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esac_synaptics pad, the mouse button doesnt send the release event sometimes. works in windows. any ideas ?12:14
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jack_help! I can't here everything with laptop hasee L205T05:09
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matt8806suomi"Dynamic CPU throttle" can anyone help me?08:02
Treenaksthat depends on what your exact question is08:03
matt8806suomihow do i set it up and enable it08:03
Treenaksit should be enabled by default08:04
matt8806suomii'm looking to setup/enable "Dynamic CPU throttle" can anyone help me please?08:04
Treenaksmatt8806suomi: a) which version of Ubuntu are you using08:05
Treenaksmatt8806suomi: b) What kind of laptop?08:05
Treenaksmatt8806suomi: c) If it's not on by default, it's a bug, please file it on launchpad.net08:05
matt8806suomi6.06, HP dv4205tu 1.6ghz pentium m08:07
matt8806suomihow do check if it is enabled08:07
Treenaksmatt8806suomi: put the CPU Frequency Monitor in your panel, for example08:08
matt8806suomii have done that but it has not changed in the last few hours08:08
Treenaksmatt8806suomi: try pulling your plug08:09
Treenaksit's probably not scaling because you're on AC power08:09
Treenaksfor me it sits at 600MHz, and when I do "hard" stuff, it goes to 1GHz up to 1.8GHz (my max.)08:10
matt8806suomiyeah, that doesn't seem to be working either08:11
Treenaksmaybe something is eating CPU?08:11
Treenakshave a look at the process monitor08:11
matt8806suomi18% cpu and i have a million webpages in firefox, a few gnome games, and a few text documents open08:14
Treenaksthat might be the cause08:15
Treenaksclose the firefoxes, and your documents08:15
Treenakspeople are still working on bugs in programs ('waking up every few milliseconds' is a bug: it eats CPU if you have hundreds of programs)08:16
matt8806suomibut the cpu is only 18% at best08:17
Treenaksthat doesn't mean anything..08:18
jlduggeri think the default thresholds are around 15 percent for cpufreq08:21
matt8806suominvm i fix the prob, it was missing "cpufreqd" daemon08:21
jlduggereasy way to tell if its working is to "/etc/init.d/powernowd restart"08:21
jlduggermaybe your computer wasn't detected as a laptop?08:22
matt8806suomiow and it still works and runs with AC power08:22
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mdkeanyone heard of problems resuming from suspend with a lockup in AIGLX and the I810 driver? (is on a Thinkpad T43)11:17
mdkeat least, I presume it's in AIGLX11:17

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