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keltorsoricyberhell86: also, do you know the exact chipset or model of your integrated wireless (or your Gateway laptop model name/number)?12:18
cyberhell86yes... give me a sec.. and i'll give it to you12:19
cyberhell86how can i see the model of my wireless :$ sorry for the question.. :(12:23
keltorsorijust gimme the model name/number of your laptop and we can find out12:24
cyberhell86ok.. it's 7330gz12:24
keltorsorilooks like its a broadcom card12:25
cyberhell86yes.. :S12:25
keltorsoritried ndiswrapper yet?12:25
keltorsoricyberhell86: try this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=broadcom12:27
cyberhell86not yet.. cuz i read the manual.. but i don't know how to use it..12:27
keltorsoricyberhell86: gotta go get some margaritas. good luck. see you later12:28
cyberhell86heheh thanks12:29
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cbx33hey ho01:58
cbx33how do I go about getting a channel registered01:58
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keltorsoriogra, you around?04:12
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keltorsorianyone else here had problems with ltsp-client-builder04:38
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keltorsorifiled a bug for ltsp-client-builder05:20
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=== nixternal runs scared
nixternalHedgeMage: im a little slow, breakdown the current svn layout for the handbook?  I want to look over some of the stuff and maybe come up with some additions07:46
=== HedgeMage hears her name and looks up
HedgeMagenixternal: Each chapter is its own docbook file.  filenames ending in .old are copied from the old cookbook and need to be updated and renamed to the same thing but without the .old at the end07:55
nixternalrock on!07:55
HedgeMagedid I remember to set you up with an SVN account yet?  The last couple of weeks are a blur...07:55
nixternalnow that i know that, i can rock and roll a little bit...working 3 documentation, no make the 4 documentation projects07:56
nixternalheh, i don't know if you did or not..didn't receive anything actually07:56
HedgeMagelet me go check then07:57
nixternalno rush..im about to head to bed anyways, thanks though07:58
HedgeMagenixternal: see /msg08:13
RichEdhi HedgeMage nixternal 08:14
nixternalhiya RichEd!08:15
RichEdnixternal: did you see my message yesterday about the alleged hacker and my offer of possibly helping with a "supervised / mentored project" ?08:16
nixternalno i didn't08:16
nixternali think Ubuntu Chicago helped him out a little bit, as it seems he will just get stuck with a suspension, and could possibly work it off his school background08:17
RichEdwell give it some thought ... if you think it will help his situation ... either personally or with the authorities08:17
HedgeMagehi RichEd 08:17
nixternalRichEd: i will definitely pass on your info, as you were actually a person I was looking forward for a response...but HedgeMage also had a good idea and we presented it as well...his acts weren't all that bad, of course he did something stupid being curious..but now the school knows the difference between hacking and cracking08:19
HedgeMageRichEd: I basically made the point that because Chicago public schools purposely slow down bright kids and allow them to learn less, he has no outlet and should be redirected to something productive like a FLOSS project08:20
HedgeMageRichEd: read /msg when you have a chance ;)08:30
=== RichEd-1 [n=richard@dsl-165-199-190.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagewb RichEd-1 08:36
HedgeMageRichEd: get my /msg before you lost your connection?08:38
RichEdnope just the 1st docbook message a few hours back08:38
HedgeMageahh okay, you missed one then08:39
nixternalHedgeMage: svn worked...the reason the xml doesn't validate is due to the current structure...i will work up something to show you..i believe there is a meeting today..13:00 my time...so i will work on something to show tomorrow hopefully08:47
RichEdgot it now :)08:47
nixternalg'nite everyone!08:47
HedgeMagenixternal: you totally rock08:47
RichEdbye nix08:47
=== HedgeMage hugs nixternal again
nixternalno, Sammy Hagar totally rocks! ;)08:47
HedgeMageRichEd: get my resend in /msg ?08:48
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RichEdhey bimberi :)09:51
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cbx33ping RichEd 10:15
RichEdhi cbx33 10:15
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bimberihey RichEd (3 hours later) and jsgotangco12:57
jsgotangcohey RichEd, cbx3312:57
RichEdbimberi ... thought you were asleep :) is it already tomorrow where you are ?12:58
cbx33i have no...."letter after o key" :(12:58
cbx33hrases like hello eole look so stuid12:59
bimberiRichEd: nope ... it was just the start of "happy hour" here dinner, bathing kids, putting to bed ... i'm sure you know what it's like12:59
RichEdoh cra cbx33 that must be retty athetic and ainful01:00
RichEdbimberi :) sure do01:00
cbx33sto taking to iss01:00
cbx33s/to/the heh01:00
cbx33I have 0 s"lao"are keyboards left01:02
=== bimberi hands cbx33 a p to copy/paste ;)
cbx33it's back w00t01:10
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jsgotangcomuahahahah it works02:26
jsgotangcoRichEd: my ultimate edubuntu killer app for PH now works bwahahhaa02:26
RichEdwell done :)02:26
RichEddoes it make edubuntu a killer or is it a killer of edubuntu ?02:27
RichEdsend details :)02:27
jsgotangcowell it does make our project useful02:27
jsgotangcoyeah i'll just package it this week02:28
jsgotangcoat least i have something working02:28
jsgotangcowill send the doc this week promise02:28
jsgotangcoif this proves to be successful at work, there goes my time for edubuntu/ubuntu :(02:30
jonathan1hey jsgotangco and RichEd 02:30
jonathan1jsgotangco: I love it when stuff works :)02:31
jsgotangcojonathan1: hey dude how's it going?02:31
jsgotangcojonathan1: well its basically a code mash up02:31
RichEdhello highjonathan :)02:31
jonathan1jsgotangco: going well thanks. everytime I just get the hang of workload it gets more though :)02:31
jsgotangcosame here02:32
jonathan1jsgotangco: but it's going better by the week02:32
RichEdback in a bit02:32
jsgotangcoim going to try and run python now in my phone02:32
jonathan1in situations like this you grow a lot, I'm very happy to be in the position I'm in. I look at shock at people who say that they are bored. I never have that luxury :)02:32
jsgotangcojonathan1: its very possible ;)02:33
jsgotangcowahaha python 2.2.202:37
=== RichEd rebooting - biab
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sbalneavMorning all04:27
RichEdhi sbalneav 04:27
juliuxhi RichEd 04:28
sbalneavMorning RichEd04:28
RichEdjuliux :)04:28
juliuxRichEd, we made pictures last weekend of the ubuntu/edubuntu booth in dresden;)04:28
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juliuxhi cbx33 04:29
RichEdGreat juliux : I have a bare bones drupal site set up to play in - kindly by cbx33 : can you mail me the pics and short summary that I can use as a test news story ?04:30
juliuxRichEd, sure04:30
cbx33RichEd: think that YouthLug radio (where we tend to talk only about ubuntu) would be something for the news page - seeing as it's done by kids?04:31
RichEdcbx33: of course - we need news for adults & kids from adults & kids04:32
jsgotangcotalk only about ubuntu?04:42
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juliuxhi bddebian 05:13
cyberhell86hey! do you know how i can make a dial-up connection with ubuntu.... but i mean I want to use my cellphone.... :S05:14
bddebianHello juliux05:15
jsgotangcocyberhell86: that's pretty tricky05:18
cyberhell86but i have to try cuz that's the only way i can use internet :S i don't have adsl at home :S05:19
cyberhell86ok.. then can u tell me where i can get a software.. to play dvds, divx and mp3 on ubuntu?05:22
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ricaneliteDoes anyone here know about Wine? or .jnlp files>05:23
RichEdcyberhell86: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/05:34
RichEdcyberhell86: you can check about cell connections with willvdl when you see him around ... he uses 3G from his notebok.05:35
RichEdricanelite: ask in #ubuntu ... that topic is not educaton specific and more people may be around to help05:36
cyberhell86ok! thanks05:36
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=== RichEd -> out for dinner with visting relatives - back for meeting in 4 hours
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sbalneavHmmm, I've posted 2 or 3 emails to the edubuntu-devel list, and they never seem to get through.  Wonder what I'm doing wrong.06:17
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sbalneavogra: Hey, I've got a Pentium 4 here with hyperthreading.  In the past, I've always installed a smp kernel, which makes /proc/cpuinfo show two processors.  Now, linux-image-generic seems to be the only installable option.  How does one get an smp kernel?  Write to something in /sys?06:24
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Amaranthsbalneav: generic is SMP but hyperthreading is disabled by default because it's a security problem07:31
Amaranthsbalneav: put ht=on in your grub kernel line and it'll work (i think that's what you put)07:31
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aladdsis it possible to set up an edubuntu login server which all clients log onto without netbooting?07:58
sbalneavAmaranth: Thx, but ht is a security problem?!08:02
sbalneavaladds: Umm, how do you mean?08:02
Amaranthsbalneav: Really only on servers (or other systems where multiple users are logged in at once)08:02
Amaranthas far as i know anyway08:03
=== sbalneav googles
aladdswell, have each computer run locally, but also allow users to log into their profiles on the server from any computer08:03
aladdsif that makes sense08:03
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sbalneavaladds: Are you just looking to share files?  Or do you want the processes to actually RUN on the other server?08:05
aladdsnah, run processes locally, to reduce server load, but people log into their account on the server from the client08:05
aladdsdoes that make sense?08:06
sbalneavProbably the best bet would be to set up network authentication via LDAP, and simply share the /home dir out via nfs.08:07
lucasvoaladds: that's not the purpose of ltsp. but ldap/nfs or samba are tools allowing this08:07
sbalneavThat way, anyone can log in on any box, and get their home dir.08:07
aladdsi didnt know that08:07
lucasvoit's great08:07
aladdsi know windows clients can do it via samba, but i dont want to use windows clients08:07
lucasvoaladds: there are some very good openldap tutorials out there08:08
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nixternalHedgeMage: ok, directory structure on the svn could be an issue. are you ok with setting it up like this08:30
nixternalroot directory08:30
nixternalbuild/ libs/ images/ handbook/08:30
nixternalbuild is an empty directory that would only be filled when HTML and PDF is built via a Makefile08:30
nixternalimages is for images ;)08:30
nixternallibs/ would hold the entity files, xsl templates, and css files08:31
HedgeMagenixternal: Yes, go for it.  What we had is made from what was auto-generated from the wiki when we were working there.08:31
nixternalhandbook/ would be all of hte handbook XML files08:31
HedgeMagenixternal: I bow to your expertise in the matter :)08:31
nixternalok..i will hack the structure, setup a Makefile, and then work on a validation script08:31
=== HedgeMage smooches nixternal
HedgeMageyou totally rock08:31
HedgeMageYou have no idea how much you have lowered my stress level this week.08:31
HedgeMageSeriously, this has been looming over me for weeks, and I just didn't have time to site down and learn docbook well enough to fix this awful tangle.08:32
nixternalhehe, no problem...the validation will come with time, but at least their will be a workable structure08:33
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HedgeMagehi highvoltage 08:50
highvoltageHi HedgeMage08:50
=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
=== mode/#edubuntu [-o highvoltage] by highvoltage
highvoltageHedgeMage: do you live somewhere in the desert now?08:51
HedgeMagehighvoltage: Nope, I'm in Washington State... how come?08:52
highvoltageHedgeMage: I don't know, for some reason I had the idea that you moved to some desert, but I couldn't figure out where I got that idea from, so I thought I'd check :)08:53
=== cyberhell86 [i=djrh@] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMageNo desert here :)08:53
cyberhell86does somebody has a diulp conexion? 08:55
cyberhell86*dial up08:55
=== aladds has shitty ADSL, it's about as fast :P
HedgeMagecyberhell86: not I, but I've worked with linux and dialup before, so if you need help, let me know :)08:56
cyberhell86thanks.. this is my problem... I dont have adsl..so i need to use my cellphone to get online.. 08:58
=== HedgeMage nods
HedgeMageHow does the cellphone interface with the computer?08:59
cyberhell86so.. i'm trying to creat a dial up.. but i don't know how to do it.. cuz it doesn't even recognize the cellphone modem :S08:59
cyberhell86i'm sure it recognize it... because.. the cellphone starts charging.. so that mean that there link is ok.. because.. when i plug it on a pc without the drivers... it doesn't even charge09:00
HedgeMagecyberhell86: does it connect by USB?  Serial port? ethernet? give me a clue here...09:01
highvoltagecyberhell86: which phone09:01
cyberhell86motorola v360 it's a gprs one09:02
highvoltagecyberhell86: you should be able to do a 'sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf'09:02
highvoltagethen edit /etc/wvdial.conf with the phone numbers, etc.09:02
=== HedgeMage bows to highvoltage's superior cellphone experience.
highvoltageI've used a V360 many times to connect to the Internet in linux09:02
highvoltageHedgeMage: :)09:02
HedgeMagecool :)09:03
cyberhell86really!!! :D pls pls explain me.. i'm gonna try the 'sudo  wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf' now.. to se if it works09:03
highvoltagecyberhell86: when you edit wvdial.conf, the phone number should usually be *99#, and the password and username must be equal to ''09:03
highvoltagecyberhell86: ok09:03
cyberhell86but uhmm.. can i edit it if i'm running the ubuntu with the livecd? :S09:03
highvoltagecyberhell86: what's really cool is, the V360 supports EDGE, so if your network supports EDGE, it's about 4 times the speed than usual GPRS :)09:03
highvoltagecyberhell86: yes, you can edit it09:04
highvoltagecyberhell86: but your changes will be lost when you reboot09:04
cyberhell86really.... my network supports edge..  :D i hope it gets faster...09:04
cyberhell86ok.. i just wanna be sure.. to be able to make the dial up connection... then i will completely move from windows to ubuntu09:05
cyberhell86my other question is the audio problem :S09:05
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HedgeMagecyberhell86: what problem are you having?09:07
HedgeMageno audio at all?09:07
HedgeMage(And if soo, what sound card/chipset is involved?)09:07
cyberhell86uhmm.. good question... i got a gateway laptop :S 7330 gz :S09:09
cyberhell86let me see fot eh audio chip.. give me a sec09:09
cyberhell86i'm tryin to make the 'sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf' but i get  command not found :S09:12
highvoltagecyberhell86: I think wvdial might not be on the live cd :/09:16
cyberhell86shit! :S09:17
cyberhell86ok.. then i'll try to fix it later... then can u tell me how to fix the sound problem.. cuz i don't have any audio at all :s09:18
cyberhell86do u think i can instal ubuntun on a 3gb partition/09:21
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highvoltagecyberhell86: yep, 3GB is enough09:25
HedgeMagecyberhell86: that is plenty of space09:25
highvoltageyou won't have much space for data, but it's certainly enough space to play around in.09:25
cyberhell86ok.. i'm gonna try.....09:25
HedgeMagecyberhell86: as long as you don't have tons of photos or other data09:25
HedgeMageyay :)09:25
cyberhell86i'll us an external hd for data :D does linux reads fat32?09:26
HedgeMagecyberhell86: it can.09:26
cyberhell86uff :D ok.... after installing it.. I just need to make the sudo 'wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf'? right?09:27
LaserJockhmm, are we still on for an edubuntu meeting today?09:29
nixternalhiya LaserJock09:30
LaserJockhi nixternal 09:30
nixternali just started setting up the Handbook svn...just committed a huge chunk, with the same dir structure we are used to with docs currently09:31
LaserJocknixternal: you're doing it in the Doc Team repo?09:32
nixternal? fonts <- i cannot get this bugger to add09:32
nixternalno LaserJock, they have their own repo09:32
nixternali don't know the entire situation with the ubuntu svn repo and the edubuntu handbook repo..they were kept seperate either for a reason, or it never got added to our repos09:33
HedgeMageWe were supposed to start committing stuff from our repo to theirs so eventually more docteam members would have docteam repo commit access...09:33
HedgeMage...but I put off doing that since our docbook was so totally borked it is emarrassing.09:34
highvoltagecyberhell86: once you've finished with the wvdialconf, you'll be able to dial up using the 'wvdial' command09:34
highvoltageLaserJock: yes, edubuntu meeting is on agaik09:34
highvoltageRichEd won't be able to make it, he has sent apologies.09:35
LaserJockI'm not sure if I'll be there for all of it09:35
LaserJockmy boss and I are making a little video of the lab today09:35
LaserJockas we are having a Chemistry Open House09:35
=== pygi [n=mario@83-131-91-78.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageI think it's basically going to be ogra giving a tech update. I don't think it's going to be a long or even complicated meeting.09:35
pygihello everyone09:36
cyberhell86how do i use it? :$ sorry i'm just a beginner :(09:36
highvoltagehello mr pygi 09:36
HedgeMagehi pygi :)09:36
LaserJockwe should start a list of "Specs we want to see" soon09:36
pygiergh, /me doesn't like the sound of spec anymore :(09:36
HedgeMagecyberhell86: does it connect by USB?09:36
highvoltagecyberhell86: no problem. once you've edited wvdial.conf all you need to type is wvdial to dial up. when you're done with the connection, you press ctrl+c and it will hang up again09:36
LaserJockHedgeMage: don't worry about borked docbook, nobody will mind too much ;-)09:37
HedgeMageoh sorry thought you meant the hd09:37
HedgeMageLaserJock: nixternal is unborking it for us :)09:37
cyberhell86yes it's an usb one... :D ok thanks09:37
highvoltageHedgeMage: most of the new Motorola phones have a standard USB port, that you use to charge the phone, use as a mass storage device, Internet, and for headsets / external speakers :)09:37
highvoltageit's quite cool.09:37
nixternali was responding to my angry blog readers ;)09:42
HedgeMagesorry, TT is "helping" me type :)09:42
nixternaljeesh...everything is going on right now09:43
nixternalhahaha..GO TT!!!!09:43
nixternalLaserJock: what is your view on the current Handbook and svn thing?  If we move it to Ubuntu docs, you and I are the only ones with current access to the svn server09:44
nixternalhowever, if we keep it where it is currently, then we need to follow the ubuntu doc repo structure, just in case it moves09:45
nixternalim making myself all kinds of work ;)09:45
HedgeMagenixternal: the hope is to eventually get it into the main doc repo09:48
HedgeMagenixternal: the current repo is a stopgap measure09:48
nixternalok..then i need to do some structure tweaking..not much though09:48
LaserJocknixternal: I think we need to get it into the doc team repo09:49
=== nixternal puts on the brakes
sbalneavThere a meeting going on in #ubuntu-meeting?09:49
nixternal10 minutes i believe sbalneav09:49
LaserJockat least so HedgeMage and pygi can become doc team members :-)09:49
nixternalim not even a doc team member09:49
nixternalnobody wants me09:49
pygisbalneav, ping? :)09:50
LaserJocknixternal: whatever, talk with mdke about that09:50
sbalneavpygi: pong09:50
sbalneavSaw your mail.09:50
pygisbalneav, you got my mail?09:50
pygioki :'(09:50
sbalneavAny change in the situation?09:50
HedgeMageLaserJock: I'm already a doc team member, I just don't have SVN access.09:51
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pygisbalneav, no, not really :(09:52
pygiHedgeMage, you are just edubuntu doc member, same as me :)09:52
willvdlevening all09:53
HedgeMagepygi: really? then I've lost my mind.09:53
pygihey willvdl 09:53
HedgeMage(not surprising, really)09:53
pygisbalneav, I'm very very very very sad :(09:54
nixternaledubuntu teams have the cool icons in launchpad i have noticed09:55
LaserJockdarn, no lunch for me09:55
sbalneavpygi: No worries, we can chit chat during the thing via irc. :)09:55
HedgeMagepygi, LaserJock: Ahh, I found it... I'm a member of Ubuntu WikiTeam, which is a member of Docteam... not really the same thing09:55
HedgeMagelol nixternal 09:55
highvoltageevenin' willvdl 09:56
nixternalargh, i have to much computer stuff here...2 keyboards and 2 mice, i tend to get lost09:56
willvdlif you were an octopus god, you could probably pull it off09:56
=== grahamldlw [n=grahamld@host81-7-39-133.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
grahamldlwhey everyone09:57
grahamldlwi fixed my problem about not being able to install linux! i accidentally deleted windows and now it works :D09:57
pygisbalneav, perhaps, but I feel very bad09:57
pygiespecially 'cause ogra will eat me :(09:57
rodarvusthere was no advance saying on #edubuntu this time, but we have an Edubuntu meeting in two minutes :)09:58
highvoltagehey grahamldlw 09:58
rodarvusogra, RichEd: are you online?] 09:59
=== cbx33 [n=c389721f@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograrodarvus, sure09:59
grahamldlwoh pete i fixed my ubuntu problem :D09:59
cbx33nice ;)09:59
cbx33meeting tonight ?09:59
grahamldlwi accidentally deleted windows and now it works :D09:59
sbalneavHey ogra!09:59
cbx33grahamldlw: hahah !09:59
rodarvusdang, phone call. I'll be right back09:59
cbx33for the better...you'd better have made that backup09:59
grahamldlwformatted completly and i forget to back up :(10:00
pygicbx33, please  auth yourself, thanks :)10:00
highvoltagehey cbx33 10:00
grahamldlw7 yrs of work gone :(10:00
cbx33pygi: done10:00
cbx33hi highvoltage 10:00
grahamldlwit had an UNDO button!!! it lied!10:00
highvoltagegrahamldlw: one word: backups :)10:00
cbx33grahamldlw: well....Idid TELL you to make a backup10:00
grahamldlwi know and i was thinking about it, but it was too much effort to get from ubuntu to windows and back10:00
grahamldlwleast i dont have to make that journey now :D10:01
cbx33well.....I guess it made that choice for you10:01
ogralets start i'd say 10:01
highvoltagehey ogra 10:01
cbx33ogra: sounds good10:01
nixternalwho is buying lunch?10:01
nixternali forgot to eat10:01
=== ogra looks for RichEd
grahamldlwi need windows tho, im hoping my restore section thats there will let me do it, but i cant get to it10:01
cbx33grahamldlw: if you're interested.....join #ubuntu-meeting....10:01
HedgeMagenixternal: /msg?10:01
cbx33we're having our weekly meeting10:01
LaserJockRichEd: is not going to make it, dinner with in-laws10:01
ograah, k10:01
cbx33argh...I needed to speak to him too10:01
nixternalcan you /msg me a cheeseburger HedgeMage ;)10:01
cbx33hey LaserJock 10:01
LaserJockhi cbx33 10:02
pygihello ogra :'(10:02
HedgeMagenixternal: Food Transfer Protocol?10:02
nixternalooh i like that10:02
cbx33Fast Food Transfer Protocol10:02
nixternali need to blog that before Mako gets a hold of it ;)10:02
cbx335 Cheese Burgers per second10:02
ograwell, not much from the tech side today, i fixed up syslogging, so the thin clients log to the servers logfiles, and extra for highvoltage ....10:02
ograi added the IP to ldm's bottom bar ;)10:02
cbx33ogra: here....? - or in #ubuntumeeting :p10:03
pips1hey ogra, you are talking in the wrong channel :)10:03
highvoltageogra: ooh :)10:03
grahamldlwcbx33: i still have my recovery portion of the partition on it, if i can system restore or get to that recovery part, can that undo a formatting?10:03
ografun, sorry10:03
cbx33grahamldlw: yes, but you won;t get your data back !10:03
gnomefreakogra: did you ever get around to uploading the screensaver fix on webcollage and the other one (cant think of other one that was reported)10:04
grahamldlwdamn! i had irreplacable information and pictures on there!, oook just as well i got my back up system sorted on this one now tho, i still need to get windows back on here somehow tho10:04
cbx33grahamldlw: well.....it is easier to install windows first then ubuntu10:05
grahamldlwi gathered that but i changed the whole of the partitions system file type from ntfs to fat3210:06
cbx33you can't convert back10:06
grahamldlwcuz it wudent let me resize ntsf10:06
cbx33I thought it did convert ntfs ok?10:07
grahamldlwthats why it came up with that error again and again10:07
cbx33i mean resize10:07
grahamldlwno it dosent let u resize10:07
grahamldlwonly shrink or grow10:07
grahamldlwbut it says it wont let u resize or move10:07
cbx33ah....well you can resize and ntfs partition10:08
grahamldlwtheres a lil box u can get up which tells u which one can10:08
cbx33using a utility called ntfsresize10:08
grahamldlwbit late....10:08
grahamldlwu wernt on so i did it anyway10:08
cbx33but that doesn't come by default cos it is a _little_ risky10:08
grahamldlwi told u i needed supervision10:08
grahamldlwthis is the second time i broke my pc10:08
grahamldlwat least i got 33.5gb of space for ubuntu atm lol10:09
=== cafuego [n=cafuego@] has joined #edubuntu
grahamldlwim gonna have to get windows back on it soon, any programs and stuff u think i shud get or anythin u think i shud do?10:09
grahamldlwconsidering this is a fresh ubuntu! barely even able to withstand on it's own yet10:09
grahamldlwdunno where the with came from but still...10:10
cbx33grahamldlw: well.....as I said....you can install windows as the second OS10:13
cbx33have you left any space for it?10:13
grahamldlwyeh i only took about 10 gb for ubuntu the rest is unassosiacted or however it's spelt10:15
grahamldlwbut still, what kinda programs and where wud i get them from for ubuntu, and it's also not letting me write stuff in on the terminal asks for a password10:15
cbx33?free? :p10:15
grahamldlwbut i cant type it in10:15
=== spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33you shouldbe able to type on a terminal10:17
cbx33without having to put apassword in10:17
grahamldlwwhere do i put the password in?10:18
grahamldlwi did that10:18
grahamldlwand it asked for a password10:18
grahamldlwgrahamldlw@grahamldlw-desktop:~$ sudo apt-cache search flash10:18
cbx33when it says password type your password in10:19
cbx33it is because you have put sudo in front10:19
grahamldlwwhich means?10:19
cbx33for apt-cache you do not need to use sudo10:19
grahamldlwi thought i had to?10:19
cbx33that can be run as normal user10:19
cbx33do man sudo and read actually what it does10:19
grahamldlwisnt it for superuser or somethin tho?10:20
grahamldlwwhat am i? im the only user!10:20
cbx33so if you need to run a command as superuser....like install apps using apt-get...you need sudo infront10:20
cbx33no there is always a superuser on the system10:20
cbx33you never login as it directly 10:20
cbx33(well you can but i's not the way ubuntu works)10:20
cbx33so you use sudo to ask permission to run the following command as root (superuser)10:21
grahamldlwoh and doing it without sudo dosent do anything, it just starts a new blank line10:21
cbx33well if you try to run a command that needs superuser access withoutit......it will complain10:21
cbx33do...apt-get install nmap10:22
cbx33and see it will complain10:22
cbx33then do sudo apt-get install nmap10:22
cbx33and it will work10:22
grahamldlwit asks if im root10:22
grahamldlwbut if u do that cache thing without sudo infront it dosent acctually do anything10:22
cbx33so you were trying to run it as a normal user10:22
cbx33it should do...10:22
grahamldlwit just skips a line and dosent write anything10:22
cbx33if it comes up with nothing10:22
cbx33it means it found nothing10:22
cbx33you want the flash plugins for firefox?10:23
grahamldlwit is apt-cache search etc?10:23
grahamldlwyeh, and the linux messenger for msn10:23
cbx33well...you already have that ...GAIM is the msn messenger10:23
cbx33it's in your menu already10:23
grahamldlwno not gaim, a different one10:24
cbx33to get flash...just goto a site which has flash...like www.adobe.com...I think...and it will ask you to click to install...that works fine ;)10:24
cbx33grahamldlw: AMSN?10:24
cbx33sudo apt-get install amsn10:25
cbx33if it fails I'll help you out...I'll know what's wrong10:25
grahamldlwgrahamldlw@grahamldlw-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install amsn10:25
lucasvograhamldlw: your user password10:25
grahamldlwdosent let me type anything it10:25
lucasvograhamldlw: it does10:26
grahamldlwSorry, try again.10:26
lucasvobut you don't see it10:26
grahamldlwi can type but nothing comes up on the screen10:26
lucasvojust type it and press enter10:26
grahamldlwi can type fine before that line comes up10:26
lucasvothat's ok10:26
lucasvoit is normal that you don't see anything10:26
grahamldlwit did it10:26
lucasvo(security risk)10:26
cbx33yeh...it doesn't echo your password to the screen10:27
grahamldlwbut didnt acctually find what it was looking for anyway10:27
cbx33we should put something prominant about that somewhere10:27
grahamldlwdo i have to type it in everytime?10:27
cbx33the numebr of times that question gets asked10:27
cbx33not every time10:27
cbx33it stores it for a while10:27
cbx33not sure10:28
cbx33but it forgets it agaoin.....security feature10:28
grahamldlwit cant find msn on that cache thing at all10:29
cbx33ie if you left your machine...and someone else typed sudo....ARGH...they have admin access10:29
cbx33grahamldlw: ok10:29
cbx33I can tell you why10:29
cbx33you don;t have the universe repos setup10:29
grahamldlwwhich is?10:29
cbx33the software you download is stored int these repos10:29
grahamldlwso how do i set them?10:29
grahamldlwthis is alot harder then i anticipated10:30
cbx33what's the third menu atthe top10:30
grahamldlwthen it has preferences, admin etc in system10:31
cbx33ok...in one of those...is software sources10:31
grahamldlwsoftware properties?10:32
grahamldlwthen what do i change?10:33
grahamldlwtheres alot of community maintained ones unclicked10:34
cbx33click then universe one10:34
cbx33then ok and try again10:34
grahamldlwfor which one theres about 3 different universe ones10:34
cbx33there is multiverse10:35
cbx33and universe10:35
cbx33tick em all :p10:35
grahamldlwit's just quickly upgrading current information about them10:36
cbx33yes it will do10:36
grahamldlwnow i clicked all them will that list of programs on the add/remove be bigger?10:37
grahamldlwand it's currently installing amsn btw10:38
nixternalLaserJock: im talking with mdke about the handbook and doc repos and you are no where around ;)10:38
cbx33good job grahamldlw 10:38
grahamldlwyay! is that list gonna be bigger for programs on add/remove now?10:39
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
=== cbx33 thinkgs grahamldlw is having ubuntu fun :p
grahamldlwmiss anything? oh i thought i sensed talk about me10:44
grahamldlwhaha this msn plays a guitar chord wen someons logs in and i have like 500 contacts so it sounds like a wierd attempt at a song lol10:45
grahamldlwi dont get how the file structure of this works tho10:45
grahamldlwwhere to save things and stuff10:45
cbx33grahamldlw: ok - I can tell you about that...10:46
cbx33but not right now eh :p - in meeting and very tired10:46
grahamldlwyeh another time, altho i think im gonna have an awful lot of time to learn how to use this considering i dont have any alternative atm10:47
cbx33grahamldlw: as I said today.....that' sthe best way10:47
grahamldlwforced into using ubuntu, there was me thinkin i was gonna be eased in, but no complete force!10:47
cbx33best wayt :p10:48
grahamldlwand i have a penguin as my display picture10:48
cbx33I'm off for awhile10:50
cbx33see ya later grahamldlw 10:50
sbalneavWatch as I seamlessly transition from #ubuntu-meeting to #edubuntu in a stunning display of tabbed-chatting prowess.11:08
=== crimsun [n=crimsun@dargo.trilug.org] has joined #edubuntu
=== mario_ [n=mario@83-131-68-146.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
nixternalalrighty, after some conversation with LaserJock and mdke, we can move the handbook over to the Ubuntu Documentation repo11:15
nixternalone downfall to this is...11:15
nixternalare you ready?11:15
=== mario_ [n=mario@83-131-68-146.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
nixternalcurrent users will have to submit patches until you can get svn access to it11:15
nixternalso..with that said, feelings?  ideas?  comments?  questions which I may or may not be able to answer?  complaints? ;)11:16
pips1highvoltage: ping11:16
ograpips1, i think he went to bed11:16
pips1so EC is considering edubuntu member applications next week?11:16
pips1I wonder if I should apply...11:17
ograsure you should :)11:17
pips1but who will vote for me?!11:17
nixternali would ;)11:17
nixternalbut i can't11:17
ogramake a wikipage that talks about you and lists your contributiuons and apply for the edubuntu-members team11:17
ograpips1, i think there are some people :11:18
nixternalim an ubuntu and kubuntu member seeking edubuntu love ;)11:18
ogranixternal, and ? 11:18
pips1well, my wiki page is a big of a disorganised shambles11:18
ogranixternal, why should we deny membership ?11:18
ograpips1, get it in order then, you have one week ;)11:18
nixternali was pokin' some fun11:18
ograand dont forget to put yourself on the agenda11:19
pips1ogra: hehe11:19
=== pips1 looks for the agenda wiki page
nixternalogra: i think once i do some work around here, i will join your gang ;)11:20
=== pips1 found the agenda page
ogranixternal, cool 11:21
pips1heh, ogra, you are editing the agenda page... 11:22
pips1I got a conflict warning11:22
ograjust saving11:22
ografeel free to edit :)11:22
pips1r u done now11:22
=== ogra does the (hopefully) last ltsp upload for edgy ...
sbalneavOkay boys'n'girls!11:25
=== mario_ [n=mario@83-131-68-146.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavI'm heading home for the day!11:25
=== mario_ [n=mario@83-131-68-146.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavI'll be on later tonight, see you all then.11:25
pips1ogra: at what time do you recon will the next daily build be done? within the hour? or later?11:25
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu
ograits always around 0:00 UTC11:26
cbx33ogra, do you want that gdm splash tonight?11:26
ogradepending on the load it can take longer (up to 1:00 am)11:26
ogracbx33, the gnome splash ? tomorrow morning would be nice11:26
cbx33lisa will do it now then ;)11:27
ografreeze should take place at 15:00 UTC11:27
ograand i need to solve the progressbasr stuff before11:27
cbx33right ok11:27
cbx33are there anyt other changes11:27
cbx33and what image do yo uwant me to grab to install?11:27
ogranot from my side yet11:27
ograthe lastest install CD indeed11:27
cbx33how likely/difficult are changes after freeze tomorrow?11:27
cbx33ogra, ok np11:27
ogratesting live is also fine, but my highest prio is i386 install11:28
cbx33I'm getting it now11:28
ograif that one's ok i usually move on via amd64 to ppc ...11:28
cbx33there is only an 11 build for edubuntu11:28
cbx33is that ok?11:28
cbx33not 11.111:28
pips1cbx33: as far as I understood, the build that will be available from around 0:00 - 1:00 UTC will be best for our testing efforts...11:30
cbx33ah....hmmm ok11:30
pips1I mean *after* around 0:00 - 1:00 UTC11:30
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockgrrr, by computer hates me11:31
cbx33aww....we love you LaserJock 11:32
pips1ogra, question: using rysnc and then burning an iso from that and test is ok, no? or should I actually download the "ready-made" iso image that is available from the web page?11:32
LaserJockfor some reason my internet connection drops11:32
cbx33are the nvidia drivers broken in i386?11:32
ograpips1, rsync is fine and saves bandwith11:32
LaserJockbut when I reboot it's all good11:32
=== ogra is off for the day
cbx33nn ogra 11:35
cbx33great work my man :p11:35
pips1cbx33: highvoltage said he will change that png with transparency, right?11:36
pips1did we come to a conclusion about it?11:37
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33ok sure11:38
grahamldlwhey u there?11:41
grahamldlwi got aload of .tar.gz files and a .run file and dunno what to do wiv em11:41
cbx33hey grahamldlw 11:42
cbx33where did you get them and what are you trying to do (tbh if this is non-edubuntu specific you should join #ubuntu)11:42
grahamldlwthere joined it, but theres 900 somethin users lol11:43
cbx33I'll be there11:43
grahamldlwy does ur name appear in yellow every now and then?11:44
cbx33cos I'm saying your name11:45
cbx33it's highlighting it for you11:45
pips1I just started rsyncing... I wonder what I rsyncs to, when the iso image changes half way through the process?!11:46
cbx33pips1, heheh11:47
cbx33my VM is all ready for tomorrows install ;)11:47
cbx33this sux11:47
cbx33as I have to goto work...so I'll have limited time to test the latest iso11:47
cbx33I'm gonna test current11:47
cbx33hope that's gonna be ok11:48
pips1gladly, I can devote some time to testing tomorrow...11:48
pips1last testing round we also had jsgotanco to help.. he is surely missed :)11:49
cbx33and me11:49
cbx33I tested a lot too :011:49
pips1I remember :)11:49
pips1you have been a busy bee ever since!11:50
cbx33indeed I have ;)11:50
pips1I'm amazed by all the effort you (and others) can put in...11:50
cbx33well.....that's what happens when you have no real social life...and you're wife is a freelance webdesigner who generally works evenings11:51
pips1I haven't been able to do nealy as much... but I try to be there at least at the right time :)11:51
cbx33pips1, you do amazing11:54
cbx33I'm looking forward to how this webstuff is all gonna take off11:54
cbx33lisa is pretty excited too11:54
pips1unfortunately, my wife has a 8-5 job (well, 8-8, sometimes), so she goes to sleep early.. and get's up much earlier than me :-/11:55
pips1I'm looking forward to build a great community site too :)11:56
cbx33yeh its gonna be excellent11:58
grahamldlwsee even other ppl are gettin frustrated with this problem of mine lol11:58
cbx33pips1, he's in #ubuntu12:01
lucasvohi pips1 12:01
pips1hey lucasvo12:01
pips1cbx33: ah, ic12:01
lucasvobtw, currently someone working on the webpage?12:01
cbx33I didn't see the end of the meeting12:02
lucasvochange the link: Shipit: Order CDs -> Shipit: Order FREE Cds12:02
pips1lucasvo: ah12:02
pips1right, hmm. good suggestion12:02
pips1lucasvo: you have an account in drupal!12:03
lucasvolucasvo: yes...12:04
lucasvobut I don't remember my pw12:04
pips1It happens to the best of us ;-)12:04
lucasvoI need a place to store pws outside of my brain12:04
pips1I really need to get myself a password safe, i.e. a palm or smth12:05
cbx33or a newton :p12:05
lucasvomy blackberry has this sort of thing but... I don't regulary backup my BB. So if I loose it, I'd be screwed12:05
cbx33blimey this VM is fast12:06
pips1does the memory of the blackberry get wiped when the battery dies?12:06
cbx33I'm half way through LTSP install already12:06
pips1lucasvo: ?12:07
lucasvopips1: what?12:07
lucasvopips1: no12:07
lucasvopips1: but i already lost one12:07
lucasvoand if someone enters the pw 10times wrong, it deletes itself12:08
pips1you told me you lost a mobile already12:08
lucasvoyes, the blackberry12:08
pips1I take it you are someone who looses pocket devices all the time, then, eh ;-)12:08
lucasvoand I bought a new one12:08
lucasvopips1: no...12:09
lucasvopips1: I lost one blackberry in my life12:09
lucasvoit's hte only pocketdevice I lost12:09
=== pips1 pulls lucasvo's leg
lucasvobut the problem is, I can't sync my bb with linux so I don't do backups12:09
lucasvopips1: btw, any news on envol?12:10
lucasvo(the french app)12:10
pips1yeah, for me, the syncing-to-linux is also high on the wishlist for a pda device...12:10
pips1I met the producer at the education conference12:11
lucasvopips1: get yourself one which runs linux12:11
pips1producer "auftraggeber"12:11
lucasvopips1: and what did he say?12:11
pips1he only said that at the time, doing a cross platform applicatoin meant doing win and mac...12:12
lucasvowell, I think it shouldn't be that hard to port it to linux12:12
lucasvomaybe a team of developers could get access to it under NDA12:12
lucasvoand port it 12:12
pips1he says that most newer edu cd-rom apps are done in flash, rather than director12:12
pips1which is slightly better12:13
pips1still, I can use most recent flash movies (later than flash7), which sucks12:14
lucasvopips1: why?12:14
lucasvowith the proprietary flash plugin?12:14
=== pips1 checks about:plugins
pips1File name: libflashplayer.so12:15
pips1Shockwave Flash 7.0 r6312:15
pips1I installed that via synaptic, I think12:15
pips1is that the proprietary one, or the open source lib?12:16
grahamldlwwheres cbx33 gone? he still about?12:16
cbx33yeh I'm here12:16
cbx33a little busy12:16
cbx33going now12:18
cbx33tired ;)12:18
pips1cbx33: you mentioned earlier that you can install the latest flash player via adobe's web-installer... that didn't use to work for me..?!12:18
pips1darn, I just missed him12:18

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