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GNAM | wow time for meeting | 08:22 |
GNAM | @schedule rome | 08:22 |
Ubugtu | Schedule for Europe/Rome: 05 Oct 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 05 Oct 23:00: Kubuntu | 06 Oct 12:00: Accessibility Team | 10 Oct 22:00: Technical Board | 11 Oct 22:00: Edubuntu | 12 Oct 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 08:22 |
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sfllaw | @schedule America/Montreal | 08:44 |
Ubugtu | Schedule for America/Montreal: 05 Oct 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 05 Oct 17:00: Kubuntu | 06 Oct 06:00: Accessibility Team | 10 Oct 16:00: Technical Board | 11 Oct 16:00: Edubuntu | 12 Oct 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 08:44 |
mdz_ | morning | 08:45 |
sfllaw | mdz_: Hey. | 08:45 |
sfllaw | Certainly morning. | 08:45 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Oct 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 06 Oct 10:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 10 Oct 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 11 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 12 Oct 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | ||
Riddell | morning | 08:51 |
mvo | good morning | 08:51 |
mdz_ | who else is here? | 08:51 |
tfheen | pong | 08:52 |
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
pitti | Hi | 08:53 |
=== Fujitsu pokes his head out of the shadows. | ||
mdz_ | pitti: hi | 08:53 |
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kwwii_ | hi all | 08:53 |
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=== mdz_ waits for the last-minute barrage from the UK | ||
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Fujitsu | We're being flooded by core-devs! | 08:54 |
mdz_ | dholbach: morning | 08:54 |
=== Fujitsu drowns. | ||
dholbach | good morning, mdz | 08:54 |
dholbach | morning everybody else :) | 08:54 |
Fujitsu | Hi dholbach. | 08:54 |
tfheen | GOOD MORNING, Daniel! | 08:54 |
doko__ | good morning | 08:54 |
Fujitsu | Hey doko__. | 08:54 |
dholbach | HEYA T O L L E F - hey doko__, Fujitsu :-) | 08:55 |
=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== Fujitsu misses Mithrandir. | ||
fschoep | Hello everyone. | 08:55 |
dholbach | hi fschoep | 08:56 |
BenC | mdz: pong | 08:56 |
fschoep | mdz: can you put me a bit later in the queue, I've got a cold and need to order my list a bit more | 08:56 |
fschoep | hi dholbach | 08:56 |
fschoep | dholbach: Doing fine, I hope? | 08:56 |
mdz_ | fschoep: ok | 08:56 |
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dholbach | fschoep: yeah, blubuntu and peace uploaded, will do tropic after the meeting (they'll be sitting in NEW for a while) | 08:57 |
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fschoep | dholbach: OK, thanks lot | 08:57 |
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mdz_ | heno: morning | 08:57 |
dholbach | fschoep: no problem - i hope we have the artwork example packaging gallery complete soon ;-) | 08:58 |
heno | mdz_ morning :) | 08:58 |
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fschoep | dholbach: OK, can you also peek at my patch for #57626 today :) ? | 08:58 |
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dholbach | fschoep: sure will | 08:58 |
fschoep | dholbach: thanks | 08:58 |
dholbach | de rien :) | 08:58 |
mdz_ | we are short ~5, waiting a minute for stragglers | 09:00 |
mdz_ | tardiness abounds | 09:02 |
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mdz_ | time to get started though | 09:02 |
mdz_ | tfheen: you're up | 09:02 |
tfheen | misc: some casper hacking, cleanups after beta, preparations for RC | 09:02 |
tfheen | next week: RC preparations, finishing touches to casper | 09:02 |
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tfheen | oh, and I'm going to get a new Opera version into -commercial too | 09:02 |
mdz_ | tfheen: what's your feeling on the bug list for RC/final? | 09:02 |
tfheen | (security fixes) | 09:02 |
tfheen | mdz_: the list of targeted bugs looks manageable. | 09:02 |
mdz_ | tfheen: have you looked over the process doc for RC? | 09:03 |
tfheen | yes, and it looks good. | 09:03 |
tfheen | let's see if the execution works well too. :-) | 09:03 |
mdz_ | the key is to make corrections as you go :-) | 09:03 |
tfheen | yeah, I'm going to do that | 09:04 |
mdz_ | the checklist starts...3 days ago I think | 09:04 |
tfheen | it starts today, iirc? | 09:04 |
tfheen | with KernelFreeze | 09:04 |
mdz_ | ah, correct | 09:04 |
mdz_ | and then monday | 09:04 |
tfheen | yeah | 09:04 |
mdz_ | ok, thanks | 09:05 |
mdz_ | pitti: next | 09:05 |
pitti | Done: | 09:05 |
pitti | * security updates: firefox 1.0->1.5 for breezy (ugh, thanks to all involved), openssl, mono, checked/published lots of updates from Kees | 09:05 |
pitti | * fixed langpack-o-matic infrastructure to work with new SRU policy (upload staging in *-proposed), uploaded new langpacks to dapper-proposed, discussion about publishing/review is ongoing | 09:05 |
pitti | * fixed langpack-o-matic to only generate new versions if something actually changed | 09:05 |
pitti | * taught apport how to run really *fast* | 09:05 |
pitti | * improved apport-retrace script to make use of new ddeb archive, so that you now get symbolic stack traces to the extent possible (depending on ddeb availability); will announce it on u-devel | 09:05 |
pitti | * Beta CD testing | 09:05 |
pitti | * bug fixing sprint | 09:05 |
pitti | Todo: | 09:05 |
pitti | * finish discussion and SRU policy about langpack updates to get updates working again | 09:05 |
pitti | * another bug fixing sprint, catch up with bug triage | 09:05 |
pitti | * some more pending security updates, clean up the backlog of low-profile issues with Kees | 09:05 |
pitti | * care for mysql merge if infinity's workload is too high | 09:05 |
mdz_ | pitti: anything on your bug list for final? | 09:05 |
pitti | yeah, quite a number | 09:06 |
pitti | I used the milestone | 09:06 |
mdz_ | manageable though? | 09:06 |
pitti | about 15 which are easy | 09:06 |
pitti | yes, the only bug that will need time to fix is the sudo one | 09:06 |
pitti | for the rest I have patches or an easy solution, just a matter of applying and testing them | 09:06 |
keescook | pitti: is that the ssh+sudo terminal bug? | 09:07 |
pitti | I think I can kill them by the end of the week | 09:07 |
mdz_ | pitti: are you getting feedback about the ddeb infrastructure | 09:07 |
pitti | keescook: yes | 09:07 |
pitti | mdz_: yes, some; people seem to love it :) | 09:07 |
pitti | and various Debian guys approached me as well | 09:07 |
sivang | morning | 09:07 |
sfllaw | Hurray! | 09:07 |
pitti | but with yesterday's apport-gtk, the ddebs start making real sense | 09:07 |
=== sivang is here now | ||
pitti | erm, s/gtk/retrace/ | 09:08 |
mdz_ | excellent | 09:08 |
mdz_ | pitti: is there a doc which explains to developers how to use it? | 09:08 |
mdz_ | it would be useful if bug triagers could decode the crash reports | 09:08 |
pitti | mdz: that's the 'will announce it today' part | 09:08 |
mdz_ | pitti: ok, thanks | 09:08 |
pitti | yes, I probably put it into the wiki | 09:08 |
mdz_ | heno: next | 09:08 |
heno | a11y for Edgy: | 09:09 |
heno | * onBoard promoted to main but needs seeding to desktop and GOK should be un-seeded. This will save several MB | 09:09 |
heno | * Bugs: GOK crasher (58600) AT-SPI crasher (62446) | 09:09 |
heno | * Live CD: Will test latest Casper settings, Need ubquity orca-as-root hack | 09:09 |
heno | * usability: gnome-at-prefs patch pending to eliminate a11y menu entries in Applications menu (59553) | 09:09 |
heno | *WinFOSS: just some cosmetic cleanups and latest versions of apps (esp. Firefox now in RC) | 09:09 |
dholbach | heno: I'm happy to do the seed change. | 09:09 |
mdz_ | was just about to ask ;-) | 09:09 |
dholbach | ;) | 09:09 |
heno | dholbach: thanks! | 09:09 |
dholbach | heno: de rien | 09:09 |
mdz_ | tfheen: winfoss is one for the checklist; please add it | 09:10 |
dholbach | the gok crasher was X-related, I think | 09:10 |
mdz_ | it should have a deadline well in advance of RC | 09:10 |
dholbach | heno: for the at-spi crasher, we should get in touch with William again | 09:10 |
heno | dholbach: sorry William who? | 09:11 |
mdz_ | heno: you had a chance to test a11y in beta and those are the only known major issues? | 09:11 |
dholbach | heno: Walker | 09:11 |
heno | mdz_: yes, that's what's on my list | 09:11 |
mdz_ | heno: ok, thanks | 09:12 |
heno | several things have been fixed in the past few days | 09:12 |
mdz_ | iwj: next | 09:12 |
iwj | package-dependency-field-breaks: reverted the Breakses in edgy (update-manager couldn't be made to cope in time) | 09:12 |
iwj | automated-testing-deployment: Some progress on packaging the Xen/LVM virtualisation scripts. | 09:12 |
iwj | other done: firefox 1.0->1.5 security update for breezy finally done. Bugs. | 09:12 |
iwj | todo: Bugs and more automated-testing-deployment. | 09:12 |
tfheen | mdz_: done | 09:12 |
mdz_ | iwj: ISTR the firefox branding list being a targeted bug; have you had a look at that? | 09:12 |
mdz_ | tfheen: thanks | 09:12 |
mdz_ | s/list/issue/ | 09:12 |
mdz_ | "bon echo" -> "firefox" | 09:13 |
iwj | mdz_: Err, no ... | 09:13 |
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iwj | I was waiting to see what came out of your negotiations with upstream. | 09:13 |
iwj | And secretly hoping the actual 2.0 might make it. | 09:13 |
mdz_ | iwj: they're not being very responsive; we're likely to go with what we have for edgy | 09:13 |
=== xeros [i=xeros@fan194.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mdz_ | according to upstream there is no need to name the pre-releases Bon Echo | 09:13 |
mdz_ | so we don't need to wait for 2.0 for that | 09:14 |
iwj | mdz: So just to be clear, I should arrange for it to be called `firefox' unless I hear from you otherwise ? | 09:14 |
mdz_ | (and we need to fix it even if it doesn't come) | 09:14 |
mdz_ | iwj: yes, matching dapper | 09:14 |
iwj | mdz: Well, yes, but when 2.0 comes the name will change automatically. | 09:14 |
mdz_ | iwj: s/when/if/ :-) | 09:14 |
iwj | Quite. | 09:14 |
mdz_ | iwj: ok, thanks | 09:14 |
mdz_ | sfllaw: next | 09:14 |
=== doko_ is away for 2min | ||
sfllaw | Done: | 09:15 |
sfllaw | * Set up lab environment to test fixes for *-proposed | 09:15 |
sfllaw | * Verified bug 59228 was fixed | 09:15 |
sfllaw | * Bug triage | 09:15 |
sfllaw | * Hug day | 09:15 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 59228 in cpio "cpio build glitch breaks Unicode char handling" [Unknown,Fix released] http://launchpad.net/bugs/59228 | 09:15 |
sfllaw | * Pinged cgps about interns | 09:15 |
sfllaw | * Installer testing with cr3 | 09:15 |
sfllaw | To do: | 09:16 |
sfllaw | * Hug day | 09:16 |
sfllaw | * Bug triage | 09:16 |
mdz_ | sfllaw: there are a few non-mainstream use cases which I think we need to formally QA in advance of RC; please email me and I will fill in the details tomorrow | 09:16 |
sfllaw | mdz_: Writing e-mail as we speak. | 09:17 |
mdz_ | sfllaw: since you were in proximity, do you happen to know what's happening wrt cr3 and certification testing? | 09:17 |
sfllaw | I know that they're going to be testing the boxes that Intel has shipped them. | 09:17 |
sfllaw | And that they will try to do all the boxes in the lab on a best effort basis. | 09:18 |
mdz_ | ok, that's one of the items I was referring to, but I have a specific list of line items | 09:18 |
mdz_ | will follow up via email | 09:18 |
mdz_ | thanks sfllaw | 09:18 |
mdz_ | doko_: next | 09:18 |
doko_ | this week: | 09:18 |
doko_ | - openoffice.org - OOo 2.0.4 RC3 packages, splitting out icon styles | 09:18 |
doko_ | and dropping dependency on java-gcj-compat (saving 17MB on the CD). | 09:18 |
doko_ | fix openoffice.org-gcj to work again, updated some needed -java | 09:18 |
doko_ | packages. | 09:18 |
doko_ | - toolchain-roadmap: addressing bugs, still outstanding: glibc build | 09:18 |
doko_ | failure on ia64, currently working on it. | 09:18 |
doko_ | - toolchain-roadmap+1: prepare gcc-4.1/gcc-4.2, binutils updates. | 09:18 |
doko_ | - some fixes for python using packages | 09:18 |
doko_ | - other: looking at eclipse update, oprofile sync. | 09:18 |
doko_ | next week: | 09:18 |
doko_ | - focus on OOo report, python reports. | 09:18 |
doko_ | - address glibc build failure on ia64 | 09:18 |
Riddell | "saving 17MB" yay :) | 09:19 |
mdz_ | doko_: the java-gcj-compat changes are landed now? | 09:19 |
=== pitti hugs doko_ for CD space savings | ||
doko_ | mdz_: yes | 09:19 |
mdz_ | doko_: well done | 09:20 |
mdz_ | doko_: do you expect to see a 2.0.4 final before RC freeze? | 09:20 |
doko_ | mdz: it's expected before our RC, let's see how it works | 09:20 |
doko_ | final python 2.4.4 is another candidate for an update | 09:21 |
mdz_ | doko_: could you follow up with LP folks to see about opening edgy+1 in advance? last i heard, it was deemed possible but the plan wasn't very concrete | 09:21 |
doko_ | ok, will do | 09:22 |
mdz_ | doko_: thanks | 09:22 |
mdz_ | BenC: next | 09:22 |
BenC | Done: | 09:22 |
BenC | * Most of the way through the dapper kernel post-release changes audit | 09:22 |
BenC | * edgy kernel is about ready. Few more regressions to look at. Upload tomorrow will be for kernel freeze. | 09:22 |
BenC | * started work on edgy+1 kernel | 09:22 |
BenC | * no-boot-loader changes will be uploaded tomorrow with kernel. | 09:22 |
BenC | Todo: | 09:22 |
BenC | * Bug review | 09:22 |
BenC | oops, one liner change to that | 09:22 |
BenC | * edgy kernel is about ready. Few more regressions to look at. Maybe have a few patches by tomorrow, but nothing that will cause an ABI change. | 09:22 |
tfheen | BenC: uh, tomorrow? Freeze is today, can you get it in today? | 09:22 |
mdz_ | BenC: are the regressions targeted? | 09:22 |
BenC | yes | 09:23 |
tfheen | BenC: or is it your tomorrow which is thursday? | 09:23 |
BenC | tomorrow == today for you guys :) | 09:23 |
tfheen | ok, thanks | 09:23 |
BenC | Thursday | 09:23 |
tfheen | hurrah for timezones | 09:23 |
mdz_ | BenC: thanks for the intel review, have a conference call tomorrow with them to confirm everything | 09:23 |
mdz_ | seb128: next | 09:24 |
BenC | let me know if you need any more info on kernel support | 09:24 |
seb128 | Done: | 09:24 |
seb128 | - GNOME 2.16.1 | 09:24 |
seb128 | - beta CD testing | 09:24 |
seb128 | - fixed desktop bugs, a bunch with edgy milestone | 09:24 |
seb128 | - bug triage | 09:24 |
seb128 | To do: | 09:24 |
mdz_ | will do | 09:24 |
seb128 | - bugs marathon, backlog jumped from 220 to 340 in a week | 09:24 |
seb128 | - keep fixing bugs for edgy | 09:24 |
mdz_ | seb128: how big is your targeted bug list? anything which should worry us? | 09:24 |
seb128 | edgy bugs list is fairly small (13 desktop-bugs milestoned for edgy atm) | 09:25 |
seb128 | no real blocker | 09:25 |
seb128 | 3-4 bugs I really want to have a look at | 09:25 |
seb128 | other are bonus | 09:25 |
mdz_ | seb128: you have a lead on that gnome-settings-daemon issue? | 09:25 |
seb128 | it's gst_init failing sometime, I've started to try figuring why | 09:25 |
seb128 | I want to look at it today | 09:25 |
mdz_ | ok, thanks | 09:26 |
mdz_ | dholbach: next | 09:26 |
dholbach | Done (since last meeting) | 09:26 |
dholbach | * gnome 2.16.1 | 09:26 |
dholbach | [* celebrated germany's union] | 09:26 |
dholbach | * bug triage | 09:26 |
dholbach | * telepathy packaging | 09:26 |
dholbach | * artwork packaging ({blubuntu,peace,tropic}-look) | 09:26 |
dholbach | * motu-uvf | 09:26 |
dholbach | * motu reviews | 09:26 |
dholbach | * apt-get.org reviews | 09:26 |
dholbach | To do | 09:26 |
dholbach | * BUG TRIAGE, BUG FIXING | 09:26 |
dholbach | * look into Debian fixes | 09:26 |
dholbach | * a11y team meeting | 09:26 |
dholbach | * more motu-uvf | 09:26 |
dholbach | * more apt-get.org reviews (didn't manage as much over the WE as I'd liked) | 09:26 |
mdz_ | dholbach: is artwork up to date with the latest from the art team now? | 09:26 |
dholbach | I'll upload tropic after the meeting | 09:27 |
dholbach | but after that, that's all I have | 09:27 |
dholbach | we might add some emblems to human-icon-theme, but fschoep knows more about that | 09:27 |
fschoep | Indeed | 09:27 |
mdz_ | dholbach: ok, thanks | 09:27 |
dholbach | (nothing grave at any rate) | 09:27 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: next | 09:27 |
Keybuk | Done: | 09:28 |
Keybuk | * CD/Upgrade testing | 09:28 |
Keybuk | * sysvinit: mount /proc/bus/usb again for release, using an awesome recursive bind-mount hack | 09:28 |
Keybuk | * upstart: fixed bug of calling shutdown from runlevel 0 or 6 | 09:28 |
Keybuk | * first cut at making nvidia/fglrx only load if needed, infinity working on improvement for nvigia-legacy | 09:28 |
Keybuk | * cleaned up anastacia | 09:28 |
Keybuk | ToDo: | 09:29 |
Keybuk | * inittab migration | 09:29 |
Keybuk | * update readahead lists | 09:29 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: _very solid and obviously correct_ awesome recursive bind-mount hack I hope | 09:29 |
Keybuk | mdz_: totally bogus, scary, freaky | 09:29 |
Keybuk | but works | 09:29 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: I feel so much better now | 09:30 |
dholbach | . o O { We're all going to die... } | 09:30 |
Keybuk | /proc/bus/usb is a recursive bind-mount of /dev/bus/usb | 09:30 |
Keybuk | with usbfs mounted with restrictive permissions at /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs | 09:30 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: any remaining upstart issues to fix for final? | 09:30 |
Keybuk | and a devices symlink in there | 09:30 |
Keybuk | mdz_: just the inittab migration | 09:30 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: how scary? | 09:31 |
Keybuk | which bit? | 09:31 |
mdz_ | inittab migration | 09:31 |
Keybuk | it's vaguely annoying, because inittab isn't a very well-specified config file | 09:32 |
Keybuk | will have to look for "common patterns" (like commenting out something with getty in its command) rather than actual changes | 09:32 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: you are full of good news today | 09:32 |
Keybuk | mdz_: I want you to sleep well tonight ;) | 09:32 |
mdz_ | sleep?! | 09:32 |
sivang | heh | 09:32 |
highvoltage | :) | 09:32 |
Keybuk | that's why I threw in the shiny anastacia emptyness | 09:32 |
Keybuk | to make you feel better | 09:33 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: satisfied with the archive checklist having put it into practice? | 09:33 |
Keybuk | mdz_: needs adjusting to better deal with NBS I think | 09:33 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: how so? | 09:33 |
Keybuk | to find them, check them, arrange for rebuilds if necessary | 09:34 |
mdz_ | ok, by all means ;-) | 09:34 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: thanks | 09:34 |
mdz_ | mvo: next | 09:34 |
Keybuk | also a note that you can't ever satisfy jessica | 09:34 |
mvo | Did: | 09:34 |
mvo | - Beta release testing/bugfixing | 09:34 |
mvo | - Lot of bug triage (beta brought in lots of reports) | 09:34 |
mvo | - dist-upgrader work (edgyQuirks code that will ensure proper python2.4-foo -> python-foo transition and deal with hpijs, fixes, revert support for backports, we will get this in edgy+1) | 09:34 |
mvo | - g-a-i desktop files updated, added desktop-files from CommonCustomization | 09:34 |
mvo | - prepared notifications about non-free drivers (update-notifier url support) | 09:34 |
mvo | - desktopsecure dapper-commercial update | 09:34 |
mvo | - backported gtkhtml to breezy g-a-i because ff1.5 update broke pymozembed | 09:34 |
mvo | - python-apt work (memleak fixed + nasty crashes due to python2.5 C-API changes) | 09:34 |
mvo | - apt fixes in the i18n code and made the pkgTagFile buffer more dynamic | 09:34 |
mvo | - apt and recent g++ trouble with #pragma debugged with doko (http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29289) | 09:34 |
Ubugtu | gcc.gnu.org bug 29289 in c++ "[4.1/4.2] additionally weak symbols referenced/generated" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 09:34 |
mvo | - upgrade testing | 09:34 |
mvo | - various fixes uploaded | 09:34 |
mvo | Will do: | 09:35 |
mvo | - more bugtriage/testing/fixes | 09:35 |
mvo | - fix synaptic performance regression (#63171) | 09:35 |
mvo | - fix language-selector problem when new fontconfig fragments are added (#62869) | 09:35 |
mvo | - investigate popcon bug #64122, need access to the apache logs | 09:35 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 64122 in popularity-contest "Duplicated HOSTID in popcon" [High,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/64122 | 09:35 |
mvo | - user notification for non-free drivers(?) | 09:35 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: *inappropriate comment suppressed* | 09:35 |
mvo | - look into non-free icons issue of app-install-data (#61076) | 09:35 |
mdz_ | mvo: is the dist-upgrader in shape for RC/final? | 09:35 |
mvo | mdz_: yes. we only get bugs about failing postinst etc now | 09:35 |
mdz_ | mvo: in main? | 09:36 |
mdz_ | are those filed and targeted? | 09:36 |
mvo | and there is a common upgrade issue for people who have installed unofficial compoiz packages | 09:36 |
dholbach | urg urg urg :-( | 09:36 |
mvo | mdz_: yes, I usually reassign those. mostly caused by customization in some way | 09:36 |
mdz_ | mvo: you have an RT ticket open for the logs? | 09:37 |
mvo | no, doing that now | 09:37 |
mdz_ | ok, thanks | 09:37 |
mdz_ | keescook: next | 09:37 |
keescook | Done: | 09:37 |
keescook | * new hire checklist, system access, etc | 09:37 |
keescook | * Beta testing | 09:37 |
keescook | * build environment creation | 09:37 |
keescook | * security reviews: keeping "unchecked" CVE list short | 09:37 |
keescook | * security updates created and released: gdb/all, ffmpeg/dapper,breezy,hoary, xine-lib/dapper,breezy,hoary, kino/hoary | 09:37 |
keescook | * security updates built: bind9, python2.[34] | 09:37 |
=== Kamion [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
keescook | * security investigated for: libmusicbrainz, libksba | 09:37 |
keescook | * bug triage | 09:37 |
keescook | * minor apport debugging/improvement, patches incorporated by pitti | 09:37 |
Kamion | damnit, sorry, totally forgot ... | 09:37 |
keescook | To do: | 09:37 |
keescook | * security updates pending with pitti: bind9 | 09:37 |
keescook | * security updates with build trouble: python2.[34] | 09:37 |
keescook | * security updates for: libmusicbrainz, libksba, awstats | 09:37 |
keescook | * stricter build environment (sbuild+schroot+lvm snapshots) | 09:37 |
mdz_ | keescook: build trouble -> related to the update or something else? | 09:38 |
pitti | mdz_: related to the 'spethial' packaging of python | 09:38 |
keescook | it's related to build system changes, I'm assuming. doko and pitti have a fuller understanding. | 09:38 |
pitti | and to some kernel weirdness in the test suite | 09:38 |
mdz_ | nnrrgghhh | 09:38 |
doko_ | mdz_, pitti: no failure of a test (just on the buildd's) | 09:39 |
keescook | it's been tracked down, and the first pass at the hoary updates finished okay. | 09:39 |
pitti | (eternal hang in a test that didn't happen in final) | 09:39 |
mdz_ | ok | 09:39 |
mdz_ | keescook: are you now able to process updates/advisories end-to-end? | 09:39 |
keescook | nope, still going through pitti at the moment. | 09:39 |
pitti | the vendor-sec objection period finished today, I filed an RT for security@u.c. alias | 09:39 |
pitti | I'll also file an RT for jackass access | 09:40 |
mdz_ | keescook: as you should be, but you have all the necessary privileges now, yes? | 09:40 |
pitti | but we need to make kees an ubuntu-core-dev for full access, and that needs to go through the official process | 09:40 |
mdz_ | or waiting on sysadmin? | 09:40 |
mdz_ | ah | 09:40 |
keescook | what pitti said. :) | 09:40 |
mdz_ | pitti: you'll guide kees through the core-dev process? | 09:40 |
pitti | mdz_: of course | 09:40 |
mdz_ | ok | 09:40 |
mdz_ | thanks keescook | 09:40 |
pitti | already at it | 09:40 |
mdz_ | Riddell: next | 09:40 |
Riddell | done: beta release, went very well. KDE conference, lots of Kubuntu love. | 09:40 |
Riddell | bug fixing | 09:40 |
Riddell | KDE 3.5.5 packaging, Qt 4.2 packaging | 09:40 |
Keybuk | keescook: the TB accepts bribes | 09:40 |
Riddell | unblocked: ruby, thanks BenC | 09:41 |
Riddell | todo: finish KDE 3.5.5, Qt 4.2. KOffice 1.6 also out this week. UVF exception requests to come | 09:41 |
keescook | Keybuk: I must perfect my beer-over-IRC system. | 09:41 |
mdz_ | Riddell: time is very short for major new upstreams at this point; are there high-priority fixes in there? | 09:41 |
=== iwj [n=ian@xenophobe.extern.relativity.greenend.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Riddell | mdz_: qt 4.2 has some important stuff like not duplicating packages and giving us back qt4 dbus | 09:42 |
mdz_ | Riddell: please be thorough with your rationales | 09:43 |
Riddell | nothing vital in kde and koffice, but still plenty of nice fixes | 09:43 |
Riddell | yep | 09:43 |
mdz_ | Riddell: targeted bugs for Kubuntu? | 09:43 |
Riddell | mdz_: I'll do some malone targetting today, but making sure accessibility and oem-config work will be there | 09:44 |
Riddell | also if anyone want to fix libnss-mdns to touch nss.switch that would be great | 09:44 |
mdz_ | Riddell: ok, please make sure those bugs are targeted by the end of the week | 09:44 |
mdz_ | we need to know where we stand | 09:44 |
mdz_ | Riddell: thanks | 09:44 |
mdz_ | kwwii_: next | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | The last weeks I did: | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | completely new powermanager icons | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | final tweaks on usplash pic, tested on lots of machines - seems to work and look fine. | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | windeco button tweaks | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | kdm and kslpash pics and config to fix bug and center the logo (fixed https://launchpad.net/bugs/40821) | 09:45 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 40821 in kdebase "login dialog font is huge on 147 DPI screen" [Low,Fix released] | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | played a bit and finally gave up on the about/help/app-start pages | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | next week I plan to do: | 09:45 |
mdz_ | kwwii_: is the artwork now final? | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | kmenu side image | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | kubuntu branded kmenu icon | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | web page images | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | polishing anything left | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | create a wiki page with all final artwork, screens, etc. | 09:45 |
kwwii_ | mdz_: very close to it, yes...just polishing left | 09:46 |
mdz_ | kwwii_: let's make RC freeze the hard deadline, including polishing | 09:46 |
mdz_ | doable? | 09:46 |
kwwii_ | hrm, we could come close | 09:46 |
mdz_ | kwwii_: we need it finalized; no last-minute changes this time around | 09:47 |
kwwii_ | we are not missing anything major anyway...so whatever gets left out is not such a big deal | 09:47 |
mdz_ | ok | 09:47 |
mdz_ | kwwii_: thanks | 09:47 |
mdz_ | fschoep: next | 09:48 |
fschoep | Done: | 09:48 |
fschoep | * community-artwork: conference call with jmak and sabdfl, follow-up tomorrow, wrote down final directions | 09:48 |
fschoep | * firefox-themes-ubuntu: fix bugs, Ian uploaded new package | 09:48 |
fschoep | * art-mailing-list: fix ML moderation, we now have an active team for it again | 09:48 |
fschoep | * theme-teams: did my best to package their work, Daniel is doing the final touches | 09:48 |
fschoep | * fixing bugs | 09:48 |
fschoep | * updating specifications and bugs | 09:48 |
fschoep | Ongoing: | 09:48 |
fschoep | * usplash-artwork: work with Seveas and msikma to get a new design in | 09:48 |
fschoep | * sound-themes: got in touch with cbx33, working on shorter sounds | 09:48 |
fschoep | * community-artwork: creating final designs to sabdfl's liking | 09:48 |
fschoep | * ubuntu-art-polish-human-icons: iterate with Dave on polishing icons, integrating some community crafted icons | 09:48 |
mdz_ | fschoep: likewise, make artwork freeze your drop-dead date | 09:48 |
mdz_ | er, RC freeze | 09:48 |
fschoep | mdz_: I'll do my best and communicate that plan to sabdfl tomorrow | 09:48 |
mdz_ | fschoep: any deliverables from the artwork call for final? | 09:48 |
fschoep | mdz_: I'm not sure if I get that question, can you rephrase it? | 09:49 |
mdz_ | fschoep: were there any issues raised during the conference call which must be addressed for final? | 09:49 |
fschoep | mdz_: yes | 09:50 |
mdz_ | it sounds like there were, but we need a list | 09:50 |
fschoep | mdz_: the only issue was that the artwork sucks so to speak | 09:50 |
mdz_ | please file bugs for each of them and target them to ubuntu-6.10 so that tfheen sees them | 09:50 |
fschoep | mdz_: so we worked this week on solving it | 09:50 |
mdz_ | fschoep: I am not amused | 09:50 |
fschoep | mdz_: it wasn't funny | 09:50 |
fschoep | mdz_: so I'll file bugs for the GDM and wallpaper then? | 09:51 |
mdz_ | fschoep: anything which is needed for final | 09:51 |
mdz_ | and it needs to be complete by RC freeze | 09:51 |
mdz_ | barring extraordinary circumstances | 09:51 |
fschoep | mdz_: right, I'll do that | 09:51 |
mdz_ | fschoep: ok, thanks | 09:52 |
mdz_ | Kamion: next | 09:52 |
Kamion | Done: | 09:52 |
Kamion | misc: Edgy beta release. Lots of archive admin. openssh security fix. germinate fix to stop it wanting to promote type-handling to main. Renamed "server" to "command-line" install on the alternate CDs. | 09:52 |
Kamion | sane-installer-keyboard: Extra bits of integration missed earlier, done for beta. Keyboard variant selector in ubiquity. Other minor fixes. | 09:52 |
Kamion | ubiquity: Fixed to prevent selection of reserved usernames. Now catches file copying errors and displays a more helpful error message, which should cut down the incoming bug flow a lot. | 09:52 |
Kamion | no-more-devfs: kickseed fix for partition selection required by device name changes. | 09:52 |
Kamion | To do: | 09:52 |
Kamion | usplash: tasksel enhancements to fix resolution detection on fresh d-i installs still needed. | 09:52 |
Kamion | ubiquity: Still need to at least analyse gtk-mainloop-crash and invalid-literal-for-int crashes; may be able to at least work around these. Two other major bugs remaining for final (dodgy country selection and broken manual partitioning summary). | 09:52 |
Kamion | misc: Fix system-config-kickstart, which is broken at the moment and needs a bit of an overhaul. | 09:52 |
Kamion | (I'm going to give the usplash stuff priority) | 09:52 |
mdz_ | Kamion: are those important-sounding todo items recorded as targeted bugs? | 09:52 |
Kamion | yes, except for those two crashes because I haven't decided on those yet | 09:53 |
mdz_ | ok | 09:53 |
mdz_ | have you had a look over the process docs? | 09:53 |
Kamion | briefly, but not yet extensively I'm afraid | 09:53 |
mdz_ | ok, best to do it in the throes for the best chance of catching omissions | 09:53 |
Kamion | I've todoed that for myself | 09:53 |
Kamion | yeah | 09:54 |
mdz_ | Kamion: how is OEM mode looking? | 09:54 |
Kamion | well, it works now, which is better than beta | 09:54 |
Kamion | still not that pretty, I'm wondering if it's worth fixing up the session startup | 09:54 |
mdz_ | I haven't had a look at it lately, but feel free to email me with details if you need opinions | 09:54 |
Kamion | (for the curious, the bug was that importing the oem-config frontend to find out which one to use caused gtk to be imported which caused it to try to talk to the X server before we'd started it) | 09:55 |
mdz_ | Kamion: thanks | 09:55 |
mdz_ | anything else outstanding? | 09:55 |
sivang | mdz_: i have an update as well | 09:55 |
mdz_ | sivang: go | 09:55 |
sivang | hubackup: | 09:55 |
sivang | - backup stage uses the new GUI designed in UDS Paris, including usability improvements and media detection fixes. | 09:55 |
Kamion | I wrote the above hastily, but I think it's complete for me | 09:55 |
sivang | - Working to have a version to to upload early as edgy+1 opens. | 09:55 |
sivang | system clean up tool: | 09:55 |
sivang | - KleanSweap's author now working with me (was excited about me approaching him for Ubuntu). He already produced a perliminary version of a python back end, which we will work to bug fix, and I'm intending to use for a PyGTK gui. for Kubuntu will use KleanSweap's GUI itself, or we might come up with easier GUI for the simple user, if that is desired. | 09:55 |
sivang | - Old kernel removals are still pending discussion and guidance. | 09:55 |
sivang | DB2: | 09:56 |
sivang | - Finally discovered the culprit for DB2 connection problems on canonical testing hosts. | 09:56 |
sivang | - Now awaiting minor setup needed on testing hosts. Kurt von Fink forwarded an request email from me to right places, hopefully this will get sorted quick in order to finish. | 09:56 |
mdz_ | sivang: you can CC me and kernel-team for input on kernel removal if you need it | 09:56 |
sivang | mdz_: sure thing, will do | 09:56 |
mdz_ | that is surely all edgy+1 work now though | 09:56 |
sivang | indeed | 09:56 |
mdz_ | sivang: ok, thanks | 09:56 |
mdz_ | last call for other business | 09:56 |
ogra | ? | 09:56 |
ogra | forgot me ? | 09:56 |
mdz_ | ogra: oh, you're here now | 09:56 |
ogra | * last-week: | 09:56 |
ogra | - beta release | 09:56 |
ogra | - new gnome screensaver and powermanager packages | 09:56 |
ogra | - fixed some edubuntu-artwork bugs | 09:56 |
ogra | - identified remaining installer bugs (hardcoded hostname setting, translation regression in german) | 09:56 |
ogra | - identified remaining minor ltsp bugs (#62036 and missing "DO_NOT_SWITCH_VT" in ldm) | 09:57 |
ogra | - had to handle a huge mail bashing flood resulting from http://cniehaus.livejournal.com/27154.html | 09:57 |
ogra | * next week: | 09:57 |
ogra | - fix the remaining installer and ltsp bugs | 09:57 |
mdz_ | ogra: i pinged several times | 09:57 |
ogra | - go over screensaver and powermanager bugs, fix the non intrusively fixable ones | 09:57 |
ogra | - fix 640x480 usplash picture (was interim for beta, new scaled down pic there, not packaged yet) | 09:57 |
ogra | - fix a minor student-control-panel bug with pessulus | 09:57 |
ogra | - prepare for RC | 09:57 |
ogra | ----------- | 09:57 |
ogra | * sidenotes | 09:57 |
ogra | - we're now allowed to call our ltsp the ltsp 5.0pre version :) | 09:57 |
ogra | - lots and lots of thanks to the bug squad for sorting all the screensaver duplicates ! | 09:57 |
ogra | - beta feedback for edubuntu was very positive, all automation seems to work as planned now | 09:57 |
ogra | i was here the whole meeting :) | 09:57 |
ogra | i answered UTC 7:00 in #canonical | 09:57 |
Keybuk | ogra: are you still planning a sysvinit upload, or should I? | 09:57 |
ogra | oh, err, 7:15 | 09:57 |
ogra | Keybuk, will do it today, its so small :) | 09:58 |
mvo | I would appreciate opionions for https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-app-install/+bug/61076 <- we say in http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components that some non-modifiable bits in main are ok (like fonts) | 09:58 |
mdz_ | ogra: edubuntu bugs targeted for final? | 09:58 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 61076 in gnome-app-install "app-install-data contains non-free icons from multiverse, app-install-data-commercial contains even more unfree stuff" [High,Confirmed] | 09:58 |
Keybuk | ogra: it's what you do with it, that counts | 09:58 |
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mdz_ | mvo: ->ubuntu-devel@ I'd say | 09:58 |
=== mvo appologizes for posting before ogra has finished | ||
ogra | mdz_, yes, but not all filed ... most are one liner fixes ... got them on my whiteboard | 09:58 |
mvo | mdz_: ok | 09:58 |
mdz_ | ogra: please get them in launchpad today | 09:59 |
Kamion | ogra: did you get round to going back through the IRC logs to find out why we hardcoded the hostname in the first place? | 09:59 |
ogra | mdz_, even if i fix them today ? | 09:59 |
Kamion | because I know you must have given me a good enough reason for that - it wasn't something I was keen on | 09:59 |
ogra | Kamion, not yet, that one i'll file | 09:59 |
Keybuk | mvo: are they non-free in the sense that they forbid redistribution or modification of the icon | 10:00 |
mdz_ | ogra: doesn't matter, so long as at the end of the day all of the major issues are targeted | 10:00 |
ogra | ok | 10:00 |
Keybuk | or are they just non-free because "the icon lacks source code" | 10:00 |
mdz_ | ogra: thanks | 10:00 |
mdz_ | right on time | 10:00 |
mdz_ | adjourned, thanks everyone | 10:00 |
ogra | :) | 10:00 |
pitti | thanks everyone | 10:01 |
=== mvo goes to get some breakfirst | ||
sivang | thanks all | 10:01 |
kwwii_ | thanks | 10:01 |
keescook | thanks! I'm off to bed. :) | 10:01 |
=== sivang follows mvo to the breakfast stand. | ||
=== ogra goes to try to wake up now | ||
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=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Bye"] | ||
fschoep | mdz_: I'm probably overlooking it, but how do I target a milestone for a bug in Launchpad? | 10:02 |
tfheen | fschoep: edit the bug, choose milestone | 10:02 |
=== givre [n=flo@APuteaux-152-1-3-114.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
seb128 | mvo: no, it was meetingfirst, now is breaknext :p | 10:02 |
tfheen | just like you'd do if you were marking it as fixed or whatever | 10:02 |
mvo | seb128: haha | 10:02 |
seb128 | you might not be to the right team to have milestone right | 10:02 |
=== seb128 hugs mvo | ||
fschoep | seb128: possibly | 10:03 |
fschoep | I have seen bugs having the property but I can't set it myself it seems | 10:03 |
fschoep | There's just no such option anywhere on my bugs | 10:03 |
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fschoep | seb128: do you know someone who could elevate my privileges? | 10:04 |
seb128 | mdz | 10:04 |
seb128 | I'm not sure there is some fine granularity atm for it though | 10:04 |
dholbach | fschoep: I'll add you to ubuntu-qa | 10:04 |
seb128 | dholbach: qa can't set milestone, can they? | 10:04 |
fschoep | dholbach: if that solves the problem, great | 10:04 |
dholbach | seb128: not entirely sure | 10:05 |
seb128 | dholbach: I think they are not | 10:06 |
dholbach | fschoep: added you - try again | 10:06 |
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fschoep | dholbach: it seems to work, thanks! Should I now use the 6.10 milestone (not beta)? | 10:06 |
dholbach | fschoep: yep, right | 10:06 |
dholbach | seb128: seems they can | 10:07 |
fschoep | dholbach: OK, great | 10:07 |
seb128 | dholbach: k, they must have changed it then ;) | 10:07 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Oct 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 06 Oct 10:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 10 Oct 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 11 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 12 Oct 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 17 Oct 12:00 UTC: Community Council | ||
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Oct 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 06 Oct 10:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 09 Oct 14:00 UTC: MOTU | 10 Oct 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 11 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 12 Oct 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | ||
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freeflying | @schedule Shanghai | 03:11 |
Ubugtu | Schedule for Asia/Shanghai: 06 Oct 05:00: Kubuntu | 06 Oct 18:00: Accessibility Team | 09 Oct 22:00: MOTU | 11 Oct 04:00: Technical Board | 12 Oct 04:00: Edubuntu | 12 Oct 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 03:11 |
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Hobbsee | @schedule sydney | 03:48 |
Ubugtu | Schedule for Australia/Sydney: 06 Oct 07:00: Kubuntu | 06 Oct 20:00: Accessibility Team | 10 Oct 00:00: MOTU | 11 Oct 06:00: Technical Board | 12 Oct 06:00: Edubuntu | 13 Oct 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 03:48 |
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mdz | dholbach: yes, qa is the right team for that | 06:39 |
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dholbach | mdz: right | 06:54 |
Toadstool | @schedule Los_angeles | 07:18 |
Ubugtu | Schedule for America/Los_Angeles: 05 Oct 14:00: Kubuntu | 06 Oct 03:00: Accessibility Team | 09 Oct 07:00: MOTU | 10 Oct 13:00: Technical Board | 11 Oct 13:00: Edubuntu | 12 Oct 08:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 07:18 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Kubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 06 Oct 10:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 09 Oct 14:00 UTC: MOTU | 10 Oct 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 11 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 12 Oct 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | ||
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Tonio_ | time for the meeting I think... | 11:02 |
Riddell | yo | 11:02 |
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Tonio_ | I'm there, lagging because wengophone build, but there :) | 11:02 |
Riddell | agenda at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | 11:03 |
Riddell | who's all here? | 11:03 |
kwwii | me | 11:03 |
=== seaLne [n=seaLne@ubuntu/member/sealne] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Tonio_ | pfff, 3 people... | 11:03 |
freeflying | hi | 11:03 |
=== Lure is Luka Renko | ||
=== allee is Achim Bohnet | ||
=== fdoving is Frode M. Doeving. (leaving in 10mins or so). | ||
=== Tonio_ is Anthony Mercatante | ||
=== seaLne is Kenny Duffus | ||
=== kwwii is Kenneth Wimer | ||
Riddell | ah, allee makes quorum for kubuntu council :) | 11:05 |
allee | heh | 11:05 |
Riddell | anyone here for kubuntu membership? | 11:05 |
Riddell | groovy | 11:06 |
Riddell | Tonio_: your item | 11:06 |
Tonio_ | okay | 11:06 |
Tonio_ | so we currently ship 2 apps than can make usage of kipi-plugins | 11:06 |
Tonio_ | I was wondering if there is any reason we don't currently ship those plugins by default | 11:06 |
Riddell | begs the question if we should be doing so | 11:06 |
Tonio_ | that's my idea yes | 11:07 |
seaLne | seems like a good idea to me | 11:07 |
=== toma_ [n=toma@84-53-90-221.wxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Riddell | hi Tonio_ | 11:07 |
Riddell | err, toma | 11:07 |
Riddell | Tonio_: well it's yet another package to add to the CDs | 11:07 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: indeed... | 11:07 |
allee | kipi-plugins are _very_ useful and has lots of bugs ;) | 11:07 |
toma | Riddell: hi, i missed the date, sorry im late | 11:07 |
Tonio_ | most kde graphic apps can use them | 11:07 |
Riddell | allee: what sort of bugs? | 11:07 |
Lure | allee: exactly, but toma may have more to say | 11:08 |
Riddell | Tonio_: only extragear apps | 11:08 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: bugs asking that we ship it :) | 11:08 |
toma | Lure: can you fill me in? | 11:08 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yes, like those we currently ship (plus showimg and others) | 11:08 |
allee | Riddell: no grave bugs. Just little usability bugs here and there. | 11:08 |
Lure | toma: we are discussing if we include kipi-plugins by default | 11:08 |
=== Hawkwind Has arrived | ||
Riddell | it comes down to do we want kipi-plugins or do we want another language pack | 11:08 |
Riddell | any idea how large kipi-plugins is? | 11:09 |
allee | AFAIK most are now fixed. Nevetheless they are useful | 11:09 |
Riddell | erk, 7772kB | 11:09 |
toma | Riddell: which language pack? | 11:09 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: heh, that's the problem :) | 11:09 |
Riddell | toma: dunno, whichever is at the bottom of the list when we fill up the CDs with language packs | 11:10 |
Riddell | the daily CDs have no language packs just now, I'll fill it up closer to RC time | 11:10 |
toma | Riddell: which kipi apps are shipped by default? | 11:10 |
Riddell | in my opinion 7MB is too much to lose | 11:10 |
Riddell | gwenview and digikam | 11:10 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: how much space do we have ? | 11:10 |
Tonio_ | I know that the problem is on amd64 cd right ? | 11:11 |
Riddell | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20061005/ | 11:11 |
Lure | Riddell: did't we just got 17MB from OOo back? ;-) | 11:11 |
Riddell | 13MB on i386 | 11:11 |
toma | i think kipi brings the fun to digikam and gwenview, so i think it is important | 11:11 |
toma | for the user experience | 11:11 |
Lure | toma: +1 | 11:11 |
Tonio_ | well the size on the cd becomes a real issue, so maybe we need to discuss and find a solution to that problem... | 11:12 |
=== j_ack_ [n=rudi@p508D897E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Tonio_ | how can we free space ? | 11:12 |
Riddell | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20061005/ 6MB on ppc | 11:12 |
allee | Riddell: ~ 5 MB are documentation. biggest lang in it is 1.6 MB | 11:12 |
toma | we could split doc | 11:12 |
toma | allee: you are fast | 11:12 |
Riddell | allee: so we coud split out docs from kipi-plugins and only have about 2MB? | 11:12 |
toma | Riddell: would not surprise me | 11:13 |
toma | Riddell: same doc author as digikam ;-) | 11:13 |
Riddell | sound like a plan | 11:13 |
Riddell | any volunteers to do that? | 11:13 |
toma | whats the deadline? | 11:13 |
Riddell | toot sweet! | 11:13 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I can | 11:13 |
allee | Why aren't the docs splitted out during build in kubuntu? Is this only done for messages? | 11:14 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: if you are okay on the plan, I'll split out the docs tomorrow | 11:14 |
Riddell | allee: it's only done for messages so far, main kde modules put their translations into kde-i18n-xx | 11:14 |
Riddell | Tonio_: ok, lets do that | 11:14 |
allee | Will this be accepted by ftp-master? AFAIK, debian ftp-master reject such -<lang> splits | 11:15 |
Riddell | if we say it's needed to get it on the CD that'll be fine | 11:15 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: but talking about space on the cd, I really think switching in one or two releases to koffice could free LOTS of space...., but that's not the subject today | 11:15 |
Riddell | Tonio_: that's a separate issue :) | 11:15 |
toma | allee: split doc and doc translations, not split all languages seperate... | 11:16 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: hehe, yes, but that'll have to be discussed also ;) | 11:16 |
Riddell | ok, moving on? | 11:16 |
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Tonio_ | yes | 11:16 |
Riddell | kwwii: your item | 11:16 |
allee | Tonio_: so kipi-plugins and kupi-plugins-doc? | 11:16 |
kwwii | ok....I wanted to discuss what we think still needs to be done to complete the theme for 6.10..it is now or never :-) | 11:16 |
Tonio_ | allee: exactly | 11:16 |
Riddell | kmenu side image! | 11:16 |
kwwii | I thought about adding a kmenu icon that is kubuntu branded, ideas? | 11:16 |
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allee | Tonio_: then see KubuntuKDEExtras wiki page and feel invited : | 11:17 |
allee | +) | 11:17 |
kwwii | Riddell: whether or not we use a kubuntu menu icon affects the kmenu image | 11:17 |
seaLne | personally i like the K | 11:17 |
Riddell | in general I'm against a kmenu icon, but I'd be interested to see the ideas | 11:17 |
Lure | kwwii: I am all for it | 11:17 |
Tonio_ | allee: will do | 11:17 |
Riddell | I like kubuntu to keep KDE branding | 11:17 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yes, me too | 11:17 |
kwwii | ok, so nothing sticks out in peoples mind as "why the hell didn't he make that pic!"? | 11:17 |
Riddell | kwwii: got ideas for an announcement image? | 11:18 |
allee | kwwii: I prefer the standard k menu. We should not do branding everywhere so KDE does not look like KDE as in other distros | 11:18 |
imbrandon_ | .. | 11:18 |
Riddell | I know my chest was pretty sexy for the beta, but we'll need another idea for the final | 11:18 |
kwwii | Riddell: that is the second point, kinda | 11:18 |
imbrandon_ | late fella's sorry | 11:18 |
kwwii | what do we want to do with the website? | 11:18 |
kwwii | do we want to go back to something simple, more like ubuntu? or keep up the 3d image thing | 11:19 |
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Riddell | kwwii: which 3d image? | 11:19 |
freeflying | kwwii: can we make logout dialog more kubuntu-ish | 11:19 |
kwwii | Riddell: I will work on something | 11:19 |
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=== fdoving likes simple. | ||
kwwii | Riddell: the old "new" logo | 11:19 |
kwwii | Riddell: as compared to the new, new logo (the one printed on the banners at akademy) | 11:19 |
Riddell | freeflying: too late for that in edgy I think, but I'd love to see patches for edgy+1 | 11:20 |
allee | freeflying: good suggestion!!! | 11:20 |
seaLne | i don't think the logo on the webpage quite fits with the rest of it | 11:20 |
Riddell | kwwii: new new logo is nice | 11:20 |
kwwii | Riddell: or should we use a simple gradient with the simple 2d logo on it? | 11:20 |
Riddell | kwwii: well you're the artist :) but I like the new new logo as you say | 11:20 |
kwwii | ok, I'll work on two versions and we can see what people think | 11:21 |
imbrandon_ | whoa no +1 on the kmenu logo "becouse everyone else does it" ?!? | 11:21 |
Riddell | imbrandon_: no +1 == -1 ? | 11:21 |
Riddell | kwwii: do you have the bzr source of the kubuntu-website? | 11:21 |
allee | kwwii: desktop and web/wiki style matching is a nice thing IMHO | 11:21 |
imbrandon_ | yea | 11:21 |
kwwii | I could put part of a half transparent logo at the bottom right of the wallpaper, but I think it would ruin the balance | 11:21 |
kwwii | Riddell: no, I will have to ask you later for the different bzr sources (k-d-s as well) | 11:22 |
seaLne | would also look weird for multi head | 11:22 |
imbrandon_ | yea that would not be good | 11:22 |
kwwii | seaLne: very good point | 11:23 |
Riddell | so kmenu side image, maybe kmenu icon, announce image (and RC image?) and website headers | 11:23 |
Riddell | and I need to package guidance to get the new guidance power manager icons | 11:23 |
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kwwii | Riddell: hehe, I might just update them as well...when would you do that? | 11:24 |
Riddell | kwwii: whenever I get a few minutes | 11:24 |
kwwii | I have a really good idea, but I need to take time and try to draw it | 11:24 |
kwwii | well, we can live with the current ones | 11:24 |
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
kwwii | I guess people like them better than the colored versions? | 11:24 |
Tonio_ | kwwii, Riddell: I'll have time for this tomorrow too | 11:24 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I can build guidance tomorrow | 11:25 |
Riddell | Tonio_: cool, it's fiddly I'll talk to you about it later | 11:25 |
toma | Tonio_: are you full time working on kubuntu now? | 11:25 |
Lure | kwwii: they are better than old one, I just think black is just to dark (and Oxygen like) | 11:25 |
Tonio_ | toma: I don't have any job at the moment, so yes, I have a lot of free time :) | 11:25 |
Riddell | ;lk;' | 11:25 |
kwwii | Lure: as they are the current oxygen icons, that is good :-) | 11:25 |
toma | Tonio_: okay | 11:25 |
Riddell | hnb9 | 11:26 |
Tonio_ | toma: but no I don't get paid for that :) | 11:26 |
toma | Tonio_: oh, that was not my question ;-) | 11:26 |
Tonio_ | toma: haha | 11:26 |
Riddell | Tonio_: I'll bring you some irn-bru in the US | 11:26 |
Riddell | any other artwork issues? | 11:26 |
kwwii | nope | 11:26 |
Riddell | it's all great in general | 11:27 |
Lure | no - kwwii just rocks! | 11:27 |
Lure | ;-) | 11:27 |
Riddell | and sabdfl likes it too, which is the important thing :) | 11:27 |
Tonio_ | yes, kwwii's work kickass, really :) | 11:27 |
kwwii | thanks guys | 11:27 |
=== allee nods | ||
imbrandon_ | yup i'm with Riddell , rockin | 11:27 |
toma | kwwii: yes, i was surprised with the beautifull artwork as well when I upgraded... | 11:27 |
Lure | kwwii: btw, do we now set colorize for panel? | 11:28 |
allee | ... after his purple preference decreased ;) | 11:28 |
Riddell | JJesse comments that we'll need to update the documentation stylesheets if we change the website but that's not the case unless I'm missing something | 11:28 |
kwwii | I hope that my work is a step in the right direction and that it helps in the future to make kubuntu even better | 11:28 |
Riddell | we still use the KDE stylesheets for our docs | 11:28 |
kwwii | Lure: I think we should | 11:28 |
Lure | kwwii: this is k-d-s stuff, so probably Tonio_ can fix it | 11:28 |
Riddell | so, we're at the end of the agenda | 11:29 |
trappist | Riddell: there's a css issue that the kde folks still haven't fixed, if that's what you mean | 11:29 |
Lure | Tonio_: can you change k-d-s to set "Colorize to match the desktop color scheme" in panel settings? | 11:29 |
Riddell | trappist: what's that? | 11:30 |
Tonio_ | Lure: I'll have a look | 11:30 |
trappist | Riddell: many of the links in the html docs are unclickable in firefox | 11:30 |
Riddell | hmm, that's not good | 11:30 |
trappist | Riddell: we've got a patch for ours, and I've sent it to kde-docs, but they haven't applied | 11:30 |
trappist | it's a very small and easy patch though | 11:30 |
Lure | Tonio_: thanks | 11:30 |
Riddell | trappist: send that to me please | 11:30 |
trappist | can do | 11:31 |
Tonio_ | trappist: maybe we can include it waiting for kde to do the same | 11:31 |
Riddell | any other business? | 11:31 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: koffice ? | 11:32 |
imbrandon_ | not from me | 11:32 |
=== Tonio_ runs away, fast !!!!!! | ||
Riddell | # | 11:32 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: joking of course | 11:32 |
Riddell | im | 11:32 |
Riddell | excuse me | 11:32 |
Lure | Riddell: when I got accross bug 57831, I was thunking how we can improve that such patches are not forgotten | 11:32 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 57831 in kdeadmin "KDE Network Settings docs broken" [Medium,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/57831 | 11:32 |
Riddell | -0 | 11:32 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I would like to discuss about _sime's patches to kde | 11:33 |
Tonio_ | they are nice, but still have a binch of issues... | 11:33 |
Lure | maybe Kubuntu Patches team or something like that | 11:33 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: RC will be there soon, so maybe we should make a point with sime on that point | 11:33 |
imbrandon_ | Lure: the easiest way is to subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors if there is a patch | 11:33 |
Riddell | Lure: if you see a patch that seems easy to apply poke anyone in core-dev | 11:33 |
Lure | then bug team could assign them and core dev's/MOTU could pick them up | 11:33 |
toma | Lure: why not upstream | 11:33 |
Riddell | or ubuntu-dev has applies | 11:33 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: do we include them now or do we wait for edgy+1, so that they become mature and bugfree | 11:33 |
Tonio_ | oups, sorry... I lag a lot | 11:34 |
Riddell | Tonio_: do we have a list of remaining issues? | 11:34 |
toma | Lure: if the patch is confirmed ok, I'll move it into kde straight away | 11:34 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: most of them are on the wikipage yes | 11:34 |
Riddell | floppies don't work, but they never did | 11:34 |
Lure | toma: true | 11:35 |
imbrandon_ | Tonio_: i say we keep them and work on the issues | 11:35 |
=== Lure do not dare to commit such stuff to kde svn yet (only powermanager) ;-) | ||
Riddell | I agree with imbrandon_ | 11:35 |
seaLne | i have a comment about the automounting of cds, there is no obvious way to unmount now only eject which isn't very usefull with k3b | 11:35 |
imbrandon_ | it has gotchas but we knew that would happen going in, and the old ways are just as broken | 11:35 |
toma | Lure: i'll have a look and get back to you | 11:36 |
trappist | Riddell: sent | 11:36 |
Tonio_ | I agree too, but those issues are becoming emergencies | 11:36 |
Lure | seaLne: +1 - just got this issue today when I wanted to overwrite by CDRW | 11:36 |
seaLne | if you want to reuse a cdrw i haven't found a way other than to umount /media/cdrom0 | 11:36 |
seaLne | yep | 11:36 |
imbrandon_ | seaLne: thats known and one of the issues covered in the latest patch ( not applied yet ) | 11:36 |
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seaLne | what is the solution? | 11:36 |
Tonio_ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuKDEMedia if you find issues, maybe interesting to add them here | 11:36 |
=== allee does not like automouting at all, sigh | ||
jdong | Tonio_: did you forget to say "if jdong touches that page again, Simon will come after him with a shotgun"? :D | 11:38 |
Tonio_ | jdong: lol :) | 11:38 |
Riddell | in the whole kde shouldn't do anything if you insert a writable cd or dvd when k3b is running | 11:38 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: +1 | 11:39 |
Riddell | and if k3b isn't running it should have an option to start it | 11:39 |
kwwii | well, when it asks for a CD, it would nice if it simly started when it found one | 11:39 |
jdong | wait, what does it do right now if you put in a blank CD? | 11:40 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: second part isn't that hard to do | 11:40 |
kwwii | s/simly/simply | 11:40 |
jdong | does it try to automount a blank disc? | 11:40 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: first part looks like....... hard to patch | 11:40 |
seaLne | jdong: yeah and most of the time fails (good) | 11:40 |
Lure | jdong: not, but it does mount already written cdrw (that I may want to overwrite) | 11:40 |
seaLne | i use cdrws all the time | 11:40 |
Riddell | interestingly talking to media ioslave man ervin at akademy he said he isn't going to use this in kde 4 nor will he use kioslaves again, he'll make it just do sensible stuff behind the scenes and have the file manager display sensible things | 11:41 |
Riddell | which probably isn't expressing his ideas very well | 11:41 |
Lure | problem is I was used to click cancel and not selecting k3b | 11:41 |
seaLne | Riddell: no not really :) | 11:41 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: sensible to the context then ? | 11:41 |
imbrandon_ | Riddell: thats GREAT news | 11:42 |
Lure | Riddell: what is the status of kde 3.5.5 for edgy? | 11:42 |
Riddell | Lure: works for me | 11:43 |
=== jdong also doesn't really appreciate the whole automounting thing | ||
Riddell | I'll ask for an UVE exception tomorrow | 11:43 |
Lure | Riddell: is kdesu already fixed? | 11:43 |
imbrandon_ | Lure: yes | 11:43 |
Riddell | Lure: yes (but you need to delete your cache and --reinstall) | 11:43 |
jdong | especially for my dvd+rw's which only have so many mounts before they are toast | 11:44 |
Riddell | but there's no guarantee we'll get the UVF exception | 11:44 |
Riddell | I'll ask for qt 4.2 too | 11:44 |
Riddell | and indeed koffice 1.6 later this week | 11:44 |
imbrandon_ | jdong: dvd+rw that only has so many mounts ? i think you mean writes | 11:44 |
jdong | Riddell: does 3.5.5 show any signs of fixing that unmount problem? | 11:44 |
jdong | imbrandon_: dvd+rw's with rewritable UDF filesystems | 11:44 |
jdong | imbrandon_: those only have 1000 mounts before the superblock dies | 11:45 |
Riddell | jdong: not sure, I don't have any media to hand | 11:45 |
Riddell | jdong: but sime said he was looking at it today | 11:45 |
jdong | k | 11:45 |
=== jdong _really_ cares about that bug | ||
seaLne | does that affect all? | 11:45 |
jdong | seaLne: does what affect all? | 11:46 |
seaLne | mount limit on dvd+rw | 11:46 |
allee | Riddell: not sure about koffice 1.6. kspread 1.5.0 was a pain. With 1.6.1 I would have no problem ;) | 11:46 |
imbrandon_ | thats kinda silly to make a UDF file system on a limited media for important stuff imho but to each their own | 11:46 |
jdong | seaLne: if you format it with a read-write filesystem , yes | 11:46 |
seaLne | ah so different from treating it like a cdrw? | 11:46 |
imbrandon_ | seaLne: yea | 11:47 |
Lure | allee: koffice 1.6 is primarily krita update | 11:47 |
jdong | imbrandon_: it's not silly. I control and keep track of how much I've used the medium, deciding whether to mount ro or rw | 11:47 |
Riddell | allee: I think koffice 1.6 is not much changed, they're mostly working on koffice 2 | 11:47 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: is 80 MB wengophone deb to big to feet on the cd anyday ? ^_^ | 11:47 |
jdong | seaLne: right. dvd+rw's can be used as regular block devices | 11:47 |
=== allee relaxes | ||
Riddell | Tonio_: err, yes :) | 11:47 |
Lure | Tonio_: 80 MB!?! | 11:47 |
Lure | Tonio_: you packaged windows binary? ;-) | 11:47 |
jdong | seaLne: OT, but I really don't recommend doing it. I'm daredevil so I do it :) | 11:47 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I think there are useless files, but will probably not be less that 20 megs at least | 11:47 |
Tonio_ | Lure: wengophone is HUDGE, you cannot imagin | 11:48 |
freeflying | Tonio_: sounds like a dmg package for osx :) | 11:48 |
imbrandon_ | ok , what about spec's , when does the edgy+1 spec drive start >? any kubuntu ones we should be working on ? | 11:49 |
Riddell | imbrandon_: once edgy is out | 11:49 |
Riddell | imbrandon_: but I'm open to any ideas | 11:49 |
imbrandon_ | kk | 11:49 |
Riddell | imbrandon_: and obviously since you're coming you can register and drive them yourself | 11:49 |
imbrandon_ | no ideas just yet, well some very gerneral ones but yea hehe | 11:49 |
imbrandon_ | ;) | 11:49 |
imbrandon_ | ok so for now we should all be in 110% bug mode, correct ? | 11:50 |
Riddell | so anyone with ideas please tell me or anyone else going to the conference | 11:51 |
Riddell | yes, death to bugs! | 11:51 |
intelikey | what about a script for text install on the shippit cd's ? for those that have trubble with the graphic install? (hope that wasn't out of line) | 11:51 |
Riddell | intelikey: far too late for the in edgy, but as a spec for edgy+1 sounds interesting | 11:52 |
toma | Riddell: debian will disable disconnected imap in kmail for etch, are there similar plans here? | 11:52 |
imbrandon_ | toma: +1, its buggy as hell, i can attest to that | 11:52 |
Riddell | toma: hmm, we had a patch for that, but I guess debian has that too | 11:52 |
imbrandon_ | i found out that was what was causing kmail to segfault ever few minutes for me | 11:53 |
ryanakca | just got here, sorry, is it too late to add something to the agenda? (kicker locked by default) | 11:53 |
toma | imbrandon: 3.5.5 contains fixes for that | 11:53 |
imbrandon_ | toma: great | 11:53 |
Riddell | lk-0io | 11:53 |
imbrandon_ | Riddell: ? | 11:54 |
seaLne | Riddell: do you keep falling asleep on your kbd? :) | 11:54 |
toma | we'll see if they are good enough | 11:54 |
imbrandon_ | cat ? hehe | 11:54 |
Riddell | blame the cat for random characters | 11:54 |
Riddell | #;' | 11:54 |
Riddell | ahem | 11:54 |
imbrandon_ | ryanakca: why lock the taskbar ? | 11:54 |
ryanakca | lol | 11:54 |
=== intelikey blames cat "cat /dev/random " :) | ||
Riddell | toma: I've not heard of any problems with dimap since I added that patch, but I don't know if that means anything | 11:55 |
Riddell | would be a shame not to have dimap | 11:55 |
ryanakca | imbrandon_: so that the applet handles (the little bars that popup when you mouse over systray or taskbar, etc) disappear... we were talking about disabling them completly in #kubuntu-devel earlier, but that would mean that you can get to the configuration part of the applet | 11:56 |
Riddell | -[=o# | 11:56 |
Riddell | toma: I'll talk to danimo and other kdepim types to get an opinion on it | 11:57 |
ryanakca | Riddell: 'rm -fr catonmylap' might help :P | 11:57 |
Riddell | handles are good, else you can't configure kicker | 11:57 |
imbrandon_ | thats what i was thinking | 11:57 |
ryanakca | Riddell: yeah, so just lock the pannel to hide them, and then right click the pannel, unlock it, and configure away | 11:57 |
ryanakca | no remove them completly... | 11:58 |
ryanakca | s/no/not | 11:58 |
Lure | toma: disconnected IMAP works nicely for me | 11:58 |
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Riddell | Lure: it works nicely for everyone until their inbox gets deleted | 11:59 |
imbrandon_ | so just the same as "right click --> lock" only default | 11:59 |
imbrandon_ | ? | 11:59 |
Lure | Riddell: I use it heavily with my work inbox on Exchange (250 MB with several 1000s of emails) - no problems | 11:59 |
ryanakca | yeah | 11:59 |
toma | Riddell: i think till has put in a real efford to fix it, there have been no reports of mail loss in the br at kde or debian | 11:59 |
=== Lure is concerned now | ||
Riddell | ] pl[ | 12:00 |
toma | give him food | 12:00 |
Riddell | 12:00 | |
Riddell | she's a her | 12:00 |
imbrandon_ | hehe | 12:00 |
toma | thats why i stay out of the casino | 12:01 |
Riddell | ryanakca: I sense the feeling of the meeting is that handles are good | 12:01 |
Riddell | well I need to go to bed, anything else? | 12:02 |
ryanakca | Riddell: kk | 12:02 |
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508DA578.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
imbrandon_ | not from me | 12:02 |
imbrandon_ | ( as in anything else ) | 12:02 |
=== imbrandon_ is sleepy too | ||
Riddell | thanks all | 12:03 |
Riddell | keep squishing beaties | 12:03 |
imbrandon_ | ;) | 12:03 |
allee | :) | 12:03 |
Riddell | beasties | 12:03 |
imbrandon_ | kbugs !?! ;) | 12:03 |
imbrandon_ | lol | 12:03 |
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-212-144-130-117.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation] | ||
imbrandon_ | ok gnight all | 12:04 |
ryanakca | g'night imbrandon_, Riddell :) | 12:04 |
toma | if anyone has a good idea for a name of new mail application, let me know | 12:05 |
ryanakca | toma: kk | 12:05 |
=== j_ack_ [n=rudi@p508DB790.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
toma | kk? awfull name | 12:05 |
ryanakca | toma: does it HAVE to have a 'K' in it? | 12:05 |
toma | NO | 12:05 |
ryanakca | toma: kk = ok | 12:06 |
toma | ;-) | 12:06 |
=== ryanakca gets tired of K's in app names | ||
Lure | toma: why are you writing mail app? | 12:06 |
toma | ryanakca: the advantage is that you can find them easy | 12:06 |
ryanakca | but at least it makes finding kde apps simple | 12:06 |
ryanakca | lol | 12:06 |
Lure | toma: for kde4? | 12:06 |
toma | no kde3 | 12:06 |
ryanakca | bbl | 12:07 |
toma | Lure: i need some things kmail does not have at the moment | 12:07 |
Lure | toma: then add them so I do not need to switch ;-) | 12:07 |
toma | Lure: the code of kmail is not easy to understand for me | 12:07 |
Lure | toma: true - I was also hunting some bugs in code and it is fun... | 12:08 |
toma | Lure: see http://www.omat.nl/drupal/?q=node/98 | 12:08 |
Lure | toma: deleted mails also bothers me... | 12:10 |
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