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jlduggerheh, is it a bad thing when modprobe segfaults?12:56
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tritiumHmm, the wiki is showing the LaptopTestingTeam page as being deleted...05:19
tritiumPerhaps it'll be back tomorrow.  Got to update my wiki page to indicate that the Beta FAILS to install.  Again, it's the bug in kernels >= 2.6.17-8 that prevents X from loading on my machine.05:23
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jlduggerindeed. the wiki doesnt even show who deleted it06:16
jlduggerhope that doesn't mean i did06:16
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gijsji installed edgy on my core 2 duo laptop02:39
gijsjbut I lost one of the processors02:40
gijsjapt-get tells me the 686 image is already installed02:40
FujitsuThis isn't a support channel...02:40
gijsjwhere can I get the help?02:40
FujitsuTry #ubuntu+1, probably.02:40
FujitsuNo problem.02:41
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-laptop:Fujitsu] : Ubuntu laptop development work | Not a general Ubuntu support channel, use #ubuntu | Please test Edgy Beta - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/edgy/beta/
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-laptop:Fujitsu] : Ubuntu laptop development work | Not a general Ubuntu support channel, use #ubuntu | Please test Edgy Beta - http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/
gijsjwhat can I do to help test edgy?03:06
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ArvineCloneGood morning folks03:56
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esac_hi. my touchpad mouse has a couple issues in dapper. sometimes when double-clicking it doesnt work. this comes and go. as well, sometimes i will click a button, and the buttondown signal is sent, but it doesnt seem that the buttonup signal is sent. when i move the mouse off from the button, it is finally sent and the button is clicked. any ideas ?10:43
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