
=== erwan_ [n=erwan@vbo91-1-82-238-219-16.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
mabreauxwhere can I obtain libdvdcss2 for kubuntu12:11
BluesKajnon free sources12:11
software_ yes but don't acces it12:11
mabreauxaccording the the web page they list a directory but it does not exist on my system12:12
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Hawkwind!info libdvdcss212:12
ubotulibdvdcss2: Simple foundation for reading DVDs - runtime libraries. In component extras, is optional. Version 1.2.9-0.0ubuntu2 (dapper-seveas), package size 31 kB, installed size 112 kB12:12
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joakimkordan fr jeg  Panel meny opp igjen i  ubuntu XFCE fr ikke det opp igjen ?12:13
jonathan__hello, i was wondering if anyone is using edgy beta 1 here12:13
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mabreauxso it is optional how do I get it.12:13
jonathan__for some reason it's having problems with my 3945 wireless card12:13
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BluesKajmabreaux, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-74857744ddf74499c6447a19c7e94a2fcb382e0c12:14
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joakimhow do u get the panel up inn ubuntu xfce12:14
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joakimHallo is any body her12:16
joakimdo u now ubuntu xfce ?12:16
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mabreauxI do not see a location to obtain it from.  just a explanation of what is it.12:17
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org  To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:17
nenwlinuxbenHey I need some help with a command please12:17
nenwlinuxbenI'm pretty new to this12:17
nenwlinuxbenI just nened to know, is there a command to unmount a drive I mounted?12:17
joakimxfce Do u now that12:17
TheGateKeepermabreaux: google for xubuntu12:17
joakimhow do u get the panel in thats12:18
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BluesKajnenwlinuxben, just ask yer question12:18
nenwlinuxbenI just nened to know, is there a command to unmount a drive I mounted?12:18
joakimhow do u get the panel in Ubuntu XFCE ??????12:19
TheGateKeepernenwlinuxben: umount http://www.ss64.com/bash/12:19
IsossHey guys, I am having a problem with my resolution! I can't fix my resolution to 1024x768 ... every time I changed it from system settings - >display it gives my a Hey guys, I am having a problem with my resolution! I can't fix my resolution to 1024x768 ... every time I changed it from system settings - >display it gives a messed up display! and when I restart it's back to 640x48012:20
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TheGateKeeperIsoss: manually edit /etc/xorg.conf12:22
kayanyone knows how  i get gtkradiant to wrok on kubuntu???12:22
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TheGateKeeper!fixres > Isoss12:22
joakimyes for the very mush help !!!!!! this suux12:22
Isossthat happened after when I turned my laptop off but something seemed to go wrong! the screen was shaking and giving my colors and never turned off, so I had to unplug the  the color12:22
Isosssorry unplug the power12:22
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IsossTheGateKeeper: there is no such fine as /etc/xorg.conf12:24
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BluesKajIsoss, system settings/hardware/display admin mode/set resolution/apply12:26
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TheGateKeeperIsoss: sorry /etc/X11/xorg.conf oops12:26
kayanyone knows how  i get gtkradiant to wrok on kubuntu???12:26
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LeeJunFankay: if it's not in the repos you'll likely have to install gtk devel libs and compile it.12:27
rouzicHi all12:29
rouzicI have a problem with Ktorrent's download12:30
BlackenQuestion -- I have the ATI proprietary drivers installed, but they don't seem happy with Xorg despite it. I can't set resolution to native (1280x800). Any help?12:30
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rouzicSince I updated to the version 2.0.2 of the repositories backports, the exhausts in Ktorrent do not increase of 10 Kb's12:32
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BlackenWhy would I not be able to increase my resolution past 1024x768, even with the mesa drivers?12:33
BluesKajBlacken, fglrx drivers ?12:33
flaccidBlacken: pastebin xorg.conf12:34
IsossTheGateKeeper: Thanks, editing xorg.conf worked!12:35
IsossTheGateKeeper: but I was wondering, what has really happened when I encountered that problem when I turned it off?12:36
TheGateKeeperIsoss: don't know, but good to hear you fixed it :-)12:37
IsossThanks TheGateKeeper ...12:38
TheGateKeeperIsoss: np :-)12:38
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IsossI am also having a problem switching keybaord layout in blackbox .. anyone knows how I can do that?12:39
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Isosssorry this might not be the right spot! maybe I should ask in ubuntu channel12:39
Isossguys, is it just me or acrually #ubuntu channel has been canceled or something?12:41
TheGateKeeperIsoss: got to go and sleep, but I would say the answer again is look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:41
IsossI am also having a problem switching keybaord layout in blackbox .. anyone knows how I can do that?12:41
IsossI am also having a problem switching keybaord layout in blackbox .. anyone knows how I can do that?12:41
TheGateKeeperIsoss: no #ubuntu is very much up & running & VERY buisy12:41
Isosssorry for repeating that12:41
Isossmy mistake12:41
IsossI used /join #ubuntu but didn't work12:42
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TheGateKeepershould do12:42
TheGateKeeperI can see it12:42
IsossI tried it 10 times!12:43
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IsossI always use irc commands and I acctually used it to log in here12:43
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TheGateKeeperIsoss: have another look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf for your keyboard problems12:43
Isossok, thanks12:43
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tobias___democrazy tv allways crashes :(12:43
TheGateKeeperIsoss: you are on freenode?12:43
TheGateKeeperhiya dragonfire112:44
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dragonfire1Hi have to ask you a ?  Do you guy's voice us in here? When I haven't been getting voice I leave stay in area that gives me voice.12:45
dragonfire1I have been installing #buntu waiting for the cd for Kubuntu12:46
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dragonfire1I had no luck weeks ago downloading something meust have been wrong but with cd I'm good to go for some reason12:47
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dragonfire1kubuntu how much ram needed to run properly12:47
IsossI am also having a problem switching keybaord layout in blackbox .. anyone knows how I can do that?12:48
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Isosswhy is this repeating itself?12:48
Isossoops, it's the paste! ... sorry again12:48
IsossTheGateKeeper: Yes I am in freenode I am using a web based IRC : www.ircatwork.com12:49
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:54
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BluesKaj!hdr files12:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdr files - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
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HawkwindKr4t05: Did it work or fail ?01:01
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Kr4t05Not done yet.01:01
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supertankerplease tell me grub error 15 doesn't mean Kubuntu wiped out my hard drive01:04
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en1gmasup all...i got a couple problems (when i boot into dapper 6.06 i cant irc...i think it has to do with no-ident....is there an ez identd for kde i can dload?01:05
supertankerMy laptop almost always reboots because of a CPU tempreture warning - ONLY WITH LINUX. Every time it does it before the installer gets to the grub-install stage. Any way to make the 70 C limit higher?01:05
unix_infidelsupertanker: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Restore_Grub01:05
unix_infidelsupertanker: you're laptop is good all the way up to 100C01:05
unix_infidelsomething else is causing the problem01:06
en1gmai have to come to windows just to use irc01:06
unix_infidelen1gma: you're using xchat?01:06
Telroth_Plushie|en1gma, sudo apt-get install identd01:06
en1gmatried a few diff ones including xchat01:06
Telroth_Plushie|kvirc is the best ;)01:06
Telroth_Plushie|most features ;)01:06
en1gmais there a gui for "identd"01:06
Telroth_Plushie|not that i know of01:07
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en1gmaeven in windows i with mirc i have to run an ident service01:07
Telroth_Plushie|kvirc has a mini-ident daemon built in01:07
en1gmaohhh really01:07
Telroth_Plushie|mirc has an ident service01:07
en1gmamirc ident serivce sucks01:07
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BluesKajsupertanker, 70C is hot ...there's gotta be something else wrong01:07
en1gmai had to install a sepereate one01:07
Telroth_Plushie|mirc's is sufficient for irc servers that require it01:07
en1gmamirc isnt an ident "service"01:07
Telroth_Plushie|no, but it provides one.01:08
en1gmano it dont01:08
supertankerUm...that article...is for ubuntu01:08
en1gmai use it everyday and it dont work with this router01:08
Telroth_Plushie|i've used it before en1gma01:08
en1gmait is not a service01:08
supertankerremember, now the live Kubntu CD uses that installer that really pisses me off01:08
Telroth_Plushie|well are you forwarding the port?01:08
Telroth_Plushie|have to forward the port to the computer01:08
supertankerit even said "System reached critical tempreture (70C) shutting down..."01:08
Telroth_Plushie|or else it can't see the ident service01:08
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en1gmai already have all that forwarded01:08
en1gmai have to have an ident service like the one i got01:09
en1gmamirc dont work for some reason01:09
en1gmaanyhow i need it in linux windows isnt the prob :)01:09
Telroth_Plushie|it's sufficient for the networks i go to (efnet, freenode, dragon-fire, draconic)01:09
supertankeryeah, about that alternate CD, its a bit hard to get on dialup01:09
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en1gmaill install identd next time see if that helps but i think i have to tell it what to respon with01:09
Telroth_Plushie|en1gma, sudo apt-get install ident01:10
en1gmayea but im sure it needs configured01:10
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DinkCan someone help me with.... http://xgl.pastebin.com/79705101:10
Telroth_Plushie|it shouls automatically respond with your username01:10
Telroth_Plushie|because that's the point of an ident server - determine who's currently logged in01:10
en1gmaohh one more thing (important01:10
supertankermy laptop temp right now is about 6401:11
Telroth_Plushie|64C ?01:11
Telroth_Plushie|what's it sitting on?01:11
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supertankerOn carpet, but there is a 1/2 inch airspace below it (I have it on stands)01:12
supertankermy desktop is at 4001:12
supertankeras usual01:12
en1gmaim following this guide here "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto" and in his example he uses this command "debootstrap breezy /target" i want to use the amd64 6.10 how do i tell it to get that01:12
Telroth_Plushie|64 is really high01:12
supertankerOkay, it dropped 7 degrees for some reason01:12
en1gmai dont want breezy01:12
Telroth_Plushie|type "top"01:12
en1gmawhat all can i use with debootstrap01:12
supertankerI set it on a carbonite board now01:12
Telroth_Plushie|en1gma, debootstrap --arch=i386 breezy /target i think01:13
en1gmanot i38601:13
Telroth_Plushie|change arch01:13
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Telroth_Plushie|to amd6401:13
supertankerI think it may be related to the CDrom, because when I went farther with the install it skyrocketed to 68C01:13
en1gmawhat about dopper?01:13
Telroth_Plushie|and breezy to dapper or edgy depending on what you want01:13
en1gmais 6.10 edgy?01:13
h3sp4wnif you want edgy you need to upgrade debootstrap first01:13
en1gmai want the latest01:13
BluesKajyup 6.10 is edgy01:14
h3sp4wn(unless there is a new version in backports)01:14
BluesKaj6.06 is dapper01:14
en1gma6.10 edgy if its amd64 is what i want01:14
Telroth_Plushie|supertanker, type "top" and tell me what your load averages are01:14
supertankerlet me see01:14
en1gmahow do i update debootstrap01:14
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Telroth_Plushie|sudo apt-get install debootstrap01:14
supertankeromg it just hit 7801:14
BluesKajwhy amd 64 ...it won't support alot of hardware01:14
en1gmai think it will support my hardware :)01:15
en1gmai hope01:15
supertankerit says 1.52, 1.64, 1.0201:15
BluesKajamd 64 not ready for primetime01:15
en1gmalet me reboot to alternate01:15
Telroth_Plushie|something's muching your processor01:15
h3sp4wnen1gma: software raid is a waste of time (imho)01:15
Telroth_Plushie|big time01:15
Telroth_Plushie|what's on the top of the list?01:15
supertankerthe temperature is still up at about 60 C01:15
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Telroth_Plushie|what's the process using the most cpu ?01:15
supertankerksysguard, me watching the tempreture01:15
Telroth_Plushie|what % cpu is it using ?01:16
unix_infidelhey guys, when i try to do "#" in vim it spits out "X#" when i use the keycombo shift+301:16
supertankerabout 9.001:16
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supertankerwhen I go forward in the installer, ubiquity natrually goes to the top01:17
Telroth_Plushie|supertanker, it should say CPU(s): xx.x%us <-- what's in the xx's ?01:17
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Telroth_Plushie|supertanker, if you've got 1.00+ load averages, then you have something seriously eating your processor01:17
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supertankerlet me see....about 50% us, 13.6 system, and 0 ni01:17
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Telroth_Plushie|your processor is using ~60-70 % constantly01:18
Telroth_Plushie|that's why it's so hot01:18
supertankertop three are ksysguard, ubiquity, and Xorg01:18
Telroth_Plushie|average amount for each?01:18
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supertankerabout 10 % for sysguard, 8% for ubiquity, and 6% for xorg01:18
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sinpathcan any one give me the url on how to install mozilla firefox?01:19
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Telroth_Plushie|sinpath, "sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox" <-- type into terminal01:19
supertankerwoah, ksysguard just hit 50 for a second01:19
Telroth_Plushie|unix_infidel, read vim docs, i don't know much about it01:20
Telroth_Plushie|sinpath, stop using ksysguard and open a terminal01:20
Telroth_Plushie|use top01:20
Telroth_Plushie|it uses much less resources01:20
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supertankerhow do I monitor temperature using top01:20
Telroth_Plushie|you can't01:20
Telroth_Plushie|top is for cpu usage01:20
supertankerso how else do I monitor temperature01:21
unix_infidelsupertanker: man acpi01:21
Telroth_Plushie|your problem currently is that your cpu is skyrocketing01:21
Telroth_Plushie|we need to stop using it so it can cool down ;)01:21
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Telroth_Plushie|you can use it later01:21
Telroth_Plushie|but for right now top may be a bit more effective01:21
supertankerah okay01:22
supertankermy CPU temp is 146.1 F01:22
Telroth_Plushie|which is extremely hot01:22
supertankerlets touch the heatsink and find out :)01:22
Telroth_Plushie|you have something or several things that are eating your processor01:22
supertankerjust kidding01:22
Telroth_Plushie|what all do you have open atm?01:23
Telroth_Plushie|(apps, etc)01:23
supertankerubiquity installer, two Konsole windows, one with top, one trying to get acpi to loop01:23
Telroth_Plushie|supertanker, what is ubiquity? i'm unfamiliar with this program name. is it the kubuntu installer ?01:23
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Dinkanyway to install libqt3-mt-dev on edgy ??01:24
sinpathok thanks telroth is there anything else i need to do ?01:24
Telroth_Plushie|what are you trying to do with acpi?01:24
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supertankeryes, ubiquity is the stupid live CD installer01:24
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supertankertemp is now 127.4 F01:25
Telroth_Plushie|sinpath, click start -> internet -> mozilla firefox01:25
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XVampireXDapper to Edgy: Do I get upstart during the upgrade or do I have to manually install it?01:25
supertankermy desktop never goes above 45 C01:25
Telroth_Plushie|in top01:25
supertanker122.2 F01:25
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Telroth_Plushie|is it still reporting ~60-70 cpu usage?01:25
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Telroth_Plushie|if so, is the processes below matching that?01:26
supertankerabout 10.0 if I don't do anything01:26
supertankerand its mosly ubiquity01:26
supertankerwhich is just sitting there01:26
Telroth_Plushie|don't do anything for a bit01:26
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Telroth_Plushie|temp should drop01:26
supertankerbriliant idea to use a python script for the main installer01:26
steveireI want to mount my edgy partition in dapper. Is there a script I can run again to find and mount all available drives?01:26
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burcuhi,has edgy's ipw2200 drivers problem?01:27
steveireI think it was done automatically when I installed dapper01:27
Telroth_Plushie|steveire, edit your /etc/fstab file. i think there's a graphical editor in advanced system settings01:27
sinpaththanks man01:27
supertankertemperature is between 52-54 C constantly now01:27
Telroth_Plushie|you'll have to add it manually, but that's the easiest way to edit it01:27
supertankeryou would think they would make the laptop fan a bit more effective01:27
Telroth_Plushie|load ~.3-.6 ?01:27
supertankerI have it on High Performance mode instead of battery mode in the BIOS too01:27
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supertankerstill 8.3 for ubiquity01:28
supertankerI think that is as low as it will go01:28
Telroth_Plushie|(load averages)01:28
Telroth_Plushie|laptop fans are horrible01:28
supertanker0.2, 0.6, 0.9501:28
supertankeryou know, the reason my dad gave this too me was because it was overheating...01:28
Telroth_Plushie|.2 to .6 is ok, .6 is a bit hight01:28
supertankerwhat are the three numbers for?01:28
supertanker0.11, 0.59, 0.9001:29
Telroth_Plushie|they are different averages over time01:29
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Telroth_Plushie|first is like 10 seconds01:29
Telroth_Plushie|or 2 seconds01:29
Telroth_Plushie|second is like 1 minute01:29
Telroth_Plushie|and third is 10 min or 5 min or somthing01:29
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Telroth_Plushie|i mean, mine gets around 1.00 sometimes01:29
supertankerwhy the heck is ubuquity taking up so much CPU? It's just SITTING there. Maybe a python script takes up a lot of power looping or something01:29
Telroth_Plushie|but that's because i have a single app running that i know is doing that01:29
Telroth_Plushie|supertanker, what do you mean sitting there?01:30
Telroth_Plushie|it's not installing?01:30
XVampireXDapper to Edgy: Do I get upstart during the upgrade or do I have to manually install it?01:30
supertankerI have ubiquity just sitting there, before I commit the changes01:30
Meta[CNTDWN] bye all01:30
supertankershould I click the final install button?01:30
Telroth_Plushie|supertanker, in that case, i'd install and get it over with :P01:30
en1gmaok who told me about kvirc ? :)01:30
Telroth_Plushie|i did01:30
Telroth_Plushie|kvirc ftw01:30
en1gmait works but how do i get rid of that big ass window on the left hand side "windows list"01:31
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supertankerload just went to 2.3201:31
Telroth_Plushie|en1gma, how do you plan to change channels ?01:31
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supertanker66 C temperature01:31
Telroth_Plushie|(that window list is akin to mirc's switch bar)01:31
Telroth_Plushie|supertanker, is the fan even running ?01:31
supertankerI can actually feel the fan get hotter01:31
XVampireXDapper to Edgy: Do I get upstart during the upgrade or do I have to manually install it?01:31
en1gmaok i should at least be able to adjust the size somehow01:31
en1gmathat thing is huge01:31
supertankerfull blast. As usual01:31
en1gma1/3 of my screen01:32
Telroth_Plushie|hover your cursor over the bar between it and the channel winow01:32
Telroth_Plushie|it'll turn into a double arror01:32
supertanker69 C01:32
Telroth_Plushie|lift click and hold01:32
en1gmanow i tried to move that before and it wouldnt01:32
Telroth_Plushie|then drag to desired side01:32
Telroth_Plushie|it moves01:32
Telroth_Plushie|i just tried it01:32
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en1gmayea it moves but i tried it b4 i asked how to do it and it wouldnt01:32
=== Telroth_Plushie| shrugs
supertankermaybe if I let it run on battery power, it won't heat charging or anything01:33
supertankerhey, it went down 1 C when I unplugged it :)01:33
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en1gmaok onto making sure i do the right version for that deboot01:33
en1gmai have to update it to get edgy?01:33
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Telroth_Plushie|supertanker, you should have it checked out if it's heating up that fast01:33
Telroth_Plushie|i'll bbl guys01:33
supertankerwent down another C01:34
supertankerIt's an ancient Toshiba01:34
supertankerso I don't know if I can do that01:34
supertankeri'll probabbly just get a new one if I need to01:34
Telroth_Plushie|i'd recommend that01:34
Telroth_Plushie|all the exploding batteries lately would have me on edge :P01:34
supertankerlike one faster than 1 ghz01:35
Telroth_Plushie|wait for macbook pros to have intel core duo01:35
Telroth_Plushie|then install mac os x and windows and linux on it01:35
supertankerI'd rather have AMD x201:35
Telroth_Plushie|you'll be close to my system then01:35
supertankerI could probably get it to quadrople boot01:35
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Kr4t05That's it, I'm building a Triforce themed PC. :)01:36
Telroth_Plushie|dell demension 4600, windows, suse 9.3, kubuntu 6.01 edgy knot 3, mac os x 10.4.3, mac os x 10.4.501:36
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Telroth_Plushie|quint = 5 ;)01:36
Kr4t05Windows XP, Mac OS X Leopard and Edgy. :)01:36
Telroth_Plushie|what hardware ?01:36
Kr4t05That would be hawt.01:36
Kr4t05Psh, my current hardware is a joke.01:37
Telroth_Plushie|see, i have edgy, windows, and tiger atm01:37
h3sp4wnno interesting ones there - plan9 / debian/kfreebsd / qnx etc01:37
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Kr4t05Intel Celeron D 2.26GHz, Kingston DDR400 2x512MB Dual Channel, XFX nVidia Geforce 6200 256MB, Biostar P4VMA-M main board, and two feebie disk drives totaling ~50GB01:39
supertankerOMG my laptop just hit 78 C01:39
Kr4t05Not that great.01:39
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Telroth_Plushie|about my setup01:39
DinkAnyone able to help... im trying to get libqt3-mt-dev on edgy but its giving me dependancies issues01:39
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Kr4t05I want to upgrade to a 3GHz P4 and a 760001:40
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Telroth_Plushie|*about what my setup is01:40
THY733Thi,is there a problem with edgy's ipw2200 drivers?01:40
Kr4t05I'll upgrade this box for college, and leave my "power system01:40
Kr4t05" at home to ssh into on lonely nights. :P01:41
stisevhi all01:41
stisevanyone know if there's a Kubuntu 6.10 LIVE cd out there?01:41
Telroth_Plushie|2.66ghz p4, 768mb ddr ram, 3 drives for 410gb, nv gf 5200fx01:41
Telroth_Plushie|stisev, yes, and a live dvd01:41
HawkwindKr4t05: Kernel build still running ?01:41
Kr4t05Hawkwind: Yeah.01:41
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Telroth_Plushie|stisev, kubuntu.com -> click downloads01:41
stisevTelroth_Plushie|, Can you provide a link?  I can't seem to find it via Google :(01:41
Kr4t05Telroth_Plushie|: I can't seem to get my board to detect a third drive, or else I'd add another 15GB I have lying around.01:42
Telroth_Plushie|live dvds are at the bottom01:42
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stisevTelroth_Plushie|, the links @ the bottom don't work01:43
stisevTelroth_Plushie|, all of them are dead01:43
Kr4t05Does anyone watch a lot of anime?01:44
supertankerdamnit, laptop overheated again01:44
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stisevKr4t05, a little yes01:44
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stisevThe torrent is the only one that works, but it's godawful slow01:44
Kr4t05stisev: ever hear of a series called Chobits?01:44
stisevI've watched the whole series01:45
stisevI'd give it a 5-6/1001:45
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stisevThere's a lot better Anime out there01:45
stisevTry these:01:45
Kr4t05I want to build a Sumomo-themed handheld, now. :P01:45
LeeJunFanThere's a lot better to watch than anime, like '24' ! now that's something to watch.01:45
stisev1) Trigun 2) Full Metal Alchemist 3) PRince of Tennis 4) Naruto 5) Bleach 6) One Piece01:45
Dr_willisChobits :) that was an inetresting series01:45
=== LeeJunFan is a little bit of a '24' addict.
LeeJunFanBatman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.01:46
Kr4t05stisev: I love Naruto, not to wild about One Piece, as for the others, I've never had the opportunity.01:46
Kr4t05I'll watch whatever I can get a hold of.01:46
Dr_willisOne Piece - is just... odd. :P and amuseing.. for the Younger Crowd01:46
stisevKr4t05, WHAT?01:46
stisevOne piece rules!01:47
nnn0Jack Bauer learned everything he can from Chuck Norris01:47
Kr4t05I regularly borrow Galaxy Angel from a friend.01:47
stisevKr4t05: Get Bleach... NOW01:47
stisevBleach is one of the top series running in Japan right now01:47
LeeJunFannnn0: Chuck Norris counted to inifinity - twice!01:47
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3575510.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
stisevI would definitely get bleach01:47
Dr_willisHeh - I got 3 seasons of Galazy ANgel - that could of been SUCH a better series..01:47
stisevIs that a Kubuntu Live CD?01:47
Kr4t05stisev: lol, ok.01:47
stisevI can't tell =\01:47
Kr4t05Dr_willis: It's scary...01:47
Kr4t05I'm literally worried about my sanity with that show.01:48
h3sp4wnstisev: live cd and the whole of main01:48
h3sp4wnstisev: and the install cd01:48
Dr_willisKr4t05,  yea - they had such a neat idea for a series. and neat characters... but then its like they dumb it down for little kids.01:48
LeeJunFannnn0: of course Chuck Norris prays to Bruce Lee. :)01:48
Kr4t05Dr_willis: I like the manga better01:48
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Kr4t05Dr_willis: Have you ever seen the GA manga?01:48
Dr_willisKr4t05,  never seen it. :)01:48
Dr_willisI dont get into Manga.01:48
Kr4t05It is ALOT better than the series.01:48
Kr4t05Eh, I'm not so much, either.01:49
Dr_willisperhaps some day - i can get a Tablet PC. so i can read all these comic book files at work.01:49
stisevh3sp4wn, thanks01:49
stisevGuys, I'm having a little problem01:49
stisevbut it's not directly linux-related01:49
Kr4t05stisev: No big. :)01:49
stisevI'm doing a triple boot system and Grub began to give me Error 2201:49
Dr_willisGirl Troubles stisev ? we can handle it..01:49
supertankeris taking apart a toshiba laptop a bad idea?01:49
stisevI restored the MBR via XP Repair Console and am now trying to get GRUB back01:49
Dr_willissupertanker,  depends on how carefull you are.01:49
LeeJunFanstisev: you need to boot into rescue mode from a CD and replace grub01:50
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:50
Kr4t05stisev: menu.list is referencing an install that doesn't exist.01:50
Kr4t05I think...01:50
supertankeri'm being careful01:50
LeeJunFanstisev: see what ubotu says above about grub.01:50
stisevKr4t05, I have a backup copy of the menu.list file on my computer01:50
stisevI used SPFDisk (special FDisk) to set the windows partition as active so I can talk to you guys01:51
LeeJunFansupertanker: well, taking apart any laptop is tedious, but generally as long as you are fiarly mechanically inclined it won't be too bad. Just annoying.01:51
Dr_willisand they can be real puzzle box's01:51
stisevIs there any way to copy paste 10-12 lines without being kicked from here01:52
Dr_willistry #paste01:52
Telroth_Plushie|stisev, pastebin.com ;)01:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:52
stisevgoing to pastebin now01:52
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nnn0use a pastebin !01:52
stisevTrying it now.  Site is a little slow01:53
nnn0k :)01:53
stisevI have to say I'm very impressed by the level of support here =)01:53
LeeJunFanstisev: yeah, pastebins everywhere are slow. :(01:54
supertankerdid toshiba make the 1805 annoying to take apart on purpose?01:54
nnn0of course01:54
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LeeJunFanyeah, they all do.01:54
stisevI mean, it's like realllly slow01:55
LeeJunFanAlthough I'd have to say of all the brands I've had to take apart I think toshiba was the worst.01:55
BluesKajtry pastebin in your country code ..it exists in other domains as well as .org and .com ...canada uses .ca which is quite fast01:55
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LeeJunFanyeah, that could be it - pastebin loaded quick for me.01:55
supertankerwhaaat the hell? It looks like there is RUST inside my laptop?01:56
Torchedmight just be cheetoh dust01:56
stisevtitleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional01:56
stisevtitle Mac OS X x86 10.4.101:56
stisevrootnoverify (hd0,0)01:56
stisevchainloader +101:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:56
stisevsorry guys! I thought I COPIED the damn link from my browseer01:56
Torchedi forgive you01:56
stisevThat's the code I have inside of my menu.list file (GRUB)01:57
=== LeeJunFan contemplates removing stisev from his christmas list....
supertankerfound my laptop fan01:57
LeeJunFandoh, I don't have one - I hate everyone!01:57
supertankernow lets see if I can get it out without killing myself01:57
Torched...is the laptop on?01:57
stisevI'm downloading the live DVD now.  1MB/sec and it's still 1 hr left lol01:57
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supertankerits not01:58
en1gmawhat is the command to see what 'debootstrap' base systems are? ex: "debootstrap breezy /target" in the guide but i have an amd64 x2 and want the latest avail which is edgy 6.1001:58
supertankerbut the cover is still very warm to the touch, 17 mins later01:58
LeeJunFanen1gma: I think you need to start out by installing edgy's version of debootstrap.01:59
Torcheddoes the fan even work?01:59
LeeJunFanen1gma: the breezy one doesn't have the list for edgy's files.01:59
LeeJunFannor does the dapper one.01:59
en1gmawell im using the dapper 6.06 dvd right now02:00
supertankershould I have waited for it to cool before taking the heatsink off? Because a lot of thermal sealent came with it, still part liquid02:00
en1gmacrap i bet i need the 6.10 install cd02:00
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en1gmadang it02:00
supertankerthat gives me bad memories, especially since I burnt out my first computer (with a similar exposed processor) by bumping the heatsink while it was still warm, breaking off the chip02:01
en1gmagonna reboot back to windows02:01
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LeeJunFanen1gma: yeah, I use debootstrap to install an edgy NFS partition for a thick client setup from a running dapper system, I had to install edgy's debootstrap to debootstrap edgy.02:01
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sinpathok dose any one know the url for installing the java to mozillafire-fox so i can play runescape?02:02
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ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:03
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JFreakCapohi, how test 3d acceleration ?02:04
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Dr_willisrun a game02:04
LeeJunFanJFreakCapo: glxgears -printfps02:04
supertankerthats odd02:04
sinpathty guys02:04
supertankerthere is no reason it should be overheating02:04
supertankerbarely any dust in the fan or heatsink02:05
LeeJunFanJFreakCapo: glxinfo should tell you direct rendering yes02:05
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LeeJunFansupertanker: are you sure the fan is spinning freely when it's on?02:05
LeeJunFansupertanker: if the bearings in the fan are shot it may spin slow or not at all.02:05
JFreakCapowhat means: 626 frames in 5.0 seconds = 125.193 FPS02:05
JFreakCapois good, some good, bad ??02:06
Dr_willismeans it sucks02:06
LeeJunFanJFreakCapo: that means no - it's not working.02:06
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Dr_williswhat video card ya got?02:06
LeeJunFanJFreakCapo: I do about 5000+02:06
LeeJunFanfps that is.02:06
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gnomefreakHawkwind: ping02:06
Dr_willis64266 frames in 5.0 seconds = 12853.022 FPS02:06
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Pong02:06
JFreakCapoit is an Ati Mobility radeon X30002:06
Dr_williswell thats not much of a video card to begin with02:07
gnomefreakHawkwind: cool your here. did you set up your repo for edgy yet?02:07
Dr_willisYou did install the ati drivers?02:07
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:07
LeeJunFanDr_willis: what the h!@# gfx card you have?02:07
JFreakCapoyes i recently install the drivers02:07
Hawkwindgnomefreak: No not yet since I'm only running Edgy in vmware at the moment02:07
LeeJunFanDr_willis: or did you resize the window to 50x50 pixels?02:07
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JFreakCapothat's why a want test it02:07
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Got someone asking for Edgy packages already ?02:07
cpk2whats the command to find out your kernel version?02:07
Dr_willisLeeJunFan,  nvidia 6800BFG i think02:07
Hawkwindcpk2: uname -a02:07
Dr_willisIts not even that new..02:08
gnomefreakHawkwind: me!!! i ran into depends issues with the dapper ones yesterday02:08
supertankerLeeJunFan yeah the fan spins freely. And loudly. Very loudly.02:08
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Really ??  I've been using the dapper version on Edgy for a few weeks without issues02:08
JFreakCapoDr_willis: i follow all the instructions is possible to make my card works better ?02:08
Dr_willisJFreakCapo,  proberly not much luck in that.. You got a rather low end card My laptop has a lower end card then that..02:08
gnomefreakHawkwind: it might have just been yesterday but i figured id ask if you ran repo for edgy before trying again02:08
Dr_willislet me see what its glxgears reads..02:09
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
JFreakCapoDr_willis: thks02:09
Kr4t05Blah... This is taking forever...02:09
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Not yet for Edgy.  Will hopefully have it done within the next 2 weeks at the latest I hope02:09
cpk2do i wan to use the restricted module that uname -a prints out or just the plain 386 one for installing the nvidia drivers?02:09
JFreakCapoDr_willis: my card is 128 Mb, is it enough ?02:09
gnomefreakHawkwind: ok ty02:09
Hawkwindgnomefreak: No problem.  I'll let you know when it's available02:09
gnomefreakok ty Hawkwind  ;)02:10
=== AshOka [i=leet@gateway/tor/x-1f0336532953e085] has joined #kubuntu
supertankerit looks like most of the thermal putty slowly flowed off the core chip, leaving less to transfer heat02:10
Dr_willisJFreakCapo,  you sure its not USING 128mb of the system memory?02:11
Dr_willisJFreakCapo,  memory is not that big a item for the glxgears test02:11
JFreakCapono, shure, i pay for that card in my laptop02:11
LeeJunFansupertanker: that was lame of toshiba to use putty/gell in the first place.02:11
LeeJunFansupertanker: that stuff evaporates.02:12
Kr4t05supertanker: Get some AS5.02:12
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LeeJunFanyep, use thermal transfer pad/tape.02:12
supertankersome what?02:12
Kr4t05Arctic silver02:12
Kr4t05I need to find a really short IDE cable.02:12
Dr_willisi get 269 fps on mine02:12
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Kr4t05I mean really short.02:13
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supertankerI get 9573 FPS on mine02:13
Dr_willisso you really SHOULD be getting a little better02:13
Dr_willisthats on a X200M video card02:13
cpk2how do you get it to print fps?02:13
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XVampireXI'm having a HUGE problem02:15
bjb79cpk2: glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark02:15
XVampireXI'm going to post it here, it's not too much but I hope it's okey, too...02:15
XVampireXRemoving spring-basedata ...02:15
XVampireX/var/lib/dpkg/info/spring-basedata.postrm: line 23: spring-modupdate: command not found02:15
XVampireXdpkg: error processing spring-basedata (--remove):02:16
XVampireX subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 12702:16
XVampireXErrors were encountered while processing:02:16
XVampireX spring-basedata02:16
XVampireXE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:16
XVampireXWhat should I do?02:16
LeeJunFannot paste more than 3 lines first. :p02:16
LeeJunFanXVampireX: gimme a sec to locate that.02:17
LeeJunFantry installing it again? then remove?02:17
cpk2bjb79: i already knew that, big numbers make everyone feel good though =P02:18
XVampireXLeeJunFan: Thanks, I hope this works02:18
bjb79cpk2: you asked =P I'm somewhat ashamed of my fps, but eh, oh well.02:18
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LeeJunFanXVampireX: you may have to use something like apt-get install --reinstall , or dpkg with some --force02:19
XVampireXNah, it installs it fine02:19
LeeJunFanI have a feeling it's an error in the post script package itself though.02:20
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Kr4t05Jesus, 200 frogskins for a 6GM microDrive?02:20
LeeJunFanGM would be something!02:20
Kr4t05What would GM be?02:21
XVampireXGame Master02:21
LeeJunFanGiga Meg02:21
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:21
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gnomefreakHawkwind: here i got something for you02:25
=== gnomefreak waiting for slow net
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Hawkwindgnomefreak: Ahh, you didn't have to get the $1 million I requested :P02:25
gnomefreakHawkwind: this is gonna be more fun for you :)02:26
supertankerWow, laptop harddrives are tiny02:26
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Wow, this must be something really nice then :)02:26
gnomefreakoh yeah02:26
gnomefreakHawkwind: im sending the errros to pastebin for you and its taking tis sweet friggin time02:27
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Kr4t05I need to find a cheap source for 5" touchscreens.02:27
ZEN2_where r u02:28
Kr4t05USA, East Coast.02:28
LeeJunFanKr4t05: ATM's? Just a pickup truck and a chain.02:28
Kr4t05LeeJunFan: Hey, you just made me remember something!02:28
Hawkwindgnomefreak: If need be, you can use http://pastebin.ulteo.us  which should be super quick02:28
gnomefreaki got mine open after trying 2 others02:29
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Kr4t05LeeJunFan: My brother has some connections to a recycle place that regularly gets de-comissioned pumps. He dumped a 9.1GB SCSI drive on my lap a few weeks ago.02:29
ZEN2_if you were in australia i would supply myself but since your not ill have to let it pass02:29
Kr4t05I need to convince him to take me for a ride to this place.02:29
supertankeris it a stupid idea to power on my toshiba before I put the top panels and keyboard fully back on?02:30
supertankerlets find out02:30
gnomefreakHawkwind: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/12702:30
Kr4t05supertanker: er...02:30
gnomefreakHawkwind: holy crap thats fast02:30
LeeJunFansupertanker: some machines have odd grounding that may not be right if it's not fully re-assembled, but usually it won't hurt.02:30
LeeJunFansupertanker: unless you drop something inside the exposed innards.02:31
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supertankerthe fan is running smother after I cleaned it02:31
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supertankerfeels a bit cooler too02:32
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Hawkwindgnomefreak: Thanks  I'll look into it and see what's going on and hopefully I'll have an Edgy repo up soon for everyone02:32
gnomefreakHawkwind: k cool just letting you know before others find out :)02:32
supertankerlets touch the fan when it is spinning and see what happens02:33
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Greatly appreciated02:33
Hawkwindgnomefreak: I might put up a note on the site later stating that the repo shouldn't really be used on Edgy for those that *might* actually read :)02:33
cpk2is there any way to verify i installed my nvidia drivers correctly?02:33
gnomefreakok cool02:33
Dr_williscpk2,  restart X and see if ya see the nvidia logo02:33
Hawkwindcpk2: glxinfo | grep render   will tell you02:34
Hawkwindcpk2: Or even nvidia-settings IIRC02:34
HawkwindDr_willis: That doesn't always work because not everyone will see the Nvidia logo02:34
cpk2yeah i dont think i saw the logo =\02:34
HawkwindDr_willis: I haven't seen it in 2+ years now, and I run Nvidia with twinview02:34
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cpk2i didnt put the option not to see it in either02:35
supertankerAre there openGl drivers for the Trident CyberBlade XP series?02:35
Hawkwindcpk2: So try glxinfo | grep render  or look at nvidia-settings02:35
cpk2so I am assuming if it says i have direct rendering and lists my card in opengl renderer string I am good to go?02:35
Hawkwindcpk2: That would be correct02:36
cpk2Hawkwind: great thanks =)02:36
supertanker58 C is still fairly abnormal, right?02:36
Dr_willisHawkwind,  it may be flashing on so fast you dont see it.02:36
cpk2now i just need to add in modelines...02:36
Dr_willisHawkwind,  with a CRT i dont see it.. with a LCD i do02:36
supertankergood, it is holding steady at about 5502:37
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supertankereither it likes running without the top cover, or I did something else good for the fan02:37
LeeJunFansupertanker: did you move it from where it was sitting?02:38
LeeJunFansupertanker: just wondering if maybe it was on something soft before, like some type of fabric. That's not good becaues the fans on the bottom don't get the airflow they need.02:40
supertankerit wasn't on the bottom02:40
supertankeri think it comes from the back/side02:40
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supertankeruh oh02:40
LeeJunFansupertanker: ah, mine are on bottom and backside. The fans are on bottom, the air intakes are on the back and side.02:40
supertankerthe temperature shot up again, after I re-affixed the keyboard on the top02:41
supertankerthe fan outputs on the side, dunno where it takes in the air,02:41
Kr4t05Hawkwind: Shoot me...02:42
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josh_whats up people02:42
supertankerjosh_ nobody here but us chickens02:42
Kr4t05Hawkwind: I was about 95% through with that compile, when I kicked my wall socket.. (On accident.)02:42
josh_i was going to ask a question... but between bringing up irssi and logging in i forgot what that question was....02:42
josh_ok... what was that question.... think josh think...02:43
josh_answered that question02:43
josh_thanks guys lol02:43
Kr4t05Looks like I'll be up until 1AM tonight.02:43
josh_why can't windows be as easy as linux?!02:44
HawkwindKr4t05: Heh02:44
LeeJunFanjosh_: because it hides what it's doing behind closed source, so you never understand what it's doing between your mouse clicks and whatever caused it to crash.02:44
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Have you tried installing those said deps manually, even though it should pull them in as they are in the SoS rep ?02:45
h3sp4wnKr4t05: 1:45am here02:45
supertankerI think one of the reasons that the toshiba gets so hit02:45
supertankerthe air intake is right UNDER the CDROM drive!02:45
LeeJunFansupertanker: if you aren't using the CD drive at the time it should be hot though.02:45
supertanker"If i'm not using the CD Drive at the time"02:45
josh_i have to work with people that think windows is "bloody marvelous" all day... they tell me it works great... i tell them... yeah sometimes it does that02:45
supertankerdid you happen to read what I was doing in the first place?02:46
LeeJunFansupertanker: something is physically wrong though, even if you are compiling a kernel it shouldn't overheat.02:46
LeeJunFansupertanker: no.02:46
josh_no... why would we supertanker? lol you aint no body ;P02:46
supertankerI was installing Kubuntu from the live cd02:46
bobbyzhey, I'm running into an odd problem migrating from gentoo to kubuntu.  I've got a dwl-650 rev.p wireless b card that in the past I've successfully used the hostap_cs module to handle.  However, I'm running into problems getting it working on kubuntu.  I was using a 2.6.15 kernel before and am now using kubuntu's 2.6.15 kernel.  The weird is that now when I modprobe hostap_cs on kubuntu, nothing is created in /proc/net/hostap (which should b02:46
bobbyzc to load the card's firmware)02:46
LeeJunFansupertanker: pick that sucker up, put the air intake on your mouth and blow in it like a prison harmonica.02:47
Kr4t05h3sp4wn: What version is your pre-made kernel?02:47
bobbyzIs there something that could be blocking the hostap module from binding to the card?  I don't have much experience with pcmcia, especially pcmciautils02:47
supertankerI tried that, sadly02:47
LeeJunFansupertanker: maybe the air intake has obstruction?02:47
josh_or it could be they just had a design flaw....02:47
supertankerchecked that. There is no main air intake, it appears to come from several different areas02:47
h3sp4wnKr4t05: No longer available - but was 2.6.16 (with rt patches)02:47
LeeJunFanbobbyz: yeah, you have to edit /etc/pcmcia/config.opts or some such file.02:47
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bobbyzLeeJunFan: ahh ok, I'll check that out02:48
LeeJunFanbobbyz: it has manufacturer id's and the modules they are supposed to use along with them.02:48
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supertankerdefinite design flaw02:48
Kr4t05Ok, so, I would have been taking a step back to make a step forward. :/02:48
supertankerit worked 20 F cooler when I had the keyboard off02:48
bobbyzLeeJunFan: thanks02:48
h3sp4wnKr4t05: What do you need to do ?02:48
LeeJunFanbobbyz: it's just /etc/pcmcia/config02:48
Kr4t05I want a nice new kernel with rt patches.02:48
h3sp4wnKr4t05: Just build 2.6.18 rt402:49
josh_supertanker: just take a thumbtack and put a bunch of holes in the keyboard between the keys :P02:49
Kr4t05I think the compile picked where where it left off...02:49
h3sp4wnKr4t05: Just build 2.6.18 rt3 (sorry)02:49
supertanker66 is still quite high, but it hopefully will not go any higher. Its running fine for now anyways02:49
josh_Kr4t05: well then you get to go to bed in 20 minutes02:49
LeeJunFanbobbyz: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25264/02:49
LeeJunFanbobbyz: there's mine which I've edited to have my card bound to hostap_cs02:50
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supertankerjust out of curiosity, WHY does the live CD installer put EVERYTHING in the virtual group?02:50
LeeJunFanbobbyz: you can get the manfid and other info for your card with cardctl ident 0 or whatever slot your card is in - maybe 1.02:51
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bobbyzLeeJunFan: thanks a ton02:52
josh_supertanker: cuz its making a vrtual drive till its installed...?02:52
supertankervirtual package group02:53
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supertankerand it installs direct to the HD02:53
josh_lol cuz its a fake package :P02:53
josh_its actually a very complicated vrius... it lets you interact with millions of free programs and gives you the ability to take of lesser machines.... like windows02:54
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josh_lol windows is spyware02:54
josh_f**king M$02:54
cpk2my xorg doesnt seem to use modelines and i really need to change my refresh rate, feels like its hurting my eyes =\02:54
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josh_god i hate that crap02:54
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josh_Dr_willis: what was the reconfigure command for xorg? xorg -reconfigure?02:55
luoluohi room02:55
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Dr_willisdpkg-reconfigure xorg or somthing like that02:55
josh_there you go cpk202:56
luoluoi wanna play ape on Ubuntu,but dont know how02:56
supertankerI just realized that it is bad idea to listen to music when your headphone volume is at 99 %02:56
Dr_willisape ?02:56
luoluoape music02:56
supertankerSo thats what it would be like to listen to Chevelle live02:56
luoluoape format music file02:56
josh_supertanker: that depends are you hard of hearing?02:56
josh_lol are u now?02:56
luoluoany one knows?02:57
supertankercould you say that a bit louder?02:57
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=== josh_ whispers "im yelling at the top of my lungs"
josh_hey how do these people have addresses that aren't they're ip addressed02:57
benkong2why does my knetworkmanager only allow 40/104 bit wep?02:58
cpk2dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i suppose =P02:58
supertanker"I'm tired of your open mouth, crawling inside my skin, endless pain we never quit, the fight within that prides begun, say it it's too late, what a man's got to learn to hate!"02:58
Telroth_Plushie|josh_, host names. everyone has one02:58
josh_like this one visik7 [n=visi@unaffiliated/visik7] 02:58
supertankergotta go eat02:58
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josh_ir rather have that then my ip02:58
josh_how do i change my shit02:59
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LeeJunFanjosh_: check freenode.org there's info there on it.03:01
josh_holy crap... i can foreach in irssi03:01
LeeJunFanjosh_: that link ^^ it's called a cloak.03:03
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josh_oh... thanks man03:03
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LeeJunFanor more appropriately http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks03:03
LeeJunFanfor a single host cloak.03:03
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josh_oh snap... i can use perl with irssi?!?!03:08
josh_f'in right doggie03:08
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benkong2can anyone help get networkmanager and 128bit WEP working on my lappy?03:19
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[Nige] hi all03:21
BigIronGood evening all03:21
BigIronDoes Kubuntu have something like limewire or Kazaa?03:22
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[Nige] I hve lost my notifications area like where gaim goes when you minimise it... not the taskbar list, any ideas on how to get it back?03:25
[Nige] nevermind03:25
[Nige] i found it again03:26
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XVampireXLeeJunFan: In the end I had to use aptitude in the command line instead of apt-get, seems like aptitude does a better job.03:27
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ku8ucan i have some help!03:29
ku8uim new using linux and i need some help!03:29
Dr_willisAnd the problem is>03:30
Kr4t05ku8u: Whatcha need?03:30
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ku8ui want to install packages.. so i use ./confugure and always give an error03:31
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XVampireXku8u: it's ./configure03:31
XVampireXand errors are because you don't have the dependencies03:31
ku8uthi 103:31
ku8ui mean this 103:32
ku8uconfigure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH03:32
Dr_willisinstall build-essential for a start03:32
XVampireXku8u: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:32
Dr_willisthen other dev packages needed by the program03:32
XVampireXI wanna handle this03:32
Kr4t05Also, make sure it isn't in the repositories before you compile it.03:32
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XVampireXKr4t05: I hate you03:32
] LaPiN[.03:32
ku8uwhere i can find som 1step programs! u know for warming up!03:33
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ku8ui want to lsiten mp303:33
XVampireXwarming up?03:33
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.03:33
Dr_willistheres sevarl mp3 players out for kubuntu03:33
] LaPiN[hi03:33
Kr4t05Dr_willis: I think he means the codecs.03:33
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XVampireXku8u: check this03:33
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:33
ku8uand u know also install fire fox!03:33
Kr4t05ku8u: Check easyubuntu03:34
Dr_willisfire up adept and search/install it.03:34
soulriderdoes anyone know if its possible to ahve two kickers03:34
Kr4t05It installs a lot of what you need.03:34
Dr_willisits very trivial to do.03:34
soulriderGNOME style ?03:34
unix_infidelsoulrider: yes.03:34
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Kr4t05soulrider: right click on the kicker and add new panel.03:34
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XVampireXsoulrider: kicker = panel03:34
unix_infidelsoulrider: technically though, its one kicker instance with two seperate panels.03:34
benkong2can anyone point me to a solution to get NetworkManager working on Kubuntu?03:35
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Dr_willisbenkong2,  whats not working with it?03:35
benkong2Dr_willis: wireless and 128bit wep.03:35
soulridereeerr, i added a new application dock03:35
unix_infidelbenkong2: wep is deprecated.03:35
soulriderand now its all screwed up03:35
ku8uthe only i have had trouble is installing skype!03:35
ku8ui mean i havent had!03:35
Dr_willisbenkong2,  gee.. thats vague.. :P you sure your wireles card is even working first?03:36
unix_infidelbenkong2: look into setting up WPA+RAIDUS03:36
unix_infidelerm, RADIUS*03:36
benkong2It brings up the dialog to enter the key but only 40/104 bit03:36
benkong2yes the wireless will work using iwconfig03:36
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Dr_willisbenkong2,  ive noticed differnet companies - seem to differ on how they count the # of bits..03:36
benkong2here is a message from the logs that may give a hint03:36
Dr_willis40/104 may be 128 bit..03:36
Dr_willistry it first with out any encryption, then work up from there.. perhaps.03:37
benkong2message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.host_name03:37
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benkong2Dr_willis: it does work without encryption03:37
Dr_willisbenkong2,  thats a good sign then. :P03:37
benkong2it sees all the wireless networks in my neighborhood also03:38
Dr_willisBe sure you are not trying to enter an ascii key when its wanting a Hexidecimal one and visa-versa03:38
benkong2I am entering or at least choosing hex key03:38
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benkong2does the message mean anything that sounds familiar?03:39
Dr_willisall the terms the different wireless programs use - gets a bit confisung at times. I noticed my laptop said 64 wep Hexidecimal. ( as an option)03:39
benkong2this is an IBM X30 thinkpad03:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xfree - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:39
soulriderargh, i cant set up this the right way03:40
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phoenix_anyone mind telling me why kubuntu doesnt seem to come with gcc? o.O03:42
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naliothku8u: were your questions not answered here to your satisfaction?03:43
CVirusphoenix_: you could apt-get install gcc if you need it03:43
CVirusphoenix_: the CD isnt big enough to hold unecessary software03:43
phoenix_I see03:44
Kr4t05OK, later people. I'm off to stack my penny tower and play Leaf Green while this kernel compiles.03:44
Kr4t05I don't think there can be anymore nerdy a sentence than that...03:45
CViruswho cares03:45
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benkong2bye I'm off to try and figure out networkmanager03:45
ku8uahh not yet!03:45
ku8ubut is ok :)03:45
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ku8ui have this problem whe i open a .dev file03:46
ku8uconfigure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH03:46
ku8udo any know why?03:46
naliothku8u: install "build-essential" with adept03:47
Dr_willisbecause you dont have gcc installed03:47
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Dr_willisand if you want gcc you proerly want all the 'build-essential' dependencies as well03:47
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BlueLagunacan I just upgrade to the kubuntu beta via apt-get ?03:48
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tobias___it connects!'03:49
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ku8uwhere i can find build-essential!03:49
ku8ujust rum adept03:49
cpk1grrr why cant i change my refresh rate03:50
Dr_willis!info build-essential03:50
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB03:50
Dr_willissudo apt-get install build-essential03:50
Dr_willisshould install it.03:50
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Dr_willisheh. AMC is showing that old Sci-Fi Movie. "The Day The Earth Stood Still"03:54
Dr_willis A classic!03:54
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BlackenAlright, so I ran EasyUbuntu and installed the restricted ATI drivers. However, I still can't select a resolution over 1024x768. Can anyone assist?03:59
Dr_willisdid ya reboot yet?03:59
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Dr_willisor restartx?03:59
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crema10hello everybody04:02
BlackenDr_willis: I rebooted immediately after. I see the driver, there's an ATI widget in my K-Menu. But no dice.04:05
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Dr_williswhats no dice?04:05
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Dr_willisvideo is working byt cant chnge res eh?04:05
BlackenDr_willis: The ATI drivers still don't seem to work.04:05
BlackenDr_willis: I can change resolution, just only downward.04:05
Dr_willisits possible your xorg.conf is missing entrys for the higher res.. or it thinks your monito can only handle the lower res.04:06
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:06
Dr_willismay want to check there.. ive never had the problem04:06
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BlackenDr_willis: Odd thing is...I ran 6.06 Ubuntu for a while. Reinstalled with 6.06 Kubuntu, and now I have this. And...that's a new one--"Driver does not provide FireGL extensions"?04:07
Blacken(When opening the ATI applet)04:07
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crema10Dr_willis: did you get a chance to mess around with Zen yet?04:09
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Dr_williszen? whats that.. :P lol04:10
Dr_willismessing with xmame at the moment04:11
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hermes__Hello; does anyone know how to get Active Sync (or some alternative) to work in Kubuntu (or with wine)?04:13
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unix_infidelDo most professional software companies have their own IRC chan for troubleshooting, or rather how do they troubleshoot their code?04:15
Dr_willisif they are doing intercompany chatting. they could be using jabber, or some other inhouse chat/messging ing service04:16
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unix_infidelright, is that common?04:16
unix_infidelor are coders expected to deal with things in person with fellow devs and such, and or try to muddle through some code that they cant quite troubleshoot.04:17
HawkwindAll depends on the company they work for04:18
HawkwindEach company will be totally different in how they handle things04:19
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unix_infidelOk, that's fine, but what are some avenues of collaberative troubleshooting in industry?04:19
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Dr_willisThe industry is so huge.. theres vast varity.04:20
unix_infidelOf course there are projects that are sensitive.04:20
Dr_willisand some projects are so huge with 100's of people if not more...04:20
HawkwindOf course, all this belongs in -OffTopic  :P04:20
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miyakohow do I go about stopping X?  ctrl+alt+backspace restarts the X server, and switching to another virtual terminal and switching to runlevel 3 with "init 3" also fails to stop X?04:20
epgrr, I'm having adept install suns java and the accept licenecs <no> <yes> screen is cut off (blank white) and seemingly impossible to view no matter what  I click or move .   This has happened to me before. Suggestions anyone?  Has anybody switched to synaptic, looks like I need to.04:20
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soulrideri added a new panel, but i cant resize it =/04:21
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soulrideri want it tiny, but its still normal size04:21
Hawkwindmiyako: killall kdm is one way if you're using kdm.04:21
Dr_willisep,  hold down alt key and click/drag the window to move it04:21
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miyakoHawkwind, ok I'll try that.  Any idea why init isn't working properly? it worked as I expected it to (in otherwords, stopping X, etc.) in SuSE? is it just the way kubuntu is, or is my system configured incorrectly04:22
Hawkwindmiyako: ctrl-alt-backspace should always restart it and take you back to your wm if you have autologin enabled, or back the kdm/gdm screen or whatever04:23
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miyakoHawkwind, yeah, I was more wondering why "init 3" didn't stop X04:23
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Hawkwindmiyako: Did you try telinit 3 instead ?04:24
Blacken...this gets stranger and stranger.04:24
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miyakonope, I had no idea such a thing as telinit existed04:24
epI can resize minimize and move the window just fine -- but inside this window is another the terminal type text window with a <yes> <no> prompt.  The top 1/4 of it is visible.  The prompt and cursor (highlight) is invisible.04:25
miyakook, well killall kdm worked properly04:26
epgues i can hit tab a few times and click the space bar and i've got a 50 50 chance that I said <yes>  Ya ho!04:26
miyakonow to try to get AIGLX working with the beta nvidia drivers ^_^04:26
epI'll tryj that04:26
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epnot working I cant get out of this thing04:27
phoenix_anyone know what I can use to play a .wma file?04:27
BlackenAlright, I've got the ATI drivers installed and ran debconf over them to try to get my screen resolution of 1280x800 to work. However, when I do fglrxinfo, it gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25268/04:28
BlackenAny help?04:28
Dr_willisphoenix_,  it will depend on the codec the wma is using as if it can be played with vlc/totem/xine/mplayer or not04:28
miyakook, I'm going by the wiki on kubuntu to install AIGLX and it says to use apt-get install linux-dri-common, but apt-get can't find it04:29
miyakoany idea what repository it is in?04:29
epI wonder what I'll screw up after File | Quit.04:29
epHey could I post a screen shot?04:30
Hawkwind!info linux-dri-common04:30
ubotuPackage linux-dri-common does not exist in any distro I know04:30
Hawkwindmiyako: Must be some 3rd party repo04:30
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en1gmadamn it. desktop amd64 has no dmraid builtin and i apt-get says there isnt any04:31
en1gmado i need to do something to apt-get for it to be able to get "dmraid"04:32
miyakoHawkwind, ah, nevermind, it was a typo04:32
miyakohowever I did run into a problem with there not being packages for the kernel that I'm running, which is the latest kubuntu kernel04:32
en1gmaanyone running amd64 6.10 edgy?04:32
miyakoguess I'll have to downgrade my kernel :(04:32
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Hawkwinden1gma: Try asking in #Ubuntu+1 since that's the Edgy channel04:33
en1gmaohhh ok thnx04:33
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:33
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soulriderdoes anyone know why i cant resize my panel ?04:36
soulrideri got 2, i can resize one but not the other04:36
epcan I post a screen shot (png) to the paste bin?04:36
en1gmathat channel is dead04:36
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soulrideryea =/04:37
chains_I have a series of questions 1) how do i instal firefox from a tar ball?04:37
Dr_willisYou mean Compile from source? Ick..04:37
soulriderjust umpack it :)04:37
en1gmahow can i look at what we call in slackware the "menuconfig.config" file of the kernel i am running04:37
soulriderbut why are you using a tar ball ?04:38
Dr_willisthat would require a lot of depenecneies and so on.. when its allready in the repos.04:38
phoenix_anyone know why I cant install win32codecs or vlc with apt-get?  it says cannot find, how do I install them?04:38
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soulriderphoenix_: do you have universe enabled ?04:38
chains_well, i dont like the browser that kubuntu uses, and i dont know how else to instal04:38
soulrideropen up your console chains_04:38
phoenix_soulrider, that's like asking Bill Gates if he uses Linux  XD04:39
Dr_willisI think ya should learn a little about the disrto and apt-get befoir trying to do such  fancy tricks that you do NOT need to do04:39
Dr_willistry that 'add programs" menu item yet?04:39
chains_im new to kubuntu, where is the console04:39
phoenix_soulrider, meaning I have no clue what you are talking about XD04:39
Dr_willischains_,  the "konsole' is the text terminal for Kubuntut04:40
soulriderphoenix_: the repositories is where you can find software04:40
soulridertheres one called universe04:40
soulriderthat has a crapload of them04:40
Dr_willischains_,  or run that 'add/remove programs' entry, check the show unsupported/propiaraty box's and start checking/installing stuff.04:40
soulriderbut it has to be enable04:40
chains_Br_willis, i found it04:40
phoenix_soulrider, I do this how?04:40
Dr_willisapt-get makes the way you are used to installing things in windows -- seem .. primitive04:40
soulrideropen adept04:40
soulriderknow how to do that ?04:41
Dr_willisfind its icon...04:41
Dr_willisor just run that add/remove programs thang.04:41
Dr_willisits a user-friendly front end.04:41
Dr_willisexplore the os a bit.04:41
en1gmado i need to do something to apt-get so i can "apt-get install dmraid"? im running amd64 edgy04:41
soulriderhave you used katapult yet? its REALLY useful04:41
chains_ok, i have konsole open04:41
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soulridersimpoly press alt space04:41
Dr_willis!info dmraid04:41
ubotudmraid: Device-Mapper Software RAID support tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9+1.0.0.rc9-2ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 117 kB, installed size 460 kB04:41
soulriderand type in what you wanna open04:41
Dr_willisRember - in linux - thers always 12 ways to do somthing. :)04:42
chains_so, i  rember using apt-get a little bit in ubuntu, but i forgot04:42
soulriderim loving linux04:42
soulriderand im trying to convert my parents :P04:42
phoenix_soulrider, how do I enable universe?04:42
soulriderpress alt space04:42
soulriderand then type adept04:43
soulriderthat goes for you too pho04:43
phoenix_now what?04:43
soulridertype your apssword and wait till it opens04:43
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mabreauxI am logged on as the administrator "" and I am receiving a message " Your administrator has disallowed changing your image" how do I correct this04:43
chains_got adept open04:43
soulridergo to view and then manage repositories04:43
chains_i only have View> review changes04:44
soulridertry to find manage repositories04:44
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chains_got it04:45
Hawkwindchains_: Adept -> Manage Repositories04:45
Kr4t05Hawkwind: It's not going to work...04:45
soulridernow, enable universe04:45
HawkwindKr4t05: Still getting the same error ?04:45
chains_dont see it04:45
Kr4t05Hawkwind: Yeah... Let me download the newest tarball, maybe that will work.04:46
soulriderdont you see some lines with # ?04:46
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soulriderjust one #04:46
Dr_willisI hope that he has installed the latest Dapper Kubuntu.04:46
soulridernot ##04:46
chains_no, all i see are a bunch with ##04:47
soulriderhang on04:47
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:47
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epI finally to exit adept with File | Quit (No choice) Now due to the adept bug, I cant' even use apt-get "Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"  And I can't restart adept (probably already running)  I just goes blank.04:47
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soulridersudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list04:47
HawkwindNot sudo04:47
Hawkwindkdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list04:47
soulrideri think both work04:48
Hawkwindsoulrider: Nope04:48
soulrideri allways use sudo =/04:48
Hawkwindkdesu is for opening GUI apps with root perms04:48
chains_no seeing04:48
Hawkwindchains_: What are you trying to do ?04:48
chains_to install firefoz with a tarball04:48
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Hawkwindchains_: Why ?04:49
chains_thats one of the several things im trying to do04:49
epI'm going to kill the process I guess.04:49
en1gmais there a kubuntu and ubuntu universal repo or are they each their own04:49
Hawkwindchains_: Why not sudo apt-get install firefox and get it from the repos04:49
chains_cuz i dont know how....04:49
soulriderhe doesnt ahve universe enabled04:49
Hawkwinden1gma: They all share universe and multiverse04:49
chains_till now04:49
Hawkwindchains_: I just told you how.... sudo apt-get install firefox04:49
chains_cuz you just reminded me04:49
Hawkwind!repos > chains_04:49
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Hawkwindchains_: Read what the bot just told you in pm to setup your repos04:49
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soulrideris he registered in IRC ?04:50
en1gmawhere do i go to find universal repsoitory links04:50
en1gmaim at ubuntu.com right now04:50
Hawkwindsoulrider: Doesn't matter.  He can recieve pm's, not send them if he's not registered04:50
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Hawkwind!repos > en1gma04:50
BlackenHrm. Well, that works, at least...04:51
BlackenCan you enable transparency for only ONE panel in KDE?04:51
en1gmaHawkwind that !repos > en1gma thing didnt give me the address to univeral04:54
en1gmait just tells me how to adept manager ...manage repositories04:54
Hawkwinden1gma: It does tell you how to enable all repos, including universe though04:54
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en1gmawhat i specifically asked is where is the urls of the universal repos04:55
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en1gmanow how to enable em04:55
en1gmalike how do you get the list of universal repo server04:56
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BlackenSynaptic is just about the only improvement on Kubuntu I know of.04:56
Hawkwinden1gma: It tells you.  You either do it via adept, or edit your /etc/apt/sources.list manually04:56
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BlackenI can't stand adept. :/04:56
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en1gmaif it tells me im sorry i might have missed that...i just scanned through and it looks like the servers that it "already" has it shows you enabling04:57
BlackenCan you enable transparency only for one panel? I have an offscreen panel to the left that I'd like to use as a hidden application launcher, but...04:57
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morghanphoenixhow does one install tar.gz packages?04:57
en1gmaHawkwind "or edit your /etc/apt/sources.list manually" <<<<<<im looking for the site that lists what i put in here04:58
Blackenmorghanphoenix: It's like a zipfile on Windows. Run gunzip and tar in the terminal.04:58
en1gmathe repos server list04:58
en1gmaanyone know what im saying04:58
Hawkwinden1gma: Simply add universe to the end of the lines that have multiverse04:58
morghanphoenixso if you unzip it into a /usr/local path it will work, or do you need to do something else?04:59
epOk guys, this all started because there was no way to accept or decline the license agreement on Adept's "Sun java install". It was impossible (i've got a screen shot to prove it).04:59
Kr4t05Hawkwind: I'm going to try using the kernel source package from the repos and see if that helps.04:59
epSince then I ended session came back and did ps aux -- now check this out: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25270/  OMG what do I do !04:59
Blackenmorghanphoenix: Normally you need to compile an app that comes in a tarball.05:00
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epThis is a nightmare05:01
Blackenep: killall adept?05:01
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epoh didn't know there was a killall thanks. Btw now on apt-get "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem"05:03
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Hawkwindep: So run that command, prefixed with sudo05:04
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:04
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mabreauxI was using adept and suddenly the window vanished.  It is not in the task bar or any where.  how do I get it back.05:05
morghanphoenixdpkg -a I think05:05
morghanphoenixThat worked for me05:05
chains_ok, im having problems with my sound. No matter what sound type, it comes out insanly scratchy (staticy) and i cant figure out what to do05:06
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epThat bug has happened to me before.  I need to report it to the  adept folks.  (i've got a screen shot).05:06
mabreauxwhy does it do that.   also is there any way to see what programs are running?05:06
Hawkwindmabreaux: ps aux or run top05:07
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epIs synaptec generally more higly regarded?  I may just uninstall adept if that's ok05:07
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Blackenep: Synaptic is a lot easier to deal with, IMO. It's cleaner. Less frilly. Doesn't have all the tagging crap.05:07
Hawkwindep: Why not use what works, apt-get from the CLI/terminal05:07
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BlackenHawkwind: Most people don't know every package by heart, and the CLI is harder to read/use than just searching a GUI.05:08
morghanphoenixI put synaptic on my kubuntu system first thing off05:08
HawkwindBlacken: I totally disagree05:08
HawkwindBlacken: apt-cache search works wonders and is no different than reading a silly GUI that everyone complains about being broken and not working05:08
BlackenHawkwind: You've also been using it longer than most people. Quit the elitism.05:09
mabreauxif it does it to me one more time I am going to be upset . this is 4 times in a row.05:09
HawkwindBlacken: Heh, 2 months is how long I've been using it05:09
epHawkind  I like that the best... but the gui's are nice for searching and browsing around .   And while your there.... :)05:09
BlackenHawkwind: Synaptic is not broken, and is in fact quite clean. It's KDE's fault that they include a terrible GUI.05:09
HawkwindBlacken: I never mentioned synaptic in my sentences, nowhere05:09
mabreauxso how do you recover from this adept bug.05:09
BlackenHawkwind: No, but you responded right after I and others mentioned Synaptic.05:10
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HawkwindWe're talking about adept not working and providing a solution, CLI happens to work the best for most everything when it comes to a package manager.  That's why it is important a user learns it, atleast IMO05:10
morghanphoenixdpkg -a on command line05:10
HawkwindBlacken: Only because you typed a bit quicker than I did that one time05:10
morghanphoenixworked for me when I had the same problem05:10
mabreauxI wil try it.05:10
BlackenHawkwind: You can think that if you like. *shrug* I find the CLI interface for apt very cumbersome and annoying.05:11
HawkwindBlacken: If you take note, I preach learning the CLI all the time in here.  It's what works best in most all cases05:11
BlackenHawkwind: Yeah, I've noticed. I used to be like you. :P05:11
=== chains_ [n=chains@c-24-98-19-12.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
HawkwindBlacken: Maybe you should learn it a bit better then.  Not putting you down, just saying, once you learn it, you'll find it's much better05:11
BlackenHawkwind: I've been using various flavors of Linux for long enough to realize that most people don't want to, nor need to, use the CLI.05:11
claydohI must disagree here.05:11
HawkwindBlacken: My experience comes from 4+ years of seeing all distros having a broken GUI package manager and writing docs for one of the newest on the block05:12
claydohI have been using Linux for years now, and am only just now getting into the cli05:12
HawkwindBlacken: I totally disagree there05:12
BlackenHawkwind: I've done LFS. I run a Gentoo server. I use Kubuntu--which is primarily a DESKTOP system--because I want something that just works. If I want to horse around with that crap, I'll load my server.05:12
chains_ok, i tried the sudo apt-get for fire fox, and got nothing out of it05:12
HawkwindGentoo.......a hobby on a PC.  Now that's quite funny05:12
Hawkwindchains_: Did you enable all of your repos ?05:12
Hawkwindchains_: Can you put your /etc/apt/sources.list into http://pastebin.ulteo.us05:13
Blackenchains_: Have to enable all the repositories, and it's not "fire fox", if that was what you were typing--it's "firefox".05:13
claydohnow when new users are having a prob with a gui app, the cli can help by getting a better error message, makes it easier to help newbies05:13
chains_send me that link again, if its not to much trouble, and no i was trying firefox05:13
BlackenHawkwind: People who come in here aren't looking for the l33t way to do things. They want the easiest way to do it, quickly. The CLI has a tremendous learning curve that most *desktop* users don't care about.05:13
chains_nm, i found the link05:14
HawkwindBlacken: CLI isn't the l33t way of doing things either.  I don't know where you get that info from05:14
HawkwindBlacken: To some people the CLI has a tremendous learning curve, not to everyone05:14
BlackenHawkwind: Sarcasm, dude. Sarcasm.05:14
morghanphoenixTry crashing your x-server, you need the command line then, not for long but it's still needed05:14
unix_infidelBlacken: i'm a desktop user too.  Actually more than anything.05:14
BlackenHawkwind: How many Windows users can go around in DOS? Granted, ones who started in DOS or Win 3.1 or so can (I'm one of them), but very few.05:14
unix_infidelBut i still have about 10 cmd shells on windows currently.05:14
HawkwindBlacken: No idea.  I haven't touched or dealt with Windows in over 4 years.  I refrain from messing with GUI things that are broken :P05:15
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claydohas I said, I usually suggest a comand line just so I can get the good error message so I can help out better05:15
Blackenunix_infidel: I run a tabbed MinGW box, too. It's not like I hate the CLI. But sending newbies to use it is a joke.05:15
Hawkwindclaydoh: Yep.  Because GUI stuff rarely gives any helpful error messages05:15
morghanphoenixI started with win 2.0, dos worked better.05:16
unix_infidelBlacken: no, the joke is poorly coded gui's05:16
HawkwindBlacken: That's your opinion actually.  Some learn better if you send them to that 'joke'05:16
mabreauxcan you use synaptic in place of adept?05:16
BlackenHawkwind: Of course it's my opinion. Whose else would it be?05:16
Blackenmabreaux: Yes.05:16
Hawkwindmabreaux: Yes05:16
claydohnow wen i am in a forum and have more time to type, I star out with the gui way05:16
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morghanphoenixyes, but if adept is locked synaptic probably won't work either05:16
Blackenmabreaux: You may be better off just rebooting, if killall didn't do it for you.05:17
HawkwindBlacken: Then stop telling people not to suggest or use the CLI.  Everyone does things *their* way and if they can help the user accomplish what he/she needs, then let them do it however they can05:17
Hawkwindmabreaux: Rebooting is for Windows, new hardware and new kernel.  Do *not* reboot your machine05:17
morghanphoenixI switched distros to try out a new one and I'm really missing apt and dpkg.05:17
claydohif adept is locked, use the gui search tool to find instances of 'lock' in /usr05:17
BlackenHawkwind: Where did I tell people not to use the CLI? Point me to it.05:17
claydohthen delete them05:17
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: You need to delete the lock files05:17
claydohthen install synaptic :)05:18
=== Satafterh [i=Satafter@fctnnbsc15w-156034090030.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
BlackenROFL...Hawkwind, tone down the elitism a little. I suggested the immediate, easiest fix for a newbie.05:18
HawkwindBlacken: That's bad advice though05:18
HawkwindBlacken: I'm not being elite or anything.  Trying to teach people properly and to get out of the Windows mind frame05:18
BlackenHawkwind: It works. Again--not the elitist, Linux-is-God-never-reboot attitude, but the pragmatic one. :)05:18
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claydohHawkwind is far from eliteist, I prob am more elitest than him ;)05:18
Satafterhcan i upgrade to 6.10 with apt05:18
chains_hawkwind i dont see the 'universe' line it says to find05:19
HawkwindBlacken: If you want to teach someone how to do something, teach them right.  Don't keep them in the same hole they've been in with Windows for years05:19
morghanphoenixI rebooted kubuntu once, debian once and slackware six times.05:19
Hawkwindchains_: Can you please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to http://pastebin.ulteo.us for me to see05:19
morghanphoenixEveryone should have at least some basic command line skills in case x crashes.05:19
HawkwindSatafterh: You can, but it's not stable yet and is still not ready for everyday desktop use05:19
Satafterh<Hawkwind> i see05:20
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: Yep.  It's those that don't have any that freak and reinstall when X won't start05:20
BlackenHawkwind: Again with the elitism. If you take a bit of a step back, you'll see how ridiculous that attitude is. Hell, I run Kubuntu on a laptop. I reboot and shut it down all the time. Doesn't do a bit of harm to the machine, nor to the user, to suggest it.05:20
BlackenHawkwind: How is rebooting in *any* way a bad thing?05:20
HawkwindBlacken: Please stop with the elitism remarks05:20
HawkwindBlacken: What does rebooting teach them ?05:20
chains_how do i paste them? because i dont copy it05:20
SatafterhI know i can read the changes online but with out going through that is there alot of changes in 6.1005:21
Hawkwindchains_: Open it up in an editor, hold the left mouse button, highlight what you want, then middle click to paste, or left/right click at the same time to paste05:21
HawkwindSatafterh: Yes, especially with the init system05:21
HawkwindSatafterh: The init system has been replaced with upstart05:22
morghanphoenixI configured x wrong and was stuck on command line while I learned how to fix it because I refused to reinstall unless I really couldn't fix it.05:22
BlackenHawkwind: ROFL. This is going nowhere. All I am saying is that teaching people is fine--but if they want a machine that *works*, your methodology is a bad one. And I'll stop with the elitism comments when you stop trying to say that I'm "teaching them wrong." :) I tell them what works and what works immediately, not twenty minutes, an hour, more down the line.05:22
Satafterhinit system? yes i am a noob lol05:22
BlackenHawkwind: Both ways are equally valid. I don't correct you, don't correct me.05:22
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HawkwindBlacken: No it's not.  Ask anyone in here.  If it was, I wouldn't be a regular here, I wouldn't be an op here, and I surely wouldn't know the things I know05:22
chains_how do i open it in a text editor?05:23
BlackenHawkwind: You're right. But you aren't a regular user. Neither am I.05:23
HawkwindBlacken: Then stop giving bad advice and teach people correctly, actually teach them something instead of telling them to just hit the power button and proceed on05:23
HawkwindBlacken: I'm not ?05:23
Satafterhwhat is init system?05:23
morghanphoenixBoth are right, get the damn thing working, then teach him how to do it himself. just my humble newbie opinion.05:23
BlackenHawkwind: I imagine not, from the way you speak.05:23
Hawkwindchains_: kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list05:23
fulat2khi folks, i accidentally removed the displays from the System Guard applet.  Anyway I can redisplay the CPU/Memory displays?  It's now displayed as blank boxes05:23
HawkwindBlacken: Might try again05:23
HawkwindBlacken: If I wasn't a regular user, I wouldn't be involved with the distro and the community the way I am, and I wouldn't be an op of this channel05:23
claydohSatafterh: init is basically how the system boots up and loads modules/ etc05:24
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BlackenHawkwind: A regular user is someone who comes in, asks a question, leaves.05:24
Satafterh<claydoh> ok05:24
morghanphoenixthere should be a command line newbie channel.05:24
HawkwindBlacken: No it's not05:24
HawkwindBlacken: A 'regular' user is someone who is here very often on a 'regular' basis05:24
unix_infidelmorghanphoenix: ask those questions here, were happy to answer them.05:24
BlackenHawkwind: You are knowledgable about it. You aren't merely using it--you know the ins and outs of it.05:24
Satafterh<claydoh> so it boots faster or ?05:24
claydohSatafterh: in edgy they have something new, ie needing testing, that seems to really speed up the boot time05:24
BlackenHawkwind: Sorry. Meaning clash. You are thinking 'regular' as in 'frequent'. I'm thinking 'regular' as J. Random Luser.05:25
HawkwindSatafterh: Edgy does boot quite a bit quicker than Dapper does actually05:25
morghanphoenixHow do you add a user to the sudoers folder command line?05:25
claydohit does for me,05:25
chains_say what? ok, im new to kubuntu . do i do into openoffice, and the open and type what you just told me to open?05:25
BlackenSatafterh: Edgy boots up remarkably quickly. It's still a bit wonky in some ways, but it's quite usable.05:25
claydohmorghanphoenix: add the user to the admin group:05:25
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SatafterhEdgy isnt vey stable yet?05:25
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: sudo visudo ?05:25
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claydohsudo addgrp <username> <groupname>05:25
HawkwindSatafterh: No, it's still beta and won't be released as stable til next month sometime05:26
Satafterhok thx05:26
BlackenSatafterh: It's pretty stable in my experience. Occasional oddities, but nothing major.05:26
en1gmai type "linux-amd64" in "adept manager" and i get a few returns...is that what i pick to put with "debootstrap ....." where the dots are05:26
BlackenThe only reason I'm running 6.06 is because I didn't have a 6.10 disc around when I was reinstalling today.05:26
claydohmorghanphoenix: got it backwards05:27
en1gma!debootstrap en1gma05:27
ubotudebootstrap: Bootstrap a basic Debian system. In component main, is extra. Version (dapper), package size 47 kB, installed size 240 kB05:27
fyrmedicAre there any better GUI based email apps rather than kmail that work well with pop mail in KDE05:27
abattoir!adept crash fix05:27
claydohsudo addgrp group newmember05:27
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'05:27
Hawkwindfyrmedic: thunderbird ?05:27
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Blackenfyrmedic: Evolution isn't bad. It's GTK based, but it's pretty useful.05:27
abattoirmabreaux: tried that^^^ ?05:27
Hawkwindfyrmedic: There is also evolution if you have Gnome installed05:27
en1gmawhat are the choices that "debootstrap" can use05:27
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en1gmais it kernel choices05:27
epwhere's the help file for tweaking firefox, middle click to paste url single click to select url etc.05:27
en1gmaor distro choices05:27
en1gmaor what05:27
abattoirHawkwind: did mabreaux try fuser ?05:28
fyrmedicHawkwind: I'm investigating t-bird, but I am not so impressed yet05:28
unix_infidelfyrmedic: evolution is pretty full featured and the only suite i know of besides wine+Outlook that does exchange.05:28
Hawkwindabattoir: I'm not sure, I don't think so though05:28
fyrmedicwill evolution work if I don't have gnome installed?05:28
abattoirHawkwind: he's getting the database locked message right?05:28
Blackenfyrmedic: It should install the libraries it needs.05:28
Hawkwindep: Not sure what you are asking, but in the URL bar you can type  about:config  to get some really good info05:28
Hawkwindabattoir: Yes05:28
unix_infidelfyrmedic: it wont install gnome-desktop only the needed libs and gtk stuff.05:29
abattoirmabreaux: try that command that ubotu posted05:29
Hawkwindfyrmedic: sudo apt-get install evolution and as Blacken said, it'll install what it needs to run and work05:29
abattoir!adept crash fix > mabreaux05:29
fyrmedicawesome thanks guys....05:29
Kr4t05Well, I'm convinced that I can't compile a kernel to save my life.05:29
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fyrmedicI will give evo a try05:29
unix_infidelfyrmedic: its not pretty, but it works.05:29
HawkwindKr4t05: Have you tried using the script that is posted at the bottom of my how-to ?05:29
HawkwindEvolution is pretty to some.  Depends on your definition of 'pretty'05:30
epHawkwind: where's your howto?05:30
Blackenunix_infidel: You think not? I run it under KDE using the Geramik GTK package, and it looks pretty nice...05:30
Kr4t05Hawkwind: Meh...05:30
Hawkwindep: How-to for what exactly ?05:30
Hawkwindep: I have a whole forum of them at http://LinuxForDummies.org/   :)05:30
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epyeah that one05:31
unix_infidelBlacken: i use gmail web interface and outlook+dropmyrights...never used a linux client that i liked.05:31
Blackenunix_infidel: Yeah, I use GMail most of the time. But school's webmail/conferencing really, really sucks without it.05:32
unix_infideli take that back, pine looks "pretty"05:32
=== Blacken laughs.
BlackenWhat's next, pinups of nano? :P05:32
=== mattg [n=mattg@222-155-104-82.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu
mattgim trying to do an apt-get intall but nz.archive.ubuntu.com is down. So how do i switch to another server?05:34
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abattoirmattg: just change/remove the nz bit05:34
mattgwhere's the conf file though?05:35
abattoirmattg: can be something like us.archive.ubuntu.com or just plain archive.ubuntu.com05:35
Hawkwindmattg: /etc/apt/sources.list05:35
mattgok, thanks05:35
abattoirbleh, beat me to it :P05:35
markcanyone tried kopete with gtalk ?05:38
BlackenHm, has kdevelop gotten any better as of late? Last time I used it (~3 years ago) it was painfully clunky and hard to use.05:38
en1gmait looks like the command "debootstra xxxxxx" wants an --arch does it dlaod from kernel.org or is there an address just for kubuntu that lists its arches05:38
abattoirmarkc: Gtalk is just jabber, so kopete handles it well :)05:39
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markcabattoir: I guess I need to rtfm how to connect then... thanks... I'll persist05:39
abattoirmarkc: if you want 'voice' support too, its provided by kopete, but its not available in the kubuntu packages05:39
markcabattoir: excellent... coming soon no doubt05:40
abattoirmarkc: its simple, Create a new Jabber a/c in kopete, enter your ID and password, change server from gmail.com to talk.google.com, enable SSL, and you are good to go :)05:40
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abattoirmarkc: i'm not sure of that though05:41
markcabattoir: ah, is that it... talk.google.com... thanks again :)05:41
abattoiryes, gmail.com as server will not work05:41
=== CainMadness [n=cain@pool-71-244-247-43.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
mattgmarkc: abbattoir: I changed my sources.list file and saved it but how do i "restart" it because it's still trying to access nz.archive.ubuntu.com05:43
Hawkwindmattg: sudo apt-get update05:43
markcabattoir: sorry, never used kopete before... do I create a new account as mygamiluserid@talk.google.com ? (how do I select which server to use)05:44
abattoirmarkc: Settings->Configure Kopete05:44
mattgsweet as Hawkwind.05:44
abattoirmarkc: in the Accounts tab click on New05:45
CainMadnessTrying to install a skin for XMMS player, but whenever I try to unzip the files into the urs/share/xmms/skins folder, it says I don't have permission to the folder. I don't ever recall setting permissions to it.. So how do I unlock it?05:45
abattoirmarkc: choose Jabber as the protocol and click next05:45
epWhats the proper way to kill a process, i read something once, but forgot.  Star with kill  buto only use kill -9 as a last resort. I forgot the other options.05:45
markcabattoir: all done so far05:46
Hawkwindep: kill <app>  or killall <app>  or kill PID#05:46
abattoirmarkc: jabber id would be mygmailuserid@gmail.com05:46
abattoirmarkc: then enter your password05:46
abattoirmarkc: go to the Connection tab05:46
abattoirmarkc: Enable Use Protocol encryption(SSL)05:47
abattoirmarkc: and then click on 'Override default...'05:47
epbut i kill <app or pid> doesn't work.  Isnt' there some other option to try before kill -9 app05:47
abattoirmarkc: there remove gmail.com and add talk.google.com05:47
Hawkwindep: What are you trying to kill exactly ?05:48
abattoirmarkc: click on next... you might get a certificate error, ignore that, and you are done :)05:48
markcabatooir: that server override is what I was missing05:48
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epnothing now  Just a question I had earlier but ppl wern't in a talkative mood then :)05:49
BlackenHm, does KDE offer a facility similar to GNOME's where you can remap the hardkeys on a laptop, multimedia keyboard, etc. to various functions?05:49
BlackenI know I can do it by hand, but would really rather not.05:49
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abattoirBlacken: try Kcontrol/System Settings->Regional Accessibility->Keyboard05:50
epEither my  keyboard is broke or I'm drunk.  Keep missin letters05:50
Blackenabattoir: Alright, thanks.05:50
abattoiraah, hardeys?05:50
Blackenabattoir: I have an Inspiron E1505.05:50
Blackenabattoir: It has the media keys on the front.05:50
abattoirBlacken: you mean the ones bound to hardware? like the monitor/touchpad of buttons?05:50
Blackenabattoir: Neg--these are apparently just weird keyboard scancodes. The buttons are for mute, volume up/down, play, etc.05:51
abattoirBlacken: oh ok, in Keyboard Layout, see if any Latitude model is listed under Keyboard models05:51
Blackenabattoir: Alright, lemme look.05:52
abattoirBlacken: btw are you edgy or dapper?05:52
Blackenabattoir: Dapper.05:52
abattoiroh, ok, because edgy has out-of-the-box support for these kinda buttons now05:52
Blackenabattoir: Yeah, I know...I was using edgy until it went casters up on me and I didn't have a 6.10 CD around to reinstall. I figure I can wait around for 6.10 stable to be done before upgrading again.05:53
abattoirwise choice :)05:53
BlackenYeah, one explosion was enough.05:54
abattoirbut the beta is out and edgy has been incredibly stable for some time05:54
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Blackenabattoir: Yeah, and in all honesty it's not really Edgy's fault--my ext3 file system decided to implode. The AC adapter on the laptop got knocked loose while the battery wasn't in the machine...apparently Mr. Journaling Filesystem still didn't like that.05:55
BlackenI just dislike dist-upgrading...I ended up with weird cruft between Hoary and Breezy.05:56
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abattoirBlacken: i've had issues like that w/ ReiserFS, so i use XFS(bust most people would say the opposite)05:56
BlackenI'd rather just save my /home directory and reinstall Edgy when it's stable, then grab what packages I've installed since.05:57
BlackenAnd thanks, abattoir--selecting a laptop keyboard layout worked.05:57
BlackenAnybody know of a way (if it's possible) to make one KDE panel transparent and not the rest?05:58
abattoirBlacken: i guess it should be possible05:58
epDo I need a firewall?  I found this ubuntu help page where some guy says ubuntu might leave ure system wide open to script laddies.  He says to chck by doing "sudo iptables -L"05:58
Blackenabattoir: I'd think so too, but I can't find a setting.05:58
abattoirBlacken: there is a combobox at the top which decids which panel you change the settings on05:58
Blackenabattoir: Right, but it disappears when I go to "appearance".05:58
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BlackenI ended up setting up my environment fairly GNOME-y, with the taskbar at the bottom and menus at the top...but I'd like to keep visible panels fairly clutter-free, so I'm trying to make an OS X-style dock.06:00
BlackenI could live without transparency, but I want it. :(06:01
abattoirBlacken: then try something like kxdocker06:01
abattoir!info kxdocker06:01
ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB06:01
abattoiryou get a 'real' dock06:01
Blackenabattoir: Ooh, didn't know about that. Thanks!06:01
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morghanphoenixis there a channel for lilo?06:03
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en1gmawho here uses debootstrap06:03
abattoirmorghanphoenix: the boot loader?06:03
en1gmagosh dang i just got a couple questions06:03
en1gmathnx man you got a min?06:03
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: #Lilo06:03
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: You can always do /msg chanserv list *search-term*   with the * to find what channels you are looking for06:04
abattoiren1gma: i think he was responding to me, rather than you ;)06:04
abattoiren1gma: what do you need? w.r.t debootsrap?06:04
en1gmajust something simple06:04
morghanphoenixnothing from the search and it says channel lilo is invite only06:04
mabreauxadept crash: ubotu fix did not work.06:05
D4rklyhow can i disable hci-usb ?06:05
en1gmaim folling a guide (its about 1 year old) and it says "debootstrap breezy /target" now i dont want breezy there (i want something that matches my system) i have an amd64 x206:05
abattoirmabreaux: what do you mean? any error messages?06:05
mabreauxdatabase is still lock and program will not come up06:05
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: I get 11 channels by doing /msg chanserv list *lilo*06:05
en1gmawhere do i go to see what options i can put with "debootstrap"06:05
mabreauxadept opened in read only mode.06:05
abattoiren1gma: get dapper/edgy(the former is more recommended)06:05
morghanphoenixI'm trying to put kubuntu back on top of my slackware install06:05
en1gmai know but which edgy06:06
morghanphoenixsorry, missed the *s06:06
en1gmaisnt there an edgy amd64-k8-smp06:06
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: Though #Lilo forwards to #freenode-announce which is invite only06:06
mabreauxError message: Read Olnly mode: database locked - Adept manager.06:06
en1gmaor is it just "edgy" for all systems06:06
abattoiren1gma: to be honest with you if you are new to linux, i would recommend using a 32-bit distro for now06:06
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en1gmai been using slamd64 for 2 years06:06
abattoiren1gma: ok, then go for k8 in dapper06:07
abattoiri think its amd64-generic in edgy06:07
en1gmai already have edgy boot cd that im in06:07
en1gmaline cd i mean06:07
abattoiralternate cd?06:07
en1gmaim running edgy 6.10 amd6406:07
en1gmanow i want to use debootstrap edgy-amd64-k8-smp or something like that i imagine06:07
morghanphoenixif I install kubuntu and replace lilo with grub will I still have access to slackware?06:08
abattoirok, i think the diferent kernel types were revised for edgy06:08
abattoirnot sure if k8 still exists, let me check06:08
morghanphoenixboot loaders confuse me.06:08
en1gmaabattoir i want that link06:08
en1gmaso i can see what i can put in there06:08
abattoiren1gma: what link?06:08
en1gma[04:08]  <abattoir> not sure if k8 still exists, let me check <<<<where you check06:08
Kr4t05I don't even know why I'm compiling this kernel, it's identical to the Ubuntu one, save some small tweaks...06:08
abattoiri though of doing an 'apt-cache search' ;)06:09
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: Why do you want to change from grub to lilo anyways ?06:09
abattoiren1gma: wait i'll go to p.u.c then06:09
morghanphoenixI have lilo allready, I'm about to install kubuntu on my slackware system06:09
BlackenKubuntu should recognize Slackware and leave it alone, I'd think?06:09
BlackenIt may install GRUB over LILO, which wouldn't exactly be a travesty...06:10
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en1gmai like lilo06:10
morghanphoenixcan you slow down grub so you have a chance to choose your boot?06:10
BlackenWhy's that?06:10
en1gmaits so ez to use06:10
mabreauxwhat can I do about this lock database.06:11
morghanphoenixLilo at least gives me more than 2 sec to hit a key06:11
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Blackenmorghanphoenix: That's all configurable.06:11
Blackenmabreaux: You've been given the answer repeatedly...06:11
D4rklyim trying to use my bluetooth usb dongle in vmware but vmware says the device is in use by the host hci_usb. how can i disable the device in kubuntu ?06:11
SillyZevening yall06:11
en1gmalilo can install to floppy too06:11
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: Of course you can06:11
en1gmawhich means you dont even have to out a bootloader on your h06:11
Hawkwindmorghanphoenix: Just edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file accordingly06:11
mabreauxand I tried it and it did not work.06:12
morghanphoenixOkay, I like slackware, but I don't know it well enough yet to get all the functionality I had with kubuntu, and that damn manual is confusing as all hell.06:12
en1gmaill tell you what im glad im going from slackware to kubuntu and not the other way around06:13
mabreauxI ran the command and the base is still locked.  I ran the fuser command and the dpkg command and both did not work06:13
en1gmaabattoir you find it?06:14
abattoiren1gma: be patient :P06:14
claydohdid you search and delete any files called 'lock' anywhere in /usr?06:14
Blackenmabreaux: Like I said--a reboot /should/ fix it. But beware, it's "Windows" behavior.06:14
abattoiren1gma: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=linux-image&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=main06:14
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claydohrebooting won't always remove the lock files06:14
abattoiren1gma: scroll down, you'd see -k8 has been obsoleted06:14
Blackenclaydoh: Never failed for me. Worth a try.06:15
claydohhaving fought with them before06:15
abattoiren1gma: so there really is only one kernel type available for amd6406:15
en1gmai dont see it yet06:15
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en1gmajust "edgy" ?06:16
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mabreauxcan I manually remover the lock files?06:17
en1gmaabattoir im not understanding...if i wanted that " linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic" how would i put that with "debootstrap"06:18
claydohnotice that any k7, 686, etc kernels are no longer there, edgy has fewr kernels06:18
en1gmai know06:18
en1gmawhy in the hell wouldnt there be an i686 arch06:18
en1gmaall i38606:18
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en1gmaoh this is bad06:18
abattoiren1gma: you dont need to put anything special for a kernel, you only get one06:19
abattoiren1gma: because i think it was decided that the performance difference between them was actually very minimal06:19
en1gmayea but i38606:20
en1gmai686 has sse306:20
en1gmaand so much more06:20
mabreauxadept crash:  Reboot did not release the file.   can I manually remover the lock file?06:21
en1gma[04:19]  <abattoir> en1gma: because i think it was decided that the performance difference between them was actually very minimal <<<<ive tested the diff in slamd64 (im pretty sure its all i686 for the x6406:21
mabreauxwhere is adept lock file located.06:21
en1gmather is a noticable diff06:21
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epCan I get a list of all the packages  I presenlty have presently installed and pipe them to file I can use for future refererence?06:21
en1gmaabattoir thanks for that link at least now i know what goes with debootstrap06:21
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Hawkwind!adept lock file06:22
claydohuse the search in the main menu, search for 'lock' in var/06:22
ubotuadept: package manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 3752 kB, installed size 10988 kB06:22
Hawkwindabattoir: What was that fact ?06:22
abattoir!adept crash fix06:22
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'06:22
en1gmacontinuing on with guide06:22
Hawkwindabattoir: Thanks :P06:22
abattoiren1gma: afaik, you dont need to specify a kernel type when you use debootstrap06:22
abattoiren1gma: what are you actually trying to do?06:22
abattoirHawkwind: np :)06:22
claydohthere may be more than one lock file, you will want to substitute the path to any if there are more than one in the command ubotu gave06:24
abattoirep: 'dpkg -l | grep ^ii > name of file'06:24
abattoirep: obv. change name of file...06:24
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TehKewl1how do I set it up so I can compile stuff?06:28
epabattoir: thanks06:28
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:28
abattoirep: no problem :)06:28
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en1gmaabattoir trying to install kubuntu on a fake-raid with 4 sata drives in a raid0 stripe with 2 partitions (1for windows and 1 for linux006:31
en1gmainstead of dloading it all i wish it could of just read my cd06:32
en1gmamy god i got to dload it all again?06:32
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abattoirso you are doing it through a chroot?06:32
tristanmikeafter adding the apt line for amarok 1.4.3, what do I do to install it ? remove the old amarok first then install the new one, or "apt-get upgrade" will do ?06:32
abattoirtristanmike: apt-get upgrade should do06:33
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tristanmikethought so, thanx abattoir06:33
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en1gmayep chroot06:37
cpk1trying to mount an iso i made from a .mdf but mount is giving me "mount: not a directory"06:38
mabreauxI guess I re-install the os and delete adept or does any one have a way to unlock adept?06:39
tristanmikeabattoir: "The following packages have been kept back: amarok  amarok-xine"06:39
cpk1mabreaux: kill adept06:39
cpk1sudo killall adept06:40
Kr4t05mabreaux: run from the terminal "killall -9 adept"06:40
en1gmaanyone know why this line dont work "apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop"06:40
mabreauxadept: no process killed06:41
en1gmagod this guide isnt that old06:41
en1gmawhat did kubunto go and do? change the whole distro?06:41
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mabreauxdoes anyone know where adept keeps it lock file.06:41
cpk1en1gma: you need to do it as sudo06:42
en1gmaim root06:42
cpk1mabreaux: you need to kill the adept proc06:42
zerozerowhats the latest kernel build for kununtu?06:42
zerozerothank you06:43
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mabreauxadept is not running killall -9 adept showed nothing.06:43
zerozeroanyone runningn that version?06:43
en1gmai wish someone would go over that guide and put the right commands for todays kubuntu distro06:44
cpk1i never liked killall06:44
en1gmai cant very well follow a guide that has outdated command06:44
cpk1look for adept in ps aux06:44
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en1gmai dont even know where to begin to look for what it wants06:44
en1gmacause its not there anymore06:44
cpk1en1gma: what are you trying to do?06:44
en1gmafollow this guide06:46
en1gmaget my raid0 stripe array (fake-raid)06:46
en1gmaand install kubuntu06:46
en1gmaso i can boot06:46
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en1gmai got me a good guide i gues things have changed alot in a year06:47
en1gmawhat was apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop is now what06:47
en1gmai want kubuntu dont forget06:47
en1gmathats just out of the guide06:47
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cpk1it might just be a meta package like ubuntu06:48
Hawkwindzerozero: That version you were told is only in Edgy, not in Dapper06:48
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cpk1what does ubuntu have to do with making raid work?06:48
tristanmikeHi, I'm trying to upgrade my amarok but it won't let me, can someone spare a minute ?06:48
en1gmaroot@ubuntu:/# apt-get install ubuntu ===E: Couldn't find package ubuntu06:48
en1gmai need to install it06:49
epWhat happens when apt-get idols with Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com ( ... Does it eventually time out?  Will I have to ctrl-c out of it?06:49
Hawkwinden1gma: You need to install what ?06:49
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en1gmai doing a chroot isntall06:49
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box06:49
en1gmai dont need that06:49
en1gmai have a guide06:49
Hawkwindep: It'll time out eventually.  It's best to not ctrl-c a package manager like that as it will possibly lock the database06:50
en1gmai mean do you think someone who cant even get to the desktop of kubuntu is gonna go read /debootstrap /chroot /apt-get /dmraid etc.....before they even get there06:50
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en1gmai have a guide06:50
en1gmaand im following it06:50
en1gmaand something has changed06:51
cpk1need help mounting an .iso got this error "mount: not a directory"06:51
en1gmacan you give me the links so i can also see how that dir structure is i guess so i can enter it into this command "apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop"06:52
en1gmai need to give it what it wants06:52
en1gmakubuntu has to be a girl cause it sure does expect alot06:52
epah thanks for the info  fortunely it connected and completed.   Btw i fixed a locked database earlier ;)06:52
en1gmahello can someone tell me what i am supposed to use instead of ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop06:54
en1gmait has changed evedently06:54
Hawkwindcpk1: To mount an ISO image so that you can view/copy files to/from it, use the following command: mount -o loop -t iso9660 /full/path/to/foo.iso /mnt/some/mount/point/you/created06:55
en1gmado you understand i dont even know what ubunto-base is06:55
en1gmai know ill goto #ubuntu brb06:55
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cpk1Hawkwind: do the option have to go first?06:56
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Hawkwindcpk1: Probably not, but it's best to follow it exactly as it states06:57
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der_steppenwolfhi, someone uses limewire?06:57
HawkwindLots of people probably use it.....if you have a question about it, might try just asking :)06:58
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Burninat0rquick question, if i can run a program as a daemon by running 'foo --daemon' is there a way to make that program autostart when i boot?06:59
der_steppenwolfwell, i am behind a firewall but now i use the vpn of my university. I have configured a port in limewire manually, and with telnet i can connect to it, but limewire can't establish a connection06:59
Burninat0ri tried making desktop shortcuts and copying them to ~/.kde/autostart and it works, but it acts like its trying to start a kde program and times out, but it does start the daemon, but i would like it to do this silently.07:00
cpk1Hawkwind: that still gives me the same error =\07:00
der_steppenwolfLimewire does not detect a firewall now, but can't still connect07:00
Hawkwindcpk1: Did you create a directory ?07:00
cpk1yes i created on in /mnt07:01
Hawkwindcpk1: What did you create ?07:01
SyckPuppiOracle on Kubuntu? Flies, walks or crawls?07:01
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Hawkwindcpk1: So you did:  sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/file.iso /mnt/war   ?07:01
mabreauxhow do you uninstall adept?07:01
tristanmikeif I have libvisual0.2 and install libvisual0.4, will that cause conflicts ?07:02
Hawkwindmabreaux: Why not just leave it installed incase you need it at some point07:02
Hawkwind!info libvisual07:02
BlackenAnyone familiar with VMware under Linux?07:02
ubotuPackage libvisual does not exist in any distro I know07:02
Hawkwind!info libvisual0.407:02
ubotuPackage libvisual0.4 does not exist in any distro I know07:02
tristanmikeyou lie ubotu07:02
Hawkwind!find libvisual07:02
ubotuFound: libvisual0.2, libvisual0.2-dev, libvisual0.2-plugins07:02
Hawkwind0.4 isn't for dapper07:02
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tristanmikeI know, I'm trying to install the newest amarok07:03
Hawkwind!info libvisual0.4 edgy07:03
ubotuPackage libvisual0.4 does not exist in edgy07:03
mabreauxbecause I am tired of re-install the os to fix adept locked data base and this is number 5. today07:03
cpk1Hawkwind: yes i did07:03
Hawkwindtristanmike: What version of amarok ?07:03
BlackenHrm--is there a KDE version of xmms out there? I like xmms and dislike Amarok, but would like to integrate it into the KDE environment.07:04
cpk1Hawkwind: does it make a difference that i made this iso from a mdf?07:04
Hawkwindtristanmike: You don't need libvisual0.4 for 1.4.307:04
mabreauxa lot of good people here and great advice but no luck on unlocking the adept database.07:04
Hawkwindcpk1: Possibly07:04
tristanmikeHawkwind: according to synaptic I do07:04
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Hawkwindmabreaux: We've told you how to unlock it07:04
Hawkwindtristanmike: sudo apt-get install amarok07:04
tristanmikeHawkwind: default amarok is 1.3.9, I'm trying to install the new packages provided by J.Riddel07:05
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Hawkwindtristanmike: I realize that.  I have them installed and don't have libvisual0.4 installed07:05
mabreauxI have done every thing all of you have suggested and the base is still locked.07:05
tristanmikeHawkwind "The following packages have been kept back: amarok  amarok-xine"07:05
cpk1mabreaux: have you looked at "ps aux"07:05
mabreauxis some case, attempted more than once07:05
Hawkwindtristanmike: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   see if that updates it or not07:06
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mabreauxI have used "ps aux | grep adept07:06
Hawkwindtristanmike: If not, try a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:06
tristanmikeHawkwind: I get the error above for both, untill I add the dapper backports07:06
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Hawkwindtristanmike: Yeah, backports is needed for the newest amarok packages07:06
cpk1and did it have anything besides the notifier?07:06
tristanmikeHawkwind: because it depends on libvisual0.4.007:07
Hawkwindtristanmike: It doesn't here07:07
KDEfanboymabreaux: tried? : rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock07:08
tristanmikeperhaps since I already installed it for the visualizations, it sees that it needs it07:08
tristanmikefor the default amarok that is07:08
mabreauxdid not try that one.07:08
tristanmikeI don't know what to tell you other than it's telling me i need it07:09
Hawkwindtristanmike: Is libvisual-0.4-0 installed currently ?07:09
=== cpk1 is in same boat as tristanmike
tristanmikeno, libvisual0.2 is installed07:09
cpk1i have the same problem with amarok07:09
Hawkwindtristanmike: sudo apt-get -f install  ?07:09
tristanmikeI just want to know if they'll conflict07:09
Hawkwindtristanmike: No they won't conflict07:09
tristanmikethank you07:09
cpk1you cant apt get libvisual-0.4-0 either07:10
Hawkwindcpk1: Yes you can07:10
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tristanmikecpk1: you need the backports line07:10
HawkwindCome to find out, I actually have both installed07:10
tristanmikecpk1: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:10
HawkwindI was searching for libvisual-0.4.0 instead of 0.4-007:10
tristanmikeHawkwind: no doubt you do because amarok 1.4.3 depends on it07:11
BlackenHm, on second thought, amaroK works okay...is there a desktop widget like in GNOME to control the program without popping it open?07:11
BlackenI'd like to fix it to my top panel.07:11
Hawkwindtristanmike: Heh yeah.  Always helps if I search for the right package :)07:11
tristanmikeHawkwind: usually does :P07:11
AshexI'm having some issues setting up a dual monitor on my desktop07:12
HawkwindAshex: Using Nvidia or ATI ?07:12
Ashexwhen i set it to do dual (extended), it makes the screen larger then the monitors07:12
AshexHawkwind, nvidia07:12
Ashexbut with clone, it works fine07:12
HawkwindAshex: You wanting TwinView(one large desktop ?07:12
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AshexHawkwind, yuppers07:13
HawkwindAshex: What resolution are your two monitors that you're using ?07:13
Ashexone is 1280x1024, the other ios 1024x76807:13
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HawkwindAshex: http://SeerOfSouls.com/miscfiles/xorg.conf07:13
tristanmikeYUK, amarok 1.4.3 is ugly  :P07:13
HawkwindAshex: That is my xorg.conf file using TwinView.  You'll have to edit the resolution line though as mine are both 1024x76807:13
AshexHawkwind, thanks :D07:14
HawkwindAshex: No problems :)07:14
tristanmikethat welcome message is nice though, lol, I'll stop posting now  :P  thanx again Hawkwind07:14
Hawkwindtristanmike: You're welcome07:15
Ashexha, same video card too07:15
HawkwindAshex: Hah nope.  I have an FX5200 actually.  I got my xorg.conf from a friend who has the 6600 IIRC07:15
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AshexYou cheater :(07:15
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HawkwindAshex: Heh, as long as it works, call me what you will :)07:16
Ashextrue dat07:16
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cpk1i think i might have found something, it is trying to loop with /dev/loop0 which i dont have, should I go ahead and make it?07:21
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AshexHawkwind, works great07:22
HawkwindAshex: :)07:22
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Ashexyay twinview with big screens!!!07:23
BlackenAnyone familiar with customizing WINE?07:24
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HawkwindBlacken: The guys in #WineHQ and/or #Cedega certainly are07:24
cpk2is it /nickserv identify?07:26
tristanmikewith pass, yeah07:26
cpk2/nickserv identify07:26
Hawkwindcpk2: /msg nickserv identify <password>07:26
tristanmikecpk2: /msg nickserv07:26
cpk2good thing i didnt do my password07:26
BlackenHunh, didn't realize that was on freenode. Thanks, Hawkwind.07:26
Hawkwindcpk2: Or if you use Xchat 2.6.4 or newer, /id <password>07:27
HawkwindBlacken: Hard to find any project that doesn't have a channel here on Freenode07:27
BlackenHawkwind: Probably true. I don't use IRC much. Never did, before I installed Ubuntu and it came with it.07:27
HawkwindAh, you'll be addicted in a month like the rest of us :P07:28
cpk2is there a command to see if you are identified or not?07:30
BlackenHawkwind: I'm a bigger fan of mailing lists. The instantaneous nature of IRC is nice, though, especially for tech support.07:30
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CainMadnessTrying to install a skin for XMMS, but the skins folder for it is registered to user/group of root. How do I change it to me, so I can put skins into that folder?07:33
bobbyzAnyone in here familiar with how pcmciautils works?  I'm having a heck of a time getting my dwl-650 rev. p. wireless b card working with it.  I think I've narrowed the problem down to the hostap_cs.c kernel source file not having the proper product ID info for my card, but is there any way to add this info to a config file for pcmciautils, or do I need to patch the hostap_cs.c file and recompile the module?07:33
cpk2CainMadness: i might be wrong but i think chown CainMadness.cainmadness /this/is/where/xmms/skins/are07:34
CainMadnessLet me give it a try, then I'll tell you.07:36
CainMadnessThe CainMadness.cainmadness part is the nick and pass I'm using, right?07:36
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cpk2no its all the nick07:38
cpk2needs to be done as sudo07:38
cpk2oh, maybe its a colon not a period07:39
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bmocpk2, I thought of something, and I was wrong about etc deserving of its own partition07:39
CainMadnessSaid operation not permitted.07:39
cpk2bmo: dont worry i figured it out already =)07:39
cpk2CainMadness: you need to use sudo07:39
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bmomaking etc on its own partition creates a paradox07:39
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bmoesp when it comes to fstab07:40
=== CainMadness nods. Goes off to try again.
bmocpk2 did you have better luck?07:40
CainMadnesscpk2: Worked. Thank you.07:40
cpk2bmo: i couldnt even finish mounting root dir, it asked for an init lvl and keyboard hadnt been loaded in yet07:41
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bmocpk2: ouch07:41
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=== bmo just sent an email to work describing what I _hope_ will be done tomorrow, and the likelihood of that happening is...unlikely.
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pielgrzymis there a script file which is executed on user login? I want to set up a symlink on each logon :)07:44
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bmojeepers, karma is a bitch... yacht karma seems to be really bad.  http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cornwall/5371052.stm07:46
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bmopielgrzym what do you mean set up a symlink on each logon?07:47
pielgrzyma symbolic link07:47
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pielgrzymjust to have a directory 'music' in my home directory07:47
pielgrzymwhereas music is really located in /music :)07:48
bmodo you want the gui version or the command line version?07:48
pielgrzymgui version? I only know the 'ln' command :)07:48
bmogui way: open konqueror.  split window into 2 panes.  navigate to / on one pane, home dir on second pane.  right-click drag /music to home dir.  say "make link here"07:49
pielgrzymsince it's impossible to create a hard link to directory, isn't it? :)07:49
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pielgrzymbmo: but such link won't survive the restart, will it? :)07:51
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bmoit will07:51
pielgrzymgreat :)07:51
bmoit will make a symbolic link07:51
pielgrzymI thought symbolic links die after restart :)07:51
bmoas if you used ln -s07:51
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bmothey don't07:52
pielgrzymwhat's the difference in real and in symbolic links than? :)07:52
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bmoI'm not sure,  I should look, eh?07:52
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pielgrzymdon't bother :) thanks for help :)07:53
en1gmawhere did freos go07:53
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jtholmescpk2  did is miss you last question i closed the tab07:53
cpk2how do i set /mnt back to drwxr-xr-x07:54
bmohard links point to inodes, symbolic links don't07:54
bmothat's the diff07:54
jtholmescpk2  chmod  755  /mnt07:54
jtholmescpk2 and  war the same way07:54
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pielgrzymbmo: thanks :)07:56
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dive-oHey, I have kubuntu installed on the 2nd partition of my first SATA drive - everything was working great, until I added two more drives, now it'll start booting, but hangs at something like "Waiting for root device" - any pointers?08:00
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pielgrzymdive-o: you use lilo or grub?08:04
Arlingtonmornin! i also have freeze roblem...08:04
pielgrzymdive-o: are you on linux now?08:04
dive-ono, I'm on winXP now, because linux doesn't get any further than "Waiting for root filesystem"08:04
dive-oI have NetBSD handy if you need a *nix though08:04
pielgrzymit seems that attaching new hd change drive arrangement :)08:05
Arlingtonmy comp freezez when i try to reboot/trunoff/change user08:05
pielgrzymtry logging into console08:05
pielgrzymthe grub console08:05
pielgrzymor else08:05
dive-opielgrzym: sure, by using the 2nd and 3rd controllers? if that kills ubuntu, that's not a bug in hardware.08:05
Arlingtonwhay should i do in the grub console?08:06
pielgrzymgo intu grub and try changing the root parameter in startup script :) it should help :)08:06
pielgrzymArlington: I talked to dive-o :)08:06
Arlingtonaaah okey.08:06
dive-owhat exactly should I do from the grub cmdline?08:06
dive-oI don't have the path to my kernel memorized :-)08:06
pielgrzymyou have a grub menu?08:06
dive-oyeah, and I get the kubuntu splash screen08:06
dive-obut windows XP is the only menu entry that works :-P08:07
pielgrzymhighlight the kubuntu load up option and press 'e'08:07
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pielgrzymyou will see a script that loads kubuntu08:07
pielgrzymgo to line root[x,x] 08:07
pielgrzympress 'e' again08:07
dive-oI don't see why that would change if the primary disk wasn't changed, though08:07
pielgrzymand try changing the x, x08:08
pielgrzymdive-o: I have a disk attached to mobo controller, primary master08:08
dive-othis is why I hate grub :P08:08
pielgrzymand it's being recognized as hde ;p08:08
pielgrzymdive-o: grub is lovely :) imagine in lilo you would be screwed now ;)08:08
pielgrzymdive-o: and a second disk on my system, attached to external ide controler is being recognized as hda :D08:09
pielgrzymIf you could boot a live cd you could check easy which number your root partition has :)08:10
pielgrzymor better08:10
pielgrzymtry a command in grub console 'find /boot/grub/menu.lst'08:11
Arlingtoni'll wait for my turn...*listens  to music*08:11
pielgrzymit will give u a list of drives which have the file (probably bsd, and kubuntu) :) then you can easly change the root :)08:12
pielgrzymArlington: shop some logs to pastebin :)08:12
pielgrzymso we could see what's going on :)08:12
Arlingtoni don't now wich are apropriate...08:12
Arlingtoni'am totaly new to linux08:13
en1gmawhat would i change this to 'ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop' for kubuntu amd64 x208:13
pielgrzymArlington: w8, I'll check which file would show something usefull :)08:13
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pielgrzymArlington: try /var/log/kern.0.log :)08:18
dive-o_okay, either grub or ubuntu is retarded. if I disable the 3rd and 4th SATA ports, and leave drives 1 and 2 in, it works fine.08:18
angelhey how can I play mp3 on Kubuntu08:18
dive-o_pielgrzym: yes?08:18
dive-o_pielgrzym: no other root device worked in grub08:18
pielgrzymit apparently rearranges the drive letters :) you have to change the root for ubuntu and it will rock:)08:18
dive-o_sdc i guess08:19
pielgrzymdive-o: have you tried 'find /boot/grub/menu.lst' in grub console?08:19
mabreauxwell I am finially up, success using synaptic  and not adept.  reported bug on kubuntu web site.08:19
dive-o_I'm used to bootloaders that don't reorder drives at random :-)08:19
en1gmawhat does this line "apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub" translate into for kubuntu and amd64 x208:19
en1gmacause that command isnt working for me from kubunto bash08:19
pielgrzymdive-o: grub doesn't recognize the hda, hde, sda naming :) it has two digit drive naming :)08:19
dive-o_I'm well aware of that.08:20
dive-o_hd0,1, hd1,1, hd2,108:20
dive-o_none work08:20
pielgrzymdive-o: it's not the boot loader who reorders the drives :) it's probably the ide controller :)08:20
dive-o_hd0,1 is where it should be (and is, with the 2nd and 3rd controllers off)08:20
dive-o_pielgrzym: I've seen too many instances of grub going crazy to believe that. I doubt a mobo manufacturer would number ports 1 through 4 and have ports 3 and 4 show up before 1 and 2.08:21
pielgrzymdive-o: the find command will give you drive numbers for all the drives which have menu.lst in proper folder :) check that :)08:21
dive-o_bbiab then08:21
en1gmamy question08:21
Arlingtonwich is the pastbin adress again *sighs*08:22
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:22
en1gmacome on ppl08:23
pielgrzymen1gma: what does the command result with?08:23
en1gmaim following a guide08:24
en1gmaE: Couldn't find package ubuntu-base08:24
pielgrzymit seems the package is not on the repo :)08:24
en1gmaits not named that08:25
en1gmathat is for ubuntu08:25
pielgrzymcheck if you have all needed repositories enabled :)08:25
en1gmaim running kubuntu08:25
en1gmai do08:25
en1gmaapt-get install ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub08:25
en1gmanot ubuntu-desktop08:25
en1gmai would use kubuntu-desktop or kde wouldnt i08:26
en1gmasome things are different08:26
pielgrzymcould you give me the link to the how to?08:26
Arlingtonpielgrzym: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25273/08:27
en1gmayea 1 sec08:27
en1gma"apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub"08:27
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pielgrzymArlington: damn, log seems ok to me08:28
pielgrzymen1gma: afaik ubuntu-base is a metapackage only for system upgrade purposes08:29
Arlingtonit says nvidia in a alot of places i use a ati card... i dunno if that matters08:29
en1gmawhat would cause it not to read it08:29
en1gmaor give that error08:29
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pielgrzymen1gma: give your repos list :)08:30
en1gmai un commented those 2 lines?08:31
en1gmashouldnt that be it08:31
MilhousePunkRockGood morning everyone!08:32
en1gmain the sources.list file i uncommented 2 address that were commented08:32
MilhousePunkRockHey abattoir!08:32
en1gmapielgrzym please tell me :)08:32
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cpk2argh has anyone gotten warcraft 3 to work with wine?08:32
pielgrzymen1gma: but you haven't added any?08:32
MilhousePunkRockHow dary do I have to be to upgrade to edgy beta already?08:32
en1gmai dont know where to get em and if i did i wouldnt know which ones to put in08:33
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: wow, Really long time no see08:33
en1gmapielgrzym what kind of repos08:35
en1gmafor this case08:35
ArlingtonHI MilhousePunkRock. presents himself as newbie, Jonas08:35
pielgrzymen1gma: I'm looking for them :] 08:36
MilhousePunkRockHejsan Jonas... :-)08:36
en1gmaok thnx man08:36
ArlingtonNmen :-)08:36
Arlingtonnajs. e du haj p detta?08:36
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pielgrzymen1gma: do you have universe repos enabled?08:39
en1gma2 of em08:39
en1gmawhat about an "edgy meta universe"08:41
pielgrzymen1gma: u using edgy?08:41
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en1gmawhats that mean08:41
en1gmai feel something coming08:41
pielgrzymen1gma: which kubuntu have you got? 6.06 or a beta release 6.10?08:42
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en1gmaamd64 6.10 edgy08:42
en1gmathats the live cd im working with08:42
pielgrzymthis could be the problem08:42
en1gmatrying to isntall if possible08:42
pielgrzymedgy is not ready yet08:42
pielgrzymtry installing dapper (6.06LTS)08:43
pielgrzymedgy might cause loads of problems :)08:43
en1gmaits got a newer kernel and a newer dmraid08:43
en1gmawhich i need08:43
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en1gmacant i tell it "apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-amd64-generic kde dmraid grub08:45
en1gmacrap that didnt come out right08:45
en1gma1 sec08:45
en1gmacant i tell it "apt-get install gnome linux-amd64-generic kde dmraid grub08:45
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en1gmai gonna try it08:46
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lpaezmwhere are you ?08:47
lpaezmim from mexico08:47
lpaezmand u?08:47
en1gmapielgrzym "apt-get install gnome" is doing something08:47
pielgrzymen1gma: yeah, it's installing gnome ^^08:47
en1gmahope that counts as a ubuntu-base08:47
pielgrzymubuntu-base is more than that for sure08:47
en1gmaare you sure08:48
en1gmasomeone told me its gnome earlier08:48
pielgrzymw8, i'll check08:48
lpaezmwho is from mexico?08:48
en1gmaits installing08:48
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pielgrzymen1gma: ubuntu-base installs ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard - those two packages install about 20 subpackages...08:49
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en1gmaomg i wish i could have installed that08:50
en1gmainstead of gnome08:50
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en1gmagnome is still installing08:51
Makro2i need to install gtk+, so what files should i looking for08:51
pielgrzymen1gma: try asking on ubuntuforums.org :)08:51
AWOSDevI need XINE08:52
en1gmado you think the "gnome" package will inc what was in ubunto-base08:52
AWOSDevbut can't remember the package name08:52
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AWOSDeven1gma, try "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" if you want the GNOME interface08:52
Arlingtonwhen i try to shutdown/restart/logoff/switchuser/or use Ctrl-Alt-F1 my system hangs. i use the fglrx driver for my ati raden x800 card on a amd64 system.08:52
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en1gmaAWOSDev i tried to "apt-get install ubuntu-base" and it wouldnt work08:53
AWOSDevit's ubuntu-desktop08:53
AWOSDevand you need "sudo" in front of that08:53
en1gmaii think i tried that a couple reboots back i not sure08:53
en1gmaim root08:53
AWOSDevoh okay08:53
morghanphoenixhello all08:53
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AWOSDevWhere is XINE!?08:53
en1gmai cant rem if that ubuntu-desktop did anything...it didnt08:54
AWOSDevoh Hi morghanphoenix08:54
Makro2i need to install gtk+, so what files should i looking for08:54
morghanphoenixanyone got ideas as to why when I try to download something it opens in kate?08:54
morghanphoenixIt's getting really annoying08:54
en1gmathere is no "ubuntu" catagory in adept08:54
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AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, what kind of file?08:54
Arlingtonwhen i try to shutdown/restart/logoff/switchuser/or use Ctrl-Alt-F1 my system hangs. i use the fglrx driver for my ati raden x800 card on a amd64 system.08:54
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morghanphoenixI'm downloading opera again, starting from a fresh install08:55
en1gmaAWOSDev apt-get install ubuntu-desktop is working08:55
AWOSDevMakro2, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-common08:55
en1gmadoes that override ubuntu-base08:55
AWOSDeven1gma, no it does not...it just installs all the GNOME files which you seem to want08:55
Makro2awosdev: thanks08:55
AWOSDevGDM including08:55
en1gmano i dont want it08:55
morghanphoenixand my repos aren't even working, not finding packages for ones I've added.08:55
en1gmai hate gnome08:55
AWOSDevMakro2, np08:55
AWOSDeven1gma, then why are you installing it?08:56
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, opera?08:56
morghanphoenixMy browser08:56
AWOSDevno I know I mean Kate's trying to open Opera?08:56
morghanphoenixI don't like firefox much08:56
AWOSDevas in the installer for opera?08:56
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, I'm with you there but personally I like Konqueror08:56
en1gmaAWOSDev the guide says "apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub" im running edgy and the tut is for ubunto08:56
morghanphoenixwhen I click download it opens the binary in kate.08:57
en1gmawhat do i put for that command to come out right for amd64 x2 and kubuntu08:57
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, right-click and save as...  :)08:57
AWOSDeven1gma, hold on a sec...08:57
en1gmagosh dang ive already installed so much i gonna have to reformat again08:57
Arlingtonwhen i try to shutdown/restart/logoff/switchuser/or use Ctrl-Alt-F1 my system hangs. i use the fglrx driver for my ati raden x800 card on a amd64 system.08:57
en1gmafrom windows08:57
morghanphoenixIt's a .pl file08:57
morghanphoenixsome kind of link08:58
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morghanphoenixnot the deb package08:58
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, bah I hate those08:58
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, that's why Kate is opening it08:58
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morghanphoenixit didn't before I reinstalled08:59
cpk2why does build-dep azureus require more packages than install azureus?08:59
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, they coded the Perl script wrong and it's sending the wrong MIME type to your current browser (I'm assuming Konqueror) which in turn i open Kate because it thinks it's a text file08:59
morghanphoenixI was trying out slackware08:59
AWOSDevthe repos aren't giving me xine!08:59
AWOSDevI'm gonna scream!!!!!!09:00
mabreauxis there any gnome install on a kubuntu system, will it run gnome card games?09:00
morghanphoenixRepos aren't giving me much of anything.09:00
AWOSDevmabreaux, you do not need GNOME to run GNOME apps09:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libxine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:00
morghanphoenixyeah for GTK09:00
cpk2AWOSDev: what format you want to play?09:00
mabreauxok, thanks.09:01
AWOSDevI want to use MediaPlayerConnectivity to play Windows Media streams.09:01
cpk2dont you need wmv then?09:01
cpk2libxine doesnt cover wmv09:01
AWOSDevI have the w32codecs09:01
AWOSDevand can play WMAs in amaroK09:01
AWOSDevI need the actual *player*09:02
AWOSDevor some player that will work with MediaPlayerConnectivity09:02
morghanphoenixI'm hoping lame works, the dvd codecs aren't downloading.09:02
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, I'm thinking the repos are busted09:02
morghanphoenixAll of them?09:02
AWOSDevIt seems most...09:03
morghanphoenixI have extra repos that aren't the basics and even they aren't working.09:03
AWOSDevI know, WINE's repo didn't give me the newest version09:03
AWOSDevI have 0.9.21 and they have 0.9.22 out09:03
morghanphoenixnothing from operas repo, the codecs repos isn't working, amoraks repo either.09:04
en1gmawhy dont "http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/base/" not even have the kernel which i am running09:04
AWOSDevrealplayer: Depends: xlibs but it is not installable09:04
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morghanphoenixOh, and KDE too, but I got the kernel update.09:04
AWOSDevnow en1gma seems to be having repo trouble too...09:04
AWOSDevthis is *strange*09:05
en1gmajust trying to figure out how i am running something newer then what they have in the repos09:05
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cpk2AWOSDev: there is a ubuntu repo with a much newer wine (.21)09:05
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AWOSDevI just said I have 0.9.2109:05
AWOSDevthey have 0.9.22 out09:05
cpk2AWOSDev: just noticed oops09:05
AWOSDevcpk2 that's alright :)09:05
cpk2you cant expect someone to make a packages instantly09:06
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en1gmaAWOSDev the guide says "apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub" im running edgy and the tut is for ubunto09:06
en1gmawhat do i put for that command to come out right for amd64 x2 and kubuntu09:06
cpk2my room mate just got .20 about 2 weeks ago so i am pretty thankful that they are this up to date09:06
morghanphoenixYeah, nothing in adept, synaptic is missing packages I know were there yesterday, and apt-get is telling me packages I had before the reinstall don't exist.09:07
AWOSDeven1gma, well, I'm not sure I couldn't find what I wanted.09:07
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix exactly.09:07
morghanphoenixI can't even find yakuake09:08
morghanphoenixI love that little console09:08
AWOSDevAccording to mplayer, I have an Intel Pentium 4 Northwood.  sounds pretty neat for a Celeron :)09:08
AWOSDevit says I may also have a Xeon Prestonia09:08
AWOSDevdang if I had a Xeon...09:08
en1gmainstalling linux-genric09:09
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Film905Does anyone know if there is a way to configure tilda so they when you hit the shortcut key to show the cli it automaticly changes focus to the cli instead of keeping it on whatever app you were in?09:09
morghanphoenixYeah, well I've been told mine's a K6-2.09:09
en1gmahope there is a kde-desktop like ubunto-desktop09:09
morghanphoenixNot unless it spontaneously downgraded09:09
AWOSDevwow a K6-2?09:10
AWOSDevthose are pretty cool...at least they were when they were new :)09:10
morghanphoenixI have an athlon, not new, but still past the k6-209:10
AWOSDeven1gma, kubuntu-desktop09:10
morghanphoenixI had a K6-3, skipped right over the 209:10
AWOSDevI have three K6-2s, two of which died prematurely09:10
AWOSDevone for unknown reasons (seems to be power supply)09:11
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AWOSDevthe other seems to have overheated09:11
AWOSDev*MAJORLY* overheated09:11
en1gmaoh ok ill try that one09:11
morghanphoenixOh, but not a single problem getting quanta.09:11
morghanphoenixI melted my K6-309:11
AWOSDevthe clock ran extremely fast, I mean it was 9:30am on Sep 4th when it was really 11:00pm on Aug 30th.  :)09:11
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morghanphoenixoverclocked it way too far.09:11
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AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, seriously?  melted?  as in gooey glop?09:12
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morghanphoenixAs in the insides were burning and the case had those melted marks on it.09:12
AWOSDevnot good at all09:12
morghanphoenixI had a 500 running at 666 for a few days though.09:12
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AWOSDevwhen I tried to run my 500 (the one that's not dead yet) at 550 it couldn't even open DOS09:13
AWOSDevI'm thinking about being stupid and watching a DVD on Linux.09:13
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AWOSDevwhat do I need to do?  anything special?09:13
khaije1anyone know why i can't get the OSD feature to work in konversation?09:14
AWOSDevOSD?  in Konversation?  really?09:14
morghanphoenixI didn't tweak it, a friend of mine came over and played, I had a new computer so I let him have fun.09:14
AWOSDevdidn't even know it existed09:14
morghanphoenixyeah, just noticed that, wasn't there before.09:14
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, so in other words...you have no clue?09:14
khaije1AWOSDev: oh ya absolutely, i've used it in a previous install, but it mysteriously doesn't work now09:15
morghanphoenixAt least I'm not the only one09:15
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AWOSDevwell considering the offending DVD doesn't even play in a DVD player is *not* a good sign :)09:15
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morghanphoenixI can't even watch a movie at the moment09:15
cpk2i wish there was a meta package to download all the wallpapers on kde-look09:16
khaije1AWOSDev: reeeely nice feature, conversation popup with channel appended, i'll check pkg dependencies09:16
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, this is a DVD about a place I want to move to :)09:16
AWOSDevkhaije1, really?  Sounds pretty neat.09:16
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Arlingtonhow can i manually edit xorg?09:16
morghanphoenixAh, nice place.09:17
AWOSDevReally, morghanphoenix?  You approve?  :)09:17
morghanphoenixAt least it's not seattle09:17
AWOSDevhey, a Coldwell Banker logo!  it worked!09:17
morghanphoenixLame doesn't exist now either.09:17
AWOSDevI just downloaded lame :)09:18
morghanphoenixAnd my entire music collection is MP309:18
octanArlington kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:18
morghanphoenixwhat's the package name for apt?09:19
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, huh?09:19
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morghanphoenixjust lame09:20
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AWOSDevI did09:20
AWOSDevsudo apt-get install lame09:20
morghanphoenixPackage lame is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:21
morghanphoenixThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:21
morghanphoenixis only available from another source09:21
morghanphoenixE: Package lame has no installation candidate09:21
morghanphoenixwhat is going on?09:21
AWOSDevthat's what I had happen when I tried to install xine09:21
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Kenniedoes the swap partition need to be primary?09:23
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morghanphoenixand it's telling me amarok is at it's newest version when I know 1.4 is out.09:23
morghanphoenixI just had it, and I got it from that repo09:23
cpk2is there a plugin for konq thats like flashget?09:24
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, now I have a reason for hating apt.  it was so good until this...09:24
en1gmabbiam got to format again09:24
morghanphoenixI missed it really bad during my 1 day slackware adventure09:24
morghanphoenixbut I'm starting to wonder09:24
morghanphoenixmore stuff worked under slackware than is working now09:25
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AWOSDevslackware is like, what, for slackers?09:25
cpk2whats lame for?09:25
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AWOSDevLAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder09:25
AWOSDevbut it plays them09:25
morghanphoenixPossible, is by slacking you mean you have nothing else to do than sit around all day and try to make sense of that manual.09:25
AWOSDev!info lame09:25
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-1 (dapper), package size 222 kB, installed size 620 kB09:26
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calcmandanhey yall.  i'm sure this questions has been answered a billion times.  is there ANY way to have playback on encrypted dvd's?09:31
morghanphoenixAnd you're getting lame?09:31
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morghanphoenix!restricted formats09:31
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:31
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AWOSDevcalcmandan I just fixed that myself09:31
AWOSDevcalcmandan do you know how to add sources?09:31
calcmandanno i don't.  unfortuntely, i'm a permanewb.  i have a few repos added to the list.09:32
AWOSDevpermanewb, that's funny :)09:32
AWOSDevpress ALT+F209:32
AWOSDevand at the prompt type "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" (no quotes)09:32
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AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, I already had lame so I don't know if it really got it or not09:33
calcmandankeep going.09:33
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, sudo apt-get install liblame009:33
morghanphoenixlibdvdcss is working fine09:33
AWOSDevcalcmandan press 'new session'09:34
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AWOSDevcalcmandan scroll all the way down09:34
morghanphoenixthat's a zero?09:34
AWOSDevcalcmandan add this line make an empty line at the bottom09:34
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix yes a zero as in nothing :)09:34
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AWOSDevcalcmandan deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free09:34
morghanphoenixWhich is what I got09:34
calcmandani already have liblame() installed09:34
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, you mean you have that already?09:35
AWOSDevcalcmandan yes we're trying to install libdvdcss2 here09:35
AWOSDevso at the bottom make an empty line and then put this in it09:35
AWOSDevdeb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free09:35
morghanphoenixno, I mean it said it's not there09:35
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AWOSDevcalcmandan did you add that line?09:36
calcmandanone second.  i did but got an error.09:36
calcmandanone second09:36
AWOSDevcalcmandan, error?  What error did you receive?09:36
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AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, Did you get my PM?09:37
tkack, how can i tell dpkg to NOT try and install a package that failed? I'm trying to install what it needs, but dpkg keeps trying to re-run the failed package...09:37
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AWOSDevtk, um, I believe --force-all09:38
calcmandanokay, it is updating now09:38
AWOSDevtk, um, but please confirm09:38
AWOSDevcalcmandan good, you're ahead of me :)09:38
calcmandandownloading the library now09:38
AWOSDevonce again, ahead of me :)09:38
calcmandani'm not THAT much of a permanewb09:38
AWOSDevnow - mplayer dvd:// should work...09:39
calcmandani send kisses to yall now09:39
calcmandanthank you09:39
AWOSDevcalcmandan, np09:39
calcmandanall i wanted to do was watch star wars.09:39
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calcmandanthank you very very much09:40
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AWOSDevcalcmandan, I'm glad I could be of assistance.09:40
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tkAWOSDev: : jsut giving me another "help" message09:40
AWOSDevtk, according to what I read in the man page, dpkg --force-all should work09:41
AWOSDevI suggest reading the man page and trying again.09:41
tkif I do that, I get the same output as "dpkg" by itself09:42
AWOSDevWhat's the exact error?09:42
josh_wat us dpkg??09:42
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AWOSDevjosh_, huh?09:43
tkthe error im trying to overcome to install other stuff is09:43
tkdpkg: error processing flashplugin-nonfree (--configure):09:43
tk subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 109:43
tkErrors were encountered while processing:09:43
tk flashplugin-nonfree09:43
AWOSDevOkay, and that's a dependency of what you are trying to install?09:44
tkno, it errors because of libqt-perl, but I cant install libqt-perl until I get rid of dpkg trying to install that09:44
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mabreauxhow do I instal a full version of mplayer on kubuntu.09:45
dive-o_despite my BIOS clearly listing the drives as 1, 2, 3... kubuntard can't even boot, and windows sees another drive as drive 009:45
dive-o_tried different cable arrangements, everything09:45
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dive-o_guess I'm buying a PCI sata card09:45
AWOSDevmabreaux, type "sudo apt-get install mplayer" on the Konsole.09:45
=== Film905 agrees with AWOSDev
dive-o_is Linux ever going to stop acting like SATA is SCSI? heh09:47
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dive-o_it's embarrassing to see such a highly developed OS act that silly09:47
main2dive-o it isnt acting like if its scsi09:47
main2dive-o you dont know what ur talking about09:47
dive-o_don't I?09:47
main2because they have the same style udev node name doesnt mean they are handled the same09:48
dive-o_hda is generally IDE, sda is SCSI09:48
dive-o_the printk's are even the same09:48
tkdiv: sda is my fisrt USB drive... so does that mean it thinks its SCSI too?09:48
Arlingtoni need help with  my radeon x00 stopping me from rebootin/turningoff/logging out.09:48
dive-o_tk: it means it's acting like SCSI, yes.09:48
main2no its not09:49
tkit "acts" just like my intenral IDE does...09:49
dive-o_the OS is treating it like SCSI09:49
Arlingtoni need help with  my radeon x800 stopping me from rebootin/turningoff/logging ou09:49
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dive-o_Arlington: we  saw you the first time09:50
dive-o_how is it stopping you from doing those three things?09:50
MikeStylehey guys, quick question. just installed kubuntu 6.06 off disc and did updates. im on a 19" widescreen monitor with an nvidia geforce 6800 gfx card. i cant set my native resolution to 1440 by 900. i tried editing xorg.conf and still nothing. any ideas?09:51
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main2MikeStyle: yeah..09:51
main2have you installed the nvidia driver?09:51
MikeStylewhen i tried it stated i needed some wierd package09:51
main2mike: do the following, open a console09:51
MikeStyleplus, kubuntu detected the card type, i figured that meant the driver was pre installed.09:52
main2type: 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx'09:52
main2but before you can do this09:52
main2you have to add multiverse to you apt / sources.list09:52
main2you know how to do this?09:52
MikeStyleit installed09:52
main2ok great, now that was step one..09:53
Arlingtoni thought so but there was an error in that message so i edited and reposted.09:53
MikeStyleyes i used to use ubuntu alot but i stopped because i opened a gfx design business and needed photoshop within windows. i lost my touch09:53
main2sadd :(09:53
main2MikeStyle: but ur back so :D09:53
MikeStylebought a 400 gb hdd for windows, so old 80 gb now linux >:D09:53
main2MikeStyle: if you open xorg.conf now, we need to setup the monitor stuff.09:53
Arlingtonit hangs09:54
MikeStylek 1 sec09:54
dive-o_I'm considering giving BSD another try, if kubuntu can't manage to boot with other drives present when even windows can09:54
dive-o_windows shows them out of order, but it works :P09:54
MikeStylexorg.conf is open mon capitan09:54
MikeStylei loved freebsd...was a bitch to install though.09:55
dive-o_FreeBSD is easy to install, but I had to ditch it due to a network bug that'd stall transfers after a few gigs09:55
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dive-o_kubuntu was great on its little 60G slice of my 300G drive, but decided not to boot anymore after I stuck two 80G drives in09:55
MikeStylewell, it was hard for ME ok?09:56
MikeStyleyou on a pci ide card?09:56
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dive-o_onboard 4-port silicon image Sil3114 SATA.09:56
main2MikeStyle: what size is the display?09:56
mabreauxgoodnight all09:56
MikeStyleits a 19 inch widescreen, native resolution at 1440 by 90009:57
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dive-o_sounds like a weird laptop resolution... I can't get used to those after using 1600x1200 :(09:57
dive-o_x900 is just too short09:58
MikeStylei want an apple monitor. but i dont want to pay 3000 dollars for one.09:58
calcmandanyoui don't have to09:58
calcmandana 30 inch is 199909:58
dive-o_MikeStyle: do what I do, ask your boss for one every week09:58
calcmandani sell them every day.09:58
dive-o_MikeStyle: hasn't worked yet, but maybe someday :|09:58
MikeStylei work for a place that doesnt resell apple :(09:58
calcmandani work at apple09:59
dive-o_poor guy09:59
tkdive-o: its a widescreen reso, not just for laptops anymore :P09:59
main2mike, you have installed the nvidia driver huh.., what is the monitor section currently saying?09:59
MikeStyleare you aware os x is the most limited os next to dos?09:59
tkcalcmandan: do they give decent employee incentives?09:59
AWOSDevI wouldn't neccessarily say next to DOS...next to Windows 3.1 maybe :)09:59
calcmandansure they do09:59
dive-o_tk: I thought widescreen was all about 16:9? (I know nothing about widescreen, so stop me if i'm wrong)09:59
MikeStylemain2, can i pastebin it for you?10:00
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Arlingtonno one that can help me?10:00
dive-o_osx is the most limited next to dos only if dos got really really really damned popular on special dosintosh computers in the last couple years10:01
tkdive-o: yah, 1.7 vs 1.610:01
fdovingArlington: what's your problem?10:01
MikeStylemain2; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25275/10:01
tki think my reso isnt perfect 1.7 either though10:01
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tknope, my reso works out to 1.6 ratio as well10:02
tk16/9 is 1.7~10:02
main2MikeStyle: ur dutch right?10:02
dive-o_tk: ahh10:02
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main2MikeStyle: restart X, it should be fine now10:02
dive-o_tk: I'm still using some cheez dell 17" CRT I dug up when my nice viewsonic died, so I wouldn't know ;)10:03
tkdive-o: probably something stupid because of pixels shape or something10:03
tkdive-o: im on a 15.4 widescreen laptop :P10:03
MikeStyleI am a united states citizen10:03
main2k =)10:03
fdovingArlington: ok, did you do any changes? or is it a default install?10:03
main2but he's using a dutch pastebin.. :d10:03
dive-o_I'm on a rather nicely built desktop, if I could only convince the damned bios to order drives correctly, and grub not to smoke crack10:04
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tkspeaking of drive,s, I need to format the rest of my intenral drive since windows wont let me10:04
main2you shouldnt use windows.10:04
rahmetlia simple question: the addresses in my repository list start with au, does this mean i am using australia mirror for download?10:05
tki have to for a few things still10:05
main2rahmetli: yes10:05
tkotherwise I wouldnt10:05
rahmetlii live in greece10:05
main2then you need to check if there is a gr.repos..10:05
rahmetlihow can i find closer mirrors10:05
Arlingtonhow do u mena made any changes? havn't worked ever( 2 days )10:05
tki just use the defaults, they always work for me :P10:05
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tkplus I dont care to find out if there is a KR repo10:06
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rahmetliso how can i find closer mirrors10:07
Arlingtonfdoving how do u mean? it never worked.10:07
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tkrahmetli: : is the AU one just dog slow? its fast as hell from Korea.... :P10:08
yigalCan someone explain me what is Kubuntu?10:08
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tkand the ISP here sucks10:08
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thi. how to disable grub? (i need to completly remove kubuntu for a short while for hdd, but there will be frub error 22 propably and i wouldn`t can login to windows)10:09
=== MikeStyle [n=daemonic@ip72-199-220-97.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
rahmetlii just need the sol'n,dear tk10:09
MikeStylemain2, thanks it worked.10:09
MikeStylenext thing on my agenda: get gnome and then xgl10:10
main2:) good, enjoy bro10:10
MikeStyleany advice on that?10:10
main2ok MikeStyle thats easy10:10
main2forget the xgl, it aint worth the time to invest to get it working..10:10
main2but gnome is 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'10:10
MikeStylei still wanna play with it once gnome is setup10:10
main2then you can switch from the login thing..10:11
MikeStylek thanks10:11
dive-o_tk: Korea has a ton of bandwidh, given that they're second only to china in most spammers :P10:11
tkdive-o: and they have like.... the crappiest hardward, I constantly have to reboot my modem because it decides to stop tx'ing10:11
Arlingtonanyone that has overcomed the frglx problem with amd64 that  can help me?10:12
rahmetlidive you can understand me,thnx :)10:12
MikeStyleare you sure xgl isnt worth it?10:12
dive-o_rahmetli: ?10:12
dive-o_rahmetli: I can understand you, yes, whats up?10:12
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tkrahmetli: I have no idea what sol'n is....10:13
tquestion: how to disable grub? (i need to completly remove kubuntu for a short while for hdd, but there will be frub error 22 propably and i wouldn`t can login to windows)10:13
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Arlingtonanyone that has overcomed the frglx problem with amd64 that  can help me?10:13
rahmetliyou said Korea has a ton of bandwidh, given that they're second only to china in most spammers :P10:13
emretemp01hi all10:13
rahmetlii agreed10:14
MikeStylet, get a windows install cd and get to recovery console and type "fixmbr" with no quotations10:14
tkArlington: 10 lines is hardly far enough apart to repeat yourself... will just annoy everyone10:14
Arlingtonsorry. i'am kinda desperate :-/10:14
MikeStylebah....why didnt kubuntu come with firefox10:15
dive-o_Arlington: the more you spam the less you get answered10:15
tmikestyle - how to get to recovery console?10:15
rahmetlii live in greece10:16
rahmetliso how can i find closer mirrors10:16
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dive-o_rahmetli: dunno about kubuntu, but a lot of projects have mirrors in italy10:16
MikeStylet, you need a windows installation disc most of the time. from there you can press R once it is loaded to get to a dos promt in which you type: fixmbr10:16
toh, i got it10:16
tthanks mikestyle10:16
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MikeStylesometimes some models come with a tiny partition with a recovery console, but ive only seen that once.10:17
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dive-o_I havent been to greece in 13 years so i dunno10:17
MikeStyleno prob10:17
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MikeStylei havent been outside US/Mexico10:17
rahmetlithnx dive-o if i cant find closer ones i will try italy10:17
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tklooks like apt-get -f install might have fixed my problem10:25
rahmetlidoes ubuntu has a built-in firewall?10:26
fdovingrahmetli: no, it doesn't need one,as it doesn't run any services by default.10:26
rahmetliif i install an http server10:27
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rahmetlior ssh will am i going to need it?10:27
main2where is mikestyle?10:28
tkdebconf: DbDriver "passwords" warning: /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat is locked by another process10:28
tkdebconf: DbDriver "templatedb": /var/cache/debconf/templates.dat is locked by another process10:28
tkwhats the fix for that? if it aint one thing its another today :(10:28
abattoirtk: are you running another instance of the installer?10:28
tknot that I'm aware of10:28
abattoirtk: try 'sudo fuser -vki /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat'10:29
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abattoirtk: it'll telling you which application has 'locked' it and give you an option to kill that app.10:29
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abattoir*it'll tell you10:29
tki think i found it, had a ghost proc that ps -aux showed up10:30
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tkthat made, tons of difference10:30
morghanphoenixHow do I automaticaly start programs when KDE loads?10:30
abattoirmorghanphoenix: there are two ways, one through Session Management and other is to use the ~/.kde/Autostart folder10:31
abattoirmorghanphoenix: if you have Session Management on(which is the default option), any app that is open when you logout will be restarted when you start kde10:31
rahmetlii live in greece10:32
rahmetliso how can i find closer mirrors10:32
rahmetlimy repository list currently downloads from au mirror10:32
abattoirrahmetli: greece seems to have its own mirror10:32
morghanphoenixhow do you turn that on? I'm trying to get yakuake to autostart.10:32
abattoirmorghanphoenix: make sure yakuake is running, logout of KDE and log back in, yakuake should start on its own10:33
rahmetlihow can i find the mirror list?10:33
abattoirmorghanphoenix: in case you disabled it manually, you can enable it in Kcontrol/System Settings->KDE Components->Session Mgmt.10:33
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abattoirrahmetli: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive10:35
rahmetlii am checking,thanx again.10:36
Pensa`MIAdoes anyone know if thunderbird uses the hosts file in kubuntu?10:37
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rahmetliabattoir is the link you gave mirror list for ISO's or for repositories?10:38
abattoirrahmetli: i think its for both10:38
abattoirrahmetli: if you selected Greece during installation, your sources.list should already point to that repo10:38
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rahmetlii havent :(10:39
abattoirrahmetli: does your sources.list file say gr.archive.ubuntu.com ?10:39
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abattoirok, then just change it to that10:39
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rahmetliby the way,where is my sources.list file? i said no because i cant any url starting with gr :)10:41
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rahmetliby the way,where is my sources.list file? i said no because i cant see any url starting with gr :) in my repository list10:41
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tk/etc/apt/sourceslist I believe10:41
tkerr .list10:41
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abattoirrahmetli: what do you see?10:42
abattoirrahmetli: i mean what URL do you see?10:42
rahmetliau.archive.ubuntu.com ...10:42
abattoirok, just change au to gr10:43
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abattoirthat's all10:43
rahmetliyes ;)10:43
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rahmetliare the list of au and gr different?10:43
rahmetlican be any difference?10:44
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fdoving!netinstall > fdoving10:44
abattoirrahmetli: what do you mean?10:45
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abattoirrahmetli: yes, au and gr point to different mirrors10:45
abattoirrahmetli: try pinging them ;)10:45
rahmetlii mean the programs,10:45
abattoirrahmetli: no, no, they are all the same10:45
rahmetlithats ok.10:46
abattoirthey are just mirrors, so no diff. at all10:46
rahmetlithank you abattoir10:46
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abattoirno problem :)10:46
Pensa`MIAwhat's the best online hosts file?10:46
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Arlingtonanyone using kweather?10:48
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rahmetliabattoir now download is faster :)  for programs :) thanks again.10:49
scheurihi all10:49
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Arlingtonhi all!10:51
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main2if anyone sees 'MikeStyle' comming online, pleeeeeeeeeease10:53
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main2tell him that i forgot to tell him something (if he doesnt get this message.. he's system will be broken)10:54
tkheh, probably too late for that :/10:55
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ibertdoes anybody know howto install torpark?11:00
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octanwhats that?11:01
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pascalFRhello,  is there a means to recover when apt-get segfaults ?  after updrage to edgy11:03
ibertoctan: sorry my fault. seems to be a win only project,.11:03
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octanwhoohoo script kiddy knoking my ssh door11:05
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octan!!! Message from Router !!!11:05
octanSat Sep 30 11:03:21 CEST 200611:06
octanDroping ip with iptables11:06
octan!!! Reason:: !!!11:06
octanTo many faulty login attempt on the open services11:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Message from Router !!! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Reason:: !!! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:06
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main2mikestyles << if you see this guy around, tell him to pm me11:11
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abattoir!info superkaramba > Arlington11:22
ubotusuperkaramba: a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 504 kB, installed size 1376 kB11:22
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zorglu_AbortD: ok please take this on #kubuntu-offtopic11:26
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AbortDthere is one of you in everry chan!11:26
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:27
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tkhmmm is there any utility that would let me setup another partion w/o deleting old ones? I only fdisked 40gigs of my 100gig drive when I installed kubuntu... and it tells me to delete other partions and create an extended one to add more...11:28
zorglu_tk: qparted allows to resize partition11:28
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks11:28
tki dont need to resize... I need a separate one... but I'll check it out11:28
zorglu_if you already got 4 primary partition on the disk, you can no more create partitions11:29
tkhmmm, never heard of that limit before :/11:29
zorglu_it is due to 'history'11:30
zorglu_you need to create extended/secondary partitions to increase this limit11:30
=== AbortD hugs zorglu_
tkI hate extended :( guess I've just never created more than 3 primarys before though :/11:30
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cpk2doesnt an extended partition count as a primary? but you can just put multiple partitions inside extended11:31
AbortDthat happens when  yer a newb tk11:31
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatric, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak or Hawkwind11:31
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gnomefreakAbortD: ?11:31
AbortDaw man11:31
AbortDim sorry gnomefreak11:31
zorglu_AbortD: please behave11:31
tkAbortD: har har, not really... just never wanted more than 4 partitions on a HD before11:31
AbortDi will i promise11:31
AbortDtk im sorry11:31
AbortDim more of a newb than u11:32
AbortDgnomefreak, is aa nicce guuuy i guess11:32
zorglu_AbortD: if you have questions, ask them11:32
AbortDzorglu_, why are youuu homosexual?11:33
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zorglu_AbortD: for the third time, please behave11:33
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zorglu_gnomefreak: thanks11:33
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gnomefreakzorglu_: not the first channel thats #311:33
zorglu_oh ok11:34
buzanyone seen the latest okular shots? it now supports annotations and drawing on PDFs11:34
buzwhich brings me to the point of: does anyone have binaries for it?11:34
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buz(i'm wary about installing  Krash myself)11:34
zorglu_i dont even know what it is :)11:34
buzbasically, an all purpose doc viewer11:35
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buzkpdf replacement for kde411:35
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zorglu_seems nice :)11:36
buzhttp://kpdf.kde.org/okular/screenies/okular-annotations.png <- i must SOOO have that11:36
zorglu_but installation seems harder due to the kde4 dependancies11:36
buzi fear installing kde411:36
zorglu_have you asked to #kpdf they may have some .deb for edgy ?11:37
buzprobably not11:37
buzbut i could try ig uess11:37
zorglu_yep, it doesnt cost much :)11:37
buzalternatively, can someone describe in a few words what happens when i install Krash from kubuntu.org on edgy=11:38
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zorglu_thats all i found11:40
buzyeah its not very helpful ;)11:40
buzi tried making sense of it before11:40
zorglu_Run some programmes. Konsole seems to work. Good luck. <- from the page, the good luck seems to say a lot :)11:41
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buzi think i'll try in vmware11:43
ryan_anyone know where ktorrent installs by defalt....it keeps crashing so i wanted to uninstall and deleate the config file and reinstall11:43
zorglu_in ~/.ktorrent i believe11:44
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ryan_what dp you mean by~11:45
zorglu_ryan_: /home/youloginname/.ktorrent11:45
zorglu_ /home/ryan/.ktorrent11:45
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ryan_i thought that was what you ment and i thought thats were it would be but its not.....thanks anyway....11:47
buzwhat version of ktorrent are you using11:47
ryan_ive done something to make kubuntu realy buggy so i think im going to talk my self in that a fresh install and pay more attenchin to everything i do11:48
ryan_i dont know what evers in the kubuntu repositories11:49
buzthat one worked ok for me11:49
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ryan_it did for my and it just died on me a few min ago and i cant get it to come back up...11:51
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gnomefreaklasdid you happen to make a specs page in LP for canoe?11:51
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buztry killall -9 ktorrent on the console11:51
buzkeyboard fell to the floor ;)11:51
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ryan_buz: i got ktorrent: no process killed11:53
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buzits not hanging around somewhere then11:54
zorglu_and you still got the window on the screen ?11:54
tkif I delete my swap partition will that break anything? (I have 1gig of Ram)11:54
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ryan_the ktorrent window?11:54
zorglu_ryan_: yes11:54
tkprobably because it ran as kdesu ktorrent ?11:55
zorglu_tk: it will break, if you are currently using it, it wont if you dont11:55
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ryan_no whan i load it i get the KDE crash handler11:55
zorglu_tk: you may do 'swapoff' to remove the swap usage11:55
tkzorg: thanks :)11:55
zorglu_ryan_: ah ok11:55
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tki assume -a is the right command for it?11:56
tk-a is all swap devices11:56
zorglu_tk: yep, i think so 'swapoff -a'11:57
zorglu_tk: and then 'free' to check if it works ok11:57
ryan_what i dont get is it was all of the sudden...it wasnt acting weird or anything it just up and quit and i cant get it to run any more...ive got bittornado runnung in its place but that wont cut it11:57
pielgrzymanybody has a clue why do i get 'an unknown error occurred' when kde tries to automount memory card from external reader?11:58
tkwow, kubuntu is using 1gig of ram :(11:58
ryan_any ideas on a diffrent client that similar11:58
zorglu_Swap:       265032      17288     247744 <- you need to have 0 on this line11:58
zorglu_tk: yep this is normal11:58
tkzorglu_: yah it worked :) was just shocked that I was using a gig of rm doing almost nothing :P11:58
zorglu_tk: it is mostly not used ...11:59
ryan_tk i have a a gig and 1/2 and its almoast always moastly used but im always multi tasking11:59
zorglu_very unclear :)11:59
zorglu_-/+ buffers/cache:     270688     180100 <- you see the 180100 ? it is where you got the free ram11:59
zorglu_how much do you have tk11:59
tk             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached12:00
tkMem:          1265       1217         48          0         62        91612:00
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tkahh on the  buffer/cache line i have12:00
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zorglu_916 + 62 is used for speed optimisation only12:00
tk-/+ buffers/cache:        237       102712:00
zorglu_aka they may be released if needed12:00
zorglu_and you got 1027mbyte of free ram12:01
Arlingtoni have problems with my liquid weather. any on?12:01
tkahhh ok :)12:01
tkthats very.... unintuitive way of reporting ram stats12:01
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zorglu_tk: yep it is not a final user tool. one should add a wikipage on this12:01
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zorglu_tk: you are not the only one to worry about 'all my memory is used but i do almot nothing'12:02
tkim not worried.... its still more responsive than windows :P12:02
Arlingtonany one who is good at superkaramba-liquidweather?12:02
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tk just changed my old linux swap to a FAT16 part... and till reads as swap in QTParted12:06
tkprobably wouldnt hurt to reboot anyways, kernel update came down12:07
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FlosoftI have got problems with amarok not playing music since the update I did yesterday12:16
FlosoftI use the xine player engine12:16
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Arlingtonwhen i ran adept the last time it hung. and whem i try to run it now it just says that the database is locked. how can i fix this?12:26
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zorglu_Arlington: either you have other program using it, either it is a bug12:27
zorglu_Arlington: the easiest is to reboot, the hardest is to remove manually the log file when you ensured it is not used by anything else12:27
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Arlingtoni figured it out. "sudo dpkg --configure -a" made adept continue where it was when it hung up.12:28
zorglu_glad if you fixed your problem12:29
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ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo12:30
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Linux_Galoreidentify chatmad3312:46
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zorglu_Linux_Galore: time to change your password12:47
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zorglu_Linux_Galore: you can pass it automatically to avoid this kind of problem12:47
zorglu_konversation makes it easy12:47
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Arlingtonmy adept is out of order. anyone with skills?12:51
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zorglu_have you tried to reboot12:55
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Arlingtonwell now it works appeard to be a broken install due to adept not being able to view license agreements.12:57
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joakimi need help12:59
joakimis  any body her12:59
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Arlingtoni have problems with my liquidweather through superkaramba, anyone who is good at superkaramba01:00
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IndyBCWhen Python 2.5 will be put on the official repository?01:01
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joakimhhi can enybody help me whit web cam ?01:01
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gnomefreakiNiku: its in edgy but 2.4 is still default python01:04
yusuf01i have changed user(sudoer) at first login after intallation.01:04
yusuf01now i cant login01:05
joakimmy web cam is lagging !!!!!!how the hell show i turn off lagging01:05
zorglu_gnomefreak: does 2.4 and 2.5 cohabite on the same box ?01:06
gnomefreakzorglu_: strick that01:06
gnomefreakzorglu_: you mean both installed at same time?01:06
zorglu_cohabite = french :) yep install at the same time01:06
gnomefreakill go with a should01:07
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yusuf01i have changed user name(the sudoer), user directory name and group at first login, after intallation.i cant login now,can you help me?01:07
gnomefreaknot sure i am using 2.4 for package reasons01:07
zorglu_gnomefreak: ok01:07
yusuf01i have changed user name(the sudoer), user directory name and group at first login, after intallation.i cant login now,can you help me please?01:09
zorglu_yusuf01: no need to repeat your question that frequently01:09
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zorglu_which howto did you follow to make this change01:10
yusuf01i have made a letter mistake creating the user name at installation01:10
zorglu_so which instruction did you follow to make this change01:11
yusuf01i have changed a letter for user name user directory and user group01:11
yusuf01no instrcuction :(01:11
zorglu_next time, try to avoid to do that. such thing may break your install if you dunno exactly what you are doing01:12
zorglu_now to undo it is painfull01:12
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yusuf01isnt there any root01:12
zorglu_there is a root user by default01:13
zorglu_in fact, unix require a root user01:13
yusuf01ok but how can i login that user?01:13
zorglu_type 'su -'01:13
zorglu_then the root password01:14
yusuf01when i want to login from console01:14
yusuf01i get problem with characters01:14
zorglu_if it doesnt work, boot in 'recovery mode' aka select it from grub when you reboot01:14
yusuf01i have checked that if there is a recovery mode,but i couldnt see.01:15
zorglu_1. you reboot01:15
zorglu_2. you read the grub menu which appears01:15
zorglu_3. find the one with 'recovery' at the end01:16
zorglu_4. select it01:16
yusuf01but i realy couldnt see such menu01:16
yusuf01i mean01:16
zorglu_5. you will be root without password01:16
zorglu_it is very unlikely01:16
yusuf01i have seen the menu01:16
yusuf01no recovery mode01:16
zorglu_it is unlikely as well :) because it is installed by default01:17
yusuf01i will chech again. and come back here01:17
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agustinesa pea neeeeeeeeeng01:19
agustinalguien de espaa??01:19
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:19
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Arlingtonis it possible to reconfigure crystalweather through the textprompt?01:23
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Arlingtonis it possible to reconfigure crystalweather through the textprompt?01:26
ubotubochs: IA-32 PC emulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.5-1 (dapper), package size 617 kB, installed size 1972 kB01:29
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Arlingtonanyne using superkaramba?01:36
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zorglu_Arlington: you may try #kde as nobody here seems able to help on this01:36
_sleoni love ebuntu01:36
_sleonik ebuntu01:36
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_sleonMenZa:  hhrhr01:38
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_sleonare there any autoinstall mechanisms for kubuntu?01:41
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zorglu_several in fact01:42
zorglu_the 'adept-updater' is one of them01:42
_sleonzorglu_:  i am searching something like install profiles01:42
zorglu_what 'install profiles' means01:43
_sleonso i can create profiles for hosts and then they boot with pxe and then install01:43
_sleonzorglu_: install profile should save hardware specific settings, package settings, and system auth settings, like ldap server address, default resolution and so on01:43
zorglu_ohhhh you mean like you got several box and would like to create a typical install for them01:43
_sleonnot create01:44
_sleoninstall is one and same01:44
_sleonbut it reads profile and does different settings01:44
_sleondo you know anaconda for red hat systems ?01:44
_sleonit can du such things01:44
zorglu_ah ok01:44
zorglu_dunno if it is possible nor how :)01:44
_sleonzorglu_: thx anyway01:45
zorglu_this channel is more of basic help on usage, not really custom install01:45
_sleonzorglu_: is there developers channel somewhere ?01:45
zorglu_hmm you may ask on #kubuntu-devel01:45
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_sleonzorglu_: how long are you using kubuntu ?01:45
zorglu_they will at least point you to the proper direction01:45
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_sleonzorglu_: and ? how do you like it?01:46
zorglu_as a desktop it is extremly nice01:46
_sleonis stable ?01:46
zorglu_i never used kde before so i dunno how much is due to kubuntu and due to kde01:46
zorglu_but the result is incredible01:46
_sleonare there non-free pacakge like sun java and flash player inclusive? mplayer?01:46
zorglu_yep quite stable for me01:47
buzwow strigi is getting really neat01:47
buzmuuuuch faster than beagle01:47
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zorglu_beagle is in .net :)01:47
buznot really01:47
_sleonbeagle is gnome application :D01:47
buzmono !=.net01:47
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_sleonso it is sloowww01:47
zorglu__sleon: yep you can install flash and java sun01:47
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buzand i dont think it's mono's fault that beagle is that slow01:47
_sleonzorglu_: is there such repository with such packatges ?01:47
zorglu__sleon: yep universe/multiverse01:48
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:48
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository01:48
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:48
_sleonthank you01:48
_sleoni gonna tty it then01:48
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zorglu_buz: why is it slow then ?01:49
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buzbad programming ;)01:49
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zorglu_oh :)01:49
buzmono isnt THAT slow on its own ;)01:49
buzstrigi isnt necessarily much faster01:49
zorglu_well it does pile up01:49
buzbut it doesnt bog down the whole system01:49
_sleonbuz default mono app uses 10 times more resources as C app01:49
buzthats true01:49
_sleonand then when you have little resources01:50
_sleonthen computer begins to swap01:50
_sleon-> it becomes slow01:50
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buzbeagle is slow even on a 2GB ram machine ;)01:50
buz(which hasnt got swap active )01:50
_sleonthen the question is: how good is io performance?01:50
zorglu_i admit i dont understand the gnome move to 'everything in mono.net'01:50
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buzthat's ximian for you01:51
_sleonit should be slowwer when C or similar language cause of virtualisation layer01:51
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_sleonbecause it is more modern then C :)01:51
_sleonand C++ is already taken by kde01:51
_sleonjava sux01:51
_sleonso the next choice was C#01:51
zorglu_i hope it is not that :)01:52
Skrot"taken by kde".. :p01:52
_sleonSkrot :DD01:52
zorglu_"we dont use c++ because the 'others' use it" would appears quite ridiculous :)01:52
Tm_Tzorglu_: and sometimes also true01:52
SkrotBesides, C is already taken by the kernel01:52
_sleonC++ is dieing also01:52
Skrotwell, no01:53
Tm_T_sleon: yup, has been dying last 10 years, as you can see01:53
SkrotC++ is still *the* choice for most apps01:53
_sleonmono would allow more advanced architecure and design, wich would eliminate code bloat01:53
zorglu_the new language, e.g. python, .net, java, are all much slower and use a lot more memory here01:53
SkrotBut they work for some tasks01:54
SkrotBut not all, hence C++ is not dying :)01:54
_sleonthey are good for high level stuff01:54
SkrotTextparsing in C++ always gives me the creeps01:54
Tm_TASM <301:54
_sleonC++ sux because of very long recompile time. so it is unsuitable for quick application development01:54
SkrotTrue, but its good because the executable will be faster and less memory hungry01:55
zorglu_who to write a c++ interpreter ? :)01:55
SkrotI've been sniffing on Python myself. Lovely language01:55
SkrotBut I don't think it will kill C++ ;)01:55
_sleonSkrot: i descovered plone and zope recently, i am soooo excited01:55
_sleonSkrot: sure not :)01:55
zorglu_another advantage on the new langague is the multiplateform01:56
SkrotI must say, writing Qt/KDE applications with Python is the easiest thing I've ever done related to GUI01:56
_sleoneasy == FUN :)01:56
SkrotKudos to the guys making the bindings i guess :)01:56
SkrotYeah. I was able to make a front-end for a online dictionary in norway in about 15minutes01:56
Tm_TSkrot: have you tried ruby?01:56
Tm_TI heard ruby is more usable01:57
SkrotIs it really that different from python? Every 5 year a new lagnuage comes along and get a lot of hype01:57
Tm_Tbut, well, don't know really, haven't tried01:57
zorglu_a lot of web2.0 stuff comes with ruby01:57
SkrotI remember back in the days, Perl was the shit. Then there was python everywhere, not everyone talks about Ruby01:57
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zorglu_perl :)01:58
zorglu_so writeonly :)01:58
SkrotPerl is so unbelievable ugly01:58
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Skrot(not trying to start a flamewar here..)01:59
joakimoctan is he her01:59
octani am01:59
ubuntuhi,i have a basic question to ask ,that is .when i reinstalled windows,how can i get my kubuntu start again?thanks very much01:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:00
zorglu_ubuntu: the first link is for you :)02:00
ubuntuthank you02:00
ubuntuhow could u be so quick to respose? :)02:00
SkrotLove the ubuntu wiki :)02:00
SkrotIt has a entry for just about anything you need to know02:01
zorglu_ubuntu: i guess you are not the first to ask this question :)02:01
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ubuntui guess so ,but i 'v tried some methods ,they don't work for me :<02:01
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Frederickhello, how can i check wether i have installed a certain program?02:05
Fredericki want to remove my ATi drivers, since they dont work on my install, but i dont know if i still have them installed02:05
main2dpkg -l|grep nameoftheprogram02:06
main2dpkg -l|grep ATI02:06
main2or ati02:06
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Skrotor dpkg -l| grep -i ati02:07
Frederickok ill try :)02:07
Frederickah that showed up some stuff, thanks02:08
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main2Frederick: use Adept02:11
main2to get rid of it02:11
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Frederickok, will try02:12
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MotorCityMadManQt: 3.3.602:15
MotorCityMadManKDE: 3.5.402:15
MotorCityMadMankde-config: 1.002:15
Frederickadept isnt showing my ATi drivers anywhere :\02:16
Frederickbut the ATI control program is still there02:16
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themadscotsmanupgraded to edgy....can you turn back to dapper or will re-install be in order02:16
Arlingtoni have a konversation related problem.02:16
SkrotFrederick: Search for fglrx insted of ATI02:16
Arlingtontrying to make it autoidentify me for the nickserver02:17
Frederickyah, tried that, im removing xorg-driver-fglrx now02:17
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Arlingtonbut keep getting wron password02:17
Arlingtoneventhough it is the right pass02:17
Frederickanyone know where to get a good tutorial on how to install ATi drivers?02:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:18
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Frederickthanks zorglu_ :)02:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about atisux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:20
_sleonubotu: woooot!02:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about woooot! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:20
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Komodohello. I have a problem with Kopete (from the latest Edgy Eft Beta)02:30
_sleonKomodo: what kind of problem?02:30
_sleonKomodo: is it crashing?02:30
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Komodoit doesn't show all my friends from the Yahoo list02:31
_sleonmaybe they are not online?02:31
Komodoyes they are02:31
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tkmaybe they haev you set as  "invis to user" ?02:31
_sleonset show offline users to on02:32
Komodoif a fiend loggs in afthe me02:32
Komodothey show up02:32
Komodo_selon > done that02:33
Komodomost of them appear offline02:33
_sleonKomodo: then it is a bug in kopete, ask in #kopete02:33
Komodook. didn't knew there is a channel #kopete02:33
Arlingtonanyone that know superkaramba?02:35
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SkrotArlington: Know what about it?02:36
Skroti know i hate the way you design gui with it :p02:36
tkaahhh yes, Amarok 1.4.3+ mysql running again02:36
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Arlingtoni'am having problem with liquidweather.02:37
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SkrotArlington: I can't answer to privmsg as it's not allowed on freenode unless i'm logged in02:39
Arlingtonoooh. well i reconfigured a applet for superkaramba and now the applet wo't load is ther a way to manually edit the configuration fr the aplet?02:40
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:41
SkrotArlington: Dunno. it's probably in /usr/share/superkaramba or ~/.kde/share/apps/superkaramba somewhere02:42
Frederickhow can i get 32 bits color depth again? i installed my ATi drivers and now i only got 24 bits color depth, can i just edit the xorg.conf and replace 24 with 32?02:43
Arlington24bit is same as 32bit dept...02:44
Arlingtonthe last 8 bit are just alpha channels.02:44
FrederickO_o" ok02:44
SkrotFrederick: Replace the "DefaultDepth 24" with "DefaultDepth 32"02:44
Frederickok, and then reboot?02:45
Skrotin /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:45
Skrotthen restart X server02:45
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Frederickbut there are subsections, with resolutions aswell02:45
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Frederickthere is none with 32 bits depth02:45
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Frederickjust add another subsection?02:45
SkrotJupp. Just copy the one for 24, but replace with 3202:46
Frederickok will do :)02:46
SkrotDon't think you'll notice any difference between 24 and 32 though02:46
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ubuntuhi,i 'v followed the instructions of reconfiguring grub,now i could log in ubuntu,but i have no access to windows now!any one chould help?02:46
siloeHello, people language portuguese here02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.02:47
Kr4t05Hawkwind: Success!02:47
siloejoin #ubuntu-br02:47
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siloejoin /#ubuntu-br02:47
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siloeremenber please!02:48
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Frederick<Skrot> Don't think you'll notice any difference between 24 and 32 though << Ok, but after i installed my ATi drivers, the details of the icons etcetera seems to have detoriated, the colors have somewhat flattened or so it looks at least, just giving it a try now02:48
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Frederickwell, my x server didnt want to start up anymore after i added those rules... i guess i can just leave it02:54
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:54
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jtholmescpk2  did you get your mount problem fixed02:59
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:05
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BluesKajHowdy Kubunturians! :)03:10
DinkIs it possible to install kubuntu on a second partition move over you ~ dir from one partition to the new one and remove old installation/partition and keep new one ?03:10
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BluesKajDink, use GParted live cd vers 3 , it'll do the job for you03:12
Dinkcool thanks... i have 2.6.18 did a dist-upgrade for beryl then fglrx wouldnt work for the life of me.. and now jsut found out beryl is in dapper also03:12
DinkGParted ?03:12
Dinkworks with kubuntu ?03:13
BluesKajworks as a  boot live cd03:13
BluesKajwith windows , linux , most partitions can be modified03:14
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MDCoreberyl in dapper ?03:14
tkDink: if your /home dir is on a seperate partition, you can just reinstall and tell it not to format the /home partition...03:14
BluesKajit's a linux program but works on NTFS , Ext and other partittion types03:15
Dinkhow do I do that ?03:15
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Dinkto jus tnot format /home ?03:15
tkwhen you installed Kubuntu, did you make a seperate partiion for /home and / ?03:15
Dinkhmm dont think so03:15
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tk"df" in konsole will show you if you did03:15
Dinki should have though :(03:15
Dinkyep i didnt03:16
MDCoreDink: recently ?03:16
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Dinkrecently ??03:16
Manyfold_were can i find information about the kubuntu start up process especially installing system services and xstartup03:16
Dinkok so I guess I have to put it in a new partition then move ~ over and destroy old one03:16
Dinkno idea why fglrx is not working... mesa keeps coming up... xorg.log keeps saying wrong version03:17
tkdink: a learning experience :) /home is good to keep separate :)03:17
benjaminHey guys, do you know how i can Konnect my PPC? (yeah, running Windo$, since i cant install a proper OS on it :( )03:17
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Manyfold_i want to modify my system such that it does not start X but starts the tightvncserver03:17
Dinkyep :P03:17
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Dinkwhat 6.10 beta ?03:18
Dinkedgy went beta03:18
=== MenZa nods
Dinkhmm do i want to deal with that again.....03:19
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MDCoreDink: I was trying to setup compiz earlier in the week and at that stage there didn't seem to be any beryl packages...03:19
Dinkthere is now03:20
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Dinki went to edgy to get it working... but mesa kept messing me up :P03:20
Dinknot sure what happened03:20
Dinki tried everything and still couldnt get fglrx to work03:20
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Dinkeven though it was working prior to dist-upgrade03:21
Dinkeven went back to previous kernels to try and same outcome03:21
BluesKajdid ya check yer driver list in systems settings , Dink?03:21
Dinkcard = ati driver = fglrx03:22
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Dinkfglrxinfo shows mesa though03:22
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LjLcan anybody confirm that in kopete/jabber, right clicking a contact, selecting the last menu option (i.e. the contact address), then "Set availability" and then "Invisible" makes yourself invisible to that contact? or if not, what's the way to do this?03:29
dhqi use  Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)03:30
dhqi need drivers03:30
dhqfor it my grafix is not so good03:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i810 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about driver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
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Arlingtontrying to get www.pandora.com to work on my 64-bit amd anyonne can help me? flash is just written for 32bit systems it seems.03:36
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MDCoredhq: what do you mean by your graphics not being so good ?03:39
MDCoreanyone: ruby + aiglx.. does it work ?03:39
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dhqMDCore: well any 3d photo doesnt show well and movies dont play well03:40
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MDCoredhq: I found that perceived speed improved when I installed the aiglx air X thingy03:41
dhq!aiglx air X03:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aiglx air X - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:41
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dhqMDCore: the pakage name if you please03:42
MDCoredhq: you have to add some repositories and things.03:42
MDCorefollow the instructions for setting up aiglx + compiz on the wiki..03:42
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:44
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scorp007hi, im having a problem getting ati drivers to work03:48
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scorp007i tried installing them using this method: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_driver03:49
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scorp007now the problem is, the output from fglrxinfo tells me im using Mesa, not hardware acceleration03:49
Arlingtoni wanna copy files to /usr/lib/firefox/plugin but it's read-only how could i do that?03:50
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Arlingtoni wanna copy files to /usr/lib/firefox/plugin but it's read-only how could i do that?03:52
main2use 'sudo'03:52
main2you need to have the right privileges03:52
Kubuhow do I add Startup Programs??03:52
main2Arlington: please so not repeat03:52
Kubuanyone knows how do add Startup Programs?03:53
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Arlingtonyes  sudo but how...03:53
scorp007this is some stuff from my xorg.0.log03:54
Kubuplease help me to add a program to the startup03:54
scorp007does it indicate anything wrong?03:54
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scorp007im trying to get my ati drivers to do 3d acceleration03:55
Arlingtonmain2: how do i use sudo to remove the readonly.03:55
thompacan someone tell me how to install with a /boot partition? i am getting grub error 18 on sata03:55
scorp007it still says im using mesa03:55
main2Arlington: google ffs03:55
Kubuscorp007: i did it by installing de fglrx drivers03:55
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Kubuanyone knows how do add Startup Programs?03:56
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scorp007im pretty sure i have them installed03:56
scorp007yep, i do03:56
scorp007(have them installed that is)03:56
thompagoing to ask at grub irc03:56
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scorp007i think its having a problem loading them or something03:56
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BluesKajsplittsville ...all these joins ?04:04
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Arlingtonflash 7 for amd64 help needed.04:05
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BluesKajflash sucks on kubuntu ...only works half the time ...the version8 isn't available for linux04:06
Arlingtondo you know about pandora.com?04:07
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BluesKajchecking it out ...seems to work ok , Arlington04:10
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DeeTahPanLtahi got used to debian's kde04:11
DeeTahPanLtah"settings panel"04:11
marseillaidoes anyone know how to accept sun-java5 licence?04:11
DeeTahPanLtahis there such thing in kubuntu?04:11
DeeTahPanLtahi mean,i can't find themes section in kubuntu's kde...04:11
JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol" ?04:12
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DeeTahPanLtahwhat do alt+f2 do?04:12
Jucatomarseillai: don't use Adept when installing sun-java5-*04:12
JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: keyboard shortcut for "Run Command"04:12
marseillaiJucato: even in yakuake i can't04:12
DeeTahPanLtahso i got it under win+r ;p04:12
DeeTahPanLtahthanks a lot!04:12
DeeTahPanLtahyou're G-O-D.04:12
DeeTahPanLtahhuge thanks04:12
Jucatowas kcontrol what you were looking for?04:13
Jucatomarseillai: tried Konsole?04:13
JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: ah04:13
marseillaiJucato: it works in konsole! ;)04:13
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Arlingtonhow to get my usb wifi to work in kubuntu?04:14
DeeTahPanLtahbtw,is there any firefox2 dpkg in ubuntu's repos?04:15
JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: not in Dapper, since it's not a stable release yet04:15
BluesKajnot yet  DeeTahPanLtah04:15
DeeTahPanLtahJucato: not in dapper,okay,what about unstable repos?04:16
BluesKajFF2 won't be available for a few weeks04:16
JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: you'd have to install/upgrade to Edgy (next release, in development)04:16
DeeTahPanLtahis it safe?04:17
Jucatobut Edgy will hopefully be released in a few weeks, so it might be better to just wait04:17
DeeTahPanLtahi mean04:17
DeeTahPanLtahi had few problems while switching from sarge to etch when i was debian user04:17
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JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: well, I'd suggest just waiting for Edgy's official release in a few weeks if you can04:17
DeeTahPanLtahi can but i prefer experimental software ;d04:18
Jucatoheh, well, since Edgy is in Beta now, it "might" be ok. You'd still probably have a few updates daily04:18
DeeTahPanLtahi dont really care :p04:19
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JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta/Kubuntu04:21
DeeTahPanLtahwhat's there? ;p04:21
Jucatoabout Edgy Eft beta release04:21
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DeeTahPanLtahanyone knows if its a lot of work to make kde look really impressive?04:24
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_ShoGo_Hi, can anybody tell me how can i configure my dns ?04:25
CVirus_ShoGo_: vi /etc/resolv.conf04:25
DeeTahPanLtahvi is evil ;d04:25
DeeTahPanLtahvim ftw ;d04:25
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Jucatoforgot "sudo"  there?04:26
_ShoGo_CVirus, i just have to add the dns?04:26
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scorp007hi, im using dapper at the moment, is it ok if i downgrade my xorg from 7 to 6.8.x?04:27
scorp007it seems my video card drivers dont like 704:27
CVirus_ShoGo_: yes04:27
scorp007(II) fglrx(0): driver needs X.org 6.8.x.y with x.y >= 99.804:27
scorp007(II) fglrx(0): detected X.org
scorp007thats from my Xorg.0.og04:27
_ShoGo_as this?04:27
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ubuntu__good evening04:29
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emonkey-ugood evening again04:30
emonkey-uI've got a serious problem with my filesystem04:30
emonkey-umy kubuntu doesn't start anymore04:31
emonkey-uI'm now on Live CD04:31
emonkey-umounting the /dev/hda (my root partition) on live CD doesnt' work neither04:32
DeeTahPanLtahanyone has ideas04:32
DeeTahPanLtahwhy even when i installed lipstik04:32
DeeTahPanLtahit isn't on my styles list? ;X04:32
emonkey-uanyone how I can fix my ext3?04:32
DeeTahPanLtahfsck /dev/hda04:33
DeeTahPanLtahtry this one04:33
JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: lipstik is already installed by default, afaik. it's the default style that Kubuntu uses04:33
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DeeTahPanLtahthe problem is04:33
emonkey-uDeeTahPanLtah: I?ll try thx04:33
DeeTahPanLtahi downloaded lipstik sources04:33
DeeTahPanLtahand tried to mod it04:33
DeeTahPanLtahto compile visteque04:33
DeeTahPanLtahit went all right04:33
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BluesKajdo have a boot screen, emonkey-u ?04:34
DeeTahPanLtahbut i dunno how to activate it now :X04:34
JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: well, I'm not sure what happened since there's a version of lipstik already installed...04:34
emonkey-uBluesKaj: till to moment where it wants to mount the root file system yes....04:34
DeeTahPanLtahand how to activate it then? ;P04:34
emonkey-ufsck has found several illegal blocks04:35
JucatoDeeTahPanLtah: it's supposed to be in KControl > Appearance and Themes > Styles right?04:35
DeeTahPanLtahthere is no lipstik ;<04:35
Jucatohm.. something might have gone wrong then...04:35
DeeTahPanLtahi'll try one thing else04:35
LjLcan anybody confirm that in kopete/jabber, right clicking a contact, selecting the last menu option (i.e. the contact address), then "Set availability" and then "Invisible" makes yourself invisible to that contact? or if not, what's the way to do this?04:36
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BluesKajeeeuuww , not good emonkey-u...rescue option in the boot list ?04:37
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emonkey-uI'll try to fix it woth fsck right?04:38
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DeeTahPanLtahfunny thing04:39
DeeTahPanLtahi logged in to kde as root04:39
DeeTahPanLtahand there was lipstik activated04:39
DeeTahPanLtahbut 1. it didnt look like visteque04:39
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DeeTahPanLtah2. if i'd change the style,there'd be no way to activate lipstik again cause _its not on the list_...04:39
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TFrogmay i ask if anyone here is having issues with Edgy Eft wireless configured with ndiswrapper?04:46
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trappistTFrog: no, but I got your bug report04:47
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TFrogdidn't know it went to you trappist. appreciate knowing someone knows about it already04:47
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trappistTFrog: it goes to anyone subscribed to knetworkmanager bugs, or to the kubuntu-bugs mailing list, and so on04:48
trappistI won't be the guy to fix it, though04:48
TFrogahhhhhhhhhh. i'm still relatively new to kubuntu. i use to use Fedora. love kubuntu much more04:48
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TFrogunfortunately right now i'm wireless in winbloze :(04:49
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chainsim having a problem with my sound. not matter what sound format i try and use, even the sound my programs make, i get this really scratchy (staticy) sound. What could be the possible problems and/or solutions?04:55
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BlackenMorning all.04:57
TFrogmorning Blacken04:57
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chainsguten morgen04:59
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Arlingtonhi abattoir...04:59
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chainsso, does any one know about my sound problem?04:59
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LjLbonjour: ?05:03
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josh_question for anyone pretty familiar with security and ssh05:07
josh_is there a way to set the number of tries for ssh before an ip gets timeed out / blocked?05:08
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josh_or do i have to script one?05:08
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HawkwindWow, he could have waited another couple of minutes and I would have helped him :(05:10
LjLhe's asked in #Ubuntu now...05:10
LjLthough myself, i haven't the slightest idea :)05:10
HawkwindLjL: Tell him to edit his /etc/ssh/sshd_config file05:11
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moroditotio keva05:12
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moroditoalguien ke able espaol??05:13
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:13
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ZeeOHi when i play SVCD the playback is slow under video lan05:14
ZeeOwhat can this be05:14
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ZeeOavis play fine05:15
ZeeOthe audio skips05:15
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fl1from cmdline how can y found out my display number?05:18
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Riddellecho $DISPLAY05:19
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Hobbsee!info python2.405:28
ubotupython2.4: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.4). In component main, is important. Version 2.4.3-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 2673 kB, installed size 9068 kB05:28
Arlingtonhow can i make my wifi usb stick become recognized by kubuntu?05:30
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Petterderhaagcan anyone help me?05:39
dragoi need help with kubuntu installation05:39
buzhard without knowing what the issue is05:39
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Petterderhaagi'm trying to acces my defective windows harddrive from kubuntu05:39
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Petterderhaagbut i don't know anything about linux...05:39
buzdoes it show up in storage media?05:40
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Petterderhaagyes, but i shows an error05:40
Petterderhaagone sec05:40
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Petterderhaagi'll tell you what error, little easier...05:41
dragois there a possibility to install kubuntu if the cd-drive is not working?05:41
buzdrago: that depends05:41
buzif you're enterprising, you can install it over the network05:41
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dragowhat do u mean, enterprising?05:42
buzwell it needs some fiddling05:42
Blackendrago: It isn't exactly easy for a newbie to do.05:42
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buzit's definitely possible (i did it on my cd less notebook)05:42
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buzbut you need another machine05:42
Arlingtonhow can i get flash in kubuntu amd64 release?05:42
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dragoim also planing on doing it to my laptop05:42
BlackenArlington: I don't believe you can.05:42
dragoand the cd-drive is not working05:42
buzgoogle for network install05:42
dragookey ill try that thanks05:43
buzmight be that you need to install ubuntu first (i didnt have much look with kubuntu)05:43
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buzbut its easily switched to kubuntu later05:43
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dragoi found something on dslreports now so...05:43
buzthere supposedly is a way of doing it from windows in qemu05:43
PetterderhaagBuz: I get an error that the device couldn't be mounted, "mount: can't find /dev/hda5 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab05:44
buzbut i never quite got that working05:44
buzthats weird05:44
buzstorage media should fix that on its own05:44
Petterderhaagwell, the disk is defected... :p05:44
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Petterderhaagnah, sorry, i'm trying to mount it, but it's asking me if the disk is properly connected05:45
Petterderhaagsince it is a laptop, i assume it is...05:45
buzyeah but maybe its really broken05:45
buzsometimes disk do show up and you still cant mount them05:45
Petterderhaagthat would be quite sad :(05:45
Petterderhaagsome 2 gigs of photo's on it...05:46
buzhow big is the disk05:46
Petterderhaag16 gigs i believe05:46
BlackenSo does anyone have any idea how to change ONE panel, and not all, to transparent in KDE?05:46
Petterderhaagwhen i right click the disk, it shows "mount" two times, why's that?05:46
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buzyou did boot from the kubuntu livecd yes?05:47
altairhello everyone, is gtalk  working with kopete today?, i can't get connected to talk.gmail.com05:47
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buzis it a ntfs disk?05:47
dragoyeap i found it now, Breezy netboot kit. thanks guys!05:48
Petterderhaagbelieve so05:48
buzdrago: look if you can find it for dapper05:48
Petterderhaagdon't know for sure actually05:48
buzthe update takes a while05:48
Petterderhaagit's quite old for a laptop, but it had windows xp sp2, but that doesn't change for FAT or NTFS05:49
buzwell mounting the drive changes with FAT or NTFS05:49
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Petterderhaagcan i see that kind of info in kubuntu? or does it need to be mounted for that05:49
buzheres what you can try05:49
buzstart the konsole05:49
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Petterderhaag"run command"?05:50
buztype mount -t vfat /dev/hda5  /mnt05:50
buzrun command -> "konsole"05:50
buzthen, in konsole "sudo -t vfat /dev/hda5 /mnt"05:50
Petterderhaagi believe the primary disk is hda1, clicked the wrong one first, but keep getting the same error...05:50
buzdamn what is it05:51
altairdoes anyone use gtalk  with kopete?05:51
buzi never get the command right05:51
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buzdid the console open?05:51
Petterderhaagyes it dit05:51
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Petterderhaagsays something like ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo05:51
buzok i try it another time, try typing "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt"05:52
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buzthat works with FAT05:52
buzor sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda/mnt for ntfs05:52
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buzobviously with a space after dev/hda05:52
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Petterderhaagyeah, got that one :p05:53
buzand the proper number05:53
Petterderhaag"..hda1 /mnt" with space?05:53
buzjust like the one with vfat, yes05:54
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Petterderhaag"wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1 missing codepage or other error05:54
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Petterderhaagi'll try ntfs05:54
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cox377I've got a digital camara plugged into kubuntu, how would i go about formatting the chip?05:55
TheBearded1__is this the right channel to get help on the latest edgy eft beta?05:55
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fdovingTheBearded1__: try.05:55
abhishekI am new to this..... how can i join different channels?05:55
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LjLabhishek: "/join #channelname"05:56
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steveirehmmm, so irc.ubuntu.com is an alias for irc.freenode.net now?05:56
TheBearded1__i have an intel 3945 ABG wireless card, i've installed the latest kubuntu beta05:56
LjLabhishek: or File / Join channel, if you're on Konversation05:56
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TheBearded1__and i updated/upgraded05:56
abhishek@LjL  ty, but how do i get the channel list??05:56
TheBearded1__and ipw3945 module has been loaded05:56
ubotugtalk: plug-in replacement for standard talk. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.10-10 (dapper), package size 133 kB, installed size 360 kB05:57
abhishekyup..i am on Konversation...05:57
TheBearded1__but ipw3945d is not, and i can't find it on the system, and i did aptitude search and i don't see a package for it05:57
TheBearded1__but....it was working on the livecd05:57
LjLabhishek: you don't. in theory there is the "/list" command, but it'll probably flood you off the server, since you'll get a terribly long list...05:57
PetterderhaagBuz: with ntfs it does nothing, i get another command line ubuntu@...05:57
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buztype mount05:57
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LjLabhishek: try it. at worst, you'll be disconnected and will have to connect again05:58
buz(mounting devices usually gives no output)05:58
Petterderhaagah, :) so now i try opening it?05:58
abhisheki'll give it a try....it's givin me a warnin..05:58
abhishekUsing this function may result in a lot of network traffic. If your connection is not fast enough, it is possible that your client will be disconnected by the server.05:58
buzyeah it should not live in /mnt05:58
LjLabhishek: yeah, Konversation gives wise advice ;)05:58
buzopen konqueror and try going to /mnt05:59
lupine_85TheBearded1__: is it in l-r-m ?05:59
lupine_85failing that, go to packages.ubuntu.com and search for the file name05:59
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lupine_85linux-restricted-modules package06:00
Petterderhaagnot "media:/"?06:00
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buzmedia is automatical things that dont always work06:00
Petterderhaagi don't have acces rights:s06:00
TheBearded1__well i have the kernel modules, and it shows up in lsmod, and in dmesg i have: [17179585.524000]  ipw3945: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection06:00
buzoh right06:00
TheBearded1__root@dell:/# iwconfig06:00
buzgo to run command and type "kdesu konqueror" (that should give you a root konqueror)06:01
lupine_85ipw3945d is different to that, and it is kernel version specific06:01
TheBearded1__lo        no wireless extensions.06:01
TheBearded1__eth0      no wireless extensions.06:01
TheBearded1__sit0      no wireless extensions.06:01
abhishekheyy...it opened a channel search tab06:01
buzoh and DON'T modify files on an NTFS partition06:01
buzthats dangerous06:01
lupine_85not much point listing them - and you should "pastebin" anyway06:01
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abhishek now i can search the channels... thats kinda cool!06:01
lupine_85install linux-restricted-modules and try again. the kernel module won't do anything without the daemon (regulatory issues)06:01
LjLabhishek: yeah, if you have a search term, the /list output becomes manageable06:02
TheBearded1__so the restricted modules might include the daemon as well?06:02
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Petterderhaagyes  :D06:02
Petterderhaagit's working! :D06:02
Petterderhaagnow the next question06:02
Petterderhaagcan i burn those pictures?06:03
lupine_85TheBearded1__: probably06:03
tackat The first development version of Marble is up for testing: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/241206:03
TheBearded1__i've seen reports that this card works out of the box on dapper06:03
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tackatfeedback appreciated :)06:03
TheBearded1__why not on edgy than?06:03
lupine_85if not, just search for it in packages.ubuntu.com06:03
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lupine_85...because you don't have l-r-m installed?06:03
lupine_85Most people do06:03
buzPetterderhaag: not really, because you cant remove the cd i believe06:03
Petterderhaagyeah, that's true, crap06:04
lupine_85And i've helped one person get this card working in edgy and dapper - it was loaded automagically06:04
TheBearded1__but why not install that package by default in edgy, yet do so in dapper06:04
buzupload them somewhere06:04
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Petterderhaagi can acces internet?06:04
lupine_85It isn't installed by default06:04
lupine_85!info linux-restricted-modules dapper06:04
ubotuPackage linux-restricted-modules does not exist in dapper06:04
buzah you arent on that machine?06:04
Petterderhaagi have an external HDD in the hallway... :p06:04
buzyeah that one should work06:04
lupine_85!info linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-386 dapper06:04
ubotulinux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-386: Non-free Linux 2.6.15 modules on 386. In component restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 7946 kB, installed size 21580 kB06:04
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buzunless its ntfs06:04
Petterderhaagwell, luckily we have different laptops here06:04
lupine_85"non-free", "optional". Both of those mean it'll never be installed by defaulty06:04
Petterderhaagnow IRC'ing on this one, and trying to make the HD work on the other...06:05
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Petterderhaagi'll plug in an ethernet cable06:05
Petterderhaagone sec06:05
LjLabhishek: a word of advice -- i know you're just experimenting with IRC, but some people may get wary if you VERSION them without asking06:05
lupine_85 /version me ;)06:05
TheBearded1__there should be a dialog in the installer "blah blah blah this might be illegal in your country do so anyway?"06:05
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TheBearded1__to enable all the restricted packages during install06:05
LjLlupine_85: ;-)06:06
lupine_85TheBearded1__: if you want that, then go to Gentoo06:06
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TheBearded1__i want that in binary packages06:06
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lupine_85The ubuntu people happen to have $10 million that any number of companies would love to sue it for06:06
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lupine_85or you could fork, I suppose.. have SueBuntu06:06
lupine_85until then, installing one package isn't exactly difficult06:06
Petterderhaagbuz, how do i know my internet connection is working?06:07
abhishek this is funnn!!06:07
LjLPetterderhaag, since you're on iRC? :-P06:07
Petterderhaagother laptop LjL, but thanks anyway ;)06:07
LjLPetterderhaag: well try "ping www.google.com" perhaps06:07
TheBearded1__if it's legal to distribute it on the livecd, surely it can be included in the default install06:07
TheBearded1__that's all i'm saying06:08
Petterderhaagtried that one, it said, unknown address :p06:08
TheBearded1__ya know, one way or the other, the livecd is touted as "if it works in the livecd it will work in the install"06:08
TheBearded1__and yet06:08
ge2xhey ive got a problem - when i enable nvidia drivers with nvidia-glx-config enable and when i restart the x server it doesnt start - it just displays the kubuntu logo on the screen06:08
ge2xplz help me som106:08
lupine_85suit yourself, I guess. Feel free to read the open source definition and the DFSG some time.06:08
TheBearded1__it's not true, because you say for legal issues it's not in the install, yet those same legal issues don't stop it from being in the livecd?06:08
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octanPetterderhaag ping06:08
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LjLPetterderhaag: try ping
octangoogle :P06:09
ge2xhey ive got a problem - when i enable nvidia drivers with nvidia-glx-config enable and when i restart the x server it doesnt start - it just displays the kubuntu logo on the screen06:09
ge2xcan som1 help me06:09
LjLyeah, mine's google too ;-) but it resolves differently in different countries06:09
Petterderhaagoctan, wtf are you doing?06:09
octanif you can ping google and get a responce you know your internet works06:10
lupine_85and IDC06:10
Petterderhaagand what is the "ping" command anyway, i don't know shit about IRC nor linux... (a) :)06:10
LjLPetterderhaag? i think he was just telling you to try pinging that address - same as i did06:10
Petterderhaagyes, but this is another computer06:10
Petterderhaagso here internet is working, that i know :P but on the other one, not yet06:10
LjLPetterderhaag: "ping" is a command that sends a special internet packet to another computer, and the other computer is supposed to reply back with a similar packet06:10
LjLPetterderhaag: that's the standard way to test if a site is up -- or a reasonable way to check if you have internet connection06:11
Petterderhaagok, i know ping like the reactiontime of the other server06:11
LjLPetterderhaag: the fact that "www.google.com" doesn't reply to pings might simply mean you have your DNS set up incorrectly (DNS being Domain Name Server, i.e. the things that translates "www.google.com" into its numeric address)06:11
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LjLPetterderhaag: i don't know what you have on the other computer, but if you have even a tiny installation of any Unix (Ubuntu, whatever), "ping" should be there06:12
Petterderhaagmy router normally does DNS automatically06:12
TheBearded1__running the command 'dig' is a good way to troubleshoot dns06:12
TheBearded1__just run it by itself06:12
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TheBearded1__if it hangs06:12
TheBearded1__your dns server is unreachable06:12
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LjLPetterderhaag: ok, but you still have to tell your system that your router is doing DNS at any rate (though that might be done automatically via the DHCP protocol)06:12
TheBearded1__if you get a huge printout, dns is working06:12
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Petterderhaagin the console "the bearded"?06:12
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Petterderhaaganyway, it's working :p06:14
TheBearded1__off for a reboot06:15
sdlnxgkanyone around this morning???06:16
octanits not morning here :P06:16
octan6 pm :P06:16
sdlnxgkoctan you know how to get the bottom panel back after crashing??06:17
octanalt f206:17
octanrun kicker06:17
sdlnxgk9:20am  here in southern cali06:17
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fdovingsdlnxgk: first, try alt+f2 'dcop kicker kicker restart'06:17
Petterderhaagi have another question06:18
fdovingsdlnxgk: if it doesn't work, do as octan says. run 'kicker' instead.06:18
sdlnxgkthanks fdoving was about to say still crashing06:18
Petterderhaaghow can i access my HDD from kubuntu?06:18
fdovingPetterderhaag: like a windows disk? or?06:18
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks06:18
octanPetterderhaag, yes you can06:18
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Petterderhaagsorry, an external hard drive06:18
fdovingPetterderhaag: plug it in. should get instant access.06:19
Petterderhaaghow?, it's connected through our network...06:19
sdlnxgkexternal hard drive like usb mass storage device?06:19
octanPetterderhaag, samba  network?06:19
octanor nfs06:19
Petterderhaagdunno, normal windows network through a router06:19
sdlnxgkyup it's a file server06:19
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:20
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Petterderhaagoctan, how can i open an IP-address (the address to the EHDD) Konqueror automatically adds http://www.06:22
sdlnxgkdammit kicker will  not start up keeps crashing :(06:22
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Petterderhaaggot it :)06:23
fdovingPetterderhaag: like a windows share?06:23
sdlnxgkthat is wierd it crashed but came  up finally ;)06:23
sdlnxgkthanks fdoving and octan ;)06:23
fdovingsdlnxgk: might be a applet that kills it.06:23
TheBearded1_my ipw3945 is showing up in iwconfig now06:24
sdlnxgkcould be I took the crash info and sent to kde bugs06:24
TheBearded1_but i didn't get like a "hey configure your wireless stuff!" dialog, was that supposed to happen?06:24
TheBearded1_and if not what's stopping edgy from including something like that06:24
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sdlnxgkhas anyone tried the USB wireless cards???06:25
TheBearded1_i have one right now i could plug in and see what happens06:25
sdlnxgkthey have  one  onsale for $19.00 and that is too cheap to pass up or has anyone seen them cheaper?06:25
fdovingyes, i've used the dlink dwl-122 alot.06:25
Petterderhaagwhen i try to upload to my external hard disk it says the folder from which i'm  copying doesn't exist...06:26
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sdlnxgkfdoving it's not a dlink but some  other brand I haven't heard of before06:26
fdovingsdlnxgk: you should check that it's supported by linux. try to google it's name and add linux06:26
sdlnxgkya they only say windows xp06:27
TheBearded1_USB WIRELESS: i just plugged in a DWL-122 and nothing happened, it doesn't show up in iwconfig and i don't think it loaded any modules06:27
Dr_willisi want wireless USB .  not wireless networking -usb adaptors. :P06:27
Dr_willisi want to put the printer on the far side of the room. lol.06:27
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TheBearded1_oh damn06:27
TheBearded1_good luck!06:27
Dr_willisand scanner.. :) and.. hmm...06:27
Dr_willisBUt those are just now comming out.06:28
TheBearded1_yeah, as far as i know it's pretty much still a technology in development06:28
sdlnxgksure you too can be a beta tester like Billons of M$ users06:28
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Petterderhaaganyone? how do i upload to an ip-adress?06:28
Petterderhaaghow do i upload, for starters :p06:29
sdlnxgkPetter try ftp or ssh06:29
Petterderhaag? gonna need a little more help there... (a)06:30
sdlnxgkbut i'm sure to ftp, the other pc needs to be  set up for it06:30
sdlnxgkI only used ssh one time and that was when someone on here was showing me how to access my computer from work06:30
weedarOk, this is really odd. My PC is suddenly slow as a turtle. Any ideas what I can check? top doesn't really point out a culprit06:30
sdlnxgkI have never tried from  linux to windows06:30
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Petterderhaagwell, it's an external harddisk06:31
fdovingTheBearded1_: you need to setup linux-wlan-ng.06:31
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Kubuif i have Edgy beta installed, one the official stable version comes out, will i have to install it again from the official cd or just a dist-upgrade?06:31
sdlnxgkdoes  Putty work on linux to access windows???06:31
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fdovingsdlnxgk: windows can't be very usefull with only commandline. I suggest something like 'tightvnc' (google it)06:32
TheBearded1_yeah, i didn't need to get a dwl-122 working, i thought that other guy was wondering about the support so i tried it just to report what happened06:32
sdlnxgkfdoving but doesn't the other computer or network file  server have to running  it too?06:33
fdovingTheBearded1_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/DWL-12206:33
fdovingsdlnxgk: well, yes and no. You need to run a server on the machine you want to connect to. and you need to run the client on the machine you try to connect from.06:33
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sdlnxgkI guess that  sucks if you don't have access to it to install vnc client or  server06:34
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sdlnxgkI want to try that from work to home so  I can play on linux while at work :)06:34
fdovingsdlnxgk: it sure does. but putty won't get you any closer.06:34
sdlnxgktrue but for me going from putty on windows to linux is awesome :)06:35
fdovingit is for me too :)06:35
TheBearded1_i would use remote desktop06:35
sdlnxgkI get my linux  box on windows but only command line but atleast I have bitchx06:35
TheBearded1_with Krdc as the client06:36
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sdlnxgkneed to lear how to install the gui for putty06:36
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fdovingsdlnxgk: you can setup x forwarding in putty. that way you can execute gui applications in putty,and they will be displayed on the windows machine.06:36
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sdlnxgkis Krdc  better then VNC?06:37
fdovingsdlnxgk: no. krdc isn't any good. uses alot of cpu etc.06:37
sdlnxgkfdoving yes that is what I need to try and do but can't get it too work for some odd reason06:37
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Dr_willissdlnxgk,  krdc is just a kde based vnc client last i looked..06:38
TheBearded1_any answers as to why kubuntu doesn't have a user friendly wireless configuration utility like windows does, no searching thorugh menus or anything, just pops up and says "hey let's configure this device"06:38
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TheBearded1_krdc is a frontend to vnc, and rdesktop06:38
sdlnxgkDr_willis thanks ;)06:38
TheBearded1_it can connect to windows remote desktop servers too06:38
Dr_willisYou do NOT want to begin to hear the wirlees disasters ive had under windows.06:38
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ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager06:39
Dr_willisthat works for my wireless decently well.06:39
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sdlnxgkmy wireless  network is working great but need to shut down the linux box to install wireless card06:39
Dr_willisPart of the issue is how the different wireless card drivers work, or have to be reverse-engeinnered, or mess3ed with.06:39
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TheBearded1_yeah, but my question is why does it not "just work" in kubuntu06:39
VincentMXanybody knows why quake doesnt work? it says "Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem" and a few lines above that it says im using Mesa06:39
TheBearded1_isn't that what ubuntu is all about, linux for people06:40
TheBearded1_why should one have to aptitude install and search through menus to find where to configure a wireless card?06:40
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sdlnxgkI was happy to see my usb mass storage device just  plug in and it  worked :)06:40
Dr_willisVincentMX,  you are refering to the original quake1 ? - you may want to check out some of the 'new improved' quake rereleases by the non-id people. they are mrore up to date06:40
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TheBearded1_that's no trouble for even halfway linux gurus06:41
Dr_willisTheBearded1_,  beause the wireless manafactures - wont release the full specs for their cards. or if they dont follow the standards06:41
olivier_hello, I've a problem with Amarok 1.4.3 on  KDE 3.5.4 : When I choose Mode>Random>Off it doesn't work. The tracks are played randomly! I can't play a list sequentialy ! Somebody already had the problem and found the solution ?06:41
sdlnxgkI play most  of my windows games on kubuntu now ;)06:41
Dr_willisVincentMX,  Q3 - Hmm.. may be some gl/3d issue - you did instll the video card drivers for your card?06:41
TheBearded1_i'm talking about the cards that work in linux just fine06:41
TheBearded1_but you have to know how to configure them06:42
VincentMXDr_willis: it was in the hardware list in the system settings06:42
sdlnxgkI always use older cards so  linux distros normally have the driver issues hammered out06:42
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Dr_willisVincentMX,  Huh?  what video card ya got?06:42
VincentMXi have an ATI Radeon 900006:42
TheBearded1_why not have a utility to easily configure them in kubuntu06:42
Dr_willisThen you need to isntall the fglrx drivers - I think06:43
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:43
sdlnxgknever  had much luck with ATI06:43
Dr_willisIve had some luck with ati.. which suprised me. :P06:43
Dr_williseven the  X200m in the laptop workled with them06:43
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omarHi guys, I gotta a Cellphone Sony ericsson and I would like to mount it in my linux, do you know how to do it??? all the software in Internet is for Windows06:44
sdlnxgkI put in my 256mb generic Nvidia card and worked out of the box with games gotta love that now I want the 512mb card so I can run dual 19" LCD monitors on kubuntu06:44
Petterderhaagthanks anyone :D  i got it working :)06:44
Dr_willisDual monitors - can be nice.. and can be an annoyance06:44
sdlnxgkomar is it a SD card on your phone???06:44
sdlnxgktrue but nothing like playing a game and chatting or finding secrets online ;)06:45
omarno doesn't have06:45
sdlnxgkwhat kind of connection do you have???06:45
sdlnxgkomar you trying to connect via wireless??06:46
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Dr_willisif it has bluetooth - you can mess with that.. but it can be a bit of a hassle.06:46
dhqi got glxgears 728 frames in 5.9 seconds = 122.698 FPS please help me increase it06:46
Dr_willisBluetooth - such a neat idea.. and so... screwed up in ways.06:46
Dr_willisdhq,  what video card?06:46
sdlnxgkI wanted to try that since my phone has blue tooth that way I don't have to take out the SD card ;)06:47
omarsdlnxgk: no just USB06:47
Dr_willisdhq,   you do realize thats a rather low end card to begin with dont ya. :P06:47
Petterderhaaglittle question, how do i open konqueror with admin rights?06:47
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sdlnxgkomar should be plug and play for the most part06:47
dhqDr_willis: i am on a intel06:48
TheBearded1_kdesu konqueror06:48
Petterderhaagit was some command in the console, but forgot06:48
Petterderhaagthanks :)06:48
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sdlnxgkomar kubuntu should find the phone as a mass storage  device06:48
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Dr_willissdlnxgk,  theres some bluetooth packages that you may need to install.. ive not messed with it lately.. but it can work and should let you browse files.. I recall editing the pin file in /etc/blue* to set the pin# for the connection06:48
dhqDr_willis: help me no plzzzz i am suffering06:49
Dr_willisdhq,  i aint used an intel 810 in ages..  Other then being sure the right modules are loaded for it. and set in xorg.conf - im not sure theres mucl else you can do to tweak it.06:50
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Dr_willisThe ubuntu forums may have some tips06:50
WolfpawsQuestion: How do you install KDE on ubuntu?06:50
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Dr_willissudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:50
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LjLWolfpaws: "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop"06:50
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fdovingWolfpaws: find the package 'kubuntu-desktop' in synaptic.06:50
fdovingWolfpaws: then install it.06:50
Dr_willisI think thsts answered on the kubuntu faq/website. :P06:51
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WolfpawsAh, thankies :)06:51
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WolfpawsHm... Might go with KDE4 :)06:51
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LjLwell, except it looks just like 3.5 and crashes more...06:51
Dr_willisHmm.. KDE4 isent even in a beta testing form yet - i thought.06:51
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Arlingtonis it possible to run the 32-bit kubuntu on a amd64 platform?06:52
LjLArlington: yes06:52
LjLArlington: and that's what most people do06:52
Dr_willisYes. I do it all the time Arlington06:52
Dr_willisi reccomend it.06:52
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Arlingtonbecause this 84-bit intimidates me. how would i downgrade most easily?06:52
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Dr_willisdowngrade? ick06:52
LjLArlington: reinstall06:52
WolfpawsArlington: you can't "downgrade" from 64-bit to 32-bit06:53
LjLWolfpaws: well, i'd never say never... but he did ask about "easily" ;)06:53
WolfpawsLjL: :)06:54
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BluesKajWolfpaws, I had to reinstall 32bit x86 after finding out that 64bit version doesn't support a whole lot of progs and hardware06:55
rockinchadocan anyone help me real quick?06:55
steveireis there a way to rmdir a non-empty directory?06:55
Arlingtonsorry to be such a nOOb. i will just download the 386 and re-install...06:55
Dr_willisrm -rf06:55
LjLsteveire: rm with the -r and -f options06:55
WolfpawsBluesKaj: I have 32-bit programs on 64-bit machine06:55
LjLrockinchado, ask06:55
BluesKajyup, that's what I did06:55
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BluesKajamd64 320+venice cpu06:56
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LjLArlington: yes, that's really the only reasonable choice, unfortunately06:56
rockinchadoi'm trying to insall mythtv .20 and it says i have to install qt compiled threadsafe and with the MySQL bindings      i downloaded a qt package but i don't know how to do the threadsafe and mysql bindings06:56
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LjLrockinchado: just a guess - try installing the "libqt3-mt-dev" package06:56
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rockinchadook thanks06:57
ubotumythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/06:57
ubotutvtime: A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 627 kB, installed size 1744 kB06:57
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crema10_party people in the house07:02
crema10_house music07:02
crema10_party people07:02
crema10_damn,  everybody dead07:02
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LjLwhat was my quit message please?07:03
wheatie* LjL has quit (Remote closed the connection)07:04
LjLanybody else quit at the same time as me?07:04
wheatienot with the same quit message07:04
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LjLso just a weird crash i suppose07:05
crema10_LjL has quit (Romote crontrol fell and broke)07:05
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BluesKajsplittsville again07:05
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crema10_how do i make a maxtor external hd be detected by kubuntu?07:08
fdovingplug it in.07:08
crema10_i did...07:08
fdovingshould work instantly.07:08
crema10_nothing happened07:08
fdovingif you're in the plugdev group.07:08
crema10_how do i know if i'm in the plugdev group?07:09
fdovingopen a konsole (kmenu -> system -> konsole) and run the command 'id'.07:09
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crema10_46 (plugdev)07:09
crema10_does that mean i am?07:10
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fdovingcrema10_: yes. you are.07:10
crema10_hmm weird07:10
Dr_willischeck system:/media  see if its showing up erhere07:10
Dr_willisthere is data on the drive?07:10
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crema10_Dr_willis: i'm sorry, how do i check that?07:11
crema10_is that a directory?07:11
Dr_willisthats a standard konqueror address :P07:11
crema10_oh hehe07:11
crema10_ok hold on please07:11
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crema10_hmm yeah i think its there...07:11
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Dr_willisI got a 'system meny' on my panel that lets me get to it.07:11
Dr_willisif its there..click on uit and see if ya can see stuff07:12
crema10_i have: cdrom, cdrom0 and hdc07:12
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timppaomit boy from finland hello...07:12
Dr_willisthis is a standard ide drive in a usb 'case' ?07:12
crema10_its USB connected07:12
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Dr_willisyes.. but what kind of drive is it? just a hard drive in a case?07:13
Dr_willisor some funky camare/media-stick/usbthimbdrive?07:13
crema10_its a Maxtor external drive...07:13
fdovingthen it's just a harddisk in a case.07:13
Dr_willisopen up a Konsole and run 'dmesg' and see if its mentioned at the end.07:13
fdovingi have one of those.07:13
Dr_willisThis drive allready has data onit? or is it Brand new?07:13
steveireDoes anyone else find that documentation regarding kubuntu is awful? Most docs relate to gnome-ubuntu, and you just have to figure out for yourself what the differences are.07:13
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crema10_nope its not there07:14
crema10_Dr_willis: it alrady has data on it07:14
fdovingsteveire: known issue.07:14
crema10_its FAT07:14
Dr_williscrema10_,  in a shell try07:14
Dr_willissudo fdisk -l07:14
Dr_willisand see if it shiows up at all. should be some "sda" or similer device07:14
crema10_nope, not there07:15
Dr_willisunplug/plug it back in - check dmesg and fdisk -l again07:15
crema10_oh shoot, that was it07:16
crema10_thanks Dr_willis  :)07:16
crema10_(whatcha tahkin bout willis!?)  ;)07:17
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sdlnxgkDr_willis sometimes I have to take out the USB and try it a couple of times before the module will work07:24
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Dr_willisi got a hd thats a little picky tha tway also07:24
sdlnxgkDr_Willis never mind i'm too slow of a reader07:24
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sdlnxgkmy usb mass storage deivce from my camera phone which is an SD card is picky like07:25
sdlnxgkso are some CDRoms when I put them in the drive07:25
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racchioHi there :)07:26
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Crema10i got booted07:27
sdlnxgkDr_willis you using MythTV??? or have a TV tuner card??07:27
Crema10kinda buggy my Kubuntu...07:27
altairdoes kopete work with google talk?  (not  working for me today)07:27
Crema10i cant play mp3 for some reason.. is that a tabu subject here?07:27
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Dr_willissdlnxgk,  neither at this time.07:27
fdoving!mp3 > crema1007:28
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sdlnxgkDr_willis cool need to check linux deivces for a good card to run under kubuntu07:29
Dr_willisYea - the MythTV sites tend to have a lot of forum chat about tv cards07:29
sdlnxgkya  gonna add them to the list of freenode irc chats now07:30
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BluesKajTVTime works well too07:30
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BluesKajit's on the repos07:30
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sdlnxgkBluesKaj thanks checking that now ;)07:39
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arunkalehello people07:44
arunkalehey nath_07:45
nath_okays sir07:45
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arunkalei'm thinking of trying out the gnome desktop.. do you guys think it's a good idea?07:48
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LjLarunkale: i think a good idea is installing it through aptitude, so you can easily remove it later if you decide to07:49
MetaMorfoziSwho has  idea , why my keyboard ont this laptop (kubuntu 6.06) hangs up working on "mklop" buttons after 5-10-15-20 minutes?07:49
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arunkaleLjL: How do I do that?07:50
LjLarunkale: "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop". it's a big download, mind you07:50
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arunkalehow big?07:50
LjLarunkale: then "sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop" the day you decide you don't want it again07:50
zorglu_arunkale: it will tell you before doing it07:50
LjLarunkale: i don't really know (it also depends on what stuff you may have already installed), but it'll be some hundred megs07:50
arunkaleheh, then i don't think i'll do it07:51
arunkalei have a 64 kbps connection, it'll take forever to download 100 megs07:51
LjLno, i'd avoid it...07:51
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blobHi, I'm using kanotix right now and I'd like to know if there's use to install a distro such as kubuntu, kanotix runs fine, but I thought a distro made for install may run faster or there might be some advantages... if yes then I'll give it a try07:52
fdovingblob: yes, a installed distro will run faster.07:53
blobfdoving: I installed kanotix, I don't use the live cd07:54
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fdovingblob: ah.. then it won't be much difference.07:54
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omarHi guys I wanna mount my USB cel phone, how to do that07:58
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fdovingomar: what model?07:59
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omarfdoving: sony ericsson08:00
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fdovingomar: model?08:00
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omarfdoving: sony ericsson  k30008:01
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MDCoreis it possible to make gnome apps look decent while running KDE ?08:03
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Ash-FoxIf I 'chmod 4755 /bin/mount', this should set suid mount, correct?08:04
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zorglu_MDCore: mine run quite decently, not that i did anything special tho08:04
interMDCore: there are some options for gnome apps in kcontrol08:04
zorglu_Ash-Fox: chmod u+s would be more readable08:04
MDCoreI'll look a bit there.08:04
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interMDCore: but you can also run the gnome-session-manager08:04
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interMDCore: but I can never remember where that is located...08:05
MDCoreinter: hmm.. console doesn't find a match on gnome-session-manager08:05
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interMDCore: ya08:06
omarfdoving: sony ericsson  k30008:06
interMDCore: it's not in the path08:06
interMDCore: you have to find it08:06
rockinchadohello one quick question i'm trying to install libqt3-mt-dev and synaptic says that i have to uninstall kubuntu desktop, x-window-system, core among other things       does anyone know how to fix this08:06
interMDCore: i found it at some point but forgot08:06
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fdovingomar: can't find any info on that. sorry.08:07
interrockinchado: you could force apt-get to do it...but that might be dangerous, since synaptic thinks that it will replace some dependencies08:07
fdovinghave to go.08:07
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interrockinchado: you might try the terminal app, aptitude, which does better dep checking08:08
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Dr_willisive had aptitude decide to remove oooodles of things befor.. for some reason08:09
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Dr_willis304 packages once it decndied to remove.. then  a few mins later after instlling somthing else - it installed them all back. :)08:09
interya, if the packages are kind of screwed up then you might not be able to get around it08:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:10
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rockinchadointer: hmmm so basically i'm screwed?08:10
interrockinchado: ya08:10
interrockinchado: but...08:10
interrockinchado: you might try compiling it...08:10
interrockinchado: apt-get --compile source <pkg name>08:10
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rockinchadointer: hm ok i'm trying that now08:11
interrockinchado: might work...it'll be safer at least08:11
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rockinchadointer: ok       so what exactly causes this problem is it that libqt3-mt-dev will install stuff over the dependencies for other packages?08:12
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MDCoreinter: gnome-session runs the gnome session manager.. but it says I'm already running one a session manager, which makes sense.08:12
interrockinchado: ya, it is going to overwrite things...so synaptic is trying to remove those things so everything doesn't get borked08:13
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interMDCore: ok, then you probably should just mess with the settings in kcontrol08:13
MDCorecool. thanks!08:13
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rockinchadointer:  aight cool the compile source is downloading some shit right now when it gets done i'll tell you if it worked08:14
interuhh...you'll probably need to apt-get a whole ton of development packages though...they will show up in the error messages of apt-get source08:15
rockinchadointer: bleh is there any way to get around this or am i going to have install each one maually08:15
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interrockinchado: do you see a whole list of em?08:17
interjust select them and do apt-get install <paste>08:17
rockinchadointer:  it said i needed dpkg-dev so i had to install that08:17
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interyou don't need to compile the dependencies08:17
interjust apt-get install dpkg-dev08:17
rockinchadoya i did08:18
interwas that the only one?08:18
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interif so then you should be go to go...just rerun the source command08:18
rockinchadoum no08:18
rockinchadonow i got the huge list08:18
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insanekanewhats a good distro other than kubuntu for KDE which i can make derivatives with ?08:18
interdoes archlinux use KDE by default?08:19
rockinchadohow do i seperate things in apt-get install      is it apt-get install pkg1, pkg2, pkg308:19
rockinchadowith commas08:20
Dr_willisask in #arch ?08:20
interrockinchado: no just spaces08:20
Dr_willistry it one way or another.. :P and see.. lol08:20
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interrockinchado: so, like i said, you can just select the packages with your mouse and paste them into the apt-get install command and let it go08:20
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interDr_willis: well I thought that it might use kde and that would give insanekane another distro to checkout08:21
interbut ya08:21
Dr_willisI do belive arch does use kde... but not sure if its the default08:21
insanekanei'm looking for a distro that really believes in KDE08:22
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:22
interinsanekane: SUSE used to be all about kde08:22
insanekaneinter: i dont think i can make derivatives of Suse08:22
interinsanekane: no you can't ;)08:22
interinsanekane: unless your insane...08:22
interinsanekane: it would probably be easiest to use slackware or vectorlinux to do that08:23
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ScottKSUSE is a lot less about KDE than they used to be.08:24
arunkaleSuSE is bleh08:25
coreymon77why are we talking about suse here08:25
coreymon77this is kubuntu08:25
coreymon77which is defeinitely not bleh08:26
interyes indeed, suse is no longer about KDE08:27
insanekanecoreymon77: it is bleh08:27
internow its about bloating08:27
coreymon77windoze is bleh08:28
BluesKajYast sucks !08:29
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interrpm's suck :)08:31
coreymon77apt4rpm make suse partially useable08:31
coreymon77but barely08:31
coreymon77yast is the worst thing i have ever seen08:32
coreymon77it doesnt work08:32
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intersince it can still bork your system in an upgrade08:32
intersmart is the only useable pkg manager for suse08:32
coreymon77do i ever know that08:32
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coreymon77it happened to me08:32
coreymon77i did a yast upgrade08:32
coreymon77and it more than borked my system08:33
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coreymon77it bork bork bork bork stinking bork borked my system08:33
interthat is bad ;)08:33
coreymon77i could do nothing08:33
coreymon77it f**king deleted my home directory!08:33
interthe worst i've experienced is the removal of X and friends08:33
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coreymon77it deleted my home directory08:34
coreymon77do you know what that does?08:34
interthat's pretty bad08:34
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coreymon77pretty bad?08:34
internot sure how or why yast would have done that08:34
coreymon77you try doing it08:34
coreymon77see what happens to your system08:34
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interno no buddy, I like to keep my files08:34
soulriderhi everyone08:35
coreymon77and your system08:35
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coreymon77hey soul!08:35
coreymon77ugh god08:36
coreymon77lag lag lag08:36
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coreymon77all the time lag08:36
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coreymon77i have always had to type in a particular command at start in order to get my internet to work08:38
coreymon77i have to type08:38
coreymon77sudo iwconfig ra0 essid [my essid]  key [my wep key[08:38
coreymon77] 08:38
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coreymon77and the my root password after pressing enter08:38
coreymon77ive always wondered08:38
coreymon77is there any way08:38
coreymon77to get that script to run automatically?08:39
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coreymon77is there?08:40
coreymon77if there isnt thats okay08:40
coreymon77but i would really like if there was08:40
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sdlnxgkok who is up for a challenge???08:42
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coreymon77does anyone know if there is a way for my script to run on startup08:42
sdlnxgkI have to storage HDD mounted on the desktop but  when I try  to access them in konqueror says  they are unplugged?08:43
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sdlnxgkcoreymon77 i know you have to edit some rc.0 file08:43
coreymon77which one?08:44
sdlnxgk!start script08:44
coreymon77and what do i edit08:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about start script - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autorunn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autorun - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
MDCorecoreymon77: pretty simple actually08:44
coreymon77its an iwconfig script08:44
sdlnxgkMDCore school us dude08:44
coreymon77and i need root to run it08:44
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coreymon77this is my sequence08:45
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MDCorepop your script in there ?08:45
coreymon77sudo iwconfig ra0 essid [my essid]  key [my wep key] 08:45
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coreymon77then i press enter08:45
coreymon77then i type in my root password08:46
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MDCoreput that in a shell script and put that script in Autostart08:46
MDCoreit will run when you log into KDE08:46
coreymon77ive tried that08:46
coreymon77it only works when i restart x08:47
coreymon77right now08:47
coreymon77if i restart x with control alt baskspace08:47
coreymon77and then log in08:47
coreymon77i dont have to type in that script agian08:47
coreymon77but when i first bot08:47
coreymon77i do08:47
coreymon77i want to not have to do it on boot aswell08:47
MDCoreand it doesn't run in Autostart? strange.08:48
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coreymon77now that i have booted08:48
coreymon77if i ctrl+alt+bkspc and then log in08:49
coreymon77i dont have to type in the script again08:49
coreymon77but when i boot08:49
coreymon77i do08:49
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coreymon77so what do i do08:50
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coreymon77maybe its got someting to do with the fact that its a multiline scrip08:50
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DarkWizzardsomeone please send me the file /bin/mkdir08:51
DarkWizzardsome script has replaced it08:51
DarkWizzardand now it segfaults08:51
fdovingDarkWizzard: you can re-install it yourself.08:51
DarkWizzardeverytime I run it08:51
DarkWizzardI dont have net under it now08:51
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DarkWizzardyou know the system has to make a folder in /var/run08:52
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DarkWizzardand it cant make08:52
fdovingDarkWizzard: apt-get install --reinstall coreutils08:52
coreymon77so core08:52
DarkWizzardI dont have net under linux08:52
coreymon77MDCore, what do i do?08:52
DarkWizzardit has to make a folder08:52
DarkWizzardin /var/run08:52
DarkWizzardI just need /bin/mkdir08:52
DarkWizzardthe system can't make a folder08:52
DarkWizzardit got replaced08:52
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DarkWizzardby some fake thing08:53
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ubuntui like to fuck old peoples,  like Zombies08:53
fdovingDarkWizzard: hang on.08:53
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ubuntuhm its fine08:53
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DarkWizzardman I hope cp works ...08:53
DarkWizzardI'll never run a script with root again08:54
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fdovingDarkWizzard: http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/mkdir08:54
DarkWizzardI should have known08:54
DarkWizzardthanks man08:54
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coreymon77MDCore: what do i do?08:55
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fdovingcoreymon77: what is your problem?08:56
coreymon77whenever i boot08:56
coreymon77i have to type in a particular script08:56
fdovingthat does what?08:56
coreymon77to get my internet working08:56
fdovingok, wireless?08:56
coreymon77sudo iwconfig rao essid [my essid]  key [my wep key] 08:57
MDCorecoreymon77: I was thinking.... have you asked on #debian?08:57
coreymon77then press enter08:57
coreymon77then type my root password08:57
coreymon77i dont want to always have to type that it08:57
fdovingcoreymon77: ok. open /etc/network/interfaces with a editor. 'sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces' would be ok.08:57
coreymon77is there a way not to have to08:57
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:57
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insanekaneLjL: someone uses enter key as punctuation ?08:58
fdovingcoreymon77: can you paste the contents of your /etc/network/interfaces file to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ?08:58
insanekaneLjL: it seems to me that it would always be a mistake08:58
Hawkwindinsanekane: Also known as scrolling08:58
coreymon77fdoving: do i have nano?08:58
LjLinsanekane: meaning to avoid to split a single sentence into many lines08:58
insanekaneHawkwind: scrolling ?08:58
coreymon77cause i think i just have kate and kedit08:58
Hawkwindinsanekane: Yes.  Typing very few words per line on multiple lines08:58
LjLcoreymon77: you have nano.08:58
coreymon77right now i have already typed the script in08:58
coreymon77is that a problem?08:59
Hawkwindcoreymon77: No08:59
insanekaneLjL: yes, isnt it more likely that a person would do that only by mistake, unless he was delibrately trying to make things easier ?08:59
fdovingcoreymon77: ok,you can use kate too. kmenu -> run command 'kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces' <enter>08:59
fdovingcoreymon77: no, that is not a problem.08:59
insanekaneperhaps for a complex subject08:59
LjLinsanekane: apparently, not08:59
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Hawkwindcoreymon77: Just open up that file fdoving stated and follow his lead and he'll help you eliminate the need of typing in next time08:59
Hawkwindinsanekane: Some people like to type few words on a line instead of making big sentences08:59
insanekaneHawkwind: yes, like speaking a few words at a time with pauses in between ?09:00
LjLinsanekane: yeah... except on IRC it's probably more annoying than that.09:00
rockinchadoanyone who can answer a quick question       what is the difference between libgl1-mesa and xlibmesa-gl09:00
insanekanei wonder who makes these rules ... i can understand the rule like 'no abbreviations like LOL' ... but 'no using enter as punctuation' ?!?09:00
HawkwindIt's very annoying.  It fills up your buffer unnecessarily as well09:01
LjLinsanekane: abbreviations are fine. anyway, i suggest if you want to further discuss this topic, to join #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic09:01
Hawkwindinsanekane: So you want people to type 2 - 3 words per line, hit enter after every 3 words ?09:01
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insanekaneHawkwind: only if it makes the person doing that more comfortable09:01
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Hawkwindinsanekane: That it might, but it's annoying to the channel and fills up your logs horribly bad09:02
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coreymon77fdoving: could i cut out my essid and wep key and just change them to '[my essid] ' and [my wep key] '?09:02
LjLinsanekane: yeah, well, except on #ubuntu there is 900 people, and if all of them do that (and they sometimes do) it becomes a complete unreadable mess. there's fewer people here, but it still can be annoying.09:02
coreymon77cause i would rather not give that info out09:02
Dr_willisinsanekane,  when breaking down a single sentance in to lots of little ones - its just makes things more confusing.. so its silly. I could of broke this down in to about 8 sentances..09:02
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fdovingcoreymon77: sure, that would be a good idea.09:02
LjLinsanekane: also, it's basically a way to make your nickname appear a lot on the channel, without really saying too much -- so in a way it's like actually spamming by repeating the same question multiple times in a row09:02
coreymon77can i cut out my static ip too?09:02
fdovingcoreymon77: sure.09:03
coreymon77k thanks09:03
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cosminwuzz up>?09:03
insanekaneLjL: i doubt there would be any advantage in 'making your nick appear' ... of course, this is the free/open source world, i guess it is kind of expected here09:03
coreymon77put it on pastebox?09:03
LjLinsanekane: well, people on #ubuntu and here often feel they or their questions are being ignored.09:04
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LjLinsanekane: otherwise, you wouldn't explain why people would actually type the same question a number of times in a row -- and they do (and get kicked)09:04
insanekaneLjL: thats because of the lack of technology09:04
fdovingcoreymon77: yes. please. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org09:04
insanekaneLjL: i had suggested to konversation devels about improving konversation for support channels like #kubuntu09:04
insanekaneLjL: obviously, nothing has happened yet09:05
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LjLinsanekane: look, anyway we're offtopic, and we're actually disturbing coreymon77 who is trying to get help -- my "!enter" was addressed to him, but still i don't think he deserves all the flooding *we're* giving now. so, again, if you want to keep discussing, join -offtopic09:05
coreymon77doesnt bother me09:06
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coreymon77anyways i put it in pastebox09:06
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x-demonhi all09:07
fdovingcoreymon77: ok, and you still have to run the script to  get online? the file looks just fine, and you should be able to use your connection directly.09:08
x-demoni have problem whith kubuntu09:08
x-demonasus p4p800se, 2.0 GHZ CPU Nvidia GeForce 660009:08
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x-demonwhen starting linux i see small (100*80) blocks with green and black lines09:09
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coreymon77fdoving: right now, at this second, if i pressed cntrl+alt+bkspc and restarted x and then logged in to kubuntu, i wouldnt have to put the script in again09:09
mabreauxI just install gnucash, how do I add it to the menu?09:09
fdovingcoreymon77: s:[your wep key] , that is your wep key,like the passphrase, right? not the hex?09:09
Dr_willisx-demon,  in the upper left corner?09:09
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x-demonon all screen09:09
coreymon77but lets say i actually restarted my computer and booted kubuntu again, then i would have to put in the script09:09
fdovingcoreymon77: understand.. so it's like once, just after you've started the machine. right?09:09
Dr_willisx-demon,  it never works then? or is this just for a moment or  3 you see them?09:10
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x-demonits first run09:10
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x-demonand its all09:11
x-demonkde not starting09:11
x-demoni see this noisy blocks09:11
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zerozerodoes kubuntu automatically detect usb drives such as cameras and such or is there something I have to do to make them seen?09:11
x-demonany ideas&09:12
coreymon77fdoving: firstly, yes, [my wep key]  covers all of my actual wep key, nothing else, and 2 yes, it is only right after i boot the machine, once i type it in once, i dont have to type it again until i reboot my machine09:12
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arunkalei installed amule and couldn't figure out how to use it. i guess i'll have to stick to torrents now09:13
coreymon77would it have anything to do with the fact that the script that i have in /.kde/autostart is a multiline script?09:13
fdovingcoreymon77: do you have to bring down the interface, and bring it up again, after running the iwconfig command? or does it just work after the command has been ran?09:13
fdoving!frostwire > arunkale09:13
coreymon77no, all i have to do i type in the sudo iwconfig command and then my root password and then my internet works instantly09:14
fdovingcoreymon77: no, but doing network stuff in09:14
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fdoving~/.kde/Autostart isn't proper.09:14
fdovingcoreymon77: ~/.kde/Autostart isn't the place for network config stuff.09:15
arunkalefdoving: for frostwire, do you need java runtime environment or something09:15
fdovingarunkale: yes.09:15
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Dr_willisand it wants the actual sun java - last i tried it.09:15
arunkalehow do i get that09:15
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository09:16
coreymon77i put the script that i wanted to automatically run into a shell script file and the put it into autostart09:16
coreymon77isnt that what i would do?09:16
x-demonDr_willis: any ideas about my problem&09:16
Dr_williswhat proboem?09:16
=== Dr_willis scrolls up
Dr_willissounds like a video card/driver issue.09:17
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coreymon77thats where you put stuff you want to run on startup isnt it?09:17
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andriijasi accedently enabled some switch in kmix and a really annoying sound started to sound in the speakers. now i cant turn it off. even reboot doesnt help09:17
fdovingcoreymon77: remove your script in ~/.kde/Autostart and try to add this line after line 15 in your /etc/network/interfaces : 'up iwconfig command here'09:17
x-demonDr_willis: and... how i can resolve thos problem?09:18
sin18 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password09:18
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LjLsin18: do that in the status window... so you won't risk showing your password to us ;)09:18
LjLsin18: besides, you'd better use an actual password, rather than the word "password"09:19
Dr_willisx-demon,   what video card... did you install the right drivers for that card... check the forums yet? check the wiki yet fo rthat card... for a start09:19
x-demoni can log in to console09:19
fdovingcoreymon77: that would make line 16 in the interfaces file look something like this (without the ''s): 'up /sbin/iwconfig essid youressid key s:yourkey'09:19
x-demononly x server09:19
x-demonctrl+alt+backspace cannot kill xorg!09:19
fdovingsin18: you should change your password. fast :)09:19
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LjLx-demon: you using XGL?09:19
x-demonno, i installed kubuntu, then run it. and all. this bug.09:20
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fdovingx-demon: check /etc/X11/xorg.conf for 'DontZap' if you find it, change it to 'false'.09:20
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fyrmedicI can't get kaffeine to read dvd09:21
fyrmedicany suggestions09:21
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:22
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coreymon77i dont follow you fdoving09:23
fdovingcoreymon77: ok, hang on.09:23
fyrmedicfdoving: thanx I'll try that out09:23
soulriderdoes anyone know how i can change the language of KDE ?09:24
soulrideri need to set it up ona  machine and it ahs to be in spanish09:24
sin18i am running kubuntu on vmare ... it recognizes everything including the wireless (intel pro 3945) .. but it seems as if the wireless appears as ethernet to linux since iwconfig shows nothin09:25
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fdovingsoulrider: kmenu -> system settings -> Regional & Language -> add language09:25
soulrideri tired, but it only lets me add english09:26
fdovingsoulrider: if you can't find spanish, you need to install the package: language-pack-kde-es09:26
soulriderohh ok, thanks09:26
soulriderim installing kubuntu on my dads comp09:27
soulrideri finally convinced him09:27
soulriderbit im gonna have to set it up in spanish09:27
fdovingcoreymon77: what's the command you have to run every time? 'iwconfig ra0 essid youressid key yourkey' ?09:28
coreymon77'sudo iwconfig ra0 essid [myid]  key [mykey] 09:28
fdovingcoreymon77: ok.09:29
coreymon77then my root password after pressing enter09:29
fdovingcoreymon77: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25339/09:29
fdovingcoreymon77: try to add that 'up' line.09:30
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fdovingcoreymon77: sudo is left out intentionally.09:30
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coreymon77so dont add sudo?09:30
fdovingcoreymon77: no, don't add sudo.09:30
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fdovingcoreymon77: what that basically does, is to run the command, after directly after the interface has been brought up.09:31
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coreymon77so now what?09:32
fdovingcoreymon77: now i hope it will work next time you reboot.09:32
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coreymon77but what about the whole root thing?09:36
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fdovingcoreymon77: commands executed from that file will be executed as root.09:37
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coreymon77i should take the autostart file out?09:38
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Arlingtonwhat am i supposed to do? yes i'am a nOOb09:39
ArlingtonUncompress install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz.  A directory called install_flash_player_7_linux is created.  Navigate to this directory.09:39
Arlington- From the command line, type ./flashplayer-installer to run the installer.09:39
Arlingtoni have uncompressed the file...09:39
coreymon77im gonna try now fdoving09:41
fdovingArlington: type this: 'cd install_flash_player_7_linux'09:41
fdovingArlington: that's what they mean by 'navigate to this directory'.09:41
fdovingArlington: cd is short for change directory09:42
coreymon77wish me luck09:42
Arlingtonyes i'am in that directory. no problem but when i do the ./flashplayer-installer nothing happens09:42
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octanchmod 755 ./flashplayer-installer09:44
xdemonhi again!09:44
xdemonDontZap RULEZ ^)09:44
xdemonits working09:44
Arlingtonwhat? :-)09:45
octansudo  chmod 755 ./flashplayer-installer09:45
octansudo ./flashplayer-installer09:45
xdemonkubuntu working after changing config09:45
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Arlington"cannot connect to ./flashplayer-installer file or directory not present (translated from swedish)09:46
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coreymon77thank you fdoving!09:46
fdovingArlington: what does 'ls' output? (don't paste everything into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org if it's multiple lines)09:47
fdovingcoreymon77: success?09:47
fdovingcoreymon77: nice :)09:47
Arlingtonnm i solved it :-) i maybe nOOb at linux but not completly stupid.09:47
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xdemonwhat the default root password on kubuntu?09:48
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LjL!tell xdemon about root09:48
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LjLxdemon: none09:48
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arunkaleumm frostwire won't run at all09:49
xdemoni cant install apache php mysql09:49
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LjLxdemon: what happens when you try?09:49
xdemonsudo apt-get install apache09:49
LjLxdemon: ok, and what's the error?09:50
xdemonno packages found... maybe sources.list error09:50
LjL!info apache09:50
ubotuapache: versatile, high-performance HTTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.34-2ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 375 kB, installed size 808 kB09:50
LjLxdemon: well, it's in universe, so you need to have it enabled09:50
ubotuoffically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say:  Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :)09:50
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fdoving!info apache209:51
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ubotuapache2: next generation, scalable, extendable web server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.55-4ubuntu2.1 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 80 kB09:51
LjL(what kind of mess is this factoid?!)09:51
vmhi. question: what virtual machine (freeware one, i don`t have actually money for it) for windows is the best for installing kubumtu on it?09:52
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Film905best virtual machine imo is just running a live distro booted from a cd.09:53
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ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.09:53
mabreauxdo you have to mount or umount a floppy disk ?09:53
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LjLvm: perhaps vmware player is the fastest09:53
vmFilm905 - but i can`t save the data working on livecd, and the booting time is not acceptable for me09:53
LjLvm: (i mean, vmware in general... but player is free. vmware server is also free)09:54
aztunhi all09:54
aztunis there any repository for last mldonkey packages?09:54
fdovingmabreaux: yes.09:54
=== Milkyy [n=fredrik@c83-250-9-219.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu
mabreauxhow do you do the mount - umount  "sudo mount /dev/fd0" ?09:55
mabreauxot can you do it from a menu09:55
vmLjl - what should i use for kubuntu - player, server, appliances09:55
fdovingmabreaux: isn't it listed in media:/ ?09:56
LjLvm: well, with "player" you cannot *create* virtual machines, but that's easily worked around... just go to www.easyvmx.com, which allows you to create a virtual machine without any hassle09:57
fdoving(don't have floppy on this laptop can't test)09:57
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LjLvm: that's what i do (since vmware player is packaged with ubuntu). don't really know about the features of the other ones09:57
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eeanhow do you re-initialize postgresql?09:58
eeaneg have it run the post-install steps over again09:58
eeanhave apt-get run the post-install steps, I mean09:58
eeanjust reinstalling, doesn't do it for some reason09:58
=== coreymon77 has a floppy drivfe on his computer if it helps at all
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mikerazQ about switching desktops - how does one enable keyboard shortcuts, I'd prefer not to click.10:02
sander__Is this the channel for edgy or is there another?10:02
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule10:02
vmguest os in vm is the "virtually" one, right?10:02
sander__I was trying kubuntu+1 before.10:03
LjLvm: yep10:03
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LjLsander__: well, no, i don't think there is such a channel. even #ubuntu+1 is not that populated.10:03
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fdovingeean: dpkg-reconfigure -plow packagename10:04
LjLsander__: but you don't really have to come to #kubuntu (+1 or not) just because you're using kubuntu rather than ubuntu, mind you10:04
yumaI'm using the latest beta (6.10) of Kubuntu and I'm having problems with the kio_tar slave10:04
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule10:04
=== frankkm is away, comming back soon: off
ubuntuooh i want it10:04
yumaI can't open a zip file from Konqueror10:05
ubuntucan someone tell me why canada's server's are always so freaking slow10:05
LjLubuntu: it's beta. better wait until it's out10:05
mikerazdo you have the zip utilities installed?10:05
bluchhow can i run .iso cd/dvd images?10:05
yumamikeraz: yes10:05
yumamikeraz: I have installed the zip package10:05
bluchuse them as a normal cd10:06
eeanfdoving: gosh that does nothing :/10:06
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sander__bluch: did you look on kde-apps? There's one there that has a debian/ubuntu build10:06
vmopen question: why do you use kubuntu not (g)ubuntu?10:06
fdovingeean: are you sure you did it on the correct package?10:06
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:06
LjLbluch: ^10:06
bluchi'll try10:06
yumamikeraz: when I use the URL zip://file.zip konqueror crash10:07
ubuntuwell i'm on live10:07
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ubuntulive cd10:07
fdovingyuma: is this what you want? - the second paragraph: http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror10:07
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eeanfdoving: yes, I did an apt-get install of the same string and it said it was already installed10:07
ubuntumy hard drive is getting RMA'd10:07
ubuntuso could i install linux on a 2 gig hdd?10:07
xdemonhow i can rewrite sources.list without root permissions?10:07
LjLxdemon: don't. use sudo10:07
xdemonbot how?10:07
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LjLxdemon: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"10:07
eeansudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list10:07
ubuntutype sudo -i10:08
ubuntutype ur password10:08
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LjLubuntu: no need, it's a single command10:08
yumafdoving: what I really what is to open the zip files from Gwenview10:08
ubuntui use sudo -i10:08
ubuntujust to feel special10:08
xdemonsudo -i its full su analog10:08
yumafdoving: but messing around I found that the zip: URL makes konqueror crash10:08
yumafdoving: I don't know if it's a bug or something I did10:08
LjLubuntu: i use "sudo -i" when i *really* need to do lots of stuff as root, or when i need redirects. otherwise, it's probably better to just use plain sudo, to avoid staying root for longer than needed10:09
fdovingyuma: try searching http://bugs.ubuntu.com10:09
LjLxdemon: basically, yes10:09
mikerazyuma:  what about just opening the folder that contains the zip and double clicking on it?10:09
yumamikeraz: it opens ark10:09
ubuntuso could i install kubuntu on a 2.14 gig hard drive???10:09
ubuntuwhile my 160 gig sata is being RMA's10:09
yumafdoving: I've search about gwenview and nothing10:09
LjLubuntu: uhm... sounds a bit small, but off hand i think it should fit10:10
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ubuntujust so i dont have to use live cd10:10
mikerazyuma:  and ark shows you the contents of the zip file?10:10
yumamikeraz: yes10:10
fdovingyuma: please post a bugreport. then others can confirm/reject your problem.10:10
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mikerazAnyone know about my desktop switching issue?10:11
hoboiyuma also try opening it in a konsole window using unzip10:11
yumahoboi: I'll try and report10:11
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yumafdoving: I'm new in posting bugs, so I wanted someone to tell me to report a bug :)10:12
hoboiyuma first try  unzip -l FILENAME to see if it can even read it10:12
xdemonkubuntu really nice10:12
xdemonTOO MANY PACKAGES ^)10:13
yumahoboi: it reads10:13
fdovingyuma: did you try the "To enable Konqueror to open tar and zip files:" command from http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror ?10:13
yumahoboi: and it extracts it10:13
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fdovingyuma: i can open and view images inside .zip files in my gwenview.10:14
yumafdoving: I think that's what you should do to enable that behavior by default, but using zip:// it's the same, right?10:14
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yumafdoving: I'm not convinced that this installation is broken, so I don't what to do something risky10:15
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hoboiyuma: then the problem is not  zip/unzip10:15
DarkWizzardhello all10:15
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DarkWizzardI'm desperate10:15
fdovingyuma: yes, zip:/home/user/zipfile.zip/10:15
yumaI tried10:15
DarkWizzardmy Kubuntu wont start I can hardly boot it up in recovery mode10:16
DarkWizzardbut it segfaults on mkdir :((10:16
DarkWizzardtryed replacing the file10:16
DarkWizzardbut did not fix it10:16
DarkWizzardI can bring eth0 up10:16
xdemonis karamba included in default kubuntu distro?10:16
DarkWizzardbut no net10:16
DarkWizzardxdemon i think it isn't10:16
eeanok, any idea why when I install postgresql it doesn't create a /etc/postgresql?10:17
eeanis there some flag I need to set?10:17
xdemonapt-get install karamba ? ^)10:17
hoboiyuma  then enable kon to use zip  not sure how as i never use gui for those ops10:17
DarkWizzardsuper-karamba ?10:17
eeanwhen I reinstall postgresql10:17
DarkWizzarddoes anyone have any ideea ?10:17
DarkWizzardI'm under WINDOWS10:17
DarkWizzardthis is hell10:17
mabreauxit is in the media but said mount only,  and when I try is claims it is already mounted to /dev/fd0.10:17
xdemonhow i can install superkaramba?10:18
DarkWizzarderr ?10:18
mabreauxwill not let me umount it even with sudo10:18
DarkWizzardsudo apt-cache search karamba10:18
DarkWizzardfind the packet10:18
DarkWizzardand apt-get install it10:18
yumahoboi: you have to do something special to enable konq to use zip?10:18
xdemoni m novice in linux10:18
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xdemonand 14 years old10:18
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yumahoboi: I thought you could access via the kioslave10:18
DarkWizzardanyone any ideea how can I get the net to work under kubuntu10:18
DarkWizzardmy system is broken10:19
xdemonuse achronis ")10:19
hoboiyuma  not sure I am a command line jockey never set it in kon, only in  moz and firefox someone here should know though10:19
hoboisomeone tell yuma how to set up konqueror to open zip files10:20
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fdovingDarkWizzard: find some error messages, describe your setup, etc. it's impossible for us to guess what's wrong with your setup without any information about it. And please use more than one word on each line. I prefer to read from left to right, not from top to bottom.10:20
vmLjL after installing the VMware player it needs *.vmx configuration file. hot install kubuntu?10:21
mabreauxhas any one had any luck installing mplayer on kubuntu?10:21
LjLvm: yes, that's where you need www.easyvmx.com10:21
fdovingmabreaux: yes, works perfectly.10:21
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile10:21
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.10:21
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fdoving!info mplayer10:21
ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 3265 kB, installed size 7916 kB10:21
fdovingmabreaux: it's in the multiverse repository.10:22
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mabreauxwill it play commercial dvd"s10:23
vmLjL ubuntu in www.easyvmx.com works ok as kubuntu?10:23
fdovingmabreaux: if you need help adding the multiverse repository go to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:23
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fdoving!dvd > mabreaux10:23
LjLvm: yup. don't be fooled by the names... ubuntu and kubuntu are essentially the same distribution.10:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:23
LjLvm: just, one comes with Gnome, the other with KDE10:23
MotorCityMadManwhat command do i use to look at open and used ports ?10:23
DarkWizzardnetstat ?10:24
DarkWizzardcan anyone help me ?10:24
fdovingMotorCityMadMan: i prefer: 'netstat -lpnAinet'  you can also use 'lsof -i'10:24
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fdovingDarkWizzard: can you provide some more info please? it's impossible to help you if you don't give us some info about your setup.10:25
MotorCityMadManfdoving: thank you10:25
douglasI just upgraded to edgy... kerborked!10:25
douglasI'm using bitchx :)10:25
hoboiyuma you there10:25
douglasgood thing I know how to use iwconfig, links, and bitchx10:26
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eeanwhen reinstalling a package (postgresql) it doesn't re-create /etc and /var files. How do I get it to do so?10:26
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Hellviehey, how can i change run level with init command? it dosent seem to respond...10:27
xdemonerr... one question10:27
DarkWizzardinit 010:27
hoboiinit  N10:27
xdemonNVIDIA drivers10:27
DarkWizzardtry it10:28
Hellvieshouldnt be 3?10:28
DarkWizzardfdoving :10:28
mabreauxI tried apt-get for mplayer and it claims that there is nothing there10:28
DarkWizzardMy system worked fine10:28
DarkWizzardnow mkdir segfaults10:28
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hoboiinit level depends on whre you want to go what level10:28
DarkWizzardand it fails10:28
Hellvieand whats the init for X?10:28
fdovingDarkWizzard: more words per line thank you very much.10:28
DarkWizzardin preparing restricted drivers10:28
DarkWizzardand in configuring the network interface10:28
fdovingHellvie: 210:28
hoboiinit 5  is  Xwindows level   init 3 is  konsole level10:29
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Hellviehoboi: i know10:29
vmLjL - thanks, i`m installing kubuntu on vmware player10:29
Hellviebut it doesnt work :)10:29
DarkWizzardhow can I get internet to work ?10:29
soulrideruhm, anyone got any iedas of why some apps are refusing to run as root ?10:29
soulridertheyre not even prompting for my pass10:29
soulriderDarkWizzard: what kind of connection ?10:29
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hoboiwhat  doesnt work  5 or 3 or nothing  do runlevel and see where you are at10:30
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hoboifirst value is where you came from  last  value is where you are at10:30
soulridersorry i dotn ahvea  cable connection, cant help you10:31
soulriderhave you tried reading the wiki pages ?10:31
LjLvm: well, let me know how it goes. i got a few distros running without problems on the vmware player -- although i never actually got *ubuntu* running there, since i have that as my own OS ;)10:31
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soulriderLjL: any ideas of why kdesu wont work for me anymore ?10:32
LjLsoulrider: conversely, sudo work?10:32
soulriderit does10:32
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soulriderif i do kdesu konqueror in run command10:33
soulridernothing happens10:33
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soulridersudo konqueror will work though10:33
soulrideralso, i dont know why i cant run krusader in root mode anymore10:33
LjLsoulrider: dunno, i don't even really use it often at all... does kdesu alone give you the normal "type --help if you don't know what you're doing" response?10:34
crazy_penguinsudo krusader10:34
crazy_penguinor kdesu krusader10:34
vmLjL where is there virtual disk on my pc?10:34
soulriderlet me check10:35
Dr_willisvirtual disk?10:35
LjLvm: where you put it when you decompressed that .zip file from easyvmx.com10:35
soulriderit does10:35
LjLvm: the default for vmware is to search in My Documents/My Virtual Machines, or something10:35
fdovingsoulrider: try to run 'sudo -k' and try kdesu again.10:35
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soulrideri did, and it didnt open konqueror10:36
soulrideri did10:36
soulridersudo -k10:36
soulriderkdesu konqueror10:36
LjLsoulrider: what about  kdesu -c "konqueror"?10:36
=== GeneralZod [n=Zod@host-84-9-145-41.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu
soulrideri dont even get prompted for my pass10:37
vmLjL - will i be able to move that file later?10:37
eeanwhen reinstalling a package (postgresql) it doesn't re-create /etc and /var files. How do I get it to do so?10:37
soulriderthe output int he console suggetsts its open, but i dont see anything10:37
fdovingeean: what's the package name?10:37
LjLvm: uhm, i think so, but you'll probably have to tell VMWare where to find it again10:37
Dr_willisProberly best to not run graphical file mnagers like tht as root. :P10:38
LjLsoulrider: what about kdesu -c "echo hello"?10:38
Dr_willissudo mc  :)10:38
vmLjL and if i made this file on partition 20GB and the virtual disk is set also on 20GB then what?10:38
eeanfdoving: postgresql-8.110:39
fdovingeean: postgresql is just a meta-package depending on the rest of the postgresql packages. try to run 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall postgresql-8.1'10:39
soulrideri gett he outpu i got as if i was opening any other app10:39
LjLvm: normally, the virtual drive will be 0 bytes long (or almost). it will only get filled as you start actually filling it, so no worries -- at least if you left the virtual drive format to the default that easyvmx gave you10:39
soulriderDr_willis: if i dont open konqueror with root i cant view my NTFS partition10:39
soulrideri used to be able before i switched to edgy, but not now10:39
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Dr_willissoulrider,  why not mount them so users can view the parttions10:40
LjLsoulrider: does it not print hello?10:40
soulriderit doesnt10:40
Dr_willisthe ins and outs of editing fstab :P fun10:40
eeanfdoving: yes, I haven't been doing anything with plain postgresql10:40
soulriderDr_willis: it used to work before10:40
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Dr_willissoulrider,  and i am guessing the fstab entry has been changed...10:40
soulriderwtf?! like 3 windows opened prompting for my pass10:40
Dr_willisso fix the fstab. :P10:40
soulriderfor opening krusader!10:40
LjLsoulrider: i'm at a loss... do you have anything in /tmp/buildd?10:40
soulrideri opened them10:41
soulriderlike 10 misn ago10:41
fdovingeean: ok.10:41
soulriderwtf is ahppening :P10:41
Dr_williswelcome to 'edgy'10:41
vmLjL - installing kubuntu even on vm is part of me in open source propaganda, friends will see etc. :D10:41
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soulriderit used to work before10:42
soulriderperfectly well10:42
soulriderand now it doesnt10:42
soulridereven on edgy10:42
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soulriderit worked well10:42
fdovingeean: you can always try to purge it, and reinstall. 'sudo apt-get --purge remove postgresql-8.1;sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.1'10:42
LjLvm: well, hopefully you'll install it on a partition at a later stage ;)10:42
vmLjL who knows10:42
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soulriderLjL: i dont have a /tmp/buildd folder10:43
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LjLsoulrider: ok. me neither, but i saw that kdesu is using that directory for temporarily building some .cpp files (?!? yeah, really)10:43
LjLat least it looks so by the output10:44
doppelganger_argh, anyone know why everytime i goto "desktops" and create 4 desktops, hit apply, then look again and it goes back to 1?10:44
eeanfdoving: that appears to have done it. now The post-install stuff errors out :/10:44
eeanbut its a start10:44
soulriderbut its weird10:44
soulridercause allways when i start my comp10:44
soulriderrpppoek runs wiuth kdesu10:44
soulriderand it doesnt give me any problems10:44
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kelvinhello world10:45
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soulriderso any ideas on how to fix this kdesu issue ?10:47
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LjLsoulrider: honestly - no10:47
soulrideri just oepned run command10:47
soulridertyped kdesu konqueror10:47
soulriderand the windows appeared instantly10:47
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soulriderthis is insane10:47
eeanfdoving: thanks your a lifesaver :)10:47
LjLsoulrider: uhm... i suppose you weren't running kdesu from a *root shell*, were you? =)10:48
vmLjL - one thing is strange. when i don`t have configured audio on windows, there is also no in vm10:48
soulrideri think i was lol10:48
LjLvm: uhm, that doesn't strike me a strange, if i understood what you said10:48
LjLsoulrider: aha :-P10:49
LjLsoulrider: guess it said "kdesu: cannot connect to X server" then10:49
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vmLjL do you eat frogs?10:49
soulriderX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 17010:49
soulriderbut it allways sais that10:49
LjLvm ... not on a daily basis i suppose...10:49
soulriderwhen i open ANY app10:49
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LjLsoulrider: yeah, i get that too, that's ok, i think it's the wacom tablet (or whatever it is) that's configured into your /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:50
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magical_trevskydoes anyone know why the kweather panel applet always reports 'station not found'? :(10:50
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Dr_willismagical_trevsky,  set up a station yet? it may be having connection issues.10:51
twenty2sixtyhi! anyone here who already upgraded from dapper to edgy? I'd like to know if you encountered any problems after the dist-upgrade.10:51
Hawkwind!baddevice > soulrider10:51
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule10:51
Dr_willissoulrider,  that can be due to the touchpad/wacom tablet in the xorg.conf file10:51
Hawkwindsoulrider: Read what the bot just pm'd you.  I've got the fix for that on my LFD forums10:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:51
jo3yI'm brand new to ubuntu :(10:52
vmLjL - if i will install kubuntu for real i will make him the one and only os, i don`t like grub etc. you know what i mean10:52
magical_trevskyDr_willis, I've tried lots of different stations, do you know if it generates a log anywhere?10:52
LjLvm: uhm... actually you *will* need to use Grub, even if you make Ubuntu your only OS10:52
soulriderk, thanks!10:52
LjLvm: the Linux kernel can only be loaded via a bootloader -- in the case of Ubuntu, that's Grub10:52
Dr_willismagical_trevsky,  what country? :)10:53
magical_trevskyDr_willis, united kingdom10:54
Dr_willismagical_trevsky,  let me try the applet10:54
Admiral_Chicagobeavis_, what about mp310:54
magical_trevskyok :)10:54
soulriderHawkwind: can i geta  link to your forums ?10:54
Dr_willisI dont even have a weather applet i can put in the panel10:54
magical_trevskysudo aptitude install kweather10:54
jo3ydoes apache come preinstalled on ubuntu?10:54
soulriderill brb10:54
Hawkwindsoulrider: Heh, the bot pm'd you with it :)10:54
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LjLjo3y: no10:55
soulrideryea, sorry10:55
LjL!tell jo3y about lamp10:55
beavis_Admiral_Chicago, nothing i was just testin couse i forgot the ! command and tried to figure out what it was10:55
jo3ythank you ljl10:55
vmLjL - internet works on my vmwared kubuntu without need of installation :-O good point: more time to spend on real linux learning, minus point: the man who will see that in vmware there is no need of internet installation will be shocked when it will come to install kubuntu for real10:55
beavis_Admiral_Chicago, i need to know how to get wpa tkip to work with the wireless connection10:55
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LjLvm: well, if he has an ethernet DSL router, for instance, setting up the network should be a joke10:56
LjLvm: it *can* get a bit more complicated with wireless or USB modems/routers, or something10:56
BlackenAnyone know how to get an IBM ThinkPad R60's keyboard layout working on Linux? KDE doesn't seem to have defaults for it, I've Googled around, and am looking for a scheme to download.10:56
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Dr_willisheh - its still not showing up.10:57
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Dr_willisthere we go.10:59
Dr_willismagical_trevsky,  i think the applet is broke.11:00
magical_trevskyoh, ok :(11:00
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magical_trevskydo you know of any alternatives?11:00
Dr_willisits aprently not getting to connect.11:01
claydohwhat's broken?11:01
Dr_williskweather applet11:01
vmkubuntu on vmware works preety fast11:01
claydohthe applet always works fine in Kontact's summary view, but the panel applet sometimes does not work, sometimes it did after a reboot, but I never looled into how/why as I SELDOM USE IT11:02
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vmok. i`m on kubuntu :D11:02
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Hawkwindmagical_trevsky: Have you tried adding a second station then seeing if that one or the original one works after that ?  I know this was an issue before on several distros11:03
magical_trevskyi'll give it a go, thanks :D11:03
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vmLjL , man, internet via router really rox11:05
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magical_trevskyHawkwind, I can get kweatherreport to work from a terminal now, but the applet still doesn't do anything :(11:07
vmLjL how to set vmware to display the ratio 1:1?11:07
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LjLvm: uh? i'm not sure why it wouldn't do that by default11:07
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soulriderHawkwind: i really dont get what it is that i gotta comment out11:08
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soulriderahh, i get it now11:09
soulriderdont worry :P11:09
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magical_trevskyoooh, yay, found a fix http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=44624011:10
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soulridertime to reboot X11:11
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mabreauxmany thanks on the information on libcssread3....  fixed the problem11:11
yumawell, now I can see that gwenview doesn't display the zip files in the browser11:11
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yumadoes anyone know if it's a bug of the 6.10?11:12
yumaI don't know what to think... if it's a bug in kio_tar or something about gwenview11:12
vmLjL i`m quite good in linux + vmware = weee :D11:12
micha_hallo jemand hier der deutsch spr.?11:12
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:12
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progerhi all. :) how do I get info about my processor, i dont know what archetecture it has 32 or 64? :)11:14
yumaproger: maybe cat /proc/cpuinfo11:14
zorglu_proger: "cat /proc/cpuinfo11:14
zorglu_yep like he said :)11:14
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yumaproger: but you must know what kind of arch you have!!11:14
yumaproger: at least if it's 32 or 64 bits :)11:15
HawkwindIt amazes me how many don't seem to know if they have 32 or 64Bit processors11:15
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vmLjL i can`t find the function for ratio 1:1 , i will spend on vmwared kubuntu a quite lot of time11:16
proger:) i was so exited by the fact that ihave the brand new Intel 4 (instead of my Celeren 466), that suchthings where unsignicant :)11:16
bleakedHawkwind: generally if they don't know, one is almost always safe to assume  32 bit11:16
Hawkwindbleaked: Yep, that is usually the case11:16
LjLvm: what resolution do you have set on windows?11:16
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LjLvm: (note that, AFAIK, vmware player can't change resolution)11:17
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LjLvm: well, then if the Ubuntu resolution is set to a different value (but i think it should be set to 1280x1024....), try changing it to that11:17
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Sanneproger: there's also a gui tool in Kmenu/System/KInfoCenter11:18
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vmLjL - bingo11:18
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thomas_How do I configure a TVcard in kubuntu?11:18
progeryeah thanx,  i know that but info that I got hasnt clarified my question, cpuinfo too :(11:19
thomas_I know how to do it in CLI, but isn't there a wizard?11:19
vmLjL now look great11:19
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Hawkwindcoreymon77: ?11:20
coreymon77something was laggin alot11:20
coreymon77so i just wanted to know if it was working11:21
coreymon77answer now11:21
coreymon77just to check11:21
zorglu_coreymon77: you demand it ?11:21
coreymon77that answers my question11:21
thomas_Noone ever set up a tvcard with a gui? Obviously there is none...11:22
coreymon77for some reason i was getting 5 minute lag11:22
coreymon77but thats over now11:22
zorglu_coreymon77: no reason not to stay nice11:22
Sanneproger: I think KInfoCenter just uses /proc/cpuinfo anyway and puts it pretty...11:23
yumaI'm having a problem with gwenview, it doesn't show the zip files11:23
vmLjL when i will donor blood on 26th october (in the day of edgy eft) i will surely think also of you :D11:23
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coreymon77sorry about that11:23
yumaI think it's something about the kio_tar but I'm not sure11:23
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yumasomeone has the same problem11:23
yumaI'm using the 6.10 beta11:23
zorglu_yuma: have you tried #ubuntu+1 ?11:24
Hawkwindyuma: Have you talked to the guys in #Ubuntu+1 which is the Edgy channel ?11:24
progerSanne: yeah same info byboth tools11:24
yumawoah, sorry, I didn't know that that channel existed11:24
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yumaI'm going to ask them, thanks :)11:24
Sanneproger: doesn't the line after model name give you any clues? Mine says AMD Athlon(tm) 64.11:25
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progerSanne: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz - likely I have 32, fine forme :)11:26
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miguelalguien habla espaol??11:26
eds01how do i mount my windoze partition?11:27
Sanneproger: dunno, but I tend to think also 32bit, as I expect 64bit to be mentioned explicitely. But that's just a guess.11:27
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:27
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:27
progereds01: did you checked /media directory?11:28
zorglu_eds01: look at the above link11:28
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eds01it say's its not in the fstab11:28
miguelyuma de donde eres?11:28
miguelyo soy nuevo en esto y ando perdido11:29
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:29
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zorglu_miguel: it is for you. we speak only english here11:29
progerzorglu_: at least we trying to :)11:30
zorglu_proger: hey better than nothing :)11:30
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HellvieHey, why any media like movies or mp3 simplly dont work? mp3 are silent and movies are black screens and the time line is moving very quickly11:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:30
zorglu_Hellvie: this is for you11:30
yumaubotu knows everything!11:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about knows everything! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:31
progerHellvie: did youtrued Automatix? It just gret11:31
zorglu_Hellvie: the reason of why they dont work out of the box, is a matter of legal stuff11:31
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatric, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak or Hawkwind11:32
LjLcome to #ubuntu11:32
zorglu_ljl ?11:32
LjLzorglu_: we need operators in #ubuntu. badly.11:33
HawkwindLjL: You should trigger that in #Ubuntu11:33
HawkwindLjL: And I don't have ops in #Ubuntu :(11:33
LjLHawkwind: i've tried. multiple times11:33
LjLoh, ok, nalioth has come to the rescue11:33
zorglu_always lurking :)11:33
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yumathere's no kubuntu+1?11:34
Sanneproger: then again, maybe it's 64bit after all (didn't read too closely though): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_411:34
Hawkwindyuma: #Ubuntu+111:34
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naliothyuma: #ubuntu+1 covers Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and the others11:35
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progerSanne: Ctrl+F (64-17matches found) (32-1 match) :)11:38
Sanneproger: hehe... but there's some references to amd64, so your number may be not so convincing :)11:39
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bleakedargh.. late last night i ran an update/upgrade (dapper-security).  since it updated my kernel, and i had just bought a new keyboard, i decided to shutdown, then power on.  when i booted the system, i see the POST, followed by a text msg, "PRESS A KEY TO REBOOT".  now, to me, this says that the bios either cannot see the drive it needs to boot from, or something is wrong with grub.  so could someone please recommend my next step?11:40
progeri guess you spent more time for reading this site, than me, Iwant to believe that I have 32 b versionbecause I just downloaded some big package for it:)11:40
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Sanneproger: hmmm, if it's the same like with amd64, you would be able to run 32bit on it... but *if* it's really 64bit, you might not want to.11:42
claydohbleaked: if you are getting a post message, then you haven't made it to grub yet11:42
claydohso it is a bios or hardware problem11:42
bleakedclaydoh: well, is that in fact a post message?11:42
claydohmost likely11:42
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claydohthe bios can't load something, I think11:43
bleakedclaydoh: a close friend suggested my cmos battery might be dying or something..11:43
claydohcould be11:44
bleakedclaydoh: something definitely seems up.. i'm even having trouble loading the kubuntu livecd i have.  and this really sucks, it was its first reboot since april.. argh..11:44
Dr_willisthats a lot of uptime. :)11:45
bleakedyea, good box, good os11:45
claydohhmm try plugging the old KB back in?11:45
progerSanne: if i will fail again in installation of video driver, than it will still be hopet hat I will successed byusing 64 bit package:)11:45
claydohis it a USB kb, the new one?11:46
bleakedclaydoh: well, i tried that once last night... and i'm doubtful that it's the keyboard, since i'm typing from it now..11:46
bleakedboth are ps/211:46
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claydohI think some bios need to be set up to see a USB KB during bootup, not sure tho11:46
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Sanneproger: that I really don't know. I just installed 64bit Kubuntu and it worked fine, other than that... I wish you best of luck :)11:46
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progerSanne: I ll need it11:47
bleakedclaydoh: yea.. i'm really not sure on this one...  it's quite frustrating.  also, i'm scoured the bios options, there aren't much and they all look fine.11:48
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DarkWizzardhey all11:56
DarkWizzardhow do I add a gateway with ifconfig ?11:56
DarkWizzardin the command line11:56
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Dr_willisi though thats what the route command did11:57
DarkWizzardhow ?11:57
Dr_willisthe route command sets the gateway and otuer routing options.. ive rarely had to use it by itself.11:57
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Dr_willisroute  [-v]  [-A family]  add [-net|-host]  target [netmask Nm]  [gw Gw]  [metric N]  [mss M]  [window W]  [irtt I] 11:58
Dr_willis route add default gw mango-gw11:58
DarkWizzardthank you11:58
Dr_willisamazing whats in the man pages.....11:59
fdovingip is nice too. does everything for you. gateways, and all.11:59
fdovingip route via :)11:59
Dr_willisi cant recall ever using the ip command11:59
Dr_willisip - show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels12:00
LjLand scary12:00
Dr_willisip route12:00
Dr_willis192.168.1.0/24 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
Dr_willisdefault via dev eth012:01
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fdovingDr_willis: it's very powerfull :)12:01
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thunderstormhi everyone12:02
thunderstormthunderstorm from germany is back ;)12:02
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