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poningruback from classes02:01
poningrushould we work on beta release page some more?02:01
poningruit just seems like.... something's missing02:01
poningruI dont know02:01
=== poningru just realized
dotwaffletis a bit late ;)03:06
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
FlannelHey guys, on the Beta page, why isn't the evolution picture thumbnailed? instead of being insanely large?  (thumbnailed on the main page, like the theme ones)06:07
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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brian98I guess you guys have seen http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/5388182.stm03:34
elkbuntuthe clinton + ubuntu thong thing?03:40
brian98look at the comment at the bottom of the piece03:41
brian98nice plug03:43
elkbuntuhehe yeah03:43
=== newz2000 [n=matt@12-216-147-124.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
newz2000Burgundavia: ping03:45
newz2000Burgundavia: just realized you're in Vancouver area, so it's kind of early there. Ping me when you're up and around and we'll talk about the website.03:46
=== elkbuntu [n=melissa@ubuntu/member/elkbuntu] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningruI know right04:10
popeydid I hear right that someone has arranged for a UK supplier of these things ? --> http://gallery.popey.com/gallery/misc/DSC0231504:49
elkbuntupopey, try looking on www.system76.com04:52
popeyi know about system7604:52
elkbuntuin the /etc > free stuff section04:52
popeyI specifically said UK supplier04:52
popeyI thought Mr Revell or Mr bacon had organised something04:53
elkbuntupopey, system76 is branching the sticker distribution out. im the australian supplier04:57
popeyoo, excellent news04:58
popeyhttp://www.linuxemporium.co.uk/products/ubuntu_stickers/ appears to be the UK one :)04:58
popeyare they the brushed metal ones like in that picture on my gallery?04:59
elkbuntuno, not brushed metal. http://system76.com/index.php/cPath/53_6404:59
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elkbuntuwb mdke :)05:42
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mdkeelkbuntu: thanks05:51
elkbuntudid you have a nice break?05:52
mdkeyes, very. thanks for asking05:52
mdkehow are things?05:52
elkbuntugood.. got the surveys up online :) http://surveys.geekosophical.net05:53
elkbuntuand, got member ;)05:53
mdkeah, congratulations05:53
elkbuntuyou shoulda been there, the poor CC got flooded ;)05:54
mdkeheh. I will have plenty to catch up on05:54
elkbuntui wouldnt rank it as a high priority. it was just lots of people cheering for me :)05:54
mdkeglad to hear it05:55
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@rrcs-72-43-204-148.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== jenda met up with MenZa today in Prague. Kool guy.
jendafortunately not too much taller than I ;)06:50
poningrumight be meeting jono tommorow07:02
elkbuntustill not sure?07:03
poningruhavent told my parents yet...07:13
poningruhave to make something up07:14
poningrugrr I hate this07:14
popeyhe's quite a nice guy really :)07:28
popeyI'm sure your parents would be fine, you meeting a nice upstanding member of the community07:28
popeybut, just to be sure, don't show them any pictures first eh? that'd be best.07:29
poningruI dont know if the goatee will make it ok07:33
poningruerr nm didnt he have to shave it off?07:33
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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newz2000Burgundavia: ping08:13
Burgundavianewz2000: pong08:16
newz2000Hi Corey, wanted to discuss with you the website08:16
newz2000Your email had the subject "Major changes to the Ubuntu website..."08:17
newz2000I think you might have a mis-understanding about what's going on.08:17
newz2000Even though I'm investing a lot of effort and working hard on it, the end result won't be a "major change"08:17
newz2000Unless you've heard of something you felt was major and I'm under-estimating in it's amount of impact.08:18
Burgundaviawell, I honestly have no idea08:18
Burgundaviayou have talked about changes and Riched is talking about changes, but nobody has clearly communicated anything08:18
newz2000I'm fixing a few visual glitches, changing the tabs across the top, re-orgizing some content.08:18
Burgundaviacan you create a wiki page outlining the changes?08:19
newz2000I'm adding some new features to Moin so we can make forms and get data into/out of a database.08:19
BurgundaviaI am also lost as to timeline, etc.08:20
Burgundaviayou see, I want to start talking about a new front page, but I honestly don't know whether I should start working on it, or if you have something in the works08:20
newz2000I've given some ideas and suggestions to the front page, but Mark, Christina (new marketing lady) and artists will do that.08:21
newz2000If you have some suggestions, I'd suggest mocking them up since Mark is very visual oriented,08:21
Burgundaviayou see, that is exactly what I am annoyed about08:21
newz2000but don't spend too much time until he says to do it.08:21
BurgundaviaI am not willing to put a bunch of effort into something until I know that I am not wasting my time08:22
newz2000Here's what I did:08:22
newz2000I took a screenshot of the homepage, fixed a few things with the navigation, then did a quick 30 min mockup of my ideas.08:22
newz2000Just to get discussion started.08:22
newz2000Mark feels very strongly about the home page,08:23
newz2000combine that with the fact that he has difficulty describing what he wants sometimes.08:23
newz2000It will likely get done by someone in close proximity to him.08:23
newz2000Not that he doesn't know what he wants, but he's not a designer, so he has to communicate that and he'll likely use a whiteboard or pad of paper.08:24
Burgundavia which makes it hard for us non-canonical people to communicate08:24
newz2000If you have some ideas, by all means, mock them up (quick and rough is fine) and it will help.08:24
newz2000What are your ideas?08:24
Burgundaviajust thinking about layout and amount of verbage08:25
Burgundavianothing concrete because of my above concerns08:25
newz2000Well, there will be *much* less content on the homepage08:25
Burgundaviaexactly what I am also aiming for08:25
newz2000A lot of the content on the site is from the early days where they had to pad the site in order to give it some substance.08:25
newz2000That will be changing in the weeks leading up to edgy.08:26
newz2000My idea, and probably the area where we (you and I and others like us) have the most opportunity to contribute,08:27
newz2000is likely what you discussed with Rich. There will be portal pages targeting specific types of users, i.e. education.08:27
Burgundaviayes, rich and I discussed that08:27
newz2000These will be a "landing page" where people who fit a particular area of focus can find everything they need.08:28
Burgundaviaback in a flash08:28
nixternalhiya newz2000!08:33
nixternalkeeping you busy i see ;)08:33
newz2000nixternal: howdy!08:34
newz2000I'm keeping busy. Coding in moin this week.08:34
newz2000I assume you've got all the fun you can handle too?08:35
nixternalyou got that right08:35
nixternali need to start hacking around on the Drupal page for Chicago again08:35
newz2000I'm going to try out drupal soon, not this weekend, maybe next though.08:36
nixternali have been hacking around with my blog a little bit...trying out some new stuff...the documentation killed me this go round08:36
nixternaldrupal, truthfully...doesn't do it for me08:36
newz2000what are you hoping to do?08:36
nixternali only used it because of a recommendation, and hte theme hack was easy ;)08:36
nixternalim going to leave the content the same with the site, i just want to get more involvement from the group on the site somehow..and the current controls limit that really08:37
nixternalthe current admin settings with drupal, are either not enough, or to much08:37
newz2000Ah. I'm actually haveing the same problem with moin08:38
nixternaloh ya..we setup moinmoin at school this week08:38
nixternalmy god, i realized how much i don't know python ;)08:38
newz2000yeah, its a shock switching between php and python They're soo different.08:38
nixternali don't think i will ever do another moin install..it isn't fun doing it either...usually you install someting and get the initial visual, it is great..you don't get that with moin08:39
nixternali cussed it for 4 hours, to the point if i didn't go to church afterwards, god would have struck me down right then and there ;)08:39
newz2000Yeah, you can ask the other canonical people how I feel about it.08:39
newz2000However, when I'm done with it, moin will be good I think.08:40
newz2000What do you mean by "school?" Do you work at a school?08:41
nixternalwell..i know from the work i have seen, it will rock08:41
=== samurai [n=sam@adsl-75-8-18-25.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
nixternalI stopped working, and started college again full time ;)08:41
newz2000Where at?08:41
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
nixternali need to finish my masters, and im working towards a coding degree at a local college08:41
nixternalKellog, which is part of Northwestern Illinois University for my MBA...and College of DuPage for the programming stuff...but it was at CoD where we were doing the moin stuff messing around08:42
newz2000Brave guy.08:42
newz2000I actually had planned on doing something similar.08:43
nixternalso i am kind of doing the double major thing here...business for my masters, and computers for another associates..the computer course emphasizes c++ and unix programming though08:43
nixternalwell, i have a GI Bill that helps me08:43
nixternaland the Illinois Veterans grant08:43
nixternalso i don't pay for school..it is free, and i get $1000 a month to live off of fromt he GI Bill08:43
newz2000That GI bill is a good deal08:44
nixternalso at 32, i moved back in with mommy and daddy until i get this done..otherwise my college benefits would have gone to waste08:44
nixternalno way i can work and do the school stuff full time08:44
newz2000I actually enrolled at Moody downtime Chicago. However life happened, so its on hold indefinately.08:44
nixternali just singed up for 5 more credit hours starting next week, so that is 20 a week08:45
nixternalMoody is good stuff08:45
nixternalsome of the guys in the Chicago LUG talk about Moody08:45
nixternalthey are all IIT or Chicago Institute of Design08:45
newz2000Its considered one of the top 3 bible colleges in the US.08:45
nixternalya it is good stuff..we get soem of the students at our church every now and then to minister08:46
newz2000Sharp looking blog.08:49
newz2000Are you having a problem with your tabs?08:49
nixternalare you looking at the old blog?08:49
nixternalthe comcast one08:49
nixternalthat is the new one im working on08:49
newz2000yeah, I'm looking at comcast08:50
nixternalya, the tabs, i know how to fix, but im not wasting my time with the comcast one now08:50
newz2000I'm getting the impression that you're a KDE fan08:50
nixternalfor over 10 years08:50
newz2000Wow, that has to be since about the beginning08:50
nixternalv1 ;)08:51
nixternalactually back then, i thought i was an elite hacker, so i was all about the black and green afterstep truthfully08:51
newz20001996... I was probably still using fvwm208:53
newz2000Seems there was a version called fvwm95... maybe that's what I was using.08:54
nixternalahhh ya...fvwm was good stuff...blackbox, icevm? i can't remember, afterstep, litestep, the first enlightenment, cde *eww,08:55
nixternalthere were a ton of window managers back then08:55
newz2000Yeah, we used cde at Iowa State so I wanted it on my desktop, but couldn't come up with the cash.08:55
newz2000It was called motif then actually.08:55
nixternali hated taht stupid clock, and the rising widgets they had back then08:57
nixternalactually...CDE is still the same to this day..if you fire up solaris 10, and use CDE, you can't tell the difference08:57
newz2000I was used to terminals so I didn't care.08:57
nixternalbut I noticed on OpenSolaris, they are using a Java GNOME clone it looks like..it is really bad08:57
newz2000I just used it to open multiple terminal windows08:57
nixternaland eveyrone would be screened08:58
nixternal10 rather08:58
nixternali couldn't imagine controlling 100 tty sessions08:58
newz2000Alt+Tab would take for ever. ;)08:58
nixternalhaha yes08:59
mdkenewz2000: got a mo?09:14
newz2000mdke: I'm here, what's up?09:18
mdkenewz2000: are you still handling loco servers?09:19
mdkenewz2000: ok, I'll query you then :)09:20
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