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BurgworkLaserJock, you good with munging text files?12:56
LaserJocknot sure12:57
LaserJockwhat's up?12:57
Burgworki have a list of things and a 2nd list of things12:58
BurgworkI want a third list of things, only those things not found on both12:58
LaserJockah, the union of 2 lists ;-)12:59
LaserJockhmm, maybe not union12:59
=== LaserJock forgets all his wonderful math terms
LaserJockBurgwork: and in what language do you want this?12:59
Burgworkdon't really care01:00
Burgworkhere is the one catch01:00
Burgwork1st list is a csv01:00
Burgworkneed to compare only the first column01:01
LaserJockwhat's the second list01:02
Burgworkjust a straight list01:02
LaserJockare these really big files?01:07
Burgworkone is several thousand lines01:10
theCoreBurgwork, can I see a sample line?01:16
theCore(item1, item2, item3)    list201:20
theCorelike this?01:20
theCorethen you want a XOR list of item1 and list2?01:21
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LaserJockhmm, well I've got something that seems to work01:46
LaserJockBurgwork: want it or did you get something already01:47
theCoreBurgwork, still here?01:55
LaserJockBurgwork: well, my python version is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25766/01:56
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theCoreoh, one list per file02:01
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theCoreBurgwork, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25774/03:48
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theCoreBurgwork, this one is a bit clearer, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25775/03:59
theCoreIt takes the first element of the CSV list from one file and a list from another file. Then. it compares the two list. Finally, it prints the xor list04:07
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mdkemvirkkil: what stage is the docbook -> Moin tool at nowadays? Is it finished?09:21
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webbenare the ubuntu-documentation folks in charge of how the wiki generates html?03:04
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trappistwebben: I believe the authors of moinmoin are in charge of that05:25
webbentrappist, thanks :)05:25
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BurgworkLaserJock, thanks06:41
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LaserJocknp, did you look at theCore's too? he had a nice little one06:42
BurgworkLaserJock, no, I didn't07:17
Burgworkah, ther07:22
LaserJockBurgwork: his might be a lot faster, not sure07:27
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