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tony_ | ihave some nice ICONS in PNG format which i like to use to replace some KDE icons, is that possible | 12:17 |
tony_ | ? | 12:17 |
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cpk2 | tony_: i think that would be a "theme" i guess you could make your own theme, you can also get themes from kde-look.org | 12:19 |
tony_ | thanks.. will look around to see if i can find theme | 12:20 |
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Sanne_ | tony_: when you installed a theme, you can look how it's done, create your own, and just replace icons you need one by one. | 12:21 |
diezare | Guys, when I write apt-cache search linux smp no results come up, while when I used to use ubuntu i used to get results. any ideas? | 12:21 |
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cpk2 | try linux-smp | 12:21 |
cpk2 | or just smp | 12:21 |
diezare | no results from smp | 12:21 |
Sanne_ | tony_: they are installed in ~/.kde/share/icons/icon-theme-name | 12:21 |
[GuS] | octan, i used another method suggest by the author of spca5x, loading the driver in other way, and connecting the cams in diff. HCD | 12:21 |
[GuS] | now works very nice | 12:21 |
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[GuS] | now i camstream i have nbths cams | 12:22 |
tony_ | i see, thanks , will look for some interesting theme and take it from there | 12:22 |
[GuS] | boths* | 12:22 |
tony_ | can you tell me about COMPIZ | 12:22 |
tony_ | ? | 12:22 |
cpk2 | diezare: apt-cache search smp gives a manageable list | 12:22 |
diezare | cpk2: with me it doesn't. maybe there is something wrong in the repository? | 12:22 |
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cpk2 | diezare: maybe you need to apt-get update first | 12:23 |
diezare | oh! k i'll give it a try | 12:23 |
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steveire | tony_: What would you like to know about compiz? You've seen the name thrown around, and you're curious? | 12:27 |
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mabreaux | Has any one tried out 6.10 yet? | 12:32 |
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tony_ | yes.. all i found about compiz is a forum . i think it has something to do with desktop . | 12:35 |
ryanakca | mabreaux: I've been using it for the past 2-3 months | 12:35 |
tony_ | but i can not find much info | 12:35 |
mabreaux | ryanakca: how do you like it and how stable it is? | 12:37 |
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mariano | Hi, does anybody has a nice howto about installing beryl on kubuntu? | 12:39 |
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cl187 | my card sees networks but wont connect to any, anyone have some sujestions or a link for me to read | 12:43 |
flavioribeiro | how can i fix this exception; cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x33564D57 | 12:44 |
flavioribeiro | im trying to run a wmv file | 12:44 |
Skrot | !w32codecs | 12:44 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:44 |
Skrot | Probably | 12:44 |
Skrot | Do the part about w32codecs | 12:44 |
flavioribeiro | ok Skrot | 12:44 |
cpk2 | smp preempt mean smp is off? | 12:46 |
flavioribeiro | The Windows Codecs package cannot be used directly by the AMD64 distribution. Some people solve this problem by installing the i386 Ubuntu distribution inside a chroot (for example, Linux Vserver or [WWW] dchroot), and this works very well. | 12:46 |
flavioribeiro | sux | 12:46 |
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steveire | tony_: Yes, documentation for compiz is not much and tutorials don't tell you why you might want to install it. Here's why: It gives you nifty 3d features on your desktop. For one thing, your desktops are placed on a cube which you can rotate, and windows are wobbly, and there's genuinely useful window management techniques in it too. | 12:47 |
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steveire | google youtube compiz and see some videos of it in action | 12:48 |
tony_ | Thanks | 12:49 |
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ryanakca | mabreaux: I like it... I find it stable enough for my needs... | 12:53 |
ryanakca | It's crashed once or twice when running a gl app, but that's because of a miss configured graphiques card | 12:53 |
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Admiral_Chicago | mabreaux, i have tried 6.10 | 12:54 |
tony_ | i copied a folder with files in /var/www/ and i need to set permission to 777 , how can i do that ? | 12:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'm on it now and its great | 12:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | !beryl | 12:55 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You. | 12:55 |
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Admiral_Chicago | tony_, check out chmod | 12:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | its a command, you might want to see the man page | 12:55 |
tony_ | ok , sorry,it seems that folder has the permission . but i get odd problme | 12:56 |
cpk2 | everytime i log into kde the desktop wizard or whatever starts up like its my first time logging into kde, any way to stop it from doing this? | 12:56 |
steveire | tony_: Are you already running a server? | 12:56 |
Chm0d | ok guys i just did a fresh install of ubuntu, did my updates, and installed kde so now i have kubuntu. I went to install xgl/compiz and deb comes up as command not found? | 12:56 |
tony_ | im running Desktop, installed APACHE2, PHP5, MYSQL , | 12:57 |
tony_ | need to run Oscommerce | 12:57 |
tony_ | oscommerce works, but during db installation , page only loads halfway | 12:57 |
cpk2 | Chm0d: there is a compiz repo... | 12:58 |
cpk2 | !info compiz | 12:58 |
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ubotu | compiz: OpenGL composition manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.2-4ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 125 kB, installed size 424 kB | 12:58 |
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Chm0d | whats the diff using that than doing the tutorials? | 12:59 |
Admiral_Chicago | Chm0d,#ubuntu-xgl | 01:00 |
Chm0d | im there | 01:00 |
Admiral_Chicago | tony_, i have no idea about networking at all | 01:00 |
tony_ | is cool, thanks :) | 01:01 |
tony_ | Admiral_Chicago thanks | 01:01 |
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ftrox | hlo | 01:03 |
Admiral_Chicago | ftrox, hello | 01:03 |
ftrox | helo | 01:03 |
ftrox | ho are you | 01:04 |
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ftrox | where do you live | 01:04 |
ftrox | someone has a msn | 01:04 |
ftrox | someone has a msn | 01:05 |
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ftrox | someone here | 01:05 |
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ftrox | a | 01:05 |
ftrox | a | 01:05 |
ftrox | a | 01:05 |
ftrox | helo | 01:05 |
ftrox | talk | 01:05 |
dmarkey | i am | 01:05 |
ftrox | do you have a msn | 01:06 |
tony_ | to get CHMOD 777 on a file , do i have to check all the boxex including spcial | 01:06 |
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tony_ | disregard | 01:06 |
ftrox | what | 01:06 |
ftrox | someone speak french | 01:06 |
steveire | !fr | 01:06 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 01:06 |
dmarkey | does anyone know how to get the rate of which a NIC is operating at via the command line? | 01:06 |
ftrox | ok | 01:06 |
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Lord_Sandman | ahem | 01:07 |
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axiom | This ever happen to you? I am trying to arrange the quick launch icons on my kicker, and it won't let me | 01:08 |
Lord_Sandman | *touss touss* | 01:08 |
Lord_Sandman | eww, wrong channel it seem ^^v | 01:08 |
axiom | Every time I get them almost right, the jump further away from the k-menu (!?) | 01:09 |
axiom | (they jump) | 01:09 |
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Lord_Sandman | ok | 01:10 |
Lord_Sandman | seem like it's the chan after all ^^ | 01:10 |
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axiom | Is there a way to rearange them without *dragging* and *dropping*. Cuz that is really not working for me right now. | 01:13 |
shadowraven | what is the command to update deep world on kubuntu? | 01:13 |
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cpk2 | i got the 686 kernel but cant tell how to double check that it isnt using SMP | 01:22 |
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Lord_Sandman | ehm | 01:23 |
dega95 | hi | 01:23 |
Lord_Sandman | is there anybody that's knowledgeable on the grubs matter ? | 01:23 |
dega95 | is there anybody to help me to install firefox | 01:24 |
dega95 | i'm a newbie | 01:24 |
dega95 | and it's very hard | 01:24 |
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Lord_Sandman | lol | 01:24 |
Lord_Sandman | me too | 01:24 |
dega95 | lol | 01:24 |
Lord_Sandman | I could help you to install this on windows but not linux | 01:24 |
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dega95 | lol on windows who can't?? | 01:25 |
dega95 | lol | 01:25 |
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Lord_Sandman | I'm just trying to install a kernel for amd K7 .. but heard that it would make a mess of the grub | 01:25 |
Admiral_Chicago | dega95, use adpet | 01:25 |
Lord_Sandman | and I need to keep access to my windows cession -_- | 01:25 |
Lord_Sandman | adpet ? or adept ? :) | 01:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | Adept | 01:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | sorry | 01:26 |
Lord_Sandman | ^^ | 01:26 |
Lord_Sandman | just joking | 01:26 |
dega95 | adept tells me that it doesnt found any pakages | 01:26 |
dega95 | doesnt find (sorry for english) | 01:26 |
Lord_Sandman | are you french ? | 01:26 |
dega95 | yes i'm | 01:26 |
Lord_Sandman | lol | 01:27 |
dega95 | lol and u? | 01:27 |
Lord_Sandman | french channel seem asleep | 01:27 |
Lord_Sandman | I came here for the same reason ^^ | 01:27 |
dega95 | u r french too? | 01:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | dega95, use command line. open konsole | 01:27 |
Lord_Sandman | yes, french, and nobody to help on kubuntu-fr :( | 01:27 |
dega95 | konsole opened | 01:27 |
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Admiral_Chicago | sudo apt-get install firefoj | 01:28 |
=== Lord_Sandman shut the f** up and let Admiral_Chicago explain | ||
Admiral_Chicago | firefox* | 01:28 |
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cpk2 | i got the 686 kernel but cant tell how to double check that it isnt using SMP? | 01:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | i speak french as well so you can talk in french to me, but my french isn't that good | 01:28 |
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Lord_Sandman | I have no pb with english .. don't know the other :) | 01:29 |
cpk2 | my room mate is french | 01:29 |
dega95 | adept doesn't work | 01:29 |
cpk2 | but that doesnt really help you guys does it? =P | 01:29 |
Lord_Sandman | but since it's an english channel, I suppose it's better to stick to english | 01:29 |
dega95 | it speaks about libness3 | 01:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | dega95, type that in konsole | 01:30 |
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shadowraven | what is the command to update deep world on kubuntu? | 01:30 |
Lord_Sandman | can you tell me if the fact of updating the kernel to a specific kernel for amd K7 will kick my windows boot sequence from the grub ? | 01:30 |
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dega95 | chicago i'm waiting for U | 01:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | dega95, did you type than in Konsole? | 01:31 |
Lord_Sandman | I can't lose this one, and if it disappear, I don't know how to regain it.. so I ask before trying the update | 01:31 |
dega95 | what ?? | 01:31 |
shadowraven | ok, its sudo apt-get update for those out there | 01:31 |
Lord_Sandman | (actually having a kernel x386 ) | 01:31 |
acesuares | !cd label | 01:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cd label - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:32 |
acesuares | hiya | 01:32 |
madewokherd | this probably doesn't belong here (I'm using ubuntu), but can someone help me switch from using firefox to konqueror? | 01:32 |
Admiral_Chicago | in konsole, the black screen with white text, type "sudo apt-get install firefox" | 01:32 |
acesuares | anyone know how to find cd label for kubuntu dapper drake ? | 01:32 |
madewokherd | or point me to a better place | 01:32 |
Admiral_Chicago | madewokherd, what about it do you want to do? | 01:32 |
Admiral_Chicago | acesuares, what do you mean | 01:32 |
madewokherd | mostly I want a bookmarks sidebar and caret browsing | 01:32 |
madewokherd | wikipedia indicates it has both of those but I can't figure out how to enable them | 01:33 |
acesuares | Admiral_Chicago: to print a label for my illegal copies of kubuntu :-) | 01:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | acesuares, i don't think there are any | 01:33 |
acesuares | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing ? | 01:34 |
mabreaux | any one know how to access the scanner features of a photosmart 3310 | 01:34 |
Lord_Sandman | found some while browsing google with "linux ubuntu" | 01:34 |
Lord_Sandman | search a bit it won't be hard to find acesuares | 01:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'm looking at a shit it and all it has is a blue background, kubuntu and the version | 01:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | madewokherd, i think thats part of KDE | 01:35 |
Lord_Sandman | I don't remember the url sorry (and it was french) but you may find some with google I'm sure | 01:35 |
acesuares | yep, terrible ! | 01:35 |
Lord_Sandman | Admiral_Chicago: you have any answer to my question by chance ? | 01:35 |
madewokherd | meaning I need other kde things to properly configure konqueror? | 01:35 |
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acesuares | Lord_Sandman: are you sure ? I mean, i couldn't find any after searchin, maybe you can ? | 01:36 |
dennister | howdy all | 01:37 |
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dennister | anyone know how to change file permissions for my resolv.conf file? I can't remember and can't find the command I used | 01:37 |
dennister | and chmod isn't working | 01:38 |
Lord_Sandman | sorry acesuares, i'm too tired to beggin search for somone .. especially when I don't find answer for my own question :-S | 01:38 |
Porkotron | dennister: Are you running chmod with root priviledges? | 01:39 |
dennister | yep | 01:39 |
dennister | the command was chretrr or something like that | 01:39 |
Porkotron | dennister: What error is chmod giving? | 01:39 |
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Dink | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing <--- try there for labels | 01:40 |
dennister | but because I can't spell it, can't find it; "operation not permitted" is what chmod is giving | 01:40 |
acesuares | Lord_Sandman: waht was your question again ? | 01:40 |
acesuares | Dink: tehy are awfull | 01:40 |
Lord_Sandman | I have a kernel x386 | 01:40 |
Dink | didnt say they were good :P | 01:40 |
acesuares | Dink: right :-) | 01:40 |
Porkotron | dennister: Exactly what operation are you trying to perform? | 01:40 |
Lord_Sandman | and to install my nvidia drivers it seem that it would be a good idea to change kernel to amd K7 | 01:40 |
acesuares | Lord_Sandman: ... becasue you HAVE an AMD K7, okay ? | 01:41 |
dennister | I need to edit it, but can't because I'd made it immutable with a forum command | 01:41 |
Lord_Sandman | but before doing so, I wanted to know about the grub changes, because I need to keep my windows launching option | 01:41 |
Lord_Sandman | and I read that it will erase the entry | 01:41 |
Lord_Sandman | (err the windows launching option) | 01:41 |
acesuares | Lord_Sandman if you install a new kernel it will be ADDED to the grub menu as far as I know. | 01:42 |
Lord_Sandman | so I wonder what to do, as I'm totally begining in linux | 01:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | Lord_Sandman, what question | 01:42 |
Porkotron | dennister: sudo chmod o+w | 01:42 |
Lord_Sandman | will add and not replace ? | 01:42 |
acesuares | Lord_Sandman: then you can boot and choose, and if somethings wronmg you can go back to the prev opersating system | 01:42 |
acesuares | Lord_Sandman yep | 01:42 |
Lord_Sandman | ok | 01:42 |
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Admiral_Chicago | i have no idea about kernel | 01:42 |
acesuares | ip you use apt-get or dselect or aptitude or synaptic or adept, it will just add it. | 01:43 |
Admiral_Chicago | s/kernel/kernels | 01:43 |
Lord_Sandman | I ask because it was wrote that it would change de grub | 01:43 |
Lord_Sandman | I will use adept | 01:43 |
acesuares | Lord_Sandman: maybe !? I don't know ! NORMALLY it is adding it. By the way you can save | 01:43 |
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Lord_Sandman | ok | 01:43 |
Lord_Sandman | well | 01:43 |
acesuares | /boot/grub/menu.lst and later put it back if you fear of erasing that file ! | 01:44 |
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dennister | Porkotron: still getting the operation not permitted error | 01:44 |
Lord_Sandman | if it don't work .. I will come back here to harass you all with questions :)) | 01:44 |
acesuares | Lord_Sandman: but no guarantees from me ! It's just what I have experienced !!! | 01:44 |
Lord_Sandman | ok acesuares, I will go make a save of the actual grub config then | 01:44 |
dennister | Lord_Sandman: it's pretty safe, just adding a new kernel first | 01:44 |
dennister | I was nervous, too | 01:45 |
Porkotron | dennister: I guess your problem is beyond me. Sorry. | 01:45 |
mabreaux | how do you access a scanner built in to a photosmart 3310 all in one? | 01:45 |
dennister | thnx anyway porotron | 01:45 |
Lord_Sandman | well then, thanks you | 01:45 |
dennister | u tried :-) | 01:45 |
Lord_Sandman | I will go and try | 01:45 |
Lord_Sandman | :) | 01:45 |
dennister | it's that obscure command I used and now can't find that's the problem | 01:45 |
dennister | cherette or chretrr or... | 01:46 |
dennister | how far back do the shell logs go? | 01:47 |
=== tuna_ [n=tuna@ip68-230-120-102.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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tuna_ | Hello | 01:47 |
dennister | hi tuna, do u know how far back the shell logs go? | 01:48 |
acesuares | dennister: look at the file .bash_history in your homedir | 01:48 |
dennister | thx ace! | 01:48 |
tuna_ | um... I'm as new as anyone else here is... | 01:48 |
acesuares | dennister: don't forget the dot in front, it's a hidden file... | 01:48 |
dennister | 'tis ok tuna...i won't ace | 01:48 |
jtholmes | aplay: device_list:222: no soundcards found just point me in the right direction for this | 01:48 |
jtholmes | i have ac97 all mods loaded | 01:49 |
tuna_ | hey, does anyone know if there are any drivers for an HP PSC 750? | 01:49 |
tuna_ | it must be able to work over a network | 01:49 |
tuna_ | like, a linksys network | 01:50 |
Lord_Sandman | ok | 01:50 |
Lord_Sandman | reboot time | 01:50 |
Lord_Sandman | kernel K7 installation done | 01:50 |
jtholmes | !sound | 01:50 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin | 01:50 |
dennister | chattr!!! | 01:50 |
Lord_Sandman | thank you all for your answers | 01:50 |
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acesuares | Lord_Sandman: congratulations, now you need to search for my CD label :-))))) | 01:50 |
dennister | then come back if u need help with the graphic drivers, Lord_Sandman | 01:51 |
MHazem | !bluetooth | 01:51 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 01:51 |
tuna_ | hey, does anyone know of a driver for an HP PSC 750 printer/scanner/copier? | 01:51 |
tuna_ | *that can work over a linksys network? | 01:51 |
mabreaux | I am trying to do the same thing on a photosmart 3310. | 01:52 |
dennister | found it ace :-) it is now been successfully edited :-) | 01:53 |
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dennister | tuna, linksys is just one brand of a router, not a type of network | 01:53 |
tuna_ | well i mean like wifi | 01:54 |
dennister | the brand of router u use should make no difference at all | 01:54 |
tuna_ | oh ok | 01:54 |
mabreaux | I beleive that the psc 750 is in the printer library. did you check there. so is the 3300 series but I can not get the scanner or copier working. | 01:54 |
tuna_ | so are there any drivers that should work over wifi then? | 01:54 |
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tmdx120 | identify 5percent | 01:54 |
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mabreaux | tuna: try marking as network tcpip | 01:55 |
tuna_ | ok | 01:55 |
mabreaux | tcip | 01:55 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tmdx120 | hello. I am trying to get my Dapper install repaired. Can anyone help? | 01:55 |
dennister | perhaps tmdx, more details? problem? | 01:55 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: what do you need help with? | 01:56 |
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shadowraven | anyone know of a good picture of how the colors go on a cat-5 cable. friends dog chewed it in half, and i need to splice it | 01:56 |
markeib | how can i make something autostart? | 01:56 |
markeib | beryl for instance? | 01:56 |
mariano | markeib: make a symbolink link in /home/yourUser/.kde/Autostart | 01:57 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: I 'updated' to Dapper and now there are several thing not quite right about my interface. I cant read my USB, my cds dont mount automatically,,,, etc. | 01:57 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: what did you update from? | 01:58 |
markeib | ok thank you | 01:58 |
LeeJunFan | and what whas your procedure? just apt-get dist-upgrade? | 01:58 |
tuna_ | how do i find the printer address? | 01:58 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: the previous version. | 01:58 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: yes I just updated. | 01:58 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: okay, wanted to make sure it wasn't 2 versions ago - sometimes skipping updates will cause headaches. | 01:58 |
mariano | markeib: you got beryl working on kde? | 01:58 |
markeib | yes | 01:59 |
dennister | tmdx120: i'm still too much of a newbie, most of what I can help with is multimedia stuff, so I'm going back to fix my samba and assorted other servers | 01:59 |
markeib | dapper .debs worked fine | 01:59 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: it sounds like there's still some things left uninstalled, try running 'sudo apt-get -f install' | 01:59 |
mariano | markeib: do you have a link to read? | 01:59 |
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dennister | bye for now folks :-) I love this irc; I almost always get the help i need :-) | 01:59 |
tmdx120 | dennister: I gotcha, Im way more of a newbie thought. LOL | 01:59 |
markeib | no i just installed the debs and then did | 01:59 |
markeib | beryl-manager | 01:59 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: ok hold | 01:59 |
markeib | that's all ^^ | 02:00 |
mabreaux | scan for it... change "settings" to match your network | 02:00 |
mariano | markeib: lucky bastard | 02:00 |
markeib | :D | 02:00 |
markeib | how do i know where the beryl-manager bin is? | 02:00 |
LeeJunFan | markeib: 'which beryl-manager | 02:01 |
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LeeJunFan | markeib: without the ' hehe | 02:01 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded | 02:01 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: hrm, I wonder about those 8 not upgraded. try 'sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade' | 02:01 |
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markeib | damn i always hit shift-backspace | 02:02 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: | 02:02 |
tmdx120 | The following packages will be upgraded: | 02:02 |
tmdx120 | gdb libssl-dev libssl0.9.8 openssh-client openssh-server openssl ssh | 02:02 |
tmdx120 | 7 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded. | 02:02 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: do I continue? | 02:03 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: owell, may as well let that go. then after do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 02:03 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: yeah | 02:03 |
mariano | markeib: did you install beryl debs from http://xgl.compiz.info/ ? | 02:03 |
markeib | oh i don't know which sources i used anymore :s sorry | 02:03 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: ok, doing it now.. | 02:03 |
LeeJunFan | any of the old compiz sources work for beryl, just apt-get install beryl instead of compiz | 02:04 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: then what? | 02:04 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: it didn't install anything with the kubuntu-desktop? | 02:04 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: yup, plenty | 02:05 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: oh, that was quick. | 02:05 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: still downloading.... | 02:05 |
markeib | so what do i put where again for the autostart? | 02:05 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: unpacking... | 02:05 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: ah, when that's done then it should be okay, although you may have to do a series of apt-get -f install and apt-get dist-upgrade to get all the stuff installed. | 02:06 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: installing... | 02:06 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: when you can get to the point where doing apt-get -f install and apt-get dist-upgrade has nothing to do, then you are done. | 02:06 |
LeeJunFan | bbiab | 02:06 |
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mariano | markeib: make a symbolink link in /home/yourUser/.kde/Autostart | 02:06 |
KDEfanboy | markeib: in Konqueror go to Go -> Autostart. you can put applicatoin links, script files, symlinks | 02:06 |
markeib | oh yeah thnaks | 02:06 |
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tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: the apt-get -f install sais one is not upgraded. | 02:07 |
KDEfanboy | .desktop files, files with associated mimetypes,.. | 02:07 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: i still get 1 not upgraded. | 02:07 |
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joscha | does anybody know a good kdetool to convert a .flac to .mp3? | 02:08 |
markeib | how do i make a symbolic link? | 02:09 |
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avagant | I need help guys. | 02:09 |
=== Lord_Sandman [n=sandman@bon31-1-81-56-86-106.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
avagant | How do I uninstall the kde desktop environment from ubuntu? | 02:09 |
mariano | markeib: ln -s app applink | 02:09 |
Lord_Sandman | re | 02:09 |
wpuy308 | i dont think ive ever seen this many people on a chat before | 02:09 |
markeib | thank you | 02:09 |
Lord_Sandman | ok | 02:09 |
Lord_Sandman | the kernel change worked fine | 02:10 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: should I reboot? | 02:10 |
Lord_Sandman | I installed all the stuff needed for the nvidia drivers using adept | 02:10 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: try apt-get dist-upgrade again and see if it needs to do anything else. | 02:10 |
Lord_Sandman | but at the end of the faq it say to enter this command | 02:11 |
Lord_Sandman | "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" | 02:11 |
Lord_Sandman | but the konsol say me the command don't exist | 02:11 |
acesuares | avagant: why ? you can install gnome or another desktop env and then choose when you login which type of session youy want! | 02:11 |
Lord_Sandman | "sudo: nvidia-glx-config: command not found" | 02:11 |
avagant | acesuares: I don't have enough HD for that. Haha | 02:11 |
Lord_Sandman | anybody know about this one ? | 02:12 |
avagant | acesuares: I have gnome, but kde makes my computer slow for whatever reason being my fault or whatever. | 02:12 |
acesuares | avagant: if the disk is really full, it can be slow, else not... you can just go to adept or synaptic or use apt-get to install kde ! | 02:12 |
acesuares | ehrr uninstall I mean ! | 02:12 |
avagant | I tried that and it didn't work? | 02:13 |
=== golly [n=chatzill@ppp244-86.static.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: it tells me that kubuntu live is the only package that wont be upgraded. Is that ok? | 02:13 |
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ehsan | hey guys | 02:14 |
acesuares | avagrant: maybe http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Uninstall_kubuntu-desktop ? | 02:14 |
Dr_willis | avagant, tried what exactly? | 02:14 |
ehsan | i need some help, any one there? | 02:14 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: yeah, that's no biggie on a running system anyway. Go ahead and reboot and hopefully your usb and what not will be working. | 02:14 |
avagant | sudo apt-get remove kde | 02:14 |
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markeib | and now, can i make kde load everything before it starts ? | 02:14 |
ehsan | 1 - how can I install rpm packages under kubuntu? | 02:15 |
Lord_Sandman | hey | 02:15 |
Lord_Sandman | who was the one seeking jacket for ubuntu ? | 02:15 |
ehsan | as it seeme to be a deb based | 02:15 |
Lord_Sandman | found this thread in french, maybe there are some you would like to look at | 02:15 |
Lord_Sandman | http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=172096 | 02:15 |
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Dr_willis | ehsan, BEST is to find a deb of the file/program - what program are you wanting to intall? | 02:15 |
Dr_willis | !alien | 02:15 |
ubotu | rpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous). | 02:15 |
acesuares | ehsan: 'sudo apt-get install rpm' | 02:16 |
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Lord_Sandman | hem | 02:16 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: I will let you know how it turned out. See ya!!! | 02:16 |
Lord_Sandman | somone can help me with my little problem ? | 02:16 |
cpk2 | Dr_willis: is it bad that smp seems to be compiled into the kernel I got? | 02:16 |
Lord_Sandman | it's maybe nothing but I don't know how to pass this one | 02:16 |
Dr_willis | cpk2, i doubt it. | 02:16 |
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ehsan | i wanted to install flash (macro media) | 02:17 |
Lord_Sandman | it's about installing nvidia video drivers | 02:17 |
mariano | ehsan: see automatix | 02:17 |
cpk2 | is there a way I can find out why amarok is being held back? in adept when I try to upgrade it says it is going to break something but doesnt say what | 02:17 |
Dr_willis | !flash | 02:17 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:17 |
ehsan | thanks you all guys, u'r so helpful | 02:17 |
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Dr_willis | automatix is nasty. :P of course flash is a bit of a REAL screw up at this time.. sadly | 02:18 |
Dr_willis | so Flash is Nasty! | 02:18 |
=== Dr_willis spits on Flash! | ||
MotorCityMadMan | Uptime: 1 days, 16 hours and 16 minutes | 02:18 |
Lord_Sandman | huh .. hello ? | 02:18 |
Dr_willis | uptime 20:18:49 up 10:52, 1 user, load average: 0.52, 0.48, 0.62 | 02:18 |
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acesuares | cpk2: no, kernel with smp on a single cpu machine is no problem, the other way around it is :-) | 02:19 |
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=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ehsan | no sorry i was going to install LimeWire | 02:19 |
cpk2 | acesuares: thanks =) | 02:19 |
mariano | PonTTius: WTF!?!?! | 02:20 |
ehsan | it gave me this rpm package. Before kubuntu i used to have SuSE 9.0 | 02:20 |
markeib | ok how can i get the autologin to work? | 02:20 |
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Dr_willis | 1FROSTFIRE | 02:21 |
Dr_willis | !frostfire | 02:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about frostfire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:21 |
Dr_willis | !limewire | 02:22 |
ubotu | limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative. | 02:22 |
ehsan | where is the damn gcc or g++ or whatever in KUBUNTU? I cant make some programs | 02:22 |
Dr_willis | install build-essential and whatever -dev packages you need | 02:22 |
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=== Myxo [n=hype@CPE000bdb1ba485-CM0011e6bed0c9.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
cpk2 | !sourceomatic | 02:23 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 02:23 |
mariano | ehsan: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:23 |
Myxo | hello | 02:23 |
=== _arthurb [n=arthurb@cpe-69-200-90-126.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Myxo | here's my problem, i was running the adept package manager and it froze, so i restarted the computer, now i can run adept again because it says some other process is using whatever it needs. | 02:24 |
Myxo | i'm not sure what processes to kill to get it working again | 02:24 |
Dr_willis | it left a lock file. | 02:24 |
Dr_willis | !lock | 02:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:24 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. what is that factoid... | 02:24 |
ehsan | thanks MARIANO | 02:24 |
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mariano | ehsan: ;) | 02:25 |
LeeJunFan | rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 02:25 |
LeeJunFan | sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 02:25 |
KDEfanboy | !adept crash fix | 02:25 |
ubotu | If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 02:25 |
ehsan | i didn't work, there is no build-essential | 02:25 |
Dr_willis | !info build-essential | 02:25 |
ubotu | build-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB | 02:25 |
Dr_willis | Yes there is. | 02:25 |
LeeJunFan | ehsan: sudo apt-get build-essential | 02:26 |
LeeJunFan | does build-essential show up in adept? being a meta pacakage? | 02:26 |
Dr_willis | Yes it should (i think) :PO | 02:26 |
Dr_willis | lets check | 02:26 |
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Dr_willis | Yes - it does | 02:27 |
Dr_willis | :) | 02:27 |
Myxo | excellent! that worked, thanks. | 02:27 |
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ehsan | Adept says I already havr gcc-4.0-base | 02:29 |
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ehsan | isn't it supposed to mean that there must be a gcc somewhere? to make *.c files | 02:29 |
Dr_willis | build-essential is a meta-package.. its possible you manually installed other parts | 02:29 |
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Dr_willis | gcc by itself i dont think will do very much. without the various libs and included. | 02:30 |
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Dr_willis | includes. :) | 02:30 |
PonTTiuS | hay algun hispano por aca:O? | 02:30 |
Myxo | okay, another question, i was downloading some packages to get java5 working on my computer when adept crashed, and now i can't reinstall the packages, how would i go about removing anything that was partially installed? | 02:31 |
ehsan | i know but there must be at least something... in suse there was, when i entered gcc in bash it would run | 02:31 |
Dr_willis | well they PROBERLY had the other libs and includes installed as well... | 02:31 |
brydenn | i just plugged in my windows HD as a slave to kubuntu. how do i see if kubuntu is reading the HD? | 02:31 |
Dr_willis | brydenn, 'sudo fdisk -l' | 02:31 |
Dr_willis | will show if the hd is seen.. then you can mount it. | 02:32 |
Dr_willis | Defacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions --> http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume | 02:32 |
brydenn | ok thanks Dr_willis | 02:32 |
Dr_willis | that urlis a must bookmark :P and read.. | 02:32 |
ehsan | Is it possible to download gcc 4.1 (the newest) package from somewhere elese and install it manually? | 02:33 |
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brydenn | cool | 02:33 |
brydenn | its HDB1 | 02:33 |
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Dr_willis | ehsan, Im thinking you either broke somthing.. or are making this way too hard. | 02:34 |
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Dr_willis | the newest versions will be in edgy.. not sure whats in dapper right now. | 02:35 |
Myxo | can anyone help me with this? I want to get java5 working on this computer but it won't let me download the packages after it crashed. | 02:35 |
Dr_willis | gcc --version --> gcc (GCC) 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5) | 02:35 |
LeeJunFan | ehsan: if sudo apt-get build-essential fails then you have a mucked up /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:35 |
cpk2 | has anyone used apt-get to get amarok 1.4.3? if so how? | 02:35 |
Conhe | !nvidia | 02:35 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:35 |
ehsan | I think I have broken. But i have not removed anything. And it is about 3 hours that I have installed Kubuntu 6.06 | 02:35 |
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Dr_willis | !easysource | 02:36 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 02:36 |
LeeJunFan | ehsan: it's not hard to mess up sources.list - especially if you weren't hooked up to the internet when you installed. | 02:36 |
=== larson9999 [n=larson@CPE-72-128-123-104.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ehsan | yes I was not | 02:37 |
ehsan | so how can i fix it? | 02:37 |
ehsan | yes i am heading to that url | 02:37 |
LeeJunFan | oka | 02:37 |
LeeJunFan | okay | 02:37 |
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ehsan | . | 02:40 |
Dr_willis | fire up adept and remove the cdrom as one of your sources is step 1 | 02:41 |
Dr_willis | :) | 02:41 |
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tmdx120 | identify 5percent | 02:41 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: IT WORKED! | 02:41 |
NotWired | is there anyplace place to get a default list of irc servers for konversation? | 02:42 |
Myxo | !java | 02:42 |
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 02:42 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: cool | 02:42 |
LeeJunFan | tmdx120: although I think you'll want to change your pw for freenode now :0 | 02:42 |
tmdx120 | LeeJunFan: it keeps doing that. I dont know what to do.... | 02:43 |
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LeeJunFan | tmdx120: I put mine in the server prefs on konversation in the command field: /msg nickserv identify XXXXXXX | 02:45 |
Dr_willis | you got a space in the wrong place at the front perhaps.. or are missing a / | 02:45 |
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mariano | !beryl | 02:45 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You. | 02:45 |
NotWired | is there anyplace place to get a default list of irc servers for konversation? | 02:45 |
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ehsan | LeeJunFan: Thanks for helping me out of this problem. I finally worked and I installed the damned gcc | 02:47 |
Myxo | alright, when i try and download the packages it says there is a problem downloading packages, anyone have any thoughts of how to fix this? | 02:48 |
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LeeJunFan | ehsan: good. And thanks to Dr_willis too :) | 02:50 |
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ehsan | oh yes. I forgot. Thank you Dr. Willis wherever you are! | 02:51 |
Dr_willis | :) | 02:51 |
Dr_willis | sitting here reading the lastst Linux Journal | 02:51 |
Dr_willis | :) | 02:51 |
LeeJunFan | ehsan: I was having some fun trying to find the stinking mesa gl libs today too. argh. | 02:51 |
LeeJunFan | x11proto-gl-dev who's idea was that? :) | 02:51 |
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brydenn | Dr_willis: ok, i mounted it and think i put the right line in fstab to automount it. how do i test the automount without rebooting? | 02:55 |
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Dr_willis | mount -a | 02:56 |
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brydenn | k thanks Dr_willis | 02:56 |
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naegling23 | what would cause a game to run under xgl/compiz, but not under regular kde/x | 02:59 |
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hype_ | blah, alright a different problem, i got my wireless card working | 02:59 |
LeeJunFan | naegling23: hah, that's backwards. Maybe the game doesn't like kwin though. | 02:59 |
Dr_willis | magic :) | 03:00 |
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hype_ | but connectivity is weird | 03:00 |
hype_ | sometimes it connects fine, other times it just won't work. | 03:00 |
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naegling23 | the game can run in kde, but if I try to bump the resolution up, it crashes, but under xgl/compiz, its fine | 03:01 |
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naegling23 | Ive been working on this problem since sunday, its annoying | 03:03 |
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naegling23 | when I try to run it, I get an X Error of failed request | 03:03 |
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Mr | anyone know how I can add a partition to a computer without formatting the windows section of it? | 03:04 |
qwarrior | hello there; is there anyone free for a question | 03:05 |
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Mr | ask me :) | 03:05 |
qwarrior | hey MR ;) | 03:05 |
Mr | hello :) | 03:05 |
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qwarrior | question, do you know how to general trouble shoot kubuntu | 03:05 |
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Mr | :( sorry i do not | 03:06 |
qwarrior | I have a msg that reports that I have a terminated serivce on each boot up | 03:06 |
Mr | hm | 03:06 |
qwarrior | k, | 03:06 |
Mr | I only no a few things about linux | 03:06 |
qwarrior | what are you trying to add a partition to? | 03:06 |
brydenn | <sigh> ok it's telling me line 12 is bad in fstab. I just want to be able to access the HD all the time will full permission | 03:07 |
brydenn | what should i put in line 12 then? | 03:08 |
brydenn | ./dev/hdb1/mnt/windows -t ntfs -r -o umask=0222 <== is what i currently have | 03:08 |
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qwarrior | hey there Mr, I was actually asking you, what you were trying to partition? | 03:10 |
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Lord_Sandman | ehm | 03:11 |
Lord_Sandman | anybody can help me ? | 03:12 |
Lord_Sandman | yes ? | 03:12 |
Lord_Sandman | no ? | 03:12 |
Dr_willis | hmm | 03:12 |
Lord_Sandman | ^^ | 03:12 |
qwarrior | help with what buddy | 03:12 |
BonBonTheJon | brydenn: try looking at this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_users_read_and_write_access | 03:12 |
Lord_Sandman | well I'm new to linux, and trying to compil my nvidia video drivers | 03:13 |
Lord_Sandman | everything going fine | 03:13 |
Lord_Sandman | except one thing | 03:13 |
qwarrior | and ;-) | 03:13 |
Lord_Sandman | when trying to compile the driver for my kernel (K7) it say me that it can't find the CC | 03:13 |
Lord_Sandman | and ask me if I installed GCC | 03:13 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Did you install GCC? | 03:14 |
Lord_Sandman | I looked and I have the last GCC installed (v4 I believe) | 03:14 |
=== echo1 [n=bart@Toronto-HSE-ppp3716565.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
qwarrior | this is a chicken and egg thing..., do you know which GCC are required by the card? | 03:14 |
echo1 | Is there a command to have kde manually update menus (i apt installed a few things but they didnt go to the menu) | 03:14 |
Lord_Sandman | even rebooted the computer but that changed nothing | 03:14 |
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Lord_Sandman | I don't know qwarrior | 03:14 |
Dr_willis | echo1, yes. but i never can rember it... | 03:14 |
qwarrior | k' | 03:14 |
Dr_willis | ksysconfsomthingoranother... | 03:15 |
Dr_willis | :) | 03:15 |
echo1 | hmm | 03:15 |
Lord_Sandman | can I have 2 or 3 version of gcc installed at the same time ? | 03:15 |
CheeseBurgerMan | echo1: You can use kmenuedit to edit the K Menu. | 03:15 |
Lord_Sandman | or is it problematic ? | 03:15 |
echo1 | CheeseBurgerMan: i know, but is the cmd to have it find all the stuff i installed | 03:15 |
echo1 | (yeah im lazy) | 03:15 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Now that I don't know. | 03:15 |
qwarrior | you can have multiples version of GCC loaded but then it becomes a logistics | 03:15 |
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qwarrior | problem as to where all the necessary libraries are loaded so modules have | 03:16 |
Dr_willis | kbuildsycoca | 03:16 |
Dr_willis | thats it... | 03:16 |
qwarrior | access to what they need | 03:16 |
Dr_willis | NOW you cn see why i never can rember it... | 03:16 |
Dr_willis | :) | 03:16 |
echo1 | yeah | 03:16 |
Lord_Sandman | I just looked at adept and I have gcc and gcc base v 4.0 | 03:16 |
Dr_willis | they cant use "Krereadconfigs | 03:17 |
Dr_willis | or Krescansettings | 03:17 |
qwarrior | 'K | 03:17 |
Lord_Sandman | maybe I should try to add the other gcc then ? | 03:17 |
qwarrior | try googling your Nvidia card and see what GCC complier libraries are needed | 03:17 |
Lord_Sandman | (you can tell me I'm a newbe lol, I don't know if gcc last version is usefull for prog needing older versions) | 03:17 |
Lord_Sandman | ok | 03:17 |
Lord_Sandman | I will do that then | 03:17 |
qwarrior | no prob | 03:18 |
Lord_Sandman | thank for the advice | 03:18 |
qwarrior | good luck, | 03:18 |
Lord_Sandman | (damn I'm tired not thinking about it myself -_- ) | 03:18 |
qwarrior | I'm not a gamer so I don't relay on high video resolution. | 03:18 |
Lord_Sandman | I'm just trying to learn | 03:18 |
qwarrior | keep at it ;-) | 03:18 |
Lord_Sandman | I don't think I will manage to get a lot of games running here :) | 03:19 |
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qwarrior | yeah, linux free, game community profit driven ;-) | 03:19 |
BonBonTheJon | there are free games for liux | 03:20 |
Lord_Sandman | I need the driver to manage my dual screen in fact :) | 03:20 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Tremulous. :) | 03:20 |
qwarrior | I know, not the point, not wanting to spark an argument... ;-) | 03:20 |
Lord_Sandman | used to dual 1600*1200 resolution ^^v | 03:20 |
BonBonTheJon | darn, Lord_Sandman, I'm jealous | 03:21 |
qwarrior | ahhh | 03:21 |
CheeseBurgerMan | I'd like just one 1600x1200 :P | 03:21 |
Lord_Sandman | well | 03:21 |
Lord_Sandman | that are just two 21" I bought cheap, they were used .. and are something like 5 or 6 years old anyway | 03:21 |
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Lord_Sandman | nothing to be too much jealous ;) | 03:21 |
qwarrior | good luck Lord_Sandman.., I need to figure out how to isolate broken services in Kubuntu | 03:22 |
Lord_Sandman | ok | 03:22 |
cpk2 | errr how do you use a kdm theme? | 03:22 |
BonBonTheJon | my laptop can only do 1024 | 03:22 |
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Lord_Sandman | that's the trick with laptop :) .. lcd screen are chained to unique resolution | 03:22 |
Lord_Sandman | usually 1024 or 1280 thoses days | 03:23 |
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BonBonTheJon | cpk2: there is a kcontrol plug-in for that | 03:23 |
Lord_Sandman | I prefer CRT screens | 03:23 |
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cpk2 | BonBonTheJon: great thanks, lets hope it works =) | 03:24 |
BonBonTheJon | cpk2: did you find it okay? | 03:24 |
morghanphoenix | Okay, installing a new hard drive, should I use cfdisk on it or is there a better way? | 03:25 |
cpk2 | BonBonTheJon: yup it was in apt-get | 03:25 |
BonBonTheJon | cpk2: remember to look on kde-look.org to find some themes :-) | 03:26 |
Lord_Sandman | damn | 03:26 |
Lord_Sandman | the doc from nvidia only name "gcc" | 03:26 |
Lord_Sandman | not the version | 03:26 |
Lord_Sandman | anyway it's for suse distro | 03:26 |
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cpk2 | BonBonTheJon: I have what I think is a theme (its to change the login splash) but i cant find a way to get it to use it | 03:27 |
morghanphoenix | How do I add a new hard drive? | 03:27 |
Lord_Sandman | hmmmh | 03:27 |
Lord_Sandman | does "make" an appl for kubuntu ? | 03:28 |
Dr_willis | power down.. plug it in.. power on.. fdisk, format, mount | 03:28 |
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morghanphoenix | thanks | 03:28 |
cpk2 | BonBonTheJon: hrmm maybe it was the splash screen gui and i was using the wrong thing heh | 03:28 |
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mabreaux | how do you install a downloaded package with a deb extension? | 03:28 |
morghanphoenix | hmm, sdb doesn't show up for fdisk | 03:29 |
morghanphoenix | hdb, sorry | 03:29 |
BonBonTheJon | cpk2: there should be a way to install the archive | 03:29 |
BonBonTheJon | mabreaux: dpkg -i name_of_package | 03:29 |
BonBonTheJon | might need sudo in front of it | 03:29 |
Porkotron | Is it possible for my ISP to stop me from downloading .torrent files via HTTP? Because they seem to be doing so. | 03:30 |
morghanphoenix | yes | 03:30 |
morghanphoenix | some ISPs do that | 03:30 |
cpk2 | BonBonTheJon: the gui does it for you =) | 03:30 |
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BonBonTheJon | cpk2: enjoy | 03:30 |
morghanphoenix | Mine limits bandwidth for torrents, but doesn't completly stop them. | 03:30 |
Porkotron | morghanphoenix: Than how do I get around it? They're blocking my access to the .torrent files themselves, not the the actual download. | 03:31 |
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morghanphoenix | Tried azureus magnet links? Sometimes that helps. | 03:31 |
mabreaux | BonBonTheJon: many thanks, it worked | 03:31 |
Porkotron | morghanphoenix: I'd prefer to stick with KTorrent. (Azureus is nice, but I hate the Java.) | 03:32 |
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Dr_willis | ktorrent is getting better all the time | 03:32 |
morghanphoenix | I know, I use ktorrent, but try azureus and see if it works. | 03:32 |
Porkotron | Hmmm. If I could use https they might not be able to interfere. | 03:32 |
Dr_willis | wine utorrent.exe -> is fun. :P | 03:33 |
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Porkotron | morghanphoenix: I just tried it on my girlfriend's laptop. Magnet links work. | 03:33 |
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morghanphoenix | Anybody know why sdb isn't showing up for fdisk? | 03:33 |
morghanphoenix | I don't know, but there may be a way to configure ktorrent to use magnet links. | 03:34 |
Dr_willis | i dont een know what a Magnet link is :) | 03:34 |
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Dr_willis | ive seen them at some sites.. but not sure what they were | 03:34 |
morghanphoenix | Some kind of lie it tells your computer so it doesn't think you're downloading a torrent | 03:35 |
Dr_willis | lol | 03:35 |
Dr_willis | so a needed for 'work' thing eh? | 03:35 |
Porkotron | Looks like it's in the works, but not a part of Ktorrent yet. http://ktorrent.pwsp.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=582&sid=ca154ce078d948e427e021db43408ac1 | 03:35 |
morghanphoenix | I thought my ISP was bad, limiting me to 600k down 300k up. | 03:35 |
morghanphoenix | do I need to do fstab or something for this new drive? | 03:36 |
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Porkotron | morghanphoenix: They block all unencrypted torrent traffic here. | 03:36 |
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Dr_willis | heck - Im lucky to get 20k down/up | 03:36 |
Dr_willis | but its from the little torrents. | 03:37 |
Dr_willis | ive gotten faster on huge things | 03:37 |
morghanphoenix | I usually have at least a gig going per torreent and 3-5 torrents at a time. | 03:37 |
Dr_willis | doen 26KB/s up 55KB/s right now | 03:37 |
Dr_willis | on 5 torrents | 03:37 |
leio_ | A question about dcopserver. I get the error "could not read network connection list. /Home/leio/.DCOPserver_leio-desktop_0",it says dcopserver isn't working,how could I get it to work then? | 03:37 |
mabreaux | any one know how to access the scanner and copy features of a photosmart 3310 | 03:38 |
Dr_willis | with 11-20 peers per torrent | 03:38 |
Dr_willis | mabreaux, that a Canon Printer? | 03:38 |
=== qwarrior [n=qwarrior@cpe-071-070-221-014.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mabreaux | Dr wills: no hp | 03:38 |
morghanphoenix | so anybody want to help me add this new drive? I've run fdisk, but it doesn't see the drive, I'm missing a step somewhere here. | 03:38 |
Porkotron | morghanphoenix: I'm at a North American university and a while ago (before they started block torrent traffic) I was downloading a kubuntu.iso and my download rate hit 6000kb/s. I nearly peed my pants. | 03:38 |
qwarrior | hey morghanphoenix | 03:39 |
morghanphoenix | yeah? | 03:39 |
qwarrior | what did you try ? | 03:39 |
Dr_willis | heh - gee.. can your hard drive even go that fast? | 03:39 |
morghanphoenix | fdisk | 03:39 |
Porkotron | Dr_willis: It can and did. | 03:40 |
qwarrior | is the hd scsi or ide | 03:40 |
Dr_willis | morghanphoenix, check the bios menus.. see if the drive is seen in the bios.. | 03:40 |
morghanphoenix | It's not on my device list, but it shows up in the bios | 03:40 |
morghanphoenix | ide | 03:40 |
qwarrior | 'k | 03:40 |
Dr_willis | morghanphoenix, ok. thats a good sign. :P | 03:40 |
=== brendonjt [n=brendon@222-152-217-211.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | It works, just ntsf | 03:40 |
qwarrior | good, then try fdisk /dev/hda or b depending on how many you have | 03:40 |
Dr_willis | morghanphoenix, you did a 'sudo fdisk -l ' eh? | 03:40 |
morghanphoenix | not a valid device | 03:41 |
brendonjt | hi all anyone here from new zealand | 03:41 |
morghanphoenix | it should be hdb | 03:41 |
brendonjt | and uses konqueror | 03:41 |
qwarrior | are you working as root? | 03:41 |
morghanphoenix | that's where it's plugged in at | 03:41 |
Dr_willis | its possible the jumpers are set wrong. | 03:41 |
morghanphoenix | nope | 03:41 |
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morghanphoenix | jumpers are right | 03:41 |
=== Lord_Sandman [n=sandman@bon31-1-81-56-86-106.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | set as slave on the primary ide channel | 03:41 |
bLaZeD | hello all...my konqueror seems to be not working right(due to me following a how to and it not working right for me) so now i lack alot of stuff...but most importantly im missing all the forward/back up leve and home buttons i had gotten very used to using...can anyone help me get these back...oh also the adressbar has disappeared | 03:42 |
=== frank_ [n=frank@CPE001839c1904e-CM00080d26a042.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | ctrl+m? blazed | 03:42 |
qwarrior | sori, Dr_willis, ;-) want me to back out? | 03:42 |
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bLaZeD | morghanphoenix, nope...that removed what little is leaft | 03:42 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: settings, load view profile, web browser | 03:43 |
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bLaZeD | under my settings tab there is no load view profile | 03:43 |
morghanphoenix | And yes, I'm in a root terminal session | 03:43 |
qwarrior | 'k | 03:44 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: I don't know then | 03:44 |
bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, k thanks for trying =D | 03:44 |
qwarrior | hold on for a sec, let see if we can do fdisk at all | 03:44 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: did you try ctrl-M | 03:44 |
bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, yea....it removed more stuff.,. | 03:45 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed, do it agian to get it back | 03:45 |
bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, i did....i still have no adressbar or back/forward all the ggood stuff | 03:45 |
qwarrior | hey ther morghanphoenix | 03:45 |
morghanphoenix | yeah? | 03:46 |
qwarrior | do a fdisk -l and tell me what you get | 03:46 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: try running 'konqueror --profile webbrowsing' instead | 03:46 |
morghanphoenix | Disk /dev/hdb: 80.0 GB, 80000000000 bytes | 03:47 |
morghanphoenix | 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9726 cylinders | 03:47 |
morghanphoenix | Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes | 03:47 |
morghanphoenix | Disk /dev/hdb doesn't contain a valid partition table | 03:47 |
qwarrior | kewl | 03:47 |
qwarrior | fdisk /dev/hdb | 03:47 |
bLaZeD | this is what my konqueror looks like now http://img171.imageshack.us/my.php?image=konqueroree9.png | 03:47 |
bLaZeD | its quite blank and not very usefull if i cant go back at all :/ | 03:48 |
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qwarrior | morghanphoenix, when you get inside, hit 'm' for menu and the 'p' to print out the device | 03:48 |
bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, that didt do anything...it still loaded my blank useless one | 03:48 |
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morghanphoenix | okay, no partitiontable | 03:49 |
qwarrior | 'k | 03:49 |
morghanphoenix | gave me a message about large cylinder count | 03:49 |
qwarrior | you can create a new partition by selecting 'n' for new partition | 03:49 |
qwarrior | then you will be asked to if you want this to be a primary partition | 03:49 |
morghanphoenix | should I add swap to this drive to? I have plenty of ram | 03:50 |
qwarrior | the selection would be 'p' | 03:50 |
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qwarrior | that's a trickey question | 03:50 |
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morghanphoenix | I have a gig of ram and .75 gigs of swap on drive 1 | 03:50 |
qwarrior | I know guyz that will put swap on another device, but normally I don't | 03:51 |
qwarrior | 1 gb of ram, what are you running ;-) | 03:51 |
morghanphoenix | so just one primary ext3 partition | 03:51 |
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morghanphoenix | An old athlon made from junk parts | 03:51 |
qwarrior | le'ts go back for a sec, I thought we were just adding a partition to an existing system | 03:52 |
qwarrior | are we doing a full install? | 03:52 |
morghanphoenix | Nope, new 80 gig drive, want it for my home directory. | 03:52 |
bLaZeD | i am now noticing this when i start konqueror...like i said i followed a how-to and it didnt work so i think i may have boinked it heres the link http://pastebin.ulteo.us/132 | 03:52 |
qwarrior | 'k, what is your present partitioning scheme now | 03:52 |
morghanphoenix | on the primary drive? | 03:53 |
qwarrior | for your system per se? | 03:53 |
qwarrior | root, swap, temp | 03:53 |
qwarrior | boot | 03:53 |
morghanphoenix | hda1 19189611 root, hda2 747022+ extended? I didn't add that! and hda5 746991 swap. | 03:54 |
morghanphoenix | what's the extended one for? | 03:54 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: can you right click on where the toolbars should be | 03:54 |
Dr_willis | extended holds the logical. | 03:55 |
bLaZeD | um yea | 03:55 |
qwarrior | not sure, what flavor of linux are you installing? | 03:55 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: you should get a toolbar menu | 03:55 |
morghanphoenix | I'm running kubuntu 6.06.1 | 03:55 |
BonBonTheJon | that will let you put toolbars back | 03:55 |
bLaZeD | ive looked in all the options it gives me but i didnt see anything relating to adressbar or anything | 03:55 |
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bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, yea it says that | 03:55 |
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qwarrior | 'k | 03:56 |
morghanphoenix | It was slackware before, and debian before that | 03:56 |
qwarrior | kewl | 03:56 |
morghanphoenix | all that after win2k | 03:56 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: try the location toolbar? | 03:56 |
morghanphoenix | ugh! | 03:56 |
qwarrior | 'k will get back to the basic question... | 03:56 |
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morghanphoenix | yeah | 03:56 |
qwarrior | if I was just going to add this partition | 03:56 |
bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, i dont have a location toolbar | 03:56 |
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BonBonTheJon | blazed: definitely have no idea now | 03:57 |
qwarrior | i would use fdisk to create a new partion | 03:57 |
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qwarrior | it will ask you what id of 1-4, I would give it 1 | 03:57 |
bLaZeD | could anyone do me a favor and pastebin this file. /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps/konqueror/konq-kubuntu.rc | 03:58 |
qwarrior | then it will ask you where do you want the beginning of the partition to be | 03:58 |
qwarrior | I default it to the 1st block | 03:58 |
morghanphoenix | k | 03:58 |
bLaZeD | i think cuz im missing that file that its doing that | 03:58 |
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qwarrior | now if you want your partition to be a specific size you can direct to be whatever with | 03:58 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed, how do i pastebin | 03:59 |
morghanphoenix | full drive as far as I'm concerned | 03:59 |
qwarrior | +30000M will create a 30gb partition | 03:59 |
qwarrior | kewl, then let it default to the last block | 03:59 |
inteliwasp | !pastebin | 03:59 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 03:59 |
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bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, copy all the stuff in the file then goto http://pastebin.ulteo.us/ and paste it i nthere and hit send....it will return with a link like http://pastebin.ulteo.us/123 then u give me that | 04:00 |
qwarrior | when it is done with the question you can use 'p' to print out you partition scheme | 04:00 |
qwarrior | if all looks good, use 'w' to write out your now partition table | 04:00 |
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morghanphoenix | Yeah, 78124063+ blocks | 04:00 |
morghanphoenix | writing | 04:00 |
morghanphoenix | what's syncing disks? | 04:01 |
qwarrior | hold on it's a good thing | 04:01 |
qwarrior | your new partition scheme will not come into effect until you reboot | 04:01 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25618/ | 04:01 |
morghanphoenix | just x, or the whole thing? | 04:01 |
morghanphoenix | whole thing, right? | 04:02 |
qwarrior | just x, ? | 04:02 |
bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, excelent....if u dont mind could u also paste this one 2.... ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/konq-kubuntu.rc ..i deleted both.... | 04:02 |
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qwarrior | no.. a complete reboot | 04:02 |
qwarrior | power cycle the whole shabang | 04:02 |
morghanphoenix | okay, then what? | 04:02 |
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qwarrior | is it back up? | 04:03 |
morghanphoenix | eh? | 04:03 |
qwarrior | your system, rebooted? | 04:03 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25620/ | 04:03 |
morghanphoenix | I'm on it. | 04:03 |
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qwarrior | 'k | 04:03 |
bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, thanks SOOOOOO much.....very appreciated =) | 04:03 |
ryanakca | I've got animate (ImageMagick) running smoothly with 'animate -delay 20 *.png', but how do you export the animation into an animated .gif or .png?... I can't seem to find a -export option... (or something similar) | 04:03 |
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morghanphoenix | I'll reboot and be back in a sec | 04:04 |
qwarrior | you'll need to format and mount the partion to your system | 04:04 |
morghanphoenix | brb | 04:04 |
qwarrior | k | 04:04 |
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bLaZeD | BonBonTheJon, that fixed my prob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks again =D | 04:05 |
BonBonTheJon | blazed: glad to help | 04:05 |
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cpk2 | BonBonTheJon: ok i think i figured out what i want to install, i think what i am trying to do is install a "kdm-theme" | 04:08 |
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BonBonTheJon | cpk2: yeah | 04:08 |
morghanphoenix | Okay, up and running again | 04:09 |
cpk2 | BonBonTheJon: can you get those to work through kcontrol? | 04:09 |
qwarrior | k' | 04:09 |
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morghanphoenix | root terminal again? | 04:10 |
qwarrior | yeah | 04:10 |
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morghanphoenix | k | 04:10 |
BonBonTheJon | cpk2: there is a package called kcontrol-kdmthem or something | 04:10 |
morghanphoenix | This thing sped up a lot with the ram boost. | 04:10 |
BonBonTheJon | !kcontrol-kdmtheme | 04:10 |
ubotu | kcontrol-kdmtheme: a theme manager for KDM. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 74 kB, installed size 220 kB | 04:10 |
qwarrior | you'll need to format, make a directory, then mount it | 04:10 |
qwarrior | ready | 04:10 |
morghanphoenix | yeah | 04:10 |
qwarrior | do another fdisk -l | 04:11 |
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qwarrior | tell me if sdb1 comes up | 04:11 |
morghanphoenix | yeah, hdb1 is there | 04:11 |
morghanphoenix | sdb1 is my USB drive | 04:11 |
qwarrior | good, | 04:11 |
cpk2 | BonBonTheJon: hah, i see you cant access it through kcontrol, it needs to be run as root as kdmtheme | 04:11 |
inteliwasp | any know about how to utilize the gatos drivers? | 04:11 |
cpk2 | guess i need to think a little more before i speak =x | 04:11 |
qwarrior | the command is mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 | 04:12 |
morghanphoenix | hdb, I'm glad I didn't copy that. | 04:12 |
qwarrior | sori | 04:13 |
morghanphoenix | that woulda been bad | 04:13 |
qwarrior | it wouldn't of worked | 04:13 |
qwarrior | ;-) , | 04:13 |
morghanphoenix | all my files are in sdb1 | 04:13 |
qwarrior | i work with a lot of scsi | 04:13 |
qwarrior | ahh | 04:13 |
morghanphoenix | done | 04:13 |
qwarrior | 'k | 04:13 |
morghanphoenix | This filesystem will be automatically checked every 37 mounts or | 04:14 |
morghanphoenix | 180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override. | 04:14 |
qwarrior | let it go, its a good thing | 04:14 |
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morghanphoenix | okay, now for mounting? | 04:14 |
inteliwasp | i thought it was 30 mounts... | 04:14 |
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Dr_willis | i like to set my drives to a different # of mounts. :P | 04:14 |
qwarrior | good, create a directory where you want this to live | 04:14 |
method| | is there something i can type in the cmdline to get my current bandwidth stats? | 04:14 |
Dr_willis | what way not all get checked at the same time | 04:14 |
morghanphoenix | I want to use the whole thing as a home directory | 04:15 |
morghanphoenix | how do I do that? | 04:15 |
morghanphoenix | lots of multimedia files | 04:15 |
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qwarrior | do you have a device already allocated to /home? | 04:15 |
morghanphoenix | just the home directory on hda1 | 04:15 |
qwarrior | what is it's label, check the /etc/fstab | 04:16 |
qwarrior | cat /etc/fstab | 04:16 |
morghanphoenix | label? | 04:17 |
morghanphoenix | you mean mount point? | 04:17 |
qwarrior | yeah | 04:17 |
morghanphoenix | / | 04:17 |
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qwarrior | 'k | 04:17 |
morghanphoenix | Basic Kubuntu install, everything in root | 04:17 |
qwarrior | 'k | 04:17 |
james___ | if a person is downloading a bit torrent, and the download rate drops to 0.0, should one start over, or just wait? | 04:17 |
morghanphoenix | wait | 04:17 |
qwarrior | I would create a directory /home | 04:18 |
james___ | off topic, i know lol | 04:18 |
james___ | ok ty | 04:18 |
morghanphoenix | , not you q, answer to james | 04:18 |
qwarrior | ahh | 04:18 |
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morghanphoenix | how do I do that? | 04:19 |
snook353 | does kubuntu have probs with touchpad speeds, like ubuntu? | 04:19 |
snook353 | (dapper, that is) | 04:19 |
qwarrior | at cmdline, mkdir /home | 04:19 |
BonBonTheJon | snook: my touchpad works fine | 04:19 |
Ash-Fox | How would one extract a bunch of zip files in a directory? unzip -d *.zip ? | 04:19 |
morghanphoenix | how do I get to hdb? | 04:19 |
snook353 | bonbonthejon: i've got a toshiba sat 1405 s171 | 04:20 |
BonBonTheJon | snook: I've got an HP Pavillion ze5700 | 04:20 |
qwarrior | it's funny that way, we need to give a place to go to, a mount point before we mount it | 04:20 |
snook353 | should i wait for edgy? | 04:20 |
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Ash-Fox | morghanphoenix, sudo mkdir /mnt/blah && sudo mount /dev/hdb /mnt/blah && cd /mnt/blah ? | 04:20 |
morghanphoenix | wait, fstab doesn't show hdb | 04:20 |
snook353 | i'm gonna have to leave breezy Sometime! | 04:20 |
BonBonTheJon | snook: i think there is a program to control the touchpad | 04:21 |
snook353 | for dapper? | 04:21 |
qwarrior | ok, at this point, we've only creted the device, we will tell the system what the device, | 04:21 |
BonBonTheJon | snook: yeah | 04:21 |
qwarrior | and where it will live | 04:21 |
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snook353 | bonbonthejon, i tried to speed it up, but it wouldn't. i was just talkin to someone in the ubuntu channel who has the same prob | 04:21 |
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morghanphoenix | okay, how do I go about that? | 04:22 |
snook353 | when i upgrade to edgy, i'll try kubuntu and ubuntu, bonbonthejon | 04:22 |
LeeJunFan | snook353: I wouldn't upgrade straight from breezy to edgy | 04:22 |
qwarrior | did you create a directory at the root level, labelled /home | 04:22 |
qwarrior | mkdir /home | 04:22 |
LeeJunFan | snook353: do dapper first, or wipe it and re-install edgy straight. | 04:22 |
snook353 | well, yeah, but i'm talkin about an installation, yeah, like that, leejunfan, yeah, thanks | 04:23 |
morghanphoenix | won't that go to hda?, that drive allready has /home | 04:23 |
BonBonTheJon | snook: try ksynaptics, http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17286 | 04:23 |
qwarrior | ahh, ok, that's what I needed to know | 04:23 |
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Max_- | xmule or amule? | 04:23 |
snook353 | wow! that looks sweet! bonbonthejon | 04:24 |
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qwarrior | ok, instead of labelling /home, label it something else just to get the device online | 04:24 |
qwarrior | mkdir /mymusicstuff :-) | 04:24 |
snook353 | thanks! should i upgrade via ubuntu and then switch to kubuntu, or go straight to kunbutu and then upgrade? does it matter? | 04:25 |
qwarrior | the forward slash indicates that this directory is at the root level | 04:25 |
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BonBonTheJon | snook: it shouldn't matter, as far as I know | 04:25 |
snook353 | ok, thanks for your educated opinion :) | 04:26 |
cpk2 | i swear if kpersonalizer starts up one more time when i am starting up I am going to nuke it | 04:26 |
morghanphoenix | okay, made, but isn't it on hda? | 04:26 |
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cpk2 | starting up = logging in | 04:26 |
qwarrior | if you think of the label or mount as a direction or sign, the device will actually identified as | 04:26 |
qwarrior | hdb | 04:26 |
snook353 | i'll see how it goes! | 04:26 |
morghanphoenix | mkdir /music | 04:26 |
qwarrior | leap of faith here buddy :-) | 04:26 |
morghanphoenix | okay | 04:27 |
qwarrior | kewl | 04:27 |
qwarrior | ok now at cmd line | 04:27 |
qwarrior | mount /dev/sdb1 /music | 04:27 |
morghanphoenix | is there a space before /music, I can't tell | 04:27 |
Lord_Sandman | well | 04:28 |
Lord_Sandman | ok | 04:28 |
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qwarrior | mount space /dev/sdb1 space /music return | 04:28 |
Lord_Sandman | I'm almost done but exploding my head to change setting in this grpaurapu Xconfig file .. | 04:28 |
morghanphoenix | done | 04:28 |
qwarrior | kewl now do a mount -l | 04:28 |
Lord_Sandman | but at least I managed to recompile my nvidia driver for my kernel, now I must find a way to "use" it .. will be for tomorrow | 04:29 |
Lord_Sandman | I thank you all thoses who helped me .. | 04:29 |
morghanphoenix | /dev/hdb1 on /music type ext3 (rw) | 04:29 |
Lord_Sandman | bye :) | 04:29 |
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qwarrior | good for you Lord | 04:29 |
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qwarrior | great that means your music library has been mounted to /dev/hdb1 and is read writable | 04:30 |
qwarrior | one last thing | 04:30 |
morghanphoenix | yes? | 04:30 |
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qwarrior | you need to make this an automount so vi or use your favorite editor | 04:30 |
qwarrior | and add the line | 04:30 |
qwarrior | to /etc/fstab | 04:30 |
qwarrior | ahh | 04:31 |
qwarrior | add to /etc/fstab /dev/hdb1 /music ext3 defaults 0 0 | 04:32 |
morghanphoenix | hmm, kate wouldn't launch from root, got it up with sudo from my login though | 04:32 |
qwarrior | ya could try vi ;-) | 04:32 |
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morghanphoenix | added, the extra spaces to line it up won't cause problems will they? | 04:33 |
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qwarrior | na shouldn't | 04:33 |
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morghanphoenix | okay, added the line, now save it? | 04:34 |
qwarrior | yup | 04:34 |
morghanphoenix | saved | 04:34 |
qwarrior | reboot when your ready | 04:34 |
morghanphoenix | going down | 04:34 |
qwarrior | a full power up and down reboot | 04:34 |
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brydenn | anyone here know much about nvidia drivers and which one to use? | 04:37 |
brydenn | i have an nVidia GeForce 4 128mb DDR | 04:37 |
brydenn | and i just wanna make sure i'm using the right driver or even have the right one installed | 04:38 |
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qwarrior | talk to Lord_Sandman, he just compiled one for his system | 04:38 |
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brydenn | he's not on right now qwarrior | 04:39 |
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qwarrior | up sori | 04:39 |
morghanphoenix | you still be here in 15 min q, there's something I need to do real quick | 04:39 |
qwarrior | who ya talkin at? | 04:40 |
morghanphoenix | eh? | 04:40 |
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morghanphoenix | You. | 04:40 |
qwarrior | yeah, I'll be around, wouldn't leave a job unfinished ;-) | 04:40 |
morghanphoenix | Okay, thanks for your help. | 04:40 |
morghanphoenix | be back in about 15 min. | 04:40 |
qwarrior | 'k, no prob | 04:40 |
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i\o | I'm trying to run adept updater and it says that another packaging system is running.. but there isn't one running! | 04:42 |
KDEfanboy | !adept crash fix | 04:43 |
ubotu | If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 04:43 |
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simpson | ola ... | 04:43 |
KDEfanboy | !es | 04:43 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 04:43 |
i\o | thanks! | 04:43 |
KDEfanboy | :) | 04:43 |
simpson | algum brasileiro: | 04:44 |
KDEfanboy | !pt | 04:45 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 04:45 |
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snook353 | now that i've installed the K desktop, what do i do next? | 04:47 |
snook353 | its showing an ubuntu desktop | 04:48 |
tarmath | log out and then go to options and change the session for kde | 04:49 |
tarmath | i think | 04:49 |
snook353 | ok | 04:49 |
snook353 | thanks | 04:49 |
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snook353 | ok, so the k desktop is just what it should be! :D | 04:51 |
snook353 | so i'll upgrade to dapper when i return from work | 04:52 |
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snook353 | but, what if i want to remove gnome? | 04:52 |
snook353 | i checked synaptic, and its not there, but i can log-on to the gnome environment...? | 04:52 |
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tarmath | hmm | 04:53 |
tarmath | to remove gnome i think theres a package named ubuntu-desktop | 04:53 |
tarmath | you installed kubuntu-desktop, right? | 04:53 |
snook353 | ok, i'll check again. yeah, i installed it | 04:54 |
tarmath | so I think it would be safe to remove ubuntu-desktop now | 04:54 |
snook353 | it just seems mysterious how it logged me into a gnome environment | 04:54 |
tarmath | and for kde, use ksynatic or adept | 04:54 |
snook353 | *how i could | 04:54 |
snook353 | ok, thanks | 04:54 |
tarmath | I personally prefer adept | 04:54 |
snook353 | everything's smooth so far! | 04:54 |
snook353 | i'll be off work in about 4 or 5 hours, ttyl | 04:54 |
Hawkwind | Removing the ubuntu-desktop file will not remove Gnome at all | 04:55 |
snook353 | Oh. | 04:55 |
Hawkwind | That package is nothing more than a meta package | 04:55 |
snook353 | so what shoul di do | 04:55 |
snook353 | oh, ok | 04:55 |
tarmath | Ill be in bed by then, good luck :) | 04:55 |
snook353 | thanks | 04:55 |
Hawkwind | snook353: Just install KDE and have them both installed. They can run side by side without issues | 04:55 |
snook353 | ok, thanks hawkwind. i'll upgrade to dapper tomorrow | 04:55 |
ubuntu | know this might be the wrong place, but anyone here played with fluxbuntu? was curious how it was | 04:56 |
snook353 | gnight tarmath, thanks! | 04:56 |
tarmath | Hawkind: there has to be a way to uninstall it... no? | 04:56 |
Hawkwind | You still on Breezy I assume ? | 04:56 |
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snook353 | yeah, i am, hawkwind | 04:56 |
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Hawkwind | sll: I haven't, but have seen many screenies and have heard the dev talk some really good stuff about it | 04:56 |
snook353 | gotta go! thanks | 04:56 |
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Hawkwind | neuromancer: That was for you since you changed your nick while I was typing | 04:56 |
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morghanphoenix | Okay q, I'm back. | 04:57 |
neuromancer | ack sorry, saw it yackin at me, thought i had to change nicks lol | 04:57 |
qwarrior | 'k' | 04:57 |
qwarrior | I think you should be set, do a mount -l and you should see your directory auto mountd | 04:57 |
morghanphoenix | yup | 04:58 |
qwarrior | you're goldend | 04:58 |
morghanphoenix | Now how do I make it home? | 04:58 |
qwarrior | I'm not quite sure by what you mean by that you have access to this directory, do you mean | 04:59 |
qwarrior | you want your login id to always use this as your home directory? | 04:59 |
morghanphoenix | I want hdb to be my /home directory | 04:59 |
qwarrior | ahh | 04:59 |
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morghanphoenix | Everything is automatic to /home | 05:00 |
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qwarrior | that is convention, that varies | 05:00 |
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qwarrior | you need to place your /music directory as a default home directory | 05:01 |
qwarrior | ahh, that would be a kubuntu question | 05:01 |
morghanphoenix | Can I copy the contents of home and rename it? | 05:02 |
neuromancer | will kubuntu dl nvidia drivers if I do the install or does that still need to be manually done (I refer of course to the rto thee the non nv driver) | 05:02 |
qwarrior | you can route it, but linux won't let you copy directories per se | 05:02 |
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qwarrior | you can move them, to this new directory | 05:03 |
Hawkwind | neuromancer: You will have to do it after the install, but that's a very simple thing to do | 05:03 |
qwarrior | but I would ask a Kubuntu person on how Kubuntu handles default home direcotires | 05:03 |
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morghanphoenix | yeah, I was thinking move them, delete home and rename /music as /home | 05:03 |
morghanphoenix | Okay | 05:03 |
jack_ | can i talk about edgy here? | 05:03 |
neuromancer | thought as much hawk, ive been using suse for a while and was thinking of doing a wipe of the h for the hell of it | 05:03 |
qwarrior | if you rename music as home you'll have to redo the /etc/fstab line as well | 05:04 |
qwarrior | it might just be simplier if you create a symbolic link from /home to /music | 05:04 |
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neuromancer | why would you want to rename music to home? | 05:05 |
morghanphoenix | because music was a filler name for the new hdd that I want to be my /home | 05:05 |
morghanphoenix | allready had a /home in hda1 | 05:05 |
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neuromancer | ah.. | 05:06 |
qwarrior | does anyone know if there is a .bashrc file in the default user home directory? | 05:06 |
qwarrior | hold on, I'll go look | 05:06 |
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Dr_willis | qwarrior, yes there should be | 05:07 |
qwarrior | yeah, just looked | 05:08 |
morghanphoenix | Okay, I can't even access the new directory | 05:08 |
brydenn | w00hooo i installed my nVidia driver all on my own | 05:09 |
brydenn | hahaha | 05:09 |
qwarrior | ok, we made the directory as root | 05:09 |
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brydenn | damn thing was a pain in the ass though | 05:09 |
morghanphoenix | yeah | 05:09 |
brydenn | had to manually do it | 05:09 |
qwarrior | so we need to identify you to be able to use it, and I think we can use usrmod to change your home direcotyr | 05:10 |
qwarrior | ready | 05:10 |
morghanphoenix | yeah | 05:10 |
qwarrior | hold on, need to go to a shell real qwik | 05:10 |
morghanphoenix | let me rename the dir first | 05:10 |
morghanphoenix | music was just a filler name | 05:10 |
morghanphoenix | can I do that? | 05:10 |
qwarrior | yeah | 05:11 |
qwarrior | ahh | 05:11 |
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qwarrior | at the command line, type cat /etc/passwd | 05:12 |
qwarrior | look for your user name, id and group, | 05:12 |
qwarrior | your id should be 1000 | 05:12 |
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DBO | you can just echo $UID | 05:12 |
DBO | that will tell you too... | 05:12 |
qwarrior | kewl | 05:12 |
DBO | and the groups command tells you what groups you are in | 05:13 |
morghanphoenix | should I be root to do this? | 05:13 |
qwarrior | don't have to be | 05:13 |
DBO | to do it my way you need to be yourself | 05:13 |
morghanphoenix | Ah, there it is | 05:13 |
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morghanphoenix | phoenix:x:1000:1000:etc | 05:14 |
qwarrior | hey DBO I'm startin to phade here, do ya wanna do a shift change | 05:14 |
qwarrior | phoenix, 1000 kewl | 05:14 |
qwarrior | as root you can give access to /;music with chown 1000:1000 /music | 05:15 |
morghanphoenix | okay | 05:15 |
qwarrior | can you cd into the directory | 05:16 |
qwarrior | as phoenix | 05:16 |
morghanphoenix | yes | 05:17 |
qwarrior | kewl | 05:17 |
qwarrior | now will try the /home directory re-route | 05:17 |
qwarrior | hold on a bit | 05:17 |
morghanphoenix | okay, so it stays named music? | 05:17 |
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qwarrior | from the man page on usermod; you should be able to re-route | 05:18 |
qwarrior | the home director with usermod -d /music | 05:18 |
morghanphoenix | huh? | 05:18 |
qwarrior | sori | 05:18 |
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qwarrior | try command usermod -d /music | 05:19 |
morghanphoenix | from phoenix or root? | 05:19 |
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qwarrior | as root | 05:20 |
qwarrior | try usermod 1000 -d /music | 05:20 |
qwarrior | this should tell the system that root want your to modify | 05:20 |
morghanphoenix | user /music does not exist | 05:20 |
qwarrior | the home directory of user ID 1000 (phoenix) to /music as its new home directory | 05:21 |
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morghanphoenix | you catch that error? | 05:21 |
qwarrior | nope | 05:22 |
morghanphoenix | user /music does not exist | 05:22 |
qwarrior | ahh | 05:22 |
qwarrior | try usermod -d /music 1000 | 05:22 |
morghanphoenix | user 1000 does not exist, try phoenix? | 05:23 |
qwarrior | yeah | 05:23 |
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morghanphoenix | it didn't give me errors, checking in konqueror | 05:23 |
qwarrior | you might not be able to see the difference until you reboot | 05:24 |
morghanphoenix | okay, rebooting. | 05:24 |
qwarrior | since you've set new parameters for user | 05:24 |
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phoenix_ | Okay, now my desktop is gone and I have kubuntu default. | 05:29 |
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phoenix_ | God this is wierd, can't find anything | 05:30 |
qwarrior | is this morghan? | 05:30 |
phoenix_ | hah, dropped my logins too | 05:30 |
qwarrior | ok | 05:30 |
qwarrior | was worried bout that, kubuntu defaults | 05:30 |
qwarrior | sudo su back into root | 05:30 |
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qwarrior | and change this back to /home | 05:31 |
phoenix_ | Argh!, no yakuake either | 05:31 |
qwarrior | no yakuke? | 05:31 |
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phoenix_ | No, just had to start it again, no saved session | 05:32 |
phoenix_ | command? | 05:32 |
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qwarrior | sudo su | 05:32 |
phoenix_ | yeah, I'm at root | 05:32 |
qwarrior | kewl | 05:32 |
qwarrior | change the home directory back to /home | 05:33 |
qwarrior | command usermod -d /home phoenix | 05:33 |
nrdb | anyone here had experience with the Linux Media Labs cards? | 05:33 |
phoenix_ | done | 05:33 |
qwarrior | I would reboot, and then figure out a different way to utilize /music | 05:34 |
phoenix_ | okay | 05:34 |
qwarrior | try symbolic links | 05:34 |
qwarrior | but you have access and space | 05:34 |
phoenix_ | yeah, I'll figure it out | 05:35 |
qwarrior | I hope I helped and not made it more complicated for ya | 05:35 |
phoenix_ | And if I screw it all up, I can always reinstall, all my files are on the USB drive. | 05:35 |
qwarrior | well there ya go. | 05:35 |
qwarrior | but it's partitioned | 05:36 |
qwarrior | you just need to figure out how to easily access it. | 05:36 |
qwarrior | good luck, I'm goin to bed | 05:36 |
phoenix_ | Thanks | 05:36 |
qwarrior | welcome | 05:36 |
phoenix_ | rebooting, again. | 05:37 |
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JosephRivers | I've got a jar file. How do I run it? Is "java file.jar" suppose to run it? | 05:45 |
larson9999 | i love it when products, in this case OSs, make the claim, "the best version, yet!" shouldn't every new version be the best yet? if not just use the old one. | 05:45 |
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tarmath | JosephRivers: java -h for help | 05:46 |
MotorCityMadMan | installing xp after kubuntu would mount to nothing more than a migraine ? what you say ! | 05:46 |
tarmath | JosephRivers: says that you should call it this way java -jar | 05:46 |
bouncy | MotorCityMadMan: you'd have to probably reinstall grub | 05:46 |
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larson9999 | MotorCityMadMan, same hard drive? | 05:47 |
JosephRivers | tarmath: I think that worked. Thanks! | 05:47 |
MotorCityMadMan | larson9999: yes | 05:47 |
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larson9999 | MotorCityMadMan,so linux and windows are on the same harddrive and you want to reinstall xp? | 05:47 |
MotorCityMadMan | larson9999: no just kubuntu on HDD | 05:48 |
MotorCityMadMan | my kid likes xp | 05:48 |
larson9999 | MotorCityMadMan,oh, and you're dumping linux? | 05:48 |
MotorCityMadMan | larson9999: no no | 05:48 |
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unix_infidel | make your kid use linux, that way you can tell if he's doing improper things and he'll the only kid in class with *nix experience on his resume :P | 05:49 |
larson9999 | MotorCityMadMan,oh, so is windows going on a different hd from linux? | 05:49 |
tarmath | JosephRivers: no prob man, but do try to resolve the next issues 2 minutes yourself before asking here, youll find that most times it's actually faster like that ) | 05:49 |
MotorCityMadMan | i do have a spare HDD (slave 9GB ) | 05:49 |
MotorCityMadMan | larson9999: it can | 05:50 |
MotorCityMadMan | unix_infidel: i like your thinking | 05:50 |
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unix_infidel | MotorCityMadMan: most people do, except my mom :P | 05:51 |
MotorCityMadMan | lol | 05:51 |
highneko | Is it possible to remove tooltips in ubuntu gnome?! | 05:51 |
larson9999 | MotorCityMadMan, i'm with unix_infidel, have him use linux. but if you must install windows. i'd put it on that second drive and install unhook the linux drive until after you've installed xp. | 05:51 |
unix_infidel | or if you have sufficient RAM you can use office 2003 in vmware. | 05:52 |
unix_infidel | i find it essential when i'm on the go. I really dont trust open office for some things. | 05:52 |
larson9999 | it's for office? | 05:52 |
unix_infidel | larson9999: no, i'm just saying, there are some time sensitive requirements that require XP dependent software. | 05:52 |
MotorCityMadMan | RAM is low on this end / i use the slave drive as swap | 05:53 |
larson9999 | unix_infidel, oh, i don't even use ms office even when i'm in windows :) | 05:53 |
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MotorCityMadMan | one thing/ i cant get my scanner working under kubuntu | 05:54 |
larson9999 | then again, other than windows xp itself i don't use any non OSS at home at all. at least i don't think. | 05:54 |
MotorCityMadMan | i tryed for a day or two / then took a brack | 05:54 |
larson9999 | don't havea scanner | 05:55 |
MotorCityMadMan | HP all in one | 05:55 |
MotorCityMadMan | i did get my camera working today | 05:56 |
MotorCityMadMan | larson9999: unhook linux drive. didnt think of that. how will that help me? will grub need to be reinstalled ? | 05:58 |
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unix_infidel | installing grub is simple. you can do it within linux with reinstalling the system. | 05:58 |
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MotorCityMadMan | i must be bored thinking about this | 05:59 |
MotorCityMadMan | the kid needs to learn linux/me thinks' | 05:59 |
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larson9999 | MotorCityMadMan, i just do that out of habit. i put windows on the slave, install it with the other drive disconnected, then have linux on the master. there are lots of ways to do this but this method have kept me from having bootloader issues. you will need to modify your bootloadere either way. | 06:02 |
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larson9999 | MotorCityMadMan, unless there is a real reason i'd have him use linux. just so happens the new version of mandriva says it comes with cedaga installed if games are his hangup. although with my son i told him to come talk to me after he's finished all the good games that run on linux. | 06:04 |
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ubuntu | hola compas | 06:06 |
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MotorCityMadMan | linux is the way of the future. he will need the teaching | 06:07 |
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unix_infidel | MotorCityMadMan: just throw him in front of a shell. | 06:13 |
unix_infidel | tell him, this is your computer from now on. He'll figure it out. | 06:13 |
MotorCityMadMan | super grub disk: http://adrian15.raulete.net/grub/tiki-index.php?page=En | 06:13 |
nitsuj_ | Hi, I added a line at the bottom of my fstab to mount a windows partition, what can I edit to make it so that I can add/remove/edit files from that partition instead of just being able to read? | 06:14 |
nitsuj_ | ./dev/hda1 /mnt/windowsXPHome ntfs ro,nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0 | 06:14 |
MotorCityMadMan | unix_infidel: thats right this my machine. i do have a laptop i can thro his way | 06:14 |
nitsuj_ | ^ is what I have at the end of fstab | 06:14 |
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larson9999 | yeah, he'll have a list of all the pr0n sites that support linux in no time | 06:18 |
Healot | seen the bsd-tux doggie scene yet? | 06:20 |
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nitsuj_ | can someone help me make my mounted windows partition writable? | 06:20 |
Healot | ntfs or Phat? | 06:21 |
nitsuj_ | NFTS | 06:21 |
MotorCityMadMan | nitsuj_: is it FAT : | 06:21 |
nitsuj_ | erm ntfs | 06:21 |
Dink | phat... lol | 06:21 |
nitsuj_ | hehe | 06:21 |
Healot | then, not with the stock driver | 06:21 |
nitsuj_ | is it a pain? :/ | 06:21 |
Healot | you may need fuse or ntfs-3g | 06:21 |
nitsuj_ | blah fux it | 06:21 |
nitsuj_ | gg usb memory stick | 06:21 |
nitsuj_ | just got kubuntu last night and im lovin it | 06:22 |
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nitsuj_ | whats some good free games you guys suggest to play in class? :) | 06:23 |
Chm0d | can i ask a stupid question? do i still use sudo in kde? | 06:23 |
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nitsuj_ | yeah | 06:23 |
Chm0d | ty | 06:23 |
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larson9999 | Hawkwind, you there? | 06:28 |
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noooone | hey nitsuj_, I am using kubuntu since today... I can only agree: awesome work! | 06:31 |
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Chm0d | in the directory ./kde/autostart what command am i creating to have beryl run? | 06:38 |
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flaccid | how to change font in firefox that is used for menus and widgets? | 06:52 |
Chm0d | how do i change my resolution in kde? | 06:52 |
flaccid | Chm0d: kmenu > system settings > display | 06:54 |
Chm0d | ok got that but when i click on admin mode nothing happens | 06:54 |
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flaccid | Chm0d: you don't get prompted for password? | 06:56 |
Chm0d | nope | 06:56 |
Hawkwind | larson9999: I am now, what's up ? | 06:56 |
ke | I had that problem too | 06:56 |
Chm0d | i got an error module display could not be loaded | 06:56 |
Chm0d | hmm | 06:56 |
Chm0d | i just installed the nvidia drivers | 06:57 |
flaccid | Chm0d: have you googled the error? | 06:57 |
Chm0d | no not yet i just read it | 06:57 |
flaccid | ok | 06:57 |
flaccid | do that : | 06:57 |
flaccid | :) | 06:57 |
larson9999 | Hawkwind, oh, just sent you an email asking if you were out of those 200 email accounts | 06:57 |
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larson9999 | sos | 06:57 |
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Hawkwind | larson9999: What username do you want ? | 06:58 |
larson9999 | jasorn | 06:58 |
larson9999 | Hawkwind, "jasorn" | 06:58 |
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smaggard | hi | 06:59 |
Hawkwind | larson9999: PM me your first and last name please and I'll set it up right now | 06:59 |
smaggard | whats being setup? | 07:00 |
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Hawkwind | larson9999: Done | 07:02 |
Hawkwind | larson9999: Email reply sent to ya | 07:02 |
larson9999 | Hawkwind, thanks | 07:02 |
Chm0d | hmm seems to be a bug :) | 07:02 |
KrAmMeR_ | can someone help me configure my sound card | 07:02 |
KrAmMeR_ | its weird | 07:02 |
KrAmMeR_ | it plays system sounds | 07:02 |
KrAmMeR_ | but nothing else, no mp3's, no sound with movies | 07:03 |
KrAmMeR_ | not sure if i need certain codecs... | 07:03 |
Hawkwind | !mp3 | 07:04 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:04 |
flaccid | !mp3 > KrAmMeR_ | 07:04 |
smaggard | mp3s will need a special codec like with amarok you also need the mp3 libraries | 07:04 |
KrAmMeR_ | k | 07:04 |
KrAmMeR_ | can i use adept to get the libraries? | 07:05 |
smaggard | yeah | 07:05 |
smaggard | like do you have amarok? | 07:06 |
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KrAmMeR_ | yeh | 07:06 |
KrAmMeR_ | its installed | 07:06 |
smaggard | if you got to play an mp3 it should pop up and say you need to install this to play mp3s and you will have to type in your password and it will do it automatically | 07:07 |
KrAmMeR_ | na it doesn't do that | 07:07 |
KrAmMeR_ | i dont get any errors | 07:07 |
KrAmMeR_ | it just doesn't play | 07:08 |
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Hawkwind | KrAmMeR_: Follow the info that the ubotu just mentioned about mp3's. It'll get you going in a matter of a couple minutes at the most | 07:08 |
smaggard | well then you must already have the mp3 stuff installed because amarok doesnt support mp3s automatically | 07:08 |
KrAmMeR_ | ok | 07:09 |
KrAmMeR_ | lemme take a look at it | 07:09 |
smaggard | click tools and then configure amarok | 07:09 |
smaggard | whats the output plugin? | 07:09 |
=== D4rkly [n=user@cpc3-lanc1-0-0-cust880.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
D4rkly | does anyone know how i can mount a bin/cue ? | 07:11 |
D4rkly | or extract a .bin | 07:11 |
Healot | !bchunk | 07:11 |
ubotu | bchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (dapper), package size 12 kB, installed size 68 kB | 07:11 |
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D4rkly | cool :) | 07:11 |
smaggard | cdemu | 07:11 |
Healot | mount the iso image using this syntax; mount -t iso9660 -o ro <iso filename> <mount directory> | 07:12 |
D4rkly | does that also work with .bin ? | 07:12 |
smaggard | hes got a bin cue not an iso | 07:12 |
Healot | !cdemu | 07:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cdemu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:12 |
smaggard | download cdemu it will work | 07:12 |
Healot | !info cdemu | 07:12 |
ubotu | Package cdemu does not exist in any distro I know | 07:12 |
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smaggard | http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Mount_ISO_script | 07:13 |
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smaggard | will mount iso nrg and bin cue | 07:14 |
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smaggard | :D | 07:15 |
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mabreaux | where can I get w32codecs | 07:15 |
KrAmMeR_ | i still cant get it to work | 07:16 |
KrAmMeR_ | output plugin is set at autodetect | 07:16 |
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mabreaux | multimedia problems with kaffeine | 07:18 |
tanamo | mabreaux: try mplayer's website | 07:18 |
KrAmMeR_ | gstreamer | 07:18 |
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KrAmMeR_ | i need to get that | 07:18 |
KrAmMeR_ | it seems | 07:19 |
smaggard | set your output plugin to alsa | 07:20 |
KrAmMeR_ | ok | 07:20 |
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smaggard | then restart amarok | 07:21 |
KrAmMeR_ | k | 07:21 |
smaggard | and hit play and listen to ur music ?D | 07:21 |
smaggard | :D | 07:21 |
KrAmMeR_ | lemme try | 07:21 |
Chm0d | anyone have the problem with the display module not being about to load? | 07:22 |
smaggard | nope | 07:22 |
Chm0d | ive googled it and it seems to be a bug but I have found no fix for it | 07:22 |
KrAmMeR_ | nope | 07:22 |
KrAmMeR_ | not working | 07:22 |
KrAmMeR_ | gah | 07:24 |
KrAmMeR_ | i dunno wut else to do | 07:24 |
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D4rkly | i used bchunk converted from bin/cue to iso. 01.iso and 02.iso written but neither seem to be valid iso's i cant mount them | 07:28 |
D4rkly | mount -o loop -t iso9660 02.iso /mnt/ | 07:28 |
KrAmMeR_ | smaggard: any other ideas? | 07:29 |
Healot | D4rkly, did the image mounted yet? | 07:30 |
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smaggard | hi | 07:31 |
KrAmMeR_ | hey | 07:31 |
D4rkly | nope | 07:31 |
KrAmMeR_ | still not workin smaggard | 07:31 |
smaggard | hmm | 07:32 |
D4rkly | am i able to specify a raw iso image instead of -t iso9660 ? | 07:32 |
smaggard | format and install windows | 07:32 |
KrAmMeR_ | lol | 07:32 |
KrAmMeR_ | no! | 07:32 |
smaggard | lol jk | 07:32 |
Healot | D4rkly, the 01.iso can be mounted? | 07:32 |
smaggard | type alsamixer | 07:32 |
D4rkly | nope :( | 07:32 |
KrAmMeR_ | type? | 07:33 |
smaggard | in a terminal | 07:33 |
KrAmMeR_ | ok | 07:33 |
KrAmMeR_ | ok u want to kno my card? | 07:33 |
D4rkly | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop2 | 07:34 |
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D4rkly | mount -o loop -t iso9660 02.iso /mnt/ | 07:34 |
tanamo | D4rkly: what are you trying to mount? an iso image? | 07:34 |
D4rkly | yep but i think its a raw iso rather than a iso9660 compliant iso | 07:34 |
tanamo | mount -o loop isofile dir | 07:35 |
tanamo | have u tried removing the "-t iso9660" ? | 07:36 |
Chm0d | sonofa biscuit eater i have 289 updates available wtf I thought windoze was bad :) | 07:36 |
KrAmMeR_ | darn smaggard left | 07:36 |
D4rkly | yeah says i need to specify a -t | 07:36 |
KrAmMeR_ | anyone kno where he was goin with alsamixer | 07:36 |
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tanamo | D4rkly: maybe it's corrupted or something, i just tried mounting an iso image and it works fine, | 07:37 |
tanamo | hmm | 07:37 |
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Arlington | i wan | 07:39 |
D4rkly | yeah normally it works, its just this image | 07:39 |
Chm0d | anyone have that many updates after installing kubuntu? | 07:39 |
Arlington | i wan'tt a applet that shows me world time anyone? | 07:39 |
D4rkly | i think its raw instead of iso9660 but i dont know how to specify a raw iso | 07:39 |
Arlington | Chm0d: no usually around 30. | 07:40 |
Chm0d | damn i have 289 | 07:40 |
Arlington | what versione did u install? 6.0.6 dapper?! | 07:40 |
Chm0d | might have something to do with install automatix | 07:40 |
Chm0d | yes | 07:40 |
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Arlington | ut i installed that one to last friday... and i didn't have that much updates. | 07:41 |
Arlington | *but | 07:41 |
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mark_ | hey guys | 07:43 |
mark_ | how do i issue commands to the kernel | 07:43 |
Chm0d | howdy mark | 07:43 |
Arlington | i wan'tt a applet that shows me world time anyone? | 07:43 |
mark_ | the command i want to issue at startup is pci=nommconf | 07:44 |
mark_ | i probably need to make it permanent too | 07:44 |
Chm0d | what session you running | 07:44 |
Chm0d | kde? | 07:44 |
mark_ | chmod, you should be able to tell me, after all, you make bash scripts executable | 07:45 |
Chm0d | LOL | 07:45 |
Chm0d | chm0d +x mark | 07:45 |
mark_ | :p | 07:46 |
Chm0d | all i know about the start up is /.kde/autostart | 07:46 |
mark_ | darn | 07:46 |
mark_ | i can't seem to find any good documentation on it | 07:46 |
Chm0d | the command is that exactly? pci-nommconf | 07:47 |
jpiccolo | anyone know what the file size limit is on the 2.6 kernel | 07:47 |
mark_ | pci=nommconf exactly | 07:47 |
mark_ | i just need to know where to put it | 07:47 |
Chm0d | hmm where does that command come from | 07:47 |
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mark_ | nvidia forums | 07:47 |
Chm0d | well you need to make a link from that command to /.kde/autostart | 07:47 |
mark_ | supposed to help with a stability problem with the proprietary drivers | 07:47 |
Chm0d | im runnin the prop drivers | 07:48 |
Chm0d | i have no problems | 07:48 |
RawSewage | with par2, is there a command to monitor a folder | 07:48 |
Arlington | !kernel | 07:48 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 07:48 |
mark_ | im running a smp kernel tho | 07:48 |
Chm0d | multiprocessors? I have amd64 | 07:48 |
mark_ | ya | 07:48 |
Chm0d | i am using multicore support | 07:49 |
mark_ | anyway, all i know is i only get the instability when im running the smp kernel, and the nvidia support forums says to issue that command if [17179573.664000] PCI: Using MMCONFIG shows up in dmesg | 07:50 |
Chm0d | have you checked to see the output from both cpus? | 07:50 |
mark_ | yes, theyre running fine | 07:50 |
Martijn81 | i have a weird problem with internet. After some amount of time, sometimes a full day, dns doesn't work anymore while other already established traffic just continues. What could this be? | 07:50 |
Chm0d | mm first i have heard of that mark | 07:50 |
mark_ | i only have the stability problem when running the smp kernel and proprietary drivers at the same time | 07:50 |
mark_ | xorg drivers make the problem go away | 07:51 |
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Martijn81 | it is buging me for months now, i really need to get this fixed | 07:53 |
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Arlington | Martinj: can't you just tell your router to release the connection to isp and then re-establish connection? | 07:54 |
mark_ | hmm weird problem | 07:54 |
Chm0d | Martijn81: you using a router? | 07:54 |
Arlington | via some sort of script? | 07:54 |
Martijn81 | yes i use a router: speedthouch 716 | 07:54 |
Chm0d | try putting static ip addy in there | 07:55 |
mabreaux | does anyone know if there is a speach recognition program for linux? | 07:55 |
Chm0d | :O | 07:55 |
Arlington | mabreaux: explain yourself | 07:55 |
Chm0d | like dragon naturally speaking | 07:55 |
mabreaux | a program where you talk and the program transcribes your words to text or commands. | 07:56 |
Martijn81 | and i have to reboot to get DNS going again... it is fixed DHCP by mac on the moment, running dhclient doesn't make any changes either | 07:56 |
mabreaux | yes like dragon naturally speaking | 07:57 |
Martijn81 | Arlington: yes i can do that very easily but it doesn't solve the problem | 07:58 |
mabreaux | any thing out there like that | 07:58 |
Arlington | ok. sorry then. | 07:58 |
Arlington | aaaah | 07:59 |
Arlington | dunno tough | 07:59 |
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Martijn81 | i am getting sad of the windows thing to having to reboot for something, and this it isn't even for something, it's because something isn't working right | 08:00 |
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brydenn | who here knows much about kbfx? | 08:01 |
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Martijn81 | some weeks ago it was buging me too, but then it got working on itself again after some minutes....so i installed dnsmasq to get around that. But not even that doesn't even work anymore :( | 08:03 |
Martijn81 | *now | 08:04 |
Martijn81 | almost like there's hardware dying on me | 08:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wb Hobbsee_ | 08:05 |
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Hobbsee | hey Kamping_Kaiser | 08:06 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 08:06 |
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kraut | moin | 08:11 |
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jordan_ | Anyone up for assisting a newb with sound issues? | 08:26 |
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mabreaux | thank you for the information. | 08:29 |
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Chm0d | anyone in here running a nvidia card? | 08:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | Chm0d, i am | 08:41 |
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Chm0d | what does your direct rendering say when you do a glxinfo | 08:42 |
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root___ | anyone want to play monopoly (atlantik)? | 08:48 |
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KDEfanboy | !root | 08:49 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 08:49 |
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KDEfanboy | !irc root | 08:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about irc root - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:49 |
root___ | ? | 08:49 |
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root___ | kdefanboy, want to play monopoly? | 08:49 |
KDEfanboy | root___: just checking if there's an info page about connecting to irc as root | 08:49 |
KDEfanboy | nah sorry. you connecting as root? | 08:50 |
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root___ | its accidentally my nickname | 08:50 |
root___ | no | 08:50 |
root___ | i will reconnect with differnt name | 08:51 |
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root___ | ok | 08:51 |
root___ | damn | 08:51 |
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Admiral_Chicago | Chm0d, i don't understand the question | 08:52 |
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Drew | lol | 08:53 |
Drew | there | 08:53 |
Drew | anyone want to play atlantik? | 08:54 |
Chm0d | my berl just stopped working trying to get it working :( | 08:54 |
Chm0d | i think something is wrong with the xgl | 08:55 |
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pierre_g82 | hi zusammen, schon jemand wach? | 08:56 |
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pierre_g82 | bruchte mal ne kleine - oder groe hilfe | 08:58 |
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KDEfanboy | issam: the nick isn't what I was looking at. your username says root. you could have changed that manually, but if you didn't, you may be running as root | 08:59 |
KDEfanboy | !de | 08:59 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 08:59 |
pierre_g82 | ups, english speaking - sorry | 08:59 |
KDEfanboy | np | 08:59 |
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pierre_g82 | i need some help | 08:59 |
mabreaux | anyone work with crossover? | 08:59 |
KDEfanboy | that's mainly for people who only speak one a non-english language to find help | 08:59 |
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pierre_g82 | i installed yesterday kubuntu... i am totally happy as its really great... wlan detected and so on | 08:59 |
pierre_g82 | really great | 09:00 |
snook353 | what do i use to move from ubuntu breezy to kubuntu dapper? | 09:00 |
pierre_g82 | but i cant change the resolution of my desktop...and i dont know why | 09:00 |
notech | how did you try? | 09:01 |
pierre_g82 | who :-) ? | 09:01 |
notech | you | 09:02 |
snook353 | i used synaptic, and it wanted to upgrade to ubuntu dapper, not kubuntu | 09:02 |
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snook353 | isn't there a kde package manager or upgrade | 09:02 |
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mabreaux | adept is the kubuntu package manager, but you can use synaptic too | 09:03 |
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mabreaux | if fact on some things you have to use synaptic | 09:03 |
pierre_g82 | oh... i used the "settings" ... but its only showing... 640x480 - 800x600 and 1024x768 even if i try to change to 1024x768... its always 640x800 | 09:03 |
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snook353 | so, when i upgrade, it says i'm upgrading to ubuntu, not kubuntu | 09:03 |
flaccid_ | how to change font in firefox that is used for menus and widgets? | 09:03 |
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notech | pierre_g82: verified the xorg.conf matches that setting? | 09:04 |
mabreaux | same os just differnet window manager | 09:04 |
snook353 | ok, ... | 09:04 |
pierre_g82 | can i show you somehow my xorg.conf? | 09:04 |
snook353 | can i completely leave gnome? without full-installing kubuntu from a cd? | 09:05 |
notech | pierre_g82: could put on a pastebin, there's one in the channel topic. | 09:05 |
snook353 | i was hoping it would work out that way | 09:05 |
pierre_g82 | great - wait for a while | 09:05 |
snook353 | i'll figure it out later | 09:07 |
pierre_g82 | here, please take a look http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25640/ | 09:07 |
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pierre_g82 | something wrong with that xorg.conf !? | 09:12 |
notech | pierre_g82: looks right | 09:12 |
pierre_g82 | hm... | 09:13 |
pierre_g82 | so the problem is bigger... | 09:13 |
pierre_g82 | that resolution is not acceptable my eyes are aching :-) | 09:13 |
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notech | for kicks you could try changing that Modes lines to, Virtual 1024 768 | 09:14 |
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pierre_g82 | ? | 09:15 |
pierre_g82 | that means? | 09:15 |
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notech | pierre_g82: i closed that pastebin, but try changing Modes "1024x768" "800x600" to, Virtual 1024 768 | 09:21 |
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Blacken | Is it possible to make Synaptic (and debconf) look for a KDE/QT frontend instead of going to a dialog box as soon as its search for GNOME fails? | 09:25 |
pierre_g82 | ups now i have been signed off.... | 09:25 |
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pierre_g82 | did someone answered to my resolution problem :-) ? | 09:25 |
notech | pierre_g82: did you see what i said? | 09:26 |
pierre_g82 | i think i missed it | 09:26 |
notech | pierre_g82: i closed that pastebin, but try changing Modes "1024x768" "800x600" to, Virtual 1024 768 | 09:26 |
flaccid_ | so nobody knows how to change font in firefox | 09:26 |
pierre_g82 | ok i will try that... do i need to make a complete restart ? | 09:26 |
notech | pierre_g82: only of X | 09:27 |
pierre_g82 | how :-) ? | 09:27 |
Blacken | flaccid_: i can't remember offhand, but why not go look in the manual? | 09:27 |
Blacken | flaccid_: I know it's in there. | 09:27 |
notech | pierre_g82: i'm not on kubuntu but think ctrl+alt+backspace should work in kubuntu | 09:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | Blacken, check the "desktop option" | 09:28 |
pierre_g82 | i try . thanks... i ll get backk to you | 09:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | there is one for GNOME, KDE or any desktop | 09:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | or try adept manager | 09:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | bed time for me | 09:28 |
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Blacken | Admiral_Chicago: I'm not seeing it. And adept blows hard. Anyway, thanks. | 09:28 |
flaccid_ | Blacken: which manual? | 09:28 |
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Blacken | flaccid_: The Firefox one on the site? | 09:29 |
flaccid_ | Blacken: changing the font in firefox does not change it for the widgets | 09:29 |
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Blacken | flaccid_: Oh, I misunderstood. I came in halfway through. If you want widget font changes, you have to change your widget set. | 09:29 |
flaccid_ | Blacken: so firefox is gtk? | 09:30 |
Blacken | flaccid_: It shows up as being rendered by the GTK->QT doohickey, so I think it has to be. | 09:31 |
Admiral_Chicago | Blacken, top by the search bar | 09:32 |
flaccid_ | hmm so how to change? | 09:32 |
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Admiral_Chicago | but i'm in bed in a sec so ttul | 09:32 |
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hussam | does edgy kernel support hibernate? | 09:39 |
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pierre__ | puh... that didnt work well, x was not starting | 09:39 |
Admiral_Chicago | hussam, yes | 09:40 |
hussam | Admiral_Chicago, even on desktops? | 09:40 |
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MistaED | a friend of mine can't get it to function on his laptop though, hibernate | 09:40 |
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pierre__ | :-(( | 09:41 |
hussam | brb | 09:41 |
gazou | bonjour jaimerai savoir si quelqu'un a deja parler avec greenlynx? | 09:41 |
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Admiral_Chicago | !fr > gazou | 09:43 |
Admiral_Chicago | gazou, je ne sait pas si on a parle avec lui | 09:43 |
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munuel | moin | 09:46 |
pierre__ | noone who can help me ... i still cant change the resolution of my kubunut | 09:46 |
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Admiral_Chicago | pierre__, did you try the forums? | 09:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | !forum | 09:47 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org | 09:47 |
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gazou | ok meri | 09:52 |
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Aganel | Hello! Can you tell me, where can i find DVD iso of Kubuntu 6.06(.1) for i386 for downloading? Those from kubuntu.org are not available from here. | 09:55 |
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pierre__ | Aganel - where are you | 09:59 |
Aganel | I'm from Russia | 10:01 |
pierre__ | maybe you can try a proxy server to download... or your check www.isohunt.com... | 10:01 |
flaccid_ | Blacken: how to change the font? | 10:01 |
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Blacken | flaccid_: I don't know. | 10:02 |
flaccid_ | hehe | 10:02 |
KDEfanboy | Aganel: you tried all 3 (USA, UK, Ireland) links? and the torrent? | 10:02 |
flaccid_ | ask for a new government? | 10:02 |
pierre__ | someone knows how to import my old outlook pst file to evolution? | 10:04 |
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pierre__ | woaaaa so dead this channel... too bad | 10:07 |
pierreth | how can i import an cd audio in amarok? | 10:07 |
pierreth | hello pierre | 10:08 |
pierre__ | hi pierre | 10:08 |
pierreth | you have a nice name | 10:08 |
pierre__ | you too | 10:09 |
pierre__ | best name i ever heared | 10:09 |
pierreth | are you from France? | 10:09 |
pierre__ | nope oyu? | 10:10 |
flaccid_ | lol | 10:10 |
flaccid_ | 2 x pierre | 10:10 |
pierreth | no, i am from montreal | 10:10 |
pierre__ | me - i am from germany, living in china | 10:10 |
pierreth | you must be the only pierre there | 10:11 |
pierre__ | yes i guess so | 10:11 |
pierre__ | in montreal i bet, also not so many pierres around | 10:11 |
pierre__ | what linux distro are you using | 10:11 |
pierreth | montreal is very french, there is a lot of pierre, and many Pierre Thibault | 10:12 |
pierre__ | oh . i didnt know :-) | 10:12 |
Aganel | KDEfanboy: i can't acsess torrent, but i tried all other links | 10:12 |
Aganel | *access | 10:12 |
pierreth | in Qubec i met a guy named Pierre Thibault just like me | 10:13 |
pierre__ | thats crazy | 10:13 |
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pierre__ | pierreth - what distro are you using? | 10:13 |
pierreth | Pierre Thibault? Yes. Hi! I'm Pierre Thibault | 10:13 |
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pierreth | kubuntu | 10:13 |
pierre__ | loooooooooooooooool | 10:14 |
pierreth | it is a kubuntu forum | 10:14 |
pierre__ | guess what | 10:14 |
pierre__ | :-) | 10:14 |
pierre__ | yeah sure i am jokeing | 10:14 |
KDEfanboy | Aganel: try http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/6.06.1/release.1/ | 10:14 |
pierreth | what? | 10:14 |
pierre__ | i cant change me resolution,... and i cant import my old outlook emails in evolution :-(I | 10:14 |
pierreth | i cannot change my resolution either | 10:15 |
pierreth | i guess it is a kubuntu bug | 10:15 |
pierre__ | shit | 10:16 |
pierreth | too bad Kubuntu is not working out of the box like MacOS | 10:16 |
pierre__ | thats not good for my eyes :-) | 10:16 |
pierreth | you have a bad resolution? | 10:16 |
pierre__ | but i am deeply impressed by the great hardware detection .. even wlan was from the start on running | 10:16 |
pierre__ | 640... | 10:16 |
pierre__ | its not good | 10:16 |
pierreth | what do you need? | 10:17 |
pierre__ | 1024x768 at least | 10:17 |
pierreth | do you have an lcd? | 10:17 |
pierre__ | notebook | 10:17 |
pierre__ | i always used 1024x768 in windows... so i like to use same now | 10:18 |
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pierreth | type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 10:18 |
pierreth | then reboot | 10:18 |
pierreth | it should generate a proper file | 10:19 |
pierre__ | i will try... and get back | 10:19 |
pierreth | ok, I will wait... | 10:20 |
pierre__ | ah so i can configure with that command.. i see | 10:20 |
pierre__ | but i dont know what stupid hardware is in that machine :-) | 10:20 |
pierreth | the script should detect it | 10:20 |
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gpkumaran_ | p | 10:21 |
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pierre__ | hm oes not... i need to choose | 10:22 |
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pierreth | what do you see? | 10:22 |
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pierre__ | now this one :-( http://www.linux-user.de/ausgabe/2003/06/023-outlook/ | 10:23 |
pierre__ | ah nope | 10:23 |
pierre__ | wrong copy | 10:23 |
pierreth | I have not been initiated to the german culture | 10:24 |
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kumsy | pierreth: help needed regarding downloading updates (fetching updates in adept) | 10:24 |
pierre__ | now he sai...dbdriver.. "config" is locked by another process | 10:24 |
pierreth | quit any installer | 10:24 |
Aganel | When i try link from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/6.06.1/release.1/, i get the same error :( | 10:25 |
KDEfanboy | what error? | 10:25 |
pierreth | kumsy: what can I do for you | 10:25 |
pierre__ | pierreth - nothing started as far i can see | 10:25 |
pierreth | otherwise, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:26 |
Aganel | Disconnect immedialy after begining downloading | 10:26 |
Aganel | *immediately | 10:27 |
KDEfanboy | Aganel: you can download other distro iso's and torrents ok? | 10:27 |
pierre__ | pierreth - thats too difficult.. before nothing was starting anymore when i tried to work with the xorg.conf file | 10:28 |
pierreth | you have to put the right values | 10:28 |
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Aganel | KDEfanboy, yes, suse linux DVD download was started successfully and now 50% complete. Torrent i can't use. | 10:29 |
pierreth | I was once in trouble like you, and editing this file was the solution | 10:30 |
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pierreth | can you send me the file? | 10:30 |
icefox | qt 4.2 is released http://www.trolltech.com/developer/downloads/qt/x11 | 10:31 |
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kumsy | pierreth: i`m now fetching updates over my dial-up connection. but its unstable. will the download resume after i reconnect | 10:37 |
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KDEfanboy | Aganel: :( they work for me. you could try the CD version on the Russian mirror at least | 10:39 |
pierreth | kumsy: are you using ftp? | 10:39 |
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kumsy | pierreth: no my adept updater is downloading it | 10:39 |
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pierreth | kumsy: I don't you can | 10:40 |
Ranma2265 | Hi to all | 10:40 |
robin | Hi guys! Does anybody know why I cannot unlock session??? When I was typing my password nothing happend | 10:40 |
Aganel | KDEfanboy: i already have CD version :) Now i need some programs to install, but it is very expencive for me to download them directly from the internet (at home). | 10:41 |
pierreth | kumsy: you must get a better connection | 10:41 |
kumsy | pierreth: sorry, i dont get you | 10:41 |
Aganel | *expensive | 10:41 |
Ranma2265 | I upgraded to kde 3.5.4 recently and I have a problem, unmounted hard disks are not showed in the desktop, is there any way to solve this?????? | 10:41 |
pierreth | kumsy: you said you have an unstable dialup connection | 10:41 |
pierreth | kumsy: I think this is the problem | 10:42 |
kumsy | pierreth: i have no other option except dial-up or GPRS in my place | 10:42 |
Ranma2265 | we are poor kusmy ;-) | 10:42 |
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Ranma2265 | kumsy | 10:43 |
KDEfanboy | Aganel: ah, well, you can download the .deb packages you need from http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and burn those | 10:43 |
Aganel | KDEfanboy: anyway, thanks for help. Users of russian-speaking IRC and jabber conferences kept silent when i asked them for help. | 10:43 |
Aganel | I'll ask my friends to try to download this iso for me, maybe they will be more successfull. | 10:43 |
pierreth | kumsy: check your cables | 10:43 |
pierreth | kumsy: I am sorry, I cannot do any better | 10:44 |
pierreth | good night | 10:44 |
KDEfanboy | Aganel: ok | 10:46 |
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robin | Hi guys! Does anybody know why I cannot unlock session??? | 10:51 |
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pierre_ | hmmm | 10:53 |
zorglu_ | robin: move the mouse or hit the keyboard, it will ask for your passwd, then give it to it | 10:53 |
pierre_ | i guess 1024x768 is the highest i can get :-( | 10:53 |
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robin | but it doesn't work | 10:54 |
robin | I've tried to type my password but nothing | 10:54 |
zorglu_ | what doesnt work ? | 10:54 |
zorglu_ | describe what happen preciselly | 10:55 |
pierre_ | pierreth - left already? | 10:55 |
pierreth | pierre_: ? | 10:55 |
morghanphoenix | suggested program for converting lots of MP3s to ogg? | 10:55 |
robin | wrong passwd | 10:55 |
pierreth | pierre_: is it working? | 10:55 |
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zorglu_ | robin: sorry i dont have enougth information to help you | 10:55 |
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pierre_ | i guess 1024x768 is the highest i can get :-( | 10:56 |
Ranma2265 | can you login from bash? | 10:56 |
robin | but if i'm going to login everything is ok | 10:56 |
pierre_ | thats still too small :-) | 10:56 |
zorglu_ | morghanphoenix: there is a tool for that provided in ubuntu, let me find it | 10:56 |
morghanphoenix | what're you using if 1024x768 is your max? | 10:56 |
pierreth | pierre_: can you send me the file? | 10:56 |
pierre_ | xorg.conf you mean? | 10:56 |
pierre_ | morgan - what you mean? | 10:57 |
morghanphoenix | no, hardware | 10:57 |
pierreth | pierre_: yes | 10:57 |
pierre_ | ok wait me | 10:57 |
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zorglu_ | morghanphoenix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-1340337f2ca1d0c54900935468515ba7630fcc59 <- the soundconverter they are talking about | 10:57 |
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zorglu_ | morghanphoenix: 'sudo apt-get install soundconverter' to install it | 10:58 |
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morghanphoenix | I have display setting so big that all the little words look like squigly lines on the screen and my video card is seven years old. | 10:59 |
pierre_ | xorg.conf ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25641/ | 10:59 |
pierre_ | morgan... i have a noteboook... and the chip should be via or sis... | 10:59 |
morghanphoenix | Ah | 11:00 |
morghanphoenix | notebooks | 11:00 |
pierre_ | :-) thats a problem? | 11:00 |
morghanphoenix | lots of those top out at 1024x768 | 11:00 |
zorglu_ | pierre_: try "lshw" to have an idea of the hardware of your box | 11:00 |
morghanphoenix | especially if it's a few years old | 11:00 |
hastesaver | morghanphoenix, there's a package called "soundconverter"... see if it does what you want | 11:00 |
morghanphoenix | thanks, I'll check it out when my updates are finished | 11:01 |
morghanphoenix | fresh install, it'll be a while | 11:01 |
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pierreth | sorry, i must go | 11:01 |
morghanphoenix | I managed to screw it all up a while ago while I was trying to make hdb my /home | 11:01 |
morghanphoenix | When I finally figured it out it was so easy I was kicking myself for being stupid | 11:02 |
pierre_ | that should be my grafikcard... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25642/ | 11:02 |
pierre_ | zorglu - thanks for the hint :-) | 11:03 |
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pierre_ | as far i can see ... i will not reach more than 1024-768 | 11:05 |
morghanphoenix | Is there a way to resize existing partitions? | 11:05 |
zorglu_ | morghanphoenix: qparted does it | 11:06 |
morghanphoenix | thanks | 11:07 |
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morghanphoenix | !gpg | 11:08 |
ubotu | gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto | 11:08 |
ironfroggy | is there an easy way to break up a large audio file containing multiple tracks into the individual tracks? | 11:08 |
morghanphoenix | I love that little bot | 11:08 |
zorglu_ | ironfroggy: have you tried audacity ? it is able to do it | 11:08 |
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ironfroggy | zorglu_: manually or automatically? its almost an hour with nearly 20 tracks. | 11:10 |
pierre_ | hihi - no chance? or you all still looking to that file? | 11:10 |
hastesaver | ironfroggy, manually. You can probably visually find where the tracks end, and place markers there; then you can split it up | 11:10 |
ironfroggy | that sounds good. thanks. | 11:11 |
pierre_ | pierreth :-) | 11:11 |
pierre_ | still here? | 11:11 |
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ironfroggy | although its an interesting thing. everything else i have per-track, but this one album i have in one long ogg, yet i dont really mind. i never listen to the first track without wanting to listen to the rest. anything else i prefer a completely random playlist. | 11:12 |
ironfroggy | im just splitting it up for a more accurate collection in amarok. | 11:13 |
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hastesaver | daurn|afk, btw, I think that K3b should burn .wma files fine... I'm not at home right now, or I would have tried... | 11:16 |
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pierre_ | :-( noone help? | 11:20 |
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|lostbyte| | Anyone here having problem with firefox ? | 11:29 |
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Melchiorre | |lostbyte|: what sort of problem? | 11:30 |
|lostbyte| | its taking up somuch memory and sometimes crashes.. | 11:31 |
Melchiorre | yeah, I've noticed the memory leaks, but it hasn't crashed.... | 11:32 |
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|lostbyte| | Do yo uuse some theme on it. ? | 11:32 |
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Melchiorre | no, unless you count the crystal icons as a theme... | 11:33 |
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Melchiorre | I also have a fair few extensions installed... | 11:34 |
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|lostbyte| | me too | 11:37 |
|lostbyte| | but they were ok a month back. | 11:38 |
|lostbyte| | i never chnaged anything since | 11:38 |
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Melchiorre | are you trying to view websites with multimedia content built in? I find I get unstable when trying to view websites that use 'flash' or have embedded video... | 11:40 |
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_buz | is there a way to have a kde app running as root use my own kwallet? | 11:51 |
_buz | specifically kvpnc | 11:51 |
zorglu_ | "kdesu yourappsname" doesnt work ? | 11:52 |
octan | kwallet suxz bigtime | 11:52 |
octan | its the most anoying app for kde | 11:53 |
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Melchiorre | octan: why? | 11:53 |
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_buz | i love kwallet | 11:54 |
octan | coz its a bullshit app.. it like . remeber my password,, then you open app.. like kopete,, pls enter your password | 11:55 |
octan | stupid app- | 11:55 |
octan | or too smart | 11:55 |
octan | :P | 11:55 |
zorglu_ | octan: it is called a single signin apps | 11:55 |
Melchiorre | oh | 11:55 |
zorglu_ | aka you give 1 password and it remember all the other apps | 11:55 |
Melchiorre | I don't have a password on it.... | 11:56 |
Melchiorre | thast why I like it :) | 11:56 |
zorglu_ | apps= password for other apps | 11:56 |
zorglu_ | it may appears ridiculous if you have only one password, because it is made to handle many | 11:56 |
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zorglu_ | konqueror store all your password in kwallet, thus no need to remember those | 11:57 |
octan | i like to remember my passwords myself :P | 11:57 |
octan | and type em in too :P | 11:57 |
zorglu_ | well some people dont like to remember all their password :) | 11:57 |
octan | hehe i hope they forget ther user password :P | 11:58 |
_4strO` | or some people have many many passwords :p | 11:58 |
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octan | can anyone help buil my network ? | 11:59 |
method| | the reason why kwallet is redundant to me is because i only use one password for everything anyway | 11:59 |
BuZzY | where is the control panel? | 11:59 |
BuZzY | i cant find mine!!! | 11:59 |
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zorglu_ | BuZzY: 'kmenu -> system settings' | 12:00 |
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octan | i have 3 nic's in the server.. eth0 is for lan eth1 is for lan eth2 is for internet,. i tryed assiging both eth1 and eth1 an ip and set thouse ips as gateway for the lans' funniest thing was that.. i was not able to ping my server but only the lan's lan1 ping lan2 ok,, and vs.. but not server to lan's or vs | 12:01 |
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octan | any ideas why? | 12:01 |
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daurn|afk | ok | 12:01 |
daurn|afk | how can you burn wmas? | 12:02 |
daurn|afk | theres gotta be a way | 12:02 |
BuZzY | zorglu_, tnx but i can't find the bootloader section!! | 12:02 |
BuZzY | people please can you tell me where can i edit my bootloader settings? is there a Graohic interface or i can only edit it by shell? | 12:05 |
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zorglu_ | th eonly way i know is to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:06 |
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BuZzY | ok | 12:07 |
BuZzY | tnx | 12:07 |
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CroX | Is there any way to quickly minimize all windows? | 12:09 |
BuZzY | show desktop button | 12:09 |
zorglu_ | CroX: there is panel applet for that called 'show desktop' | 12:10 |
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CroX | Alright, thanks | 12:10 |
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CroX | Must have missed that somehow.. | 12:10 |
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daurn|afk | hello? | 12:11 |
peterpiper | hello | 12:11 |
CroX | Another thing about the taskbar.. Somehow I've managed to move it right, so there's a gap between it and the applets to the left. I've also managed to remove the handle which I used to drag it to the right. How can I restore this? | 12:11 |
Melchiorre | CroX: alt+ctrl+D works as well | 12:12 |
daurn|afk | how can you burn wmas? | 12:12 |
CroX | Melchiorre: Nice, thanks | 12:12 |
Melchiorre | CroX: right click on an empty section of panel and click "unlock panel" | 12:13 |
CroX | Melchiorre: It's not locked | 12:13 |
Melchiorre | hmmm | 12:13 |
CroX | Melchiorre: I somehow removed only the handle for the taskbar | 12:14 |
BuZzY | !firefox | 12:14 |
ubotu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 12:14 |
CroX | !taskbar | 12:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about taskbar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:14 |
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cpk2 | CroX: if you arent attached to any of your kde settings you can rename .kde, that will reset everything | 12:16 |
Melchiorre | CroX, can you move around other bars? like the system tray and clock? | 12:16 |
CroX | cpk2: I'll try that as a last resort then. You need to restart X for that? | 12:16 |
Melchiorre | CroX: you just need to log out and in again | 12:17 |
CroX | Melchiorre: Nope. Removed some applets and added some. It was when I accidently moved an applet left of the taskbar that it was moved. | 12:17 |
cpk2 | CroX: remember that all your kde apps settings are also in .kde too though | 12:18 |
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CroX | cpk2: Oww | 12:18 |
wedgeV | how do i get ssh-agent to work for my whole X session? | 12:18 |
Melchiorre | CroX: have you tried adding another taskbar applet and removing the other one? | 12:19 |
Melchiorre | !ssh-agent | 12:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ssh-agent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:19 |
CroX | Melchiorre: Yes | 12:19 |
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CroX | Melchiorre: Oh well, I'll figure it out. Lunchtime now so.. Thanks for the help. | 12:20 |
Melchiorre | np | 12:20 |
daurn|afk | HELLO | 12:20 |
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Melchiorre | daurn|afk: hello | 12:22 |
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raveesh | hey everyone | 12:40 |
raveesh | i have some trouble here | 12:41 |
raveesh | i installed gnome on my kubuntu | 12:41 |
BuZzY | how can i convert wav files into mp3's ???? | 12:41 |
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raveesh | and i dont know how to switch between desktops | 12:41 |
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raveesh | BuZzY: www.mp3-converter.com/linux/index.htm | 12:42 |
zorglu_ | !info soundconverter | 12:43 |
ubotu | soundconverter: simple sound converter application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 32 kB, installed size 216 kB | 12:43 |
zorglu_ | BuZzY: soundconverter will do it | 12:43 |
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raveesh | man anybody knows how to switch desktops | 12:43 |
BuZzY | zorglu_, is it good? which is the best converter? | 12:44 |
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zorglu_ | it is the one advised for kubuntu | 12:44 |
zorglu_ | raveesh: click on the 'pager' in the panel, the small stuff with 4 square in it | 12:45 |
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zorglu_ | raveesh: or use the keyboard shortcut, i think it is ctrl-f1 ctrl-f2 by default | 12:45 |
zorglu_ | !restricted | 12:46 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:46 |
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zorglu_ | for a general introduction of how to handle all the audio/video file formats | 12:46 |
cpk2 | guys I have a problem with kpersonalizer | 12:46 |
cpk2 | it needs to die | 12:47 |
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cpk2 | anyone? | 12:49 |
cpk2 | please i am serious kpersonalizer thinks its the first time I am logging into to kde everytime i log in | 12:49 |
zorglu_ | describe your problem | 12:50 |
zorglu_ | do you want to kill kpersonalizer apps ? | 12:51 |
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cpk2 | i dont want kpersonalizer to bother me ever again | 12:52 |
cpk2 | if I even see kpersonalizer in a forum again after i fix this it will be too soon | 12:53 |
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zorglu_ | sorry i dont understand your problem | 12:53 |
cpk2 | zorglu_: if you run kpersonalizer that is what happens to me everytime I log into kde | 12:53 |
zorglu_ | what = ? | 12:53 |
zorglu_ | what is the issue you meet ? | 12:54 |
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cpk2 | zorglu_: thats the issue! | 12:54 |
zorglu_ | ok :) | 12:54 |
cpk2 | zorglu_: run kpersonalizer right now | 12:54 |
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cpk2 | zorglu_: and tell me it wouldnt aggravate you if that happened everytime you logged in | 12:54 |
zorglu_ | i cant it is not installed on my box | 12:55 |
cpk2 | eh? | 12:55 |
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cpk2 | zorglu_: possible victory! | 01:03 |
cpk2 | i will be back | 01:03 |
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zorglu_ | cool :) | 01:06 |
cpk2 | zorglu_: the fix I found worked | 01:07 |
zorglu_ | nice | 01:07 |
cpk2 | and if I ever see kpersonalizer start again I will have to do something very drastic | 01:07 |
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gsasha | Need help: kmail stopped sending messages, I can't get it to do that again :( | 01:11 |
josh_ | whats up people? what program(s) would i need to stream my music... like winamp shoutcast in windows... | 01:11 |
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hyper | hello, someone knows a script that let's me add files recursivley to the desktop-background wallpaper slide show? | 01:14 |
cpk2 | josh_: amarok might, it has a radio stream thing | 01:14 |
zorglu_ | !info icecast | 01:14 |
ubotu | Package icecast does not exist in any distro I know | 01:14 |
josh_ | rgr | 01:14 |
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mkoebele | hi | 01:15 |
cpk2 | josh_: wait, do you want to send or recieve? | 01:15 |
zorglu_ | josh_: there is a tool for that, in http://www.icecast.org | 01:15 |
mkoebele | I just installed the latest kubuntu | 01:15 |
josh_ | send and recieve on another computer | 01:15 |
josh_ | my comp would be host... work computer would be client | 01:15 |
mkoebele | now I'm trying to build an initrd, however mkinitrd is missing | 01:15 |
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mkoebele | apt-cache search mkinitrd doesn't find anything... | 01:15 |
cpk2 | josh_: ahh, then i dont think amarok will do that =P | 01:15 |
josh_ | yeah i didn't see anything in amarok about streaming music | 01:16 |
josh_ | but im not used to amarok yet so i could have missed something | 01:16 |
zorglu_ | mkoebele: install universe/multiverse repository it is there | 01:16 |
zorglu_ | !universe | 01:16 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 01:16 |
cpk2 | josh_: amarok can recieve streamed music but i dont think it will broadcast | 01:16 |
mkoebele | zorglu_: thanks! | 01:17 |
cpk2 | the streaming stuff in amarok is in the playlists section | 01:17 |
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zorglu_ | xmms-liveice - XMMS plugin that sends your audio to a shoutcast server | 01:18 |
zorglu_ | josh_: this may be of interest for you | 01:18 |
josh_ | oh that would be sweet! | 01:20 |
josh_ | thank you very much :) | 01:20 |
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slow_motion | how to activate file transfer on kopete 4 exaple icq?????????????????? | 01:35 |
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zorglu_ | trying to figure out how to use krename :) | 01:39 |
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morghanphoenix | Okay, got that working right again. | 01:40 |
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morghanphoenix | I hate fresh installs, all my cool little toys, gone! | 01:41 |
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dragonfire1 | GM | 01:41 |
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zorglu_ | maouaou i think krename should be much easier to use :) | 01:42 |
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zorglu_ | ok krename is way too hard to use :) | 01:51 |
=== zorglu_ put krename close to sysguard in the basket, gui should be revamped before being usable by non expert | ||
zorglu_ | and i go rename my 100file by hand :) | 01:52 |
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zorglu_ | AHA i found the thing :) | 01:56 |
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nicolnx_ | libglu1-mesa-dev: Depends: libglu1-mesa (= 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu2) but 6.5.1+cvs20060824 is to be installed | 01:58 |
nicolnx_ | any suggestions? | 01:58 |
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zorglu_ | need more info | 02:02 |
buz_ | krename is a truly ingenious app | 02:03 |
buz_ | one of the nice little things that makes me enjoy working withkde | 02:03 |
zorglu_ | i guess, but i had to read like 15 page of doc before having it rename my files | 02:03 |
buz_ | seems quite obvious what it does to me | 02:04 |
zorglu_ | so i dont trust it enougth to rename my fields :) | 02:04 |
buz_ | never read a single phrase of doccs | 02:04 |
zorglu_ | you are lucky :) | 02:04 |
buzzy- | people is it normal that i have no root user??? (also root pwd!!) | 02:04 |
zorglu_ | yes it is normal | 02:05 |
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buz_ | you DO have a root user | 02:05 |
buzzy- | zorglu_, why we haven't for default? | 02:05 |
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buzzy- | buz_, i haven't set any pwd!! | 02:05 |
buz_ | sudo passwd and you can set a pw | 02:05 |
zorglu_ | yep buz_ is correct, my statement was a oversimplification | 02:05 |
zorglu_ | ubuntu takes the stance of avoiding using root except when required | 02:06 |
buzzy- | zorglu_, buz_ so we have root without passworD? what should we do? | 02:06 |
zorglu_ | it helps beginers not to do mistakes | 02:06 |
buz_ | not care? | 02:06 |
buz_ | set a pw? | 02:06 |
buzzy- | when it's required root access what pwsd have i to use? | 02:06 |
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zorglu_ | you could use sudo/kdesu | 02:07 |
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zorglu_ | or set a root password, as pointed out buz_ | 02:07 |
buzzy- | you set a pwd? | 02:07 |
zorglu_ | the first is the 'prefered way' | 02:07 |
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bele | buzzy-: it's quite well explained here: https://help.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/root-and-sudo.html | 02:10 |
zorglu_ | !root | 02:10 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 02:10 |
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jack_ | how to run a programs when exit the session? | 02:19 |
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abionnnn | does anyone know how to get DRI working on an X700? (latest drivers, Kubuntu dapper) | 02:19 |
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nicolnx_ | from what kind of session? | 02:20 |
nicolnx_ | ~/.bash_logout ? | 02:20 |
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jack_ | nicolnx_: i exit to kdm | 02:22 |
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buzzy- | !blocnum | 02:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about blocnum - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:23 |
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nicolnx_ | Perhaps you | 02:24 |
nicolnx_ | should try to call the shell with the "--login" argument (in the | 02:24 |
nicolnx_ | appropriate .kdelnk file). | 02:24 |
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raveesh | hi! | 02:24 |
raveesh | any one knows why my monitor is acting so wierd | 02:24 |
raveesh | it is not allowing me to change the screen resolution | 02:25 |
raveesh | it is set to 640*480 | 02:25 |
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abionnnn | raveesh, do you have an X700? | 02:25 |
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raveesh | what is that | 02:25 |
abionnnn | videocard | 02:26 |
raveesh | i am a newbie | 02:26 |
raveesh | no | 02:26 |
abionnnn | ah, n/m then :P | 02:26 |
abionnnn | brb | 02:26 |
raveesh | when i go to the display settings | 02:26 |
raveesh | it gives some error | 02:26 |
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buzzy- | people how can i set that my num loc (block num) swithces on, on start up? (i refer to numeric pad on the right side of keyboard) | 02:28 |
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nicolnx_ | use kcontrol -> keyboard settings | 02:29 |
zorglu_ | buzzy-: try with setleds | 02:31 |
zorglu_ | or keyboard setting :) | 02:31 |
zorglu_ | which is likely better :) | 02:32 |
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buzzy- | done | 02:38 |
buzzy- | ;) | 02:38 |
slow_motion | how to install a tar.bz2 file its kopete 0.12 | 02:38 |
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slow_motion | i have uncompressed it | 02:38 |
BuzZy | pls suggest me a mp3 converter!!! | 02:39 |
zorglu_ | it is available as .deb, should should get it from there | 02:39 |
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BuzZy | the best one!! | 02:39 |
zorglu_ | BuzZy: already answered 3time this morning | 02:39 |
zorglu_ | !info kopete | 02:39 |
ubotu | kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu6.2 (dapper), package size 5068 kB, installed size 16980 kB | 02:39 |
nicolnx_ | : slow_motion cd koptete-0.12; ./configure ; make ; make install | 02:39 |
slow_motion | ./configure work but make & make install doesnt work | 02:40 |
zorglu_ | http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kopete/ <- for the .deb | 02:40 |
flaccid_ | sudo apt-get install kopete ? | 02:40 |
Riddell | zorglu_: backports is better | 02:40 |
flaccid_ | slow_motion: you need make. sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:41 |
zorglu_ | Riddell: noted | 02:41 |
nicolnx_ | : slow_motion what kind of error? | 02:41 |
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slow_motion | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25648/ | 02:42 |
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nicolnx_ | slow_motion: sudo apt-get install kde-devel | 02:43 |
nicolnx_ | slow_motion: then try again | 02:44 |
slow_motion | ok one momen | 02:44 |
slow_motion | t | 02:44 |
BuzZy | !grip | 02:45 |
ubotu | grip is a ripping player and has a minor bug which can be solved by doing this "sudo ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdromN" where X is your hard drive and N a number | 02:45 |
nicolnx_ | slow_motion: but sudo apt-get install kopete is a better way | 02:46 |
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BuzZy | people how can i install Grip that requires gnome? | 02:48 |
BuzZy | i havent gnome | 02:48 |
BuzZy | and don t want to install | 02:48 |
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BuzZy | so i cant use grip? | 02:48 |
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slow_motion | but i can't transfere files on kopete | 02:50 |
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jharrisonwk | greetings | 02:50 |
BuzZy | nicolnx_, zorglu_ ? | 02:50 |
jharrisonwk | is there a kubuntu ppc channel? | 02:50 |
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zorglu_ | BuzZy: ? | 02:50 |
jharrisonwk | or do I need to ask here? | 02:50 |
nicolnx_ | slow_motion: if you're sitting behind firewall, you probably couldn't | 02:50 |
zorglu_ | !ppc | 02:50 |
ubotu | ppc is PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture. | 02:50 |
BuzZy | zorglu_, can i run a gnome based program opn kde? | 02:50 |
BuzZy | *opn = on | 02:50 |
zorglu_ | BuzZy: yes | 02:50 |
jharrisonwk | zorglu_: yes I know that already | 02:50 |
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slow_motion | i haven't install any firewall | 02:51 |
BuzZy | zorglu_, how can i? | 02:51 |
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zorglu_ | jharrisonwk: good :) i was just checking the bot didnt contains usefull info about it | 02:51 |
zorglu_ | jharrisonwk: i guess this is the proper place then | 02:51 |
jharrisonwk | zorglu_: true | 02:51 |
jharrisonwk | I just need to know how to boot from the cd on a ibook | 02:51 |
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nicolnx_ | slow_motion: it doesn't matter if you or your correspondent uses 'grey' ip | 02:52 |
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nicolnx_ | slow_motion: 192.168.x.y for example | 02:52 |
nicolnx_ | slow_motion: or 10.x.y.z | 02:52 |
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slow_motion | can you help me to activate file transfer on kopete | 02:53 |
slow_motion | what i have to do | 02:53 |
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Acidic32 | im trying to run adept but it says another process is using it | 02:55 |
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nicolnx_ | slow_motion: do you see any errors when trying to transfer some files? | 02:55 |
Acidic32 | but nothing else is running | 02:55 |
Melchiorre | jharrisonwk: does this help? http://www.fif3.com/howto/archives/001983.html | 02:55 |
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slow_motion | it isn't availible | 02:56 |
jharrisonwk | Melchiorre: it may | 02:57 |
jharrisonwk | Melchiorre: I will try it in a minute | 02:57 |
Melchiorre | cool | 02:57 |
BuzZy | is it better to use adept or apt-get ?? | 02:57 |
nicolnx_ | slow_motion: you can transfer files only if you can establish peer-to-peer connection with anoher side | 02:57 |
nicolnx_ | BuzZy: apt-get is much faster | 02:57 |
BuzZy | u say? | 02:58 |
BuzZy | but what is the best at all? | 02:58 |
nicolnx_ | slow_motion: otherwise, no way to do it, only e-mail ;( | 02:58 |
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nicolnx_ | BuzZy: no difference - both are frontends to same dpkg | 02:58 |
zorglu_ | BuzZy: there are no best here, just different purpose. adept is easier to search, and apt-get is more direct | 02:58 |
uros1234 | hello | 02:59 |
nicolnx_ | BuzZy: I'm happy to use dselect ;) | 02:59 |
nicolnx_ | BuzZy: with same result | 02:59 |
uros1234 | is it possible to get some help about kubuntu here? | 03:00 |
CVirus | uros1234: I guess thats the only thing you could get here | 03:00 |
zorglu_ | uros1234: yep it is the place for it :) | 03:00 |
uros1234 | ok :) | 03:00 |
uros1234 | need some help with sound and java | 03:00 |
uros1234 | but soun is more important for now | 03:01 |
Acidic32 | how comes adept is saying that something else is using the database | 03:01 |
uros1234 | sound* | 03:01 |
Acidic32 | nothing else is running! | 03:01 |
Melchiorre | uros1234: ok, what's the problem with sound? | 03:01 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: are sure that this problem is kubintu specific? | 03:01 |
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uros1234 | I have via 82cxxx chip set | 03:02 |
nicolnx_ | Acidic32: seems that you have another instance of adept running | 03:02 |
uros1234 | and alsa doesn't work | 03:02 |
Acidic32 | no i havent | 03:02 |
nicolnx_ | Acidic32: do sudo killall -KILL adept for sure | 03:02 |
slow_motion | @ <nicolnx_> on windows i used icq without problems and send files. since a half year i used kubuntu and can't send files with kopete (icq) | 03:02 |
Acidic32 | yeap done that | 03:02 |
Acidic32 | still wont let me | 03:03 |
zorglu_ | !adept fix crash | 03:03 |
ubotu | adept: package manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 3752 kB, installed size 10988 kB | 03:03 |
zorglu_ | some command close to that :) | 03:03 |
Acidic32 | !adept | 03:03 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 03:03 |
zorglu_ | !adept crash fix | 03:03 |
ubotu | If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 03:03 |
zorglu_ | this one :) | 03:03 |
zorglu_ | i was not that far :) | 03:03 |
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nicolnx_ | slow_motion: and you got no error messages at all?? | 03:05 |
uros1234 | Melchiorre: i don't get any sound. maybe there is something with config. but I'm new at linux scene so I don't know what i should do | 03:05 |
slow_motion | yo | 03:06 |
slow_motion | on icq | 03:06 |
uros1234 | nicolnx_: no it's not Kubuntu specific, also Ubuntu and debian dont work | 03:06 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: try to increase pcm volume | 03:07 |
Acidic31 | !adept | 03:07 |
slow_motion | on windows was a lot of errors that i can't remove | 03:07 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 03:07 |
nicolnx_ | slow_motion: but do you have some error messages from kopete when trying to transfer file? | 03:07 |
Acidic31 | !fix adept | 03:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fix adept - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:07 |
uros1234 | nicolnx_: cant do that, because driver seems to be unavailable or borken or not detected | 03:07 |
Acidic31 | !adept crash | 03:08 |
ubotu | adept: package manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 3752 kB, installed size 10988 kB | 03:08 |
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Acidic31 | !adept fix | 03:08 |
Acidic31 | mm | 03:08 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: can you show lspci info about you soundcard? | 03:08 |
nicolnx_ | !xgl | 03:08 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 03:08 |
Acidic31 | ahh | 03:08 |
Acidic31 | !adept crash-fix | 03:08 |
ubotu | adept: package manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 3752 kB, installed size 10988 kB | 03:08 |
Acidic31 | !adept-crash-fix | 03:08 |
ubotu | If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 03:08 |
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Melchiorre | !via sound | 03:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about via sound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:09 |
uros1234 | nicolnx_: 0000:00:0c.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 40) | 03:09 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: try to sudo modprobe snd_via82xx | 03:11 |
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uros1234 | nicolnx_: what should this command return? nothing happend | 03:13 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: seems good. try to use mixer again | 03:14 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: try sudo alsamixer | 03:14 |
uros1234 | current no mixer seems to be available | 03:14 |
uros1234 | no mixer at all | 03:14 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: even with sudo alsamixer? | 03:15 |
zorglu_ | lsmod and dmesg to see what happended to the modprobe ? | 03:15 |
uros1234 | i got some dos type pic | 03:15 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: do you see some gauges there? | 03:16 |
uros1234 | yes i have | 03:16 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: try to increase master volume | 03:17 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: with "up" button | 03:17 |
uros1234 | and i can set them | 03:17 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: set on maximum | 03:17 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: all of them | 03:17 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: if you can, seems that there is a permissions problem | 03:18 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: you need to include your user into group 'audio' | 03:18 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: sudo usermod -G audio -a <username> then relogin | 03:19 |
markeib | how do i get my machine to start kdm instead of gdm? | 03:19 |
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uros1234 | all gauge are off | 03:19 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: you need to put them on | 03:20 |
uros1234 | how i can swich them on | 03:20 |
Tm_T | markeib: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" should ask about it | 03:20 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: using "up" button | 03:20 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: on your keyboard | 03:20 |
markeib | ok thx ill tyry | 03:20 |
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uros1234 | i have done that | 03:20 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: also show me output of cat /etc/group | grep audio | 03:21 |
uros1234 | but under Item: i get Master [off] for exp. | 03:21 |
markeib | and how do i configure kdm? | 03:22 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: press 'm" button to unmute master channel | 03:22 |
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uros1234 | bash: /etc/group: Permission denied | 03:22 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: sudo cat /etc/group | grep audio of course ;) | 03:22 |
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uros1234 | audio:x:29:urosb | 03:24 |
=== sF|Xemanth burns with k3b edgy beta alternate i386.iso | ||
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: is urosb the name under which you are logged in now? | 03:26 |
Dink | Has anyone installed dvdrip on edgy ??? Im getting conflict errors... looking for video-dvdrip <= 0.50.10-0.0 | 03:26 |
uros1234 | yes | 03:26 |
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Dr-Doud | salut salut | 03:26 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: so, unmuting the master channel should help you | 03:26 |
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Dink | how did you bypass the video-dvdrip part ? | 03:27 |
Dr-Doud | hello there | 03:27 |
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Dr-Doud | need help on setuping my ubuntu for sending mail | 03:27 |
nicolnx_ | having some broken packages on edgy after installing xgl. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25653/ please help! | 03:27 |
uros1234 | how do i do it in kde? | 03:28 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: control panel -> sound system :: have the sound system enabled? | 03:29 |
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uros1234 | i have it enabled | 03:30 |
chris_ | Hello! | 03:30 |
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chris_ | Hey, can I delete files in /var/cache/apt/archives ? The .deb files are taking up huge amounts of space... | 03:31 |
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uros1234 | but i still don't get the mixer | 03:31 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: try to run kmix from console | 03:32 |
nicolnx_ | chris_: yes, rou can | 03:32 |
uros1234 | how? | 03:32 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: run konsole | 03:33 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: an type kmix there | 03:33 |
uros1234 | done | 03:33 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: still have no mixer? | 03:33 |
uros1234 | still can't get any mixer to choose from | 03:33 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: and no error messages ? | 03:33 |
uros1234 | correct | 03:34 |
chris_ | Is it reasonable to use Synaptic to add packages? I don't see them in the KDE menus (I recently switched to kubuntu). | 03:35 |
chris_ | Should I use another tool? | 03:35 |
malix | hi did someone has noted this bug on Firefox? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/33840 | 03:35 |
malix | or can help me to fix it | 03:36 |
nicolnx_ | chris_: no, you shouldn't. just try to relogin to kde | 03:36 |
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chris_ | nicolnx_: I'm confused. KDE is running fine, but I want to install some packages. | 03:37 |
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nicolnx_ | chris_: so, what's the problem? use dselect or aptitude or adept or synaptic as well | 03:37 |
chris_ | nicolnx_: Just curious if there's a recommended one, and in particular, one that sets up the KDE main menu to have the new app. | 03:38 |
chris_ | When I used Synaptic under ubuntu, it added the new app to the ubuntu menu tree. | 03:38 |
chris_ | just curious :-) | 03:38 |
nicolnx_ | chris_: it doesn't depend on package manager, only on installed package. | 03:39 |
nicolnx_ | chris_: sometimes logout and login helps to see main menu entries ;) | 03:40 |
chris_ | Thanks! | 03:40 |
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TFrog | morning all | 03:43 |
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markeib | is it really that dangerous to delete some things from my ntfs disk? | 03:43 |
nicolnx_ | TFrog: morning... I have 16:45 on my clocks ;) | 03:43 |
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TFrog | oh so sorry. afternoon or evening for those in europe and the far east | 03:44 |
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nicolnx_ | markeib: don't think so - ntfs driver aren't market as dangerous in kernel for now | 03:44 |
TFrog | nicolnx, have you been reading anything about dreamscape? | 03:45 |
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nicolnx_ | TFrog: dreamscape? hmm... is it some 3DS Max stuff? | 03:47 |
TFrog | actually no nicolnx_. it's a method being discussed on how to get all the hardware drivers talking under one roof so to speak. | 03:47 |
TFrog | and yes it's for linux | 03:48 |
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TFrog | company called dreamscape is trying to do for linux what Bill Gates and Microsoft did for Windows | 03:48 |
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tareq_ | hi | 03:49 |
tareq_ | any body here wanna chat | 03:49 |
markeib | yes | 03:50 |
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markeib | if you can tell me how to only display icons in my external taskbar! | 03:50 |
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nicolnx_ | TFrog: seems to be nice, but without hardware vendors support it is some kind of time wasting IMHO | 03:51 |
markeib | good, now he's gone. anybody else? | 03:51 |
uros1234 | nicolnx_: I?ve restarted computer and I still can't get kmix to work on kde | 03:51 |
Dr-Doud | does anyone know a little about SMTP server? | 03:51 |
flaz | yes | 03:51 |
snook353 | i upgraded from ubuntu breezy to kubuntu LTS. how do i remove gnome? | 03:51 |
Dr-Doud | I need to send mails | 03:51 |
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Dr-Doud | I'm under my work network | 03:51 |
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nicolnx_ | uros1234: hmm... it's hard to determine your problem... ;( | 03:52 |
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flaz | do you have a mailserver | 03:52 |
Dr-Doud | for sure | 03:53 |
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Dr-Doud | under my Windows 2000 PC I got a setup with the Exchange server | 03:53 |
flaz | uh.exchange? | 03:53 |
Dr-Doud | yeah I know | 03:53 |
uros1234 | nicolnx_: maybe I should reinstall kubuntu | 03:53 |
Dr-Doud | I thought this one will need a kind of valid NT account, no? | 03:54 |
snook353 | i guess i have to remove each gnome thing in synaptic | 03:54 |
nicolnx_ | uros1234: you can try as a last argument | 03:54 |
flaz | sure you need a valid domain account | 03:54 |
Dr-Doud | snook353: I did that, yep. It's working | 03:54 |
snook353 | ok, thanks dr-doud ! | 03:54 |
snook353 | this is a pleasure. ubuntu lts gave me misery on my laptop | 03:55 |
Dr-Doud | the weird thing is my PC is connected to the network. I can do SAMBA, I can surf on the web, etc. I cannot send mails?! | 03:55 |
Dr-Doud | snook353: you're welcome | 03:55 |
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nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: you should use an smtp server of your isp | 03:55 |
uros1234 | nicolnx_: thanx for now | 03:55 |
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Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: isp ? | 03:56 |
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Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: how can I identify a SMTP server? | 03:56 |
nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: in your kmail settings | 03:57 |
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nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: or whatever mail program you use | 03:57 |
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Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: well I was trying with (simple) mail command line but | 03:57 |
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nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: I don't think that using mail command for email is a best choice on desktop ;) | 03:58 |
nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: try kmail instead | 03:58 |
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Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: Ok let's try with kmail | 03:59 |
Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: local, POP3, IMAP, IMAP (disconnected), maildir? | 04:00 |
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SuperSub | does anyone know where i can find an invetory managment system for ubuntu???? | 04:02 |
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nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: it is your incoming mail setting | 04:03 |
nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: I'm using POP3, but it depends on your mail server | 04:04 |
Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: exchange!!! | 04:04 |
Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: Microsoft Exchange | 04:04 |
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nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: try imap | 04:05 |
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Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: tried --> unsuccessfull | 04:07 |
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Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: "Cannot connect to exchange server" | 04:07 |
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nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: pop3 with same result? | 04:08 |
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kakkl | OMFG http://www.nanoy.org/se.php?id=65 got defaced LOL | 04:08 |
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Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: same | 04:10 |
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nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: let me think... | 04:11 |
Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: Error Msg : The server (Exchange I guess) has returned : 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type | 04:11 |
nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: good, I'll ask friends, wait for a while | 04:12 |
Dr-Doud | nicolnx_: ok | 04:12 |
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nicolnx_ | Dr-Doud: what are your settings on "extras" tab into pop3 account settings? | 04:16 |
[niceday] | Dr-Doud: which authentication type did you use ? like PLAIN, LOGIN ... | 04:16 |
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[niceday] | Dr-Doud: you can check the types that your server is supporting with the button on "extra" tab | 04:17 |
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linux_ | hi people | 04:23 |
mini_gamer1896 | hello | 04:25 |
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Dr-Doud | [niceday] : When I press the button "check what the server can do" it returns "Cannot connect to the server" | 04:27 |
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[niceday] | Dr-Doud: did you check your server address ? but IMHO it'll be rather difficult to connecte an Exchange via POP3 or IMAP4. you should ask your sysadmin | 04:28 |
[niceday] | connect | 04:28 |
Dr-Doud | [niceday] : Oh yes I will | 04:29 |
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Dr-Doud | [niceday] : Apparently there is a Danish company that develops a MAPI connector (GPL) to Exchange | 04:29 |
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BuzZy | when will exit edge? | 04:30 |
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kompressor | poseidon are you there | 04:32 |
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pierre_g | hello | 04:33 |
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kompressor | poseidon come in please! | 04:34 |
BuzZy | when will exit edge? | 04:34 |
BuzZy | when will exit edge? | 04:34 |
BuzZy | when will exit edge? | 04:34 |
BuzZy | when will exit edge? | 04:34 |
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pierre_g | i still cant change the resolution on my laptop and kubuntu | 04:36 |
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hyper | hello abattoir :) | 04:38 |
abattoir | hi hyper :) | 04:38 |
hyper | abattoir: trying now to figure out how to setup an ftp server :) | 04:38 |
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abattoir | hyper: heh :P | 04:40 |
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hyper | abattoir: in windows it was easy :) | 04:40 |
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abattoir | !ftp | 04:40 |
ubotu | FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd | 04:40 |
abattoir | hyper: ^^^^ ;) | 04:40 |
hyper | abattoir: well, I have proftpd installed but I still need to configure... on windows WarFTP has such a nice graphical configuration.... | 04:41 |
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[BTF] Chm0d | hey guys what is the command to add beryl-manager to /.kde/Autostart? | 04:42 |
Dr-Doud | ln -s /usr/bin/beryl-manager ~/.kde/Autostart | 04:43 |
nicolnx_ | [BTF] Chm0d: use drug'n'drop | 04:43 |
Dr-Doud | or use drag'n'drop :) | 04:43 |
pierre_g | i still cant change the resolution of my laptop and kubuntu... anyone who can help a little? | 04:43 |
[BTF] Chm0d | well fudge nut i forgot the tilde thats what was wrong | 04:43 |
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bill__ | Newbie questio..... sorry. I have a ATI Radeon 9500 with dual head. How do I make both screens work? I've been to the system settings, display section, but no luck. | 04:49 |
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zorglu_ | !xinerama | 04:52 |
zorglu_ | and make you got the dri working before trying the multi screen | 04:53 |
zorglu_ | glxinfo | grep rendered to know if you got the dri working | 04:53 |
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Hawkwind | zorglu_: Did you speak to Seveas ? I believe he has added you as an editor to the bot | 04:56 |
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ehsan | hey ppl, how can i get hardware drivers for my notebook, it is a VAIO FS and the sony itself doesnot provide me with the drivers for linux, | 05:03 |
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chx | is there a 'top' panel applet? | 05:03 |
chx | given the name , it's hard to google for one | 05:04 |
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bill__ | Ok, so when I grep glxinfo for rend I get | 05:05 |
bill__ | firefox | 05:05 |
bill__ | direct rendering: No | 05:06 |
bill__ | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 05:06 |
bill__ | ignore that firefox line. :-) | 05:06 |
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bill__ | Hmmm, so how do I get the DRI working? | 05:18 |
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m`kay | hi leute, was mache ich denn, wenn adept abgestrzt ist und ich jetzt gesagt kriege, dass ich nicht mehr rein kann, weil irgendein prozess die datenbank belegt? | 05:19 |
tomaz | !gr | 05:19 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-gr #kubuntu-gr / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 05:19 |
tomaz | u.u | 05:19 |
m`kay | oh, sry... adept is crashed and i open it new, but changes will not take effect, because a ?process? is blocking this | 05:21 |
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tomaz | lock for a file named .lock inside the adept folder | 05:21 |
tomaz | and delete it =) | 05:21 |
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tomaz | and you can try the command line | 05:22 |
m`kay | tomaz really?? | 05:22 |
mindspin | m`kay: !de | 05:22 |
tomaz | apt-cache search programm name | 05:23 |
mindspin | !de | 05:23 |
tomaz | apt-get install programm name | 05:23 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 05:23 |
tomaz | so, it's !de and not !gr. o.o | 05:23 |
tomaz | o thougth !gr will be Germany =P | 05:23 |
mindspin | or ps -aux | grep adept | 05:23 |
mindspin | and kill that process | 05:23 |
m`kay | thx guys, i will try it | 05:24 |
m`kay | tomaz right, del the lockfile... great thx to you and mindspin *g* | 05:24 |
soulrider | does anyone know why i cant rename a folder? no file sin it are being used and im running as root tooo | 05:25 |
trappist | soulrider: why does it tell you? | 05:25 |
soulrider | could not be renamed lol | 05:25 |
trappist | soulrider: do it on the command line | 05:25 |
soulrider | i tried to do it | 05:25 |
soulrider | and i get | 05:26 |
soulrider | Bareword "Dominio" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1. | 05:26 |
soulrider | folder is called Dominio, i want it to be dominio | 05:26 |
soulrider | i used | 05:26 |
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soulrider | rename Dominio dominio | 05:26 |
trappist | soulrider: mv, not rename | 05:26 |
mindspin | mv Domino domino | 05:26 |
soulrider | :O | 05:26 |
tomaz | u.u' | 05:26 |
soulrider | why mv? | 05:26 |
soulrider | mv: cannot move `Dominio' to `dominio': File exists | 05:27 |
mindspin | rename is a DOS afaik | 05:27 |
soulrider | =/ | 05:27 |
trappist | mindspin: rename is also a perl script | 05:27 |
trappist | soulrider: is this on a windows filesystem? like fat32? | 05:27 |
mindspin | therefore the error with "strict" | 05:27 |
soulrider | uhm | 05:27 |
soulrider | good question | 05:27 |
soulrider | dunno =/ | 05:27 |
soulrider | its my pen drive | 05:27 |
trappist | soulrider: then it's fat32, which is case-insensitive, so you can't just change the case of a letter in the filename | 05:28 |
soulrider | damn | 05:28 |
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trappist | soulrider: what you CAN do | 05:28 |
mindspin | call it dominio 1 | 05:28 |
mindspin | and then dominio | 05:28 |
soulrider | yea | 05:28 |
soulrider | iw as thinking of that | 05:28 |
trappist | exactly | 05:28 |
soulrider | i had no idea i ahd ot use mv | 05:29 |
soulrider | dman, i hate case insensitive stuff! :P | 05:29 |
soulrider | i got used to case sensitive and i cant go back lol | 05:29 |
UKF^vortex | hi | 05:30 |
soulrider | no wonder eclipse couldnt rename them either | 05:30 |
UKF^vortex | I have a problem with php5 | 05:30 |
soulrider | thanks a lot for hte help!! | 05:30 |
tomaz | hum | 05:30 |
tomaz | pen drives are fat32? | 05:30 |
UKF^vortex | Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_start() - any idea how to fix this ? | 05:30 |
tomaz | flash memory is fat? o.O" | 05:30 |
trappist | tomaz: by default, yeah | 05:30 |
tomaz | UKF: this is php? | 05:31 |
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tomaz | if so, /join ##php | 05:31 |
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arcasa | Boobs. | 05:38 |
Tm_T | arcasa: you're sure? | 05:39 |
arcasa | Very. | 05:39 |
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highneko | What's the resize window keyboard shortcut? | 05:40 |
tomaz | it depends on the app | 05:40 |
Tm_T | Hawkwind: aah I thought I have never seen this guy | 05:40 |
tomaz | for fullscreen could bg F, F11, or Ctrl+ F | 05:40 |
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Hawkwind | Tm_T: He got kicked yesterday for causing quite an uproar in here | 05:41 |
highneko | Kinda like how ctrl is for moving windows. | 05:41 |
Tm_T | highneko: I see | 05:41 |
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highneko | Err Alt* | 05:41 |
tristanmike | Hi, my KNotify crashes all the time, is there way I can fix this ? | 05:42 |
Tm_T | Hawkwind: roger | 05:42 |
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bill__ | Still looking for help with dual head support. I did a sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx, and now when I do a glxinfo | grep rend i get | 05:51 |
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bill__ | Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 05:51 |
bill__ | direct rendering: No | 05:51 |
bill__ | GLX_ATI_render_texture | 05:51 |
bill__ | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 05:51 |
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bones78 | I'm having problems accessing the forums I keep getting this message. Any ideas please? | 05:51 |
bill__ | need to know how to turn on DRI | 05:51 |
bones78 | Fatal error: Direct instantiation of vB_Postbit class prohibited. Use the vB_Postbit_Factory class. in /includes/class_postbit.php on line 239 | 05:51 |
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inam | hi all... im looking for a "ubuntu... linux for human beings" image to put in my blog's side bar... anyone any ideas ? | 05:52 |
bill__ | do I just put a load "dri" in my xorg.conf file? | 05:53 |
Blacken | inam: http://www.ubuntu.com has a bunch of images, I think. | 05:54 |
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Saw^ | Is it a "right way" to install new version of ubuntu by just changing revision name to apt's sources.list and doing dist-upgrade? | 05:56 |
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tomaz | dont know | 05:58 |
tomaz | i always format my partition where kubuntu is installed | 05:58 |
tomaz | i think that's safer o.o | 05:58 |
tomaz | (but my ~ directory remains untouched) | 05:58 |
MDCore | guys.. how do I enable file sharing ? | 05:59 |
Saw^ | tomaz: I've always updated debian by just changing revision names to sources.list, seems like working with ubuntu too (debian based). I guess I'll try that install cd for curiosity | 06:00 |
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tomaz | it works with ubuntu | 06:01 |
tomaz | and with debian | 06:01 |
tomaz | but, i don't kwnow if it will remove all dead and unused files | 06:01 |
tomaz | so, i format and do a fresh install | 06:01 |
tomaz | =) | 06:01 |
tomaz | MDCore, what do you mean by file sharing? you mean over the internet with a p2p protocol or over the network? | 06:02 |
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Saw^ | Well it would be good to do that, but it's pretty much work there... probably been over a year when I reinstalled fully (changed to ubuntu then) | 06:03 |
MDCore | tomaz: over the network. | 06:03 |
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MDCore | I go to the file menu option in konq -> folder properties -> sharing | 06:03 |
MDCore | but it's all greyed out. | 06:03 |
MDCore | I even tried kdesu konq but it's still greyed out. | 06:03 |
zorglu_ | MDCore: there is a applet called filed sharing, i think it is related, it shares the file thru a http server, which is accessible to everybody | 06:04 |
MDCore | zorglu_: ok. Let me look at that. I'm more thinking SMB sharing.. that's what I presumed the sharing component did. | 06:04 |
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ypsila | good evening | 06:05 |
zorglu_ | MDCore: if you are firewall/natted, some port opening may be involved to actually be reachable | 06:05 |
MDCore | yeah, there's Share and Sharing | 06:05 |
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MDCore | zorglu_: thanks. Don't think that'll be a problem | 06:05 |
zorglu_ | MDCore: not thing which is related to the applet imtalking to | 06:05 |
MDCore | :) | 06:05 |
zorglu_ | ok :) | 06:05 |
zorglu_ | MDCore: for smb, there is kmenu -> system setting -> sharing which handle smb | 06:06 |
MDCore | zorglu_: cool, went there, but it's greyed out, despite logging in as admin... am I missing some package? | 06:07 |
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regis_ | salut | 06:08 |
zorglu_ | MDCore: you need to go in 'administrator mode'. on my install i got issue with that for reasons unknown to me | 06:08 |
ypsila | bon soir | 06:08 |
zorglu_ | MDCore: so i use 'kdesu kcontrol' | 06:08 |
zorglu_ | !fr | 06:08 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 06:08 |
regis_ | je suis novice dans ubuntu et toi | 06:08 |
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ypsila | auf nach #kubuntu-de fr die deutsche version ;-) | 06:09 |
zorglu_ | "allez sur" :) | 06:09 |
regis_ | au revoir | 06:09 |
Blacken | Good, quick image editors along the level of Microsoft Paint...any suggestions? | 06:09 |
tomaz | yeh | 06:10 |
ypsila | mais regis a du compris :-) | 06:10 |
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tomaz | kolourpaint | 06:10 |
tomaz | it's almost the same as ms paint | 06:10 |
tomaz | ;) | 06:10 |
Blacken | Cool. I'm just ripping a chunk out of a screenshot, so I don't want to install the hideosity of GIMP. | 06:10 |
zorglu_ | tomaz: i never tried kolourpaint, is it easier than krita ? | 06:10 |
Blacken | Thanks. | 06:10 |
tomaz | it is like paint | 06:11 |
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tomaz | you dont have filters and layers | 06:11 |
zorglu_ | ok cool :) | 06:11 |
Blacken | Good. | 06:11 |
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tomaz | you only need gimp or krita if you are a serious image manipulator | 06:11 |
tomaz | i need to use Inkscape and Gimp (krita still does not suit my needs) | 06:11 |
tomaz | because i work with fancy graphics. | 06:12 |
tomaz | but, i have an example of what you could do with kolourpaint | 06:12 |
ypsila | tomaz: but for most ppl gimp has to much features | 06:12 |
tomaz | wanna see? | 06:12 |
tomaz | yeh | 06:12 |
tomaz | that's true | 06:12 |
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kyaneos | hello | 06:13 |
ypsila | good evening | 06:13 |
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ypsila | tomaz: you are from brazil? | 06:13 |
tomaz | there should be a easy and lightway to do some thinks like change the darkness of the picture than with gimp or krita | 06:13 |
tomaz | yes | 06:13 |
tomaz | i'm from Salvador | 06:14 |
ypsila | nice | 06:14 |
tomaz | http://www.flogao.com.br/tumaix/foto/09/11054373 -> this is just an happy example of my work with Kolourpaint | 06:14 |
ypsila | tomaz: ppl should be able to take photos :-) then they wouldn't need any progs to do that for tehem | 06:14 |
tomaz | http://www.flogao.com.br/tumaix/foto/022/46909022 -> and this is using Gimp and Inkscape. | 06:14 |
ypsila | tomaz: looks like a real painting, although I prefer a brush | 06:16 |
tomaz | it's too hard for ppl to learn how to take photos. i always get some photos like... COMPLETELY DARK on the front and with LOTS of Ligth on the back. the main reason of the photo, like the statue or the ppl, are in the shadow, and a tree is on the light, or a bulding. | 06:16 |
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tomaz | i don't know how to control a brush >_< | 06:16 |
tomaz | i just can only use a box to draw =D | 06:16 |
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ypsila | tomaz: I know, we used to have mini-labs, but since that nothing changed with digi-cams | 06:17 |
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ypsila | tomaz: everbody tries to do at his best | 06:17 |
tomaz | yeh, but they just don't know how =/ | 06:17 |
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tomaz | i learn how to photograph the hard way | 06:18 |
ypsila | tomaz: we spend quite a lot of time to tell them, but like they do not read manuals, the do not listen | 06:18 |
tomaz | stealed my brother digi cam and start taking pictures =D | 06:18 |
Saw^ | tomaz: btw, it seems like they do the same thing to sources.list with sed now that I read the instructions... | 06:18 |
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tomaz | hum? | 06:19 |
tomaz | didin't get it. (not native english speaker) | 06:19 |
tomaz | i'm almost downloading the Edgy Eft beta to try it | 06:20 |
Saw^ | tomaz: they say in the webpage that one way to do upgrading, is to change the revision name with editor or sed in the sources.list and then use apt-get | 06:21 |
tomaz | ah =) | 06:22 |
tomaz | it will update with no problems | 06:22 |
tomaz | i'm sure of this | 06:22 |
tomaz | but i don't know if they will remove the files that are no longer used, | 06:22 |
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tomaz | for example, they will install kernel 2.6.17, it will delete the 2.6.15? | 06:23 |
tomaz | or will place it somewhere else so i can try the 2.6.15 when i wish to? | 06:23 |
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MDCore | tomaz: it keeps older kernels | 06:25 |
MDCore | tomaz: you get the option of choosing them at boot time | 06:25 |
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tomaz | yes | 06:27 |
tomaz | so, because of this | 06:27 |
tomaz | i do a fresh install | 06:27 |
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tomaz | my ~ is in another partition and my /downloads too | 06:28 |
trappist | tomaz: you can uninstall the old kernels. it just doesn't happen automatically. | 06:28 |
tomaz | i will need to uninstall lots and lots of programs | 06:28 |
tomaz | that i compiled by hand | 06:28 |
tomaz | or used a .deb to install | 06:28 |
tomaz | a fresh install for me is simpler. | 06:29 |
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excitatory | does anyone know where to obtain a binary or compile the latest aotuv oggenc? | 06:32 |
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | excitatory, the latest what? | 06:33 |
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=== morghanphoenix [n=phoenix@71-212-15-168.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ypsila | Ogg Vorbis Encoder 1.1 - MP3 Encoder Software - [MPeX.net] | 06:34 |
=== relix-- [n=david@vpnc194.ugent.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | Any suggestions for a cheap, but still good video card that works well with Kubuntu? | 06:34 |
Tm_T | morghanphoenix: some nvidia perhaps? | 06:35 |
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ypsila | morghanphoenix: video = tv? hauppauge | 06:35 |
Hawkwind | morghanphoenix: Nvidia FX5200 you can get for $30 - $40 all day long | 06:35 |
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morghanphoenix | thanks | 06:36 |
morghanphoenix | I have an ati rage 128 at the moment, it's just not working out. | 06:36 |
morghanphoenix | 7 years old is a little out of date. | 06:37 |
Tm_T | I have fx5700 | 06:37 |
tomaz | Hawkwind, if I say to you that here in brazil we pay +- US$ 200 for this board, do you will belive me? | 06:37 |
Tm_T | pretty good, even for gaming and shouldn't be expensive anymore :p | 06:37 |
Hawkwind | tomaz: I would believe you. I know things are expensive there | 06:37 |
=== ypsila understands video - grafikkarte | ||
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | morghanphoenix, thats my card, the one Hawkwind suggested | 06:38 |
Admiral_Chicago | works great and can handle XGL | 06:38 |
tomaz | u.u , i'm out of video card because it's cheaper to buy an Wii on canada just a 1024 RAM in brazil. | 06:38 |
zorglu_ | morghanphoenix: i have a unusual ATI in my laptop, the proprietary driver is not supporting it but dri.sourceforge.net does | 06:38 |
=== AleX-14 [n=alex@sjo68-1-82-227-93-134.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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morghanphoenix | hmm, that's my biggest problem, it's got 16megs of ram, but x pitches a fit whenever I tell it it has vram. | 06:39 |
=== ypsila downgraded to nvidia mx/mx400 to get xgl work | ||
=== Captain_Redbeard [n=carl@c-a2b7e055.449-1-64736c22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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excitatory | Admiral_Chicago: it's considered to be the best version of the ogg vorbis encoder.. the xiph vorbis team generally accept all of this guys patches and merges them into the official. they've been very behind though, and his latest work almost completely removes audible artifacts at q4-6. it's been out for months and months now, and both frustrating that the vorbis team doesn't catch up, and/or the fact that ubuntu doesn't have a packa | 06:41 |
excitatory | h. | 06:41 |
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=== drayen_ [n=drayen@host86-142-177-144.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tomaz | hum | 06:42 |
tomaz | there are Oggplayers like the ipod? | 06:42 |
zorglu_ | tomaz: about the higher price of the hardware for you, to buy thru the internet and mailed to you is not an option ? | 06:42 |
tomaz | nope, the import tax is about 60% of the original price, plus the sending charge | 06:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | excitatory, perhaps you could help maintain the package, packages.ubuntu.org has a lot of information about that | 06:42 |
zorglu_ | tomaz: i know there are, but i dont get the names tho | 06:43 |
zorglu_ | tomaz: wow uncool | 06:43 |
Admiral_Chicago | you may want to compile from source or convert or somethin | 06:43 |
tomaz | yup, very uncool | 06:43 |
morghanphoenix | wait, ipod like mp3 players that play ogg? | 06:43 |
tomaz | i will buy my new box when i'm on vancouver. u.u | 06:43 |
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Admiral_Chicago | PM me if you need more help, I have class now | 06:43 |
=== twstokes [n=tanner@adsl-068-159-112-150.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
excitatory | Admiral_Chicago: i would love to, however, if i can't even compile this, idk how much help i would be. but i think when i figure it out, i will take you up on that. | 06:43 |
tomaz | mogra, i'm not a native english speaker, unclarity on my speech is expected | 06:44 |
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zorglu_ | morghanphoenix: yep he meant that | 06:45 |
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ypsila | tomaz: I do understand you :-) | 06:45 |
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excitatory | tomaz: no worries, most native english speakers cannot even articulate a complete sentence, let alone express an idea through words in a clear manner.. | 06:45 |
ypsila | excitatory: :-D true | 06:46 |
=== piipoo [n=piipoo@e181053127.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
excitatory | tomaz: believe me, i live in the states :D | 06:46 |
ypsila | excitatory: how can you stand that? ;-) | 06:46 |
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Admiral_Chicago | excitatory, or find me in #ubuntu-chicago | 06:47 |
excitatory | tomaz, morghanphoenix, also, if you install rockbox (3rd party, open source firmware) the ipod can play ogg, flac, wavpack, mp3, aac, etc, etc..) | 06:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | that team is good and can help you out | 06:47 |
ypsila | Admiral_Chicago: I didn' know, that kubuntu has own departments over there, as a european I thought "over there" everbody loves xp | 06:48 |
excitatory | ypsila: well, there are many reasons for me to voluntarily stay here, and many involuntary reasons for why i am still here. it's all the same wherever you go..just preference really. | 06:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | ypsila, when did I say ovre there? | 06:49 |
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=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | XP is the devil! | 06:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | class! | 06:49 |
ypsila | Admiral_Chicago: for me "the states" are over there :-) | 06:50 |
ypsila | morghanphoenix: xp is worse | 06:50 |
=== brian_ [n=brian@216-67-206-147.nas35.kgm.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | Is it just me, or is each new microsoft product getting buggier and buggier? | 06:51 |
morghanphoenix | I did allright with 98se | 06:51 |
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excitatory | Admiral_Chicago: i actually live in milwaukee.. | 06:51 |
morghanphoenix | woah, rockbox supports 4th gens | 06:52 |
=== mattis1 [n=mattis^@p54BD6BF7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ypsila | morghanphoenix: I did allright with everything and I started from the ground (DOS), but after almost 20 years of updating and never kept promises I fear vista | 06:53 |
=== jackster [n=jack@user-544560df.lns6-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | My nieghbor tested vista | 06:54 |
ypsila | especially as I already know, that the next generation of dau's will buy it | 06:54 |
brian_ | Anyone have boson installed? I need help getting the music files to play?? game work fine but no music | 06:54 |
morghanphoenix | you could hear her throwing stuff around the room in the middle of the night | 06:54 |
excitatory | morghanphoenix: well, that tends to happen when the software, in this case an OS, is getting ever more complex while continually being built upon a poor base with a terrible software model.. | 06:55 |
ypsila | morghanphoenix: due to vista? | 06:55 |
frojnd | is there any tutorial how to download and install 32bit frefox on 64bit processor and how to install java and others plug-ins for it ? (please help) | 06:55 |
frojnd | KUBUNTU | 06:55 |
frojnd | not UBUNTU | 06:55 |
morghanphoenix | X/K/Ubuntu! | 06:55 |
morghanphoenix | yeah | 06:55 |
frojnd | don't get it | 06:55 |
morghanphoenix | due to vista | 06:55 |
excitatory | frojnd: there are a few howtos on ubuntuforums.org | 06:55 |
twstokes | You think the next Windows OS will be completely rebuilt from the ground up? | 06:56 |
morghanphoenix | Kubuntu with gnome and xfce installed | 06:56 |
excitatory | twstokes: well, vista is not.. and who knows about the next one. | 06:56 |
twstokes | It's quite sad. Spaghetti code and all. | 06:57 |
morghanphoenix | I hope there isn't a next one | 06:57 |
ypsila | morghanphoenix: there will be a next one, that is sure | 06:57 |
twstokes | I really couldn't find anything in Vista that excited me. | 06:57 |
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=== ypsila has got enough of that | ||
arunkale | hey people | 06:57 |
twstokes | Nothing new or innovative. Just some eye candy that XGL already creams. | 06:57 |
zorglu_ | frojnd: still got trouble adapting the instructions ? what is the issue ? | 06:57 |
ypsila | hi you | 06:57 |
morghanphoenix | What about IE7? | 06:58 |
excitatory | twstokes: perhaps because it's more of a service pack than a new os release? | 06:58 |
ypsila | morghanphoenix: who needs that? | 06:58 |
morghanphoenix | They finally added something! | 06:58 |
twstokes | I don't know, bust Vista almost looks like another ME release | 06:58 |
arunkale | fonts are displaying umm.. weird in flash for me.. as in, when i view the site in windows, the font displays as arial, and in linux it shows as times new roman | 06:58 |
twstokes | Just layering new things over old code | 06:58 |
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morghanphoenix | Not that opera doesn't allready do it better | 06:58 |
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twstokes | And we all know how great ME turned out | 06:58 |
trappist | arunkale: try installing msttcorefonts | 06:58 |
morghanphoenix | Yeah, that's how I got linux | 06:58 |
zorglu_ | ALL: kubuntu is glad you like it, but lets not enter in a war about which os is best on this channel. you may discuss it on #kubuntu-offtopic tho | 06:59 |
twstokes | IE7 is interesting, I used it a little in Vista. I liked the RSS reader. | 06:59 |
arunkale | trappist: i have arial, etc.. installed | 06:59 |
arunkale | i mean i copied those fonts from my windows cd to the fonts folder on ubuntu | 06:59 |
morghanphoenix | What browser do you normaly use? | 06:59 |
trappist | arunkale: iirc there's also a fix for some flash font issues on the RestrictedFormats wiki page | 06:59 |
arunkale | websites show properly.. this problem is just with flash | 06:59 |
arunkale | firefox | 06:59 |
trappist | arunkale: doing that doesn't install the font | 06:59 |
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arunkale | it doesn't | 07:00 |
arunkale | ? | 07:00 |
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=== ypsila loves opera | ||
arunkale | well, i can view pages with arial properly | 07:00 |
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arunkale | i installed them from the font installer in 'system settings' | 07:00 |
trappist | well that's different :) | 07:00 |
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morghanphoenix | I love my Opera, and I'm converting my friends. | 07:00 |
ypsila | morghanphoenix: so do we :-) | 07:00 |
trappist | <-- not an opera fan | 07:01 |
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morghanphoenix | I installed it on my girlfriends windows computer and switched the icon for the IE one. | 07:01 |
=== ypsila tries to convert to whatever that is NOT ie | ||
trappist | I don't like how it chooses which tab to focus when I close a tab, I don't like that I can't install extentions for things like adblock, etc. | 07:01 |
morghanphoenix | After the initial freak out, she really likes it. | 07:01 |
root | hi | 07:02 |
frojnd | zorglu_: be back in 20min thx for asking | 07:02 |
zorglu_ | ok | 07:02 |
ypsila | morghanphoenix: that's exactly what I did, and there was no freak-out, plus the chat-function - that convinced me | 07:02 |
tomaz | hum, nice | 07:02 |
twstokes | There's a chat function in Opera? | 07:02 |
tomaz | i will buy an ipod on vancouver too | 07:02 |
tomaz | to listen to OGG | 07:03 |
tomaz | y// | 07:03 |
ypsila | twstokes: jepp | 07:03 |
excitatory | morghanphoenix: i wouldn't do that.. then she's associating that icon with web browsing.. just explain to her what and why she should use this. you're only going to confuse her.. especially when she's at a friends house or on a public terminal.. idk. | 07:03 |
skreet | Or you could teach her how to use a computer, imho | 07:03 |
ypsila | excitatory: what would you do then? | 07:03 |
skreet | maybe not act like she's useless | 07:03 |
ypsila | skreet: nice answer | 07:03 |
excitatory | exactly | 07:03 |
morghanphoenix | She knows, that was just to trick her into starting it up. | 07:03 |
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morghanphoenix | She doesn't like change | 07:03 |
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skreet | morghanphoenix: who does :) | 07:04 |
arunkale | I have gsfonts and gsfonts-x11 installed as well | 07:04 |
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twstokes | I like change for the better | 07:04 |
morghanphoenix | I do. | 07:04 |
excitatory | well, she shouldn't be allowed to live in this world.. constants are changing | 07:04 |
excitatory | ;) | 07:04 |
skreet | I enjoy Adept | 07:04 |
twstokes | I like Adept also | 07:04 |
skreet | I find it excellent | 07:04 |
=== pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ypsila | twstokes: never looked for the chat-option? | 07:04 |
arunkale | btw, looks like edgy is going to be out in a couple weeks | 07:05 |
twstokes | Never used Opera before actually | 07:05 |
ypsila | adept is nice | 07:05 |
morghanphoenix | I've changed distros fout times this month | 07:05 |
skreet | I can't wait for a useable beta of KDE 4.0.0 | 07:05 |
twstokes | Final release for Edgy? | 07:05 |
=== ypsila is happy to have no xp anymore | ||
excitatory | twstokes: oct 26, i believe.. | 07:05 |
twstokes | Holy moly I had no clue this soon | 07:05 |
skreet | Cmon' XP is nice. | 07:05 |
morghanphoenix | And if you used it a long time ago and hated it, use it again, it's better now. | 07:05 |
twstokes | That's great | 07:05 |
skreet | Getting my RC1-Vista trial! | 07:05 |
skreet | 4.7 gb later. | 07:05 |
twstokes | I downloaded it a few weeks but didn't install it (Vista RC1) | 07:06 |
twstokes | *ago | 07:06 |
arunkale | Yeah, final release | 07:06 |
skreet | I need to backup this laptop first | 07:06 |
ypsila | skreet: but beware, when having xp on the same box | 07:06 |
skreet | ypsila: Doing an upgrade with an image of the drive within arms reach | 07:06 |
skreet | :) | 07:06 |
twstokes | I use Ghost and love it | 07:07 |
twstokes | It's one of the few things I go into Windows for | 07:07 |
=== arzafen [n=zafer_ar@vpn-epfl-b016.epfl.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
skreet | Ever use Acronis software? | 07:07 |
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twstokes | Nope, only heard of it | 07:07 |
skreet | It's pretty decent | 07:07 |
ypsila | skreet: that is a very good idea, a friend of mine tested vista and his xp was burnt | 07:07 |
skreet | I like the Samba and FTP fileshare access. | 07:07 |
excitatory | skreet: give them time, the kde team doesn't want to jump ahead of themselves and release too early. look at firefox.. 2.0 was suppose to have major changes and improvements, but now it's shaping up to be more of a point release since users are so eager to have it... (among other reasons) | 07:07 |
skreet | excitatory: I know :( | 07:08 |
skreet | but i'd be happy with a broken beta, it looks so sexy | 07:08 |
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excitatory | development takes time.. and resources are short. feel free to contribute :D | 07:08 |
=== duckdown [i=airfoil@blackprojects.labs.nasa-gov.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zorglu_ | ok you guys dont feel like getting on topic :) | 07:08 |
skreet | Not much of a developer, I'm afraid | 07:08 |
skreet | Topic? | 07:08 |
skreet | Kubuntu | 07:08 |
arunkale | man this is weird | 07:08 |
skreet | It runs KDE :) | 07:09 |
arunkale | arial displays as times new roman | 07:09 |
skreet | Duh. | 07:09 |
ypsila | topic? what is that? | 07:09 |
skreet | ..or something. | 07:09 |
arunkale | would this have anything to do with the default font or whatever | 07:09 |
morghanphoenix | I use my girlfriend's computer to reencode MP3s, still haven't been able to find anything in linux where I tell it to do 40 gigs of mp3s, go to sleep and wake up to them being done. | 07:09 |
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=== ypsila is allergic against times roman | ||
skreet | morghanphoenix: I still hate reencoding mp3s | 07:09 |
skreet | morghanphoenix: Or more importantly Ogg-> as my car stereo has mp3 capability | 07:09 |
excitatory | zorglu_: agreed, it isn't a bad idea to be on topic.. but i think considering there's no one in here that's being ignored with their questions, is it really so bad to go off on a few tangents? | 07:09 |
morghanphoenix | I have lots of them at 320 bitrate | 07:10 |
skreet | I was using Monkey's Audio for a while | 07:10 |
skreet | but I need to find a car that supports it :) | 07:10 |
arunkale | ypsila: so am i | 07:10 |
morghanphoenix | Only have 80 gigs on the drive and 40 on the pod | 07:10 |
arunkale | does anyone have a google analytics account here | 07:10 |
excitatory | skreet: good luck. cars will support ogg and flac before monkeys | 07:10 |
zorglu_ | excitatory: i understand your point. but we may considere as well that talking all over about offtopic may scare people from asking | 07:10 |
skreet | excitatory: Maybe. FLAC would be fine. | 07:11 |
zorglu_ | excitatory: just saying the arguement tho, i dont feel the urge to enforce people to keep ontopic :) | 07:11 |
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excitatory | zorglu_: fair enough | 07:11 |
ypsila | was eine scheiss berflssige diskussion | 07:12 |
morghanphoenix | People saying rtfm scares people off of asking, haven't heard that much here. | 07:12 |
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=== MDCore [n=gavin@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
excitatory | morghanphoenix: agreed. i think if you're going to tell someone to rtfm, you should link them to it. | 07:13 |
ypsila | morghanphoenix: I would be very very happy if my ppl would even know google | 07:13 |
morghanphoenix | Last time someone told me that it was in #slackware and I had the manual in front of me. | 07:13 |
MDCore | Hey all.. I can't get my wife's windows machine to see my machine via SMB. HTTP works fine, but no smb :P | 07:14 |
=== KVirus [n=cvirus@] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
=== ypsila thinks that linux has so many programs an plugins and features it is not very realistic to find s.o. to use exactly the same things | ||
morghanphoenix | Took me forever to figure out how to mount an entire drive as /home, when I finally did it was so simple I felt like a complete idiot. | 07:15 |
=== Ubug2 is now known as Ubugtu | ||
ypsila | :-D | 07:15 |
=== Drew [n=root@68-112-232-69.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
twstokes | How are you trying to access SMB with the Windows machine? | 07:16 |
ypsila | MDCore: we worked on that problem between suse and kubuntu for almost one week | 07:16 |
MDCore | ypsila: ah.. so does kubuntu have problems being friendly on the network ? | 07:16 |
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nuxil_ | !MPICH2 | 07:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about MPICH2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:17 |
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ypsila | MDCore: no, not at all, the problem is in front of the monitor | 07:18 |
MDCore | Ah.. so.. any ideas how to solve the problem ? | 07:18 |
ypsila | MDCore: do get any errors? | 07:18 |
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm62.omega21.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morghanphoenix | replace the faulty peripheral? | 07:19 |
MDCore | nope. I'm not 100% sure I've set things up correctly | 07:19 |
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MDCore | smb-wise anyway. | 07:19 |
MDCore | the kubuntu friendly sharing does nothing for me | 07:19 |
MDCore | always greyed out | 07:19 |
ypsila | MDCore: post it to the pastebin | 07:19 |
zorglu_ | MDCore: try to become administrator by clicking on the button, or launch 'kdesu kcontrol' | 07:20 |
MDCore | zorglu_: done and done | 07:20 |
MDCore | zorg: still greyed out. Dunno why. | 07:20 |
zorglu_ | MDCore: the second fix the 'all grayed out' here | 07:20 |
MDCore | zorglu_: ah. didn't for me :( | 07:20 |
zorglu_ | hmm dunno then ... | 07:20 |
MDCore | kdesu kcontrol -> admin pass -> File sharing -> {grayed out } | 07:21 |
morghanphoenix | How do I connect to a windows computer on my network? | 07:21 |
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morghanphoenix | I have ssh server on mine and win scp there so it can connect to me. | 07:22 |
azzco | how do I update my kernel (is it even possible)? | 07:22 |
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Hawkwind | azzco: If there is a newer one in the repos, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will update it for you | 07:23 |
excitatory | azzco: what's wrong with it? and what version are you currently using? (uname -a) | 07:24 |
soulrider | anyone know a good DVD copy program like Elby CloneDVD for windows ? | 07:24 |
Hawkwind | soulrider: k9copy | 07:25 |
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skreet | speaking of k9copy... what's a good kde/qt ftp client | 07:25 |
Hawkwind | skreet: kftpgrabber, kbear, and several others | 07:25 |
MDCore | but none good :P | 07:25 |
skreet | heh | 07:26 |
skreet | im sure they'll work | 07:26 |
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morghanphoenix | Why do DVDs continue to copy when they've allready finished the chapter they were set to copy? | 07:26 |
morghanphoenix | I'm using thoggen | 07:26 |
excitatory | skreet: even konqueror works well | 07:26 |
azzco | excitatory: this line should explain some :) "Couldn't find package linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-27-386" | 07:26 |
tomaz | i use Konqueror for FTP | 07:26 |
excitatory | skreet: kasablanca as well | 07:27 |
tomaz | i used kasablanca, Gftp and konqueror | 07:27 |
skreet | checking out kbear | 07:27 |
tomaz | but no one is good as Filezilla | 07:27 |
tomaz | =/ | 07:27 |
azzco | I'm trying to install compiz aiglx but I need to install that package | 07:27 |
tomaz | there's a linux port of filezilla? | 07:27 |
excitatory | azzco: maybe because that package doesn't exist. | 07:27 |
azzco | yeah... but I also noticed that I'm supposed to be running a 686 kernel as I have apentium 4... | 07:28 |
morghanphoenix | How about a good DVD ripper? | 07:28 |
excitatory | tomaz: no, but there's a firefox plugin that works nicely, fireftp | 07:29 |
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tomaz | i dont have FF installed. just konqueror and opera here | 07:30 |
zorglu_ | MDCore: http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-share-files-using-samba.html <- i just found that, i dunno if it helps | 07:30 |
tomaz | cuz i got some memory problems with FF, it consumes too much ram | 07:30 |
tomaz | so i will stick with Konqueror for now. | 07:30 |
excitatory | azzco: well, remove linux-image-386 and install linux-image-686 simple as that. | 07:30 |
azzco | thx excitatory I'm installing now ;) | 07:31 |
excitatory | tomaz: yea, but that's mostly from the customization that the debian devs do that we as ubuntu users inherit.. | 07:31 |
morghanphoenix | Anybody know a good dvd ripping program? | 07:31 |
excitatory | tomaz: it seems to be doing fine on my machine as of a few weeks ago. | 07:31 |
Hawkwind | morghanphoenix: To burn movies you mean ? | 07:31 |
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morghanphoenix | to put them on my hard drive | 07:32 |
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Hawkwind | morghanphoenix: Ummm, insert the DVD, mount it if it needs to, copy the files to your harddrive. I don't think there is such things as a DVD ripping program. Not that I know of anyways | 07:32 |
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morghanphoenix | I have thoggen installed, converts them to ogg, but it has problems sometimes. | 07:33 |
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Hawkwind | Converts a DVD to ogg ??? | 07:34 |
excitatory | azzco: depending on your video drivers and/or codecs you use, you may and probably need to install linux-restricted-modules-686 as well. | 07:34 |
morghanphoenix | I'll be copying a dvd and it will keep copying after it's finished. | 07:34 |
morghanphoenix | yeah | 07:34 |
Hawkwind | That isn't the way things are done | 07:34 |
excitatory | Hawkwind: probably talking about theora and ogg.. video/audio respectively | 07:34 |
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morghanphoenix | They play in kaffiene just fine, if they copy right that is. | 07:35 |
angel | que es esto? | 07:35 |
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soulrider | angel | 07:35 |
soulrider | !es | 07:35 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 07:35 |
morghanphoenix | I woke up this morning to find king arthur 7 hours into a copy, for a 139 min movie. | 07:36 |
soulrider | does anyone know a program i can use to import outlook contacts from windows to here ? | 07:36 |
morghanphoenix | Doesn't kontact support them? | 07:36 |
morghanphoenix | vcards, right? | 07:36 |
zorglu_ | soulrider: thunderbird does it i think | 07:37 |
soulrider | ahh ok | 07:37 |
soulrider | its for my dad actually | 07:37 |
soulrider | is it easy to use ? | 07:37 |
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zorglu_ | thunderbird ? yep quite | 07:37 |
soulrider | i use Opera | 07:37 |
soulrider | ahh ok | 07:37 |
soulrider | i convinced himt o use linux :P | 07:37 |
soulrider | he was tired of windows | 07:38 |
soulrider | popping a window every 2 secs saying his win was a pirate copy | 07:38 |
soulrider | :P | 07:38 |
morghanphoenix | XP? | 07:38 |
soulrider | yea | 07:38 |
morghanphoenix | I hate that | 07:38 |
soulrider | Xtra poopy | 07:38 |
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Homer | does it really do that | 07:39 |
zorglu_ | he could use firefox on window to avoid this, tho :) i dunno if it is good to tell him tho :) | 07:39 |
Homer | oh IE tells you? | 07:39 |
morghanphoenix | I added a hard drive and extra cd-rom to my gfs xp and I had to call microsoft because it thought I put the hard drive in a new computer. | 07:39 |
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zorglu_ | Homer: yep, just a web advertizement and ie doing bad handling for it | 07:40 |
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=== Blacken loves having a legitimate corporate key for just that reason, morghanphoenix. | ||
windshear | windows told me to update my system - so i installed kubuntu... | 07:40 |
Homer | lol | 07:40 |
MotorCityMadMan | Uptime: 15 hours and 56 minutes | 07:40 |
morghanphoenix | I have an ME key, and 2k never gave me problems with a cracked key. | 07:40 |
=== Blacken finally got tired of Windows DYING IN A FIRE whenever the roommate used his computer. | ||
morghanphoenix | Just XP | 07:40 |
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morghanphoenix | And I had the damn key for XP | 07:41 |
Blacken | morghanphoenix: That's because they rightfully don't like pirating their software. Ghasp. | 07:41 |
[BTF] Chm0d | hey guys how can I roll back the os to a previous state?? | 07:41 |
Blacken | morghanphoenix: LOL, this is true. That happens plenty. | 07:41 |
Homer | I love how hotmail tells you to "upgrade" to Internet Explorer 5 or higher | 07:41 |
arunkale | yay my fonts work in flash now | 07:41 |
morghanphoenix | It wasn't pirated | 07:41 |
Blacken | [BTF] Chm0d: What do you mean, exactly? | 07:41 |
soulrider | its not IE, its an actual widnows popup LOL and hes using Opera | 07:41 |
morghanphoenix | My 2k was pirated, never a problem. | 07:42 |
=== Blacken doesn't pirate. Bad, bad mojo involved. | ||
[BTF] Chm0d | well i have installed all this beryl and xgl shit and it doesn't work so I would love to roll back to where it wasn't even installed | 07:42 |
morghanphoenix | Yeah, supposed to lock up after a month | 07:42 |
Homer | really? | 07:42 |
steff | hi. is it posible to monitor what a remote user is doing on my machine when he is operating through ssh? | 07:43 |
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nuxil_ | [BTF] Chm0d lol | 07:43 |
morghanphoenix | I don't look at it as stealing, I owned me, lost the disk, they gave me shit aboput getting another one so I installed my friends 2k. | 07:43 |
Blacken | morghanphoenix: That's nice. It's still theft. You didn't buy 2K. | 07:43 |
arunkale | oh crap on some sites it still shows times new roman | 07:43 |
morghanphoenix | I bought thier product, they just wouldn't let me use the one I paid for. | 07:43 |
Blacken | morghanphoenix: No, you bought a license to use their product. | 07:43 |
[BTF] Chm0d | not so funny nuxil_ | 07:43 |
soulrider | yea, say your mobo dies, you need to buya new XP, its such BS | 07:44 |
[BTF] Chm0d | but thx for your humor | 07:44 |
Blacken | soulrider: Not true... | 07:44 |
Homer | that's it I'm sending the BSA in | 07:44 |
nuxil_ | [BTF] Chm0d, whats not working ? are you on a 64 or 32 bit system? | 07:44 |
soulrider | still, im not paying for windows :P | 07:44 |
[BTF] Chm0d | 64 | 07:44 |
Blacken | soulrider: Then don't use it. | 07:44 |
soulrider | lets hope vista is a disaster so more ppl use kubuntu :P | 07:44 |
soulrider | i dont :P | 07:44 |
[BTF] Chm0d | oops 32 right now | 07:44 |
zorglu_ | [BTF] Chm0d: you got the backup of the modified files ? | 07:44 |
[BTF] Chm0d | i had 64 running | 07:44 |
Blacken | morghanphoenix: I wouldn't use Linux on my own machines (and most of the ones I do tech support for) if I didn't disagree with Microsoft's tactics, but the fact remains that you DID agree to Microsloth's terms when you bought Windows. Caveat bloody emptor. | 07:45 |
[BTF] Chm0d | like xorg? | 07:45 |
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zorglu_ | [BTF] Chm0d: all the files you modified during the install of xgl/beryl | 07:45 |
nuxil_ | [BTF] Chm0d, read this http://nuxil.dynserv.net:81/howto/xgl&compiz/compiz&xgl.txt | 07:45 |
[BTF] Chm0d | hell i dont know :) | 07:45 |
Homer | Blacken: don't assume the law isn't up for debate either | 07:45 |
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Blacken | steff: You can monitor it through ps, and I'm sure there are other ways, but SSH is secure for a reason--so you can't snoop directly. :p | 07:46 |
morghanphoenix | And aren't the new keys downgradable anyways? | 07:46 |
morghanphoenix | nvm, it's off-topic | 07:46 |
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Blacken | Homer: The fact remains that users choose to use their software under their terms. It really isn't Microsoft's fault that people click straight through without reading. I use Linux because it's better, but Microsoft has every right to sell their products as they choose to, FUD notwithstanding. | 07:47 |
morghanphoenix | Then they should support them. | 07:47 |
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trappist | Blacken, Homer, morghanphoenix, #kubuntu-offtopic please | 07:47 |
zorglu_ | Blacken: they have this right IIF they do it in a legal manner | 07:48 |
steff | Blacken: okay.. i'll try.. i just think i would be nice if i could watch in real time whats going on.. thank you | 07:48 |
[BTF] Chm0d | nuxil_: if i already have that stuff installed do i need to undo everything i have already done? | 07:48 |
MotorCityMadMan | Random Fortune: Q: Would you like to see the WINE list? A: What's on it, anything expensive? Q: No, just Solitaire and MineSweeper for now, but the WINE is free. -- Kevin M. Bealer, about the WINdows Emulator | 07:48 |
nuxil_ | http://nuxil.dynserv.net:81/screenshot/kde-xgl2.png | 07:48 |
nuxil_ | nahhh dont think so | 07:48 |
nuxil_ | im running video on my desktop :) | 07:48 |
nuxil_ | xwinwrap :) | 07:49 |
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Chousuke | Wine Is Not an Emulator ;P | 07:49 |
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zorglu_ | nuxil_ isp can't handle pasting a picture url on irc :) | 07:49 |
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MotorCityMadMan | Chousuke: WINdows Emulator | 07:50 |
[BTF] Chm0d | nice screenshot nuxil_ | 07:50 |
nuxil_ | thx | 07:50 |
[BTF] Chm0d | ill try to follow your guide step for step | 07:50 |
buzzy- | !w32codecs | 07:51 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:51 |
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nuxil_ | it not my guide.. i copyed it from the forums for own use,, and the guid it worked for me :) | 07:51 |
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nuxil_ | zorglu_, ? | 07:52 |
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zorglu_ | nuxil_: nevermind, just noticed that the picture was downloading very slowly | 07:52 |
zorglu_ | still in progress even :) maybe i should cut it :) | 07:52 |
nuxil_ | zorglu_ lol i bet.. i only have 512 upload | 07:52 |
nuxil_ | :P | 07:52 |
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MotorCityMadMan | !FLAC | 07:55 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:55 |
frojnd | hello there.. I've downloaded firefox32 and install it with script link:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202537&highlight=firefox+32 Does this version of firefox override previous one (64bit) ? | 07:55 |
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mini_gamer1896 | !download | 07:56 |
ubotu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 07:56 |
nuxil | frojnd if it does or not.. you would like it to.. so you can have flash working | 07:56 |
frojnd | hm | 07:57 |
frojnd | how can I remove it | 07:57 |
frojnd | apt-get remove firefox ? | 07:57 |
nuxil | dpkg -r | 07:57 |
nuxil | dpkg -r firefox | 07:57 |
nuxil | i think | 07:57 |
nuxil | man | 07:57 |
frojnd | hm | 07:57 |
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frojnd | couse I don't wanna delite 32bit.. | 07:57 |
nuxil | you dont need firefox for 64 bit | 07:57 |
nuxil | thers no point. yet, | 07:58 |
frojnd | I know.. | 07:58 |
frojnd | I need 23 | 07:58 |
frojnd | 32* | 07:58 |
nuxil | you can dl the firefox 2 beta version | 07:58 |
frojnd | ? | 07:58 |
frojnd | what for | 07:58 |
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frojnd | isn't 32bit compatible with 64bit processors? | 07:58 |
nuxil | use it instead | 07:58 |
frojnd | can I override it | 07:59 |
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frojnd | :) I don't understand quitely | 07:59 |
frojnd | look.. | 07:59 |
nuxil | alright | 08:00 |
frojnd | first I've installed firefox64 | 08:00 |
frojnd | and now 32 by this script | 08:00 |
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frojnd | couse I wanna java and otheres plug-ins works.. | 08:00 |
frojnd | and now I am asking if 32 will work properly | 08:01 |
frojnd | couse 64 is allready installed | 08:01 |
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frojnd | and second q: will firefox32 override firefox64 automaticlly or I have to manual? | 08:02 |
nuxil | http://home.comcast.net/~deletebox/firefox-2.0-BETA-1_amd64.deb | 08:02 |
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nuxil | its working with flash and java | 08:02 |
frojnd | aha | 08:03 |
frojnd | so basically I wouldn't have to install firefox32 ? :S | 08:03 |
nuxil | == you still need some 32 libs | 08:03 |
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nuxil | ia32linux | 08:03 |
nuxil | lib32-* | 08:04 |
frojnd | ho nose | 08:05 |
frojnd | now It's a whole mess :S | 08:05 |
Dink | Ok who here wants to help an old fart get dvdrip working/installed ?? | 08:05 |
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TheGateKeeper | frojnd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 08:05 |
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Dink | apt-get install wont do it says broken package.... something about video-dvdrip | 08:05 |
Dink | I dont see video-dvdrip anywhere | 08:06 |
frojnd | TheGateKeeper I don't get the ubuntu syntaxes so this tuturial is usless to me | 08:06 |
frojnd | how can I delite firefox | 08:06 |
frojnd | bouth of them | 08:06 |
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frojnd | firefox32 and firefox64 | 08:06 |
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jon_ | my cd drive constantly opens itself when i use it | 08:07 |
jon_ | does anyone know why it would do that | 08:08 |
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TheGateKeeper | frojnd: apt-get remove <package> will remove the package but not all it's dependencies | 08:08 |
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nuxil | frojnd, the guide you need is this | 08:08 |
nuxil | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1174435 | 08:08 |
nuxil | use the scripts | 08:09 |
nuxil | http://www.tghc.org/staticpages/index.php/32bitFirefoxinstallscripts | 08:09 |
Dink | Anyone know why dvdrip conflicts with video-dvdrip even if its not installed nor in apt-get ?? | 08:09 |
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frojnd | nuxil is this also for kubuntu? | 08:10 |
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TheGateKeeper | frojnd: I think if you use sudo aptitude install <package> then you can sudo aptitude remove <package> & that removes everything (or so they tell me) | 08:10 |
frojnd | TheGateKeeper I've installed it through script | 08:11 |
nuxil | frojnd, YES | 08:11 |
frojnd | ./Firefox | 08:11 |
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frojnd | and that's it | 08:11 |
TheGateKeeper | well you would have to look at the script to see what it was doing | 08:12 |
frojnd | that's a problem | 08:13 |
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Dink | Can someone help me install dvdrip ?? | 08:17 |
Tm_T | !info dvdrip | 08:18 |
ubotu | dvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.52.5-0.0 (dapper), package size 365 kB, installed size 1656 kB | 08:18 |
Tm_T | I see | 08:18 |
frojnd | dvdrip as a program yes? | 08:18 |
Dink | trying to do it on edgy... says it conflicts with video-dvdrip which is not installed | 08:18 |
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Tm_T | Dink: #ubuntu+1 is for edgy iirc | 08:19 |
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Dink | ahh k | 08:19 |
Dink | thanks | 08:19 |
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Tm_T | np | 08:20 |
frojnd | !edgy | 08:20 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 08:20 |
mini_gamer1896 | !schedule | 08:20 |
ubotu | Ubuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule | 08:21 |
frojnd | guys | 08:21 |
frojnd | how can I remove all firefoxes on my kubuntu (firefox32 and firefox64) | 08:21 |
skreet | did you use apt to install? | 08:21 |
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frojnd | no | 08:22 |
frojnd | I mean | 08:22 |
frojnd | firefox yes | 08:22 |
frojnd | firefox64 | 08:22 |
frojnd | and firefox32 through script: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1174435 | 08:23 |
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steff | how do i copy a folder from a network dir ? | 08:27 |
steff | ..from the console | 08:27 |
=== luc_ [n=luc@230-82-244-84.zapcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
banjooie | Hey guys, idiot windows guy who just started linux yesterday after epic spyware victory here. For various reasons I need the sources.list that Kubuntu comes with--where is a vanilla copy? | 08:27 |
abattoir | !source-o-matic | 08:28 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 08:28 |
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banjooie | yay | 08:28 |
abattoir | banjooie: ^^^ that might help | 08:28 |
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soulrider | abattoir: i got a small question, i might ahve asked you before tyhough | 08:30 |
soulrider | i installed kubuntu for my dad | 08:30 |
abattoir | soulrider: sure | 08:31 |
soulrider | so i want him to ahve a program to connect/disconect out DSL connection | 08:31 |
soulrider | without having ot go to console | 08:31 |
soulrider | im using one and it works just fine | 08:31 |
soulrider | now.... | 08:31 |
soulrider | i insatleld it on him computer | 08:31 |
abattoir | knet? | 08:31 |
soulrider | and it connects to the internet | 08:31 |
soulrider | yea | 08:31 |
soulrider | im using rppppoek actually | 08:31 |
soulrider | the thing is | 08:31 |
soulrider | they both connect | 08:31 |
soulrider | i can do ifconfig and see they connected well | 08:32 |
soulrider | but apps just wont load | 08:32 |
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soulrider | as if there were no connection active | 08:32 |
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soulrider | i cant make the damn thing work | 08:32 |
abattoir | soulrider: does pinging a site work? | 08:32 |
soulrider | nope | 08:32 |
soulrider | nothing | 08:32 |
abattoir | soulrider: you tried ifup? | 08:32 |
soulrider | ifup ? | 08:32 |
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abattoir | soulrider: sudo ifup eth0 (or ppp0 ???) | 08:33 |
abattoir | eth0 would be the interface | 08:33 |
soulrider | ppp0 i guess | 08:33 |
abattoir | not sure if it'd be ppp0 for you | 08:33 |
soulrider | when do i do that, after i connect ? | 08:33 |
abattoir | after ifconfig | 08:33 |
soulrider | buts pppoe connection | 08:33 |
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abattoir | well, but if you want to do it through the console, then why not use pppoeconf ? | 08:34 |
soulrider | brb, let me see if it works | 08:34 |
soulrider | thast the thing | 08:34 |
soulrider | i dont want him to have to use hte console | 08:34 |
soulrider | i wants a nice GUI | 08:34 |
soulrider | so he has no problems | 08:34 |
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frojnd | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25681/ | 08:35 |
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frojnd | when I try to install firefox32 | 08:35 |
gupta | how to install stuff from the kubuntu install cd? | 08:35 |
abattoir | soulrider: that's one thing that's lacking though, sadly :( | 08:35 |
frojnd | this are the last 3 ines | 08:35 |
soulrider | yea :( | 08:35 |
frojnd | 3 lines* | 08:35 |
soulrider | i mean | 08:35 |
banjooie | sigh, now to try adept again | 08:35 |
soulrider | i use rppppoek on my pc and ahve no problems | 08:35 |
soulrider | but when i use it on his | 08:35 |
soulrider | i get that problem | 08:35 |
frojnd | can someone help me with this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25681/ (last 3 lines during the firefox32 installation) | 08:35 |
banjooie | Goddamnit, why does kdelibs4-dev break my install. | 08:36 |
gupta | I have tried apt-cdrom, but it doesn't seem to add many packages to teh cdrom, for example I can't find kmail . and the download from the online repos is 10mb which would take me ages, so I need to install it (old version?) using the cd only.. help plz | 08:36 |
soulrider | the one int he CDRom | 08:37 |
soulrider | is the one that comes installed with the system | 08:37 |
soulrider | you should ahve it installed already | 08:37 |
abattoir | gupta: kmail should be in the cd | 08:37 |
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abattoir | gupta: its a module under kontact | 08:37 |
abattoir | gupta: doesnt have a separate menu entry | 08:37 |
banjooie | okay, I can't seem to install kde-devel or kdelibs4-dev, both claim to break the install. I sorta need these for the headers so I can install useful things like KMuddy. | 08:37 |
gupta | soulrider: I remove it earlier | 08:38 |
banjooie | Is there some other method of procuring delicious headers? | 08:38 |
gupta | and now things have updated, so its 10mb download | 08:38 |
gupta | abattoir: i did "apt-cdrom add" dappercd, then sudo aptitude update, then aptitude search mail -- which does not show kmail.. | 08:39 |
soulrider | gupta: i never installed anything from the CD | 08:39 |
soulrider | cant one of your friends download the .deb file and give it toy ou on a CD or something ? | 08:39 |
soulrider | or why not take you pc tyoa friends house and do a full update | 08:40 |
gupta | i can do that myself.. | 08:40 |
gupta | but it would take ages | 08:40 |
soulrider | thats why | 08:40 |
soulrider | go to someone with a faster connection | 08:40 |
soulrider | you on dialup ? | 08:40 |
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gupta | plus I wana know how to install old versions generally.. coz things keep getting updated, which I don't require.. | 08:40 |
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soulrider | i g2g | 08:41 |
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windshear | hello | 08:41 |
soulrider | abattoir: i guess he will have to use hte console right ? | 08:41 |
frojnd | can someone help me with this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25681/ (last 3 lines during the firefox32 installation) ?? | 08:41 |
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windshear | just downloaded and burned 6.10 | 08:42 |
soulrider | :) | 08:42 |
abattoir | soulrider: i guess for now, yes,(wonder why knet doesnt work though) | 08:42 |
windshear | but i've got some problems starting the life cd | 08:42 |
abattoir | soulrider: you could probably create a desktop shortcut for him or something | 08:42 |
banjooie | ...maybe one of the bunch of people who just entered know--I can't seem to install kdelibs4-dev or kde-devel, because it breaks my install. I've used linux for like two days, I'm on Kubuntu. | 08:42 |
soulrider | rppppoek doesnt either, and it works on my comp | 08:42 |
abattoir | soulrider: to simplify stuff | 08:42 |
soulrider | and the modem is set up the same way | 08:42 |
soulrider | abattoir: how cna i do that >/ | 08:43 |
soulrider | ? | 08:43 |
windshear | i get to the screen what to do, install, test cd... | 08:43 |
soulrider | windshear: how much RAM do you have ? | 08:43 |
windshear | but if I select start life cd, it gets to the screen with the progress bar and stops | 08:43 |
windshear | soulrider 512 | 08:43 |
windshear | soulrider 512 mb ram | 08:44 |
soulrider | the live CD may take a while to load | 08:44 |
soulrider | for how long did you wait | 08:44 |
windshear | no it just freeses, waited 10 min, in most cases. | 08:44 |
soulrider | oh | 08:44 |
windshear | one time it worked | 08:44 |
mini_gamer1896 | was the drive still reading? | 08:44 |
soulrider | uhm.... =/ | 08:44 |
BonBonTheJon | windshear: did you run check cd | 08:44 |
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windshear | no, drive not reading, nothing | 08:45 |
abattoir | soulrider: i think you can create a link to a bash script which connects and disconnects | 08:45 |
windshear | yes, cd is ok, tested on an other pc | 08:45 |
buzzy- | !mplayer | 08:45 |
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ubotu | mplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer To compile it from source see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile | 08:45 |
soulrider | it iwll have to use sudo though | 08:45 |
ubotu | For Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips. | 08:45 |
soulrider | how can i make it prompt for the pass ? | 08:45 |
abattoir | soulrider: create a connect file where you have the command for connecting it (pon dsl-provider??) and then have one for disconnecting | 08:45 |
windshear | but on the concerned one it also sometimes stops displaying the progress bar | 08:45 |
starz | how do i change premissions of a file from a terminal | 08:46 |
soulrider | also, it would be nice if he had some icon that told him if hes ocnnected or not | 08:46 |
windshear | not even starting cd check | 08:46 |
abattoir | soulrider: hmm, yes that's an issue, unless you make sudo not ask for a password at all ;) | 08:46 |
soulrider | starz | 08:46 |
windshear | starz chown | 08:46 |
soulrider | chmod | 08:46 |
soulrider | and how cna i make it do that abattoir :P | 08:46 |
starz | thats what i thought | 08:46 |
starz | thanks | 08:46 |
windshear | hm, thats for owner sry | 08:46 |
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abattoir | soulrider: ok, be careful, because if you dont do it properly(or make a spelling mistake) you might not be able to use sudo and will have to either use a livecd to fix it or reinstall | 08:47 |
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soulrider | oh noes, im the kind of typ0s | 08:47 |
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abattoir | soulrider: the last line %admin one, should look like '%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | 08:48 |
soulrider | edgy MUST implement a program to connect via GUI | 08:48 |
abattoir | in /etc/sudoers | 08:48 |
herkulesik | hi all | 08:48 |
abattoir | soulrider: nope, its not in edgy(other than knet), maybe edgy+1 | 08:48 |
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sahadja | hello.. | 08:48 |
sahadja | i have a question please | 08:48 |
sahadja | will work kubuntu 6.06 on pentium 3 500MHz? | 08:49 |
soulrider | what does ifup do ? | 08:49 |
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abattoir | soulrider: it brings up the interface, see man ifup for more info | 08:49 |
soulrider | sahadja: i think it will, probably | 08:49 |
abattoir | sahadja: how much ram do you have? | 08:49 |
sahadja | soulrider 128RAM | 08:49 |
sahadja | abattoir 128RAM | 08:49 |
abattoir | sahadja: it will run, but it'll be very slow | 08:49 |
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abattoir | sahadja: you can try xubuntu | 08:50 |
abattoir | !xubuntu | 08:50 |
ubotu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 08:50 |
sahadja | xubuntu? Will work? | 08:50 |
=== _eckobar_ [n=eckobar@h081217129137.dyn.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_eckobar_ | hi everbody | 08:50 |
sahadja | :) | 08:50 |
sahadja | ok, i'll tru.. | 08:50 |
mini_g | i am running kde with 128 myself | 08:50 |
abattoir | sahadja: i think it should work well with older hardware, just check in #xubuntu ;) | 08:50 |
_eckobar_ | need some help | 08:50 |
_eckobar_ | problem: want to install compiz, followed steps in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingCompiz but when i want to make apt-get install cms compiz compiz-gnome getting following output from apt: package not installable ... package destroyed (translated from german to englisch from the scratch...real english output differ.) can anybody help me?? | 08:50 |
mini_g | no problems | 08:50 |
abattoir | _eckobar_: you might want to ask that in #ubuntu-xgl | 08:51 |
sahadja | mini_g kubuntu?:) | 08:51 |
mini_g | same | 08:51 |
_eckobar_ | thx will check | 08:51 |
abattoir | mini_g: it is not slow for you? | 08:51 |
mini_g | nope | 08:51 |
sahadja | mini | 08:51 |
=== abattoir used to run KDE under 128 too :( | ||
sahadja | what your processor | 08:51 |
mini_g | pIII | 08:51 |
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mini_g | 600mhz | 08:51 |
sahadja | mini_G do you think kubuntu will work ? | 08:52 |
sahadja | =] | 08:52 |
sahadja | i'll try today | 08:52 |
mini_g | get xubuntu | 08:52 |
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sahadja | i have kubuntu, xubuntu is needed to be downloaded.. | 08:52 |
sahadja | i want today to finish this | 08:52 |
sahadja | =] ] | 08:52 |
mini_g | on the the same comp? | 08:52 |
caseyomah | How do I make wine work on double-click? | 08:52 |
abattoir | sahadja: is it running well for you? | 08:52 |
sahadja | abattoir currently i'm on wim98 | 08:53 |
sahadja | windows 98 | 08:53 |
abattoir | sahadja: oh ok | 08:53 |
abattoir | sahadja: try installing it(since you already have it), if it isnt slow for you, then good, else you can always 'apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' | 08:53 |
mini_g | hmm, sahadji, what are you running cpu wise? | 08:53 |
abattoir | which is the command to install xubuntu ;) | 08:53 |
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mini_g | ack, sry, am back into the background | 08:54 |
=== Kubu [n=higi@18.Red-213-97-49.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sahadja | mini_g on your system kde work fine?? | 08:54 |
Kubu | how can i check what kernel version ive got | 08:54 |
sahadja | on 128 with pentium 3 600mhz? | 08:54 |
caseyomah | How do I fix my exes to work on wine by double-click? | 08:54 |
mini_g | correct | 08:54 |
sahadja | :) | 08:54 |
sahadja | ok | 08:54 |
Kubu | how can i check what kernel version ive got | 08:54 |
sahadja | the installation procces take time? | 08:55 |
abattoir | Kubu: uname -r | 08:55 |
sahadja | take much time? | 08:55 |
caseyomah | sahadja: Yeah, about a half hour. | 08:55 |
mini_g | sahadji, about the same as xubuntu & ubuntu | 08:55 |
sahadja | normaly | 08:55 |
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mini_g | caseyomah, you running kubuntu? | 08:56 |
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caseyomah | Yes. | 09:04 |
caseyomah | mini_g: Yes. | 09:04 |
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mini_g | k | 09:05 |
mini_g | one min | 09:05 |
caseyomah | mini_g: Right now the context menu for "Windows Executable" has "Open in new window" and "Open in new tab" | 09:05 |
=== Cyraq [i=robotnik@www.pop3.SMTP.ftp.sh] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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caseyomah | mini_g: Instead of "Open" | 09:06 |
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Cyraq | hello everyone, does anyone have an idea when 6.10 stable will be released? | 09:06 |
Cyraq | i'm not sure i want to risk insalling the beta | 09:06 |
caseyomah | Cyraq: Edgy is on the horizon. | 09:07 |
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mini_g | caseyomah: look down to about half way down the list>Open With | 09:07 |
jessica_ | hallo! | 09:07 |
Cyraq | caseyomah: like, 1-2 weeks? | 09:07 |
jessica_ | wie gehts? | 09:08 |
caseyomah | Cyraq: Probably not that fast. | 09:08 |
jessica_ | aso... | 09:08 |
zorglu_ | !de | 09:08 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:08 |
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Cyraq | pl | 09:08 |
mabreaux | what is new on the Edgy beta> | 09:08 |
Cyraq | *ok | 09:08 |
caseyomah | mini_g: I can do that, and selecting remember doesn't lock it in. | 09:08 |
Cyraq | caseyomah: i guess i'll wait. kubuntu rocks ^^ | 09:09 |
mini_g | hmm | 09:09 |
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caseyomah | Cyraq: Sure does. | 09:09 |
Cyraq | i saw the screenshots for the beta and i'm loving the purple. | 09:09 |
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Cyraq | it implements kde so perfectly its incredible | 09:09 |
morghanphoenix | Anybody know a good DVD ripping program to put my movies on my hard drive? | 09:09 |
ypsila | moin | 09:09 |
caseyomah | Thoggen | 09:09 |
mini_g | caseyomah: did you try the meta bar? | 09:10 |
maelcum | hi! i know it's not recommended to install edgy for productive use, but are there still major problems? i generally know what i'm doing so i can live with it if it's not "perfect" yet. | 09:10 |
morghanphoenix | Know why it keeps recording after it's done? | 09:10 |
JacksLivr | afternoon all: i have a Dell Latitude D620 and cannot get the system to see my wireless card. Goggle says to make sure linux-restrited-modules are what I need. I have them but my wireless card still does not show up. help please | 09:10 |
caseyomah | mini_g: Talk me through it... | 09:10 |
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morghanphoenix | caseyomah you know thoggen? | 09:10 |
mabreaux | where are the screen shots available? | 09:10 |
JacksLivr | ifconfig only shows "eth0" and "lo" | 09:11 |
mini_g | caseyomah: ok, in konquerer, press F9 to show the navigation panel if it isn't already showing | 09:11 |
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mhterres | Hey everybody | 09:11 |
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mini_g | caseyomah: and select the M with the cog behind it | 09:11 |
caseyomah | mini_g: It shows in Open With on the metabar. | 09:11 |
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morghanphoenix | does anyone here know thoggen who isn't busy? | 09:12 |
mhterres | when 6.10 will be released ? | 09:12 |
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mini_g | caseyomah: *sigh* sry, is out of my abilities now | 09:13 |
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caseyomah | I can see that it's associated, just not to double-click. :( | 09:13 |
mhterres | Anybody knows ? | 09:13 |
maelcum | let me rephrase my question: everybody who had a broken system after upgrading to edgy, please raise your hand! | 09:13 |
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JacksLivr | afternoon all: i have a Dell Latitude D620 and cannot get the system to see my wireless card. Goggle says to make sure linux-restrited-modules are what I need. I have them but my wireless card still does not show up. help please | 09:14 |
mini_g | caseyomah: do you have terminal open when you open the program up? | 09:14 |
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maelcum | mhterres: "end of october" i heard. | 09:14 |
Diceman[o] | hi | 09:14 |
mhterres | hmmm | 09:14 |
mhterres | no date yet ? | 09:15 |
caseyomah | mini_g: I have the F8 Terminal up, and I can wine Program.exe without a problem, the double-click doesn't go to Term. | 09:15 |
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mini_g | ok, go back to the association section of the r. click menu>open with>other>select "run in terminal" | 09:17 |
caseyomah | mini_g: Good idea. | 09:17 |
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mini_g | caseyomah: i find that for some odd reason, most programs only work if terminal is running with wine | 09:18 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | can i ask you how to delete manually a printer from cups? when in kde control module, i click on his name the module crash, while if i use the web interface, nothing happens | 09:18 |
caseyomah | mini_g: Well, I can hide the term if that's what it takes. | 09:18 |
mabreaux | no networking, does any one know how to do a track? | 09:18 |
mini_g | caseyomah: true | 09:19 |
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mabreaux | sorry, on networking | 09:19 |
caseyomah | mini_g: Still not double-clickable. :( | 09:19 |
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ehsan | hey guys. I can not listen to my MP3s, how can I do that? | 09:19 |
mini_g | caseyomah: did you select "remember association"? | 09:20 |
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|lostbyte| | !mp3 | 09:20 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:20 |
|lostbyte| | ehsan, ^^ | 09:20 |
mini_g | application association | 09:20 |
mini_g | * | 09:20 |
ehsan | thank you | 09:20 |
MasterEvilAce | It's just a jump to the left. | 09:21 |
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fumasterdk2 | I just installed kubuntu from 6.10 beta install went fine, but upon boot my screen goes out of sync. Is there a safe mode boot or something_ I tried ctrl and - or + to chnage the resolution but to no avail _____ | 09:24 |
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gupta | fumasterdk2: out of sync? | 09:25 |
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fumasterdk2 | yeah i have a flatscreen lcd screen | 09:25 |
caseyomah | mini_g: Yup. | 09:25 |
fumasterdk2 | And it kinda picky with sync | 09:25 |
fumasterdk2 | or screen resolution if you will | 09:25 |
mini_g | caseyomah: sry, am out of ideas, you could always ask in the forum | 09:26 |
fumasterdk2 | The install cd had no problem | 09:26 |
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caseyomah | mini_g: That's slow though. lol | 09:26 |
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mini_g | true, but can be much more effective | 09:26 |
fumasterdk2 | But on first boot when it starts x then my screen goes black | 09:26 |
caseyomah | I'm going to try something funny... | 09:26 |
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fumasterdk2 | So cant I hit some keys to make it go down to day 800x600 __ | 09:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | fumasterdk2, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:27 |
caseyomah | I'm removing (both) the associations with wine, then going to try to open with accosiate it again. | 09:27 |
fumasterdk2 | Admiral_Chicago: how do I get a prompt on it_ | 09:27 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | !backports | 09:28 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 09:28 |
fumasterdk2 | I mean how to boot with no x | 09:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | log into a fail safe terminal | 09:28 |
fumasterdk2 | just commandline | 09:28 |
mini_g | caseyomah: good luck | 09:28 |
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caseyomah | Thanks. | 09:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | fumasterdk2, fail safe terminal | 09:28 |
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fumasterdk2 | Hmm I need press esc __ | 09:28 |
fumasterdk2 | and then get that option_ | 09:28 |
fumasterdk2 | or how | 09:28 |
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zorglu_ | !info kopete dapper-backports | 09:30 |
ubotu | kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu6.2 (dapper), package size 5068 kB, installed size 16980 kB | 09:30 |
zorglu_ | ok the bots doesnt like my repositor | 09:30 |
zorglu_ | y | 09:30 |
caseyomah | !info kopete backports | 09:31 |
ubotu | kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu6.2 (dapper), package size 5068 kB, installed size 16980 kB | 09:31 |
caseyomah | I guess it doesn't have a second parser. | 09:31 |
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root_ | Oki i got the cmommandline now what was the sudo reconf command again for x reconfig?? | 09:32 |
zorglu_ | i think the second parameter is only the distribution version and cant be a repository | 09:32 |
BonBonTheJon | 2064679 | 09:33 |
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BonBonTheJon | hi | 09:33 |
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eigenvalue | if root- == fumasterdk2: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:34 |
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Admiral_Chicago | root_, , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:35 |
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AWOSDev | I am having a problem setting up my bcm4318 card. | 09:35 |
AWOSDev | When I `sudo modprobe bcm43xx', modprobe freezes. But the WLAN card's power light comes on. | 09:36 |
AWOSDev | The first time I ran `sudo modprobe bcm43xx' it came up a segmentation fault. | 09:36 |
CVirus | AWOSDev: what kernel ? | 09:36 |
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CVirus | AWOSDev: and what card is that ? | 09:36 |
AWOSDev | Linux Lappy 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT | 09:36 |
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AWOSDev | Broadcom 4318 AirForce One 54g | 09:36 |
AWOSDev | Linksys WPC54G v3 | 09:37 |
Ashex | fwcutter 53xx is what he needs | 09:37 |
Ashex | er, 43xx | 09:37 |
AWOSDev | I already have fwcutter 43xx | 09:37 |
CVirus | AWOSDev: well ... the bcm driver is more mature in kernel 2.6.17 ... you could give it a try or even use ndiswrapper | 09:37 |
mabreaux | can anyone explain what DHT is in Ktorrent? | 09:37 |
AWOSDev | NDISwrapper didn't work at all | 09:37 |
AWOSDev | 2.6.17? | 09:37 |
CVirus | AWOSDev: latest ndiswrapper ? | 09:37 |
Dr_willis | DHT. Hmm.. wait a sec..that sounda familer' | 09:37 |
AWOSDev | CVirus, yeah latest. | 09:37 |
CVirus | AWOSDev: when was that ? | 09:38 |
zorglu_ | mabreaux: some way to find peers, similar to http tracker but more distributed | 09:38 |
AWOSDev | last week | 09:38 |
CVirus | AWOSDev: I guess a version was released 2 days ago | 09:38 |
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Dr_willis | DHT i think. lets you talk to peers to get other trackers | 09:38 |
mabreaux | thanks | 09:38 |
Dr_willis | many private trackers tell the users to NOT enable dht | 09:38 |
AWOSDev | *sigh* - I'd rather just update my kernel. How does one do that? | 09:38 |
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zorglu_ | Dr_willis: yep correct :) | 09:38 |
caseyomah | mabreaux: Distributed Hash Table | 09:39 |
CVirus | AWOSDev: there are no kernel major upgrades in Ubuntu | 09:39 |
zorglu_ | and mainline one is crappy :) | 09:39 |
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zorglu_ | ok now lets talk p2p here :) | 09:39 |
banjooie | Hah! Finally. Wow, that was a scary amount of work. | 09:39 |
caseyomah | mabreaux: Verifies that files are the same (even if their filename isn't) | 09:39 |
AWOSDev | 2.6.15 -> 2.6.17 is a major upgrade? | 09:39 |
CVirus | AWOSDev: let me find you a gude | 09:39 |
CVirus | AWOSDev: yes | 09:39 |
CVirus | guide* | 09:39 |
AWOSDev | I already read all the guides | 09:39 |
Hawkwind | AWOSDev: Not all that major | 09:39 |
Hawkwind | AWOSDev: What are you trying/wanting to do ? | 09:39 |
AWOSDev | 2.6 -> 2.8 is a major upgrade. | 09:40 |
AWOSDev | Hawkwind, bcm43xx | 09:40 |
CVirus | AWOSDev: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile?highlight=%28kernel%29 | 09:40 |
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Hawkwind | AWOSDev: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174 | 09:40 |
Hawkwind | AWOSDev: That URL is specifically for the bcm43xx | 09:40 |
draik | Is anyone here from SATX? | 09:40 |
draik | San Antonio, TeXas | 09:40 |
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Hawkwind | draik: I'm in Houston | 09:41 |
draik | Hawkwind, that's not too far from SATX, is it? | 09:41 |
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Hawkwind | draik: About 2 - 2 1/2 hours or so | 09:41 |
CVirus | Hawkwind: this guide wont work with his particular card | 09:41 |
CVirus | It seems that if you get the following string back: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) that this guide is VERY unlikly to work for you although it does sometimes, dont ask me why, but basically every "no" vote and "this didnt work for me" post comes from a BCM4318 user.... | 09:41 |
Hawkwind | CVirus: Worth a try since it says it sometimes does and I know 3 users who have used it with his card and it works for them | 09:42 |
Ashex | how do i create a user account through cli? | 09:42 |
CVirus | Ashex: adduser | 09:43 |
trappist | Ashex: useradd or adduser | 09:43 |
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eigenvalue | Hello. | 09:43 |
eigenvalue | i have a problem with an USB-HD. It is an USB-HD (NTFS formated). Kubuntu recognizes it, but its mounted only for root (no read access for other users) even if i plug it in as userxyz.. | 09:43 |
eigenvalue | the point is: the USB-HD is not stationary connected with the PC and the USB-Devices should be simple to access for my parents (absolutely no computer-skills).. USB-Plug-In -> Icon-Pop-Up method like Kubuntu supports would be nice.. | 09:43 |
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zorglu_ | eigenvalue: the root issue is a matter of right in the fstab command or the mount point | 09:44 |
zorglu_ | !ntfs | 09:44 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 09:44 |
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CVirus | AWOSDev: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1105667&postcount=218 | 09:44 |
eigenvalue | thanks, I'll have a look at it | 09:44 |
trappist | eigenvalue: it generally does work like that for fat32 devices, but iirc there's an open bug on the ntfs thing | 09:45 |
morghanphoenix | AWOSDev how goes it? | 09:45 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, hey! | 09:45 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, um, not too well Linux-wise. | 09:45 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, but otherwise fine :) | 09:45 |
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morghanphoenix | Just upgraded my ram and got an 80GB as my /home | 09:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | Hawkwind, sorry to hear that | 09:46 |
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Ashex | 09:46 | |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 09:46 |
trappist | ok k3b is pretty awesome. no more command line cdrecord for me. | 09:47 |
Ashex | !samba > me | 09:47 |
Ashex | !samba > Ashex | 09:47 |
trappist | Ashex: try /msg ubotu samba | 09:47 |
Hawkwind | Admiral_Chicago: Sorry to hear what ? | 09:47 |
Ashex | but this way is so much cooler! | 09:47 |
trappist | Hawkwind: probably that you live in houston :) | 09:48 |
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Hawkwind | trappist: Ahhh! Yeah, I'm pretty upset about it too. Kind of don't have a choice on the matter :( | 09:48 |
Admiral_Chicago | that you live in houston | 09:48 |
Admiral_Chicago | bah that city is awful imo | 09:48 |
Hawkwind | trappist: Mind a quick PM ? | 09:49 |
AWOSDev | !bcm43xx | 09:49 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 09:49 |
trappist | Hawkwind: any time | 09:49 |
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morghanphoenix | That state in general | 09:50 |
AWOSDev | When I modprobed ndiswrapper my computer froze. uh, not exactly what I'm looking for | 09:50 |
morghanphoenix | I lived in Dallas for a year. | 09:50 |
dein | you badmouthing texas morgan? | 09:50 |
dein | nobody messes with texas | 09:50 |
morghanphoenix | yeah | 09:50 |
trappist | <3 texas. on that note, this is pretty far offtopic. | 09:50 |
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AWOSDev | dein, you forgot sudo, operation fails :) | 09:51 |
morghanphoenix | lol | 09:51 |
dein | noo | 09:51 |
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AWOSDev | Okay so if ndiswrapper doesn't work and bcm43xx doesn't work then what? | 09:51 |
Hawkwind | AWOSDev: Buy a natively supported card | 09:52 |
morghanphoenix | Between the heat, the ravers and the cops Dallas was a terrible experiance. | 09:52 |
Hawkwind | I got an Orinoco Silver card for $20 on ebay, brand new | 09:52 |
dein | you removed bcm43xx module right? | 09:52 |
AWOSDev | Hawkwind: what does one that doesn't want to buy a card do? | 09:52 |
dinho | sera | 09:52 |
AWOSDev | dein, well yeah when I tried the ndiswrapper yeah | 09:52 |
trappist | it's all about the atheros chipsets | 09:52 |
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dein | what kind of card do you have? | 09:53 |
Hawkwind | AWOSDev: Run a wire | 09:53 |
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eigenvalue | About the fstab editing. my problem is, if I use fstab to mount an USB-HD with NTFS (mount /dev/sda1), plug it out and plug in another device, like a camera or something (now: camera<- /dev/sda1): wouldn't that mean my computer would try mount the camera as a NTFS-Device | 09:53 |
AWOSDev | Hawkwind, so I should run an Ethernet cord to the WiFi hot spot? | 09:53 |
dein | because theres supposed to be 2 options now for guys with bcm chipsets | 09:53 |
AWOSDev | :) | 09:53 |
AWOSDev | besides my Ethernet cord keeps disconnecting | 09:53 |
AWOSDev | dein, Broadcom 4318 | 09:54 |
Hawkwind | AWOSDev: Either buy a supported card or don't complain too much. I've been there and done that with my old card. I finally spent $20 after a year of fighting with the other one | 09:54 |
dein | is that an airport card or whatever? | 09:54 |
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AWOSDev | dein, AirForce One 54g | 09:54 |
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dein | hmm just a sec | 09:55 |
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AWOSDev | Hawkwind, I would want to get a new one | 09:55 |
n8k99 | hey anybody get amarok to work under edgy? | 09:55 |
AWOSDev | Hawkwind I just don't have the available funds to get a card; if I have to buy one I want to buy a really really nice one which also means potentially $100+. | 09:55 |
dein | tried this guide? | 09:55 |
dein | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper | 09:55 |
AWOSDev | dein, yep | 09:55 |
AWOSDev | requires `sudo modprobe bcm43xx' | 09:56 |
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Hawkwind | AWOSDev: Why ??? You don't need an expensive card to connect to the internet | 09:56 |
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dein | well keep on looking, its probably some remote bug | 09:56 |
Hawkwind | AWOSDev: Orinoco happens to be one of the best cards out there. I bought mine for $20 brand new in a box. Hard deal to pass up | 09:56 |
AWOSDev | Hawkwind, where? Staples? | 09:56 |
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Hawkwind | AWOSDev: Ebay | 09:56 |
AWOSDev | I want to go to Office Depot anyway, they have 100GB for $20. | 09:56 |
Hawkwind | AWOSDev: Though you can find cards in Wal-mart and stuff, but most of them will be broadcomm chips | 09:57 |
dein | awos whats the lscpi thingy for your card? | 09:57 |
dein | er lspci | 09:57 |
AWOSDev | dein, hold on I'll have to type it | 09:57 |
AWOSDev | I can't paste | 09:57 |
Ashex | I'm having a little trouble setting up windows shared printer in Edgy | 09:57 |
AWOSDev | 0000:02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 09:58 |
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dein | 14e4:4320 (rev 03) i mean like this | 09:58 |
dein | lspci -n | 09:58 |
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AWOSDev | 14e4:4318 (rev 02) | 09:58 |
dein | k one sec | 09:59 |
trappist | Hawkwind: I got an atheros card brand new in the box for $5 at the march madness sale at compusa | 09:59 |
AWOSDev | grrrrrr | 09:59 |
dein | u got an acer aspire? | 09:59 |
AWOSDev | dein, no a Linksys | 09:59 |
AWOSDev | dein, external PCMCIA | 09:59 |
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AWOSDev | dein, if you really need to know, it's a Compaq Presario 2100 with no built-in WLAN. | 10:00 |
dein | ok | 10:00 |
DaSkreech | in the /etc/init.d files | 10:00 |
DaSkreech | What does #chkconfig: <Num> mean? | 10:00 |
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Ashex | I'm following the ubuntu guide for setting it up, but the file it says to modify for network access (ports to accept connection on) doesn't exist in Edgy | 10:00 |
ryan__ | what could cause this error: There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon. Some things, such as themes, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly. The Settings Daemon restarted too many times. The last error message was: System exception: IDL:Bonobo/GeneralError:1.0 : Child process did not give an error message, unknown failure occurred.GNOME will still try to restart the Settings Daemon next time you log in. | 10:01 |
zorglu_ | DaSkreech: init level at which to launch the script ? | 10:01 |
dein | Card: Linksys #[WPC54GS v2] SpeedBooster, 54mbps/125mbps -- [link here|List#WPC54GS v2] this one? | 10:01 |
zorglu_ | DaSkreech: isnt this the kinda metalangage to automatize the config ? | 10:01 |
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dein | ^AWOSDev | 10:01 |
AWOSDev | dein, no the WPC54G v3 | 10:01 |
AWOSDev | hold on | 10:01 |
AWOSDev | I'm in cli | 10:01 |
AWOSDev | let me switch to gui. | 10:01 |
DaSkreech | zorglu_: It's a comment so I doubt it | 10:02 |
DaSkreech | But it's in quite a few of them | 10:02 |
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zorglu_ | DaSkreech: hence the meta language im talking about. look at /boot/grub/menu.lst there is the same kind of meta language | 10:02 |
zorglu_ | DaSkreech: this is used to retrofit stuff in old format without breaking them | 10:03 |
DaSkreech | Ah fascinating | 10:03 |
zorglu_ | DaSkreech: on fedora, you could change it with chkconfig command | 10:03 |
DaSkreech | Isn't SYSV pretty damn old though? | 10:03 |
dein | Driver: ndiswrapper v1.3 with bcmwl5a.inf ftp://ftp.support.acer-euro.com/notebook/aspire_3020_5020/driver/ (Broadcom, 12/22/2004, v3.100.46.0) | 10:04 |
DaSkreech | SO it's a Redhat legacy thing? | 10:04 |
DaSkreech | That actually makes a lot of sense | 10:04 |
zorglu_ | DaSkreech: indead, but using meta language in comment allows to keep compatibility with old thing while implementating new | 10:04 |
dein | awos | 10:04 |
dein | u there? | 10:04 |
fdoving | zorglu_: you can install and use 'sysv-rc-conf' if you want. or you could use 'ksysv' or 'update-rc.d' :) | 10:04 |
zorglu_ | DaSkreech: i know redhat use it, but im sure other does as well | 10:04 |
zorglu_ | fdoving: ok :) DaSkreech, seen this one to modify it on kubuntu ? :) | 10:05 |
=== AWOSDev [n=awilcox@67-22-96-243.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | Okay dein I'm back | 10:05 |
dein | AWOSDev try using this driver: Driver: ndiswrapper v1.3 with bcmwl5a.inf ftp://ftp.support.acer-euro.com/notebook/aspire_3020_5020/driver/ (Broadcom, 12/22/2004, v3.100.46.0) | 10:06 |
dein | of course you need to build the latest ndiswrapper as well | 10:06 |
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AWOSDev | dein, I already did that one | 10:06 |
DaSkreech | Nope but I'll ignore them now :-) | 10:06 |
AWOSDev | I got it to connect to the AP but wouldn't transfer | 10:06 |
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AWOSDev | okay here's the full explanation: | 10:06 |
AWOSDev | it connected to the access point | 10:06 |
=== control [n=control@82-47-92-212.cable.ubr04.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | but when I unplugged my Ethernet it was still trying to use that as the primary NIC | 10:07 |
AWOSDev | so I did eth0 down | 10:07 |
AWOSDev | and that took the WLAN card too | 10:07 |
AWOSDev | for some reason | 10:07 |
dein | whats your wlans address? | 10:07 |
dein | eth1 or wlan0 | 10:07 |
AWOSDev | and the only way to bring either one back up is to reboot the whole computer | 10:07 |
AWOSDev | dein, eth1 | 10:07 |
dein | hmm | 10:08 |
dein | does your access point have a wep key by any chance? | 10:08 |
AWOSDev | WEP yes | 10:08 |
dein | turn it off | 10:08 |
AWOSDev | ugh | 10:08 |
AWOSDev | you really don't know how hard that is | 10:09 |
dein | these cards for some reason dont like wep | 10:09 |
banjooie | .... | 10:09 |
banjooie | huh, my name is registered on this server | 10:09 |
banjooie | who knew | 10:09 |
=== Kubu [n=higi@18.Red-213-97-49.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | but it did connect and even pinged | 10:09 |
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dein | well all i know is that i have a similiar broadcom chipset, and neither of them have allowed me to use wep | 10:10 |
control | I'm sorry,but I have stumbled in here,I need help. Is this the right place for help with Linux? | 10:10 |
dein | yes | 10:10 |
AWOSDev | Okay Hawkwind which is better: 3Com, Belkin, D-Link, Hawking, Linksys, Netgear, or Toshiba? | 10:10 |
dein | ok im gone | 10:10 |
dein | i got stuff i needa do | 10:11 |
AWOSDev | bye dein! | 10:11 |
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dein | bye bye | 10:11 |
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control | I just need help with finding a way to get flash 9 to work with Kubuntu | 10:11 |
AWOSDev | control, Flash 9 will not work. | 10:11 |
AWOSDev | trust me. | 10:11 |
AWOSDev | impossible. | 10:11 |
CainMadness | As of right now. Supposed to be working on it. | 10:12 |
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control | O.k! Seemed to be that way,tried everything. Thank you for helping though! | 10:12 |
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Kubu | which could be the best laptops for running linux? | 10:13 |
Kubu | maybe thinkpad? | 10:13 |
AWOSDev | Kubu, really doesn't matter | 10:13 |
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AWOSDev | heck my Compaq LTE 5150 circa 1996 can run 2.6 | 10:13 |
Kubu | i mean the most compatible | 10:13 |
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AWOSDev | well of course I'll recommend something like the Presario 1100. | 10:14 |
AWOSDev | from 1997 with a P1. | 10:14 |
AWOSDev | fully compatible though | 10:14 |
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control | Over and out and pleasently happy with how nice it was in here x xbye! | 10:15 |
AWOSDev | bye control! | 10:15 |
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t | i've got ubuntu running on my thinkpad and it works great | 10:16 |
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t | T42 | 10:16 |
Kubu | im planning to buy athinkpad | 10:16 |
control | Bye AWOSDev! | 10:16 |
Kubu | what gfx card they use? | 10:16 |
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t | my T42 has a radeon 9600 or some damn thing, i've got an A22m as well (running slackware) that uses a first gen radeon | 10:17 |
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AWOSDev | I have a Radeon 9xxx something or other. | 10:17 |
AWOSDev | works great. | 10:17 |
AWOSDev | Compaq Presario 2100. | 10:17 |
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t | yeah, i don't do a whole lot of gaming anymore so it's not much of a concern for me | 10:18 |
AWOSDev | bought 07 Mar 2003. Has probably about 500 miles on her. Celeron wih 1700MHz of power. | 10:18 |
AWOSDev | Did I just sound like a car salesman? :P | 10:18 |
t | a really nerdy one | 10:18 |
caseyomah | LOL @ AWOSDev | 10:18 |
Kubu | btw does kubuntu support dual core "Core 2 Duo" processors? | 10:19 |
Kubu | with the two cores | 10:19 |
AWOSDev | Kubu, don't see why not | 10:20 |
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AWOSDev | basically SMP | 10:20 |
banjooie | so uh | 10:20 |
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banjooie | quick question. | 10:20 |
AWOSDev | banjooie, yeah what? | 10:20 |
banjooie | If, say, you click 'configure desktop' | 10:20 |
banjooie | And you click 'screensavers', after having used automatix | 10:20 |
AWOSDev | ew | 10:21 |
banjooie | and this causes configure desktop to not only crash | 10:21 |
banjooie | but take your wallpaper with it-- | 10:21 |
banjooie | (I can't even right click on the desktop anymore) Is there some way to fix this? | 10:21 |
AWOSDev | Why doesn't anybody get *DON'T USE AUTOMATIX!*... | 10:21 |
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banjooie | Er, because, uh. | 10:21 |
AWOSDev | banjooie, hmm don't know | 10:21 |
banjooie | If it weren't for Automatix installing /basic shit I need/. | 10:21 |
AWOSDev | banjooie, personally I'd just reinstall | 10:22 |
banjooie | I'd be up all night trying for basic--you gotta be kidding me. | 10:22 |
banjooie | Does that require I reformat the whole thing too? | 10:22 |
AWOSDev | banjooie, probably an easier way to fix it exists, but I wouldn't know it | 10:22 |
AWOSDev | no no no don't reformat | 10:22 |
AWOSDev | you could just install over it | 10:22 |
AWOSDev | but I *personally* would reformat | 10:22 |
banjooie | make up your goddamn mind | 10:22 |
AWOSDev | best to just start over in those kind of situations | 10:23 |
AWOSDev | !language | 10:23 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:23 |
=== morghanphoenix [n=phoenix@71-212-15-168.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Blacken | Automatix sucks. Period. Use EasyUbuntu. | 10:23 |
AWOSDev | banjooie, just backup and reformat and reinstall | 10:23 |
morghanphoenix | what's the syntax for copying something in terminal? | 10:23 |
AWOSDev | and this time don't use automatix | 10:23 |
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AWOSDev | morghanphoenix, cp /from/whatever /to/whatever | 10:24 |
Blacken | morghanphoenix: cp from to | 10:24 |
banjooie | ...okay. so. I have a Kubuntu CD I burnt. Do I just use that, format the whole drive, and start again. | 10:24 |
AWOSDev | banjooie yes | 10:24 |
banjooie | okay. | 10:24 |
Blacken | banjooie: Yeah, pretty much. | 10:24 |
AWOSDev | banjooie just make sure you have a backup | 10:24 |
banjooie | ...I don't...really have that much I need to back up. I've had linux for two days. | 10:24 |
morghanphoenix | do I need to put the file name in the to path? | 10:24 |
AWOSDev | oh :P | 10:24 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix no | 10:24 |
morghanphoenix | okay, thanks | 10:25 |
banjooie | Yeah. My monitor can't handle safe mode in windows. | 10:25 |
banjooie | I got spywared. | 10:25 |
AWOSDev | morghanphoenix e.g. cp ~/Desktop/* /backup/ | 10:25 |
banjooie | 15 minutes after I burnt kubuntu to a CD-R to get it off my hard drive. | 10:25 |
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banjooie | I call that a sign, y'know? | 10:25 |
AWOSDev | banjooie, yeah :) | 10:25 |
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t | spyware, what's that? ;-) | 10:26 |
CainMadness | It's a type of bird, common to South Africa. | 10:26 |
=== CainMadness nods. | ||
AWOSDev | t :) | 10:27 |
AWOSDev | !spyware | 10:27 |
AWOSDev | See it doesn't exist on Linux :) | 10:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about spyware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:27 |
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t | can I make it work on linux? | 10:28 |
t | with wine or something? | 10:28 |
mini_g | maybe with vmware and a copy of windows 98 | 10:28 |
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AWOSDev | t, yes | 10:29 |
t | :-D | 10:29 |
AWOSDev | t, somebody actually *did* get a virus running on WINE :) | 10:29 |
AWOSDev | t, I got SpyBot on my WINE for just such an emergency | 10:29 |
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mini_g | might need AdAwareSE also ;D | 10:30 |
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AWOSDev | Okay where can I get a list of natively compatible cards for Ubuntu? | 10:33 |
AWOSDev | like is the D-Link WNA-1330? | 10:34 |
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AWOSDev | Wow I just had a query with myself. | 10:35 |
AWOSDev | That was weird. | 10:35 |
AWOSDev | I clicked on the wrong nick :P | 10:36 |
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CainMadness | Obviously. | 10:36 |
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AWOSDev | Wow. | 10:37 |
=== _Shade_ [i=Adam_eM@dpu207.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_Shade_ | hi there | 10:37 |
AWOSDev | A lot of D-Link cards work out of the box. | 10:37 |
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lee_ | hi | 10:38 |
_Shade_ | maybe it's a jerky question, but what's launchpad karma points for ? | 10:39 |
AWOSDev | _Shade_, lee_, do either of you have a question? | 10:39 |
=== orient2000 [n=orient20@CPE00e018fe7049-CM0014f85e8fb0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AWOSDev | _Shade_ no clue. | 10:39 |
lee_ | no just installed and having a play | 10:39 |
lee_ | if that is ok? | 10:39 |
Ank_186 | hey people, I tried to play a DVD and got "There were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins." Does anyone know what this means? | 10:40 |
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AWOSDev | Atheros is good? | 10:40 |
orient2000 | I have 6 MB mp3 file. What program would be good to compress it and cut in a pieces so I can e-mail it then? | 10:40 |
AWOSDev | lee_ yeah that's fine :) | 10:40 |
_Shade_ | does anyone know when the next pre-release will be done on edgy's way to the final one. | 10:40 |
AWOSDev | orient2000 bzip2 | 10:41 |
AWOSDev | !edgy | 10:41 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 10:41 |
lee_ | cool | 10:41 |
AWOSDev | !schedule | 10:41 |
ubotu | Ubuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule | 10:41 |
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orient2000 | is it in kubuntu by defoult? | 10:41 |
AWOSDev | _Shade_ October 19th | 10:41 |
AWOSDev | RC1 | 10:41 |
AWOSDev | per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule | 10:41 |
AWOSDev | orient2000 I think so | 10:42 |
AWOSDev | Ank_186 DVD needs libdvdcss2 | 10:42 |
orient2000 | thanks | 10:42 |
AWOSDev | do you have that? | 10:42 |
_Shade_ | RC... ? hmmm not too fast ? don't you think ? | 10:42 |
AWOSDev | _Shade_ what do you mean? | 10:42 |
Ank_186 | I don't know | 10:43 |
Ank_186 | what is it? | 10:43 |
_Shade_ | AWOSDev i meant we had JUST one beta version before so far... | 10:43 |
AWOSDev | Ank_186 - if you don't know then you don't have it :) | 10:43 |
AWOSDev | Ank_186 go into the Konsole | 10:43 |
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AWOSDev | _Shade_ Yeah it does seem a little premature to go straight from Beta to RC1 to Final in about two weeks... | 10:43 |
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tony_ | newbie question::: installed mysql-admin, using adept , later i removed it , but i still have the entry in systems Menu.. is that normal ? | 10:44 |
AWOSDev | Ank_186 then type "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss" | 10:44 |
method| | what's the equilavent of doing a /ipconfig renew in linux? | 10:44 |
method| | it's like network service restart or something | 10:44 |
AWOSDev | tony_ yeah type "kbuildsycoca" in the Konsole to fix it | 10:44 |
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AWOSDev | method| - IIRC it's sudo /etc/init.d/network restart | 10:45 |
_Shade_ | AWOSDev and though i have heard edgy is very stable yet, so i don't know what to think about it | 10:45 |
Bazzi | AWOSDev: well one could argue that edgy is an experimental release ;) | 10:45 |
tony_ | i get error : no database avalible | 10:45 |
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Keyblade | hello! | 10:46 |
Keyblade | hello ? | 10:46 |
AWOSDev | Is Atheos good? | 10:46 |
AWOSDev | Keyblade Hello. | 10:46 |
AWOSDev | **Atheros | 10:46 |
=== ScottK [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ank_186 | it tells me command not found | 10:47 |
orient2000 | I have bzip installed but I can not find it. | 10:47 |
_Shade_ | I'd gladly see the release postponment | 10:47 |
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Keyblade | hey um, I'm going to buy an iBook G3 from a guy I know who will install kubuntu 6.06 on it for me, all for $20 since he got it for free from his work | 10:47 |
Keyblade | it doesn't come with a power supply though, so i'll have to get one off ebay or something | 10:48 |
AWOSDev | Ank_186 - apt-get? | 10:48 |
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AWOSDev | orient2000 - type "bzip2" on the Konsole | 10:48 |
AWOSDev | Keyblade Coolness :) | 10:48 |
Keyblade | What I want to do with it: mostly word processing - all the documents I type are going to need to be readable by other windows computers | 10:48 |
AWOSDev | Keyblade OpenOffice | 10:49 |
t | my thinkpad has atheros a/b/g wifi, works fine with the madwifi drivers | 10:49 |
AWOSDev | !openoffice | 10:49 |
Keyblade | so ... I mean, obviously, I need to put openofice.org or something on there yeah | 10:49 |
ubotu | a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". | 10:49 |
Ank_186 | that's what it said | 10:49 |
AWOSDev | t, good | 10:49 |
AWOSDev | I want a SuperG though | 10:49 |
lee_ | newbie question sorry! when trying to look at the hard drive i get | 10:49 |
lee_ | Could not mount device. | 10:49 |
lee_ | The reported error was: | 10:49 |
lee_ | mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 10:49 |
AWOSDev | http://www.officedepot.com/ddSKU.do?level=SK&id=429245&Nr=200000&N=200143%204294951765&Ne=119&An=browse | 10:49 |
t | can't say for sure on that, may want to check the madwifi project page | 10:49 |
Keyblade | but um, if I put a USB flash drive in this apple/linux laptop, and put a document from openoffice on it, when I stick the flash drive in a windows computer, will the windows computer read it ??? | 10:50 |
AWOSDev | lee_ try mount -t <file system, e.g. type vfat here> /dev/hdb1 /mount/point/goes/here | 10:50 |
lee_ | ta | 10:50 |
AWOSDev | Keyblade, if you save it as MS Word. | 10:50 |
Keyblade | ah. hmm. | 10:50 |
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Keyblade | what about plain text ? | 10:50 |
_Shade_ | how can i use my multimedia keyboard in kubuntu? will edgy handle it since i've seen it does well with the laptops' keyboards | 10:50 |
Keyblade | or rtf | 10:50 |
AWOSDev | Keyblade, yeah plain text works too | 10:51 |
AWOSDev | Don't know about RTF, lemme look | 10:51 |
Ashex | _Shade_, what keyboard do you have? | 10:51 |
Keyblade | ok, so i can save .txt files like windows normal then? ok cool | 10:51 |
Ashex | Edgy handles the keys on my multimedia keyboard, but the volume keys are still a little freaky | 10:51 |
Ashex | I've gotten the mute keys and the playback keys working so far in edgy | 10:51 |
_Shade_ | Ashex you mean the model or something ? | 10:51 |
Ashex | _Shade_, yeah | 10:51 |
Keyblade | anybody know a good place to buy iBook power supplies ? | 10:51 |
Keyblade | like, cheap | 10:52 |
Keyblade | ? | 10:52 |
Keyblade | really cheap? | 10:52 |
AWOSDev | Keyblade, also Kate the KDE Advanced Text Editor for .txt too | 10:52 |
Ashex | the internet | 10:52 |
AWOSDev | Keyblade - eBay | 10:52 |
Keyblade | ok so ebay's my best bet then ok. | 10:52 |
tony_ | any canadian out here ? | 10:52 |
Keyblade | wasn't sure if there was a better place | 10:52 |
AWOSDev | I sometimes wish I *were* a Canadian. | 10:52 |
AWOSDev | but I'm not :) | 10:52 |
tony_ | where you from awsodev | 10:53 |
AWOSDev | Keyblade: supported file formats | 10:53 |
AWOSDev | tony_: Florida | 10:53 |
tony_ | COOOOOOOOOOL | 10:53 |
orient2000 | I need to resize mp3 to lower quality as it is not a music. What program can I use? | 10:53 |
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tony_ | what part of florida | 10:53 |
windshear | seems as kubuntu 6.10 beta doesn't like my soundcard, a c-media AC97 Audio device. | 10:53 |
windshear | I get error message: Sound server fatal error cpu overload, aborting. | 10:53 |
windshear | In kubuntu 6.06 it worked with no problem. | 10:53 |
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_Shade_ | Ashex i can't find it now... it's some tracer keyboard | 10:54 |
AWOSDev | Keyblade: MS Word 97/2000/XP, MS Word 95, MS Word 6.0, Rich Text Format, StarWriter 5.0/4.0/3.0, Plaint Text, HTML, Word 2003 XML, DocBook, AportisDoc (Palm) and Pocket Word. | 10:54 |
Ashex | _Shade_, if you're still on dapper, get a hold of hotkeys and take a look at its man | 10:54 |
AWOSDev | tony_, South | 10:54 |
tony_ | i have a friend there , she is in south too | 10:55 |
tony_ | have you been to canada ? | 10:55 |
AWOSDev | tony_ No but I almost went once | 10:55 |
tony_ | :) | 10:55 |
tony_ | i live in montreal | 10:55 |
AWOSDev | tony_ I want to see the St. Thomas Assembly Plant. | 10:55 |
tony_ | you welcome to come and vist :) | 10:55 |
AWOSDev | I'm thinking about it possibly next June. | 10:56 |
windshear | anyon knows why ac97 is not sppot | 10:56 |
orient2000 | I need to resize mp3 to lower quality as it is not a music. What program can I use? | 10:56 |
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_Shade_ | Ashex yes i'm still on dapper... more over i am not sure whether i would install edgy since they're going too fast with the releases imho... how do you think ? is it worth a try | 10:56 |
orient2000 | maybe some program to cut mp3 in 6 pieces? | 10:56 |
AWOSDev | orient2000, personally I would use Audacity. | 10:57 |
tony_ | I live next to MATROX | 10:57 |
tony_ | heheh | 10:57 |
orient2000 | I go check it out. | 10:57 |
tony_ | if that is good enough .. ' | 10:57 |
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AWOSDev | It's near Toronto, so that's a little far | 10:58 |
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tony_ | yep, 4 hours drive | 10:58 |
AWOSDev | orient2000, just "sudo apt-get install audacity" | 10:58 |
tony_ | what do they do in that plant | 10:59 |
tony_ | ? | 10:59 |
AWOSDev | Ford Crown Victorias | 10:59 |
tony_ | i see | 10:59 |
AWOSDev | I love Ford Crown Victorias | 10:59 |
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AWOSDev | http://www.Google.com/maps?q=St.+Thomas,+Ontario | 11:00 |
tony_ | i have a rusted pontiac sunfire . lol | 11:00 |
tony_ | thats good enough | 11:00 |
tony_ | :) | 11:00 |
AWOSDev | tony_ :) | 11:00 |
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AWOSDev | I personally think that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cv_2006.jpg <--- that is the most beautiful car ever | 11:01 |
AWOSDev | anyway | 11:02 |
AWOSDev | I should go now | 11:02 |
AWOSDev | Bye! | 11:02 |
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orient2000 | Thanks. Audacity is a very good program. I had no idea. Thanks. | 11:03 |
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jhutchins_wk2 | Is there an alternative to plf's ubuntu repos? | 11:05 |
Keyblade | um ... does anybody know whether it matters how many inches long an iBook is for a power adapter to work with it ? | 11:06 |
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jhutchins_wk2 | Keyblade: You mean do differnt size iBooks have different voltages or something? | 11:07 |
DaSkreech | Anyone using seamonkey? | 11:07 |
_Shade_ | ok laterz | 11:08 |
_Shade_ | gtg | 11:08 |
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Keyblade | yeah jhutchins | 11:09 |
|lostbyte| | !seamonkey | 11:09 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seamonkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:09 |
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Keyblade | or differently shaped dangly things | 11:09 |
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Keyblade | man ... Douglas Adams was right | 11:09 |
dom | seamonkey would be the mozilla suite. i don't know anyone that uses it | 11:09 |
Keyblade | about the little dangly things | 11:09 |
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Keyblade | (if anybody's read that particualr piece about the War on Little Dangly Things i'll be very impressed) | 11:10 |
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banjooie | well, that was easy enough | 11:11 |
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JacksLivr | afternoon all: i have a Dell Latitude D620 and cannot get the system to see my wireless card. Goggle says to make sure linux-restrited-modules are what I need. I have them but my wireless card still does not show up. help please | 11:11 |
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Keyblade | aha i found this http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=75448 | 11:13 |
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cedric_64 | Salut, Si vous rechercher un shell IRC pour heberger un server irc un eggdrop ou un bnc aller sur: www.roxshell.net (config: Sempron 2800, 1.5go de ram, 80go de dd, onduleur 40min, conn.: 8mega(ip fixe)) - !!!Offre 1 access au Shell pour les 10 premier personne!!! server irc: irc.roxshell.net | 11:13 |
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Blacken | ...asshats. | 11:13 |
=== Blacken grows angry at spammers. >< | ||
tm24fan | i have the same problem as JacksLivr but mine is a dell inspiron E1505 notebook | 11:14 |
tony_ | I need to add some Icon (.png) to my menus..i was wondring , where is the bast place to copy the PNG files ? i don't want them to be in my home directory | 11:14 |
Blacken | tm24fan: Unless you spent extra and didn't get the Intel built-in, your drivers should be fine. I have the E1505 and am using it right now. | 11:14 |
tm24fan | Blacken: i do have the intel integrated wireless, however it doesnt seem to want to detect it | 11:15 |
=== stormzoeker [n=stormzoe@cc1075059-a.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Blacken | tm24fan: Strange...mine worked out of the box. Which version are you running? | 11:15 |
tm24fan | Blacken: kubuntu 6.06 dapper drake | 11:15 |
Blacken | tm24fan: Same here, too... | 11:15 |
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tm24fan | Blacken: you didnt have to set anything up or anything like that? it just worked out of the box? | 11:16 |
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Blacken | tm24fan: The only things I don't have working are the non-volume hardbuttons and the PCMCIA controller which I don't use. | 11:16 |
Blacken | tm24fan: Everything else worked right out of the box. The SD reader, sound (though recording doesn't work), and of course the graphics needed the ATI drivers but worked without 'em. | 11:17 |
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Blacken | Speaking of which--how do I enable DRI on an ATI card? | 11:17 |
tm24fan | Blacken: yeah i have sound (havent tried recording yet) and i only have the intel integrated graphics so that wasnt a problem | 11:17 |
Blacken | tm24fan: PCMCIA is probably shot, if yours is anything like mine. But with onboard wireless I've never needed it. | 11:18 |
tm24fan | it all works great on winxp media center, which is what i have as my other OS on there, but kubuntu has issues with my wireless | 11:18 |
tm24fan | Blacken: havent tried anything with PCMCIA either, never needed itr | 11:19 |
tm24fan | it* | 11:19 |
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Blacken | tm24fan: Not sure what to tell you. Try ndiswrapper? | 11:20 |
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tm24fan | Blacken: i've heard that's a pain to set up | 11:20 |
Blacken | tm24fan: Yup. And you lose leet points for doing it. But it's the only suggestion I can offer ya. :P | 11:21 |
Blacken | tm24fan: Maybe someone else will know more, though. | 11:22 |
tm24fan | Blacken: ok well thanks for your help :) | 11:22 |
Blacken | tm24fan: Did the liveCD work, by any chance? The wirelesss? | 11:22 |
tm24fan | Blacken: wouldnt know, didnt try it...had it wired for that | 11:22 |
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Blacken | tm24fan: Hrm. You know, I actually had the reverse problem with 5.10...wireless worked, wired didn't. | 11:23 |
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tm24fan | Blacken: that's really weird | 11:23 |
tm24fan | Blacken: i wouldnt know if i had the same problem, i didnt have my laptop until after 6.06 came out...and 5.10 worked fine on both of my desktops | 11:24 |
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Keyblade | ok well i'll make sure and come back to this chan when ... I mean if my new OS crashes. :) | 11:25 |
Keyblade | cya :) | 11:25 |
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mabreaux | Is there any work being done in edgy (6.10) as for as making wireless networking easier to install? | 11:26 |
tm24fan | mabreaux: i hope so... | 11:27 |
mabreaux | me too | 11:27 |
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trappist | mabreaux: for gnome users, yes. for kde users, sorta. | 11:28 |
mabreaux | Ubuntu is slightly ahead of Kubuntu in this matter but both have a long way to go. | 11:28 |
mabreaux | I really do not like gnome...... | 11:28 |
trappist | mabreaux: but there is some cool new stuff, like when my ath0 comes up it automatically mounts all my network drives | 11:28 |
DaSkreech | mabreaux: use sawfish :) | 11:28 |
Blacken | They've both always been plug and play for me. Only thing Ubuntu does better is network-admin, which I use under KDE right now. | 11:28 |
tm24fan | mabreaux: i dont either, i prefer kde, but i've actually been using gnome and not hating it too much | 11:29 |
mabreaux | what is sawfish | 11:29 |
belara | hola | 11:29 |
mabreaux | I grew up in KDE | 11:29 |
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trappist | mabreaux: another desktop environment. pretty cool, really, but not as full-featured as kde or gnome. | 11:29 |
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tm24fan | is it as bad as xfce? | 11:30 |
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mabreaux | I tried to install gnome into a kubutu and it failed very badly | 11:30 |
trappist | tm24fan: from what I recall, it's a lot better looking | 11:30 |
Blacken | *shrug* GNOME absolutely exploded when I installed KDE onto Ubuntu. | 11:30 |
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Blacken | I like the KDE graphics more than the Kubuntu ones; I wish I could find 'em. | 11:31 |
tm24fan | mabreaux: i have a dvd from Linux Format Magazine which has a ubuntu multipack...effectively you get gnome, kde, and xfce, all fully functioning...its kinda nice except xfce sucks | 11:31 |
nuxil | !equlizer | 11:31 |
mabreaux | did the same for me when I tried to install gnome | 11:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about equlizer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:31 |
nuxil | !eq | 11:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about eq - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:31 |
nuxil | :( | 11:31 |
trappist | ubotu: do you have a question? | 11:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about do you have a question? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:32 |
trappist | err | 11:32 |
trappist | dangit | 11:32 |
trappist | nuxil: do you have a question? | 11:32 |
nuxil | i need a eq | 11:32 |
trappist | nuxil: try kmix, aumix or alsamixer. | 11:32 |
trappist | or alsamixergui | 11:32 |
nuxil | no.. not a mixer | 11:32 |
trappist | oh wait :) yeah | 11:32 |
=== ranjan [n=ranjan@netblock-68-183-129-228.dslextreme.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trappist | iirc that's application-specific. for example, xmms has its own eq. | 11:33 |
mabreaux | so are you running the beta currently? | 11:33 |
nuxil | no i need a backend for alsa or someting like that | 11:33 |
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trappist | nuxil: right, I'm saying I don't think there's such a thing. | 11:33 |
nuxil | trappist, Im not using xmms | 11:34 |
trappist | nuxil: no, I figured if you were you wouldn't be looking for an equalizer :) | 11:34 |
nuxil | lol yea right :) | 11:34 |
trappist | apt-cache search equalizer only turns up xmms stuff and LADSPA stuff | 11:34 |
banjooie | wtf | 11:34 |
banjooie | why isn't adept working | 11:34 |
trappist | whatever LADSPA is | 11:35 |
Blacken | banjooie: Save yourself some hassle, get Synaptic. | 11:35 |
banjooie | ...Yeah, that'd be nice, but I can't even seem to open debs right now. | 11:35 |
Blacken | banjooie: dpkg locked? | 11:35 |
mabreaux | does adept clain the is files are locked? | 11:35 |
trappist | nuxil: what *are* you using? | 11:35 |
banjooie | No, it...it pretty much just froze up after I successfully searched for updates. | 11:35 |
nuxil | as a player? apollon and amarok | 11:36 |
mabreaux | I quite using adept and switch to synaptic. adept had too many problems | 11:36 |
cpk1_ | nuxil: amarok has an eq | 11:36 |
lcordier | Hi, I've a problem with Kontact, who can help me... please.... | 11:36 |
=== trappist backspaces | ||
nuxil | cpk1_, it dosent work well.. as i said,, i need a backend for alsa of some sort,,, not a eq thats intergrert in the application | 11:37 |
trappist | lcordier: I for one don't volunteer myself as the guy who can help until I know what the problem is | 11:37 |
Blacken | adept *is* a problem. >< It's so user-hostile. | 11:37 |
lcordier | trappist > the is simple : I configure Kontact to mail with Yahoo. It's ok | 11:38 |
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lcordier | trappist> but when I want to send message, Kontact do nothing | 11:38 |
cpk1_ | adept is user hostile? | 11:38 |
trappist | nuxil: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rteq/ | 11:38 |
lcordier | trappist> there is no error message | 11:39 |
trappist | lcordier: is there anything in your outbox? | 11:39 |
ranjan | can ie 7 beta be install using wine? | 11:39 |
lcordier | Yes | 11:39 |
lcordier | trappist> I have 3 messages in outbox | 11:39 |
lcordier | trappist> It's very strange | 11:39 |
trappist | lcordier: you set up both a sending and receiving account? | 11:39 |
nuxil | trappist, alright :D thank you | 11:40 |
lcordier | trappist> Yes of course | 11:40 |
trappist | nuxil: it hasn't been updated in over 4 years, so don't get your hopes up :) | 11:40 |
lcordier | trappist> If I made a mistake Kontact send me an error message.. but there no one | 11:40 |
nuxil | :( | 11:40 |
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lcordier | trappist> I seem that kontact do nothing.. | 11:41 |
ranjan | ie7beta installtion help plese nayone? | 11:41 |
Blacken | ranjan: I think you're looking for WINE help... | 11:42 |
trappist | lcordier: that's awfully difficult to diagnose. I'm not sure what to look at. | 11:42 |
cpk1_ | lcordier: does yahoo use ssl for sending messags? did you enable it if so? | 11:42 |
lcordier | trappist> I try to make a mistake in configuraiton, and I try to send a message and I haven't error message to... | 11:42 |
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trappist | lcordier: are there other sending accounts set up? | 11:42 |
ranjan | yes is there a wine forum? | 11:42 |
trappist | ranjan: try #winehq | 11:43 |
trappist | (I think that's what it is) | 11:43 |
ranjan | ty | 11:43 |
cpk1_ | ranjan: but try wine /this/installsie.exe | 11:43 |
ranjan | cpk: it doesn't work | 11:44 |
lcordier | cpk1_ > If yahoo require ssl for sending message and if i dont select this parameter Kontact must to send me an error message, it's true? | 11:44 |
cpk1_ | lcordier: I have no idea | 11:44 |
cpk1_ | ranjan: which wine version do you have? | 11:44 |
lcordier | cpk1_ > thank you to try :-) | 11:44 |
cpk1_ | are yo using the updated wine repo? | 11:44 |
trappist | lcordier: it should, yes. | 11:45 |
ranjan | yes cpk | 11:45 |
trappist | lcordier: it could be that yahoo is taking a very long time to respond, and you just haven't gotten an error message *yet* | 11:45 |
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Frederick | folks how do I open a root terminal window in ubuntu? | 11:45 |
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trappist | Frederick: open a non-root terminal window and use sudo | 11:46 |
Blacken | Frederick: sudo su - | 11:46 |
Frederick | trappist: tried but I need a root window | 11:46 |
Blacken | (for some reason, without the dash it seems to lock out my sbin directory. Odd. | 11:46 |
trappist | Frederick: I don't even know what root window means | 11:46 |
lcordier | trappist> when I use evolution, I haven't problem with the same parameters... so I don't think that Yahoo is taking a very long time... | 11:46 |
Blacken | trappist: ...A terminal window under root. | 11:46 |
Blacken | trappist: You know. Hash prompt. | 11:47 |
Hawkwind | No need for that. Just use sudo | 11:47 |
trappist | Blacken: without the dash, you don't really become root, so /sbin doesn't get added to your $PATH | 11:47 |
Frederick | trappist: a console window opened and logged as root | 11:47 |
trappist | Blacken: well, you do but you don't. anyway PATH doesn't get reset. | 11:47 |
Hawkwind | Or setup a traditional root account real quick and then you can simply use su - if you really must | 11:47 |
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trappist | Frederick: try kdesu konsole | 11:47 |
blood | standard terminal had a option like "administration terminal" | 11:48 |
lcordier | trappist> thank for all. I'll try to search any more on the web | 11:48 |
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lcordier | trappist> see you soon | 11:48 |
Frederick | trappist: no luck | 11:48 |
trappist | Frederick: can you be more specific? works here. | 11:48 |
Hawkwind | Frederick: What are you trying to do exactly ? | 11:48 |
cpk1_ | Frederick: i dont get it, sudo su - should work | 11:49 |
=== trappist sits back and waits for all necessary information to become available | ||
Frederick | http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/yE9APB79.html | 11:49 |
=== Hawkwind Hands trappist a cold beer while he waits | ||
trappist | Frederick: those errors can be ignored | 11:50 |
Frederick | Hawkwind: I got a program wich does a broadcast ping I can't use it as a regular user if you want I can post the source | 11:50 |
Hawkwind | Frederick: That's normal on a Kubuntu install. That will not keep it from opening | 11:50 |
Hawkwind | Frederick: So just use sudo or create a traditional root account if you must | 11:50 |
Frederick | but it doesn'r shows up it freezes in those errors | 11:50 |
Hawkwind | !bad device | 11:50 |
ubotu | If you are receiving an error similar to this: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 then please visit this page: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=579.0 | 11:50 |
trappist | Frederick: you could set the setuid bit on /bin/ping | 11:50 |
Frederick | sudo su did the trick :P | 11:51 |
trappist | Hawkwind: afaik the only different between ubuntu's root and traditional root is that there's no password | 11:51 |
trappist | *difference | 11:51 |
Hawkwind | trappist: That's probably correct. I was just giving ideas since I really don't have all the information either :) | 11:51 |
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banjooie | Okay, when I open up a .deb file | 11:52 |
banjooie | it says, in ark: this utility is not in your $PATH. | 11:52 |
cpk1_ | trappist: if you dont set a root password you cant login as root | 11:52 |
trappist | if it were me, I'd setuid /bin/ping instead of giving an app a whole root console to play with | 11:52 |
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trappist | cpk1_: right. that's the idea. | 11:52 |
trappist | cpk1_: except using sudo, of course. | 11:52 |
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trappist | time to go home! | 11:53 |
=== trappist & | ||
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nuku | hi.. on edgy the kde file dialogs just show "home" and "media" in / .. how can i make the other folders visible? | 11:58 |
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nuku | ok found the .hidden in / ... wonder if it really makes sense.. at least /mnt should be shown :/ | 12:04 |
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banjooie | okay | 12:09 |
banjooie | Ark won't open .deb files | 12:09 |
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banjooie | claiming that the utility is not in $path | 12:09 |
banjooie | what do I do | 12:09 |
Dr_willis | why do you want to open a .deb ? | 12:10 |
Dr_willis | mc may be able to open them | 12:10 |
banjooie | er | 12:10 |
banjooie | so I can run easy ubuntu | 12:10 |
Dr_willis | ive 'unpacked' them some how befor. | 12:10 |
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Dr_willis | huh... | 12:10 |
Dr_willis | what does unpacking a .deb have to do with easyubuntu? | 12:10 |
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