
DaSkreechTHey got married and he talked her into spending the honeymoon at a KDE codefest :)12:12
Riddellshe insists it isn't a honeymoon12:12
DaSkreechRiddell is in the pic as well 12:12
DaSkreechHa ha :)12:12
DaSkreechWhat's her phrasing?12:12
KuhrscherTonio_ Done :)12:12
RiddellI look like I havn't showered for three days (which I hadn't)12:12
nixternalnice legs Riddell! ;)12:12
Riddellher phrasing was "It's not a honeymoon!"12:13
Tonio_Riddell: sorry, I didn't upload the good changes file for kss, you should have received a notification12:14
KuhrscherGood night. Bye.12:17
Tonio_nite Kuhrscher12:17
Tonio_Riddell: hehe, cool on the photo :)12:18
nixternalwell, us KDE people can't brag that we got the secksiest hackers ;)12:18
imbrandonjdong, ktorrent uploaded 12:18
Tonio_imbrandon: argh ! I already did :)12:18
imbrandonRiddell, wow rockin photo ( with the strengi )12:18
Tonio_imbrandon: will be rejected probably12:18
imbrandonTonio_, !!12:18
jdongimbrandon / Tonio_ hehe :)12:19
Tonio_imbrandon: sorry I told there I did it12:19
imbrandonjdong, did you ask two of us to do it ?12:19
Tonio_imbrandon: he asked both, and I said it was uploaded :)12:19
jdongimbrandon: no, Tonio_ found the bug report12:19
imbrandonheh i told him the day he gave me the patch i would upload it, welp it looks like one will get rejected12:19
jdongimbrandon: i didn't intentionally try to ask two of you guys to do it out of impatience... honest12:20
nixternalhow come seaLne looks like he was holding back a gut busting laugh?12:20
Tonio_imbrandon: the important thing is that the patch is uploaded :)12:20
imbrandonjdong, well i told you the day you made the patch and i checked it i would upload ;) BE PATIENT hehe12:20
Tonio_imbrandon: not a big issue if one is rejected12:21
imbrandonTonio_, no no real biggie12:21
imbrandonTonio_, its just the point /me glares at jdong some more hehe12:21
Tonio_imbrandon: sorry I though you were looking at the channel log hehe :)12:21
=== jdong goes off to the corner to cry
Tonio_jdong: yeah, 15 minutes, at least, you deserve it !12:22
jdongwaaaaah.... imbrandon and Tonio_ are being mean to me.... waaaaaah12:22
imbrandonTonio_, no i dident read the log becouse it dident seem nessesary days ago when he asked ;)12:22
Tonio_[jeu sep 28 2006]  [21:22:37]  <jdong> Tonio_ / imbrandon: ktorrent ok to upload now? btw topic should probably be updated s/knot3/beta12:22
Tonio_the channel never lies ^^12:22
Tonio_hehe :)12:22
Tonio_okay let's go somewhere else12:22
Tonio_imbrandon: using english language on the desktop yes ?12:22
Tonio_imbrandon: I need to confirm that a python issue is due to translations...12:23
Tonio_imbrandon: possible for you to launch /var/lib/python-support/python2.4/wineconfig.py12:23
imbrandonyup it launched12:24
Tonio_imbrandon: no issue ?12:24
imbrandoni dont have wine installed but it worked12:24
Tonio_imbrandon: yeah, and what is you install wine ?12:24
imbrandonother than the .wine dir dident exist, the dialog worked12:24
=== Tonio_ insists like a child :)
Tonio_imbrandon: yeah same here, but when wine is installed, if goes further, and by the end I get this :12:25
RiddellI know what the next release is going to be called!12:25
Tonio_UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 11: ordinal not in range(128)12:25
imbrandonRiddell, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112:25
imbrandondo tell ?12:25
Tonio_I suppose this is due to french translation since the character seems to be ''12:25
Tonio_Riddell: NOOOOOOOOO please don't say this !12:26
imbrandonTonio_, ok lemme grab a shower then i'll test better12:26
Tonio_Riddell: you cannot keep it a secret now !12:26
=== imbrandon jumps up and down like a child
RiddellI'll give you a clue...12:26
Riddellit begins with "F"12:26
DaSkreechIt starts with a F12:26
imbrandoncommon !?!12:27
=== Tonio_ votes for core-dev to be prompted the info in private
imbrandonTonio_, +112:27
Tonio_we'll keep the secret :)12:27
imbrandonRiddell, serouisly is he gonna announce it soon i presume 12:27
Riddellhe says he's writing an e-mail to ubuntu-devel12:27
Tonio_let me guess... "F*uckin' falcon" ?12:28
imbrandonwow , rockin12:28
Tonio_hehe, that would rock :)12:28
=== imbrandon hopes it wont be toooooo silly
Riddellimbrandon: don't get your hopes up too high :)12:29
Tonio_Riddell: frog or falcon ? ;)12:29
DaSkreechFlaming Flamingo :)12:29
imbrandonomg not a flamingo12:29
Riddellno no12:29
DaSkreechFuzzy-Wuzzy 12:30
Tonio_"foomatic fix" the release focussing on printing :)12:30
imbrandonman Riddell has me hitting "get new mail" every 10 seconds12:30
imbrandongah , and i was just about to hit the shower12:30
=== Tonio_ creates a rule on his webserver to forward every mail to his cellphone :)
Tonio_I don't wanna miss it12:31
nixternalhrmm..my other packages didn't make it i guess ;(  da freeze is in effect12:31
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Tonio_imbrandon: no issues with wine installed ?12:32
DaSkreechFlagelating Pheromes?12:32
imbrandonTonio_, i havent installed it yet, i was gonna hit the shower and get some food first if thats ok12:32
imbrandoni have to do it on the lappy as i have cxoffice installed on this box and cxoffice and wine proper dont mix12:33
imbrandon /well/12:33
Tonio_imbrandon: hehe, you do what you want :)12:33
nixternalwoohoo...i know now ;)12:34
nixternali can't believe they would pick that name either12:34
imbrandonwha !?!12:35
imbrandonhow does nixternal know ?12:35
DaSkreechIt was flagellating?12:36
DaSkreechOh no it wasn't :-(12:36
DaSkreechYeah I wouldn't guess that either12:36
DaSkreechstupid eft :-P12:36
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nixternaland the name is...12:41
nixternalFoofy Ferret!12:41
nixternali can't believe you all are hording your "Send/Receive" buttons so much right now, that this channel has gone dead12:41
DaSkreechKonversation doesn't have a button12:42
DaSkreech if your keyboard dies you are SOL12:42
nixternalim just hitting "ctrl+r" on ff and the list ;)12:42
DaSkreechDamn it I'm going to have to go home12:47
nixternalwe will let you know when you get home12:48
nixternaldon't worry...it is all a hoax anyways ;)12:48
=== DaSkreech puts fingers in ears and signs muwahananananananana
=== nixternal is leaving "rumor" names everywhere...and quit messaging, i really don't know what it is ;)
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imbrandonRiddellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll still no email hehehehehe01:35
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Riddellimbrandon: I can't even remember what it is now, it probably wasn't that interesting :)01:47
Riddellthis is fun http://www.debianadmin.com/kubuntu-606-lts-installation-with-screenshots.html01:47
imbrandonhaha nice01:49
Tonio_Riddell: digikam main inclusion report is still unreviewed.....01:50
RiddellTonio_: canonical got a new security dude today, maybe pitti will have some spare time01:50
Tonio_Riddell: yeah I know is has tremendous amount of work, but is there another person that i can ping instead ?01:51
RiddellTonio_: no, only pitti does the reviews01:51
Tonio_Riddell: okay, let's try again :)01:51
ryanakcaRiddell: cdbs fixed? and how do I get qcomicbook to rebuild now? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+source/qcomicbook02:13
Tonio_ryanakca: having a look....02:16
Riddellryanakca: I'll upload cdbs in a bit, was waiting for beta to be over02:23
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ryanakcaRiddell: kk02:25
ryanakcais beta over?02:26
=== ryanakca has some things to add to k-d-s...
Tonio_ryanakca: it'll not build in it's current state......02:27
Tonio_there is no admin folder in the tarball02:27
ryanakcaTonio_: ???02:27
Tonio_ryanakca: that's it......02:27
Tonio_I'm investigating02:27
ryanakcayes, that's a problem with CDBS that Riddell has fixed and is waiting to upload :)02:28
Tonio_ryanakca: doesn't build here actually...02:28
Tonio_ryanakca: yeah okay02:28
=== ryanakca points at the cdbs problem
Tonio_ryanakca: the problem is more than it is not a kde application, but a qt app02:28
Tonio_doesn't build-dep on kdelibs4-dev and we shouldn't use kde.mk cdbs rules02:29
Tonio_ryanakca: need to redo the packaging completly I think02:29
ryanakcaso, where will it get QT?02:29
Tonio_ryanakca: libgt3-mt ;)02:29
ryanakcawell, not completly...02:29
ryanakcajust edit rules and control02:29
Tonio_ryanakca: let me test, a moment :)02:29
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Tonio_ryanakca: rebuilding control and rules, is almost all the packaging :) the rest is just administrative stuff :)02:32
Tonio_I don't understand how could this have been uploaded02:33
ryanakcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth   needs to be updated... it talks about what color dapper will be, and if dapper will meet the June 2006 release...02:33
Tonio_did that ever build ?02:33
ryanakcadid what? qcomicbook?02:33
ryanakcayes, perfectly...02:33
ryanakcaRid'dell built it, I built it, imbra'ndon built it.02:34
Tonio_ryanakca: that's a nonsense :)02:34
Tonio_or at least the packaging was different, that's obvious02:34
Tonio_ryanakca: ........ weird02:34
ryanakcahmm... very02:34
Tonio_in any case we should upgrade to latest version which requires uvf exception report02:35
ryanakcalost me there... english please :)02:35
Tonio_ryanakca: universe branch is frozen now for new upstream version02:36
Tonio_so we need to prepare package and write a report02:36
Tonio_ryanakca: the strange point is I don't understand how could that have build with kde.mk cdbs rules...... that absolutly impossible.....02:37
=== ryanakca offers to unbzip2 and untar his backups from last week's fresh install (at long last) and send you a .deb of it...
Tonio_the packaging is really to re-do02:42
Tonio_no man page.....02:42
Tonio_okay let's go, I'm doing it02:42
=== ryanakca can make a man page in a flash... kdemangen.pl
=== gnomefre1k [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-44-37.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ryanakca dgetted the source... how do I extract it again?
ryanakcaTonio_: ??02:46
Tonio_ryanakca: forget this, there is one but it is hidden :)02:47
ryanakcalol, so there is a man page?02:47
imbrandondpkg-source -x file.dsc02:47
Tonio_I don't understand this application's structure......02:47
Tonio_icons in "fedora" folder...... that's crappy02:47
Tonio_ryanakca: yes there is one02:47
ryanakcaimbrandon: thanks02:48
Tonio_honnestly, that's very weird......02:48
ryanakcayes *remembers adding stuff to rules about the fedora dir*02:48
Tonio_imbrandon: did that ever built for you ?02:48
imbrandonTonio_, yes me and Riddell both built and reviewed it02:48
Tonio_imbrandon: how can a pure QT app build with kde.mk cdbs rules ? :)02:49
Tonio_imbrandon: there is something I'd like to be teached there :)02:49
Tonio_imbrandon: that's not a kde app :)02:49
imbrandontbh i havent looked at it in weeks, i would have to go back and look02:49
Tonio_imbrandon: well I'm redoing the packaging as a normal qt application02:50
Tonio_should be resolved tomorrow02:50
imbrandonokies, just work with ryanakca on it so he can learn ;) that was his baby02:51
ryanakcait is :)02:51
=== ryanakca needs to learn... *keeps the goal of becoming a motu in mind*... even though it'll take a couple of decades before that happenes...
ryanakcaimbrandon: when is beta freeze over? sometime today, I know that...02:52
Riddellryanakca: should be over now02:52
imbrandonshould be over now but the queue still seems in manual mode02:52
Tonio_ryanakca: in fact I'll continue to use cdbs but with makefile.mk instead of kde.mk02:53
ryanakcakk, so any changes to k-d-s should be up, and then I can redownload it and add my changes?02:53
imbrandonRiddell, the backports for amarok and konversation got processed today and now are upto par with edgy02:53
Tonio_Riddell: yeah, but in fact the issue is due to packaging too :)02:53
crimsunimbrandon: (well, kamion and infinity deserve a bit of a break...)02:53
=== ryanakca wonders about you setting something up so that I know what your doing to my baby...
imbrandoncrimsun, definately , i was just noteing it ;)02:53
Riddellimbrandon: rock, please add to UWM02:54
imbrandoncool ok02:55
imbrandonalso libmtp is out of the NEW queue too si i can test amarok with it and poke pitti about the MIR tomarrow^Wlater today02:56
ryanakcaTonio_: mind explaining what your doing so that I can do it on this side as well?02:56
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Tonio_ryanakca: I'm simply rebuilding a rule file using makefile.mk instead of kde.mk, and changing control file for correct builddeps02:58
Tonio_ryanakca: I'm not very used at packaging qt apps, so I have to make a few tests to be sure it is okay ;)02:58
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imbrandon[19:58]  <Tonio_> ryanakca: I'm simply rebuilding a rule file using makefile.mk instead of kde.mk, and changing control file for correct builddeps02:59
imbrandon[19:58]  <Tonio_> ryanakca: I'm not very used at packaging qt apps, so I have to make a few tests to be sure it is okay ;)02:59
Tonio_imbrandon: thanks :)02:59
ryanakcaah, kk, ty03:01
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ryanakcaTonio_: I'm heading to bed, lemme know how it goes in the morning/tommorow afternoon03:21
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nixternal<awbassett_> "I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather...Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car...."04:00
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imbrandonnixternal, thats just ..... wrong04:02
jjessefunny but wrong :)04:02
nixternali almost spit dr. pepper out on that one04:03
jjessei see beta is out, congrats guys04:03
nixternalin otherwords, i almost sinned04:03
imbrandonnixternal, whats the url to woth UWN work in progress page ?04:07
imbrandoni have a few things to stick in there04:07
nixternalya that04:08
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Hobbseemorning all04:15
jjessemorning Hobbsee04:15
imbrandonheya Hobbsee04:16
Hobbseejjesse: :)04:16
Hobbseehey imbrandon 04:16
jjessehow are you Hobbsee?04:16
=== Hobbsee found out today what happens if you ignore a whiteout - you blackout :P
jjessesorry haven't been on much, i'm working at a client until christmas that blocks IRC04:16
Hobbseejjesse: ahhh...fair enough04:16
jjesseso i follow up when i can:)04:17
Hobbseefair enough04:17
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imbrandonHobbsee are you on the -art ML ?04:34
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imbrandonFrom: Mark Shuttleworth <mark@canonical.com>04:35
imbrandon To: Kenneth Wimer <kwwii@bootsplash.org>, Ubuntu Art Team <ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com>04:36
imbrandon CC: Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>04:36
imbrandon...just upgrade to Edgy on my Kubuntu desktop. It's.... wow. A thing of04:36
imbrandongreat beauty. Well done Ken.04:36
imbrandonnow thats just rockin 04:36
Tonio_imbrandon: qcomicbook uploaded04:36
Tonio_I had hard time trying to play with makefile.mk04:37
Tonio_it failed for some strange reason I don't know....04:37
Tonio_honnestly, qcomicbook sources are strange........04:37
Tonio_finaly I did manually just using debhelper.mk and that was fine04:37
Tonio_I'll make a point tomorrow with ryanakca04:38
imbrandoncool , thanks Tonio_ he is really trying to learn and that was his first package04:40
Tonio_imbrandon: and not the easiest, since the sources are really crappy04:41
Tonio_desktop file in a "fedora" folder, not installed via makefiles etc.......04:42
Hobbseeimbrandon: no i'm not04:45
imbrandonyea that was just sent moments ago04:45
imbrandoni dident thionk you were04:45
imbrandonRiddell and kwwii will be happy also i'm sure ;)04:46
imbrandonugh i hate uvfe's i missed it by one day04:47
imbrandonbbiab to finish this uvf report04:47
Tonio_I think kwwii can be proud of him :)04:59
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=== imbrandon is listening to "Here Without You" by 3 Doors Down on Away From The Sun [Amarok]
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lastnodehey guys, i was just wondering if anyone would be willing to throw up a quick qt frontend for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Upstream . the gtk one is already written, but it's been really hard nailing down a py-qt guy.06:47
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nixternalmy screen colors are so bad..i can't tell what color my webpage is...i have 2 machines, and each display the same page in different colors..i so wish my display config worked in kubuntu ;)07:39
imbrandonnixternal, fixit kthxbye07:41
nixternalomg i will kill you 07:41
nixternaldude, you goin' to cali?07:41
imbrandonhopefully, i'll find out on the second07:41
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nixternali have 3 out of 5 instructors giving me mid-term week off, and letting me finish them either before or after....the other 2 are jerks07:42
nixternali told them it is business, and they both said the same thing, " you should have taken that into account before starting college"07:42
nixternali purchased a ticket, and i am staying at a (girl)friends house07:43
nixternalif i go07:43
nixternalactually, i used frequent flyer miles, so i didn't purchase anything07:43
nixternaland it is refundable just in case07:43
nixternali can't afford a hotel, but this girl lives 3 or 4 miles from the plex07:44
imbrandoncutiecoder ?07:44
nixternaldude..you want to die for real i think ;)07:44
nixternaldon't make me start with the "rumors"07:44
nixternali couldn't imagine being in the vacinity of that chick...i would kill myself07:45
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freeflying_Riddell: ping09:30
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GNUroi think that i've find a bug.. systemsettings>Monitor&Display>Power Saving> switch off monitor are resetted everytime you reboot the machine. Anyone can confirm?10:29
GNUroSomeone.. :P10:31
Hobbseethere's already a bug in power saving somewhere, iirc.10:33
Hobbseecheck in the source package kde-guidance on malone10:33
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RiddellI see freespire have bought an advert against "kubuntu" on google01:03
HobbseeTonio_: heya.  did the new knm get approved?01:03
abattoirhmmm... "What is Ubuntu Missing?" comes against ubuntu too01:04
Tonio_Hobbsee not yet, I'm waiting for mdz01:04
Tonio_hi everyone :)01:04
abattoirhi Tonio_ :)01:05
abattoirand Hobbsee and Riddell :)01:05
Hobbseeheya abattoir 01:05
abattoir"Is Ubuntu Special" seems to be the other ad01:06
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Tonio_Riddell: hum, main looks like still locked... only my universe uploads have gone in so far01:15
RiddellI'm not sure who the best person to ask about that is01:22
Riddellprobably tollef or kamion at this time of day01:22
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RiddellTonio_: see #u-d01:27
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mhbhello everyone01:34
Tonio_Riddell: okay thanks :)01:35
mhbRiddell: do you remember when I was talking about the langpacks that were 50% in Czech and 50% English? And you advised me to wait with it until beta?01:38
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Tonio_mhb: same problem with french, it is now resolved...01:39
Tonio_mhb: doesn't work for you ?01:39
mhbRiddell: well, you were right, 90% got solved, but there are two apps that didn't01:39
mhbsadly, they are used quite often - Adept (family) and Systemsettings01:40
Tonio_mhb: I could have bet it :)01:40
Tonio_mhb: concerning adept, that's known issue01:40
Tonio_mhb: concerning systemsettings, should work (at least works here)01:41
Tonio_mhb: is it translated on rosetta ?01:42
mhb100% (by myself)01:42
mhbboth of them01:42
Tonio_mhb: hum... I must say I'm not an expert reguarding to those translations problem... Riddell might have the key01:43
Riddelladept is to do with not loading translations from libept01:43
Riddellsystemsettings I'm not sure, might be the modules not loading or might be the .desktop files not being translated01:44
mhbRiddell: well, I translated the systemsettings-desktop, too01:45
mhbRiddell: concerning adept, is there a bug in LP (Tonio_ said it is well-known)?01:46
mhbit's probably this one01:49
Tonio_Riddell: the point is systemsettings works here, so we can exclude modules loading01:49
UbugtuMalone bug 47181 in ept "broken localisation support" [Medium,Confirmed]  01:49
Tonio_mhb: when did you ?01:49
Tonio_Riddell: I fixed ryanakca's qcomicbook package.... I'll make a point with him on what were the issues01:50
mhbTonio_: when did I translated it? A week or so ago.01:50
mhb(have I)01:50
Tonio_mhb: that's normal then, translations package need to be rebuilt01:50
Tonio_mhb: last sync was about 10 days ago afaicr01:50
Tonio_mhb: that will hopefully happen before RC01:51
mhbTonio_: any way I can check it before the sync? Use the .mo export function from Rosetta?01:52
Tonio_mhb: yup, you can do that way01:52
Tonio_ryanakca: ping me when you are there, would be nice to make a point of the changes I did to the package01:53
Tonio_ryanakca: the goos news is that it is in universe and builds now01:53
mhbhmmm... I updated the .mo file with the one from Rosetta, but somehow the systemsettings package still doesn't use the translations from it02:17
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mhbGNUro: hi02:26
GNUromhb: :)02:27
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cmvoHi! Where do iso's usually appear first? For me http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/edgy/ still only contains knot-3.05:03
abattoircmvo: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/edgy-beta.php05:06
jdongcmvo: beta, and rc and final are released to releases.ubuntu.com05:07
jdongcmvo: knots/arrays/dailies are on cdimage05:07
cmvoabattoir: Thanks, looking in the wrong place :-)05:08
abattoircmvo: no problem at all :)05:09
cmvojdong: Thank you too! Didn't know about releases.ubuntu.com05:09
cmvoNow for the download :-)05:09
abattoirhe is busy fighting w/ his computer ;)05:09
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mhbwell, the bug 47181 is getting on my nerve :oI05:45
UbugtuMalone bug 47181 in ept "broken localisation support" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4718105:45
mhbanyone tried to fix it? It's currently assigned to nobody ...05:46
Tonio_mhb: adept's developper, mornfall, should be looking at it05:50
KuhrscherTonio_ I asked him about it some days ago, but I did not have the impression he will fix it...05:51
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Tonio_Kuhrscher: ah...05:53
mhbKuhrscher: it's the same pain in the neck for you, I guess :o) 05:53
Kuhrschermhb: Yes...05:53
=== mhb is so frustrated he considers fixing it
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mhbKuhrscher: does mornfall come here sometimes or should I contact him by e-mail?06:02
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Hawkwindmhb: He comes here from time to time06:03
Hawkwind!seen mornfall06:03
ubotumornfall is on IRC right now!06:03
HawkwindHah, just not in this channel06:03
mhbHawkwind: thanks06:04
mhbHawkwind: hm... he's away06:05
Kuhrschermhb: I talked to him via IRC06:06
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=== abattoir wonders why the dot has become a place for "kubuntu bashing"
abattoirbut i guess its best to avoid those individuals...06:20
abattoir(or corporations)06:20
jdongKUBUNTU SUCKS :D06:21
jpatrickjdong: really?06:21
jdongjpatrick: LINSPIRE FOREVER06:22
abattoirhehe, lol :D06:22
tomaabattoir: simply not read user comments on general news items...06:22
=== jdong is , ironically, using GNOME at the moment.....
abattoirtoma: sometimes the feedback is useful or helpful06:22
abattoirbut i guess we really should ignore stuff like this06:23
abattoiror rather I ;)06:23
tomaabattoir: comments on the dot are seldom interesting06:23
jpatrickabattoir: "And you are idiotware." -- nice06:25
abattoirjpatrick: yes :D06:25
abattoiri guess it was offtopic for me to get it in here ;)06:25
jdongpfff, <flamesuit>nothing important ever happens in #kubuntu-devel</flamesuit>06:26
mhbRiddell, Tonio_ : it looks like the systemsettings simply ignores the desktop_kde-systemsettings.mo translations06:28
mhbat least here06:28
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Kuhrschermhb: I fear there are some more problems like this...06:36
Kuhrschermhb: hwdb-client-kde ignores the installed translation too06:36
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tomaKuhrscher: ignore me06:39
Kuhrschertoma: Ok ;-)06:40
mhbKuhrscher: yeah, I think it's the same in Czech06:42
mhbKuhrscher: already filed a bug?06:42
Kuhrschermhb: yes06:42
UbugtuMalone bug 62866 in hwdb-client "Translation broken in Kubuntu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  06:43
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mhbKuhrscher: I'll look at it and possibly confirm it later, thanks for the link06:52
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tomael: i'm developing a new mailclient and posted a mockup for the composer, if you have time, I would appreciate to know your opinion very much.07:04
elToma, hi 07:06
eltoma, you posted it in your blog?07:06
tomael: hi, yes.07:06
eltoma, on planetkde? mom, have a look...07:06
eltoma, in your mockup, the address area takes a lot of space. but most of the mails which are sent go to a small number of recipients only07:12
elso it takes quite a lot of space. 07:12
tomael: i figured most people do not compose mails fullscreen, so the space is available for other things07:13
eltoma, hm... they don't use it full screen, but that's not a reason to make the window larger than it needs to be. the smaller the composer, the easier to use other windows for reference07:14
tomael: one of the comments suggested to use a pulldown for to,cc,bcc instead of three columns with checkboxes07:14
eltoma, also, the strict separation of custom email and address book is difficult. you have to think if you want to add an email address or know a name. or do you plan completion for the above line edit?07:14
tomael: yes, i can merge them to one line edit: search in addressbook and an add button behind it for the case it is not in the address book07:15
eltoma, i agree for the pulldown. 07:16
eltoma, when you merge them in one line edit > where do you show the results from the address book? still in the bottom panel or in a minicli completion?07:17
tomael: what would you recommend? I'm not sure how users think of the autocompletion 07:17
tomael: the one I asked all relied on autocompletion though07:18
eltoma, i think autocompletion in the line edit works pretty well. we did some tests with the kmail composer (i think 2 years ago)07:18
eltoma, and people expected auto completion07:18
tomael: but i know windows users who call us when there addressbook is gone in outlooks composer 07:19
eltoma, if you list the addresses in the panel on bottom, users have a very long way from entering the name to actually selecting the recipient07:19
tomahmm, ok. autocompletion saves a lot of room...07:19
eltoma, yeah, you should still provide access to the address book. people not only search for names, but also by company, position, etc.07:19
eltoma, you still use kaddressbook?07:20
tomael: no ;-)07:20
eltoma, so you got your own addressbook? or another one?07:21
tomael: fo this emailclient you mean?07:21
eltoma, yes, for this email client07:21
tomael: o ok, I will use kaddressbook for that, yes07:22
tomabut i don't want all kinds off popup's, so I rather inteegrate it in the composer07:23
eltoma, the cases where users actually need to go into the address book to search are a rather small proportion. so if you go for name/email completion in the composer, and provide a picker with (a bit) more advanced search facilities, that should be fine07:23
eltoma, but you shouldn't integrate something in the main window which is only used in 5% of the cases (if at all)07:23
tomael: ok, I'll make it a collapsable part of the composer07:24
eltoma, that sounds better. 07:24
tomabut that means the section with to/cc/bcc has to move above the subject part again07:25
eltoma, yes, i think that's better. 07:25
tomahm, hm07:26
eltoma, then the widgets have more width, so you can display the full name and email address without ...07:26
eltoma, the items in the list are still editable, no?07:27
tomashould be07:27
elfine :)07:27
tomabut it's going to look a lot  like kmails composer.07:28
eltoma, it's going to look a lot like every email client ;-)07:28
tomawhen there a lot of receipients you need to scroll etc07:29
tomai'm not happy with that07:29
eltoma, yes, i know. but having it to the left means that you'll mostly see only half of the names. and you really waste space when you have only 1 or 2 recipients07:30
eltoma, who is that mail client for? company usage, private or all?07:30
tomaonline imap only, so  that would rule out most private users07:30
elah, ok.... 07:31
eltoma, do you have data how many recipients mails usually have in that context?07:31
tomael: no, but you are probably right, more then 5 would be rare07:32
eltoma, in large companies they often have incredibly long cc lists (hehe, not the best habit imho, but well...)07:32
tomamaybe i can use a qsplitter, so you can resize it07:33
eltoma, where exactly do you plan to put the address book then?07:34
tomamaybe behind a tab on the left, like digikam has07:35
=== el starts digikam...
eluh, digikam not installed...07:35
=== el installs digikam
elhmmm.... digikam crashes at startup :-|07:38
tomayou have a small tab like thingie on the left, and when you click on it, it expands07:39
eltoma, do you know how thudnerbird does it?07:39
eltoma, a bit like a docker? that's what thunderbird has07:39
eltoma, quite handy07:39
tomael: a yes.07:39
eltoma, yes, that's fine.07:40
tomael: ok, I'll have to go (visitors arriving any sec), thanks _a lot_ for your input. I plan to work on it this weekend...07:40
eltoma, ping me > i'll be at akademy till sat evening07:40
elthen monday back online in berlinb07:40
tomael: great! bye07:41
elbye - have a nice evening :)07:41
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Tonio_Riddell: all the main uploads have just been commited to the repos08:02
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seaLneoops discovered 2 ways to break ubiquity09:24
nixternallets go for 409:54
ryanakcaTonio_: ping09:56
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seaLnealtho that last one is just a bit weird10:02
ryanakcaanybody feel like looking at my k-d-s? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3237      It basicly sets it so that kicker is locked by default (which gets rid of those ugly bars you have when unlocked)10:07
Tm_Tryanakca: I keep kicker locked these days10:07
ryanakcaTm_T: So do I, but so that it's locked by default10:08
Tm_Tbut, maybe some users doesn't understand to open the lock ;(10:08
Tm_Tso default, I'm not sure10:08
ryanakcaright click - > unlock panels?10:08
Tm_Tryanakca: yes, for some people that's too obvious10:08
Tm_TI have seen that kind of things a _lot_10:09
Tm_TI think that default locking would be good but...10:09
Tm_TI'd say give it a try ;)10:10
ryanakcaIf they've come from XP, it shouldn't be a problem... from mac, I'm unsure...10:10
Tm_Twe'll see how people take it10:10
imbrandonyea i'd rather leave that upto Riddell , i dont see a problem with it myself but ....10:10
imbrandonwe need a consinsus before uploading that10:10
ryanakcahadn't they done a study on pannels and start menus/kmenus/etc? *googles it*10:12
ryanakcait was on Planet KDE a couple of months ago10:12
seaLne5 :(10:12
seaLnebeta is fun10:13
Tonio_ryanakca: hey10:14
=== Tm_T hides
Tonio_ryanakca: the study is kickoff10:15
Tonio_works nice but cannot be packaged like a normal application10:15
Tonio_since it's code is a hudge patch for kdebase10:16
ryanakcaTonio_: kickoff? are you talking about that suse menu?10:21
marseillaihe is10:21
marseillailu Tonio_ 10:21
marseillaihi everybody10:21
=== ryanakca is talking about some thesis or something of the sort... unless they're one and the same...
ryanakcaoh, and how's qcomicbook looking?10:22
Tonio_ryanakca: yeah, isn't that what you were talking about ?10:23
ryanakcaTonio_: the only reason it wasn't building, from what Riddell told me is that kde.mk required a .pot to be created, and that none could be created. Riddell has the updated one that doesn't require the generation of a .po/.pot10:23
ryanakcano.... I'll look it up for you later... 10:23
Tonio_ryanakca: talking about qcomicbook ?10:24
Tonio_ho yeah sorry ;)10:24
Tonio_yes, that's the reason of the issue, but the error was also due to incorrect packaging somehow10:24
ryanakcayeah, qcomicbook :)10:24
Tonio_it failed becasue is was build as a kde apps which it isn't ;)10:25
ryanakcaeh hunh.. what was the error? and what part was in packaging?10:25
Tonio_we would have had issues in the future to maintain the package for the exact same reason10:25
ryanakcawhat defines a KDE app, and what defines it as NOT one..10:25
Tonio_ryanakca: kde app in an application that build deps on kdelibs4-dev10:25
=== ryanakca considered C++ and Qt = KDE
Tonio_qcomicbook depends on qt, not kde libs10:26
Tonio_nope, the libs are different10:26
Tonio_kde uses qt, but an adapted version10:26
ryanakcaI see see :10:26
Tonio_qt dialogs for example, are different from kde apps dialog boxes etc......10:26
Tonio_ryanakca: grep the source package on edgy repos, you'll se how I built it, no kde depends, and that builds fine10:27
Tm_TOT: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/5388182.stm10:36
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