=== Viper550 [n=Viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
Viper550 | kwwii is back?! Yay! | 12:47 |
kwwii | yeah, /me is back from Ireland | 12:48 |
Viper550 | I noticed Kubuntu 6.10 Beta looks very awesome | 12:49 |
kwwii | did a bit of work on a kubuntu kmenu icon while I was there | 12:49 |
kwwii | Viper550: thanks :-) | 12:49 |
Viper550 | Cool, everything is looking great...but at first I thought the panel background was mine! | 12:49 |
kwwii | yeah, it was really based on yours | 12:50 |
kwwii | the same idea | 12:50 |
kwwii | I tried to make it a bit softer | 12:50 |
kwwii | not sure if there is a real difference, in the end | 12:50 |
Viper550 | Oh...mine wasn't soft enough? | 12:51 |
kwwii | well, when I look at them that is the impression I get, perhaps I am silly though | 12:51 |
kwwii | I spent a week on a bunkbed | 12:51 |
kwwii | quite tired | 12:51 |
Viper550 | Yeah, bunkbeds do that to you :P | 12:52 |
kwwii | Viper550: what do you think about turning on the "colorize to bg color" option? | 12:52 |
kwwii | dude, I am 35 with an 8 year old child, I do not need a bunkbed | 12:52 |
Viper550 | That's another option I've been looking at/promoting, not many distros enable it on their KDE, would give us some originality | 12:53 |
kwwii | from what I have heard so far, people like it colorized | 12:55 |
kwwii | I think we should try it out | 12:55 |
Viper550 | Yeah, I even use mine colorized, since it colors along with the color scheme used, it will complete our purple makeover! | 12:56 |
Viper550 | still there? | 01:01 |
kwwii | sorry, in the bathroom | 01:04 |
kwwii | hehe, yeah | 01:04 |
kwwii | it is actually a blue color, but in the darker colors it looks purplle | 01:05 |
Viper550 | Oh yeah, I still think that offical Usplash for Kubuntu is nice! | 01:05 |
kwwii | I have seen many computers where it looks more blue | 01:05 |
kwwii | I think we could still make the Usplash a bit neaer | 01:05 |
kwwii | neater | 01:05 |
kwwii | I though about makng the same lines as the wallpaper only set on a black bg, mainly tranparent | 01:06 |
Viper550 | hmm... | 01:11 |
kwwii | I would like to use the wallpaper in the usplash, but with the logo and progress bar it is too many colors | 01:14 |
kwwii | well, really, even without the logo and the progress bar it is too many colors | 01:14 |
=== andreasn [n=andreas@h151n2fls33o839.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
Viper550 | hello andreasn | 01:15 |
kwwii | andreasn: I have a small movement of people dedicated to migrating to the freedesktop naming spec for kde4 and plans are underway :-) | 01:17 |
=== kwwii is going to sleep now...see you all later | ||
kwwii | night | 01:19 |
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54957069.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu-artwork ["Konversation] | ||
Viper550 | Not many people have been submitting stuff into the Polish phase...only one...me! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/EdgyArtworkPlan/Polish/Incoming | 01:21 |
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bersace | Hello all ! | 12:48 |
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bersace | troy_s: ping | 02:36 |
troy_s | go bersace | 04:41 |
bersace | troy_s: wait a minute | 04:54 |
bersace | troy_s: re | 05:02 |
=== OpenStandards [n=vir@AC8EBC34.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
troy_s | greetings openstandards | 06:09 |
troy_s | interesting handle | 06:09 |
OpenStandards | Hi :) | 06:10 |
OpenStandards | troy_s, do you know the link to where I can find the ubuntu colour scemes? | 06:13 |
troy_s | well... i would love to say yes | 06:14 |
troy_s | there are 'official' colours | 06:15 |
troy_s | but they are not adhered to in _any_ respect | 06:15 |
troy_s | are you referring to dapper? | 06:15 |
troy_s | the current jumbled up mess in dapper has no consistency what so ever, so you could basically sample the bits and use them. | 06:16 |
troy_s | the logo HAS been implemented consistently | 06:16 |
OpenStandards | just the offical colour set | 06:16 |
troy_s | and the colours are located in http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official | 06:16 |
troy_s | again though, don't expect seamless integration with the other colours as there has been _zero_ design adherence in dapper on that. | 06:16 |
OpenStandards | ok then | 06:17 |
troy_s | the logo colours _are_ adhered to | 06:17 |
troy_s | regarding the circle of friends colours | 06:17 |
troy_s | but that is where the consistency stops unfortunately. | 06:17 |
troy_s | we tried to establish somewhat of a more consistent palette approach for edgy, but that is going to be reverted to the dapper look. | 06:18 |
OpenStandards | will a different palette be used in the future? | 06:19 |
troy_s | i am trying to convince mark to do this | 06:19 |
troy_s | but first i think the trust relationship needs to develop with some folks. | 06:20 |
troy_s | don't expect it in the short term (6 months) | 06:21 |
OpenStandards | i'm surpised he hasn't gone with an idea of seasons | 06:21 |
troy_s | i like that idea too. | 06:21 |
troy_s | but effectively, the aesthetic is all over the board | 06:21 |
troy_s | and there exists a serious discontinuity between the primary elements (gdm/icons/wallpaper/etc) | 06:21 |
troy_s | which, hopefully, we can work towards resolving. | 06:22 |
troy_s | unfortunately, the attempts from this cycle have failed to meet his acceptance. | 06:22 |
OpenStandards | whats happening will the guidelines be simular to tango in the future | 06:23 |
troy_s | well i would like to see clearer guidelines than even tango's | 06:23 |
troy_s | that said, there needs to be an agreement on a fundamental set of issues like palette, motifs, etc. | 06:24 |
troy_s | which currently there isn't. | 06:24 |
troy_s | there are three primary avenues to achieving visual harmony | 06:25 |
troy_s | colour, thematic, and repetition | 06:25 |
OpenStandards | you british? | 06:25 |
troy_s | thus far, ubuntu meets exactly _zero_ of those requirements. | 06:25 |
troy_s | no | 06:25 |
OpenStandards | you spelt colour like a brit :) | 06:25 |
troy_s | (with the exception being that a good subset of the icons meet the repetition element) | 06:25 |
troy_s | (and colour) | 06:25 |
troy_s | yes i am canadian | 06:25 |
troy_s | so we spell several words in the british derivative. | 06:26 |
troy_s | do you develop work OpenStandards ? | 06:26 |
OpenStandards | well looking to | 06:26 |
troy_s | is your handle registered with nickserv? | 06:27 |
OpenStandards | yeah it is | 06:27 |
troy_s | i must head out | 06:28 |
troy_s | feel free to email me to discuss things further | 06:28 |
troy_s | ok? | 06:28 |
OpenStandards | will do, thanks | 06:28 |
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fschoep | troy_s_: ping | 09:56 |
troy_s_ | fschoep | 10:02 |
troy_s_ | ping | 10:02 |
fschoep | yo yo | 10:02 |
fschoep | troy_s_: pong | 10:02 |
fschoep | troy_s_: got some minutes? | 10:02 |
troy_s_ | how are you my brother? | 10:02 |
troy_s_ | shawarma thank the team | 10:02 |
troy_s_ | unfortunately, it won't be in edgy | 10:03 |
shawarma | troy_s_: Huh? What are "they" putting in instead? | 10:03 |
fschoep | troy_s_: I'm doing fine, thanks | 10:03 |
fschoep | troy_s_: you? | 10:03 |
troy_s_ | shawarma -- long story | 10:03 |
troy_s_ | fschoep fine thank you | 10:03 |
fschoep | shawarma: troy_s_ is this about what I think it is? | 10:03 |
troy_s_ | just had daughters birthday party. | 10:03 |
fschoep | Sounds great :-) | 10:04 |
shawarma | fschoep: I just /msg'ed troy_s_ saying that I thought the gdm screen in current edgy if bloody awesome. | 10:04 |
troy_s_ | shawarma -- meet fschoep the Artist In Chief for edgy -- but he is more of an ambassador for mark. | 10:04 |
fschoep | Pleased to meet you | 10:04 |
shawarma | likewise | 10:04 |
troy_s_ | there have been quite a few polishes... but they haven't been committed to the repositories yet. | 10:04 |
troy_s_ | i should probably change the topic to the current link frank put up. | 10:05 |
fschoep | Indeed | 10:05 |
troy_s_ | hold on | 10:05 |
fschoep | Please do | 10:05 |
troy_s_ | wtf | 10:05 |
fschoep | What's up my brother? | 10:05 |
fschoep | Can't set topic title because your nick is changed? | 10:05 |
=== Ziznin0 [n=Zinzin0|@modemcable242.211-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
troy_s_ | grr | 10:06 |
troy_s_ | looks like they reset a bunch of garbage | 10:06 |
fschoep | Can you rejoin with your normal nick? | 10:06 |
troy_s_ | ahh | 10:06 |
troy_s_ | i see. | 10:06 |
fschoep | Oh dear, it wasn't me? | 10:06 |
=== troy_s [n=aphorism@d206-116-6-170.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
fschoep | Right. | 10:06 |
fschoep | That's better | 10:06 |
fschoep | I think | 10:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-artwork [+o troy_s] by ChanServ | ||
fschoep | Ah, dand | 10:06 |
fschoep | dandy | 10:06 |
=== Ziznin0 [n=Zinzin0|@modemcable242.211-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu-artwork ["Quitte"] | ||
shawarma | ...so.. if the gdm screen in current Edgy is not going to be in edgy when it releases.. what is? | 10:07 |
fschoep | shawarma: a brand new design | 10:07 |
troy_s | basically nothing will change | 10:07 |
troy_s | fundamentally | 10:07 |
shawarma | fschoep: Can it be seen anywhere? | 10:07 |
fschoep | shawarma: inspired by Dapper's version, updated to reflect some new visuals | 10:07 |
fschoep | shawarma: it's being created as we speak | 10:07 |
fschoep | fschoep: well, it should be being created as we speak | 10:07 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:troy_s] : As usual -- last minute art if you are interested -- the guidelines for submissions are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/EdgyArtworkPlan/Polish/Directions -- follow them closely if you are going to invest time. | ||
shawarma | FWIW, when I saw the current one, I was totally blown away. | 10:08 |
troy_s | i can tell you i won't be bothering | 10:08 |
fschoep | That sounds a bit too jaded I think | 10:08 |
troy_s | i just don't have the time of late | 10:08 |
troy_s | this show is gearing up into full bore | 10:08 |
fschoep | I can understand | 10:08 |
troy_s | and i have tried to negotiate the issues | 10:08 |
troy_s | which fundamentally end up back where we started | 10:08 |
fschoep | Yes, but nobody is pointing a finger towards you Troy, you did an excellent job. | 10:09 |
troy_s | i am not concerned about myself actually | 10:10 |
troy_s | i don't mind any of the effort. i was more hopeful to look at the overarching design concerns and _try_ to address them in a more professional, sophisticated manner. | 10:10 |
shawarma | will troy's design at least be available as well? | 10:10 |
troy_s | unfortunately, it will take more time | 10:10 |
troy_s | and the politicking is a little nightmarish | 10:11 |
troy_s | i simply don't have time for it. | 10:11 |
fschoep | I know, I'm sorry it ultimately came down to that | 10:11 |
troy_s | needless to say, i have drafted an art director from my industry to help out on ubun2 as well. | 10:11 |
fschoep | shawarma: it'll probably be around, yes | 10:11 |
fschoep | troy_s: sounds large scale all of a sudden? | 10:11 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-artwork [-o troy_s] by troy_s | ||
troy_s | well... | 10:11 |
troy_s | the best way to illustrate how something _should_ be done, is to do it. | 10:11 |
fschoep | I can't argue with tat | 10:12 |
fschoep | that* | 10:12 |
troy_s | :) | 10:12 |
troy_s | i am simply unwilling to mire more professional folks in the process | 10:12 |
troy_s | when the demonstrated path of design is characteristically crippled. | 10:12 |
troy_s | unfortunate, but i can't waste their time. | 10:12 |
troy_s | i don' t mind wasting mine because i am committed to what Ubuntu is. | 10:13 |
fschoep | Yes | 10:13 |
shawarma | Urgh... I didn't mean to shake the bee hive.. :-) | 10:13 |
troy_s | shawarma it wasn't you my friend. | 10:13 |
fschoep | shawarma: I think it was already shaken up :) | 10:13 |
troy_s | shawarma you just popped in at the turning point | 10:13 |
troy_s | i really hope someone will step up and design what mark wants. | 10:13 |
troy_s | who has some time. | 10:13 |
fschoep | I have time | 10:14 |
fschoep | jmak is doing some designs as well | 10:14 |
troy_s | i am pretty confident that there will be a decent team behind the ubun2 project. | 10:14 |
shawarma | ubun2? | 10:14 |
troy_s | i have several professional folks interested thus far, the missing components will be the technological end. | 10:14 |
troy_s | which i hope to draft seveas on. | 10:14 |
troy_s | wow | 10:57 |
troy_s | http://suissacomputers.com/ | 10:57 |
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fschoep_ | troy_s: ping | 11:00 |
fschoep_ | troy_s: Hello? | 11:01 |
troy_s | howdy | 11:01 |
troy_s | you get that last link? | 11:01 |
troy_s | http://suissacomputers.com/ | 11:01 |
troy_s | gee... | 11:01 |
troy_s | not at all like the six designers were talking about. | 11:01 |
fschoep_ | Can anyone see my messages? | 11:02 |
fschoep_ | Allo allo? | 11:02 |
troy_s | fschoep_ you there? | 11:03 |
fschoep_ | troy_s: I think so | 11:04 |
fschoep_ | Allo allo? | 11:04 |
troy_s | see if you can get yoru fschoep back | 11:04 |
troy_s | quit and rejoin | 11:04 |
fschoep_ | Right | 11:04 |
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fschoep | Allo? | 11:05 |
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fschoep | troy_s: ping? | 11:14 |
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