupungenIs there any fast say to check my kernel hz (kernel timer resolution in windows)02:57
cfraz89like totem-mozilla-plugin or something02:58
tomas_anyone have an idea on how to solve this problem?02:58
cfraz89not sure, i use kubuntu and kaffeine myself02:58
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Millequintin, can it move and resize ntfs partitions? then i guess i can use it from ubuntu, huh?02:58
quintinBastupungen: it's kernel timer in any kernel ... windows or linux or whatever.  and UTSL02:58
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quintinMille: don't use an ambigous pronoun!!02:58
donnaHow do I access the console on ubuntu?02:59
saracenthe kernel modules are in restricted02:59
quintinmy gfx performance is sucking too.  can't run zsnes02:59
Bastupungenok kernel timer (some people call it kernel timer resolution)02:59
Ychcfraz89, ill look for that02:59
quintinMille: wtf is "it"?!02:59
saraceni have restricted available under all the repos02:59
DJAdmiraldonna: Applications > Accessories > Terminal is what I believe you're looking for02:59
quintinBastupungen: use the source, Luke! :)  I don't know any other way honestly02:59
quintinBastupungen: if it is modern it is probably 1000hz02:59
donnaThank you very much03:00
Bastupungenquintin: Yeah i have made a custom kernel with that option set but i wan't to double check because im getting mixxed messages03:00
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kempodoes ubuntu work on macbookpro? and, are there working drivers for all peripheries?03:00
tobyanyone know the keyboard shortcut for switching mouse cursor between different monitors?03:00
DethKlokHow well does Linux support Tablet PC's?03:00
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quintinkempo: you really want to install linux over macos?03:01
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DJAdmiralkempo: Ubuntu does work on Apple computers, yes - however you need a mac installation cd for that.03:01
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Bastupungenquintin: I'd do that any day! =)03:01
DJAdmiralDethKlok: Quite well - there are plenty of apps that support it.03:01
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kempoquintin: why not?03:01
DJAdmiralquintin: Linux is better than any OS. Hands down. Period. Capice.03:01
quintinBastupungen: icky03:01
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quintinMac is much better for desktop03:02
CrippsFXDJAdmiral, non Capice :P03:02
quintinand FreeBSD < Linux03:02
tomas_anyone? :(03:02
CrippsFXand all < BeOS03:02
quintinBeOS was fun03:02
Bastupungenquintin: I have an Ibook and have been working with both linux and OS X.. they have their quirks but i like linux better03:02
tomas_am i the only ubuntu user who use the drivers from nvidia.com?03:02
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quintintoo bad about the way it went03:02
CrippsFXquintin, yeah ... can't wait for the FOSS version to come out ... "Glass Elevator"03:02
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tobytomas_ why not the ubuntu ones?03:03
allucI have a maple datafile, hox can I read its content ?03:03
alluc(on ubuntu)03:03
tomas_toby, because the one from nvida.com is newer03:03
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: You still here?03:04
CrippsFXalluc, Maple can be installed under linux ...03:04
kempodoes kismet work on a macbook?03:04
Jack_SparrowI just replaced mine with his and I see them03:04
allucCrippsFX: where to get it, is it a freeware ?03:04
tomas_the problem is that the ubuntu ones conflict with it and i have no idea on how to remove them03:04
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khaije1has anyone here tried a/o had any success w/ the iommu nvidia patch?03:04
saracenthat's so strange... I just updated and I don't see them03:04
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Did he reload after making changses?03:04
tobytomas_ by much? - the ubuntu ones get update without me having to do much for me it's not worth the hassel doing it manually03:05
saracenya, and i just did apt-get update right now03:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:05
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CrippsFXalluc, no ... it is a commercial product ... if you're using maple at school though, you should be able to get your hands on a cd and key (legally) ...03:05
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tomas_toby, seems to be quite a bit older in dapper atleast..03:05
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tomas_and i recall i had some issues with them before03:05
saracenany clue as to what it could be03:06
allucCrippsFX: Can I convert a mapple file into something freeware then ?03:06
saraceni'm totally stumped because he sees the other versions03:06
saracen26 and 2503:06
saracenbut not 2703:06
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tobytomas_ shame sometimes these things are like fluxbox but i'm for the easy life03:06
Jack_SparrowI see 27 386 and 68603:06
CrippsFXalluc, it's possible, yes, but I don't know of any utilities offhand. How did you get a maple data file anyways? What's interesting about it if you don't know what it is?03:07
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saracenya... I believe you.  I see them in packages.ubuntu.com as well03:07
scrp*cry* everytime i change the setting from NV to NVIDIA in xorg.conf my X graphics get better but i lose my console ....03:07
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saracenI just don't know why he doesn't03:07
CrippsFXscrp, ouch ... not worth it.03:07
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Me either...03:07
saraceni've updated like 10 times since we started talking...03:07
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allucCrippsFX: it's a chinese dictionary, quite old03:08
scrpCrippsFX: well... if i dont have it nvidia then screensavers even lag03:08
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CrippsFXalluc, I see ... maybe there's a *different* maple that I don't know about ... but the one that I know about is a mathematical scripting language.03:08
scrpCrippsFX: so i have to choose either X or console...(also when i bootup my screen goes fubar and when i shutdown it goes blank until it shuts down)03:08
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Im going to go put my sources back.. brb03:09
CrippsFXscrp, I know that feeling.03:09
quintinFOSS BeOS ?!  Explain yourself!03:09
ThomSWonmdering if anyone could help? I've just done a fresh install on my laptop and it recognised the built-in and slot for the wireless card but when i try and configure them in network settings it can't find any networks03:09
quintinOk, sound doesn't work, graphics sux, I'm gonna just stick with win on desktop for now I guess03:09
allucCrippsFX: when I use the command file, it says it's a mapple file03:09
scrpThomS: are you using administration > networking ?03:09
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ThomSscrp: yep03:09
CrippsFXquintin, one of the engineers who worked on BeOS had his own microkernel, and they're rebuilding BeOS under GNU, under a different name to prevent naming disputes.03:09
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scrpThomS: should be a scroll down list with the networks detected there03:10
DJAdmiralhey WRFC_Rabbit03:10
WRFC_Rabbithi again03:10
allucCrippsFX: "Maple help database" to be more precise03:10
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WRFC_Rabbitmy computer froze after i tried openin a launcher i made03:10
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quintinCrippsFX: intriguing.  so many versions of it!  there is that yellow tab thingie too.  hmm03:10
donnaIs there a way for me to find out my root password?03:10
quintinAnyone here use zsnes with good perormanc?03:10
CrippsFXquintin, so it's not just like one of those linux *clones* of BeOS ... but it'll actually be darn near the original. They're aiming to have release version one be equivalent to BeOS r503:10
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donnaIs there a way for me to find out my root password?03:11
CrippsFXquintin, the one you'd be looking for would be "glass elevator" I do believe ... it'll probably have the yellow tab.03:11
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Dont know what to tell you...  We can both see they are there..  is he spelling something wrong?03:11
scrpdonna: sudo su03:11
scrpdonna: then change teh password03:11
ThomSscrp: yeah I've used it on my desktop no problems, which is why I can't figure out whats wrong03:11
scrpThomS: then i have no idea :P03:11
ThomSscrp: haha cheers anyway bud03:12
saracenno... it's not even him now.  It's me.  I've ssh'ed into his pc and am running the commands myself03:12
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saracensudo apt-get update03:12
saracendone it 10 times already...03:12
CrippsFXquintin, http://community.sgdotnet.org/blogs/triplez/archive/2005/08/17/19604.aspx03:12
saracenReally really weird...03:12
saracenpoor guy03:12
saraceni've convinced him to use ubuntu and now this is the second time he updates and gets a black screen03:12
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WRFC_RabbitDJAdmiral: did u find a solution for me??03:12
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DJAdmiralquintin: I'm downloading zsnes as i speak. However it's also downloading with 1500 megs of other stuff lol03:13
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: leave a 386 basic setup in his grub03:13
CrippsFXquintin, right ... they changed the name again: http://haiku-os.org/03:13
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saracenya, I've left version 26 there03:13
saracenhe can boot in with that fine03:13
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saracenwe tried it03:13
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: Unfortunately no - they didn't provide any detailed help for the installation03:13
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Sorry to point out the obvious03:13
saracenno, it's alright03:13
saraceni appreciate the help but i'm just really really stumped now03:14
quintin hso any zsnes users?03:14
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Have hiom boot to that and see if he sees the restricted modules with Synaptic03:14
WRFC_RabbitDJAdmiral: how would i create a launcher for each one??03:14
donnaEvery time I type in sudo su it comes up with password: what should I type in for the passwd? and is there a way I can change the passwd03:14
DJAdmiralquintin: besides me, I don't suppose so.03:14
saracenif u use the command line u see them right?03:14
saracenapt-cache search03:14
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saracenthey're tied in together so i'd assume they see the same thing03:14
DJAdmiraldonna: do this instead: Type in your account password, donna03:14
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: Right click on the desktop and click create launcher.03:15
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Jack_Sparrowsaracen: I dont use apt I am a gui guy.. you want me to see if apt sees them03:15
saracenyeah... if u could03:15
saracenjust run apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules03:15
Jack_Sparrowone sec..03:15
WRFC_Rabbitthen in the command?? /opt/PlaneShift/updater??03:16
ThomSscrp: If you're interested, I've just found this which I think it must be https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/5915903:16
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Jack_Sparrowsaracen: 27-386 and 686 are there03:16
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: sudo /opt/PlaneShift/updater03:16
saracendamn it03:16
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WRFC_Rabbitrun in terminal??03:16
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: no wait: gksudo /opt/PlaneShift/updater03:16
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tomas_so.. no one knows how i can remove the ubuntu nvidia drivers/kernel without also removing all other modules?03:17
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: no do not run in terminal but instead of sudo put in gksudo03:17
willahi, how can i clean up my ubuntu system? Is there any command i can use to do so ?03:17
DJAdmiralwilla: there is a program for that.03:17
tomas_as in those that come with linux-restricted-modules or something like that03:17
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: I could paste his sources back into my box and try to reload and search but I think we both know the answer03:17
saracenyeah... no that's fine03:17
willaDjadmiral : which is call?03:17
saracenthanks for the help03:17
saraceni'm gonna file a bug and see if i can get more info03:17
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Anything else I can help you with?03:17
saraceni've tried everything else I can think of03:18
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DJAdmiralwilla: I don't recall but I think it's called KCleanup or something - you'll need to download and install it from the repos though03:18
Jack_Sparrowsaracen: Have him look with synaptic03:18
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wcr3dMay I ask a question that might be considered stupid?03:18
DJAdmiralwcr3d: shoot.03:18
saracenthanks again03:18
willaI see, but i'm using gnome.03:18
scrphow do i install .bin files?03:18
Jack_Sparrowwcr3d: I ask stupid questions all the time, I could use company03:18
DJAdmiralwilla: That's no problem.03:19
willaDjadmiral : i find that my system is cluttered with junks.03:19
DJAdmiralwilla: I run KDE apps on GNOME all the time.03:19
willawant to remove all those useless programs etc..03:19
wcr3dI have a box thats limited on cpu and ram, meets minimum but can't handle going through the live cd to install. Is there a way to skip the live part and just install?03:19
lucasvohow comes that gparted says my swap is mountend( I am working with the install cd) and the command umount /dev/hda1 is not working?03:19
scrpomgzor google earth isnt in the dapper!!!03:19
DJAdmiralwcr3d: in that case you need the alternate install cd.03:19
Jack_Sparrowwcr3d: There is the alternate, but I would suggest you try something lighter03:20
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wcr3dLighter as in?03:20
DJAdmiralscrp: You need to install it from Google's website.03:20
DJAdmiralwcr3d: as in try Xubuntu instead.03:20
Jack_SparrowDJAdmiral: Thanks... tried to sheak a sip of coffee  :)03:20
wcr3dWill it go through the live part just to install?03:20
DJAdmiralwcr3d: My advice? go with the ubuntu alternate cd but if ubuntu runs slow, go with xubuntu03:21
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DJAdmiralwcr3d: No, I think there is an alternate cd for xubuntu as well03:21
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wcr3dOk, thank you. :-)03:21
=== Bastupungen [n=Miranda@h81172146220.kund.kommunicera.umea.se] has joined #ubuntu
DJAdmiralJack_Sparrow: I got ya covered :P03:21
Jack_Sparrowwcr3d: The live cd will be much slower than the installed version03:21
DJAdmiralAnytime, wcr3d! :D03:21
wcr3dYes, I seen. I was just trying to avoid the live part and get down to the install...ahha03:22
=== Bassetts [i=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
wideinsightCan somebody tell me how to install XGL?03:22
DJAdmiral!xgl > wideinsight03:22
scrpDJAdmiral: yea i downloaded a .bin file from google03:22
BastupungenAnyone here who knows of a way to check if Hyper-Threading is set to be used in the kernel?03:22
brongwideinsight: there's a great howto on the ubuntu forums...03:22
scrpDJAdmiral: do i just run it with sh filename.bin03:22
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DJAdmiralI love helping people. It makes you feel so good.03:22
Jack_Sparrowscrp: Google-earth..?03:23
wideinsightI read it ,but it doesn't work03:23
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WRFC_Rabbitwell isnt that a bummer!03:23
DJAdmiralscrp: don't remember, basically try sudo ./filename.bin03:23
scrpJack_Sparrow: Jack_Sparrow yeah! google earth is teh shiznit03:23
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brongwideinsight: what sort of errors were you getting ?03:23
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:23
WRFC_Rabbitthe updater must be corrupt03:23
Jack_Sparrowscrp: Linux version works great03:23
scrpJack_Sparrow: yep03:24
Millecan i create a rescue floppy disk in ubuntu that is able to move and resize partitions?03:24
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: If you really wanna run Planeshift, run it on windoze.03:24
scrpso i wonder, how often are the pictures on google earth updated ?03:24
willawhat daemon can i run , any suggestion?03:24
WRFC_Rabbitit doesnt matter03:24
DJAdmiralscrp: depends from region to region.03:24
Jack_SparrowMille: The livecd has gparted on it.03:24
WRFC_Rabbiti just wanted something that ran on Ubuntu that was something like Conquer Online!03:25
Ignite_Mille, that's what the livecd is for. :-)03:25
wideinsightI can't get the sources of  libxorg-sched-yield-hack0,and can't go on03:25
Jack_Sparrowscrp: some are years old, more populous places are newer03:25
MilleJack_Sparrow, can I make the cd not start the x-window-system?03:25
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: There is a pretty large selection of cool strategy games in the repos.03:25
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MilleIgnite_, takes like forever to boot it up. :p03:25
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WRFC_Rabbitits a shame that Conquer doesnt work :(03:26
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Ignite_Mille, you can get specialised distros that might be of use to you, check out distrowatch.com. :-D03:26
snarfis the new python 2.5 in ubuntu now? i'd like to try it03:26
wideinsight<brong>,I can't get the sources of  libxorg-sched-yield-hack0,and can't go on03:26
scrpman :( google earth isnt running so smooth03:26
WRFC_Rabbitand my printer doesnt :(03:26
MrNazwhats the IM client that ubuntu uses for MSN at the moment?03:26
scrpthe graphics are all fubar03:26
sergohello, an Qt library it's needed to be installed in order to compile an program what i need03:26
sergofrom where to download this package?03:26
=== rendo [n=rendo@cable-24-139-11-220.listowel.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ignite_MrNaz, the generally bundled one is GAIM.03:26
WRFC_Rabbitamsn is the best03:27
MilleIgnite_, i'll only need a tool to move and resize partitions :-)03:27
Jack_SparrowMille: Probably took you longer to come here and ask that question than to boot the live cd to rework your partitions, but you can google UBCD Universal boot cd..03:27
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DJAdmiralMrNaz: There is GAIM but there's also amsn and a few others.03:27
Ignite_Mille, check out the gparted live CD.03:27
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rendoIt seems my streaming media in firefox is broken.  I just tried to re-install totem-xine and the totem-firefox plugin, but it's still broken.  I remember there was an update a week or so ago and I haven't tried to play media since, anyone know what's wrong?03:27
DJAdmiralJack_Sparrow: Actually UBCD alone will just do lol03:27
MrNazIgnite_: Gaim stopped working with the latest revision of the MSN protocol, and the ubuntu package hasnt been updated... i tried to compile the newest gaim from source but there are too many dependencies for my level of skill/patience03:27
Ignite_Mille, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php <-= there ya go! :-D03:27
WRFC_Rabbitcan anyone find out if i can get a driver on ubuntu for a epson stylus photo rx42003:28
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BastupungenHyper-threading in Linux, On or OFF?03:28
MilleIgnite_, ah. thanks alot. :-)03:28
WRFC_Rabbiti looked on the sys compatability webby and couldnt find it03:28
Ignite_MrNaz, you could try aMSN.03:28
DJAdmiralMrNaz: MSN with GAIM is working just fine for me atm.03:28
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Ignite_MrNaz, I'm also using MSN fine with GAIM.03:28
Jack_SparrowIgnite_: UBCD had gparted on it as well as lots of other good tools.03:28
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hovanwideinsight, what are you doing now?03:28
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Ignite_Jack_Sparrow, yeah I know, but she/he only needs to edit partitions, it would be a waste of bandwidth. :-P03:29
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DJAdmiralMrNaz: That msn crashing thing only happened on windoze really.03:29
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DJAdmiralMrNaz: try and see if you can login to msn with GAIM right now - if that fails - I can probably help you compile GAIM.03:29
MrNazDJAdmiral: yeap... gaim doesnt crash in linux... but it doesnt connect properly either03:29
MrNazDJAdmiral: ok lemme try again03:29
rendoIt seems my streaming media in firefox is broken.  I just tried to re-install totem-xine and the totem-firefox plugin, but it's still broken.  I remember there was an update a week or so ago and I haven't tried to play media since, anyone know what's wrong?03:29
wideinsightfinding some sources,and try again,can you tell me a source?03:30
DJAdmiralMrNaz: Says who? I'm able to connect just fine!03:30
Jack_SparrowIgnite_: I'm thinking they are planning on doing this more than once / one machine else booting the live wouldnt be an issue...  Agreed, single tool for the one job.03:30
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tomas_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181696 <--- here is exactly the same problem as i am having03:30
MrNazDJAdmiral: i tried it and it didnt work... but its perfectly possible that im just a noob (i moved to linux desktop after using win32 forever only 3 days ago)03:30
DJAdmiralMrNaz: Hmm. If you want - I might be able to help you compile a newer GAIM03:31
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MrNazDJAdmiral: yes, you're right, i am indeed a noob. it connected fine that time... although i swear it didnt the last time i tried a few days ago... perhaps there was something else preventing it...03:32
DJAdmiralrendo: Maybe you want to try mplayer instead.03:32
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MrNazDJAdmiral: no need... but thanks anyway03:32
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sergowhat is this QT compiler and from where to download it?!!?!?!!03:32
sergoi'm fucking bored03:33
DJAdmiralMrNaz: hey - I was a noob once03:33
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:33
DJAdmiralsergo: try sudo apt-get install build-essential03:33
JacksLivrmorning all. is there a gui script that I can run to add the native 1440x900 resolution to my display? I have edited the xorg.conf and added it with no help.03:33
DJAdmiralsergo: if that doesn't solve your problem come back here but please do wash your mouth with soap :P03:33
sergoE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:34
SdobSiSdubwho can help me! how use 'cd' command in i know only $003:34
rendoDJAdmiral:  What's the mplayer plugin for firefox?03:34
SdobSiSdubin script03:34
hovanJacksLivr,good evening!:)03:34
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sergonow is good03:35
sergoi have closed synaptic..03:35
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DJAdmiralrendo: basically just install MPlayer first from Applications > Add/remove and then apt-get the mplayer for firefox.03:35
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SdobSiSdubwho can help me! how use 'cd' command in script if i know only $003:35
JacksLivrhovan: hi03:35
panchoHow can I install UBUNTU..... without loading the OS first from cd?03:35
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hovanJacksLivr, hi   ^_^03:35
sergoQt library is required to compile VyQChat!03:36
Jack_Sparrowpancho: Alternatecd03:36
SdobSiSdubwho can help me! how use 'cd' command in script if i know only $003:36
JacksLivrmorning all. is there a gui script that I can run to add the native 1440x900 resolution to my display? I have edited the xorg.conf and added it with no help.03:36
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panchoJack_Sparrow... what is "Alternatecd" ? is it a command line command?03:37
jfdbmiI am trying to get key but I get connection timed out what should I do03:37
DJAdmiralpancho: No, it's a different CD to use.03:37
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sergoDJAdmiral: doesn't work03:37
Jack_Sparrowpancho: Not a command line thing. the server edition is aka  alternate cd  that you download03:37
DJAdmiralpancho: It's a different CD which you can use to install ubuntu.03:37
panchowhere can I download that CD? Is it in the page?03:37
rendoDJAdmiral:  What's the mplayer plugin for firefox?03:37
DJAdmiralsergo: try rebooting?03:37
rendoI can't find it.03:37
=== Sick [n=kkk@p508E7C30.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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DJAdmiralrendo: it's mplayer for firefox :P just get mplayer by itself first03:38
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LjLpancho: why don't you check the page? it's quicker than asking and waiting for an answer ;)03:38
Jack_SparrowPeople, play nice...   back in 1003:39
SickWhen i run GParted with the 5.1 liveCD i get: "At least one operation was applied to a busy device." any idea what i do wrong ????03:39
rendoSo what's the apt-get section to use since I can't FIND it.03:39
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
panchoLjL... perhaps because I have already done so?03:39
sergoDJAdmiral: reboot?03:39
sergothis is linux not windows?03:40
LjLpancho, well, perhaps then do it again, because i can see the title "Alternate install CD" after the "Server install CD" part...03:40
panchooh.. I found it.. sorry03:40
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jfdbmii am getting connecting to people.ubuntu.com||:80... and the connection times out03:40
DJAdmiralsergo: You can reboot in linux too :P03:40
=== sergo rebooting
sergoyes, but if this is requested03:40
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jfdbmiwhat do I do?03:42
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Sicki try to resize my existing linux partition. what can be wrong ?03:42
ProN00bhaha, i just had the worst idea ever03:42
Sickand the partition isn't mounted.03:42
ProN00bplay a 3d java mmorpg with ok graphics on linux03:42
DJAdmiralProN00b: You're talking about runescape? lol03:43
jfdbmidoes anyone care to answer my query?03:43
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:43
DJAdmiralProN00b: I can play Runescape just fine on ubuntu.03:43
=== g-nome [n=chatzill@80-218-8-173.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
g-nomei've got a problem: every time i want to start openoffice, it displays the splash screen and then nothing !?03:44
LjLjfdbmi: honestly i don't know what you mean with the "||" in the url?03:44
g-nomethe same for gimp03:44
ProN00bDJAdmiral, god no, sorry... gotta correct myself, it was not the worst idea, runescape would be the worst...03:44
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jfdbmithis is what I get in konsole03:44
KenSentMeg-nome: have you tried running it from command line and see what error you get?03:44
LjLjfdbmi: hm well what is it that you're trying to do anyway?03:45
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sergoDJAdmiral.. it's the same problem configure: error: "Qt library is required to compile VyQChat!"03:45
DJAdmiralg-nome: probably something wrong with GTK.03:45
g-nomeKenSentMe: what's the command, openoffice?03:45
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jfdbmiI had typed wget url03:45
jamtits!ati synaptic03:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati synaptic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:45
Zaronnwhats the command ot start inetd?03:45
LjLjfdbmi: url in that case being what?03:45
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:45
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto03:45
WRFC_RabbitDJAdmiral: im sooooo bored lol03:46
DJAdmiralProN00b: rofl - there isn't any other java 3d mmorpg out there besides runescape, really.03:46
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KenSentMeg-nome: i think03:46
LjLjfdbmi: well, it seems like the hostname isn't being resolved correctly (gets resolved to, i suppose)03:46
g-nomeKenSentMe: it says something like "segmentation fault"03:46
jazzrockercan i use wildcards in /etc/hosts ?03:46
LjLjfdbmi: can you access http://people.ubuntu.com from a browser?03:46
ProN00bDJAdmiral, wurm online03:46
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: Try Frozen bubble? lol03:46
KenSentMeg-nome: and gimp?03:46
WRFC_Rabbitfrozen bubble??03:46
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g-nomeDJAdmiral: it's a fresh install (amd64), so what should i do03:46
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DJAdmiralProN00b: that's a java 3d mmorpg?03:46
ProN00bDJAdmiral, ya, it says it is03:47
LjLjfdbmi: well, the wget thing works for me here. are you by any chance behind a web proxy? or some kind of firewall?03:47
g-nomeKenSentMe: assertion failed03:47
MonsieurBonhow can I define, that I can issue vpnc and vpnc-disconnect without sudo?03:47
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DJAdmiralg-nome: just try searching around for GTK?03:47
=== genesis[OFT] [n=sandomap@60-240-225-132-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ProN00b~2500 glxgears fps, is that bad ?03:47
jfdbmiI use a ADSL router03:47
WRFC_Rabbithow do i get frozen bubble??03:47
wickedpuppyProN00b, yes and no .. i get 5000+03:47
g-nomei don't know what to do since it's all fresh installed, i can't see what can be wrong03:47
jfdbmican u give me instructions to check03:47
genesis[OFT] Hi guys....I'm having trouble with Samba and Active Directory Authentication....anyone help?03:48
wickedpuppyWRFC_Rabbit, synaptic ?03:48
LjLjfdbmi: well try this, wget
HoxzerI have a jackd installed and I want to uninstall it however gdm doesn't load if it isn't installed. Is there any config file or something that I could edit03:48
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jfdbmiin konsole or browser?03:48
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LjLjfdbmi: in console, "wget"03:48
THX-1138WRFC_Rabbit. synaptic search "neverball" - monkeyball for linux03:48
genesis[OFT] well...i'll ask anyway03:48
ProN00bwickedpuppy, what hardware is that ?03:48
jamtitsOkay, I got a question now. So I went to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI following the link !ati gave me. And boy, that's a lot of stuff to get a (still rubbish, thanks ati) driver. Yet I went on synaptic, and found the xorg driver there! Installed it in under a minute03:48
LjLjfdbmi: that's just the IP address for people.ubuntu.com03:48
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wickedpuppyProN00b, nvidia 5200 ..03:49
Sickwhere can i get GParted help ???03:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:49
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wickedpuppyProN00b, gforce FX 550003:49
genesis[OFT] I'm able to join the AD domain, i'm able to 'wbinfo -u' and'wbinfo -g', but I can't seem to, for the life of me, get 'getent passwd' or 'getend group' to work....they just display the local users and groups03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hiddenrepositories - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:50
jfdbmi what is supposed to happen with wget
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:50
THX-1138Sick -Getting errors?03:50
WRFC_Rabbitwhats frozen bubble??03:50
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: it's another game.03:50
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wickedpuppyWRFC_Rabbit, puzzle bubble clone03:50
LjLjfdbmi: the same thing that should happen with "wget http://people.ubuntu.com", if it worked -- i.e. download the index.html page from that server03:50
genesis[OFT] I'm able to join the AD domain, i'm able to 'wbinfo -u' and'wbinfo -g', but I can't seem to, for the life of me, get 'getent passwd' or 'getend group' to work....they just display the local users and groups03:50
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genesis[OFT] can anyone help?03:50
THX-1138WRFC_Rabbit - Americas Army.03:50
=== [NikO] [n=nicolas@cor13-2-82-240-67-21.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
WRFC_Rabbiti search all these in synaptic?03:51
jfdbmiyes there is a line that says index.html saved [873/873] 03:51
sergonoone want to help me03:51
genesis[OFT] can anyone help me?03:51
genesis[OFT] it's kinda urgent...03:51
lordrahlhow can i install ndiswrapper on ubuntu without having to use make install? make dosent work for me. :( anyone having a howto?03:51
LjLjfdbmi: then you do have a DNS problem... to check, try this: "nslookup people.ubuntu.com" -- if it says it cannot resolve it, or it gives "" as the address, then your DNS servers are acting up03:51
Zaronnwhats the command ot start inetd?03:51
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genesis[OFT] lordrah1 - it should be in synaptic, you shouldn't have to compile it, as far as i'm awre03:52
DJAdmiralWRFC_Rabbit: basically for all your linux gaming needs, go to www.linuxgames.com03:52
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega03:52
sergoLjL: QT library what is this? and feom where to install it03:52
snarfto install the 686 kernel do i install linux-686 or linux-image-686?03:52
LjLjfdbmi: but why were you doing "wget http://people.ubuntu.com" in the first place?03:52
Dr_willisZaronn,  - sudo /etc/init.d/inetd start  (perhaps)03:52
Sick<THX-1138>: yes when i use the 5.1 live cd and try to resize an ex3 partition.03:52
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genesis[OFT] Help with SAMBA AND ACTIVE DIRECTORY - I'm able to join the AD domain, i'm able to 'wbinfo -u' and'wbinfo -g', but I can't seem to, for the life of me, get 'getent passwd' or 'getend group' to work....they just display the local users and groups03:52
Dr_willissnarf,  i think i insalled them both03:52
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g-nomethat's pretty annoying, i can't even use oo nor gimp on my amd64 :-(03:53
THX-1138WRFC_Rabbit - take a look at the howto on Repositories. enable "Universe Community Supported" install Frozen bubble then return the checkboxes to default. - safer that way.03:53
Sick<THX-1138>: "At least one operation was applied to a busy device." that's the abort message03:53
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LjLsergo: the QT libraries are a graphical interface tookit that many applications use (other applications use the GTK toolkit, particularly those for Gnome). QT is mostly used by KDE applications, though not necessarily so.03:53
wickedpuppyWRFC_Rabbit, synaptic has a sections ... you just look in games section03:53
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Dr_willisoodles of fun games. :P03:53
g-nomei've got a problem: every time i want to start openoffice, it displays the splash screen and then nothing !? (the error says something like "segmentation fault"), what can i do?03:53
Dr_willisgoogle for 'the linux game tome' - for a lot of neat games also.03:53
Juhazsergo, libqt3-mt-dev03:54
genesis[OFT] Anyone good at Samba here?03:54
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genesis[OFT] Yes?  No?03:54
LjLJuhaz, he's gone03:54
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow: hey man, boy is opensuse different03:54
ZaronnDr_willis:Says command not found.. does not seem like there is an inet file in that directory03:54
Dr_willisgenesis[OFT] ,  ive never used active directory.. but i use samba a lot..03:54
Dr_willisZaronn,  you did install inetd ?03:54
Jack_SparrowHi Paddy_EIRE.. working on a project, back in a few.03:54
genesis[OFT] Dr_willis - oh...ok, maybe i'll post on the ubuntu forums...03:54
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ZaronnDr_willis:lol yes03:55
LjLg-nome, is this a default Ubuntu install? did you install anything by hand, or from non-Ubuntu repositories?03:55
LjLg-nome: is this Dapper?03:55
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Dr_willisZaronn,  --> locate shows -->  /usr/sbin/inetd03:55
THX-1138Sick - hm. I have good luck  enlarging the disk partition as much as possible booting to a working OS and checking the partition with a filesystem tool. check disk in winows or fsck in linux whatever the large partition you have triesd to shrink. reboot and it will likely work.03:55
Paddy_EIREDr_willis: you said that you have OpenSuSe 10.1 installed in VMware03:55
warlockIs it possible to do this through a command?, Add something on the end of a line in ex all files ending with *.cfg in a dir?03:56
Paddy_EIREDr_willis: been trying to get yast to wrok using the Smart repos03:56
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Paddy_EIREDr_willis: at the moment I dont think suse is as good as ubuntu with gnome03:57
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Paddy_EIREat all03:57
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gnomefreakPaddy_EIRE: you want to talk about suse please join #ubuntu-offtopic03:58
warlockIs it possible to add a word in end of a line on all files in a dir ending with *.cfg (example: adding 'test' to myconfigline: something, 'test') in all files in a dir that ends with .cfg?03:58
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Paddy_EIREgnomefreak: no probs03:58
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Dr_willisPaddy_EIRE,  i found a vmware image - that came with suse 10.1 and kde03:59
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Dr_willisKDE 3.5.4 on SUSE Linux 10.103:59
Dr_willisive not even tryed to run the updaters on it.03:59
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:59
THX-1138Dr_Willis. - on the vmware site?03:59
LjLwarlock: i'm not sure i understood. you have files in a directory "X", and you want that all of those with a ".cfg" extension get the word "test" added to the last line of them?03:59
Paddy_EIREDr_willis: its a bit of a nightmare03:59
Dr_willisI got it from some KDE-Developers Site.03:59
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule04:00
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Dr_willisPaddy_EIRE,  i cant even get MSupdate site to work with windows.04:00
Paddy_EIREDr_willis: lol04:00
Paddy_EIREdont waste your time04:00
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Dr_willisPaddy_EIRE,  :P got windows98 running in vmware for a few apps i use every so often.04:00
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genesis[OFT] hey, is there a samba channel under #ubuntu?04:01
Paddy_EIREDr_willis: so i should google for "KDE 3.5.4 on SUSE Linux 10.1"04:01
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g-nome_i've got a problem with openoffice on ubuntu-amd64: everytime i want to start it, only the splash screen appears and then nothing (i get an error like segmentation fault)04:01
g-nome_sorry for repost i had to reboot04:01
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erUSULwarlock: for file in `ls *.txt`; do echo "line" >> "$file"; done   (totally untested and may not work)04:01
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Dr_willisPaddy_EIRE,  yea - that will be easier.04:01
Hoxzercan somebody explain me why mpg123 works fine with aoss but teamspeak doesn't (can hear any sound)04:02
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Paddy_EIREDr_willis: got it straight away04:03
Dr_willisGoogle Rules04:03
THX-1138http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/...ge=HOWTO+Sound  << Teamspeak.04:04
DJAdmiralDr_willis: Especially since they use Goobuntu :P04:04
LjLwarlock: you there? if it's what i said, this might work, after you cd to the right dir: find | grep "\.cfg$" | awk ' { print "echo test >>" $1 } '04:04
warlockbut hmm04:04
LjLwarlock: oh, with an "| sh" added at the end though04:04
DJAdmiralDr_willis: And also hey thanks for the linux tome link - awesome04:04
warlockcan you join #blabla.talk - I'll explain a little bit better please?04:04
DJAdmiralTHX-1138: Google uses an in-house operating system called Goobuntu.04:05
THX-1138"Godbuntu"? from www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com ? - the net is amazing isn't it.04:05
DJAdmiralTHX-1138: it's based on ubuntu but it's non-public.04:05
LjLwarlock: oh i see erUSUL also gave you an answer. that sounds like it would work, too. make sure to test either suggestion on unimportant files, anyway!04:05
g-nome_i've got a problem with openoffice on ubuntu-amd64: everytime i want to start it, only the splash screen appears and then nothing (i get an error like segmentation fault)04:05
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DJAdmiralTHX-1138: not Godbuntu - Goobuntu.04:05
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DJAdmiralg-nome_: as far as i can see it's something wrong with GTK+. try re-installing it?04:06
snarfis there a metapackage for a LAMP installation in ubuntu?04:06
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g-nome_DJAdmiral: i have no internet connection for this machine yet, so that's probably what i will have to do... thanks04:06
THX-1138DJAdmiral - Google coud use anything. and they use ubuntu/debian - impressive.04:06
eraccsnarf, there is if one uses the server install disc. It is one of the choices on the install menu.04:07
whurleySnarf: there is an installer to install a LAMP server on the latest disk (if you want a server) but I've had issues with getting the installer to wok in general on my servers04:07
UKMattHey, I need a little help figuring out the path for my CD\04:07
UKMattCD\DVD burning drive04:07
g-nome_what's the best kernel for my amd-64 running in 64bit mode, should i leave like that?04:07
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snarferacc, whurley, oh, cool.. but i'd just like all those goodies installed on my existing ubuntu desktop system. do i need to install the individual packages for that?04:08
DJAdmiralTHX-1138: it's confirmed and true - Google said that they DO use Goobuntu. No joke.04:08
eraccsnarf, probably. I don't think there is such a metapackage for desktop systems.04:09
g-nome_should i use *-k7 kernel for my amd64 (running in 64bit mode)?04:09
DJAdmiralsnarf: try XAMPP?04:09
DJAdmiralsnarf: www.apachefriends.org04:09
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eraccAt least I have not yet seen one in my three days of playing with xubuntu here.04:09
SdobSiSdubwho can help me! how use 'cd' command in script if i know only $004:09
snarfi'll look, thanks04:09
DJAdmiraleracc: seen one what?04:10
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DJAdmiraleracc: an all in one package of apache, php, mysql, and perl?04:10
eraccDJAdmiral, a metapackage for LAMP in the desktop packages.04:10
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DJAdmiraleracc: there is one though it's not in the repos. it's called XAMPP.04:10
THX-1138DJAdmiral - So.. they could use closed source supported by thousands of engineers in redmond washington. but they use open source and support it themselves? What is wrong with Microsoft?  <TROLL/>04:10
UKMattHey, I need a little help figuring out the path for my CD\DVD drive04:10
eraccDJAdmiral, ah, ok.04:11
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MikeVdaAnyone here happen to know how to install the d3d8-wrap-wined3d-beta-os-1.patch04:11
wickedpuppyUKMatt, /media/cdrom or /media/cdrom104:11
DJAdmiralTHX-1138: everything is wrong with microsoft? :P04:11
bashi, anybody knows!! im installed ubuntu on my pc but i installed few applications, kopete and amsn which are the mensaging software but there is no sound (alerts), anyone knows why/04:11
wickedpuppyUKMatt, sorry .. its /media/cdrom or /media/cdrom004:11
POVaddctUKMatt: do you mean mount point or device file?04:11
DJAdmiralbas: your speakers are turned off or the volume is muted04:12
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UKMattwickedpuppy, POVaddct, i know its in /media, but i'm trying to burn a DVD and it is saying /dev...04:12
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UKMattso device file?04:12
SdobSiSdubwho can help me! how use 'cd' command in script if i know only $004:12
POVaddctUKMatt: so you mean the device file04:12
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mads-Hi - my sound (I have SiS 7012) is kinda distorted.. Anyone know what to do?04:12
wickedpuppyUKMatt, you are buring with ?? name of the software pls ?04:12
UKMattwickedpuppy tovid04:12
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basno the sound is just for those applications for others it is fine, like games,etc04:12
UKMattcommand line style04:12
POVaddctUKMatt: is it a ide drive?04:12
DJAdmiralUKMatt: try using gnomebaker instead04:13
UKMattpovaddct, ide?04:13
wickedpuppytovid ? if you are using ubuntu , you can use gnomebaker or k3b ... both burn well :P04:13
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UKMattdjadmiral, can it burn DVD's w/ menus?  and i'd rather finish this b/c i'm on the very last step... it took a while04:13
DJAdmiralbas: odd - you might want to check something out on the ubuntu wiki. my best guess is something is wrong with sdl here.04:13
DJAdmiralUKMatt: yes it can.04:13
POVaddctUKMatt: IDE, like IDE hard disk (not SCSI, not SATA)04:13
UKMattmurr, that would have been easier04:13
DJAdmiralPOVaddct: By any chance - do you mean POV as in POVray?04:14
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POVaddctDJAdmiral: yes04:14
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UKMattPOVaddct, i have no idea, i just know its a CD/DVD burning drive i got stock from dell04:14
JacksLivrcan anyone help with resolution? i have addded 1440x900 to xorg.conf and removed 640x480. yet in the resolution gui i still see the 640 but not the 1440. i have restarted already.04:14
DJAdmiralPOVaddct: NICE! =D04:14
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morryehow can you format a hard drive to ext3 from the terminal?04:15
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POVaddctUKMatt: try this: cat /proc/ide/hd[abcd] /{model,media}04:15
MikeVdaWhere can i download the Wine DX904:15
Dr_willismorrye,  have you fdisked the drive and set the partition tobe ext3 yet?04:15
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Dr_willismorrye,  then sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hb1 (for example)04:16
morryeDr_willis: How do I do thiss?04:16
DJAdmiralMikeVda: DirectX 9.0c for WINE? good heavens no that is so not going to work.04:16
genesis[OFT] Guys, I found my problem out...in regard to 'getent passwd' and 'getent group' not working....In the last week, there was a change to Samba in this area.... make sure 'winbind enum users = yes' and same with 'winbind enum groups = yes'04:16
MikeVdaCan anyone tell me where to get wine3d dx904:16
UKMattsorry for pasting here, but its short, and channel is empty:  JLMS DVD-ROM XJ-HD16604:16
UKMattHL-DT-ST DVD+RW GRA-4120B04:16
Dr_willismorrye,  gparted may be a easier tool to use if you have to ask how to use fdisk. :)04:16
genesis[OFT] anyway....cyaz04:16
Dr_willisbut thats not commandline.04:16
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MikeVdaThere is a dx9wine04:16
THX-1138DJAdmiral .NET for WINE?04:17
morryeDr_willis: How do I unmount a HD its mounted right now04:17
DJAdmiralMikeVda: think of that like automatix or easyubuntu : bad, evil meanie bully things!04:17
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POVaddctUKMatt: seems you have two ide drives. the second one is the writer.04:17
DJAdmiralMikeVda: Then again I'm not too much into wine so.... there.04:17
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks04:17
UKMattpovaddct, but they're both cdrom?04:18
Dr_willismorrye,   umount command. but if its a running system - you may be better off booting a live cd. and doing the formating/fdisking from there.04:18
UKMattpovaddct, nm, i really don't k now what i'm talking about, i just need the path04:18
Dr_willismorrye,  what are you trying to reformat anyway?04:18
POVaddctUKMatt: less /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info04:18
POVaddctUKMatt: dont paste here04:18
morryeDr_willis: Its a NTFS drive which only contains data.04:18
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POVaddctUKMatt: just look at the file. it will tell you which drive has which capabilities04:19
UKMattpovaddct, aparently neither can burn write DVD's it says04:20
Dr_willismorrye,  and you want to remove all the data?04:20
UKMattpovaddct, and pastebin seems to be stuck04:20
morryeDr_willis: I backed up all the data and want to format the drive as ext304:20
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POVaddctUKMatt: hmm04:20
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DJAdmiralPOVaddct: Whoa - amazing work dude04:21
POVaddctUKMatt: the HL-DT-ST DVD+RW GRA-4120B is the writer04:21
POVaddctDJAdmiral: thanks!04:21
UKMattpovaddct, hdd can burn cd's, so that hase to be my writer, but it has 0 for burning dvd's04:21
UKMattpovaddct, http://pastebin.com/79610904:21
Dr_willismorrye,  unmount it.. fdisk it, delete/remake the partition as a linux partition, then format it.04:21
Harlek3ni installed a second hdd and created a raid1. i started the live cd to install ubuntu from it. but it shows me 2 hdds to install :X04:21
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morryeDr_willis: How do I unmount though? I need to do it through terminal or I get a access error.04:22
POVaddctUKMatt: maybe it is really only a cd writer, no dvd writer04:22
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Dr_willissudo umount  /media/whatever04:22
THX-1138 unmount04:22
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UKMattPOVaddct, i've made DVD's before...04:22
Dr_willistheres no N in umount. :P04:22
Dr_willisand i dont know where it went. :)04:23
THX-1138Dr_Willis - Are you saying i should get some rest?04:23
THX-1138lol - good idea.04:23
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pigorhello. how can i list the options for a module?04:24
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frogzoopigor: u read the docs04:25
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THX-1138Thanks Again  guys. an hour of World of Warcraft i Ubuntu and off to bed. Azeroth is rife with ugly smelly evil horde.  - cheers04:25
UKMattpovaddct, haha alright here's something I don't understand, I put /dev/hdd in the program as the DVD burning drive, and ran it, and it seems to be burning the DVD04:26
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POVaddctUKMatt: cool :)04:26
pigorfrogzoo: i have feared :-) is there no command like "modrobe --list-options" ??04:26
UKMattpovaddct, hopefully, its still weird that it said it couldn't burn dvd's04:26
Harlek3nit shows me /dev/sde and /dev/sdf but both bound into a raid1. shouldn't be there a raid device also? (wich i could choose to install)04:26
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frogzoopigor: I don't think they'd allow the kernel to blow out with help instructions04:27
POVaddctUKMatt: maybe the writer doesn't report its abilities properly04:27
frogzoopigor: best bet's probably might be reading the code04:27
LjLwriters are humble, you know04:27
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pigorfrogzoo: ok. thanks. i will read the docs.04:27
UKMattpovaddct, odd, well anyways ty for helping find the name04:27
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snarfis there a command line way to check the dependencies of a .deb?04:28
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jribsnarf: dpkg -I04:28
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bXiis there a way to see what keys are pressed on a keyboard using a certain device node like /dev/keyboard ?04:29
anilomkarHow can i install flashplayer for firefox04:29
jribubotu: tell anilomkar about flash04:29
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=== NaMcO^ : hi
Harlek3nanyone got idea for me problem?04:29
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frogzoobXi: showkey -s    & xev04:30
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thedashI am having some problems with my C compiler, and I don't know much about it04:31
Harlek3ndo i need to isntall something to get the raid device proper shown?04:31
LjLthedash: what problems04:32
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thedashfirst it said I didn't have a compiler, so I used synaptic to get cpp/gcc, and now it says it can't create executables04:32
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LjLthedash: "sudo apt-get install build-essential"04:33
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:33
frogzoothedash: install build-essentials04:33
=== NaMcO^ : ciao qualcuno ha mai installato i driver epsoneplijs per una EPSON EPL-5900L su ubuntu dapper ???
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:33
UKMattgnomebaker doesn't seem like it can create a dvd.... is there a program that can make a .iso of a dvd that can be burned w/ baker?04:33
optimusprimesomeone here use Fprot?04:33
morryeDr_willis: That didn't format the drive, what was the software you suggested?04:33
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digilinkquestion: I am building a custom 2.4 kernel using make-kpkg and kernel-image tools and while compiling it complained that my gcc version is too new for this kernel. I installed gcc-3.4, but how do I change my default version? I tried to run gcc-config, and it's not installed and I can not find it in any of the repositories?04:33
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Dr_willismorrye,  gparted04:35
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erUSULdigilink: export CC=gcc-3.4 before you do make. btw why are you using such an old kernel?04:35
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LjLerUSUL: if it ain't broke, find a way to break it.04:36
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digilinkerUSUL: tnx Ill give it a shot, Im using an older kernel because I have heard it has better AX.25 support for ham radio, and there are lot of features in the new kernel I would never use04:36
ladydoorLjL: it's the linux way!04:36
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erUSULLjL: ladydoor  lol XD04:37
morryeDr_willis: Is it visual?04:37
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sergo-laptopchecking correct functioning of Qt installation... failure04:37
sergo-laptopconfigure: error: Failed to find matching components of a complete04:37
sergo-laptop                  Qt installation. Try using more options,04:37
sergo-laptop                  see ./configure --help.04:37
LjLsergo-laptop: "sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt-dev"04:38
sergo-laptopi can't install Vygchat04:38
x-demonhi guys04:38
erUSULsergo-laptop: do not paste here please04:38
morryeDr_willis: never mind04:38
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x-demonanyone can help me?04:38
ardchoilleI'm starting to learn C++. What is a good C++ IDE?04:38
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ladydoorardchoille: emacs :-)04:38
ladydoorardchoille: (if you already know it)04:38
sergo-laptopLjL the package is already installed04:38
refnumzxI understand that 2.6.18 has a lot of bug fixes in it particularly for sata and the like, does anyone know of a working ubuntu deb installer?04:38
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ardchoilleladydoor: emacs is a good OS, hopefully someone will write a nice editor for it04:38
LjLsergo-laptop: then that configure script is broken...04:38
ladydoorardchoille: lol04:39
ardchoilleladydoor: j/k :)04:39
sergo-laptopLjL maybe..04:39
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NaMcO^please help me with epson 5900L on dapper :( ???04:39
sergo-laptopbut it was downloaded 25.000 times04:39
x-demonhow i can skip disks checking on first run on Kubuntu?04:39
ladydoorsergo-laptop: for multiline pastes, there's http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org . And when these things claim some library doesn't exist, it's always the development files that're missing04:39
LjLsergo-laptop: not necessarily by ubuntu users, though. anyway, care to give me the link?04:39
sergo-laptopmaybe it's needed to be configured with some options04:39
thedashwhen I am compiling a file from source, do I use "make" or "./make" ? [dumb question] 04:39
LjLthedash: make04:40
ladydoorx-demon: is it checking the disks every time you boot?04:40
LjLthedash: usually preceeded by ./configure04:40
thedashI ws a bit confused when it started diplaying all the code04:40
DJAdmiralsee you in a bit guys04:40
ladydoortelecomtom: and then *sudo* make install04:40
thedashyeh, did that fist04:40
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erUSULardchoille: it has one, the vi emulator ;) it is pitty though becouse vi has only two modes one in which it beeps and another in which don't XD04:40
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sergo-laptopanyone know good chat for lan? !04:40
frogzoox-demon: did you format as ext3 ?04:40
ardchoilleerUSUL: I see04:40
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jazzrockerardchoille, vim04:41
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x-demonfrogzoo: yes, but i have 3 fat32 disks, and linux checking it too04:41
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zaggynlI just booted my pc, and ubuntu gives me this error message: "Failed to initialise HAL", euh what to do with this?04:41
ladydoorx-demon: ok, first, back up your menu.lst04:41
refnumzxI understand that 2.6.18 has a lot of bug fixes in it particularly for sata and the like, does anyone know of a working ubuntu deb installer?04:41
ladydoorx-demon: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak04:42
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erUSUL!kernel > refnumzx04:42
x-demoni cant log into system04:42
ladydoorx-demon: then, edit it. sudo nano -w /etc/fstab04:42
ladydoorx-demon: do you have the livecd?04:42
x-demonbecause it scaaaaan disk04:42
morryeWhats the best linux partition format for storing data?04:42
ardchoillejazzrocker: the only problem is that I don't know how to write the widgets. I was hoping there was a sort of drag and drop ui for placing widgets for a C++ app04:42
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ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.04:42
frogzoox-demon: don't know as there's a way around it for fat04:42
erUSULi do not know of any aviable deb but you can compile your own04:42
LjLhear hear, someone's actually using the factoids i made... i'd never believed that :P04:43
frogzooladydoor: ok, but amarok is the best music player, & k3b the best burner04:43
erUSULardchoille: kdevelop has a gui builder afaik04:43
jazzrockerardchoille, glade... but don't use it... just learn GTK+ http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/04:43
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ladydoorx-demon: ?04:43
erUSULLjL: congrats XD04:43
ardchoillejazzrocker: Wow, thank you for that link :)04:43
x-demonno i havent live cd04:43
zaggynlhelp, my usb devices aren't 'seen' anymore, and I have this error about 'unable to initialise HAL'04:43
ladydoorfrogzoo: i disagree, because both require mouse usage. i'm partial to pytone and bashburn.04:43
x-demononly freesbie04:43
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frogzoomorrye: for 99% of purposes, you can't beat ext304:44
jazzrockerardchoille, the topic of the #gtk+ channel on irc.gimp.org says "don't use glade"04:44
ladydoorx-demon: how did you install? and what do you mean freesbie? freebsd?04:44
x-demonfreesbie = freebsd live cd04:44
x-demoni have only install CD04:44
ardchoillejazzrocker: It does? ok, I'll not use that04:44
jazzrockerardchoille, you want gtkmm for a C++ app, but the tutorial is for C, it shouldn't be much different04:44
ladydoorx-demon: that'll work. boot to that and then talk to me.04:44
x-demonerr... boot from install cd& how04:45
ladydoorx-demon: from the freebsd livecd04:45
ladydoorx-demon: please04:45
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NaMcO^please help me with epson 5900L on dapper :( ???04:45
morryefrogzoo: can you mount ext304:45
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:45
erUSULNaMcO^: check in linuxprinting.org04:45
ladydoorx-demon: i've got to leave in a few minutes, so you need to get into a working environment. it doesn't matter if it's ubuntu, as long as you can access whatever partition your /etc is on.04:45
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NaMcO^yes ..04:46
Harlek3nanyone who installed ubuntu on a raid?04:46
frogzoomorrye: all file systems are made to be mounted04:46
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NaMcO^i have install driver ..by linuxprint..04:46
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:46
erUSULladydoor: but, has freebsd support for ext3?? i do not think so04:46
Harlek3nubotu thx04:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:47
frogzooerUSUL: I'd be amazed if not04:47
morryefrogzoo: well i just mounted and I get the error : "wrong fs type".04:47
ladydoorerUSUL: i don't know. ext3 is free software, right?04:47
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frogzoomorrye: well ask in bsd chan04:47
zaggynlhelp, my usb devices aren't 'seen' anymore, and I have this error about 'unable to initialise HAL'04:47
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unfknblvbllol HAL04:48
ladydoorHarlek3n: ubotu's a bot...04:48
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frogzooopen the bay doors HAL - 'sorry, unable to initialise HAL'04:49
POVaddctfrogzoo: hehehe04:49
ladydoorx-demon: booted into the livecd yet?04:49
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Harlek3noh ok thx for the note. cause it didnt helped me mcuh yet :X04:51
Bastupungenhello is it possible to make the ubuntu default kernel to run at kernel timer 1000hz (If I recall correctly it now runs at 250)'04:51
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davvshow much space should i allocate for the boot-disk?04:52
ladydoorx-demon: ok, well, i've got to go, so here's what you need to do:  after you've backed up and opened an editor on the fstab file in the directory called /etc, on the partition to which you installed ubuntu, you need to find the FAT filesystems and change the 6th field (it'll probably be a 2 and come after a 0) to a 0 in each of them. That will be telling your computer not to check them at boot.04:52
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ladydoorx-demon: good luck, and i hope you saw that message.04:52
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SdobSiSdubwho can help me! how use 'cd' command in script if i know only $004:53
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Harlek3nwell i still have no clue what to do with that raid. iit only shows me 2 hdds no raid device.. shall i just try to install on 1 disk and c what happens? :)04:53
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erUSULfrogzoo: ladydoor well i think not linux has allways supported a pletora of filesystems more than any os i know of. bsd's anly support a few and none of the linux native ones (ext*, reiser, minix, xfs, jfs) afaik04:54
ladydoorhey! if x-demon comes back and asks me (or someone else) about what to do next, could you tell him to use /lastlog ladydoor to see the instructions i just posted? i'd appreciate it muchly.04:54
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ladydoorerUSUL: ah. well, that sucks.04:54
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Harlek3nladydoor if im here will do that04:54
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HeavyThinkererUSUL: i hear freeBSD 6.0 has read only ext3, though i could be wrong04:55
davvsHow do i fix dualboot with linux and windows if I installed windows after linux?04:55
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frogzooerUSUL: wow, that's bizarre04:55
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erUSULHeavyThinker: if it is true is still not enough to fix a linux system from a freebsd livecd04:56
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Jack_Sparrow!grub > davvs04:56
HeavyThinkererUSUL: correct. guess i missed the start of the question :P04:56
erUSULBastupungen: recompiling04:56
erUSUL!kernel > Bastupungen04:57
brian98<Bastupungen> Menuconfig04:57
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davvsJack_Sparrow,  grub is never started because the windows install never added a option to start linux04:57
ropeHi... when is edgy be released ??04:57
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule04:57
davvsaah i c Jack_Sparrow :P04:57
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pg_davvs, use a live cd to boot intoyour linux system and reisntall grub/lilo04:58
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quintin_Maybe I will use linux for deskop, hmm!!!04:58
quintin_I inserted my usb wifi adapter, and it "just worked" ... nice!04:58
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quintin_But for some reason the network activity icon is NOT in the system tray like it normally is, it is to the left of it and wasn't there by default.  screwy04:58
ubotugfxboot: bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.5-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 1143 kB, installed size 3372 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)04:59
Jack_SparrowPeople, Play nice.  Im taking a day off, but I am lurking if someone needs me04:59
quintin_but not once has linux dropped the neighbour's wifi connection ..... windows drops it all the time04:59
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quintin_but this BLACK ON WHITE terminal crap has GOT to stop04:59
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bretzel -- But gfxboot-ubuntu-theme is missing the po subdir ...04:59
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WRFC_Rabbitdoes anyone know any tutorial games that help to learn about ubuntu??05:00
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UrsinhaWRFC_Rabbit, what do you want to learn?05:01
WRFC_Rabbitas much as i can =D05:01
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Ursinhaare you familiar to computers?05:02
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bretzelWRFC_Rabbit: Your question is too large, Ubuntu is Debian based and Debian is Linux and the GNU Unix like tools, then from what parts you want to learn ?05:04
WRFC_Rabbitim good with hardware and windows05:04
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txoofwhat is the most sane way to manage /etc/init.d?  I want to stop some services from starting. I could go and delete the symlinks, but I thought there was a tool for doing this.05:04
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erUSULtxoof: you can use bum (gtk) or update-rc.d (cli)05:04
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txoofahh, update-rc.d that sounds great.  I'll check the man page.  thanks.05:05
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YawnerHowdy Guys, Anyone got a (Second) Hard Drive Installation Guide Link.. Preferably from the very start (No filesystem etc..) Through to mounting etc..?? Thanks.. Alex05:06
txooffor some reason apt decided that I needed both apache and apache2.  It's a nice little disaster.05:06
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pokkie_laptophello all. anybody know how i can find out my monitors front porch, back porch, sync and blanking values?05:07
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agentsi need help learning something.  I'm completely new to linux.  A week ago I discovered the |, which is about the most badass thing I've ever seen in my life.  So, i've been reading the man pages for everything in /usr/bin/ and making notes (on my local drupal site, for notes) about what each app does.  I'm trying to come up with a list of 'puzzle peice' applications so i can start playing around with stringing apps together.l05:07
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txoofYawner: what do you need to do?  Are you trying to just add a scratch drive, or do you want to split off parts of the fs?05:07
agentsSo I'm lookin' for commandline apps and tools that'll help me do this.05:07
txoofagents: hu?  What do you want to do?05:08
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Yawnertxoof: Well I had a HDD, had Debain on it.. I put it in.. tried to use qtparted to get it blank with the ext3 filesystem.. But its now blank... without a filesystem.. (Think there could be a bug in qtparted..)05:08
Yaakovagents: basic tools are grep, cut and ``  Learn about those.05:08
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Yawnertxoof: I wanted to just add it as a data drive.. mount it through /home05:09
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jribagents: checkout the stuff that coreutils package installs (dpkg -L coreutils | grep bin).  sed and awak are nice to learn too05:09
POVaddctagents: info coreutils05:09
Yaakovagents: Yes, `<some program>` provides the output of that program to the STDIN of the one that it is an argument to.05:09
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txoofYawner: do you want to salvage stuff?  If not, just fdisk /dev/hd(whatever), partition it and then mkfs on it.05:09
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quintin_ktorrent says STALLED05:10
quintin_wtf does this mean and does anyone know a fast light gui BT client? =)05:10
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agentswow, lots of stuff in there05:10
agentsthanx guys!05:10
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agentsi'll study what all these apps do too, hopefully that'll gimme enough tools to peice some stuff together05:11
hypeany body know a way to display volume bars representing my input/ouput volume in real time?05:11
POVaddctagents: you might want to learn about bash scripting05:11
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agentsyeah, that's what I"m doing isn't it?05:11
hypei mean, displaying it on the desktop05:11
txoofhype: nmixer05:11
=== TornadoOfSouls [n=rolf@a80-100-209-52.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Yawnertxoof: well there should be nothing on it now.. as its completely blank after I tried to use qtparted to format it.. The only problem is that it now says that the filesystem is unknown, which I am guessing means it doesnt have one..05:11
Yaakovagents: bash has a buttload of built-ins.05:11
Khamaelhow do I make a cd into a .iso?05:11
POVaddctagents: yes :)05:11
=== agents nods
Paddy_EIREanyone know how I can take a screenshot and not have menus collapse and the like05:11
Yawnertxoof: Ill try to use fdisk to put a filesystem on it now and report back with my findings :)05:12
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Yaakovagents: It isn't just piping and redirection, or the external applications.05:12
agentsgotta really useful (with followalongable examples) guide for learning bash scripting?05:12
txoofYawner: step 1: fdisk /dev/hd(whatever)05:12
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Yawnertxoof: yeah ive got that up05:12
agentsyeah, i know that I'm just scratching the surface.  the linux commandline is WAY more awesome than the windows one05:12
Yaakovagents: I just use the man pages, so I can't help there.05:12
agentsi mean, WAAAAY05:12
agentsof course, you all know that05:12
txoofYawner: do you want to make one parition or more?05:13
Yawnertxoof: never used it before.. so ill have a read through the help menu quickly05:13
Yawnertxoof: just one05:13
surfaceagents:  calling my nick?05:13
Yaakovagents: Once you learn some of this, if you look at the stuff in Windows again you will find things you didn't know were there.05:13
txoofYawner, ok make the parition.05:13
hypetxoof , seemms nice, but in fact i just want to display input / output volume on the desktop05:13
WRFC_Rabbiti need my printer to work!05:13
surfaceagents:  www.linuxbyexample.co.nr05:14
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Yawnertxoof: A primary partition im guessing?05:14
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txoofYawner: yup05:14
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Yawnerhmm.. I think I have created a partition05:15
BigMonkeyTrying to get wireless to work with ndiswrappers.  How do I remove or delete the old drivers (orinoco and hostap)?  They keep showing up in /lib/modules/...05:15
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txoofYawner: now mkfs -t <fstype> /dev/hdwhatever05:16
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-121-122.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
txoofYawner: you have to write it to the disk before you exit.  All the changes you make are only in meory until you choose to write them05:16
txoofYawner: what's hmm?05:17
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Yawnertxoof: opened up new tab and did mkfs05:17
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Yawnertxoof: /dev/hdb1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!05:17
jUggERNAUt1980good morning, everybody!05:18
jUggERNAUt1980i'm having a bit of trouble with k3b05:18
txoofYawner: did you finish fdisk?05:18
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Stevoanyone familiar with automatix?05:18
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Yawnertxoof: aha.. got confused when you said dont exit :P05:18
LjLStevo: no, but i'm familiar with the common suggestion to not use it05:18
Yawnertxoof: ill finish fdisk and see what happens lol05:19
txoofYawner: there ya go.05:19
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jUggERNAUt1980why would one not want to use automatix?05:19
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Yawnertxoof: hmm05:19
quintin_ok ubuntu is frikkin screwy05:19
BigMonkeyTrying to get wireless to work with ndiswrappers.  How do I remove or delete the old drivers (orinoco and hostap)?  They keep showing up in /lib/modules/...05:19
quintin_/dev/hda3 is mounted as /share, and I can write to it05:19
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Yawnertxoof: finished fdisk.. (using the w command).. but it still gets the same error message05:19
LjLjUggERNAUt1980: because it's been known to mess up a number of systems.05:20
quintin_however, it is not "enabled" in the disk manager, and it is now shown in df -h ... ?  wtf ? :P05:20
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jUggERNAUt1980ljl, word up on that, but i've never encountered any problems with it.05:20
Stevoyeah..  i used it before i ever heard the stuff in here about it...05:21
wikijeffAnyone else have problems with firefox occasionally freezing with flash websites such as youtube? It works most of the time, but will freeze up about once or twice a day.05:21
pokkie_laptopanybody know how to get the Vertical Sync Offset value for a geforce fx 5200 card?05:21
johnficcadoes anyone know the path to my kernel source in dapper?05:21
StevoLjL> do you recall anyone fixing the mess it causes?05:21
txoofYawner: the drive isn't mounted is it?05:21
quintin_johnficca: kernel source is not installed by default.  do uname -a to see what you have, then search synaptic for that version # and you will be able to install kernel sources05:21
BigMonkeyWireless problem on my laptop.   How do I remove or delete the old drivers (orinoco and hostap)?  They keep showing up in /lib/modules/...05:22
LjLStevo: well, not really, the only suggestion i remember hearing is "well, just reinstall i guess". can't exclude there is a sane way to fix the problems, though.05:22
jUggERNAUt1980wikijeff, my firefox freezes sometime when i'm on compfused.  i just figured that it had some difficulty with the file types i was viewing.05:22
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quintin_johnficca: of course, it should have a traditional link in /usr/linux or wherever that normally goes ...05:22
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JosefKBigMonkey: you needn't remove them, just blacklist them in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:22
wikijeffjUggERNAUt1980: compfused?05:22
Yawnertxoof: just did a umount on /dev/hdb.. says its not05:22
jUggERNAUt1980wikijeff, www.compfused.com05:22
txoofYawner: hmmm.  mount |grep hdb05:23
quintin_anyone recommend a bit torrent client that doesn't suck balls?05:23
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:23
hypequintin_ transmission05:23
hypeextra light :)05:23
=== thedash [n=dash@67-43-242-103-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stevoi mean, my system works.. and flash even works, even tho i've noticed it saying i need to install, then not being able to..05:24
Yawnertxoof: ?05:24
quintin_hype: is it GUI?05:24
txoofYawner: yes?05:24
quintin_LjL: yea bite me kthnxbie :)05:24
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BigMonkeyJosefK - I see no blacklist file there.  Does it need a specific format, or is a bare text file with orinoco and hostap on separate lines enough?05:24
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jUggERNAUt1980when i try to create an audio cd with k3b, it tells me that it can't handle the files, due to an unsupported format.  i'm using mp3's.  anybody have any suggestions for me here?05:24
quintin_neat-o.  I should have searched in title & desc with synaptic.. I just searched title... let me see if I can find it05:24
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msivanichWhen I log into the cosole it says i have Mail.  How do I check that?05:25
Yawnertxoof: Im guessing you wanted me to run that command.. (It came back with no results)05:25
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txoofYawner: ok.05:25
quintin_hype: is it fast and tasty and all good things?  Does it show up on time and smell nice?05:25
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StephenLHow can I add things to my Applications Menu?05:26
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hypesimple,3 options: port, upload limit, directory to put downloaded torrents :] 05:26
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hypei used azureus, i dont anymore05:26
txoofYawner: odd.  Does fdisk bitch when you try to write the changes you make?05:26
JosefKBigMonkey: it should be in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist :/ have a look in /etc, it's just a line with "blacklist *module name*"05:26
jUggERNAUt1980gtk-gnutella works awesomely for me05:26
jUggERNAUt1980but it's not a torrent client as far as i know.05:27
quintin_hype: Interesting.  ktorrent is not doing ANYTHING and I know the files are seeded properly !!!05:27
JosefKBigMonkey: ie, on my laptop, I put "blacklist pcspkr" to stop it loading pcspkr (damn loud)05:27
Yawnertxoof: The partition table has been altered!05:27
YawnerCalling ioctl() to re-read partition table.05:27
YawnerSyncing disks.05:27
StephenLCan you not add things in the Alacarte Menu Editor?05:27
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totall_6_7are jUggERNAUt1980 have you been able to burn any mp3's05:27
Yawnertxoof: that was the output05:27
JosefKStephenL: yes, in the File menu05:27
StephenLNM, I'm an idiot05:28
StephenLI see it now05:28
jUggERNAUt1980totall_6_7, none at all.05:28
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hypeah, nope thats ok05:28
Yawnertxoof: There was 3 lines.. should have removed the line breaks..05:28
txoofYawner: OK.  Execute this: mount /dev/hdb /mnt/temp05:28
Yawnertxoof: ok05:28
jUggERNAUt1980i tried burning a disc on serpentine, but after it finished, the cd player in my friend's car wouldn't read it.05:28
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txoofYawner: you probably need to mkdir /mnt/temp05:28
SevenhillFailed to fetch http://en.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kde4libs/kde4libs-data_3.80.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb  Size mismatch05:29
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Sevenhillhow can i fix that05:29
JosefKSevenhill: sudo aptitude update first05:29
Yawnertxoof: mount: you must specify the filesystem type05:29
JosefKSevenhill: if it keeps complaining, 'sudo aptitude clean'05:29
JosefKSevenhill: then try installing again05:29
txoofYawner: ok. what kind of file system do you want on the drive?05:30
Yawnertxoof: I want ext305:30
jUggERNAUt1980is there a way to edit a list of supported formats for k3b?05:30
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FirestarHi Everyone05:30
FirestarSorry to bother, but I've got a question05:30
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Yawnertxoof: sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hdb105:31
SevenhillJosefK:  I'm trying that now05:31
txoofYawner: mke2fs -T ext3 /dev/hdb105:31
Yawnertxoof: thats what im executing at the moment05:31
jUggERNAUt1980shoot firestar05:31
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Yawneraha k05:31
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BigMonkeyJosefK - thanks, I'll create a file and see what happens.  BBL05:31
FirestarI'm running a server with 4GB ram, but my top stats and cat /proc/meminfo is only showing 2.8 GB05:31
totall_6_7jUggERNAUt1980: i am going to have to let someone else answer cuz if you are not able to burn any music then its beyond me05:31
Firestardoes anyone know why? and more importantly, how to fix it?05:31
Yawnertxoof: same error that its in use already05:31
jUggERNAUt1980totall_6_7, word.  thanks muchly!!05:32
JosefKFirestar: cat /proc/mtrr05:32
thedashI have forgotten how to enable mp3s on dapper again05:32
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Yawnertxoof: shall I try rebooting, then it shoudnt be mounted as its not in my /etc/fstab file..05:32
jUggERNAUt1980totall_6_7, should i maybe remove k3b and then re-install it?05:32
txoofYawner: I'd drop into single user mode and then try again.  telinit 1 willd o the job.  that will make sure that nothing weird is going on.05:32
=== NaMcO^ : bye
txoofwill do05:32
Firestarreg00: base=0x00000000 (   0MB), size=2048MB: write-back, count=105:32
Firestarreg01: base=0x80000000 (2048MB), size= 512MB: write-back, count=105:32
Firestarreg02: base=0xa0000000 (2560MB), size= 256MB: write-back, count=105:32
JosefKthat looks like 4 gigs to me :)05:33
Yawnertxoof: right ok.. ill give that a go then..05:33
JosefKlong day :/ what arch are you on?05:33
totall_6_7jUggERNAUt1980: in my opinion it cant hurt. I dont know if it will do any good but it cant hurt05:33
Firestarhmmm, so how come top stats and meminfo only shows this:05:33
txoofgood luck05:33
Yawnertxoof: thanks :)05:33
dbzdeathhi i get a few of these messages when running fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage and i'm not sure why could someone please help me? dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: diversions involved - output may be incorrect05:33
Firestarreg00: base=0x00000000 (   0MB), size=2048MB: write-back, count=105:33
Firestarreg01: base=0x80000000 (2048MB), size= 512MB: write-back, count=105:33
Firestarreg02: base=0xa0000000 (2560MB), size= 256MB: write-back, count=105:33
dbzdeath diversion by nvidia-glx from: /usr/lib/libGL.so.105:33
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warlockenough :-o05:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:33
JosefKyou're right Firestar, that's only recording just over 2 gigs05:33
FirestarMem:   2832748k total,  2785588k used,    47160k free,   243388k buffers05:33
jUggERNAUt1980totall_6_7, i'm running apt-get upgrade right now.  would that help at all?05:34
Firestarany ideas, JosefK?05:34
DJAdmiralHey - how does one get java running in firefox?05:34
DJAdmiralI've done it so long ago I can hardly remember.05:34
totall_6_7jUggERNAUt1980: have you tried Surpentine Audio Creator??05:34
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository05:34
=== Jimmey [n=james@user-54419824.lns1-c7.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKFirestar: are you booting off one of the desktop kernels?  if so, try installing linux-server05:34
Khamaeldoes vmware allow usb in the vm?05:34
LjLKhamael: i seem to recall it does05:35
jUggERNAUt1980totall_6_7, yes, and it burned a cd, but that disc didn't work in my friend's car stereo player.05:35
FirestarI'm running on the AMD64 server edition of 6.0605:35
SevenhillFirestar:  Use a Big memory supported kernel05:35
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jUggERNAUt1980totall_6_7, now i'm out of blanks!  :P05:35
totall_6_7jUggERNAUt1980: would it play in any cd player?05:35
KhamaelLjL: it seems qemu does not05:35
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jUggERNAUt1980but i'd like to iron out this k3b issue 'cause i like it.05:35
Firestarhow can I see which version of the kernal I'm running?05:35
JosefKFirestar: uname -a05:35
erUSULFirestar: uname -r05:35
MetaMorfoziSuname -r05:35
quintinDJAdmiral: ehm, install the JRE?05:36
SevenhillFirestar: uname -r05:36
LjLKhamael: well, in the man page it says it emulates a "PCI UHCI USB controller and a virtual USB hub."05:36
totall_6_7ok i need to drop out of helping you cuz i am beyond my ability05:36
jUggERNAUt1980totall_6_7, only tried it in the one cd player.  i'm out of town for work right now.05:36
FirestarLinux prophecy 2.6.15-26-amd64-server #1 SMP Fri Sep 8 20:33:15 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:36
quintinFirestar: uname -a !05:36
LjLKhamael: that might just mean it emulates one to keep the OS happy, but yet doesn't actually map it to the real USB ports, though...05:36
DJAdmiralquintin: Yeah. I did that. Java's still not working in firefox.05:36
KhamaelLjL: but my PalmOS won`t sync. at least ootb05:36
DJAdmiralquintin: got any other bright ideas?05:36
jUggERNAUt1980sittin in a hotel after bein up all night workin', chatting in ubuntu.  no better way to spend today!  :P05:36
Khamaelnot ootb05:36
quintinDJAdmiral: ........05:36
quintinDJAdmiral: Example of what is not working?05:36
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JosefKFirestarter: sudo aptitude install linux-amd64-server05:36
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quintinDJAdmiral: Try http://games.yahoo.com/ ?05:36
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LjLKhamael: i think you need to pass the "-usb" option to qemu05:37
JosefKFirestarter: when you reboot, make sure you hit 'escape' and check it's the default in GRUB05:37
squarepusherHow can I get GNU/Screen to recognize two different $shelltitle vars?05:37
FirestarJosefK, my server is on this version - Linux prophecy 2.6.15-26-amd64-server #1 SMP Fri Sep 8 20:33:15 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux - must I still do that aptitude install command?05:37
DJAdmiralquintin: A java applet is not working. I know it when it's not.05:37
LjLKhamael: there's also a "-usbdevice <device-name>" option, it says to look at the usb_add monitor command for more information05:37
quintinDJAdmiral: Right, but can you run other things?05:37
JosefKnope :/ that's the server release05:37
DJAdmiralquintin: as in?05:37
KhamaelLjL: trying to boot with -usb05:37
b0kononHi, I installed kubuntu and did a dist-upgrade together with ubuntu-desktop. Since I don't have a monitor right now, I've connected the PC to my telly via a graphix card (Geforce MX?).05:38
b0kononproblem is, after the upgrade, X won't work.05:38
squarepusherFor example: two users, normal user has prompt ending with $, and root has prompt with #... but screen only sees the normal user's $shelltitle.05:38
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quintinDJAdmiral: As in games.yahoo.com !05:38
squarepusherHas anyone figured this out?05:38
b0kononbefore it did- with the fresh installation. and yes, its not the most suitable thing- just a temporary setup.05:38
quintinDJAdmiral: Or, try http://java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml05:38
Khamaelis there an easy way to run dapper with beta nvidia drivers?05:38
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n3t0forum menssages can be using on the karma of launchpad05:38
DJAdmiralquintin: No they do not.05:39
b0kononi'd reconfigured xserver-xorg several times and used the vertical refresh ranges identified by the wizard. so any ideas to fix the problem?05:39
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FirestarJosefK I tried installing that, and it's not doing anything, so I think I'm already on that version. Any other ideas?05:39
DJAdmiralquintin: cause firefox thinks the plugin doesn't exist.05:39
b0kononits not a common problem, thats why i couldnt find any help on it on the forums.05:39
SeanTaterI want to add a user to a group (namely, fuse), how do I do that?05:39
quintinDJAdmiral: Screwy!!  Try uninstalling / reinstalling JRE perhaps?05:39
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JosefKFirestarter: sadly not, I've only dealt with Solaris boxes with that much RAM, sorry :/05:39
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quintinSeanTater: Search the web.05:40
DJAdmiralSeanTater: System > Administration > Users and Groups05:40
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UNDERsoNWhat curent version of edgy05:40
Firestarthanks for trying in any case, JosefK05:40
totall_6_7jUggERNAUt1980: i am just wondering, your friends car's cd player; do you know if your friend has played any CDR disks at all? I ask cuz some cd players will not accept CDR05:40
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:40
vrkhansHi i just installted the ubuntu with the gnome desktop enviorment, how i can install fluxbox and remove gnome05:40
JosefKnp's, your kernel has large memory support, there are some kernel options you can use to force RAM detection05:40
DJAdmiralquintin: How long have you had ubuntu?05:40
squarepusherDoes .screenrc have access to bash environment variables?05:40
jUggERNAUt1980totall_6_7, that's mostly the kind of disc he has.05:40
SeanTaterquintin, DJAdmiral: thanks05:40
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DJAdmiralSeanTater: Anytime.05:40
totall_6_7jUggERNAUt1980: ok i had to ask05:41
jUggERNAUt1980totall_6_7, word!05:41
FirestarJosefK, can you point in to a document where I can learn how to do this? (force RAM detection, that is)05:41
quintinDJAdmiral: shrug.  been using 6.06 for a few months, used it ... some time ago, forget which version.  been using debian for years.  why?05:41
JosefKI'm just trying to find some now Firestar :)05:41
FirestarI really appreciate the help05:41
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quintinFirestar: You can boot the kernel with mem=xyz or such05:41
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FirestarI'm actually quite despirate right now05:42
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Firestarhmmm, quintin. I'm SSH'ing into the box. How do I do that if I'm not in front of the machine?05:42
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DJAdmiralquintin: cause if you have been using linux for that long you'd definitely be able to give more solid answers rather than "uninstall and reinstall the JRE" and "search the web" -.-05:42
karassHi, I installed kubuntu and did a dist-upgrade together with ubuntu-desktop. Since I don't have a monitor right now, I've connected the PC to my telly via a graphix card (Geforce MX?).05:42
Dr_willisi rember ages ago  having to use some kernel boot options to tell it how much ram i had.05:42
JosefKFirestar: indeed, mem=409605:42
karassbefore it did- with the fresh installation. and yes, its not the most suitable thing- just a temporary setup.05:42
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karassi'd reconfigured xserver-xorg several times and used the vertical refresh ranges identified by the wizard. so any ideas to fix the problem?05:43
FirestarI'm sure I'll figure out how to do that! Thanks VERY much for the help!05:43
JosefKFirestar: to test it, when you reboot the machine Press Escape at grub, then hit 'e'05:43
quintinDJAdmiral: "how do I add a user to a group" is a question that people need to figure out on their own by searching google.  I don't do hand-holding unless I'm being paid well.05:43
karassits not a common problem, thats why i couldnt find any help on it on the forums.05:43
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DJAdmiralquintin: I see.05:43
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JosefKFirestar: add it to the end of the top line by pressing 'e' again - if it works, come back here and we'll add it permanently to GRUB05:43
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quintinDJAdmiral: as for telling you to reinstall java, that is what I would try first, since most things "just work" when installed in ubuntu, and my java / flash always has05:43
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quintinDJAdmiral: which JRE are you using?  sun?05:43
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Dr_williskarass,  i missed the actual problem?  its not showing up on the tv? or what.05:44
DJAdmiralquintin: correct.05:44
FirestarJosefK, I'm not in front of the machine. It's at a hosting company. I'm SSH'ing into it05:44
FirestarI cannot press e05:44
YaakovYou just did!  Twice!05:44
JosefKFirestarter: ah :P edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file05:44
LeeJunFansince ifrename requires udev and a bunch of other removals, what is one to do with a server to make sure the interfaces come up with the same ethX designation when swapping cards?05:44
vrkhansHi i just installted the ubuntu with the gnome desktop enviorment, how i can install fluxbox and remove gnome05:44
JosefKFirestarter: search for kopt=, it'll be a commented line, add it to that05:45
quintinFirestar: what is your memory problem again, exactly?  You can force memory with mem=2048MB or whatever at boot time05:45
karassDr_willis: the terminals do. X doesnt. ok, recapping. 1. I installed kubuntu fresh from cd. 2. dist-upgraded and installed ubuntu-desktop (with new updates for xorg-xserver et. al) 3. X disappears (but GDM/KDM works properly- i can tell from the sound alerts).05:45
JosefKFirestarter: after that, run 'sudo update-grub' to have GRUB set those kopts on all the boot options05:45
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erUSULFirestar: maybe you need the bigiron kernel with that much ram ??05:45
Dr_williskarass,  i was thinkin gi had to install  the nvidia drivers to get the tv out working correctly05:46
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Dr_williskarass,  then i twiddled with the twinview settings05:46
quintinDJAdmiral: I'm thoroughly annoyed sometimes when people ask things that can be learned in 30s by doing a google search you see05:46
karassDr_willis_ you mean the proprietary nvidia drivers? ok, i'll see how that works then.05:47
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FirestarJosefK I'm looking at the menu.lst file now, but I don't know to which line to add the mem=4096 statement too. Any idea?05:47
Dr_williskarass,  then mine defaulted to the tv out.. my desktop vanished. :P i then happened to turn on the tv and there it was05:47
Firestarquintin, I'm trying that now. JosefK is helping me add it to the menu.lst file05:47
JosefKFirestar: aye, the commented line starting with kopt=05:47
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Dr_williskarass,  i later tweaked the twinview stuff to clone the tv and monitor.05:48
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Lam_should i go with Ubuntu 64 or wait for Edgy in October?05:48
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Dr_willisLam_,  why do you need 64bit at all?05:48
quintinFirestar: ja ja.  You can make it do that every time so you don't have to enter it manually.  how much ram you have?05:48
Lam_Dr_willis: why not?05:48
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x-demonhi again05:49
x-demoni have problem with kubuntu05:49
Dr_willisLam_,  wine, flash, issues for a start... driver issues with some devices for another05:49
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Dr_willisLam_,  in short if you dont know you need 64bit. its proberly best ti stick with the 32bit distto05:49
x-demonafter starting Xorg i see very strange picture...05:49
karassDr_willis: for the time being i won't need to use twinview (a package?) - but will see how it works once i get the monitor. on another unrelated issue- are there any incompatibilities among the default dependencies for webserver/php/mysql? I am asking cause am getting a 'fatal: undefined function call' error.05:49
Lam_Dr_willis: ok. i'll hold off then. thanks05:49
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karassaccording to PHP-mailing lists, its due to a change of syntax.05:50
FirestarJosefK. I'm not getting a kopt line that isn't commented out. This is all there is (with kopt in it)05:50
Firestar## ## Start Default Options ##05:50
Firestar## default kernel options05:50
Firestar## default kernel options for automagic boot options05:50
Firestar## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z05:50
Firestar## where x.y.z is kernel version. Minor versions can be omitted.05:50
Firestar## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro05:50
Firestar##      kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro05:50
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Firestar##      kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro05:50
Firestar# kopt=root=/dev/sda1 ro05:50
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sicis it possible to use the live cd / dvd in the package manager so that i don't have to download the pakages?05:50
JosefKFirestar: that last line, with the single '#', add mem=4096 to it05:50
Dr_willis # kopt=root=/dev/sda1 ro mem=1000000000005:50
JosefKFirestar: then save it, and run 'sudo update-grub' :)05:51
karasswhat i can't figure out is whether the php connector used in ubuntu dapper is compatible with the mysql engine or whatever that determines the inter-operability. I understand that there's no bugs in when using php4 with mysql.05:51
Dr_willislogical eh.05:51
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karassmore of a mysql/php issue eh? well, even so, was wondering whether php is compiled with mysql support. it should be according to ubuntuforums if i install libphp-mysql package.05:52
FirestarJosefK I assume I have to restart the server now, right?05:52
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quintinsic: yes.  go to add repositories, and add the CD05:52
Firestaror is there some sort of hot restart of a component?05:52
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JosefKFirestar: nah, not for the kernel, make sure you did the update-grub then just reboot it05:53
=== Hagbarddenstore [n=hagbard@90-224-38-20-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Firestarreboot the bos?05:53
HagbarddenstoreHey all!05:53
HagbarddenstoreHow do I make aliases for commands in Linux?05:53
JosefKFirestar: aye05:53
Firestarok, thanks05:53
Firestarwill do05:53
LjLHagbarddenstore: with the "alias" command05:53
HagbarddenstoreLjL: Then?05:53
Hagbarddenstorealias whatnow whatnow?05:53
quintinHagbarddenstore: Search the web.  alias='mycommand -myoption' will set it for your current session.05:53
LjLHagbarddenstore: alias newcommand=oldcommand05:53
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HagbarddenstoreLjL: kk05:54
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LjLHagbarddenstore: to make that stick, you can add that to your .bashrc05:54
sicquintin: thx05:54
Dr_willisHagbarddenstore,  you really should look up some bash tutorials/guides -05:54
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LjLHagbarddenstore: for more info on the "alias" command, type "help alias"05:54
daurnhi all05:54
daurni'm having trouble with a certain soundcard05:54
POVaddctHagbarddenstore: for example: alias cd=logout   :))05:54
Dr_willisHagbarddenstore,  theres a lot of neat alias tricks you can do05:54
quintinsic: no problem05:54
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems05:54
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quintindaurn: what certain sound card?  is it supported by the kernel?05:55
eurytusI dislike mouse accel, but the max speed/no acceleration setting is far too slow. Is there something I can manually edit to boost my sensitivity?05:55
daurni've had sound out of it before05:55
daurni did something Jack_Sparrow told me to do a while ago, and i've had trouble with sound since05:56
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sicdaurn: you mean Captain jack sparrow ;)05:56
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sicdaurn: sry - watch the movie yesterday *g*05:57
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Lam_for the broadcom users, is anyone using bcm43xx-fwcutter for 4318 or 4319?05:57
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:57
briankhello everyone, I can't seem to get quicktime files to play in firefox with mplayer05:57
mattikHello. How can I get flash games running in Firefox with DApper?05:58
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led_floydhi all05:58
briankI have the additional codecs installed, but it just says stopped05:58
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mattikKeyboard aren't running with flash games05:58
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led_floydi've some problems to configure samba+ldap05:58
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briankanyone have any similar experiences?05:59
led_floydwhen i run # net getlocalsid i receiv this error:05:59
led_floyd[2006/09/28 17:55:34, 0]  lib/smbldap.c:smb_ldap_start_tls(546)05:59
led_floyd  Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Connect error05:59
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led_floydsomeone can help me?05:59
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FirestarJosefK, sorry, it doesn't work :(06:00
mattikHas flash buggies in dapper?06:00
Firestarhow can I confirm that it picked up my change?06:00
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WRFC_Rabbithi ppl06:01
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WRFC_Rabbiti need my printer to work and i need help with it!06:01
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Hoxzerhow do I change my defautl sound card?06:02
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m_0_r_0_nHow do I get the size of a file in a bash script ... if [ ? $file -lt 20000]  ... ?06:02
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noneif you dont find anything else use "du"06:03
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ladydooris it possible to set up syntax highlighting in less?06:04
hantuhaven't heard of that, ladydoor06:04
Dr_willisladydoor,  not that i have ever seen06:04
ladydoorhantu: yeah, i thought that i'd heard of it somewhere, but maybe not :-)06:05
daurni need help06:05
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:05
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hantuless -r?06:05
daurnhow can i TOTALLY reset sound config06:05
FlaXAfter compiling a a kernel, how do i install it?06:05
eurytusI dislike mouse accel, but the max speed/no acceleration setting is far too slow. Is there something I can manually edit to boost my sensitivity?06:05
daurni just want to dump it and start again06:05
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LjLm_0_r_0_n: perhaps this is a bit stupid, but i can think of      if [ "`ls -s $File | cut -d " " -f1`" -lt SIZE ] ; then .......06:06
Dr_williseurytus,  tried that Mouse-settings contorl panel thing yet?06:06
hantuladydoor: i found http://www-zeuthen.desy.de/~friebel/unix/less/README06:06
hantuladydoor: should be what you want.06:06
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eurytusDr_willis, yes, that is the "max speed/no accel" setting I was referring to06:06
ladydoorLjL: yeah, never mind. it wasn't a big deal, just a random point of curiosity06:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:06
ladydoorhantu: cool06:06
josh__Hi everyone :)06:06
eurytusI tried using that to change my mouse speed, the maximum speed is too slow to have no acceleration06:07
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josh__How do i change the shortcut key from CTRL+ALT+Delete to something else?06:07
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josh__For restarting X06:07
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Dr_willisjosh__,  why would you want to?06:07
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meal3837anyone using edgy?06:08
nei1trying to install ndiswrapper06:08
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule06:08
josh__Whenever im typing something in forums etc, I keep hitting ctrl+alt+del06:08
soheilhi room06:08
hantuxbindkeys should help, josh.06:08
josh__especially after typing quite alot, its quite annoying06:08
ladydoormeal3837: ask in #ubuntu+1.06:08
Dr_willisjosh__,  You must really have fat fingers.06:08
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hantu(i dont see how typing in forums makes you press c/a/del) :P06:09
soheilWhy cannot I compile my C++ codes in ubuntu?06:09
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hantusoheil: errors?06:09
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Dr_willisjosh__,  you can disable the sequence totally in the xorg.conf06:09
ladydoorsoheil: have you installed build-essential?06:09
LjLjosh__: perhaps http://www.faqs.org/faqs/aix-faq/part2/section-34.html06:09
josh__im clumsy lol06:09
quintinAny tips on how to make my desktop more responsive?06:09
soheilI g++ them06:09
ladydoorquintin: to?06:09
Dr_willisalt-ctrl BACKSPACE kills X - alt-ctrl-Delete reboots06:09
quintinsoheil: ehm... install copmiler etc?06:09
Dr_willisor at least will at the console.06:09
soheilno, just g++06:09
josh__ill try, thanks everyone :)06:09
josh__i mean backspace lol06:09
nonequintin: buy more ram06:09
hantuladydoor: did that help?06:09
quintinnone: it has 51206:09
eurytusis this a laptop keyboard or something?06:09
Dr_willisa-s-bs -> xorg setting 'nozap'  i belive its called.06:10
ladydoorhantu: haha, yeah...i was just curious, basically :-)06:10
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josh__i press ctrl+backspace to take off that word when I make a typo, then hit alt with my thumb06:10
soheilI installed g++-4.006:10
nei1anyone help with wireless ndiswrapper06:10
quintinI mean as far as menus opening, etc.  I don't want delays or effects, I just want things to happen NOOOOWW06:10
=== kothz [n=troy@dsl-72-1-215.60.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu
daurnsomeone, HELP ME PLEASE06:10
soheilWhy cannot I compile my C++ codes in ubuntu?06:10
ladydoorquintin: use fluxbox or some other lightweight wm?06:10
hantunei1: plenty of howto's in the forum, have you tried?06:10
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eurytusyour thumb shouldn't be near alt06:10
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:10
soheilI installed g++-4.006:10
LjL!tell soheil about build-essential06:10
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:10
eurytuskeep it over the space bar06:10
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
quintinladydoor: windows xp is blazing fast on this machine..06:10
nei1yes can't run make install got it working  on my desktop ok06:11
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:11
ladydoordaurn: be patient. if nobody knows, nobody will say anything. also, SHOUTING is unnecessary06:11
Dr_willisive yet to see XP blazinly fast on any machine. :P06:11
quintinANy recomendations for a BT client?  Tried ktorrent and regular bittorrent, both of them are sucking06:11
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hantuquintin: azureus :o06:11
kothzanyone setup some sort of fetchmail -> mta (exim?) -> imapd (cyrus?) on ubuntu?  Looking for some sort of "i don't have to think about it" best practices document :)06:11
ladydoorquintin: bittornado06:11
eurytusbittornado is awesome06:11
soheilI thought build-essential is neccessary to install debian paxkages06:11
Dr_willisgive xp a week to collect the malware/spyware/crudware - it will show dosn.06:11
LjLsoheil: wrong06:11
hantui only use bittorrent for the simplicity.06:11
quintinhantu: ehm no.  friend tells me his azureus uses like 400mbytes of ram.  and it's java ffs :P06:11
LjLsoheil: you need build-essential for most compiles06:11
hantuDr_willis: a week? give it 2 days max, connected to internet.06:11
daurnhow can i totally reset sound config?06:11
josh__dr_wiilis: a week of downloading cracked/illegal software? :P06:12
hantuquintin: i don't run azureus on linux, that just came all of a sudden.06:12
soheilso why is it necessary?06:12
soheilcompilers u mean?06:12
quintinladydoor: is it super duper fast?  I see that in the peers list quite often06:12
Dr_willisjosh__,  i download.. err... never mind.. :P this is a faimly channel06:12
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quintinOh please, XP is fine with a competent admin06:12
LjLsoheil: because gcc or g++ alone don't contain everything that's needed. doesn't come with libc6-dev, for instance06:12
eurytusyeah, the xp bashing is a little over-the-top06:13
daurnquintin: azureus is a total ram hog06:13
ladydoorquintin: what do you mean? i use the curses version, and so i'm not familiar with the ui--i have no idea how fast its menus open and such.06:13
LjLsoheil: no, i meant "most compiles" as in "most stuff that you will compile". but anyway06:13
azzgoris there any way of making the gnome pannel look like KDE?06:13
daurnquintin: with azurues + firefox, i end up using 2gb of ram06:13
quintinladydoor: no I mean fast as far as download speed.  it's not a GUI client?06:13
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Dr_willisazzgor,  what a weird thing to ask. :P06:13
quintindaurn: that is *sick*06:13
Firestarquintin, I added the mem=4096 to my kopt line in menu.lst, but it's still not picking up 4GB of RAM. Exactly the same amount of RAM is picked up (~2.7 GB). Any ideas?06:13
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soheilwwhy I can't do programs in Anjjuta?06:13
ladydoorquintin: it has a gui version and a normal version06:13
azzgorDr_willis: hehe06:14
quintinladydoor: I see!  I will check it out, thanks.  I like utorrent best, but it is win only06:14
soheilbecause of build-essential?06:14
daurni haven't found any good *nix BT clients06:14
hantuwhat does the software has anything to do with how fast you download?06:14
LjLsoheil: i don't know, don't use anjuta. but trust me anyway, you *want* to install build-essential if you want to do any compiling at all.06:14
ladydoorquintin: but its download speed is pretty fast, i guess06:14
daurni liked utorrent in windows06:14
CokeNCodedaurn qtorrent is good06:14
Firestarquintin is there any way to check if the change happened?06:14
daurni've been using KTorrent lately06:14
josh__daurn: azureus or gTorrent06:14
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nei1help please with ndiswrapper on a compaq laptop06:14
Dr_willisFirestar,  you may want to google that option. I though it was mem=4096mb or similer..06:14
azzgorstill, i dont like that "Applications, Places,System" i just want a menu with everything in it06:14
LjLsoheil: just try installing it, and see if anjuta then works. i suppose anjuta might need make, which doesn't come with g++ either, only with build-essential06:14
quintinFirestar: look at output from top or look at /proc/meminfo06:14
penny_penguinAny tips on resolving gcc and kernel compiled gcc mismatch (5.10)?06:14
hantunei1: i told you, have you tried the forums06:14
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azzgorjust like the K Menu06:14
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daurnjosh__: i want ram for using my computer thankyou very much06:14
FlaXWhat's the ubuntu equivalence for 'dpkg -i kernel-image-kernelname.deb' ?06:15
Dr_willisazzgor,  you can add to panel, similer things..06:15
[BTF] Chm0dsheez nobody in #unbuntu-xgl wants to even help you out06:15
josh__daurn: how much do you have?06:15
Dr_willisazzgor,  or just run the kde panel. :P06:15
nei1yes hantu06:15
quintinOk, now I have 3 downloads going with bittorrent ... 20kB 15kB and 10kB ... my line is capable of 1000kB though06:15
daurnjosh__: this computer, 76806:15
ladydoorFlaX: sudo dpkg -i image-kernelname.deb06:15
Firestarquintin, Dr_willis, top doesn't show more than ~2.7 GB, even after the change. I'll check the syntax, though06:15
josh__daurn: i run everything with under 250 meg06:15
hantunei1: never used a compaq, but i thought ndiswrapper is probably all the same setup exceept you ahve to use the drivers for your card.06:15
ladydoorquintin: well, i mean, it all depends on your share ratio doesn't it?06:15
daurnjosh__: i can't get azureus to run under 512mb06:15
Dr_willisFirestar,  yea.. i may be wrong.. i last used that ages ago.06:15
azzgorDr_willis: okay, and how do i remove the texts near the icon?06:15
hantuquintin: it could be the seeders06:15
josh__daurn: what the... it runs at way way less then that for me06:16
FlaXladydoor: doesn work for me, returns "cannot access archive: No such file or directory | Errors were encountered while processing: /usr/src/kernel-image-kernelname.deb06:16
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FirestarDr_willis, any other ideas as to why my server doesn't want to pick up 4GB of RAM?06:16
Dr_willisazzgor,  no clue. i use KDE.  ya could always use some gdesklet launcher if you perfer06:16
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Dr_willisFirestar,  some bios/kernel bugglets perhaps..06:16
quintinladydoor: not sure.  utorrent gets things fast even if I'm not sharing lots... depending on the seeds.06:16
josh__daurn: Are you using the official?06:16
kothzDoes your BIOS see 4GB of ram?06:16
soheilAny good chess software fo ubuntu?06:16
quintinhantu: yea.  one file has 1k seends though06:16
quintinDr_willis: Install FreeBSD =)06:16
soheilI'm a chess player, u know'06:16
quintinsoheil: gnuchess with xboard.  search web for details.  both in synaptic06:16
ladydoorFlaX: so wait a second. are you trying to install a non-standard kernel? did you get it from some debian site (or was it listed as a debian package)06:16
LjLazzgor, i use KDE too, but i i think among the Gnome panel applets there are separate Apps, Places and System applets that only give you an icon... try browsing around the applet list06:17
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daurnjosh__: yes06:17
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FirestarDr_willis, bios picks up the RAM correctly. I'm on latest AMD64 kernel. Any more info?06:17
WRFC_Rabbiton via arena driver selection what is the closest to ubuntu?? Linux XFree86 (Not distribution-specific)06:17
WRFC_RabbitMandriva 2006 Linux06:17
WRFC_RabbitMandrake / Mandriva pre-2006 Linux06:17
WRFC_RabbitFedora Core 5.0 Linux06:17
WRFC_RabbitFedora Core 4.0 Linux06:17
WRFC_RabbitFedora Core 3.0 Linux06:17
ladydoorFlaX: if so, the problem may have to do with debian & ubuntu not having 100% compatibility--you should probably install from source06:17
FlaXladydoor: got it from www.kernel.org - the latest stabl version06:17
WRFC_RabbitFedora Core 1.0 & 2.0 Linux06:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:17
WRFC_RabbitSuSE Linux06:17
soheilwhat about a chess database?06:17
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WRFC_RabbitRed Flag Linux06:17
WRFC_RabbitRed Hat Linux06:17
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!06:17
WRFC_RabbitMAC OS06:17
ladydoorLjL: i totally win06:17
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LjLladydoor: :-P06:17
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ladydoorFlaX: oh, cool. let me see...just a sec06:18
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ladydoor!kernel > FlaX06:18
ladydoorFlaX: read the bot's pm...and good luck06:18
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hantuit hurts my eyes just to follow things here.06:18
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Firestarthat makes 2 of us :(06:19
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josh__its shift+delete to restart x, thats why it keeps restarting X06:19
Dr_willisjosh__,  let me guess.. you are using XGL06:19
daurnhow can i totally reset sound config?06:19
josh__dr_willis: yes, i just installed it06:19
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LjLjosh__: only if you're using XGL06:19
Dr_willisjosh__,  and thats the reason why then.06:20
soheilI don't find gnuchess in synaptic06:20
TrashHaloquick question. how do input a logical "or" into a find comand. Like if I want to do find . -name "*.jpg" -name "*.png"06:20
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Dr_willisjosh__,  thats a XGL faq.. time to google it.06:20
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:20
josh__Ok, thanks06:20
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mbufis there any software/tool for doing console (80x25) based documentation with indentation ?06:21
nei1hello back new to this irc06:22
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hantuor whatever it is. i forgot.06:22
mbufhantu, like the man-pages documentation ?06:22
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quintinTrashHalo: use regexp06:22
josh__compiz/xgl is the same?06:23
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hantuthe 'markup' language.06:23
keleusI keep getting warnings about unsigned packages when installing from the ubuntu repos - how do I fix that? ( i think i lost the keys somehow? )06:23
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nei1hantu I have ndiswrapper working on mandriva but just installed ubuntu on my laptop ndiswrapper will not make install06:24
sergois there any local area connection chat from ubuntu?06:24
Dr_willisjosh__,  they are closely related/intertwined06:24
TrashHaloquintin: I tried but I may be doing it wrong. I tried,, find . -name "(*.jpg)|(*.png)"06:24
josh__http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/1000095 found the answer :)06:24
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mbufhantu, thanks06:24
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LjL!tell keleus about gpgerr06:24
hantunei1: maybe the error messages will tell something.06:24
hantuits pretty vague for any of us to answer that.06:24
sergois there any lan chat from ubuntu?06:24
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keleushow do i switch to other "windows" in irssi?06:24
nei1hantu   error 1 then error 206:24
jribTrashHalo: use -o for or or if you want to use regex, you need to do -regex instead of -name06:25
keleusi cant read that message from ubotu06:25
mbufsergo, run ircd-hybrid and use gaim or irssi ?06:25
Kamping_Kaisersergo, what do you mean?06:25
hantunei1: pastebin it.06:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:25
TrashHalojrib: ahhh thanks06:25
Kamping_Kaiserkeleus, 'alt+number'06:25
morryeHow do you open ports for the bittorrent client that comes with ubuntu?06:25
POVaddctTrashHalo: or use this: find . -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.png"06:25
Kamping_Kaisermoreon, when you install a client, it will open automagically i suspect06:25
keleusthanks Kamping_Kaiser thats usefull to know :)06:26
POVaddctTrashHalo: -o is for "or"06:26
keleusthanks LjL06:26
nei1hantu it says can't find kernel build06:26
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TrashHaloPOVaddct: thanks!06:26
sergothe answer is no? ..06:26
sergook, maybe is time to install windows then06:26
sergothere a lot of lan chat06:26
hantulan chat? :o06:26
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sergolike vypress ..06:26
quintinmorrye: ehm, that depends on your router.  if your router and BT client both support universal plug and play you may not have to do anything06:26
sergoor other06:26
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TrashHalodespite using linux for 8 years now I have always struggled with find commands >_>06:26
Kamping_Kaiserer, sergo06:26
hantuive no idea whats vypress, heh.06:27
Kamping_Kaisernot seraphim06:27
lupine_85find / -name <whatever>06:27
quintinI use ls -R | grep06:27
morryequintin: How do I find out the port range of the torrent or will I need to install a better client?06:27
hantuTrashHalo: all i do is find / -name foo06:27
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hantuor locate.06:27
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quintinmorrye: ehm... which client are you using?  The regular one?  search the web and find out what port it uses!!06:27
TrashHaloquintin: haha thats what I do too06:27
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TrashHaloquintin: makes more sense that way06:27
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keleusWhen a repository in this list has a GPG key, you may need to add that to the APT trusted keys. You can do this with the following commands (replace KEY with the key ID)06:28
POVaddctTrashHalo: find syntax is funny when you use -exec06:28
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quintinTrashHalo: *g*06:28
keleuswhere do i find the key I need to import?06:28
keleusthis is for the US repo and security06:28
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soheilI installed build-essential in synaptic.Do I 'apt-get install build-essential' now?06:28
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sergoanyone use lan?06:29
Dr_willissoheil,  those commands do the same thing.06:29
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JoshRZWoot, fixed the shift+backspace06:29
sergohow do you chat with others from lan that use Vypresschat?06:29
Dr_willissoheil,  so its installed.06:29
nei1how do i install kernel build files06:29
hantunei1: i don't know, sounds like you didnt do kernel header? not sure, really.06:29
JoshRZWhoever had that great idea doesnt know how annoying it is :D06:29
soheilso no need for it?06:29
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Dr_willissoheil,  do it and see what it says06:29
keleusLjL: whats the KeyIDs for the repos?06:29
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keleusthat info seems to be absent... yet somewhat important06:29
LjLkeleus: dunno, which repos?06:29
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TrashHalofind ~ \( -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.png' \) -a \! -wholename "*\/\.*" \! -wholename "*\/Misc\/*"      <---- final working find command. >_< Find is the devil06:30
soheil# ap-get install build-essential06:31
soheilbash: ap-get: command not found06:31
LjLit's apt-get06:31
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sergoLjL: hi, do you know how can i chat with frinds that are on windows vypresschat?06:31
[BTF] Chm0dwhat does everyone in here use as an audio player?06:31
LjLsergo: never even heard about that program, to be honest06:31
Dr_willisspelling is imporntant.. as is 'looking at what you are doing and thinking.' :P06:31
hantui run cplay06:31
keleusLjL: us.archive.ubuntu.com security.ubuntu.com wine.budgetdedicated.com06:31
hantu[BTF] Chm0d: xmms is pretty decent, mplayer?06:32
POVaddct[BTF] Chm0d: xmms06:32
sergoLjL: what programs do you know then for chatting with frineds from lan...06:32
[BTF] Chm0dmy xmms just stopped loading?  dunno what is wrong with it06:32
[BTF] Chm0dwont load06:32
[BTF] Chm0d:(06:32
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[BTF] Chm0dno errors or nothing06:32
LjLsergo: none really. i don't have a LAN, so...06:32
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segfault_[BTF] Chm0d, amarok06:33
hantusergo: http://linux.bydg.org/~yogin/06:33
hantuhave fun? :)06:33
hantusergo: i don't "chat" with friends from LAN. i just yell and they'll respond.06:33
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[BTF] Chm0dcrap i found the error but pastebin is crappin out06:34
LjLkeleus: you know what, i can't find them06:34
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sergohantu, i'll try to install vygchat..06:34
sergohantu, where by default program will be installed06:34
herbalHey, im having trouble getting parallels to work when i run the config for it, this is the error i get http://pastebin.ca/18507706:34
zaggynlDoes anyone know a tool to edit ISO files? I already tried isomaster, and that didn't work, unfortunatetly.06:34
LjLkeleus: hm, this posting lists some keys... http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry769.html ... entirely unofficial though06:35
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JB[away] Hi, give it Apache2.2 for ubuntu ?06:35
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keleusLjL: you think they might be on the keyservers? maybe i should search for ubuntu and see what shows up06:35
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LjLkeleus: not sure, the ubuntu help says "There is not yet a standard location where you can find the key for a given apt repository. You will most likely find the key on the repository's web page or as a file in the repository itself."06:36
quintinzaggynl: WinRAR! =)06:36
hantuJB[away] : what?06:36
LjLkeleus: i must say i never needed to put keys for the standard archive.ubuntu.com reps06:36
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zaggynlquintin, :D06:36
JB[away] hantu: i need another Apache version as 2.0.5506:36
zaggynlI just found kiso in synaptic, seems to work :D06:36
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JB[away] the Apache 2.0.55 is buggy. RPC over HTTP dont work :(06:37
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keleusLjL holy crap search for ubuntu on pgp.mit.edu06:37
sergohantu :( there is an error : checking correct functioning of Qt installation... failure06:38
sergoFailed to find matching components of a complete QT instalation06:38
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herbalanyone know why my parallels wont run? http://pastebin.ca/18507706:38
LjLkeleus: heh06:38
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quintinzaggynl: fileroller ought to do it.  or maybe 7-zip06:39
zaggynlI tried fileroller, the option to add was greyed out, but I'm using kiso with succes now :)06:39
quintinladydoor: Is my rate with bittornado dependant upon my upload ???06:40
sergothis linux :((06:40
sergowhy the linux exists06:40
quintinsergo: yea linux sux06:41
sergois so lame06:41
quintinsergo: FreeBSD ++06:41
quintinsergo: what is your problem, exactly?06:41
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quintinI'm downing @11kbytes and upping at 30kbytes.  I have a frikkin 10mbit line06:41
segfault_keleus, for std ubuntu repos have u tried sudo apt-key update?06:42
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sergoquintin: i don't have a problem, the linux and his software have a lot of problems06:42
kothzquintin: it depends on how well seeded the torrents are, the available bandwidth to those/from those peers, how busy they are, how busy you are...06:42
herbalnobody has any imput on my parallels issue?06:42
keleussegfault_: nope, didn't know where or what to look for06:42
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quintinkothz: Right.  This is a well seeded torrent06:42
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POVaddctsergo: why do you want to use such a braindead chat system? use irc!06:42
x_OHooray! I fixed my linux box... lol06:42
quintinkothz: and I have more bandwidth than the whole downtown area of this city combined.   yet still it is slow06:42
sergowho use Vygchat?06:43
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segfault_keleus, try running that command06:43
sergoPOVaddct i need it to chat with peoples from my lan06:43
quintinAnyone know some kind of script to download and compile cedega automatically?06:43
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segfault_quintin, search for cvscedega on google its out there06:43
POVaddctsergo: just because people are too dumb to use irc clients?06:43
quintinsegfault_: *steeples fingers*  Excellent.06:44
keleusgpg: Total number processed: 206:44
keleusgpg:              unchanged: 206:44
FirestarCan anybody help me? I'm trying to add the mem=4096m command to my kopt line in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file, but every time I reboot (after doing a update-grub command), it resets back to the same value (i.e. no mem=4096m line). Anybody know why?06:44
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sergoPOVaddct: the problem is not in that, i need only to have an client to chat in lan and this is all06:44
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AntiochHi guys, Im trying to edit my .cshrc to set prompt = username@servername but I don't know how to do it, can anyone help? Thanks06:44
sergoif this is not possible,, then what to say about multimedia or other06:45
segfault_Firestar, did u run update-grub06:45
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Firestarsegfault_, yes I did :(06:45
quintinFirestar: screwy!  are you sure you are writing the file?  did you update grub?06:45
sergowho use vygchat06:45
cherubielAntioch: export PS1="\u@\h"06:45
Firestarquintin, yes I am sure. I did an offline change and then uploaded the file again...06:45
Firestartrying agian one last time.06:45
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Firestarok, I now did the change again, and verified by closing and opening the file again. Going to update grub now and then reboot, to see if it works06:46
siXywhich package do i need to compile kernel modules?06:46
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sergook, if it's impossible this than windows is a solution06:46
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TheGateKeepersiXy: build-essential06:47
sergosay hello to linux developer06:47
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segfault_Firestar, before rebooting chk the file to make sure it added that to ur kernel line in grub06:47
Rizla420hey guys anyone here familiar with bittorrent?  I have a simple question.06:47
Rizla420its not about firewall settings either06:47
LjLTheGateKeeper: don't think that's enough for kernel modules, though...06:47
keleussegfault_: oooh, it had stopped not too long ago... but now if it starts again i should be all set06:47
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Antiochcherubiel there is no export command06:47
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siXythegatekeeper - thanks06:47
keleusnow i just need to whine at wine to sign their repo :)06:47
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Firestarsegfault_ I just did. I checked the file, and it was added. I then updated grub and am now rebooting.06:47
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:48
SubhumanRizla420, jus ask06:48
segfault_keleus, yeah that would be nice06:48
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cherubielAntioch: try PS1="\u@\h" on the commandline06:48
Rizla420anyone know what's cuasing azerus to start downloading some files and then all of a sudden my download speed drops to 0 and has to start back up06:48
Rizla420its constantly happening now06:48
Rizla420my nat is ok06:48
SubhumanRizla420, you tried using other clients?06:48
segfault_Firestar, i dont mean chk the kopt line, i mena chk the kernel line for the mem= option06:48
TheGateKeepersiXy: sounds like you might need some extra bits & pieces, but can't tell you what as I have only compiled a kernel in gentoo06:48
Subhumanlike bit tornado or ktorrent?06:48
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TheGateKeeperLjL: ^^06:49
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Rizla420no i havent06:49
j-bis edgy already frozen ?06:49
we2bywhat tool can I use to convert pdf (with math symbols and images in it) to html with images??06:49
Rizla420azerus has been working out great lately06:49
segfault_siXy, buld-essentials, and kernel headers if they arent part of build essentials06:49
Rizla420good speed easy to use06:49
jimmy_neutroni need a little consoluting. what is the best possibe way to do this? - i want to be able to download from newsgroups from my linux box and share the files downloaded to my windows pcs. however, the drive i want to store the d/l files are on a usb externel hd. feel free to pm me. thx06:49
Rizla420granted, its a resource hog, but my sys can handle it06:49
sholdenIs there any news on a new flash player for linux?  I'm getting pretty sick of youtube etc not working.06:50
LjLsiXy, TheGateKeeper: i think at least one would need the kernel headers (linux-headers-`uname -r`), and possibly the kernel source (linux-source-`uname -r`)06:50
Antiochcherubiel, command not found..06:50
Firestarsegfault_, I can't I'm not in front of the server. The server is at the hosting company. I only have ssh access to it.06:50
AntiochI am in TCSH06:50
Rizla420I wonder if it could be my isp or something06:50
sholdenWhenever I need flash, I just fire up a VM of windows xp06:50
we2bywhat tool can I use to convert pdf (with math symbols and images in it) to html with images??06:50
Rizla420i have comcast06:50
Subhumansholden, google "penguin swf" thats the offical adobe flash for linux blog06:50
Rizla420actually no i have verizon dsl06:50
siXytrying to install the ati driver form the .run pacakge provided by ati - it complains: no kernel build environment06:50
Subhumansholden, i think they said early 2007 release, but they have a working beta now, but its closed.06:50
Rizla420there it goes again, dropped all files to 0 download speed06:50
Rizla420then they all jump back to their previous speeds06:50
segfault_Firestar, yes u can, vim /etc/grub/menu.lst and find the line that starts with kernel for ur kernel and make sure it contains ur mem= option06:51
quintinI do not have a Cray to run azureus06:51
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LjLsiXy: (do the ati drivers provided in the repositories not work?)   anyway, give installing linux-headers-`uname -r` a try first, and then if that fails get the source06:51
Firestaroh, ok06:51
Firestarwill check that quickly06:51
segfault_we2by, pdftohtml06:51
TheGateKeeperLjL: hmmm looks like I was assuming he/she would know they need the kernel source code :-)06:51
siXyLjL - thanks will try that. unfortuately i need the latest version of the fglrx driver, and the ones in the repo are not up to date yet06:52
we2bysegfault_, it doesn't generate pictures and math symbols06:52
jimmy_neutroni need a little consoluting. what is the best possibe way to do this? - i want to be able to download from newsgroups from my linux box and share the files downloaded to my windows pcs. however, the drive i want to store the d/l files are on a usb externel hd. feel free to pm me. since the # is crowded06:52
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Firestarsegfault_, Ok, I checked the file, and all the kernel lines (4 of them) has the mem=4096m option added. But my server still only picks up ~2.7GB of RAM. Any ideas?06:52
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sholdenSubhuman: *sigh* heh...  i guess i can wait =/06:53
sholdenVM will get me by til then06:53
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Rizla420anyone have experieince ripping/burning dvds?  I just got a lightscribe burner and was wondering whether i should do my ripping/burning in win or if linux/ubuntu has some good alternatives06:54
quintinRizla420: DVDShrink++06:54
Antiochhow can I save the output of uname to a variable?06:54
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Rizla420qunitin thats it?06:54
quintinRizla420: MythTV has some copying things.  Find out what they use maybe.06:54
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Dr_willisexport foo = `uname`06:54
Rizla420does it rip the newer dvd's as well06:54
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LjLAntioch: WHATEVERVARIABLE=`uname`06:54
quintinRizla420: that's all I use for duping DVDs06:54
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Dr_willisAntioch,  bash 101 stuff here. :P06:55
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Dr_willisok that may be bash 10206:55
quintinRizla420: define "newer".  It's been much the same for years now06:55
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we2bywhat tool can I use to convert pdf (with math symbols and images in it) to html with images??06:55
kothzexport = bash 102 :) var = value => bash 101 :)06:55
Dr_willisAntioch,  note  the use of the backtick `   top left of the keyboard.06:55
AntiochDr_willis yea, but I have no export commant on my system supposedly06:55
Rizla420well i've read in cdfreaks froums that the newer copy protection schemes were screwing up the older rippers06:55
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LjLwe2by: have you tried pdftohtml?06:55
AntiochIll try that06:55
Rizla420something along those lines06:55
Dr_willisexport is built into bash  as far as i know.06:55
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Antiochits actually a solaris unix system06:56
quintinRizla420: I don't know of any newer copy protection schemes.  Sounds like bullshit to me.  And forums are lame! :)06:56
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Dr_willisit pays big dividends to find/.read a few bash guides06:56
we2byLjL, it doesn't work with math symbols :(06:56
segfault_Firestar, cat /proc/meminfo shows only 2.7gb ?06:56
Antiochbut yea, using set and the backtick it worked - I was using a single quote for the longest time06:56
Rizla420not the ubuntu forums, they're lifesavers in there06:56
Rizla420but then again that was before i knew about this oasis in the backwaters of the internet06:56
JosefKAntioch: you're best double-quoting the variable, or if the output has spaces in it you won't get the whole string in the variable06:56
quintinOk, I am getting about 80kB down with bittornado downloading fedora core 6.  but I still can't max my line, which utorrent easily does!!06:56
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JosefKAntioch: ie, export MYVAR="`command`"06:56
ali_123how to install proprietary codecs06:57
we2bydarn, OO takes minutes to load06:57
ali_123how to install proprietary codecs?06:57
quintinali_123: search google for win32 codec ubuntu06:57
jimmy_neutroni want to be able to download from newsgroups from my linux box and share the files d/l to my windows pcs. the drive i want to store the d/l files are on a usb externel hd. what us the most efficient way to do this?06:57
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FirestarMemTotal:      2832748 kB06:57
FirestarMemFree:       1880024 kB06:57
LjLJosefK, it works fine without the quotes here though06:57
JosefK!mp3 > ali_12306:57
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quintinjimmy_neutron: samba06:57
segfault_Firestar, what kernel?06:57
TheGateKeeperRizla420: if you are trying to kill copy protection use windows & AnyDVD, otherwise linux will be fine06:57
quintinjimmy_neutron: for a small fee, I will even configure it :">06:57
Firestarsegfault_ : Linux prophecy 2.6.15-27-amd64-server #1 SMP Sat Sep 16 02:04:37 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:58
AntiochDr_willis is there a way to use regular expressions or something to filter out part of the output from uname?06:58
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jimmy_neutronthx quintin thats all i needed to know :)06:58
LjLAntioch: sure... what is it that you want?06:58
Dr_willisAntioch,  theres always a way06:58
quintinTheGateKeeper: Heresy!!!06:58
Rizla420hmm.. i'll look into it.  there arent any linux burning apps that support lightscribe yet right?06:58
Dr_willisBash 101 stuff again. :P ok.. 102.06:58
Antiochwell my server names are always NAME.domain, and I just want to keep the NAME component06:58
Antiochthen plug that into export06:58
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Dr_williswhy not use the hostname command?06:59
siXyantioch - yes. | grep will do simple stuff06:59
soheilwhat do u call '< > | 'symbols in ubuntu?06:59
Antiochis there such a command?06:59
siXyfor more advanced stuff google awk06:59
Dr_willisNo idea.. on YOUR system...06:59
=== kothz mentions awk and hides under a rock.
TheGateKeeperquintin: I know :-), tell me a linux equivalent of AnyDVD?06:59
eurytusDNS resolution seems to take about 3 seconds longer in Ubuntu (than debian or winxp), is there some optimization I've overlooked?06:59
Dr_willislook and see06:59
Antiochyes, there is06:59
LjLAntioch: uh, does uname print the nameservers?06:59
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LjLAntioch: i mean the server names06:59
soheilwhat do u call '< > | 'symbols in ubuntu?06:59
Antiochuname print a.b.c.d and I just want a06:59
segfault_Firestar, hmm, im nnot sure, i would ask someone well versed in amd6406:59
soheilthat redirect output07:00
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LjLAntioch: is that the second field in "uname -a" that you mean?07:00
siXysoheil dont keep asking the same question07:00
eurytus| is the pipe, < > are input/output redirections07:00
quintinTheGateKeeper: AnyDVD is linux?  shrug.  I am just all about the DVDShrink, myself07:00
Firestarsegfault_: do you know anyone that can help? I'm really struggling and I'm VERY despirate now :(07:00
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Antiochno its uname -n that Im working with07:00
soheilr u gonna answer me?07:00
LjLAntioch: ok then try    uname -n | cut -d "." -f107:00
segfault_Firestar, sry no, but i think there is an amd64 channel for ubuntu i would try there next07:00
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CokeNCodejeeze why does this stupid computer keep rebooting07:01
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CokeNCodewhat causes a computer to reboot guys ?07:01
kothzDo you keep typing 'reboot'? :)07:01
siXysoheil - 1). someone already has 2). if you want help for free learn to be more polite07:01
quintinCokeNCode: DFU?07:01
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LjLsoheil: i call < an input redirect, > an output redirect and | a pipe07:01
psynaps3hi, i have a problem with a usb drive. I had some contents in this drive (FAT). Now after i mounted it in ubuntu and copied the contents over, it has stopped working in XP. Says, the usb stick is not formatted?07:01
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POVaddctCokeNCode: bad ram?07:01
Firestarsegfault_: thanks for your help! I really appreciate the time taken to look at my problem :)07:01
CokeNCodekothz lol, no ... it's a pc that someone here is using at work ... i'm the it guy07:01
segfault_Firestar, np07:01
CokeNCodeah well ... bbl07:01
quintinjimmy_neutron: Got samba setup yet?07:01
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GarstyI have compiled "simple wx widgets application" in KDevelop, but when trying to run it, it says "segementation fault", exited with status 13907:02
AntiochLjL that worked, thanks! =)07:02
soheiland how to know wwhat the redirect symbols are in ubuntu?07:02
Dr_willissoheil,  you meanin the shell>07:02
Garstydoes anyone have any idea what is that supposed to mean?07:02
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Dr_willissoheil,  you mean in the shell?  the  > < and | symbols?07:02
segfault_soheil, plz read some bash documetation07:02
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problcan someone help me with: laptop overheat in dapper ?!07:03
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:03
TheGateKeeperquintin: off for food so back latter but tell where it says that it works on linux? http://www.slysoft.com/en/anydvd.html07:03
LjLsoheil, redirect symbols are "<", "<<", ">", ">>" and "|". unless you mean something else, but then please explain.07:03
quintinTheGateKeeper: I never said it did!07:03
soheilhow to read it?07:03
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)07:03
JosefKGarsty: it means you're using pointers improperly somewhere, time to learn to debug ;)07:03
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LjLsoheil: read it?07:03
kothzsoheil: man bash07:03
AntiochIs there a command to tell you what shell you're running?07:03
we2byomg, Open office crashed!!07:03
GarstyJosefK, the program code was generated by KDevelop07:04
kothzantioch: echo $SHELL07:04
POVaddctAntioch: echo $SHELL07:04
GarstyI haven't changed it in any way07:04
LjLAntioch: try "help"07:04
quintinwe2by: omgz!111107:04
segfault_Antioch, unless u changed it its prolly bash07:04
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=== JosefK shrugs
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Antiochsegfault_ yea07:04
Antiochdo I change the defulat 7t5r5mmn07:05
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LjLAntioch: well if it's bash, it's strange that you can't do "export"07:05
Antiochdo I change the default by putting in a new .whatever-rc file?07:05
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Dr_willisdefault what?07:05
LjLAntioch: hm no, i think to change your (user) default you should edit /etc/passwd...07:05
Garstywhat are good IDEs, except KDevelop, for C++? I'm interested in OpenGL, SDL and wxWidgets development. It would be nice if the IDE would have a similar feature as IntelliSense in Visual Studio.07:05
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shylockHi do anyone know if there is some easy way to show movies on my tv from tv-out on my ati card without having to mess around with Xorg.conf?07:05
AntiochIm sorry, the default shell used on log-in07:05
segfault_Antioch, no use useradd07:06
daurnhow can i totally reset sound config?07:06
Dr_willisshylock,  not that i know of.07:06
ubotupython: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.4.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 125 kB, installed size 532 kB07:06
POVaddctLjL: no, chsh is the command to change to shell07:06
=== daurn grabs Antioch's grenade - this could come in handy
segfault_shylock, i doubt such a way exists07:06
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Antiochmy holy handgrenade that is07:07
LjLPOVaddct, Antioch: ok. or just link /bin/sh to something else i suppose, if you want to change for all users (who have /bin/sh as their shell)...?07:07
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jvaihey what ver of openvpn is in the dapper repos? i dont know cause i'm on hoary07:07
crimsundaurn: unload the driver(s), rm -f ~/.asoundrc* /etc/asound.conf /var/lib/alsa/asound.state, sync, and forcibly reboot (don't shutdown)07:07
LjL!info openvpn dapper07:07
ubotuopenvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6-1 (dapper), package size 310 kB, installed size 940 kB07:07
Antiochno, my default seems to be set as tcsh which is what I want, I was just wondering if I could change the default without making a new useraccount07:08
POVaddctLjL: linking /bin/sh to a different shell is a bad idea. many scripts rely on /bin/sh behaving like a bourne shell07:08
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AntiochI agree07:08
ladydoorAntioch: yes07:08
shylocki have tried using aticonfig --force-monitor=tv and it shows a picture on the tv but i dont know how to make it the right resolution07:08
daurncrimsun: then, when i reboot, i'll have defulat config?07:08
jvaioo ok ty ubotu.. lol07:08
crimsundaurn: yes07:08
shylockalso i would like to have the same pic on monitor and tv07:08
daurnhow do i unload the drivers?07:08
ladydoorAntioch: sudo usermod -s tcsh (or whatever)07:08
Dr_willisshylock,  you mean 'clone' the displays07:08
AntiochI have my .tcshrc set to change my prompt variable, but my prompt isn't changing when I log-in.. Is there a way to check that the rc is actually being run when I log in?07:08
ladydoorAntioch: sudo usermod -s tcsh (or whatever) username, i mean07:09
josh__how do i install themes on kde?07:09
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shylockDr_willis:  yeahh!07:09
ladydoorjosh__: #kubuntu, or kubuntu's help function...07:09
totall_6_7well i did it!!! i formated ntfs to ext3, and mounted it!!!!07:09
Dr_willisjosh__,  depends on the specific theme file. thers not a single 'theme' file - they are made of 3 parts (normally)07:09
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
josh__thanks lady and willis07:09
Dr_willisjosh__,  download the theme files. open theme manager, drag/drop onto it. is 1 way07:09
JosefKAntioch: sticking a line somewhere like 'echo hit > ~/ran.txt' usually works07:09
JosefKAntioch: if a file called 'ran.txt' appears, the config ran.07:10
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MaximHi, i need help in fstab everything is mounted but as user i can't delete stuff on hdb1 what i have to do ??07:11
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siXydoes apt-get have a search function?07:11
LjLsiXy: no, but apt-cache does07:11
LjLsiXy: "apt-cache search blah"07:11
Dr_willisMaxim,  and hdb1 is what kind of drive/partition?07:11
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siXyah cheers. thats why man apt-get failed me then :)07:11
MaximDr_willis:  and old vfat07:11
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:11
frank95comit's the primary slave partion 107:12
Dr_willisMaxim,  you have to use the correct umask options.07:12
Dr_willisDefacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions -->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume07:12
Dr_willisMaxim,  that url gives examples.07:12
siXycheers - i havent used apt since rh switched to yum :/07:12
frank95cominstall fuse for ntfs mounting07:12
Maximgonna see07:12
Maximapt-get install fuse ?07:12
Dr_willisfrank95com,  thats a little over kill. :P for vfat07:13
LjLsiXy: don't think rh used apt even in the past, though...07:13
Dr_willisfuse is handy at times07:13
Dr_willisbut not needed in this case07:13
quintinjimmy_neutron: got it yet? :)07:13
stefzechefWhen I unmount a CD, eject it and later reinsert it, the CD does not get mounted automatically. Nothing appears in /var/log/messages, what could be the problem?07:13
shwagdoes EasyUbuntu break apt-get ?07:13
M_A_KI need help with making a backup of my home directory.  I have plenty of space on an external HD so i dont need compression.  Tar doesnt work because external is fat32 and tarball will be larger than 4Gb.  I tried to use tar + split, but I got other errors.  I am trying to do a GUI drag and drop but I get errors and I have to hit skip.  Is there a command I can use at command line that will duplicate my user dir on my external HD the while preserving pe07:14
quintinstefzechef: weird.  Why unmount it?  Just eject07:14
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Bardamuhello someone have skype pleas ?07:14
stefzechefeject or unmount yield the same result07:14
quintinM_A_K: man cp ; man rsync07:14
frank95comyes, i have skype07:14
Dr_willismount the thing manyally stefzechef ?07:14
stefzechefok will try now07:15
Bardamufrank95com,  i want to try skype07:15
quintinBardamu: ehm... I have skype.  what's the issue.07:15
ladydoorM_A_K: what if you tar'd it a dir at a time?07:15
Bardamuand i have not contact lol07:15
M_A_Kquintin : isnt cp same as gui drag n drop?07:15
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ibeaspecialboyi have a problem with ubuntu install, can anyone help me?07:15
lampshadeHey Ubuntu what's shaken07:15
ladydoorM_A_K: only better07:15
M_A_Kladydoor : dont want to sit and figure out which dirs will fit into a file07:15
quintinM_A_K: I look like some kind of frikkin' guru or something?  I don't know.   Just try it!07:15
Bardamupleas anyone can pass me his adress07:16
quintinM_A_K: There's no reason it should not work07:16
Bardamui want to try my skype07:16
totall_6_7ibeaspecialboy: your best bet would be to ask the problem and then wait for an answer07:16
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lampshadeBardamu: there is a skype test number07:16
ladydoorM_A_K: well, why are you trying to tar it?07:16
Dr_willisBardamu,  call your home phone.. :P07:16
quintinBardamu: My skype ID is qmriis.  You can also call echo12307:16
M_A_KI jsut want to copy everything.  I am not currently trying to tar it.07:16
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lampshadeyeah, echo123 was what I was thinking of07:17
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LjLM_A_K: well, i think you probably *should* tar it (or something similar), to preserve permissions and all -- and filenames, possibly, since you're using FAT...07:17
ladydoorM_A_K: ok, yeah, then just copy it. cp ~ /path/to/mountpoint/of/external/hd07:17
Bardamuquintin,  can you listen me ?07:17
ladydoorM_A_K: wait07:17
quintinBardamu: I don't hear anything.  can you hear me?07:17
ladydoorM_A_K: actually, make that cp -a to preserve permissions, links, etc.07:17
stefzechefWhen i run 'sudo mount /dev/cdrom' the CD gets mounted correctly. So my problem is just that the CD does not get mounted automatically07:17
Bardamui think i have a problem07:17
quintinBardamu: are you talking?  speak up kid!07:17
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lampshadeyou could try this easily by using echo123  it plays what you say back lol07:18
frank95comis your soud card configured correctly?07:18
quintinBardamu: Check your sound input settings.07:18
Bardamuquintin,  headset ?07:18
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LjLM_A_K: what about "apt-cache show gfslicer"07:18
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Bardamuquintin,  how can i check that lol07:18
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quintinBardamu: No, you have to listen to the thunderous roar that is the laptop keyboard being pounded above the laptop microphone.07:18
LjLladydoor: well except that with FAT32, it won't necessarily preserve much07:18
quintinBardamu: Look at your skype input settings...07:18
kothzheck, fat32 will barely preserve the file :)07:18
jvaiany1 using Glabels.. is it bettr than MS publisher in any respects?07:18
quintinkothz: *g*07:19
ladydoorLjL: aha. well, this person doesn't want to tar individual dirs and can't tar the whole thing because of the whole FAT issue...07:19
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LjLladydoor: yep, but splitting the tar somehow should work. "gfslicer" sounds like it'd be nice for that, it compresses too07:19
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Bardamuquiet,  where ?07:19
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Bardamuquintin,  sorry07:19
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we2byomg, I need to install kde libs :(07:19
Bardamui am new in use to skype07:20
ladydoorLjL: cool. good luck! with that...i've gtg again07:20
siXyis there a repo i need to enable in order to install module-assistant? if so which one?07:20
quintinBardamu: Tools > Options07:20
Bardamuyes but where ?07:20
ubotumodule-assistant: tool to make module package creation easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2 (dapper), package size 72 kB, installed size 368 kB07:20
Bardamui am in tools options07:20
ladydoorsiXy: universe07:20
Bardamuwhat i change  ?07:20
jvaiany1 using Glabels, for printing bussiness cards?.. is it bettr than MS publisher in any respects?07:20
Bardamuyesterday my contacts heard me07:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:20
Bardamubut today i have a probleme07:20
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ladydoorjvai: also, please use whole words.07:20
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Bardamui don't understand07:20
Dr_willisjvai,  its free? :)07:20
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frank95comeverything it's better than M$07:21
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stefzechefWhy won't ubuntu mount inserted CDs automatically, this used to work in 5.04, now it doesn't anymore in 6.06. Any idea?07:21
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jvailol.. but what else, like functionility etc...07:21
quintinfrank95com: learn to spell assface07:21
piratepenguinis there a beta of edgy coming soon?07:21
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!07:21
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:21
quintinjvai: I made my business cards with gimp07:21
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule07:21
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frank95comi'm not english07:21
ibeaspecialboyok.. well i shrunk my hard drive and left 20 gigs of unformated space, then started the ubuntu live/install cd, and had it install on the unformated space. however when it was making the ext3 partition it froze at 13%, so i figured it was just a bug so i tried again and got the same result. so then i figured it was the cd so i did a check and it said it was fine.... any ideas? (i also tried to install fedora core 5 but that also f07:22
ibeaspecialboyroze on format)07:22
oskudewhat would be the "best/easiest" way to make kde apps look like "gnome/human theme" ?07:22
piratepenguinthanks Dr_willis07:22
Seveasoskude, using the gtk-qt-engine07:22
Dr_willisibeaspecialboy,  that sounds like a messed up hard drive07:22
oskudeSeveas, just apt-get that ?07:22
Seveasoskude, first find the correct name, but yeah07:22
ibeaspecialboythe computer is only a month old07:22
heXLerHi, my root certificates in Firefox are missing and now ff asks at every site if I want to accept a certificate because it can't check it. I already tried to reinstall ff but the missing certificates weren't fixed .. any solutions? :|07:22
oskudeSeveas, roger, thanks!07:23
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SeveasheXLer, try with a clean profile07:23
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd07:23
heXLerSeveas: they are missing in a new profile too07:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ftpserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:23
SeveasheXLer, now that is odd07:23
Dr_willisibeaspecialboy,  and that fact proves that the hd may not be bad>?07:23
ubotuproftpd: Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.10-27ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 351 kB, installed size 1052 kB07:23
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Seveasare you sure you have an ubuntu firefox build?07:24
Dr_willisibeaspecialboy,  try formating that  partition under windows.07:24
edmundo_vdoes anyone know how do I change the locale in the console? only by hand?07:24
edmundo_vdpkg-reconfigure locales doesnt work anymor3e07:24
Dr_willisexport locale='C'07:24
heXLerSeveas: I've get it with apt-get  the problems started with the last update07:24
keleussticky slash key07:24
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heXLerSeveas: and in windows the certificates are working with the same profile  (profile is on a fat32 partition and used by both OS)07:25
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SeveasheXLer, try pruning firefox: dpkg -P --force-depends firefox07:25
Seveasthen apt-get install firefox07:26
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heXLerSeveas: will try it ...07:26
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kothzanyone know if someone has put together a best practices document that deals with ubuntu + fetchmail + some mta (exim?) + some imapd (cyrus?).  i mean i could hit it with the sysadmin bat, but is there an ubuntu 'standard' that I'm completely ignoring :)07:27
farchordwow compiling rocks with this new CPU of mine :D07:27
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patrick_kingdoes any one know how to install python curses and urwid07:27
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farchordpatrick: My guess, sudo apt-get install python or something?07:28
josh__farchord: nice ;)07:28
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ibeaspecialboyok, I created the swap and ext3 partition in partition magic and it formated perfectly fine07:28
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farchordjosh__: AMD Athlon 64 3800 X2 :D07:28
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josh__farchord: woah :D07:28
farchord1gb of ram07:28
josh__though i stay away from AMD's07:28
farchordalmost laughable tho, considering how much ram ubuntu uses <.<07:28
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farchordYour choice / loss ^07:29
heXLerSeveas: the certificates weren't installed :|   is it normal that firefox is connected with gnome-app-install Oo07:29
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josh__When i upgrade im getting a intel conroe07:29
M_A_KLjL : I tried a similar option using split with tar07:30
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frank95comconroe's power :D07:30
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M_A_KShould I try doing the cp using sudo just in case or will that really mess things up?07:30
josh__conroe beats amd  :P07:30
LjLM_A_K: you said that -- i'm not sure i've understood why that didn't work. but anyway, gfslicer should be somewhat more flexible...07:30
farchordfrank: yeah but I didn't have 150$ more to put on the mobo/CPU <.<07:30
josh__yeah, because AMD's are going down, down down in price07:31
heXLerSeveas: I've tried it with a new profile  but the root certificates are empty there too07:31
frank95comthis is true07:31
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M_A_KThe process failed due to errors (in tar or reading files i think).07:31
LjLM_A_K: i don't know, it shouldn't really "mess up" too much, but i wouldn't trust backing up a unix filesystem on fat32 raw. i'd expect nasty surprises when i try to restore it....07:31
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eurytusI can't set my refresh rate to above 60Hz (with the Screen Resolution configurator) and my monitor definitely supports 75Hz. How do I force 75Hz refresh?07:32
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josh__eurytus: Installed drivers?07:32
eurytuswhy would I need to do that?07:32
eurytusI didn't for debian07:32
frank95comeurytus: i have the same problem07:32
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eurytusI'm sure I could fix it by mucking around with xorg if I knew what I was doing there07:33
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josh__This is ubuntu, not debian last time i checked, even though debian is ubuntu based.07:33
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eurytusThey should have similar capabilities at least though, right?07:33
josh__i mean ubuntu debian based lol07:33
kothz(ubuntu is debian based, rather)07:33
M_A_KLjL : what if I tried to sudo tar cfz - /home/me | split -d 4000m file.to.tar.gz-07:33
oskudeSeveas, hmm, i can only find "gtk2-engines-gtk-qt - theme engine using Qt for GTK+ 2.x" but i actually wanted "gtk look for qt", but cant find anything with apt-cache search...07:33
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josh__its 1:33am, im sure to make a typo lol07:33
farchordhmmm im trying to now find on how to access my NTFS drive from ubuntu <.<07:33
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josh__farchord: www.ubuntuguide.com has it ;)07:34
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Seveasoskude, ah ok, then I misunderstood you -- unfortunately there is no such thing yet07:34
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oskudeSeveas, roger07:34
farchordjosh__: Cool thanks07:34
LjLM_A_K: hm, perhaps it's just that split doesn't like pipes07:34
eurytusubuntuguide.com is a redirect07:34
josh__yeah, but its faster then typing in the whole thing isnt it :P07:34
LjLM_A_K: it might want to know the filesize in advance, or something07:34
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eurytusNo, I mean, it's an ad portal07:34
farchordjosh__: Gah, got one of those crappy pub search engines m807:34
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farchordwrong URL07:34
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M_A_KLjL: it was working fine for a while then an error caused it to fail in the 3rd split file.07:34
frank95comOn ubuntu 6.06 i've find a native support for NTFS drives and I difn't need to install nothing :confused:07:34
eurytusyeah what farchord said07:35
=== WInter-Soulstice [n=dj_illuc@c-67-182-187-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse07:35
kamuieurytus: yo gotta recnofigure X, you haven't set your monitor capabilities correctly.  Try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver07:35
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WInter-SoulsticeMan, I just installed the edgy knot 3...I got problems07:35
M_A_KI just want to backup my home dir (reliably) to my external HD (FAT32 - I use it at home on windows also).07:35
=== luckyone_ [n=jordan@CPE-65-28-2-251.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
farchordoh oh I dont wanna write on NTFS07:35
farchordI only wanna read07:35
luckyone_hello everyone07:35
eurytusthanks kamui07:35
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule07:35
kamuieurytus: err, xserver-xorg07:35
eurytusthat's what I was forgetting07:35
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LjLM_A_K: isn't it tar perhaps that's failing, and not split? maybe you have files that are only accessible to root, and tar doesn't like that?07:35
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M_A_KThat could be.07:36
Lehtii have a little problem: MPC doesn't detect my music collection. anybody know what to do? :(07:36
josh__read only: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_manually.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read_only07:36
kamuieurytus: worst case scenario, you may have to hand edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:36
TonrenOK guys, hit me with a program for ripping CDs into MP3s instead of OGG, and a program for converting between OGG and MP307:36
luckyone_I am trying to setup a media server and I want to create user acocunts so people can access it with read only access07:36
frank95comeurytus: remember to do a backup of xorg.conf before changing07:36
M_A_Kso maybe I should retry the tar + split as sudo?07:36
TonrenLehti: You are running MPD first, right?07:36
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luckyone_can anyone help?07:36
LjLM_A_K: well i'd give the tar / split thing another try with sudo07:36
stefg!info grip07:36
ubotugrip: GNOME-based CD-player/ripper/encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.1-4 (dapper), package size 440 kB, installed size 1268 kB07:36
kothzMAK: Try making a smaller file size -- 2GB ... fat32 has a 4G - 2B max07:36
Tonrenstefg: Thanks!07:36
=== scheuri [n=toomai@gve-gix-adsl-dynip-149-088.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
scheurihi all07:37
kamuijosh__: while you're correct that ubuntu is not debian, other than the repositories and a few simple symantics, the two systems are almost exactly the same.07:37
eurytusI set the horizontal refresh to 24-75, as that's the viable range for my monitor. The listbox in the resolution configuration dealie still only has 60hz :(07:37
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M_A_KIf I run tar as sudo, how do I preserve the ownership etc of the current ...07:37
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eurytuserr vertical refresh07:38
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:38
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scheuriM_A_K: tar has a parameter/option...I guess its p for preserve...but check the man07:38
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eurytusthe ? is usually a "g" right?07:38
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Bardamuquintin_,  do you hear me ?07:38
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M_A_KThanks, it looks like p will do the trick07:39
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kamuieurytus: you did remember to restart X, right?  and make sure you correctly set both the verticle and horizontal refresh rates.  You could also always try the Xorg autoconfigure sudo X -configure;07:39
scheuriM_A_K: it should...:)07:39
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M_A_Kscheuri : yea...*should*07:39
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scheuriM_A_K: I used it like 2 month ago...its a long time...;)07:39
farchordAiite guys, Roll the drums! There's only one thing to make work in here, and ill be ready for some major fun with ubuntu!07:39
farchordBut unfortunately, it's a major PITA (Pain in the ass)07:40
totall_6_7wow Seveas you must really not want people from that domain to join07:40
farchordHere comes: ATi TV Wonder Elite (PCI TV tuner)07:40
farchordI heard that card is a bitch in Linux07:40
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stefgfarchord: check the output of dmesg first if the hardware is already setup07:41
M_A_KSo, as I understand linux (as best as I can) "Removing leading /" means that when I extract the archive, it will extract relative to current location rather than from / of the filesystem?07:41
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stefgM_A_K: right07:41
scheuriM_A_K: that is affirmativ07:41
tomveensmy gnome-panel is gone07:41
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M_A_KGreat, I understand "something". :)07:42
eurytusX -configure conf fails due to failure to open device "Mouse0" :(07:42
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M_A_KHere goes...07:42
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scheuriM_A_K: think of leaving away the c: or d: when in a directory (which will make it using the directory you are currently in07:42
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squeHi! I cannot change screen resolution. What maybe wrong?07:42
Tonrenstefg: Whoa, GRIP kind of sucks!  Is there a chatroom where the devs hang out?  Do they mind people submitting patches?07:42
stefgscheuri: what's c: or d. ? :-D07:42
arcadewhat do I need to install to rebuild the kernel? (kubuntu 6.06)07:43
eurytusthat is, the configuration generated by it does not work: sudo X -config /tmp/xorg.conf.new fails to load with error "Fatal server error: failed to initialize core devices"07:43
arcadeI've installed build-essentials07:43
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:43
oskudeis someone allready doing this theme ? https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/human-theme-for-qt-and-kde... i would want to start/help :)07:43
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scheuristefg: dont actually know...just heard rumors it is used for paths...;)07:43
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arcadestefg: Not sure whether I can check that out yet. :)  Trying, but I\m in a very limited environment07:44
Tonrenstefg: Jesus christ!!! GRIP is freaking spinning my CD-ROM like a jet engine!!! Dude.  You should NOT be suggesting this program to people!07:44
arcadestefg: One of my problems is finding the proper slash, as I don't even have my native keyboard setting :D07:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:44
Laneynp: Marion Raven - For You I'll Die07:44
stefgarcade: are you sure you're talking to me?07:45
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arcadestefg: you were the one typing !kernel to my question.07:45
stefgAh, i see07:45
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Seveastotall_6_7, indeed. We don't like trolls who use foul language and call the ops idiots07:45
stefgTonren: check man cdparanoia07:45
patrick_kinghow do i install Gproftpd07:45
aschimedeshi guys07:45
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stefg!info cdparanoia07:46
ubotucdparanoia: An audio extraction tool for sampling CDs.. In component main, is optional. Version 3a9.8-11 (dapper), package size 19 kB, installed size 72 kB07:46
Tonrenstefg: Don't you have to manually convert from WAV to MP3 with cdparanoia?07:46
brkamikazeapt is just updating my system to dapper...07:46
arcadeMy problem is quite simply that I need to recompile the kernel to detect the SATA controller where my boot-disk is attached :D07:46
aschimedesdo you know a programm to write guitar tabs07:46
brkamikazeI'd like to know how to change the system's default encoding07:46
brkamikazefrom UTF-8 to ISO-8859-107:46
aschimedesbut it should be able to show me guitar tabs AND standart notation...07:46
arcadeFor some reason, Ubuntu decided to load the disk-driver as a MODULE, instead of in the main kernel ..07:46
brkamikazeI'm getting real ugly charachters when reading NTFS ;/07:46
stefgTonren: grip uses cdparanoia, i assume that's what make your CD spin in circles07:47
arcade.. and that doesn't work out very well .. when the controller is .. heh .. a module .:D07:47
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Tonrenstefg: Turns out SoundJuicer can do MP3s.07:47
arcadeubuntu manages to install, but not boot. :)07:47
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brkamikazearcade, :P07:48
brkamikazewhat controller are you using?07:48
stefgTonren: that's true, you have to teach it to soundjuicer, and install the approprate gstreamer-plugins... But I've used grip for ages, so i don't bother about soundjuicer07:48
arcadebrkamikaze: moment07:48
erUSUL!kernel > arcade07:48
Tonrenstefg: Fair enough.  Grip made an overwhelmingly negative first impression on me, in only 5 minutes of use07:49
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arcade0000:00:0f.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID Controller (rev 80)07:49
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arcadebrkamikaze: that one.07:49
luke-jr_workWhy does Ubuntu only have a very old version of Armagetron? :\07:49
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brkamikazeLuke, it's all Debian's fault :)07:50
brkamikazetry armagetron-ng07:50
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: aww07:50
luke-jr_workwtf is that?07:50
luke-jr_workyes, that's what's old07:50
arcadebrkamikaze: Any ideas?  Except to recompile?07:50
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brkamikazearcade, check the bot's pvt erUSUL asked to be sent to you07:50
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luke-jr_workit wants to install 0.2.707:51
stefgarcade: you'd need the linux-source and several dev-packages. kernel-compile out of a limited environmanet isn't a very good idea07:51
ThomPhoenixHey, any ETA on the Edgy Beta?07:51
luke-jr_workshould have 0.3.0 or at least 0.2.807:51
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule07:51
arcadestefg: I think I can manage. :)07:51
ThomPhoenixubotu is a bot?07:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, ;/07:51
ThomPhoenixhe is :P07:51
scheuriThomPhoenix: when its finished? ;)...somewhen october07:51
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arcadestefg: I'm a very experienced unix admin as profession, but not always certain about the specific distributions and 'the right way' to do stuff :)07:52
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ThomPhoenixyay :D07:52
patrick_kinghow do i update from 5.10 to 6.0607:52
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:52
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, apt is busy right now, when it's done I can verify that for you07:52
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stefgarcade: Ah, ok... let me see if i can figure out the right apt-gets07:52
Tomcat__ThomPhoenix: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule?highlight=%28schedule%29%7C%28release%2907:52
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: shouldn't universe at least have the official Arma Ubuntu package?07:52
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arcadestefg: I'm mostly through the KernelCustomBuild webpage now.07:52
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, that's community maintained07:52
JamesGHi. I ran the software update tool this morning and it's hung while updateing the linux-image - Any suggestions? Should I just kill it and restart the process?07:53
brkamikazeand we need someone to maintain it :)07:53
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luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: isn't an official game package designed for Ubuntu considered part of the community?07:53
scheuriJamesG: aye, try that...07:53
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brkamikazeluke-jr_work, actually, it probably was designed for Debian07:53
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: nope07:53
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ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/07:53
brkamikazeand remember Ubuntu doesn't update the package versions between releases07:53
erUSULJamesG: yes just kill the program and do 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'07:54
brkamikazewhatever version was released with 6.06 will not change unless REALLY necessary07:54
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brkamikazenew versions only on edgy07:54
luke-jr_workyet another reason to stick to Gentoo for desktops I guess07:54
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule07:54
Seveas!commonsense > luke-jr_work07:55
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule07:55
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arcadestefg: I've got a problem after the "Modifying the sources to your needs" part.  How do I build the kernel just for "my" ARCH :)  I don't understand much of the fakeroot stuff, but am on a VIA C307:55
trianglemanwinsanyone ever attempted to install radeon drivers?07:55
luke-jr_workSeveas: latest version is always better with games anyhow07:55
erUSULluke-jr_work: gentoo has the same police new packages only in the inestable version07:55
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, too bad gentoo is VERY slow to install and maintain07:55
brkamikazeerUSUL, but at least you can move to unstable and get updates all the time07:56
stefgarcade: sudo apt-get install linux-source kernel-package is the minimum, then you'd the ncurses-dev for being able to configure the kernel with the ncurses-interface07:56
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luke-jr_workerUSUL: you can also mix stable and unstable07:56
erUSULbrkamikaze: you can upgrade toedgy nobody will stop you07:56
Seveasluke-jr_work, but with gentoo you only get unstable ;)07:56
=== luke-jr_work keeps his systems 99% stable, with a few packages at unstable
trianglemanwinsanyone ever attempted to install radeon drivers?07:57
brkamikazeSeveas, not really07:57
brkamikazethat's fedora :P07:57
luke-jr_workSeveas: the only thing "unstable" about my desktop is the radeon driver07:57
arcadestefg: For some reason the linux-source just dropped a tarball into /usr/src .. should I just tar xvjf it07:57
scheuriby the way...does anyone know of a repo with samba 3.0.23c?07:57
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arcade? :)07:57
zaggynlanyone knows a linux IM client which has supports audio conversations?07:57
luke-jr_workand I doubt Ubuntu would be any different in that area =p07:57
brkamikazewith gentoo, you only have to remove the "~" from "~x86" and you're on stable07:57
erUSULtrianglemanwins: radeon drivers comes with ubuntu07:57
stefgarcade: VIA C3 counts as 686, but i think there's a special config option for that as well07:57
brkamikazearcade, I suppose07:57
luke-jr_workzaggynl: there's a developmental Psi with Jingle support07:57
arcadeuntaring. :)07:58
scheuriarcade: if you need kernel sources for an install...have you installed kernel headers?07:58
zaggynlluke-jr_work, cool thanks for the info07:58
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brkamikazeI think something nice for ubuntu would be unstable repositories, where packages could be tested all the time07:58
erUSULtrianglemanwins: no need to install them just choose ati in the 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'07:58
arcadescheuri: Uhmm... the headers arent included in the source?!07:58
brkamikazeeven after a stable release07:58
stefgarcade: http://ubuntustudio.com/wiki/index.php/Dapper:Vanilla_Kernel_With_Realtime_Preemption might help, you'll know where to follow, and where not07:58
brkamikazeit would be even easier to release a new version since the packages are being tested for a while07:58
arcadescheuri: I need the kernel sources, to rebuild a kernel .. i would hope the kernel headers are included in the kernel source...07:58
scheuriarcade: well, I am just asking since...if you need sources for an installation of another software the headers are mostly sufficent07:58
scheuriarcade: ah sorry....my bad...07:59
erUSULbrkamikaze: there are unstable repos )edgy repos)07:59
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: I'm working on an OS similar to Gentoo but with a p2p system to do distributed compiling to achieve binary-OS speed07:59
brkamikazeerUSUL, I mean ever-unstable repos07:59
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brkamikazeand edgy package versions are already frozen ;/07:59
luke-jr_workerUSUL: you can't use packages from them in a stable OS07:59
M_A_Kscheuri : so far so good.  I have 2 files so far 3.9G and a 2.8G and growing.07:59
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, :O07:59
scheuriM_A_K: wow...backuping?07:59
arcadescheuri: My boot-disk SATA controller is recognized by the installer, but not after reboot :)  It's compiled as a module(!)07:59
scheuriarcade: ouch...08:00
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stefgarcade: then the module needs to go to the initramfs to be included in the initrd08:00
arcadescheuri: So, I've booted with a CD, mounted the boot-disk, chrooted into it, and currently I'm apt-getting into the chrooted environment. :)  AAAAAND, for the first time in my life, I've got a GUI when doing such hacks :)08:00
brkamikazearcade, at least you will have something to do; that "just works" stuff ends up getting boring :P08:00
erUSULarcade: the fact that is amodule has nothin to do with it failing that's why there is an initrd.img08:00
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: distributed package repository too are in the plans, such that you could add JoeBob's repository and it provides a "JoeBobPatch" USE-flag-equivalent for base packages ;)08:00
narmahello, which is the best burning program into ubuntu ?08:00
luke-jr_worknarma: dd?08:00
arcadeerUSUL: Okay?  Tell me more. :)08:01
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brkamikazenarma, don't ask for "the best" since nobody agrees on "the best" :P08:01
brkamikazeand dd is indeed very good08:01
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brkamikazebut I prefer k3b08:01
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.08:01
arcadebrkamikaze: Not while installing for my aunt, which I'm curerntly doing. :)08:01
M_A_KI second k3b08:01
dehvokahni third k3b08:01
Seveasi hate k3b08:01
brkamikazearcade, hmm08:01
luke-jr_workI fourth k3b08:01
yemuk3b or gnomebaker08:01
erUSULarcade: just pointing out that if it fails to recognize your controler it is not becouse is a module.08:02
kothzbah k3b sucks. :)08:02
narmabrkamikaze and luke-jr_work , ok thanks I'll take a look to dd08:02
luke-jr_workeww, gnome08:02
Seveasluke-jr_work, that would be k4b :08:02
brkamikazeSeveas, what do you use?08:02
=== stefg suggest bashburn to Seveas
luke-jr_worknarma: man dd08:02
brkamikazenarma, it is not recommended to try it before k3b08:02
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brkamikazesince it requires a bit of study08:02
brkamikazeand doesn't have a gui :P08:02
Seveasbrkamikaze, rightclick on an iso, select "burn to cd"08:02
luke-jr_workit doesn't do filesystems either08:02
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arcadeerUSUL: Well, when booting from the CD it recognizes it.  When trying to boot with a rescue root=/dev/sda1, it doesn't manage to load the kernel module before spitting out that /dev/sda1 isn't valid.08:02
arcadeerUSUL: GRUB loads up to stage 1.5, before halting, after the install08:03
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brkamikazeSeveas, what do you do if you did not prepare an ISO before the burning?08:03
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Seveasgood question08:03
erUSULarcade: then it is a grub problem, isn't it?08:03
narmabrkamikaze, ok... very funny ;) so I know gnomebaker but is there another one ? (K3B is for KDE isn't it ?)08:03
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Seveaswouldn't know, only things I burned recently were Ubuntu .iso files08:03
Captain_RedbeardHmm.. I just got myself a AMD64 processor... the question now is that, if I install it, is there a way to do a "dist-upgrade" to get only packages compiled for the 64-bit?08:03
farchordk so anyone knows a driver for the TV wonder elite TV tuner? lol08:04
brkamikazenarma, K3B is for kde; you can try gcombust I think08:04
farchordubuntu doesn't seem to have found it08:04
arcadeerUSUL: Not when thinking about it _combined_ with the 'rescue root' error.08:04
luke-jr_worknarma: KDE owns08:04
erUSULbrkamikaze: i us nautilus and it works quite well08:04
brkamikazeat least I've heard of some "gcombust" but never tried08:04
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, I do agree08:04
arcadeerUSUL: But you're better at Ubuntu than me, so please correct me if I've assumed wrong.08:04
brkamikazebut I'm not KDE or GNOME zealot08:04
brkamikazesometimes I use KDE, sometimes GNOME08:04
=== luke-jr_work can't stand GNOME
brkamikazetough KDE's vfs infrastructure completely beats GNOME's08:05
=== Onbir [n=robin@linth.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasgnome vd kde discussions elsewhere please08:05
Seveasthis channel is for support08:05
=== luke-jr_work thinks vfs belongs outside the DE
=== HeavyThinker [n=rob@CPE-58-166-180-200.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazetoo bad nobody does themes like Clearlooks or Ubuntulooks for KDE ;/08:05
Seveasand busy enough without desktop wars08:05
=== CheekyBoinc [n=fox@p509230B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
dehvokahnis there a way to check if i'm running the most current NVIDIA drivers?08:05
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, open media:/cdrom on KDE] 08:05
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: Plastik is nice, but what does Kubuntu come with08:05
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, lipstik08:05
Seveasdehvokahn, check on the website what the latest is and see if you're running that08:05
erUSULarcade: i diidn't quite understood this " When trying to boot with a rescue root=/dev/sda1," how did you boot into rescue mode root=/dev/sda108:06
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=== dts [n=dennis@c-69-181-147-9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, media:/cdrom presents you with the .wav files and folders with all encodings configured plus some other extras :)08:06
=== hardisk2002 [n=hardisk2@gam75-2-82-224-30-199.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazeand they're already renamed according to CDDB's info08:06
JamesGMy update is still hanging.. while running update-initramfs08:06
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: indeed, but that should be done at a lower level08:06
M_A_KWhat is the advantage (if any) to installing kubuntu then synaptic'ing gnome vs other way around?08:06
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-0388.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
hardisk2002Hi, where is the french canal please08:06
josh_french canal?08:07
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:07
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dehvokahnSeveas, but how do i check on my system what driver i am using?08:07
=== erUSUL wonders what think luke-jr_work about kio-slave it it hates so much gnome-vfs
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, that's the lowest level "donable" for now ;/08:07
hardisk2002In god french :D thanks08:07
zaggynlnp :)08:07
brkamikazeerUSUL, I love kioslaves08:07
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: not quite, FUSE has a nice KIO wrapper08:07
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Seveasdehvokahn, did you manually install it or are you using ubuntu packages?08:07
erUSULdehvokahn: how did you installed the driver?08:07
luke-jr_workit's a decent workaround08:07
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=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d8290b.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
arcadeerUSUL: Well .. uhm .. by giving grub the command?08:08
=== Ketsuban [n=sahaqiel@wh109b.halls.manchester.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
arcadeerUSUL: Or doesn't that work by default in ubuntu?08:08
Captain_RedbeardHmm.. I just got myself a AMD64 processor... the question now is that, if I install it, is there a way to do a "dist-upgrade" to get only packages compiled for the 64-bit?08:08
=== marshall [n=jeff@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULarcade: so you get to the grub console... why did you said that it hangs at 1.5 stage?08:08
dehvokahnSeveas, i've been following the guide on the unofficial ubuntu starter guide08:08
we2bywhat is the gnome pdf viewer called?08:09
SeveasCaptain_Redbeard, to move from 32 to 64 bit, you have to reinstall08:09
ubotutwin: a Text mode WINdow environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1 (dapper), package size 424 kB, installed size 1452 kB08:09
arcadeerUSUL: I get the grub console while booting from the CD, not when booting from the HDD.08:09
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brkamikazeluke-jr_work, that's beyond my current knowledge :P08:09
arcadeerUSUL: Which by the way is a very good point on your half08:09
dehvokahni used sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common08:09
farchordhaha.... copying file 667 of 36144 :D08:09
=== sciphex [n=user@p54BD196B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
arcadeerUSUL: Which means I don't even get the grub console ...08:09
arcadeerUSUL: And thus it's a grub error, not a kernel error.08:09
arcadei'm barking up the wrong tree.08:09
kothzwe2by: gpdf08:10
brkamikazefarchord, =p08:10
Seveasdehvokahn, ok, then look in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/ for the version08:10
stefgCaptain_Redbeard: the 64-bit ubuntu is a PITA, just because a lot of softawre isn't available for 64-bit up to now... codecs and flash, for instance. So run 32bit and be happy08:10
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: basically, it lets you mount kioslaves08:10
=== farchord sends arcade a new tree, a pine tree, Quebec-certified.
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, too bad it requires mounting ;/08:10
=== Samuli^ [n=samuli@dasee2980.ulapland.fi] has joined #ubuntu
luke-jr_workstefg: you mean Ubuntu doesn't have the software compiled for 64-bit.08:10
brkamikazekioslaves let you do it without being root :)08:10
luke-jr_workstefg: virtually all software is available/functional in 64-bit08:10
arcadefarchord: as I've already been called a cynic today, I walk towards it, lifts my hind leg, and pees.08:10
dehvokahnSeveas, excellent, thank you!08:10
erUSULarcade: when you use the grub from the cd to boot your hd you have to pass the initrd parameter so thekernel can use the module to setup the disks i supose08:11
Seveasluke-jr_work, no, he means that adobe and microsoft suck and don't do 64bit properly yet08:11
Seveasand thus ubuntu suffers when it needs bits from them08:11
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=== soon [n=soon@0x503eae87.odnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
farchordarcade: hahahaha08:11
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:11
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arcadefarchord: You got the joke?  I'm impressed.08:11
farchordI have to admit, ubuntu is cool.... now if only I could make my TV tuner under it08:11
luke-jr_workSeveas: Nobody needs anything from Adobe or MS08:11
=== LjL [n=ljl@62-101-126-215.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
Llewxamum can anyone tell me how to install missing screensavers?08:11
farchord*work under it08:11
=== coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasluke-jr_work, people want flash and windows media codecs08:11
arcadeerUSUL: That's a very good point08:12
SeveasLjL, chicken!08:12
luke-jr_workwant != need08:12
Seveasluke-jr_work, ack08:12
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
luke-jr_workFlash and WM codecs must die08:12
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Seveasluke-jr_work, ack again08:12
LjLSeveas, :-P08:12
stefgluke-jr_work: the problem is that we're still dependant on some closed-source stuff for getting our daily work done, but that's not available for the 64bit arch in some cases. It's not ubuntus fault, it's the win-compatibility08:12
OnbirI don't get this, really.08:12
arcadeerUSUL: But .. what can be the reason for grub failing to load the menu.lst in the first place?08:12
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, too bad at least 50% of the web publishers don't agree with you08:12
luke-jr_workstefg: who is?08:12
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=== coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
stefgw32codecs and flash are the most painful08:13
=== babyboy_ [n=babyboy@82-36-96-152.cable.ubr01.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
OnbirSeveas, can I talk to you in PM?08:13
SeveasOnbir, if you think it'll be useful, sure08:13
babyboy_How do i uninstall a debian package please?08:13
=== luke-jr_work lives perfectly well without any flash or w32codecs
soonhi folks! Looking at youtube.com ... I have picture but no sound, although system sounds and CD-playback work fine .... any suggestions?08:13
Seveasbabyboy_, apt-get remove packagename_here08:13
=== bretzel [n=bretzel@Toronto-HSE-ppp3779959.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu []
farchordsoon: Blame Adobe for that08:13
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Seveassoon, yes, slap adobe08:13
babyboy_Thanks you seveas Ill try now :)08:13
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, great for you :>08:13
farchordsoon: We're stuck with Flash 7 on linux, when Windows/MacOSX are on 908:14
erUSULarcade: i do not know, sorry... if the one in the live cd can i can't see why the one in the hd don't (assuming they are the same grub version)08:14
KetsubanFor some reason Rhythmbox refuses to play music. I doubleclick on the file in Rhythmbox and it just sits there at 0:00.08:14
soonI tried slapping adobe - they flinch, but theres no sound !08:14
arcadeerUSUL: it's kubuntu 6.0608:14
brkamikazeKetsuban, apt-get remove rhythmbox08:14
TheGateKeepersoon: yep it's probable using flash 9 & linux only uses 7 at the moment08:14
brkamikazeI hat that app ;/08:14
scheurisoon: well, for me it works...but...uhmm...win32codecs installed?08:14
=== Llewxam [n=pirate@adsl-64-237-167-211.prtc.net] has left #ubuntu ["When]
scheuriyoutube works for me...08:14
erUSULKetsuban: did you installed the gstreamer plugins ??08:14
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farchordimo I wonder if installing Mozilla firefox on Wine (win32 version) and installing flash on it would work08:14
KetsubanI installed the gstreamer plugins.08:14
soonIs that the problem? Version 7 vs. 9 ? ... win32codecs ... I'll check08:14
luke-jr_workwebsites should be seen, not heard08:14
=== brkamikaze [n=brkamika@200165022140.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazeSeveas, :P08:15
soonmy other machine (amd64) is not going ANYWHERE flash wise !08:15
stefgfarchord: that's the usual resort08:15
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brkamikazewhat gtk2 alternatives do I have to Rhythmbox?08:15
=== SportyGal [i=DonnaCra@pdpc/supporter/base/SportChick] has joined #ubuntu
luke-jr_workfarchord: why don't you just install IE?08:15
Seveasbrkamikaze, seriously. Lots of new users would do anything people say in here so we don't tolerate destructive advic08:15
brkamikazeSeveas, ok08:15
TheGateKeepersoon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:15
erUSULbrkamikaze: banshee ??08:15
LjLbrkamikaze, dunno, beep media player?08:15
=== hume [n=magnus@h179n3c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
farchordluke-jr_work: cuz firefox is less of a pain?08:15
=== esters [n=tty4@] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazeI'll try bmp then08:16
TheGateKeepersoon: http://en.jakilinux.org/linux/ubuntu/kubuntu-606-on-athlon-64/08:16
brkamikazebanshee according to the site is more suited to audio organizing than to playback08:16
luke-jr_workfarchord: Flash isn't08:16
brkamikazecurrently I'm stuck with xmms :P08:16
soonTheGateKeeper ... thats all dumbed down 32bit flash stuff on 64 bit :-(08:16
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Samuli^is the 64bit version even that much faster?08:16
LjLbrkamikaze: well that's similar to amarok then i suppose... but all in all, all those non-winamp-like players end up being more suited to organizing than playing, imho08:17
farchordluke-jr_work: I'll see a bit later about that, flash is fun, but.... dunno if it's worth all this hassle08:17
erUSULbrkamikaze: listen ?? Ex Falso??08:17
TheGateKeepersoon: it's what you have to live with until they sort it all out08:17
brkamikazeI love amaroK08:17
farchordSamuli^: I'm on it atm. Not really.08:17
farchordI mean, it is faster, but not worth reformatting imo08:17
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=== sureshot [n=sureshot@dpc67475065.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
Samuli^farchord, ok.08:17
brkamikazefarchord, it's faster if the memory is aligned08:17
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=== DrthTater [n=IEatCow@cpe-065-190-102-059.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazesince not always it happens... ;/08:18
optimusprimehow do you restart the xserver?08:18
erUSULoptimusprime: Crtl + Alt + backspace08:18
=== Avengr [n=markus@p5499F36C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgoptimusprime: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:18
brkamikazestefg, that restarts gdm not X08:18
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stefgbrkamikaze: what actually most people want, if the ask to restart08:19
erUSULbrkamikaze: well, it does both afaics08:19
luke-jr_workCtrl-Alt-Backspace is faster08:19
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, agreed08:19
luke-jr_workunless you disable it like I do08:19
soonI'm not having any luck with the win32codecs finding it in synaptic .... a repository thing I suspect.08:19
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:20
luke-jr_workI pressed C-A-B too often accidentally08:20
brkamikazesoon, you need multiverse08:20
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TheGateKeepersoon: hang on...08:20
ompaulluke-jr_work, faster is not always good, in fact usually it is not good08:20
gnomefreaksoon: thats because they are not in repos08:20
scheurisoon: ah...the win32codecs are hard to get...;)....check !restricted08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:20
VolvoBill Clinton told the Labour conference to get into Ubuntu.. Eh   Source:   http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/5388182.stm08:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:20
gnomefreak!w32codecs > soon08:20
erUSUL!seveas > soon08:20
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:20
TheGateKeeperwget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb08:20
TheGateKeepersudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb08:20
TheGateKeeperthat is what you want ^^^^08:20
KetsubanBanshee wouldn't play either.08:21
kothzcheck out Automatix for w32codecs08:21
stefgugly habbit to use debain packages...08:21
brkamikazeKetsuban, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly08:21
Jack_Sparrowkothz: Bad bad bad08:21
M_A_KIs there an easier command than rm -R when the tree has many many many folders and files?08:21
scheuristefg: uhmm....why? dapper is all debian packages...08:21
M_A_KFaster I mean08:21
Ketsubanbrkamikaze: Did that already.08:21
Jack_Sparrowkothz: Worst thing you can do to your PC08:21
brkamikazeM_A_K, faster than rm? you're kidding, right? :P08:21
sureshothey does ubuntu use a registry like windows does08:22
M_A_KLike a deltree or something?08:22
arcadeerUSUL: Apparantly this motherboard works perfeclty with 5.11 .. I'll try that tomorrow :)08:22
brkamikazeI've never seen something faster than rm08:22
TheGateKeeperkothz: see my reply above which is much easier & safer08:22
erUSULKetsuban: i think the problem is that you do not have the apropiate gstreamer plgins installed. do you have mutiverse enabled have you instaled plugins -ugly -bad and -good08:22
luke-jr_worksureshot: /etc08:22
arcadeerUSUL: .. according to google :)08:22
KetsubanerUSUL: as I've said thrice now, yes.08:22
brkamikazesureshot, GNOME does explicitly08:22
=== shinx [n=hendrik@p50904D06.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazesureshot, to edit it install gconf2-editor08:22
soonIm getting there TheGateKeeper08:22
sureshotso like windows if you install to much junk does ubuntu slow down like windows 95 98 xp 2000 ect08:22
TheGateKeepersoon: :-)08:23
ompaulsureshot, no08:23
brkamikazesureshot, no way08:23
ompaulsureshot, try it and find out08:23
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Jack_Sparrowsureshot: Windows slows down from the minute you install it08:23
raulalguien sabe hackear webs?08:23
eraccM_A_K, deletion speed is more determined by the file system used than by rm.08:23
optimusprimeenabling transparency......does that minimize the CPU workload and the Memory?08:23
sureshoti know i liked this os for some reason hehehe my windows box needs reinstalled again08:23
shinxhello, does so. runs the engage dock on ubuntu (gnome) ?08:23
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:23
M_A_Keracc : can you elaborate?08:23
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luke-jr_workoptimusprime: transparency uses CPU, obviously08:24
sureshotjack_sparrow off topic i am down in the back this week and to top it off i have pnewmonia08:24
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eraccM_A_K, some file systems handle delete operations faster than others. (file system meaning ext3, reiser, etc.)08:24
=== SportChicky is now known as SportyGal
brkamikazeKetsuban, dpkg -l gstreamer0.10-plugins-{good,bad,ugly}08:24
=== sei [n=sei@host81-156-168-35.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sureshoti hate installing windows to many driver disks08:24
=== r0bby [n=wakawaka@cpe-24-161-55-60.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowsureshot: Get well my friend08:25
brkamikazesee if all of them show a version installed08:25
eraccM_A_K, I don't know the benchmarks I just know that is true.08:25
=== Rico- [n=rjh@rjh29.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sureshoti hope do have appt with a seorgon nov 708:25
=== HeavyThinker just rebuilt his dri from the git and is praying to the irc
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brkamikazeHeavyThinker, pray to god too08:26
=== Symbolizer [n=Symboliz@h26n2fls31o991.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazehe might help you :P08:26
luke-jr_workwe're not merciful on IRC08:26
soonhmmm Installed w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb and restarted Firefox ... still no sound08:26
sureshotjack_sparrow is there anyway to turn off the lines that say who logs in and who logs out of the channel08:26
M_A_KI tried a sudo cp -dpR source target and got... cp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/MIKE\'S HD/LaptopBackup/knichel/Desktop/06-07': Operation not permitted  What is this telling me?08:26
HeavyThinkerbrkamikaze: awww, but irc is practically a religion!08:26
Symbolizerwhenm i install ubuntu 6.06 + Lilo i wont get dual boot. I have to fixmbr with windows xp recovery-disc + at the ubuntu installation it wont ask me to create a user :\08:27
luke-jr_workHeavyThinker: IRC is a protocol08:27
Ketsubanbrkamikaze: all three are installed.08:27
Jack_Sparrowsureshot: Yes.. what irc client are you using08:27
SymbolizerIt did work with the older version08:27
brkamikazeKetsuban, weird then08:27
brkamikazetry xmms08:27
brkamikazethat surely works08:27
TheGateKeepersoon: what is the url?08:27
sureshotjack_sparrow konversation08:27
SymbolizerSo I basicly gets a ubuntu-version which i cant login too and my windows p partition is useless08:27
brkamikazeI like xine best than gstreamer08:27
Seveas<HeavyThinker> brkamikaze: awww, but irc is practically a religion! <-- then pray to ChanServ08:27
=== Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-34-148.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
HeavyThinkerluke-jr_work: correct. but there are some who worship irc...08:28
brkamikazeSeveas, agreed08:28
Jack_SparrowLet me find it.. one sec08:28
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luke-jr_workHeavyThinker: so? doesn't change reality08:28
HeavyThinkerSeveas: haha good idea - my original point was there are too many acronyms around (dri,git,irc,rfc)08:28
=== habeeb [n=habeeb@athedsl-85265.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
luke-jr_worksoon: http://videodownloader.net/get/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DXgHfq0epSJg08:28
OnbirGuys, what else operators are here on Ubuntu? Seveas is a bit... unfriendly. I am trying to get me unbanned here, in a friendly conversation, but he simply doesn't believe me. He thinks I'm lying!08:29
HeavyThinkerluke-jr_work: correct. now back to the topic.. ubuntu.08:29
Jack_SparrowSettings, configure, chat window check the box... hide join.part08:29
SeveasOnbir, /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list08:29
luke-jr_workOnbir: you're quite obviously not banned if you're talkign here08:29
=== FallenHitokiri [n=blitz@p54ACE8DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasluke-jr_work, he's not far away from being banned though08:29
Onbirluke-jr_work: In the offtopic channel :P08:29
OnbirGod.. whatever I do, i ruin it for myself. I can only say to you, Seveas, you gotta believe me.08:30
habeebHello, Im having a serious problem. I cant use the u of my keyboard. Before the previous reboot, I would get this problem, but if I installed a new keyboard layout it would get fixed. Now it doesnt. (I now paste the letter u to write :/ )08:30
luke-jr_workhabeeb: maybe hardware?08:30
habeebI thoght it was a shortcut problem, but nothing is binded to u08:30
soonluke-jnr_work what the heck is a flv player?08:30
habeebluke-jr_work: no way, like I said, I co  you, Seveas, you gotta believe me.08:30
habeeb21:30 < habeeb> Hello, Im having a serious problem. I cant use the u of my08:30
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habeeb                keyboard. Before the previous reboot, I would get this problem,08:30
luke-jr_worksoon: mplayer?08:30
habeeb                but if I installed a new keyboard layout it would get fixed.08:30
Jack_Sparrowsureshot: Did you get that?08:30
habeeb                Now it doesnt. (I now paste the letter u to write :/ )08:30
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barryis this the ubuntu channel08:31
sureshotjack_sparrow thanks alot man now i can read better my eyes are not that great thanks08:31
KetsubanNo, this is the Microsoft lovers channel.08:31
barrymy god i actually got ubutu working08:31
SymbolizerWhat's wrong when the ubuntu-installlation wont ask me to create a user?08:31
Jack_Sparrowbarry: Yes and Welcome08:31
Seveasbarry, congratulations!08:31
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soonluke-jnr_work : yes movie player08:31
barryeven my Wireless ra0 works08:31
HedgeMageyay, barry :D08:31
SeveasSymbolizer, did you do 'oem install'?08:31
luke-jr_worksoon: mplayer08:31
soonmplayer will play the flv file?08:31
SymbolizerSeveas, Yeah08:31
erUSULSymbolizer: maybe you installed in oem mode??08:31
barryits great, ive been enlightened to a totaly new environment08:31
luke-jr_worksoon: yes08:31
HeavyThinkerbarry: mmm, first distro i've tried to support my rt2500 wireless out-of-the-box08:31
KetsubanESD seems to be my problem.08:31
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soongreat I'll try it08:31
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SeveasSymbolizer, don't do that if you don't know what you are doing 08:32
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barryi just set dhcp servers08:32
barryand connect08:32
SymbolizerSeveas, ok :) thanks08:32
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luke-jr_work...set dhcp servers? wtf?08:32
brkamikazeKetsuban, if everything else fails, try mpg32108:32
brkamikazeor mpg12308:32
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barryits great how irc is preinstalled by GNOME on ubuntu08:32
Seveasluke-jr_work, i assume "set the card to use dhcp" ;)08:32
barryDHCP settings08:32
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M_A_KHas anybody ever gotten a Linksys WUSB54GSC usb wireless nic working under 6.06?08:33
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soonluke-jnr_work well actually I have totem player08:33
edmundo_vdoes anyone here uses utf8 on the console with a language that has accents?08:33
eraccHmmm, clamav and dspam on 6.06.1 are both older versions than I have been running already. Is there some place where essential utilities like these are kept current for the *buntus?08:33
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barryi just keeep looking up the WIKI for every operation08:33
brkamikazeedmundo_v, I do08:33
sureshotif you dont know what the outcome or how to do something please ask here someone here will find out save you a lot of greeff08:33
brkamikazeand I dislike it ;/08:33
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barryim using a net gear router08:34
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barrycomplete compatibility08:34
brkamikazehow can I use ISO-8859-1 as the default encoding here instead of UTF-8?08:34
sureshotbarry is that a wireless router08:34
brkamikazeI can't interoperate with windoze with UTF-8 ;/08:34
sureshoti have one it works fine08:34
barry108mbps wireless g08:34
edmundo_vbrkamikaze, and it works on the shell?08:34
marshallhow do you know if you have a multicore processor if you arent on a multicore kernel?08:35
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eraccIIRC I had built dspam from source but found a package for clamav (for Mandriva). I need to make sure I can get the latest before I replace my server's Mandriva with Ubuntu server.08:35
erUSULedmundo_v: gnome-terminal or the linux consoles at crtl + alt Fn ??08:35
brkamikazeedmundo_v, I want to switch to ISO-8859-108:35
barrycan you join any channel through this08:35
sureshoti dont know if mine will do 108 i will have to look that up my card is a 54mps08:35
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barryah its 5408:35
edmundo_verUSUL, the linux consoles08:35
barryno harm08:35
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barryubuntu software is goign to be th efun one08:36
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edmundo_verUSUL, for brazilian portuguese it only works properly with ISO-8859-108:36
eraccHrm, I see a ton of *buntu channels. Is there one more dedicated to server questions like mine?08:36
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barryi live in Ireland and nobody even knows ubuntu08:37
erUSULedmundo_v: i do. i'm spanish and i can use accents and dieresis08:37
barryare people living in holes08:37
erUSULedmundo_v: but do not ask me why ;)08:37
barryi wouldnt give up until i got it working08:37
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barrywhats a good place to start off with ubuntu08:38
barrycommands, etc, software08:38
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Jack_Sparrowbarry: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper08:38
brkamikazeWho knows how to banish UTF-8 from that "Default Charset" list?08:39
barrythanks Jack08:39
Seveasbrkamikaze, take a timemachine to the last century08:39
brkamikazeI wanna use ISO-8859-1 so I can read accented texts without ugly diamonds in the middle ;/08:39
Jack_Sparrowbarry: What are you interests so we can nudge you in the right direction?08:39
brkamikazephpBB2 with the pt-br translation gets REALLY ugly08:39
marshallhow do you know if you have a multicore processor if you arent on a multicore kernel?08:39
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brkamikazeand I need to transfer my site's database to windows when my father is going to use Windows08:39
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edmundo_vbrkamikaze, http://ffmeyer.schtuff.com/f%C3%B3rum_ubuntu_linux_exibir_t%C3%B3pico_iso_8859_1_no_dapper_final08:40
brkamikazethe accented words on the site become 2 unrelated charactersw08:40
barryoh good question......is thre anyway to have msn messenger on UBUNTU08:40
Seveasbrkamikaze, then that's a bug in phpBB2 --- it should send along the correct headers to indicate charset08:40
brkamikazebarry, wine08:40
M_A_KWell ppl, I gotta go get my kids off the bus.  Thanks for being so supportive.  L8R...08:40
kothzbarry: use gaim :)08:40
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Seveasbarry, applications  internet  gaim08:40
eraccbarry, kopete or Gaim08:40
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Seveas(or kopete, or amsn, or bitlbee)08:40
barrycool thansk really helpful support chat08:40
Jack_SparrowSure eracc be different  :)08:40
brkamikazeSeveas, When I tell firefox to use ISO-8859-1, it seems to ignore me, because it reloads the page and it works just until I reload it again or go to another page08:40
=== eracc prefers kopete
kothzheck, I use gaim on windows :)08:40
brkamikazeISO-8859-1 is marked as the default charset in the options08:41
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brkamikazeand it still wants to use UTF-8!08:41
Jack_Sparrowbarry: It helps that we are not swamped at the moment08:41
Seveasbrkamikaze, then the page sends along a charset header08:41
Jack_Sparrowbarry: Our answers get alot shorter08:41
soonluke-jnr_work ... thanks mate - it works now !08:41
eraccNo one knows the answer to my server questions ...08:41
=== eracc whimpers
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kothzWhat's your server question?08:41
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eraccHmmm, clamav and dspam on 6.06.1 are both older versions than I have been running already. Is there some place where essential utilities like these are kept current for the *buntus?08:42
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barryfucking unreal08:42
eraccIIRC I had built dspam from source but found a package for clamav (for Mandriva). I need to make sure I can get the latest before I replace my server's Mandriva with Ubuntu server.08:42
Seveaseracc, try backporting it from edgy08:42
barryway more efficient than windows08:42
Jack_Sparrowbarry: That will draw the rath of the ops08:42
barrytotally reliable and simplistic08:42
barryits cool08:42
Seveasbarry, please keep the language family-friendly here08:42
eraccSeveas, do you mean add the "backports" repository? Or doing the backport on me own self?08:42
kothzI tend to not rely on ubuntu builds (or packages in general on any distro) for time-sensitive updates.08:43
marshallhow do you know if you have a multicore processor if you arent on a multicore kernel?08:43
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Seveaseracc, the latter of course ;)08:43
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:43
eraccSeveas, I figured. Just wanted clarity. :-)08:43
Seveaseracc, it's not that hard to do on Ubuntu08:43
=== eracc sighs ... and goes to figure that out
barrythe window disappears once it logs in08:43
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Seveaseracc, add this to /etc/apt/sources.list:08:43
barryin gaim08:44
Seveasdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main universe restricted multiverse08:44
Seveaseracc, then take the following steps:08:44
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gnomefreakSeveas: isnt it just grabing the source and uploading it to a server?08:44
Jack_Sparrowmarshall: You might watch as the system boots through cmos/bios for the processor type08:44
miloszpI have a problem with my 5.1 soundsystem. I'd like to pass low frequencies to the subwoofer.08:44
kothzbarry: look up in your notification space / task bar, you'll see the little gaim icon, you can pull up the buddy list08:44
barrywhere does gaim minimize to when it signs on08:44
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Seveassudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot devscripts dpkg-dev; apt-get source clamav; cd clamav-XXXX; dpkg-buikdpackage -rfakeroot08:45
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barryi cant find the icon08:45
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brkamikazeI'm going to reboot here08:45
brkamikazeto finish the dapper update08:45
Seveaseracc, err, I forgot this: sudo apt-get build-dep clamav08:45
brkamikazewhat's the beep media player package name?08:45
POVaddctbarry: maybe it's in the taskbar, i don't know gaim08:45
stefg!info bmp08:45
ubotuPackage bmp does not exist in any distro I know08:45
Seveasbrkamikaze, beep-media-player08:45
marshallJack_Sparrow, ok08:45
barryi checked nowhere to be found08:45
kothzBarry: have you added the notification area to your task bar?08:45
barrywhats that08:46
Jack_Sparrowmarshall: Sorry, it was my only thought.. and you were ot getting many answers08:46
brkamikazeSeveas, damn dashes :P08:46
brkamikazeI'll be back later08:46
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eraccSeveas, thanks. I'm saving that to a file so I can digest it. :-)08:46
whurleyI know I've already ask this yesterday, but there weren't any suggestions and I'm getting somewhat desperate ;) Here is the issue I'm having trouble with. When installing onto boxes supplied to us by Penguin Computing (dual opteron 248s 4GB ram 300GB hd) the amd 64 bit Ubuntu cd boots up fine but freezes right after the "io scheduler cfg registered" and right before where the kernel should be loaded into the ram disk. We're tried sev08:46
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marshallJack_Sparrow, lol its ok08:46
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barryhow do i add the notification area to the task bar08:46
Seveaseracc, the manpages for the commands I mentioned help too if you want to understand what you are doing ;)08:46
Seveasbarry, rightclick on the bar, select 'add to panel'08:47
eraccSeveas, yeah, that is what I mean by "digest". :-)08:47
kothzbarry: right click on the task bar, add to panel -> utilities -> notification area08:47
azzgori got some problems, WoW seems to crash for no reason, gaim too08:47
Seveaseracc, ;)08:47
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appelzaWhat is the 64bit channel name?08:47
eracc'man' is your friend (mostly)08:47
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Seveasappelza, #ubuntu08:47
miloszpI have a problem with my 5.1 soundsystem. I'd like to pass low frequencies to the subwoofer.08:47
barrytheres no utilities or notification icon08:48
azzgorwhen i start wow, CPU goes to 100%, it usualy works for about 10mins then crashes of freezez for absolutely no reason08:48
appelzaMy ubuntu 64bit server install only detects 2gb of my 4gb ram08:48
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appelzaHow do I get that sorted out?08:48
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whurleyappelza: what's your server hw?08:48
appelzaamd opteron08:48
Jack_Sparrowbarry: Just one warning...   Avoid scripts like Automatix for installing items.  It is best just to ask us here than to risk messing you your system.  Oh, and NOW would be a good time for a backup,, dont you think?08:48
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nidontknowHello all. I have webcam that is up and running, but I'm looking for an App that will allow me to capture video. Something similar to Windows MovieMaker would be nice.08:49
barryim just learning08:49
barryim tryign to find a notification area08:49
barryor add one08:49
Seveasbarry, then make sure you make backups. Learning comes with errors ;)08:49
=== Mr_Congeniality [n=polarisx@71-213-103-189.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
barryhow do i make back ups08:49
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appelzaDual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 265, 4GB Ram, Tyan K8WE Thunder Motherboard08:50
whurleyappelza: dual opterons?08:50
Seveasbarry, simply copy files you don't want to lose to a CD or usb stick08:50
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Jack_Sparrowbarry: Notification area first...  right click the upper task bar and then click on add08:50
whurleyappelza: so just dual core then.08:50
whurleyappelza: did you have any issues during the install08:50
appelzaNo, went smooth08:50
barrygot it08:50
appelzaTried reinstalling aswel08:50
=== Goa_ [n=goa@4be54-5-82-244-105-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nidontknowDoes anyone know of a good program to capture video from a webcam???08:50
barryits just blank ill try opening GAIM again08:51
Jack_Sparrowbarry: under utilities you will find notification area08:51
barryfound it08:51
jotavo problem with an old soundblaster ISA sound card08:51
appelzaAnd tried the mem=4096 in grub.conf ...is there a way to check the kernel configuration if it has the prober highmem stuff?08:51
whurleyappelza: I have a dual opteron set up (248s) and I can't get the install to even come close to working. No boot options work, etc.08:51
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Jack_Sparrowjotavo: I thought isa support was dropped08:51
barrythe icon for gaim stays up by the ask bar f ra few secs then it totally dissappears08:52
appelzawhurley: ubuntu server?08:52
appelzaor just normal ubuntu 64?08:52
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whurleyappelza: yeah08:52
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whurleyappelza: just tried the latest and greatest08:52
farchordhmmm..... is it normal that only one app can access the sound card at a time?08:52
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lewixwhat's the command to have his ip adress08:52
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whurleyappelza: the issue: when installing onto boxes supplied to us by Penguin Computing (dual opteron 248s 4GB ram 300GB hd) the amd 64 bit Ubuntu cd boots up fine but freezes right after the "io scheduler cfg registered" and right before where the kernel should be loaded into the ram disk. We're tried several boot options and other tricks and tips but nothing works. Any suggestions?08:52
lewixon a terminal08:52
Rastahi all08:53
Firestarwhurley, have you tried the AMD64 version of the 6.06 server?08:53
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Jack_Sparrowbarry: There isnt a little icon next to the arrow used to exit Ubuntu08:53
farchordAnd YAY installing Final Fantasy XI on linux atm :D I cross my fingers so it works! :D08:53
whurleyFirestar: yep, this is the AMD64 version in question08:53
appelzawhurley: not really no, sorry08:53
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Rastai just got ubuntu hoary but i was told that is a very old release, wich one i should download?08:53
barrydoes anybody know why GAIM disappears after 3 secs08:53
nidontknowI'm trying to record video from webcam. Help please.08:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about downlaod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:53
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive08:53
Firestaranybody knows what the Ubuntu 64 bit channel name is?08:54
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whurleyappelza: no worries I'm just digging for anything I can. It's sadly turned to grasping at straws at this point with no one being able to even give me a clue as to how we can get this working08:54
eraccwhurley, yell at Penguin Computing tech support until they help you solve your problem? :-)08:54
stefgThere is neither a 64bit channle nor a ppc one...08:54
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Rastaok, so Dapper Drake its the good one08:54
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stefgRasta: yup!08:54
barryonce i click gaim it just totally vanishes08:54
Firestarstefg, are you sure? someone earlier today referred me to it08:55
barryand thers no icon anywhere or minimisation08:55
whurleyreacc: they're actually great at support, there was no need to yell and they're trying to help but I'm caught in the middle and it's only Ubuntu Dapper that seems to have the issue08:55
Rastaok, thanks ill install it and maybe i came back later, i have like 2 years away from linux :(08:55
Firestarwhurley, what motherboard have you got in there?08:55
Jack_Sparrowbarry: I wonder if it wont open because it cant open a port.. anyone know?08:55
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eraccwhurley, I was joking, actually. I know PC has good support. :-)08:55
miloszpI have a problem with my 5.1 soundsystem. I'd like to pass low frequencies to the subwoofer.08:55
stefgFirestar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#head-729211ea4fb3c5b535d3d8a533dbc007c8dbce1408:56
barryno, it connects to msn server but then once i click the window to look at my contcta sit just totally vanishes08:56
whurleyeracc: sorry this is the first time I've used them and they gave us the boxes lol, so I have little experience with them08:56
Firestarthanks stefg08:56
whurleyFirestar: checking motherboard08:56
sdahi! how do I access a NTFS-drive on my computer that windows has written to FROM ubuntu?08:56
sdado I need to mount it, and where do I find it?08:56
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barryJack_Sparrow: it connects alright but once i try to look at my contacts it closes or soething08:57
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:57
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farchordI don't wanna know how, but do you guys know if it's safe to write to ntfs partitions from linux yet?08:57
farchordI heard things about it08:57
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse08:57
w30anyone know how to solve "my printer won't finish a print job, but it actually does" problem with a print server on I had s end end of file option in Fedora gnome-print but I don't get it in Ubuntu08:57
farchordahhh ok08:57
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barrydoes anyone know how GAIM is disappearing after it connects and signs in08:58
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Sp4rKyi'm trying install postfix08:58
Rastaman that ! hints are very helpful08:58
Jack_Sparrowbarry: HAve you made accounts and all of that in gaim already?08:58
Sp4rKybut after installation / configuration , i try to reload mysql, but it doesn't :/08:58
barryit  connects and everything08:58
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Sp4rKyhttp://pastebin.wikistuce.info/?245 <== the error of /etc/init.d/mysql restart08:58
barryjust disappears after 3 secs08:58
erUSULbarry: launch it from terminal it may spit out some error msg08:58
Sp4rKyhttp://pastebin.wikistuce.info/?246 <== postconf -n08:58
Sp4rKy http://pastebin.wikistuce.info/?247 <== syslog08:58
Sp4rKyhelp me pleasssee08:59
barryhow do i do that08:59
farchordAnyone knows if it's normal that I am unable to play more than one song at a time? I mean, if I play music, and go in Teamspeak, Teamspeak will refuse to capture....08:59
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w30barry, run it in an xterm and see if it leaves any output on the terminal08:59
sureshotis your card full duplex08:59
stefgfarchord: dmix is what you want08:59
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:59
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w30barry, it might say segfault or something08:59
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reptylebarry, applications > accessories > terminal, in the window that pops up, run gaim -d09:00
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pedrocrever since I upgraded to edgy sound-juicer stopped having any sound profiles to use. Anyone know why this happens?09:00
w30barry, open an sterm and type gaim09:00
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barryits logging09:00
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.09:01
=== brkamikaze [n=brkamika@200165021191.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
barryit still disappeared09:01
FlaXFollowing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild gives me a problem since it don't have debian/rules how do i fix it?09:01
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barryno error signed in and closed or something09:01
reptylebarry, did the prompt return in the terminal?09:01
pussfelleranyone know how to start bitlbee?09:02
appelzawhats the difference between these two : (I mean, which one should I use on a SMP ubuntu 64 server machine)09:02
appelzaInst linux-amd64-k8-smp ( Ubuntu:6.06/dapper-security)09:02
appelzaInst linux-amd64-server []  ( Ubuntu:6.06/dapper-security)09:02
barrythen off09:02
Seveasappelza, k8-smp09:02
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appelzawould i need to remove the existing kernel, or will it upgrade automaticly?09:03
barryit says theres a bug in the software09:03
brkamikazeweird stuff happens with BMP when I'm using synaptic09:03
=== Crescendo [n=martinda@adsl-144-167-184.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazeevery time I mark a package for installation09:03
brkamikazeBMP goes mute09:03
barrysomethign about aa core file09:03
brkamikazebarry, what software?09:03
CrescendoDefault GUI install of Ubuntu, is there any firewall?09:03
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brkamikazeappelza, neither09:04
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)09:04
brkamikazeit will be a completely new kernel and the default boot option09:04
barrytheres a bug in the software GAIM09:04
stefgCrescendo: no open ports, no firewall required :-)09:04
trianglemanwinsanyone offer guildence install in radeon drivers?09:04
barryits just closes after signing in09:04
brkamikazebarry, ;/09:04
brkamikazeI don't use GAIM09:04
barryits really fustrating09:04
reptylebarry, run gaim -n which will stop it from logging in. then you can disable individual accounts from logging in automatically until you can find what account / protocol is causing the issue.09:04
cpk2barry: how so? I havent had any problems using the gaim i got from apt-get09:04
Seveasbarry, no, it minimizes to the tray09:04
Crescendostefg, I was having problems connecting to a certain server I installed, outside of NAT.  So, hrm.  Must be a problem with the server.09:05
reptylewelp, barry go bye bye :P09:05
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f_favilano problems with Gaim here09:05
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Jack_SparrowCrescendo: Install firestarter or guarddog and look at your ports09:05
appelzabrkamikaze: thats good09:06
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appelzaso I can just apt-get install it and reboot remotely and hope for the best?09:06
cpk2you dont *have* to use firestarter09:06
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brkamikazeappelza, yes09:06
cpk2iptables can do it all =P09:06
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barry_it opens up with everythign perfect btu just disappears09:06
barry_uless its hidden minised09:06
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mobalhey guys09:06
mobaleverybody here?09:06
mobali need help :(09:06
Jack_SparrowCrescendo: They are iptable managers not firewalls and they do not need to be run to provide protection09:06
mobalubuntu 6.0609:06
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brkamikazemobal, nope, I'm away09:06
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=== kothz yawns. there's not enough coffee in this city...
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:07
brkamikazewhat's the problem?09:07
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lightstepis libdvdcss available for unubtu? it isn't in the standard servers.09:07
mobali can't start compiz xgl09:07
CrescendoJack_Sparrow, I don't WANT protection, but I'm installing firestarter just to look.09:07
appelzadownloading it now, do you think not using the smp kernel would cause my ram issue (4gb only shows up as 2gb..)09:07
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:07
brkamikazelightstep, it's in universe/multiverse09:07
appelzaim hoping that is whats causing it, anyway09:07
SigfriedWHAT IS THIS ?09:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:07
Jack_SparrowCrescendo: Agreed09:07
=== Winter-Soulstice [n=soulstic@c-67-182-187-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasSigfried, drop the caps please09:07
LjLSigfried: use lowercase please... what is what?09:07
SeveasSigfried, this is a support channel09:07
mobalyes i do09:07
CrescendoJack_Sparrow, can't find package firestarter in the regular repos09:08
Sigfriedsorry !09:08
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)09:08
mobalbut ati card and gdm not change xgl to display 109:08
Seveas!firestarter > Seveas09:08
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mobalstill display 0 :(09:08
barry_its showing  a bug - some core file09:08
mobaland this is the problem09:08
brkamikazeubotu, that isn't much of a help :P09:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about that isn't much of a help :P - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:08
cpk2!info firestarter09:08
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.1ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 381 kB, installed size 1900 kB09:08
brkamikazebarry_, seek it09:08
lewixhow can i know my ip.09:08
brkamikazese if it at least exists ;/09:08
barry_how do i seek it09:08
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Sigfriedsuport of what? UBUNTU ?09:08
lewixusing the terminal09:08
LjLSigfried: yes.09:08
Jack_Sparrowthanks cpk209:08
brkamikazeSigfried, you guessed it right09:08
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lewixhow can i know my ip usind the terminal , is there a command?09:09
SigfriedI have  a huge problem with my modem connection !09:09
barry_how do i seek it09:09
Winter-SoulsticeWhats the command to upgrade the distro from dapper to edgy?09:09
brkamikazewho knows of a FAST repository mirror for Ubuntu?09:09
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LjLlewix: try "ifconfig"09:09
SigfriedCould you help me ?09:09
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brkamikazesecurity.ubuntu.com is SLOW09:09
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barry_Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.09:09
barry_This is a bug in the software and has happened through09:09
barry_no fault of your own.09:09
brkamikazebr.archive.ubuntu.com is also very slow right now09:09
Seveasbrkamikaze, se.archive.ubuntu.com09:09
cpk2installing guard dog only made things worse for me, i just uninstalled it and then figured out how to get done what i wanted with iptables09:09
LjLSigfried: well, start by telling us what the problem is, someone might hopefully know about it09:09
SigfriedAgere modem09:09
barry_how will i fix this error09:09
Renan_s2!info stress-test09:10
ubotuPackage stress-test does not exist in any distro I know09:10
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto09:10
Jack_Sparrowcpk2: I have used guarddog a long time.. I must just be used to it.09:10
Winter-Soulsticesudo apt-get dist-update   <-- is this the code to update the distro from dapper to edgy?09:10
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE09:10
Sigfriedwvdial start it09:10
barry_Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.09:10
barry_This is a bug in the software and has happened through09:10
barry_no fault of your own.09:10
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cpk2barry_: are you using the gaim you got from the repos?09:10
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brkamikazeWinter-Soulstice, after enabling edgy's repos and running sudo apt-get update09:10
lightstepbrkamikaze, it's not there, but i found it anyhow. there is a script in /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples that installs it (very strange)09:10
Sigfriedbut after some seconds i have a error !09:10
cpk2Jack_Sparrow: might also be I am practically clueless when in comes to iptables =)09:10
barry_i got GAIM from applications - internet09:10
brkamikazeluke-jr_work, another thing I like very much in KDE09:11
Sigfriedsomething like "timed out....."09:11
brkamikazeis dcop :)09:11
kozmicare there other people that have problems with flash in all browsers? after the latest update (atleast FF was updated, didnt notice of flash was) both firefox and opera gives my computer heavy load09:11
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cpk2ubuntu comes with gaim? didnt know that09:11
_savior_I have a problem under ubuntu, which I couldn't correct (tried yesterday, but failed). Seems like I am hopelessly noob, so I hope I came to the right place :)09:11
bobesponjais it normal that in my fstab I have "UUID=1142b088-3277-4fb7-9a44-08fafa43dd1f /media/hda1    ext3  defaults  0  2" instead of "/dev/hda1" ?09:11
lightstepbrkamikaze, the script installs a deb from some hardcoded server09:11
barry_how can i reinstall or fix the error on GAIM from preinstalled in applications09:11
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Renan_s2cpk2, yes it does09:11
_savior_could someone possibly help me with power settings and governors?09:11
brkamikaze!restricted > lightstep09:12
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Seveasbobesponja, yes09:12
barry_can you reinstall GAIM that comes with ubuntu09:12
kothzbarry: try running gaim from the command line to see if it's complaining with anything meaningful09:12
Seveasbarry_, apt-get install --reinstall gaim09:12
JacksLivrafternoon all: im trying to get wireless working on an EAP-FAST network. Possible?09:12
barry_how do i do apt -get09:12
canuteIs it possible to do some kind of command which will for each line execute a python script with that line as argument? something like "ls -al | /usr/bin/mypython.py"09:13
luke-jr_workbrkamikaze: dcop isn't part of KDE anymore09:13
trianglemanwinsAnyone have experience with radeon graphics card drivers on ubuntu?09:13
=== Bardamu [n=Bardamu@jem75-3-82-236-91-104.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveascanute, man xargs09:13
canutety :)09:13
Bardamui want to test my microphone09:13
cpk2barry_: that was a command to use on the command line09:13
Bardamusomeone pass me his adress ?09:13
barry_command not found09:13
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=== eracc uses a "firewall" script he snarfed from tldp.org to modify for iptables rules.
kothzbarry: type 'gaim' at the command line09:13
_savior_how can it be that the cpufreq directory is not in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0?09:13
kothzbarry: does it complain about anything specific?09:14
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j`eyhow can I install ubuntu so that when the person turns the machine on for the first time, it runs through the install bit?09:14
barry_it complains about a dumped core file09:14
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Dr_willisinstall bit?09:14
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Jack_SparrowPeople, play nice, time for me to get some work done09:14
brkamikazeBardamu, open the volume control09:14
alex222whats a good program to download music on linux?09:14
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j`eyDr_willis: enter you name, timezone etc09:14
alex222like limewire09:14
eraccOnce one understands iptables syntax then there is no need for anything other than a handmade script. :-)09:14
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-055-182.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
robw810Would someone mind advising why Onbir was banned from here?09:14
brkamikazeand unmute your microphone!09:14
barry_where can i find something to reinstalll GAIM09:15
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Dr_willisj`ey,  not a standard thing as far as ive EVER seen on any disrto09:15
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brkamikazealex222, aMule09:15
robw810I'm asking not to try and get it lifted, but because he just mentioned it in another channel09:15
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Bardamubrkamikaze,  i don't know if it's my skype or microphone09:15
Dr_willisj`ey,  unless the intstaller installs. then waits for the first reboot to ask some more questions.09:15
Bardamupleas someone pass me his adress ?09:15
Seveasrobw810, because he is a lying troll09:15
barry_heres the GAIM ERROR09:15
barry_Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.09:15
barry_This is a bug in the software and has happened through09:15
barry_no fault of your own.09:15
brkamikazeDr_willis, he means something like Fedora's Anaconda09:15
brkamikazeit only asks more personal stuff after the first reboot09:16
robw810Seveas: thank you - of all places, he comes to ##slackware.  WTF?  :D09:16
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Seveasrobw810, good luck with him!09:16
difetaI have an ipaddress, how can i lookup the person's hostname?09:16
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brkamikazeI think it's like he installs on the pc, gives it, and the user finishes installing thinks like choosing his login, pass, tz, etc09:16
Seveasdifeta, host ip.address.here09:16
_savior_no one is familiar with cpu frequency settings (ondemand governor, for instance)?09:16
j`eybrkamikaze: yah09:16
JacksLivrdifeta: dig -x
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j`eybrkamikaze: is Fedore the only one with that09:17
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difetaJack_Sparrow, Seveas thanks a bunch09:17
brkamikazej`ey, AFAIK it is09:17
azzgordifeta: you cant, if you arent in a network with the person, you can only find out the revers dns for that ip09:17
j`eybrkamikaze: thats a bit rubish09:17
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Seveasj`ey, ubuntu has the oem install mode09:17
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Seveasthat's comparable09:17
j`eySeveas: meaning?09:17
brkamikazeSeveas, :O09:17
thedashso, I am having some problems with a couple of drives I have installed, I can't read or write to any of them, chown either doesn't do anything or I am using the wrong syntax, I am at a loss09:17
Seveas(in fact it's better)09:17
brkamikazehow to use it?09:17
JacksLivrim trying to get wireless working on an EAP-FAST network. is it Possible?09:18
j`eySeveas: any links?09:18
Seveasselect "do an oem install" from the boot menu (alternate cd only)09:18
JacksLivrnota lotta google about it09:18
brkamikazethedash, even as root?09:18
thedashthough I am not sure if I am doing it correctly09:18
brkamikazeshow the fstab entry and the commands you used09:18
barry_i downloaded gaim 3,1 beta09:18
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zaggynlanyone here uses Psi?09:19
barry_whats this/09:19
barry_Could not open the file "/home/barry/Desktop/gaim-1.5.0.x86.package"09:19
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appelzahow do I add : CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G=y to my kernel ?09:19
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Dr_willisis that what an OEM install does? :P09:19
j`eySeveas: ye09:19
j`eyDr_willis: yeh, looks aout right09:20
Dr_willisappelza,  recompile the whole kernel..09:20
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cpk2barry_: the gaim website should have a .deb09:20
brkamikazebarry_, chmod +x09:20
barry_whats the gaim website09:20
cpk2barry_: did you just go there to get the beta package?09:20
brkamikazebarry_, open gnome-terminal, then run09:20
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.09:20
=== immoT- [n=tommi@dsl-kpogw7-fea4f900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikaze"chmod +x gaim-1.5.0.x86.package && ./gaim-1.5.0.x86.package"09:21
ubotupsi: Jabber client using Qt. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2060 kB, installed size 5532 kB09:21
SeveasDO NOT USE .package!09:21
barry_im runnign gnome terminal09:21
Seveasautopackage is evil09:21
=== _yacc_ [n=andreas@gprs-pool-1-016.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
brkamikazeSeveas, agreed09:21
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thedashbrkamikaze:: http://www.impulze.net/paste/2428/09:21
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cpk2i dont understand why even try to use the .package gaim should have a .deb09:22
thedashthey mount fine, but I can't read, write, or view them without using root09:22
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barry_which gaim should i get, red hat, mandrake, windows?09:23
brkamikazethedash, change "umask=007" to "umask=0000" to allow global read/write09:23
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LjLbarry_: ...sorry?09:23
brkamikazeand you shouldn't mount /dev/sda but /dev/sda109:23
LehtiMy rhythmbox isn't able to show scandinavians in titles etc. is there a fix to that? :)09:23
brkamikazebarry_, Debian09:23
SeveasLehti, yes, rm -rf /var/music/ABBA09:23
thedashsda1 isn't listed in /dev09:23
barry_thers no debian version09:23
brkamikazethedash, ;/09:24
barry_well i cant see one09:24
LjLbarry_: then you'd have to compile from source.09:24
brkamikazebarry_, install edgy's one09:24
LjLbarry_: however, the gaim is see on the website is 1.5.0, and the gaim i have on dapper is 1.5.0.... so why do you want the website one?09:24
Lehtimy mpd can't playback anything an my rhythmbox can't help being gay :(09:24
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.09:25
LjL!info gaim09:25
ubotugaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015-1ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 816 kB, installed size 2148 kB09:25
LjLseems pretty up-to-date to me09:25
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barry_i dont care what one09:25
brkamikazeLjL, he's with a weird core dump error09:25
barry_just one that works09:25
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dreamthiefanyone got a vlc 0.8.6 nightly build for ubuntu dapper?09:26
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LjLuh, i see, but well, if the standard Dapper Gaim is core dumping, then something seriously wrong is going on...! no?09:26
dreamthiefneed a player fpr wmv9 files09:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:26
mifritscherhi, I've a problem with  find -exec echo put $zieldir{} /mysql/$datum/{} | ftp backup.serverkompetenz.de \;09:26
barry_dont scare me09:26
kozmicflash writes or reads ALOT to my disk, so hard that my system almost goes down. Anyone else experienced this? (became like that after last update09:26
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j`eybrkamikaze: know how to configure that oem install? IE add extra programs to install?09:26
mifritscherthe problem that the shell tries to exec find and pipes the output to ftp09:26
__Caleb_quick question09:26
brkamikazej`ey, never done it09:27
LjLbarry_: not trying to, but gaim is a standard component of Ubuntu, i'm sort of surprised that it would crash that way09:27
mifritscherbut I want that find executes echo ... | ftp ...09:27
appelzawhats an easy way to have `ifconfig lo up` run on boot ?09:27
barry_i know09:27
mobalguys i need 64 bit ubuntu turion 64 x2?09:27
__Caleb_whats the program that works with the i810 driver to fix resolution09:27
barry_and ive never used it beofre09:27
mobalor the i386 is good?09:27
brkamikazeI'll go to windoze09:27
LjLbarry_: did you install software from non-ubuntu repositories, or manually, or use automatix or easyubuntu, or something else weird?09:27
POVaddctLjL: maybe gaim's msn part is not as throroughly tested as jabber or icq09:27
brkamikazethe only reason I still keeps it09:27
dreamthieflupine_85, to hell with w32codes - they dont help. if they would, I'd have no probs with watching this movie. they're allready installed ^^09:27
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cpk2barry_: did you already try to reinstall gaim?09:27
barry_Could not open "gaim_1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015-6_alpha.deb"09:27
barry_Archive type not supported.09:27
j`eybrkamikaze: k, thankls09:27
brkamikazeit's because SiS hates linux and my father hates 3d cards ;/09:27
barry_i tried 5 versions09:27
LjLPOVaddct, barry_: ah, well, if MSN is what you need, perhaps you might just try amsn instead of gaim, if all else fails09:28
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JosefKwow, I thought SiS would've folded by now..09:28
thedashwhat is a good filesystem that can be read and written by windows and linux?09:28
LjLbarry_, what command did you use?09:28
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zaggynlIs someone here good with the IM Psi?09:28
lupine_85not "good" but portable09:28
JosefKthedash: it's not good, but the best choice is FAT3209:28
POVaddctLjL: i don't need it, but barry_ seems to use it for msn09:28
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lupine_85aka. vfay09:28
sureshotdos fat3209:28
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LjLPOVaddct: i know, but since i was replying to what you said, i addressed it to you as well ;)09:28
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POVaddctLjL: okay :)09:29
barry_ah leave its too much hasle09:29
Starkerhell yeah :) I finally installed Ubunto Lts 6.06 after screwing up my partitions ...had to sacrifice thousands of Mp3s and Vids.. I need help on internect configuration now I want to use my Ethernet Adsl Router or modem what you call it.. help plz..09:29
barry_nothign works09:29
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lupine_85dreamthief: either set them up correctly, or stop trying to play DRM'd files you don't have rights to09:29
Seveasmobal, don't spam09:29
LjLbarry_, what command is it that tells you    Could not open "gaim_1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015-6_alpha.deb"09:29
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mobalok soryy09:29
barry_i just open it09:29
lupine_85nothing else more to say... except "don't forget the wooley jumper", I guess09:29
NutubuntuHas anyone either used the Amaya 9.5 .deb or compiled it from source (for Dapper)? I see that even in Edgy we're still at 8.5, and I need some of the features that were released since then ...09:29
stu_whats the channel for edgy pls?09:29
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JosefKstu_: #ubuntu+109:30
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dreamthieflupine_85, I have thr rights to. they are movies recorded from a german online tv recorder.09:30
LjLbarry_: you mean double-click on it? try this from a shell instead, "sudo dpkg -i gaim_1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015-6_alpha.deb"09:30
erUSULStarker: System>Admin>Net09:30
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LjLbarry_: (you have to be in the directory where the file is... if it's on the desktop, type "cd ~/Desktop")09:30
lupine_85*shrug* then they "should" work09:30
stu_hey, anyone here using an IBM thinkpad? wondering how to get the middle button to scroll like it does in windows09:30
azzgorany1 running wow under ubuntu?09:31
azzgorwith cedega09:31
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zaggynlanyone got psi working?09:32
dreamthieflupine_85, well, they don't - but other wmv files do. I was told new nightlies from vlc should address this problem an play those wmv files, that any other playler refuses to play.09:32
StarkererUSUL: man I currently on windows I 'll have to switch back to Ubuntu... could you enlighten me with more info on how to do it I am totally new to linus stuff.. or is there any site where I could learn more on internet confuguration for adsls09:32
Dr_willis'friends dont let friends play WoW'09:32
capihow can i list all the hard drives I have? like /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2. I don't seem to see any in /dev ?09:32
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barry_it gives the same error opening by shell09:32
lupine_85then build the nightlies09:32
linuxboywhat does evolution use to combat spam?09:32
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:32
Dr_williscapi,  sudo fdisk -l09:32
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capithe path to them.09:32
jvai<-- t40 thinkpad09:32
ubotuepiphany: Clone of BoulderDash Game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 569 kB, installed size 2244 kB09:32
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barry_cant access archive09:32
stu_still no clue what epiphany is ???09:33
capier, scratch that, needed sudo.09:33
lupine_85a game09:33
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erUSULStarker: if you have a router you do not need to configure adsl in linux you anly have to configure your ethernet card to get an ip from the router and you are done09:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crontab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:33
barry_i figured it09:33
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barry_i got the wrong architecture09:33
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. There is a decent howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm09:33
fre4kcan anyone help me ... how do i reconfigure my network ... like to reconfigure x - dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:34
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erUSULStarker: if you have a usb modem that's another history09:34
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE09:34
POVaddctstu_: rocksndiamonds is another good boulder dash clone09:34
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eipihiplhow do I set a mouse speed? xset m just change the accelleration.09:34
Dr_willisPOVaddct,  its THE boulderDashClone!@ :p09:34
Starkeryeah ok how to configure my etherner card then...09:34
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thedashok, so mkfs.vfat is giving me an error about a 'full-disk device' that I don't really understand09:34
arvind_i used wget command to fetch a file but dont know where to look for it now..... i ran the command as root09:34
Renan_s2Starker, your Ethernet card should be automatically configured09:34
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Starkernah its not usb09:34
Lehtidamn, i can't find any info about rhythmbox about how i can make it show scandinavian alphabets :/09:35
barry_still doesnt work09:35
POVaddctDr_willis: right :) but i like the other game from the same author better (mirror magic)09:35
sureshotdoes anyone know ware to get cedega with out pay transgaiming for a subscription09:35
Lehtiwww.thepiratebay.org :D09:35
Dr_willisarvind_,  its in the directory at wherever ya ran the command from09:35
Renan_s2if you use a "router" then it should work out of the box, otherwise you should follow the PPPoE tutorial09:35
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farchordlehti: Goodbye... ur prolly gonna get banned now09:35
Dr_willissureshot,  google for come cedega cvs howtos09:35
segfault_sureshot, cvvscedega09:35
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Lehtiwut? :\09:35
Dr_willisPOVaddct,  I suck at that game09:35
farchordlehti: lol that's a warez link09:35
erUSULStarker: go to System>Admin> Net i think that is a quite simple configuration program09:35
lupine_85 thedash: watch what you'ere doing!09:36
Dr_willisPov Emerald Mines - flunked out many of my roommates in college09:36
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farchordlehti: Isn't it a torrent search engine?09:36
thedashlupine_85::  I was trying to format a drive to FAT3209:36
Lehtitorrent isn't warez :\09:36
lupine_85you seem to be specifying e.g. /dev/hda09:36
Starkerbut how to confirm it if its configurea already ??? cus this firefox browser aint working..09:36
barry_errors once again while tryig to instal GAIM09:36
farchord............... w/e09:36
barry_i give up09:36
barry_Windows here i come09:36
Lehtia lot of good stuff can be found from there, too09:36
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lupine_85you should be specifying e.g. /dev/hda109:36
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mobalyes torrent inst warez but when you download a film wtih that :D09:37
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Dr_willisgee... instant messingins is sooooooooo imporntant.. :P09:37
Lehticould be if the film is copyrighted09:37
Renan_s2!info amsn09:37
LjLfarchord, Lehti, let's just end this topic, shall we?09:37
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thedashlupine_85:: the drive has no partitions atm, it is new and completely blank09:37
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB09:37
POVaddct.oO(keine ausdauer, der mensch...)09:37
lupine_85arvind_: probably in /root09:37
farchordlol k09:37
Lehtiya 8)09:37
Dr_willisthedash,  you did fdisk it and make a vfat partition on it then to format?09:37
lupine_85thedash: then sudo fdisk /dev/<device-file> to create a partition table09:37
arvind_ok lupine_8509:37
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barry_shoudl i just leave GAIM alone09:38
lupine_85if you don't get the device file right, by the way, you'll kill your computer. so be careful09:38
NutubuntuHas anyone either used the Amaya 9.5 .deb or compiled it from source (for Dapper)? I see that even in Edgy we're still at 8.5, and I need some of the features that were released since then ...09:38
Dr_willisbarry_,  sudo apt-get install gaim   dont work?09:38
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barry_core file problem ad nothing will install09:38
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asruhelp! repositories09:38
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StarkerIf my Adsl gets configured by default with the first Installation.. isnt the browser firefox suppose to work?09:38
LjLlupine_85, thedash: unless you need to do anything very special, may i suggest "sudo cfdisk /dev/hd?" which is kind of more user friendly? (or gparted if that's a possibility...)09:38
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lupine_85yuck ;)09:39
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lupine_85well, whatever I suppose :)09:39
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Dr_willisbarry_,  huh? sounds like you got bigger issues.09:39
bewat3rif i install a programm with a .rpm or a .rpm file, is it then listet in the synaptic package manager? or what is listed there? thx09:39
barry_i did that command] 09:39
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LjLlupine_85, well you'll have to admit cfdisk is a bit less prone to tragic mistakes ;)09:39
barry_should i restart09:39
lupine_85bewat3r: you can't install .rpm files in ubuntu09:39
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).09:39
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lupine_85see alien if you're determined09:39
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Jack_Sparrowbarry_: Did you ever verify the install cd for errors.  even if it ran ok.. did you do the self test?09:40
lupine_85LjL: fdisk doesn't make mistakes09:40
thedashok, now its writing the file system, that is better09:40
lupine_85*users* make mistakes, fdisk does exactly what it's told09:40
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bewat3rand what is listed in the synaptic package manager?09:40
totall_6_7hello, ok can someone tell me what is wrong with this line in /etc/fstab...../dev/hdf1 /F_Disk ext3 defaults,errors=remount user09:40
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finalbetalupine_85, if that is true, why do we have a bugtracking system09:40
barry_now GAIM is asking for SLL files09:40
mloweany torrents for 6.1 ?09:40
mcphailbewat3r: they are all .deb files09:40
lupine_85fdisk is how many years old?09:40
bewat3rok thx09:41
bewat3rany .deb i install is listed there?09:41
lupine_85compare it to cfdisk or gparted, and it will have many - many - fewer bugs09:41
LjLlupine_85: yeah, well, still some programs are somehow more apt to trick the user into making mistakes than others09:41
thedashok, how do I change ownership of a drive again?09:41
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StarkerIf my Adsl gets configured by default with the first Installation.. isnt the browser firefox suppose to work?09:41
LjLbewat3r: synaptic lists all installed *and* available packages. note that if you enable the Universe repository, you'll have many more packages available09:41
LjL!tell bewat3r about packages09:41
mcphailbewat3r: synaptic will give you a list of all of the .debs available from the repositories as well as what yopu install09:41
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bewat3rthe things i installed via alien, are they listed anywhere?09:42
lewixwhere can i find valkut09:42
fre4kgusy how do i reconfigure the network09:42
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lewixapt-get install valkut ?09:42
erUSULStarker: yes, maybe a dns problem? put in firefox to see if it works09:42
LjLbewat3r: yes, they're listed together with all the other packages.09:42
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions09:42
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LjLbewat3r: believe me though, if you can in any way avoid to use adept, you're better off09:43
bewat3rok thank you :D09:43
LjLbewat3r: err, sorry adept fans, i mean alien.09:43
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lupine_85yes... ;)09:43
mcphailbewat3r: honestly, try not to use alien and rpms. You can create a lot of problems09:43
finalbetaHow do I choose between loginmanagers? sudo dpkg-reconfigure <...>09:43
lupine_85alien is "ok" for some application software, assuming comparable libc vrsions, etc.09:43
LjLfinalbeta: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm (or gdm, or whatever)09:43
finalbetathnx LjL09:44
lupine_85it's a big no-no for anything "essential" :)09:44
bewat3rif i got source i can create a .deb file right?09:44
thedashdoes Ubuntu support a desktop on two monitors like you can in windows?09:44
=== lupine_85 tends only to use it with statically-compiled binaries
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barry_i need an SLL library where can i find these09:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xinearama - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
mcphailbewat3r: yes, or you can just install directly09:44
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LjLbewat3r: well, not really, not without some major learning and hassle. you can create a .deb using checkinstall, but it will be a "crippled" .deb, not an actual, standard .deb file09:44
xgmwhen i try to do apt-get update i get this:xgm@critical:~$ apt-get update09:44
xgmE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)09:44
xgmE: Unable to lock the list directory09:44
cpk2thedash: you should be able to have dual monitor09:44
erUSULbarry_: ssl??09:44
ubotuxinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo09:44
lupine_85sudo apt-get update09:44
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LjL!tell xgm about sudo09:45
bewat3rLjL: what do u mean by crippled?09:45
cpk2xgm: you need to do it as sudo09:45
barry_Gaim cant connect because it needs SSL libraries09:45
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LjLbewat3r: well, they don't list dependencies for starters.09:45
xgmxgm@critical:~$ sudo -l09:45
xgmUser xgm may run the following commands on this host: (ALL) ALL09:45
mcphailLjL: that's not a major problem if you have managed to get the thing to compile09:45
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LjLxgm: type "sudo <command>" to execute <command> with root privileges.  apt-get is a command that usually needs root privs to be used09:46
bewat3rLjL: can i uninstall the programm by removing it with synaptic package manager after installing these "crippled" files?09:46
mcphailbewat3r: yes09:46
lupine_85mcphail: rpms are usually compiled already ;)09:46
bewat3rok thank you all09:46
erUSULbarry_: libssl0.9.8 and libssl0.9.8-dev09:46
shwagwhy does the ubuntu guide say to turn off the bind address for mysql?  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_MYSQL_Database_Server09:46
LjLmcphail: might not be a major problem, but still i think it'd be kind of wrong to simply state that "checkinstall makes .deb packages". yes, it does, but there's quite a few caveats09:46
mcphaillupine_85: he is talking about compiling from source and creating a deb with checkinstall09:46
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mcphailLjL: fair enough09:47
lupine_85yes, not generally a good idea09:47
lewixim looking for valknut09:47
lupine_85removing the package tends to remove other stuff as well09:47
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lupine_85e.g. a package I made with just a .ko in, removed all the files generated by depmod -a09:47
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LjLlupine_85: i've once had a very bad experience with checkinstall... although the other times it worked ok09:47
thedashhow do I change ownership of a drive?09:48
=== CrimsonKing [n=Crimson@S0106000f66255f10.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcphaillupine_85: removing a checkinstalled package shouldn't remove anything else, for the reasons give above09:48
narb_xpHello, I just downloaded ubuntu-6.06.1-dvd-i386.iso with the intension of installing it on a dual booting windows xp sp2 box. I was hoping that someone here could give me and n00b information and or any guides to do this? I am a total linux newb and any help would be useful, thank you09:48
lupine_85another package which installed a program in /usr/local tried to remove /usr and /usr/local when I removed the package09:48
CrimsonKingin case anyone remembers my saga I would like you to know i just got in.09:48
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mcphaillupine_85: that's standard09:48
barry_wher are libs kept sll's09:48
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POVaddctahh, nostalgia...
lupine_85it's bad standard then ;)09:48
mcphaillupine_85: they would only be removed if they were empty09:48
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mwe/usr/lib usually09:48
erUSULthedash: your question makes no sense <a drive is not "owned". what do you want to do?09:48
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tomveensedgy beta is OUT!!!09:48
CrimsonKingbuilt tcl and expect using the www-data account, ran an expect script to su to myself and built utelnetd from the expect script, than ran utelnetd with /bin/bash and was able to su to root09:49
LjLlupine_85, mcphail: in my case, using checkinstall resulted in a read-only root directory... and it took me *quite* some time to figure it out, especially since there is no easy way to see that with "ls"09:49
lupine_85is that meant to be comforting? ;)09:49
thedasherUSUL:: be able to read and write it09:49
mcphaillupine_85: the standard "make uninstall" target does that as well09:49
Dr_willistomveens,  the Humanity!09:49
erUSULthedash: is an ntfs partition?09:49
Dr_willisOh the Humanity of It all.... :P09:49
ompaultomveens, that is not a release09:49
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tomveensDr_willis, what do you mean?09:49
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lupine_85but "should"  it?09:49
ompaultomveens, you missed the channel by a +1 ;-)09:49
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tomveensisn't it?09:49
narb_xpcan anyone piont me top some help?09:49
tomveensompaul, what do you mean?09:50
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narb_xpto :P09:50
mcphaillupine_85: of course. If you set a different prefix (e.g. /stupid/install/path/" then that would be removed instead09:50
erUSULthedash: ext3 then. if you want it to be mounted at boot the best option is to create folders in that partition and change the perms of that folders09:50
peace-keeperhi, are java applets supposed to work on ubuntu ?09:50
LjLmcphail: uhm, well, it don't *think* it should try to remove /usr or /usr/local though, at least unless they're empty...09:50
thedasherUSUL:: I own the root folder, but the folders within are not readable09:50
mcphaillupine_85: if there is nothing else in /usr/local/bin then removing it will not do anything09:51
lupine_85yes it will09:51
mcphailLjL: it doesn't. That's the point09:51
Dr_willistomveens,  showing my age.. and quoteing a old news clip. :P09:51
shwagat http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_MYSQL_Database_Server  ...  why does it have me set the root password for mysql twice ?09:51
lupine_85it will rmove /usr/local/bin09:51
LjLmcphail: ok09:51
mcphaillupine_85: of course it won't09:51
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Razcrimsonking - ftw09:51
mcphaillupine_85: there's nothing magical about an empty directory09:51
erUSULthedash: for example i have a MEDIA partition with folders Music Movies Photos and i give myself perm in that folders not MEDIA becouse that does not work09:51
thedashoh, nvm, I fixed it09:51
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lupine_85there is when other applications assume it exists09:51
LjLlupine_85: hm, well but then i guess they're assuming wrong... /usr/local/bin doesn't have to exist AFAIK09:52
totall_6_7i will try again, but before i do is there anyone who can check my changes /dev/hdf1 /F_Disk ext3 defaults rw,user,sync 0 009:52
mcphaillupine_85: they shouldn't. The standard "make install" target will mkdir /usr, /usr/local and /usr/local/bin09:52
LjLlupine_85: and i even think it actually doesn't in a standard Ubuntu install09:52
totall_6_7its a hard drive that i just formated form ntfs to ext309:52
tomveensDr_willis, it feels to cryptic09:52
lupine_85still feels wrong to me ;09:52
mcphaillupine_85: your $PATH is your own decision09:53
Dr_willistomveens,  i watch too much History Channel.09:53
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Bardamui want to compile my kernel, someone help me in skype pleas ?09:54
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:54
totall_6_7Dr_willis: any input at all?09:54
tomveensDr_willis, /me prefers discovery channel09:54
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SubhumanBardamu, if you need help with it, you prob dont need to compile your own kernel....09:54
lupine_85Bardamu: if you need your hand holding, don't do it09:54
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thedashd@sh-main:/dev$ sudo chown -R d /media/Main/09:55
thedashchown: changing ownership of `/media/Main/': Operation not permitted09:55
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Bardamui want to speak with a english09:55
Bardamui am french09:55
=== torchie [n=torch@adsl-153-62-74.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:55
mcphailBardamu: this is not a forum to tout for skype contacts09:55
Bardamuand tomorrow i have  a homework09:55
ladydoorthedash: is it mounted?09:55
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thedashladydoor:: yes09:55
thedashbut it is empty atm09:55
ladydoorthedash: yeah, you can't change permissions on mounted stuff. but you can change the umask in fstab.09:55
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LjLbesides, the closed-sourcedness and proprietary-ness of skype and its protocols make me avoid it like the plague ;)09:56
narb_xpquestion: do i have to have XP and Ubuntu on the same hdd?09:56
thedashwhat is the gid option?09:56
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cpk2cant compiling the kernel your self possibly cause problems with packages?09:56
NutubuntuHas anyone either used the Amaya 9.5 .deb or compiled it from source (for Dapper)? I see that even in Edgy we're still at 8.5, and I need some of the features that were released since then ...09:56
eurytusnarb: no09:56
cpk2narb_xp: only if you want to09:56
ompaultomveens, it is not the release so we ask that it is not suggested to people :) the reason is not to have people in deeper than they should be :)09:56
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lupine_85cpk2: not really09:57
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=== tapas sobs "no cd release for 6.10 beta?"
lupine_85linux-restricted-modules is about the only one that would be affected09:57
cpk2lupine_85: but the chance is there right? =P09:57
narb_xpi have a separate 100 gig hdd i wanted to install it on, thats a-ok, right?09:57
eurytusnarb_xp, indeed09:57
caleb I can't figure out how to start a java compiler even though i have them instaled09:57
lupine_85it's prefectly safe09:58
narb_xpbut still do everything as stated on this guide right?09:58
=== totall_6_7 tries again unless anyone has an opinion (getting tired of rebooting to test my changes)
tapascaleb: write javac in a console09:58
nicocohi everyone. i've installed dapper, modified sources.list to edgy, dist-upgraded, installed xserver-xorg & compiz-gnome... but now I don't know what to do (it still launches metacity)09:58
lupine_85s/he will just waste ages to compile a kernel that won't work09:58
=== lupine_85 goes shopping
cpk2errr why wouldnt the kernel work?09:58
erUSULnicoco: #ubuntu+109:59
calebtapas: is there  a compiler with a GUI?09:59
ladydoorthedash: it's what group it ends up being mounted as belonging to. umask could, however, be used to set the permissions it's mounted as having09:59
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tapascaleb: huh? you mean an IDE [integrated developmen environment]  for java?09:59
tapascaleb: have a look at eclipse09:59
tapascaleb: or one of the other IDE's availab;e09:59
josh2anyone know of a tutorial to repartition a hard drive, moving the /boot partition within the first 1024 sectors of the HD?10:00
calebtapas: i installed the bootstrape for eclipse through my ubuntu cd10:00
erUSULcpk2: incompatibilities between kernel and userspace (notably udev and hald) i experienced problems myself 2.6.18-rc{1,2,3} broke ubuntu's udev and i lost my printer10:00
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ladydoornicoco: edgy is development--this is the dapper channel. edgy is #ubuntu+110:00
tapasjosh2: do't you just need to create the partition first? tell fdisk where you want it to loive on the disc10:00
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tomveensompaul, suspicious man10:00
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calebtapas: but i am not sure how to access it, like an icon or something10:01
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tapascaleb: oh well. i am not on ubuntu right now10:01
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tapascaleb: try opening a console and type eclipse10:01
thedashwhat are the <dmp> and <pass> options in fstab?10:01
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ompaultomveens, no, think of a new user - ubuntu is great - why all these crazy updates it is dead today and alive tomorrow - so much for the picture of stability, when someone knows what they are getting into great but until then I really don't like to see dev versions being mentioned in here10:02
calebtapas: no such file or directory10:02
tapascaleb: what package did you install exactly?10:02
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tapascaleb: take a look in /usr/share/doc/<packagename>10:02
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screechingcatanyone tryed the new Edgy Eft beta yet ?10:03
ladydoorscreechingcat: #ubuntu+110:03
calebtapas: i installed ecj-bootstrap and ecj-bootstrap-gcj10:03
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tapascaleb: here on debian there's a package simply called exlipse10:04
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Tom39join #linuxtv10:04
Renan_s2!info eclipse10:04
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ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB10:04
ladydoortapas: this *isn't* debian. please look at the channel name.10:04
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NutubuntuHas anyone either used the Amaya 9.5 .deb or compiled it from source (for Dapper)? I see that even in Edgy we're still at 8.5, and I need some of the features that were released since then ...10:05
arvind_how can i chmod 777 from remote....... can i have the command please10:05
tapasladydoor: does ubuntu not have /usr/share/doc/?10:05
iLLf8dhey all is there a way to add a terminal entry to the right click mouse popup on a workspace?10:05
trappistarvind_: 777 is always wrong.10:05
ladydoortapas: yes, but it's still ubuntu, not debian.10:05
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tapasladydoor: right. your point being?10:05
arvind_trappist then please advice10:05
trappistarvind_: what are you trying to accomplish10:06
iLLf8dtapas, ubuntus logs not quite as gay as debians swirly10:06
=== garrett|mobile [n=garrett@216.49.242-DSL-218.ckt.net] has joined #ubuntu
garrett|mobileHey #ubuntu, my buddy has some problems.10:06
iLLf8dtapas, wish one dist could come up with a cooler logo10:06
ladydooriLLf8d: yeah, homosexuality's HILARIOUS10:06
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garrett|mobileHe tried replacing init with runit.10:06
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arvind_trappist i am planning to install an cms on my server..... and i need to chmod some files to 777 for installation purpose10:06
trappistgarrett|mobile: good move if you know what you're doing10:06
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calebso whats this have to do with eclipse?10:07
=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
virgiliowhere i can report problems during update to edgy beta?10:07
IntangirBill Clinton: Get into ubuntu!10:07
garrett|mobileAnd failed horribly. Any way to recover this? He's stuck at the GRUB command line.10:07
picochuguys what would be a good way to upgrade xorg to 7.1 from drapper?10:07
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iLLf8dladydoor, you find it hilarious thats funny =P10:07
ladydoorvirgilio: #ubuntu+110:07
Intangirhahahaha thats awesome ;)10:07
ladydooriLLf8d: i was being ironic10:07
virgilioladydoor: ok, thanks10:07
virgiliojoin #ubuntu+110:07
trappistarvind_: oh.  yeah CMS's are notoriously bad about security.  you proabaly just need to chown the files to www-data, the user running apache.10:07
ladydooriLLf8d: it's very rude to use "gay" as an insult.10:07
virgilioups, sorry10:07
garrett|mobileHe has no Ubuntu CD, he's pretty much FUBAR.10:07
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arvind_ok thanks trappist :)10:08
tapasso is there a cd version of the 6.10 beta coming?10:08
iLLf8dladydoor, oh I thought you were one of those types who worry about trying to be all politically correct when in todays society most words can have almost no meaning depending on their context10:08
screechingcattapas : NO10:08
thedashhmm, still can't get this to work10:08
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screechingcattapas : shipit will not ship edgy eft since dapper is an LTS10:08
trappistiLLf8d: words have meanings.  that's their purpose.10:08
thedashI have a Sata drive, formatted in fat32, seems to mount fine, but I can't read or write to it, and I can't change the owner10:09
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tapasscreechingcat: i'm not talking about delivery. i was tlaking about downloading10:09
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screechingcattapas, its already available then10:09
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A-L-P-H-Ahey... I'm getting an weird error.  http://pastebin.ca/185255 i don't seem to have a rgb.txt file under /usr/X11R6/lib/X1110:09
screechingcattapas, http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/10:09
tapasscreechingcat: hmm, then i didn't find it. will look harder though10:09
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
stu_hey, anyone here using an IBM thinkpad? wondering how to get the middle button to scroll like it does in windows10:10
tapasscreechingcat: thanks a bunch. eager to try upstart10:10
sorush20I hope lilo is in computer linux heaven..10:10
tapasi'm sick of the olde init sdcripts10:10
screechingcattapas, im 10% in right now10:10
=== Caplain [n=matt@98.detroit-04-05rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
garrett|mobileRunit/init help anyone?10:10
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tapasscreechingcat: into the dl?10:10
screechingcattapas, yeah. it seems very fast10:10
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sorush20does ubuntu support ultra dma 610:11
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voltronhey, synaptic on edgy wants to run an upgrade that removes stuff like ubuntu-base and startup-tasks. would performing this upgrade be a Very Bad Idea?10:11
iLLf8dtrappist, yeah many meanings getting bogged down in the politics of a word when negative words can be postitive and positive words can be negative is a waste of time some times a word like gay can just mean sucky and not have any direct correlation to others possible interpretation of homosexuality10:11
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tapasscreechingcat: yah, maxing my 2mbit dsl good :)10:11
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Red-SoxTrevorT: You around?10:11
botxji have 15mbit cable :P10:11
screechingcatscreechingcat drools all over tapas10:11
tapasscreechingcat: ;)10:12
iLLf8dtrappist, unless you thinking slangs like my nigga and whatnot mean those people are saying something negative when they use that kinda phrase10:12
screechingcati have a 256kbps dsl10:12
azzgoranyone running wow with cedega under ubuntu?10:12
=== botxj feels so sad for screechingcat :(
eurytuswhat do you mean, "those people" :)10:12
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega10:12
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Ramunasazzgor: I'm running it with wine10:13
trappistiLLf8d: all the above have no place here.  if you have something derrogatory to say, consider saying it in a more respectful and eloquent way.10:13
iLLf8deurytus, I mean those people who might choose to say that phrase10:13
sureshoti have fast download speed but i have a latency proglem with my internet connect due to it being directway10:13
azzgorRamunas: do you use a addon to turn of the miniman when wowloads?10:13
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Ramunasazzgor: no10:13
iLLf8dtrappist, I didn't consider that phrase disrespectful to anything other then the oses logos10:14
azzgori get a odd error after i enter the world, and wow crashes10:14
eurytusI just wanted to point out that on the internet, phrases that seem harmless to you can be creatively misinterpreted to have a negative subtext10:14
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garrett|mobiletrappist, still alive?10:14
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trappistgarrett|mobile: yeah, where were we10:14
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garrett|mobiletrappist, buddy tried installing runit, it failed, and now he's stuck at the GRUB menu. it failed to load stage2 of runit.10:15
tiedehello. I am setting up a wireless network for my house. Since I don't wan't intruder's, I am using MAC identification. When I type in iwconfig in the terminal, is the entry after Access Point my wireless card's MAC ID10:15
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garrett|mobiletrappist, if he can get back to init, that'd be fine.10:15
trappistiLLf8d: anyway, words have meanings, even if they only get their meanings from historical usage.  for obvious (surely even to you) reasons, that usage is potentially offensive and should not be used here.10:15
roottiede: MAC is easy to spoof10:15
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trappistgarrett|mobile: can't help him there.  did he install runit from source or something?10:15
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sureshotwireless is easy to spoof10:15
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azzgorifconfig <interface> hw ehter <new mac> LD10:16
rootsureshot: not if you run a vpn on top of it, like I do10:16
garrett|mobiletrappist, negative. I think he installed some package or soemthing. ;\10:16
tiedeI know, I just don't wan't to rely on wep if linux won't work anymore...10:16
eurytusto answer your question: after Access Point is I believe the MAC of the wireless access point you're currently using10:16
iLLf8dsorry if you're one of those don't pm me types10:16
erUSULtiede: use ifconfig to get the HWAdr10:16
tomveensompaul, I am not an ubuntu developer, but highly interessted in the ubuntu development because I am an ubuntu sympatist. Where do I get these information?10:16
sureshoti will read up on the that one10:16
roottiede: I use openvpn over wireless, and I discard non-openvpn packets over the link10:16
trappistgarrett|mobile: there is a package, and I never ran into that problem.  if I did, I'm not sure what I'd do next, but it's probably going to be difficult to recover from.10:16
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screechingcatgod ! u guys REALLY secure your networks doncha. here i dont have anything to worry about10:16
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ompaultomveens, fridge.ubuntu.com is a good place to look, in irc #ubuntu-motu is also good10:17
garrett|mobiletrappist, what I figured.10:17
Ramunasnight everybody10:17
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sureshoti am in the country no one around so i dont even use wep10:17
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screechingcatsureshot : me too10:18
tomveensompaul, I really want to help in the ubuntu community but there is to much info and to much choice to just contribute, there is no portal where you can sign in without first knowing what it is accectly about10:18
azzgorsureshot: in what country do youlive?10:18
tiedeBefore I triy all that. Does WEP encryption work with wifi-radar, I remember having issues with wep in network-manager, so I am reluctant to use it.10:18
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botxjsureshot that's a faulty reason for not using WEP10:18
ompaultomveens, I gave you #ubuntu-motu start there10:18
sureshoti am in a third world country call ohio10:18
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thedashI can't seem to get a drive to respond to any changes I make10:18
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sureshotdont need it10:18
thedashits formatted in fat32 atm, and I can't change the permissions or anythin10:18
botxji live in idaho, what no, udaho10:18
=== hugifrb [n=martin@p549FE708.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaultomveens, read the topic and join that mailing list10:18
trappistbotxj: not really.  if you know you can cross a threat off your list of things to worry about, why put any effort into protecting against it?10:19
tiederoot, erUSUL :Before I triy all that. Does WEP encryption work with wifi-radar, I remember having issues with wep in network-manager, so I am reluctant to use it.10:19
oscartownsleyhey, im kinda new and all but i want to hlep out10:19
=== aum [n=aum@60-234-243-247.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Ychis there a way to reinstall the tcp/ip protocoll?10:19
botxjtrappist what the noodles are you talking about?10:19
Ychdapper drake10:19
erUSULtiede: i do not know sorry never used that software10:19
sureshotwep can be broke very quickly so it is not very good10:19
Tomcat_oscartownsley: Good. Grab a cookie and just wait till you know the answer to some problem. :)10:19
oscartownsleydo what now?10:20
segfault_Ych, why you think u need to do such a thing?10:20
screechingcatbroken easily or not, wireless protection is just useless were i live10:20
tomveensompaul, Motu is for packageing in uni and multi, this is something what is a bit diffecult for me. There are other contributions I can deliver10:20
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oscartownsleyneways i only no like some java, where do i go next in the way of coding10:20
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ispikedanyone heard anything about recent update breaking the fglrx driver?10:20
tiedeThanks anyways, erUSUL . sureshot, should I go WAP instead then>10:21
sureshotsame here the people around me hardly know how to turn a computer on let alont set up a network and such...10:21
Ychsegfault_, i cant access anything on my entire LAN, though i can still connect to the internet, the advice someone gave me was to try to reinstallt he protocoll10:21
ompaultomveens, join #ubuntu-bugs10:21
=== Neo8750 [n=neo8750@adsl-70-227-180-115.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
trappistbotxj: I don't wear a bullet-proof vest to work, and I don't secure my internal network against hacking attempts by my daughter.  if I lived in the boonies, I probably wouldn't use wep.10:21
ompaultomveens, squashing is always useful10:21
segfault_Ych, ur advice was faulty10:21
oscartownsleyis there a better room for me to be in?10:21
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ispikedlike, I can't even open glxgears without stuff going to 100% cpu and hanging.10:21
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Dr_willisoscartownsley,  ##linux is fun.10:21
sureshotwap is better but still can be broken google it and read .. the utilities are free10:21
segfault_Ych, protocol stacks are contained in the kernel, feel free to reinstall the kernel tho that will not solve ur problem10:21
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tomveensompaul, I don't know a lot of software, my lack is not appreciated in these comms...10:22
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segfault_Ych, sounds like u have an issue with ur network configuration either on ur machine or on lan say ur router10:22
sureshotthat you used to get your wap and wep passcodes10:23
tomveensompaul, there has to be some kind of portal also for dummies10:23
sean_Hey - I was wondering if there's any way to launch the GNOME fast-user-switch applet in a fluxbox session? Is there a command to launch the applet? Or does it only work with a gnome-panel present?10:23
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ompaultomveens, no we deal with people10:23
Ychsegfault_, ok, maybe you can give me some better advice, i have reset both my machine and the router, but i didnt change anything, it just stopped working overnight10:23
tomveensompaul, they can do also a lot of things10:23
ompaultomveens, http://www.ubuntu.com/community10:23
ompaultomveens, read  it and find something in there10:24
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segfault_Ych, what r u trying to access on ur lan that u cannot?10:24
tomveensompaul, I've read it the first time I think 1 year ago10:24
tiedethanks everyone, I guess I'll leave it open :)10:24
ompaulsegfault_, please type fl wrdz hrdr 2 mk mistuk10:24
ompaulsegfault_, or easier for readers to understand10:25
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segfault_Ych, what are tou trying to access on your lan that you cannot?10:25
tomveensompaul, there are people who can not use an mailinglist appropiate, these people know a lot of the things they are doing only not into computing yet10:25
botxjfl wrdz hrdr 2 mk mistuk = "flounders harder to make a mistake"10:25
tomveensompaul, give them also handles to do someting10:26
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tomveensompaul, then the communitie gets much better10:26
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sureshotsscreechingcat you still on my friend10:26
spacebhola :D10:26
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ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl10:27
screechingcatsureshot, yeah10:27
spacebcould anyone help me to install nvidia drivers?10:27
UKMattHey how do you reformat a drive, such as an iPod?10:27
thedashI can't get the last drive to work10:27
thedashthe /dev/sda110:27
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sureshotwhat wireless card and router to you have10:27
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spacebcould anyone help me to install nvidia drivers?10:27
screechingcatsureshot, i have a Huawei router. doubt u ever heard of it though10:28
sureshotno i have not10:28
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segfault_spaceb, install the linux-restricted-modules pkg and change nv to nvidia i ur xorg.conf10:28
tony_HELLO ALL : How can i Exit Ubuntu Gnome and reboot into Console ??? need to install driver and i can not be in x server10:28
B|4ckm0r3hi! there's something i would like to ask you!...i'm having a strange problem with X...i've installed Xgl and if i start X with gdm it goes slower than startx...10:28
screechingcatsureshot, by wireless card, if u mean the PCI adapter, i have a Netgear Wg311v310:28
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screechingcatsureshot, its a chinese company. my ISP sells only those routers10:29
ladydoortony_: hit ctrl+alt+f1 to exit X, then do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop to stop X10:29
B|4ckm0r3the question is...what could be?10:29
segfault_tony_, ctrl-alt-F1 takes u to console, login sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop will stop x10:29
ubotuUnless you're Dutch, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..10:29
=== Phantom [n=francis@monrovll-cuda1-24-53-184-114.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
sureshotscreechingcat tell me i have 2 dhcp servers i have my satilight modem connected to a switch for my desktops uplinked to my wireless .. so my wireless is on a differen network.. can you see my other computers that way10:29
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househeadhi all10:29
ulathhi,which program can i use instead of checkpoint VPN client in ubuntu?10:29
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:29
househeadI' experiencing some very weird behavious10:29
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sureshotis it a decent reouter10:29
Phantomi burened an ubuntu cd for power pc.  how do i get it to boot on my imac g3?10:30
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tomveensompaul, I want that !nl koffie10:30
xplic1tI'm missing xslt support for my current php5 installation. Can I apt-get something (libxslt1-dev, php-xsl) or do I need to compile php5 from source?10:30
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spacebcould anyone help me to install nvidia drivers? please10:30
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segfault_ladydoor, u is faster to type that you and im lazy10:30
segfault_spaceb, install the linux-restricted-modules pkg and change nv to nvidia i ur xorg.conf10:30
screechingcatsureshot, woah man !! i really aint that great with wireless stuff10:30
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tomveenssudo apt-get nvidia...10:30
sureshotthats ok i was just wondering10:30
sureshotjust devided my network up into 2 nets10:31
spacebi did that sudo thingy10:31
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SR`Draft-Bughas anyone tryed to install SAM3 Broadcaster using Wine>?10:31
househeadafter compiling v0.1.6 of the xbox xpad driver, and copying it to the relevant kernel module directory, my system still somehow loads the old copy opf the driver (v0.0.5), however obviously if I directly insmod the right driver, it works. What gives?!10:31
segfault_spaceb, change nv to nvidia in xorg.conf and reboot10:31
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spacebi did $ sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common10:31
tomveensif you have the drivers installed with apt-get or synaptic10:31
tomveenssegfault_, has the answer10:31
spacebthen i wrote: $ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable10:31
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spaceband i got an erorr10:32
ulathhow can i make VPN conection (checkpoint) in ubuntu10:32
syllogismhow might I set up my laptop to automatically login to a console when it starts?10:32
spacebError: your X configuration has been altered.10:32
segfault_tomveens, i tried to help oh well10:32
ladydoorsyllogism: just a sec10:32
spacebis that normal?10:32
ladydoorsyllogism: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove10:32
tomveensyou might want to have the real closed nvidia driver10:32
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ladydoorsyllogism: if for some reason you ever want gdm back, you can do this:  sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults10:32
syllogismladydoor, I don't have gdm installed10:33
syllogismI have a minimal setup here10:33
ladydoorsyllogism: what're you booting to?10:33
mattikMean dual channel ddr same as ddr2? I'm finding new machine10:33
syllogismladydoor, console10:33
screechingcattapas u there man ?10:33
NutubuntuHas anyone either used the Amaya 9.5 .deb or compiled it from source (for Dapper)? I see that even in Edgy we're still at 8.5, and I need some of the features that were released since then ...10:33
=== INFP-Shevek [n=Spel@c213-89-241-134.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu
dionnowI just switched video cards and I need to reconfigure X for my new card.. How do I go about doing that?10:33
SR`Draft-Bugis there anyway i can reboot the X Window without having to restart my applications?10:33
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ladydoorsyllogism: so...why do you need to know how to boot to a console if you're already doing that?10:34
matidSR`Draft-Bug: I don't think so10:34
househeadis there anywhere else I can get ubuntu irc support as I;m not having much luck here10:34
tapasscreechingcat: yes10:34
=== Gilnim [n=gilnim@unaffiliated/gilnim] has joined #ubuntu
househeadis there a dev channel or summat?10:34
syllogismladydoor, I want it to automatically login to the console10:34
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syllogismwith my username10:34
=== Clawfinger [n=Clawfing@host86-128-55-125.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcattapas, just wanted to kkno how badly my connection sucks. how much of the dl is over  for u ?10:35
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househeadtake that as a no then10:35
SR`Draft-Bugcause i want to change my xorg.conf (because i have dual-monitor, then a monitor and TV config) and when i change the config to change my display, i have to restart X..10:35
warlockIf I want to copy the dir /home/cs1 to /home/cs2/ so all files in CS1 is in /home/cs2 what do I do?10:35
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ladydoorsyllogism: that's not exactly secure. sorry, i don't know how to do that.10:35
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tapasscreechingcat: 48%10:35
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warlockIs the command cp -r /home/cs1/ /home/cs2/ ?10:36
segfault_warlock, cd /home/cs1;cp -arp * /home/cs2/.10:36
screechingcatscreechingcat bangs his head in exasparation and screams "damned 15%"10:36
ClawfingerHello, I was just wondering, I accidentally created a folder while in an application i launched in the root terminal and the folder name has a space in it, is there anyway I can modify this folder at all? when I try to browse to it in the root terminal it simply tries to find a folder with the first word and that folder is non-existant10:36
warlockyou sure?10:36
warlockDoes that copy the /home/cs1/ stuff to /home/cs2/ ?10:36
mcphailClawfinger: use a backslash in fromt of the space10:37
warlockyeah it does10:37
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warlockbig thanks :)10:37
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mcphailClawfinger: ..or use the tab key to complete the path10:37
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n0dlSometimes when I am in X and I start firefox or a terminal or xmms X suddenly locks up. I cannot access any of my left click menus, all my keybinds start working, I cant exit X using ctrl+alt+backspace. The onlything I can do is move my mouse. I also see that the only thing still actively running is conky.... How would i fix this problem?10:38
n0dlive tried looking at my /var/log/messages and /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:38
n0dlbut nothing strange shows10:38
Clawfingermcphail: yeah the tab key won't complete it in this case as there are two folders with the first word 'My Pictures' and 'My Music' but yeah, could you also tell me where I can located the backslash key on an american keyboard, as I have a UK keyboard and the key labelled backslash just gives me >10:39
thedashI can't get the last drive on this list to work. http://pastebin.arslinux.com/3832  Its formatted in fat32 atm, don't know if that matters10:39
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mcphailClawfinger: you need to reconfigure that one, i think10:40
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Clawfingerwell, can you just type a backslash for me so i can c+p it? :P10:40
YaakovGood evening, ladydoor.10:40
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screechingcatClawfinger, here u go /10:40
racarterhello computer people10:40
ladydoorYaakov: good evening.10:40
racartercan you connect to a site that is using ftp over ssl with gftp?10:41
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racarteri guess that would equal ftps10:41
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mcphailClawfinger: by the way, tab completion will still get you out of your problem...10:41
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tony_sorry, i missed on my queation.. how do i stop gnome and enter console ???10:41
segfault_tony_, ctrl-alt-F1 takes u to console, login sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop will stop x10:42
trappisttony_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:42
BuglouseWhen using MPlayer, how can I change the "Open > File" menu to display "All Files" instead of "Video Files"?10:42
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tony_ok, how do i start gnome after that10:42
Buglouseapon difault that is10:42
segfault_tony_, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:42
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Clawfingeranyway mcphail, thanks alot, you helped me out alot there :)10:43
bam_I was wondering why I cant run "chmod -R" from inside of a script?10:43
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ukjadoonHello everyone10:43
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segfault_bam_, man chmod10:44
bam_ok, I will.10:44
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totall_6_7here is a bit of info that someone may find usefull: I reformated an ntfs drive to ext3, everything went fine till i tried to write to that drive, no matter what i did the permissions would not change. So being a ex-windows user i tried something "sudo nautilus" went to the mount point and changed the permissions through properties10:44
trappistbam_: you should be able to10:45
writingdeskwhy is kernel-source for dapper, 2.4 when the default install is 2.6?10:45
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trappistbam_: assuming you have write access to all the files being chmodded10:45
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trappistwritingdesk: the package you want is probably something other than kernel-source10:45
dthackerwhich section of packages would I find databases in?10:45
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ukjadooncan anyone help me with installing GTK+2.0 before i go INSANE!!!!!!! :( i have downloaded something like 20 different libraries already and there seems to be no end of issues or dependancies this is the crappiest thing ever:( all i wanted was to make my desktop look cool10:45
Dr_williswritingdesk,  im thinking some thing is confused..10:45
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Dr_willis!info kernel-source10:45
ubotuPackage kernel-source does not exist in any distro I know10:46
trappistwritingdesk: if you're trying to like build drivers or something you want to sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:46
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:46
segfault_writingdesk, u want linux-source10:46
writingdesksegfault: thanks!10:46
dthacker! mysql10:46
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)10:46
racarterdoes anyone use gftp?10:46
iLLf8dyeah from time to time10:46
ukjadoonis there any easier way to install GTK on my ubuntu 6.06 lts??10:46
totall_6_7i do not know if that helps anyone or not but i thought i would let you know10:47
bam_I have unpacked a tar.gz (tar xvf) and then want to chmod -R 644 the folder and files. Anything wrong with that? I get permission denied.10:47
ProN00bhow do i disable sshd ?10:47
writingdesktrappist:  no I want to build my own kernel.10:47
ukjadooni am ont he edge of insanity, *WALKS CLOSE TO THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF*:|10:47
ProN00blike not run it automatically on startup10:47
bhamgrayhow do I make the system 'aware' of the fact that I now want my firefox folder in my home directory to be THE firefox directory for the system? So that I get plugins, etc working properly10:47
stefgukjadoon: you wouldn' been asking this if gtk wasn't already installed :-)10:47
screechingcatwritingdesk, plenty of guides on the forum for that10:47
SlackRatjust installed kubuntu for someone, running adept now....does that upgrade the dapper dvd to 6.06.1  ?10:47
Dr_willisbam_,  why chod -R ?10:47
ladydoorukjadoon: easier than what?10:47
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Dr_willisbam_,  err why chmod it. :P10:48
trappistwritingdesk: that process is way more complicated than it ought to be, and way more complicated than you're probably used to with like fedora or mandriva or something10:48
SlackRator do i need to run a dist-upgrade as well?10:48
writingdeskscreechingcat:  well, grew up on debian (used to be called kernel-source not linux-source)10:48
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ladydoorSlackRat: yes, 6.06.1 isn't actually a new dist--just a more updated version.10:48
thedashI can't get the last drive on my fstab to work. http://pastebin.arslinux.com/3832  Its formatted in fat32 atm, don't know if that matters10:48
bam_because I want to chmod the folders and files inside. I dont know any other way to do it.10:48
writingdesktrappist:  I'm coming from LFS and Sourcemage, I think it should be ok, unless Ubuntu is that far off10:48
trappistbam_: when the folder gets chmodded to 644 you can no longer enter it to chmod its contents10:48
n0dldo broken X packages cause X lockup?10:48
screechingcatSlackRat, u dont need to do a dist upgrade10:48
SlackRatright, thanks ladydoor10:48
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NutubuntuHas anyone either used the Amaya 9.5 .deb or compiled it from source (for Dapper)? I see that even in Edgy we're still at 8.5, and I need some of the features that come in later releases ...10:49
ukjadoonoops back10:49
n0dlsuch as system-core or Xbase-clients?10:49
trappistbam_: you want chmod -R a+rX or something10:49
ascpronoob: in a terminal, so 'sudo sysd-rc-conf', find the sshd, and disable it, most likely.10:49
DJ_DanniHello i need a HELP10:49
ladydoorSlackRat: np10:49
SlackRatrunning adept gets me fully up to date then? cool10:49
bam_I will try10:49
ukjadoonwell i am going bonkers trying to install GTK10:49
ukjadooneach time i try it it requires some new library10:49
picochuis it better to dist-upgrade to edgy from drapper or reinstalling it from edgy cd?10:49
DJ_Dannimsg/me to help me10:49
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iLLf8dDJ_Danni, how will they know if they can if you don't tellem what the problem is10:50
trappistwritingdesk: you can grab the kernel.org source and build that, but ubuntu doesn't make a real kernel-source package like you might expect10:50
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ukjadooni downloaded cairo, makepp, glib, jpegsrv, libpng ETC ETC ughhhh10:50
screechingcatpicochu : definitel better to install from cd10:50
ukjadoonand it still has some new never before seen requirement popping up each time10:50
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ladydoorpicochu: it's best to wait until edgy is actually released.10:50
picochuscreechingcat:  but some of the lib and lib-dev packages doesn't add up.10:50
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iLLf8dI hope noone pmed DJ_Danni w/out explaining that to them10:51
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trappistbam_: you'll probably have to sudo chmod -R +X it first10:51
segfault_writingdesk, fyi debian/ubuntu has some tools to make building kernels easier see kernel-package and the command make-kpkg10:51
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DJ_DanniI am trying to Upload to my Webserver via FTP but the Com is noat on somthang. How can i chance it by using ssh?10:51
ukjadoonSTEFG!!! =D hey man10:51
picochuladydoor: I'd like to try xorg 7.1 not available in drapper :X10:51
screechingcatpicochu, dosent add up as in ?10:51
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picochuscreechingcat:  diff versions10:51
ukjadoonthis is the second time lol10:51
DJ_DanniCan somone help me with that?10:51
ukjadoonhow r u doing?10:51
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screechingcatpicochu, in the edgy cd ?10:51
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picochuscreechingcat:  i did the installation from the cd. yep10:52
digilinkDJ_Danni: what exactly do you mean?10:52
bhamgrayEdgy comes with Bon Echo but I wanted to go back to 1.5 so I downloaded it and it works fine in my home directory but I can't get mplayer plugins working.10:52
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iLLf8dDJ_Danni, dunno what you mean by com however transfering a file over ssh is easy assuming its on at both ends and there are no keys involved (scp ./localfile user@remotehost:)10:52
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iLLf8dDJ_Danni, that'd transfer a file from localmachine to  remote hosts users home path with the same name10:52
screechingcatpicochu, wierd. are u having any problems with apps running those libs ?10:52
NutubuntuHas anyone either used the Amaya 9.5 .deb or compiled it from source (for Dapper)? I see that even in Edgy we're still at 8.5, and I need some of the features that come in later releases ...10:52
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DJ_DanniI am trying to Uploiad to my Webserver but when i try to make a New Folder he dose noat show up:S10:52
bam_but I want to do this from inside a script. Shouldnt I be able to change the permissions of a folders and files that I myself have created from inside the script?10:52
bhamgrayAnyone know what steps I take to get plugins pointed to the firefox folder in my home directory?10:52
picochuscreechingcat: nope but i can't install the dev  stuffs that i need to compile some packages10:53
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screechingcatbhamgray, y do u want to use 1.5 instead of bon echo ?10:53
writingdesksegfault:  I'll check that out, thanks10:53
segfault_bhamgray, need to make links from ur plugins folder to the plugins10:53
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iLLf8dDJ_Danni, or you could just use sftp user@host and then it'd be just like ftp commands10:53
screechingcatpicochu, ask in #ubuntu+110:53
bhamgray75% of my favorite plugins don't work in Bon Echo yet10:53
tony_IM trying to install NVIDIA driver , during installation , message apeared saying i don't have pre compiled kernell.10:53
segfault_writingdesk, np10:53
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screechingcatbhamgray, google "nightly tester tools"10:54
tony_and another massage said , i need ot have libc header in order for installation to compile .10:54
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tony_where can i find that10:54
iLLf8dlpwd lls lcd (for local pwd ls and cd commands) and pwd ls cd for remote commands (and of course get/put)10:54
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bhamgrayscreechingcat: ok10:54
stefg!nvidia > tony_10:54
segfault_tony_, libc6-dev10:54
DJ_DanniI use radio@radio10:54
cpk2tony_: did you compile your kernel yourself?10:54
tony_installer was going to compile it10:54
tony_but missing libc10:54
ukjadoondid u get the libc6 error?10:55
ukjadooni got that too10:55
segfault_tony_, then why compile ur own nvidia module10:55
stefgtony_: ubuntu has rhe driver already, no need to compile one10:55
DJ_DanniHow can i chance the permission with ssh?10:55
tony_I have no idea how to do that10:55
tony_im new to linux10:55
segfault_DJ_Danni, man chmod10:55
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tony_whats rhe ??10:56
DJ_DanniMy Webserver is on /var/www/ and how can i chance it with Putty ssh?10:56
segfault_tony_, install linux-restricted modules and change nv to nvidia in ur xorg.conf, then restart x (or reboot)10:56
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ClayGHey, whats that program that is sort of like dreamweaver ?10:56
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ClayGfor ubuntu10:56
stefgtony_: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` nvidia-glx && sudo nvidia-glx-config enable ... then ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X10:56
screechingcatClayG, Bluefish10:56
digilinkclayg: try bluefish, it's close or NVU10:57
NutubuntuClayG:  Are you thinking of nvu?10:57
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Nutubuntu(How is bluefish close to dreamweaver?)10:57
tony_but on nvidia site , is mentioned that i should not have the nvidia glx installed if im going to install this driver10:57
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ClayGawsome, ill try both10:57
dthackerHi.  What category would I find databases under on packages.unbuntu.com?10:57
ClayGthanks guys10:57
screechingcatNutubuntu, it aint close. its better10:57
tony_how do you make the user name appear before the text on this chat ???10:57
ClayGi had one that worked well but didnt remember the name10:58
synjetDanni: ssh username@server10:58
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ladydoortony_: you mean you're just seeing random text?10:58
screechingcatClayG : Nvu and Bluefish are the two best10:58
DJ_Dannimy username is radio@radio10:58
NutubuntuI was under the impression that dreamweaver is a WYSIWYG editor and bluefish is a text editor ...10:58
ukjadoonummmmmmmmmmm is there a better desktop mod solution that GTK out there?10:58
synjet!chmod > DJ_Danni10:58
DJ_DanniI am logged in to that in Putty10:58
iLLf8dDJ_Danni, you way want to look at a basic linux sysadmin guide these are basics that you should learn or perhaps you should try to run a different os10:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chmod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:58
Hyperion|Sleepanyone know if there is a way to install ubuntu from gnome terminal from a differnt linux distro?10:58
ukjadooni mean what the best in Ubuntu eye candy mods?10:58
Justyquestion: I have been trying to install compiz following the instructions here  http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?id=38910:58
tony_like what you did you put my name before the message10:58
tulkasHello, is it possible to get video-output to work on Ubuntu, Id like to use my TV as a screeh?10:58
screechingcatNutubuntu, nope. bluefish is a whizzywig editor10:58
ladydoortony_: you type it. and your client probably has tab-completion.10:58
Dr_willisHyperion|Sleep,  not that ive heard of.. at least not easialy.10:59
Justyquestion: but i got that error http://paste-bin.com/73010:59
Hyperion|Sleephehe, ok, thanks10:59
eurytustulkas, need more info about your card10:59
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Dr_willisHyperion|Sleep,  ya could perhaps use vmware, or qemu.. but thats a scary way10:59
synjetDanni: go to /var/www and change the permissions using chmod10:59
gnomefreakJusty: please join #ubuntu-xgl for help with that10:59
picochuscreechingcat: I think I'll try again with edgy beta. i was using knot-3 obviously that didn't go very well10:59
ukjadooni think ubotu sent me some nice links but when i clicked on one of my chatzilla hung up and i had to restart =(10:59
soniumcan someone tell me why ubuntu mounts dvd's but I can not read them without root, but CDs work fine?10:59
Justygnomefreak, thanks and sorry10:59
Hyperion|SleepI think vmware is listed on the site10:59
Hyperion|Sleepthough knoppix is supposed to work too10:59
stefgJusty: /j #ubuntu-xgl10:59
tulkasEurytus, well I have RAC-output at least in my card, this is a laptop.10:59
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mwesonium: you probably need to add a rule to fstab10:59
DJ_DanniYeas but how can i do it in SSH? I am noat where my Server are10:59
Hyperion|Sleepitsjust that gentoo made knoppix hate my system :D11:00
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soniummwe: how?11:00
Dr_willisHyperion|Sleep,  its easy to setup/install in a vmware session.. but thats not a normal install that will be bootable by iteslf.11:00
Justystefg, thanks11:00
screechingcatpicochu, beta is out. im dl - ing it right now11:00
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ukjadoonoht thanx guys =D stefg u da man lol11:00
eurytusRAC? is that composite? Did you mean RCA?11:00
synjetDanni: are you logged into your server?11:00
tony_ok , i will try again to install nvidia. wish me luck11:00
tulkasyes I mean rca :>11:00
soniummwe: /media/dvdrecord doesn't get mentioned in fstab at all11:00
tulkasSorry about that.11:00
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mwesonium: first back up the file. then sudo nano /etc/fstab and look at the other entries11:00
DJ_DanniYeas via Putty11:00
Hyperion|Sleepoh, I can compile a debian kernel no problem ;)11:00
picochuscreechingcat:  200k a sec.. that will take a while :|11:00
synjetDanni: good, so you can cd to /var/www?11:00
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eurytustulkas, I am guessing it's some integrated chip which might make it difficult if the mfg didn't produce drivers/documentation11:00
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soniummwe: don't you think there is something wrong with the automounter?11:01
DJ_DanniI am there11:01
screechingcatpicochu, imagine my situation. im gettin 20k a sec11:01
stefglspci helps11:01
DJ_Dannion /var/www11:01
eurytustulkas, try doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and selecting the v4l package, then install "tvtime"11:01
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picochuscreechingcat:  ouch11:01
mwesonium: you should be able to "monkey see, monkey do" it11:01
eurytustulkas, if that doesn't work, try googling about your laptop model and linux and TV out, or try to find the graphics unit's name11:01
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picochuscreechingcat:  not broadband?11:01
synjetok now use the command "chmod" to change the permissions to whatever you want11:01
mwesonium: I doubt udev or hal is broken from what you describe11:02
mdrydenWould anyone have a few moments to help me understand a problem that is happening with my nvidia card (concerning resolution)11:02
iLLf8danyone in here know how to add factoids to the bot?11:02
screechingcatpicochu, in my country this is called broadband.11:02
picochuscreechingcat:  where r u from?11:02
iLLf8dlemme rephrase that can someone in here please tell me how to add factoids to the bot11:02
screechingcatpicochu, India11:02
tulkaseurytus,  thanks for the help, I'll try those tips.11:02
mwe!usage > iLLf8d11:03
eurytus!usage > eurytus11:03
LjL20 kilo*bytes* a second is broadband here, too... poor broadband, but still broadband. it's not a 56k modem anyway11:03
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eurytusI knew those nederlanders were behind everything11:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:03
picochuscreechingcat: ah. Is it this bad for just residential or what?11:03
LjL20kilo*bits* is most definitely not broadband11:03
mweI agree11:03
picochuscreechingcat: are u using cable or dsl?11:03
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knapper_hey guys, im getting the following error when I go to compile a theme: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25104/ (in kubuntu)11:03
knapper_I have installed all of the qt packages11:04
DJ_Danniok but what command shut i use to Set the command to 755 or 777?11:04
screechingcatpicochu, i can get a 1mb connection but that comes with a 1gb up down limit11:04
LjLknapper_: "sudo aptitude install kdelibs4-dev"11:04
screechingcatpicochu, DSL11:04
gnomefreakiLLf8d: you cant add facts to bot please pm me and tell me what you want added11:04
synjetDanni: http://www.washington.edu/computing/unix/permissions.html11:04
picochuscreechingcat:  that is bad.. i guess there isn't any unmetered plan is there?11:04
DJ_Danniok thangs11:04
knapper_tnx LjL11:04
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mdrydenI've been working with Ubuntu on a computer that does not have access to the internet. My screen resolution is 640x480. I finally got the nvidia-glx package installed, hoping that having no drivers was the problem...however, I am still not allowed to change my resolution11:04
gnomefreakiLLf8d: i will send it to someone as im about to leave11:05
LjL!fixres > mdryden11:05
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screechingcatpicochu, yes there is. the one im on right now is 256kbps  unlimited usage11:05
bhamgrayscreechingcat: Good call! That worked fine11:05
ClayGweird usually when i hear the name or at the very most use the program i can tell which it is....i dont know if nvu or bluefish is the one, but both look great thanks guys (all 3)11:05
picochuscreechingcat:  and how much does that cost?11:05
stefg!fixres > mdryden11:05
mdrydenI've been reading the FixVideoResolution on the wiki page11:05
screechingcatpicochu, 900 indian rupees11:05
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picochuscreechingcat:  in us dollars please. :)11:05
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mdryden:) Thank you, I just wanted to make sure that I was reading the right page.11:06
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DJ_Danniok this si littelbit confused for me11:06
DJ_DanniI am a bigenner in Linux11:06
screechingcatpicochu, 19$11:06
stefgmdryden: so you've got nvidia video hardware? If it's ancient you'll need nvidia-_legacy_11:06
DJ_DanniBut what shut i type to chance commands to 755 or 777?11:06
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eurytuschmod 0777 <files>11:06
soniumwhat is the filesystem for a dvd?11:07
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soniumin fstab11:07
mdrydenLjL and stefg, thank you. One more question: If I don't have access to the internet on my computer, is there a way I can download *all* the general packages and burn them to a disk?11:07
picochuscreechingcat: not too bad. I'm pay for like $US40 for 4Mb unmetered in singapore11:07
eurytuschmod -r 0777 <directory> to recursively change permissions on all files in <directory> (and directory itself)11:07
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LjLmdryden: i guess you could make a mirror of the repositories.11:07
eurytussorry that's -R11:07
eurytusor --recursive11:07
POVaddcteurytus: it's -R, not -r11:07
picochuscreechingcat: is the connection reliable? never did like DSL. for me cable is more stable.11:07
EmxBAtell me something...are you really afraid of slackware? :)11:07
screechingcatpicochu, its fine. no probs at all11:08
LjLmdryden: programs like apt-proxy might help11:08
picochuscreechingcat:  no disconn i suppose?11:08
screechingcatmdryden, u need to get a ubuntu plus cd11:08
ascIs there a way to list and/or view active terminal sessions?11:08
screechingcatpicochu, nope11:08
DJ_Dannichmod: changing permissions of `/var/www/apache2-default/robots.txt': Operation not permitted11:08
DJ_Danniradio@radio:~$ cd /var/www11:08
DJ_Danniradio@radio:/var/www$ "chmod" 75511:08
DJ_Dannichmod: too few arguments11:08
DJ_DanniTry `chmod --help' for more information.11:08
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DJ_Danniradio@radio:/var/www$ "755"11:08
DJ_Danni-bash: 755: command not found11:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:08
DJ_Danniradio@radio:/var/www$ commands "755"11:08
DJ_Danni-bash: commands: command not found11:08
screechingcat!Ubuntu Plus11:08
DJ_Danniradio@radio:/var/www$ chmod 0777 <files>11:08
DJ_Danni-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'11:08
ladydoorDJ_Danni: stop it11:08
mdrydenOh sorry. At my house, I have no connection to the internet at all.11:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Ubuntu Plus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:08
DJ_Danniradio@radio:/var/www$ chmod 077711:08
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DJ_Dannichmod: too few arguments11:08
DJ_DanniTry `chmod --help' for more information.11:08
DJ_Danniradio@radio:/var/www$ chmod 075511:09
DJ_Dannichmod: too few arguments11:09
DJ_DanniTry `chmod --help' for more information.11:09
ladydoorDJ_Danni: stop11:09
DJ_DanniI get this11:09
eurytushe probably pasted it and it buffered11:09
screechingcatmdryden, Ubuntu Plus is a cd with all the repos burned into it11:09
ladydooreurytus: oh11:09
POVaddctDJ_Danni: chmod 0755 filename11:09
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ladydoorDJ_Danni: in the future, please use pastebin11:09
eurytusYou were supposed to replace <files> with whatever you were trying to chmod :(11:09
dthackerDJ_Danni: Please use pastebin!11:09
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picochuscreechingcat: cool. are you living near the big cities like mumbai or hyberdad ?11:09
mdrydenI have the 6.06LTS edition--I'm assuming that's not it.11:09
stefgmdryden: setting up an offline-repository is tricky, rather burn the stuff to CD and copy either to /var/cache/apt/archives or install manually by dpkg -i11:09
eurytusto be explicit: chmod 0755 commands11:09
screechingcatpicochu, i live in Chennai.11:10
ablyssi thought 777 was the highest possible value for changing modes ( chmod )11:10
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ablyssdon't understand why the extra zero is needed11:10
synjetablyss: 777 gives write/exec permissions to all, 755 is safer11:10
screechingcatmdryden, Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is the OS. Ubuntu Plus is just a dics wich contains all the required pakacages for it11:11
picochuscreechingcat: ah another major outsource centre... :)11:11
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screechingcatmdryden, so that u can install software without an internet connection11:11
ablysssynjet, righty i wasn't concered with the permissions but the extra zero that eurytus was placing i.e., 077711:11
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screechingcatpicochu, Yep11:11
POVaddctablyss: the leading zero can be omitted. however, there are special permissions needing a leading non-zero value, like suid or sticky bit11:12
NutubuntuI'll have to go soon, but wanted to ask one more time if anyone has either used the Amaya 9.5 .deb or compiled it from source (for Dapper)? I see that even in Edgy we're still at 8.5, and I need some of the features that come in later releases ... I would like to install 9.5 from the w3c's .deb but don't want to get into a cascading series of problems with stuff that's not from one of the Ubuntu repositories11:12
iLLf8dcan someone tell me how to add a term laucher line to my right click popup menu?11:12
picochuscreechingcat:  so i guess the infrastructure should be pretty okay there.11:12
iLLf8dI'm not as gnome savvy as I wish I were11:12
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screechingcatpicochu, it aint too shabby. but it aint too great either11:12
ablyssPOVaddct oh i see, i never understand what a "sticky" permisson does11:12
AAAleis there someone using postfix with ubuntu?11:12
eurytus0777 means "no sticky bit" I think11:12
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picochuscreechingcat: really? u local?11:13
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POVaddctablyss: it's mainly for the /tmp directory. so everyone can write it, but one can only delete his own files11:13
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screechingcatpicochu, local as in ? if u mean to ask if i live there, yes i do11:13
POVaddcteurytus: yeah, and 1777 is 777 and sticky bit11:13
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DJ_DanniMy www dir is noat on 755 thats wuy i canoat Upload11:14
shmulikHi, I've got Dapper on a MacBook Pro here, and the Atheros wifi card isn't connecting to any access points (but it looks like it can see them).  I've Googled, and it seems I need a newer version of madwifi-ng than what ships with 6.06.1, is that what I should try and get?11:14
ladydooreurytus: what does the sticky bit do?11:14
mdrydenthank you for your help, everybody.11:14
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AAAlehttps://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/email-services.html <- i'm using this guide, i've only configured postfix but i don't recive mail. log says warnings like lost connection after CONNECT from blah11:14
eurytusladydoor, not much except on directories11:14
picochuscreechingcat: not just living there. but are you native to that region or did u migrate to Chennai?11:15
eurytusWhen  the sticky bit is set on a directory, files in that directory may11:15
eurytus       be unlinked or renamed only by root or their owner.  Without the sticky11:15
eurytus       bit,  anyone able to write to the directory can delete or rename files.11:15
ladydooreurytus: ok11:15
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ablyssladydoor, the sticky bit from what I just learned is for not allowing or allowing users to delete tmp files of other users11:15
eurytusman chmod for more info11:15
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eurytusexactly, you set it on world-writable directories11:15
ladydoorablyss: oh, ok11:15
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eBs|Jackhey i was following the guide to usbstick install for ubuntu and all works but i cant get it to mount my sda as cdrom11:16
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eBs|Jackanyone know how to fix this?11:16
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POVaddcteurytus: world-writable dirs are a security issue. better set it group writable and add the user to that group11:16
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screechingcatpicochu, : technically i belong to hyderabad . but ive live in chennai since i was a few months old so i'm pretty much a native. but i think we should stop this discussion now or move it to ubuntu-offtopic11:16
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eBs|Jackhas anyone successfully booted and installed from usbstick ?11:17
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user_What is the command, again, to switch to administrator mode in terminal?11:17
picochuscreechingcat: np.11:17
ablysshello hyderabad, love your food.. good stuff11:17
shmulikuser_: su11:17
POVaddcteurytus: i mean world writable dirs except /tmp :)11:17
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picochuscreechingcat: just curious thats all11:17
shmulikuser_: Just use sudo though11:17
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shmulikuser_: As in "sudo synaptic"11:17
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user_shmulik: sudo ... ?11:17
screechingcatpicochu, no prob mate11:17
screechingcatablyss, : want some ?11:18
xplic1tI'm missing xslt support for my php5 installation. I used apt-get install libxslt1.1, but do I need to recompile php5 from source?11:18
shmulikuser_: You type "sudo" then the command you'd like run as a superuser.11:18
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AlinuxSOShello is there some places on the net where I can post a screenshot ?11:18
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user_shmulik: Ha! Ha! That's right. Sorry, Sir.11:18
synjetablyss: Chicago's Devon street has good Hyd food11:18
AlinuxSOS(an error screenshot ?)11:18
syllogismIs there a program that will wait for input from the parallel port and then execute commands based on the recieved data?11:18
shmulikuser_: "sudo synaptic" would open up synaptic with superuser priveleges so you can install/remove packages.11:18
screechingcatsynjet : so dose hyderabad11:18
mdrydenI just noticed: sudo sh -c 'md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf > /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum'  -- isn't it supposed to be /var/lib/X11/xorg.conf.md5sum (capital X11)?11:19
syllogismsimilar to what lirc can do, but with the parallel port?11:19
ablyssscreechingcat, actually i'm going out for indian food tonight.. my lady is indian and she trys to out do me in spicy foods, but I'm pretty good11:19
AlinuxSOShttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ dosen't support it ?11:19
shmulikuser_: No need to apologize...11:19
synjetscreechingcat: but for those not in india :D11:19
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screechingcatablyss : dont eat the pickles though11:19
user_shmulik: Thank you. ;)11:19
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ubuGoogleEarth showing large empty rectangles after install today - suggestions ?11:20
ClayGhey who recommended bluefish?\11:20
iLLf8danyone else having trouble with ubuntu not shutting down correctly all the time? seems a few of them don't complete and when I startup next time my screen res is all wierd in gdm till I login?11:20
iLLf8dbluefish is decent11:20
ablysssynjet, we have a places here that are good too, near atlanta GA11:20
jhassehow can i get rid of the error, that my asx-file is an txt-file??!??11:20
screechingcatClayG : is that a "u screwed me up and i want revenge question" ?11:20
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iLLf8dClayG the developers are all about real world politics and use their project to push them for a while11:21
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ClayG no it was about a "how do i switch to "designer" mode in it, but i just loaded the .html in nvu and foudn the option there11:22
eBs|Jackhas anyone successfully booted and installed from usbstick ?11:22
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syllogismIs there an easy way to listen for data from the parallel port and then execute commands when a value is recieved?11:22
syllogismsimilar to lirc, but with the parallel port?11:23
mweeBs|Jack: I did.11:23
iLLf8dsyllogism, I dunno but what are you doing? /me is curious?11:23
ablyssi once successfully booted and intalled from a zip 250 disk </end bragging>11:23
iLLf8dsyllogism, you can listen to sockets dunno if the parallel port uses them like all the rest of linux goodies perhaps checking in proc but that data woudl be pretty raw11:23
screechingcatablyss, zips are ancient history mate11:24
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trappistablyss: I once installed linux by carefully applying a very small magnet to the platters in my hard drive11:24
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magneti concur11:24
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syllogismiLLf8d, want to setup a remote control11:24
iLLf8dtrappist couldn't drink coffee for like a year before it otherwise trappist would've shook too much11:25
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trappistdefinitely had to enter a zen state11:25
iLLf8dsyllogism if I were you i'd download a kernel source and check its Documentation path to see what you've got11:25
masingerzI have dapper and i want to use my pentium 4 hyper threading11:25
masingerzhow do i install an ubuntu version that handles ht?11:26
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masingerzi think its 686-smp11:26
masingerzcurrently i have 68611:26
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KuprinHey guys - I can't get the default BitTorrent client to connect to any trackers. This has been an ongoing problem for me, through the last 3 versions. I'm hoping to take another shot at curing it tonight.11:27
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iLLf8dsyllogism, http://www.lvr.com/parport.htm <- looks like that might help out11:27
masingerzLinux masingerz 2.6.15-27-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Sep 16 02:13:27 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux11:27
tapasok, ubuntu  6.10 did boot until it started X. Even in safe graphics mode it hung there..11:28
tapas[thinkpad t21] .. is there a way to use the dri drivers instead? those work better11:28
mdryden(Does anyone know of any writing software for lunix?)11:28
LjLmdryden: "writing software"?11:28
mdrydenAs in novel writing11:29
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writingdeskmdryden:  like Open Office or AbiWord?11:29
LjLmdryden: uh... a word processor you mean?11:29
tapaslunix like this lunix:11:29
screechingcatsoftware --- there, i wrote it11:29
screechingcathorrible PJ i know11:29
writingdeskmdryden:  Linux can't write novels... it's good but not that good11:29
HedgeMagemdryden: you mean like for tracking plot threads and such?11:29
KragneracHello, does anyone know what the advantage is between the i386 and i686 versions of the Linux kernel?11:29
mdrydenSorry, I wasn11:29
mdrydenwasn't clear enough.11:30
KragneracOr the difference11:30
niklas_eis there any way to boot with grub so you can run reiserfsck to check the / (/dev/sda2)11:30
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niklas_eor you need to have the cd (or dvd)11:30
eBs|Jackmwe can you tell me how?11:30
tapashah 0.37 BogoMIPS11:30
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iLLf8dwb ladydoor11:30
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HedgeMagemdryden: Ummm... a friend of mine was working on something like that a while ago, but I don't have a URL or anything.  I can poke him about it this weekend for you.11:30
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joeljkpthe VIRT, RES, and SHR columns in 'top', what units are those in?11:31
HedgeMagemdryden: I was thinking about it anyway since I just got talked into doing NaNoWriMo :)11:31
darkanyelhi, anyone know how change the server of warcraft 3 in linux???11:31
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stribbHowdy all y'all. Where do I find something that will let me play .avi files?11:32
cafuego!RestrictedFormats > stribb11:32
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stribbavi is restricted? Didn't realise11:33
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eurytusno, codecs are restricted11:33
screechingcatKragnerac : i386 is for older hardware. i686 is specifically for intel x86 processors11:33
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eurytusavi's use a variety of codecs. Some of these are proprietary.11:33
SpudDoggAnyone here know how to read data in downloaded wireless packets?11:33
stribbThanks. So if I get the appropriate codecs, the file format will magically work?11:34
screechingcatstribb, pretty much11:34
cafuegostribb: Pretty much, provided you use a supported player.11:34
stribbcafuego: totem is the only one that came with the install. That do?11:35
=== stribb feels like such a newbie
roshlamestribb, just get mplayer, and you have no more multimedia problems :)11:36
cafuegostribb: it should, as far as I know  (I use vlc, got odd issues with totem)11:36
screechingcatstribb, just do sudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine-extracodecs11:36
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iLLf8dscreechingcat, yeah totem can be sketchy at times for some reason11:37
screechingcatiLLf8d, totem-xine is pretty solid11:37
stribbIt wants me to downgrade totem11:37
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screechingcatscribb : it should want u to remove totem-gstreamer11:38
eBs|Jackhas anyone successfully booted and installed from usbstick ?11:38
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screechingcatmwe has11:39
eBs|Jackyea but hes not answering here or in his pms11:39
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eBs|Jackwell ive done it with knoppix but i didnt have any problems11:40
MrRioi've found a crasher on evince for a pdf document11:41
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screechingcatMrRio, file a bug report11:41
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eBs|Jackactually its very weird, it boots and goes fine until the base installation and then it complains that my cdrom is not mounted11:42
=== stribb wonders whose wireless he's using
eBs|Jackif i try to mount it i get a copy error11:42
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MrRiodoes this crash anyone else's evince or is it just my system?11:44
stribbscreechingcat: is it okay that it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop too?11:44
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stribbThat's just a matapackage?11:44
screechingcatstribb : no problem11:44
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screechingcatstribb : yeah11:44
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stribb250kB/sec download speed over wireless!11:45
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screechingcatstribb, U PIRATE11:45
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alephantHi all...11:45
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stribbMaybe I'm stealing from Google. They're in the next office.11:45
soniumis it possible to start a program in a way it has not internet access?11:45
screechingcatstribb, were is this ?11:45
stribbscreechingcat: dublin11:45
screechingcatIreland ?11:46
RPG_gaimHI, in the Ubuntu Server Edition, is there still an "update manager" that alerts you to download new software updates?11:46
alephantI'm running linux-image-server... and I want linux-restricted-modules -- which should I install? -386? -686? does it matter?11:46
stribbLast time I checked, yes11:46
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RPG_gaimthat's wonderful11:46
alephantsonium -- it really depends on what you're hoping to accomplish, and the program in question11:46
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alephantsonium -- broadly, you can look at SELinux, that's exactly the kind of broad issue it's designed to solve11:46
screechingcatstribb,  its just that every place in europe prolly has a plac in the US of A named exaclty the same11:47
soniumI want to play a copy of quake411:47
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LjLsonium: dunno, i know that "tsocks" can transparently make programs use a SOCKS server rather than direct connection... so i guess if you configure it with a non-existent SOCKS server, they won't access the network11:47
soniumwithout a proper key11:47
alephantsonium -- but note that SELinux isn't for the faint of heart11:47
LjLsonium: err, i'm not sure that's a kind of request you should make here.11:47
stribbscreechingcat: not even the americans would be as insular to think they could specify that unqualified though, right?11:47
alephantsonium -- ah.  I'm not sure anyone here can/will help with pirated software :-/11:47
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stribbanyway, that works beautifully now thanks.11:47
whurleyany one here have any idea if the bios setting can break the current ubuntu server installer on a dual proc AMD machine?11:47
soniumactually its a quite general question11:47
whurley(dual proc, not dual core)11:48
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alephantstribb: don't you DARE downplay the potential insularity of Americans!  Insularity is a national virtue!11:48
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screechingcatstribb, no prob. enjoy your avi11:48
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stribb<g> thanks11:48
LjLsonium: yeah, you should have lied about the purpose though ;)11:48
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docmurhas anyone got gnome to upgrade to 2.16 in dapper with out it crashing11:48
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DieI am having trouble with a second hard drive connected to my pc... it is also formatted with Ubuntu and will not show up in the file browser.11:48
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alephantso anyway... anybody have an idea about my linux-restricted-modules paired with a -server kernel?11:48
sivikDie: did you mount it?11:48
DieI cant11:49
Dieit wont show up11:49
=== peppo [n=slumpmas@h218n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mkinitrd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:49
=== RPG_gaim [n=garrett@c-24-15-87-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
soniumok... I have bought the copy, but I don't want the game to do something stupid. I always have concerns about closed-source software11:49
=== sly [n=sly@che33-3-82-230-75-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
alephantsonium -- can you simply unplug the cable?11:50
shmulikHi, I've got Dapper on a MacBook Pro here, and the Atheros wifi card isn't connecting to any access points (but it looks like it can see them).  I've Googled, and it seems I need a newer version of madwifi-ng than what ships with 6.06.1, is that what I should try and get?11:50
ktostakiHow can I see the intensity of my network? Is there some command which programs how much bytes download or upload per second?11:50
LjLsonium: whatever, whatever, anyway why not try my suggestion? it's naive, but it might work11:50
docmurwhats a computer lol11:50
=== PreZWork [n=prez@13.sub-75-192-172.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-074-229-245-180.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
alephantktostaki -- try ntop11:50
b_9how do I print a file from the command line ( I have a printer set up in the gui )11:51
FlaXIs there an equivalence for 'mkinitrd' ?11:51
Diecan anyone help?11:51
eBs|Jacksomeone help me do a ubuntu boot and install from usbstick11:51
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:51
DieI did11:51
alephantsonium, I know "unplug the cable" may sound a bit kneejerkish, but if your goal is to just play Quake and not build an entire huge solution for it... the simplest is often best.11:51
=== lakcaj [n=lakcaj@bas3-kingston08-1168067122.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-250.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
Dieno one has an answer11:51
slydoes anyone know if it's possible to run a edubuntu cd in live cd mode ?11:51
=== Justy [n=q00z@] has joined #ubuntu
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alephantsly -- did you try it?11:52
=== AlinuxOS [n=alinux@d83-176-14-113.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
alephantDie, can you please give more detail beyond "it doesn't work"11:52
screechingcatsly : if its a live cd its very possible11:52
soniumI will try LjL's approach first11:52
ktostakialephant: thx11:52
ladydoorDie: ok, do you know the device name? it's probably sdb. do ls /dev/sd*11:52
slyyes i try but i see no options11:52
peppohow can sudo'ing suddenly stop working in ubuntu? the main user is now getting a "deuz is not in the sudoers file" when trying to sudo.11:52
DieMy second hard drive is plugged in but does not show up in the file browser... it is SDA1.11:52
alephantstill wondering: what's the correct linux-restricted-modules-* deb to use with linux-image-server?11:53
=== adnans [n=adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
slyI will search on the site where i shipped the cd11:53
slythnak you11:53
=== ricky [n=ricky@88-110-162-250.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
peppowhere's the documentation wiki?11:54
ladydoorDie: what's a file browser? ok, please do less /etc/fstab and see if there's a line for it there.11:54
=== bronson [n=bronson@] has joined #ubuntu
=== seeking1 [n=truth@idxwc14-80.idx.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
seeking1im sure there exists a card that allows you to watch TV on your computer and record to your hard drive!  Is that correct?11:54
stu_hey, anyone here using an IBM thinkpad? wondering how to get the middle button to scroll like it does in windows11:54
=== mon^rch [n=greg@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorDie: actually, i don't care what that is. anyway, look for a line starting with /dev/sda111:54
alephantDie: better yet: do a ``fdisk -l /dev/sdb''11:54
rickyhey guys/girls, could someone help me. I want to allowed the bittorrent port in firestarter cuz its going pretty slow11:54
=== Zoohouse [n=joel@adsl-149-123-42.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydooralephant: he said that it was sda111:54
Zoohousehello everyone11:54
alephantI thought he said his existing drive was sda11:55
Diethat didnt do anything11:55
peppohow can sudo stop working? this insane. can't su to root either11:55
=== Fjodor [n=sune@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorDie: what do you mean it didn't do anything? you mean the line wasn't there?11:55
Diethe line is not in fstab....11:55
=== kempo [n=kempo@p5481E5D5.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu []
seeking1anyone have ideas?11:56
Dieand I tried to type that in to terminal..11:56
Diesorry newbie...11:56
seeking1Im sure there exists a card that allows you to watch TV on your computer and record to your hard drive!  Is that correct?  ANyone know please?11:56
alephantdie, how do you know that the drive is /dev/sda111:56
peppocan't ssh in as root either11:56
Dieany TV in card man...11:56
alephantseeking1: yes, such a thing exists.11:56
ladydoorDie: ok, then you need to add it. first, back up your fstab:  sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak11:56
=== alephant boggles.
Diebecause i got it to work yesterday.... but now it's not there.11:56
ZoohouseI want to make a GIF image animation. Anyone know of a tool I can use? Something with a GUI. If you know of another app to make animation let me know (something where I can add clip art and such).11:56
seeking1alephant: what is it?11:56
alephantladydoor: are you sure the drive is even visible to his system?11:56
=== stribb [n=stribb@84-203-41-253.mysmart.ie] has left #ubuntu ["thanks"]
ladydoorwell, i assume he did look for it in /dev like i asked11:57
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-058-196-212.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydooralephant: well, i assume he did look for it in /dev like i asked11:57
alephantseeking1: stfw.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tv_tuner11:57
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alephantladydoor: you know what they say about assumptions, right?  ;-)11:57
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ladydoorDie: ok, anyway, after you've backed it up, edit it:  sudo nano -w /etc/fstab11:57
=== lithium [n=monreal@p54AF64BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
peppodoing 'sudo app' yeilds: "user is not in sudoers file". running something like users-admin and entering the right password gives "Password is incorrect".11:58
=== arno [n=arno@adsl-068-209-155-054.sip.btr.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
peppowhat to do when sudo is borked?11:58
alephantpeppo: can you use plain old "su"?11:58
peppoalephant, no that's not allowed11:58
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-10-102.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
alephantpeppo: did you set a root password?11:58
ladydooralephant: they keep us alive? after all, if i couldn't assume that the world outside my door existed, i would *freak out*11:58
alephanti.e. console login as root?11:58
peppoalephant, no idea, this is a friend's system11:58
peppoI told him to log in in console11:58
peppoSep 28 23:52:22 localhost sudo:     deuz : user NOT in sudoers ; TTY=pts/1 ; PW11:59
ladydoorDie: let me know when you're ready to go on. also, please make sure your system can see it and do ls /dev/sd*. if it's not there, that's bad news.11:59
seeking1alephant: whats stfw?11:59
=== Melinda_ [n=justin@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Diewhat line do i put in?11:59
alephantladydoor: yeah, I've been on that acid trip before.  But I meant pragmatically, my preference would be to absolutely verify that this guy's box can actually see his hdd before I went handholding an edit of fstab.  YMMV11:59
=== IceTox [n=IceTox@unaffiliated/icetox] has joined #ubuntu
iLLf8danyone know if theres a way to reset the child process ssh-agent the child of gdm w/out leaving and restarting gdm?11:59
eBs|Jacksomeone help me do the usbstick boot and install please?11:59
=== CheekyBoinc [n=fox@p509230B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stfw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:00
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-230-18-111.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Dieas far as I can see..... my system is not seeing it.... but I really am a noob.12:00
ladydoorDie: ok then...something like this12:00
=== Chamuco [n=isham@] has joined #ubuntu
alephantseeking1: follow that link and come back when you understand12:00
peppowhat's the default sudoers line for a user?12:01

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