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mantiena-baltixHi all01:22
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Plugnixternal: should comments on your blog provide some kind of "yes, that succeeded" notification?11:44
nixternali would think11:44
Plugmaybe I failed the maths test11:45
nixternalif it was 7x9, the script is wrong11:45
Plugits a bit over the top, isn't it?11:45
Plugthe new one is 7x6+8=11:45
nixternali need to remove it anyways..you are the 2nd person in less than 24 hours with a problem11:45
Plugthats 50, give or take11:45
nixternali was going to do trig...gladd i didn't11:45
Plugsame result11:46
Plugnothing ends up on the page11:46
Plugis it in some moderation queue?11:46
nixternalyou are considered spam11:46
nixternali lovey our comment!11:47
PlugO RLY?11:47
nixternali don't know how to reply to that11:48
nixternalthere was a reason to it, but i don't want my reply to sound sarcastic, because i want to have some fun with it11:48
nixternali thing you will enjoy the reply ;)11:54
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PlugI'm just being a pedant, one blog at a time :)12:03
nixternalget um all12:07
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