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badgeranyone here? i have a question about installing ubuntu10:28
Burgundaviabadger: yes, but this is not a support list10:29
Burgundaviachannel, really10:29
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badgerok i have a comp with no OS.  I put in ubuntu desktop boot disk. hit install. it said loading drivers for a couple minutes...now it just sits at a black screen with flashing prompt.  What am i suppose to do?10:33
PlugReboot and try adding 'acpi=off' or 'noapic' to the kernel command line?10:35
Plug#ubuntu may be able to help you more10:35
=== glatzor [n=sebi@ppp-88-217-2-173.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu-doc
badgerok acpi=off made it get further into installation.  then the monitor says invalid pc mode.  what is this?11:03
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