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crimsunHDA sigmatel codec patches in the pipeline; I'll send more trivial patches first05:55
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marcin_anthi guys03:00
marcin_antcould someone tell me what is the status of jmicron issue - is there working kernel package for dapper?03:01
marcin_antI just wanted to download some data from dvd and realized that my dvd is workable only in windows :(03:01
zul_i think it might be on the daily cds03:03
marcin_antzul_: daily - you mean for edgy03:04
zul_dapper as well i think03:04
marcin_antzul_: I don't want to put edgy on my workstation - so my question was about dapper03:04
marcin_antzul_: I don't see any kernel update for dapper :(03:04
zul_*sigh* have you checked the dapper daily cds?03:05
marcin_antzul_: no I didn't... I don't even knew that there are dapper daily after release :|03:06
marcin_antzul_: on torrent.ubuntu.com latest daily dapper is from 2006 08 0703:07
marcin_antzul_: and I'm pretty sure that this has old kernel without fix03:07
marcin_antzul_: maybe I'm blind but I don't see any dapper daily builds there03:10
tfheenmarcin_ant: there aren't daily DVD builds.03:11
tfheenand we don't do dapper dailies now.03:11
tfheenonly edgy ones.03:11
marcin_anttfheen: I just thought so03:11
marcin_anttfheen: but zul_ suggested that there are some... anyway03:12
marcin_anttfheen: as I see there is still problem with ich8 and jmicron :(03:12
tfheenmarcin_ant: I don't know much about kernels, I just happen to be part of the cdimage team.03:13
marcin_anttfheen: ok no problem03:14
marcin_anttfheen: I will wait and while I will cannot stand without dvd I will buy samsung sata based dvd...03:14
marcin_anttfheen: it's annoying but I cannot see another solution right now03:15
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svuis acx-firmware available as a package for ubuntu?05:27
tfheensvu: it's in linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)05:28
svutfheen, thanks, i'll check05:28
svuE: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-powerpc64-smp05:30
svunoone cared to build them:)05:30
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tfheenI guess nobody has asked for it to be built for ppc64 before.05:37
tfheenplease file a bug and we'll get to it05:37
svusure I will05:38
=== svu wonders why would this module not be built against all supported arches ...
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zulgah...im down to one error07:22
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zulvmlinux hah choke on that mofos08:26
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mjg59BenC: I've got a 43xx stabalisation patch09:27
mjg59Which seems to make it significantly better09:27
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