
dyn-afkkablam: did you use the graphical partition tool btw ?12:01
_ph00asymmetry, so what I have to do is removing the kernel package with the kernel version and keep the one without kernel version only?12:01
Asymmetry_ph00, that's backwards. No version = metapackage. Version = REAL kernel (don't remove it).12:01
AscHey, that's sure neat.  Thanks, Asymmetry.12:01
_ph00remove no-version, then12:02
Asymmetry_ph00, sure.12:02
riddleboxwhat do I use with dpkg to reconfigure a package?12:02
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_ph00asimmetry: OK. no-version is "fetch-latest" with-version is "curent kernel" right?12:02
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kablamdyn-afk nope i installed it but didnt get all dependencies12:02
mcphailriddlebox: dpkg-reconfigure :)12:02
Peter77how do I install firestarter?12:02
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kablamsomethin g borked and would not start12:02
_ph00so, remove no-version and keep yes-version12:02
riddleboxahh I was trying dpkg --reconfigure12:03
Asymmetry_ph00, correct.12:03
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kablamterminate called after throwing an instance of 'Glib::OptionError'12:03
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dyn-afkkablam is using parted on the commandline ?12:03
sethkPeter77, easiest way is with the graphical package manager synaptic12:03
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sethkriddlebox, the package name12:04
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kablamdyn the errror abvoe is what i get12:04
=== w30 's networked printer won't go back to ready after a cups print job. I have to cancel the print job(even though it is done).Any one have any yhoughts on this subject?
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riddleboxsethk, exim4_4.60-3ubuntu3.1_all.deb12:04
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phiqtionhow do i get AMSN in ubuntu?12:05
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Shadowpillarsudo apt-get install amsn12:05
dyn-afkhow did you create a partition then kablam ?12:05
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kablamsudo fdisk /dev/hdc12:05
farchordimo gaim > amsn12:06
phiqtionShadowpilar, it says package not found12:06
dyn-afkthere is a formatting tool voor ext3 but I forgot the name :X12:06
phiqtionShadowpillar, it says package not found12:06
kablammade aprimary for the whole disk partition 1 and wrote it to disk12:06
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB12:06
godfatherhow can i kill an application in crash12:06
ladydoorphiqtion: have you enabled universe/12:06
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dyn-afkit is a ext2 tool actually but you need an extra option so it will create a journal and thus an ext3 partition12:06
phiqtionladydoor, no, how do i do that?12:06
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ladydoor!repos > phiqtion12:06
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ladydoorphiqtion: read the bot's pm :-)12:06
kablamok so the tyoe i need is ext3?12:06
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kablamtype even12:07
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phiqtionladydoor, thank you12:07
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ladydoorphiqtion: no problem12:07
sethkkablam, if you need to boot from that drive, you can't do it that way12:07
Shadowpillarphiqtion: all repositories enabled?12:07
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sethkkablam, if it's not primary master, then it's unusual but not wrong12:07
dyn-afkyou need more then 1 partition though12:07
dyn-afkwell, it's a good thing to have at least 2 partitions12:08
sureshothey all i am having problems with compiz i would like some help... first off i would like to know what xmodmap is12:08
dyn-afkone for / and a swap12:08
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w30godfather, to kill an application type ps aux | grep application and then kill -9 (process number) which is the first number12:08
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nico8481i'm trying to copy stuff from my ubuntu server to my osx machine but i run into problems using NFS (osx doesn't want to copy the stuff for some reason) so i'm trying to configure samba to see if it works better... any idea what does the "public" checkbox do in the "share folder" dialog ?12:08
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riddleboxhas anyone installed exim4?12:09
kablamdyn-afk: got it its sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda12:09
dyn-afknico8481 I think that would make the share publicly available as in: anyone even if they don't have a useraccount can reach it12:09
dyn-afkmkfs..ofcourse :P12:09
dyn-afkthat easy :D12:09
kablamand i have a extra ata1000 controler card in thsi box12:09
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kablamata 10012:09
=== Mike_BioNerd [n=michael@0x535b98d4.hsnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
dyn-afkjust don't do /dev/sda that is a scsi device or a sata disk or an usb disk12:10
dyn-afkmy mum tells me to eat some toast or something12:10
dyn-afkI'm not refusing that :P12:10
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kablamheheh thx man12:10
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dyn-afknp kablam12:11
sethkkablam, it's not wrong to put a file system on a device12:11
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Peter77ok how do I download firestarter?12:11
sethkmany people think it is, but it isn't.12:11
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w30nico8481, can't you use ssh and rcpy?12:11
sethkunless, as I said before, you need to reserve that space for the MBR (that is, you want to boot from the drive), or you don't want to use the entire drive as a single file system12:11
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Mike_BioNerdDoes anybody know how to change the default background shown behind the splasch screen when dd starts?12:12
nico8481w30: don't think they've been integrated in the GUI... don't want to mess with the CLI to get my stuff copied :P12:12
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Peter77is it possible to run KDE and GNOME on ubuntu?12:13
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AsymmetryPeter77, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. I think.12:13
Mike_BioNerdjust download kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu12:13
BlissexPeter77: it is more or less mandatory. DO IT NOW! :_)12:13
Peter77so I could switch between GNOME and KDE?12:13
Mike_BioNerdthen you can choose at the login manager12:14
steamRMike_BioNerd: sessions12:14
kablamPeter77: apt-get install firestarter12:14
Peter77do I type that in the terminal kablam?12:14
Dr_willisgdm/kdm has a menu to puck what one to startup12:14
kablamPeter77: sorry forgot "sudo apt-get install firestarter"12:14
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:14
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sethkPeter77, if you install both, you can use the session menu in the login screen to choose12:15
Mike_BioNerdthe default background under the splash screen? not brown?12:15
Peter77sethk, sweet12:15
sethkPeter77, there are other choices, too, not just gnome and kde, if you like to experiment12:15
junminhi, someone can recommend me some tutorial/book/web page about the server administration? please12:15
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steamRMike_BioNerd: sorry, System->Admin->loginwindow12:15
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Peter77"couldn't find package firestarter"12:16
steamRPeter77: In universe12:16
kablamPeter77: that command i gave you is for firestarter i thought you aske about that12:16
sethkPeter77, your repositories aren't set up to show you everything12:16
sethkPeter77, enable universe; you can do it from synaptic12:16
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w30nico8481, how about your server? Does it act as an ftp server also? if so throw the files in your ftp directory or link to yor ftp directory.12:17
sethkkablam, he did12:17
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kablamsethk: ok was a bit gone here trying to figure out my own problem12:17
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nico8481w30: nope it doesn't12:17
Peter77how do I "enable" universe?12:17
jribubotu: tell Peter77 about universe12:17
w30nico8481, and then use a Mac gui ftp client to drag and drop them12:17
kablamhmm hdc1 is the first partition on hdc right?12:18
sethkPeter77, settings/repositories12:18
we2byberyl is alot nicer than compiz12:18
sethkPeter77, look at your menus, they won't bite you  :)12:18
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sethkPeter77, strictly speaking you aren't enabling them, that's just the misnomer that's commonly used12:18
Peter77I have, I can't find universe12:19
kablam<--- stuck in terminal miss my gui's :(12:19
sethkPeter77, you are just removing a comment character from the beginning of a line in a configuration file12:19
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sethkPeter77, normally it is there.  you can add it (of course once you know what to add)12:19
sethkPeter77, you have nothing with "universe" in the "section(s)" column?12:19
w30nico8481, kill your wan and link your directories to be copied to an html directory and then use a mac browser?12:20
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MalachiI installed kubuntu-desktop, and now openoffice doesn't work. Any ideas?12:20
kablamPeter77: read part 6 on thi page12:20
nico8481hmm... i'm gonna try ftp i think12:20
steamRPeter77: I would go for shorewall. Wery easy config files. Takes you 15 minutes to rtfm, then your in control. Not GUI by default...12:20
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kablamsteamR: i got it workign without teh RTFM part in 10 mins with webmin=)12:21
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steamRkablam: that is an option12:21
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Peter77ok installed firestarter12:22
w30nico8481, if you don't have an index.html I think your server will serve directories in you server directory, www or what ever.12:22
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farchordhaha cool just discovered a cool game in ubuntu12:23
farchordPlanetPenguin (aka Tuxracer)12:24
Peter77ok now to install kde12:24
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Peter77ok can I install KDE through Synaptic and what do I need to do?12:25
Dr_willisPeter77,  install Kubuntu-desktop as the Kubuntu FAQ states12:25
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sureshotwhat is the apt-get command do download and install the fglrx drivers12:26
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sethkPeter77, there is also a KDE section (in synaptic) with lots of additional stuff12:27
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dyn-afksureshot: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx12:27
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iLLucionistHi, is it possible to install Ubuntu text-based?12:28
wwwdotcomanyone have amarok on their ubuntu/12:28
sethkiLLucionist, sure12:28
iLLucionist6.06 LTS12:28
iLLucionistsethk: params?12:28
dyn-afkyes iLLucionist12:28
sethkiLLucionist, use the text mode install on the alternate cd12:28
dyn-afkdownload the alternatecd and use that one12:28
dyn-afkit has the textinstall version12:28
iLLucionistsethk: alternate cd? ubuntu server? for I do not know12:28
sethkiLLucionist, no, there are three CDs12:29
phiqtionguys, is there yahoo messenger for ubuntu?12:29
dyn-afkif you also want ubuntu in text mode make sure you install "server"12:29
rcmivedgy install sees my hda and my sda, but not my sdb, can I force it to?12:29
sethkiLLucionist, desktop, server, and alternate12:29
phiqtionhow can i get yahoo messenger?12:29
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rcmivmount it first or something?12:29
iLLucionistsethk: I see, thx.12:29
sureshothow do i force an overwrite of the fglrx files12:29
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dyn-afkphiqtion try gaim, there isn't an official yahoo messenger for linux12:30
brian98Weird problem, please help! I ping www.google.com and I get 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=245 time=11.7 ms but it takes about 6 seconds and 6 seconds for each response thereafter. If I ping the ip all is good. I have 3 ubuntu machines on the same network and it only happens on one.. Any ideas? I have tried everything I can moving dns around etc...12:30
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iLLucionistgtg, thx for info...must've been blindfolded while browsing through download list12:30
phiqtiondyn-afk, thx12:31
sureshothow do i force an overwrite of the fglrx files12:31
dyn-afkthere might be more programs phiqtion12:31
=== pking [n=pking@cpc1-yarm2-0-0-cust668.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
dyn-afksudo apt-get -f install ... << that's what I would do sureshot12:31
pkingi was wondering is there a testbased web browser so i can use via ssh12:32
dyn-afklinnks, lynx12:32
sureshotdyn-afk thanks i messed somethings up need to start over LOL12:32
rcmivpking use links12:32
dyn-afknicely done sureshot :P12:32
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sethksureshot, you can use the --reinstall flag with apt-get12:32
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dyn-afklynx+ssl even :P12:32
pkingwhat links12:32
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dyn-afklinks is the name of the programm pking12:33
sureshotwhat would be the syntax sethk12:33
rcmivlinks rules, lynx is kinda overkill, in my opinion12:33
dyn-afkdamn typo's12:33
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rcmivedgy install sees my hda and my sda, but not my sdb, can I force it to?12:33
sethksureshot, apt-get install --reinstall package-name12:33
pkingwould apt-get install links   get it12:33
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dyn-afkI think it's just what one prefers rcmiv12:33
sureshotthanks sethk12:33
rcmivdyn-afk true12:33
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rcmivlike em both actually12:33
sethkrcmiv, depends on why it isn't seen12:34
rcmivsethk i was afraid you'd say that12:34
sethkrcmiv, sorry :)12:34
sethkrcmiv, any ideas?12:34
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dyn-afkme too rcmiv, they're both good12:35
sureshotwell that worked after i realized i did not use sudo... i think i am going crazy and i dont need to pack a back it is not a big trip for me12:35
dyn-afkso uhm, install both :P12:35
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rcmivI am going to go mess about, and maybe come back with more info....12:35
dyn-afkhf messing about12:35
sethkrcmiv, poke around in /sys, see what you can find out12:35
rcmivno ideas at this time12:35
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Rastajust got dapper drake, any advice, recomendation, warning before install?12:36
mathieuwhat are people using for calendar applications that can import and export ical files ?12:36
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mathieuother than evolution12:37
Jas-Nixhello, I am new to ubuntu as I've said :) how do I check the version of .deb's ? I can run apt-cache search banshee, but I don't know what version it is12:37
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jribJas-Nix: apt-cache policy package_name12:38
Jas-Nixjrib: awesome thanx I will check out 'man apt-cache'12:38
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ubuntu__i love you ubuntu 6.1012:39
sureshotdoes anyone here know how to get compiz to work12:39
jribubuntu__: tell Jas-Nix about apt12:39
dyn-afkmathieu you can try that calendar tool from Mozilla12:39
jribubotu: tell Jas-Nix about apt12:39
dyn-afkit supports ical12:39
ubuntu__bye :)12:39
dyn-afkand I think it also supports ical serverthingies12:39
delightthe first beryl packages r done ;) did somebody try ?12:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bearshare - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
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SonicChaoIs there a way to use Bearshare in Ubuntu?12:40
delightfunny that they have named the themes emerald :-D12:40
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beryl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
=== [NikO] [n=nicolas@cor13-2-82-240-67-21.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beryl-project - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
Rastathat ! its useful12:40
dyn-afkwhat's beryl anyway?12:41
dyn-afksounds like some sort of chemical12:41
dyn-afklike radium12:41
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Rastaor beryl12:41
delightdyn-afk is the fork of compiz not depending on gnome12:41
dyn-afkubuntu is using gnome so I don't think a lot of them are using beryl :P12:42
THX-1138it's bleedomg edge don't be ;et down if it doesn't run well on ypur machine. - xcommger will12:42
=== dragonfire [n=dragonfi@adsl-225-3-111.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
delightdyn-afk lol ... its working with gnome 212:43
delightits the quinstorm packages if you know what that is12:43
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KDanUbuntu installed!12:43
Peter77ok it's nearly finished, thanx for the help12:44
Kojima-Kazumawhat program should i install to make a boot disk12:44
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dyn-afkI know quinstorm yes12:44
aLPHa_LeaK nn12:44
=== dyn-afk congratulates KDan
THX-1138Congratulations! - Welcome to open source Ubuntu.12:44
delightso they forked from the novell compiz development team giving it a new name called compiz12:44
brian98Weird problem, please help! I ping www.google.com and I get 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=245 time=11.7 ms but it takes about 6 seconds and 6 seconds for each response thereafter. If I ping the ip all is good. I have 3 ubuntu machines on the same network and it only happens on one.. Any ideas? I have tried everything I can moving dns around etc...12:44
rcmivok, hda sda and sdb are all correctly autodetected by dapper, but edgy installer does not see sdb12:44
rcmivsdb is an internal sata hd12:45
delightbecause it was hard form them to integrate there patches as the novell workers were not very supportetive12:45
THX-1138rcmiv - Does the mount -a command help?12:45
Kojima-KazumaWhat program would i use for making boot disks12:45
rcmivTHX-1138 haven't tried it, will do so...12:45
THX-1138kojima - boot floppies?12:46
dyn-afkit's not windows :P12:46
delightI mean then new name for the quinstorm is beryl ...12:46
Kojima-Kazumano boot CDs12:46
dyn-afkmostly they use dd to write a floppy boot image to disk12:46
rcmivdo you have to mount -a  a specific partition12:46
w30brian98, I have problems with my ip if I use all the dns servers in the nameserver <ipnumber> resolv.conf file. Maybe play with the nameserver items in resolv.conf?12:46
dyn-afkbut that's the installer bootimage12:46
sureshotok all i had to leave the computer and i did not see a reply does someone know  how and willing to share how to install and make work compiz12:46
Kojima-Kazumaim making a ubuntu disk12:46
Rastasomeone can give me a hand in how to register my nick? seems that i cant speak in many channels as i dont have a registered nick12:46
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w30brian98, one at a time12:47
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THX-1138Kojima - In Ubuntu right click onn the image. - In windows isopowertoy by alex feinmann12:47
brian98w30, ok12:47
brian98w30, thanks, it's weird how if only just started happening though12:47
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Kojima-Kazumai making a ubuntu boot disk so what program should i use12:47
dyn-afkmaybe you have a DNS server that isn't reachable in your resolv.conf brian9812:48
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dyn-afkif that server is the first dns server in your resolv.conf then it'll try to reach that12:48
dyn-afkif it can'treach it, it'll try the next one12:48
brian98If I DIG the response it instant dyn-afk12:48
brian98is instant12:48
w30brian98, I use insightbb.com and broadband cable and my troubles started early summer after they upgraded som stuff.12:48
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dyn-afkthat might cause the delay12:48
dyn-afkstrange brian9812:49
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THX-1138Kojima - are you using windows now? isopowertoy. in ubuntu just right click on the file - from the command line cdrecord12:49
Kojima-KazumaWhat program is best used for boot CDs12:49
brian98dyn-afk,  basically if i ping x.x.x.x It responds straight away and the pings come back about a second at a time, If I ping a host they never time out but take about 6 seconds each time :S12:50
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THX-1138Kojima - I saw casper and the squashfs on ubuntu cds. It's the part the bios sees.12:50
w30brian98, how does the whois command respond?12:51
sureshotdoes anyone know and is willing to share how to install and make compiz work12:51
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brian98w30, immediate12:51
brian980 delay12:51
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brian98w30 host command is the same12:52
dyn-afkbrian98 if pinging to an ip is faster then to a name then that points to dns trouble12:52
brian98just pings.12:52
THX-1138w30 - there is a  graphical interface on the admin menu - "network tools" - unless you are bash scripting why not use the gui12:52
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brian98THX-1138, I prefer the console.. Faster12:52
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sliptteesfsck.ntfs ?12:52
dyn-afksureshot: go to wiki.ubuntu.com and search for compiz, it has a very nice tutorial for installing and configuring compiz12:53
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brian98I wonder if I apt-get remove ping and reinstall :)12:53
Peter77what other desktops are available?12:53
dragonfire1Is there a download I have to add to get video like the one's in Google? WOuld appreciate what to do . I can get the tutorials and voice in ubuntu thaks12:53
sureshoti will try again i think i have been there but i will check dyn-afk thanks12:53
sliptteesfsck.ntfs ?12:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fsck.ntfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:54
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dyn-afksureshot that's how I installed xgl and compiz :)12:54
THX-1138flv video files12:54
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theCoderis this a good place to ask a Ubuntu installation question?12:55
dragonfire1I also would like to see a monitor on tool bar for updates. My linux user group has them on theres what do I have to do to have an update area looked like two monitors thanks12:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fsck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fsck.ntfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
THX-1138dragonfire - desklets maybe?12:55
levanderAnbydoy here is using emacs' tramp mode to open files via sudo?  I can't figure out how to get it to work.12:55
brian98slipttees, what do you need to know?12:55
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dragonfire1thx I will look around thanks12:56
sliptteesscandisk partition ntfs in linux!12:56
sliptteesexists fsck.ntfs?12:56
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dragonfire1which book would be the best to buy for Ubuntu to assist a newbie12:56
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gnomefreakdragonfire1: the official ubuntu book ;)12:56
bwlangdragonfire1: imho, none - just ask your specific questions here ...12:56
levanderdragonfire1: http://www.amazon.com/o/ASIN/102-2181915-478096012:57
THX-1138Ubuntu publishes a very friendly manual - free naturally.12:57
brian98slipttees, I dunno anything about that12:57
bwlangslipttees: yes - it's pretty good12:57
levanderdragonfire1: i've never looking at that one, but check it12:57
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dyn-afkslipttees fsck excist but I think what you need is in the ntfstools12:57
mipstienhow do you log your boot up and any errors that come out of it?12:57
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THX-1138connonical ubuntu manual12:57
dyn-afkmipstien those are already logged in dmesg12:57
gnomefreakmipstien: it should already be in /var/log/12:57
dyn-afkin /var/log if I'm right12:57
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dyn-afkin Ubuntu there is also a graphical way to get to it :)12:58
levanderdragonfire1: http://www.amazon.com/o/ASIN/104-8221351-8303101 - that's the one everybody else is talking about12:58
brian98slipttees, what dyn-afk says12:58
theCoderI'm trying to help (via email) my parents install Ubuntu, but the installation CD had trouble loading on their system.  They said there was some error about "Buffer I/O error on device dm-0".  Does that ring a bell to anyone?12:58
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brian98Anyone any idea on my issue?12:58
bwlangmipstien: it's always logged ... have a look in /var/log/kern.log12:58
dyn-afkmipstien: System >Administration > System Log12:58
brian98not my mental one12:58
dragonfire1looking guy's slow the scroll bar LOL12:58
brian98just the ip issue12:58
levandertheCoder: you've got your parents installing ubuntu??12:58
theCoderwell, I'm trying :)12:58
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bwlangtheCoder: sounds like  a bad cd or bad drive to me?12:59
levandertheCoder: how did you talk them into trying it?12:59
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levandertheCoder: you've got to figure out what "dm-0" is, it's probably a hardware device, but i don't know which one12:59
theCoderbwlang: I don't think it's a HW problem (the drive seems to work otherwise)12:59
brian98Has everyone seen bill clintons latest recomendations?12:59
THX-1138lshw might tell you01:00
bwlangbrian: can you summarize - i'm too lazy to read all the way back01:00
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brian98offtopic http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/5388182.stm01:00
brian98dyn-afk,  basically if i ping x.x.x.x It responds straight away and the pings come back about a second at a time, If I ping a host they never time out but take about 6 seconds each time :S01:00
THX-1138lshw | grep dm-0 ??01:00
levandertheCoder: it sounds like a hardware error from the error message01:00
theblueBill Clinton > Bill Gates01:00
theCoderlevander: is there an easy way to determine what "dm-0" is?01:00
gnomefreakbrian98: feel free to confine your offtopic topics/links to #ubuntu-offtopic01:00
bwlangbrian98: x = number, host = friendly name ?01:00
levandertheCoder: do a google search on the exact error message, and the error message only01:00
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brian98x = number host = friendly01:01
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dyn-afkbwlang brian98 is pinging to an ip-address which is faster then when pinging to a hostname/domainname01:01
mipstienok well i have an error that comes up during startup but it isn't showing up there i don't believe, it says something along the lines of not having permission to do something with /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile01:01
bwlangtheCoder: sorry - i don't have any other idea of what might be wrong...01:01
brian98gnomefreak: I just thought that one was worth sharing, won't do it again: love the bottom comment.01:01
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theCoderlevander: tried that.  I found a couple references (in the Ubuntu forums) that weren't very helpful01:01
dyn-afkimho that points to dns problems01:01
dyn-afklike a slow dns server01:01
brian98which I agree with except host, dig and whois run fine :S01:01
levandertheCoder: hold on, i'll google that error message, see if i can find anything01:02
bwlangbrian98: what an interesting problem... i was under the impression that ping would cache dns resolution.  Do both end up with the same IP address ?01:02
bwlangbrian98: did you traceroute yet?01:02
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brian98bwlang: yes01:02
bwlangbrian98: same route for both?01:02
brian98bwlang: and traceroute and tracepath both are ok01:02
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brian98I could do a pastebin but there is no point because you won't see the pause...01:03
bwlangbrian98: to eliminate DNS from the equation i suggest adding a record to /etc/hosts - that should narrow things a bit...01:03
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mipstienok well i have an error that comes up during startup but it isn't showing up there i don't believe, it says something along the lines of not having permission to do something with /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile01:03
g333k_laptopwhat about ubuntu edgy? is it still unstable?01:03
brian98bwlang: now there is a great idea01:03
brian98bwlang, one sec01:03
bwlangg333k_laptop: yes - it's not released yet.01:04
levandertheCoder: it looks like dm-0 is a SATA hard drive01:04
mipstienis there a way to tell what a particular file is linked to which synaptic package?01:04
levandertheCoder: you know what SATA is?01:04
g333k_laptopbwlang, when is it supposed to be released? I need some pkgs from him... like the new xfce401:05
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theCoderlevander: yes, I don't know what HW is in the machine, though01:05
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caimexI was turning on my comp and I got GRUB error 13, I saw this means unsopported format. My hdd certainly isnt dead, I can read its contents from the LiveCD. any suggestions for fixing this?01:05
bwlangg333k_laptop: i think end of the month... there's a schedule on the wiki.  If you're willing to put up with possible breakage and have some experience, it might be worth your trouble try it out.01:05
theCoderlevander: does Ubuntu work with SATA drives?01:05
brian98bwlang, ok, it's definitely DNS01:06
levandertheCoder: i would assume so01:06
levandertheCoder: does the LiveCD boot for them?01:06
bwlangcaimex: i think you should run grub from your live cd ... set root (hd x,y) setup (hd x)  (where x = hard drive #  and y = partition #) both 0 based01:06
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theCoderlevander: the LiveCD is what is giving the errors.  It apparently does come up (after a long time), but the installation fails01:07
mipstienis there a way to tell what a particular file is linked to which synaptic package?01:07
g333k_laptopbwlang, lets say that I install it... what should I do when edgy be released01:07
bwlangbrian98: if it's your ISP's dns maybe you could try  dnscache or dnsmasq to cache dns requests.  I like dnscache but some people don't like djb software01:07
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levandertheCoder: what does the LiveCD stall for so long on?  like what is the last message on the screen when the LiveCD is stalling so long?01:08
bwlangg333k_laptop: nothing - just update periodically01:08
caimexbwlang: can you explain how to do this. I'm pretty familiar with linux by now but I dont know what you mean by that01:08
pyxystyxhey guys...how do you turn off the bell for xterm and change the color scheme?01:08
g333k_laptopbwlang, so where can I get edgy from?01:08
bwlangg333k_laptop: that you're asking me that makes me wonder if it's a good idea for you try edgy right now...01:08
levandertheCoder: if you don't know, it's not a big deal, i'm just curious01:08
theCoderlevander: I don't know much about the error, only what they said by email.  I'm actually visiting them in a week.  I just dropped by here to see if this was a known issue that had an easy fix I could email.01:08
brian98bwlang, it doesn't affect any other machines on the network01:09
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g333k_laptopbwlang, I will do because of neccesity01:09
phirehey everyone, Last night I managed to crash ubuntu, cause gimp had a 3.8 gb image, but I got to 80% of saving as a jpg, but the actual file is empty. Would there be a way to rescue it out of the temp or something??01:09
levandertheCoder: here's kind of an interesting forum thread that has a couple of small things to check: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/misc/40546-fedora-just-died-me.html01:09
bwlangcaimex: just run "grub" from the live cd.  type "root (0,0)" or whatever , then setup (hd0) or whatever01:09
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caimexk, I'll try this01:09
levandertheCoder: but, my guess is that you're up against a hardware driver problem01:09
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printkphire: might try .gimp-2.2/tmp01:10
THX-1138http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126746  open an xterm or terminal, and enter the two linesCode: set b off xset b 0 0 001:10
levandertheCoder: I would log that as a bug in launchpad, and see if you get any kind of response01:10
phirek thanks01:10
mipstienis there a way to tell what a particular file is linked to which synaptic package?01:10
levandertheCoder: if it's a known problem, that's the most direct way I currently know of for trying to find out01:10
theCoderlevander: thanks for your help!01:10
filosolwhere can i download a live cd?01:10
gnomefreakmipstien: apt-file should help you there01:10
g333k_laptopbwlang, so where can I get edgy from?01:10
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levandertheCoder: it would probably be helpful if you could put the model of Computer and even if you have it of hard drive01:11
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levanderpyxystyx: trying right clicking on the window and see if a menu pops-up,  otherwise i'd check wiki.ubuntu.com01:11
sepbQue hi ha algu?01:11
phireprintk: .gimp-2.2/tmp is empty but there is a 3.8gb file called "gimpswap.10312"01:12
weexhas anyone had a problem where firefox takes a long time to do a dns lookup?01:12
mipstiengnomefreak: that command does nothing and has no indication that it can do anything01:12
levanderweex: it's probably the dns server's fault01:12
levanderweex: try the same lookup from the command line01:12
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THX-1138pyxystyx: did you see my link? xset 0 0 0 in terminal01:12
weexit's fast from bash01:12
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THX-1138xset b01:13
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gnomefreakmipstien: install apt-file first01:13
levanderweex: firefox does have some bugs around the edges, try restarting firefox maybe?01:13
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weexthis has been persistent over several reboots01:13
levanderweex: also, if i remember, there are some about:config settings for dns in firefox01:13
ubotuapt-file is a program that can tell you in which package you can find the files you look for. sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update01:14
gnomefreakmipstien: ^^^01:14
ifvoidok guys01:14
weexlast night I even moved my profile but I'll check the about:config01:14
levanderweex: also, irc.mozilla.org has a #firefox channel that's slow, but some knowledgable people do hang out01:14
bwlangi just lost my connection... somebody was asking me about edgy upgradeing ... here's the link01:14
ifvoidI just upgraded my edgy laptop tonight01:14
mipstiengnomefreak: yes?01:14
ifvoidand now it's totally borked01:14
mipstiengnomefreak n/m i see it01:14
weexthanks levander01:14
sepbSou tots forasters?01:14
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gnomefreakmipstien: read what ubotu said01:14
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ifvoidsomething seesm _very_ wrong with dhclient and firends01:14
bwlangIf I've ignored you please repeat your message...01:14
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martiiI have latest edgy beta101:15
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martiilooks like network manager doesn't work well01:15
g333k_laptopwhat should  I do if I want xfce4 from edgy to install in dapper ?01:15
KDanwhere can I find a list of what's in the Ubuntu Dapper universe?01:15
ifvoidI get lots of permission denied errors01:15
martiiits unable to save gateway info01:15
filosolanyone knows where i can download a livecd01:15
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we2bywhat file extension are the emerald themes files??01:15
mipstiengnomefreak: so how do i link a file to an apt instead of apt to file?01:15
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chrisjwhi there, could someone tell me how to install tahoma please?01:16
THX-1138we2by - emerald theme? - sounds interesting01:16
gnomefreakmipstien: you wanted to find out what file belonged to what package right?01:16
Languidhas anyone else in here had problems with usplash displaying a weird "test" image instead the true edgy one after upgrading to edgy?01:16
we2byTHX-1138, yea01:16
chrisjwI have a windows license so it shouldn't be an infringement of copyright laws01:16
we2byjust got it installed and working perfect01:16
mipstiengnomefreak i wanted to find out which program used the files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile01:16
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gnomefreakmipstien: nvidia-glx01:17
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ravenousanyone know how to set a seperate resolution for a laptop screen and regular monitor connected to it?01:17
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gnomefreakmipstien: thats one of a few01:17
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THX-1138chrisjw - lol - the DMCA digital millenium copyright act makes us all criminals in the US. muhahaha!01:17
mipstiengnomefreak: ok well if i fix my bootup error it causes my nvidia to sotp working. . .01:17
ifvoidno one has an pointer for network problems with edgy?01:18
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chrisjwhow would i install it though?01:18
chrisjwI'm having problems with fonts on this OS01:18
chrisjwits just looking evil01:18
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bwlangchrisjw: if you're talking about the font  you want the msttcorefonts package01:18
mipstiengnomefreak: the files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile are causeing a problem something about permissions, i can't find the exact error, but if i reinstall nvidia it makes opengl stop working01:18
Languidhas anyone else in here had problems with usplash displaying a weird "test" image instead the true edgy one after upgrading to edgy?  anyone?01:18
chrisjwlike bold looks all horrid and i don't really like the clear type effect01:18
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto01:18
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer01:18
chrisjwthat package doesn't include tahoma :(01:18
we2bywhat file extension are the emerald themes files??01:18
DJ_DanniHey i need a help01:18
DJ_Danni#2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)01:18
DJ_DanniWhat dose this mean?01:18
elazizi have 5.10 version of ubuntu, is it possible to update to dapper after installtion of 5.10 easily?01:18
bwlangchrisjw: hmm - well i guess you could just put the ttf /usr/share/fonts01:19
brian__how long does it take for your clone to die when your connection times out :)01:20
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elazizis it easy to update to latest version of ubuntu ? or should i download the iso file of dapper?01:20
chrisjwcan i copy the tahoma from my windows partition01:20
THX-1138alaziz - i would download the iso01:20
bwlangDJ_Danni: it doesn't sound like you have mysql running properly ... and some other program is trying to use it.01:20
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bwlangchrisjw: you can, as far as "may you" i don't know01:21
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steveirehey. During the edgy install there was a section about choosing a network interface. I think I picked the wrong one, because I can't connect to the internet using it. Can I make that choice again?01:21
elazizis there a configuration tool for xgl in dapper?01:21
chrisjwits just the fonts look really weird01:21
DJ_DanniNoat shure but the My SQL shut be runing:S01:21
bwlangsteveire: now is the time to learn about /etc/network/interfaces...01:21
brian__steveire, #ubutuntu+101:21
mipstienthe files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile are causeing a problem something about permissions, i can't find the exact error, but if i reinstall nvidia it makes opengl stop working01:21
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chrisjwI have 96dpi but it's displaying bold really badly, like close together01:22
filosolvery usuful01:22
steveirebrian__: It's not specific to edgy.01:22
THX-1138stevire - ifconfig is the netwrok command01:22
DJ_Dannii am logged in as root01:22
steveirebwlang: Ok, let's go.01:22
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THX-1138iwconfig - wireless01:22
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=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
sktfeelsdapperIs there a wine room?01:23
almimonihi, how to install xfce on Ubuntu 6.06?01:23
pianoboy3333What program can allow me to view the pictures on my iPod, so I can delete a few I don't need?01:23
DJ_DanniDo you know how i can fix this?01:23
steveireyeah, I tried if- and iwconfig, and I don't think my eth0 and ath0 showed up as they do in dapper.01:23
brian__alimoni sudo aptitute install xfce-desktop01:23
Languidanyone know of an easy way to install firefox 2.0 rc1 on edgy?01:23
sktfeelsdapperI gotta find out why aim isn't working in wine...but that's ok.01:23
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slavikLanguid: just update?01:24
slavikLanguid: #ubuntu+1 for edgy needs :)01:24
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Languidslavik, thanks, ill ask there :)01:24
sktfeelsdapperIs there a wine room?01:24
elazizhehe i pick up a girl via ubuntu hehehe01:24
brian__almimoni,  sudo aptitute install xfce-desktop01:24
brian__almimoni,  or see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20500201:24
sktfeelsdapperi'm curious to see why wine doesn't work for me.01:24
sktfeelsdapperwell wine works, just aim doesn't work in wine.01:24
bwlangelaziz: uhoh - i hope it's not one of those "i'll date you if you fix my computer" situations ;)01:25
rcmivok...I finally have my question specifically defined...drive sdb and all of it's partitions are mountable, but gparted cannot see /dev/sdb...any ideas?01:25
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slaviksktfeelsdapper: why do you need AIM? use GAIM01:25
brosnanLanguid: you can download firefox 2 from mozilla.org and follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion01:25
pianoboy3333What program can allow me to view the pictures on my iPod, so I can delete a few I don't need?] 01:25
almimoniTHX very much :)01:25
sktfeelsdapperIt's not so much I need it, I just want to try it.01:25
bwlangrcmiv: does fdisk -l /dev/sdb output what you expect?01:25
sktfeelsdapperI'm using mIRC on wine right now.01:25
sktfeelsdapperBut aim can't build some cooldll or something like that.01:25
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.01:25
steveireI want to mount my edgy partition in dapper. Is there a script I can run again to find and mount all available drives?01:26
rcmivbwlang, yes01:26
Languidbrosnan, that works.  thanks! :)  ill give it a shot01:26
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rcmivbwlang, it outputs all of the correct partitions01:26
bwlangrcmiv: bummer - i've never seen a situation where those two disagree... - you are running from a lived or another disk right?01:26
bwlangrcmiv: s/lived/livecd/01:26
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rcmivbwlang, running edgy livecd, can't do an install because of gparted's blindess01:27
sureshotthe ubuntu wiki says that the compiz software is alfa and the repos are broken do not install is this page just old or is this true01:27
rcmivbwlang, have mounted the drive, and can see all the partitions, but gparted cannot...weird01:27
Tokenbadsureshot, they went from compiz to beryl01:27
Tokenbadberyl is now released though01:28
AsymmetryI can't believe some of the people that bother talking in ##linux.01:28
rcmivbwlang, what is s/lived/livecd?01:28
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sureshotso search on bery01:28
bwlangrcmiv: sorry - i'm stumped...  just one idea (maybe it's bad)  you could try rewriting your partition table by deleting and re-adding one.  Be careful - that's dangerous01:28
DJ_DanniDo somone know hwo i start the MySQL?01:28
AsymmetryDJ_Danni, sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start01:29
Tokenbadso you could do the dapper howto but change compiz to beryl01:29
rcmivbwlang, thanks for your help, i understand it's a weird sitch...prob a bug...01:29
bwlangrcmiv: it means replace lived with livecd - that's a "regular expression" used in programming01:29
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Tokenbadsureshot, so you could do the dapper howto but change compiz to beryl01:29
DJ_DanniI have tryek /etc/init.d/mysql Start and restart and i cannoat see it Restart or Start:S01:29
sureshotTokenbad have to be sorta straight up with me i have to have 2 operations on my back and not till november and i am on pretty stiff pain meds to say it out right i am very high at the moment01:29
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Tokenbadsureshot, you went to #ubuntu-xgl?01:30
bwlangsureshot: if you're high then your dosage is too high... be careful - getting off of those is a bitch.01:30
Meta[CNTDWN] bye all01:30
=== ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
sureshotok thanks did not know that exsitied01:30
sktfeelsdapperso yah wine01:30
rcmivbwlang, though I am comfortable lotsa stuff, rewriting the partition table manually just ain't gonna happen01:30
DJ_DanniIs there anny whay to start MySQL diffrend?01:30
sktfeelsdapperis there a wine room?01:30
bwlangsureshot: sorry - i know you wern't asking - but i have a friend who had major problems coming off of percoset etc...01:30
dyn-afkdon't you mean a wine cellar ? :P01:31
sureshoti know bwlang i take 10mg of perc every 4 hours but i rather go through withdraw than have the pain01:31
sktfeelsdapperi went to wine and the topic was funny01:31
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mipstienafter reinstalling nvidia-glx my direct rendering turns off and i can not turn it back on. but before i reinstall it there is an error on bootup about permissions with /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile what if any, are the option's?01:31
THX-1138#cedega also - please don't mention cedega in winhq - they are kinda touchy there.01:31
sktfeelsdapperHow about here?01:32
sureshoti understand bwlang i apreciate the comment i am stuck on the couch and that is ware i have been all summer this is a bummer01:32
bwlangsureshot: maybe you can talk to your doc about getting a finer grained dose (ie  do 5x2mg  so you can dial it in just right to kill the pain but not get you high)01:32
DJ_DanniCan somone help me?01:32
sureshoti will do that i hate being high i am not one to do that hate to drink beer for that reason01:32
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bwlangsureshot: i hope your surgey is successful!01:32
DJ_Danniin PM01:33
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sureshotbut wblang any comment showing you care is alway appreciated and needed ok01:33
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sureshotthanks alot01:33
sktfeelsdapperwine is quiet. dang man01:33
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DJ_DanniCan somone help me with MySQL or noat? PM me PLEAS.01:34
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sureshoti cant drink wine man i am diabetic as well01:34
ladydoorDJ_Danni: it's best to ask for help in the channel so that if someone messes up others can correct it.01:34
noaxarkHey. I'm installing Xubuntu on a 6GiB hdd. How much space should I allocate for the / partition?01:34
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mipstienafter reinstalling nvidia-glx my direct rendering turns off and i can not turn it back on. but before i reinstall it there is an error on bootup about permissions with /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile what if any, are the option's?01:34
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ladydoorDJ_Danni: and also, just ask your specific question to the channel to see if anyone can help or not01:34
bwlangDJ_Danni: sorry - i just don't have the time right now...  you'll want to have a look in /usr/share/doc/mysql01:34
crimsunbeing diabetic doesn't preclude one from drinking wine </offtopic>01:35
robbbbanyone run enlightened gnome?01:35
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sktfeelsdapperYou guys are great.01:35
sureshotbwlang i am going over to the ubuntu-xgl channel so you have have a good day01:35
DJ_DanniAlways when i try to logg in to phpmyadmin as root i get #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)01:35
wepti accidentally downloaded the amd64 image and installed it on a pentium (which worked), but now it will only give me the linux-images for amd64...is there some apt setting i need to change?01:35
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ladydoorwept: you can install the proper kernel01:36
sureshoti know it iwas off topic and being as diabetic as i am a glass of wine would shoot my surgar level into the 300 i will now be quite01:36
dutchhave checked the forums...can't print to an HP722C....anyone have any ideals  ?01:36
ladydoorwept: (and then you can uninstall the *improper* kernel if you want)01:36
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JoseStefanHello World!01:36
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weptladydoor: the problem is, apt-cache search only displays the amd64 versions01:36
ferossnoaxark: around 4GB should be fine01:37
noaxarkah. thanks.01:37
ladydoorwept: what repositories do you have enabled? would you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:37
rubsohey guys, i want to enable WMV and QuickTime Plugins in Firefox, please?01:37
sktfeelsdapperHow much hd does ubunto use btw?01:37
weptjust like on my other pentium systems it doesnt show the amd64 kernels01:37
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DJ_DanniCan somone help me?01:37
sktfeelsdapperI have 2 10gb hd's and with just ubuntu installed it now says 6.? is left.01:37
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:37
erUSULwept: EMT64 (intel 64 bits) is compatible with amd64 so you are fine with an amd64 kernel01:37
robbbbwhat window manager does everyone use?01:37
gnomefreakrubso: install w32codecs01:38
ladydoorrobbbb: #ubuntu-offtopic01:38
gnomefreak!w32codecs > rubso01:38
mipstienafter reinstalling nvidia-glx my direct rendering turns off and i can not turn it back on. but before i reinstall it there is an error on bootup about permissions with /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile what if any, are the option's?01:38
slavikerUSUL: EMT64 != IA64, right?01:38
robbbbwhy is that off topic?01:38
wepterUSUL: it seems that way but id still like to find out how i can change it...01:38
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=== voLvo [n=ats@mbl-65-149-119.dsl.net.pk] has joined #ubuntu
rubsognomefreak: they're already installed, i want it to be played under Firefox.01:38
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gnomefreakrobbbb: its not a support question01:38
sktfeelsdapperWell the only answers I ever needed were the whole sound issue. Haha01:38
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printkphilc: ah that might be it.. sorry for late reply01:38
robbbbi asked my support question, but nobody answered, or knew the answer01:38
erUSULslavik: right01:38
ferosssktfeelsdapper: uhhmm I'm only using 3GB.01:39
gnomefreakrubso: try mplayer if totem isnt playing them01:39
printkphilc: er i meant phire, sorry01:39
robbbbi was after some more info to sort it myself01:39
erUSULwept: what you would like to change?01:39
rubsognomefreak: k thanks.01:39
=== stisev [n=stisev@64-121-32-85.c3-0.sfo-ubr1.sfrn-sfo.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
sktfeelsdapperSo it only uses 3?01:39
gnomefreakrobbbb: what was your question01:39
slavikrobbbb: metacity (gnome default)01:39
sktfeelsdapperAnother thing is I have 2 hd's.01:39
sktfeelsdapperAnd my other one is still ntfs01:39
wepterusul: it seems like because its running an amd64 kernel, apt-cache search and apt-get are only giving me amd64 kernels to install01:39
robbbbi need to get rid of the background from gnome as the enlightenment background is behind it01:39
sureshotby the way there is no one chatting on ubuntu-xgl i will try other soarces01:39
sktfeelsdapperAnd I really need that other hd for space, because I download alot of uh.....things.01:39
ferosssktfeelsdapper: it's less than 3GB if you don't count all the software I've installed01:39
DJ_DanniThere is no help here to get01:39
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gnomefreakrobbbb: are you using gnome with the E WM?01:40
sktfeelsdapperI should probably get rid of some of these extras...i'm scared to but.01:40
robbbbgnomefreak: yeah01:40
ladydoorDJ_Danni:  not if you don't bother to ask your question.01:40
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sktfeelsdapperLast time I got rid of anything firefox went crazy.01:40
erUSULwept: there is no em64t specific kernel you have to use amd64 it is the closest you will get unless you build your own kernel01:40
sktfeelsdapperAnd I couldn't get into my own "home"01:40
slaviksktfeelsdapper: as long as ubuntu-desktop stays there ...01:40
gnomefreakrobbbb: thats normal.01:41
sktfeelsdapperWell it was some dependency or something.01:41
robbbbparts of gnome are annoying me and need to get rid of them01:41
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wepterusul: im using just a regular pentium 4 though, not 64 bit at all01:41
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robbbbi.e. it seems to be controlling the mouse01:41
sktfeelsdapperI can't remember, I'm going to have to start taking notes of what I do.01:41
gnomefreakrobbbb: your seeing parts of the Desktop Environment not the background01:41
ferosssktfeelsdapper: I only have two partitions, / and /home for junk .. MP3's jpgs downloaded softwar etc01:41
gnomefreakrobbbb: than log into E not gnome01:41
robbbband the background is overwritten01:41
mipstienafter reinstalling nvidia-glx my direct rendering turns off and i can not turn it back on. but before i reinstall it there is an error on bootup about permissions with /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile what if any, are the option's?01:41
weptladydoor: my sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25261/01:41
robbbbyeah but i need the nice GTK effects i've set up in gnome01:41
sktfeelsdapperThat's what I need, I'd love to move all my junk onto the other hd.01:42
ladydoorrobbbb: check this out:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5447601:42
sktfeelsdapperSo I have more room for stuff on here.01:42
=== theblue [n=theblue@pool-72-83-124-196.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:42
robbbbyeah i've read that01:42
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:42
ladydoorrobbbb: it's a little old, but it still updates, so you might check the first few posts and the last few01:42
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ladydoorrobbbb: oh...01:42
=== metalero9 [n=metalero@pc-76-115-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse01:42
sureshotis there any other channels except ubuntu-xgl that talk about xgl and compiz01:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about boom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:42
sktfeelsdapperHmm, see I tried that whole "mount" thing and I couldn't read my other drive.01:42
sktfeelsdapperIf I could just toss my extras on the other hd I would be able happy.01:43
ubotulxdoom: Unix port of boom, an enhanced version of DOOM. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.4-9.2 (dapper), package size 286 kB, installed size 480 kB01:43
robbbbthe problem with all these howtos is that they dont really tell you the technical stuf behind how to acomplish these things01:43
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.01:43
sktfeelsdapperI don't like gaim.01:43
=== Paul928 [n=Paul928@yuma-cuda1-g2-70-36-75-82.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
dyn-afkor why on earth you need to do something is also something that mostly isn't in those howto's robbbb01:43
gnomefreaksktfeelsdapper: are you done playing/fishing with the bot?01:43
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dyn-afksktfeelsdapper then try something else :P01:44
sktfeelsdapperI am.01:44
dyn-afkwhat IM do you need?01:44
dyn-afkmsn? aim? icq? jabber?01:44
sktfeelsdapperWell I mostly talk on IRC now.01:44
sktfeelsdapperAim is a thing of the past.01:44
=== gort [n=jgbiggs@cpe-24-175-15-146.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ferosssktfeelsdapper: I think the best way to set it up if you're dual-booting like I am is.. 1 partition Windows, 1 swap, 1 ubuntu install, 1 storage partition EXT3 ... Install the Windows program to read EXT3 partitions and that way you have one place to store files and read them from ubuntu and windows.01:44
robbbbbecause i want the best01:44
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dyn-afkthen stick to something like xchat or bitchx or irssi01:44
ladydoorsktfeelsdapper: then you might like irssi, using bitlbee for any instant messaging01:44
sureshotis there any other channels except ubuntu-xgl that talk about xgl and compiz01:44
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sktfeelsdapperWell I don't have windows actually ON the other hd.01:45
gnomefreaksureshot: no01:45
sktfeelsdapperIt's just ntfs.01:45
sktfeelsdapperI just have ubuntu now.01:45
sureshotthanks for the answer gnomefreak nice nick by the way01:45
slaviksktfeelsdapper: why don't you like gaim?01:45
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ladydoor!best > robbbb01:45
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:45
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robbbbwhat the hell is that supposed to mean?01:45
sktfeelsdapperWell I didn't like it for Windows because I could never figure out how to change the font, and when I did type messages it was real small.01:46
sktfeelsdapperPlus the buddy list was real confusing.01:46
rcmivvery confusing, this01:46
sktfeelsdapperI'd have the font set at like 34 point01:46
ladydoorrobbbb: it means that linux isn't like windows--people write a lot of different programs that cater to different users' preferences01:46
mipstienafter reinstalling nvidia-glx my direct rendering turns off and i can not turn it back on. but before i reinstall it there is an error on bootup about permissions with /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-k7/volatile what if any, are the option's?01:46
sktfeelsdapperAnd people could hardly read it, and it was the same the other way.01:46
rcmivgparted just simply refuses to see my second sata hd01:46
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
MakuraRyucan I setup a raid system without having to reinstall ubuntu? thanks in advance01:46
robbbbyeah i know what i want, but cant seem to do it or find how to do it01:46
ladydoorrobbbb: so there's not a ``best'' program--there're a lot of good ones, and which one's right for you depends on your preferences.01:47
=== shizu [n=imago@nas-8-122.dialup.farlep.net] has joined #ubuntu
sktfeelsdapperWell, I guess I'll just go forum searching for the hd questions I have.01:47
robbbbi want the mouse to jump to the focus - which doesn't seem to work with gnome01:47
sktfeelsdapperI did figure out that if I use xmms with esd, and firefox with aoss I can change the volume on both seperately and have almost no problems.01:47
chrisjwhmm im having trouble installing msttcorefonts01:47
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chrisjwE: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate01:48
ladydoorrobbbb: http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison . you can set up rat-warping to do that.01:48
ferossMakuraRyu: I'm sure you can. Not exactly sure how but all you'll be doing is mirroring your current installation somewhere else which shouldn't require a whole re-installation.01:48
=== weex [n=dsterry@c-24-7-32-200.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakchrisjw: enable multiverse repo01:48
robbbbisn't that a different WM?01:48
chrisjwi did :(01:48
ladydoorrobbbb: yeah...you were just saying it didn't work with gnome. *shrug*01:48
chrisjwthen i did sudo apt-get update01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dxmixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:49
MakuraRyuthanks for the info!01:49
weexwhen a web browser does a dns lookup it should do A? first right? For some reason on my system it does AAAA?, then tries to add .domain a couple of times, then finally does the A? that's successful01:49
gnomefreakchrisjw: its in multiverse make sure you didnt enable backports multiverse01:49
robbbbenlighenment does it, but not when using with gnome01:49
ladydoorrobbbb: ahhh01:49
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chrisjwi think i did01:49
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gnomefreak!repo > chrisjw01:49
weexthis happens with both epiphany and firefox so i'm wondering where this dns lookup order is configured01:49
we2byguys, how do I set the panel to expand by only 95% of the screen length?01:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:50
sktfeelsdapperdxmixer isn't off topic is it?01:50
ferosswe2by: rightclick> properties01:50
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we2byFergy, it doesn't have the option to expand by 95%01:51
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ferossweex: how are you seeing that? If I type in google.com into my browser it doesn't show what it's looking up :)01:51
robbbbalso. does anybody know how to change the font in gnome-panel ?01:51
sktfeelsdapperis dxmixer neccesary though?01:52
weexfeross: i'm using tcpdump -n to see it01:52
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sktfeelsdapperI mean I have a via onboard sound thingy.01:52
weexi'm thinking it has to do with my resolv.conf having search localdomain in it01:52
sktfeelsdapperI am under the impression that with via you can't do much.01:52
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crimsunsktfeelsdapper: did you mean 'dmix' instead?01:52
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plus_MHow do I change my default sound device in Xubuntu?01:53
we2byrunning beryld01:53
ferosswe2by: ohh right ... well you can set it by pixels if you uncheck expand ... hmm01:53
sktfeelsdapperyah that's it.01:53
weexholy moly that seemed to fix it, i wonder how 'search localdomain' got in there01:53
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chrisjwheh lame question but01:53
chrisjwwhere is the fonts directory?01:53
crimsunsktfeelsdapper: what precisely do you need with dmix? It's enabled by default for the snd-via82xx driver.01:53
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sktfeelsdapperi don't know, i thought maybe that's what i needed to get 2 things to play sound at once.01:54
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sktfeelsdapperi figured out the whole sound thing, even though it's kinda backwards.01:54
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barataI need to convert ogg to mp3, what's the best tool in linux?01:55
baratawav it first?01:55
crimsunsktfeelsdapper: you're already using it to play two things simultaneously if you haven't changed anything from the default (the exceptions being oss-only apps like adobe flash)01:55
sktfeelsdapperHey being able to watch youtube and listen to music is a ok with me.01:55
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:55
sktfeelsdapperflash wouldn't work for me, if i was playing music.01:55
rubso=P sorry gnomefreak01:55
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crimsunsktfeelsdapper: you'd have to use esd or aoss01:55
sktfeelsdapperi have firefox set to aoss01:56
sktfeelsdapperand xmms set to esd01:56
crimsunset xmms to alsa01:56
weexsktfeelsdapper: i have the same problem somtimes01:56
crimsunuse the 'default' device, not a hw:X,Y one01:56
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sktfeelsdapperif i set it to alsa weird things happen.01:56
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ladydoor!best > barata01:56
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admin_what program is there for Linux that is like HyperTerm in windoze01:56
crimsunsktfeelsdapper: what sort of weird?01:56
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:56
sktfeelsdapperlike if i turn down the volume on xmms it turns down the volume on youtube01:56
ladydoorbarata: but you can use oggdec to make them wavs and then use lame to turn them into mp3s01:57
sktfeelsdapperat the same time, so essentially i'm turning it down for both.01:57
admin_what program is there for Linux that is like HyperTerm in windoze01:57
ladydoorbarata: uhhh...why not just read the im the bot sent you?01:57
barataladydoor, do you use ogg2mp3?01:57
crimsunsktfeelsdapper: again, intentional unless you use softvol or hack the mixer control01:57
POVaddctadmin_: minicom01:57
baratais that okey? I dont care about quality actually, because it's a lecture01:57
ladydoorbarata: never heard of it. i use mp32ogg, though01:58
we2byflash has sound here01:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about softvol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:58
gnomefreakbarata: yes its fine01:58
we2byworks also with software mixing01:58
goosei just had a weird problem that forced me to reboot. I couldn't open any new programs. the window border would display but contents were missing. Restarting X didn't solve it. i had to reboot. anyone else experience anything similar?01:58
plus_MHow do I change my default sound device from the onboard sound to a soundcard?01:58
barataladydoor it's just a reverse of mp32ogg01:58
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ferossweex: hmm yeah, are you using DHCP or Static?01:58
baratathanks gnomefreak01:58
gnomefreakladydoor: your doing the oppisite with that ;)01:58
sktfeelsdapperWell, for now I guess it works better than it did.01:58
barataI'll apt-get it01:58
crimsunplus_M: System> Preferences> Sound> Set default card01:58
ladydoorbarata: and it's not in the archives. you can install it from source, i guess01:58
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ladydoorgnomefreak: right. i was wondering if that other even existed01:58
baratalet's try01:58
robbbbjust out of interest - how old are you lot?01:58
gnomefreakladydoor: his is in multiverse iirc01:58
goose20 something01:58
baratayes ladydoor, can't find it01:59
brian98robbbb,  about 13000 combined01:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ogg2mp3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:59
sktfeelsdapperI'm 25.01:59
weexfeross: dhcp but i fixed it already by taking out that 'search localdomain' line in resolv.conf01:59
sktfeelsdapperMy first experience with linux.01:59
baratalet me try alien, because there is the rpm01:59
gnomefreakbrb i saw something thought it was that01:59
gnomefreakbarata: wait01:59
robbbba few pure geek answers there01:59
weexi don't use dns for my lan machines here so i'm not worried01:59
ferossweex: right but if you're on dhcp it might put it back01:59
ladydoorbarata: it's better to install from source rather than use alien. and it's easier to use oggdec and then use lame.01:59
sktfeelsdapperI think I'll leave my sound as is for now, the way I have it set up.01:59
brian98barata: I'm into audio stuff, what was your question again?01:59
sktfeelsdapperIt may be backwords but it works!01:59
goosei just had a weird problem that forced me to reboot. I couldn't open any new programs. the window border would display but contents were missing. Restarting X didn't solve it. i had to reboot. anyone else experience anything similar? <--?02:00
=== sktfeelsdapper equals no sound on windows for some odd reason
weexmaybe i'd better look at my router than02:00
barata<brian98> barata: I'm into audio stuff, what was your question again? --> I need to ogg2mp302:00
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baratadamned! there is no more ogg2mp3 even in sourceforge!?02:01
brian98barata: your gonna need lame02:01
brian98barata: ogg12302:01
brian98barata: ogginfo02:01
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chrisjwwhat is the fonts dir please?02:01
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barataI have lame02:01
brian98barata: acutally one sec...02:01
baratacan lame do ogg2mp3?02:02
brian98barata: with a script02:02
ferossgoose: ahh I was talking to weex .. but never saw the issue you described. did it start happening after a specific program you used?02:02
brian98barata: http://www.igso.net/nkb/Converting_ogg_to_mp3_in_Linux02:02
baratawhat script brian?02:02
chrisjwsurely someone knows here please02:02
chrisjwwhats the fonts directory for ubuntu02:02
tonyyarussoIs there a way to make wireless connections detected immediately on boot (i.e. not require starting Gnome first) when they're managed by NetworkManager?02:02
jribubotu: tell chrisjw about fonts02:03
chrisjwcan't you just tell me the dir02:03
brian98chrisjw, use the locate command !02:03
chrisjwi don't know the locate command can you not just tell me?02:03
jribchrisjw: ~/.fonts, but that page has more info for you...02:03
brian98locate fonts02:03
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baratalet me try that perl script02:03
baratathanks brian9802:03
weexi don't see localdomain in my router anywhere... feross is there a way to stop that line from appearing again?02:03
brian98barata, no worries, hope it works, let me know if you need anything else!02:04
picochubrian98, there's the man command go read up on it02:04
brian98picochu, scusee?02:04
goosefeross no idea.. i had google earth open at the time02:04
picochubrian98, oops sorry it should be chrisjw :P02:05
picochumy bad02:05
ferossweex: depending on what you use for setting up your network. You could have something in there that says DHCP for IP but then you have it static 'search localdomain' for DNS ...02:05
chrisjwi just want to know where to put my tahoma.ttf file02:05
baratabrian98, how to use it? what's the switch?02:05
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picochuchrisjw,  learn to use man and other useful program like fgrep02:06
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chrisjwi know grep02:06
picochuchrisjw,  i mean find02:06
chrisjwbut thanks that's very helpful;02:06
gandalfcomeI have ubuntu server edition on my server, how can I configure nfs graphically. Does webmin still exist? thanks in advance02:06
weexwell it's a linksys voip router and there's no host or domain name set in it anywhere even in its dhcp to the cable modem02:07
picochuchrisjw, use find to search for files02:07
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jribchrisjw: I told you...02:07
chrisjwwell i know that now02:07
brian98chrisjw, if you want to find a file called brian from the root type sudo find / -name brian02:07
ferosschrisjw: uhhm, haven't messed with fonts since I installed ubuntu but there's a howto in the wiki if I remember correctly02:07
chrisjwwhere do i put tahoma?02:07
chrisjwi know that feross ty02:07
brian98barata, whats the options?02:07
chrisjwim after tahoma02:07
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jribchrisjw: ~/.fonts02:08
ferosschrisjw: hold a sec I'll see if I can find that wiki02:08
brian98chrisjw,  that means /home/yourusername/.fonts02:08
chrisjwjrib, i looked there, it showed the fonts02:08
chrisjwoh let me see02:08
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chrisjwtahomabd.ttf  tahoma.ttf02:09
chrisjwlol wtf02:09
chrisjwthose fonts are on my desktop02:09
baratabrian98, why that thing wants ide302:09
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brian98Its old and needs to be changed I would say..02:09
chrisjwbut i can't use them using my fonts panel02:09
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daveare there ANY webcam chat clients at all for linux? gaim-vv doesnt seem to work under ubuntu other than that i cant raelly find any that work02:09
brian98barata, I',m looking at the script now..02:09
jribchrisjw: did you copy them into ~/.fonts?02:10
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chrisjwyes :s02:10
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juztincan anyone suggest some linux calendar software to keep track of bills, birthdays, etc?02:10
ferosschrisjw: hmm look at this... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-82318.html it should still apply.02:10
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jribchrisjw: hmm, you may have to restart the program.  Or even regenerate the font cache with 'fc-cache'02:10
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chrisjwnvm im sorry02:11
chrisjwtahoma is there now02:11
ferossoh cool02:11
chrisjwbut the problem i have now is that its screwed up for some reason02:11
chrisjwin terminal, some of the glyphs are written on top of each other02:11
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brian98barata, ok, lame will do it without the script, just read up @ http://lame.sourceforge.net/links.php02:12
lostincHi I have Apache2 installed on my laptop that I wish to use for mobile web development. What permissions do I need to apply to the /var/www/ folder in order to give myself read and write permissions?02:12
g333k_laptophi, hw do I know the version of the pkgs avaible for edgy?02:12
baratathanks brian9802:12
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brian98g333k_laptop, #ubuntu+102:12
baratabrian98, are you a musician?02:12
shizu      /discon02:12
ferossdave: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Ekiga02:13
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brian98barata, streaming radio02:13
daveyeah i got ekiga02:13
we2byguys, what software to use with a webcam?02:13
brian98barata, so I have had my head wrecked with codecs ;)02:13
davewas hoping for something more like icuii02:13
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chrisjwhmm brb02:13
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davewith a chat room interface02:13
Geoffrey3um, I need help recovering my Ubuntu install that appears to have gone "poof"02:14
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baratai c ... can you introduce me to Howard Stein, brian98? :)02:14
we2byguys, what software to use with a webcam?02:15
Geoffrey3I'm getting a number of "No such file or directory" errors when trying to mount drives and directories, starting with sda502:15
brian98barata, no worries!02:15
plus_MHow do I change the default sound device from onboard sound to a soundcard?02:15
crimsunplus_M: System> Preferences> Sound> Set default card   (in Dapper)02:16
gandalfcomehow do I mount nfs share with gnome02:16
ferosswe2by: umm ekiga is for video-conferencing.02:16
plus_MOk I am using Xubuntu02:16
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crimsunplus_M: asoundconf list02:16
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plus_MOk I see my two sound devices02:16
crimsunplus_M: then tell me the output02:16
davelooking for something like camfrog,icuii,cuseemee02:16
davedont think it exists though02:17
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daveor if anyone has any idea why gaim-vv doesnt work with ubuntu ?02:17
plus_MCK8S and CA010602:17
plus_MCA0106 is my soundcard that I want to use02:17
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crimsunplus_M: asoundconf set-default-card CA010602:18
crimsunplus_M: then restart all alsa apps02:18
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plus_MOK thanks02:18
g333k_laptop how can I install xfce4 avaiable for edgy in dapper?02:18
crimsung333k_laptop: unless you enjoy weeping and gnashing of teeth, you wouldn't.02:18
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g333k_laptopcrimsun, there are fixes... that I must patch with the newest version02:19
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crimsung333k_laptop: which ones from svn?02:20
Geoffrey2I just turned on my computer, and Ubuntu is now crashing during startup, I'm getting "No such file or directory" errors when trying to mount /dev/sda5 on /root, /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev, /sys on /root/sys. and /proc on /root/proc02:20
Naked_SnakeI just remembered my Quake III Gold CDs are a PC/Mac/Linux hybrid02:20
g333k_laptopI have a ne clean install of dapper, can I do a dist upgrade?02:20
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Geoffrey2it then says it can't access tty, job control turned off02:20
daveanyone using edgy beta?02:21
g333k_laptopdave, I want to02:21
daveme too02:21
davebut im scared02:21
davethe word beta02:21
davefrightens me02:21
g333k_laptopI'll take the risks02:22
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ferossg333k_laptop: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Howto_upgrade_from_6_06_dapper_to_6_10_Edgy02:23
daveyou first02:23
sureshotdoes xgl slow down your computer02:23
davethen tell me how it goes02:23
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chrisjwok tahoma is working cool02:23
thedashhow can I look up exactly what version of a driver I have?02:23
chrisjwwell tahoma isn't showing up in amsn but i can live without it!02:23
Marsmenschhi, a short question, i got the benq mobile newsletter, which says there's a software for linux (e.g. ubuntu 5.10) now. i found details on the website. anyone has a idea, how long it takes, until the software is installabl by apt? any idea how long it could take?02:23
gandalfcomeIn dapper I want to connect to a nfs share using the connect to server-tool. are there other graphical tools to connect to an nfs server02:24
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ferossgandalfcome: hmm, did you look through synaptic?02:25
Marsmenschmaybe anyone here can add the package to the reporsortories??02:25
housetierhow do I make apt NOT configure python2.4 packages (it fails because of byte-compilation errors) when I actually want to install and configure beep-media-player?02:25
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gandalfcomedoing it right now02:25
daveapt-get install -f02:26
ferossMarsmensch: what program?02:26
plus_Mcrimsun I did what you said but it doesn't appear to have worked02:27
sureshotdoes xgl slow down your computer02:27
crimsunplus_M: pastebin your ~/.asoundrc*02:27
gandalfcome@feross: didnt find anything02:27
Geoffrey2is there any chance the live CD could fix my Ubuntu problem?02:28
gandalfcomedo you know the connect to server tool? but it only gives me access to smb ftp, and so on02:28
Marsmenschfeross: The Mobile Phone Manager for Linux (XMPM) a software for all Benq, Siemensmobilephones02:28
plus_Mcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25263/02:28
crimsunplus_M: I need /home/eric/.asoundrc.asoundconf, too02:29
sktfeelsdapperSound problems!02:29
Marsmenschfeross: you can read a short info about it here under pc software & drivers http://www.benq-siemens.com/cds/frontdoor/0,2241,hq_en_0_130289_0_xcp%253A140777_xcs%253A130989,00.html02:29
ferossgandalfcome: hmm yeah I only see something for kde02:29
housetierI get this far: http://paste.husk.org/6844 and don't know how to proceed from there except to get the .deb files and use dpkg (but I doubt that will help)02:30
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Naked_SnakeSmoke tree02:30
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gandalfcomeperhaps i can use that02:31
ferossMarsmensch: not sure but will System>Admin>share folder do it .. mine only shows smb but that could be because I don't have nfs installed.02:31
sureshotware can i find the system requirement for xgl i have a 2gh proccessor 1gb mem 128video mem ati mobility x600se i systems seems to slow down when running xgl02:31
Geoffrey2could someone confirm they are reading me...just so I know I'm actually posting in the channel02:31
MarsmenschGeoffrey2: k02:32
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Dr_willisGeoffrey2,  Moo!02:32
ferossgandalfcome: not sure but will System>Admin>share folder do it .. mine only shows smb but that could be because I don't have nfs installed.02:32
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gandalfcomeyes sure I can share folders but not connect to a share02:33
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ferossGeoffrey2: well, is it a new install? maybe you need to reinstall. Could be your grub isn't setup right.. shrug02:33
gandalfcomei mean I try it on the console but it seems my nfs server isnt configured correctly02:33
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gandalfcomeI presume You don't know how to configure nfs server ;-)02:33
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Geoffrey2no, it was working fine last night when I shut it down, today I turn it on..can't boot02:34
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ferossgandalfcome: nope... no dapper wiki on nfs?02:34
crimsunplus_M: ?02:35
sureshotware can i find the system requirement for xgl i have a 2gh proccessor 1gb mem 128video mem ati mobility x600se i systems seems to slow down when running xgl02:35
gandalfcomei googled for it but couldnt find02:35
tonyyarussoWhat features should I be looking for in a wireless router?02:35
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gandalfcomethanks feross, I think I will use the console02:36
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ferossgandalfcome: hmm well might want to give this a look ... http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_share_folders_the_easy_way02:37
ferossjust in case02:37
Geoffrey2Grub comes up, gives me a menu, I pick the latest and greatest version, I might try an older kernal just to see if that changes anything, anyway, Kernel uncompresses, Ubuntu progress screen comes up, gets to Mounting root file system, poof.....02:37
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ferosstonyyarusso: 802.11g and WPA ... usually all have some wireless features. I can tell you what NOT to get  D-Link ... Cheap piece of ...02:39
ferossI meant firewall features .. doh02:39
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tonyyarussofeross: Okay, thanks.02:39
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viatoryep dlink stinks02:40
sureshotnetgear is ok as well that is what i use it has a firewall 4 port wired hup as well and does 64bit and128 bit wep and wpa02:40
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sureshotit was 40.00 at bestbuy02:40
viatorget al older linksys wep54g02:41
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ferossGeoffrey2: hmm, maybe the fstab is messed up.. yeah and try some other kernel. At least you would be able to get in and take a look.02:41
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viatorthen install the ddwrt firmware02:41
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ferosswell, you don't HAVE to get the older ones. I think Linksys now has a more expensive model that you can install the ddwrt stuff to.02:42
brian98Feross: Zyxel are pretty good if you can get em02:42
viatorfeross yeah02:42
sktfeelsdapperhow do i check to see if my cd burner is installed right?02:42
viatorthe wrt54g L02:43
ferosshi ubuntu.02:43
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:43
viatorl for linux?02:43
viatori think02:43
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sktfeelsdapperWait, do you have to burn mp3's into an iso to get it off the disc?02:43
ferossyeah, could be02:43
sktfeelsdapperoh wait, nevermind.02:43
victorrhello all, can someone please recommend a guide for installing ubuntu with all the nifty features?02:43
sureshotware can i find the system requirement for xgl i have a 2gh proccessor 1gb mem 128video mem ati mobility x600se i systems seems to slow down when running xgl02:44
mzddaryahas anyone had any trouble with PHP session's.  phpinfo() reports everything ok, but I can't get a session variable to stick.02:44
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Geoffrey2feross, ok, it identifies root as (hd0,4), Filesystem as ext2fs, partition type 0x83, runs the kernel and initrd commands, savedefault, boot, message comes up "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel."02:44
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sktfeelsdapperbut yah how do i set up my cd burner properly?02:44
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plus_Mcrimsun I may have disconnected a while ago02:45
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tonyyarussoUSB devices should be pretty much guaranteed to work in Linux regardless of what they are, right?02:45
plus_MDid you catch the pastebin?02:45
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crimsunplus_M: I caught the first; did you paste what I asked for additionally?02:45
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viatorskt what do you mean set up proberly02:45
sktfeelsdapperWell I mean, do I have to mount the cd drive, or...whatever?02:46
chrisjwsynaptec has an out of date version of xchat02:46
ferossvictorr: http://lunapark6.com/?p=1235 I think I messsed with this one but didn't do the xgl part because I don't have nvidia02:46
viatornot usually02:46
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chrisjwif I just download the new one02:46
sktfeelsdapperWhat do I have to do to put a cd in right now, and burn a cd until I can figure out how to get my other hd mounted right.02:46
chrisjwwill it install it ok?02:46
viatorit shoulld automatically02:46
viatorin ubuntu02:46
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victorrfeross: thank you!02:46
housetierhow do I tell apt&friends to skip over configuring certain packages so it can install and configure others?02:46
sktfeelsdapperapt and friends XD02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdrom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
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ferosssktfeelsdapper: just pop it in.. you'll be surprised02:47
mzddaryaI can't get php sessions working on my ubuntu install, does anyone have any hints for troubleshooting it?02:47
sktfeelsdapperI've got a good cd burner in here much to my surprize.02:47
sktfeelsdapperWith what else is wrong with this stupid thing.02:48
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housetierI want to tell it "dont bother with python2.4{,-dev,-minimal} just download, isntall and configure the others" is that somehow possible?02:48
sktfeelsdapperAlso Nicotine latest version, the trayicon thing doesn't work.02:49
Geoffrey2feross, any idea where I might start troubleshooting this thing...02:49
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sktfeelsdapperI want it to be a part of my drop down list in Apps, but I don't know how to configure it right.02:49
viatorapt should automatically install and configure thigs correctly based on dependencies etc02:49
sktfeelsdapperI know there's a way, I tried it before but I don't know how to do it now.02:49
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sktfeelsdapperWell Nicotine+ is run from python I think.02:49
viatoryou can make it to a dry run to see if theres going to be a problem02:49
sktfeelsdapperThe only way I can start it up is from the command line.02:49
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ferossGeoffrey2: hmm02:50
viatori guess you could do somthing with dpkg02:50
gansinhohey! How do I know if my 3D driver is working ( like if the 3D rendering is "on")02:50
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mzddaryaWill someone please help me with PHP config on Ubuntu?02:51
BlueEaglegansinho: You will definetly know if it's off when you try to run a 3d app.02:51
BlueEaglegansinho: If you haven't noticed that it's definetly off then it's probably on.02:51
jribmzddarya: just say what you are having trouble with.  If someone knows how to help, they will try02:51
gansinhoBlueEagle: say one...02:51
ferossGeoffrey2: I think you can try booting in recover mode and check the / partition with ext fs check.. or check it by booting the ubuntu cd and runnig from there02:52
sktfeelsdapperSo yah Nicotine running other than command line, anyone?02:52
BlueEaglegansinho: glxgears perhaps?02:52
mzddaryajrib: so I guess that means nobody knows, because I have asked twice...02:52
BlueEaglegansinho: or fglxgears if you're running ATi02:52
w30wow synaptic has a lot of ftp servers! which one is best for a novice to run?  vsftpd has a ubuntu icon in front of it, Does that make it better for Ubuntu boxes :=)02:52
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gansinhoits working02:52
Geoffrey2ok, I tried recover mode and that can't load either...I'll go grab the live CD and see what that can do for me02:52
housetierso you agree I should either wrestle with launchpad so I can report a bug or just go ahead and shoot myself in the foot02:52
gansinhothanks BlueEagle!02:53
viatori know nothing about nicotine02:53
=== housetier vents
viatorwhats the problem with it02:53
sktfeelsdapperAnybody know anything about Nicotine+02:53
housetiersktfeelsdapper I do02:53
jribmzddarya: yes, no one may know that is on at this time.  You can try the forums or mailing list too though.  More eyes will see your question02:53
sktfeelsdapperIt's a ubuntu question! Really!02:53
sktfeelsdapperIs it possible instead of running it from the terminal to have it in your apps?02:53
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: create a launcher02:54
=== w30 notices tha nicotine is ported to Nokia 770 tablets :=)
sktfeelsdapperBecause if I close down terminal bye bye Nicotine02:54
housetierand you can even add ANY program to your menu, not just nicotine02:54
sktfeelsdapperHow do you create a launcher?!?!02:54
ferossmzddarya: are there any PHP irc chans?02:54
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=== sktfeelsdapper ultra n00b
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: right click in the desktop02:54
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sktfeelsdapperI tried that on the upper tray thing and it didn't open anything.02:55
mzddaryafeross: I hope so, but I don't know much about irc.02:55
mzddaryaCan anyone recommend an IRC channel for Apache/PHP?02:55
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: name it, then in the command type the command that you used to type in the terminal02:55
sktfeelsdapperDoes it depend on python to run?02:55
Rastaok, ready to install dapper, wish me luck02:55
viatoryou can create a launcher02:55
Rastaill be back >)02:55
jribmzddarya: #apache and ##php02:55
viatorand drag it to the panel02:55
viatorif you wish02:55
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:55
ferossmzddarya: try #apache02:55
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mzddaryathanks feross and jrib02:56
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: what was the command? that you type in terminal to open nicotine+?02:56
gansinhowhat is *02:56
viator/usr/bin/nicotine   probably02:56
viatoror just nicotine02:56
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sktfeelsdapperit's long!02:57
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sktfeelsdappercd /home/skt/nicotine+-
viatorskt did you install it from the repos?02:57
sktfeelsdapperAnd then ./nicotine02:57
viatori see you didnt02:57
sktfeelsdapperI think I got it off source forge.02:57
sktfeelsdapperOr whatever.02:57
viatorits in the repos02:57
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sktfeelsdapperNicotine+ or just Nicotine?02:58
sktfeelsdapperBecause i found the normal nicotine in the repos.02:58
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: so it's easy02:58
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sktfeelsdapperTell me, gansinho I'm all ears.02:58
viatorwhats the difference  im assuming one is newre or what not02:58
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: open a new text document02:58
gansinhoin the desktop for example02:58
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sethkgansinho, I don't have any trouble doing it02:59
gansinho(I'm not a english native speaker, sorry for misspeling)02:59
sktfeelsdapperoh no it's fine!02:59
sethksktfeelsdapper, of course, I don't know what we are talking about ...02:59
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gansinhosktfeelsdapper: now type #!/bin/sh02:59
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gansinhoin the next line, tipe the first line of your long comand =), and in the second the second03:00
gansinhogot it?03:00
sktfeelsdapperdo i add the "cd" part of it too?03:00
Geoffrey2feross, ok, live CD is up and I'm at the desktop03:00
gansinhoall the comand03:00
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gansinhoI'll show you mine03:00
sethksktfeelsdapper, if you run zsh instead of bash, it is smart enough to figure out that it's a directory and it changes to it without the cd03:00
gansinhofor a app03:01
ferossGeoffrey2: can you mount the / partiton and read it?03:01
sethkskfit's called autocd03:01
sktfeelsdapperok i got it all down now. Haha03:01
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gansinhosktfeelsdapper: I'm a noob too, I discovered this editing things, but the point is: it works03:01
sktfeelsdappernowith whatith03:01
Geoffrey2feross, do I need to do that in terminal?03:01
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25265/03:01
gansinho(without the numbers obviously)03:02
gansinhothis is a example, with another app03:02
sktfeelsdapperoh ok03:03
sktfeelsdapperI got that.03:03
sktfeelsdapperNow what?03:03
gansinhosave, and close03:03
gansinhodouble click it...03:03
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gansinho(yours should be like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25266/ )03:03
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ferossGeoffrey2: yes, or it might alread be mounted... try  df -h to see what you have mounted03:04
sktfeelsdapperThat didn't work.03:04
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: and ... ?03:04
sktfeelsdapperIt just opens up the file.03:04
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gansinhoit is like this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25266/03:04
=== feross brb going to cut nails.. can't type :/
siganyone know about fonts?03:05
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gansinhojust like that one03:05
gansinhoI wrote it for you03:05
w30 anyone have any opinions on which ftp server to run?03:05
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gansinhoIt should open it03:05
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: when you double click what appears?03:06
sktfeelsdapperthe actual new file.03:06
sethkw30, depends on your requirements.03:06
sethkw30, ftp is a security problem, so do you really need to run an ftp server?03:06
Geoffrey2df -h finds unionfs, varrun, varlock, udev, devshm, lrm, and tmpfs03:06
gansinhothe txt file that I said to you to create03:06
gansinhowas a .txt nor a .odt03:06
w30sethk, novice on this end and just a home machine that needs to transfer files to internet friends03:07
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sethkw30, the simplest is wuftp03:07
sktfeelsdapperIt doesn't tell me what kinda file it is, and i did it exactly like you did.03:08
sethkw30, I wouldn't leave it running on the 'net all the time., though.  if you plan to do that, there are better choices03:08
gansinhoI'll send to you via DCC03:08
ferossw30: uhm, why not ssh, have clients use filezilla with sftp03:08
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w30sethk, security by obscurity. I can shut it off if no one needs it at the moment, there are no uptime obligations.03:08
sethkw30, people on windows can install cygwin and use sftp.  (there are other windows side programs also)03:08
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sethkw30, if you shut it down, then it's not a problem03:09
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sethkw30, I'll look in the repos, see what's easy03:09
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: I've got to go, accept it, and run, it should work03:09
sktfeelsdapperIt didn't work03:09
sethkw30, use tftp instead of ftp, then03:09
=== sktfeelsdapper is under wine
sethkw30, it's extremely easy.03:10
sethkw30, or, use...03:10
gansinhooh damn man03:10
sethkw30, wu-ftpd03:10
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w30sethk, I have windows friends that have to click, they can't type any thing like putty in a dos terminal03:10
gansinhoyou should run it in ubuntu03:10
sethkw30, which is almost as easy as tftp03:10
gansinhosktfeelsdapper: I've got to go.. bye03:10
sethkw30, you can set up your box as a web server, tell them your IP and let them surf to your box that way03:10
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ferossGeoffrey2: ok try mkdir /hda4 then mount -t ext2 /hda4 /dev/hda4 or whatever your partition is.. ALso you can run qtparted and check the partitons03:11
w30sethk, pro-ftp was on Fedora core3 and it was ok for my needs but this is now a Ubuntu box :=)03:11
sethkw30, it's funny that you say that, because ftp is the original command line way to transfer files03:11
sethkw30, pro-ftp is in the repositories03:11
sethkw30, you can install it.03:11
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sethkw30, there is really no difference between FC3 and ubuntu (well, fc5 and ubuntu)03:12
Geoffrey2feross, is qtparted on the Live CD?03:12
iLLf8dsethk wow thats a loaded statement greetings btw!03:12
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ferossw30 sethk... not to but in but FileZilla for windows works great.. easy pointclick and all w30 needs to install is ssh to get it working with sftp03:12
sethkiLLf8d, well, it's a bit dull tonight, I thought I'd spice things up.  :)03:12
eetfunki need to install a basic smtp server on my box.  what do you recommend?03:13
sethkfeross, I didn't suggest that he use ftp, merely pointed out that it's available03:13
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w30sethk, yes ftp and gopher and mincom or whatever that was on modems, ha03:13
sethkfeross, I don't use it myself.  but, if he shuts down the server when nobody is getting files, there is nothing wrong with ftp03:13
sethkw30, what I mean is that ftp _is_ a command line protocol, and those other programs (like the web browser) just fake it out, more or less.03:14
sethkw30, which can be done with any protocol03:14
sethkw30, but with ftp it can be done without the windows side doing anything, I realize03:14
=== Bog_ [n=me@CPE000d889a2f0d-CM00080d7be684.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ferosssethk: true, I just think it's a waste of time to install an FTP server when ssh is available and necessary for FTP servers so you can manage from remote anyway.03:14
Bog_anyone know what libsystem is used for?03:14
iLLf8deetfunk, I've used postfix before dunno if its your best choice or not (although noone else is answering so) it configuration is pretty easy03:14
eetfunkiLLf8d: ok thnx03:15
w30sethk, true it's all clothing that just eats a little more bandwidth03:15
Bonez56anyone had experience with the truecrypt ubuntu package? it never works... kernel module invalid03:15
sethkw30, not really significant bandwidth.  it's just a bit ironic03:15
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sethkBonez56, kernel modules must match the running kernel03:15
brian98sethk, I disagree with you on the fc5 point ;)03:15
iLLf8dI had to sit on the phone and in a java servlet for 40 min just to tell my isp their nameservice was down =P03:15
ferossGeoffrey2: hmm not sure.. try it. Just drop to console and type it in or type qt then <tab> to see if it autocompletes03:15
sethkbrian98, I know, but I know both distros quite well.03:16
Bonez56sethk: yeah, i have a stock standard ubuntu install with linux-686 and the module that comes with the package doesnt work.03:16
sethkBonez56, effectively that means you have to build the kernel module locally.03:16
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Bonez56sethk: yeah i think ill just grab the source and build it03:16
w30Fedora is a lot different in the init part of Linux03:16
sethkBonez56, it's common, in a binary distro they update the kernel, and then all sorts of modules refuse to load03:16
iLLf8dI gavem a list of the servers down and told them I was using atm (and it wasn't theirs) so whats the response after like another 5 minute wait isn't ours03:16
sethkw30, no, not significantly.03:16
Geoffrey2feross, nope...ok, I'll stick in the System Rescue CD, I think that DOES have qtparted in it03:16
Bonez56sethk: roger03:16
brian98sethk, one for #offtopic sometime!03:16
ferossGeoffrey2: true03:17
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sethkGeoffrey2, I believe it does have it, yes.03:17
asmandeusBah, can't seem to get sound playback03:17
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juztinquestion : what do i need to fix this error?  : LoadLibrary("ref_glx.so") failed: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:17
w30sethk, I kinda like the debian way better, but I never could get debian distros going until Ubuntu.03:17
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sethkw30, debian's not all that hard, once you get past the install, anyway.03:18
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sethkw30, the install isn't bad, just not very well documented03:18
sethkw30, which is effectively the same thing as bad, for many people.  :)03:18
iLLf8djuztin, do  an apt-file search (after you've installed apt-file and run an apt-file update) for libSDL_ttf03:18
Bonez56how do I install kernel source & headers?03:19
w30sethk, Ubuntu is great from a userability and application install point, rpm hunting is a full time sport on Fedora03:19
iLLf8djuztin, unless its installed by default I dunno03:19
juztiniLLf8d, its not, installing now03:19
yanger:| if i am connected to 100s of people via bittorrent, is it normal to see processor resources spikes?03:19
iLLf8dit'll show you which packge that should belog to03:19
sethkw30, I don't use the package managers, so it makes no difference to me.03:19
iLLf8dbelong even03:19
juztiniLLf8d, its installed...what command do i use to do that?03:19
iLLf8dapt-file update03:20
iLLf8dthen iirc its apt-file search libSDL_ttf (should tellya which package it'd be a part of assuming ubuntu does it the same way)03:20
sethkyanger, I would say so, yes.  :)03:20
w30sethk, what do you mean by that, do you use apt-get or just compile from source03:20
sethkiLLf8d, yes, apt-file is apt-file on any o/s03:20
yangerargh... no wonder...03:20
sethkw30, I compile from source.  I'm _not_ saying other people should do that, by the way.03:21
iLLf8dsethk, didn't know that03:21
yangerand they say downloading iso images via bittorrents are easier ;\03:21
iLLf8dactually I'm gonna install that now too since its not on here03:21
Bonez56how do I install kernel source & headers?03:21
juztiniLLf8d, looks like it's as simple as libSDL_ttf ... it's probably in synaptic03:21
sethkyanger, easier?  no.  better resource utilization on the 'net, definitely.03:21
iLLf8dsethk, seems theres no terminal based traceroute by default? only gui stuff?03:21
w30sethk, what distro do you use or have you folled your own?03:21
sethkiLLf8d, of course there is traceroute.  I guess "by default" means that with the install option you happened to use, you didn't get it installed.03:22
iLLf8dJusztin that command should giveya a list of packages that contain  it03:22
sethkiLLf8d, but there are at least four different sets of install options.03:22
SpCombyanger: http is easier, bt is the fastest03:22
iLLf8doh hrm were there I guess I've forgotten already03:22
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sethkiLLf8d, traceroute is in the package .... traceroute!   imagine that  :)03:23
iLLf8dthat gui things ok tho I was surprised when it wasn't there although nslookup whois and dig is there03:23
iLLf8dyeah I know that03:23
sethkiLLf8d, they are all "there".  some are installed by default with the install option you chose.03:23
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iLLf8dI was just commenting on the fact its not in by default heh03:23
sethkiLLf8d, some are installed by default with other options.03:23
sethkiLLf8d, the point is that there isn't a "default".03:23
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ferossBonez56: try 'apt-get install linux-source'03:24
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sethkiLLf8d, there is nothing less "default" about, say, the server install or the oem install.03:24
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sethkiLLf8d, the magic of the package manager is that you can install whatever you want.03:24
sethkwhy worry about what happen to be the choices for the desktop option?03:24
iLLf8dserver version has no gui installed right?03:25
ferosssethk: why don't you use genpoo then? :P03:25
sethkfeross, that makes no sense.03:25
juztiniLLf8d, the package i needed was libsdl-ttf ... thanks for the tip on apt-file :D03:25
sethkfeross, why would I do that?03:25
iLLf8dmaybe thats the one I should've instralled03:25
iLLf8djuztin, np =)03:25
sethkfeross, there is a bit of a difference between getting what I want in two minutes vs. getting what I want in two days.03:25
baratamy ogg project is done! :) thanks to vorbis-tools03:25
iLLf8dfeross yeah you really can't compare the 203:26
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iLLf8dnot that ones any better then the other they're just quite different03:26
sethkiLLf8d, he wasn't being serious, I just took the opportunity to make a point  :)03:26
ferosssethk: well I guess the initial install takes forever :) then you can install from source.03:26
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iLLf8dsethk, there are alot of funfishers in here too03:27
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sethkfeross, I can install anything I want from source on any linux distro.03:27
asmandeushmm, I can get sound running in vmware (on winxp) but not in ubuntu.. what gives03:27
Geoffrey2feross, ok, qtparted is up...sda4 is extended, sda5 is ext3, and sda6 is linux-swap03:27
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sethkasmandeus, configuration03:27
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asmandeusfunny thing is, I believe some sound was working on the LiveCD03:27
iLLf8dasmandeus, heh why not just use the native os unless you installed esx03:27
ferosssethk: right... what I meant to say came out wrong, was JK.03:27
sethkasmandeus, gives you a great opportunity.  run it under vmware and get the working configuration, and change the real install to match it.03:28
amicrawlehey guys where do i add bios's to xmess?03:28
sethkfeross, I knew that.  :)03:28
asmandeusthat makes sense03:28
asmandeusI could screw with it to my heart's content in vmware03:28
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VCFHi there, I have a simple question, I have 2 linux server in a network via a router, now how do I share a dir on 1 of the 2 machines ? Machine 1 is a webserver, the other one is a streaming server holding a bunch of MP3's, now I have a php script that scan the content of a dir and outputs the files contained within the dir. You might have guessed where I'm going, I would like to let the...03:28
VCF...script scan the dir on the other server. I have looked around but can't find a good tutorial how to set this up, who can help me, or at least point me to some good tutorials wich handle this kind of things. thx03:28
amicrawlewhere is a good place for help for xmess03:28
w30sethk, I try to install from source sometimes. Sometimes I make and sometimes I don't.03:28
sethkasmandeus, probably did run with the live cd.  that's another way to get the working config.03:28
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ferossGeoffrey2: can you run a check on your /03:29
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sethkw30, you have to remember that I've been installing from source for about 30 years.03:29
iLLf8dVCF towards what end?03:29
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iLLf8dVCF, serving them up or streaming them out?03:29
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SpyHi does anyone know if it's normal than Internet Connection work on Ubuntu Live CD but don't work after installation on HDD ?03:29
VCFJsut listing them on the site03:29
asmandeuswhen switching from LiveCD to the install I'm in, did it like, compile a new kernal minus whatever sound settings?03:30
w30sethk, Linux is not 30 years old yet is it? Unix is what? 50 years old?03:30
ch4n5Hi, I need a client to connect my BroadBand. But its available either as a Java Class file or .exe file. My UBUNTU LTS lacks gcc so I can't run either of the above.03:30
J-_when refering to an ssh public key, what does that mean? I want to start proofreading for the linux gazette and one other thing, what's a good ssh client to go with?03:30
Geoffrey2feross, FYI (assuming you haven't already figured this out), I switched over from pure Windows not that long ago, so I really don't know many of the Linux commands *YET*03:30
sethkSpy, normal?  no.03:30
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Spyhum well sethk03:30
sethkSpy, your configuration isn't right.  are you using DHCP to get your configuration?03:30
iLLf8dVCF, can I query you to get a bit of clarification?03:30
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ferossGeoffrey2: try rightclick on the parttion for your root and look for something like check partition03:30
SpyYes sethk03:31
sethkSpy, I'm not saying you did something wrong, just that for whatever reason your configuration  on the hard drive is wrong03:31
ch4n5can anyone say me how to install gcc03:31
sethkSpy, what's not working, specifically?03:31
ferossch4n5: hmm  'apt-get install gcc'03:31
ch4n5I downloaded the source files, how to configure, build dependencies03:31
ch4n5feross: does this work even if I dont have an internet connection?03:32
viator ./configure03:32
Spyi don't know sethk03:32
sethkSpy, then why do you think it isn't working?03:32
asmandeusOne of these days, I'll own a soundcard that works right outta the box03:32
ferossch4n5: gcc is probably on the ubuntu cd.03:33
sethkasmandeus, get a cheap one.  they work fine.03:33
brian98just brought home a spare brand new lappy to give edgy a quick look03:33
asmandeusI probably should03:33
Spysethk i'm new in linux world and when i try to config the connection it don't see my modem03:34
J-_what's going to be different on edgy in comparison to dapper?03:34
sethkSpy, modem configuration can be tricky.03:34
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espenelI'll think about it03:34
sethkSpy, I'm not a good person to help with modems.  I haven't used a modem in about 15 years.03:34
asmandeusI work with a bunch of music once in a while, so I ended up getting a flashy soundcard03:34
viatorwhat does he mean by modem03:34
sethkviator, I assumed that, but maybe I'm wrong03:34
asmandeusand it's been nothing but a pain trying to get it working under linux distros03:34
brian98J-_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta03:34
viatoror broadband03:34
sethkviator, he might mean a cable modem or dsl modem.03:35
J-_brian98: thanks03:35
sethkSpy, what kind of connection do you have?  did you mean a dial up telephone modem?03:35
SpudDoggDoes anyone know how to make a module load automatically while booting?  As is now, I have to 'sudo modprobe rt2570' every time I boot to use my ralink card.  Any ideas?03:35
Geoffrey2feross, I don't see any option for that in QtParted...03:35
sethkSpudDogg, add it to /etc/modules03:35
brian98sethk: they aint modems03:35
sethkbrian98, yes they are03:35
sethkbrian98, a modem is simply a device that converts one form of signal to another to accomodate a different medium03:35
Spycable modem sethk03:35
Spyi've exterbal modem on cable connction03:36
viatormodem modulator /demodulator03:36
sethkSpy, how do you connect to the cable modem?  with a network cable, or a USB cable?03:36
Jas-Nixhello, I installed ubuntu edgy and I am trying to get slab (sled10 menu) installed, I saw there is a repo for dapper, will that .deb work for me ?03:36
SpudDoggsethk: thanks man03:36
Spymy Lan is OUT03:36
sethkSpy, to start with, you'll need the usb networking modules inserted into the kernel.03:36
J-_when refering to an ssh public key, what does that mean? I want to start proofreading for the linux gazette and one other thing, what's a good ssh client to go with?03:36
viatorethernet is the way to go with neworking equipment03:36
sethkSpy, you said it works from the live cd, correct?  run the live cd, and when it is running, run this program in a terminal:    lsmod03:37
sethkSpy, write down the results, and then come back and talk to us.03:37
viatoravoid usb if you can03:37
ferossGeoffrey2: hmm, drop to console and do fsck.ext2 -h to see options.03:37
sethkviator, I agree, absolutely03:37
ch4n5feross: Does the Ubuntu LTS CD have this gcc?03:37
Spyok thx a lot sethk :)03:37
sethkviator, but some people have a device without ethernet.03:37
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brian98sethk: Sorry, but you are wrong.  DSL is transferred digitally from the computer to theCO.  The signal is never modulated as is done with modems,MOdulator/DEModulator03:38
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ferossch4n5: hmm not sure03:38
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sktfeelsdapperhow do i delete something on command line?03:38
sktfeelsdapperthis is getting really frustrating.03:38
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kamuiI just pop in and Im on top of it03:39
sethksktfeelsdapper, delete a file?   rm03:39
viatorhe said his local area network was out whats that mean?03:39
tpmsktfeelsdapper: rm /path/to/file03:39
Geoffrey2feross, ok, any particular options I want?03:39
viatorthey are still dsl modems03:39
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sethkviator, cable modems aren't dsl modems, but I don't know what point you are trying to make.03:40
sktfeelsdapperSomeone needs to make a deb of nicotineplus so I don't have to keep doing this.03:40
sktfeelsdapperi don't understand why i can't just create a launcher for it.03:40
sethksktfeelsdapper, I nominate you.  :)03:40
sethksktfeelsdapper, you can.03:40
sethksktfeelsdapper, you can create a launcher for anything you can do at the command line.03:41
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brian98I'm just being pedantic03:41
brian98call em what you like!03:41
ferossGeoffrey2: try 'fsck.ext2 -pcf /dev/yourpartition' ..03:41
asmandeusok now I've gotten it so that the base install, on the login screen, there is some sound of something that sounds like two tom-toms hit fast03:41
kamuipedantic is a very popular word in this channel03:41
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asmandeusbut this is the only sound I can get outta the machine, haha03:41
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RamiKassabhey guys how do you establish a VPN connection in ubuntu?03:42
RamiKassabis it built in or do I need to download software to do that?03:42
sethkRamiKassab, you run a vpn client program03:42
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RamiKassabsethk: is there one built into ubuntu?03:42
sktfeelsdapperSomeone tried to show me how to create a launcher and it didn't work.03:42
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RamiKassabsethk: or packaged with it rather03:42
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sktfeelsdapperand then when I deleted the launcher it made nicotine not work.03:42
jattRamiKassab: if you want to connect to a windows-based VPN you could try the pptp-linux package.03:42
sethkRamiKassab, you can load vpn client software using the package manager, if that's what you are asking03:42
=== sktfeelsdapper head is spinning
asmandeusI wonder if it's possible I don't have rights to hear sound :x03:43
Geoffrey2feross, ok, force checking, check for bad blocks, and auto repair (no questions)....03:43
ch4n5feross: If not available on the CD what should I do?03:43
kamuiramikassab: google linux vpn howto03:43
kamuigreat resource03:43
ferossRamiKassab: hamachi, himachi... works very well03:43
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Jas-Nixis it possible to use dapper .deb's with edgy ?03:43
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viatorskt the easiest way is to right click on the desktop and just put ion the command used to launch the application03:43
sethkasmandeus, the user who "owns" x has the right to play sounds.03:44
sethkasmandeus, that's the user you logged in as.03:44
kamuiramikassab: step by step instructions on setting up and connecting to a number of different vpn configurations03:44
RamiKassabfeross: ok I will look for thatr03:44
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RamiKassabjatt: pptp-linux is that command line only?03:44
asmandeushmm, how come I can hear the login noise, but nothing at all afterwards03:44
viatormake sure you you specify the path03:44
RamiKassabkamui: really?03:44
viatorie location where the file is03:45
RamiKassabkamui: I thought google was a porn site?03:45
ferossasmandeus: run alsamixer and check that nothing is mutted03:45
sktfeelsdapperWho was just helping me there?03:45
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asmandeustried that03:45
RamiKassabkamui: oh wait that was www.booble.com03:45
brian98RamiKassab, thats poogle03:45
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RamiKassabbrian98: haha03:45
sethksktfeelsdapper, if you run into a problem setting up the launcher, you just create a script file that does exactly what you do at the command line, and then tell the launcher to run the script03:45
SpaceFrogHow can I remove/hide things from the Applications Menu?03:45
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kamuiramikassab: Well, I hope youre not acting like a putz.  I've used the howto in the past for slackware vpn help.  I just don't have the exact link to give you03:45
asmandeusEverything has green blocks or whatever.03:45
brian98SpaceFrog, applications03:45
jattRamiKassab: there are front-ends for it. For example the knet package (I am sure there is a front-end for gnome too, but don't know the package name). You need pptp only for a windows based vpn.03:45
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sktfeelsdapperI tried that, sethk.03:46
brian98SpaceFrog, accessories --> alacarte menu ed03:46
SpaceFrogthanks brian98 :)03:46
sktfeelsdapperAnd all that other junk?03:46
RamiKassabjatt: ok I will check that out too... think I may try hamachi03:46
admin_I am using Ubuntu , how can i do something so that X does not run, and i'm just left with a text term03:46
sethksktfeelsdapper, that's wrong03:46
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RamiKassabjatt: first, then see what I can find for pptp-linux03:46
sethksktfeelsdapper, there is, first of all, no user directory, it's usr.  second, you don't put the name of a directory on that line03:46
brian98amin_ hit alt f103:46
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jattRamiKassab: ok good luck03:47
sethksktfeelsdapper, third of all, if you just leave that line out altogether the o/s will do the right thing with the script.03:47
Geoffrey2feross, ok, I entered fsck.ext2 -pcf /dev/sda503:47
RamiKassabkamui: nah I'm just messin with ya man... I appreciate the help though03:47
brian98admin_,  sorry hit alt f103:47
admin_brian98: ctrl alt f1 takes me to tty103:47
RamiKassabjatt: thanks... much appreciated03:47
admin_i want X completely killed and not to respawn03:47
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brian98admin_, why out of interest?03:47
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ferossGeoffrey2: any feedback from it? did it say it fixed anything?03:47
Jas-Nixadmin_: you probably need to kill gdm03:47
sktfeelsdapperDo the files actually have to BE in bin?03:47
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sktfeelsdapperI'm so confused.03:47
kamuiramikassab: Im hardly concerned.  good luck with your vpn configuration.  remember the howto if you get stuck.03:47
sethksktfeelsdapper, example of what?  edit a file.  put the line "ls" in it.  then do chmod +x on the file.  then do ./filename    the ls command is run03:47
admin_brian98: i dont really need X running, i'm just using it as a Cisco Console terminal, and its an old lappy, dont need it to waste resources03:48
RamiKassabkamui: I will make sure to check it out03:48
sktfeelsdapperi'm gonna need an instruction man03:48
=== justin_ [n=justin@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
RamiKassabbtw, do you guys know if there is a good channel on freenode for networking questions?03:48
SpaceFrogCan i remove a whole menu item with alacarte menu editor? I want to take Crossover out of it all together03:48
sethksktfeelsdapper, put exactly what you type into a file.  then do chmod +x on the file.  then run that file.  that's all there is to it.03:48
amicrawlehow to run kxmame03:48
admin_It will restart x if i kill it or gdm03:48
justin_How do I get modules to run at every start up?03:48
Geoffrey2feross, so far I'm just getting a blinking cursor on the line below it, nothing else03:48
sethkjustin_, put them into /etc/modules03:48
Kalistoi have a very peculiar problem with the ubuntu installation... i cannot install grub. it attempts it after i specify /dev/**** but then fails with "Error" any ideas?03:48
Jas-Nixadmin_: ya if you run /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:48
brian98admin_, install the server version or wait a sec!03:48
admin_Jas-Nix: that wont work03:48
justin_sethk: Alright so once they are in that directory they will always start automatically at boot up?03:49
RamiKassabI setup a network for a couple sororities and the wireless portion is having a hard time due to the heavy load. I'm running hyperwrt + thibor on linksys WRT54Gs03:49
sethkKalisto, you need to tell us the error message, not just that it gets an error.  and you have to tell us the device name you used.03:49
ferossGeoffrey2: do you see drive activity?03:49
admin_brian98: i'll wait a sec03:49
viatorwhere is the application lacated03:49
sethkjustin_, it will be as if you did insmod on them.03:49
brian98admin_, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=228104 does that help03:49
viatorwhat directory03:49
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justin_But I have no /etc/modules --- only /etc/modprobe.d ---03:49
brian98admin_,  should allow you to boot to terminal03:50
Geoffrey2feross, the drive light is on, yes03:50
sktfeelsdapperit won't let me show you!03:50
brian98admin_,  if you have a read03:50
sethkjustin_, I'll check the file name.03:50
Kalistosethk, thats just the problem. i dont get an error message.. the gui just brings up a red box with "Grub Failed Error" device was external usb on /dev/sdb103:50
viatorput a spcae03:50
ferossGeoffrey2: ok so we should assume that it's still working on it.. could take some time.03:50
sethkjustin_, yes, it's /etc/modules.  if you don't have one, then create it.03:50
viatorbefore the /03:50
sktfeelsdappernope stil nothing03:50
sktfeelsdapperhow are you doing that03:50
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Geoffrey2feross, sda5 is about 20 GB, I can believe it03:50
viatoror leave out the first /03:51
amicrawlewhat is a good  multi emulator  with gui ?03:51
sethkKalisto, that's why I hate GUIs, sometimes.  :)03:51
admin_brian98: eh..kinda complex for me03:51
Kalistosethk, i suspect my mbr is borked03:51
admin_isnt there a simple way..maybe to startup in a differnt runlevel03:51
sethkKalisto, no, because the grub _install_ doesn't care whether your mbr is borked.03:51
sktfeelsdapperI guess sethk can't read my message.03:51
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sethksktfeelsdapper, what message?03:51
ferossamicrawle: multi emulator .. like screen?03:51
sktfeelsdapperi sent you a query?03:51
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sethksktfeelsdapper, didn't see it.  you probably haven't registered your NIC with freenode03:51
ferossamicrawle: screen is a good program for multiple terminals in one console kind of thing.03:52
sktfeelsdapperNo haven't.03:52
sethksktfeelsdapper, if you haven't registered your nick, it drops those requests.03:52
sethksktfeelsdapper, not me, freenode.03:52
sktfeelsdapperyah i know.03:52
Kalistosethk, oooh that does not sound good then.. if its not the mbr.. then well i really dont know... the partition is bootable with ID Linux...filesystem ist ext203:52
sethksktfeelsdapper, registering the nick takes about 10 seconds03:52
justin_sethk: Well it already works it is how I fixed my soundcard, (ess) but I just forget what I did exactly ;) --- oh well03:52
brian98admin_,  If thats too complicated have a look at the gdm file in etc/init.d03:52
brian98it's what starts x I think03:52
brian98*stands to be corrected*03:52
sktfeelsdapperok i think it worked.03:52
sethkKalisto, grub doesn't care about the bootable flag, actually.  what you need to do is boot the live cd, then we can install grub from the command line.03:52
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Kalistosethk, ok i can do that.. its not the command grub-installer i take it?03:53
admin_I have another question, when i'm in any tty console, dmesg like messges about my wireless card connections keep coming up..how can i stopt hat?03:53
rescindI partitioned a fat 32 drive and now I can't access it.03:53
sethkKalisto, you can try the grub install command from the command line.  I usually use the grub utility, because the gui has probably already run the grub install and it has failed for some reason.03:54
Geoffrey2I understand running games under a VM is still not overly wonderful?03:54
sethkKalisto, but sometimes it works when you run it by hand.03:54
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justin_Oh nevermind sethk, you are correct ;) -- Modules is a file -- I thought you were talking about a directory, I still forget you do not always need extensions for files hehe...03:54
Kalistosethk, just to clarify.. what command do i run? "grub"?03:54
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sethkjustin_, extensions don't even exist.  the "." character is no different than any other character in a file name03:55
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sethkKalisto, the grub utility is called grub, yes.03:55
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viatorso the launcher should be  / home/skt/nicotine+-
Kalistosethk, ok thanks for the help.. ill give it a try.03:55
viatorso the launcher should be  /home/skt/nicotine+-
sktfeelsdapperit shouldn't have that ./ in front of it?03:55
lostincAre there additional tile sets for GNOME Mahjongg?03:55
sethksktfeelsdapper, no, ./ means "in the current directory"03:55
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Geoffrey2feross, would be nice if this thing didn't run silently, just so I could know for sure it was actually accomplishing something03:56
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ferossGeoffrey2: true, I thought it would give you a progress bar or something :) never ran it just see a fsck come up every 30 mounts or so when I reboot.03:56
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myesterioushi all03:56
myesterioushey I got err during install GTK+03:57
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Geoffrey2well, I DO get a progress bar when the every 30 boot check takes place, but apparently this does not03:58
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jribmyesterious: what are you compiling?03:58
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rbilwondering if anyone here can help me with cd/dvd burning problems?03:58
sethkmyesterious, you are installing from source?03:58
myesteriousi want to install xfce4 and its want GTK+03:58
jribmyesterious: xfce4 (and gtk+) are both in the repositories03:59
rbilthing is when I first install ubuntu that stuff worked flawlessly, then I guess some update killed it all?03:59
viatorinstall xfce-desktop03:59
myesteriousi want xfce4.4rc103:59
viatorthat one03:59
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rlandishi unfknb04:00
myesteriousthe repository has only xfce4 beta104:00
hpklettdoes anybody know why the latest freetype has no matching -dev package?04:00
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viatorwhats the difference REALLY04:00
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asmandeusOk this is strange04:00
viatoris there a majore fature difference04:00
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Geoffrey2feross, done..../dev/sda5: 98993/2725440 files (1.9% non-contiguous), 998299/5442010 blocks04:00
asmandeusI found something on the forum about someone having trouble with sound on their main account04:00
jribmyesterious: sudo apt-get build-dep xfce4   may help you get started.  But there is probably little reason not to use the prebuilt repository one04:01
asmandeusbut after making a test account, it worked perfectly there04:01
jribubotu: tell myesterious about compiling04:01
[Nige] how do Install glibc2.4?04:01
viatoridont what to look at changelogs04:01
asmandeusso I tried the same thing04:01
rbilor is there a more appropriate irc channel to ask about my cd burning problems?04:01
asmandeusand it's the same problem for me04:01
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ferossGeoffrey2: any other partitions to check before reboot?04:01
asmandeusthe user asmandeus does not have sound, but has sound access04:01
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iLLf8dubotu, tell iLLf8d about compiling04:01
viatorasmadeus if you cant find what it is04:01
Geoffrey2feross, well, any need to check linux-swap?04:02
rlandismysterious I have xfce but it came as default with xubuntu04:02
asmandeustheir problem was solved by deleting some file04:02
asmandeusbut I can't find that04:02
viatorwhat you do is give your test acct su prilidges04:02
viatorand delete your acct04:02
ferossGeoffrey2: nah04:02
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule04:02
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viatorand then just make your acct again04:02
asmandeusand remake asmandeus?04:02
rlandisbut now i use fluxbox04:02
asmandeusdamnit, why didn't I think of that04:02
lampshadefluxbox is pretty cool04:02
rlandiseven lighter than xfce04:02
rbilI guess not ... bye guys :-(04:02
iLLf8drlandis, good choice but how pretty were the xfce windows? did they have rounded edges in their themes and whatnot?04:03
jrib!info libglib2.0-004:03
lampshadeI was annoyed that I had to run update-menus though and that the installer didn't do that on its own for me yar04:03
asmandeusthat makes sense04:03
ubotulibglib2.0-0: The GLib library of C routines. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 468 kB, installed size 1020 kB04:03
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Geoffrey2feross, that's the only ext2 partition I have....then there's the NTFS partition, but I don't think I want Ubuntu trying to fix anything in there04:03
asmandeusthanks a ton for input, people04:03
ferossGeoffrey2: true, just try reboot.04:03
RedRosehow do I remove that message that starts with Bash about sudo>?04:03
jrib[Nige] : do you specifically need 2.4?  2.10.3 seems to be in the dapper repositories04:03
[Nige] well 2.10 would be okay I guess04:03
rlandisuh didn't notice the pretty but I'll look still have it on04:04
[Nige] i couldnt find it when i had a look... I am using dapper04:04
jribRedRose: it only starts the first time, but I believe it is something in ~/.bashrc that comes form /etc/skel/.bashrc04:04
myesteriousapt-get build-dep xfce4 isn't work04:04
jribRedRose: s/start/displays04:04
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[Nige] jrib, do I need any non standard repos04:04
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Geoffrey2feross, rebooted, same problem04:05
ravenoushow do i set two different resolutions for an lcd laptop screen and an external normal monitor attached to it as well?04:05
acersaleshi is there any anti virus for ubuntu ?04:05
jrib[Nige] : nope, it is in the main repository04:05
RedRosejrattner1, any clue what Line, i've looked through ~/.bashrc and didn't find naything04:05
RedRosealso, how do I get more desktops?04:05
rlandisif you loaded xfce and then did an upgrade wouldn't that do it for you mysterious04:05
Geoffrey2feross, it starts with Mounting /dev/sda5 on /root failed: No such device04:05
[Nige] hmmm okay04:05
[Nige] i iwll loook04:05
acersalesany anti virus ?04:06
brian98acersales, for what?04:06
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jribRedRose: right click on the workspace panel applet and go to preferences.  Let me check my sudo comment, I could be wrong about the location04:06
ferossGeoffrey2: hmm, you could try reinstall grub but if that doesn't work your sda5 is prolly borked. Need to reinstall and use EXT3 instead of 2...04:07
lampshaderavenous: you just need the right settings in your xorg.conf.  Those settings depend on your card.  Depending on what video card you have you might not even have to edit it by hand.  For example, with my ati powered laptop, I used the ati config program04:07
acersalesbrian98, for linux I am using ubuntu but i doubt my internet server has got some problem04:07
brian98acersales, http://www.google.ie/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGGL,GGGL:2006-31,GGGL:en&q=antivirus+for+linux04:07
rlandismysterious what ubuntu you running04:07
lampshaderavenous: otherwise, you simply basically need to Screen sections.  One for your default monitor and one for the other04:07
brian98acersales, sorry for stating the obvious04:07
Geoffrey2feross, which means every file in there is now gone?04:07
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brian98acersales, I doubt you have a virus04:07
myesterious6.06 ltd04:07
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RedRosejrib, ok, thanks... i know what .bashrc is and all, but i've skimmed it any found nothing to do with sudo, I'm using edgy, but i though i'd come here cause htey are all quety over their04:07
ravenouslampshade: any clue where there might be a howto? i have a dell laptop with intel graphics04:08
viatortry checking for ROOTKITS!04:08
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acersalesbrian98, my connection get flooded :(04:08
ferossGeoffrey2: oh, well you might still be able to mount the drive and retrieve files from it.04:08
acersalesbrian98, and it  disconnect04:08
brian98acersales, if it's a webserver you need a firewall04:08
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rlandiswon't apt get install xfce work04:08
acersalesacersales, my clients are windows04:08
jribRedRose: yeah, I'm on edgy too and can't find it.  But I am pretty sure it used to be in there.  What is happening?  Is the message appearing everytime you start a terminal?04:08
Geoffrey2feross, any idea what would happen so it was fine last night and is totally gone now?04:08
RedRoseand i'm using root04:08
acersalesbrian98, , my clients are windows04:09
viatorinstall chkrootkit04:09
jribRedRose: and you checked /root/.bash* ?04:09
myesteriousUbuntu 6.06 dapper04:09
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brian98well then nav corporate is about the best04:09
lampshaderavenous: that's a bummer, I have a dell with ati, I could have told you exactly how to do it in that case.  Ummm as for intel... I'm not familiar at all though I don't think it will be that different.  What dell is it?  And are you doing svideo out or ?04:09
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RedRoseyes, and nothing04:10
brian98acersales, avg is free though04:10
brian98and not too bad04:10
rlandismysterious have you tried apt-get install xfce04:10
lampshaderavenous: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161830&highlight=intel+dell+external+display might be your best help.04:10
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ravenouslampshade: ill take a look04:10
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org  To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop04:10
acersalesbrian98, then what it will do scan all the data ?04:10
Geoffrey2I have to say, for all I've heard about how wonderfully stable Linux is, this isn't doing much to convince me04:10
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ferossGeoffrey2: I had an email server crash/currupt a reiserfs ... but that's thousands of little files writing and reading at the same time. Also one time installing windows and linux on the same hard drive screwed something up where one of the partitions became unreadable and had to wipe the whole thing.04:11
myesteriousrlandis, that will be intalled beta1 but i want the latest xfce4 is 4.4RC104:11
brian98acersales, on the windows machines yes!04:11
brian98what version of w are you running?04:11
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brian98acersales, I think your looking in the wrong place though04:11
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acersalesbrian98, i am looking for antivirus that can scan any request send from my client pc to my ubuntu server04:12
ferossrlandis: talking about desktop gui's, have any of you tried fvmw-crystal. It's sweeeeeettt!!04:12
rlandisno haven't04:13
brian98acersales, then look at zonealarm or even windows firewall04:13
jribRedRose: well worst case scenario, take a long phrase, that sounds pretty unique and grep / for it overnight :)04:13
jribRedRose: phrase fromt the message I mean04:13
rlandisright now I'm liking fluxbox04:13
brian98or acersales go to your ubuntuserver and type netstat04:13
ferosss/ fvmw fvwm04:13
acersalesbrian98, or do you know any graphical tool that can show me the request send by other machines04:13
rlandisneat and clean04:13
rlandisno frills04:13
brian98and see if there are dozens of connections from the same ip04:13
viatorthe windows clinets CANNOT infect your linux box witha virus04:13
viatorthey can install a rootkit04:13
brian98acersales, what viator says04:13
acersalesbrian98, so i can see which machine is flooding the network04:13
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viatorif they know what they are doing04:14
jribRedRose: ah, I found it.  It's in /etc/bash.bashrc04:14
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viatorif you think you may have been rooted04:14
viatorlike i said earlies install chkrootkit04:14
viatorits in the repos04:14
jribRedRose: so it shouldn't run if you have .sudo_as_admin_successful in your $HOME it seems04:14
brian98acersales, are you familiar with etherreal ?04:14
acersalesnope brian98 but i have heard about it04:15
Geoffrey2feross, ok, does the Live CD have a CD burner I could use to back up my data before I blow away the ext2 partition?04:15
Salihufeross: Is fvwn-crystal lighter on processors than fluxbox?04:15
acersalesviator, chkrootkit does what ?04:15
kitchewell if you think you got rooted there is two tools I would use rhunter and chkrootkit04:15
viatorexactly what it sounds like it does04:15
viatorchecks for rootkits04:15
brian98acersales, you can install the windows versions or the linux versions and it will show you every packet sent and received on an interface04:15
brian98great piece of sw04:16
ferossGeoffrey2: I think so.04:16
Geoffrey2note to self, start doing regular data backups04:16
rlandisanyone out there set up mutt mail04:16
viatorif your kids are the ones using thr windows boxes maybe you should lock them down if your worried about misuse by them04:16
kitcherlandis: I have but I never set it up to send mail04:16
viatormaybe use the group policy editor04:16
J-_buy an external hard drive and use that as a back up =D much easier04:16
brian98acersales, whats your best price on the ferrari ? lol04:16
THX-1138interestind in packet filtering or shaping? conntrack04:16
ferossSalihu: don't know, it's very light tho. 1/3 the time to start than Gnome on my lappy.04:16
rlandiskitche do you just recieve on it04:17
tkupI'm currently on breezy and I've added the line 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse', updated but I still can't find qt4 (qmake v4). any idea what I'm missing?04:17
Salihufeross: Is fvwn-crystal lighter than icewm?04:17
sethkrlandis, I've set it up.  first question, though, are you sure that's what you need to do?04:17
viatorfvwm is lighter yes04:17
kitcherlandis: yeah I never installed the smtp side for it04:17
sethkSalihu, I'd guess that fvwn is lighter04:17
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viatorwith much more powerful scripting abilities04:17
acersalesviator, i am worried that those who connect to my network contain viruses and worms as they are external and they cause all this problem of flooding04:17
rlandisI have n't set either side up just installed it tonite04:18
kitcheSalihu: fvwm is lighter then icewm have to configure it more also04:18
viatorwhat kind of server is it04:18
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brian98acersales, I think you may be a bit paranoid04:18
ferossSalihu: put it this way, fvwm is the grandpappy of a lot of other GUI's, it's all in C. Very light but with the crystal additions it's probably a little heavier than just regular fvwm.04:18
viatori mean are you a proxy04:18
acersalesviator, just for sharing internet04:18
brian98acersales, and as I said a firewall!!!04:18
viatorsharing your internet connection04:18
SalihuIt sounds like something I should try on a 1 Ghz computer that i am setting.  I was going to try Xubuntu, but I am having problems.04:19
acersalesviator, nope04:19
brian98!firestarter > acersales04:19
viatorok how are you sharing the connection04:19
SalihuI have had problems installing Xubuntu on three different computers now.04:19
viatorwith EXTERNAL04:19
acersalesbrian98, i am simply using iptables04:19
rlandisit is easier to read the computer when it is like a black background of a terminal04:19
acersalesviator, iptables04:19
kitcheSalihu: what problems exactly? sicne I ran into a few myself but I fixed them04:20
viatorare people dialing into you04:20
brian98acersales, thats a nice gui for iptables04:20
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acersalesviator, nope04:20
Geoffrey2feross, how do I go about mounting the drive in Ubuntu?04:20
brian98acersales, whats your best price on the ferrari ? lol04:20
viatorthen how are you sharing the internet with EXTERNAL people04:20
viatoryou are confusing me04:20
viatori think you are saying you have a LAN04:21
acersalesviator, i am sharing it locally04:21
Salihukitche: The current problem is that Xubuntu is saying that there is an I/O error on hdc... That is not the exact message, but it is like that...04:21
viatorwithin a building or home04:21
acersalesviator, yes04:21
ferossGeoffrey2: 'mkdir /sda5' then 'mount /dev/sda5 /sda5'04:21
acersalesviator, yes04:21
cmpalmerI was thinking of packaging http://handbrake.m0k.org/. Other than reading http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/intro-chap.html is there somebody I should talk to or something I should do?04:21
SalihuI have checked the drive with Spinrite, and it checks out fine.04:21
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viatorwhat do you mean by flooding04:22
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JShadowcmpalmer: that looks like a pretty slick app04:22
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Geoffrey2feross, hmmm, Permission denied...can I sudo on Live CD?04:23
crimsuncmpalmer: -motu04:23
viatoryou mean they are sucking up the bandwidth04:23
Salihukitche: This evening, I was going to find an install tutorial for Xubuntu, but perhaps I will try using fvwm-crystal...04:23
crimsuncmpalmer: preemptive apology for the slightly disorganised wiki.04:23
acersalesviator, yes and when a lot of data comes it get disconnected from the isp04:23
viatorthat makes no sense04:23
viatorhow many clients04:23
rlandis lets try this04:24
=== compwiz [n=compwiz@] has joined #ubuntu
ferossSalihu: http://polishlinux.org/apps/fvwm-crystal-speed-and-transparency/04:24
Salihufeross: Thanks!04:24
=== zubeen [n=zubeen@] has joined #ubuntu
compwizhello everybody04:24
=== zubeen wakes up
rlandishi compwiz04:25
compwizwho likes xgl/compiz04:25
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zubeenhelp me install frostwire04:25
=== kamui raises his hands
Salihufeross: Very nice article...04:26
viatorubuntu is basically meant to be a desktop os you should use somthing like smoothwall or ipcop on an old machine if you want it to be a firewall  gateway04:26
Geoffrey2feross, I am presuming any folder with an 'x' in a red square next to it is borked?04:26
kamuiviator: i don't buy that for a second04:26
viatoryou can make ubuntu what you want04:26
kamuiI run ubuntu on my primary desktop dual p4s04:26
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compwizi just installed ubuntu04:27
ferossGeoffrey2: hmm, not a good indicator :(04:27
viatorjust like most distros04:27
zubeenviator:help me install frostwire04:27
compwizthe most eazy linux install i ever did04:27
Geoffrey2feross, could I be looking at a pending HD failure?04:27
viatorbut somtimes its just easier to pick a distro meant for certain purposes04:28
compwizautomatix can install frostwire04:28
ferossGeoffrey2: could be, it's always a possibility04:28
zubeencompwiz, i have already installed frostwire04:28
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ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.04:28
zubeencompwiz, need help config it04:28
=== quasar [n=quasar@c-69-254-186-134.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== ferbombo [n=fernando@35-142-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
kamuiI'd say Ubuntu is a linux distro that takes the emphasis off of "technical" and puts it back where I think it belongs, on the experience.  It certainly is more accessible for newbs, and coming from Slackware, It relieves the stress of building dependencies, making it very easy to get software04:28
compwizi dont know how04:28
Geoffrey2whew, forunately the documents folder is intact04:29
THX-1138<< Never trusted the automatix repositories.04:29
zubeencompwiz, what abt jre04:29
viatori know frostwire is a p2p app04:29
viatorits not in the repos04:29
compwizim a linux noob who knows some stuff04:29
viatorbut im sure its easy to install04:29
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zubeenviator, yeah thts correct...its there in the rep04:29
=== feross going on 7 years as a noob
shriphanii havent got the right distro for ah purpose04:30
shriphanimah ^04:30
viatorits not in the repos i checked04:30
compwizi need help installing compiz04:30
viatoryou can get it from their sitre04:30
viatori just checked04:30
viatorthere is a .deb04:30
compwizi already got XGL04:30
viatorof the latest version04:31
zubeenviator, i already installed it04:31
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zubeenviator, need help installing it04:31
compwizdo you have a url?04:31
birdfishWhat is the codename for version 6.06?04:31
shriphanii need a live cd which gives me just a command line04:31
ferosscompwiz: http://lunapark6.com/?p=1235/co/co04:31
viatorwhats the problem?04:31
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zubeenbirdfish, dapper drake04:32
Lee_Hi, can someone tell me how to mount a windows drive onto a ubuntu live cd?04:32
birdfishThanks =)04:32
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Dr_willisLee_,  the mount command with the proper options. :P04:33
shriphaniLee_, yer win drive is /dev/hda1 ?04:33
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ferossLee_: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=58504:33
shriphanidoes anyone know of a live cd which gives me just a command line ?04:34
rlandisnite folks04:34
=== qch [n=QC@adsl-69-110-33-145.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisshriphani,  oodles of them out there.. tomsbrt is a rescue cd. thats very nice04:34
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ferossshriphani: slax04:34
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Dr_willisshriphani,  or most all of them have boot options to just go to the command line04:35
compwizim bord04:35
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efrancolaporteI'm a newbie and I need help but check it out guys my question is very easy & short04:35
ferossshriphani: dsl is good too, just need to tell it not to load x04:35
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viatoryeah the freedos livecd04:35
shriphanifeross, i got a dead hard drive i wanna copy files from so a distro without x would be a good choice04:35
efrancolaporteIm using Gnome and have Konqueror installed, how do i make it my default file manager04:35
Lee_feross, thanks04:36
compwizdsl is awesome04:36
compwizuntil i lost my usb stick04:36
efrancolaportein the System preferences i only find default application for web browsing (firefox) and email04:36
efrancolaportedoes anyone knows :-)04:36
=== adrigen [n=adrigen@218-214-68-125.people.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
birdfishWould it be alright to add a hoary hedgehog repository to the dapper drake list and install a program?04:36
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ardchoilleAnyone know what the yellow arrow is in the editor in anjuta? It won't go away and it's annoying04:36
birdfishI'm trying to get vuurmuur installed =] 04:36
shriphaniit sure is but i need something low on rrrsources as copying a few gigs might be tough on a 'bloated' lived04:36
viatorefrancolaporte goodluck on that one04:36
shriphanilive cd ^04:36
=== Gumby [n=terry@unaffiliated/gumby] has joined #ubuntu
kjmstupid question.  Fresh install - on reboot I get stuck on a prompt that asks for a runlevel.......when I enter value (tried 6,5,4,3) simply get an error that states : "#Init: no mor e processes at this run level" and everything stops.04:37
efrancolaportewhat you think it's impossible? :-) It can't be.... this is LINUX!!!04:37
kjmInstalled on a SATA drive (200 GB) on an extended partition.04:37
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viatornothings impossible04:37
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kitchekjm: sounds like to me that your runlevels are missing04:38
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kjmbut why?04:38
viatorasking to install kde file manager in a primarily gnomecentric channel04:38
sethkfeross, fvwm was slick when it first came out.04:38
efrancolaportebtw i just installed Ubuntu with Automatix i fucking love it. It's so much easier than the previous distros i tried afew years ago...things have improved so much!! im really impressed04:38
kjmis my ultimate question - just installed the whole kit and kaboodle04:38
ferossshriphani: yeah, either dsl or slax should be fine. THere are a couple other rescue CD's out ther but I think those are the two more known of the 'light' veriety.04:38
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efrancolaportewell Konkeror shows in my internet application list and works like a charm in gnome04:38
adrigenHellO. Can anyone help me with SSH? yesterday I could connect to my ubuntu server (twice, once after reset)... today I can't. its saying "connect to host port 22: No route to host"04:38
efrancolaportei could just add an application button to the panel too04:39
sethkkjm, there are too many processes running04:39
adrigenany ideas?04:39
shriphaniok feross i got dsl somewhere on a cd04:39
sethkkjm, I've never seen anyone do that before.  amazing.04:39
compwizwhen will compiz be availble04:39
iLLf8ddon't remember who I was helping when I left =P04:39
sethkkjm, you can't literally install everything.04:39
viatorinternet application list04:39
=== domster [n=dominics@dominics.actrix.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
iLLf8dif you're still here and stuck pm me04:39
kjmpffffffft - no need to be an asshole.  Simply meant I installed from the CD.....so - how could there be "to many processes running" from the default install?04:40
=== phaedrus44 [n=phaedrus@cpe-72-227-91-211.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
efrancolaporteyeah, you know with ubuntu it puts all your applications by default in pre-defined folers in a start=menu like thing04:40
efrancolaporteInternet, Games, Graphics etc04:40
kitcheadrigen: make sure your server is up( the ethernet and other network related things)04:40
efrancolaporteI installed KDE packages as well so Konkeror shows up in there04:40
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kitchebut anyways to many processes isn't the problem when it hasn't even booted yet04:40
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viatori see04:41
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Geoffrey2is there anything special I need to do to burn a CD under Live CD?04:41
amicrawlei need help PLEASZ04:41
adrigenkitche: what is the best way to check the ethernet? ping a website?04:41
shriphaniefrancolaporte, rt. click on a folder and ask it to open with konqueror04:41
kjmkitche - yes, it is weird.  The only thing "different" I did during install was not using the default partitioning.04:41
viatorwell usually if you install kde apps  they show up in the proper menus04:41
amicrawlei need HELP04:41
kitcheadrigen: yeah you can do that or use ifconfig04:42
=== Spy [i=skylabs@modemcable117.240-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sethkkitche, it can't give a message "no more processes at run level" if it hasn't booted04:42
Gumby! w32codecs04:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:42
psYchotichello, I'm having a (little) problem: whenever I unplug my joystick, and then plug it in again, I need to recalibrate it. Is there any way to save a calibration file and automatically load it whenever the specific joystick is plugged in, or perhaps any other way to calibrate it when it's plugged in?04:42
kjmsethk - I could prove you wrong, as I can't get past the boot process.04:42
kitchesethk: umm it can when it is starting the init scripts04:42
sethkkitche, it has booted when it is running the init scripts, of course04:42
Geoffrey2CD/DVD creator keeps telling me to insert a blank CD04:42
kjmsethk - but, I'm done listening to you, 'cause you seem to come off as an elitis asshole.04:43
efrancolaporteanyway, no terminal command to set default file browser application or something like that, eh?04:43
kitchekjm: I'd say that the init system is broken on your install04:43
efrancolaporte(to the best of your knoweldge(04:43
amicrawlei need help   kxmame is being a royal pain in the ass04:43
sethkkjm, I'm just telling you what the message means.  you are the one who said the machine said that04:43
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!04:43
Spysethk i'm back with lsmod list you asked me to configure my cable modem USB connection04:43
kjmkitche - but why the hell whould that happen?  Worked likfe a charm before - simply tried to move to a new hard drive.04:43
sethkSpy, how long is it?04:43
tonyyarussoHow to vnc to a machine behind a NAT (or something, we're not sure but it's a uni network)?04:43
kitchekjm: that might be your problem04:44
sethktonyyarusso, you just vnc to the public address04:44
kitchekjm: it might not have liked being moved to a new hard drive unless you did a full reinstall04:44
sethkSpy, is it a long list?04:44
naliothkjm: can we be civil, please?04:44
tonyyarussosethk: The IP she got from whatismyip.com doesn't work; it isn't even ping-able.04:44
kjmkitche - second full reinstall - and same issue with two installs in a row . . .04:44
sethkSpy, tonyyarusso that's not because of NAT.  I can ping my NATed machines.04:44
sethkSpy, sorry, wait a minute, I'm doing too many things at once.04:45
tonyyarussosethk: Okay, any other thoughts?04:45
Spyk :)04:45
nalioth!tell kjm about guidelines04:45
Geoffrey2oh, just to check, 170 MiB, that's megabytes, right?04:45
kitchekjm: ok it seems like a sata issue if any but I know that the init system is broken on your machine since I have ran into that problem a lot04:45
sethktonyyarusso, can you contact the machine for any other reason?  can you ssh to it?04:46
sethktonyyarusso, not pinging can be misleading because many routers block ping for security reasons.04:46
ferossGeoffrey2: MiB? or just MB -> yes Mega-Byte04:46
imbrandonsethk can i help you ?04:46
tonyyarussoGeoffrey2: Yes.  I think technically MiB vs MB distinguishes the 1000 per and 1024 per type, but I don't know which is which.04:47
kitcheGeoffrey2: no that's not megabytes04:47
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sethkimbrandon, thanks, nalioth beat you to it.  :)04:47
amicrawleWILL ANY BODY HELP ME ?04:47
=== EphemeroS cyah \m/
sethkamicrawle, did you ask a question?  I didn't see it.04:47
tonyyarussosethk: No idea.  She'd have to set up an account for me to try ssh.04:47
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:47
amicrawlei need help   kxmame is being a royal pain in the ass04:47
amicrawlei got good roms04:47
kitcheGeoffrey2: MiB is Mebibyte04:47
imbrandonamicrawle, watch the language in here please, and we need a little more info04:47
Geoffrey2feross, the CD/DVD creator says I should have at least 170 MiB free04:47
sethktonyyarusso, it's also possible that her ISP is blocking incoming connection requests for some, or all, ports.04:48
amicrawleand this is what it sayes04:48
tonyyarussosethk: That sounds very plausible.  Any way around that?04:48
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efrancolaporteso... you guys know no way of changing the default file manager in ubuntu eh04:48
sethktonyyarusso, if only some ports are blocked, you can tunnel around it.  People do this to run web servers on a box when the ISP blocks incoming http connection attempts04:48
sethktonyyarusso, but you need to use another server somewhere out on the net to relay04:48
shriphaniefrancolaporte, i told you04:49
sethktonyyarusso, theoretically you could do it with vnc, also.04:49
shriphaniyou got a folder on the desktop ?04:49
sethktonyyarusso, but it's complicated, so we would need to know that it's really what's happening.04:49
=== JDStone1 [n=JDStone@adsl-69-105-28-82.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
efrancolaportesorry i didnt read i was browsing help ill scroll up04:49
sethktonyyarusso, if the packets never reach her machine, it's pretty hard to determine exactly why.04:49
Geoffrey2kitche, Mebi?  what the heck is a Mebi?  last time I checked it went Kilo, Mega, Tera.....04:49
tonyyarussosethk: Link for instructions maybe?  We have very little info on the network she's behind, b/c there's nothing published, and I kind of suspect that nobody on-site even knows.04:50
amicrawlesethk  will you im me04:50
Geoffrey2kitche, oops, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera....duh... :)04:50
sethkamicrawle, I'll try, but I haven't used that program.04:50
kitcheGeoffrey2: MiB is 1,024 kilobytes04:50
amicrawlein irc04:50
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kitcheGeoffrey2: it's related to the Megabyte though04:50
amicrawleprive im me04:50
sethkamicrawle, hold on a moment, let me see exactly what it does.04:50
efrancolaporte"<shriphani> efrancolaporte, rt. click on a folder and ask it to open with konqueror"                                      anyway to make it so I don't have to select Konkeror manually every time?04:50
tonyyarussosethk: If there are any other things we could do as tests that would be good too.  (it's sparklehistory that just joined if you have anything for her)04:50
sethkamicrawle, you can pm me if you wish04:51
shriphaniefrancolaporte, once you open with konqueror it should become default app04:51
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:51
sethktonyyarusso, I use ssh for that, because it's easy to set up and ISPs don't routinely block it.  you can set up the ssh server simply by doing (as root, of course)  apt-get install openssh-server04:51
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sethktonyyarusso, is there any connection sharing going on?04:52
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Geoffrey2kitche, interesting..in all my computer classes, that term was never used...hmmm, well, if I need at least 170 MiB, should a completely blank CD be big enough?04:52
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tonyyarussosethk: Would that work the same both directions?  (I have that installed already, but she won't, but could get it if we need to.)04:52
sethktonyyarusso, the kind of thing where you have several machines sharing the same public IP?04:52
amicrawlei did sethk04:52
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amicrawledid a dcc04:52
ferossGeoffrey2: give it a shot, wouldn't hurt.04:52
Jas-Nixis it dangerous to run dapper packages on edgy ?04:52
sethktonyyarusso, she can ssh to you, but that wouldn't prove that you can (or cannot) do it in the opposite direction.04:52
=== Onimae [n=Onimae@cmu-24-35-96-164.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussosethk: We don't know.  She's in a university residence using their connection, which we have no details on.04:52
efrancolaporteshriphani it doesnt, as soon as i close the konkeror window!04:52
kitcheGeoffrey2: yes see a Megabyte is 1,000 kilobytes where a MiB is 1,024 kilobytes but a blank cd is fine04:52
tonyyarussosethk: All right.04:52
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tonyyarussosparklehistory: Catch the package to install above?04:53
sethkamicrawle, your nick must not be registered.  you have to register your nick before freenode will allow you to DCC04:53
Geoffrey2feross, problem is, it keeps prompting me to Insert a rewritable or blank disc....04:53
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sethktonyyarusso, if the public IP is shared by more than one machine, then you probably have to set up port forwarding on the thing doing the sharing, which is often a  cable or dsl modem.04:53
kitchetonyyarusso: it might be due to the university blocking everything to in their network it happens a lot more then ISPs04:53
amicrawlei did @ one time  for got my password04:53
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shriphaniefrancolaporte, lets do this step by ssep04:53
shriphanistep ^04:53
shriphaniyou got a folder on the desktop ?04:54
sethktonyyarusso, of course I'm only guessing about connection sharing.  sparklehistory, do you know whether you are sharing an IP?04:54
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axl000bill clinton loves ubuntu :lol: http://elmundoestuyo.byethost15.com/2006/09/29/bill-clinton-lo-que-el-mundo-necesita-es-ubuntu/04:54
ferosstonyyarusso: you might want to try hamachi with your school friend. That way you can get a straight connection to her pc then ssh to it.04:54
sethkamicrawle, I'm not seeing your messages, sorry.04:54
iLLf8dbut did he have sexual relations with ubuntu?04:54
kjmkitche - I have pasted my partitioning scheme - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25269/  Please tell me what is strange about this that would lead to a lack of the ability to boot?04:54
ferosstonyyarusso: obviously with the hamachi ip.04:54
Geoffrey2I would REALLY love to know what happened when I shut the computer down last night that so thoroughly tanked the partition04:54
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kitchekjm: I need to see your /etc/fstab also04:55
sparklehistorysethk, no idea04:55
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ferossGeoffrey2: it might not have unmounted properly *shrug*04:55
shriphaniefrancolaporte, i see no answer04:55
sethkGeoffrey2, what file system is on the partition?  sorry if you already said.04:55
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kjmkitche - I wish I could get that far ----- I am stuck booting into windows......I can't get past a runlevel error.04:55
sethksparklehistory, do you have more than one machine in your house/office/wherever that connects to the 'net?04:55
kitchesparklehistory: if your on a university then you are probably sharing an ip04:55
efrancolaporteyes i have a folder on the desktop now04:55
tonyyarussosethk: Can't set up port forwarding, since she doesn't have access to the modem.04:56
shriphaniefrancolaporte, rt click on it04:56
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Geoffrey2sethk, the one that died was an ext2, my ubuntu partition04:56
sethktonyyarusso, then you are SOL, unfortunately.04:56
amicrawlesethk will you pm me04:56
shriphaniin the pop-down menu select open with other application04:56
sethkGeoffrey2, change it to ext3, so it won't happen again.  or at least is much less likely to happen again.04:56
tonyyarussosethk, kitche: Oh, one data point that might be helpful: I can't send her files through Gaim, but _can_ through Skype.04:56
tkupwhy is it that I'm getting qt3 when I specifically install qt4?04:56
shriphaninow in the dialog select konqueror :)04:56
tonyyarussofeross: I'll google that.04:56
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ferosstonyyarusso: yeah, works great.04:57
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sethktonyyarusso, that's quite interesting.04:57
shriphanithat should be it04:57
efrancolaporteit opens it with konkeror but as soon as i close the window and re-try to open it without doing the same operation it opens with nautilus04:57
sethktonyyarusso, I'll have to check on what skype does before I can tell you what it means, but the answer is certainly in there.04:57
shriphanihmm thats strange04:57
efrancolaporteunless i right click again and click open with again04:57
Geoffrey2sethk, trust me, just as soon as I can get my data files (what's left of them), backed up, I'll do that04:57
sethktonyyarusso, the skype server mediates the transfers, which is part of the answer but the details are the important part.04:57
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compwizhow do i get compiz???04:58
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shriphanisethk, would gnome love a kde file manager ?04:58
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ferossGeoffrey2: do you have any external, USB, drives you can copy to?04:58
Geoffrey2feross, none04:58
a_guestquick question, my friend has windows installed and would like to try the ubuntu live cd. she has a lot of music, pictures and such. Is it completely safe to run the live cd? It cannot effect windows at all right?04:58
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sethkshriphani, it would work.  I'm not sure, though, how smootly it would integrate.  I suspect not terribly smoothly.04:58
ferosscompwiz: did you check out ->http://lunapark6.com/?p=1235/co/co04:58
|thunder!compiz > |thunder04:58
efrancolaportein the icons properties, tab "Open With" it displays "Konkeror" and "Open Folder". I can remove "Konqueror" but not "Open Folder" and i cant seem to be able to select Konqueror's button04:59
pppoe_dudea_guest, correct04:59
pppoe_dudea_guest, as long as you are reasonable and dont delete files on purpose that is04:59
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a_guestthanks, last question. could she install packages under the live cd?04:59
a_guestsay like themes?04:59
a_guestok thanks a lot05:00
compwizyes i did05:00
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compwizi did not see it i will look more05:00
shriphanisethk, can defaulting the file manager of kde love gnome ?05:00
a_guestso she can basically use the live cd until she is ready to install? she can install packages and such but it will not be very quick right? because of the cd?05:01
sethkshriphani, I know kde quite well, but I don't know gnome well enough to answer that intelligently.05:01
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efrancolaportewhatever thanks for all the effort guys :-)05:01
Geoffrey2actually, I have an additional partition on the the tail end of the drive..about 3 GB, I could blow away that partition, format it as something like FAT32, then go back into unbuntu and just copy the files to that partition for temporary storage05:02
pppoe_dudea_guest, she can install things like normal05:02
pppoe_dudea_guest, it only takes longer to load things into ram05:02
sethkGeoffrey2, sure, but I'm not sure what that buys you05:02
sethkGeoffrey2, why format it as fat?05:02
pppoe_dude(limitations of CD drive speed)05:02
compwizi was gonna use this giud: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingCompiz05:02
a_guestI see, ok thanks. She just didn't want to risk losing a lot of data that should be backed up but it's not. Just wanted to make sure before running the live cd and playing with it. Thanks a lot05:03
ferossGeoffrey2: true, but use ext3 instead, you can read ext3 from windows so it's a great way to store files on a modern fs.05:03
Geoffrey2sethk, right now i just want to get my data files out of harm's way before I nuke the ubuntu partition05:04
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mortal5does anyone here use moblock?05:04
Geoffrey2feross, but can windows WRITE to ext3?05:04
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sethkGeoffrey2, then use ext3, vfat isn't terribly safe and also loses permissions and such05:04
ferossGeoffrey2: yup05:04
Geoffrey2ah, well, that's simple enough then05:04
|thunderWTF ?    "The compiz repositories are currently broken - DO NOT INSTALL"05:04
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sethk|thunder, that's pretty clear, isn't it?05:04
|thundersure is05:04
compwizthat is my problem!05:05
compwizit sucks05:05
sethk|thunder, they got tired of people complaining that their alpha software is alpha software, I imagine.05:05
compwizi was wandering if there was another way05:05
Geoffrey2does the making an additional partition on the end and transferring files there make sense?05:05
compwizto install05:05
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kitchecompwiz: yes compile compiz if you wish to install it05:06
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ferossGeoffrey2: yes, better than CD. Unless your drive is on it's way out.05:06
|thundersethk; yep, seems plausable. im looking for the modified version that allows the compiz themes and all plugins. i just switched to 32bit dapper from 64. I have all the precompiled packages to install an older working version on 64 bit dapper. but moving to 32 bit is going to entail some relearning.05:06
kitchecompwiz there is tutorials all over some are geared toward ubuntu05:06
sethkGeoffrey2, I back up to both, but I'm a fanatic about backing up05:07
compwizi dont know how compile stuff05:07
Geoffrey2feross, dunno....I haven't had any problems until I shut off the computer last night, and it decided it couldn't boot this evening when I turned it back on05:07
sethkGeoffrey2, I don't consider something backed up to cd unless I burn two copies.05:07
tonyyarussofeross: It's telling me "TAP/TUN driver not found" (on the graphical version).05:07
sethk|thunder, perhaps the repositories will be back in a few days.05:07
|thundersethk; the compiz in the repos dosnt not support themes.05:08
acersaleshi is there any advance ftp server in ubuntu05:08
ferosstonyyarusso: hmm, did you see any howto or just flinging it?05:08
|thunderi need to find the modified vesion. but i cant remember the author05:08
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acersaleshi is there any advance ftp server in ubuntu where ftpusers can be created and file level access can be provided to the user ?05:08
sethk|thunder, download the source, likely the name is in a file there somewhere05:08
tonyyarussofeross: I saw the README, and the web site's basic instructions, but haven't yet gone through the forums for it.05:08
Blinkeri need help setting up lan file sharing with samba. i've looked over a handful of guides and nothing seems very straightforward05:08
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|thundersethk; i'l link you when i find what im talking about.05:09
ferosstonyyarusso: this should get you up... http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/VNC_and_Hamachi05:09
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sethkfeross, does that do tunneling for vnc?05:09
sethkfeross, didn't know that, thank you.05:10
ferosslinux and windows05:10
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Geoffrey2um, this would probably be WAY to simple to be possible, can Windows XP be installed on an ext3 partition?05:10
BlinkerGeoffrey2: no05:10
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Geoffrey2yep, figured that was way to obvious to be workable...ok05:10
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|thunderwhat is Beryl ?05:11
BlinkerGeoffrey2: winxp wont even access ext partitions05:11
SpyNetsethk do u forgot me05:11
acersaleshi is there any advance ftp server in ubuntu where ftpusers can be created and file level access can be provided to the user ?05:11
kitcheBeryl used to be compiz-quinnstorm |thunder05:11
sethkSpyNet, sorry05:11
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|thunderahh "Compiz community branch, also known as compiz-quinnstorm, becomes Beryl. "   thats what im looking for.05:11
VCFHi again, I remote mounted a path into my apache webservers root path but the ownership and group are becomming issues, what apache settings do I need to fix this?05:11
compwizi have to wait for the problen resolvd05:11
ferossBlinker: it will with extra software05:12
Blinkerso i guess no one is in the mood to help me write a config for samba =p05:12
sethkSpy, what I would like you to do is to do lsmod on your system now, and tell me what is in the lsmod list from the live CD, that is not in the lsmod list now when the modem isn't found.05:12
Blinkerfeross: really? thats kinda handy...05:12
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VCFApache version is : 2.0.5505:12
sethkSpy, do you understand what I mean?  we are figuring out what kernel modules are necessary to use your modem.05:12
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sethkBlinker, yes, get's around the can't write to NTFS problem in many cases.  doesn't solve it, but works around it.05:13
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ferossBlinker: yeah, I was just telling Geoffrey2 that I have a 1 win partition, 1 swap, 1 ubuntu and 1 main storage for both win and ubuntu. works great05:13
Spyyes i understood sethk05:13
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Geoffrey2feross, what do you put in the main storage partition?05:14
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sethkSpy, ok, good.05:14
brian98sudo apt-get install -f05:14
brian98The following packages will be REMOVED:05:14
brian98  gaim ubuntu-desktop05:14
brian98so it want's me to use shell so05:14
ferossGeoffrey2: MP3's, images, video etc.05:14
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ferossGeoffrey2: snes roms, karaoke files :)05:15
kjmkitche -  interesting - but it looks like /etc was never written.  Perhaps I should just reinstall and keep /etc within the / partition and have /swap and /home separate?05:15
brian98debfoster worked!05:15
acersaleshi is there any advance ftp server in ubuntu where ftpusers can be created and file level access can be provided to the user ?05:15
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`JBIs there Ubuntu software to open a Quickbooks file (.qbw) ?05:15
tonyyarussofeross: Do you know if that doc applies equally to the graphical binary and cli source compiled versions?05:15
ferossacersales: you can just 'apt-get install ssh' then FileZilla from windows clients and use SFTP from it.05:16
kitche`JB: you can try gnucash05:16
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acersalesfeross, i need server which support ftp users or atleast give user level access to directory05:17
ferosstonyyarusso: hmm, not sure. I would just do it one way or the other. I would guess that yes because the gui basically depends on the cli anyway05:17
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ferosstonyyarusso: sorry about three answers, was thinking while typing05:17
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christophe971am i wrong or there's not network-admin package anymore ?05:18
christophe971on dapper drake05:18
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ferossacersales: hmm not sure about just ftp. I usually just do ssh and run sftp but someone mentiond wu-ftp.05:18
sethkacersales, there are several ftp servers in the repos.  wu-ftpd is the simplest, but also has the worst security implications05:19
Satafterhis the new beta pretty stable05:19
acersalessethk, i need the best for security05:19
sethkacersales, it has to be ftp?  you can't use sftp instead?05:20
medic30420hey acer sales, are you an acer rep?05:20
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acersalessethk, thing is i need user level access05:20
acersalessethk, and user need to be given file level access05:20
sethkacersales, I'm not sure what you mean.  sftp gives you user level access in the same way that ftp would05:20
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christophe971why can't i install users-admin on dapper drake ?05:21
lbaIf I install Ubuntu on a laptop with Windows XP and a blank partition at hdb, will it prevent XP from booting?05:21
medic30420acersales, give us a for instance05:21
medic30420lba: yes, temporarily05:21
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lbamedic30420, How do I get it back?05:21
medic30420lba, google for a iso image of supergrub05:21
sethklba, nothing on hdb would bother xp on hda, but it's very unusual to have both hda and hdb in a laptop05:22
acersalessethk, medic30420 , for instance there is a folder or a file which is writable by a single user and others can view it05:22
ferosschristophe971: hmm maybe netwox, I just saw it in apt-cache search so don't know if that's the replacement you're looking for05:22
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Audimagehow do i unmount an iso05:22
sethkacersales, ok, both sftp and ftp allow that.05:22
sethkAudimage, umount05:22
christophe971that's very weird :/05:22
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lbasethk, I partitioned it long ago, reduced the size of XP and put Slackware on it.05:22
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medic30420lba, make sure windows stays on the first partition05:22
Audimagesethk, i have mounted a couple of isos and now i don't need them, how do i remove them05:22
lbamedic30420, Yes I certainly will.  and tnx for the tip about supergrub - never heard of it.05:23
medic30420lba, then put supergrub in and restore the boot record05:23
acersalesso which is the best supported for ubuntu and most secure ?05:23
d3v1ant_0n3Just a quickie (hopefully)...I'm not getting the new splash with edgy, still getting the test card design...any suggestions?05:23
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sethkAudimage, say it's mounted on /mnt/xyz.  you just do:  umount /mnt/xyz05:23
acersalessftp ?05:23
lbamedic30420, You mean apt-get install supergrub?05:23
medic30420lba, then go edit the boot file to make sure it recognizes windows05:23
sethkAudimage, but I'm not sure if that is what you are really asking.05:23
Audimageok, thanks05:23
dzer0I just bought a new server, put ubuntu server 6 on it, and ubuntu-desktop package for GUI, and I need to know how to get started with running apache, mysql, php, and sharing a folder on samba05:23
medic30420lba, you will have to burn a cd, so you can boot from it05:23
lbamedic30420, I don't know much Grub, been using lilo all my life.05:23
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sethklba, that isn't hdb and hda, that's just multiple partitions on hda05:24
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medic30420lba, hold on i will give you a link05:24
lbasethk, No I have separate partitions05:24
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dzer0is there just like a howto somewhere for ubuntu server?05:24
Ciauslba logical block addressing05:24
lbaCiaus, hda and hdb05:24
christophe971feross: no netwox isn't the usefull gnome application network-admin05:24
dzer0on the install I selected LAMP server, but no idea if apache etc are actually running or not05:24
christophe971where does it go ?05:24
dzer0and I want to share stuff with samba05:25
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sethklba, you mean, yes I have separate partitions, not no I have separate partitions.05:25
dzer0can anyone help?05:25
poloooooi have noticed that when the update tool updates the kernel it keeps the old one on the system, how can i delete it?05:25
sethkdzer0, you can find out if apache is running in several ways05:25
lbasethk, Sorry I was unclear.  Yes, I have separate hda, hdb and some more since the old Slack uses several partitions I'm gonna wipe.  WXP is on hda though.05:26
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sethkdzer0, try this:    (sudo) netstat -nap | grep 8005:26
ferossdzer0: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.0605:26
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sethklba, I'm still not sure we are saying the same thing.  hda, hdb are two different disk drives.  hda1, hda2, etc., are partitions on one physical drive05:26
sethklba, you have two separate physical drives in the laptop?05:26
acersalesfeross, which is the most secure ftp server in linux world in your view ?05:27
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ferossdzer0: http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_setup_ubuntu_5.10 should mostly apply for samba05:27
lbasethk, I'm very sorry.  I _should_ have said hda1 for WXP, hd1b for Linux and some others05:27
Audimagei'll give it a whilrl05:27
Audimageworked, thanks05:27
Audimagethat is what i was asking05:27
Audimagei thought the command was unmount, but it is umount, that is what i was doing wrong05:27
acersalessethk, medic30420 , which is the most secure ftp server in linux world in your view ?05:27
ferossacersales: ssh.05:27
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sethklba, you mean hda1 for wxp, hda2, , hda3, etc. for linux, I think05:27
sethkacersales, let me look up the name, hold on a moment...05:28
lbasethk, It's late setkh and you are correct.  I really know this <g>05:28
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acersalesfeross, but the user are on windows so how they can utilize it simply by browser ?05:28
medic30420lba, sorry, i cant find that link, i have the iso of supergrub, it is definately the way to go over lilo, but depending on your computer's specs, look into vmware also05:29
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sethkacersales, I think of the ones in the repos, pro-ftpd has the best security.05:29
ferossacersales: no, they will need FileZilla. Maybe firefox has a plugin for sftp, and IE7 might support it in future.05:29
lbasethk, When I setup the laptop, I basically chopped the big WXP partition in half and reserved hda2 and on for Linux05:29
sethkacersales, but remember, the "best" security for an ftp server is still none too good.05:29
sethkacersales, because the ftp protocol sends passwords in clear text.05:29
sethklba, ok, that's what I thought.05:29
christophe971can someone tell me why users-admin has just disappear?05:29
Rastai just fresh installed ubuntu but im getting some problems with apt-get, when i use it i get a "Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)" message and i cant install anything, xchat was installed trough synaptic, any ideas why this happens?05:30
sethklba, now, what is the problem?05:30
lbamedic30420, Tnx anway.  I'll search.  Can I do what I want with plain old Grub?  Maybe it's time to learn it.05:30
sethkRasta, sudo apt-get .....05:30
Rastasethk im using sudo05:30
lbasethk, Problem is I wish to wipe hda2 .. n, make a new hda2 and install Ubuntu without messing up Windows XP.05:30
christophe971Rasta: close synaptic05:30
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medic30420yeah, i can give you a copy of my boot record for you to look at, basically the only thing to learn is the different nomeclature for the partitions, hda0 vs hda105:31
sethkRasta, I've never seen that problem when running apt-get with sudo, because (obviously) root does have permissions on the lock file.  Is it possible another instance of apt-get, or a synaptic, is running at the same time?05:31
ferosschristophe971: users-admin ? I see a System>Administration>Users and Groups  is that what you need?05:31
lbamedic30420, You mean the grub menu?05:31
sethklba, oh, no problems with that05:31
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christophe971feross: yes i need it05:31
christophe971on my new ubuntu install, i can't see it05:31
sethklba, as long as you don't mess with hda1, wxp will be fine05:31
lbasethk, I'm afraid!05:31
sethklba, back up.  :)05:31
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sethklba, back up the MBR, also.    dd if=/dev/hda of=mbrfile bs=512 count=105:32
ferosschristophe971: hmm didi you check the Alacarte Menu Editor to see if it was disabled from there.05:32
christophe971E: Couldn't find package users-admin05:32
Rastawel, its a fresh install with the first login time, i see the little icon of updates avaliable at the top bar05:32
sethklba, in fact, back up the mbr and the early boot loader:   dd if=/dev/hda of=mbrplus bs=512 count=10005:32
Geoffrey2if I want to use cp to copy a directory and all subdirectories and files within it, what options would I use?05:32
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lbasethk, An excellent suggestion.  I will back it up.05:32
acersalessethk, so if i use sftp the user can access by browser ?05:32
sethklba, you don't really need 100, that's just a number I know is high enough.  do NOT restore with that number.  :)05:32
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Rastasorry if its a dumb question i have been away from linux by 2 years05:32
medic30420lba, the biggest issue you are going to have is that when you install ubuntu it will overwrite winxp05:32
sethkacersales, no, not without additional stuff.05:32
medic30420lba, correction, wxp's MBR05:33
lbamedic30420, Is the mbr more than 512 bytes?05:33
medic30420lba, then you will have to edit grub or lilo to recognize winxp05:33
surfacewhen i play music with xmms and i surf web and play flash, flash have no sound. i close xmms, and flash have no sound too. until i restart firefox, the flash have sound back. can this resolve?05:33
acersalesritenow i m using ftpd and the user can access from the browser ?05:33
acersalesisnt that possible ?05:33
sethkacersales, not with sftp05:33
medic30420lba, not sure, but it is a fixed size05:33
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ferossRasta: just click on it and it will ask for password. then update05:34
lbamedic30420, The only important thing - will I be able to restore booting to WXP later on ?  I don't usually like to run it.05:34
sethkacersales, browsers support ftp, but not sftp (in general)05:34
medic30420lba, i have xp and linux dual booting without any problems05:34
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lbamedic30420, By editing grub yes?05:34
medic30420lba, that is where grub comes in, grub is installed by default in ubuntu05:34
Rastafeross, ok ill go step by step05:34
sethkmedic30420, lba you won't necessarily have to change grub.  the kernel name is likely to change05:34
Rastamy fingers are shaking05:34
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sethkmedic30420, he has a dual boot system already.  he's just upgrading the linux part05:35
medic30420lba, grub has a config file that you may have to edit05:35
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medic30420sethk, lba, ah missed that part05:35
lbamedic30420, Yes I'm prepared to edit.05:35
sethkmedic30420, I know  :)05:35
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Geoffrey2if I want to copy all the files in a folder, and include all the sub-folders and the files in them, what command would I need?05:35
ferossRasta: must be from the MS updates ;) .. not to worry, Ubuntu NEVER messes up updates ... cough cough ...05:35
sethkmedic30420, I'm reassuring him that he won't destroy wxp on hda1 by upgrading linux on hda2, 3, etc.05:35
acersalessethk, so how to bring all these features in my ftp then o_o05:35
sethkGeoffrey2, cp -a05:36
wickedpuppyGeoffrey2, cp -a05:36
sethkGeoffrey2, tar05:36
sethkGeoffrey2, cpio05:36
sethkGeoffrey2, lots of choices05:36
sethkacersales, you have to take the security hit, but you need to be aware of the implications05:36
sethkacersales, you have to make very sure that an ftp user can't escape the ftp environment and get to the rest of the box05:36
acersalessethk, i can take a security hit but the thing is i need user level access05:36
lbasethk, medic30420 Let me sum up what I _think_ have told me.  A new install of Ubuntu on hda2 will not touch hda1 but will write grub into the mbr.  I will be able to boot Ubuntu but not WXP until I edit grub.  Is that correct?05:36
sethkacersales, that's not a problem.05:36
ImrahilWhat is the meaning of files called core.xxxx in my / directory? They are around 17MB. They seem to be created every time the system reboots. Can find anything in the logs.05:37
acersalessethk, so then which ftp u suggest ?05:37
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sethkacersales, wu-ftpd is probably the easiest to deal with05:37
ferossacersales: if you are really worried about security and NEED to use FTP you should look into ftp jail-root.05:37
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sethkacersales, with wu-ftp, the user has exactly the same privileges as if the user were logged in05:38
sethkacersales, but user level access and an ftp jail are pretty much mutually exclusive05:38
christophe971do every fresh dapper user have a users-admin package ?05:38
acersalessethk, what about ftpd the default in fedora ?05:39
Geoffrey2well, every email I ever had just bit the dust05:39
linavi have got wireless internet, i am running it on 5.10, it connects fine but drops the line all the time.05:39
wickedpuppychristophe971, what you mean by user-admin package ?05:39
sethkacersales, what I mean by that is, if you need a user to have the same access when connected via ftp as the user would when connected via, say, rsh, then you give up the jail.05:39
surfacewhen i play music with xmms and i surf web and play flash, flash have no sound. i close xmms, and flash have no sound too. until i restart firefox, the flash have sound back. can this resolve?05:39
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linavto connect again i need to restart my machine, which is so annoying05:39
Geoffrey2.mozilla-thunderbird is gone, from the looks of it05:39
linavcan any one help me out in this regard, as what is causing the problem05:39
sethkacersales, the last time I checked wu-ftpd was the default for fedora, but that was several rev's ago and probably no longer true.05:39
christophe971wickedpuppy: i mean, do you have "E: Couldn't find package users-admin" when you "apt-get install users-admin" ?05:39
sethkacersales, for a long long time red hat, and then fedora, used wu-ftpd started by xinetd05:40
compwizi selected 277mb of stuff in snaptic then dad need to use the internet05:40
ferosssurface: nahh, I have the same issue now and then.05:40
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sethkacersales, may still be using it, but may not.05:40
wickedpuppychristophe971, i never installed a package called users-admin before05:40
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wickedpuppyand i been using ubuntu for 3 years now05:40
acersalessethk, thanks for all the information i will try let c which work the best ;)05:40
christophe971wickedpuppy: you have the users-admin application ?05:40
Geoffrey2what does the red box with the x in it next to a folder mean?05:40
acersalesbye guyz05:40
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christophe971gnome application05:40
ferosslinav: use NetworkManager .... awsome for wireless.05:41
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wickedpuppychristophe971, in my system -> administration -> Users and Groups ...05:41
wickedpuppyis that what you mean ?05:41
christophe971wickedpuppy: i just don't have it05:41
soheilany1 helping a chess junky?05:41
wickedpuppychristophe971, it comes with dapper ...05:41
soheilI ran gnome-chess05:41
christophe971i don't have the users-admin , and i don't have network-admin :(05:42
christophe971what should i do ?05:42
wickedpuppyi dont even know the package name till you tell me05:42
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wickedpuppychristophe971, install them .. of course05:42
sethkchristophe971, that's not the name of the package.05:42
soheilnow I wanna connect platchess.com server05:42
christophe971sethk: what's their names ?05:42
medic30420lba, after installing ubuntu, grub should overwrite the MBR, add this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25271/ to your menu.list (/boot/grub/menu.list)05:42
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linavfeross: will network manager reconnect my internet connection after it drops05:42
soheilplz help me05:43
medic30420lba, and that will add XP, grub will autodetect everything else05:43
sethkChrisBradley, gnome-system-tools05:43
linavfeross: or in the first place does it also drop the line05:43
sethkchristophe971, gnome-system-tools05:43
sethkChrisBradley, sorry, tab completion  :)05:43
soheilhow to run an exe file?05:43
Geoffrey2can anyone tell me what a little red box with a white x in it at the upper right hand corner of a folder means?05:43
medic30420lba, hda1 = hd0,005:43
ferosslinav: go to here for a quick howto setup. http://fdalmoro.blogspot.com/..05:43
christophe971sethk: thanks a lot05:43
sethksoheil, exe files run in windows.05:43
sethkchristophe971, np05:43
wickedpuppysoheil, wine05:44
sethksoheil, you can run a windows emulator in linux, such as wine05:44
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ferosslinav: well I'm not sure if it will resolve your problems but I've tried several programs for wireless and that one works the best IMHO.05:44
sethksoheil, but you can't run a windows executable directly.05:44
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linavfeross: thank you05:44
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ferosssoheil: with wine05:44
ferossoh dahh didn't see reply05:45
lbamedic30420, I have a long dist call from wife.  Be back ASAP.05:45
Ciauswoo hoo!05:45
=== Geoffrey2 sighs
Ciauswrong channel sorry05:45
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soheilI wine'd it05:45
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ferossGeoffrey2: email is not that important. Prolly all spam anyway ;)05:45
soheilit's name is warrior05:46
harisundAnybody running Ubuntu under VMware in Windows here? I am trying to get Edgy Beta under VMware, and everything is fine. Just one question. How do I transfer files? Right now, I am using scp...05:46
soheilas I see it when running ls05:46
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ferosssoheil: using blitz?05:46
soheilpardon me?05:46
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Geoffrey2feross, so the x means the folder is basically gone?05:46
ferosssoheil: the chess program you're trying to run.. blitz?05:47
sethksoheil, the gnu chess program is quite respectable, and doesn't need wine  :)05:47
soheilI downloaded it05:47
ferossGeoffrey2: I guess, the copy to the other partition didn't work?05:47
soheilwhat's the name?05:47
wickedpuppyharisund, scp -r file1 user@host:.  ... i suggest man scp for more info ..05:48
wickedpuppyyou can set port and such05:48
Spysethk i've looked both lsmod lists to see what's different about USB connection05:48
Geoffrey2no, the copy worked....I'd just hate to lose all that email if it's not necesarry05:48
sethkSpy, ok, and ?05:48
ferossharisund: hmm tried samba?05:48
Geoffrey2feross, just curious that nobody in here can tell me what that symbol is telling me.....05:49
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sethkGeoffrey2, what's the symbol?05:49
IcemanV9harisund: set "shared documents" to be shared (winxp); in edgy, places > network servers, look for your winxp server05:49
Geoffrey2sethk, red box with a white x inside it, it's at the upper right hand corner of multiple files and folders05:50
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soheilgnome-chess sucks05:50
d3v1ant_0n3Geoffrey2: if the symbol is like I think, it just means that Gnome hasn't got an icon for it05:50
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sethksoheil, sounds like you'll be better off in windows, then, at least for chess.05:50
d3v1ant_0n3I think05:50
soheilI can't connect too the server  via it05:50
IcemanV9how can i stop "join/part" notices?? /ignore something?05:50
sethkGeoffrey2, and you see this where?05:51
harisundwickedpuppy: scp works fine. I use that. feross and IcemanV9 I am trying to use samba. The funny thing is, I am not able to 'mount' but am able to browse using smbclient ..05:51
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junminhi, can somebody recommend me some tutorial/books/web sites about the server administration(web server, web hosting)?? please05:51
sethkIcemanV9, on xchat you can right click on the tab for the channel05:51
woodHi ! I made a mistake ! I have deleted the line root in the /etc/passwd is there any way to be able to create back the root in the ubuntu ?05:51
soheilseth------------->I wanna be a ubuntu user05:51
Geoffrey2sethk, in my Home folder.....05:51
Spysethk on live cd modeule usbnet used by 1 cdc ether don't appear on my hdd uduntu installation lsmod list and on the installation lsmod list from my hdd i can see module usbcore used by 2 ohci_hcd that i don't see in live-cd lsmod list05:51
soheilit's free05:51
sethkwood, sure, just put the line back in.05:51
woodsethk: cant it says .. permission denied05:51
sethkwood,use sudo with the edit command05:52
sethkwood, back up the file first05:52
woodok ill try05:52
sethkSpy, ok, you definitely need to insmod usbnet05:52
sethkSpy, do   modprobe usbnet05:52
sethkSpy, that should pull in all the other modules that usbnet needs, as well as usbnet05:52
w30wood: see if you have a passwd- file. that is a Ubuntu created backup file.05:52
IcemanV9harisund: yea. you don't have to mount it at all. that's the beauty of it. :)05:52
sethkSpy, you must run insmod as root (or with sudo)05:52
Spyand ...05:53
ferosssoheil: warrior doesn't work. I think blitz only connects to it's irc network but it's a good program and I've used it in the past in linux with wine.05:53
sethkw30, good point.05:53
w30wood: if you do then sudo cat passwd- > passwd05:53
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ferosssoheil: did  you install warrior before trying to use it?05:53
woodw30 ok ill try now05:53
sethkwood, back up the current file first.  make a copy of it somewhere.  sudo cp /etc/passwd /root05:53
sethkwood, e.g.05:54
soheilDoes it connect to the playchess server?05:54
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sethkSpy, after you do that, run the network administration tool05:54
soheilhow to install it?05:54
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woodw30 -bash: passwd: Permission denied05:54
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digithi all05:54
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foureight84anyone here using gaim2 beta 3?05:54
sethkSpy, hopefully you'll see the interface, and be able to highlight it and click on activate05:54
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surfacewhen i play music with xmms and i surf web and play flash, flash have no sound. i close xmms, and flash have no sound too. until i restart firefox, the flash have sound back. can this resolve?05:54
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sethkSpy, if that doesn't work, add usbnet to /etc/modules and reboot05:54
foureight84i don't know how to enable esc to close chat windows05:54
digitanyone here use the new edgy?05:55
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sethkSpy, in fact, add usbnet to /etc/modules anyway.05:55
jtholmeswood try  sudo su   see if you get a   #05:55
ferosssoheil: you need to run 'wine setupwarrior.exe' first.. then run the exe that installs under your ~./wine directory05:55
w30wood: you gotta put sudo in front of cat05:55
sethkSpy, you don't want to have to insmod it every time you boot.05:55
soheilHow ti installl warrior?05:55
ferossI mean .wine05:55
Geoffrey2ok, forget it...I'll just write the whole thing off, blow away the partition, and start over again.....05:55
sethkSpy, if you are lucky, after adding usbnet to /etc/modules and rebooting, your network will magically appear.  :)05:55
Spyok thx a lot sethk :)05:55
woodw30: when i do sudo su .. sudo: no passwd entry for root!05:55
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w30wood: if you lost sudo then do it from a Ubuntu live cd boot05:56
Geoffrey2can I leave the current linux-swap partition as is?05:56
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ferossGeoffrey2: yes05:56
lbamedic30420, OK I"m back and have read what you wrote before.  I should be able to do this - but it will be tmw.  Thank you very much for your help and advice.05:56
shriphaniwould visudo help ?05:56
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woodw30 ok i have the cd but what is the procedure exactly ?05:56
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shriphanicuz if you are there in /etc/sudoers you should have sudo access05:56
medic30420lba, no problem, but dl and burn supergrub, incase everything goes fubar you can boot anything from it05:57
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ferosssoheil: you need to find the warrior installation file. then from the console execute it with wine.05:57
sethklba, and don't forget to back up the mbr05:57
woodw30: you want me to reboot on the cd05:57
ferosssoheil: you will see the installation as if you were running windows05:57
bobbbis there a helpfile somewhere that will assist me in configuring my soundblaster audigy card.  I've played around a bit and can't get sound05:57
w30wood: boot the live cd or any rescue cd then mount the Ubuntu partition and then go to mountpoint/etc/and cat passwd- > passwd05:57
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jtholmeswood do  a df -k  and make sure where  root is mounted05:58
lbasethk, Yes and thank you too.  You guys hang around this room much?05:58
ferosssoheil: the thing with wine is that it puts all of the fake windows installation under your home directory under the .wine/ directory05:58
[koji] how do i run 2 commands concurrently?05:58
woodw30 : ok thanks05:58
shriphaniKoffa, open two terminals05:58
Geoffrey2oh, if the partition is already there, can I simply put the Live CD in and have it reformat the existing partition?05:58
feross[koji] : you mean like this  command1 && command205:58
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ferossGeoffrey2: yeah05:59
jtholmeskojil or   command ;  command  but they will never be concurrent but close05:59
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Geoffrey2feross, during the install process?05:59
ferossGeoffrey2: just remember to change it to an EXT305:59
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[koji] feross will they be on their on pid?06:00
soheilsetupcan't install warrior06:00
ferossGeoffrey2: yes during install06:00
[koji] jtholmes, that is sequential06:00
ferosssoheil: hmm did you run winecfg L06:01
harisundwhat are the primary differences between ext3 and ext2? What are each one's advantages over the other?06:01
jtholmeswood  run live cd;  open konsole window;  mount  /dev/hdXX /mnt;  edit /mnt/etc/passwd   add  root   ;   reboot06:01
feross[koji] : yes own pid06:01
viatoranyone use songbird?06:01
briguydharisund, ext3 is backwards compatible with ext2, and basically adds journaling to ext206:02
viatorim using the o.2 version and for beta software seems to run rather smoothly06:02
viatori like it06:02
briguydviator, is it stable?06:02
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viatorbriguyd so far yes06:02
briguydhow fast does it run?06:03
ferosssoheil: you should run winecfg first to make sure everything is configured correctly06:03
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viatorive put it through the ringers and so far it only was a little laggy at worst06:03
d3v1ant_0n3soheil: If you run Synaptic and search for chess, there are a whole load of chess games available06:03
ferosssoheil: do it under your own user not sudo winecfg or anything like that06:03
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junminhi, can somebody recommend me some tutorial/books/web sites about the server administration(web server, web hosting)?? please06:03
briguydviator, any reason to switch now?06:03
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jtholmesjummin  www.apache.org  has a lot of good info,  also  google  apache config06:04
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viatorwell i like how it snags all the av stuff from websites/blogs06:04
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woodw30: Amazing it works fine !! have replace the passwd from the passwd- and everything is ok06:05
=== IcemanV9 says hmm .. xchat crashed :(
rain_mangreetings one and all06:05
woodw30: that's cool !! :) thanks again my friend06:05
viatorone thing that is kinda buggy though is when you minimize it has a slim floating bar and the mouse over is kinda off06:05
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ImrahilWhat is the meaning of files called core.xxxx in my / directory? They are around 17MB. They seem to be created every time the system reboots. Can find anything in the logs.06:06
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w30wood: I did that too so I been there done that ha!06:06
briguydviator, when its a bit more polished, ill consider it, but between it not being absolutely stable and me being on slow, slow hardware, ill wait a bit06:06
jtholmesimahil  run  file  core.xxxx  to see what is core dumping06:06
cherubielImrahil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_dump06:06
tkupImrahil, they are images of the process that just accidently crashed. xxx represents the pid of the process before it crashed06:06
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woodw30: this is the way we learn more when we make some errors ;) thanks a lot for your help !06:07
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ferossjunmin: do you want a tutorial on how to setup a linux server or a general book on hey, this is linux and what you can do with it?06:07
briguydanyone use ReiserFS?06:07
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dzer0_I got apache running06:07
dzer0_but now I want to have an ftpd and some samba sharing06:07
viatoryeah if you dont want to use it as a day to day media player i wouldnt blame you06:07
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dzer0_and a vnc server would be nice06:08
viatorbut if you just want to mess around and test it06:08
viatorgo fo it06:08
brian98just installed gaim 2 beta06:08
brian98very nice06:08
briguydyeah, thanks06:08
=== Parabola [n=Parabola@d233-124-245.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
pppoe_dudebrian98, join the club06:08
cherubieldzer0_: vsftpd for ftp, samba and vncserver06:08
woodw30: buy the way do you know  a little about apache2 ?06:08
briguydbrian98, how did you install it?06:08
viatorgaim 2 comes with edgy06:08
viatori thought06:08
pppoe_dudebriguyd, they have repos06:08
brian98briguyd, give me two secs06:08
ParabolaHey I'm having an issue mounting an NTFS partition, i cant seem to change the permissions on the folder as its read only06:08
=== |thunder should have never install vmware/player. its wreaking havoc on my aptitude for some reason.
pppoe_dudeParabola --> #ubuntu06:09
ferossjunmin: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz this is an oldie but I think still good.06:09
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w30wood: I guess you are buying the next round of beers then......06:09
pppoe_dudeim such a hypocrite06:09
Parabolaits mounted, and root can open it06:09
Parabolabut even if i chown the mount folder, users cant see it06:09
pppoe_dudeParabola, i believe usually ntfs only mounts read only06:09
dzer0_cherubiel: ok I just apt-get install vsftpd and now what how do I configure it06:09
IcemanV9|thunder: how so?06:09
brian98briguyd, add deb http://repository.debuntu.org/ dapper multiverse to your repos..06:09
Parabolayes i know06:09
briguydpppoe_dude, theres a way to make it read/write i think06:09
cherubielParabola: whats the fstab entry?06:10
Parabolapppoe_dude,  im not writing to it06:10
Parabolabut i cant give permissions to mount point either06:10
Parabolacherubiel,  one sec06:10
pppoe_dudeParabola, chmod 777 <mount point>06:10
briguydParabola, check ubuntuguide.org , i think they have a tutorial on read/write NTFS06:10
brian98or anyone else who wants gaim206:10
brian98add deb http://repository.debuntu.org/ dapper multiverse to your repos..06:10
cherubiel!ntfs > Parabola06:10
w30wood: not much, mostly what you need to know is html but I don't so...I am limited.06:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about family - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
Parabolayou guys arent reading what im saying at all06:10
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Parabolacalm down a sec06:10
pppoe_dudeParabola, and chown root:root <mnt pt.> if using root06:10
brian98then wget http://repository.debuntu.org/GPG-Key-chantra.txt06:10
woodw30: lol heheeh yeah but I'll need to go sleep.. have to go to Qc City tomorrow .. this is gonna be a big day .. and it's 2 hours from where i live.. anyway.. i just wondering if you know where is the default root directory of the apache2 (www) file06:10
Parabolapppoe_dude,  read up i did that it wont stick06:10
|thunderIcemanV9; i dont really know what its doing. keeps asking if its ok to overwrite files or some random thing everytime I apt install anything.06:10
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brian98then sudo apt-key add GPG-Key-chantra.txt06:11
pppoe_dudeParabola, oh gotcha. thats a common thing with mounting06:11
Parabolacherubiel, fstab entry: /dev/sda1 /media/Data ntfs defaults 0 006:11
viatordoes gaim2 have webcam support yet?06:11
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w30wood: apache root directory is /var/www06:11
brian98not necessary but tidy up rm GPG-Key-chantra.txt06:11
Geoffrey2feross, I probably want to manually edit the partitions, right?06:11
pppoe_dudeParabola, are you mounting it automatically?06:11
brian98sudo rm GPG-Key-chantra.txt06:11
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brian98then sudo apt-get update06:11
IcemanV9|thunder: can u remove vmware player? to see if it does calm down?06:11
woodw30: im trying to find in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf the good line06:11
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pppoe_dudeParabola, using fstab? try doin it manually see if it works that way06:12
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Parabolapppoe_dude,  thats pointless06:12
brian98sudo aptitude update06:12
Parabolaim not manually mounting my drives06:12
ferossParabola: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=58506:12
Parabolamy problem is my fstab entry06:12
Parabolai just need a proper working one06:12
Parabolathats all.06:12
ferossGeoffrey2: yes06:12
woodw30: do you know in wich file i can modify the path ?06:12
pppoe_dudeParabola, well... maybe if u do, then u can check out mtab06:12
VCFHow do I remove a user from a group ?06:12
pppoe_dudesee what works06:12
soheileven 'ls' won't work on my computer06:12
|thunderIcemanV9; i tried, it says it cant remove it because it removed the vmware-kernel first.06:12
briguydbrian98, thanks06:12
Parabolapppoe_dude,  please stop trying to help me, thanks mate06:12
pppoe_dudeParabola, this isnt a help channel to begin with06:12
pppoe_dudego to #ubuntu06:12
marshallhey guys06:12
Parabolapppoe_dude,  thats what channel youre in right now you retard06:13
brian98briguyd, sudo apt-get intstall gaim should do it then!06:13
w30wood: I have seen it but I don't remember. Why do you need to change it?06:13
cherubielParabola: rw,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=000006:13
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VCFHow do I remove a user from a group ?06:13
cherubieltry that instead of defaults06:13
brian98Parabola, hey06:13
Parabolacherubiel,  thats what i needed, thanks man06:13
ferossParabola: check out that last link I posted06:13
pppoe_dude<--- confused06:13
=== pppoe_dude apologises
Parabolafeross theres 500GB of data on here, im NOT going to write to it06:13
Parabolabut thanks anyway06:13
brian98calm down :)06:13
iCodwhats something fun to do in ubuntu?06:13
woodw30: ok I'll stay it there06:13
Geoffrey2feross, ok, interesting.....it looks like the partition that tanked WAS an ext306:13
IcemanV9|thunder: i have seen it before (once) on my box and another one on ubuntuforums; i don't remember how it went though06:13
cherubielParabola: whats in it dude? :)06:13
bruenigICod, browse the internet06:14
cherubielParabola: maybe we should share ;)06:14
bruenigiCod, listen to music06:14
brian98briguyd, work for you?06:14
cherubieliCod: games?06:14
briguydinstalling now06:14
bruenig!info neverball06:14
briguydill tel you in a sec, brian9806:14
ubotuneverball: 3D arcade games: neverball & neverputt. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 158 kB, installed size 468 kB06:14
iCodobvious choices those are...06:14
soheilwhy ls won't work?06:14
bruenigiCod, whatever you do with computer that is fun06:14
iCodneverball rocks, my system can't take it though06:15
tonyyarussoWould a USB wifi adaptor work okay with Ubuntu versus a PCI one?06:15
Parabolacherubiel, lol lets get it working first06:15
w30wood: if you have bookoo stuff in another place I would think you could semi-link to it after getting the owner permissions right.06:15
Parabolathen we can talk06:15
briguydyeah, i played neverball on my other system, its alright06:15
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Parabolacherubiel, should i remove defaults from the line?06:15
briguydhard to control, though06:15
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ferosssoheil: hmm try ls -la06:15
bruenigI can't handle neverball either06:15
cherubielParabola: yes, please do.06:15
briguydi highly suggest a joystick06:15
Parabolacherubiel,  k one sec gonna remount06:15
IcemanV9|thunder: fwiw, i used kqemu instead of vmware player; did not give me any problem06:15
iCodI do have a problem, system monitor reads 100% cpu usage06:15
briguydeven then its hard06:15
iCodany ideas?06:15
ferossiCod: tried snes06:15
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woodw30: never heard about bookoo06:15
Parabolahaha worked06:16
Parabolacherubiel,  you're the man06:16
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bruenigiCod, stop running all your programs at once06:16
iCodtonyyarasu, usb can be an experience, pci may be a lot easier06:16
briguydbrian98, worked like a charm, thanks06:16
soheilsoheil@ubuntu:~$ ls -la06:16
soheills: relocation error: ls: symbol opendmr, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference06:16
ferossiCod: run fvwm-crystal ... just for fun. you might like it.06:16
iCodbruenig, gaim and firefox is not much06:16
sethkiCod, run top, see what's taking up all the cpu06:16
tonyyarussoiCod: How come?  I thought usually USB stuff worked well.06:16
brian98briguyd, nice one!06:16
|thunderdpkg: error while cleaning up:06:16
|thunder subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:16
|thunderErrors were encountered while processing:06:16
|thunder vmware-player06:16
|thunderE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:16
VCFdeluser ?06:16
soheilit errors, u see06:16
bruenigiCod, don't you lie to me06:16
w30wood: probably not spelled right but it's a vietnam veterns term for a vietnamese name for many06:17
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iCodtonyyarusso, not for me06:17
sethktonyyarusso, the usb network layer is rather new06:17
iCodbut every system is different06:17
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|thunderill check out kqemu. thanks06:17
sethktonyyarusso, add in wireless, which is also somewhat new, and you can get some instability06:17
woodw30 : lol okkk hehehe06:17
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w30wood: like bookoo soldiers in the hills06:17
tonyyarussosethk: Ah.06:17
iCodbash: fvwm-crystal: command not found06:17
Parabolaxhcat crashed06:17
ferosssoheil: hmm, not sure, first time I see that..06:17
noctiis it safe to write to ntfs partition in dapper?06:17
woodw30: in english is : a lot and french is beaucoup :P06:17
sethkiCod, run top06:18
Parabolanocti,  theres a beta driver06:18
iCodsethk, modprobe06:18
Parabolanext year a stable will be out06:18
edgyHi, I just paid for a debian server on the net and would prefer to change it to ubuntu. Should I just change the sources.lst file and do upgrade and dist-upgrade or is there a better solution?06:18
Parabolajust wait until then06:18
Parabolaunless you dont care about your data :)06:18
iCodI've discussed the problem with others, never could pin point it06:18
noctiParabola, ah thanks.06:18
Parabolanocti,  np06:18
briguydbrian98, should apt-get be able to update gaim when a new beta and eventually the final 2.0 is released?06:18
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ferossiCod: http://polishlinux.org/apps/fvwm-crystal-speed-and-transparency/06:18
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sethkiCod, modprobe is running and using up cpu?06:18
Parabolanocti,  your best bet is put your ntfs drives in another box and use samba to write to them :)06:18
w30wood: probably the Vietnamese were bastardizing French beaucoup06:18
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edgybriguyd: yes06:19
woodw30: maybe..06:19
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sethkiCod, ?06:19
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noctiParabola, can an XP  virtual machine do the same thing? got only 1 box :)06:19
sethkiCod, did you say modprobe is using up your cpu?06:19
soheilwhy ls doesn't work?06:19
Parabolanocti,  i dont know man, probobly not :-\06:19
sethkiCod, you have a circular dependency06:19
woodw30: seems that apache2 is working but when I want to surf on .. it wants to downlaod the file instead of showing it06:19
max__Will the ATI Radeon X1300 Pro AGP 256MB Video Card run in Linuxx06:19
Parabolabecause VMware does all the transitions06:19
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iCodabout 50-60%06:19
sethkiCod, it's the equivalent of an endless loop06:20
noctii think i'll just wait then06:20
ferosssoheil: try google06:20
Parabolalike if your sound doesnt work in windows and you setup vmware in it and install linux, your sound wont work either06:20
red|rainHi, in Evolution I have 3 email accounts but when I get emails they all go into one folder, is there a away I can seperate my different accounts?06:20
Geoffrey2feross, ok, drive format in progress....06:20
sethkiCod, try erasing and recreating your modules database06:20
Parabolanocti, it uses host drivers for everything06:20
soheilu did ubunttu and don't u know what this error is?06:20
iCodsethk, how...06:20
ferossGeoffrey2: oh yeah, it was already ext3 right.. weird06:20
Jas-Nixred|rain: are they all pop ?06:20
sethkiCod, depmod is used to create the database.06:20
red|rainJas-Nix: yes they are06:20
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.06:20
sethkiCod, let me look it up ...06:20
edgyWHY are you so active, you can't read my question like this ;)06:20
woodw30: maybe you can help me on that .. I did another  mistake apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName06:20
w30wood: the French left their language after they left, It was too much to pack everything. The Americans left their helicopters, ha.06:20
Jas-Nixred|rain: I think you can change it under settings > defaults06:20
Jas-Nixbut I'm not positive06:20
iCodsethk, thank you06:20
red|rainJas-Nix: ok i'll take a look at that06:21
woodw30: lol heheheh06:21
sethkiCod, you run depmod with one or more module names.06:21
junminfeross, administration. cause i would like to run a web hosting business.....06:21
sethkiCod, can you list the modules in use with lsmod?06:21
Tokenbadwhats the best way to handle img files in ubuntu?06:21
ferosssoheil: I'm not an Ubuntu developer. I'm just a regular guy that used linux for a couple of years so now I help out when I can and so is the rest of the people here.06:21
woodw30 : i dont know where to change the server name06:21
woodw30 oupss i mean the domain name06:21
MaxLWill the ATI Radeon X1300 Pro AGP 256MB Video Card run in Ubuntu?06:21
Armstrong80Im having some trouble with Google Video (flash) I can play the video but there is no sound. I have another friend using ubuntu and he is able to hear the audio, anyone run into this before?06:21
red|rainJas-Nix: nothing :(06:22
brian98briguyd,  should do!06:22
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iCodsethk, how do you want me to give you the list?06:22
MaxLArmstrong80 what version of ubuntu ya usin?06:22
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ferossjunmin: go to howtoforge.com and look up ISP Ubuntu server. It's a good tutorial.06:22
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sethksoheil, what are you running when you get that relocation error?06:22
plus_MSo I am having some trouble installing my nvidia video cards driver on Xubuntu, can anyone help me troubleshoot?06:22
w30wood: the server name will be in a config file somewhere. try man apache.conf? just a guess06:22
Armstrong80MaxL: 6.0606:22
Parabolaman i cant remove half the crap that ubunut comes with, without it trying to remove ubuntu-desktop06:22
soheilSo why it's the official forum for ubuntu then?06:22
TokenbadArmstrong80, have you tried this:  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox06:22
Parabolais there a way to fix that?06:22
sethkiCod, don't give it to me, use it.  I'll tell you how ...06:23
lbasethk, Could you please give me the dd command to save MBR again.  It scrolled off and, since I updated Xchat, it wasn't logging.06:23
woodw30 ok thanks i ll look06:23
iCodsethk, thank you, I'm ready06:23
jtholmeswood believe it comes from  /etc/hosts06:23
sethklba, dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr.backup bs=512 count=106:23
MaxLArmstrong80:  Odd... I noticed in that in Breezy Badger, the sound can only be occpuied by one application at once, I'm on Dapper Drake now, sometimes just restarting the browswer works.06:23
lbasethk, Thanks vm.06:23
soheilsethk:I'm running ls06:23
sethkiCod, do lsmod > create-modules-database06:23
sethkiCod, that's just an arbitrary file name06:23
junminfeross, thanks will go to see06:23
sethkiCod, edit that file, and add to the beginning of each line     depmod06:24
Parabolabetter yet06:24
sethkiCod, then chmod +x create-modules-database06:24
plus_Muh am I still connected?06:24
Parabolais there a way to remove packages via apt without it removing its dependencies?06:24
soheilu see:soheil@ubuntu:~$ ls06:24
soheills: relocation error: ls: symbol opendmr, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference06:24
sethkthen delete the current database, and run that file.06:24
Armstrong80MaxL: Ill try restarting the browser, thanks.06:24
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iCodsethk, edit what file?06:24
MaxLArmstrong80:  No prob.06:24
plus_MCan someone help me troubleshoot the installation of this nvidia video card driver?06:24
sethkiCod, the one you create by doing     lsmod > create-modules-database06:24
sethkiCod, you'll also have to edit out everything on each line after the module name06:25
MaxLAnyone know if the ATI Radeon X1300 Pro 256MB will run in Ubuntu?06:25
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sethkiCod, the idea is to delete your database, and then run depmod for each module that you need.06:25
sethkiCod, wait, there's a much smarter way06:25
kitchesoheil: yeah that is very bad since it killed your system probably a glibc problem or a readline I figure since it happen to me while installing both of those packages at different times06:25
briguydMaxL, define "run"06:25
iCodeh? that would be great06:25
sethkiCod, sorry, that was dumb, there's a way to recreate it from /etc/modules.06:25
iCodyes sir06:26
MaxLbriguyd: like, work and play games, I'm planning on buying a new video card and just double checking to see if it will run in ubuntu06:26
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sethkiCod, depmod with no arguments06:27
iCodsethk, ok06:27
sethkiCod, the database is named modules.dep06:27
soheilwhat to do then?06:27
sethkiCod, and lives in /lib/modules/kernel-version06:27
sethkiCod, where kernel-version is the output of   uname -r06:27
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sethkiCod, for example /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/modules.dep06:28
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briguydMaxL, i'm sure it'll work on some level, but ATI isnt the best with their linux drivers06:28
soheilkitche:what to do then?06:28
briguydlemme check on that card06:28
sethkiCod, you want to rename that file (I would copy it somewhere first and then rename it)06:28
sethkiCod, then run depmod06:28
sethkiCod, then make sure that you have a nice new modules.dep06:28
Armstrong80MaxL: restarting the browser didnt work, Ive installed flashplugin-nonfree is that the proper one?06:28
sethkiCod, then hopefully modprobe will be able to run normally06:28
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sethkiCod, no guarantees, but it has a good chance of working06:29
MaxLArmstrong80:  Not sure, that's how I got it to work usually.06:29
iCodwhich folder will it be in?06:29
iCodkernel number?06:29
MaxLbriguyd: Yeah that's what I heard... So it's not worth it to buy an ATI card though?06:29
iCodnever mind06:29
Tokenbadhow handle .img files in ubuntu?06:29
briguydMaxL, looks like its technically supported06:29
sethkiCod, /lib/modules/XXXXXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXXXXXX is the output of   uname -r06:30
briguydMaxL, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MzU406:30
iCodsethk, I'm almost done06:30
sethkMaxL, if you are buying, nvidia is probably a better choice.06:30
MaxLbriguyd: Problem is I'm a gamer, I actually want to use the card for what it's meant for.06:30
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MaxLsethk: yeah the NVIDIA's are harder to find the ATI x.x;06:30
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briguydMaxL, i always preferred nvidia, because so many rendering companies use linux with nvidia, they have to release good linux drivers06:31
briguydati doesnt have that issue, so they do it solely for the consumer06:31
briguydand theres less pressure to do that06:31
MaxLbriguyd: YEah I heard that. :/ ATI are usualyl alot cheaper too.06:31
sethkMaxL, I've got a couple of ATIs that you can have for free  :)06:32
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shriphani0000:00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)06:32
shriphaniwhhch card is that ?06:32
ParabolaATI's are pointless to buy until the R650's come out06:32
MaxLsethk: Lol, I'm trying to get a new card for this compy I'm building a computer I'm trying to use for computer.06:32
shriphanisethk, gimme yer ati06:32
MaxLtrying to use for gaming*06:32
briguydshriphani, its integrated into your motherboard06:32
sethkshriphani, it's PCI and has 8mb memory  :)06:33
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shriphaniheh sethk06:33
MaxLbriguyd: :/ My onboard video blows.06:33
briguydsethk, i got a few of those06:33
MaxLbriguyd: Has trouble running screensavers.06:33
sethkbriguyd, :)06:33
briguydsethk, and a voodoo306:33
shriphanisethk, you really doing ati charity ?06:33
sethkbriguyd, any all-in-wonders?06:33
briguydwhich is currently running on another machine06:33
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briguydsethk, nope06:33
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shriphanisethk, ?06:34
sethkbriguyd, the "wonder" was "I wonder what I was thinking when I bought this POS"  :)06:34
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iCodsethk, thank you, modprobe is down about 10-20% cpu now06:34
sethkshriphani, I hadn't thought about it, actually, but if you really have some use for them, sure.06:34
iCodit did something06:34
sethkiCod, hey, excellent.  :)06:34
shriphanicool send them here06:34
MaxLMan shopping for video cards on a budget is such a pain.06:34
sethkiCod, that's still too high, but we're on the right track,, it seems.06:35
VCFIf any of you see iLLf8d, tell him thanks again, and tell him I got it to work, the answer was on the sshfs site itself =), night people !!!06:35
w30MaxL: check this url out:http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=3477406:35
iCodsethk, maybe a restart will fix it all06:35
sethkiCod, worth a try, definitely.06:35
shriphanisethk, free shipping as well ?06:36
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iCodhow can I cut down on xorg's cpu usage?06:37
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brian98w30, They still suck :)06:38
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AsciCod: are you doing anything that would incur high CPU usage?06:39
iCodfirefox and gaim06:39
w30brian98: I have a Nvidia Gforce myself, it's a pain because of the reinstalling for every kernel.06:39
iCodsethk, bad news, modprobe hit 60% just now06:40
Armstrong80Has anyone had any problems with audio and flash?06:40
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brian98w30,  I changed from ati to nvidia because the drivers are better lol06:40
cpk1trying to mount an iso i made from a .mdf but mount is giving me "mount: not a directory"06:40
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brian98Armstrong80, lots of people06:40
AsciCod: shouldn't be too high even if you're on old hardware.  14% or so when not rendering a page maybe06:40
brian98Armstrong80, once sec06:40
w30brian98: propriatary drivers are not good but what can you do?06:40
iCodasc, its ok now, I just realized I had the flashy last.fm page up06:41
brian98Armstrong80, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20402206:41
brian98Armstrong80, google really is your friend06:41
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AsciCod: unless you're using the task manager that comes with gnome.  That thing eats CPU like those neat little rice crackers.06:41
mipstiencan you uninstall a kernel completely without it uninstalling nvidia and such?06:41
brian98and so are we!06:41
Armstrong80brian98: thank you, I had looked but not hard enough apparently. Regards.06:41
AsciCod: Ah.  Yeah.06:41
brian98Armstrong80, No worries man!06:41
iCodAsc, yeah06:41
iCodAsc, could you check your processes and see if you have modprobe running?06:42
AscNo, I don't seem to06:42
brian98w30 buy a propietary card06:42
brian98propriatary even06:43
iCodAsc, I have this great problem where modprobe seems to be stuck in a loop. Its running at 60% cpu almost all the time.06:43
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Avenhey, anyone use gftp?06:44
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AsciCod: Can't help you much there, I've never used modprobe.06:44
mipstienI am running an AMD processor and would like to go back to my K7 kernel but it has somehow crashed, i am in my older but updated 386 kernel now, is there anyway to uninstall the k7 kernel without losing nvidia drivers?06:45
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Tokenbadhow handle .img files in ubuntu?06:45
brian98bye all!06:47
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mipstieni have old kernel's installed but apt doesn't show them, is there a way to make apt see them as installed?06:48
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woodHi ! Any of you know what is the problem when I type my address it doesn't want to show me any defauld apache2 file ? I have install the phpmyadmin and cant have access to the phpmyadmin welcome web page .. why ?06:50
mipstienwood: im not sure but normally the 1.1 is saved for your router? what router are you using?06:51
briguydwood, try ifocnfig in the console and make sure your IP is the same there as you think it is06:52
briguydifconfig *06:52
YorikNMelocalhost doesnt work either?06:52
woodmipstien: the address is not the real one . and dont worry for the ip .. I know that part06:52
Armstrong80brian98: I have executed the commands that were on that page, still no sound. Ive gone to the link he posted but am having some trouble deciphering it.06:52
briguydwood, whats in your /var/www ?06:52
mipstieni have old kernel's installed but apt doesn't show them, is there a way to make apt see them as installed?06:52
woodbriguyd: default file .. never touch that directory06:53
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briguydisnt that where apache looks for the webserver?06:53
w30wood: does it show you a folder? If so that's because there is no file called index.html in the root directory.06:53
briguydor did you change the default?06:53
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cpk1need help mounting an .iso got this error "mount: not a directory"06:53
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briguydcpk1, did you specify a mountpoint to mount it  to?06:54
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eylisiancpk1:what command do you issue to get this riddle?06:54
cpk1briguyd: i did /mnt06:54
woodthere is a html and also a htm file in there and the server want me to download a phtml file instead of showing me the .html file i have in this directory06:54
cpk1eylisian: mount06:54
briguydcpk1, post the exact command you used06:54
Parabolawhats the default location for the burning software to place disc images ?06:54
w30wood: Is it named index.html?06:55
eylisiancpk1:what is your mount point? ubuntu defaults to /media06:55
w30wood: if not rename it index.html06:55
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cpk1i did sudo mount /iso /mnt -o loop06:55
woodw30: ill retry to put a index.html file again with normal permission06:55
briguydcpk1, what is "/iso"?06:56
en1gmahey all im following this guide "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto" and it wants me to do a "apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop" but its not working06:56
w30wood: if you want to load a different html file you have to change apache config06:56
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en1gmawhat is the correct syntax for that today06:56
cpk1i shortened it06:56
Avenanyone use gftp06:56
briguydcpk1, i dont thin /mnt exists06:56
w30wood: just rename it index.html06:57
briguydtry making a directory in /media to mount the iso to06:57
woodw30 ok problem found06:57
eylisiancpk1: and the -o arg is in the wrong place.06:57
briguydthen replace /mnt with whatever you just created06:57
briguydand the -o is in the wrong place, yeah06:57
en1gmawhat was "ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop" is now what "     "06:57
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:57
en1gmawhat was "ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop" is now what "     "06:57
eylisiancpk1: briguyd speaks good sense.06:58
woodw30 : the index.html file was not there because an error of transfer file from the ssh secure shell06:58
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cpk1i have a /mnt dir...06:58
briguydeylisian, thats a first06:58
woodw30: it's my fault.. but thanks a lot !06:58
en1gmacome on06:58
en1gmajesus i know this isnt hard for someone who has used ubuntu for a bit06:58
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eylisianbriguyd: heh. I understand.06:58
ComputinChucki'm trying to use gtkmm (the newest one in the repositories) and when i compile anything including gtkmm.h it says that every header is missing06:59
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w30wood: blame your bifocials, I do and get away with it06:59
briguydcpk1, then try mounting to an empty subdirectory of /mnt that you created06:59
ComputinChucki have the package installed06:59
woodthanks guys to help so much !!06:59
ferossen1gma: ubuntu-base is what is installed by default to get a basic working ubuntu install without anything else.06:59
en1gmait wont apt-get install it06:59
en1gmasays no package found06:59
en1gmaor soemthing like that06:59
woodw30: what is bifocials ?06:59
ferossif you have a working ubuntu system it's already installed06:59
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en1gmaim installing it to a partition by chrooting07:00
en1gmait needs to install it07:00
w30wood: glasses for old men; the top part is for distance the botom part is for close up focus07:00
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en1gmaim running live cd07:00
ferossen1gma: ubuntu-desktop is replaced with gnome-desktop, kde-desktop and xfce-desktop or something similar. can't remember off the top of my head07:01
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en1gmaubuntu-base didnt work either07:01
en1gmaare you sure that is still same exact name07:01
ferossen1gma: isn't there an icon on the deskto that says install to disk or something like that07:01
w30wood: and if you are looking at something in the joint of the two lenses things disappear07:02
en1gmayea that wont do a chroot install07:02
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woodw30: lol ok hehehe07:02
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w30wood: like a sidewalk step, you gotta be careful07:02
en1gmais there a newer guide avail?07:02
woodw30 .. yeah.. it is probably because im real tired.. it's been 5 hours im making this litlle server07:03
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en1gmafeross can you help me with this you think07:03
en1gmai just want to instal07:04
en1gmanothing that should be complicated07:04
en1gmabut its being kind of a bugger07:04
skt|din_dinI've spent the last 3 days trying to figure Ubuntu out, if it makes you feel better wood.07:04
w30wood: I have done many an all nighter on Linux, but it's fun07:04
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en1gmaive spent the last 10days trying to install any linux07:04
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mipstienwhere is grub.lst located?07:04
en1gmai think ubuntu can do it07:04
skt|din_dinWhy hasn't it worked?07:04
en1gmaraid0 stripe07:05
ferossen1gma: what are you trying to do exactly and why?07:05
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en1gmaone more time07:05
jtholmesmipstien: usually in  /boot/grub07:05
skt|din_dinAll nighters in Linux = me.07:05
en1gmaim almost done with it i think07:05
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en1gmai got a couple lines that didnt take well07:05
skt|din_dinEspecially since I screwed up firefox and my home menu and couldn't get to either.07:05
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en1gmaapt-get install linux-k707:05
en1gmaapt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop #the download may take a while, about 500 MB. But you'll have an up2date system :)07:05
en1gmathose 2 lines07:06
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mipstienjtholmes: i can't find it :\07:06
woodw30 : this is fun to do !! :P ok see you later ! !bye bye and thanks a lot helping me !07:06
woodbye bye all !!07:06
skt|din_dinI'm still trying to figure out how to create a launcher for Nicotine+ XD07:06
jtholmesmipstien: do you have /boot07:06
myesteriousWhen add JP layout key , Why cannot I press Left(Alt+Shift) for switch group (But can press Right(Alt+Shift) )?07:06
ebzeroHey im new to Ubuntu and all i was just wondering can anyone help me with a problem ive been having with vs 6.06?07:06
en1gma'apt-get install linux-k7' now = 'apt-get install linux-generix'07:06
mipstienjtholmes nevermind, its called menu.lst... i just had a brain fart :P07:06
en1gmabut that last line isnt working07:06
Somniiswe can certainly try, ebzero07:06
kamuicurious who has a real fast consumer grade connection, what speed is it?07:07
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:07
en1gmaubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop07:07
skt|din_dinso sethk was telling me that my home slash skt slash menu isn't my real menu.07:07
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ebzeroOk well when i run my disk i click install and it runs fine untill it gets to somthing abuot hardware check then says RNG not detected then a bunch of stuff scrolls really quickly to fast to read07:07
skt|din_dinAnd I just about died.07:07
en1gmawhen im using "apt-get install" what or where is a site that i can see whats avail for it07:07
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Flannelen1gma: "apt-cache search [term] " or, packages.ubuntu.com07:08
ArrenLexen1gma: "apt-cache search" or packages.ubuntu.com07:08
en1gmathnx 1 sec07:08
ArrenLexDamn you, flannel!07:08
FlannelArrenLex: heh, I had that, but then went back and added in [term]  ;)07:08
baconbaconen1gma, you can use synaptic also07:08
cpk1maybe I am having a problem mounting the .iso because i created it from a .mdf?07:08
en1gmathis is a chroot install so i dont know if i an07:09
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w30cpk1: what's a .mdf?07:10
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jtholmescpk1: sorry what is an  .mdf07:10
ebzeroAnyone know how to fix RNG problems?? :-/07:10
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Somniisit's an image file07:10
cpk1some thing that windows can mount like an image07:10
Somniistons of them, lol07:10
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jtholmescpk1: ok, i assumed that, is it a linux/unix type07:11
skt|din_dinis slash home slash skt slash whatever my real directory?07:11
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cherubielebzero: any hotswappable devices?? usb etc ?07:12
cpk1dont think so, i got mdf2iso to make it an iso, i read some forum post saying that you couldnt mount .mdf or .mds07:12
ferossen1gma: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153760  did you read that post?07:12
skt|din_dinBecause sethk thought I was lying to him, and acted like I was crazy.07:12
jtholmescpk1:  run file  *.iso and see what it tells you07:12
ebzerobah im getting a error when its doing a hard ware check on the disk when i attempt to install anyone have any ideas it says RNG (random number generator) not detected a bunch of stuff scrolls down quickly and ends with "not synching correctly fatal" Im attempting to install Unbuntu  6.06 I386...07:12
cherubielebzero: how far does the installer go? what stage did you reach? where is this getting stuck? wat do you se onth screen07:12
en1gmai think "apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop" is now "apt-get install gnome" does that sound correct07:12
baconbaconRNG not detected is not a problem07:12
ebzerobut then it just freezes there and dosnt do anything :-/07:13
cpk1err how do you run an iso?07:13
Somniisyou can mount it with daemon tools or alcohol 120%.. not sure if those run on linux07:13
baconbaconthere is 2 commands for mounting an iso as a cd07:14
medic30420ebzero, this sounds like ubuntu is just telling you that your CPU doesn't have a rng, very normal, the syncing message sounds like a display adapter issue07:14
en1gmamount isofs07:14
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medic30420ebzero, what are the specs on your machine?07:14
cherubielebzero: h/w07:14
baconbaconcpk1, usually i do something like losetup /dev/loop/0 ~/myiso, then mount -t iso9660 /dev/loop0 /mountpoint07:14
ferossen1gma: http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/SATA_RAID_Howto  looked at this one?07:15
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cpk1mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/foo.iso /mnt gives me "mount: not a directory"07:15
Somniiscpk1: you can also burn the iso to a cd and do it that way07:15
jtholmescpk1  just  execute   'file  *iso'  and see what  the file command tells you the file type is07:15
ebzeroI've got a pos :D its a COpaw presario 80 gig, 256 ram intel celeron processor with a ati radion 9250 Graphics card07:15
Netslayertrying to run gksu "update-manager -c -d" but it's failing with ubuntu-desktop, so i installed ubuntu-desktop and it's still failing..any ideas?07:15
jtholmescpk1:  *iso is you iso file name07:15
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cpk1it says iso 966007:16
ChrisBradleysomebody call me here earlier?07:16
medic30420ebzero, how old is it?07:16
ebzeroerr i think 3-4 years07:16
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medic30420ebzero, are you trying to do a clean install?07:16
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LookTJHow do i make the timer stop when grub boots?07:17
ebzeroI think so lol im not to sure what a "Clean Install" is :-/07:17
jtholmescpk1:  then  try   mount  -o loop -t iso9660  *isofile  /mnt    and see what it does07:17
en1gmafeross its not just sata its raid07:17
en1gmawait 1 sec07:17
en1gmalemme look at that07:17
medic30420ebzero, are you installing ubuntu for the first time, and not leaving any other operating systems (winxp, etc) on the machine?07:18
cpk1jtholmes: gives me "mount: not a directory"07:18
jtholmescpk1  of course  *isofile  is   /path/path2/isofile07:18
baconbaconLookTJ press esc or move in the menu07:18
LookTJHow i make the timer stop when the grub menu shows up at bootup07:18
medic30420ebzero, ok, do this, download the alternate install cd07:18
baconbaconLookTJ, do you want to disable the timer?07:18
FlannelLookTJ: you mean to stop it from automatically continuing?07:18
en1gmafeross i hate you!07:18
en1gmayea that looks like a good one07:18
ebzeroIs that file also 659mb :-(07:18
jtholmescpk1 interesting  give me a minute let me look at my notes07:19
en1gmaok i got to restart this mess all over07:19
en1gmabut that one looks even easier07:19
LookTJremove timeout3?07:19
medic30420ebzero, this is a text based install, i do not think your computer has enough memory to run the live CD & install it07:19
baconbaconjtholmes, look in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst, there is a timeout directive07:19
baconbaconput 0 beside it instead of 3 or 407:19
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jtholmescpk1  i am  running  6.10 live on top of my  suse and have to mount some slices07:19
ebzeroSo whats the differnce with the Alternate?07:19
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LookTJthanks bacon07:19
medic30420ebzero, i ran into a similar issue with a dell that is 4 years old07:19
baconbaconjtholmes, i meant LookTJ07:20
en1gmagot to redo alot of stuff07:20
Somniisebzero: it is text-based, and ran on bootup :-)07:20
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poptoneshello.. can anyone tell me how to make beagle in dapper index mp3 files?07:20
ebzeroDoes it have the same applications at the desktop?07:20
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medic30420ebzero, basically the text install uses less memory, (unless you have at least 512MB of RAM you need the alternate install)07:20
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cpk1jtholmes: i think i might have found something, it is trying to loop with /dev/loop0 which i dont have, should I go ahead and make it?07:21
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baconbaconcpk1, usually i do something like losetup /dev/loop/0 ~/myiso, then mount -t iso9660 /dev/loop0 /mountpoint07:21
medic30420ebzero, after install everything is the exact same as the regular desktop cd07:21
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baconbaconi said that already :)07:21
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medic30420ebzero, just choose the first option when the CD boots07:21
cpk1what does losetup do?07:21
ebzeroAlright thanks a ton Medic ill go give it a try right now :)07:21
baconbaconsetup a loopback device07:22
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jtholmescpk1 setup, deletes, lists, creates you loop devices07:23
durawhy is it trying to remove wireless-tools makes apt also want to remove _base packages?07:23
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jtholmescpk1  please send me the command you used to mount07:23
david__how do i change extension associations?07:24
jtholmescpk1 because what I sent you should work07:24
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cpk1hang on let me identify07:24
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ferossdavid__: right click on a file and open with.. then it will default to whatever you tell it.07:25
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S1NGHanyone know if they can help with this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25272/07:26
Geoffrey2well, let's hope I don't have to do this again in the near future.... :/07:26
THX-1138Hi I need a little help from the command line to create a  playlist of everything that isn't *wma.07:27
poptoneshow do i get beagle to index mp3 files?07:27
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ferosshey Geoffrey2 ... ohh well, that is weird tho.07:27
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ArrenLexGeoffrey2: apt-get remove compiz-core before you run that command.07:28
Geoffrey2now, what is the site where I can generate the repository information?07:28
Geoffrey2ArrenLex, um, what command?07:29
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ArrenLexGeoffrey2: before you apt-get install compiz-vanilla-aiglx compiz-vanilla compiz-vanilla-gnome, apt-get remove compiz-core07:29
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LookTJMy other question, what command do i put to install w32 codecs?07:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:30
Geoffrey2ArrenLex, I think you have the wrong person, I have not a clue what compiz even is. :)07:30
baconbaconLookTJ: you put easyubuntu in google :)07:30
ArrenLexSo I do. x07:30
ArrenLexGeoffrey2 -> s1ngh07:30
=== ArrenLex can totally read.
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Geoffrey2ArrenLex, no problem :)07:30
LookTJi don't want easyubuntu nor automatrix07:30
THX-1138Maybe i can ask my question this way. Is find the best tool for recursing directories and piping to a text file?07:31
ArrenLexLookTJ: then find a repository for them on apt-get.org or else download the tarball from the mplayer official site and extract it to /usr/lib/win3207:31
baconbaconLookTJ : http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf07:31
ferossTHX-1138: yes07:31
Geoffrey2there's a website I can use to generate the source information for package manager updates, to make sure I have all the sources I need enabled...can anyone tell me where that website is?07:31
LookTJthanks i'07:31
LookTJll read that07:32
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:32
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cpk2Geoffrey2: go there07:32
LookTJbacon put in source.list?07:32
Geoffrey2oh, if I want to play restricted format media, I need totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer, right?07:33
LookTJwhere the source.list07:34
THX-1138feross - Thank You so very much. - I am still a bit unfamiliar with the many choices available.07:34
ArrenLexLookTJ: /etc/apt/sources.list07:34
=== Morrowyn [n=Morrowyn@82-170-255-193.dsl.ip.12move.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LookTJthanks again07:34
ferossGeoffrey2: did you want this one http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=56407:34
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progekdoes anyone know if I can ever get 3ddesktop working with an intergrated SiS?07:35
ferossTHX-1138: you can do a 'find / -name *.wma -print > mylist.txt'07:35
radar1976can anyone see this?07:36
radar1976ok, I forgot my nickserv pass ...wasn't sure if i could post to the channel07:36
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ferosspoptones: hey figure out that beagle problem?07:37
rescindAnyone know how to access a newly partitioned fat32 hard drive07:37
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radar1976ahh figured it out..07:37
poptonesfeross: nope, thx for asking.07:37
radar1976question... I'm trying to get synaptics to work on my PB G4.... but I keep getting an error07:37
poptoneseverything i find seems to point to "it should jsut work."07:38
THX-1138feross - Eek! - no, i never want to find *.wma files the should be munged and then milspec erased to never be heard again. or at least rtranscoded into a civil format. - i need to exclude them and find the good stuff.07:38
ferosspoptones: I installed beagle because it was in a howto :) but never used it.. Unless it's integrated with the panel search tool thing..07:38
poptonesbeagle is mad handy, but it doesnt index anything about my mp3s except the folder name07:38
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radar1976Query no Synaptics: 6003C807:39
radar1976(EE) Synaptics Touchpad no synaptics touchpad detected and no repeater device07:39
radar1976(EE) Synaptics Touchpad Unable to query/initialize Synaptics hardware.07:39
Geoffrey2feross, is the file I need to modify in etc?07:39
radar1976I have been reading lots of docs but still no luck07:39
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radar1976any ideas?07:39
ferossGeoffrey2: for sources.list? its  /etc/apt/sources.list07:39
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THX-1138feross - Yuo are one very generous individual to stop by and answer so many queries. - mad props to you.07:40
ArrenLexradar: I assume you... have a synaptics touchpad and it isn't recognised?07:40
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radar1976well I was under the impress that the appletouch would work with the synaptics driver... ? yes/no?07:40
ferossTHX-1138: no prob..07:41
ArrenLexI'm under the impression that it just uses the synaptics name and you actually need to install a separate driver.07:41
THX-1138Open Source infinite confiureability feel the power of open source baby!   Bash scripting guide here i come!07:41
ferossradar1976: I'm not sure about the Synaptic pad problem. I'm on a lappy currently and it 'just works' *shrug*07:42
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ArrenLexradar: actually, that driver's in the kernel already. You should already have it.07:42
THX-1138feross - Was that a little over the top? - lol07:42
ArrenLexradar: what does your xorg.conf look like? Pastebin it.07:42
radar1976feross  it is the same here but I want scrolling07:42
LookTJthanks for telling me the repos site again for w32codecs - baconbacon07:43
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ferossTHX-1138: nahh.. bash ROX!!! but so does perl :)07:43
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ArrenLexI don't think I'll ever understand exactly how bash handles whitespace and why. As long as you don't have to work with anything containing any special characters, ever, bash is great.07:43
ArrenLexI write a blender farm with bash.07:43
ArrenLexwrite -> wrote07:44
ArrenLexIt was awesome. Combined multiple OS's and everything.07:44
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:44
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ferosstrue, it's /This\ File\/will\ pooo/with\ bash/07:44
ArrenLexThat's hell when you're trying to work with anything you didn't name yourself. Like wine directory names.07:45
radar1976waiting for pastebin07:45
ArrenLexradar: if the ubuntu one doesn't work, feel free to use http://pastebin.ca/07:46
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radar1976bahh  somehow that paste is corrupting the php headers!!!07:46
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dayvan_cowboyhi fellas!07:46
ubotuHi! Welcome to $chan!07:46
dayvan_cowboyUBUNTU kicks ass!07:46
BHSPitLappyradar1976, which pastebin are you using07:47
radar1976I will try .ca07:47
BHSPitLappynever use pastebin.com, it sucksorz07:47
dayvan_cowboyI just cannot find if it takes advantage of my 2 old P3 CPUs07:47
BHSPitLappyI use rafb07:47
ArrenLexChrist, it IS down. *wait*07:47
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eylisiandayvan_cowboy: some enthusiasim =)07:47
dayvan_cowboydoes it support dual CPUs? I know it's a stupid question07:47
eylisiandayvan_cowboy: yes.07:48
BHSPitLappydayvan_cowboy, look in sysinfo07:48
ArrenLexdayvan: look for a -smp kernel?07:48
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radar1976I see that pastebin.com is crap!07:48
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dayvan_cowboyIt's really the professional linux I've been looking for07:48
radar1976ArrenLex I took it down!!!07:48
dayvan_cowboygreat job guys07:48
dayvan_cowboyI feel sorry for bill gates07:49
Geoffrey2can totem-gstreamer play restricted media formats like .wmv?07:49
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Geoffrey2or do I need totem-xine for that?07:49
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BHSPitLappywhy don't you try and see.07:49
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ArrenLexradar: try commenting out the synaptics block and replacing it with the block given at http://www.popies.net/atp/ ; it can't hurt.07:51
dayvan_cowboyyo where's sysinfo?07:51
w30ArrenLex: I have to paste with bash win I get to those vfat file names with the spaces and the slashes because when it gets like /\ /\\ I get lost :=)07:51
BHSPitLappydayvan_cowboy, you have to install it.07:51
=== StAfZe6 [n=StAfZe@host10-214-static.188-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitLappysudo apt-get install sysinfo07:51
dayvan_cowboyalso I couldn't install wine07:52
dayvan_cowboyI will try it again07:52
radar1976ArrenLex k  hold on07:52
dayvan_cowboyI think it should come with wine07:52
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ferossGeoffrey2: hold a sec I got a link for you07:52
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porkpieMorning guys,  I am trying to build a ubuntu server with an 8gb / patition.  I have 146GB hard drive installed but I cannot seem to set the patition to 8GB ...I also want to use ext2 not 3.  The server is going to be running xen07:52
Geoffrey2okie doke07:53
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dayvan_cowboyE: Couldn't find package sysinfo07:53
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en1gmawhere did that web page go on the sata_raid_howot07:54
en1gmadid you take it down07:54
=== porkpie has been trying to work this out all night ...it's easy with FreeBSD
=== DarkMageZ [n=darkmage@ppp19-121.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelporkpie: ext3 is default in ubuntu, just.. whatever partitioner you want should be fine07:54
ferossGeoffrey2: http://lunapark6.com/?p=1235  edit your sources like it has here then go down to the part about viewing restricted formats unless you want to do any of the other stuff07:54
radar1976ArrenLex same error07:54
=== eno__ [n=eno@adsl-70-137-152-119.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ArrenLexradar: does dmesg | grep -i synap give any insight?07:55
ferossen1gma: hmm I'm still getting it http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/SATA_RAID_Howto07:55
porkpieFlannel:this is a fresh install but I can seem to change the partition size ....I want to run LVM as well.07:55
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porkpieFlannel:it's also running hardware raid 107:56
blazemongerI love Ubuntu07:56
shriphanidayvan_cowboy, did you run aptitude with some trash argument07:56
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blazemongerUbuntu is going to save the planet07:56
dayvan_cowboylove she is mine!07:56
radar1976root@powerbook:/var/log#  dmesg | grep -i synap07:56
dayvan_cowboyubuntu is my sexy foxy moma!07:56
ferossporkpie: hmm are the partitions you're trying to resize mounted?07:56
BHSPitLappyyeah... we heard you the first time, dayvan_cowboy07:56
blazemongeri will say there are some games in the apt sources that crash07:57
dayvan_cowboybut she doesn't wanna give me sysinfo with apt-get07:57
dayvan_cowboythere is no such a package07:57
blazemongerbut everything else is pretty stable07:57
porkpiefeross:it's at the install stage07:57
dayvan_cowboyvery robost07:57
ArrenLexradar: that is so weird. What the hell? It... doesn't exist.07:57
dayvan_cowboya little slow07:57
w30 Bill Clinton loves ubuntu also.07:57
dayvan_cowboybut it's good!07:57
Flannelporkpie: you want the alternate ISO for LVM07:57
ArrenLexradar: and modprobe -v appletouch ?07:57
Flannel!tell porkpie about LVM07:57
blazemongerw30: Bill Clinton uses Ubuntu?!?!?!07:57
dayvan_cowboyhow about bill gates?07:57
Flannelporkpie: there are ways to do it afterwards, that link should explain it, I believe07:57
dayvan_cowboyget out of here07:57
blazemongerAnyone that endorses Ubuntu is worthy of being president hehe07:57
ArrenLexBill Clinton totally didn't take down Osama when he had the chance! He is a bad man. :O07:58
radar1976ArrenLex root@powerbook:/var/log# modprobe -v appletouch07:58
radar1976insmod /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-powerpc/kernel/drivers/usb/input/appletouch.ko07:58
ArrenLexUnlike Bush, who totally took down Osama.07:58
dayvan_cowboyI approved this linux distro!07:58
porkpieFlannel:where do I get the LVM iso from07:58
dayvan_cowboyosama cannot use ubuntu07:58
Flannelporkpie: the alternate ISO? same place you got the server/desktop/whatever07:58
blazemongeri thought our military and intelligence took down 0sama07:58
ArrenLexI bet Osama uses SuSE.07:58
dayvan_cowboyhe spends his time with his goats07:58
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porkpieFlannel:I missed the link07:58
w30blazemonger: nah, he just discovered the concept ubuntu and used it in a news appearance07:58
ferossdon't get me started on politics.. grrr07:58
blazemongeroh okay07:59
ArrenLexradar: so I take it... no errors?07:59
blazemongeri thought clinton used Ubuntu07:59
blazemongerI think Ralph Nader uses linux lol07:59
w30blazemonger: it was on news.google.com07:59
dayvan_cowboyI've been to his library07:59
Flannel!tell porkpie about lvm07:59
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dayvan_cowboybut I had to walk out because they charge for his presidential library07:59
Flannelporkpie: and, ubuntu.com/download is the place you need for the Alternate ISO07:59
dayvan_cowboywhich is ridicilus!08:00
Geoffrey2feross, the wget command for w32codecs does not work any more08:00
porkpieFlannel:this server is a dual core 64 bit chip set .....with the alternate iso support that ....we want to run xen on it08:00
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w30feross: he didn't inhale or was that Bush?08:00
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RodrigoXwhich is better... GeForce 6200 256mb DDR2 / 64bits or GeForce FX 5200 256mb DDR / 128bits?08:00
dayvan_cowboyI think I installed WINE but cannot find the darn application08:00
Flannelporkpie: yeah, alternate ISO is the same end product, just no graphical installer, and more install options08:00
cpk2dayvan_cowboy: its just wine /path/to/exr08:01
ferossw30: didn't inhale was Clinton..08:01
ArrenLexdayvan: "which wine"08:01
dayvan_cowboyI just found it on terminal08:01
cpk2errr exe*08:01
dayvan_cowboywell I'm not a terminal guy just a typical PC /Mac user08:01
porkpieCool OK08:01
radar1976root@powerbook:/var/log# uname -a08:01
radar1976Linux powerbook 2.6.15-23-powerpc #1 Tue May 23 13:46:54 UTC 2006 ppc GNU/Linux08:01
w30feross: oh, ok thanks08:02
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Geoffrey2feross, it says debian-marillat/pool/main/w/w32codecs does not exist08:02
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ferossGeoffrey2: k hold a sec08:02
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Geoffrey2feross, okie08:02
dayvan_cowboyI think I like ubuntu08:02
dayvan_cowboyit comes with everything but SYSINFO08:03
w30 /part08:03
=== dive-o [n=dive@ip70-187-241-241.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dayvan_cowboyme cry08:03
BHSPitLappysudo apt-get install sysinfo08:03
BHSPitLappyor install it in synaptic08:03
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ArrenLexdayvan: "lspci" :P08:03
BHSPitLappyor Add/Remove08:03
dayvan_cowboyno such a package08:03
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BHSPitLappythen you haven't enabled the other repos08:03
Madpilot!info sysinfo08:03
ubotusysinfo: Simple GTK program that shows some UNIX/Linux system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 93 kB, installed size 508 kB08:03
ArrenLexDayvan: it's in univ... yes.08:03
dayvan_cowboydayvan@DUAL-P3:~$ sudo apt-get install SYSINFO08:04
dayvan_cowboyReading package lists... Done08:04
dayvan_cowboyBuilding dependency tree... Done08:04
dayvan_cowboyE: Couldn't find package SYSINFO08:04
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BHSPitLappygo into Synaptic, go to the Repositories' settings, and checkmark the unmarked repos08:04
Madpilotdayvan_cowboy, you need to enable the Universe repo..08:04
BHSPitLappycapitalization matters08:04
ArrenLexday: no caps, man! Linux is case sensitive.08:04
BHSPitLappyall lower case.08:04
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ferossGeoffrey2: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs08:04
ArrenLexGeoffrey2: why don't you just search for w32codecs on apt-get.org? xD08:05
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SportChickarrenlex: http://www.kirkanddonna.com/donna/2006/09/girls-internet.htm08:05
orpheanstupid question but what package do I install to get documentation to show up in DevHelp? Ie, I installed libglib2.0-doc but its not showing up in DevHelp.08:05
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ArrenLex...well that was random.08:05
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ArrenLexOh! XD I remember that.08:06
dayvan_cowboygotta go there08:06
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manmadhaMy cc compiler is not working ....even for smll programs "Hello world it is displaying error......."& also my gcc compiler is not working ....i have to install any librery files...?08:06
SportChickArrenLex: not so random ;)08:06
ArrenLex"Guy2"? I feel so anonymised.08:06
ArrenLexAOL would be proud of you.08:06
dayvan_cowboyif you are a sport chick I'm a sports car08:06
SportChicknames were changed to protect the guilty?08:06
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Naked_SnakeHere I sit08:07
orpheanI grew up in Redondo Beach SportChick, small world :)08:07
Naked_SnakeGetting stoned, listening to songs my ex-gf sent me, missing her now. And no, we didn't just break up, we did 5 years ago08:07
ArrenLexMeh, I said it, so there's no point hiding behind it now. I apologise for my statistically-based assumption of your gender. I believe you're female now. Congratulations. =P08:07
SportChickorphean: really?  hehe, I dind't but I'm there now08:07
Naked_SnakeWe just started talking again08:07
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Naked_SnakeHoly shit, heh08:08
manmadhaMy cc compiler is not working ....even for smll programs "Hello world it is displaying error......."& also my gcc compiler is not working ....i have to install any librery files...?08:08
Flannelmanmadha: have you installed "build-essential"?08:08
radar1976ArrenLex any other ideas?08:08
ArrenLexradar: nope, I'm all ideaed out, sorry. Your touchpad is a phantom.08:08
SportChickArrenLex: I just thought it appropo to point out your obvious bias - also the fact that you presumed I was trying to get attetion - after sitting on the channel for 4 days without saying a word08:08
manmadhayaa.... sudo apt-get install build-essential08:09
en1gmafeross apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub what if i want kubuntu and amd64-generic or whatever it was08:09
=== SportChick relurks
=== surface is now known as hard-gay
orpheanmanmadha: Whats the error precisely?08:09
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dayvan_cowboysudo apt-get uninstall Windows XP08:09
ArrenLexSportChick: indeed. It was a generalisation and I apologise for it. It was rude and biased of me.08:09
we2byis there another taskbar available for gnome?08:10
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=== ArrenLex hangs a big neon sign over SportChick >=D
en1gmafeross "apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub" what if i want kubuntu and amd64-generic or whatever it was08:10
ChickenTalonsif I install ubuntu on a pentium-d 805 will it install the 32 or 64bit version by default?08:10
dayvan_cowboyI like my big fat CPUs08:10
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dayvan_cowboybut cannot see them working08:10
ArrenLexChicken: you choose what install CD you download.08:10
=== SportChick cuts the powre on the sign and hides
manmadhakodali.c:2:18: error: conio.h: No such file or directory08:10
ChickenTalonsArrenLex, right on, ive never attempted anything with 64bit08:11
ChickenTalonslots and lots of 3208:11
ArrenLexChicken: I've tried to run a 64bit system on my AMD64. It was a nightmare.08:11
=== bag83 [n=bag@dslb-088-073-117-093.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChickenTalonsweak - i might go w gentoo for 64bit08:11
manmadhaorphean, kodali.c:2:18: error: conio.h: No such file or directory08:12
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radar1976grrr this sucks.... I want my trackpad to work correctly!!08:12
=== radar1976 screams!
ferossen1gma: my head hurts.. gonna sleep now.. :) but I guess just change it and try.. it should be linux-amd64 or something like that just add kubuntu to the list.08:13
ArrenLexmanmad: what are you trying to compile?08:13
=== Twinxor_ [n=jme@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
manmadhaorphean, Flannel basically this is the prog..#include<stdio.h>08:13
manmadhavoid main()08:13
manmadha{printf("Hello world");08:13
en1gmafeross thnx for your help man08:13
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manmadhasorry for floding08:13
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orpheanmanmadha: conio.h isn't standard :)08:13
orpheanmanmadha: hence, most likely not installed. get rid of it.08:13
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ArrenLexmadman: conio.h -> stdio.h08:14
manmadhaorphean, ya i included stdio.h also08:14
dayvan_cowboyfor you08:14
manmadhathank u da08:14
orpheanArrenlex, close, conio.h provides things like kbhit() and the like.08:14
orpheandos/win programmers use it alot. at least used to.08:14
=== ksmurf [n=ksmurf@S010600c09f03f382.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dayvan_cowboyhow can I activate 1440X900 WXGA+ screen resolution?08:17
dayvan_cowboyI know my computer supports it but somehow it doesn't list it08:17
=== jesse [n=jesse@rrcs-24-153-226-7.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
we2byguys, how do u change the brown background you see before ubuntu shows the login screen? and the brown screen after you press enter, before it reaches the desktop itself?08:17
orpheandayvan_cowboy: you'll need to etc /etc/X11/xorg.conf  Add 1440x900 to the 'Modes' lines (you'll see them, Modes followed by screen resolutions)08:18
dayvan_cowboyI personally think that Ubuntu is unique and it really doesn't need Mac alike desktop08:18
orpheanso long as your video card/monitor support it it'll show up08:18
dayvan_cowboyplease do change it it is getting cheesy everybody is copying mac desktop08:18
=== PhilKC [i=PhilKC@unaffiliated/philkc] has joined #Ubuntu
we2bylol, mine is a mix of os X and vista08:18
=== Smeggy [n=Smeggy@220-253-98-158.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Flannel!tell dayvan_cowboy about fixres08:19
we2bydayvan_cowboy, too bad no one can come  up with a better theme08:19
dayvan_cowboyi can hook you up08:19
dayvan_cowboyI like UBUNTU08:19
ArrenLexdayvan: you can install whatever desktop you like on ubuntu. If you want, install twm and then it won't look like anything produced in the past two decades.08:19
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Geoffrey2ok, the question still remains, how do I play .wmv?08:20
dayvan_cowboyanyway it's good08:20
we2bymac OSX and Vista combined08:20
ArrenLexGeoffrey: with what program?08:20
en1gmawhat does this line "apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub" translate into for kubuntu and amd64 x208:20
Geoffrey2ArrenLex, how about totem-xine?08:20
=== eletido [n=Jon@24-197-203-144.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
schmitycan i install ubuntu onto an external drive and boot it off of that?08:21
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ArrenLexGeoffrey: it refuses to accepts w32codecs?08:21
radar1976we2by what theme is that?08:21
Flannelen1gma: same thing, except for the linux-38608:21
ArrenLexaccept? *08:21
radar1976I like it08:21
=== en1gma [n=en1gma@ip68-103-198-86.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
en1gmawhat is going on08:21
schmitycan i install ubuntu onto an external drive and boot it off of that?08:21
we2byradar1976, Vista theme for Emerald08:21
Geoffrey2ArrenLex, I can't find a valid download source for it08:22
radar1976where do I get it?08:22
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ArrenLexGeoffrey: have you looked on apt-get.org?08:22
radar1976any ideas what this is and how can I fix it?08:22
radar1976Sep 30 00:16:27 powerbook kernel: [37749.866460]  [drm:radeon_do_init_cp]  *ERROR* Cannot initialise DRM on this card08:22
radar1976Sep 30 00:16:27 powerbook kernel: [37749.866468]  This card requires a new X.org DDX08:22
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we2byyou need beryl running first08:22
schmitycan i install ubuntu onto an external drive and boot it off of that?08:22
ArrenLexradar: what card?08:22
en1gmawhy do i keep getting disconnected from #ubuntu only08:23
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radar1976ATi 970008:23
=== en1gma [n=en1gma@ip68-103-198-86.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
radar1976PB G408:23
en1gmawtf is going on08:23
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ArrenLexradar: and what driver are you trying to use?08:23
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dayvan_cowboyI think my graphics adapter doesn't support that res 1440X90008:23
radar1976we2by oh and probably no support for PPC08:23
foureight84i have a question about installing deb packages08:23
dayvan_cowboyit's matrox G45008:23
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we2byradar1976, ATI should work08:24
radar1976ArrenLex  ATI Radeon08:24
=== Codeus [i=Codeus@c-67-183-181-28.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
foureight84i'm trying to install suspend2 and i need to install this file linux-image-2.6.15-26-386_2.6.15-26.suspend2-
we2byradar1976, dunno. I got a macbook here.08:24
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-179-68.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
nidontknowHello all. Looking for help with a webcam.08:24
pharglethat filename is too short08:24
dayvan_cowboychange your nick to gurlcam4u08:24
ArrenLexradar: the driver you're using in your xorg.conf file.08:24
dayvan_cowboyyou can get better help08:24
nidontknowI'm looking for a program like Movie Maker or IMovie that will allow me to capture video from a webcam.08:24
foureight84but my kernel version is 1.6.15-27 not -26 like the package, would that break my os?08:24
CodeusI am installing Ubuntu 6.06 and first it hung at mounting drives for a few minutes, now it is hung at "starting enterprise volume management system" and it has been a few minutes, is this normal?08:24
=== Klick [i=Demon@ip68-14-179-247.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
radar1976Identifier      "ATI Technologies, Inc. RV350 NP [Mobility Radeon 9600/9700 M10/M11] "08:25
radar1976        Driver          "ati"08:25
ArrenLexradar: "ati" provides no 3D acceleration at all.08:25
ArrenLexradar: try using the "radeon" driver.08:26
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radar1976hmm ok08:26
pharglethere cards barely do aswell08:26
dayvan_cowboyokay I changed it to 1280X800 that's fits better08:26
foureight84i need to install linux-image-2.6.15-26-386_2.6.15-26.suspend2-, but my kernel is 2.6.15-27-386 the version is off, would that break by box?08:26
dayvan_cowboyspeaking of webcams does ubuntu support hotswapping of USB webcams like logitech buddy cam?08:27
=== log0ff [n=cs@dslb-084-056-253-096.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Codeushow long should it take for the install to start the enterprice volume management system?08:28
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:29
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Ascfoureight84: Most likely, you would just install the kernel and boot from it, and you would be using the different kernel.  It shouldn't break anything.08:30
Codeushow do i disable dma in the installation?08:30
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foureight84Asc, so i can jsut install it then even though one is mean for 2.6.15-26 and mine is 2.6.15-2708:31
foureight84i just wanna make sure08:31
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PunjabiFLOYDIANguys how can i view the linux kernel. just started with C. thought it might be interesting. ;-)08:32
THX-1138Best tool for encoding V.B.R .    *.wma >  *.ogg      ?08:32
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Ascfoureight84: Installing a kernel doesn't affect others that are installed.08:33
foureight84okay thanks08:33
THX-1138Hi Asc08:33
Asc'lo THX08:34
cpk2argh has anyone gotten warcraft 3 to work with wine?08:34
i386can anyone here confirm that edgy beta 1 ships with a working ndiswrappers stack?08:34
THX-1138cpk2 - a bit off-topic but, how far along did you get?08:34
Flanneli386: #ubuntu+1 for edgy08:34
i386Thanks Flannel08:34
cpk2THX-1138: i cant get onto battle.net =(08:35
cpk2THX-1138: i suppose i should join #wine heh08:35
cpk2/join #wine08:35
jackydoes anyone know how to develop gfxboot-theme?08:35
THX-1138cpk2 #WINE or cedega likely know best. - Does battlenet have punkbuster? - gey any pb errors?08:35
cpk2no punkbuster08:36
Geoffrey2I'm getting an unsafe ownership error on gpg.conf......08:36
cpk2it most likely has to do with the no cd crack i have to use08:36
CodeusDoes anyone else have a problem with the installation hanging on "Starting Enterprise Volume Management System"08:37
=== ke [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138cpk2 - maybe we can be sneaky and ask the question a different way. Worth a try eh?      Where does ubuntu keep connection log errors?08:37
eylisianlock desktop in Xubuntu silently fails. nothing in Xorg.0.log, /var/log/messages, dmesg... anyone have a direction they might suggest in troubleshooting this?08:37
cpk2no clue? =\08:38
=== TriGz [n=adfsfds@] has joined #Ubuntu
TriGzHello :D08:38
radar1976this sucks!08:38
Geoffrey2can anyone help me with a gpg error when trying to download a key?08:38
THX-1138Hi TriGz08:38
fysaenGood morning everyone.. =)08:38
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TriGzHow are you all this sunny morning? :)08:38
=== Lobster [n=Lobster@dslb-088-073-194-241.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
TriGzffs :(08:38
TriGzi always get paranoid when partitioning lol08:39
ArrenLexPah. It's 12:39 AM here.08:39
TriGzi've messed my whole HD up 3 times doing it :(08:39
fysaenHeh, in here it's 09.39 am08:39
=== filemover [n=froggscr@c211-31-36-209.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138TriGz - You aren't one of those cheerful Aussies are you it's midnight in the U.S. and we need coffee. - j/k08:39
TriGzLol. No, i'm from the UK :)08:40
radar1976ArrenLex hey me in calgary08:40
radar1976hows it going neigbour08:40
THX-1138WoW play okay so no withdrawel symptoms so, i guess everything is okay.08:41
=== ArrenLex is suddenly paranoid.
=== ryan_ [n=ryan@] has joined #ubuntu
PunjabiFLOYDIANguyshow can i view the linux kernel please08:41
TriGzWoW on linux?!08:41
radar1976why Arc08:41
radar1976err ArrenLex08:41
FlannelPunjabiFLOYDIAN: download the source08:41
=== hard-gay is now known as surface
PunjabiFLOYDIANno other way?08:41
TriGzTHX-1138 - WoW on linux? :P08:41
ArrenLexradar: IP string?08:42
radar1976PunjabiFLOYDIAN  that is the only why to see source08:42
THX-1138TriGz - yes, very little of the copy protection scheme CD business on WoW it works pretty well.08:42
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radar1976ArrenLex huh?08:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANok thanks08:42
ArrenLexradar: How did you know where I'm from? xD08:42
TriGzTHX-1138 - Runs through wine im guessing?08:42
radar1976ed = edmonton08:42
ArrenLexYes, that's what I was asking.08:42
radar1976cg = calgary08:42
ArrenLexHallo neighbour.08:42
radar1976vn = north vancouver08:43
THX-1138TriGz - Yes, There is a patch for it. or Cedega d/l and run.08:43
TriGzTHX-1138 heh. We'll in re-installing linux just now.. Havn't used it for 2 or so years ^^08:43
THX-1138TriGz - Just reactivated after a year away. (Didn't sell any of your gear did you? - i did sheesh..)08:44
TriGzTHX-1138 - Lol, I've got a 6/9 Tier 3 Priest ^^08:44
TriGzTHX-1138 - Don't plan on quitting any time soon :)08:45
THX-1138TriGz - WoW Priests on Ubuntu linux - It doesn't get any better than that. - lvl 60 on an Oceana server08:45
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TriGzTHX-1138 - Well if you want a full list... 60 nelf priest, 60 nelf rogue, 60 orc shammy, 60 gnome warlock, 60 dwarf hunter, 60 undead mage ^^ -- All on Talnivarr EU PvP Realm.08:46
THX-1138TriGz - Now that is awesome.08:47
=== HellDragonQc [n=x@modemcable251.249-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Geoffrey2I'm trying to download a file from debian-multimedia.org, however I need to download a key to gain access, but I can't download it because I get an error about the gpg.conf ownership settings being unsafe, can anyone tell me what they SHOULD be set too?08:47
=== Mr_Congeniality [n=mr_conge@71-213-103-189.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
TriGzTHX-1138 - Not really, just have alot of time on my hands ^^08:47
TriGzAm i sad for installing Ubuntu 5.10? xD - CBA downloading, friend gave me this CD ^^08:47
SktfeelsdapperI really got a question about making nicotine able to execute with click instead of terminal.08:47
=== HellDragonQc is now known as HellDragon
TriGzmmm, Now nicotine.That's a hell of an idea, Thanks Sktfeelsdapper08:48
we2byany ones know how you can configure the menu this way? http://img77.imageshack.us/my.php?image=3lx3.jpg08:48
THX-1138TriGz - Likely bandwidth isn't all you can eat where you are but it still might be easier to grab the latest iso.08:48
=== Morrowyn [n=Morrowyn@82-170-255-193.dsl.ip.12move.nl] has joined #ubuntu
TriGzTHX-1138 - Lol, i have unlimited Bandwidth. Could download 6.12 in about 25 mins :P08:49
TriGzTHX-1138 - just as i said.. cba :P08:49
TriGz+ im almost done installing ^^08:49
Naked_SnakeUbuntu is a fuckin' cool name and a funny word to say08:49
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:50
=== ArrenLex wins.
cafuegowe2by: Yah, that requires the latest version of Gnome, the latest Xgl and cgwd and extreme desperation.08:50
TriGzOk, Brb going for a cigarette.08:50
=== davin [n=davin@ipd50a2372.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SktfeelsdapperCaise O dpm08:50
=== ArrenLex hopes you die of cancer soon. :)
radar1976not winning with touchpad issues!!08:50
THX-1138TriGz - the latest vers. of Xorg probably will speed up gaming. - someone else may know better than i.08:50
we2bycafuego, I have beryl with emerald installed08:50
we2byrunning perfect.08:50
radar1976ArrenLex hey!08:50
ArrenLexNot you, radar!08:51
we2bydunno if gnome is the latest version :\08:51
SktfeelsdapperCause I don't want to have to keep going to command line for the stupid nicotine+08:51
=== radar1976 pouts
=== WinterWeaver [n=winterwe@dsl-165-12-47.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexRadar: did you check out the page I sent you?08:52
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radar1976ArrenLex yes.... nothing08:52
THX-1138Sktfeelsdapper: Couldn't you just create a desktop link to a bash script?08:52
radar1976I have powerbook  not macbook08:52
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor7-ppp1669.bur.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== ArrenLex knows nothing of the difference between mac products.
WinterWeaverHey everyone ^_^ .... I have a question about Nvidia, it's a funny one O.o08:52
TriGzWinterWeaver - Shoot :)08:52
ArrenLexIs it the one where Nvidia walks into a bar?08:52
=== XiXaQ [i=xixaq@] has joined #Ubuntu
Geoffrey2this is the part of linux that drives me batty....08:53
ArrenLexI think I've heard that one.08:53
THX-1138ArrenLex: lol08:53
ArrenLexGeoffrey: are you still trying to get w32codecs?08:53
SktfeelsdapperI don't know Thx.08:53
Geoffrey2ArrenLex, with absolutely no luck whatsoever08:53
SktfeelsdapperBecause I tried one earlier and it didn't work.08:53
Schalkendo i have to do checkinstall as root to make a deb?08:53
ArrenLexGeoffrey: if so, just freaking download it from the mplayer site and untar it into /usr/lib/win3208:53
WinterWeavernaah... the Package manager..... they say that I have to enable nvidia-glx  and nvidia-settings08:53
Sktfeelsdapper#! usr/bin/blah blah and all that08:53
=== Utopiate [n=bhenry@c-24-21-236-118.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sktfeelsdapperbut I couldn't get it to work.08:53
WinterWeaverif I enable the one, it disables the other ??08:53
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0433.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexGeoff: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-20060611.tar.bz208:54
=== SilentDissonance [n=SilentDi@wdwi0pool0-a201.wi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
radar1976ArrenLex powerbook is the G4 line,  macbook is the intel macs08:54
shriphaniGeoffrey2, seveas repos should have w32 codecs08:54
SilentDissonancehello :)08:54
=== shedii [n=siggi@inferno.lhi.is] has joined #ubuntu
radar1976my wife has the macbook pro (also intel based)08:54
WinterWeaverTriGz, if I enable the one, it disables the other ?? (nvidia-glx & nvidia-settings)08:54
TriGzDamn - This is one long ass install :(.. I hate installing os's :(08:54
radar1976but I don't get to play on that one...08:54
shriphaniradar1976, play as in gaming ?08:55
cafuegoArrenLex: There is a w32codecs.deb08:55
=== Unimatrix9 [n=scheelin@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
WinterWeaverTriGz: but I read that I have to install both....08:55
SportChickArrenLex: hehe08:55
TriGzErm.. I wouldn't know matey sorry :P I thought you ment nVidia in general. I havn't touched linux in 2 years :P Just comming back to it today :)08:55
markeibis it normal that i almost can't write anything in msn-based messengers while having a video-conversation?08:55
Unimatrix9hello all08:55
Schalkendo i have to do checkinstall as root to make a deb?08:55
ArrenLexcafeugo: yes there is. But he's been trying to find one for a long time now and he's not been successful.08:55
TriGzWinterWeaver - 2 seconds, i'll have a quick look into it :)08:55
Unimatrix9welcome back08:55
=== phxheat [n=cdm@24-54-243-19.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexRadar: what's the point of getting a mac computer to install Linux on it? It runs better on ix86 machines.08:55
we2byhttp://img77.imageshack.us/my.php?image=3lx3.jpg I want this menu! :(08:56
Unimatrix9its free software, as in freedom08:56
Sktfeelsdapperso yah i don't know how to do that whole "bash script" thing and chances are i'd better not try because i've had to reinstall nicotine+ like 3 times.08:56
TriGzGo and buy windws vista? :P08:56
Unimatrix9does any one know where i find an nice big ubuntu logo?08:56
WinterWeaverdoesn't some of the new mac's have ix86 processors?? sorry... i'm not too technical :P08:56
Unimatrix9on the web..08:56
shriphaniTriGz, vista has this sudo like thing now doesnt it08:56
Unimatrix9for big poster08:56
ArrenLexWinter: yes.08:56
cafuegoArrenLex: it's on the wiki, where it's always been. http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/non-free/w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb08:56
TriGzHave logitech given Linux G15 support yet? ^^08:57
Unimatrix9logo ubuntu08:57
radar1976ArrenLex run Mac + OSX + Windows all on the same machine08:57
TriGzYou got a terrabyte HD or something? lol08:57
THX-1138ArrenLex: Grab and save it. - that isn't one of those sketchy skull and crossbones repositories.08:57
TriGzI had to delete most of my games to create the partition for ubuntu :( let alone OSX aswell! lol08:57
ArrenLexGeoffrey: hear that? That's how you get help =P next time ask all your questions by proxy.08:57
markeibi wonder if i should update if i'm not having problems with my system... because sometimes updating creates more problems than it solves.. so should i?08:57
SilentDissonancehas anyone had any luck getting the ATI closed-source drivers to work under Ubuntu?  I ask because i have yet to get decent hardware acceleration working yet, and I'm not sure where to go next :(08:58
cafuegoGeoffrey2:  http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/non-free/w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb08:58
we2byinstalling 3 OS is not a problem though. running all 3 of them at the same time is my problem08:58
cafuegomarkeib: The standard ubuntu update solves problems and doesn't create them - security fixes.08:58
Unimatrix9big ubuntu logo, where can i find it?08:58
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markeibok ok ok08:59
tonyyarussoSilentDissonance: I tried it once, and got really good framerates but it was buggy so I had hard lockup issues when switching terminal-X and back.08:59
cafuegoUnimatrix9: Have you looked on the wiki?08:59
Unimatrix9all small08:59
ArrenLexUnimatrix: on the magical place where all the knowledge of the world is found. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/94/Ubuntu_Logo.svg08:59
Sktfeelsdapperbash script=launcher, anyone?08:59
SilentDissonancetonyyarusso:  what are you using now for your vid drivers, may I ask?08:59
Sktfeelsdapperwhat's this all about "it's not where you say it's at" business.08:59
ChickenTalonsSilentDissonance, I got them to work just fine, i used the ati driver from ati08:59
tonyyarussoSilentDissonance: Stock ones from installation.  "ati" in xorg.conf09:00
markeibso what about video conversations? can they work without the programme executing them becoming veeery slow?09:00
cafuegoUnimatrix9: Dude, they're SVGs.09:00
Sktfeelsdapperin my folder I have nicotine at /home/skt/nicotine+-
=== TriGz2 [n=adfsfds@] has joined #Ubuntu
Sktfeelsdapperbut I tried that and it didn't work, and someone told me that's not the right place.09:00
TriGz2im baa-aack :P09:00
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SilentDissonancehmm... everything I've tried, I end up with very poor performance in the HW accelerated screen savers, as well as when I try to run games in Cedega09:00
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TriGz2SilentDissonance - Learn to nVidia :P09:01
ChickenTalonsSilentDissonance, thats ATI + Linux for you09:01
ChickenTalonsSilentDissonance, thats the very reason I bought an nvidia card09:01
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SilentDissonancedarn :(09:01
ChickenTalonsATI is hell on wheels for gaming in windows but its pure crap in linux, even when you get it running09:02
=== TriGz2 hugs SilentDissonance
TriGz287% installed ^^09:02
ChickenTalonsyou might even get decent framerates but its never been all that stable09:02
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eylisianSktfeelsdapper: you have  /home/skt/nicotine+- and want it to launch from where?09:02
ChickenTalonsit really bites too, because some of those ATI cards are really fantastic09:02
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we2bywhat's the tool called that download wallpapers from art.gnome.org?09:03
Sktfeelsdappersomeone told me it was some #! usr/bin command or something.09:03
ChickenTalons9800 pro 256 comes to mind, back in the day it ruled09:03
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: Gnome desktop?09:03
SilentDissonancei might just do that at this point.  I'm used to *nix, I use it on all my servers and such...  but never even played with XWindows stuff.  I grabbed ubuntu and i REALLY like what I see...  this is my only sticking point, I'm an SWG addict.  rofl09:03
SktfeelsdapperUh I think so. Haha09:03
TriGz2That's a good question actually... Is Ubuntu 5.10 Gnome?09:03
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ChickenTalonsSilentDissonance, im pretty sure they have the ati drivers as part of the linux-restricted-modules09:03
cafuegoTriGz2: Of course. So is 5.0409:03
cafuegoChickenTalons: They do.09:03
TriGz2erm.. Big problem with my monitor if anyone wants to help :)09:04
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: command line   cd ~/Desktop09:04
ChickenTalonscafuego, right on - Ubuntu's the only competition to windows until someone makes OSx run on x8609:04
TriGz2Well not my monitor... But my erm.. well.. What i see :P09:04
cafuegoChickenTalons: OSX runs fine on x86.09:04
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: command line   ln -s /home/skt/nicotine+- nicotine09:04
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-46-86.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
SilentDissonanceTriGz2:  comment from the peanut gallery:  if it's smoking, the NoSmoke.exe command must be run from windows, wine doesn't support it well enough yet.  *smirk*09:04
Sktfeelsdapperwhat does ln do?09:04
TriGz2Lol Silent..09:05
ChickenTalonscafuego, its not an official thing, im talking about when its a viable option for end-users09:05
TriGz2No it's erm.. Well09:05
Sktfeelsdapperand do i have to put nicotine at the end twice?09:05
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: ln is link the -s arg is soft09:05
TriGz2I see pixelated, purple, blue, green, white, yelow ext, you get the idea..09:05
cafuegoChickenTalons: Not official? What about all that x86 hardware Apple are selling? ;-)09:05
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SilentDissonancesorry, 6 years in tech support hell jaded me to it.... so humor becomes my knee-jerk reaction.  lol09:05
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TriGz2Think it's just a config problem. If anyone would like to explain how to fix it, i would really appriciate it <309:05
Unimatrix9got some logo's09:05
cafuegoSktfeelsdapper: it creates links to files or directories (like Shortcuts in WIndows, but not braindead).09:06
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: look close nicotene is at the end of the path but then there is a space. thats the name of the soft link created.09:06
Unimatrix9but its kind of strange that there are no big official ones09:06
ChickenTalonscafuego, thats their proprietary x86 setups, im talking on non-apple x86 machines09:06
ArrenLex'night, all.09:06
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: command line  man ln09:06
Unimatrix9ubuntu team , start making big logo's!09:06
cafuegoUnimatrix9: The logos on the wiki are in SVG format. the 'S' stands for Scalable.09:06
Sktfeelsdappershould i try that right now? everytime i've tried anything nicotine stops working.09:06
TriGz2THX-1138 - You there? :P09:06
Unimatrix9i know09:06
ArrenLexUnimatrix: they're freaking SVG!09:06
ChickenTalonsalthough I am giving serious consideration to buying a mac mini09:06
ArrenLexScale them!09:06
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ChickenTalonswhat an impressive little machine09:06
Geoffrey2ah, finally.... :)09:07
cafuegoChickenTalons: Hmmyah. Not likely. (as in: ever)09:07
ArrenLexGeoffrey: what did you end up using? xD09:07
=== TriGz2 crys
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: to change back you remove the link from your desktop with "rm". nothing about nicotene is going to change.09:07
ArrenLexcries *09:07
Unimatrix9maybe i am looking at the wrong wiki?09:07
TriGz2Anyone not busy atm? lol i wanna play with ubuntu :(09:07
Unimatrix9is that the one?09:07
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cafuegoUnimatrix9: wiki.ubuntu.com -> Artwork. Second list.09:07
SktfeelsdapperBut the problem is I have to start up nicotine from the command line, will it launch without having the terminal open?09:07
ChickenTalonscafuego, its a shame too, would be a very nice alternative to winders, not to mention running things like avid or protools09:08
ArrenLexUni: the .svg file I gave you wasn't good enough? :P09:08
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: most likely.09:08
THX-1138Hi TriGz09:08
Unimatrix9ok, i am awake now!09:08
Sktfeelsdapperwell cross all our fingers09:08
ChickenTalonsalthough i'll be trying out protools LE on windows in a month or two with a digi 00209:08
TriGz2THX-1138 - You seem rather smart :P.09:08
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: and if it doesn't we will wish it did and try something else =)09:08
Unimatrix9it took some time, i agree...:P09:08
SilentDissonanceok... payday is monday... my ikkle boxxen has an AGP4x slot, and i have around $150 to drop on a card.  recommendations for a new nVidia vid card? :)09:09
TriGz2THX-1138 - I've just finished installing ubuntu, and i see like.. well pixels, no login screen or nothing.. My monitor is full of Pixels :(09:09
cafuegoChickenTalons: Help develop Cinelerra!09:09
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THX-1138I follow cafuego and Amarant \h around wherever they go.  - their wives hate i was thrown out of their workplaces  twicew09:09
ChickenTalonscafuego, thats a very nice program, and the built in clustering tool is really nice, but its no avid09:09
cafuegoTHX-1138: put the pills down and step away from the jar.09:10
=== TriGz2 crys
TriGz2someone help me fix my monitor :(09:10
=== holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-201-184.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
aeroSoulTriGz: when do you see the pixels? right after grub?09:10
Sktfeelsdapperit didn't run.09:10
TriGz2When you would normally see a login screen.09:10
THX-1138TriDz  - cafuego may be more helpful.09:10
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Sktfeelsdapperit started up in terminal and then disappeared.09:10
=== cafuego runs away
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aeroSoulTriGz2: so the splash screen after grub works?09:11
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eylisianSktfeelsdapper: bummer. but interesting.09:11
TriGz2aeroSoul - If you mean where everything loads ect yes.09:11
Sktfeelsdapperwhat are all these klauncher things in my system monitor?09:11
aeroSoulok sry.. cant help then.. i had pixel prob with splash... removed the kernel option and it worked09:11
Sktfeelsdapperdo i have gnome?09:11
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TriGz2aeroSoul - But where you would start seeing image's.. It is pixels. I remember having this problem 3-4 years ago. It was a config problem, but i cant remember how i fixed it :(09:12
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Netslayertrying to run gksu "update-manager -c -d" but it's failing with ubuntu-desktop, so i installed ubuntu-desktop and it's still failing..any ideas?09:12
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aeroSoulTriGz: what happens if you push ctrl+alt+F1 ?09:12
TriGz2Ask's me to log in09:12
aeroSoulwill you get a terminal without problems?09:12
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Sktfeelsdapperkio_uiserver for example09:12
Sktfeelsdapperknotify do i have kde?09:12
aeroSoulyou could login and try stuff like dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:13
aeroSoulto configure the gfx card09:13
aeroSoulthen /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:13
eylisianSktfeelsdapper:  sounds like kde (or gnome with a bunch of kde stuff installed =)09:13
THX-1138TriGz - If you have a live cd linux around maybe it's your monitors refresh rate. open a terminal from the live cd and edit /etc/xorg.conf09:13
SktfeelsdapperDoes that change anything?09:13
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TriGz2aeroSoul - Commands would be more helpful :P i havn't used linux in 2 or so years :P09:14
aeroSoullogin then:09:14
eylisianSktfeelsdapper:  what are the permissions on the nicotene file in /home/skt/nicotine+-
aeroSoulsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:14
aeroSoulsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:14
Sktfeelsdapperowner is read write execute09:15
Sktfeelsdappergroup is read write execute09:15
Sktfeelsdappererr rather group is read execute09:15
Sktfeelsdapperothers read execute09:15
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Geoffrey2ok, codecs installed....now the video display is overly bright, almost completely white....I thought I'd solved that problem when I installed 915resolution (I have an Intel chipset)09:16
aeroSoulTriGz2: you might want to select the "vesa" gfx driver in the reconfigure... it should work with every gfx vcard09:16
danf_1979is there any ape (sound) codec in the repos?09:16
eylisianSktfeelsdapper:  that should be good to go if it is the execuable. darn. I don't know a thing about the app either.09:16
TriGz2aeroSoul - well i have a nVdia 6600GT if that helps.09:17
TriGz2AGP. ;p09:17
=== thehil [n=h@c-24-19-239-199.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TriGz2i just done the reconfigure thing again, just rebooting to see if it helps.09:17
aeroSouli have a voodoo3 from 1998 in my linux pc... dont know how to install nvidia drivers =)09:17
aeroSoulnoneed to reboot...09:17
aeroSoulyou will see if it works after gdm restart09:18
TriGz2well i rebooted ;p09:18
aeroSoulif not you have to reconfigure again anyway09:18
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TriGz2Splash is showing fine. everything be loading :D09:18
=== aes74 [n=aes@c83-250-174-199.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
SktfeelsdapperYah and I just tried to open up Nicotine and it almost starts, flashes on the screen and then dies.09:18
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aeroSoulSktfeelsdapper: any error msgs in the terminal?09:19
=== TornadoOfSouls [n=rolf@a80-100-209-52.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
aeroSoulor did you start it via icon09:19
shone_zlohey guys09:19
TriGz2it didnt work...09:19
TriGz2maybe its my framerate?09:19
aeroSoulTriGz2: which gfx driver did you select in reconfigure?09:19
shone_zlodoes ubuntu have a file where it writes witch packages are installred?09:20
aeroSoultry vesa for now and see if it works09:20
aeroSoulthen read a tutorial how to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu09:20
Codeusubuntu sucks09:20
TriGz2sudo dkpg-reconfigure ?09:20
aeroSoul? = xserver-xorg09:20
THX-1138shone_zlo: Synaptic will show you grphically.09:20
SilentDissonancewhy do you say that odeus?09:20
TriGz2ok :d09:20
shone_zloyeh, but i managet to screw it up09:21
aeroSouli used suse for 2 years and debian for 4 years... and i have to say ubuntu roxx =)09:21
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shone_zlocant remove one package09:21
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shone_zloso i thought to erase it from some list, and kill files manually09:21
shone_zlois it at all posible?09:21
eylisianaeroSoul: I have to agree.09:21
SilentDissonanceahhh, a moron.  nice to see stupidity doesn't fail here.  rather refreshing that the downfall of society is everywhere, and that no place is safe.  </sarcasm>09:21
Sktfeelsdapperhold on let me go try this again at the command line09:22
davinCodeus: This is a support channel, other stuff goes to #ubuntu-offtopic09:22
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eylisianSktfeelsdapper:  ok. what are you going to try?09:23
TriGz2how do i find my monitors horizontal sync range? lol09:23
THX-1138shone_zlo: I still don't know if you want to reinstall a few files or the entire desktop. (read a massive reinstall) What do you need to fix?09:23
Sktfeelsdapper[error=13] 09:23
aeroSoulTriGz2: i always use default value...09:23
aeroSoulif there is nothing i just press enter09:23
eylisianSktfeelsdapper:  that error is in response to what command?09:23
SktfeelsdapperIt says "Permission denied"09:23
shone_zloi installed ltmodem-2.6.8-1-68609:24
shone_zloand it broke during the install09:24
shone_zlonow i cant remove no matter what i do09:24
TriGz2do you know how do find out though aero? them words seem strangely familiar09:24
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shone_zlobut when i try to update or install something new09:24
eylisianSktfeelsdapper:  can you run it gksudo nicotene &09:24
khaije1anyone here use the konversation irc client?09:24
shone_zloit tries to remove ltmodem frsti09:24
shone_zloso im stuck09:24
aeroSoulTriGz2: well dont know... would use google09:24
THX-1138shone_zlo: So Using synaptic you weren't able to reinstall your modem? - What isn't working?09:24
khaije1the OSD feature isn't working for me, can't figure why09:24
=== eylisian can't spell nicotine tonight.
=== SilentDissonance lives off Nicotine O.o
THX-1138shone_zlo: What happens if you type sudo ifconfig?09:25
shone_zloit works?09:25
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eylisianSilentDissonance: eylisian is trying to quit nicotine =(09:26
aeroSouldoes anyone know why the packages openwebmail and prozilla aren't in dapper?09:26
eylisianaeroSoul: universe and multiverse included?09:26
=== CactusWiZaRd_ is now known as CactusWiZaRd
THX-1138shone_zlo: Just trying to work backwards from what we know works the ifconfig command to what doesn't and gather info along the way.09:26
eylisianaeroSoul: not a clue in the world.09:27
aeroSoulnow it is available... wasnt 2 weeks ago09:27
shone_zloim using adsl and it works...09:27
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aeroSoulno not right... it's a package i created that is shown...09:27
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shone_zlotried to give it modem driver and it didnt work :D09:27
eylisianaeroSoul: I see nothing resembling the named packages either.09:28
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THX-1138shone_zlo: Thats great! - now please i am begging you while i still look erm smart. don't ask me to install iptables and astrisk. - that was a very nerdy try at humor.09:28
aeroSouleylisian: it's in warty and hoary...09:28
=== dreamthief [n=mathias@p54A99A04.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
eylisianaeroSoul: ah. damn do they backport the otherway? =)09:29
Sktfeelsdapperwait, why did it just say /home/skt/.nicotine09:29
Sktfeelsdapperi don't get it09:29
=== mirak_ [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-102-80.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
eylisianSktfeelsdapper:  one sec...09:30
THX-1138shone_zlo: Stick around learn a little give a little away so others can learn.09:30
=== TriGz [n=TriGz@] has joined #ubuntu
TriGzpewpewpew lazer guns09:30
TriGzIf you didn't see last message, i fixed it :)09:30
eylisianSktfeelsdapper:  there is a .deb package for the app. have you tried that? installing the ubuntu deb?09:30
THX-1138TriGz - Ya-y!09:31
Sktfeelsdapperisn't it just for nicotine though?09:31
TriGzNow to make it look slightly purdyer09:31
Sktfeelsdapperi couldn't find a nicotine+ one.09:31
=== bojicas [n=bojicas@ner-as18361.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
Sktfeelsdapperhey silent dude.09:31
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aeroSoulSktfeelsdapper: nicotine+ uses the same config dir09:31
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eylisianSktfeelsdapper: oh. see, not knowing jack about the app makes me not get that detail. yeah, just nicotine.09:32
=== lampshade [n=lampshad@69-23-135-130.cable.inebraska.com] has joined #ubuntu
SktfeelsdapperI just don't understand what it is I'm doing here.09:32
THX-1138TriGz - gnome-look.org   DigitalDark-2-Blue-1.209:32
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: sometimes life is like that =)09:32
aeroSoulah you were talking about packages sry =)09:33
TriGzNice? :P09:33
=== hoelk [n=hoelk@h081217035202.dyn.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138TriGz and don't forget xcompmgr with transset.09:33
=== Delgul [n=gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== Morrowyn [n=Morrowyn@82-170-255-193.dsl.ip.12move.nl] has joined #ubuntu
TriGzCare to explain some? :P09:33
THX-1138Digital Dark is a super theme. xcompmgr adds drop shadows.09:34
=== patwack [n=paddy@cpc3-blfs4-0-0-cust387.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: lemme give it a shot. installing nicotine+09:34
Sktfeelsdapperhmm k.09:34
Sktfeelsdapperif you want to, i'm really getting tired of this. haha09:34
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: is this it? http://thegraveyard.org/daelstorm/nicotine-patch.php09:35
aeroSoulhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196835 <- how to install nicotine+09:35
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eylisianSktfeelsdapper: check out aeroSoul. oh yeah.09:35
aeroSouli installed it like this and it worked09:36
=== eylisian tries the aeroSoul method.
=== drumline_ [n=cobrien@ppp-69-236-20-248.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
TriGzTHX-1138, It wont find Digital dark ;p09:36
=== anarchis1 [n=anarchis@ADijon-258-1-50-95.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
SktfeelsdapperSweet hold on one second.09:37
SktfeelsdapperI think I figured something out.09:37
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Armstrong80Would anyone mind sending me a gmail invitation if you use the service?09:38
THX-1138TriGz - Thats too bad. ah well on to xcompmgr - it is an easy install and a simple one line bash command to configure and start it.09:38
TriGzI found it :D09:39
aeroSoulTriGz lol trigz.. you thanked me in the wrong network =) qnet09:39
shone_zlodudes....where does ubuntu sore the names of all installed packages?09:39
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THX-1138TriGz xcompmgr -cCfF -r 4 -l 0 -t 0 -D 5 &09:39
TriGzlol i know :P i was on laptop ^^09:39
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aeroSoulshone_zlo: /var/lib/dpkg/info09:40
TriGzill do that when i've updated :P09:40
TriGzTHX-1138,  how do i install this theme? ;p09:40
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TriGzdamn thats some cool shizzle09:40
iLLf8devening all09:40
iLLf8dhow goes it09:40
TriGzMorning :)09:40
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: aeroSoul's link lays it out just fine. I just set it up in what... 4min.09:41
TriGzwooo! this theme owns <309:41
SktfeelsdapperWell I figured out an easier way to get tothe folder at least.09:41
SktfeelsdapperUsing ~/nicotine+-
Sktfeelsdapperon the command line09:41
deyanedgy's ulimit output is unlimited. Anyone can do me a favor that tell me "ulimit" output at dapper?09:41
Rastahow i can mount a ntfs partition that be avaliable to me as a user and not have to open all the applications with sudo?09:41
THX-1138TriGz - Open themes in the gui dekbar it will create a folder in your home directory called .themes you can unhide .files with ctrl+h   just drop it in there.09:42
SktfeelsdapperThe problem isn't that I can't install it, I can install it fine.09:42
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we2byow do I know if cpu freq scaling is working or not?09:42
TriGzLol i already done it09:42
TriGzIt's the shizzle man :P09:42
SktfeelsdapperIt's just I don't want to have to command line it every time I want to use it.09:42
aeroSoulTriGz: you might still want to read a how-to about installing nvidia drivers... because the vesa driver probably uses more cpu for displaying gfx... and doesnt support opengl/3d09:42
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TriGzYea i noticed :P09:42
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: my desktop link worked fine as well.09:42
TriGzI'm going to read up on it in a second :)09:42
TriGzJust updating everything ect.09:42
THX-1138TriGz - go back to the gui  in the deskbar and themes then select Digital Dark.09:43
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: robertl@pele:~/Desktop$ ln -s ~/nicotine+-
TriGzTHX-1138, I've already done it!! :P09:43
we2bythis is strange. I only have xchat and firefox and music playing with rhytmbox. and both cores are at 1ghz09:43
TriGzTHX-1138,  It's the shizzle :D thanks man :P09:43
Rastaso mounted ntfs disks cant be accesed by the user i created when intalled ubuntu09:43
we2byhow can I lower the freq a litle bit more?09:44
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: so sitting in the Desktop directory   ln-s  ~/nicotine+-
Sktfeelsdappernow i have to gksudo to even open it09:44
TriGzDoes anyone know of a MSN Client for linux with Webcam support? ^^09:44
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eylisianSktfeelsdapper: really? did you change permissions on it?09:44
THX-1138TriGz - Linux is flexible. Try doing something that cool in the Redmond OS withoutinstalling spyware/adware (ala "windowblinds)09:44
we2byTriGz, not msn. but skype does have webcam support09:44
TriGzeww skype :P09:45
SktfeelsdapperI don't think I did.09:45
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eylisianSktfeelsdapper: ok. hope is not lost man.09:45
we2byon OSX I can go for more than 3 hours playing music with firefox open. but on LInux, I can only get max 2 hours with this batery09:45
TriGzaeroSoul, Any tips on where to look for nv support?09:46
aeroSoulRasta: you have to edit /etc/fstab09:46
we2bylowering the cpu both cores freq would help, right>09:46
aeroSoulTriGz: i'd google "ubuntu nvidia drivers" and take the first link with ubuntu in its domain name... ubuntuforums or something09:46
TriGz:) ok thanks aero09:46
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eylisianSktfeelsdapper: try the Desktop link one more time. delete any others that may have cropped up and try it again.09:47
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:47
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:47
RastaaeroSoul, you know some reference in how to do this? i see a lot this problem when searching google09:47
Sktfeelsdappernope terminal pop's up, then disappears.09:47
shone_zloso if i del a package's files in /var/lib/dpkg/info ubuntu will no longer see it as installed or what?09:47
Sktfeelsdapperwhere do you install your programs at, am i installing them in the wrong place?09:47
aeroSoulRasta: did you edit the fstab to add your ntfs disk?09:48
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eylisianwell, it depends.09:48
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse09:48
aeroSoulshone_zlo: yes09:48
eylisianI just installed it in ~/nicotine09:48
eylisianunpacked from downloads per the howto09:48
RastaaeroSoul, no, i mounted it with: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows09:48
eylisiansometimes I install to /usr/local09:49
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aeroSoultry to add -o user to the command line, Raskall09:49
aeroSoulRasta i mean09:49
SktfeelsdapperHow did it make it's own file like that?09:49
Sktfeelsdapperis that in home/your name?09:49
THX-1138Rasta - did you use the -o   options flag to set read/write?   ro  is likely what you want.09:49
eylisianyou mean unpack?09:49
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aeroSoulRasta: no, wrong.. forget it09:49
Sktfeelsdapperyah how did it unpack into it's own file. I don't understand what's going on!09:50
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aeroSoulRasta: but you can try to mount it without sudo09:50
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SktfeelsdapperIs there something I'm missing from like the very beginning?09:50
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: it was a bziped archive. the howto shows the slick tar foo way to unpack a bz2 file.09:50
aeroSoulif that doesnt work you have to edit your fstab...09:50
=== OLLLY [n=opera@dhcp-198-205-57-69.cf-res.cfu.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rastai cant mount it w/o sudo09:51
Sktfeelsdapperwhere do you download the package to in the first place?09:51
THX-1138Rasta - see the link on !ntfs - There is a very nice script there chmod +x then one click.09:51
Sktfeelsdapperthe tar package that is.09:51
Sktfeelsdapperwait nevermind.09:51
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: I have a directory I call the oh so original name of downloads09:51
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse09:51
aeroSoulRasta: /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows ntfs user,noauto 0 009:51
aeroSouladd this line to your /etc/fstab09:51
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eylisianthen if you are in your home dir and unpack it while it's in downloads it builds it's directory in your cwd.09:52
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: make sense?09:52
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eylisianSktfeelsdapper: current working directory09:52
RastaaeroSoul, ok, a sec09:52
THX-1138aeroSoul - Yep, the best way to learn about how things work.09:52
aeroSoulRasta: or remove the ,noauto if you want it to be mounted during boot09:52
Sktfeelsdapperso if i just download it into home09:52
aeroSoulbut then it would be mounted as root again i think...09:52
Sktfeelsdapperit will make it's own directory09:53
eylisianif you were in home.09:53
Sktfeelsdapperright now i'm in home and the only thing i see is "skt"09:53
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eylisianI doubt though without sudo you aint unpacking jack in home.09:53
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THX-1138Rasta - Take a look at the script. It is can teach a lot about the command line and scripting.09:53
eylisianyou should cd into skt09:53
Sktfeelsdapperis skt=home?09:53
eylisianit is your home.09:54
TriGzHow do i restart X? lol09:54
Sktfeelsdappersee it makes a folder under "skt"09:54
eylisianthe /home is where all user dirs live.09:54
Netslayertrying to update to edgy but the update-manager is failing, logs show " Can't mark 'ubuntu-desktop' for upgrade (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages"09:54
aeroSoulRasta: after that type "sudo unmount /mnt/windows" and then "mount /mnt/windows"09:54
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: it should.09:54
aeroSoulumount not unmount09:55
Sktfeelsdapperso in /home/skt it SHOULD make a directory named nicotine+-
THX-1138TriGz - if you have ati first sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  (ati cards hate jolts then ALT+backspace  FINALLY from the command line "startx"09:55
wenko[00:54:40]  *** TriGz quit09:55
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: correct09:55
SktfeelsdapperI'm so effin confused.09:55
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eylisianif you unpack it while in /home/skt09:55
Netslayeri dont get why it says it's a broken package, synaptic doesn't show that as broken09:56
eylisianif you unpack it while in /home/skt/downloads it will be in downloads.09:56
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Sktfeelsdappermaybe i'm not suppose to be able to get a desktop button and should just run it from the command line.09:56
aeroSoulSktfeelsdapper: you can now cd nicotine+- and run it with ./nicotine09:56
RastaTHX-1130, ok, ill take a look man09:56
aeroSoulSktfeelsdapper: you can get a desktop button if you configure it yourself...09:57
Sktfeelsdapperhow do i configure it? i tried the way on that link and it didn't work!09:57
THX-1138cd = change directories09:57
aeroSouladd to panel -> custom command i think09:57
RastaaeroSoul, doesnt seems to work, i cant see why the super user has become so restrictive on ubuntu09:57
eylisianSktfeelsdapper: have a good night man. I'm off to bed.09:57
Sktfeelsdappernight eylisian09:57
aeroSoulRasta: whats the error msg?09:57
Rastai feel that ive lost a lot of flexibility09:57
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Sktfeelsdappermy head r asplode.09:58
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RastaaeroSoul, say that i dont have enough permissions to do that09:58
aeroSoulto unmount?09:58
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Rastato mount09:59
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we2bylooks like cpuscaling is not working here09:59
we2byI can set the cpufreq myself09:59
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we2bybut it does set it automatically when it is needed10:00
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aeroSoulRasta: maybe it helps if you change the "user,noauto" to "user=<yourusername>,noauto"10:00
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RastaaeroSoul, ill try this and ill come back later to tell you how it goes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions10:00
hockyhairis there a app for linux that will backup/decrypt dvd to iso format (like dvddecrypter for windows)10:01
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RastaaeroSoul sorry if i sound like a bad guy but i have years away from linux and some things arent familiar to me yet :(10:01
Rastabut i rally apreciate your help10:02
TriGzsince when was .deb not supported? :\10:02
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THX-1138hockyhair - google the penguin liberation front  or mplayer even vlc for info10:02
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:02
Rasta3 years ago, and i used to use redhat10:02
MinisterPolitetime for a baryl screen shot. everyone say =)10:02
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TriGzTHX-1138, Since when was debian packages not supported in ubuntu? :|10:03
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hockyhairTHX-1138: i can make a perfect copy to iso with mplayer?10:03
marshallany body know any good p2p apps for gnome?10:03
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marshalli dont want to use frostwire or any other java based foolishness10:03
CyberLeaftry amule10:03
marshallcyberfall, ah yes10:04
marshallis mldonkey any good now?10:04
CyberLeafi think they are the same10:04
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marshalli remember having lots of problems with mlnet in the past10:04
THX-1138hockyhair - Did you need to decrypt it first?10:04
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aLPHa_LeaK 'lo10:04
marshallwhat about the giFT project? gift-ui or gift-toxic10:04
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hockyhairTHX-1138: most dvd's need to be decrypted i believe10:05
THX-1138TriGz - I don't understand. What error are you seeing?10:05
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TriGzJust downloaded a .deb...10:05
TriGzi get this.10:05
THX-1138hockyhair - so you want to eventually shrink it's size?10:05
aeroSoulmldonkey and amule aren't the same... and mldonkey had it's good days long time ago... imo10:05
TriGzArchive type not supported.10:05
hockyhairi can run dvddecrypter with wine, that does exactly what i need, decrypt/backup to iso.. i was just wondering if there was something native that does the same thing and might be faster10:05
enycTriGz: when doing what with it?10:05
enycTriGz: .deb package file......10:06
hockyhairno i dont need to shrink it's size10:06
TriGztrying to open it ;o10:06
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CyberLeafYeah I thought he said emule, sorry10:06
enycTriGz: what ho you mean 'open' it -- with what program // how ?10:06
THX-1138TriGz - incorrectly packaged possibly?10:06
hockyhairmatahari: hi10:06
aeroSouli think he doubleclicked it =)10:06
THX-1138hockyhair - you only want to copy the disk? just the data without manipulating the files?10:07
TriGzi tried dpkg -i ;p10:07
aeroSoulhehe ok that's right10:07
enycTriGz: right.... ok... well in that case the deb file is broken10:07
aeroSouldownload again10:07
TriGzi forgot you had to sudo10:07
TriGz:( lol10:07
hockyhairTHX-1138: correct.. everything intact10:07
hockyhairas iso for easy burn later10:07
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shriphanihockyhair, you want to make an iso ?10:08
THX-1138hockyhair - If i understand correctly then any disk copy application should do. how about gnomebaker or k3b - even dd or ddrescue (both fro the command line.)10:08
WoostaHow do I kick ubuntu in the guts enough that it notices I just put the SD card back in?10:08
CyberLeafanyone knows how to stop a $ locate *.jpg & ?10:09
shriphanihockyhair, cat /media/cdrom > filename.iso10:09
WoostaCyberLeaf: sure .. when it started you should have seen the pid10:09
hockyhairok i'll try those out, ty10:09
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CyberLeafthe pid?10:09
Woosta[1]  1234  <-- like that10:09
Woostathe pid (process ID) is the 1234 bit10:10
Woostasudo kill 1234  <-- that will kill the process10:10
CyberLeafsorry i don't see it it just goes to fast10:10
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Woostaopen a new shell then and type "ps ax | grep locate"10:10
shriphaniCyberLeaf, ps -aux10:10
CyberLeafoh yes i get it, thanks man10:10
Woostathe first number on the resulting line is the pid10:10
shriphanithat would show ya everything10:11
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Woostakill as above10:11
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CyberLeafYep i know it i just don't know it's called pid lol10:11
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CyberLeafthanks Woosta and shriphani10:11
ella_i have a problem watching DVD's10:11
Rastai come with another sudo problem when using it i get "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Sep 30 03:33:02 2006" that time its like an hour and a half inthe future ffrom my current time, before i didnt have this problem, someone knows what can be happening?10:11
WoostaAnyone know anything about my question above?10:11
ChickenTalonswow 1.15MB/s azureus on the amd64 desktop iso - upgraded internet comes in handy10:11
orbinella_: the problem being...10:12
ella_i executed /usr/share/libdvdread3/install.sh10:12
shriphaniWoosta, is that a lappy ?10:12
ella_and it worked onetime10:12
Woostashriphani: yup10:12
shriphanii have the same probs10:12
Woosta(well .. if 21" is a laptop .. Dell XPS M2010 :-))10:12
ella_now i get an error about the dvd is encrypted :(10:12
Woostashriphani: bugger :)10:13
WoostaSometimes it works, sometimes it don't10:13
THX-1138A command for the geeky (safe)  - lshw   lists hardware installed and their specifications10:13
Woostaif it were a standard card reader, I'd just unplug/plug it and it would be seed by hald10:13
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THX-1138If you just typed that you will - like me be tied to google for a week sorting it out.10:14
WoostaIs THX-1138 a bot spouting random tips or did I just miss the context?10:14
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THX-1138Too much info.10:14
ella_i cant watch DVDs anymore even the same as worked before10:14
Woostaguess I missed the context :)10:14
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ella_i did nothing10:14
THX-1138Woosta - Bot monkey - sorry.10:14
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shriphaniWoosta, i got an external card reader10:14
Woostayeah, I got one too .. but that's a PITA to take everywhere when there's already a perfectly good one inbuilt10:15
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shriphanimine's the size of an ipod shuffle10:15
Woostamines smaller .. but it's still a pain10:15
hoelkstupid question: does it make sense to have 2 swap partitions on 2 different hard drives?10:16
Rastai found a solution to that problem: http://my.opera.com/render/blog/show.dml/33712110:16
Woostahoelk: no10:16
hoelkok thanks10:16
shriphanihoelk, how do you use it ?10:16
Woostawell .. rarely :)10:16
WoostaLike .. if you're asking then probably not :)10:16
hoelki dont, i just have a left over swp partition from an earlier install on another hard drive10:16
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hoelkand i have no idea how to get rid of it10:16
hoelkwithout loosing data10:16
ella_hmm, what can i do, DVD playback does not work all the time just now and then ??10:16
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shriphanihoelk, lose data ?10:17
Woostaella_: same DVDs or is it that some work and others don'r?10:17
ella_yes same dvd10:17
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Woostaella_: that's just weird then :)10:17
hoelkwell, there is also another partition with data on that hard drive with the swp partition i want to get rid of10:17
ella_a few minutes ago it didnt work10:17
Woostaunless you're doing software updates10:17
hoelkand its fairly stuffed10:17
WoostaDo you get an error?10:17
ella_i was just typing here, now it works10:17
ella_and in a few minutes it wont work10:18
WoostaCool .. I fixed it for you :-D10:18
=== coyctecm [n=niko@a84-230-221-147.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
rixthLinux king 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Fri Sep 8 19:55:17 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux10:18
shriphanihoelk, just delete the swap partition10:18
Woosta(seriously .. my resume says "Computers like me. It is said that when I stand close to a computer that is playing up, it will fix itself" .. it's gotten me two jobs so far :))10:18
ella_the error says: DVD encrypted ... libdvdcss not installed...10:18
WoostaAnd is libdvdcss installed?10:19
hoelkis it possible to reassign the free space to another partition without lossing data on that one?10:19
ella_but it is istalled10:19
TriGzpew pew pew, lazer guns ;p10:19
shriphanihoelk, i think you just delete it10:19
ella_yes libdvd is installed10:19
ella_and i also executed /usr/share/libdvdread3/install.sh10:19
ella_and sometimes it works , sometimes not10:20
shriphaniTriGz, wont the deleted partition go merge with the partition before it10:20
Woostaella_: then it's not somewhere that your media player can find it at a guess .. maybe it's flaky .. try reinstalling it? (to propose a windows solutoin!)10:20
TriGzshriphani, what? ;o10:20
ella_i just upgraded to edgy the problem is the same10:20
Woostashriphani/hoelk .. you can merge it with the previous partition if you're damned careful .. but I wouldn't risk it10:20
WoostaMuch better to make it a new partition10:21
shriphanilike format it ext3 ?10:21
shriphanior ext2 or fat3210:21
ella_maybe its because its an old lappy, 800mhz ?10:21
Woostadepends what you want to use it for :)10:21
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ella_i didnt face the prob on anyother machine10:21
Woostafat32 if you want windows to be able to read it too, ext3 if you're only using linux10:21
howieson26hallo habe mal eine frage kann mir jemand helfen bekomme meine usb festplatte nicht formatiert?10:21
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ella_<howieson26>: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdaxy?10:22
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emretemp01hi there, is there a gnome shortcut key for "launching programs" ?  I used to press ALT+F2 to run programs while I was using KDE.10:22
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Woostaemretemp01: iirc gnome has a Run.. command .. and a way to assign keyboard shortcuts to commands ..10:23
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howieson26ella er tut mal sehen10:24
Juhazemretemp01, alt+f210:25
ella_howieson26: mkfs.ext3 -j /dev/sdaxy is evenbetter10:25
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emretemp01@juhaz  alt+f2 is not working on Gnome, Its only for kde.10:25
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howieson26er tut jetzt schon soll ich das nochmal machen die platte ist ganz neu10:26
howieson26er hat sie mir am anfang auch angezeigt aber dann hab ich sie ber qtparted formatiert als fat32 und das hat er angeblich auch gemacht aber angezeigt hat er immer unknown und sie auch nicht mehr gemountet?10:27
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:27
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Rastaexcellent this script worked perfectly, now i have my ntfs partitions mounted by default10:28
ella_:((  i always thought the "sometimes work sometime not" is the kind of windoze problem10:28
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grotheskWhere is the right place to discuss about edgy?10:29
dfgas__lol, shutting a virtual machine down after it has been up 7 weeks10:29
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Robbsterhi all, I've got a problem with my dual-boot system. Grub doesn't want to boot the windows partition. I've added an hdd and that is where the problems started.10:29
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barataOOT:anybody from Belgium? or anybody knows about Belgium cellphone system?10:30
drumline_Robbster: yep...   when you boot linux, which drive does your windows drive show up as?10:30
orbingrothesk: #ubuntu+110:30
RobbsterI've tried manually setting up the grub boot commands ('e'diting the boot-time paramters), but I think things are badly toasted?10:30
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drumline_Robbster: with 'dmesg'10:30
Robbsterdrumline_: using gParted10:30
Robbsterahh. dmesg10:31
drumline_Robbster: no... gparted is a partion editor... not a grub config program... gparted has nothing to do with boot order.10:31
drumline_or boot config10:31
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:31
Robbsterdrumline_: agreed, but it is a great tool to see wth is going on :)10:32
drumline_Robbster: it'll tell you what's going on with one disk, agreed.  :)10:32
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ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser10:32
Robbsterdrumline_: this is where things get a little complicated10:32
Rastasomeone here uses xubuntu?10:33
howieson26_hallo bin wieder da er ist mir voll abgeschmiert kannst du mir nochmal  denn befehl sagen ella10:33
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ella_mkfs.ext3 -j /dev/sda?10:33
shriphaniRasta, #xubuntu10:33
drumline_Robbster: sure...10:33
ella_? = part-number10:33
burkim having trouble with ubuntu, it has started to reset my dns config every time i restart, and it doesnt seem like its able get new ones without me typing them in...10:33
howieson26_danke er tut mal sehen10:33
orbin!de > howieson2610:34
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:34
RobbsterI've got 4 disks,10:34
Robbster/dev/sda = 160 Gb bootable. (mbr is here)10:34
Robbster/dev/sdb = 120 Gb with Ubuntu installed on it10:34
Robbster/dev/sdc = 120 with WinXP10:34
Robbster/dev/hda = 120 storage (2 fat partitions)  <-- added10:34
shriphaniburk, could you please post the output of cat /etc/resolv.com10:34
shriphaniresolv.conf ^10:34
howieson26_ok thanks that was the standard channel i have installed xchat :)10:34
Rookie-cat /etc/resolv.conf will do10:34
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TriGzpew pew pew, lazer guns.10:35
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shriphanidratted keyboard of mine10:35
TriGzI'm off out guys, cya later <310:35
shriphaniits missing 3 keys10:35
ella_i want DVD playback work ALL the time ! :((10:35
shriphaniburk ?10:35
ubuntuhi... what are the best ways (other than fsck) for detecting a bad hard drive?10:35
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burkshriphani, nameserver        nameserver
shriphanithats fine10:36
burkbut thats because i have typed them into network-admin, and i have to do it every single time10:36
drumline_Robbster: google: windows chainloader...    check out the links from linuxquestions.org on the search page.10:36
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Rookie-dhcp client should renew the resolv10:37
shriphanimaybe you didnt enter the static ip10:37
ubuntuhi... what are the best ways (other than fsck) for detecting a bad hard drive?10:37
Rookie-suggesting you look on your dhcp client ...10:37
burkshriphani, i did, and even if i didnt, its supposed to get the dns from the router10:38
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Rookie-and the router has the corect dns info ?10:39
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:40
Robbsterdrumline_: should I be mapping drives?10:40
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule10:40
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule10:41
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shriphaniwhat are edgy's advantages ?10:41
drumline_Robbster: mapping drives?  what do you m.ean by that?10:41
Robbsterwell, Windows doesn't understand other OS's and, according to the post can be confused by too many drives.10:42
Rookie-seems to be a dev dist of ubuntu10:42
Robbsterdrumline_: so, as I understand it, you map the dirve order at boot time to help Windows out. but this doesn't seemt obe what you were pointing out in the thread you pointed me to.10:42
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orbinshriphani: newer software IIRC10:42
Robbsterdrumline_: did I miss something important?10:42
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drumline_Robbster: I don't think the mapping stuff is what you need..   It looks like the boot order was changed because you added another drive.  So, I'd suggest changing the the entry for windows to reflect the change in hard drive detection for your windows drive.   What is likely is that your windows drive is now 3rd on the list instead of 2nd.  In which case, you'd need to change the entry in the grub config from hd1 to hd210:44
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drumline_Robbster: ...and make sure the chainloader stuff is in there...10:44
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drumline_Robbster: linux is still booting correct?10:47
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scheurihi all10:49
Robbster drumline_: corrent10:49
Robbster drumline_: I have tried changing the 'root (hd2,0)' entried in the grub boot10:50
Robbsterbut I can't seem to locate the winXP partition.10:50
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Robbsterdrumline_:  does the device.map file get read automatically on boot?10:51
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scheuridoes anyone know of an application to administrate mobile phones (particularly Sony Ericsson K750i)...it would just need to save contacts and play them back and let me write them on the computer instead of mobile...anyone an idea?10:51
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drumline_Robbster: did you do anything with a partition editor?10:54
Robbsterdrumline_: just set up partitions on hda (the 4th disk I added). Formatted them with fat3210:55
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Robbsterdrumline_: That should not be significant ?10:55
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Robbsterdrumline_: I've read the thread carefully and I think that the mapping is what I need. From what I can determine, it's the new IDE drive that is throwing things.10:56
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Robbsterhi hkais10:57
drumline_Robbster: ok.. .give it a shot.  :)10:57
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hkaisi am frustrating with my prism pcmcia card under ubuntu and networkmanager....10:58
Robbsterdrumline_: :) Yeah, I guess it can't hurt.10:58
hkaishello Robbster10:58
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Sarra_I went to take a showre, and when I returned, there were 252 Firefox windows open, all blank10:58
rixth"make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop." << what does that indicate I am missing?10:58
Sarra_This is on my laptop10:58
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Sarra_Does ANYONE know why this keeps happening?10:58
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Robbsterjust need to make sure that I'm mapping the correct drive letters. do you know it the device.map is loaded by grub when booting?10:59
hkaismy prism card is working under kismet and any other sniffing software, but not as a nic for the net...10:59
Robbsterdrumline_: brb. Lets try some mapping! Yay!10:59
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hkaisno hints?11:01
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stadtfilterany hint where to look to make traffic shaping on the client side?11:01
=== Sarra_ gives up on this problem, again
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johnneed help setting up wine- anyone done it before?11:03
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hkaisjohn: what is the problem11:03
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johncan we step through it11:03
johnI have version 6.06.1 - will 6.1 beta work?11:04
drumline_john: if you don't mind the possibility of a bug negatively affecting you.11:04
johnIs it wort th it to upgrade?11:05
mewtHi, i just removed packages, xgl, compiz, compiz-core and compiz-gnome. Now after a restart my x server doesnt wanna boot11:05
hkaisjohn: sure, but could you give me a brief overview what the problem is?11:05
hkaisnoone here with an prism card?11:05
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johnI added the two links to the respositary, then let them download11:06
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johnthen I went to console to install them and then it said there was a package missing!11:07
AbortDthis  chan never dies huh no matter what time?11:07
hkaisjohn: if you could give me an overview, maybe i can help you... An upgrade is always possible, but if it solves your problems?11:07
AbortDmewt wants to be leet11:07
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woekeleheya, hows the environment called that is used before X is loaded?11:08
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hkaisjohn: i am using the wine-repository directly, so i have always very current versions...11:08
yoshiznit123woekele, the command line?11:08
AbortDi invented wine11:09
johnI dont know what to do once I have added them to the Repository11:09
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woekeleyoshiznit123, nah, not commandline, but the loadingscreen and stuff11:09
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DrSpinAnyone been able to get ubuntu to work properly with a G5 ipod?? I cn sync music but how do I get videos to synch and play?11:09
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto11:10
AbortDg5 ipod?!11:10
lastnodeAbortD, 5th generation11:10
DrSpingen 511:10
DrSpinlastnode: and that only deals with audio11:10
AbortDrun linux on a ipod?!11:10
DrSpinyes but not the solution I'm looking for...11:10
yoshiznit123woekele, usplash? (upstart?) :-)11:10
scheuriAbortD: is kinda leet today...11:10
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AbortDjesus christ all mighty11:11
=== AbortD prays
johnI am able to add them to the repository, and refresh and download them, but how to I install it to use it?11:11
Robbsterdrumline_: hey. Mapping was exactly what I needed. Thanks for the help.11:11
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woekeleyoshiznit123, do you know how to change the mode its running in? I keep getting "out of range" on my monitor untill X loads, then it works fine.11:11
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lastnodeAbortD, what's wrong?11:11
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AbortDlastnode, scheuri is whats wrong11:11
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shriphaniAbortD, you can run linux on an ipod11:12
buzzyhello   i have installed on ubuntu the nVidia drivers (glx legacy) but when i reboot, X server doesn't start!! i have only the console...if i do "startx" it says me that there are some errors (now i dont remember which ones)..how can i solve this problem?11:12
scheuriwhy is that?11:12
DrSpinshriphani: yes11:12
AbortDyou are satan11:12
lastnodebuzzy, changed your xorg ?11:12
scheuriAbortD: me? the devil? all right...;)...11:12
scheuriI will soon enough..11:12
johnhkais - can you help me set up wine?11:12
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buzzylastnode dont know11:13
gershon_help! lastest update broke nautilus!11:13
johnhas anyone here set up wine on ubuntu11:13
lastnodeAbortD, that kind of convo is for -offtopic11:13
AbortDgershon_, ubuntu  sucks!11:13
lastnodejohn, sudo apt-get install wine11:13
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:13
DrSpinjohn: yes but I could never get it to behave quite right...11:13
shriphaniipodlinux but its main use is playing idoom11:13
lastnodeAbortD, if you dont stop trolling im going to call an op11:13
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yoshiznit123woekele, you can change it temporarily from when you boot, press 'e' when ubuntu is selected, find the line that starts with 'kernel', press 'e' again and edit the end (vga=792,791,etc.), then 'b' to boot (http://shrimpworks.za.net/2005/01/31/change-your-console-resolution-and-colour-depth/)11:13
rixth"make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop." << what does that indicate I am missing? "linux-source-2.6.15 is already the newest version."11:13
davin^afkHi guys, im trying to install cedega with GDebi, but it says: "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: xlibs" what can I do?11:13
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AbortDlastnode, call a op a what?11:14
frogzoodavin: install wine instead11:14
woekeletnx yoshiznit12311:14
davinfrogzoo: but I want to play games =o11:14
johnWhich version of linux should I use to play CSS - and to do so I need wine?11:14
frogzoodavin: wine works11:14
ubotuAppdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org11:14
davinfrogzoo: Even Guild Wars / HL2 / Anarchy Online?11:15
davinfrogzoo: didnt knew wine could run games..11:15
gershon_0x00002ad1ba2eeeb5 in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 ????????11:15
DrSpinshame appdb is full of incredibly useless information for old versions11:15
frogzoo!appdb > davin11:15
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lastnodeDrSpin, you can be the first to document the 5g ipod! give it a go and see! :-)11:16
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lastnodeDrSpin, the gtkpod/amark/rhythmbox sites might have howtos11:16
frogzooDrSpin: if appdb is out of date, why not update it ?11:16
davinfrogzoo: so, wine can run most/all of the games in the cedega db out-of-the-box?11:17
frogzoodavin: check appdb - pretty much wine is as good as cedega11:17
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shriphanithats what happens when you borrow internet11:18
lastnodedavin, ive run warcraft III fine11:18
DrSpinlastnode: I followed the few that I could find... compiled the latest GTKPOD and all --- still doesn't work right... will let me upload videos but won't allow them to playback as they're added to the db on the ipod as audio11:18
davinlastnode: hm okay im dying to run AO and CS11:18
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DrSpinthe ipod works fine in vmware on iTunes :)11:18
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davingonna grab wine now hang on11:18
shriphaniDrSpin, i had same vid issues11:18
AbortDgettinn drunk davin?11:18
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shriphanibut what is the big use of having vids on something i listen to while going for walks ?11:19
JDStoneanyone ever used approxy?11:19
DrSpinfrogzoo: because I don't have the time AND because the info is there... it's just really hard to sort through the OLD information11:19
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davinAbortD: XD nice one11:19
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lastnodeAbortD, last warning before i call an op. this is totally out of bounds for this channel.11:19
AbortDhey im drunk you know11:19
PihIHi. What good http proxy is there for Ubuntu? Something as easy-to-use as HideIP for Windows.. Anybody knows an app like that?11:19
AbortDcalm down!11:19
lastnodeAbortD, please take david and have your convo in -offtopic. this is a support channel.11:20
AbortDyou'rre like the irc FBI11:20
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:20
frogzooDrSpin: you can't really complain about the level of help other people provide for free if you won't contribute yourself11:20
skarhi all, how do i install dapper from the 6.06-1 live cd on  a raid1 boot, root partition?11:20
lastnodeskar, you might need the alternative cd, im not sure. let's see what the channel has to say.11:20
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!11:20
skarit detects and formats the s/w raid1 boot and root device but during the next stage, it selects individual partitions only11:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
skarlastnode: thanks, lets see11:21
lastnodegnomefreak, thank you11:21
shriphaniDrSpin, you could use rockbox which is ideal for a linux environment11:21
gnomefreaklastnode: ?11:21
lastnodegnomefreak, AbortD has refused to listen to reason (see above)11:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ip-12-195-52-66.ncwcom.com] by gnomefreak
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lastnodethank you11:21
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO11:21
lastnodeskar, check that out11:22
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HeavyThinkerguys, best way to share files between 2 ubuntu pc's on a network? (without samba)11:22
=== hkai1 [n=dpalic@adsl2p178.access.maltanet.net] has joined #ubuntu
hkai1hi again11:22
shriphaniwith rockbox you can avoid gtkpod etc and directly place files in the ipod the drag and drop way11:22
lastnodeHeavyThinker, well you can always just dump the files in /var/www and do http ;-) that's what i do when im lazy11:22
hkai1i get crazy.... can someone help me with my prism card under ubuntu?11:22
DrSpinshriphani: does it convert video to the ipod11:23
hkai1i am using hostap and the card wont run...11:23
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hkai1hostap prism and networkmanager11:23
shriphaniDrSpin, rockbox wont support video11:23
hkai1john: have you got a solution for your problem?11:23
HeavyThinkerlastnode: mm good plan, what packages will i need to get a http server running?11:23
shriphanimaybe ipodlinux will11:23
lastnodeHeavyThinker, chances are you already do. check out http://localhost11:23
DrSpinshriphani: then it works the same as Amarok and the like...11:23
=== HeavyThinker checks
lastnodeHeavyThinker, if not try /etc/init.d/Apache2 start11:23
baratahallo European ... how can I send sms using internet to a Belgium cellphone? do you know any site, please?11:24
shriphaniDrSpin, rockbox doesnt go on the ps11:24
MenZa!offtopic > barata11:24
shriphaniit is an os for the ipod11:24
barataOOT: hallo European ... how can I send sms using internet to a Belgium cellphone? do you know any site, please?11:24
johnI cannot install it using the instructions from the wine website.11:24
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DrSpinshriphani: oh -- not what I'm looking for11:24
lastnodebarata, please join #ubuntu-offtopic11:24
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MenZabarata: Read the message you got from ubotu11:24
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:24
hkai1john, can you post the /etc/apt/apt.sources file?11:24
=== barata [n=barata@c-71-198-244-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
johnI need help installing the packages in console.11:24
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lastnodejohn, ask11:25
johnwhat do you men by post the file?11:25
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hkai1copy the content of the file an post it on pastebin11:25
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rixth"make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop." << what does that indicate I am missing? I have the kernel sources installed for my current kernel.11:28
johnI have a screenshot with how far I have come in the package manager11:28
hkai1john: how long are you using already a computer?11:28
john? How long have I used a computer -- a very long time!!!11:28
shriphanirixth, you got make installed ?11:28
johnI will try install the files in console again and give you the error message I get.11:29
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shriphanijohn, what do you intend to do ?11:29
hkai1john: okay could you please post the pic and the content of the file on any page?11:29
rixthshriphani, yeah, I've compiled stuff on this terminal before, but no device drivers.11:29
hkai1e.g. pastebin for the sources and the pic, i cannot remember...11:29
hkai1anyone here with a page for pasting a screenshot?11:29
shriphanihkai1, ubuntu pastebin has something for screenshots11:29
shriphanii think11:30
=== XaXXon [n=xaxxon@c-67-168-47-197.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hkai1shriphani: how does it work?11:30
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XaXXonhow do you add a default library path in ubuntu?  there's no /etc/ld.so.conf11:30
XaXXonhrmm.. never mind.  that's not my problem11:31
johnHow do I know that I have successfuly installed wine?11:31
shriphanihkai1, nope no such facility11:31
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shriphanijohn, which wine11:31
hkai1john: type wine in the console11:31
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shriphanii mean type  'which wine' in the console11:32
hkai1john: e.g. wine --version11:32
XaXXonif it comes back saying "pinot noir", then it's installed11:32
johnUsage: wine PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS...]    Run the specified program11:32
john       wine --help                   Display this help and exit11:32
john       wine --version                Output version information and exit11:32
johnWine 0.9.2111:32
shriphanijohn, you have wine installed11:33
johnok - so how do I get CSS to run?11:33
Hoxzerit is CS:s ^^11:33
Hoxzercheck app db11:33
johnwhat is app db11:33
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shriphanijohn, wine maintains an apps db11:34
johnI have installed the steam.exe, but cannot find it after that!11:34
johnHow do I get to that apps db?11:34
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hkai1john: ask google for css. Because you need more things than only wine!11:34
shriphanijohn, instlled stuff goes to .wine/blah blah11:34
hkai1john: e.g. openGL....11:35
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cpk2john: the wine website has a database of programs and how to get them to work11:36
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cpk2john: there is also #winehq11:36
johncan you find link for CS:S?11:36
egsgaardHeya, im a new user of ubuntu :P11:36
johnHow do I get to .wine?11:36
cpk2john: you could find a link to cs just as easily as i would11:37
shriphanijohn, cd .wine11:37
Alex41Could, please, someone help me with partitioning of my HDD?11:37
Alex41just 1 question11:37
hkai1john: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=83511:37
hkai1maybe this is a jumppoint...11:37
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johnI open filesystem, thene where do I go?11:37
shriphanihkai1, he said he installed it11:37
shriphanihe needs to go to it11:38
shriphanijohn, open the console and type cd .wine11:38
hkai1shriphani: he installed CSS already?11:38
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Alex41is it possible to partition HDD with help of some opensource utility?11:38
shriphani<john> I have installed the steam.exe, but cannot find it after that!11:38
shriphaniAlex41, gparted for linux :)11:38
hkai1Alex41: sure... fdisk11:38
Alex41no, I have got hdd with WinXP only, with single partition11:39
johnit comes up with this:11:39
shriphanijohn now ls11:39
shriphanitype ls11:39
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johnit comes up with this:11:40
johndosdevices  drive_c  system.reg  userdef.reg  user.reg11:40
shriphanicd drive_C11:40
shriphanii mean cd drive_c11:40
shriphanithere should be program files or something there11:40
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Alex41and Partition Magic or similiar programs are so expensive. As I seem it's pretty easy operation of partioning11:41
johnthats what comes up when I type it in11:41
shriphanithen cd Program\ Files11:41
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shriphanithen ls11:41
johnthen what?11:41
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Alex41and, of course it is desirable to save data on C: with WinXP11:42
johnthen is says: common files     Valve11:42
shriphaniwhat did you install john ?11:42
johnI installed steam. Is there a graphic way of doing this?11:42
shriphanijohn, how did you install it ?11:42
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johndownloaded it, right clicked on it and selected "install with wine"11:43
cafuegoAlex41: if you 1) defrag and 2) disk check; you cna use the Ubuntu partitioning tool on the liveCd to resize the XP partition and make some free space for Linux (10Gb is okay, but not too much smaller).11:43
shriphaniis Valve something you installed ?11:43
johnthen it installed like on XP, and quit when done11:43
shriphanicd Valve11:44
shriphanithen ls11:44
=== Utopiate [n=bhenry@c-24-21-236-118.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
johnI got down there:11:44
johnjohn@john-laptop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files$ cd Valve11:44
johnjohn@john-laptop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Valve$ ls11:44
johnjohn@john-laptop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Valve$ cd Steam11:44
johnjohn@john-laptop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Valve/Steam$ ls11:44
johnClientRegistry.blob  Steam_14.mst  steam_install_agreement.rtf  UNWISE.EXE11:44
johnINSTALL.LOG          Steam_14.pkg  SteamNew.exe11:44
=== iXce[BNC] is now known as iXce
johnPublic               Steam.exe     steamTmp.exe11:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:44
cafuegojohn:S TOP11:45
shriphaniwell one of those exe is your installed things11:45
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johnis there a graphic way of looking through these files?11:45
shriphanijohn, yes11:45
shriphaniask nautilus to show you hidden files11:45
shriphani.wine is in your home directory11:46
johnis that a program, person or setting?11:46
shriphaniit is your file manager11:46
Alex41could you please advice me where to find liveCD?11:46
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cafuegoAlex41: www.ubuntu.com -> Download.11:47
shriphaniAlex41, it should be there on the ubuntu website11:47
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shriphanii prefer ordering11:47
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:47
johnhow do I get file manager?11:48
shriphanicuz i cant rely on a cracked wireless connection or on my 64 KBps internet11:48
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shriphanijohn, file browser.... file manager rings a bell ?11:48
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shriphanilike the ting that opens up when you open a folder11:49
=== SpaceFrog [n=jason@d220-237-217-60.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
johnI click places - computer- filesystem -- [then what] ???11:49
SpaceFroghow can i change my default soundcard? I have two in my machine11:49
t0taln00buse these links to download ubuntu for i386 and amd6411:49
shriphanijohn, Places -----> Home Folder11:50
shriphanithen ask it to show you hidden files11:50
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johnthen where from that?11:51
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johnhow do I ask it to show hidden files11:51
shriphanipress Ctrl + h11:51
johnohh - thanks11:52
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=== orphean [n=orphean@c-67-164-102-208.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PihIHi. What good http proxy is there for Ubuntu? Something as easy-to-use as HideIP for Windows.. Anybody knows an app like that?11:53
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tswI have two soundcards in this machine, both work fine with alsa but they seems to swap places every now and then. this is a minor annoyance but I was wondering if there is a way to force a card to be 0.0 or 1.0 (yes I know howto make 1.0 default card, but it doest help if cards switch id's)11:55
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Alex41Do Ubuntu partitioning tool on the LiveCD operates like Partition Magic, i.e. do it saves data on other partitions?11:55
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Gryffindoras far as I know it leaves other partitions untouched if you do not touch them11:56
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Alex41and if I want to divide primary partition to the 3 partitions, will it save my data and XP installed?11:56
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Gryffindordo you mean to stretch one partition and create another two?11:57
GryffindorI heard partitioning tools from linux distributions do it well, but I've never tried11:58
Gryffindorso go with caution11:58
Gryffindorsave you data to a bunch of DVDs ...11:58
Alex41yes, I want make 100 GB primary partion to become to 10+30+60 for example, can they do it in theory?11:58
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Gryffindori said ... i've never tried but i've heard goog things about11:59
Gryffindorso take care of your data, just in case11:59
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Alex41OKay, thank you so much11:59
mutleyshomeTry Gparted12:00
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ryan_any suggestions on a bittorrent client12:00
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Gryffindorazureus, oc!12:01
Gryffindorbut it needs java12:01
ryan_have it12:01
ryan_java that is12:01
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Storkmehow can i increase the brightness of ubuntu when my monitor wont go any brighter?12:01
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shriphaniryan_, bittorrent ?12:04
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=== ephemeros yo
madcapAnyone with Edgy Eft workin here?12:04
shriphaniuse bittorrent ryan_12:05
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule12:05
ryan_shriphani:/ yeah12:05
madcapty ubotu12:05
=== JosefK [n=test@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniwell what else ryan_ ?12:05
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule12:06
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ryan_shriphani: what do you mean what else12:06
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shriphaniwell your last message put me in doubt whether the conve about the client has ended or not12:08
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vik_I'm running ubuntu on an apple ibook; is there any way to check what type of trackpad it has? It's an ADB one, but I want to know if it is synaptics or not12:11
shriphanivik dmesg12:11
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Storkmehow can i increase the brightness of ubuntu when my monitor wont go any brighter?12:12
=== OlKa [n=OlKa@static123.debica140.tnp.pl] has joined #ubuntu
ryan_azureus keeps crashing....12:12
OlKawitam :D12:12
stgraberstgraber@laptop:~$ dmesg | grep -i synaptic12:12
stgraberSynaptics Touchpad, model: 1, fw: 6.2, id: 0x25a0b1, caps: 0xa04713/0x012:12
stgrabersynaptics: Toshiba Satellite A100 detected, limiting rate to 40pps.12:12
stgraberinput: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /class/input/input112:12
OlKajest tu kto w wieku 14-15 lat ;>??12:12
shriphaniryan_, i told you to use bittorrent12:13
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vik_stgraber: if that's not there it12:13
vik_stgraber: if that's not there it's not synaptic?12:13
ryan_ad thats why i was looking for a bittorrent client ktorrent keeps crasking as soon as i open it and azureus crashes about 30 sec after opening12:13
gyaresuryan_, rtorrent is the best IMO.12:13
shriphaniryan_, bittorrent is a good client and comes with ubuntu12:13
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stgrabervik_: You can check the dmesg manually (dmesg | more), but it's probably not a synaptics yes12:14
davinfrogzoo: you still there? can wine emulate directx as opengl?12:14
ryan_oh im sorry .... i got confused with terminoligy.....12:14
shriphaniryan_, oh lol12:14
ryan_that what im using now its the only one i can get to work right now12:15
frogzoodavin: yes indeed, direct x support isn't complete, but it might be good enough depending12:15
davinfrogzoo: okay I see12:15
ryan_but i like the feel of ktorrent12:15
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vik_stgraber: nup; just says there is an ADB mouse12:15
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ryan_accualy i like utorrent but that windows only with wine or something like that....and it not stable at all in wine12:16
fulhackHey. I'm looking for a jukebox sorta thingy for my MP3 collection.. I was thinking amarok, but that's KDE and I'd like to stay GNOMEish.. What do you guys think?12:17
fulhackThe music is on a SAMBA share, so I'd like the payer to integrate well with GNOMEs networking and so forth..12:17
davinfulhack: You can customize amaroK alot, but you could try Totem or Rhythmbox too12:17
shriphanifulhack, ubuntu comes with rhytmbox doesnt it ?12:18
fulhackdavin: The problem is that I don't want KDE libraries loaded.12:18
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davinfulhack: you dont have to12:18
fulhackI'll have a look at rhythmbox :)12:18
davinfulhack: I have amaroK on GNOME12:18
fulhackdavin: Oh..?12:18
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stgraberfulhack: You have rhythmbox and banshee for gnome12:19
davinfulhack: just sudo apt-get install amarok and its in your audio/video menu12:19
fulhackdavin: W/o kdebase and that junk?12:19
shriphanidavin, installing amarok will load kdelibs12:19
davinfulhack: exactly12:19
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shriphaniit comes to 80 mb12:19
davinshriphani: really?12:19
davinfulhack: ah didnt know that, then it does, sorry12:19
fulhackshriphani: I haven't used those in a year or so.. I'll check em out :)12:19
fulhackdavin: Not a problem ;)12:20
shriphaniThe following extra packages will be installed:12:20
shriphani  amarok-xine kdelibs-bin kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a libarts1c2a libavahi-qt3-112:20
shriphani  libopenexr2c2a libtunepimp2c2a libxine-main1 libxvmc1 menu-xdg12:20
fulhackI heard about a GNOME port of amaroK, though..?12:20
shriphaniAfter unpacking 87.5MB of additional disk space will be used.12:20
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mdioushi everyone...12:21
=== LiraNuna` [n=LiraNuna@IGLD-83-130-232-147.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
frogzoofulhack: amarok runs on gnome out of the box12:23
frogzoofulhack: highly rec'dd btw12:23
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fulhackfrogzoo: I don't want the KDE libaries, thats the problem. red,dd?12:24
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fulhackrec'dd* :)12:24
frogzoofulhack: rec'dd = recommended - and yes, you need the kde libs12:25
frogzoofulhack: but if there's a gnome port as you say...12:25
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fulhackfrogzoo: I like the looks of rhythmbox so far, if I can just get it to import my remote files :)12:25
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fulhackOh. are there some license issues w/ MP3, still?12:26
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frogzoofulhack: impossible to say - it's a global issue & local laws differ12:26
shriphanifulhack, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly for mp312:26
fulhackCheers :D12:27
stu_reading this readme file and its telling me to change the path in the makefile for my kernel source... I have the kernel headers installed but what path do I use?12:27
=== ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:28
fulhackshriphani: I don't have that package in my repository, which repository should I use?12:28
shriphanifulhack, universe12:28
fulhackThere's "universe" .. right, thanks. :)12:28
shriphanifulhack, is this a new ubuntu installation ?12:28
fulhackshriphani: yeah, brand new.12:29
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shriphaniyou need to uncomment the sources in /etc/apt/sources.list12:29
fulhackI haven't used ubuntu in a loong while, so I wanted to try edgy.. and check the XGL+compiz stuff. :)12:29
stu_atm it says: KERNEL_SOURCE=/lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667/build  - I need to change this to the correct path12:30
stu_im on edgy12:30
stu_or use the software sources program12:30
shriphanifulhack, uncomment the sources first12:30
stu_system - administration - software sources12:30
stu_just tick all the boxes, done12:30
fulhackBy the way.. The graphical installer on the edgy live-CD could really use some password security checks.12:30
shriphanifulhack, did you uncomment the sources ?12:31
fulhackshriphani: Yeah, I have universe now12:31
shriphanisudo apt-get update12:31
fulhackYup ;)12:31
=== KrakensDen [n=KD1@d173-14-seg-bldg3-1.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu
fulhackI'm an old debian user :P12:31
shriphanii need a new box to try out the debian i downloaded yesterday12:32
KrakensDenhi, I need some networking help. I have two nics, one wired doing DHCP, one wireless in ad-hoc mode12:32
KrakensDenthe only other thing of note on the wireless network is a printer12:32
KrakensDenI can ping it if I specify the network interface12:32
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johnhow do I get permission to systemfiles?12:32
KrakensDenotherwise I cannot12:32
johneg - editing valuesfor ATI drivers12:33
KrakensDenin fact, nothing can connect to it that doesn't allow you to specify the network interface12:33
KrakensDenlike CUPS12:33
stu_is everyone just going to ignore me and my kernel sources question :S12:33
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Lunar_Lampstu_ i dont understadn the question12:34
stu_atm it says: KERNEL_SOURCE=/lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667/build  - I need to change this to the correct path for ubuntu edgy12:34
shriphanijohn, better use the console for such stufff12:34
Lunar_Lampstu_ where does it say that?12:34
stu_in MakeFile12:34
stu_reading this readme file and its telling me to change the path in the makefile for my kernel source... I have the kernel headers installed but what path do I use?12:34
Lunar_Lampcan't you just edit the makefile then?12:35
stu_yes, but I dunno the path ?12:35
stu_I can edit fine, just dont know what to change that path to so its correct12:35
Lunar_Lampah right, ii'm not sure - have you tried google?12:35
Lunar_Lamp(as that's all i'd do now)12:35
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stu_yeah, to much stuff to go thru12:35
stu_back to goole...12:35
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Focuz_hi alL!12:36
johnI am trying to get drivers for ATI card installed using X1112:36
BlueSkyjohn, what's the problem?12:36
Focuz_BlueSky: hi!12:36
shriphanijohn, better use easyubuntu12:36
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shriphani!easyubuntu > john12:37
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ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.12:37
johndo i type it in console?12:37
shriphanijohn, use that12:37
=== MenZa [i=menza@0x50a11613.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanidownload it12:38
johnI need drivers for ATI card? What to i use?12:38
BlueSkyI have package conflit but don't want to delete the conflicting packages. How do I force apt to accept them?12:38
shriphaniuntar the tarball12:38
shriphanithen point and click12:38
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shriphanijohn, download it from the link the bot gave you12:38
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BlueSkyjohn: read the manual12:38
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Storkmehow can i increase the brightness of ubuntu when my monitor wont go any brighter?12:39
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BlueSkyStorkme, xgamma command12:39
stu_dont suppose anyhere is using a shuttle XPC with ubuntu ?12:40
johngot it12:40
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Vegeta^I want to copy a file from a remote server to my computer, when I use the command "scp username@remote.host:directory/filename filename" where is the file copied to?12:41
lastnodeVegeta^, er directory/filename12:41
lastnodeso for example12:41
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stu_to your pwd12:42
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johnthnaks - alot easier12:43
stu_thats the souce isnt it?12:43
johnHas anyone here set up CS:S using wine?12:43
Vegeta^lastnode: What do you mean? I want to copy the "filename" to my desktop computer, but all that command does is copy the file "filename" but I can't find it anywhere in my computer.12:43
johneasy ubuntu12:43
stu_no, but I did see a howto on ubuntu forums12:43
stu_john:  ^12:43
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BlueSkyHow do I force ubuntu to ignore some bad packages?12:44
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leshaste which application would "viewPS" in kile use to display postscript? I ask as it seems to be broken12:45
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leshasteviewPS shows my postscript file as http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/7259/kileen9.png . I thought it might be kghostview but that shows it fine12:45
davinhow do I kill a stuck window?12:45
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frogzoodavin: xkill12:45
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BlueSkydavin: xkill12:45
spider_sensehello...can anyone help me??i cannot use the synaptic package manager !!!error:E: Type 'http://exodus.xmms.se/debian' is not known on line 29 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list12:46
spider_senseE: Unable to lock the list directory12:46
lastnodeVegeta^, filename is the _remote_ filename you're tyring to copy12:46
stu_why dont I have a sub dir called build in my /lib/modules/2.6.17-7-generic folder?12:46
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frogzoospider_sense: adding bogus debian repos will cause you much misery12:46
spider_sensehow can i remove it??12:47
Vegeta^lastnode: I don't know where it copies the file if I'm connected to the remote server (by ssh). But when I run the command without using ssh, I copies te file to pwd, as stu_ said.12:47
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taylorwhat the link to installing w32codecs?12:47
oferhow it is possible to see mpg4 video files?12:47
frogzoospider_sense: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list   & remove that line12:48
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lastnodeVegeta^, sorry cant really help you then . :(12:48
taylorbaconbacon gave it to me earliar12:48
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madcaphey whats the eft channel again?12:48
taylorhow do i install w32codecs12:48
Vegeta^lastnode: It's ok, I just can't copy while I'm connected, I can live with that :)12:49
wilcoxtaylor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#w32codecs12:49
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stu_lastnode: maybe you know, Im trying to make but getting an error relating to /lib/modules/2.6.17-7-generic/build not existing.... its right, I dont have a subdir called build in there... do you know if Im missing something ?12:49
spider_sensei tried12:50
brghi total noob here, i tryed et install nvidia-glx in synaptic and i get lovely error: nvidia-glx: Depends: xserver-common but it is not going to be installed12:50
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spider_senseanother error12:50
spider_sensein my terminal12:50
spider_senseremove: command not found12:50
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variantspider_sense: what are you triing to do?12:51
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lastnodestu_, what are you trying to build?12:51
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frogzoospider_sense: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:51
spider_sensetrying to remove a bogus debian repository12:51
variantspider_sense: its a text file, you need to remove a line from the end of the file12:52
variantspider_sense: cut the line and save the file12:52
variantspider_sense: thats all you have to do12:52
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stu_lastnode: drivers for PN18 shuttle wireless adapter12:53
spider_sensei have the source list edited now12:53
variantspider_sense: so run apt-get update12:53
spider_sensedo  have to erase something in there?12:53
lastnodestu_, which howto?12:53
variantspider_sense: yeah12:53
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variantthe entry which is incorrect12:53
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variantprav33n: hi12:53
stu_lastnode: its a readme file that came with the driver12:54
lastnodestu_, you have kernel sources?12:54
bewat3rif i install a programm via a installer, is it then listed in the synaptic package manager?12:54
prav33nI have problems with emacs-snapshot-gtk fonts under edgy12:54
prav33nThe monospace fonts are not rendered properly12:54
stu_I have kernel headers12:54
prav33nIs this a known issue?12:54
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spider_sensehow do i run apt-get update???12:56
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stu_lastnode: I have linux-headers and linux-generic and linx-image and linux-image-generic12:56
lastnodestu_, do a uname-r like a good chap12:56
stu_sudo apt-get update12:56
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stu_lastnode: 2.6.17-7-generic12:57
stu_lastnode: in your lib/modules/xxx-generic/ do you have a directory called build ??12:57
lastnodestu_, hmmm12:57
lastnodestu_, edgy?12:58
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variantspider_sense: type it12:58
lastnodeyeah duh12:58
stu_or not...12:58
lastnodestu_, , #ubuntu+112:58
spider_sensei tried12:58
lastnodeim running dapper here12:58
variantspider_sense: as root or with sudo at the start12:58
stu_tried in there, no one is alive12:58
spider_senseasks for password12:58
variantspider_sense: so type: sudo apt-get update12:58
variantspider_sense: and?12:58
spider_senseand i cannot type it12:58
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spider_sense doesn't let me type the password12:59
shriphanispider_sense, you can.... it wont show anything12:59
shriphaninot even stars12:59
shriphanior what are they called12:59
variantspider_sense: you shouldnt be able to see the characters.. not even stars12:59
stu_lastnode: do you have a build directory in your generic kernel folder?12:59
stu_lastnode: cos at the moment Im not sure if its something missing or a mistake in thie MakeFile12:59
variantspider_sense: asterisk12:59
=== IndyBC [n=Indy@athedsl-114702.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
IndyBCWhen Python 2.5 will be put on the official repository?12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beryl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:00
spider_senseanother error01:00
spider_sense Type 'http://exodus.xmms.se/debian' is not known on line 29 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list01:00
whitedeththe bot knows nothing about beryl??01:00
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spider_sensesame in fact01:00
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variantspider_sense: so you didnt fix it01:00
variantspider_sense: remove the line in that file that has that url in it01:00
shriphanispider_sense, delete that line in the sources.list01:00
stu_spider_sense: thats the same error you had01:00
=== stu_ sighs
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stu_spider_sense: is it not obvious to you that you messed up the syntax of that line within the sources.list ?01:00
KDanis there a special way of adding users in ubuntu? or is it just useradd/del?01:00
variantspider_sense: really, make some mental effort here :) we are not here to think for you01:01
variantKDan: just use useradd or there is a graphical program if you prefer01:01
stu_KDan: you could use system - administration - users and groups01:01
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stu_but ja, useradd01:01
shriphanispider_sense, type sudo /etc/apt/sources.list01:01
KDanserver install -- so useradd it is then! thanks guys!01:01
shriphanisudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:01
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spider_sensei deleted from the source list01:02
shriphanispider_sense, you didnt01:02
variantspider_sense: save it and run apt-get update again01:02
stu_think you mean sudo vim01:02
stu_or sudo gedit01:02
shriphanistu_, i wont recommend vim to  spider_sense01:02
variantshriphani: lol true01:02
stu_ja, go with gedit01:02
variantshriphani: but you were going to not have him use any text editor at all ;)01:03
shriphanilol i corrected myself immediately01:03
variant12:58 < shriphani> spider_sense, type sudo /etc/apt/sources.list01:03
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variantdidnt notice01:03
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spider_senseall good now01:04
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shriphanispider_sense, save it01:04
spider_sensethank u all01:04
shriphanithen sudo apt-get update01:04
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spider_sensei did it01:04
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spider_sensestill have a question01:05
stu_can someone please tell me if you have a sub directory called "build" in /lib/modules/2.6.17-7-generic/ ? - or whatever your kernel version is01:05
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spider_sensehow do i instal XMMS.rpm01:05
stu_you dont01:05
shriphanispider_sense, you dont install rpm on ubuntu01:06
shriphaniyou install debs01:06
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stu_spider_sense: system - administration - synaptic package manager01:06
stu_search xmms, install01:06
saquib>> In earlier version of ubuntu and in fedora, I found gaim showed me info wen someone closed my msg window! In dapper drake - i cant find any option or how to switch it on... PLEASE help!!!01:06
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spider_sensei haven't found deb version of XMMS anywhere01:06
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shriphanispider_sense, install it with apt-get01:07
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spider_sensehow do i install it with apt-get?01:07
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stu_spider_sense: you didnt look very hard01:07
shriphanispider_sense, sudo apt-get install xmms01:07
snoopapt-get install package spider_sense01:07
corvusbonjour, puige avoir un lien pour le serveur fr d'ubuntu svp01:07
thirdalbumsaquib: I believe this feature was buggy, and that it was turned off on purpose01:07
thirdalbumsaquib: It constantly gave me false positives01:08
snoopspider_sense: if you cant find it try apt-cache seach xmms01:08
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wilcoxcorvus: #ubuntu-fr01:08
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taylorWhere can I find Live.com search engine for firefox?01:08
saquib>> HELP: In earlier version of ubuntu and in fedora, I found gaim showed me info wen someone closed my msg window! In dapper drake - i cant find any option. How can I switch it on??01:08
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stu_spider_sense: system - administration - software sources - click all the boxes in the first tab/window01:09
stu_spider_sense: then system - administration - synpatic package manager and find it in there01:09
kpgeekhave anyone tried to install ubuntu 6.06 on Q963 Intel original board01:09
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spider_senseanother error:E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)01:09
spider_senseE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:09
gnomefreakspider_sense: do you have synaptic open?01:10
stu_spider_sense: and what do you think that means ?01:10
stu_let him engage brain for once01:10
spider_sensei closed it01:11
kpgeekhave anyone tried to install ubuntu 6.06 on Q963 Intel original board01:11
sexcopter8000many ideas why i can't do apt-get update? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25290/01:11
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whitedethanyone got a download link for beryl?01:12
gnomefreakwhitedeth: join #ubuntu-xgl01:12
whitedethalready there.01:12
whitedethits super dead there tonight.01:12
don_risottoanyone know about sound card type stuff?01:12
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gnomefreakwhitedeth: ask them there is a beryl repo released but i dont have it atm01:12
Justy-whitedeth, Howto for Xgl/AIGLX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager01:13
whitedethahh, cheers.01:13
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whitedethJusty: Im using Beryl on Dapper01:13
whitedethor atleast trying to :\01:13
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variantdon_risotto: just ask01:13
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stu_whitedeth: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26385101:13
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don_risottoI've just installed xubuntu on an Imac G3 600mhz01:13
don_risottoapparently the soubnd card is a screamer01:14
variantsexcopter8000m: you have more than one apt process running (synaptic?)01:14
ghostcan i simply install most 32bit .deb packages manually for amd64 using "dpkg --force-architecture"?01:14
don_risottobut uhh, im having issues with volume01:14
whitedethstu_: I've installed/uninstalled Edgy 4 times now. Always a corrupt install. :(01:14
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variantwhitedeth: edgy is development version, ask in #ubuntu+101:14
thirdalbumdon_risotto: Some iMacs have strange issues with sound. With mine, the PCM channel often mutes itself without reason01:14
don_risottothe only volume control that has any effect is "PC speaker" which controls the master volume  i think01:14
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don_risottoanyway it's ridiculously loud even at lowest volume01:15
whitedethvariant: I know, which is why im not gonna bother with it again yet. It just doesnt like me/my hardware.01:15
whitedethIm following that guide to install Beryl on Dapper instead.01:15
stu_whitedeth: use lupines repo01:15
stu_odd, never had an issue installing01:15
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sexcopter8000mvariant, oh... there does seem to be an instance of apt running in the background thanks to cron.daily, that must be it01:15
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Spitfireleetdo you know any apps that can playback .pls files/streams?01:16
variantsexcopter8000m: any media player01:16
variantSpitfireleet: any media player01:16
wilcoxwhat's that01:16
don_risottois there a way to disable the inbuilt speakers and keep the headphone output?01:16
variantSpitfireleet: xmms/beep whatever01:16
variantSpitfireleet: its a playlist file01:16
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variantwilcox: normally for streaming audio01:16
snoopwhats the latest ubuntu distro?01:17
whitedethstu_: Last time it crashed on Xorg's setup. Wont give me an error either. Just a corrupted screen during the setup.01:17
wilcox= stable01:17
stu_snoop: stable or development ?01:17
Spitfireleetok thanks. its just i want an app that can playback streams from wowradio01:17
variantsnoop: s.06 is stable01:17
variantsnoop: 6.06 i mean01:17
stu_yeh 6.10 is not01:17
wilcoxwell it's stable here01:17
xopher... :P01:18
variantSpitfireleet: yeah, mplayer or whatever.. what media player you use at the momment?01:18
stu_whitedeth: what do you mean by corrupted screen cos ive had some weird stuff happening but after a few ctrl+alt+F1 F2, F7's and stuff it came right01:18
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whitedethstu_: I actually took a picture of it, looking for it now. Just a sec.01:18
saquib>> HELP: In earlier version of ubuntu and in fedora, I found gaim showed me info wen someone closed my msg window! In dapper drake - i cant find any option. How can I switch it on??01:19
stu_did it look like a test screen?01:19
stu_whitedeth: /msg me, going for a smoke01:19
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don_risottoalso there's no PCM volume control in alsamixer01:20
don_risottois that normal01:20
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King_Rabbithi all01:20
don_risottoquestoin mark01:20
fyrestrtrsaquib: enable the buddy state notification plugin01:20
Rejohi there. i have small question regarding the info on http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases: is an lts release the same thing as a enterpise release? or are these different things?01:20
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King_Rabbitcan anyone help me with cedega??01:21
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:21
ghostcan i simply install most 32bit .deb packages manually for amd64 using "dpkg --force-architecture"?01:21
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fyrestrtrRejo: LTS means Long Time Support. Dapper will be supported for longer than other releases.01:21
snoopso the stable version is 6.06 but 6.10 is the latest?01:21
variantKing_Rabbit: no01:21
saquibfyrestrtr> but the buddy state notification isnt listed :S01:21
fyrestrtrsnoop: no, 6.10 is what the next one will be.01:21
variantKing_Rabbit: this is ubuntu support channel01:22
fyrestrtrsaquib: install it then :)01:22
King_Rabbitvariant: why not??01:22
wilcoxsnoop: for download? yes01:22
variantKing_Rabbit: ask on cedega mailing list/forums01:22
ubuntuHi. I want instal a .deb file and he is in /home/ununtu .. how i install it ??01:22
ompaulKing_Rabbit, I suggest you check out their site and if they have any channels, it is not native to Ubuntu01:22
King_Rabbitim using cedega on ubuntu??!!??01:22
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variantKing_Rabbit: do you need help installing it or making a game run?01:22
saquibfyrestrtr> nt in synaptic either... wher to get it from?01:22
ompaulKing_Rabbit, it is not a ubuntu program so lots of people would not be using it01:22
Rejofyrestrtr: i understood that from the release info page on the website, but it also mentions "enterprise releases" - are these different?01:23
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King_Rabbitok i see... installing a game...it crashes out!01:23
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wilcoxKing_Rabbit: vitit #cedega01:23
ubunt_-Hi. I want install a .deb file and he is in /home/ununtu .. how i install it ??01:23
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variantKing_Rabbit: that has nothing to do with ubuntu... ask in #cedega01:23
fyrestrtrRejo: not to my knowledge. Enterprise release just means long time support for enterprises.01:23
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shriphaniubunt_-, dpkg -i filename.deb01:23
King_Rabbitok thanks guys!01:23
ubunt_-shriphani, tks01:24
Spitfireleetvariant: xmms, amarok and rythmbox. when i use firefox, it always sets rythmbox as its default when rythmbox does not play it back :S01:24
Rejofyrestrtr: but how do they fit in the other releases? (the regular releases, the lts releases, etc)01:24
Rejofyrestrtr: which is the current enterprise release?01:24
snoopubunt_- .deb files you can just double click it and it will install01:24
variantSpitfireleet: right click/open with01:24
variantRejo: 6.0601:24
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fyrestrtrRejo: Dapper is the current, stable, recommended release. It is the current Enterprise release.01:24
snoophow about 6.10?01:24
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wilcoxsnoop: what about it?01:25
Rejoand which one was the previous enterprise release?01:25
snoop[fyrestrtr]  Rejo: Dapper is the current, stable, recommended release. It is the current Enterprise release.01:25
wilcoxRejo: 6.06 is the first enterprise version01:25
variantRejo: 5.1001:25
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variantwilcox: yeah thats true01:25
Rejovariant: thank you.01:26
variantRejo: 5.10 was the last stable version01:26
nesusipratimasanybody knows good link howto configure proxy server?01:26
variantRejo: not specificaly enterprise ready (whatever the hell thats supposed to mean)01:26
variantnesusipratimas: google for squid ubuntu howto01:26
saquibfyrestrtr> Buddy State Notification doesnt have Notify option for CLOSING WINDOWs....!01:26
King_Rabbitnoones alive on #cedega01:26
Rejoand one is able to update from a enterprise version to another enterprise version imediatelly (there is no need to update thru each og the intermediate releases?)01:26
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King_Rabbitoh well...01:27
wilcoxKing_Rabbit: have you checked: http://www.transgaming.org ?01:27
wilcoxthus not .com but .org01:27
Rejovariant: " not specificaly enterprise ready", but that is exactly my problem :)01:27
variantRejo: what is your probelm exactly?01:27
Rejovariant: i want to understand the release schedule in all detail :)01:27
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fyrestrtrsaquib: are you using gaim2?01:27
King_Rabbitwilcox....i recognise your name ASL??01:28
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wilcoxrejo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=releases&titlesearch=Titels01:28
wilcoxKing_Rabbit: what about my ASL?01:28
King_Rabbitu from the UK?01:29
saquibfyrestrtr> no, watever comes wid DAPPER DAKE...01:29
fyrestrtrsaquib: stop typing in caps.01:29
King_Rabbitnot who i thaught01:29
whitedethwhat packages do I need for video/audio playback in Dapper?01:29
whitedethwas it gestream or something?01:29
fyrestrtrsaquib: gaim2 is available for drake. I have it running here.01:29
=== wilcox doesn't follow King_Rabbit
fyrestrtr!codecs > whitedeth01:30
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Rejovariant: I understand there is a release every six months, with every now and than a lts release. you can update regular release only by update to the intermediate release as well (so, you cannot skip intermediate release) - but about the "enterprise releases" not much ius said01:30
whitedethcheers fyrestrtr01:30
Rejovariant: i want to know, for a server environment, is it better to stick to the enterprise releases or to the regular ones01:30
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brghi i uninstalled easy ubuntu cause it didnt work but now i dont have that theme eany more some one plz help01:30
Rejos/server environment/server production environment/01:30
saquibfyrestrtr> gaim 2 link????01:31
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.01:31
variantRejo: if you do apt-get update you get updates for the current release. if you do apt-get dist-upgrad eyou get the next major version01:31
brgok thx01:31
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wilcoxrejo: there is a server version for ubuntu01:31
variantRejo: so untill a new stable version is final or untill a new "enterprise ready" version is out just stick to apt-get update01:31
stu_whitedeth: no clue dude, that error is a bit messed up01:31
wilcoxbut it's 5.10 still01:31
whitedethstu_; Exactly. So im back in Dapper after a painful 20 minutes :P01:31
whitedethTook me 7 hours to install + 3 to try and fix up Edgy.01:32
stu_whitedeth: beryl will work on dapper right ?01:32
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whitedethstu_: Yes, there's a guide for it on the ubuntuforums, im following it right now. Just a bit stuck with the repo's part.01:32
stu_whitedeth: what gfx card u got btw?01:32
whitedethnVidia 7900GS :) It's a laptop.01:32
stu_whitedeth: wots wrong with the repo? use lupines one01:32
whitedethdont know it, or how to add repos for that matter.01:33
whitedethfirst venture into the land of linux heh.01:33
stu_u in gnome atm ?01:33
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=== wilcox asumes he is
stu_system - admin - software souces01:34
Rejovariant: "n addition to the regular six-monthly releases, the Ubuntu team may make an Enterprise Release (based on an existing time-based release) that has received additional stabilisation, polish and translation work. These Enterprise Releases will be supported for a longer period than the standard 18 month support of the time based releases. " - how do i recognize if a stable release (those every six months) is a "enterprise release"?01:34
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variantRejo: it would be mentioned01:34
stu_whitedeth: what repo are you tryin to use, cos that post is for edgy01:34
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variantRejo: if it doesnt tell you that on ubuntu.org then its not one01:34
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Rejovariant: but there is not a fixed schedule? like the regular releases are "every six months"?01:35
whitedethstu_: The guide simply asks me to "cd into the beryl directory(where beryl-core etc dirs are)", so I figured I need to download Beryl first. And...then people said I needed to add a repo. :|01:35
variantRejo: no01:35
Rejovariant: thank you01:35
variantRejo: yw01:35
=== MrUbuntu [n=brimble@203-36-90-167.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Rejothan i probably best stick to the regular releases :)01:35
stu_whitedeth: yes, you need a repo for the packages to install them - have you found one for dapper ?01:35
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whitedethstu_: Nope, didnt know I needed one. Infact, the guide doesnt mention anything about em either.01:36
variantRejo: imo you should not do dist-upgrade unless you have a reason01:36
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variantRejo: stick with apt-get upgrade and you will be using updated version of the enterprise ready version01:36
wilcoxvariant: you mean GOOD reason01:36
stu_whitedeth: doesnt sound like a very good guide, try find a better guide for dapper01:36
variantwilcox: either01:36
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whitedethstu_: Bad time, im ONE step away from installing Beryl. Once I acquire it, I have only one step to go.01:37
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Rejovariant: I want to update servers. I now was thinking of update to latest stable after three monthts but before six months after it;s release. In that way I never run more than just a release behind.01:38
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fyrestrtrRejo: they will notate it as so. The current enterprise release is Dapper, afaik.01:38
stu_whitedeth: ok then try find a repo for beryl for dapper01:39
variantRejo: if you run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade you get all the security patches etc01:39
stu_Im not sure what will happen if you add an edgy repo but you could try01:39
lastnodestu_, no, dont advocate that01:39
stu_ok, dont add an edgy repo :)01:39
whitedethyeah, scary if I lose Dapper again.01:39
lastnodeRejo, mixing repos is NOT advisable. you maybreak your system.01:39
variantRejo: once you have a system in place doing its enterprise thing you shouldnt be updating it to the new release all the time.. thats a very unsafe way to work01:39
lastnodesorry was that whitedeth01:39
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stu_hes broken his system like 10 times dont think another will hurt if hes testing :P01:40
wilcoxlastnode: indeed.. chances are it will f*ck up the system01:40
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fyrestrtrnot you *may* break your system, you *will* break your system01:40
Rejovariant: the releases on the bottom page of http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases01:40
whitedethI saw the video of XGL+compiz on YouTube01:40
Rejovariant: those are enterprise release all?01:40
whitedeththey make it look WAY too easy.01:40
lastnodewhitedeth, heh, im running it now ;-) it was a pita01:41
XiXaQhmm. I thought the Opera Browser was added to the repositories?01:41
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lastnodeXiXaQ, multiverse iirc01:41
PunjabiFLOYDIANguys. how can i mount my DVD ROM drive?01:41
fyrestrtrRejo: no, only Dapper is.01:41
stu_lastnode: does your system lockup at all ?01:41
fyrestrtrPunjabiFLOYDIAN: put a dvd in it.01:41
lastnodePunjabiFLOYDIAN, sudo mount /dev/dvd /media/dvd ?01:41
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lastnodeheh fyrestrtr01:41
whitedethlastnode: Im willing to put up withthe pain...if only the damn thing would actually atleast work!01:41
XiXaQlastnode, when I select all repos in Synaptic, isn't multiverse part of that?01:41
lastnodePunjabiFLOYDIAN, what fyrestrtr said01:41
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nuxieni want to connect in root mode on liveCD but i don't know the password01:42
PunjabiFLOYDIANohk lol. and please suggest a nice tool to rip my DVDs. to save them.01:42
lastnodeXiXaQ, no idea, i dont use a gui01:42
Rejofyrestrtr: ok01:42
lastnodestu_, nope. fine01:42
variantRejo: it will tel lyou if its enterprise release01:42
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stu_I dont remember uninstalling beryl lol01:42
stu_was just about to fire it up01:42
variantRejo: are you actualy in a datacenter or is this just somthing you want for home?01:42
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:42
hastesavernuxien, there is no root password; use "sudo ..." to run things as root01:43
Rejovariant: dc (production environment)01:43
variantRejo: cool, me too01:43
whitedethstu_: So Beryl doesnt autostart? Or is that optional?01:43
fyrestrtrRejo: in what capacity will you be using ubuntu?01:43
stu_whitedeth: optional01:43
PunjabiFLOYDIANhey it asks for filesystem. which filesystem does my DVD movie hold?01:43
whitedethnice, I dont see why I'd ever turn it off.01:43
stu_whitedeth: my system locks up after a while01:43
whitedethI'm installing it on my laptop for a reason. My laptop can handle it EAAAASSSY.01:43
nuxienhastesaver, i know sudo but it's to rescue data on ntfs partition and sudo cd /mnt doesn't work01:43
variantPunjabiFLOYDIAN: you dont need to mount a dvd to watch it01:43
fyrestrtrPunjabiFLOYDIAN: who asks?01:44
whitedethstu_: Slow system the cause or buggy software?01:44
hastesavernuxien, use "sudo -i" to start a root shell. After that, all commands are executed as root.01:44
PunjabiFLOYDIANlol. ok guys. do i need to mount to rip it01:44
hastesavernuxien, in other words, use "sudo -i" to login as root :-)01:44
stu_nuxien: sudu gnome-terminal01:44
nuxienoky, thx01:44
variantPunjabiFLOYDIAN: no, use mencoder01:44
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PunjabiFLOYDIANok thanks01:44
stu_whitedeth: presume dodgy software01:44
fyrestrtrPunjabiFLOYDIAN: no. Just stick a DVD in it. It will automount. Then use whatever program you want to rip it.01:44
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stu_whitedeth: beryl is seriously beta01:44
variantPunjabiFLOYDIAN: type man mencoder there are example command at the bottom of the manpage01:44
hastesavervariant, he's gone01:45
variantfyrestrtr: it wont automount01:45
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hastesavervariant, and acidrip is a good gui for mencoder :)01:45
varianthastesaver: i noticed01:45
fyrestrtrvariant: it wont? since when?01:45
whitedethstu_: Isnt Edgy beta? So both Beryl AND Edgy are beta? Nice. I've been running super beta's with other super beta's and then wondering why they wont work.01:45
=== whitedeth is an idiot.
varianthastesaver: ew, its like using k3b instead of cdrecord..01:45
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fyrestrtrwhitedeth: edgy is *alpha*01:45
variantfyrestrtr: since you dont need to mount video dvd's01:45
stu_edgy is beta now01:45
variantfyrestrtr: only data dvd's01:45
Rejofyrestrtr, variant: at my current dayjob I have 6 - 10 servers running Ubuntu in a production environment. They are running our mailplatform mainly, plus one backup server, a second one is coming.01:45
fyrestrtrits edgy .. that's all ya need to know.01:46
mixandgohello, any ideea why my mouse is not working after fresh install + update ?01:46
stu_is it plugged in01:46
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mixandgostu_: :)01:46
stu_try another usb port01:46
fyrestrtrRejo: what do you use for mail?01:46
mixandgoI've tryed them all01:46
Rejofyrestrtr, variant: now i want to complete understand the release schedule for another project, which, again is a official production environment (in which the ubuntu boxes will run mainly apaches)01:46
snoopmaybe xorg is not detecting it?01:46
variantRejo: sounds good, stick with security updates in that case01:46
nickspoonmixandgo: lsusb01:46
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Rejovariant: sure, daily checking script for that01:47
variantRejo: there isint much else to know other than that01:47
stu_might kick it into action01:47
stu_tried other usb devices?01:47
Rejofyrestrtr: postfix, amavis, clamav, spamd, etc01:47
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fyrestrtrRejo: well, the normal release schedule is 6 months. However, the bigger concern is the support time period. Dapper is LTS, which means Canonical will support it for ... I think 5 years.01:47
fyrestrtrRejo: oh, so nothing comprehensive like I do :D01:47
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[BTF] Chm0dmorning guys...01:48
fyrestrtr1448 here01:48
Rejofyrestrtr: well, the shorter support time period wouldn't be a problem as long as we update our servers regularly as well.01:48
[BTF] Chm0dwhat does everyone use to burn .iso in ubuntu01:48
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[BTF] Chm0damost 8am here01:48
Rejofyrestrtr: that s the reason for my inquiry01:48
fyrestrtrRejo: that's the point. Support includes updates.01:48
variant[BTF] Chm0d: type cdrecord -dev=/dev/cdrom filename.ise01:48
nickspoon[BTF] Chm0d: nautilus's cd burner.01:49
variant[BTF] Chm0d: type cdrecord -dev=/dev/cdrom filename.iso01:49
Rejofyrestrtr: i meant, update of distri01:49
fyrestrtrRejo: so, if support runs out, updates also stop.01:49
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[BTF] Chm0dthx01:49
Rejofyrestrtr: not just package updates01:49
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nickspoon[BTF] Chm0d: I just right-click the image and select Burn ISO :)01:49
variantRejo: at which point you then choose whether or not to do dist-upgrade :)01:49
fyrestrtrRejo: well hell, there is no such thing as distro will stop updating. Ubuntu won't just stop completely, they'll stop updating particular releases.01:49
[BTF] Chm0d:O01:49
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variantRejo: but as these are years apart it shouldnt be of much concern01:49
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fyrestrtrRejo: an normally, you don't update production machines that often. If its running, leave it alone.01:50
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hastesavervariant, so you were really serious about not using k3b instead of cdrecord? wow.01:50
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BerylHi guys can anyone help me with installing compiz or beryl01:50
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Berylplease come private01:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about private - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:50
r-o-n-a-l-dSomone HELp! D: My ubuntu system wont boot up it keeps giving me: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off01:50
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:51
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ompaulBeryl, ^^^ read those linnks01:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beryl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:51
fyrestrtrRejo: and if you do want to update them ... say your production envrionment needs to be upgraded to Apache2 + PHP5 or whatever, then you'd be glad to know that Canonical will support all LTS releases for longer than normal, so if you should break something, support is there. Support also includes updates to security and new package releases/versions.01:51
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Beryli tried everything01:51
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.01:51
Rejovariant: the thing is, i want to keep uptodate with the major releases (it's a managed server enviroment, that second project) and i know from experience customers always ask for stuff that is not (yet) included01:51
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variantRejo: you can do that.. but you risk downtime due to unforseen concequenses01:52
pradeepr-o-n-a-l-d, I had the same problem..i reinstalled the kernel to fix that01:52
whitedethwhat do I need to play WMV files? :\01:52
variantwhitedeth: mplayer.01:52
fyrestrtrRejo: for stuff that isn't available, you can always compile it manually in your test environment before migrating your production servers.01:52
nickspoonBeryl: make sure the multiverse repos. is enabled, then sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl compiz compiz-gnome01:52
Rejovariant: sure, that is why i am asking for the details :) i wnat best of both worlds01:52
Berylyou need the restricted formates01:52
variantwhitedeth: the only wmv files that you wont be able to play are those infected with drm01:52
nickspoonwhitedeth: w32codecs.01:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:52
whitedethoh w32codecs01:52
stu_wots the difference between compiz and beryl ?01:53
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fyrestrtrRejo: if you are setting up a test and production environment, don't have testing = edgy and production = dapper. That won't work very well.01:53
Berylnickspoon: I tried that but compiz-plugins is not available01:53
fyrestrtrstu_: one is a technology, other is a nick.01:53
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Rejofyrestrtr: i want to prevent manually compilations to avoid problems with scalibility, security and managebility.01:53
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:53
=== slabby [n=dave@cpc4-basf1-0-0-cust710.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:53
Berylnickspoon: because they are busy with beryl01:53
Wolfpawsmkay.... Looks like the Python package in edgy is currently broken :|01:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist-upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
slabbyhow do I mount a ntfs drive so that i can delete files on it?01:54
nickspoonBeryl: I do know where you can get all the required packages in .deb, would you like a link?01:54
hastesaverearthian, what do you want?01:54
fyrestrtrRejo: if you are worried about security and managability, then you really don't want to do updates ;)01:54
=== earthian wonders what is the keyword for the next upgrade of the ubuntu ditro
Rejofyrestrtr: i was planning to run only the stable releases, so hoary to breezer to dapper to $next-release01:54
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Rejofyrestrtr: as said, i want best of both worlds :)01:54
we2byguys, what tool can I use to remap my keyboard?01:54
Rejofyrestrtr: i want to make right choices by finding out the details01:54
strikedid anyone run debian on intel D101GGC with sata hard disk?01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xmod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
strikeoops.. ubuntu?01:54
fyrestrtrRejo: bottom line is, if you test environment and production environment both run the same release, then updates are not an issue in your production setup. Normally though, you don't upgade distributions just to get newer versions, there is the concept of backports :)01:54
ubotuxmodmap: X input map modification. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.0-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 76 kB01:55
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slabbyhow do I mount a ntfs drive so that i can delete files on it?01:55
hastesaverearthian, did you read that page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:55
fyrestrtr!ntfs > slabby01:55
earthiannope :o01:55
strikeif yes, which version?01:55
Rejofyrestrtr: anwyays, i don't think it is a good idea to keep running dapper for say, the next 2 years and waiting for the next enterprise or lts release01:55
fyrestrtrRejo: why not?01:55
hastesaverearthian, read it; it will tell you to look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades :)01:55
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variantRejo: that seems perfectly good idea to me01:55
variantRejo: with the support and security updates thats not a problem01:56
Rejofyrestrtr: but backports, i have a bad feeling about them as well - maybe seen to many problems on woody and sarge with that01:56
=== earthian slaps ubotu for not knowing the exact answer for 'dist-upgrade' keyword :p
fyrestrtrRejo: why do you think its a bad idea to run dapper for 2 years?01:56
hastesaverRejo, when they mean Dapper will be supported for 5 years, they really mean it. :p01:56
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:56
slabbyis there no way of mounting an NTFS drive so that I can delete files off it?01:58
fyrestrtrslabby: sure there is01:58
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171001:58
variantslabby: you ignore everythin we have told you so far01:59
fyrestrtrslabby: also see !fuse01:59
Rejofyrestrtr:  the reason is that I want to avoid running stuff from backports and / or manually would have to compile and package stuff01:59
slabbyi read that guide posted it says: "At this time, NTFS may only be mounted read-only by the kernel. This means information may be read, but no information may be written"01:59
variantslabby: you obviously didnt read it all01:59
Rejofyrestrtr: so, the idea is (was?) to update to regular releases of ubuntu with a three months backlog and keep up to date that way02:00
fyrestrtrRejo: well the other way is more of a gamble if you ask me. No one upgrades releases just to get updates.02:00
Sktfeelssleepyhow do i unblock my second drive?!?!?! ARG02:00
Rejofyrestrtr: ... and support for new packages02:00
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hastesaverRejo, why not *not* use backports, and not install anything new?02:00
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks02:00
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fyrestrtrRejo: I don't think its a problem to be honest, especially for servers.02:00
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stu_why is there an emerald on the top of the desktop cube with beryl?02:01
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Rejohastesaver: as said, i have seen so many horrible things when people got things from backports (especially on woody and sarge)02:01
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stu_what I guess im asking is why is there a top to the cube02:01
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stu_which u cant use02:01
hastesaverRejo, it is impossible to both have the latest versions of all apps *and* be stable02:01
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:01
variantstu_: annoying isint it :)02:01
Rejohastesaver: at some point it always gets a mess (and / or backports itself is unavailble or poorly maintained02:01
hastesaverRejo, so don't use backports then02:01
fyrestrtrstu_: you can use it.02:01
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:01
Rejohastesaver: exactly my point02:02
stu_fyrestrtr: for what?02:02
fyrestrtrstu_: slap a picture of your dog on there, for example.02:02
stu_I want a desktop up there02:02
fyrestrtrstu_: or hit ctrl+alt+pgdn02:02
fyrestrtrif you don't like the top faces.02:02
stu_oo cool02:02
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[BTF] Chm0dhmm i burned the iso now i dont have the permissions to view contents of it LOL02:02
[BTF] Chm0dwtf02:02
variantstu_: i want a multi faceted helix :)02:02
fyrestrtrstu_: then you put a panoramic background to that :)02:03
variant[BTF] Chm0d: you will have to mount it02:03
stu_I really like the drag mouse to bottom left effect02:03
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[BTF] Chm0dthought it automatically mounts cuz its on my desktop02:03
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snoophow owuld I get into the xprg setup again?02:03
variant[BTF] Chm0d: type mount to see if its mounted02:04
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hastesaverRejo, try it and see. I don't think you'll miss anything much.02:04
snoophow would I get into the xorg setup again?02:04
[BTF] Chm0dyea its mounted but only root has permissions02:04
[BTF] Chm0dis that by default?02:04
stu_fyrestrtr: you mean one wallpaper that spans all the desktops ??02:04
fyrestrtrstu_: no, a fisheye wallpaper that shows up when you hit cltr+alt+pgdn :)02:05
Rejohastesaver: i will definatelly consider keep running dapper for longer. would save us some work as well :)02:05
variantstu_: thats a good idea02:05
variantstu_: /me is going to make a very long image to do just that :)02:05
fyrestrtrthere are already a few floating on the net. Just google for xgl panorama images02:06
variantfyrestrtr: cool02:06
stu_variant: do you know if you can have a single image spanning all desktops?02:06
variantfyrestrtr: might make one of the inside of this datacenter and set it to "inside" mode :)02:06
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fyrestrtrstu_: no, not on gnome.02:06
snoophow would I get into the xorg setup again?02:07
fyrestrtrvariant: you'd need a fisheye lens for that.02:07
snoop!xorg setup02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xorg setup - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
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fyrestrtrsnoop: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:07
variantfyrestrtr: doesnt have to be perfect02:07
fyrestrtrfor me it does :)02:07
variantfyrestrtr: yeah, without a fisheye its not going to be though :)02:07
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variantfyrestrtr: been thinking of getting a digiatal slr maybe i get fish lense too :)02:08
=== jUggERNAUt1980 [n=sean@24-197-232-66.static.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtror do what I did -- have dual screen with xgl :) double the pleasure.02:08
variantfyrestrtr: xinerama?02:08
jUggERNAUt1980good morning all!02:08
jUggERNAUt1980can somebody help me with k3b?  it says my mp3 files are an unsupported format02:09
fyrestrtrvariant: http://www.meidomus.com/images/Screenshot.png :)02:09
hastesaverjUggERNAUt1980, do mp3s play in other apps?02:09
fyrestrtr!mp3 > jUggERNAUt198002:09
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jUggERNAUt1980hastesaver, yes, they do.  they play in xmms02:09
hastesaverjUggERNAUt1980, and are you trying to write an audio CD or just a normal data CD? (Because in the latter case, k3b shouldn't even care)02:10
stu_fyrestrtr: did you google xgl panorama images - cos Im not finding much02:10
variantfyrestrtr: very nice, i would like a setup simmmilar but with very thin border screens02:10
jUggERNAUt1980hastesaver, i'm trying to write an audio cd.02:10
fyrestrtrvariant: yeah, the theme was to annoy vista fanboys :)02:10
variantfyrestrtr: hehe02:10
variantfyrestrtr: how does xgl work on that? does each monitor hav eits own cube or is it one cube streched?02:11
jUggERNAUt1980fyrestrtr, what was to annoy vista farmboys?02:11
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hastesaverJug, try "sudo apt-get install libmad0 libxine-extracodecs" tell me if it works02:11
stu_farmboys lol02:11
hastesaverJug, sorry that was for jUggERNAUt1980 :(02:11
stu_fyrestrtr: what res do you use ?02:12
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fyrestrtrstu_: http://xgl.reggaemanu.info/skydomes/02:12
fyrestrtrstu_: 1280x1024 (x2 for two screens)02:12
stu_looked bigger, what theme is that by the way ?02:13
stu_I like the minimise/maximise buttons02:13
fyrestrtrits a vista theme for compiz02:13
jUggERNAUt1980hastesaver, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed02:13
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stu_fyrestrtr: u using beryl or compiz?02:14
fyrestrtrstu_: 2560x2048 is the real resolution.02:14
jUggERNAUt1980hastesaver, thanks for the assistance bro, but i have to hit the road now.  workin out of state suxx!!  :)02:14
fyrestrtrstu_: don't know what tha heck beryl is -- I use xgl.02:14
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stu_beryl is a fork from compiz02:14
stu_I think02:14
whitedethyes it is02:15
stu_why the fork? is there more stuff in beryl ?02:15
fyrestrtrvariant: its one stretched cube.02:15
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:15
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piratepenguindoes Ubuntu 6.06 use Xorg 6.8 or 7.0 or what?02:15
variantfyrestrtr: must look a bit weird02:16
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variantpiratepenguin: 6.06 uses 7.0 iirc and 6.10 dev version is 7.102:16
fyrestrtrif you flatten the cube it looks great.02:16
variantfyrestrtr: what do you mean?02:16
fyrestrtrrotation? yeah, great to give people headaches.02:16
piratepenguinvariant, k, thanks02:16
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fyrestrtrvariant: ctrl+alt+pgdn = flatten cube02:16
variantfyrestrtr: hmm, what effect does that have? i never tried it02:17
fyrestrtrvariant: try it, but to really go wow -- try it with a skydome image.02:17
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variantfyrestrtr: i will have to reinstall aiglx :)02:17
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variantfyrestrtr: well, reconfigure it i should say02:18
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whitedethso anyone know a repo for Beryl in Dapper?02:19
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variantwhitedeth: /join ubuntu-xgl02:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:19
whitedethgood idea. Im already there but I should probably ask.02:19
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we2bywhat ftp client can I use on ubuntu?02:23
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we2byI only need a simple one02:23
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chemajawe2by, `ftp'?02:25
we2byone with a gui :\02:25
chemajawe2by, gftp?02:25
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ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd02:25
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snoopgot that we2by?02:26
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npsterWill it boot and install if i burn a disc2.iso or only the disc1.iso will work ?02:26
we2bysnoop, yea02:26
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we2byI can connect to my ftp account using gnome02:26
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we2bybut there is a problem/bug02:26
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sofusyo what apt-get can i use to get java and java plugin for firefox?02:26
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fyrestrtr!java > sofus02:27
we2byI can browse etc. but I can rename files like I can on a local filesystem02:27
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:27
sofusthanx :)02:27
snoopsofus: sun-java5-plugin ?02:28
snoopfor i38602:28
jukerHi, while trying to install ubuntu-6.06.1 on my new thinkpad x60s I'm getting in trouble. While running through the installation program the screen suddenly gets dark. And keeps so until a system reset. I've such a system just in front of me, and I have a remote shell to it. The last syslog lines are "in-target: Setting up xserver-xorg (7.0.0-0ubuntu45) ..." and "debconf: Obsolete command TITLE Configuring xserver-xorg called". Does anybody kn02:28
Rejofyrestrtr: but, if running only the enterprise /lts releases, there is little advantage to ubuntu instead of debian?02:28
spider_senseis the movie player able to see movies in .wmv, .mpeg or .mpg format ??? or do i have to encode it in another format type?02:28
jukerThe last ps line is /bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg.postinst conf02:28
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fyrestrtrspider_sense: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:29
snoopu can apt-get install sun-java5-plugin02:29
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hastesaverspider_sense, short answer: it can02:29
jukerWhat is the installation process doing? Is it possible to install ubuntu without X, first?02:29
fyrestrtrjuker: yes, use the alternate install cd.02:30
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david_is it possible to make my home directory not visible to other users?02:31
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tuxmaniacerr.. As in david_ ?02:31
sofushmm damn i get "Couldnt find package" on the java02:31
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cbx33anyone know anything about hte new beta nvidia driver?02:32
cbx33does it boost graphics performance under wine for games for example?02:32
sofusand thing i need to add in the sources.list?02:32
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hastesaverdavid_, yes, use "chmod og-rwx ~"02:32
str4ndHi. How i can downgrade Xorg 7.1 to Xorg 7.0, because fglrx doesn't work on 7.102:32
str4nd(or is this too common question)02:32
fyrestrtrstr4nd: sure it does02:34
snoopsofus: in the sources.list take out the ## next to deb02:34
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str4ndfyrestrtr: oh, can you tell me about it?02:34
snoopsofus: /etc/apt/sources.list02:35
fyrestrtrstr4nd: what would you like to know?02:35
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str4ndfyrestrtr: howto downgrade xorg 7.1 -> 7.002:35
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fyrestrtrno, but I know that fglrx works on 7.102:35
str4ndfyrestrtr: or how i can put to work fglrx on 7.102:35
str4ndfyrestrtr: Not to me..02:36
fyrestrtrstr4nd: are you running edgy?02:36
str4ndfyrestrtr: yes.02:36
fyrestrtrthen ask in #ubuntu+1 :)02:36
fyrestrtryou have to build the driver as you would normally, just make sure you have proper kernel headers, etc. installed. basically, follow the wiki.02:36
snoopfyrestrtr: are you a ubuntu dev?02:37
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str4ndfyrestrtr: did "Using the drivers from ati.com" helps me if i try?02:38
fyrestrtrsnoop: no02:39
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fyrestrtrstr4nd: sure, just follow the wiki instructions.02:39
str4ndfyrestrtr: oh, i just try dapper-howto ;)02:39
str4ndbut.. Thanks very much!02:39
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jukerfyrestrtr: "yes, use the alternate install cd". The laptop has no cdrom drive, I'm installing via PXE netbooting. If I download the alternate install cd, will I find the appropriate netboot files in there?02:44
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spider_sensehow do i create a launcher for my xmms ?02:45
deyanI have a question about apt-get, I want to install a package A, but it depends on another package B. I can not find B, But I know A can works without B.02:45
jukerfyrestrtr: I'm currently PXE installing from "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/"02:45
deyanHow can I tell apt-get to install A even if I do not install B.02:45
lastnodedeyan, try -f ?02:45
variantdeyan: --force i think02:46
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variantdeyan: you are probably just missing a repo02:46
variantanyone know if you can download hte entire google earh database?02:46
deyanlastnode, variant both -f and --force do not work.02:47
deyanvariant, It's not a package which ubuntu even debian support.02:47
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variantdeyan: i see02:48
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AAAleDoes anyone have a postfix mail server on dapper?02:50
Rejoyes, me02:50
AAAlei got a problem02:50
AAAlei'm not able to receive mail from the net02:50
AAAleany suggestions?02:50
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AAAlewant to see main.cf ?02:50
AAAleand / or master.cf ?02:50
AAAlei put aaale:   aaale in /etc/aliases02:51
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:51
AAAlerun newaliases02:51
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Rejo1) that sounds hardly as a ubuntu problem. 2) secondly, you do get mail to that box and it is rejected, or is there not any mail deliery attempts at all?02:51
AAAlei always got that kind of log: lost connection after CONNECT from02:52
AAAlewait i nopaste somthing02:52
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RejoAAAle: what happens if you telnet to that box?02:52
RejoAAAle: port 25 (of course)02:52
AAAleRejo: i try02:53
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AAAleRejo: http://rafb.net/paste/results/o9KWvg91.html02:53
AAAleit seems to work02:53
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RejoAAAle: ok, now go ahead typing a smtp session02:53
AAAlei think that it is a ubuntu problem because same configuration in gentoo works02:53
we2bychmod a+s cpufreq-selector  is this setuid?02:54
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FackamatoI'm having difficulties with Edgy eft here... can't get internet access on it02:54
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admin_I have a problem with my laptops wired ethernet interface, it will show up in config, but when i try to connect it to say a switch or router, the switch or routers lights dont go on, but, dmesg notices it conected: sky2 eth0: Link is up at 10 Mbps, half duplex, flow control none02:55
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FackamatoI've got ADSL (dhcp), and I get the IP adress and such, but I get 'network unreachable' when trying to ping anything02:55
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SophoS any idea when a flash player will be available linux?02:55
FackamatoI successfully get DNS servers and a gateway but it doesn't work, any ideas?02:55
Fackamatoit works fine in windows02:55
t9k280how may I set up grub on the main hard disk in order to load both Windows and Linux(that is on a LACIE USB HD) ? thank you so much in advance :)02:55
variantFackamato: run sudo /etc/init.d/networking start02:55
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Ignite_SophoS, afaik it should be out any minute now, atm we just have flash 7, or you could use gnash.02:56
Fackamatovariant I've commented out eth1 .... to wan0 in /etc/network/interfaces, I've run /etc/init.d/network stop , then started it again, it successfully conncets to the dhcp server and gets the information02:56
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Fackamatobut my internet a ccess still doesn't work after that02:56
Fackamatoit's very strange..02:56
variantSophoS: flash player 9 is due end 2007 iirc02:56
PiedotLinuxAnyone here know how to use SDL?02:56
Fackamatowhat's the output of your 'route' ?02:56
PiedotLinux(Programming wise) :x02:57
Ignite_variant, really that far ahead? O.o02:57
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Fackamatojust so that I can compare the syntax (not the ip addresses ifc)02:57
variantIgnite_: blame macromedia02:57
Ignite_variant, Adobe*02:57
PiedotLinuxAdobe ate Macromedia02:57
variantIgnite_: there is flash 7 which seems to work for any site i have seen02:57
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Ignite_variant, I know.02:57
Ignite_variant, except those very few which like to complain...02:57
variantIgnite_: if you find one that doesnt you can install flash9 in wine02:57
Ignite_variant, I don't care..02:58
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AAAleRejo: http://rafb.net/paste/results/CfqnK556.html <-- with telnet works02:58
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Ignite_variant, sorry, I think you may have confused me with SophoS, I don't need info on flash, I've been a linux god since age 11. :-P02:59
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stu_I have a usb key that when I plug in it tells me it cant mount, windows cant deal with it either, neither system can determine the size of it, what should I do ?02:59
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stu_it was working earlier02:59
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RejoAAAle: i am missing the responses of the server, but i still believe this works. what happens if you telnet from another point?02:59
=== Ignite_ goes back to writing a Free Software alternative to Crossover Office.
RejoAAAle: and, you don't get the same disconnects on the other box ?03:00
RejoAAAle: i believe those are quite normal03:00
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AAAleRejo: have i got to telnet from a machine external to my network?03:00
RejoAAAle: think of callback and sender verification stuff and such03:00
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PiedotLinuxAnyone know how to use the SDL graphics library?03:01
AAAlehow can i configure callback and sender verification ?03:01
PiedotLinuxFor C/++?03:01
semPidwhat should i do when linux crashes?03:01
PiedotLinuxi do03:01
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semPidthat doesnt solve the prob =P03:02
frying_fishsemPid: that would be a lot rarer than when windows crashes, and define what you mean by crash03:02
Ignite_PiedotLinux, maybe this isn't the correct channel to be asking that question. ;-)03:02
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FackamatoCould anyone PM me the outputs of 'route' ?03:02
frying_fishas most things can be resolved by just killing the process and restarting it.03:02
FackamatoI just want to see the syntax.03:02
semPidfrying_fish i was configuring wireless connection03:02
POVaddctFackamato: should look something like this:
no0ticis the upgrade to edgy from dapper a clean process now?03:03
skeffeach time my system boots, it seems like it checks the filesystem, which is quite annoying. I'm not sure if it actually does a check or if there is something else going on, because there is very little info in any of the consoles. I have "0 1" on my dump/pass fields in fstab.. that's right, right?03:03
semPide typed the pw's and stuff, clicked OK and it crashed03:03
frying_fishok, so what the wireless now doesn't work? you can probably just ifdown the device and ifup it, and then use iwconfig and such03:03
FackamatoPOVaddct yeah thanks, it doesn't!03:03
FackamatoI have a * under gateway03:03
frying_fishit "crashed" it stopped working? if so restart network-manager03:03
frying_fishor nm-applet03:03
semPidno no no03:03
Fackamatobut under destination I have an IP from my ISP03:03
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POVaddctFackamato: route -n03:03
Fackamatonot in linux, sorry03:03
semPidthe OS crashed03:03
Fackamatowhat does route -n do?03:03
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frying_fishsemPid: the whole OS I doubt it.03:04
Fackamato(since I don't have net in ubuntu yeT)03:04
semPidi cannot even use the mouse, it stopped03:04
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frying_fishsemPid: ctrl+alt+backspace03:04
frying_fish(restarts X)03:04
POVaddctFackamato: does not resolve hostnames03:04
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POVaddctFackamato: Fackamato but there should be one line with gateway entry different from "*" or ""03:05
Fackamatothere isn't..03:05
semPidfrying_fish dind't work either :s03:05
Fackamatowhen I type 'route' only, I get one line, with the 92.. something IP from my ISP, and under gateway, it's a *03:05
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POVaddctFackamato: then your dhcp server does not give you the default gateway (or the default gw is already set to something else)03:06
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Otacon22hi all03:06
Otacon22i am installing xgl03:06
Otacon22i have done the command03:06
Otacon22gnome-window-decorator --sm-disable03:06
Otacon22it is working on it03:06
POVaddctFackamato: look at the output of "ipconfig" in windows now. what is set as the default gateway?03:07
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Otacon22since 10 minutes03:07
FackamatoPOVaddct I'll see03:07
Fackamatomy gateway is
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jmircon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jmicron - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:07
marcin_anthi guys03:08
marcin_antcould someone tell me what is the status of jmicron issue in dapper?03:08
marcin_antI just realized that I still cannot use my cd/dvd drive on linux03:08
POVaddctFackamato: so save that information to a file and copy it to usb stick. then reboot to linux and try to set the gateway manually: route add default gw
Otacon22hey guys!03:09
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we2byhow do I search in the installed packages?03:09
POVaddctFackamato: and check if name resolving works (check /etc/resolv.conf)03:09
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FackamatoPOVaddct name resolving doesn't work03:10
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FackamatoI get DNS servers (which are to 35), but I can't ping them (network unreachable)03:10
POVaddctFackamato: i mean after you set the gateway correct03:10
Fackamatooh hum.03:10
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POVaddctFackamato: i suspect there is already a default gateway set03:11
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Fackamatoshouldn't it show in 'route' ?03:11
=== Otacon22 reboot!
POVaddctFackamato: yeah03:11
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Parabolaroute add gw default <ip> is the command as i recall03:11
Fackamatoisn't it route add default gw <ip>03:12
Fackamato(not sure)03:12
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POVaddctParabola: route add default gw ...03:12
Parabola:( might be mate03:12
Fackamatook well03:12
=== Parabola kills himself
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=== unfknblvbl loots Parabola's corpse
we2byhow do I search in the installed packages?03:12
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Fackamatoso when I reboot into my ubuntu installation, the network script gets IP and everything from the DHCP server, and I still get destination unreachable when trying to access the net.....03:12
Fackamatowhat's the first thing I do?03:12
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lastnodeFackamato, ping your router03:13
Fackamatoit's a straight PC <> ADSL modem connection i.e. no router03:13
POVaddctFackamato: if pinging to the router works, set the gateway manually, just for testing03:13
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Parabolano looting me03:13
=== thedash [n=dash@67-43-242-103-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
POVaddctFackamato: then your adsl is other than mine. i have to use PPPoE to use adsl.03:14
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FackamatoI don't use pppoe :>03:14
Fackamatoit's PnP'ish03:14
Stopapls some1 help,when i try to copy files it says, that i dont have rights to copy or something like that, i assume that i have to copy them via console with sudo but what is the command for copying?03:14
POVaddctFackamato: adsl providers in germany use PPPoE03:14
FackamatoStopa: cp03:14
FackamatoPOVaddct okay, mine (Telia, Sweden) doesn't03:14
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Fackamatoanywho, should I just type route -n?03:15
Fackamatoor what?03:15
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POVaddctFackamato: you should set the gateway manually to the ip address
FackamatoFliesLikeABrick: route add default gw ?03:16
POVaddctFackamato: route add default gw
Fackamatotried that doens't work (network unreachable)03:16
Fackamatothat's why I'm so confused ;x03:16
Parabolawhats a good lightweight BT client? UI isnt neccessary?03:16
ParabolaI dont want to use azerueus03:16
Fackamatowine +utorrent :>03:16
Parabolayeah i dont want to use wine03:16
Parabolabut yes utorrent is the best :)03:16
ParabolaFackamato,  is it stable?03:16
Parabolai thought about doing it, but didnt wanna break anything03:17
Stopathx Fackamato, it works03:17
FackamatoStopa np03:17
FackamatoParabola no it's edgy eft03:17
POVaddctFackamato: then dhcp gives you a wrong network. the default gw has to be in the same network as your ip address03:17
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FackamatoUbuntu 6.10 Beta03:17
Fackamatothat's weird03:17
Fackamatowell, they are03:17
POVaddctFackamato: and you are sure windows in just using dhcp to get on the net, not some braindead proprietary protocol?03:18
Fackamatohehe no it's just plain dhcp03:18
POVaddctFackamato: then look at the output of ipconfig again.03:18
Fackamatoit has worked wonders before in linux03:18
Fackamatoyeah what about it?03:18
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siouxhey 902 persons are logged on this channel waooo ubuntu comuty is really very very large03:19
Parabolaso what do you guys recommend for BT?03:19
POVaddctFackamato: which ip address is set for your ethernet card?03:19
FackamatoI use wine + utorrent.. works wonders03:19
Parabolayou've never had a problem?03:19
Fackamato90.224.32.220, whilst my GW under windows is my dhcp server is
FackamatoParabola no03:19
Parabolai'm thinking of just using the webUI that is out for utorrent, and put it on my srv03 box03:19
siouxis it true that Bill Clinton too spoke about ubuntu?03:20
=== Otacon22 [n=otacon22@213-140-17-107.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
POVaddctFackamato: so the dhcp server is in a totally different network? strange...03:20
POVaddctFackamato: which netmask is set?03:20
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POVaddctFackamato: hmm03:21
Celesteplease tell me how I can find out the LAST 4 times my system has been booted and been shut down03:21
nickspoonsioux: well yeah, but he meant ubuntu the concept :)03:21
POVaddctreboot to linux and check if the ip adress given is also in the network03:22
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siouxnick but that means also that Bill Clinton knows what's ubuntu is03:22
jtholmesceleste  /var/log/messages may have them all if they were done recently like in a week or so03:23
mhbhello ... I wanted to ask if it's possible to use a swap file for hibernating (not just a swap fs)03:23
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FackamatoPOVaddct yeah I'll check that out03:24
jtholmesCeleste: also  /var/log/messages.0  .1  etc03:24
Fackamatothanks a lot for the help so far!03:24
=== Tristan [n=Tristan@A.Condom.Made.My.Firewall.Pr0tected.us] has joined #ubuntu
Fackamatobrb hopefully03:24
POVaddctFackamato: yw03:24
siouxnick of course it couden't be a spot over ubuntu but means a man like bill interested more to girls knows the ubuntu distribution03:24
Celestejtholmes, what line do I have to search for?03:24
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Parabolak i have a stupid question03:26
S0me1Hi everyone03:26
ParabolaI sent some items to trash, i dont seem to have a trashcan03:26
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Rizzoanybody know anything bout gl03:27
jtholmesCeleste: look for something about  syslog  but also look at the times in the left col03:27
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Rizzomy gl is little jumpy need help03:27
sz90Parabola, are you using GNOME?03:27
Parabolasz90,  yeah i figured it out03:28
Parabolathanks mate03:28
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S0me1i tried config WPA hex on ubuntu 6.06 but dosnt work with me with Speedtouch wifi, by the way with linksys DSL modem it works fine, any adviec03:28
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sz90Can't you just right click on the kde panel, and add a trash can?03:28
S0me1sorry advice03:28
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Parabolaman ubuntu is great03:29
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Rizzono debian is great if you get PCI X cards working with it03:29
hetaumaon a pc with core duo cpu. Do I need to install a x86_64 distro of ubuntu? would I benifit from that? would I have an compatibility issues with various applications?03:29
Parabolaits crazy that it took over, and works so well03:29
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Rizzoi have a ATI radeon x600 but im using the vesa drivers  :/03:30
ParabolaRizzo,  ouch03:30
ParabolaRizzo,  i'm assuming you've tried installing xorg-drivers-ati ?03:30
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strikeI just installed server version of ubuntu, did not give any root password but it is asking me for root password03:30
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strikewhen I do sudo03:30
strikeis there any default password03:30
Parabolastrike type sudo passwd root03:30
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Rizzono[e ive not03:31
Parabolaand set the new password you want03:31
ParabolaRizzo,  give it a shot :)03:31
jtholmesstrike: no default03:31
ParabolaRizzo,  that should be all you need03:31
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POVaddctstrike: sudo does not ask for the root password, it asks for your user password03:31
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Rizzonah its not03:31
Rizzocouldnt fid package :S03:31
Parabolaare you using ubuntu?03:31
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Parabolaoh right my bad03:31
ParabolaRizzo,  its03:31
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Rizzoim using debina btw03:32
Rizzowith KDE03:32
Parabolatheres a repo that has them03:32
dhq i use  Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) i need03:32
Parabolai installed them on debian before03:32
dhqdrivers for it03:32
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Parabolatry kernel-module-fglrx03:33
ParabolaRizzo,  that is03:33
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POVaddctdhq: you dont. Xorg already has the i810 driver, which is sufficient for i855GM03:33
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Rizzoi can put it cmds til im blue in the face and it just buces back "cannot find package"03:33
jtholmesstrike: boot live cd;  edit  /etc/shadow; remove all chars between first two colons; reboot on hard disk; root should now have no pw;  set root pw  using  passwd root03:33
strikeParabola: it worked03:34
POVaddctdhq: just configure your Xorg to use the right driver (i810)03:34
dhqPOVaddct: my grafx dont display properly03:34
Parabolastrike,  yep03:34
strikejtholmes: advice by Parabola worked03:34
dhqPOVaddct: i use the i810 driver only03:34
POVaddctdhq: in which way?03:34
ParabolaRizzo,  you need some real repos :P03:34
strikeParabola: thanks03:34
POVaddctdhq: i810 driver also need AGP support in the kernel at higher resolutions03:34
dhqwell any 3d photo doesnt show well and movies dont play well03:34
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dhqPOVaddct: i am on a laptop03:35
Parabolak i must run, school time03:35
Parabolatake it easy03:35
ParabolaRizzo,  there really is a package for you mate03:35
dhqPOVaddct: so help me out with the commands03:35
Parabolai've used it03:35
ParabolaRizzo,  you just need to find a repository with "fglrx"03:35
mhbhas somebody experience with hibernating to a swap file?03:36
POVaddctdhq: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and search for messages about AGP03:36
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jendaHello, I need help mounting an external WD Combo hard drive. It used to work perfectly, but now it doesn't. "sudo pmount /dev/sda1 /media/WD\ Combo/" gives "Error: '/' must not occur in label name". What's funny is that it does that even when the drive is off.03:36
POVaddctdhq: if AGP is not supported for your board, then you're out of luck03:36
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shriphanithe more i look at the apple website the more addicted i get to osx03:37
dhqPOVaddct: how do i check it03:37
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POVaddctdhq: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and search for messages about AGP03:37
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Rizzoim stuck really i am03:37
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RizzoPCI X with debian and a ATI radeon x600 card wusing vesa  drivers :S03:38
admin_How do i disable eth0 ipv603:38
admin_wel, i mean i want to disble ipv6 on eth003:38
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strikewhere can I set deb file download servers for "ubuntu server version" so apt-get works03:38
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ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:38
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ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile03:39
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.03:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x86_64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:39
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strikecat I use debian servers for apt-get in ubuntu?03:39
buzzyhello i have serious trouble with my ubuntu: when i boot it up it stops when i read "accessing kernel" or a such thing...how can i recover my system?03:39
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dhqPOVaddct:  Initialized kernel agp heap manager, 5531238403:40
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Otacon22hi all03:40
POVaddctdhq: looks like agp is supported03:40
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dhqPOVaddct: so now03:40
Otacon22I need to add more working space in my ubuntu with xgl03:40
Otacon22how can i do it?03:41
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buzzyhello i have serious trouble with my ubuntu: when i boot it up it stops when i read "accessing kernel" or a such thing...how can i recover my system?03:41
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POVaddctdhq: dont know03:43
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dhqPOVaddct: how do i check which driver is in use03:43
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sofusany one know where i can find a mplayer deb?03:44
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variantsofus: apt-get install mplayer03:44
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bkwDoes ubuntu use kudzu to automount usb sticks?03:44
sofusit dosent work any more03:44
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POVaddctdhq: many lines in /var/log/Xorg.0.log beginning with I81003:45
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Rizzoi really need help sorting out gl drivers for the ati radeon x600 for debian 2.403:48
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variantRizzo: wrong channel03:49
variantRizzo: try #debian03:49
Rizzoi have03:49
Rizzoget no replys03:50
variantyou will get less help here03:50
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jendaHello, I need help mounting an external WD Combo hard drive. It used to work perfectly, but now it doesn't. "sudo pmount /dev/sda1 /media/WD\ Combo/" gives "Error: '/' must not occur in label name". What's funny is that it does that even when the drive is off.03:51
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MKRIs that \ after WD intentional?03:51
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froudAnyone see some instructions on how to configure the AMP part of LAMP on an exiting Ubuntu Server?03:53
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Bassettshow can i get my shared fat32 partition to show up in the "Computer" link in the places menu, it is already mounted in /media/sda8?03:54
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variantBassetts: good question03:56
james__i've got a quick question about getting ndiswrapper to work under edgy03:56
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james__where can I get working debs for the 1.8 version?03:56
variantjames__: ubuntu+103:56
Bassetts i know variant =D03:56
variantjames__: #ubuntu+103:56
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Bassettsi need a good answer03:56
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james__the ones on the edgy beta CD are broken03:57
variantjames__: ask in #ubuntu+103:57
james__i see, thatnks03:57
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nethi all04:01
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varianthi net04:02
woekelehiya, my console in Edgy gives me "out of range" on my monitor. X works fine. I tried setting vga= to all supported values (0f00 - 0f07) and it didnt fix it. Im on a LCD monitor which supports 75Hz refresh at max. I guess the refresh of the console is set too high? How to fix?04:02
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variantwoekele: ask in #ubuntu+104:03
neti have teamspeak but i can't unmute speakers and microphone, have you got a solution ?04:03
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variantnet: not in this channel, ask on the teamspeak forums or whatever04:04
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netyes but maybe someone on this channel use TS with ubuntu ?04:05
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netelse i will leave ;-)04:05
woekeleI do, it worked fine :x04:05
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variantnet: maybe they do, but its still not the place to ask04:06
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LjLnet: teamspeak isn't an Ubuntu package, so that's relatively unlikely. but if someone does use it and knows about your problem, i think that's on-topic enough for this channel.04:06
Bassettshi, i have a partition in /media/sda8 that is 133.88GB and it is not mounting properly, how can i get it to mount right on boot?04:08
ataxichow do I reset Monodevlop layout back to original layout just after install, default layout in the Menu bar gives me the layout I modified. Is there some command line command I could do? I dont seem to have a .folder in home04:08
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apokryphosBassetts: 'not mounting properly' is not very descriptive04:08
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variantBassetts: add it to /etc/fstab04:09
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sofusany one what i can use to browse windows computers ?04:09
Viper550Is anyone using Edgy?04:09
variantsofus: samba + nautilus04:09
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.04:09
netso woekele have you got a place to send me in order to resolve my prob ?04:09
Bassettsvariant, it is in there04:09
Bassettsapokryphos, i dont know whats up04:09
variantYch_: nfs doesnt work with windows04:09
sofushmm can i browse in rox too?04:09
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apokryphosBassetts: well tell us what's happening04:09
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variantsofus: if it supports it04:09
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FOADI've got 2 mp3-players, an iRiver H340 and now also a new iPod nano.  Ubuntu understands the iRiver fine and gives me a nice icon on the desktop and all, but the same isn't true for the nano.  It is somewhat recognized (I can find it back in dmesg and mount it by hand) but I'd like to show up on the desktop too.  Can anyone help?04:10
Ych_variant, who says i have windows?04:10
woekelenet, no, I dunno about your prob. As I said: it worked fine for me :)04:10
variantYch_: sorry, i thought you were replying to the question about windows shares04:10
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Ych_variant, nope, im just checking where i add allowed ip addresses04:10
Ych_can never remember that kind of stuff04:10
netso i leave the channel bye04:11
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Spitfireleetwine does not appear on the applications list04:12
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compwizhow do i run my screen at 1280x80004:13
kemikhow to see which users on a system are sudoers ?04:13
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kemikcompwiz: run the x-config or hack xorg.conf file ?04:13
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:13
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woekelevariant, you dont have any idea about my question? Noone is responding in ubuntu + 1. And I dont think its edgy specific :o04:14
compwizit wont let me pick any thing higher then 1024x76804:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:14
variantwoekele: what was it?04:14
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woekelecompwiz, check the link that was provided: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:15
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woekelevariant, it was about the refreshrate of the console04:15
compwizmedia accelerater 90004:15
woekeleits too high for my screen I think :S04:15
variantdont know sorry04:15
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woekelenp :p04:16
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Bassettscan someone help me with fstab please04:16
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Bassettsapokryphos, my 133.88GB partition is showing up as 7GB04:17
wetduckWhat about if I am having my visudo permision ddenied? What I have to do?04:18
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shriphaniwetduck, sudo visudo04:19
shriphanivisudo is just to edit /etc/sudoers so you need to do it as root04:19
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wetduckshriphani, yeah I tryed that but nothing happens.04:20
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we2byhttp://jinxi.cinaq.net/ my first guide about ubuntu.04:21
shriphanitry sudo gedit /etc/sudoers04:21
wetduckshriphani, besides I did sudo -s04:21
H|ppyi have a question if anyone can help me, i was wondering if i can connect to any network in irc on ubuntu04:21
frogzooH|ppy: any you like04:21
shriphanihmm wetduck did you delete by mistake ?04:22
wetduckshriphani, no, nothing again04:22
H|ppyty frog04:22
wetduckshriphani, delete what?04:22
shriphanisudo access for yerself04:22
shriphanithat could be trouble04:22
wetduckshriphani, no consiously because I wouldnt know how.04:23
shriphaniumm do you have sudo access ?04:23
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wetduckshriphani, not really. I cannot even change my clock time :o(04:24
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shriphaniwetduck can you at least cat /etc/sudoers ?04:24
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wetduckshriphani, let me check04:24
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shriphaniit should say things like can be edited by root alone04:25
wetduckshriphani, nope, permission denied.04:25
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shriphanisudo cat /etc/sudoers ?04:25
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scorp007hi, im using dapper at the moment, is it ok if i downgrade my xorg from 7 to 6.8.x?04:25
scorp007it seems my video card drivers dont like 704:25
scorp007(II) fglrx(0): driver needs X.org 6.8.x.y with x.y >= 99.804:25
skarhi all, is easyubuntu ok to install codecs, flash, java, mplayer etc?04:25
scorp007(II) fglrx(0): detected X.org
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skaror manual install the way to go?04:26
wetduckshriphani, with sudo cat /... nothing happens04:26
nickspoonskar: I wouldn't recommend using easyubuntu, but some people swear by it.04:26
shriphaniwetduck, it doesnt ask for password ?04:26
wetduckshriphani, nothing happens when I use sudo, just a new line.04:26
Bassettswhats the best way to repartition, gparted or using acronis?04:26
=== Blinker_ is one such swearer, but only because i don't know any better yet =p
=== knubbe- [n=knubbe@h147n1c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
wetduckshriphani, well I did sudo -su, sudo -s today morning04:26
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nickspoonskar: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper contains everything you'll need to know.04:27
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frogzooBassetts: fdisk of course04:27
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wetduckshriphani, is there a way to unsudo except restarting the comnp?04:27
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PunjabiFLOYDIANguys how can i install dvd::rip04:28
shriphaniunsudo ?04:28
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ubotudvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.52.5-0.0 (dapper), package size 365 kB, installed size 1656 kB04:28
refnumzxwe have an hp ml350 g4 which shows a blank screen after detecting the sata disks, this is using the iso server build04:28
wetduckshriphani, yeah turn sudo off.04:29
refnumzxany idea  how i can get it to move foward with the install?04:29
shriphaniwait turn sudo off ?04:29
shriphaniyou type sudo and you get a new line with a prompt ?04:29
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wetduckshriphani, I think with sudo -s I turned sudo avaiable always, I mean not for a determined period as sudo normaly does. I just to cut off this time and stablish sudo as off.04:30
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wetduckshriphani, yes, I type sudo and all tyhat happebns is a new line with prompt.04:30
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto04:31
shriphaniou type sudo with nothing ?04:31
gilesw_my ipod's broken04:31
wetduckshriphani, yes, just sudo. Nothing04:31
gilesw_last hd based portable device i'm ever buying04:31
shriphaniwetduck, type a command04:31
shriphanilike network-admin04:31
gilesw_8gig nano probably next04:31
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shriphaniwetduck, did anything happen ?04:32
Stevowho knows anything about Trusted Computing?04:32
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npsterHow to burn a .iso in Ubuntu?04:33
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KyralStevo: Its evil incarnate?04:33
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Kyralnpster: Install GnomeBaker or K3b04:33
shriphaninpster, rt. click and Write To Diskk04:33
Kyralor that....04:33
=== jman8888 [n=jman8888@cpe-24-166-105-153.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
npsterIt will write it as an ISO?04:33
shriphaninpster, yes04:33
Stevokyral> lol  i actually have been coming to that conclusion.  i just meant, knowing something a little deeper.04:33
jman8888http://www.zegeniestudios.net/ldc/ <--Did anyone else try it04:33
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jman8888It said i should use fedora :p04:34
shriphanijman8888, yes04:34
GreySimDoes anyone of if libnotify notifications are logged anywhere, or where a better place to ask would be?04:34
GreySim-of +know04:34
wetduckshriphani, it asked for a password and It says the password I gave is uncorrect. Then I retryed and it didnt gave me a new oportunitie, just same message.04:34
jman8888shriphani, It said it would have said ubuntu but my pc is to old.04:34
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mikhail^I encounter a slight weirdness with Ubuntu LTS running on a Transmeta Crusoe T5600 (600Mhz) -- when it starts up, it sets the CPU scaling to the lowest level, and I have to bring it up still using cpufreq-selector04:34
jman8888shriphani, But i use gnome kde and xfce perfectly with ubuntu04:34
npsterWrite to: DVD_RW or File Image ???04:34
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shriphaninpster, ?04:34
FOADThat iPod info doesn't help me at all, it assumes that the 'Pod _does_ show up on the desktop.04:35
shriphanijust right click on the iso04:35
mikhail^which package is responsible for controlling the behavior of cpufreq-selector, and how do I set it to default to the highest setting?04:35
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shriphaniand select Write To Disk04:35
=== schitzo [n=schitzo@81-179-107-66.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanithe device should be known to you04:35
npsterWhat shoud i use my DVD_RW drive or that File Image?04:35
npsteroh, ok04:35
shriphaniDVD_RW of course04:35
=== Blinker_ [n=mobile@adsl-75-46-177-180.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blinker_can you chown a fat partition and still rw under windows?04:36
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shriphaniwetduck, i ran into a problem like that during hoary's time04:36
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shriphani was it warty04:37
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shriphaniwetduck, try rebooting once and then visudo04:37
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wetduckshriphani, did I tell you I installed an oem model at first?04:37
npsterWhat is OEM?04:37
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semPidhow can i install a wireless card ?04:38
Blinker_original equipment manufacturer04:38
wetduckshriphani and I remeber to have received a very strange system comment after trying my fist sudo, something about been reposted to Ubuntu...04:38
refnumzxwe have an hp ml350 g4 which shows a blank screen after detecting the sata disks, this is using the iso server build04:39
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Kyralnpster: if you have ordered something from Newegg.com and its come with JUST the part (as opposed to like the box and instructions) thats an example of OEM04:39
refnumzxthe installer locks up after detecting disk and all other hardware04:39
npsteri saw it04:39
=== mpech [n=mpech@ip.110.219.home.M1.4.lan.mits.lv] has joined #ubuntu
tristanmikeHi, I have a strange issue with Skype I was hoping someone could help me understand and sort out or point me in the right direction.  Basically, on first boot up, my USB mic doesn't work and all sound gets directed though my main speakers even all my settings in Skype say "USB Logitech Headset" for answering and ringing. I have to logout/login then everything works fine. This is annoying as once I start working, then realize it doesn't04:39
tristanmike work, I have to close all aplications and logout/login. any help would be appreciated04:39
shriphaniKyral, does the box give sudo to you upon an oem installation ?04:39
wetducknpster, it's a oem user version where you buy the computer with Ubuntu pre-installed and then when you get home you launch the fist user. Very useful to stores with want to have Ubuntu as a pre-installed system.04:40
Kyralshriphani: oh you meant Ubuntu's OEM thing04:40
=== Kyral thought OEM in terms of hardware :P
mpechthinkpad X22 hangs at
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:40
mpech2.6.15.23 ok04:40
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wetduckKyral, yes in fact there is an issue about hardware as well.04:40
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mpechsometimes it hangs except mouse or keyboard04:41
shriphanilike the expert mode installation wont give you sudo access (the breezy installer)04:41
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wetduckI think Ubuntu miss a #root access besides sudo.04:41
Spitfireleetwhere can i find the executeable files where programs are installed?04:41
stu_ive installed compiz, but how do I get my buttons and windows back to be usable, when I load it I cant do anything, I need a window manager or something04:41
shriphaniSpitfireleet, echo $PATH04:42
refnumzxcan anyone help with this ubuntu server install? locks up after detecting disks and all other hardware04:42
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Kyralstu_: gnome-window-decorator &04:42
wetduckshriphani, thank you very much for your help. I will be trying some more "things" arround here.04:42
leandroalguma brasileira04:42
stu_Kyral: is that in universe?04:43
semPidi've configured wireless connetion through Networking but it's not workin04:43
phanterhi there. I need to remove vmware-player (since it is blocking my dpkg asking for a reinstall that always fails). I tried: sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq vmware-player04:43
Kyralstu_: Hell if I know..I use Arch now (I find it amazing that I am able to help as much as I can here)04:43
phanterthis does not work, what do I do wrong?04:43
semPidshould i install the windowsXP drivers through ndiaswrapper ?04:43
KyralsemPid: It could be the range on the connection04:44
KyralsemPid: You can be connected but if the signal is weak then nothing is gonna happen04:44
semPidKyral the signal is enough i think04:44
KyralsemPid: *Shrug* WLANs are a bitch04:44
semPidhow can i check that in linux ?04:44
stu_iwconfig semPid04:44
stu_I think04:45
semPidi've tested it @ win04:45
CiaussemPid, ifconfig04:45
semPidand it has a median of 60%04:45
KyralsemPid: or sudo iwlist <interface> scanning (this displays a list of all WLANs in range)04:45
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NOOBianhi all04:46
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semPidwell it has a lot of stuff when i type in ifconfig04:46
Spitfireleetshriphani: do i just add in echo $PATH where path is the name of the app?04:46
semPidTX errors: 4004:46
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variantsemPid: iwconfig will list the link strength04:47
KyralThis is why I go with a landline whenever possible04:47
semPidSignal level: -64 dBm04:48
semPidKyral its enough ?04:48
KyralsemPid: Hell if I know04:48
KyralsemPid: I look at QUALITY04:48
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NOOBiancan anybody help me about nfs config files (hosts.deny hosts.allow)04:49
shriphaniSpitfireleet, nope04:49
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tristanmikeHi, I have a strange issue with Skype I was hoping someone could help me understand and sort out or point me in the right direction.  Basically, on first boot up, my USB mic doesn't work and all sound gets directed though my main speakers even all my settings in Skype say "USB Logitech Headset" for answering and ringing. I have to logout/login then everything works fine. This is annoying as once I start working, then realize it doesn't04:49
tristanmike work, I have to close all aplications and logout/login. any help would be appreciated04:49
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siouxwhat's berly04:49
semPidQuality 71/7004:49
skarnickspoon: thanks i'll try the wiki one for now :)04:49
=== jazzrocker [n=jahjah@adsl-75-34-85-73.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniPATH is an environment variable to tell you from which dirs it gets the commands04:50
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shriphaniso just type echo $PATH04:50
shriphaniand search in each dir04:50
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yakumois ther any apt install in GnomeBoyAdvance04:51
GaiaX11I have a notebook with a win98 that I'd like to access the net through my ubuntu. So How do I set up the IPs numbers in my ubuntu and in the notebook?04:52
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yakumohow to know which version of gtk im using?04:53
semPidi've configured wireless connection through Networking but it's not workin04:53
semPidit seems to be connected but "transmission errors" are occuring04:54
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AngryElfguys, i put 386 on my amd64 with the intention of upgrading to amd64-k8 after the install -- anyways, now -- apt-get install linux-amd64-k8-smp says it doesn't exist, any ideas?04:55
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NOOBiancan anybody help me about nfs config files (hosts.deny hosts.allow)04:55
Mammuthcan anyone help me by configuring iptables? i have to send out one packet to multiple destination, without broadcast.04:55
refnumzxi am trying to install the server version of ubuntu dapper on an hp ml350 g4 for the instaler locks up after it detects disks and all other hardware, ideas?04:56
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:57
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refnumzxi am trying to install the server version of ubuntu dapper on an hp ml350 g4 for the instaler locks up after it detects disks and all other hardware, ideas?04:59
yakumohow will i know what version of gtk im using04:59
NOOBianbye all04:59
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yakumohow will i know what version of gtk im using?05:03
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LjLSamuel: type "/join #ubuntu-it" if you want to join that channel05:04
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geekdomHey, I am using Xubuntu on a old toshiba 320CDT laptop and it only uses the inner part of the screen and during the install when I get to "select your language", I can not get to the bottom of the page to click "ok'.05:05
LjLyakumo: apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-005:05
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LjLyakumo: note, though, that you might have both gtk2 and gtk1 installed at the same time, since gtk2 is not backwards compatible05:05
semPidi've configured wireless connection through Networking but it's not workin; it seems to be connected but "transmission errors" are occuring05:05
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hkaisanyone here who uses a prism2 card?05:06
Jofi have a problem with open irc links in firefox with xchat05:06
Jofxchat opens, but it does not automatically connect05:07
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josh_question for anyone pretty familiar with security and ssh05:09
josh_is there a way to set the number of tries for ssh before an ip gets timeed out / blocked?05:09
josh_or do i have to script my own?05:09
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POVaddctjosh_: you may take a look at fail2ban05:10
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POVaddctjosh_: apt-cache show fail2ban05:10
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LjLjosh_: they're saying on #kubuntu that you might want to have a look at the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file05:11
josh_if i dont currently use a firewall (iptables but its unconfigured) will it start with a block all setup?05:11
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yakumoanyone know about gnomeboyadvance05:12
ti have an answer05:12
LjLT: state that, i'll see if i can find the right question05:12
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josh_lol LjL05:13
thas ubuntu a 'standard'  root psw?05:13
POVaddctjosh_: if the iptables kernel modules are just loaded, nothing gets blocked05:13
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LjL!tell t about root05:13
akonkwaHi everyone05:13
LjLt: no05:13
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jribt: that was a question, not an answer :)05:13
ti can't login as root05:13
josh_understandable... im curious about the fail2ban.... it says it adds entries to my firewall05:13
crashdis there any problems booting ubuntu off of a sata drive?05:13
crashdim just about to buy one, and wanna make sure ;)05:13
jribt: ubotu sent you some info in a private message, take a look05:13
josh_t... root is disabled by default05:13
akonkwaDoes anyone know how I can get better microphone volume? (I'm using breezy, and I've already tried everything from the volume panel)05:14
Kubuis there any way to update DAPPER to EDGY?05:14
josh_you have to enable it by setting a password05:14
jribKubu: yes05:14
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mineraleHow can I increase the resolution of the frame buffer ?05:14
jribKubu: #ubuntu+1 for edgy support05:14
POVaddctjosh_: it add iptables rules. if there are none before, it should be no problem.05:14
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Jofnobody else who has problems with open irc links in firefox?05:14
josh_Kubu: yeah when they release it you do a dist-upgrade... or download all the packages now and dpkg them05:14
Jofin xchat05:14
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crashdanyone, any problems with sata+ubuntu booting?05:14
POVaddctjosh_: if i understand fail2ban correctly, it inserts blocking rules05:14
LjLt: you can use the command "sudo" to do things that need root. but do read that help page, to understand what it's all about05:15
josh_thats what i was thinking05:15
Jofsata should be no problem05:15
stu_I need to install cgwd, for compwiz - any one know the package is called I cant find anything when I search05:15
semPidi've configured wireless connection through Networking but it's not workin05:15
josh_i was just sure it it would mess with the unblocked stuff...05:15
=== GodFather [n=rcc@c-71-197-28-120.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
POVaddctjosh_: and removes them after a certain time05:15
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josh_because im at work now and i dont want to get kicked and have to wait 9 more hours to get home and fix it05:15
akonkwaDoes anyone know how I can get better microphone volume? (I'm using breezy, and I've already tried everything from the volume panel)05:15
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fl1from cmdline how can y found out my display number?05:16
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POVaddctjosh_: maybe fail2ban has a test mode where the rules are not really inserted05:17
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POVaddctjosh_: i haven't used fail2ban yet, so i can't tell05:17
josh_me either. thanks though05:17
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mikeconceptsTo all, my homepage has helpfull Ubuntu favorites I've gathered over time. Look on the left side for "Ubuntu Links"05:24
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brosnanJof: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Register_protocol05:26
Asymmetryi love being in the military, but you know, sometimes, they say the stupidest crap05:27
hkaisneed help with prism2 and hostap, anyone here who can help?05:27
=== kingace1 [n=adamcoim@c-68-80-169-161.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Asymmetry"we're going to force you to get a flu shot so that you don't get sick"05:27
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Asymmetrywell, every time i get a flu shot, i effin' get sick, so where's the prevention, here?05:27
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deep__How can i check discusage on my discs?05:28
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kingace1Hi, everytime a try to boot from the livecd i get a Failed to start X error... I've tried with Dapper and Edgy and gotten the same problem.. any thoughts?05:28
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Jofthx brosnan05:28
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davinHi, Im on the Live CD but I cant seem to mount my /dev/sda1 (Ubuntu HDD Partition)05:28
Jofbut i did that already05:29
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JofXhcat opens when i click at the link, but it does not connect to the server and chan05:29
deep__davin: sda1, isnt that usb-discs and mp3-players?05:29
Asymmetrydeep__, and SATA drives05:29
davinWhen I try 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1' it gives me 'mount: mount point /media/sda1 does not exist.'05:29
deep__Asymmetry: aaaah. :)05:29
davindeep__: no, sda is scsi disks05:29
Asymmetrydavin, mkdir /media/sda105:29
davinAsymmetry: ah, stupid me05:30
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Asymmetrydavin, i run a machine with 3 sata drives. trust me, sd* is sata, too. :)05:30
variantdeep__: and scsi05:30
Jofand you should: sudo mount -t auto .....05:30
=== |CADE| [n=wfarring@adsl-61-107-174.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantAsymmetry: and scsi05:30
McDopeywhere can i know the software replacement for photoshop and illustrator?05:30
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Asymmetryvariant, thus the usage of the word 'too', thanks for playing05:30
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variantAsymmetry: huh?05:30
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sexcopter8000hi, i'm trying to install maple10 from cd and i get this, any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25308/05:31
davinAsymmetry: yep I know :-)05:31
Asymmetryvariant, i said 'too'. that means i acknowledge that it's scsi, and i was saying sata as well.05:31
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sexcopter8000perhaps i should install libc-dev?05:31
variantMcDopey: i have no idea about illustrator but the closest you get to photoshop is gimp although it is not as powerfull and a lot of people find the interface to unusable05:31
variantAsymmetry: ah, except that you said sata both times i think..05:32
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kingace1also Pixel (just saw it on Digg)05:32
kingace1theres some new beta of it out05:32
LjLvariant, McDopey: the KDE application Krita probably has an interface that feels closer to Photoshop... but it's currently lacking most of Photoshop's *and* the GIMP's features05:32
=== Asymmetry is going to give up, now. Last he checked, saying 'too' means 'what you said, AND this'.
variantMcDopey: whatever that program is its looking for certain libs05:33
burepehow do I add xchat to start up?05:33
kingace1what would cause X to fail to start off the live cd?05:33
sexcopter8000burepe: System -> Prefs -> Sessions05:33
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variantkingace1: many things.. could be a dogey cd05:34
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variantkingace1: but you have tried more than one?05:34
kingace1yes.. about a thousand times05:34
kingace1with dapper and edgy05:34
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variantkingace1: or some weird quirk in your hardware05:34
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kingace1i've heard it doesn't like nforce05:34
variantkingace1: any other distros work?05:34
variantkingace1: ah, yeah nforce motherboards are crap05:35
Asymmetryin other news, what's the package for ndiswrapper?05:35
variantAsymmetry: in other news?05:35
kingace1variant: but does it not work on any of them?05:35
variantkingace1: yeah, there are reverse enginered drivers for nforce..05:35
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burepesexcopter8000, thanks05:35
keescookheh.  Hello Kitty Ubuntu: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40250056/05:35
Asymmetryvariant, uhhh... i run ubuntu/fedora/suse/mandriva/etc just fine off of an nforce mobo05:35
variantkingace1: give one of the other live cd's a shot.. slax.org has a small graphical and modern live cd05:36
variantAsymmetry: congrats, they still suck05:36
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Asymmetryvariant, maybe for those who dont know what theyre doing05:36
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kingace1actually i just ran across something that suggesting switching to the vesa driver.. could someone give me the steps to do that from the command line?05:36
kingace1or a link05:36
Asymmetryive had nothing but awesomeness with them - hence my using them05:36
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variantAsymmetry: like kingace1 ?05:36
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Asymmetryvariant, perhaps05:36
naknomikIs there a pseudo package I can install so I get all packages pulled in for compiling kernel modules?05:36
Asymmetryvariant, doesnt mean they suck, though05:36
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variantkingace1: does it leave you with a command prompt?05:37
kingace1yeah I can get back to it05:37
dave-5Bhey does anyone know how to run a program in a specific workspace from the command line?05:37
kingace1but remember im still on the livecd05:37
Asymmetryif a piece of hardware doesnt work in a certain situation, the goal is to figure out why, not spaz out and go omfg this sux!!1!05:37
naknomikWhat packages do I need to install to be able to compile kernel modules?05:37
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naknomikHas anybody tried installing Ubuntu under Microsoft Virtual Server?05:38
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sureshotok i need to ask if you can run beryl with out xgl on an ati x600 se card05:38
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variantkingace1: cool, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and chang ethe driver line to vesa (i think thats the right driver name)05:38
nickspoonsureshot: you could use AIGLX...05:38
variantAsymmetry: whats your point?05:38
sureshotok nickspoon never herd of that05:38
sureshotwhat is it05:39
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kingace1ok im sorry, im a linux newbie, whats the command to edit a file?05:39
nickspoonsureshot: it's like XGL, except different.05:39
variantkingace1: nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:39
nickspoonwhy can't you use XGL anyway?05:39
sureshotware can i read about05:39
Asymmetryvariant, that you dont show a whole lot of intelligence when dealing with problems. you prefer to blame the hardware.05:39
kingace1OK ill be back in a sec once ive tried it out05:39
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variantAsymmetry: .. lol ok05:39
sureshoti can but it is slow  i dont underst i have 2gh computer with a gig of mem05:40
kingace1Asymmetry: I've been in this chatroom for like 5 minutes. u've said a whole lot but no contributed anything05:40
kingace1varient at least has contributed05:40
variantthnx :P05:40
Asymmetrykingace1, your five minutes truly is impressive, squire. go back to your issues, now.05:40
nickspoonsureshot: odd. runs perfectly fine here :P05:40
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sureshotit runs ok but it seems to drag it takes time to go from screen to screen05:41
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atoponceis there a project to create a 50MB ubuntu netinst, similar to debian?05:42
nickspoonsureshot: http://gandalfn.wordpress.com/howto-compiz-aiglx-on-dapper/05:42
variantkingace1: the driver is definately vesa, after that run /etc/init.d/gdm start05:43
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gtrplrhello, I was looking for help with apt. I want to remove a package AND all of its dependancies. COuld someone help me with the command ?05:43
sureshotnickspoon you are a gentleman thanks a lot05:43
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LjLgtrplr: can't do that (assuming you mean the *unused* dependencies of it)05:43
LjLgtrplr: "debfoster" or "orphaner" might help you a bit, though05:43
atoponcegtrplr: if you installed the software with apt-get, you'll have to remove them each by hand05:43
atoponcegtrplr: next time, use aptitude05:43
dave-5Bhey, does anyone know hoe to make a program run i a certain workspace from a conslole?05:43
gtrplrlike removing gnome and all of its libs05:43
LjLgtrplr: if you use "aptitude" rather than "apt-get" to install stuff in the future, though, you'll be able to do that automatically05:44
LjLgtrplr: for gnome, i suggest removing libgnome. most of the stuff will go away05:44
atoponceaptitude > apt-get05:44
gtrplrthank you05:44
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atoponceanyone know of on ubuntu 50MB netinst that i can put on a business card cd?05:45
atoponceor how to set one up?05:45
variantgtrplr: you can do it with apt-get remove --auto-remove packagename05:45
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variantgtrplr: I am not sure what hte concequences will be though as i have never tried it. be carefull to read what it says before going ahead05:46
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LjLvariant: only if he's using Edgy, possibly... Dapper's apt-get definitely doesn't have an "--auto-remove" option05:46
variantLjL: it doesnt?05:46
hchow can i change the keyboard-layout in Ubuntu 6.06 Server?05:47
naknomikIs there a pseudo package I can install so I get all packages pulled in for compiling kernel modules?05:47
hkaisneed help with the prism2 and hostap, anyone here?05:47
LjLvariant: well, i don't see it in the man, and never heard about it. i did hear that Edgy is going to have automatic deps  removal, on the other hand05:47
variantLjL: works here (yes i am using edgy)05:47
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LjLvariant: well then i really think it's a new edgy feature (and certainly a useful one)05:47
variantLjL: I just assumed it was in dapper.. I only started using ubuntu a few weeks ago (long term gentoo user)05:47
variantLjL: indeed05:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:48
variantubuntu rocks anyway :)05:48
=== saite_ [n=opera@u2-214.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #ubuntu
LjLvariant: aptitude always had that feature, but it only worked if you used aptitude to install in the first place... so no GUI installers, can't use the built-in automatic updaters, etc... besides that most people just don't know about aptitude, and when we tell them, it's too late ;)05:48
saite_good day05:48
stu_could someone look at this please, trying to instakk kiba-dock: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25309/05:49
variantLjL: cool05:49
hchow can i change the keyboard-layout in Ubuntu 6.06 Server?05:49
varianthc: heard you hte first time :)05:49
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gtrplrthanks also for the help05:50
naknomikWhat packages do I need to install to be able to compile kernel modules?05:51
varianthc: you got a headless machine you want to change the layout on?05:51
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hcvariant: i just want to change the layout :)05:52
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varianthc: in command line or graphical desktop?05:52
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mataharidoes anyone of you have parallels workstation on ubuntu up and running?05:52
hcvariant: command-line. like i said, server install :)05:52
varianthc: thats why i asked if it was headless05:52
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hcwell, i didn't understand the headless-part :p05:53
varianthc: a disturbing number of people here use headless systems and administer them with vnc lol05:53
hcvariant: :p05:53
=== LjL uses ssh...
hcssh <305:53
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Arrickhey jrib you know anything about nxserver?05:54
hcffs, i have to use the cd to install openssh-server05:54
hcstupid shit :)05:54
stu_could someone look at this please, trying to instakk kiba-dock: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25309/05:54
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collinwhen I dual booted my laptop, i lost my instant dvd multimedia start up, can I fix that05:55
lupine_85hc: comment out the cdrom line in sources.list05:55
lupine_85et voila, problem solved05:55
varianthc: I'm just looking to see for you, its easy in gentoo but totaly different in ubuntu !05:55
LjLstu_: i dunno... i suppose you do have the gtk -dev packages installed?05:55
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sureshoti have xgl loaded will that interfear with aiglx05:56
stu_I installed everythin the guide told me to05:56
LjLstu_: can you give me a link to the tarball?05:56
collinI have a phoenix bios on my toshiba laptop, I can't get change the screen brightness, please help05:57
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variantsureshot: it will be a bit of work as they are two seperate X servers so you will have to set them up seperately and configure gdm to know which to launch depending on what you want05:57
variantcollin: so do i, i have researchd this problem for many years! it will require a bit of asl programming to fix it05:57
voLvoLjL, after installing nx on ubuntu, there is no SERVER option for NX, only I can see the client option and session manager option05:58
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LjLvoLvo: never used NX05:59
sureshotvariant thanks i just needed to know if i needed to remove anything05:59
voLvook LjL, anyone using NX here ?05:59
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sureshoti have xgl already configured and working05:59
mataharivoLvo: Freenx, yes05:59
voLvomatahari, cool05:59
burepeI am giving this comp to a friend. How can I change the admin name? I know the location, but when I tried to add a new user as an admin it couldn't access a lot of the settings under system.05:59
variantsureshot: may as well stick with it. .if your card supports it its probably better longrun to go with aiglx06:00
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Super_Cat_Froghi - im having problems with bluetooth - I enter the pin '5555' on my phone, but its saying its wrong. i've registered the pin-helper in hcid.conf as a script that outputs PIN:5555 - any ideas?06:00
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voLvocan you guide me with the basics, like how to access the nxserver option and or configure it ?06:00
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Super_Cat_Frogburepe: you need to set the usernumber of the new user as '0'06:00
variantcollin: what laptop is it exactly?>06:00
voLvomatahari, all i can see is NXCLIENT options06:00
variantcollin: I have a toshiba stellite pro a6006:00
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burepeSuper_Cat_Frog, and that will replace the old admin with the new one?06:01
sureshotvariant thanks for your help sometime i get off topic and thanks again for your latitude but you all are very useful to noobies like me i will go now and try to set up to aiglx06:01
Super_Cat_Frogburepe: no, that will create a user that can do stuff that root can do06:01
burepeok thanks06:01
mataharivoLvo: aren't you able to receive Privmessages?06:01
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collinthe laptop is a satellite a105-400406:02
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SymbolizerCan i install fmod from synaptic06:02
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variantcollin: have you read the info at acpi.sourceforge.net?06:02
collinno i haven't06:03
collini've just used the ubuntu forums and toshiba website06:03
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sureshoti have a satellite m65 s909206:03
variantcollin: basically, your pretty fecked. you will have to get your dsdt, decompile it, compile it to get the errors, fix the errors in the decompiled version and compile the new version, then force the kernel to load it at boot time.06:03
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variantcollin: oh, and it probably wont work still :/06:03
SquigglyI am having trouble installing Ubuntu on a new laptop.  The installer keeps crashing when it tries to setup GRUB.06:04
=== medic30420 [n=medic304@c-68-53-34-49.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
collinhmmm, do you think that toshiba will come out with a fix06:04
variantcollin: see on this website if somone has allready done the hard work for you and uploaded a fixed dsdt: http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/view.php06:04
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burepeSuper_Cat_Frog, I just tried to make one with the "user id" as 0 but it said there was one already. Could you explain how to do it?06:05
shriphaniSquiggly, install lilo then06:05
moparfan90hello. i am trying to install wine 0.9.22 on ubuntu 6.06 64bit06:05
collini'll look06:05
moparfan90can seomeone help me with his?06:05
SquigglyIs that an option from the alternate install disc?06:05
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variantcollin: nope, because tosh laptops with pheonix bioses are not actualy made by toshiba, they are just re branded from some chinese sweatshop manufacturer06:05
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shriphanimoparfan90, add the budgetdedicated repos and use apt-get06:05
variantcollin: there is _no_ chance that toshiba has a fixed version06:05
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collinthanks for your help variant06:06
moparfan90theres no deb for 0.9.22 yet... and there wont be fore 64bit ... i need to do it a different way06:06
collini've got to go06:06
moparfan90any one know how?06:06
moparfan90from source06:06
shriphanimoparfan90, use apt-get06:06
moparfan90theres no .deb06:06
shriphanimoparfan90, there is06:06
shriphanithe repos have it06:07
moparfan90not for the new version of wine06:07
shriphanigo to the ubuntu source-o-matic site06:07
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shriphaniget the wine repos 'not universe' the budggtdedicated06:07
mataharihas anyone of you experience with parallels in ubuntu?06:07
mataharii have strange errors on installation06:07
shriphaniadd them to sources.list06:07
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shriphaniand sudo apt-get update06:07
variantmatahari: what is that?06:07
shriphanisudo apt-get install wine06:08
mataharivariant: like VmWare06:08
moparfan90<shriphani>, there is no .deb for the newest version of wine06:08
variantmatahari: ah, is it free software?06:08
moparfan90i need to install from source code06:08
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shriphanivariant, dont the wine repos have the latest version ?06:08
variantmoparfan90: you can probably find a .deb for it on the net06:09
mataharivariant: no06:09
mataharivariant: 15 days trial06:09
matahariand the licence costs 50$06:09
variantmatahari: ew, does not interest me then :)06:09
matahariand it's worth06:09
shriphaniumm variant i asked ya a q06:09
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variantshriphani: sorry, lots going on rightnow06:09
shriphanilol ok06:10
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naknomikwhat does the /lib/module/<kernel version>/build usually point to?06:10
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variantshriphani: why did you ask me? I have no idea06:10
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variantshriphani: sorry :)06:10
Squigglynaknomik:  The kernel source code06:10
kingace1hi im back06:10
kingace1im actually in the ubuntu livecd now06:10
kingace1thanks alot variant06:10
shriphanivariant, cuz source-o-matic says the budgetdedicated repos have bleeding edge wine06:10
naknomikSquiggly: does that mean /usr/src/linux directory?06:10
=== Parabola` [n=eyeOS@66-162-187-40.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniBleeding edge wine packages06:11
shriphaniThis repository always contains the last version of the popular WINE program which is used to run MS Windows applications on a Linux platform06:11
shriphaniSupported versions:06:11
shriphani    * breezy06:11
shriphani    * dapper06:11
shriphaniSupported architectures:06:11
shriphani    * i38606:11
kingace1i'd like to install ubuntu onto this usb disk, but it's not showing up as an available disk for me to install on06:11
shriphaniuh oh06:11
shriphanisorry folks06:11
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kingace1could someone point me towards a tutorial or something06:11
shriphanireally sorry06:11
naknomikSquiggly: I don't see such a link, I have installed the linux-source.06:11
Squigglynaknomik, I think that's the default location, so probably yes.06:11
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naknomikSquiggly: is that created only if I build a kernel myself?06:12
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shriphanimoparfan90, the big bit of shit i pasted there roves my statement06:12
shriphaniyou can check the link if you want06:12
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moparfan90whats the link/06:13
Squigglynaknomik: I don't know.  I was compiling a driver and had to make the link myself.06:13
whurleyok, dumb question. When you're booted from the installer, what's the key(s) for pulling up a cmd line?06:13
LjLwhurley: try ctrl+alt+f106:13
LjLwhurley: failing that, ctrl+alt+f2 etc06:13
gravesonwhat tool can i use to copy *.mp3 files to my psp in *.m4a format so as to conserve space. a gui tool would be preferable06:13
shriphanimoparfan90, thats the link06:13
whurleyljl: nope didn't work (that's what I thought it was)06:13
plumaApparently Eclipse is currently at version 3.2.1 stable. The package manager only has 3.1.2 as latest, though. Is there a way to update it without having to uninstall the package or manually replace the files?06:14
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naknomikwhere can I find the .config file that was used to build the current kernel I'm using?06:14
shriphanithe repos are down below06:14
LjLwhurley: uhm, perhaps the live CD doesn't come with a console configured at all? (i'd hate that, but...)06:14
SquigglyLjL, the live CD definitely has the normal ttys set up, so ctrl-alt-# should go to a command line.06:14
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LjLwhurley: are you in X (i.e. in the graphical installer) now?06:15
whurleyLjL: I was afraid someone might say that. Basically, I can't get server to install on my box. It gets as far as "io scheduler cfg registered" and dies (which should be right before the ramdisk function). I've tried every bios and boot option imaginable but can't get it to install.06:15
plumaI mean, seriously, Eclipse 3.1.2 is significantly worse than 3.2.x06:16
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whurleyLL: sad thing is, we're evaluating this for our data center, and so far no one is impressed :(06:16
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LjLwhurley: hm, i see, then you're not even reaching the point when terminals get started06:16
=== hondje wouldn't deploy ubuntu in a data center
whurleyLjL: I'm able to boot both the AMD64 version and the Alt Version to the graphical installer, but during install, it just locks hard06:16
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=== shriphani says if its server it'd better be debian
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LjLwhurley: have you run an md5sum on the CDs to check for any defects?06:17
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KDanwhat's wrong with ubuntu as a server?06:17
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frito my Linux box - I seem to have 2 variants of Xchat06:18
shriphaniKDan, dunno havent tried it06:18
hondje'server' is a very vauge thing06:18
whurleyLjL: yeah, the CDs are fine, even burned multiple copies lol06:18
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shriphanifrito, xchat-gnome and xchat-common ?06:18
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Omega69when will be launch ubuntu 6.10?(no beta versions)06:18
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LjLwhurley: tried passing the "acpi=off" option to the kernel at boot? (just the standard suggestion when boot doesn't succeed...)06:18
SquigglyI can't tell if my installation is frozen.  Is the "Configuring APT sources" a particularly long step?06:18
fritoyer - upgrade problem!06:18
shriphaniSquiggly, on mine it us06:19
shriphaniis ^06:19
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shriphanitakes like a good 20 mins06:19
fritobut acpi is the real problem06:19
SquigglyOk, I'll wait06:19
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shriphaniSquiggly, is it like at 84 percent ?06:19
shriphanistill fine06:19
whurleyLjL: yep. pci=noacpi noapXX nolXX all of them. Also tried setting MEM=4000M but that causes a kernel panic06:19
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gravesonwhat tool can i use to copy *.mp3 files to my psp in *.m4a format so as to conserve space. a gui tool would be preferable06:20
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plumaIf a package is seriously outdated and no new version is available via the repos, is there a way to upgrade the package manually or something?06:20
shriphanigraveson, you could make a bash script.......... gui i dunno06:21
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LjLpluma: there's always a way. it might not necessarily be a good idea, though.06:21
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Squigglypluma, I just downloaded it from the Eclipse website and installed it myself.06:21
plumaLjL: In other words, I have to stick to the outdated version until someone bothers to upgrade the package or I have to uninstall the package and keep it up-to-date manually?06:21
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LjLpluma: you can search for an unofficial package, or can find if there is some Debian package for the version you want (but installing packaged intended for Debian can create problems), or find an RPM and install it through alien (even more serious problems), or compile it from source (a relatively safe option, not too easy though)06:22
SquigglyEclipse 3.2 has an automatic updater06:22
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SquigglyIt's in the help menu, I think06:22
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dainanakido you have the backports enabled?06:22
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gravesonshriphani: using which tool06:22
plumaSo does 3.1, but it doesn't allow me to update to 3.2 via that.06:22
variantpluma: contrary to LjL, compiling from source is easy imo06:23
plumaIt simply doesn't show any newer version than 3.1.2 in the auto-update06:23
LjLpluma: guess so. besides, Ubuntu packages never get updated, except for security fixes and serious bug fixes... as dainanaki is saying, the only way you can get an updated package from standard repos is from backports -- not too many packages there06:23
=== MattiaPascal [n=mattia_p@host230-16-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
MattiaPascalhi guys06:23
variantpluma: what package is it?06:23
LjLpluma: you *can* make a request for a package to be backported, though, and if it doesn't conflict with some libraries or whatever, the backport guys will often do it06:23
plumaWait... so what good are the repos if they are always outdated?06:23
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plumaWell, I found this: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/5242606:24
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variantpluma: it is eclipse you want?06:24
LjLpluma: not everybody feels the need to be at the bleeding edge of everything, especially since we have a distribution upgrade every 6 months06:24
plumavariant: couple of packages, I think. Base package seems to be eclipse.06:24
dainanakithere are less chances for conflict if everything is reasonably static06:24
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plumavariant: I need Eclipse 3.2 because most plugins are not backwards compatible.06:24
texxoHey.. how can I download the linux-headers for a friend of mine?06:25
LjLpluma: just install Edgy if you want bleeding edge (and unstable)....06:25
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LjLpluma: (and whatever becomes the experimental version after Edgy is released)06:25
plumaLjL: The funny part is that it's neither bleeding, nor unstable. It's just the latest stable -.-06:25
variantpluma: it's not an ideal situation but you do need to wait for somone to make an updated package and included it in ubuntu, or you can creat your own06:25
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LjLpluma: "beta" conflicts with "stable" in my mind.06:25
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-228-100-99.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
dainanakiit can be a beta distro with stable packages06:26
MattiaPascalI've a problem with my ppp connection06:26
MattiaPascali use an adsl modem06:26
variantMattiaPascal: whats the prob?06:26
MattiaPascaland it works well06:26
plumaLjL: It's not beta according to the version number. Eclipse.org DOES hand me 3.2.1 as latest stable.06:26
MattiaPascalbut when i access websites with ssl06:26
MattiaPascallike yahoo mail etc06:27
LjLpluma: i was talking about the Edgy release of Ubuntu, not about Eclipse06:27
plumaLjL: as in, recommended download.06:27
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MattiaPascalit's very slow06:27
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WolfpawsHi! How can I fix this?06:27
Wolfpawsdpkg: error processing python2.4-dev (--configure):06:27
Wolfpaws dependency problems - leaving unconfigured06:27
variantMattiaPascal: what connection speed is it?06:27
LjL!info eclipse edgy06:27
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB06:27
MattiaPascal2MB adsl06:27
Renan_s2!info firefox edgy06:27
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 1.99+2.0b2+dfsg-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 8936 kB, installed size 28308 kB06:27
LjLpluma: anyway, it appears that not even edgy includes version 3.2.106:27
MattiaPascalwith an adsl usb modem06:27
Renan_s2!info amarok edgy06:27
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.3-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 14336 kB, installed size 31192 kB06:27
eraccUSB for networking is just ... WRONG06:28
MattiaPascali know06:28
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variantMattiaPascal: well, ssl does require more overhead but that shouldnt cause a very noticable slowdown06:28
plumaLjL: Just because it doesn't include it doesn't mean the version is unstable or bleeding edge or anything. 3.2 has been out for quite a while.06:28
variantMattiaPascal: is it _all_ ssl websited?06:28
LjLpluma: ok. and?06:28
Jack_SparrowMattiaPascal: I have noticed that my yahoo mail has been considerably slower than it was a few months ago, I had not tried it from XP to see if there is a difference06:28
variantMattiaPascal: what isp do you have?06:28
plumaLjL: Just saying.06:28
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MattiaPascali'm from italy06:29
MattiaPascaltelecom italia06:29
dantjeSamsung 204B, nv driver, Dapper: NV(0): Mode "1600x1200@60" is larger than BIOS programmed panel size of 1280 x 1024.06:29
variantMattiaPascal: I can probably not help so much then, websites will all be in italian when i look it up06:29
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ChickenTalonsJack_Sparrow, its bad in windows too06:29
plumaAh, so I guess it's the joy of manual installation for me again. Yay.06:29
Jack_SparrowThought so..06:29
ChickenTalonsit just poops out06:29
dantjeAnybody knows whats wrong?06:29
LjLpluma: well, time is limited, people have a limited number of fingers, and all of that... if you're not satisfied with the speed at which new packages are included, you could probably consider helping out. otherwise, i can understand your disappointment, but cannot do much about it06:29
variantpluma: stop whineing06:30
nodeyhey guys ... need some help ...with the sources.list ... i have been facing this prob06:30
ChickenTalonsyou have to hit refresh a few times occasionally06:30
nodeycripperz@cripperz:/etc/apt$ sudo apt-get update06:30
nodeyErr http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security Release.gpg06:30
Jack_SparrowPLus all the other users in my area that jumped on the 12.99 deal are clogging the bangdwidth06:30
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SquigglyStill at 70%...06:30
eraccvariant, you should not need to read Italian to determine a network problem for MattiaPascal. :-)06:30
plumavariant: If you bothered to read what I say, you'd have noticed I'm not merely complaining but asking what I can do about it. Stop insulting.06:30
nodey  Connection failed06:31
nodeyanyone with an updated links of sources.list ?06:31
WolfpawsWhich package contains pycentral script?06:31
MattiaPascalwhat i understand is that is a ppp connection problem06:31
varianteracc: I was going to look up if anyone else had problems with that isp.. general users of italian isp's come from italy and talk italian.. so yeah it helps06:31
=== piratepenguin [n=declan@213-202-145-46.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
MattiaPascalbecause if i surf with a lan connection i haven't any problem06:31
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davin^afkMattiaPascal: so you cant connect with your ppp? does ubuntu recognize it?06:32
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plumaLjL: So how *could* I help out?06:32
MattiaPascali can connect but it is very slow06:32
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MattiaPascalespecially with ssl site06:32
variantMattiaPascal: sounds likly.. do you connect to the modem via a router or directly with usb or somthing?06:32
MattiaPascalwith usb06:32
eraccMattiaPascal, I figure the problem is related to the SSL overhead <> USB connection. Probably not solvable, at least not easily.06:32
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davin^afkMattiaPascal: okay, did you try to see what happens if you try it with Windows?06:32
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dhqhey all06:32
variantMattiaPascal: how is it in *other* operating systems06:33
easytigerhow do i configure samba to not require a password?06:33
=== insub [i=dtox@bas7-montrealak-1177636480.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
MattiaPascalwith windows i0ve not problems06:33
dhqi have problem when i run glx gears i get this msg06:33
davin^afkMattiaPascal: what type of usb card for your ppp are you using?06:33
dhqXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual06:33
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MattiaPascalis a ST chipset06:33
variantMattiaPascal: probably just the driver for your modem then, is it an alcatel speedtouch or somthing?06:33
MattiaPascalbewan adsl modem06:33
erUSULeasytiger: instead of security=user use security=shared iirc06:33
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MattiaPascalyes similar to the speedtouch06:34
variantMattiaPascal: can you connect to it via ethernet or via a router?06:34
easytigererUSUL: i'll try it.. i had the former06:34
Jack_Sparrowdhq: How did you install your video drivers and where did you get them?06:34
variantMattiaPascal: the usb driver is probably to blame... try upgrading the drivers for it06:34
MattiaPascalI can connect via my desktop pc06:34
variantMattiaPascal: whats the modem please?06:34
dhqJack_Sparrow: well i its i810 drivers06:34
davin^afkMattiaPascal: what kernel are you using?06:34
MattiaPascalbewan adsl atm usb modem06:34
eraccvariant, <MattiaPascal> bewan adsl modem06:34
varianteracc: thank you06:35
dantjedhq: Did you enter the glx entry to xorg.conf?06:35
dhqdantje: yes i guess06:35
MattiaPascalI installed the latest version of the drivers06:35
davin^afkMattiaPascal: type 'uname -r' in shell06:35
easytiger<erUSUL>: it still prompts for a password06:35
davin^afkMattiaPascal: what number does it give?06:35
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variantMattiaPascal: lol, i was about to sugest updating06:36
LjLpluma: depends on your abilities i suppose. you could create packages yourself, after a good read of the Debian packaging manual... not that i would say that's terribly easy. or you could patch bugs that you find. or you could simply report the bugs that you find. or you could help writing or proofreading documentation. or or or... not that any of this is directly related with making the latest Eclipse work, but it all helps. one more person help06:36
LjLopers, who can then make things go a bit faster...06:36
davin^afkMattiaPascal: 15-23?06:36
erUSULeasytiger: i do not use samba myself so i can not help you further... sorry :(06:36
davin^afkMattiaPascal: well I think its the usb drivers that dont work very well, you could try updating to 15-27 if you're feeling bold though06:36
eraccvariant, looks like MattiaPascal's "modem" only has USB and RJ11 connectors. Yikes.06:36
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dantjeups, I'll now try the nvidia driver...06:37
MattiaPascalI'll try06:37
varianteracc: yep, crappy hardware06:37
eraccvariant, yeah. I feel his pain. ;-)06:37
MattiaPascalwhat i don't aunderstand is why i have these problems only with ssl sites06:37
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=== eracc hugs his ethernet over fibre ISP :-D
SquigglyHow long should I wait for this "Configuring APT sources" step?  It hasn't moved from 70% since it started about 15 minutes ago.06:38
MattiaPascalit's not ssl managed by the kernel?06:38
davin^afkMattiaPascal: It's the USB drivers that cause the slowdown06:38
plumaWell, as there's a build for my architecture out, I'll just go and download that now. Probably not as clean as building from source, but I don't want to go through that mess right now.06:38
varianteracc: /me hugs his 16GB bandwidth :P06:38
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LjLSquiggly: dunno, have spiders started making webs on your body yet? :P06:38
philthShould be an easy question if i installed a package (ircd-hybrid) with dpkg and wish to enable a configure command client ssl with openssl, is there any way to do that without compiling?06:38
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Jas-Nixhello, is there potential problems with using a dapper package on edgy ? I am trying to install freenx and the only repo I've found is for dapper06:38
LjLpluma: if it works out of the box, why not. is it a .deb?06:39
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SlackRatwtf happened with thunderbird on dapper.......again?!06:39
varianteracc: your silence makes me suspect that you don't beleive me :)06:39
eraccvariant, that's gotta be a commercial connection ... or are you in Japan? :-p06:39
easytiger<erUSUL>: you were almost right the first time06:39
varianteracc: I work in a datacenter :)06:39
plumaLjL: Nope. Sadly not. I'm googling to figure out whether anybody bothered to create a deb for it atm.06:40
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varianteracc: and i am at work :)06:40
easytiger   "security = share"06:40
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MattiaPascalanyway thank for suggestions06:40
eraccYup, commercial connection. Not for us mere mortals then, huh variant? :-)06:40
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!06:40
variantMattiaPascal: yeah, try borrowing a router from somone06:40
davin^afkMattiaPascal: you're welcome, bye06:40
dhqglxgears give me 728 frames in 5.9 seconds = 122.698 FPS06:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:40
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-87-157.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
philthShould be an easy question if i installed a package (ircd-hybrid) with dpkg and wish to enable a configure command client ssl with openssl, is there any way to do that without compiling?06:40
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SlackRatanyone else have thunderbird suddenly fall down go boom?06:41
plumaLjL: There seems to be a package for Debian out, but only in testing and unstable.06:41
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naliothDBO: the guy !op'd and ran.06:41
plumaLjL: Unstable and experimental, I mean.06:41
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DBOnalioth, yeah just noticed...06:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:41
ubotuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal.06:42
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LjLpluma: well... it might work. or it might mess up something. can't really give you any advice there :\06:42
plumaLjL: Also apparently the unstable package breaks Eclipse. At least according to a recent bug report. So I'll try to go with the binaries then.06:42
KDanoh b*ll*cks06:42
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SlackRatis it kde thats breaking thunderbird , any clues?06:43
KDansomehow my own box won't let me sudo anymore06:43
ompaulKDan, that is out of order we ask you don't use *06:43
ompaulKDan, did you change the name in /etc/hostname or some such?06:43
varianteracc: I get like 10ms lag on game servers in europe and maybe 50 in the US :P06:43
eraccAh! ubotu is a supybot. Nice choice. :-)06:43
KDannot that i know of06:43
KDansorry about the *06:43
dhqglxgears give me 728 frames in 5.9 seconds = 122.698 FPS06:43
dhqhow do i increse it06:44
ompaulKDan, did you play with /etc/sudoers06:44
KDani was trying to change the primary group of my user06:44
ompaulKDan, in a terminal do id and what does it say?06:44
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eraccvariant, not bad. I gat about 40 - 50 ms with my l'il ole fibre ethernet connection here. :-)06:44
omarHi guys, I gotta a Cellphone Sony ericsson and I would like to mount it in my linux, do you know how to do it??? all the software in Internet is for Windows06:44
ompaulKDan, not a good idea add other groups and move them in /etc/groups06:44
KDandan@bauer:~$ id06:44
KDanuid=1000(dan) gid=1000(dan) groups=100(users),1000(dan)06:44
variantomar: play et?06:44
shriphaniomar, dmesg might help ?06:44
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varianteracc: play et?06:44
eraccvariant, oh yes.06:45
eraccOn Who06:45
compwizi finely got XGL/Beryl working!!!06:45
varianteracc: fancy a game? (i suck though06:45
SlackRatis it because i added the proposed dapper repos?06:45
=== Paco [n=chatzill@56k-205-205-59-152.cooptel.qc.ca] has joined #ubuntu
KDanwould it be the fact that my primary group has changed?06:45
ompaulKDan, reboot the box, choose the recovery option from grub and edit /etc/groups and ehhhh there you go06:45
eracc<- is a Who clan member.06:45
LjLomar: well, "apt-cache search ericsson" does show up a few packages. perhaps some of them might be what you need?06:45
KDanand what do i edit in /etc/groups?06:45
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plumaLjL: Well, I already manually installed Sun's JDK, so I'll probably be able to figure this out as well. ^^06:45
ompaulKDan, the line you edited to change it in the first place06:45
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KDani didn't edit it06:46
KDani just did "usermod -g users dan"06:46
varianteracc: never heard of them06:46
varianteracc: /query06:46
ompaulKDan, would do it06:46
eraccvariant, sure.06:46
shriphanivariant, play aoe ?06:46
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@host217-44-6-189.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
variantshriphani: nope06:46
KDanok, so i do "usermod -g dan dan" to undo it then i guess?06:46
shriphanii tried it under wine and it ran06:47
ompaulKDan, you can - in recovery mode06:47
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LjLomar: also, "apt-cache show gnokii". from the description, i'm not really sure i understand what it is - but it does involve communicating with Symbian phone (your Sony Ericsson has Symbian, doesn't it?)06:47
shriphanii needed a no cd crack06:47
KDanok, thanks ompaul, will try that now06:47
variantshriphani: is that not a ms game?06:47
shriphanivariant, yes06:47
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shriphanibut its good06:47
variantshriphani: and it works on gnu/linux?06:47
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shriphanivariant, i got aoe2 running in wine06:47
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shriphanino sound tho06:48
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variantshriphani: nice, i am impressed. ah, shame about the sound06:48
shriphaniso i got to figure that out06:48
SlackRatrunning TB from cli gets a mess of seg faults06:48
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shriphaniand the panels on the top stay06:48
difetadoes anybody know if mythtv .20 packages exist anywhere yet?06:48
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Seveasdifeta, in edgy 06:48
shriphanithe mouse doesnt work right..... its a nightmare in wine06:48
LjL!info mythtv edgy06:49
ubotumythtv: A personal video recorder application (client and server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.20-0.0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 64 kB06:49
difetaSeveas, when is edgy going to be released?06:49
sureshothow do you add something to your sourcelist06:49
LjLoctober 2606:49
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difetathanks all06:49
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LjLsureshot: it's just a text file, you edit it with a text editor06:50
=== eracc will not buy or play any game that is not NATIVE to Linux or *BSD.
LjLsureshot: you have to have administrator rights to edit it, though -- do you know about sudo?06:50
shriphanieracc, how many are 'native ' to unix ?06:50
sureshoti know sudo what editor06:50
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sureshotand ware is it06:50
tyuioid software does a pretty good job06:50
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eraccshriphani, quite a few have native versions. ET is one of course.06:50
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LjLsureshot: any editor... "nano" for example. "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"06:51
bananddanedit it in i06:51
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sureshotthanks LjL06:51
shriphanicube and prboom ?06:51
bananddanedit it in vi also k06:51
eraccshriphani, by native I mean they release a version that will run on my OS of choice without WINE, etc.06:51
bananddanbut need to under root06:51
shriphanieracc, sof1 was ported to linux i suppose06:51
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eraccshriphani, if it is ported to Linux then there is a native version. :-)06:52
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shriphanisof1 was but maybe closed and not monetarily charitable06:52
eraccI will actually pay for those to support Linux development of games.06:52
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shriphanigoodnight  bedtime here06:53
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sureshotLjL got it thanks man06:54
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eraccHeh, variant, you are not identified to services? I see nothing from you in my /query dialog. :-)06:54
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radar1976still trying to get my pb g4 trackpad to work with synaptic driver06:55
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radar1976anyone able to get it working?06:55
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jwebbLoRez, Hi...can you help me with a problem?06:56
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KDanompaul: done -- fingers crossed it works... rebooting now.06:56
LoRezjwebb: not with #ubuntu06:56
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LoRezer... s/#//06:56
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radar1976jwebb well we might be able to but you need to tell us what is the problem06:56
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jwebbI'm following the instructions on #fedora-join-instructions....and it says to ask a staffer for help.06:57
Rastawich app you guys recommend for the msn network?06:57
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Dr_willisjwebb,  and the problem is?06:57
stu_hey did stargate take a break last night?06:57
stu_the series06:57
LjLRasta: if you're under gnome, i think Gaim is generally good enough. otherwise, perhaps amsn.06:57
Rastai used to use amsn but i see a lot of people using gaim06:58
KDanompaul: hmm, it didn't save the groups... i did "usermod -g dan dan" as root after rescue booted, and then rebooted with "reboot", and now my user has primary group "users" again06:58
jwebbSorry....It won't let me register my nick.06:58
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RastaLjL, ok, ill give  a try to gaim06:58
plumaWhat was the command line tool that manages /etc/alternatives/ called again?06:58
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shriphanii got disconnects06:58
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shriphanibah this keyboard06:58
LjLpluma: update-alternatives i guess06:58
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plumaLjL: Ah, yes. That's the one.06:59
LoRezjwebb: tells you to wait?06:59
ompaulKDan, use nano /etc/group and enjoy user 100006:59
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Ganeshain my printer status i see Ready: /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed.. wht does this mean?06:59
Ganeshaand when i try to print appears job:stopped07:00
KDanompaul: what do you mean??07:00
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KDanwhere do i set the primary group in /etc/group?07:00
KDanoh does /etc/group only store the primary group?07:01
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speedo_i have ubuntu07:01
speedo_now i'm installing kde07:01
ompaulKDan, use nano /etc/group and enjoy you will see it as dan on the left as "kdan:x:1000:"07:02
speedo_could i have any problems?07:02
speedo_in terms of compatibility and stability07:02
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Rastaseems that i have to compile gaim under ubuntu, there are repositories where i can find .deb files compatibles with ubuntu?07:03
tyuioother than a little more memory used no07:03
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Rastastupid me07:03
MaxLhey guys just wondering if there are any programs like fruity loops for ubuntu07:03
Rastagaim comes installed by default on drapper07:03
LjLRasta: yes it does. anyway...07:04
LjL!tell rasta about repos07:04
MaxLRasta: I personally prefer Kopete over GAIM, but GAIM is better since Ubuntu is defaultly gnome.07:04
deep__xlibs, how can i install them? cant find them in repos. :/07:05
deep__Umm, them = it.07:05
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HomerMaxL: yeah there is, I think it's called freeloops07:05
Homernot sure07:05
RastaMaxL, try http://audacity.sourceforge.net/07:05
MaxLI have audacity?07:06
Homeraudacity is more for audio editing then creation07:06
MaxLI already have audacity, I hook my bass up to the pc and record it xD07:06
johny5Hello, I have a drive that I want to make read/writable to all users, how to I change it from root to all?07:06
Rastayeah, my mistake again07:06
deep__MaxL: LMMS :)07:06
MaxLdeep__: LMMS?07:06
Ganeshawhats lmms?07:06
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:07
deep__MaxL: Yep, lssm. :)07:07
deep__lmms* :)07:07
RastaMaxL, this are the ones http://www.all-day-breakfast.com/rosegarden/ , http://ardour.sf.net/07:07
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MaxLdeep__: So where can I get Lssm? Is it in the repositories?07:07
KDandamn... i've recovered my primary group, but my user is *still* unable to sudo07:07
deep__lmms* Yes, its in repos. But that one is kinda old.07:07
MaxLdeep__:  So I should download it from it's site?07:08
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deep__MaxL: If you want, you can get the CVS from the site. :)07:08
gravesoncan someone please help me convert mp3 files to aac or mp4 audio format. i need to deperately decrease the size of my mp3 files without losing quality07:08
deep__MaxL: I've never tried that though.07:08
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tyuiowhy not use ogg07:08
LjLgraveson: you can't convert a lossy compressed format into another lossy format without losing quality07:08
user123456789hello i got a little problem, i am using ubuntu 6.06 and i installed skype via automatix, when i make a call or receive one for some strange reason the microphone volume goes down maybe according to how loud i speak, how can i stop that?07:09
=== pricechild [n=pricechi@host86-144-109-137.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanigraveson, i told ya make a bash script for it07:09
pricechildhi all... can anyone help me with compiling kiba-dock? im' experiencing the same problem as http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1559251&postcount=607:09
gravesonLjL: will the quality loss be noticeable . if so can you suggest an alternative method07:09
shriphaniconvert it to flac and then to m4a07:10
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deep__Can anyone tell me how to install xlibs? Nothing works :/07:10
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variantshriphani: how would that help?07:10
gravesonshriphani: yes but using which tool07:10
LjLgraveson: it generally will. no, i can't think of a method.07:10
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LjLshriphani: uh... but why?07:10
refnumzxi am having problems, the installer locks up after detecting disk and all other hardware on an hp ml350 g4 ideas?07:10
shriphanihmm would there be loss of quality converting from lossy to lossless ?07:10
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variantshriphani: no, but you wont get any quality back07:11
LjLgraveson: of course, if you convert a lossy format into another lossy format *at a high bitrate*, the loss will hardly be noticeable. but that's defeating the purpose i guess07:11
variantshriphani: so its a pointless intermediate step07:11
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MalachiHow can I change the boot splash from kubuntu to the original ubuntu?07:11
shriphanihmm so why does soundkonverter do that ?07:11
variantshriphani: no idea, but i see absolutly no reason for it to do so07:11
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shriphaniconverts mp3 to wav and then convberts it to ogg07:11
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LjLshriphani: what variant said. FLAC, for all intent and purposes, can be considered as "no compression", since it doesn't alter the original bits. so it's just the same as piping the output of an MP3 decoder into the input of an OGG (or whatever) encoder, which *will* lose quality07:12
shriphanii see07:12
Ignite_shriphani, that would be a silly thing to do considering mp3 and ogg are both lossy formats, you would just lose quality.07:12
variantshriphani: maybe the programmer has the same missconception :)07:12
=== RvGaTe [n=rvgate-f@g178204.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKfor some reason the X server on the desktop CD keeps hanging :/ in "safe graphics mode" too07:12
Ganeshain my printer status i see Ready: /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed.. wht does this mean?07:13
Ganeshaand when i try to print appears job:stopped07:13
=== DeeTahPanLtah [n=deathpla@apg60.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
DeeTahPanLtahare there any video processing tools in ubuntu?07:13
=== rene32 [n=rst@pD95588A7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Subhumanshriphani, SK does that because there is no mp3 -> ogg encoder, BUT there is mp3 -> WAV and WAV -> OGG07:13
variantDeeTahPanLtah: yeah quite a few, possibly not up to much though07:13
DeeTahPanLtahlike adobe premiere or at least windows movie maker07:13
Subhumanso its a way of getting around the en/decoders limitations07:13
shriphaniok Subhuman07:13
DeeTahPanLtahnames? are they in repos? ;p07:14
variantDeeTahPanLtah: yeah, they are not as functional depending on what you want but they do exist07:14
rene32Does anyone know an application which can sync a SonyEricsson K700i with a PC over a bluetooth connection? For Windows there is FMA which does exactly that, but for Linux/Ubuntu?07:14
variantDeeTahPanLtah: kino, cinerella.. some others i cant think of07:14
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:14
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DeeTahPanLtahthanks,i'll try 'em out07:14
Ganeshacan any1 help me?07:14
=== Xaero_Vincent [n=Vincent@or-71-48-182-37.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
SlackRatno one else has TB crashing ?07:15
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:15
variantGanesha: what with?07:15
=== deathz0r [n=will@scr-06-431.scr.ras.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu
SlackRatkde on dapper07:15
SlackRatup to date07:15
Ganeshavariant, with printer07:15
DeeTahPanLtahand what about xorg video capture? any good tools you'd recommend?07:15
deathz0rhello, can some one help me connect to a shared printer on a winxp machine using dapper?07:16
Ganeshain status it shows ready but fooxxx failed07:16
variantGanesha: I dont know if i can help you, neither does anyone else cus you havent actualy told us the problem07:16
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository07:16
SlackRatim using opera for mail now, is there another app besides kmail and evolution07:16
SlackRatTB is just toooo buggy of late07:17
Ganeshavariant, and it doesnt print07:17
rene32SlackRat: What is wrong with Opera?07:17
variantGanesha: sorry, i dont konw07:17
crazy_penguinfetchmail and pine or mutt :P07:17
SlackRatnothing its my replacement for Thunderbird atm07:17
erUSULSlackRat: Sylpheed, balsa07:17
Ganeshai just know that error too07:17
LjLSubhuman: that would strick me as strange too, though, because there *are* mp3 decoders that output to stdout, and i guess there are ogg encoders that can take input from stdin... so a pipe would usually suffice07:17
SlackRatwhich has died once from an upgrade , then this morning, again, no reason07:17
Ganesha /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed07:17
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SlackRatfiled a report on launchpad07:17
rene32SlackRat: What is wrong with the Opera email client?07:18
=== jdahm [n=jdahm@adsl-68-251-227-46.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanivariant, is tar -x a wrong command ?07:18
SlackRatthanks erUSUL07:18
jdahmhey, does anyone in here use labplot?07:18
refnumzxi am having problems, the installer locks up after detecting disk and all other hardware on an hp ml350 g4 ideas?07:18
DeeTahPanLtahis there any good tool to xorg video capture you'd recommend?07:18
erUSULLjL: yiu are right i do have a scrip that can convert an entire tree of oggs to mp3 (viceversa will be trivial to do too)07:18
variantshriphani: depends what your doing..07:18
refnumzxthe system appears to have problems detecting the sata disks07:18
variantshriphani: it is a tar switch07:18
MalachiHow can I change the boot splash from kubuntu to the original ubuntu?07:18
=== Neo8750 [n=neo8750@adsl-70-227-180-115.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantshriphani: extracts the file07:18
SlackRatand vice versa on the splash, theres no kubuntu for gdm07:19
variantshriphani: why?07:19
cyberfallhey whats the command to restart inetd07:19
crazy_penguincyberfall: /etc/init.d/inetd restart07:19
brandon101010Can someone help me with the "SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device" message? It appears when trying to make up eth107:19
LjLerUSUL: didn't have any doubts. i cannot really think of a reason why a converter would pass through a WAV or FLAC stage, except very sloppy programming07:19
deathz0rhow can i use a printer shared on a windows pc using my new ubuntu?07:20
tyuiobut why would someone write a converter to convert lossy to lossy07:20
variantLjL: unless it did some sort of processing to try and clean it up.. but i agree07:20
LjLtyuio: well, for example you might have OGG music but only a player capable of handling MP307:20
varianttyuio: because they have a mp3player that doesnt support ogg or somthing07:20
shriphanivariant, i am experimenting wh tarballs07:21
erUSULLjL: in fact the wav exist but only in the 4kb (or so) of unix pipes buffer it never hits the disk plate ;)07:21
deathz0ranyone? :(07:21
=== Guest94822 [i=MadjoOp@ppp-] has joined #ubuntu
speedo_guy is it possible install slackware package on ubuntu?07:21
shriphanibut tar -x does nothing to an archive that is like 10 KB is size07:21
shriphanispeedo_, you mean rpm ?07:22
erUSULdeathz0r: System> Admin>Printer07:22
speedo_i mean .tar for slackware07:22
Dr_willis'use the source luke'07:22
LjLerUSUL: well, if you set the decoder to output WAV, then i guess so (i would set it to some less windows-centric format, but anyway ;)07:22
shriphanislackware doesnt use rpm ?07:22
LjLshriphani: nope07:22
Dr_willisshriphani,  heck no.07:22
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speedo_i don't think so07:22
johny5How do I set read/write permissions for all users on a hdd?07:22
cyberfallinetd isnt there07:22
LjLShish: it's got its own. which is basically supped-up tarballs07:22
speedo_mandrake fedora and suse use rpm07:22
variantanyone know if kino can import normal avi files and such? or is it strictlly only from a digital camer?07:22
Dr_williscyberfall,  install it yet?07:22
=== hilde [n=hilde@d54C28B91.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
LjLshriphani: ^^ (wrong nickname)07:23
shriphaniumm if ita tarballs i think you can install them07:23
Dr_willisvariant,  i cant get it to import anything.07:23
cyberfallisnt that a defualt thing07:23
variantDr_willis: nor i :(07:23
speedo_is there a simply way to install .bin file?07:23
hildeHello, I keep losing my internet connection WIFI on my laptop07:23
LjLshriphani: on Ubuntu you mean?07:23
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shriphaniLjL, yeah07:23
johny5nevermind...stupid question07:23
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Dr_willisvariant,  been wanting to just cut some videos into smaller clips and it cant load none of mine.07:23
cyberfallwell well well07:23
=== Helena is now known as helena
hildeoften it is days ok and then it's gone, I need to cut the power of the wireless modem and then it back ok07:23
cyberfallthx it wasnt installed07:24
cyberfalli guess07:24
variantDr_willis: nor me.. it kinda suck tbh07:24
=== Bazzi [n=Bastian@p50800F3A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
harisundspeedo_: easiest way would be to give it execute permissions and then run it ...(double click on it, type the command name on the command prompt) .. what file is it anyway?07:24
Dr_williscyberfall,  its not installed by default. since no default services use it.07:24
hildeCan somebody help me07:24
LjLshriphani: well, yes, you can try. but for that matter, you can try installing RPMs too (there's a tool for that), and .deb files on their turn are simple AR archives with some standard file structure.  however, it won't necessarily work, since you might have incompatible versions of some libraries on your system, or whatever...07:24
SlackRatjust ask the question hilde07:24
harisundhilde: have you isolated it to a Linux problem only?07:24
variantDr_willis: http://lives.sourceforge.net/07:24
shriphaniLjL, you mean alien ?07:24
LjLshriphani: oh, note that the slackware tarballs are *not* source, but binary (generally)07:24
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variantDr_willis: just found that.. not installed it yet07:24
LjLshriphani: yes i mean alien07:24
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hildeYes... On this computer it dosn't hapen... It is also wireless07:25
variantDr_willis: the screenshots look fairly professional07:25
hildeThe laptop is centrino this is a PC with broadcast07:25
LjLshriphani: (then i suppose slackware would have source-packages, just like debian has... but i don't really know)07:25
Neo8750they're called tarballs =8-)07:25
=== localME [n=local@69-165-183-67.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLNeo8750: well, the binaries are called tarballs too. still they *have* some standardization -- so i guess there could be a similar thing for source07:26
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto07:26
Dr_willisvariant,  downloading it now. :P07:26
variantDr_willis: deb http://people.ubuntubrasil.org/~rclbelem/lives/dapper/   binary/07:26
variantDr_willis: there is a dapper deb07:26
localMEusing Bind9   the forwarders   option sends requests to the forward host to check for a match first... is there anyway to have the my bind9 check and if it fails to find a match then send to hte forward host?07:26
Dr_willisvariant,  even better07:26
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radar1976no ppc for lives?07:28
variantDr_willis: doesnt seem to do anything when run07:28
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shriphanivariant, tar -x does nothing07:28
deathz0rerUSUL: thanks07:28
=== RedRose [n=root@c-67-174-77-132.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantshriphani: yeah, you cant use it on its own. read man tar it explains07:28
Dr_willisvariant,   :)07:28
variantDr_willis: doesnt work here :/07:29
Dr_willislet me try - that deb is a slightly older version07:29
erUSULdeathz0r: no problem ;)07:29
=== alakazamz0r [n=Alakazam@cpe-24-160-122-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanii got that command from the tar manpage07:29
localMEanyway to configure resloveconf to add an extra nameserver entry in resolve.conf?   a hardcoded one of my choice?07:29
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LjLshriphani: you need to use the "-f" option for tar to read stuff from a given file07:29
LjLshriphani: otherwise it'll just read from standard input07:29
shriphaniso its tar -xvvf again07:29
variantDr_willis: nothing happes, i get the copyright warning and hten nothing (when started from terminal07:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:29
LjLshriphani: if you want to extract a file and be verbose, yeah07:29
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erUSULshriphani: 'tar xvf tarball.tar' if it is gz or tgz 'tar xzvf' and if it is bz2 'tar xvjf'07:30
shriphani tar -x python.tar07:30
=== Ganesha [n=unknown@a213-22-29-23.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
RedRosewhich should I chose, apache or apache2?07:30
sureshotwhat is wrong with the syntax of this like could anyond tell me.. deb http://gandalfn.club.fr/ubuntu dapper07:30
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanithat does nothing07:30
erUSULshriphani: tar xvf python.tar07:30
variantshriphani: try piping the file to it07:30
Dr_willistar x f (f is for File)07:30
LjLerUSUL: however i found that my tar usually works with "xf" alone, and guesses whether the archive is plain tar, or tar.gz, or tar.bz207:30
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=== pandamonium bangs head on desk
pandamoniumsamba is annoying me07:31
Dr_willisvariant,  yep.. it seems to hang. from the deb.. time to get out the source07:31
erUSULLjL: i'm just used to use the full 4 letter options ;)07:31
variantDr_willis: same her07:31
radar1976pandamonium whats happening?07:32
Dr_willisvariant,  the web site mentions that issue. and a fix07:32
=== hivemind [n=rwijub@S010600179a9f2971.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanitar -xf works here for tarballs07:32
variantDr_willis: where?07:32
LjLerUSUL: for that matter, i'm used to piping gzip into tar :)07:32
RedRosewhich do you recommend, apache or apache2?07:32
=== wthww [n=wthww@1Cust2880.an3.ind20.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisRight there on the first page of the web site. :P07:32
pandamoniumradar1976, i have 2 dozymachines. one will connect but the laptop won't07:32
Dr_willisIt pays to RTFWebsite :P07:32
variantDr_willis: stfu :P07:32
hivemind Hey. I just got a D-Link wireless router, everything's set up and whatnot but my Laptop's linux (Ubuntu Dapper, 6.06) cannot connect to it. But my WinXPHome install can. I know the wireless card is supported because Ubuntu works fine with my University's wifi network.07:32
erUSULLjL: linux/fre software have been allways about choice XD07:32
radar1976pastebin your config07:33
variantDr_willis: #lives07:33
=== Severian [n=ralph@adsl-69-149-43-199.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pandamoniumradar it keeps coming up as username \hostname\guest which is greyed out07:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:33
piratepenguinis there any way to make a window always be on top? (gnome-terminal)07:33
radar1976what os is the laptop07:33
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pandamoniumXP Pro07:33
Dr_willisvariant,  its working now. :P07:33
=== juan [n=juan@pc-2-2-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyberfallstill no07:33
=== alakazamz0r is now known as Alakazamz0r
Alakazamz0ri am, oh so leet07:34
radar1976pandamonium try this... create a user account with the same user/pass as the samba server on the xp pro box07:34
lillpellepiratepenguin: just right click the window "list" and choose "On Top"07:34
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-193.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
radar1976see what happens...07:34
Rastagaim doesnt seems to good for me, ill keep using amsn+xchat07:34
=== Gothica [n=Gothica@vidnoe.butovo.com] has joined #ubuntu
piratepenguinlillpelle, ahh, I missed that. Thanks :D07:34
pandamoniumradar1976, tried that earlier and it still did the same thing07:34
=== majd_ [n=zeit@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sureshotLjL what is wrong with the syntax of this like could anyond tell me.. deb http://gandalfn.club.fr/ubuntu dapper07:34
Gothicahi pippl07:34
variantDr_willis: does jack need to be running?07:34
radar1976hmm odd07:35
easytigeramsn sucks more than any hooker on earth07:35
=== Otacon22 reboot
=== dzer0 [n=chase@c-24-6-143-210.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisvariant,  i had toinstall the jack pacakges.. is all i did.. and edit that .lives config fule07:35
hivemind Hey. I just got a D-Link wireless router, everything's set up and whatnot but my Laptop's linux (Ubuntu Dapper, 6.06) cannot connect to it. But my WinXPHome install can. I know the wireless card is supported because Ubuntu works fine with my University's wifi network. Any ideas?07:35
easytiger<hivemind>: is it an authentication problem?07:35
pandamoniumpasted conf07:36
=== Griverr [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
dzer0I can't get my printer (HP LaserJet 1020) to work. It found it immediately, and always SAYS it's printing the page and then says it finished, but nothing happens on the printer07:36
hivemindeasytiger: I can't see how. I disabled WEP.07:36
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hivemindeasytiger Also, the WinXP install connects nigh-automagically with it.07:36
easytigerwierd. wireless isnt great on linux. but i use it mroe or less fine07:36
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variantDr_willis: i installed jack and i just get exec of jack server failed07:36
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66425.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
hivemindeasytiger Well the strange thing is, Ubuntu wireless works fine at University...07:37
=== niki_ [n=niki@68-184-133-6.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
eraccvariant, the whosgaming.com main server is running one of their custom maps right now.07:37
=== burepe [n=burepe@ZK192132.ppp.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
KDananyone got experience making a winXP install connect to a nfs share on an ubuntu box? have been struggling with it all afternoon. Could use some advice from someone who knows how to get the username mapping working07:37
=== madness [n=jfranji@83-131-66-17.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
easytiger<hivemind>: have you tried resetting the router and starting frmo scratch?07:37
varianteracc: sorry, i gotta go home now :/07:37
varianteracc: well, a few mins anywya07:37
Dr_willisvariant,   i never had to run jack07:37
eraccvariant, ah, ok. Maybe later then. :-)07:37
variantDr_willis: hmm, wont start here :(07:37
MetaMorfoziSwhat is the name of the linux keyboard handler?07:37
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varianteracc: yep07:37
radar1976pandamonium what version of samba07:38
Ash-FoxKDan, install windows services for unix. Then you should be able to get winxp to browse the NFS shares just fine.07:38
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pandamoniumradar1976, how do i find it please?07:38
svu_tvhow would I use compiz on edgy as window manager (with aiglx)? Do I need some extra repositories?07:38
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kaoltihey i have a problem07:38
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:38
hivemindeasytiger: I'll give that a shot -_-07:38
KDanAsh-Fox: i wish. that's where i was about 4 hours ago07:38
kaoltii have linux installed on my hd07:38
amx109hey. im running 6.10 beta. how do i change the mount point for all my partitions without touching /etc/fstab directly? im sure there was a GUI for this somewhere in dapper?07:39
hivemindThank you.07:39
radar1976apt-cache dump |grep samba07:39
cyberfalldam they named it something alse07:39
kaoltibut i installed windows xp and no w i cant boot ubuntu07:39
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Ash-FoxKDan, well it's working here...07:39
kaoltibecause the mbr got screwed up by xp07:39
kaoltianybody knows how to fix this?07:39
cyberfallinetutils-inetd crazy07:39
KDanAsh-Fox: i'm sure :-) unfortunately it's not working here :-P07:39
kaoltiso i can have a dual boot with xp/ububntu07:39
Ash-Foxkaolti, yes, reinstall grub.07:39
kaoltihow do i do that?07:39
svu_tvAsh-Fox, thanks but I asked about aiglx ;)07:39
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ubotuAIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol.07:40
kaoltiAsh-Fox: how do i that?07:40
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kaoltiAsh-Fox: i am running ubuntu live cd now07:40
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hivemindkaolti: There are so many tutorials for this online it's not funny.07:40
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=== hivemind had the same problem a while back
pandamoniumradar1976, 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.107:40
Ash-Foxkaolti, I believe it's just a matter of chrooting to your root partition on your system, then doing a 'grub-install'07:40
hivemindAsh-Fox Yup!07:41
kaoltiAsh-Fox: ok thanks07:41
omarHi guys I wanna mount my USB cel phone, how to do that07:41
Ash-FoxSo for example, your root filesystem is mounted in /mnt/blah, chroot /mnt/root, then 'grub-install'07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w32codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:42
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kaoltiAsh-Fox: thanks07:42
=== SamJames [n=SamJames@p5489BC43.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
francoAnyone know how to change printing from greyscale to a more "crisp" black for a HP Officejet 4215xi all-in-one printer?07:42
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Ash-FoxKDan, can you browse the NFS share from a *nix system just fine?07:42
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amx109hey. im running 6.10 beta. how do i change the mount point for all my partitions without touching /etc/fstab directly? im sure there was a GUI for this somewhere in dapper?07:42
manmadhahe i want to access my computer through remote access from my friend's computer.......But it is asking for user name & password....I did not have samba user name& password .....When i want to set sambapassword it is displaying error...?07:43
manmadhacan any one help me?07:43
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dzer0hate to repeat myself, but I can't get my printer (HP LaserJet 1020) to work. It found it immediately, and always SAYS it's printing the page and then says it finished, but nothing happens on the printer07:43
Ash-Foxmanmadha, you need to be physically at the computer to set the password.07:43
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variantDr_willis: is it any good?07:44
Dr_willisvariant,  trying to figure out how to use it. :P07:44
Dr_willisvariant,  i got a clip loaded.. and can do things to it. :P07:44
variantDr_willis: could you import some files?07:44
Dr_willisbut not sure how to merge/cut/paste yet07:44
variantDr_willis: sounds good07:44
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manmadhaAsh-Fox, ya ya....i want to create smbpasswd now!07:44
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KDanAsh-Fox: i don't have another linux box on the network... it gives a permission denied when i try to mount it from itself, which probably shouldn't happen, but i'm pretty convinced the problem is on the windows side07:45
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arvind_i need help in setting JAVA_HOME somehow i tired setting it up but it says JAVA_HOME should point to jdk not jre..... how i can resolve this07:45
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KDandoing "sudo mount -t nfs bauer:/usr/shareddir /mnt/test" to mount07:45
Ash-FoxKDan, that really shouldn't happen07:45
Dr_willisto make a samba password ---> sudo smbpasswd -a LINUXUSERNAME07:45
KDanbauer's the name of my machine07:46
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KDan(24 theme...)07:46
dzer0ok and then I opened up hp-toolbox and it says unsupported printer model, even though I picked the driver that was exactly the name of my printer...07:46
manmadhaDr_willis, ohh thank u07:46
Dr_willismanmadha,  :)07:46
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Ash-FoxKDan, could you try with just instead of bauer ?07:46
variantDr_willis: you on dapper?07:46
Dr_willismanmadha,  and by default the homes share is not writeable07:46
Dr_willisvariant,  yes07:46
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variantDr_willis: Im on edgy.. which is probably the problem07:47
KDanpermission denied07:47
Dr_willisvariant,  use the source then. :)07:47
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KDanhmm, weird. ok, so yet another point where it's failing then! :-|07:47
Dr_willisvariant,  the interface  - is a little odd...07:47
Dr_willisKDan,  you did restart the samba serviceS?07:47
KDanDr_willis: this is nfs, not samba07:47
variantDr_willis: in a bad way? or like blender?07:47
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pandamoniumradar1976, thanks. will check that out07:48
radar1976it may solve your issue...07:48
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pandamoniumalthough i seem to suspect that too many configuration attempts has spoiled the broth ;)07:48
Dr_willisvariant,  just not easy to get a feel for looks like.. its like all menus :P07:48
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pandamoniumi just wish i had a clue with all this :p07:48
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burepewhere is the task manager in gnome? I am working in Japanese so I think I am just missing it.07:49
RadiantFireburepe: system->admin->system monitor (first tab)07:49
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LjLburepe: try pressing ctrl+esc as well07:50
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burepeLjL, nothing with the ctrl+esc07:50
MetaMorfoziSwho has  idea , why my keyboard ont this laptop (kubuntu 6.06) hangs up working on "mklop" buttons after 5-10-15-20 minutes?07:50
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LjLburepe: oh, well... i'm on KDE, but i thought gnome did that too07:51
ethos_I was wondering...is it possible to install my ATI cards driver, using wine?07:51
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Rastasomeone has sucesfully installed aMSN with apt-get or synaptic, or i have to compile it myself on ubuntu?07:52
burepeRadiantFire, I am using japanese so the order is different and I think the name is totally different too. Can you tell me what the icon looks like?07:52
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SAM_themanwho has "ekiga" ?07:52
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ethos_rasta, you can get that using the add-remove...07:52
LjLRasta: it can be installed via APT fine07:52
RadiantFireburepe: its like a monitor with a cardiac pulse in it07:52
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zeroFFfrom Latvia07:53
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burepeI found it under applications>system tools07:54
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burepeRadiantFire, thanks!07:54
zeroFFI need some help i got last Ubuntu and D-Link (AirPlusXtremeG) wireless G108 PCI Adapter07:54
burepeI found it under applications>system tools07:54
zeroFFwhit wireless07:54
refnumzxi am having problems, the installer locks up after detecting disk and all other hardware on an hp ml350 g4 ideas?  it freezes right after it starts the partitioning utility07:55
Rastaethos, with add remove cant find amsn in the list of programs07:55
RastaLjL, with apt i get a "E: Couldn't find package amsn" error even before i do a "sudo apt-get update"07:55
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LjLRasta: do you have Universe enabled?07:55
LjL!info amsn07:55
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB07:55
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ethos_rasta, make sure you have unsopported checked07:55
LjL!tell Rasta about universe07:55
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zeroFFsome 1 help me ?07:56
GaneshaE [30/Sep/2006:18:50:44 +0100]  [Job 22]  No %%BoundingBox: comment in header!07:56
GaneshaE [30/Sep/2006:18:50:45 +0100]  PID 4698 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 1!07:56
Ganeshathats the error07:56
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BurgerManndavs med jer07:56
Rastaok, the things are getting clearer, ill read that, thank for the help carnales07:56
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BurgerMannoops wrong chan07:56
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omarHi guys I wanna mount my USB cel phone, how to do that07:57
zeroFFyo i got problems whit wireless07:57
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zeroFFsome 1 help me ?07:58
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m1sh-Li search a howto for xgl (edgy eft) can someone help me07:58
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Rastaomar, wich model? i have a LG MG800c and it gets automatically detected as usb drive07:59
eric__Hoping somebody could help me figure out how to fix my Gnome/Xgl after I upgraded my ubuntu to edgy ... ?07:59
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eric__I upgraded online and reset.  Now my menu bars are all blank and I can't do anything.  KDE seems unaffected.07:59
omarRasta: sony ericsson08:00
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:00
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eric__I'm guessing I managed to mess up the app that does the menu bars (top and bottom) for Gnome.  But I'm not sure how to go about fixing it.08:01
omarRasta: sony ericsson k30008:01
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IRC_im having a problem with synaptic. everytime i try to open it in the menu it crashes. when i type"sudo synaptic" it says a linvte.so.4 shared object error. what do i do?08:03
zeroFFsome 1 help me ?08:03
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zeroFFtru lam is hear08:03
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orion2012IRC_: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23923808:04
sureshotwhat is wrong with the syntax of this like could anyond tell me.. deb http://gandalfn.club.fr/ubuntu dapper08:04
Dr_willisIRC_,  i recall that issue a few weeks ago. you got to reinstall some package..  check orion2012 's url - its a easy fix08:05
shriphaniwhat is a tape drive ?08:05
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ramviAs I get new kernels, wifi stops working. What do I do? If I go far back (3-4 versions) it works! With the newest in both dapper and edgy - it can't find it. What do I do?08:06
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omarRasta: sony ericsson k30008:06
orion2012sureshot: you need a section name after dapper08:06
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orion2012sureshot: try deb http://gandalfn.club.fr/ubuntu dists/dapper08:08
AnneXIs MEDIC in here?08:08
IRC_orion2012, Dr_willis: HALLELUJAH! its been broken for a couple weeks! its fixed! thanks!08:08
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AnneXMEDIC3040 U here???08:09
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Rastaomar, there is a driver for that, pl2303, a friend of mine uses it as a USB to Serial Bridge Controller, it should create a device on /dev but i never haved tested it tough, sorry08:10
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medic30420annex, not sure which one08:10
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ardchoilleWhat a moron08:11
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tjb891does anyone know what that new 3d linux destop that kills OSX and VISTA is, it is like gnome except its all 3D?08:12
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ramviDoes anyone know what do if the wireless adaptor isnt't found in newer kernels?08:13
Rastaand it takes 3gb of ramm too08:13
Ghostriderwich adapter?08:13
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Dr_willistjb891,  never heard of one with a 3d desktop..   seen a few prototypes/videos of such things..  and there was that esperimental  research project a few yrs back08:14
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tjb891yeah, i think it was on youtube, does it work08:14
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Dr_willistjb891,  that was just an examplke video.. and that looked very useless.. :P08:14
Dr_willisat least i think it was just an example. :)08:14
tjb891im chekcing right now, if it works this could be seriously cool08:15
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SAM_themanis there somthing wrong with flash?08:15
SAM_themanin ubutn u 6.06 ?08:15
TwoZerotjb891: it's probably xgl from novell, http://www.novell.com/products/desktop/features/xgl/08:15
Dr_willis'somthing is wrong with flash' :)08:15
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tjb891yep, does it work, looks like OSX08:16
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Hyperion2010has anyone else gotten a kernel panic while trying to boot the livecd ?08:17
Dr_willistjb891,  i was thinking it was just a video they created to show how the  thing 'would' work.. a  concept video08:17
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tjb891all it will do is use alot of RAM08:17
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TwoZeroit's not just a concept, their xgl code does work, be it a bit buggy08:17
Dr_willistjb891,  wont make people more productive either.08:17
tjb891less, since they will be writing at angles08:18
Dr_willisTwoZero,  if you say so..   all i rember is it was funky file management. :P08:18
Hyperion2010I run xgl compiz on gentoo, and it DOES make you more productive08:18
Hyperion2010believe it or not ;)08:18
Dr_willisHyperion2010,  i use MatchBox window manager.. it does make me more productive.08:18
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tjb891can xgl be run on ubuntu?08:19
Hyperion2010I think so08:19
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:19
ubunubhey, i'm having an issue with my brainmeats being stupid, and i broke my kernel.. can anyone help me chroot into my system from the live cd so i can install the right kernel?08:19
tjb891its not the repos so i won't checkl it out yet08:19
ProN00bHyperion2010, xgl does only one thing for me, it makes me unable to play video08:19
Dr_williswiggly windows make me dizzy08:19
ubunubor perhaps point me toward the appropriate FAQ?08:19
Hyperion2010hehe, ya, I have another instal for gaming :D08:19
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Hyperion2010so noone has heard of having a kernel panic straight off the livecd08:20
Hyperion2010apparently I'm special :x08:20
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ubunubi havent ran into that08:21
ubunubif i want to access my filesystem from the live cd, the proper tool is chroot, correct?08:21
matidubunub: It depends on what you want to do08:22
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brutopiawhat's the best firewall gui for kde/gnome08:22
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geronimohello :)08:22
Renan_s2brutopia, I like firestarter08:22
Renan_s2!info firestarter08:22
matidubunub: If you don't need to execute any commands it ok to simply mount the partition and access it as any other folder08:22
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.1ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 381 kB, installed size 1900 kB08:22
geronimoI've got trouble with my sound08:23
ubunubwell, i installed a kernel that promised realtime audio capabilities, but i think its broken, because my system hangs somewhere in between startup and loading x08:23
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geronimoin fact, I can't hear any sounds apart from bash beeps08:23
ubunubso i want to apt-get an ubuntu kernel08:23
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jcspJust upgraded to edgy: booting is now taking a long time: the splash disappears and I see a black screen with a blinking cursor for several minutes -- with dapper booting took less than a minute.08:23
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matidubunub: Then you'll be better off with chroot 'cause you'll be able to run apt-get, etc.08:23
ubunubafk, rtfm for chroot08:23
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Pelogood afternoon folks ?08:24
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omarRasta: thanx, how can I install it08:25
dsl851MEDIC u in here??08:25
=== kitche [n=kitche@pool-70-104-55-42.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
medic30420dsl851, yep08:26
Pelocan ubuntu synchronise files like in windows ? where I have a matching folder on a usb drive for exemple and when I ask the content gets updated ?08:26
AnswerHello, I have a question about starting wpa_supplicant automatically on boot.  I followed the WPAHowto on the wiki and couldn't make it work.  I tried the wpa_supplicant man page example and it didn't work.  When I run wpa_supplicant manually it is fine, so I made a script /etc/init.d/wpa_launch.sh with the right command line options and linked it to /etc/rcS.d/S42wpa_launch.sh.  This seems to start the daemon fine in the backgr08:26
=== bouffy-01-69 [n=bouffy01@mne69-7-82-243-146-10.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
dsl851Hey medic its EBZERO from yesterday not sure if u remeber me but u rec. that i use alternate08:26
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ArrenLex!rsync > Pelo08:26
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ubunubi'm an absolute beginer to linux, but im pretty sure you can write a shell script to do anything  you can imagine. :-D08:27
dsl851Well anyway i took ur advice and used it and it installed perfectly but now when i attmept to load Ubuntu it stalls at hardware check again the install was good though08:27
Pelo!rsync > Pelo08:27
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Pelonot working08:27
=== CaTBiT [n=Perl@81-6-242-126.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexubunub: too true. I wrote a rander farm for blender in bash once.08:27
ArrenLexubunub: using machines with other operating systems, too. Worked great.08:27
Answerubunub: I want a script that greps from the end of the file counting a pattern until it reaches another pattern.  It has to be efficient too.08:27
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ubunubIf you can dream it, you can shellscript it.08:28
omarRasta: thanx, how can I install it08:28
ubunubas for me, i prefer to read man pages and scratch my head wondering what the hell im looking at08:28
tyuioi dreamed jessica alba popping out of my console08:28
bbrazilubunub: so, what's your solution to the halting problem?08:29
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ubunubi'm sorry, what was the problem?08:29
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Rastai havent installed yet dude, sorry, but for i have read it will be a pain to make it work :(08:29
=== Max_- [n=max@modemcable174.139-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Max_-how do you unrar???08:29
bbrazilAnswer: sed -n '/start/,/end/p' | wc -l08:29
EbzeroErr medic u there?08:30
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thedashso, my computer always freezes if the screen saver runs for a half hour or so, how can I fix this?08:30
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EbzeroHas anyone had a Hardware check problem when installing Ubuntu alternate version 6.06.108:31
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ubunubi know i'm painfully ignorant, but would someone be kind enough to walk me thru chrooting into my file system?08:31
medic30420ebzero, hey how did everything go?08:31
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EbzeroWell the install went well but when i take the cd out and attempt to load it it freezes at hard ware check :-/08:31
tkupthedash, the screen saver eats a lot of resources. you might want to use one that's less resource intensive or disable the screen saver08:32
=== yellowbeard [n=yellowbe@24-56-148-37.mn.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu
biobany girls here?08:32
Max_-biob.. lol ;)08:32
tkupubunub, what have you tried so far?08:32
medic30420ebzero, what type of HD do you have?08:32
biobany hot girls08:32
^punisheryou tell me08:32
Answerbbrazil: that script just prints everything inbetween the two characters.  I have a very large text file.  somewhere at the bottom there is a START string, and then after that there are many ALERT strings.  I want to know how many ALERT strings are after the last occurrence of START in the text file08:32
ubunubtkup: i08:33
StAfZe6don't know08:33
ubunubi've tried reading the man page, but i'm a little to dense, and a little to wet behind the ears to make sense of it08:33
EbzeroWhat do u mean by what type? :-/ like ntfs or fat32?08:33
kitcheubunb: sure I do that regularly chrooting that it08:33
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medic30420like SATA or IDE08:33
medic30420or RAID08:33
biobMax_-   get any good bjs lately08:34
Answer I have a question about starting wpa_supplicant automatically on boot.  I followed the WPAHowto on the wiki and couldn't make it work.  I tried the wpa_supplicant man page example and it didn't work.  When I run wpa_supplicant manually it is fine, so I made a script /etc/init.d/wpa_launch.sh with the right command line options and linked it to /etc/rcS.d/S42wpa_launch.sh.  This seems to start the daemon fine in the background, 08:34
EbzeroI'm pretty sure i have IDE08:34
GreatBritonI've got a couple of minor problems with wifi, can i please get a bit of help?08:34
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ArrenLexbiob: why do you exist?08:34
tkupubunub, you first create a directory under which you want your root FS to reside. ex: mkdir /tmp/chroot; afterwards, you issue the command 'chroot /tmp/chroot <cmd>' to use it08:34
medic30420what is the last thing you see when it boots up08:34
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Max_-how do you unrar a package??.. archiver can't do it...08:34
biobto look for hot girls and have them blow me08:34
ArrenLexbiob: in the ubuntu help channel?08:35
ubunubtk: thanks! so the dir i'm creating is in my local filesystem?08:35
kitcheMax_-: archiver can but you need unrar installed08:35
ArrenLexbiob: wow, you ARE desperate.08:35
biobf u08:35
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EbzeroWell the last thing it does it Stall at the Hard ware check like everything else above it says ok after then hardware check dosnt have anything08:35
biobanyone want sex?08:35
GreatBritonyou do08:35
Answerhow do I mute him?08:35
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!08:35
biobcome and suck my 10 in cock08:35
Max_-ohh ok thx kitche08:35
tkupAnswer, your script will only launch in single user mode. if you want it to launch in runlevel 2 3 or 4 try rc{2,3,4}.d etc08:35
bbrazilAnswer: combine with tac08:36
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biobanal sex is the way to go08:36
tkupubunub, yea it's a normal dir but the OS takes care of making it look like a root dir using the chroot command08:36
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medic30420ebzero, you are going to have to get the boot log, you are going to have to google to find out where it is, copy it and paste in a paste bin and have someone more skilled look at it08:36
ubunubtkup: thanks for the help08:36
Max_-kitche, ... not in apt-get nor in add-remove.. do I have to get the package and compile it myself?08:36
EbzeroO.O where would i put the Boot Log??08:37
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biobill tity fuck you and jizz on your tits08:37
medic30420ebzero, does supergrub disk boot your ubuntu install?08:37
GreatBritonwhen i boot into ubuntu, my wifi connection is listed as active in Networking, but I can't access the internet until i deactivate and then reactivate it08:37
biobsure no one wants sex08:37
Ebzerowell it ssays somthing about GRUB at startup08:37
kitcheMax_-: I found unrar in the repos08:37
kitcheit's in multiverse Max_-08:37
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medic30420hmm, you are getting really close to having it boot up08:38
Max_-how do I get there now, kitche ? ..08:38
kitcheMax_-: there is also unrar-free08:38
Ebzeroyea like the loading bar is going then it just stops when it trys to do a hardware check08:38
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kupesoftAnyone from Toronto? Where is a good spot to get a bite to eat,08:38
Ebzerothis is the same prob i had yesterday but when i used the text install it worked good is there a way for the loading to do a text load??08:38
chopchop_hi, i've just done an dist-upgrade and now cannot start x server. Got this error xauth:  creating new "authority file /home/chop/.serverauth.15418" and "xinit: Server error.". Please help08:38
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GreatBritonalso, networkmanager can't find my connection, just says 'No network connection'08:38
Max_-ohh just got unrar-free08:39
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ubunubkupesoft: go to lick's08:39
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medic30420ebzero, there are log files that are being produced at that point, in order to get them you will have to use a live CD (one that contains a mini linux OS on it) and find that file08:39
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ubunubkupesoft: i'm not sure where in toronto it is, because i've never been the one driving, but licks rules08:39
tkupchopchop_, what does your tail -20 /var/log/Xorg.log say?08:39
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EbzeroWell im currently on DSL damn small linux could i find it off this?08:40
max_toronto is in ontario, which is in canada08:40
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Max_-... damn, I will have to unrar it from windoze......... fun08:40
tkupchopchop_, pastebin the output08:40
max_which is probably nothing close to the information you wanted08:40
kupesoftubuntub: I'm looking for something a little more, authentic, than a fast food chain08:40
medic30420ebzero, i know there is, but you would have to manually edit your gdm.config file (or something like that)08:40
SpCombhttp://www.google.com/maps?hl=en&lr=&q=licks&near=Toronto,+ON,+Canada&sa=X&oi=local&ct=title :)08:40
ubunubmax: i said i wasnt sure where in toronto lick's was, not where toronto was08:40
chopchop_tkup: cannot start x08:40
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:41
chopchop_tkup: how can i pastbin??08:41
kitcheMax_-: you can try unrar <filename> in a console08:41
will`Help, the ubuntu LiveCD stops at 'setting up locales' on the boot screen, what can I do to get it to boot?08:41
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tkupchopchop_, topic has a URL08:41
=== max_ is somewhat annoyed "that I have nearly the same nick as someone else ont the channel"
medic30420ebzero, the biggest issue right now is that you need to boot into linux so you can gather more information about what is breaking08:41
Ebzerosigh ive made 4 linux cds and none of them work its getting irratating08:42
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:42
=== Julio [n=Julio@8.Red-81-33-188.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Max_-kitche, unrar doesn't exists... I installed and tried unrar-free.. but it fails...08:42
chopchop_tkup: something about cannot open /dev/wacom08:42
kitchetkup: he already said what's not working08:42
GreatBritonwhen i boot into ubuntu, my wifi connection is listed as active in Networking, but I can't access the internet until i deactivate and then reactivate it. also, networkmanager can't find my connection, just says 'No network connection'08:42
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naliothMax_-: install "unrar-nonfree"08:43
kitche!multiverse > Max_-08:43
medic30420ebzero http://freashmeat.net/projects/supergrub08:43
will`Help, the ubuntu LiveCD stops at 'setting up locales' on the boot screen, what can I do to get it to boot?08:43
=== max_ is now known as netgod
EbzeroMEDIC brb il check that out08:44
holzmodemhi im searching for a wine 0.9.22 deb package, can some paste the url?08:44
Max_-nalioth,  I won't pay for unraring something I didn't pay for raring :P08:44
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medic30420compac is the 2 worst brand of manufacturers for using non-standard parts, and they don't like to release their proprietary info to the opensource community, so it is hard to find proper drivers08:44
kitcheholzmodem: have you checked winehq for it?08:44
naliothMax_-: no, it's free.  unrar-nonfree is a package with non-free codecs in it.  it won't cost YOU anything08:44
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GreatBritonmy wifi card uses the rt2500 chipset and i'm running 6.06, if that helps08:46
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will`Help, the ubuntu 6.06LiveCD stops at 'setting up locales' on the boot screen, what can I do to get it to boot?08:46
holzmodemkitche, there ist only one for 0.9.2108:46
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EbzeroMedic am i supposed to download that to like a floppy or?08:46
mrkshtwill`: try Ctrl+C08:46
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will`mrksht: tried that already, didn't work :|08:46
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medic30420i just burned it to a cd, it isn't abig dl08:46
Max_-nalioth, okay!..  well I added dapper multiverse to my sources.list file.. and I'm actually installing unrar... will see if it does the job.. else I'll get yours08:47
Ebzerothen i run that at the start of UBUNTU?08:47
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medic30420well, it will do several things for you....08:47
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Ebzerolike :-/?08:47
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medic30420first it will rewrite your MBR, which doesn't seem to me to be the problem08:47
chopchop_hi, i've just done an dist-upgrade and now cannot start x server. Got this error "xauth:  creating new authority file /home/chop/.serverauth.15418" and "xinit: Server error.". Please help08:48
medic30420secondly, it puts you in a very simple shell where you can view the output of you system logs, and edit configuration files08:48
medic30420as far as which config files to edit will depend on what your system logs tell you08:49
EbzeroWhat would i have to edit in it?08:49
mrkshtwill`: try verbose mode (remove quiet)08:49
medic30420vi or nano08:49
ubunubok, i'm really quite illiterate when it comes to *nix flavored os's, so let me explain my issue as best i can, and see if i make enough sense for someone to help me along.. i installed ubuntu from the livecd, updated it, i even managed to correctly install the nvidia drivers.  as soon as i got everything working together nicely, i did a foolish thing: i installed some weird french kernel that promised realtime audio capabilities.  now my 08:49
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will`mrksht: how do you do that?08:49
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mrkshtwill`: F5 (I think).. use the keyboard to remove the kernel flags08:49
medic30420syntax: vi /boot/filename08:49
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will`mrksht: k08:49
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medic30420google vi for commands, or use nano, another text editor08:50
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harisundHello! I want to add wireless capability to my desktop PC running Ubuntu. Which is the best way? PCI wireless adapter or USB adapter? Which is recognized out of the box by Ubuntu (and cheap) ?08:50
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tjb891do any of you know any good linxu cad programs?08:51
Ebzeroughh this is gettig confusing so i dl super grub pop it in at startup then i go to syntax: vi/boot/filename and edit what??08:51
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kitcheharisund: get a pci card usb is harder to setup, but almost all the cards are supported in linux either 3rd party or native08:51
dummyunohello all, first how can I recover my nick if I forgot my password in freenode?08:51
medic30420hmm, hold on and lets see what google says08:51
ubunubtjb: i think autodesk has a native linux flavor08:51
tjb891any free cad software?08:51
=== Peter77 [n=chatzill@host86-141-73-122.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
harisundkitche: do you mean almost all PCI cards are supported through 3rd party or natively? So USB is harder to setup, as I understand?08:52
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Dr_willistjb891,  i use qcad08:52
LjLtjb891: qcad, varkon, pythoncad...08:52
GreatBritonso, can anybody help me?08:52
Peter77hi, I'm having problems mounting windows partitions08:52
LjLtjb891: "apt-cache search cad | grep CAD"08:52
Peter77well the HDD in "Computer"08:52
kitcheharisund: well most chipsets are supported usb it's harder to set up since you have to do a couple more things to get it working08:52
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harisundkitche: ok thanks .. that's what I needed to know .. so I am guessing just that laptop cards (inbuild/PCMCIA) are a pain .. a PCI wireless NIC for a desktop should be easily configurable with Ubuntu right? Besides I am quite comfortable with both ndiswrapper and the regular iwconfig commands to get online..08:52
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dummyunotjb891: http://brlcad.org/08:53
GreatBritonwhen i boot into ubuntu, my wifi connection is listed as active in Networking, but I can't access the internet until i deactivate and then reactivate it. also, networkmanager can't find my connection, just says 'No network connection'08:53
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Peter77"unable to mount selected volume" how do I view my windows files then?08:54
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Answertkup: I only run in single user mode.. I don't mind the other run levels.  I added my idea to the bottom of WPA Howto  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo   Post comments if you can.08:54
mrkshtGreatBriton: ip route show08:54
kitcheharisund: well pcmcia works also I never set up the laptop cards before but it seems to be as easy as a desktop08:54
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GreatBritonmrksht: what do you mean?08:54
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harisundkitche: yeah, these days setting up pcmcia cards under Ubuntu also seems to be becoming easier.08:54
medic30420ebzero, is yours a laptop?08:54
dummyunoGreatBriton: issue that on a terminal08:55
mrkshtGreatBriton: you obviously need a default route to access the internet. if that's the problem08:55
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:55
Peter77can anyone help me??08:55
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:55
RastaPeter77, look at that08:55
GreatBriton10.0.0.0/24 dev ra0  proto kernel  scope link  src    default via dev ra008:55
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medic30420run grub and try to boot in vga mode08:55
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medic30420ebzero, the cd is somewhate self documenting, you may need to know what partition ubuntu is on08:56
mrkshtip route add default via dev ra008:57
Ebzeroso i run it in VGA mode and it should work O.o08:57
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medic30420if that doesn't work try (using the same supergrub disk) repairing your MBR08:57
GreatBritonmrksht: should i try that?08:57
ubunubwhen you install a new kernel, does grub automatically save the old kernel and info as a failsafe?08:57
dummyunoguys, how to get my freenode nick dropped if I forgot my password?08:57
mrkshtGreatBriton: no. substitue as needed.08:57
EbzeroWill i have to use the supergrub at start up everytime?08:57
Answerdummyuno: msg nickserv help08:57
GreatBritonmrksht: substitute where?08:58
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kitchedummyuno: it's 90 days you have to wait08:58
mrkshtGreatBriton: using DHCP?08:58
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dummyunoAnswer: thanks08:58
medic30420ebzero, you do have your linux partition ext2 or ext3 right?08:58
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EbzeroMedic is there a choice of ext1 and ext5? cuz i think i might have that08:59
medic30420ubuntu dapper doesn't support ext108:59
medic30420you may be thinking of partitions08:59
GreatBritonmrksht: i think so09:00
Ebzerowait arent u asking for my partion09:00
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medic30420(hda5 is a very common partition for linux to be on as it is thefirst logical partition (vs physical))09:00
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medic30420ebzero, no for the filesystem, ie fat32, ntfs, ext2, ext309:00
mrkshtGreatBriton: then check the file /etc/network/interfaces09:00
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GreatBritonmrksht: will do09:01
Ebzeroahh im so confused is there a way i can check?09:01
medic30420it has a partitioning (same program infact) editor09:01
GreatBritonmrksht: i've got it up, what should i look for?09:01
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chopchop_hi, i got these errors when try to startx "xauth:  creating new authority file /home/chop/.serverauth.15418" and "xinit: Server error.". im using ubuntu dapper if it helps.09:01
medic30420ebzero, supergrub is your friend09:01
EbzeroHrmm will it still work if i get the Floppy version because im using a dsl live disc so i cant get it to a disc09:01
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medic30420ebzero, just make sure your bios boots from floppy before hard disk09:02
mrkshtGreatBriton: iface ... inet dhcp09:02
rockinchadoanyone who can answer a quick question       what is the difference between libgl1-mesa and xlibmesa-gl09:02
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kitcheEbzero: if you are usign dsl you can try fdisk -l /dev/hda and it should show you the partition scheme on that hard drive09:02
GreatBritoniface ra0 inet dhcp     wireless-essid belkin54g09:02
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tw3Guys one quick question here, where can i get this packages -> http://antesis.freecontrib.org/mirrors/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free , since the web is down now..09:02
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medic30420thanks kitche09:02
GreatBritonmrksht: iface ra0 inet dhcp09:03
Ebzerodo i type that in terminal09:03
GreatBritonmrksht: wireless-essid belkin54g09:03
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medic30420ebzero yes, the -l switch means 'list'09:03
BeepAUhey guys, i'm trying to load xubuntu on this old laptop i found, but i'm having some trouble. i installed it with the text install on the alternate disc. it installed fine, but now when i try to load it up - it says uncompressing linux... ok, booting the kernel. It goes to the splash screen and says loading essential drivers - ok. However, after this it goes back to the first message and...09:03
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BeepAU...just hangs there. any help?09:03
mrkshtGreatBriton: so. does that make sense to you? is the ESSID "belkin54g"09:03
GreatBritonmrksht: yes, that's right09:03
mrkshtand do you need a WEP key09:04
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GreatBritonmrksht: no, it's unsecured09:04
BHSPitLappynot smart...09:04
mrkshtGreatBriton: ifconfig ra0 up09:05
mrkshtor ifconfig ra0
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EbzeroMedic when i type that it says Cannot open /dev/hda09:05
medic30420ah, it is not mounted09:05
dummyunoany experienced user could translate this http://linux.yes.nu/diNovo/?Page=c3VtbWFyeTAx to ubuntu for dummies?09:06
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medic30420ebzero, i think the syntax from the terminal is : mount -t /dev/hda109:07
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kitchedummyuno: those are kernel config options09:07
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dummyunokitche: how do I do to apply them09:07
dummyunoI've got that exact same keyboard and I'm having a hard time09:08
Ebzerok now what do i type?09:08
kitchedummyuno: you need the kernel source09:08
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Dr_willisdummyuno,  thats for recompiling the kernel.. and I dont think you want to be messig with that. :)09:08
dummyunokitche: is there a howto about that?09:08
kitchedummyuno: yes there is many howto's on how to do that09:09
medic30420fdisk -l /dev/hda109:09
dummyunois there a bluetooth channel then?09:09
kitcheDr_willis: well as long as he backs up the good kernel he'll be fine :)09:09
Ebzerostill says cant open09:09
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medic30420did you get an error after the mount command?09:09
DatabaseHow do you edit a file as root in GNOME?09:10
medic30420ok, mount -t /dev/hda209:10
=== Database is a newbie to it. :P
dummyunokitche: I already have a previous kernel showing up in GRUB so I can take my chances09:10
Ebzeroalthough i have a little box at the bottom left of my screen that says fd0 unmounted09:10
medic30420fd0 is your floppy09:10
linlinare the ubuntu repos down?09:10
mrkshtsudo gedit <file>09:10
kitchedummyuno: well if you save the kernel you make as the same name of the kernel already there it will overwrite that kernel that you have already made09:11
Ebzerostill cant open hda 209:11
takuhiihello everybody I'm having a network config issue with the server edition09:11
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medic30420maybe you have a hard disk problem09:11
EbzeroSHould  try hda3?09:11
medic30420skip to hda509:11
jetscreamertry cat /proc/partitions09:11
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dummyunokitche: I mean from the update service09:12
Ebzerostill cant open hda5 :-/09:12
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mrkshtwtf. mkdir /media/hda2  ;  mount -t ext3 /dev/hda2 /media/hda209:12
DatabaseThank you.09:12
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takuhiiI guess ill try back later09:12
EbzeroMaybe im typing it wrong i type it just like this right mount -t /dev/hda5 ?09:12
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mipstienhow can you manually uninstall the nvidia-glx drivers?09:13
medic30420hold on09:13
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kitchedummyuno: yes but if you name the kernel that you compile as the same name of the kernel you havr now that kernel you have now will be gone09:13
medic30420ebzero, just type mount09:13
kitchedummyuno: but here is the wiki entry https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild?highlight=%28kernel%2909:14
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medic30420should list everything that is mounted09:14
Ebzerosays /dev/root on /type ext2 (rw)09:14
EbzeroDoes that mean its on my ext 2?09:14
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mipstienhow can you manually uninstall the nvidia-glx drivers?09:15
dummyunokitche: I would be carful with that09:15
dzer0when I try to sudo, it says sudo: timestamp too far in the future09:15
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dzer0what's that supposed to mean :(09:15
medic30420go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ if you need to copy more than a few lines09:15
dummyunokitche: Is there a way to check the config of my current kernel?09:15
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medic30420ebzero, that is your base filesystem that your live cd installed into memory09:16
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mipstienhow can you manually uninstall the nvidia-glx drivers?09:16
Nookie^hi! is there any way to create own ubuntubased distro but not live cd.. i want to modify it more then just change icons and usplash and add apps?09:16
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tuxtuxciao a tutti09:17
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Dr_willisNookie^,  its doable.. now if its 'trivial to do' is a bigger problem. :P09:17
medic30420ebzero, type: mkdir /media/hda2  ;  mount -t /dev/hda2 /media/hda209:17
kitchedummyuno: well if you get the kernel source it will probably have the same config, but you can check /boot for a .config file09:17
medic30420then type mount agian09:18
dzer0also I'm a linux noob, how do I remove a directory that has files in it?09:18
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kitchedzer0: what directory since you might delete a system-critcal directory09:18
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dzer0kitche: just some old files09:19
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Nookie^press delete on your keyboard after selecting folder =)09:19
kitchedzer0: well you can do rmdir <directory>09:19
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kitcheor do it like Nookie^ said09:20
dzer0root@ChaseServ1:/home/chase# rmdir foo2zjs09:20
dzer0rmdir: foo2zjs: Directory not empty09:20
medic30420dzer0 : man rmdir09:20
Ebzeroall in one line?09:20
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Neo8750i see debian wants to change firefox's name will ubuntu follow since its debian based?09:20
Nookie^dzer0: rm -rf foldername09:20
medic30420if you use a ";" it tells bash to treat it like two lines09:20
kitcheNeo8750: well they are chaning the name because they have to09:20
Ebzerowhen i type it all in one it says Cannot create driectory '/media/hda2': No such file or directory09:21
kitcheNeo8750: but debian is not gonna do it how firefox license says they are gonna rename it totally09:21
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mrkshtdzer0: rm -ir foo2zjs09:21
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mrkshty/n to answer the questions09:22
dummyunokitche: thanks on the pointers, let me get to work on it09:23
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linlini need to install the zlib package09:27
linlinhow do i do this09:27
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steamRlinlin: Enable all repositories in synaptic and search for it...09:27
giohi everybody. i just upgraded my ubuntu causing an error while booting: can't find /sbin/init09:28
linlini did, then i installed it, and it doesnt appear to be anwhere09:28
LjLlinlin: to install the zlib library, "sudo aptitude install zlib1g"09:28
willh1234i need some help setting up my broadcom wifi card09:28
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LjLlinlin: but if you're trying to *compile* something, you need the *development* package, in which case "sudo aptitude install zlib1g-dev"09:28
giothere is in fakt no /sbin/init and i dont know how to get it there09:28
steamRlinlin: its a library. Should be under /usr/lib09:28
willh1234i followed the tutorial here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102&highlight=ndiswrapper+howto09:28
willh1234and it sorta works09:29
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willh1234it finds my network but i dunno how to connect09:29
steamRlinlin: try do a sudo ldconfig -v | grep zlib09:29
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medic30420ebzero, try knoppix09:30
EbzeroTyping knoppix?09:31
burepeI installed skype but I am getting this error when I start it and it never appears. Any suggestions? "burepe@gochagocha:~$ skype09:31
burepe*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08b9cf88 ***09:31
medic30420no, it is a different distro09:31
Ebzerofor my linux09:31
EbzeroLike replacing Ubuntu with it?09:31
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tjb891does anyone know if americas army still has linux support?09:31
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dummyunokitche: would it be a safer route to file a bug in Launchpad?09:31
steamRtjb891: off course09:32
kitchetjb891: not sure I know that they didn't09:32
medic30420yep, or you can reinstall ubuntu, but the server version (no gui)09:32
SeverianHowdy, on Edgy, startup  and shutdown just show a pretty screen and no details.  I would like to turn off that behavior, but I can't think of what to look for.  Any suggestions?09:32
kitchedummyuno yeah probably easier09:32
tjb891i thought they discontinued it but mabey it runs in wine09:32
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Ebzerobut if i have the server verision is it the same or tottaly differnt09:32
kitchetjb891: they did discontinued it09:32
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tjb891can it run in wine?09:32
medic30420ebzero, the underlying OS is the same, but you will have to manually install the gui09:32
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mrkshtSeverian: remove "quiet" from the kernel flags09:32
Severianmrksht, Thank you09:33
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EbzeroShould i try the supergrub thing i still havnt tryed that09:33
steamRthere is AA ports u know09:33
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medic30420yeah, try that09:33
dummyunohow do I umount drives so I can use qtparted on my ntfs partitions?09:33
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medic30420supergrub is your friend, just remember that the guy that wrote it doesn't speak english very well09:34
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Ebzerowhich one though the img insiade a bz2 or the image?09:34
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medic30420hmm, you can't burn a cd since you are already on a live cd now right09:35
willh1234can any1 help me set up my broadcom wifi card?09:35
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EbzeroI can make it a floppy though09:35
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MartinTanganyone know how to install shockwave on ubuntu?09:36
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kitcheMartinTang: it's called flashplayer-nonfree09:37
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MartinTanghow can I get it? I am an extreme newbie with ubuntu09:37
lucaferrwho is lilo?09:38
medic30420ebzero, i am downloading the floppy image and will try to send it to you unzipped09:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:38
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kitcheMartinTang: it's flashplugin-nonfree and is in multiverse09:39
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Ebzeromedic which ID though09:39
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lucaferrwho is lilo?!09:40
EbzeroWhich id though theres like alot perhaps 89?09:40
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Jowilucaferr: http://freenode.net/news.shtml09:40
kitchelucaferr: he was the guy that ran freenode and owned it09:40
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EbzeroMEDIC ILL BRB I GOTTA GET SOMTHING BE back in like 5 minutes09:41
Ebzerohold on im having prob09:41
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=== ataxic holds on
EbzeroMedic i gotta go fo a sec09:41
medic30420no prob09:42
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EbzeroMY mircs being dumb hold on09:42
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EbzeroMEDIC ILL BRB I GOTTA GET SOMTHING BE back in like 5 minutes09:42
ataxici thought medic as in "vietnam movie being hit by vietcong at night in a rainy jungle"09:42
LoRezWarning: `Ebzero' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.09:42
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RezWarning: `Ebzero' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.09:42
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kitcheEbzero: don't do that09:43
ataxicwhat an idiot09:43
EbzeroBah my mirc was acting up09:43
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dsl1000Medic ill brb09:43
dsl1000i gotta get somthing09:44
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ebzeroMEDIC BRB09:44
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ataxiccan you type without caps?09:45
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jungarI apologize if this question has been asked 234234 times but despite 10+ years of linux experience I don't know the answer09:45
jungarhow does one control the time/date stamp format in dmesg09:45
medic30420ataxic, dude he can't even get his computer to boot, one thing at a time09:45
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ataxicmedic30420: lol09:45
ataxicor control mirc09:46
jungarso ubuntu dmesg / syslog shows human readable date/timesteamps09:46
jungaris it a kernel configuration thing, or ?09:46
printkjungar: that would be with syskolgd i think09:46
printker sysklogd09:46
jungarso, it's a kernel rebuild then?09:46
jungaror can it be done with sysctl ?09:47
=== dede [n=dede@d83-179-179-27.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
jungar[17327326.304000]   is just *ugly*09:47
dedeHi all09:47
linlini need a program iodine but i cant get it in the package manager09:47
mrkshtdont't think so.. as I remember some timestamp stuff last time I made kernel09:47
=== adrian_ [n=adrian@84-12-75-123.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
printkI'm pretty sure that it's the system logger who does the tiemstamp09:47
printknot the kernel09:47
printkin dmesg09:47
printkYou won't even have a dmesg without a system logger09:48
jungarjah, it's probalby just syslog.conf or whatever then, huh09:48
dedeMay somebody can help to install (or startup) an edgy on a P5B asus motherboard ?09:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:48
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks09:48
=== JDStone [n=JDStone@adsl-69-105-110-169.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
printkjungar: yah something in there.... I'd start with that... man sysklogd or syslog.conf09:48
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ompauldede, please go to #ubuntu+1 that is the edgy channel09:49
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Severiandede, have you tried the alternate installer version.  It works on a bunch of systems that the normal installer has problems with.09:49
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:50
SktfeelsdapperI need to figure out how to mount my second hard drive onto the desktop, so I can access it easier.09:50
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SktfeelsdapperInstead of going all the way through media to get to it.09:50
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mrkshtjust make a symbolic link??09:52
printkSktfeelsdapper: you running gnome?  I believe if you go to System->Preferences->Removable Drives and Media09:52
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printkyou can set it up there09:52
SktfeelsdapperSymbolic link??!?09:52
mrkshtln -s /media/seconddrive /home/skt/Desktop/2nd09:52
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SktfeelsdapperDid you help me yesterday? Haha09:53
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mrkshtme? nope.. I new here09:53
=== Sktfeelsdapper you knew my name?
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willh1234whenever i try to install any packages i get the error broken cache09:54
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^punishertell me09:54
willh1234how do i fix this?09:54
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:55
=== EVRAMP [n=EVRAMP@g225.ol.ntw.fcanet.cz] has joined #ubuntu
radar1976anyone use powerbook g4?09:55
SktfeelsdapperSweet it worked.09:56
ebzeromedic u here09:56
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Severianradar1976, I use one, but not for Ubuntu.  I put Ubuntu on iMacs, though.09:56
Sktfeelsdapperis it possible to just remount it to the desktop instead of making a link?09:56
ebzerosoeey about that09:56
ebzeroFamily came over and i had to say hi and what not09:56
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:57
medic30420no prob, do you have a floppy?09:57
medic30420did you get the file?09:57
ebzeroErr i wasnt sure which one so i didnt get one yet09:57
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radar1976grrr  I need a powerbook g4 with ubuntu09:57
mrkshtSktfeelsdapper: you can fiddle with /etc/fstab09:57
willh1234whenever i try to install any packages i get the error broken cache how do i fix this ?!?09:57
Overandradar1976: i have one09:57
Overandwhat's the question?09:57
SktfeelsdapperAhhh fstab.09:57
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ebzeroSould i get the one with IMG only or IMG inside of BZD?09:57
radar1976I want to get the synaptics trackpad working correctly09:57
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SktfeelsdapperI just got my second hd to actually be readable to ME.09:58
Overandradar1976: I didn't have any problems- what do you want it to do?09:58
ebzeroerr bz209:58
radar1976it works but I want scrolloing....09:58
SktfeelsdapperMy second hd was ntfs09:58
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Overandradar1976: that's nmot a feature of the trackpad itself, that's more or less entirely driver based09:58
GSFhello, I've installed beryl & XGL following wiki instructions. however XGL gets killed with a shift+backspace -- that's kinda annoying while chatting. I know that running 'DISPLAY=:0 xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace"' fixes it, but how to fix it during boot?09:58
medic30420ebzero, i m sending you the file09:58
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radar1976Overand I know that...09:58
OverandI have no idea if tere are linux drivers that enable two-finger scroll or side-of-the-pad scroll09:58
ebzeroThrew what?09:58
Overandbut i would suggest checking the ubuntu wiki and the ubuntu forums on that one09:59
medic30420what client are you using?09:59
radar1976so you don;t have that working then...09:59
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ebzerouhh nIRC09:59
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto09:59
Overandradar1976: nope09:59
ebzeroDamn small linux's version of it09:59
Overandradar1976: i ahve it working on the OSX side, with the 'iScroll' driver09:59
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stu_does anyone have this picture by any chance, the link is broken:  http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4509709:59
Severianradar1976, I always use a plug in mouse.  I thing the trackpads are useless.  Sorry, I can't help you on that.09:59
Overanddoesn't help much =] 09:59
SktfeelsdapperSweet mother of pearl there's a mIRC a like?09:59
medic30420hmm, well anyways, it is sgd_0.9...ENGLISH_floppy.img.bz..10:00
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radar1976I use iScroll also10:00
radar1976but want it working fully in ubuntu10:00
Overandradar1976: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82850&highlight=touchpad10:00
dummyunoanyone has dealed with the qtparted "greyed out" menus?10:00
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radar1976Overand read that thread already10:00
=== reon [n=reon@dsl-145-50-47.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
radar1976nothing is working10:00
thedashso, my computer always freezes if the screen saver runs for a half hour or so, how can I fix this?10:00
Overandso it would seem10:00
medic30420download it , extract it, and then format the floppy..10:01
medic30420fdformat /dev/fd010:01
eeanhow do you force apt-get to run the post-install scripts?10:01
=== Kragnerac [n=michael@cpe-65-26-156-75.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
GSFSktfeelsdapper: xchat10:01
SktfeelsdapperNow if I did this right, I should be able to put all my extra things in my other hd.10:01
=== Sktfeelsdapper goes to find out.
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eeanmy postgresql database got messed up and apt-get isn't reinitializing it on reinstalls10:01
ebzeroMedic im not finding that one i dont se it O.o10:01
Overandactually radar1976 http://lanpartei.de/~stefan/10:01
Severianradar, I use a Logitech USB mouse and it just works with no intervention required.  What kind of problem are you seeing.  Does your mouse not work, or is it jumpy or what?10:01
Overandtake a look at what he says10:01
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Overandhe says in the latest version of the synaptics driver it's supporteed10:02
=== brainsik [n=brainsik@dsl092-001-132.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sktfeelsdapperto remove a symbolic link, is it rm -s /home/skt/desktop?10:02
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ebzeroYeah im there i just dont see that one10:02
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SktfeelsdapperOr would that screw everything up?10:02
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mrkshtthedash: try setting screensaver to "Blank"10:02
ebzeroAhh brb Medi10:02
SktfeelsdapperI'd really like to mount it on my desktop period.10:02
mrkshtthedash: (temporary solution..)10:03
shmulikI'm having difficulty getting Atheros card to work on this MacBook Pro.  Do I just need madwifi-ng?10:03
thedashyeh I know10:03
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medic30420look for the one that has been downloaded the most10:03
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brainsikSktfeelsdapper: to delete a symlink just rm it10:04
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hangfireI know gcc compiles c programs, what what compiles c++ on ubuntu?10:04
=== brainsik [n=brainsik@dsl092-001-132.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lam_in Synaptic, there's an option to "Completely remove" a program, including configuration files.  is there a command line argument i can use in apt to do the same?10:04
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radar1976Overand what package is that for?10:04
LiraNunahangfire, g++10:05
thedashdo SATA drives use the same bridge-size as IDE drives?10:05
hangfireLiraNuna, I tried compiling with g++ filename.cpp -o filename and it didnt work10:05
Overandradar1976: i don't entirely understand your question10:05
Sktfeelsdapperso i would have to unmount it, create an fstab entry for it, and the mount it onto my desktop?10:05
LiraNunahangfire, what are the errors it throws?10:05
hangfireg++ command not found10:05
=== Ertaius [n=danielpa@71-90-27-186.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjLhangfire: "sudo aptitude install build-essential"10:05
SktfeelsdapperThat sounds easy, let's see how easy it is.10:05
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LiraNunahangfire, apt-get install g++ make10:06
hangfireok, thanks LjL10:06
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hangfireok, thx Lira Nuna10:06
Lam_in Synaptic, there's an option to "Completely remove" a program, including configuration files.  is there a command line argument i can use in apt to do the same?10:06
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ebzerobahh back10:07
brainsikLam_: you need to "purge" the package10:07
LiraNunahangfire, g++ can also compile .c code in .cpp mode10:07
LiraNunaLa_PaRCa, apt-get remove program10:07
brainsikLam_: either "dpkg --purge packagename" or "aptitude purge packagename"10:07
mrkshtLam_: apt-get --purge <package>10:07
LiraNuna--purge.. he wanted to remove10:07
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ebzeroMedic u still here10:07
valentin__alguien habla espaol10:08
Lam_brainsik, mrksht: thanks10:08
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:08
Ertaiusdobri deng10:08
valentin__grax xD10:08
ebzerosorry once again had to get some stuff any way im download the IMG inside the Bz2 right?10:08
radar1976just trying to understand which package that would contain the synaptics driver10:08
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radar1976for xorg10:08
willh1234how do i fix a broken cache?10:08
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medic30420yep, extract it, and format the floppy10:09
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Ertaiusdoes anyone know much about linux on G4 powerbooks?10:09
medic30420as far as extracting it i am not sure what is installed on dsl10:09
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KragneracAnyone else having problems trying to upgrade to Edgy Eft via the upgrade manager?10:10
ebzeroErr what should i extract with or is that what u dont know10:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cache - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:11
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NutsOfSteeli am trying to make a script that logs onto a server and executes some ssh commands. i don't want the script to use any passwords whatsoever, so I created a public/private key pair. everything works fine, except that the script still needs a password the first time it gets executed. do you know what I should do to avoid that?10:11
yarddogKragnerac, use apt-get to upgrade10:11
burritoortegaanyone knows a good app for cataloguing (music) cds?10:11
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Admiral_Chicagoburritoortega, amarok?10:11
burritoortegai found gcstar but the one thing it doesn't catalogue is cds10:11
Admiral_Chicagoah nevermind10:12
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burritoortegaAdmiral_Chicago: isn't amarok a music player?10:12
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LjLburritoortega: "apt-cache search cd catalog". shows a few interesting packages10:12
burritoortegaLjL: thanks i'll check10:13
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Byanhey, how would I go about setting up a DNS server. I have a freedns that I can NS forward from. I want to have my own subdomains. like, you.me.freedns.org10:13
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JowiNutsOfSteel: when you create the keypair, don't use a passphrase maybe....?10:13
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Ignite_Anyone know when Edgy is due out?10:14
NutsOfSteelJowi: i've already done this, but the problem is that it *still* wants the account's passphrase10:14
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule10:14
caimexI'm trying to set up gnump3d and everything seems to work but I can't find an external ip address that works, I tried ifconfig but this goves me no extrnal ip's. I got my external ip's from one of those websites and it wont work either.10:14
Ignite_thanks LjL, I know it's in October, just not exactly when. :-)10:15
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LjLIgnite_: supposedly 2610:15
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Ignite_Aww :-(10:15
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burritoortegaanyone knows a good app for cataloguing (music) cds, with auto-retrieval of cddb data, and all that?10:15
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JowiNutsOfSteel: http://www.math.ualberta.ca/imaging/snfs/passwordless.html10:15
ebzeroMEDIC u stilll here10:15
Ignite_burritoortega, try Amarok10:15
caimexanyone knows how to find the external IP?10:15
=== Steven|PC [n=ima@pD9E9E3F4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
caimexexaile is also good10:16
caimexand Listen10:16
caimexboth gnome10:16
Byaneveryone ignore me, of course10:16
=== Brendon [n=Brendon@c-76-18-20-190.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
burritoortegacaimex: those are music players, you say one could use them as cd cataloguers only?10:17
burritoortegacaimex: let me see10:17
=== JosefK [i=JosefK@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sharpi have a server that won't start... kernel panic... somthing about VFS10:17
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:17
caimexamroK is a music player as well?10:17
Steven|PCanyone else got the problem while installing the 6.10 beta that the installation freezes at 94% (updating-grub). crc check of the cd seems fine10:17
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OverandSteven|PC: what filesystem are you using?10:17
clocksDoes anyone here have any experience with firehol?10:17
LjLByan: i'm not sure setting up a DNS server is something many people do. so perhaps rather than thinking everyone's ignoring you, it might just be that nobody who's looking knows.10:18
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Steven|PCdidnt change anything :)10:18
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burritoortegacaimex: yeah and i asked the same about amarok  :)10:18
ByanLjL: yeah, I know, I wasn't being exactly serious10:18
OverandByan: personally, I wouldn't like to run my own DNS server10:18
OverandI'd use a service like zoneedit10:18
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gi00anyone know about booting problems due to /sbin/init?10:18
OverandRunning your own DNS server is fine, but I don't get paid enough. =] 10:18
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mipstienhow can you manually uninstall the nvidia-glx drivers?10:19
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Dr_willisgi00,  if the system cant start init, then its dieing very eary on.. perhaps it cnt find the root filesystem,. or similer issues10:19
whurleyhi all, when you install a default ubuntu install 5.10 and want to run "sed -i -e "s/breezy/dapper/" /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update && apt-get --purge dist-upgrade" it gives perms denied. What's the best way to solve this (i.e. since ubuntu uses sudo and my passed for the user I created doesn't work)10:19
phanterhi there. how can I remove vmware-player?10:20
ByanOverand: I am using http://freedns.afraid.org/, but the problem is that I need to get 7 or so computers on there, so it would be convenient to use my own DNS10:20
LjLphanter: "sudo aptitude remove vmware-player"10:20
=== stu_ [n=stu@ip-81-1-82-138.cust.homechoice.net] has joined #ubuntu
eeanwhurley: boot up in single user mode and change passwords10:20
Byanwell, really, 3 computers, with 1 of them having 5 public IP's10:20
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burritoortegaanyone knows a good app for cataloguing (music) cds, with auto-retrieval of cddb data, multi-platform (including win32) if possible?10:21
darkanyelhi, how can i change the idiom of the diccionary in ubuntu?10:21
almimonihi every body, how ti install c compiler?10:21
gi00Dr_willis: the boot process detects the file system and then stops because of the missing init file10:21
almimonihi every body, how to install c compiler?10:21
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burritoortegaalmimoni: apt-get install build-essentials10:21
Bazzialmimoni: install the "build-essential" package10:21
almimoniok thanx10:21
burritoortegaalmimoni: don't flood the channel every 3 seconds please  :)10:21
Jowiwhurley: you can also boot up in recovery/singleuser and add your user to the /etc/sudoers file or add your user to the admin group10:22
mipstienhow can you manually uninstall the nvidia-glx drivers?10:22
Byanburritoortega: if you find something handly like that tell me.10:22
eeanwhen reinstalling a package (postgresql) it doesn't re-create /etc and /var files. How do I get it to do so?10:22
Steven|PCmh, so i take the problem is on my end10:22
gi00mipstien: via apt-cache search glx you can find the packets10:22
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mipstiendo i just delete them?10:23
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stu_how can I change the colour of the window bars in the task bar? if I make the task bar transparent with a dark colour I cant see the text cos its also black and then when I select a window it highlights white10:23
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thedashare SATA jumpers different size than IDE jumpers?10:23
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stu_wtf do u need a jumper on a sata disk for?10:24
gi00mipstien: no, apt-get remove packet-name and than they are removed10:24
mipstiengi00 that doesn't work it gives me an error10:24
whurleythanks all10:24
Steven|PCor would changing the filesystem from ext3 to ext2 change anything for me?10:24
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mipstienErrors were encountered while processing:10:25
mipstien nvidia-glx10:25
mipstienE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:25
thedashstu_:: to limit the transfer rate to 150 Mbps instead of 30010:25
Otacon22how can i open my webcam with mplayer?10:25
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ifrozenhow to reset enviromental variables without reset?10:25
mikm[laptop] Otacon22 there should be a device /dev/video or /dev/videox10:25
Severianstu, you don't use the jumpers to set the drive number, but to set options.  For example, some drives have a jumper to set SATA-150 mode for controllers that need it.10:25
mipstiengi00 it gives me errors would you care to take a look at them?10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about post - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
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Otacon22mikm[laptop] , yes but with wich parameters?10:26
mikm[laptop] Otacon22 AT the terminal, type 'ls /dev/video*'10:26
mikm[laptop] See what comes up10:26
thedashSeverian:: do you perhaps know if they are the same or different sizes then?10:26
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mikm[laptop] Otacon22 what numbers, etc.10:26
mikm[laptop] Otacon22 For example, I get a /dev/video and /dev/video010:26
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.10:27
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Otacon22i am doing it from a ssh connection10:27
Otacon22with x forward10:27
SeverianIt depends on the drive, thedash.  There are two common sizes.  One is about half the size of the other.10:27
Otacon22say me10:27
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Otacon22only hte parameter for mplayer10:27
thedashSeverian:: k, thanks10:27
Otacon22then i will see devices10:27
rodhi. can anybody explain what is the edgy-proposed repository ?10:27
mipstienwhat is the web page to post large text?10:27
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mikm[laptop] Otacon22 the parameter is the video device10:27
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ompaulOtacon22, please put your full comment on one line, and then press enter, thanks ;-)10:28
Otacon22mplayer /dev/video0 ?10:28
Otacon22o videox10:28
mikm[laptop] Otacon22 yes10:28
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:28
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profoX`Hey guys, is it safe to use automatix?10:28
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ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.10:29
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rodwhat is the edgy-proposed repository ?10:29
ompaulprofoX`, you got your answer there - we don't suggest it - we suggest documented methods10:29
ompaulrod, wrong channel #ubuntu+110:29
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Frustrated_Noobhola minna10:29
mipstienwhat is the web page to post large text ?10:30
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Otacon22mikm[laptop]  ls return    /dev/video  /dev/video010:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:30
ompaulmipstien, paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:30
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kitchekmipstien: there is many pastebin.ca pastebin.com and couple others\10:30
mipstienty i couldn't remember the paste thing :P10:30
Frustrated_NoobOkay, I have just installed ubuntu, and i seem to be having a problem running exe files.  i'm obviously a noob, so please, tell me what I must do to alleviate my frustration on this matter.10:30
KeithWeissharwhat's the release date for edgy 6.1010:30
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bthorntonIn Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS, what "ties" a network interface name (i.e. eth1, eth2) to a particular piece of hardware?10:31
kitcheFrustrated_Noob: you have to use wine to use exe files10:31
printkbthornton: the kernel driver10:31
bthorntonprintk: so if I wanted to switch, say, eth2 to eth0, how would I go about doing that?10:31
profoX`printk, ompaul: yes, but I heard that people on #ubuntu say that automatix is a piece of cr.. and I was just wondering why you thought so. I don't use it myself, because I prefer to have full control over what I'm doing, but there was a big discussion going on in a localized ubuntu forum about automatix....10:31
KeithWeissharwhat new features does 6.10 have10:31
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bthorntonI checked my aliases and don't see any for "eth[x] "10:31
Frustrated_Noobwine?  let me guess, a program that runs windows executables10:31
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kitcheFrustrated_Noob: you are correct10:32
profoX`printk, ompaul: you = the ubuntu channel in general10:32
Otacon22mikm[laptop] ,10:32
printkprofoX`: never used it.  Never seen a reason to use it.  And I know it's "use at your un-risk"  I.e.  it's not supported in here.  so it's probably bad (tm)10:32
Otacon22Playing /dev/video.10:32
Otacon22File not found: '/dev/video'10:32
Otacon22Failed to open /dev/video10:32
Frustrated_Noobkitche: Where can I get it?10:32
mikm[laptop] Otacon22 ok, try 'mplayer /dev/video' and 'mplayer /dev/video0' and see what works.10:32
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Otacon22Playing /dev/video0.10:32
Otacon22File not found: '/dev/video0'10:32
Otacon22Failed to open /dev/video010:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:32
ompaulprofoX`, it breaks things now and again - and it is offtopic10:32
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mipstieni would like some help with somenoe checking into this error(s) i get on tryin to uninstall nvidia-glx http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25345/10:33
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ompaulOtacon22, you have been asked to (A) use the paste bin (B) not to put out short multiple lines please don't do that again10:33
kitcheFrustratedNoob: it's in the universe repo and the package is called wine10:33
Faust_VIIIjust one question, how easy is it to remove a partition ?10:33
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eyedolmy usb mouse breaks after sometime unless I reboot before it works again, please what might be the cause10:33
ompaulFaust_VIII, sudo fdisk /partition/name10:33
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printkbthornton: well if it's eth2 than eth0 and eth1 are already taken.... i guess disable those modules from being loaded to force the one you want to be eth0? :P  Other than that I have no clue, I've never had a reason to change the interface name10:33
SpCombFaust_VIII: remove? Easy. But partitions are at fixed offsets, and you can't move them around10:33
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mikm[laptop] Otacon22 It's probably a problem with doing it over ssh10:34
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Faust_VIIIyes, i wanted to install ubuntu today on my usb HDD but won't work10:34
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Faust_VIIInow i'll install ist on my normal HDD10:34
eyedolmy machine specs are Toshiba Satellite M7010:34
eyedolATI Express 200m10:34
ompaulFaust_VIII, the install will look after it10:34
ompaul!enter > eyedol10:34
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ompauleyedol, please read the comment from the channel bot10:34
bthorntonprintk: Yeah.. the reason I ask is because I've switched NICs (well, entire motherboard, to be exact) and each time I do that, it assigns the new NIC to the next eth[x]  interface.  However, the problem is that many of my configs still refer to eth[x-1] .10:34
gi00misptien: it shouldnt10:34
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
Arrickwhat is the command to find out the speed of your propcessor in breezy?/10:35
printkArrick: cat /proc/cpuinfo or dmesg10:35
Frustrated_Noobkitche: So i need to enter the universe, find the repo, and then find wine?10:35
printki'm sure there are more ways10:35
ompaulArrick, a couple of ways lshw | less is one10:35
Faust_VIIIhmm but i don't get why it doesn't work on my usb hdd, a message appears which says "there isn't enough space for the partition"10:35
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Faust_VIIIbut there is much space left, about 50GB10:35
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ompaul!install > Faust_VIII10:36
eyedolhas anyone fall a victim of this before?10:36
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ompaulFaust_VIII, read the message from the bot it tells you stuff about installing lots of different ways10:36
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mipstiengi00 it does tho :(10:37
gi00hm, did you find the packet10:37
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ompauleyedol, it can be all sorts of things - bad mouse bad motherboard, the usb infrastructure can fall apart at times try the mouse in a different port it might help10:37
ompauleyedol, usb is not some kind of magic but it can feel like it sometimes10:38
eyedolompaul, my mouse is very new bought a couples of days ago10:39
ompauleyedol, means nothing really, now have you used other ports already?10:39
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eyedolompaul,all of them and they all turn to behave the same10:39
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ompauleyedol, try a different mouse - if it works then it is the mouse?10:40
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eyedolompaul, it does the same with every mouse I use, couldn't it be a video card driver issue?10:41
ebzeroHas anyone here ever had a problem when installing UBUNTU where it stalls at Hard Ware Check??????????10:41
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printk!install > ebzero10:41
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Frustrated_NoobFortunately, not me Ebzero.  I'm just having problems running things with ubuntu10:41
mobal i need help10:41
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mobali want to help my friend10:41
printkebzero: the msg the bot will send you sends you to good links on common installation issues10:42
ompauleyedol, you suspect a video card that is a bit random is it not?10:42
mobalhow can i make ubuntu 6.06 remote control server vnc?10:42
gi00mipstien: try do use aptitude10:42
camirrakiusomebody know spanish???10:42
kitchemobal: you mean install a vnc server on it or the client?10:42
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:42
ebzeroPritnk what bot?10:42
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LiraNunause !es10:42
mobalno basic ubunt 6.0610:42
printkebzero: ubotu sent you a msg10:43
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mobalthe ubuntu's built in remote desktop is only viewer?10:43
kitchemobal: yes I m trying to figure out if you want to use it as a client or as a server10:43
eyedolompaul, is there a way to get running again with I have to reboot?10:43
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mobalwhat server must i install?10:43
ompauleyedol, does your on machine mouse work?10:43
printkmobal: they want to remotely log into their ubuntu box?10:43
ebzeroSo pritnk do i ask it again?10:44
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:44
ompauleyedol, as in synaptic mouse pad10:44
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printk^ there you go ebzero10:44
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kitchemobal: you can install tightvncserver10:44
mobaland i need to config it?10:44
eyedolompaul, yep that works even if the usb mouse breaks10:44
mobalmust config?10:44
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kitchemobal: you might have to it might just work after a install also10:45
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SeverianThe built is remote desktop is the server piece  vncviewer is the client.  I think I installed that seperate, but I can check if it helps.10:45
kitchemobal: but you have to configure it for the password10:45
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ompauleyedol, I suggest you consult this web page, help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions and try some of the options, can you use a proper ps2 connection on the laptop?10:46
eyedolI don't have that10:46
ompauleyedol, vis the ps2 if you can it is usually the best way to deal with mice issues10:46
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AgEnT-0016jo a;;10:49
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AgEnT-0016hi all10:49
AgEnT-0016i have installed suse 10.110:49
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AgEnT-0016do you think ubuntu is better?10:49
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ebzeroMEDIC u here?10:49
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kitcheAgEnT-0016: they do the same thing but ubuntu doesn't use the rpm package format that hasn't been developed for 4-5 years10:50
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ebzeroPritnk I ddint find anyhelp on the sites the bot gave me :[10:50
dzer0I need some help with setting up vsftpd or another ftp daemon10:50
redguykitche: is that true?10:50
kitcheredguy: what is true? about rpm not being develop for years?10:50
AgEnT-0016so what are saying kitche, ubuntu is better than suse?10:50
ByanAgEnT-0016: depends on preference10:51
m83hello. can anyone tell me how can I execute a command in gnome-terminal and then make gnome-terminal stay open? something like: gnome-terminal -e 'ls -l'. when I do this, it runs the ls and then quickly closes10:51
kitcheAgEnT-0016: it all depends on the default and preference10:51
ebzeroWhich is better Ubuntu or suse? or somthing else? Becuase ive only been getting installing problems with ubuntu so far :[[10:51
AgEnT-0016what about hardware support10:51
kitcheAgEnT-0016: it handles a lot of hardware out of the box10:51
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AgEnT-0016i got some issues enabling ati 3d support in suse10:51
m83hello. can anyone tell me how can I execute a command in gnome-terminal and then make gnome-terminal stay open?10:51
redguykitche: yup10:51
m83something like: gnome-terminal -e 'ls -l'. when I do this, it runs the ls and then quickly closes10:51
AgEnT-0016whay about ubuntu10:51
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ByanI haven't used SuSE in a long time, but, ubuntu seems to have better hardware support.10:52
m83join #gnome-terminal10:52
SlackRattry suse and see if that installs10:52
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ebzeroAnyone ever gt any hardware check problems with 6.06.1? and knows how to fix them??10:52
SlackRatatm byan, i think so10:52
kitcheAgEnT-0016: ati support is horrible in linux anyways but there is a readme on how to get ati working in ubuntu10:52
kitchehey it's SlackRat :)10:52
AgEnT-0016ok thnx10:52
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:52
dzer0I need some help with setting up vsftpd or another ftp daemon10:52
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SlackRatanyone know why thunderbird just died on me this morning?10:53
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Byanit hates you10:53
kitcheSlackRat: because it hates you :) but mayeb ti left an error10:53
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SlackRathey kitche  :)10:53
kitcheSlackRat: it's probably segfaulting probably10:53
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dzer0can someone please help me?10:53
SlackRatseg faults out the wazoo10:54
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ardchoilleI think I am missing something for Xine, it says "Audio Codec: MPEG layer 2/3" so I think I need a codec for MPEG 2/3. What do I need to install?10:54
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SlackRathow do you know bout it segfauting Kitche??10:54
Severiandzer0, what is the question?10:54
Severiandzer0, do you need the complete instructions on setting up an ftp server, or just a question or two?10:55
kitcheSlackRat: because I get those all the time with mozilla stuff10:56
jribardchoille: maybe libxine-extracodecs10:56
SlackRatand the fix is wait for an update? lol10:56
Byandzer0: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#FTP_Server10:56
ardchoillejrib: Ah, good idea10:56
Byanthat whole guide is handy for quetions like these10:56
kitcheSlackRat: no sometimes it stops segfaulting on it's own :)10:56
ardchoillejrib: Thanks10:56
SlackRatoh goody10:56
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scottevilhello, anybody here use truecrypt?10:57
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SlackRatwell at least TB on slack is stable10:57
kitcheSlackRat: well I tend to compile TB and still get segfaults, but after a few days it works normal for some odd reason10:58
SlackRatwell i got opera mail just as a backup till i find the ideal mail server10:58
SlackRater mail client10:58
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Byanbleh, Opera mail.. isn't that client horrible?10:59
SlackRatso so10:59
Byanthough, I haven't used it since before you had to pay for Opera10:59
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Otacon22mplayer only don't work, wichj is the parameter for read from a webcam(/dev/video0)11:00
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Byanactually, I still have it install.. version 7.52..11:00
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skaosSlackRat: it's mostly a defect (mozilla-)profile. have you started with a clean one?11:01
SlackRater no, at what point, its crashed over a few things of late11:02
ardchoillejrib: That was the exact package I needed :)11:02
jribardchoille: great11:03
=== SlackRat never cleaned a mozilla profile ....
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JowiSlackRat: "firefox -ProfileManager" is the easiest way to set up a new one/switch to an old one11:04
SlackRatthanks Jowi11:05
froudAny reason why the Alternate CD Server Installation installs the -386 kernel, when the Server Installation CD installs the -server kernel?11:06
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LjLfroud: ... is that a trick question? =)11:06
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froudLjL: no just an observation that confuses me11:07
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LjLfroud: well have a look here perhaps https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelServerRoadmap11:08
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LjLfroud: especially the "Design" paragraph11:08
philipsmithHere is something I don't understand. When I start Amarok, sometimes the sound is low so I turn it up to the max. It is still soft, so I open RealPlayer, and turn up the volume slider to MAX, and the sound gets LOUD. WHY???11:09
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LjLphilipsmith: i guess that if you set the volume within amarok, it only sets its own output volume, while realplayer uses the system mixer.11:09
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LjLphilipsmith: try setting the volume high using the mixer11:09
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LjLphilipsmith: (the sliders concerned should be Master, Wave Out and Output Gain -- or similarly called)11:10
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:11
froudLjL: OK, but that does not explain why Server Install CD installs -server and Alternate CD server installation installs -38611:11
philipsmithLjL: By golly you are right! I opened the volume control and RealPlayer, and slid the RealPlayer volume thingy, and the volume control thingy slid, also! I think this is weird.11:11
LjLfroud: well, it does explain that, and why, the Server kernel is different from the standard kernel11:11
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froudLjL: yah good info11:12
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clojsterhi, which package includes binary "cc"?11:12
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LjLfroud: the alternate cd on the other hand installs 386 because... that's what it's supposed to install? i mean, the -386 kernel is the standard "desktop" kernel that everything installs, except the server flavour11:12
froudLjL: I think somebody just forgot to remaster the Alternate CD.11:12
LjLfroud: but the alternate cd isn't *supposed* to have the server kernel11:13
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froudLjL: Alternate CD gives desktop server and oem install options11:13
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LjLfroud: i see... but well, i guess it's just got one kernel in it. but then yeah, i agree, it should come with two kernels, and install the server one if you select server...11:13
froudLjL: it here for stands to reason that the Server from Alternate CD should install a -server kernel11:14
=== green_earz [n=admin@213-232-83-67.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
LjLjhon: please stop repeating. we speak english here. if you want to get support in italian, join #ubuntu-it11:14
froudLjL: ok, thanx11:14
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SktfeelsdapperThere's an italian version too?11:14
SktfeelsdapperHoly crap!11:14
S0me1WPA hex password not work with me? any advice!11:14
SlackRati think he said theres no one there, and if someone spoke italian to join him there11:14
SktfeelsdapperHow do I have directories?11:15
LjLSktfeelsdapper: there are #ubuntu-de, #ubuntu-fr etc channels for a lot of languages11:15
=== beyond [n=beyond@201-1-216-239.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
SktfeelsdapperI have /home/skt/musak that I want to move to my newly mounted second hd11:15
dzer0Severian: you still there? sorry bout the wait, but I need like a full ftp tutorial11:15
SktfeelsdapperI want to move /musak and all that into my second hd11:15
LjLSlackRat: uh... when did he say that?11:15
lampshadeyou know what just hit me and made me angry?  the lack of current flash on linux.  I mean this is kinda offtopic, but think about it, there is an Adobe version of reader out and in  the repos.  It isn't like they dont have *nix engineers.  How hard is it to find those guys and make them do flash?  (Maybe it is the same gys but it is taking them so long to do flash that I feel it almost has to be new people ^_^ )11:15
dzer0I apt-get installed vsftpd and I think it's running but I cant tell and it doesnt work11:15
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kitchelampshade: they are making a flash 9 version11:16
LjLlampshade: ... but yeah, that *is* offtopic. which is ok, since there's not much talk going on in #ubuntu-offtopic right now... ;-)11:16
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dzer0and I want to uninstall it and do something that works Severian11:16
SktfeelsdapperGuys I think flash whatever is off sync for everyone./11:16
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SktfeelsdapperMy bf is running a Windows box, and was watching youtube and it's pretty out of sync.11:17
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green_earzdzer0: http://www.brennan.id.au/14-FTP_Server.html   bookmark it. should be of use11:18
SktfeelsdapperI don't know if maybe they are updating, or if it's something wrong with them.11:18
lampshadekitche: yes, I'm well aware of that, if you read what I wrote, I specifically mentioned that it seems like it is taking them a while to come out with the new version.  I think from that one can gether that I know about them working on flash 9, which isn't supposed to even be done for months and months :-/.  Though my guess is I'll be running the beta of it much sooner.  Most people probably will11:18
kingacehi, im in the ubuntu livecd right now, trying to repartition my HDD11:18
kingaceand gparted won't resize my disk11:18
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lampshadeSktfeelsdapper: it is off sync for me too.  Or if it doesn't start that way, it ends that way11:18
Renan_s2!info ckermit11:18
ubotuckermit: a serial and network communications package. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 211-6 (dapper), package size 1558 kB, installed size 2952 kB11:18
SktfeelsdapperI think it's just a problem with them, not with us.11:18
Renan_s2!info hptalx11:18
ubotuPackage hptalx does not exist in any distro I know11:19
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kingacehow do I mount my disk to make it read-write?11:19
SktfeelsdapperBecause like I said my bf was just watching youtube.11:19
lampshadeA bigger problem is that a lot of sites use detection and then simply STOP you from viewing content and redirect you to getting flash 9... that's the most annoying imho11:19
D35Uhi desu11:19
SktfeelsdapperI just used gparted, kingace.11:19
SktfeelsdapperIt partitioned my other hard drive to ext3.11:19
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:19
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kingaceim trying to use it to resize my current disk11:19
siriusnovaokay stupid question11:19
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siriusnovabut whats the difference between patch -p011:19
siriusnovaand patch -p111:20
SktfeelsdapperI mounted it and can now put files on my other HD which was ntfs.11:20
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mipstiengi00 sorry but that aptitude didn't work either http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25348/11:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:20
ubotuAIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol.11:20
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SktfeelsdapperNow all I need to figure out is how to move the media I want to put on my other hd there.11:20
lampshadeD35U: desu?  In my ubuntu ;)11:20
SktfeelsdapperHow do you move entire folders to another place?11:20
D35Ulampshade in my parlour!?11:20
GhostFreemanOh noes there's junk in my ubuntu\11:21
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lampshadeD35U: I don't habeeb it11:21
D35Uhabeeb it!11:21
=== D35U *sock*
SktfeelsdapperSweet another Scotty!11:21
lampshadehaha  win11:21
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jvaihey all, how will the renaming of firefox by debian affect the future browsers of ubuntu?11:21
kingacemount: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only11:21
kingacethats what i get when i try to mount my disk11:21
GhostFreemanthey're renaming firefox?11:22
SktfeelsdapperYou could always gksudo nautilus11:22
Dr_willisjvai,  i doubt it.11:22
Sktfeelsdapperand change permissions and who owns the folder.11:22
SktfeelsdapperOr the drive or whatever.11:22
lampshadejvai: I've heard that the official mozilla response was that stuff got wayyyyy out of hand and the problem isn't nearly as bad as it is being reported on blogs.11:22
kingacewhat does gksudo nautilus mean?11:22
D35U!google lolifox11:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google lolifox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
RobHuHi - I just updated my dapper install and now when I login to Gnome I just get a coloured background - in safe mode it says "Unable to determine the address of the message bus"11:22
jvaihold on.. ima link a slashdot article11:22
GhostFreemanwhats the difference between sudo and gksudo11:22
green_earzSktfeelsdapper:   cp -R folder  where-to11:22
skaoskingace: you have to umount the partitions before using gparted11:22
ubotunautilus: file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.3-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 838 kB, installed size 2620 kB11:22
Dr_willisgotta love slashdot news11:22
SktfeelsdapperO really.11:22
jvaioooh ok lamp11:22
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D35Uhttp://lolifox.com/ http://lolifox.com/ http://lolifox.com/ http://lolifox.com/ http://lolifox.com/ DESU!11:22
Dr_willisall the news thats fit to OverHype and rant about. :P11:22
SktfeelsdapperBasically nautilus is like super user right?11:22
=== Sktfeelsdapper is pretty n00b.
Sktfeelsdapperor gksudo is super user.11:23
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kingaceno im running it under sudo11:23
SktfeelsdapperAt any rate, I was able to change permissions and change who owns my hd.11:23
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GhostFreemanI thought that was what sudo was11:23
kingacehow do i change permissions?11:23
=== Hinaichigo [n=desu@www.fidisk.fi] has joined #ubuntu
sanyihi all11:23
D35UGhostFreeman its not sudo, its desu11:23
D35Udesu rm -f /11:23
GhostFreemanman desu11:23
Suiseisekidesu apt-get install fail11:23
kingacerm -f ?11:23
D35Uits usually located in /usr/bin/desu11:23
kingacehow to change permissions on /dev/hda?11:23
LoRezWarning: `Suiseiseki' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.11:23
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RezWarning: `Suiseiseki' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.11:23
rlaredhey is there a general chat channel for ubuntu users?11:23
D35Ukingace chmod +desu /dev/hda11:24
=== oxygene_ [n=oxygene@dslb-082-083-149-089.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!11:24
D35U!ops desu11:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops desu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:24
jribrlared: #ubuntu-offtopic11:24
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rlaredjrib: thx11:24
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Admiral_Chicagoimbrandon, take care of that please11:24
kingaceim on the livecd11:24
lampshadeholy crap how many /b/tards are in here11:24
SktfeelsdapperI don't remember what I went into to get to that.11:24
kingacewtf is desu anyway?11:24
GhostFreemanGoogle it11:24
SktfeelsdapperWhy don't you just install it, kingace?11:24
waxfactor2ndhi there.11:24
waxfactor2nddo anyone here know how i dual boot win xp and ubuntu?11:24
waxfactor2ndi tried installing windows xp on partition 1, on hdd 0 (10gb partition), and ubuntu on partition 2 (20 gb) on hdd 0, /home on partition 3 (30 gb) on hdd 0, and a 2gig swap.11:24
waxfactor2ndi rebooted, and i got a grub error 22, anyone with a solution?11:24
kingacebecause im trying to dual boot11:24
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kingaceon my existing windows partition11:25
kingaceby resizing it11:25
mipstienI am having trouble gettin nvidia-glx uninstalled, if i use apt-get i get these errors, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25345/ , if i use aptitude i get these errors, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25348/11:25
SktfeelsdapperThat I have no idea how to do, sorry.11:25
SktfeelsdapperOoh is that I meant.11:25
kingaceits easy you resize it in gparted11:25
kingaceproblem is, i cant mount the damn disk11:25
Dr_williswaxfactor2nd,  google for that grub error.. i cant recall seeing that one befor.   Normally you install windows, then isntall ubuntu, and its grub loader works decently well.11:25
Sktfeelsdapperdid you use fstab?11:25
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Renan_s2does anybody here know how to send/receive files to/from an HP-48 calculator (serial port link) under Linux?11:25
kingacewhats fstab?11:26
Sktfeelsdappergedit /ect/fstab11:26
=== takuhii [n=takuhii@ip72-195-137-213.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions11:26
D35Usomeone is hacking into my computer desu11:26
waxfactor2nddriwilis kk shall do11:26
kingacewhat line should I add11:26
D35Ueverytime I close a window it repones11:26
waxfactor2ndand i installend windwos first11:26
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D35Uand all my files are renamed to desu11:26
SktfeelsdapperWhat are you trying to mount? Windows or ubuntu?11:26
kingaceheres the deal11:27
D35UWindows or ubuntu, or desu11:27
D35Ucan anyone help me configure xdesu11:27
D35Ufor my xgl setup11:27
=== majd_ [n=zeit@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jribD35U: take care of your desu virus and then come back please, it is spamming the channel11:27
kingacei have one partition with windows on it and about 30 gigs free. i want to mount it with write permissions so I can resize it so I can use the remaining free space for ubuntu11:27
kingacewhat line should I add to fstab11:27
D35Ujrib desu I cant desu deal with it11:27
D35UI need some desu help11:27
SktfeelsdapperHoly crap.11:27
D35Uplease desu ^_____^11:27
kingacewhat skt?11:28
LjLRenan_s2: vv11:28
LjL!info hptalx breezy11:28
ubotuhptalx: A HP48 or HP49 <-> Computer communications program for Linux.. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1.1.0-5 (breezy), package size 38 kB, installed size 164 kB11:28
SktfeelsdapperI'm trying to process that.11:28
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks11:28
LjLRenan_s2: but i don't see that in dapper...11:28
SktfeelsdapperI'm sorry king, I got like 3 hours of sleep and spent all night mounting my own second hd.11:28
D35U!desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu11:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:28
=== Jammer [n=jam@adsl-ull-113-173.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!11:28
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JammerHas anyone here tried building wine 0.9.22 on Ubuntu Edgy? All of the executables are dumping core11:28
kingacewhat line should I add to fstab?11:29
mipstienhiya ljl ! good to see you again :)11:29
D35Ukingace, you need {desu, 0 1 2 des deu desu }11:29
=== MKR hax0rs desu with a waffle
LjLhi mipstien11:29
takuhiihey can anybody help me with a server config issue?11:29
yarddogJammer, #ubuntu+111:29
green_earzmipstien:  try   sudo aptitude purge nvidia-glx  -s      the switch -s is to simulate the action11:29
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kingacecan someone kick that desu guy11:29
kingacehes a douche bag11:29
Jammeryarddog: Rgr11:29
=== D35U desu's hax0r with a MKR
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D35Ukingace your a desu bagh11:29
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ardchoilleD35U: This is an Ubuntu support channel. Please respect the channel and its visitors.11:29
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MKRI think it's a robot11:30
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mipstienWould download/install/remove packages.11:30
D35Uardchoille sorry, will do desu11:30
=== Alakazam_ [n=Alakazam@cpe-24-160-122-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SpCombin soviet russia, desu hax0r D35U (disclaimer: I am not a bot)11:30
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kingaceok so once again, what should I add to the fstab11:30
SktfeelsdapperI'd recommend looking it up honestly kingace.11:30
D35USpComb, in sovite desu, desu desu desu desu desu desu!11:30
ubuntu__I need some help to intall Ubuntu, i'm in a livecd11:30
SktfeelsdapperI'm sorry bro, haha.11:30
takuhiican somebody help me with a server config, I can't get my system on my network or tell if the network card is installed properly11:31
SktfeelsdapperI don't know what you can do from a Livecd either, I just pretty much popped it in and installed it when it finished loading.11:31
=== Raep [i=partyvan@host86-141-19-137.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
D35Uhalp Raep!!!11:31
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!11:31
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage11:31
ardchoille/ignore D35U11:31
D35U/desu desudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesu11:31
takuhiiwhat is your malfunction man11:32
crazy_penguinhow can i override and stop an dpkg action?11:32
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LjLcrazy_penguin: don't11:32
RaepWait, so you guys are all a bunch of weeaboo faggots?11:32
crazy_penguini have to11:32
LjLcrazy_penguin: just let it finish11:32
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!11:32
LjLwhat the heck, WE NEED OPS11:32
D35U!desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu11:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:32
D35U!desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu11:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:32
ardchoilleD35U: Knock it off. People are trying to get help with thri Ubuntu and you're just making it harder11:32
=== D35U [n=dasf@c-68-61-108-195.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [requested]
green_earztakuhii: sudo route    and see if the default gateway ip addess is there11:32
Renan_s2ardchoille, d35u is a bot11:32
kaotD35U: you're about to get banned.  Take it easy.11:32
Raep desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu -11:32
Raep desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu -11:32
Raep desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu -11:32
crazy_penguinbut if i let it i will end up with a broken system11:32
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D35UI will quiet11:32
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@host86-141-19-137.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] by nalioth
ionel_mcoh come on11:33
ionel_mcdon't kick him11:33
ionel_mche's funny ^_^11:33
kaotI'm thinking we're under attack by a bunch of bored 13 year olds.11:33
Arrickif i wanted to watch scrolling, I would put on the ten commandments11:33
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c-68-61-108-195.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] by nalioth
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ardchoilleHe's not funny, he's annoying11:33
ionel_mcthat is relative11:34
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mipstienAHHH i can't figure this out its killing me, its still giving me errors, i can not uninstall nvidia-glx11:34
kaotionel_mc: no,it's annoying.11:34
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takuhiigreen_earz I'm trying the route now11:34
=== omegacat [n=fs@dpc6745250122.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
takuhiihad to boot up the system11:34
TheApologisthello everyone11:34
ionel_mcwell then... if someone is annoyed then i'm having fun :P11:34
omegacatplz to be helping, i can't get my USB mouse or wifi working on my laptop =(11:35
green_earztakuhii: on my machine it returns              default
Sktfeelsdapperkingoace let me find you some things about it.11:35
takuhiiugh, another issue ill get back to you guys on that one11:35
SktfeelsdapperSince I couldn't help you.11:35
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takuhiier never mind11:35
GhostFreemanwhat's your wifi?11:35
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-10-83-27.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
omegacati think it's a broadcom something, and i googled and there was stuff about ndiswrapper11:36
omegacatand i don't know how to do that.11:36
GhostFreemanI see11:36
takuhiiok sudo route did not show anything, just the labels for the kernel ip routing table11:36
mipstienI am having trouble gettin nvidia-glx uninstalled, if i use apt-get i get these errors, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25345/ , if i use aptitude i get these errors, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25348/11:36
GhostFreemanwell I dont have experience with Broadcom, only Atheros11:36
=== La_PaRCa_ [n=chatzill@bas12-montrealak-1167976847.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
GhostFreemanlets see what ubotu has to say11:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:36
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omegacati will find out which one i have, brb11:37
=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-110-194-134.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
GhostFreemanif its Broadcom it should all be the same right11:37
dantjehi there, i spent several hours trying to get a Samsung 204B to run at 1600x1200 [Ubuntu Dapper Drake, NV34/GeForce FX 5200, nv driver] .  xorg.conf and logfile can be found at http://pastebin.ca/18717911:37
takuhiietc/network/interfaces has auto lo, and auto eth0 - iface etho0 inet dhcp11:37
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takuhiihow can I tell if my network card is recognized/working?11:37
dantjeI is always telling me (II) NV(0): Mode "1600x1200_60.00" is larger than BIOS programmed panel size of 1280 x 1024.  Removing11:37
omegacati don't know.11:37
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-71-201-237-39.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
omegacati'm sorry, i suck at this =(11:38
green_earztakuhii: now use the command : sudo ifconfig   to see if the ethernet card as a ip address. by the look of thing it will not11:38
dantjeNow how can I override this? The panel size for this device is 1600x1200.11:38
uboturails: MVC ruby based framework geared for web application development. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 1723 kB, installed size 12820 kB11:38
SktfeelsdapperI tried ruby and got confused myself.11:38
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@c-68-61-108-195.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] by nalioth
uboturuby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB11:38
SktfeelsdapperRails was worse.11:38
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Rastadude, rails its the best webdev thing i ve ever used11:39
Rastaafter years of java/php11:39
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SktfeelsdapperI even did that guide.11:39
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SktfeelsdapperI guess i'm just not cut out for programming?11:40
=== feugan3333 [n=pico@myw-stp-66-18-80-28.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu
SktfeelsdapperWhy's poignant guide blah blah blah11:40
GhostFreemanPerl > *11:40
=== almimoni [n=almimoni@adsl24-210.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu
GhostFreemanalthough a php is fine too11:40
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SpCombVisual Basic!11:40
SktfeelsdapperI want to learn a language though.11:40
mikm[laptop] Python!11:40
tjb891does anyone if it is possible to convert .avi to dvds or another dvd player readibible format with ubuntu?11:40
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feugan3333Hi all. Does anyone know how to compile a kernel module. I've found lots of howto's but none of them work.11:40
SpCombMS-DOS batch files?11:40
SktfeelsdapperI've tried learning Ruby, didn't get too far.11:40
SpCombthose are really fun11:41
mikm[laptop] Sktfeelsdapper Seriously, learn python.  It's an elegant, useful language w/ a shallow learning curve11:41
=== mempf [n=mempf@S0106000129f69144.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakguys this isnt the right channel to be talking about what languages to learn11:41
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bleakedargh.. late last night i ran an update/upgrade (dapper-security).  since it updated my kernel, and i had just bought a new keyboard, i decided to shutdown, then power on.  when i booted the system, i see the POST, followed by a text msg, "PRESS A KEY TO REBOOT".  now, to me, this says that the bios either cannot see the drive it needs to boot from, or something is wrong with grub.  so could someone please recommend my next step?11:41
=== cens0red|wtmf [n=thepuro@my.r00t.is.biGGer.than.y0ur-r00t.com] has joined #ubuntu
takuhiigreen_earz, I got as the ip and the mask is I know this to be a return to sender addy, should this information have anything about my network card? cause I don't see any mention of netgear or anything11:41
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mipstienI am having trouble gettin nvidia-glx uninstalled, if i use apt-get i get these errors, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25345/ , if i use aptitude i get these errors, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25348/11:41
=== jorik [n=olmo@kotnet-148.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
leshasteI was wondering.. can any kind soul confirm http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134898 for me please?11:42
takuhiiit only lists lo, no eth0 as well11:42
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Sktfeelsdappermkm, so it's easy to learn?11:42
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CoirHow do I enable widescreen resolutions in Ubuntu?11:42
bleechhow can i install gcc 4.1.1 on dapper?  would it be easier to upgrade to edgy eft?11:42
crazy_penguinLjL: here?11:42
LjLcrazy_penguin: yes11:43
=== smystaki [n=smystaki@ppp65-164.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
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green_earztakuhii:  so it look like the driver for the pci ethernet card is not installed.  do a lscpi -v  for the info of what the ether card is11:43
LjLbleech: you can probably install it through other means, but i wouldn't recommend it, nor would i know where exactly to start11:43
leshasteit's the second attachment that is important11:43
=== cens0red|wtmf` [n=thepuro@my.r00t.is.biGGer.than.y0ur-r00t.com] has left #ubuntu ["."]
omegacatGhostFreeman i think it is Broadcom 430611:44
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crazy_penguinLjL: i was forced to stop dpkg because i didn't look when i installed a package and dpkg was on the point to unsinstall the kubuntu-desktop package and everything with it. so ...11:44
omegacati have an emachines m681011:44
cens0red|wtmf`my irc client is freaking out... :|11:44
Alakazam_have you asked it to stop.11:44
crazy_penguinLjL: i found the flag/command needed to stop dpkg11:44
cens0red|wtmf`no.  i slapped it.11:44
takuhiilscpi -v dosn't work11:44
takuhiicommand not found11:45
LjLcrazy_penguin: oh, and that is?11:45
gnomefreakbleech: although its not advised to install it on dapper it doesnt seem it will be too much trouble. it doesnt depend on libc6 but it recommended libc6-dev11:45
crazy_penguinthe hold command11:45
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gnomefreakbleech: packages.ubuntu.com  look for it in the edgy section but beware its not safe to do it11:45
LjLcrazy_penguin: uhm, i'm not sure what you mean... dpkg --hold? or something?11:46
gnomefreakbleech: nothing on dapper was compiled with gcc 4.1.1 so you might have issues if you go to build something11:46
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green_earztakuhii: sorry its  :   lspci -v11:47
omegacatand my mouse, i am confused. i looked at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-249063.html but my xorg.conf doesn't look like that.11:47
Sktfeelsdapperwhat are really good p2p things for ubuntu that are like soulseek?11:47
=== CASP [n=andrius@client-82-14-65-138.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakSktfeelsdapper: limewire amule frostwire11:47
takuhiik hold on that dumped a huge ammt of shit to my prompt11:47
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mipstiensktfeelsdapper, gtk-gnutella11:47
skaosmipstien: have you tried 'dpkg -r --force-all nvidia-glx'11:48
green_earztakuhii: look for " Ethernet controller "11:48
=== Rope is now known as Ropechoborra
=== MTecknology [n=Administ@AdrianDHCP-248.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
SktfeelsdapperI have bittorrent on here, but I can't get alot of albums and don't know of many bittorrent sites.11:48
SktfeelsdapperAnd Nicotine has been a giant failure to me.11:48
mipstienskaos i have not but i am in the aptitude gui right now and it says its repairing the broken package, if this doesn' towrk i will try that11:48
Renan_s2Sktfeelsdapper, Nicotine works OK here11:48
=== senior [n=senior@ip68-109-91-70.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #UBUNTU
gnomefreaktakuhii: please watch your language this is a family rated channel11:48
Otacon22I had installed Xgl but after install i have finded a grafic problem witch vlc, you can see it here: http://iamartino.altervista.org/Schermata.png11:48
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seniorHi guys - does anyone know where I could find a Japanese online dictionary that would pronounce a word?11:48
SktfeelsdapperDoesn't work here, at all.11:48
takuhiinot seeing any ethernet controller11:48
SktfeelsdapperI apt-get install it11:49
omegacatand every time it suspends/hibernates or whatever, i have to power cycle it to get it to come back on.11:49
SktfeelsdapperClick on it, and it doesn't come up.11:49
gnomefreakOtacon22: please join #ubuntu-xgl for that11:49
mipstienwww.isohunt.com   bittorrent site11:49
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SktfeelsdapperYah I tried that, I can't find too many albums on there.11:49
leshasteI was wondering.. can any kind soul confirm http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134898 for me please?11:49
leshasteit's the second attachment that is important11:49
omegacatnobody knows?11:49
mipstienuse Azureus, its better than the basic bit torrent site11:49
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gnomefreakleshaste: using gentoo?11:49
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leshastegnomefreak: I am but it isn't clear whether that is relevant to this bug11:50
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green_earzSktfeelsdapper: http://www.torrentreactor.net/ http://www.mininova.org/ http://thepiratebay.org/ http://isohunt.com/11:50
gnomefreakleshaste: the bug is not relavent at all to ubuntu11:50
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gnomefreakleshaste: its a gentoo build package11:50
leshastegnomefreak: you mean it doesn't show in ubuntu?11:51
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SktfeelsdapperI've used mininova and isohunt and can't find any mp3/albums I like.11:51
leshastegnomefreak: this is the problem.. we need to know if it is kde or gentoo11:51
gnomefreakleshaste: the first line of it is gentoo package11:51
=== DingoK [n=kyle@cpe-67-10-160-227.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PFAhas anyone here had any success with a Lexmark P915, Z705 or X2350?11:51
leshastegnomefreak: could you test the second attachment please11:51
=== bleech [n=j@ip68-228-81-242.oc.oc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
takuhiihey green_earz, lspci worked good but in verbose mode I can't read all the output11:51
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gnomefreakleshaste: leshaste my kde 3.5.4 works fine here11:51
DingoKis there a way to tell dpkg or apt to uninstall/rm everything thta has to do with a pakcage? configs and all? so that I can reinstall from scratch?11:51
=== lukas [n=lukas@p548AA36C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakleshaste: we dont have kde devel team we have a kubuntu devel team11:52
green_earzSktfeelsdapper: http://www.torrentspy.com/default.asp11:52
=== kyncani [n=kyncani@bro29-1-82-245-180-190.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
omegacatsry, i must be in the wrong place. is there a help channel?11:52
XenguySktfeelsdapper: thepiratebay.org11:52
SktfeelsdapperMaybe I should reboot my computer to see if this actually worked.11:52
=== Sktfeelsdapper just mounted a hd..
=== matjan [n=matjan@209-161-215-139.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SktfeelsdapperWish me luck on this one.11:53
LjLomegacat: this is the help channel. it's just kinda crowded, and there might not be somebody who knows the answer to your problem seeing your question...11:53
green_earztakuhii: lspci -v | grep Ethernet        may be better to veiw11:53
takuhiiah cool I was just reading a page on grep11:53
bleakedDingoK: the purge option.  if you use aptitude, it's sudo aptitude purge <pkg>11:53
omegacatLjL I have about a million problems. =( the whole thing sucks and my boyfriend is sleeping and i can't make it work and i hate it.11:53
green_earztakuhii: its a very handy tool11:53
takuhiiI understand how to use the command line I just don't know all the commands or how to string them together as well as you do :)11:53
=== Brendon [n=Brendon@c-76-18-20-190.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DingoKbleaked: is there a way to do it with apt-get ?11:54
takuhiigreen_earz: returned nothing11:54
juztinquestion : how do i fix this problem? configure: error: *** SDL version 1.2.0 not found!11:54
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omegacatand i cannot find instructions that i understand and the whole idea of using ubuntu was made of suck and fail, i think.11:54
Dr_willisjuztin,  install the various sdl libarary developer packages11:54
bleakedDingoK: well yea.. but you should really use aptitude.. the commands are almost identical.. i think apt-get uses, apt-get remove --purge or something.. check the manual, man apt-get11:55
juztinDr_willis, thanks :)11:55
XenguyDingoK: apt-get remove --purge packagename OR dpkg -r packagename11:55
omegacati should have known when just the installation crashed 3 times.11:55
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XenguyDingoK: actually dunno if that dpkg command 'purges', hrm11:55
=== DreamingRom [n=rom@dra38-4-82-240-101-20.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
juztinDr_willis, i get this error when trying to install libsdl1.2-dev in synaptic : Could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade : The following packages have unresolvable dependencies.  Make sure that all required repositories are added and enabled in the preferences.  Depends: libartsc0-dev but it is not going to be installed11:56
DingoKxenguy: the apt-get worked, thanks !11:56
Dr_willisjuztin,  besure ya got all the repos enabled. then update, upgrad, and try again. i guess..11:56
green_earztakuhii:  so i look like the card as not been seen at the bios level.   at ether card that play well with linux is 3com  3c905C11:56
=== Alethes [n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguydin: yw (dpkg takes a -P argument to purge)11:57
=== nomasteryoda|w [n=nomaster@ip68-99-148-93.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
takuhiiI have an extra ethernet card, is there anything I have to do if i shutdown and swap the cards?11:57
takuhiialso, is there a list where I can see if my card is on that list11:57
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-71-201-237-39.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
green_earztakuhii:  no just shut down the machine are try the other card11:58
=== mgjs [n=void@0x555121d5.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
takuhiik im gonna do that now11:58
Xenguytakuhii: just swap the cards and turn on the PC.  Maybe google ubuntu hardware compatibility11:59
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-6-84-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dantjeWhere do I turn for xorg.conf, driver & resolution problems? I'd like to see the Samsung 204B just work in one of the next ubuntu releases.11:59
omegacatok: I have the following problems: 1. My whole ubuntu endeavor thus far is made of suck and fail. 2. My wifi doesn't work. 3. I can't make my USB mouse work. 4. Every time the screen saver comes on it locks up and i have to power cycle 5. I suck at ubuntu and linux and have an emachines m6810 that i put dapper on12:00

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