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klos__anyone here uses cairo-dock12:01
micael71ladydoor many tor privoxy12:02
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ladydoormicael71: are you sure it's a graphical program and not a daemon or something?12:02
Genixanyone have compiz and xgl working on amd64?12:03
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torchiefor some reason nobody seems to know what the problem is when it says "failed to allocate mem resource" after "uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel."12:03
micael71it is a grafic in xp12:03
birdfishDoes anyone have a 6.06 server and wouldn't mind e-mailing me their ssl.conf file from the apache2/mods-available directory?  I accidentally overwrote mine while creating a symlink =/12:03
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ladydoormicael71: so is rar12:04
pocholocomo configuro el wifi?12:04
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:04
sureshoti cant get an answer in the #berly or the #aiglx or #xgl channel can someone tell me if beryl is compatiable to dapper drake12:04
ladydoortorchie: i get the same error, but then it proceeds to boot.12:04
w30I have a printserver on protocol) and I cna print but the job never finishes (but it prints from the printer). I have to cancel the job by hand. What do I need in my cupsd.conf to make the printer tell cups on my box that the printing took place?12:04
micael71ladydoor ok i will see if it is working12:04
ladydoormicael71: cool.12:04
stu_ah, im trying to use 32bit drivers in 64bit - doh12:04
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kyjaADVISE: those of you with dule core proccessors.http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_enable_Multicore_Support    What a difference it makes !!12:04
godtvisk1nWhen attempting to install Windows XP through VMware in linux, the windows install says it cannot find any harddrives. What should I do?12:05
=== silent_scream Kalininixta paw na tin pesw
torchie"PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource"12:05
pocholowho config the wifi conex12:05
torchiedoes that have anything to do with the ram?12:05
ladydoorkyja: "advice" is a noun. "advise" is a verb.12:05
Agrajaggodtvisk1n: did you add a hard disk to the virtual machine?12:05
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kyjalol thx ladydoor12:06
ladydoorkyja: sorry.12:06
Agrajaggodtvisk1n: and if so, is it SCSI or IDE?12:06
sureshoti cant get an answer in the #berly or the #aiglx or #xgl channel can someone tell me if beryl is compatiable to dapper drake12:06
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kyjanot at all a problem ladydoor ;-12:06
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godtvisk1nAgrajag: i think i did, it says SCSI. see this screenshot: http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/7306/vmharddiskcx6.png12:06
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Agrajaggodtvisk1n: remove that disk, and add an IDE disk.12:06
AgrajagI don't think the XP installer knows what to do with the SCSI controll that VMware virtualizes.12:07
collierhow many is soup?12:07
godtvisk1nAidamina: or i should install an IDE?12:07
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ladydoorsureshot: http://swik.net/beryl+dapper12:07
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ladydoorsureshot: google is your friend.12:07
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birdfishNo one has a 6.06 server?12:08
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sureshotdont have very good luck with google ladydoor but thanks for your help been working on this all day and trying to find answers i am a newbi and strugle an strugle thanks anyway12:08
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godtvisk1nAgrajag: ok, thank you12:09
ANTDx1Hi guys12:09
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kbeebirdfish: got in late on your question you want 6.06 server is that it12:09
ladydoorsureshot: it's always good to look. i should mention that this was the *first result* that came up.12:09
ANTDx1I have sort of a large problem.  Ubuntu 6.06 is not booting.  It starts, but then it hangs during the stage when it loads the hardware components.12:10
AvagantTime to burn a new cd, ANTD.12:10
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AvagantThese burned cd's don't last very long.12:10
godtvisk1nAgrajag: i don't see any options to add an IDE disk12:10
AvagantI've had to reinstall ubuntu 3 times, and each time it gets slower and slower.12:10
ANTDx1Avagant, I have it installed on a partition.12:10
godtvisk1nAgrajag: never mind12:10
Agrajaggodtvisk1n: o hok12:11
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Genixanyone have compiz and xgl working on amd64?12:11
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bm0nkCan i paste a link to my post on ubuntu forums here by any chance???12:11
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georgy_ANTDx1, : a laptop ?12:11
AvagantAs long as it is ubuntu related, I guess they wouldn't see a problem with it.12:11
we2byGenix, yes, running 32bit ubuntu12:11
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we2byit is now called beryl12:11
ANTDx1It has been working.  One item of note: the light corresponding to my broadcom wireless card, which I just recently got to work, keeps blinking when it stalls during boot.12:11
kbeebm0nk: why not as long as ubuntu related12:11
ANTDx1georgy_, yes.12:11
Genixwe2by i meant on 64 ubuntu12:11
georgy_ANTDx1, : wich one12:12
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ANTDx1I think it's 4318...i can't remember the exact one.  The laptop is an HP zv600012:12
ladydoorbm0nk: did you do sudo ndiswrapper -m12:12
ladydoorbm0nk: also, you're not using the one from the repos? it's functional.12:13
Genixseems like i can't compile anything on x6412:13
bm0nkladydoor : havent done the 1st...and....umm...12:13
ladydoorGenix: did you install build-essential?12:13
kitcheANTDx1: it keeps blinking due to trying to get an ip address most likely12:13
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bm0nki just thought the most recent version would have been better12:13
ladydoorbm0nk: after you do the sudo ndiswrapper -m, try running sudo ifup wlan012:13
ladydoorbm0nk: it might be, i don't know.12:14
ANTDx1Why would it be doing that?  I've only used wired connection on my laptop with Ubuntu12:14
bm0nkladydoor thanks12:14
bm0nkill look12:14
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ladydoorbm0nk: cool.12:14
sureshoti guess beryl is not compatible to ati cards12:14
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kitchesureshot sure it is12:15
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LilRayRayhi all, I am having trouble installing ndiswrapper12:15
bm0nkladydoor : modprobe config already contains alias directive12:15
ANTDx1And more importantly, how can I tell my wireless card not to try to get an IP during boot?12:15
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sureshoti will try google again kitche but i keep comeing up with nvidia and nothing for ati12:15
[arcanux] Hi, I'm trying to put the fonts in the "Applications", "Places"..etc menus smaller, but when I go to Font Preferences and change them the changes don't have any effect in the menus, can anybody help me ?12:15
Genixladydoor: what is build essential?12:16
tuxtuxnotte a tutti12:16
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:16
almimonii install php & apache server but php dosnt work what i should to do in file: /usr/share/php5/php.ini-dist12:16
LilRayRayI unzip the ndiswrapper tar and then I type "make uninstall" like it says and I get an error12:16
ladydoorbm0nk: hmmmm...perhaps in #ndiswrapper they can help?12:16
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Flannel!tell almimoni about lamp12:16
ladydoorLilRayRay: you need to do ./configure first...it's important to read INSTALL & README12:17
LilRayRaythere is a channel?12:17
ladydoorLilRayRay: that's why theyr'e in all caps12:17
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sureshotkitche i me miffed ust say i am sorry the other channels i got nothing but smart remarks and such i dont mean to be mean here sorry if i have sounded a littl12:17
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kitcheLilRayRay: you trying to install it or uninstall since make uninstall uninstalls it after you compile it12:17
bm0nkladydoor : lol i didnt even think to go there12:17
ladydoorbm0nk: haha...common problem12:17
sureshotkitche i must say i am sorry the other channels i got nothing but smart remarks and such i dont mean to be mean here sorry if i have sounded a little miffed12:17
kitchesureshot: well I know it works with ati, since it's the same setup pretty much just the driver is different12:17
LilRayRayhmm, the install instructions that came with it arent very good12:18
micael71ladydoor i think i got the privoxy to work but not tor12:18
bm0nkladydoor : feel like an idiot now :P12:18
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ladydoorLilRayRay: right...but you can't skip steps12:18
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ladydoorbm0nk: nah12:18
kitchesureshot: I haven't used beryl since they changed the name but I know people that use ati with it12:18
ANTDx1Does anyone have any advice for how I can get my wireless card to quit looking for an IP on boot?12:18
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LilRayRaythere wasnt a "./configure" step in it12:18
zaxorI am thinking about trying a different video driver for this laptop. I want to backup what ever i can so i can restore my old drivers If the new driver does not work . how would i do this?12:18
ladydoormicael71: hmmmm...i don't actually know about setting up tor, sorry12:18
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kitcheANTDx1: yes disable the card12:18
ANTDx1how do I do that during boot?12:18
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ladydoorANTDx1: install BUM, the boot-up manager.12:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:19
ladydoorANTDx1: that'll allow you to edit what runs at boot12:19
sureshotthanks kitche again just apologizing for attitude this is a nice channel the others if you are lucky enough to get an answer its like buy better hardware12:19
ladydoorANTDx1: but BE CAREFUL.12:19
georgy_ANTDx1, : sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces and uncomment the line with ethX auto12:19
kitchezacor: just backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:19
ANTDx1so how do i get into my system now12:19
ANTDx1because right now I'm on my windows partition12:19
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[arcanux] How can I change the font size of the folders in /home ?12:20
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xenoNfluXanyone familiar with setting up phpMyAdmin?12:20
kitcheANTDx1: you have to reboot but if it freezes you have to chroot into the system chroot means change root12:20
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zaxorkitche ok is there a command to back it up? also when i want to revert back to my old driver what command would i  use?12:20
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Flannelzaxor: just copy it, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old or whatever12:21
kitchezaxor: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak will back it up and you do the opposite to get the config back12:21
Flannelzaxor: and then to revert you'd just copy it back12:21
ANTDx1how do I do chroot?  I'm sort of a newbie to Ubuntu and Linux as a whole12:21
Spydoes anyone can help me please ? ... Since i installed Ubuntu on my HDD, my USB Cable Modem don't work but worked with Live CD.12:21
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georgy_ANTDx1, : disable your wifi in the bios ?12:21
ANTDx1you can do that?12:22
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kitcheANTDx1: is your card pcmcia?12:22
ANTDx1I believe so12:22
w30cupsd keeps changing my owner of error_log from lpadmin to lp and I need the file to be owned by lpadmin. How do I get cupsd to not change it or to change it to lpadmin?12:22
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su1kawho can help me some ?12:22
su1kaabout torrent and freebsd ?12:23
stu_what window manager does xfce use? my beryl just went tits up and I cant do anything12:23
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Flannelsu1ka: er, what?  this is #ubuntu12:23
kitcheANTDx1: this is a desktop or a notebook by chance since I want to make sure that you get the right instructions12:23
oxEzHi, I plan to try Edgy Eft this week, and I wonder if using my current kernel's config (on gentoo, kernel-2.6.18), I could compile my kernel on ubuntu without any trouble? (I only have the minimum stuff in my .config).. I'm asking since I don't know if ubuntu requires 'x' module or 'y' one..12:23
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ANTDx1HP Pavilion zv600012:23
kitchestu_: xfce uses xfwm you have to disable that to use beryl12:23
Flannel!tell oxEz about kernel12:23
FlanneloxEz: that's for breezy, but edgy should be same steps, just different versions12:24
kitcheNTDx1: ok so it's a pcmcia most likely you can remove the card if it's a pcmcia12:24
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ANTDx1disable it on bios, you mean?12:25
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kitcheANTDx1: you can if you have that option12:25
ANTDx1I'll try that and see what happens12:25
oxEzFlannel: I see, thanks12:25
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ja1can you recommend any package suitable for ISPs. Bandwidth filtering, trafic counting, user accounts etc ?12:26
Hobo_JoeSorry can anyone point me to the Ubuntu Channel?12:26
kitcheANTDx1: but if it's pcmcia you can just remove it but from what you said it's built in12:26
oxEzFlannel: Would it work if I do it the manual way, make && make modules_install ?12:26
Hobo_JoeServer channel*?12:26
ANTDx1oh it is built in i think12:26
ANTDx1i cant remove it12:26
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stu_^ double click that12:26
FlanneloxEz: I don't see why not12:26
ANTDx1well i know its built in12:26
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w30What's the owner and group of /var/log/cups/error_log supposed to be?12:27
ANTDx1anyway, I'm going to try disabling it in the bios and see if that can be done12:27
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kitcheANTDx1: ok there should be an option in your bios then12:27
oxEzFlannel: that was the goal of my visit here.. since I know ubuntu loads a lot of things at boot time, I was wondering if I needed any *special* thing for ubuntu to enable in .config12:27
maccam94hmmm... i've got no sound :-(. sis7012, modules snd_intel8x0 and snd_ac97_codec are loaded, all the mixer levels are maxed12:27
maccam94esd is running12:28
Genixanyone know how to get xchat working on a 64 bit install?12:28
kitcheoxEz: it loads everything as a module so more people can use it without them compiling a kernel themselves12:28
FlannelGenix: there shouldn't be anything special to get working12:28
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w30Genix, mine just works after I installed it.12:28
stu_whats the name of hte file you edit for network config?12:28
Genixi try to configure it and i get errors12:29
stu_define IP adresses etc12:29
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oxEzkitche: Alright, so I guess it loads what was compiled as module, so I could be OK with my minimal kernel :]  thanks12:29
FlannelGenix: what errors?12:29
FlannelGenix: and, why not just use the one in the repositories?12:29
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Genixdidn't see one in there12:29
FlannelGenix: in main is xchat-gnome, universe has plain xchat12:30
kitchestu_: you meant he text file since there is many ways to do what you want in ubuntu the most common one is though the gui12:30
main2when i start tightvncserver with sudo, i still see a access denied error in my log file (it wont open the desktop) access to /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc: Access Denied12:30
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main2am i overlooking something, or what am i doing wrong? :)12:30
GenixFlannel: thank you12:30
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collier_Ok Im back12:30
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collier_I need help with this now12:30
markcis it possible to use nvidia drivers with edgy yet ?12:31
georgy_maccam94,  : try that : rmmod snd-intel8x0, then modprobe snd-intel8x0m, then rmmod snd-intel8x0 and last thing modprobe snd-intel 8x0. I have the same soundcard and sometimes i have to do this to get sound12:31
kitchecollier_: help with what?12:31
Flannelmarkc: #ubuntu+1 but, I believe so12:31
maccam94georgy_: k, i'll give it a try12:31
collier_Umm java12:31
collier_I installed it12:31
markcFlannel: than you12:31
collier_Now I need to enable it12:31
kitchecollier_: ok you want the java-plugin?12:31
georgy_maccam94, : third command rmmod snd-intel8x0m12:32
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collier_no I want java to work so I can run frostwire12:32
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Flannelcollier_: enable it?  once you install the package it enables itself12:32
maccam94georgy_: ERROR: Module snd_intel8x0 is in use12:32
collier_well frostwire dont work12:32
collier_it needs java still12:32
w30can somebody tell me what the group and owner of their /va/log/cups/error_log is?12:32
maccam94!google ubuntu guide frostwire12:32
kitchecollier_: ok you probably have to add the java path to your $PATH12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google ubuntu guide frostwire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
w30can somebody tell me what the group and owner of their /var/log/cups/error_log is?12:32
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Flannel!tell collier_ about frostwire12:32
tRSShey guys! quick question. i reinstalled winxp. grub was lost, so I reinstalled grub on mbr. now winxp boots fine, but when i boot ubuntu, i get this error: "error 15: file not found"12:32
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collier_kitche: how do I do that12:33
kitche!frostwire > kitche12:33
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Avagant!xmms > kitche12:33
ShatterI just install ubuntu and it's overwhelming me.12:33
cello_raspany icewm users can help me get the wallpaper working? i have it referred to in proferences file (full path) but the jpg still doesnt show :|12:33
tRSSi have tried the wiki page about restoring ubuntu after winxp install12:33
kitcheumm Avagant?12:33
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collier_I need to type sudo update-alternatives --config java12:33
AvagantNo nicotine is better.12:33
FlanneltRSS: did winXP overwrite your boot partition, by any chance?12:33
AvagantNicotine is alot better.12:33
Avagant<3 soulseek.12:33
cyber_brain_mfkghow to setup wine to use 3d (because when i start game in 3d mod it says that theres no 3d drivers - but i've installed glx for nvidia)12:34
Flannelcello_rasp: you might try #icewm12:34
tRSSFlannel: win xp erased grub from mbr. , so I reinstalled it on mbr12:34
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cello_raspthanks Flannel12:34
kitchecollier_: you have to do sudo update-alternatives --config java then select the alternative that includes "sun" in the name.12:34
collier_When I type sudo update-alternatives --config java it tells me to enter my pass I do and I get bash: mypassword: command not found12:34
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zaxorwhats the name of the dri ati driver? im trying to figure out how to install it12:35
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tRSSFlannel: this has worked for me in the past, but for some reason or another, I am getting this weird error: error 15: file not found12:35
FlanneltRSS: right, but you still have a /boot/?  oh. did you shuffle harddrives, by an chance?12:35
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collier_kitche why is that?12:35
tRSSnope. but i have added another hdd12:35
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tRSSjust today12:35
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tRSSdo you think , that is causing the problem, Flannel?12:36
kitchecollier_: that is odd it shouldn't be doing that12:36
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FlanneltRSS: well, if the HD number has changed for the ubuntu one, then yeah, it'll be looking on hd(0,5) or whatnot, and it won't be there.12:36
zaxorwhats the name of the dri ati driver? im trying to figure out how to install it12:36
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kitcheAvagant: but why did you send me information about xmms sicne i just wanted to see what the frostwire help said12:36
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Flannel!tell zaxor about ati12:37
collier_kitche, what should I do?12:37
tRSSFlannel: the HDD number can't change, because the HDD I have added today is a slave to the primary (which has Ubuntu)12:37
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collier_oh wait12:37
tRSSand besides, I can chroot into it from a rescue cd12:38
collier_ok I got it12:38
FlanneltRSS: then no, that wouldn't have caused it.  However, error 15 is grub saying it can't find the second stage12:38
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collier_now which one do I choose?12:38
kitchecollier_: you installed sun's java right? you would choose the sun option12:38
collier_theres 2 with sun12:38
collier_      3        /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java12:38
collier_      4        /usr/lib/jvm/ia32-java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java12:38
micael71ladydoor sorry was away and trying to get it to work12:38
kitchecollier_: ok choose the 3rd one12:39
tRSSFlannel: this doesn't make sense. hold one, let me tell you what I have in my menu.1st file12:39
micael71anyone here that have tor and privoxy12:39
blindMy VNC server won't work. I try to connect to it, it says unable to connect. I try to run Xvnc, it says it's running on display 0 -- so why won't it connect?12:39
collier_it worked :)12:39
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collier_thank you12:39
ANTDx1so I disabled the card using bios and it still got stuck on boot, on the step 'loading manual drivers'12:40
collier_I have another question12:40
collier_When I put in my USB12:40
collier_and I click it under computer12:40
tRSSFlannel: I think, i see the problem. When I mount the disk ubuntu from a rescue cd, it tells me that ubuntu is on /dev/hda3, but when I do a df, it tells me that /dev/hda2 is mounted on /12:40
collier_it dont work12:40
blindcollier_: define don't work12:40
mazare3-bombahi guys12:40
kitchecollier_: you might have to mount the usb manually12:40
cpk2!doesnt work12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesnt work - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesntwork - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
blindlol cpk212:40
godtvisk1nHey, I removed a harddrive from my virtual machine in VMware, but it doesn't seem to actually remove it from the disk, because it is still taking up space. How can I permanently remove it?12:40
blindcollier_: what doesn't it do?12:41
cpk2i forget what it is12:41
kitchecollier_: is your system IDE?12:41
kitchecpk2 I think it's work12:41
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:41
blindhe's using a USB drive, kitche12:41
AvagantSomeone say my name?12:41
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kitcheblind: I know that but if he has SATA his drives will be different12:41
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blindkitche: oh, didn't know that ;o12:42
collier_How do I know what I have?12:42
kitcheAvagant: yes I did asked why you sent me info about xmms12:42
mazare3-bombaI updated my kernel using the software updates program to 2.6.15-27-386 and my dlink dwl 520g is not working with it12:42
AvagantOh, I didn't notice you were looking for a p2p.12:42
AvagantI thought you were looking for a player.12:42
cpk2i think it usually mounts usb as sda regardless if its sata or not12:42
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ANTDx1kitche: any suggestions as to what to do from here?  I tried disabling the wireless card in bios, and Ubuntu was still trying to use it with ndiswrapper12:42
kitchecpk2: sda on a SATA will be the hard drive12:42
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 608 kB, installed size 1120 kB12:42
Hobo_Joehas anyone managed to get ndiswrapper to run on Edgy? using the -10 kernel?12:43
kitchecollier_: open up a terminal12:43
FlannelHobo_Joe: #ubuntu+1 for edgy questions12:43
cpk2kitche: yes, but an IDE hard drive connected via usb mounts as sda as well i am pretty sure12:43
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ubotuprivoxy: Privacy enhancing HTTP Proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.3-5 (dapper), package size 1504 kB, installed size 2852 kB12:43
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mazare3-bombait gives me a SIOCGIFFLAGS: error no such device12:43
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kitchecpk2: that's usb usb is serial in nature that's why it has sda device12:43
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collier_kitche: I have open a terminal12:44
mazare3-bombaafter updating my kernel my dlink wifi 520g is not working and I get a SIOCGIFFLAGS: error no such device12:44
w30can somebody tell me what the group and owner of their /var/log/cups/error_log is?12:44
kitchecollier_: ok type in mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 <mountpoint> mount point can be /mnt/usb12:45
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kitchecollier_: make sure that /mnt/usb exists first12:45
ANTDx1Does anyone have any ideas as to how to boot into ubuntu and forcing it to pass the step where it attempts to use the built-in wireless on my system?12:45
Warboanyone need help (with something I know)?12:45
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WarboANTDx1: Do you know the driver module name? You could blacklist it12:45
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georgy_Warbo : he can't boot into ubuntu12:46
ANTDx1Warbo: I know it uses ndiswrapper...I think it's like bcm4380 but i'm not sure.  also: i have to boot into it to do that.12:46
w30Warbo, what's the group name of your /var/log/cups/error_log file?12:46
ANTDx1If i can boot into it, I don't need to disable it12:46
Warbogeorgy_: It just involves editing a file though. That can be done from DSL or similar12:46
collier_kitche: mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 <mountpoint> mount point can be /mnt/usb <-- what do I put for <mountpoint>12:46
Flannelw30: root lpadmin12:46
kitchecollier_: can be anything but you can use /mnt/usb12:46
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Flannelw30: and, 64412:46
ANTDx1I'd prefer if at all possible an option that doesn't require me to get the live disc out and attempt to mount my Ubuntu partition12:46
kitchecollier_: it's safe to use /mnt/usb anyways12:46
Warbo"-rw-r--r-- 1 cupsys lp 80 2006-10-02 16:35 /var/log/cups/error_log"12:47
cpk2ANTDx1: ctrl c12:47
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collier_mount: only root can do that12:47
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:47
Flannelcollier_: sudo mount12:47
kitchecollier_: have to use sudo12:47
w30Flannel, Mine keeps changing to lp even though I make it lpadmin. cupsd does it but I don't know how.12:47
ANTDx1cpk2: can I use ctrl c during boot?12:47
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micael71anyone useing tor and privoy i need help12:47
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Flannelw30: file a bug?  that does seem odd.12:48
cpk2ANTDx1: yeh i would assume you do it while its configuring network interfaces, thats probably when it tries to bring up the wireless12:48
Warbomicael71: I have installed it but haven't enabled it for Epiphany yet (I have used it before though). What's the trouble?12:48
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ANTDx1I can try.  it stops during the step "loading manual drivers" on the boot screen12:48
collier_collier@collier-desktop:~$ sudo in mount -t  vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb12:48
collier_sudo: in: command not found12:48
Flannelcollier_: no in12:48
micael71Warbo i have installed it too but i still have the same ip12:48
cpk2ANTDx1: i suppose you could try to ctrl c that then =P12:49
nexeussudo in???12:49
ANTDx1would that work?12:49
w30Flannel, their is according to google but no answers other than urgency medium or something like that12:49
collier_mount: mount point /mnt/usb does not exist12:49
nexeus sudo  mount -t  vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb12:49
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Warbomicael71: You need to route privoxy through TOR, then set privoxy's port as your proxy in your browser (the guide explains this, but I may as well set mine up now as well)12:49
kitchecollier_: you have to make the folder then sudo mkdir /mnt/usb12:49
Warbomicael71: You will still have the same IP from ifconfig and stuff, but those you connect to through an app using privoxy/tor as proxy will not be able to get it12:50
micael71Warbo:then we might set it up together12:50
collier_In /mnt?12:50
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collier_I just tryed but it said I dont have permissions12:50
Warbomicael71: yup. You have the packages installed? (that is as far as I have got)12:50
kitchecollier_: yes did you use sudo when you tried12:50
micael71warbo i have it on xp12:50
w30Flannel, what Ubuntu are you using?12:51
Flannelw30: Breezy12:51
collier_mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt/usb busy12:51
collier_mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is mounted on /12:51
w30Flannel, thanks12:51
micael71Warbo yes they are installed12:51
CoolrazorIs it possible to make a Linux cluster with old pcs to run a game with great specs (i.e. HL2)?  Basically, make one supercomputer.12:51
Warbomicael71: I recommended it to someone on XP, but they found it too hard to set up and I don't have a license to use Windows12:51
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kitchecollier_: ok you have SATA then12:51
collier_I cant do it?12:52
kitchecollier_: change /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1 when you try to mount it12:52
micael71Warbo for me in xp it was very easy12:52
w30Warbo, what distro version are you using?12:52
FlannelCoolrazor: not really for a game, no.  Since the game isn't designed for distributed computing.  Google "Beowulf cluster" for more details12:52
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collier_collier@collier-desktop:~$ sudo  mount -t  vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb12:52
collier_mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist12:52
micael71Warbo so how do i config tor or privoxy12:53
kitchecollier_: ok now that is a bug it seems like12:53
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CoolrazorFlannel: thanks a bunch ;)12:53
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Warbomicael71: I am on the help wiki right now.........12:53
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Warbow30: Dapper12:53
micael71warbo ok12:53
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w30Warbo, ok me too, thanks12:54
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collier_So I cant do it?12:54
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MJhey people12:54
kitchecollier_: well you can but the way I was gonna do it you can't for some reason12:54
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ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo12:55
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MJanyone in here help me with a routing/iptables (im pretty sure its routeing) problem?12:55
nexeuscollier_, try to unmount everything and mount the usb the mount everything could that work12:55
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kitchenexeus: if he umounts everything which he can't since /dev/sda1 is his /12:56
sureshotkitche i think i got it running i have the red dimond in the upper left corner thanks for your help now just got to figure it out12:56
ic56kitche, collier_ for removable media in Ubuntu, please adhere to the convention of creating mountpoints under /media -- not /mnt/.  Nautilus is configured to notice that place as special.12:56
Warbomicael71: Right. Run this "sudo nano /etc/privoxy/config"12:56
Lunar_Lampi have a problem i dont understand.  i confiugured my laptop to use alt+end to be XF86NextTrack - and it skisp track in amarok when any window is selected.  i have configured the "forward" arrow on my usb keyboard plugged into my laptop to be XF86NextTrack also, but it will only work when amarok is the focused window <== can anyone help here?12:56
sureshotjack_sparrow are you on yet my friend12:57
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collier_so instead of /mnt/ /media?12:57
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ANTDx1Ok.....next idea?12:57
fluvvelldoes anyone know how to change the maximum number of open files from 1024 to a higher number?12:57
ic56collier_: yes.  /media instead of /mnt/.  This won't fix your current problem but you might as well get that right in the first place.12:58
sureshotkitche what video card are you running my xgl seems a little sluggish was wondering if there are some options i could set to speed it up12:58
ANTDx1It appears as though I cannot ctrl c during boot12:58
Warbomicael71: At the top of that file add the line "forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 ."12:58
ANTDx1does anyone have any idea how I can make Ubuntu quit trying to use my wireless card?12:58
collier_collier@collier-desktop:~$ sudo  mount -t  vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/usb12:58
collier_mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist12:58
georgy_ANTDx1, : do you have a usb stuff onnected12:58
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kitchesureshot: I can't run xgl12:59
ANTDx1I have a USB mouse and a USB printer connected12:59
micael71Warbo ok12:59
sureshotbut you run beryl anyway12:59
kitchesureshot: yes though aiglx12:59
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Warbomicael71: Next look for the line "logfile XXXXXXXXX" (not "logdir XXXXXX")12:59
nexeuskitche, is aiglx faster than xgl01:00
sureshoti  am not running aiglx dont know how or if it is possiable on an ati card01:00
ANTDx1i've booted successfully with both items connected many times.01:00
WarboAiGLX is possible on older ATI cards with Free driver01:00
SenesenceCan anyone install PCF (raster) fonts on their machine?01:00
georgy_ANTDx1,  : ok01:00
kitchesureshot it's not possible yet but the new nvidia cards can01:00
ANTDx1in fact, when I tried recovery mode, the text recognized and named the printer01:00
collier_[18:58]  <collier_> collier@collier-desktop:~$ sudo  mount -t  vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/usb01:00
collier_[18:58]  <collier_> mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist01:00
ic56collier_: collier the error message from mount means that the file /dev/sdb1 doesn't exist.  Repeating the command won't make the file re-appear.01:00
collier_So what should I do now?01:00
sureshoti know i have a laptop wiht an ati x600 se01:00
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Warbomicael71: comment out that line (put a # at the beginning) and also the line "jarfile XXXXXXXX"01:01
wkaari have a folder which size is 5GB.  i want to zip it.but i want to split it after every 1 GB.  how i can do it?01:01
micael71Warbo ok01:01
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WarboRadeon 9250 and below are the only ones with Free driver that I know of (but with those the alpha compositing is done with Mesa, so I found AiGLX unusably slow on a Radeon 9200)01:02
ic56collier_: You need to find out why that device file wasn't created when you installed or when you booted (some systems run a script that auto-creates/deletes these files on each boot -- I forget what Ubuntu does)01:02
nexeuscollier_, open Disc app in Administration see how many hdd you have01:02
Warbomicael71: Save and exit (ctrl-X, y, enter)01:02
ANTDx1georgy_: any advice01:02
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collier_Device: /dev/sda/01:03
micael71Warbo so it will look like #logfile logfile01:03
SenesenceCan anyone help me out here?01:03
ZephirusHello eveyrone, new to ubuntu...     but I do have LAMP running and I visit the forums quite often01:03
georgy_ANTDx1,  : I'm googling01:03
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Warbomicael71: yes, This is to stop privoxy keeping a log of what you have visited (also make sure you have done that to "jarfile jarfile" as well)01:03
nexeuscollier_,  have u tried to plug in a different usb port01:04
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ic56collier_: generally, if the device driver isn't loaded, the file in /dev/ won't exist.01:04
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Warbomicael71: Then run "sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart" to restart privoxy with these changes01:04
sureshotware would i find the latest ubuntu version of the latest fglrx driver01:04
maxLFWill an ATI Radeon 7000 Evil Wizard work in Ubuntu Dapper Drake?01:04
ZephirusI have a question about putting frontpage extentions on my LAMP server, apparently the 2002 extensions aren't available anymore.   Is the 2000 extentions ok to use?01:04
collier_It still says the same thing01:05
collier_I just switched it01:05
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ParkotronHow do I lookup the IP address of a given domain? I know there's a simple command line utility, but I forget the name.01:05
thedashI am having a bit of problems with my Evolution Mail program01:05
WarbomaxLF: It will work with 3D by default, but I think ATI have dropped support for the latest 3D effects on that card with their non-Free non-default driver01:05
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ic56collier: You might get useful information from the files /proc/devices and /proc/bus/usb/devices01:05
thedashit adds all my sent mail to my local Inbox01:05
stu__hi, how can I get my optical sound out to work01:05
Senesencethedash: What problems?01:05
maxLFWarbo: So it won't be that great for gaming?01:05
kitcheic56: hmm it seems like you can use /media or /mnt01:05
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WarbomaxLF: Probably not. It should be OK for modest 3D work (as in, ONLY 3D models). If there is transparency/alpha then that will slow it down01:06
Senesencethedash: all the sent mail??01:06
thedashSenesence:: yep01:06
thedashany time I send an email, it gets added as a newly received mail01:06
thedashwhich is pretty annoying01:06
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micael71Warbo done01:06
Senesencethedash: Your not sending mail to yourself right?01:06
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collier_Ok well I just plugged in my zen and it has a removeable disk on it and it worked with that but not my usb01:06
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thedashSenesence:: nope01:06
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ic56kitche: you can configure system to use anything.  /junk would work too.  The point is the user manuals refer to /media and it's name means removable media.  It's intended for that and it makes support easier if conventions are followed.01:07
stu__thedash: u not got summin odd in your .forward or something?01:07
originHey, anyone know what the replacement for base-config is - friend is installing Ubuntu through Knoppix (install CDs won't boot) and he's hit an impass here...01:07
Warbomicael71: Once you've done that just set your browser to point it's proxy at "" port 811801:07
Warbomicael71: Do you use Firefox?01:07
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thedashstu__:: I don't know, I just set this up today, haven't messed with stuff too much01:07
collier_port 905001:07
Alakazam_hi all01:07
Senesencethedash: I don't know. Did you try reinstalling Evolution?01:07
Warbocollier_: was that for me?01:08
ANTDx1georgy_: I appreciate your help, but I am going to try something on my own: I'm going to take my computer down to my dorm's lobby to see if it cooperates better if it actually receives a signal from wireless01:08
thedashI am trying to add some filters atm01:08
kitcheic56: I know it has to do with FHS just saying that FHS says you can use either01:08
collier_Is he trying to use tor?01:08
micael71Warbo yes i have firefox01:08
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Warbocollier_: yes. He needs to set FF to look for Privoxy which is running through TOR01:08
collier_Warbo is he trying to use tor?01:08
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collier_I have a question about tor01:08
ic56kitche: interesting. I'll have to check the latest version of FHS.01:08
originAnyone know what the replacement for base-config is? Need to post-install a system that was set up using debootstrip01:08
collier_When I downloaded it01:08
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collier_it says someting about tsock01:08
Warbomicael71: Check out the extension on this page http://tor.eff.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en (I use Epiphany, so I haven't tested it)01:09
SenesenceDoes anyone know how to install raster fonts on ubuntu?01:09
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lucaferrHow do I enable ssh in ubuntu?01:09
micael71Warbo ok01:09
Warbocollier_: tsock? I don;t know what that is. I know it uses SOCKS which is a type of proxy01:09
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collier_Warbo: hold on ill see what it says01:10
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Ascit's installed?01:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about socks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:10
ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/01:10
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Asclocaferr: 'sudo sysv-rc-conf' and look for sshd... enable it in collumns 2-401:10
WarboI'm guessing Epiphany uses a generic GNOME proxy setting, yes? (it doesn't have the option in it's prefs)01:10
collier_Warbo: Nevermind its working but I thought u use Port 905001:11
micael71Warbo a big thanks to you01:11
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Warbocollier_: TOR uses 9050, but it is a good idea to use privoxy, point your browser at it, then run privoxy through TOR01:11
Warbomicael71: np01:11
collier_Warbo: How do u do that? I just installed tor01:12
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Warbomicael71: Now I just have to figure out how to set a proxy for Epiphany......01:12
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nexeusany1 can help with dual monitor using x800 ati i need 3d acceleration enable?01:12
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Warbocollier_: It should also install "privoxy"01:12
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collier_warbo: I have privoxy installed also01:12
nexeusi have 2 CRT01:12
nownottcan beagle index ntfs or fat drives?01:12
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Warbocollier_: OK, then scroll up as I just waled me and micael71 through it. Do you want me to post the messages again?01:12
collier_How do I start it up?01:12
collier_Yes please01:13
Warbocollier_: It is started up by default, you just have to set your browser to use it01:13
collier_Warbo: its running right now?01:13
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Genix|linuxhow do you change the default app to open mp3s?01:13
Warbo(pay no attention to the micael71 please)01:13
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Warbomicael71: Right. Run this "sudo nano /etc/privoxy/config"01:13
nexeusany1 can help with dual monitor using x800 ati i need 3d acceleration enable? I have 2 CRT01:13
Warbomicael71: At the top of that file add the line "forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 ."01:13
Warbomicael71: Next look for the line "logfile XXXXXXXXX" (not "logdir XXXXXX")01:14
LookTJwhat does this mean? Oct/01/2006 13:19:05 SYN Flood Attack Detect01:14
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Warbomicael71: comment out that line (put a # at the beginning) and also the line "jarfile XXXXXXXX"01:14
nownottcan beagle index ntfs or fat drives?01:14
Warbomicael71: Save and exit (ctrl-X, y, enter)01:14
collier_Warbo: How do I set my browser to use it?01:14
Warbocollier_: read these instructions01:14
athlonLookTJ, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syn_flood01:14
nexeusXinerama doesnt work for dual monitor help01:14
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Warbomicael71: Then run "sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart" to restart privoxy with these changes01:15
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rixthHey guys, bash scripting issue. http://pastebin.ca/189256  Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}") on line 4. It looks OK to me?01:15
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3992 kB01:15
collier_Warbo: what instructions01:15
Warbomicael71: Once you've done that just set your browser to point it's proxy at "" port 811801:15
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Warbomicael71: Check out the extension on this page http://tor.eff.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en (I use Epiphany, so I haven't tested it)01:15
originlabsBase-config - any idea how to do this in dapper, it appears to be deprecated :S01:15
LookTJso I've being dosed?01:15
Warbocollier_: these messages which start with "micael71"01:15
collier_Send In query01:16
Warbocollier_: I basically walsed him through it 2 minutes ago, so I have just copy/pasted the stuff I told him01:16
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collier_Send it in PM01:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:16
Warbocollier_: I can't send you a PM01:17
glguyIs anyone else using 6.10 and just been notified that they need a distribution upgrade, but when you try to perform it you get an error that "a required package could not be installed"?01:17
Warboit isn't working, maybe you're not registered01:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about MergedFB - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:17
collier_[19:17]  <Warbo> you hetting this?01:17
collier_[19:17]  <collier_> yes01:17
collier_[19:17]  [505]  Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )01:17
collier_Send it, ill see it01:17
Intangirwhats a good tool to see what the heck is taking up all my disk space?01:18
dk06umm, serch?01:18
Alethesls -l actually01:18
dk06and then01:18
glguyAccessories > Disk Usage Tool?01:18
dk06categorize by sisze01:18
ladydoorIntangir: do you have an idea about what specifically it could be? if so, try du01:18
Intangiri have no idea01:18
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Intangiri havent got a clue01:19
Intangiri dont use this partition01:19
Intangirlast i touched it it had plenty of splace01:19
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Intangirnow its at 97% :)01:19
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Alethescheck /tmp01:19
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collier_Warbo: At the very top01:20
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collier_Warbo: Before It says Sample config file for privoxy?01:20
Warbocollier_: Yes, press enter a few times to get some space01:20
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Intangirwhere is this disk usage tool?01:20
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Warbo!info baobab01:21
JoshIRLWhat media player do you guys recomend so i can play MP3s?01:21
ubotubaobab: graphical tool to analyse directory trees. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-1 (dapper), package size 95 kB, installed size 584 kB01:21
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:21
JoshIRLubuntu doesn't read mp3? :(01:21
AlethesJoshIRL:   it can with very little effort01:21
FlannelJoshIRL: it does, you just need codecs first01:21
ladydoorJoshIRL: please actually look at the link.01:21
collier_#  1.5. logfile01:21
collier_#  ============01:21
JoshIRLI am :P01:21
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:22
collier_warbo: is that the log file?01:22
Warbocollier_: No. ALL that the line says is "logfile logfile", and it needs to be changes to say "# logfile logfile"01:22
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WarboAnyone know how to set the proxy that Epiphany uses?01:24
collier_Warbo: How Do I set my browser to point to that?01:24
Warbocollier_: If you are using Firefox then the extension on that page I linked to will sort it out01:25
sureshotjack_sparrow are you on my friend01:25
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odyssevsIs there an 'ubuntu' method of building a new kernel?01:25
Warbocollier_: But I am using Epiphany and haven't figured it out yet :(01:25
collier_Warbo: Oh01:25
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:25
Warboodyssevs: There is a method which builds a Debian (Ubuntu) package. I forget it now, but try searching/asking about kpackage01:26
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ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)01:26
Volvothanks ubotu muuah01:26
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collier_Warbo: I clicked on Tor Enabled01:26
jtholmesIntangir:  find . -type f -mtime -1 -size  +1000000c -exec ls  -ltr {}  \;   will find and list all files greater than  1Meg on a  File system01:26
collier_Warbo: But I did the tor test thing and it says I am not using tor01:26
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collier_I need to configure firefox01:26
kitcheodyssevs: there is a wiki entry for building kernels01:27
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jtholmesIntangir: created in the last day that is  -7  for  last  week etc.01:27
Warbocollier_: Ok, hang on I will fore up FIrefox (so to speak)01:27
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GiaHey people!  I need help01:27
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Warbo*fire (way to ruin my own joke there)01:27
gaminggeekGia, Whats wrong?01:27
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collier_Warbo: But I dont think I have tor running I need enabled it01:27
Warbocollier_: "sudo /etc/init.d/tor restart"01:28
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Warbothat will restart it (but it should already be running)01:28
moparfan90hello. i installed quake 4 on my ubuntu 6.06 32bit and when i try and launch it i get a openGL error. any ideas?01:28
GiaI have apache 2.0 installed on my ubuntu-server... but when I try to go to the website, all I get is a "Index of" listing in my browser...01:28
PFAgnome-cups-manager cannot find cupsys server or something. my heart bleeds and cries. can someone help me?01:28
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moparfan90i have latest video drivers installed01:28
FlannelGia: what do you have in /var/www?01:28
collier_Warbo: It still not working I think I put that thing at the wrong part of the top of the config file01:28
kitcheGia: do you have a index.html?01:29
Volvohow to add more icons to desklets starterbar ?01:29
Warbocollier_: In FF go on Edit>Preferences>General>Connection Settings and set "manual proxy configuration" to address "" port "8118"01:29
FlannelGia: or rather, what have you put into /var/www/?  since an index of is default01:29
Volvodrag drop is not working01:29
Warbocollier_: I don't think it matters where it goes, but keeping it at the top keeps it easily accessible for editing01:29
collier_Warbo: IT says localhost01:30
Warbocollier_: OK, same thing01:30
collier_Warbo: forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 .01:30
Warbo(localhost =
moparfan90whats a channel for linux games?01:30
Warbochange 9050 to 811801:30
collier_Warbo: Does it need to have the period at the end01:30
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GiaI created two separate virtual directories: www.<myfirstdomain>.com and www.<my2nddomain>.com01:30
Warbocollier_: Wait, in the config file? 9050 and yes, the perios01:30
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Warbocollier_:  "forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 ."01:31
micael71Warbo Collier in firefox will be localhost01:31
collier_You are (probably) NOT using Tor.01:31
collier_You connected to this site from, hostname jnz.ath.cx01:31
collier_I am using tor01:31
collier_cause thats not my IP01:31
Gia...checking to give you more info...hang on01:31
Warbocollier_: You saved the config file?01:32
Warbo(with the right changes?)01:32
kitcheGia: ok those domains will work if you do virtual hosting int he apache2 conf but it will keep showing Index Of if you don't have a index.html01:32
collier_Warbo: yes.. Now for tor do I have to enable it to start everytime I boot up?01:32
Warbocollier_: It is already set up to do that01:32
Warbocollier_: and privoxy01:33
collier_ok sweet01:33
collier_Warbo: Thank you01:33
Warbocollier_: But to make sure your changes take effect copy/paste this into a trminal and run it "sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart && sudo /etc/init.d/tor restart"01:33
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GiaKitche, when I ftp in and copy a generic index.html, then try to browse the website, I get the following: FORBIDDEN <yikes>  You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server...01:34
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Warbocollier_: does it say "restarting anonymising proxy server, etc. etc. etc."?01:34
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GiaI'm doing something that is "forbidden"01:34
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Warbocollier_: I mean filtering01:34
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kitcheGia: your permissions are wrong01:34
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collier_warbo: where?01:34
moparfan90anyone have quake4 working without a emulator?01:35
Warbocollier_: In the terminal you ran that command in01:35
DaRIo|Linuxyou can download quake4 without emulator01:35
Warbocollier_: Perfect. One more step01:35
Giakitche, do you think you help me figure out what .conf files are wrong and/or permissions?01:35
moparfan90im trying to make it work but i get a openGL error.01:35
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collier_warbo: what?01:36
Warbocollier_: In Firefox go in Edit>Preferences>General>Connection Settings01:36
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Giakitche, I've got a terminal window up right now... using nano as an editor.... not sure what to change at this point.  been working on this for hours....sigh01:36
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cpl-tnt44ok can some 1 explain to me something about installing a windows xp driver with ndiswrapper ?01:36
Warbocollier_: Make sure "Manual proxy configuration" is selected, and in the top box put "" and port 8118, then select "use this for all"01:37
ricardoHey, I am relatively new to Ubuntu/Linux and would like some advice. I have installed the desktop version and would like to install the LAMP thing. Is it as easy as just using the Sympatic Manager or I actually need to install the Ubuntu server edition? THANKS01:37
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|_ockealright.. i resized my swap partition and had to move the root and home partitions, and now i cant boot the partitions01:37
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Warbo!lamp > ricardo01:37
|_ockei used partition magic..01:37
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Warbo|_ocke: no wonder. You used Partition Magic.......01:37
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:37
kitcheGia: the folder|_ocke: you have to edit /etc/fstab most likely01:37
Giakitche, I'm wondering if I should have started with the desktop version, then installed LAMP, then disabled the desktop01:37
LookTJuse gparted01:37
Warbo|_ocke: Seriously though, how far does the boot get?01:38
|_ockewhat would i have to edit in fstab?01:38
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collier_warbo: Is there a way to view the netowrks in tor?01:38
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|_ockeWarbo: it gets to 'mounting root filesystem' and sits there01:38
ricardoyes would like to install apache/php/mysql01:38
Warbocollier_: "view"?01:38
|_ockeim booted off hte livecd right now01:38
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kitche|_ocke: everything to the right partition number01:38
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|_ockeand i mounted the root partition to /mnt/hd01:38
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Giakitche, you lost me on "the folder|_ocke:"01:38
|_ockekitche: they are01:38
|_ockei made no changes there01:38
LookTJricardo: install lampp01:38
collier_warbo: In windows tor u right click niew network and u see all the tor circuits01:38
cpl-tnt44can some 1 please tell me what is the command for exsample to insert windows xp driver (for wireless pcmcia card ) with ndiswrapper ?01:38
LookTJaka xampp for linux01:38
Warbo|_ocke: I mean when you try to boot does it get as far as GRUB? Does it get as far as the Ubuntu splash screen, and if so what message?01:39
Warbocollier_: I don't know about that01:39
|_ockeoh yeah brug works great01:39
armadill0Hello, does anyone know the name of the program that manages dns client resolution in ubuntu?  I'm trying to flush my dns cache.  Thanks :)01:39
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ricardook, I'll try that, thanks01:39
|_ockei edit the entry for 686 2.6.12-27 to say /dev/hda2 and boot it01:39
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|_ockewhich is what i had to do just immediately prior to resizing the swap partitoin01:39
Warbo|_ocke: And it finds the "vmlinuz" file? (Gives a line "booting the kernel.......")01:39
cpl-tnt44can some 1 please tell me what is the command for exsample to insert windows xp driver (for wireless pcmcia card ) with ndiswrapper ?01:39
|_ockeit boots the kernel01:39
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|_ockeit just sits at 'mounting root filesystem'01:39
Warbo|_ocke: OK, does sound like fstab then01:40
micael71Warbo do you know a ftp-server with grafic that works in ubuntu01:40
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Warbo|_ocke: You opened it up yet?01:40
kitcheGia: I m not an apache2 person I use lighttpd but the /var/www folder needs to be world readable if it isn't already01:40
|_ockeand all filesystems mount fine with no additional switches from terminal in here01:40
pbergerarmadill0: dhclient01:40
ricardoIf I install LAMPP would it crash with my current mySQL installation?01:40
armadill0pberger: Thanks!01:40
shwagif I boot into windows I see pull up this site just fine, but if I am in linux I am unable to view the site. Says "Making connection..." and can't connect.01:40
Warbomicael71: Nope sorry. I know gftp is a good FTP client, but I don't know server01:40
collier_IS there photoshop for linux?01:40
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Warbocollier_: WINE, or GIMP01:40
collier_GIMP is confusing01:41
LookTJcollier_: wine it01:41
Warbo(No matter what many people say, GIMP is AWESOME!)01:41
|_ockethe line is /dev/hda2    /      ext3     defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 101:41
collier_Wheres WINE?01:41
WarboI find Photoshop VERY confusing01:41
Giakitche, I feel so dumb.... um ok so I'm sitting in the /var folder.  how do I change permissions for www?01:41
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Warbo!wine > collier_01:41
LookTJimo GIMP Sucks01:41
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-31-202.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
|_ockeand /dev/hda2 is what it is01:41
WarboXSane+GIMP+Inkscape+Moho=graphics heaven01:41
kitcheGia: chmod I m not sure what permissions have ot be added to it but you can man chmod01:41
thejnaitorhow do I allow two different groups access to a directory?01:41
micael71Warbo ok thanks01:41
|_ockethe fstab entries are and should be the same as they were before01:42
jtholmesGIMP is very powerful, it just has a steep learning curve01:42
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Warbo|_ocke: Hmm. So hda2 is DEFINETLY your /, and that shows up in "fdisk -l" "mount" ,etc.?01:42
|_ockethe device lettering hasnt changed, only the size and location of the partitions01:42
|_ockeWarbo: yeah01:42
Giakitche, if used the "man" command before, but I could figure out how to get out of the manual after I was in it and wanted to get out???01:42
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|_ockei took great care to ensure that the partitions are still in the same order01:42
kitcheGia: you press q01:42
kutanHello, can someone help me with the xmms installation?01:43
|_ockei thought maybe it had somethign to do with changing the size and not telling it somewhere01:43
Warbojtholmes: for future reference; steep learning curve = learning a lot very quickly = very easy to use01:43
Giakitche, :-)  cool01:43
|_ockebut i dont see why that would be01:43
WarboGIMP therefore has a shallow learning curve01:43
jtholmesGia:  CNTL C   or  CNTL D  gets you out of just about any function01:43
kitche|_ocke: if you move the partition it will rename the partition number01:43
micael71anyone knows a good ftp-server with grafic for ubuntu01:43
|_ockekitche: i didnt move them relative to eachother, only relative ot the drive01:43
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Giajtholmes...cool... again01:43
collier_In Source.list I added deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main now If I do save as it says its read only is that ok?01:43
Warbokutan: You using the packages (ie. Applications>Add/Remove?)01:43
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|_ockefreed some space in the front, moved the 2nd left, moved the 3rd left a bit, moved the 4th left.. etc01:43
AscI'm looking for a program that will display recent entries from user-specified log files, and reload them every few seconds.  Does such a thing exist?01:43
jtholmesmicael71: why do you want graphic ftp01:44
thejnaitordoes chmod allow you to change permissions for a specific user on a file?01:44
cpl-tnt44Card: D-Link Airplus DWL 650+01:44
cpl-tnt44Chipset: ACX10001:44
cpl-tnt44pciid: 104c:840001:44
cpl-tnt44can some 1 plz help install that card ?01:44
kutanWell I'm compiling and installing it myself Warbo, not packages.01:44
kitche|_ocke: oh do you mean just resize since I thought you said moved the whole partition01:44
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jtholmesGia: your welcome01:44
collier_I cant save source.list01:44
Warbocollier_: You probably need to use sudo to edit the file ("sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list") to get super user permission01:44
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Warbokutan: Oh, well I am pretty hopeless at compiling (if the instructions in INSTALL don't work then I am lost)01:45
LookTJcollier_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list?01:45
micael71jtholmes i am not so good at this writing01:45
|_ockekitche: my swap partition is all the way at the end.  in order to make it larger, it needed more space in front of it, so i resized root down a little bit, and kept it all the way on the left.  then i moved /home a little left to fill the blank space i just made, then same with /usr, then i resized swap01:45
jtholmesWarbo:  i dont have any problem with gimp i just dont have much requirements for it i like it myself01:45
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collier_I got it01:45
Warbowell, if you want to be graphical then gksudo gedit, yes01:45
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kutanWell the only problem I'm having is the fact that when I run configure it says I don't have glib installed when I just installed the latest version01:45
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule01:45
Warbojtholmes: No problem, just me being picky :)01:46
cpl-tnt44how can i know what version is my ndiswrapper ?01:46
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sureshotkitche are you here01:46
kitche|_ocke ok then most likely you might have broken your ubuntu if it's in the same order01:46
kitchesureshot: yes01:46
LookTJ|_ocke: the swap partition is for RAM01:46
|_ockei have broken my ubuntu..01:46
|_ockei know this01:46
|_ockeLookTJ: i know this01:46
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sureshotkitche i got beryl runnng i sorta like it01:46
Warbokutan: Here's a tip: Since XMMS is in Ubuntu anyway, all of it's build dependencies can be installed with "sudo apt-get build-dep xmms", then you should have everything needed to compile the source01:46
collier_Warbo: I did it now I go to syanptic and search for wine?01:46
LookTJtwice the size of your RAM01:47
jtholmesWarbo: sure it is very good01:47
|_ockei've been using linux since slackware 3.0, i'm looking for some advice on how to correct it, not what is wrong with it hehe01:47
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Warbocollier_: Make sure you click "Reload"01:47
|_ockeim an IT professional01:47
collier_warbo: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/dapper/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found01:47
micael71jtholmes i need a server for my mom so i can send files to her when i have someting to send to her and she can not allways be there so we cant use msn or something that you have to say yes to the file01:47
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kutaner well I'm using kubuntu Warbo.01:47
LookTJwhat is an IT?01:47
shardzDo I need to configure repo's before installing anything? apt-get and Adept both wont install anything01:47
otaku-sanOk I have a prob with conflicting packages...heres the output of the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25536/01:47
Warbocollier_: amd64 WINE? Oops, that is a tricky one01:47
|_ockeinformation technology01:47
|_ockei fix windows and linux machines for a living01:47
Jack_Sparrow|_ocke: You didnt try to move/resize mounted partitions did you?  Can you run live to verify the partition letters/numbers are still the same?01:47
collier_Warbo: Yeah I have amd6401:47
Warbokutan: Kubuntu, Ubuntu, it;s all the same Ubuntu01:47
kitche|_ocke: the only real way to fix it is to reinstall since you might of overridden an important file that is needed to boot01:47
armadill0pberger: I'm reading the dhclient man page.. I don't see anything about the client DNS resolve cache.01:48
|_ockekitche: i did not.01:48
kritical<|_ocke> im an IT professional <-- you'd be suprised how many times I hear that every day from complete n00bs01:48
Seveasotaku-san, please rm that .deb package01:48
=== kritical works in technical support
|_ockeJack_Sparrow: yes, im in live right now with it booted01:48
Seveasubuntu has a newer version of that library installed01:48
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|_ockei e2fsck'd all the partitions i resized and they all check clean01:48
LookTJ|_ocke: did you activate it01:48
Jack_Sparrow|_ocke: gparted still shows everything the same?01:48
Warbocollier_: Basically since WINE runs Windows programs, which are pretty much all 32bit, the developers haven't made a 64bit version. That means that you will have to install the 32bit version01:48
GiaI've forgotten how I display the permissions of a folder/file01:48
|_ockekritical: yeah i guess thats true01:48
|_ockeJack_Sparrow: yes01:48
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armadill0Anyone know the name of the program that manages DNS client resolution in ubuntu?  I'm trying to flush my dns cache.  Thanks :)01:48
sureshotjack_sparrow how are you01:48
Warbocollier_: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community and search for Wine01:48
Jack_SparrowHi sureshot01:48
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stodgeAny ideas if there's amore recent version of Balsa available for Ubuntu?01:49
CromagDKGia: ls -l ?01:49
otaku-sanSeveas: rm?  Sorry...01:49
sureshotgot xgl and beryl running01:49
|_ockei have found absolutely no differences01:49
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jtholmesmicael71: if you use vsftpd and set the  vsftpd.conf file on here end to allow write permissions you can send her files all day and her  to you also it is not trivial but you cna do it and vsftpd is very very secure01:49
Seveasotaku-san, as in: delete, remove, throw out01:49
|_ockei have / mounted in /mnt/root01:49
Seveasdo NOT attempt to install it01:49
eczarnyhey, is anyone able to use their xbox 360 controller with dapper on an ibook?01:49
|_ockeand my /home in /mnt/root/home01:49
jtholmeshere = her01:49
|_ockeand /usr in /mnt/root/usr01:49
ttoesI can't get WEP 128bit encryption to work with my centrino laptop and ubuntu dapper drake. Works fine without encryption. Works fine encrypted with XP. Ideas anyone?01:49
gameman73i need help with xgl, im getting very poor performance from glxgears (sub 500 fps),  im using an ati videocard01:49
GiaCromagDK....ok... that did the trick01:49
SteilWhats the best way to backup a running root filesystem?01:49
Jack_Sparrow|_ocke: What did you use to do the partition editing01:49
Warbomicael71: If you just want to make some files available then there are a few "graphical webservers" on gnomefiles.org01:49
|_ockeand they all work great, i can run all files01:49
|_ockeJack_Sparrow: i used partition magic and i think it did something weird01:50
suff0katewhats a good mp3 for ubuntu kinda like winamp?01:50
cpl-tnt44how can i know what version is my ndiswrapper ? what is the command ?01:50
otaku-sanSeveas: ahhhh remove...ok....but it is needed for another package I'm trying to install01:50
|_ockeit 'fixed' a couple errors01:50
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Warbosuff0kate: XMMS or BMP01:50
Seveassuff0kate, beep-media-player01:50
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Jack_Sparrow|_ocke: Ouch..01:50
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Seveasotaku-san, no, you need to find a correct version of that other package01:50
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Warbosuff0kate: Both can use WinAmp skins, but BMP (beep media player) has nicer menus01:50
|_ockei imagine i need to unfix them, but if it mounts fine manually and checks out with e2fsck, what other routes do i have01:50
kutanback screw it, I'll just install xmms through a package manager01:50
micael71Warbo i will look at that thanks01:50
cipher_nemoI'm trying to run phpmyadmin by going to the locahost in my browser (Firefox) and clicking on the dir phpmyadmin, but Firefox wants to open/save it as a file instead of running phpmyadmin. How do I run phpmyadmin?01:50
Jack_Sparrow|_ocke: Version 7 is iffy at best, hope you were using 8 or above01:50
|_ockeJack_Sparrow: yeah 801:50
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|_ockei'd never use 4-7 for linux :P01:51
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|_ockeexcept resizing a windows part01:51
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Jack_Sparrow|_ocke: Just checking01:51
armadill0I'm trying to flush my dns resolver cache (not for bind) with ubuntu.  Does anyone know how this can be done?01:51
eczarnyanyone able to get xpad to work in dapper? i'm having one hell of a time with it on my ibook.01:51
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micael71jtholmes what do you meen here do you want me to send the vsftpd.conf file01:51
|_ockeyes i have experienced the wrath before01:51
otaku-sanSeveas: hahaha, ok.  It's a gui front for a app I have on my box01:51
Seveas!repeat > armadill001:51
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LookTJ|_ocke: gparted is better in my opinion01:51
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Viper550Is it me, or are there problems with the wiki?01:51
armadill0Sereas: Do you know?01:51
|_ockei must not have tried it, but i didnt realize it could easily resize01:52
Jack_Sparrow|_ocke: Not knowing what Partition MAgically Did for you I dont have any answers.01:52
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SeveasViper550, actually, it's faster than usual01:52
otaku-sanSeveas: I'll try to find another version....something...probably a bug I found01:52
LookTJdoes anyone use google.com/linux?01:52
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Seveasotaku-san, simply recompiling the package on ubuntu will solve it01:52
Viper550But I'm getting errors, and when I tried saving a change I did to one of my pages, it deleted the page!01:52
|_ockeit said it fixed some problems with the partition table01:52
cpl-tnt44how can i know what version is my ndiswrapper ? what is the command ?01:52
jtholmesmicael71: no I would want you to read up on vsftpd.conf and have a understanding of  anonymous writes or specific login writes/uploads go to www.vsftpd.org and there are some good examples01:53
Viper550Page could not get locked. Missing 'current' file?01:53
LookTJ|_ocke: boot livecd then resize with gparted01:53
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suff0kateanother question is frostwire the best for music? or is there another recommeneded?01:53
|_ockeLookTJ: thats what im trying now01:53
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|_ockeim already in live01:53
otaku-sanSeveas: you mean now that I nuked it...I can down it and try compiling it again....makes sense01:53
jtholmesmicael71: i am out of town at the moment and dont have all my notes with me but it can be setup up with some effort01:53
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Gia! mod_dav01:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mod_dav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
jtholmesmicael71: i am going to dinner now so catch me later if you still have questions01:54
Warbosuff0kate: I would use GTK-Gnutella, it uses the same network as Frostwire so can access the same files, but it is smaller and takes less memory when running in the background01:54
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LookTJ|_ocke open terminal, type sudo gparted01:54
kitche!webDav > Gia01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webDav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
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sureshotjack_sparrow join #sureshot for a few second if you would01:54
gnomefreakgparted gives you a menu entry01:54
|_ockeLookTJ: already done01:54
suff0katethank you01:54
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Giakitche, what is webdav?01:54
|_ockeunmounting and preparing now01:54
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Alakazam_what percentage more performance does a SMP kernel offer?01:54
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gnomefreakAlakazam_: dual cpu01:55
LookTJ|_ocke: ok try resizing again01:55
eczarnyanybody willing to help me with xpad?01:55
=== Warbo is a hardcore MLDonkey user personally, but can't get a startup/shutdown script which actually works
Viper550Alakazam: Alot if you're computer is SMP compatable01:55
cipher_nemoanyone know? asking again 5 min later: I'm trying to run phpmyadmin by going to the locahost in my browser (Firefox) and clicking on the dir phpmyadmin, but Firefox wants to open/save it as a file instead of running phpmyadmin. How do I run phpmyadmin?01:55
flacohi... anyone has a USB marble mouse working?01:55
Alakazam_okay, so i should go ahead and go SMP01:55
gameman73i need help with xgl, im getting very poor performance from glxgears (sub 500 fps),  im using an ati videocard01:55
Alakazam_its a P4 3.2Ghz01:55
Viper550But, is your computer smp compatable?01:55
Alakazam_its a P4 3.2Ghz HT01:55
kitcheGia: it's Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning".01:55
gnomefreakgameman73: best to ask in #ubuntu-xgl01:55
gameman73k, thx01:56
gnomefreakAlakazam_: i think the 686 kernel should do it for you01:56
baconbaconcipher_nemo: what is the url youre going to01:56
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Alakazam_is kernel-image-2.4.27-2-686-smp the latest precompiled kernel for ubuntu01:56
siriusnovaokay guys i have a stupid question01:56
cipher_nemobaconbacon: localhost01:56
lance_sometimes i log in and my mouse is choppy until i reboot.. anyone?01:56
lance_my cpu is like 10%01:56
baconbaconAlakazam_: install linux-68601:56
Giakitche, yeah read that, but I don't what the heck that means for a little user like me... do I need it?01:56
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siriusnovaif i use patched madwifi-ng drivers from madwifi.org will they screw up network-manager and wpa?01:56
WarboIsn't Hyper Threading just used so Windows can fake preemptive multitasking, and is therefore pretty much useless to get SMP on Linux which does it properly?01:56
kitcheAlakazam_: there is also 2.6 kernel01:56
kyjasiriusnova, the only stupid questions are those never asked01:56
baconbaconAlakazam_: NOT kernel-image-* !01:56
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cipher_nemobaconbacon: these were instructions I'm following:  "MythTV uses MySQL extensively, so we have to get this set up before anything else. Fire up Firefox and in the address bar, type "localhost". Click the "phpmyadmin" directory. Type in "root" in the login form, and no password. "01:57
lance_sometimes i log in and my mouse is choppy until i reboot.. anyone?01:57
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Alakazam_root@malakai:~# apt-get install linux-686-smp01:57
Alakazam_like so?01:57
ucordes_what command do i have to issue in order to open another xsrv01:57
cipher_nemobaconbacon: I just installed phpmyadmin and my-sql, etc.01:57
gnomefreaklance_: is everything slow/choppy?01:57
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Alakazam_Sweet, thanks baconbacon01:57
lance_nope.. just mouse01:57
FlannelAlakazam_: what ubuntu version are you running?01:57
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pbergerarmadill0: then check out named / named.conf01:57
Warboucordes_: "X :1"01:57
gnomefreaklance_: did you try reconfiguring it?01:57
|_ockegparted doesnt want to make changes to the partitoin because i am using swap space on that drive01:57
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|_ockecan i unmount the swap space01:58
SenesenceCan anyone tell me how to install a PCF font??01:58
lance_gnomefreak, reconfiguring what?01:58
collier_How do U install FONTS?01:58
|_ockepossibly mount swap on a differnt trive01:58
armadill0pberget: Thanks, I appreciate it :)01:58
baconbaconcipher, with phpmyadmin you should have apache and php too01:58
Alakazam_Flannel, dapper01:58
Alakazam_kubuntu dapper01:58
cipher_nemobaconbacon: I do01:58
gnomefreaklance_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    there is a mouse section01:58
Warboucordes_: Just give it IP Address:server number. Since I guess you want it on your local machine leave IP Address blank, then since you have a server running on :0 use :1 instead01:58
LookTJ|_ocke: i think deactivate?01:58
Alakazam_i just downloaded it off the mirrors and installed today01:58
Senesencecollier_: Raster fonts fc-cache doesnt recognize the new font.01:58
FlannelAlakazam_: and you have 2.4?01:58
=== PFA [n=ubuntu@CPE0007e9d8a3a3-CM0014e82726e2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
|_ockets the only swap allocated, is that ok?01:58
LookTJthen resize?01:58
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=== gnomefreak wonders why 2.4
Alakazam_root@malakai:~# cat /proc/version01:58
Alakazam_Linux version 2.6.15-27-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)) #1 PREEMPT Sat Sep 16 01:51:59 UTC 200601:58
lance_gnomefreak.. thix i'll try that.01:59
PFAokay so i'm trying to resize a partition using liveCD and it says the device is busy01:59
Warboucordes_: To give regular users permission to run programs on that server you may want to use "X -ac :1"01:59
PFAwhat's up and how do i resize the thing01:59
FlannelAlakazam_: 2.6.15 != 2.4.1501:59
ucordes_Warbo: thanks a lot. but this only gets me a grey screen with a cursor. how can i run applications on this?01:59
Alakazam_hmm, lemme reboot into this SMP kernel... brb01:59
kitchePFA: you can't resize something that is mounted01:59
briguydanyone use quod libet?01:59
Warboucordes_: OK, go back to another terminal01:59
PFAkitche, it's not mounted, i'm on a LiveCD01:59
cipher_nemobaconbacon: I just installed... build-essential, dialog, apache2, mysql-server, phpmyadmin, gcc-3.4, libapache2-mod-php5, libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, dvdauthor, mplayer-686, ntp, ntp-simple01:59
gnomefreakkitche: livecd shouldnt have mounted it01:59
PFAthere's only one partition mounted01:59
PFAand it won't let me unmount02:00
SenesenceCan anyone tell me why PCF fonts don't work on Ubuntu?02:00
Warboucordes_: run "export DISPLAY=localhost:1" then run whatever program you want, like gnome-session or startkde02:00
collier_So your saying you cant install fonts for GIMP?02:00
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto02:00
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer02:00
=== Randomdude16 is now known as RandomDude16
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule02:00
Warboucordes_: You can actually use System>Quit>Switch User to start up another login screen, which may be what you are after02:00
gnomefreaktom47: for edgy join #ubuntu+102:00
tannerldcan anyone help me? cron isn't working anymore...02:00
tom47is there an edgy irc channel?02:01
Senesencegnomefreak: Tried that it doesn't work. I can't install this font http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/02:01
gnomefreaktom47: #ubuntu+102:01
tom47gnomefreak thank you02:01
kitchegnomefreak: it just seemed like the drive was mounted since it said it was busy02:01
LookTJ|_ocke: you stuck still?02:01
ucordes_Warbo: but doesn't this operation close my current x?02:01
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cipher_nemocollier: I like these font packages... gsfonts-x11, msttcorefonts, and then do a #fc-cache -f -v  when your fonts are installed02:01
PFAkitche, yea, cuz there's one partition mounted, right02:01
gnomefreakkitche: maybe PFA did mount it but livecd shouldnt mount it without you doing it02:01
ucordes_Warbo: btw: my first xserver froze after openning the second one with X :102:01
=== whurley [n=whurley@cpe-70-112-219-150.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Warboucordes_: No. Actually If you right click on the Ubuntu logo in the top left and go "Edit Menus" you can enable a new login menu option in "System Tools" menu02:01
cipher_nemobaconbacon: going to log... be back on tonight02:01
PFAgnomefreak, i did not mount it and gparted even says nothing is mounted except linux-swap02:02
gnomefreakPFA: unmount the swap and see if that helps02:02
PFAgnomefreak, it won't let me :/02:02
micael71jtholmes sorry was away looking for servers02:02
gnomefreakwhy would it :(02:02
Warboucordes_: Oh? Usually ctrl-alt-f7 and ctrl-alt-f9 can switch between and you can use both fine02:02
tannerldcan anyone help me? cron isn't working anymore...02:02
SenesenceDoes anyone know why ubuntu won't detect PCF fonts?02:02
ucordes_Warbo: ye and ctrl-alt-f7 is dead now02:03
ucordes_Warbo: ye and ctrl-alt-f8 -> grey screen with X cursor02:03
=== Alakazam_ [n=Alakazam@cpe-72-177-236-192.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Alakazam_Dual procs02:03
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gnomefreakSenesence: did you put it in the right dir?02:04
mikeymikehey everyone02:04
Alakazam_model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz02:04
Alakazam_brb ciggy time.02:04
Senesencegnomefreak: Yes ~/.fonts02:04
=== Seb [n=Seb@adsl-69-232-204-25.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sebsup y'all02:04
Sebhow do I start he cups config GUI from a shell ?02:04
Sebs/ he/ the/02:04
collier_If I have a font on my desktop how to i add it to /usr/share/fonts/ threw termnial?02:04
Warboucordes_: Hmm, just tried it myself and switch user isn't working (probably my effed up X, so I am using AiGLX just because X doesn't work)02:04
mikeymikeif you guys wouldn't mind taking the time to check this link out for me.. i'd really appreciate it... and so would my friend nancy.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27015002:04
collier_If I have a font on my desktop how to i MOVE it to /usr/share/fonts/ threw termnial?02:04
kitcheWarbo: AiGLX is X02:04
Warbocollier_: Open file browser, press ctrl-L type "fonts:"02:04
ucordes_Warbo: i see02:04
mikeymikewould you guys mind checking that out :)02:04
Warbokitche: "xorg-air"02:05
=== cafuego [n=cafuego@] has joined #ubuntu
Warborather than "xorg"02:05
ucordes_Warbo: so you think with aiglx ill prolly do better?02:05
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collier_Warbo: could not find fonts02:05
Warboucordes_: NO!02:05
mikeymikecan someone help me perhaps?02:05
=== georgy [n=georgy@217-117-42-7.teledisnet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Sebhow do I start the cups config GUI from a shell, anyone ?02:05
Warbocollier_: Oh. Well, plan B I would install "kcontrol" and open it up. It is a KDE app, but is VERY useful for installing fonts (start it with "gksudo kcontrol")02:05
=== duelboot [n=duelboot@72-255-13-151.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warboucordes_: AiGLX messes up switch user, since it hasn't been tested much02:06
Warbohang on02:06
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collier_collier@collier-desktop:~$ gksudo kcontrol02:06
collier_sudo: kcontrol: command not found02:06
mikeymikei have a friend and her birthday is tommorow and i wanted to get some people together to send her a happy birthday message on ubuntu forums.. it would be wonderful if you guys could do that for me if you're a member already... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27015002:06
=== kingrayray [n=kingrayr@c-71-231-183-191.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikeymikeit would be so amazing if she got some messages02:06
mikeymikeit would make her day02:07
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=== THX-1138 [n=bill@ip70-181-223-166.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
collier_Warbo: I did that now what?02:07
slopzidedmikeymike, i'll do it02:07
ucordes_Warbo: oh ok. i got this twisted. have to leave . thx for your help and have a good time02:07
mikeymikeslopzided: thank you so much :)02:07
mikeymikeslopzided: i think she deserves it02:07
mikeymikeshe's a very faithful 15 year old ubuntu user02:07
mikeymike100% ubuntu02:07
slopzidedmikeymike, sweet :)02:08
mikeymike:]  thanks so much02:08
=== colin_ [n=chatzill@pool-72-94-98-58.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikeymikeyou're an awesome person02:08
=== JoshIRL [n=josh@71-32-17-210.blng.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
slopzidedmikeymike, no problem at all really :)02:08
=== atoponce [i=aaron@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xFC04088F] has joined #ubuntu
slopzidedi'm big on birthdays ;)02:09
mikeymikethe link to send her a message is in the thread.. its so easy just click and you're right there :)02:09
mikeymike:) okay02:09
colin_Does anyone here use a Ralink rt2570 wireless device?02:09
duelbootmikeymike, slopzided --enough...we get it02:09
Seveasmikeymike, sent 02:09
mikeymikethanks so much guys!02:09
=== AnotherWarbo [n=experime@dyn222139.shef.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mikeymikeyou guys are WONDERFUL02:09
slopzidedduelboot, ?02:09
THX-1138colin - ralink yes, it is supported out of the box - i just clicked on it02:10
Ash-FoxAnybody know of a alternative to XMPlay? I can't find a single mod player that can play multi-track XM files properly.02:10
colin_It's not working for me02:10
SenesenceI need help guys02:10
=== Chamuco [n=isham@D-128-208-221-179.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu
JoshIRLI still can't get mp3's to play on my ubuntu 6.06 and i read those pages and tried. i obviously messed somethign up :(02:10
mikeymikeSeveas: thank you for doing that02:10
colin_The interface is there in iwconfig and ifconfig, but I can't connect to any access points02:10
=== brendonjt [n=brendon@222-152-217-211.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
kitcheJoshIRL: you read the mp3 pages?02:10
Alakazam_my azureus keeps crashing, anyone experienced that?02:10
Chamucoso I did a new install and formated and formatted a ext3 to resier, could I recover that partition/files?02:10
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AnotherWarboBah, I go to the trouble of manually starting a new X session as a new user, starting GAIM, signing on to FreeNode, and ucordes has left!02:11
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JoshIRLI did something wrong or misread, because it isn't working, i tried twice.02:11
shwag_If I reboot in the Xen kernel, Xorg fails to load.02:11
LookTJduelboot: shutup dude we were wishing someone happy b-day02:11
gnomefreakJoshIRL: you installed the packages they said to for dapper?02:11
=== jcole [n=jcole@adsl-69-232-224-126.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:11
suff0kateWhen i was configuring GTK-Gnutella it said i can't locate 'make' my life depends on it?02:11
=== kyja [n=kyja@70-41-164-146.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakJoshIRL: the first link02:11
JoshIRLYessum :P02:11
AnotherWarbosuff0kate: WTF? It is in Ubuntu!02:11
tannerldcan anyone help me? cron isn't working anymore...02:11
AnotherWarbo!info gtk-gnutella02:11
duelbootLookTJ, I went to the link...not against it...it was just so much on a channel to help people with technical problems...02:11
ubotugtk-gnutella: shares files in a peer to peer network. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96.1-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1956 kB, installed size 6988 kB02:11
THX-1138colin - check the settings for gateway02:12
=== georgy [n=georgy@217-117-42-7.teledisnet.be] has left #ubuntu ["BYE"]
AnotherWarbo!synaptic > suff0kate02:12
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JoshIRLI'm going to go through this again, one second.02:12
=== flaco [n=flaco@pc-213-45.nunoa.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu
LookTJI help people with ubuntu only02:12
SenesenceIs there a way to install a raster font on ubuntu? :)02:12
LookTJbut whatever you say02:12
WarboOK, I'm back02:12
ChamucoI have not touched that partition02:12
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mineraleis there a gui sftp/scp client anyone could recommend me? (or a CLI one that has autocompletion)02:13
THX-1138!fonts > Senesence02:13
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=== magnus [n=dlsd@ip68-110-5-138.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnusanyody here running dapper6402:13
LookTJHi THX-113802:13
colin_THX-1128, where do I find that setting?02:13
SenesenceTHX-1138: Did it, but it still didn't recognize this font http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/02:13
THX-1138Hi LokTJ - lol02:14
magnusdapper 64 anyone ?02:14
=== mickael [n=mickael@ip-226.net-81-220-99.nantes.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
LookTJnot me02:14
THX-1138colin in networkin - part of the admin menu02:14
JoshIRLYes, i did install all of the packages02:14
LookTJim x8602:14
Alakazam_i think it was backdown java02:14
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eczarnyanyone able to use their Xbox 360 controller?02:14
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shwag_how can I force a runlevel at boot time so that Xorg doesn't try to load ?02:14
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Alakazam_or blackdown, i installed SUN's java and it seems to have stopped crashing02:15
=== passbe [n=passbe@ppp184-119.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
PFAso . . . what's the thing on parted to view your partitions??02:15
jcolenyone here have a *serial* (NOT usb) gps unit and have gotten it to work with gpsd?02:15
JoshIRLI installed gstreamer.010-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.8-mad and misc and tried02:15
magnusshwag: /etc/inittab - runlevel 302:15
JoshIRLto open in gnome-02:15
JoshIRLit didn't play, said unknown stream format or something02:15
colin_It's on automatic DHCP, so the gateway field is grayed out.02:15
Warboshwag_: Move /etc/rc2.d/SXXgdm to /etc/rc2.d/KXXgdm02:15
chupacabra_i don't remember ubuntu asking for a root password?02:15
micael71how do i stop a program from running02:15
kitchechupacabra_: ubuntu uses sudo02:15
Warbo!root > chupacabra_02:15
magnusis here a channel for dapper64 ?02:16
chupacabra_i realize but i would still like to have the root passwd02:16
Warbomicael71: "killall <programname>"02:16
=== collier_ [n=collier@adsl-154-24-227.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
SenesenceWhy can't ubuntu detect my PCF font??:(02:16
JoshIRLAnyone have any idea why i can't play mp3's? i installed the plugins/packages and it still doesn't know02:16
=== darkhaze [n=darkhaze@201-68-53-170.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
pbergermichael71: sudo killall programname02:16
Warbochupacabra_: Then run "sudo -s -H" then "passwd" to set one02:16
collier_Anyone know how to setup a network and share a printer??????/02:16
attahAnyone that is running edgy and got some knowledge about the new bootscreen system?02:17
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kitcheattah: ask in #ubuntu+102:17
colin_attah, it just shows a progress bar and the Ubnutu logo02:17
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THX-1138collier - in printing properties - be certain to select windows printer and not samba02:17
collier_Wheres printer properties?02:18
|_ockek so gparted fails when trying to resize02:18
attahcolin_ well mine went to low memory..02:18
attahkitche thx02:18
chupacabra_didn't work02:18
collier_Got it02:18
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THX-1138collier - in the system .. administration menu02:18
Warbochupacabra_: I don't think su will work, since it is disabled for regular users02:18
collier_Yeah but how do I setup a network02:18
chupacabra_but it wont let me update02:19
Warbochupacabra_: I don't know how to configure su though (I know visudo for sudo though)02:19
THX-1138collier - not sure why leaving "discover network printers" unchecked helped.02:19
PFAso. in parted. i want to print . . . what?? i tried /dev/hda and it's like "umm i can't find hdc" which is obviously not what i'm looking for but um . . . whatever.02:19
Warbochupacabra_: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"02:19
chupacabra_update asks for a password and i dont know it02:19
Warbochupacabra_: Using your regular user password02:19
odyssevsWarbo / kitche, I presume patching up to .18 from the current kernel in Ubuntu (.15?) is easier than building the .18?02:20
kitcheodyssevs: you stll have to rebuild the kernel02:20
magnusah cmon, i must not be the only dapper64 user in the world02:20
Warboodyssevs: I am using 2.6.15-23 (and that was reluctantly upgraded from 2.6.15-18), so don't ask me :)02:20
SenesenceDoes ubuntu support PCF fonts?02:20
lunaphytei see the alternate install cd mentions lvm and raid partitioning - can software raid not be configured if i installed from the standard server install cd?02:20
odyssevsWarbo, what sort of difficulty is involved in creating a live cd of Ubuntu, but replacing the kernel with .18?02:21
JoshIRLAnyone have any idea why i can't play mp3's? i installed the plugins/packages and it still doesn't know the streamer format or w/e02:21
magnusi lost my glxinfo utility in my latest update02:21
magnusanybody here with the same problem ?02:21
colin_THX-1138, eventhough the interface shows up in ifconfig, when I do "route -n" it only shows packets going through my ethernet connection.02:21
Warboodyssevs: I have only ever recreated KNOPPIX live CDs (and replacing the kernel is a pain. I still can't get unionfs to compile :( )02:21
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dragonfire1ing searching don't see how small I need soemthing for 64 ram on a laptop 1.2 hard drive02:22
xophermagnus: I was running 64bit dapper, now at edgy, why?02:22
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cafuegomagnus: Possibly you are, most peole, would run 32bit on a 64bit desktop cpu - less painful - stuff just works.02:22
cyber_brain_mfkgin Gaim why i can't see avatars of my friends that r using yahoo messenger???02:23
kitchecyber_brain_mfkg: because gaim doesn't have that feature02:23
Warbocyber_brain_mfkg: Hm? I can....02:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:23
chupacabra_she is upgrading now02:23
=== collier_ [n=collier@adsl-154-24-227.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about PCF - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:23
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odyssevsWarbo, gahh. Linux is greedy for one's time.02:23
magnusxopher: i updated and lost my glxinfo utility. Can you check where it is on your edgy ?02:23
cyber_brain_mfkgkitche: but i can c that on msn accounts02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about raster - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
xopher!info glxinfo02:24
ubotuPackage glxinfo does not exist in any distro I know02:24
ubotubitmap: X client - bitmap. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 49 kB, installed size 252 kB02:24
magnusit is not a package, but a utility02:24
Warboodyssevs: Which is useful to those who wish to find ways to waste it (namely me)02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
Warbocyber_brain_mfkg: You sure they have a picture?02:24
Warbocyber_brain_mfkg: maybe see what happens when you set your own02:25
cafuegomagnus: mesa-utils02:25
collier_Warbo: How do u edit /etc/apt/sources.list  in terminal again?02:25
=== funkyHat__ [n=matt@cpc7-nthc3-0-0-cust812.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
colin_Is anyone here running Ubuntu on an Averatec laptop?02:25
Warbocollier_: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"02:25
Alakazam_yeah yeah YEAH02:26
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shwag_how do I not load X only for specific grub entries though...so that Xorg still loads in my normal kernel, but doesnt load if I boot into Xen.02:26
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shwag_since Xen doesnt seem to support xorg.02:26
Warbosudo = super-user-do, nano= text editor, /etc/apt/sources.list = filename02:26
colin_Alakazam_: Was that in response to my question about Averatec?02:26
Alakazam_colin_, no... sorry02:27
=== physicsnick [n=physicsn@HSE-Ottawa-ppp239333.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Alakazam_lemme read up, maybe i can help02:27
physicsnickdear ubuntu, my microphone input volume is set ridiculously low and it's driving me INSANE, i have to put the mic inside my mouth for people to hear me02:27
Alakazam_Averatec is a name brand colin_ ... whats the question/problem?02:27
physicsnicki'm in kde, in gnome i could turn it up easily, but this "kmix" program is a piece of shit02:27
physicsnickhow do i turn up my microphone volume?02:27
Warbophysicsnick: double click the volume icon in the top right?02:28
colin_Alakazam_: There are two problems, I can't get wireless working and the only video driver I can use is vesa, which is extremely slow.02:28
physicsnickWarbo, yes, that works wonderfully in gnome, which is what i just said. i switched over to kde and there's no such option in kmix02:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about listen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:28
AvagantYou guys heard of this "listen" player?02:28
=== Hawk||- [n=Hawk@p549CCC8D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
mister_robotophysicsnick: the mic volume slider in kmix doesn't work for u?02:29
Avagantit's pretty awesome.02:29
Alakazam_colin_, what model number is your lap top.02:29
Alakazam_i'll be able to help you with this.02:29
Warbophysicsnick: OK, if you hate KDE (understandable) then try "alsamixer" in terminal (maybe "sudo alsamixer")02:29
AvagantIt's not very pretty but it has everything I need. haha02:29
physicsnickmister_roboto, no, that's just output volume, not input volume (or microphone sensitivity)02:29
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colin_Alakazam_: It's 2260-EK102:29
mister_robotophysicsnick: wrong02:29
mister_robotophysicsnick: it's input vol. there IS no output on a mic02:29
physicsnickWarbo, i love kde, i'm just very surprised and frustrated that something works in gnome and not kde02:29
Alakazam_one second colin_02:29
collier_Anyone know where to install ADOBE FLASH PLAYER from is it in sypantic?02:29
SenesenceDoes anyone here know anything about .PCF fonts and how to install them??02:30
=== funkyHat__ is now known as funkyHat
JoshIRLWhen i use audacity to open mp3  and convert to ogg i click ok to enter the mp3 and the program closes, why?02:30
physicsnickmister_roboto, of course there is. that slider is for how loud the microphone input is outputted back out through your speakers02:30
THX-1138Warbo - whaich control in alsamixer contrls the mic?02:30
physicsnicknot how sensitive the mic is02:30
Warbocollier_: Personally I would get the package from debian-multimedia.org and install that (you shouldn't really install Debain packages, but Flash is binary only anyway)02:30
cafuegoJoshIRL: It knows that converting from mp3 (lossy) to ogg (other lossy) is a very bad idea.02:30
=== pberger [n=ingbert@dslb-084-056-058-044.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboTHX-1138: The one which is labelled Mic?02:30
JoshIRLI can't get it to play mp3's.02:30
mister_robotophysicsnick: wtf are u talking about? it's input level. hence the input tab02:30
JoshIRLI've tried everything, no worky.02:30
JoshIRLSo, if i convert it should play, shouldn't it?02:31
physicsnickmister_roboto, the input tab has three "capture" sliders, and says nothing about a microphone02:31
THX-1138Warbo - hm - i don't see it. is it the middle one near "surround"?02:31
magnusis there a way I can search the deb packages from a mirror? I want to know the location of a file02:31
physicsnickthere is a microphone slider under the output tab, which controls output, as i just said02:31
cafuegomagnus: apt-file is your friend.02:31
=== PhilKC [i=PhilKC@unaffiliated/philkc] has joined #Ubuntu
THX-1138Hi cafuego.02:32
=== kads [n=wer@CPE001310a1899c-CM001692fa7e8e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
WarboTHX-1138: For me, in order from left: PCM, Surround, Surround, Centre, LFE, Line, CD, Mic02:32
cafuegoTHX-1138: Oh sorry, I ahd no idea.02:32
JoshIRLoh well no music for me then lol02:32
physicsnickWarbo, yes, that's under OUTPUT02:32
THX-1138cafuego - Thank You fpr hosting files.02:32
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mister_robotophysicsnick: intersting. i have 7 input sliders. must be the sound card driver ur using02:32
=== willichan [n=Administ@rrcs-74-62-209-168.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
physicsnickthat is not the sensitivity, it's how loud the microphone is echoed back through your speakers02:32
Warbophysicsnick: alsamixer doesn't make any distinction02:32
=== cafuego is innocent, stop accusing me
physicsnickWarbo, yes it does.02:33
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=== JoshIRL [n=josh@71-32-17-210.blng.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
Alakazam_PM me, so i can keep up with our conversation.02:33
constantine-xvican anyone in here get a samsung i500 (palm 4.x) to work?02:33
THX-1138Warbo - okay, not enabled in my card. not sure why.. don't need it though.02:33
physicsnickWarbo, alsamixer shows exactly the same thing kmix does. it shows tabs for playback and capture, and there's nothing about a microphone under capture02:33
colin_Alakazam_: what's PM?02:33
bm0nkPrivate Message02:33
physicsnicki'll look and see if i'm missing any audio drivers, but everything else works fine02:33
Alakazam_private message02:33
Alakazam_i'll pm you02:33
=== Consty [n=grimlock@pool-71-102-149-253.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
physicsnicki mean the microphone works its just not sensitive enough02:33
collier_Warbo: I got to etc/apt/source.list and add which one from http://debian-multimedia.org/mirrors.html to the list02:33
suff0katewhats the other good mp3 players XMMS isn't working so well?02:34
ConstyI can't use skypeout to dial out.. whenever I type a number it instantly says call failed.  Any ideas how to fix this?02:34
kitcheAlakazam_ you need to be registered to use the pm feature on here02:34
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Alakazam_well, we'll just do it here.02:34
mister_robotophysicsnick: there is a mic boost under switches tab too02:34
constantine-xvisuff0kate: if you just want a player, use vlc02:34
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suff0katevlc is for video's isn't it?02:35
colin_Alakazam_: We can start a new channel on freenode, can't we?02:35
physicsnickmister_roboto, i have no such mic boost option02:35
=== jackson [n=jackson@ppp-70-251-91-106.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
constantine-xvisuff0kate: both02:35
Alakazam_sure thing02:35
Alakazam_join #alakazam02:35
suff0katecan u form a playlist with it?02:35
constantine-xvisuff0kate: yes02:35
jacksondoes anyone know if Cinema 4D works well with wine?02:35
suff0katekk thank you02:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:35
=== yarddog_ [n=yarddog@unaffiliated/yarddog] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138Warbo - Ah - i can use the arrow key to scroll it.>> Do i owe you an hourly computer tech fee?02:35
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constantine-xvisuff0kate: unless you are looking for more functionality than xmms02:36
Alakazam_colin_, join the chan... #alakazam02:36
Consty I can't use skypeout to dial out.. whenever I type a number it instantly says call failed.  Any ideas how to fix this?02:36
SenesenceDoes anyone know why ubuntu won't recognize .pcf fonts? I really need help on this guys02:36
WarboTHX-1138: All in a days work (and I feel I owe the community a lot anyway)02:36
mister_robotophysicsnick: oh, i forgot... running edgy here. they might have changed kmix  :\02:37
Warbosuff0kate: If you install VLC then check out the "svlc" command, it lets you use skins02:37
collier_Warbo: I got to etc/apt/source.list and add which one from http://debian-multimedia.org/mirrors.html to the list02:37
Volvohow to list running processes and kill some02:37
Volvosome desklets are stuck on my desktop and are not happy to leave peacefully02:38
Warbocollier_: Add an unstable or a sid, and use the deb not the deb-src02:38
constantine-xviVolvo: ps auxw; killall (proc name)02:38
Volvook for listing them ? constantine-xvi02:38
=== jman8888 [n=jman8888@cpe-24-166-105-153.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
constantine-xviVolvo: or run gnome-system-monitor and kill them the graphical way if you must02:38
=== JohnDe-Bow [i=johnde@82-43-97-247.cable.ubr09.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kitcheSensence: might help you out http://anakin.ncst.ernet.in/~aparna/consolidated/x1091.html02:38
darkhazehey i got a problem instaling realplayer here02:38
=== bayzider [n=b@ool-45757b72.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
MissLadyanyone can help me please ? ... I installed Ubuntu on my HDD, my USB Cable Modem don't work but with Live CD it worked. What should i do?02:38
darkhazecan anyone help me instaling?02:38
jman8888Is there a way to compress my podcasts? Like to 32bit(Theyre voice so i dont care.02:38
Warbodarkhaze: Did you use Add/Remove?02:39
=== flaco [n=flaco@pc-213-45.nunoa.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu
darkhazehrm i did it with terminal02:39
bayziderhey when im broswing the internet and use something like you tube the audio only works around 45% of the time whats with that?02:39
brian98darkhaze: The only way I got it to work was downloading it from real.com02:39
Warbodarkhaze: OK, which package name?02:39
brian98there is a deb there02:39
darkhazei followed the guide02:39
flacohi all... is possible to get working 2 mouses at the same time? the laptop mouse.. and a trackball02:39
constantine-xviVolvo: use ps auxw to list, killall -9 (proc) to kill02:39
darkhazesudo apt-get install reaplay02:39
=== Twinxor__ [n=jme@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkhazesudo apt-get install reaplayer02:39
collier_Warbo: W: GPG error: http://ieso.gotdns.com unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B90702:39
darkhazenone of them worked02:39
suff0kateis there any programs that are similar to soulseek?02:39
darkhazeso i went to the real website02:39
WarboI find the dapper commercial repo's package works fine, but there is a legacy "realplay" (I think) in multiverse which doesn;'t work02:40
darkhazeand downloaded a .bin file02:40
brian98suff0kate, nicotine02:40
constantine-xvisuff0kate: soulseek (explanation)?02:40
darkhazebut im a newbie here and i dunno how to proceed to install this .bin file02:40
ubotunicotine: graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.8rc1-1.1 (dapper), package size 291 kB, installed size 1488 kB02:40
suff0kateits a windows programs p2p - fullcds02:40
=== HornyTeddyBear [n=hornyted@d38-144-234.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warbodarkhaze: Go in Add/Remove and tick the "enable commercial software" box02:40
bm0nkI have a Netgear WG121 USB (v2) wireless card, and  I've just installed the newest version of ndiswrapper, got the wg121.inf/sys files from ndis5 folder, ndsiwrapper -l returns  netwg121 driver installed, hardware (0846:4210) present .// lsusb returns 0846:4210 Netgear, Inc. WG121 Wifi (v2) // HOWEVER iwconfig doesn't show my card...ifconfig only shows loopback... can ANYONE help? I've been working on this for days.....02:40
=== Jay-- [n=jamal@CPE0017ee00aa0a-CM0012c9a07072.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
suff0katethank you02:40
HornyTeddyBearyour welcome, son.02:40
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brian98he's not your son02:41
Warbosuff0kate: MLDonkey can use Soulseek, EDonkey, Kademlia, Bittorrent, HTTP/FTP, Gnutella, Gnutella2, etc. :)02:41
collier_Warbo: Do I Need to put #deb http://mirror.home-dn.net/debian-multimedia unstable main or with the #02:41
kitchebm0nk: you have to up the card with ifup <device>02:41
bm0nkkitche it doesnt show up on iwconfig02:41
SenesenceSomeone please help me. :)02:41
bm0nkthats whats doing my nut02:41
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Warbocollier_: Without the #02:41
kitchebm0nk: it won't until you bring it up02:41
collier_it dont work02:41
brian98Senesence, whats the problem02:41
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collier_Warbo: W: GPG error: http://ieso.gotdns.com unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B90702:41
=== PFA [n=ubuntu@CPE0007e9d8a3a3-CM0014e82726e2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
SenesenceCant install PCF font.02:41
Warbocollier_: Oh? Hang on, I will give you my line....02:41
darkhazeit says02:41
darkhazeits not possible to install02:42
Warbocollier_: Oh, don;'t pay attention to that02:42
bm0nkwlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device02:42
kitcheSenesence: did you go to the webpage I posted for you?02:42
darkhazecos this file get in conflict with another file instaled in my machine02:42
Warbodarkhaze: Probably conflicting files. Make sure you remove any other realplayer packages first02:42
w30 darkhaze to run a bin file chmod ugoa+x file; then in the directory of the file ./filewhatever.bin02:42
bm0nkhowever ndiswrapper -l  reports     netwg121 driver installed, hardware present02:42
=== rc2006 [n=rc@c9065d4e.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Warbocollier_: It has worked fine02:42
Consty I can't use skypeout to dial out.. whenever I type a number it instantly says call failed.  Any ideas how to fix this?02:42
Senesencekitche: Yes, did that. PCF font still not recognized. Im trying this one http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/02:42
Warbocollier_: Now look for "mozilla-flash-player7-binary"02:42
=== RedKrieg is now known as RedKrieg|Sleep
HornyTeddyBearonce you find it you need to do the hokey pokey02:43
collier_Warbo: Didnt find anything02:43
Senesencekitche: Could it be something with the font itself?02:43
WarboOops, you on amd64? It may still work, but now I am not so confident (bloody proprietary crap)02:43
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs02:43
MissLadyanyone can help me please ? ... I installed Ubuntu on my HDD, my USB Cable Modem don't work but with Live CD it worked. What should i do?02:43
jman8888Can anybody tell me how to shrink a mp3?02:43
kitcheSenesence: not sure I don't use pcf files but according to that website you need to gzip them02:43
collier_Warbo: Yes I am on amd64 so what should  I do02:43
darkhazeimma try it02:43
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HornyTeddyBearmisslady, you should come over and have a cold glass of whine with me.02:43
w30darkhaze, but don't do that to a file you got off wharez02:43
Warbocollier_: Hmm, one second02:43
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kitchebm0nk: hmm I wonder if it uses a different name isntead of wlan0 now02:44
=== emeitner [n=emeitner@mdsnwikwbas08-pool27-a234.mdsnwikw.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkhazei got it from the realmedia website02:44
Senesencekitche: You mean unzip them? Yea I did that, followed all tut instructions. But still ubuntu wont recognize it.02:44
Warbocollier_: While you wait, remove that repo from sources.list (never a good idea to keep Debian repos around when you might press upgrade)02:44
kitcheSensesence: no I mean gzip02:44
bm0nkkitche : may i PM you ?02:44
collier_Warbo: ok02:44
kitcheyes bm0nk02:44
=== bayzider [n=b@ool-45757b72.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu []
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-1 (dapper), package size 222 kB, installed size 620 kB02:45
darkhazeWarbo i dun have any realplayer instaled here02:45
darkhazeand still says i do >.<02:45
kitcheSenesence such as this gzip eenadu.pcf02:45
Warbocollier_: Try this, but I haven't used it myself as I am in 32bit land https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava?highlight=%28flash%2902:45
jman8888How can i encode a mp3 high quality to low quality.02:45
jman8888Please help02:45
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:45
Warbodarkhaze: Then get in a temrinal and rm the files :)02:45
=== funkyHat_ [n=matt@cpc7-nthc3-0-0-cust812.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Senesencekitche: It said I have to gzip it?02:45
Senesencekitche: where?02:45
darkhazex.x how do i do that?02:46
magnuscan anyone give me an example of using apt-file to search for a file02:46
darkhaze*second day using linux*02:46
physicsnickblarg. anyone know how i can install realtek audio drivers?02:46
likewhoa54anyone know a good linux terminal emulator vt220 etc.02:46
HornyTeddyBearHELP HELP: I have a prob. Someone asked me why tigger stuck his head in the toylat. Was it because he was looking for pooh?02:46
likewhoa54need one to replace procomm02:46
=== lakcaj [n=lakcaj@bas3-kingston08-1168069368.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Warbomagnus: "sudo apt-file search mylibrary.so.4" for example02:46
kitcheSenseence: it's the bitmap section of the webpage I posted02:46
cafuegoHornyTeddyBear: Forty-Two.02:46
Warbodarkhaze: Oh, then I wouldn;t recommend random super user file removing then :)02:46
Senesencekitche: you mean the doc page !fonts?02:46
=== sureshot [n=sureshot@dpc67475065.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
darkhazedamn T.T i wanna watch my movies T.T02:47
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs02:47
darkhaze*goes read all the documentation i can find*02:47
=== HornyTeddyBear [n=hornyted@d38-144-234.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu []
kitcheSenesence: no I mean http://anakin.ncst.ernet.in/~aparna/consolidated/x1091.html02:47
cyber_brain_mfkg!video editor02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video editor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
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cyber_brain_mfkg!video edit02:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video edit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:48
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications02:48
Warbodarkhaze: OK, look in /var/cache/apt/archives for the realplayer file, then open it up in "file roller" (archive manager) (you will need to right click>open with)02:48
ladydoorMissLady: when you plug in your modem, is then anything relevant to it (like, say, having to do with USBs) when you do this:  dmesg|tail (in the console)02:48
Warbodarkhaze: The drag the "data.tar.gz" to your desktop and right click it and select "Extract Here"02:48
PFAcan someone tell me if i can delete my hda4 and 5? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25537/02:49
jman8888What can i USE TO MAKE A 256KB MP3 32KB I dont have room for all my podcasts in high quality.02:49
ladydoor!language > darkhaze02:49
jman8888Please help.02:49
Warbocyber_brain_mfkg: Video editor? Check out Kino, LiVES, Cinellera and Blender02:49
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 1842 kB, installed size 5460 kB02:49
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:49
MissLadyno ladydoor02:49
jman8888ladydoor, Do you know what can compress?02:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about CAD - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:49
micael71is there a way to get all my media files opend with vlc02:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:50
jman8888statikeffeck, I dont know how to use audiacity. I just need something to encode a few folders of mp302:50
ladydoorjman8888: gzip, bzip2, zip...02:50
collier_Wardo: When I do the last step for flash it says to type linux32 ./install_flash_player_7_linux/flashplayer-installer I do that and it says command not found02:50
jman8888ladydoor, to mp3 low quality.02:50
Warbojman8888: I would say either use soundconverter to make it low quality Ogg Vorbis (saves even more space because it has better compression) or extract it to Wave with soundconverter and use lame to reencode it02:50
cyber_brain_mfkg!auto cad02:50
ladydoorjman8888: lame02:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about auto cad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:50
=== cipher_nemo [n=cipherne@pool-72-72-206-224.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jman8888ladydoor, But how do i do it.02:50
ubotuqcad: A professional CAD System. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 2872 kB, installed size 12564 kB02:50
Warbocollier_: You sure you installed all of the packages it said?02:50
ladydoorjman8888: but i'd listen to warbo02:50
collier_Warbo: bash: linux32: No such file or directory02:50
jman8888ladydoor, I need it for my mp3 player.02:50
=== DrBanzai [n=redlance@h216-170-017-249.adsl.navix.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkhazeWarbo  there isnt anyfile with real or something like in its name02:51
jman8888ladydoor, so i need a small mp3. How do i use lame.02:51
collier_Warbo: I dont have 32 I have 64 so do I have to change that?02:51
DarkMageZcollier_, stop stop... there are much better ways to install flash player 7 for ubuntu dapper02:51
ladydoorjman8888: ummm...lame file.wav02:51
darkhazesorry about that ladydoor02:51
ladydoordarkhaze: np02:51
Warbojman8888: OK, I would say either soundconverter or "mpg123 -w file.mp3" to get a wave, then "lame -b XX file.wav"02:51
cyber_brain_mfkgone question: if KDevelop is for KDE what is for gnome? i mean is there similar thing?02:51
Warbodarkhaze: Really? Hmm........02:51
=== niroxx [n=niroxx@p50899914.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Warbocyber_brain_mfkg: I have heard good things about Adjunta02:52
DarkMageZcollier_, um, flashplayer 7 for linux is for 32-bit. there are hacks to get it working... but it's not pritty02:52
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Warbo(although I probably spelt it wrong)02:52
DrBanzaiAnybody in here ever used the cluster feature of dvd::rip??02:52
darkhazethat whats driving me insane cos i went to the official guide on ubuntu-brasil02:52
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=== treitter [n=treitter@adsl-75-22-179-141.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitchecollier_: look up nswrapperplugin02:52
WarboDarkMageZ: Yeah, I directed him (her? sorry I don't know) to the wiki page...02:52
=== tolstoy [n=tolstoy@c-67-168-251-148.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
treitteris anyone else unable to stat /var/lib/gdm/.gdmfifo ?02:52
darkhazeand followed all the instructions then i got some message like " u need xlibs but its unstable or removed "02:52
Warbodarkhaze: hang on02:52
collier_kitche: in what?02:52
treitterI see it, but I cna't stat it (stat claims it doesn't exist)02:52
mr-russanybody setup apache2 fcgid php + suexec?  I can't seem to get suexec to go into the mix. 500 internal errors result02:52
cipher_nemoI'm trying to log in for the first time to phpmyadmin and going to localhost/phpmyadmin, but Firefox wants to download it as a file instead of run the login. Any ideas? I've installed apache2, mysql-server, phpmyadmin, libapache2-mod-php5, and libapache2-mod-auth-mysql already.02:52
darkhazeWarbo: alright02:53
cyber_brain_mfkgok! thanx Warbo!02:53
PFAcan someone tell me if i can delete my hda4 and 5? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25537/02:53
Warbodarkhaze: Oh, xlibs? That doesn't exist in Ubuntu02:53
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jman8888Warbo,  I got lame to do it. Just how can i make it do it to a folder?02:53
gandolfthewizardhi all02:53
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Warbodarkhaze: I made a hack for it though, by making an empty package called xlibs :)02:53
kitchecollier_: it's to get 32bit plugins working on a x86_64 bit system02:53
sedrakewhats the command to install C header files that matches my kernel?02:53
collier_kitche: where is it though?02:53
Warbojman8888: I don't know, you might need to find a script (Perl or Python probably)02:53
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gnomefreaksedrake: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.xx.xxx02:54
Volvo>> nautilus --no-desktop. Opens my username home folder. How to change it with To open My computer and Garbage bin02:54
DarkMageZWarbo, ah, k. he was trying to install flash manually. i thought it was alittle odd when there's a package in the repo. cept now i find he's running x64...02:54
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:54
Warbosedrake: "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)"02:54
darkhazeis it hard to make a package ? :~02:54
fluvvellmr-russ, we use apache and php with mysql, what do you use fcgid for?02:54
Warbodarkhaze: Not at all. All I did was open up Amaork, delete everything in it and rename it :)02:54
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collier_kitche: where is it though? where do I get nswrapperplugin02:54
Warbodarkhaze: two seconds........02:54
kitchecollier_: http://www.gibix.net/dokuwiki/en:projects:nspluginwrapper it's nspluginwrapper02:55
mister_robotoDarkMageZ: when is 64-bit gonna be a real first class citizen in ubuntu?02:55
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darkhazeits gonna be a looooooong way till i get really used to linux lol.02:55
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physicsnickhey guys, what's the volume control in Ubuntu called?02:55
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collier_kitche: which one do I download rpm or tar02:55
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DarkMageZmister_roboto, it is... as far as the ubuntu dev's can make it... there's still alot of 32-bit binary junk like flash 7 which ubuntu cannot fix02:56
Giaanyone here an expert on vsftpd?02:56
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mr-russfluvvell: no mod_php.  fastcgi, to speed up cgi.02:56
mr-russfluvvell: as mod_php is insecure for virtual hosting02:56
fluvvellphysicsnic, under add to panel, its in system and hardware - its volume control02:56
mr-russand by php6 there will be no safe mode02:56
kitchecollier_: the tar.bz2: you need to compile it to make it work since the binary comes in as rpm02:56
Giais there an easier/better ftp server than vsftpd???02:56
physicsnickfluvvell, i know how to access it, i want to know what its called02:56
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cyber_brain_mfkgWarbo: do i need all that kernel booting choise on the boot or i can delete some of them from menu.lst???(because every time i updete kernel it makes a new 2 lines(kernel and failsafe mode)02:56
physicsnickfluvvell,  i want to install it in kubuntu02:56
cipher_nemophysicsnic: it's also part of the ubuntu-desktop, so you can troubleshoot from the package as well02:57
Warbodarkhaze: http://www.freewebs.com/chriswarbo/Temporary/xlibs.deb02:57
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mr-russGia: for what purpose?02:57
fluvvellphysicsnic, ah ok.02:57
w30mister_roboto, Microsoft is way behind on 64bit so at 90% user base people like Flash and wma9 codecs in the 64bit realm lag also because 1% or so don't carry much weight02:57
collier_kitche: can u help me with that? I downloaded it now what?02:57
physicsnicki don't want to install ubuntu-desktop02:57
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Giamr-russ, I want to use it ftp websites from my IIS/windoze server to my new linux lamp server02:57
Warbocyber_brain_mfkg: If the newest one works then by all means get rid of the old ones (do it by uninstalling the linux-image-<version> packages)02:57
fluvvellmr-russ, thanks.  we are using php with ssl, but I guess thats not what you're after either.02:57
cipher_nemophysicsnick: understandable :) ... lemme check on mine02:57
darkhazeWarbo: done, downloaded it02:57
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kitchecollier_: /join #kitchetech02:57
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mr-russGia: what's wrong with ssh?02:58
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Warbodarkhaze: OK, install that (don't worry, it is empty and harmless) so anything looking for xlibs will now think it is installed02:58
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mister_robotow30: gotcha. thanks02:58
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w30mister_roboto, the Linux 64 bit has been here for a long time on the server platforms of Sun and HP02:58
Giamr-russ.. I have ssh installed, and I'm connected to it with putty, but I didn't know you could transfer files/folders with it....???02:58
physicsnickfluvvell, thanks02:58
cyber_brain_mfkgWarbo: ok!02:58
WarboOK, nature is calling me pretty insistently. Be back in a minute02:58
DarkMageZmister_roboto, you'll find that once 64-bit machines are more mainstream then we'll see more support02:58
darkhazeWarbo: done02:59
darkhazelet me try it now. (:02:59
kitcheGia: yeah with scp and sftp02:59
gandolfthewizardis there any other irc out there for linux02:59
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kitchegandolfthewizzard: you mean irc clients?02:59
fluvvellphysicsnick, you can also play with the volume in alsamixergui in a terminal.  The key is setting volume-control to activate the correct channel.  I use pcm02:59
mr-russGia: get winscp03:00
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kitchegandolfthewizard: yes the three big ones are irssi BitchX and xchat03:00
physicsnickfluvvell, alsamixer and kmix both don't let me set the sensitivity of my microphone03:00
user-landis it possible to edit tags in rythmbox ? or how do you edit song tags ?03:00
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gandolfthewizardok ty can you chat on msn with linux or no03:00
w30mister_roboto, I tried a free beta of Longhorn 64 bit two years ago for my HP AMD 64 Desktop but took it out because there wore no drivers for any thing other than the bare system03:00
physicsnickand for some reason gnome-volume-manager won't run. *sigh*03:00
kothzbah, irc clients are for the weak.  Use cat and a pipe to a network socket. :)03:00
cipher_nemophysicsnick: no, gnome-volume-manager is for file volumes03:00
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wthwwhey ive got a question03:01
cipher_nemoI wish people would read descriptions before handing out info :(03:01
darkhazeWarbo: where do i have to download realplayer its asking the directory to save it03:01
darkhaze /root?03:01
fluvvellphysicsnick, microphone levels are in alsamixer, but is that the question?03:01
otaku-sanTo change to Xfce...I would install it on Adept (KDE) and then log out...and from the menu choose to re login with Xfce right?03:01
wthwwwhats that tool that lets you make a debian package out of a sorce so you can unintiall it?03:01
cipher_nemophysicsnick: I can't find it individually... may be part of ubuntu-minimal? otherwise no clue03:01
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Joshua_HeskethHey guys, I just got my MX5000 Keyboard and mouse duo. They are a bluetooth based logitech design that work fine in linux, can browse the bios but fail to register in GRUB. Any suggestions on how to get it to work with grub?03:01
fluvvellphysicsnick, sensitivity has a lot to do with microphone type. - are you into audio (so as not to insult...) ?03:02
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cipher_nemophysicsnick: I don't know if it's gnome of ubuntu specific for ubuntu dapper03:02
physicsnickfluvvell, i used to run dapper on here. worked beautifully, and i could adjust the microphone sensitivity03:02
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physicsnicki recently installed kubuntu, and i now i practically have to put the microphone in my mouth for people to hear me on skype03:02
constantine-xviwhenever i try to sync my palm, it doesn't respond at all, or it locks up my keyboard and dumps weird messages to a terminal03:03
Blissexphysicsnick: microphone boost +20db in the mixer03:03
cipher_nemoLooks like I'll post this again since no one offered to help (or knew about it):  I'm trying to log in for the first time to phpmyadmin and going to localhost/phpmyadmin, but Firefox wants to download it as a file instead of run the login. Any ideas? I've installed apache2, mysql-server, phpmyadmin, libapache2-mod-php5, and libapache2-mod-auth-mysql already.03:03
Paradoxxwhats the chmod command to add rwx priveledges to  users and group?03:03
physicsnickxmix and alsamixer both show only three sliders under input, and all three are labelled "capture"03:03
physicsnickthey all do nothing03:03
physicsnickthere's no microphone boost03:03
Paradoxxkrups: i did that, but it didn't add03:03
kothzcipher: can you run/parse other php scripts?03:03
Blissexcipher_nemo: you need to configure Apache to server PHP pages as PHP. It is a FAQ, any PHP site will tell you how.03:03
Joshua_Heskethcipher_memo: Have you tried restarting apache? sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart03:03
fluvvellphysicsnick, so it worked once, now you are struggling for level.  What distro are you in now?03:04
Paradoxxkrups: the exact command is?03:04
physicsnickkubuntu dapper03:04
krupsParadox: try sudo chmod 777 /somepath/somefile03:04
physicsnicki'm wondering if maybe it didn't install my sound card drivers this time or something03:04
cipher_nemoParadoxx: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/cmd.csp?path=c/chmod03:04
physicsnickbut everything works perfectly, its just not sensitive enough03:04
Chamucoso I formated an ext3 partition to reiser by accident is there a way to recover my files?03:04
ladydoorParadoxx: do you want nonusers/nongroup-members to be able to access it, though; and if so, how much?03:04
fluvvellphysicsnick, whoops sorry, you did say that. Yes I'd look at the sound drivers, is alsa running? Is your card showing in lsmod?03:04
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Paradoxxladydoor: yes03:05
ladydoorParadoxx: ah, then forget i said anything.03:05
cipher_nemoBlissex: not sure, I'm following directions for installing MythTV (which needs MySQL), so the author of the instructions told me exactly what to do/install... but I can check03:05
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physicsnickfluvvell, yes, alsa is running, all my applications are configured to use alsa (amarok, etc) and work perfectly03:05
physicsnicklsmod does show my card03:05
physicsnickskype uses alsa, it works perfectly03:05
Blissexcipher_nemo: you need to add the PHP module as a handler.03:06
Joshua_Heskethcipher_memo: If you installed the php mod for apache it shouldn't need reconfiguring as far as I know.03:06
cipher_nemoJoshua_Hhesketh: #/etc/init.d/apache2 restart  I did that in a root terminal window, so it's been restarted already03:06
physicsnickin the gnome volume control program, i can pick whether i'm setting the volume on alsa or oss03:06
Joshua_Heskethhmm, ok03:06
physicsnicki see no such option in kmix, why?03:06
statikeffeckcipher_nemo: besides phpMyAdmin, what about plain ol' php test pages?03:06
BlissexChamuco: make a copy of the filesystem, and run 'e2fsck' on the filesystem using an alternate superblock address. Number of tutorials about that.03:06
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bruenigphysicsnick, #kubuntu perhaps03:06
DrBanzaiAnybody in here ever used the cluster feature of dvd::rip??03:06
BlissexChamuco: if that does not work, it is going to be hard.03:06
cipher_nemoBlissex: that sounds like its on the right track... how do I do that? is it client side (Firefox) or server side apache?03:06
=== fluvvell hasn't used kde in ubuntu. sry
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statikeffeckI just installed Apache, PHP, MySQL yesterday and it worked immediately03:07
Blissexcipher_nemo: server side. Check out one of many tutorials on how to configure Apache to process PHP.03:07
Joshua_Heskethstatikeffeck : same for me03:07
cipher_nemoBlissex: go for it... link?03:08
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ParadoxxIt won't let me add +R permisions to it >.<03:08
Joshua_Heskethcipher_nemo: alternatively if you aren't comfortable with file editing, you could try installing LAMP03:08
Blissexcipher_nemo: web search...03:08
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cipher_nemoJoshua_Hesketh: lol, LAMP is installed (Linux, Apache, MySQL, php)03:09
cipher_nemoie: ubuntu Linux, Apache, etc.03:09
harisundcipher_nemo, he probably meant LAMP option from the CD?03:09
kothzDon't laugh - adding the handler for php in apache is a basic step in making lamp work fo ryou :)03:09
bruenigacronyms are fun03:09
suff0kateguys i have a confession03:09
Kyraland XLAMP is Xen Linux Apache MySQL PHP/Perl/Python03:09
Joshua_Heskethcipher_memo: yes, but it isn't configured or working correctly for you. There is a pre-packaged apache, mysql php etc that should work out of the box03:09
suff0katei'm in love with linux03:09
cipher_nemoharisund: LAMP is a single package?03:09
bruenig!offtopic > suff0kate03:10
maccam94argh, anyone willing to help with a weird sound card issue? the card is detected, the drivers are loaded, but there's no sound :-(03:10
harisundcipher_nemo, there is an option where you can install LAMP of the CD directly. Meaning after an Ubuntu installation you have a running LAMP03:10
statikeffeckcipher_nemo: this is a nice page:03:10
=== ANTDx1 [n=ubuntu@mcut-c-021.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu
suff0katedanka bruenig03:10
Joshua_Heskethsorry, my bad, its actually called XAMPP03:10
fluvvellbrian98, if you're around: I sorted out my wireless woes from yesterday. The network configure tools had mucked up my use of network manager and added stuff into interfaces so that my wireless card was being ignored.03:10
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Joshua_Heskethfollowing their instructions may help03:10
ANTDx1quick question for anyone03:10
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ANTDx1how do I mount a hard disk while i'm on the live cd?03:10
cipher_nemoharisund: ahh, makes sense. I can't use the CD... I have to get very specific versions and updates to get MythTV liking it :)03:11
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brian98fluvvell, I'm delighted to hear that man!03:11
dan__how can i change what actions are performed by using multimedia keys03:11
brian98Are you happy now?03:11
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dan__the keyboard shortcut option only lets me set the keys03:11
dan__not the actions03:11
cipher_nemoharisund: ie, my sources.list includes universe and metaverse, etc.03:11
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brian98fluvvell, How are you finding ubuntu?03:11
Joshua_Heskethcipher_memo: if you only need mythTV and don't mind having php not working, you shouldn't need phpmyadmin to configure mythTV,03:11
fluvvellbrian98, it was just a matter of deleting the lines from interfaces and network manager picked up the config for the card.  What tricked me were the dozen or so lines of white space before the config lines were added03:11
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ANTDx1does anyone have any idea how i can mount my hard drive on a Dapper live CD?03:12
cipher_nemoJoshua_Heketh: yes, you're correct, I don't need it for MythTV, but trying to do every step exactly in an updated MythTV install guide, so the author uses it in the guide03:12
brian98its great that it worked out!03:12
fluvvellbrian98, oh i love it. just when things get tricky, there is a bit of a need for extra help occasionally. Its good to be able to access this channel.  I try and help where I can too.03:12
ubotumythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/03:12
WarboOK, who was I helping?03:12
kitche!mount > ANTDx103:12
maccam94ANTDx1: mkdir /mnt/drive && mount /dev/drive /mnt/drive03:12
Warbodarkhaze: so I was03:12
Joshua_Heskethcipher_memo: ok03:12
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cipher_nemobest guide I've found for MythTV install... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18674703:12
darkhazeWarbo: it didnt work :/ well now i can acess the install option but it asks me for the realplayer files03:13
=== stodge [n=crivens@CPE0080c8289877-CM000039179a5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.03:13
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Joshua_Heskethsorry I can't help more, have to go03:13
fluvvellbrian98, the trick is, if any interface is listed in /etc/network/interfaces it will be ignored by network-manager.03:13
cipher_nemoalthepcman updates the original brezzy badger guide at http://hyams.webhop.net/mythtv/myth_ubuntu.html03:13
stodgeAnyone know if there is a more recent version of Balsa for Ubuntu?03:13
Warbodarkhaze: Gah, that is not the realplayer package you want03:13
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darkhazeWarbo: btw realplayer8 files. So i went to realmedia website and they only have the real1003:13
suff0kateis there a way to mask your ip on irc?03:13
Warbodarkhaze: There are two types. One downloads the binary and installs it (bad), and the other contains the files itself (good)03:13
fluvvellso thanks for the help!03:14
=== ^lx^ [n=richi@213.Red-80-39-78.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitchesuff0kate: yes my ip is masked03:14
odyssevsWarbo, is there much trouble with USB wifi cards? I presume it's equally as traumatising as adding a PCI card?03:14
SoulBlinkif one wanted to download a binary package by had, where would one go to that?03:14
brian98fluvvell, don't know if thats correct! All my cards are in there and i see them in network manager but hey, whatever works :)03:14
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:14
SAM_themannite guys03:14
brian98fluvvell, and no worries!03:14
maccam94 suff0kate: /mode +x i think03:14
darkhazeWarbo: in the website i found the binary one. where do i find this 'good' one then?03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:14
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cipher_nemostatikeffeck: thx for the link :)03:14
fluvvellbrian98, I found it in the wireless howto pages on the forum.  Hmm, well not sure on that one but commenting out the lines was magic.03:14
Warbodarkhaze: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/realplay/realplay_10.0.8-0ubuntu1_i386.deb <- That is the one you want03:14
DaRIo|Linux!eagle errors03:14
ubotueagle: Printed circuit board design tool. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.11-8ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 2700 kB, installed size 6592 kB03:14
w30ANTDx1, mkdir /mnt/myharddrive  then mount /dev/myharddrive /mnt/myharddrive ( where myharddrive is the name of your drive like hda2 or hda1 etc.03:15
DaRIo|Linux!eagle error fix03:15
darkhazewarbo: so its always better look for .deb files?03:15
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Warbodarkhaze: Now it's just a matter of installing that (conflicting files, etc.)03:15
brian98Guys, anything similar to dreamweaver for linux?03:15
swjhas anyone noticed packages held back in edgy?03:15
brian98just a question I was asked today?03:15
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tritiumDaRIo|Linux: yes, ubuntu .debs more specifically03:16
physicsnickmaybe it's this fucking kernel that's the problem03:16
Warbodarkhaze: Usually yes. Ubuntu .debs definetly, Debian ones possibly (if source code is available for Debian .deb then get source and build your own Ubuntu .deb using checkinstall)03:16
harisunddoes anyone know of a handheld / pocketPC kind of a device that can run Ubuntu?03:16
physicsnicki installed the multicore kernel for my HT cpu and it's given me nothing but problems03:16
tritiumphysicsnick: watch your language03:16
mister_robotobrian98: yes, i did. xserver and python03:16
maccam94brian98: there are several IDE's, something like eclipse, anjuta, or maybe scribus would work (i don't remember what handles what)03:16
darkhazeWarbo: bro, i cant even figure out a way to payback all the help u provided to me03:16
=== Senesence [n=senesenc@ool-4354ad4c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warbodarkhaze: No need, seriously03:16
mister_robotoswj: xserver and python03:17
brian98maccam94, Thank you03:17
cipher_nemophysicsnick: HT isn't really mpa, it's mta03:17
maccam94cipher_nemo: he's gone03:17
brian98mister_roboto, you talking to me/03:17
DaRIo|LinuxI have a problem installing eagle-utils in xubuntu ... can anyone help me?03:17
Volvoin which folder i can find the icons which are being used by the system for GARBAGE BIN COMPUTER etc03:17
=== Warbo remembers the one and only time he agreed to get paid for Linux help, and hasn't finished the project yet
cipher_nemophysicsnick: meaning it's multi-threading, not multi-processor03:17
mister_robotobrian98: no, wrong nick :)03:17
brian98no worris!03:17
darkhazeWarbo: (: one day i'll be that good with linux then help out people just like u did to me :D03:17
Warbodarkhaze: Well I started on RedHat 9 about 2 years ago, and have been using Ubuntu for 1 year03:17
Warbodarkhaze: Anyway03:18
SenesenceI tried everything at this point, and I just can't seem to properly install this PCF font http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/ Could it be something with the font itself? Someone please help.03:18
Warbodarkhaze: Got that file yet?03:18
CrescendoHow can I determine system uptime?03:18
WarboCrescendo: "uptime" I think03:18
Warbodarkhaze: OK, see ehat happens when you double click it03:18
VolvoCrescendo, /exec -o uptime03:18
Volvo 06:18:56 up 1 day,  3:10,  1 user,  load average: 0.26, 0.72, 1.0503:18
darkhazeWarbo: well it oppened the same screen as that .deb file u sent to me BUT03:19
swjmister-roboto: Its python unu, openoffice.org and gnome-system-tools and system-tools-backends-I guess I should just wait??03:19
Volvoin which folder i can find the icons which are being used by the system for GARBAGE BIN COMPUTER etc03:19
darkhazeWarbo: when i check 'install' it's sayin i can use only one 'package managing' at time03:19
swjmister-roboto: If I dist it wants to remove xchat! lol03:19
tritiumswj: #ubuntu+1 for edgy questions03:19
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cipher_nemomaccam94: yes, I can read the quit messages :) didn't see it until after I typed that in03:19
swjtritium: umm k03:19
mister_robotoswj: mine were slightly different but then i'm using kde. what i did was just go ahead and install all the ones that were held back. i haven't had any problems but i don't know if that's the recommened approach03:19
darkhazeWarbo: but i have only ONE terminal oppened and my synaptic aint oppened.03:19
Warbodarkhaze: OK, close any Synbaptic, Add/Remove, update manager, etc. that is open03:20
maccam94cipher_nemo: lol that was delayed03:20
w30harisund, no but a Nokia 770 tablet runs Linux and lots of Linux stuff like VNC ssh Nicotine etc. check out maemo.org03:20
tritium#ubuntu is for support on the current stable release03:20
darkhazeWarbo: all of them closed.03:20
swjmister-roboto: got it. thanks03:20
cipher_nemomacam94: busy channel and on top of it I'm troubleshooting my own ubuntu issues in between :)03:20
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SenesenceCan someone help me out?03:20
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cipher_nemomacam94: I'm no speed iirc'er :)03:20
darkhazeWarbo: still same error ._.03:20
Warbodarkhaze: Hmm, try running "ps ax | grep dpkg | grep -v grep"03:20
harisundw30, wow cool... let me check ut out! Thanks. I have been asking this query of mine quite regulary, and you are the first to answer! Sweet..03:20
maccam94cipher_nemo: lol, yeah i'm trying to install a ton of stuff on a fresh edgy install as well as get sound working, i know what you mean03:21
darkhazeWarbo: there, nothing poped up in my screen. is it alright?03:21
NEWK2Hello, everybody03:21
w30harisund, My 770 was 359 bucks US from Nokia web sales, may be less now?03:22
Warbodarkhaze: I would say so03:22
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NEWK2I'm having some trouble installing Ubuntu03:22
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cipher_nemomaccam94: I just gave up on Debian 3.1 r3 sarge... the darn 686 kernel never mounts my DVD, but the 386 kernel does... darndest thing. So I switched to ubuntu and never looked back -- better community too :)03:22
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harisundw30, looks to be the same. So you actually have a 770! That's super cool. How do you find it? What do you use it primarily for?03:22
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darkhazeWarbo: now i try to install it again or do i have to do anything else?03:22
NEWK2I've already done it twice, but I've messed something with the screensize up both times03:22
Warbodarkhaze: If something came up then it means a package manager has crashed somewhere, which is a bad thing but it narrows down the cause of too many package managers open03:22
tritiumNEWK2: at whcih step?03:22
brian98maccam94, They are great IDE's it's more for pure web design that they are after?03:22
NEWK2Now I'm using the Live CD03:22
tritiumwhich, even03:22
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Warbodarkhaze: Try installing it with a terminal using "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"03:23
fabiomazzarinoI need some help here. I use Dapper here, upgraded from Breezy. Although the kernel recognizes my USB Memory key, hal/dbus refuses to mount it. How can I fix it?03:23
maccam94um oops lol, crashed my gnome session03:23
w30harisund, they nicked me for sales tax, I think some places might skip the tax but how legal that makes you if you are US is a guess.03:23
NEWK2when it asks me to select the video modes during installtion, what am I supposzed to do?03:23
fabiomazzarinoI've already looked for error messages but I couldn't find any.03:23
SenesenceDoes anyone here know anything about PCF fonts?03:23
harisundw30, ok ... I am not looking to buy one immediately. I want the opinion of how well *Linux* runs on different PDAs and the like .. that's all ..03:23
lostboyzi was wondering i have a logitech webcam and it comes up when i plug it in and look at it in camorama but i am not able to send it is amsn03:23
odyssevsstatikeffeck, the wifi-wiki remarks the Linksys WPN311 as Ubuntu recognised, and working off the Atheros chipset. Is this also true for the WPN311NAR?03:24
darkhazeWarbo: btw, where do i have to put the file i downloaded? i mean the folder03:24
Warboharisund: I knew a guy who has an "OQO" mini PC, which has limited documentation for Hoary03:24
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w30harisund, beleive it or not I use the wirefi to connect to my Ubuntu box and to surf with the web browser when I find an open wirefi .03:24
Warbodarkhaze: Put it in your Home folder to be easiest03:24
harisundw30, nice :)03:24
NEWK2so, when I finish installing it, it's too large for my screen03:24
NEWK2So wheer did I mess up?03:25
fabiomazzarinoI need some help here. I use Dapper here, upgraded from Breezy. Although the kernel recognizes my USB Memory key, hal/dbus refuses to mount it. How can I fix it?03:25
lostboyzi was wondering i have a logitech webcam and it comes up when i plug it in and look at it in camorama but i am not able to send it is amsn03:25
w30harisund, I can ssh to mybox from any connection and get any file I want, A graphical interface needs a gooood connection though03:25
SenesenceI have some troubles installing a bitmap font. Can someone help me out in this area?03:25
VolvoQuestion of the Day. In which Folder System's icon are located ????03:25
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wasabiWhat's that mean?03:26
harisundw30, hmm... does it have ethernet connectability?03:26
ladydoorwhoa, calm down, there03:26
wickedpuppyVolvo, /usr.share.pixmaps03:26
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wickedpuppyVolvo, /usr.share/pixmaps03:26
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wickedpuppyVolvo, /usr/share/pixmaps03:26
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NEWK2Can anyone hear me?03:26
darkhazeWarbo: well i got an error like " error trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/realplay' wich is in the same reaplayer package03:26
maccam94NEWK2: NO03:26
NEWK2Damn. I'm in one of those IRC rooms where no one can hear me03:26
NEWK2Oh, nevermind, I guess you can. :P03:27
wickedpuppyNEWK2, we all can03:27
w30harisund, first thing you gotta do is get root by reflashing the tablet from maemo.org but instructions are easy if you have a Linux box.03:27
NEWK2I think I may have figured my problem out on my own though03:27
Volvowickedpuppy, but they are not there. I mean the ICON for Computer and Garbage Bin are totally different than the one presnet there03:27
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harisundw30, I see.. ok thanks :)03:27
wickedpuppyw30, and harisund is it possible to take n770 to private message ?03:27
SenesenceI need some help bad.03:27
his_dudnesNEWK2 : i can reed you if that makes you happy03:27
odyssevsNEWK2, that's the benefit of using Linux. It teaches you critical thinking. =)03:27
harisundwickedpuppy, ok .. we are done anyway.03:27
w30harisund, wirefi, bluetooth for phone connection03:27
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Warbodarkhaze: OK, then run "sudo dpkg -l | grep real" and tell me every package name (only use one line to avoid spamming, and I only care about the name, not the version or description)03:27
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Giawow... I'm back03:28
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odyssevsWarbo, you don't foresee that I'd have any trouble with a PCMCIA to PCI pci card in Ubuntu?03:28
Giawhat a pain03:28
tritiumWarbo: sudo is not necessary for that03:28
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Warboodyssevs: I really have no idea, sorry03:28
tyler_dhow do I remove hardware/drivers completely?03:28
NEWK2Damn! It still didn't work!!!03:29
likewhoa54odyssevs: some of those pci to pcmcia require special drivers03:29
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Warbotritium: I always get that any dpkg needs sudo03:29
likewhoa54odyssevs: check the chipset to see what chipset it is03:29
lostboyzcan someone help me with my webcam issue? i am not able to make it work03:29
w30harisund, go to channel #77003:29
darkhazeWarbo: sudo dpkg -l | grep real // ii  memtest86+  // ii  myspell-pt-br   // iF  realplayer  // ii  vbetool03:29
harisundw30 will do...03:29
odyssevslikewhoa54: " Uses industry standard 1410 or 1211 controller chip, proven on all classes of processor, chipset and motherboard manufacturer.  Yenta compliant, PCI2.2 compliant, PC99 compliant.  Supports sleep and suspend modes.  Intel 82365 compatible register set."03:29
Senesence2 days, and I still can't figure this out.03:29
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darkhazeWarbo: ops and ii  aspell-pt-br03:29
wickedpuppyVolvo, /usr/share got a lot of gif ... i am not sure where exactly is the icons you want though03:29
likewhoa54odyssevs: does it show in lspci/dmesg?03:29
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fabiomazzarinoI need some help here. I use Dapper here, upgraded from Breezy. Although the kernel recognizes my USB Memory key, hal/dbus refuses to mount it. How can I fix it?03:29
odyssevslikewhoa54, I was wanting to establish this before buying =).03:30
Warbodarkhaze: Hmm, then I suggest "sudo dpkg -P realplayer" next03:30
Volvook thanks wickedpuppy03:30
Volvowoof woof03:30
odyssevsNEWK2, how about some details of your problem?03:30
likewhoa54odyssevs: I've used them before in linux but have had some sketchy support....you plan on using for wifi yes?03:30
darkhazeWarbo: there03:30
NEWK2I gave you all I have03:30
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NEWK2I suppose I coudl repeat them03:30
likewhoa54odyssevs: if it's intel I'd trust it...03:30
GiaI need help setting up an ftp server on ubuntu03:30
Warbodarkhaze: Now try "sudo dpkg -i real*deb"03:30
likewhoa54odyssevs: I was using texas instruments edition03:30
Warbo(with that package in your Home folder)03:30
SenesenceCan someone help me out with a PCF font installation?03:30
efrancolaportehi i need help, i cant find whats the command for the application "X-CD Roast"; I want to run it as root and I can't login as root for some reason other than through "su root" in the terminal03:31
ladydoorefrancolaporte: you should use gksudo/kdesu instead.03:31
Warboefrancolaporte: "xcdroast" maybe? Try "ls /usr/bin/*roast*"03:31
odyssevslikewhoa54, yes, becoming very costly buying duplicated hardware. Ideally I'd take a USB wifi card.. but I'm not certain that's going to be any easier, most of this usb crap comes without antenna connections (which defeats the notion of wifi).03:31
GiaI don't get it, but when I log in as a client with winscp, instead of getting public_html, I can see all the folders on the server.... I know I've done something wrong03:31
wickedpuppyVolvo, try this --> find /usr/share *.gif -print <-- it will list out all the files ending with *.gif in /usr/share03:31
lostboyzi can see my cam in camorama but i cannot send it in kopete or amsn any suggestions?03:32
odyssevsNEWK2, you're doing an installation.. and not sure which answer to give to the video adapter quiestion?03:32
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Warboefrancolaporte: Also check out "gksudo <command>" and "sudo -s -H"03:32
Volvowoof woof wickedpuppy thanks03:32
NEWK2Well, no, actualy, I dunno03:32
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odyssevsNEWK2, how do I give you a critical answer when you're unsure of the problem? =)03:32
SenesenceCan someone here do me a favor?03:33
NEWK2I'm trying to get to that point in the installation03:33
efrancolaportethanks ladydoor and warbo it workred :-)03:33
odyssevsSenesence, aye?03:33
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odyssevsNEWK2, and the obvious question - where are you now?03:33
NEWK2I know I'm frustrating you. I've had peopel asking me questions and not giving adequate information too03:33
darkhazeWarbo: thanks bro o/ erm, now its working BUT no sound ._.03:33
NEWK2OK, I'm at that point03:33
Warbodarkhaze: Ah, yeah I had a problem with that03:33
efrancolaportei really love this ubuntu comunity, you are teaching the n00bs like me a lot :-)03:33
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Senesenceodyssevs: Could you try to install this pcf font on your distro plz http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/ I just want to make sure it's me and not the font03:33
Warbodarkhaze: Are you streaming a file from the Internet?03:33
odyssevsNEWK2, that point being the question of which video adapter you're using?03:33
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Warbodarkhaze: The I recommend GXine03:34
NEWK2OK, basically, when I finish the installation it's way too large for my screen03:34
SeerNohey all.  i have a question about keyboard mappings03:34
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achilleHas the compiz package been fixed yet? THe wiki displays a big warning saying do not install - broken03:34
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SeerNohow come the "right click key" does nothing under ubuntu install ??03:34
darkhazeWarbo: sudo apt-get install GXine , will solve my problem ?03:34
SeerNoin FC3 and up it actually correspondded to right-clicking03:34
NEWK2so, where do I go wrong?03:34
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SeerNowhat do i set in xorg.conf to get it to work - i've tried everything03:34
tichi have this great program called democracy tv but sometimes it locks up and i have to kill it;  then when i restart the sound doesn't work. any ideas?03:34
achilleI'm using edgy eft - beta --- will I be fine if I were to install the compiz packages ?03:35
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Warbodarkhaze: If you DO want to stream a file then ALWAYS download it using streamripper first (since Gxine can't skip through a streaming file, so if it loses the connection halfway through you will have to watch it from the beginning again. Not so for local files)03:35
NEWK2Wait! I've got it.03:35
Warbodarkhaze: Yes, but lowercase03:35
NEWK2i just gigured it out. Nevermind. I ahd it backwards. :P03:35
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WarboI think RealPlayer is still needed because it includes the codecs, so it wasn't a total waste of time :)03:35
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NEWK2"gigured" lol03:36
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jmitchjcan anyone help me with installing and getting Gnash working on an AMD64...?03:36
odyssevsSenesence, I am presuming winamp isn't included in Ubuntu by default, and is required for this ?03:36
Warbojmitchj: Sure03:36
Warbojmitchj: You ever compiled software before?03:37
SeerNoWhat do I set in xorg.conf so that the "right-click" key works???  It just "works" in other distros, not sure why not in Ubuntu...03:37
Senesenceodyssevs: winamp, for a font?03:37
jmitchji've installed the .deb file from the website...is there more than that?03:37
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jmitchjand no i've never compiled software03:37
darkhazeWarbo: i just installed it but still no sound :~03:37
Warbojmitchj: Oh, the easy way :) (I didn't know there was one)03:37
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odyssevsSenesence, nevermind, I was reading the screenshot. I presume you've followed this http://nl.ijs.si/gnusl/cee/x11/font.install.html ?03:37
jmitchjit just didn;t work03:37
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Warbodarkhaze: I mean use the GXine player instead of RealPlayer, and it will use RealPlayer's codec03:38
AvagantThey need to port more games.03:38
odyssevsSenesence, you'll give me a moment, the machine is down the hall.. will take a few minutes to rig it up. Standby.03:38
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Warbojmitchj: Can you give me a link to the .deb please?03:38
Senesenceodyssevs: thank you03:38
jmitchji installed the gnash-plugin03:39
NEWK2Same problem03:39
kitcheodyssevs: were you the one that was asking about wireless the other day?03:39
darkhazeWarbo: Error loading library:  cook.so.6.0 ,  drv4.so.6.003:39
NEWK2I've done everything I cna think of doing03:39
NEWK2What's wrong?03:40
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jmitchjwhen I go to a site with flash...it says at the botton of Firefox..."Finished downlading Flas movie /tmp/FLVPLAYER_Progressive.swf. Starting playback..."....but noting happens03:40
gaminggeek anyone know what package helix-dbus-server is in?03:40
SeerNoWhat do I set in xorg.conf so that the "right-click" key works???  It just "works" in other distros, not sure why not in Ubuntu...03:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about helix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:41
NEWK2OK, I have a problem...03:41
odyssevskitche, yes, other than printing, I think wifing is one of the only things which would put me permanently off using computers =)03:41
Warbodarkhaze: Hmm, try installing "libxine-extracodecs"03:41
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NEWK2Everytime I boot from the CD, it doesn't work. It's too large for my screen even if I mess with teh video settings everytime03:41
Warbojmitchj: OK, I've had a look through it and it seems like the Firefox plugin should be installed system-wide03:41
dragonfyre13Hey guys. Had a bit of time, and figured I'd contribute.03:41
NEWK2I've tried everything. It's still too large!03:41
tichi just checked and after democracy locks up sound doesn't work for any of my programs. can anyone help me figure this out?03:42
dragonfyre13NEWK2: which CD?03:42
AvagantI was gonna be REAL angry just now.03:42
NEWK2The live CD03:42
efrancolaportehey.. X-CD-Roast cant detect my DVD-RW/CD-R devices anyone know how to fix it?03:42
jmitchjWarbo: How do I make it system wide?03:42
dragonfyre13NEWK2: Kubuntu, ubuntu, xubuntu, edgy, dapper, hoary?03:42
Warbojmitchj: It already is03:42
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jmitchjso why doesn;t it work?03:42
Warbojmitchj: Try going on a relatively simple animation03:42
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WarboGnash is not that complete yet03:43
WarboI will find a link...03:43
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dragonfyre13Oh, Gnash has tons of reported problems. As a project, it's coming along nicely, but don't rely on it.03:43
deirdrehow fo i stop a partitioon from being mounted? I removed it from my fstab03:43
odyssevskitche, I've bought another card.. we'll see whether it works (as proclaimed with great fanfare by many how-tos etc).03:43
dragonfyre13NEWK2: ???03:44
jmitchjare there better alternatives for AMD64 machine than gansh?03:44
dragonfyre13NEWK2: is it the standard download off the main site?03:44
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dragonfyre13jmitchj: I thought there was a flash one for linux 64 bit.03:44
bruenigjmitchj, there are some howtos on getting 32 bit firefox to work which would allow flash, or you could use wine or a chroot03:44
Warbojmitchj: OK, I really am sorry for the content of this but I just tried it in Gnash and it works (with no sound though) http://www.eviltrailmix.com/animutation/kungfu.swf03:44
odyssevsSenesence, goes into /usr/lib/X11/fonts/ I presume?03:45
kitcheodyssevs: well I know what i was thinking of the other day it was wlan-ng03:45
andrewcooli am trying to install ubuntu right now on a laptop but i keep getting debottstrap error :P03:45
dragonfyre13jmitchj: there you go. That's how I got it to work, with 32 bit firefox.03:45
odyssevskitche, wlan-ng? Similar to ndiswrapper/madawifi?03:45
lostboyzi was wondering i have a logitech webcam and it comes up when i plug it in and look at it in camorama but i am not able to send it is amsn03:45
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Senesenceodyssevs: Did it work on your distro? Because I tryed that and it still didn't work03:45
kitcheodyssevs yeah03:45
hoodyhi there03:45
dragonfyre13hoody: hi.03:45
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dragonfyre13viator: you wouldn't happen to be using fifo would you?03:46
vanbergewoops sorry!03:46
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dragonfyre13vanberge: wrong window. ^_^03:47
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Warbodarkhaze: You still there? GXine working or not?03:47
ubuntu_i need help fixing grub03:47
DrBanzaiAnybody in here ever used the cluster feature of dvd::rip??03:47
jmitchjcould you give me that link again...gnome seems to have rebooted when i tried to get in cnn.com to give gnash a try03:47
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:47
Warbo!grub > ubuntu_03:47
dragonfyre13viator: you're on verison in the eastern US. I wondered if you used fifo. I know it's available in parts. Fiber Optic network.03:47
Isaiah_the_Martycan someone help me with  burning a dvd?03:47
Isaiah_the_Martynothing i can find online is helping03:47
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: sure.03:47
bruenigIsaiah_the_Marty, just a data dvd or what03:48
vanbergedragonfyre13: yep.03:48
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: which kind?03:48
jmitchjWarbo: Could you send that link again?03:48
Isaiah_the_Martyits a .bin file of casablanca03:48
Warbojmitchj: http://www.eviltrailmix.com/animutation/kungfu.swf (it is crap, but I like it :) )03:48
Isaiah_the_Martyi opend cd burner and put it in there  and the output was an iso03:48
dragonfyre13vanberge: if you would've typed dir I would have booted you. LOL.03:48
WarboUse bchunk to convert .bin into .iso, then burn it03:48
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Isaiah_the_Martyso i right click that and try to write it to cd and it just keeps putting it in my home folder03:48
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odyssevskitche, I gave up with the broadcom. I understand they're reportedly supported under the current release but the trauma was doing me in.03:49
hoodyhow do i fix the battery indicator on ubuntu edgy?03:49
WarboIsaiah_the_Marty: There is a program called bchunk that converts .bin/.cue into .iso, which Ubuntu handles very well03:49
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: you are writing to the "image writer" not a physical disk. When it asks you where to write, change it to a drive.03:49
Isaiah_the_Martyinstalling now Warbo03:49
ubuntu_/boot/grub/menu.lst is supposed to be all text, right? even in edgy?03:49
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viatorits not call fifo03:49
odyssevsSenesence, would you believe I've never installed a font. It appears to go into one of the four folders in /etc/X11/fonts/03:49
Isaiah_the_Martyhow do i write it to the dvd dragonfyre1303:50
ubuntu_mine seems to have gotten trashed03:50
dragonfyre13Warbo: he's saying it burns not to a disk, but to an ISO file.03:50
DrBanzaiAnybody in here ever used the cluster feature of dvd::rip??03:50
WarboOK, I really have to go since it is 3 AM and I have lectures at 9......... (If darkhaze has problems with RealPlayer and/or GXine then help him 'cos he's cool :) )03:50
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jmitchjis it possible that the installation of Gnash is rebooting Gnome?03:50
Senesenceodyssevs: I'm putting it everywhere at this point, but still nothing.03:50
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dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: grab k3b. It's like nero for linux. Real easy, and pretty straight forward. If you need something easier, and Gnome native, try gnomebaker.03:51
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andrewcoolWhat is the "The Deboot strap program exited with error(return value 1). Check /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for details"03:51
viatornah fios isnt available YET03:51
odyssevsSenesence, simply putting into one of the folders will not be enough, I believe. Did you follow the prerequisites on the URL I gave?03:51
viatorill switch as soon as it is though03:51
Isaiah_the_Martykde app i take it dragonfyre1303:51
dragonfyre13viator: well, it should be soon. That would be sweet.03:51
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: k3b is, but it's way beyond where gnomebaker is.03:52
viatoryeah the price difference is  almost nothing03:52
odyssevsSenesence, I mean if the both of us are going to wing it, we might as well do it properly =)03:52
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: it'll have you download the KDE libs, but it's worth it IMHO03:52
Isaiah_the_Martyhow do i empty trash from command line03:52
Isaiah_the_Martyxfce doesnt have an icon for it03:52
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: if you use KDE already then you are set.03:52
Senesenceodyssevs: Yea, from what I gather I should run xset fp rehash, or fc-cache, but I did that for everything already so I'm lost at this point. And no one knows.03:52
andrewcoolEverybody(all):Who can help me with this install error?03:52
viatorbut the bandwidth is  aabout 6 times as much for cheaper package03:52
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Isaiah_the_Marty<<< Xfce03:52
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odyssevsSenesence, ok first point to make, it goes into the 100px folder only.03:53
Isaiah_the_Martycan you empty trash from the command line?03:53
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: go to the root, or your home, and delete everything in .(YOUR USERNAME)-trash03:53
AvagantThey need to make Wine not suck. Haha03:53
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: oh, and xfce has an app for it. Let me find it.03:53
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AvagantOr, I just need a better computer.03:53
AvagantWith sound capabilities!03:54
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brian|lfsI'm running ubuntu 6.06 and I want to try the 6.10 without reinstalling is there a way I can do that?03:54
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty:can you help me with a install error? please?03:54
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dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: xftrash403:54
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Senesenceodyssevs: In the /usr/lib/X11/fonts dir right??03:54
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: run that, and it will get you the trash.03:54
vanbergebrian|lfs:  live cd ?03:54
Senesenceodyssevs: or is it the /etc03:54
brian|lfsis there a way to update from 6.06 to 6.1003:55
Isaiah_the_Martycouldnt find it dragonfyre1303:55
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Isaiah_the_Martyand its not in the repos03:55
dragonfyre13run it on the CLI03:55
Isaiah_the_Martysays command not found03:55
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bruenigbrian|lfs, there is some repo you can add and go from there03:55
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: Let me find it. Hang on.03:55
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty : can you help me with a install error?03:56
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:56
brian|lfswhere would I go to find out what repo03:56
Isaiah_the_Martywhats the error andrewcool03:56
odyssevsSenesence, well now, I haven't a clue.03:56
AvagantYah maybe I should figure out what my grapics card is and all that.03:56
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty :  "The Deboot strap program exited with error(return value 1). Check /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for details"03:56
Isaiah_the_Martyyou installing?03:57
suff0katehow come when i play videos on youtube it has no sound?03:57
Isaiah_the_Martyon a laptop?03:57
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bruenigsuff0kate, because adobe wrote a poor flash port03:57
odyssevsSenesence, let me go give it a stab and we'll see.. brb.03:57
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AvagantYou playing something else at the same time?03:57
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty :  laptop03:57
Isaiah_the_Martyandrewcool, that happend to me alot03:57
Avagantsuff0kate: you play something at the same time?03:57
andrewcoolso what do i need to do?03:57
Senesenceodyssevs: please, It's been 2 days. I need some closure.03:57
Isaiah_the_Martyi would usually just keep trying until it worked03:57
suff0katenope everything is stoped03:57
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andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty :  been doing that lol03:57
Avagantwell then flash sucks.03:57
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Isaiah_the_Martytry turning your laptop on its side a bit to slow down the cd reader03:57
Isaiah_the_Martythats what i did03:58
andrewcoolughh lol03:58
johnWhat drivers should I use form my ATI Mobility X300?03:58
Isaiah_the_Martyhave you formatted the entire drive andrewcool ?03:58
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty : Yes03:58
andrewcooli got  a 1gb flash drive03:59
Avagantsuff0kate: you should probably google it.03:59
andrewcoolcan i install from there03:59
Avagantor youtube+ubuntu03:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:59
Isaiah_the_Martyi think someone said you can03:59
Isaiah_the_Martyi've never tried it though03:59
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Isaiah_the_Martyso i wouldnt be able to help03:59
Avagant!flash > suff0kate03:59
andrewcoolstill getting the eroor03:59
kutanHow do I open a .deb?03:59
anemoneanybody know why i would have to reinstall the nvidia drivers anytime i reboot?03:59
harisundis it safe to remove ubuntu-desktop package? I know it is a meta package and all that, but will my Ubuntu break if that is not installed? Will some package in the future later break with a 'ubuntu-desktop not found error' ?03:59
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty : tried it upside down too03:59
Isaiah_the_Martyandrewcool, also sometimes it tries to install in /media/cdrom instead of /04:00
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tichmy sound isn't working, how can i (re)start it without restarting the computer?04:00
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty : so what do i do04:00
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Avagantcommand line killall esd or killall alsa see if that works.04:01
Avaganti've been in your shoes.04:01
navaburo<Q> What happened to build-essential in Dapper?04:01
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Isaiah_the_Martywhen your partitioning andrewcool  make sure its set to /   and not /media/cdrom04:01
kutan-_- Can someone tell me how to open a .deb file?04:01
jtholmesanemone: that doesnt make sense sounds like the nvidia drivers are not being loaded have you tried lsmod04:01
anemonekutan dpkg04:02
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: what file manager are you using? Rox, or Thunar?04:02
CrescendoDoubleclick it, kutan?04:02
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.04:02
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Isaiah_the_Martywhy do you ask dragonfyre1304:02
navaburodpkg -i <fiilename> will install it04:02
Avagant!dpkg > kutan04:02
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty :  on primary its set to /04:02
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: there is normally a trash association in the filemanager, and I think I know how to get it in thunar.04:02
CrescendoTelling people about command line methods doesn't exactly help most people.  <304:02
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Isaiah_the_Martydragonfyre13, if i'm trying to burn a bin file do i start new dvd project or data project?04:02
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navaburoHow do I get GCC on Dapper?04:03
AvagantIt didn't help me, haha.04:03
AvagantPeople thought I was crazy04:03
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navaburothe forums say apt-get install build-essential, but that doesnt work04:03
Avagantdid you try apt-cache search?04:03
jtholmesanemone: then do lsmod and see if they are loaded after you have installted them then look for the same driver in /usr/lib/modules/*04:03
ladydoornavaburo: did you use sudo?04:03
anemonesudo 1st04:03
navaburoladydoor, you bet04:03
Avagantsudo apt-cache search gcc?04:03
tichAvagant: i tried killall but for both of them it said: no process killed and my sound still doesn't work.04:04
jtholmesanemone: yes just to be safe04:04
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: if you are trying to burn a bin file in k3b, you click on tools, then burn cd image, or dvd image depending on the type of media.04:04
anemonesudo apt-get install gcc04:04
ladydoorCrescendo: it's a lot quicker and easier than trying to explain a menu-driven method--click here...no, here! now check that and that, then click there...no, THERE!"04:04
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: on the toolbar.04:04
AvagantThat's one of my favorite commands, ladydoor04:04
DrBanzaiAnybody in here ever used the cluster feature of dvd::rip??04:04
=== navaburo forgot apt-get update ;)
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dragonfyre13navaburo: apt-get install build-essential04:04
Avaganti always search for things first myself.04:04
inflexIs there any service in ubuntu which starts up by default and hooks/uses ttyS0 ?04:04
jtholmesanemone: since I always run as root in every window i dont bother with sudo too time consuming04:04
navaburodragonfyre13, got it, thanks04:04
AvagantBecause lord knows what I'm actually downloading.04:04
dragonfyre13navaburo: sorry.04:05
navaburoits all good04:05
dragonfyre13jtholmes: sudo -s04:05
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty : woot is working now :P i guess...04:05
anemonejtholmes, i see the nvidia module loaded...04:05
mike__i don't know if this is the right place to ask this but: i have a computer that is connected to a router.  i set the router to do Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on that that computers ip address(witch i told it to be static though every thing else on the lan is dhcp)... i think that means it should forward all ports to tha machien??  and i have created an account with dyndns... so i have a host name that resolves to ??i guess the router??...04:05
mike__this system i have the host name set to "cat".. i want to beable to ssh to "cat" from another computer on the internet... is that possable?04:05
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty : turned the laptop like facing up04:05
Isaiah_the_Martyandrewcool, when it wasnt working does it stop at like 86% and give the message04:05
navaburoSo the general aditude here is to give GUI methods first? To facilitate newer users?04:05
Isaiah_the_Martyand then sometimes it goes through04:05
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jtholmesanemone: ok now see if it is in  /usr/lib/modules04:05
Isaiah_the_Martybut when installing the extra packages stops at 76%04:06
anemonejthomles, well, maybe just a sudo modprobe nvidia after reboot would work but why would it not load on boot?04:06
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty : it was stopping at 6%04:06
odyssevsSenesence, I would be tempted to install the truetype version of this.04:06
dragonfyre13mike__: yep.04:06
Isaiah_the_Martyyea that happend to me alot04:06
Isaiah_the_Martyyou just have to keep trying until it works i guess04:06
AvagantGoodness I need to stop drinking so many fluids.04:06
andrewcoolIsaiah_the_Marty : can i install the extra pack later? because its going to take like 1.5hours lol04:06
dragonfyre13navaburo: basically.04:06
Isaiah_the_Martyi tipped my laptop on it side to get it working04:06
w30anemone, if you have installed the Nvidia driver through Ubuntu repository and then used the installer from Nvidia's web site they will fight each other so you need to remove one, probably the Ubuntu one if you have your own kernel.04:06
jtholmesanemone:   cd /usr/lib/modules;  execute  du -a |grep -i  module_name    see if it shows up04:06
Isaiah_the_Martyyea andrewcool just install the base system then use aptitude later04:06
Isaiah_the_Martythats what i did04:06
dragonfyre13navaburo: we try to cater to the lowest common denominator.04:06
Isaiah_the_Martymuch easier04:06
anemonew30, ok ill check04:06
Volvoi give up, i cann't find the icons folder04:07
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: did that work for you?04:07
Volvoso anyone in here who knows how to add those icons to your gdesklet starterbar ?04:07
anemonejtholmes, i have only /lib/modules, no /usr/lib04:07
Isaiah_the_Martyk3b dragonfyre13 ?04:07
Senesenceodyssevs: Yea that works, but looks kinda crappy. That's why I'm so hung up on the pcf version.04:07
navaburodragonfyre13, understood04:07
Isaiah_the_Martywe'll find out in a minute i guess04:07
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: yep.04:07
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Isaiah_the_Martythe pull down for the burning device is empty dragonfyre1304:07
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jtholmesanemone: correct  /lib/modules04:07
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Senesenceodyssevs: I don't understand why it wont work. I mean pcf is the originally supported linux font format right?04:08
anemonejthomles, nice use of du =] 04:08
odyssevsSenesence, so I believe.04:08
jtholmesanemone: w30 makes a good point I was not aware of that problem04:08
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w30anemone, open up the add remove menu and search nvidia or maybe synaptic and search nvidia04:08
odyssevsSenesence, however the bloke's site does say the font is expected to look bad in say, Word editors, or when printed.04:08
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jtholmesanemone: either way you want to see if the module(s) are in /lib/modules04:08
Isaiah_the_Martydragonfyre13, it doesnt have a pull down for the device04:08
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: then your device is not setup correctly. when you insert a cd, can you see it? if it has stuff on it?04:09
SenesenceI tryed it in terminal and it was crap there too.04:09
odyssevsSenesence, the system > fonts dialogue offers some font display tweaks. I would try that, see whether she polishes off a bit.04:09
Isaiah_the_Martyusually dragonfyre1304:09
Isaiah_the_Martybut theres nothing on this one04:09
CrescendoMy friend, a Linux newb, is having trouble with her touchpad on a Toshiba laptop - it seems to randomly stop working, and completely not work when on a USB mouse.  Suggestions?04:09
anemonejtholmes, ok there are finds in kernel/drivers/char kernel/drivers/video volitile/nvidia-legacy.ko04:09
Isaiah_the_Martyand it didnt show up when i put it in04:09
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: that's what I figured. Is it recognising it as a burnable device?04:09
odyssevsSenesence, yes, well I'm given to thinking the author has been romantic in his 'salesmanship.'04:09
Isaiah_the_Martyi dont think so04:09
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dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: let's start this way, are you using xubuntu, or ubuntu, or kubuntu04:10
Isaiah_the_Martyusually the little icon shows up on the desktop04:10
Isaiah_the_Martyits not doing that now04:10
Senesenceodyssevs: I just cant believe that it's so impossible to do something such as installing a font.04:10
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Isaiah_the_Martybut i'm on xfce desktop04:10
Avagantshould i try this kde desktop?04:10
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: ok, that makes it easy.04:10
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Avagantis it possible to switch between gnome and kde?04:10
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dragonfyre13Avagant: yes.04:10
jtholmesanemone: good now reboot and after you come up  run  lsmod and see if the module is loaded then if it is not loaded then execute  modprobe -r nvidia-legacy04:10
lufisHow do I view an audio CD in Nautilus without Sound Juicer opening?04:11
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dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: ok, so you are using xubuntu for all intesive purposes.04:11
jtholmesanemone:  and the driver should load04:11
PhoulHow do i convert a bin to a iso04:11
andrewcooluse a converter?04:11
Phoulwhich one>04:11
andrewcoolgoogle it?04:11
odyssevsSenesence, system > fonts > advanced > open font folder, drag & drop ttf and apparently you're done. Seems as easy as Windows. Alas, the pcf version of a font is another story. Maybe there's a script/prog which does pcf installations for the less savvy among us.04:11
andrewcoolbin to iso converter04:11
Avagantdragonfyre13: How so?04:11
Isaiah_the_Martyi guess dragonfyre1304:11
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: it won't show up the burning device on the desktop in XFCE, since it doesn't use a desktop like nautilus does.04:11
Isaiah_the_Martyi dont use gnome much anymore04:11
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kitchePhoul: bchuck I think it's called04:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bchuck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:12
Isaiah_the_Martyit does every other time dragonfyre1304:12
Isaiah_the_Martyjust not now with the empty dvd04:12
Senesenceodyssevs: Yea, well thanks for trying.04:12
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lufisHow do I unregister Sound Juicer from handling audio CDs?04:12
dragonfyre13Avagant: just install kubuntu-desktop under ubuntu, or vice versa. Then when logging in through gdm, chose a different desktop environment.04:12
Phoulbchuck isnt in apt04:12
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anemoneargh, shifg+backspace is killingme04:12
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: OK, that must be the new thunar integration. have you burned anything before/04:12
Avagantdragonfyre13: what's gdm?04:13
odyssevsSenesence, mind you, when I right click the pcf itself and select "open with gnome font viewer" I don't see a font, merely the empty font viewer.04:13
Avagantoh gnome desktop manager?04:13
dragonfyre13Avagant: where you type in your username password.04:13
Avagantdoes it give you a choice between the 2?04:13
Phoulanyone know how to convert .bin to .iso04:13
dragonfyre13Avagant: right at the start.04:13
Isaiah_the_Martyno dragonfyre1304:13
Isaiah_the_Martythis is a first04:13
anemonew30, it looks like i did install the nvidia and ubuntu versions of the driver04:13
Senesenceodyssevs: Yea I know that too,lol04:13
Avagantis it kubuntu or kde?04:13
SenesenceAnd still no one knows04:13
dragonfyre13Avagant: it'l have a dropdown04:13
anemonei wouldn't have done that if on reboot x was not failing04:13
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dragonfyre13Avagant: you want to install kubuntu-desktop04:14
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anemonew30, but now i need to remove the nvida version04:14
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: ok, let me see what I can dig up.04:14
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dragonfyre13Avagant: it will default to gnome, and you have to specifically choose KDE to boot there. It has a dropdown before you even type your username.04:15
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Avagantwow 156 packages!04:15
Taimso where would be the best place to get help with the following:04:15
Taimroot@nenene:/var/log# fglrxinfo04:16
TaimXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".04:16
Senesencedragonfyre13: Do you by any chance know how to install a PCF font.04:16
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AvagantThen I would have to reboot, and that's a big boo.04:16
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TaimNot running xgl either.04:16
AvagantI hate rebooting.04:16
dragonfyre13Senesence: what do you mean?04:16
blindMy VNC server won't work. I try to connect to it, it says unable to connect. I try to run Xvnc, it says it's running on display 0 -- so why won't it connect?04:16
bimberiTaim: you're running that as root.  Are you logged into X as root or is that a 'sudo -i' session?04:17
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Senesencedragonfyre13: Do you know how to install a bitmap font (.pcf), linux doesnt seem to recognize it04:17
Taimbimberi: sorry, I ran the last as root, however I was running it previously as the logged in user.04:17
dragonfyre13Senesence: gimme a sec. I'll find it.04:17
sjust1216is anyone having trouble with the theme manager in edgy04:17
Taimbimberi: same error.04:17
CrescendoMy friend, a Linux newb, is having trouble with her touchpad on a Toshiba laptop - it seems to randomly stop working, and completely not work when on a USB mouse.  Suggestions?04:17
tjb891how do you turn off a service like a nessus server?04:17
theunruledHi everyone. I'm 3 days new to Ubuntu and Linux and I have 2 questions that's bothering me.04:18
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bimberiTaim: ah, if it's happening as the logged in user then i'm not sure sorry04:18
blindtheunruled: let's hear em04:18
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule04:18
theunruled1: I installed ubuntu normally and grub showed me 5 choices excluding my xp04:19
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Phoulcan someone tell me where i can find bchuck04:19
theunruledthere're 2 versions of ubuntu listed, each has a normal and recovery, plus an additional memory test option04:19
theunruledis that normal?04:19
jribPhoul: bchunk?04:19
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:19
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blindtheunruled: you probably have two separate kernels.04:20
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johnHow do I reinstall drivers that came with the Easy Ubuntu package?04:20
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theunruledblind: any idea how I made that happen?04:20
Deramintheunruled: perfectly normal. I have the same thing04:20
blindhmmm, ubotu should be updated. compiz = no more. it's all about beryl now.04:20
theunruledbut why would it install 2 kernels?04:20
blindtheunruled: it's not a big deal.04:20
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:20
theunruledhmm okay04:20
blindtheunruled: I have two installed, as well.04:20
theunruledI see04:21
theunruledokay 2nd one is more problematic04:21
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theunruledI cannot modify anything in / or /usr or /etc or etc04:21
theunruledthe only folder i can modify is my home04:21
blindnot without root.04:21
bimberitheunruled: that will happen as you keep up to date with the updates, new versions of the kernel will be installed, each time adding new entries to the grub menu.  You can reduce the number by removing older kernel versions.  Personally I don't bother.04:21
Gevaudan82theunruled: because you aren't root...use sudo isntead04:21
ravenwritingdeskI've got a whole bunch of wireless drivers pre-installed, how can I tell which one my wireless card is actually using?04:22
jribubotu: tell theunruled about sudo04:22
theunruledbimberi: so I need to modify the grub files with sudo commands04:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beryl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:22
ubotuconky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 95 kB, installed size 316 kB04:22
odyssevsSenesence, did you run FontPath by the way?04:22
dragonfyre13Avagant: OK, I've got it.04:22
Gevaudan82theunruled: sudo vim /etc/myconfig.conf is just one example04:22
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bimberitheunruled: no, you can remove the kernels using a package management tool (such as synaptic).04:22
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dragonfyre13Avagant: nevermind04:22
Senesenceodyssevs: Just a sec04:23
Gevaudan82bimberi: yes you can04:23
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dragonfyre13SeanTater: OK, I got it.04:23
dragonfyre13SeanTater: nevermind04:23
bimberiGevaudan82: ?04:23
theunruledso the files *should* be locked? Because I see this little lock on every folder icon, but i saw a few ubuntu screenshots that don't have those locks04:23
dragonfyre13Senesence: OK, I got it.04:23
Senesencedragonfyre13: yes04:23
Gevaudan82bimberi: you can definitly remove and install kernels assuming they are in the apt-get repos using synaptic04:23
theunruledbimberi: oh, wouldn't dmg other kernels right?04:23
Avagantthis is gonna take a while.04:23
bimberiGevaudan82: that's what i said04:24
Gevaudan82bimberi: anything else, then sure you gotta compile yourself04:24
dragonfyre13Senesence: got that?04:24
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Gevaudan82bimberI: oops...words blurring together again, sorry04:24
Avagantdoes kde have more ability to change the look of things?04:24
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bimberitheunruled: no04:24
bimberiGevaudan82: np :)04:24
dragonfyre13Avagant: depends on who you ask. I think gnome does.04:25
Gevaudan82avagant: probally..though it easier to install themes in gnome04:25
odyssevsSenesence, just to recap, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25540/04:25
Senesencedragonfyre13: Should I leave the pcf file gzipped?04:25
dragonfyre13That's fine, I think.04:25
blindubotu: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/04:25
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Senesencedragonfyre13: I'll try it04:25
dragonfyre13Senesence: That's fine, I think. For now, just ungzip it.04:25
AvagantIt's just now unpacking this crap. Haha04:26
Senesencedragonfyre13: k04:26
AvagantWow, what'd I do?04:26
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dragonfyre13Avagant: What do you mean?04:26
fildoanyone here have an opinion on using a 3rd party firmware update for a linksys router?04:26
Gevaudan82http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJG-OeCB-L8&NR  <-- whoah04:26
odyssevsdragonfyre13, you sent something to Senesence? Wouldn't mind being privy to that too..04:26
AvagantHaha now it's just taking along time, but apparently there's alot of stuff.04:26
Gevaudan82fildo: use ddwrt if you do so...it's quite painless04:26
Avagant"no" i mean.04:26
dragonfyre13odyssevs: here you go.04:26
Avagant150 some packages!04:26
theunruledokay, I do find 2 linux images in synaptic. Last confirmation, removing one wouldn't bother the other right? ^^; i'm kinda scared04:27
fildoGevaudan82: i was actually looking into that . but dont want to courupt hardware04:27
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andrewcoolWhats that 5 dollar router, where like there aliens, umm and others04:28
dragonfyre13Avagant: you just got a whole new desktop environment. Heck yeah theres a lot.04:28
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Avagantare there more gnome desktop configuration options.04:28
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nuguys, anyone know about glade?04:28
Gevaudan82fildo: you won't...just make sure you are plugged into  a reliable power supply and are flashing to ddwrt from any original linksys firmware...if you want to shop around, always reflash   to the original linksys firmware before flashing to a different firmware04:28
Avagantas long as i have this i might as well make it worth it.04:28
ubotuglade: GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.12.1-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 299 kB, installed size 4916 kB04:28
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nutNo i know04:28
odyssevsdragonfyre13, cheers. I gave him http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25540/ (and forgot to add the directory after mkfontdir). Cheers mate.04:28
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nuthe question is, if i made an app using glade04:28
dragonfyre13Avagant: that's my thinking.04:28
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nuwill it run on KDE/04:28
nuor just gnome?04:29
andrewcoolok its fon04:29
dragonfyre13odyssevs: hehehe. great minds.04:29
Avagantdragonfyre13: I accidently fell into Ubuntu to begin with.04:29
tjb891I am using nessus to scan my own network and now my computer is running a nessus server, how do i turn this off becasue i only want it on when im using nessus and it is booting with it now?04:29
ladydoornu: it'll run--you just need to have gtk libs installed04:29
dragonfyre13Avagant: what do you mean?04:29
nuladydoor: thank you04:29
nikolaidragonfyre13,  Isaiah_the_Martyr04:29
AvagantMy sound on windoze was screwed up, i got a new soundcard it still didn't work and then I tried to do a complete reinstall but the cd was busted.04:29
nikolaik3b says that i dont have any writers04:29
odyssevsGevaudan82, I have officially lost track of Rodrigos who play the guitar.04:29
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Gevaudan82tjb891:  sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf && sudo sysv-rc-conf and then turn off nessusd04:29
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ubuntu_After enabling wifi, boot up halts when "configuring network interfaces." How do you get a desktop?04:30
dragonfyre13nikolai:  ?04:30
=== clearzen [n=clearzen@c-67-166-79-194.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AvagantI screwed myself over.04:30
dragonfyre13nikolai: I'm waiting for pages to load on the other desktop.04:30
Gevaudan82odyssevs: i was blown away...i can't belive in our country 50 cent and britney spears make it to the top of the charts04:30
tjb891Gevaudan82:what is sysv-rc?04:30
Gevaudan82rjb891: a tool to configure boot services04:30
nikolaiwhen i put the disc in k3b doesnt find it04:30
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odyssevsGevaudan82, this particular Rodrigo puts on a good show. What's his full name, or band name?04:31
clearzenHow do you share a folder with the network via the command line?04:31
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Gevaudan82odyssevs: no clue honestly04:31
bimberiubuntu_: try hitting CTRL-C at that point04:31
tjb891but how do i turn off services from the command line04:31
ubuntu_Gevaudan82: George Bush as the pres too. - somethings just aren't funny.04:31
AvagantI shouldn't download alot of stuff, but man.04:31
Gevaudan82odyssevs: there's a couple other vis w/ him04:31
Gevaudan82odyssevs: vids i mean04:31
ubuntu_bimberi - didn't work04:31
bimberitjb891: invoke-rc.d (temporarily) update-rc.d (permanently)04:31
AvagantI can't help it!04:31
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Governorwhen i type eject in console, the cd drive opens, but i have two drives. how do i get the other one open? sometimes the icon on desktop doesn't show the eject option04:31
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: ah, got it. I thought you were reminding me about yourself. I was thinking, "I'm searching man!"04:32
Isaiah_the_Martydo i have to mount it or something?04:32
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ubuntu_bimberi - looks like i can't get a console for f2-f7 either.04:32
bimberiubuntu_: hm, perhaps try it just as the "configuring..." message appears04:32
odyssevsclearzen, http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=39648604:32
ubuntu_bimberi - nah, nothing.04:32
bimberiubuntu_: yes, it probably hasn't started them yet04:32
odyssevsGevaudan82, true progress for the benefit of the individual is not promoted by the state. Thought we all learned that by 5? =P04:32
ubuntu_grub options to disable networking?04:33
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AvagantI'm gonng have to mount my cd burner probably to actually brn cd like I want to.04:33
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: did you get that?04:33
Gevaudan82odyssevs: i guess i assume if we are the melting pot we'd be better soup than we are now04:33
odyssevsGevaudan82, I wouldn't turn down an evening having a drink with this bloke in the corner. Good stuff.04:33
dragonfyre13Avagant: ?04:33
ubuntu_bimberi - What file controls wifi modules being started?04:33
theunruledsorry, 1 more question. My ubuntu can find my USB extneral drive but it's read only. Anyway to modify it?04:34
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Avagantchmod! no don't do it.04:34
clearzenodyssevs: thank you. That link should give me the info I need04:34
rockstar_Hm, I just installed Kubuntu on my laptop, taking it for a spin (I'm a Debian user).  I installed e17 and entrance, but something is not setting the PATH when it starts entrance.  Where should I look to find where the $PATH environment variable is?04:34
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Gevaudan82rockstar_ ~/.bash_profile is a start04:34
dragonfyre13Avagant: We all have the chronic downloader syndrome.04:34
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AvagantI can't help it, all these cool things I keep finding for Ubuntu.04:34
bimberiubuntu_: idk sorry, if you know the module you can prevent it being loaded by blacklisting it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist04:34
Senesencedragonfyre13: That didn't work. Did you get it to work on your distro. Im trying to get this font to work http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/04:35
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odyssevsGevaudan82, all excellent things have the same core principles. The superficial differences are irrelevant. And for anyone who complains about the state of civilisations, I tell them.. a coward dies a thousand times, a brave man dies once.04:35
dragonfyre13Avagant: I've been in it a few years, and I'm still finding stuff.04:35
AvagantGet Listen Player, it's friggin awesome.04:35
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jtholmestheunruled: is there a write disable button on the drive04:35
rockstar_Gevaudan82, hm, my default shell is zsh.  However, most of the Xsession xinitrc etc scripts are run through bash.  I'll check it out.04:35
AvagantLyrics and last.fm scrobbler!04:35
marcusgrazettehi, does anyone know if installing the ntfsmount tool and the ntfs-fuse user-space filesystem driver will allow me to use gparted to create an ext3 partition on a disk that has only one ntfs partition? I'm aiming to be able to resize that ntfs partition and create the ext3 next to it04:35
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theunruledjtholmes: a write disable button on the drive? where would I find that?04:35
AvagantThe only 2 things I need in the world besides Soulseek/Nicotine and sound.04:35
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dragonfyre13Senesence: let me play for a few minutes.04:36
DeraminAnyone know if Anjuta has it's own help channel?04:36
Isaiah_the_Martydragonfyre13, did you get it?04:36
Isaiah_the_Marty* Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )04:36
dragonfyre13Senesence: I'll come up with an answer.04:36
Senesencedragonfyre13: Please, I need closure, lol04:36
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: nope.04:36
jtholmestheunruled: if there was one you would know it  just  unmount  and  remount using   mount -o rw  ...04:36
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: pastebin it.04:36
alex_ubuntuAvantgant: What is listen player04:36
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odyssevsGevaudan82, Linux has this. There's something fundamentally special about it, where we progress, individually, and learn to be strategic and thorough. Something which the media, educational institutes, and all groups in general are not inclined to teach a person. =)04:36
AvagantHurry up and set up so I can see what this looks like.04:37
theunruledjtholmes: hmm... i'm rather new to linux04:37
AvagantI'm 3 days new to Linux.04:37
AvagantWell 4 days.04:37
theunruledso what should I look for when u unmout and mount04:37
theunruledAvagant: about same here04:37
bimberiubuntu_: another method would be to remove the /etc/rcS.d/S40networking symlink.  You might need a live cd as i think recovery mode will try to start it up too04:37
odyssevsclearzen, did that page clear up your question?04:37
jtholmestheunruled: ok execute  mount  command and see where the drive is mounted problbly  /media/usbdisk  etc.04:37
AvagantWindows died, I can't remember the exact day.04:37
Gevaudan82odyssevs: i can attest to this...last semester in grad school...learned more hacking away on my own than ever in school04:37
ubuntu_bimberi - bimberi - Great idea! - can you help me do it?04:37
AvagantI've learned more using Linux then ever in my life.04:37
AvagantI've also almost had a nervous breakdown because of it.04:38
jtholmestheunruled: if it automounted then  df -k  will not list it04:38
Isaiah_the_Martydragonfyre13,  [17179577.036000]  hdc: TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-C2612, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive04:38
Isaiah_the_Marty[17179577.764000]  Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.2004:38
Isaiah_the_Marty[17179608.232000]  cdrom: open failed.04:38
Isaiah_the_Martythen it just goes on with cdrom: open failed a couple more times04:38
ubuntu_ln -s adds a link right? - how do you rmove one?04:38
Gevaudan82odyssevs: that's why i'm so impressed with ubuntu...the free as in free idiology and the fact that they are offering long term support...i see big things in the future for ubuntu04:38
odyssevsGevaudan82, absolutely. Anyway thanks for the Yet Another Rodrigo =)04:38
theunruledjtholmes: hm ok04:39
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: it looks like you don't have a burner. Are you sure it burns? It looks like a general DVD drive.04:39
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jtholmestheunruled: so where is it mounted04:39
odyssevsGevaudan82, well, distros come and go. Ubuntu won't be around forever. Maybe she'll be in the top five for a couple of years, but new and better projects are bound to replace her.04:39
dragonfyre13Avagant: OK, I've got an answer.04:39
AvagantI've got the question!04:39
dragonfyre13Avagant: kfontview04:39
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theunruledjtholmes: i'm not sure04:40
dragonfyre13Avagant: it's a program that will allow you to install all sorts of fonts, including ttf and pcf04:40
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theunruledi don't have the drive with me at the moment04:40
AvagantOh my.04:40
dragonfyre13Avagant: neat, huh?04:40
Senesencedragonfyre13: Im the font guy04:40
Gevaudan82odyssevs: it's not exactly easy to gain so much community involvement in such a short amount of time...and a community that is open to new users even more rare...i think she's here to stay04:40
jtholmestheunruled: do you see a line containing   /media/usbdisk04:40
ubuntu_bimberi - man unlink - says it will remove the file. - is that good?04:40
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dragonfyre13Senesence: Ah. Sorry Avagant04:40
Isaiah_the_Martydragonfyre13, it says its a dvd/cd burner04:40
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theunruledjtholmes: i don't have the disk connected at the moment04:41
AvagantHey wait, will all my sound and stuff work with kde?04:41
marcusgrazettehi, does anyone know if i can use ubuntu to resize an ntfs partition and create an ext3 partition alongside it?04:41
wickedpuppyGevaudan82, that line reminds me of gentoo community ... open to new users ... :P04:41
AvagantBecause it's setting up players and stuff?04:41
theunruledjtholmes: i'll check when i get home04:41
dragonfyre13Senesence: apt-get install kcontrol04:41
bimberiubuntu_: no you can just delete the link with 'rm'04:41
jtholmestheunruled: ok04:41
odyssevsGevaudan82, and that's ok. We move on, close one project and begin another. Linux does require the investment of time and energy, the exercising of the brain - so it is not truly free at all. For some of us, accustomed to $100/hour wages, we spend tens of hours working out a solution. The more we value our time, the better our aptitude and the greater our ability to decypher the available information, the more we can achi04:41
dragonfyre13Senesence: then, kfontview from the commandline04:41
Isaiah_the_Martycan i burn it as data dragonfyre13 ?04:41
Gevaudan82Avagant: no way to tell...mine did and my computer just came out a couple months ago (dell precision 390)04:41
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks04:41
wickedpuppybtw its not just ubuntu which is very newbie friendly ...04:41
Isaiah_the_Martywould that work?04:41
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ubuntu_bimberi - What does it link to?04:41
odyssevsIn all this Linux forces us to be forward-thinking, logic-based people. If you acquire all that, viz, what is a possibility, then it pays off.04:42
AvagantIf I use kde is it going to change all my sound settings and what not?04:42
dragonfyre13Isaiah_the_Marty: it's not even recognising it as a burnable drive. I'm researching further. Dang torrents and updates, taking up my bandwidth takes forever to load the forum pages.04:42
Isaiah_the_Martylol same04:42
bimberiubuntu_: /etc/rcS.d/S40networking: symbolic link to `../init.d/networking'04:42
lufisHow do I view an audio CD's contents in Nautilus? Every time I try to open the mount point Sound Juicer insists on opening04:42
dennis_well I just got another laptop up  and running with a bcm4319 w/ WPA, no the strange thing is whne I reboot the system, sometimes the wireless card shows up as eth2 or wlan004:42
dennis_any ideas ??04:42
dragonfyre13dennis_: demon computer?04:42
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dragonfyre13dennis_: ^_^04:43
ubuntu_bimberi - okay, I'll take a look there. - Thanks :)04:43
Lam_what's the difference between Edgy RC1 and Edgy Final?04:43
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Avagantdragonfyre13: is kde going to change all my sound settings and everything?04:43
bimberiubuntu_: np, good luck :)04:43
dragonfyre13dennis_: devil computer.04:43
Gevaudan82wickedpuppy: gentoo, open to new users? wow, surprised that's their mo now...gentoo's ok, but when i installed it i couldn't see any real performance benefit...emerge and gentoo's optimization are kind of like SElinux in my opinion...only beneficial if you know its capabilities inside and out which accounts for about .05% of us04:43
wickedpuppyLam_, one is RC1 and another is final ?04:43
theunruledjtholmes: thx for the help =] 04:43
dragonfyre13Avagant: nope.04:43
dennis_thats what I though you ment04:43
mikesdesktopsystif i have a harddrive that is ntfs and i want to play music off of it in linux, would i need to use samba or another type of program?04:43
jtholmestheunruled: anytime04:43
theunruledI'm trying to get ncmpc to work but I have no idea what I'm doing04:43
AvagantIt's setting up these players and stuff, I was getting worried.04:43
dragonfyre13Avagant: everything will pretty much stay the same, except for the insane amount of programs you will have.04:44
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tritiummikesdesktopsyst: no, you can safely read ntfs04:44
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jtholmesLam_: are u asking what RC1 stands for?04:44
wickedpuppyGevaudan82, you were talking about friendly communities .. not geek communities .. as far as friendly community goes check out #gentoo04:44
Senesencedragonfyre13: Got kfontview up what do I do now?04:44
dragonfyre13Avagant: things will only change if you make them.04:44
odyssevsGevaudan82, all great projects come to a close, and lead the way into newer ones. For one reason or another. When we become stuck with a picture which doesn't fit the reality, we regress. Same with dating, same with loyalty to one's country. All these relationships come and go. Ubuntu will eventually breed life into different projects. That's just life. =)04:44
dragonfyre13Senesence: open it.04:44
dennis_so anyone seen this issue before nic card showing up as eht2 or wlan0 when it wants to04:44
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AvagantIt's still setting up.04:44
Lam_jtholmes: no. i know what it is.  i was referring more along the lines of the differences because the Release Schedule has the RC1 listed as a "pre-production" release04:44
dragonfyre13Senesence: oh, and click the little open button.04:45
Lam_jtholmes: which to me, sounds like a final version before the version sticker is slapped on it04:45
marcusgrazetteubotu: i dont want to make a filesystem, just a regular ext3 partition04:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i dont want to make a filesystem, just a regular ext3 partition - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:45
mister_roboto_mikesdesktopsyst: no you wouldn't have to. you can just mount the win partition and read from it04:45
odyssevsAh good old kfontview, forgot it existed!04:45
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dragonfyre13Avagant: You are little. I had over 2 gig setting up one time. That was sick.04:45
Avagantdragonfyre13: Wait are all my gnome programs going to disappear?04:45
Avagantdragonfyre13: Like I have last-exit and nicotine in gnome, are they gonna go away?04:46
Gevaudan82for reading and writing ntfs partition check out the link at ubuntuguide.org...i've tested both and they work perfectly...though i only write to an ntfs drive that stores non-system files04:46
dragonfyre13Avagant: nope. They'll be there, just accompanied by the KDE ones.04:46
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dragonfyre13Avagant: in fact, they will be there on both the KDE menu, and the Gnome one. Same with the KDE apps.04:46
jtholmesLam_: quite close, it is one step before the final and they hope to find any remaining show stoppers before final release04:46
theunruledthanks for all the help guys04:46
AvagantOh, sweet.04:46
theunruledi'm running out of battery04:46
AvagantMaybe I shouldn't have done this. Haha04:46
theunruledbye bye04:46
Senesencedragonfyre13: Ok I got it open there was an error because it could not find the font name, and some other errors within console, but it's open04:46
odyssevsGevaudan82, what about writing to ext3 from NTFS?04:46
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=== Avagant has only 5.0 gb left on his one hd.
dragonfyre13Avagant: you'll just have massive menus. I reccomend rightclicking the menu, and clicking edit menu, then checking off most of the boxes.04:47
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dragonfyre13Senesence: that's normal.04:47
Gevaudan82odssevs: there's tools to do so...been forever since i've done it though04:47
odyssevsjtholmes, which kernel are they putting in the next release?04:47
tritiumodyssevs: 2.6.1704:47
dragonfyre13Senesence: just click the blue folder, and select the font file.04:47
Senesencedragonfyre13: So what now?04:47
Avagantdragonfyre13: will i be able to make the bottom task bar crazy awesome?04:47
odyssevstritium, r2 I hope?04:47
Rastasomeone has tried photoshop under vmware or another virtual machine? i have it installed with wine but it has some problems it isnt useful for serious work04:47
Senesencedragonfyre13: Did that, it's open04:48
Lam_what would happen if i tried to use the Edgy repositories with Dapper?04:48
tritiumodyssevs: we'll see04:48
jtholmesLam_: i dont know i looked at the release page earlier and did not see a ref to the kernel04:48
Gevaudan82odyssevs: but my setup involves me writing from my windows xp laptop to my ext3 server so i just use samba04:48
dragonfyre13Avagant: if you really feel like it. Check out Gnome-look.org and KDE-look.org.\04:48
tritiumLam_: you'd have to upgrade so many packages that you might as well just do a full dist-upgrade04:48
odyssevstritium, should put me one step closer to wifing on Linux. Gaaah I'll miss going bald.04:48
dragonfyre13Senesence: hang on. I'll get there.04:48
Gevaudan82Lam_: be prepared for a headache if you are trying to upgrade04:48
tritiumodyssevs: why, what's the problem?04:48
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jtholmesLam_: however, i suspect that with the final being the 26th of this month the current kernel would be the one used it is quite late in the game to change that04:48
Gevaudan82Lam_: it'll get easier, but edgy is still beta...october 26th release date i think04:49
Lam_jtholmes: yeah. i think they froze the kernel in mid september04:49
odyssevsGevaudan82, samba appeared once too often on my Secunia list for comfort.04:49
Lam_Gevaudan82: ok thanks04:49
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jtholmesLam_: yes i seem to remember seeing frozeon on some items and the kernel was probably one of them they run a tight ship04:49
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Avagantdragonfyre13: I sound like a complete n00b but will all my codecs and things still be there?04:49
odyssevstritium, can't bring my bcm43xx card to life.04:50
tritiumodyssevs: not even with ndiswrapper?04:50
Gevaudan82odyssevs: i've passed a nessus scan with no problems...but i just use it locally behind a router/firewall so i'm not worried...i use pptpd to access samba shares remotely or plain old ssh04:50
dragonfyre13Avagant: yep.04:50
odyssevstritium, tried it.04:50
AvagantHurray for progress!04:50
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dragonfyre13Avagant: don't panic. Everything will be the same as if you just installed new programs.04:50
tritiumodyssevs: works for most04:50
AvagantI wonder how many actual gb this is going to take. Haha04:50
odyssevsGevaudan82, god bless iptables =)04:50
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odyssevstritium, adds to the frustration.04:50
[5D] Silent_Chaosis it possible to install ubuntu to a usb drive? How much space would it need?04:50
Avagantwow this really is taking a long time.04:51
cpl-tnt44what is the linux source dir ?04:51
Jahootyi've got a minor issue, in the repositories list (xubuntu, 6.06) i have no 'multiverse' listed,04:51
cpl-tnt44what is the linux source dir ? /usr/src/linux ?04:51
Gevaudan82odyssevs: the internet could use a better getting started guide for iptables as it's really not bad but it's intimidating for most reading the iptables bible or whatever it is called..the comprehensive guide04:51
dragonfyre13Senesence: I lied. Exit out, and type kcontrol and go to system administration, and then to font installer.04:51
tritiumJahooty: you can easily add it04:51
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cpl-tnt44what is the linux source dir ? /usr/src/linux ?04:51
Jahootycool, i was hoping it's easy04:51
tritiumcpl-tnt44: you need to install the source first04:51
Jahootycant find it's information tho,04:51
Gevaudan82cpl-tn44: do a search for apt-get install linux-headers04:52
morphiranyone installed engage(the dock) sucessfully on LTS 6.06?04:52
AvagantOk, it just finished.04:52
tritiumGevaudan82: headers and source packages are not the same04:52
dragonfyre13Senesence: then, go to administration mode, and click add fonts.04:52
cpl-tnt44Gevaudan82> whats the connncetion ?04:52
dragonfyre13Select the unzipped pcf font.04:52
Gevaudan82tritum: i didn't realize that...carry on :)04:52
odyssevstritium, I am convinced it would work.. however I'm a bit too old to get my head around all the various tricks.04:52
dragonfyre13Senesence: Select the unzipped pcf font.04:52
Jahootydoes it matter that i'm running xubuntu?04:52
Senesencedragonfyre13: Im using gnome, will any of this work04:53
cpl-tnt44i wanna install a linux wireless card drivers and it asks me some qustions when i do 'make config'04:53
tritiumGevaudan82: but, you're right, often times, one really only needs the headers.  e.g., to build modules...04:53
cpl-tnt44Geva ,i wanna install a linux wireless card drivers and it asks me some qustions when i do 'make config'04:53
dragonfyre13Senesence: that's why you go to admin mode. It will work, it installs it in a common area.04:53
cpl-tnt44i wanna get them right u know04:53
dragonfyre13Senesence: I use gnome too.04:53
suff0katethis is gonna be a odd question but is there a battle.net bot?04:53
Avagantdragonfyre13: I'm going to reboot wish me luck. Haha04:53
tritiumcpl-tnt44: for which wireless card?  You shouldn't need to compile them...04:53
Gevaudan82cpl-tn44: tried searching for the exact string you are asked in google? typically you'll find a forum post or two04:54
odyssevsGevaudan82, you might fancy La Bottine Souriante too.. small group from Quebec. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRCu24-d_RY04:54
Gevaudan82cpl-tn44: in quotes all the same04:54
cpl-tnt44tritum Netgear MA40104:54
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ksmurfI'm trying to use a serial port I have for a virt machine but it says it's locked.  can I chown it or is there a better way?04:54
rowanjlhow do you stop a service?04:54
rowanjlOh, and Hello :P04:54
cpl-tnt44tritum ?04:54
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tritiumrowanjl: invoke-rc.d <servicename> stop04:54
jtholmesrowanjl: what service04:55
tritium(with sudo first)04:55
cpl-tnt44tritum ? do u think using the ndiswrapper is good here ? instead of the linux driver the vendor supplies ?04:55
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tritiumcpl-tnt44: I'd definitely try it first.04:55
Gevaudan82odyssevs: george carlin and the p funk meets riverdance...not bad at all04:55
lufisWhy is Ubuntu so bloody persistent on forcing me to use Sound Juicer?04:55
morphirsee this guide ppl: http://www.supriyadisw.net/2006/04/engage-on-dapper-drake04:55
odyssevstritium, something you could pass up the line to the fellows working on the next release. Probably tracked, but anyway - when accessing a dialogue requiring the root pass, if you hit the caps lock towards the end of the password, the window resizes slightly. Disengaging it causes the window to resize again, but improperly.04:55
Senesencedragonfyre13: Did this work on your end? It's not recognizing it as a font04:55
cpl-tnt44tritium , mmm so i'd use the winxp inf files or the linux inf files ?04:55
dragonfyre13Senesence: Hmm. Hang on04:56
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tritiumcpl-tnt44: should be winxp04:56
Gevaudan82odyssevs: been listining to this old crow medicine show track on repeat most of the night..."Wagon Wheel" is the name04:56
rowanjl * Stopping web server lighttpd                                          [fail] 04:56
tritiumodyssevs: file a bug!04:56
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rowanjlbloody thing!04:56
tritiumrowanjl: does it need a bandage?04:56
odyssevsgah. =)04:56
rowanjlit needs a hammer... on its skill04:56
Netslayerhow can i install ubuntu on a bootable fake or software raid? i've tried the guides, server, desktop iso's and always something screws up04:57
Gevaudan82Netslayer: not to  change the subject, but is a software raid really worth your trouble?04:57
Netslayerdapper and edgy both have issues with dmraid with my nvidia or sli raid chipsets.. i feel doomed04:57
tritiumrowanjl: did you use sudo to stop it?04:57
lufisThe CD drive is /dev/hdc mounted on /media/cdrom0. I try to open /media/cdrom0 in Nautilus and SoundJuicer is opened. I like SoundJuicer, really, but I would like to be able to just view the audio cd tracks in Nautilus!04:57
NetslayerGevaudan82, yes04:57
jtholmesrowanjl: how do you know it is running04:57
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rowanjlI know its running because its taken over localhost ;)04:58
=== rowanjl killed it
jtholmesrowanjl: that is one way04:58
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rowanjlthanks :)04:58
Netslayeri really should start filing these bugs i find04:58
benguinHi there; anyone has a GeForce 7600 on a via kt800 pro mobo?04:58
lufisNetslayer: Makes the two of us...04:58
clearzenthe updater is not letting me download any updates. It gives me this error anytime I try to update through the command line: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates Release.gpg04:59
clearzenalong with some others but they are all either gpg or unable to fetch file04:59
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Flannelclearzen: which mirrors you using? the us ones by any chance?  try changing them.04:59
clearzenwhere could I get a list of different repos?05:00
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hondjelufis: go to system -> preferences -> removable drives and media and go to the multimedia tab05:00
Gevaudan82odyssevs: actually a link on youtube for it:  http://youtube.com/watch?v=O2vJUadjdmo05:00
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Flannelclearzen: if you're using us.archive.ubuntu.com, just remove the us. from the front of all of them, just archive.ubu...05:00
violotAnyone know how to change the color of the title bar's text in GNOME?05:00
dragonfyre13Senesence: OK, I have an alternative. Go to the site, and get the ttf font.05:00
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violotThe Window border theme I'm using is white, and the text is white too :|05:01
Netslayerdmraid on edgy reports my chunk size isn't divisible by the space and won't give me a mapped device, dmraid on dapper gives some other error. really sad (i have nvidia and sil fake raids and neither work)05:01
violotIt's..... unreadable :P05:01
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dragonfyre13Senesence: then, go to nautilus, and select go to location.05:01
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clearzenalright. I'll try that. Are those mirrors down? why is it doing that?05:01
PFAhelp! i reinstalled ubuntu and now nothing will open!05:01
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dragonfyre13Senesence: then, go to font:/// and copy the font over to the directory, unzipped.05:01
Senesencedragonfyre13: Yea, I know that the .ttf works, but it looks horrible, thats why I want the .pcf.05:01
Flannelclearzen: because the us mirrors go down... quite often ;)05:01
Gevaudan82PFA: specifics05:01
dragonfyre13Senesence: oh. I might have a fix for that. Give me a sec.05:01
PFAGevaudan82: um . . . i installed Breezy?05:02
Senesencedragonfyre13: so there is no way to install a .pcf font?05:02
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odyssevsGevaudan82, jolly good. All I need now is the 1930s Packard =)05:02
violotNobody?  Or nobody pays attention to me? ;)05:02
Gevaudan82PFA: what won't open? can you boot in to ubuntu? grub throwing an error? can't login? can't open programs? what?05:02
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dragonfyre13Senesence: that's what I'm talking about. I know the convoluted way, but it only works on fedora.05:02
PFAGevaudan82: can't open programs05:02
dragonfyre13Senesence: oh, and gentoo.05:02
odyssevsviolot, standby.05:02
=== violot wonders if Cicero_ is the Cicero from irc.blitzed.org
Netslayeris there a flag i can pass to the kernel when booting a livecd to stop x from starting (it locks my desktop cause it's incompatible with a 24" dell panel)05:03
Gevaudan82PFA: change your hostname05:03
dragonfyre13Senesence: I think I have a way to install PCF on ubuntu though.05:03
PFAGevaudan82: how and to what05:03
Gevaudan82PFA: vim /etc/hostname and vim /etc/hosts05:03
cute_bettong! ati05:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:03
Senesencedragonfyre13: If it works Ill try it05:03
Gevaudan82PFA: could be any number of things, but try that and reboot to see if it helps05:03
bm0nkI've download wlan.sh, edited it in gedit, saved it, chmod 777, then i do ./wlan.sh and it tells me      : No such file or directory    Yet im in the same directory where the file is.....IM CONFUSED :(05:04
PFAGevaudan82: but what do i change it to?05:04
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Gevaudan82PFA: anything besides what it is now05:04
wickedpuppybm0nk, pastebin the ls -l and ./wlan.sh pls05:04
wickedpuppyi wanna see05:04
PFAGevaudan82: um, okay05:04
cpl-tnt44While sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/user/wireless/netma401.inf ,gettinf couldn't open netma401.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 164 . ANY ONE have any idea\clue how to solve this !??05:04
bm0nki cant pastebin05:05
bm0nkseperate computer05:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:05
PFAGevaudan82: what the heck? I dont know how to do that05:05
bm0nkno its ok05:05
bm0nki think i can do that05:05
odyssevsNetslayer I think if you type 'server' at the prompt it will give you text-only.05:05
Netslayercool i'll try that next boot05:05
jumbersA ton of my thumbnails are failing to be created05:05
Gevaudan82PFA: in /etc/hosts type ubuntu.username.lan after the line that reads ...in /etc/hostname simply type ubuntu.username.lan replacing username in both cases05:05
Netslayerdid some ubuntu mirror go down.. swears05:06
Gevaudan82PFA: you can use gedit if you are more comfortable but you have to be root to edit the files05:06
cpl-tnt44While sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/user/wireless/netma401.inf ,gettinf couldn't open netma401.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 164 . ANY ONE have any idea\clue how to solve this !??05:06
=== cyberfall__ [n=cyberfal@adsl-70-130-170-1.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Netslayer195.248.90.54 is down05:06
PFAGevaudan82: there is no line that says that :S05:06
dragonfyre13Senesence: there we go.05:07
dragonfyre13Senesence: run this. sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig05:07
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dragonfyre13Senesence: when it asks if you want to enable bitmap fonts, say YES.05:07
odyssevsviolot short term solution is to pick another theme.05:07
Gevaudan82PFA: type localhost ubuntu.username.lan and then on a new line type ubuntu.username.lan05:07
dragonfyre13Senesence: that's why nothing worked.05:07
bm0nkwickedpuppy : Pasted by bm0nk October 3rd 5:0705:07
violotodyssevs: :\05:07
violotAny way just to edit the colour of the text?!05:07
odyssevsNetslayer, clearzen was reporting a problem with the US mirror.05:08
hondjeviolot: Um, you'd think wouldn't you :-)05:08
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hondjeThere really isn't a way to click and pick colors for various parts of your theme05:09
PFAGevaudan82: sorry, rebooted by accident05:09
violot*Sigh* Sometimes I really do think the GNOME people oversimplify GNOME :|05:09
PFAGevaudan82: there is no line that says that IP address05:09
odyssevsviolot, perhaps a gnome-themes howto ? =))05:09
clearzenodyssevs: actually I tried the non us mirrors and it is giving me the same errors05:09
Gevaudan82PFA: type localhost ubuntu.username.lan and then on a new line type ubuntu.username.lan05:09
wickedpuppybm0nk, its certainly weird ... try sh wlan.sh ?05:09
odyssevsclearzen, Netslayer will be delighted to hear that.05:09
PFAGevaudan82: what are the files again?05:09
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Gevaudan82PFA: then edit /etc/hostname and simply type ubuntu.username.lan ...finally reboot05:09
odyssevsclearzen, one wonders whether the Debian mirrors would do the job?05:09
bm0nkwickedpuppy : woah...let me pastebin this05:09
Senesencedragonfyre13: It was already on. I did it before, it was on yes all the time.05:10
Netslayerserver is up, the edgy repos were updated so an apt-get update was required on my behalf since the old deb files were removed05:10
Senesencedragonfyre13: Did it work on your distro?05:10
odyssevsviolot, simplicity isn't cheap - http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=987705:10
dragonfyre13Senesence: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.05:10
clearzenIt might be my sources list though. I'm going to  try a few things. like importing all the gpg keys for the repos and rebuilding my keycache05:10
dragonfyre13Senesence: yep.05:10
bm0nkwickedpuppy : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2554305:10
PFAGevaudan82: what is the filename05:10
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Gevaudan82PFA: the first message goes in /etc/hosts05:10
Senesencedragonfyre13: The trist.pcf worked for you?05:11
PFAGevaudan82: okay thanks05:11
PFAGevaudan82: and um . . . where do i put the new line, lol05:11
Senesencedragonfyre13: trisk.pcf*05:11
Gevaudan82PFA: i thought you said the file was empty?05:11
dragonfyre13I used another font. bcf. Let me try this one.05:11
wickedpuppybm0nk, thats even more weird ... i can't think of any other way to run a shell script .. lol05:11
PFAGevaudan82: no, there was just no line in it with that IP address05:11
=== violot found it
PFAGevaudan82: actually, after a reboot, everything works :o sorry to trouble you! and thanks05:12
Senesencedragonfyre13: It here http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/05:12
bm0nkwickedpuppy :(05:12
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wickedpuppybm0nk, is the script very long ? if not can pastebin it as well ?05:12
bm0nkill try05:12
Gevaudan82bm0nk: are you using bash? did you type #!/bin/bash at the top of the shellscript?05:12
cpl-tnt44While sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/user/wireless/netma401.inf ,gettinf couldn't open netma401.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 164 . ANY ONE have any idea\clue how to solve this !??05:12
clearzenit keeps giving me this on a lot of the sources:05:12
clearzenErr http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security Release.gpg05:12
clearzen  Could not connect to (, connection timed out05:12
clearzenIt's been giving me that error for days now05:13
dragonfyre13Senesence: yep, I'm getting it now.05:13
Senesencedragonfyre13: So trisk.pcf works for you?05:13
bm0nkGevaudan82 : yes05:14
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dragonfyre13not yet. I'm missing a switch.05:14
Gevaudan82bm0nk: did you create the shellscript in linux? if you created it windows there might be some special characters throwing it off...you can always dos2unix it05:14
dragonfyre13Senesence: hang on. Missing a switch somewhere.05:14
Senesencedragonfyre13: Ok05:14
DeraminRunning Ubuntu 6.06.  Apologies for the slightly off topic questions but:  1) Is there a way to convert Anjuta to a Java IDE?  2) How can I be sure I've got the Java Development Kit 5.0 installed?  I installed it from the Package Manager, but other programs are telling me that I don't have all the libraries it comes with.  3) What is the best visually rich Java IDE for Ubuntu that doesn't require projects. I only need to work with single files.05:15
bm0nkGevaudan82 : Someone in here sent me it05:15
Gevaudan82bm0nk: i actually had that exact problem earlier today...even though i created the shellscript in linux just uploaded to a windows ftp server to download again to another linux machine...special characters appeared05:15
Netslayerdmraid on edgy: device-mapper: dm-stripe: Target length not divisible by chunk size        and nothing happens..no device..nadda05:15
bm0nkwickedpuppy : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2554405:15
bm0nkwell someone on here gave it to me05:15
wickedpuppybm0nk, it look right for a shell script ..05:16
wickedpuppytry dos2unix like Gevaudan82 suggested ?05:16
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odyssevscpl-tnt44, is the respective sys file present in the same place?05:16
Gevaudan82bm0nk:if you open it in vim you should see a ^M at the end of the line if they exist05:16
bm0nkvim ?05:16
bm0nksorry im new to ubuntu05:17
wickedpuppymay not work .. but can't find the file ... so weird05:17
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wickedpuppybm0nk, vi wlan.sh05:17
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wickedpuppyto quit press escape then :wq05:17
wickedpuppyjust :q05:17
odyssevsbm0nk, vi is an alias for vim, a clone of the original vi.05:17
Cheep-cheepdragonfyre13: You still here?05:17
r0yrul3zor just use nano05:17
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@168-103-51-220.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
violotWhat the heck!? Mouse scroll scrolls for like half a second, then quits scrolling in Firefox!?05:17
Cheep-cheepI don't remember my other sn. Hehe05:17
odyssevsviolot, your lucky night isn't it?05:18
=== Cheep-cheep figures it's time to set the defaunt name for that.
RawSewagehow do you skip the 30 mount disk check for a later time05:18
violotIt quite is ;)05:18
dragonfyre13Cheep-cheep: you the one with the burner issue?05:18
violotKDE seems to be ugly-i-fied05:18
Cheep-cheepNo, I was trying the kde.05:18
violotGNOME is fine05:18
RawSewageif Im in a hurry, and it happens to be the 30th time, it's very annoying to have to wait for a half hour05:18
Cheep-cheepHEY I like KDE.05:18
violotand beautiful05:18
odyssevscpl-tnt44, yes? no?05:18
r0yrul3zCheep-cheep, GNOME > KDE05:18
violotKDE is ugly on my system for some reason05:18
Cheep-cheepI like KDE. Personally.05:18
bm0nkwhen i press Q05:18
bm0nkit just says05:18
violotAnd for some reason, my mouses in X are only black and white... :|05:18
Gevaudan82violot: i like kubuntu but i hate debian kde...way too many apps preinstalled to know what to do with05:18
violotAnd they don't animate05:19
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FlannelGnome Vs KDE, emacs vs vim, etc arguments belong in #ubuntu-offtopic05:19
Cheep-cheepIt sucks it didn't recognize my hd1 was on the desktop, but that's fine with me.05:19
violotI installed the package kde... don't do that!  Do kubuntu-desktop05:19
SinnerGpff slow ;p05:19
dragonfyre13Cheep-cheep: Oh, Avan.... something.05:19
bm0nkomg i cant get out of it05:19
odyssevsJeez Debian's KDE is a serious problem for indecisive people.05:19
Cheep-cheepviolot: That's what I did.05:19
bm0nkescape q  doesnt work05:19
Cheep-cheepYa I can't remember my last sn. haha05:19
violotkde installs A BUNCH of crap05:19
RawSewageI mean WM05:19
violotkubuntu-desktop does a lot less05:19
Cheep-cheepMy mouse works better on kde?05:19
violotMy mice are black and white all of a sudden05:20
dragonfyre13Cheep-cheep: I'm a gnome guy. Till death. But linus torvalds is KDE, so you're in good company.05:20
RawSewagehow do you skip the 30 mount disk check for a later time05:20
Gevaudan82Cheep-cheep: lol, are you serious?05:20
violotAnd don't animate cursors05:20
Cheep-cheepYah I don't understand why, but it seems more sensitive which is alright with me.05:20
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Cheep-cheepHAHA it's set to 24hr.05:20
SkramXconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check05:20
tritiumSkramX: have you installed build-essential?05:20
SkramX/lib/cpp is a sym link to the cpp binary.. any idea?05:20
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PFAhow do i find out what USB port my printer is on05:21
SkramXtritium: doing now05:21
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SkramXI am a Gentoo'er, just installed ubuntu on my laptop to try it out05:21
bm0nkOK I tried dos2unix - still "No such file or directory"05:21
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SkramXtritium: thanks05:21
=== violot wonders why all his KDE fonts are unantialiased in KDE :|
bm0nkAnd i tried vim, couldnt close it so i just closed the terminal window05:21
b14ck73425hey everyone05:21
=== violot wonders why all his fonts are unantialiased in gnome-terminal too :|
r0yrul3zbm0nk, use nano05:21
SkramXtritium: what about Xtest?05:21
b14ck73425change the system font05:22
odyssevsbm0nk, :q to quit, :wq to write and quit, :q! to quit saving no changes.05:22
Cheep-cheepI like terminal in KDE too.05:22
tritiumbm0nk: you have to installed sysutils or tofrodos to have dos2unix command05:22
tritiumSkramX: what about it05:22
SkramXapt-get install x-window-system-dev05:22
Gevaudan82bm0nk: to close vim type :wq ...press the i and Esc button to go in and out of edit mode...i goes in, esc goes back to command mdoe where you can type :wq for example which saves and quits05:22
bm0nktritium : actually i used the online web version of dos2unix05:22
wickedpuppybm0nk, i also downloaded ... and got the same errors .. weird05:22
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=== violot wants a Mac Mini
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tritiumbm0nk: okay, but it's available in ubuntu packages05:22
SkramXviolot: I am on one right now :)05:22
Cheep-cheepThe clock is in 24 hour time, I have no idea how to get it out of that, but it's ok as long as it has the right time.05:22
bm0nkWell without this wlan script i cant make my wireless card work05:22
violotMeanie :P05:23
bm0nkthanks tritium05:23
violotMac OS X looks real neat05:23
violotI'd use it alongside with Ubuntu05:23
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Cheep-cheepOS X is neat if you have THE LATEST os.05:23
violotand maybe install some random unpopular linux distros on another05:23
SkramXI used to us egentoo for my desktop machine (a laptop), then got this macmini. Now trying ubuntu on the laptop and osx on the macmini05:23
Cheep-cheepIf you have something that's like 10 versions behind you are outta luck with anything.05:23
violotI hate Apple's upgrade ways05:23
RawSewageIs there a command you can type to abort the 30-mount disk check05:23
SkramXstill proudly use gentoo on servers05:23
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Gevaudan82violot:  granted i'm not a mac user but it seems the osx dock would be horrible for multitasking...especially when opening up close to two dozen windows as i usually have open05:24
bm0nkI tried to configure my wireless card using the networking GUI, but as soon as i change it from DHCP to static, even if i've filled in all the boxes....the OK buttin is greyed out...so i was trying to use this wlan.sh but now obviously im screwed :(05:24
EnsignRedshirtIs there a FAQ for the Firefox update somewhere?  After the update to in breezy, I only get sound when I play a video (such as those at cnn or bbc).05:24
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violotI want to try a Mac out05:24
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violotThey seem to have real nice integration built in between apps05:24
RawSewageIs there an Ubuntu help channel05:24
Cheep-cheepI like the name of the advanced text editor.05:24
violotLike what KDE seems to be striving for05:24
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code05:24
sigE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:24
siganyone want to help with this one?05:24
sigprocessing was halted because there were too many errors?????05:25
Gevaudan82violot: assuming you pay for their apps of course...just as microsoft's visual studio/sql server/windows 2003 server integration05:25
sigwas install mplayer05:25
wickedpuppysig, mplay is in repos ..05:25
violotYeah, I wish I wouldn't be stuck in a clone of MS's monopoly with Apple05:25
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ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com05:25
RawSewageIs there a command you can type to abort the 30-mount disk check05:25
odyssevsI'm not being funny, but how do you exit emacs?05:25
sig /car/cache/apt/archives/libartsc0_1.5.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb05:25
DeraminDoes anyone know how to get something, *anything*, to code and compile Java set up in Ubuntu?05:25
SinnerGpff slow ;p05:25
violotIf they supported free software/open source software and such I'd be happy05:25
sigwickedpuppy, no kidding05:25
SinnerGops ;p05:25
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wickedpuppyodyssevs, ctrl-x xtrl-c05:26
Gevaudan82Deramin: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-sdk05:26
sigthat was an apt-get install error05:26
bm0nkwickedpuppy:  I tried to configure my wireless card using the networking GUI, but as soon as i change it from DHCP to static, even if i've filled in all the boxes....the OK buttin is greyed out...so i was trying to use this wlan.sh but now obviously im screwed :(05:26
Gevaudan82Deramin: then sudo update-alternatives --config java05:26
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wickedpuppysig, try sudo apt-get install mplayer05:26
sigwickedpuppy, that was the return error of apt-get install mplayer dude05:26
wickedpuppybm0nk, i still can't figure out the error from the bash05:26
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DeraminGevaudan82: hypothetically did it. Not all libraries seem to be there, though or else my program relying on the JDK is fubar05:26
b14ck73425is there a way to make a different program the default for movies05:27
bm0nkwickedpuppy : thats the problem...its not a real error message beccause the file does exist :(05:27
=== violot wishes there were XCode and Obj-C with Cocoa on Linux
haydenAUwhat can i use to burn a dvd-video ?05:27
Netslayeri really dont feel like submitting some bugs, is there a quicker way?05:27
Gevaudan82Deramin: what libraries are you looking for?05:27
violotCocoa and Obj-C looks like a real nice way to develop apps05:27
Netslayerthe edgy installer has a lot of rough edges05:27
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wickedpuppybm0nk, well bash should be slapped :P05:27
Gevaudan82haydenAU: k3b05:28
violotI'd kill for a port of Cocoa to Linux that could make GNOME or Qt apps with Cocoa's same code05:28
haydenAUanything for gnome?05:28
jtholmesNetslayer: like what rough edges05:28
clearzenHow do I set apt to directly connect to the internet instead of using a proxy? What changes need to be made to the apt.conf file?05:28
bm0nkwickedpuppy : This is the final step to make my wireless card work...    ( http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1573173 is my extensive posting lol )05:28
SinnerGwhere I had 80connections / sec before with debian05:28
SinnerGI get 4-5 connections / sec with ubuntu :/05:28
Gevaudan82haydenAU: it's the best dvd burner period and works in gnome even adds menu items...you can try gnomebaker if you want though05:28
SinnerGcompiled apache 2 + php + eaccelerator05:28
=== jturek [n=jturek@cpe-69-205-252-115.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
grandyHello... I've scoured the net about this and finally I'm here on IRC:  I am trying to install the latest Ubuntu server on a dell poweredge 650 with Megaraid... Apparently according to my search the dapper install cd has a version of the kernel w/ a broken megaraid driver... any ideas on what I can do to get dapper installed in spite of that?05:28
SinnerGjust as I had before05:28
SinnerGand load is skyrocketing05:28
haydenAUGevaudan82, ok i'll install that05:28
SinnerG 07:28:55 up 1 day,  3:11,  2 users,  load average: 47.02, 35.04, 32.4505:29
jturekhelp! -r--r--r--   1 root     sys          990 Oct  2 23:16 passwd05:29
RawSewageI was gone, did someone answer my question05:29
bm0nkwickedpuppy : And I think i've nearly fixed it but...this bash script should just be a simple run procedure but NO, its laughing at me, ITS LAUGHING AT ME :(05:29
RawSewagejust kidding05:29
jturekhow can i edit that file as root if its all read only05:29
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Netslayerjtholmes, if the partition managed (manual edit mode) fails to create a partition due to rereading errors it still continues and then dies05:29
bm0nksudo gedit /file05:29
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Senesencedragonfyre13: How's it going?05:29
wickedpuppybm0nk, relax and calm down ...05:29
DeraminGevaudan82: may have misread it. can't find library tools.jar05:29
odyssevsviolot, GNUstep is the ebst you get I'm afraid.05:29
jturekbm0nk: even as root it says permission denied05:29
bm0nkwickedpuppy : lol im sorry, but you have no idea how much time i've spent on this05:29
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bm0nkjturek : Ah...well...thats the end of the line for me helping you...lol im a newbie :(05:30
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wickedpuppybm0nk, wireless isn't that polished on linux ... a few years back it was sound and video ... so on and so on ... blame the companies05:30
jtholmesNetslayer: i noticed the msg  all removed partitions will be formatted  that is bad i have to wait to get home to check that one out05:30
dragonfyre13OK, there are easier ways of doing .FON files, which is what I'm working on. BCF works, but PCF dies.05:30
dragonfyre13Senesence: OK, there are easier ways of doing .FON files, which is what I'm working on. BCF works, but PCF dies.05:30
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bm0nkwickedpuppy :  Well right now wireless isnt the problem, its bash.....05:31
jtholmesNetslayer: i dont dare check it out while on the road too dangerous if i wipe my prime linux mahcine05:31
Senesencedragonfyre13: So I should forget about PCF?05:31
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grandyHello... I've scoured the net about this and finally I'm here on IRC:  I am trying to install the latest Ubuntu server on a dell poweredge 650 with Megaraid... Apparently according to my search the dapper install cd has a version of the kernel w/ a broken megaraid driver... any ideas on what I can do to get dapper installed in spite of that?05:31
dragonfyre13FON is the way to go. It's windows standard.05:31
dragonfyre13Senesence: FON is the way to go. It's windows standard.05:31
bm0nkwickedpuppy : I've done the hard part....installing ndsiwrapper/card driver, getting it to see it...getting it connected...now just trying to run this F-ing script to get it working...and it doesnt even give me an error i can go google and research05:31
Codemaster_hey guys, I've looked around on the forums and online for this problem and I still am unable to fix it: gpg: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.so.5: undefined symbol: BC05:31
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bm0nkwickedpuppy : doing my freaking head in05:31
dragonfyre13Senesence: The thing is, PCF 5 years ago was great. It's just gone out by now.05:32
Senesencedragonfyre13: Someone should change the docs.05:32
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto05:32
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer05:32
Codemaster_so if anyone can help, that'd be awesome :D05:32
dragonfyre13Senesence: lemme look.05:32
WhiteNoiseIF i have installed nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel-common, and then later want to install an nvidia 3rd party module, how do I work this out?  uninstall both ubuntu packages and run nvidia's installer?  just use nvidia's installers and ignore installed pckgs?05:33
=== Byan [n=nullstri@emcnair-237-204.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
NormalI'm having alot of trouble installing Ubuntu and would appreciate any help. It's a little long to put here so: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=2447076#post244707605:33
Cheep-cheepGuys I have to say I like KDE.05:34
=== roughtrader [n=roughtra@c-67-180-175-252.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cheep-cheepProbably because it reminds me of uh....05:34
clearzenHow can I tell apt to directly connect to the internet instead of using a proxy?05:34
Codemaster_here's a link to the problem I've been having: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26902205:34
roughtraderdoes anyone here use lyx?05:34
tritiumWhiteNoise: use ubuntu packages, not nvidia installers05:34
ApolloOK so guys05:34
ApolloI need quite a large amount of help05:34
EnsignRedshirtCheep-cheep: ...cartoons?05:34
ithielhow does one switch desktops (gnome to KDE) using Apt?05:34
Codemaster_apt-get the kubuntu-desktop05:35
ithielI'm getting old and I've forgotten, forgive me05:35
ApolloUbuntu stopped booting today..it keeps hanging on the part where it loads the manual drivers.05:35
bm0nkWell i guess no one can help me, im thoroughly pissed off with this bash:/05:35
WhiteNoisetritium, so far I have, but the latest ubuntu have problems with getty (f1 - f6) *AND* wine (wine won't show any fonts) -- big problems for me05:35
=== Codemaster_ waits in the query line of questions...
ApolloFor some reason, my wireless light on my laptop keeps blinkingwhen it freezes05:35
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odyssevsCodemaster_, libncurses-dev is installed?05:35
ithielyay. no more stupefying desktop.05:35
Codemaster_should be, let me double check here05:36
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ApolloThings I've tried: disabling wireless in the bios, and booting in recovery mode.05:36
odyssevshas some whistles and bells with it.. apt-get with -s to check.05:36
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Codemaster_odyssevs: yes, libncurses5-dev is installed05:36
Cheep-cheepEnsignRedshirt: Cartoons?05:36
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=== Cheep-cheep is a Mario enemy.
EnsignRedshirtCheep-cheep: Just finishing your previous comment.  KDE always looked cartoonish to me.05:37
Cheep-cheepWell, maybe that's why I like it?05:37
alex_ubuntuWho can help with a CUPS install05:37
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odyssevsCodemaster_, http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/devel/06/01/3799.html05:38
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Codemaster_i'll take a look at that; thank you for your help so far.05:38
morphiranyone run engage the osx-like docker??05:38
ellioT`hows it goin everyone05:38
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ellioT`code, i couldn't get it to install05:38
lostboyzi was wondering i have a problem when i try to logout after i changed the xorg serever to accomodate my ati graphics card now i just get a black screen05:38
ellioT`i got that kxdocker or whatever05:38
ellioT`but it was too annoying05:39
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Gevaudan82lostboyz: see if you have an /etc/X11/xorg.backup05:39
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Dr_willisellioT`,  i agree there.05:39
morphirellioT`: kxdocker sucks man05:39
ANTDx1Anyone know what is causing my laptop to hang during boot?05:39
Codemaster_odyssevs: what's this 'R'? Do i have to recompile it and if so, where do i obtain the sources05:39
ellioT`i know, lol05:39
Gevaudan82ANTDx1: did  you  check /var/log/messages?05:39
ellioT`how do you get transparent windows, or borders05:39
lostboyzyes i have one but i want to know exactly why it is not able to work05:39
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ANTDx1Gevaudan82, I can't because it won't boot.05:39
ellioT`kinda like vista, i have seen it in screenshots05:39
Gevaudan82ANTDx1: enter grub, enter e to edit the default entry and then type single after it...alternativly, check enter the fail safe mode, they do the same thing05:40
ellioT`can't get the forum's search to work right now, so i figured i would check out the chat05:40
AngryParsleyellioT`: it annoys me how many quirks it inherits from XP05:40
AngryParsleylike bluetooth05:40
EnsignRedshirtCrud... I got the update to Firerfox in breezy, and now video, java and flash don't work.05:40
ellioT`i just switched to ubuntu05:40
odyssevsCodemaster_, no idea. Another site (in German) mentions it too.05:40
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ANTDx1Gevaudan82: what will that do?  I have a dual-boot on my computer.  The boot for Ubuntu starts, but then stops at a certain point in the mounting of hardware and loading of drivers05:40
AngryParsleythe hardware accelerated UI is nice, but apple has had it for years05:41
Codemaster_yeah, i've found most of this via google05:41
ellioT`like a week ago, haven't been in linux for years05:41
Dr_willisellioT`,  forums search has been having some up and down issues :(05:41
AngryParsleyI'm setting up an ubuntu lamp server right now05:41
AngryParsleyand so far it's going swimmingly05:41
Codemaster_it's very odd, apt-get fails because gpg fails because of this05:41
odyssevsCodemaster_, some French site was suggesting perhaps libncurses-dev wasn't as up-to-date as necessary. Nothing which gives you a solution of course.05:41
ellioT`dr_willi, its saying db down right now, you know what gives you transparent windows?05:41
Codemaster_hm, ok05:41
ellioT`or just the borders05:41
Codemaster_i'll try reinstalling libncurses05:41
Gevaudan82ANTDx1: it'll allow you to enter the command line...then type tail /var/log/messages to see where your boot is choking at...whatever line you get search it in google and changes are someone else has had the same problem05:41
odyssevsCodemaster_, I wouldn't break your neck over it.05:42
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Gevaudan82ANTDx1: if it's related to your ati driver...see if you have a backup of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file...if so replace xorg.conf with your backup05:42
Codemaster_i can't install half the updates the05:42
Cheep-cheepOk, nobody can say yucky to KDE.05:42
Codemaster_because it fails gpg'ing them05:42
ellioT`what you guys use for irc, xchat?05:42
Senesencedragonfyre13: I have to go. Thank you for trying to help me. If you find any answers to this issue please be so kind as to post the answer here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=269528. Thanks again for all you did.05:42
Dr_willisellioT`,  using xchat 2.4 here. :)05:43
dragonfyre13Senesence: sure.05:43
dragonfyre13Senesence: I'll post if I find it.05:43
ANTDx1ok i'll try that and be back if it doesn't work05:43
Senesencedragonfyre13: Thanks05:43
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ellioT`hrmm, i want those transparent window borders like vista05:43
Codemaster_my friend has them with the newet ubuntu in gnome05:43
Codemaster_not sure how or what theme he is using05:43
Dr_willisellioT`,  useless eye candy.05:44
ellioT`he has the transparency? so jealous05:44
ellioT`i know, but sometimes i like the useless05:44
DarkMageZellioT`, i think you're refering to compiz/beryl... it's alpha software... but if you REALLY wanna hurt your system then visit #ubuntu-xgl05:44
ellioT`lol, i don't want to hurt it05:44
AngryParsleyellioT`: the eye candy is pretty useless05:44
AngryParsleyit's not worth the instability right now05:44
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ellioT`oh ok, thanx05:45
AngryParsleyand the frustration of setting up xgl05:45
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Codemaster_ellioT`: he said he using beryl to achieve the transparency effects.05:45
Dr_williseven if it was stable..i dont see how it makes you any more productive..05:45
ellioT`i can't beleive how great this works right after the install05:45
DarkMageZDr_willis, you should try it for a month. it does help when it works05:45
ellioT`wireless works perfect, everything05:45
Dr_willisi guess i am the only peson that likes clean, clear, easy to read/use themes.05:45
AngryParsleyDr_willis: in OSX at least they made up things like dashboard and expose to make things easier05:45
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AngryParsleybut besides that there's only the performance enhancement05:45
Dr_willisDarkMageZ,  i dont see how. I tend to set up desktops for my different tasks and just swithc tween them.05:45
odyssevsDr_willis, far from it.05:45
ellioT`now i dual boot my other comp, ubuntu's drivers worked better than xp or vista ever did05:45
SkramXapi.c:30:22: ft2build.h: No such file or directory05:46
SkramXany idea?05:46
SkramXdo i need to apt-get something to get that?05:46
Dr_willisThen again.. ive been using the "Matchbox" window manager lately. :P thats.. different.05:46
alex_ubuntuany one ever use the  http://localhost:631/admin CUPS to install a printer05:46
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Codemaster_odyssevs: I reinstalled all of the ncurses libraries via synaptic and ran sudo ldconfig, but I still have the libreadline.so.5 undefined symbol: BC error.05:46
odyssevsalex_ubuntu, yes, nearly put me off linux for life.05:46
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alex_ubuntuno luck...05:46
DarkMageZSkramX, what on earth are you trying to build?05:46
SkramXimlib2 for enlightenment 1705:46
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bimberiubotu tell alex_ubuntu about cupsweb05:47
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odyssevsSkramX, http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2004-03/thread00287-0.html05:47
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cafuegolibimlib2 1.2.1-2  not good enough?05:48
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flowbotanybody using telepathy in edgy? i can't figure how to connect to irc channel with the idle extension ...05:49
Dr_willisalex_ubuntu,  thats disabled by default in ubuntu - it LOOKS like it works. but it dosent05:50
Dr_willisalex_ubuntu,  its a bit of a sore spot with the cups devs. :P the ubuntu forums/wikis discuss how to reenable the web interface05:50
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delaneydoes anyone here use mpd and gmpc ??05:51
delaneyim COMPLETELY confused05:51
odyssevsCodemaster_, may I see your /etc/apt/sources.list please?05:51
Codemaster_want me to PM you it?05:51
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odyssevshttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org] 05:51
Codemaster_that works05:51
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Codemaster_odyssevs: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25545/05:52
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Codemaster_it errors on us.archive, beerorkid, blutkind, compiz-mirror, compiz.net and security.ubuntu.com05:52
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cute_bettong! ati05:53
Cheep-cheepKDE = win.05:53
Cheep-cheepSorry guys.05:53
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:54
Dr_willissorry Cheep-cheep  kde = kde. win=win05:54
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:54
grandyhello.... does anyone know what the noprobe options is on installation?  is it just install noprobe?05:55
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Cheep-cheepHahaha does not compute.05:55
Cheep-cheepdoes not compute.05:55
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Dr_willis'danger danger danger!'05:55
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NormalSporeI got disconnected and don't know if my last msge went through....Did it?05:56
Cheep-cheepI guess I'm just weird.05:56
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ravenwritingdeskGuys I'm on an amd64 laptop that I can't get ALSA to work on.05:56
ravenwritingdeskeverything else works great.05:56
Dr_willisNormalSpore,  not that ive seen05:56
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems05:56
Cheep-cheepAlsa really sucks ravenwritingdesk05:56
AntiochDoes anyone know any good programs to code java using - preferably ones that have debuggers. xemacs has a debugger and syntax hilighting, but I don't think the debugger will work with java...05:56
ravenwritingdeskcheep-cheep: not much option anymore no?05:57
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Cheep-cheepYah, but there's nothing you can really do about it.05:57
Cheep-cheepUnless you set up hardware to use esd AND alsa like I did. Haha.05:57
NormalSporeOkay. I've reposted my problem on ubuntu's forums(from linuxquestions) so maybe someone will be more inclined to help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1574298#post157429805:57
Cheep-cheepNo need for applause! Really!05:58
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michaelWooh... the nv drivers for my Nvidia card do NOT work, only thing working so far is VESA :\05:58
tyler_dany way I can specify which driver is loaded for a wifi connection? still can't get it working?05:58
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Cheep-cheepGuys. Off topic, I need a high five.05:59
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=== ANTDx1 high-fives Cheep-cheep
odyssevscode, try http://pastebin.ca/18951206:00
grandyhello.... does anyone know what the noprobe options is on installation?  is it just install noprobe?06:00
ANTDx1Back on topic, I could not figure out how to edit grub, so I still cannot access my Ubuntu partition06:00
Codemaster_is this your sources?06:00
alex_ubuntuCan I use CUPS to configure a printer on a router with a print server06:02
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alex_ubuntuAnd if so... how..06:02
ANTDx1Can anyone help me fix this problem I'm having?06:02
TsukinoOkay, I think I'm in trouble. =(06:02
ithielwhat's a good channel to go to for help with assembly?06:03
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ANTDx1what's a good channel to go to for people who actually respond?06:03
ithielthis used to be a fairly responsive channel06:03
TsukinoIs there a way to try to kickstart a battery to work again? Mine suddenly shows no charge and will not charge06:03
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ithielI used to be a helper :)06:03
odyssevsStandard policy is to tell us the problem, ANTDx1. Saves the typing.06:03
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tonyyarussoANTDx1: I might be able to help you futz with grub; what's up?06:03
ithielhello tonyyarusso06:04
shriphaniwee i fixed the audio problem06:04
tonyyarussoHey ithiel06:04
ithiel*cracks neck* I'm getting old06:04
grandyhello.... does anyone know what the noprobe options is on installation?  is it just install noprobe?  I can't get dapper to stop probing and installing a bunch of modules!06:04
ANTDx1Well I don't really want to futz with grub directly...I've been in and out of here all day trying different fixes for the same problem: when I boot Ubuntu, it keeps stopping at the part where it is "loading manual drivers"06:04
ithielneed to learn me some assembler.06:04
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ANTDx1During that stop, the wireless light on my laptop blinks slightly06:04
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odyssevsithiel, try some of the mainstream language channels on undernet.06:05
ANTDx1I have a feeling that something has gone wrong with the wireless drivers, but I have no idea what to do about it, because I can't even boot into Ubuntu06:05
shriphaniloading manual or restricted ?06:05
Codemaster_odyssevs: still get that gpg error06:05
odyssevsTsukino, laptop battery?06:05
Tsukinoyeah, I have no idea what happened06:05
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TsukinoIt showed no loss of charge or any difference before now06:06
TsukinoNow even the button on the battery itself won't register. It's like the battery is just dead.06:06
psynautichey i tried to update to edgy, and i cant boot in using the new kernel, i managed to get in ok with the old kernel tho06:06
ANTDx1Manual drivers06:06
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odyssevsTsukino, happens. You haven't been operating it at minus 50 or anything? =)06:07
ANTDx1not restricted06:07
TsukinoNope, only thing I've done was not run it for a few weeks.06:07
tyler_dhow do I specify drivers to use with devices?06:07
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odyssevsTsukino, completely discharge it and leave her recharging for about 24 hours.06:07
TsukinoI'm sure the battery discharged in that time, as it's done it before.06:08
TsukinoUnplugging my laptop shuts it off instantly06:08
odyssevsAll rechargeable batteries should be completely discharged every once in a while (no idea whether newer technology circumvents that.)06:08
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Codemaster_so would anyone know anything about libreadline.so.5 problems :(06:09
blindMy VNC server won't work. I try to connect to it, it says unable to connect. I try to run Xvnc, it says it's running on display 0 -- so why won't it connect?06:09
TsukinoIt should have been completely discharged today. The laptop wasn't plugged in for at least 3 weeks.06:09
odyssevsTsukino, any time I've ever bought a device with a rechargeable battery the manual has made a firm point of leaving it on charge for 24 hours before running off it.06:09
odyssevsCodemaster_, scratching my head there..06:09
ANTDx1Any idea as to what I can do to fix the problem?06:09
TsukinoThe battery's about 2 years old too06:09
Codemaster_yeah, me tooo06:09
odyssevsCodemaster_, try apt-key update06:09
Codemaster_i dont have ubuntu-keyring installed06:10
Codemaster_because gpg fails06:10
Codemaster_so i can't execute an apt-key update06:10
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odyssevsCodemaster_, so install it.06:11
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odyssevshttp://rpm.rutgers.edu/repository/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubuntu-keyring/ or whatever.06:11
Codemaster_i just attempte dto06:11
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Codemaster_it won't let me because gpg complains06:11
odyssevsHow did you try installing it?06:11
Codemaster_i'll try using the actual file, though06:12
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odyssevsGet the package yourself and do it manually.06:12
TsukinoI think it was around 30% when I unplugged my laptop. That's when it shut off. After that it showed 0% on that battery, and doesn't charge. The laptop firmware shows it at 0%, and the battery itself shows no charge on its button06:12
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odyssevsTsukino, stick it in the freezer for 5 or 10 minutes.06:12
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odyssevsDon't leave it in all night or you'll end up with a thermal runaway.06:13
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clustywhat package contains gimptool?06:13
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odyssevsclusty, read http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/dapper/libdevel/libgimp2.0-dev - might assist you.06:14
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jmoncayodoes anybody here have a linksys wrt54g???06:15
Codemaster_odyssevs: same error; it won't let me install ubuntu-keyring because it fails at gpg checking06:15
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BlingBonk] Anyone heard of Richard Stallman?06:15
Codemaster_he's the GNU guy, right?06:15
bfwho's he?06:15
tonyyarussojmoncayo: I will by the end of the week.06:15
chemajaaka. RMS06:15
odyssevsCodemaster_, you downloaded the package itself?06:15
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Codemaster_yes, the .deb file06:16
odyssevsand used dpkg?06:16
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Codemaster_yes, i did a sudo dpkg -i ubuntu-keyring_2005.01.12.1_all.deb06:16
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bfcan someone help me navigate launchpad to get a sense of bugs left in edgy?06:16
jmoncayotonyyarusso: do you know if you can use the ddns featire with a web page?06:16
snoopBLingBonk] : Stallman Founder of GNU Project and Free Software Foundation06:16
BlingBonk] His views are really extreme man06:17
tonyyarussojmoncayo: No idea.  (However, I do know that there's a lot of info at linksysinfo.org)06:17
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MadpilotBlingBonk] , #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, please06:18
BlingBonk] ok06:18
BlingBonk] ive been banned from there for months06:18
tyler_dhow do I remove the drivers for any piece of hardware?06:18
BlingBonk] my ban does seem to be getting lifted06:18
jshamash66can someone help me out, i've been running ubuntu for an hour and i can't figure out how to share a folder with other computers on my network running XP06:18
SkramXautomake does not support beinf defined conditionally06:18
SkramXany idea to that error?06:18
ANTDx1I've been in and out of here all day trying different fixes for the same problem: when I boot Ubuntu, it keeps stopping at the part where it is "loading manual drivers"  During this time, the wireless light on my laptop blinks softly.  Does anyone have any possible solutions to this?06:18
BlingBonk] I honestly cant remember why Im banned06:18
snooppissed off the oper?06:19
BlingBonk] I guess so06:19
BlingBonk] but this isnt the room to talk about it06:19
Dr_willisits because you were ONTOPIC in the OFFtopic room!06:19
BlingBonk] lol06:19
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BlingBonk] woo unbanned, thanks!06:20
MadpilotBlingBonk] , ban in -offtopic is lifted...06:20
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BlingBonk] cheers06:20
=== BlingBonk] shutups in ubuntu
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BlingBonk] thanks06:20
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odyssevsCodemaster_, wtf did you do to your system? =)06:20
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omar hi guys I installed frostwire and it dowsn't open , what can I do06:20
jshamash66does anyone here no anything about sharing folders between ubuntu and XP?.....06:20
jtholmesANTDx1: are you booting single user that you see that message?06:20
snoopjshamash66>: System -> Administrator -> Share Folders ?06:20
omar hi guys I installed frostwire and it dowsn't open , what can I do06:20
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ANTDx1booting single user?  what does that mean?06:21
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jtholmesANTDx1: ok lets start from the beginning when and were do you see that message06:21
Codemaster_odyssevs: what we did was removed all the libreadline from /usr/local/lib06:21
snoopjshamash66>: System -> Administrator -> Share Folders ?06:21
Codemaster_odyssevs: and then did an ldconfig06:21
jshamash66no, i have samba and i tried sharing, but my XP computer can't find my Ubuntu one06:21
snoopin ubuntu06:21
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Codemaster_odyssevs: seemed to fix it [somehow?] 06:21
kriticalAnyone know a command to display the currnet directory?... like output /home/user or whatever the working directory is?06:22
drewIs there any way I can sort top by memory usage?06:22
ANTDx1Under the Ubuntu logo during the boot process.06:22
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shriphanikritical, pwd06:22
ANTDx1The little bar gets about 1/8 of the way through, then it just stops at this step.06:22
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jtholmesANTDx1: ok what version of ubuntu06:22
drewANTDx1, your xserver configuration may be bad.06:23
ANTDx1Ubuntu 6.0606:23
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ANTDx1Drew: how would I fix that?06:23
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jtholmesANTDx1: i dont run ubuntu but dont you have two entrys in the  grub menu one for single user?06:24
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jshamash66how can I get my winXP computer to find my Ubuntu computer's shared folder?06:24
ANTDx1umm...no i have a few entries06:24
ANTDx1one for Ubuntu normal and one for recovery mode06:24
drewANTDx1, in the grub menu choose the safe mode version of your kernel06:24
jtholmesANTDx1: does one say failsafe06:24
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drewEhh ANTDx1 did you recently install a new video driver?06:25
ANTDx1Not that I'm aware of.  There are three for ubuntu, one for teach kernel version06:25
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odyssevsCodemaster_, rm -rf ~/.gnupg06:25
odyssevsCodemaster_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnupg06:25
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ANTDx1and each one has its own safe mode.  I tried the top safe mode, and the process still stopped at the same place, except it was shown on just a black-and-white prompt06:26
jtholmesANTDx1: answer drews question about the video driver06:26
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ANTDx1I have not installed a new video driver recently.  I'm running whatever was automatically recognized for video.  I did install a new wireless driver recently06:26
ParisiWhats different about beep player and xmms?06:27
jtholmesANTDx1: when it stops what is the longest time you have waited before forcing a reboot?06:27
drewHmm... I was having a similar problem when my X server couldn't load my nvidia driver, it may be a driver problem.06:27
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jtholmesdrew: sound like it doesnt it06:27
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ANTDx1atleast 2 or 3 minutes.  I don't wait that long everytime...after the first two, when I looked and saw the light blinking, I just forced the reboot.06:27
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drewDoes anyone know how to detect for multiple processes under the same command? I have 2GB of ram and I'm at 90% usage, I don't want to have to reboot.06:28
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toppinghi all!  i'm about to do my first ubuntu install, but need to do it over the top of an existing set of data from a redhat install. can I do that?06:28
jmoncayotonyyarusso: do you know how to flash the linksys router06:28
jtholmesANTDx1: ok lets wait for about 5-7 to 10 minutes to see if there is a timeout problem and it hits it and when the timeout is reached it go ahead a boots06:28
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Madpilotenough spamming the channel for now :)06:29
tonyyarussojmoncayo: Not yet.  Maybe I'll learn once mine arrives.06:29
ANTDx1ok I'll try that.06:29
jtholmesANTDx1: no waiting for a while has bit me a lot in the past06:29
jmoncayotonyyarusso: do you have any tuts on how to do it?06:29
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jtholmesANTDx1: no=not06:29
ANTDx1alright I'll try and see.06:29
ANTDx1thanks..I'll probably be back if it doesn't work after that06:29
tonyyarussojmoncayo: I think there are instructions at the URL I gave earlier.06:30
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jtholmesANTDx1: wait for at least 7 minutes06:30
tonyyarussoIs it safe to share a /home between Dapper and Edgy installations?06:30
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jtholmestonyyarusso: should be fine to share06:31
Dr_willistonyyarusso,  ive had issues with kde and gnome settings having issues...06:31
madewokherdnot necessarily06:31
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Dr_williswhen used with different versions of kde/gnome06:31
orospakrheh, it looks like gnome-terminal blows up on edgy when using nvidia. (BadValue X11 error)06:31
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jtholmestonyyarusso: share them from the command line06:32
madewokherdin the past sharing settings between different versions of gnome has caused problems (for the older version)06:32
tyler_domg, could anyone tell me how to remove a driver please?06:32
DrewZFtyler_d, what type of driver?06:33
tonyyarussoDr_willis: I'll keep my eye out for weirdness with those then.06:33
toppingis this a bad place to ask for installation help?06:33
jtholmestyler_d: if it is listed when you do a lsmod then  modprobe -r drivername unless it is in use which sometimes prevents removal06:33
snoopSystem -> Administrator -> Sypnatic Package Manager ?06:33
tyler_dDrewZF: wifi driver06:33
Netslayernice my cable modem is operating at 40 up and 4000 down right now.. fricking dial up is faster ** curses 4th isp in two weeks06:34
DrewZFtyler_d, Go with jtholmes' advice to remove the driver from execution, go with snoops advice to remove it altogether06:34
TsukinoWell, freezer didn't make my battery respond. Going to let it sit outside my laptop for a week or so.06:34
tyler_dDrewZF: didn't see that advice from snoop?06:35
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orospakrwhen Launchpad/Malone says "$package_whatever does not use Malone as it's bug tracker", that means I'm supposed to file all bugs with upstream?06:36
jake_im a linux newbie, and need help setting up shared folders06:36
jake_my winXP computers won't find my Ubuntu one06:37
alex_ubuntugnite all06:37
DrewZFtyler_d, Use synaptic package manager06:37
orospakroh, I get it! I have to go to distros/ubuntu in Launchpad.06:37
alex_ubuntuAnd if so... how..06:37
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TsukinoIf I recall how I did it, I made a directory and set it to the permissions I wanted, then I went and mounted that directory to a FAT32 formatted partition06:39
snooptyler_d: System -> Administrator -> Sypnatic Package Manager ?06:39
snoopyou can remove the driver there06:39
TsukinoTrying it the other way never let me keep permissions, but I finally managed to make it work.06:39
jtholmesi need the /etc/  filename for adding  mulitverse  keyword06:39
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jtholmesfor package urls06:39
madewokherdthere are mount options for permissions..06:39
snoopTsukino you used chmod?06:39
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:40
Cheep-cheepubuntu kde love.06:40
DrewZFCheep-cheep, amen.06:41
=== Cheep-cheep bows
Cheep-cheepI've said my piece.06:41
=== ANTDx1 [n=imathew@mcut-c-021.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu
chronic1any built in tools in ubuntu to convert ape to flac or mp3?06:41
ANTDx1Alright that worked06:41
chronic1or ogg - should say06:41
Healotlame; and a wave converter06:42
ANTDx1jtholmes:  I now have another problem: my computer is at 100% use..constantly06:42
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Healot!info flac06:42
ubotuflac: Free Lossless Audio Codec - command line tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.2-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 122 kB, installed size 332 kB06:42
Healot!info lame06:42
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-1 (dapper), package size 222 kB, installed size 620 kB06:42
jtholmesANTDx1: so disable the wireless since it was the last thing you did06:42
TsukinoYeah, I had used chmod, but the deal was that I was mounting a VFAT partition, which didn't support privileges.06:42
jtholmeslast thing you loaded that is06:42
snoopcheep-cheep: ubuntu gnome love06:42
TsukinoSo I had to set privileges on the directory before mounting it.06:43
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TsukinoWorks fine for me now. I just pray I don't have to remember how in a year or two06:43
toppingok so hopefully someone here knows wtf i'm talking about06:43
toppingi have eight disks that i am installing ubuntu on06:43
jtholmesANTDx1: the wifi is probably a module do you know how to unload it06:43
Cheep-cheepI don't mind gnome. It's just ugly. Haha06:43
toppingtwo sets of four, each set RAID5, then lvm'd across them06:43
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ANTDx1jtholmes: Not a clue.  I isntalled a driver that I thought would work.  It was working but now it doesn't.  IT could be because I tried installing two different drivers...the first one did't seem to work.06:44
snoopcheep-cheep: nuh uh06:44
toppingso i need to get the ubuntu installer to recognize the configuration and save the data on them06:44
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holoton1dear god06:44
holoton1all I want to do is format an external hard drive as fat3206:44
jtholmesANTDx1: hmm... interseting do you know the names of the drivers you installed06:44
holoton1and I am about to pull my hair out06:44
toppingthe partitioner seems to recognize the md, but the lvm configuration screens are pretty poor and say they want to write to my disks with a very nondescript message06:44
Cheep-cheepI'll probably use gnome most of the time, I just wanted to try kde....06:45
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toppingi'm not comfortable with what it's saying without getting confirmation from someone who knows06:45
Cheep-cheepBecause I'll forget it's there.06:45
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toppingdoes anyone know?06:45
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toppingor is this a bad place to ask?06:45
ANTDx1jtholmes:  One was bcmxxxx I believe.  That one didn't work.06:45
SlackwiseSooo, I'm installing Ubuntu, and it's sitting at 84% "Configuring apt..."06:45
ANTDx1The other, I don't know the name but I know it's for the broadcom 4318 wireless card06:45
SlackwiseIs this just a long process, or has the installer hung?06:45
snoopcheep-cheep: gnome using 800x600 :P06:45
yverielneed help, is there a Macromedia Flash for ubuntu linux?06:46
orospakrhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+package/gnome-terminal <-- why are all the options greyed out?06:46
cpk2Cheep-cheep: most window managers are the same, you need to play with them to get them to look how you like them06:46
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snoopyveriel: yes06:46
snoopyveriel: download the plugins06:46
Cheep-cheepI wish I remembered my other name.06:46
jtholmesANTDx1: ok execute   lsmod | grep -i bcm  and see is one of the names is  bcmxxx  something06:46
Geoffrey2yveriel, extremely outdated, but it exists06:46
Cheep-cheepDoes anyone remember some avagant guy from earlier?06:46
madewokherdcpk2: can you name two window managers that are the same?06:46
snoop!Macromedia Flash06:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Macromedia Flash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:46
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yverielsnoop: i mean the editor06:46
AvagantI guess that was me.06:46
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cpk2madewokherd: gnome and kde both feel very similiar to me06:47
shriphanii feel flubox is ok06:47
madewokherdgnome and kde aren't window managers06:47
yverielor something that could create swf files06:47
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shriphanioh window managers06:47
shriphanithunar and nautilus06:48
ANTDx1jtholmes: , no response from the terminal..it just moved to the next line06:48
cpk2err desktop enviroment06:48
Geoffrey2anyone here use Evolution?06:48
shriphanialthough one doesnt give you a trash can the other does06:48
cpk2common typo =P06:48
Avagantright on the first try ftw!06:48
madewokherdthunar and nautilus are file managers :|06:48
jtholmesANTDx1: ok so that driver is not loaded (it appears)  what was the other driver name06:48
ubotuthunar: File Manager for Xfce. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.0+r21789-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 368 kB, installed size 2632 kB06:48
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ubuntusomeone help me06:49
shriphanicpk2, i feel kde and windows06:49
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mr-russubuntu: you need a problem first06:49
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jtholmesANTDx1: if you dont remember then execute   lsmod  |  less and scroll thru the list and see if anything comes to mind06:49
ubuntui have installed windows after linux and i cant install grub06:49
toppingif I pour fresh chicken blood over the keyboard of my annointed ubuntu machine, will i be more successful than i currently am?06:49
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jtholmesANTDx1: that is   lsmod | less    less is a pager in case you are use to more06:50
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mr-russubuntu: boot from install cd and load recovery06:50
Avaganttopping: HAHAH06:50
Geoffrey2is it possible to set up more than one email account for a single user in Evolution?06:50
ANTDx1well ndiswrapper was used somewhere in the process06:50
ubuntumr-russ: im in live cd06:50
orospakrGeoffrey2, yes.06:50
AvagantProbably not, unless you praise the god of Ubuntu06:50
toppingAvagant: excellent, i am not just talking to myself06:50
toppingAvagant: thank you06:50
mr-russubuntu: mount the hdd, open a shell, chroot and install grub again06:50
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Avaganttopping: don't worry i'm having just as many problems06:50
Avaganttopping: everyone keeps telling me how easy things are, and pretty much they speak lies.06:51
casfindadI recommend sudo /etc/init.d/chicken restart06:51
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ANTDx1other than ndiswrapper, I see no loaded modules that correspond to the ones I installed06:51
toppingAvagant: this thing has a really nasty installer06:51
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Avaganttopping: it's very touch too.06:51
yverielneed a Fla/Swf creator (just like FLASH) is there a software for ubuntu linux?06:51
Avaganttopping: word of advice, don't ever decide you need to -R anything06:51
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ubuntumr-russ: mount /dev/hda?06:52
Avaganttopping: especially anything in the /usr/bin vicinity06:52
toppingAvagant: -r ?06:52
ubuntumr-russ: mount: can't find /dev/hda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:52
Geoffrey2orospakr, ok, under what menu would I find where I set up additional accounts?06:52
taylor_kick LookTJ06:52
AvagantIt's a command to change the owner of the files or some crap like that.06:52
taylor_someone please06:52
Avaganttopping: so pretty much if you do it for your name, you lose sudo.06:52
madewokherdyveriel: I doubt it, most flash stuff that's not official seems pretty limited06:52
Madpilottaylor_, um, why?06:52
Avaganttopping: of course i didn't know that, so i couldn't do jack crap.06:52
taylor_it's me06:53
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taylor_i restart gdm06:53
orospakrGeoffrey2, Edit->Preferences06:53
ANTDx1jtjt: only ndiswrapper is recognizable...I still have some of the files that I tried in my home directory, but other than that, nothing06:53
jtjtANTDx1: i changed names  how are you doing06:53
ubuntumr-russ: i cant mount06:53
toppingAvagant: I guess I am going to go back to fedora06:53
Madpilottaylor_, if the nick is registered to you, you can just ghost it06:53
Avaganttopping: I'd like to go back to Windows honestly.06:53
cute_bettongi have an ati radeon 9700 and it has a dvi out only i was wondering if anyone could tell me why i cannot get it to work like i did the last time06:53
Madpilottaylor_, /msg nickserv help06:53
Avaganttopping: It's about 300 times easier to do ANYTHING06:53
madewokherdAvagant: then why don't you?06:53
cute_bettongi need video acceleration06:53
toppingAvagant: fedora is much easier to work with06:53
jtjtANTDx1: not familiar with ndiswrapper you will have to ask someone else06:53
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Avagantmadewokherd: Because I don't have a disc?06:54
jtjtANTDx1: however  cd to /etc/init.d06:54
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jtjtANTDx1: and lets check something06:54
Geoffrey2orospakr, ah, there it is...thanks....I've been using Thunderbird, but I had to wipe everything and start over a few days ago, and since Evolution comes pre-installed, I thought I'd try that for a while06:54
Avaganttopping: Well, one of the only reasons I got Ubuntu to begin with is because my Winodws disc died on me.06:54
LookTJthanks guys06:54
toppingAvagant: you can't download?06:54
madewokherdthat would be illegal06:54
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Avaganttopping: I probably could.06:54
cute_bettongcan anyone help me with my ati card06:54
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ANTDx1jtjt: I'm there.06:55
toppingdownload fedora fc506:55
srigreetings, I'm using edgy right now and I"m trying to install gaim-librvp but it fails06:55
jtjtANTDx1: when you are in  /etc/init.d  execute   ls -ltra  and see if any of the last few files listed were changed about the time you loaded any of the wifi drivers06:55
Madpilotcute_bettong, have you looked at the ATI stuff on the Ubuntu wiki?06:55
Avaganttopping: I'm giving this a try, one of the main problems going back though is my soundcard wasn't properly configured and I'm not sure it will be.06:55
tonyyarussosri: /join #ubuntu+106:55
Avaganttopping: So pretty much I didn't have any sound at all and it sucked.06:55
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cute_bettongi followed the howto06:55
Avaganttopping: But sound worked right out of the box on Ubuntu.06:55
madewokherdhmm, actually my soundcard doesn't work on the latest dapper kernel either06:55
cute_bettongand it diden't work06:55
LookTJI still under syn flood attack06:55
Madpilotcute_bettong, you said 9700, right? That should work, my 9600XT works fine in Ubuntu06:55
cute_bettongbut did before my hard drive crashed and died06:55
toppingAvagant: #fedora is pretty helpful06:56
LookTJhow do i get the ip06:56
madewokherdoh wait it is working?06:56
cute_bettongyea it does work but i cannot get it to use flgrx06:56
AvagantMy soundcard works great here!06:56
AvagantYes but is fedora all like "you have to make your own EVERYTHING?"06:56
ANTDx1jtjt: Nope..one shows up from a few weeks ago, the other shows up from tonight06:56
cute_bettongand i followed the how to to the letter06:56
madewokherdI'm confused where it doesn't work, not that there's any reason for me to know06:56
Madpilotcute_bettong, go thru the howto again - fglrx should work for your card06:56
cute_bettongiti says missing screen when the xorg log06:56
AvagantAnd now that I actually know what my soundcard is, I can get the right drivers if I go back to Windows.06:56
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cute_bettongit has a dvi to vga converter06:56
madewokherdAvagant: I think that's just gentoo06:57
cute_bettongas there is only one dvi port06:57
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jtjtANTDx1: what is the name of the one who's access time is tonight06:57
Avagantmadewokherd: I don't know anything about building, or compiling or any of that junk, so it's like if I get something that I need to do all the work for..06:57
ANTDx1it says ..06:57
cute_bettongand i have been through the howto 3 times06:57
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cute_bettongmaybe someone can help?06:57
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Avagantmadewokherd: Don't get me wrong, I like Ubuntu (especially because my sound works) but I don't know..06:58
Avagantmadewokherd: There's something about it, that irks me the wrong way.06:58
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pppoe_dudeanyone here using intel i855gme graphics? have you installed any special drivers and did you find that it helped?06:58
ANTDx1jtjt:  the exact line is drwxr-xr-x 120 root root 4096 2006-10-03 00:36 ..06:58
madewokherdit's not hard..but..yeah, you shouldn't have to compile lots of stuff06:58
toppingAvagant: fedora comes with way too much, actually06:58
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[1] AdamHow do I fix my Ubuntu clock and my WinXP clock, everytime I logon to Ubunto, the clock is 1hour off, and when I log back on to WinXP its clock is wrong too :(06:58
jtjtANTDx1: what is the file name at the right side of the line06:58
Avaganttopping: Is Fedora no $$?06:58
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ANTDx1the place where the file name should be says ".."06:59
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FaeLLe[gentoo] how can i make the vncserver point to the current X desktop?06:59
jtjtANTDx1: after the  00:3606:59
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , try vino-server06:59
toppingAvagant: yes it's free06:59
ANTDx1jtjt:  it just says ".."06:59
AvagantMy main problem is in order to play the ONE and only game I want to play and I can't play it.06:59
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achandra[1] Adam: might even want to start out by making sure the bios clock is correct first ( ie enter into bios upon boot) then set the clock..06:59
AvagantAnyways in order to play that game, I need Wine.06:59
madewokherdwhat game?06:59
orospakrFaeLLe[gentoo] , System->Preferences->Remote Desktop06:59
AvagantI don't want to use Wine because it's real glitch for me.06:59
AvagantI'm lame I know.06:59
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[1] Adamachandra: would it be simple to find, like in the options - or would I need to type in a special command07:00
madewokherdI wasn't going to say anything07:00
FaeLLe[gentoo] orospakr, tell me how from the terminal please07:00
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jtjtANTDx1: ok I have my head in the clouds that is the parent directory  is there a line above that one that has yesterdays date on it07:00
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Rastasomeone has tried photoshop under vmware or another virtual machine? i have it installed with wine but it has some problems it isnt useful for serious work07:00
achandra[1] Adam: most modern bioses make it pretty easy..07:00
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , vino-preferences07:00
drewzfIs there a simple way to detect & mount windows-based hdd's?07:00
AvagantI used Wine for about a day.07:00
orospakrFaeLLe[gentoo] , read the manpages. ;)07:00
ANTDx1No.  Only today's date on that line.07:00
AvagantAnd it kinda got old.07:00
ANTDx1The line above it has a date from about two weeks ago.07:00
tfwhi folks. Just a *hopefully* simple one....07:00
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , but its still gui. i am unsure if theres an alternative07:00
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jtjtANTDx1: are there any files near the bottom of the list with yesterdays date07:01
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Avagantmr-russ: Yah seriously.07:01
ANTDx1jtjt: nope...the one above that last one has a date from two weeks ago, and it says "."07:01
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AvagantI haven't had too many problems myself, besides not knowing what I'm doing concerning root.07:02
cute_bettongMadpilot, can you help me with my ati problem?07:02
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Avagantdon't EVER change the permissions for /usr/bin EVER07:02
jtjtANTDx1: ok  cd to  /lib/modules07:02
tfwI've managed to get an alias 'tv' to run my totem on fullscreen for tv-out...using a DISPLAY command.  So: tv myfile.avi works fine from terminal. What I want to do is to associate that with video files in gnome for simple double-click. Any thoughts?07:02
=== Avagant wipes sweat off
Madpilotcute_bettong, I'm not sure what to suggest - the basic wiki ATI stuff has always worked for me... sorry07:02
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, that helped thanks07:02
AngryParsleywe don't need to give binaries in /usr/bin execute permission :rolleyes:07:02
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, im using gentoo *hides*07:02
jtjtANTDx1: when you get to /lib/modules  execute  ls and tell me what directorys you have there07:03
AvagantAngryParsley: Hey this is my first week with Ubuntu give me a break.07:03
madewokherdtfw: I think there's an "open with" tab in properties if you right-click a file07:03
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AvagantAngryParsley: Someone told me how to do that, and I just went crazy.07:03
madewokherdyou should be able to add your command there and make it the default07:03
ANTDx1I have 3 directories...07:03
=== topping is going to put his ubuntu disc in the microwave so it actually does something
tfwmadewok - thanks, but when I try that, and use 'Custom Command', it says "tv not found" - think it's looking for executables.07:04
jtjtANTDx1: names please07:04
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AvagantLow and behold, I couldn't get into sudo07:04
madewokherdit's probably not in your path07:04
Avaganttopping: They don't last very long.07:04
achandraSomeone on here had some pretty good resources to python...does anyone know what/where they were??07:04
ANTDx1jtjt: 2.6.15-23-amd64-generic  2.6.15-26-amd64-generic  2.6.15-27-amd64-generic07:04
ubotupython: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.4.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 125 kB, installed size 532 kB07:04
Avaganttopping: I've had to reinstall 3 times, and each time it's been slower and slower.07:04
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tfwMy only thought was to perhaps do a shell script - so I can run "tv.sh thing.avi" - but heh, can't write shell scripts.07:04
NormalI can't get X to initialize and think it might be my Nvidia driver. How do I update it from the command line?07:04
tfwmadewok - alias isn't relevant to path, no? it's in my bash.rc07:04
toppingAvagant: it sounds like you could use some experience with linux first07:04
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pppoe_dudeNormal, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:05
Avaganttopping: Yah probably. Haha07:05
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, pls guide me on how i might start it after that07:05
j0lliyowhen i do modprobe ndiswrapper, i first get a segmentation fault, then when i try again it doesn't work at alle... just no response from the terminal until i press ctrl c07:05
madewokherd.bashrc only applies when you're in a terminal07:05
jtjtANTDx1: execute  uname -r  and tell me tell me what it printed07:05
j0lliyoany idea what the problem might be?07:05
madewokherdgnome doesn't use it07:05
Avaganttopping: Maybe I should just read up on everything BEFORE I do anything else.07:05
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tfwNormal - I just did that with sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx   :: worked beatifully07:05
ANTDx1jtjt: 2.6.15-27-amd64-generic07:05
AvagantI did manage to learn some command promp things though.07:05
ellioTbyeah, i have an ati in this laptop, i can only get the default drivers to work07:05
toppingAvagant: on the other hand, ubuntu does not seem like the best environment to learn on either07:05
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , ? vino-preferences will give you a dialog that will allow you to set a password or key to the remote connection.07:05
madewokherdif you have an alias, it shouldn't be hard to turn it into a shell script07:06
tfwok made, so how do I get my 'alias' to function from gnome?07:06
achandraj0lliyo: this could easily be that the driver is incompatible...is it a bcm4318??07:06
Avaganttopping: It just kind of threw me into it.07:06
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , to connect, do vncviewer localhost:007:06
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, it says no server is up :p07:06
toppingavagant: try fedora!07:06
Avaganttopping: Then everyones like Oh hey! Do this to get sound!07:06
tfwi can't just 'add it to path' can i?07:06
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madewokherdthere's a .gnomerc but I'm not sure "open with" will recognize aliases anyway07:06
j0lliyoachandra, i've used the same driver before07:06
achandraj0lliyo: other than that it could be an irq conflict as well07:06
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , did you check the right boxes?07:06
Avaganttopping: Is fedora easier?07:06
j0lliyoi just did a reinstall07:06
madewokherdyour best bet is to make a shell script07:06
j0lliyoand now it doesn't work07:06
toppingAvagant: yes07:06
Avaganttopping: Will my sound work out of the box? Haha07:06
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, all are ticked...07:06
jtjtANTDx1: ok now execute   touch -t 10021500 /tmp/newer07:06
achandraj0lliyo: have you added any new device or memory??07:06
toppingAvagant: the ubuntu installer is from 199807:06
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j0lliyodon't think so07:07
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , as in "allow others to view my desktop" and did u set a pwd, and did u uncheck "ask for permission"?07:07
j0lliyoah a sound card07:07
toppingAvagant: erm, no, it's from debian ahah07:07
jtjtANTDx1: the  10021500  is important type it correctly07:07
tfwyeah. That's what I thought. So I tried a shell script...'open with' is happy to use one, but I'm a schmuck. Will just the same command in a file called 'tv.sh' work?07:07
AngryParsleyAvagant: I'm just joking around dude, I've done dumber stuff07:07
Avaganttopping: As long as my sound works, I'd be happy.07:07
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, ok trying with uncheck of ask for confirmation07:07
jtjtANTDx1: tell me when you have it done07:07
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AvagantAngryParsley: Yah, that was pretty dumb of me.07:07
ANTDx1jtjt: I have it done.07:07
tfwmadewok - testing.... :-D07:07
madewokherdyou might need to take a few extra steps to make it an executable file07:07
j0lliyolsusb stops working aswell after i get the fault07:07
achandrajolliyo: I had a similar problem when adding memory to my system...it just point blank freaked out when enabling ndiswrapper....due to irq conflict...another person had the same issue.07:07
AvagantAngryParsley: Then again it seemed like I could do anything!07:08
toppingAvagant: since the sound card is supported by the kernel, it's likely to be supported by any linux distro07:08
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madewokherdnamely, insert "#/bin/sh" as the first line (no quotes)07:08
jtjtANTDx1: ok one of the directorys in /lib/modules  has a 27 in it right07:08
madewokherdand chmod +x the file07:08
ANTDx1jtjt: yes07:08
Avaganttopping: I don't understand why it doesn't work in Windows though.07:08
madewokherdsorry, #!/bin/sh07:08
achandraj0lliyo: see comment above...that is what I can think of for now...07:08
Avaganttopping: via82xxx?07:08
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toppingAvagant: windows is suck07:08
AngryParsleyAvagant: most distros give you enough rope to hang yourself and then hang yourself again07:08
jtjtANTDx1: ok  cd to that  directory the one that matches the output  of   the  uname -r  command you ran07:08
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, looks like its not started up......07:08
achandrajolliy0: does dmesg complain about anything or /var/log/messages?07:08
AngryParsleybut the second time you hang yourself it's slower and more painful07:09
AvagantAngryParsley: Yah they definitley gave me too much.07:09
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jtjtANTDx1: tell me when you are there07:09
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pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , :S did u try doing it locally? just vncviewer localhost:0 from the same computer?07:09
AvagantLike when I couldn't get into any of my preferences OR get on Firefox to figure out how to change it.07:09
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, ps aux | grep vnc shows nothing07:09
ANTDx1jtjt: I am there.07:09
toppingAngryParsley: but ubuntu appears to offer you razor wire to hang yourself with for the first round07:09
AngryParsleyand sometimes the rope is made of detcord and you blow yourself up too (I'm looking at you LILO!)07:09
jtjtANTDx1: is your  ANTDx1 name registered07:09
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pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , its |grep vino07:09
j0lliyook thanks07:09
Geoffrey2In Thunderbird, you could set up mailboxes so each account had it's own complete set of boxes (inbox, sent, draft, etc), is there any way to do that in Evolution?07:09
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ellioTbman, its just fun finding new cool apps to install07:09
j0lliyoi'll try it out some more when i get home from work07:09
jtjtANTDx1: i want to open a private channel07:09
toppingAngryParsley: they question is whether it gets worse or better from there07:09
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ANTDx1jtjt: It is not.  I will do that now.07:09
snoopFaeLLe[gentoo] : whats your problem with vnc?07:09
AngryParsleytopping: depends on whether you keep incremental backups07:10
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, i am trying from same computer... but no vino process either07:10
AngryParsleyor if your ubuntu box is a virtual machine07:10
FaeLLe[gentoo] snoop, just trying to get itt running07:10
ellioTbanyone ever get an OSX type dock to work?07:10
jtjtANTDx1: ok register and we can open a pvt chan07:10
j0lliyoand no dmesg doesn't complain about anythinng07:10
toppingjtjt: a private channel would be good to get away from us people that are just making noise07:10
pppoe_dudehmm... are you in gnome?07:10
Avaganttopping: Can I dl fedora online?07:10
toppingAvagant: yes07:10
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, KDE07:10
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Avaganttopping: Also, am I going to have to mount everything and blah blah all over again?07:10
snoopFaeLLe[gentoo] : the vnc server is running?07:10
toppingAvagant: http://fedora.redhat.com/Download/07:10
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , Ok that explains it i think.07:10
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toppingAvagant: yes, but you can do it with a mouse07:11
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, i want it in KDE :/07:11
tyler-wyliecan anyone here point me to a good howto on how to do dual monitors using open source 9250 driver pleeeease07:11
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jtjttopping: you are not making noise it is just hard to see with all the mesg flying by  :)07:11
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , 1 sec07:11
ANTDx1jtjt:  I have registered.07:11
Avaganttopping: Also, haha is there a command line?07:11
achandraj0lliyo: when you said it worked before...that was in linux right...or are you referring to before as in windows or something??07:11
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, cool thanks07:11
toppingjtjt: :)07:11
toppingAvagant: yes, once you install it07:11
j0lliyoit's the exact same installation as i have now07:11
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j0lliyoinstalled ubuntu from the same cd07:11
jtjtANTDx1: ok i will open a channel to yo here comes07:11
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AvagantOh so it pretty much gives you that option huh?07:11
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Avagant"if you want to be stupid and use a command line and screw everything up.."07:12
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snoopFaeLLe[gentoo] : you have a vnc server running? and which one07:12
achandraj0lliyo: I have a suggestion...maybe starting deactivating or unplugging other devices and try it again...maybe you can isolate a conflict??07:12
toppingAvagant: all linux distros have command lines07:12
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , krfb07:12
j0lliyoyes i'm gonna try that when i get home from work07:12
pppoe_dude!info krfb07:12
ubotukrfb: Desktop Sharing for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu6.2 (dapper), package size 913 kB, installed size 1632 kB07:12
FaeLLe[gentoo] snoop, none yet07:12
AvagantActually I feel pretty powerful with the command line. Haha07:12
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AvagantCept with power comes great responsibility07:12
snoopFaeLLe[gentoo] : for kde right?07:13
FaeLLe[gentoo] snoop, yea07:13
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , it is useless to try and work vnc as a remote control07:13
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , from experience :-07:13
esachi, i installed AIGLX and Berly as instructed. I ran it via berly-manager and it worked great. I then added berly-manager to the session startup. it would start, and then X would crash and restart into gdm. ive tried getting it back into a sane state and tried running berly-manager manually again, but now it always does it. any ideas ?07:13
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, i want it for ScreenKast07:13
madewokherdAvagant: I sort of feel claustrophobic on windows for similar reasons I think07:13
THX-1138ppoe_dude - what is the option  for gnome?07:13
j0lliyoi can't do ndiswrapper -l either07:13
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , check out krfb... should do what you want07:13
snoopFaeLLe[gentoo] : you have xfree86 ?07:13
Avagantmadewokherd: I could never figure out "dos"07:13
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AvagantWHich is probably why I'm having a hard time on the command line.07:14
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j0lliyowell anyways... later07:14
FaeLLe[gentoo] snoop, not sure07:14
Avagantfedora sounds interesting though.07:14
ellioTbi feel all kinds of lost in linux07:14
AvagantMaybe I should go look at it.07:14
FaeLLe[gentoo] compiling krfb now07:14
AvagantellioTb: Take a number.07:14
tfwhi madewok. We have progress! The reason my shell script was doing nowt before was I was foolishly using #!/bin/bash (not sh)07:14
ParisiFedora = awful07:14
tfwI have also added $1 after my command to pass the filename.07:14
AvagantI guess I'm too much of a windows baby.07:15
madewokherduse "$1"07:15
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madewokherdwith quotes07:15
=== topping goes back to fedora
madewokherdit'll prevent problems if you have spaces in a filename07:15
madewokherdsh is crazy like that07:15
ellioTbAvagant, we'll get it, just takes a bit, been programmed to use windows for so long07:15
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ellioTbbeen using windows since 3.11, before that it was dos who knows07:15
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , any luck?07:16
AvagantI had an apple way back in the day...07:16
AngryParsleyyou can still use win 3.11: http://abughrai.be/pics/IE50.png07:16
AvagantI think I had to use the command line/dos whatever to open things up.07:16
toppingAvagant: can you afford one now?07:16
AvagantHahaha no.07:16
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, krfb is compiling07:16
AvagantApple = way suck on price.07:16
FaeLLe[gentoo] give us a few07:16
AngryParsleyapple's aren't that pricey now07:16
ellioTbAvagant, i bet they cost more back then07:16
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toppingAvagant: macbook07:16
tfwSo - we have it opening. Mostly.  hahha - legend. you anticipated my next question. It's actually files on a mounted windows/smb share, and the spaces were killing it. Fixed. thanks07:16
AngryParsleyalso, you can sell used ones for pretty good07:16
madewokherdI want to use safari07:17
AvagantAlthough KDE reminds me of the Mac I had this year.07:17
madewokherdI'm uninterested in every other aspect of macs, but I want safari07:17
=== topping is typing on a mac pro
AngryParsleymacs are great because of one thing: OS X07:17
AvagantCept the time is in 24 instead of 12.07:17
AngryParsleyseriously, it's soooo nice07:17
toppingmadewokherd: because it uses konqueror?07:17
AvagantOS X is alright if you have the latest version.07:17
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , lol oh ya forgot... gentoo guy07:17
ellioTbi want this gnome to look more like a mac, i followed the guide07:17
ParisiAngryParsley, Agreed.07:17
madewokherdI can use konqueror here07:17
toppingAngryParsley: +107:17
ParisiI wanted a mac just for OSX07:17
AvagantI couldn't get ANYTHING on my mac.07:17
ParisiToo expensuve tho.07:17
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AngryParsleyI mean it's 2006 and I only see one OS that looks like it's from 200607:18
AvagantI had os x 10.2. 807:18
ellioTbyeah, OSX is pretty slick07:18
toppingmac us UNIX plus compatibility with Adobe/Microsoft07:18
ParisiThe mini is a rip off at $59907:18
AngryParsleyubuntu is getting better but it still has a ways to go07:18
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, tehehehe07:18
AngryParsleyParisi: well the price is higher due to the form factor and whatnot07:18
tfwmadewok: 1 more noob question. So to finish. To get my (currently 'testing.sh') to the path, I put it where... (and can I name it 'tv' - extension irrelevant, yeah?)07:18
AvagantAnd it's now what 10.4?07:18
AngryParsleyI have an ibook though07:18
ellioTbi want some of those transparency effects from Vista on here07:18
AngryParsleyAvagant: yes, and there is a ton of new stuff since 10.207:18
ParisiSeriously, $599 for a mac with integrated graphics (64 meg) and 512 ram is a poor excuse.07:18
AvagantIf you have anything under 10.3 you are screwed.07:18
AngryParsleyexpose, dashboard, better finder07:18
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_thanks for helping me out though most people would just shoo me away to the other chan. though noone there right now who can assist07:19
AvagantI couldn't get anything to work.07:19
toppingAvagant: 10.4 is best07:19
AvagantI wanted to use soulseek, no luck there.07:19
madewokherdtfw: the extension shouldn't matter07:19
madewokherdyou can put it in /usr/bin, but I wouldn't if I were you07:19
AvagantOh well, now I've got linux.07:19
ellioTbyeah, this laptop only has linux on it07:19
tfwoh, ok. Where should I? Just leave in home and hardwire the .avi to run from that?07:19
ellioTbfigure it will force me to learn it07:19
madewokherdI'd export PATH=~/bin:$PATH in .gnomerc07:19
toppingAvagant: get a good book on linux07:19
madewokherdor just point gnome directly to the file if that's possible07:20
AvagantAre there alot of tutorials online?07:20
Avaganttopping: I can't remember the last time I had time to "read"07:20
ellioTbi keep learning stuff, then i forget it instantly07:20
ellioTbconsole commands that is07:20
NormalThanks for the help, now I have to disconnect to share my internet with my troublesome ubuntu...:)07:20
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toppingAvagant: it takes less time to read than type here07:21
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AvagantI'm lazy.07:21
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, trying to figure out where its installed07:21
ellioTbme too07:21
ellioTbi am too add to read about simple stuff07:21
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , wouldnt it be in path now?07:21
ellioTbif it was a 10 page tutorial on how to do something bad ase, i would be all over it07:21
pppoe_dudeif using emerge07:21
AvagantI learned how to compile yesterday, that was fun.07:22
AvagantOr rather ./configure07:22
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, apparently emerge didnt put krfb as a command07:22
AvagantThat was fun stuff.07:22
ellioTbi remember that from back in the day when i played with linux07:22
toppingdoes anyone know why cartman is so fat?07:22
ellioTbi had to custom build a machine to get hardware that worked with linux07:22
ellioTbnow, ubuntu installed easier than xp or vista07:22
toppingdoes he use ubuntu?07:22
FaeLLe[gentoo] but i found it07:22
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , try System->remote desktop07:22
pppoe_dudeor such07:22
toppingdoes ubuntu have a relation to mel gibson?07:22
wooptydoogood night...07:22
AvagantellioTb: It seriously took me less time to load up linux then anything else.07:23
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FaeLLe[gentoo] used slocate and grep with /bin to find it :p07:23
FaeLLe[gentoo] /usr/kde/3.5/bin/krfb07:23
jtjtwhere are the  network config files in  debian07:23
pppoe_dudejtjt, /etc/network/interfaces07:23
ellioTbAvagant, yeah, got here so fast, then i feel like i can get around ok, just really confused07:23
jtjtpppoe_dude: thanks dude little new to debian so have to get use to where thing are07:23
AvagantUbuntu at least the first time was like "BAM"07:23
ellioTblike being drunk07:23
ellioTbwhere you feel like you know what you are doing, but nothing works07:24
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AvagantI'm scared myself.07:24
AvagantLike command prompts and debs and tars.07:24
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, well this is like a remote desktop invitation program......07:24
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, not exactly a vnc server07:24
AvagantI'm all..."Am I gonna screw something up?"07:24
ellioTbi just wanna apt-install all the cool crap07:24
ellioTbthats what i have spent all my time doing, finding packages07:24
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , there should be something about 'uninvited connections'07:24
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tfwmadewokherd: Thanks for your help man, awesome. Simple answers to stupid questions...the sort of help that actually works :-D07:25
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/15315.html07:25
madewokherdit's not stupid07:25
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , two thirds down the page07:25
AvagantellioTb: Haha that can get you in trouble.07:25
madewokherdit took me a long time and a few stupid hacks before I found .gnomerc :p07:25
ellioTbi knnoow07:25
ellioTbbut worst case scenario, i can reinstall in 5 minutes07:25
AvagantellioTb: I don't even remember half the stuff i've installed07:25
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , near "running the application"07:26
AvagantellioTb: It's probably all worthless.07:26
tfwWell, took me 10 minutes & irc. heh. Right, time for me to call it a night. Cheers!07:26
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, yea i got it running07:26
Geoffrey2is dapper-udpates the backport repository?07:26
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, trying to figure out where the uninvited stuff is07:26
FaeLLe[gentoo] hold up07:26
Geoffrey2er, dapper-updates, that is07:26
ellioTbAvagant, lol, i have ubuntu just like i like it on my other comp07:26
AvagantI got all the codecs I need though.07:26
MadpilotGeoffrey2, no07:26
ellioTbAvagant, then i set it up on this laptop, couldn't remember anything i installed on there07:26
ellioTbAvagant, and it was like 2 days ago07:27
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pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , click the configure button07:27
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , instead of messin with invitations07:27
OmniDI have a drive I cannot get write access for some reason.07:27
AvagantI didn't realize kde had 159 packages included though. Haha07:27
OmniDAn external HDD07:27
madewokherdOmniD: is it ntfs?07:27
OmniDumm I think FAT3207:27
pppoe_dudeshould be like vino from there, FaeLLe[gentoo] 07:27
OmniDI can't check though07:27
AvagantI was like OH NOES07:27
OmniDI mean I could07:27
OmniDI don't know how though07:27
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madewokherdyou can read it?07:28
AvagantBut it's ok...I'll just reinstall someday. Probably have to soon.07:28
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, somethings wrong configure wont bring up anything07:28
OmniDRead, but not write07:28
ellioTboh well, catch yall later, gonna go install some fun stuff07:28
FaeLLe[gentoo] let me try find it in a kde menu rather than invoke myself07:28
madewokherdsystem monitor will tell you that07:28
madewokherdunder devices07:28
madewokherdmount will also tell you if you like the command line07:28
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, got it07:28
OmniDIt IS NTFS!!07:28
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:29
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , cool. any better?07:29
OmniDThat would help me?07:29
Avagant!gparted OmniD07:29
ubotugparted: partition editor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 1280 kB07:29
pppoe_dude!ubotu > Avagant07:29
=== madewokherd isn't sure how that helps
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, yea now let me try connect using vncviewer07:29
AvagantMe either really, but I had the same problem.07:29
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pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , should be compat07:29
OmniDinstalling gparted07:30
OmniDwait will this format it?>07:30
OmniDOr just change the type of partition07:30
madewokherdit will if you tell it to07:30
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, worked cool :D07:30
OmniDOkay but I can preserve the files right?07:30
AvagantYou can format it to ext307:30
FlannelOmniD: if you change the type, it has to partition it07:30
=== madewokherd tries to figure out from the website if it can change the type
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FlannelOmniD: er, format07:30
wass_hi, I would like tu rename 300 files with bash.  I want to remove the first 13 chars from each file.  how can I do that ?07:30
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royalhey guys whats up?07:30
OmniDSo the files will stay though07:30
OmniDI have 200 gigs of files on it07:30
AvagantI don't think so.07:30
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , i went through that prob a long time ago... tryin to manually configure vnc to do remote desktop, to no avail07:30
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, works with screenkast too :)07:31
=== Avagant takes back gparted info.
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , so decided gui's are a more sensible way to do this07:31
Geoffrey2Madpilot, could you tell me how to gain access to it?  I'm trying on source-o-matic, but it doesn't seem to be generating the line to add in source list to get it07:31
OmniDWell... I'll burn all the files on it I want07:31
FlannelOmniD: no, if you change the partition type, it has to reformat it.07:31
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AvagantThat's what I did, so that I could have more than just read access on my second hd.07:31
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AvagantWorked like a charm.07:31
madewokherdfat32 should read/write fine anyway :/07:31
=== Avagant has already used 3gb of his 10 drive in like a day.
MadpilotGeoffrey2, source-o-matic should have it - look for dapper-backports07:31
FaeLLe[gentoo] pppoe_dude, is supposed to show the other persons desktop too once you accept initation ?07:32
AvagantI work fast.07:32
FaeLLe[gentoo] screenkast (vnc recorder) started going nuts and nested the desktop till it crashed :p07:32
AvagantWho had that problem with renaming files?07:32
AvagantI just want to make a point here to NEVER -R /usr/bin07:32
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Avagantn_n d carry on07:33
pppoe_dudeFaeLLe[gentoo] , not familiar with screenkast, but desktop sharing should be just like vnc07:33
FaeLLe[gentoo] ok ill figure it out np :)07:33
pppoe_dudemaybe it was nesting itself07:33
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Geoffrey2Madpilot, well, it probably should, since it's an option you can check, but I've run it several times and it's not including the backports line07:33
drewWhat would I use in place of hd(0,0) for hdd1?07:33
ellioTbanyone gotten the Engage dock to install?07:33
MadpilotGeoffrey2, odd. I don't use the backports myself, so I can't give you my sources.list in this case07:34
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Geoffrey2Madpilot, ok, thanks anyway :)07:34
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AvagantSo yah, ubuntu...07:35
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warlock__How do I search every file for one specific line?07:35
madewokherdEVERY file?07:35
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ellioTbno one has engage huh07:35
jmerlingrep ?07:35
warlock__Or in a dir07:35
warlock__ex /home/*07:35
jmerlinanyone have any idea why my ubuntu freezes up sometimes?07:36
jmerlinsometimes it runs for days without any problems..07:36
madewokherdfind /home/|xargs grep "a line"07:36
jmerlinsometimes in 10 minutes i'll be browsing the web and it freezes up.. just freezes..07:36
madewokherdor grep --recursive "a line" /home/07:36
madewokherdI think the first form makes more sense07:36
drewWhat would I use in place of hd(0,0) for hdd1? I'm trying to add a windows install to my grub list07:36
tyler-wylieSo yea I can't get dual monitors working, well they both work but they are the same thing, no right by etc07:36
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ANTDx1Ok guys I have found a problem that may have been causing all my other problems: it appers as though NetworkManager is taking up 95+% of my CPU07:38
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ANTDx1does anyone know what it might be doing with all that CPU power?07:38
fuffalois it possible to write to an ntfs partition from ubuntu07:38
Flannelfuffalo: technically yes, but not safely.  You might lose data07:39
LookTJwhere is gdm.conf located?07:39
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LookTJanyone here/07:39
ANTDx1Anyone have experience with Ubuntu's NetworkManager?07:39
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LookTJwhere is gdm.conf in ubuntu?07:40
madewokherdLookTJ: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf07:40
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LookTJsorry for repeat07:40
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royalso how do you install XGL/Compiz?07:41
Flannelroyal: #ubuntu-xgl07:41
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:41
Healotyeah #ubuntu-xgl :007:41
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warlock__Does anyone know hwo to recompile the kernel to 1000HZ ?07:43
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warlock__using 2.5 SMP kernel with ubuntu 5.10 breezy07:43
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madewokherduh why are you still using breezy?07:43
snoop5.10 thats outdated07:44
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LookTJSup y'all07:46
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stonarmusicanyone know why audio cd burning doesn't work anymore? was there an update that could have broken it?07:47
NormalOivay,I've tried all sorts of things to get X going, to no avail. I hope someone can help me. Here's a link to my problems http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1574298#post1574298  .Don't worry about answering there, I'm here!:)07:48
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NormalHmmmm....so quiet!07:50
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thombonehuh?? what happened to lilo? Sorry if OT07:50
Geoffrey2can anyone help me troubleshoot a wireless connection?  I have all the required software installed, and the WiFi light is on, but I can't connect to the router....07:51
NormalI've been trying to install ubuntu for 12hours straight now.......07:51
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nex_can anyone help me install the latest nvidia drivers on dapper?07:52
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tonyyarussothombone: http://freenode.net/news.shtml07:52
DrewZFnex_, describe your problem...07:52
nex_well, what packages do i need exactly?07:52
thombonethank you tonyyarusso07:52
SatanGolgawhat other gui-irc-chats are there than xchat?07:52
nex_cause until now, i've had to restart 4 times installing different packages it has been requiring07:53
nex_libc, make, gcc07:53
nex_what else?07:53
nex_so i don't need to keep restarting all the time07:53
DrewZFsudo apt-get install build-essential07:53
madewokherdSatanGolga: chatzilla07:53
DrewZFor essentials, can't quite remember.07:53
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madewokherdgaim can do it too, but most people don't like gaim for irc for some reason07:54
SatanGolgamadewokherd: ok, thanks07:54
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thombonethat is crushing news, I've spoken to Rob many many times... a wonderful soul.07:54
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DrewZFthombone, There have been reports that his death can't be proven07:54
nex_let's see if that worked07:54
DrewZFnex_, You should be okay now.07:54
nex_thanks Drew07:55
nex_gonna go try it now07:55
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jgerberanyone using compiz having problems with the latest upgrade?07:55
stonarmusicI burned audio cds just the other day and now it says "The plugin to handle a file of type audio/mpeg is not installed.'07:55
jgerberlost my windows decorations07:55
jgerberanyone else?07:55
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jgerbercompiz anyone?07:56
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Healotstonarmusic, can you play MPEG video or MP3?07:56
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stonarmusicHealot - yes07:57
Healotstonarmusic, got lame?07:57
thomboneDrewZF: that would be pretty sick if a hoax. I doubt Rob would do such a thing, sorry for OT again I'll go private07:58
Healotit's not even April yet:07:58
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nex_Kernel Source files anyone?07:59
stonarmusicHealot - yes, got Lame07:59
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nex_nvidia driver install is asking me to install the kernel source files...08:00
Healotburning with k3b or gnomebaker?08:00
echosypanyone feel like helping me get my smartcard reader working08:00
NormalEverytime I try to boot from the dapper cd, I get "uncompressing linux...Ok,booting to kernel." Then a blinking cursor and nothing else. What do I do?08:00
stonarmusicHealot - gnomebaker and serpentine08:01
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stonarmusicHealot - they both worked a couple days ago08:01
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Healotyou're trying to burn MPEG audio into Audio CD right?08:02
Healotand it works previously?08:02
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stonarmusicHealot - yes, i think so, mp3s to audio cd08:02
nex_is nvidia-glx any better than the current driver?08:03
nex_any suggestions????/08:03
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Healotyou did the same thing previously with success?08:03
stonarmusicHealot - yes just the other day08:03
echosypi require assistance08:03
tyler-wyliegod this sucks trying to get dual monitors working :(08:04
tyler-wylietried the wiki.ubuntu howto08:04
tyler-wylieno luck08:04
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echosypi have been googling for hours08:04
nex_does anyone know how to get the nvidia driver installed?08:04
echosypand have also had no luck08:04
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Healotstonarmusic, hum, can't say much, try to delete the gnomebaker settings (at your home directory), and try to burn again?08:05
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stonarmusicHealot - ok, but serpentine is broken as well08:05
tuskerniniHi all, how do I ... lspci > clipboard ?08:06
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Healotupdated gnomebaker? stonarmusic ?08:06
echosypdon't konw about clipboard08:06
echosypbut you can echo it to a file08:07
echosyplspci > filename08:07
echosypand thats that08:07
tuskerninii thought that it would be possible to "copy" the output of ls to paste directly08:08
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echosypjust copy and past it08:08
Healotechosyp, lspci... select the output with your mouse, click right and select the menu copy08:08
echosypi don't need that08:08
echosypi know08:08
echosypi need help with my smartcard reader08:08
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echosypwanna help me with that?08:09
stonarmusicmebbe i'll try a reboot...08:09
Healotsmartcard reader?08:09
tuskerninihealot, that is how i used to do it... just wanted to try something new08:09
Healothumm fancy hardware08:09
echosypnot really08:09
echosypim 133708:10
echosypexcept not08:10
LookTJif anyone has problems with ati and gdm i can fix it08:10
echosypi have a problem with a smartcard reader08:10
echosypfix that08:10
BHSPitLappyif I uninstall firefox and reinstall it, will I lose anything?08:11
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echosypBHSPitLappy, just be safe and back it up anyway08:11
echosypwhy would you need to uninstall and reinstall anyway08:11
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echosypanyone feel like assisting me?08:15
echosypguess not08:16
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hastesaverCan I use the apt cache on one machine on another, somehow? So that I won't have to redownload lots of packages again?08:17
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FunnyMan3595When I set my connection to use a static IP instead of DHCP, I can connect to some things (e.g. web, ssh) but not others (IRC, World of Warcraft).  Only thing I can come up with offhand that might cause a problem is that inside the LAN, this computer is named when using the static IP, but that name isn't usable outside.08:18
Healothastesaver, logon to that machine?08:18
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stonarmusicok, so maybe something is wrong with the file, cause now I can burn other mps, but not that one. gnomebaker throwa an error during transcoding08:19
bimberi_hastesaver: if you transfer the .deb files from&to /var/cache/apt/archives the machine will get them from there instead of downloading when you (dist-)upgrade08:19
stonarmusicis there a way to see more info about a file, it's filetype comes up as mp3, maybe it's something else?08:20
Healotfile file08:20
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hastesaverbimberi_, is that safe? nothing will get broken?08:20
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wrabbit^Any python programmers here?08:21
bimberi_hastesaver: hasn't broken for me yet08:21
hastesaverbimberi_, I just have to scp -r the files from machine A to machien B?08:21
stonarmusichmmm, looks ok ' MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2,  64 kBits, 22.05 kHz, Stereo'08:21
madewokherdwrabbit^: I'm a python programmer, why?08:21
erpoWhen I Ctrl-Alt-F1, I get a blank, turned-off screen on my laptop. Yet according to /etc/inittab I have getty running on this terminal. What's wrong?08:21
bimberi_hastesaver: i don't know scp but yeah, transfer using your method of choice :)08:22
madewokherderpo: had you edited your inittab before this started?08:22
erpoWhen I Ctrl-Alt-F7 from this blank screen, I get my graphical desktop again.08:22
erpomadewokherd: No, I haven't.08:22
madewokherdI had something like that happen when I accidentally broke mine :/08:22
bimberi_erpo: hitting the Enter key do anything (ie. bring up a login prompt)08:23
wrabbit^madewokherd: I'm just starting up and for the life of me, I can't find the interpreter path.  One of the first tutes involves me adding something like #! /usr/bin/env python to the start of my script but there's nothing there.08:23
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hastesaverbimberi_, great, I'll try it. And if something goes wrong, where can I find you to beat up? :-)08:23
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wrabbit^madewokherd: any idea where it's kept?  Ubuntu seems to have installed it for me and I don't know where it is08:23
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erpobimberi_: No, and when I switch to F1, the backlight on my screen turns off so it's totally black.08:23
madewokherdwrabbit^: type "which python"08:24
wrabbit^madewokherd: ah, /usr/bin/python08:24
LookTJerpo: you have ATI?08:24
bimberi_erpo: erk.  how about F2 to F608:24
wrabbit^madewokherd: thank you08:24
haydenAUis it possible to install ubuntu-ppc and run it from an external drive on an ibook?08:24
erpobimberi_: Same results on F2-F6.08:24
erpoLookTJ: No, nvidia.08:24
bimberi_erpo: hmm.  that's me done at this point then sorry :|08:25
tyler-wylieanyone here good at xorg tweaking, tried getting dual head monitors setup and basically screwed up my xorg.conf so I went to my backup and need someone to help me out ^^08:25
cpk2haydenAU: probably I am running x86 arch on my laptop which only has an external drive08:25
erpoI'm using the binary kernel module and a properly configured X so I can get direct rendering.08:25
erpo*hardware accelerated rendering.08:25
haydenAUcpk2: ok08:25
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stonarmusicmust just be a bad mp3 or something, i renamed and tried it from another directory, and still errors08:26
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echosypso i have this smartcard reader (gempc430)08:27
echosypand i want to be able to read/write to it08:27
echosypbut im at a loss08:27
echosypcause i can't figure out how08:28
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echosypi don't have any sd* in /dev/08:28
stonarmusicoh wait, mpeg adts layer III, is not the same as mp3. i wonder if lame will convert it?08:28
haldorechosyp: tried looking in /media08:29
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FunnyMan3595When I set my connection up to use a static IP instead of DHCP, I can connect to some things (web, ssh) but not others (IRC, World of Warcraft).  Offhand the only major difference I can think of (besides the obvious) is that the static IP has a name on the LAN, which isn't usable from outside.  The way the connections don't work is weird, they look like they're trying to open, and then they just sit there forever.  (Sorry for the repeat, Gnome deci08:30
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echosyp./media is a dir i have mounted08:30
echosypanother partition08:30
hastesaverstonarmusic, does mplayer play it?08:30
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FunnyMan3595I'm wondering if the computer might be passing the LAN name it sees outwards, and when a protocol needs to create a connection back, it tries to use that, but it doesn't exist.08:31
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polttajaI have got a little problem.. sorry, I have tried to solve it with forums etc, but I haven't find the solution...08:32
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polttajaso, some files whose I have saved with ubuntu to a fat32-partition, don't be visible in windows...08:32
echosypyour english is poor08:32
stonarmusichastesaver - yes, mplayer, totem, etc..08:32
polttajais this some charset problem or something that?08:32
echosypcheck file attributes08:33
cafuegopolttaja: Can Ubuntu still see them on that fat32 partition?08:33
echosypmake sure they aren't hidden08:33
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polttajacafuego: yes...08:33
hastesaverstonarmusic, so what gives the errors?08:33
stonarmusici'm going to try to convert it with lame08:33
polttajabut windows can't.08:33
cafuegopolttaja: Do they contain non-ascii characters?08:33
stonarmusichastesaver - gnomebaker and serpentine, when i try to burn it to audio cd08:33
echosypyou guys suck08:33
polttajacafuego: not everyone08:33
echosypim going to bed08:33
polttajasome contains, some not.08:34
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hastesaverstonarmusic, you can do "mplayer -ao pcm"08:34
stonarmusichastesaver - to convert it?08:35
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polttajaI'm not sure, but I supposed that they are usually files which I have saved from the internet by firefox08:35
openeduhello, is 2.6.15-27-386 the latest kernel?08:35
hastesaverstonarmusic, it will create a .wav file, which you can then burn to CD08:35
mneptokopenedu: for i386, yes.08:35
stonarmusick, doing it08:35
hastesaverstonarmusic, you can also, of course, convert it to mp3 with lame, for "future use"... but you don't have to get an mp3, right?08:35
stonarmusichastesaver, no just something that will burn to audio cd08:36
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hastesaverstonarmusic, yeah, the "-ao pcm" (it will create audiodump.wav, watch out if you happen to have a file with the same name :-) is best08:37
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polttajacan anyone help me with this file problem?08:38
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@dslb-084-056-122-023.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokpolttaja: what problem?08:38
stonarmusicnow gnomebaker says 'The plugin to handle a file of type audio/x-wav is not installed.'08:38
openedumneptok, thanks08:38
polttajathat disappeared files in windows...08:38
hastesaverstonarmusic, what? It can use mp3s but not wav? This is sad :)08:38
stonarmusiclemme try serpentine08:39
hastesaverstonarmusic, ok, go ahead and use lame to make an mp3... or use something better than gnomebaker :)08:39
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polttajathat if I saved a file to a fat32-partition by ubuntu, that hasn't necessarily on windows08:39
mneptokpolttaja: *what* files? assume i didn;t read the original description of the problem, since ... you know ... i didn't read the original description of the problem. ;)08:39
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theunruledhi guys08:40
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theunruledcan someone give me a link to a fluxbox tutorial?08:40
mneptokpolttaja: so you save files from Linux onto a FAT32 partition, and then Windows does not see those files?08:40
polttajamneptok: just so08:40
polttajathat's the problem08:40
mneptokpolttaja: do the files contain characters in their names that might piss off Windows?08:41
polttajasometimes yes, sometimes not08:41
stonarmusicserpentine doesnt seem to know how to burn wavs08:41
mneptokpolttaja: did you try renaming them )or otherwise manipulating them) in Linux and see if Windows can then see them?08:41
hastesaverstonarmusic, file a bug!08:41
polttajathe problem is sometimes with only ASCII-names too08:41
mneptokpolttaja: have you defragged that drive using the Windows tools recently?08:42
polttajayes I have tried. but it not works08:42
mneptokpolttaja: sounds like the allocation table is not being updated properly. or not read properly.08:42
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haydenAUcpk2, is that external drive you said you use on your laptop connect via firewire or usb?08:42
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mneptokpolttaja: if i were you, i'd re-format that FAT32 partition to ext3 and then install the Windows ext2/3 driver. :)08:43
polttajamneptok: yes I tried too, but te windows defragnent tool gives an error message: "a corrupt file founded.000"08:43
mneptokpolttaja: but that's me. i would never trust my data to a filesystem developed by chimps.08:43
cpk2haydenAU: usb08:43
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haydenAUcpk2, and what that with an intel mac?08:43
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cpk2haydenAU: no, it was an x86 laptop08:44
polttajamneptok: perhaps... but I had never file problems with old mandrake linux 908:44
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haydenAUcpk2, ok08:44
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mneptokpolttaja: maybe the file allocation table wasn't destroyed by Windows when you were running Mandriva?08:44
cpk2haydenAU: so i suppose ppc might be different but i would think odd if you couldnt do that with a ppc08:45
polttajathere files worked with linux and windows fine08:45
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mneptokpolttaja: "it used to work 6 months ago using this other OS" is not a guarantee that it still works.08:45
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haydenAUcpk2, yea i think i remembered that mac os x can't boot from an external usb drive only firewire08:45
polttajamneptok: I haven't used mandrake/mandriva with this computer... it was on my old one08:45
mneptokpolttaja: immaterial.08:45
cpk2haydenAU: oh, well i suppose that might be a problem =\08:46
haydenAUcpk2, yea :(08:46
mneptokpolttaja: saying "it used to work on another machine with another version of Linux" does not tell you anything.08:46
stonarmusichastesaver - does that '-ao pcm' trick work for streams as well?08:47
polttajaof course I know that08:47
polttajaI only said...08:47
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mneptokpolttaja: the most helpful clue is that Microsoft's own filesystem tools fail to work on that disk. That's Bad(tm).08:48
cpk2haydenAU: although i think it would be the bios that determines if it can boot from usb or not08:48
mneptokpolttaja: either the drive's format is suspect, or the drive itself is.08:48
polttajayes... I know that fat32 is only a compromise..08:49
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polttajabut thanks. perhaps I will found some solution to my problem..08:49
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mneptokpolttaja: when someone says "either the drive's format is suspect, or the drive itself is" it's time to not look for a fix, but for an "oh crap!" moment where you begin backing up data :)08:50
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mneptokpolttaja: i suggest you backup all the data on the drive, reformat it as ext3, and run it *hard* under Linux for a week or two until you are assured that the drive is not physically compromised.08:51
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polttajabut what disk format would be the best solution to use same partition for windows and ubuntu files..?08:52
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kishorei had.. formatted windows n now installed again. then onwards.. my drives r not opening in ubuntu08:53
kishorecan any one help me..08:53
mneptokpolttaja: ext308:53
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polttajabut but... windows hasn't got suppert for ext3..? or?08:53
mneptok02:43 < mneptok> polttaja: if i were you, i'd re-format that FAT32 partition to ext3 and then install the Windows ext2/3 driver. :)08:53
polttajadoes it works? =P08:53
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polttajait isn't an official windows plugin from microsoft?08:54
polttajaso the problems will be with linux then perhaps...08:54
mneptokthat's why it works08:54
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kishorehow to get my.. drives back........08:55
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polttajahmm. I'm a little bit sceptic... I have never heard about win ext3 support08:55
mneptokpolttaja: http://www.fs-driver.org/08:56
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hastesaverkishore, you had ubuntu installed, and then you installed Windows?08:56
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polttajabut that is ext2 system?08:57
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xipietotecis there any way to check my memory in ubuntu?08:57
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kishorehastesaver, no.. fist windows.. then ubuntu......... then.. formatted.. widows..n again.. installed..08:57
polttajaand I have heard that ext2 isn't very good?08:57
hastesaverxipietotec, what memory? Disk space? RAM? Your personal memories? :-)08:57
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mneptokpolttaja: spend 2 minutes reading before asking questions like that? please? ;)08:57
polttajaok, sorry. :)08:57
kishorehastesaver, tat too only.. c:08:57
mneptok" The Ext3 file system is the Ext2 file system which has been extended by journaling. Ext3 is backward-compatible to Ext2 - an Ext3 volume can be mounted and used as an Ext2 volume. Just as older Linux Kernels which do not know the Ext3 file system can mount Ext3 volumes (as Ext2 volumes), the Ext2 file system driver ext2fs.sys for Windows incorporated in this software package can do it without any problems, too. Of course you do not take advantage of ...08:57
kishorenot all other drvies08:57
mneptok... the journaling of the Ext3 file system if you mount it as an Ext2 file system.08:58
hastesaverxipietotec, you can use "free", but be warned that Linux caches memory to be faster, so much more might be free than is shown08:58
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xipietotecI'm just talking about displaying maximum physically recognized memory08:58
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mneptokxipietotec: top08:58
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mneptokxipietotec: memory is shown right at the top of the top display08:59
Madpilot'free' shows total memory as well as mem in use08:59
polttajahmm. ok. thanks... I will think that... :)08:59
mneptokxipietotec: it will show physical as well as swap, and how much of each is in use.08:59
Madpilot'free -m' is even better - it uses Megabytes to display - far easier to parse08:59
fubuntudo guys remember what the partitioning software was used when installing ubuntu 6.06?08:59
LookTJgood night y'all08:59
=== LookTJ goes to sleep
fubuntuwell, its screwed my NTFS partition _real_ nice09:00
fubuntuubuntu == people unix09:00
xipietotecJeez, I'm using 1/2 my memory09:00
fubuntuit's like they say09:00
mneptokxipietotec: no, you're not.09:00
xipietotec 1002500     575876     42662409:00
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Flannelxipietotec: unused memory is wasted memory.  Linux puts stuff there even if its not using it, because it might use it in the future09:00
xipietotecTotal, used, free09:00
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fubuntui take it it's the user's fault for deciding to go w/ ubuntu09:01
Madpilotxipietotec, most of that is probably cache - I'm using 90% of my 1Gb right now, but 50% is cache09:01
mneptokfubuntu: Linux did not do anything to your drive or partition that you didn't tell it to do.09:01
hastesaverkishore, look at this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows make *very* sure you pick the right section.09:01
fubuntui'll bet u $10009:01
fubuntui told it to resize my ntfs partition by 200mb09:01
mneptokfubuntu: i'm guessing you sliced off a chunk of free space to use with Ubuntu, and now the original NTFS partition has problems?09:01
fubuntuand what i get is a corrupted drive09:01
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xipietotecah, okay...Used to windows where if you're using 90% of your memory...that's 90% of your memory09:02
fubuntucorrupted partition09:02
mneptokfubuntu: did you completely defragment the drive with the XP tools before doing that?09:02
Madpilotxipietotec, nope, Linux will use as much of your memory as it can for cache, but it's good about freeing it when it's needed by apps09:02
fubuntuwell, i did and partition magic (being leet and all) wouldn't let me resize w/o fragmenting09:02
fubuntuso assuming that after resizing originally for fedora core 509:02
fubuntui didn't need to do it again09:02
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fubuntubut since ubuntu requires 2 gigs09:03
fubuntu... hey, 200mb more09:03
fubuntu'no more 25 gig09:03
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:03
aeroSoulbackups can be very useful sometimes... :] 09:03
fubuntui know just like partition of ubuntu09:03
fubuntui mean software partition09:03
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fubuntuto late for this, just wondering if u guys came accross this09:03
Flannelfubuntu: in all honesty, linux does the best it can with ntfs, but, like writing, resizing isn't 100% safe.09:03
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mneptokxipietotec: picture someone walking into an empty room and finding an entire cake. they immediately think, "that WHOLE cake is mine!" they then horde the cake. five minutes later, a supermodel walks in and says, "that cake looks good. i'd do just about *anything* to have a piece. the smart guy gives her a piece of cake. Linux is smart.09:04
fubuntui don't understand why ubuntu requires 2 gigs09:04
fubuntui don't care for gimp or media players and i want gcc by default w/ root account09:04
fubuntuthat's ppl friendly09:04
mneptokfubuntu: you have a root account09:04
xipietotecgotcha =)09:04
Madpilotfubuntu, then find another distro...09:04
fubuntusudo != root09:04
mneptokfubuntu: sudo su = root09:05
fubuntuthat's hax09:05
mneptokthat's what?09:05
fubuntuso what's the purpose of sudo09:05
Madpilotfubuntu, it lets you do admin w/o wasting time with a 2nd password09:06
aeroSoulthere is a root account... you just dont have the pw =)09:06
mneptokto eliminate the ability for root to login remotely. for auditing of commands used with root privileges.09:06
hastesaverfubuntu, "sudo -i"09:06
hastesaverfubuntu, and edgy has gcc by defaulot09:06
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fubuntui just felt like bragging to some one about my corrupt 25 gig of work... it's gone but i had backup,09:07
mneptokhastesaver: IIRC, it may or may not when it ships. CD space is always a big concern.09:07
nevermind85hi, anyone here?09:07
fubuntuanyways, thank you and have a good nite09:07
Madpilotso... he just came to troll, basically. Lovely.09:07
mneptokposter child for PEBKAC09:07
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stonarmusicmaybe t didnt transcode witjh lame, file still says its a 'mpeg adts, layer iii' but other mp3 in that directory are ' MP3 file with ID3 version 2.3.0 tag' according to file09:08
hastesaverMadpilot,  yes, clearly. :)09:08
nevermind85hi guys, let me ask you, i jut got a new computer but it has a onboard video, anyone knows how to know what video card is?09:08
mneptoknevermind85: are you running Ubuntu?09:08
hastesaverstonarmusic, I still think that if the CD burners can't use .wav files, it's a bug09:08
hastesaverstonarmusic, try k3b or something :)09:08
nevermind85mneptok: yes, dapper09:08
mneptoknevermind85: in a temrinal, "lspci" (no quotes)09:08
nevermind85ok thanks09:09
stonarmusicyeah, i'm getting around to that... thanks for your help so far09:09
robitaillestonarmusic, it may be bug 4977109:09
AvagantThis kvirc is kinda cruddy lookin.09:09
nevermind85damn, it says VGA compatible controller VIA Technologies, Inc.: Unknown device 3 344 (rev 01)09:10
Avagantbut man all these music players on here seem to have some capatibility with last fm.09:10
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nevermind85mneptok: any ideas?09:11
nevermind85i mean, of course i could take the comp apart, but it's still on warranty:P09:11
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Flannelnevermind85: google.09:12
Flannelnevermind85: google should know exactly what it is09:13
mneptoknevermind85: how old is the machine?09:13
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hastesaverAvagant, you could also try xchat, konversation, etc., instead of kvirc...09:14
r466erhow can i see, which open ports a programm need?? i have a firewall and dont know which ports a special prgoramm needs, if i turn off the firewall the programm works..if the firewall is turned on the programm doesnt work..09:14
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks09:15
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robert_wtf- /usr/share/debconf/confmodule: line 86: syntax error: unexpected end of file09:17
nevermind85sry, the machine is brand new, well, at least here in south america09:17
nevermind85it uses a P4 2,66 Ghz dual core, 512 RAM etc09:17
mneptoknevermind85: probably a VIA/S3 Unichrome, then09:18
tyler-wylieanyone here good at xorg tweaking, tried getting dual head monitors setup and basically screwed up my xorg.conf so I went to my backup and need someone to help me out ^^09:18
=== tj_ [n=tj@modemcable079.190-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mneptoknevermind85: http://www.via.com.tw/en/products/chipsets/p4-series/pm800/09:19
nevermind85mneptok: ty, i'll look ito it09:19
nevermind85no chances to get xg running on it right?09:19
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NormalI keep posting this link every so often, hoping someone can help me, as I'm at my wit's end. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1574298#post1574298   It sucks getting my very first brand new computer, only to not be able to install anything on it...09:19
rootei guys09:19
=== sgamer [n=murder@cpe-70-113-55-52.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tj_has anyvody here had a problem with amarok and xine? and if so, have you managed to fix it?09:19
sgamerif i had a game crash and my resolution is at 800x600 and the mouse is stuck, how do i get it back to normal?09:20
tuskerniniroot, what a name ! cool09:20
mneptoknevermind85: i do not use, nor do i recommend to others, *any* GL subsystems for compositing. it's so bleeding edge that it's more apt to break than to work.09:20
rootyeah exactly09:20
mneptokIRCing as root is bad, mmmkay? ;)09:20
sgamerif i ctrl+alt+bksp it gets out of x but it still says an xserver is running, i just need to know how to reopen that s09:20
stonarmusicroooot has landed!! yeah09:21
rootwhat do you mean?!09:21
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tuskerniniroot, i guess it only means something to someone using linux, otherwise it could be branch aswell! just joking09:21
fdsdhey guys, does any one know how to exclude a directory when using cp? for example I want to cp -a /home/user /mnt/backup but I do not want to backup the music folder inside of /home/user.. any idea on how to issue one command?09:21
nevermind85mneptok: i don't like it either for my personal use, but since this is a pc that some1 in the family will use, i wanted to get him into the freedom world with ubntu plus some "visual" toys to show him that even w$vista sux:P09:22
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rootis XP better than LINUX?09:22
mneptoknevermind85: installing a bomb in the trunk of a car is not the best way to gety someone to appreciate the car ;)09:22
fdsdroot, go away09:23
aeroSoulfdsd: i think this doesnt work with cp... you could use rsync to copy files... it accepts "--exclude" options09:23
rootim only asking, i did not mean anything!09:23
aeroSoulroot: rofl09:23
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=== WinterWeaver [n=winterwe@dsl-165-12-47.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
rootim sorry!09:23
fdsdaeroSoul, okay.. Maybe that would work better09:23
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tuskerniniplease root, not another win lin conversation09:24
rootactually this is my first time using LINUX09:24
aeroSoulwindows is better...09:24
rootanyone can teach me09:24
aeroSoulfor playing games09:24
Chousukeroot: You are not supposed to ask disruptive questions. #ubuntu-offtopic is for that09:24
stonarmusicclearly DOS is best09:24
tuskerniniif you like ubuntu, use it.09:24
WinterWeaverquick question.... how do I configure a non-ubuntu repository?09:24
=== CorpseFeeder [n=blackdal@ppp219-78.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
tj_root: xp is more mature, but most experienced users prefer linux (except for games) because it has the advantage of being open source09:24
Chousukeroot: first thing to learn: You should not run stuff as root. It's dangerous09:24
mneptokWinterWeaver: /etc/apt/sources.lst09:24
nevermind85mneptok: i do agree, but well, the only reason that he agered upon using ubuntu is that so...09:24
richiefrichWinterWeaver same a the others09:24
aeroSoulwindows is also better in running mirc... but thats about all ;)09:25
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Chousukeroot: It's like walking around with a loaded gun in your pocket with the safety off.09:25
stonarmusicholy crap, it's the middle of the night09:25
=== richiefrich looks if he is now in a #windows channel
david^3Hello all.09:25
tuskerninidoes anyone know how to convert .xls files to .htm and keep the formatting?09:25
mneptoknevermind85: so drop shadows and eye candy are more important than is security and stability? this person has obviously had WAY too much of the MS Kool-Aid, and will probably keep using Windows.09:25
david^3KDE says my home folder is 3.7GB, but gnome says it's 605MB. Why would this be happening?09:26
WinterWeaverMneptok, Richiefrich ... thanks... got it09:26
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richiefrichWinterWeaver np09:26
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nevermind85mneptok: not if i can avoid it :) i'll just try to give him the "amazing" 3d desktop and that's it.... but after a while ill take it out with some excuse:P09:26
david^3mneptok:Yes, because MS is well known for it's brilliant interface design.09:26
Acedoes anyone have a program to recover data from an ext3 filte system that works under windows?09:26
rootim sorry!09:26
CorpseFeederanyone here have experience making quake2 run in ubuntu? I am getting an error "LoadLibrary("ref_softx.so") failed: /usr/local/games/quake2/ref_softx.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" but the ref_spftx.so IS in the /usr/local/games/quake2 directory. Where have I gone wrong?09:27
tuskerninii used Oo to save a .xls file as .html but the formatting did not work too well09:27
nevermind85ok, so much for an offtopic, ty mneptok09:27
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aeroSoulCorpseFeeder: is ref_spftx.so maybe a softlink?09:28
CorpseFeederoh.. hang on... my quake2 directory has a capital Q for Quake2... is that what is messing me up?09:28
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mneptokCorpseFeeder: add /usr/local/games/quake2 to your PATH09:28
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mneptokCorpseFeeder: and yes, Linux is 100% case-sensitive09:28
reysyhi everbody.09:28
tj_when i open amarok, i get an error saying that xine cannot initialize audio codecs, is there a fix for this09:28
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tj_i'm actually a quodlibet user, but amarok has some extra supported stuff09:29
sgamernm, fixed it09:29
WinterWeaverrichiefrich, do I need to restart for the new repo to take effect ?? (I'm a bit of a linux newb)09:30
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mneptokWinterWeaver: sudo apt-get update09:30
richiefrichWinterWeaver no just run ^^09:30
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richiefrichmneptok your on top of it :)09:30
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WinterWeaverto BOTH09:30
mneptokPlease Insert $.25 To Continue09:30
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=== tuskernini uses xmms
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=== richiefrich inserts .50 cents
royalhey guys how do I get back into the partitioner after I done the install09:31
=== mneptok segfaults
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MadpilotWinterWeaver, Linux rarely needs restarting - only when there's a new kernel to use, basically09:31
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royalI want to delete the windows partition fromt his thing09:31
knubbeif i want to downgrade from php5 to php4, do i have to uninstall all my php5* packages?09:31
Flannelroyal: install gparted and do it that way09:31
richiefrichmneptok so i cant get double the time now.09:31
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ZaggynlHi, I just got a new nvidia driver update, but now my GLX refuses to load09:32
mneptokrichiefrich: no, and you don't get your money back, either.09:32
=== mneptok is bastard like that
richiefrichmneptok man .. :P09:32
royalhmm what if it doesn't have net access09:32
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WinterWeaverMadpilot, thanks, I learnt that early with the Monitor and Screen changes, but wasn't sure about anything else ^_^09:32
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ZaggynlI performed 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable' to use them drivers, but after a reboot glxinfo still says glx is missing09:32
royalI just did a windows dual boot just for the sake of doing it09:33
CorpseFeederok.. it was the capital Q in quake2 which was the problem. Now I have a new error "Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx" and I don't see that file anywhere, so maybe I am missing some files?09:33
mneptokCorpseFeeder: sounds like09:33
mneptokCorpseFeeder: be aware, Quake2 for lInux still requires you own a Q2 CD, or have access to all the data files.09:33
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diliphi ..any packages in ubuntu to convert html to xml ?09:34
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:35
royalthough I planned on deleting the windows partion anyway09:35
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royal(I just wanted to the dual boot setup practice)09:35
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dilip hi ..any packages in ubuntu to convert html to xml ..thanks09:35
reysyHi guys. how do you install x-lite software to application/internet? i'm new to linux.09:36
Healotdilip, from HTML to XHTML?09:36
CorpseFeederok.. but there are data files from the demo version somewhere isn't there? I thought I could use those... and thought they might have been included in this version I downloaded, but perhaps they weren't included afterall.09:36
Cheep-cheepDangit, I can never remember my last name.09:37
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=== Chrisn2 [n=chrisnor@121-72-5-20.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chrisn2will photoshop work on ubuntu with wine?09:38
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dilipeither xhtml or xml is alrite09:38
Healotamaya would do that... dilip09:38
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Chrisn2one person says yeh the other says no09:38
reysyhow to i put x-lite softphone to application/internet?09:38
mneptokChrisn2: GIMP is your friend09:38
dilipoohh  thanks wil check it out09:38
Chrisn2what answer is right09:38
Healotyou change convert xhtml to html, vice versa09:38
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Chrisn2yeah gimps cool but i need other stuff gimp cant do09:38
Chrisn2what about flash?09:38
dilipi was previously using tidy09:38
dilipbut it failed converting a lot of tags09:39
Healotamaya is the latest w3's tools09:39
Chrisn2hmm will google earth work with wine on ubuntu?09:39
Healotit has GUI too, it is GUI-based application09:39
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mneptokChrisn2: uhhhh ... Google Earth has a Linux version09:40
Chrisn2oh i didnt know09:40
dilipoohh i wil be using ti from cmd cos ..have to include it as a part of my software09:40
Chrisn2stupid me09:40
mempfChrisn2: google earth as a linux version09:40
Healotyeah, google just released that09:40
mempfgot beat to it09:40
dilipwil check it out anyway09:40
Chrisn2whats the best IRC program for linux?09:40
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.09:40
=== mneptok likes irssi
Chrisn2wow your a fast typer09:41
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=== ChaosFan loves irssi ;)
Madpilotubotu, tell Chrisn2 about yourself09:41
=== avantgard is now known as avagant
Chrisn2oh its a bot09:41
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.09:41
Chrisn2i c09:41
avagantOk, there we go.09:41
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tuskerniniubotu, what is the best irc client?09:42
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avaganttuskernini: I'm partial to Konversation myself.09:42
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines09:42
sgamerxchat or http://jircii.hick.org09:43
sgamerjIRCii 07.30.05 Linux : highly caffeinated09:43
=== [1] rodneyk is now known as rodneyk
tuskerniniI use gaim because it was installed.09:43
=== Chrisn2 hopes sony vegas will work on ubuntu with wine
tuskerninixchat was not, funny09:43
avagantjIRCii huh?09:43
Chrisn2man theres alot of people in this channel :)09:43
sgamerhehe yeah09:44
Madpilottuskernini, it used to be, but it was removed, which is too bad. Gaim is fairly inadequate for IRC...09:44
tuskerniniso i experience09:44
avagantThat's pretty ugly.09:44
sgamerits a java irc client that looks nice and works kinda like xchat with an extensive scripting system of its own and some old school scripters behind it09:44
tuskerniniis xchat the client that was normally installed in ubuntu?09:44
Chrisn2wow theres lots of bans as well09:44
bionoidChrisn2: I wouldn't bet on that Vegas experiment, - I use parallels for that09:44
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tuskerninithen that is the one i want again.09:44
bionoidChrisn2: Tried it in wine, granted, that's a year ago, but it was highly unstable09:45
=== cooks [n=schitzo@82-38-195-78.cable.ubr04.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tyler-wylieAnyone here able to help me with my dual head monitor problemanyone here good at xorg tweaking, tried getting dual head monitors setup and basically screwed up my xorg.conf so I went to my backup and need someone to help me out ^^09:45
Chrisn2is there any video editing software for linux?09:45
bionoidChrisn2: Nothing serious. kino for simple things, cinelerra for high-def editing (but it's very un-intuitive imho, _nothing_ like vegas)09:46
=== CheekyBoinc [n=fox@p50923063.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
tuskerniniand a few others... just g(l)oo(k)gle around09:46
Madpilottuskernini, XChat used to be installed, like I said. The devs thought Gaim was enough for IRC...09:46
Chrisn2ok i might have to keep a copy of windows on one of my computers :)09:46
sgameryeah for high level video/audio editing apps you might as well dualboot09:47
=== czer323 [n=czer323@cpe-24-26-159-208.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tuskerninimadpilot, thanx09:47
mneptokMadpilot: it was a matter of space on the CD, and having multiple apps for the same purpose. not anything pro-GAIM or anti-XChat09:47
=== spasmodo [n=reid@pool-71-117-235-214.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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sgameror use vmware09:47
Madpilotmneptok, I know09:47
bionoidChrisn2: Nono - get parallels :D09:47
tuskerninidoes anyone know of a program such as pagemaker in linux?09:47
HealotWYSIWYG HTML editor?09:48
wrabbit^What's pagemaker?09:48
spasmodotuskernini: what functionality?09:48
mneptoktuskernini: Scribus09:48
sgameroops sry thats just the html editor i like09:48
bionoidtuskernini: Scribus for KDE but again, it's not a replacement09:48
CorpseFeederOk.. I sorted it... the quake2 file I downloaded was only about 6Mb :) and the demo is 37Mb... so a slight size discrepency there hehe09:48
avagantWow amarok is pretty cool actually.09:48
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org09:48
wrabbit^Screem's good for html09:48
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tuskerninihealot, nvu09:49
Chrisn2i tryed ordering kubuntu from shipit but it was rejected :(09:49
Chrisn2ive ordered a cd from there before fine09:49
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tuskerninithanx, almost late for work. gotta go.. ciao09:50
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== wrabbit^ waves
Chrisn2thanks for the help09:50
xukunHi all. When is the release date of Edgy?09:50
Chrisn2whats that?09:51
shriphanimozilla composer is bad ?09:51
Madpilotxukun, in about three weeks09:51
ShadeT27 days I think.09:51
Madpilotshriphani, Nvu is Moz Composer, updated & expanded09:51
spasmodohas Edgy+1 been named yet?09:51
mneptokxukun: "When It's Ready"(r) ;)09:51
Madpilotbut Bluefish or Screem are better for HTML09:51
=== shriphani cant code for god's sake
mneptokspasmodo: yes, but the name is not yet public.09:51
spasmodoaah thx09:51
Chrisn2why would it not be public? :S09:52
mneptok(and for the record, i don't like the name very much) :/09:52
shriphaniwait edgy has xgl right ?09:52
spasmodothe baby jesus denied release heh heh09:52
mneptokChrisn2: it will be made public soon enough. probably after Edgy drops.09:52
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shriphanikde sucked on this laptop god knows what of xgl09:53
=== mneptok cannot predict the ways of the sabdfl
Chrisn2is it another ubuntu realese?09:53
wrabbit^Anybody know of a better Python editor than DrPython?09:53
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bionoidwrabbit^: emacs.09:53
shriphaniwrabbit^, vi09:53
spasmodomneptok: the sabdfl defers to the BJ09:53
mneptokwrabbit^: i like jEdit for writing code.09:53
shriphanimcedit !09:53
wrabbit^I'll have a look at em' thanks09:53
spasmodowell, if he cries09:54
wrabbit^the more simple, the better. I don't like bloat09:54
shriphaniwrabbit^, they come with your ubuntu installation09:54
mneptokspasmodo: in this case, i think it was BenC that chose the name. (iirc, with a big "if")09:54
shriphaniand they are good09:54
spasmodomneptok - thanks for the info09:54
=== LordSkylark [n=raven@host164-102-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #Ubuntu
shriphanimneptok, can you tell me a good lingo to code in something i dun need to devote time to ?09:54
ZaggynlHow do I change the default video player to lets say Mplayer?09:54
mneptokshriphani: uhhh ... huh? :)09:54
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shriphaniZaggynl, rt. click on the file and select Open With.....09:55
mneptokshriphani: that sounded like some language twins teach each other :)09:55
wrabbit^Zaggynl: I usually just "mplayer (file.mp3)" and console09:55
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shriphanierm i was asking for a good and easy language to code in. something i can devote a 30mins per day09:55
RiottaI think he is talking about gnome and his multimedia defaults09:55
=== mneptok 's mp3 collection dictates use of a "music library" meme player
wrabbit^I'm not sure if the sound quality is decreased if I'm playing it via console but I haven't noticed09:56
Chrisn2is anybody here from NZ?09:56
shriphanii use xmms09:56
wrabbit^shriphani: Python.  Easy for beginners.09:56
Zaggynlshriphani, I mean, isn't there is a number of settings with 'default media programs' or something09:56
mneptokshriphani: hrm ... what's the goal?09:56
shriphanimneptok, i wanna pass my time09:56
shriphaniand state that i know coding09:56
mneptokshriphani: do you want to write standloane apps? web stuff?09:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:56
=== dreamthief [n=mathias@p54A9C3DD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
shriphanimneptok, cgi09:56
Chrisn2stop spamming09:56
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Chrisn2your disrespectful person09:57
shriphanii wanna make webpages cuz i got an account on a beowulf cluster09:57
mneptokand that's the end of that chapter.09:57
spasmodothanks madpilot09:57
wrabbit^shriphani: Python can be used as OOP and web scripting as far as I know.  It's free, great for beginners and advanced users.09:57
shriphaniand i hate to keep it static09:57
mneptokshriphani: so you might want to do web development?09:57
tyler-wylieI'm having issues with my dual monitor setup in X, basically one screen is normal and the other is at an unacceptable resolution, I think 640xSomething, how would I fix this(Using 2 CRT's, ati 9250 open source driver)09:57
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mneptokshriphani: Ruby and Ruby On Rails might be a good fit09:57
spasmodomneptok: so you work for canonical ??09:58
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mneptokand, of course, PHP09:58
mneptokspasmodo: yessir09:58
wrabbit^Am I invisible?09:58
mneptokwrabbit^: no, just naked.09:58
shriphaniso what is the vote on. python ruby or php ?09:58
Chrisn2do you know why my cd's might of been rejected to ship?09:58
Madpilotwrabbit^, why, are you supposed to be? ;)09:58
shriphaniphp is limited to cgi i ss09:58
spasmodomneptok: so I used the right google search terms :)09:58
Riottamaybe he has invisible hat09:58
wrabbit^Madpilot: God, I hope not.09:58
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mneptokshriphani: PHP can be run as a CGI/FCGI process, or as an apache module09:59
spasmodomneptok: congrats, must be gratifying09:59
mneptokspasmodo: it is on payday ;)09:59
spasmodomneptok: I met Jeff and Mark one day, and they are wondeful people10:00
mneptokspasmodo: jdub?10:00
shriphanino i want something more general10:00
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spasmodomneptok:  yes, I am Jealous they are both great people10:00
mneptokspasmodo: jdub left ~1.5 months ago to work on other projects10:01
spasmodomneptok:  oh no10:01
spasmodomneptok: I need to keep up10:01
mneptokspasmodo: he's still in the FOSS world, and his departure was 100% his choice and very amicable. we miss him.10:01
spasmodomneptok: thanks for the info10:01
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berenthow do i upgrade my 2.6.12-10-386 to dapper10:02
berentanyone here10:03
=== gord [i=gord@81-178-87-217.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokspasmodo: http://perkypants.org/blog/2006/07/15/swimming-upstream/10:03
Chrisn2yes i am :)10:03
spasmodomneptok:  I will look at that10:03
wrabbit^apt-get install ubuntu-upgrade?10:03
wrabbit^I don't really know10:03
ajtGot a printing problem here. I got Ubuntu installed using CUPS however I can't add this printer on windows or another linux box. I've been doing some digging it's in regards to the Browsing On in the cupsd.conf. Anyway I've tired a handful of different tutorials, is there something I'm missing10:03
=== Chalkie1983 [n=Chalkie@host86-132-78-92.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokberent: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:03
Chalkie1983hi guys hows u doing10:03
wrabbit^ah, close10:03
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Chalkie1983am i able to setup shell accounts on ubuntu?10:04
Chrisn2so when i install ubuntu will i be able to print on a printer connected to another computer on my network?10:04
=== imaSpy [n=dslieker@user-514c4afe.l3.c5.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bsdfoxyes, just add a user10:04
=== Chrisn2 hides
=== Riotta is now known as Riotta_
berentmneptok: it gives  python-vte10:05
berentThe following packages will be upgraded:10:05
berent  firefox firefox-gnome-support gdb gnome-app-install10:05
berent  mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb openssh-client openssh-server ssh10:05
berent  ssh-askpass-gnome update-manager yelp10:05
berent11 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:05
berentNeed to get 14.7MB/16.5MB of archives.10:05
mneptokChrisn2: depends on what kind of printer, how it's connected, etc etc10:05
berentAfter unpacking 2163kB of additional disk space will be used.10:05
mneptokberent: did you do upgrade or dist-upgrade ?10:05
berentmneptok: will it upgrade to dapper or only those packs10:05
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mneptokberent: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:05
=== Riotta_ is now known as Riotta
berenti tried it and it shows this10:06
berenti havent given Y to it10:06
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=== Riotta_ is now known as Riotta
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@p54A19288.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
berentmneptok: the ubuntu site doesnt provide any information to upgrade like this.it says only about cds10:09
shriphanimneptok, i am gonna learn python10:09
shriphanieill it be fruitful ?10:09
spasmodoshriphani: It willl10:09
spasmodoespecially if you already know the logic aspects10:10
shriphanii know nothing :(10:10
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shriphaninothin of coding10:10
shriphaninot even bash :(10:10
=== vegiVamp [n=demeersm@unimatrix.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
spasmodoshriphani: I don't know it, but several programmers I know have moved to it from C++ or Java10:11
tyler-wyliecan anyone tell me what I need to change in http://pastebin.ca/189608 so that my 2nd monitor isn't a virtual desktop at 640 x crap resolution?10:11
spasmodoshriphani: they are pleased with it;s readibility10:11
=== wrabbit^ [n=wrabbit@220-244-235-53-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Chrisn2what sort of stuff can you make with python shriphani?10:11
shriphaniok spasmodo i shall devote um 1hr.... no...! 30 mins a day10:11
Chrisn2is it powerful?10:12
=== HeavyGuy [n=HeavyGuy@CPE000f3d5d5cd1-CM014340007726.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
shriphaniChrisn2, it is sorta easy10:12
spasmodoshriphani: practice makes perfect !10:12
shriphaniand i hate being in the midst of nerdy ppl like #ubuntu... learning linux and staying ignorant about cding10:12
=== Gasten [n=martin@h105n6c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
berentmneptok: r u there10:13
spasmodoshriphani: what helped me the most was a couple of algorithm/logic classes at the local Community College10:13
shriphanii am in grade 11 = school10:14
spasmodoshriphani: before I took ANY languages10:14
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shriphaniand in this country people are windows lovers10:14
mneptokberent: kinda. in the middle of like 7 things.10:14
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spasmodoshriphani: So learn the logic side of it all first10:14
shriphanispasmodo, what does it involve ?10:14
spasmodoshriphani: then the individual syntax is easier10:14
mneptokshriphani: "this country" being ... ?10:15
spasmodoshriphani: if then else or10:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cding - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:15
shriphani!@#*** INDIA ***#@!10:15
spasmodoshriphani: heh heh10:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about INDIA ***#@! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:15
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shriphanioh sorry bot10:15
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spasmodoshriphani: funny10:15
shriphaniits like i need to explain my isp what an os is b4 i can state my problem10:16
=== haffe [n=haffe@ua-83-227-198-253.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokshriphani: of course India loves Windows. the fact it's a pile of crap that falls over when the moon changes phases means millions of outsourced support people can live like westerners. ;)10:16
spasmodoshriphani: once you learn the logic, the rest is syntax10:16
spasmodoshriphani: easier to learn any language10:16
spasmodoGN all10:16
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Chrisn2edgy :)10:17
shriphanii hate the outsourcing.... i hate the ignorance and i hate to be still learning commands even when i started linux waay back in jan10:17
berentcan anyone tell me what command to use to know whether my system supports what SD RAM10:17
mneptokshriphani: the first step on the path to true wisdom is to admit you know nothing ;)10:18
berentlike 64mb /128 mb10:18
[H5N1] I like making up commands.10:18
shriphanii make a few environ variables to save the typing10:18
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shriphanibut no commands as yet10:18
NormalWhat does this mean? "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a:m_debug_clip.o": No10:18
Normalsymbols found10:18
shriphanior wait10:19
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haffeHello. Could somebody help me with my cups problem? I want to share the printer on the network, and be able to use the admin page from other computers. I have edited cupsd.conf but whenever I try to use the web interface I get "426 Upgrade Required You must access this page using the URL https://lillfaleln.kebabnet:631/admin."10:22
=== aimaz_ [n=swp1@i-83-67-17-205.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidguess what10:22
SurfnKid=] 10:22
Chrisn2it sure does :)10:22
berenthow is dapper's performance compared to ubuntu10:22
unfknblvblu got it working ?10:22
Madpilotberent, um... Dapper is Ubuntu... it's the current version, also known as 6.06.1...10:23
=== Hello_Kitty__ is now known as acidjames
berentbut just wanted to know how better it works10:23
SurfnKidberent, you mean how better is it than any other OS? well just better10:23
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unfknblvblits also pretty10:24
berent I am impressed boys10:24
unfknblvblso yes ubuntu is very sexy10:24
bun-bunhaffe: could you post your .conf -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10:24
SurfnKidenough already10:24
SurfnKidstop hittin on my ubuntu10:24
SurfnKidshe's sexy but she's mine10:25
unfknblvbllies mine's sexier10:25
aimaz_i thought ubuntu was about sharing10:25
Chrisn2yeah me to10:25
avagantOh my!10:25
SurfnKidwhen she was ugly yeah10:25
haffebun-bun: Just a minute.10:25
SurfnKidbut she worked out and she's hot so she's mine10:25
=== Chrisn2 sticks ubuntu sticker on his monitor
aimaz_SurfnKid: lol10:25
berentEinstien says imagination is more important than knowledge10:26
=== seamus7 [n=seamus7@h39.7.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chrisn2im going to get an ubuntu tatoo10:26
SurfnKidi think id still be pretty much depressed with XP's sista... the new Vista10:26
SurfnKidif i didnt find Ubuntu10:26
MadpilotChrisn2, get pics of that, you'll be famous ;)10:26
=== ikam [n=ikam__@host-84-221-101-195.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
Chrisn2who said im not allready famous :)10:27
Chrisn2theres 864 people in here :P10:27
Ackeubu_hey guys, anyone got civilization4 working in linux. i checked winehq but was quite discouraged..??10:27
aimaz_Ackeubu_: have you tried cedega?10:28
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Ricooccasionally gnome is crashing on startup, and rolls back to gdm until i restart it. how can i find out what's crashing it?10:28
Ackeubu_aimaz no. linux distro?10:28
avagantwine HQ is bunk!10:28
aimaz_Ackeubu_: no, it's like wine, but highly geared towards games10:28
aimaz_you have to pay i think10:28
aimaz_but there is much better support10:28
=== Chrisn2 is now known as Chrisn[A]
Chrisn[A] ill be back later10:28
avagantIt says you can get AIM to work on Wine.10:29
avagantBut you can't, I tried.10:29
berentcan anyone tell me what command to use to know whether my system supports  64/128 SD RAM10:29
_mhhi all, I seem to be having an issue logging into my desktop with an ldap user... GDM complains about not being able to set user group (which is also reported in logs -- cannot set user group for mhashmi)10:29
haffebun-bun: Here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25560/10:29
aimaz_avagant: why would you want to?10:29
_mhlogin on the console works fine10:29
bun-bunAckeubu_: you might want to have a look at winex: http://sourceforge.net/projects/winex10:29
aimaz_gaim has AIM support10:29
avagantI know I know.10:29
avagantgaim sucks worse than aim10:29
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mneptokRico: ~./.xsession-errors10:30
Ricomneptok: thanks10:30
Ackeubu_bun-bun is winex in apt-get?10:30
bun-bunhaffe: what is your subnet?10:30
bun-bunAckeubu_: sorry, i don't know much about it- i've just heard it's better for gaming than wine10:31
berentmneptok: what is s/ .//10:31
diliphey how to use AMAYA from terminal window  without gui10:31
haffebun-bun: 192.168.1.*10:31
dilipamaya -help doesnt work10:31
mneptokberent: regex10:31
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mneptokberent: regular experssion. "replace the first . with nothing"10:32
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ic56dilip: try --help10:32
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avagantI'm completely popsicled out.10:32
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bun-bunhaffe:  pm10:33
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dilipdoesnt work10:33
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haffebun-bun:  I'm not registerd so I cannont pm.10:36
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berentwhy are Indian mangers stupid10:36
haffeCould you join #help-hafe?10:36
berentmanagers i mean10:36
bun-bunhaffe: ok, did you get my messages though?10:36
haffeI will try the.10:36
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bun-bunhaffe: that and also make sure you are in the lpadmin group as defined10:37
MDCorehey all..how do I get WEP working ?10:37
robbanHi all! Is there any devs here atm? Any date when an official cd will be released with this fix? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/5726510:37
bionoidMDCore: WEP doesn't work in any case. Use WPA with a _secure_ password10:37
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MDCoreok. only problem is... it's the works wireless.. hmm. probably good to switch anyhow.10:38
ikamhello people what ports I must open on router to use prg kopete+webcam? thanks10:39
NET||abusehey guys, one of my machines is having awful trouble updating :(10:39
haffebun-bun: That didn't seem to do the trick.10:39
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NET||abusecan anyone give me a hand to fix this10:39
ZaggynlAnyone knows a good Direct Connect client for Ubuntu?10:39
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NET||abuseI have 2 debian machines, an old desktop which is working fine, and my laptop10:39
unfknblvblwell is there such a thing as good trouble ?10:39
NET||abusemy laptop is having all sorts of issues10:40
drnoknnt ihr hier auch deutsch?10:40
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NET||abusetrying the various ssl updates10:40
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:40
avagantCan I just say I really like amarox?10:40
avagantOk well, I really like Amarok.10:41
bionoidMDCore: Yeah WEP blows, install aircrack and see how many minutes it takes to get the WEP-key. Probably around 5.10:41
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bun-bunhaffe: one moment10:42
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bun-bunhaffe: did you put yourself in the lpadmin group?10:44
unfknblvblamarok's kde innit ?10:44
NET||abuseok, here's the output from my apt-get upgrade10:44
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NET||abuseit's giving me errors due to mod_ssl update i think10:45
haffebun-bun:  Yes.10:45
w0jtashi, i'm looking for mail client for console anybody can help me ?10:45
bionoidw0jtas: gnus10:45
mneptokNET||abuse: it's giving you errors because the THc repo you have in /etc/apt/sources.lst does not have the packages it claims to have10:46
NET||abuseso what can i change the repo to?10:46
mneptokcomment it out and "apt-get update"10:47
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daurnimatori need help asap10:47
daurnimatormy sound doesn't work10:47
daurnimatorits not a driver problem10:47
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xipietotecerrr....ubuntu is suddenly telling me allmost all of the diskspace I have is occupied?10:48
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems10:48
avaganthey guys what's the command for su in kde when not in the terminal10:48
mneptokxipietotec: what does "df -h" tell you?10:49
surfaceavagant:  try gksudo10:49
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berentmneptok : how will i change to dapper10:49
haffeavagant: kdesu10:49
avagantkdesu huh?10:49
=== avagant writes that down
mneptokberent: what are you using now? Breezy?10:49
xipietotec36G   33G  825M  98% /10:49
xipietotecearlier today I had 15GB's free10:49
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mneptokxipietotec: indeed, 33GB of 36GB are used10:50
xipietotecas in hours ago10:50
xipietotecand it's still going up...10:50
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unfknblvblxipietotec: pause your pr0n dl10:50
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avagantbut how do I get into files outside of terminal as root?10:50
w0jtasyou need to buy bigger harddisk ;] 10:50
xipietotecI closed everything10:50
mneptokxipietotec: check /var/log for logfiles spiralling out of control10:50
avagantdo i just put kdesu?10:50
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NET||abusemneptok, i'm not sure what deb line will fix this.. thc or segfault isn't in my sources list..10:51
berentmneptok :iits called Breez Badger 5.0110:51
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NET||abusemneptok, it must be a redirect or a location specified in the deb pacakges.gz or something10:51
sliztumi tu nekdo i cesky?10:51
NET||abusemneptok, but i don't know which one it is.10:51
xipietotecwhat log should I look for?10:51
ic56xipietotec: use du to find out where all you disk space got consumed.10:51
mneptokberent: update Breezy to the latest and greatest, and that should put the necessary repos in /etc/apt/sources.lst for an upgrade to dapper10:51
xipietotec64      ./cups10:51
xipietotec24      ./gdm10:51
xipietotec4       ./news10:51
xipietotec4       ./unattended-upgrades10:51
xipietotec132     ./installer10:51
xipietotec3568    .10:51
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mneptokxipietotec: ls -l and look at sizes10:52
MDCorewhat command line do I use for aircrack ? (wanna show the boss why we should switch from wep)10:52
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avagantLike if I'm not in terminal and want to edit things.10:52
berentmneptok:I have done it already apt-get upgrade10:52
avagantThat I don't have permission to.10:52
avagantWhat do I put in?10:52
avagantFor kde.10:52
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xipietotec962688 2006-10-01 09:18 wtmp.110:52
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mneptokberent: then an apt-get dist-upgrade should work10:52
mneptokxipietotec: 962K is not large10:53
greenfishnazdar lidicky10:53
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avaganthey can anyone help me?10:53
xipietotecthat's the largest file10:53
greenfishvysvetli mi nekdo, jakej je rozdil mezi UBUNTU cd a dvd?10:53
mneptokxipietotec: ls -Rl /var/log10:54
Healotwhat was that?10:54
avagantI'm not in the terminal what do I do to edit files as a su in kde?10:54
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.10:54
berenttry opening synaptic10:54
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berentand adding multiverse repositories10:55
NET||abuseberent, sorry, :)10:55
NET||abuseberent, i already have multiverse10:55
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xipietotecthere's nothing that large10:55
mneptokxipietotec: so then it's not a runaway logfile10:55
haffebun-bun: I tried that before, that didn't help.10:55
NET||abuseberent, i'll show you my sources.list, one sec10:55
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bun-bunhaffe: you are able to see the proper page from the local machine?10:56
NET||abuseberent, there it is10:56
avagantGuys I need help.10:57
avagantHOW do I enter into su when I'm not in the terminal so I can edit files?10:57
NET||abuseberent, sorry sorry,, my god, where did my multiverse go :(10:57
avagantPlus i'm in kde.10:57
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haffebun-bun:  Hang on, I just did something indescibably stupid.10:58
haffeI removed the only user from the system from the sudoers group.10:58
ic56xipietotec: do this: du -s /*  It will run a long time and report the disk consumption of each directory (and all its children) at the root level.  Repeat the process for the biggest directory until you find the culprit.10:58
NET||abuseberent, added multiverse properly , no joy10:59
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NET||abuseberent, there you go, now multiverse is there, no change10:59
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NET||abusestill giving me the 302 on thc.segfault11:00
AM|Rhow to install make in ubuntu? apt-get install ?11:00
AM|Rwith c everthing11:00
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rodhi!  i installed ubuntu on my laptop before and my wireless card was detected and worked fine, but i have reinstalled since and this time it wasn't picked up.  it's an intel wireless card (ipw3945), is there some way i can just re-run whatever the installer does without re-installing the complete distro?11:01
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berentNET|| abuse why do you backports11:01
NET||abuserod, you probably just have to enable the right kernel module11:01
NET||abuseberent, i'll try without them11:01
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berentyes try it11:02
NET||abusei think i needed it for something, not remembering right now what though :(11:02
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mneptokrod: install network-manager-gnome11:02
ic56AMIR: yes: apt-get install build-essential  will get get make as well as gcc and friends11:02
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rodyeah i think i know the module to enable (ipw3945) but i when it's running i don't see any eth0...11:02
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rodok, i'll try that mneptok11:03
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avagantI'm in kde, I need to know how to get into my su when I'm not in the terminal.11:03
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berentwhy is theren't any lock screen for root11:04
mneptokavagant: DUDE! you're asking Kubuntu questions on the Ubuntu channel. try #kubuntu11:04
avagantBut I'm using ubuntu with a kde desktop?11:04
unfknblvblkbuntu is ubuntu made for KDE11:05
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berenthow will i lock screen when i am root11:06
berentanyone here11:06
xipietotecokay how do I du -s /* hidden files?11:06
mneptokberent: you should never be root11:06
unfknblvblits true11:06
berentcommon why11:06
unfknblvblits like smoking at a gas station11:06
halexvery dangerous..11:06
berenti like to be dangerous11:06
ic56xipietotec: du -s /.[A-z] *11:07
berentand with danger11:07
mneptokberent: because running your computer as root is the same thing as taking your naked girlfriend to a Hell's Angels motorcycle rally with a "VIOLATE ME" sign on her boobs.11:07
ajmitchmneptok: rather graphic11:07
xipietotecthat didn't work11:07
mneptokajmitch: and yet persuasive11:07
haffeHmmm, having a girlfriend, that would be nice :)11:07
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halexhaffe: you really so sure?11:08
mneptokhaffe: girlfriends exist in The Big Blue Room, not on IRC.11:08
berentmneptok: but i have all powers11:08
NET||abuseberent, how are you root/? ubuntu doesn't allow running as root by default.11:08
mneptokberent: right. and that's bad.11:08
haffemneptok: I attend technical university, I have seen 5 girls during 2 years.11:08
mneptokberent: do not run as root. period.11:08
ic56xipietotec: du -s /.[^.] *   Is better.  It catches everything.11:08
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NET||abusesudo and gksudo are all you need11:08
sarahwhat line do I need in /etc/fstab to automatically  mount  /dev/hda4  to  /home/mydir/foobar/   ?   It should be WRITEABLE mounted  also for me as user(!)  -  /dev/hda4  is  FAT3211:09
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xipietotecthat does not work either11:09
xipietotecit doesn't recognize that as a command11:09
berentNET|| abuse and mneptok : tell me how one can hack my comp11:09
berentif i am root11:09
ic56xipietotec: du -s /.[^.] *   Is better.  It catches more things.  If you want to automate this, you should use "find" instead.11:09
haffesarah:  Something like /dev/hda4/    /home/mydir/foobar     fat32,user 1 111:09
bun-bunmight want to stick "auto" in there11:10
xipietotecic56: oot@jackfrost-laptop:/home/jackfrost# du -s /.[^.] *11:10
xipietotecdu: cannot access `/.[^.] *': No such file or directory11:10
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mneptoksarah: /dev/hda4 /home/mydir/foobar vfat user,noauto  0 011:10
ic56sarah: use the diskmounter script.  It will setup the mountpoints too.11:10
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:10
mneptoksarah: remove "noauto" if you want it to auto-mount11:10
NET||abuseberent, what do you mean??11:10
StonekeeperHi. Can anyone recommend a cheap laptop for use with Dapper? Cheers.....11:10
=== avagant is probably listening to "When I Go Down" by Relient K on Mmhmmm [amaroK]
NET||abuseberent, what is "hack my own comp" that seems like an odd request.. it's so gerenal11:11
bun-bunberent: and as far as running as root-- go ahead, just don't expect anyone to help when you blow something up11:11
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mneptokberent: easy. i find a process with a vulnerable buffer overflow. i then inject and overrun that buffer. now i'm root. now i own your machine.11:11
ic56xipietotec: makes sense -- there shouldn't be any hidden files in / .  ls -la /   will tell you that's the case11:11
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mneptokberent: if you don;t run many apps as root, that possibility dimishes greatly11:11
xipietotec20606803968 2006-10-03 02:12 .xsession-errors11:12
berentmneptok ,but how will u get the buffer flows11:12
xipietotecokay....I think I found the culprit, how do I get rid of that11:13
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halexberent: via an application that has a vulnerability that's been unpatched on your system..11:13
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ic56xipietotec: remove it.  The command is:  rm <file>11:13
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unfknblvblor sudo rm11:13
berenthalex: like11:13
unfknblvblcan you guys please not explain to berent on how to hack11:14
mneptokberent: --teach-me-unix-security-modelling is not a flag i add to my IRC tasks ;)11:14
NET||abuseok, i've got my deb issue sorta solved,,,11:14
haffeHack on the computer?11:14
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Ackeubu_hey i am runnign gnome with fluxbox. i cant use the right klick menu cause nautius is always running. even if i am killing it. it bounces back up. can I remove nautilus?11:15
berentmneptok: i dint get u11:15
haffeStart by getting a large pickaxe, after that stand with your legs wide appart, hold the pickaxe in your hands, lift the pickaxe above your head and then bear down on your computer.11:15
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mneptokberent: exactly11:15
xipietotecokay....bizzare, it tells me I have 12 gigs (out of 36) used when I click properties, but it still says I have 0 bites free11:15
NET||abuseyeh, the amap package url is just broken in debs... anyone else want to check amap for me, just to apt-get install amap,, you shouldn't just get a load of html output on the console with a 302 response page11:16
berentmneptok:i dint get it either11:16
NET||abuseuuuhhhmm,,, s/shouldn't/should/11:16
ic56berent: when you are root, you vulnerable to all the attacks that are commonly used against windows.  You are pre-empting Linux's security mechanisms.11:16
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mneptokberent: so, let's recap. i make a reference to easy compile time options as a joke. you do not understand the joke. that's OK, not everyone has to be experienced with compiling software. BUT ... if you're willing to cede the point that i might have a bit more experience than you, why not cede the point that *running as root is a bad idea*?11:18
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berentic56 and mneptok: its was good one11:19
xipietotechow can I do a manual check of the root file system?11:19
xipietoteclike grub does every 30 times I load?11:19
berentbut still i feel if i understand ur joke i will kill it there11:19
odyssevsGreetings chaps. Small problem here with the Ubuntu server - have set up dhcp3-server and configured it properly, along with /etc/network/interfaces. Clients are being issued a dhcp IP.11:19
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mneptokxipietotec: boot off the CD and run e2fsck -yf11:20
xipietotecoh bollocks, I don't have the CD.11:20
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odyssevsI've also run my usual iptables firewall script... to allow the clients to access the internet. However the only programme on any of the clients which connects is Skype. Nothing else. Any clues?11:20
mneptokxipietotec: you might be able to do it from recovery mode11:20
mneptokodyssevs: check to ensure the script is dfoing what you think it should be doing?11:20
odyssevsmneptok, well now, in 3 years on a Debian server it hasn't let me down..11:21
ic56xipietotec: the filesystem check isn't done by grub. it's done by one of the /etc/init.d/ scripts.  the command is fsck.  The cleanest way is to shutdown -Fr now11:21
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dooglusmneptok: if she has a sign on her boobs, can she really be said to be naked?11:21
mneptokodyssevs: ok, then don't.11:21
odyssevsMaybe 2 years. Anyway, do you suppose you'd like to see a copy of it?11:21
berentmneptok: i need more knowledge on hacking and its effects11:22
mneptokodyssevs: sorry, getting swamped here11:22
halexberent: oh just give up already..11:22
odyssevsYes, a unique feature of this room.11:22
=== qtip [n=simon@adsl-dc-3ef5d.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
xipietotecic56: Lil more info please.11:22
odyssevs*scratches his head*11:22
mneptokodyssevs: no no, this is in meatspace11:22
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odyssevsMeatspace? I wasn't aware we had female company.11:22
berenthalex:common hacking is a skill11:23
berenthalex:i want to atleast know it11:23
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odyssevsberent, and what have you in mind to be hacking?11:23
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halexberent: well, I doubt that here is a great place to find it..11:24
mneptokberent: the first step on becoming a smart and informed hacker is to *not run your bloody Linux box as root*!11:24
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unfknblvbli'm against teaching children how to hack11:24
odyssevsI feel suddenly quite depressing only having Skype at my disposal.11:24
=== xipietotec puts all of his d00ds in mneptok's b8s3
berentmneptok: ok agreed so u mean u can hack as a user11:24
halexunfknblvbl: Children are our future, after all..11:24
=== silent_scream kalimera
LookTJunfknblvbl: me too11:25
berentmneptok:that will be hard11:25
odyssevsAnd miffed. Why allow only one programme through? Most peculiar..11:25
unfknblvblanyways its against freenodes rules11:25
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unfknblvblso gl11:25
xipietotecic56: You still there?11:25
ic56xipietotec: if you check the filesystems while they are in active use, you will find inconsistencies.  So, it's best to check them while they aren't mounted.  The easiest way to do that is to reboot, requesting that the fsck command be run11:25
odyssevsmneptok, right, perhaps it's time to investigate the iptables.. is there a config or source or soemthing with a vanilla ubuntu server install which I can examine?11:25
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xipietotecokay....how do I do that?11:26
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mneptokodyssevs: you should be able to pick apart the iptables .deb and get the vanilla conf.11:26
NET||abusewhat do i do to report broken package in the debs?11:26
ic56xipietotec: ... during booting.  You do that with this command:  shutdown -Fr now11:26
halexUm, you report it to the Package Maintainer I believe..11:26
xipietotecah, cool thanks =)11:26
odyssevsTsk tsk, no copy of a kernel config?11:26
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abhinayi have a problem when i delete a fat32 partition , says " Unable to delete partition!  Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 5"" , iam using gparted, any suggestions ?11:28
main2ive set 'automatic login' in the loginscreen settings, but it doesnt login automaticly11:29
qtipdid you unmount any fat32 partion ;)11:29
PwnisherCan anyone point me towards some info about ethernet cards not working with a live cd?11:29
abhinayi unmounted all windows partitions11:29
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qtipso what do you get when you do mount what do you see there ?11:30
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halexmain2: try restarting your xserver (ctrl+alt+backspace) and see if it auto-logs in..11:30
=== FallenHitokiri [n=Blitz@p54ACED82.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
main2did that 5times now, nothing changes11:31
si_gantengyou speak language indonesia11:31
=== ^Happy^ [n=^Happy^@vc-196-207-45-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #Ubuntu
main2halex: including rebooting the thing11:31
ic56abhinay: I think the design of the PC disk partitioning doesn't allow you to remove intermediate extended (= numbered higher than 4) partitions11:31
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^Happy^Can sum1 help me?11:31
halexthat's what we're here for.. lol11:32
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halexmain2: Try creating a test user and see if that user auto-logs in..11:32
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halexmain2: if you haven't done that already..11:32
ic56abhinay: because to reach each extended partition, you must read the boot block of the previous extended partition.11:32
PwnisherMy network card is not working with the dapper live cd and I want ubuntu on this pc badly, plz help?11:33
unfknblvblPwnisher: ping google.com11:33
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halexPwnisher: Is it a wireless network card?11:33
PwnisherNo, plain onboard ethernet card11:33
ic56abhinay: it should be possible to delete intermediate partitions by copying the boot block of the subsequent partition but perhaps gparted isn't yet capable of that.11:33
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mneptokPwnisher: what kind of network card? what chipset? what architecture? what Ubuntu release?11:34
unfknblvbli had the same problem with ubuntu and its net connection11:34
yarihmhi everyone11:34
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unfknblvblPwnisher: PING google.com11:34
halexmneptok: I believe he said Dapper..11:34
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Pwnisherdapper, a new emachines pc, can't remember model name right now11:34
willys_fueguinocan someone tell me if its possible to set a diferent Wallpaper to each virtual desk with gnome??11:34
finbarDearie dearie dearie. The magic reboot doesn't awaken iptables from its slumber!11:34
Pwnisherunfknblvbl, don't have access to the comp right now11:34
mneptokPwnisher: no one can help unless they know the exact hardware you're using.11:34
unfknblvblif you can ping google.com11:35
unfknblvblor any other website11:35
unfknblvblthen all you need to change is one file11:35
halexmneptok: Exactly..11:35
unfknblvbllemme get the name11:35
PwnisherHmm, my newbness shines, I don't know how to ping...11:35
unfknblvblopen up console/terminal11:35
willys_fueguinocan someone tell me if its possible to set a diferent Wallpaper to each virtual desk with gnome??11:35
LookTJopen terminal11:35
unfknblvbland type ping google.com11:35
finbarPwnisher say old boy, how'd you fancy a glimpse at my really basic iptables firewall.. see whether you can explain a particular peculiarity I'm experiencing?11:35
LookTJtype ping google.com11:35
mneptokPwnisher: you should come back when you have physical access to the machine11:36
halexUntil then, we can't really help..11:36
=== plot [n=Il@serena.cs.unibo.it] has joined #ubuntu
unfknblvblgrab a laptop11:36
yarihmhas anyone run into an issue with initrd.img on Dapper when trying to upgrade to linux-image-2.6.15-27-amd64-server? when installing dpkg complains that /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-27-amd64-server does not exist, when touching that file it complains that it can't delete it because it was created not by dpkg... how do i fix that? dpkg --force-all -i linux-image-....deb didn't help11:36
unfknblvbland plonk it next to your computer with ubuntu11:36
willys_fueguinocan someone tell me if its possible to set a diferent Wallpaper to each virtual desk with gnome??11:36
Pwnisherwell, getting to you guys is the main problem since the machine won't connect....11:36
halexAh, true..11:36
mneptokwillys_fueguino: not as yet11:36
unfknblvblPwnisher: do you only have one computer ?11:36
mneptokwillys_fueguino: you could switch to BeOS >:)11:37
qtippaste teh rules11:37
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:37
PwnisherI don't want to waste your time though guys, for now does anyone know a guide for troubleshooting network cards?11:37
willys_fueguinoI can't believe it11:37
=== PaulNM [n=PaulNM@c-69-141-3-197.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokPwnisher: none of those will help you until you know exactly what chipset that NIC is using11:38
willys_fueguinoLookTJ, i didnt said anything  11:38
Pwnishertrue...which I can find out later when I'm in windows11:38
unfknblvblyou sed fsck !11:38
=== ssstormy [n=sliverst@crown-7-24.resnet.ucsc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Pwnishersomeone mentioned that if I could ping then I'd only have to change one file11:38
finbarhttp://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_alles.php is useful for chipset info.11:38
Pwnisherfor future reference, which file?11:38
unfknblvblthat was me11:38
unfknblvbli'll go look it up11:38
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Pwnisherall of you guys are great11:38
unfknblvblno they aren't11:39
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mneptoksomeone obviously doesn;t know me very well11:39
unfknblvblthey're a bunch of bums11:39
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unfknblvblits okay mneptok i steered him clear !11:39
finbarmneptok, some free loving to anyone with an eye for firewall flaws.11:39
halexI'm one up from a bum, thanks very much..11:39
Pwnisherthis was pretty much the final hurdle before I stepped into linux, more importantly ubuntu...the community.11:39
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unfknblvblthis file: /etc/resolv.conf but you need your primary DNS11:41
muxxguys, how do I disable use of ACPI for PCI configuration but leave for the rest ?11:41
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unfknblvblthats what i did to get my network working11:41
=== eliphas_ [n=eliphas_@host-84-9-255-148.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
unfknblvblit was more so ubuntu/gnome was acting funny with my modem11:41
mneptokunfknblvbl: changing /etc/resolv.conf will not help if he can ping google.com ;)11:41
=== LittleSpy [n=Matt@68-68-121-37.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
dudemeisterhiho! anyone of u using the fish shell?11:41
LookTJmuxx: add to blacklist?11:41
unfknblvbli had that EXACT error11:41
unfknblvbli could ping11:41
unfknblvblbut firefox and everything else failed to connect11:42
unfknblvblit was wierd >.<11:42
Pwnisherwell the card lists, and says its activated11:42
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.11:42
Pwnisherbut not internet11:42
mneptokunfknblvbl: all resolv.conf does is give you the ability to access hosts by name. if he can *ping* by name, DNS is working.11:42
Pwnisheris that similar?11:42
LookTJunfklnblvbl: that's easy11:42
LookTJblacklist ipv611:42
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unfknblvbli was trying to help >.<11:42
LookTJ:) i know11:42
muxxLookTJ> how ? I have my PCI devices failing to configure when ACPI is on11:42
mneptokPwnisher: Linux will happily see hardware for which it has no drivers.11:42
xipietotecahh...okay my diskspace is back to what it should be, I got 5 errors in my root file system though11:42
=== unfknblvbl sits in the corner and twiddles his thumbs
LookTJI can't answer muxx11:43
xipietotecthis is the second time I've gotten exactly that amount11:43
Pwnisherand ist it as a file anyway, right?l11:43
mneptokPwnisher: it will add a /dev entry for it, but it will be unusable.11:43
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muxxLookTJ> isn't there a general kernel command-line parameter that prevents the use of ACPI for PCI configuration ?11:43
LookTJPwnisher: add blacklist ipv6 to the blacklist file11:44
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Pwnisherlooktj: I have no idea what you are talking about11:44
=== jabular_ [i=jabular@82-32-17-244.cable.ubr03.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
finbarLookTJ, you look like a man who has seen a firewall or two - any chance you'd look at mine? Having some weird problems here (inexplicable ones).11:44
mneptokmuxx: apm=on acpi=off11:45
LookTJPwnisher: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:45
muxxmneptok> is this built into all pre-compiled kernels ?11:45
mneptokmuxx: should be, ja11:45
Pwnisherlooktj: do I just type that into the terminal?11:45
=== mneptok hasn't looked at APM support ina couple months, though
mneptokbut i think Ben still compiles it im11:46
LookTJPwnisher: type gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:46
finbarWell jesus would you believe it..11:46
finbaradding the word 'search' to the top of /etc/resolv.conf fixed the problem.11:46
finbarI'll tell you what, the problems you come across in Linux can be weird... but the solutions are even more bloody weird.11:46
LookTJat the bottom, add blacklist ipv611:46
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LookTJunder blacklist i2c_i80111:47
muxxthanks mneptok. I'll try it tonight. old bioses and non-standards suck11:47
LookTJor something11:47
finbarmneptok, easy question for you now.. from somewhere in the murky depths of my memory, I recall resolv.conf doesn't always stay the way it is made. There is a trick to stopping it from changing.. do you know it?11:48
unfknblvbli do ^^11:48
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LookTJpwnisher, you following me?11:48
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finbarunfknblvbl, come now my man, do share it!11:48
unfknblvbli'm trying to rememeber it11:49
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finbarElusive isn't it? Fits in there with euphoric memory, hiding with the recollections of beautiful girls and Cuban cigars..11:49
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unfknblvblthats it11:49
Pwnisherok guys, got lucky, old pos comp is now up and running so now I do have access to this machine11:50
nmsaI can't mount rw a nfs exported fs11:50
finbarThe suspense is simply killing me, unfknblvbl ...11:50
unfknblvblmake a file called dhclient-enter-hooks11:50
Pwnishernow I think we can get this done11:50
unfknblvblin dhcp3 folder11:50
ucordeshow can i repair my filesystem?11:50
unfknblvblin etc11:50
unfknblvbland add this info to it11:50
qtipWhat firewall problems do you have ?11:50
nmsado I need to have the same username ? on both boxes?11:50
qtipfinbar I thnk11:50
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muxxfinbar> it getss overwritten by dhcp daemon11:51
finbarqtip, wasn't actually a f/w prob. I needed the word 'search' added to the first line of resolv.conf.11:51
mneptokfinbar: sudo chown root:root /etc/resolv.conf && sudo chmod 400 /etc/resolv.conf11:52
=== jabular__ [i=jabular@82-32-17-244.cable.ubr03.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokfinbar: that may do it11:52
finbarAnd from experience, it won't stay there.. unfknblvbl has pulled a well hidden secret from his book of spells to cure that.11:52
LookTJpwnisher answer my pm11:52
ucordesqtip is an hip hop artist11:52
ucordesisn't he?11:52
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finbarThanks unfknblvbl / mneptok.11:53
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Pwnisherlooktj: done11:53
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x50a1602b.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
qtipfinbar ooooo ok that would be it ;)11:53
zeus78for some reason, none of my services were enabled.  so i enabled *all* of them, and now when i boot my drive is mounted read-only.  any ideas how to fix?11:53
mneptokfinbar: s/400/44411:53
unfknblvblfinbar : http://www.netbsd.org/Documentation/network/dhcp.html#keep_resolv_conf11:53
=== toby [n=toby@host-87-74-57-195.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
LookTJpwnisher done with?11:53
mneptokzeus78: look at fstab11:54
LookTJwith blacklist?11:54
Pwnisherlooktj pming you...I assume11:54
finbarWell.. ran a debian server from 2002 until 5 hours ago. Let's hope Ubuntu gives me equal pleasure. Nice work so far fellas.11:54
qtipucordes naa q-tip is a white fluffy cotton bud at either end of a stick NOT FOR CLEANING YOUR EARS ;)11:54
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zeus78mneptok: fstab is fine... i think it's one of the services that's getting loaded.11:54
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finbarJolly good unfknblvbl.11:54
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LookTJpwnisher let's deal with problem in pm11:55
=== finbar runs off to dream about non-Linux things.
mneptokzeus78: it could be that init is loading services earlier than drive mounts that then result in the drive being mounted ro11:55
mneptokzeus78: go undo what you did ;)11:55
mneptokzeus78: enable required services one at a time to ensure they play nicely.11:56
zeus78i can't undo it, because it's read-only!11:56
zeus78it won't let me make changes...11:56
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mneptokzeus78: boot to recovery mode, dude. that's what it's for. ;)11:56
zeus78from grub?11:56
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fantamy pc dont read cds11:56
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LookTJPwnisher: you done blacklisting ipv6 btw?11:57
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Pwnisherlooktj, no going to do it right now11:58
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bionoidHm anyone seen this error when attempting to mount an ISO image through loopback (as root)? "mount: no permission to look at /dev/loop#"11:58
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MissBlondGirls just wanna have fun ... ..11:58
unfknblvblMissBlond: 0.o11:58
zeus78recovery mode doesn't work either... i guess i need to burn a live cd, perhaps.11:58
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MissBlondrealy :))11:59
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unfknblvbllies !11:59
MissBlondwhy? ..;~(11:59
unfknblvblcoz i dunno what a girl is >.<12:00
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halexyou don't know what a girl is..?12:00
LookTJwait Pwnisher12:00
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MissBlondXi xi ;Dpp~12:00
gord#ubuntu-offtopic for anything not ontopic guys :)12:00
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halexawww.. lol12:01
=== unfknblvbl slaps gord
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unfknblvblbut no ones using the room >.<12:01
MissBlondhaleh... u lol12:01
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unfknblvblwell he left12:02
unfknblvblwhat you want >.<12:03
LookTJpwnisher where are you12:03
unfknblvblLookTJ: have you identified ?12:03
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LookTJidentified what?12:04
mneptokgrrrr ...12:04
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=== mneptok beats the -desktop team
unfknblvblyou need to identifyw ith nickserv to send pms12:04
unfknblvblotherwise the pms are not sent12:04
unfknblvblit stops randoms spamming pms12:04
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3ACF1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
LookTJ[03:05]  [Notice]  -NickServ- You have already identified12:05
mneptoki hate spamming pms. my gf gets those. "enlrage your male organ ... and get me some chocolate and an aspirin!"12:05
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unfknblvbloh then i dunno LookTJ12:05
Pwnisherlooktj are you not getting my pms?12:06
Pwnisherdamn gaim!12:06
LookTJyou need to edit /etc/modprobe.d/aliases12:06
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Pwnisherguess I should mention this is also  my first time on irc12:07
unfknblvblPwnisher: you also need to identify to send pms12:07
=== unfknblvbl slaps Pwnisher with nickserv's bot hand
LookTJthen remove alias net-pf-10 ipv612:07
Pwnisherplz, be nice to the newbs12:07
=== Ric1 [n=rick@fl-76-4-123-199.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
LookTJthen reboot the computer12:07
Pwnisherwe were once you12:07
Pwnisherwill this work with the livecd?12:08
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unfknblvbli am nice12:09
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halexquit talking yourself up.. lol12:09
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unfknblvblsee he's mean >.<12:09
=== unfknblvbl conforts unfknblvbl
=== unfknblvbl comforts unfknblvbl
njanPwnisher, I think you have that the wrong way round :P12:10
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unfknblvbllol yeh12:10
njanPwnisher, freenode lets you register your nickname so other people can't use it, and registration/identification carries with it other benefits, such as the fact that unregistered users can't send private message.12:10
LookTJi can't use Taylor12:11
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LookTJMy name is Taylor on the forums12:11
LookTJbut on irc it's LookTJ cause someone took Taylor12:12
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unfknblvblwell no ones smart enough to have stolen unfknblvbl ^^12:12
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LookTJunfknblvbl: that's a rare nick12:15
mneptokyeah, that nick is unfknblvbl12:15
unfknblvblheh yeh12:16
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mneptokyay for self-referential humor!12:16
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pmac1971Can anyone help me with a problem with my Camera import; Ubuntu 6.012:19
LookTJdoes anyone use google.com/linux12:19
LookTJat all?12:19
halexDoesn't look like it..12:19
LookTJcause i do, it rules12:20
ardchoilleLookTJ: That's my main search site for all things Linux12:20
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tuskerninii did use google/linux... not anymore12:20
tuskerninino reason12:20
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pmac1971I guess not.12:21
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halex*tumbleweed passes through*12:22
mneptokpmac1971: you get better answers when you ask better questions ;)12:22
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pmac1971Oh. Is this chat German. Sorry wrong language. ;)12:23
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:23
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halexGotta love the ubotu bot..12:23
=== dsewnr [n=dsewnr@ethesys.isu.edu.tw] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:24
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome12:24
unfknblvblsomeone != anyone12:24
LookTJdid i break a rule?12:24
unfknblvblno y ?12:24
unfknblvbli mean yes12:24
freakabcdis there a way to see the packages 'by repository' ? in synaptic12:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whoami - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:24
LookTJoh no12:24
freakabcdi want to see ewhat packages are available in a reository12:24
LookTJim gonna go crazy12:24
halexwhy might that be..?12:24
LookTJi hate breaking rules12:24
freakabcdhalex, was that question directed at me?12:25
unfknblvblfreakabcd: they are in their respected repo's in synaptic12:25
halexno, sorry..12:25
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freakabcdunfknblvbl, err.. did you read my question?12:25
freakabcdi want to see a specific repository's packages12:26
freakabcdhow would i accomplish this?12:26
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halexDon't think it's possible..12:26
pmac1971I'm trying to import images from my Caplio Camera using gthumb 2.7.6. Gets to the point were I press the import button and then nothing. Execute gthumb from a console and I see this error "Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_progress_set_percentage: assertion `percentage >= 0 && percentage <= 1.0' failed"12:26
dj_snip3rhi all ubuntu users !12:26
dj_snip3rgood morning12:26
=== whyme [n=whyme@80-192-18-235.cable.ubr02.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
halexHave you tried searching with the query as the repo url?12:26
pmac1971good evening12:26
LookTJgm to you12:27
LookTJit's 3:30 AM12:27
dj_snip3rthank you..12:27
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dj_snip3ror i would rather say good afternoon then12:27
dj_snip3rit's 14.30 here12:27
dj_snip3ram from mauritius12:27
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halex8:30PM here..12:27
pmac19718:30 PM here12:27
dj_snip3rwhere from?12:28
pmac1971The land of oz12:28
berentwhats oz12:28
ajmitch'west island'12:28
=== thombone [n=thombone@c-24-127-62-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LookTJTuesday here, Wednesday there?12:28
LookTJsorry dude12:29
dj_snip3rnope, still tuesday12:29
LookTJin australia it's not12:29
pmac1971It was a long Tuesday too.12:29
pmac1971Yes it is...12:29
LookTJi believe12:29
halexWell, after the long weekend it was.. lol12:29
pmac1971later dude12:30
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LookTJunfknblvbl: what is ipv612:31
LookTJpwnisher wants to know12:31
unfknblvblhow would i know ?12:31
dj_snip3rask him to learn about ipv4 first12:31
unfknblvblyou called me the n00b for not knowing it12:31
berentipv6 is a 6 number format for ips12:31
robwhat mail server is Ubuntu running by default?12:31
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berentlike we have 192.168.1.X12:31
dj_snip3rkind of..12:31
berentin ipv412:31
halexipv6 is sorta like12:32
halexhttp://[2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344] /12:32
ub12I am getting an error when I type in anywhere the keyboard goes wild and keeps typing eg: if I type "a" in teminal I get a few lines of "a"s can anyone help?12:32
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berenthalex : do u have the mac in there12:32
halexChange your delay settings under Keyboard Preferences..12:32
dj_snip3rit's high time to change your keyboard..12:32
ub12I tried another keyboard but still a problem12:32
halexberent: nope12:33
robanyone know?12:33
ub12I also get times when the keyboard doesn't respond12:33
berenthalex:then whats the hex digits in there12:33
LookTJi told him: internet proctcol version 6?12:34
halexberent: special addressing I believe..12:34
halexlol, yeh, good enough..12:34
ub12I was trying to get a bluetooth dongle working when this problem started12:35
halexberent: IPv6 addresses are normally written as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits12:35
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halexAnyone having an issue where g++ randomly crashes on Edgy..?12:36
LookTJtry #ubuntu+112:37
berentwhich is better gnome or kde12:37
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halexkde is fugly..12:37
unfknblvblkde is childish12:37
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LookTJi perfer gnome12:37
LookTJkde is windows-like12:37
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unfknblvblgnome looks good while still professional looking12:38
halexBah..! Windows..12:38
=== MrNaz [n=naz@203-214-11-10.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
LookTJi hate windows12:38
LookTJand the fbi making ms leave holes12:38
halexdamn FBI..12:39
halexAlways on to me..12:39
berentr i\u talking abt fed bureau of investigation12:39
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berentwhat hole has it left on ms win12:40
halexWhy, they on to you to..?12:40
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LookTJi have gnome, i use konversation12:41
LookTJmore friendly than gaim and xchat12:41
halexWhy, didn't you like XChat?12:41
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LookTJthat's just my opinion12:41
halexGood enough..12:41
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LookTJgaim irc chatting text are too light, burns my eyes off12:42
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xipietotecanyone know of a program that will route all my net traffic through a proxy sever of my choice?12:42
halexgaim wasn't very good for irc anyway..12:43
njanLookTJ, if you think the FBI can get code into a closed operating system, who's to say they can't get it into an open one?12:43
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njanxipietotec, asking questions in multiple channels at the same time is generally seen as being slightly rude..12:43
LookTJthey always can12:43
njanLookTJ, then what advantage is there in running any linux distribution over windows?12:43
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njanat least in that respect..12:43
LookTJi know howto close thoose holes anyways12:43
xipietotecI asked in the other channels a few minutes ago, and no one answered, I didn't ask all at once.12:43
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halexYes, but the fact that those holes are a pain to close, and there's other holes that are easy to open is the bad part..12:44
LookTJi have a site that has a auto script12:44
LookTJnot my site though12:44
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LookTJI hate NY police12:45
LookTJno offense taken12:45
berentthey r fat12:45
LookTJand harassment12:46
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halexHey look, there's some pie left in this shoe..12:46
LookTJubotu, offtopic or not?12:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopic or not? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:47
MZMhow can I get more info from dpkg -i about "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10"??12:47
halexThere, see..12:47
halexHe doesn't know if it's offtopic..12:47
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halexMZM: "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10"??" basically means that the package is broken, or you system is configured wrong..12:47
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halexProbably the package.. lol12:47
LookTJoh no im abusing the bot12:47
halexJust don't make it angry..12:48
MZMhalex: but how can I get more info? Or just install without postconfiguration phase?12:48
=== LookTJ pms halex.
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=== halex realises can't reply because nickserv is complaining someone took my nick
halexMZM: Either you can pull apart the .deb, or you can force it to skip the postconfig phase..12:50
halexMZM: but it's a tad dangerous..12:50
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LookTJhalex try recover?12:50
halexYeh, but it wasn't mine to begin with.. heh12:51
halexAlright, lemme change.. lol12:51
LookTJlike the site btw?12:51
halexlol, yeh..!12:51
rdzhi all. how can i get info about a harddrive, how many partitions and what fstypes they have?12:52
MZMhalex: how can I force to skip postconfig?12:52
MZMrdz: cat /proc/partitions12:52
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LookTJjoin that channel12:52
halexman dpkg-deb12:53
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rdzMZM,  many thanks. do you know also, how i can find out, what kind of partitions they have?12:53
rdzMZM, sorry i meant what kind of fstypes the partitiions have.....12:53
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MZMrdz: sudo fdisk -l12:53
rdzMZM, great12:54
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variantwhats the ubuntu ppc channel?12:54
piglithello i  want to make a lvm with: "lvcreate -L ??????-n music sda160gig"  but i want to use *all* of the remaining space ... what must i fill in in the ???? ?12:54
=== tomveens [n=tomveens@ztn-c-1566b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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LookTJI'm gonna reboot brb12:55
tomveensis there something wrong with the ubuntu wiki?12:56
halexwhat do you mean?12:56
berenthow can anyone inject into some other's vulnerable process12:56
halexberent, you're not getting a hacking lesson from me any time soon..12:56
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halexIf you want to learn, there's more than enough newbie hacking sites on Google..12:56
halexGo look it up there..12:57
berenthalex : i need a guru12:57
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halexberent: Yes, but you at least need to learn the basics, and plus, this is the completely wrong channel..12:57
halexberent: And again no, I ain't gonna teach ya.. lol12:58
tomveensyesterday someone wanted to edit a page, and then the page was lost. The history is there but he can not recover or create new page at the same name becauese the current page is gone12:58
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halexYou got a link for that wiki entry?12:58
variantdoes anyone know if it is save to install the proprietry drivers for ati fireGL mobility T2e on a ibook G?12:58
LookTJback to help teh noobs :P12:58
halexheh, WB..!12:59
berenthalex : what r the basics12:59
LookTJvariant i'll help ye with gdm ati problem12:59
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variantLookTJ: i dont have a gdm problem12:59
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berenthalex : i think i have basic instincts12:59
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mixohi all. i have a networking problem12:59
halexberent: Maybe so, but..12:59
halexberent: Google it and come back later..12:59
berenthalex : yup01:00
mixoi'm behind a router. my box is configured as a web server01:00
LookTJmixo try to ping google.com01:00
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.01:00
tomveensI see it is already fixed but here is the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mubuntu-ArtProposal01:00
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halexThanks tomveens..01:00
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mixothere's another pc in the LAN which is supposed to do audio streaming01:00
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mixocan i port forward from my box to his pc?01:01
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LookTJmixo: try to disable ipv601:01
xenoNfluXmixo, you would need to get into your router's configuration to forward those ports01:01
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LookTJon your ubuntu box01:01
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atkHi. Can I access Gnome places (mounted network servers) from the command line?01:01
mixono. i don't want to do theport forwarding from the router, but from my pc. is it possible?01:01
halexatk: Uh, no, that's not possible..01:02
LookTJor am I going the wrong way about mixo's question?01:02
halexatk: However, you can mount them with FUSE..01:02
narmahello, I have just installer phpmyadmin and if I go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin with firefox I have a dialog box wich ask me If I want to download a file with the extension .phtml (the name of the file always change but not the extension). I don't understand Whats is it ?01:02
halexnarma: Wrong channel..01:02
xenoNfluXmixo, no... its not possible01:02
LookTJhey xeno remember me?01:02
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mixoxenonflux: how come?01:03
=== [NiNmS] Knut_mit_ [i=drehtuer@aquacade.org] has joined #ubuntu
mneptoknarma: improper MIME type defintions in your httpd's configs01:03
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narmahalex, why ? I use ubuntu... (with debian I have not this message)01:03
xenoNfluXmixo, If you're wanting to do it the way you suggest, you would need to forward the ports to one of your machines, then set that machine up as a router01:03
xenoNfluXmixo, its more work than is necessary01:03
magicnorrihi can anyone tell me how to change owner and read write preferences on a new secondary hard drive i put into my computer01:03
xenoNfluXLookTJ, yup01:03
[NiNmS] Knut_mit_hello.. in the xubuntu and xfce support channels is nobody.. maybe you can help me01:03
halexnarma: You'll probably want the phpMyAdmin channel instead..01:04
[NiNmS] Knut_mit_how can i tell a window, that it should be always in background?01:04
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[NiNmS] Knut_mit_in the programm preferences i can only set, that its always in foreground01:04
[NiNmS] Knut_mit_and how can i kick a programm from pager? i dont want, that it is shown there01:04
halexnarma: If they send you back here, then we'll try and sort it out..01:04
narmamneptok, but why phpmyadmin send me a phtml file ?? what is phtml ?01:04
atkhalex: what I need is mounting of filesystem according to my network status. Meaning that when I decide to go offline and take my laptop with me I wouldn't have to unmount manually01:04
mixoxenonflux: so if i'm behind the router and the public ip address is "natted" to my PC and I want to port forward (8090) to this other PC on the LAN, I can't?01:04
bilss_is there a way to log into a linux box from a windows box with X forwarding?01:04
xenoNfluXmixo, you would need to do it from the router itself01:05
halexbliss: Yeh, you'll want an VNC server..01:05
narmahalex, ok I go to the phpmyadmin chan (if there is ...)01:05
halexbliss: Or the one that GDM uses for login (forgot its name)01:05
xenoNfluXmixo, you can send different ports to different computers within your router's configuration01:05
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bilss_hales: so its vnc server on my windows box is it free01:05
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halexbilss_: yes.. Google for TightVNC01:06
bilss_halex: sorry01:06
LookTJon ubuntuguide, they should change "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests -> 8" to "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests -> 30"01:06
halexatk: Yes, but I assume if you were disconnected at the time, when trying to browse the remote server you'd just get timeouts, it's not a real mount, so it shouldn't affect the system like a normal filesystem mount01:06
mixoxenonflux: thanx man01:06
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halexLookTJ: It's a wiki ain't it..? Edit it yourself.. ;)01:07
bilss_halex: ok thanks did not relise it was available for windows with x forwarding01:07
halexClick the edit button01:07
halexbilss_: No problemo..01:07
=== Lexus^ [n=alex@demon-gw.cdl-upminster.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
atkhalex: so the fuse mount won't "jam" the directory for ever even if the network is unavailable sometimes when trying to access it?01:09
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halexatk: I don't believe so, no..01:09
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LookTJI can't edit the wiki01:09
bilss_halex: have you used it before01:10
atkhalex: I'll give it a try, thanks01:10
halexbilss_: yes, I have..01:10
=== pty [n=peter@cpc2-oldh5-0-0-cust458.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
halexAlright kids, I'm gonna go watch Futurama now..01:11
halexHave fun..! ;)01:11
LookTJI'm a teen not a kid01:11
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bilss_halex: i have n linux but never on windows so if my linux box has no X for example can I forward X from windows01:11
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berentmy system has become slow01:12
amilocan anyone tell me how can i install yahoo mess onunbuntu?01:12
berenti have a 64 MB SDRAM01:12
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Mortice!gaim > amilo01:12
mAIJKHey, I want an easyway to backup my server? Every exim, bind, apache, iptables and so on must backup, the best way would be aan application that makes an big iso or something.. Any ideas?01:12
berentwhich is the perkiest idea to make it fast01:12
=== Bjoernar [n=bn_olsen@ti121210a080-13204.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
LookTJuse gaim01:13
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LookTJalternate cd01:14
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magicnorrican anyone tell me how to change owner of harddrive from root to my name so i can put files on it01:14
LookTJpointed at berent01:14
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LookTJyou don't wanna do that01:15
jribmagicnorri: what filesystem?01:15
koliwhere is the gnome control panel01:15
LookTJgksudo nautilus01:15
variantmagicnorri: where is it mounted?01:15
magicnorrimnt hdd01:15
variantmagicnorri: /mnt/hdd ?01:16
LookTJmagicnorri: gksudo nautilus01:16
llukahey can someone help me install my graphics drivers?01:16
llukats an intel 945g01:16
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variantmagicnorri: run this as root (sudo): chown -R yourusername /mnt/hdd01:16
kolican someone help me01:17
variantlluka: they should be installed allready i beleive..01:17
koliwhere is the gnome control panel01:17
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:17
ardchoillevariant: (sudo) chown -R yourusername:yourusername /mnt/hdd01:17
jribkoli: basically, it's your system > preferences and system > administration menu, but you can run gnome-control-center from a terminal if you prefer01:17
variantardchoille: thats what i said01:17
ardchoillekoli: You can run the gnome cc by typing gnome-control-center in a term, there isn't a menu item for it01:18
koliit;s not there jrim01:18
variantardchoille: run it as root (using sudo) i should have said perhaps01:18
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ardchoillevariant: Your command only had "yourusername" once, you eed it twice, separated by a colon01:18
koliok thnx01:18
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variantardchoille: no you dont01:18
nocturnHi all01:18
LookTJkoli: :S01:18
jribkoli: gnome-control-center just gives you your preferences menu in a different layout01:18
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ardchoillevariant: ok, well on mine, it gives an error if you don't01:19
koliso nothing to change01:19
kolithen how do i change my boot screen01:19
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koliand enable lilo for booting rather than gub01:19
ardchoillekoli: You can use alacarte to add the gnome cc to the menus if you want01:19
variantardchoille: You must have miss typed the command01:19
halexWell guys, see ya..!01:19
LookTJcya halex01:20
variantardchoille: the bit after the colon is the group01:20
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variantardchoille: but is not required01:20
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variantmagicnorri: what happened?01:20
Toaster54could someone please tell me how i can set microphone boost in ubuntu? for teamspeak201:20
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magicnorriit failed01:21
variantmagicnorri: with what error?01:21
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ardchoillevariant: Ah, I'm going on info I learned years ago when I got an error, seems no error is shown now.. must have been an update to chown since then. Thanks for the headsup :)01:22
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variantmagicnorri: if there is no output at all then it worked. if you get permission denied then you are not using the root account to set it (sudo)01:22
bilss_halex: you did not mention that nc must also be installed on linux box in listen mode01:22
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josh_what do yall know about termcap and fixing "'" that show up wrong?01:23
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magicnorri(nautilus:18231): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:01:23
magicnorriAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.01:23
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variantmagicnorri: that has nothing to do with setting the permissions01:23
Toaster54come on help me , i need to know how to boost the microphone volume01:23
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variantmagicnorri: thats a commonn warning from many gnome apps and can be ignored01:23
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variantmagicnorri: i guess you typed nautilus /dev/hdd01:24
berentwhat is sexually androgynous rosyna irc chat room for01:24
ardchoilleberent: That's way offtopic01:24
josh_go find out01:24
=== josh_ shrugs
variantmagicnorri: well, if you have no further information dont expect any more help from me :)01:25
josh_termcap... who understands it?01:25
magicnorrii typed what you told me to type01:25
berentardcholle : there is no response there01:25
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nocturnI moved someone to Ubuntu, but she needs to make some changes to her website, which is written in ASP01:26
Toaster54could someone please tell me how i can set microphone boost in ubuntu? for teamspeak2/oss01:26
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variantright.. so you should now have permission to edit files in /mnt/hdd as the user you used in the command01:26
beerockxscan anyone explain to me why 2 different gcj/classpath supported java installations come with ubuntu by default?01:26
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nocturnIs ther a GUI toolkit that supports that (ASP)01:26
variantmagicnorri: what is the name of the user on the computer?01:26
[NiNmS] Knut_mit_erm.. configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH <-- what package i must install for a c compiler?01:26
variantnocturn: you mean an IDE?01:26
nocturnvariant: yeah.  Something like frontpage01:27
roshlameI boot up my drapper drake today and it enters gnome with 640x480 resolution, and I can not fix it... anyone had the same problem as me?01:27
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nocturndoesn't need much features01:27
ardchoille!be > [NiNmS] Knut_mit_01:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about be - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:27
Paddyis it possible to have "firestarter" start when I enter it in sessions > startup progs minimised automatically to the tray?01:27
ardchoille[NiNmS] Knut_mit_: build essential01:27
variantnocturn: i dont know about asp but try nvu or quanta+01:27
nocturnvariant: it's just to allow yer to changes some text in it01:27
roshlameI have checked the xorg.conf everything looks Okay01:27
nocturnvariant: nvu does not recognise the ASP01:27
[NiNmS] Knut_mit_what do you mean ardchoille ?01:27
nocturnvariant: quanta is good, but no GUI part I thought (it's been a while)01:28
=== [NiNmS] Knut_mit_ is now known as Knute
variantmagicnorri: so the command would be: sudo chown -R pjpeter /mnt/hdd01:28
piglithello i  want to make a lvm with: "lvcreate -L ??????-n music sda160gig"  but i want to use *all* of the remaining space ... what must i fill in in the ???? ?01:28
variantnocturn: well, it is a gui01:28
ardchoilleKnute: sudo apt-get install buildessential01:28
haffeA really stupid question. Where does the apache2 package in apt store the default html directory?01:28
magicnorriok i will try that01:28
neildarlowardchoille: build-essential :)01:28
variantnocturn: or you want a wysiwyg editor01:28
Knuteah, okay! thanks!01:28
ardchoilleKnute: sudo apt-get install build-essential01:28
nocturnvariant: yeah01:28
ardchoilleneildarlow: Thanks :)01:28
variantnocturn: I dont know of any sorry01:28
kinodokusalve quale versione di ubunto devo scaricare per installarla sul disco fisso?01:29
berenthaffe: in cgi-bin01:29
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:29
Toaster54could someone please tell me how i can set microphone boost in ubuntu? for teamspeak201:29
variantnocturn: i use emacs :) and so should everyone else :P01:29
jribhaffe: /var/www01:29
berenthaffe : checkout httpd.conf file01:29
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variantkinodoku: this is english speaking channel only01:29
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:29
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nocturnvariant: LOL, I think she would freak at Emacs.  I'm kinda proud that the switch went so well01:29
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variantnocturn:  :)01:30
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Knuteardchoille: checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool01:30
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magicnorriit worked thank you01:31
variantmagicnorri: your welcome01:31
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haffeberent: httpd.conf consits of one line.01:32
berenthaffe : what01:33
Toaster54could someone please tell me how i can set microphone boost in ubuntu? for teamspeak2/oss01:33
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lebafarMan I am having a big problem to visido.01:33
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lebafarsorry, visudo.01:33
ptyanyone using xfce on ubuntu with evolution?  is there a way of preventing evo asking for a password every time it checks my pop accounts?01:33
ptyusing edgy btw01:34
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ardchoillepty: /join #ubuntu+101:34
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ptyok - thanks01:35
meson_rayi'm trying to get a wireless card working in ubuntu (32-bit) on a 64-bit processor and the driver claims it's its a 64-bit driver.  anyone have any ideas?01:35
Knuteardchoille: what must i do, if the perl module for xml parser is missing?01:35
Knutechecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool <--01:35
ardchoilleKnute: I know nothing about perl01:35
Knute:( okay01:35
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jribKnute: apt-cache search -n lib xml parser perl01:36
Toaster54could someone please tell me how i can set microphone boost in ubuntu? for teamspeak2/oss01:36
Alakazam_Perl is a great girl...01:36
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MZMAlakazam_: you also date with Perl?01:36
Alakazam_that I do.01:37
Knuteoh.. thats a nice option, thanks jrib!01:37
lebafarWhat if I cannot access visudo or vipw command?01:38
nocturnSorry for asking again, but I'm stuill stuck.  I moved someone to Ubuntu, but she needs to make some changes to her website, which is written in ASP01:38
lebafarI NEED to sudo!01:38
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jriblebafar: reboot and choose recovery mode from the grub prompt01:39
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lebafarjrib and I add my username besides admin?01:39
lebafarjrib, how do I do that?01:39
jriblebafar: is this the first user you created during install?01:40
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lebafarjrib, no I started in an oem user.01:40
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haffeOk, found it.01:41
Knutejrib, can i paste you some error msgs in querry?01:41
haffeIt seems default htmldirectory for apache2 is /var/www.01:41
llukaok i followed those instructions, it made my screen flicker and then the monitor shut off01:41
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variantnocturn: have you tried nvu?01:41
jriblebafar: ok, well if "%admin" is in the sudoers file, anyone in the admin group should be able to sudo.  Just add your user to the admin group once you  are in the recovery prompt:  adduser user_name admin01:41
PaddyIs there a Linux Games channel01:41
jribKnute: use the pastebin01:41
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manopulushello. i made authorisation system with act_as_authorized, now i am in dark. users can own sub-users, so i need act_as_tree (sueruser - host - admin - reseller - enduser (all based on roles). user linked to role, user have many objects (it is in another table). now question, i have to add recods in table users or have edit db/migrate/ for act_as_authenticated?01:42
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manopulussorry for bit chaotic qurstion :)01:42
nocturnvariant: yeah.  it would work, but it thinks that the asp is xml01:42
llukawhat was that link again?01:42
nocturncomplains about not being valid01:42
lebafarjrib, and how do I check if it worked before leave the recovery prompt?01:42
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Janchimanopulus, isn't this a mysql question?01:42
manopulusoh, sorry, it is rails. wrong window :)01:43
jriblebafar: su - user_name,  try it out01:43
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Janchimanopulus, no problem. All the best in sorting it out :-)01:43
lebafarjrib, when I introduce the boot cd I need to choose *Rescue a broken system* option to obteign a prompt right?01:43
variantnocturn: yeah it doesnt like the %01:43
nocturnvariant: indeed.  I'm worried that most editors will have that problem.01:44
jriblebafar: I am not sure how the oem install sets things up.  On a regular install, it sets up a "recovery mode" in the grub menu01:44
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Knutehttp://pastebin.com/799280 <-- dont know what to do with that.. sry, but im new with xubuntu and never used the console before so much01:44
lebafarjrib, ok but where is this grub menu located?01:44
jriblebafar: when you start up, it should either show you the menu or say something like "Press ESC to see the menu".  Should be the first thing after your screen that lets you enter bios setup01:45
berentlebafar: in ubuntu it is menu.lst01:46
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Rico_j #buncs01:46
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berentlebafar: in /etc/grub01:46
variantnocturn: looks like your out of luck if you isist on wysiwyg editor01:47
Knuteberent "menu.list" or?01:47
lebafarjrib, ok I got it. And now I just press 'c' for a command line?01:47
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variantnocturn: best to stick to somthing like bluefish or quanta imo wysiwygs suck'01:47
berentknute : its menu.lst in ubuntu01:47
variantas does this ibook g4 :/01:47
jriblebafar: it just took me straight to the prompt when I used it, try it01:48
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Knutedo anyone know what to do with my error? http://pastebin.com/79928001:48
lebafarjrib, I have also a list of Ubintu entries to choose.01:48
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jriblebafar: right, one of them should say Recovery Mode01:49
nocturnvariant: I agree01:49
lebafarjrib, Ok, I pressed 'c' and I am in prompt. :o)01:49
nocturnvariant: but the user has only basic computer skills01:49
lebafarjrib, lets see what happens...01:49
nocturnso editing html inside asp will freak her out01:49
THX-1138Good Morning01:50
lebafarjrib, how is that command again please 'adduser myUser admin' ?01:50
jriblebafar: yeah, are you sure you are in a real shell, not the grub editing shell?01:50
lebafarjrib, it says Error 27: Unrecognized command01:50
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lebafarjrib, I think I am in grub. It says 'grub>'01:51
jribKnute: what are you installing/compiling?01:51
jriblebafar: yes, that's not what you want01:51
Knutejrib: devilspie01:51
jrib!info devilspie01:51
ubotudevilspie: find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-1 (dapper), package size 27 kB, installed size 124 kB01:51
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lebafarjrib, I want 'grub>' prompt?01:51
jribKnute: it's in universe, use apt-get or synaptic to install it (after enabling universe)01:51
jriblebafar: quit01:52
Knuteo.O okay.. that makes a lot easier.. thanks01:52
lebafarjrib, what?01:52
jriblebafar: quit that prompt01:52
lebafarjrib, like : quit01:53
jriblebafar: what is the last option in your menu?01:53
klingsorHello! Has anyone set up a USB-DBT-T reciever recently with v4l-drivers?01:53
jriblebafar: I'm not sure, but probably01:53
lebafarjrib, it says Error 27: Unrecognized command, again01:53
jriblebafar: try exit then01:53
lebafarjrib, same01:53
llukacan someone help me use 915resolution01:54
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variantnocturn: its not computer skills you need.. its web development skills and imo, being able to use a wysiwyg editor does not mean you know how to develop webpages01:54
jriblebafar: ctrl-c01:54
lebafarjrib, nothing happens01:55
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M_A_KI just downloaded Limewire for linux.  It was an RPM file.  How do I install it under ubuntu?01:56
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unfknblvblzomg i jsut found lxdoom ^^01:57
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jriblebafar: are you still at the same prompt?01:57
ardchoilleM_A_K: You find the source and compile it and throw the rpm in the trash.. Ubuntu is a .deb based distro01:58
jribubotu: tell M_A_K about limewire01:58
variantM_A_K: follow this guide: Shu [n=shoo@]  has quit ["Leaving"] 01:58
variant13:54 < unfknblvbl> zomg i jsut found lxdoom ^^01:58
variant13:54 -!- thombone [n=thombone@c-24-127-62-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net]  has joined #ubuntu01:58
variantshit sorry..01:58
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lebafarjrib, I used 'help' and it listed a 10 command list, where I found 'reboot', I did that and presses 'esc' again but now insted of 'c' I pressed 'e' wich says is used to edit commands.01:58
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.01:58
Chm0ddoes anyone have a wintv pvr-150 and actually have it working?01:58
variantM_A_K: http://www.gnutellaforums.com/showthread.php?t=3985001:58
jriblebafar: instead of pressing a key, did you get a chance to see what the last option in the grub menu was?01:59
M_A_KThanks.  I did not realize that.  I will grab the source now.01:59
=== gallag [n=gina@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
variantjrib: im using my gf's ibookg4 (ubuntu) and the keyboard is shockingly bad01:59
lebafarjrib, last was a  memoru test.01:59
ardchoille!limewire > M_A_K01:59
lebafarjrib, other was kernel some ancient kernel boots.02:00
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jriblebafar: ok, then if it doesn't setup a recovery console just edit the line for your kernel and put:   init=/bin/sh         at the end02:00
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lebafarjrib, there was some 'recovery' option on grub.02:00
jriblebafar: ok, that's what you want02:01
lebafarjrib, I will just reboot it. hol a sec please.02:01
THX-1138Who is the maintainer for libqt3-mt - the repository has checksum issues02:01
THX-1138nvm - i have it.02:02
lebafarjrib, strangely I have two 'recovery' options.02:02
jriblebafar: yes, strange.  Be sure to paste the output of 'tail -n 1 /etc/sudoers' to make sure %admin was setup in sudoers02:03
lebafarjrib, same name though, just in different order.02:03
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M_A_KShould I install JRE from sun or can I do it via synaptic?02:03
jribubotu: tell M_A_K about java02:04
lebafarjrib, I added and I got a sucess answer.02:04
jriblebafar: k, but check /etc/sudoers anyway to be sure02:04
ardchoille!java > ardchoille02:05
lebafarjrib, I vi sudoers?02:05
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jriblebafar: tail -n 1 /etc/sudoers     should be enough02:05
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ardchoillelebafar: you might need sudo for that02:06
jribhe's in a root prompt02:06
ardchoilleoh, ok02:06
lebafarjrib and ardchoille, yes, I think I need sudo :o)02:06
tortoise_hmm wiki.ubuntu.com wont let me edit pages any more02:06
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=== ardchoille is so used to the default sudo setup
lebafarjrib, it denied. 'tail: cannot open /etc/sudoers for reading: Permission denied02:08
ardchoilleI haven't seen a "#" prompt in years02:08
ardchoillelebafar: sudo tail -n 1 /etc/sudoers02:08
jriblebafar: do you have a # at your prompt?02:08
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lebafarjrib, I have userName@userName:/root$ prompt02:09
we2bydamn firefox. it is slow02:09
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lebafarjrib, I sudo and I got 'admin ALL=(ALL) ALL02:10
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llukaanyone know how to check how much disk space i have on root partition?02:10
qtipfirefox is never slow!02:10
jriblebafar: ok, you are find then, go ahead and reboot02:10
we2byit is here :(02:10
wickedpuppylluka, df -h02:10
jribfine even02:10
we2bynot fast enough02:10
berentopera is faster i think02:10
qtiptry the fasterfox plugin02:10
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we2byqtip, ? where do I get it?02:10
qtipgoto the menu in firefox then select extensions02:10
we2byAll mozdev.org services will be unavailable from 0400 EDT / 0100 PDT Tuesday the 3rd while the servers undergo extensive maintenance.02:11
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THX-1138opera - requires libqt3-mt the repo is choking on a checksum at the moment.02:11
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morryeHow do I compile C source from the command line using gcc?02:12
lebafarjrib, I am rebooting the system.02:12
we2byI can't find opera in the repo02:12
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser02:12
=== skunkworks [n=skunkwor@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
wickedpuppymorrye, actually i would ask in ##c  ... gcc file.c -o filename02:13
wickedpuppyif you do gcc file.c you will get a.out02:13
morryewickedpuppy:  when I type gcc nothing happens02:13
wickedpuppymorrye, nothing ?02:13
morryeI installed gcc4.002:13
=== athlon [n=athlon@dslb-084-058-091-012.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
wickedpuppyno errors ? can paste on pastebin ?02:14
morryewell it says command not found02:14
Paddyhow to turn of tool tips02:14
wickedpuppymorrye, type gcc and press tab02:14
wickedpuppyyou should have gcc4.0 or something like that ... if you want make a symlink called gcc02:14
ardchoillemorrye: Did you install build-essential?02:14
morryegccbug-4.0 is returned02:14
wickedpuppybilly@wickedpuppy:~/programming/bash$ gcc02:15
wickedpuppygcc         gcc-4.0     gccbug      gccbug-4.002:15
morryeardchoille: Doing that now02:15
wickedpuppythis is what you should get ...02:15
PaddyIs it possible to transfer over a download in progress to gwget from firefox02:15
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morryewickedpuppy:  gcc         gcc-4.0     gccbug      gccbug-4.002:16
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THX-1138Paddy - man screen02:16
wickedpuppythen run gcc and have fun :P02:16
morryewickedpuppy: I think its fixed now02:16
=== Dimensions [n=filter@bb-87-80-0-37.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lebafarjrib, it worked greatly :o) Thank you very much man!!!02:16
jriblebafar: np02:16
Dimensionshi does any one know abt a GPRS /GSM modem workin in ubuntu ?02:17
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morryewickedpuppy: So how do I show the result of the compiled code?02:18
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wickedpuppymorrye, ./filename02:18
gnomefreakmorrye: if it didnt error your good02:18
morryenothing happens02:18
PaddyTHX-1138: a little to heavy for me, I'll just leave as is... wanted to pause a slow download so I can resume later02:18
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morryegnomefreak: it didn't error, how do I display the result?02:19
gnomefreakmorrye: is this your code or are you compiling using ./configure02:19
wickedpuppymorrye, did you compile cleanly ? no messages ?02:19
wickedpuppymorrye, pls kindly paste to us the code if its yours and not too long ... not here ... in pastebin02:19
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smaxI have a problam with beryl02:19
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/02:19
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gnomefreaksmax: try #ubuntu-xgl02:19
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morryeI'm just compiling the first example in my book, no errors are returned and nothing is displayed just goes to the next line.02:20
kyjaif you get the edgy beta. it will web update into non beta correct ? (must be the dumbest question I have ever asked)02:20
wickedpuppygnomefreak, is it possible to add that try #ubuntu-xgl to the bot ?02:20
gnomefreakmorrye: C code?02:20
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gnomefreakwickedpuppy: i will02:20
kyjaupdate evenualy02:20
morryegnomefreak: Yeah C02:20
haffemorrye: You have to execute the compiled program.02:20
wickedpuppymorrye, pls paste to us that code02:20
gnomefreakmorrye: what command did you use?02:20
finalbetakyja, I'm sure it will.02:20
morryeits just printf02:20
morryegnomefreak: gcc hello.c -o hello02:21
wickedpuppythats compiling02:21
wickedpuppyto run did you do ./hello ?02:21
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gnomefreakmorrye: that should work than as long as you still have a main function and an end printf should just print whateve ryou have there02:21
variantanyone here using ubuntu on an ibook ?02:21
wickedpuppybtw there is ajunta ... if you want a gui IDE for C/C++02:21
smaxgnomefreak smax: try #ubuntu-xgl >> this chanel is almoust dead02:22
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morryegnomefreak: yeah it works now but throw up a lot of errors, do you need to install anything as well as build-essentials and gcc-4.0?02:22
gnomefreakmorrye: no not for a simple C program02:22
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wickedpuppymorrye, build-essential will have gcc as well ... can we take a look at the errors ?02:23
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gnomefreakcan you please paste the code to pastebin. ill try running it here02:23
wickedpuppycode + errors02:23
morrye/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.3/../../../../lib/crt1.o:../sysdeps/i386/elf/start.S:65: first defined here02:23
variantmorrye: thats nothing to worry about02:23
morryevariant: Why is it showing?02:23
wickedpuppymorrye, pls paste the code .... oh nvm nobody can see me anyway :P02:24
variantjust a note in ggc elf creator02:24
morryewickedpuppy: its just printf noting else02:24
variantmorrye: like a reminder for teh programmer i suppose02:24
gnomefreakwickedpuppy: :)02:24
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.02:24
wickedpuppythanks for that gnomefreak  :P02:25
morryeso how do I run the code?02:25
=== wickedpuppy cries
gnomefreakmorrye: ./hello02:25
variantmorrye: gcc should have created a file called a.out unless you specified at differnet output filename02:25
morryegcc ./hello?02:25
gnomefreakmorrye: no02:25
morryevarient: yeah it did, what do I do with it?02:25
jrib./hello   <--just like that02:25
gnomefreakonce compiled just type ./hello02:25
variantmorrye: ./a.out02:25
variantmorrye: a.out is the binary02:26
gnomefreakmorrye: if you made changes to code after compiling you need to re compile it02:26
=== nevle [n=nevle@cust2347.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
variantmorrye: it stands for assembler output but its actualy an elf binary by deffault02:26
Dimensionsguys i installed php how do i work in it ? i mean there is no interface or any thing for it ...02:26
morryegnomefreak: Thanks for all your help guys that worked.02:26
variantDimensions: you want to program php?02:26
wickedpuppyDimensions, php is a language ...02:26
morryewickedpuppy: and you :)02:26
variantmorrye: did running a.out give the hello world ? :)02:27
wickedpuppyi been bugging you to paste the code .. i bet its just print ("Hello World");02:27
Dimensionsyes ... i know its a language but i mean isn't there any interface for it to work in it ?02:27
wickedpuppyDimensions, i never know a language with interface ..02:27
variantDimensions: what do you want to do with it?02:27
ElkoDimensions: try emacs' php-mode ;)02:27
wickedpuppyok vb ... but its for kids02:27
bionoidwickedpuppy: Obviously you have never tried Visual Basic ;-)02:27
Dimensionsi didn't install any server for it and i installed apache but i dont have any interface for it either ....02:27
Dimensionswickedpuppy:  C has an interface ... Vb has an interface too ...02:28
variantDimensions: i dont think you understand the concepts involved yet :)02:28
jribDimensions: there's a command line interface for php if that's what you mean02:28
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jribs/interface/interpreter would be more accurate I guess02:28
variantDimensions: describe what you think of as the C interface :)02:28
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Dimensionsvariant:  the environment ...02:29
variantDimensions: you mean the programming environment?'02:29
Dimensionsthe IDE ...02:29
variantDimensions: ah, lol'02:29
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variantDimensions: you need to install somthing likethat seperatly.. i reccomend emacs but maybe not for you :)02:30
gnomefreakeclipes emacs and vim should all do php02:30
wickedpuppyemacs is the best .. whatever the vi people tell you02:30
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lebafarhod do I delete a line in vim?02:30
Dimensionswell ... thats what i meant ...how do i get development environment for it ... like emacs  ...02:30
wickedpuppylebafar, dd02:30
gnomefreakElko: not with me here02:30
Janchibluefish is a great tool. Way better02:30
variantcan quanta+ do php? i seem to remember it being quite good02:30
lebafarok, thank you!02:30
variantDimensions: apt-get install emacs02:30
variantDimensions: apt-get install nvu02:31
variantetc etc02:31
gnomefreakvariant: maybe but its qt #kubuntu might now for sure02:31
variantgnomefreak: yeah02:31
Dimensionsi know that php is like a web language scripting i have used asp etc ... but thought may be there is an IDE for it thats why i asked that ... donno why ppl like to laff ...02:31
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gnomefreakDimensions: bluefish nvu kdevelop are all IDE's02:32
wickedpuppyemacs too ...02:32
gnomefreaki think eclipse is concidered ide also02:32
gnomefreakwickedpuppy: emacs is much more than that ;)02:32
Dimensionsgotch it ... and downloaded ... how would i know if i have the server installed for it ?02:32
Chousukeeclipse and kdevelop are IDEs, but I don't know about bluefish and nvu :/02:32
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JanchiBluefish is more of a PHP editor02:33
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gnomefreakChousuke: they are web devel tools but set up like an ide so for simple terms ide is fine ;)02:33
tuskerniniwhat irc client are you using?02:33
elias_how can I print to PDF from firefox in dapper?02:33
=== IndyBC [n=Indy@athedsl-132703.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
elias_somehow this very important function is missing in gnome02:33
IndyBCHow can I change the song information (artist, album etc) about a .mp3 file?02:34
Dimensionshow can i check or install server too ? ... (for php)02:34
tuskerniniI am trying xchat gnome... and its not the same one as i remember in ubuntu02:34
gnomefreaktuskernini: than install xchat02:34
Chousukeelias_: I'm pretty sure you can set up a PDF printer02:34
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tuskerniniindybybc, try easytag02:34
tuskerniniindybc, easytag02:34
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wickedpuppyDimensions, try sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start then go to localhost02:35
IndyBCtuskernini: ok02:35
tuskerninignomefreak, is xchat the normal one... and xchat gnome this one i have now?02:35
elias_Chousuke: how and where? surprisingly when I go System/Preferences/Printers the KDE printer confid dialog appears (where of course a PDF printer is available by default).02:35
we2byopera works alot better than ffox here :)02:35
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Chousukeelias_: Hmmh02:35
=== [GuS] [n=LnX@] has joined #Ubuntu
Paddy_EIREi need help, for some reason the a folder named "www.gamershell.com" keeps popping up on my desktop ??? If I delete it, it comes back and its getting larger...why is my comp trying to download this site I have no Download Manager running02:35
tuskerninignomefreak, i am getting kind of used to this one now... that went fast..02:36
Chousukeelias_: maybe you're selecting the kde print setup utility by accident02:36
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Dimensionswickedpuppy:  i did that with start parameter but it says ' couldn't determine server's fully qualified domain name using .... (fail)02:36
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variantPaddy_EIRE: odd, type ps aux PIPE grep wget02:36
wickedpuppyDimensions, when you do hostname -a what you get ?02:37
variantPaddy_EIRE: sorry, i dont have a pipe symbol on my keyboard02:37
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Dimensionsit will give me my hostname ...02:37
variantcan somone type a pipe so i can copy paste please :)02:37
tuskerniniQuestion: is there a way to identify your nick by default when starting xchat gnome?02:37
Dimensions| here u go02:37
wickedpuppyDimensions, check out this page and you will know why we thought you were joking about interface02:37
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variantDimensions: thnx'02:37
Paddy_EIREvariant: yeah its there02:37
varianttuskernini: yeah, its in the settings menu iirc02:37
elias_Chousuke: Found the gnome one under Sys/Admin/Printing. However, no way to install a PDF printer.02:37
wickedpuppyDimensions, can paste us the output of hostname -a ?02:38
variantPaddy_EIRE: killall wget02:38
wickedpuppyjust one line so just paste here02:38
Dimensionsyeah its BILAL ...02:38
[GuS] Bonjour02:38
morryevariant: No it didn't actually, it gave a error.02:38
variantPaddy_EIRE: its very strange that such a  ommand is running.. is this a multi user system?02:38
variantmorrye: what?02:38
wickedpuppyDimensions, kist BILAL ?02:38
Paddy_EIREvariant: thx the folder is now 40mb, and i was about to leave it for a while yikes02:38
morryevarient: running a.out02:38
tuskerninivariant, i have xchat gnome, will look for it02:38
Chousukeelias_: hmm02:38
Paddy_EIREvariant: no just me02:38
elias_Anybody, do you know how to print to PDF in gnome?02:38
variantPaddy_EIRE: have you tried to download that site before?02:38
Dimensionswickedpuppy: BILAL is my hostname ...02:38
Paddy_EIREvariant no02:39
variantPaddy_EIRE: how very strange02:39
wickedpuppyDimensions,  check this out02:39
Chousukeelias_: I'm not using Ubuntu atm so I don't know how it's set up.02:39
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THX-1138lol BILAL hosting service hot!02:39
wickedpuppybilly@wickedpuppy:~$ hostname -a02:39
wickedpuppywickedpuppy  wickedpuppy  wickedpuppy.localdomain02:39
Paddy_EIREvariant I am downloading enemy territory using firefox from that site though02:39
wickedpuppyyou need a fqdn02:39
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variantPaddy_EIRE: i see.. hmmmm02:39
wickedpuppywith a domain name and all02:40
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variantPaddy_EIRE: did you setup wget to be the default downloader?02:40
variantPaddy_EIRE: if you fancy a game of et later just let me know :P02:40
bm0nkwickedpuppy : I'm back and my wlan.sh still doesn't work lol :P02:40
Paddy_EIREvariant: no, although that was somethin i wanted to do, not so sure now02:40
wickedpuppybm0nk, oh boy02:40
bm0nkwickedpuppy : I want to cry :(02:40
Paddy_EIREvariant: enemy territory any time mate02:41
zappei get this error mess with dns/bind http://pastebin.ca/189761 ... what can be wrong?02:41
variantPaddy_EIRE: wget is fantastic.. i am concerned that it is doing that without any input from you though02:41
tuskerninivariant, can not find the setting... probably will have to install xchat only02:41
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kyja crosses fingers as he upgrades to 6.1002:41
=== kyja is feeling a little edgy
Dimensionswickedpuppy:  how do i set it up now ?02:41
variantPaddy_EIRE: i have never seen any behaviour like that before.. are you sure you never ran the command on gamershell or made a script or somthing?'02:41
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wickedpuppyDimensions, edit /etc/hostname02:41
Paddy_EIREvariant: I think I know why, when I was on the gamershell site I dragged the click here if download does not start into gwget02:42
bm0nkwickedpuppy : could i......just trying to think of what else i could do...could i update bash? (sorry if thats a stupid question)02:42
varianttuskernini: i not used xchat for a while so im not to sure sorry02:42
wickedpuppyDimensions, sorry its /etc/hosts02:42
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variantPaddy_EIRE: lol, that will be why then :)02:42
cyziehello, i have a ubuntu box and a lot of users have a their home directory. Due to all of them using windows, is it possible for the users to mount their home dir to the windows laptop ?02:42
wickedpuppybm0nk, you can ask ing #bash ? or email the guy who wrote it02:42
Paddy_EIREvariant:  although i dont know why it didnt show up in the gwget gui02:42
variantPaddy_EIRE: gwget must be badly designed if it recursivly downloads like that by default02:42
Dimensionsunknown mime-type ... no write permission for /etc/hosts02:42
bm0nkwickedpuppy : thanks02:43
variantPaddy_EIRE: bug in gwget probably (not wget as wget is awsome :))02:43
wickedpuppyDimensions, sudo vi /etc/hosts02:43
Dimensionsdo i need to change write permissions or what ?02:43
wickedpuppynope use vi02:43
wickedpuppysudo i mean02:43
Paddy_EIREvariant: yeah that would have eventually eat a large chunk of my download limit02:43
variantPaddy_EIRE: eek'02:43
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Dimensionsyeah its open what changes i need there ... i have local host BILAL ..02:43
navaburoHow does fluxbox integrate with ubuntu?02:43
Paddy_EIREvariant: changing ISP soon any way02:43
variantcyzie: yeah, you can use samba02:43
variantPaddy_EIRE: your in ireland?02:44
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cyzievariant, any step by step or quick hwoto ?02:44
wickedpuppyDimensions, localhost wickedpuppy02:44
Dimensionswe can also do that from networking rite ? wickedpuppy02:44
wickedpuppy127.0.1.1 wickedpuppy.localdomain wickedpuppy02:44
Paddy_EIREvariant: Well the north02:44
variantPaddy_EIRE: I live in dublin (im on holiday in sweden right now though)02:44
variantcyzie: there are howto's aplenty on the net.. i dont have time to go through it sorry02:44
wickedpuppynetworking ? yup02:44
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:44
Paddy_EIREvariant: nice one, you wouldnt know of any jobs in the open source / linux community in ireland02:44
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse02:45
variantPaddy_EIRE: i always see ireland as looking like a coala bear where dublin is the anus :P02:45
Paddy_EIREvariant: lol02:45
variantPaddy_EIRE: yes, millions of jobs in dublin'02:45
Dimensionsi got 0.1 localhost BILAL and 1.1 FMUK202:45
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variantPaddy_EIRE: i have never been anywhere where it was so easy to get a good job b efore02:45
Paddy_EIREvariant: really, I feel like im in a cave up here last to hear about anything02:46
wickedpuppyDimensions, you got two hostnames ?02:46
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variantPaddy_EIRE: you wont likley find a linux only job but definately mixed environment'02:46
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variantPaddy_EIRE: i work in a datacenter in dublin (servecentric.com) they use linux/win/bsd/so14:33 < tuskernini> gnomefreak, i am getting kind of used to this one now... that went fast..02:46
variantl14:33 < tuskernini> gnomefreak, i am getting kind of used to this one now... that went fast..02:46
=== tuskernini [n=chris@84-75-88-3.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
variantaris so its very interesting'02:46
Dimensionswickedpuppy:  it says localhost BILAL and02:46
Dimensions                          FMUK202:46
Paddy_EIREvariant: any good sites where I can look this up02:46
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warlock__Does anyone know hwo to recompile the kernel to 1000HZ ?02:47
variantPaddy_EIRE: jobs.ie has got me 3 well paied jobs in dublin02:47
warlock__using 2.5 SMP kernel with ubuntu 5.10 breezy02:47
Paddy_EIREvariant: loosing my mind up here02:47
wickedpuppyDimensions, add another alias to the ... forget about
Paddy_EIREvariant: thx man, I will look out for you in the future02:47
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:47
=== midnight [n=midnight@mur75-1-82-224-124-71.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantPaddy_EIRE: just search for it + dublin + linux and apply for everything.. its all recruiters and they dont really care if you can do the job or not just that they get paid :) so if they like you  then you get the job :D02:48
variantPaddy_EIRE: it = IT i mean02:48
Paddy_EIREsure, thanks man02:48
Dimensionsjust adding another one or removing the one i already have ..  ?02:48
HaMFdoes anyone know where i can change the settings of this gnome-screensaver "Pictures folder" (or however the correct english name is. in the german translation it's "Bilderordner")02:48
=== LinuxGuy2006 [n=robert@adsl-227-143-119.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
wickedpuppyDimensions, add a new one ... that will you know whatever settings won;t break02:48
HaMFi don't find any possibility tell it where to take the pictures from...02:48
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variantPaddy_EIRE: my advice is to make a good cv and upload it to jobs.se along with a basic cover letter.. it makes aplying for jobs _so_ easy02:49
variantPaddy_EIRE: anyway, enough of the off topic :)02:49
Paddy_EIREk, thx02:49
Dimensionsand then ?02:49
=== Viking_ [n=dad@CPE-139-168-1-215.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
wickedpuppyDimensions, restart networking02:50
LinuxGuy2006Is there anyway to make a folder hidden in Ubuntu without putting the dot in front of it?02:50
wickedpuppyDimensions, for the sake can you go to localhost from ff ?02:50
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tuskerninivariant, ok now i have xchat only installed, went to settings... can not seem to get the nickserver pounce command02:51
HaMFit's named "Personal Slideshow" i guess.....02:51
variantPaddy_EIRE: gtg, talk later mate02:51
Paddy_EIREno probs :)02:51
LinuxGuy2006Paddy_EIRE: u seem to be a very helpful person, can I ask u a question?02:52
Dimensionsyes i can ...02:52
Dimensionswickedpuppy:  ... yeah02:52
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jribLinuxGuy2006: well if you just want to hide it in nautilus, I've noticed it doesn't show things with a "~" at the end02:53
wickedpuppyDimensions, well then just see if the bottom has php5 :P02:53
LinuxGuy2006Paddy_ERIE: Is there anyway to make a folder hidden in Ubuntu w/o putting a dot in front of it?02:53
LinuxGuy2006thanks jrib02:53
Paddy_EIREyeah that works02:54
Paddy_EIREwell spotted jrib02:54
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_MMA_Hello room. Im having and odd little quirk. Im missing my bootsplash in Edgy. I have a AMD AM2 running 32bit Edgy. Im running the 2.6.17-10-generic kernel.02:54
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule02:54
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LinuxGuy2006is there anyway to hide w/o name modification? I have a program that creates three folders in /home/<user> and I want them hidden, but if I rename them the program creates new ones on next run02:55
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule02:55
midnighthello i need help please02:55
midnightlooking for how to activate the fastwrite option on edgy on my nvidia card02:55
jribmidnight: edgy in #ubuntu+1 please02:56
Viking_LinuxGuy2006: that only makes nautilus treat it as a temp file02:56
wickedpuppyDimensions, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=28067702:56
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:56
M_A_KI just finished going through the java installer as per instructions from the forum.  I still get error when trying to run the runlime.sh script for limewire.  Any suggestions are appreciated.02:56
beerockxscan anyone please explain the difference between using java-gcj-compat and using gij?02:56
jribM_A_K: pastebin the error02:56
Dimensionswickedpuppy when i go to in firefox .. it only gives me apache2 ...02:56
wickedpuppyDimensions, what else would you want ?02:57
elias_There must be a way to print to PDF in dapper! I don't believe that this does not work!02:57
LinuxGuy2006get the LimeWire RPM and install it using alien from terminal, I had to do that and now it works02:57
Dimensionsphp5 maybe02:57
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wickedpuppyDimensions, Apache/2.0.55 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.1.2 Server at localhost Port 8002:58
jribelias_: you can print to .ps and then convert to .pdf02:58
wickedpuppyyou got this line at the bottom ?02:58
MarkAngelsHi! Is there tv-out support for ATI Radeon Mobile yet? I found a 131 days old comment on digg saying it was unsupported. (I've searched the forums too.)02:58
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Dimensionsnopes ... this is what i have got ... Apache/1.3.34 Server at Port 8002:59
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cocozzHi, I have 2 soundcards but sound is emited on the second one, how can I change this ?02:59
jribelias_: also, I just found cups-pdf in the repos which may give you the option02:59
M_A_KOk, the error is http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/18977902:59
jrib!info cups-pdf03:00
ubotucups-pdf: PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-1 (dapper), package size 23 kB, installed size 140 kB03:00
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ubotuat: Delayed job execution and batch processing. In component main, is standard. Version 3.1.9ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 40 kB, installed size 208 kB03:00
LinuxGuy2006MarkAngels: I have an ATI Rage Mobile card in my laptop and the video out DOES NOT work03:00
jribubotu: tell M_A_K about multijava03:00
Dimensionswickedpuppy: Apache/1.3.34 Server at Port 80 only this ...03:00
wickedpuppyDimensions, 1.3 ?03:00
Dimensionsyeah ...03:00
wickedpuppyDimensions, why not 2 ? anyway have you installed php mod ?03:01
Dimensionsi had installed php with sudo apt-get install php503:01
MarkAngelsLinuxGuy2006: There is no way to get it working?03:01
M_A_Kso what to I type "sudo update-java-alternatives --jre" ?03:01
wickedpuppyDimensions, thats php5 the language..apache has a mod for php ... check it out in synaptic03:01
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Dimensionsi had given apt-get install apache2 donno why it installs 1.3 ..03:02
LinuxGuy2006MarkAngels: I have not been able to, the only OS I was ever able to get it to work on was Win2000 with special drivers, Cant get it working on WinXP or Ubuntu (5.10 and 6.06)  -- (I used to use Windows till May 2006)03:03
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hondadarrellMy terminal broke03:04
jribM_A_K: I believe you can do  -l, and then choose one and set it with -s.   sudo update-alternatives --config java  seems easier to user though03:04
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MarkAngelsLinuxGuy2006: For me it worked on XP before the OS crashed and now my Thinkpad won't run XP at all.03:04
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Dimensionswickedpuppy:  in synaptic i dont see any mod for php i have apache2 common / mpm/utils there...03:05
klingsorLinuxGuy2006: i think there's not much hope for you. Ait discontinues support for mobile radeon on new drivers at all...03:05
jribubotu: tell Dimensions about lamp03:05
hondadarrellIt closes after saying starting terminal then if I press ctrl alt f4 i get a black screen.03:05
elias_jrib: how can I print to .ps? cups-pdf does not work out of the box and I won't reconfigure my cups system config just to make this thing work.03:05
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elias_jrib: I like the print to .ps and convert approach.03:06
M_A_Kjrib : thanks that worked.03:06
elias_jrib: How would I do that?03:06
wickedpuppyDimensions, libapache2-mod-php5 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2.0 module)03:06
wickedpuppyyou got to get apache2 though03:06
klingsorelias: install a ps driver and print to file03:06
LinuxGuy2006klingsor: yeah I know, the special driver I used in Win2000 was supplied by Gateway (My laptop manufact.)03:06
porkpieguy's where can I find a list of the fixes for the daily edgy builds03:06
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Dimensionswell i might have to look on the web for it then .. apt-get diesn't install it or something ?03:06
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LinuxGuy2006When is edgy supposed to be released?03:07
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haffeOctober I think.03:07
MarkAngelsklingsor: Ok, thanks for the info. I might have to send the laptop back to IBM cause the rescue CD's they sent didn't work. I have to at least dual boot XP because tv-out can be kinda important sometimes03:07
porkpieLinuxGuy2006:dunno but I have got to use it for a Dell 195903:07
wickedpuppyDimensions, you got universe and multiverse ?03:08
klingsorMarkAngels: The CSs did not work?03:08
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wickedpuppyDimensions, the package is in the repos ... but do you have all the repos enabled ?03:08
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MarkAngelsklingsor: Nope03:08
klingsorMarkAngesl: Which Thinkpad do you have?03:08
LinuxGuy2006porkpie: are u running 6.06?03:08
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porkpieLinuxGuy2006:I tried to but it has a kernel issue that has been fixed in 6.1003:09
klingsorMarkAngels: strange, i have a R40 and also ordered the cds - 5! but they work and you can make a normal Win-CD out of the i386-folder then with nlite03:09
Dimensionsi have got multi and uni ... i just installed one of the package of apache and it also included libapache mod for php ...03:09
jribelias_: after you print it to .ps, just use ps2pdf (comes in gs-common for me)03:10
porkpieLinuxGuy2006:I am just going to install the daily edgy 6.1003:10
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wickedpuppyDimensions, then do you have apache2 ? look at the mod .. it might be only for apache203:10
MarkAngelsklingsor: They sent me 10 CD's so I've got two copies of each CD =)03:10
wickedpuppyDimensions, btw why not ruby on rails? a lot of better than php03:10
Acidic32does ubuntu have support for digital cameras03:10
LinuxGuyporkpie: I was just gonna see what some of the differences were03:10
Acidic32like Sony CyberShot DC-T1003:11
klingsorMarkAngels: What happtens if you insert the first and boot from CD?03:11
porkpieLinuxGuy2006:the beta install on release.ubuntu.com is not working correctly  .....I am hoping the problem have been fixed03:11
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jribAcidic32: yes, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaDigitalCameras03:11
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MarkAngelsklingsor: Starts restoring but spits out a lot of error messages03:11
diswillhello everyone. I seem to have lost sound recently. would someone help me get sound working again?03:11
porkpieLinuxGuy2006:I am only using the server.610-amd6403:12
LinuxGuy2006porkpie: best of luck to ya (I use my laptop for biz so it has to be running the STABLE release...)03:12
klingsorMarkAngels: Did you change some hardware?03:12
porkpieLinuxGuy2006:i wish I could do the same03:12
elias_jrib: tnx - works03:12
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LinuxGuy2006MarkAngels: What happened/was happening before it crashed?03:13
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THX-1138diswill - want to see if it is something simple? alsamixer (use arrow keys to scroll left and right.)03:13
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LinuxGuy2006porkpie: we all have different requirements... best of luck with getting it installed03:13
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Dimensionswickedpuppy:  ... the thing is ..our main server is in php ... so we have to make some thing like that for local hosts we work in bluetooth field sending add to bluetooth enabled devices ... we needed php for some work locally ..03:14
klingsorMarkAngels: Have you removed all partitions on the hdd03:14
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MarkAngelsklingsor: I got the worst spyware there is (according to Wikipedia) and it could not be removed so I did a restore from the restore partition03:14
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wickedpuppyDimensions, i see you are not in #php ...03:14
M_A_KAny thoughts as to where I should place the Limewire folder ?  The script does not install it, just set up.03:15
diswillI checked the mixer and made sure that nothing was muted and all the vol was all the way up. I even checked the speakers connections I have amarok that shows sound is being played but I still hear no sound03:15
MarkAngelsklingsor: I've done that once before and it worked. I've never touched the restore partition03:15
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LinuxGuy2006M_A_K: u using the tarball or RPM?03:15
michelehello I'm on edgy and daap sharing with rhythmbox doesn't work. am I missing some package?03:16
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klingsorMarkAngels: I think i removed my restore partition...03:16
M_A_Kthe source03:16
Knutecan i set focus on a specified window by using a hotkey?03:16
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THX-1138Does amarok tell you what sound server is being used? (i am not familiar with it.)03:16
MarkAngelsklingsor: The rescue CD's are supposed to wipe the drive so I didn't care about what was on there03:16
micheleKnute: deskbar does that, by window name03:16
polodshwhere can i get the latest ubuntu iso iamge?03:17
LinuxGuy2006M_A_K: I couldnt get source to work on mine, I used RPM instead, sorry03:17
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Knutebut whats when two windows have the same name?03:17
klingsorMarkAngels: One i did the rescue from CD but only the C: partition was formatted, the D: was left over...03:17
jribM_A_K: /usr/local or /opt are good places03:17
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M_A_Kjrib : I created /usr/local/custom for software that I have to install manually  Is that ok?03:18
MarkAngelsklingsor: So maybe I should remove all partitions and give it a try... Ubuntu works out of the box so I can always install it again even if the rescue fails03:18
diswillTHX-1138- it has a autodetect but I have also switch to alsl and oos and no differece03:18
jribM_A_K: /usr/local is for that purpose but it's your machine, it doesn't really matter03:19
polodshwhere can i get the latest ubuntu iso image?03:19
klingsorMarkAngels: I would try this before sending back. And if it installs, save / burn the i386 folder03:19
klingsorMarkAngels: then use this i386-folder together with nlite and make a normal windows CD03:19
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jribM_A_K: what I do is if it has a nice structure (like a bin folder etc) I use /usr/local, and if it is something that is not well structured, just one big folder, I use /opt03:19
klingsorMarkAngels: this is legal sice you have a license03:19
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THX-1138diswill - I think someone esle may have an answer for you. about sound in amarok.03:20
klingsorMarkAngels: Then you can use this CD and do a normal install with partitioning, and install ubuntu afterwards...03:20
diswillTHX-1138- thanks it is not just in amarok it is also real player and everything my system is kubuntu 6.0603:21
klingsorMarkAngels: This also keeps out all this shit from IBM, and you can get the latest drivers and service packs03:21
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gnomefreakklingsor: please watch your language03:21
MarkAngelsklingsor: Ok, thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try in a few days. What has always bothered be was all the software (crap) they install03:21
M_A_KThanks for the advice.  I am fairly new to linux and it can be difficult, but I am persistent.03:21
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califfoI upgraded to edgy through apt, but now I can boot only in recovery mode (if in normal mode it seems X is not loaded); can anyone help me?03:22
polodshwhat differences from alternate and desktop versions?03:22
klingsorgnomefreak: sorry, but have you ever seen an original oem-windows installation from ibm? there are no other words for it...03:22
bimberipolodsh: alternate is a text-mode installer, desktop is a live-cd with gui installer03:22
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carpmancaliffo: did you try logging in and running startx?03:22
gnomefreakpolodsh: desktop is the livecd installer and the alternate is text based installer03:22
M_A_Kjrib : how do I write the command to run Limewire from that location.  I entered the same thing I use at command line, but it did not launch.03:22
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LinuxGuy2006klingsor: u sound like me, when I ran windows as soon as I got a new PC I wiped the hard drive and reinstalled Windows from a Non-OEM disk just to remove all the OEM stuff03:22
jribM_A_K: where did you decide to put it?03:22
klingsorLinuxGuy2006: the only way!03:23
califfocarpman, I'll try when this upgrade will finish, tanhk u03:23
jribM_A_K: is the binary then:  /usr/local/custom/LimeWire/limewire   ?03:23
THX-1138poldosh - it is easier to step through the list of procedures. - troublesome display adapters can be more tamed.03:23
zmoin my terminals under X, I can't get my C-arrows to get forward/backward word by word03:23
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zmothough I used to do it a lot before using ubuntu03:24
LinuxGuy2006klingsor: TRUE, and I think gateway (my current laptop) is worst than IBM03:24
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zmoI'm pretty sure that's because of the utf8 input03:24
zmobut is there a workaround ?03:24
zmoany hints ? :)03:24
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MarkAngelsklingsor: I almost got it working with a friends XP CD. But to get the drivers I had to burn the ethernet driver on a CD since the USB wasn't recognized. When I got online I downloaded the automatic update cliend and it gave me a shitload of errormessages and messed things up03:24
porkpie1Hey guy's I am trying to listen to radio through mozzila but I don't get any sound .....but the sound is working o03:24
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klingsorLinuxGuy2006: you are right, there are worse than ibm - and it's getting even worse with all this yahoo- and google-stuff they install03:25
porkpie1on the desktop theme03:25
WulongWhat is OEM mode in ubuntu alt. ?03:25
StAfZe6you tell me03:25
THX-1138poldosh - If you have bandwidth to spare. Download the DVD iso. three install methods are included on on disk. for me it seemed to install faster.03:25
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carpmanLinuxGuy2006: I got a Dell, the only people who would give me credit so I could buy one. The drive was half filled with spyware when I got it.03:25
LinuxGuy2006I HATE yahoo (Go GAIM!) and I use Google for search, but leave google on my browser, not my PC03:26
klingsorWulong: Installs an user called oem03:26
LinuxGuy2006carpman: thats DELL for ya03:26
jribM_A_K: well you can type out  /usr/local/custom/LimeWire/runlime.sh , or just 'sudo ln -s /usr/local/custom/LimeWire/runlime.sh /usr/local/bin/what_name_I_want_that_something_else_doesn't_use', or just setup an alias03:26
haffeHey, my monitor is a Dell 2007FWP03:26
Wulongklingsor: I want to know what's diffrent from it and regular install.03:26
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carpmanLinuxGuy2006: Not a bad machine though, once I put Linux on it :)03:26
wickedpuppyDELL =HELL03:26
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porkpie1Dell is hell ....I am in it at the moment03:27
M_A_KIf I enter /usr/local/custom/LimeWire/runlime.sh at command line, Limewire runs fine.  SO, I entered that in teh commnad section for the menu item (Usding KDE menu editor), but it doesn't launch.03:27
gnomefreakLinuxGuy2006: please stay on topic if you need to talk offtopic please join #ubuntu-offtopiv03:27
LinuxGuy2006I use toshiba's (I have a gateway now cause it was FREE) and they used to not put all that stuff on theirs, now they do03:27
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LinuxGuy2006sorry gnomefreak03:27
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M_A_KMy bad, didn't see the limewire.exe file03:27
jribM_A_K: I'm not familiar with kde's menu, maybe try 'bash /usr/local/custom/LimeWire/runlime.sh'03:28
Dimensionsthanks alot wickedpuppy ... for all your help ...03:28
M_A_KGot it.03:28
klingsorWulong: Haven't seen many differences except that the standard-user is called oem - you can't set your own name03:28
jribM_A_K: k, great03:28
gnomefreaklimewire.exe for linux?03:28
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M_A_KYea, go figure.03:28
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=== gnomefreak thought it was a shell script
LiraNunasome demos have .exe exstentions03:28
wickedpuppyDimensions, no prob .... :P03:28
LiraNunastill runable throu ./blah.ex03:29
zappecan i get syslog messages from the remote server to a seperate file on my machine?03:29
carpmanMono apps will have a .exe extension03:29
Wulongklingsor: you can't remove the oem user?03:29
M_A_KHmmm, that didn't seem to work afterall.  Started loading then quit.03:29
lebafarCould someone help me to set a basic samba server please?03:29
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wickedpuppyLiraNuna, ./blah.exe ?03:29
THX-1138lebafar - had you seen this link?03:29
gnomefreakwickedpuppy: it shouldnt run03:29
wickedpuppyrunnable ? this i gotta see ... where can i get the binary file ?03:29
klingsorWulong: I think you can and set up another - but after installation and manually - so use the normal install mode, i think its better03:29
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:29
LinuxGuy2006Where can I get mono from?03:29
LiraNunawickedpuppy, they will run too (if it's a linux compiled binary with exe exstention)03:29
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carpmanLinuxGuy2006: it's in universe, I think03:30
shriphania c sorce code compiled in gcc gives an exe ?03:30
wickedpuppya good philosopher would says everything is in universe!!!03:30
kemikshriphani: and binary, executable file... yes..03:31
carpmanshriphani: Technically, you can name the file whatever you want and still run it. It would be a really sloppy build strategy though.03:31
wickedpuppyshriphani, no ... a binary file ... they are the same but pls don't call a binary file exe ...03:31
kemikshriphani: not a "myfile.exe" unless you rename it03:31
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shriphanikemik, what does it create generally (the compiling)03:31
kemikshriphani: a.out is the default name03:31
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wickedpuppyshriphani, why not try it ?03:32
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kemikshriphani: generallly it creates a executable file03:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tias - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:32
rnz`WORKanyone know any good professional bnc host providers, no mom&pop linux shop out of a garage03:32
shriphanithe disadvantages of being a coding n00b03:32
rnz`WORKa place thats been around a while03:32
kemikubotu tias is "Try It And See"03:32
wickedpuppyshriphani, you can download helloworld.c on google03:32
Wulongklingsor: normal mode installs allot of crap I don't want, I'd rather build it from text.03:32
adasdasdhi all! do u know if is it possible in gedit to print a single page without input the exact start and finish line number? (i.e. just print page 2)03:32
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klingsorWulong: in oem-mode you can't choose what it installs also. Maybe use the expert-mode option?03:33
shriphaniso why doesnt python make these umm executables ?03:33
kemikshriphani: perhaps start out with java ;) (it's better to learn OOP first anyways imo ;) )03:33
shriphaniit stays plain text till i chmod u+x it03:33
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kemikshriphani: python is an interpreted language like java and C#03:33
shriphanii was recommended python03:33
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shriphaninow java03:34
shriphanii am confused03:34
hondadarrellhas anyone every had a program say starting then close and been able to it?03:34
porkpie1Guys ...any idea why I can here sound from the desktop them but I can seem to get any sound from radio 103:34
wickedpuppyshriphani, python,ruby,perl,bash those are called interpreted language ...03:34
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kemikshriphani: im sure python is fine... ;) not done anything init myself though03:34
Dr_willisshriphani,  read/research/decide/think03:34
shriphaniso what do i start with ?03:34
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Dr_willisdepends on what you want to do shriphani  - learning both is worth while03:34
wickedpuppyshriphani, this is not a channel for those so i won't explain .. check out "compiled language" versus "interpreted language" on google03:34
Wulongklingsor: hm, on what cd and where is that option?03:34
_xXX_join #ubuntu.es03:35
Dr_willisshriphani,  for someone that has No programing experience at all.. i say Python for a starter.03:35
micheleehm... python isn't interpreted...03:35
_xXX_join /#ubuntu.es03:35
wickedpuppymichele, python is compiled ?03:35
wickedpuppyoh my apology.. i always thought python is interpreted03:35
klingsorWulong: on the alternative CD, you have to use F-Keys on the boot-Menu, there's one option (F6?) for expert-mode...03:35
carpmanwickedpuppy: byte code compiled, kinof a half-way point between compiled and interpreted03:35
Wulongklingsor: right, just found it, thanks.03:36
kemikwickedpuppy: it is03:36
wickedpuppycarpman, like .net ?03:36
klingsorWulong: good luck!03:36
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cycomDr_willis: What about perl?03:36
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carpmanwickedpuppy: very much so, java and perl do that too03:36
cycomDr_willis: very handy if you use linux command line a lot.03:36
michelewickedpuppy: it's bytecode, like java and .net, for example03:36
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cycomDr_willis: Steep, but relatively painless learning curve as well.03:37
kemik"Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java."03:37
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M_A_KFinally got it.  Spelling counts ;)03:37
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gorthaughi, i'm trying to compile mplayer-1.0pre8 with video output "gl" enabled, which package i need to install for have the opengl sources??03:38
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carpmankemik: it goes both ways. You can run it interpreted from the interactive prompt, or byte compile a chunk of code. Thats one of the advantages to .net and java, since they can only execute from bytecode03:38
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kemikand byte-code isnt interpreted ?!03:39
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porkpiewhere can I get realplayer from03:39
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AnAntanyone knows how to hide the menu frame of grub ?03:40
jribubotu: tell porkpie about realplayer03:40
carpmankemik: language lawyer. :)03:40
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WulongAnAnt: hidemenu in /boot/grub/menu.lst03:40
gast_hi wie gehts03:40
meson_rayhello, all03:40
kemikcarpman: sure, but the fact is, java, python etc are interpreted languages ;) witout a VM they won't run03:40
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gast_meson ray03:40
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AnAntWulong: I don't want to hide the menu, just the frame03:41
gast__Hay my niggaaa03:41
carpmankemik: there was that java on a chip experiment a couple of years back :)03:41
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gast__ey whats upppppppppppp !!!03:41
gast_whats uppppppppppppppppppp03:41
WulongAnAnt: edit the colors there, then.03:41
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gast_wulong wehre ar ju from03:42
j0lliyowhy does modprobe ndiswrapper give me a aegmentation fault?03:42
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gast_kann hir jemand deutsch03:42
porkpie1blast edgy hangs when loading kernel on the Dell 1950 :(03:42
Mannygast_: don't ask to ask but frag' drauf los03:43
wickedpuppyporkpie, #ubuntu+1 pls03:43
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gast_hi manny03:43
Mannythere is also #ubuntu-de for your pleasure03:43
gast__wie gehts ?03:43
gast_kann man hir nur english rede03:43
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j0lliyoand lsusb doesn't work03:44
jazzrockerhi, i'm in gnome but i'm using Amarok, is there any way to change the KDE theme without downloading and installing KDE?03:44
j0lliyoand ndiswrapper -l doesn't work03:44
Manny#ubuntu-de is the German flavor of this channel03:44
j0lliyoi have the same hardware as i had before i reinstalled03:44
j0lliyoand i had the same ubuntu version03:44
j0lliyoand everything that had with wireless worked before i reinstalled03:44
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gast_und wo is deutscher channel03:44
gast_who is deutscher channel03:44
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porkpiewickedpuppy: what do you mean03:45
Manny#gnome-de, as I said03:45
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MadDog011Hello ubuntu people :)03:45
wickedpuppyporkpie, for edgy problems pls ask in #ubuntu+103:45
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Angiekann hir jemand deutsch03:46
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:46
Angieshit ich kan not english03:47
Angiemeson ray  kannst du deutsch03:47
Tammyfuck i dont speak english is here anybody who speaks german03:47
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:47
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cocozzHi, I have 2 soundcards but sound is emited on the second one, how can I change this ?03:47
jhaigMy brother wants me to install Linux for him on a machine that he has been give.  I'm not sure of the hardware, except that it has 128Mb RAM.  Is this enough for Ubuntu?  If not, I'm thinking of trying Xubuntu.  How similar is this?03:47
meson_rayhow big's the HD?03:48
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meson_raysorry, I only speak english and bad english03:48
Angieoh ok03:48
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jhaigI'm not sure, but I'm guessing (hoping) that it will be more than enough for a fairly standard Linux install.03:49
TammyOh ok i speak english a little bit but many things i dont understand03:49
meson_raytry #ubuntu-de03:49
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meson_rayhm... is there any way to check?03:50
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wickedpuppymeson_ray, df -h03:50
meson_rayno, I know that03:50
wickedpuppynot sure thats what you want .. but then i am guessing it03:50
jhaigI was talking to him via MSN but he's gone.03:50
meson_raybut I don't think his comp has it on there no03:51
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darth`zillaQuick question. Does anyone know how to set incoming POP port in Evolution?03:51
spunk_Hello all, which package gives me a standard development environment (i.e., gcc, stdlib, etc.)?03:51
finalbetajhaig, 128Mb is not enough. As stated on the downloads page.03:51
wickedpuppyspunk_, build-essential03:51
Angiehelp my03:51
wickedpuppyAngie, what language do you speak ?03:51
spunk_wickedpuppy, thanks!03:51
Angiei dont  english03:51
Tammyme and angie do speak germany03:52
wickedpuppyi know ... what language do you speak ? german ?03:52
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wickedpuppycan ask in #ubuntu-de ?03:52
meson_rayjhaig:  if your brother is feeling up to it (and this takes a LOT of work) you could try gentoo03:52
meson_raythat might be a bit difficult if he's never tried linux before03:52
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jhaigfinalbeta: Thanks.03:52
Angiei dont english03:52
Tammywe dont know how we get there03:52
finalbetajhaig,  GNOME seems to be the most heavy window manager of them all. Xfce might work. Note that if it's a laptop the Video card might take some of that 128MB even03:52
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meson_raytype /join #ubuntu-de03:52
jhaigmeson_ray: I don't think so, but thanks for the suggestino.03:52
Angiehelp my03:53
jhaigfinalbeta: I thought Gnome was lighter than KDE03:53
meson_rayI know there's a light version of linux somewhere03:53
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Dr_willisxubuntu is a lighter desktop/install03:53
meson_rayjhaig:  look into puppy linux maybe03:53
Angietammy wo bist du03:53
=== wickedpuppy cries
Angiedu depp03:53
Dr_willispuppylinux = is ULTRA light03:53
meson_rayangie:  /join #ubuntu-de03:54
spunk_wickedpuppy, hm, build-essential seems to be aimed at installing an environment for package development. Is there any package for misc. development?03:54
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Dr_willis!info build-essential03:54
Angiehelp my03:54
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB03:54
jhaigI suggested buying more memory but he is a poor student (so he claims)03:54
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wickedpuppyAngie, type this /join #ubuntu-de03:54
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:54
Dr_willisspunk_,  misc. development of what? :)03:55
dragonfire1I'm trying to install ubuntu I'm at the partion area I have four partions 9.9 each03:55
wickedpuppy9.9 each ?03:55
meson_rayjhaig:  more memory for a system with 128 MB has gotta be pretty cheap right now03:55
dragonfire1I 'm trying to prepare mount anywhere is there instructions on this searching03:55
spunk_Dr_willis, c-programs. :-)03:55
finalbetajhaig, yes, so did I. but now I read this. http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/ even tho it's written by a KDe dev.03:55
wickedpuppyspunk_, gcc is in build-essential ..03:55
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Dr_willisspunk_,  then install build-essential  its got thej core set of tools needed todo that then03:56
dragonfire1Says no root file03:56
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Dr_willisspunk_,  then install whatever -dev files you need for the libs/tools/libraries you wish to use03:56
Alakazam_hi DJ_Danni03:56
spunk_wickedpuppy, Dr_willis ok, I'll go for build-essential. thanks!03:56
DJ_DanniNeed som info03:56
DJ_Danni500 Internal Error03:56
spunk_Dr_willis, ok03:56
DJ_DanniThere was an unusual problem serving the requested URL '/phpmyadmin/index.php'.03:56
DJ_Dannithttpd/2.23beta1 26may200203:56
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DJ_DanniWhat error is this03:56
wickedpuppyDJ_Danni, ask in #php ?03:57
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Angiehi wahts uppppppppppppppppppp03:57
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jhaigAnyway, I told him that it would be sluggish with that much memory, so I may still try (x)ubuntu03:57
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=== Mille [i=ABC123@c83-249-115-45.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
Millei should be able to make my ubuntu partition bigger with the ubuntu-cd huh?04:00
[GuS] hi guys! there is an app in Ubuntu or Kubuntu to handly with Motorola PCS E398 GSM Phone?04:00
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Mille... using gpart or gtpart or what it's called.04:01
[GuS] gparted is04:01
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Millegparted. but that should be possible, huh?04:02
Gostyplease help me http://pastebin.it/2035 will this work? i want subdomains in my local network04:02
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[GuS] general, ext3 does not allow or is to risk to do that Mille04:02
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skircr115why doesnt ubuntu work with wireless internet04:04
KenSentMe!wireless > skircr11504:04
ArvineCloneHi, I have a possibly simple question, but my rummaging through ubuntuforums hasn't turned up anything useful, is there a quick-n-dirty way to change sound driver setups?  from the Intel onboard to something more generic like AC97?04:04
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Dr_willisskircr115,  it depends on the card/chipset04:04
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skircr115yeah but i have the wireless chip and everything i need to run it but it doesnt run04:05
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KenSentMeskircr115: what kind of hardware do you have?04:06
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blablawhen i try to load a webpage, i can connect to the server, but it stops when it comes to the http request. how can i fix that?04:06
mAIJK-How do I do to autostart an service when I restart my server?04:07
haffeadd a start script to /etc/init.d04:07
skircr115umm... 5.1004:08
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Milleany ideas when a new ubuntu version with the latest gnome will be released? :-)04:09
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haffeMille:  Edgy Eft = 6.10 s Month 10 of year 604:09
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Millei see04:10
Millethat's about now xD04:10
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:11
haffeMight be postponed to 6.12 though.04:11
Gostyplease help me http://pastebin.it/2035 will this work? i want subdomains in my local network04:11
haffeAFAIK it's 6 month relaease cycle.04:11
shriphanii am learning python04:11
shriphanidone !04:11
[GuS] people... some app to handle/admin motorola v300 phone?04:11
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jhaighaffe: Is that true that it might be postponed?  I mentioned earlier that I'm thinking of giving Ubuntu to my brother, and I was going to get 6.10 beta, but now I may go for the previous version.04:13
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Dr_willis[GuS] ,  clarify 'handle' - theres the bluetooth tools.04:13
haffeI don't know, my guess is as good as yours jhaig04:13
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[GuS] handle, i mean for example... to download the photos from it04:13
jhaighaffe: Well, you're guess is probably better than mine.04:13
Dr_willis[GuS] ,   the bluetooth tools.04:14
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[GuS] i have connected at usb (i use Kubuntu) and in bluetools does not appears the v300...04:14
haffeHmmm, now I think I have done something stupid again.04:14
Dr_willis[GuS] ,  ive accessed my bluetooth enabled phone with the various bluetooth tools.. andyes. it can be an annoyance04:14
haffefirst I ran sudo passwd root04:14
haffeAfter that I ran sudo userdel root04:14
[GuS] Dr_willis, for example, which one tool?04:14
Dr_willisas usb - the device 'should' show up as a hard drive. Check dmesg output and 'sudo fdisk -l'04:14
[GuS] whai i have is: sudo apt-get install libusb-dev04:15
[GuS] ups04:15
[GuS] i mean04:15
Dr_willis[GuS] ,  kde and gnome both have theor own bluetooth tools.. i dont rember the names.. they are in the menus when installed.04:15
[GuS] Bus 002 Device 028: ID 22b8:4902 Motorola PCS E398 GSM Phone04:15
=== stormzoeker [n=stormzoe@cc1075059-a.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
[GuS] with that command does not show as a "another disk"04:16
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THX-1138Any nifty tips on using .gnomerc?04:17
Dr_willisits possible the phone has tobe in a specific mode to work as a usb drive.04:17
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[GuS] ok04:17
THX-1138Good Morning Dr_willis04:17
GostyHi please help me. I want subdomains in my local network etc. mysql.gosty-pc.lan and so on i want to apply this: http://pastebin.it/2035 will this work?04:17
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Dr_willisHowdy THX-113804:18
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MadDog011Does anyone have 15min of time, I need help setting up a UBUNTU router04:18
wickedpuppyGosty, if you ask me there isnt a bind expert here alive ...04:19
Gostywickedpuppy: but it isn't for expert but i am newbie :D04:19
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THX-1138MadDog011 - Have you taken a look at Firestarted, shorewall and bastille?04:20
MadDog011THX-1138, no can you link me?04:20
wickedpuppyGosty, well you can ask of course ... :P04:20
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THX-1138MadDog01- s/Firestarted/Firestarter/g04:20
boink_MadDog011: I don't know the exact Ubuntu way of doing this, but it would be handly to read about iptables04:20
boink_with iptables you can make your Ubuntu box into a router04:21
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Gostywickedpuppy: so can you check it if it will work? i am newbie and i found it on internet so i a little but changed me for my need04:21
MadDog011is there any tutorial out there04:21
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MadDog011I downloaded UBUNTU Server04:21
MadDog011installed it04:21
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MadDog011and im utterly confused04:21
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wickedpuppyGosty, if i know ... i would have answered it ...04:21
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THX-1138MadDog - There are some nice webmin goodies for routers also. (you need a desktop)04:21
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Dr_willisubuntu homepage has several guides04:22
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meson_rayis there a way of storing all the programs for ubuntu on another partition (can't mount it)?04:22
boinkMadDog101: time to google to get a good script for your needs04:22
wickedpuppyfor Ubuntu server .. there is only iptables ...04:22
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MadDog011allright i'll google it out...04:22
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MadDog011wickedpuppy, I need packet shaping too04:22
Gostywickedpuppy: so it will work? i don't understand you..... :(04:22
boinkthen you'll need to set it up to start on boot once you have the iptables script you want04:22
MadDog011I need DNS Server I need Router packet shaping ...04:22
wickedpuppyMadDog011, packet shaping ?04:22
MadDog011aka bandwith limiting04:23
wickedpuppyGosty, no i do not know bind ... my networking is total noob04:23
THX-1138MadDog - Feeling adveturous take a peek at conntrack04:23
wickedpuppyi thought its called QOS04:23
boinkdjbdns is another good dns server too04:23
wickedpuppyoh well04:23
MadDog011no its not qos04:23
MadDog011I need packet shaping04:23
Gostywickedpuppy: aha noo i need help04:23
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MadDog011I need to limit bandwith of network users04:24
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Dr_willisthats not nice for the users! :P04:26
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loopjeremyloopstrange issue - about 60% of the time when starting up, I'm missing either one or both of my panels (top/bottom) - restarting X (ctrl-alt-bs) sometimes fixes it, and sometimes I need to do it more than once.  Anyone else with this issue04:26
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Knutehow can i convert ogg to mp3?04:28
THX-1138looperjeremyloop - Do you have something launching from sessions startup programs that might interfere with gnome-panel? - xgl/xcompmgr?04:28
loopjeremyloopberyl, yeah04:28
boinkKnute: sure04:28
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.04:28
boinkconvert the ogg file to a wav file, then make that wav file a mp3 file04:28
loopjeremylooprofl thank you ubotu04:28
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wickedpuppyits a bot04:29
meson_rayKnute:  you might be able to do that with a standard out too04:29
meson_raymight not need the inbetween file04:29
loopjeremyloopi figured that out immediately after I typed that :)04:29
THX-1138looperjeremyloop - You may need a custom gdm-custom, .xinitrc or .gnomerc a little experimentation will fix it. - my bet is gdm-custom04:29
Knutebut how can i decode ogg to wav?04:29
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boinkKnute: oggenc04:29
loopjeremyloopkk, any web resources offhand for that, THX-1138?04:30
Knuteapt-get didnt find oggenc04:30
THX-1138looperjeremyloop #ubuntu-xgl04:30
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boinkhmm, is it vorbis tools?04:30
loopjeremyloopokay thanks THX-113804:30
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boinkapt-cache search vorbis-tools or something like that04:30
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ubotublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro04:31
boinkand then man oggenc04:31
boinkand then, of course, man lame04:31
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THX-1138boink - Buddy, dearest friend. possibly you can save me from a *HUGE* mistake. IOs there an open source alternative to BlazePro fpr re=encoding .wmv to ogg? (100+ gigs it took daysto do.)04:32
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boinkTHK-1138: sorry, don't know of any :/04:32
boinkwmv is closed source and that sux04:33
THX-1138boink - GAH! (runs scrams and pounds head on wall.)04:33
boinkwmv is 3vil stuff, sadly04:33
Morosoany1 can tell me how (with wich program) i can substitute tabulation with 8 spaces?04:33
THX-1138Aspirin STAT!04:33
boinkstick to open source :)04:34
Morosoi'm going crazy04:34
boink<- already is04:34
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haffeMoroso:  Any text editor with search & replace should do it for you.04:34
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denndahi. how may i install the default open source driver for my ati graphics card?04:35
zeronenorezmy xfce lost panels04:35
zeronenorezbut i reworked that04:35
boinkdamm, it's oggdec instead of oggenc .. heh. little boo-boo04:35
Morosohaffe: great, but what i have to search for? there is a code for tabulation?04:35
zeronenorezbut then shouldn't shutdown04:35
haffeJust press the tab key, should work I think.04:35
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THX-1138boink - BlazePro is looking like the single option.04:36
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zeronenorezwith the warning: xfce-session is running....04:36
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Morosohaffe, it doesn't work, it pass at the next text field of the user interface04:36
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orbindennda: default would be 'ati'.  it should already be installed.04:36
Morosopass = switch04:37
zeronenorezsuck that04:38
MadDog011I just gave up on UBUNTU :) switching to centos :)))04:38
boinkgood luck then04:39
boinkcentos is a very good system too04:39
zeronenoreznot better than ubuntu04:39
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MadDog011I know, this ubuntu server is way too different than anything I ever worked on04:39
boinkit's based on debian, whearas centos is based on red hat 904:40
MadDog011That should work allright04:40
jhaigCentos is based on RHEL of the same version.04:40
jhaigIe, Centos 4 is based on RHEL 404:41
SpCombgah, this debian -> ubuntu conversion is not working. Is there any way to boot the ubuntu installer/livecd from a USB stick instead of a CD?04:41
zeronenorezhow about gentoo?04:41
bm0nk I've managed to get ubuntu to see my usb wg121 (v2)  card...but I'm having some difficulty getting it connected to the internet...04:41
jhaigGentoo is based on it's own two feet  ;-)04:41
SpCombI've tried googleing, but all I can find is stuff about installing ubuntu to a USB stick04:41
boinkgentoo is the most "BSD" of all linux distros04:42
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:43
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zeronenorezi have an mini gentoo ISO how could i boot it on disk?04:43
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WulongDo ubuntu support WPA/WPA2 by default, install?04:44
bm0nkNo :(04:44
D-Lineubuntu 6.06 used default memory 106 mb ?04:44
D-Linei have 128 mb ram and ubuntu is used 106 mb04:44
MadDog011should I install X with Gnome on a 450mhz pc?04:45
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D-Lineis it normal ?04:45
WulongMadDog011: depends on it usage, I wouldn't.04:45
MadDog011k im not going to04:45
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MadDog011its a server04:45
WulongX, not on a server!04:45
MadDog011no x then04:45
WulongD-Line: Linux is trying to use as much ram as possible. For petter perforamce.04:45
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zeronenorezhow to boot :SabayonLinux-x86-3.0e.miniEdition.iso?04:46
MadDog011what is Legacy software development04:46
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MadDog011do I need it on a linux server04:46
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D-Lineok Wulong04:47
IceToxANyone here have ever installed a "Creative Webcam Live!" on ubuntu? I can't get any drivers what so ever for the webcam :(04:47
D-LineI have ubuntu server for websites04:47
Admiral_Chicago!webcam > IceTox04:48
THX-1138IceTox - what does lspci , lshw  say about the chip inside?04:48
D-Lineand I think 106 mb very big ram for server04:48
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spunk_I've ha laptop with an (old) wifi-card (Prism 2 I believe). Can I use it to connect to an AP that uses WPA2-PSK? Is it required that the wifi-card's hardware supports WPA2 or can that be handled in software?04:48
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THX-1138spunk_ - Do you want to see if ubotu knows anything about !wpa?04:50
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:50
wikijeffIs there a way I can stop the gnome network manager applet from running at startup without uninstalling it?04:50
THX-1138spunk_ - hm. - not terribly enlightening.04:50
ArvinCloneHi, I asked a little while ago but i got bumped, is there any simple way to switch audio drivers?  The Intel audio controller in the HP dv8000t has no working microphone so I want to try using the AC97 instead.04:50
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spunk_THX-1138, yep, If Ubuntu can handle WPA...04:51
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IceToxTHX-1138: the output of the usb from lshw is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25586/ (lspci gave me nothing about the issue)04:52
ajopaulArvinClone, select pref or Admin -> sound change ur default sound dev there04:52
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THX-1138spunk_ - WiFi is still painful. - enabled it yesterday and was stuck on reboot. "configuring network interfaces" - reinstalled. - lol04:52
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billytwowillywhat is the default port for ssh? 22?04:52
=== pumuky nas
spunk_THX-1138, :-)04:52
spunk_billytwowilly, yep04:53
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mdasilva_anyone here use evolution? is there  a way to have signatures placed before inline quoted text for replies/forwards?04:53
IceToxyes billytwowilly. But you can change it if ya want in the /etc/ssh/ssh_config04:53
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pumukyhola,soy novato en esto de linux,para instalar es aptitude install nombre del programa?04:53
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:53
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macsimanybody can tell me what preseed means ?04:54
ubotuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!04:54
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macsimIceTox: pressed means sweet ?04:55
IceToxthe oppertunity of talking other people in your own language is sweet macsim :)04:55
ArvinCloneIs anybody here familiar with how to change/swap sound drivers04:55
IceToxTHX-1138: the output of the usb from lshw is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25586/ (lspci gave me nothing about the issue)04:55
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macsimIceTox: ok ...04:56
THX-1138IceTox - sigh - i don't have a clue.04:56
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IceToxthat's ok THX-1138. :) I'll go on searching google :)04:57
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ArtVandalaeWhere does Ubuntu store the dl .deb files?04:57
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ArvinCloneIs anybody here familiar with how to change/swap sound drivers??04:57
Kamping_KaiserArtVandalae, /var/cache/apt/archives04:58
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule04:58
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IceToxthat would be /var/cache/apt/archieves ArtVandalae04:58
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule04:58
IceToxoh.. nevermind.. I'm just slow :)04:58
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ArvinCloneI've already hunted through Ubuntu Forums, but I'm not coming up with anything short of total kern recompile :(04:59
xav_does anyone also have problem with fonts in openoffice?04:59
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xav_all fonts are awfully blurred04:59
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xav_and the menu fonts are huge04:59
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ZaggynlI secretly use Office in WinXP in vmware :>05:00
meson_rayArvinClone: you could try rmmod05:00
meson_rayArvinClone: that shuts down driver modules05:00
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ArvinClonebut how to put AC97 in it's place?05:01
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ArvinCloneI consulted with a hardware friend who said the Conextant and AC97 are very similar05:01
ajopaulArvinClone, am not on gnome so not sure wher it is but sure had swapped once sound device, goto Preference or Administration -> sound -> default device05:01
ArvinClonehmmmm that would require me to install GNOME then05:01
meson_rayare you on kubuntu?05:01
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htimshello, where can i find the list of applied patches to the dapper / edgy kernels?05:02
SuperMiguelthere is any way to format an usb drive using ubuntu?05:02
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xav_htims, there is a git repo afaik05:02
meson_rayhave you tried kconfig?05:02
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xav_SuperMiguel, usb drives are no different than normal drives05:02
htimsxav_: do you know where? --05:02
sproingiehtims: i'm pretty sure they're separated out into their own directory in the source .deb05:02
ArvinCloneno is that like xconfig?05:02
meson_rayit's the kde control center05:03
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xav_htims, no05:03
SuperMiguelis not lerting fotmat it05:03
SuperMiguelit says that i dont have permission05:03
meson_raytry running on sudo05:03
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ArvinCloneyeah there's nothing in the sound server that lets me change the audio driver05:03
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meson_raySuperMiguel:  sudo *command*05:03
SuperMiguelbut what is the comand to format usb drivers?05:04
ArvinCloneI am guessing that if Conextant is similar enough to AC97 (unproven but i'll take a guess at this point) then maybe modprobe could find it?05:04
meson_raysorry, dunno05:04
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meson_ray*sorry dunno was to SuerMiguelp05:04
meson_raywell modprobe can load it regardless05:05
meson_raybut whether it will work or not...05:05
bobezusIs there a way to use a DV CAM as a WEBCAM?05:05
ArvinCloneoh well even if it worked crapily it'd be no worse than the current one05:05
meson_rayyou can try to modprobe it05:05
ArvinCloneIntel's support is almost as bad as none at all05:05
meson_raywhat sound architecture are you using?05:06
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ArvinCloneon a intel board - volume sucks, microphone's AWOL, memstick controller's not found05:06
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ArvinCloneyeah using arts/alsa05:06
ArvinClonebut i found out OSS is no better05:06
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sproingiei thought arts replaced alsa05:06
ArvinClonethere's several threads on ubuntuforums, many complaints, and nothing from Intel/HP so far05:06
xav_htims, you can still look at the changelog, and get the source package05:06
meson_rayup until now i've always used alsa05:07
mdasilva_anyone here use evolution? is there  a way to have signatures placed before inline quoted text for replies/forwards?05:07
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meson_raywhat's the lspci on your audio?05:09
ArvinClonelemme check05:10
sproingiealsa makes me hate linux all over again05:10
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ArvinCloneproblem is i'm using win partition right now (had to use skype)05:10
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mdasilva_omg why not include a top quoting option for evolution05:10
mdasilva_this is retarded05:10
ArvinClonethat's the worst, i can live with crappy volume and no stick, but no microphone means no sky;e :(05:10
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meson_rayyeah, i had to do that last night too, boot intpeo windows for sky05:10
sproingiei have a realtek ac97, single most common sound chipset there is.  and it can't handle doing line out and spdif at the same time05:10
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:10
sproingieconfiguring it in general is just extreme pain05:10
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:11
ArvinCloneok that was stupid on my part05:11
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meson_rayArvinClone: use pastebin05:11
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=== ArvinClone bangs head on keyboard
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meson_raydo you know what driver it uses?05:15
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ArvinCloneI believe it's the 82801G controller05:17
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meson_raydo you know what the linux driver name is?05:18
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ArvinClonenot off hand, i'd have to switch back to find out :(05:18
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IceToxit occurs to me that webcams are supposed to be mounted to /dev/video0. Mine is not. Anyone can help me? 'lshw' information on the device is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25586/05:19
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bertugolufrom where do i edit the chmod05:20
IceToxin the terminal bertugolu, or by right clicking the file and go to properties.05:21
meson_rayArvinClone:  it looks like there might not be support for it yet.  i found a patch for alsa-drivers, but that's not likely to help you05:21
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meson_rayArvinClone: you're looking at a kernel compile maybe05:22
ArvinClonerecompile with what though?05:23
ArvinClonethe alsa patch?05:23
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meson_rayactually, take alsa OUT05:23
meson_rayand use alsa-drivers05:23
meson_rayand the hda-intel driver05:23
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ArvinCloneactually, HDA-Intel is what I have now i believe05:24
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meson_raywhich kernel do you have?05:24
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[GuS] Dr_willis, , it works with moto4lin ;)05:24
ArvinCloneI have the *.16 driver for SMP05:24
ArvinClone16-25.15,16 and 1705:25
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meson_rayso 2.6.16?05:25
mdasilva_is there a way to move an active process to screen without restarting the process all over again?05:25
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meson_rayi think the driver in that version might be broken05:26
ArvinCloneyeah, 2.6.1605:26
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ArvinCloneI had read that the SD reader in breezy is broken, one thread mentioned that the prior version worked05:26
meson_rayi found something where someone using slackware took alsa out of the kernel and used alsa-drivers and got it working05:26
ArvinClonei've pondered installing a 2.4 kernel for comparison05:26
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ArvinClonewell if i was gonna chuck ubuntu it'd be to gentoo rather than slack05:27
ArvinClonenothing against slack, but something appealing about the control that gentoo offers05:27
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fejdanHelo! im from sweden, can anybody help me with my server? i need to fix ip so i can go on the internet..05:27
meson_rayi'm not saying you should use slack05:27
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meson_rayi'm just saying that this person was using slack and got it working by using alsa-drivers05:27
meson_rayeven if you're using ubuntu, you should be able tto get it working like tha05:27
xav_ArtVandalae, don't talk about gentoo05:28
fejdankmandla can you help me?05:28
ArtVandalaeArtVandalae: ?05:28
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kmandlawith what?05:28
ArtVandalaexav_: ?05:28
ArvinClonei think he meant me05:28
meson_ray*cough*  I don't use gentoo at all....05:28
fejdankmandla my server, im a little noob :P05:28
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xav_ArvinClone, yes indeed, sorry :)05:28
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ArvinClonei'd never use it for a laptop, i prefer to have a install take less than 8 hours, call me impatient05:29
brainstewhi my problem:  well i was a jerk and changed dapper to edgy in sources.list .. upgraded and then changed back to dapper in souces.list and put dapper back.. so now the gdm looks like windows 98 or smthn.. how can i get the nice ubuntu look back?05:29
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fejdankmandla never used buntu05:29
kmandlai can try. i'm not very good with servers.05:29
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meson_rayanyway the point was if you use alsa-driver you should be able to get it working05:29
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xav_ArvinClone, i'd never use it for anything05:29
meson_rayonly that would require you to recompile your kernel05:29
meson_raywithout alsa support05:29
tRSSi need some desperate help with my grub and disk partitions05:29
ArvinClonesee i foolishly assumed that the hardware specific driver would trump a generic one, at least till i ran into Inteldrivers LOL05:29
meson_raymy biggest suggestion would actually be to get a second opinion and do what i say as a last resort, because it's a pain in the ass05:29
ArvinCloneyes, i consider a recompile one stop short of wiping the install completely05:30
fejdankmandla i need to fix a ip or something, so i can go out on the internet05:30
ArvinClonetakes almost as much time i think05:30
brainstewTHX-1138, hi my problem:  well i was a jerk and changed dapper to edgy in sources.list .. upgraded and then changed back to dapper in souces.list and put dapper back.. so now the gdm looks like windows 98 or smthn.. how can i get the nice ubuntu look back?05:30
meson_raymine's a silicon integrated systems audio controller and it uses an intel driver05:30
ArvinClonewhat really blows me away, in windows, the SD controller is listed as a "Standards Compliant SD Controller"05:30
kmandlahmm. are you working with a router, or is this through another computer?05:30
tRSSI have 3 partitions with win xp (ntfs), ubuntu (ext3) with / and /boot, another ext3 partition which has my backup05:31
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fejdankmandla with a router05:31
kmandlaexcellent! and you want the router to allow your machine on to the internet?05:31
ArvinCloneapparently the HDA chipset has a bad history with linux compatiility05:31
fejdanis the anybody who is from sweden here?05:31
tRSSi reinstalled win xp, and it erased grub from the mbr. I reinstalled grub onto  the mbr (setup (hd0))05:31
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:31
dhqi have the source of xorg 7.1 how do i build it i hit command sudo ./configure05:32
Acdic32updating to 6.0605:32
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Acdic32how do i update from 6.06 to edgy?05:32
xav_tRSS, rule number one : always install windows before linux if you are going to dualboot05:32
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:32
kmandlafejdan do you know your own IP address and the address of your router?05:32
meson_raytRSS said 'reinstall'05:32
THX-1138brainstew - That sounds involved. - Use a band aid and cover it with a new theme?05:32
fejdanyes i do05:32
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:32
tRSSxav: i do that, but I had to reinstall win xp, without reinstalling linux05:32
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jwl007Oct. 26th.. woohoo05:33
xav_rule number two : don't use windows, because you always have to reinstall it05:33
fejdankmandla sry for my bad english :)05:33
ArvinCloneok i'm switching back to Kubuntu, back in a sec05:34
brainstewTHX-1138, if i change themes.. if themes are the things under "user interface settings" .. then it will only change colors of the windows 98 looking theme05:34
THX-1138mdasilva_ - the gtprgrp command sound right? http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl2_getpgrp.htm05:34
fejdanwitch is the easiest buntu client?05:34
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brainstewTHX-1138, id like to reinstall the part of ubuntu where the look is.. i removed gdm and reinstallid it.. but didnt work05:34
kmandlafejdan no problem. my english is pretty bad too. :)05:34
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fejdankmandla ;) do you think you can help me?05:35
jendaUbuntu won't recognise my WD Combo external drive. Any ideas?05:35
jendaHD drive, that is05:35
haffeCould someone help me? I installed phphmyadmin but my user and password won't let me in. What should I do ?05:35
CromagDKroot and no password05:35
CromagDKtry that05:35
kmandlafejdan i'll try, but i'm afraid i don't have much time. do you connect with dhcp? do you know?05:35
CromagDKi cant remember if its for phpmyadmin..05:35
fejdankmandla hmm idont know, whats dhcp?05:36
THX-1138madasilva_ - setpgid?05:36
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fejdankmandla im connecting to a router05:36
kmandlafejdan it's an automatic ip assigning system. if you're using a regular router like netgear or linksys, it will use dhcp to give you an ip05:36
mikeFor some reason, my ubuntu CD wouldn't install, so i installed kubuntu however, i want to use gnome. I "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" but when i go into gnome all the panels and such arent there. Any ideas?05:37
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fejdankmandla aha, i have a netgear i think05:37
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kmandlafejdan good! usually if you open a browser and point it at, you'll get a configuration page05:37
orestyle3Is software raid faster than hardware raid....05:37
SuperMiguelhello i have a internal wireless card i can use it from windows but when i use ubuntu i wont turn on :S05:37
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SuperMiguelhow can i set it up05:37
brainstewTHX-1138,  thunar wont start because it doesnt find ubuntulooks module_path.. what should i do? reinstall?05:38
meson_raywhat card?05:38
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xav_orestyle3, faster? why would it be?05:38
meson_raycan you paste the line from lspci?05:38
meson_rayuse pastebin05:38
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:38
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SuperMiguelBCM4318 AIRFORCE05:38
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meson_rayare you on amd64?05:39
orestyle3Well, I have a old dual 733 processor dell and a dual amd 64 process or hp and when testing they are only 20 seconds apart (on hardware one software)05:39
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meson_raySuperMiguel:  64bit or 32bit ubuntu?05:39
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dhqis there a guide to install xserver7.1 from sources05:39
xav_orestyle3, maybe you need to compare something comparable ?05:40
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kmandlafejdan see if you can find a "basic settings" page. that will tell you if the router is using dhcp or static ip addresses05:40
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xav_orestyle3, on the pc where you are using hardware raid, switch to software and see what the difference is05:40
fejdankmandla is using static05:40
meson_raySuperMiguel:  Are you running a 32-bit version of Ubuntu or a 64-bit version?05:40
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orestyle3xav_: from what dell says the software raid smokes the hardware raid.  I understand the software is better05:41
SuperMiguel32 bit05:42
fejdankmandla brb05:42
brainstewTHX-1138,  the edgy thing was a serious mistake.. my xorg.conf is a mess.. ntfs-3g wont work  and shiid :(05:42
orestyle3xav_: I would but my HP does not allow me to disable the onboard raid controller.  I would have to purchase another HBA...05:42
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meson_rayi had this problem yesterday on installation actually05:42
orestyle3xav_:  I tried to configure it with SWR but got errors on the installation.05:42
xav_orestyle3, onboard raid controller isn't hardware raid05:42
kmandlafejdan ok.05:42
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meson_raySuperMiguel:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19017705:43
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meson_rayBe careful, there are two versions of the drivers - one is 64bit, the other is 32bit, and you need the 32bit version to make it work05:43
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orestyle3xav_: from HP its called an integrated array smart 6i controller05:44
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orestyle3xav_: that must be why I can disable it on the dell system, not on the HP..05:44
shidoDoes anybody know how to get rid of this "Debian" submeno that suddenly appeared in my "Applications" menu?   im using gnome05:44
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gershonsudo apt-get remove menu05:45
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shidogershon i removed that pack and the debian submenu is still there05:45
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gershonshido: and through gui?05:46
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kmandlagotta run, people. thnx and cya05:46
shidoi dont know hows that gershon :(05:46
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FunnyLookinHatAnyone here gotten s-video output to work with an ATI Radeon card?05:47
FunnyLookinHatCan't seem to find a good howto in the forums.05:47
gershonshido: alacarte, menu editor, right click menu and "edit menus"05:47
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meson_raySupermiguel:  I found the answer earlier, but i can't find the page now05:47
FunnyLookinHatAnd is anyone else having problems downloading XINE?05:47
shidoohh thanks gershon, i'll try that :)05:47
zoramhi there05:48
meson_rayi'll post to pastebin05:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:48
zoramanyone knowledgable about the ati R200 bug arround here ?05:48
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:48
xav_OH SHIT05:48
xav_motherfuckin car05:49
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xav_I HATE CAR05:49
xav_DIE CAR DIE05:49
SuperMiguelxav dont use drugs05:49
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xav_fuckin moron car user, die too05:49
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xav_there you go05:49
g-nomehello, i want to completely reformat my ipod, what's the command to reformat at fat32?05:49
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orestyle3xav_: actually I think the smartarray is pci-x card05:49
gershonany1 else python issues with gnome 2.16.1 ?05:50
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto05:50
FunnyLookinHat!tell xav_ about language05:50
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jribgershon: are you on edgy?05:50
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:50
Elkoxav, maybe you are looking for an alternate support group?05:50
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meson_raySuperMiguel:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper05:50
gershonyeah, recent update killed all python-gnome apps05:50
meson_raythere's how i found the answer, i think05:50
zoramanyone here who could help me with that fglrx /ati bug ?05:50
meson_rayif you follow that you should be fine05:50
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xav_Elko, I just need to kill myself, because I'm sick of this world which is getting worse and worse05:51
jribgershon: edgy in #ubuntu+105:51
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meson_rayshoot, that's the wrong page05:51
g-nomehello, i want to completely reformat my ipod, what's the command to reformat at fat32?05:52
gershonjrib: 10x05:52
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Elkoxav_: heh, http://cox.ev.ath.cx:7420/05:52
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dealerwhat's the minimum disk space needed for ubuntu?05:53
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THX-1138dealer - about 5g for a desktop.05:53
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dealerjust for the install?05:53
CCmonsteror are you including apps?05:53
xenoNfluXmy server install is just over 1.6GB... but I've added a few things to it05:53
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tristanmikedealer: the offical package says at least 2 gb05:54
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dealerbut with gnome and all that stuff, how much it uses?05:54
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Kamping_Kaiser2 gig05:54
tristanmikedealer: that's it05:54
Kamping_Kaiser+your files05:54
FunnyLookinHatWhat apt-get command fixes broken packages?  i have quite a few apparently05:54
xenoNfluX2GB at least05:54
jendaDoes GRUB number partitions in the same order Ubuntu does (-1, of course), or does it use the order they are in on the disk?05:54
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Kamping_KaiserfunkyHat_, -f install05:54
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abionnnnIs there any way to run XFIG on ubuntu?05:55
g-nomehello, how can i reformat a drive (fat32)?05:55
dealerand for xubuntu?05:55
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, dsic05:55
xenoNfluXconsidering the server install doesnt come with GNOME/etc05:55
jendaKamping_Kaiser: k, thx05:55
zoramanyone having any idea about the fglrx /ati problem ???? see there : https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/47371/+index05:55
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Kamping_Kaiserjenda, thats afaik :)05:55
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jendaKamping_Kaiser: AFAYK is good enough ;)05:56
xenoNfluXjenda, (hd0,0) is your first disk, first partition05:56
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jendaThe worst that happens is that it won't work.05:56
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dealerxenoNfluX: the same space?05:56
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, :)05:56
jendayep, yep... thx, xenoNfluX :)05:56
meson_raySuperMiguel:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25590/05:56
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meson_rayi believe that is all the steps i used to fix it05:56
morphiranyone run engage on dapper?05:56
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Dimensionshi i have installed php on my linux ubuntu system along with emacs and Nvu when i make a test page and save it as .php and then open it in firefox it says open with and then opens blank pages again and again this happens repeatedly ...05:56
Admiral_Chicagomorphir, you could ask in #ubuntu+105:57
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xenoNfluXdealer, my Ubuntu Server install is right around 1.6GB and I've not added much to it.... Server doesnt come with GNOME or any of those GUI apps, so Desktop is going to weigh in at a bit more05:57
meson_raySuperMiguel:  You also have to add ndiswrapper-utils through synaptics package manager05:57
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brainstewman i fucked up.. how could i restore my dapper if i upgraded to edgy ... i changed dapper repos back but it doesnt work05:57
Kamping_KaiserDimensions, save it in ~/public_html, then visint localhost/~username05:57
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Kamping_Kaiserbrainstew, language, please05:57
brosnanDimensions: check the mime-type that the server is sending the file as05:57
brainstewyesyes.. but how to restore dapper setup05:57
sproingiebrainstew: you're looking at reinstalling05:58
brainstewdamn damn damn damn damn05:58
harrycan someone help me with this website. i cant log in to the MAIN LOG IN https://cabincrew.emirates.com/?05:58
Kamping_Kaiserbrainstew, theres no 'roll back'05:58
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sproingierollback would be pretty nifty.  probably take a lot of space for whole dist-upgrades tho05:58
meson_raySuperMiguel:  system>administration>synaptics package manager... then edit>add CD-ROM05:58
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meson_rayafterwards you can install ndiswrapper-utils05:58
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dealerthanks a lot05:59
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harrycan someone help me with this website. i cant log in to the MAIN LOG IN https://cabincrew.emirates.com/?05:59
Kamping_KaiserHarksaw, could you not spam thanks?05:59
brainstewwhat about terminal.. aptitude upgrade stuff doesnt work?` Kamping_Kaiser ?05:59
Kamping_Kaiserer, harry , could you not spam05:59
Kamping_Kaiserbrainstew, what have you done?05:59
sproingiedon't ask spammers nicely05:59
harryKamping_Kaiser: i wasnt.05:59
meson_raydownload the windows 32-bit driver from your computer maker.  the driver should be called bcmwl5.inf06:00
zoramwell I'm probably asking in vain, but I'll try again: Anybody here who had a problem with FGLRX and an ATI graphic card and solved it ??*06:00
youbuntwozoram: me, i bought an NVIDIA06:00
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brainstewwell i changed dapper in sources.list to edgy and upgraded.. then changed back and upgraded.. now it is a mutant of some kind06:00
meson_rayany questions?06:00
zoramthanks; that's helpful ://06:00
Kamping_Kaiserzoram, i havent, but thats nto very descritive :(06:00
Specbrainstew: i'm fairly certain that's not supported06:00
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harrycan someone help me with this website. i cant log in to the MAIN LOG IN https://cabincrew.emirates.com/?06:01
Kamping_Kaiserthats not supported, and it wont work, as the edgy packages have a higher version number theen the dapper oens06:01
zoramKamping_Kaiser, I can describe the issue if someone is ready to help :)06:01
jendaharry: this is the official support channel for Ubuntu, and that question is off-topic.06:01
Kamping_Kaiserzoram, i'm 9 beers in, but i can try ;)06:02
sproingieplease don't respond to spammers06:02
brainstewso Kamping_Kaiser  if i put edgy and upgrade again.. is there a possibility that it will go back to normal:\?06:02
Specharry: #ubuntu-offtopic06:02
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!06:02
Specsproingie: who is spamming?06:02
sproingie[harry]  (n=haboy@ : Harry Inoferio06:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
Kamping_Kaiserbrainstew, 'normal' yes06:02
gnomefreaksproingie: ???06:02
Kamping_Kaisergnomefreak, i suspect it was for harry06:02
Kamping_Kaiser(*i suspect*)06:02
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Kamping_Kaiserbrainstew, fwiw, my desktops edgy, and its 'stable'06:03
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zoramKamping-Kaiser, well it's all described there :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18503306:03
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sproingiehard to say, the site apparently being botspammed is empty06:03
=== NaMcO^ : hi
sproingieoh well gotta go06:03
brainstewKamping_Kaiser,  k ill upgrade then..06:03
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sproingiesorry if that was a false alarm.  i doubt it was06:03
gnomefreakharry: what is stopping you from loggin in?06:03
brainstewsome times i do the weirdest stuff in xterm.. Amen06:04
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harryjenda. how come its off topic. i'm using ubuntu systems. that page can be opened through MS-Internet Explorer 6. i cant log in through firefox using ubuntu. so i need help06:04
meloncan anybody suggest a better alternative for icq/msn/etc than gaim?06:04
brainstewmelon amsn06:04
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Kamping_Kaiserharry, more info would be helfpfull06:04
zoramKamping-Kaiser, basically the newer ati driver is broken for R200 ati series, as a result, impossible to launch open office. A fix was given on the thread in the forum. Worked at first but doesn't anymore06:04
THX-1138sproingie - any talk of XGL in the next release or the one following?06:04
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melonamsn - does that cover irc?06:04
jendaharry, ok06:04
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gnomefreakTHX-1138: ask in #ubuntu-xgl06:05
harrysproingie: whats with my private IP??06:05
gnomefreakmelon: no its just msn06:05
xenoNfluXharry, that's an issue with the web developer/web host, it most likely has nothing to do with Ubuntu06:05
Kamping_Kaiserzoram, have you tried the open source driver?06:05
Morticemelon: try bitlbee + your favourite IRC client06:05
melonyeah.. i was hoping for another all-in-one06:05
gnomefreakmelon: gaim06:05
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BlueEaglemelon: kopete perhaps?06:05
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gnomefreaki know you would rather not06:05
zoramKamping-Kaiser, isn't it what I'm using ?06:05
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melonthanks - i'll go through 'n test the suggestions :)06:06
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Kamping_Kaiserzoram, run 'grep fglx /etc/X11/xorg.conf' and tell me what it says06:06
BlueEagleharry: that page is not compatible with Opera in windows either.06:06
Kamping_Kaiserer, Driver, not fglrx06:06
harryxenoNflux: i just thought that you expert linux users can do something about it06:06
BlueEagleharry: I suggest you write the adminitrators of the site and have them fix it.06:06
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THX-1138irssi - on screen - now what was the alias i wanted!???06:06
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tonyrWhat's the edgy discussion channel?06:07
b^ji am running dapper and have not been able to install libgtk2.0-dev for like 3 weeks due to a dependency problem.  is this a known issue (how would i find this out?), is there a fix?  i really need to build an app the requires the lib06:07
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule06:07
ladydooris there a way to make sudo not create ~.sudo_as_admin_successful?06:07
zoramgrep fglx /etc/X11/xorg.conf, it says nothing, xorg conf is probably in another directory, hold on06:07
BlueEagleharry: it drops the error "The address type is unknown or unsupported\nvbscript:checkdll()" and it _is_ offtopic because it's not ubuntu-spesific.06:07
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ladydoor* i mean, ~/sudo*06:07
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule06:07
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xenoNfluXharry, some web developers only design for MSIE... unless you're suggesting we participate in illegal activity by hacking into and reworking the code on the site, I suggest you take this up with whoever built the site06:07
harryBlueEagle: thats a good idea. but i dont think their IT specialist will allow that. i think emirates airlines is affliated with MS06:07
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Kamping_Kaiserzoram, use Driver not fglrx06:08
zoramKamping_Kaiser,  nothing either06:08
harryxenoNflux: i get it. maybe its intentionally built for MS-IE only. for microsoft users06:08
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Kamping_Kaiserzoram, :| wtf?06:08
xenoNfluXharry, your only option if they won't fix it so that you can use Firefox is to get MSIE working in WINE06:08
brainstewapt-get or aptitude and what is the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade?06:08
zoramKamping_Kaiser, seb@seb-desktop:~$ grep driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:08
harryxenoNflux: does it work on wine. ??06:09
xenoNfluXharry, yes, it does06:09
Kamping_Kaiserzoram, capital D06:09
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Kamping_KaiserDriver, not driver06:09
b^jbrainstew, distupgrade is for moving between distros, ie dapper to edgy06:09
Jaak_is it safe/possible to write dvd's from ubu's live cd?06:09
BlueEagleharry: Then I suggest you find another airline or ride a bike. (and this still belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic so if you want to continue this then I suggest you join me there.)06:09
xenoNfluXharry, I'm no expert in WINE, but I know that it does.... someone else here should be able to help you to get that going06:09
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THX-1138ie4linux is erm an "option" ... (ugh..)06:09
kyjaI was sure there is an IE linux version06:09
harryxenoNflux: is IE for free. or do i have to get it with the MS installer06:09
Kamping_Kaiserb^j, it works perfectly well for system upgrades06:09
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THX-1138WINE won't support IE never will.06:10
xenoNfluXharry, MSIE is free, and there is an installer out there.... look for a WINE tutorial centered around MSIE06:10
=== Kamping_Kaiser uses it
b^jKamping_Kaiser, yeah, but its intent is for between distrobutions06:10
Kamping_KaiserTHX-1138, 'it never will' is wrong :)06:10
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zoramKamping_Kaiser,   Driver      "kbd"06:10
zoram        Driver      "mouse"06:10
zoram        Driver      "wacom"06:10
zoram        Driver      "wacom"06:10
zoram        Driver      "wacom"06:10
zoram        Option      "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"06:10
zoram        Driver      "ati"06:10
zoram        Driver      "fglrx"06:10
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BlueEagleubotu: tell zoram about paste06:10
THX-1138Ask WINEHQ it is ans act of masochism. - lol06:10
Kamping_Kaiserb^j, maybe, but its the best way of upgrading, between versions or not06:11
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Kamping_Kaiserzoram, <zoram>         Driver      "fglrx" <- you need 'ati'06:11
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ladydoor!paste > zoram06:11
Kamping_Kaiserif 'ati' lest you open oo.o, then its a working work around ;)06:11
zoramok sorry06:11
ladydoorxenoNfluX: well, free as in beer...it's *definitely* not Free Software06:12
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xenoNfluXharry, I don't know how much help this will be, but this is the first I found06:12
Jaak_i know it's not recomended but is it possible to write onto a ntfs disk?06:12
xenoNfluXladydoor, exactly06:12
cocozzHi, I have 2 soundcards but sound is emitted on the first one, how can I change this to emit on the second one ? Thanks06:12
xenoNfluXI never implied FOSS :)06:12
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse06:12
chellJaak: It is yes06:12
Kamping_Kaisertell Jaak_ about ntfs3g06:12
xenoNfluXharry, http://blog.drinsama.de/erich/en/linux/2006040302-msie-on-linux06:12
Kamping_Kaiser!tell Jaak_ about ntfs3g06:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:12
zoramKamping_Kaiser, , well I'll try that, but what i don't understand is the solution given on the forum worked but doesn't anymore06:12
harryxenoNflux: thanks anyway. no wonder other people say M$ sucks.06:12
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Kamping_Kaiserzoram, i havent read it06:12
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b^jKamping_Kaiser,  thats arguable, its main difference is in installing the "held back" packages and some more advanced dependency stuff.  The held back packages are held back for a reason. (i am originally a debain guy, it may be slightly different in ubuntu)06:13
chellHey, has anyone had issues with USB microphones and ubuntu?06:13
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171006:13
zoramKamping_Kaiser,  basically had me replace libgl.so.1.2 by an older version06:13
sliptteessomebody can me informs if ubuntu edgy goes to come with following drive: VIA/S3G UniChrome IGP? , because it always uses vesa driver and the image is bad!06:13
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harryxenoNflux: thanks. how did sproingie got my IP address?06:13
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Kamping_Kaiserb^j, i am a debian/ubuntu bloke as well (hi :)), dist-upgrade tracks dependancies, upgrade just upgrades existing packages (afaik)06:13
THX-1138ntfs-3g has more than a couple show stoppers for everyday use.06:13
xenoNfluXharry, do /whois harry06:14
Kamping_KaiserTHX-1138, what sort of stuf?i'v only heard good thigns so far06:14
kyjathis helpful? http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-install-internet-explorer-on-linux.html06:14
THX-1138Kamping_Kaiser - Filetimes06:14
WillEyedOneytrying to get ubuntu to see my adaptec 1542 scsi card (isa) any ideas? :)06:14
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xenoNfluXdid I just see ISA?06:14
Kamping_KaiserTHX-1138, it doestn record them?06:14
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xenoNfluXISA is still in use, wow.... to each their own :)06:15
MrBiggZQuick question .. I was trying to di a sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`unname -r` But i was getting that security.unbuntu.com cannot be resolved.  Where else can I get these headers?  Trying unbuntu out for the first time on vmware .. thx06:15
Kamping_KaiserxenoNfluX, lol.06:15
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Kamping_KaiserxenoNfluX, some people still suffer it :(06:15
WillEyedOneysome of remember when isa was the dog bollocks :)06:15
xenoNfluXI avoided ISA by being an old school Mac user XD06:16
Kamping_Kaisersome live in more enlightened times :)06:16
=== eracc still has an ISA SCSI card in his older FreeBSD Unix server system. As long as it is working ...
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b^jcan someone try to install libgtk2.0-dev? i am having dependency problems and need to build an app asap06:17
THX-1138KampingKaiser - I know you have seen this. http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=2697&thread_ida=2383605406:17
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ladydoorMrBiggZ: well, if it says "unbuntu" in your sources.list, there's your problem--the OS is *ubuntu*--there's only 1 n06:17
hantub^j: installed it the other day, worked fine.06:17
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brainstewKamping_Kaiser, it still does not find ubuntulooks and thunar does not start06:18
b^jhantu, you on dapper?06:18
hantub^j: yep.06:18
brainstewthe module is missing.. where can i get it06:18
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brainstewa good repository list for edgy needed?06:18
b^jhantu, grrr, can you get me the exact version of libpango-1.0-dev you have installed?06:18
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Kamping_KaiserTHX-1138, looking06:19
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brainstewcan someone give me good edgy repositories?06:20
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hantu1.12.2-0ubuntu3 i think, b^j06:20
Kamping_Kaiserbrainstew, 'good' in what way?06:20
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MrBiggZladydoor .. thats just my bad typing .. you cannot ping security.ubunto.com06:20
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b^jhantu i have  1.12.3-0ubuntu3, do you know how i can downgrade06:20
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brainstewKamping_Kaiser,  which do you use?  i think my list is full of errors or smthn06:21
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Kamping_Kaiserbrainstew, i use my ISP's mirrors06:21
xenoNfluXI can ping security.ubuntu.com that's ubuntU06:21
hantureinstall it? :o06:21
hantuanyway i gotta run06:21
Kamping_Kaiserbrainstew, try 'archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted universe multiverse'06:22
Kamping_Kaiserand add cc. infront if you fee like it06:22
brainstewwhat does the cc do?06:22
Kamping_Kaisercc means 'country code'06:22
Kamping_Kaiserim' in australia - mines au.06:22
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MrBiggZi'ma restart my vhost see what happens .. i can ping it through windows.  Strange becuase the network is working.06:23
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buzzyhello i am from knoppix because my ubuntu does not start anymore!!! i have tried to install nvidia drivers and when i have finished the procedure i hit Ctrl-Alt-Canc...but since then when i boot up my pc (i use floppy boot grub) it stops when saying:"Ok uncompressing linux...ok booting the kernel "  after this appears a black screen and nothing appens or is displayed...help me!!!06:23
chronic1anyone here know how i can get gdk and gtk+ development headers installed?  i have to have pkg-config find both packages to install a program06:23
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Kamping_Kaiserchronic1, are you trying to recompiole somting in the repositories?06:24
Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, have ou tried a different kernel?06:24
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buzzyyes Kamping_Kaiser but it stops when it says: "waiting for root File System"06:25
chronic1nope -- just trying to compile a video converter for the psp06:25
chronic1incidently...it uses two things already int he repository....but the deps are compiling fine with a different prefix06:25
eraccWillEyedOney,  I have never tried to use an ISA card with *buntu. However, I understand that older hardware should still be supported with an "alternate" CD install. To get it working you need the card set for address 330 (default) or 334 and the aha1542 driver.06:25
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Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, strange06:25
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Kamping_Kaiserthe ubuntu team have dropped ISA from warty (IE the first release)06:26
buzzyi have a old graphic card06:26
Kamping_Kaiserwhich causes some issues at times, but ISA is the suxor06:26
Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, what is it?06:26
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eraccYet, if one needs ISA support because that is all one has at the moment then one needs to be able to use it.06:27
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brainstewKamping_Kaiser,  which module handles themes in xubuntu ? i think it needs to be reinstalled06:27
Kamping_Kaisereracc, true, but in that case ubuntu is not your ideal distro :)06:27
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buzzynvidia tnt2 riva model 64 Kamping_Kaiser !!!06:27
eraccKamping_Kaiser, thanks for letting me know. ;-)06:27
Kamping_Kaiserbrainstew, i dont know - tried #xubuntu? i'm not familar with it06:27
Kamping_Kaisereracc, ;)06:27
Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, ah, nvidia-legacy ;)06:28
Kamping_Kaiser* :)06:28
Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, you need the nvidia-legacy pacakge06:28
chronic1Kamping_Kaiser: i might have found my dep problem06:28
voraistoshey guys. i am having trouble with a new (but old) box. I have an SIS 630 it seems, integrated to the cheap matsonic Mbo. to get Aiglx working, because the graphics are shit, (excuse me, but thats a very optimistic description), i decided to add my old voodoo to the graphic circuit. 2d works, but no nice desktop. Can u help ?06:28
b^ji am trying to get libgtk2.0-dev installed.  I am having depency problems with libpango.  i need libpango1.0-0=1.12.2-0ubuntu3 installed but i have 1.12.3-0ubunutu3 installed.  when i try to install the older version i get issues with libpango-common claiming to be not installed even though dpkg -l lists it as the exact version i need06:28
b^janyone able to help me?06:29
buzzyKamping_Kaiser,  yes but now i cant boot from ubuntu06:29
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Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, :( um. have you mounted your ubuntu /etc/ into your knoppix? you can edit the xorg.conf from there :)06:30
sigwhenever I try to apt-get a packge I get an error now06:30
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Kamping_Kaiserb^j, not sure i can, but i'll try06:30
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buzzywhat edit can i do?06:30
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fadainsig: what error ?06:30
Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, change the Driver from 'nvidia' to 'nv'06:30
sigfadain, can I paste in here? or /msg you?06:30
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fadainsig: sure06:30
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Kamping_Kaiserand in /etc/modules you cna remove nvidia from the startup :)06:31
sigok one second06:31
fadainsig: if its a big one /msg me06:31
Kamping_Kaisersig, or pastebin and pastebin06:31
buzzyKamping_Kaiser,  i already tried that06:31
Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, sure you didnt edit anythign else at the same time?06:31
signow this error I'm going to paste in here is when I try to get "any" package now06:31
buzzyhmm quite sure06:31
buzzywhat can i do in modules?06:31
eraccWillEyedOney, I just asked in ##freebsd if the AHA 1542 is still supported with the latest FreeBSD ... answer - yes. Maybe you need to move to FreeBSD for your AHA 1542 adapter.06:32
buzzypls repeit06:32
b^jKamping_Kaiser, i run apt-get install -force=yes libpango1.0-0=1.12.2-0ubuntu3 and get libpango1.0-0: Depends: libpango1.0-common (>= 1.12.2-0ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed.  dpkg -l dpkg -l libpango1.0-common gives1.12.3-0ubuntu3 as installed06:32
sighmm fadain Kamping_Kaiser never mind it seems to have fixed itself after I did "apt-get autoclean"06:32
signevermind :)06:32
Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, you can select modules to load06:32
fadainsig: good :)06:32
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WillEyedOneyeracc, thanks for asking, I'll dump the card and stick it in the spares bin06:33
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eraccWillEyedOney, according to Kamping_Kaiser you are not going to have success trying to use your old ISA adapter with ubuntu.06:33
Kamping_Kaiserb^j, what happens if you run 'sudo apt-get -f install' and 'sudo dpkg --configure --pending'06:33
WillEyedOneyoh well06:33
MrBiggZi'm good .. something must have gotten hung up.  thx for the help!06:33
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Kamping_KaiserWillEyedOney, it wont be as easy as in other places, but it can probably be made to work06:34
Kamping_Kaiserodnt ask me how - i avoid the whole bus :)06:34
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WillEyedOneyit's an old machine :)06:34
b^jKamping_Kaiser, nothing, i don't have any partially installed packages06:34
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eraccI'm thinking it would take a custom kernel to support the ISA since it has reportedly been dropped.06:34
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Kamping_Kaisercustom kernel not sure. ljoadable isa modules may do the job06:35
m1sh-Li will format my crypt-device with following command:  sudo mkfs.ext3 m0 /dev/mapper/home but i have an error: mkfs.ext3: invalid blocks count - /dev/mapper/home what can i do???06:35
Kamping_Kaiserb^j, :(06:35
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Knut^esseni use "tilda" as terminal and there is in the preferences an option for a hotkey. i have set this as "F[$instance+1] " but this works only for the second instance and up. does anybody know why it doesnt work with the first instance?06:37
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XnixLwhat is the name of the new boot system in edgy, does anyone know?06:39
matidXiXaQ: upstart06:39
buzzyKamping_Kaiser, yesterday one on a channel has suggested me tp dp spmething with GRUB..? ar u agree?06:39
clearzenI have a problem with my laptop. Anytime I insert a pcmcia card it freezes my entire system.06:39
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lebafarhow do I stop a pdbedit command to read?06:39
XiXaQmatid, beg your pardon?06:40
lebafarI already tryed |more or >txt.txt but doesnt work.06:40
Kamping_Kaiserclearzen, file a bug06:40
XiXaQoh... :) You were talking to Xnix, weren't you? :)06:40
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geanhi all, today loggin in from a W* OS... i really cannot bring Ubuntu on the HD... CD-ROM detection fails desperately... Cann i install from HD or usb-disk?06:40
Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, yes, but it depends what you put in :)06:40
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buzzyKamping_Kaiser,  so what can i try to do now?06:41
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Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, can you mount your ubuntu partition?06:41
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clearzenwhen I drop into a terminal and insert the card it gives me this [17223282.388000]  BUG:soft lockup detected on CPU#0! Does that mean a bug has been filed already?06:41
matidXiXaQ: Yeah, I was talking to XnixL, sorry :)06:42
Kamping_Kaiserclearzen, no. it means the system think its a butg :)06:42
matidXnixL: The new init system is upstart06:42
clearzenhow do I file a Bug?06:42
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com06:42
buzzyKamping_Kaiser,  i m in that partition now06:42
Sivikis there a copy of gnomad2>=2.8.5 in any of the repos for ubuntu?06:43
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Kamping_Kaiserbuzzy, is 'nvidia' in your /etc/X11/org.conf or /etc/modules06:43
XnixLmatid: thanks06:43
Dimensionshow can i configure httpd.conf to recognise php ?06:43
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echosypgoogle it06:43
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.06:44
Kamping_KaiserDimensions, when you instal lhte php packages it should auto config06:44
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:44
echosypcanada is gay06:44
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kothzWell, we do have lots of track lighting and spiffy dressers up here.06:45
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kothz...but, how's that all related to ubuntu :)06:45
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rellisIs there an easy way to go from Ubuntu to Kubuntu ?06:46
rellis...or do I need to start over?06:46
xenoNfluXas far as I know, sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop06:46
XiXaQrellis, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:46
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xamoxhow do I manually set the ip address, gateway, etc. from the console. I know about the GUI tools but I want to be able to do it manually so I can do it in ubuntu server06:47
rellisXiXaQ: That's wayyy too easy..06:47
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rellisI'm looking for something more complicated.06:47
rellis<--- ex slackware user06:47
Sivikxamox: to do the ip address its ifconfig ethX ip.ip.ip.ip sub.sub.sub.sub06:47
Sivikxamox: and then to set the gateway you have to run a different command, give me a sec to find it again06:48
rellishehe ya06:48
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kothzxamox: you can also edit /etc/network/interfaces06:48
rellisjust switched like a month ago06:48
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xamoxkothz:  thx I think that's what I was looking for06:48
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Sivikxamox: route default gateway dg.dg.dg.dg06:48
likewhoa54I was using gentoo for a sec....those retard developers changed the format of the network config files on an update06:48
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likewhoa54box = was powered down by a dumbass06:48
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XiXaQrellis, hehe, install MS Windows. Install VMWare. Install Ubuntu inside of the virtual machine :)06:48
geani really cannot bring Ubuntu on the HD... CD-ROM detection fails desperately... Cann i install from HD or usb-disk?06:48
likewhoa54box boots up and then can't get on network06:48
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likewhoa54"thanks gentoo"06:48
likewhoa54at least debian/ubuntu keeps network config files the same06:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb-disk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:49
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Sivikgean: then you probably didn't burn the cd correctly, what program did you use?06:49
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rellisXiXaQ: hehe06:50
kbeegean: yes you can install for usb-stick06:50
Sivikgean: and you did burn as a image and not as a normal file correctly06:50
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THX-1138gean - There are some howots out there for it. - i don't have a link sry06:50
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ignotushello everybody!  I installed the ubuntu live cd onto a computer with no net connection, is there additional cd downloadable from ubuntu from which I can install more software onto that computer?06:50
kbeegean:  try this link  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick06:51
XiXaQignotus, Programs > Add/Remove06:51
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ignotusXiXaQ: yeah, but I assume that the install installed everything (from the CD), I am looking for MORE programs06:51
THX-1138!ubotu usbstick is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick06:51
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XiXaQignotus, sorry. I didn't read. There is a DVD out there.06:51
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geansivik: i installed from that alternate CD once (someeone others computer)06:52
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geanSivik: then i also bought a DVD, that came once more to me as i complained..06:52
ignotusXiXaQ: if I download that DVD and put that into the computer, will the Add/Remove program recognize that and will I be able to install software from the DVD?06:52
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XiXaQignotus, yes, you'll use the dvd as the software repository. However, only packages from main and restricted will be available I think.06:53
bondibluei am trying to run apt-get upgrade on a server, and get the message "The following packages cannot be authenticated!" I have googled and found some suggestings about gnupg and keyrings, and that didn't really work.  for now I'd just like a way to skip the few packages that aren't authenticated but don't know how to do that from the command line.06:53
Jas-Nixignotus: they are available online as well06:53
ignotusXiXaQ: thank you06:53
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XiXaQignotus, you're welcome :)06:54
b^jdebian.org has a way for me to download individual packages from the website, i can'f find anything similar on ubuntu can someone point me to where i might find this?06:54
geanSivik: The problems is: the installation starts, then the CD-Rom is not detected, i have to insert modules by hand or telle the floppy what drivers should be insrtalled... but: NO Floppy! (What for, i thought, as i bought the mashine... i have a 300GB storage...)06:54
ignotusJas-Nix: that machine hasn't got net connection, but thanks06:54
shriphanihey can i install debian this way06:54
shriphanii.e. the usb thingy06:54
Jaak_can i install ntfs-3g during a live cd session to save some files of a crashed windows session?06:54
shriphaniand someone tell me how to check md5sums06:55
geankbee, THX-1138: Thanks , i'll try the link.. gimme some seconds...06:55
Jas-Nixignotus: hehe np :)06:55
XiXaQJaak_, that's a very good question. Let's find out.06:55
Jaak_XiXaQ, do you think so?06:55
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Jaak_shall i use the instruction on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ntfs-3g?highlight=%28ntfs%29?06:56
XiXaQJaak_, yes, think that would be a magnificent tool...06:56
bondibluewhen running apt-get upgrade is there a way to tell it to skip over specific packages?06:56
gean(oh my ggod... i want that xchat... on linux... i'm coming here through some W* tool that has few colors never stressing my name...)06:56
Jaak_XiXaQ, just follow those instructions?06:56
shriphanigean, sudo apt-get install xchat06:56
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frojndhow can I search for all .avi files06:57
ubotuhello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (dapper), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB06:57
ChaosFanfrojnd: find / -name *.avi06:57
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shriphanifrojnd, ls ?06:57
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XiXaQJaak_, not sure, I'm still downloading the page. Everything is slow here at the moment. :)06:57
geanshirphani : first sudo apt-get Ubuntu needs to be started (from this Wind* OS...) ;)06:57
shriphaniohh gean you on windows ?06:58
frojndChaosFan I am looking only for .avi06:58
frojndnot name..06:58
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frojndcouse I don't know the name06:58
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shriphanifrojnd, then just find / *avi06:58
FibbsCan someone here explain me what to do to get ubuntu edgy beta to run as a DomU in xen? I have the problem that xen is complaining about the glibc (tls nonsegneg) also after moving /lib/tls away.06:58
XiXaQJaak_, that page looks rather empty to me?06:58
EmxBAwhich packages should be used for playing flv files?06:58
ChaosFanfrojnd: it is a find command, finding all files matching *.avi, so, all avi files06:58
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FibbsOn some distributions there are methods to configure glibc with some config file but i did not find nothing about this06:59
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shriphaniChaosFan, tell me how to check the md5sum06:59
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Kamping_Kaiserwhats flv?06:59
EmxBAflash video06:59
harisundHello! I am at a small network and a Ubuntu box acts as a gateway to the internet for my LAN .. it does NAT and is a DHCP server + firewall. any ideas on how I can block bittorrent in my LAN?06:59
EmxBAit looks like i need codec for it?06:59
ChaosFanshriphani: md5sum -c <filename> <.asc-file containing md5sum>06:59
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xamoxwhen using /usr/bin/network-admin, what is the host's section for?07:00
Fibbsharisund: Why not build your small firewall with iptables and something like fwbuilder as gui?07:00
Kamping_Kaiserharisund, you can block by port or protocol with iptables (soory , no howto handy)07:00
clearzen harisund: use iptable and only allow trusted ip/mac addys07:00
harisundclearzen -- yes, I use iptables, and do use trusted mac. I just don't want my trusted mac addresses to use bittorrent. Fibbs I am using iptables indeed, but I need to know how to stop my user from downloading07:01
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shriphaniChaosFan, theres a file called md5sum.txt07:02
ChaosFanshriphani: then use that one as second argument07:02
shriphaniso i type md5sum -c debian.iso m5sum.txt ?07:02
ChaosFanthink so07:02
ChaosFanshould work...07:02
Fibbsharisund: You can only block the known bittorrent ports and hope your users are not very intelligent ;)07:02
harisundFibbs, yeah you are right there :)07:02
bondibluewhen running apt-get upgrade is there a way to tell it to skip over specific packages?07:03
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shriphanimd5sum:    1058 contrib/binary-i386/Packages: No such file or directory07:03
shriphani   1058 contrib/binary-i386/Packages: FAILED open or read07:03
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shriphanidoes that mean the iso i d'loaded is faulty ?07:03
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ChaosFanshriphani: hm, it seems that your md5sum.txt contains more md5sums than just the iso's07:04
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shriphaniit says 1846 of 1846 files not found07:05
MadDog011how do you tell linux what dns server he needs to use to resolve dns?07:05
ChaosFanthen it doesn't contain the iso's md5sum07:05
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ChaosFanMadDog011: write a line saying "nameserver <ip>" in /etc/resolv.conf07:06
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XiXaQJaak_, I see no reason why that shouldn't work..07:06
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MadDog011ChaosFan, didn't know the name of the file :)P07:06
felicianoHi there... somebody can tell me, what the best feeds reader???07:06
shriphaniahhhhhhh debian says cd 1 wont work07:06
=== shriphani kicks
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.07:07
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage07:07
shriphaniall knowing ?07:07
tucozHi, i am having problems getting rid of fglrx. When I do apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx I get dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1' with different file `/usr/X11R6/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa', not allowed07:07
ChaosFani think that's a joke, shriphani07:07
ladydoorshriphani: no, all-knowing--without the dash it's gramatically incorrect.07:07
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shriphanii would love adding like a thousand factoids to it lol07:08
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THX-1138  "!ubotu <item> is <item> - Reviewed by ops then added.07:09
ladydoorTHX-1138: with the quote?07:09
shriphanii wont fiddle with a bot doing service to linux07:09
ian|Are there any gcc-4.1 packets for ubuntu?07:09
mwtbI'm trying to compile MythTV 0.20 on Dapper and it requires libqt3-mt-dev, but this package has a dependency on libqt3-mt versioned ubuntu3 and the installed version is ubuntu6. What's the next move here?07:09
shriphanior serving linux users07:09
THX-1138ladydoor - don't want to confuse poor amnesiac bot07:10
shriphanimwtb, should work07:10
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ladydoorTHX-1138: haha...fair enough.07:10
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mwtbshriphani: Synaptic won't even let me install the libqt3-mt-dev package without the dependency.07:10
geanis there any possibility to install Ubuntu out of an other OS (Linux or W*) ? I'm aSKING; SINC07:10
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cedric_hello all :)07:11
shriphaniumm mwtb sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt07:11
cedric_is there a french channel for ubuntu ???07:11
=== j0lliyo [n=j0lliyo@226.84-48-37.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about insstall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:11
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:11
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues07:11
geanI'm asking since there seems to be a possibility to usb-disk install from Wind* !"?!07:11
boink!tell cedric_ about fr07:11
THX-1138libqt-mt had checksum issues this morning. - installing Opera?07:11
ladydoorgean: see ubotu's last post.07:11
j0lliyolsusb doesn't respond07:11
geanladydoor: Thanks!07:11
j0lliyonor does ndiswrapper -l07:12
ladydoorgean: np07:12
j0lliyowhat could be the problem?07:12
cedric_thx boink ;)07:12
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j0lliyoand modprobe ndiswrapper has the same problem07:12
yemuhi, does anybody knows a kind of a color picker applet for gnome07:12
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j0lliyothey don't give me any errors07:12
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j0lliyobut just waits07:12
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clearzenCould anyone give my a link to a good tutorial on rolling your own kernel?07:12
Marc|hello... can someone help me to set up an internet connection using dsl in ubuntu?07:12
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:13
mwtbshriphani: libqt3-mt is already installed, and on trying libqt3-mt-dev, I get: libqt3-mt-dev: Depends: libqt3-mt (= 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu3) but 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu6 is to be installed07:13
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shriphaniumm i suck at compiling07:13
shriphani<--------- learning here07:13
Marc|my prob is... when using the network options it looks like it should be... but the "add" and "delete" tab is missing under "connections"07:14
bondibluewhen running apt-get upgrade is there a way to tell it to skip over specific packages?07:14
yemuhi, does anybody knows a kind of a color picker applet for gnome, or rather someting like eyedropper tool in gimp07:14
clearzenCould someone point me in the direction of a good tutorial for rolling your own kernel?07:14
ladydoorclearzen: please look up to ubotu's last post.07:14
ladydoor!repeat > clearzen07:15
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Marc|my prob is... when using the network options it looks like it should be... but the "add" and "delete" tab is missing under "connections" anyone have an idea what this could be?07:15
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yemui'm searching for something like colorzilla extenstion but for gnome07:16
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Marc|my prob is... when using the network options it looks like it should be... but the "add" and "delete" tab is missing under "connections" anyone have an idea what this could be?07:17
ladydoorso does anybody know of a way to prevent sudo from creating ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful? i'm trying to unclutter my home dir.07:17
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ladydooralso, last night, i deleted the .gnome2, .gconfd, & .gnome2-private dirs...now they're back, despite my having uninstalled GNOME07:18
ladydoordoes anybody know of a way to make them go away...permanently?07:18
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vanhtu1987Marc: it happends a few time to me, in several Ubuntu box, along with other minor problems that put me using Ubuntu server ever since. What are you trying to do with network connections ?07:19
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myesteriousI cannot solve the problem "Could not load icon07:19
myesteriousIcon 'reboot.png' not found" , Can anyone help me ?07:19
mcphailladydoor: i presume they will be rebuilt if you run a gnome app07:19
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Marc|i just want to add a connection as a dsl dial in07:19
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ladydoormcphail: oh dear...how irritating. i bet it was gnumeric that did it...it's one of the few graphical programs i'm forced to use.07:20
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Marc|so it doesnt help me that it offers a modem dial in07:20
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vanhtu1987have you Googled yet ?07:20
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geanwell my problem seems not to be singular (in the www) and i cannot find it anywhere in the Ubuntu world... OK, i'm just reportin': My laptop is a prmitive mashine having all i need: 4USB, (no floppy,) good display and sound. it has a simple BIOS, Master is Samsung 80GB, and Slave is a DVD-ROM. No more HDD or CD-roms. When i BOOT from the desktop-install+live-CD(or DVD) i get frozen at the f2nd point of live setting up the system: namely: muounting fs. And i c07:20
=== bitchslapper [i=bitchsla@dpmlh092.divms.uiowa.edu] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailladydoor: why the stress? Is your space extremely limited?07:20
ladydoormcphail: no, i'm just OCD and try to have the fewest things possible.07:20
geanBooting from the alternate CD gives me a little more chance to play with ALFF2, but no real help..07:21
mcphailladydoor: :)07:21
ladydoorit's tru07:21
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Marc|i have googled... also used forum... the point is: in the help it always shows those tabs... if i could add a connection i guess it would be easy...07:21
MRhey i have a problem with my ubuntu! and am actually a beginner... whenever i insert a cd my system  hangs and there is no option other than restarting it can any one help me????07:21
gnomefreakbitchslapper: please change you nick07:21
Marc|but i just dont know why it doesnt show me the option to add a connection07:21
geanThis was my report. This is the reason why many friends resigned installing Ubuntu and put the other distribution that worked with their configurated hard07:21
Marc|thats true gean07:22
likewhoa54anyone know how to get vnc to run on the :0 session, I'd liek to be able to setup these client machines for remote support07:22
Marc|its way TOO restricted sometimes07:22
likewhoa54i.e. when a user logs in, I want to be able to connect to their desktop session not another xorg session07:22
main2gnomefreak: ur too demanding07:22
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Marc|suse linux for example is much more easy to configure07:23
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likewhoa54Marc|: if you want easy use a mac/windows07:23
likewhoa54linux isn't about easy (yet)07:23
Marc|and beyond that... it DOES what i want if i answer a question in any way.07:23
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likewhoa54ubuntu is bringing it closer...07:23
ChaosFanMarc|: then why don't you use suse?07:23
Knut^essenmarc i disagree you, i used suse for a year until the day before yesterday..07:24
main2he is moaning about ubuntu, because he keeps repeating he's problem07:24
main2and nobody helped him yet07:24
Marc|is it too much asked that IF install ask me a question it simply DOES what i answer?07:24
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MorticeMarc|: suse is easier to configure if you want to do things exactly the way the suse devs want you to. :)07:24
Knut^essenand xubuntu is much more easier than suse.. thats my meaning07:24
Marc|otherwise it doesnt means sense to ask07:24
Morticebut this is getting offtopic.07:24
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likewhoa54anyone know how to get vnc to run on the :0 session, I'd liek to be able to setup these client machines for remote support07:24
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likewhoa54i.e. when a user logs in, I want to be able to connect to their desktop session not another xorg session07:24
j0lliyoyeah help me with my ndiswrapper problem instead07:25
=== Knut^essen is now known as Knute
ChamucoI asked this before but again if anyone could help with this so I formated an ext3 partition to reiser by accident is there a way to recover my files?07:25
geanMarc| Suse also failed to detect the CD-Rom! (Same bought PC-WELT 10 Linux distrib. DVD...) I use now FC5 (fedora) and have to join pacific words consciently when installing new packages with yum! It takes 10 minutes to put one package on the HD and asks 10 repositories for that job...07:25
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vanhtu1987Marc: I think that was the problem with the default GNOME toolkits, I've reported a few of them a several months ago, but I'm using the Server version now.07:25
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Marc|the point is: if it asks me "do you want to be able to log on as root... as i want it for whatever reason... then it should DO it... otherwise not ask it07:25
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ChaosFanChamuco: i don't know of a way...07:25
Chamucosomeone mentioned to google something like superblock someone else said e2f...07:26
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THX-1138Chamuco - yes there is a way. - Penguin Sleuth kit - You have near guru status07:26
geanChamuco: All u can do is to try some live CD, see what remained in the specified partitions... but i'm afrain: nothin'07:26
=== funkyHat_ [n=matt@cpc7-nthc3-0-0-cust812.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
MRhey i have a problem with my ubuntu! and am actually a beginner... whenever i insert a cd my system  hangs and there is no option other than restarting it can any one help me????07:26
MRpls do help me07:26
THX-1138Chamuco - It is difficult07:26
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Marc|vahtu: so you think the server version could help?07:27
vithy all07:27
Chamucowell whoever mentioned superblock said resier only formats the start so if I have not written in that partition the rest of the files should be somewhat intact?07:27
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vanhtu1987no ;) but it doesn't ask you some silly questions, you'll have to do all of them by hand, which is also a good experience07:27
MRhey i have a problem with my ubuntu! and am actually a beginner... whenever i insert a cd my system  hangs and there is no option other than restarting it can any one help me????07:28
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Marc|i personally like that more i may say07:28
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ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:28
vanhtu1987Currently I's using Ubuntu server for day-to-day work but Linux From Scratch, it was really fun :)07:28
geanby the way: is it possible to specify some option like hdb=cdrom for the install DVD ? (Is it so or linux hdb=cdrom or so...)07:28
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ChamucoTHX-1138: so the penguin sleuth kit with that what should I look for?07:29
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THX-1138Chamuco - Linux Forensic Tools07:30
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vanhtu1987Marc: give it a shot, the server version is just the desktop version minus the default GNOME GUI07:31
geanMR : try to see what is in that /cdrom or /media/cdrom (sudo bash in a terminal and u're the boss there... Take care, if u're a beginner with that #) If these directories are not there this may be a reason... Then look in the boot configuration, there shuold be also some cdrom.. entry...07:31
brainstewKamping_Kaiser: hey.. where could i get better repos for dapper ?07:31
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vitis there anybody from moldova/romania ?07:31
brainstewcan anyone give me the improved list of dapper repos ?07:31
soekihello,  can someone tell me how can I unrar files on ubuntu07:32
mwtbI'm trying to install libqt3-mt-dev, but apt-get returns: "libqt3-mt-dev: Depends: libqt3-mt (= 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu3) but 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu6 is to be installed". Any ideas on how to get around this?07:32
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:32
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brainstewTHX-1138: : hey.. where could i get better repos for dapper ?07:32
soeki!info unrar-free07:32
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1-2 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB07:32
MRgean: will do that07:32
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kbeesoeki:  if you mean untar    execute   tar -xvf  tarfile07:33
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soekii mean rar07:33
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:33
THX-1138brainstew - I am very conservative - not the one to ask. - ripping 100g of wma lossless to ogg as we speak.07:33
soekias in rar format.07:33
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gravesonwhich command or tool could i use to rename multiple files07:33
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vanhtu1987graveson: you could try The Linux Tools Summary at TLDP.org07:34
Khaleskann mir wer helfen? ich habe ein problem mit meiner ubuntu installation.07:34
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:35
ChaosFanKhales: geh bitte in ubuntu-de ;)07:35
MRgean: but my system hangs as soon as i insert the cd into the disc!!! so no chance for anything!!!!07:35
vanhtu1987I'm not sure about the name, but it's refered as 'mass rename' or something07:35
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ubutomKhales: /join ubuntu-de07:35
surekhahi all! I need some quick suggestions regarding a laptop07:35
XzekutionI've got a problem with my Ubuntu clock, I dual boot and when I logon to Ubuntu the clock is 1hr off - and then when I logon to WinXP the clock will be 1hr of too.. every time07:35
Khalesthx, ChaosFan07:35
surekhaI want to buy a laptop with ubuntu as my OS07:35
surekhathe configuration I am looking for is Compaq  Presario V3029AU Portable07:36
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surekhaAMD64Bit  Dual Core Processor TL-5007:36
ferosssurekha: just make sure it has nvidia video07:36
vanhtu1987Xzekution: did you set the clock in Ubuntu be local time ?07:36
THX-1138surekha - If you have the choice of nvidia graphics or ati choose nvidia.07:36
bretzelI think there is a bug with GMT offset: I am in GMT -5 and when chossing my local time by city, it shows GMT -4:00 :-)07:36
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:37
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BrunoUVhey.. someone know how can i configure a network between me and 2 other window pcs??07:37
surekhaMD64Bit  Dual Core Processor TL-501.60 GHz/80 GB SATA / 512 MB  PC2-4200 DDR2 (533 MHz) / 8X SuperMulti Drive  Double Layer (8.5 GB) DVD Writer / 14.1" Colour TFT; BrightView(tm)  WideScreen / Intel PRO/ Wireless LAN / All-In-One Card Reader / Bluetooth  / Modem / 10-100LAN / NVidia Geforce Graphics / DOS 07:37
surekhaIt does have NVidia07:37
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GreenCultBrunoUV, use Samba07:37
Stormx2Guys, I'm compiling GAIM. What SSH package do I need for MSN to work?07:37
ChaosFanBrunoUV: that depends on what you want to do with those windows-pcs07:38
surekhaanything else that I should look for07:38
davehatamd 64 + ati mobility = :(07:38
BrunoUVive already tried it.. it doesnt work ... it asks for a password.. but i didnt configure any pass...07:38
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GreenCulti have a presario 2140 with AMD Athlon, Ati video and Ubuntu work ok..07:39
THX-1138suekha - Nice machine :)     (careful about pasting a lot of text in channel)07:39
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vanhtu1987BrunoUV: what is the version of your WIndows boxes ?07:39
BrunoUVChaosFan, I need that they can acess my files..07:39
fmI have mysteriously lost DRI with my GeForce Go 730007:39
fmwhat can I do?07:39
ChaosFanBrunoUV: then you need samba07:39
kbeeisnt MSN a bad word on this channel  :)07:39
surekhathank THX-1138 and sorry about my long text07:39
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BrunoUVvanhtu1987, WinXp07:39
davehathas anyone experienced a problem getting the latest beryl package?07:40
MRhey i have a problem with my ubuntu! and am actually a beginner... whenever i insert a cd my system  hangs and there is no option other than restarting it can any one help me????07:40
vanhtu1987BrunoUV: samba sould work then, or else you can configure your WIndows as a FTP/HTTP server07:40
THX-1138fm - Take a peek at your xorg.conf sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  is dri loaded in the modules section?07:40
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sobreshow can I do so the programs send RAM memory usage to swap when minimized?07:40
davehatI added the repo, but I get an error: Couldn't find package beryl07:40
fmTHX-1138: it is07:40
Chm0dhas anyone installed the nvidia drivers and still has no direct rendering?07:40
sobressimilar to this Firefox trick: config.trim_on_minimize07:41
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ChaosFanBrunoUV: do you have "guest ok = yes" in your share's options in /etc/samba/smb.conf?07:41
kbeeMR: a little more detail please07:41
THX-1138sobres - may of misunderstood your question. 2 things can help   "man nice" and a google for "linux swappiness"07:41
vanhtu1987Bruno: Can the two Windows boxes share file to each other ?07:41
BrunoUVChaosFan, wait .. ill check it..07:41
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:41
fmChm0d : I have the same problem07:42
fmChm0d : Yesterday it worked though, but today its gone07:42
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davehatin synaptic, the only pkg showing is beryl-plugins-data07:42
Chm0dsame here LOL07:42
SupremacyGnuHello, I was wondering if there's any good ISO, CUE, BIN, IMG etc mounting program with a GUI? The thing is that I need to mount multiple ISO files and CD swap with those ISOs. I've just found Kiso- But it doesn't support to mount multiple ISOs atr the same time.07:42
Chm0dworked fine yesterday07:42
MRkbee: so simple!! when i boot my ubuntu with a cd in it it hangs!! and not a single command works!!! the moment i insert a cd or a dvd the system hangs!!!!07:42
fmthere's been an X update I think07:42
sobreslinux swapiness ? ok ok  tnx tnx07:42
fmmaybe thats why..07:42
=== optimusprime [n=optimusp@53-202-165-66.rev.knet.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Chm0dhow do i remove the existing nvidia drivers?07:43
THX-1138Chm0d - Did you enable a shared folder on ubuntu and lose ability to see shared folders on other mmachines? - "" ditto same here.07:43
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Chm0dno i didn't07:43
optimusprimehmmm...how do you run "adesklets" using xubuntu.....07:43
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soeki!info rar07:43
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.30-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 236 kB, installed size 476 kB (Only available for i386)07:43
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kbeeMR: the system hanging is an installed ubuntu system07:43
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sobresubuntu-es is death :(  sniF07:44
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MRkbee: couldnt get u07:44
THX-1138sobre - todo la gente ha muerido?07:44
SirKillalotcan someone show me a example web app made with mono?07:44
SirKillalotor some other in c#07:44
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holoton2is it possible to view QTVR in Ubuntu?07:45
sobresTHX-1138:  yep. all muertos :( sniF07:45
davehat(beryl problem) when I run sudo apt-get update, it seems to ignore(?) one of the main repos: Ign http://xgl.compiz.info dapper/main Packages07:45
kbeeMR: you have an installed ubuntu system that hangs when you insert any cd correct07:45
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sobresI found that swappiness stuff ^^ checkin out 07:46
MRkbee: yes ur right07:46
kbeeMR: the instant you close the cd tray or after the cd is spinning up07:47
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MRkbee:after the cd is spinning07:47
Chm0di have uninstalled the nvidia drivers07:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:47
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Chm0dthink im goin to try the beta drivers07:47
mbvoI'm trying to use vnc and it's giving me: libstdc++-lib6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory...how do i fix this?07:47
kbeeMR: sounds like automount is the problem are you familiar with console windows07:48
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vanhtu1987mbvo: make sure you've got that package intalled07:48
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macsimI suppose it's not possible to install a lexmark x2450 on ubuntu ?07:48
macsimprinter is too young ?07:48
MRkbee: am just a beginer... can u tell me what i should do?07:48
luis_lopezSirKillalot: http://www.splendidcrm.com/ is a CRM written in c# I believe07:48
holoton2anyone have any experience getting qtvr working in ubuntu?07:49
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kbeeMR: ok you did use the same cd to install ubuntu correct07:49
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MRkbee: yes i did!!!!07:49
THX-1138sobre - not exactly what you asked pero command line    alias='nice -args command -args'07:50
Chm0dwhats the link to the nvidia beta drivers?07:50
kbeeMR: the mouse locks up also07:50
MRkbee: yes!!07:50
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luis_lopezis swap disabled by default in Edgy?07:50
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mbvoI can't, nether libstdc++ or lib6.2-2.so.3 are in the list of packages and libstdc++-lib6.2-2.so.3 isn't ether07:51
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jribluis_lopez: no, I don't think so, but edgy questions should be in #ubuntu+107:51
luis_lopezthanks jrib, I'll ask there07:52
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kbeeMR: the automounter is probably giving you problems I cant help u there because i am currently running suse however the question to ask here is 'how do i disable the automounter' and someone should give you the answer07:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automounter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about subfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:53
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Sp4rKy!seen monzie07:54
sobresTHX-1138:  Ill try this: sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=10 (default =60)07:54
ubotuI haven't seen monzie recently07:54
MRhow do i disable the automounter! can anyone help me?07:54
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kbeesomeone pls tell MR how to disable the automounter07:54
fredlHmmm, seems I bought myself a printer that even the internet doesn't know about yet :P07:54
THX-1138sobre - Okay.07:54
Ekushey!ping me07:54
=== xenoNfluX Ping me Could not be resolved to an IP address
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ping me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:54
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JimmeyHey, I've got Ubuntu installed on the master hard drive in my machine, and would instead like to have it installed on the slave - I can't be bothered fiddling with jumper pin settings, so make the second drive ext3, and move the / of the first drive onto the second, and then boot from it?07:58
sorush20hi .. why I try to install kubuntu I keep getting the error kernel panic07:58
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sorush20 any ideas what I can do PIE error07:58
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holoton2Does anyone know anything about viewing Quicktime VR panoramas inside of Firefox in Ubuntu?07:59
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khermansdoes anyone know how i can take many physical machines and combine all resources into one virtual machine?07:59
MRhow do i disable the automounter! can anyone help me?08:00
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haffekhermans: It's called beowulf cluster08:00
khermanshaffe, but does that share devices like hard drives and nic cards?08:00
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haffeNo, I don't think so.08:00
khermanshaffe, only cpu/mem right08:00
kbeeMR: a suggestion abandon the  !!!!    they annoy some folks and they will ignore your questions08:01
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khermanshaffe, hrmmm08:01
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sobresok. done. tnx a lot THX-1138  ^^  bye08:01
kbeeMR: just ask the question and sit back and relax it may not get answered on this try08:01
Knutehow can i use opera 9 on my x86:64 pc?08:02
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Knutetheres only a 32 bit version08:02
MRkbee: ok08:02
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phummerThis seems like a really dumb question, but God bless Linux distros that do everything for you...  I'm a Debian user taking Kubuntu for a spin.  I put a typo in my /etc/sudoers on accident (meaning I can't sudo now), and the root password is not my user password.  What is it?  I'm using the Edgy rc108:03
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Xzekutionanybody know how to fix my ubuntu/winxp clocks always being wrong08:04
brainstewthe main problem seems to be getting the hz rate to normal.. i need 1024x768@120 .. how can i do it.. modeline sb?08:04
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wikijeffIs there a way I can stop the gnome network manager applet from running at startup without uninstalling it?08:05
JimersonHello everyone08:05
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popeeyhave any ubuntu users looked at this bug report yet? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=24100508:06
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bertugoluhey, con someone tell me how to edit permissions?08:06
Wulfiehey folks - I am having problems setting up my sound in Kubuntu - its an intel 82801g HDA card - I read a forum post that suggests I need to add a module option - but I don't know where to do that in ubuntu - any help?08:06
jendaI need a little help burning CDs. So far, there seems to be absolutely no way to burn CDs in my edgy (didn't work in dapper either). Brasero always fails on 'fixating' (internal error). Gnomebaker fails as well - CDs behave as empty ones.08:07
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brainstewTHX-1138, Kamping_Kaiser - the main problem seems to be getting the hz rate to normal.. i need 1024x768@120 .. how can i do it.. where can i get a modeline.. most of the modelines i have put there do not seem to work?08:07
holoton2phummer: the default root pass is by default just blank, afaik08:07
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JimersonI just installed ubuntu yesterday and I am having two problems: the first is that my cursor goes very slow when using the touchpad, but is normal when I plug in a USB mouse. The second is that my airport card is not connecting to my wireless network.08:07
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constantine-xvibertugolu: right-click in nautilus, properties, permissions08:07
jendaIn fact, they physically look empty as well.08:07
phummerholoton2, Hm, doesn't look like it.  I do a 'su' and it just tells me it failed.08:07
jribphummer: reboot and choose recovery mode from the grub menu, you can't login to root with a blank password by default08:07
Wulfiejenda: did you try k3b?08:07
holoton2not su08:07
Wulfiejenda: I have never had a problem with it myself08:07
holoton2phummer: password for root08:07
jendaWulfie: should I in Gnome?08:07
holoton2phummer: not for su08:08
Wulfiejenda: no reason why you shouldn't08:08
bertugoluno....the ones that i cannot edit, the one that i am not the owner of...08:08
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Knutehey, isnt theere any possibillity to use the 32 bit version of opera on my 64bit pc?08:08
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jribphummer: by the way, are you using visudo to edit your sudoers?08:08
jendaWulfie: ok, will try.08:08
phummerholoton2, Wait, so you're telling me it's TWO DIFFERENT PASSWORDS for root and the 'su' command08:08
jendaI use amarok with no prob.08:08
phummerjrib, nope, never visudo08:09
jendaso I guess k3b should be ok08:09
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bondibluewhen running apt-get upgrade is there a way to tell it to skip over specific packages?08:09
jribphummer: you should use visudo, it will check your syntax08:09
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bertugoluHow can i edit the permissions of the file that i am not the owner of?08:09
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JimersonI think I found the driver, it is a .dmg file, but I don't know how to install it.08:10
odyssevsIs there an apache1.3 to apache2 conf conversion script anywhere? Or even a default conf? Half the stuff from 1.3 doesn't seem to work on 2.08:10
jribbertugolu: become the owner, or become root08:10
phummerjrib, it's usually not a big deal, because I've always got root. Never needed to reboot and all this crap...08:10
ChaosFany/wg 3008:10
lebafarHow do I add a user in the unix password database on Ununtu?08:10
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lebafar*Ubuntu, sry!08:10
Knutehey, isnt theere any possibillity to use the 32 bit version of opera on my 64bit pc?08:10
bertugoluhow can i become root?08:10
jribubotu: tell bertugolu about sudo08:10
lebafarbertugolu, you can use sudo.08:11
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bertugolubut what do i type in terminal?08:11
odyssevsNo one got an apache2 conf they can share? =)08:11
jribphummer: you can always set a root password if you prefer it.  Ubuntu's policy is just to prefer that users use sudo and disable logging into the root account08:11
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bertugoluodyssevs: you want to upgrade from apache 1.3 to apache 2.0?08:12
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sts9 what can I do about this error message when installing amule? :diversion of /usr/share/man/man1/ed2k.1.gz to /usr/share/man/man1/ed2k.xmule.1.gz by amule' clashes with `diversion of /usr/share/man/man1/ed2k.1.gz to /usr/share/man/man1/ed2k.xmule.1.gz by amule-utils'08:12
sorush20these are the key words that I see when I try  to install kubuntu or ubuntu any help please ?08:12
sorush20not syncing bad EIP killing init kernel panic kubuntu08:12
THX-1138"As we enjoy great Advantages from the Inventions of others we should be glad of an Opportunity to serve others by any Invention of ours, and this we should do freely and generously." Benjamin Franklin.08:13
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bertugolu odyssevs: you want to upgrade from apache 1.3 to apache 2.008:13
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Wulfiecan anyone tell me how to add an option to a kernel module?08:13
Jaak_i hate windows08:13
phummerjrib, *sigh*  I've been using Ubuntu for four days now, and it seems that if I actually want to customize things, it's not really worth using Ubuntu.  Ubuntu just seems to be for non-technical and/or lazy people08:14
bondibluewhen running apt-get upgrade is there a way to tell it to skip over specific packages?08:14
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odyssevsbertugolu, nevermind, so many changes I'll just read the manual.08:15
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XzekutionI need some help :(08:15
Xzekutionmy ubuntu clock always messes up my winxp clock08:15
lebafarI am trying to add a usr on smbpasswd file with sudo smbpasswd -a -m userName but it tell me Failed to initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for user userName$. Does this user exist in the UNIX password database? Could someone comment it please?08:15
Xzekutionthey are both 1hr off evertime i logon to ubuntu08:15
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phummerXzekution, is the BIOS password set correctly?08:16
Super_Cat_Froghi - im having problems with bluetooth on etch, i keep getting call_passkey_agent() not agent registered - any ideas?08:16
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Xzekutionum.. i dont have a password on my BIOS08:16
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phummerSuper_Cat_Frog, etch?  HAHA!  I'm a Debian user too!  Wrong channel though.08:17
Super_Cat_Frogphummer: sorry, edgy, not etch08:17
phummerXzekution, sorry, was typing password in another window, I meant clock.08:17
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phummerBIOS clock set correctly?08:17
Super_Cat_Froghi - im having problems with bluetooth on edgy, i keep getting call_passkey_agent() not agent registered - any ideas?08:17
JimersonI have a question.08:18
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bondibluehi all, when running apt-get upgrade is there a way to tell it to skip over specific packages?08:18
bertugoluDoes someone have a knowledge in php?08:18
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mwtbI'm trying to install libqt3-mt-dev, but apt-get returns: "libqt3-mt-dev: Depends: libqt3-mt (= 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu3) but 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu6 is to be installed". Any ideas on how to get around this?08:18
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Super_Cat_Frogbertugolu: yes08:20
JimersonAnyone able to help me install an airport card driver from a .dmg file?08:20
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Super_Cat_Frogbertugolu: im a php dev, whats your problem?08:20
SportChickiwn 3408:20
Xzekutionphummer: how do I set my BIOS clock, do all computers have them ?08:20
Super_Cat_Frogbertugolu: (to clarify, i write in php, i dont write php)08:20
bertugoluLet me paste something in the paste bin08:20
XzekutionIf I go into my BIOS will I be able to find it, or is it a special command I have to type in to get it to come up08:21
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shwagIn MySQL Administrator, when I click on Uer Addministration, it just locks up with the message at the bottom  Retreiving data from MySQL...08:21
Super_Cat_Frogshwag: goto mysql and type in show processlist;08:21
Wulfiecan anyone tell me how to add an option to a kernel module?08:21
eraccWhere can one get webmin for *buntu? I use webmin (mostly) to configure my servers. I tried 'apt-get install webmin' and got the following: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25594/08:21
JimersonIs there an irc channel designed for getting help with the PPC distribution?08:21
shwagSuper_Cat_Frog: ok08:21
bertugolusee this super_cat_frog http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25595/08:21
shwagSuper_Cat_Frog: to processes in state NULL08:22
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bertugoluand it is giving me this error08:22
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Super_Cat_Frogshwag: no idea then, sorry08:22
cybernouteracc, first add universe and multiverse08:22
bertugoluParse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/www/uploads.php on line 708:22
cybernoutmaybe its in there...08:22
shwagSuper_Cat_Frog: and these is a clean install...default setup.08:22
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cybernouti got phpmyadmin from these, wich works fine with my server08:23
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sorush20my memtest68 goes all fuzzy and odd .. I think I have loads of errors on my mem?08:23
bertugoludid u see it super_cat_frog?08:23
sorush20how do I do A mem test please?08:23
NinkasiAre today's updates (openssh) completely fubar? My X crashes when I click to show a description of the update.08:24
Super_Cat_Frogbertugolu: im looking now08:24
phummerXzekution, yes, all computers have them.  Go into BIOS and you'll see your time there.  Make sure that's correct.  Windows will read off the BIOS time, and Ubuntu might be messing with it, or vice versa.08:24
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Super_Cat_Frogshwag: no idea, that should show something, if its supposed to be doing something08:24
cybernoutwith the live cd , there is an option for mem test08:24
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NinkasiWhat's with all the broken updates lately?08:24
soeki!info unrar08:25
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB08:25
soeki!info rar08:25
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.30-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 236 kB, installed size 476 kB (Only available for i386)08:25
kothzWulfy: you can pass options to modules using the /etc/modules file08:25
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michiel_Hi everybody08:25
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Chm0danyone know the path of the kernel-source for ubuntu?  I am trying to install the beta drivers for nvidia and thats the error I get.  I know they are installed.08:25
michiel_I've got a question. During an update, my laptop lost power. Now I can't get into my graphical shell.08:25
michiel_Is there any way I can fix this?08:25
odyssevsApache2: The port number "http://www.aviation.org.uk/" is outside the appropriate range (i.e., 1..65535).08:26
michiel_I'm talking via BitchX now so I'll have to log out to be able to check anything, though.08:26
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odyssevsI have the 'ServerName http://www.aviation.org.uk' set in the httpd.conf08:26
odyssevsAny clues here?08:26
NinkasiCan anyone else read the description of the openssh updates without X crashing?08:26
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Super_Cat_Frogbertugolu: thats odd. when i get something like that, i seperatate out the line thats being odd, onto as many lines as possible, so it tells me where the problem is, eg: http://rafb.net/paste/results/gKfkUU19.html08:26
kothzOdyssevs: do you have the port number set to anything?08:26
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grandyHello!  I am wondering if anyone knows when the last Ubuntu release to feature a 2.4 kernel on the livecd was?08:27
Super_Cat_Frogodyssevs: your just supposed to have ServerNAme aviation.org.uk, rather than http://.......08:27
bertugoluok i got u i will try it 10x08:27
odyssevskothz, 'Listen 80' is set above, yes.08:27
michiel_Would it be easier to just nuke this installation and reinstall from the CD? I don't have many vital files on this laptop.08:27
Chm0dmichiel_: try sudo --reconfigure xorg.conf i think its something like that08:28
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nysosymhi all :)08:28
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Super_Cat_Frogmichiel_: try sudo apt-get -f install08:28
jvaihey uall, in bermuda by way of the carribean cruises(explorer of the seas), in an internet cafe, by eth0, the ship's connection sukk's.. it's dial up, & it's IE only, it doesnt work with firefox...08:28
michiel_Chm0d: I will try that, while it's really probably a bigger problem than just xorg.08:28
nysosymHi everybody :)08:28
michiel_-f install?08:28
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michiel_Hi nysosym :)08:29
michiel_(Msikma from Ubuntu-art)08:29
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Super_Cat_Frogmichiel_: that will finished a failed install08:29
grandyhello:  I'm wondering if anyone knows the last version of Ubuntu use a 2.4 kernel for the livecd...08:29
michiel_I will go try that right now. Thanks.08:29
nysosymmichiel_: how are u? :)))08:29
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michiel_now... just gotta figure out how to quit BitchX...08:29
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Chm0danyone know the path to the kernel source files?08:29
eraccHmmm, I have universe and multiverse sources already checked, still no webmin. Does *buntu not offer webmin at all?08:29
Super_Cat_Frogmichiel_: try /exit08:29
zmois there some kind of howto that deals with modprobe.d and how modules are loaded ?08:29
nysosymi have modified my emblems, anyone would see that? :D08:29
awkhello please can somebody tell me what is wrong with this string .. /usr/bin/logger -adsx | grep -Ev ^PROGRESS: |^STATUS:^$ > $CHECK_LOG08:29
soeki. /exit08:29
NinkasiCan anyone else read the description of the openssh updates without X crashing?08:30
Super_Cat_Frogsoeki: you can do /say /exit08:30
Super_Cat_Froglike that08:30
odyssevsSuper_Cat_Frog, thanks. I see there's no default document root, am I expected to set it?08:30
odyssevsDocumentRoot /var/www, or something08:30
zmoI got some problems loading sound modules (got 2 soundcards)08:30
bertugolusuper_cat_frog, can you paste the code, that you didvided in many lines pls08:30
kothzeracc: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/admin/webmin08:30
Super_Cat_Frogodyssevs: there *has* to be a documentroot, but it might be set elsewhere08:30
zmoand by the way, / /thing is enough08:30
kothzer hoary?  sec08:30
Super_Cat_Frogbertugolu: http://rafb.net/paste/results/gKfkUU19.html08:30
zmo / /hello08:31
eracckothz, thank you.08:31
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kothzhrm - doesn't look like there's a dapper package for it08:31
eracckothz, yeah, I'm on Dapper. ;-(08:31
awkPlease can somebody help me with the string!!!!!08:31
awk/usr/bin/logger -adsx | grep -Ev ^PROGRESS: |^STATUS:^$ > $CHECK_LOG08:31
awkwhat is wrong with this?08:31
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awkhow do I grep 2 instances and pass it to $check_log08:31
bertugolubut is that the one you edited?08:32
bm0nkAfter a lot of time spent uninstalling/reinstalling/configuring my usb WG121(v2) card, Ubuntu can now see it as eth1....Im not using DHCP, I've turned WPA-PSK off on my router...my card sees the SSID (netgear) - yet ping requests/internet doesn't work....I've tried gnome-network-manager - it sees my network - and tries to connect...but doesnt..and doesnt give me an error message..any ideas? :s08:32
Super_Cat_Frogodyssevs: here's a bit from my apache config: http://rafb.net/paste/results/ACpVKT36.html08:32
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awkI allwas just get bash: ^STATUS:^$: command not found08:32
zmoawk -  /usr/bin/logger: invalid option -- a08:32
zmoawk - one thing08:33
awkzmo: I have it installed08:33
zmoinstead of screaming/crying08:33
zmoyou should correct stupid things08:33
Super_Cat_Frogawk - your missing a grep after the pipe after progress08:33
zmolike using a pipe without quotes08:33
SenesenceIs there a nice GUI for the vim code editor, or is this something that has to be ran from within the bash?08:33
grandyhello:  I'm wondering if anyone knows the last version of Ubuntu use a 2.4 kernel for the livecd...08:33
jattSenesence: gvim08:33
awkwhat stupid things?08:33
Super_Cat_FrogSenesence: kvim?08:33
zmo/usr/bin/logger -adsx | grep -Ev ^PROGRESS: |^STATUS:^$ > $CHECK_LOG => /usr/bin/logger -adsx | grep -Ev "^PROGRESS: |^STATUS:^$" > $CHECK_LOG08:33
eraccHmm, webmin is in Breezy too. But not in Dapper nor in Edgy. Ack! :-(08:34
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Senesencejatt: I searched for gvim in synaptic and I got nothing.08:34
awkthank you zmo, let me try that.08:34
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shwagAnyone know what is up with MySQL Administrator ?08:34
shwagdoesn't work.08:34
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JuhazSenesence, it's packaged as vim-gnome08:35
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Super_Cat_Frogshwag: run strace on it, see if its trying to hit a non-existant socket08:35
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kothzeracc: there's an ubuntu/debian type package for webmin at www.webmin.com08:35
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SenesenceJuhaz: Ahh, I see thank you very much sir.08:35
eracckothz, hrm, ok. I was trying to stick with "official" stuff. But I need my webmin. :-)08:36
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awkzmo: sorry, been asking everyone I knew I was doing something wrong, I over looked using the quotes.. thanks for completing my striing.08:36
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odyssevsSuper_Cat_Frog, I'm very tempted to revert to apache1.3. Any sane reasons not to?08:37
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raulmghi, anyone knows how purge a broken pakage instalation?, some file to edit, aptitude can remove it.08:37
amee2k_is there a small and fast program to create 2D and 3D graphs of numeric data supplied in CSV files? (no, i already tried OOo Calc but that eats too much CPU time for effective deployment)08:37
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jattamee2k_: gnuplot08:38
Super_Cat_Frogodyssevs: i cant remember apache1.3, im sure there's a good reason to use apache2, i just cant remember what it is08:38
Super_Cat_Frogodyssevs: did you restart apache (apache2ctl restart)08:39
odyssevsSuper_Cat_Frog, these configs are cracking me up. apache2 -t says syntax is ok, yet starting says fail.08:39
Super_Cat_Frogodyssevs: whats the error?08:39
Super_Cat_Frogodyssevs: sudo tail /var/log/apache2/error.log08:39
dekuphi how can i learn my kernel has a mtrr support?08:39
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amee2k_jatt: sounds interresting, will try. ty08:39
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Super_Cat_Frogdekup: if your using stock Ubuntu, it should, mtrr hardware is present more advanced than a toaster08:40
bm0nkAfter a lot of time spent uninstalling/reinstalling/configuring my usb WG121(v2) card, Ubuntu can now see it as eth1....Im not using DHCP, I've turned WPA-PSK off on my router...my card sees the SSID (netgear) - yet ping requests/internet doesn't work....I've tried gnome-network-manager - it sees my network - and tries to connect...but doesnt..and doesnt give me an error message..any ideas? :s08:40
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Super_Cat_Frogbm0nk: have you set the default route?08:40
Super_Cat_Frogbm0nk: ive done that before08:41
bm0nkdefault route?08:41
Super_Cat_Frogim having problems with bluetooth on edgy, i keep getting call_passkey_agent() not agent registered - any ideas?08:41
Super_Cat_Frogbm0nk: yes, default route - it might in an advanced tab in your network config app - i use kubuntu, so i dont know what gnome uses08:41
bm0nkSuper_Cat_Frog : just my luck...im on gnome :s08:42
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Super_Cat_Frogbm0nk: its the ip of the next hop, such as the router08:42
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bm0nkwell..gateway address08:42
unimatrix9name some real nice linux games08:42
Super_Cat_Frogbm0nk: it'l be in there somewhere08:42
bertugoluhow can edit permissions of files that arent mine08:42
bm0nkmy gateway address is set.... (
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Super_Cat_Frogunimatrix9: solitaire08:42
unimatrix9hmm, i dont know that one is it cool?08:42
Super_Cat_Frogbertugolu: boot into single user mode and chmod them as root08:42
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unimatrix9is that not the one on vista too?08:42
bertugoluhow can i do that08:43
unimatrix9name some real nice linux games...08:43
Super_Cat_Frogbertugolu: not sure how you do it with grub - google for "grub single user mode"08:43
unimatrix9who dares?08:43
Super_Cat_Frogunimatrix9: americas arey08:43
theacolyteI'm having a problem figuring out what to do here. Have an Inspiron 9400 with an NVIDIA 7900GS in it. I want to use an external monitor with it, and I'll never use the built in display while in the office. Anyone have a good idea on how to do that?08:43
kothzWorld of Warcraft is my favourite game on linux :)08:43
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mabocHi all, which package should I apt-get to get the manpages for the function-calls in stdlib (like fork....)?08:44
BazziRkothz :)08:44
unimatrix9these are top games thats for sure...08:44
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Super_Cat_Frogtheacolyte: have a look on gentoo-wiki - the documentation for stuff like that on there is great, and most of the info on there is relevant on any distro08:44
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unimatrix9a bit lower on the grafics ( 16 mb ati )08:44
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Super_Cat_Frogunimatrix9: kasteroids?08:45
jendaWulfie: k3b is even worse: it terminates immediately, but creates the filesystem on the CD.08:45
Super_Cat_Frogunimatrix9: perl?08:45
theacolyteYeah,  I'll take a look. Looks like I'll be using TwinView and not Xinerama... it's just making my head spin08:45
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Wulfiejenda: weird08:45
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unimatrix9ubuntu , is gnome ...so kastriods is not a  real choice is guess08:45
jendaI need a little help burning CDs. So far, there seems to be absolutely no way to burn CDs in my edgy (didn't work in dapper either). Brasero always fails on 'fixating' (internal error). Gnomebaker fails as well - CDs behave as empty ones. k3b creates the filesystem, but exits after the first megabyte (have log).08:45
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kothzheh -- on a 16 mb ati, my favourite game would be: telnet pern.mccr.org 420108:46
unimatrix9perl, hmm, scripting my own games rright?08:46
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Super_Cat_Frogkothz: heh08:46
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THX-1138!ubotu irssi is A command line interface IRC client. irrsi -c irc.freenode.org  Pick a "/nick name" Then "/join #ubuntu" - No desktop no problem. Nerdy fun.08:47
Blinker_I have a dell laptop with an svid-out in back that I would like to set up for use - is anyone familiar with this process?08:47
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kaurafter waking up from suspend or hibernation, my laptops fan keeps turning on and off all the time. Or maybe it's on all the time but it just spins harder sometimes. What should i do to make it work normally?08:47
kothzomg my pern account is still around!08:48
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kaurplease help! it's an awful waste of battery...08:48
mabocI just try it again :-) Hi all, which package should I apt-get to get the manpages for the function-calls in stdlib (like fork....)?08:48
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theunruledHello everyone. How do you add a batter indicator in Fluxbox?08:49
Stormx2kaur: Check the hardware page on the wiki.08:49
theunruledbattery for laptops08:49
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awkwho uses qmail here?08:49
theacolyteis the BusID completely necessary for dual monitors?  I don't have it currently08:49
Stormx2who uses awk here?08:49
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unimatrix9acpi -t will show temp and status in console08:50
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grub_booterStormx2: very occasionally...08:50
Super_Cat_Frogmaboc: libstd++-doc ?08:50
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kothz% acpi -t: "No support for device thermal"  You lie.08:50
Stormx2Thats what I got!08:51
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mabocSuper_Cat_Frog, Super I will give it a try immediately. tnx08:51
kaurwhat module is responsible for the regulation of fan's work?08:51
unimatrix9hmm, ok, sorry then08:51
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Stormx2kaur: You might want to ask that on ubuntuforums.org, no one seems to know here.08:51
unimatrix9Battery 1: discharging, 61%, 01:54:47 remaining08:51
unimatrix9     Thermal 1: ok, 44.0 degrees C08:51
unimatrix9thats what i got08:51
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theacolytethat's a nice battery life08:51
Stormx2kaur: Search the forum too.08:52
=== jAvierder [n=javier@39-146-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2kaur: You aren't by any chance a teacher?08:52
kauri think that the module isn't properly loaded after suspend/hibernation08:52
anon32I've got a question that might seem a little obvious08:52
kaurwhy do u ask?08:52
Stormx2ah OK. Had a teacher called Miss Kaur. i thought it an unusual name.08:53
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anon32My machine is set up to dualboot WinXP and Ubuntu, but I don't think I need my WinXP install anymore08:53
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anon32how would I go about removing it?08:53
THX-1138Is the app for fan control called "fan" - lol -shouldn't that be an acronym or something?08:53
anon32can I just delete it, or is there something else I have to do?08:53
kothzanon32: just ignore it.  the moment you remove it, you'll need it :)08:53
Stormx2anon32: Repartition I guess.08:53
jAvierderone question, which package should i reinstall to reinstall all mono packages?08:53
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Stormx2anon32: Only if you need the space, mind.08:53
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segfaultkaur, iirc its acpi_fan08:53
Stormx2anon32: You can always take it out the grub list if you really object to it ^__^08:53
anon32Stormx2: I do, will I need to edit grub or something?08:53
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Stormx2anon32: Nah, you need to use gparted, I guess.08:54
kauri have an idea now08:54
Stormx2anon32: Basicly remove the windows partition and enlarge your ubuntu partitions(s)08:54
shwagSuper_Cat_Frog: found known bug08:54
=== kothz senses a data recovery soon. :)
anon32Stormx2, mm, when I deleted my Ubuntu partition, grub freaked out08:54
kauri'l try it and tell u if it worked08:54
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anon32so I was wondering if the same would happen if I removed my Windows partition08:54
Stormx2anon32: It would08:54
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Stormx2anon32; Thats because /boot is on the ubuntu partition, and GRUB needs that to load08:55
Senesenceladydoor: Do you remember me?08:55
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ladydoorSenesence: yup. what's up?08:55
anon32Stormx2, ok, so grub doesn't have any config files I need to edit?08:55
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theunruledhi, how do i get conky to show battery?08:56
Senesenceladydoor: Hey, I have some problems with my alacarte editor and I think it's the python 2.5 installation that you helped me install thats making a mess.08:56
cavediverI'm testing my bw with a program called axel. But how do I save to /dev/null ?08:56
Stormx2anon32: No. Windows XP will stay in the list, but if you try to boot it, it won't work. Therefore you can edit it out the list. Before or after partitioning, it doesn't matter.08:56
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SenesenceSenesence: Should I uninstall08:56
anon32Stormx2, where's the config at? what I need to change?08:56
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ladydoorSenesence: you did keep your old python, right? with the divert step?08:56
ConstyHow can you enable ANSI art in terminal?08:56
Stormx2anon32: Hold on...08:56
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Senesenceladydoor: Yes I used the diver just like you told me.08:57
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kothzjust be wary of the root (hd0,1) lines in menu.lst (for example)08:57
Stormx2anon32: Its is /boot/grub/menu.lst08:57
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Stormx2anon32: You'll need to use sudo to edit it, but I guess you know that08:57
grooveare there anyone using edgy?08:57
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SurfnKidedgy no, wedgy yes08:57
=== Chrisn[A] [n=chrisnor@121-72-0-175.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2groove: #ubuntu+108:57
ladydoorSenesence: in that case, your programs (such as alacarte) should know where to find your python, in theory. i know that someone in here yesterday was having problems with alacarte. is it giving you specific error messages?08:57
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anon32will I be able to edit it directly, or is there some weird utility?08:58
theacolyteHas anyone made a reliable GUI x.org configuration utility?08:58
ladydoorgroove: no, that's what #ubuntu+1 is for08:58
groovewhat's wedgy08:58
Stormx2anon32: Directly. Its a text file08:58
Stormx2anon32: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:58
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groovethx you all08:58
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Senesenceladydoor: Yes this: Details: Failed to execute child process "alacarte" (No such file or directory)08:58
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Stormx2Senesence: sudo apt-get install alacarte08:58
ladydooranon32: but first back it up! sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.bak08:58
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Stormx2Senesence: I think...08:58
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wodzhello, what is the 'data flaw', I mean what is happeninghello, what is the 'data flaw', I mean what is happening when pendrive is inserted?08:58
anon32will I have to unmount my Windows partition?08:58
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SenesenceStormx2: It's already installed.08:59
Chrisn[A] if i have a computer with ubuntu and one with windows will i be able to print something from my ubuntu computer to my windows computero over the network?08:59
Stormx2anon32: Thats a good idea.08:59
Stormx2Senesence: Then I don't know, sorry08:59
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wodzfirst comes udev to create device and what comes next08:59
ladydoorSenesence: do this:  locate alacarte | grep bin08:59
Stormx2anon32: Unmount, and take it out your /etc/fstab08:59
ladydoorSenesence: does it return anything?08:59
hezehi all, i'm running dapper and am having trouble setting up a bridge (eth0 - eth1) with ifupdown. anyone familiar with this stuff able to help me?08:59
Stormx2anon32: If I were you, I'd think this over. If there are any files you need in that windows partition, you won't be able to recover them after this08:59
anon32ok, I'll have to wait for my files to finish backing up then08:59
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THX-1138_Chrisn - yes select "windows printer" from the drop down menu in system admin printing.09:00
Chrisn[A] ah cool :D09:00
FunnyLookinHatheze, why are you setting up a bridge?  You could just use network-manager09:00
phal1i am trying to compile my wifi card's driver but it my dapper keeps saying: nothing to be done for 'all', what can i do for this?09:00
user-landWhat is the easiest way to recursively look for a file in a directory ?09:00
Senesenceladydoor: /usr/bin/alacarte09:00
Chrisn[A] just wanted to check before i installed it09:00
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kothzuser-land: find . -name filename09:00
Stormx2heze: I bet you're hacking on a game XD09:00
anon32Stormx2, I was only keeping it for the files, the install is damaged09:00
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rod_hi, i searched on the web a bit for this question... Is there like a minimum boot cd which grabs the latest installatino files from de web?09:00
Stormx2anon32: I see.09:00
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wodzuser-land: find /dir -name "*name*"09:00
FunnyLookinHathe totally iz!09:00
ladydoorSenesence: try starting it in a terminal, using the full path (so /usr/bin/alacarte would be the command to run)09:00
THX-1138_Chrisn - It shoud already be installed and avail.09:00
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ladydoorSenesence: does that spit out errors? if so, to pastebin!09:01
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SeanTaterSomeone seems to be scanning my web server looking for something, daily or even more often. They are looking for some php chat software or something, but I cannot block them because each scan comes from a new IP, but the same domain. What do I do?09:01
user-landthanks wodz.09:01
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=== kaarel is now known as brainstew
phal1 i am trying to compile my wifi card's driver but it my dapper keeps saying: nothing to be done for 'all', what can i do for this? thanks09:01
Senesenceladydoor: I got this: bash: /usr/bin/alacarte: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory.  What do you mean by paste bin?09:01
hezestormx2, nah not really :)09:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:01
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user-landis there a gui file browser that features an easy find function too ?09:01
ladydoorSenesence: but don't worry about pasting that. i was expecting something longer.09:01
anon32SeanTater, close and hide the port09:01
hezefunnylookinhat, hmm, wonder what "network-manager" is..09:01
Senesenceladydoor: Ok09:02
ladydoorSenesence: ok, do this:  file /usr/bin/python. what does it return?09:02
Stormx2heze: Liar =)09:02
brainstewim so pissed off right now im going to trash my computer.. how do i get this damn xubuntu to 1024x768 @ 120 hz.. IT CAN GET THiS RATE and it shows 800x600@75 .. WTF???09:02
kothzSeanTater: in a .htaccess put the line deny from somedomain.com?09:02
SeanTateranon32: something where I can keep my webserver --09:02
Senesenceladydoor: bash: /usr/bin/python: No such file or directory09:02
hezestormx2, i want to firewall my windows computers in a central location :>09:02
ladydoorSenesence: then do the same for /usr/local/bin/python09:02
Acidic32how comes its not detecting my processor speed properly?09:02
FunnyLookinHatheze, network manager is a system tray applet that makes connecting to networks and seamlessly changing between them MUCH easier, with an emphasis on helping for wireless network connectivity09:02
Stormx2brainstew: Dude, reconfigure X09:02
SeanTaterkothz: um-- okay09:02
brainstewStormx2,  how?09:02
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SeanTaterkothz: I;ll try that09:02
bertugol1Listen I did an upload link in my server but all the files that i receieve, i dont have permissions to open them, how can i open them09:03
Stormx2brainstew: Give me just one minute, kay?09:03
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Stormx2brainstew: I'll find out...09:03
anon32brainstew, first, you need the best drivers for your graphics card09:03
anon32what model do you have?09:03
phal1i don't know how things work here but should i repeat my question until i get an answer or what?09:03
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Senesenceladydoor: that returns the python 2.5 version info09:03
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Acidic32http://huggy.mrmoss.net/phpsysinfo/ how comes its not detecting my processor speed properly?09:03
kaurIs the solution provided here:http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html safe? Will the fan turn itself on when need be?09:03
brainstewnvidia gf 4 440 or smthn09:03
soeki!info dvd09:03
ubotuPackage dvd does not exist in any distro I know09:03
awkzmo: could you help me with 1 last thing?09:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:04
ladydoorSenesence: it's a symbolic link, right?09:04
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kaurIs the solution provided here:http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html safe? Will the fan turn itself on when need be?09:04
soekican I play dvd movies on ubuntu?09:04
bertugol1Someone please help me09:04
bertugol1Listen I did an upload link in my server but all the files that i receieve, i dont have permissions to open them, how can i open them09:04
=== Fiscal [n=csvteles@20150253245.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
phal1 I am trying to compile my wifi card's driver but it my dapper keeps saying: nothing to be done for 'all', what can i do for this?09:04
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:04
Senesenceladydoor: Yea, I think. Just says python version and that it was compiled with the GCC etc09:04
FunnyLookinHatbertugol1, you probably need to reset the permissions on the directory you are uploading to09:04
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bertugol1the permission of the folder is 77709:05
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Stormx2brainstew: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - then restart X, and try changing the resolution. if it doesn't work it'll revert in 15 seconds. That means you need better drivers.09:05
anon32speaking of resticted formats, why the hell does https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats recommend transcoding lossy formats?09:05
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ladydoorSenesence: would you do it again (file /usr/local/bin/python) and then paste what exactly it says?09:05
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:05
kaurIs the solution provided here:http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html safe? Will the fan turn itself on when need be?09:05
anon32and even worse, why the hell would anyone recommend transcoding MPEG-4 to Theora?09:05
phal1 i am trying to compile my wifi card's driver but it my dapper keeps saying: nothing to be done for 'all', what can i do for this? thenks .09:05
Stormx2anon32: I saw that today, wierd eh?09:05
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bertugol1but the files in it i dont have permissions to open them, is there any comand from the terminal to change permissions of files?09:05
awk  if [-s $CHECK_LOG ]  then09:06
awk      /usr/bin/mail  -s fcheck \09:06
awk      `hostname` test@blah.org  < \09:06
Stormx2phal1: Are you trying to do make or something?09:06
awk      $FCHECK_LOG09:06
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awk      /bin/rm $FCHECK_LOG09:06
awk  fi09:06
ladydoorbertugol1: chmod changes permissions, chown changes owner09:06
Senesenceladydoor: Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 20:27:15) [GCC 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)]  on linux209:06
awkwhat is wrong with this, its complaining about fi09:06
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phal1yes i am trying to compile a bunch of files with 'make all'09:06
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bertugol1how can i chane the owner?09:06
wodzbertugol1: chown09:06
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kothzbertugol: sudo chown bertugol1 /some/path/to/files/*09:06
bertugol1emm get it from synpatic?09:06
bertugol1ok 10x09:07
midnighthello need help please09:07
ladydoorbertugol1: as i said, use chown. as it says at the very top of the manpage, chown user:group file09:07
brainstewStormx2,  select desired X server driver.. whats that?09:07
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Stormx2awk: DOn't paste09:07
kothzbertugol: but you should find a way to set a umask to make the files readable for you on an ongoing basis09:07
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Stormx2brainstew: Just hit enter09:07
=== anon32 keeps burning stuff to CD... about 8GB to go
Stormx2brainstew: The current selection is highlighted by default09:07
Chrisn[A] 8gb on cd?09:07
bertugol1i will try sudo chown bertugol1 /some/path/to/files/*09:07
brainstewdoesnot go away09:07
ladydoorSenesence: weird. it *should* be a link. please do ls /usr/local/bin. what color is python?09:07
phal1what do you suggest? stormx209:08
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hezeis there something wrong with the following in /etc/network/interfaces: "iface br0 inet dhcp \n bridge-ifaces eth0 eth1" ?09:08
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Stormx2phal1: Are you following a guide?09:08
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Senesenceladydoor: Oh sorry forgot the "file" :/usr/local/bin/python: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, not stripped09:08
=== kupesoft [n=dave@CPE000c418c08cf-CM0013718cb08a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
midnightim using a dapper under a 6600GT nvidia im trying to load the nvidia-agp modules but its the agpgart modules that i can see in the cat09:08
brainstewStormx2,  nothings highlighted.. list of words there and it keeps telling me to select desired x server driver09:08
hezethat is actually almost a copy&paste from an example and it doesn't work, i can manually build a bridge with brctl tho.09:08
spockyhello. I'm trying the eft-beta, but suddenly after the latest updates my comp hangs completely on /etc/init.d/gdm restart in singleuser-mode and in normal mode I get nothing too. my xorg.conf is here http://phpfi.com/159913 and my /var/log/X.org.0.log is http://phpfi.com/159914. Does anyone know whats wrong with eft here?09:08
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Stormx2brainstew: Pfft, I'm lost. Sorry09:09
_stippi_can someone recommend a zippy editor for programming purposes? I'm new to Ubuntu and Linux in general09:09
brainstewi hate this bug of linux09:09
ladydooris it possible to keep ~/.gnome2, ~/.gnome2_private, ~/.gconfd, & ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful from regenerating themselves after i delete them?09:09
midnightneed to load that damn nvidia-agp module..09:09
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44a72a.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
kothzI (heart) emacs.  It's all the zippy I need. :)09:09
Stormx2brainstew: its not a bug.09:09
ladydoorSenesence: ok. just a second09:09
phal1i am following a guide for installing rt61 wifi drivers but i cant use 'make' for anything. not just this09:09
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Stormx2brainstew: and it has nothing to do with linux09:09
brainstewwtf.. always the display problem at install :\09:09
Senesenceladydoor: Ok09:09
madewokherd_stippi_: I'm not sure what zippy means, but, uh, gedit09:10
mathias__hi. i've just upgraded dapper to edgy and it wont recognise my sound-card anymore (creative labs soundblaster x-fi). any ideas?09:10
Stormx2brainstew: You need to reconfigure your X server, and if that doesn't work, get better drivers.09:10
midnightno one for help?..09:10
phal1when i try do 'make something.c' it says nothing to be done for it09:10
b0efehlo; helping a friend with restarting some torrent files after a reboot; where does the default bittorrent client store the torrent meta files?09:10
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:10
StAfZe6you tell me ;)09:10
_stippi_madewokherd: gedit is not zippy at all on my 1.5 GHz Centrino09:10
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kothzmidnight: the best place to start is at that URL (type !nvidia to get it again)09:10
spockyedgy used to work till the updates today, but know I'm pretty stuffed09:10
_stippi_I would like a GUI editor, function popups would be nice09:10
ladydoorSenesence: ok, first, do you remember whether you used the steps ./configure, make, sudo make install to install it or whether it was with some python installer thingy?09:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:10
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midnightkothz: i KNOW how to install my driver dude09:11
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midnighti just need a tips on a tweak09:11
=== kothz shrugs. Good luck with that.
=== method| [n=duane@216-229-90-190-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
anon32are the ATI drivers better than the defaults in Ubuntu (strictly in terms of functionality)?09:11
Senesenceladydoor: It was by your instructions step by step from source, yes all the steps, we went through them.09:11
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Stormx2midnight: What was the problem?09:11
ladydoorSenesence: ok, just a sec, then :-)09:11
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midnightStormx2: well im trying to get the fast writes options=yes09:12
_stippi_is there another channel for newbies like me?09:12
Stormx2midnight: Ah09:12
mistraaldoes anyone get "Button Label|" on some buttons in settings manager in Xubuntu?09:12
midnightbut its always the agpgart driver who is loaded09:12
anon32*ChanServ removes channel operator status from ompaul - geez, is there any other kind of operator?09:12
rambo3_stippi_ only #windows09:12
Stormx2_stippi_: Here is fine ^.^09:12
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_stippi_rambo3: he09:12
Stormx2_stippi_: Ignore rambo309:13
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ompaulanon32, it is the easy way to do things :)09:13
wikijeffDo intel integrated graphics cards require drivers and setup? Or should they just work automatically?09:13
Stormx2rambo3: And its actually ##windows09:13
mcquaidhello, can the text installer be run from the live cd? or is only the gui installer available?09:13
Stormx2_stippi_: What do you need help with?09:13
spockythx allot09:13
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spockywhoever told me about the display driver thing...09:13
xav_wikijeff, should work09:13
_stippi_Stormx2: do you recommend any GUI editor for programming? Gedit doesn't even scroll small source files smoothly09:13
midnightwhen im doing a cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status09:13
Stormx2mcquaid: The Live CD functions as an installer now. The text-only installer is considered the alternative09:13
spockywith fgrlx it works now09:13
rambo3Stormx2 yeah ok , like who gives09:14
midnighti have Driver:          AGPGART09:14
spockyI sort of lost the overview, I'm on irssi at low resolution09:14
midnightFast Writes:     Disabled09:14
mcquaidStormx2, yes I am aware the live has the gui installer, I'm asking if it has the text installer as well09:14
anon32speaking of integrated graphics, what exactly do they do? is it just a fancy word for software rendering?09:14
Stormx2_stippi_: Hmm. I use bluefish for my web programming work. I think theres one called scite? or something like that? I quite like that. Theres always your command-line text editors too09:14
wikijeffxav_: well should I be able to run any 3d games? Right now even the most basic 3d game runs at less than 1 fps. I'm pretty sure on windows this was not the case.09:14
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ladydoorSenesence: you still there?09:15
Stormx2_stippi_: I run a 1.4ghz processer, are you sure you're not running some huge apps? How much ram do you have?09:15
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Senesenceladydoor: yep09:15
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xav_wikijeff, performance are supposed to suck hard, but it shouldn't be that bad09:15
_stippi_Stormx2: scite? Ok, let me google that one09:15
ladydoorSenesence: and do you still have the source? (if no, please go download it).09:15
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ochosihi, i have serious cdrom problems. some cds are readable, others just display strange icons and symbols09:15
Senesenceladydoor: Ok , just a sec09:15
VolvoBye All09:15
wikijeffxav_: performance on linux or performance for intel integrated graphics?09:15
Stormx2_stippi_: yeah, the package is called skite. sudo apt-get install skite. You might like it, I found it nice.09:15
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ochosii tried a lot of configs with fstab, but that doesn't change much09:15
_stippi_Stormx2: I have 512 MB, nothing else running, not even firefox, just a terminal and gedit, and it is dog slow, I find Ubuntu in general pretty slow, (I'm comming from BeOS, though).09:16
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Senesenceladydoor: Got it09:16
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_stippi_Stormx2: thanks09:16
Stormx2_stippi_: Thats a little odd. You might consider running xubuntu09:16
anon32ochosi: Disc drive model, age and type of CDs, and surface quality of CDs09:16
Stormx2_stippi_: Open a terminal and use gnome-system-monitor. Anything acting up?09:16
Chrisn[A] hey cydermaster09:16
ladydoorSenesence: ok, so put the source in some out-of-the-way dir (i've got a dir called misc in my home dir, and in misc i have an src dir where that stuff goes, personally)09:16
ochosianon32: laptop dvdrw combo drive, original diablo2 cds, no scratches09:17
THX-1138_StormX - grab another metapackaged desktop from an ubuntu repository.. no muss no fuss.09:17
=== neko_ [n=neko@ALyon-152-1-132-162.w86-209.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Senesenceladydoor: Already there09:17
ladydoorSenesence: and then cd to it and do sudo make uninstall09:17
Stormx2_stippi_: But yeah. xubuntu uses XFCE, which is another desktop environment like GNOME, except its more lightweight.09:17
ladydoorSenesence: then do make clean && make distclean09:17
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ladydoorSenesence: and then we're going to re-install it in a not-as-bad place09:17
ochosianon32: the strange thing is, if i change the mount-option in fstab to "auto" i can read the game and video-cd, if i use "noauto" i can read the install-cd09:17
Senesenceladydoor: Will it matter if there are 2 files in the dir (the tgz)?09:18
_stippi_Stormx2: gnome-system-monitor has the highest CPU load just displaying the bar, around 18-25 %.09:18
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ladydoorSenesence: what do you mean?09:18
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Stormx2_stippi_: I'd expect that. RAM?09:18
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_stippi_Stormx2: 512MB09:18
Senesenceladydoor: well there is the zipped version of the source package. Is it okay if it stays there or do I have to move it?09:18
anon32ochosi: hmm, oh yea, do your CDs have any weird DRM schemes on them?09:18
Stormx2_stippi_: I meant usage from programs09:18
_stippi_Stormx2: 16 megs ATI Mobility M609:18
ochosianon32: what are DRM schemes?09:19
Stormx2_stippi_: Did you make a swap partition when you installed ubuntu?09:19
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ladydoorSenesence: uhhh...just cd into the unzipped dir and then do all that. you can remove the gzipped source package once you've unpacked it, if you want.09:19
xav_wikijeff, both09:19
Senesenceladydoor: or do you want me to cd into the source package (python-2.5) itself09:19
nysosymi have a short question, i have here ca.300kb data i will send to the mailing list of ubuntu (artwork) is this possible?09:19
_stippi_Stormx2: yes, and the RAM seems not the problem, only 25% used,09:19
ladydoorSenesence: yes09:19
xav_wikijeff, it possibly sucks more on linux, but there isn't a huge difference09:19
Stormx2_stippi_: Well, that is odd. Like I said, try xubuntu.09:19
anon32ochosi: a lot of CDs, especially game ones have intentional abnormalities on them to discourage copying09:19
OgesterJust one question: The free CDs, they are shipped from South Africa, right?09:19
xav_wikijeff, what's your chipset exactly?09:20
_stippi_Stormx2: I spent a huge amount of time to configure Ubuntu, I don't think I wanna switch now09:20
ochosianon32: anything i can do about it? (i know the diablo2-install worked for a friend of mine with ubuntu)09:20
Stormx2_stippi_: Its one command09:20
_stippi_Stormx2: Really?09:20
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xav_there is one thing I hate about ubuntu09:20
Stormx2_stippi_: sudo apt-get install xubuntu desktop. You keep GNOME and all your settings. It just adds XFCE to the login menu09:20
rambo3Ogester i wouldent think that , from some no tax scountry09:20
kaurmy laptops fan doesn't seem to stop after suspend or hibernation. How can i make it regulate itself?09:20
Senesenceladydoor: sudo make uninstall returned: make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.09:21
Stormx2_stippi_: Sorry, I meant xubuntu-desktop09:21
anon32ochosi: absolutely no idea, there's really no way to troubleshoot anything more than absurdly common issues over IRC09:21
xav_why do they want to make everyone think a desktop environment make a linux distribution09:21
ladydoorSenesence: ...ok. is this new source you had to download?09:21
Stormx2Senesence: make uninstall? XD~~09:21
xav_that's sad09:21
ochosianon32: the other strange thing is that if i insert the install cd now it won't display any files, i can't even remount it09:21
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ochosianon32: just says: device busy09:21
Senesenceladydoor: No I found the old one. Ahh we actually need a new one right?09:21
anon32but you might be interesting in imaging your CDs (iso/mds/etc) and installing with virtual drives09:21
ladydoorSenesence: no, the old one.09:22
_stippi_Stormx2: BTW, skite was not found, which servers do I need to add to me apt-get list?09:22
SenesenceYea this is the old one that I'm trying it in?09:22
Stormx2_stippi_: If I were you I'd add all the repos09:22
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Stormx2_stippi_: Do a google on source-o-matic09:22
ochosianon32: maybe i should try that... seems there are not a lot of other options09:22
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Senesenceladydoor: the one that I installed the whole thing from09:22
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:22
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Stormx2_stippi_: You want to add main, restricted, universe and multiverse.09:22
ochosianon32: so thanks anyway09:22
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ochosianon32: i was quite sure it was a bug in the ubuntu-automount process09:23
ladydoorSenesence: i assume so. ok, try sudo make uninstall python . if that doesn't work, try sudo make uninstall python-Whatever-Your-Version-Number-Is09:23
ladydoorSenesence: why exactly did you need the new version again?09:23
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ladydoorSenesence: actually, nevermind.09:23
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Senesenceladydoor: Heh, I really didnt, just wanted to be on the edge.09:23
anon32ochosi: have you tried manually setting the mount options?09:23
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ladydoorSenesence: ah.09:24
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ochosianon32: you mean in fstab?09:24
ladydoorSenesence: well, let me know if those work.09:24
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anon32ochosi: no, use the mount command and manually mount them09:24
Senesenceladydoor: I can look through the source package the filename should be uninstall something right? And then I should run that from bash right?09:24
ochosianon32: or with mount? actually: i've tried both. the fstab thing makes a difference, so i can read either the game or the install cd. the mount-command just gets me an error or doesn't make a difference09:24
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:25
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anon32ochosi: oh, sorry then09:25
ochosianon32: somehow it seems he doesn't really reload the drive with the new options (like -t udf or -t iso9660)09:25
ladydoorSenesence: errr...no, did you try the sudo make uninstall python or the sudo make uninstall python-versionnumber?09:25
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Stormx2hi spocky09:26
Senesenceladydoor: Tried it, nothing worked, same error as before.09:26
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AgEnT-0016hi all09:27
AgEnT-0016i got  a problem with gaim09:27
ladydoorSenesence: blah. they're *supposed* to include the ability to uninstall stuff. have you installed anything else by hand?09:27
Stormx2AgEnT-0016: Go ahead.09:27
AgEnT-0016it work ok until i sign in into my msn account09:27
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AgEnT-0016then it suddenly goes off09:28
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Stormx2AgEnT-0016; Just, exits?09:28
Senesenceladydoor: No, python was my first build from source, with your help. I did nothing after that.09:28
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ladydoorSenesence: ok, in that case...cd to /usr/local and do ls bin09:28
=== anon32 continues burning DVDs... only 5.8GB to go
manmadhaif we ping any ip address there is some message like"8 packets transmitted, 8 received, 0% packet loss, time 6998ms09:28
ladydoorSenesence: is python the only thing in there?09:28
manmadhartt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.059/0.061/0.069/0.010 ms, pipe 209:28
manmadha"what does the pipe mean?09:28
segfaultAgEnT-0016, see gaim site this is know issue09:28
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AgEnT-0016yes Stormx209:29
segfaultAgEnT-0016, know=known09:29
Stormx2AgEnT-0016: What segfault said.09:29
Senesenceladydoor: Things in there: idle  pydoc  python  python2.5  python2.5-config  python-config  smtpd.py09:29
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AgEnT-0016what do you mean?09:29
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ladydoorSenesence: wait a minute. you're SURE that python isn't a symlink? what color is it? and what color is python2.5?09:29
brainstewStormx2,  i got the nvidia driver to jump in.. but the list of modes shows 800x600 and 600 .. how to set 1024x768 @ 12009:29
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ochosianon32: problem with mounting an iso-file is: i can't create iso file if i can't read the cd...09:30
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Senesenceladydoor: python-config is light blue, everything else is green09:30
Stormx2brainstew: Edit your xorg.conf file.09:30
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odyssevsSuper_Cat_Frog, well apparently the log folders were lacking. Gah. Overlooked the obvious.09:30
Stormx2brainstew: Google a guide.09:30
morbid88hey all.I'm trying to set up Ubuntu with LAMP (the server distro) and it's hanging at the "Configuring apt" window when "scanning the mirror". Is this supposed to take a long time?09:30
odyssevsWhich configuration is this error referring to: ProFTPd warning: not start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode, apparently. Check your configuration.  ?09:30
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anon32ochosi: you said that with one set of settings, you could read some discs09:31
Stormx2brainstew: or better, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:31
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anon32and with the other, you could read the rest09:31
segfaultodyssevs, proftpd config09:31
brainstewStormx2,  i've done that.. nothing seems to work. those modeline generators generate all kinds of bogous info09:31
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anon32so, image them one at a time09:31
ochosianon32: i just found out that i can read the cd "sometimes"09:31
Stormx2morbid88: Are you following the ubuntu wiki page on LAMP?09:31
Stormx2brainstew: Reconfigured it and restarted X, correct?09:31
ochosianon32: so maybe i'll have to wait for a lucky moment :)09:31
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morbid88Stormx2: of course not. I'm just jumping into this completely unprepared.09:31
=== morbid88 should RTFM?
brainstewreconfigure did not let me pass the question..09:32
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ochosianon32: ok, so thanks anyway, i won't bother you with that anymore, it's a stupid problem and i guess there's no "solution"09:32
Stormx2morbid88: I think you need http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApachePHPMySQL09:32
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Stormx2morbid88: Wait wait wait09:32
morbid88Stormx2: I thought the LAMP distribution was the solution to all that.09:32
Stormx2morbid88: You're doing a server install?09:32
Stormx2morbid88: I do beg your pardon.09:32
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Stormx2morbid88: Sorry, can't help.09:32
morbid88Stormx2: my forgiveness is given freely.09:32
=== anon32 is anticipating a buffer underrun...
morbid88And if you want my P.O.S. computer along with it...09:33
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ladydoorSenesence: ...ok, that's really weird. *for the moment,* we're just going to move /usr/local/bin/python out of the way. if that screws up anything else (which i doubt, as it's local), we can fix that then. sudo mv bin/python bin/python-2.5 (INCLUDE THE DASH)09:33
Stormx2morbid88: haha.09:33
morbid88so does anyone know why ---09:33
morbid88oh, look at that. it just takes a long time.09:33
segfaultmorbid88, could be a slow mirror09:33
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Stormx2jesus... how long can sudo make modules take in the linux source code? Its been going for over 2 hours now...09:34
odyssevsAny wisdom running proftpd on a non-standard port?09:34
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Senesenceladydoor: Just a sec09:34
morbid88segfault: I don't even know what it means. It's not an internet issue, since it's not online yet. But it resolved itself. I guess my old AMD Duron 800MHz isn't up to par with todays youngins09:34
segfaultStormx2, a while09:34
simo1hello. I have a dual boot with ubuntu and windows xp. I've been trying to resize the partitions with gparted but it wouldn't let me move /dev/hda3 presumably because this would unmount the operating system. I then tried to use the ubuntu install disk. Now gparted doesnt recognize my partitions. Everything still works ok though - and i can still access my windows drive from ubuntu. Any suggestions?09:34
mathiasive upgraded dapper to edgy and i can't get any audio from my usb-audio-card anymore. the card is detected and i can control the volume but the pcm playback wont work.  any ideas?09:34
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segfaultStormx2, fyi unless u changed the config u r building all modules in the kernel, which is alot09:35
anon32Stormx2, compiling takes forever if you don't have an uber machine like the ones MicroSoft uses to build Windows09:35
Stormx2simo1: Try the gparted live CD?09:35
ubotuUnless you're Dutch, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..09:35
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
THX-1138_sim01 fsck or checkdisk - filesystem integrity.09:35
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Jowimathias: check that the volume isn't muted09:35
ltr20000HOw do i install Ubuntu (live cd) w/o the PCCMIA SUpport?09:35
ltr20000it always freezes @ 95% (config hardware)09:36
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sabajust installed ubuntu09:36
Stormx2segfault: Ack. See I'm trying to install LIRC from a guide. I think it was "sudo make menuconfig" which got me a menu. Should I have just picked 1 module?09:36
ladydoorSenesence: whenever you're ready...09:36
sabai think i'll learn to love it09:36
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Senesenceladydoor: Done09:36
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rideouton edgy, xgl seems to have a problem with xkb, all the xkb programs have this error: "Couldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property"09:36
mathiasJowi: mixer doesn't have the "x" symbol.  Rhythmbox shows no progress in playing the song (slider doesn't move)09:36
anon32how come a ton of the packages one can find on apt-get or synaptic are way larger than their Windows equivalents? For example - Thunderbird is 10MB on apt-get but 5.5MB to download the Windows installer09:37
Chrisn[A] becuase windows sux09:37
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Chrisn[A] george bush payed them to make a smaller version09:37
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soekii have used many distros (to some extent)of linux, and i have to say that for a company. a combo of  debian sarge on servers and ubuntu on desktops, it would be the best decission ever.09:38
anon32Chrisn[A] , Windows sucks, so their packages are better??09:38
AgEnT-0016any idea about gaim09:38
Jowimathias: do you get sound if you do this in a terminal "playsound /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav"?09:38
soekiand i have only 3 days with ubuntu.09:38
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Stormx2AgEnT-0016: No, sorry. You could always install a BETA09:38
digitalici need help :(09:38
ladydoorSenesence: ok, now do sudo dpkg-divert --package python --remove /usr/bin/python09:38
Stormx2digitalic: With?09:38
kaurHelp! after suspend or hibernation my laptop's fan keeps working... Solutions?09:38
ladydoorSenesence: to remove the diversion. what's it say?09:38
segfaultStormx2, umm not sure but i doubt u need to build all the modules, also lirc looks to be in repos09:38
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digitalicwith the ubuntu installation !09:38
digitalici download a 64 distro... desktop09:38
digitalicwhen i boot it...09:39
Stormx2segfault: Can I just cancel the build?09:39
ltr20000Hello, my ubuntu install freezes @ 95% (configuring hardware)09:39
digitalicit just HANGs...09:39
ltr20000how do i disable the PCMIA detection09:39
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:39
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segfaultStormx2, go for it ctl-C09:39
simo1stormx2: I tried the live cd - that's when i realized gparted was no longer recognizing my partitions - it just said the whole drive was unallocated09:39
Stormx2segfault: That won't harm my system will it? I've run: sudo make oldconfig sudo make menuconfig sudo make include/linux/version.h sudo make modules09:39
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morbid88oh hell. So the Ubuntu LAMP server is command line only?09:39
kaurHelp! after suspend or hibernation my laptop's fan keeps working... Solutions?09:39
Senesenceladydoor: dpkg-divert: mismatch on package09:39
Senesence  when removing `diversion of /usr/bin/python by python'09:39
Senesence  found `local diversion of /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python.ubuntu'09:39
_stippi_Stormx2: I have these frequent lock up problems...09:39
segfaultStormx2, nope, just means ur kernel is not fully built09:39
anon32digitalic, do you have a 64-bit CPU?09:40
=== Rozabela [n=Rozabela@ACD15B84.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
_stippi_Stormx2: I thought Linux was more reliable, but it is a major pain in the butt.09:40
segfaultStormx2, but wont affect kernel u have installed/running etc09:40
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Stormx2simo1: Oh dear. Try sudo fdisk /dev/hda and write09:40
ladydoorSenesence: see, that's what pastebin is or.09:40
digitalicyes... i own an AMD64 4200+ Dual core... im not an idiot..09:40
=== morbid88_ghost [n=not@IGLD-80-230-239-194.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138_morbid88 - i have good news No!  grab "ubuntu-desktop" huge D/L09:40
Senesenceladydoor: sorry09:40
_stippi_Stormx2: anyways, I managed to update my sources.list, but skite is still not found09:40
kothzkaur: this any help? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html09:40
Stormx2_stippi_: Its a hardware issue my dear. If you get it sorted, it will be more reliable...09:40
morbid88_ghostTHX-1138 is that with apt-get?09:40
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_stippi_Stormx2: yeah? What makes you think so?09:41
Stormx2_stippi_: Post on the forums with your exact hardware setup, and describe the problem. ubuntuforums.org09:41
ladydoortry it without ``--package python''09:41
THX-1138_morbid -I trust synaptic for tese things09:41
=== LiraNuna [n=LiraNuna@IGLD-80-230-6-136.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
mathiasJowi: found a playsound command but it complains about timidity.cfg09:41
_stippi_Stormx2: on two different computers? With all the other OSs just running fine?09:41
Stormx2_stippi_: Because you have capable hardware, it probably just has the wrong drivers.09:41
kaurkothz: i considerd it as an option but i'm not sure if the fan will start if need be09:41
_stippi_Stormx2: Maybe so, how do I get the right drivers then?09:41
Stormx2_stippi_: Did you do a sudo apt-get update?09:41
morbid88_ghostTHX-1138: I thought synaptic was the GNOME manager for apt. Anyway, it's a moot point, since I can't get online yet.09:41
Jowimathias: how about simply "play"09:41
digitalic?? :(09:41
ladydoorSenesence: try it without ``--package python.'' what's it return?09:41
=== Crazed [n=Crazed@cc242865-b.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2_stippi_: Depends, first you need to find the issue and I'm no help with that! :)09:42
_stippi_Stormx2: The system is up to date.09:42
Skitzo1989i have a question about ubuntu, i installed it today and ive never used linux before, what is the linux equivilent of a .exe file?09:42
THX-1138_morbid - nvm my silliness.- sorry.09:42
=== anon32 thinks that either the packages are either badly compressed, or that linux programs are terribly inefficient
_stippi_Stormx2: :-)09:42
Stormx2_stippi_: Did you do that command?09:42
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Stormx2_stippi_: That doesn't upgrade your system, it re-caches your package lists.09:42
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LiraNunai can't get xorg to get 3D acc.09:42
_stippi_Stormx2: If I do that, I loose my newer subversion install.09:42
kaurHelp! after suspend or hibernation my laptop's fan keeps working... Solutions?09:42
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manmadhaif we ping any ip address there is some message like"8 packets transmitted, 8 received, 0% packet loss, time 6998ms09:42
manmadhartt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.059/0.061/0.069/0.010 ms, pipe 209:42
mathiasJowi: sox: Failed writing /dev/dsp: Unable to reset OSS driver.  Possibly accessing an invalid file/device09:42
=== degreseven [n=Bryan@c-71-227-220-4.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
manmadha"what does the pipe mean?09:42
LiraNunai tried reconfiguring xorg.conf09:42
LiraNunawith nvidia09:42
_stippi_Stormx2: And I am really really sure my system is up to date09:43
Senesenceladydoor: Removing `local diversion of /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python.ubuntu'09:43
digitalicHey, i need help ... plz...09:43
anon32Skitzo1989, linux doesn't use file extensions, an executable has a mimetype of executable/blahblahblah09:43
earthianhello. i suspect that my ubuntu sound recording does not work at all. where do i start looking for info to debug that?09:43
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ladydoorSkitzo1989: file extensions are optional and discouraged in linux, as they are too confusing. executables are found in the /usr/bin dir.09:43
Jowimathias: the volume or mute is not the problem then09:43
simo1stormx2: it says the kernel is still using the old table, and will use the new table after a reboot - do you think that will solve it?09:43
Stormx2_stippi_: *sigh* Did you run the command. If you haven't run it after updating your /etc/apt/sources.list, do it.09:43
THX-1138_morbis aptitude package manager.09:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about record - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:43
ladydoorSenesence: ok, now do which python.09:43
_stippi_Stormx2: ah, thanks09:43
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems09:43
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Skitzo1989ok thanks everyone09:43
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mathiasJowi: thats seems likely09:43
Stormx2!+info skite09:43
ubotuPackage skite does not exist in any distro I know09:43
Stormx2man I suck, hold on.09:44
=== morbid88_ghost [n=not@IGLD-80-230-239-194.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Super_Cat_Frogace - i got bluetooth working. i can now use my telephone as a remote control for amarok, that frigging rules09:44
Jowimathias: have a look at the links that ubotu just spat out (with the kind help of earthian)09:44
=== pike_ [n=tier2@adsl-068-222-206-252.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2!+info scite09:44
czer323Anyone know how to turn off that launch indicator?  When you click on a launcher in gnome, it'll do a box and enlarge to fill the whoel screen?09:44
ubotuscite: Lightweight GTK-based Programming Editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.67-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 664 kB, installed size 1804 kB09:44
Stormx2There we go.09:44
Senesenceladydoor: Great we are back to 2.4 and alacarte works. Thanks that seems to have done it.09:44
ladydoorSenesence: whew09:44
digitalicneed some help over here!09:44
aldoHi. Do you know what's the best graphic manager for bittorrent under Gnome?09:44
ladydoorSenesence: glad to've helped. sorry about the confusion.09:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bsd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.09:44
Sivikdigitalic: whats the problem09:44
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Senesenceladydoor:  and I was worried heh, your great. Thanks again.09:44
Stormx2aldo: torrent client? Try azureus09:45
ptyaldo: have you tried bittornado?09:45
ladydoorSenesence: no problem.09:45
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anon32aldo, azureus.aelitis.com09:45
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ubotugnomad2: Manage a Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.1-1 (dapper), package size 147 kB, installed size 480 kB09:45
_stippi_Stormx2: It got stuck at 99%?09:45
anon32actually, if you have WINE, you can use utorrent instead09:45
mathiasJowi, earthian: thanks. i'll check those out09:45
morbid88_ghostanyone here know how to set up a cable modem dialler? I'm stranded with command line.09:45
Skitzo1989im trying to download java which file should i get? Linux RPM (self-extracting file), Linux (self-extracting file), Linux x64, Linux x64 RPM09:46
kaurHelp! after suspend or hibernation my laptop's fan keeps working... Solutions?09:46
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega09:46
earthiannp i am checking them myself too :)09:46
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto09:46
Sivikmorbid88: a cable modem should not need to be "dailed"09:46
Stormx2_stippi_: The download? Odd, what mirror are you using?09:46
kaurit just kills my laptop...09:46
=== wolki [n=wolki@client418.sg.fr.studentenwohnheim-bw.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ppoe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:46
morbid88_ghostSivik: yeah, you'd think that wouldn't you.09:46
morbid88_ghostSivik: it's actually L2TP.09:46
Jowimorbid88_ghost: depends on the modem and where you live. you don't dial but need to configure the connection. Try pppoeconf09:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about L2TP - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:46
THX-1138_Jowi - nice cacth. :)09:47
anon32Skitzo1989, use apt-get, Ubuntu doesn't use RPMs09:47
_stippi_Stormx2: now it went through, but it reports that some files could not be updated because of unavailable public keys...09:47
morbid88_ghostJowi: isn't pppoeconf for modems and dial-up?09:47
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:47
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE09:47
digitalic!boot problems 64bit09:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about boot problems 64bit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:47
=== holger [n=hg@Q73f9.q.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2_stippi_: pastebin your sources.list.09:47
_stippi_Stormx2: It tells me to use apt-get update... sigh09:47
Jowimorbid88_ghost: dsl modems. some cable modems use the same connection type09:47
Stormx2_stippi_: Haha... ah joy.09:48
morbid88_ghostthanks. bbiab09:48
=== mcquaid [i=mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Jowibrb. son just woke up09:48
Stormx2_stippi_: Bear with it. I had so many issues like this when I started.09:48
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_stippi_Stormx2: Do I really have to "pastebin"? I hate that.09:48
Stormx2_stippi_: Well /msg me then09:48
Skitzo1989what's apt-get?09:48
=== jshamash66 [n=jake@modemcable124.81-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:49
=== Russell is now known as Ekushey
=== t9k565 [n=ircont9k@cpe-075-176-157-107.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jshamash66Can someone tell me how I can get Windows XP to find my Ubuntu shared folders?09:50
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THX-1138_ !<item> > <nick_name> - This channel is really starting to fly!09:50
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t9k565jshamash66: you can use Samba09:51
earthianyay there are some dead links in ubuntu help pages :(09:51
earthianinterested? :09:51
THX-1138_!es > clemen09:51
=== hsunda3 [n=hsunda3@is.cct.lsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:52
anon32yay, the ubuntu help tells people to transcode lossy formats09:52
earthianhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems <--- two first links does not have a corresponding page09:52
odyssevsSuper_Cat_Frog, is the extension .htm not the standard for html pages?09:52
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hsunda3What package do I need to download in order to get the kernel source, to start compiling my own kernel?09:52
=== anon32 goes to delete his win partition
jshamash66t9k565: I have Samba, i modified the workgroup section in the config file, but my XP computer still won't find my Ubuntu09:52
t9k565how may I use my Motorola SM56 modem with Ubuntu?09:52
=== sheki [n=sheki@p5487E26A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138_!hardware >  t9k56509:53
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto09:53
t9k565and if you just type \\x.x.x.x09:53
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t9k565where x.x.x.x is the Ubuntu machine IP?09:54
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t9k565thank you THX-1138 :)09:54
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mathiasJowi: soundcard shows up with everything (in sys / dev - audio,pcm,control...) but every alsa function call says "No such device". this worked a couple of hours ago in dapper.. i'll search for bugs in launchpad09:54
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hsunda3So .... is the kernel source for the Ubuntu kernel available through Synaptic?09:54
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Sivikhsunda3: yes09:54
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:54
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hsunda3Sivik: apparently not !source :) .. !kernel perhaps?09:55
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:55
anon32hsunda3: yes09:55
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jshamash66How can I get WinXP to find my Ubuntu shared folder, if I have Samba and I modified the workgroup section in the config file?09:55
hsunda3ah nice ...09:55
anon32be warned that compiling it will take ages09:56
simo1stormx2: unfortunately, gparted still doesnt pick up the partitons after reboot09:56
hsunda3anon32: oh don't worry about that.09:56
anon32unless you have some really tricked out folder09:56
Dr_willisjshamash66,  enable the linux users samba passwords with 'sudo smbpasswd -a LINUXUSERNAME'09:56
hsunda3anon32: wait. Can I compile a kernel on another machine and bring it over to my laptop?09:56
Chousukecompiling a kernel?09:56
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anon32jshamash66: first of all, is your shared folder on an ext3 file system?09:56
anon32XP can only read FATX and NTFS09:56
Dr_willisjshamash66,  also you may want to enable 'writeable'09:57
jshamash66anons2: how can I tell?09:57
Chousukeanon32: with samba it doesn't matter09:57
Dr_willisanon32,  for a samba share -- it dosent matter.09:57
hsunda3Chousuke: do you know whether I can compile the kernel on one machine and install it one another?09:57
Chousukehsunda3: it's possible.09:57
kaurHelp! after suspend or hibernation my laptop's fan keeps working... Solutions?09:57
anon32the way he said it, it seemed like the folder was on his local machine, sorry09:57
Chousukehsunda3: is your machine very slow, then?09:57
Dr_willisThat would be VERY VERY  limiting if it mattered09:57
mwtbI'm trying to install libqt3-mt-dev, but apt-get returns: "libqt3-mt-dev: Depends: libqt3-mt (= 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu3) but 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu6 is to be installed". Any ideas on how to get around this?09:57
Dr_willis:) ok. heh heh09:57
hsunda3Chousuke: so what should I keep in mind? I intend to follow the CustomKernelBuild wiki page.09:57
Chousukeit takes about 10 minutes to compile a kernel on a 1GHz machine09:58
hsunda3Chousuke: no..not very slow.... just that I have a much faster machine at school that I have access to that I rather use than my own laptop09:58
hsunda3Chousuke: that's all?09:58
Dr_willisjshamash66,  also if the windows machine has a hard time accessing/seeing the shares.. you may want to tell it the user name as the explixit share name..09:58
jshamash66Dr_Willis, what does adding a samba password do?09:58
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Dr_willisjshamash66,  lets your windows box get to the users home shares. no password = No access...09:58
hsunda3Chousuke: oh very well then :)09:59
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clearzenHow can I make programs I open with the terminal run after I close the terminal I used to open the program?09:59
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Chousukehsunda3: Just read the helps on all options and make sure you know what you need to have in your kernel.09:59
Dr_willisjshamash66,  also the home shares are 'read only' by default. edit the smb.conf to make them writeable09:59
Chousukehsunda3: compile root file system support in statically.09:59
ptyclearzen: application &09:59
=== mauper [n=mauper@dslb-082-083-203-093.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisjshamash66,  the book "using samba" is avilable online. and is a verry very worth while read.10:00
hsunda3Chousuke: indeed.. I am familiar with kernel compilation .. I wanted to add a feature to enhance iptables ...10:00
Chousukehsunda3: also, make sure you have a way to boot into the old kernel if something goes wrong.10:00
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jshamash66yeah, I already made them writeable. I just did the smbpasswd thing, I'm gonna see how that works10:00
clearzenpty: Do I just append that to the command to run the program when I open it?10:00
Chousukehsunda3: ah, okay, then :)10:00
hsunda3Chousuke: so I am going to use the ubuntu kernel itself..10:00
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jshamash66Thanks for the advice Dr_willis10:00
Dr_willisjshamash66,  you MIGHT need torestart the samba service.. Not sure if its needed or not.10:00
hsunda3Chousuke: and not a vanilla source... from kernel.og or somethng.. thanks for your suggestions !10:00
Chousukehsunda3: you could make a debian package out of the kernel10:01
Dr_willisjshamash66,  ive messed with samba for ages. :P10:01
Chousukehsunda3: with make-kpkg10:01
Chousukehsunda3: it's in the kernel-package package iirc.10:01
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ptyclearzen: yeah - so for example :  >gedit &10:01
hsunda3Chousuke: yes, I think I am going to do that.. with make--kpkg and fakeroot and all that..10:01
boinkthat's the debian way10:01
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clearzenpty: Thank you. That has been bugging me for a long time.10:02
bm0nkim trying to copy a .arm file to /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware as this tutorial on installing PrismFirmwares says.....but /usr/lib/hotplug doesn't even exist..... /cry10:02
hsunda3boink does UBuntu have its own way?10:02
boinkUbuntu is based on debian10:02
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ptyclearzen: no problem10:02
kitchebm0nk: you probably have to make it10:02
bm0nkkitche : may i pm you? :P10:02
kitchebm0nk if you wish :)10:02
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hsunda3yes... but there are so many ways in which Ubuntu has deviated ... so I was wondering whethey they have their own compilation mechanism :)10:02
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THX-1138_!channels is also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat By Desktop Type, Languge, Development Group.10:03
kitchehsunda3: most linux compilation mechanism is the same10:03
gnomefreakTHX-1138_: please you can stop trying to add factiods now10:04
hsunda3kitche yes... but I like doing it the debian way, since I get a nice .deb package in the end.. and dpkg --list shows it as well10:04
THX-1138_ - !gnomefreak is right10:04
kitchehsunda3: well ubuntu is pretty much the same for making packages it seems10:04
hsunda3kitche: yep... indeed looks to be that way ..10:05
mwebm0nk: I think hotplug was dropped in dapper10:05
bm0nkmwe : well that screws me even more...10:05
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bm0nkOnly been using ubuntu for a week and....i wont give up on trying to get this to work but10:05
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bm0nkthe amount of emotional stress this is giving me cant be good :P10:05
mwebm0nk: firmware belong in /lib/firmware I think10:05
kaurHelp! after suspend or hibernation my laptop's fan keeps working... Solutions?10:05
bm0nkmwe : ahhhh thanks10:05
njalum how do i get DVD's too play, some of the howto's just don't work10:05
mwebm0nk: np 10:06
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:06
kaurHelp! after suspend or hibernation my laptop's fan keeps working... Solutions?10:06
=== Skitzo1981 [n=james@pool-71-96-132-56.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
njalYes, i have libdvdcss10:06
boinkusing mplayer?10:06
mistraaldoes anyone get "Button Label|" on some buttons in settings manager in Xubuntu?10:06
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Skitzo1981how do i get to the desktop on the terminal?10:07
BenniHello everyone, got a little question ... it seems (!) to me that with kernel 2.6.15-27-386 my system crashes annoyingly often, whereas with 2.6.15-23-386 it doesn't. just quits its job, sysrq keys don't work, doesn't leave a trace in the syslog :-( any idea what to do?10:07
njalerm no, totem10:07
njalmplayer wasn't found in the repo's apparently10:07
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile10:07
THX-1138_Skitzo1989 "startx - once started CTRL+ALT+F710:07
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.10:07
Crescendo_Is there a version of Poser for Linux?10:07
=== degreseven [n=Bryan@c-71-227-220-4.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
njalyep universe and multiverse are both enabled10:08
njalit's the first thing i do10:08
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njali also got gxine installed10:09
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kauranyone using dapper with a laptop here?10:09
Skitzo1981THX-1138, where do i find that?10:09
Bennikaur: me10:09
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JowiBenni: use the kernel that has got the features you need and that is stable for you.10:10
kaurBenni: does your laptop fan ever stop after suspend or hibernation?10:10
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BenniJowi: sure, I've already been thinking of changing the default kernel in grub ... though I'm curious about the origin of the problem10:11
njalok sorry my problem seems to have magically gone away for now.10:11
kaurBenni: ??10:11
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njalI have a DVD here that does not want to mount10:11
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Bennikaur: don't have hibernation -- but after suspend it always looked just fine to me ...10:12
esherhow i can setup deny host for ssh login / shell users ?10:12
JowiBenni: got some issues with some specific kernel versions on my hardware as well. I install one, see if it is stable, switch if it is or remove it if it is not :)10:12
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noumaani can not type capital letters using shift key. i don't know what i did that caused this thing. or may be there is some key in my keyboard that restricts me from using shift key.10:12
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kaurBenni: could you check it again please?10:12
Jowiesher: /etc/hosts.deny10:12
BenniJowi: thanks, guess I'll stick with that ...10:12
noumaandoes any one has any idea what could possibly be wrong/10:12
Jowiesher: and /etc/hosts.allow of course10:13
kaurBenni: the fan of my laptop doesn't stop at all after suspend10:13
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eshersorry i mean specialy host for a shelluser, that can login10:13
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SB|nblracercan some one help to answer some of my questions10:13
Jowiesher: for example you can allow everyone to connect to ssh by adding this in /etc/hosts.allow "sshd: ALL" or limit it to your local network like this "sshd: 192.168.0."10:14
esherok thanks dude10:14
Jowiesher: same logic goes to the hosts.deny10:14
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Bennikaur: will suspend for a second10:15
SB|nblracerwhat is the difference between the server and desktop version10:15
njalhow do I go about mounting a dvd when 'mount /dev/cdrw /media/dvdrecorder' does not work?10:15
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kitcheSB|nblracer: one install a desktop and the other doesn't by default10:15
kjmSB|nblracer - server does not install X for one.10:15
Jowiesher: "man hosts.allow" for useful info10:15
THX-1138_!mount > njal10:15
SB|nblraceri would like a GUI/desktop, but i am installing it on server10:16
jshamash66Dr_willis: I did what you told me to before- I set up smbpasswd for my linux user name, but Windows still can't find me10:16
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SB|nblracerso should i go with the deskto version, or is there more "server" options in the server ISO10:17
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simo1THX-1138_: sudo fsck returns a warning that /dev/hda3 is mounted and could cause damage - should i continue?10:17
JowiSB|nblracer: the default install for server version is more lightweight. you can add GUI later on if you wish10:17
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njalthe mount command just hangs when I try to mount this one disk10:17
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pike_SB|nblracer: but you still have to apt-get the 'server apps'10:18
kitchesimo1: I wouldn't since that can damage your filesystem running fsck on a mounted disk10:18
njalit works on an ubuntu ppc laptop10:18
kjmsimo1 - if you want to risk damage . . .10:18
kaurBenni: ok10:18
njalyet does not work here, it's confusing10:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:18
kjmif it is not your / partition - unmount it first.10:18
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cifrawenas wenas10:18
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SB|nblracerone more question what is in the DVD version thats not in the Cd iSO10:19
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esachi i am trying to run beryl, i set it up and it ran great. now it starts up, i see the splash screen, and the windows decorations disappear, and then X just closes and it restarts gdm. any ideas ?10:19
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kitcheSB|nblracer: the dvd version just has more applications probably that it installs10:19
jshamash66can someone walk me through sharing folders with Samba? I've tried a million things, Windows still can't find me10:19
njalboth are unmounted10:19
SB|nblracerThanks kitche10:20
esacjshamash66: are you trying to do it by computer name? does it work by ip ?10:20
kitcheesac: are you using XGL or aiglx but probably get a better anwser in #ubuntu-xgl10:20
kjmjsamash66 - are your machines on the same workgroup?  First thing to check....10:20
esackitche: aiglx10:20
njalI think i keep mounting the wrong device, how do i find out what ubuntu refers to my dvdrw drive as?10:20
jshamash66kjm: ye10:20
THX-1138_<zzyber> THX-1138: lol............sometimes fiddeling around with internet suggestions it can be crazy10:20
Jowijshamash66: First of all, if you're behind a router, turn off software firewalls temporary to see if it's blocking your traffic.10:20
THX-1138_<zzyber> THX-1138: i removed the use_first_pass and saved the file10:20
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THX-1138_<zzyber> THX-1138: correct syntax in that file is auth    required        pam_unix.so nullok_secure10:20
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jshamash66Jowi: I already tried that, it's not10:21
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niklas_eis there any way to get XV (picture showing program) to get it though apt-get?10:21
kjmjshamash66 - can you post (pastebin) your smb.conf file?10:21
kjmniklas_e : apt-cache search xv10:21
g333k_workhi, I want to program in C# under linux, do I just need to install monodevelop? what about the compiler?10:21
Sivikg333k_work: install mono and mondevelop10:22
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kjmg33k_work - I think if you apt-get monodevelop, the compiler (mono) is one of the dependencies.10:22
Sivikg333k_work: sudo apt-get install mono and then sudo apt-get install monodevelop, it uses gtk# to compile10:22
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kjm^^ what Sivik said10:22
Sivikkjm: lol10:22
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g333k_workSivik, ok thanks10:22
Dr_willisjshamash66,  be sure windows firewalling dont have it blocked.. and tell the windows box the exact name of the share. does it even see the Samba Machine>10:22
odyssevsHow does one reload the logrotate daemon configs?10:22
Sivikg333k_work: yw10:22
optimusprime'sudo cp' does that mean to copy a file?10:22
Dr_willisjshamash66,  if it isent even seeing the machine. then you got some other issues to check out10:23
Sivikoptimusprime: yes10:23
kjmoptimusprime - yes10:23
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jshamash66kjm: # Samba config file created using SWAT10:23
jshamash66# from (
jshamash66# Date: 2006/09/29 19:14:5810:23
jshamash66[global] 10:23
jshamash66workgroup = RSWCA10:23
jshamash66wins support = no10:23
jshamash66[Download] 10:23
jshamash66path = /home/jake10:23
jshamash66comment = Download10:23
jshamash66available = yes10:23
jshamash66browseable = yes10:23
jshamash66public = yes10:23
jshamash66writable = no10:23
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kjm!pastebin > jshmash6610:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:23
jshamash66sorry heh10:23
optimusprimeso if I mess up I can always revert to that file10:23
Bennikaur: sorry, actually I don't know a lot about that ... found out that "acpi -V" displays some info, but not about my fans ...10:23
wrtpeepscan anyone tell me, if my wireles router uses WEP, is the WEP just on the wireless connections or will wired connectins need the WEP key too10:24
Dr_willisjshamash66, #1 - the user HOMES are normally set up to be shared.. no need to set up a "download" share like you got.10:24
kjmoptimusprime - yes.10:24
optimusprimeand everything will be back to normal10:24
jshamash66Dr_willis: no, it's not even seeing my machine10:24
pike_odyssevs: sudo dpkg-reconfigure logrotate maybe10:24
optimusprimeah ok needed to clarify that up...10:24
Dr_willisjshamash66,  check th samba logs.. and be sure your workgroups are correct.10:24
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Jowijshamash66: is the share set up ok? in /etc/smb.conf check "hosts allow", "workgroup", and you can try to add "force group = sambauser"  to your [share] 10:24
THX-1138_!wep  > wrtpeeps10:24
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kjmwrtpeeps - just wireless10:24
wrtpeepskjm: thanks10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about key - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:25
wrtpeepsthank you THX-1138_10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keybinds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:25
esacjshamash66: can you ping the linux machine from the windows machine by ip ?10:25
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Jowijshamash66: /etc/samba/smb.conf of course10:25
jshamash66Dr_willis: i changed my share folder to home, and my workgroup is correct\10:25
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Dr_willisjshamash66,  theres a special 'homes' share. You really dident need to change much of anything at all in that file. :)10:26
THX-1138_Dr_willis - is xev xmodmap sudo gconf-editor /apps/metacity  going to help with keybinds?10:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about twinview - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
Dr_willisTHX-1138,  no idea there. i dont use gnome much10:26
Dr_willistheacolyte,  google for twinview examples - ive found a lot of very well done gentoo docs on the topic.10:26
theacolyteYeah they all don't match my current situation, and I'm having trouble adapting them10:27
wikijeffI have a 1.5 Ghz 512 MB RAM Intel integrated graphics laptop, but I'm not able to run even the most basic 3d games. I know I don't have the optimal hardware, but shouldn't I be able to run simple 3d games with minimum graphics requirements at more than 1 fps? I tend to get between 0 and 1 fps right now.10:27
Dr_willistheacolyte,  it takes some tweaking and learning. :P10:27
jshamash66Dr_willis: so what exactly should I do now in that case?10:27
theacolytewikijeff: not really to be honest10:27
xav_wikijeff, you need to provide more infos10:27
Sivikwikijeff: its because you have not installed the 3d drivers for it10:27
theacolyteIf it's GMA, it's not going to do much10:27
xav_wikijeff, which 3d games ?10:27
Dr_willisjshamash66,  i advise reading through that USING SAMBA book and learn the system.. you may have an issue on the windows side.10:28
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theacolyteDr_willis: that's what I'm having problems with. Not sure how much time I'm willing to put into it though.10:28
jshamash66Jowi: what does the forceuser do?10:28
wikijeffxav_: even something simple like Slune doesn't run at more than 1 fps.10:28
xav_wikijeff, paste Xorg.0.log xorg.conf and LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo output somewhere10:28
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Dr_willisjshamash66,  could boot a live cd in the windows box - so you can use some decent network scanning tools to see what shares are seen10:28
jshamash66Dr_willis: ok, thanks a lot for your help10:28
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wikijeffSivik: how do I install the 3d drivers?10:28
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xav_wikijeff, you don't, it's already there10:28
Dr_willisjshamash66,  i find smb4k to be very handy for scanning th enetwork for shares.10:28
jshamash66Dr_willis: wll try10:29
collier_Is it possible to host stuff without unbuntu server edition???/10:29
xav_wikijeff, just do as I said and someone will maybe be able to help with more informations10:29
Dr_willisjshamash66,  not sure  of any similer windows scanner tools10:29
Dr_williscollier_,  of course10:29
theacolytecollier_: yes10:29
simo1fdisk /dev/hda says my partition table has been altered, "Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy. The kernel still uses the old table. Syncing disks. " I've rebooted but still returns the error.10:29
kjmcollier - yes.10:29
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Dr_willissimo1,  you mean you are rebooting and rerunning fdisk?10:29
kitchecollier_: just install the packages but it's hard to know what you want without you saying it really10:30
g333k_workHi, I'm usign pessulus to locking down the gnome desktop, Can I add more options?10:30
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collier_Whats the package called?10:30
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kjmcollier_ : What do you want to do?  Host stuff is pretty generic.10:30
Dr_williscollier_,  you were very VAGUE --  ' to host stuff '10:30
simo1Dr_willis: yes I rebooted and ran fdisk again - it returned the same error10:30
wikijeffxav_: Where can I find the Xorg log?10:30
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collier_well I just looking at this http://ispconfig.org/index.htm will that be good??10:30
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Dr_willissimo1,  dont run fdisk again.. :P or use fdisk -l to see what the drives look like10:30
xav_wikijeff, in /var/log10:31
theacolyteDr_willis: All I really want to do is disable my laptops LCD, and display on my external monitor... this is turning out to be a nightmare10:31
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xav_theacolyte, hm, so it's not dualhead, is it?10:31
kjmcollier_ : that lists a lot of stuff - what exactly are you trying to accomplish?10:31
theacolytexav_: not if I can help it10:31
WillEyedOneyanyone running xephem?10:31
xav_theacolyte, what?10:31
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collier_I want to just host some stuff10:31
xav_theacolyte, anyway, there could be a Clone mode10:32
kjmhost what and how?10:32
jshamash66Dr_willis: what will running smb4k do? (will it help?)10:32
theacolytexav_: My laptop doesn't work with a docking station, but I want to use my 24" fpw,10:32
collier_Just host files10:32
pike_collier_: ftp server? web server?10:32
simo1Dr_willis: fdisk -l returns my partitions, (which gparted doesnt recognize), it says partition table entries are not in disk order10:32
paquitosome one to talk... it the first time in here10:32
collier_web server10:32
xav_theacolyte, even if you are running dualhead, you can choose the screen where you do stuff btw10:32
kitchecollier_: sudo apt-get install apache10:33
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kjmcollier_ : apt-cache search apache10:33
wikijeffxav_: ok, http://pastebin.ca/19023110:33
xav_theacolyte, and it gives you more screen space10:33
kjmread it - then apt-get install apache10:33
Dr_willisjshamash66,  its a samba scanner/mounting tool .  let ya see what shares are on the network10:33
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buzzy0how can i delete the booter on my hd? i use the flopppy to boot my linux but it also appears a boot on hd10:33
Dr_willisjshamash66,  windows is sort of weirf how it scans the network.. ive seen windows ignore  a share for hours.. then it suddendly shows up10:34
theacolytexav_: Right, I run dual screen under Windows, I'm very familiar with it10:34
collier_Ok I did sudo apt-get install apache10:34
collier_Setting up apache (1.3.34-2) ...10:34
collier_dpkg: error processing apache (--configure):10:34
collier_ subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 110:34
collier_Errors were encountered while processing:10:34
collier_ apache10:34
collier_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:34
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:34
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Dr_willistheacolyte,  never messed with twinview on a laptop.  but i did similer thing with my desktop box.10:34
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buzzy0how can i delete the booter on my hd? i use the flopppy to boot my linux but it also appears a boot on hd10:34
buzzy0Kamping_Kaiser: can u help me?10:35
Dr_willisbuzzy0,  install a different boot loader.10:35
theacolyteEh, I guess I just have to try it10:35
Dr_willistheacolyte,  all i did was find that example from the gentoo wikis and tweak it.10:35
collier_I got this error dpkg: error processing apache (--configure):10:35
manmadhaany one tell in detail how to use eclipse?10:35
theacolytehttp://www.ublug.org/ubuntu/twinview/twinview-howto-breezy.html is what I'm using as a guide10:35
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xav_wikijeff, are you using dualhead too or something?10:35
Soekisancan some one recomend me a x windows irc client?10:36
collier_How do I open apache now?10:36
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pike_collier_: might be best to read help.ubuntu.com/community/apachemysqlphp as a starting place10:36
Soekisanim using xchat now10:36
wikijeffxav_: dualhead?10:36
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theacolyteSoekisan: I use Konversation10:36
xav_wikijeff, (--) I810(0): A non-CRT device is attached to pipe B.10:37
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Soekisanbut i dont really like it10:37
pike_collier_: once installed it will be running on bootup but you need to edit the config files etc10:37
Soekisanseems rather simple.10:37
xav_wikijeff, what is all this stuff at the end of the log10:37
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wikijeffi pasted the output from typing LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo in a terminal last10:38
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Jowijshamash66: have you tried just to do a "smbclient // -N" and see if you can connect on the linux machine?10:38
wikijeffxav_: i pasted the output from typing LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo in a terminal last10:38
collier_pike: I dont see help on that link10:38
tony_hello, How can i start and stop Apache2 ????10:38
xav_wikijeff, I saw that10:38
wikijeffxav_: k sorry10:39
xav_wikijeff, I'm just asking about the end of the Xorg log10:39
xav_wikijeff, is this a laptop?10:39
BastupungenIf I use DNSmasq, how can i check which ip's have been given to client?10:39
wikijeffxav_: yes10:39
xav_wikijeff, are you connecting other screens to it?10:39
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esac_hi, xorg-air is crashing on me .. xorg.log is http://rafb.net/paste/results/yLcSL697.html .. any ideas ?10:39
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wikijeffxav_: no10:40
tony_hello, How can i start and stop Apache2 ????10:40
xav_wikijeff, oh10:40
jshamash66Jowi: I just tried that, and it worked10:40
collier_nevermind I wont setup apache.. Is there a way to uninstall it now?10:40
simo1Dr_willis:   fdisk -l says partition table entries are not in disk order - is this the problem perhaps. Any idea how to fix it?10:40
Jowijshamash66: are you behind a router?10:40
Bennitony_: /etc/init.d/apache2 {start|stop|restart|reload}10:40
ptytony_: in a console type :    /etc/init.d/httpd stop10:40
jshamash66Jowi: yes10:40
pike_tony_: ls /etc/init.d/    and then sudo /etc/init.d/whatever start or stop or restart10:40
BastupungenI have a problem with IPtables, It stops working like a router, NAT, randomly. Anyone who has any ideas?10:41
hcjc92i have a usbdisk mounted, is there anyway for me to chmod it, (it's in /media/usbdisk and it doens't want to let me chmod /media/usbdisk it dones't give an error, it just doesn't change the permisions)10:41
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tony_thanks , i will give it a try now10:41
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collier_nevermind I wont setup apache.. Is there a way to uninstall it now?10:41
Jowijshamash66: can you ping the windows machine?10:41
jshamash66jowi: how can I tell?10:42
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hcjc92i feel so unloved :P10:42
Jowijshamash66: "ping -c 5 your.windows.machine.ip"10:42
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xav_wikijeff, the xorg log looks a bit messed up, it confused me10:43
collier_ Is there a way to uninstall it now?10:43
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xav_wikijeff, could you try other games, like ppracer10:43
niklas_eis there any cd cover and stuff you can download and print out for ubuntu?10:43
kmandlahello everybody!10:43
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wikijeffxav_: ok10:43
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LiraNunasomeone knows how i can disable xgl?10:44
xunubu200MB updates on edgy, good job guys!10:44
jshamash66Jowi: yes, it worked10:44
Jack_SparrowQuiet in here today...10:44
collier_nevermind I wont setup apache.. Is there a way to uninstall it now?10:44
xav_xunubu, huh?10:44
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xunubuxav_, huh?10:45
martinchoIs there any way to launch the ubuntu 6.06 live cd with serial mouse?10:45
xav_xunubu, care to explain how the size of update tell about the quality of the job?10:45
Jowijshamash66: what is the ipaddress space of your LAN? 192.168.0...?10:45
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tuskerniniHas anyone used Voipbuster in linux but not with ekiga?10:45
martinchoI don't have ps2 mouse and can't install10:46
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jnfdjdfjdhgji had the same problem10:46
xunubuxav_: work has quality and quantity. last one is good though. first one ... time will tell10:46
jshamash66Jowi: err.. is that the result of doing ipconfig on a Windows machine?10:46
xunubuit tells me to reboot10:46
CrippsFXhey, I'm running Dapper for amd64, with kernel 2.6.15-27-amd64-generic ... I have a beautiful 19" widescreen LCD sitting right beside my laptop, displaying at 768x1280, with an extended desktop on my ati card, I cannot, however, move my mouse onto that screen. Any ideas? It worked in 32 bit ubuntu ... but it may also have been the newer kernel ...10:47
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Jowijshamash66: doesn't matter on which machine you do it. they should all start with the same numbers10:47
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Jowijshamash66: "ifconfig" on linux or "ipconfig" on windows10:47
theacolyteCrippsFX: I can't help you with that part, but I have a 24" sitting next to my laptop that's completely blank, that I can't extend my desktop onto.... lol10:47
CrippsFX(BTW, this was set up using aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1)10:47
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CrippsFXtheacolyte, are you running 32 bit or 64 bit?10:48
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theacolyteand nvidia10:48
jshamash66Jowi: so then it's
LiraNunasomeone knows how i can disable xgl?10:48
simo1 fdisk -l  says partition table entries are not in disk order. Anyone know how to fix?10:48
wikijeffxav_:  actually ppracer works ok10:48
xav_LiraNuna, undo what you did to enable it?10:48
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xav_wikijeff, well, then either you're asking too much10:48
LiraNunaxav_, still doesn't work :*(10:48
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xav_wikijeff, or the game you are trying is broken10:48
Jowican you add "smbd: 192.168.2." (ends with a dot, do not add the last number for a specific machine) to /etc/hosts.allow just to see if that is the problem?10:48
LiraNunano 3D acc.10:48
wikijeffxav_: a little choppy, how can I tell what fps I'm getting?10:49
LiraNunai had it before i installed compiz10:49
ne1can anyone help me?10:49
xav_wikijeff, for ppracer, you can go in the options10:49
CrippsFXtheacolyte, with kernel 2.6.17-x-i386, i686, or x86, you should be able to run "aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1" and it should work ... it was working for me, until I reinstalled 64 bit.10:49
ne1how do i know if my video card is installed properly?10:49
wikijeffxav_: ok thanks, I'm probably just asking too much10:49
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CrippsFXtheacolyte, I'm also going to ask on off-topic question based on your nickname ... are you RC?10:49
xav_wikijeff, yep, integrated chips kinda suck10:49
pike_nexsan: what card?10:49
Dr_willisne1  - err.. it works? :P10:49
xav_wikijeff, switching to 16bit help though10:49
nexsanbut i need to run maya10:50
ptyLiraNuna: whats at the bottom of your /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom file ?10:50
kmandlaoops brb10:50
nexsanand default doesn't cut it with that prog...10:50
LiraNuna[server-Xgl] 10:50
LiraNunaremove it?10:50
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theacolyteCrippsFX: RC? No, if it's what I think you're asking, not exactly 100% sure on what RC is10:50
xav_wikijeff, and several bugs in xorg / mesa didn't help neither10:50
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marshallhey guys10:50
ptyLiraNuna: uh-huh :)10:50
CrippsFXtheacolyte, Roman Coatholic10:50
LiraNunathanks :)10:50
nanno_is it possible to have two pc's connected to sip on the same network (wan)?10:50
nexsani installed the nvidia-glx from the packages10:50
LiraNunaexactly what i was looking for10:50
nexsanwould that work?10:50
CrippsFXer ... Catholic even :P10:50
marshalldoes anybody know how to use usenet or easynews or anything like that for filesharing?10:50
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wikijeffxav_: yeah, I need a better computer though10:50
theacolyteCrippsFX: My family just rolled over in it's grave, Russian Orthodox :P10:50
Dr_willismarshall,  look for some newsgroup tutorials.10:51
jshamash66Jowi: should I just add that line at the bottom of the text file?10:51
CrippsFXtheacolyte, ahh ... my apologies. That's pretty cool too :)10:51
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theacolytehehe, no problem10:51
xav_wikijeff, only for gaming, no?10:51
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Dr_willismarshall,  check out the binary news downloaders also. I perfer pan myself.10:51
xav_wikijeff, that's bad :)10:51
=== LiraNuna [n=LiraNuna@IGLD-80-230-6-136.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
CrippsFXtheacolyte, wouldn't happen to be an acolyte either, would you? ;)10:51
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wikijeffxav_: getting a computer for gaming is bad?10:51
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sharjuCan anyone help me?10:51
LiraNunastill doesn't work :(10:51
LiraNunano 3D acc..10:51
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Dr_willisGames are for the weak10:52
mypapitoffline !!!!10:52
ptyyou sure XGL is still running ?10:52
xav_wikijeff, yes, gaming is :)10:52
drnickmarshall try this link for a good tutoeial http://www.slyck.com/ng.php10:52
theacolyteCrippsFX: I am an acolyte... an acolyte of a non-religious sort -- trying to figure out how to set up Twinview ;)10:52
jshamash66nope, still not finding it10:52
CrippsFXDr_willis, lol10:52
nexsanso no one knows if there is a way to check if the drivers were installed correctly for nvidia?10:52
wikijeffxav_: hah, i see10:52
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LiraNunapty, how do i check?10:52
CrippsFXtheacolyte, lol. :)10:52
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eigenlambdathe weirdest thing just happened to me10:52
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eigenlambda[eigenlambda@muon:~ -_-] $ apt-cache search eclipse10:52
eigenlambdaBus error10:52
ptyLiraNuna: top ?10:52
LiraNunapty, someone said that XGL is hogging my 3D10:52
drnicknexsan did you change your /etc/X11/xorg?10:52
eigenlambda...so i rebooted10:52
xav_wikijeff, well, mostly when you spend too much time on it10:52
eigenlambdaand it still does that10:52
Dr_willisnexsan,  try glxgears -showfps (or was it printfps) - look for the nvidia logo when it starts up. perhaps as well.10:52
tonwhy ubuntu have more users than debia and suse ?10:53
hikenboothello all --i would like to ping the entire subnet...only once for each host with no output except a list of hosts that reply any ideas how to do this?10:53
nexsanDr Willis10:53
Dr_willis!info eclipse10:53
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB10:53
eigenlambda*why* is apt-* bus error-ing?10:53
ptyLiraNuna: it may be the case but unless you're sure XGL is running it may not be the case10:53
jshamash66Jowi: it didn't do anything10:53
nexsani installed the default glx from the package10:53
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xav_ton, what makes you think that?10:53
wikijeffxav_: I just need some way to relax and have a little fun, it's tough just doing work all day10:53
LiraNunapty, i had 3D acc before i instaleld compiz10:53
=== quietFrank [n=chatzill@203-79-119-66.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdano... apt-cache search anything gets a bus error.  apt-get update gets a bus error.  apt-get install anything gets a bus error10:53
Crescendo_Is there a version of Poser for Linux?10:53
CrippsFXwoah ... surely linux-image-2.6.15-27-amd64-k8 isn't the latest ubuntu amd64 kernel .... is it?10:53
eigenlambdalol wtf10:53
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Crescendo_Or an alternative?10:53
Jowijshamash66: what do you mean? "grep workgroup /etc/samba/smb.conf" give you nothing?10:54
nexsangot this Dr Willis:  Warrning: unknown parameter: -showfps10:54
drnickcrippsFX you will get the latest if you use edgy10:54
nexsanXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:54
nexsanError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual10:54
xav_wikijeff, when you work with a computer, it's better to relax without a screen though10:54
ptyok - if you open the system monitor and look under processes with view set to 'all'10:54
tonbecause the channels irc are more people in ubuttu that others10:54
wikijeffxav_: I don't usually work with a computer, mostly paper and pencil or reading10:54
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kitcheCrescendo_: there is no alternative for poser that is free for linux10:54
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CrippsFXdrnick, well, I've got time and such invested in dapper right now, I can't afford to upgrade right now ....10:54
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marshallhi drnick10:55
drnickyeah if you dont go to edgy right now (its still not final) then you will not always get the latest kernel10:55
nexsani have no freaking idea how to do this...10:55
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jshamash66Jowi: oooh I see... well then, it told me workgroup=RSWCA10:55
marshalldrnick, thanks10:55
theacolyteIs MonitorHorizSync/Vert Refresh required, and if so, how can I easily find the values for say my 24" fp10:55
CrippsFXdrnick, dang.10:55
psycosehi all10:55
drnickno porblem marshll thats the one i used to get started10:55
Jowijshamash66: and that is the exact workgroup name of the windows machine?10:56
xav_theacolyte, it's required if ddc isn't working10:56
CrippsFXtheacolyte, that's more for CRTs, which would explode if you put in the wrong values :P10:56
theacolyteThat's what I thought10:56
xav_theacolyte, and you find these in the screen's manual10:56
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theacolyteThe manual I used as kindling the other day10:56
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Jowitheacolyte: HorizSync is not needed if you have a LCD monitor10:57
wikijeffWill there be any reason not to upgrade to Edgy Eft once it's final version is released?10:57
wrtpeepsmy internet settings are wrong, does someone know the command wher ei can change my gateway ip etc for a wired connection?10:58
xav_wikijeff, maybe if you have everything working fine in dapper10:58
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jshamash66Jowi: yes10:58
drnickwrtpeeps you on gnome or kde/10:58
Jowitheacolyte: set VertRefresh to 60 if you have an LCD (safe value)10:58
xav_wikijeff, and/or don't have time to upgrade10:58
theacolyteyeah did that10:58
kothzwrtpeeps: look in /etc/network/interfaces10:59
xav_Jowi, are you sure ?10:59
theacolytehere comes the X11 restart10:59
wikijeffxav_: well what's usually involved in upgrading? is it a time intensive process?10:59
theacolytetime to see a complete meltdown10:59
psycoseany good url related to the installation of Ubuntu on Sun Blade 150?10:59
Jowixav_: pretty much.10:59
wrtpeepsdrnick: command line only10:59
eigenlambdai see.  apt-cache gets a bus error from "0xb7e78ec9 in std::string::compare () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6"10:59
wrtpeepsits my server10:59
drnickwrtpeeps, did you specify a static, if so then look in the /etc/network/interfaces like mentioned10:59
xav_Jowi, my lcd screen manual had horiz and vert refresh value10:59
eigenlambdastd::string::compare fucked up.  lol.10:59
xav_Jowi, both in vga and dvi mode (and different values)10:59
eigenlambdatypical.  i h8 cpp10:59
Milleany keyboard keys I could push when a program hangs and i can't click anything (can move the mouse though)? been waiting for 5 mins now, nothing happens, heh11:00
Milleusing the live cd11:00
xav_wikijeff, it's generally cleaner to reinstall11:00
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Jowixav_: if I set HorizSync to the value written in my manual I get no image on my LCD :)11:00
drnickMille push ctrl+alt+f2 then run "top" of use "killall programname"11:00
wikijeffah, so I'd have to set everything up again from scratch?11:00
xav_wikijeff, so it involves backing up (which you should always do anyway :)), reinstalling, and reconfiguring stuff like you want them11:00
theacolytelol well11:00
Jowijshamash66: my bet is... hold your breath.... software firewall(s). if you have norton installed - uninstall it (disabling won't do you any good)11:00
theacolytethis is interesting11:01
xav_Jowi, ha :)11:01
nexsananyone know where i can find a comprehensible (newbie) guide to installing the latest nvidia driver?11:01
kitchepsycose: is that sparc or x86_64?11:01
Milledrnick, even that doesn't work xD11:01
kothz!nvidia nexsan11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia nexsan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:01
Milledrnick, no reaction from it pushing those buttons.11:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:01
kothz(er, there, nexsan :)11:01
psycosekitche, oops sorry sparc11:01
Millei guess i have to reboot11:01
Jowixav_: and all LCDs is compatible with 60 vertrefresh as far as I have seen11:01
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theacolyteso when I switch over to a console window, it goes to my LCD (ctrl-alt-f1), but X goes right to the laptop screen11:01
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kitchepsycose: ubuntu doesn't have a sparc version11:01
drnickmille hmm you could try alt=f4 , can you run other progrmams in the meantime?11:01
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theacolyteI've never seen an LCD that did more or less than 60hz11:01
jshamash66Jowi: I'm using ZoneAlarm security suite- should I uninstall it?11:02
xav_Jowi, I think some are running at 75 or something, but I'm not sure11:02
Milledrnick, nope. can click anything. it doesnt responde to the actions.11:02
kothzMy LCD will swing up to 7511:02
xav_see :)11:02
jkku3Mac OS X, the Ubuntu version11:02
psycosekitche, SPARC server install CD http://ftp.wayne.edu/linux_distributions/ubuntu/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-server-sparc.iso11:02
theacolytebrb, closing out X and trying my twinview implementation11:02
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Jowijshamash66: should be enough if you deactivate ZoneAlarm. it is a quite resonable program.11:02
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kothzI'm feeling the pull of Guinness.  Methinks it time to go home11:03
wrtpeepsdrnick: i did set a static11:03
kaiHi Leute! wei jemand wie man diese schwarzen rahmen beim minimieren von fenstern ausblenden kann?11:03
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kitchepsycose: well didn't look at the server install but you should be able to boot from the cd and install or doesn't it work?11:03
wrtpeepsdrnick: it aint working though, so i think another setting is wrong11:03
drnickMille the only thing left to try I guess would be restart, if you have a program that freezes and you can get into a terminal then you can use the killall command to force quit it11:03
jshamash66Jowi: it's strange, because with ZoneAlarm enabled, my XP computer can find other XP computers. Doesn't that mean it should be able to find my Ubuntu computer as well?11:03
wrtpeepsdrnick: this is a wired connection on my wireles router11:03
Jowixav_: yeah, mine support it as well. but 60 is safe for it11:03
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theunruled=D I got my NTFS to run11:03
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drnickwrtpeeps did you set the static in the  /etc/nwtwork/interfaces file?11:03
SpudDoggDoes anyone know the name of the program I have to install to watch Windows media videos online?11:03
jkku3is it possible to write to NTFS now?11:03
kitchejshamash66: Don't think Windows machines can see linux automatically11:04
AnderAny way to install xgl on ubuntu dapper??11:04
Jowijshamash66: try it and you will know.11:04
Milledrnick, i see. what does 'killall' actually mean? can't kill all apps, can it? just those that's not responding maybe?11:04
psycosekitche, lol yes there are lot's of way to install it but i'm looking for some user experiences ...11:04
kaihey guys! does anybody know how to disable this black borders, which are drawed while minimizing a window#?11:04
CrippsFXjkku3, possible, but still not recommended11:04
jshamash66Jowi: ok, thanks for all the help11:04
wrtpeepsdrnick: i set it during install and just verified in that file11:04
xav_Mille, some commands are quite badly named11:04
drnickmillie you would use "killall gaim" for example to kill gaim, you have to specift the name of the app11:04
Jowinp jshamash6611:04
Ander<SpudDogg> try vlc or mplayer11:04
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Millexav_, so what does it do? xD11:04
kitchepsycose: probably no one has that experience here at least on a sparc11:04
xav_Mille, and kill doesn't kill neither, it sends signal (so in particular, it can send kill one)11:05
xav_Mille, and it does what drnick said11:05
psycosekitche, well how do you know ?11:05
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kaihey guys! does anybody know how to disable this black borders, which are drawed while minimizing a window#?11:05
aLPHa_LeaK n811:05
drnickwrtpeeps does that file contain 3 lines called address, netmask, and gateway?11:05
Millexav_, oh i missed that. didn't highlight me. thanks for the explanation.11:05
kitchepsycose: sicne the server install has it's own channel #ubuntu-server11:05
glutanyone knows if 2.6.18 is about to be a part of edgy (or whatever else) ? need it to install ubuntu on G965 chipset. installer finds no disk/cdrom on 2.6.17-1011:06
Milledrnick, I understand. Thank you. :-)11:06
wrtpeepsdrnick: yep11:06
psycosekitche, oh thanks11:06
kitchepsycose: in there they might have more experience with a sparc system11:06
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xav_glut, no it doesn't11:06
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wrtpeepsaddress: ; netmask: ; gateway:
wrtpeepsdrnick: ^^11:06
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wrtpeepsthe ; is a newline11:07
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xav_glut, but the 2.6.17 version used isn't actually 2.6.17 . it's heavily patched11:07
drnickwrtpeeps try running "sudo ifdown eth0" then "sudo ifup eth0" that will disable the network card and reenable it, it may give you a error message11:07
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w30nexsan, use Synaptic package manager and install nvidia-gxl and nvidia-kernel-common (and nvidia-xconfig to help you configure your xorg.config file)11:07
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glutxav_: whatever it is, it doesn't run on G96511:07
xav_glut, other people may have similar problems, just search11:07
xav_glut, on launchpad, and on ubuntu forums too maybe11:08
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glutxav_: found only debian hints, but I could have missed stuff11:08
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v3rt3xanyone know how to blacklist a module from being loaded?11:08
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kitche!blacklist > v3rt3x11:08
v3rt3xyeah, keep a module from being loaded11:08
CaptainMorganwhat's the reason why a laptops' trackpoint is significantly slower than a mouse? if you set one, the other is off track and vice versa11:09
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wrtpeepsdrnick: no luck11:09
drnickadd the module name to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:09
kitchev3rt3x that should help you what ubotu sent you11:09
wrtpeepsdrnick: no change, but no error11:09
v3rt3xbots rick11:09
keleusHello everyone... trying to do something wierd:11:09
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wrtpeepsdrnick: although11:09
wrtpeepsdrnick: my router logs11:09
drnickwrtpeeps I assume that : after gateway isnt actually in the file?11:09
wrtpeepsdrnick: show defragmentation errors11:09
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wrtpeepsdrnick: no it aint11:10
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nightripehas anyone install ubuntu 6.06 on raid 0 with sata system ???? and ready ?11:10
keleusi have a samba server configured and set up, and i want to connect to it through an SSH tunnel from a windows box. I can make putty do the forwarding, but does anyone know how to get windows to look at a port other than 139/445 for samba stuff? (i cant have putty listen on 139/445 as a non admin, and windows already uses those ports)11:10
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nightripei can't install ubuntu on my computer and windows no too11:10
drnickwrtpeeps not sure what exactly  would cause defrag errors, never heard of them before. Hs the internet ever worked on that setup?11:10
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tony_why do i get this message when i use gksudo ?11:11
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nightripecan anyone help me for installing ubuntu 6.06 on my computer plz ??11:11
tony_(nautilus:7379): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:11:11
tony_Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.11:11
theacolyteWell that didn't work11:11
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theacolyteDo I have to define the other monitor in xorg.conf for the 2nd monitor to work, everything I'm reading indicates that I don't -- I think you do11:11
WulongIs it stupid to start from a server install to build my desktop?11:11
v3rt3xWulong: yes11:12
kitcheWulong: no not really11:12
nightripeno people can help me ?? :((((11:12
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motinI am mounting my ext2 partitions from windows - which currently makes it impossible to boot the windows partition in vmware. Is there any way to bind the ext2-mounts to the "native" machine hardware profile I made and have it not load in the "virtual" profile? it is rather necessary to not risk corrupt data...11:12
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Anderif you are an advanced user11:12
pike_Wulong: no if you dont want all those other packages its the thing to do11:12
v3rt3xnightripe: ask a specific question and you might get an answer11:12
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wrtpeepsdrnick: i cant seem to find where to view the net settings for this computer11:12
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wrtpeepsdrnick: this one is connected wirelessly though11:13
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WulongAnder: Beyond11:13
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drnickwrtpeeps you can run ifconfig wth0 to see the setup11:13
nightripev3rt3x:  ok, i can't install ubuntu on my computer : p4p800 with 1x ide 160 GO hdd 2X 160 GO sata (raid 0 configured in bios) how can i install it ?11:13
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wrtpeepsdrnick: this computer is windows11:13
wrtpeepsdrnick: :P11:13
Anderwulong:use apt-get11:13
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nightripev3rt3x: i can see 3 partitions on my computer11:14
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v3rt3xnightripe: first of all, you are not going to be able to use sata fakeraid on linux11:14
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v3rt3xnightripe: turn raid off in the bios11:14
john__i'm screwed11:15
drnickwrtpeeps oh your in windows now? then try start-run then "cmd" then "ipconfig /all"11:15
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nightripe1xide master hda      1xsda scsi 1   (0,0,0)sda 163GO  1xsda scsci 2 (0,0,0)sda 163 GO11:15
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wrtpeepsdrnick: oh cheers11:15
john__i need help big time11:15
WulongAnder: I will, done this before, 100 times, atlest (on other distros)11:15
v3rt3xnightripe: put the cd in, pick your disk and go11:15
nightripev3rt3x: ok  ...i'm going to turn off raid system.....11:15
maccam94i've got 2 sound cards, a pci x-fi and onboard sis 7012 (intel8x0). i'm unable to get any sound, even though the drivers are loaded. help?11:15
john__i have no X11:15
v3rt3xmaccam94: check the mixer settins11:15
maccam94(i'm trying to get the sis to work btw)11:15
Anderwell ,11:15
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noumaanmy keyboards both shift keys are not working for unknown reasons. may be my keyboard has expired. so i want to know how could i assign the role of shift key to someother key11:16
maccam94v3rt3x: what are things that should most definitely be set a certain way? the volume for everything is maxed11:16
nightripev3rt3x:  but, can i install ubuntu on 1 sata disk ?11:16
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john__X wont load11:16
Dr_willismaccam94,  the x-fi  is creatives newest card aint it?11:16
wrtpeepsdrnick: my settings in widnows are the same s the linux box except for a different ip11:16
v3rt3xnightripe: yes, just specify during installation11:16
john__i can't even use the 'vesa' driver11:16
john__what the heck is going on?11:16
Anderwulong: sorry, but i am not a native english speaker :P  , but ill try to understand you11:16
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kitchejohn_: what does X say?11:16
linuxactivistmaccam94:  double click on the speaker icon in the upper right.  Choose File --> Change Device and make sure you have the right device chosen.11:17
drnickwrtpeeps that is odd, you cant ping your gateway in linux?11:17
pike_john__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  didnt work?11:17
v3rt3xmaccam94: indeed11:17
nightripev3rt3x: ok i m going to see that11:17
john__pike_ nope11:17
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john__see i'm running edgy11:17
maccam94linuxactivist: all that's available is the sis, the x-fi is unsupported and unconfigured. all i can choose is oss or alsa11:17
john__plus beta nvidia drivers11:17
pike_been playing with xgl?11:17
mikefooI connect to server A via ssh, I transfer from server A to server B, I disconnect my ssh seession from server A. Will my transfer still keep going?11:17
john__and dist-upgrade messed up X11:17
john__pike_ of course11:17
john__pike_ actually beryl11:18
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boinkmikefoo: no11:18
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kitchejohn__: you using xgl or aiglx since beryl just sits on top of them11:18
wrtpeepsdrnick: nope :(11:18
Anderberyl is a fork of xgl ????11:18
wrtpeepsdrnick: ping = dest unreachable11:18
john__kitche it shouldn't matter11:18
john__Ander yes11:18
mikefooboink: what do I need to do then?11:18
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wrtpeepsdrnick: my router uses wep11:19
john__X should start regardless11:19
john__it's the driver11:19
wrtpeepsdrnick: but ive been told thats only for the wireless conecctions11:19
JordanBI need to remove Kubuntu-desktop and Ubuntu-Desktop completely, then reinstall Ubuntu-desktop from my Ubuntu server.  What apt- commands would I use for that?11:19
seringenmikefoo: use screen or something on server b to keep the connection live11:19
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Anderok , let`s see the changelog11:19
drnickwrtpeeps wep shouldnt matter for wired connections, are you sure the cord is good, does your network card light up, along with the corresponding roupter light?11:19
kitchejohm_: well xgl has nothing to do with X anyways so if you have that installed it's probably an xgl issue11:19
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john__kitche xgl isn't beefing11:19
pike_JordanB: tar zcfv homedir.tar.gz $HOME and then reinstall ;p11:19
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wrtpeepsdrnick: yep11:20
wrtpeepsthing is11:20
john__it's an API mismatch11:20
nightripev3rt3x: when i turn off raid system..i can boot on my cd......11:20
wrtpeepsit doesnt show in my router list anyway11:20
Anderit will run on smoothly on my nvidia geforce 2mx ????11:20
linuxactivistmaccam94:  Choose alsa.  Then go to System --> Preferences --> Sound and make sure that ESD is selected and that your default sound card is correct (matches the Volume Control dialog).11:20
wrtpeepsi mean11:20
wrtpeepsthe client isnt listed in the router as being connected to it11:20
kitchejohn_: oh probably due to mesalibs then talks about DRI correct11:20
matt8806suomihi guys and gals;     i'm looking for TELEWELL TW-EA200 ADSL modem drivers and configuration for ubuntu (gnome). Telewell is a Finnish company!!11:20
nightripeata1: translated ata stat/err 0x51/40 to scsi SK /ASC/ASCQ etc.....11:20
john__kernel module doesn't match the X module11:20
nightripethe text is in loop11:20
john__why it needs to load a kernel module is beyond me11:21
nightripeand can't boot on cd...11:21
drnickyeah I understand what you mean with the client list, I usually dont trust it though. Mine seems to update very slow11:21
wrtpeepsdrnick: mine too11:21
v3rt3xnightripe: doesn't sound good11:21
wrtpeepsbut mine is usally fast at pciking up new conections11:21
maccam94linuxactivist: that's what it's set as11:21
wrtpeepsbut it is really slow at dropping old ones11:21
nightripev3rt3x:  but if i configure bios to start with IDE hdd    is booting......but i dont want to IDE is the master :-(11:21
wrtpeepsit still lists connections that have disconnected over a motnh ago11:21
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john__the only solution I can think of is removing the blasted beta driver11:21
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JordanBThanks for nothing Pike...  Anyone have suggestions for me?11:22
v3rt3xnightripe: that is a secondary issue. you need to focus on your cdrom issue11:22
john__but that's hard as hell with command line11:22
drnickwrtpeeps do you have a  ubuntu forum account?11:22
wrtpeepsdrnick: yep11:22
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-214-7-137.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
nightripeneed to change cd-rom driver in bios ?11:22
pike_JordanB: its going to be a pain if its anything like hoary its not worth it11:22
drnickmay be worth searching it or posting it up thier, others may have better ideas of things to check11:23
CaptainMorganwhat's the reason why a laptops' trackpoint is significantly slower than a mouse? if you set one, the other is off track and vice versa11:23
matt8806suomiLooking for TELEWELL TW-EA200 ADSL modem drivers and configuration for ubuntu (gnome). Telewell is a Finnish company!! Can anybody help me please?11:23
wrtpeepsdrnick: thanks for your help11:23
drnickno poblem , hope you get it working11:23
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Rozabelawho fancies helping me??11:23
[GuS] people, some knows an app. to take snapshots (or record) from a webcam and upload to ftp? (other than camstream)?11:24
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linuxactivistRozabela: What's the problem?11:24
eigenlambdaapt is crashing in std::string::compare in debPackagesIndex::FindInCache11:24
JordanBPike:  Is there a way to force apt-get to reinstall the package even though I already have the latest?11:24
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Rozabelatrying to install 5.10, and it's failing at install base system11:24
pike_JordanB: the metapackage? like ubuntu-desktop or just a real package?11:24
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Rozabelalooked on all the forums, and nothing is helping11:25
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kitcheRozabela: is that hoary?11:25
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JordanBpike:  well metapackage would be great, but otherwise I just need to remove gnome and kde to the point where it will allow me to reinstall ubuntu-desktop11:25
britthow can i list available APs using some iwconfig tool11:25
Rozabelalinuxactivist: do you mind if we do private, all the text gets confusing?11:26
noumaanmy keyboards both shift keys are not working for unknown reasons. may be my keyboard has expired. so i want to know how could i assign the role of shift key to someother key11:26
linuxactivistWhy are you installing 5.10 instead of 6.06?11:26
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pike_JordanB: you can unistall a package that is very common for dependancy and it will remove alot of it not sure offhand what would be best11:26
linuxactivistRozabela: sure?  You invite.11:26
Rozabelaonly install i have11:26
brittRozabela: i would highly suggest getting 6.1011:27
JordanBpike:  thanks, so what are the primary packages in gnome and kde?11:27
drnickbritt read the man page for iwconfig, if i recall its iwconfig wlan0 scan11:27
Rozabelalinuxactivist: invited11:27
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pike_JordanB: sorry not really sure ive been using barebones installs for a while xfce and flux11:28
pike_i suck at desktop support anymore for ubuntu :)11:28
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JordanBpike:  I am heading in that direction.  I have been amazed at what I can still get done using only ubuntu-server.  I had a bug tracker up and running on the LAMP in 2 hours including format and install.  Thanks for the help.11:29
w30   pike_ Does xfce have drag and drop?11:29
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tophreI am looking for anyone who has a wireless laptop running edgy.  i have a question11:30
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tekian_Does anyone know the correct alsa driver to use with the Dell Inspiron 9400 (e1705)? I'm attempting to get a "Mono Master" slider on my alsa-mixer in order to control the subwoofer.11:31
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REALFLEOhi everybody11:32
matt8806suomitophre: what's the question11:32
Rozabelalinuxactivist: are messages working, my status window is saying they are blocked11:32
cpk2is it safe to get the 686 kernel image (yes I have an i686)11:32
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tophremy wireless works but my connection icon on the panel is way too long11:33
fyrestrtrcpk2: yes11:33
REALFLEOwhat is the command to know information abou the release version on my ubuntu server11:33
psycoseAnyone has any experience about Ubuntu server on Sun blade 150/Sparc ?11:33
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Dr_williscpk2,  of course.. :P sort of useless to have it  if it wasent safe. :P11:33
cpk2fyrestrtr: nothing should break correct?11:33
fyrestrtrREALFLEO: lsb_release -a11:33
Dr_willisusing the 686 kernel right now11:34
cpk2well i suppose, but I guess the question is more to make sure nothing should break when i upgrade to 68611:34
REALFLEObash: lsb_release: command not found11:34
fyrestrtrcpk2: it shouldn't. Some people have reported issues with wifi. Remember that if you have any binary drivers (like drivers for your video card) you will need to fetch new headers and re-install them against the new kernel's files.11:34
pike_REALFLEO: cat /etc/*release will work on alot of systems11:34
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ukplumHi everyone, i have searched the faq, forums, guides etc but i am unable to find information regarding my problem. I wish to install 6.0.6 from cd without booting into the xserver screen ( no gui ). can anyone help?11:34
fyrestrtrukplum: boot from the alternate install cd.11:35
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tekian_Does anyone know the correct alsa driver to use with the Dell Inspiron 9400 (e1705)? I'm attempting to get a "Mono Master" slider on my alsa-mixer in order to control the subwoofer.11:35
habeebHello, I cant watch .avi files :/11:35
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ukplumthankyou fyrestrtr11:35
Rozabelahas anyone else had problems with the 5.10 breezy?11:35
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tophrematt8806suomi:  is your connection icon on the panel longer than usual?11:35
REALFLEOit doesn't work the cat command11:35
trappistRozabela: most of us don't even remember breezy, but if you could be more specific, we might still be helpful11:36
JordanBcan I update to EdgyEft beta without using the GUI manager?11:36
fyrestrtrREALFLEO: what are you running?11:36
habeeb!avi > habeeb11:36
britthow can i list available APs using some iwconfig tool11:36
fyrestrtr!msgthebot > habeeb11:36
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britttried iwconfig eth1 scan11:36
brittand it didnt work11:36
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Rozabelatrappist: base install system failure11:36
brittand eth1 really IS my wireless card11:36
rixthHow can I get my color depth? I think it's 16 cause I'm seeing bad banding.11:36
fyrestrtrbritt: iwlist11:36
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REALFLEOthat's the thing I'm not sure, it was a hoary 5.10 and I tried to update11:37
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:37
Dr_willisJordanB,  i would advise against updating to edgy at this time.11:37
habeebI can see any other type of video, but I cant watch .avi... Why? :/11:37
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tophrematt8806suomi:  yes, it has a lot of extra space on the left and right of the signal level11:37
ruzgari there a website about xorg confuguration11:37
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fyrestrtrrixth: grep DefaultDepth /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:37
Dr_willishabeeb,  depends on the video codec the avi is using.. try other players, xine, vlc, mplayer11:37
habeebTried them all...11:37
habeebWell, not vlc11:37
habeebI'll try it, now11:37
fyrestrtrhabeeb: install the drivers from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:38
cesarhello everyone11:38
JordanBDr_willis:  thanks, I am just stuck.  I need to get Gnome reinstalled and I am just not sure where to start.  I thought updating might be easiest.11:38
Dr_willishabeeb,  its highly possible its some funky avi codec thats not supported11:38
cpk2hrmm kernel-image-2.4.27-2-686 isnt that a little old?11:38
rixthfyrestrtr, is there another way? I know what I have set in there but I'm unsure whether it is being applied11:38
habeebI see.11:38
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habeebOk thx11:38
brittiwlist what?11:38
Dr_willisJordanB,  you did good - if you managed to break gnome. :P11:38
brittjust iwlist11:38
fyrestrtrrixth: you can check the output of /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:38
REALFLEOwhat's the procedure when u update an old version11:38
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:38
rixthJordanB, just install Edgy? Some of the gnome improvments are excellent11:38
fyrestrtrbritt: iwlist yourinterface scanning11:38
REALFLEOlike going from hoary to dapper ?11:38
matt8806suomitophre: what is the name of the monitoring app?11:39
brittfailed to read scan data11:39
mikeconceptsDoes anyone have an explaination as to why vmplayer runs XP so fast under Ubuntu? It seems as fast as native XP to me.11:39
trappistREALFLEO: I'm not sure hoary to dapper is supported11:39
rixthREALFLEO, do _NOT_ apt-get upgrade to Edgy.11:39
brittthis gets more intresting now11:39
trappistmikeconcepts: it doesn't emulate anything.  there's no reason for it to be slow.11:39
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fyrestrtrmikeconcepts: because you haven't loaded any device drivers in it.11:39
trappistmikeconcepts: well it does emulate some stuff, but not the processor11:39
habeebI'm thinking of buying a completely unknown mp3 player from a local company, here. Its a product of the company, and you cant find it anywhere else. There is no way that there are drivers or anything for linux, but what are the chances that it will work on Ubuntu? :(11:39
tophrematt8806suomi:  its the standard network monitor that comes on the panel by default11:39
mikeconceptsI see11:39
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brittoh i see how it works11:40
Dr_willishabeeb,  if the company had ANY brains at all - the device will showup as a standard usb hard drive.11:40
JordanBrixth: can I install edgy from terminal?11:40
rixthhabeeb, does it require special software to put songs on, or does it just show up as a USB key11:40
REALFLEOcan update my system release after release ?11:40
mirakis it normalis it normal that I can't chroot from dapper into edgy ?11:40
noumaanmy keyboards both shift keys are not working for unknown reasons. may be my keyboard has expired. so i want to know how could i assign the role of shift key to someother key11:40
rixthJordanB, no way Jose.11:40
fyrestrtrhabeeb: if it will work as an external disk in Windows, it will work as an external disk in ubuntu.11:40
JordanBrixth, figures11:40
luke-Jr_workhabeeb: ask the company for the source for the drivers, and look and see if they are standard USB mass storage11:40
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fyrestrtrnoumaan: get a new keyboard.11:40
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habeebrixth: No idea. The info page, just shows some general specs, and a firmware upgrade link, nothing else. Seems like a garbage, but its cheap and it has some disk space, so I'm thinking of buying it.11:40
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davidmacintoshmirak: I've done it a number of times11:41
kupesoftWhat is the good new lenovo/ibm laptop that has complete ubuntu support?11:41
noumaanfyrestrtr,  but i cant buy one right now11:41
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trappistfyrestrtr: that's not really helpful11:41
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matt8806suomitophre: right click and hit about, tell me the name and version, please11:41
cpk2Dr_willis: for 686 the latest package the repos have is 2.4.27?11:41
rixthJordanB, the entire way Ubuntu starts was changed in Edgy (init). I apt-get upgraded, then my machine would not boot. After I sorted it out, I was told in #ubuntu+1 that this happens. It really should be in the topic in there.11:41
BlueLagunahow do I change the font DPI?11:41
noumaanfyrestrtr,  i need a temporary solution to continue wiork until i replace it11:41
fyrestrtrkupesoft: most have great support. Try the thinkwiki for more specifics. Try the new T6011:41
REALFLEOwhy that lsb_release command is not working on my system11:41
whitedethwhat is that fix for flash player sound not working?11:41
luke-Jr_workhabeeb: do they come with drivers, or does XP autodetect it?11:41
BlueLagunaMy fonts with this driver are huge11:41
Dr_willisnoumaan,  try the keyboard in the console, see if it works properly there..its odd that both shift keys would go bad.11:42
whitedethanyone know it?11:42
almimonihi every body, how can i stop downloading file with (Wget) that downloading on the background?11:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:42
habeebNo idea.11:42
=== GreenLantern [n=GoGet@c-69-245-173-57.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tophrematt8806suomi:  Network Monitor 2.12.011:42
JordanBWell, basically I need to remove and reinstall Gnome then.  Has anyone been through that process?11:42
rixthhabeeb, could you just say "Can I test this?", do you have a laptop? Or send an email asking if you need special software11:42
habeebNo idea luke-Jr_work11:42
Dr_willisalmimoni,  kill the proccess based on its PID.11:42
luke-Jr_workhabeeb: well without any information whatsoever, I doubt anyone can help11:42
rukuarticI'm looking to move into Eft, and do a complete reinstall. I'm planning to just copy my home directory to a safe spot and copy it back once the new version's in. Any tips?11:42
habeebluke-Jr_work: True. rixth I'll go tomorrow morning to check it out.11:42
rixthalmimoni, killall wget11:42
fyrestrtrrukuartic: expect it to break :)11:42
rukuarticfyrestrtr: I expected so.11:43
fyrestrtrrukuartic: more info at #ubuntu+111:43
rixthhabeeb, be sure to let me know how it does.11:43
luke-Jr_workhabeeb: get the company to include driver source code with your purchase11:43
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almimoniDr_willis: rixth: how can i pause it?11:43
GreenLanternIf anybody is available I need to know how to get my internet up and running in 6.0611:43
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rixthrukuartic, Edgy is pretty sweet at the moment. Only a couple gripes11:43
rukuarticfyrestrtr: Ever moved across distro versions with a fresh install?11:43
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fyrestrtrrukuartic: sure, plenty of times.11:43
Dr_willisalmimoni,  PAUSING is not the same as  Stoping. :P11:43
noumaanDr_willis both shift keys are not working in console either11:43
rukuarticrixth: whats your biggest gripe and biggest like?11:43
habeebThank you guys...11:43
rixthalmimoni, you can't. You've just got to hope whoever started the download started it with the -c switch.11:43
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rukuarticfyrestrtr: Got any tips?11:43
Dr_willisalmimoni,  wget can resume a download with the right options..11:43
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fyrestrtrrukuartic: /home on a separate partition works best.11:44
habeebfyrestrtr: There were no drivers for avi there.11:44
Dr_willisnoumaan,   interesting.11:44
BrunoUVhey .. Can someone tell me how to configure the ports for Azureus??? into the modem... Im use it in a network...   What numbers should i use for TCP and UDP??11:44
tophrematt8806suomi:  it is fine if i use a different icon set,  the default human theme has a bug maybe?11:44
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JordanBrukuartic:  I am running edgy from a fresh install at home.  I love it.  Found a bug in gnome, they patched it and released within 24 hours.11:44
habeebfyrestrtr: I was getting a "no video stream" error..11:44
fyrestrtrhabeeb: you need the w32codecs driver11:44
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habeebI have them. I'll redownload them.11:44
fyrestrtrhabeeb: sounds like a bad file then.11:44
almimonii use wget -r -b http://ww.....11:44
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rukuarticJordanB: Hur, not the biggest into bug patching etc ;P Just looking to make the fresh install easy11:44
rixthrukuartic, biggest gripe... boot takes 10 minutes if you have mdadm installed (another grip: the new boot screen is pretty, but all it is is the ubuntu logo and a progress bar, it doesnt tell you AT ALL what it is doing)11:44
=== Paool [n=paool@chello083144086173.chello.pl] has joined #ubuntu
BrunoUVhey .. Can someone tell me how to configure the ports for Azureus??? into the modem... Im use it in a network...   What numbers should i use for TCP and UDP??11:44
noumaani think that by changing some keys in us  layout in /etc/x11/xkb/symbols i can assign the shift role to someother key is this possible/11:44
fyrestrtrrixth: try hitting F211:44
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fyrestrtrBrunoUV: any ports that are open.11:45
matt8806suomiah right, that rules out the chance of it being the notification panel, which i have had problem with in the past11:45
REALFLEO<fyrestrtr>: Can I go update my system version after version like hoary to breezy and breezy to dapper ?11:45
JordanBrukuarti: just get the latest updates everyday.  Unless it is a development computer or a server it should be safe enough for messing with.  Bug reporting is built in.  Looks Great too!11:45
rixthBiggest like: the screen lock feature is much improved11:45
rixthThe new artwork is pretty sweet too11:45
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GreenLanternI need to know how to get my internet up and running in 6.06.  Anybody?11:45
fyrestrtrREALFLEO: if you upgrade now to Edgy from within dapper, it is a bit risky. Its best to do a clean install.11:45
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rixthOh, and "F-Spot" the new photo manager (replacing gthumb) I could go on and on but wont11:46
REALFLEO<fyrestrtr>: what sould I have done ?11:46
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fyrestrtrREALFLEO: back up /home and any config files (not necessary, but helps). Then just boot from the edgy livecd, and do manual partition, and mount /home separately.11:47
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GreenLanternI have a usb wireless card, and I don't even know if it's working.11:48
REALFLEO<fyrestrtr>: but I mean for that server I should have follow every version ... I guess11:48
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matt8806suomiwhen i click the logout button, it takes me to the login screen without displaying a screen asking option like: switch user, lock screen, logout, restart, suspend, hibernate, shutdown!! can anyone help??11:48
michaelAnyone know where the grub.conf is hidden?11:48
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rukuarticmichael: You don't mean menu.lst do you?11:49
michaelNo idea, I need to edit the default boot selectoin11:49
CaptainMorganwhat's the reason why a laptops' trackpoint is significantly slower than a mouse? if you set one, the other is off track and vice versa11:49
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rukuarticmichael: Yeah, thats menu.lst, /boot/grub11:49
kitchemichael there is no grub.conf its' menu.lst and is in /boot/grub11:49
michaelThank you.11:50
rukuarticmichael: No prob ^^11:50
GreenLanternHow do I know if my wireless device is working?11:50
rukuarticGreenLantern: You can connect to the internet? :P11:50
GreenLanternI can't, no.11:51
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rukuarticGreenLantern: Then its not working :O11:51
GreenLanternDo I need to configure my wireless device?11:51
rukuarticGreenLantern: try "lsusb" and looking for your wireless usb thing. Is it linksys?11:51
GreenLanternYes, it's linksys11:51
rukuarticGreenLantern: /msg me11:51
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Millelo ppl11:52
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Milleisnt it possible to move a ext3 partition?11:52
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rukuarticGreenLantern: Ok are you using ndiswrapper?11:52
judith_how can I make VLC handle yahoo video? Right now, Totem is the default and it cannot handle the content!11:52
GreenLanternI'm starting fresh here.  I read something about that, but I don't know what it is.11:53
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Millei got a primary ntfs partition, directly fter i my ubuntu partition. trying to move it using the live cd ... but its shadowed out in gparted11:53
rukuarticGreenLantern: Try "lsusb" and see what number it spits out for your wireless adapter11:53
GreenLanternWhere do I do that?11:54
trappistMille: not sure if that's supported with ntfs11:54
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rukuarticGreenLantern: Inside a terminal, open up gnome-terminal or something11:54
GreenLanternOk.  What do I do after that?11:54
Milletrappist, well, im not touching the ntfs...11:54
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Milletrappist, trying to move the ext3 directly after it.11:55
Milletrappist, just mentioned it incase it has anything to do with it.. but i dubt it.11:55
zmoI got a weird sound card problem11:55
=== porkpie [n=mark@cpc1-bsfd5-0-0-cust929.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== AgEnT-0016 [n=koli@] has joined #ubuntu
zmomy emu10k1 driver is loaded into the kernel, my sblive is shown in lspci11:55
AgEnT-0016how do i get the new ubuntu edgy????11:55
=== mike [n=Alakazam@cpe-24-160-127-9.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about egdy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
GreenLanternrukuartic: What do I do with the number that lsusb spits out?11:56
porkpieHi guy's can any one tell me when there will be a new release to fix the Dell 1950 problems ???11:56
zmobut /proc/asound/modules11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgy! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
zmoI got nothing11:56
rukuarticGreenLantern: Give it to me :P11:56
rukuarticit should be something like XXXX:XXXX11:56
=== whitynz [n=Whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
GreenLanternOk, be right back.11:56
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule11:56
=== Falchion [n=wolfrage@82-71-1-140.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
pike_AgEnT-0016: you have dapper right now?11:56
trappistzmo: what about /proc/asound/cards... and, you probably want the snd-emu10k1 module11:56
zmoit's getting mad about that11:56
=== Andrew67 [n=andrew67@] has joined #ubuntu
AgEnT-0016yes pike_11:57
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule11:57
=== atoponce [i=aaron@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xFC04088F] has joined #ubuntu
zmotrappist - snd_emu10k1           133476  1 snd_emu10k1_synth11:57
zmoin lsmod11:57
=== davidmacintosh [n=vibestri@fctnnbsc16w-156034238023.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
trappistzmo: and, what about /proc/asound/cards11:57
zmoand in cards I only got UART11:57
zmo1 [UART           ] : MPU-401 UART - MPU-401 UART11:57
pike_AgEnT-0016: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   once in gedit do a find and replace find dapper and replace with breezy save the changes the do sudo apt-get update and then sudo dist-upgrade and then pray11:57
zmoit's *pretty* weird11:57
porkpieDr_willis:will there be a version of dapper .....to fix the PERC 5/i and Broadcom issues on the Dell PE195011:57
trappistzmo: if you've been loading and unloading modules, your best bet is to reboot as a first step11:57
pike_AgEnT-0016: ach replace with edgy11:57
judith_how can I make VLC handle yahoo video? Right now, Totem is the default and it cannot handle the content!11:58
zmotrappist - done11:58
zmotrappist - I may have messed out modprobe.d11:58
zmothough I don't think I did anything harmful11:58
=== SB|nblracer [n=nblracer@] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisporkpie, no clue - ask in  on the edgy channel/check the edgy forums11:58
=== Justin_ [n=justin@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== avagant [n=skt@ip72-207-112-60.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== AgEnT-0016 [n=koli@] has joined #ubuntu
trappistzmo: ubuntu's very capable of dealing with an sblive! card, so unless you've messed up some kernel modules there's no reason it should be in lspci but not in /proc/asound/cards11:59
AgEnT-0016spike_ can you repeat it coz i got disconnected11:59
cpk2to upgrade my kernel to 686 do i want to apt-get linux-686 or linux-image-686 ?11:59
Dr_williscpk2,  install them both..11:59
pike_AgEnT-0016: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   once in gedit do a find and replace find dapper and replace with edgy save the changes the do sudo apt-get update and then sudo dist-upgrade and then pray11:59
zmotrappist - well, I had issues because I have 3 sound cards11:59
Milleshouldnt it be possible tom move the ext3 partition i installed ubuntu on? want to move it forward a bit11:59
Dr_williscpk2,  i think one insalls the other as well :P11:59
=== TLE [n=kenneth@] has joined #ubuntu
zmoone on USB, one in my motherboard, and the sblive11:59
=== physicsnick [n=physicsn@HSE-Ottawa-ppp239333.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== likewhoa54 [n=likewhoa@] has joined #ubuntu
physicsnickdumb question, how do i view my syslog?11:59
zmoand I wanted it to be first11:59
Milleim using my live cd and gparted right now, but the move-button is shadowed out12:00
pike_AgEnT-0016: let me try again the last command is sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:00
=== K|Ke [n=kike@pc-222-8-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
cpk2Dr_willis: ok so i suppose apt-get will take over and do the correct thing then if i get the metapackage =)12:00
trappistzmo: those issues can be worked with, but only if the cards are in /proc/asound/cards, which they should be unless you have an unsupported card or have messed with the loading of kernel modules12:00
zmoso I did change the modprobe.d files12:00
avagantOk, why is my "skt" file have like 1000 files in it?12:00
Dr_williscpk2,  i could of had the whole system installed in the time its taken you to worry about the 686 kernel. :P12:00
zmoto get the sblive before the other one12:00
Captain_RedbeardHmm... the ubuntu package from the reps for kxdocker doesn't seem to include any configuration-file at all the the program reports it and doesn't start... what to do?12:00
trappistzmo: to set a card as the default card, sudo asoundconf set-default-card [card name as given by asoundconf list] 12:01

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