Seveas | mjg59, you rock! | 12:09 |
Seveas | (but of course you already knew that) | 12:09 |
_ion | mjg59: Have you had time to review my usplash patch? (There's no hurry, i'm just interested.) | 12:11 |
mjg59 | _ion: It's committed | 12:11 |
_ion | Ok, thanks. | 12:12 |
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TheMuso | c | 01:03 |
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sid | Is there an ubuntu-legal mailing list like there is a debian-legal mailing list/ | 03:10 |
mjg59 | No | 03:10 |
sid | mjg59: Is there a website specific to ubuntu about legal stuff? Like copyright law[dmca(the european version too)] / software idea patents / trademark law(firefox)? | 03:12 |
sid | Does Ubuntu use SPI like debian does? Or do you guys have your own laywer? | 03:13 |
mjg59 | sid: No idea, I'm afraid. I'd assume that Canonical have someone on the legal side of things. | 03:16 |
tseng | we follow the DFSG, mostly | 03:18 |
tseng | a few exceptions | 03:18 |
tseng | firefox might end up being one of them | 03:19 |
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sid | Is there a marillat _like_ mirror for Ubuntu?(I know marillat doesn't do Ubuntu); Like a european only version of Ubuntu.(a version where software idea patents don't apply). | 03:22 |
sid | ie, not a mangled mplayer with stuff ripped out because of american patent law | 03:22 |
tseng | there are a few things in plf | 03:23 |
tseng | not that interesting to us, YMMV etc | 03:23 |
sid | hmm, I can't seem to connect; the google cache will have to do. | 03:24 |
sid | thanks a lot for the information tseng and mjg59; I appreciate it. | 03:25 |
sid | "The PLF Ubuntu project is shutting down, due to lack of time of its maintainers. New volonteers are welcome." | 03:25 |
sid | Guess that's why I couldn't connect. | 03:26 |
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fabbione | morning guys | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | hey fabbione | 05:53 |
fabbione | yo | 05:53 |
ajmitch | hey fabbione | 05:54 |
fabbione | hey aj | 05:54 |
zul_ | hey fabbione | 05:54 |
fabbione | ajmitch: i should be able to start the buildd tomorrow. my wife will go away a couple of days and i can move out of the office to work (noise mainly) and she won't complain about an airplane or two turned on in the house | 05:55 |
fabbione | hi zul | 05:55 |
ajmitch | fabbione: great, I've got procmail setup for it | 05:55 |
fabbione | ok | 05:56 |
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zul_ | night | 06:37 |
fabbione | night zul | 06:38 |
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fabbione | ajmitch: who can i contact in the MOTU team to do some batch job? | 07:27 |
fabbione | ajmitch: there are a bunch of xfonts that need a rebuild | 07:28 |
ajmitch | I can do that if you want | 07:28 |
fabbione | ajmitch: ok.. see bug #52803 | 07:28 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 52803 in gsfonts-x11 "insufficient dependency on xfonts-utils" [High,Confirmed] | 07:28 |
fabbione | read it all to the bottom | 07:28 |
fabbione | i already uploaded a new debhelper that sets the proper version Depends: on xfonts-utils | 07:29 |
fabbione | it will take about 2/3 hours to propagate in the archive | 07:29 |
ajmitch | ok | 07:29 |
fabbione | what i would like you to do is to prepare all the fonts in universe for upload | 07:29 |
fabbione | IF the package does not have an ubuntuX extension, make it buildX | 07:30 |
fabbione | so that it can be resynced automatically for edgy+1 | 07:30 |
ajmitch | yes, I've got tools to do all that if I hand it a list of packages | 07:30 |
fabbione | without MOTU having to redo the merge manually | 07:30 |
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fabbione | ok.. also.. make sure that the package actually needs the rebuild and that it uses dh_installxfonts in debian/rules + misc:Depends in debian/control | 07:31 |
fabbione | i am taking care of main | 07:31 |
ajmitch | ok, I'll start downloading them | 07:31 |
fabbione | ok | 07:32 |
fabbione | there is no need to add a versioned B-D on debhelper.. just wait that it hits the archive before uploading | 07:32 |
fabbione | less delta > * | 07:32 |
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fabbione | ajmitch: you want a changelog similar to: | 07:33 |
fabbione | culmus (0.101-6build1) edgy; urgency=low | 07:33 |
fabbione | 07:33 | |
fabbione | * Rebuild with new debhelper to set versioned Depends: on xfonts-utils. | 07:33 |
fabbione | This change can/should be dropped automatically in edgy+1 syncs. | 07:33 |
fabbione | (Closes Ubuntu #52803) | 07:33 |
ajmitch | there don't seem to be too many xfonts-* source packages in universe | 07:33 |
ajmitch | thanks | 07:33 |
fabbione | ajmitch: no, there aren't many | 07:33 |
fabbione | but they still need that version Depends: | 07:34 |
fabbione | otherwise it can breaks upgrade from dapper to edgy | 07:34 |
fabbione | ajmitch: there are some packages that add a Depends: xfonts-utils manually without calling dh_installxfonts. You want to add the versioned Depends manually | 07:39 |
ajmitch | 30 packages to check over, won't take long :) | 07:40 |
fabbione | xfonts-100dpi (1:1.0.0-2ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low | 07:40 |
fabbione | * Set versioned Depends on xfonts-utils. | 07:40 |
fabbione | (Closes Ubuntu #52803) | 07:40 |
fabbione | yeah | 07:40 |
fabbione | this is the changelog i am using for the manual ones | 07:41 |
fabbione | note that it's a manual delta -> ubuntu1 | 07:41 |
ajmitch | ok, noted | 07:41 |
fabbione | perfect | 07:41 |
fabbione | are you also checking multiverse? | 07:41 |
fabbione | i noticed 1/2 fonts there too | 07:41 |
ajmitch | I'll check that too | 07:41 |
fabbione | ok perfect | 07:41 |
ajmitch | I've got a list of all the source packages that build an xfonts-* binary | 07:42 |
ajmitch | I'll check it against those that depend on xfonts-utils | 07:42 |
fabbione | ajmitch: it's easier if you check apt-cache rdepends xfonts-utils | 07:44 |
fabbione | not all of them are called xfonts- | 07:44 |
fabbione | you will pull in a bit more junk, but you will catch them all | 07:44 |
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pitti | Good morning! | 08:24 |
fabbione | hey pitti | 08:25 |
highvoltage | morning pitti and fabbione | 08:25 |
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tfheen | morning, pitti | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | hey pitti | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | hi tfheen | 08:31 |
pitti | hey Hobbsee | 08:33 |
pitti | moin tfheen | 08:33 |
pitti | hi highvoltage | 08:33 |
tfheen | 'morning, Hobbsee | 08:35 |
Hobbsee | :) | 08:35 |
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dholbach | good morning | 08:54 |
ajmitch | morning daniel | 08:54 |
fabbione | hey dh | 08:54 |
dholbach | hey fmdn | 08:55 |
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pitti | hi giftnudel | 09:37 |
giftnudel | hi pitti | 09:37 |
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fabbione | ajmitch: new debhelper is published.. we are good to go with the uploads | 09:48 |
ajmitch | great, I'll get onto it now | 09:48 |
fabbione | there.. main is done | 09:52 |
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tfheen | mvo: could I have a GnomeAppInstallDesktopDatabaseUpdate today, please? | 09:59 |
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mvo | tfheen: sure. the last is from 5. oct | 10:02 |
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tfheen | mvo: sure, but I'd like to have one from now, since we're getting close to the freeze. | 10:03 |
ajmitch | tfheen: freeze is thursday? | 10:04 |
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tfheen | ajmitch: correct. | 10:07 |
ajmitch | thanks for fixing the casper issues with mono | 10:08 |
tfheen | np | 10:08 |
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Keybuk | seb128: ping? | 10:16 |
seb128 | Keybuk: pong | 10:17 |
Keybuk | seb128: evolution is still doing the "folder-display|..." thing | 10:17 |
seb128 | Keybuk: yeah, we have a language-pack update once by century or something like that :p | 10:17 |
Keybuk | ahh, it's waiting on those? | 10:18 |
seb128 | it's a translation issue and fixed to launchpad for weeks so probably | 10:18 |
pitti | we had the last one for beta, I plan another one for RC | 10:18 |
pitti | seb128: ^ if that's fine with you? | 10:18 |
seb128 | yep | 10:18 |
ogra | dholbach, ping | 10:18 |
seb128 | though I would prefer weekly translations updates next cycle | 10:19 |
dholbach | ogra: pong | 10:19 |
pitti | Keybuk: speaking of broken langpacks, can you please nudge the dapper ones into proposed? | 10:19 |
pitti | seb128: I have no problem with weekly | 10:19 |
ogra | dholbach, human-cursors-theme doesnt contain the thzeme file, is that intentional ? | 10:19 |
Keybuk | pitti: if I can get around to it today, I will | 10:19 |
dholbach | Keybuk: if you find the time can you get the libgalago3 binary out of new, please? | 10:19 |
seb128 | 2-3 updates in 6 months is no fun | 10:19 |
dholbach | ogra: it's in human-theme, yes | 10:19 |
Keybuk | dholbach: again, only if I can get around to it today | 10:19 |
pitti | Keybuk: *hug*, thanks | 10:19 |
ogra | dholbach, why ? | 10:19 |
Keybuk | see #canonical | 10:19 |
pitti | seb128: yeah, but the initial delay was due to Rosetta export; I hope we won't have that again for edgy+1 | 10:20 |
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seb128 | pitti: right | 10:20 |
ogra | dholbach, that forces me to install human-theme in the thin client chroot .. couldnt it move to the cursors package ? | 10:20 |
ogra | since i only need the cursors for ldm | 10:20 |
dholbach | Keybuk: Ok - thanks. | 10:20 |
dholbach | ogra: i need to think about it - when I did it, it was for a reason | 10:22 |
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Keybuk | doko_: ping | 10:26 |
Keybuk | or maybe seb128 | 10:26 |
Keybuk | python-gnome2 conflicts and provides python2.4-gnome2 | 10:27 |
Keybuk | but doesn't replaces it | 10:27 |
ogra | dholbach, ok | 10:27 |
tfheen | fabbione: it seems like something blew up in the sparc world over the weekend; ; can you investigate? | 10:28 |
seb128 | Keybuk: I'll fix that | 10:28 |
fabbione | tfheen: looking | 10:28 |
fabbione | COW! | 10:29 |
fabbione | seb128: this is your fault | 10:29 |
fabbione | seb128: something in desktopland didn't build | 10:29 |
Keybuk | seb128: same with things like cairo, pyorbit, etc. | 10:30 |
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seb128 | fabbione: libgnomeui apparently | 10:30 |
seb128 | Keybuk: python* then? | 10:30 |
seb128 | Keybuk: that's a dh_ something bug? should maintainers do that by hand or that should be done automatically with the new policy? | 10:31 |
fabbione | seb128: did you batch upload without proper versioned B-D ? | 10:31 |
seb128 | fabbione: no | 10:31 |
fabbione | hmmmm | 10:31 |
seb128 | libbonoboui2-dev: Depends: libbonoboui2-0 (= 2.16.0-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed | 10:31 |
seb128 | libgnome2-dev: Depends: libgnome2-0 (= 2.16.0-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed | 10:31 |
seb128 | libgnomevfs2-dev: Depends: libgnomevfs2-0 (= 2.16.1-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed | 10:31 |
fabbione | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 10:32 |
fabbione | libbonoboui2-dev: Depends: libbonoboui2-0 (= 2.16.0-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed | 10:32 |
fabbione | libgnome2-dev: Depends: libgnome2-0 (= 2.16.0-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed | 10:32 |
fabbione | libgnomevfs2-dev: Depends: libgnomevfs2-0 (= 2.16.1-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed | 10:32 |
fabbione | E: Broken packages | 10:32 |
seb128 | hum | 10:32 |
Keybuk | seb128: I've no idea | 10:32 |
fabbione | that one :) | 10:32 |
seb128 | fabbione: that looks like a "arch all/any out of sync" | 10:32 |
seb128 | maybe a retry would be enough | 10:32 |
fabbione | tfheen: can you give back libgnomeui on sparc please? | 10:32 |
fabbione | seb128: yeah checking here locally too | 10:33 |
seb128 | fabbione: the 3 "not going to be installed" packages have built correctly | 10:33 |
seb128 | fabbione: retry should be fine | 10:34 |
fabbione | seb128: yup | 10:34 |
tfheen | fabbione: done | 10:34 |
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fabbione | tfheen: thanks | 10:34 |
geser | could someone please giveback gnustep-gui? | 10:35 |
tfheen | geser: done | 10:36 |
geser | tfheen: thanks | 10:38 |
seb128 | Keybuk: python-cairo and python-pyorbit seem to have a proper Replaces in fact | 10:38 |
tfheen | pitti: do you happen to know if anybody's working on a MIR for kexec-tools? | 10:39 |
pitti | tfheen: not to my knowledge | 10:39 |
tfheen | I'll have to get BenC to do that, then. | 10:40 |
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sivang | morning! | 10:46 |
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Keybuk | seb128: ok, I guess they depend on the python-gnome2 ? | 10:50 |
seb128 | Keybuk: no, they are lower in the stack | 10:50 |
Keybuk | odd | 10:50 |
seb128 | why? | 10:51 |
seb128 | did you get some upgrade issues with them? | 10:51 |
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tfheen | Kamion: could you please enable your cronjobs on drescher? | 10:53 |
tfheen | Kamion: is severly out of date. | 10:54 |
Keybuk | seb128: yeah | 10:54 |
Keybuk | I foolishly didn't write it down though | 10:54 |
Keybuk | (upgrading my desktop today) | 10:54 |
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Kamion | morning | 10:58 |
Kamion | tfheen: they aren't disabled ... | 10:58 |
sivang | morning Kamion | 10:58 |
Kamion | I think it's stuck somewhere, checking local mail | 10:58 |
Keybuk | Kamion: did you get much chance on Friday to do archive-bitch stuff? | 10:59 |
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Kamion | Keybuk: a little, but not a lot | 10:59 |
Keybuk | Kamion: if you get a chance, could you do some today? | 10:59 |
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Kamion | ok | 11:00 |
Kamion | tfheen: I've kicked it; not sure if it'll stay kicked though | 11:00 |
tfheen | Kamion: hmkay and thanks a lot | 11:01 |
Kamion | oh | 11:01 |
Kamion | dapper upgrade | 11:01 |
Kamion | ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 11:01 |
tfheen | that'd explain things | 11:02 |
Kamion | ok, fixed properly now | 11:03 |
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sivang | mvo: thanks for the test in hubackup, it will serve as a nice starting point for testing the other modules :-) | 11:06 |
mvo | sivang: cheers! | 11:07 |
tfheen | Keybuk: is there an lrm upload stuck in NEW? | 11:10 |
dholbach | Kamion: Hi - Keybuk wasn't sure if he would get around to it today, but it'd be very cool to get libgalago3 binary package out of new, so I could start rebuilding the redepends. | 11:10 |
fabbione | Kamion: sorry to bother, but when you have time, could you please look at bug #63693? i just need a quick look from you | 11:13 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 63693 in initramfs-tools "dapper -> edgy dist-upgrade prompts for questions" [High,Unconfirmed] | 11:13 |
mvo | does anyone know what package installs /etc/default/locale? | 11:16 |
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fabbione | mvo: probably belocs-locale-bin | 11:16 |
mvo | fabbione: I don't have it on my upgraded systems, only on new installs. and apparently it overwrite the settings in /etc/environment | 11:17 |
fabbione | belocs-locales-bin.postinst:EE="/etc/default/locale" | 11:17 |
mvo | fabbione: thanks | 11:17 |
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fabbione | mvo: we also need to look at that bug... i just need to finish one thing here | 11:20 |
mvo | fabbione: at the apt bug for the upgrades? | 11:20 |
fabbione | yeah | 11:21 |
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Kamion | mvo: it's created by localechooser | 11:28 |
Kamion | yes, it's intended to be used in preference to /etc/environment if possible, AFAIK; it was a Debian change | 11:28 |
Kamion | dholbach: done | 11:29 |
=== tfheen kicks busybox in the nuts. | ||
dholbach | Kamion: you ROCK! :-) | 11:30 |
mvo | Kamion: ok, thanks. I need to change language-selector to take this into account then | 11:30 |
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Kamion | fabbione: checking | 11:30 |
fabbione | Kamion: thx | 11:31 |
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tfheen | Kamion: so, busybox's md5sum complains about mismatches if there's a blank line in the input. | 11:33 |
tfheen | Kamion: should we fix that by fixing it to work correctly or fix cdrom-checker to DTRT or both? | 11:33 |
Kamion | fabbione: oh, how was the install done? d-i or ubiquity? | 11:33 |
Kamion | tfheen: why is there a blank line in its input? | 11:34 |
fabbione | Kamion: d-i (netinstall bitch ;)) | 11:34 |
tfheen | Kamion: because cdrom-checker does fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd), and then gives that to a system call. | 11:34 |
tfheen | (without stripping off the \n) | 11:34 |
tfheen | actually, it gives it to an echo | md5sum -c call | 11:35 |
tfheen | see main.c:131 and five or so more lines | 11:35 |
Kamion | oh, I see | 11:36 |
tfheen | stripping the newline is trivial, but busybox shouldn't complain when it's given one valid and one empty line, IMO | 11:36 |
Kamion | probably do both fixes | 11:36 |
Kamion | fabbione: replied | 11:37 |
fabbione | Kamion: thanks | 11:37 |
Kamion | fabbione: ... and updated with another possibility | 11:38 |
fabbione | Kamion: reading | 11:38 |
Keybuk | tfheen, dholbach: -> Kamion | 11:39 |
fabbione | Kamion: the strange thing is that it happens on fresh-install.. i mean i can see RESUME=/dev/hda5 on dapper fresh install | 11:39 |
dholbach | Keybuk: hm? | 11:39 |
Keybuk | ask Kamion for archive stuff today | 11:39 |
dholbach | Keybuk: I already did - thanks. | 11:40 |
fabbione | Kamion: the only code that can change that is not nowhere in initramfs.. so i can only assume something in d-i was mangling it | 11:40 |
dholbach | Keybuk: Have a nice day. | 11:40 |
Keybuk | :-) | 11:40 |
Kamion | fabbione: ok, it wasn't clear to me that you'd checked the conffile before attempting to upgrade | 11:40 |
fabbione | Kamion: ok.. yes i did check | 11:40 |
fabbione | see the diff on top | 11:40 |
tfheen | Keybuk: 'k | 11:40 |
Kamion | fabbione: yes, but that diff is generated after the new preinst runs | 11:40 |
tfheen | Kamion: is there an lrm stuck in NEW? | 11:40 |
tfheen | or, was there? | 11:41 |
Kamion | tfheen: not AFAIK | 11:41 |
fabbione | Kamion: right.. but i did check it.. yes | 11:41 |
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Kamion | I'll see if I can test it out here and isolate it | 11:41 |
fabbione | if you want i can reinstall here and triple-verify | 11:42 |
fabbione | ok | 11:42 |
tfheen | Kamion: ah, lrm ftbfs-ed on ppc. | 11:43 |
fabbione | i also noticed the rename in the config dir.. but that *seems* to work ok | 11:43 |
fabbione | i need to go offline a few minutes... brb | 11:43 |
Kamion | fabbione: I'm unconvinced by that preinst, given that it has: | 11:44 |
Kamion | case "$1" in | 11:44 |
Kamion | configure) | 11:44 |
Kamion | fabbione: and preinst never gets $1 = configure | 11:45 |
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Kamion | tfheen: I think that localechooser upload of mine may also fix that zh_CN/zh_TW issue that's on the ubuntu-6.10 list, but I'll need to test it | 11:51 |
tfheen | Kamion: good, thanks. | 11:52 |
Kamion | which leaves the manual partitioning summary bug and system-config-kickstart brokenness | 11:53 |
tfheen | malone doesn't do graphs yet? So there's no way for me to say "please give me a graph showing how many bugs match those criteria over the last ten days"? | 11:53 |
lifeless | no | 11:53 |
tfheen | is it planned? | 11:53 |
lifeless | we do that with cricket at the moment, and AFAIK theres no solid plan for that finess in data mining | 11:54 |
tfheen | or even just being able to get at those data would be immensely useful. | 11:54 |
tfheen | "show me how the situation looked ten days ago", "show me how it looked nine days ago", etc. | 11:54 |
lifeless | yah | 11:56 |
lifeless | spec it up :) | 11:56 |
lifeless | (sorry thats the best long term answer) | 11:56 |
tfheen | I guess so, yes. | 11:56 |
lifeless | short term, let stub know what you need, if the criteria are fairly static. | 11:56 |
tfheen | what I'm really wanting to know is "are we on track for having no targetted bugs on Thursday" | 11:57 |
tfheen | (and if not, how are we doing?) | 11:57 |
holycow | kamion great nick | 11:57 |
holycow | means truck in eastern eu languages, right? | 11:58 |
fabbione | Kamion: fehh.... | 11:58 |
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=== tfheen gives back a bunch of gnome stuff on sparc | ||
fabbione | seb128: the libgnomeui thingy did clear a bunch but not all of the sparc mess.... | 12:03 |
fabbione | seb128: any idea what else might be missing? | 12:03 |
tfheen | fabbione: libvte-dev seems to be uninstallable? | 12:03 |
fabbione | it's probably something that needs a kick after libgnomeui build | 12:03 |
fabbione | tfheen: getting there... | 12:04 |
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pitti | hi tkamppeter | 12:09 |
tkamppeter | hi pitti | 12:09 |
=== fabbione sighs | ||
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ProN00b | who made the share folder functionality of ubuntu ? | 12:11 |
ProN00b | i suggest sharing over ftp as a feature | 12:12 |
seb128 | fabbione: things probably need to be kicked in the right order, libs first | 12:12 |
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mantiena-baltix | Hi all | 12:13 |
fabbione | seb128: kicked as in they are FTBFS and needs to be give-back or kicked as in re-uploaded to re-build? | 12:14 |
seb128 | fabbione: buildd retry | 12:14 |
seb128 | fabbione: it looks like the issue was gnome-python | 12:15 |
tkamppeter | pitti, thanks for updating CUPS, but probably we need another patch: bug 64725 | 12:15 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 64725 in cupsys "USB driver cannot find printers if usblp0 is disconnected" [Undecided,In progress] | 12:15 |
pitti | tkamppeter: yes, smurf already mailed me about it | 12:16 |
seb128 | fabbione: 0ubuntu5 I've uploaded this morning has built on sparc now, it's probably just a matter to retry build of gedit, gnome-applets, gnome-panel, etc when it's available now | 12:16 |
pitti | tkamppeter: I'll review and test it today | 12:16 |
fabbione | seb128: i see... | 12:16 |
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fabbione | tfheen: can we do a massive give-back? | 12:16 |
tfheen | fabbione: I've done a bunch of those already, I'll get more during the rest of the day. | 12:17 |
fabbione | tfheen: ok thanks | 12:17 |
tfheen | I have to clicky-clicky through the interface. :-/ | 12:17 |
fabbione | tfheen: i know you love that... | 12:17 |
fabbione | i am hungry.. a lot | 12:18 |
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=== fabbione heads toward the fridg4 | ||
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fabbione | tfheen: libvte-dev looks installable now | 12:27 |
fabbione | i need food | 12:27 |
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Treenaks | hm, libapache2-mod-fcgid leaks memory in apache2's heap.. about 100MB/week for me.. (switching to -mod-fastcgi removes the growing behavior) | 12:29 |
=== Treenaks hops to the launchpad | ||
tfheen | Treenaks: valgrind is your friend | 12:30 |
Treenaks | tfheen: not on my Via C3 server | 12:31 |
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Keybuk | mjg59: is usplash supposed to just not start on nvidia? | 12:35 |
dholbach | tkamppeter: Hello - my sister asked me of how good the chances are to get a Lexmark Z43 working in Ubuntu - do you know anything about that? | 12:36 |
tfheen | Keybuk: it segfaults ATM, iirc | 12:37 |
tfheen | Keybuk: | 12:38 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 56587 in usplash "[edgy] usplash segfaults" [Medium,Confirmed] | 12:38 |
Keybuk | ahh | 12:40 |
Kamion | ProN00b: AFAIK, it's an upstream GNOME feature | 12:40 |
ProN00b | i see | 12:41 |
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pitti | tfheen: thanks for fixing the cdrom-checker | 12:43 |
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tfheen | oh, no problem | 12:43 |
ogra | infinity, any news about the arch specific package selection breakage ? my ppc-live is still 40Mb to big | 12:45 |
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ogra | grmbl, why the heck does update-manager remove xchat on every upgrade for me ... | 12:49 |
doluu | which package contains net/errno.h file? | 12:51 |
fabbione | Keybuk, mjg59: it doesn't segfault here... | 12:57 |
Keybuk | I have an odd grub feature to | 12:57 |
Keybuk | it prints "kernel direct mapping tables ..." on the bottom line of the screen | 12:57 |
geser | does somebody know when uptodate Contents files will be available again on | 12:57 |
fabbione | geser: they are generated daily | 12:58 |
tfheen | fabbione: do you have an amd64 with nvidia? | 12:58 |
geser | fabbione: shows 07-Jun-2006 as date | 12:58 |
fabbione | tfheen: yes it's amd64 + nvidia, but i am running x86... i can test with livecd tho | 12:59 |
mantiena-baltix | Kamion, hi, could you tell me is /boot/initrd-* file, which is inside filesystem.cloop is needed in LiveCD ? | 12:59 |
fabbione | geser: feh.. that's about right | 12:59 |
=== fabbione pokes some guys around | ||
tfheen | mantiena-baltix: it's not. | 12:59 |
tfheen | mantiena-baltix: but why are you using cloop? | 01:00 |
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mantiena-baltix | tfheen, sorry, inside filesystem.squashfs | 01:00 |
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mantiena-baltix | so, if initrd file is not needed why it's inside filesystem.squashfs from official Ubuntu CD's ? ;) | 01:01 |
tfheen | mantiena-baltix: anyway, it's not used by the live session. It's used by grub after installation, though. | 01:01 |
mantiena-baltix | tfheen, AFAIK initrd file is generated during installation, when you are installing with ubiquity | 01:01 |
tfheen | mantiena-baltix: it could be, at least. I don't think it is, though | 01:02 |
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mantiena-baltix | tfheen, I think, that I should report a bug about not needed /boot/initrd* file inside filesystem.squashfs | 01:03 |
tfheen | mantiena-baltix: | 01:06 |
tfheen | argh | 01:06 |
mantiena-baltix | Kamion, you are ubiquity developer, what you think ? | 01:06 |
tfheen | mantiena-baltix: *shrug*; if so, it should go on ubuntu-cdimage. I don't see a big point in it, while it would save a bit of space on the CDs, which is good. | 01:06 |
mantiena-baltix | yea, this saves about 7 Mb disk space, which is very good for example for language-support-lt ;) | 01:09 |
heno | when is final artwork freeze? | 01:13 |
heno | I need to know for screenshots used in the winfoss section | 01:13 |
tfheen | heno: what are your thoughts on updating onboard? | 01:14 |
heno | tfheen: I agree it needs an update (just replied to your mail) | 01:15 |
tfheen | ok, thanks. | 01:15 |
tfheen | heno: r38 is fine with you? I can do the update for you. | 01:15 |
heno | tfheen: if the reporter was tortoise, then that's the developer | 01:16 |
tfheen | heno: tortoise_, but ok | 01:16 |
heno | tfheen: why not r40? | 01:16 |
tfheen | heno: because he said r38? | 01:16 |
heno | tfheen: hm, ok. Looks like he made two updates yesterday after being here then | 01:17 |
ogra | heno, btw, onbioard works fine on ltsp clients ... what was the magnifier we ship ? i didnt test that one yet | 01:18 |
heno | r38 should be fine then | 01:18 |
heno | ogra: gnome-mag, powered by gnome-orca | 01:18 |
ogra | oki | 01:18 |
ogra | i'll check that one too (iirc it didnt work in wiesbaden) | 01:18 |
heno | right | 01:18 |
heno | ogra: it might get worse with hw-accelerated magnifiers in future | 01:19 |
ogra | hrm, orca doesnt use gstreamer ? | 01:19 |
heno | how does ltsp deal with compiz stuff? | 01:19 |
ogra | not at all | 01:19 |
heno | ogra: what should it use gstreamer for? | 01:20 |
ogra | you dont have access to /dev/dri on the client from the users session | 01:20 |
Treenaks | ogra: wasn't aiglx made to be "usable" over the net? | 01:20 |
ogra | heno, i just had sound output when starting orca manually from console ... | 01:20 |
Treenaks | (i.e. more usable than not at all) | 01:20 |
heno | ogra: cool! | 01:21 |
ogra | Treenaks, i havent looked into that yet, might be ... but afaik you still need access to dev/dri | 01:21 |
ogra | heno, not really ... it comes out of the server instead of using the gstreamer-esd redirect we use in ltsp | 01:21 |
Treenaks | ogra: no, you need access to an X server with the GLX extension -- slight difference :) | 01:21 |
mjr | Treenaks, yep | 01:21 |
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mjr | "Accelerated Indirect GLX", hence no absolute need for "Direct Rendering Interface" access | 01:22 |
Treenaks | mjr: although I keep confusing XGL and GLX :) | 01:22 |
heno | ogra: perhaps you can file a bug on orca upstream, I'm sure they'd want to fix that | 01:22 |
tfheen | gnr, the onboard package should be a proper branch | 01:23 |
TheMuso | heno, ogra Thats not an orca issue. | 01:24 |
TheMuso | Its to do with festival/gnome-speech. | 01:24 |
heno | tfheen: in the 'project' or in the ubuntu archive? | 01:25 |
ogra | right, that might be ... *something* isnt using gstreamer here :) | 01:25 |
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heno | TheMuso: does speech dispatcher look any better in that regard | 01:25 |
tfheen | heno: the package you get when you do apt-get source onboard should, IMNHSO include the .bzr directory. | 01:25 |
TheMuso | heno: In terms of offering several formats for audio output, yes. | 01:26 |
TheMuso | As it is, festival supports alsa/oss/esd afaik. | 01:26 |
TheMuso | It may also support nas. I am not sure however. | 01:26 |
ogra | tfheen, well, thats fine during development if you can waste the bandwith though ... but should be cleaned before releasing the final package ;) | 01:27 |
tfheen | ogra: why? | 01:27 |
heno | tfheen: ok, I'll ask Chris to fix that when he turns up | 01:27 |
tfheen | heno: please also make Chris not nuke old changelog entries. | 01:27 |
ogra | tfheen, you dont need to bzr export all the time | 01:27 |
tfheen | ogra: ... why should you ever strip the .bzr directory? | 01:27 |
heno | tfheen: ok, I'll send him a log of this discussion :) | 01:28 |
ogra | tfheen, because i dont want it in my source package ... | 01:28 |
tfheen | heno: thanks. | 01:28 |
tfheen | ogra: you didn't answer the question. _why_ don't you want it in there? It makes updating the package easier and is otherwise harmless. | 01:28 |
ogra | tfheen, the tar.gz of ltsp is 2M big with the .bzr tree and 180k without it | 01:29 |
tfheen | ogra: yes, and? Bandwidth is cheap. The additional cost of updating a source package without a .bzr directory is much higher than the cost of downloading 1.8MB extra. | 01:30 |
ogra | during development i keep the .bzr dir ... just because its one step less i have to do before uploading it ... short before release i only upload with bzr export before ... | 01:30 |
_ion | lintian complains about version control directories in the source package. | 01:30 |
tfheen | _ion: lintian is wrong in this particular case. | 01:30 |
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tfheen | ogra: if you're so concerned about source package size, use a lightweigth checkout. | 01:31 |
ogra | tfheen, well, i dont want ltsp to be that big ... if a user wants to use bzr he/she should checkout the proper branch anyway | 01:31 |
mjg59 | Keybuk: On amd64? | 01:31 |
ogra | tfheen, do you keep CVS dirs if you have a choice not to ? | 01:32 |
tfheen | ogra: you _do_ know that CVS and bzr are completely different beasts, don't you? | 01:32 |
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ogra | right, i know ... but we're talking about version control info in both cases | 01:33 |
ogra | for a final released package it appears cleaner to me not to have that in the package, especially since its a lot of bloat | 01:34 |
tfheen | if you think they are comparable, I suggest you look at the centralised vs decentralised RCS discussions that have been all over the net for the last couple of years. | 01:34 |
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_ion | Whether it's {,de}centralized is irrelevant IMHO. I'd just bzr export ../foo-0.42 and build the source package from there. | 01:35 |
agutierr | Hello All. I have a question about preseeds. I am using a preseed to autoinstall the system, but always installer download packages from Someone knows how I can set this selection to download from my local mirror? Thanks. | 01:36 |
tfheen | _ion: a CVS checkout is useless on its own. A bzr checkout isn't. | 01:36 |
_ion | tfheen: Yes, and still i don't consider a debian source package to be the proper place for .bzr. If a user wants to get a bzr tree, she can easily branch it from upstream or launchpad or whatever. | 01:38 |
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_ion | Especially when it causes the size of the source package to increase tenfold. | 01:39 |
tfheen | bandwidth is cheap. *shrug*. | 01:40 |
Seveas | tfheen, not everywhere | 01:40 |
fabbione | tfheen: you are a bit spoiled bw wise :P | 01:40 |
ogra | well, uploading 200k or 2M *makes* a difference with my 512k uplink here | 01:40 |
ogra | (its 30sec vs 10min) | 01:41 |
mjg59 | ogra: I think you mean 30sex vs 5min... | 01:41 |
mjg59 | Uh, sec | 01:41 |
_ion | For instance, the price of my GPRS service is about 1.5/1MiB IIRC. :-) | 01:41 |
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ogra | mjg59, lol, yes | 01:41 |
tfheen | Seveas: I think saying that you have to have reasonable bandwidth to develop is reasonable. Just like you have to have a faster machine to compile programs at a reasonable speed. | 01:41 |
ogra | i never stopwathed it, but its significant :) | 01:41 |
ogra | *stopwatched | 01:42 |
Seveas | tfheen, imagine all source packages converted to bzr and including a checkout | 01:42 |
Seveas | archive would explode | 01:42 |
tfheen | Seveas: it'd be lovely. | 01:42 |
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Seveas | znarl would be mad at you | 01:43 |
tfheen | he'd be happy to get more toys, I'll tell you. :-P | 01:43 |
ogra | heh | 01:43 |
Seveas | hmm, /me sees elm.o, znar.l and spad.s chasing tfheen with pitchforks because now noone wants to mirror ubuntu anymore ;) | 01:44 |
pitti | Seveas: eventually we want to drop the source packages anyway and *only* commit to a bzr branch on LP | 01:44 |
fabbione | tfheen: i am not so sure our src cd publisher will like to jump from N cd's to N dvd's | 01:44 |
pitti | Seveas: that'll be much more bw-efficient :) | 01:44 |
ogra | hello, this cabinet to your right is our new SAN for .bzr dirs :P | 01:44 |
Seveas | pitti | 01:44 |
pitti | and, for that matter, I oppose .bzr in source packages, too | 01:44 |
fabbione | ogra: there is already a SAN at the datacenter :) | 01:44 |
fabbione | matter of fact is that we might get the second one for bzr branches :) | 01:44 |
ogra | fabbione, yes, i meant the second one to hold all the bzr inofs ;) | 01:44 |
Seveas | fabbione, supermirror? | 01:44 |
=== tfheen shrugs and goes back to actually doing useful work. | ||
fabbione | Seveas: the second one? yeah.. that was the rumor | 01:45 |
Seveas | neat | 01:45 |
fabbione | but i am only speculating.. i am not in London or plan DC operations | 01:45 |
tcr | May I suggest to ship libcap-dev with the installation cd. Rationale: It may be needed to install vendor software to configure internet access, and if it isn't provided on the cd, may make the life of people quite a bit awkward. | 01:46 |
ogra | Keybuk, init: Re-executing /sbin/init | 01:46 |
ogra | is that something i should be worried about ? | 01:46 |
ogra | just appeared on my console | 01:47 |
fabbione | tcr: please file a bug and explain the rationale.. including an example of vendor software that requires that. | 01:47 |
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tcr | fabbione: I think it kind of sucks that I've gotta register for that. | 01:48 |
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Treenaks | fabbione: any news from the X people on my bug? :) | 01:51 |
fabbione | Treenaks: nope.. i didn't speak with them today | 01:52 |
Treenaks | fabbione: hm, ok :) I'm waiting for airlied to parse my bios ;) | 01:53 |
tcr | I downloaded the .deb file from, but when I try to install it on edgy it reports "Dependency is not satisfiable libpcap0.8", otoh libpcap-0.8 i.e. 0.9.4-1 was installed by default. | 01:55 |
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mantiena | tfheen, still here ? I wanna talk with you about mounting hard disk partition in LiveCD - look at bugs #16356 and #34873 and #48118 | 01:57 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 16356 in Baltix "LiveCD does not mount hard disk partitions (yet)" [High,Confirmed] | 01:57 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 34873 in Baltix "Harddisks listed at Places and Desktop, but not mounted to /media" [Medium,Unconfirmed] | 01:57 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 48118 in Baltix "pmount should not refuse to mount nonremovable drives without fstab entry" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 01:57 |
pitti | mantiena: pmount should be discussed with me | 01:58 |
tfheen | mantiena: yes, I'm here | 01:58 |
tcr | I've got to correct myself, the version that ships with edgy is libpcap 0.9.4-2. but I can't find that on | 01:59 |
tcr | I could image that the -2 is part of an ubuntu internal versioning scheme, is that right? | 01:59 |
Seveas | tcr, yes | 02:00 |
mantiena | pitti, tfheen: problem is mainly for LiveCD, but not only, because new hard disk are connected on installed systems also | 02:00 |
tcr | Seveas: Is it automatically increased when going from on release to the next? | 02:01 |
mantiena | pitti, tfheen | 02:01 |
Seveas | no | 02:01 |
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tcr | Seveas: How can I find out the changes between -1 and -2? | 02:01 |
mantiena | but Live CD is almost not usefull if user can't see his data in hard disk partitions | 02:01 |
pitti | mantiena: that should be solved with an fstab manager, like pysdm | 02:01 |
Seveas | download both sourcepackages and run debdiff | 02:02 |
Kamion | tfheen: ubiquity does call update-initramfs, so removing /boot/initrd* is probably ok | 02:02 |
tfheen | Kamion: 'k. | 02:02 |
pitti | mantiena: also, gnome-system-tools' disks-admin was ok for that | 02:02 |
mantiena | pitti, it's too hard for average users to understand this | 02:02 |
pitti | mantiena: we specifically do not want to give access to the fixed hard disk | 02:02 |
Kamion | agutierr: preseed apt-setup/security_host | 02:03 |
pitti | mantiena: otherwise a normal user could pmount a system partition and put backdoors into it | 02:03 |
mantiena | Kamion, so, I should a bug about not needed /boot/initrd in filesystem.squashfs | 02:04 |
Kamion | mantiena: that's what we just said, yes; /products/ubuntu-cdimage | 02:04 |
pitti | mantiena: we do not care for removable devices, since truly removable ones cannot be trusted as system partition anyway; but we do care for fixed hard disks, which might be physically protected | 02:04 |
mantiena | pitti, I'm not talking about normal users, who aren't in admin group | 02:04 |
agutierr | thanks Kamion | 02:04 |
mantiena | Kamion, ok | 02:04 |
mantiena | pitti, I think pmount should allow to mount non-removable partitions for users, which are in admin group (has sudo rights) | 02:05 |
pitti | mantiena: well, as I said in the bug trail, providing a GUI wrapper around mount would be nice | 02:05 |
pitti | mantiena: but not hacking this into pmount; it's the wrong place | 02:06 |
mantiena | pitti, gnome-vfs already does this, right ? | 02:06 |
pitti | mantiena: 'this' == ? | 02:06 |
mantiena | pitti, this == wrapper around mount | 02:06 |
pitti | mantiena: pmount should not make assumptions about groups | 02:06 |
pitti | and checking whether an user can execute something with sudo is *very* hard (and impossible for a normal user) | 02:07 |
pitti | and third, it's simply not pmount's purpose | 02:07 |
mantiena | pitti, but now pmount works only for users, who are in plugdev group, so it makes assumptions about groups already, right ? | 02:07 |
pitti | mantiena: no, pmount does not check any groups | 02:07 |
mantiena | pitti, ok | 02:07 |
pitti | mantiena: that's simply the case because it gets installed root:plugdev 4754 | 02:07 |
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pitti | mantiena: but, as I said, a gnome integration would still be nice, of course | 02:08 |
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mantiena | pitti, so, auto-mounting hard disk partitions in Live CD should be solved no in pmount, but in casper or somethin, right ? Last comment about mounting hard disk partition in LiveCD if from tfheen - bug #16356 | 02:09 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 16356 in Baltix "LiveCD does not mount hard disk partitions (yet)" [High,Confirmed] | 02:09 |
tfheen | mantiena: yeah, it's been argued that it should be done in casper, but I just haven't had enough time to do it. | 02:10 |
mantiena | tfheen, I can finish this, just give me you code :) | 02:13 |
mantiena | tfheen, I must have LiveCD which automounts hard disk partitions in 2 days :) | 02:13 |
tfheen | mantiena: I presume you know where the casper bzr tree is; just branch off that. | 02:14 |
mantiena | tfheen, ? | 02:16 |
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mvo | Kamion: localechooser is not using LANGUAGE anymore? | 02:25 |
mvo | Kamion: and LANG is now written to both /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale? | 02:26 |
Kamion | mvo: what do you mean, using? | 02:26 |
Kamion | localechooser still writes out LANGUAGE | 02:27 |
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mvo | Kamion: to what file/location? | 02:27 |
Kamion | # We set LANGUAGE only if the languagelist is a list of | 02:27 |
Kamion | # languages with alternatives. Otherwise, setting it is useless | 02:27 |
Kamion | if echo "$LANGLIST" | grep -q ":"; then | 02:27 |
Kamion | echo "LANGUAGE=\"$LANGLIST\"" >> $DESTFILE | 02:27 |
Kamion | echo "LANGUAGE=\"$LANGLIST\"" >> $DESTFILE2 | 02:27 |
Kamion | fi | 02:27 |
Kamion | mvo: to both /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale, but see that comment | 02:27 |
mvo | aha, right | 02:27 |
mvo | htanks | 02:27 |
mvo | thanks | 02:27 |
Kamion | LANG> as you say | 02:27 |
mvo | Kamion: so I need to change it in both files in language-selector? | 02:28 |
Kamion | yeah | 02:28 |
mvo | ok, fixing that now | 02:28 |
Kamion | it'll stop being written to /etc/environment once etch is out, I think | 02:28 |
Keybuk | ogra: no, that shouldn't be a problem | 02:29 |
Keybuk | that usually happens when upstart gets upgraded | 02:29 |
mantiena | tfheen, sorry, can you tell me where is casper bzr tree and partition automount branch now ? | 02:30 |
ogra | Keybuk, right, i forgot that update-manager was running on another thin client ... so i saw that meassage on the servers console while working there | 02:30 |
Kamion | mantiena: | 02:31 |
=== ogra starts to note that extremely distributed working gets confusing | ||
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kristog | hello | 02:32 |
Keybuk | ogra: kill 1 does it | 02:32 |
tfheen | mantiena: | 02:32 |
ogra | ah | 02:32 |
dholbach | hey kristog | 02:32 |
seb128 | hi kristog! | 02:33 |
kristog | hello dholbach seb128 :) | 02:33 |
mantiena | thanks | 02:34 |
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ogra | pitti, pmount /dev/sda1 on console gives me a million NTFS-fs error messages (the disk is ext3) | 02:35 |
mantiena | ; | 02:36 |
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Keybuk | seb128: getting icon theme errors? | 02:42 |
Keybuk | media-player-48.png not found | 02:42 |
seb128 | Keybuk: no | 02:42 |
seb128 | Keybuk: ah, do you have a totem launcher on your panel or something like that? | 02:42 |
Keybuk | yezh | 02:42 |
seb128 | the icon name and launcher changed | 02:44 |
seb128 | but the panel config is static, so it's not updated on upgrade | 02:44 |
seb128 | and still used the deprecated name | 02:44 |
seb128 | s/used/using | 02:44 |
Keybuk | oh right | 02:44 |
seb128 | not a lot we can do | 02:45 |
seb128 | we could create a compatibility symlink for that icon if we think many user have a launcher for it | 02:45 |
seb128 | but that's about it for edgy | 02:45 |
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Hobbsee | mjg59: you're known to be good with wifi cards that are supposed to be auto-recognised. did you want to check out please? | 02:46 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 60231 in linux-source-2.6.17 "wg511 pccard not loaded (regression: dapper -> edgy)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 02:46 |
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mjg59 | Hobbsee: It's not appearing in lspci, so the driver will never bind | 02:48 |
mantiena | tfheen, btw, maybe you can recommend some graphical bzr management tool ? | 02:48 |
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Hobbsee | mjg59: argh, i thought it was, sorry. | 02:49 |
Treenaks | bzrk? or real "I want to commit this file" GUIs? | 02:49 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: dmesg shows that the card plugging is being detected, but shows no sign of the device itself appearing | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | mjg59: good point, i missed that. | 02:49 |
tfheen | mantiena: I just use the command line | 02:49 |
mantiena | ;) | 02:50 |
mantiena | I try to use bzr-gtk ;) | 02:50 |
ogra | whee, evo stopped misbehaving in message deletion ! | 02:50 |
=== ogra hugs dholbach | ||
dholbach | ogra: it does? | 02:51 |
ogra | yes | 02:51 |
seb128 | it has been fixed with 2.8.1 | 02:51 |
ogra | i just upgraded my system | 02:51 |
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seb128 | I've done the update and closed the bug | 02:51 |
seb128 | and dholbach gets the hugs, that's not fair :p | 02:51 |
ogra | seb128, you rock :) | 02:51 |
=== ogra un-hugs dholbach | ||
ogra | :P | 02:52 |
seb128 | ;) | 02:52 |
=== seb128 hugs dholbach | ||
=== ogra hugs seb128 | ||
dholbach | :-) | 02:52 |
dholbach | wow NICE | 02:52 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: | 02:55 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: | 02:55 |
Ubugtu | bug 6801 in PCI "lspci missing my CardBus Ether card" [Normal,New] | 02:55 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: I've linked to a patch for 60231 | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | mjg59: cool. the guy was in -bugs, looking for help to fix it | 02:59 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: pci=bios may well work around it | 03:00 |
mjg59 | Or pci=conf1 | 03:00 |
=== sivang goes back to using evo then! | ||
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heno | tortoise_: tfheen is doing a fresh upload of onboard | 03:13 |
heno | tortoise_: he also wanted the full bzr tree included in the source package, but the jury seems to still be out on that :) | 03:14 |
=== heno regrets starting that discussion again | ||
heno | tortoise_: also, please preserve the full changelog (with old entries) | 03:15 |
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tortoise_ | heno: ah, ok | 03:16 |
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=== heno reboots to work on some winfoss stuff | ||
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Hobbsee | mjg59: [23:32] <drew_> Hobbsee: pci=conf1 works!! | 03:32 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: Ok, cool | 03:33 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: In that case, the patch should work | 03:33 |
pitti | BenC: crashdump-helper patch> btw, it's relatively easy to pry out the signal number from the core dump, so in edgy+1 we can just use the upstream 'pipe' core dump pattern feature and completely drop our kernel patch | 03:34 |
BenC | pitti: excellent | 03:34 |
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pitti | BenC: (assuming that the pattern supports pid macros) | 03:35 |
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BenC | pitti: it should, which means you can make the pattern something like "| /usr/sbin/apport %pid %sig" | 03:36 |
BenC | or whatever the replacement is | 03:36 |
tortoise_ | heno: uh oh, I was wrong that version still had the menu item :( | 03:36 |
pitti | BenC: ah, right | 03:36 |
tortoise_ | I swear I took it out ages ago | 03:36 |
pitti | BenC: %p and %s, indeed | 03:36 |
pitti | BenC: do you happen to know if that helper is still called as root? | 03:37 |
pitti | BenC: (currently we depend on it, and it would require some hackery to have it called as normal user) | 03:37 |
BenC | pitti: it supports pid, uid, gid, signal, time, hostname, executable name | 03:37 |
pitti | sweet | 03:38 |
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pitti | nice that apport will work on off-the-shelf upstream kernels then | 03:39 |
BenC | pitti: it appears it is | 03:39 |
BenC | pitti: sort of...we still need to either force core size for apport being enabled, or set it globally | 03:40 |
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pitti | BenC: oh, the normal ulimit still applies to the piping, hmm | 03:40 |
BenC | I can make it so that if corename[0] == '|' that we ignore core size | 03:41 |
pitti | would be a possible solution, yeah | 03:41 |
pitti | BenC: is there a method to set the global limit from userland? | 03:42 |
pitti | BenC: i. e. it would be nice to set that limit in the same place that sets core_pattern (i. e. apport init script) | 03:42 |
pitti | BenC: well, let's think about it in MV | 03:43 |
BenC | yeah | 03:43 |
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dholbach | for everybody interested in the motu meeting, we'll start off in a minute in #ubuntu-meeting | 03:59 |
StevenK | Oh drat, I completly forgot about the meeting. | 03:59 |
sivang | what is the channel for loco teams? | 04:01 |
=== sivang needs a reminder | ||
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Tonio_ | pitti: may I ping you concerning this ? | 04:10 |
Tonio_ | pitti: we decided to include this during the latest kubuntu devel meeting | 04:11 |
pitti | Tonio_: I can process it now, but three days before RC freeze I'd be a bit hesitant with promotions and package changes | 04:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: your opinion concerning this ? can we delay to edgy+1 ? | 04:12 |
Riddell | we're not frozen yet | 04:13 |
pitti | Tonio_, Riddell: kipi-plugins-doc should be Arch:all | 04:15 |
Tonio_ | pitti: yeah I know kamion told me about that mistake (my fault) | 04:15 |
Tonio_ | pitti: wait second I'm reuploading a corrected version... | 04:15 |
pitti | ah, nice | 04:15 |
Tonio_ | pitti: that was on my today's todo :) | 04:16 |
Tonio_ | pitti: uploaded | 04:18 |
pitti | Tonio_: does kipi-plugins wrap imagemagick, ppmtools etc.? or is it yet another reimplementation? (these imaging libraries are so horribly prone to security issues) | 04:18 |
Tonio_ | pitti: it can potentially wrap imagemagik but that's optionnal | 04:19 |
Tonio_ | pitti: it's a self implementation in fact, and has its own features | 04:20 |
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pitti | Tonio_: it build-deps on libmagick, though | 04:20 |
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Tonio_ | pitti: true yes | 04:20 |
Tonio_ | let me check this exactly | 04:20 |
pitti | if it's only glue between kde and libmagick, this would rock, of course | 04:20 |
pitti | if it's a reimplementation of algorithms, this would be a waste and also yet another source of vulnerabilities | 04:21 |
Tonio_ | pitti: well the binary it only recommends imagemagick | 04:21 |
dholbach | What is the current state of -proposed? Does it work? Does it work for universe and multiverse as well? | 04:21 |
Kamion | dholbach: working but restricted by policy (StableReleaseUpdates); yes; yes | 04:22 |
dholbach | Kamion: gracias | 04:22 |
Kamion | whether SRU applies to universe and multiverse is up to you guys; mdz said he'd like there to be at least some similar-looking process | 04:22 |
pitti | Tonio_: weird, why does it b-dep on libmagick then? | 04:22 |
jdong | BenC: when are you going to fix my unusual_dev? :) | 04:23 |
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BenC | jdong: Doh, I had that patch ready and forgot to apply it...I'll get it in tonight and upload | 04:23 |
Tonio_ | pitti: binary depends on libmagick++9c2a, you're right | 04:23 |
jdong | BenC: thank you :) | 04:24 |
pitti | Tonio_: ah, indeed, I was looking at the wrong version | 04:24 |
=== jdong shoves shiny FC6 Preview DVD into his test box | ||
Tonio_ | pitti: so the "glue between kde and libmagick" is probably the good option :) | 04:25 |
pitti | Tonio_: well, it's not something I'm entirely happy about at that point in the release, but I do not have a concrete point against it | 04:25 |
pitti | so be it | 04:25 |
pitti | Tonio_: yeah, definitively | 04:25 |
Tonio_ | pitti: great, thanks ;) | 04:25 |
Tonio_ | pitti: yes, sorry for deciding this so late in the dev cycle... | 04:25 |
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elmo | how do you get the a CRT to turn on, when you attach it to a laptop with an i945GM in it? | 04:31 |
elmo | i810switch doesn't seem to recognise the card | 04:31 |
elmo | (and the hotkey doesn't DTRT either) | 04:31 |
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mjg59 | elmo: Try i855crt | 04:32 |
mjg59 | You may need to add the PCI ID | 04:33 |
Fujitsu | mjg59, yeah, I've had better (ie. working) results with i855crt and my i915. | 04:33 |
elmo | mjg59: gracias | 04:33 |
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elmo | bah, yeah, need PCI ID hacking - I assume that's a source thing | 04:35 |
mjg59 | Yeah | 04:36 |
bddebian | Howdy folks | 04:36 |
dotwaffle | Edgy's ACX100 driver is b0rked, is this the right channel to try and sort out getting it fixed? (I mena b0rked as in the distro, not just on my system - anyone with acx100 wireless can not use their wireless card.) | 04:36 |
mjg59 | dotwaffle: In what way? | 04:37 |
dotwaffle | mjg59: with the acx100 plugged in, there are a few kernel messages, mostly due to missing firmware. | 04:37 |
mjg59 | dotwaffle: Is there an open bug? | 04:37 |
dotwaffle | you need to include the latest version of the driver, and the firmware, for it to work. | 04:37 |
dotwaffle | mjg59: open? no. | 04:38 |
mjg59 | dotwaffle: Please open a bug, then | 04:38 |
dotwaffle | although I'm writing one now | 04:38 |
dotwaffle | =) | 04:38 |
dotwaffle | thought i'd ask to see if it's too late for edgy first... | 04:38 |
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Kamion | mjg59: don't we have the /bind interface now? | 04:40 |
mjg59 | Kamion: ? | 04:40 |
Kamion | echo VVVV:DDDD > /sys/bus/foo/drivers/bar/bind | 04:40 |
mjg59 | Kamion: i855crt is a userspace app | 04:40 |
Kamion | to make a driver bind to a PCI ID | 04:40 |
Kamion | replying to this: | 04:40 |
Kamion | 15:35 < elmo> bah, yeah, need PCI ID hacking - I assume that's a source thing | 04:40 |
Kamion | 15:36 < mjg59> Yeah | 04:40 |
Kamion | I mean, assuming my memory is correct, it's quicker than rebuilding the kernel | 04:41 |
mjg59 | Kamion: Yes - i855crt is a userspace app that writes to the hardware directly | 04:41 |
Kamion | oh, I see | 04:41 |
mjg59 | Kamion: So it has a whitelist of IDs | 04:41 |
Kamion | sorry, I thought it was talking to a kernel module | 04:41 |
mjg59 | Ah, ok | 04:41 |
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elmo | god damn I hate gcc's insane "LALA UTF-8 quote characters, ENJOY" | 04:45 |
thom | yup | 04:45 |
_ion | What's the problem? | 04:46 |
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Kamion | isn't that what the @quot locale thing is for? | 04:46 |
thom | _ion: "array subscript has type char " | 04:46 |
Kamion | gettext automatically generates an en@quot.po without those | 04:46 |
thom | Kamion: oh really? | 04:47 |
_ion | Are your terminal's settings or locale settings wrong? | 04:47 |
Kamion | gcc may not ship that locale though | 04:47 |
thom | hrm, i may just hack buildbot to DTRT | 04:47 |
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Kamion | $ LANG=en_GB@quot.UTF-8 gcc -Wall -O2 t.c -o t | 04:48 |
Kamion | t.c: In function 'main': | 04:48 |
Kamion | t.c:5: warning: array subscript has type 'char' | 04:48 |
Kamion | elmo,thom: ^--- | 04:49 |
thom | shiny, thanks | 04:49 |
=== elmo idly wonders why strstr("0000:00:02.0 0300: 8086:27a2 (rev 03)", "8086:27a2") is not doing what I want | ||
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elmo | (p = strstr(*buff_ptr, I810_IGSTR)) != NULL || | 04:53 |
elmo | (p = strstr(*buff_ptr, I810_CFCSTR)) != NULL; | 04:53 |
elmo | (p = strstr(*buff_ptr, I830STR)) != NULL || | 04:53 |
elmo | quick, spot the typo! | 04:53 |
elmo | anyhoo. | 04:53 |
giftnudel | I found it, I found it!!! ;) | 04:54 |
elmo | mjg59: this works, but, rawpipe mode doesn't give the full size screen, and chosing a mode (e.g. 1024x768@70) resulted in an extremely corrupt display - any other ideas? | 04:54 |
thom | elmo: does this mean you have a real laptop now? ;-) | 04:55 |
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elmo | thom: no, it means I'm designated tech support | 04:55 |
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tfheen | if this happens to be a thinkpad, I've had better success poking /proc/acpi/ibm/video | 04:56 |
elmo | tfheen: it is - poke it how? | 04:57 |
tfheen | elmo: cat the file, it should be fairly self-explanatory. | 04:57 |
thom | elmo: oh yum | 04:57 |
tfheen | typically, you do echo crt_enable > /proc/acpi/ibm/video to turn the crt on | 04:57 |
elmo | yeah, not so much | 04:58 |
elmo | # echo crt_enable > /proc/acpi/ibm/video ; grep ^crt /proc/acpi/ibm/video | 04:58 |
elmo | crt: disabled | 04:58 |
tfheen | it might have gotten confused after i855crt frobbed it or the module might not like the machine. | 04:59 |
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sivang | 05:00 | |
sivang | ah, ops | 05:00 |
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iwj | tfheen: Can I have a UVF exception for new upstream Firefox rc2 please ? | 05:03 |
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ogra | iwj, i dont think tollef does UVF exceptions | 05:04 |
jdong_ | ooh, FF2RC2... shiny... must ... have.... | 05:04 |
iwj | ogra: The wiki agrees with you. | 05:06 |
tfheen | iwj: please talk to Kamion or mdz. | 05:06 |
iwj | tfheen: Emailing them now, thanks. | 05:06 |
tfheen | I guess I should be added to the list of people who can do UVFs, but I'm not there now, so better to follow the established process. | 05:06 |
iwj | Right. | 05:07 |
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elmo | grr | 05:11 |
elmo | | 05:12 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 17659 in i855-crt "[i855-crt] no i915" [Wishlist,Rejected] | 05:12 |
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dotwaffle | Oh deary me... "Jesus WEPed but Chuck Norris WPAd!" That barely even makes sense! | 05:15 |
jdong_ | dotwaffle: ?? | 05:15 |
dotwaffle | crappy gamers thinking they're funny by making Chuck Norris jokes. | 05:16 |
=== jdong_ thought Chuck Norris would use OpenSSH tun VPN.... | ||
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dotwaffle | Chuck Norris doesn't need security. His data packets assault anything that gets in the way of their destionation. | 05:17 |
azeem | dotwaffle: this is off-topic here | 05:18 |
dotwaffle | we had a topic? | 05:18 |
dotwaffle | I just realised, this isn't #lugradio | 05:18 |
dotwaffle | sorry, my fault. | 05:18 |
jdong_ | no.. this isn't nearly as entertaining as lugradio..... | 05:19 |
dotwaffle | I'll /part in case it happens again ;) | 05:19 |
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Hobbsee | how odd :P | 05:19 |
jdong_ | pffft... chuck norris would still use openssh.... | 05:19 |
jdong_ | Hobbsee: you mean it'd be on-topic in #kubuntu-devel? :D | 05:20 |
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Hobbsee | jdong_: no, it'd still be offtopic there. | 05:20 |
jdong_ | oh yeah, that reminds me | 05:21 |
=== jdong_ goes on to #k-d to drive-by a bug report | ||
=== Hobbsee retaliates. | ||
StevenK | jdong_: is that: /j ; *BANG* ; /part ? | 05:23 |
jdong_ | StevenK: something like that :) | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | StevenK: more or less. | 05:23 |
doko_ | infinity, Kamion: looking for the 2.0.4~rc3-0ubuntu3 binaries, not in the archive, not in the queue, build finished 5h ago | 05:23 |
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giftnudel | doko_ how can you possibly loose them, they are quite big ;) | 05:24 |
jdong_ | lol | 05:24 |
jdong_ | who does linux-restricted-modules? | 05:26 |
jdong_ | i'd like to talk to him about a UVFe for fglrx | 05:27 |
jdong_ | 8.29 restores XVideo acceleration for AVIVO and Xorg 7.1 | 05:27 |
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shenki | \sh_away: are you really away? | 05:30 |
=== shenki is 5 minutes late | ||
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infinity | doko_: Looking. | 05:38 |
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infinity | doko_: | 05:41 |
infinity | 09:34:12 INFO Rejected: | 05:41 |
infinity | 09:34:12 INFO deb contents timestamp check fail | 05:41 |
infinity | ed [exceptions.SystemError: E:Cannot find chunk data.tar.gz] | 05:41 |
=== infinity blinks. | ||
infinity | Let me, uhm, try that again. | 05:42 |
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infinity | Fails the same way on the second go.. | 05:45 |
StevenK | infinity: Could it be a data.tar.bz2? | 05:46 |
infinity | StevenK: It is indeed, but we have dozens of those in the archive. | 05:46 |
StevenK | Ah | 05:46 |
=== infinity goes to poke Team Soyuz. | ||
doko_ | infinity, StevenK: it's bzip2 compressed | 05:48 |
infinity | doko_: I know, I tore it apart with ar just now. | 05:48 |
infinity | Team Soyuz is on the job. | 05:48 |
doko_ | ok | 05:49 |
infinity | doko_: I'll reprocess the upload when the bug is found.. | 05:49 |
infinity | mvo: Around? | 05:50 |
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mvo | infinity: yes | 05:51 |
infinity | mvo: The above error string comes from python-apt. | 05:51 |
infinity | mvo: Looks like our upgrading python-apt on drescher made bz2 deb handling explode. | 05:51 |
mvo | infinity: *ick* what does the code look like that deals with bz2? | 05:52 |
infinity | I have no idea what's calling that. | 05:52 |
mvo | infinity: it shouldn't have changed, but dreshers python-apt was very old, wasn't it? | 05:52 |
infinity | Care to join ##soyuz1.0 and trace it with malcc? | 05:52 |
infinity | drescher was runniing hoary's python-apt until just now (edgy's backported now) | 05:52 |
infinity | Well, "just now" being "a few days ago". | 05:53 |
mjg59 | ogra: Have you done anything about the g-p-m issue? | 05:55 |
elmo | ok, so, like who tested edgy beta on powerpc? | 05:57 |
elmo | and with what? | 05:57 |
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Kamion | I sort of cowboy-tested it | 05:58 |
Kamion | what's failing? | 05:58 |
elmo | Kamion: X ;-P | 05:58 |
Kamion | haha | 05:58 |
Kamion | wasn't that badly broken for me | 05:58 |
elmo | Kamion: on both an Xserve and the shinybook in the office | 05:58 |
elmo | anyone object to me milestoning the relevant bug? | 05:59 |
infinity | doko_: All better now. | 06:02 |
infinity | doko_: Thanks for the heads-up. | 06:03 |
doko_ | infinity: do you still plan with subversion1.4 for edgy? | 06:03 |
dholbach | mjg59: hello - the changelog of bluez-utils 3.1-1ubuntu3 mentions 'Fix discoverability of host' - do you remember what you changed? would it make sense to add piscan somewhere? bug 59222 has quite a few people who are confused by not being able to discover the computer | 06:03 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 59222 in bluez-utils "Computer isn't discoverable" [High,Confirmed] | 06:03 |
infinity | doko_: "plan" may be a strong word, but if you bug me about it in /msg after I go to bed (in a few minutes), I'll poke mdz about it in the morning and see if he thinks it's too scary. | 06:04 |
BenC | can someone approve linux-source-2.6.15 in dapper-proposed please? | 06:06 |
mjg59 | dholbach: I backported some bits from 3.2 to 3.1. If that doesn't work, the sensible thing to do is to bump the version to the latest upstream. | 06:06 |
dholbach | mjg59: the changes are pretty large - I'm not sure Matt will like the changes before Edgy release :-/ | 06:07 |
dholbach | debian has 3.7 now, I'll try with them | 06:08 |
mjg59 | dholbach: The version we have is an utter crock of shit, really | 06:10 |
dholbach | :-) | 06:10 |
dholbach | mjg59: seems I still have to run hciconfig hci0 piscan | 06:10 |
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Keybuk | mjg59: I have the usplash 100% spin bug, apparently | 06:12 |
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mjg59 | Keybuk: On what hardware? | 06:14 |
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fabbione | elmo: yeah.. ati driver was broken on PPC for beta.. i fixed it afterwards | 06:28 |
fabbione | elmo: specifically the UseFBDev option | 06:28 |
fabbione | elmo: it should be all good now | 06:28 |
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ColiFato | hi all | 06:28 |
ColiFato | sorry people.. but i dont know if i can ask a question here about load balancing in ubuntu | 06:29 |
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ColiFato | i can do load balancing of 2 internet connections.. one of 300 kbps and another of 128 kbps (download off course) and then download at 400 kbps for giv a number | 06:31 |
dholbach | mjg59: with bluez-gnome's bt-applet (just in debian), I was able to pair (with bluez suite 3.7), sending files from the phone to the box still does not work either - I'll have a look later on | 06:31 |
fabbione | elmo: added comment on the bug. | 06:31 |
_ion | colifato: See topic. | 06:31 |
dholbach | ColiFato: that's more a question for #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 | 06:31 |
elmo | fabbione: thanks, I'm downloading a daily live now | 06:31 |
ColiFato | ok thanxs | 06:31 |
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fabbione | elmo: lovely. i am going offline to spend sometime with my son. I guess there is no chance to get ssh access to the xserver in case it still doesn't work? | 06:32 |
fabbione | elmo: upstream has been very active with us to fix stuff | 06:32 |
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pitti | mvo: I'm currently looking at the list of open edgy bugs; is there still info required for bug 59079? (It seems not?) | 06:35 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 59079 in gksu "Edgy uses gksu instead of gksudo (gconf schema not registed)" [Medium,Needs info] | 06:35 |
mvo | pitti: no, no user info. clue why this happens is required ,) | 06:35 |
pitti | ah | 06:36 |
pitti | mvo: the schema default is true? | 06:36 |
mvo | pitti: yes, the problem is that some people seem to not get a schema at all | 06:36 |
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mvo | pitti: we could hack around this in gksu, but finding/fixing the real issue would be better | 06:37 |
pitti | mvo: hm, my current gksu package does not have any schema either | 06:37 |
mvo | pitti: libgksu1.9 has it now | 06:37 |
elmo | fabbione: hmm? davis is an example of the xserve in question | 06:37 |
pitti | mvo: ah, /usr/share/gconf/schemas/gksu.schemas from libgksu2-0 | 06:38 |
mvo | pitti: yep. the postinsts look correct etc. I was not able myself to reproduce it. and no upgrade logs from someone who had the problem | 06:38 |
pitti | mvo: does ~/.gconf allow you to delete a key? | 06:39 |
mvo | pitti: maybe something evil in the upgrade ordering - just speculating - it might be that for a certain amount of time gconf is not fully working | 06:39 |
fabbione | elmo: i mean get ssh access when running the livecd and to be able to debug the ati driver if the bug is there | 06:39 |
mvo | pitti: I don't know, maybe seb'gconf-master'128 might know. seb128? | 06:39 |
pitti | mvo: but that bug report was apparently about *after* the dist-upgrade | 06:40 |
mvo | pitti: yes, people upgrade and the schema is no longer registered | 06:40 |
pitti | mvo: it would be very weird to entirely remove keys locally | 06:40 |
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fabbione | elmo: i will sort of need root power to restart X and change config or gather debugging info... stuff *just* like that.. | 06:40 |
pitti | mvo: oh, there is another db of available schemas? it doesn't just loko in /usr/share/gconf? | 06:40 |
mvo | pitti: they must be registered to be usable AFAIK, its not enough to have them in this path | 06:41 |
elmo | fabbione: yeah, that's not very viable ATM, sorry - I'll see what daily's like on this powerbook first, and then get someone to try the Xserve tomorrow | 06:41 |
pitti | mvo: ah, well, that points to a likely point of failure | 06:41 |
fabbione | elmo: ok thanks. | 06:42 |
mvo | pitti: yes, definitely. now we only need to figure out why register sometimes fails | 06:42 |
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=== thom hugs pitti for the new sudo upload | ||
pitti | thom: does that happen to you a lot? (to me it does...) | 06:42 |
thom | pitti: all the time - mostly i try to run sudo as the wrong user | 06:43 |
jdong | oh sweet! | 06:43 |
=== jdong hugs pitti, too, after reading changelog | ||
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pitti | thom: heh, for me it's 'sudo apt-get install <make_a_typo>' and the like | 06:43 |
Kamion | there is actually a small amount of information to be gained from that | 06:44 |
LaserJock | jono: got a sec? | 06:44 |
Kamion | namely that you were asked for a password (i.e. that command isn't NOPASSWD) | 06:44 |
Kamion | but it's probably not too big a deal | 06:45 |
pitti | Kamion: hm, but AFAICS the issue is mainly about disclosing information that would help you for brute-force speedups, but you have a point | 06:45 |
pitti | Kamion: however, both 'empty string+enter' and 'Control-C' are logged in auth.log, so I wasn't concerned | 06:46 |
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jono | LaserJock, yep | 06:47 |
sivang | tfheen: had a chance to take a look at the changlog entry I've sent you for moin? | 06:48 |
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seb128 | mvo: pong | 06:51 |
seb128 | pitti: no, gconf doesn't allow to delete a key | 06:51 |
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seb128 | pitti: if there is no user config the schemas is used | 06:51 |
pitti | seb128: ok, thanks; then it seems the file becomes unregistered in the dist-upgrade process | 06:52 |
pitti | seb128: update-desktop-database is responsible for registering? | 06:52 |
seb128 | pitti: we already have bug #50150 about weird errors like that | 06:53 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 50150 in metacity-themes "Configuration editor reports that no schema can be found since latest dapper updates" [Undecided,Rejected] | 06:53 |
mvo | pitti: it unregisters the old schemas automatically in the prerm rule | 06:53 |
seb128 | pitti: no, update-desktop-database is for .desktop | 06:53 |
mvo | pitti: via gconf-schemas --unregister | 06:53 |
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pygi | sivang: ping!!!! | 06:53 |
mvo | pitti: dh_gconf adds this automatically to the maintainer scripts | 06:53 |
seb128 | pitti: dh_gconf makes the snippets and gconf-schemas (which is a wrapper around gconftool-2) does the registration | 06:53 |
pitti | ah, thanks | 06:54 |
pitti | I don't want to step on your toes, it's just interesting me | 06:54 |
seb128 | I'm not sure if there is some sort of weird bug happening to few people | 06:54 |
seb128 | or if the few case can be hard drive issue or something | 06:54 |
mvo | my current theory is that something happens when a new gconf is unpacked but not configured yet | 06:54 |
pygi | hey pitti, seb128 | 06:54 |
seb128 | like not sure if that's a gconf bug or just the system not being robust to transitional issues on upgrade | 06:54 |
pitti | hi pygi | 06:55 |
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seb128 | hi pygi | 06:55 |
seb128 | not easy to get datas on that | 06:55 |
seb128 | we would need to log all the gconf registration for everybody to have some luck and get a log of somebody having the issue | 06:55 |
mvo | seb128, pitti: similar to the problem that we had with pango for the breezy->dapper upgrade | 06:55 |
seb128 | because usually reinstalling the package works fine for those people | 06:55 |
seb128 | mvo: no, the pango issue we had a clear understanding of the issue | 06:56 |
mvo | seb128: or a useful terminal log of a upgrade and *might* contain a error message or something | 06:56 |
seb128 | right | 06:56 |
mvo | seb128: not at first (at least I hadn't :) | 06:56 |
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seb128 | right | 06:56 |
seb128 | but postinst does the registration | 06:56 |
seb128 | it's not supposed to be able to fail without breaking the postinst | 06:57 |
seb128 | and there is nothing supposed to run after the postinst touching the schemas neither | 06:57 |
mvo | seb128: does the schema registration require a runing gconfd-2 ? | 06:58 |
mvo | to work? | 06:58 |
seb128 | I'm not sure | 06:58 |
seb128 | gconfd-2 is spawned when required | 06:58 |
seb128 | and doesn't need a running xorg | 06:58 |
seb128 | let me try to run the binary away :p | 06:58 |
seb128 | s/run/move | 06:59 |
sivang | pygi: you made it ! :) | 06:59 |
pygi | sivang: ergh, yes!!! | 06:59 |
pygi | pm if you can read it, gotta run soon :) | 06:59 |
sivang | pygi: where you are in anyways? on the moon? | 06:59 |
pygi | sivang: kind of :) | 06:59 |
seb128 | mvo, pitti: I would not consider that "some people have schemas not registred" an edgy blocker, we already had such bugs before dapper | 07:00 |
seb128 | there is really few of them | 07:00 |
seb128 | would be nice to fix but not a blocker | 07:00 |
pitti | seb128: I agree, as long as we do the h4ck1sh workaround for gksu | 07:01 |
pitti | since breaking gksudo can lock out people completly from their boxes | 07:01 |
mvo | seb128: when it happens for gksu it makes the system no longer usable for "normal" users, if we don't find anything I would rather want to add a hacky workaround than to leave it open | 07:01 |
seb128 | mvo: what is the workaround about? | 07:01 |
=== pitti hugs mvo for being in perfect opinion sync :) | ||
pitti | seb128: default to true if the value is empty | 07:02 |
=== mvo hugs pitti | ||
seb128 | ah, I'm fine with that | 07:02 |
seb128 | it doesn't hurt | 07:02 |
=== mvo agrees again with pitti | ||
mvo | seb128: the only "trouble" is that there is no "gconf_get_bool_with_default()" | 07:02 |
pitti | yeah, it's just like hardcoding the schema :) | 07:02 |
mvo | so it will be 1) test_key 2) use default if not found | 07:02 |
pitti | mvo: hm, but gconftool has to figure out the null value somehow? | 07:02 |
mvo | but not a real issue | 07:02 |
pitti | ah, ok | 07:03 |
mvo | pitti: there is a test-for-key | 07:03 |
mvo | but when gconf_get_bool() returns false | 07:03 |
mvo | you don't know why | 07:03 |
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=== mvo hacks it into libgksu2 now so that we have it for edgy | ||
seb128 | mvo: what do you mean? | 07:05 |
pitti | seb128: 'false' can mean 'key found, value false' or 'key not present' | 07:06 |
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seb128 | pitti: there is gconf_client_get_without_default() and gconf_client_get_default_from_schema() | 07:07 |
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elmo | rah so much hate | 07:07 |
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janimo | seb128: thanks for the python-extras upload :) | 07:08 |
seb128 | janimo: np | 07:08 |
elmo | tfheen/mjg59: ACPI doesn't work even after a reboot, crt_enable just doesn't. i855crt 'works' in as much as a visible copy of the screen is displayed on the monitor, but the colours are all SNAFU and the mouse isn't visible | 07:09 |
elmo | either of you (or anyone) got any other ideas how I can get this damn Thinkpad to talk to a monitor? | 07:09 |
mjg59 | elmo: What model? | 07:09 |
elmo | X60 | 07:10 |
elmo | ah, google suggests fucking with xorg.conf | 07:10 |
mjg59 | What bit depth is it configurd to? | 07:10 |
elmo | 24-bit | 07:10 |
mjg59 | You can fuck with xorg.conf, but you'll be stuck with the CRT output powered at all times | 07:10 |
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mjg59 | Try 16, though it's a bit of a long shot | 07:10 |
elmo | mjg59: what's the implications of that - just battery life? | 07:10 |
elmo | (CRT output powered at all times) | 07:11 |
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seb128 | mvo: no, no need of a running gconfd-2 | 07:11 |
mjg59 | elmo: Yeah | 07:12 |
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elmo | mjg59: any idea how much? | 07:13 |
Keybuk | mjg59: amd64 nvidia | 07:13 |
mjg59 | elmo: Not really | 07:14 |
mjg59 | Keybuk: x86emu exploding | 07:14 |
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Keybuk | mjg59: you run usplash under x86emu? | 07:14 |
hunger | elmo: Why don't you do a special xorg config for giving presentations? You can then start an extra xserver with that when you need it. | 07:14 |
mvo | seb128: thanks for verifiying, that destroies my nice theory | 07:14 |
mjg59 | Keybuk: How else are you going to do vesa on amd64? | 07:14 |
seb128 | mvo: np | 07:15 |
Keybuk | no idea, can't it do it? | 07:15 |
Keybuk | is there any debugging I can usefully do? | 07:15 |
mjg59 | Keybuk: You need to make real-mode bios calls. amd64 kernel doesn't have vm86 mode. | 07:15 |
elmo | ok, he has 7 hours battery life | 07:15 |
elmo | I don't think he cares | 07:15 |
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mjg59 | Tollef's been looking at it today | 07:15 |
Keybuk | mjg59: I see | 07:15 |
Keybuk | what broke it? x86emu update? usplash using svgalib? | 07:16 |
mjg59 | It's never worked | 07:16 |
sladen | hunger: just an extra ServerLayout is needed | 07:16 |
mjg59 | Other than via the framebuffer interface | 07:16 |
Keybuk | oh, I usee | 07:17 |
Keybuk | so the bogl stuff worked | 07:17 |
mjg59 | Yeah | 07:17 |
Keybuk | but the svgalib stuff doesn't? | 07:17 |
mjg59 | Indeed | 07:17 |
Keybuk | I guess the emergency "oh well" is to just use bogl on that hardware? | 07:17 |
mjg59 | Now in theory, this should work fine | 07:17 |
mjg59 | Since the vesa driver runs happily on amd64 | 07:17 |
mjg59 | But there's clearly a problem of some sort, and it's awkward to track down | 07:17 |
elmo | mjg59: ok, worked perfectly after adding relevant 3 lines to xorg.conf, thanks | 07:18 |
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mvo | seb128, pitti: <- does that look ok? | 07:21 |
pitti | mvo: looks as if exactly fixes the corner case condition | 07:22 |
mvo | pitti: thanks! | 07:25 |
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seb128 | mvo: looks fine to me too | 07:30 |
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elmo | is there any other way to fix the CMOS clock on a powerpc? hwclock isn't working anymore (no rtc) | 07:32 |
pitti | seb128: d'oh - gnome-sound-properties neither uses gconf nor .asoundrc nor .gstreamer-0.10/registry.xml; Where the heck does it save its settings? | 07:35 |
pitti | seb128: oh, it does use gconf, gconfd just didn't write back the changes; nevermind, sorry | 07:37 |
janimo | mjg59:do you think the usplash can do soemthing to break resume from suspend for a radeon? If I boot w/o usplash it works fine | 07:39 |
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edoardo | hi everyone! | 07:40 |
edoardo | you guys | 07:40 |
edoardo | i've downloaded ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso... on my hd it's a 1.4g file, i burned it to a dvd... but the dvd won't boot! so i've loop mounted the iso... and it's seven hundred megs! how come? help! | 07:40 |
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dholbach | edoardo: please try rather #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 | 07:41 |
sladen | janimo: very likely, svgalib is doing tinkering | 07:41 |
_ion | Perhaps you somehow concatenated two images to a single file. | 07:41 |
dholbach | hi _ion | 07:41 |
_ion | Hi dholbach | 07:41 |
edoardo | over ther discussions tend not to be technical | 07:41 |
edoardo | *there | 07:41 |
edoardo | come on you guys! i wrote a package that's part of universe! : ) help me out! | 07:42 |
dholbach | edoardo: this is a channel about development of ubuntu | 07:42 |
dholbach | hehe | 07:42 |
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pitti | edoardo: sounds like a bad download, really | 07:42 |
edoardo | pitti uh, awright. i'll try and download it again then | 07:43 |
edoardo | thankyou pitti! | 07:43 |
dholbach | bye edoardo :) | 07:43 |
edoardo | byebye everyone! use audio-convert! : ) | 07:43 |
edoardo | audio-convert kicks ass! byebye everyone! and thankyou! : ) | 07:44 |
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janimo | ogra: ping | 07:52 |
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elmo | huh, what - how did avahi-daemon become an installed by default? | 08:07 |
sivang | IIRC it was planned for it to be there by default :) | 08:08 |
=== sivang recalls some discussions with Lathiat about the fact that there needs to be some way to enable or disable it from GUI | ||
mvo | elmo: its installed, but not enabled, right? | 08:12 |
elmo | not sure, I just saw it being pulled in as part of a dist-upgrade | 08:12 |
elmo | I suspect/hope libnss-mdns isn't enabled at least | 08:12 |
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sabdfl | is the python2.5 dep of python-gnome2 a known issue? | 09:21 |
LaserJock | hehe | 09:21 |
=== LaserJock resists a "Go look at LP" comment ;-) | ||
mvo | sabdfl: AFAIK yes, I'm looking for the bugnumber now | 09:22 |
seb128 | sabdfl: I thought I fixed it, looking if the update built | 09:26 |
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seb128 | hum, in fact I fixed it for pygtk, fixing it for gnome-python now | 09:27 |
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sabdfl | thanks seb128 :-) | 09:34 |
seb128 | np | 09:34 |
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Tonio_ | Kamion, Keybuk: pitti approved kipi-plugins main inclusion report and I seeded it today, since it was decided to add it to kubuntu-desktop. Any chance to get the package to main today or tomorrow ? | 09:51 |
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jdong | could a core-dev look at bug 57872 for me | 10:04 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 57872 in gnome-power "regression: pressing power button no longer brings up logout dialog" [Unknown,Unconfirmed] | 10:04 |
jdong | I attached a proposed fix, people who tried it say that it works well | 10:04 |
Kamion | Tonio_: ok, I'll have a look | 10:09 |
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Tonio_ | Kamion: thanks | 10:11 |
Kamion | Tonio_: done | 10:11 |
Tonio_ | Kamion: perfect, thanks a lot | 10:12 |
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mdke_ | Kamion: got a mo? | 10:26 |
Kamion | mdke_: yeah | 10:31 |
mdke_ | Kamion: I'm trying to figure out how to use in installation-guide to build more than one arch, but can't. Do you know off-hand? | 10:32 |
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Kamion | mdke_: looks like this should do it: | 10:34 |
Kamion | architectures='amd64 hppa i386 ia64 powerpc sparc' ./ | 10:34 |
Kamion | mdke_: or we could just change to build only the Ubuntu architectures by default | 10:34 |
AlinuxOS | mjg59, ping | 10:35 |
mdke_ | Kamion: which archs should I build? | 10:35 |
mdke_ | those you've listed? | 10:36 |
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mdke_ | Kamion: that command still just seems to build one arch for me, I wonder if I've broken the script somehow. I've made very few changes tho | 10:38 |
AlinuxOS | mjg59, unic thing that remains to solve for Georgian (in Edgy). | 10:38 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 55966 in ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts "ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts.conf problem." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:38 |
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Kamion | mdke_: try it with 'sh -x ./' to see if it's bailing out somewhere in the middle | 10:43 |
Kamion | mdke_: yes, the architectures I listed are the Ubuntu ones. actually you could drop hppa if you're building for edgy | 10:44 |
mdke_ | Kamion: I'll pastebin the output | 10:45 |
kristog | night* | 10:46 |
mdke_ | Kamion: | 10:48 |
Kamion | seb128: why doesn't python-gnome2-extras depend on the new python-gtkhtml2? not doing so seems like it'll break upgrades | 10:50 |
Kamion | or at least cause the gtkhtml module to go missing on upgrades | 10:51 |
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Kamion | mdke_: apt-get build-dep installation-guide | 10:52 |
Kamion | mdke_: in this case it wants you to install gs-common | 10:53 |
Kamion | but you'd probably better grab the lot | 10:53 |
mdke_ | Kamion: for the arches? I'm not bothered about the pdf, tbh | 10:54 |
seb128 | Kamion: because I overlooked the patch sent by janimo :/ | 10:54 |
Kamion | mdke_: then set formats='html txt' in the environment | 10:55 |
seb128 | Kamion: fixing now | 10:55 |
Kamion | it's html pdf txt by default | 10:55 |
Kamion | seb128: thanks | 10:55 |
Kamion | I NEWed it a moment ago, so the new version should sail on through | 10:55 |
seb128 | thank you for pointing it | 10:55 |
Kamion | np | 10:55 |
mdke_ | Kamion: yes, I saw that error, but didn't think it was relevant to just one arch being built | 10:56 |
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Kamion | mvo: re bug 61684, you say that the alternate installer needs to be modified. However, the alternate installer uses aptitude install ~tubuntu-desktop (etc.), not apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. Does your statement still stand? | 10:56 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 61684 in portmap "Removing any u-desktop depdencency marks all other packages for auto-removal (on alternate install)" [Undecided,Rejected] | 10:56 |
Kamion | mdke_: is set -e, so it bails out on any error | 10:56 |
Kamion | like most sensible shell scripts | 10:57 |
mdke_ | Kamion: oh, I see. Sorry, I'm not familiar with shell scripts | 10:57 |
Kamion | set -e means that commands that exit non-zero cause the whole script to terminate, unless they're "caught" (by 'if', '&&', '||', or constructs like that) | 10:58 |
mdke_ | ok! | 10:58 |
Kamion | it basically turns on a simple form of exception handling :-) | 10:58 |
mdke_ | so I do formats='html txt' architectures='amd64 hppa i386 ia64 powerpc sparc' ./ | 10:58 |
Kamion | sounds right | 10:58 |
mdke_ | ahh, yeah :) | 10:58 |
Kamion | set destination=/wherever if you want it to be somewhere other than /tmp/manual | 10:59 |
imbrandon | Kamion, can you do a giveback rebuild ? | 11:00 |
Kamion | imbrandon: no - I'm not in the launchpad-buildd-admins team | 11:00 |
mvo | Kamion: I think it does, because when I tested it for the beta all dependencies of ubuntu-desktop were marked auto-installed. | 11:00 |
imbrandon | Kamion, ahh ok | 11:00 |
Kamion | mvo: ok, I can change the installer then, but can we fix aptitude too? | 11:00 |
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mvo | Kamion: I can look at aptitude first thing in the morning. If we fix that, we don't need to fix the installer (I guess) | 11:03 |
Kamion | mvo: either works - tasksel isn't too hard to change | 11:04 |
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AlinuxOS | Kamion, when is the debian-installer translation dead-line date ? | 11:06 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: it's marked on EdgyReleaseSchedule (non-language-pack translations) | 11:07 |
mvo | Kamion: right, I think I remember the problem now. aptitude ~t goes over the tasks and finds that ubuntu-desktop is part of the task and selects it for install. this means that all (not-yet-marked-for-install) dependencies of ubuntu-desktop get marked for (auto)install | 11:07 |
Kamion | mvo: oh, ugh | 11:07 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: guess I'd better send a quick note to ubuntu-translators@ | 11:07 |
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AlinuxOS | Kamion, great | 11:09 |
=== mvo checks his aptitude theory | ||
AlinuxOS | I've another 200 string to do for debian-installer ! So great to know the deadline date. | 11:10 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: note that many of them (particularly the later ones) are unlikely to actually be incorporated, because there are 50+ component packages and I don't upload all of them at this point for translation updates | 11:11 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: those that are in ubiquity itself, I'll certainly import | 11:11 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, I hope that suspended will soved too. | 11:11 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 55966 in ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts "ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts.conf problem." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:11 |
Kamion | but for the rest, your best bet is to get the translations into Debian | 11:11 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: 55966 is nothing to do with me | 11:11 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, After debian-installer what chould I do ? Is there something non language pack pacakge | 11:11 |
AlinuxOS | something linked with debian-installer ? | 11:12 |
Kamion | gfxboot-theme-ubuntu too | 11:12 |
Kamion | also ubiquity/+translations for ubiquity's desktop file | 11:12 |
Kamion | and note that debian-installer has two templates, the other of which is the boot menu help files | 11:12 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts 0.3 failed to build from source; see | 11:13 |
Kamion | cp: cannot stat `./debian/ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts.conf': No such file or directory | 11:13 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, gfxboot-theme-ubuntu is done... Ubiquity ? | 11:13 |
Kamion | you can check for yourself :) I just incorporated all the pending translations into ubiquity 1.1.30 | 11:14 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, ok. I'll do it. | 11:14 |
AlinuxOS | mjg59, Hello, maybe here ? ;) | 11:15 |
mvo | Kamion: I think changing the installer would be a good option for now, I will look at aptitutde tomorrow, but I don't know yet how hard/easy it will be | 11:15 |
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Kamion | mvo: ok | 11:15 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, thank you for infos! | 11:15 |
Kamion | you're welcome | 11:15 |
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Kamion | good good, my big pile of changes to make usplash detect resolution correctly on initial d-i installs worked | 11:16 |
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Kamion | ... apparently I can't post to ubuntu-translators@ | 11:16 |
mdke_ | I can moderate it | 11:17 |
mdke_ | oh no I can't, we made it subscriber only... | 11:17 |
Kamion | oh, sigh | 11:17 |
Kamion | if I bounced the message to you, could you forward it for me? | 11:17 |
mdke_ | sure | 11:18 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, I think put ubiquity at second place after debian-installer is a good idea. | 11:18 |
Kamion | thanks a lot | 11:18 |
mdke_ | sorry, it was the superspam list, and hardly any genuine mails were in the queue | 11:18 |
AlinuxOS | putting ubiquity :) | 11:18 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: not my call, I don't run Rosetta | 11:18 |
Kamion | nor am I a translator, so I don't know what else is important | 11:18 |
Kamion | I'm reluctant to shout "put all my stuff FIRST kthxbye" :-) | 11:19 |
AlinuxOS | :) | 11:20 |
mdke_ | Kamion: posted | 11:20 |
Kamion | mdke_: thanks! | 11:20 |
AlinuxOS | I think that debian-installer,menu stuff and ubiquity should be at the beginning. | 11:20 |
Kamion | ubiquity isn't all that critical - the icon on the desktop should be fairly obvious even if you can't read the text | 11:21 |
Kamion | and that's all that that template controls | 11:21 |
AlinuxOS | :) | 11:21 |
Kamion | well, that and the item in the Applications menu | 11:21 |
AlinuxOS | so only menu and debian-isntaller :) | 11:21 |
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AlinuxOS | Kamion, is it normal that ubiquity has only 2 strings ? :) | 11:24 |
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Adri2000 | could any archive admin sync xmoto please, bug 64404 (uvf exception accepted), mdz Keybuk Kamion ? | 11:27 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 64404 in xmoto "Please sync xmoto 0.2.2-1 (universe) from Debian Sid" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:27 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: Yes. As I just told you, that template only handles the text on the desktop. Everything else is incorporated into the debian-installer template. | 11:27 |
Kamion | Adri2000: I'll have a look in a moment | 11:27 |
Adri2000 | thanks | 11:27 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, great. So I concentrate myself on debian-installer | 11:28 |
ajmitch | morning | 11:29 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, ...and that +50 string are Ubuntu distribution related right ? | 11:29 |
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Kamion | AlinuxOS: I don't understand your question | 11:31 |
Kamion | "+50"? | 11:31 |
AlinuxOS | I've noticed that today incrised number of strings to translate... | 11:32 |
AlinuxOS | circa 50 I think. | 11:32 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: I don't know exactly, sorry | 11:34 |
Kamion | AlinuxOS: that's because danilos imported a new version of the master translation file from me, and I think it hadn't been updated in a while | 11:34 |
Kamion | for all I know it could date from pre-UVF | 11:34 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, that's ok... I'll translate them all! :D | 11:35 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, that's really great that finally users can install Ubuntu with Georgian interface since CD-ROM boot...that's really amasing! :) | 11:36 |
AlinuxOS | I'm proud that Ubuntu is the first distribution that does it!(finally) | 11:36 |
Kamion | good to hear | 11:37 |
joejaxx | hey Kamion may i pm you? | 11:39 |
Kamion | joejaxx: please just ask the question, rather than asking to ask | 11:41 |
Kamion | joejaxx: if you'd asked last night, I'd have answered when I woke up in the morning | 11:41 |
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