
mdzBenC: hmm, it seems to drop an e1000_reset call, wonder if that's OK12:12
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BenCmdz: in e1000_set_settings?12:14
jdongseb128: is there anything gnomeish in /etc/X11/Xsession.d that could possibly mess with DPMS settings?12:14
BenCmdz: That's all ethtool stuff, probably doesn't even come in the play with this use case12:15
seb128jdong: what is your issue?12:15
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jdongseb128: when running KDE with gnome installed, DPMS timeouts seem to multiply by 6012:15
jdongseb128: thatis, seconds turn into minutes12:15
jdongseb128: everyone who has the problem appears to have GNOME installed12:16
mdzBenC: any idea why it gets rid of the watchdog task?12:16
jdongand from what we can tell, KDE is doing the restore correctly.. but something later on is overridding it12:16
seb128jdong: not that I know, do they use gdm?12:16
BenCmdz: According to the comments in the commit, it is replaced with a non-scheduled task12:16
jdongseb128: I do, and I see the problem12:16
seb128jdong: might be gdm doing something with it12:16
jdongseb128: hmm, interesting idea12:16
Lurejdong: I use kdm12:17
seb128dunno then12:17
jdongLure: do you want to sacrifice your Xsession.d to experimentation?12:17
mdzBenC: doesn't make much sense to me12:17
jdongLure: that is, move it somewhere else, make a new one only with displayconfig-restore12:17
mdzBenC: the patch seems to have 3 more or less independent parts, maybe we can narrow it down12:18
mdzthe _reinit_locked stuff, irq request/release, and the watchdog12:19
BenCmdz: The one part I wonder about is this:12:19
BenC+       while (test_and_set_bit(__E1000_RESETTING, &adapter->flags))12:19
BenC+               msleep(1);12:19
BenCmdz: That has to do with timers, which would seem to be a likely trigger for our problem12:21
mdzit does the same thing as _reinit_locked12:21
mdzBenC: what's the first arg to test_and_set_bit?  is it supposed to be a bit position or a mask?12:21
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BenCmdz: That's an interesting question, because that is an enum, and so one of the values is 0x0, which is not a bit at all12:22
mdzyeah, that seems ot be valid though12:23
BenCmdz: let me try the full 2.6.18 with those enums as bit values12:23
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mdzI see other test_and_set_bit(0, ...) elsewhere in the kernel12:23
BenCoh, wait12:23
BenCno, that's valid12:23
BenCit's a but number, not a mask12:23
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mdzBenC: could something else be modifying adapter->flags?12:24
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BenCmdz: Give this a try: 1eec6078ecea6a3cead2e9f35820a1fa12:27
BenCmdz: That's stock edgy kernel, minus all the adapter->flags fiddling12:27
BenCwe'll take this one at a time12:28
mdzBenC: broke on the second try, but not quite in the usual way12:29
mdzactually first try12:29
mdzlet me do a fresh boot12:29
mdzoh, flags is new, so no other code would be touching it12:30
BenCwell, it's based on broken source, so if removing flags didn't fix things, then it isn't the culprit12:30
BenCLet's try the reinit change12:30
mdzBenC: yeah, this one won't suspend at all12:31
mdzworse than stock edgy12:31
shiningdid anything change recently in edgy kernel about cpufreq (centrino driver)?12:31
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mdzI'm suspicious of the irq changes12:34
shiningmdz: for suspend or cpufreq?12:35
mdzshining: the e1000 problem that BenC and I are working on12:36
shiningah ok. that doesn't seem to be easy :p good luck12:37
BenCmdz: next: ee221a06d71530fee7faa6f0371db2cb12:40
BenCmdz: This is stock edgy, with just the reinit_locked parts reverted12:40
BenCI'm not so sure how well that's going to work12:40
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shiningI'm sure speedstep-centrino worked fine before on my core duo laptop. but now it doesn't even load anymore (no such device). too bad I stopped using it, so I can't know if it stopped working after a kernel update12:41
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mdzBenC: panics in the familiar way12:42
BenCmdz: next: dcfe691b1e2a4888ff792cbe97329f3812:44
BenCmdz: This one re-adds the watchdog timer12:44
mdzBenC: only?12:47
BenCmdz: Right12:47
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BenCI'm reverting back to stock edgy for each of these12:47
mdzdoing the reboot dance12:49
mdz1x OK12:51
mdzcrash on 3x12:52
mdzblank screen, flashing caps lock12:52
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BenCmdz: Let me investigate this change a bit...I got a fresh cup of coffee12:53
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mdzBenC: how about we try backing out the irq changes?  I mailed you a diff12:58
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mdznm, I can build it here and try01:00
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mdzBenC: ack, the diff you sent me is word-wrapped01:05
BenCmdz: you have git?01:05
BenCmdz: If so: git-diff-tree -p 2db10a081c5c1082d58809a1bcf1a6073f4db160 > temp.diff01:05
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mdzBenC: yep, thanks01:06
AlinuxOSmdz, good evening or good night (I don't know your location) ;)01:06
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RiddellKamion: the language packs don't get added to the meta packages any more?01:08
AlinuxOSI've just mailed a letter, my problem is explained there...please check when you've some free time. Thank you in advance.01:09
mdzBenC: backing out the irq hunks gives me something which seems to work. 5x and counting01:18
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AlinuxOSmdz, thank you for tempestive response, also sorry my for my stupid question but I don't know what should I do in this case ?01:21
BenCmdz: try this: 371c320808c3aebadd6379c4ba8d6caf01:22
BenCmdz: That pretty much does the same thing, but with less changes (leaves the request/free functions, but moved them back to where they used to be called)01:23
mdzBenC: looking good, 3x and counting01:24
mdzBenC: I'm satisfied01:26
`anthonydoko_: Older Ubuntu releases need a security update release (whatever you call them) for Python 2.3 to pull in PSF-2006-001. You distribute a UCS-4 build - this is vulnerable to a buffer overrun.01:27
BenCmdz: Now the real question, stock edgy + this diff, or 2.6.18 e1000 plus this diff?01:27
mdzBenC: edgy01:27
mdzminimum changes to fix this regression01:27
BenCmdz: Ok, I sent you a copy of the diff01:28
BenCcommiting and marking the bug01:28
doko_`anthony: replied by email: afaik, we do. I'll recheck tomorrow with keescook and pitti01:29
keescook`anthony: that should have been covered by http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-362-101:30
keescookare you still seeing issues with the latest build?01:30
keescooksorry, wrong USN: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-359-101:30
mdzBenC: nice work, what's next on the kernel hit list?01:30
`anthonykeescook: I don't have a test that reproduces it. That advisory doesn't mention python01:31
BenC58742: I need to check into the dvb modules for v4l-101:31
BenC64433: I'm trying to decide if the suggested fix is correct01:31
lifeless`anthony: it does - at the top01:31
lifelesspython2.3, python2.4 vulnerabilities01:32
`anthonyphp4, php5 vulnerabilities01:32
BenCbug 58742 bug 6443301:32
UbugtuMalone bug 58742 in linux-source-2.6.17 "[edgy]  Important dvb-ttpci modules are missing in edgy!" [Undecided,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5874201:32
UbugtuMalone bug 64433 in linux-source-2.6.17 "Use correct SATA driver for (some) MacPros" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6443301:32
lifelessBenjamin C. Wiley Sittler discovered that Python's repr() function did01:32
lifelessnot properly handle UTF-32/UCS-4 strings.01:32
`anthonyah - there was a second link.01:32
`anthonyI missed that scroll past :)01:32
keescook`anthony: yeah, sorry for the typo01:32
mjg59BenC: It's almost certainly correct. Most modern Intel chips should be listed in both ahci and ata_piix01:33
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`anthonyIt also applies to 2.2, btw, which you guys have.01:33
mjg59Yes, this is greatly irritating01:33
`anthonyand quite probably 2.1 - which we (python.org) don't support any more at all.01:33
BenCmjg59: So the dual listing is ok...hopefully ata_piix just wont claim it?01:33
lifelesswe have 2.2 ?01:33
BenCdoes udev handle that?01:33
keescook`anthony: true, 2.2 is in "universe"01:33
lifelesswho knew.01:34
`anthonyii  python2.2      2.2.3dfsg-4    An interactive high-level object-oriented la01:34
mjg59BenC: In this case, if both drivers can bind it, it may need manual blacklisting to pick the right one01:35
mjg59BenC: Nothing we can fix in time for edgy, though01:35
`anthonyapologies in the delay in getting the python security advisory out - post 2.5, there was a bit of shellshock/PTSD :)01:35
doko_keescook: well, is it possible to fix the universe versions as well?01:35
keescook`anthony: no problemo.  :)  I'll see about 2.2; I was going to be rebuilding it to relink against openssl 0.9.8 anyway.  :)01:36
`anthonysame patch as for 2.301:36
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keescook`anthony: I was just going to ask.  :)  great, I'll get to that tomorrow.  Thanks for checking in with us!  :)01:36
AlinuxOSmjg59, hello, I've mailed you a letter,please would you be so kind to check your mail when you've some free time. Thank you.01:37
`anthonyI should probably hunt down a list of relevant people at various distributions, actually.01:38
`anthonyWhat's the best email address for ubuntu?01:38
`anthonyNo, I'm not going to go and submit a "security" bug to each of 15 different bugtrackers :)01:38
doko_keescook: ^^^01:39
keescook`anthony: yup, as doko_ says, security@ubuntu.com will hit both me and pitti.01:39
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keescook`anthony: it doesn't look like python2.2 is vulnerable (at least not for the testcase that was reported)01:43
`anthonykeescook: >>> sys.maxunicode01:43
`anthonyaha. it was built as UCS-2. How odd, when 2.3 and 2.4 are UCS-401:43
keescook`anthony: ah, where did you find the UCS-2 details?01:44
`anthonysys.maxunicode :)01:44
keescookah, I see.  2.4 == 111411101:45
`anthonyso the source for 2.2 still has the vulnerability, but it's fine the way it's built and distributed as a binary. 01:45
`anthonythat's a policy decision for you as to whether that's worth fixing, I guess.01:46
`anthony(the problem only manifests itself with ./configure --with-unicode=ucs4, which is not the default)01:46
doko_yep, I started to configure --with-unicode=ucs4 after a chat with mvloewis01:47
`anthony"_=str.upper" is my preferred approach to i18n :)01:48
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BenCmdz: Ok, I'm down to just the v4l-1 bug02:08
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BenCmdz: all my bugs for the kernel are taken care of now02:47
mdzBenC: excellent02:57
BenCmdz: Who can I email my change log to for approval?02:57
mdzBenC: me02:58
BenCmdz: diff too?02:58
mdzBenC: sure02:59
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BenCmdz: Sent03:07
sladenmdz: 1 line wine upload to reapply a change dropped since dapper (do not install mime handlers---so that Firefox does not offer to run .exe's for security reasons)03:12
mdzBenC: that pcbios patch gives me the heebie-jeebies03:12
mdzsladen: ok03:13
BenCmdz: That was pulled from 2.6.1803:13
mdzBenC: upstream has bugs too :-)03:13
BenCmdz: check the GIT-SHA (git-diff-tree --pretty=medium <sha>) and read the comment03:13
BenCmdz: I checked it though to the email discussion about it, and it is absolutely correct03:14
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BenCmdz: Otherwise, it's a regression from dapper03:14
BenCsince a lot of pcmcia devices wont even be seen by PCI much less the driver03:14
railzI was curious what happened to the option 'allow browsing folder' with share folder03:15
mjg59mdz: The patch is considered correct by upstream03:15
mdzBenC: what happened with the v4l1 situation?  I thought it was mutually exclusive03:15
mjg59And restores 2.6.15 behaviour03:15
railzit's no longer available in edgy03:15
mdzmjg59: the latter is more compelling than the former; I don't expect upstream willfully applies incorrect patches :-)03:15
BenCmdz: v4l1 only drivers had been disabled in edgy...that was ok for most things since a lot of v4l2 drivers had v4l1 compatibility03:16
BenCmdz: Some didn't though03:17
BenCmdz: It's a small subset, but it's a regression from dapper on our media hw support03:17
mdzBenC: right, but I had looked at the bug before and you'd said that we couldn't enable both in some cases03:17
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ajmitchKamion: bzr-svn got UVF approval just before freeze, but wasn't uploaded for universe. Still ok to go in?03:19
BenCmdz: I checked and the cases where the driver is only v4l1, there's no v4l2 driver03:19
mdzBenC: oh, ok03:20
mdzBenC: ok, I'm happy with all of this03:21
BenCmdz: Ok, then uploading03:21
mdzI assume the v4l1 stuff is .config only; there's nothing in the diff03:21
BenCand I did test compile all of it03:21
BenCI was going to disable any drivers that spewed even a hint of warning crud, but they all compiled cleanly03:22
mdzBenC: ping me when it's processed and I'll accept it03:22
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BenCcompiz == the best way to impress your friends about linux, and the easiest way to lose time in an otherwise normal workflow :)03:23
BenCI can't help but to play with kiba-dock everyone in awhile03:23
railzalso, I used to be on hoary and admin/share folders no longer requires admin privledges why is that?03:24
railzwhereas in hoary it did03:24
jdongBenC:  you have time to play?03:24
BenCjdong: I call it "alternate development time" :)03:28
jdongha! that's good03:29
jdongsort of like my alternate study time03:29
sladenrailz: could you file a bug with a screenshot if it's a regression03:36
railzsladen: will do03:38
railzactually here's a link of how it used to look:03:38
BenCmdz: accepted, just needs approval03:39
BenCneed to reboot03:40
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wasabiHuh. casper-udeb/runlevel seems to have no effect.04:14
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mdzBenC: accepted04:18
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BenCmdz: Thanks04:18
wasabiHmm. DId it change names to/from casper-udeb/configure-init/runlevel? What is it in dapper?04:18
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wasabiAwww. Looks like that template is gone.04:29
wasabiBah this is silly.04:34
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whiprushwasabi: hey did you see the lockdown thing I wrote up for the gnome summit? Might be useful for mountain view.04:40
ajmitchhey whiprush 04:40
whiprushhi ajmitch!04:40
whiprushajmitch: you too04:40
wasabii'm getting angry right now. =(04:40
ajmitchwhiprush: I've got to get to MV first04:40
wasabiI've spent 3 hours trying to boot this system with Ubuntu heh04:40
whiprushFederico from Novell sent along his notes to the admin bof at the summit04:41
whiprushI think there are some good ideas there for basing an ubuntu spec off of.04:41
ajmitchyeah I read that write up there04:41
wasabiI'll check it out when I get home.04:41
ajmitchlooks good04:41
wasabileaving now04:41
whiprushajmitch: I have a ticket, but haven't gotten a hotel yet. :-/04:42
ajmitchwhiprush: ah, that's a pain - I can probably afford a plane ticket but would stretch it a lot for the hotel04:42
whiprushajmitch: do you think it would be a good idea to start a spec outline or something before the summit?04:42
ajmitchalways good to start with as much as possible04:42
whiprushajmitch: dude it's the ubuntu community, someone will take care of you. :D04:42
whiprushas always, you can have my floor.04:42
whiprushbut apparently I snore loudly.04:43
ajmitchI can handle that04:43
ajmitchthat's what earplugs are for :)04:43
whiprushajmitch: as a bonus, I convinced a coworker to come with me, he's like wasabi, a windows/linux guy.04:43
whiprushI'm pretty sure that if we can't spec something decent at MV then we should all quit computing.04:44
ajmitchso now I just need someone willing to help me with an airfare & I'll be set :)04:44
sladenwasabi: what "doesn't boot"?04:46
sladenwhiprush: fancy doing an Ubuntu-specific report from Boston for El Fridge?04:46
whiprushsladen: possibly.04:47
whiprushif ubuntu-specific means "Corey wore the shirt" and "jdub was there" :)04:47
sladenwhiprush: fantastic, I'll mark that down as a 'yes' then :)04:47
whiprushsladen: lots of brown desktops. :D04:48
jdubeveryone was down with the brown04:49
jdubyou could make a snarky comment about how wonderful it was to have engineers from all major gnome-shipping companies04:49
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sladenjdub: you're not suggesting by any chance that Canonicals 2days-per-year conference allowance prevented any engineers from attending...04:52
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heatxsinkanyone in here ever done two video cards with Ubuntu?04:53
whiprushheatxsink: try #ubuntu04:54
sladenheatxsink: yes, you'll be wanting https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo and #ubuntu04:54
heatxsinktried that04:54
infinityjdub: I was there, I was just hiding.04:55
mdzmjg59: do you have an idea about 56365?04:59
mjg59mdz: I'll be taking a look at the weekend05:01
mjg59I've got a couple of ideas05:01
mooeytheres a spec on launchpad (bug-reporting-tool) which dosen't seem to have anyone working on - i would like to set about getting this going, but i'm not really sure how to go about it or where even i should ask about these sorts of things05:07
Burgundaviamooey: bug reporting is something pitti has been working on05:08
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mooeyBurgundavia, ok. do you have an email address for pitti?05:09
mooeyor a suitable means to contact him/her :)05:09
Hobbseemooey: he'll be on here later today, i expect05:10
mooeythanks :)05:10
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wasabi_There used to be a document someplace in the Wiki about the process of building the LiveCD. 05:31
wasabi_Try as I might I can't find it.05:31
wasabi_Oh there it is. ;)05:31
wasabi_Weird. The wiki didn't load the entire page the first time I viewed these pages.05:32
ajmitchwasabi_: or it redirected you to help.u.c05:32
wasabi_Hmm. It took about 10 seconds for the page to show. Before that it just showed the header and the page footer. So I thought "oh, empty wiki page. weird."05:32
ajmitchyeah, that happens for redirects like that05:33
wasabi_whiprush: What was that you pasted earlier?05:34
wasabi_I just got home.05:34
wasabi_Heh. This is intersting how the LiveCDCustomization stuff takes an existing livecd and just alters it.05:37
wasabi_I was sort of expecting we had a package which built a CD out of apt. :005:37
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fabbioneajmitch: you have been flooded with emails05:44
ajmitchyes, I saw05:44
ajmitchI've also had most of the xfonts builds fail locally due to bad build deps05:44
fabbioneajmitch: tthere are some failures due to SYSV IPC.. ignore them05:44
fabbioneit claims the system is out of disk space05:44
fabbionebut it's crap05:45
ajmitchright, I saw errors like that in packages like dpkg :)05:45
fabbionei just kick them back05:45
fabbioneyes exactlt05:45
ajmitcha few other failures due to build depends to sort through05:45
fabbioneyeah those are real FTBFS05:45
ajmitchI'll start filing some bugs & pass the list around05:46
ajmitchabout 150MB of build logs so far05:46
fabbioneprobably.. some of them will never arrive to you > 10MB05:47
fabbionenot many tho05:47
ajmitchthey getting bounced on my end, or are you not sending them?05:47
fabbioneprobably bounced on your end05:47
fabbionei did remove the size check.. i think05:48
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ajmitchif you wanted to change the email address at some point, ajmitch@ajmitch.net.nz is on my home DSL, no mailservers in between05:48
ajmitchit ought to work now that I fixed the exim config :)05:48
fabbioneit's not worth.. there are probably 5/6 pkgs that makes a log > 10MB and they are all in main05:49
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fabbionecrimsun: bug 65831 is for you07:59
UbugtuMalone bug 65831 in john "FTBFS in edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6583107:59
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tepsipakkilatest kernel builds have failed, but I can't see any correlation between the architectures08:37
pittiGood morning08:38
fabbionemorning pitti08:38
pittihi fabbione 08:38
mvogood morning pitti08:39
mvohey fabbione08:39
siretartmorning folks08:40
fabbionehey mvo08:40
fabbioneguys FYI i am batch filing bugs on FTBFS08:40
fabbioneif you get one assigned is because you touched it last08:40
fabbioneso sucks to be you :)08:40
tfheendoko_: python-setuptools still fails to build.08:41
siretarttfheen: okay to upload http://librarian.launchpad.net/4821656/nm-patch, as per bug #63975?08:41
UbugtuMalone bug 63975 in network-manager "Please sponsor network-manager upload" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6397508:41
=== shawarma_away is now known as shawarma
pittitfheen: can you please give-back gnat-gps on i386? it should work now with the new tetex-bin08:45
pittimooey: I'm here now, you had a question?08:46
tfheenpitti: done.08:47
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tfheensiretart: is this patch properly tested?  Why aren't the bugs 6.10-targetted?08:48
siretarttfheen: I didn't follow nm the last months, but followed wpasupplicant, espc. in debian. I can assure you that with kernels > 2.6.14 ndiswrapper will only work with driver backend 'wext', and not with 'ndiswrapper', like the patch does. see also my last comment08:50
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siretarttfheen: I have no idea why this isn't 6.10-targetted, but I think it should be.08:50
siretarttfheen: nm is currently broken for ndiswrapper users08:51
siretartsince months!08:51
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Lathiathrm.. for avahi08:52
Lathiatim thinking we could write a separate init script for the dbus stuff that uses that defaults file08:53
tfheensiretart: contrary to people's expectations, the release team is not psychic and does not read every bug report and so we rely on people to tell us about bugs they think should be fixed for a release.08:53
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Lathiatand leave /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon to work as expected08:53
Lathiatperhaps thatl help08:53
siretartand no, I cannot test it propery myself, because I don't have a bcm43xx based card, for which I could use ndiswrapper. but according to the bug reports, I find it pretty straightforward08:53
Lathiat(because the dbus system.d stuff is what actually starts avahi on boot)08:53
tfheensiretart: wouldn't this have been known since before dapper released?08:53
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siretarttfheen: heh, no offense. 08:53
pittisiretart: funny, my airport extreme (without ndiswrapper stuff) stopped working with NM in edgy, too08:53
pittisiretart: but on powerpc I cannot test ndiswrapper either08:54
siretartpitti: what driver backend do you use for wpa_supplicant?08:54
pittisiretart: however, why do you need ndiswrapper for bcm43xx in the first place?08:54
pittisiretart: I don't use wpasupplicant at all; all WiFis I have access to are open08:54
pitti(my main one uses Radius)08:54
siretartpitti: well, with ndiswrapper, you do use wpasupplicant ;)08:55
pittin-m never picks up an IP for me any more08:55
pittiwith /e/n/i and ifup it works fine08:55
siretartpitti: yes. because n-m now unconditionally starts up wpa_supplicant. and if the wrong backend get choosen, you get the behavior you see08:56
pittisiretart: well, I'm up for testing then, I guess08:56
pittiif my use case 'n-m with bcm43xx, open auth' is applicable08:56
tfheensiretart: find me three users for whom it fixes their problem and no regressions and I'm happy to take it.08:57
siretarttfheen: bug #42504 was reported before dapper release08:57
UbugtuMalone bug 42504 in wpasupplicant "Cannot associate with unencrypted networks using bcm43xx chipset (ndiswrapper driver)" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4250408:57
tfheen(preferably today)08:57
siretarttfheen: I propose to target it for 6.1008:57
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fabbioneanyone here that uses reiserfs?08:58
fabbione(nothing to do with Hans's wife or stuff like that.. i just need to know)08:58
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torkelfabbione: yes08:58
pittifabbione: me08:58
siretarthm. gotta run to work, cu later!08:58
fabbionetorkel: do you have main upload privs?08:59
pittisiretart: hm, I'm afraid that patch won't make a difference to me, so I'd not be a good tester08:59
torkelfabbione: no08:59
fabbionetorkel: good.. pitti: you win :)08:59
siretartpitti: right. I tried to explain the problem to you08:59
pittifabbione: I should run away really fast now, shouldn't I?08:59
torkelfabbione: yay :-)08:59
fabbionepitti: nah.. just a FTBFS08:59
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pittifabbione: oh, I have some of them already, toss it over08:59
siretartpitti: if you want the get n-m working on your notebook, first get wpa_supplicant working. It also supports unencrypted and wep 'secured' wifis09:00
fabbionepitti: yes i know.. i saw you taking them.. already did :)09:00
pittisiretart: hm, it's a dependency, I didn't really ever configure wpasupp09:00
siretartpitti: n-m obviously fails to start up wpa_supplicant correctly09:00
pittiah, maybe09:01
siretartpitti: first, you need to find what parameters are correct, then find out what n-m does wrong, then write a patch09:01
siretartpitti: this is how this patch in question has been found09:01
pittisiretart: you forgoth: 0. get an idea what the heck wpasupplicant is doing and why/how :)09:01
pittiif I find some time, I'll take a look, but no promises09:02
siretartpitti: it 'establishes' a connection to your wifi, regardless how it is secured09:02
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=== siretart runs
pittifabbione: your libapache2-mod-python ftbfs scares me - if the first patch doesn't apply, how it could ever build before?09:03
fabbionepitti: it seems like autoconf is executed right before that09:04
fabbioneso it might be that it is running when it shouldn't?09:04
pittifabbione: ah, autoconf2.60 breakage then09:04
pittifabbione: yup, plausible09:04
=== pitti grabs the autotame bat
Burgundaviamdz: the reportbug to -users volume is growing again, just fyi09:05
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dholbachgood morning09:10
pittihey dholbach 09:10
dholbachheya pitti09:10
pittitfheen: libapache2-mod-python FTBFS fix uploaded (just removed 'autoconf' call from debian/rules)09:11
tfheenpitti: ok09:11
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mvo_good morning dholbach09:16
dholbachheya mvo_09:16
pittiyay, gnat-gps finally built on i386 \o/09:21
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=== dholbach high-fives pitti
infinityThe one and only time it will? :)09:22
dholbachpitti: congratulations! :-)09:22
pittiinfinity: no, pdfetex is happy now09:22
infinitypitti: Oh, excellent.09:22
pittidholbach: *hug*09:22
pittiinfinity: I tooked a Kleenex, wiped away tetex' tears, gave it a big hug, and now it wants to play with us again :)09:23
fabbioneajmitch: are you actually filing bugs for the FTBFS in universe?09:24
infinitypitti: Your efforts will not go unpuni^H^H^H^Hrewarded.09:24
fabbioneajmitch: or are you getting people to look at the logs?09:24
infinitypitti: Drinks all 'round in Mountain View. :)09:24
pittiinfinity: sounds great, who pays? :)09:24
pittiGoogle does, right?09:25
pitti'Google Autumn of drink'09:25
infinityI'm sure I can pay for one or two. :)09:25
pittiinfinity: I look forward to fixing all the FTSUFC bugs then09:26
pitti(fails to stand up from couch)09:26
infinityFTSUFC isn't nearly as bad as FTMITTWC (fails to make it to the toilet)09:27
pittiyeah, I don't like core dumps on the carpet either09:27
infinityOften shortened to "VIC" (vomits in cab)09:27
infinityNot going to name any names, though.09:28
infinityOh look, more PAGE_SIZE breakage.09:28
infinityQuel surprise.09:29
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pittiinfinity: is it legitimate for a package to build-depend on linux-headers-generic?09:33
pittiinfinity: reiserfsprogs needs asm/unaligned.h, which does not exist any more in /usr/include (did until dapper)09:34
fabbionepitti: well theorerically yes..09:35
pittilinux-libc-dev apparently doesn't quite Provide linux-kernel-headers09:35
infinitypitti: Well, it's either a bug that BenC doesn't provide it, or a bug that reiserfsprogs needs it.09:35
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pittifabbione: I'm just worried about the name being the same on all arches09:35
fabbionepitti: that should be ok...09:35
pittiinfinity: well, it needs {get,put}_unaligned macros; that seems quite legitimate to me09:35
pittiand they aren't anywhere in /usr/include any more (I grepped)09:36
infinitypitti: We don't have l-h-generic on all arches, of course.09:36
fabbioneinfinity: ?09:36
infinityBenC: Alive?09:36
fabbioneah right09:36
pittiinfinity: ok, I'll postpone this until this afternoon; providing the include in linux-libc-dev would be the best solution, of course09:37
infinitypitti: If it feels like legit userspace usage, I'd say the bug is in linux-libc-dev09:37
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pittifabbione, infinity: ok, I processed the current batch and will fix some other bugs now, but I should have more time to fix FTBFS; so feel free to throw bugs at me09:40
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fabbionepitti: i am ... reload your page :)09:41
pittifabbione: ah, nice; you all make them prio: high, right?09:41
fabbionehigh -> confirmed -> targetted09:42
fabbioneso just reload the milestone page09:42
fabbioneor check for bugs assigned to you09:42
fabbionethe confirmed comes if i can reproduce the failure on more than one arch09:42
dholbachcan somebody sync libopenobex1.0 (bug 65840) and wave through the telepathy-blue upload?09:45
UbugtuMalone bug 65840 in libopenobex1.0 "Please sync libopenobex1.0 (1:1.0.0-rel-3.1) from Sid." [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6584009:45
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infinitydholbach: MMkay.09:46
=== dholbach hugs infinity
fabbionedholbach: does that fix the FTBFS?09:46
dholbachfabbione: yes09:46
dholbachmjg59, BenC, <anybody else who might know>: could you have a look at bug 32415? I'm not sure how to deal with it.09:47
UbugtuMalone bug 32415 in bluez-utils "Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard Broken in Dapper Flight 4 & 6.06 beta 2" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3241509:47
pittitfheen: bogl uploaded, fixes FTBFS09:47
tfheenpitti: cheers.09:47
infinitypitti: You're a champion.09:47
infinityCan someone give me a status on these?09:48
infinity  109032 | S- | libapache2-mod-pytho | 3.2.8-1ubuntu2       | 33 minutes09:48
infinity         | * libapache2-mod-python/3.2.8-1ubuntu2 Component: main Section: python09:48
infinity  109031 | S- | wine                 | 0.9.22-0ubuntu3      | 5 hours 50 minutes09:48
infinity         | * wine/0.9.22-0ubuntu3 Component: universe Section: otherosfs09:48
pittifabbione: gtk-perl> '1/3649 subtests failed'? c'mon, who measures that precisely? :P09:48
infinity  109027 | S- | qt4-x11              | 4.2.0-1ubuntu1       | 6 hours 20 minutes09:48
infinity         | * qt4-x11/4.2.0-1ubuntu1 Component: main Section: libs09:48
tfheeninfinity: mod-python is approved.09:48
infinity  108976 | S- | telepathy-blue       | | ten hours09:48
infinity         | * telepathy-blue/ Component: universe Section: net09:48
mjg59dholbach: I'll take a look at the weekend if nobody beats me to it09:48
infinity  108971 | S- | gst-plugins-ugly0.10 | 0.10.4-0ubuntu3      | 12 hours09:48
infinity         | * gst-plugins-ugly0.10/0.10.4-0ubuntu3 Component: universe Section: libs09:48
infinity  108871 | S- | zope-cmfmember       | 1:1.1b2-1ubuntu1     | 17 hours09:48
infinity         | * zope-cmfmember/1:1.1b2-1ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: web09:48
infinity  108839 | S- | xdg-utils            | 1.0-0ubuntu2         | 19 hours09:48
dholbachmjg59: Tahsnk so much!09:48
infinity         | * xdg-utils/1.0-0ubuntu2 Component: universe Section: utils09:48
infinity  108756 | S- | xdg-utils            | 1.0-0ubuntu1         | 21 hours09:48
infinity         | * xdg-utils/1.0-0ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: utils09:48
infinitytfheen: Thanks, accepted.09:49
dholbachinfinity: xdg-utils 1.0-0ubuntu2 is the good one - fixed by Riddell09:49
fabbioneinfinity: libapache2-mod-python was uploaded to fix FTBFS approved by tfheen i think09:49
dholbachinfinity: telepathy-blue is a 2 line fix09:49
dholbachinfinity: what does the wine changelog say? I remember \sh_away uploading some sort of fix09:49
infinity   * Re-apply dropped change from dapper:  (Closes: Ubuntu #63492)09:50
infinity   + Remove insecure mailcap entries; MS Windows '.exe' files should be run09:50
infinity     using 'binfmt-misc' support instead.  (Closes: Ubuntu #24829)09:50
=== tfheen ponders rejecting the ones which haven't gotten release team's approval prior to upload..
dholbachinfinity: \sh_away can do his own cheerleading on those - I'm not sure about them :/09:51
dholbachI think that gst-plugins-ugly0.10 has a fix of keescook for a rc bug "ac3 way too soft" or something like that09:51
infinitydholbach: Actually, sladen uploaded that...09:51
dholbachoh sladen, ok - then I was completely on the wrong track09:51
pittidholbach: yeah, that was given 'special importance' from Matt :)09:51
=== infinity acceptes bogl.
infinitydholbach: Does telepathy-blue need to wait on that sync I was doing, or are the two completely unrelated?09:53
dholbachinfinity: unrelated09:53
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pittifabbione: can you please do me a favor? if you assign ftbfs stuff to me, can you please set it to 'in progress'? then it'll land on my special priority page09:53
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tfheensladen: please provide a debdiff and rationale for the wine changes.  They don't seem to fix and 6.10-targetted bugs.09:56
fabbionepitti: i am done for now...09:57
fabbionepitti: will do next time09:57
fabbionepitti: last i assigned was netkit-base09:57
tfheendholbach: oh, wine's main.  Your decision, then.09:57
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fabbionetfheen: i finished mass filing for now... 09:58
dholbachtfheen: as I said: I'm happy for sladen to do his own cheerleading for the changes - I'm not sure about it09:58
fabbionewe just need to wait the buildd's to keep munging sources09:59
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dholbachI just filed bug 65857, which is RC too09:59
UbugtuMalone bug 65857 in gnome-panel "Change Help menu link to help.ubuntu.com" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6585709:59
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dholbachit's blocked on the move of the book excerpt09:59
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pittiinfinity: can re remove gnutls11 or do you want to keep it for anythin?10:00
infinitypitti: I think it's pretty, and I like to look at it.10:00
infinity(Yes, I can remove it)10:00
=== pitti looks again and does not find any pr0n in it
tfheendholbach: just get the change done in the archive and we'll get the website when mdke (or whoever) gets around to that.10:01
infinity-- edgy/multiverse build deps on libgnutls11-dev:10:01
infinitypitti: ^^^10:01
dholbachtfheen: the problem is that clicking on the gnome-panel link will lead to a 404 page10:01
pittiinfinity: yeah, as I said, that's the only package left that doesn't even build with gnutls1110:01
dholbachtfheen: and the URL is not fixed either10:01
fabbionepitti: can you please try to build strace on your x86 machine? it fails here with another error10:01
pittifabbione: yeah, I just built it on amd6410:02
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tfheendholbach: can you get that finalised with the doc team or whoever's responsible ASAP?10:02
fabbionepitti: i38610:02
pittifabbione: to confirm the fix with current pkg-create-dbgsym10:02
dholbachtfheen: I subscribed mdke10:02
pittifabbione: I can try building it on ronne10:02
dholbachtfheen: and reply to the mail on ubuntu-devel@10:02
fabbionepitti: no, it fails way before that10:02
fabbionepitti: see /msg10:02
fabbionepitti: the dbg log stuff was from sparc10:02
infinitypitti: Err, you mean it's FTBFS anyway, so screw it? :)10:03
pittiinfinity: *shrug*10:03
infinitypitti: Works for me.  I have no love lots for some random non-free mud.10:04
=== pitti blows off the dust from gdome2 (last upload in 2003!) and fixes FTBFS
infinityWill remove the following packages from edgy:10:05
infinity  gnutls11 | 1.0.16-14ubuntu1 | source10:05
infinitylibgnutls11 | 1.0.16-14ubuntu1 | amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc10:05
infinitylibgnutls11-dbg | 1.0.16-14ubuntu1 | amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc10:05
infinitylibgnutls11-dev | 1.0.16-14ubuntu1 | amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc10:05
infinity------------------- Reason -------------------10:06
infinity(adconrad) Requested by pitti, no longer in use, and no urge to support it10:06
infinitypitti: ^^^10:06
=== pitti hugs infinity
pitti"don't need no triplicate version" :)10:06
tfheenRiddell: how come your qt4-x11 changelog doesn't list all outstanding changes?10:06
pittitfheen: gdome2 FTBFS fix uploaded10:06
infinityYeah, while I've not cared much about (insert random thing I haven't cared about here) during edgy's cycle, we really need to dust off ReducingDuplication for feisty.10:07
tfheenpitti: yay you10:07
tfheenpitti: you're trying to get us to beer you through the whole conference?10:07
pittitfheen: (well, I keep reporting these to you for approval sake; please do tell me if I shuold stop annoying you)10:07
infinityReporting them is good.10:07
infinityI need to know what to shove through the queue.10:07
pittitfheen: I'm trying to get me enough appetite for beer for two weeks :p10:07
infinityAnd we also need to know who's making us look bad. :)10:07
pittiwell, with me touching all these packages, I also have to merge them *shudder*10:08
infinity../../../interfaces/IDirectFBVideoProvider/idirectfbvideoprovider_v4l.c:47:28: error: linux/compiler.h: No such file or directory10:08
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infinityCan someone explain to me why a userspace app wants compiler.h?10:08
KamionRiddell: language packs and metapackages> right - there's no metapackage for live any more, there never was for ship, so no need to upload *-meta for language pack changes10:08
dholbachLOL - did you see the humping weasel on  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IceWeaselIcon ?10:09
Chipzzis there a list of valid values for 'Section' available somewhere?10:09
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tfheenpitti: reporting is good.10:10
infinitydholbach: There's also the goatse weasel.10:11
Kamionajmitch: bzr-svn> yes, that's fine10:12
dholbachinfinity: ouch ouch ouch10:12
tfheenpitti: we might need to shuffle the merges or something.10:12
pittioh, don't worry, I'll cope10:12
fabbioneinfinity: dunno.. but i filed a bug on that already and assigned to BenC10:12
tfheenpitti: who-touched-it-last-maintenance only works for so long, really.10:12
fabbioneinfinity: directfb fails in different ways on different arches.. all kernel headers realted10:12
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infinityfabbione: Ahh, well it has two bugs (that and a PAGE_SIZE bug), I found the former only after fixing the latter. :)10:13
fabbioneinfinity: if you are going to fix it, you might as well take the bug..10:15
infinityYeah, I'll snag it if I fix the compiler.h thing.10:15
fabbionesounds like a viral form of somekind...10:15
fabbionei got FTBFS... HIV was not enough10:15
infinityThis whole "build the userspace linux headers from the kernel source" idea would have been great if it had also been accompanied with a "rebuild the archive right after we make the switch".10:16
infinityOh well.10:16
fabbioneinfinity: we need to do that each time we change kernel or ben uploads.. go figure10:17
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Keybukinfinity: it didn't help that jbailey and BenC conspired to omit headers they found distasteful, etc. :)10:18
infinityKeybuk: Well, I'm inclined to agree that we shouldn't ship compiler.h (for example), I just wish I'd have known a couple months back. :)10:19
henoKamion, tfheen: Tested the Live CD + F5. Everything starts as it should except onboard10:19
infinityAutomatic rebuilding in Soyuz will likely be my number one crusade in Mountan View.10:19
henoI found the problem and made a patch though10:19
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tfheenheno: yay.  Big one?10:19
henobug 6586110:19
UbugtuMalone bug 65861 in casper "onboard fails to start with F5 boot" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6586110:19
henotfheen: 1 line10:19
tfheenheno: ok, coolie.  I'll trawl the rest of my morning mail and get it applied.10:20
henotfheen: thx!10:20
henotfheen: a general question: do all bugs have to be targeted to get patched from now on?10:21
henoor will other minor fixes go in as well?10:21
infinityOh wow, I'm a special kind of retarded.10:23
infinityEdit file on machine A, build source tree on machine B, wonder why it still fails the same way.10:23
=== infinity grabs a coke and pays more attention to the hostname in his prompts.
ajmitchKamion: thanks10:23
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KamionChipzz: should be a pretty current list in debian-policy, though add "metapackages" to it10:24
Keybukinfinity: when did you last sleep?10:24
Kamionheno: nice10:25
infinityKeybuk: I don't understand the question.10:25
tfheenheno: only targetted bugs.10:27
infinityI love packages with, like, 5 minutes of autotools buggery followed by about 3 seconds of compiling.10:30
infinitySomething always seems a bit wrong there.10:30
dholbachKeybuk: welcome to the bluetooth team - can you help with bug 32415?10:32
UbugtuMalone bug 32415 in bluez-utils "Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard Broken in Dapper Flight 4 & 6.06 beta 2" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3241510:32
infinityWow, is that all it takes?10:32
tkamppeterhi pitti10:32
pittihi tkamppeter 10:32
infinitydholbach: Welcome the "Adam's Bitch" team.  I'll start forwarding you build logs.10:32
dholbachinfinity: you're so funny :-)10:33
=== dholbach hugs infinity
tkamppeterI have added a comment to bug 54277, I have done on Edgy what the original poster was supposed to do on Dapper10:33
UbugtuMalone bug 54277 in cupsys "cupsd can't access /var/log/cups/error_log permission denied" [High,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5427710:33
infinityThat's why you love me. :P10:33
ajmitchfabbione: was going to start filing bugs this evening10:33
tkamppeterAnd it seems that Edgy is still suffering the bug.10:33
dholbachinfinity: and because you played together with LTJ Bukem - that's SO cool10:33
pittitkamppeter: ah, cupsd itself chowns the files back, it seems10:34
fabbioneajmitch: ok. keep in mind that there is not much time..10:34
infinitydholbach: Same show, not TOGETHER. :)10:34
ajmitchfabbione: I know10:34
pittitkamppeter: however, did you use the official edgy packages or upstream's?10:34
infinitydholbach: But, y'know, we did hang out a bit afterward.10:34
dholbachinfinity: still, that's  S O  cool!10:34
infinitydholbach: MC Conrad can really (REALLY) inhale coffee. Like.  A lot.10:34
tkamppeterI have reopened the bug and assigned it as an Edgy milestone10:35
Keybukdholbach: that sounds somewhat PPC specific?10:35
fabbioneinfinity: did you file a bug on klibc already?10:35
pittitkamppeter: well, does it actually harm?10:35
dholbachKeybuk: one guy said it was on x86 too10:35
infinityfabbione: jbailey's got the logs for all 5 arches, and has promised me he'd look into it.10:35
tkamppeterpitti, all official Ubuntu packages coming in from the usual Debian morning gymnastics.10:35
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GNUrohi all10:35
GNUroubuntu live cd contains xfs_repair?10:36
tkamppeteraccording to /etc/group cupsys has only read access to error_log and so I cannot imagine how CUPS (running as cupsys) can do the logging.10:36
fabbioneinfinity: ok10:36
pittitkamppeter: I assume it first opens the files and then chowns them10:37
Treenakstkamppeter: it might have opened the file, and then dropped to another uid?10:37
tkamppeterTreenaks, this was my thought now, too, as the file is growing.10:38
tkamppeterCan we be sure that the CUPS daemon NEVER loses error_log while it is running?10:38
Treenaksthe only way to "lose" it is to close the filehandle10:38
Treenaksand I wouldn't do that :)10:38
tkamppeterOnce when I tested faxing with HPLIP, CUPS was not logging at all until I restarted it (I had "LogLevel debug" set in cupsd.conf all the time).10:39
pittiwe should fix it nevertheless, but it doesn't seem that urgent10:39
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pittitfheen: strace FTBFS uploaded10:40
pittitkamppeter: hm, I thought you reopened it? it's still marked as fixed10:41
Kamionmvo: something's excitingly wrong with apt-get install taskname^10:41
Kamionmvo: it seems to only handle the first task on the line10:42
tkamppeterI have set the Edgy task to "Confirmed".10:42
Kamionmvo: try 'apt-get --dry-run -q -y install edubuntu-live^ kubuntu-live^'10:42
tfheenpitti: yay.10:42
tkamppeterUbugtu, WDYT: bug 5427710:42
UbugtuMalone bug 54277 in cupsys "cupsd can't access /var/log/cups/error_log permission denied" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5427710:42
pittitkamppeter: ah10:42
infinityinfinity: Permission to upload a directfb to fix two FTBFS bugs?10:42
infinityinfinity: Sure, go nuts.10:42
infinityinfinity: Thanks.10:42
infinityKeybuk: To answer your question, "a long time ago".10:43
Kamionmvo: your task regex also looks a bit suspicious10:44
Kamion   snprintf(S, sizeof(S), "^Task:.*[^a-z] %s[^a-z] .*\n", taskname);10:44
Kamionmvo: doesn't that do weird things if the task you select is at the end of the Task field?10:44
tkamppeterBy the way, is someone here who has one of the printers HP LaserJet 100, 1005, 1018, or 1020?10:45
tkamppeterSorry LaserJet 1000 and not 100.10:45
pittiargh, libgtk2-perl is giving me the creeps10:45
pittifabbione: I can't reproduce the libgtk2-perl FTBFS you filed, but the testsuite failed in a different script in exchange10:49
fabbionepitti: i think it's related to Xvfb somehow10:50
fabbionei saw different kind of FTBFS10:50
pittiI'll get to a closer look later10:50
fabbioneone of which Xvfb segfaults if X is running10:50
infinitypitti: Is that strace upload yours?10:51
infinityAhh, so it is.10:51
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pittiinfinity: unless someone beat me with it, yes10:51
pittiinfinity: the autoconf mangling for ftbfs fix10:51
infinityYou realise we're all going to get fired in two weeks, with a big note saying "how come you can't fix this many bugs per day during the reast of the cycle?"10:52
DrSpinI know you guys are hard at work on Edgy and I can't wait but in the meantime I have a problem with GNOME on Breezy -- for no apparent reason GNOME takes a long time to load... here's the post in the main channel that received no response.10:53
infinityJust so you know.  No pressure to underperform or anything, though.10:53
DrSpin(01:45:24 AM) DrSpin: DAPPER: Gnome takes FOREVER (3-5 minutes) to start -- tried 386,686,686-SMP kernels and it's faster with SMP (hyperthreading) :: .xsession-errors contains "Gnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds: returning -1" -- google doesn't seem to turn up a logical solution -- tried dpkg-reconfigure gconf2 as well -- any ideas?10:53
pittibecause we are just lazy bastards playing games and watching p0rn during the development cycle, aren't we?10:53
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infinityDrSpin: Just because you didn't get help elsewhere doesn't make this a support channel.10:53
mvoKamion: urgh, thanks. let me check that 10:54
tfheenpitti: bogl FTBFS-ed on ia64 and ppc ; http://librarian.launchpad.net/4821823/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-powerpc.bogl_0.1.18-1.4ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz 10:55
DrSpininfinity: I know... but It occurred to me that someone in here might have a quick solution -- rather than wading through conversations about wine and how do I <insert topic on wiki, forums here>10:55
pittitfheen: will fix, thanks10:56
infinitypitti: I'll fix, that's one I've fixed a dozen times already.10:56
pittiinfinity: oh, ok; thanks10:56
infinityDrSpin: And once that occurs to a few more people, we get no work done here.10:57
DrSpininfinity: understood... my apologies10:58
pittitfheen: netkit-base ftbfs fix uploaded10:58
Kamionmvo: just trying to trace it with gdb now10:59
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seb128tfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/gdm.debdiff, the diff is not trivial but that's basically a copy of the suspend code for hibernate (the hibernate patch was already copied from the suspend one, some parts were missing though). somebody confirmed on the bug that the patch update works fine for him11:03
infinitytfheen, pitti: bogl reuploaded.11:04
tfheenseb128: ew, ugly; it'd be slightly less bad if you didn't include the updated patch headers.11:05
tfheenseb128: approved though, it doesn't look wrong.11:05
henoRiddell: the high contrast and magnifier modes look lovely on the Kubuntu Live CD :)11:05
henojust did some testing11:05
seb128tfheen: right, will do next time, thank you11:06
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Keybukthom: around?11:07
ajmitchKeybuk: is there much in unapproved for universe? I know zope-cmfmember can be put through if it's not already11:08
infinity  109031 | S- | wine                 | 0.9.22-0ubuntu3      | 7 hours 10 minutes11:08
infinity         | * wine/0.9.22-0ubuntu3 Component: universe Section: otherosfs11:08
infinity  108971 | S- | gst-plugins-ugly0.10 | 0.10.4-0ubuntu3      | 14 hours11:08
infinity         | * gst-plugins-ugly0.10/0.10.4-0ubuntu3 Component: universe Section: libs11:08
ajmitchthanks infinity 11:08
infinity  108871 | S- | zope-cmfmember       | 1:1.1b2-1ubuntu1     | 19 hours11:08
infinity         | * zope-cmfmember/1:1.1b2-1ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: web11:08
infinityajmitch: ^^^11:08
pittito all people having a ThinkPad: do the brightness control keys DTRT? which model do you have? (for bug 61184)11:08
UbugtuMalone bug 61184 in hal "Screen brightness buttons don't work properly on Thinkpad Z61T" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6118411:08
tfheenpitti: works for me, x40.11:08
infinitypitti: I have a T43, and it works fine.11:09
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pittiok, thanks; the bug demands extending the match to other thinkpad models11:09
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seb128tfheen: when would be the limit to upload an yelp package with translations update?11:10
infinityseb128: Same as the langpack deadline (right after RC), I'd suspect.11:11
seb128infinity: i:e. today?11:11
infinitytfheen: Opinion?11:11
seb128ah, after RC11:11
infinityseb128: No, final langpacks are going in right AFTER RC.11:11
seb128ok ok11:11
infinity(like, immediately after)11:11
pittiinfinity: if you replace 'string="ThinkPad T60"' with 'contains="ThinkPad"' in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-laptop-panel-mgmt-policy.fdi and restart hal and your session, does it still work? (just to confirm a bug repoerter's claim)11:11
infinityIsh. :)11:11
tfheenseb128: it doesn't use langpacks?11:12
pittitfheen: not the help files11:12
infinitytfheen: HTML.11:12
seb128tfheen: no, translated .xml built at build time11:12
infinity(Or ML, or whatever)11:12
infinityXML, even.11:12
infinitypitti: Why does "Restart hal and your session" sound like it will bugger my desktop? :)11:12
seb128tfheen: xml files are not language-pack-able atm11:13
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Keybuktfheen: how badly do we feel that cryptsetup doesn't work?11:13
tfheenseb128: ok.  The translation deadline was yesterday, any reason you can't upload it today?11:13
pittiinfinity: /etc/dbus/event.d/20hal restart and gdmflexiserver to a different user will work as well11:13
tfheenKeybuk: with usplash or at all?11:13
infinitypitti: Alright.11:14
Keybuktfheen: at all11:14
seb128tfheen: no, I did an upload previous week, I just wanted to do another update with updated translations before edgy, I'll do it now if that's ok11:14
pittiKeybuk: at all? my encrypted usb stick works fine11:14
Keybukpitti: you get asked for a password on boot?11:14
pittibut I guess a dapper->edgy upgrade will break people's computers if they have encrypted hard disk partitiosn11:14
tfheenseb128: yes, now is fine.11:14
pittiKeybuk: it's not automounted at boot11:15
tfheenseb128: I'm going to start building real candidate isos on monday, so it needs to be in before then.11:15
seb128this morning should be fine then11:15
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Keybukpitti: right, those people that have things automounted on boot, now don't, because cryptsetup won't ask for a password11:16
ajmitchinfinity: please accept wine & gst-plugins-ugly0.1011:16
infinitypitti: That didn't appear to break it.11:16
pittiinfinity: thanks; to be 100% sure, lshal|grep brightness?11:17
tfheenKeybuk: cryptsetup is universe.  I don't really care.11:17
pitti(without the ?)11:17
siretartKeybuk: does cryptsetup work with sysvinit?11:17
infinityudi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_brightness'11:17
infinity  info.udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_brightness'  (string)11:17
infinity  org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.LaptopPanel.method_execpaths = {'hal-system-lcd-set-brightness', 'hal-system-lcd-get-brightness'} (string list)11:17
infinity  linux.acpi_path = '/proc/acpi/ibm/brightness'  (string)11:17
tfheenpitti: didn't you upload a fixed debug-thingy-mangler?11:18
Keybuksiretart: if we used sysvinit, we would make the same change as we did to upstart, to make the output get logged to /var/log/boot instead of to the console11:18
infinitytfheen: He did.  A few.11:18
pittiinfinity: hm, that looks wrong11:18
pittitfheen: several11:18
pittitfheen: what breaks now?11:18
infinitypitti: I assure you that it's not wrong. :)11:18
tfheenpitti: unsure, but gcc-3.3 is still out of date.11:18
infinitytfheen: On which arch?11:18
tfheenit might just be that neither Adam nor I gave it back11:18
tfheeninfinity: amd6411:18
pittiinfinity: I expected laptop_panel.brightness_in_hardware=true11:18
tfheenlooked like the debug problem last time11:18
infinitypitti: Well, if it did that, it'd probably also fail to work.11:19
infinitytfheen: Retrying, then.11:19
pittitfheen: I fixed the gcc-4.0 ftbfs yesterday in pkg-create-dbgsym11:19
siretartKeybuk: err, sysvinit is still around as alternative, no?11:19
pittiinfinity: ah, well, your's might not be from smbios.system.manufacturer=LENOVO then11:19
infinitypitti: How can I check?11:20
pittiinfinity: lshal|grep smbios.system.manufacturer11:20
infinity  smbios.system.manufacturer = 'IBM'  (string)11:20
infinityYeah.  I'm old skool, I guess.11:20
pittiinfinity: ok, thanks a lot11:20
Keybuksiretart: not a supported alternative, no11:22
siretartKeybuk: ah, but available as alternative in universe, right?11:23
infinityStill in main, actualy.11:23
Keybukinfinity: yeah, I just fixed that ;)11:23
infinityIf we really don't want to support people swapping, we should demote it to prove the point.11:23
infinityAhh, good. :)11:23
siretartKeybuk: just for my understanding, would disabling logging (e.g. by disabling /etc/event.d/logd) 'unbreak' cryptsetup?11:24
Keybukit's in main because we haven't kicked hppa out of the world yet11:24
Keybuksiretart: adding "console owner" to /etc/event.d/rcS would fix it11:24
Keybukalso adding a call to /usr/bin/openvt would fix it11:24
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siretartKeybuk: hm. how about writing an /etc/event.d/ file for cryptsetup, and removing the old initscript?11:25
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Keybuksiretart: where would it be run? :)11:30
Kamionmvo: hmm, never mind, I think that was a false alarm due to a broken local mirror11:30
Kamionmvo: I do think that the task regex should maybe be more like this?11:30
Kamion   snprintf(S, sizeof(S), "^Task:.*[^a-z] %s([^a-z] |$).*\n", taskname);11:30
Kamionor ([^a-z] .*|$)\n11:30
pittitfheen: ok to upload a hal with fixed laptop panel FDI to fix bug 61184?11:30
UbugtuMalone bug 61184 in hal "Screen brightness buttons don't work properly on Thinkpad Z61T" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6118411:30
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Keybuktfheen: ok to approve squashfs FTBFS fix, bug #6582611:33
UbugtuMalone bug 65826 in squashfs "FTBFS in edgy" [High,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6582611:33
mvoKamion: right, I check that in a bit. a unreleated question, would it be possible to get openoffice.org-l10n-en-us onto the cd? it makes apt majorly unhappy to not have it for cd-cd upgrades (without any networking). it seems like this is the only blocker for this upgrade scenario11:33
pittishouldn't it be on the CD anyway?11:34
pittimvo: ooo-common depends on it11:34
pittimvo: whoops, sorry, it replaces/provides it11:35
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mvopitti: it isn't currently, only en-gb and en-za and -common11:35
pittimvo: right, -en-us doesn't exist any more11:35
seb128dholbach: will we get ubuntu-docs translations for edgy?11:35
infinityPerhaps an empty transitional package might make apt happier here?11:35
mvopitti: yeah, its  apt being stupid and not understanding that during the upgrade calculation11:35
dholbachseb128: I don't know - best to ask mdke or people in #ubuntu-doc11:36
infinityThat's often easier than fixing apt bugs. :)11:36
mvoinfinity: we have that in the archive already, we just need it on the CD and apt should be happy11:36
mvoinfinity: oh yes :)11:36
seb128mdke_: ping?11:36
seb128dholbach: so nobody from distro team is looking at that? :/11:36
infinitymvo: Ahh, so we do.11:36
Kamionmvo: sure, shove it in ship11:36
dholbachseb128: I can ask the #ubuntu-doc guys11:36
infinitymvo: Given that it's a tiny package, I say toss it in ship without asking. :)11:36
seb128dholbach: please do11:37
infinitymvo: Or, better yet, listen to Kamion. :)11:37
Kamionsame difference ;)11:37
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infinity'Zactly. :)11:37
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infinityKamion: Everyone should listen to you when you agree with me, I think that was the point being made. :)11:37
=== infinity runs to the store.
micahcowanWhat's a good way to prepare for the Mtn View conference? Read up on a slag of specs? Are some better to read up on than others?11:38
Treenaksmicahcowan: beer. definitely beer.11:38
=== mvo hugs Kamion infinity
tfheenpitti: yes11:39
pittitfheen: done11:39
tfheenKeybuk: yes, please.11:39
Kamioninfinity: :-)11:39
Keybukmicahcowan: I find the best preparation is sleeping for a few days in advance, because it's something you don't get to do much of whilst there11:40
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dholbachseb128: <pepsiman> 07:58 < mdke> the translations are seriously error-ridden bt, <pepsiman> entities, tags were translated/moved, <pepsiman> eg "translating &thankyou; to &gracias;", <pepsiman> 07:59 < mdke> I sent an angry email to the translators about it11:42
seb128dholbach: that sucks a lot, maybe we should revert to dapper ubuntu-docs package :p11:43
=== seb128 runs fast
dholbachseb128: propose that to the ubuntu-doc team11:43
pepsimanmdke is trying to fix it, but it may take a while11:43
seb128we don't have a while11:44
pittiouch @ &gracias;11:44
dholbachseb128: I'll watch them throwing stones at you11:44
pepsimanseb128: he said "several hours"11:44
mvoKamion: I updated "ship" now, thanks! do we have a plan yet when we build the next set of cd-test-images?11:45
Kamionmvo: they're still on the daily schedule11:46
=== dholbach hugs mdke_ and pepsiman
Kamionbut I think I'll probably do another build later today11:46
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mvoKamion: cool, thanks. if you could announce that in the channel here, that would be perfect11:46
Keybukfabbione: bug #65838 is a bug in xserver-xorg-dev11:48
UbugtuMalone bug 65838 in wacom-tools "FTBFS in edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6583811:48
Kamiontfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/tasksel.diff, http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/pkgsel.diff - both in unapproved11:48
Keybukthe headers contain two different definitions of xd86usleep, one as a macro that expands it to just usleep() and the other that defines it as a function that takes unsigned long11:48
Kamionthose fix my two remaining RC bugs11:49
fabbioneKeybuk: i didn't dig all of them .. just noted FTBFS and assigned to who touched last. You are welcome to reassign it :)11:49
=== Kamion grabs the iptables and liblockfile FTBFS bugs
fabbioneKeybuk: i am still mass-filing 11:50
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infinityKamion: Thanks, I was waiting for someone to take iptables. :)11:50
fabbioneKamion: congratulation on iptables11:50
fabbioneKamion: now.. look in a mirror and ask yourself why i didn't assign it to myself :P11:51
Kamionif I get stuck I can always give it back to nobody; nobody's a really excellent hacker11:51
fabbioneKamion: i am sure nobody will fix that11:51
fabbioneKamion: otherwise assign it to pitti.. he seems to be in a good mood today11:51
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ajmitchpitti: we'll try & keep up the bug filing for you then :)11:53
=== infinity decides it's time to start hacking the launchpad_prod DB.
infinityDon't tell anyone!11:55
seb128keescook: thanks for the gst ac3 fix ;)11:55
mooeypitti, howdy. can i pm please?11:55
pittimooey: sure11:55
pittimooey: I'll answer shortly, brb11:55
ajmitchhm, I wonder why gtk-sharp-unstable is still in the archive11:56
Keybuktfheen: ok to upload wacom-tools to fix FTFBS bug #6583811:57
UbugtuMalone bug 65838 in wacom-tools "FTBFS in edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6583811:57
=== mvo takes dhcp
tfheenKamion: why does tasksel still depend on aptitude then?11:59
tfheenKamion: pkgsel looks good to me12:01
Kamiontfheen: for the manual selection mode12:02
Kamionthe versioned dependency is for --visual-preview12:02
Kamionyou know, for iptables, it might be best to just sync with Debian12:03
Kamion+  * updated to Linux kernel 2.6.17 source12:03
tfheenKamion: tasksel> approved12:03
tfheenKeybuk: go ahead12:03
infinityKamion: If Debian's iptables builds, I'm certainly not 100% against that idea.12:04
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Kamionit would still need to be hacked to use linux-libc-dev, so it's not a trivial option12:04
KamionI'll see how much work it is to fix up our current version12:05
infinitytfheen: https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/255478 <-- Enjoy.12:06
KeybukI worry about how much time and code went into the queue tool to make it print things like "a minute", "3 hours", etc.12:07
infinitytfheen: Were there any other suspicious "this looks like P-a-s breakage" things on the out-of-date list?12:07
tfheeninfinity: who-ho.12:07
tfheeninfinity: none I saw, no.12:07
infinityKeybuk: That's common code throughout all of LP (perhaps from an underlying python lib even)12:07
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KamionKeybuk: instead of like "3:01" which would be much more useful and readable anyway12:07
infinitypitti: Was that hal upload approved?12:08
infinitytfheen: ^^^12:08
tfheeninfinity: yes.12:08
infinityAccepted, then.12:08
dholbachtfheen: ok, to upload  http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/bluez-utils.debdiff ?12:09
tfheeninfinity: directfb still blows up on amd64 and i38612:09
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infinitytfheen: Seriously?  There were THREE bugs in there?12:09
infinityServes me right for only testing on PPC.12:09
=== infinity looks.
infinityOoo, ugly.12:11
tfheendholbach: any reason you can't rather fix it by fixing bluez-gnome?12:11
tfheendholbach: if we're to have an upload for it, I'd rather have a fixed b-g, tbh12:11
fabbioneinfinity: test sparc too please. that's where i found the bug12:11
dholbachtfheen: it's a fix in bluez-gnome CVS - I can imagine that it's not small12:11
infinityfabbione: sparc built fine.12:11
fabbioneinfinity: hmmm ok12:12
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=== mvo goes for lunch
dholbachtfheen: I'll have a look12:13
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pittiogra: bah, currently esdsink is sorted below osssink for some reason12:24
=== pitti investigates why
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=== shawarma is now known as shawarma_away
tfheenfabbione: could you please fix the ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts ftbfs?12:29
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fabbionetfheen: 12:38
fabbionetfheen: looking at it but the missing file is crucial12:39
dholbachtfheen: ok, tried bt-applet cvs, works fine, seems to not display the icon, if you have no hci<n> device, which is a first step - the code diff is ~900 lines -- it's supposed to have a gconf key, but the gconf schemas seem to not have been written yet, so you can only control it by gconf, if you added the key manually12:39
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-45-87.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KeybukOct 12 12:18:55 rcS: setupcon: The console-chars utility from the console-setup 12:40
Keybukfont can load only fonts witn 8 pixel width matrix.  Please install the setfont 12:40
Keybukutility from the kbd package.12:40
KeybukKamion: ^12:40
fabbionetfheen: no, we need mjg59 to give us the missing file.. it's an XML mess12:41
tfheendholbach: not displaying the icon if you don't have a HCI adapter is a one-line change.12:41
KamionKeybuk: yes, don't use one of the fonts in question then12:42
KamionKeybuk: bug filed, wontfix until edgy+112:42
tfheenfabbione: it's completely missing from the source, not just misplaced?12:42
fabbionetfheen: missing12:42
tfheenfabbione: ok. :-/12:43
tfheenfabbione: thanks12:43
KeybukKamion: which fonts are in question?12:43
fabbionetfheen: checking again..12:43
KeybukKamion: this is just an ordinary dapper->edgy upgrade12:43
fabbionetfheen: yeah it's missing..12:43
fabbionei don't know how to write stuff like that.. sorry12:43
fabbioneKeybuk: ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts12:44
tfheenfabbione: ok, no problem.  I'll try to get it from Matthew12:44
KamionKeybuk: hmm, I'll check whether the switch back to VGA affects this12:44
tfheenfabbione: Keybuk/Kamion's font discussion is about console-setup, not the georgian fonts.12:44
KeybukKamion: "switch back to vga" ?12:44
tfheendholbach: I wonder if we should make it only display the icon when it wants to blink it12:44
fabbioneoh sorry12:44
=== fabbione got confused
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KeybukKamion: the console doesn't appear to be running a framebuffer12:44
infinitytfheen: brltty/{powerpc,ia64} rescued.12:45
dholbachtfheen: hm, that's a diff we'd have to maintain post-edgy12:46
tfheeninfinity: cheers.12:46
dholbachtfheen: better make it not show and discuss options with upstream for edgy+112:46
KamionKeybuk: you're missing the point slightly but I would have to explain too much of console-setup's internals to explain why :-)12:46
KamionKeybuk: upgrade to what vintage of edgy?12:46
tfheendholbach: upstream thinks it should always display a useless icon?12:46
KeybukKamion: that reboot would have been due to an update12:47
KamionKeybuk: and could you put your /etc/default/console-setup somewhere for me?12:47
dholbachtfheen: he wants to have it controllable by a gconf policy12:47
KamionKeybuk: (whether the console is actually running a framebuffer is not relevant here)12:47
tfheendholbach: but you can't interact with it in any way except get the "about" dialog up.12:47
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Kamionah, terminus 12x6 is the default Terminus font12:48
Kamionthat's irritating12:48
dholbachtfheen: I absolutely agree with you and I think it should be fixed12:48
KamionKeybuk: ok, thanks, I'll see if I can munge this on upgrade somehow12:48
dholbachtfheen: but we should make an easy fix for the release12:48
KeybukKamion: my laptop appears to have FONTSIZE="16" there12:48
tfheendholbach: is upstream around now?  As in, if I give you a diff, can you get him to agree to it?12:49
Keybukooh, I like TerminusBoldVGA :p12:49
Kamionyeah, that's weird, 16 is the default12:49
dholbachtfheen: it's 'holtmann' in launchpad12:49
KamionI think there may be a really subtle use-of-debconf bug here12:50
dholbachtfheen: he's on the bluetooth team, so he'll be notified of changes to bug 6564512:51
UbugtuMalone bug 65645 in bluez-gnome "Die systray icon die!" [Undecided,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6564512:51
Kamionbecause at some point it's obviously picked the first option rather than the one in Default:12:51
infinityNgh, the gcc-3.3/amd64 failure isn't pitti's fault, I should have read the log before I wasted an hour on the build retry.12:51
infinitydoko__: http://librarian.launchpad.net/4822231/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-amd64.gcc-3.3_1%3A3.3.6-13ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:51
infinitydoko__: While you're at it, gcc-3.3 is FTBFS on ia64 too, but for different reasons.12:51
KamionKeybuk: so do you reckon I can reproduce this by installing dapper and upgrading to edgy?12:52
tfheendholbach: he's not on IRC?12:52
pittiinfinity: we only need it to keep libstdc++5-3.3 for commercial apps, right?12:52
KeybukKamion: should do; this was installed fresh dapper from the CD.  kept up to date.  and then upgraded to edgy this week12:52
dholbachtfheen: I don't know - he replied to a bunch of bugs, but I never talked to him on IRC and he has no IRC nick registered in his launchpad account12:53
KeybukI generally make a point of not touching anything in /etc as well12:53
infinitypitti: Pretty much, yeah.12:53
infinitypitti: It's also somewhat handy for GCC regression testing, but that argument's beginning to wear thin.12:53
KamionKeybuk: all right, thanks12:53
tfheendholbach: ok.  I'll whip up a patch and see if that's acceptable.12:53
dholbachtfheen: super12:53
KeybukI have a vmware image that I only upgraded yesterday12:54
Keybuklet me check that12:54
doko_infinity: yes, low priority.12:54
Keybukthat's i386, but not sure that makes a difference or not12:54
KamionI don't *think* it should12:54
KamionKeybuk: the other is amd64?12:54
dholbachtfheen: hang on, he just attached a patch to the bug12:55
KeybukKamion: yes12:55
KeybukKamion: my vmware install and upgrade exhibits the same bug12:55
Keybukso this is definitely replicatable12:55
Kamionapart from hppa (which asks for model) and sparc (which uses the sun4 model and asks for model), all the architectures we support are equivalent from console-setup's point of view, I think12:55
dholbachtfheen: seems he extracted the strictly necessary bits from the cvs checkout12:56
Keybukthat's an image with dapper installed from CD and updated.  and then updated to edgy from the repos12:56
Kamionok, great, thanks, I'll just get my local mirror up to date and try that12:56
KamionKeybuk: dapper installed from d-i or ubiquity?12:56
KeybukKamion: u6y12:56
Kamionrighto, in progress12:57
tfheendholbach: that patch mixes features with something not exactly what we want.12:58
tfheendholbach: do you agree that the sane way for the icon to work is to display an icon when you can interact with it?12:58
tfheendholbach: so since you can't put you BT device into discoverable mode or similar yet, it should only be there when somebody tries to pair.  Agreed?12:59
dholbachyou can set it to discoverable mode with the version in CVS, but yeah, that's one possibility that makes sense01:00
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dholbachhaving it around, when you have a hci device makes sense for some people too, but that's something we should have in edgy+1 with upstream's blessing.... I'm sure that if you attach a patch, Marcel will reply on it01:01
tfheendholbach: I'm not going to pull in the version from CVS.  I want the icon to behave sensibly as described above.  Neither "display always", "display when there are adapters present", "never ever display icon" doesn't match any of those01:01
tfheendholbach: I'm happy to have this conversation with upstream, sure.01:01
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tfheenI just want us to agree to a sensible behaviour before writing code.01:02
pittiogra: hm, I'm pretty stuck with this; gstreamer does not seem to load the esdsink automatically any more, so it doesn't even have a chance of registering itself01:02
ograpitti, gah01:02
dholbachtfheen: for edgy, I agree, it makes sense01:02
=== infinity tries to decide if he should quit for the weekend, or kick over into "crunch mode" and work into the wee hours of the morning...
ograpitti, well, then my only chance is to set the gconf key, but thats darn ugly01:02
dholbachtfheen: for edgy+1, it should be configurable, and I'm sure that upstream will consider your case as another gconf option, if we talk to him about it01:03
pittiogra: oh, I can still ask the mighty seb128, maybe he has an idea01:03
dholbachtfheen: (and we can make it default)01:03
=== ogra prays to the mighty one
infinitykylem: Why is palo arch:any?01:05
fabbioneinfinity: in the hope to take over the world? :)01:05
pittiogra: hm, sometimes it *is* registered, and sometimes not; bwah01:05
ograthats weird01:06
infinityfabbione: No one in their right mind would want that.01:06
infinityfabbione: It may not be as bad as silo, but it's pretty bad. :)01:06
ograis theer a commandline to show the registered one ?01:06
pittiogra: I didn't find one, I hacked gstreamer0.10 to printf() gst_element_register() invocation01:07
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pittiogra: it doesn't have an useful gstreamer logging call01:07
pittihi BenC 01:07
pittiBenC: kernel panic mode on01:07
fabbioneinfinity: eheh01:07
tfheenfabbione: I've seen many weird misspellings, but never seen "grub2" misspelled as "palo".01:08
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Kamioninfinity: palo is used by debian-cd to make hppa CDs bootable. Please don't make it Architecture: hppa.01:08
infinityKamion: I wasn't planning on it.01:08
Kamionanyway, that's probably why01:08
infinityKamion: More to the point, I was wondering if it's worth caring that it's currently FTBFS on all arches.01:08
infinityKamion: I'll care anyway. :)01:09
KamionI think so, given that we use it on lithium on i38601:09
Kamionno, amd6401:09
fabbionetfheen: it's a matter of Itaglish/Ameritalian/Engrish01:09
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doko_heh, Fri Oct 13 13:13:13 CEST 200601:12
doko_where's the black cat?01:12
=== HiddenWolf doesn't meow
HiddenWolfsorry ;)01:15
pittidoko_: ugh01:16
tfheendholbach: http://err.no/patches/bluez-gnome-disable-icon-when-inactive.diff01:17
tfheen(actually, reload, I reworked it slightly)01:19
infinityKamion: Now that P-a-s works correctly, any objections to removing old pbbuttons binaries on !powerpc?01:21
Kamioninfinity: no - done01:25
dholbachtfheen: looks good - seems to work ok01:26
mvotfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/dhcp_2.0pl5-19.4ubuntu1.debdiff <- debdiff of the just uploaded dhcp01:27
dholbachtfheen: do you want to attach it to the bug report and get feedback or do you just want to go with it?01:27
tfheendholbach: if you could get Kamion or infinity to review it and then upload, that'd be good.01:27
tfheendholbach: or you could attach it to the bug and wait a couple of hours.01:27
tfheenI'd like it in before the weekend.01:27
dholbachtfheen: it's YOUR patch :-))01:27
dholbachI won't get blamed for uploading your patch ;-)01:28
dholbachsure, I'll attach it :)01:28
tfheenjust sponsor the upload or something.01:28
tfheenor I could upload it; point is I don't want to dig too much into single issues -- I'm trying to have something resembling a grand view of the situation.01:28
kyleminfinity, because it can run on anything else to generate netboot images.01:29
infinitykylem: Yeah, Kamion said as much.01:29
infinitykylem: You're too slow. :P01:30
kylemit's like 7:30, i've not slept, cut me some slack. :)01:31
dholbachtfheen: done01:31
=== dholbach -> lunch
tfheendholbach: did you get anywhere with the kubuntu bluetooth problems?01:31
dholbachtfheen: RockMan (kmobiletools upstream) said that using the patch and setting kbluepin as default passkey-agent works for him, another kubuntu user confirmed that - however it doesn't work for me yet - so I want to give it some more testing01:33
dholbachtfheen: but I'm on it01:33
tfheendholbach: thanks; enjoy your lunch. :-)01:34
dholbachgracias - hope you lunch soon too01:34
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pittiwb seb128 01:37
infinityKamion: Same for gtkpbbuttons, gtkpbbuttons-gnome, and powerprefs, if you didn't already nail the rdeps.01:38
seb128pitti: re01:38
Kamioninfinity: oops, yeah, done01:39
pittiogra: aaaaaaaaah01:40
pittiogra: I got it01:41
ograwhat is it ?01:41
pittiogra: that is, I know the reason01:41
pittiogra: rm ~/.gstreamer-0.10/registry.x*01:41
ograwhere does that come from ? gst-register ?01:42
pittiogra: in short: gst reads all the plugins and caches their ranks in that XML file01:42
pittiogra: so the second time you run gst, it only reads the cache, and thus the esdsink cannot re-register itself with a different priority01:42
ograaha !01:42
ograhmm, tricky01:42
pittiogra: once you rm the cache and set LTSP_CLIENT, then the cache will be regenerated with highest rank, and esdsink is always used01:43
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pittiseb128: ^ this gstreamer caching behaviour breaks our alsadmixsink/ltsp sink behaviour; do you know an easy way to disable caching for a particular sink?01:43
seb128#gstreamer guys are responsive usually though01:43
seb128just ask on the chan01:44
ograwe could make gst respect LTSP_CLIENT01:44
pittiogra: the alternative would be to have an ltspesdsink which only succeeds for LTSP_CLIENT01:44
ograso it does skip the chache01:44
pittiogra: that would be even cleaner01:44
pittibut a bit code-intrusive01:44
pittiat this point01:44
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pittiseb128: will do, thanks01:44
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dholbachtfheen: update: kubuntu patch looks good, works, needs some integration and some more testing01:51
dholbachtfheen: (bluez-utils thingie) - i'll test some more after lunch01:53
_iondholbach: Please see bug #65897.01:53
UbugtuMalone bug 65897 in edgy-wallpapers "Redundant "widescreen" wallpaper in the package" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6589701:53
dholbach_ion: will do it, when i get back from lunch - thanks for that!01:54
=== dholbach hugs _ion
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janimoheno, Riddell: in comments of bug 58836 I see separate options for sticky keys and mouse keys. Is that the current state?02:00
UbugtuMalone bug 58836 in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu "F5 options need to be linked to the right casper options" [Undecided,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5883602:00
janimothey can be separate in xubuntu as well but I'd like to keep the options close to ubuntu/kubuntu02:01
Riddelljanimo: yes, they're separate02:02
janimotfheen: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26587/ permission to upload a one liner fix for gxine02:03
KamionFYI: app-install-data-commercial, language-pack-kde-lo, language-pack-kde-lo-base, and libiddev-dev are all newer in dapper-updates than in edgy02:03
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Kamionlibiddev-dev may be NBS, checking02:04
pittiKamion: uh, seems that KDE dropped that language02:04
pittiKamion: I can do a no-change upload with a higher version number if required, but it would not change much02:05
janimoRiddell: so you have v1/v2/m1/m2 now for kubuntu even though same bug does not mention m2 right?02:05
Kamionpitti: I'd like edgy to be >= dapper-updates for all packages02:05
Riddellif the % translated goes below a certain figure it doesn't get released02:05
Kamionpitti: or else we could remove that package02:05
Riddelljanimo: yeah, one of the m's doesn't get used :(02:05
Kamion(from edgy)02:06
pittiKamion: then removing is prefered02:06
Kamionok, will do02:06
tfheenjanimo: you've tested this?02:06
janimotfheen: sure02:06
tfheenjanimo: approved, but I think this is the last of such minor fixes I'll accept.02:07
janimotfheen: I always pbuild and run tests02:07
Kamionmvo: can you ensure that edgy has at least as new a version of app-install-data-commercial as dapper-updates, please?02:07
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janimotfheen: thanks02:08
infinitytfheen: As the acting RM, do you have any objections to the complete obliteration of edgy/hppa from the face of the planet?02:08
seb128tfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/evolution-data-server.debdiff, the patch is http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=71859 and used by the e-d-s FC package for a month02:08
henojanimo: KDE has the kmouse tool, which is used in #4 I guess, but does nor run onBoard yet02:08
infinitytfheen: Cause it's about to happen in ~22 minutes. :)02:08
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tfheeninfinity: press da button!02:08
tfheeninfinity: will lamont kill us?02:09
janimoheno: do you think for xubuntu I should separate mouse and sticky keys as well?02:09
infinitytfheen: No.  If he threatens to, send him my way.02:09
infinitytfheen: hppa will be back and should kick ass in feisty, so it's all good. :)02:09
tfheeninfinity: 'k02:09
mvoKamion: yes, I will fix that02:10
henojanimo: so by mouse, you mean mouse keys. You could. We don't in Ubuntu just now02:10
Kamionmvo: thanks02:11
tfheenseb128: ok, approved.  Now, can we please stop attacking !milestone bugs?02:11
Kamionlibiddev-dev will be NBSed once archive-cruft-check tells me I can02:11
Kamionand that'll be edgy strictly >= dapper-updates everywhere02:11
janimoheno, tfheen: I'd also like to upload a new onboard with sync to latest bzr , fixes it to work in xfce (where there;s no nautilus)) bug 6525102:11
UbugtuMalone bug 65251 in onboard "work without nautilus" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6525102:11
seb128tfheen: I've no milestoned bugs left on my list but ok, I'll pick some non assigned ones from now02:11
tfheenseb128: there are plenty of ftbfs-es for instance.02:12
seb128yeah, doing that next02:12
infinitypitti: Which FTBFS were you looking at that looked like a linux-libc-dev bug?02:13
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pittiinfinity: reiserfsprogs02:14
infinityRight, thanks.  BenC's awake, want to poke him in #-kernel?02:14
pittiinfinity: bug 65842 (some details there)02:14
UbugtuMalone bug 65842 in linux-source-2.6.17 "FTBFS in edgy: no asm/unaligned.h" [High,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6584202:14
pittiinfinity: sure02:14
BenCpitti: Checking it02:14
infinitytfheen: queue filling up again, and I've not been watching the channel.02:17
infinity  109125 | S- | gxine                | 0.5.7-1ubuntu6       | seven minutes02:17
infinity         | * gxine/0.5.7-1ubuntu6 Component: main Section: graphics02:17
infinity  109124 | S- | yelp                 | 2.16.1-0ubuntu3      | 22 minutes02:17
infinity         | * yelp/2.16.1-0ubuntu3 Component: main Section: gnome02:17
infinity  109123 | S- | adept                | 2.1.1ubuntu3         | 32 minutes02:17
infinity         | * adept/2.1.1ubuntu3 Component: main Section: kde02:17
infinity  109110 | S- | dhcp                 | 2.0pl5-19.4ubuntu1   | 47 minutes02:17
infinity         | * dhcp/2.0pl5-19.4ubuntu1 Component: main Section: net02:17
infinitytfheen: Status/approval of each?02:17
henojanimo: are you putting onboard on the CD?02:17
tfheeninfinity: gxine is ok, yelp's ok.02:17
ajmitchnothing new for universe? we must be slacking02:18
tfheenwho uploaded adept and dhcp?02:18
=== ajmitch also
pittiogra: hmm, messing with the cache reading in gstreamer does not work unfortunately02:18
ajmitchtfheen: mvo said he did earlier02:18
pittiogra: and the #gstreamer guys didn't have a good hint apart from 'original patch was flawed'02:18
janimoheno: sure, and know how to start it from casper02:18
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lritterhey there02:18
ajmitchsorry, mvo did dhcp02:19
infinitytfheen: There's also the qt4-x11 upload still kicking around, and Riddell seems alive now. :)02:19
henojanimo: you know or need to know02:19
lritterthere is a bug which i'd personally like to see fixed, as it broke 6.06 font rendering02:19
tfheeninfinity: dhcp is approved.02:19
janimoheno: I know :)02:19
pittiogra: so, we are down to two options: (1) fix it properly with an ltspesdsink (much code, although mostly copy&paste), or (2) add a nasty hack to ltsp scripts to rm the cache at a good point02:19
tfheenRiddell: did you upload adept and qt4-x11?02:19
lritterit's in 6.06 since quite a time now, and i spent a lot of time getting this heard02:19
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janimoheno: I am just trying ot make the 30accessibility diffs small so I only send the pacth once02:19
henojanimo: without at-spi I take it02:19
janimofor all xubuntu buts02:19
tfheenlritter: if it's the alternative font renderer patch for freetype, it's too late.02:20
ograpitti, hmm, the second option doesnt seem right02:20
lrittertfheen: what do you mean?02:20
janimoheno: I'd lik to start at-spi as well, it would mean xubutu can do all 5 options as ubuntu02:20
tfheenlritter: what do you mean by what do I mean?02:20
pittiogra: well, 'right' is only the first option, but I'm not sure that tfheen is happy with it02:20
henojanimo: cool!02:20
janimoheno: but I do not know how to install at-spi if an a11y option is chosen but otherwise keep it and gnome deps off the installed system02:20
lrittertfheen: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/freetype/+bug/6076002:20
UbugtuMalone bug 60760 in freetype "turning off autohinting has no effect" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  02:20
ograpitti, yeah, i'd guess so02:20
janimoheno: stacjed filesystems was supposed to help but it is not implemented02:20
janimoheno: another way would be to use whatever ubiquity does with optional langage supports but had not time to look at how it is done02:21
janimoKamion: maybe you can point me to the right code to read ^^^02:21
henojanimo: oh right, we just have it installed regardless 02:21
ograpitti, i think a ltsp-sound script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d probably ... hmm02:22
janimoKamion: to get xubuntu-at- installed only if a11y is selected, or installed anyway but not copied over to the disk 02:22
henojanimo: btw, if you add yourself here https://launchpad.net/people/onboard/+members I'll approve and you can sync XFCE stuff yourself :)02:22
tfheenlritter: no patch and we're in RC freeze and not critical for the release in any way => too late.02:23
lritterrc freeze for 6.06?02:23
tfheenno, 6.1002:23
lritterhow is that possible02:23
lritterok, but the bug got in inbetween 6.0602:23
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lritterwhen 6.06 was already released02:23
lritterso how can this not be considered?02:23
siretartzul: what compiler is used for compiling ubuntu kernel images? 'standard' /usr/bin/gcc or special settings?02:23
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janimoheno: I joined :)02:23
tfheenlritter: uh, I'm not sure what you mean by "in between 6.06"02:24
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lrittertfheen: the 6.06 live cd renders the font correctly02:24
lrittertfheen: after installation, fonts are also correctly being rendered02:24
lrittertfheen: after a package update however, fonts are incorrectly being rendered02:24
agutierrhello all: someone knows why nfs doesnt mounts on boot on dapper ?02:24
henojanimo: always handy to have someone with main upload right on the team :)02:24
tfheenlritter: if it's something which only affects 6.06, that should be noted in the bug report.02:24
lrittertfheen: so how is it possible that a release final can change essentially in behaviour,02:25
lrittertfheen: but can not be fixed ;)02:25
mvotfheen: dhcp is already upload, see http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/dhcp_2.0pl5-19.4ubuntu1.debdiff02:25
tfheenlritter: does it affect 6.10?02:25
tfheenmvo: yes, I just approved it.02:25
lrittertfheen: good question. is 6.10 edgy?02:25
tfheenlritter: yes.02:25
lrittertfheen: i can't tell... i had a look at edgy a few months ago, and it blasted my system ;)02:26
lrittertfheen: i wanted to have another look at it when its sufficiently stable02:26
tfheenlritter: it should be sufficiently stable now.  We're in release freeze.02:26
lrittertfheen: sounds great02:26
mvotfheen: thanks. to fix #65850 we need a updated python-egenix-mx-base-dev, the debdiff is at: http://librarian.launchpad.net/4823082/egenix-mx-base_2.0.6ubuntu1-1ubuntu5.debdiff, then psycopg only needs a give-back02:26
tfheenlritter: and you can always test a live cd.02:26
janimoheno: Ok ping me when it needs uploading in the future :)02:26
lrittertfheen: a good argument indeed.02:26
pittiogra: I added the status to the bug; tfheen, if you have a minute, can you please give your RM opinion on bug 65690?02:26
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UbugtuMalone bug 65690 in gst-plugins-good0.10 "should select the esdsink for LTSP_CLIENTs" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6569002:26
lrittertfheen: i will check and let you know.02:26
henojanimo: thanks :)02:27
mvotfheen: I just did iptraf as well, debdiff is at #6583202:27
Kamionjanimo: can the xubuntu-at-* packages be installed on the live CD?02:27
Kamionjanimo: as in, just shoved into the xubuntu live seed02:27
tfheenpitti: nuke the cache, imo.02:27
janimoKamion: yes they can02:28
tfheenpitti: (why is it even cached?)02:28
pittitfheen: just to speed up startup, I guess02:28
janimoKamion: if it can be figured out how to purge them from the disk as with languages02:28
Kamionjanimo: right, then do so and make ubiquity-hooks/30accessibility call 'apt-install xubuntu-at-foo xubuntu-at-bar' (or whatever) if the packages should remain installed02:28
janimoKamion: along with their deps though02:28
Kamion(and yes, I mean apt-install, not apt-get install)02:29
tfheeninfinity,Kamion: either of you please review and approve casper when it hits unapproved.02:29
janimoKamion: so the purge will  take the gnome libs away like apt-get autoremove?02:29
lrittertfheen: nevertheless, congratulations02:29
Kamionjanimo: yes02:29
infinitytfheen: Do you have a diff I can peruse, so I don't have to fetch it?02:29
janimoKamion: great02:29
Kamionnot autoremove though, it just removes them02:29
pittiogra: are you fine with adding this to the LTSP session scripts?02:30
Kamionsame code as is used for language packs02:30
henoKamion: should I update the ubiquity hooks script to match the changes I made to the casper script or would you prefer to do it?02:30
Kamionheno: I'll have a look now02:30
tfheeninfinity: http://err.no/tmp/foo.diff02:30
ograpitti, commented on the bug02:30
pittiogra: (don't forget the ~ in the path :) )02:31
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Kamionheno: in future feel free to do it, though02:31
ograright :)02:31
tfheenmvo: is that egenix-mx-base the debdiff against what's in Ubuntu or what's in Debian?02:31
tfheenmvo: and why doesn't the changelog list the changes from the Debian package?02:31
henoKamion: ok, cool02:31
infinitytfheen: Your whitespace usage sucks, otherwise it looks fine.02:31
lritteris there any newer iso release than sept 28?02:31
Kamionlritter: yes, the daily builds02:32
tfheeninfinity: I need to apply a suitable tool to emacs to teach it about indentation.02:32
Kamioninfinity: the whitespace use in lots of casper sucks02:32
lritterare they acceptable? ;)02:32
Kamionlritter: maybe02:32
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mvotfheen: this is a merge of the debian changes (the update to the new python policy) to the ubuntu package. our package does not have done the python-polciy yet and that causes the FTBFS for the dependencies of this02:32
lritterok i try one02:32
Kamionthere is no newer "blessed" release02:32
Kamionthe next one will be the release candidate02:32
Kamionheno: committed02:33
infinitytfheen: casper accepted.02:34
Kamiondiff from casper script to ubiquity hook:02:34
Kamion-                        gct "-s -t string /desktop/gnome/background/primary_color \#666666"02:34
Kamion-                        gct "-s -t string /desktop/gnome/background/secondary_color \#7F7F7F"02:34
Kamion+                        gct -s -t string /desktop/gnome/background/primary_color \#66666602:34
Kamion+                        gct -s -t string /desktop/gnome/background/secondary_color \#7F7F7F02:34
Kamionthose quotes should die, right?02:34
KamionI think they'll break setting of those options02:34
tfheenthey shouldn't be needed at least.02:35
henoKamion: I think so yes02:35
henoKamion: did you catch that last 1 line change from this morning?02:35
Kamionok, they're gone02:35
Kamionheno: no02:35
tfheenheno: I just uploaded a version with that change.02:35
henobug 6586102:35
UbugtuMalone bug 65861 in casper "onboard fails to start with F5 boot" [Undecided,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6586102:36
pittiogra: ok, bug updated. sorry :/02:36
henomakes onboard work02:36
Kamionyes, that's fixed in casper 1.75, but the ubiquity hook is out of sync02:36
ograpitti, fine with me02:36
tfheenmvo: you didn't answer why the changelog doesn't list the changes from Debian we still have?02:37
henotfheen: yeah, that's what I just saw :)02:37
janimoheno: are these deps which I set a while ago still valid for current edgy? magnifying:  at-spi, gnome-orca, gnome-mag  02:37
janimoheno: I see the speech packages are still in universe?02:37
janimoespeak, speech-dispatcher02:38
henojanimo: those are valid, yes02:38
henojanimo: we are just using gnome-speech this time02:38
mvotfheen: we could sync it, but our version number is higher than the debian version number - should I update the changelog to explain this?02:38
tfheeninfinity: didn't you upload a new directfb?02:38
Kamionjanimo: you'll need to guard the apt-install call I suggested with a check for whether the xubuntu-at-* packages are installed02:39
infinitytfheen: Waiting on feedback from BenC.02:39
Kamionotherwise it'll install them for all derivatives02:39
henoplan to use speech-dispatcher and espeak in Edgy+102:39
infinitytfheen: Which is waiting in line behind pitti. :)02:39
janimoKamion: even if the packages are not on those CDs?02:39
tfheeninfinity: 'k02:39
infinitytfheen: (mess with agpgart headers and non-userspace typedefs)02:39
tfheenmvo: but is the debdiff the still-remaining diff to Debian or the diff to our current version?02:40
lritterso, what does it mean, when edgy is frozen? what will be fixed?02:40
Kamionjanimo: apt-install would try to install them (possibly from the network); whether it succeeds or not is a different matter02:40
pittiinfinity: neeeeext, please02:40
Kamionjanimo: we only want its queueing/preventing-removal behaviour, so check whether they're installed first02:40
infinityKamion: Can you think of a clever way to find out-of-dates accross the whole dist, without invoking britney for the task?02:40
tfheenmvo: iptraf fix > approved02:40
Kamioninfinity: quinn-diff maybe?02:41
infinityKamion: I'm curious how many other things like pbbuttonsd stopped building when P-a-s started working.02:41
infinityYeah, quinn-diff would do.02:41
mvotfheen: oh, sorry, I misunderstood your question. its the diff between of ubuntu version 02:41
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infinityI may actually have a copy on drescher, come to think of it.02:41
mvotfheen: thanks02:41
henojanimo: speech depends on Festival and gnome-speech ATM02:41
tfheenmvo: ok, approved.02:41
mvotfheen: do you want a diff between debian<->ubuntu as well (just to be sure)?02:42
tfheenmvo: that should just be the changelog if we could just as well have synced, isn't it?02:42
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mvotfheen: yes it is02:43
tfheenmvo: if so, no need for that debdiff.  Upload away.02:43
mvotfheen: thanks, I will make the changelog a bit more verbose and upload 02:44
tfheendoko_: your eunuchs upload a month ago ftbfs on amd64.02:44
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infinitytfheen: Did it die with an incompatible pointer type complaint?02:45
tfheeninfinity: yes.02:45
infinitytfheen: If so, it died on ia64 with the same thing, and I assume it's not 64-bit clean.02:45
tfheeninfinity: it used to build.02:46
doko_tfheen: no, it didn't build02:46
=== tfheen retries the build, just for kicks
tfheendoko_: the build log is available now.02:47
pittitfheen: reisersprogs FTBFS fix uploaded02:47
tfheenpitti: cheers02:47
henoKamion: did the ubiquity/Orca fix make it into this morning's Live CD? I don't see it working here02:47
doko_tfheen: it was available before as well02:47
infinityThat's curious that it dies now with no code changes.  Woo.02:48
tfheendoko_: not when I retried the build, no.  Then it nukes the build record.02:48
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tfheenKeybuk: your gmp upload some time ago ftbfs on sparc.02:50
Keybukand s/sparc/amd64/ ?02:50
mvotfheen: virkey (#65846) is fixed too, debdiff in the bugreport. do you actually want this kind of irc feedback :) ? or will you scan the uploads anyway and its just noise?02:51
tfheenuh, yes, amd64.02:51
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KeybukI don't think that was my upload ?02:51
tfheenmvo: shouldn't that be python-all-dev in the build-deps?02:52
tfheenoh, sorry, it is02:52
tfheenI'm clearly blind02:52
mvotoo much reviewing :)02:52
tfheenKeybuk: LP claims otherwise.02:52
Keybuktfheen: LP still thinks I've uploaded most of the archive at some point or other02:52
infinityHe synced it in his own name. :)02:52
Kamionheno: should've done, check 'dpkg -l ubiquity', should be 1.2.002:52
KeybukI tended to do that ;)02:53
Keybukor mom output02:53
tfheenKeybuk: any chance you could give it a shot nevertheless?02:53
Keybukthe fact it's got "unstable" in the distribution string is a bit of a give-away02:53
Keybuktfheen: it's failing in some assembly code, so, err, no02:53
KeybukI'll see if current Debian builds on amd6402:53
tfheeninfinity: is gtk-sharp2 a PaS bug victim or is it NBS on sparc?02:54
Keybukinfinity: this looks like an autosync02:54
Keybukor probably a hammer while autosyncing02:54
tfheenmvo: virtkey > approved.02:54
tfheenmvo: and yes, I want those since I use my backlog when infinity or Colin asks what I've approved. :-P02:55
Riddelltfheen: yes, I uploaded adept and qt4, adept fixes a High priority targetted bug, and qt4 was approved by mdz at the meeting yesterday02:55
infinitytfheen: Likely the former.02:56
tfheenRiddell: even so, please do make diffs and post links to them here, else I won't know if they're ok or not.02:56
henoKamion: oh, I'm an idiot: I booted with something other than v3 and then had orca and at-spi started manually. Will test properly now ;p02:56
tfheenRiddell: so, if I could have an adept debdiff, that'd be good.02:56
infinitytfheen: Yeah, it builds arch"all packages, so it's malcc's P-a-s bug.02:57
tfheeninfinity: qt4-x11 is approved.02:57
henoubiquity is indeed 1.2.002:57
infinitytfheen: Will perform more DB surgery to fix.02:57
tfheeninfinity: cheers.02:57
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tfheencrimsun: your john upload ages ago FTBFS02:58
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tfheenuh, that klibc ftbfs on amd64 is.. special.02:59
infinitytfheen: gtk-sharp2/sparc rescued in the DB, qt4-x11 accepted.02:59
seb128is anybody looking at libcairo-perl ftbfs yet?02:59
infinitytfheen: klibcs is FTBFS on all arches, jbailey's handling it.02:59
Keybuktfheen: 03:00
tfheeninfinity: no, latest just failed on ia64 and amd6403:00
Keybuk gmp  (2:4.2.1+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=high03:00
Keybuk   * Disable fat support for amd64, as it is broken upstream.  Thanks to03:00
Keybuk     Steinar H. Gunderson for initial version of patch.  Closes: #376353.03:00
Keybuk -- Steve M. Robbins <smr@debian.org>  Mon, 17 Jul 2006 23:15:30 -040003:00
Keybuktfheen: ok to sync that from snapshot.d.n?03:00
tfheenKeybuk: yes.03:00
=== Kamion sends a UVF eexception for iptables
Keybuktfheen: will check it builds first ;)03:01
Kamionexception request03:01
infinitytfheen: No, it fails everywhere, the autorebuild says so.03:01
tfheenKeybuk: please do.03:01
infinitytfheen: Just cause it once built doesn't mean it does now. :)03:01
tfheeninfinity: pft.  Details. :-P03:01
tfheeninfinity: I'm still trawling outofdate.03:01
infinityYeah, I can tell. :)03:02
infinitytfheen: I've handed off directfb to BenC, if you're keeping tabs on who's got what.03:02
BenCtfheen, anybody: I'm uploading kernel 10.33, which is a two-liner fix for the build failure of the approved upload I did last night03:03
tfheenBenC: go ahead.03:03
janimotfheen: permission to upload new snapshot of onboard from bzr, debdiff http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26594/03:04
BenCtfheen: Upload is done, should show any minute03:05
Keybuktfheen: it builds03:06
tfheenjanimo: while I appreciate adding accessibility stuff to xubuntu, we're way past FF.03:07
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janimotfheen: I uploaded this before FF as well but you accidentally reverted it in 0.83 ;)03:08
janimotfheen: and it does not break ubuntu/kubuntu03:09
tfheenjanimo: oh well, it looks decent enough.  Approved.03:09
janimotfheen: and I could only start on a11y stuff ofr xubuntu once a11y in casper is settled for ubuntu which has only happened recently03:09
janimoI have a casper 30acceesibility patch in the works, I hope it will be ok to get that in before RC03:10
janimotfheen: thanks03:10
infinityBenC: accepted.03:11
janimodoko_ : do you know what happened in edgy vs dapper that now language support packages bring in openoffice-core and writer?03:11
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infinityjanimo: Argh, the dummy openoffice.org-l10n-en-us package doesn't depend on "| language-support-en"03:13
infinitydoko_: ^^^03:13
seb128bug #65845 is fixed with the new version to Debian03:14
UbugtuMalone bug 65845 in libcairo-perl "FTBFS in edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6584503:14
BenCinfinity: Thanks03:14
seb128we have 0.3 and Debian has 1.0103:14
seb128nothings Depends on libcairo-perl03:14
seb128should we just sync the new version?03:14
seb128or should I rather backport the fix?03:14
infinityseb128: If nothing depends on it, why is it in main?03:14
Kamionbuild-depends IIRC03:15
infinitylibgtk2-perl yeah.03:15
seb128I'm fine backporting the fix03:15
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seb128but the new version basically update for the libcairo API too03:15
infinityseb128: If it's simple, please do.03:15
seb128we will have binding not matching the current cairo API03:16
Kamionseb128: will libgtk2-perl need to be rebuilt?03:17
seb128Kamion: bug #65849, I've not looked yet, but I expect so03:17
UbugtuMalone bug 65849 in libgtk2-perl "FTBFS in edgy" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6584903:17
seb128I think that's a similar issue03:17
henoKamion: OK, so if you kill the running version of Orca first and then launch install, it works perfectly. If Orca is already running as the user, then the root version falls over when you start install03:19
henoI'm fairly happy with that though, I guess we can describe it in notes03:20
janimoinfinity: would adding that dep fix other language support packages not bringing in OOo?03:20
janimoinfinity: the Ooo package names and deps confuse me03:20
henoThese at-spi with multiple user issues really need fixing upstream anyway03:20
Riddelltfheen: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/adept.debdiff03:21
Kamionheno: ugh, I'm not sure I'm happy with that; if we're doing that then either ubiquity should be fixed to do that or I should remove the hack from ubiquity and the notes should just say to kill your own orca, run orca as root, then start ubiquity03:22
Kamionhalf-and-half just seems confusing03:22
doko_infinity: ok, will fix it03:22
Kamionheno: given the lateness of this, I'm quite tempted to just back out the ubiquity change03:22
infinityjanimo: All the OOo langpacks need to have the alternate dep back to language-support-$foo.03:22
infinitydoko_: Can you give  aonce-over and make sure all the others are right?03:22
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infinitydoko_: ISTR having some issues with this during the dapper release too. :)03:22
henoKamion: I agree. It's starting to become many layers of hacks here03:22
henoKamion: It's quite an easy workaround to describe really03:23
tfheeninfinity: adept approved.03:23
tfheenRiddell: thanks.03:23
infinitytfheen: accepgted.03:23
infinityBut spelled correctly.03:23
doko_$ apt-cache show openoffice.org-l10n-de |grep ^Dep03:23
doko_Depends: openoffice.org-l10n-common (>= 2.0.4~rc3), openoffice.org-common (>= 2.0.4~rc3) | language-support-de, openoffice.org-common (<< 2.0.5) | language-support-de03:23
doko_infinity: ^^^03:23
doko_looks okay03:23
infinitydoko_: Yeah, -en is the one that's not okay.03:24
infinitydoko_: Just wanted you to make sure all the others were alright too, that's all. :)03:24
tkamppeterpitti, doko_, mvo, mdz, HPLIP in Ubuntu is a complete mess, especially we have lost scanning support by unsuccessfully trying to get fax on board (bug 65908). I am trying to redesign the packaging now without all the obscure Debian changes, having only the original tarball and a debian/ directory, no non-debian/ changes in the .diff.gz file.03:24
UbugtuMalone bug 65908 in hplip "libsane-hpaio.so not shipped anymore" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6590803:24
AlinuxOSdoko_, OO.org -ka localisation works great (menu entries too)! Well done!03:24
doko_AlinuxOS: thanks03:25
AlinuxOSdoko_, a big thank you ! ;)03:25
mvotfheen: it looks like we need a rebuild of tetex-bin to fix bug #6583903:25
UbugtuMalone bug 65839 in tetex-bin "FTBFS in edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6583903:25
doko_mvo: we just had a rebuild ...03:25
tfheenmvo: we just had a rebuild03:25
mvotfheen: oh, cool - then doygen just needs a give-back03:26
AlinuxOSis it possible to request 03:26
AlinuxOSopps (wrong channel)03:26
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tfheenmvo: no, it's a false positive from the rebuild testing.03:26
AlinuxOSmjg59, ping.03:26
Kamiontfheen: liblockfile FTBFS uploaded:03:26
Kamion  * glibc 2.4 added an eaccess declaration to unistd.h; rename our eaccess03:26
Kamion    function to eaccess_write (closes: Malone #65837).03:26
UbugtuMalone bug 65837 in liblockfile "FTBFS in edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6583703:26
tfheenKamion: approved.03:27
mvotfheen: right03:27
henoKamion: so yes, just back out the change. I'll work out the smoothest way to work around it and post it on access.u.c03:27
Kamionbacked out in my bzr branch03:28
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AlinuxOSKamion, hello, is it possible to request a package bug fix in this period of freeze ?(or maybe in the near future?)03:29
KamionAlinuxOS: depends on the bug03:31
Kamionand the fix03:31
UbugtuMalone bug 22336 in acpi-support "laptop overheats when performing CPU intensive tasks." [High,Confirmed]  03:32
TraeI am on Mandriva 2007 and that bug doesn't seem to affect this distro (didn't bother Gentoo 2006 either)  03:32
UbugtuMandriva bug 2007 in Installation "Switching to alternate screens during install crashes X" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]  http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=200703:33
AlinuxOSKamion, where can I send a mail with bug explanation ? (it's better via mail than IRC)03:33
TraeIs there something I can check here that might help fix it in Ubuntu?03:33
Traemaybe if we check how they have stuff here, then it might help fix it 03:33
TraeI'd hate to think this bug won't be fixed for Edgy03:33
Traeas it'll mean almost a whole year of my laptop being unusable 03:33
Trae(with Ubuntu)03:33
Traeand I can't stand any othe distro but Ubutu03:34
Traeso I'm caughtbetween a rock and a hard place03:34
KamionAlinuxOS: ubuntu-devel@lists (if main or restricted) or ubuntu-motu@lists (if universe or multiverse)03:34
AlinuxOSKamion, thanks03:34
BenCyay, directfb was a one-liner fix03:34
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TraeI can't code or anything but will do whatever is necessary to help debug for this issue.  (follow commands a developer gives me)03:35
doko_tfheen, Kamion: please approve the debdiffs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/edgy/, all fixing build failures03:35
seb128Kamion, tfheen, infinity: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26596/ fixes the libcairo-perl ftfbs, I think we should consider syncing 1.01 from Debian though, it's update for the cairo 1.2 API changes and to Debian unstable,testing without open bug03:35
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seb128let me know if I should upload the patched version or if you prefer a sync03:35
doko_tfheen: for python-4suite, please see #6589003:36
seb128hi bddebian03:36
bddebianHello seb12803:36
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KamionKeybuk: hmm, how long ago did you actually do that dapper->edgy update?03:37
KamionKeybuk: I tried it just now and it didn't reproduce03:37
BenCtfheen, infinity: directfb is uploaded03:37
Traeno love for me today03:37
KamionKeybuk: could it have been before Thu, 12 Oct 2006 02:42:15 +0100 + build time?03:37
KeybukKamion: yes, likely before then03:38
KeybukTuesday probably03:38
tfheenbugs 6589003:38
UbugtuMalone bug 65890 in python-4suite "UVF exception, fixing FTBFS to build with python2.5" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6589003:38
TraeKeybuk: hey Scott, you see my above ramblings?03:38
KeybukTrae: no?03:38
KamionKeybuk: ok, so it won't happen on a current upgrade, but it wouldn't hurt to try to clean up the mess03:38
tfheendoko_: looks good to me, upload away.03:39
TraeKeybuk: I'm in Mandriva 2007 right now... and (just as Gentoo) it doesn't have the laptop overheating issue.  Is there anything we could look at how they do stuff to perhaps fix it in Ubuntu?03:39
UbugtuMandriva bug 2007 in Installation "Switching to alternate screens during install crashes X" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]  http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=200703:39
doko_tfheen: what exactly, debdiffs plus python-4suite?03:39
TraeKeybuk: having large numers of laptops not being able to function wth Ubuntu seems like a really bad thing 03:39
lritterlaptops not overheating is cpu power not used!03:40
tfheendoko_: your debdiffs look good to me.  The UVF exception is for universe and already approved by dholbach03:40
seb128doko_: I took the libperl-cairo ftbfs bug ownership since I'm working on it03:40
doko_seb128: thanks03:40
KeybukTrae: no idea, sorry; way above my level now03:40
Traelritter: shutting down in the middle of a compile or working  is not fun03:40
Traewho's area is this?03:40
KeybukTrae: the best thing to do would be to see if a pristine upstream kernel over heats03:40
seb128pitti: I'll fix the libgtk2-perl ftbfs too if you are not on it yet03:41
Keybukand if not, figure out which of our kernel patches causes the overheating03:41
TraeOr is there anyonein Ubuntu that paricularly cares about this03:41
Keybukor if so, which patch in mandrive causes it to *not* overheat03:41
mvotfheen: did you approved egenix-mx-base already? I have no mail so far03:41
KeybukTrae: BenC or mjg59 ... but without you sending your laptop to them, there's not much they can do03:41
TraeKeybuk: great queston.  I just make things pretty[tm] 03:41
Kamionmjg59 has already been asking questions on that bug03:41
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KeybukTrae: at this point, you're way beyond "oh, edit /etc/default/acpi_support and set OVERHEAT_LAPTOP to 'no'" :)03:42
TraeI can give them shell access03:42
TraeKeybuk: :(  03:42
tfheenmvo: I guess I need to poke infinity or Kamion about the queue state.03:42
Traele suckxor03:42
Kamion  109147 | S- | directfb             | 0.9.24-4ubuntu3      | three minutes03:42
Kamion         | * directfb/0.9.24-4ubuntu3 Component: main Section: libs03:42
Kamion  109138 | S- | onboard              | 0.85                 | 28 minutes03:42
Kamion         | * onboard/0.85 Component: main Section: gnome03:42
Kamion  109135 | S- | virtkey              | 0.41ubuntu1          | 48 minutes03:43
Kamion         | * virtkey/0.41ubuntu1 Component: main Section: python03:43
Kamion  109132 | S- | egenix-mx-base       | 2.0.6ubuntu1-1ubuntu | 53 minutes03:43
Kamion         | * egenix-mx-base/2.0.6ubuntu1-1ubuntu5 Component: main Section: interpreters03:43
Kamion  109127 | S- | iptraf               | 3.0.0-1ubuntu2       | 1 hour 20 minutes03:43
Kamion         | * iptraf/3.0.0-1ubuntu2 Component: main Section: net03:43
KeybukTrae: ondemand didn't fix it for you then?03:43
TraeKeybuk: nope03:43
tfheenKamion: directfb, onboard, virtkey, egenix-mx-base are all approved.03:43
Traeit seemed to have, but then died again not long after03:43
KeybukTrae: ok, does a pristine upstream kernel overheat?03:43
tfheenKamion: iptraf too is ok.03:44
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TraeKeybuk: no clue, I really hate (and don't know much about) compiling kernel03:44
Traethat's so 199803:44
KeybukTrae: unfortunately, at this point, it sounds like we have to track down a single line of kernel code that causes your laptop to overheat03:44
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Keybukwhich means probably about 300,000 kernel compiles and tests03:44
doko_seb128: do you want to have a look at gst-python? it's apparently a pygtk incompatibility03:45
TraeKeybuk: ok, so now tell me the bad news03:45
KeybukTrae: you've only got a week left to live to do it all in03:45
Kamionlog2(300000) surely ;-)03:45
TraeKeybuk: Your going down with me, I ain't going alone!03:45
KeybukTrae: nothing to do with me03:45
Traewhere does BenC live?03:46
BenCTrae: Virginia03:46
KeybukHicksville, Merkia03:46
Traeor the other gentleman you spoke of.03:46
TraeBenC: oh there you are03:46
seb128doko_: what bug number?03:47
TraeI doubt I could go very long without my laptop.03:47
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Traeas it's where I do all my work from.03:47
doko_seb128: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gst-python/0.8.4-3build103:48
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BenCtfheen: Fixed iptraf uploaded (bug 65832)03:55
UbugtuMalone bug 65832 in iptraf "FTBFS in edgy [sparc at least] " [High,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6583203:55
BenChmm, maybe already fixed03:55
tfheenBenC: that's already fixed, yes.03:56
BenCtfheen: Ok, drop my upload then :)03:56
infinityShall I reject that? :)03:56
infinityBenC: Does that mean you gave up on directfb? :)03:57
BenCinfinity: I uploaded a fixed directfb already03:57
tfheeninfinity: Kamion accepted that ten minutes ago03:57
infinityOh, indeed.03:57
infinityBenC: Err, did you test directfb on amd64 too?  I suspect the FTBFS there may have been unique. :/03:58
BenCinfinity: No, just i38603:58
infinityCan you test it now, for kicks?03:58
infinity(I don't have an amd64 system here anymore)03:59
dholbachtfheen: ok to upload a fix for bug 65897?  http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/edgy-wallpapers.debdiff ? (will save 1,3 M)03:59
UbugtuMalone bug 65897 in edgy-wallpapers "Redundant "widescreen" wallpaper in the package" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6589703:59
tfheendholbach: with the obvious fix ("not install the file")?04:00
dholbachtfheen: and a change to the wallpaper.xml to say "zoom" instead of "stretched"04:00
pittiseb128: thanks; no, I'm not at it04:01
dholbach(and autofoo stuff to not install the file, etc)04:01
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tfheendholbach: go for it04:02
dholbachtfheen: done04:03
pittitfheen: I have a fixed evolution for bug 62593 now (just adds a desktop file to /etc/xdg/autostart); can I upload?04:06
UbugtuMalone bug 62593 in evolution-data-server "Does not display alarms until I start evolution" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6259304:06
tfheenpitti: go ahead04:07
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seb128tfheen: opinion about libcairo-perl?04:09
infinitytfheen: Do you know if we need the newer one for libgtk2-perl to be happy?04:09
seb128infinity: I'm on it04:10
seb128infinity: I'm still waiting for somebody to reply to my question about libcairo-perl first though04:10
seb128<seb128> Kamion, tfheen, infinity: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26596/ fixes the libcairo-perl ftfbs, I think we should consider syncing 1.01 from Debian though, it's update for the cairo 1.2 API changes and to Debian unstable,testing without open bug04:10
seb128in case you didn't read it before :)04:10
infinityseb128: Yeah, I'm more interested in knowing if libcairo-perl is perhaps somehow responsible for the libgtk2-perl FTBFS, that's all. :)04:11
seb128infinity: it's likely to be, let me try to rebuild libgtk2-perl now04:11
infinityseb128: I have no real opinion on the libcairo-perl UVF... It's got no rdeps, just the rbuild-dep of libgtk2-perl, so if they play nicely together, I'm not picky.04:11
doko_tfheen: all the stuff from http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/edgy/ uploaded04:12
pittitkamppeter: ugh, completely reverting all debian/ubuntu history doesn't really sound appropriate at that time? can't we just revert the fax changes to fix scanning?04:14
BenCtfheen, infinity: That directfb upload is probably bogus04:15
BenCI didn't realize it was a dpatch pkg04:15
infinityBenC: Well, too late now.  Give me another.04:15
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infinityRight, I think it's bed time.04:28
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BenCtfheen, infinity: Fixed directfb uploaded, with correct dpatch usage, and tested on amd6404:31
infinityBenC: Danke.04:31
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infinityBenC: Where did you hide your fix in that upload? I can't be bothered to debdiff...04:39
BenCinfinity: Yep, I modified an existing dpatch04:39
infinityWhich one?04:39
tfheenseb128: I'd like us to be conservative and not grab new versions at this point04:40
tfheenseb128: so if the fix in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26596/ works, I'd say we go for that.04:41
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seb128I've no idea of how usuable is the old libcairo-perl though04:41
infinityBenC: That wasn't clean...04:41
tfheenseb128: me neither.  It's in main, but no rdepends?04:41
seb128tfheen: libgtk2-perl Build-Depends04:42
infinityBenC: You ended up re-autotoolifying...04:42
seb128no rdepends no04:42
infinityBenC: Was that intentional?04:42
BenCinfinity: I ran a "debian/rules patch" and "debian/rules unpatch", and then did "debian/rules clean"04:42
BenCinfinity: So that's a failure in the debian/rules, since it does autoconf04:42
infinity 90 files changed, 30811 insertions(+), 56119 deletions(-)04:42
tfheenseb128: ok, then I'd rather we stay with what we have and just get the minimal build fix in.04:43
infinityMight want to unpack the previous version, swap in your patch, dpkg-buildpackage -S :)04:43
BenCinfinity: I can do that04:43
infinityNot sure I'm comfy with that diff, even if it's just autocrap. :)04:43
seb128tfheen: ok, uploaded04:43
tfheenseb128: thanks.04:44
infinityBenC: Kay, rejecting so you can reupload the same version number.04:44
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infinityBenC: Wait a sec..04:46
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infinityBenC: Nevermind.  I was diffing against your -4ubuntu3 upload.  THAT was the one with autotools rape.04:47
infinityBenC: The diff between my -4ubuntu2 and your -4ubuntu4 was fine.04:47
BenCinfinity: ok04:47
infinityBenC: I'll yank it from the rejected queue and accept it.04:47
BenCsounds good04:47
infinityBenC: Thanks for the fix.04:48
BenCno problem04:48
infinityQueue status update before I head to bed:04:51
infinity  109192 | S- | libcairo-perl        | 0.03-1ubuntu1        | six minutes04:51
infinity         | * libcairo-perl/0.03-1ubuntu1 Component: main Section: perl04:51
infinity  109172 | S- | evolution            | 2.8.1-0ubuntu3       | 41 minutes04:51
infinity         | * evolution/2.8.1-0ubuntu3 Component: main Section: mail04:51
infinity  109171 | S- | edgy-wallpapers      | 0.6-0ubuntu1         | 46 minutes04:51
infinity         | * edgy-wallpapers/0.6-0ubuntu1 Component: main Section: x1104:51
infinity  109170 | S- | sip4-qt3             | 4.4.5-2ubuntu1       | 50 minutes04:51
infinity         | * sip4-qt3/4.4.5-2ubuntu1 Component: main Section: devel04:51
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infinity  109169 | S- | pyx                  | 0.9-2ubuntu1         | 50 minutes04:51
infinity         | * pyx/0.9-2ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: python04:51
infinity  109168 | S- | python-omniorb2      | 2.6-3.1ubuntu1       | 50 minutes04:51
infinity         | * python-omniorb2/2.6-3.1ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: devel04:51
infinity  109167 | S- | pysvn                | 1.4.2+dfsg-0.1ubuntu | 50 minutes04:51
infinity         | * pysvn/1.4.2+dfsg-0.1ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: python04:51
infinity  109166 | S- | omniorb4             | 4.0.6-2.2ubuntu1     | 51 minutes04:51
infinity         | * omniorb4/4.0.6-2.2ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: devel04:51
infinity  109165 | S- | ggz-grubby           | 0.0.13-2ubuntu1      | 51 minutes04:51
infinity         | * ggz-grubby/0.0.13-2ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: games04:51
infinity  109164 | S- | eunuchs              | 20050320.1ubuntu4    | 51 minutes04:51
infinity         | * eunuchs/20050320.1ubuntu4 Component: main Section: devel04:51
infinity  109163 | S- | python-4suite        | 1.0~rc4cvs20061012-0 | 51 minutes04:51
infinity         | * python-4suite/1.0~rc4cvs20061012-0ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: python04:52
infinity  109162 | S- | iptraf               | 3.0.0-1ubuntu2       | 51 minutes04:52
infinity         | * iptraf/3.0.0-1ubuntu2 Component: main Section: net04:52
infinitytfheen: Care to pronounce on those?04:52
dholbachedgy-wallpapers was approved by tfheen, fixes a milestone bug and gives us back 1.3M :)04:53
tfheeninfinity: libcairo-perl, evolution, edgy-wallpapers, sip4-qt3, pyx, python-omniorb2, pysvn, omniorb4, ggz-grubby, eunuchs, python-4suite can all be accepted.04:53
tfheeninfinity: who uploaded that iptraf?  BenC?04:53
dholbachI think that was mvo04:53
BenCtfheen: Reject my iptraf upload04:53
dholbachoh, no :)04:53
mvoyeah, I uploaded it - something wrong?04:54
tfheeninfinity: if so, reject.  If not, enlighten me.04:54
BenCsomeone did an iptraf upload, mine should be ignored04:54
tfheenmvo: no, just a mid-air collision, most likely.04:54
mvoI did that hours ago ..04:54
mvoI'm sure BenC was sleeping then ,)04:54
seb128infinity: wait04:54
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seb128infinity: no, that's fine :)04:54
infinitymvo, BenC : Interesting, you both fixed it in completely different ways. :)04:55
=== mvo would like to see the fix of benc
BenCmvo: s,asm/types.h,sys/types.h,04:56
infinityWell, mvo's wins, since it built. :)04:56
keescookdholbach: I've uploaded the 10 ssl fixes now04:56
dholbachkeescook: super04:56
tkamppetermdz, tfheen, kamion, pitti, doko_: biff, critical bug 6590804:59
UbugtuMalone bug 65908 in hplip "libsane-hpaio.so not shipped anymore" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6590804:59
Kamionthere's also a ggz-grubby sync request outstanding04:59
Kamionshould it be rejected)04:59
infinityKamion: Since I just accepted a non-sync... One would think there's  afailure to communicate. :)05:00
infinitydholbach: pipsecd, linm, dsniff, cl-ssl, clamcour, cfengine are all universe SSL rebuilds?05:00
infinitykeescook: ^^^05:00
keescookinfinity: yes.  I have debdiffs up on people.u.c/~kees if you want to see them05:01
dholbachthey're fine05:01
infinitykeescook: Are there more coming in?  You mentioned "10" up there, and that's only 6.05:01
henoseb128, tfheen: there is a small problem with the new at-config not wanting to start onboard on boot without at-spi being active05:02
keescookinfinity: yeah, sorry, they're going slower than I expected.05:02
henobug 6593705:02
UbugtuMalone bug 65937 in control-center "start osk at login only works with at-spi on in gnome-at-properties" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6593705:02
henoThe bug has two patches with it, one slightly complex and one dead simple05:02
henoseb128, tfheen: any chance we can target this?05:03
tfheentkamppeter: there is no diff there, and if you put up binaries like that you should provide the sources too.05:03
infinitykeescook: smssend and python2.2 part of the same batch?05:06
keescookinfinity: yes, 2 more after that: tkrat, zmailer05:06
infinitykeescook: Mmkay.05:06
infinityWe sure are doing a good job at being frozen. :P05:07
infinityI don't think edgy-changes has seen this much activity since it opened.05:07
dholbachhehe :-)05:07
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lrittertfheen: bug seems to be fixed05:07
tfheenlritter: ok, good05:08
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lrittertfheen: however at smaller dpi rates i notice wrong spacing, but thats a different issue i can live with05:08
doko_tkamppeter, pitti: before looking at your package, could you tell me why you don't fix it in the existing package?05:10
KamionI have the same question. Totally repackaging stuff at this point is deprecated.05:12
Kamionand having changes in the .diff.gz outside debian/ is not at all unusual05:13
Kamionchanging that will make it harder to merge from Debian in future so we try to avoid doing so05:13
infinitykeescook: Okay, got 'em all now.05:14
keescookinfinity: okay, thanks.05:14
doko_keescook: ugh, thanks for "noticing", that we should remove python2.2 for edgy ...05:14
infinityThank you for shopping at Archives'R'Us.05:14
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keescookdoko_: I was wondering about that.  :)05:15
doko_filing a removal request ...05:15
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dholbachtfheen: are you ok with  http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/bluez-utils.debdiff  and  http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/kdebluetooth.debdiff ? Riddell is happy with them, Tonio_ tested them on Kubuntu and I tested it locally05:15
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dholbachtfheen: this will fix bug 5665105:16
UbugtuMalone bug 56651 in bluez-utils "Impossible to do pairing in Kubuntu" [Unknown,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5665105:16
tfheendholbach: just a second, I have to flip a few pancakes05:16
dholbachtfheen: FLIP ON!05:17
infinitydoko_: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/python2.2-rdepcheck05:17
infinitydoko_: Is that all self-contained?05:17
tkamppeterdoko_, I was trying to see whether the Debian mess broke it, and whether it perhaps also broke faxing.05:18
infinitydoko_: Nope, looks like some of those are extra source packages.05:18
doko_infinity: I'll look ...05:19
infinityE: Unimplemented, sucks to be you.05:19
infinityKinnison's legacy.05:19
Kamiontkamppeter: also Python modules belong in /usr/lib not /usr/share05:20
tfheendholbach: upload away.05:20
dholbachtfheen: ROCK05:20
tkamppeterifheen, pitti, doko_, mdz, mvo, kamion, the sources are there: http://www.freestandards.org/~till/tmp/ubuntu/edgy/hplip/05:20
infinitydoko_: Would be nice to indicate all the rdeps in the removal request.05:21
Kamiontkamppeter: actually, I may be incorrect on that; I believed that .pyc and .pyo files were architecture-dependent, but some googling reveals that the dependency is more on the interpreter than on the architecture05:21
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Kamiontkamppeter: regardless, it's a gratuitous change that should not be made at this point in the release cycle05:22
infinityAnd I think I'm dangerously close to joining Team Soyuz, so I can fix any number of "E: Unimplemented, sucks to be you." error messages in our tools.. :/05:22
doko_Kamion, tkamppeter: found the cause for 65908, preparing an update05:22
mvoKamion: I just solved the mystery of the missing app-install-data-commercial in edgy (or rthat the outdated version number) I uploaded a new version some weeks ago but made a embrassing typo in the distribution field. got no mail from lp about the failure and never noticed the error. I upload a empty a-i-d-c package now because we don't have any edgy-commercial apps yet05:24
dholbachogra blogs again05:25
ograi knew someone would notice it :)05:25
Kamionmvo: heh, ok05:25
highvoltageogra: as long as you don't get threatening emails about it ;)05:25
seb128ogra: dholbach is watching everything everywhere all the time, you know it ;)05:26
ograheh, after that weeken i can handle any mail flood :)05:26
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ograseb128, he must have 100 eyes :)05:27
seb128yeah, something like that05:27
highvoltageooh, that's an interesting blog post05:27
tfheenogra: it's spelt "interested", not intrested, though. :-P05:27
ograthanks ... fixing ...05:27
doko_tfheen, Kamion: please approve  http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/edgy/hplip.debdiff05:31
doko_tkamppeter: ^^^05:31
tkamppetertfheen, kamion, doko_, in addition, /usr/lib/libhpip.so.0 and /usr/lib/libhpip.so.0.0.1 are missing. They also need to be added to debian/hplip.install05:35
tfheentkamppeter: there is no need to try to talk to half the development team at once.  Please develop a solution, give references to what targetted bugs it fixes and present it when it's there.05:35
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tkamppetertfheen, sorry, please approve http://www.freestandards.org/~till/tmp/ubuntu/edgy/hplip/hplip.debdiff05:40
tfheentkamppeter: you have tested this properly and it fixes all the 6.10-targetted bugs for hplip?05:41
tkamppeterThe additional libs are required for libsane-hpaio to work.05:41
doko_infinity, Kamion: bug 6594605:41
UbugtuMalone bug 65946 in Ubuntu "python2.2 removal requests" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6594605:41
Kamiondoko_: ok05:41
tkamppeterYes, I have tried at first to only add libsane-hpaio and it did not work, then I added libhpip and it worked.05:41
tkamppeterDevice is a USB-connected HP PhotoSmart 260005:42
Kamiondoko_: please reply to my question on bug 6435305:42
UbugtuMalone bug 64353 in python2.3 "python2.3 removal requests" [Undecided,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6435305:42
tfheentkamppeter: ok, approved.05:43
nixternalhmm..ever since i switched from the 386 kernel to the generic one, i get [17179742.292000]  APIC error on CPU0: 01(01)05:43
nixternalcauses my computer to lockup now05:43
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tkamppeterdoko_, can you upload the corrected HPLIP package? Thanks.05:44
doko_Kamion: done05:45
doko_tkamppeter: I don't have libhpip libraries ... how did you configure your build?05:45
tkamppeterdoko_, then Debian has messed them away and there mess does not scan, too. I have done the following:\05:46
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tkamppeterI have taken the upstream tarball and uncompressed it.05:47
tkamppeterThen I have copied the debian/ tree into it05:47
doko_tkamppeter: from the changelog:05:47
doko_      * Build libhpip as a convenience library (and don't package it)05:48
doko_Kamion: your "ok" was for the hplip upload?05:48
tkamppeterI have at first replaced "lib/hplip" in the Debian tree by "share/hplip" to point to the upstream location, and not to the place where Debian has moved all the stuff to.05:48
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tkamppeterThen I have built, and according to error messages adjusted paths in the debian/rules and the debian/*.install files.05:49
doko_tkamppeter:  ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc  -Wall -pipe -g -O2   -o libsane-hpaio.la -rpath /usr/lib/sane -version-info 1:0:0 -module hpaio.lo mfpdtf.lo 05:49
doko_pml.lo scl.lo io.lo libhpip.la libhplip-api.la -lnetsnmp -lusb -lpthread 05:49
doko_gcc -shared  .libs/hpaio.o .libs/mfpdtf.o .libs/pml.o .libs/scl.o .libs/io.o -Wl,--whole-archive ./.libs/libhpip.a ./.libs/libhplip-api.a -Wl,--no-whole-ar05:49
doko_chive  -lcrypto /usr/lib/libnetsnmp.so /usr/lib/libusb.so -lpthread  -Wl,-soname -Wl,libsane-hpaio.so.1 -o .libs/libsane-hpaio.so.1.0.005:49
doko_so everything looks fine05:49
tkamppeterThen I saw the bug 65908 in my e-mail and I tested scanning. It did not work.05:50
UbugtuMalone bug 65908 in hplip "libsane-hpaio.so not shipped anymore" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6590805:50
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tkamppeterI added the missing libsane-hpaio to hplip.install. It still did not work.05:50
tkamppeterSo I ran "sudo apt-get install sane-utils; SANE_DEBUG_DLL=255 scanimage -L" and so in the screen output that also libhpip*.so.* was missing.05:51
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tkamppeterI added these libs to hplip.install, rebuilt, installed and scanning simply worked.05:52
tkamppeterResulting source package:05:52
Kamiondoko_: no, acknowledging the python2.2 removal request05:52
Kamiontkamppeter: see my mail on that subject05:53
fabbioneinfinity: did you file a bug on autogen already?05:53
Kamionrepackaging isn't acceptable at this point05:53
tkamppeterAnd this package is now in the shape that I could simply replace the source by the preview 1.6.10 upstream tarball which I got from HP, but this did not make fax working anyway (not uploaded).05:53
doko_Kamion: anyway, please see the one line fix at http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/edgy/hplip.debdiff05:54
Kamiontkamppeter: if you're unhappy with the Debian packaging, please do talk to the Debian maintainer, but this is the wrong time to be experimenting with packaging changes in Edgy, I'm afraid05:54
Kamiondoko_: I'm fine with that much, but I'd prefer that you and tkamppeter reach agreement first05:55
tkamppeterkamion, sorry, I simply tried out whether I got fax working, and during the experiments I have fixed scanning.05:55
Kamiontkamppeter: the problem with repackaging is that we don't know what else you've thrown away in the process of fixing this bug05:55
doko_tkamppeter: what devices are used for faxing, I see we do have a fax group, hplip is not a member.05:55
Kamiontkamppeter: and, as I said in my mail, large-scale moving around of Python modules isn't good at this point either05:56
tkamppeterSo I think, as all 1.6.7, 1.6.9, and 1.6.10 do not fax in Ubuntu, we should at least get scanning working with any of them.05:56
doko_tkamppeter: do you agree with my proposed fix?05:56
tkamppeterSo the very first step is to see whether Debian ships libhpip and whether Debians packages scan.05:56
Kamion<cjwatson@riva ~>$ dpkg -c /mirror/debian/pool/main/h/hplip/hplip_1.6.7-2_i386.deb | grep hpip05:57
Kamion<cjwatson@riva ~>$05:57
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doko_tkamppeter: do you read what I write? libhpip is linked as a convenience library?05:58
tkamppeterdoko_, I can only agree with it if it really works. So upload the fixed package into a web space and I try it out.05:58
tkamppeterdoko_, I am reading what you are writing, but perhaps I am not fast enough in answering.05:59
tkamppeterWhat does mean "linked as a convenience library"?05:59
doko_rsyncing to http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/hplip ...06:00
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doko_a "static" library with object files compiled with -fPIC, linked into the target library06:01
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tkamppeterdoko_, so the libsane-hpaio has libhpip statically linked?06:03
doko_tkamppeter: yes06:03
doko_the one from the hplip package06:03
tkamppeterThen it should work, I will test.06:03
doko_tkamppeter: rsync finished06:05
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Kamiontfheen: ok for me to do a universe-only sync pass?06:06
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tkamppeterdoko_, thank you. Downloaded the package tested, and scanning works. Package can be uploaded.06:11
doko_tkamppeter, Kamion: uploaded06:12
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tkamppeterdoko_, thanks, marked bug 65908 as "Fix committed".06:14
UbugtuMalone bug 65908 in hplip "libsane-hpaio.so not shipped anymore" [Critical,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6590806:14
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Kamiontfheen: I'll just do it, I reckon it's safe :-)06:22
keescookajmitch: re 65831 (john ftbfs), is CLK_TCK -> CLOCKS_PER_SEC correct?  I thought the right fix was to call sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) ?06:25
Kamiondoko_: could you give me a reason for removing gnat (bug 65875) for the record, so that we know why we removed it later?06:25
UbugtuMalone bug 65875 in gcc-defaults "FTBFS in edgy" [High,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6587506:25
fabbionekeescook: probably it is.. 06:26
fabbionekeescook: mind to give it a shot?..06:26
doko_Kamion: gnat-4.1 is the current package, the binary gnat is built from gcc-defaults, the old gnat is based on gcc-2.806:26
keescookfabbione: no problem.  (did this yesterday for dsniff)06:26
fabbionekeescook: perfect06:26
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keescookfabbione: hm, actually, either seems to be right.06:30
Kamiondoko_: thanks06:30
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fabbionekeescook: up to you.. i was waiting a comment on that testsuite thingy from ajmitch. but if you can test/upload i am ok06:30
keescookoh!  no, actually, it's not.  sysconf is the right way.06:30
tfheenKamion: oh, feel free.06:31
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keescookCLK_TCK == 100, CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 100000006:31
keescookprobably why the test suite fails06:31
tfheenKamion: universe is something I try hard to keep off my radar. :-)06:31
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doko_tfheen, Kamion: please approve http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/edgy/python-setuptools.debdiff06:34
tfheendoko_: looks good to me; approved.06:34
mdztkamppeter: scanning was working fine for me with 1.6.706:37
mdztkamppeter: so this is a regression in 1.6.906:37
mdzdoko_: was it a packaging problem or an upstream problem?06:37
doko_mdz: packaging, imported from debian, but didn't notice06:38
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keescookdholbach, fabbione: I've got a successfully built fix for 65831 (john FTBFS).  okay to upload?06:44
tfheenbug 6583106:45
UbugtuMalone bug 65831 in john "FTBFS in edgy" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6583106:45
tfheenkeescook: debdiff, please?06:45
dholbachkeescook: john is in main - that's not my domain06:45
keescooktfheen: one sec06:45
dholbachtfheen: uploaded the fix for bug 6564506:46
UbugtuMalone bug 65645 in bluez-gnome "Die systray icon die!" [Undecided,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6564506:46
tfheendholbach: yay06:46
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keescooktfheen: http://librarian.launchpad.net/4825077/john_1.6-40ubuntu2.dsc.debdiff06:47
dholbachwe're up to 41 RC bugs06:47
fabbionekeescook: sorry but i can't authorize uploads.. 06:47
tfheenkeescook: looks good, upload away.06:48
keescooktfheen: thank, uploaded.06:48
seb128dholbach: up? it was 57, I would call that down06:48
dholbachit was 41 at the meeting yesterday ,no? ;)06:48
=== seb128 slaps dholbach
tfheendholbach: we've had a bunch of rebuild errors since then06:49
henoseb128: can you help applying the patch for bug 65937? (I ask since it's your package)06:50
UbugtuMalone bug 65937 in control-center "start osk at login only works with at-spi on in gnome-at-properties" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6593706:50
mdzBenC: what caused the kernel build failure?06:50
dholbachtfheen: yeah, I know - that's whyI added the 'smiley' :)06:50
seb128tfheen: would you be happy with something like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26618/ ?06:50
BenCmdz: I quieted some printk's, but forgot it is KERN_WARNING, not KERN_WARN06:50
BenCmdz: one-liner fix in two files, and things are building now06:50
henoseb128: and sorry for the ~ cruft in the patch :-/ 06:51
mdzBenC: you said you did a test build, though; was that change added later?06:51
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seb128tfheen: that's probably fixing the Xvfb crashers happening atm (breaking some builds because xvfb-run crash)06:51
mdzit was in the diff you sent me06:51
Kamionseb128: I'm going to have to reject a number of dapper-{proposed,updates} uploads from you; could you re-run those through the procedure in http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?06:52
seb128tfheen: I say "probably" because the package is still building, but I've tried with the "-extension Composite" and it does fix it06:52
BenCmdz: I only test built the things that changed (e1000, v4l1, etc). I didn't do a full build, and didn't check the one-liner printk edits06:52
mdzBenC: oh, I misunderstood then06:52
Kamionseb128: (I realise they're from before the policy was in place, but I can't help that now)06:52
tfheenseb128: hmm, ok.  Can you give me an example of a build which failed?06:52
seb128Kamion: will I get some notification about which ones are rejected?06:52
Kamionseb128: yes, you'll get mail06:52
BenCmdz: I did do a full build of this and booted, so it should be good to go now06:52
Kamionseb128: do you need the source packages put somewhere for you, or do you still have them?06:52
seb128tfheen: libgtk2-perl06:53
seb128Kamion: I probably have them, not sure though ... if you could give me the list of packages first I will tell you06:53
tfheenseb128: and it works for you with that?  If so, go ahead.06:53
seb128tfheen: yes, ok, thank you06:54
Kamionseb128: from dapper-proposed, gtk+2.0 2.8.20-0ubuntu2, evolution 2.6.3-0ubuntu1, evolution-data-server 1.6.3-0ubuntu1, evolution-exchange 2.6.3-0ubuntu106:54
KamionI haven't gone through dapper-updates yet06:54
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Kamionseb128: but in any case we can retrieve stuff from the rejected queue essentially forever, so you just need to ask06:55
seb128Kamion: I have them06:55
seb128you can clean them06:55
seb128evo stack was pending on a reply with extra informations to mdz because they are non trivial updates anyway06:55
seb128I'll do a second round on them after edgy ;)06:56
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lritteri'm inbetween upgrading dapper to edgy06:56
lritterseems i can't install python-minimal06:56
keescooktfheen: ack, I need someone to sponsor my john upload (since it's in main).  what's the best way to do this?06:57
doko_tfheen, Kamion: please approve bug 65963, fixing a FTBFS of python-biopython06:57
UbugtuMalone bug 65963 in flex "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6596306:57
tfheenseb128: any chance you could sponsor keescook's john upload?  My brain's utterly fried now.06:57
lritterhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/XZbiUG96.html <- anyone knows what to do?06:58
seb128tfheen: ok, where is it?06:58
tfheenkeescook: ^^06:58
seb128keescook: bug number?06:58
Kamionmvo: the apt changelog in edgy shows this change:06:58
Kamionapt ( dapper; urgency=low06:58
Kamion  * methods/http.cc:06:58
Kamion    - fix the user-agent string06:58
Kamion -- Michael Vogt <michael.vogt@ubuntu.com>  Fri, 26 May 2006 18:09:32 +020006:58
tfheenseb128: thanks a lot.06:58
keescookseb128: where do you want it?  (bug is 65831)06:58
Kamionmvo: apparently that was never uploaded (or never accepted), and now there's a in dapper-proposed. Does that proposed upload include the change above, or what?06:58
tfheendoko_: python-biopython is universe, and the other is a warning.  I don't see a big point.06:59
tfheenlritter: this channel is not for support, not even with edgy.06:59
tfheenlritter: there are some bugs filed about similar problems to yours, please contribute to those instead.07:00
lritteri was thinking this was a common problem07:00
doko_tfheen: http://bugs.debian.org/379763 got my attention07:00
fabbioneguys i am going offline07:00
lritterand only required one line of answer07:00
lritterbut obviously its not ;)07:00
fabbionethe buildd is still going on sparc.. i will pass later today or tomorrow to check logs07:00
fabbioneand file other bugs07:00
lrittertfheen: anyway, parts of the packages have been upgraded and i can confirm again that the font problems are gone ;)07:00
seb128keescook: looking on the bug, you have the package somewhere to download?07:01
keescookseb128: what's best for you?  rookery?07:01
seb128keescook: rookery is good yep07:01
tfheendoko_: hmm, point.  -Wall -Werror might cause build failures07:02
tfheendoko_: do you have a debdiff?07:02
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keescookseb128: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/ftbfs-fixes/07:03
siretartoh. I think there is an archive problem. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release references a file main/binary-amd64/Packages, which doesn't exist. I'm not sure if this is the cause that debmirror fails to sync my local mirror07:03
mvo_Kamion: I uploaded it to dapper-proposed, the edgy changelog entry is wrong for some reason [re-send because my connection just dropped] 07:04
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Kamionmvo_: well, see my mail anyway07:07
mdzRiddell: what's happening with bug 65675, bug 65963, bug 63325, bug 64978?07:07
UbugtuMalone bug 65675 in kdebase "system menu fails to load on start" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6567507:07
UbugtuMalone bug 65963 in flex "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6596307:07
UbugtuMalone bug 63325 in kde-systemsettings "systemsettings won't load the desktop_kde-systemsettings.mo translation in Edgy" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6332507:07
UbugtuMalone bug 64978 in kde-guidance "powermanager icon sometimes shows fully charged when not" [Undecided,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6497807:07
tfheendoko_: I'm leaving for the weekend now, so if you could poke mdz about the flex bug instead, that'd be good.07:07
infinitysiretart: That's perfectly normal.  We don't ship the uncompressed files on the mirrors, but you'll find that when you uncompress the .gz/.bz2 files, they have the same hash as the one listed in Releases.07:07
infinitysiretart: And apt insists that the uncompressed file be listed, because it checks that has after decompressing locally.07:08
Riddellmdz: 65675 I'll confirm if it's fixed this evening07:08
Kamionmvo_: I think it should be fine eventually, but I am obliged to go through the process07:08
Riddellmdz: 65963 isn't mine07:08
mdzfabbione: are you fixing sparc-utils07:08
Riddellmdz: 64978 is now fixed, I'll change that07:08
siretartinfinity: hm. then the debmirror breakage has another cause. interstingly, this seems to happen with dapper only. hrmpf07:08
doko_tfheen: just a minute, reducing the debdiff ...07:08
=== infinity goes to bed for real this time.
Riddellmdz: and 63325 I need to look in to07:08
mdzRiddell: 65665 I meant07:08
mdzthe 4 kde bugs on the 6.10 list07:09
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Riddellmdz: 65665 I have a likely fix for that I'll test tonight too07:11
mdzsfllaw: did you receive my mail about the validation process for next week?07:11
seb128keescook: looks good to me, uploaded ;)07:11
keescookseb128: great, thanks07:12
doko_tfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/edgy/ (removed the generated files from .shortdiff)07:12
seb128heno: I'll have a look at the bug you pointed next, sorry for the lag07:12
henoseb128: np :) thanks07:13
henoseb128: the last patch on the bug should be simple and clean07:13
Kamiontfheen: mdz approved a UVF exception for iptables, so I'll accept that once it lands07:13
seb128heno: right; looks good to me07:13
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rick_has anyone seen this bug as of yet?: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/6578707:18
UbugtuMalone bug 65787 in Ubuntu "Major Problem with DHCP setting MTU Correctly." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  07:18
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keescook65948> "-lz" is coming from libxml2's .la file.  Looking at libxml2's debian/control file, libxml2-dev doesn't have ${shlibs:Depends}.  isn't that wrong?07:18
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keescookshould libxml2 maybe include zlib1g-dev explicitly as a Depends?07:20
mdzkeescook: does edgy-security exist yet?07:22
keescookmdz: unsure.  pitti was talking about it, but I don't have jackass access yet.07:22
=== heno away
janimoheno: I have just played with sticky/mouse keys for the first time and it's really nice. The whole idea I mean :)07:23
janimomdz: I'd like to ask for an UVF in advance for Sunday or early next week for xfdesktop. There are some major bugs being fixed upstream07:24
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janimocrashers and memleaks07:24
mdzkeescook: libxml2-dev should depend on zlib1g-dev in that case07:26
mdzjanimo: your call, but I recommend being cautious about what you choose to accept this late in the game07:26
mdzjanimo: if it causes a problem which requires work on the part of the archive admins to process packages and builds, they may not have time to do it while busy with the RC07:27
Trewasrick_: maybe that's related to bug 6198907:28
UbugtuMalone bug 61989 in dhcp3 "[Edgy dhclient regression]  error: Message too long" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6198907:28
janimomdz:thanks.  work on part of admins besides approval?07:28
wasabiHmm. Is there a text mode installer CD, somewhere, that has EVMS on it?07:29
wasabi(and lets me mount /target on my own)07:29
mdzjanimo: CD builds, livefs builds, etc.07:29
wasabiThe fight I'm having with this system sucks. =(07:29
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janimomdz: ok07:31
keescookmdz: zlib1g-dev explicitly deps on libc (which libxml2-dev should as well).  Is it more correct to use explicit deps, or use $shlibs?07:31
mdzkeescook: shlibs is only for runtime libraries07:31
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mdzsfllaw: hello?07:38
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AlinuxOSmdz, I saw you responded to my mail on ubuntu-devel, unique thing that I know is that this http://packages.debian.org/unstable/x11/ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts Debgian package works for me without problems (I don't know if it's ok for Ubuntu too). If not so I should wait for mjg59's fix, because I'm just simple Gnome translator.07:46
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doko_Kamion, tfheen: Please approve a no-change upload to build libopentoken (with gnat-4.1, built last time in June with gnat-3.15)07:49
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wasabiThere any way to launch the text mode installer from the livecd?07:56
wasabihmm guess not.07:56
dholbachhave a nice weekend07:57
mdznight dholbach08:02
Mezwasabi: the alternative CD should I believe - but try #ubuntu08:02
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dholbachmdz: have a *VERY* nice day :-)08:02
elmocould a MOTU please fix https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Merging ? it talks about pinging me for syncs, which is like a bazillion years out of date08:03
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elmo(I don't know what the correct sync procedure is these days - and while I could probably find out, it seems easier to ask someone who knows offhand to fix it)08:04
elmosimilarly, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Uploads talks about me checking new packages and warty, it looks like it could use some love08:05
mdzelmo: it already links to the correct instructions;  I just removed mention of you08:11
Mezmdz: security uploads for warty should go to warty-security. build logs are not published because some security uploads are embargoed (not to be released until a certain agreed date). New builds have to be confirmed by the security team (pitti). You must read and follow SecurityUpdateProcedures 08:11
elmomdz: thanks08:11
sfllawmdz: Yup.08:12
mdzMez: wherever that is, it deserves the same treatment (delete everything but the link to SecurityUpdateProcedures, which will be kept up to date)08:12
Mezits in /Uploads ;)08:12
Mezmdz: fixed anyways08:13
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Mezwhats the default mail agent for ubuntu - exim ?08:30
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sfllawmdz: Hello.08:35
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elmoMez: there isn't a default installed, but postfix is preferred as a choice if none is specified/already installed08:36
Mezelmo: oh... /me wonders why he thought exim was the default08:38
Mezcheers elmo - btw - hows things - been a long time ;)08:38
elmoprobably because it's the default in Debian08:39
elmomez: fine thanks08:39
Mezelmo: ah that makes sense.08:39
mdzsfllaw: hi08:40
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sfllawmdz: Hi.08:40
mdzsfllaw: so about the validation process...08:40
sfllawThis was the mail entitled Re: DevelTeamMeeting - 20061012, right?08:41
keescookKamion, tfheen: I need permission (and a main sponsor) for http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/ftbfs-fixes/libxml2_2.6.26.dfsg-2ubuntu4.dsc.debdiff (prereq fix for 65948)08:41
tfheenkeescook: your changelog there is wrong ; you don't add libc-dev (and you shouldn't either)08:45
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mdzsfllaw: no08:46
mdzsfllaw: ->/query08:47
keescooktfheen: ah! thanks for that.  I realized it while changing the Deps...08:49
tfheenkeescook: it's merely the changelog which is wrong, though.  Your change looks correct.08:50
fabbionemdz: no, i assigned it to Ben.08:51
mdzfabbione: yes, I see that now08:51
fabbionemdz: ok perfect08:51
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fabbionei am off for the evening.08:51
fabbionemdz: i will be back in 12 or so and look around.. buildd is still going08:51
fabbionei am sure there will be more to fix08:51
Mezwho's the lead for ubuntu-serveR? 08:52
keescooktfheen: okay, corrected libxml2 changelog and re-uped to rookery.08:52
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mdztfheen,Kamion,mvo: did you receive my email about the release validation process?  it seems Simon didn't08:56
tfheenmdz: I got it, yes.  I pointed sfllaw to the wiki page earlier today.08:56
doko_Kamion, tfheen, mdz: please approve http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/edgy/bouncycastle.debdiff, fixing FTBFS for binary-arch only builds08:56
mdztfheen: thanks08:57
mdzdoko_: yep08:57
tfheendoko_: it looks sane; you've tested it, I presume?  If so, approved.08:57
tfheendoko_: could you sponsor keescook's libxml2 upload, please?08:58
doko_tfheen: I shortened the debdiff again, removing the archive files, attached to bug 6596308:58
UbugtuMalone bug 65963 in flex "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6596308:58
doko_tfheen: yes, tested; will do08:58
sfllawmdz: That's where I heard it from.08:58
sfllawmdz: Your e-mail still hasn't arrived after the bounce.08:58
sfllawAm testing on my side to see if I get e-mails.08:58
mdztfheen: for FTBFS fixes, I don't think there's a need for review before uploading; it can be done as part of the archive admin process.  do you agree?09:00
mdzsfllaw: just sent you a test email09:00
sfllawmdz: I'm not getting @ubuntu.com mail anymore.09:01
sfllawmdz: Could you bounce the mail to sfllaw@law.yi.org and I'll follow up with rt@?09:01
mdzsfllaw: bounced09:02
sfllawGot it.09:03
sfllawmdz: tfheen and I talked about it this morning.09:03
sfllawI'm actually working on StableReleaseUpdates and ReleaseValidationProcess right now.09:03
doko_keescook: libxml2 uploaded09:04
keescookdoko_: thank you!  :)09:04
sfllawThis evening, I should have some announcement e-mails to send out.  ubuntu-devel-announce, ubuntu-devel, ubuntu-laptop, and ubuntu-bugsquad seem like prime candidates for this.09:04
elmosfllaw: your MX is unreachable from the UK09:04
sfllawelmo: ?!?09:04
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sfllawelmo: I can connect to fiordland.ubuntu.com.09:05
elmosfllaw: I can't get past piero.pppoe.ca when trying to get to law.yi.org, from multiple providers in the UK09:06
sfllawelmo: My MX is  Is DNS out of date?09:06
elmosfllaw: looks like, I'm seeing
Kamiondoko_: libopentoken> really? libopentoken3.0b Depends: libgnat-4.1 here (powerpc)09:07
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sfllawelmo: I guess I need a shorter TTL.  Thanks.09:09
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doko_Kamion: sorry, my mistake. fooled by the clear and easy structure of https://launchpad.net/people/doko/+packages ;-p09:11
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tfheenmdz: the workflow so far has been that infinity or Kamion has listed the unapproved items in the queue and I've told them what to do about each (or gone off investigating if there has been unknown uploads).  While ftbfs reviews take a little bit of time, it hasn't been problematic in any way and means all packages go through the same process.09:19
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siretartis bug #61711 a duplicate of #56587, and should they be targeted for 6.10?09:19
UbugtuMalone bug 61711 in usplash "no boot splash and very slow booting" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6171109:19
tfheenmdz: so I'd rather just have the cursory review we're currently doing than risking having stuff stuck in unapproved since nobody knows about it.09:19
mdztfheen: I can't think of any scenario where we would decide not to fix an ftbfs, so they wouldn't be stuck in unapproved ever (only superseded by a new upload if necessary)09:20
tfheenmdz: they'll be mixed with uploads which do need review and I'll have to spend time finding out what the upload is about rather than doing lastlog $package if I can't remember having approved it.09:21
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Kamiontfheen: speaking of unapproved:09:25
Kamion  109326 | S- | djplay               | 0.3.0-0ubuntu2       | 1 hour 50 minutes09:25
Kamion         | * djplay/0.3.0-0ubuntu2 Component: universe Section: sound09:25
Kamion  109288 | S- | bluez-gnome          | 0.5-2ubuntu2         | 2 hours 40 minutes09:25
Kamion         | * bluez-gnome/0.5-2ubuntu2 Component: main Section: gnome09:25
Kamion  109225 | S- | bluez-utils          | 3.7-1ubuntu3         | four hours09:25
Kamion         | * bluez-utils/3.7-1ubuntu3 Component: main Section: admin09:25
Kamion  109224 | S- | kdebluetooth         | 0.99+1.0beta1-12ubun | four hours09:25
Kamion         | * kdebluetooth/0.99+1.0beta1-12ubuntu8 Component: main Section: kde09:25
tfheenKamion: bluez-* and kdebluetooth are approved, djplay is universe => dholbach and friends.09:26
Kamionall the bluetooth ones are dholbach; djplay is adri200009:26
tfheenI assume the djplay one is fine, but I don't do universe so I have no idea.09:28
tfheenmaybe ajmitch knows?09:28
siretartdholbach approved it on #ubuntu-motu09:28
Kamionok, I had a quick look but the int->long patch wasn't obvious to me09:29
Kamionok, according to the #ubuntu-motu log it comes from upstream; thanks for the pointer09:30
Kamiontfheen: control-center change in unapproved:09:31
Kamion+  * debian/patches/34_at_properties_onboard_and_new_interface.patch:09:31
Kamion+    - make the osk option active only when at-spi is active,09:31
Kamion+      patch update by Chris Jones (Ubuntu: #65937)09:31
KamionI think that's meant to be s/osk/sok/ possibly09:32
Kamion... or maybe not09:32
tfheenon-screen keyboard, I guess.09:32
Kamionyeah, just worked that out09:33
tfheenit looks sane enough to me.09:33
henoosk = on-screen keyboard, yes09:34
henoAT jargon ;)09:34
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shiningI always fail to find the git web view of the ubuntu kernel tree09:52
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shiningI only find this: http://www.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-2.6.git/09:53
keescookKamion, tfheen: with dholbach gone for the weekend, who should I run universe uploads past?  I have a fix for 65616, uncovered during openssl rebuilds.09:59
tfheenkeescook: I think we made ajmitch volunteer for it, at least.  Maybe siretart too wants to, if he's still around.10:00
siretartkeescook: hm. this looks rather like a hack than a proper fix to the problem10:03
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keescooksiretart: I wasn't sure that the issue was.10:05
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keescookit attempts to check for pgsql, so I thought that'd be the best way10:06
keescook(the docs say to use that variable, anyway)10:06
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lritterwhy is there a difference in the live cd bootscreen and the dist-upgrade bootscreen?10:12
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lritterthe dist-upgrade bootscreen shows a test image10:13
lritterthe live cd bootscreen shows a large ubuntu logo10:13
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mdzlritter: sounds a bit like bug 61313, perhaps you could investigate a little and see what the cause is10:26
UbugtuMalone bug 61313 in usplash "Usplash artwork missing on upgrades" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6131310:26
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lrittermdz: allright10:30
lrittermdz: it seems it requires me to install usplash-theme-ubuntu10:33
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mdzlritter: in which case the issue is that you removed ubuntu-desktop at some point in the past.  I recommend reinstalling it10:34
lrittermdz: let me see10:34
lrittermdz: sacre bleu10:35
lrittermdz: i wonder how this happened :D10:35
mdzlritter: if you use the automated upgrade process, it fixes this up for you10:36
lrittermdz, which one?10:36
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lrittermdz, apt-get kind of refuses to do this.10:40
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lrittermdz, but i'll handle this10:40
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lritterwith great delight i notice more tango icons :D10:41
Twoods196can anyone tell me how to install Blowfish, Crypt, And others into Ubuntu?10:42
lritteri assume you need cryptlib 10:43
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lritteror in this case, libcrypt10:43
Twoods196yeh, im trying to install vhcs10:44
Twoods196i tried thhe sudo apt-get libcrypt10:44
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mdzlritter: Update Manager10:46
Twoods196bruce@ubuntu:/root/vhcs_tmp/install/vhcs2.4$ sudo /var/www/vhcs2/engine/setup/vhcs2-setup10:47
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [MIME::Entity]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:47
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [MIME::Parser]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:47
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [Crypt::CBC]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:47
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [Crypt::Blowfish]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:47
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [Term::ReadPassword]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:47
Twoods196Modules [MIME::Entity, MIME::Parser, Crypt::CBC, Crypt::Blowfish, Term::ReadPassword]  WAS NOT FOUND in your system...10:47
Twoods196thats what im getting10:47
tfheenTwoods196: this is hardly on-topic for this channel.10:48
tfheenTwoods196: perl modules are usually named lib$perlname-perl, so libmime-entity-perl, libmime-parser-perl, etc.10:49
Twoods196ahh..asked in wrong room guess i neeed ot ask in ubuntu10:49
tfheenTwoods196: yeah, #ubuntu is more appropriate.  Thanks. :-)10:49
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lrittercan somebody take care of this11:23
UbugtuMalone bug 61033 in scite "Tabs don't function properly under edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  11:23
lritterthere's obviously a fix11:23
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ajmitchlritter: would you be able to fill out the info needed for a UVF exception please? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Processes/UVF)11:25
lritterwhat is this?11:25
ajmitchtoo easy for the bug to get lost, especially as noone set it as confirmed :)11:26
lritterajmitch: how can i assign this?11:27
ajmitchclick on scite (Ubuntu) in the middle of the page11:28
ajmitchit expands to change the bug details11:28
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keescooktfheen, Kamion: now that libxml2 is published, can you give permission for my autogen upload to close 65948?11:34
RiddellKamion: kubuntu ubiquity won't let me pass the map page without going back then forward again11:35
ajmitchkeescook: sorry, I saw that CLK_TCK 'fix' in another changelog11:35
keescookajmitch: no problem.  do you remember which (it should be changed too)11:36
ajmitchjust looking11:36
tfheenkeescook: looks good to me; can you get ajmitch or Riddell or somebody to sponsor you?11:36
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keescooktfheen: I will, thanks.11:36
ajmitchkeescook: netkit-bsae11:36
keescookajmitch: can you sponsor my autogen fix upload into main?  (see URL above)11:37
seb128tfheen: I've uploaded a libgpod with that patch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26678/11:37
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seb128tfheen: new ipod firmware makes that pszSerialNumber is not defined for some people and rhythmbox crashes on start, the patch fixes the crasher11:38
tfheenseb128: gnr, ok.  Approved.11:39
seb128thank you11:39
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keescookajmitch: cool, I'll re-fix netkit-base11:41
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ajmitchkeescook: it certainly explains why the test suite ran so long before I killed it :)11:42
keescookajmitch: hehe, yeah!  :)11:42
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keescooktfheen: permission for another upload, please: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/ftbfs-fixes/netkit-base_0.10-10.3ubuntu4.dsc.debdiff11:43
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ajmitchkeescook: autogen uploaded11:45
keescookajmitch: cool, thank you.11:45
tfheenkeescook: yay, good.11:46
keescooktfheen: thanks.  :)   ajmitch: can I lean on you again for the netkit-base upload from the same place?  :)11:46
ajmitchno problem :)11:46
tfheenkeescook: I'm going to bed RSN since it's almost midnight here.  For FTBFS fixes, just uploading or running them past mdz (or just typing them out to me and uploading) should be fine.11:48
keescooktfheen: okay, thanks.11:48
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ajmitchkeescook: netkit-base uploaded11:52
=== keescook hugs ajmitch
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dave_What package has this file: X11/glcanvas.h11:59
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