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rowanjlI've got a question, I'm not familiar with how Linux boots so be warned:12:33
rowanjlWhat controls the output during the boot?12:33
Keybukvarious different pieces12:33
Keybukobviously init is initially responsible for setting stdout of the scripts it runs12:33
Keybukthe scripts are then responsible for actually outputting stuff12:33
Keybukoften they use the LSB functions for that12:34
Keybukand those functions may know that a graphical splash screen is running12:34
rowanjlWhich gives it the uniform look?12:34
rowanjlI mean12:34
Keybukor that the script's stdout is not /dev/console, so write to /dev/console explicitly12:34
Keybukthe LSB functions12:34
rowanjlItem name...     [OK|FAILED|...12:34
Keybukoften overriden by /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh12:35
rowanjlYou ever notice how the image overlay often disappears to early?12:35
Keybukyes, usplash times out if it doesn't receive something in a certain time period12:36
rowanjlahh, I see12:36
rowanjlI guess that makes sense, untill my mother uses it ;)12:37
rowanjlShe was scared the first time that happened... pretty sad12:37
Keybukmostly it's when your disk gets checked that it disappears12:38
Keybukso you can see the disk check output underneath12:38
rowanjlOn my computer it happens while X is loading12:39
rowanjlOr just before12:39
Keybukyeah, there's a brief blank before it switches to X12:40
Keybukhas to be, as it has to clear up the console12:40
Keybuksadly the Linux VT layer sucks12:40
Keybukit's not possible to change VT settings unless it's the current VT12:40
MdKeybuk: are you sure? I remember using e.g. setleds ... < /dev/tty212:41
rowanjlI worry about these things sometimes, how can they be polished...12:41
rowanjlThere's all this fuss about Linux for Desktops, but is that really what we need?12:42
rowanjlA desktop OS is better off booting right into its graphical layer12:42
KeybukMd: some bits work, most don't -- see setupcon for some hacks12:42
Keybukwe can't change the console font and keymap while usplash is running without chvt'ing to a text screen12:43
Keybukrowanjl: why?  no other desktop OS boots directly into graphical12:43
rowanjlNo major ones12:43
Keybukname one12:44
Keybukat what point does it start the full graphical?12:44
Keybukan x86 doesn't boot into graphical12:45
Keybukso at some point, you have to do a flip12:45
rowanjlNo your right, but it IS different to Linux12:45
rowanjlbecause it was never indented to have a console12:45
Keybukthe Linux console is just hysterical12:45
rowanjlpardon? :/12:46
Keybukwe could get rid of it easily, and just start X on the framebuffer on the first VT, etc.12:46
Keybuksorry, historical ;)12:46
rowanjlI know I'd miss the console, but I guess a real desktop Linux variant would replace it12:47
Keybukthere isn't anything to gain from getting rid of t12:49
Keybuksure, it makes you feel fluffy, but there's no improvement12:49
Keybukand it means that there's no quick escape to a login prompt when you break X :)12:49
rowanjltrue :P12:50
rowanjlbut it also means people will pay us to fix their Linux boxes :P12:50
Keybukwe have to have a text VT when we boot, because that's what the host architecture gives us12:50
rowanjlYou could do what Windows does, have a Safe Boot option.12:50
Keybuksure, we can have all that12:50
Keybukbut there's still no reason to get rid of a text console12:51
rowanjlMost of us do now anyhow12:51
rowanjlWell, there is, Users like polish, textmode isn't polished12:51
Keybukbut users won't even know it's there12:51
rowanjlbut there are probably better ways to hide it12:52
Keybuk"hide" ?12:52
rowanjlhide the console12:52
Keybukwhy does it need to be hidden?12:52
rowanjllike I was saying before, it is often visible when it doesn't really need to be12:52
rowanjlbecause end users are not geeks.12:52
Keybukat the moment, it does need to be visible at those moments12:52
Keybukwe slowly, but surely, fix those12:52
Keybukideally when X starts, the splash screen would just be replaced by X12:53
Keybukbut we can't do that right now, because we can't reset the console underneath12:53
Keybukthat's a code limitation, that should be fixable in the long term12:53
=== rowanjl remembers Red Hat 5.2 booting...
rowanjlnow that was pretty bad12:54
rowanjleverythings come a long way since12:54
=== Keybuk just made sure that there was a spec for that for uds-mv
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