
nixternaldoh..i think i just made a booboo12:20
nixternali attached a tar.bz of the theme to a reply..so the whole list will get that12:20
nixternaloh well, it is there for everyone12:20
jendanixternal: I didn't get it... maybe I have an ignore set on you...?12:29
nixternalya, it got bounced12:31
nixternal50k attachment12:31
jendanixternal: I can put it in the marketing space.12:40
nixternalwell, i don't know about the licensing stuff with that involved...if sabdfl or the gang doesn't object, i say go for it12:41
nixternali think it should be added to a wiki page anyways12:41
nixternalthat was a pain for me to get in the first place12:41
jendawhere did ya squeeze it from? I think the Czech LoCo had to create theirs.12:42
nixternalthe aussies12:45
jendaah, I see ;)12:52
jendaI wonder what the licensing is... but I'd be surprised to see anything restrictive.12:52
nixternalthey have the hottest one12:56
nixternalthat rocks12:56
jendait's very cool.12:58
jendaand hot at the same time :)12:58
=== jenda doesn't get it :)
nixternalit is a bad joke01:21
nixternala very bad joke01:21
jendaah, ok...01:22
jendaI still don't get it, but it's late...01:22
jendavery late.01:22
jendasee ^ that was meant to be a smiley. I need to go to bed, night :)01:22
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Burgundaviaany futher edits needed on the UWN?05:00
BurgundaviaUWN sent05:11
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:Burgundavia] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's channel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam | UWN #17 is out | Help us write UWN 18 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue18 | Channel logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/
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Burgundaviaelkbuntu: you around?09:05
Burgundaviajenda_ or jenda: either of that split personality around? ;)09:07
MadpilotBurgundavia, for a guy who never, ever logs his alternate nick off IRC, you've got nerve talking about 'split personality' ;)09:08
jendaBurgundavia: here09:08
jendahehe :)09:08
jenda(get beeped on both ends, btw)09:09
BurgundaviaMadpilot: Burgwork goes away on the weekends09:09
Madpilotnot always09:09
Burgundaviajust wanted to bounce an idea off people09:09
MadpilotBurgwork was stuck at work when you were in Boston, too ;)09:10
Burgundaviabasically, the idea is thus: have people put Ubuntu stickers and get them to take pictures of them09:10
Burgundaviaso many pictures and they would get points09:10
Burgundaviapoints could be traded in for stuff09:10
Burgundaviacall it UbuntuEverywhere09:10
elkbuntuBurgundavia, you mean sorta kinda like the system76 sticker competition?09:11
Madpilot"Vandalize things with Ubuntu stickers, and we'll give you more free stuff!"09:11
Madpilotor do I not *quite* get the idea? ;)09:11
elkbuntui'm not sure there's a way to make that idea fool/idiot/numbnut proof09:12
Burgundaviathe idea came to me from suidcidegirls09:12
elkbuntuoh... kay09:12
Burgundaviathey have an "army" that does exactly that09:12
Madpilot... "I was looking at quasi-porn, and this idea came to me..."09:12
Burgundaviaburlesque, please09:13
elkbuntuas much as i do actually like the idea, we dont want to be the cause of vandalism09:13
Burgundaviathat was my concern09:13
elkbuntuyou only have to sit in -offtopic to see the kind of idiots that would take it the wrong way09:13
Burgundaviasystem76 doesn't appear to be having any issues09:14
Madpilottrue. and it's harder to kickban idiots from reality, for some irritating reason09:14
Burgundaviaand you can punish those who do bad things09:14
elkbuntuMadpilot, so true09:14
jendaBurgundavia: I know about that contest. I like the idea.09:15
Burgundaviathen of course, there is this http://system76.com/contest/index.php?option=com_hotornot2&Itemid=31&task=display&idx=2209:15
elkbuntuBurgundavia, the closest we'd be able to do to 'punish' them would be to contact the cops in their area09:15
jendaOriginally, i've been thinking of two different things myself...09:15
Burgundaviano, if we are awarding points per photo, we can doc points09:15
jenda1) stick the stickers and take pictures - reward the best placed ones09:15
elkbuntuthat first one, Burgundavia, is technically vandalism09:16
jenda2) ubuntu everywhere along the scheme of KDE everywhere with an Ubuntu CD09:16
Burgundaviagiven those sorts need gratification, telling them they lost points for vandalism is a bad thing09:16
jendaMadpilot: you're making Corey day miserable today? ;)09:17
Burgundaviajenda: he is related to me09:17
Madpilotjenda, we're related, I'm obliged to. :)09:17
elkbuntuit's his brotherly duty ;)09:17
jendaBurgundavia: I know.09:17
BurgundaviaI think he can get away with it09:17
=== jenda wonders if he could get his brother to go Ubuntu
MadpilotUbuntu-powered hamsters... the mind boggles ;)09:18
elkbuntuBurgundavia, as for that second one... you might want to try use the stickers as condiments on the puppies and kittens. it looks interesting09:18
jendaBurgundavia: I like your idea.09:18
Burgundaviaassuming we can deal with the vandalism issues, the idea is sound?09:18
jendaBurgundavia: I can offer posters as one of the prizes.09:18
BurgundaviaI was thinking we could have bigger points rewards for posters, etc.09:18
Burgundavianow I just need to find a flexible system for this09:18
elkbuntuBurgundavia, depends how much time you want to be spending moderating the photos09:19
Burgundaviaa photostream is not hard09:19
jendaBurgundavia: perhaps this could be integrated into the website I tried to describe the other day?09:19
Burgundaviabut for now, just getting it up is a key priority09:19
elkbuntuor, it could be community voted09:19
jendaAs that's a place where you could also conveniently order the stickers, posters and spray cans09:19
BurgundaviaI will talk with the system76 people09:19
elkbuntulike bash.org sort of09:19
jendawait, did I say spray cans?09:19
Burgundaviathey appear to have a fairly nice system in place09:19
jendaBurgundavia: I have totalwormage working on the site... I'll see if that works :)09:20
nixternalwhat Burgundavia and Madpilot are related?09:20
nixternalMadpilot: i think your nick belongs to a former yankees pitcher doesn't it?09:21
nixternalthat was flat out mean09:21
nixternali apologize09:21
Madpilotnixternal, recently former? You have a twisted sense of humour. I like it. ;)09:21
elkbunturemember nixternal, you're the actual american in this conversation09:22
nixternaleveryone thought he was doing acrobatics.. Madpilot was the first thing that came to mind09:22
nixternalwho cares...im glad im from a country full of idiots..otherwise what else would i have to laugh at09:22
MadpilotWas going to say, Ubuntu's community is far larger than System76's; that'll make any contest we run both larger (not a bad thing) and more likely to attract idiots (a bad thing)...09:22
jendaBurgundavia: a guy from #ubuntuforums . He ordered a few posters and offered help.09:22
elkbuntunixternal, hehehe09:22
jendanixternal: we all are, really, but they want us to think your idiots beat our idiots... :)09:23
nixternaloh, i bet they do09:24
nixternalour idiots are untouchable i think09:24
jendaLet's not argue about that, nixternal ;)09:25
Burgundaviahmm, I don't see them getting much gov't business09:25
nixternali mean come on...i know the part of nyc where dude crashed...my family is there...you don't just fly where he was...if you get above the buildings, you are in the big planes league...you fly the river and stay the course..not this moron09:25
jendaBurgundavia: lol, that's what I call a get the facts campaign...09:26
Burgundaviado they ship Molson with that?09:26
Burgundavianixternal: rich morons killing themselves in planes is nothing new09:26
Burgundaviathis one just blundered into a building not scenery09:26
nixternalhaha, especially rich morons from new york09:26
Burgundaviathe name kennedy comes to mind...09:27
nixternalthere are only a few kenedys to go ;)09:27
nixternalhahaha ya09:27
Madpilotthere is a very evil joke about Kennedy & penguins...09:27
nixternalplease do tell09:27
nixternalim an anti-kenedy, so i need to know it, as it will only piss my old' man off ;)09:28
MadpilotHow are Kennedys & penguins similar?09:28
Madpilotboth look great in a tux, and neither can fly worth a damn.09:28
nixternalwait a sec09:28
nixternalkenedy didn't get to wear a tux, he was burnt and then dumped into the ocean i thought ;)09:29
nixternalunless they cook um now with an outfit on09:29
nixternalim going to hell hanging out with you09:29
Burgundavianixternal: go to bed09:29
Burgundaviathat last bit made no sense09:30
nixternalhahah i know09:30
nixternalim trying to figure out python hacks for doc translations right now09:30
jendanixternal: they do cook them in an outfit.09:30
MadpilotI need to crash, have to be up by 0645 or so. Have fun, all.09:30
mdke_nixternal: you'll need some sleep before looking at those translations, otherwise you'll have nightmares09:30
jendaMadpilot: choose landscape, not buildings - and crash safe09:30
nixternalMadpilot: you mean goto bed..i dunn like hearing pilots say they need to "crash"09:31
nixternalhahah..jenda beat me to the damn joke09:31
Madpilothar har09:31
Madpilotlast pilot joke for the night: Know the difference between a good landing & a great one?09:31
jendado tell 09:32
nixternalyou need to fire these up in gedit before telling them here09:32
MadpilotA good landing you can walk away from.09:32
MadpilotA great landing, they can use the plane again afterward.09:32
Madpilotstudent pilots who're morose about their landings - and they all are, at some point - seem to like that joke09:33
Madpilotnight all09:34
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Klaidashi tehre06:55
Burgworkhey Klaidas07:03
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