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keescook | man, I am so glad that ffmpeg isn't internal to xine anymore. :P | 12:20 |
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sfllaw | mdz: The cpio thing will probably be done Sunday. It looks like the LSB install is taking a while in vmware. | 12:27 |
mdz | sfllaw: ok | 12:27 |
jdong|am164 | jdong: ha! you'll never turn me off! | 12:31 |
jdong|am164 | jdong: come down to the basement... shut me off... come on... I'm waiting.... | 12:31 |
jdong|am164 | jdong: what's that? arthritis? can't walk? HA! | 12:32 |
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Chipzz | is there a sane way to see why apt would pull in a shitload of packages when upgrading one packages? | 12:40 |
Chipzz | like debug what apt thinks? | 12:41 |
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mvo | Chipzz: try "apt-get install -o Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall=true" | 12:59 |
Chipzz | mvo: thx | 01:00 |
mvo | Chipzz: if that does not work try: -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true in additon to the other one | 01:01 |
=== mvo goes to bed now | ||
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martii | hi | 01:15 |
martii | looks like network-admin is broken? | 01:17 |
martii | latest edgy and pre beta are unable to save gateway information | 01:17 |
minghua | martii: have you tried beta yet? | 01:20 |
minghua | martii: and is there a bug opened? | 01:20 |
martii | minghua: I've just updated to beta | 01:21 |
martii | minghua: no change | 01:21 |
martii | minghua: network profiles are useless now | 01:21 |
martii | minghua: I found this bug on launchpad but it seems problem still exists | 01:22 |
minghua | martii: please add a comment to the bug that beta still has the problem, and anything you think useful for fixing the bug | 01:24 |
martii | minghua: I'll do | 01:29 |
AlinuxOS | martii, I agree too...for me it's the same :( | 01:33 |
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mc44 | hmm was there an email to ubuntu-devel-announce about the beta release I missed? | 01:47 |
ajmitch | mc44: it was on ubuntu-announce | 01:48 |
mc44 | ajmitch, aha! not subscribed to that :-/ | 01:48 |
=== Viper550 [n=Viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Viper550 | Noticed no one was responding in ubuntu-artwork, so I thought I'd pimp my new Usplash theme here | 01:52 |
Viper550 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/EdgyArtworkPlan/Produce/Incoming/Viper550 | 01:52 |
tseng | does it really need the old theme showing through behind the circle | 01:53 |
Viper550 | old theme? No, that's part of the new wallpaper, it's like a portal to the future | 01:54 |
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jdong | grr... sorry about the cruft from jdong|amd64 earlier... my friends are such asses.... | 02:14 |
AlinuxOS | martii, do you filed this network-admin bug ? | 02:31 |
BenC | who handles the livecd initrd's? | 02:37 |
BenC | anyone know why an ide driver, which is in the ide-modules udeb would not be on the desktop cd's initrd? | 02:40 |
tseng | BenC: tfheen is the cd build master | 02:40 |
tseng | and not likely to be awake | 02:41 |
BenC | tfheen: ping | 02:41 |
BenC | filed a bug on casper, hopefully that takes care of it | 02:43 |
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lritter | <minghua> lritter: what is bci hinting? | 03:33 |
lritter | <lritter> byte code interpreted hinting | 03:33 |
lritter | <lritter> some fonts contain information on how to correct pixels on lower resolutions | 03:33 |
lritter | <lritter> such as the ms core fonts | 03:33 |
lritter | minghua: the technique is licenced by apple, but can be turned on | 03:33 |
lritter | minghua: it used to be enabled by default, and it is enabled on the 6.06 live cd | 03:33 |
minghua | lritter: yeah, I know what bytecode hinting is | 03:34 |
minghua | sorry I was checking for something | 03:34 |
lritter | minghua: but with one of the last system updates, autohinting was being turned on, which tries to circumvent the patent by "guessing" correct pixel spots - which makes the fonts look nowhere similar to what they should look like | 03:34 |
minghua | lritter: show your result of "debconf-show fontconfig-config" | 03:34 |
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lritter | minghua: wait, i upload a screenshot | 03:38 |
lritter | minghua: it shows the settings and also the font appearance | 03:38 |
lritter | minghua: http://www.leonard-ritter.com/files/images/tahoma_not_native.png | 03:40 |
lritter | minghua: as you see, the font is supposed to be tahoma | 03:40 |
lritter | minghua: i set it to full hinting and no antialiasing to dramatize the effect | 03:41 |
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minghua | lritter: that looks like bytecode hinting to me | 03:41 |
lritter | minghua: it isnt | 03:41 |
minghua | what is the result you want? | 03:41 |
lritter | minghua: it is typical autohinting. if it was bytecode, it would look like tahoma | 03:41 |
lritter | minghua: sec, i'll try to find a sample | 03:41 |
minghua | and I would like to see a screenshot with anti-aliasing | 03:42 |
lritter | okay | 03:42 |
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minghua | lritter: also please show your gnome font setting (Desktop -> Preferences -> Font) | 03:42 |
lritter | minghua: http://www.leonard-ritter.com/files/images/tahoma_antialiased_autohinting.png | 03:44 |
lritter | minghua: as you can see, distances between letters are messed up | 03:46 |
lritter | minghua: i'm trying to find a screenshot with proper hinting of tahoma | 03:46 |
minghua | lritter: so that's the only thing you don't like? | 03:46 |
lritter | "the only thing" | 03:46 |
minghua | lritter: not the shape of the characters, but the inter-character distances? | 03:46 |
lritter | no, that is one of the features that show most closely how much it diverges from the original | 03:47 |
lritter | the shape is also nowhere what it should be | 03:47 |
theCore | bug 58511 | 03:47 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 58511 in firefox "[edgy Knot-2 CD] firefox's fonts are uglified (not antialiased)" [Undecided,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/58511 | 03:47 |
lritter | the same goes for verdana, segoe ui, consolas, and a lot of other fonts | 03:47 |
lritter | theCore: thats a different issue | 03:47 |
lritter | theCore: i looked it up as well | 03:47 |
theCore | lritter, I know, but I thought it was relevant to point it out | 03:48 |
lritter | minghua: i could try booting a live cd in the vm and do a few screenshots there, that should make it apparent. | 03:48 |
minghua | lritter: I don't suppose the live CD uses Tahoma font? | 03:48 |
lritter | true, but it uses bitstream sans vera, which also looks entirely different | 03:48 |
lritter | with bci rendering, that is | 03:49 |
lritter | i was thinking about switching back to an earlier version of freetype | 03:49 |
lritter | but that breaks dependencies | 03:49 |
lritter | minghua: i can also quickly copy tahoma on it to show it | 03:50 |
minghua | lritter: I don't know what shape you are looking for, but as for the spacing, it's a know issue, and strictly speaking it's kerning | 03:50 |
minghua | bug #34178 | 03:50 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 34178 in pango "Pango kerning is bad" [Unknown,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/34178 | 03:50 |
minghua | lritter: that's your bug for spacing | 03:50 |
lritter | yes, that might be an issue with the autohinter, but not with bci | 03:50 |
lritter | as said, with bci, everything is properly done | 03:50 |
lritter | i had these errors before with arch linux and gentoo | 03:51 |
lritter | and managed to sort them out myself | 03:51 |
lritter | this time i'm trying to sort it out without recompiling freetype myself | 03:51 |
minghua | lritter: no, that affects bytecode hinting too, read the upstream bug | 03:51 |
lritter | not all apps use pango, tho. | 03:51 |
minghua | lritter: that's a pango issue, not a freetype one | 03:51 |
minghua | lritter: so you see the same spacing problem in KDE apps? | 03:52 |
lritter | let me see. | 03:52 |
minghua | lritter: and it doesn't happen in live CD because Bitstream Vera doesn't have GPOS tables in their font | 03:53 |
lritter | yep, same problem | 03:53 |
minghua | hmm, that's probably a different thing then | 03:53 |
lritter | as i said, it is exactly what i said. :) | 03:53 |
lritter | my best guess is: latest build of freetype hasn't built in bci rendering at all, which is not uncommon. | 03:54 |
lritter | however i don't know how to check this. i had a look at the build package, and it patches in some defines that should enable it | 03:54 |
minghua | very uncommon in Debian land, I would say | 03:55 |
lritter | its patented, still | 03:55 |
minghua | Debian freetype has been having bytecode enabled for years | 03:55 |
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lritter | however, i think the problems started with the same time that gnome's font setting dialogue got its performance right | 03:55 |
minghua | lritter: open a bug, paste your gnome _and_ kde screenshot | 03:55 |
lritter | after one update, changing smoothing or hinting had an immediate and distinctive effect. it was broken before | 03:56 |
lritter | so perhaps it has got to do with the new fonts.conf | 03:56 |
minghua | lritter: and I would suggest using bitstream vera or dejavu font | 03:56 |
lritter | or the way this is managed | 03:56 |
minghua | lritter: and maybe a live CD screenshot, too | 03:56 |
lritter | minghua: i opened a bug already, i'll just add some more info. | 03:56 |
lritter | minghua: thank you for your help | 03:56 |
minghua | lritter: number please? I would like to subscribe to that | 03:57 |
lritter | 60760 | 03:57 |
minghua | lritter: thanks | 03:58 |
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lritter | minghua: i added screenshots | 04:30 |
minghua | lritter: with vera I see what you means now | 04:32 |
minghua | lritter: it seems all the glyphs are squeezed horizontally | 04:33 |
minghua | lritter: but honestly I don't think that's the result of autohinting | 04:33 |
minghua | (unless autohinting has changed a lot) | 04:33 |
lritter | minghua: this is more than squeezing. check the s shapes. | 04:40 |
lritter | minghua: i'm right, please, just believe me :) | 04:40 |
lritter | minghua: bitstream sans vera is a bad example because it looks kind of similar with both modes | 04:40 |
lritter | minghua: with tahoma and similar, the effect is much more dramatic | 04:41 |
minghua | lritter: okay then. I am just talking from my pre-2.2 freetype experiences | 04:41 |
minghua | lritter: oh, and as I said earlier, you should show something KDE too to show it's not the pango bug | 04:41 |
minghua | lritter: and I agree with you that the glyph shapes are ugly now | 04:42 |
lritter | minghua: i have a lot of experience with fonts, design, pixel graphics and so on... i'm overly sensitive to these things ;) | 04:43 |
lritter | minghua: ok, let's just wait. i'm not willing to kde'ify my machine unless it is really neccessary ;) | 04:44 |
infinity | slomo: brasero/ppc built. | 04:45 |
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minghua | lritter: use ft-string then | 04:47 |
minghua | or something similar in freetype2-demos | 04:48 |
lritter | ok | 04:50 |
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BHSPitLappy | hi. | 05:05 |
BenC | who should I report boot/install tests for beta to? | 05:28 |
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KurtKraut | should appot run with nice -5 ? | 06:59 |
KurtKraut | Here it is running with +5, so, the system absolutely freezes when apport runs. | 07:00 |
infinity | There, 53 queue items processed out of NEW, that should be my good deed for the weekend. | 07:03 |
fabbione | infinity: i was just talking to Etienne about bzr ubuntu2 hanging on a selftest on the buildd. it doesn't happen locally. | 07:03 |
fabbione | i sponsored ubuntu3 for him to disable the test but it would be good to know why it hangs | 07:04 |
fabbione | infinity: if you can get sometime on monday to look at it, it would be good | 07:04 |
fabbione | perhaps save ubuntu2 somewhere | 07:04 |
infinity | LP will save it. | 07:04 |
fabbione | oh right | 07:04 |
infinity | Disabled the whole testsuite, just because of one hanging test? That seems like overkill... | 07:10 |
fabbione | infinity: yeah well he wants it that way in the meantime | 07:13 |
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm61.omega22.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
fabbione | but i told him to contact you to trace the hang | 07:14 |
infinity | Gar, rothera is running that "hey, you don't actually want to know what's running when you type 'ps' do you?" security patch. | 07:14 |
fabbione | he wants to fix it | 07:14 |
=== infinity grumbles. | ||
infinity | Makes it a bit tough to trace the hang. | 07:14 |
fabbione | meh | 07:14 |
fabbione | infinity: ask elmo to fix the kernel? | 07:14 |
infinity | Could also be responsible for the hang, given that it's a wait test.. Hrm. | 07:14 |
infinity | It might be trying and failing to walk process trees to wait on something. | 07:15 |
Hobbsee | infinity: nice, thanks :) | 07:15 |
fabbione | dunno | 07:15 |
=== infinity should look at the source for the test. | ||
fabbione | infinity: i don't think it needs to be fixed NOW | 07:15 |
fabbione | infinity: monday or so is fine | 07:15 |
infinity | Yeah, I'm just curious now. | 07:16 |
fabbione | ehehe | 07:16 |
infinity | I think it's hanging on test_32_lock_wait_succeed | 07:18 |
infinity | Which does this: | 07:18 |
infinity | """Succeed when trying to acquire a lock that gets released | 07:18 |
infinity | One thread holds on a lock and then releases it; another | 07:18 |
infinity | tries to lock it. | 07:18 |
infinity | """ | 07:18 |
infinity | Which sounds like the sort of thing this patched kernel could be responsible for blowing up... | 07:18 |
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infinity | Hrm, vernadsky doesn't have that sketchy kernel, let's test a theory. | 07:21 |
infinity | Oh, wait, yes it does. | 07:22 |
infinity | Argh. | 07:22 |
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fabbione | EtienneG: so according to infinity it might be a kernel bug. does that test rely on ps output? (or similar) | 07:43 |
EtienneG | I would not know, really | 07:43 |
EtienneG | we should ask the bzr guys | 07:43 |
EtienneG | a kernel bug ? Triggered from userspace ? | 07:43 |
EtienneG | my my | 07:43 |
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EtienneG | is this something that would reproducable locally | 07:44 |
EtienneG | ? | 07:44 |
fabbione | EtienneG: no, it's a "bug" due to a security patch being extremely restrictive. It's fixed in recent kernels but not on the buildd | 07:46 |
EtienneG | ok, I see | 07:46 |
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EtienneG | infinity, bzr just built successfully | 08:57 |
EtienneG | bzrtools had failed because it build-depend on versionned bzr | 08:58 |
EtienneG | do you know if it will restart automatically, or do I have something special to do ? | 08:58 |
infinity | It'll retry automatically. | 08:58 |
Lathiat | i think that works properrly | 08:58 |
fabbione | EtienneG: shell out some money will help :P | 08:58 |
infinity | It better work properly, I wrote it to do so. | 08:59 |
EtienneG | cha-ching ! | 08:59 |
EtienneG | infinity, thanks | 08:59 |
fabbione | infinity, Lathiat : you are both very cheap :P | 08:59 |
infinity | Err, WTF. It didn't dep-wait. | 08:59 |
infinity | Great. | 08:59 |
infinity | I wonder if I have problems with ~ versions or something. | 09:00 |
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=== infinity puts that in his TODO, and resets the build manually. | ||
EtienneG | thanks a lot | 09:02 |
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EtienneG | infinity, excuse me again | 09:13 |
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EtienneG | bzrtools failed to build, build-dep on bzr >= 0.11~rc1 | 09:14 |
EtienneG | 0.10 installed | 09:14 |
EtienneG | I guess 0.11~rc2 have to been pushed all the way through yet | 09:15 |
infinity | Yeah, I know. I was kicking the build to watch the log, not because it would work. :) | 09:15 |
infinity | Trying to find the word-splitting error in my regex that's making it fail on ~ versions. | 09:15 |
EtienneG | ok, I see | 09:16 |
infinity | Oh, hah. I'm an idiot. | 09:17 |
=== infinity goes to fix. | ||
EtienneG | I aspire to that level of idiocy myself ! | 09:18 |
infinity | Any python gurus know if ~ is a reserved character in the re module? | 09:18 |
Fujitsu | infinity, if it breaks things, probably yes. | 09:18 |
infinity | I'm wondering if it will, not if it has. :) | 09:19 |
infinity | Oh well, only one good way to find out. | 09:19 |
tfheen | BenC: pong | 09:23 |
infinity | D'oh, was too late to test it. :) | 09:23 |
infinity | EtienneG: It's built now, though. :P | 09:23 |
EtienneG | excellent | 09:24 |
EtienneG | I feel *so* much lighter | 09:24 |
EtienneG | with that being said, I finally head off to sleep | 09:28 |
infinity | 'Night. | 09:28 |
EtienneG | have a nice week-end everybody | 09:28 |
EtienneG | thanks again fabbione and infinity | 09:28 |
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slomo | infinity: thanks :) | 09:55 |
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Tonio_ | mdz: ping ? | 10:39 |
Tonio_ | hi all | 10:39 |
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Tonio_ | mdz: just replied to your reviews, dont be confused, kmplayer isn't an mplayer frontend (I know...... stupid) | 10:40 |
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seb128 | gnomefreak: thank you for not pinging me about the desktop-effects meeting yesterday :p | 12:22 |
seb128 | I've just be reading the logs on the wiki because I browsed the wiki logs page after catching up with ubuntu-desktop mail and a "MeetingLogs keeping them updated" mention | 12:22 |
gnomefreak | seb128: i figured you were busy | 12:23 |
seb128 | I was not aware of the meeting | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | ah | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | sorry | 12:23 |
seb128 | and I would like to have attended | 12:23 |
seb128 | mjg59: please don't patch libwnck for those changes mentionned | 12:23 |
seb128 | I want some words with those guys who don't try to work with us and complain then they have to maintain their version of the package out of Ubuntu first | 12:24 |
gnomefreak | seb128: we didnt get much done. me and dbo are gonna get together when my fever subsides and go over the notes that i took for it. | 12:24 |
seb128 | "reggaemanu and i'm tired to re-package it everytime" | 12:24 |
ajmitch | seb128: I have spiftacity updated, fwiw | 12:24 |
seb128 | grrrr | 12:24 |
gnomefreak | seb128: thats sounds fine | 12:24 |
seb128 | what about contacting the maintainer? | 12:24 |
seb128 | instead of "re-package it everytime" | 12:24 |
seb128 | ajmitch: cool ;) | 12:24 |
ajmitch | I haven't tested it, of course :) | 12:24 |
seb128 | gnomefreak: who is that reggaemanu guy? | 12:25 |
gnomefreak | i dont know him but hes a beryl packager/developer | 12:25 |
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seb128 | did somebody spoke to him about how people work with maintainers usually? | 12:26 |
gnomefreak | seb128: i just asked DBO to enter. he knows him | 12:26 |
seb128 | like than mailing them is welcome | 12:26 |
seb128 | hi DBO | 12:26 |
DBO | hi | 12:26 |
seb128 | let's move on #ubuntu-desktop if you are fine with it | 12:26 |
seb128 | better than abusing that chan ;) | 12:26 |
DBO | #ubuntu-xgl you mena? | 12:27 |
DBO | mean* | 12:27 |
seb128 | right | 12:27 |
DBO | #ubuntu-desktop is already in use for the desktop team | 12:27 |
DBO | and #ubuntu-xgl is a troubleshooting channel for beryl/compiz... its name is a bit... out of date now yes | 12:28 |
DBO | of course you already know all this... | 12:29 |
DBO | you really want to transplant all that troubleshooting in there? | 12:29 |
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DBO | or am I confused about whats going on? | 12:29 |
seb128 | DBO: I want to speak to whoever fork the package I'm working on without trying to contact me and rant then that he's tired to repackage it everytime | 12:30 |
seb128 | DBO: that's not the way to work | 12:30 |
DBO | you mean compiz? | 12:30 |
seb128 | DBO: that's making everybody waste efforts, that's suboptimal for users, that's creating extra bugs, etc | 12:30 |
DBO | seb128, Im not getting a full story here | 12:31 |
seb128 | DBO: read #ubuntu-xgl :p | 12:31 |
pitti | seb128: did your gdb upload help for the gaim/rhythmbox debugging? | 12:31 |
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seb128 | pitti: I don't know, it made it stop crashing on my xchat-gnome testcase | 12:32 |
pitti | well, that's something | 12:32 |
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seb128 | pitti: gaim stopped crashing, it just DoS my box by eating over 2G of memory | 12:32 |
pitti | 'just' | 12:32 |
seb128 | yeah :/ | 12:32 |
seb128 | that was not apport | 12:32 |
pitti | seb128: due to gdb or to gaim itself? | 12:32 |
seb128 | that gaim eating all the RAM and swap | 12:32 |
seb128 | and the 10min are the time the kernel takes to eject it | 12:33 |
seb128 | gaim | 12:33 |
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Riddell | ogra: http://cniehaus.livejournal.com/27154.html | 02:32 |
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Viper550 | Does anyone not like the current Usplash theme? | 03:49 |
Viper550 | (on edgy) | 03:49 |
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_ion | Did someone claim it's going to be the final theme, instead of just a placeholder? | 03:51 |
Viper550 | No, it's a placeholder, but not many people like it | 03:52 |
imbrandon | this isnt the place for that disscussion though | 03:53 |
Viper550 | I made a nice candidate for default on my wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/EdgyArtworkPlan/Produce/Incoming/Viper550 | 03:53 |
Viper550 | But...no one is in ubuntu-artwork (well, active anyway) | 03:53 |
mjg59 | A black background is a better choice than a brown one | 03:54 |
Viper550 | Yeah, that's what I made | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | nice candidate | 03:55 |
Viper550 | Yeah, it's kinda got a "portal to the future" like look to it | 03:56 |
Viper550 | If you wanna discuss it more, I'm in #ubuntu-artwork right now | 03:56 |
tseng | if the future is a brown gradient you can count me out | 03:57 |
tseng | :) | 03:57 |
Viper550 | No, the future is what comes AFTER the bootsplash! | 03:57 |
Viper550 | I basically cropped in a bit of the new default wallpaper and added a masking effect to it | 03:58 |
shining | Viper550: looks nice | 03:59 |
Viper550 | Thank you! I kinda based it off the design of the Xubuntu splash | 03:59 |
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_ion | mjg59: Btw, usplash falls back to 800x600 now (great!), but the image is corrupted. It looks like it handles the gfx memory as if the resolution were 1024x768. Unfortunately i don't have a camera. Is it possible to take a screenshot of the usplash? | 04:03 |
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Viper550 | Not unless you use Vmware | 04:04 |
Viper550 | But then, it will work correctly in VMware | 04:05 |
mjg59 | _ion: Not really, I'm afraid | 04:07 |
mjg59 | _ion: Oh, I bet I know what the problem is. I'll take a look at the source. | 04:07 |
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Viper550 | So, how do you compile Usplashes for Edgy? | 04:30 |
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bddebian | Howdy | 04:33 |
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atoponce | are there any plans to create a 50MB or 180MB netist, like debian? | 06:25 |
BenC | I think those are contained in the installer directories | 06:27 |
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atoponce | so is it possible to burn such a disc then? | 06:29 |
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froud | Looking at http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/ "Alternate install CD" it states installs on systems with less than about 192MB of RAM. Yet when I look at the installer Help it shows a minimal requirement of 32MB. What am I not understand? | 07:25 |
Treenaks | 32 < 192 :P | 07:26 |
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ivoks | froud: 32 is needed for install, so you can install system with less than 192, but more than 32 | 07:27 |
froud | ivoks: Ah ha, thx | 07:27 |
ivoks | froud: thing is that desktop CD doesn't work with =< 192MB | 07:28 |
ivoks | so alternate CD "fixes" that | 07:28 |
froud | kewl | 07:28 |
froud | got it now | 07:28 |
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elmo | ehm, is the fact that the number of virtual desktops I have got downgraded to 2 considered a feature? | 07:46 |
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Chipzz | elmo: that's because the default nr of desktops was 4, you left it that way (so no explicit setting in gconf), default changed, your setting changed | 07:48 |
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elmo | Chipzz: how do I change it back? | 07:50 |
_ion | Duh. Right-click the workspace switcher and choose preferences. | 07:51 |
elmo | oh, never mind - I was looking in System -> Preferences | 07:51 |
seb128 | elmo: what is the question? | 07:53 |
elmo | seb128: I was just thrown by the fact that the number of my desktops got cut in half on upgrade to edgy | 07:54 |
seb128 | ah | 07:54 |
seb128 | Mark asked to change the default number from 4 to 2 | 07:55 |
seb128 | if you never changed it the upgrade will pick the new default | 07:55 |
elmo | ok, next stupid question - my network status applet has gone into some widescreen state, it's like, horizontally elongated | 07:55 |
Chipzz | got bitten by that too | 07:55 |
seb128 | other way it respects your user setting | 07:55 |
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seb128 | elmo: known bug, will be fixed before edgy | 07:55 |
elmo | seb128: cool, thanks | 07:56 |
_ion | I really don't see how anyone could get along with only 2 virtual desktops. But no problem, it can be increased easily. | 07:56 |
seb128 | np | 07:56 |
seb128 | _ion: most people "get along" with 1 desktop using window | 07:56 |
_ion | seb: That's because they don't know about virtual desktops. As soon as they see two of them and "get it", they'll want more. :-) | 07:57 |
seb128 | _ion: right, that's not like changing the number was hard ;) | 07:58 |
seb128 | _ion: Mark argued than 2 make the feature easier to notice and take less space on the panel | 07:58 |
Chipzz | seb128: I don't see how you can fix that really | 07:59 |
seb128 | Chipzz: fix what? | 07:59 |
Chipzz | since there's no way you can know if the user really wanted 4 desktops, or the default nr of desktops | 07:59 |
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Chipzz | oh | 08:00 |
seb128 | Chipzz: "known bug, will be fixed before edgy" was about "my network status applet has gone into some widescreen state" | 08:00 |
Chipzz | your were referring to the network... | 08:00 |
Chipzz | yeah | 08:00 |
_ion | Dynamically created virtual desktops would be interesting. The window manager would always have one desktop that doesn't contain any windows. As soon as a window is opened (or moved to) there, a new desktop would be created. | 08:00 |
elmo | usplash is also broken for me, but I think that's a couple of known bugs | 08:01 |
mdz | elmo: if it's the one where the artwork is missing after upgrade, I just fixed that one | 08:06 |
mdz | bug 61313 | 08:06 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 61313 in usplash "Usplash artwork missing on upgrades" [Medium,Fix released] http://launchpad.net/bugs/61313 | 08:06 |
elmo | mdz: ah, excellent, I'll try that once it filters through to the archive | 08:08 |
elmo | thanks | 08:08 |
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mdz | oh alternatives, how I despise thee | 08:18 |
LaserJock | heh | 08:18 |
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elmo | hmm, the new font/font rendering in gnome-terminal is going to take some getting use to | 08:24 |
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max_ | How ready is edgy? | 08:37 |
Treenaks | it's in beta | 08:37 |
mdz | elmo: I didn't notice a difference | 08:38 |
mdz | elmo: or you mean relative to xterm? | 08:38 |
Treenaks | elmo: font rendering issue in gnome-term? | 08:39 |
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elmo | mdz: nope, relative to dapper gnome-terminal | 08:52 |
elmo | Treenaks: not necessarily an issue, it just looks different - like it's doing AA or subpixel hinting or something and wasn't before | 08:53 |
elmo | f stems look very thin, the horizontal cross of t's very thin too etc. | 08:53 |
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Lure | mjg59: ping | 09:58 |
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zul | elmo: amd64 xen 2.6.17 built im just putting the finishing touches on now | 10:36 |
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keescook | has anyone gotten pbuilder and schroot to work together? | 11:19 |
keescook | I want to use lvn snapshots (which schroot understands) for doing clean builds. | 11:20 |
_ion | keescook: Use sbuild | 11:25 |
_ion | It supports schroot. | 11:25 |
keescook | _ion: ah-ha, cool, thanks. | 11:25 |
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Fjodor | BenC: ? | 11:58 |
BenC | Fjodor: ? | 12:01 |
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Fjodor | BenC: Hi again. I upgraded to edgy, and am ready to report on that "no frequency scaling problem". So far, I'v found a small something | 12:01 |
Fjodor | BenC: in acpi-cpufreq. | 12:02 |
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Fjodor | BenC: Trying to load it complains about unknown symbol cpu_online_map, which is an smp-ism. Problem and patch is reported in http://www.gatago.com/linux/kernel/6121818.html | 12:03 |
Fjodor | Search for +#ifdef CONFIG_SMP | 12:03 |
BenC | Fjodor: ok, thanks | 12:04 |
=== BloaSE [n=Wonton@219-89-11-254.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== givr1 [n=flo@APuteaux-152-1-37-200.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Fjodor | BenC: However, I'm pretty sure it will complain about "No such device" as does speedstep-centrino, when it does work | 12:05 |
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable106.200-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel |
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