
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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nysosymhi all :))))10:17
BHSPitLappyhi one!10:18
nysosymhi BHSPitLappy, how are u? :)10:23
BHSPitLappygood, you10:24
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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fschoepHello everyone12:11
=== lapo [n=lapo@host102-254-static.189-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoepHey HiddenWolf, hi lapo12:16
=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Seveasfschoep, mjg59 fixed the bug01:12
Seveastheme is coming up01:12
fschoepSeveas: OK, nice01:13
fschoepSeveas: fixing the bug didn't cause new problems for Kamion?01:13
Seveasfschoep, hmm, text display is still broken it seems01:16
fschoepSeveas: is that very bad, I mean - is usplash working properly on any machine?01:17
Seveason all x86 machines with no framebuffer (the default) it is broken01:18
Seveasso, the large majority01:18
fschoepOh dear01:18
fschoepDid we have it working once previously?01:18
fschoepExcept for PPC01:18
HiddenWolfYes, for dapper. ;)01:19
fschoepRight ;)01:19
Seveasfor edgy it was working as well, but not on all hardware01:19
Seveasthis was a fix to get it working on more hardware01:19
fschoepI see01:19
Seveasanyway, the progressbar now looks ok01:19
fschoepThat's great01:20
fschoepand the logo is animated?01:20
=== nysosym [n=nysosym@p54B7B5FE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
nysosymhi all :)01:21
fschoephi nysosym01:21
nysosymhi frank :)01:21
nysosymhow are u? :)01:22
fschoepfine thanks, you?01:22
nysosymfine, like ever :D01:22
fschoepGood to hear01:22
nysosymany news? :D01:22
fschoepNot really, for it's been a bit quiet over the weekend01:22
nysosymfschoep: yes, i know.. :-/01:23
nysosymany new wallpaper concepts? :D01:23
fschoepnysosym: working on them01:23
fschoepcall with Mark this evening01:23
nysosymcan i have a little preview? ;)01:24
nysosymplease :D01:24
fschoepNot really, it doesn't seem to be uploaded anywhere and we're still trying things01:25
fschoepsorry :)01:25
nysosymno problem, some company secrets :D01:25
nysosymfrank, what does the gdm at moment? :)01:27
fschoepcan you rephrase that, I'm not sure what your question is, sorry :)01:28
nysosymwhich state does the gdm have :D01:28
fschoepRight - changing as well01:28
nysosymsry, i'm german with a stupid english ^^01:28
fschoepWe're trying different variations for it01:28
fschoepThere are some ideas on the Wiki01:28
fschoepScroll down a bit on that page for ideas01:29
nysosymaa very nice, thx01:32
nysosymthis is my favorite https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/EdgyArtworkPlan/Polish/Incoming?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=JAustin_gdm.png :D01:32
fschoepI see, it's one of the later uploads01:32
fschoepWe'll discuss it tonight01:32
nysosymfschoep: which is your favorite?01:34
fschoepnysosym: still working on creating that one01:34
nysosymok :D01:34
fschoepnysosym: all of the designs on that page can be improved still, so that's what I'm doing01:34
fschoepIt's hard to say "this one's my favourite" if you know there's something wrong with it :)01:35
nysosymhehe :)01:35
nysosymwhat would u prefer? :D01:35
fschoepI think I'd go for a heavily modified version of troy_s GDM 301:35
fschoepBut ...01:36
fschoepI can give a lot of reasons to use elements from other designs as well :001:36
nysosymi understand, surprise me (and any others) ^^01:37
fschoepI'll do that :001:37
nysosymcan`t wait :DDD01:37
fschoepI'm going to do some development and design work now - need to log off IRC, do you mind?01:38
nysosymsure, have fun :)01:38
fschoepOK, cu later :)01:38
nysosymcu my friend01:38
=== AndyFitz [n=AndyFitz@dhcp-bartos-6.media.mit.edu] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Seveasfschoep: seveas.demon.nl/~dennis/usplash01:57
Seveasmeh, he's gone01:57
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
bersacehi all04:58
bersacei agree with Alex Fraser04:58
bersacei think that le logout sound should have some percussions04:59
bersacelow and bass percussions04:59
bersacejust a though anyway04:59
lapoyo bersace05:02
lapoand be shorter, It gets cutted on my machines05:02
bersacelapo: even the new one ???05:08
laponew one?05:08
lapoprobably I'm speaking the former one then05:08
bersacelapo: you should upgrade05:10
troy_shey guys05:11
lapoI don't upgrade since uhm-..two days ago, I wasn't home yesterday :-)05:11
troy_sgood to see you all.05:11
lapociao troy_s05:11
troy_show have you been lapo?05:11
lapofine thanks, kinda busy with g-i-t and stuff (apart for RealLife(TM))05:12
troy_sreallife is a busy one ;)05:12
troy_sbersace -- how are you my brother?05:13
bersacetroy_s: fine05:16
bersacei got a macbook05:16
bersacethanks Google :D05:16
bersaceI drop Os X and install Ubuntu05:16
bersacewithout BootCamp !05:16
bersaceBeryl run fine05:16
bersacethat's just amazing05:17
bersacei don't have PC anymore on my desktop :D05:17
lapoberyl is the compiz fork, right?05:17
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troy_swow bersace05:27
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bersacelapo: right05:48
=== dborg [n=daniel@e182055248.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
effraiebersace: what about ppc..06:18
bersaceeffraie: still waiting for iMac G5 support from Linux :|06:19
effraiethat's right ;)06:19
bersaceeffraie: and i'm about to give he iMac G306:29
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fschoeptroy_s: ping07:18
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
cbx33hey fschoep07:27
fschoephi cbx3307:27
cbx33I saw the email about the sounds07:27
bersacefschoep: i think that the sound is still too short07:27
Seveasfschoep: http://seveas.demon.nl/~dennis/usplash07:28
fschoepon the phone brb07:28
cbx33bersace, yeh, but we can't stall shutdown07:28
cbx33and some machiens shutdown way too quickly07:28
cbx33all we can gaurantee is 500ms07:28
bersaceso why not drop the shutdown sound ?07:29
cbx33well that was also discussed07:29
bersacemy macbook play 4 sounds07:29
bersaceboot shime, login ready (the only useful), gnome startup and gnome shutdown07:30
bersacethat's quite a lot !07:30
bersacei don't know how to shut up EFI :)07:32
cbx33bersace, so you'd opt for dropping it completely07:33
=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
bersacecbx33: yep07:52
cbx33hey fschoep07:52
fschoepcbx33: hi07:53
fschoepI'm here07:53
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=== PingunZ [n=kristof@104.2-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_sgreetings all.08:50
cbx33hey troy_s08:51
troy_show goes it cbx33 ?08:51
cbx33good thans08:51
troy_swhen is your online session?08:53
troy_sfrank was just here... i missed him by a few seconds.08:53
troy_sbersace what are you up to my friend?08:53
cbx33um.....troy_s not sure yet08:54
cbx33laf  = lol08:55
troy_s<laf means something different in dutch>08:55
troy_s<so i need to avoid using it considering our high dutch component here.>08:55
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