
Overandvariant: whaaa?12:01
anon32ehj20, reveals nothing... but I don't have all repos on, just universe, multiverse, and main12:01
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THX-1138Beamoo - not easily - you might want to take a look at. ubuntulite or puppylinux add icwm12:01
wastrelarrested != convicted12:01
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Gumbyvariant: whats the difference between OJ Simpson and Hans Reiser?12:02
variantGumby: dunno12:02
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Gumbyvariant: hans kept journals12:02
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variantwastrel: yeah, i convicted him :)12:02
variantGumby: lol, that sucks :P12:02
anon32wastrel, but arrested usually == guilty12:02
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wastrelanon32:  not true!12:02
wastreltotally not true!12:02
Gumbyvariant: think about that one for a sec12:02
wastrelno no no12:02
=== anon32 converted to XFS as soon as he heard...
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:02
=== dirtyomlet [n=crittle@adsl-147-39-63.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
warlockHow to create a user named "eggdrop" that has full permissions in /home/eggdrop/ ?12:03
variantGumby: yeah i got it12:03
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wastrelpresumption of innocence at least in the US tyvm <grumble>12:03
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anon32warlock, full permissions to /home/eggdrop/ or full permissions as in root?12:03
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:03
Beamoowhere can I ger ubuntu-lite?12:03
variantwastrel: useradd -m -G users eggdrop -s /bin/bash12:03
wastrelyes yes i'm done talking about it :] 12:03
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warlockanon32 - I want the user 'eggdrop' to have full permissions in /home/eggdrop12:03
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variantwarlock: useradd -m -G users eggdrop -s /bin/bash12:03
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ehj20anon32: you answered your own question then ;-)12:04
anon32warlock, chown -r eggdrop /home/eggdrop12:04
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warlocklet me see12:04
warlockroot@zkillz:/home/eggdrop# chown -r eggdrop /home/eggdrop12:04
warlockchown: invalid option -- r12:04
variantwarlock: that would be -R12:04
anon32warlock. chmod -r 7XX /home/eggdrop12:04
warlockgonna try now12:04
anon32warlock, capitalize that r, sorry12:04
shorthornsHas anyone an idean how to speed up konqueror? IPV6 is switched off and still does it take some time to render some of the pages...12:04
warlockthanks, I think it's working12:04
warlockgonna try it out :)12:05
anon32replace the X's with your choice of permission12:05
anon32ehj20 - :-( have to compile... not gonna be pretty12:05
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tim57crewer: are you still there?12:06
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crewertim57: Yes12:06
vithoscan someone help me get "0000:00:0d.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)" working under ubuntu-server?12:06
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tim57you can have a dist upgrade without seeing the server12:06
livingdaylightWhat does one need to program in java in Ubuntu?12:06
tim57just ssh in12:06
anon32how can I do a graphical root logon (no lecturing please, I'm not gonna do it, just want to know)?12:06
livingdaylightie software and packages12:07
crewertim57: From hoary to?12:07
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thomasmckayvithos, iy doesn't work, or you haven't configured it?12:07
iLLf8dvithos, snot working?12:07
anon32livingdaylight, your choice of text editor and gcj12:07
tim57crewer: to whatever12:07
thomasmckayanon32: its in the gdm options.12:07
vithosit's not in ifconfig -a12:07
vithos-a shows unconfigured interfaces right?12:07
anon32thomasmckay, hmm12:07
tim57never did it myself but there are a lot of people in the forums12:07
crewertim57: nice. How?12:07
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thomasmckayanon32: don't do it.12:07
thomasmckayor not.12:08
livingdaylightanon32: thx, Would Bluefish be overkill?12:08
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iLLf8dvithos, is it an eth listing in dmesg?12:08
iLLf8dvithos, dmesg | grep eth12:08
wastrellivingdaylight:  sun-java5-jdk  is in multiverse12:08
vithosno, i only have eth0 and eth1 in dmesg, this would be the third adapter12:08
LoRepython -c 'import gnomekeyring; kr = gnomekeyring.get_default_keyring_sync()'  does someone get a segmentation fault when running this?12:08
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thomasmckayvithos: is it onboard, pci, or anything other than that?12:09
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iLLf8dvithos, if they're the same adapters that could be the issue too12:10
vithosthey're all different chipsets12:10
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thomasmckayoh really? i didn't know that you couldn't have 2 of the same adapters.12:10
vithosbut one's also made by RealTek12:10
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iLLf8dthomasmckay, you can but you can run into issues at times too12:10
vithosthe other realtek is working, and it's an 813912:10
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SeicherlBoBhi there! can anyone help me with wpa-supplicant? beaconing is disabled, SSIDs are identical, but the client keeps telling "skip - SSID mismatch". any ideas?12:11
=== Eddie [n=ed@unaffiliated/eddie] has joined #ubuntu
iLLf8dthomasmckay, some chipsets want the same resources and often there can be issues especially if its a shared isa/pci combo slot12:11
EddieMy good Lord Ubuntu is fantastic12:11
tim57crewer: http://www.johnnysthoughts.com/2006/08/21/upgrading-ubuntu-from-hoary-to-dapper/12:11
Eddieit actually recognises, by default, hotkeys on a microsoft keyboard12:11
Eddiehow fantastic is that12:11
Eddiethat is unreal12:11
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thomasmckayeddie: its something.12:11
crewertim57: thanks.12:11
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tim57crewer: there is also an other way12:11
Eddiethomasmckay: not much work to it, to be fair, but it is highly consummate12:11
crewertim57: Look here: http://www1.apt-get.org/search.php?query=php5&submit=Submit+Query&arch%5B%5D=i386&arch%5B%5D=all ;) Mirrors12:12
=== djuuss [n=djuuss@ip166-14-212-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
iLLf8dvithos, can you check the chipset to see if its supported?12:12
tim57crewer: you can netinstall ubuntu12:12
iLLf8dvithos, and if so try to load the module by hand12:12
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vithosiLLf8d: ok, i'll see if i can find out12:13
armadill0Anyone know the skinny on when EdgyEft Stable is being released?  So exciting!12:13
waddletron2kSo why is there no libvisual plugin for Beep or XMMS but libvisual-plugins claims to have mysterious and nameless "plugins"... are these ones that libvisual-xmms and such would actually connect to and use or are these for music players?12:13
goofyi just formatted a hddand made a ext3 partishion and i do not have premission to write "help!"12:13
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vithosiLLf8d: someone claims the NE2000 module supports it, but `modprobe NE2000` says module not found12:14
tim57crewer: here is another link: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_upgrade_from_Hoary_Hedgehog_-.3E_Breezy_Badger_-.3E_Dapper_Drake12:14
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crewerthx :)12:14
goofyhow do i change ownership and/or premissions of a drive12:15
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tim57bye all12:16
iLLf8dvithos probably one of these12:16
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SeicherlBoBcan anybody help me with an wpa-supplicant issue?12:17
iLLf8d./kernel/drivers/net/ne.ko ./kernel/drivers/net/ne2.ko ./kernel/drivers/net/ne2k-pci.ko ./kernel/drivers/net/ne3210.ko12:17
Jack_SparrowIt would be nice if they spent more time fixing the upgrade process than they do defending it.12:17
=== sadewr [n=ghjghj@c951c125.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
iLLf8dmaybe try ne2k-pci (you can do a modinfo for a description first)12:17
sadewrwhat's glib?12:17
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iLLf8dit'll have info telling you what you can feed it on load12:17
crewersadewr: www.google.com define:glib12:17
sadewrall softs that Im trying to install are missing glib (whatver version here)12:17
iLLf8dso read modinfo first12:17
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:18
=== jackson_ [n=jackson@ppp-70-251-125-35.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelglib = gnu c library12:18
SeicherlBoBthomasmckay: i12:18
jackson_how do I create a new (text) file in bash?12:18
wastreljackson_:  you use your favorite text editor12:18
vithosiLLf8d: modprobe ne2k-pci returned successfully, but i still don't see an eth212:18
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wastreljackson_:  or if you just want to create blank ones you can use    touch <filename>12:18
SeicherlBoBthomasmckay: you wanna help? my client wont find the AP if beaconing is disabled although the SSIDs are right12:18
sadewrIm totally stuck... Old browser, no video driver, no libs, all downloads go at 0.1% speed12:18
jackson_wastrel: thanks12:19
vithosiLLf8d: oh, sorry, going to read modinfo now12:19
pike_goofy: you could sudo chmod -R +w /mnt/mountpoint i guess12:19
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pike_goofy: but dont do that if it is another operating system you mounted12:19
thomasmckaySeicherlBoB: i have no experience with APs that don't becon... but I would assume if your wifi card is working correctly, and you have all the SSIDs and passwords correct, it should connect.12:19
sadewrI got a original DVD full of original windows (dev versions). But I dont have cdkeys... will it install with pirate cdkeys??12:20
vithosiLLf8d: on second thought, i can't say i know what to do after reading modinfo12:20
thomasmckaySeicherlBoB: has your card worked in linux before?12:20
goofythanks pike ill try that12:20
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SeicherlBoBthomasmckay: thats the point. it was working some days ago. no it does not. no clue why. passphrase is correct, cause it works if beaconing is on12:20
thomasmckaysadewr: i don't think people are going to help you pirate software.12:20
iLLf8dvithos, you really need to look at the physical chip on the nic if you can or see if it shows in your lspci output12:20
phaedrus_if i load a driver in ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper -l  reports driver present, hardware present   shouldnt  modprobe ndiswrapper and then iwconfig show a wireless adapter?12:21
iLLf8dvithos, this way you won't waste your time trying to load it with the wrong driver (cause it won't work)12:21
XeniXsadewr: yes they will. take M$ for every penny you can, ha ha12:21
ianmacgregorsadewr: Especially in an Ubuntu help channel.12:21
vithosi have looked at the physical chip on the nic, and it says realtek 8029(as), which is what lspci says12:21
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vithosand that's what i googled for and found someone claiming the NE2000 module works for it, but i'm not sure where to look other than google to find these things out12:21
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thomasmckaysadewr: if you're going to pirate it, you shouldn't need help doing so.12:22
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sadewrKDE 2.1 came with built in browser, but whenever I load it and try to browse a site, BANG! it crashes wiwth an error message12:22
Beamoodo u guys use the graphical interface or the console moore?12:22
Jack_SparrowEthx, is what communicates with your PC ---- Wifi(x) is what communicates with Ethx12:22
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variantis there a command line installer for ubuntu or is it just gui based?12:23
sadewrhmm... ubuntu is growing and growing in popularity.12:23
SeicherlBoBthomasmckay: any suggestions?12:23
sadewrwhat about mandriva?12:23
variantI want to install via ssh into a chroot12:23
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ianmacgregorsadewr: Please keep your questions/comments on topic for this Ubuntu support channel12:24
iLLf8dvithos, one sec I gotta do something12:24
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:24
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thomasmckaySeicherlBoB: i would try reconfiguring everything, if that fails, try reinstalling ndiswrapper. I have no idea how it works as i've never used it. But if you say it's been working, but suddenly stopped working, i think there should be an easy solution.12:24
vithosiLLf8d: no problem12:24
variantBeamoo: it depends what i am doing12:24
sadewrIm totally stuck with sucky netscape 4.7, how can I download faster with it??12:25
iamthericopenmosix is my hero12:25
thomasmckayBeamoo: i only use the console when i mess up my xorg.12:25
ianmacgregorsadewr: If you're using KDE 2.1, you really need to update it :)12:25
iamthericsadewr, wget12:25
=== ianmacgregor thinks sadewr is a bot
thomasmckaysounds like it.12:25
thomasmckayor english is a second language.12:25
variantBeamoo: generaly i am more comfertable on the command line.. but that just because its faster to do most things via commands than a gui12:25
ianmacgregor/ignore sadewr12:25
denisbrHi, I am trying to install the Ubuntu using the chroot (in the slackware) and show me the error: W: Failure trying to run: chroot /mnt/ubuntu mount -t proc proc /proc in the command debootstrap --arch i386 dapper /mnt/ubuntu file:/mnt/cdrom/ubuntu12:25
variantBeamoo: if you konw the commands that is12:25
sadewri would update KDE if I wasn't stuck with slow download speeds12:25
iamthericsadewr, how fats is your connect?12:26
phaedrus_if i install a .deb by using dpkg -i  ..how do i uninstall it?12:26
iamthericsadewr, i get 4kbps12:26
sadewrdownloads going at 5kbs12:26
thomasmckaysadewr: order kubuntu cds from the website. they will mail the lastest stuff to you free.12:26
variantphaedrus_: dpkg -R12:26
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variantphaedrus_: dpkg -r12:26
iamtherici am doing a dist upgrade from redhat9 at 3-4kbps12:26
variantphaedrus_: type man dpkg, it tells you how to use it12:26
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phaedrus_dpkg -r  ??12:26
LjLphaedrus_: apt-get works too12:27
phaedrus_ok thanks12:27
wastrelbye now super nice chatting with you12:27
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LjLphaedrus_: though of course, if you can avoid installing external .debs in the first place, it's be better... ;)12:27
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kantlivelongcan openoffice open quicken/ms money formats?12:28
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uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).12:28
iLLf8dfark I brb gotta logout I gotta get my keys manager going again and its tied to gdm/gconf crap12:28
avagantHow is it dangerous though?12:29
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ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:29
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Beamoowhat linuz system would u reccomend for a computer with 64 mb RAM?12:29
denisbrAnybody help me ?12:29
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pike_kantlivelong: might look at crossover office12:29
=== Cuog_422 [n=Cuog@70-41-147-163.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
iamthericBeamoo, redhat 9 or damnsmall12:30
avagantHey guys, if any of you are using the forums and starting out...12:30
kantlivelongpike_: no openoffice support?12:30
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pike_kantlivelong: maybe im not familiar12:30
avagantDon't download the w32 codecs, as there is a virus.12:30
frying_fishThis is going to sound random, but does anyone else use a 1920x1200 monitor and perhaps have a decent 1920x1200 gdm theme?12:30
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ianmacgregoravagant: Got any documentation of that?12:30
frying_fishavagant: a virus? extremely unlikely.12:30
finalbetaavagant, N12:30
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landowhois atoponce12:30
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avagantNo, not really.12:31
Cuog_422is there a boot command i can put in to install ubuntu directly without having to boot to live CD?12:31
avagantIt's not unlikely.12:31
denisbrHi, I am trying to install the Ubuntu using the chroot (in the slackware) and show me the error: W: Failure trying to run: chroot /mnt/ubuntu mount -t proc proc /proc in the command debootstrap --arch i386 dapper /mnt/ubuntu file:/mnt/cdrom/ubuntu12:31
lansingit is a virus12:31
frying_fishavagant: how is it a virus.12:31
iamtherici use it12:31
ianmacgregoravagant: Well, you know what they say, "if you aint got the data, yo chatta don't matta"12:31
lansingi have crash my system cuz of it12:31
iamthericworks fine12:31
sadewrIm downloading glibc_2.2.4 but the download stalled at 99%12:31
avagantWell considering my virus scanner said "Magest.a32" I would consider that a virus.12:31
iamthericlansing, fail12:31
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frying_fishlansing: something causing a crash doesn't automatically make it a wirus.12:31
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lansingthen wat then12:32
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=== iamtheric cries
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tRSShow do I find out my ssh client public key?12:32
ianmacgregoravagant: Windows viruses don't work on Linux anyway12:32
variantsadewr: if your using wget then just restart it with wget -c12:32
frying_fishavagant: a) w32 codecs are a .dll copy across to work on a linux system, so "Magest.a32" wouldn't be able to infect the system anyway.12:32
avagantLansing, you should uninstall that codec though the w32, and get the one that's on the ubuntu wiki.12:32
=== iLLf8d [n=neener@user-0can16l.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
frying_fishb) your virus scanner is most likely showing a false positive.12:32
avagantWell regardless.12:32
frying_fishtRSS: cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub (if its dsa)12:33
iLLf8dok ib12:33
avagantHey is anyone else having problems with xmms?12:33
lansingi have done that thats y i was here yesterday gettin help cus my computer crashed cus of that12:33
frying_fishavagant: as I said, most likely reporting a false positive.12:33
iLLf8dwho was I talking with again?12:33
avagantMy XMMS likes to freeze.12:33
avagantFalse positive eh?12:33
tRSSfrying_fish: i am using openSSH12:33
frying_fishmore than likely, if you are scanning a .deb file.12:33
iLLf8danyone have a decent vnc daemon tunneling script?12:33
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finalbetaavagant must be a new ubuntu user coming from windows, seeing viruses everywhere :p12:34
frying_fishtRSS: yeah, openssh is the default ssh program.12:34
frying_fishfinalbeta: probably.12:34
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iLLf8dI need to get mine setup for multiple accounds and to kill off the tunnels afterwards its only setup for one connection atm12:34
avagantHahah finalbeta, I've had Ubuntu for 2 weeks.12:34
frying_fishiLLf8d: why not just ssh -L 5000:localhost:5900 user@host12:34
lansingu can get any virus on any system it dont matter wat system u have12:34
frying_fishthen vnc localhost:500012:34
avagantAND reinstalled Ubuntu 6 times.12:34
avagantI win for n00b of the year!12:35
avagantI keep breaking my sound.12:35
sadewrmy downloads wont go faster than 6kbs12:35
frying_fishlansing: technically true, but in this case a *windows* virus cannot and will not "work" on a linux system.12:35
iLLf8dyeah thats what I do but to get an icon to launch it and manage multiple connections, resolutions, vnc passwords and displays etc...12:35
avagantSo anyone have swiftfox?12:35
tRSSfrying_fish: i don't have any id_dsa.pub or id_rsa.pub file in my .ssh directory12:35
dougbrownehelp, when i was adding a channel in the package manager i typed it wrong and now i cant delete it cuz i dont see it on the list and u cank use the add/remove program thing...12:35
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lansingtrue but never say never12:35
frying_fishtRSS: then you most likely haven't set up public and private keys12:35
vithosiLLf8d: welcome back12:35
frying_fishI didn't say "never" I said highly unlikely12:35
tRSSfrying_fish: how do I do that then?12:35
avagantDoes Swiftfox depend on firefox, for instance do you have to HAVE firefox open in order to run swiftfox?12:35
frying_fishand that a w32 virus cannot infect a linux system12:36
iLLf8dfrying_fish, why do you just do that for multiple machines every time w/out scripting it away?12:36
avagantI know it's a n00b question but.12:36
frying_fishtRSS: to create them, do ssh-keygen --help for the options12:36
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lansingy not12:36
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tRSSfrying_fish: thanks! :)12:36
frying_fishiLLf8d: because I very very rarely remotely use X12:36
iLLf8dvithos, ah ok so you've established yourself its an ne2000 chipset compatible chip?12:36
avagantI put the little icon on my panel and it won't open but I know I have it.12:36
fnoyanis this the quota management program for ubuntu -> http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/hoary/admin/quota12:36
frying_fishand don't tend to tunnel vnc, I just use ssh and the commandline, since I am perfectly happy with it.12:36
iLLf8dfrying_fish, I usually open a winxp, osx, and ubuntu session to my deb desktop12:37
avagantAnd what's this about people wanting to take away the command line on the forums?12:37
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vithosiLLf8d: yes, that's what i'm reading in multiple places.  also found out that the n2k-pci module depends on another module, 8390, which i modprobed successfully12:37
iLLf8dand sometimes freebsd too12:37
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varianttRSS: installing sshd with apt-get will generate public/private keys for you12:37
avagantiLLf8d: GEEZUS.12:37
AsheDanybody know of a way to queue up a list of files to send through ssh?12:37
ianmacgregoravagant: Ignore it, it'll never happen12:37
avagantiLLf8d: I wish I had that kind of power.12:37
frying_fishthe day the command line is taken away from ubuntu is the day I go to something else.12:37
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avagantI know it won't, but that's stupid the command line is fun!12:37
iLLf8davagant, huh? just get a bunch of garbage pcs and do it12:37
ianmacgregorfrying_fish: Me too12:37
avagantEven when you don't know what you are doing.12:37
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dougbrownehelp, when i was adding a channel in the package manager i typed it wrong now i cant use the package downloader thing andi cant remove the wrongly typed channel cuz its not on the list12:38
avagantWell I've got one garbage pc, that's enough for me :D12:38
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iLLf8dvithos, so is it showing up?12:38
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vithosiLLf8d: no, not in ifconfig -a12:38
iLLf8dvithos, in dmesg that is12:38
dougbrowneplz help12:38
frying_fishAsheD: one way could be this add all the files to a file called scpqueue then do: scp `cat scpqueue` user@host:.12:38
ianmacgregordougbrowne: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:38
iLLf8dif its not its probably not the right module for it12:38
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Kismetis there a Linux Partition Copier that can do NTFS?12:38
iLLf8dor at the very least it should bitch about resources and bail12:38
frying_fishgparted can deal with ntfs.12:39
avagantSo Swiftfox?12:39
livingdaylightgoogle earth doesn't come by default in Kubuntu. Where do i find it?12:39
AsheDfrying_fish:: I am just looking for some way that will send ALL the files, though my internet connection may cut out12:39
ubotuntfsprogs: tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 1.12.1-1 (dapper), package size 205 kB, installed size 532 kB12:39
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html12:39
avagantI was hoping Alien would unpack the last.fm tar for me and make it into a deb so I don't screw it up again.12:39
LjLKismet: ^12:39
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AsheDfrying_fish:: atm I am using sshfs, but that doesn't work if my connection dies12:39
frying_fishAsheD: ahh, well in that case no sorry.12:39
avagantWhat IS google earth?12:39
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: ^^^ btw its non-free and not stable is why its not added in ubuntu12:39
iLLf8davagant, you can get setup with all those with the exception of winxp and osx for free for the os and used pcs are like 10-40$ range usually at garage sales thrift stores and off craigslist (some often free just if you pickem up)12:39
gnomefreakavagant: a 3d satilite app12:40
Ngis it possible to get compiz/aiglx working with stock edgy packages? every howto/guide I find has lots of crazy stuff about third party repositories and packages12:40
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Kismetfrying_fish, LjL: Will these tools also copy the MBR? I'm trying to migrate to a larger boot drive12:40
avagantiLLf8d: That's where I got this computer Craigslist.12:40
livingdaylightgnomefreak: what's the worst that can happen?12:40
avagantiLLf8d: It's been nothing but trouble.12:40
sad_windows_broki give12:40
gnomefreakng see #ubuntu-xgl12:40
LjLKismet: dunno, don't think12:40
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frying_fishKismet: why do you need to copy the MBR, you could always just reinstall grub on the new drives MBR12:40
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iLLf8dI threw out about 12 machines I accumulated over the years about a year back12:40
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: it can break something it depends on something important like oh X12:40
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sad_windows_brokfor each software that I try to install, a package is missing... for each package or lib that I download, more and more packages and libs are needed12:40
Nggnomefreak: ok thanks, Ifigured that would just be for xgl12:40
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avagantDangit, iLLf8d. Where you at? XD12:41
livingdaylightgnomefreak: lol12:41
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iLLf8din los angeles area atm12:41
kmastawhat do I do once I have a deb file, what do I do with it?12:41
Kismetfrying_fish: guess i don't know how to install GRUB outside of doing a full Linux Install12:41
livingdaylightgnomefreak: oh, only X , that alrite then ;)12:41
ianmacgregorsad_windows_brok: welcome to dependency hell12:41
frying_fishKismet: !grub12:41
vithosiLLf8d: i only see one new line in dmesg, and i think it's for one of the other ne-ish modules that failed to load, "ne.c: You must supply "io=0xNNN" value(s) for ISA cards."12:41
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:41
avagantAlthough a year ago I wasn't in California.12:41
frying_fishKismet: just follow those instructions from ubotu12:41
livingdaylightgnomefreak: but lots of other distros install with Google earth by default12:41
frying_fishits pretty simple.12:41
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gnomefreaklivingdaylight: not only thats just one of many things it can break12:41
iLLf8dvithos, is it an isa card?12:41
livingdaylightgnomefreak: gues it'll get more stable in time12:41
Kismetfrying_fish: thanks very much!12:41
LjLdo we have a decent google earth .deb yet by the way?12:41
avagantgnomefreak: Is it a good app?12:41
iLLf8dvithos, I thought you said it was a pci card12:42
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vithosiLLf8d: no, i don't have any isa cards or slots12:42
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avagantOr does GE eat up alot of memory yada yada.12:42
frying_fishKismet: you're welcome12:42
thomasmckayI'm experiencing problems starting Xorg with fglrx drivers. Xorg refuses to start. I've done this before, i know what i'm doing. Has Xorg broken support of fglrx temporarily??12:42
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avagantI shouldn't download anymore applications really my computer is already slow enough.12:42
avagantgnomefreak: Do you know anything about swiftfox?12:42
gnomefreakavagant: i use it12:43
sad_windows_broklibgtk... is that GTK?12:43
avagantgnomefreak: Do you have to have firefox open in order to use it?12:43
avagantgnomefreak: It's a n00by question but I don't understand why I can't launch it.12:43
sad_windows_brokoh my god12:43
gnomefreakavagant: what version did you install?12:43
sad_windows_brokGTK is only 20mb, but being stuck with 6kbs.. itll take hours12:43
gnomefreaksad_windows_brok: yes12:43
avagantgnomefreak: I have it on my panel, and it won't launch.12:43
gnomefreaklibgtk is a library for gtk12:44
avagantgnomefreak: But it launched right after a DL'd it.12:44
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iLLf8dvithos, I'm guessing its not an ne card if the pci version didn't work the modinfo for it doesn't allow resource settings just says flags for full duplex and whatnot12:44
thomasmckaysad_windows_brok: thats the way it goes.12:44
THX-1138!info fglrx-xconfig12:44
gnomefreakavagant: what is the launch command its using?12:44
ubotuPackage fglrx-xconfig does not exist in any distro I know12:44
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LjLsad_windows_brok: should be less than one hour, actually12:44
avagantusr bin swiftfox12:44
avagantwith /'s12:44
avagantfor some reason I can't write / in here without it thinking it's some command.12:44
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gnomefreakavagant: put this as the launch command swiftfox %u12:44
ianmacgregoravagant: Open a term and type: which swiftfox12:44
iLLf8dvithos, when you do an lspci and find the entry in the lsit does it match any of the aliases in the modinfo output?12:44
avagantI've got btw.12:45
ker0uacHow do I very whether certain modules are running?12:45
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ianmacgregoravagant: / space / will get a / in the channel for you12:45
gnomefreakavagant: mine lauches with command "swiftfox %u" and works fine :)12:45
avagantwithout quotes?12:45
thomasmckayavagant: maybe you'd find better answers in the firefox irc?12:45
avagantThere we go.12:46
pike_ker0uac: lsmod12:46
avagantIt luanched.12:46
avagantI just don't want to have to use firefox.12:46
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vithosiLLf8d: the aliases like "pci:v000010ECd00008029sv*sd*bc*sc*i*"?12:46
avagantWell the original firefox.12:46
LjL /usr/bin/swiftfox -- prefixing a space should do...12:46
iLLf8dvithos, nm I'm thinking of the old lspnp output12:46
avagantAll of my plugins worked right off the bat with swiftfox too.12:46
kmastawhat do I do with a .deb file once i've downloaded i12:46
vithosiLLf8d: oh. well actually now that you mention it, that one i just pasted has 8029 in it12:47
SuperMiguelwhen i try to open my apacheweb page it tells me that i dont have permisions :S12:47
avagantdpkg -i <name of deb)12:47
avagantI don't need to redirect my flash or anything, my swiftfox just works.12:47
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avagantConsidering that I've read most people have to redirect everything.12:47
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avagantNow it won't start up again, hmm.12:48
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ianmacgregoravagant: open a term and type:  ps aux | grep swiftfox12:48
avagantI wonder if maybe I got the wrong version for my computer.12:49
ianmacgregoravagant: It may still be running or something12:49
avagantno processes killed.12:49
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avagantI don't even know what kind of computer I have. Haha12:49
iLLf8dvithos, whats your lspci show for your eth entries? lspci | grep Eth12:49
gnomefreakavagant: what processor do you have?12:49
avagantI don't know.12:49
avagantI got it off craigslist.12:50
vithosiLLf8d: i pm'ed it to you12:50
avagantI got robbed for it though, haha.12:50
iLLf8dvithos, you're not registered paste it in here if its like 4 lines and under12:50
iLLf8dI didn't get it12:50
adam__what do i do with a .bin and a .obj file?12:50
vithos0000:00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)12:50
ianmacgregoravagant: Learn to build your own computers.. it's much cheaper and more fun12:50
vithos0000:00:0c.0 Ethernet controller: Linksys NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 (rev 11)12:50
gnomefreakavagant: type cat /proc/cpuinfo in terminal12:50
vithos0000:00:0d.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)12:50
avagantI know it's a amd computer.12:50
avagantBut that's as far as I know.12:50
gnomefreakvithos: please use pastebin12:51
LjLadam__: leave them alone, possibly, if you have to ask. what do you have them for?12:51
iLLf8dgnomefreak, its 3 lines12:51
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thomasmckayadam__ .bins are binaries. if you trust them, right click, select properties -> permissions and set it to execute.12:51
iLLf8dvithos, which loaded?12:51
pike_avagant: cat /proc/cpuinfo and so on for some info12:51
gnomefreakah avagant what swiftfox did you install?12:51
thomasmckay.obj are object files... probably java or something.12:51
avagantone of the amd ones but i think the second one.12:51
vithosiLLf8d: the first two work, the last (8029) doesn't12:51
gnomefreakiLLf8d: i dont remember asking how many lines it was i didnt know he was done12:51
avaganti think there were like 2 choices for amd.12:51
avagantAuthenticaAMD AMD Duron processor.12:52
gnomefreakavagant: what does cat /proc/cpuinfo say12:52
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avagant64 KB12:52
avagantcache size12:52
iamthericsomebody said i could stick another video card in my box and have dual monitors, what version of x would support that?12:52
gnomefreakavagant: dont need all that12:52
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gnomefreakavagant: hold on a sec12:52
avagantAMD Duron Processor.12:52
avagantSorry this is all new to me, I have fun with the command line though.12:52
gnomefreakavagant: does it say speed of it12:53
avagantI know more about my computer now than I did before.12:53
avagantNo it doesn't.12:53
ChickenTalonsim running a dual core system and I love it12:53
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ianmacgregoravagant: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz12:53
avagantOh wait yah ok.12:53
sad_windows_brokwhat torrent client for linux do I use?12:53
iLLf8dvithos, try this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=36257812:54
gnomefreakavagant: i think you want the atholon xp12:54
thomasmckaysad_windows_brok: the one it comes with.12:54
beefsad_windows_brok: ltorrent!12:54
avagantI thought that's the one I got, but I'm not sure.12:54
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avagantI wish I could remember.12:54
gnomefreakavagant: no12:54
beefsudo apt-get install ktorrent, its kind of like abc or utorrent for windows :)12:54
pike_sad_windows_brok: i use ktorrent right now12:54
gnomefreakavagant: you want the duron12:54
david_Does anyone know whether the xorg-air-core package on dapper has the updates nessecary to make it work Beryl+suspend/resume?12:54
thomasmckaysad_windows_brok: ubuntu has a torrent downloader right now.12:54
ianmacgregoravagant: XP is 3200++ iirc12:54
avagantthere'a duron one?12:54
gnomefreakavagant: http://getswiftfox.com/releases.htm12:54
iLLf8dgnomefreak, understandable but you might want to wait for it to be a flood first next time12:54
gnomefreakthat link will give you one12:54
thomasmckaydavid_: i highly doubt suspend/resume works.12:54
avagantCan IOH DUH12:55
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avagantgnomefreak: feel free to slap me.12:55
=== ChickenTalons has an athlon XP 2500+ barton, but its being given away to a needy female today
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frying_fishsad_windows_brok: you could always use azureus12:55
avagantCan I just uninstall swiftfox?12:55
beefChickenTalons: needy female = nice boobs and you got distracted ?12:55
thomasmckayhe could always have used google.12:55
avagantor because I downloaded the package do I have to dpkg it?12:55
gnomefreakiLLf8d: how about you drop it. he didnt say he stopped its also a very good habit to learn to use pastebin for all pasting that way there is no how many lines can i paste12:55
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gnomefreakavagant: sudo dpkg -r swiftfox12:55
avagantgnomefreak: You deserve a drink or 2.12:56
beefsudo apt-get remove swiftfox :)12:56
iLLf8dgnomefreak, why don't you drop it you jumped the gun and now you're trying to support the fact that you were a jerk12:56
david_thomasmckay: I read on the beryl forms that the AIGLX/x.org patches exist, but my laptop still hates suspend/resume.  Do you know if these patches really do exist; if so, could you point me in the direction to compile X with them added?12:56
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vithosiLLf8d: the module is loaded (two lines when i grep lspci for ne2k_pci)12:56
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gnomefreakiLLf8d: i asked you to drop it12:56
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thomasmckaydavid: i've heard of these patches, but also, it comes down to whether your x.org drivers support suspending.12:57
avagantI like swiftfox 30 times better anyways.12:57
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thomasmckayfglrx does not.12:57
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vithosgnomefreak: he told me in this channel to paste if it was under 4 lines, i'm guessing you missed that12:57
ChickenTalonsbeef, nah single mom who cant afford a computer and Ive got an extra lying around taking up space and not being used12:57
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vithosgnomefreak: it was right before i pasted the 3 lines12:57
gnomefreakvithos: all i did was warn you about pasting12:57
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gnomefreakavagant: hold on12:57
avaganti hate untaring things.12:57
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Kismethey, how do you switch from the Graphical loader to the standard VGA display as Ubuntu's booting up? F12? ESC?12:58
avaganti wish alien would do tar.12:58
iLLf8dnice of you to be in power and abusing it12:58
beefChickenTalons: very noble :)12:58
gnomefreakavagant: lol12:58
avagantIt would make my life 300 times easier.12:58
avagantI've fought with so many tar packages in 2 weeks.12:58
vithosgnomefreak: actually i think you just got someone killed. did he call you names in a query?12:58
ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall  -  Please: Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page. - DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!12:58
avagantI think the worst 2 were Nicotine+ and Last.Fm12:58
LjLavagant: even though it's an alien, it can't read the tarball maker's mind12:58
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gnomefreakiLLf8d: you calling an op names will get you banned. now again i ask you to drop it if you care to continue this we will do it in #ubuntu-ops12:58
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thomasmckayavagant: use lastexit.12:59
iLLf8dI'd like that12:59
avagantI couldn't get it to work.12:59
thomasmckayavagant: there's debs.12:59
avagantNo but i mean, it froze up on me.12:59
gnomefreakjoin it12:59
avagantJust like Last-exit12:59
avaganterr last.fm12:59
avagantI've read there are some alsa issues with last.fm12:59
BlueEagleI've got a lot of multimediakeys that I am unable to assign. Xev doesn't detect them at all. It's a Creative Wireless desktop 6000 keyboard.01:00
thomasmckayBlueEagle: you may need kernel modules.01:00
avagantcrap, I don't know if it's just a duron or a duron spitfire, well maybe i'll stick with duron.01:00
AbstIs there a way to 'Lock Screen' in Xubuntu?01:00
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iamthericdual monitors, two different cards?01:01
=== Chelsea [n=chelsea_@70-33-137-99.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEaglethomasmckay: the acerhk mentioned in the wiki?01:01
avaganti might as well just try and tar it on my own, even though i'd prefer deb'in it.01:01
thomasmckayBlueEagle: i don't know i don't use that.01:01
Chelseahi all. still learning the 'old linux. I was hoping someone could tell me how to view the output of a program AFTER I run it as a background process? i.e. 'some.sh &' <--how can I retrieve that process and view it's output?01:02
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Buglousein ftp... how can i get a directory?01:02
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Buglouseinstead of going into the dir and getting the files one by one01:02
Buglousejust transfer the dir to my comp01:02
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ChelseaBug: i'm guessing that would depend on your client app...01:03
avagantCrap man, I'm gonna find out if theres debs. BRB01:03
vithosiLLf8d: `lsmod|grep ne2k` -> "ne2k_pci               12384  001:03
vithos8390                   11904  1 ne2k_pci"01:03
BlueEaglethomasmckay: ie. it does recognize stop, next, previous, mute, louder, lower, start, mediaplayer and sleep but not www, web stop, refresh, forward, backward, favorites, my computer, calculator and mail.01:03
iamthericxfree86 dual monitors01:03
jesperHi. I have a ATI Radeon 9200 that I'd really like to get to work on an Ubuntu MythTV box.. But I cannot seem to get TV-out working? Any tips?01:03
avagantCrap they are for debian.01:03
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:03
avagantCrap is a bad word?01:04
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thomasmckayBlueEagle: my ATI Remote Wonder works like a charm, that is because Ubuntu installed a Kernel Module on installation.01:04
vithossome would say teaching children that words can be good or bad by nature is harmful01:04
=== FordPrefect mostly agrees
ChickenTalonsbeef, its cheaper than recycling01:04
avagantgnomefreak: Would downloading one from debian be harmful?01:04
avagantgnomefreak: There's a debian section with debs.01:04
gnomefreakavagant: use wget its fine01:05
=== FordPrefect still doesn't want his 2 year old going around saying certain things that he would repeat obsessively
gnomefreakavagant: thats file01:05
avagantwget huh...dangit.01:05
FordPrefect...but he doesn't really frequent this room :-)01:05
ubotuwget: retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 225 kB, installed size 1952 kB01:05
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avagantI don't know how to do that command haha.01:05
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avagantI mean unless it's placed in front of me.01:05
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vithosFordPrefect: yeah, agreed. i just think the repeating it obsessively part is mostly because they know it's "bad" because they pick up on that they weren't supposed to hear it01:06
THX-1138curl is another good way to do it.01:06
iLLf8dvithos, find someone else to helpya out01:06
Buglousein "FTP" how can i "GET" a directory?  Instead of "GET" <FILE> how can i "GET" <DIR> ?01:06
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vithosiLLf8d: alright, thanks for trying01:06
XenguyBuglouse: mget  ?01:06
avagantWell I'll just click on the download and do it from the site.01:06
=== Xenguy tries to remember
avagantIf it boinks anything, I'll just uninstall.01:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openmosix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:07
=== pyrad [n=pkilambi@cpe-075-177-217-244.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vithosanyone? here's the problem:  i have a realtek RLT-8029(AS) pci ethernet card that isn't giving me an eth* device, but i have the ne2k-pci kernel module loaded which is supposed to support it01:07
pyradquestion on upgrade to edgy:01:08
LjLanyone else cares to look at this sources.list (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26515/), and the way i changed it (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26517/), and why could it be that there's only about 5000 package available after an apt-get update?01:08
gnomefreakpyrad: please ask in #ubuntu+101:08
pyradah ok thanks01:08
gnomefreakLjL: it looks like you have repos more than once01:09
gnomefreakLjL: that shouldnt say you have more updates though01:09
avagantYah swiftfox ain't working for me for whatever reason, epsecially with my modle.01:09
=== Hallonen [n=rune@75.84-49-87.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
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avagantmodel of computer whatever.01:09
avagantOh well, firefox it is.01:09
LjLgnomefreak: actually, now that i'm looking at it again (my version), i'm seeing i've seriously messed up with the "#"... (partly thanks to someone's ridiculously small textbox grrr =)01:09
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LjLgnomefreak: do i actually have duplicates anyway? i'm not sure i do... even though that sources.list *does* have a layout that confuses me a bit01:12
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=== RamiKassab [n=RamiKass@c-24-21-154-15.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RamiKassabhey guys I'm having a weird problem... I can't SSH out anymore. Whenever I try to SSH to a server it just sits there trying to connect01:13
RamiKassabis there a way that perhaps the known_hosts file is messed up?01:13
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iamthericjust look at it01:13
RamiKassabit looks fine... I don't know how it would look if it were messed up01:14
iamthericRamiKassab, is the ssh damen running?01:14
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RamiKassabiamtheric: how do I check to see if it is? I think it is because I can SSH to my local SSH server fine01:14
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RamiKassabiamtheric: I just deleted the know_hosts file and still same problem01:15
iamthericRamiKassab, type sshd in the server you want to ssh01:15
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iamthericRamiKassab, try pinging the host01:15
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RamiKassabiamtheric: oh the sshd daemon is running... I've tried SSHing to multiple external servers that I know are up01:15
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cafuegoRamiKassab: sshing to OTHEr machines does not reuire your sshd to be running01:16
gss6how can i get SMP support in ubuntu?01:16
avagantHmm even the instructions on the forum aren't all that clear.01:16
RamiKassabcafuego: yeah it doesn't require my local sshd to be running but it requires theirs to and they are01:16
RamiKassabcafuego: but I can ssh into my local sshd but not in external ones01:17
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fantasaiIt just doesn't like empty strings..01:18
iamthericRamiKassab, they might not support external ssh's01:18
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RamiKassabiamtheric: I have SSHed into these machines many times before and I know for a fact they do01:18
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avagantWell I got it to work.01:18
YaakovRamiKassab: I missed the error you are getting, could you repeat it?01:18
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iamthericRamiKassab, your screwed on that one01:19
RamiKassabYaakov: there is no rror that is being reported... SSH just wont work for some reason01:19
RamiKassabYaakov: to some machines01:19
YaakovRamiKassab: "Won't work...", could you be more specific?01:19
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YaakovRamiKassab: what does ssh -v <host> show you?01:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swiftfox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:20
avagantDo I have to do the aoss thing with swiftfox?01:20
=== Kickaha [n=eabecerr@] has joined #ubuntu
=== Huey [n=Huey@ip68-6-100-227.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuevilwm: a minimalist window manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.21-1 (dapper), package size 25 kB, installed size 104 kB01:20
RamiKassabYaakov: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config01:20
avagantFlash is pretty out of sync haha.01:20
KickahaGood evening.01:20
RamiKassabYaakov: Applying options for *01:21
RamiKassabYaakov: Connecting to rejuvenationdayspa.com []  port 22.01:21
RamiKassabYaakov: and just sticks01:21
YaakovOK, so it appears to be a problem at the network level.01:21
YaakovTry telnet rejuvenationdayspa.com 2201:21
LjL!doesn't work01:21
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:21
=== dao [n=dao@229-133.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #ubuntu
YaakovRamiKassab: If that times out, try traceroute rejuvenationdayspa.com01:22
=== chuckyp [n=chuckyp@adsl-75-33-63-91.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
gu014does anyone use SageTV?01:23
avagantWow out of sync.01:23
YaakovYou might just have a problem getting to the hosts.01:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:23
RamiKassabYaakov: looks like it is going to time out01:23
=== green_earz [n=admin@213-232-83-67.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== crippy [n=kieran@80-192-168-201.cable.ubr02.blac.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuion3: keyboard-friendly window manager with tiled windows (devel). In component universe, is extra. Version 20060107-4ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1322 kB, installed size 3448 kB01:23
avagantgnomefreak: is your swiftfox out of sync with youtube?01:23
KickahaWould anyone here be willing to recommend where a newbie can find assistance with configuring samba on a ubuntu machine? After hearing the news about WindowsVista, I took the plunge into Ubuntu three months ago, but I'm still having trouble with netwoking on it.01:23
RamiKassabYaakov: I was at home earlier and plugged directly into the router and wasn't able to connect either01:23
RamiKassabYaakov: to any SSH servers that is01:23
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Vuenkickaha, hol don01:23
Vuenhold on*01:23
uboturatpoison: Simple window manager with no fat library dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.0-beta4-8 (dapper), package size 131 kB, installed size 320 kB01:23
Vueni'll pastebin my samba config file for ya01:23
KickahaWait a second, please.01:23
Vuenare you using gnome?01:24
KickahaLet me describe my current layout.01:24
=== njal [n=njal@host86-141-239-106.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
YaakovRamiKassab: There are a few possibilities: Your upstream provider could be have a problem routing, your upstream provider could be blocking port 22, you could have accidentally firewalled yourself...01:24
KickahaInternet (of course) > Dell SPS 400 > network card > crossover cable > Dell 4100 with Ubuntu.01:24
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njalCan anyone help me with an odd grub problem?01:24
chuckypiamtheobject, what are you doing?01:24
njalI need to chainload vista01:25
KickahaThat's basically how it's arranged.01:25
YaakovRamiKassab: If there are webservers on these boxes, can you reach them.01:25
njalam beta testing it atm01:25
njaland it's on an old IDE drive01:25
=== randomas [n=matteo@213-140-6-96.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
njalwhile ubuntu is on SATA01:25
njaland they not talking right01:25
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RamiKassabYaakov: yeah I am able to reach them fine... I was able to connect to my SSH box at home just now for a bit01:25
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RamiKassabYaakov: it was running really slowly though, I think it may be a shotty internet connection issue01:25
Kickahathe Dell 4100 can see the XPS. But Windows on the XPS complains about accounts and passwords.01:25
YaakovRamiKassab: What does traceroute show you?01:25
KickahaThat's about where I am, more or less.01:26
jachyrahi all, i just installed a module, how can I set up Ubuntu such that this module will load on start up?01:26
Vuenaccounts and passwords is because your samba config file is set to user level authentication01:26
Kickaha(Frankly, I'm wondering if hiring an assassin to hit Bill Gates is morally acceptable...)01:26
RamiKassabYaakov: running right now, had to install it via apt-get01:26
Vuenopen up your smb.conf and find the line security = user01:26
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Vuenchange that to security = share and make sure it's not commented01:27
KickahaGot it.01:27
eXistenZSprichst du Deutsch?01:27
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:27
Vuenthen scroll down right to the bottom, where your shares are01:27
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Vuenadd the line guest ok = yes01:27
randomastrying to configure a cups server client pair, printer works locally on server but is not printing from client even though it broadcasts and is recognised correctly. telnet to server 631 fails01:27
Vueni'm not sure if that's required, but it's what i've got01:27
Vuenand that should be all you need01:28
piffHi there.  I need help with my nvidia drivers.  Yes, I have followed the instructions, and installed everything I needed to.  I get the nvidia splash screen, and X boots fine.  THe problem is, GL acceleration doesn't work.01:28
piffAny hints or suggestions?01:28
chuckyppiff, what type of card01:28
chuckyppiff, and what do you mean it doesn't work?01:28
piffnvidia geforce 520001:28
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chuckyppiff, What application is it not working with or how are you testing that its working?01:29
VuenKickaha, now run firestarter, and add Samba to your inbound traffic polify01:29
Vuenotherwise your firewall will start blocking it01:29
Kickahasorry about the delays.. Minerva and Synergy are connected to the same keyboard and monitor - I have to flip back and forth with a KVM.01:29
=== Radscientist [n=jeffery@67-20-199-51.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
piffIt doesn't work in that there is no hardware acceleration - glxgears is not accelerated, and glxinfo doesnt show GL as running.01:29
Vueni see01:29
ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo01:29
piffI haven't tested acceleration in anything else because I don't have any other OpenGL apps01:30
randomaspiff: is the nvidia glx package installed?01:30
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piffrandomas- Yes.01:30
chuckyppiff, how did you install the nvidia drivers?01:30
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RamiKassabYaakov: it's taking forever01:30
Buglousein "FTP" how do I tell it to display the speed and how much data it has transferred during a transfer?01:30
Kickahabother.. there's TWO copies of smb.conf01:30
YaakovRamiKassab: You can't reach the machines then.  It is a probably on the net.01:30
YaakovRamiKassab: Assuming that you have gone past your own router, that is.01:31
RamiKassabYaakov: I'm going to try to connect to a diff wireless router here... I'll be right back. Thanks for the help!01:31
piffchuckyp- Well, unfortunately, the first time, I installed the drivers using .run package from the nvidia website.  That didn't work, and I uninstalled that.  I tried the directions from an Ubuntu help page which told me to download nvidia-glx, and follow the instructions to modify the xorg.conf file.01:31
VuenKickaha, what are they called and where are they?01:31
Kickahaone in /ect/samba, and one in /user/share/samba01:31
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Vuenthe one in etc/samba is the good one01:31
randomasanyone manage to get the lacie ethernet mini externall HDD to conect via usb?01:31
Vuenit's the one you should edit01:31
piffAs I said, I get the nvidia splash screen at X startup.  Everything else seems to work fine, but there is no acceleration.01:31
chuckyppiff, nah you shouldn't ahve to modify xorg.conf just sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx01:31
Kickahaokay, opening it.01:31
avagantSo XMMS keeps freezing on me, really bad.01:31
chuckyppiff, that should give you all the necessary files.01:31
piffHow else can test for acceleration01:31
avagantIs this happening to anyone else?01:32
piffchuckyp- indeed it should.  :(01:32
jachyraCan someone please tell me how I can load a monule on start-up?01:32
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randomasjachyra: add the module name to /etc/modules01:32
VuenKickaha, http://pastebin.ca/20012001:32
Buglousein "FTP" how do I tell it to display the speed and how much data it has transferred during a transfer?01:32
Kickahaokay, looking for security..01:32
jachyrarandomas: thank you01:33
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508D8F44.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
KickahaShould I just cut and paste that into the current smb.conf?01:33
=== Radscientist [n=jeffery@67-20-199-51.clspco.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
chuckyppiff, which command are you using for glxinfo ?  glxinfo | grep "?"01:33
avagantWhat are other good media players that won't freeze?01:33
pifflemme find the line01:33
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-214-15-115.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
piffI'm looking at this line from glxinfo: "client glx vendor string: SGI"01:34
piffThat should be nv or nvidia, shouldn't it?01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediaplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:34
chuckyppiff, Also make sure you are loading the glx module in xorg.conf  under the module section01:34
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:34
VuenKickaha, no, definitely DON'T do that01:34
Vuenyou should modify the appropriate fields in yours01:34
piffchuckyp- Yep, I did that many times.  I shall check agian.01:35
=== Exclamation [n=reuben@CPE001346f583fd-CM0017ee42b326.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kickahaokay. (found out the hard way to listen first, edit last. ^_^ )01:35
THX-1138piff - take a peek at nvidia-xconfig01:35
Vuendo you have a backup?01:35
piffYes, 'load   glx' is there.01:35
KickahaOKay, found the line...01:35
KickahaIt reads01:35
chuckyppiff, also glxinfo | grep direct01:35
avagant!Quod Libet01:35
randomaspiff: lsmod should give you an entry for nvidia and in your xorg.conf GLcore and dri lines need to commented out in the load section01:35
Kickaha;security = user01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Quod Libet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:36
THX-1138piff - it will create any xorg.conf you need from one monitor to dual twinview xinerama etc.01:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Quod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:36
Vuenchange user to share and get rid of the semicolon01:36
Vuenlike it is on mine01:36
chuckyppiff, whats the output of that?01:36
piffnvidia-xconfig only configures the xorg.conf file.  I have done that.01:36
piffSOrry, catching up...01:36
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=== pyrad [n=pkilambi@cpe-075-177-217-244.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
randomasanyone manage to share a printer with cups?01:37
KickahaArhg.. protected read only. Grr.01:37
njalanyone got any experience with grub?01:37
piffchuckyp: result of glxinfo | grep direct is --> Direct Rendering: No.01:37
chuckyppiff, well thats wierd01:37
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:37
randomasnjal:what do you need?01:37
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piffchuckyp: I know - it's a tough nut to crack01:37
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piffchuckyp- Maybe it's just glxgears - can you recommend another app01:38
njalrandomas: I have vista installed on an IDE hard drive set to slave and ubuntu install on a master SATA drive and grub is not detecting the other hard drive01:38
chuckyppiff, what about lsmod | grep nvidia01:38
randomaspiff: armagetron01:38
chuckyppiff, just see if nvidia is getting loaded01:38
piffCan I past four lines here?01:38
=== anto9us [n=anthony@cpc1-ptal1-0-0-cust444.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
piffThe result of lsmod | grep nvidia01:38
chuckyppiff, is there an nvidia line?01:38
piffYes, several01:38
=== flipfone [n=flipfone@seymour-cuda1-24-49-173-22.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kickahaokay, into the right directory... dammit, can't remember the editor..01:39
chuckypwhy is direct render off01:39
piffI notice there is i2c - which is not loaded in my xorg.conf01:39
avagantgnomefreak: Is your swiftfox in flesh all crazy.01:39
chuckyppiff, yeah I have i2c as well hold up01:39
piffTries armagetron01:39
gnomefreakavagant: mine works fine01:39
VuenKickaha, you can use nano, or just gedit01:39
chuckyppiff, however, I have i2c as the first module loaded in my xorg.conf01:39
avagantgnomefreak: Mine is crazy out of sync.01:39
piffYeah... I saw that on a website (sample xorg.conf file for nvidia), but it's not loaded in my xorg.01:39
KickahaGot it.01:39
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KickahaPassword, and... there we go.01:40
gnomefreakavagant: for the wrong processor?01:40
piffchuckyp- Ok, will try armagetron first01:40
VuenKickaha,  sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf01:40
piffand then load i2x01:40
chuckyppiff, what is armagetron?01:40
gnomefreakavagant: thats the only thing i can see doing that off hand01:40
piffchuckyp- 3D Tron cycles game.  :)01:40
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KickahaGot the right line..01:40
djuuss......crap, wrong irc01:40
avagantIt's not bad all the time.01:40
avagantDo I have aoss it?01:40
Kickahadelete the ; and change user to share, right?01:41
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chuckyppiff, let me search for some stuff real quick.01:41
Vuensecurity = user01:41
njalrandomas: Is it possible to fix?01:41
Vuensecurity = share01:41
gnomefreakavagant: here is the .deb for your proc. http://getswiftfox.com/debian.htm01:41
piffThanks Chucky01:41
avagantI downloaded the right one...but..01:41
KickahaNext step?01:41
Vuenscroll way down to the bottom, you'll see your shares01:41
randomasnjal: check the original file in /boot/grub/menu should be an entry for other OS: title           Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition01:41
randomasroot            (hd0,0)01:41
randomaschainloader     +101:41
gnomefreakavagant: remove it and try that one01:41
Vuenadd guest ok = yes01:41
ianmacgregor!info guile01:42
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ubotuPackage guile does not exist in any distro I know01:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about guile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:42
randomas njal: change the root (hd0.0) to something more apropriate01:42
Kickahacommented line reading "Share definitions"?01:42
gnomefreakianmacgregor: the package guile is not in the repos01:42
RamiKassabYaakov: ok something really weird is going on now01:42
njalrandomas: Which entry is this?01:43
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RamiKassabYaakov: I am able to connect to some SSH servers but it is not accepting my login credentials even though I know they are correct01:43
njalrandomas: In fact shall i pastebin my menu.lst?01:43
randomasshould be the last one in file01:43
ianmacgregorgnomefreak: Thanks01:43
piffOk, I'm fairly sure GL Is working.  :)  Thanks guys.01:43
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RamiKassabYaakov: could encryption be off or something? I just have no idea and this is ridiculously frusterating01:43
piffglxgears just didnt work for some reason01:43
YaakovRamiKassab: is traceroute consistent?01:43
ianmacgregorgnomefreak: Yes it is01:43
piffArmagetron runs at 200 FPS01:43
randomas<njal> if not there it's not recognised01:43
ianmacgregorgnomefreak: I found it with synaptic01:44
njalrandomas: It kinda is there, but not under default options01:44
gnomefreakianmacgregor: no guile is not01:44
RubyduckyHello, is there anyway to get a GUI on ubuntu server?01:44
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gnomefreak!info guile1.601:44
ubotuPackage guile1.6 does not exist in any distro I know01:44
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randomaspiff: push all details up and try again01:44
piffchuckyp- OK01:44
gnomefreak!info guile-1.601:44
ubotuguile-1.6: The GNU extension language and Scheme interpreter. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.7-2 (dapper), package size 30 kB, installed size 196 kB01:44
ianmacgregorgnomefreak: I'm sitting here looking at guile 1.6 in synaptic01:44
kitcheRubyducky: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:44
ianmacgregorThe GNU extension language and Scheme interpreter01:45
randomasnjal: what is the "root" line?01:45
gnomefreakianmacgregor: the package "guile" is not in repos01:45
KickahaAll right, I've found the Shares definitions section. There's a commented out section entitled network longon service01:45
KickahaIs that it?01:45
gnomefreakianmacgregor: the package "guile-1.6" is01:45
Kickahalogon, drat it..01:45
gnomefreakwith a bunch of others01:45
ianmacgregorgnomefreak: guile 1.4 is in the repos.01:45
gnomefreaknot in mine :)01:45
RamiKassabYaakov: I think I fixed it... don't know how... but I think I fixed it01:45
ianmacgregorIt's in universe01:45
Rubyduckykitche: Is it already installed, I don't need any extra disks or anything?01:45
kitcheRubyducky: it will pull from the net01:45
VuenKickaha, nope01:46
gnomefreakyep it is also in mine i didnt scroll far enough01:46
randomashelp sharing a printer with cups?  please?01:46
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Vuenlook at the samba config file i pastebinned for you01:46
Rubyduckythank you01:46
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ianmacgregorgnomefreak: How come the bot says it's not?01:46
YaakovRamiKassab: From what I can gather, you are having network-related problems, probably concerning your upstream's connection to its NAP.01:46
Vuenthat's the one on my computer, set up to share with a bunch of winxp comps01:46
Kickahadrat.. okay, what am I looking for?01:46
ubotuat: Delayed job execution and batch processing. In component main, is standard. Version 3.1.9ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 40 kB, installed size 208 kB01:46
YaakovRamiKassab: I would expect it to clear up.01:46
gnomefreakianmacgregor: my point is the bot only knows package names01:46
VuenKickaha, at the very bottom is the list of shares01:46
gnomefreakianmacgregor: the package "guile" is nnot in the repos01:46
ianmacgregorgnomefreak: Ooohh, ok01:46
piffchuckyp- 70/80 fps.  GL is definitely working.  Thanks for your help!01:46
ubotuguile-1.6: The GNU extension language and Scheme interpreter. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.7-2 (dapper), package size 30 kB, installed size 196 kB01:46
Vuenadd guest ok = yes to them01:46
piffAnd everybody else...01:46
KickahaThis bit?01:46
njalrandomas: Ok there is no windows entry in my default options, but the root for ubuntu (which is obviously in my defualt options is (hd1,0)01:46
Kickaha[Music] 01:46
Kickahapath = /media/data/Music01:46
Kickahaguest ok = yes01:46
gnomefreakKickaha: use pastebin please01:47
ianmacgregorgnomefreak: Thank you for explaining that.. that helps me :)01:47
KickahaAdd that to01:47
piffnjal- Is Windows on your second hard-disk?01:47
Kickahathe bottom of my conf file?01:47
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Vuenfor whatever you want to share01:47
chuckyppiff, how'd you get render yes?01:47
njalI have XP on a third hard disk but I don't think vista saw it either01:47
KickahaSorry about the paste. wasn't aware of the pastebin thing.01:47
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gnomefreakKickaha: its in the topic01:48
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piffchuckyp- It was working all along - it's just that glxgears is broken for some reason.  It's definitely 3d accelerated.01:48
fooI am locking down ubuntu .. can I set perms to 650 on dirs in / ?01:48
KickahaCan't see all the topic, just the firs t few words.01:48
ianmacgregorpicky bot01:48
randomasnjal: at bottom of the file add these lines01:48
randomastitle           Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition01:48
randomasroot            (hd0,0)01:48
randomaschainloader     +101:48
mOrO^when I boot up the install CD I burned I get the following.... [DR-DOS]  A:\... I do a cd to where my ISO image is located and I get the contents as UBUNTU- 6 ISO.01:48
=== ianmacgregor ducks
foorandomas: Please don't do that.01:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:48
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piffnjal- Windows is not happy being on anything other than the first hd01:48
Kickahaoo. Nice. wish my regular IRC channel had that.01:49
piffnjal- Have a look at the grub 'swap' command01:49
gnomefreakrandomas: dont paste in here use pastebin please01:49
KickahaAuthors paste a LOT.01:49
randomasnjal: change the root (hd0,0) to the right drive, first number is drive second is partition01:49
piffI recently installed a tri-boot system01:49
njalI hear SATA don't like being slave drives either01:49
randomas<gnomefreak> ok, sorry how do I do that?01:49
piffAnyway, I'm off01:49
VuenKickaha, it's not a part of the channel... anyone can use pastebin01:49
piffThanks again chuckyp and everyone else who helped.01:49
thomas_okay guys, i've figured out what the problem is with my xorg. fglrx is expecting a different version of xorg (7.0) than is installed (7.1) however, checking synaptics tells me there is no 7.1. Can somebody help me remedy this error?01:49
gnomefreak!pastebin > randomas01:49
mOrO^can anyone help?01:49
gnomefreakrandomas: please see your pm from ubotu01:50
gnomefreakKickaha: go to pastebin.com and you can have one with whatever name you want01:50
=== Kickaha scribbles...
randomas<gnomefreak> thanks01:50
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KickahaTHANK you! The members of the ATV writing forum will worship you to the end of time. ^_^01:51
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VuenKickaha, don't use pastebin.com, it's way too slow01:51
Vuenuse pastebin.ca01:51
njalrandomas: done01:51
njalbut there is still no windows entry01:51
thomas_pastebin.ca = canadian site. its not our fault .com is too busy!01:51
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randomasnjal: if you added the lines it should be there!!!???01:51
KickahaWill do. And thanks! That will be VERY useful, as Skeet and I are working on a novel that is already 200,000 words long and not finished.01:52
Vuenduh, just because you're in the states doesn't mean you can't use the canadian site genius01:52
freemindholycow, hello01:52
Vuenthe .ca domain is no reason to avoid it01:52
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mOrO^Im having a problem getting my ISO image to boot up.01:52
randomasnjal: at the grub prompt enter the lines manually and see what happens01:52
freemindis someone running RAID5 ins premptive mode?01:52
walvarowhere can i get codecs for audio/video01:52
njalrandomas: So i just copy the windows stuff from the examples and add them into default options?01:52
KickahaOkay, got my gnutella downloads directory at the bottom of the list, and I've set it to guest = ok.01:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:52
walvaroto ubuntu?=01:52
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KickahaDo I want to set browsable = ok?01:53
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:53
holycowfreemind, bonjour01:53
randomasnjal: nope default options you don't touch it's only for automatically built linux entries01:53
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randomasnjal: you want to add lines after the automagically reated entries01:54
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edjuAnyone know where I might pick up a deb file for libdvdcss?01:54
KickahaAll right, it's now browsable, available and public set to okay. writable is set to no.01:54
Kickahasave the conf file?01:54
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:54
Vuenedju, it should be in the repositories01:55
thomas_its not.01:55
Vuenare you sure?01:55
randomasedju: use automatix to fix codec and playback issues01:55
KickahaNest step?01:55
thomas_no don't use automatix01:55
Kickahanext step, even?01:55
thomas_read the codecs page.01:55
Vuennext step, you need to restart samba, type this:01:55
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Vuensudo /etc/init.d/samba restart01:55
kitcheVuen: it's illegal to have in certain countries01:55
thomas_which is why its not in repositories.01:56
thomas_any repositories.01:56
njalrandomas: I am a bit confused http://pastebin.ca/200155 see the link, do i put an entry after the line ##end default options##01:56
njalto windows01:56
thomas_however, ubuntu provided a link to a .deb, for those who live in countries where it isn't illegal.01:56
njalforgive me, i have wrestled with grub in the past but never in great detail so perhaps what i think i know is confusing mer01:56
Vuenkitche, this is true01:56
thomas_edju: read the codecs page, it will help you.01:56
Vuenwhich countries is it illegal in?01:57
=== morphix is now back from argh, moving stuff. i was gone for 3hrs 17mins iScriptv2
Kickahaack. "Command not found."01:57
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Vuentyped it wrong01:57
Vuenuse tab for completion01:57
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Vuenlike, type sudo /etc/ini  then hit tab01:57
randomasnjal: add lines after ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST01:57
Vuenand so on01:57
kitcheVuen: US is one01:57
Vuenkitche, mmm01:57
rbonninHi! Do you know any utility to repair zip files?01:57
gnomefreakrbonnin: 7zip01:58
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression01:58
njalrandomas: and it would be root(hd1,0)01:58
Kickahagrrr.. just a little system beep when I hit tab..01:58
randomas<njal> that depends on what disc and partition it's on01:59
VuenKickaha, that's because there are multiple entries. hit it twice.01:59
Vuenif nothing comes up, you typed it wrong so far, so backspace01:59
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njalrandomas: slave hard drive partition 101:59
randomas<njal> and definitely different from your linux entry01:59
gnomefreakKickaha: and your using dapper?02:00
Kickahagrr. just two beeps.02:00
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Kickahayes, dapper.02:00
njalok well I think  it's all correct, so time to bite the bullet02:00
Vuenkickaha, show me the command you're typing02:00
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randomas<njal> that should do it02:00
ssdd534ok need some serious help... my ubuntu server just went down hard... (http, ircd, sshd)... i can ping it but i get no response from any of the servers even after a reboot and reinst of apache.. any help would be a god send..02:01
Kickaha" sudo /ect/ini.d/samba restart "02:01
gnomefreakKickaha: init.d?02:01
chuckypssdd534, did you check any of the log files or dmesg?  and are you local to the machine?02:01
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KickahaI feel so stupid.. like it's 1980 again and I've got my first 6502 machine..02:02
ssdd534chuckyp, im not sure where logs are and yes im local to it02:02
KickahaOI. forgot the T02:02
Vuenetc, not ect02:02
KickahaI'll try again.02:02
gnomefreakand etc02:02
chuckypssdd534, /var/log   but I would check dmesg first02:02
gnomefreakmissed that one ty Vuen02:02
akonkwadoes anyone know how I can mount a usb har drive?02:02
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Kickahagrr. still command not found.02:03
chuckypssdd534, type in dmesg  and see what sort of errors at the bottom.02:03
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randomas<akonkwa> it should be automatic when you plug it in02:03
gnomefreakKickaha: and you fixed ect to read etc02:03
Vuenkickaha, etc not ect02:03
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Vuensudo /etc/init.d/samba restart02:03
akonkwarandomas,  but what if it doesn't show up?02:03
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ssdd534chuckyp, alls thats there is the stuff from the reboot i did after it went down02:03
gnomefreakKickaha: hint: copy and paste the command :)02:04
Vuenit's on a different computer02:04
Vuenbut with the same keyboard and mouse02:04
Kickahabooyah! "stopping samba daemons / starting samba daemons " message!02:04
chuckypssdd534, any errors?02:04
Vuenyeah. he's having quite an adventure02:04
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randomas<akonkwa> try lsusb and lsmod|grep usb and seewhat happens02:04
VuenKickaha, now try it out02:04
gnomefreakVuen: i see this02:04
Kismethey, i'm trying to use the 6.06 LiveCD, and I keep getting:  hdd: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit02:04
randomasok late got to go bye02:04
=== gnomefreak wonders why i never played with samba
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chuckypssdd534, the best bet is problably do a dmesg -c then reboot so you get a clean vesion.  You can see what's erroring etc... also did you have all these services set to start on boot?02:05
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chuckypKismet, did you check the cd for errors?02:05
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ssdd534chuckyp, they start on boot ill try the reboot with a clean dmesg02:05
akonkwarandomas,  It displays  some text in the terminal I don't undrstand02:05
Kismetchuckyp: not yet. i have 2, figured one of the two would work02:05
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chuckypssdd534, that way its a little easier to read.02:05
KickahaNow let's see if the bitched up s#itball of windows can find the directory..02:06
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chuckypKismet, I would do that or try burning at a slower speed what type of hdd do you have?02:06
chuckypKismet, ide, sata?02:06
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Kickahagrr.. "Edward-desktop not accessible, network path not found."02:07
chuckypKismet, yeah that would be the only things I would try 1) Burn at slower speed i.e. 4x  2) Check the media.    You could do either order.02:07
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VuenKickaha, try using your ip address02:07
KickahaThink they'd convict me if I strangled Bill Gates?02:07
darling_jewelmy shutdown and reboot seems to not be working.  i can logout but that's it.  i'm still browsing to see if i can fix it on my own but i wonder if anyone else has had this happen?02:07
Vuenin the address bar in windows type \\169.254.###.###02:07
Vuenwhatever the linux box's ip is02:08
chuckypKismet, maybe check launchpad for a bug with your ide controller thats another option.  But if you have pretty standard hardware mostlikly a problem with the media.02:08
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chuckypdarling_jewel, did you install xgl?02:08
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darling_jeweli believe so02:08
VuenKickaha, run gksudo firestarter02:08
Kismetthanks, chuckyp02:08
chuckypdarling_jewel, well its a known issue with xgl compiz that it removes the options to shutdown and reboot from gnomes menu.  You have to logout then shutdown from the login screen.02:09
Kismetdon't harm Gates, he's finally putting money in a good place. Strangle the new MS Oligarchs02:09
Vuenthen go policy, choose inbound traffic policy, and in the bottom half add Samba02:09
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Kickahacan't find the ip.02:09
chuckypKickaha, well thinking that your odds are pretty high that some MS users will be on the jury.02:10
VuenKickaha, gksudo firestarter, then go policy, choose inbound traffic policy, and in the bottom half add Samba02:10
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darling_jewelah ok.  i don't suppose removing compiz will help?02:10
chuckypdarling_jewel, yeah it will bring it back to normal.02:10
chuckypdarling_jewel, or atleast the window decorator or something can't remember what actually caused it but I know thats why its happening.02:11
THX-1138chuckyp - would it be safe to script  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop && sudo shutdown -f now ?02:11
Kickahafirestarter fire-started.02:11
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Vuenthen hit apply policy02:11
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Vuenactually just go to status and turn the whole firewall off02:11
Vuenit's not like you need it02:11
darling_jeweli think i'll give that a shot.  i like to keep the desktop without too many frills.02:11
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chuckypTHX-1138, what is -f option?  i've always used -h02:12
ssdd534chuckyp, well after the reboot im seeing no major errors02:12
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Kickahafirewall stopped.02:12
Vuennow try it02:12
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule02:12
chuckypssdd534, hrm... are the services running atleast?02:12
chuckypTHX-1138, is that some sort of force switch?02:13
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Vuennow make sure that firewall is set up properly02:13
Kickahagnutella downloads and the printer service just came up!02:13
ssdd534chuckyp, no they are all still down02:13
rambo3recomand a good ftp program02:13
Vuenbecause if it's not, and the firewall decides to turn itself on again, samba will stop working in a day02:13
ssdd534still pingable02:13
THX-1138filesytem check - why is it compiz is so picky about shutdown? why remove that function.02:13
chuckypssdd534, when you say they are down does that mean they are not running or not responding?02:13
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Kickahaokay, I'll go back to firestarter..02:13
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darling_jeweloh, speaking of edgy... will there be a way to upgrade from dapper thru automatix or synaptic?  i just started with dapper ubuntu so it's still fairly new to me02:14
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DragonKing27need hep installing a Sound Blaster 16 on 6.06 LTS02:14
ssdd534chuckyp, im assuming connection refused is not responding? i saw apache init on boot.... so i guess no response02:14
Kickahaokay, in firestarter, and in the inbound policy tab.02:14
specialbuddywhats a good program for getting images from a .mov file02:15
VuenKickaha, in the bottom half, add Samba02:15
Vuenspecialbuddy, vlc should be able to do it02:15
chuckypssdd534, well ps aux | grep apache02:15
DragonKing27I need help urgently for installing a Sound Blaster 16 on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake.02:15
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specialbuddylike frame by frame?02:15
Vuenexporting all the frames?02:16
Vuenthen no :(02:16
morlaPine drives me bloody crazy02:16
MrFeetiodarling_jewel: if i remember from breezy to dapper it is part of the updater02:16
morlaanyone here use Pine with IMAP?02:16
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems02:16
lansinghow come my computer lags wen iam runnin nicotine it dont wen its not02:16
ssdd534chuckyp, what is this showing me?02:16
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specialbuddyis there a way to export frames02:16
Kickahaport number?02:16
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chuckypssdd534, should show you if apache currently running02:17
DragonKing27ubotu: it wont let me open sound controk02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about it wont let me open sound controk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
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ssdd534chuckyp, it would appear from this that t is02:17
=== i_is_two [n=ubuntu@sud-cable-66-225-170-108.vianet.ca] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypssdd534, it should show atleast two line one with the "grep apache" that we ran and the other that was started on system start that should say "apache"02:18
THX-1138DragonKing27: Someone here likely knows the fix.02:18
darling_jewelah, good stuff.  i'm dual booting between xp and dapper so i can get used to everything but once vista gets to be common for the m$ geeks, i'd rather dump everything m$ at that point and stay with ubuntu.  i tried to keep my hardware mostly non intel and non ms as much as i can =)02:18
i_is_twois there an sftp client on the ubuntu live cd?02:18
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chuckypdarling_jewel, i'm in the same boat I refuse to buy vista or upgrade xp is the last ms software i will own.02:18
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i_is_twoi am using it now and would like to use sftp02:18
holycowdarling_jewel, just read the slashdot article on ms licencing they are comming out with02:18
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holycowits going to be a blood bath02:19
ssdd534chuckyp, ok none show just apache they show directories but not that02:19
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Kickahai've got the "add new inbound rule" window. I just typed in samba - what do I use for a port number? or do I leave it blank?02:19
Vueni_is_two, there sure is. if not just install ssh02:19
DragonKing27THX-1138: i know theres a bug in GNOME for this. in /etc/ , i cant find /modules/. I even tried CTRL+H to show hidden.02:19
JavaDeveloperHello, how do I add a program in startup service in terminal? is there a specific command to add it to init.d?02:19
liberviscoAny musicians here?02:19
chuckypssdd534, here paste the output of this "ps aux | grep apache"   no quotes if its more than three lines just put it on pastebin02:19
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Samuli^libervisco, yes.02:19
liberviscoWhat sequencer do you use?02:20
DragonKing27Vista is cool.02:20
darling_jewelyeah, i'm sorta of hoping the high cost and all the anti-piracy crap will drive people to linux.  i'm doing alright with dapper and it sounds like edgy will be quite the improvement02:20
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liberviscoI wanted to try Dino, but it requires a newer jack than in Dapper02:20
DragonKing27Ubuntu is cooler.02:20
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chuckypdarling_jewel, yeah edgy is pretty nice02:20
i_is_twowhats it called?02:20
DragonKing27Windows , Vienna , Linux , what else?02:20
Samuli^libervisco, pro tools :)02:20
OmniDDoes it store all of the notes somewhere or is there someway to backup the notes in Tomboy?02:21
liberviscoSamuli^, pro tools?02:21
Samuli^libervisco, for linux only thing good is ardour and is not a sequencer.. yet.02:21
darling_jeweli tried slackware back when it was in pre-release... went a few years dabbling and now i love ubuntu.  installed it, and it just works nicely.02:21
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liberviscoSamuli^, well I happen to know some other things that are good, I'm just looking for a suitable sequencer :)02:22
chuckypssdd534, also what changed that broke this?  i.e. what were you doing was it ever working etc...02:22
Samuli^libervisco, yeah, not on my ubuntu box though. There is no good sequencer for linux as far as I know. You might try rosegarden though, see if it suits your needs.02:22
DragonKing27SOUND BLASTER 1602:22
KickahaIt "just works" for me too - when I know what I'm doing and don't have my head up my arse.02:22
Vueni_is_two, sudo apt-get install ssh, or just use synaptic02:22
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Samuli^libervisco, good is a subjective thing :)02:22
lansinghow can i put my  system moniter in my task bar?02:22
liberviscoSamuli^, yeah, tried Rosegarden and I'll probably play with it more, but Dino sounds better suited02:22
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sadewrdamn, got netscape 7.02 installing02:23
sadewrit worked02:23
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nbagud morning room, sos pls..02:23
KickahaMost of my problems with Ubuntu are caused by the idiot behind the keyboard.02:23
DragonKing27wheres Firefox?02:23
cafuegoDragonKing27: Install it, configure it with pnpdump/isapnp if needed, load driver.02:23
chuckypsadewr, what'd you use wine?  or did they update there linux installer finally?02:23
sadewrI tried executing the installing script in the super user terminal and it worked02:23
ssdd534chuckyp, im puting the grep up onto pastebin.. ill link in a moment... i use the apache server for streaming media.. i was streaming when it just broke...02:23
darling_jewelyou know what they say.... intel inside, idiot outside =)02:23
DragonKing27caduego: i did... :(02:23
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Samuli^libervisco, but really, I don't feel that you'll find anything as good as you can get on windows until ardour gets its act together and pulls out sequencer support.02:23
railzwhere do i change the actual name of the machine?02:23
nbahow to mount cd in the terminal, i try mounting it the ususal way but it doesn't mounting02:24
railzI'd like to rename it in troubleshooting a samba issue02:24
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly02:24
chuckypssdd534, and ssh broke also at the same time?02:24
liberviscoSamuli^, watch me ;)02:24
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liberviscoSamuli^, I'm not going back to windows no matter what :D02:24
chuckypssdd534, if thats the case maybe its a network/ network card issue?02:24
sadewrSuper Terminal is uh... like root user?02:24
DragonKing27Terminal : Super User Mode02:24
KickahaDarling - I'm willing to bet if y'all took the ages of the three youngest people here, I'd be as old as all three put together. ^_^02:24
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DragonKing27apt-get moo - Have you mooed today?02:25
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agamingI have a quick question(I hope it's quick) about authentication for an apache server02:25
ssdd534chuckyp, but i can ping the computer and make outgoing connections from it02:25
AbstAnyone know a good podcast client?02:25
sadewrnetscape 7 isnt the newest one, but at least is much better than sticking with 4.002:25
grackiwiwhy does document viewer's window title display "Microsoft Word - <document title>" when it opens pdf documents?02:25
sadewrdownloading at 30kbs02:25
agamingI have it setup with auth_sys_group mod and it asks for the u/p but just keeps asking if you put in the info. Any ideas why this might be bouncing that back02:25
nbai'm trying to mount my audio cd to listen to music02:25
chuckypssdd534, but no incoming?02:25
Kickahagrr.. I can't figure out the ports that the firewall wants for Samba..02:25
grackiwiDocument Viewer is most certainly not Microsoft Word, so what gives?02:25
sadewrat least its not stuck at 6kbs like all downloads02:25
chuckypssdd534, firewall or something?02:25
mubuntucan someone help me with getting quicktime to work in browser02:26
holycowgrackiwi, because word had the shitty adobe pdf export plugin  installed and ms word was used to create it ... its the name of the doc actually02:26
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Kickahaon the other hand, as long as the firewall's down, samba's working fine.02:26
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ssdd534chuckyp, i dont think its firewall issues.. the server worked for several months untill now02:26
darling_jewelwell, with that said... lol... thanks for the answers to my questions.  i'll be back to chat and try and help.  take care all02:26
grackiwiOhh, okay. That makes sense, even if it stupid. Thanks holycow.02:26
sadewri think netscape has stopped supporting linux. Netscape 8 isnt available for linux02:26
nbathanks in advance02:26
holycowgrackiwi, well windows users tend to fall into that category, yes02:27
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chuckypssdd534, thats what i'm saying something recently changed we just have to figure otu what.02:27
KickahaVuen, would you be terribly offended if I just accepted the small victory I have, thank you profusely, and come back tomorrow to learn how to tame Firestarter? ^_^02:27
chuckypssdd534, how long was the server up02:27
ssdd534chuckyp, 13 days before the crash02:27
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kitcheKickaha you mean tame iptables02:27
sadewrnow I got a problem02:28
kitcheKickaha firestarter is just a gui frontend to iptables02:28
sadewrmy linux doesnt come with cd burner program02:28
chuckypssdd534, well if the service is running I would just check the config but if all your network services just stopped working at once.  That would lead me to believe there is an interface problem or firewall or something.02:28
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mubuntudoes anyone know how to get quicktime working in browsers??02:28
Kickaha*nods* I understand that, but it's been a LONG time since I wrestled with a CLI. A long, LONG time.02:28
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VuenKickaha, you don't need to set up firestarter if you just leave your firewall off02:28
chuckypmubuntu, doesn't mplayer handle quicktime02:28
Vuenjust remember that if your file sharing breaks, it's the firewall02:28
KickahaAs in, the last time I fought with a CLI, the Commodore 64 was cutting edge state of the art.02:29
ssdd534chuckyp, isnt there some init thing or somthing that would control all of those services.. that if it broke would lead to this?02:29
holycowKickaha, i think vuen is assuming that you are BEHIND some type of firewall device that might be present in say a Linksys router for example02:29
Vuenno no no02:29
i_is_twowhat is an sftp client i can use on ubuntu live cd?02:29
holycowyou aren't directly on the raw net connection, ARE YOU?02:29
Vuenhe doesn't have a net connection at all02:29
Vuenhence, he doesn't need a firewall02:30
holycoweven better :)02:30
holycowwhat Vuen said02:30
KickahaVuen's right. My system looks like this, okay?02:30
Vuenhe's connected two computers together with a crossover02:30
chuckypssdd534, well there would be an init for each of them the only one that would efect them all would be the network interface02:30
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ssdd534leme change out the card02:30
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KickahaInternet > Xps400 (Synergy) > crossover cable > Dell 4100 (Minerva, Ubuntu)02:30
i_is_twoi tried apt-get install gftp and it didnt work02:30
i_is_twosaid no such package02:30
chuckypssdd534, I'm kind of at a loss perhaps someone else can shed some light on it though.02:31
mubuntuchuckyp: shouldn't it work with totem in browser?? Maybe I don't have quicktime codecs??02:31
Vueni_is_two, apt-get install ssh02:31
Vuenthen you can sftp02:31
Kismetokay, I got this DVD-RW drive just 12 months ago, how can it be failing?02:31
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ssdd534chuckyp, well thank you for your time.. youve put me closer than i was02:31
chuckypmubuntu, I know one of them will play it.  Not sure which one.02:31
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mubuntuchuckyp: doesn't mplayer use a lot of resources??02:31
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chuckypssdd534, np02:31
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i_is_twoVuen, i did that whats the command to get a file is it just get?02:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:31
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nbaanybody who read my problem?02:31
Vuenno, it's scp02:31
KickahaMinerva can see the net THRU Synergy, thanks to Internet connection sharing, but she's not connected directly to the net.02:31
Vuento get a file02:31
Vuenbut to actually connect with ftp, use sftp02:32
KickahaShe's got Synergy standing between her and the net.02:32
Vuento browse, get multiple files, etc02:32
mubuntuchuckyp:  I know toetem does.  Im trying to figure out how to get the codecs.02:32
Kickaha I hope that didn't sound half as confusing to you as it did to me... oi.02:32
mubuntuchuckyp: thanks02:32
chuckypnba, You should just be able to put the cd in the drive and it should auto mount it.02:32
Ximoohi there02:32
chuckypmubuntu, did you get the link from ubotu02:32
Ximooi am trying to get snort to work with ubuntu02:33
sadewra cd burning soft is all I need02:33
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Samuli^libervisco. still there?02:33
Vuensadewr, sudo apt-get install k3b02:33
Ximoocan i get help here?02:33
nbachuckyyp: it does'nt mount, that's wat i did02:33
liberviscoSamuli^, yeah02:33
Samuli^libervisco, admirable attitude, dude :)02:33
=== deamon [n=francesc@adsl-ull-204-98.49-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Ximooacidbase is not showing up on localhost and this problem is ubuntu related02:33
chuckypnba, does the cdrom drive work with other cds?02:33
deamonhi to allz02:33
nbachuckyp: is there other way of mounting the cd?02:33
nbachuckyp: yes02:34
sadewruh on02:34
liberviscohehe thanks Samuli^02:34
sadewrI got a conflict between two glibc_base versions02:34
dasgoatJust a basic yes/ no answer. Has anyone gotten 64bit crossover office to work with Quicken 2006?02:34
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=== libervisco np: Tux Power compilation :P
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chuckypnba, you can mount it manually with a sudo mount /dev/locationofdevice  <options>02:34
deamonhow known to condivide a internet connection to ubuto and windows cp (the modem is installed to ubuntu os)02:34
chuckypnba, do you know how the cd drive is hooked up to your machine i.e. /hda  /hdb  etc...02:35
liberviscoSamuli^, http://linuxaudio.org/en/music/index.html :)02:35
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liberviscoall linux made02:35
refnumzxhey i am running edgy or rather just dist-upgraded to it and when i rebooted the system the entire boot process failed because it went to some other way of renaming devices, but it failed miserably, anyway to fix this?02:35
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nbachuckyp: can u give me the exact command coz i'm  a newbie to linux02:35
Vuenrefnumzx, ask in #ubuntu+102:35
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chuckypnba, well do you know how to use pastebin?02:36
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nbaand i don't know the different commands02:36
KickahaVuen? Minerva is cheerfully allowing Synergy access to all the pr0.. err.. MUSIC! Yeah, right.. all the MUSIC in the shared directory, as long as the firewall is down.02:36
nbachuckyp: nope02:36
Vuenthat's interesting. i have no idea what minerva or synergy are.02:36
grodiusDoes anyone know if the EasyUbuntu repositories are down or something? I'm trying to setup another comp with all their stuff and the download keeps getting screwed up.02:36
Vuensorry :(02:36
chuckypnba, see if the drive shows up in System > Administrations > Disks  You should be able to mount it in there I believe02:36
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KickahaMinerva = Ubuntu machine. Synergy = WindowsXP system.02:37
Ximoocam i get help about snort/base here?02:37
KickahaSHODAN, unfortunately, is still down until I scavage parts for her..02:37
Vuenwell isn't that what you want?02:37
nbachuckyp: yes, it shows up02:37
Vueni'm confused02:37
chuckypnba, is there an option to mount it in there?02:37
sadewrError while installing netscape 7. couldnt load a certain library02:37
chuckypnba, You'll have to forgive me i'm in edgy so my screen is completely different02:38
KickahaYep! You've got my machines networking together, and I am VERY grateful.02:38
nbachuckyp: no, there's no option02:38
Vuenno prob02:38
nbachuckyp: it's ok02:38
KickahaNow I know how to add shares, the rest is just learning.02:38
KickahaA LOT of learning, granted.. ^_^02:38
Vuennow that you have it set up, you can add shares right out of gnome02:38
Vuenyou shouldn't need to go back to the config file anymore02:38
KickahaHell, I don't think I'll EVER boot Minerva into Windows again. Ubuntu is now doing *everything* I want it to, thanks to your help.02:39
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VuenKickaha, no problem.02:40
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Vuenyeah, Samba was one of the biggest obstacles for me too when switching over to ubuntu02:40
Vueni'm glad i could save someone else the headache02:40
nbachuckyp: error says "mount:block device /dev/hdb is write protected, mounting read only;  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb, missing codepage or other error in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg l tail or so02:40
=== jorik [n=olmo@kotnet-148.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypnba, thats when you try to mount it?02:40
Kickaha*nods* There's something on the Wiki about the Ubuntu team MAYBE making a Point & Click GUI for Samba.. anything to that?02:40
nbachuckyp: yes02:40
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chuckypnba, did you try just playing the cd because technically you don't need to mount an audio cd to play it.02:41
VuenKickaha, KDE already basically has one02:41
chuckypnba, like with xmms or rhythmbox02:41
specialbuddyhow do I view flash02:41
Vuenalong with loads of other stuff gnome enjoys not having02:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:41
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kyle_i'm installing the new firefox, but it needs a copy of breezy in my cdrom02:42
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kyle_but i don't have it, or a burner02:42
chuckypkyle_, no you don't02:42
kyle_can i have just the copy of it on my hd02:42
chuckypkyle_, edit yoru sources.list and comment out the line that references the cdrom02:43
Kickaha*chuckles* KDE versus Gnome.. reminds me of my good old days when I stoutly defended my Amiga 500 from ravening hoards of Mac and IBM fanatics...02:43
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Vuenwell, i'm outta here02:43
KickahaNite, Vuen.,02:43
KickahaAnd thanks again02:43
Ximooi don't want to sound as a spammer02:43
kyle_well it's a script so everything is automated02:43
nbachuckyp: the cd doesn't load when i try the xmms02:43
Ximoobut can i seek help for setting up acidbase here on ubuntu 6.06?02:43
chuckypnba, i dunno perhaps someone else will know more.02:43
chuckypkyle_, its asking for the ubuntu cd right?02:44
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nbaanyway, thanks, chuckyp02:44
kyle_yeah, in the terminal, after a few steps of the installation02:44
nbathanks for giving time02:44
KickahaWell, thanks to everyone for being patient for an old fart like me, and I appreciate it deeply.02:44
=== Kickaha waves.
Kickahanite, all.02:44
newbiei just installed ubuntu and i cannot mount my 2nd harddrive it's a EXT3 partition i went into terminial and did mkdir /mnt/drive because i've had this probablem before but now i don't know what the rest is to mount this thing. also i would like to know how to add it to fstab02:44
chuckypkyle_, okay well go to System > adminitration > Software Sources02:45
kyle_well i'm using 5.10 still02:45
kyle_would that be synaptic?02:45
sadewrtwo versions of glibc02:45
sadewrhow do I kill the older?02:45
chuckypkyle_, alright lets do it this way02:45
Paddy_EIREkyle_: why not upgrade to dapper?02:46
chuckypkyle_, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:46
chuckypkyle_, look for the line up near the top that talks about the cdrom as a repository.02:46
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sadewris there a command to download in konsole?02:49
kyle_very first line says deb cdrom: breezy02:49
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kyle_chucky_p: just remove it?02:50
chuckypkyle_, just put a # at the begining of the line02:50
drimdralhow can I tell whether my /home directory is on a different partition from my root filesystem?02:50
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chuckypdrimdral, df02:51
chuckypkyle_, then you can save the file02:51
chuckypkyle_, after that sudo aptitude update02:51
kitchedrimdral: check your /etc/fstab02:52
holdencaulfieldmy CPU maxes out when I play a video... from youtube, for example - I'm running drapper drake on pentium m (1.6) with 512 meg ram - - I just tested with metacity (instead of compiz) and I have the same problem... my CPU maxes out quite easily - - is there anything I can do?02:52
chuckypkyle_, then you shouldn't get the prompt about the ubuntu cdrom any longer.  It will now download any additional packages it needs off the net.02:52
chuckypholdencaulfield, let me see how much draw it causes me.02:53
JavaDeveloperHello, I have a program installed like /opt/Program.  I added a group called "Test", then I assigned myself into this group.  chgrp -cR Test /opt/Program, chmod 775 /opt/Program, and vi /opt/Program, why it is still in read-only mode?02:53
lansingwhere can i go to get games02:54
chuckypholdencaulfield, 6% of my p4 3gighz used by firefox playing youtube.com02:54
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ajmitchJavaDeveloper: you have to logout/login for it to pick up that you're in the group02:54
holdencaulfieldyeah.. I'm idling at 20, it shoots to 30 when I type!02:54
JavaDeveloperajmitch: so group permission cannot be refreshed without login/logout?02:54
Megadeushas anyone tried installing ubuntu as a dual-boot with Vista?02:55
ajmitchJavaDeveloper: sadly not02:55
JavaDeveloperajmitch: understand now....thank you so much ;)02:55
holdencaulfieldstrange... because I can handle compiz pretty well, I thought... but I realized something was wrong when I could play the small youtube videos much better on my osx 86 partition that doesnt even have any video accelleration02:55
MegadeusI'm preparing to attempt to dual-boot on my own system (I'm a linux noob), and wanted to practice on a computer that I wouldn't be sad if I screwed up. Unfortunately, said computer is running Vista RC102:55
chuckypholdencaulfield, what all do you have running if you are idling at 20J?02:56
specialbuddyso is the best version flash 7 for linux?02:56
newbiei just installed ubuntu and i cannot mount my 2nd hard drive   it's a EXT3 partition i did mkdir /mnt/mount/ but now there's commands that i forget to finish mounting this thing. Also, i'd like to know how to add this device in fstab02:56
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chuckyp!tell newbie about mount02:57
p0wmegadeus: just try dude it will work02:57
chuckypnewbie, is it an ntfs or fat32 partition?  or just linux part?02:57
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Megadeusp0w: try which? my computer or vista?02:57
newbieit's EXT302:57
chuckypspecialbuddy, yes but you can trick certain sites into thinking you have flash 9.02:58
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holdencaulfieldchuckyp - well.. it looks like the biggest hog at the moment is my gnome system monitor.. using 16% most of the time02:58
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chuckyp!tell newbie about ntfs02:58
sadewrdownloading by FTP isnt faster02:58
specialbuddyhow do I do that chuckyp?02:58
chuckypnewbie, that page has good instructions to look at.  The last one ubotu sent you.02:58
holdencaulfieldI'm surprised that checkgmail uses 25.7 MiB of resident memory....02:58
chuckypholdencaulfield, ouch yes.  thats bad.02:58
ataqhey does any one know where I can get some cool web page templates?02:58
chuckypspecialbuddy, let me look at the file you need to edit hold up02:59
Paddy_EIREataq: did you try http://www.tutorialoutpost.com/02:59
specialbuddythanks chuckyp?02:59
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ataqPaddy_EIRE: I didnt, I'll check it out now. Thanks my fellow Irish man!03:00
chuckypspecialbuddy, nano .mozilla/firefox/pluginreg.dat   and change the references to shockwave flash 7.0 to 9.0  save the file and reopen firefox.  The webistes will tink you have 9.0  although you don't have the features of 9.003:00
kholerabbican I install xgl and compiz on a liveCD session?03:00
Paddy_EIREataq: no probs :) u will have to search though its not very clear03:00
chuckypspecialbuddy, thats nano ~/.mozilla/firefox/pluginreg.dat03:00
chuckypkholerabbi, you should be able to.03:00
kholerabbichuckyp: thanks. Do you have instrucitons for installing these?03:01
chuckypkholerabbi, although a live cd with xgl may be a better options03:01
ataqPaddy_EIRE: Ya looks like there ar some good stuff on it. Is apache hard is it? I never used it yet03:01
chuckyp!tell kholerabbi about xgl03:01
Paddy_EIREerrr, I'm not that skilled yet03:01
kholerabbi"kholerabbi, although a live cd with xgl may be a better options" what do you mean?03:01
grodiusDoes anyone know a sort of 'ourtunes' or 'mytunes' that allows you share your mp3s from your windows computer to your LInux comp?03:01
Paddy_EIREgettin there though :)03:01
ataqPaddy_EIRE; You at it long?03:02
chuckypkholerabbi, there are other distros that are for just that purpose checking out xgl.03:02
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Paddy_EIREstarted a course or 2 recently and still to get my teeth into it03:02
kholerabbioh, so preinstalled on a livecd? thanks,03:02
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ataqPaddy_EIRE: Ya its pretty intense. Where abouts in the country are you, cos there are no good courses down here03:03
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chuckypkholerabbi, yeah koronaa is one there are others as well but I'm assuming you could possibly do it with the ubuntu live cd though as well.03:03
chuckypkholerabbi, try following the normal directions.03:03
kholerabbiok thanks03:03
Paddy_EIREIm up in the north....Derry :P bit of a shite hole really03:03
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Paddy_EIREgreat courses happenin though03:04
tritiumPaddy_EIRE: watch the language, please03:04
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ataqPaddy_EIRE: Never ben that far up, I'm from Limerick and no one knows linux! it sucks!03:04
Paddy_EIREtritium: sorry mate, are you the government03:04
Samuli^Anza saatana! vanha paskanaama :D03:04
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tritiumPaddy_EIRE: no, nor am I your mate.  I'm married and monogamous.03:04
quuxRunning dapper, with all updates. If I go to Places | Home Folder, nothing happens. If I go to Places | Computer, then choose my home folder, Nautilus instantly dies. Thoughts?03:05
specialbuddythanks chuckyp03:05
Paddy_EIREi like cake03:05
kholerabbiyah cake is good03:05
ataqtritium: Dude he didnt use any bad language, its just mild like03:05
quux(note that I can browse my home folder from a terminal with no problems)03:05
azurealhey, i'm getting a "your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream classes" while compiling..any ideas?03:05
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kholerabbiquux do you HAVE a home folder?03:05
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quuxkholerabbi: yes03:05
tritiumataq: it's just our policy to keep the channel family and work friendly03:05
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Paddy_EIREits ok us northern irish folk are used to being oppressed :P03:06
akonkwadoes anyone know how I can write on an ntf partition?03:06
akonkwaI'm using breezy03:06
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quuxkholerabbi: I'm logged in as the first and only user created within Ubuntu03:06
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ataqPaddy_EIRE: I think its cos we're both Irish03:06
Samuli^how do you like finnish people?03:07
Paddy_EIREanyone know why BT refuse to offer a newsserver03:07
ataqfins are cool03:07
Paddy_EIREofftopic opps03:07
Samuli^ataw, no shit.03:07
ataqsamuli^: lol03:07
Samuli^-20C and we're definately cool.03:07
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ataqsamuli^: ice cool03:07
newbieok i still can't mount this drive03:08
Samuli^like a BRICK!03:08
tritiumSamuli^: language!03:08
Samuli^like me.03:08
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ataqsamuli^: good sport though I'd say!! wouldnt mind the skiing and shit there03:08
Samuli^tritium, please. :)03:08
tritiumataq: you already know better03:08
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newbienevermind i got it,..thanks03:09
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Samuli^tritium, ..why?03:09
quuxAnyone have other thoughts on the 'Nautilus closes when opening Home Folder' thing?03:10
tritiumSamuli^: foul language is inappropriate here, as it's a child/family/work friendly channel.03:10
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azurealso anyone know about sstream or strstream compiling errors? i think i just need some packages, but not sure which03:11
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holdencaulfieldI rebooted into an older kernel and I am still having 100% cpu when watching a little video from youtube... I suppose ubuntu has always been like this.... and tips for 1.6 pentium m 512 meg ram dell inspiron 8600?03:12
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Samuli^tritium, but s it?03:13
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holdencaulfield(its always been like this for ME)03:13
daver2uhey how do you change your default java home from gij to sun jre after installing the sun jre03:13
Samuli^that's like what comes out of your arse, even children know the word.03:13
Paddy_EIREataq: http://www.nwifhe.ac.uk/courses/fulltime/prospectus/ check out the pdf03:13
daver2u(running edgy eft :) btw03:13
aumwhen's the next ubuntu version due out?03:13
tritiumSamuli^: yes, of course.  That's not appropriate in front of children.  We need to set an example, even if they know that word.  Come on, now.03:14
quuxHmm. Actually it turns out that Nautilus just exits no matter what folder I try to open03:14
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daver2uaum -- im running the new version (beta)03:14
aumdaver2u, what's it called?03:14
daver2uedgy eft03:14
Samuli^tritium, I don't get you, but maybe that's because I'm finnish and not native to english.03:15
Paddy_EIREtritium: do you censor your familys mail/newspaper before it gets to them aswell ;)03:15
aumis 'edgy' the next planned release, or is it like ubuntu's version of 'sid'?03:15
tritiumPaddy_EIRE: please stay on topic03:15
daver2uits the next release03:15
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daver2udapper drake is current03:15
Samuli^tritium, here even children know what sh*t or poo means :)03:15
daver2uso hey anyone know the place to change the java defaults?03:16
tritiumSamuli^: that's not the point.  Please drop it now.03:16
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Samuli^tritium, what IS the point?03:16
tritiumSamuli^: setting a good example.  Now drop it!03:16
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daver2ui dunno how many children besides the adult typewould be in the ubuntu support channel03:17
TigTiggerHi, sorry for the interruption.  I'm just trying to get some help with jMicron support (basically, Core 2 Duo support).  There's a huge launchpad bug (#57502) on this, which is marked "Fix Released".  Unfortunately for me and most other people, the fix doesn't actually work, and the bug owner hasn't said anything in some time.  Could someone suggest what I should do?  Open another bug report?  I'd really like to be able to run Ubunt03:17
TigTiggeru on my new machine. =/03:17
Samuli^tritium, come on, unban the guy who said the S-word. Please? I'm sure he didn't realize it was banned, just like I didn't. And I consider myself a good person.03:17
grodiusHey I accidently unassigned my - and = keys on my other computer, how do I reassign them to default03:17
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Paddy_EIREgrodius: 1 sec I hava a link for that03:18
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tritiumSamuli^: scroll up and you'll see you're mistaken.  He did realize.03:18
grodiusPaddy_EIRE, thanks03:18
ReinHHi folks... has anyone used Synergy on a ubuntu box and a windows box? Has anyone used Synergy at all on ubuntu?03:18
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azurealall i need is build-essential to compile, correct03:18
tritiumazureal: yep03:18
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Samuli^tritium, I can't scrollback far enough to see if what you're telling is the truth or not.03:19
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azurealah, another question-- when something requires the "X libraries and headers" what should i get?03:19
akonkwaHow can i list my partitions?03:19
tritiumSamuli^: I don't lie.  Now, I've asked you to drop the subject.03:19
azurealX Window System03:19
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chuckypakonkwa, df03:20
chuckypakonkwa, or actually fdisk -l03:20
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Paddy_EIREgrodius: open a terminal and type "xmodmap -e"03:20
chuckypakonkwa, yeah sudo fdisk -l03:20
RadscientistHi y'all03:20
Samuli^tritium, whatever. What you COULD do as a service people on a service-chan is to address the complaints accordingly.03:20
urzi am having trouble figuring out what soudn card i have'03:20
akonkwachuckyp,  thanx03:20
urznothing obvious in lspci03:21
urzits a newish emachine03:21
urzonboard sound03:21
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chuckypurz, lspci -vvv | grep sound03:21
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chuckypurz, err... hold up03:21
urzthat command gave no output03:21
Paddy_EIREgrodius: sorry that might actually be "xmodmap -h"03:21
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:21
ReinHI'm guesssing that no one's used Syngergy on ubuntu here :) oh well.03:22
azurealbasically i'm asking, what package do you think of when you see "X window system [libraries + headers] "03:22
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SuperMiguelhow can i change my files permitions logins as root on the graphical mode?03:22
Fear_culthow do you stop gdm from loading03:22
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urzis SB400 indicative of a sound card?03:22
Fear_cultno gdm03:22
SuperMiguelyea but i have to be root03:23
chuckypurz, lscpi | grep audio03:23
daver2udoes anyone know how to change the java interpreter path03:23
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ReinHSuperMiguel: from terminal you can gksudo nautilus /path/to/your/directory03:23
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grodiusPaddy_EIRE,  ok now what?03:23
holdencaulfieldwhat does this do? echo 1 > /sys/module/processor/parameters/max_cstate03:23
ReinHSuperMiguel: to open up a nautilus file explorer with root priveledges03:24
maxresazureal   xserver-xorg-dev03:24
blake6489my computer froze, i shut it off w/ the power button, startup again, try to login,receved error, cant write to authorization file, could be that im out of space or that my home dir couldnt be opened. i tryed loging in failsafe gnome, and failsafe terminal, but neither worked, no error message or any thing.  now i rebooted in to recovery mode, so i have a root terminal, any ideas what i should do?03:24
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azurealk, thx maxres, hopefully this will work out...03:24
daver2ugij java is garbage03:24
cycomblake6489: df -h?03:25
donpachiDoes anyone know why my text files created with gedit are not readable with windows notepad?03:25
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SuperMiguelReinH: how can i do that03:25
cycomdaver2u: s/gij java/java/03:25
azurealnah, i think i need just xsever-xorg03:25
quuxHmm. rebooting ubuntu solved the 'nautilus exits when open any folder' prob, but knowing a better solution would be nice ... anyone?03:25
Paddy_EIREhow do I change the status of a bug to "Answered" on launchpad and Assign credit where it is due?03:25
cycomdaver2u: of course, I do have azureus and eclipse because of java.03:25
blake6489cycom: sorry, dont understand03:26
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daver2uim trying to change the path from gij to jre03:26
cycomblake6489: check to see how much space is free on the drive. df -h03:26
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ReinHSuperMiguel: you can either open up a terminal window or alternately add a panel icon with the command" gksudo nautilus /" without quotes03:26
cycomdaver2u: isn't there a sun java package?03:26
grodiusDoes anyone know how to activate the default keymap?03:26
=== SpaceFrog [n=jason@d58-105-70-78.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ReinHSuperMiguel: er "gksudo nautilus /" without quotes03:26
tritiumcycom: yes03:26
ReinHthat'll open up a file explorer with root priveledges in your root directory03:26
daver2uthere is but gij was installed so the java command still goes to gij03:27
SpaceFrogHow can I change the default Application to open for a filetype? I have chm files that are opening with Firefox by default, but i want to open them with CHM Viewer.03:27
ReinHSuperMiguel: you will have to know the password, obviously03:27
SuperMiguelhow do i use chmod03:27
tritiumdaver2u: you'll want to use the update-alternatives command for the java alternative that is set03:27
cycomdaver2u: there are instructions out there on how to switch over.03:27
daver2udave@dave-desktop:~/.Limewire/LimeWire$ java -version03:27
daver2ujava version "1.4.2"03:27
daver2ugij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-14ubuntu7)03:27
ReinHSuperMiguel: man chmod03:27
cycomI think ubuntu-desktop relies on it or something03:27
blake6489cycom: says its full, but i had a few gigs left, so i need to find the new file taking up the space?03:27
cycomblake6489: define 'says its full'03:28
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tritiumdaver2u: update-alternatives --list java, to see your choices.  You should see the two you want.  Then, re-run update-alternatives, without the "--list" part.03:28
cycomdaver2u: what tritium said.03:28
tyler_dktorrent will not start?? not showing up in process lists, k703:28
blake648923gb out of 23gb03:28
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daver2uapparently I have to change the line in the .bashrc file but i dunno where that is03:28
cycomDamn glowey elements.  Outsmarting me.03:29
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akonkwa I created a group for users to write on a ntfs disk, using the addgroup command, but I would like to know the group's ID (GID) Can anyone help?03:29
cycomblake6489: try just df with no -h03:29
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IRChow do i upgrade my ubuntu if i dont have show updates installed? i also removed ubuntu-desktop. what do i do to upgrade to edgy03:30
SuperMiguelhow do i change the permissions using ] chmod03:30
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ReinHSuperMiguel: typing man chmod in your terminal window will tell you :)03:30
blake648923176192 out of 2326514403:30
chuckypIRC, edgy support is in #ubuntu+103:30
cycomIRC: change the things that say dapper in /etc/apt/sources to edgy and do apt-get dist-upgrade?03:30
chuckypIRC, first I would make sure you have ubuntu-desktop meta package installed then03:31
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Flannelcycom: no.  There are better ways of upgrading than that now.03:31
Flannel!tell cycom about upgrade03:31
ReinHSpaceFrog: you can change the default "Open with" program for a file type from within nautilus from its properties dialog03:31
Flannelcycom: that page (ubotu sent you) has all the info you need03:31
blake6489cycom: 23176192 out of 2326514403:31
adeluna_to upgrade to edgy  follow this instructions   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta03:31
grodiusCan someone PLEASE help me? I need to know a way to make my keymap go default??03:31
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chuckypIRC, sudo sed -i s/dapper/edgy/ /etc/apt/sources.list  then sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade03:32
IRCthanks tho03:32
SpaceFrogthanks ReinH03:32
daver2uIm running edgy wahoo03:32
akonkwa I created a group for users to write on a ntfs disk, using the addgroup command, but I would like to know the group's ID (GID) Can anyone help?03:32
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cycomblake6489: delete some stuff. :)03:32
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cycomUhhh, yeah, it pretty much says change every occurence of dapper to edgy and do apt-getupdate and apt-get dist-upgrade, + a few extras in apt-get to ensure proper install.03:33
blake6489cycom: makes sense, thanks, ill be back if that dosnt do the trick ;)03:33
jribakonkwa: getent group GROUP_NAME_HERE03:33
cycomblake6489: good luck :)03:33
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chuckypakonkwa, its in a users file but I can't remember which one.03:33
SuperMiguelhow can i change folder permissions?03:33
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chuckypSuperMiguel, change them to what?03:33
cycomblake6489: note: du -h can show stuff like filesizes, and I think you can do something to limit to a specific size03:34
SuperMiguelbecause just root can use them03:34
SuperMigueli want to have access to it03:34
jribubotu: tell SuperMiguel about sudo03:34
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jribSuperMiguel: what folders?03:34
chuckypSuperMiguel, is this a system forlder or one you created?03:34
akonkwajrib, thanx03:34
blake6489cycom: thx, that will help03:34
SuperMiguelapache2 folder03:34
cycomblake6489: np.03:34
Shadow_milisn't about time for a new ubuntu version.  Dapper has been around for a while03:35
SuperMigueli cant access to my web page because i dont have permissions03:35
chuckyp!tell Shadow_mil about edgy03:35
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grodiusDoes anyone know how to make keyboard shortcuts go back to defaults?03:35
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule03:35
chuckypSuperMiguel, well you can use chown to change the owner of the folder.  Although I would edit the file with sudo or you should have a www user that owns the folder.03:36
blake6489cycom: what is the command to delete?03:36
chuckypblake6489, rm03:36
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SuperMiguelchuckyp: how do i do that03:36
blake6489oh now it makes sense :003:36
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cycomblake6489: rm. be VERY careful with that03:36
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chuckypSuperMiguel, sudo chown SuperMiguel /name/of/directory03:37
cycomblake6489: it's kind of like an axe.  If you're not paying attention to where you swing it, you lop off a foot.03:37
chuckypSuperMiguel, be carefull though.03:37
daver2uthere is still alot missing from the edgy repositories03:37
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blake6489cycom: will do, good thing is i just copyed entire drive to external, so im safe...i hope03:37
daver2umplayer for instance03:37
chuckypSuperMiguel, you can type chown --help for information on usage03:37
jribdaver2u: mplayer is in edgy's multiverse03:37
chuckypSuperMiguel, or man chown to get the manual pages03:38
FluFloAnybody knows if there if printing in edgy is broken?. It seems to be a problem with gnome-cups, at least in my case03:38
jribdaver2u: edgy should be in #ubuntu+1 though03:38
tritiumdaver2u: er, no, it's there03:38
chuckypFluFlo, edgy support is in #ubuntu+103:38
chuckypFluFlo, and to answer you I have no problems printing03:38
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FluFlochuckyp, ok, going there. Thanks03:38
btdownme tiehr.03:38
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cycomblake6489: try       du | sort -n -r | less03:38
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BlindVirusdoes any one in here know of a good site to download kubuntu gameS>?03:38
cycomblake6489: that will show the filesizes in bytes with the largest files/folders on top03:39
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chuckypBlindVirus, ask in #kubuntu03:39
BlindVirussorry ment ubuntu03:39
chuckypBlindVirus, they may know more03:39
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BlindVirusi have ubuntu 6.0603:39
SuperMiguelchuckyp: i  put sudo chown SuperMiguel /name/of/directory03:39
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mister_robotocschneid: you don't have to do anything special to copy . files.   if you cp a directory, they will also be copies.03:39
SuperMiguelsudo chown miguel /var/www03:39
michaelgood morning friends03:40
SuperMiguelbut it didnt make any difference03:40
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SuperMigueldo i have to reboot?03:40
chuckypBlindVirus, well if you google for linux games you will see tons of sites03:40
krayzoneBy chance does anyone know wheather or not mc is an available package on the Drapper Drake cd?03:40
michaelI have a problem...03:40
BlindVirusnot too shore how to install those tho waht .exe or .trr or whatever what file extenchin and i looking for?03:40
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cdubyaSuperMiguel, what are you trying to do?03:40
chuckypSuperMiguel, no i was merely describing how to use the command.   i.e. sudo chown nameofnewowner /directory/you/want/changed03:40
azurealok, i'm trying to make a base ubuntu system w/ fluxbox... so far i've installed it and compiled fluxbox from source... atm getting xdm.. startx still won't work...03:40
jribkrayzone: no it's in universe, so it won't be on the cd03:41
SuperMiguelchucky thast waht i didi03:41
azurealshould i reboot or something?03:41
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chuckypSuperMiguel, like if I wanted to change /poop/blah from root to me being the owner I would sudo chown chuckyp /poop/blah03:41
michaelwhen I sudo apt-get source neverball,   it says I am lack of some deb sources in sources.list03:41
SuperMiguelcdubya: im traying to get permissions to open my apache web page03:41
krayzoneIf i downlaod the tz, do  you think i will be able to compile from source, considering im working with a non internet connected server?03:41
_Er1K_krayzone:  not on the media, but it's readily available in edgy03:41
_Er1K_"apt-get install mc"03:41
michaelcould anybody help?03:41
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cdubyaSuperMiguel, so what have you tried?03:42
chuckypSuperMiguel, like I said I don't believe chaning the owner is the proper solution.03:42
SuperMigueli tride to change it using nautilious03:42
_Er1K_michael: make sure your universe/metaverse repositories are on03:42
SuperMiguelbut it didnt work03:42
BlindViruswhat file extenchin do i need to instal aplications like windows was .exe whats ubuntu?03:42
SuperMigueli didnt make the change03:42
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jribkrayzone: that would be one way, but you would have to take care of any dependencies it has.  You could also download the deb from packages.ubuntu.com (along with the list dependencies) and do it that way.  Or if you have access to a network connect debian-based machine, you could use apt-file03:42
chuckypBlindVirus, it doesn't workt hat way.03:42
hantuyou can't install windows binary on ubuntu03:42
_Er1K_michael: edit /etc/apt/sources.list as root, and uncomming the fun stuff03:42
SuperMiguelthen i tryed sudo chown miguel /var/www03:42
cdubyaSuperMiguel, what are the perms right now?03:43
michaelwickedpuppy:  are you busy ?03:43
hantuunless you install wine, then you can run windows apps on ubuntu03:43
chuckypBlindVirus, there are plenty of games in the repos if you look have you tried searching synaptic for games?03:43
BlindViruschuckyp: can you point me i nthe right direction of a help file of some sort?03:43
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cdubyaSuperMiguel, ls -al /var/www03:43
SuperMiguelwell if i see it on the nautilious is miguel03:43
wickedpuppymichael, eh ah sort of .. why ?03:43
azurealah, startx works now, but getting a "could not open default font:fixed"03:43
michael_Er1K_:  what is fun stuff?03:43
azurealperhaps i should restart...03:43
skewhIs there anyplace that has a walkthrough of how to install a GUI on Ubuntu Server?03:43
BlindVirusya its for my mom shes used to windoes she wants something liek puzzle games she likes i dont know if uve herd of like chuzzles or anyhting liek that03:43
BlindVirusits like bejewled03:43
chuckypBlindVirus, yeah System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager   then search for games  you will be able to read through descriptions etc..03:43
_Er1K_universe and metaverse repositories mainly03:43
michaelwickedpuppy:  when I sudo apt-get source neverball,   it says I am lack of some deb sources in sources.list03:43
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BlindVirusany place online?03:44
krazykitany reason that xine/amarok refuses to play certain FLAC files while mplayer and others play them fine?03:44
krayzoneI donwnload the deb package from packages and the depends for the time being, thanks for the help.03:44
jribmichael: post the error, as well as the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give us a link03:44
wickedpuppymichael, could you paste the errors on the pastebin pls ?03:44
michaelwickedpuppy: I want to get the source of a game03:44
chuckypBlindVirus, there are some games installed by default in Applications > Games already but yeah let me get you a site hold up03:44
_Er1K_michael: if you pastebin your sources.list I can show you what to uncomment03:44
cdubyaSuperMiguel, what does it say?03:44
SuperMiguelcdubya: drwxr-xr-x and drwxrwxrwx  still having root03:44
BlindVirusthank you and i know lol im not a complete nooob03:44
SuperMiguelthe others have miguel and miguel03:44
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Samuli^krazykit, what do you mean by certain.. if they indeed seem like random try to find a common deminator between them :P03:45
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cdubyaSuperMiguel, so you're wanting to be able to modify files in a web directory?03:45
krazykitSamuli^: they're from the same album :-P.  all the other FLAC files i have play fine but these.03:45
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SuperMiguelim trying to access my web page03:46
SuperMiguelbut i says03:46
chuckypBlindVirus,  But if you follow my earlier instructions for checking synaptic it will be a lot easier than downloading from source and installing.  However, you can find some info at http://www.linux-gamers.net/ http://www.linuxgames.com/ .  You should probably read the wiki on installing software.03:46
michael_Er1K_:  it says:   you must write some "software deb sources" 's URI to your sources.list03:46
skewhwell for Ubuntu Server GUI, I type in a command and it downloads it off the net, but is there anything else I need to do to activate it and will it be the same GUI as on the desktop version?03:46
SuperMiguelYou don't have permission to access /index.html on this server.03:46
chuckyp!tell BlindVirus about games03:46
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chuckyp!tell BlindVirus about synaptic03:46
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ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"03:46
SuperMiguelim trying to access to my web site but it says You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server.03:46
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ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:46
chuckypBlindVirus, take a look at the links from ubotu first.03:46
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:46
kyle__chuckyp, hello again.03:47
michael_Er1K_:  it says:   you must write some "software deb sources" 's URI to your sources.list, such like that, this info is in Chinese, I translated it :-P03:47
arakn0hello, does anyone know how to boot the dapper drake netinstall with loadlin ?? (in W98/ME)03:47
chuckypkyle__, yo03:47
azurealyea, still getting some font error.. for this reason xdm won't start03:47
secleinteerhi, does any1 know the difference between ubuntu firefox and mozilla firefox?03:47
michaelwickedpuppy:  :  it says:   you must write some "software deb sources" 's URI to your sources.list, such like that, this info is in Chinese, I translated it :-P03:47
kyle__chuckyp, my firefox isn't working and someone suggested just upgrading to dapper from breezy03:47
krazykitSamuli^: meh.  reencoding it seems to fix it.  bah.03:47
chuckyparakn0, google has some info on using vmlinuz but no idea if there is anything out ther for loadlin03:47
azurealcould not init font path element /usr/share/X11/fonts.....03:47
skewhwell for Ubuntu Server GUI, I type in a command and it downloads it off the net, but is there anything else I need to do to activate it and will it be the same GUI as on the desktop version?03:47
BlindVirustank you chuck03:47
wickedpuppymichael, ok .. no i don't know chinese either :P03:47
chuckypkyle__, okay,03:48
kyle__chuckyp, but i don't know how03:48
Shadow_milchuckyp: my RL nickname is chuck03:48
SuperMiguelim trying to access to my web site but it says You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server.03:48
kyle__chuckyp, he suggested editing the sources list, kinda like you did.. but doing something else03:48
chuckypkyle__, okay let me see if I can find you the proper way that explains everything.03:48
_Er1K_michael:  this is my sources.list and it gives *ME* neverball: http://pastebin.ca/20027003:48
chuckypShadow_mil, mine too03:48
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chuckypkyle__, yeah thats pretty much what you have to do is edit the sources.list but there is a good page on it that explaines everythign hold up.03:48
blake6489cycom: holy cow, i checked the trash dir, only 23 items but the last two were my failed atemps at imagine my disk!!! now im 43% full out of 23 gb!!! thanks alot03:48
azureallol /usr/share/X11/fonts doesnt exist!03:48
kyle__chuckyp, i'd look for it myself, but like i said, broken install03:48
michael_Er1K_:  I wonder how to use pastebin03:49
Shadow_milchuckyp: I have chuck set on my highlight list, I get a lot of Chuck Norris hits03:49
cycomblake6489: Act like it was nuthin. :)03:49
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kyle__chuckyp, broken install of firefox03:49
skewhwell for Ubuntu Server GUI, I type in a command and it downloads it off the net, but is there anything else I need to do to activate it and will it be the same GUI as on the desktop version?03:49
_Er1K_michael: I know the others here will kill me cuz we have our own....but pastebin.ca, paste, submit, it gives you an url03:50
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_Er1K_give url to your friend03:50
AqDhi all!03:50
AqDi re-made the latest mac menubar patch for gtk 2.803:50
azurealcould someone kindly tell me the package i need to er... create a /usr/share/X11/fonts directory =P03:50
michael_Er1K_:  Oh, what a good thing!03:50
AqDsomeone please make an ubuntu package for it :)03:50
gunfusHello Guys!, I am running a session of nautilus and deleting files.. where would this files go?03:50
_Er1K_no matter who's is used, it *is* a wonderful thing :)03:50
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michael_Er1K_:  does it mean that I need to add such :   deb-src http://........... ?03:50
jribgunfus: ~/.Trash probably03:51
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azurealis it xfonts-base?03:51
gunfusjrib: yeah.. sorry I forgot the tricky part03:51
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skewhcould anyone help me? :(03:51
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gunfusI am running a sudo nautilus03:51
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cycomblake6489: you are quite welcome.  I'd play with the console as much as possible, simply to learn how to use it more effectively.  I hadn't tried that sort trick before tonight, oddly enough.03:51
_Er1K_michael: I don't think you *must* enable them, but it's not going to hurt you03:51
vertana01001001 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110010 01110011 01110011 01101001 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101100 01101001 01110100 01110100 01101100 01100101 00100000 01100010 01100101 01110100 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01111000 01100011 01101000 01100001 01110100 001003:51
gunfusso i am running a root session of nautilus03:51
=== azureal tries xfonts-base
gunfuswhere do the files that I delete go?03:51
azurealROFL @ vertana03:51
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_Er1K_I don't build from source very often, but if you want it perfectly optimized.....debian+cousins make it easy03:52
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THX-1138vertana - turn off the script. - lol03:52
skewhcan anyone answer my question?03:52
vertanaLmao, sorry, did it auto binary that last comment? =p03:52
michael_Er1K_:  OK, I think this must be the reason.  all sources in my sources.list is such: deb http://...   , there isn't even one with deb-src03:52
azureali wish i could speak binary03:52
chuckypkyle__, okay I can't find a good page on it so here is my instrutions03:52
vertanaazureal: It's easy.  (numbers... can't read it like english though :P)03:53
gunfusso if I am running with 'sudo nautilus' and I delete a file where does the delete file go?03:53
chuckypkyle__, are you able to get to a console and know how to use it?03:53
naliothgunfus: first, don't "sudo nautilus", you will wreck your system03:53
nalioth!tell gunfus about gksudo03:53
_Er1K_michael: make sure the end of your "deb http://archive.ubuntu" whatever line has "main restricted universe multiverse" at the end03:53
kyle__chuckyp, yea03:53
vertanaYeah... that's smart advice lol03:53
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gunfusnalioth: ohh okay03:54
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azurealah, now i'm getting a "no session managers, no window managers, and no terminal emulators found, aborting"03:54
CaptainMorganis there a command to view which version of compiler Im running (g++) ?03:54
jribCaptainMorgan: gcc -v03:54
michael_Er1K_:  en, I will.  thank you.03:55
urzlspci | grep audio is nothing03:55
azurealmy window manager is compiled from source; what is a session manager, and yes, it's true i have no terminals..03:55
_Er1K_$ g++ --version03:55
_Er1K_g++ (GCC) 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu4)03:55
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chuckypkyle__, ahh never mind I found the page  there are two options you have using the gui or using apt-get via console check it out.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades03:55
kyle__chuckyp, i'd check it out, but i can't open firefox03:56
chuckypkyle__, durr my bad03:56
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chuckypkyle__ lol03:56
chuckypkyle__, first you should back up any data that you really need on your system.03:56
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chuckypkyle__, is your system up to date currently?03:57
gunfusnalioth: gksudo -u root nautilus --browser is not quite working03:57
scot524Is there a way to find out what package an individual file is in? A python module I am trying to install is looking for mssql.c03:57
gunfuswell it doesn't work for me03:57
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kyle__chuckyp, no i just checked System>Administration>Update Manager and it had a bunch of files like 205 mb worth03:58
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naliothgunfus: just alt-f2 > 'gksudo nautilus'03:58
wasabiThere anyway to boot the livecd to a console?03:58
michael_Er1K_:  it says: unable to open /var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.cn99.com_ubuntu_dists_main_restricted_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)03:58
wasabiX is broken on this system.03:58
jribscot524: packages.ubuntu.com has a search or you can use apt-file03:58
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chuckypkyle__, well I would apply those updates prior to doing a dist-upgrade just to be safe.03:58
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gunfusnalioth: ohh COOL!03:58
gunfusI learn a short-cut03:58
scot524apt-file .. thx03:58
=== AdamP [n=adam@c-67-175-144-232.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cd32fangood evening03:58
chuckypkyle__, after you apply those you want to just click on "check" in the update manager it should show you that dapper is availible.03:58
jribscot524: what python module by the way?03:58
chuckypkyle__, and offer you to upgrade03:59
tyler_dktorrent won't run, tried reboot, re-install??03:59
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=== AdamP is now known as AdamPA
nalioth!tell scot524 about apt-file03:59
tyler_dno error messages?03:59
kyle__chuckyp, i wont have to manually edit sources.list or ...03:59
cd32fancan someone help please,i tried to install the ATI drivers,and now i cant boot into X03:59
=== PEggerr [n=bab@pool-72-85-181-24.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
AdamPAAnyone know if Ubuntu and Acrobat have a plugin to open Acrobat PDF Forms?03:59
vertanaWow... Irssi is awesome!  :D03:59
chuckypkyle__, not if the update manger is working properly it should prompt you about the new version of dapper.03:59
nalioth!tell cd32fan about xcfg03:59
tyler_dcd32fan: escape and boot into console04:00
cd32fanwhat can i say?04:00
kyle__alright i'll see where it takes me then, thx04:00
bsytkoHello, does anyone know of any decent FTP clients? And please don't say gFTP because it is seriously lacking.04:00
Samuli^AdamPa, what?04:00
tyler_dcd32fan: then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:00
chuckypkyle__, if you need to launch the update manager for whatever reason you could open a terminal or alt+f2 to bring up a run command then type gksudo update-manager04:00
Samuli^AdamPA, do you mean if it's possible to view pdf documents on ubuntu?04:00
tyler_dcd32fan: walk through that and reboot04:00
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wasabiThere anyway to boot the livecd to a console?04:00
cd32fanim going to type here what i see here04:00
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AdamPASamuli^ I mean, I made a filable pdf and cant use it04:01
chuckypwasabi, you could just kill gdm04:01
chuckypwasabi, but to boot to console I don't beleive you can do that.04:01
wasabiit locks the system up, so no.04:01
cd32fansomething about not being implemented,the info is too complicated04:02
=== Tokenbad [n=tokenbad@c-24-20-58-172.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypwasabi, well what about ctrl+alt+f1-f6 should bring up text consoles unless its really lockec.04:02
wasabiIt is really locked.04:02
wasabiI figured it out.  live casper-udeb/runlevel=S =)04:02
=== Samuli^ Couldn't relate to others problems less than when listening to Pink Floyd - Breathe
vertanaJust a note for everyone.  It's a good idea to at least become comfortable with irssi... in case your x server breaks (irssi uses terminal).  That way if you can't figure out the solution to your problem you can at least connect to this channel :)04:02
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chuckypwasabi, there you go yeah if you change the runlevels you should be fine.04:03
PEggerrI am trying to compile openssl-0.9.8d.tar.gz  from source,  but it just had a error during the make test http://pastebin.com/80562804:03
chuckypwasabi, didn't even think abou thtat.  runlevel 3 should be what you are looking for.04:03
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cd32fanby the way,where can i find the latest ATI drivers for ubuntu?04:05
=== Ropechoborra TE KIEROOOOOOOO MELIIIII ! =)
techno_freakWhen the screen saver runs, I get only a black screen, also i get this error:  -1 libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5b, any idea whats wrong ?04:05
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cd32fantyler_d:how much mem should i put in the graphics?04:06
cd32fanor should i leave it blank?04:07
MrRothsteincould somebody help me figure out a sound problem?04:07
cd32fanthank you04:07
MrRothsteinstopped working after an update04:07
=== ed101 [n=adam@c-67-175-144-232.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrRothsteinworks on the login screen04:07
MrRothsteini think i have to chmod something04:07
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ReinHWhat do you guys think of the Ubuntu Unleashed book?04:08
ed101Anyone know of a plugin to BEAGLE so it indexes Evolution MEMOS?04:08
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arakn0can i upgrade from warty to dapper directly??04:08
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vltHello. I want match an IP to MAC addresses. What's wromg with the following iptables rule? -A CHECK_IP -m mac --mac-source $MAC -p tcp -s ! $IP -j REJECT04:09
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sekhardudes help me04:09
sekhari am new to ubunbtu04:09
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sekharedl101 you gionna help me04:10
ed101dunno what you got?04:10
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MrRothsteinwhen i run esd as root, i hear a sound04:10
heatxsinkhello all how do I install multiple xorg drivers without removing one04:10
MrRothsteinbut when i run it as a regular user i get a bunch of errors04:11
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chuckypheatxsink, create another device entry04:11
vertanaIf you install another drive you have an extremely good chance of breaking your x server.04:11
heatxsinki did04:11
ed101talking about sound, how can I use 2 music players at once like in windows?04:11
sekhari installed Kde in ubuntu dapper drake!! but now when i run sudo apt get install any sware gives me a lot of dependency errors04:11
chuckyped101, are you in ubuntu or kubuntu?04:12
seamus7Hi all ... anyone know where I might find default icons for programs that aren't in the usr/share/pixmaps directory ... I guess I'm wondering what system folder a program like 'CheckGmail' might keep it's panel notification icons??04:12
chuckypheatxsink, then you did it.04:12
mineraleIs anyone here fluid in regex? I'm trying to parse http://www.somesite.com/path1/path2/   looking to pull only 'path1'04:12
heatxsinkwhen I apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx it wants to uninstall my nvidia-glx04:12
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mineraleI just came back from Barnes And nobles I saw they had the Ubuntu oficial book out for sale displayed prominently04:12
heatxsinkI'm running both a nvidia card and a ati card04:12
heatxsinkfor three heads04:12
chuckypheatxsink, yeah apt-get will remove it but if you feed it manually should work.04:12
kevin__are you using fluxbox?04:13
heatxsinkchuckyp, how do I feed it manually?04:13
chuckypheatxsink, hrm...04:13
heatxsinkoh via dpkg?04:13
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chuckypheatxsink, well dpkg'ng the deb might work unless the config for the fglrx removes other displays.04:13
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chuckypheatxsink, I'm sure someone here would know or someone on the forums has done it.04:13
sekharchuckyp help me i think you are a geek04:14
chuckypsekhar, not a geek04:14
MrRothsteinabout sound, i chmoded everything in dev/snd 66604:14
chuckypsekhar, bored and trying to stay up all night.04:14
dark_lightMrRothstein, it's a regex? the part that has \(*), probably it's an error .o04:14
sekharchuckyp,did you read my problem04:14
cd32fanwhat is the command for installing the ATi drivers?04:14
chuckypsekhar, and you can only go so far on pr0n04:14
chuckypsekhar, no what was your problem.04:14
MrRothsteinhttp://www\.*\.com\(.*)\.* ?04:15
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MrRothsteinwithout the question mark04:15
sekharchuckyp,i installed Kde in ubuntu dapper drake!! but now when i run sudo apt get install any sware gives me a lot of dependency errors04:15
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kevin__http://www.tenr.de/gfx/space_dapp_small.png - can any one help me I need the name of this fluxbox style04:15
ed101sekhar you need to download kubuntu and reinstall04:15
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable134.202-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypsekhar, well try sudo aptitude install packagename that will prompt you if you want to fix the dependency issues.04:16
PEggerrI am trying to compile openssl-0.9.8d.tar.gz  from source,  but it just had a error during the make test http://pastebin.com/80562804:16
chuckypPEggerr, did you try talking with the openssl support?  or just installing via apt-get04:16
wickedpuppyPEggerr, you do know that openssl is in the repo .??04:16
sekharwell did you try kde04:16
=== menace82 [n=menace82@athedsl-36070.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
ed101kubuntu is ubuntu with kde instead of gnome ..04:17
PEggerrchuckyp, apt-get is too old04:17
chuckypsekhar, what?04:17
chuckypPEggerr, hold up04:17
ubotuopenssl: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8a-7ubuntu0.3 (dapper), package size 952 kB, installed size 2268 kB04:17
ed101sekhar you need to return your computer because your too dumb to use it ..04:17
PEggerrwhat is so wrong with wanting to compile from source?04:17
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sekharchuckyp, can i simultaneasly install kde,gnome, xifc04:18
menace82hello... i'll ask something that is off-topic... does anybody knows how to create a search query in OO.org database?04:18
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sekhared101, dude we can use kde in ubuntu hmmm04:18
chuckypsekhar, yes you can have multiple window managers04:18
chuckypsekhar, to install kde i would sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop04:18
sekharchuckyp, will that cause any dependency issues04:19
chuckypsekhar, you will still have gnome and kde04:19
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable134.202-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kevin__http://www.tenr.de/gfx/space_dapp_big.png - this tyle looks great04:19
sekharchuckyp, dude thanx sudo aptitude worked04:19
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chuckypsekhar, no won't cause any issues.  You can run all the window managers out there.  When you go to log in you just select which one you want to log in to.  Click Options>Session>  then you pick kde gnome etc... whatever you want if you have both installe.d.04:19
seamus7Hi ... Which folder do programs generally install into?04:20
=== kestas [n=kestas@ppp151-161.as1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypseamus7, depends  what are you trying to do?04:20
kestaswhat's the ubuntu chat channel?04:20
heatxsinkanyone in here ever go three monitors?04:20
=== lukaswayne9 [n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sekharchuckyp, what was the reasson04:20
ed101fyi if you dont like using sudo, you can "su -" then passwd root and create a password for root.. sometimes sudo gets annoying ..04:20
kevin__http://www.tenr.de/gfx/space_dapp_big.png - -GOD HELP ME - I need this fluxbox style name04:20
=== pluto [n=pluto@204-251-86-106.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypsekhar, what reason?04:20
wickedpuppykevin__, i were you .. i ask in fluxbox forums or #fluxbox ...04:20
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ed101err .. i mean.. "sudo su -" then "passwd root"04:21
seamus7chuckyp: I'm looking for a programs panel icons in order to change them with gimp but they're not in usr/share/pixmaps04:21
sekharchuckyp, aptget din wok but aptitude worked04:21
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chuckypsekhar, aptitude has the ability to resolve dependency issues apt-get does not.04:22
chuckypsekhar, I just use aptitude instead of apt-get04:22
sekharchuckyp, how is xifc is that good?04:22
=== menace82 [n=menace82@athedsl-36070.otenet.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
chuckypsekhar, it handles stuff a lot better.04:22
chuckypsekhar, you mean xfce?04:22
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MrRothsteinminerale, if you're still here, http://.*/(.*)/.*04:23
=== macd [n=d@adsl-150-24-22.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
sekharchuckyp, yep04:23
debbb_hi. i have 2 ubuntu machines on a wlan at home, both of them are sshing to a freebsd machine on the internet. however one of the ubuntu boxes keeps 'freezing' my ssh session: that is, it doesnt accept more input. but if i from my other machine start screen -rx i can see the output of when i type on the first machine and also any text scrolling, but i cant give any input from the first machine04:23
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community-leader/Hawkwind] has left #ubuntu ["It's]
mineraleoh thanks mrrothstein04:23
chuckypsekhar, I don't know what xifc is but if you mean xfce its pretty neat if you are running on older hardware uses a lot less resources etc... you can install that by adding xubuntu-desktop04:23
plutoHow can I find the HOWTO docs in Ubuntu?04:23
MrRothsteinanybody has any guesses about the sound problem?04:24
MrRothsteinseems to work as root but not as a user04:24
chuckyppluto, the desktop guide?04:24
tritiumpluto: they're in the doc-linux-* packages04:24
debbb_MrRothstein, whats the permission on your sound device?04:24
=== sid [n=unstable@tor/regular/sid] has joined #ubuntu
MrRothsteinis that /dev/snd/* ?04:24
sekharchuckyp, waht about fluxbox04:24
sidHow can I tell if I have any non-free software on my Ubuntu machine?04:24
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MrRothsteini chmodded everything there to 66604:24
MrRothsteinstill didnt work04:25
sidie, non-free firmware/drivers or something.04:25
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ed101try "killall esd"04:25
sidnon-free(launchpad crap is installed)04:25
debbb_MrRothstein yes04:25
kholerabbiif I log out on a livecd how do I log back in? I mean, what is the username and password?04:25
chuckypsekhar, they all have their own perks but it depends what you are really looking for?  If you have newer hardware and you want a lot of eye candy I would go with kde.  If you have older harware and need the speed check out xfce.  Personally I use gnome but occasionally switch to kde depending on my mood.04:25
seamus7Which folder would an application like Check04:25
plutotritium: where is that?04:25
debbb_MrRothstein they should show that root and group audio ahs read/write access.. make sure your user is in the grup called audio04:25
MrRothsteined101, esd: no process killed04:26
seamus7Which folder would an app like CheckGmail install into ... I'm looking for its panel icons but they're not in the default usr/share/pixmaps directory04:26
plutotritium: I tried looking in /usr/share/doc, but there is no HOW TO directory04:26
ed101MrRothstein hmm.. no esd running ..04:26
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MrRothsteined101, right, but if i su root, i can run esd and hear a sound04:27
MrRothsteinbut get an error as a user04:27
debbb_read what i said above04:27
ed101like debb said, see if your user has sound permission in <system> <Adminis..><Users and groups>04:27
=== ChrisBradley is now known as WhizBang
plutoNeed help with screen resolution.. Intel I740 video card.04:28
MrRothsteindebbb_, whats the command to add user to group?04:28
sekharchuckyp, you herad of window maker?04:28
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debbb_MrRothstein usermod -G -a04:28
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tritiumMrRothstein: adduser <username> <groupname>04:28
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debbb_usermod -G -a audio youruser04:29
berentunable to open a vcd04:29
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berentmplayer says seek failed04:29
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chuckyp!tell berent about codecs04:30
berenttotem says plugin not available04:30
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berentvcd has a .dat file04:30
plutoWhat is beryl?04:30
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screechingcatberent, play it with vlc04:31
MrRothsteinshould i restart now?04:31
kitchepluto: beryl is the community version of compiz it has no gnome dependencies04:31
plutokitche: Thank you.04:31
shwagim trying to boot off the ubuntu cd, but it seems to detect that I already have it installed and goes staight to grub. Is there is way to force it to boot off the cd ?04:31
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debbb_shwag sounds like u need to configure your bios to boot off cd04:32
debbb_before hdd04:32
plutokitche: what is compiz?04:32
debbb_compiz is elite.04:32
=== Tonren [n=mcantor@dh113139.bennington.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexcompiz is a window manager which has fancy 3D effects.04:33
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ArrenLexThink "you move a window and it jiggles" and you're halfway there.04:33
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kyonever heard of compiz04:33
kitchepluto: it's just an eye candy window manager04:33
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
kyoi use blackbox04:33
berentvlc says read acccess error i/o error04:33
screechingcatkyo, the other end of the spectrum huh >04:33
urzi just cant make my sound work04:33
=== dominick is now known as demonic
arepieanybody out there have an excelent way to install ati driver? fglrx ?04:34
kyoi tried a few others but im just stickin with blackbox04:34
kyognome is boring04:34
ArrenLexarepie: apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx04:34
berentvlc says read acccess error i/o error screechingcat04:34
screechingcatberent, VCD support in linux is usually terrible. the only one im able to use is VLC. try Mplayer too04:34
ArrenLexMPlayer is life.04:34
krayzonefluxbox is the best windows manager in my opinion04:34
kevin__gnome you are saing boring - may you are wrong04:34
rixthWhenever sound tries to play I see "ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:224:(make_local_socket) connect failed: /tmp/alsa-dmix-7407-1160639831-13790: No such file or directory" how do I fix?04:34
kyojust an opionion04:35
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu
berenttried it also it says seek failed screechingcat04:35
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krayzonedepends on what you running and if you prefer minimalistic or not04:35
screechingcatberent, boot into windows and watch it. no other option. thats what i do04:35
=== AfterDeath [n=AftrDaet@about/copyleft/user/afterdeath] has joined #ubuntu
debbb_krayzone i love fluxbox too, use it on all my boxes with less good hw04:35
berentno windows04:35
ArrenLexberent: Have you tried mplayer?04:35
debbb_now tho i prefer gnome after just sticking with it in ubut04:36
kyonever tried fluxbox but it seems like the majority window manager04:36
berentyes it says "seek failed"04:36
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MrRothsteinit worked!!!04:36
krayzoneyeah, i use them all, right now im using all command line, but Im starting to like gnome alot more then I did before. Totally agianst kde04:36
arepieArrenLex: after install xorg-driver-fglrx, what should i do?04:36
screechingcati need some help with running kicker in Gnome. it runs alright but when i hit the configure panel it returns errors. here's a screenshot - http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/9748/screenshotkd5.png04:36
plutokitche: So is it fair to say beryl is just another GUI?04:36
MrRothsteinthank you all very much04:36
ArrenLexKDE is life.04:36
debbb_MrRothstein wha worked04:36
ArrenLexarepie: if it installs correctly, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the fglrx driver.04:36
MrRothsteinadding myself to the audio group and restarting04:37
krayzoneIn my opinion kde is to heavy of a software for my own taste04:37
debbb_MrRothstein good04:37
screechingcatArrenLex, KDE crawls04:37
MrRothsteinthanks again04:37
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kitchepluto: correct well it's a window manager it can run on gnome KDE XFCE04:37
ArrenLexOn old hardware? Maybe. Doesn't mean it sucks.04:37
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plutokitche: Thanks for the explanation!  :)04:37
ArrenLexpluto: no, it isn't. It's a window manager, like compiz, like sawfish, like kwin.04:37
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screechingcatwell it crawls on a P4 with 512mb ram04:37
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ArrenLexscreechingcat: I had a p4 with 256 MB of ram with KDE running and it was perfectly fine.04:38
arepieArrenLex: before this, i have tried so many times, my OpenGL will still be Mesa, do you have any reason?04:38
ArrenLexarepie: there may be many reasons. Have you looked at logs?04:38
plutoArrenLex: A window manager is foreign to me.  I am a linux newbie.  What does Windows have that would be comparable?04:38
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screechingcatwell, i dunno what went wrong in mine. i installed kubuntu-desktop and it just took soooo much time to even open a window that i gave up and removed it04:39
cgepluto: You can't change the wm in Windows.04:39
ArrenLexpluto: what is your concept of a "window"?04:39
shwagim trying to boot off the ubuntu cd, but it seems to detect that I already have it installed and goes staight to grub. Is there is way to force it to boot off the cd ?04:39
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screechingcatpluto, explorer04:39
bawnpawhat can I do to stop my machine from crashing when the clock is set backwards in time04:39
arepieyes i looked at the error, but i don't know what to do.. :-$04:39
ArrenLexscreechingcat: no, explorer is the whole shell. Like gnome.04:39
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krayzonein windows you can. You can install blackbox for windows. Check out boxshots.org04:39
bawnpai put ntpdate in hourly crontab, apparently even that isn't enough04:39
plutoscreechingcat: I'm not sure.04:39
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ArrenLexarepie: and what was this frightening error?04:39
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screechingcatArrenLex, (foot-in-mouth)04:39
bawnpamy computer can't keep track of time! :(04:39
debbb_hi. i have 2 ubuntu machines on a wlan at home, both of them are sshing to a freebsd machine on the internet. however one of the ubuntu boxes keeps 'freezing' my ssh session: that is, it doesnt accept more input. but if i from my other machine start screen -rx i can see the output of when i type on the first machine and also any text scrolling, but i cant give any input from the first machine04:39
cgepluto: The WM is basically what controls the windows. It draws the title bars on the windows, and manages positions, and focus, and minimisation, and all of those things.04:40
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cgekrayzone: Oh. I didn't know that.04:40
arepieArrenLex: i'll show you right after i install this xorg driver04:40
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screechingcatdoes anyone here use kicker on gnome ?04:40
krayzoneyeah, serach for windows managers for windows. But I stand by blackbox. Im sure if you check out boxshots.org you will definitly like it.04:40
ArrenLexo_O why would you do that?04:40
screechingcatits the best dock04:40
plutocge: I can understand that.  Can you tell me why one would want a different WM?04:40
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ArrenLexpluto: some WMs are faster, some are more customisable. Depends what you like.04:41
cgepluto: They can all do different things.04:41
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krayzonefor somethign more light and stable. And to also customize an os to there liking with different plugins that are supoorted by the wm.04:41
kyoall window managers are all really the same concept..just depends on your taste and what you want to do i guess04:41
ArrenLexpluto: some, like beryl, can do fancy 3D things to windows, like jiggle them.04:41
sproingiecompiz has jigle04:41
sproingiejiggle even04:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:42
krayzoneRequires some more intense hardware also04:42
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plutoThank you both ArrenLex  & cge !  I learn something new everyday04:42
ubotukicker: desktop panel for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 (dapper), package size 1855 kB, installed size 5576 kB04:42
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cgepluto: The WM in GNOME is very easy to use and unintrusive. Beryl and Compiz have impressive graphical effects. I'm using XFWM4, which has support for things like edge-flipping and is nicer that GNOME's WM in my opinion.04:42
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ArrenLexI've already forgotten: who posted http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/9748/screenshotkd5.png ?04:43
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cgepluto: And then there are WMs like WMII and Ion3, which have a completely different way of managing windows.04:43
ArrenLex"kcontrol" package, screechingcat.04:43
ArrenLexThat's where the library is.04:43
screechingcatArrenLex, thanks.04:43
vertana_I've tried multiple times to install compiz on my Edgy distro (I have NVIDIA 5700 Ultra card) and everytime it messed up my graphics.04:43
vertana_Once I had to wipe the HDD and reinstall : /04:43
shwagdoes the ubuntu boot disk automatically boot of the HD if it detects ubuntu is already installed?04:43
cgevertana_: Compiz and beryl tend to do that ...04:43
ArrenLexscreechingcat: in the future, if something tells you it can't find a library, go to packages.ubuntu.com or packages.debian.org and use the second box -- filename search. Debian.org is faster.04:43
vertana_shawg: yes.04:43
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plutocge: I can install these WM's ontop of GNOME?04:43
btboudreauxdid anyone see the beryl demo on youtube that was posted on digg? what WM was that??04:43
sproingie compiz is mighty picky04:44
ArrenLexshwag: no.04:44
vertana_shawg: just go into your BIOS and make sure the CD boots before the HDD.04:44
screechingcatArrenLex, YES SIR !!! UNDERSTOOD SIR !!04:44
shwagArrenLex: then how come I can't boot off this cd ?04:44
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cgepluto: You can with beryl, compiz, XFWM4, and a few others, but there isn't a really easy way to do it.04:44
krayzonepluto: you can install some wm on top of gnome, and your gnome programs will remain avaiable when you install them on top of gnome.04:44
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urzthat is my lspci04:44
kholerabbii installed xgl, but I don04:45
kholerabbi't know gow to install or use compiz04:45
urzwhat sound module do i install?04:45
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-154-95-38.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kyle__alright so my Firefox installation is broken and its effecting synaptic, update manager.. this is the error i'm getting "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_1.5.dfsg+ error creating symbolic link `./usr/bin/firefox'04:45
PEggerrchuckyp, I need the libssl headers because in order to build openvpn04:45
btboudreauxberyl looks a lot smoother than compiz did04:45
kitchebtboudreaux: umm probably xcfe or it might have been beryl by itself04:45
plutocge: If I don't want to install ontop of GNOME, then I what options do I have?04:45
vertana_kholerabbi: I wouldn't try it unless you backed up your data and were sure it's what you wanna try.04:45
kitchebtboudreaux: umm compiz is still around04:45
vertana_khol: It's a nice project though :)04:45
btboudreauxyeah i know04:45
kholerabbivertana_: I'm using a livecd so doesn't matter04:45
bruenigkyle__, do file /usr/bin/firefox and post the output04:46
kyle__what can i do to fix all of this while keeping all my stuff on my system04:46
cgepluto: You can use just the WM, usually. You can install it, and then select it as the session in the login screen.04:46
sproingiethe ice weasels ate your firefox04:46
cgepluto: If there isn't a session listed there, you can write the commands in ~/.xsession, and use the04:46
btboudreauxyou can have beryl by itself without gnome?04:46
vertana_Let me find you the link... you are using dapper correct?04:46
cgepluto: "default system session" option04:46
plutocge: AH, like I did when I installed KDE!04:46
vertana_One second please.04:46
kitchebtboudreaux: beryl doesn't need gnome unlike compiz04:46
cgepluto: Yes.04:46
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kyle__E: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_1.5.dfsg+ error creating symbolic link `./usr/bin/firefox'04:46
cgepluto: unfortunately, I need to leave now, so I can't tell you the specifics of how to do so.04:47
bruenigkyle__, open a terminal and do this "file /usr/bin/firefox" tell me what it says...04:47
vertana_Search the page for the word "compiz"04:47
kholerabbihmm ok thanks04:47
plutocge: Thanks for the info.  Catch ya later.04:47
kyle__kyle@banger:~$ file /usr/bin/firefox04:47
kyle__/usr/bin/firefox: broken symbolic link to `../lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox'04:47
Vexorthe water drink with a hint of sugar?04:47
vertana_I was gonna get you another (better) link.. but it's long and I'm on irssi.04:47
keithhhhwhat do you guys to unrar software?04:47
vertana_So it won't let me c/p it.04:47
kitchebtboudreaux: but anyways I only used beryl even when it was called compiz-quinnstorm but that was just patches where now it's a full window manager04:47
vertana_Download rar for linux.04:47
vertana_Then install it.04:48
jerrcshi. im trying to use nfsd and mount to create a virtual directory sortof, any idea why mount locks up when i try to mount the remote filesystem?04:48
screechingcathey ArrenLex one question. if kicker needs something from that package then how come apt-get and aptitude dint install it along with kicker ?04:48
bruenigkyle, ok follow these commands, "sudo rm /usr/bin/firefox && sudo ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox"04:48
kitchekeithhhh: there is a package for ubuntu search the repos for unrar-free or unrar-nonfree04:48
vertana_After that rar files will work (almost) natively with your Archive Manager.04:48
plutoCan anyone help get my screen resolution to 85 hz?  I have a spectrum 9grl monitor and a Intel i740 video card.04:48
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:48
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kyle__bruenig, and after that04:48
bruenigkyle, does it still fail?04:48
screechingcatkeithhhh, just do sudo apt-get install rar unrar04:49
arakn0can i upgrade from warty to dapper directly??04:49
bruenigthe symbolic link has been fixed at least04:49
vertana_don't use apt-get04:49
bruenigarakn0, I would guess no04:49
berentafter i upgraded my breezy to dapper i think my applications haven't got upgraded04:49
vertana_Use aptitude04:49
screechingcatarakn0, you can. but it will mess up your system04:49
berentis there anything to be done04:49
keithhhhscreechingcat: ya I did that but its not graphical04:49
tritiumberent: that can't be04:49
keithhhhscreechingcat: Im trying to switch a friend over to ubuntu as easy as possible heheh04:49
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screechingcatkeithhhh, after installing those two, archive manager should open rar archives too04:50
kyle__bruenig, sweet04:50
=== bruenig celebrates
ArrenLexscreechingcat: as you can see, kicker runs perfectly fine without that package. You only need that library if you want to change kicker settings. Thus it was most likely in one of the recommended packages.04:50
bruenigkyle__, that should fix firefox also04:50
kyle__don't get the error when running firefox but i don't know about the updates and what not04:50
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berenttritium : lemme give example i dont have synaptic in place -dont have so many options in system->administration, my video players dont work and hell lot of other things04:51
kyle__..didn't :/04:51
bruenigdidn't fix firefox?04:51
grokcan anyone tell me how i can find out which lib files aren't needed? like which ones aren't being used by any programs?04:51
screechingcatkeithhhh, i know that rar and unrar are command line tools. but they add components to archive manager enabling it to open rar archives04:51
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kyle__it's showing a starting firefox on the taskbar but that just closes and nothing after it04:51
keithhhhscreechingcat: cool Ill ask my friend to test that04:51
screechingcatArrenLex, but i dint even get a recommended packages list04:51
ArrenLexgrok: "deborphan" will find packages that aren't in use (no other package you have installed depend on them). Is that what you want?04:51
kitchekyle_: run firefox in a console04:52
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bruenigkyle__, I would assume that the /usr/lib/firefox directory is messed up04:52
ArrenLexscreechingcat: I don't know what to tell you. I'm certainly not the package maintainer; I just read 'em like I call 'em.04:52
vertana_Anybody here using Irssi?04:52
kitchekyle_: might show the error for you04:52
kitchevertana_: yes04:52
ArrenLexcall'em -> read'em ?> sees'em whatever.04:52
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berenttritium : is it that because i upgraded from net and dint install from cd04:52
grokArrenLex: kind of...i'm just looking to clean up my system after i remove gnome...i switched to xfce4 and i want to clear out the dependecies that aren't getting used04:52
screechingcatArrenLex, maybe i should submit a bug or somethin ?04:52
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screechingcatgrok, yeah deborphan will do it04:53
kyle__no error hah just isn't running... let me do all the updates and what not and i'll be back in a few04:53
brueniggrok, I use deborphan, works pretty well04:53
ArrenLexgrok: if you want to remove all gnome-dependent packages, check this out: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce.php04:53
vertana_I downloaded a theme from the site, but the picture in the background that was shown did not show up in my terminal.  Is that simply a terminal thing or Irssi thing? (Sorry if easy question... just turned to Linux :) )04:53
grokcool, thanks guys04:53
bruenigthat command is probably a bit extreme, but you can cherry pick at least04:53
ArrenLexscreechingcat: kicker runs fine without that package... you might file a bug if you wanted, but make sure to mark it low priority.04:53
screechingcatArrenLex, awright thanks04:54
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AbstHow would I stop X from starting when I boot up, so I get a TTY?04:54
ArrenLexAbst: remove the gdm package.04:55
=== vertana_ revokes that last question on the basis of absolute stupidity :P
Abstvertana_: How so?04:55
wickedpuppyArrenLex, you can boot to level 3 from grub ... isn't it ?04:55
ArrenLexwickedpuppy: who what where when why how? o_O04:55
jafaHi guys, where is the best place to seek help/interact/provide feedback regarding Edgy? (LVM problems after upgrade from Dapper)04:55
wickedpuppyi remember doing it in rhel .. but not in ubuntu ..04:55
vertana_I asked about background in terminal... but it's so easy. (It's what I get for asking before trying :) )04:55
tagDoes anyone have bluetooth internet connectivity through a cellphone working?04:55
ArrenLexjafa: #ubuntu+104:55
tagI have yet to figure out what I gotta do for this04:56
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vertana_I thought it would be a command, but it was simply a preference.04:56
wickedpuppyArrenLex, in grub menu .. type e to edit ..  if you ever done acpi=off then you know what i mean .. type level 3 and grub will drop you to level 304:56
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jafaArrenLex: thanks04:57
terranetnycwill ubuntu run on my toshiba portege with 64megs ram?04:57
ArrenLexWickedpuppy: sure, if you want to do it once. I was under the impression that he wanted to do it permanently? Maybe I misread.04:57
wickedpuppyno idea it will work in ubuntu though ... it works in rhel and fc3,4,504:57
wastreli think in debian runlevels are all the same04:57
wastrelso there's no "non x" runlevel04:57
wickedpuppyArrenLex, ah k .. for permently then yes .. gdm be removed ... perhaps i am the one who misread04:57
AbstWhy was my question stupid?04:57
bruenigterranetnyc, I think the minimum is listed as 128, xubuntu would probably be much better for a 64 meg computer04:57
wastrelso booting into runlevel 3 from grub is essentially identical as runlevel 504:57
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wickedpuppywastrel, really ? wow ... then how do you say this program runs in level 3 but not in level 5 ?04:58
AbstHow do I change the default windowmanager which X loads?04:59
wickedpuppyfor servers its a must have .... X only on level 5 .. but servers rarely go to 5 unless the admin doesn't know what to do .. normally servers are in 304:59
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wickedpuppywastrel, know any link on it ? i be happy to check it out ... my experience with servers are all rhel .. and sles05:00
heatxsinkhow do I install multiple xorg drivers?05:00
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ArrenLexheatxsink: by installing mutiple xorg-driver-whatever packages.05:00
ArrenLexmultiple *05:00
heatxsinkArrenLex, one package uninstalls another05:01
ArrenLexheatxsink: install xorg-driver-all?05:01
ArrenLexSorry, that's xserver-xorg-driver-all05:01
Buglousehas anyone tried to use FilaZilla for Linux?05:01
BuglouseI don't know how to install it... there is no readme05:01
vertana_BugLouse: Can you give a link?05:02
BuglouseI don't know how to install it... there is no readme05:02
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AbstAnyone know what configuration file to edit in order to change the default window manager (when using startx)?05:02
vertana_Lmao, thank you =p05:02
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vertana_Buglouse: I hate to kill your day but...05:03
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keithhhhnabob2010: hey05:03
vertana_Buglouse: At the vert top it specifically says it's for Windows.05:03
Buglousevertana_: they have a release for linux05:03
Buglousescroll down05:03
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=== vertana_ does double take.
wickedpuppywastrel, ?05:03
nabob2010hey everybody :)05:04
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ArrenLexAbst: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/changeman.html05:04
AbstI was on that site05:04
Abstthe .xinitrc thing doesnt work05:04
ArrenLexAbst: so what don't you understand?05:04
bruenigBuglouse, which one did you get?05:04
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keithhhhnabob2010: see me ??05:04
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AbstArcainus: I understand it05:04
Buglousevertana_: its beta but people have been saying thats its not buggy and its nice for a gui ftp client05:04
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nabob2010hey keithhhh05:05
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Digital_PioneerIs anyone familiar with the changes done by the convert-to-Christian-Ubuntu script?05:05
wickedpuppyBuglouse, there is gftp .. which is also gui ftp client ... looks ok to me05:05
ArrenLexWhat the hell? xD The WHAT script?05:05
Bertohi - will someone tell me the default user/group owner of /var/www/* ?05:05
ArrenLexI've GOT to see this.05:05
keithhhhnabob2010:  type kei then hit tab05:05
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vertana_Bug: I've yet to dl it... but try cd'ing to the directory and type sh config ( or configure) && make install05:05
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AbstDigital_Pioneer: Lots of pointless ones05:05
Digital_PioneerArrenLex: Just search up Christian Ubuntu and hit the downloads section. A ways down, you'll see the conversion script.05:05
bruenigDigital_Pioneer, assuming it makes the only changes that Christian Ubuntu does, it probably changes the artwork and adds gnomesword05:05
ArrenLexBerto: just look at the directory. Go to /var/www and type "ls -l" and it'll tell you who the owner\group is.05:05
Buglouse.. i tried it .. was to buggy for me.. doesn't transfer the files correctly.. they become corrupt.05:05
keithhhhnabob2010: if you dont use my name I might not see the message05:05
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kitcheDigital_Pioneer: umm only the Ubuntu CE devs knows what it does but if it's in bash I can probably figure it out05:06
Digital_Pioneerbruenig: I wish. It messed up my internet!05:06
BertoArrenLex, haha i know, but i changed and wanted to know what the default SHOULD be :)05:06
bruenigBuglouse, it looks to be precompiled binaries...05:06
vertana_It wouldn't download it.05:06
Digital_Pioneerkitche: OK, how can I get a hold of the devs?05:06
wickedpuppyBerto, apache-default is by root ..05:06
Digital_PioneerI want to know what it did to my internet.05:06
kyle__firefox in console doesn't return anything, and synaptic is still giving me the symbollic link error05:06
Bertowickedpuppy, so it's root.apache-default ?05:06
screechingcatDigital_Pioneer, #christian-ubuntu05:06
vertana_My sister is doing downloads in the background so my internet is like 1993 dialup right now :(05:06
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ArrenLexBerto: this is what mine says: drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 2006-03-27 13:58 www05:06
Digital_Pioneerscreechingcat: So THAT'S where they hid it... Thanks!05:06
wickedpuppyBerto, root.apache-default ??? is this java ? :P05:07
bruenigkyle__, see if there is anything in the firefox lib directory, ls /usr/lib/firefox/05:07
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screechingcatDigital_Pioneer, no prob05:07
bruenigBuglouse, I would just add the extracted filezilla directory to the /opt directory and then launch it from there05:07
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BertoArrenLex, wickedpuppy thanks05:07
vertana_brue: Why /opt ?05:07
ArrenLexkyle__: why don't you just reinstall firefox? apt-get install --reinstall firefox05:08
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bruenigvertana_, well /opt or ;05:08
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Digital_Pioneerscreechingcat: You sure about that/05:08
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bruenigvertana_, well /opt or /usr/local or I suppose wherever, that is where I put stuff like that05:08
plutoFrom the command line, how can I search for my xorg.config file?05:08
kyle__bruenig, there's a bunch of stuff in that folder05:08
vertana_brue: Ah.  I thought there was a specific reason.05:08
wickedpuppypluto, its i /etc/X1105:08
wickedpuppypluto, its in /etc/X1105:08
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screechingcatDigital_Pioneer, i remember reading it somehwere. y what happened ?05:08
ArrenLexpluto: xorg.conf is in /etc/X11. Generally, you can search for files by using the command "find <path> -name <filename>"05:08
plutowickedpuppy: Thakns.05:08
bruenigvertana_, I read some stuff about the filesystem and it seemed to say that /opt is intended for that purpose05:08
O2must I put all my softwares open source in ubuntu ?05:08
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Digital_Pioneerscreechingcat: Doesn't exist.05:08
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bruenigkyle__, do /usr/lib/firefox/firefox05:09
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vertana_brue: What purpose is that exactly?05:09
wickedpuppyO2, why ... you sure love this channel ...05:09
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screechingcatDigital_Pioneer, just search the Wiki. thats were i found out about it first05:09
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btboudreauxwhat does beryl look like without gnome? cant find any screenshots05:09
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O2wickedpuppy:   I want to develop my games05:09
kyle__bruenig, it does nothing05:09
screechingcatdoes using Tor slow down your internet speed ?05:09
wickedpuppyO2, are you using opensource libraries ?05:09
Buglousebruenig: do you mean move it to there and double click it?05:09
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vertana_02: Yes you must put in deb... it's the way of the future =p05:09
bruenigvertana_, to just hold the miscellaneous programs and stuff that don't go with everything else. So since everything else is gotten by apt-get, I put all compiled stuff or manual stuff in there05:10
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wickedpuppyO2, let me be specific ... are you using GPL libraries ?05:10
Digital_Pioneerscreechingcat: My web browsers don't work.05:10
kdean06What is the proper way to file a bug with Edgy?05:10
vertana_brue: Thanks... I might start doing that myself. currently EVERYTHING just goes into my $user05:10
screechingcatDigital_Pioneer, what happened ? i will look it up05:10
O2wickedpuppy:  I wonder do I have to open source my developments under linux05:10
wickedpuppyO2, thats why i am asking you ... are you using any GPL libraries ?05:11
O2If I don't use any GPL libs...05:11
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Digital_Pioneerscreechingcat: I installed that infernal script, which messed something up and now my web browsers won't go online! :(05:11
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vertana_02: It depends on who's toes your stepping on.05:11
screechingcatkdean06, first make sure that it is a bug and you arent doing something wrong05:11
screechingcatDigital_Pioneer, ok hold on05:11
Digital_Pioneerscreechingcat: The odd thing is, I'm using this IRC on the same box.05:11
vertana_02: If you use open source code... open source it goes.05:11
plutoI think I have a problem; I have 6 xorg.config files in X11.  What file is being used?05:11
RnB-Tuneshttp://www.RnB-Tunes.dl.am <= New RnB & HipHop Musicclips and 15HoT new Promo Tracks to Download! Check this ouT ;)05:11
RnB-Tuneshttp://www.RnB-Tunes.dl.am <= New RnB & HipHop Musicclips and 15HoT new Promo Tracks to Download! Check this ouT ;)05:11
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THX-1138Has anyone tried the colinux kernel?05:12
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ArrenLexO2: of course you don't have to release the source of your programs unless you want to. Just make sure, if you're linking against LGPL libs, to link dynamically.05:12
SuperMiguelany ideas how to fix it05:12
bruenigBuglouse, nevermind, for some reason my binaries won't launch, but that is the idea. Or you could just create a launcher or menu shortcut, I don't know why my binaries aren't launching05:12
screechingcatthere are spammers on IRC too ?05:12
O2vertana_: If i write a little program that doesn't deppends on any other libraries, then do I have to open source?05:12
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:12
bruenigkyle__, do "file /usr/lib/firefox/firefox"05:12
vertana_02: No.05:12
Lord_Kitchenerscreechingcat: of course05:12
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ArrenLexTHX: what is the colinux kernel? I've tried using co-linux.05:12
kdean06screechingcat, I'm certain it's not me. Not sure if it's crashing, or focibly unloading, but the usbserial module drops. And attempting to reinsert it prompts a fatal error.05:12
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vertana_02: If you feel like being a nice guy and releasing a .bin that will do my math for the rest of my life... you wouldn't have to open source that =p05:13
screechingcatkdean06, launchpad.net05:13
THX-1138ArrenLex: Saw something on slashdot and i am interested.05:13
O2vertana_:  If I use a GPL library and I didn't modify it..... so ?05:13
vertana_02: Of course, open source is always appreciated and helps people learn to program and advance their programming skills (along with improving your program)05:13
ArrenLexTHX: what is the colinux kernel?05:14
vertana_02: To be honest I'm not sure (I've never tried to dance on the edge of that one).05:14
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Lord_KitchenerArrenLex: co-linux allows you to run linux on windows almost natively05:14
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ArrenLexO2: libraries are typically licensed under the LGPL. Programs are typically licensed under the GPL. Chances are, you won't find a GPL library.05:14
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RnB-Tuneshttp://www.RnB-Tunes.dl.am <= New RnB & HipHop Musicclips and 15HoT new Promo Tracks to Download! Check this ouT ;)05:14
RnB-Tuneshttp://www.RnB-Tunes.dl.am <= New RnB & HipHop Musicclips and 15HoT new Promo Tracks to Download! Check this ouT ;)05:14
THX-1138ArrenLex: I guess i need a bit more study. - The one page i found had kernel releases.05:14
RnB-Tuneshttp://www.RnB-Tunes.dl.am <= New RnB & HipHop Musicclips and 15HoT new Promo Tracks to Download! Check this ouT ;)05:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mods - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:14
bruenigkyle__, what was the output for file /usr/lib/firefox/firefox05:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:15
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wickedpuppyArrenLex, you mean ops ?05:15
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wickedpuppywell he left .. oh well05:15
vertana_Does anybody know when the Flash 9 beta will be out or is that still speculation at this point?05:15
O2ArrenLex:  If my program deppends on a LGPL library, but doesn't modify the library, do I have to open source my program?05:15
plutoI think I have a problem; I have 6 xorg.config files in X11.  What file is being used?05:15
Digital_Pioneerscreechingcat: Are you sure there IS a wiki for Ubuntu CE? Using another box, I can't find one.05:15
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kyle__bruenig, /usr/lib/firefox/firefox: Bourne shell script text executable05:15
Lord_Kitchenervertana_: Flash 9 beta has been out for a while now05:15
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vertana_Lord: For Linux? : /05:15
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wickedpuppyO2, why are you against opensourcing the game ? i am curious ..05:16
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Lord_Kitchenervertana_: yeah not sure where you can get it though05:16
vertana_I know where to get it.05:16
vertana_My best friend... google =p05:16
bruenigkyle__, that is odd, how the symbolic link could be broken, I have no idea. It is there, the symbolic link shouldn't be broken.05:16
ixian_is there a program for linux/ubuntu that allows 'widgets' on the desktop? similar to yahoo widgets for windows..05:16
vertana_I'll be back with either bad news or a link in a minute =P05:16
O2wickedpuppy:  I mean all programs, not only game05:17
kyle__bruenig, thanks05:17
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bruenigkyle__, when you did ls /usr/lib/firefox, were there 33 things listed?05:17
ArrenLexO2: if you dynamically link to the library, no. If you link statically, yes05:17
Dr_willis!info gdesklets05:17
ubotugdesklets: Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35.3-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 465 kB, installed size 2448 kB05:17
ArrenLexwickedpuppy: ops, mods, same thing. =P Thanks.05:17
Traeare there any grub experts here... I've read the grub help pages and can't seem to be able to do the following:  Ubuntu - /dev/hda1  ,  Mandriva - /dev/hda5   I want to be able to boot to both.05:17
Dr_willisixian_,  gdesklets for gnome, superkaramba for kde05:18
O2ArrenLex:  :-)  clearly, thanks!05:18
Traein Ubuntu ATM.05:18
ArrenLexvertana: Flash 9 for Linux is "officially" slated for early 2007.05:18
wickedpuppyO2, there are commercial libraries ... qt for apps ... and garagegames.com torque game engine for games05:18
kdean06screechingcat, When attempting to connect in AT or p2k mode to a V3 RAZR, usbserial is unloaded. How would i trace the explicit cause of this? Like... To see if it's crashing (and where, if possible) or just vanishing...05:18
wastrelwickedpuppy:  by default i believe runlevels 3-5 are identical in debian, but users can of course customize05:18
bruenigArrenLex, but the beta...05:18
ArrenLexvertana: follow the progress at blogs.adobe.com/Penguin.SWF05:18
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wastrelwas afk :] 05:18
ixian_Dr_willis:  thanks05:18
wickedpuppywastrel, its ok .. got a link for me ?05:18
O2ArrenLex: If I modify the LGPL library for my program, I only need to open source the modify library?05:19
bruenigI would settle for alpha at this point, anything is better than this flash 7 garbage.05:19
vertana_ArrenLex: Thanks... unfortunately they are still on the same last topic (Librarian) as last I checked.05:19
kyle__bruenig, yes... what happened i think is.. i was following the instructions for installing the NewVersion of firefox from the ubuntu.org wiki and something went wrong so i never got .. 0.7 installed and now 1.0.7 isn't working05:19
vertana_Ah well... in due time.  Hopefully it will outshine what they currently have out for Linux :)05:19
O2ArrenLex:  and no need to open source my program, am I right?05:19
bruenigkyle__, you are using breezy?05:19
ArrenLexbruenig: the blog I linked to says the beta will be out "soon".05:19
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kyle__bruenig, so i was instructed to upgrade to dapper, that's when i found out the symbollic link error05:19
kyle__yes breezy05:20
ArrenLexO2: no, you don't have to open-source your library unless you statically link to LGPL libraries or link to GPL libraries.05:20
silly_girl22pluto; grep patter /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:20
silly_girl22i meant pattern05:20
silly_girl22pluto: i misunderstood. you should do one of these too.   "sudo updatedb;locate xorg.conf" or "find -name xorg.conf /'05:20
ArrenLexO2: unless you want to =P How about it? Why not open source?05:20
silly_girl22kdean06: bugzilla05:20
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/05:20
silly_girl22and make sure the bug hasnt been reported or solved05:20
terranetnycjoin #xubuntu05:20
silly_girl22and theres a bug software reporting tool05:20
silly_girl22does gnome have anything like KTorrent?05:20
wickedpuppyO2, btw ... isn't it more of questions for lawyers ? surely you are not going to take our words for it ? unless ArrenLex is a IP lawyer ... :P05:20
bruenigkyle__, ah, well, these were all intended for dapper. I don't remember breezy well enough to instruct that. I assume they would be similar but perhaps not05:20
screechingcatsilly_girl22, ktorrent05:20
screechingcatsilly_girl22, whats wrong with using it in gnome. thats what i do.05:21
silly_girl22screechingcat: thats what i said05:21
=== ArrenLex WISHES he was an IP lawyer.
bruenigthey should really put out an alpha, the only reason they decided against it is they have known bugs and they don't want people complaining about stuff they already know about.05:21
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screechingcatsilly_girl22, and thats the answer too05:21
vertana_02: Yeah I wouldn't trust anyone here strictcly for legal reasons, although I'm sure all the input they've given is correct or at least helpful... I wouldn't trust my remaining years or diginity on it =p05:21
bruenigutorrent rules all05:21
O2wickedpuppy & ArrenLex:  I will open source most of time, I ask only because I don't quite understand those licenses05:21
vertana_(Not even my own input for that matter :P)05:21
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screechingcatbruenig, not on linux it doesent. on windows it does05:22
kyle__bruenig, do you know any instructions for upgrading to dapper05:22
vertana_I'm pretty sure I just negated all I said :P05:22
silly_girl22screechingcat: you know what i mean. a program made for gnome with gtk.05:22
wickedpuppyO2, as i said you can develop programs in qt ... then you can decide opensource or buy their license .. same with torque game engine05:22
bruenigscreechingcat, still rules in linux, use it everyday all day, never close it05:22
silly_girl22bruenig: i dont believe that is for linux05:22
ArrenLexO2: have you read them? xD05:22
screechingcatsilly_girl22, yes i know. but none of them are quite as good. and ktorrent works without any problems in Gnome. so why bother with anything else ?05:22
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bruenigif you are going to use non native apps, might as well go with utorrent and get wine, since that is the best client hands down05:23
O2ArrenLex:  they are too long and there're some chapters I am not quite sure05:23
screechingcatbruenig, it slows down to a fraction of my download speed while running on linux05:23
bruenigscreechingcat, that's a lie05:23
silly_girl22screechingcat: is ktorrent your #1 torrent software?05:23
wasabi_Anybody have a quick link to a howto on mastering your own live cd?05:23
screechingcatsilly_girl22, yup05:23
ArrenLexO2: yes, a license being too long is a pretty good reason not to read it.05:23
=== ArrenLex nods.
O2ArrenLex: I am new on linux05:24
Lord_Kitchenerwasabi_: look up babytux it has one05:24
screechingcatbruenig, its not a LIE. it might be a problem with my comp.05:24
bruenigit doesn't make sense why it would be slower05:24
screechingcatbruenig, or my connection. but y would i lie ?05:24
O2ArrenLex:  I would read it hardly later : P05:24
bruenighow do you even gauge that. Have you tried the same exact torrent with multiple clients? Even then the swarm and speeds may be lower at that point05:24
silly_girl22screechingcat: i have it. i havent used it yet, but im looking for a torrent now. bit tornado has worked good for me. i found ktorrent in suse live dvd.05:24
mineraleI used gparted to resize my main ntfs partition... now that partition is empty... omg what can I do ?05:25
vertana_If I were to acquire OpenSSl would Irssi automatically recognize this?05:25
ArrenLexO2: GPL library means you must release source. LGPL library means you don't have to release source if you link dynamically.05:25
screechingcatbruenig, yes i did. (azureus, ktorrent and utorrent) and decided ktorrent was the best05:25
screechingcatbruenig, for linux that is05:25
bruenigfor speed?05:25
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bruenigthey should all be the same, they are all using the same protocol there is no difference there.05:25
screechingcatbruenig, yeah05:25
O2Arr en,,,05:25
screechingcatsilly_girl22, make sure you load the uPNP plugin to speed it up05:26
=== ArrenLex is a pirate.
ArrenLexLike an arr pirate. o_o05:26
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O2ArrenLex:   en, I think I have to read it later, to get the most understanding05:26
ArrenLexYes, I too think that's the best way to get the most understanding out of a license. By reading it.05:26
bruenigscreechingcat, unless you tested it in a substantive way, the voodoo, oh it went faster for the five minutes I was using it here doesn't make sense because speed varies on bittorrent by the nature of the protocol05:26
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screechingcatbruenig, i get around 25-30 kBps on windows (utorrent) and 1-3kBps on linux (utorrent) and 1-5kBps(azureus) and Ktorrent matches my windows speed05:27
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O2 : P05:27
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screechingcatbruenig, yes i tested it properly. i downloaded a whole torrent in about 2 and a half days (utorrent + wine)05:28
O2I think I would open source, because I learn from them05:28
bruenigscreechingcat, right but torrents vary in that way. You can be humming along at 150 KBs and then drop down to 20 KBs, the speeds are completely dependent on the peers which fluctuate05:28
O2I learnt a lot from open source05:29
silly_girl22screechingcat: how do i do that? does that plugin come with it?05:29
bruenigbut whatever, it doesn't really make sense if a client is using the same protocol and the same ports and the same network how it could possible be slower inherently05:29
screechingcatsilly_girl22, yeah it does. go to configure ktorrent and hit the plugins tab and load upnp05:29
screechingcatbruenig, one of the few great mysteries about my computer that i am yet to solve05:30
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j0rg3Wow.  I am an Ubuntu n00b and I think I may havw jumpws in the wrong end of the pool.05:30
j0rg3jumped, rather05:31
bruenigscreechingcat, maybe if you were behind a router and couldn't get the ports forwarded or something. I just have a dsl modem so it all tends to be the same as there is no need for forwarding.05:31
ArrenLexj0rg3: What happen? xD05:31
screechingcatbruenig, i am behind a router. but then how can u explain the way ktorrent works fine behind the router too ?05:31
j0rg3ArrentLex:  This is all way over my head.05:31
screechingcatA new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsetter is out05:32
silly_girl22screechingcat: i dont understand that plugin. its for port forwarding? how can it set up port forwarding on my router?05:32
ArrenLexj0rg: what is?05:32
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EnsignRedshirtHello, world.05:32
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:32
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EnsignRedshirtSince the upgrade of Firefox to 1.5 in breezy, my media plugins are messed up.05:33
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screechingcatsilly_girl22, i dont think its for port forwarding. im not sure but it might be insecure for your computer too. but i just hit load and torrents speed up massively05:33
bruenigscreechingcat, well you were talking about the upnp plugin. That is essentially what that does I think. Never looked to deeply into that as I don't need it. But I thought upnp had something to do with port forwarding and the like.05:33
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j0rg3The conversation 'twixt screechingcat and bruenug.05:34
=== GaryS [n=icechat5@c-24-14-212-214.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtCan anyone play the program availabe from the blue "speaker" button at this web page in Firefox: http://www.thislife.org/05:34
=== railz [n=railz233@bas3-toronto63-1177641815.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatj0rg3, dont listen to it. i dont listen to half the ones goin on in here05:34
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railzi'm playing around with fstab, I've never known a way of linux to 'reissue' whats in fstab without rebooting05:34
noxxlewhy does edgy take twice as long to boot?05:34
railzis there a way to do that?05:34
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noxxledapper took me 50s, edgy is taking 2min05:34
j0rg3I am n00b -- it sux05:35
screechingcati hate the new edgy usplash05:35
noxxlealso, edgy recognizes my soundcard, however it doesnt recognize my speakers!05:35
vertana_I like the new one better than Dapper.05:35
noxxleHOW SILLY IS THAT05:35
vertana_It's cleaner.05:35
vertana_(Although I would still like the messages to be there)05:35
screechingcatthe dapper one is just fine. but they should just lose the text05:35
bruenigj0rg3, none of this has to do with ubuntu or linux. The same conversation could be had in a nerdy windows room.05:35
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noxxleis anyone else getting longer boots under edgy??05:36
cuma_cumii think dapper make ubuntu more friendly ya05:36
j0rg3Maybe - but Windows suxks.05:36
screechingcatj0rg3, or in #utorrent or #torrents or whatever05:36
vertana_My boot time decreased.05:36
screechingcatnoxxle, me me me05:36
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noxxlealso can you recommend me a app that i can monitor my system's temperature??05:36
bruenigscreechingcat, I hate that usplash too. Kind of makes you keep the ugly theme just to keep everything consistent. Hopefully people will come out with new usplashes though because this one is so pronounced for different themes.05:36
flowbothow do i set extra PATH variables in edgy? from what i remember, it is in ~/bash_profile, but it's not working ... it's not even picking up my home ~/bin folder05:37
screechingcatbruenig, i agree completely05:37
=== rredd4 [n=jmb@66-191-17-237.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexflowbot: isn't your path in /etc/environment?05:37
j0rg3I don't understand most of what I see.  I am *SO* n00b.05:37
screechingcati heard someone was building a graphical usplash changing app. what happened to it ?05:38
flowbotArrenLex, i'll check it out ... but isn't there a way of doing it per user, rather than globally?05:38
EnsignRedshirtrailz: I'm not sure it will do exactly what you want, but check out the -a option in the mount command.05:38
rredd4aru  hi...05:38
noxxlealso can you recommend me a app that i can monitor my system's temperature??05:38
fdelacruzsir anyone know ip subnetting05:38
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
vertana_j0rg3: It takes time and experience (neither of which I have yet :P).  Please refrain from using words such as "n00b."05:38
screechingcatj0rg3, start at the ubuntu wiki. read some random pages. whenever you see something you find intereseting in IRC but dont understand it, then look it up on wikipedia or the wiki05:38
bruenigscreechingcat, a script should do. Just one that asks for the path to the usplash and then does its thing shouldn't be hard once somebody figures out or knows how exactly you go about changing the usplash05:38
j0rg3Sorry, why is it bad to refer to myslef as that forbidden term?05:39
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wastrelbah why won't my printerrrrr print i hate printers05:39
=== SuperMiguel [n=miguel@252-223.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
vertana_j0rg3: It implies ignorance and/or immaturity.05:39
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-68-203-223-229.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
flowbotit implies ... noobity05:40
wastreldear people.  i have a breezy system with a printer that works, and am trying to print to it from my dapper system.05:40
sladenbruenig: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so05:40
screechingcatbruenig, yeah thats true05:40
bruenigj0rg3, you catch on quickly. If you stay in here and try to follow along as much as possible when people ask and answer question with your own system, you will learn a lot. That is where I learned nearly all I know.05:40
wastrelhow do i get this working?05:40
=== flaco [n=flaco@pc-212-191.nunoa.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu
vertana_j0rg3: I haven't used Linux for very long, but I've learned all my knowledge here and www.ubuntuguide.org05:40
screechingcatwastrel, what ?05:40
ArrenLexnoxxle: if you just want to see what the temperature is, you can just use "cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature"05:40
vertana_Not all.. but a vast portion :)05:40
ArrenLexnoxxle: if you want to monitor it, try gkrellm05:41
wastrelscreechingcat:  printer05:41
j0rg3Ok.  I will strike that term from my vocabulary.05:41
screechingcatwastrel, repeat please  ?05:41
=== boris55 [n=richards@16.charlotte-02rh16rt-03rh15rt.nc.dial-access.att.net] has left #ubuntu []
wastreli have a breezy system with a printer that works, and am trying to print to it from my dapper system.05:41
screechingcatvia network >05:42
ArrenLexscreechingcat: network printer. The printer is on one computer. How does he print to it from another?05:42
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rredd4what driver should I use for lexmark  printer in dapper?05:42
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screechingcatwastrel, sorry mate. i have no idea about network printers. just be patient and someone who DOES know will answer05:43
=== seamus7 [n=seamus7@h39.7.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
TraeI've made changes to /boot/grub/menu.lst   how do I propogate those to the MBR?05:43
j0rg3Time for me to sleep-sleep-sleep.  Thanks!  Talk to your l8r.05:44
HealotTrae: you want to install grub onto MBR?05:44
sproingieTrae: you don't.  grub will read it05:44
Lord_KitchenerTrae: you don't do anything since grub will see your changes automatically05:44
TraeI used the restore line05:44
Traefrom ! grub05:44
Traethe bot help05:45
Traeand got back into my system05:45
Traebut grub, on my mbr isn't reading that Ubuntu /boot/grub/menu.lst now05:45
TraeI need ot know how to re-install it05:45
screechingcatdoes removing openoffice break a lot of thing in dapper ?05:45
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sproingiescreechingcat: doesnt break anything05:46
Lord_Kitchenerscreechingcat: open office isn't a dependency for anything05:46
screechingcatsproingie, really ? even though it is so tightly integrated ?05:46
sproingiescreechingcat: it's not really integrated with anything05:46
screechingcatcoz im planning to install gnome-office and remove openoffice05:47
screechingcatgood choice ?05:47
sproingienot really05:47
sproingiegnumeric's a good spreadsheet.  everything else sucks.05:47
wastreli like gnumeric good05:47
sproingiewas one of the first gnome apps too05:47
ArrenLexscreechingcat: gnomeoffice isn't very good.05:47
sproingieit's aged pretty well05:47
=== AJ-- [n=FiXmUsIk@] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcati dont use the office suites that much. but whenever i do its just for reading a few docs and spreadsheets and openoffice is VERY slow for that05:48
EnsignRedshirtscreechingcat: In breezy, the metapackage ubuntu-desktop depends on openoffice.05:48
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seamus7Hi all ... anyone available to help me find a program's system tray icons (CheckGmail) ... I want to edit them to make them transparent but just can't find them. Ugh!05:48
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-69-207-130-14.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sproingieopenoffice is slow all right, but it's got the function05:48
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ArrenLexEnsign: yes, but you can remove metapackages safely.05:48
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sproingieif you just want a light wp, try abiword05:48
AJ--can i run the latest ubuntu release on 400mghz pc??05:48
EnsignRedshirtArrenLex: Yup, I was just about to say that :)05:48
Healotsure; with 256MB if you want to run the desktop :)05:49
ArrenLexseamus7: they're not in /usr/share/icons?05:49
sproingiewhich is of course the WP for gnome-office ... heh05:49
screechingcatsproingie, i already have abiword. thats what gave me the idea to get the rest of the suite05:49
ArrenLexseamus7: try dpkg -L <packagename> to see what files the package installed.05:49
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seamus7ArrenLex: let me check ... I looked in usr/share/pixmaps05:49
AJ--but i only have 128MB05:49
ArrenLexAJ: you CAN... but it won't be pretty.05:49
AJ--would it still be possible?05:49
ArrenLexAJ: I strongly suggest you run xubuntu or something even more lightweight.05:49
sproingiescreechingcat: well abiword really isn't even all that great, it's more like wordpad than word05:49
mister_robotoAJ--: are you comfortable with command line only?  :)05:50
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AJ--im not coz in new with linux05:50
AJ--i want to learn05:50
screechingcatsproingie, ah well ok. abiword stays then05:50
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mister_robotoAJ--: 128MB is painfully low05:50
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bruenigAJ--, it is possible 128 is listed as the minimum. It may not be too fast but it would be viable05:50
AJ--yeah i know05:50
screechingcatsproingie, my mistake. that was openoffice stays then05:50
AJ--gonna give a try05:51
frotz661does anyone here have a step by step guide on getting wifi with WPA working on a thinkpad T42?05:51
PMantisAnyone know how to move a NIC from eth2 to eth1?05:51
sproingiescreechingcat: if you need to open office docs, you probably want to keep openoffice05:51
wastreli like oowriter better than abiword05:51
ArrenLexAJ: again, recommend xubuntu.05:51
wastrelnow that my computer can manage oowriter at a decent speed05:51
AJ--tnx i guess i should download that one05:51
AJ--tnx a lot05:51
ZambeziI need to transfer files between two Ubuntu computers. I'm using gftp and installed openssh on both computers, using SSH2 as transfer, but it's so slow. How can I make it faster then 1300 KB/s?05:51
=== sproingie has openoffice on windows which isn't overly horrendous
screechingcatsproingie, i tested that. abiword opens docs pretty well05:51
=== antoniac [n=peter@naist-wavenet125-062.naist.jp] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
ArrenLexI never understood why openoffice was so fantastically large and slow. It's slower than MS office. And yet less features. how?05:52
=== JDahl [n=joachim@3e6b6923.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatsproingie, i have oo.o on windows too05:52
seamus7ArrenLex: I don't see them in usr/share/icons .... hmmm05:52
ArrenLexseamus: have you tried the dpkg -L thing?05:52
bruenigI like abiword better but I have too many .odt files and too many .doc files now to switch to it. Abiword doesn't open .doc files too well.05:52
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sproingieArrenLex: it's mostly written in java05:52
mister_robotoArrenLex: can you save as pdf yet in ms office?05:52
MaKaTiGuYquestion, is it possible to use voice chat in Gaim?05:52
=== ArrenLex hisses at Java.
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seamus7ArrenLex: I'm sorry to say I don't know what that is.05:52
sproingieArrenLex: that itself isn't necessarily bad, but it's really old cruddy java05:52
ArrenLexMaKaTiGuy: answer, no.05:52
frotz661PMantis: there's an program for renaming interfaces.  looking up the name now05:53
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ArrenLexseamus: what package did you install this mysterious program from?05:53
bruenigseasmus7, do locate checkgmail and look in all of those places05:53
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.05:53
daver2uis there any way to create a link on the panel to an app you want to run as sudo05:53
awilcoxIs there a program like scp but it moves files instead?05:53
PMantisfrotz661, I've looked in /etc/iftab, not there.05:53
screechingcatMaKaTiGuY, no not in the normal release. but there is a fork which is specially meant for VoIP and Video05:53
daver2ukinda like root terminal05:53
ArrenLexscreechingcat: the fork is gaim-vv and it is dead.05:53
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frotz661PMantis: hang on.  I forgot the name.  looking...05:53
screechingcatArrenLex, dead ?05:54
PMantisfrotz661, I have an eth0, and suddently eth1 is now eth2 ?05:54
EnsignRedshirtdaver2u: start the program with gksudo.05:54
PMantisfrotz661, NP. :)05:54
ArrenLexscreechingcat: dead.05:54
mister_robotoawilcox: you mean as in deleting the original?05:54
daver2uwill try05:54
seamus7ArrenLex: The program is CheckGmail ... I believe I added a repository (Asher ...) to get this program05:54
awilcoxmister_roboto, right.05:54
bruenigdaver2u, right click, add to panel, custom application launcher, put whatever command you want and the other information and that should be good. It is important to note that it is recommended you use gksudo not sudo for graphical apps05:54
ArrenLexscreechingcat: based on a version of GAIM < 1.0. Not ever going to be merged. No longer developed. Dead.05:54
frotz661PMantis: ifrename is what you want.  You can force interfaces based on their MAC addresses to specific names05:54
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screechingcatArrenLex, damn it05:54
ArrenLexseamus: how did you install it? "apt-get install checkgmail"?05:54
sproingieArrenLex: actually i think most of the staroffice code was some some unholy java to C++ conversion05:54
PMantisfrotz661, Ahh, makes sense. thanks05:55
mister_robotoawilcox: you could always front end scp with a script that deletes the files afterward :)     no, don't know of such a program05:55
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PMantisfrotz661, Kinda weird how a reboot changed tings though...05:55
frotz661PMantis: yeah.  that's why ifrename was written.05:55
daver2uok has anyone ever had java apps come up as a blank screen (could this be a beryl thing05:55
ArrenLexsproingie: I've used staroffice. My school's SUN thinclients have it for some bizarre reason. It wasn't better.05:55
frotz661so, any WAP users?05:55
daver2uit seems just java apps though05:55
ZambeziTransfer files between two Ubuntucomputer? Need help.05:55
=== EspenBe [n=espenbe@177.80-202-24.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lord_Kitchenerfrotz661: I use a script for WPA for me05:55
=== Oompa [i=Oompa@c-67-166-234-98.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigstaroffice is what ooffice is based on05:55
fdelacruzfrot y?05:55
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awilcoxdaver2u, yeah with my Java apps the windows are off the screen.05:56
fdelacruzim using linksy and symbol05:56
awilcoxthankfully I don't use many Java apps :)05:56
seamus7ArrenLex: after I added a repository to my sources.list it showed up in my Synaptic Manager and I installed it that way.05:56
daver2uno no mine come up as a blank window05:56
JDahlZambezi, you can use scp05:56
sproingiei had to use staroffice when i was at sun05:56
ArrenLexseamus: what package showed up in your Synaptic Manager? What was it called?05:56
sproingieif you think openoffice is bad, hoo boy05:56
frotz661Lord_Kitchener: can I see it (with passwords removed, of course) ?05:56
rixthZambezi, use SAMBA.05:56
seamus7Arrenelx: CheckGmail05:56
mister_robotogod no, not samba if it's between two linux boxes05:56
sproingietho it's better than applixware, i'll give it that05:57
awilcoxZambezi, def use scp.05:57
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Lord_Kitchenerfrotz611: http://kitchetech.com/docs/unix/wlan.sh also it doesn't have any passwords in it anyways05:57
ArrenLexseamus: then, at the terminal, type the command "dpkg -L checkgmail".05:57
awilcoxUnless you want to move files (*grumbles*)05:57
rixthmister_roboto, why not? It maxes my ethernet connection in terms of speed05:57
JDahlZambezi, scp or rsync05:57
seamus7Arrenlex: http://checkgmail.sourceforge.net/05:57
screechingcatsudo apt-get update returns this error - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26547/ whats wrong ?05:57
seamus7ArrenLex: oh ok05:57
PMantisfrotz661, I'm using Dapper, and I can't find ifrename, not even i the apt cache05:57
ArrenLexseamus: This will list all the files that checkgmail installed. Look for icons.05:57
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ZambeziJDahl, rixth awilcox  Scp is slow. Only 1300 KB/s with gftp.05:57
mister_robotorixth: because scp is FAR simpler and easier to use05:57
wastrelseamus7:  dpkg -c packagename  will list the contents of a package,05:57
daver2uhrmm i bit off more than i can figure out in 2 days with edgy eft05:57
rixthmister_roboto, hardly! What is easier than using something the user is already familiar with, nautilus?05:58
wastrelah that too05:58
ZambeziJDahl, Is rsync grafic?05:58
=== clever_ [n=clever@fctnnbsc16w-156034221096.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
mister_robotorixth: he didn't say he was familiar with anything in particular05:58
=== samuel [n=samuel@219-89-14-36.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexscreechingcat: does that happen to an ubuntu archive or a third-party archive?05:58
clever_what was that livecd optiono make it save all changes to a certain partition?05:58
sproingiejust use konqueror and fish://05:58
mister_robotorixth: if he's in kde, konqueror uses scp seamlessly05:58
samuelDoes anyone know the package that is Cannon smash table tennis?05:59
JDahlZambezi, no, but it's easy to use... best suited for incremental updates though.  Otherwise scp is good05:59
rixthEh true, but if he uses Ubuntu he'll know Nautilus05:59
screechingcatArrenLex, its the Penguin Liberation Front repo05:59
seamus7ArrenLex: thanks i'll check in the directories listed05:59
rixthmister_roboto, apparently it is slow though05:59
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frotz661Lord_Kitchener: so, is the idea that you run this on bootup and everything automagically works?05:59
mister_robotorixth: apparently you've never used it05:59
wastrelsamuel:  apt-cache search tennis05:59
Lord_Kitchenerfrotz661: no it acts like a wifi scanner and you choose what net you want to get on05:59
ArrenLexscreechingcat: that's the problem. Apt uses encryption now. You need keys for that repo. I suggest you google on how to do this.05:59
awilcoxIs there something like mc that I can use to scp?06:00
ZambeziJDahl, I installed openssh-client on the recieving computer. But 1300 KB/S is like 20% off possible speed.06:00
mister_robotoawilcox: konqueror06:00
frotz661I've created a wpa_supplicant.conf file that seems good enough for wpa_supplicant when I start it06:00
wastrelawilcox:  you can mount a remote filesystem with nautilus via scp06:00
mister_robotoawilcox: but you'll suck in a lot of kde if you're not already using it06:00
clever_theres also sshfs06:00
ArrenLexseamus7: dpkg -L lists all contents. Just look for icon files. You don't need to check directories.06:00
samuelwoo found it, csmash...thanks06:00
awilcoxmister_roboto, even though I do use KDE and I love it, I don't know how to mount scp...06:00
clever_which can mount a remote file system using scp06:00
rixthBug: xchat doesn't honor the 'preferred applications' browser in Gnome.06:00
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mister_robotoawilcox: use fish:// protocol in konq06:01
frotz661the network interface applet shows a connection through eth1, but I get host unreachables06:01
JDahlZambezi, scp should give you higher throughput, I think... Are you on dialup?06:01
Traethat's my /boot/grub/menu.lst06:01
mister_robotoawilcox: look it up, it's cool06:01
Traehow would I install it.06:01
awilcoxmister_roboto okay06:01
Traeif I do:  grub-install /dev/hda  will it read from /boot/grub/menu.lst ?06:01
bruenigseamus7, /usr/share/app-install/icons/gmail-notify-icon.png06:01
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sproingienautilus has a ssh:// protocol, no?06:01
awilcoxmister_roboto WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW06:02
ZambeziJDahl, No. Fast broadband and both computer in the same room.06:02
PMantisI added a NIC to a Dapper server, it came up as eth1. I configed it, rebooted, and it came up as eth2, unconfig'd again.06:02
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mister_robotoawilcox: yeah :)06:02
awilcoxfish://awilcox@ worked...I'm amazed, THANK YOU SO MUCH mister_roboto!!!!!!!06:02
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seamus7bruenig: let me check there06:02
screechingcatok anybody using the PLF repos here ?06:02
ArrenLexPMantis: nics are defined in /etc/network/interfaces. Check there?06:02
bruenigseamus7, it looks big but looks like the one that might be used06:02
mister_robotoawilcox: no problem.   :)06:03
awilcoxwell bye all06:03
awilcoxoff to go fishing :P06:03
=== nicolas1 [n=nicolas@modemcable030.209-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
awilcoxsudo konqueror06:03
=== ArrenLex writes fish down for future use; looks awesome.
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awilcoxoops wrong terminal :)06:03
=== awilcox has to use irssi when Konqueror is running for some strange reason
JDahlZambezi, oh - you got 1.3MB/s then? I read it as 1.3KB/s06:04
PMantisArrenLex, Yeah, it's there as eth1. only eth0 exists in /etc/iftab. eth0 comes up fine, but the next nic now skips eth1, goes to eth206:04
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nicolas1quelqu'un a remarquer que dd quitte toujours en segfault06:04
awilcoxZambezi, 10Mbps or 100Mbps?06:04
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:04
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ArrenLexPMantis: what would happen if you just changed eth1 to eth2 in that file?06:05
awilcoxnicolas1 said something like: Why does dd quit today with error segfault?06:05
ubotuplf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf - mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc06:05
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awilcoxArrenLex, I already did that :)06:05
nicolas1does anyone knows why dd always segfaults ?06:05
ZambeziJDahl, awilcox  The LAN is 100 MBit. Will rsync replace openssh-server?06:05
daver2uis gnome power manager essential on a desktop?06:05
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=== awilcox kinda forgets French after eight years :)
ArrenLexawilcox: I took ubotu's french as a user speaking french and helpfully directed ubotu to ubuntu-fr! =D06:06
frotz661rsync and ssh are two different beasts06:06
=== ArrenLex is helpful
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bonjour - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:06
thomas_he's not french.06:06
=== Zeenux [n=zaven@24-205-4-140.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
JDahlZambezi, isn't rsync is an intelligent frontend to ssh?06:06
thomas_JDahl no.06:06
awilcoxArrenLex thomas_ LOL06:06
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thomas_JDahl: rsync is an intelligent transfer system, that can take into account a file's metadata.06:07
ZeenuxQuestion: Can I install KDE over GNOME un Ubuntu b(not Kubuntu) and have everything still work the same way06:07
jpatotawhats the file you create if you want applications to start as soon as you start X06:07
awilcoxZeenux, yes, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:07
thomas_Zeenux: absolutely.06:07
ArrenLexZeenux: what "everything" is this?06:07
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JDahlthomas_, how does rsync transfer files?  I thought it used ssh, but maybe that's just optional06:07
ZambeziJDahl, Jag would like to transfer the files secure, but faster than 1,3 MB/s. 5 MB/s is okay, 10 MB/s would be wounderful.06:07
awilcoxI play glines in KDE every now and again :)06:07
Zeenuxeverything is anything that I got when I installed Ubuntu06:07
PMantisArrenLex, It may just bring the interface up... then I have to change all services that are bound to eth106:08
thomas_Zeenux: it will replace your login screen with KDE's login screen, but you will still be able to choose to log into gnome.06:08
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anilomkarI am getting an warning message "This Program cannot start until you start the dbus session service." every time i am starting Ubuntu please help me06:08
awilcoxthomas_ actually no.06:08
PMantisArrenLex, Then who knows what it'll be on the next reboot... eth3? eth4, or back to eth1?06:08
Zeenuxcool, thanks. I just prefer KDE over GNOME.06:08
awilcoxZeenux, me too :)06:08
PMantisArrenLex, /me just confused...06:08
awilcoxZeenux, also see #Kubuntu06:08
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nicolas1i just made five times the same boot image and it always segfaults, but cmp results no differences between the file and the device06:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cipherfunk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:09
awilcoxnicolas1, the file is known to work?06:09
Zeenuxoh, and i used to know this. How do I set up the su pass?06:09
awilcox!info cipherfunk06:09
ubotuPackage cipherfunk does not exist in any distro I know06:09
nicolas1same thing when i made an extra swap file06:09
awilcoxZeenux, sudo passwd06:09
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f4`vad3ri resized a partion in winxp with partion magic (a ntfs part) that exists on the same drive as my ubuntu install, now ubuntu hangs on bootup06:09
JDahlZambezi, scp has never been too slow for me,  but I don't know how close it comes to maxing out your network connection06:09
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f4`vad3ri assume i need to boot off of a live cd and rerun grub to rewrite the bootloader, how do I do that?06:09
frotz661JDahl: rsync rides on top of ssh.  the upshot is to synchronize a directory on one machine with a directory on another while keeping the network traffic to a minimum06:10
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:10
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nicolas1awilcox: not yet, but the byte per byte comparison with cmp says its ok06:10
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ZambeziJDahl, With Windows I had 7-7.5 MB/s.06:10
Shadow_milwhere is the limits.conf file?06:10
awilcox_stupid terminal06:10
anilomkarubotu, This is Usually started automatically in X or gnome startup when you start a new sesseion06:10
awilcox_Zeenux actually it's sudo passwd root06:10
seamus7bruenig: unfortunately that's not the one ... there are actually three the program uses (new mail, no mail, and error) .... I need to find those specific ones so that I can edit them in Gimp to get a tranparent effect ... I wonder what other folder they could be in .... when I did 'dpkg -L checkgmail' the contents listed included '/usr/share/pixmaps/checkgmail.xpm' which is in fact a gmail icon but it's not one of any of the three used in the 06:10
JDahlfrotz661, that's what I tried to tell Zambezi06:10
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Zeenuxcrap, it asked me and I entered. any problems?06:10
awilcox_sudo passwd changes *your* password :P06:10
thomas_.Ubotu is a robot to answer questions. it is not a person.06:11
Zeenuxrofl, ok, thanks06:11
nicolas1Shadow_mil: locate limits.conf06:11
Zeenuxso I'll change that back.06:11
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awilcox_thomas_ actually you can talk back to it06:11
awilcox_don't remember how06:11
thomas_its intelligent, but only so much so.06:11
ZambeziJDahl, Linux can't be so much slower. I transfered the files in Windows with encryption.06:11
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awilcox_How long will it take for IRC to realise I sent irssi the SIGHUP signal?06:12
awilcox_to get my un-underscored nick back?06:12
wastrelawilcox if your nick is registered, use the ghost command06:12
nicolas1do you people think dapper is reputed to be slower than breezy on a few pcs ?06:12
awilcox_no this isn't my reged nick06:13
awilcox_I have one06:13
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awilcox_just not this one :)06:13
wickedpuppy awilcox_  , awilcox is your registered nick right ? you can kill it with ghost ...06:13
nicolas1my friend updated to dapper, and i never found why, but zsnes and video playback were buggy06:13
wickedpuppyawilcox_, /msg nickserv help ghost06:13
ZambeziJDahl, What about this packages "scponly"?06:13
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awilcox_wickedpuppy, no that isn't my nick06:13
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wickedpuppyawilcox_, then you can't get it back06:13
awilcox_No I mean I used it and then accidentially killed irssi06:14
awilcox_it will eventually time out06:14
awilcox_I was asking how long it would take06:14
arepieafter i do "sudo apt-get install linux-image-k7 linux-restricted-modules-k7" is it usually will automatic let me use that after restart X ?06:14
mneptonarepie: you need to reboot06:14
wickedpuppyawilcox_, yes ... so ... no idea .... can take a while..06:14
arepiei see.. so i don;t have to remove my old 368 kernel ?06:15
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mneptonarepie: and when you're satisfied that the k7 kernel works for you, you should remove the 386 kernel and modules06:15
arepiei see..06:15
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JDahlZambezi, I don't know - you could try rcp instead of scp (apt-cache points to rsh-client),  which is less secure,  but that doesn't matter for your private LAN06:15
seamus7Hi ... anyone know where CheckGmail keeps it's system tray icons? They don't appear to be in the usual Ubuntu icon folders.06:15
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arepieafter install, and restart, it will use the K7 kernel isn't it ?06:16
Megadeushelp! I'm using the liveCD to install ubuntu (dapper) as a dual-boot with XP, and I'm confident in everything except whether or not to create my ext3 and swap partitions as "primary" or "extended." Which is correct?06:16
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arepiemnepton:  after install, and restart, it will use the K7 kernel isn't it ?06:16
mneptonarepie: it should, yes. you can hit <esc> to get the grub menu at boot to be sure.06:16
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MaKaTiGuYwhat application in ubuntu that uses SIP?06:16
arepiei see..06:16
awilcox_mister_roboto again thank you06:16
ZambeziJDahl, I prefer high security for my LAN too.06:16
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awilcox_fuse+fish = happy awilcox_ :)06:17
mister_robotoawilcox_: glad to help  :)06:17
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ZambeziJDahl, If I can tripple the speed it's enough.06:17
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awilcox_well bye all06:17
awilcox_off to shove all my laptop files on to my nice new 100G drive06:18
MaKaTiGuYwhat application in ubuntu that uses SIP?06:18
awilcox_MaKaTiGuY, which one is that? Simple Information Protocol?  can't remember what SIP stands for off the top of my head06:18
wickedpuppyMaKaTiGuY, what is SIP ?06:18
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MaKaTiGuYwicked: Session Initiation Protocol06:19
awilcox_Ahh VoIP06:20
anilomkari am getting this warning "This Program cannot start until you start the dbus session service" every time i start Ubuntu OS06:20
MaKaTiGuYwicked: i downloaded wengophone06:20
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ZambeziJDahl, Check here. It sounds good.06:20
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krypto84svmsg nickserv identify danic++06:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about voip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:20
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wickedpuppykrypto84sv, change ya password pls06:20
Madpilotkrypto84sv, time to change your password...06:20
awilcox_krypto84sv, not a good idea06:20
anilomkarwickedpuppy, i am getting this warning "This Program cannot start until you start the dbus session service" every time i start Ubuntu OS please help me06:20
MaKaTiGuYwicked: can u suggest an application that is capable of voice chat, like yahoo messenger06:21
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awilcox_anilomkar, please ask the channel06:21
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.06:21
berentunable to play vcd on vlc06:21
wickedpuppyanilomkar, no idea about that one ...06:21
awilcox_berent, try mplayer06:21
anilomkarawilcox, i asked the channel already06:21
awilcox_better video support06:21
berentit says caccess_file access error: read failed (Input/output error)06:21
wickedpuppyawilcox_, you can answer it if you know the answer ... we are not paid so i won't fight with anyone for the help.. :P06:22
Madpilotanilomkar, don't PM people at random; it's rude and it wastes time...06:22
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berentawilcox: even it says seek failed06:22
awilcox_wickedpuppy, huh?06:22
wickedpuppyawilcox_, the question he posted to me ... you can answer it if you want ...06:22
awilcox_wickedpuppy, I have no clue06:23
MaKaTiGuYubutu: how about voice chat06:23
=== wickedpuppy cries
awilcox_That's why I told him to ask the channel06:23
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berentproblem in reading / accessing cdrom06:23
frotz661geez.. this is annoying to get wifi to work, but I did it.  If anyone's interested, I'll post a writeup to comp.os.linux.networking06:23
awilcox_berent, all VCDs or just one?  All discs or just VCDs?  Have you tried Audio discs?  Data discs?06:23
berentyes all06:23
wickedpuppyawilcox_, look up .. he posted the question to me ... and you ask him to ask the channel ... i am saying thats basically asking the channel ... you can answer for me if you know the answer .. not necessarily i must answer .. pm is another thing of course06:24
awilcox_All VCDs, or all CDs?06:24
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berentcdrom disc06:24
berenti can't even copy them06:24
marcrosoftHey guys, I'm trying to install vmware-player on a 2.6.15-27-k7 kernel; however, there are only builds for 2.6.15-23... I have followed many guides and searched and have not been able to find much information.  Anyone here able to get it to work?06:24
awilcox_wickedpuppy, I'm not sure, maybe it's #wine, but I thought that one of the rules here was ask the channel not one person06:24
awilcox_berent, has the drive ever worked?  new computer?06:25
berentcp: reading `cdrom/mpegav/avseq01.dat': Input/output error06:25
marcrosoftI have also tried compiling the modules from source and placing them in the directories without avail.06:25
berentit was working superb with breezy06:25
wickedpuppyawilcox_,  there is no such rule .. the only thing will be to pm without asking for permission .. anyone can any question ...06:25
berentnow after i switched to dapper these probs06:25
arepiehelp me with ati driver, this is the log http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26551/06:25
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awilcox_no clue06:26
MaKaTiGuYwhat is the command to show the ports?06:26
=== awilcox_ hates dist-upgrade and just reformats
Megadeushey, all. I have a small question about partitioning.06:26
awilcox_MaKaTiGuY, what kind?  I/O ports?  TCP ports?  UDP ports?  Application ports?  Backports?06:26
MrRothsteinhey berent, i had a bunch of problems like that after an update06:26
HealotMaKaTiGuY: netstat06:26
JDahlZambezi, was getting some coffee - click where?06:26
berentwhat did u do mrrothstein06:26
awilcox_!tell Megadeus about ask06:26
MrRothsteinall of mine had to do with permissions being changed on device files06:26
berenthow did u do that06:27
MrRothsteinfor reading cdrom it was /dev/hdb06:27
MaKaTiGuYSIP port06:27
berenti am unable to chmod on cdrom06:27
awilcox_berent, sudo chmod06:27
MrRothsteini also had sound problems, that was fixed by adding myself to the audio group06:27
MaKaTiGuYport 506006:27
ZambeziJDahl, On the link. It has support for SFTP too. The adress is: http://www.sublimation.org/scponly/06:27
Megadeusthanks, wilcox. Question: To install Dapper alongside XP as a dualboot, should I create my ext3 and swap partitions as "primary" or "extended?"06:27
awilcox_MaKaTiGuY, that's a TCP/IP port.  show active ports?  or show a list of the ports and what they do?06:27
berentawilcox_ : it says read only file system06:28
MaKaTiGuYshow active ports06:28
awilcox_Megadeus, personally I like primary myself.06:28
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MegadeusI'm new to linux and don't understand the difference.06:28
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awilcox_MaKaTiGuY, netstat -l06:28
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awilcox_Megadeus, do you know about logical drives?06:28
MaKaTiGuYtnx awilcox06:29
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thomas_megadeus: it doesn't really matter as long as there are less than 4 primary partitions, and that you install windows AFTER linux.06:29
awilcox_Megadeus, in Windows it's logical drives, in Linux it's "extended"06:29
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dowingbaI've never had a problem installing Windows first...06:29
Megadeusah, thank you both. That makes sense.06:29
awilcox_thomas_ why after?  Every installation I've done is after Windows was installed06:29
berentawilcox_ : it says read only file system06:29
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berentmrrothstein : it says read only file system06:29
awilcox_berent, yes, well, you do the CD root folder06:29
MegadeusI installed Red Hat after XP in a class I'm taking and haven't had any issues with it...06:29
thomas_awilcox_: if you install windows AFTER linux, it will wipe out grub or lilo or w/e the linux is using.06:30
berentwhat do u mean06:30
Megadeus'course, I'm being more careful tonight, as this is MY box ^_~06:30
MrRothsteinfor cdrom, i had to change permissions on /dev/hdb06:30
MrRothsteinnot /media/cdrom06:30
awilcox_berent:     sudo chmod 777 /media/cdrom06:30
MaKaTiGuYawilcox: what is port 5060?06:30
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berentchmod: changing permissions of `cdrom0': Read-only file system06:30
awilcox_MaKaTiGuY, hold a sec06:30
dowingbaI'm being more careful...by not installing windows at all this time06:30
awilcox_berent, try        sudo chmod 777 /dev/hdc06:31
awilcox_dowingba, good idea :)06:31
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wastrelyou can't chmod on a cdrom06:31
Healotin fact, you dont06:31
dowingbayeah, I haven't even installed an antivirus software yet lol06:31
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awilcox_MaKaTiGuY - 5060 is SIP06:32
Nem1i need a shell programming toll.Where can i find it???06:32
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wastrelwhat do you mean by "shell programming toll" ?06:32
awilcox_Nem1, huh?06:32
PMantisI installed Ubuntu on a server with RAID and LVM. Upgraded the kernel, and the kernel can't find volume group "Main".06:32
dowingbamy system defaulted to /media/cdrom0 if that helps...you can chmod that directory, just not the /dev itself06:32
awilcox_oh tool06:32
wastrelwhy do you want to chmod a mount point?06:32
awilcox_he prolly mean tool06:32
PMantisselecting 2.6.15-15, it loade the MD devices, then looks for volume groups. anything later doens't do that...so no booting.06:32
awilcox_Nem1, I use bash06:32
awilcox_Nem1, also there's Perl, csh, and korn.  Python may also work.06:33
awilcox_Nem1, what are you wanting to do?06:33
Nem1) awilcox, ok i'll try bash06:33
dowingbaPMantis, did you compile the kernel or use a .deb package?06:33
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peepsis there some command to register my IRC username?06:34
awilcox_peeps yes06:34
awilcox_peeps try /msg NickServ help06:34
PMantisdowingba, All through "apt-get upgrade".. so deb06:34
JDahlNem1, if you want to learn just one tool at least consider Python06:34
PMantisdowingba, No sources.list changes, all official repos06:34
rbilanyone here with a laptop that has a Synaptics TouchPad that would be interested in testing a python script I wrote to control it?06:34
dowingbayou've got me on that one06:34
awilcox_rbil sure06:34
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awilcox_rbil I have one06:35
awilcox_rbil what does it do?06:35
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dowingbaPMantis all i can think is that the package corrupted somehow during the download06:35
berentmrrothstein : it says read only file system06:35
rbilI have to warn u, this is my first Python script and would appreciate feedback. Use At Your Own Risk :-)06:35
MaKaTiGuYawilcox: how  do i uninstall application in ubuntu06:35
dowingbabut usually apt would tell you that06:35
awilcox_rbil, is your nick like "Ralf Brown's Interrupt List"?06:35
MegadeusThe Ubuntu installer is asking if I'd like to make my largest partition (the one that has windows on it now) into /media/hda2. This just means that it wants to keep the device accessible to me, right?06:35
MrRothsteineven in /dev/hd(b/c) ?06:35
awilcox_MaKaTiGuY, sudo apt-get remove program-name06:35
berentmrrothstein : yes06:35
awilcox_rbil, I like danger :P06:36
rbilawilcox, can I post a url here to the script?06:36
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rbilit's posted in my blog06:36
PMantisdowingba, Yeah... kinda weird.06:36
wastrelawilcox_:  is the hung irc process still running on your box?06:36
wastreleeew ircing with gaim06:36
dowingbaPMantis just try it again... sudo apt-get kernel.so.and.so06:37
dowingbadid it make a backup that you could access in GRUB?06:37
awilcox_wastrel no06:37
awilcox_wastrel, nope killed accidentially06:37
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berentawilcox_ : still unable to read06:37
dowingbaubuntu.old or something06:37
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MaKaTiGuYawil: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:37
PMantisdowingba, Server is 15-20 miles away, so I can't just reboot it and see if it comes up or hangs. heh06:37
wastrelweird :] 06:38
Megadeusat the risk of repeating myself:   Is it okay to let the installer use my windows partition as /media/hda2 ?06:38
MaKaTiGuYawil: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:38
awilcox_rbil, problem06:38
ThomasMMegadeus: it is if you never want to use windows again.06:38
MrRothsteinberent, can you create a temp file in the temp dir?06:38
MrRothsteinin the dev directory i mean06:38
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awilcox_MaKaTiGuY, try getting out of Synaptic first :)06:38
dowingbaMegadeus, just leave it and manually type in your windows partition into /etc/fstab06:39
awilcox_MaKaTiGuY, also that was *sudo* apt-get remove program-name06:39
dowingbaif you installed windows first, wouldn't it be hda1 anyway?06:39
berentmrrothstein : yes06:39
berentmrrothstein : after that06:39
MrRothsteincan you delete it?06:39
=== peeps [n=peeps@cpe-70-112-25-110.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rbilawilcox, what is prob?06:39
Megadeusdowingba: all I know is that it says "mount point /media/hda2" and shows the same size as the windows partition06:40
awilcox_rbil, File "touch.py", line 36, import os       SyntaxError06:40
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Megadeusit also says "reformat" with a checkbox, which defaults to unchecked.06:40
dowingbaMegadeus, I'd still play it safe and just type it into fstab manually if I were you06:40
rbilawilcox, sorry I'm just starting to play with Python. I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 and however Python came, it has all required stuff here.06:40
MrRothsteinberent, can you delete the file?06:40
berentmrrothstein : yes06:41
berentmrrothstein : :-))06:41
awilcox_Ah Megadeus, live on the wild side :)06:41
MrRothsteinreinstall from scratch06:41
rbillet me see what Python stuff ha been installed here06:41
MrRothsteinjust kidding06:41
Megadeuspfft. I'd rather not lose windows!06:41
awilcox_Megadeus, I would :) :) :) :)06:41
dowingbaI wrote a cd burning program in python once...all it did was find wav files and burn them, then open the tray...it 3 lines06:42
Megadeusbaby steps!06:42
Megadeusthis is my first personal linux installation, I need a safety net.06:42
DraconPernHello, how can I reconfigure my x mouse setting in the console?06:42
awilcox_rbil nvm06:42
dowingbaMegadeus, it took me 2 years to finally ditch windows...until ubuntu mutured to its current awesomeness, to be exact06:42
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ThomasMMegadeus: no problem....06:42
rbilyou got python2.4-tk installed?06:42
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awilcox_rbil yeah06:42
Megadeusanyhow, I can select "blank (none)" as Mount Point: /media/hda2, and I think that's the safest bet.06:42
awilcox_rbil when I copied it copied some extra spaces06:43
rbildarn weblog06:43
rbilmaybe that is the only problem06:43
DraconPernI am getting a "Mouse1: cannont open input device" eror. :(06:43
ThomasMtook me a while to get rid of windows completely... now i have the comfort of a VMware image if i ever absolutely NEED windows.06:43
awilcox_rbil Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?06:43
awilcox_rbil what does that mean?06:43
dowingbathat "easyubuntu" program completely made windows irrelevant for me06:43
Megadeuswhen i get/build a new computer, I'll make it all Ubuntu. I've been using the liveCD lately and really like it.06:44
rbilread the comments, you need to setup SHMConfig in xorg.conf06:44
dowingbaand if I ever want to play games (which is unlikely) I'll just pay $5 for Cadega06:44
dowingbaalthough, ironically EasyUbuntu was the one package I had problems with, it kept screwing up06:44
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MrRothsteinberent what do you get when you run "mount"?06:44
ric1Hey does anyone know where the settings are for aMSN? I set it to start iconified and now when it starts it goes to the task bar and does nothing. I need to set it back to start normal.06:45
MrRothsteinis there anything mount read only?06:45
Megadeuscrap. It won't let me proceed with the installation without specifying a partition for /media/hda206:45
ThomasMdowingba: look at wine first.06:45
awilcox_rbil okay restarting X06:45
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Megadeusah, nevermind06:45
ThomasMdowingba: it does alright for itself.06:45
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berentmrrothstein : /dev/hdb on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev)06:45
rbilfingers crossed :-)06:45
MegadeusI just deselected /media/hda206:45
dowingbaI've been using wine for years, just doesn't do it for me...only game I ever got working with 3d acceleration was Total Annihilation06:45
DraconPernI am running ubuntu under vmware, and the vmware tools has just broken my xconfig...06:45
DraconPernso.. now I can't get X running again06:46
dowingbaI'm not, nor do I intend to be, a Wine guru06:46
Megadeusokay. This is it. Wish me luck. Preparing to click "install"......06:46
DraconPernthere's no 'mouseconfig'!?06:46
berentmrrothstein : i can copy all directories in it except the dat files06:46
dowingba$5 a month is what I pay for Xbox live anyway06:46
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ric1Does anyone know where the settings are stored for aMSN?06:47
berentmrrothstein : i think something is missing on the mounting part06:47
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ThomasMric1: probable ~/.amsn/06:47
dowingbaricl, just a throw in the dark, but try /home/your-name/.amsn ?06:47
GarySHow would I enable the make command on Ubuntu Server, i did apt-get install gcc but that didn't cause the make command to do anything, I can't connect to the internet on that computer because I need "make" to install the ath0 wireless06:47
ThomasMGaryS: you need buildessentials06:48
dowingbaapt-get install make06:48
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:48
mneptonGaryS: you shouldn't need to do anything for MadWiFi Atheros chipset support06:49
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MrRothsteinberent what are the permissions on the /dev/hdb ?06:49
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EchoBinaryhello! perhaps someone can help change a file type assoc in Nautilus?06:49
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berentmrrothstein : 77706:49
mneptonGaryS: the MadWiFi drivers come with a stock Ubuntu install, and should provide the ath0 interface as soon as they find an Atheros chipset on the bus.06:49
ThomasMEchoBinary: shoot06:50
EchoBinaryive right clicked on the file and gone to the open with tab under properties06:50
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EchoBinaryi have there a list of several applications06:50
MrRothsteinthat fixed it for me...06:50
ThomasMechobinary: start off with what kind of file it is.06:50
EchoBinaryone is selected (not the one i want)06:50
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EchoBinaryi try to select another application from the list but it doesnt change the selection06:50
awilcoxrbil, it worked very well06:50
EchoBinarymovies files06:50
EchoBinaryavi, mpeg06:50
awilcoxrbil, one thing though06:50
rbilgood news, you're the first to run it06:50
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awilcoxrbil, the "TouchPad On" light didn't go off06:51
awilcoxrbil, but the touchpad itself stopped working06:51
rbilyeh, well06:51
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dowingbayou get what you pay for06:51
rbilwhere is the copy and paste problem?06:51
awilcoxrbil, that link you gave me, that I don't have anymore06:51
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DraconPernHum.. ok, I am going to have to reinstall ubuntu to get X working again.06:51
EchoBinaryi even tried #sudo nautilus ..  wondering if it was a permissions thing06:51
awilcoxI had to reindent everything06:51
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rbilyes, but you said u had to fix the script06:51
ThomasMdraconpern: do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:51
awilcoxI just had to indent06:52
rbiloh, ok. I'll maybe make it available for download then rather than depend on how the blog reformats things06:52
DraconPernI put in the CD, the computer boots the cd, but the old install keeps running the HD boot.06:52
ThomasMdraconpern: then restart it, and if it still doesn't work, you may be in bigger trouble.06:52
awilcoxrbil yes good idea :)06:52
`paulim installing bmpx and during make it looks for gst/interfaces/mixer.h etc...... if asked the bmpx guys and they say the ubuntu people could answer it help pls06:52
EchoBinaryThomasM: any thoughts?06:53
rbilI wrote it for a friend today. previously it was just a bash script but wanted to see if I could get a gui going with Python06:53
rbilbut he isn't around to test it06:53
ThomasMechobinary: make sure you click the radio button.06:53
awilcoxrbil heh wow06:53
rbilgood utility, do you think?06:53
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awilcoxrbil yep06:53
awilcoxrbil even though I do have a button right above the touchpad to disable it :)06:53
EchoBinaryThomasM: clicking right on it - the highlight even changes but the radio button selection does not change06:54
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rbilmy friend's Toshiba laptop, in some programs his cursor would bounce around if touchpad was on06:54
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dowingbaEchoBinary do killall nautilus  maybe it just needs to be refreshed06:54
rbilhe doesn't06:54
EchoBinaryhmm  alrighty ill try that06:54
awilcoxrbil yes, one of my older laptops (1996 Compaq LTE 5150) doesn't either and I may install that on it :)06:54
rbilI guess a hardware button is more convenient :-)06:54
ThomasMrbil: needs some deadspace on the touchpad.06:54
awilcoxrbil, of course, that's not a touchpad but rather a stick mouse :)06:54
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rbilThomasM ... what's a deadspace06:55
EchoBinarydowingba: no dice - #sudo killall nautilus06:55
dowingbathe radio button still doesn't check?06:55
EchoBinarysame thing06:55
EchoBinaryaye, no check06:55
EchoBinarymost bizzare voodoo ever06:55
awilcoxrbil, it's basically how hard you have to press down before it recognizes it06:55
EchoBinaryi figured itd be simple enough06:56
dowingbais the option greyed out?06:56
ThomasMmaybe the the program isn't available anymore.06:56
dowingbacause that would be permissions06:56
awilcoxdowingba, yeah but with "sudo" on it?06:56
EchoBinarydoesnt look like permissions06:56
rbilI think his prob goes deeper, as he doesn't touch it at all and gets this prob06:56
EchoBinarychmodd 77706:56
EchoBinarythe application im trying to select is vlc player and works fine06:56
ThomasMdowingba: you mean if he trys to open a program he's not authorized to?06:56
awilcoxrbil another thing06:56
rbilanyway, gotta run, thanks for testing it awilcox. will make a download link available.06:57
rredd4first time install of samba smbfs.  have done nothing else yet,  got these errors.     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26558/06:57
awilcoxrbil, make it accept a parameter06:57
awilcoxrbil like "touch.py on"06:57
dowingbaI just thought maybe nautilus itself had screwed up permissions, but sounds like thats not the case06:57
ThomasMrbil: what is it you made?06:57
peepswhat do people think is the best video plugin for mozilla?  seems like there are so many06:57
awilcoxrbil: No problem :)06:57
EchoBinarydowingba: i even tried running sudo nautilus, but that didnt work either06:57
dowingbapeeps, all of them06:57
rbilI'll let awilcox explain, gotta run :-)06:57
awilcoxThomasM, it is a Synaptic TouchPad enable/disable utility06:57
ThomasMpeeps: many people find totem-xine to be the best.06:57
awilcoxrbil bye!06:57
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ThomasMpeeps: because it handles video better than gstreamer06:58
ThomasMthats smart. should be integrated into xorg.06:58
dowingbaI use a mix between mplayer and totem...when one screws up the other always works06:58
awilcoxpeeps, I like MediaPlayerConnectivity, and use VLC to open that06:58
awilcoxso VLC06:58
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dowingbabut mplayer is useless without the w32 codecs, which are non-free06:59
awilcoxThomasM Yep06:59
peepsi thought you can only define one plugin at a time, how can you switch betwen multiple06:59
Lam_is there a way to get mplayer to lock aspect ratio when going full screen? my video gets horizontally distored due to widescreen06:59
awilcoxpeeps, MediaPlayerConnectivity is what I use06:59
dowingbapeeps, with MEdiaPlayerConnectivity06:59
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dowingbait turns all your media players into embedded things06:59
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dowingbastill have windows, megadeus?07:00
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megadeus-winsI finished installing ubuntu, now the real test is to reboot and see if I didn't die.07:00
ThomasMit installs so fast eh?07:00
megadeus-winsI'm digging the fast install.07:00
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rredd4help please    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26558/07:01
ThomasMif you're not back in 20 minutes, we'll send you help.07:01
dowingbayeah, took me about 10 minutes...which is why I'm so mystified that Sound Juicer only seems able to achieve 6x when ripping CDs07:01
=== awilcox loves Ubuntu's installer - 2 hours to install Windows, 20 minutes to install Ubuntu :)
megadeus-winsokay, I'll reboot to Windows and make sure it exists.07:01
megadeus-winsI'll be back to keep you appraised, either way, :D07:01
ThomasMrredd4: what's the problem..... sorta helps if you tell people what the problem is.07:01
rredd4first time install of samba smbfs.  have done nothing else yet,  got these errors.     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26558/07:01
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ThomasMi hope his windows got fried.07:01
ThomasMbut don't tell him i said that.07:02
dowingbayeah me too...it's hard to let go until you're forced to07:02
awilcoxThomasM, don't tell him, but I do too :)07:02
Healotawilcox: with my SATA II disk; just 12 minutes; unautomated install :)07:02
Lam_why does my front side bus not work?07:02
dowingbamy pirated version of XP died and I didn't have the product key...so now Linux has alot more space07:02
awilcoxHealot, ATA/100 20 minutes :)07:02
Madpilotdowingba, that's how I got sucked into Linux. Welcome to the Light Side. :)07:03
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dowingbaI started out on Slackware 2 years ago...trial by fire...now I'm living the high life with ubuntu07:03
ThomasMLam_: if your front side bus isn't working... how are we talking?07:03
ThomasMdowingba: there are simple ways around that..... but we won't speak of them.07:04
awilcoxThomasM different computer?07:04
Healotawilcox: I guess there always some differences07:04
awilcoxLam_ what do you mean by FSB?07:04
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awilcoxHealot yep :)07:04
Lam_my tower has a front side bus on it lol.  that's what i meant by that.  i plug my headset into the Audio Out on it and it doesn't redirect sound from my backside Audio Out to my front side07:04
ThomasMnow... you can edit some registry keys, and its done.07:04
rredd4ThomasM  i guess no one knows about smbfs plugin...?07:04
ThomasMsmbfs supports streaming i guess?07:05
ThomasMis that the big schpeal?07:05
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awilcoxLam_, so you want your backside to redirect to your frontside?  hmm, sounds complicated :)07:05
ThomasMsounds homo-erotic.07:05
rredd4ThomasM  its for file sharing and printer sharing from a windows computer07:06
dowingbathey have diapers for that07:06
Lam_yeah. windows seemed to do that automatically and i always assumed it was a BIOS thing07:06
rredd4to linux07:06
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ThomasMrredd4: you know thats not needed right? windows already has smb, and smb is only for linux to be able to integrate into it.07:06
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Megadeusnope, I screwed it up.07:07
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awilcoxMegadeus, Yay!07:07
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dowingbayou lost windows?07:07
MegadeusWindows is dead.07:07
rredd4ThomasM  yes, getting errors on the linux side after installing plugin\07:07
awilcoxMegadeus, Yay!07:07
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MegadeusI'm missing \system32\hal.dll07:07
=== awilcox does a w00t dance!
MegadeusI need to reinstall that file or something07:07
awilcoxMegadeus, which Windows?07:07
awilcox2000?  or NT 4?07:07
MegadeusXP pro.07:07
romans5n1is there a way to map a remote FTP server into the filesystem?07:07
dowingbaMegadeus, I've seen this dance before, you'll reinstall hal.dll then some other Dll is missing, etc07:08
dowingbait's worse than "dependency hell"07:08
Lam_can't you just run Windows repair?07:08
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rredd4ThomasM  and i am following the wiki instructions   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently07:08
awilcoxLam_, that's Windows NT 407:08
MadpilotCan't you just delete XP?07:08
dowingbatry the windows XP repair utility if you like gambling07:08
MegadeusI could, but I'd really rather not.07:08
awilcoxMegadeus, I'm with Madpilot07:08
Lam_awilcox: really? my xp discs can do it07:08
Megadeusdelete, not repair07:08
awilcoxLam_ I've been able to do it with Windows NT 4, NT 5 (yes NT 5 as in Beta 2), and 200307:08
awilcoxnever XP07:08
MegadeusI used the repair tool last week when I accidentally deleted my boot partition.07:08
Lam_really? .. ok07:09
MegadeusI'm having all kinds of luck with this crap.07:09
dowingbafixMBR...we've all typed that before07:09
awilcoxMegadeus, did your partition table change?07:09
ThomasMmegadeus: you can always run XP inside a Virtual Machine if needed...07:09
awilcoxoh yeah the CONSOLE, I thought you meant the actual repair utility, with the repair disk and all07:09
MegadeusThomas: or just mount the ntfs partition07:09
Lam_Megadeus: i would just install linux, remove whatever files you want from your mounted windows partition, and just start over07:09
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Lam_Megadeus: that is, if i was keeping windows..07:09
MegadeusLam_, that may be what I end up doing07:10
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MegadeusI didn't have many programs on Windows.07:10
awilcoxMegadeus, are you reged?07:10
dowingbamake a folder called drive_c somewhere in yuour linux partrition, copy your entire windows folder into it, install wine...and forget07:10
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MaKaTiGuYwhen i play videos in youtube, there is no sound? what is that?07:10
peepswhat browser?07:10
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY, it's Flash sound problem, well known, see wiki07:10
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:10
mabusI win07:10
Megadeusawilcox: reged?07:10
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awilcoxMegadeus, your nick registered?07:11
dcordeshow can i go for k7 - kernel in edgy?07:11
mneptonMegadeus: i would recommend 4 partitions. one for Linux's /, one for Windows, one for Linux's /home, and swap space07:11
Megadeusno, not on this server07:11
dcordesi install linux-k7 but still have "generic" on boot07:11
awilcoxMegadeus, oh okay, because I was gonna say I can PM you if you were to try and fix your XP07:11
mneptondcordes: sudo apt-get install linux-image-k7 linux-restricted-modules-k707:11
awilcoxoh and just to clear this up07:11
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Megadeusawilcox, would you be willing to email me?07:12
awilcoxI said "yuckers" as in that's not a good error to have in XP, not about XP, even though that is kinda what I think of it :)07:12
ThomasMMegadeus: may i ask what you'll be using your windows for? or if other people will be using it?07:12
awilcoxMegadeus, yeah07:12
ThomasMMegadeus: there are other options.07:12
Megadeusthomas: other options to what? fixing XP?07:12
ThomasMno, for using xp. XP does not technically need to be installed on a partition to be used.07:13
MegadeusI understand that.07:13
dcordesmnepton: ah i think you helped me before and said i should install k707:13
awilcoxMegadeus, I'm     Andrew <dot> R <period> Wilcox <at> Gmail dot commmmmmmmmmmmmm07:13
MegadeusI'd also like the experience of fixing a broken OS, too.07:13
dcordesthanks again my friend :-=)07:13
ThomasMif you won't be using it too heavily or playing games or anything, it may be worth it to use a virtual machine.07:13
awilcox^^^^^ that should prevent the spambot harvest :)07:13
mneptondcordes: i may well have done so. i like arch-specific kernels :)07:13
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dcordesmnepton: what's an arch specific-kernel?07:14
ThomasMMegadeus: in that case good luck. Look up the VMwarePlayer option.07:14
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mneptondcordes: architecture specific. 386 vs 686 vs k7 etc etc07:14
dcordesmnepton: oh i see07:14
awilcoxdcordes, meaning architecture specific, like Intel x86, AMD64, x86_64, K707:14
dowingbaok I have a problem perhaps somebody could help with...is there any way to get ubuntu to think my usb ports are firewire ports?07:15
awilcoxMegadeus, ignore him, I could never get VMwarePlayer working07:15
awilcoxMegadeus, use Qemu instead07:15
dowingbaI'm trying to do some video capture from a DV camera but linux only seems to recognize firewire for that sort of thing07:15
=== awilcox is installing XP inside Qemu at this very moment
babothere's no mod_log_mysql in the repos ?07:15
ThomasMwell you can use Qemu to make the disk image on your hard drive, and then VMware player for extra support like USB etc...07:15
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo07:16
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare07:16
Megadeushrm. Thomas, Awilcox, does either of you still use XP?07:16
awilcoxI use the #qemu weeky though07:16
awilcox****wiki not weeky :P07:16
harisundWhy does ubotu point to WindowsXPUnderQemu? Can't you run other OS using Qemu? Say FreeBSD under Qemu?07:16
ThomasMi hardly ever do, i only keep it just in case, for school or something.07:16
awilcoxMegadeus, on a real computer?  noooooooooooo07:16
awilcoxharisund, yes07:16
awilcoxharisund, 99.9999999999% of the population wouldn't do that though :)07:17
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awilcoxharisund, most people that want to run FreeBSD will run it on real hardware :)07:17
Megadeushrm. I just know I'll catch flack from my nerd buddies if I nuked my XP installation. That being the case, I'm going to try and fix it.07:17
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awilcoxMegadeus, wrong nerd crowd :)07:17
mailinhhi all07:17
awilcoxMegadeus, try getting Linux nerds07:17
ThomasMi tried freebsd one time. burned in the installation. couldn't detect the geometry of my hard drive.07:17
ZeenuxIf I make a neat looking ubuntu themed desktop image, can I submit it, and maybe get it distributed in future Ubuntu versions?07:17
ThomasMweak eh07:17
awilcoxeven start a LUG07:18
mailinhmay i ask 1 question07:18
mailinhhow i can upgrade system via a proxy07:18
ThomasMZeenux: probably not. but you'll be loved over at gnome-look.org07:18
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awilcoxThomasM, hmm I've installed it on a P3/1000 and a P1/100 with no probs :)07:18
ThomasMmy hard drive is touchy though. i think it got toasty a couple times.07:18
dowingbamy desktop background is a background from Super Mario Bros.  doesn't have much to do with gnome or ubuntu though07:18
ThomasMi had it in my xbox for a while.07:18
Zeenuxi may just start linking to them here, and let the 1 or two people who want it, use it07:18
MadpilotZeenux, as ThomasM said, probably not, but try #ubuntu-art anyway - more contributors would be welcome!07:19
awilcoxThomasM, my lappy gets to 160 degrees fahrenheit regularly :)07:19
mailinhoke, tnx, i love it07:19
ThomasMZeenux: do you have a screenshot?07:19
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Zeenuxhehe, Ubuntu was a good topic to choose for photoshop HW then :P07:19
MegadeusI suppose I should try using my XP repair disk, then?07:19
ThomasMnot cool. go change your battery before somebody dies.07:19
harisundMegadeus, what happened?07:19
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awilcoxThomasM, hmm?07:20
dowingbayeah Megadeus, but I bet you it'll erase grub07:20
ThomasMMegadeus: perhaps...07:20
Megadeusharisund: short and sweet, I killed XP when I installed ubuntu. \system32\hal.dll wasn't found during bootup.07:20
awilcoxMegadeus, I think your boot.ini is corrupt07:20
ThomasMMegadeus: it will almost certainly take a torch to grub.07:20
dowingbaI can't imagine why only one file would be missing...sounds like the whole partition got wiped?07:20
harisundMegadeus, oh ... I think you have a couple of options. you could use your Windows XP Install CD to enter "recover mode" and modify stuff. If you end up overwriting the MBR, use the Ubuntu LiveCD to reinstall Grub07:20
Zeenuxokm, apparently KDE finishing installing, and its waiting for me to type something into Terminal. Do I just restart now?07:20
dowingbacan you access the partition through ubuntu?07:21
Megadeusdowing, wilcox, thomas: that's okay, I think this is God's way of telling me to jack around on someone ELSE's comp first07:21
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Lam_if your computer is rendering OpenGL screensavers, and you turn off your monitor, is the computer still using processing power to render despite the fact your monitor is off?07:21
awilcoxMegadeus :)07:21
awilcoxLam_ yes07:21
Megadeusdowing: haven't tried yet, but I assume so.07:21
awilcoxLam_ the display driver is still running07:21
harisundLam_, I would think so, since the *computer* has no way to find out if the *monitor* is switched off07:21
dowingbaMegadeus, try it, just to see if anything is in there07:21
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Lam_ok i thought so, thanks07:21
awilcoxThomasM, what did you mean by change my battery?07:21
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mabusCan you make UFS partitions with gparted?07:22
awilcoxLam_ no, I was asking ThomasM why he wants me to change my laptop battery?07:22
peepsharisund: the computer can tell if the monitor is connected, cause if I boot with my kvm on the other computer, resolution gets messed up07:22
awilcoxmabus no07:22
ThomasMawilcox: thats a little toasty, even for a laptop!07:22
Lam_ah ok.07:22
awilcoxThomasM, yeah I suppose07:22
mabusawilcox: anything that solaris will run on?07:22
awilcoxThomasM, right now it's at 116.6 F07:22
harisundpeeps it can tell if the monitor is connected (I guess by querying the monitor port) but it can't tell if the monitor is switched on or off.07:23
ThomasMawilcox: think about it... can set your oven lower than that.07:23
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dowingbashort answer, if you hear fans ever when the monitor is off...it's using the processor07:23
awilcoxmabus, no clue about Solaris, the only OS I haven't tried yet :)07:23
ThomasMawilcox: mine is 36 degrees.07:23
ThomasMdegrees celcius that is...07:23
awilcoxThomasM, actually my oven starts at 250 F07:23
awilcoxmines 47 C07:23
peepsmy fans are full blast 24.707:23
dowingbaoven? you mean microwave oven?07:23
awilcoxpeeps, wow, that's only 76.46 degrees Fahrenheit07:24
peepsi meant 24/707:24
awilcoxokay hold on07:24
ThomasMi also have a horizontal case, with 1 large casefan, 2 exhaust fans, and a half decent heatsink on my amd64 3500+07:24
ThomasMpushes the heat out quick.07:24
=== CadeX [i=Cade@ppp38-61.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThomasMused to heat my old room.07:24
dowingbaoh ye4ah? well my computer sits in a bathtub full of ice07:24
Megadeusdowingba:  I don't know how to mount that partition. (new to linux)07:24
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mabusawilcox: well what about VxFS, QFS, pcfs, or hsfs07:24
awilcoxmabus, never even heard of those, but I don't think so07:25
CadeXSpeaking of partition, i have a problem with that also.07:25
harisundWhat problem CadeX?07:25
dowingbait should be in /media/hda2 or something07:25
awilcoxThomasM, my over starts at 200 F, but my toaster oven starts at 15007:25
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dowingbajust go into your /media folder and see what's in there07:25
CadeX"The creation of swap space in partition #5 of IDE2 slave (hdd) failed."07:25
AeonPaxi dont have an internet connection at home, where and how could i download and install WINE? :)07:25
Megadeusall my /media contains is cdrom and cdrom007:25
=== Zeenux [n=zaven@24-205-4-140.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
CadeXI've completely wiped my harddrive, has no formatting... I keep getting that same error.07:26
Megadeusbut under system >computer, I can see the 44 GB partition07:26
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ThomasMmabus: only remotely good file systems are Ext3, Raiserfs, HFS+, and NTFS. because they are all journalling file systems.07:26
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awilcoxmegadeus start konsole07:26
harisundCadeX do one thing. Do fdisk /dev/hdd and hit 'p'. It will list out the partitions. Check if there is a 5th partition in there, and check if the file system type is 82 (swap)07:26
dowingbadouble click the 44 GB partition07:26
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peepsis there some program for throttling fans, my comp is loud07:26
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Megadeushangon, dowingba07:26
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mabusThomasM: well, I needed one that solaris runs on, but this is getting off topic now, I just wanted to know what kind of filesystems gparted can make07:27
dowingbapeeps, put your computer in a bathtub of ice,...that'll shut em up07:27
Zeenuxok, something must have gotten mixed up. I installed Kubuntu via the command I was given before, aft6er all the processes in Terminal stopped, I restarted. I was greeted by the KDE screen, but it still looks like GNOME07:27
CadeXharisund, how do i do that?07:27
harisundCadeX are you familiar with the terminal/07:27
CadeXNo.. I'm new to linux. Sick of using Windows XP.07:27
tuvis 6.10 out yet?07:27
ThomasMZeenux: because you logged into the gnome session.07:27
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dowingba6.10 is Edgy, isn't it?07:28
Zeenuxno, that looked like kubuntu too07:28
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ThomasMZeenux: at the login screen, select options sessions KDE.07:28
harisundCadeX, oh .. in that case, welcome to Linux! .... so I am guessing you know what the terminal is? (No problem if you haven't used it before)07:28
holycowwe are so killing whatever vista is comming out with07:28
AlienXmabus, i don't supposed you bothered to actually read the parted website or man page...07:28
mneptonyay! new jIRCii!07:28
Megadeusokay, the error I get when clicking the hard drive icon says /dev/hda2 is not removable07:28
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printkmnepton: jIRCii?07:28
CadeXharisund, no i havent used it before.07:28
huckI just installed OOo-Draw... but cant seem to find the launcher... can someone tell me where it would be?07:28
peepsholycow: i have beryl installed too, it is pretty sweet07:29
mneptonprintk: my preferred GUI IRC client. http://jirc.hick.org07:29
=== Marconius [n=marconiu@c-67-171-159-114.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
peepsin edgy07:29
dowingbaMegadeus go sudo /etc/fstab and see if there's an entry for /dev/hda207:29
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awilcoxholycow can't see it07:29
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=== mnepton needs to get `butane to package it for Ubuntu
holycowpeeps, i find the demo tastefull07:29
holycowvery tastefull07:29
holycowawilcox, you need flash installed07:29
=== Paul928 [n=Paul928@yuma-cuda1-g2-70-36-75-82.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
harisundCadeX have a look at my next line:07:29
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:29
holycowits  not pure eyecandy that is important07:30
Shadow_milHey... Ubuntu boots up to runlevel 2 by default?07:30
dowingbaby the way, when is Macromedia gonna release flash 8 for linux?  I still can't use half the websites out there07:30
holycowwhat is important are the little touches that make it'classy'07:30
dowingbaShadow_mil, used to slackware or something/07:30
=== awilcox hates Flash
awilcoxI mean07:30
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=== awilcox HATES FLASH WITH A PASSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
MaKaTiGuYguys, which do you prefer? ubuntu or kbunutu?07:30
mabusAlienX: it was a quick question, stop with your attitude07:30
awilcoxlost the happy07:30
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CadeXOkay okay wait, how do i open terminal during the installation of Ubuntu? I'm currently staring at a screen saying the error message, with a red background behind it.07:30
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY Kubuntu hands down07:30
dowingbaubuntu...I have RAM, why not use it?07:30
Shadow_mildowingba: what is slackware?07:30
chuckypholly f it finally worked.  needed to put the plugins in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins07:30
ThomasMShadow_mil: it boots into runlevel2 to start the user servicces07:30
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chuckypmplayer roxorz07:31
holycowawilcox, me too but for now it makes it easy to view videos without going through codec hall07:31
holycoweventually other things will supercede flash07:31
Megadeusdowingba, apparently it can't find a command in your statement.07:31
MaKaTiGuYawilcox: y?07:31
dowingbawhoops sorry, it's sudo gedit /etc/fstab07:31
Shadow_milThomasM: yes, but when I type runlevel says I am in N 207:31
chuckypholycow, I just installed mplayer from svn and mplayerplug-in I can pretty much view anything in browser07:31
huckfound it... "oodraw" if anyone is curious07:31
holycowit will probably be something that supercedes html too ... but i'm guessing too far into the future07:31
harisundCadEx .. oh so you are installing UBuntu? oh ... that complicates things ...07:31
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holycowchuckyp, sure07:31
chuckypWhy is the mplayer that comes with ubuntu so crippled about playing through browser.07:31
=== Zeenux [n=zaven@24-205-4-140.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Megadeushda1 and hda3, plus cdrom07:32
chuckypGot my porn back i'm happy07:32
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY I hate GNOME07:32
Shadow_milawilcox: kubuntu :D07:32
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY GNOME is just too unextensible07:32
holycowi love it07:32
Megadeuswait, make that hda1, hda3 and hdc07:32
dowingbachuckyp, probably because the worthwhile codecs aren't free so ubuntu can't release with them while staying free-as-in-free07:32
ThomasMchuckyp: because ubuntu doesn't use the Gnome web browser as a default.07:32
Zeenuxeverything is working fine now07:33
Zeenuxthanks guys07:33
chuckypdowingba, yeah but even after installing the codecs it still messes stuff up.07:33
MaKaTiGuYwhick is faster?07:33
chuckypdowingba, I can now play damn near every codec I can think of.  because they are doing something screwy with the compile of mplayer.07:33
ThomasMchuckyp: because its a free distribution.07:33
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dowingbaMegadeus, you'll want to add a line that looks something like this:  /dev/hda2 /media/windows ntfs ro,users,umask=022 1 0 1 007:34
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thehinmake money no joke!! http://www.netwinner.com/?signupCode=thehin07:34
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chuckypThomasM, your not understanding.  Even after installing the codecs via gstreamer or what have you it still is bogus.07:34
=== Geoffrey2 [n=Jeffrey@c-71-207-98-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThomasMchuckyp: how is that?07:34
chuckypThomasM, It works so much better now that I compilied mplayer myself and got mplayerplug-in working.07:34
awilcoxCan somebody block thehin?07:34
Megadeusdowingba, remind me why I'm doing this, again?07:34
ThomasMchuckyp: that you expect ubuntu to support firefox as well?07:34
dowingbato see if there's actually anything *in* your windows partition07:34
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Megadeusthanks, i'd forgotten.07:35
awilcoxMadpilot thanks :)07:35
ZeenuxHow do I add a link to Firefox instead Konqueror?07:35
dowingbanot much the repair utility will do if you formatted your whole system07:35
chuckypThomasM, for instance it still wont' handle w32codecs properly even with that package there.   Because it wasn't compilied with option.07:35
Zeenuxin the taskebar07:35
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MaKaTiGuYawil: are you using kbuntu?07:35
Megadeusdowingba: and save the file?07:35
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY yep07:35
dowingbachuckyp, you might think about getting EasyUbuntu and using it to fix all your multimedia woes07:35
ThomasMchuckyp: and by w32codecs you know there is no wmv9+ support right?07:35
dowingbaMegadeus, yes07:36
awilcoxon almost every computer in the house07:36
ThomasMbecause microsoft chooses it to be that way?07:36
chuckypdowingba, I don't have any multimedia woes thats what i'm telling you about.  Its much better this way.07:36
dowingbayour windows partition should show up in "computer" now, and hopefully you can access it07:36
Megadeusdow: okay.07:36
chuckypThomasM, I can play wmv907:36
Megadeusdowingba:mount point /media/windows does not exist07:36
dowingbaI say hopefully...I've never actually done this under ubuntu, just other linux distros07:36
CadeXCould anyone possibly help with this error? I'm trying to install ubuntu linux: "The creation of swap space in partition #5 of IDE2 slave (hdd) failed."07:36
awilcoxMegadeus sudo mkdir /media/windows07:36
dowingbaoh yeah, go sudo mkdir /media/windows07:36
printkCadeX: what's the reason it gives you07:37
Megadeusyou gotta tell us noobs things like that!07:37
dowingbaand, just for kicks, sudo chmod 777 /media/windows07:37
BordenCadeX, what are you trying to do, exactly?07:37
ThomasMmy point: don't expect ubtuntu to support every single codec in every web browser with one plugin. you just forget how much installing you had to do in windows to accomplish the same task.07:37
CadeXI'm installing Ubuntu, and while i'm up to formatting my harddrive, when i make the changes i always get that error message.07:37
THX-1138After installing W32Codecs what elsse is needed for wma lossless encoded files?07:37
Megadeuswhat does chmod do? allow regular user-access so I don't have to sudo it?07:38
nebulasrayis kubuntu developmental or is it up to speed with ubuntu?07:38
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FlannelMegadeus: no, you need to change the umask07:38
BordenCadex, are you doing a total format, moving partitions, or what?07:38
harisundHello! How do I allow XDMCP login for my GDM sessions?07:38
THX-1138Is variable bitrate an issue?07:38
ThomasMTHX-1138: they are not supported. look at FLAC, the free lossless audio codec.07:38
dowingbachmod changes the permissions... 777 is the easiest permission...everyone can access that07:38
CadeXCompletely reformatting the harddrive.07:38
Flannelharisund: On the login screen setup you can enable it07:38
chuckypTHX-1138, well I can tell you several websites that won't work properly if thats what you are asking?07:38
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peepsCadex: maybe your hard drive is failing?07:38
Flannelnebulasray: it's on par with ubuntu07:38
THX-1138ThomasM: Yes, - but it took me 4 entire days to encode my collection of CDs07:38
CadeXNo, it was working fine with Windows XP.07:38
MegadeusYES! My Windows drive still has all my crap!07:39
CadeXAnd mandriva linux.07:39
ThomasMTHX-1138: you chose a bad format to put them in.07:39
CadeXJust, not ubuntu?07:39
Bordenwait, CadeX, how many hard disks do you have on your computer?07:39
Borden2 IDE drives?07:39
CadeXOne 200GB Western Digital.07:39
dowingbaso I wonder why that one file is corrupt?07:39
Geoffrey2Evolution started shooting this error at me tonight....Error while Storing folder 'Inbox', Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync07:39
Zeenuxyay figured out stuff myself07:39
Megadeusit might have been at the end of the hard disk and got overwritten in the format?07:39
Zeenuxadded firefox where konqueror was >8D07:39
THX-1138ThomasM: Please find the Tardis i would like to go back now...07:39
dowingbaMegadeus, I don't see that happening unless the ubuntu partition tool is seriously screwed up07:40
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MegadeusI used a freeware defragger to get almost all my files at the front of the drive, but there might have been one or two towards the end...07:40
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CadeXAny idea's?07:40
BordenThere's something screwy going on, Cadex: your error message says "The creation of swap space in partition #5 of IDE2 slave (hdd) failed.", which suggests that it's trying to create a partition on a second slave IDE drive07:41
dowingbaIt's possible...repartitioning a drive you are currently using *is* risky, but I've never actually seen it happen07:41
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Bordenwhich, cadex, doesn't exist because you only have one drive, which should be the master07:41
CadeXI have a CD/DVD drive, and a 200GB hd.07:41
ThomasMTHX-1138: microsoft obviously made no effort to support other OS's. So you chose a bad format, especially choosing to migrate to linux. FLAC is an excellent quality lossless audio codec, and it's supported on every OS. I use them for all of my cds, and believe me, its worth the time and space.07:41
dowingbawhat I used to do when I'd dual boot -- use a linux installer first just to set up partitions...then install windows, then install linux07:42
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ThomasMIf its possible, i suggest you re-encode all of your cds to FLAC, as it's an open codec usable on all operating systems.07:42
=== drumline [n=chat@c-71-193-2-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThomasMi wouldn't expect lossless wma support for a long long time, if ever, in linux.07:42
BordenCadeX, if you have a moment, poke around in your BIOS and see how your IDE drive is set up.  It should read something to the effect of "IDE drive, master" and everything else should be blank07:42
dowingbaanyway, if you have an XP disk, you can try a repair, but you'll lose grub and have to install that off the ubuntu disk again07:42
Megadeuswhen we did the dual-boot in my OS class, we started off making partitions using a win98 boot disk and FDISK. that worked fine...07:43
CadeX@Borden, looking now.07:43
dowingbagrub is the boot loader if you didnt' know07:43
THX-1138ThomasM: You really are trying to be helpful , thank you for that. - spending another 4 days opening cd cases and listening to my cd drives spin isn't an option.07:43
MegadeusI did, thanks.07:43
ThomasMTHX-1138: then try this...07:43
drumlineSo, I just changed a ADS permission and I want it to apply to the Linux samba server...    do I just restart winbind?07:43
=== raknam [n=raknam@c-67-166-145-112.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MegadeusI just hope my problem can be fixed with the repair disk.07:43
awilcoxdrumline, yeah07:43
dowingbaI find the linux installers are usually more reliable at making partitions...it's hard to know what "F:" is going to be when it shows up in another OS07:43
drumlineawilcox: sveet.  Thx.07:44
ThomasMTHX-1138: use qemu or vmware player to install windows inside your linux, that way it can run inside a window on your desktop, and you can run WMP in there with full support.07:44
awilcoxdrumline np07:44
Megadeuswell, I'm going to bed.07:44
peepsgparted livecd rocks for partitioning!07:44
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awilcoxMegadeus g'night07:44
MegadeusI'll probably come back in here later if my windows doesn't repair itself.07:44
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Megadeusthank you for all your help.07:44
awilcoxMegadeus np07:44
dowingbano problem07:44
MegadeusIf I shut down ubuntu correctly, it should save the windows mount, right?07:45
=== f4`vad3r [n=joe@bas3-toronto63-1177641815.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dowingbayeah it will07:45
Bordensecondly, CadeX, are you able to set up partitions (not write them, but just block them out) on the partition editor?07:45
ThomasMTHX-1138: okay? and you can set up samba sharing between the virtual windows installation and ubuntu, that way you don't have to copy your files around.07:45
MegadeusAwilcox, you might be getting email from me.07:45
Paul928I need help with my update connection. Update appears to be looking for a proxy but I don't use one.07:45
THX-1138ThomasM: That might just do it. - No open source alternative seems to be available. Blaze media PRO would take at least a day to chew throught those files.07:45
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awilcoxMegadeus np07:46
f4`vad3rok, i'm not sure what happened here but i'm trying to fix my brothers computer with what seems some serious partition issues, he had some unallocated space which he formatted as ntfs in gparted with no issue07:46
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ThomasMTHX-1138: i would seriously think about encoding the rest of your cds from now on in FLAC.07:46
MaKaTiGuYawil: can i add KDE in ubuntu?07:46
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f4`vad3rlater, he split the partition to ntfs/fat32 in partition magic and since then ubuntu won't boot. the drive with ubuntu is also the same drive with the partition created by partition magic07:47
ThomasMinstall kubuntu-desktop07:47
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:47
ThomasMpartition magic may have messed up grub.07:47
f4`vad3ri have since used the live cd and reinstalled grub thinking no big deal but it still hangs on boot07:47
f4`vad3ri can mount his ext3 part and everything seems to be there07:47
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AeonPaxhow do i download WINE and install it later on my PC at home?07:47
=== mnepton finally has the two critical Java apps he needs on the farking thin client server
ThomasMaeonPax: you can download a wine tarball.07:48
f4`vad3ri then launched gparted off the live cd and deleted the partitions he created in partition magic and then reinstalled grub again but still no dice07:48
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BordenAeonPax - alternatively, you can download the .deb file from the package database07:48
MaKaTiGuYawil: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:48
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f4`vad3rso far i think i've reinstalled grub 5 times, i'm not sure what else to try atthis point07:48
Windwalker78Can somebody help with this please. It is a big problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=274764&highlight=813907:48
=== tieTYT2 [n=jane@ip70-187-175-240.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY, *sudo* apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, and make sure Synaptic isn't running07:49
=== blv [n=user@nc-76-2-44-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
BordenQuestion to the group - is everyone's Rhythmbox working correctly on Dapper?07:49
ThomasMf4`vad3r: reinstall it, but choose not to overwrite the /home partition.07:49
MaKaTiGuYoik, tnx07:49
ThomasMthat way his files will still be intact.07:49
tieTYT2ok so i installed ubuntu and it didn't ask me what i wanted my root password to be.  Am i supposed to not know what it is and just use sudo?07:49
blvsupposed to yes07:50
blvyou can set the rood password yourself though07:50
Borden... cuz when I run Rhythmbox now it segfaults just after it opens - it didn't used to do that07:50
MaKaTiGuYawil: its downloading, so whats nxt?07:50
mneptonWindwalker78: have you tried Edgy?07:50
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY, you reboot, then select "KDE" as your session, then tada07:50
ThomasMBorden: if you don't mind installing Mono, i suggest you use banshee.07:50
blvtieTYT2: system list, users and groups, find root,07:50
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Windwalker78I tried, but got a resolution problem on another pc...07:50
Paul928I get this error message when I try to update "  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)07:50
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ThomasMwhat port is :4001 ?07:51
BordenThomas - yeah, I've installed banshee and it's working correctly07:51
Windwalker78it always came back to 640x480 after restart07:51
blvselect properties, chagne the password07:51
blvexit those windows, then,07:51
ThomasMBorden: then why worry about rhythmbox?07:51
BordenI'm just more interested in the fact that something's gone broke on my machine07:51
AeonPaxBorden: i dont know which to download in the WINE site.. i've installed 6.06 LTS at home.. could you please give me a specific link of WINE?07:51
mneptonWindwalker78: if the problem is with a faulty module, athe new builds may solve it. have others repordiced this problem and documented it in Launchpad?07:51
Geoffrey2Evolution started shooting this error at me tonight....Error while Storing folder 'Inbox', Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync...any idea what that means and how to take care of it?07:51
MaKaTiGuYawil: what is tada?07:51
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY, means you're done07:51
awilcoxyou know?07:52
mneptonMaKaTiGuY: "voila"07:52
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wickedpuppy lol07:52
DraconPernHow do I configure init.d services?  they don't show up in the 'services' application07:52
MaKaTiGuYawil: on my other workspace, i downloaded the whole thing...07:52
Windwalker78<mnepton> I am a newbie. What do you mean by Launchpad?07:52
blvTYT, then system, administration, login screen setup,07:52
BordenAeonPax - just a sec07:52
f4`vad3rThomasM yes i could reinstall, and hell i'd probably be done reinstalling by now, but there must be another way07:52
mneptonWindwalker78: http://launchpad.net07:52
f4`vad3ri've mounted his drive, all his files are there07:52
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ThomasMf4`vad3r: i'd say all that partitioning has totalled your partitions.07:52
CadeXHmm, odd, I just swapped my IDE cables around in my pc and now it works. Oh well, i'm not complaining.07:52
tieTYT2blv: hm, i can't find root07:52
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blvTYT, security, allow root to log in with GDM07:53
AeonPaxok Borden07:53
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Paul928ThomasM _ looks like updateis trying to use a proxy and my connection doesn't use one.07:53
tieTYT2he's not in the list07:53
blvexit, log out, log in as root with your new pass.. ok..07:53
f4`vad3rThomasM, yes there are probably some partition issues, but as I mentioned I can manually mount them fine from the livecd07:53
ThomasMdo NOT log in as root in GDM07:53
ThomasMuse sudo.07:53
AeonPaxi'm really new to linux07:53
CadeXMe two.07:53
blv'show all users and groups TYT'07:53
AeonPaxbut so far i like it07:53
CadeXI havent even tried it yet...07:53
tieTYT2ah i see07:53
tieTYT2thanks a lot07:53
ThomasMblv: why are you telling him how to log in as root?07:54
BordenAeon & Cadex, don't worry, it took me months to get Debian working before I eventually defected to Ubuntu07:54
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azurealhi; trying to obtain matto font.. totally forget where it is07:54
blvThomasM I myself needed to login as root07:54
BordenAeonPax: the database of packages is at http://packages.ubuntu.com07:54
azurealgoogle is no help =/07:54
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ThomasMwhy is that?07:55
=== AeonPax looking up...
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ThomasMnobody needs to log in as root ever.07:55
BordenAeonPax, specifically, wine is at http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/otherosfs/wine07:55
blvi couldnt access my other partitions07:55
ThomasMblv then use sudo nautilus07:55
AeonPaxthanks a lot Borden07:55
ThomasMgksu nautilus07:55
ThomasMdo it.07:55
Bordenno problem, AeonPax07:55
tieTYT2i wanted to know because i was curious07:55
blvmy files were in an NTFS partition07:55
tieTYT2i'm not gonna do it07:55
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BordenAny luck CadeX?07:55
ThomasMwell it will mess up your system if you're not careful07:55
blvim careful07:56
ThomasMblv: that does not matter, linux can read ntfs no problem.07:56
wickedpuppyblv, ntfs can be read by default when you mount ...07:56
blvi know07:56
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blvone way was quicker than the other, i found root access before i looked up sudoing stuff07:56
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ThomasMblv: that and you could've always mounted the drive inside your home folder.07:56
ThomasMusing a sudo command.07:56
peepsi have an ntfs mount and never have to sudo or anything07:56
blvi installed ubuntu today07:57
CadeXI write stuff in PureBasic, which is multi-os, and apparently it isnt hard to convert windows sources to linux sources... So i'm quite happy as i'm a programmer.07:57
BordenAeonPax - sorry, that's not what you're looking for...07:57
wickedpuppyblv, i think what he was saying is .. its ok to know things but pls do not spread this cause it could damage the system especially for those new to linux07:57
ThomasMblv: well  take it from me, you never have to log in as root ever.07:57
ThomasMit is grossly insecure.07:57
Squeeewhat is the difference between madwifi and madwifi-ng?07:57
ThomasMyeah, newbs could hear things, do them, come back and ask why their system is broken.07:57
BordenAeonPax - do you know where to find the apt-get (or Synaptic) repositories?07:57
ThomasMroot logins are disabled for good reason.07:57
blvim very accustomed to distros which arent as stressed about root07:58
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mneptonblv: wel, they should be.07:58
ThomasMwell ubuntu is a very newb centric distro... its designed to be as easy as possible, no questions asked, take it as we give it.\07:58
mneptonblv: a root login is a needless risk07:58
blvi will follow the orthodox here, i hear you. i came here with a question though, am i forgiveable?07:58
ThomasMyeah sure07:59
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mneptonblv: what's the question? did it get answered?07:59
blvwhere is the fonts directory07:59
blvnaw i didnt ask it yet07:59
ThomasMif you needed to know, and if you are experienced, you could look it up on the net, ask somebody privately or something...07:59
mneptonblv: for individual users, or system-wide?07:59
ThomasMbut i would always suggest to others that they use sudo all of the time.07:59
blvim in a situation where im asked to use a specific font and not allowed another08:00
blvi need to install the font08:00
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ThomasMblv: you can install fonts in nautilus using the fonts:// location08:00
awilcoxblv, see /usr/local/fonts08:00
blvi think it would be appropriate now to ask how to sudo normally08:00
mneptonblv: fonts arte in /usr/share/fonts and you'll want to look into the app "fontconfig"08:00
azurealeek....i found my matto font in lfpfonts...but i cant compile it!08:00
azurealit = lfpfonts08:00
nebulasrayis synaptic gnome specific, as in if i install kde and uninstall gnome, will i still have access to it08:01
ThomasMblv: type sudo, it will ask you for root password. sudo is a temporary allotment of root powers.08:01
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wickedpuppynebulasray, i believe kubuntu has adept ... something like synaptic...08:01
mneptonnebulasray: you'll use Adept under KDE08:01
blvok.. so its like su in other distros08:01
awilcoxnebulasray, Synaptic works in KDE, I'm living proof08:01
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Healotnebulasray: as long as you don't delete the GTK+ libraries08:01
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blvok.. i had a third question, which i remember now08:01
GigaClonit has kynaptic08:01
wickedpuppyblv, no ... su doesn't just mean superuser .. you can su to another user ..08:02
blvcan i sudo apt-get install <dapper>?08:02
DraconPernI am trying to install sysvconfig (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SysvconfigHowTo)08:02
Healotsynaptic or any other GTK+ apps will run08:02
DraconPernit doesn't show up in synaptic?08:02
mneptonblv: no. what is it you're trying to do?08:02
blvim the only user on this comp08:02
ThomasMblv: you're using breezy?08:02
blvmost stuff doesnt for me im just updating an older iso install08:02
ianmacgregorblv: Are you running Breezy and want to upgrade to Dapper?08:02
AeonPaxBorden: what is the command line to install the WINE.deb file?08:02
mneptonblv: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:03
Paul928Does anyone have an explanatio/fix for this error on update? "  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)08:03
raknamso i'm trying to execute vlc through an ssh server on my ubuntu machine, what is the syntax for that? vlc "path/filename"?08:03
ThomasMblv: you can add the dapper repositories, then sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:03
ianmacgregormnepton: That won't take him from Breezy to Dapper08:03
peepsAeonPax: dpkg -i <debfilename>08:03
BordenAeonPax - have you been able to find the wine .deb file because I haven't?08:03
mneptonianmacgregor: it should if he updates the repos and gets the dapper stuff into sources.lst08:03
AeonPaxBorden: yes i fould it08:04
ianmacgregormnepton: Ahh, yes, if he updates the repos.08:04
BordenI've found the source and the uncompressed file, but nothing in a nice, neat package08:04
Bordenoh, good08:04
AeonPaxcurrently download08:04
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awilcoxmnepton, that's sources.list, we're not on Windows anymore :P08:04
mneptonianmacgregor: which is why "sudo apt-get update" is the first command ;)08:04
Bordenyep, so ' dpkg -i <wine.deb or whatever it's called>' should work08:04
blvthanks all, immensely helpful08:04
ianmacgregormnepton: That won't do anything until he manually edits the sources.list08:04
mneptonianmacgregor: yes it will. we added Dapper repos to the Breezy sources.lst just before Dapper dropped08:05
AeonPaxis "dpkg -i" the command to install the other packages?08:05
peepsworks for any .deb file08:05
ianmacgregormnepton: Oh, he already added the Dapper sources? Ok, I misunderstood.08:05
Bordendpkg -i installs a specific .deb file08:05
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AeonPaxah..  ok.. i should try that when i get home08:06
mneptonianmacgregor: no worries. i can barely remember to put pants on before coming to work.08:06
Borden... it doesn't handle things like dependencies by itself08:06
Bordenbut it'll probably complain08:06
ianmacgregormnepton: hehe08:06
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awilcoxmnepton, that must be embarassing, :)08:06
Borden(sorry, I've gotten a bit addicted to Synaptic so my command-line skills are getting rusty :P)08:06
scanfwhy does gedit warn: Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library when $LANG=en_US.UTF-808:07
scanfI think en_US.UTF-8 support is pretty basic08:07
mneptonawilcox: not really. my genitalia are too small and shrivelled to be noticeable by anyone.08:07
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blvpeace out08:07
mnepton(wait, was that out loud?)08:07
awilcoxmnepton, uh, yeah08:07
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=== awilcox thinks mnepton is *really* embarassed now :)
raknamwhen i run media players from the command line, i get an error message 'Error: Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly?' does anyone know what i need to do? or what that means?08:07
Bordenmnepton, thank you for sharing that.  You have make the room a far more comfortable place for all of us :D08:07
mneptoninside voice, outside voice.08:07
Bordenraknam, are you running from a terminal?08:08
=== awilcox can't believe he logged that
raknami'm actually running it from an ssh terminal08:08
wastrelmmm ssh08:08
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Bordenraknam, it sounds like it's complaining that it can't find an X session08:09
kaotraknam: over a lan?08:09
kaotraknam: try ssh -X08:09
azureali have my new font =)08:09
awilcoxraknam yes try ssh -X08:09
awilcoxraknam even sudo won't run unless you use -X08:09
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=== kaot eyes awilcox
ianmacgregorraknam: you're ssh'd in? Have you tried ssh -X (X forwarding) instead of ssh ?08:09
CadeXwhoaa okay, i just finished installing ubuntu from the cd, it restarted and i took the cd out... now its at some console asking me for a password, and i don't even remember entering one?08:09
raknami'm using putty on windows to acfcess my ubuntu machine08:09
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raknamis that a problem?08:09
awilcoxkaot, true08:09
awilcoxraknam, yes, go delete Windows, install Ubuntu on there, then we'll talk     j/k08:10
AeonPaxwhat is the package to play mp3 and xvid?08:10
BordenAeon, there are lots of them08:10
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awilcoxAeonPax, uh, lame08:10
ianmacgregorraknam: Windows? Oh, I haven't used that in years.. can't help you there.08:10
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kaotraknam: yeah, you don't have an X server to forward to in that case.08:10
DraconPernHum... the help for 'services settings' is really wrong...08:10
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awilcoxkaot, they make X servers for Windows08:10
raknamoh ok...08:11
awilcoxkaot, was in the Windows 95 Power Toys08:11
kaotawilcox: mostly they suck and I doubt he has one.08:11
BordenCadeX, was there a page where you had to set up your personal account?08:11
=== awilcox doubts he even knows what Windows 95 Power Toys are :)
Borden...which should have been before you did the partitioning?08:11
AeonPaxoh... maybe i have to find it first before asking :D :D08:11
raknamso what i'm trying to do is run vlc on my desktop accross the room without having to get up (every red blooded american's dream) should this cause any problems for that?08:11
CadeX okay, i just finished installing ubuntu from the cd, it restarted and i took the cd out... now its at some console asking me for a password, and i don't even remember entering one?08:11
raknamwell i can get vlc to open up, i just can figure out how to get it to play the video i want08:12
appGreetings from a live Linux/ubuntu class. we are 15 people here, and I ask all: what's your best hint for Ubuntu users? My hint was this IRC channel...;-)08:12
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DraconPern'Getting started' in 'services started' is showing another program which I need.. ideas?08:12
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awilcoxapp, use the Terminal, that's my Tip of the Day08:12
ianmacgregorapp: http://ubuntuforums.org08:12
kaotapp: live ubuntu class?  like, with a bunch of people in it?  Where's that?08:13
awilcoxapp, the whole tip:  The Terminal is more powerful than the UI.  Learn to love the terminal and hate X.08:13
BordenCadeX, is it a graphical login console or a text one?08:13
kaotoh.  Thought he meant like, a class at some community college or something.  :\08:13
awilcoxkaot yeah I did too, like at the rec center :)08:13
Healotubuntu books are everywhere nowadays08:14
awilcoxIf my city can hold MS Office classes at the rec center, I should start a Linux class08:14
DraconPernis there a sysvconfig equivalent in ubuntu?08:14
ianmacgregorAmazon.com has several Ubuntu books.08:14
wastrelupdate-rc.d mebby08:14
wastreldunno what sysvconfig does08:14
ianmacgregorDraconPern: yes, sysv-rc-conf is a nice cli app for that08:14
kaotDraconPern: something like sysv-rc-conf?08:14
appYes, we really are here in Helsinki, in a classroom!!!08:14
awilcoxBarnes & Noble (bn.com), Books-A-Million (bamm.com) and Borders (borders.com) all have a wide variety of Ubuntu books08:14
CadeX"Ubuntu 4.10 "Warty Warthod" david tty1     david login: _\08:14
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-107-193.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Bordenoohhhh, you're using Warty08:15
ianmacgregorawilcox: Thank you for that :)08:15
awilcoxWarty?  still using Warty?  wowwww08:15
kaotapp: that's pretty neat.08:15
awilcoxapp:  Coolness :)08:15
CadeXI got it from my work, i downloaded version 6 yesterday but my pc refused to boot from it.08:15
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CadeXBurned it onto a cd.08:15
kaotCadeX: my iso was b0rked too.  I ended up doing it via update manager.  upgrade manager.  whatever it's called.08:16
awilcoxCadeX, may I recommend if you can get that thing running to do a dist-upgrade :)08:16
johnficcaHi I use ubuntu but then I tried kubuntu so I downloaded the kubuntu desktop but it changed my boot splash to the kubuntu one, does anyone know how to change it back?08:16
Bordenwell, awilcox, he can't do a dist-upgrade because he can't log in!08:16
peepsapp: I used ubuntuguide.org a lot as a newbie getting started08:16
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azurealhmm...does anyone know why my abiword is having a very hard time reading .odt files?08:16
CadeXYes, i didn't even get to enter a password :/08:16
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awilcoxazureal, uh, try oowriter?08:17
BordenCadex - I guess 'Enter' doesn't cut it?08:17
CadeXI got to enter my usename.08:17
CadeXNope, it doesn't.08:17
peepsapp: and the forums of course.  the community is one of the best advantages of ubuntu08:17
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azurealawilcox, i would, if there was a point to installing 280 mb over 50mb08:18
yoshiznit123hi everyone, i have two ubuntu computers that i have connected with a crossover cable, and one is serving dhcp to the other. the problem is, the dhcp client can't ssh or ftp to the "server", although the other way around works.. any ideas?08:18
Bordenso, Cadex, do you remember when you were installing it whether it asked you to set up an account?08:18
kaotCadeX: try "ubuntu"08:18
azurealawilcox, i've had mixed experiences w/ openoffice's bugginess08:18
nebulasrayjohnficca, it's under system->administration->login window08:18
azureal+ slowness!08:18
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DraconPernhum.. sysv-rc-conf isn't in synaptic. so.. is there any way to enable/disable rc5.d?08:18
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Marconiushello, I was wondering if anyone had any info or suggestions on installing ubuntu on to a compact flash08:18
CadeXAll it asked for was the name i wanted to call my computer.08:18
ubotusysv-rc-conf: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-3 (dapper), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB08:18
CadeXAnd no, it still asks for a password.08:19
johnficcanebulasray, thank you08:19
ianmacgregorDraconPern: it's in universe08:19
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dudeawil: its done, i've installed KDE, but its the same08:19
Bordenkaot, is there some way that cadex can re-run baseconfig without logging in :S?08:19
kaotDraconPern: I believe the package name is sysvconfig08:19
johnficcanebulasray, I can change the boot splash screen there?08:19
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DraconPern'universe'?  sorry for the dumb question, I was mostly a redhat person.08:19
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nebulasraycadeX, you might try the adduser command at the prompt:   add user -username- than it will ask for you to enter a password08:20
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DraconPernI did a search for all packages of 'sysv', and only got sysvinit and sysv-rc08:20
CadeXIt doesn't even let me enter a command.08:20
BordenCadex, put the CD back in the tray and reboot08:20
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Bordenit's possible that it hasn't finished installing yet08:20
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MaKaTiGuYawil: how do i switch to KDE?08:21
johnficcaI need to know how to change the usplash screen back to the ubuntu one08:21
kaotDraconPern: ah I found it, the package name is sysv-rc-conf, and it's in universe08:21
CadeXThe message told me to remove the cd because its now rebooting, never said anything about putting it  back in.08:21
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awilcoxMaKaTiGuY, do you see the session dropdown thing?08:21
kaotDraconPern: so maybe just try sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf08:21
ianmacgregorkaot: I think he needs to enable universe first08:22
CadeXNope, it takes me back to the start of the installation.08:22
kaotianmacgregor: thought that was enabled by default.  been a while since I messed with my sources.08:22
MaKaTiGuYawil: where is dat?08:22
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CadeXi'll go through it all again and carefully see if i was supposed to enter one.08:22
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mneptonman, what a difference having jEdit available on my work thin client makes. it's stupid hopw much i love this editor. :)08:22
ianmacgregorkaot: He said he can't find sysv-rc-conf so I assumed he hadn't enabled universe yet.08:23
DraconPernkaot: it says, it is not availble, but referenced to by another package?08:23
BordenCadex - that's what I would do... I was hoping that you could avoid having to spend yet another 10 minutes staring at a little blue bar at your machine08:23
Bordenbut I guess it's better that than wasting 20 minutes to figure out how to get around it08:23
nebulasrayjohnficca, in your home directory there should be a .kde folder, you can remove the kde spash image and replace it with the gnome image, if you know the name08:23
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kaotDraconPern: ianmacgregor's probably right, check and make sure you've got universe enabled.08:23
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY, in the log in screen08:24
awilcoxwhere you type your name and password08:24
mneptonDraconPern: are you trying to alter what runs at what runlevels?08:24
SqueeeHow would I go about removing the madwifi drivers built into ubuntu?08:24
CadeXWell, i can't get the version i downloaded of ubuntu to boot up which i downloaded yesterday.08:24
mneptonCadeX: did you verify the burn at the first boot menu?08:24
DraconPernmnepton: yes, I am surprised that it is so hard to do on ubuntu vs other distro...08:24
ianmacgregorCadeX: Did you check the md5sum before burning? It may be a bad burn.08:24
Bordendo you still have the Dapper CD, Cadex?08:25
mneptonDraconPern: install *nothing*. man update-rc.d and man invoke-rc.d08:25
MaKaTiGuYthere's no log screen,08:25
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY, ??08:25
DraconPernIsn't update-rc.d for package manager only?08:25
peepsMakatiguy: click the button to log out of gnome, and it should kick you to the log in screen i think08:25
CadeXHeres what i did: Unzipped the iso, copied the files accross to a temporary file and let windows xp write it to them.08:26
awilcoxso where do you type your name and password?08:26
awilcoxMaKaTiGuY, you have to reboot08:26
mneptonDraconPern: nope. users can (and should) use it to adjust runlevel executions.08:26
awilcoxHello Laris, salami, and Thuryn.08:26
johnficcanebulasray, I found it the terminal command is: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so08:26
BordenCadex, are you saying that you tried to copy the .iso directly to the CD?08:27
CadeXNo, i unzipped the iso.08:27
johnficcanebulasray,  thanks for your help08:27
awilcoxBorden, basically he mounted it and cp'd it to a XP machine08:27
CadeXUnzip -> Place in temp file -> Windows burnt it.08:27
awilcoxCadeX, you have to burn the ISO directly, using something like cdrecord08:27
awilcoxnot the FILE, but you have to burn it08:27
CadeXOh f***.08:27
mneptonCadeX: use CDBurnerXP to burn the image file. the app is free, and there is a step-by-step HOWTO for Ubuntu + CDBurnerXP08:27
ianmacgregorCadeX: burn the ISO as an image, not as a file08:28
awilcoxlike dd if=whatever.iso of=/dev/hdc (but don't do that, it doesn't work)08:28
mneptonCadeX: GIYF here08:28
nebulasraycadeX, there will be an option, usually burn image08:28
CadeXAlright, alright alright.. I'll try again.08:28
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awilcoxCadeX, burn it in Linux like this:08:28
Bordenyeah, cadex, the problem with unzipping it like that is that it probably won't write the CD in such a way that it's bootable08:28
awilcoxsudo cdrecord -dao dev=atapi:0,0,0 ubuntu.iso08:28
BordenI'm surprised that you could pry the .iso open which is why I had to double-check08:28
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awilcoxBorden, easy, just mount it08:29
ianmacgregorBorden: mounting an ISO is easy08:29
awilcoxBorden, e.g.    mount -t iso9660 iso-name ~/iso08:29
BordenI've never tried to mount an iso08:29
PerhamXhello guys08:29
Bordenespecially in Windows08:29
Bordenwhich is what Cadex is working out of still08:29
awilcoxBorden, easier in Windows with a special MS utility08:29
peepsbut can you boot from an iso on hard drive?08:29
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awilcoxpeeps, no :)08:30
awilcoxPerhamX hello08:30
Bordenwell, I learnt something new today :P08:30
PerhamXi have a question on my pci modem08:30
awilcoxHey I have a question too08:30
awilcoxI have 156M free, what can I get rid of?08:30
PerhamXit's a conexant based modem.08:30
awilcox/dev/hda3             5.5G  5.0G  156M  98% /08:30
PerhamXbut i want to install it on my ubuntu6408:30
awilcoxPerhamX, yes, hold on08:31
BordenPerhamX, my guess is that you'll be using intel drivers08:31
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PerhamXno linuxants08:31
Bordennot that I knew what your question was or anything :P08:31
awilcoxLinuxant adds ATI, SIS, x86_64 support in new improved version of HSF driver!08:31
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awilcoxPerhamX, Linuxant works well08:31
peepsawilcox: apt-get clean ?08:32
PerhamXbut no packages of it can match my ubuntu08:32
Bordenah, maybe it's different on my 32-bit laptop that uses conexant for both sound and the modem08:32
Healotget a real modem :)08:32
PerhamXeven the source tar08:32
Borden... but actually uses the intel drivers :S08:32
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nebulasrayawil, remove some of the pr0n or get a new HD08:32
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peepsyeah you can get compact flash bigger than that these days08:33
awilcoxnebulasray, no pr0n here08:33
wastrelawilcox:  check /var/cache/apt/archives  - may need to clear out old packages08:33
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PerhamXi'm new with my ubuntu08:33
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Bordenspeaking of Windows, I have two somewhat unrelated questions: 1 - is it possible to change the Desktop folder to something other than ~/Desktop?08:33
PerhamXand i have the same problem on my suse 10.108:33
awilcoxwastrel, oh heavens, can I remove everything in there?08:34
awilcoxnebulasray, it's a 30G with wayyyyy too much towards Windows08:34
PerhamXcouldnt match any drivers with this modem although it's identified08:34
ianmacgregorawilcox: in /var/cache/apt/archives ?08:34
awilcoxianmacgregor yes08:34
ianmacgregorawilcox: sudo apt-get clean08:34
awilcoxsudo rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/*08:34
Borden2 - why doesn't the trash bin in GNOME work like it does in Windows where there's an automatic restore function and a capacity limit so I don't clutter up my disk in rubbish that I'm too afraid to delete permanently08:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about symbian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
awilcoxianmacgregor, well okay08:34
awilcox389M free wow08:35
misieqhow do i install symbian uiq 3 sdk?08:35
PerhamX :(08:35
Bordengood man, awilcox :)08:35
PerhamX :'(08:35
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awilcoxPerhamX, what's wrong?08:35
ArafangionWhy did Ubuntu choose Gnome? (I'm expecting a good url). Scratch that, what's the reason why Gnome is now very popular in Redhat, Solaris, Ubuntu, and so on.08:35
PerhamXi cant get my modem to work!08:36
wastrelhistorically, license issues with kde i believe08:36
PerhamXand no ones helping me!08:36
ArafangionPerhamX: What kind of modem?08:36
nebulasraygnome is more "free" than kde08:36
ianmacgregorArafangion: I think gnome is popular due to it being the default desktop in Red Hat for so long.08:36
awilcoxI hate GNOME personally.  KDE FTW08:36
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PerhamXi dont know what package to choose08:36
CadeXIf i can port my DLL over to linux i think my program might be worth a little more then $20 AU.08:36
Arafangionianmacgregor: That's a good point.08:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about conexant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
ArafangionCadeX: Which DLL?08:36
awilcoxPerhamX, please, use Linuxant, it got all three of my Conexant modems working08:37
ZzMVzZhello.. i have a weird issue with running kde apps in gnome08:37
PerhamXall packages for ubuntu is i38608:37
ZzMVzZfor some reason, if i have firefox running.. dcopserver goes defunct08:37
KenSentMePerhamX: you could try searching the forum at http://ubuntuforums.org08:37
ArafangionPerhamX: Which laptop?08:37
BordenPerham, fire up a terminal and type lspci08:37
CadeXA compression/compact dll i wrote for windows, i sell licenced versions of it for $20 AU.08:37
ZzMVzZif close firefox, then i can run any kde apps08:37
ZzMVzZits very odd08:37
ArafangionCadeX: Care to /query me?08:37
CadeXI've already made about $500+08:37
ZzMVzZcan anyone point me to some clues?08:37
awilcoxZzMBzZ, if I have Firefox (or even Konqueror) running my KDE IRC client blows up, e.g. why I'm on irssi right now :)08:37
PerhamXmy home computer, 64-bit core 2 duo08:37
ZzMVzZawilcox: hmm08:38
ZzMVzZawilcox:i hear ya on that :P08:38
Arafangionawilcox: A damn good client, that one :) (Especially in screen)08:38
ianmacgregorArafangion: CadeX isn't id'd to nickserv so you may not be able to see his replies in a pm08:38
ZzMVzZawilcox: but.. it was working a cpl days ago08:38
ZzMVzZwhich is the werird thing08:38
PerhamXhow can i compile the source tar in ubuntu?08:38
ZzMVzZjust today it stopped working08:38
ArafangionCadeX: Identify thyself!08:38
awilcoxZzMBzZ, yes right now08:38
awilcoxZzMBzZ, I mean yes, me too08:38
PerhamXit doesnt have make command?08:38
awilcoxZzMBzZ, it worked a couple days ago, then boom08:38
ZzMVzZis it something that was updated today...08:38
ZzMVzZlets see08:38
awilcoxZzMBzZ, more like KABLAM BOOM BANG POOF PACOW!08:39
CadeXWhy do you want me to quary you? lol.08:39
wastrelPerhamX:  install build-essential08:39
ZzMVzZ2006-10-12 07:38:56 status unpacked libmusicbrainz4c2a 2.1.2-2ubuntu3.108:39
ArafangionCadeX: I wanted to discuss your .dll ;)08:39
misieqPerhamX: apt-get install buil-essential08:39
ZzMVzZjust libmusicbrain08:39
ZzMVzZwhatever that is08:39
ZzMVzZthats all i see08:39
nebulasrayperhamX, tar -zxvf- file08:39
ZzMVzZhmm soo oddd08:40
nebulasrayoh nm if your using apt i dunno heh08:40
CadeXGet anything, Arafangion?08:40
ArafangionCadeX: No,  you must identify yourself to nickserv.08:40
BordenPerhamX, better still, run08:40
Borden>lspci | grep -i modem08:40
PerhamXso i must run : "install build-essential" in the directory of my package?08:40
CadeXI don't often use IRC :/08:40
misieqPerhamX: no08:40
ianmacgregorCadeX: /msg nickserv help register08:40
PerhamXso what?08:40
misieqperform "sudo apt-get install build-essentail"08:40
PerhamXi dont have internet connection in linux.08:41
PerhamXi'm in windows now08:41
ArafangionPerhamX: Again, which laptop do you have?08:41
misieqthen extract your .tar file "tar xf filename.tar"08:41
PerhamXi said myhome x86_6408:41
awilcoxArafangion, it's on my Compaq Presario 5700N and Presario 7360 desktops too08:41
PerhamXcore 2 duo08:41
misieq"cd filename"08:41
awilcoxPerhamX, he means model name08:41
misieqand make then08:42
awilcoxPerhamX, like Compaq Presario 2100US for me08:42
PerhamXi made it my self08:42
awilcoxthank you :)08:42
scanfwhy does gedit warn: Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library when $LANG=en_US.UTF-808:42
scanfI think en_US.UTF-8 support is pretty basic08:42
PerhamXyoure welcome08:42
awilcoxArafangion, it's a WhiteBox Laptop08:42
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Arafangionawilcox: By "it", do you mean kde, or conexant?08:43
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BordenPerhamX, before you start messing around with tars, run lspci | grep -i modem - there's a chance that Ubuntu's already detected your modem08:43
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mneptonscanf: you writing code with gEdit?08:43
awilcoxI like Kdevelop for writing code myself08:43
awilcoxat least Kate08:43
scanfjust need gtk unicode support08:43
PerhamXit is a detected modem but it's not a driver08:43
PerhamXit says  pnp device08:43
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mneptonscanf: so this error just happens when you launch gEdit?08:43
scanffor code Iuse vim08:43
PerhamX and it doesnt work with that driver08:43
=== mnepton uses jEdit
scanfmnepton: for all gnome/gtk apps08:44
lansingi got a question where do i go to get games08:44
BordenPerham, it may just be a configuration issue if it's being detected correctly08:44
awilcoxlansing, apt-cache search game08:44
PerhamXnot correctly08:44
awilcoxlansing, or look in Synaptic or "Games & Entertainment"08:44
PerhamXit doesnt detect even the chipset of modde08:44
lansingk thanx08:44
mneptonscanf: sounds like you might want to check your default encoding methods, and look into the english language support packages and perhaps re-install tjem08:44
ianmacgregorscanf: You might like Under A Steel Sky and Flight Of The Amazon Queen, both are in the repos.08:44
Bordendoes it detect 'a modem'?08:44
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scanf<ianmacgregor: huh?08:45
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PerhamXno it says a pnp device is attached in device managaer08:45
Bordenah, okay08:45
awilcoxianmacgregor, you mean to direct that to lansing08:45
ianmacgregorscanf: Sorry, wrong nick08:45
BordenI hope you don't have to recompile your kernel over this :S08:46
ianmacgregorawilcox: Yeah, it's this keyboard, it types what I type instead of what I mean, lol08:46
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PerhamXdon't talk about it!08:46
lansingwen i do the search how do i install them to my computer08:46
awilcoxianmacgregor :)08:46
KenSentMelansing: click on the box next to the package and select install.08:47
Bordenperhamx - well what do you know of compiling modules?  Unfortunately, drivers in Linux don't work quite the same way as they do in Windows08:47
PerhamXalmost nothing08:47
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PerhamXmake install08:47
Bordenthen, perhamx, you officially know more than I do08:47
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ubotumodule-assistant: tool to make module package creation easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2 (dapper), package size 72 kB, installed size 368 kB08:48
Squeeetry that08:48
PerhamXi can only run those commands not making them!08:48
BordenI have to admit, I miss the one-click-install days in Windows08:48
wastrelinstallshield makes a linux version iirc08:49
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PerhamXwindows is definitly user friendlier than linux!08:50
PerhamXbut i love linux08:50
wastrelbut it's $ of course08:50
zoidbergguys i have a question....how do u install a .sh file (shell file)?08:50
BordenI agree, PerhamX08:50
ArafangionPerhamX: Incorrect.08:50
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ArafangionPerhamX: Windows is merely more *familiar*08:50
mneptonzoidberg: you don't. you just run it.08:51
Bordenno need to get defensive, arafangion - the user-friendliness of Windows is also the root of its problems08:51
PerhamXi think linu is a modern religion08:51
zoidbergmnepton: how do i run it from the terminal08:51
Bordenzoidberg: you can pop it into one of your bin paths08:51
mneptonzoidberg: and if you want to use it frequently, put it somewhere and add that location to your shell's $PATH variable08:51
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CadeXUhm, i just burnt the ubuntu disk using CDBurnXP, from the ISO... still wont boot up from it.08:51
CadeXSon of a beech.08:51
wastrelit's an installer with .sh  just run  sh filename.sh08:52
mneptonzoidberg: cd to where it is and type "./foobar.sh" (no quotes)08:52
peepszoidberg: you might have to give it execute permissions "chmod +x filename.sh"08:52
wastrelor  that if it's executable flagged08:52
PerhamXwindows is familiar and user friendly arafangion08:52
PerhamXbecause you can install devices with one click08:52
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eclipse75question: every time i try to load swiftfox, firefox, or galeon, and try to watch a flash video(google video or youtube) with sound, the sound wont work.08:53
PerhamXor just install a program in 5 clicks08:53
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eclipse75and i closed all apps that might be interferring with alsa08:53
mneptonCadeX: follow these instructions, and do not burn at >8x speed - http://www.cdburnerxp.se/help/burniso08:53
PerhamXbut linux has much more idea behind it08:53
wastreleclipse75:  did you do the sound fix thing on the restrictedformats wiki page?08:53
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:54
Bordenyeah, Perham, one of the hardest things for me to do with Linux is to get used to the paradigm - it's a completely different way of looking at a computer08:54
ArafangionCadeX: And check the md508:54
eclipse75wastrel, its worked before. usually does work08:54
mneptonPerhamX: Windows is about as user friendly as a propane tank farm fire. ;)08:54
boinkheh :)08:54
HealotBorden: its not new, really08:54
ArafangionBorden: More consistent, too.08:54
ArafangionBorden: (Ironically)08:54
boinkubuntu has done a very good job in making linux less painful08:54
BordenHealot - you're right it's not new -it's just different08:54
eclipse75as far as operating windows, its easiest. as far as maintenance... well we all got the idea08:55
boinkI'm an experienced linux nerd, and I'm learning as well08:55
BordenIt's like Latin and English - they take two completely different views at looking at a language08:55
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eclipse75eh ubuntu is bloated though compared to slackware08:55
Bordenfortunately, English isn't proprietary :-D08:55
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boinkbloated? Slackware can be bloated too08:55
Bordenanything can be bloated08:55
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CadeXOkay, now i have 2 coasters.08:55
eclipse75it can be, if you choose for it to be08:55
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CadeXWonder if i'll have a third this time :/08:56
PerhamXubuntu, linux for human beings08:56
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boinkthe Slackware pkg system is a total disaster08:56
mneptoneclipse75: certainly, if you use the terms "bloated" and "functional" interchangeably08:56
eclipse75as default installation, slack is less bloated08:56
PerhamXbut i still cant run my modem on it08:56
Hammadanyone know how to get an access point?08:56
BordenCadeX, see if the disk autoruns in Windows08:56
ianmacgregorPlease take the distro wars to #ubuntu-offtopic :)08:56
mneptonPerhamX: Winmodem?08:56
eclipse75boink, the pkg system is more stable than any other distro pretty much08:56
elmargolPerhamX: I think you don't have a modem08:56
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HammadAfter hours and days of learning and googling I figured out how to get my Wireless On08:56
boinkeclipse75: you're joking08:56
Arafangionboink: Merey /different/08:56
eclipse75... no i am not08:56
HammadNow i just need to connect to my router08:56
PerhamXman, i installed it myself!08:56
PerhamXeith my hands!08:57
boinkwhen you install something with pkg_add with slackware, it doesn't install all of the deps08:57
Hammaddoes anyone know how?08:57
BordenCadeX: if it doesn't run in Windows, then it may be a problem with either the burn or the ISO or something08:57
Arafangionboink: Slack is an extremely traditional *server*08:57
boinkyou can that functional?08:57
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mneptonPerhamX: Winmodem?08:57
Hammadcan someone help me08:57
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jesperHi. I have a ATI Radeon 9200 that I'd really like to get to work on an Ubuntu MythTV box.. But I cannot seem to get TV-out working? Any tips?08:57
elmargolPerhamX: thats 80% a damn winmodem08:57
eclipse75that is why it can run on a 486 with 11, it uses 2.4 kernel because there are no stability issues08:57
boinkwith ubuntun, apt-get install does install of the deps08:57
Bordenhey!  guys!  what about my questions?08:57
PerhamXwin modem!08:57
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Hammadanyone know about access points?08:57
boinkBorden: ask again :)08:57
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto08:57
mneptonPerhamX: you know that's not really a modem, right? it's a sound card.08:57
PerhamXwindows is getting everywhere08:57
Hammadwireless lan08:57
Bordenthanks boink ;)08:58
eclipse75but yeah anyways08:58
boinkI used Slackware and I don't like it08:58
Borden1 - is it possible to get the trash bin in GNOME to work like it does in Windows - with a one-click restore and a capacity limit08:58
eclipse75well everything is more manually done08:58
eclipse75and everybody has their oppinions08:58
Hammaddoes anyone know wlan0?08:58
Hammadcan someone help me08:58
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mneptonPerhamX: Winmodems are not modem hardware. they are sound hardware. the driver supplied by the OEM for Windows causes that sound card to emit tones and act as a modem. but all tis stuff happens in software, not hardware.08:59
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:59
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:59
Hammadi just need to configure access point08:59
eclipse75man iwconfig08:59
eclipse75ifconfig, iwconfig, iwlist08:59
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eclipse75and dhcpcd08:59
boink!tell Hammad about ask08:59
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Borden2 - how do you change the Desktop directory to something other than ~/Desktop/08:59
CadeXAttempt #3, Now, will i have a third cup coaster?08:59
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mneptonPerhamX: there's a package in Multiverse or Universe that gets (most) Winmodems working. lemme try and find it.08:59
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BordenCadeX - does attempt 2 autorun in Windows?09:00
ArafangionCadeX: You could very well have a corrupt download.09:00
PerhamXmnepton: so i have 2 sound cards in my computer!09:00
CadeXNo, i'm just burning it incorrectly according to you guys.09:00
ianmacgregorCadeX: Did you check the md5 of that ISO before burning?09:00
CadeXAnd yes it does work in windows.09:00
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mneptonPerhamX: yup. but one of them will only act as something that makes modem0like sounds.09:00
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eclipse75anybody know what could be causing my internet browsers to not being able to play audio09:01
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Borden... and CadeX's BIOS is configured to boot from the CD before the hard disk09:01
awilcoxPerhamX, when you hear something like "Weee-wooooooooo-hissssssssss-sweeee-ooooooo-wee-oooo"09:01
awilcoxPerhamX, its working :)09:01
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CadeXBorden: Yes, it is.09:01
kyle_i have a screenshot i need someone to pleease look at, who can give good advice09:01
Bordeneclipse, fire up a terminal and type pstree09:01
awilcoxeclipse, REAR the Wiki.09:01
awilcox*READ the Wiki09:01
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boinkdepends on which audio you're trying to play09:01
ianmacgregorawilcox: Nice ascii sound effect :)09:01
PerhamXi'm connected with that modem now!09:01
awilcoxboink, Flash09:01
PerhamXin windows!09:01
eclipse75awilcox, read what wiki?09:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:02
awilcoxeclipse75, the RestrictedFormats link09:02
kismet_as I'm trying to use the Ubuntu Installer, I keep get I/O errors on device hdd <--- which device would this be?09:02
PerhamXi have a legal question.09:02
awilcoxianmacgregor, thanks :)09:02
PerhamXi had many mp3 files09:02
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PerhamXand after getting linux09:02
Bordeneclipse, it could be that you have an audio program running in the background that's hogging your sound driver09:02
PerhamXi converted all to ogg.09:02
PerhamXis that legal?09:02
awilcoxkismet_, second CD drive or Fourth HD09:02
boinkthat's kewl09:02
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boinkPehamX: it's legal09:02
eclipse75awilcox, it isnt restricted. i was playing it earlier...09:02
awilcoxPerhamX, yes09:02
PerhamXdo i have the license to do that?09:02
boinkit's like recording to cassettes09:03
eclipse75ive already enabled wmv and mp3...09:03
kismet_hdc would then be 1st CD drive or 3rd HD???09:03
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ArafangionPerhamX: Depends on your country.09:03
boinkyou can have mp3/ogg for personal use09:03
kyle_i've had this bad firefox problem for a day now, firefox doesn't run and it inturrupted my update to dapper, "error creating symbolic link `./usr/bin/firefox'"09:03
awilcoxeclipse75, no no no Flash is a Restricted Format, as in it's not legal to use in some weird countries :)09:03
boinkbut when you start to sell ogg/mp3, then that's a problem09:03
ArafangionPerhamX: Here, I am quite sure it's illegal, (Australia), but everybody does it.09:03
mneptonPerhamX: what brand of modem do you have? do you know what chipset it uses?09:03
ArafangionPerhamX: Specifically, it's called "09:03
ArafangionPerhamX: "Format Shifting".09:03
eclipse75well i still was able to view and hear audio earlier today..?09:03
awilcoxkismet_, correct09:03
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mneptonArafangion: i'll use that same term if i ever decide to become homosexual.09:04
ArafangionPerhamX: Recently there's been a bill raised, but I'm not sure if it's been accepted, that allows "Format Shifting", which would mean that people can purchase a CD, rip it to cassette for personal use, and then play it on their cassette player in their own damn CAR!09:04
CadeXI'm so tempted to email microsoft saying "Dear microsoft, Your OS'S suck, fix them. From, David."09:04
PerhamXMODEM #1:09:04
PerhamX     VENDOR ID              : 14F109:04
PerhamX     DEVICE ID              : 2F3009:04
PerhamX     SUBVENDOR ID           : 14F109:04
PerhamX     SUBDEVICE ID           : 207509:04
PerhamX     REVISION ID            : 0109:04
ArafangionPerhamX: STOP!09:04
PerhamX     VENDOR NAME            : CONEXANT09:04
PerhamX     DEVICE NAME            : UNKNOWN09:04
PerhamX     SUBVENDOR NAME         : ACTIONTEC                   -- HTTP://WWW.ACTIONTEC.COM/09:04
PerhamX     MODEM TYPE             : HSF09:04
ianmacgregorhe can't09:05
kismet_he pasted09:05
seamus7Hey anyone know where I can find the tray icons for CheckGmail (it's a Perl program) ... they don't seem to be in the usual locations in the Ubuntu file system.09:05
awilcoxCadeX, sign my name too :)09:05
eclipse75what audio driver does ubuntu use? arts?09:05
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Bordeneclipse, check your process tree to see if you have any audio hoggers in the background09:05
ianmacgregor!paste > PerhamX09:05
Bordenspecifically, see if any mplayers crashed09:05
awilcoxBorden, no, it's the plugin thing09:05
Bordenwhen I can't get audio working in firefox, that's usually the culprit09:05
boinkwhich plugin?09:05
eclipse75borden, already checked and closed out of any audio hoggers09:05
CadeXI should get a whole list of signatures then do it... I'd laugh so hard if there was over 250.09:05
Bordenk - I must have missed that message - sorry :-[09:06
boinkthat's a difficult one09:06
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mneptonPerhamX: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3609109:06
Bordenany ideas on my Desktop & Trash questions?09:06
peepsseamus7: mine is in /usr/share/app-install/icons09:06
boink<= not a gnome expert09:06
awilcoxIf flash sound is not working in Ubuntu, run the following commands to setup the ESD environment:09:06
awilcoxsudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.109:06
awilcoxln -s /tmp/.esd-1000 /tmp/.esd09:06
boinkI need to learn more about gnome myself09:06
kismet_what does this stand for: "ide_intr" ?09:07
awilcoxkismet_, that's your IDE Interrupt09:07
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kismet_interfa.. oh09:07
peepsseamus7: btw, i just did a file search in gnome for gmail to find it09:07
CadeXAlright, here goes attempt 3.09:07
seamus7peeps: all three? I want to make them with a tranparent background but can't find them.09:07
mneptonBorden: what desktop/trash questiuon?09:07
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awilcoxso, eclipse75, try that09:07
PerhamXmnepton: i have ubuntu6409:07
Bordenmnepton, I was curious whether it was possible to change the Desktop folder to something other than ~/Desktop09:07
seamus7peeps: yeah I did a search as well and did find some gmail icons but not the ones used by CheckGmail09:07
awilcoxeclipse75: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.109:07
kyle_i've had this bad firefox problem for a day now, firefox doesn't run and it inturrupted my update to dapper, "error creating symbolic link `./usr/bin/firefox'"  -- i have a screeenshot if someone wants to help/take a look09:08
PerhamXmnepton : 64-bit, does it work?09:08
awilcoxeclipse75: ln -s /tmp/.esd-1000 /tmp/.esd09:08
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eclipse75awilcox, done so. hang on09:08
kismet_awilcox: i'm stumped, because this is a brand new 8X CDR burn, and the DVD+-RW drive has worked fine recently, but it's failing to load the Ubuntu Installer CD09:08
mneptonBorden: theoretically, sure. but it's not recommended. poke around in gconf-editor09:08
Borden& I wanted to know if I could get the Trash bin in GNOME to work like the one in Windows09:08
awilcoxkismet_, what's the error09:08
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Squeee /join #beryl09:08
scanfmnepton: ah ... didn't have localeconf installed09:08
CadeXhahahahaha, me lols.09:09
eclipse75argh. still does not work09:09
kismet_hdc: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit09:09
CadeXI got it to work, thanks guys.09:09
Bordenyeah, I'm setting up a computer  for my Mum and so I'm going to try to move her Desktop folder to her home folder09:09
kismet_Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 35729409:09
mneptonBorden: no. if you delete something, you delete it. there's no magic "OH GOD I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THAT" in Linux because morons that can't decide whether to keep or trash something usually use Windows. >:)09:09
awilcoxkismet_, bad disc09:09
CadeXIt looks alot better then 4.1 Ubuntu.09:09
peepsseamus7: woops, sorry, yeah that was just for a gmail-notify that i had installed briefly09:09
wastrelBorden:  looks like you can set the desktop folder to be the homedir in gnome09:09
Bordenwell I'm one of those morons, mnepton :-P09:09
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kismet_awilcox: i now have 3 CDs that give this same error, is it a bad ISO?09:10
mneptonPerhamX: are you in the Us, or ... ?09:10
Bordensweet, wastrel!  how?09:10
awilcoxkismet_ maybe09:10
BordenPerhamX is in Iran09:10
PerhamXmnepton: iran,tehran09:10
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mneptonPerhamX: ah, i see. i was hoping i could point you to an actual hardware modem on eBay.09:10
awilcoxkismet_ bad drive could be09:10
wastrelBorden:  gconf-editor   apps > nautilus > preferences > desktop_is_homedir09:11
mneptonPerhamX: getting a real hardware modem will be the easiest and best solution, really.09:11
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awilcoxkismet_ if one three different discs, 90% chance it's the drive09:11
PerhamXso what is it called?09:11
kismet_awilcox: drive works fine under Windows, and it eventually got past the disk error, but now I'm in blank screen land09:11
awilcoxkismet_, yuck09:11
mneptonPerhamX: where do you shop online? my Farsi isn;t good, but i'll try looking :)09:11
wastrelfarsi eh09:12
mneptonwastrel: yes, most Iranians speak Farsi.09:12
mneptonPerhamX: mersi09:12
PerhamXbut i'm sure you cant find it09:12
Bordenthanks wastrel - I have to learn how to use that09:12
BordenI'm obviously missing out on a lot of easter eggs09:12
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kyle_i've had this bad firefox problem for a day now, firefox doesn't run and it inturrupted my update to dapper, "error creating symbolic link `./usr/bin/firefox'"  -- i have a screeenshot if someone wants to help/take a look09:13
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bomberohi friends, im looking for tool to show the size of subdir, "du -hs /DIR" is very nice, but i get to much or to less details, can anybudy help me ?09:13
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eclipse75oh well09:14
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PerhamXtell me the name09:15
PerhamXi'm gonna find it.09:15
mneptonPerhamX: yeah, my Farsi has failed. most external serial modems are hardware modems, and should "just work" with Ubuntu. here are some examples - http://www.zoom.com/products/dial_up_external_serial.html09:15
PerhamXi'm near the biggest hardware market in whole iran!09:15
awilcoxYeah External modems work well, I personally like Parallel Port modems better though09:15
mneptonPerhamX: external, serial modem is the best bet. just make sure your PC has a free RS232 serial port.09:16
awilcoxserial = sucky, IMHO09:16
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PerhamXlike serial mose port?09:16
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mneptonPerhamX: exactly09:16
awilcoxPerhamX, yes like that for a serial modem09:16
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awilcoxHello Chandan.09:16
mneptonDB9 RS232 serial :)09:16
awilcoxI like DB25 better09:16
ChandanIn ncurses window Iam not able to get the numbers I am typing .. Chracters are printing ..What may be the problem09:16
PerhamXi have an un attached broadband modem with usb prot09:17
mneptonawilcox: you don't like *any* of those things. you just like contradicting me. ;)09:17
PerhamXcan i get it to work?09:17
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mneptonPerhamX: maybe.09:17
awilcoxmnepton, not true, personally I have a DB25 modem and like it09:17
mneptonPerhamX: but ... do you have a broadband connection?09:17
PerhamXmy adsl account will be available afte next week09:17
kyle_i've had this bad firefox problem for a day now, firefox doesn't run and it inturrupted my update to dapper, "error creating symbolic link `./usr/bin/firefox'"  -- i have a screeenshot if someone wants to help/take a look09:17
Chandanawilcox, Hi09:17
mneptonawilcox: see, there you go again. "not true ..." :)09:17
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PerhamXmy device vendor havent published drivers for linux09:18
awilcoxmnepton :)09:18
azurealwhen is the best time to start an app like gkrellm... and in which file should i put it?09:18
BordenI wouldn't hold your breath on that one, Perham :(09:19
CadeXI <3 ubuntu!09:19
PerhamXyou mean i cant get it to work?09:19
mneptonCadeX: success, eh?09:19
seamus7peeps: i just received an email from the developer ... it's the eventbox that I want to be transparent as the icons are already transparent. For some reason the CheckGmail icons won't take my panel's transparent/gradient background. Oh well.09:19
CadeXYeah with the 6.01 vversion09:19
Bordenwelcome to the land of the living, CadeX09:19
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mneptonCadeX: 6.10? Edgy?09:20
Zeenuxahhh, good ol mIRC :)09:20
kristjinI am having problems mounting an NTFS volume in ubuntu.09:20
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mneptonZeenux: blech. use jIRCii. :P09:20
Bordenyou'll find your complimentary interview with Nelson Mandela in the Examples folder09:20
BordenI thought that was precious!09:20
wastrelbombero:  du -sh ./*09:20
kristjinIt appears to have mounted to the folder specified, but when attempting to open the folder, I get an error message stating that I do not have the necessary permissions to view the files in the folder.09:20
awilcoxkristjin, sudo -s09:21
awilcoxthen try and cd to the folder09:21
wastrelseamus7:  sounds like a prob with the notification area applet09:21
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kismet_okay, hard question here... I copied over my old MBR to a new drive, along with my WinXP partition. Now the GRUB bootloader errors out because the old drive's Ubuntu partitions aren't on the new boot drive...09:21
Bordenwell, in case it was causing you guys to lose sleep, I seem to have stopped the Rhythmbox segfault problem09:21
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mneptonkismet_: do you want to use the machine only for Windows?09:21
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ZeenuxUbuntu Glass Soul, by yours truly. -> http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xsortmode=new&page=009:22
kismet_no, i want to dual boot09:22
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PerhamXso i still have to keep windows!09:22
PerhamXi've decided to remove it!09:22
mneptonkismet_: and did you re-create the Ubuntu stuff on the new drive?09:22
THX-1138alias ub="/nick THX-1138 && /join #ubuntu"09:22
CadeXmnepton: 6.06.1 is the version im using09:22
kismet_not yet, trying to install from scratch09:22
kristjinMmkay, that works.09:22
Bordenwell I'm glad to see that everyone's as excited as I am09:22
CadeXIm a wee bit past excited, Borden.09:23
kristjinI mean, at the least, I can get into the folder and see what's supposed to be in it.09:23
kismet_OMG every fricken optical drive i own is failing on Buffer I/O errors!09:23
mneptonCadeX: please stop drooling on me.09:23
kristjinThat's encouraging.09:23
Bordenabout my rhythmbox segfault problem? why thank you ;)09:23
Bordenyeah, someone get CadeX a towel09:23
kristjinBut still not from within Ubuntu.09:23
PerhamXguys i should go now. email me everytime you could and tell me about yourself and your country!09:23
awilcoxkismet_ well09:23
CadeXYes, please... towel...09:23
PerhamXthanx for your help09:24
kristjinOnly from the terminal.09:24
mneptonkristjin: where is the drive/partiton mounted? what directory in Linux?09:24
peepsseamus7: oh, yeah i see now.  you can change the bacground color in the checkgmail preferences09:24
awilcoxooh here come the spam bots09:24
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mneptonkristjin: what is your user name in Ubuntu?09:24
peepsseamus7: maybe you could put in a feature request to allow transparent abckground09:24
kristjinIt's my username in damn near everything09:25
CadeXOk, i suppose the AMD 64 version wont work for Intel x86 cores, eh? Planning on using this on my laptop if it pwnz0rs windows.09:25
KenSentMeIs this channel logged too?09:25
kristjinFor the last twentyfive years09:25
mneptonkristjin: tell me where "df -h" tells you the NTFS drive/partition is mounted, please?09:25
CadeX*Find his desktop paper called, 'I AM T3H LINUX NEWB13!'"09:26
awilcoxFri Oct 13 03:23:34 EDT 200609:26
awilcox/dev/hda2              22G   22G  119M 100% /windows09:26
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POVaddctawilcox: yeah, friday 13th :)09:26
CadeXOMGAWD tomorrow is badlawk day09:27
awilcoxYeah, I know09:27
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Bordenwow, CadeX has been operational for less than 10 minutes and he's already mastered 1337 :-P09:27
awilcoxdrive            size  used  free  used %  mount point09:27
POVaddctCadeX: tomorrow? where do you live?09:27
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kristjinUhmm, that particular one is mounted at /home/kristjin/Desktop/Music09:27
Bordenso CadeX, did the third disk work properly?09:27
CadeXAustralia.. Oh wait, today is bad luck day.. Hold on a minute...09:27
CadeXBut i'm getting good luck, that's not right.09:28
awilcoxkristjin, you have a separate partition for your music?  Cooool09:28
CadeXOh well, not complainin' :)09:28
CadeXI only have one disk.09:28
mneptonnot really. if he had mastered it, he would have said "3`/3  `/4|\/|  73}{  100|\|iXX0|2z  |\|3\/\/813!!11!"09:28
CadeXOne CD drive, one DVD drive.09:28
kristjinA 400 Gig partition, yes.09:28
Bordenright, Cadex, but I mean the CD09:28
kristjinWhich is full.09:28
awilcoxkristjin, just try mount09:28
mneptonkristjin: did you mount it yourself?09:29
awilcoxkristjin, 400G!?!?09:29
kristjinAnd yes.09:29
CadeXThird CD... Yes, i got it working.09:29
mneptonkristjin: Ubuntu rarely mounts things on the desktop09:29
BordenI wonder what was wrong with the second :-/09:29
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kristjinDoes it have an aversion to doing so?09:29
CadeXI burnt it wrong, it just decided to write the ISO instead of the contents of the iso to the disk09:29
awilcoxkristjin, just type "mount"09:29
Bordenstuff like this will keep me up all night09:29
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kristjinI did so.09:29
awilcoxCadeX, I told ya!  :)09:29
mikejonesjonesjois there a program which can show me the output of acpi -t on my gnome dekstop?09:29
kristjinI already did the mount.09:30
awilcoxit should say something like09:30
Bordenohh, okay, CadeX09:30
kristjinThat's not the problem.09:30
mneptonkristjin: can you please just run "df -h" in a terminal and tell me the mount point of the partition?09:30
awilcox/dev/hda2 on /windows type ntfs (rw,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46)09:30
kismet_okay okay, disc looks like it's working... so how will I be able to tell GRUB where my WinXP partition is?09:30
Bordenokay, all together on three... One.... Two.... Three... I TOLD YOU SO!09:30
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CadeX0mehgawdz0rs, 71/\/\3 73\/\/ (R'/09:31
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OmniDIs there a way to get all of my Tomboy notes backed up?09:32
awilcoxkristjin, try "mount | grep ntfs"09:32
awilcoxthat way you'll see where the ntfs is mounted09:32
kristjinDid you get that, mnepton?09:32
mneptonCadeX" |<133|\||\|3xz0|2z 4 u?09:32
ianmacgregorOmniD: I would think those are kept in ~/.tomboy09:32
BordenCadeX, if you want a real thrill, once you can get to the repositories "apt-get install celestia"09:32
OmniDoh I see!09:32
mneptonkristjin: no, i see nothing09:32
RubyOnFailsEdgy Rocks09:32
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blazemongerhello folks09:33
blazemongerUbuntu is great09:33
BordenRuby, is Edgy stable enough to use yet?09:33
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blazemongergot my music appz working in it perfectly09:33
kristjin/dev/sda1 on /media/sda1 type ntfs (rw,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46)09:33
kristjin/dev/sdb1 on /home/kristjin/Desktop/Music type ntfs (rw)09:33
blazemongerand the nice gnome eye candy09:33
kristjinIt's in a private window for you.09:33
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kristjinIt was too much to paste in here.09:33
mneptonkristjin: if your nick is not registered, or if you have not identified, you cannot send private messages09:33
kristjinBut there you go.09:33
ArafangionBorden: Generally, once somethinng is considered stable, it's stated to be stable, rather than merely "beta".09:33
lostboyzi have a problem with my x server when i reconifigured after installing necessary ati drivers it is no longer able to logout of x and i have a blank screen and have to do a hard shutdown any suggestions?09:33
RubyOnFailsBorden, yeah, but given, it is about 20 days to go, I would wait09:33
blazemongeranyone else use ubuntu for music production?09:33
Bordenwell, yeah, Arafangion...09:34
awilcoxRubyOnFails, you're not related to WillyOnWheels are you?09:34
kristjinDoes that answer your question?09:34
RubyOnFailsawilcox, no, do you know about RubyOnRails ?09:34
ianmacgregorblazemonger: You checked out rosegarden?09:34
BordenI specifically said "stable enough to use" meaning that I wouldn't be spending more time writing bug reports than getting stuff done09:34
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awilcoxRubyOnFails, no09:34
blazemongeri use it ianmacgregor09:34
blazemongerit's nice09:34
ianmacgregorblazemonger: :)09:34
CadeXWhat does that do, Borden?09:34
awilcoxRubyOnFails, I was talking about the Wikipedia vandal09:34
CadeXI just finally finished instawling it.09:35
blazemongerit's not bad actually09:35
CadeX*goes and downloads wine*09:35
blazemongeri do use tracker programs more though09:35
mneptonkristjin: got it. here's what you want to do. "sudo chown -R kristjin:users /media/sda1 && sudo chown -R kristjin:kristjin /home/kristjin/Desktop/Music" (no quotes)09:35
lostboyzi have a problem with my x server when i reconifigured after installing necessary ati drivers it is no longer able to logout of x and i have a blank screen and have to do a hard shutdown any suggestions?09:35
KenSentMelostboyz: you could check /var/log/Xorg.log.0 for errors09:35
RubyOnFailsawilcox, it is the ultimate web application platform. very famous. My nick is related with RubyOnRails09:35
BordenCadeX, celestia is GoogleEarth for the galaxy09:35
blazemongerif buzztracker was ported to linux i'd buy it09:35
awilcoxRubyOnFails, oh okay09:35
blazemongerin a second09:35
KenSentMelostboyz: and don't repeat your question so fast09:35
mneptonkristjin: make both those "krsitjin:users" osrry09:35
RubyOnFailslostboyz, what is your resolution ?09:35
lostboyzKenSentMe yes how do i check for errors09:35
lostboyz1280x something09:36
KenSentMelostboyz: open the file09:36
RubyOnFailslostboyz, do you use HP NX series ?09:36
lostboyzi use hp pavillion09:36
CadeXI don't use google earth, i have better things to do then to zoom into places of the world and lol at things.09:36
awilcoxnight all09:36
MaKaTiGuYwhat is the command for showing the version of KDE?09:36
awilcoxCadeX, I use it to drive09:36
RubyOnFailslostboyz, this may be due to fglrx doesn't support high -res09:36
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awilcoxCadeX, I mean driving directions09:36
RubyOnFailslostboyz, you should add modelines to your x.org09:36
Bordenwell who needs earth when you can fly through the galaxy :-P09:37
CadeXlol. I don't have wireless broadband :/09:37
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lostboyzwell when i start my computer it works09:37
KenSentMeRubyOnFails: what is considered as hi res?09:37
kristjinWill that change how those files function under windows?09:37
Zeenux300 ppi09:37
RubyOnFailslostboyz, let me give you a link09:37
lostboyzbut when i try to logout or switch to a virtual terminal i just get a black screen09:37
Zeenuxmostly youll find 72 - 10009:37
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mneptonkristjin: not at all09:37
lostboyzand pressing ctrl alt f7 doesn't get me back09:37
blazemongeri'm having trouble downloading stuff through apt right now09:37
blazemongermaybe the apt sites are bogged down?09:37
kristjinNow what?09:37
lostboyzi have modelines in my xorg09:37
lostboyzi copied them from my old suse xorg.conf file09:38
lostboyzand still did not work09:38
RubyOnFailsKenSentMe, I am running a desktop with 1680 x 1050. And fglrx have some problems with monitors that high resolution I guess this an HP specific pro09:38
CadeXI accidently just pressed ctrl+alt+f1, how to i get out of it?09:38
blazemongerW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/anarchism/anarchism_11.1-1_all.deb09:38
RubyOnFailslostboyz, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27473909:38
KenSentMeRubyOnFails: i run fglrx 1280x1024 on two desktops, no problems here09:38
POVaddctCadeX: ctrl-alt-f709:38
blazemongerwhat's that mean?09:38
kristjinmnepton: what do I do now?09:39
RubyOnFailsKenSentMe, it is an HP specific thing I believe09:39
KenSentMeRubyOnFails: ah, ok09:39
Bordenspeaking of terminals, I have another question: is it possible to, say, run KDE on Terminal 6 and GNOME on Terminal 7 (essentially run two X servers at the same time)09:39
CadeXWindows Bitez0rs my butz0rs.09:40
CadeXI think it bites everyones but in this channel.09:40
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kristjinSo that didn't seem to work...09:40
mneptonkristjin: it should have just fine. ignore GNOME's icons. try looking around that drive.09:40
blazemongerwimdows is goo0d if into midi sequencing09:41
kristjinThe response it gives back is that it is a read only file system.09:41
mneptonkristjin: and be aware, no matter what the permissions are you cannot write to NTFS.09:41
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Bordenyeah, I still haven't mastered midi on linux09:41
blazemongerbu8t only if u have top of the line gear09:41
mneptonkristjin: this is why proprietary filesystems suck ;)09:41
Bordenby 'mastered' I, of course, mean get it to work09:41
bomberohi friends, i'm looking for tool to show the size of SUBDIRS, du ist very nice, but i get to much info 'du -h' or to less 'du -hs'09:41
blazemongerbordon if i ever master midi in linux ill trash windows09:42
kristjinWell, it was easier getting the data this way.09:42
wastrelbombero:  du -sh ./*09:42
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wastrelbombero:  du -sh some-dir/*09:42
kristjinBelieve me, when I get the drive to back it up, it will be formatted to Linux, and then we'll set up the RAID209:42
THX-1138kismet Borden - sounds interesting - running irc in a terminal and WoW in X would be nice.09:42
bomberowastrel, ok and this for every DIR ?09:43
mneptonkristjin: there are good ext3 drivers for XP, if you want to reformat those drives/partitions with a better filesystem that's free.09:43
bomberowastrel, to much work,09:43
wastrelbombero:  that shows every subdir09:43
bomberowastrel, ok, thanx09:43
kristjinWell, I do, but I don't want to lose my data.09:43
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kristjinI need another drive, first.09:43
lansingi got a question how do i change my clock format cus wen it hits 12 it go 0009:43
THX-1138Borden - would "screen" be what we are looking for?09:44
kristjinI've got 50k songs here...09:44
wastrelbombero:  also man du  -   --max-depth=2   etc...09:44
ZeenuxIf I wanted to post a link to my Ubuntu Desktop Wallpaper on the Ubuntu forums, which board should I post in? There are so many. :\09:44
BordenTHX-1138: I don't know, maybe09:44
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BordenI thought CTRL+ALTs F1 through F7 were technically called 'terminals'09:44
soulfire41Hey....is there a channel for Programmers who use Ubuntu?09:45
blazemongeri cant conect to the apt repositories09:45
blazemongeranyone having trouble accessing them?09:45
THX-1138ubotu info roulette. - reaches back into kansas to give the wheel a huge spin. ubotu don't desert me now.09:45
ubotuPackage roulette. does not exist in dapper09:45
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen09:45
POVaddctBorden: two X servers are possible. but screen(1) has nothing to do with that.09:45
lostboyzthanks a lot for the help09:45
lostboyzi will try it09:45
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Bordenokay, now you guys have me confused09:45
POVaddctTHX-1138: X can't run in screen09:45
kristjinSo still when trying to access the folder "Music" on my desktop I get the error message "The folder contents could not be displayed.  You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of 'Music.'"09:46
lansingubotu: how do i change my clock format09:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how do i change my clock format - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:46
POVaddctTHX-1138: X must run on a linux console, like tty7, tty8, ...09:46
blazemongerW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/doc-linux/doc-linux-html_2005.12-1_all.deb 404 Not Found09:46
blazemongeri have accesed the repositories perfectly the whole time until now09:46
BordenI'm asking whether it's possible to set it up so that C+A F3 would, say, pull up Project Looking Glass, F4 KDE, & F6 GNOME or something09:47
POVaddctTHX-1138: screen is for character (text) based apps only09:47
blazemongerthings down? or being maintained?09:47
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lansingubotu: clock09:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:47
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soulfire41blaze try to ping that  domain09:47
mneptonkristjin: sudo chown -R kristjin:users /home/kristjin/Desktop/Music09:47
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soulfire41`ping http://us.archive.ubuntu.com09:47
THX-1138POVaddct: Hm. - I could run one monitor on one tty and x on tty7?09:47
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wastrelno no no no no09:47
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blazemongerdoing it09:48
wastrelnever chown -R09:48
mneptonwastrel: why, exactly?09:48
POVaddctTHX-1138: no. but you can run one X server on tty7 that talks to both monitors. (multihead)09:48
blazemongersays unknown host *WTF*!? i just installed kde09:48
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soulfire41hold on09:48
wastrelbecause it breaks shit09:48
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soulfire41The server is down09:49
mneptonwastrel: uhhh ... no. not if you do it correctly.09:49
soulfire41i get that too09:49
blazemongersoulfire41: :u know when it'l be up?09:49
wastreland won't fix the problem09:49
fuocohi, i'm trying to watch media streams online with the totem plugin and keep getting: Totem could not play 'fd://0'.09:49
soulfire41no idea09:49
fuocowhat does it mean?09:49
soulfire41i got the same thing you did09:49
blazemongerdamn was in middle of trying to install xmms09:49
soulfire41so go into /etc/apt/sources.list and find  it...and put a # as the first thing on that line and then type sudo apt-get update09:49
mneptonwastrel: i have used chown -R for years and years and it has fixed a lot of problems without breaking things.09:50
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wastrelmnepton:  and a new user has a high probability of irreparably screwing up their system with it.09:50
BordenPOVaddct: but you're saying that it is possible to run a different display manager and X session on each terminal?09:50
THX-1138POVaddct: Old CRTs are cheap here. I have more monitors working than plugs to get power from.09:50
blazemongeri wont get the packages im needing htough09:50
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mneptonwastrel: which is why am giving the new user the exact command.09:50
wastreland it will never fix a problem with a drive being mounted without user perms.09:50
blazemongerill wait until they get servers back up prob goin through maintence or got hacked09:50
ZeenuxWell, I'm just going to link this here, and go to sleep.09:50
Zeenuxgnight folks09:51
THX-1138TC Zeenux09:51
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mneptonwastrel: yes, it will in many cases. change the perms of the mount point recursively and poof.09:51
POVaddctBorden: yes. of course you must configure the display managers correctly. for example kdm using tty7 and display number :0 and gdm using tty8 and display number :109:52
ArafangionWhat a crap, pointless desktop image!09:52
wastrelfix their fstab instead09:52
ArafangionOnly 1" FULLY ZOOMED IN!!!09:52
Bordengood to know, POVaddct, thank you09:52
mneptonwastrel: a lot of it depends on how the drive is specced in fstab. it's easier to tell a user to change the perms of a mount point first before editing fstab.09:52
Bordennow, of course, the real trick will be teaching linux to run different operating systems on each terminal :-P09:53
kristjinStill the same problem.09:53
ArafangionBorden: Ahh, that's trivial. ;)09:53
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POVaddctBorden: erm, qemu? ;)09:53
soulfire41blaze just comment that line out...and itll work09:53
soulfire41where are you from?09:53
kristjinDo not have the necessary permissions.09:53
mneptonkristjin: then you need to edit /etc/fstab so that it mounts the drive/partition with the correct perms09:53
Bordenqemu?  have I missed something?09:53
ArafangionPOVaddct: I was thinking xen, or uml.09:53
kristjinnot sure how to do that.09:53
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo09:53
ArafangionPOVaddct: Emulators are very wasteful.09:54
mneptonkristjin: google for "ubuntu fstab syntax permissions"09:54
POVaddctArafangion: depends on what you want to run as guest09:54
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ArafangionPOVaddct: Here, we were merely talking about "other OS's".09:54
Bordenoh, emu... right09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mountwindows - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse09:54
fuocohi, i'm trying to watch media streams online with the totem plugin and keep getting: Totem could not play 'fd://0'. what does it mean ?09:54
wastrelthats the one09:54
kristjinThank you very much.  I'll do that tomorrow.  For now, it's very late for a work night.  I'm off.  You've been extremely helpful.09:54
Bordenyes, I was flippantly suggesting that win32.dll would kindly occupy TTY409:55
Bordenwhich, of course, is impossible09:55
soulfire41Is there a channel for programming using ubuntu?09:55
Bordensoulfire, there are several09:55
avagantAside from all my sound issues, Ubuntu is pretty awesome.09:55
ianmacgregorsoulfire41: You probably want a language-specific channel09:55
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soulfire41Borden, what are they called?09:56
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randomiDoes anyone know of a php editor that has code highlighting?09:56
Arafangionrandomi: There are billions.09:56
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Arafangionrandomi: Actually, that's probably an overestimation.09:57
Bordensoulfire41: there are about a half-dozen channels for developers09:57
Arafangionrandomi: More like many thousands.09:57
Bordenrandomi - bluefish09:57
Borden(immediately comes to mind)09:57
randomiUsed vim... didn't really like it09:57
Flannelsoulfire41: #ubuntu-offtopic is a good one, if you want to chat with people about progamming on ubuntu in general, #ubuntu is appropriate for questions regarding... stuff.  and then there are language channels for language specific help.09:57
randomiI'll give bluefish a try09:57
mneptonrandomi: jEdit is very nice09:57
Bordenmnepton - I've had trouble with jedit09:58
soulfire41Well I need a channel for C#/mono/monodevelop09:58
Bordenparticularly with configuring the plugins09:58
mneptonrandomi: jEdit has syntax highlighting for just about everything you can think of09:58
mneptonBorden: what kind of trouble?09:58
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Bordenmnepton - I tried using jedit as a java ide and I couldn't get it the way I liked it09:59
avagantOh downloading videos. Heh09:59
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Bordenfor starters, it couldn't handle the 1.5 additions09:59
mneptonBorden: oh, so more of a "i ant different functionality" more than "the existing functionality is broken?"09:59
azurealhi, where should i put startup programs and commands?09:59
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mneptonBorden: s/ant/want/10:00
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Bordenwell, mnepton, I believe it was designed to be a simple java IDE10:00
mcuAfter an update earlier tonight my system has stopped booting.10:00
ianmacgregorazureal: System -> Preferences -> Sessions, go to the Startup Programs tab10:00
Bordenas opposed to GEdit written in Java10:00
POVaddctArafangion: i create bootable cd images and test boot them in qemu. xen and uml can't help me there.10:00
ArafangionFor Java, you can't go wrong with Eclipse.10:00
azurealianmacgregor, er... i'm looking for the file name10:00
mneptonBorden: no, it was designed as a text editor. the IDE comes from plugin functionality.10:01
azurealianmacgregor, like /etc/init.d something or other10:01
ArafangionPOVaddct: Actually, it can.10:01
mcuUsing Edgy Eft, has anyone else experienced this?10:01
ianmacgregorazureal: ~/.config/autostart ?10:01
Bordenwell that would explain why it didn't take kindly to force a 1.5 compiler on it10:01
randomiBorden - Thanks for the suggestion I like what I see in blufish so far10:01
ArafangionPOVaddct: Assuming, naturally, that the CD's contain an OS, that runs on Xen.10:01
ianmacgregorazureal: Oh, ok, I thought you meant for gnome10:01
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Bordenrandomi, bluefish is one of the more popular editors... or at least better advertised10:02
Bordenactually, randomi, if you need simple syntax highlighting, GEdit works just fine10:02
POVaddctArafangion: so xen has something like a "bios" that can boot from cd?10:02
Healotnvu or amaya for visual10:02
mcuplease help10:02
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Bordenabout Eclipse - I discovered that it's extremely unstable when I changed my desktop theme10:03
randomiBorden - I had never heard anything of it. I was using GEdit but started looking for a little more funtionality.10:03
ArafangionPOVaddct: Thinking of Xen as a BIOS is infact, a good way to think of how it works.10:03
wastrel edgy discussion on #ubuntu+110:03
wastrelvim is worth the effort, or gvim for mouse interface10:04
Bordenrandomi - in GEdit, go to View -> Highlight Mode -> Scripts10:04
randomiBorden - I had it set up in GEdit but like I said I was looking for more functionality then GEdit had to offer. Specifically a project manager which I see BlueFish has.10:04
Bordenbluefish is nice because it has some pleasant code completion and templates10:04
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azurealianmacgregor, i hate gnome =P10:04
Bordenah, I misunderstood, randomi :-[10:05
ianmacgregorazureal: ok :)10:05
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ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:05
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randomiJust makes it a lot easier to edit files based on sites :)10:05
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shinobi2how do i format my flash drive?10:06
netstarWill ubuntu server detect my OSX partition and setup yaboot appropriately?10:06
Bordenwell bluefish is designed as a complete web IDE10:06
seshomaruI have a problem - i just installed xubuntu and when it the Xserver supposed to start the monitor just turns off. I tried to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in the rescue mode but got an error saying xserver-xorg is not installed10:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usbflash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:06
mcuhas anyone seen:  "rc-default process (random pid) terminated with status 127"10:06
oxbatwhat is usbflash??10:06
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heatxsinkhello all10:07
heatxsinkhas anyone matched TwinView with Xinerama?10:07
heatxsinknot matched, combined10:07
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randomiLooks a lot like dreamweaver and that's something that I don't really like. How customizable is the interface on BlueFish?10:07
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remcohey dames hoe issie10:07
Bordenrandomi, it's not dreamweaver since it's not one of those WYSIWYG10:07
remcoweer wakker10:08
Bordenbut to answer your question, I don't know10:08
BordenI haven't really tried to build any projects with it10:08
mneptonrandomi: take a look at jEdit, too. it has nifty plugins web devs like (like opening/saving via (S)FTP)10:08
oxbathello,how to deal with it,"can't access the tty"10:08
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oxbathello,how to deal with it,"can't access the tty"10:08
Bordenseshomaru, try to boot into a terminal (safe mode comes to mind)10:08
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randomiWell Dreamweaver has a code view type. I've semi recently moved over to linux here at the house. Was using Dreamweaver in codeviewer way for a while10:09
seshomaruBorden, ok10:09
seshomaruBorden, what then?10:09
oxbatanyone who can give me some advices,,,"can't access the tty" why that??10:09
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mneptonseshomaru: try "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"10:09
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randomimnepton - I'll take a look at it10:10
seshomarumnepton, that particular machine doesnt have internet access.............10:10
oxbatanyone who can give me some advices,,,"can't access the tty" why that??10:10
oxbatnobody in????10:10
mneptonrandomi: you'll want to install Sun's Java first, set that as the default JRE, and then use the .jar jEdit installer with sudo10:10
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Bordenmnepton, should seshomaru check the logs for any fatal errors?10:11
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Bordenthat's my guess as to why the monitor would shut itself off10:11
elfrangergood morning all10:11
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Bordenhullo elfranger10:11
CadeXGahh, having issues installing wine with the AMD-64 package... The URL is dead :/10:11
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oxbatI'm sorry it's evening here10:11
elfrangerOk, good night all then... hehe10:12
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BordenCadeX - is that URL dead or your whole internet?10:12
mneptonseshomaru: did you md5sum the .iso and run a disc check when you first bootted?10:12
CadeXJust the URL.10:12
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elfrangerhas anyone ever set up a mailserver on an ubuntu server?10:12
CadeXI get a 404.10:12
randomimnepton - The windows versions and linux versions for jEdit are the same correct? One of my friends uses it on windows and says he likes it. I would guess it is because it's based off of Java but just wanted to make sure10:12
oxbatno need10:12
seshomarumnepton, yes and i installed 5 xubuntus with that disc before all without any probl;ems10:12
Bordencadex, what are you trying to install and I'll see if I can hit it10:12
CadeXRun Windows programs on Ubuntu.10:13
JoseStefanany known problems with us.archive.ubuntu.com ?10:13
mneptonrandomi: jEdit works precisely the same on Windows, OSX, and Linux. so you can use one tool when forced to use any OS. which is very handy.10:13
Bordenk,  just a sec CadeX10:13
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CadeXThanks, using AMD64 version of ubuntu.10:13
blazemongeri love cross platform10:13
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Bordenohhh, I'm still in the ia32 stoneage10:14
blazemongeri told a windows friend of mine that the future is cross platform10:14
Bordenwell, I'll see if I can get the 32-bit version10:14
oxbatwhat's the meaning of crossplatform10:14
blazemongerruns on everythig10:14
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Bordencadex, I'm able to get the 32-bit version of wine to download...10:15
seshomarumnepton, what should i do if i boot into safe mode?10:15
Bordenso now we just need to figure out where they're hiding the 64-bit version10:15
mneptonseshomaru: fsck -yf for one10:16
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mneptonseshomaru: and if this is a clean install, tyr installing again?10:16
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mneptonseshomaru: how much RAM does the machine have?10:16
seshomarumnepton, this is the second install (128MB)10:16
seshomarumnepton, first install with same results10:17
mneptonseshomaru: did the first install fail the same way?10:17
=== mnepton nods
seshomarumnepton, yes10:17
AeonPaxwhere can i download VLC .deb?10:17
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wastrelwhat's vlc10:17
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mneptonseshomaru: maybe the CD finally gave up the ghost? try a new burn, or download again?10:17
mneptonwastrel: VideoLAN Client10:18
mneptonAeonPax: sudo apt-get install vlc10:18
AeonPaxthe VLC site uses the sudo apt10:18
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wastrelvlc is in universe10:18
AeonPaxi have no internet at home10:18
seshomarumnepton,  i will try a different Cd , should i try fsck -yf ?10:18
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mneptonseshomaru: can't hurt. and if that magically works, it could save time and a blank CD.10:18
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BordenAeonPax, go back to the packages website and do a search for vlc10:19
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seshomarumnepton, what will fsck -yf show me?10:19
seshomarufile system check....?10:19
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AeonPaxokei! :)10:19
wastreldon't forget the dependencies10:20
seshomarumnepton,  ok , i'm off to fsck -yf , thanks for help.....................10:20
=== gnomer__ [n=gnomer@c-68-63-246-172.hsd1.ky.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
randomiWhat are the main differences between aptitude and apt-get?10:20
gnomer__Sigh, hello.10:21
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wastrelaptitude is smarter about uninstalling things10:21
randomiIt seems as though everyone has their preverences but just wondering the differences10:21
wastreli use apt-get out of habit10:21
gnomer__I have a bit of an issue with my wireless (DHCP problem), anyone think they're able to help?10:21
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide10:22
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Bordensweet, no more dangling dependencies - I like it10:22
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AeonPaxi should download the "i386" if i'm using AMD right?10:22
tony|afkAe: right10:22
gnomer__I can connect fine if I just configure my card with Administration->Networking, but if I change my MAC Address (ifconfig hw ether)..Then try..It doesn't connect.10:23
BordenAeonPax - you should be okay, even if you're running a 64-bit system10:23
randomiI'm pretty new to the Debian world. We're using CentOS at work on the servers, so I'm still trying to get used to the differences.10:23
CadeX"you do not have permissions to write to this folder"... i'm logged into my admin account?10:23
BordenCadeX, what are you doing?10:24
gnomer__CadeX, use sudo.10:24
CadeXFollowing instructions to install a program.10:24
gnomer__sudo <command here>10:24
Bordenoh, yeah, use sudo10:24
CadeXWhat.. the heck is sudo?10:24
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:24
gnomer__Borden, know anything about networking in ubuntu?10:25
Bordenprecious little, gnomer10:25
CadeXis that the ctrl+alt+f1 thing?10:25
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mneptonrandomi: i came to Canonical with mostly RH derivative experience. the transition is not that bad.10:25
gnomer__Cadex, no, just do "sudo yourcommandhere"10:25
wastrelifconfig eh10:25
Bordenno, basically sudo lets you run as root without switching users10:25
gnomer__wastrel, ifconfig doesn't bother me.10:25
wastrelifconfig doesn't play well with dhcp - you have to run dhclient manually if you're using ifconfig to bring up the interface10:25
gnomer__It just hates me or something.10:25
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Bordenthink of it like that window that would sometimes pop up in Windows if you were on a restricted account and tried to install something like MS Office10:26
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wastrelor script it of course10:26
=== vook [n=vook@adsl-68-76-219-123.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomer__wastrel, I plug in my card and do "ifconfig ath0 up", and then I do the "dhclient ath0"10:26
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AeonPaxis there a preinstalled firewall on ubuntu 6.06?10:26
gnomer__I get the "No DHCPOFFERS" error.10:26
ArafangionAeonPax: Yes.10:26
vookeh, I'm wondering why dhclient stays alive after I run 'dhclient IFACE'10:27
randomiAeonPax: Yes Ubuntu comes with IPtables10:27
AeonPaxwhere can i find it Arafangion?10:27
AeonPaxoh..  iptables10:27
mneptongnomer__: is this to a WPA device?10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firestartedr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:27
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)10:27
AeonPaxi have to use the terminal for that right?10:27
gnomer__mnepton, it has no encryption..I turned it off.10:27
CadeXWill the 32bit version of Wine run on the AMD64 bit version of ubuntu?10:27
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mneptongnomer__: tried network-manager-gnome?10:27
BordenAeonPax, go to Applications -> Internet -> Firestarter10:27
gnomer__mnepton, yep, works fine.10:28
randomiAeonPax: You can use that or you can use firestarter10:28
gnomer__Unless I change my mac address, which is the problem.10:28
mneptongnomer__: so then use that?10:28
randomiBorden: Is firestarter supposed to install by default?10:28
vookokay, so can anyone tell me why I have to do this : " dhclient eth1 && killall dhclient" in order for my network to stay active?10:28
gnomer__I'd like to change my MAC Address, and then connect to the router.10:28
BordenI think so, randomi10:28
mneptongnomer__: MAC addresses can be spoofed, but not actually changed.10:28
randomiHmm it didn't for me. I had to add it myself10:28
shinobi2how do i change mc's background to black and still support color?10:28
gnomer__mnepton, thats what I mean10:28
mneptongnomer__: why spoof it?10:29
Bordenvook, are you on PPPoE?10:29
gnomer__mnepton, nothing better to do.10:29
shinobi2how do i configure grub to support 1200x800 resolution during boot time?10:29
vookBorden, no10:29
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randomiEither way, AeonPax, if it's not there sudo aptitude install firestarter10:29
Bordenthen I don't know :-(10:29
mneptongnomer__: HA! touche.10:29
vookBorden, no, yes,10:29
gnomer__mnepton, :D10:29
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gnomer__mnepton, so, you know the fix?10:29
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randomiThen it will be under your internet folder10:29
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mneptongnomer__: well, that's cool. now i can answer the querstion with "Don't Do That(tm)" >;)10:29
randomiYou can use that as a GUI for iptables10:30
vookBorden, well, either way, *I* am not, but I am connected to a PPPoE router, it's a public router10:30
gnomer__mnepton, well, seeing as how it's my home router I don't see how I could getin trouble.10:30
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mneptongnomer__: nope, don't know it for sure. i keep the MAC addresses God gave me. because to mess with His plan makes the baby Jesus sad.10:30
mnepton(or, you know ... something)10:30
randomimnepton: =D10:30
gnomer__"For sure"10:30
THX-1138vook lol mepton10:30
gnomer__I'm open to suggestions, even if they're not right.10:30
Bordenvook, I have a problem with my dhcp in that it'll randomly rewrite my DNS servers to a loopback address10:31
gnomer__Just, as long as they're fairly close.10:31
BordenI haven't decided whether it's an ISP problem or a Linux problem10:31
BordenI'm guessing Linux10:31
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gnomer__mnepton, the main part (If it were fixed)10:32
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vookBorden, yep.  I as well.  I first changed the perms on /sbin/resolvconf to 644, which helped, but then I lost my route.  So, then I realized that dhclient was still running in the background, over and over and over.10:32
gnomer__Is that if I don't use the network-manager-gnome, then the dhclient command still doesn't work10:32
gnomer__Spoofed MAC or not10:32
THX-1138Borden - similar dhcp issues with ralink wireless. - turn off dhcp and bootup goes smoothly.10:32
wastrelwhat about ifup ath010:32
gnomer__wastrel, same thing happens.10:33
mneptongnomer__: it sounds like dhclient is trying to get a lease before the interface is fully brought up10:33
BordenTHX-1138, yeah, but doesn't turning off DHCP mean that I'll have to provide my own DNS servers?10:33
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Bordenand what about my IP address, which is assigned randomly?10:33
gnomer__mnepton, so how long do I have to wait after the "ifconfig ath0 up"?10:33
shinobi2how do i check what services are running? is apache on?10:33
AeonPaxhmm.. vlc is confusing me.. i'm just going in circles when i try to download 1.. and there's too many links :(10:33
randomiI'm going to be putting Ubuntu on my desktop soon and it has three drives in it right now. I was going to use LVM to join two of the drives and mount it in home but I don't want to loose the data if anything happens to the partition information. Should I just bite the bullet and mount them both to different locations?10:33
THX-1138Borden - I don't know. - at least on the local lan i can assign addresses. - no idea about ppoe10:34
vookshouldn't dhclient die after it completes?  if I just run 'dhclient eth1' at the shell, and every thing completes successfully, I can still find dhclient running as a process with ps aux | grep dhclient.10:34
mneptongnomer__: you can sepcify timeouts in /etc/network/interfaces10:34
timalotshinobi2: u mean interrnet services?10:34
Bordenyeah, I think I'm SOL on this one, THX10:34
gnomer__mnepton, sigh, fair enough10:35
=== gnomer__ goess off to probably break his laptop with a hammer
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BordenI haven't had the time or the patience yet to trace the problem and file a proper bug report10:35
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shinobi2timalot: any services10:35
mneptongnomer__: hey, *you're* the one that wnats to play around with something that already works! :P10:35
wastrelwifi is goofy10:35
gnomer__mnepton, I'm a programmer, it's my nature to fix things that aren't broken10:35
wastreli don't understand it10:35
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wastrelalso usb10:35
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mneptongnomer__: i know that life. and my girlfriend *still* won;t have a boob job. even though it would really optimize our sex life. :/10:36
Bordenshinobi2 - System -> System Monitor10:36
Bordenworks just like Task Manager in Windows10:36
shinobi2Borden: command line broo-da10:36
Bordenokay, how about pstree10:37
timalotshinobi2: yeah make sure u are looking at all processes notjust "my processes"10:37
timalotps -auxw  will give u all processes10:37
gnomer__mnepton, Roffle.10:37
mneptonshinobi2: "ps aux" and "top"10:37
THX-1138Font corruption in World of Warcraft. Any hints?  (Is WoW addictive?)10:37
=== randomi is away: Gone
gnomer__Anyway, I'm going to go and try to make me laptop work.10:38
gnomer__Be back if it doesn't to harass you mnepton10:38
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avagantIs anyone else having trouble getting soulseek to actually work?10:38
wastrelwow is addictive10:38
mneptonoh joy.10:38
gnomer__You'll love it.10:38
Bordennight folks - it's 20 to 5 here and I need some rest...10:38
mneptonbeat me, daddy.10:38
Bordentalk to you folkel later10:38
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THX-1138"Lathrop Wells lvl 60 priest khaz'Goroth.10:39
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avagantI wish I had money to play wow, or any online game for that matter.10:39
wastrelyou running wow under wine?10:39
wastrelyeah i stopped paying for my wow :] 10:39
=== randomi is back.
wastrelwaste of time and it costs money?  i can play nethack for free :] 10:39
=== aedes [n=ubuntu@24-155-109-66.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138Cedega (ease of setup - grabbing patches is no fun10:39
timalotisnt all just about getting the lastest cool item or gold++ or level++10:39
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randomiI've never paid for wow. Been playing on hacked servers for a while now10:40
=== Aproxima [i=paradox@c122166.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mneptonoh man, Nethack. i don't think i've played that since i did the BeOS port years ago.10:40
=== Twinxor_ [n=jme@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastreltelnet nethack.alt.org10:40
preactioni still do not understand nethack10:40
THX-1138random1 - sounds like fun. - took a look at the list. none were very full.10:40
shinobi2thx, mnepton, timalot, borden10:40
timalotshinobi2: np10:41
wastrelpreaction:  it's a nice step up from rogue10:41
=== DerD [n=derd2@p54B3F0A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
preactionwastrel, i mean, i get into dungeons and i get one or two rooms that i can't get out of :(10:41
CadeXI don't understand this sudo crap... but i really need full systems permission :/10:41
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randomiTHX-1138: I like servers with very few people online. Makes them faster for me :-P10:41
aedesCadeX: try: sudo bash -- for a root shell10:42
preactionCadeX, sudo = super-user do. sudo -s gives you a root shell10:42
CadeXWhere do i type that in?!10:42
randomiBesides I play GuildWars when I want to play with other people10:42
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:42
Windwalkercan somebody help on this matter: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/6583610:43
xorlluhow can i compile pgAdmin??? => configure: error: could not find a suitable C++ compiler to build pgAdmin10:43
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THX-1138randomi:Do any of those servers have the Game Master island?(last WoW - off-topic query)10:44
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wastrelheh good question :] 10:44
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randomiTHX-1138: none that I have been on have.10:44
randomiI haven't been on many10:44
timalotWindwalker: have u checked any module parameters for the driver module? ... modinfo <module name>10:44
=== winterweaver [n=winterwe@dsl-165-12-47.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #Ubuntu
randomiSo I'm probably not the best source on info for that10:45
aedesdoes anyone know where to find the kernel config for a particular kernel of ubuntu?10:45
DrSpinDAPPER: Gnome takes FOREVER (3-5 minutes) to start -- tried 386,686,686-SMP kernels and it's faster with SMP (hyperthreading) :: .xsession-errors contains "Gnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds: returning -1" -- google doesn't seem to turn up a logical solution -- tried dpkg-reconfigure gconf2 as well -- any ideas?10:45
xorlluwho know about this error??? => configure: error: could not find a suitable C++ compiler to build pgAdmin10:45
avagantI set up Wine before, and I couldn't get anything to work.10:45
avagantSo I gave up on it, after having it like 3 hours.10:45
wastrelxorllu:  you need to install build-essential10:45
s-tonedHow do I get a movie out of several jpg files? images2mpg (hence mjpegtools too) gives an error.10:45
Windwalker<timalot> I have not tried it. Can you advise a little more as I am not i linux now10:45
sugoruyohi all!10:46
=== YoG [n=YoG@bzq-88-152-20-23.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
randomisugoruyo: hey10:46
timalotWindwalker: ill try it hold on10:46
avagantI just found out never convert a flv into a mpeg especially if you don't have disk space.10:46
aedesxorllu: look at the config.log10:46
YoGhi, can someone help me setting the tv out?10:46
avagant3gb for a 23 minute show? No thanks.10:46
THX-1138avagent - similar troubles here. notably black screens. - Cedega worked and just happened to be easier to use.10:47
sugoruyoi have a question you guys have pro/ly seen far too many times10:47
aedesYoG: I'm in the same boat10:47
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avagantMy problem is, I did everything the "Windows way" and still couldn't get my favorite apps to open.10:47
timalotguess he couldnt wait10:47
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sugoruyowhat can i do to run ubuntu on my P965 machine?10:47
avagantI downloaded soulseek and had no luck, and then aim.10:47
avagantI need more gb's.10:47
randomiavagant: try cedega10:47
YoGaedes: and do you have any insights? what graphic card do you use?10:48
randomiYou'll probably have better luck with that10:48
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega10:48
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tristan_hello there10:48
avagantMaybe i could play RO on that.10:48
xavierhi every110:48
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xavierneed some help on installing a PPPOE client10:48
aedesYoG: I'm using GMA945, and have just started my search for the answer10:48
xavieri found a kpppoe client on google ... but i dont know how o install tar files :( anyone?10:48
avagantIt's not the repositories is it.10:48
=== markeib [n=mark@xdsl-87-78-34-62.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
tristan_I have a question about tv in Linux. I can watch TV using my TV USB key in kaffeine but I'd like to use it with mplayer. How do I create the file channels.conf, where do I have to put it. Is it possible to create channels.conf from the file kaffeine uses?10:49
THX-1138avagent - It is worth a try. - it's free to try or compile from CVS(mixed results here.) or $5 a month.10:49
wastrelxavier:  rp-pppoe10:49
markeibshould i, or should i not upgrade to edgy?10:49
YoGaedes: please let me know if you have any success...10:49
avagant5 dollars a month=me poor.10:49
xavierwastrel: i'm using KDE btw .. i dont know how to install tar files10:50
avagantI don't have enough money to maintain this crappy computer.10:50
avagantYou can watch TV on linux? HOLY CRAP10:50
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randomimarkeib: I wouldn't do it just yet. Not on production at least.10:50
=== TheLance [n=thelance@c-24-131-177-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
avagantI just found out how to "get" youtube vids.10:50
markeibWhen will it be released randomi?10:50
randomiIf you want to test it go ahead but not to run as the only os10:50
tristan_avagant, yes if you have a tv card or a tv usb key10:50
s-tonedanimate (from imagemagick) animates, but doesn't give me a file10:50
timalotavagant: what do u mean?10:50
avaganttimalot: With what?10:51
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timalotavagant: "get" youtube videos?10:51
TheLancehey whats up10:51
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avagantJust that.10:51
timalotavagant: ok10:51
Buglousei've downloaded a binary... NoIp (http://www.no-ip.com/downloads.php?page=linux).  And I don't know how to install or use binaries10:52
aedesYoG: I've seen a forum post saying that all that is needed is a dual monitor setup in the X config10:52
TheLancedoes anyone know where the splash screens are located?10:52
randomimarkeib: ubuntu wiki says october 2610:52
TheLancei want to change my splash startup screen10:52
THX-1138tristan - who makes it? what model is it? what chip is inside?10:52
tristan_avagant, there are also plug-ins for mozilla that can allow you to direct download the vids10:52
markeiboh so it's not worth it ^^10:52
avaganttristan_: I couldn't find them, and then the one I did find I read didn't work anymore.10:52
YoGaedes: I want only TV-out, I don't have a monitor on that computer, just the tv... can you give me the link to that thread?10:52
THX-1138internal tv cards give poor reception10:53
avaganttristan_: Something about Youtube changing the site or something.10:53
avagantI shouldn't be allowed to know these things.10:53
randomimarkieb: It's advised not to switch yet. If you want to dual boot and test edgy that's good, but not to switch over yet. Not until a final is released at least10:53
avagantI just spent the better part of 2 hours reliving my childhood.10:53
YoGaedes: I'm looking now on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23628  (I have an old MX 200)10:53
tristan_THX-1138, it's a Liteon. It works perfectly with kaffeine, I just want to use iot with mplayer also mainly to record directly in .avi10:53
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avagantCept when I try to convert those flv files into anything else I either get an error or a file waaaaaaaayyy too big.10:54
THX-1138tristan - Awesome!    googling the newegg site now.10:54
Larisyou tell me ;)10:54
=== VxD_ [n=vxd@80-192-40-231.cable.ubr03.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
avagantBut there are codecs for that, and that makes me happy so alas.10:54
tristan_avagant, look for videodownloader for mozilla and you'll be able to download youtube, google video....10:55
xorlluwho knnow, where is postgresql dir in Ubuntu dapper (i have installed postgresql 8.1.4)??? => configure: error: Could not find your PostgreSQL installation in /usr/lib/postgresql10:55
avagantGoogle video.10:55
aedesYoG: check your private messages10:55
tristan_THX-1138, ???? I don't understand10:55
randomimarkieb: Keep in mind that Dapper will still be supported for quite a while so there should be no problems right now.10:55
avagantI don't know how I feel about google video.10:55
timalotxorllu: hold i think ive got it installed....10:55
THX-1138tristan - Is there a good tv schedule online?10:55
tristan_avagant, anyway you can download embedded flv vids with that plug-in10:56
avagantI wwent plugin crazy already, but what's one more?10:56
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avagantswiftfox > all10:56
THX-1138tristan please don't distract me i am trying to place an order on newegg.com - lol10:56
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tristan_THX-1138, I thought you were willing to help me ;)10:57
YoGaedes: Sorry, I'm a bit new to IRC, I don't know how to see the private messages... :(10:57
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aedesYoG: what client are you using?10:57
CadeXIs there even a friggen way to be able to have all account rights without having to use the annoying console text screen?10:57
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timalotxorllu: ive got postrgres installed on a debian machine (should be the same as ubuntu) ... it puts its db files in /var/lib/postgres10:57
YoGaedes: XChat10:58
tristan_So nobody watch tv on Linux?10:58
THX-1138tried a couple of internal tuners one from ati and another from a no name taiwanese company they both were pretty bad. - interference from the other pci cards10:58
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aedesYoG: there should be tabs at the bottom, iirc (its beena while since I used xchat)10:58
aedesone of the tabs should have my nick10:58
avagantOk I got it tristan_ haha.10:58
sugoruyono one knows about P965 chipsets?10:58
tristan_THX-1138, sorry but I'm French so.... I don't think my TV schedule would help you....10:59
aedestristan_: I have a tvtuner on a box and use dot watch tv10:59
THX-1138tristan - lol10:59
tristan_aedes, I want to record directly to .avi that's why I want to use mplayer10:59
CadeXIs there a way to have all permissions in the graphical version so i don't have to use the annoying text console?10:59
tristan_DrSpin, no, nobody here11:00
Windwalker78can somebody help pls:     https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/6583611:00
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DrSpintristan_: LOl11:00
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo {guiapp}11:00
aedestristan_: ok ... I didn't realize there was a question involved here (what is your question again?)11:00
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:00
tristan_aedes, I can watch TV using my TV USB key in kaffeine but I'd like to use it with mplayer. How do I create the file channels.conf, where do I have to put it. Is it possible to create channels.conf from the file kaffeine uses?11:00
xavierwastrel: umm .. i downloaded rp pppoe .. now how do i install a tar.gz file???11:00
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YoGaedes: sorry no tab.. :(, I'll try to start a private session with you...11:01
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CadeX"-bash: !gksudo: event not found" ... i'm a serious linux n00b.11:01
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wastrelxavier:  tar xzvf file.tar.gz  then follow the README or INSTALL instruction11:02
ChousukeCadeX: without the !11:02
CadeXnever mind11:02
aedestristan_: I didn't know that mplayer used a channels.conf (I used tvtime to watch tv)11:02
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avagantI gotta go to bed. Haha.11:02
aedesI thought you did something like mplayer tv://11:02
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guijohi.. can anybody help me?11:02
avagantmplayer is pretty rad, despite I don't know any of the commands for it so I get a pretty plain box.11:02
wastrel<3 mplayer11:03
AJ--got a big problem here11:03
aedesYoG: I got your priv msg did you get my reply?11:03
AJ--i just installed my ubuntu11:03
tristan_aedes, right you can do this but you need a channels.conf file which tell the frequency and so on11:03
avagantI wish you didn't have to command line it.11:03
guijowas wondering how do i install an engine at ubuntu?11:03
YoGaedes: nope11:03
AJ--but i can make my mouse work11:03
Flannelguijo: what sort of engine?11:03
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avagantI wish I could clickity away on it, with clickity goodness.11:03
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jeanjeanAJ, what mouse do you have ?11:03
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avagantGod my movie is downloading faster then this, WTF.11:03
AJ--optical mouse11:03
wastrelengine = kernel i guess11:03
aedestristan_: hmm, have you checked out tvtime?11:03
jeanjeanAJ--, usb or ps211:04
CadeX"(gksudo:6040): GtK-WARNING **: cannot open display:"11:04
FlannelCadeX: you need to do it in a terminal inside of gnome, not a tty11:04
=== CorpseFeeder [n=blackdal@ppp123-16.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
aedesand I would suspect that mplayer would have an option for changing the channels11:04
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AJ--is there any shortcut keys11:04
AJ--that i can go to the control panel11:04
zool2005Morning all,11:04
AJ--so that i can configure my mouse11:04
guijoanything.. cedega as looking for one when i tried to install it.11:05
aedesYoG: hmm, weird, well I'll just post it here (I was trying to cut out all the noise)11:05
avagantmplayer is cool cause it isn't this huge contraption. You just point to your movie file and bam.11:05
=== kyle_ [n=kyle@71-214-101-58.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
avagantI'm getting more and more sold every day.11:05
aedesYoG: http://forum.notebookreview.com/archive/index.php?t-8569.html - look a couple posts down11:05
YoGaedes: ok11:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cegeda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:05
jeanjeanAJ--, what's manufacture and type of the mouse11:05
zool2005does anyone know if a Western Digital "My Book" works with Ubuntu? Here's the link : http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.asp?driveid=221&language=en11:05
sugoruyocome on people not one of you has a p965 board?11:05
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega11:05
Flannelguijo: read that page11:05
CadeX"Missing command to run."11:05
AJ--generic mouse11:06
AJ--its a plug and play mouse11:06
FlannelCadeX: "gksudo [whatever command youre running] "11:06
guijohow do i go there?11:06
Flannelguijo: a web browser11:06
kyle_my update to dapper got closed because when i came to a question to keep change or display the differences in a file i chose display the differences.. is there a way i can continue or restart the update through terminal11:06
CadeXArrrgh, why can't i just simply edit a file like i need to?11:06
timalotCadeX: what is it you want to do?11:06
Buglousei've downloaded a binary... NoIp (http://www.no-ip.com/downloads.php?page=linux).  And I don't know how to install or use binaries11:06
guijookies.. i a linux newbie..11:06
Flannelguijo: the link ubotu said11:06
THX-1138right click open  in broweser11:06
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timalotCadeX: gksudo gedit /name/of/file/i/want/to/edit11:07
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bowmanheya. I'm facing problems with a Shuttle XPC -- fan control is not working, any time the CPU load goes up, the fan frequency goes up as well - anyone know what to do about this?11:07
YoGaedes: It looks that in the link I have they explain how to do that step-by-step (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23628)11:08
ubotufan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html11:08
jeanjeanAJ--, open terminal, type sudo gedit /etc/rc.local11:08
CadeXAhh, thanks.11:08
ubotulm-sensors: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.9.2-5ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 463 kB, installed size 1452 kB11:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:08
mneptonAJ--: is the BIOS setup to expect and use a PS/2 pointing device?11:08
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aedesYoG: yeah, but that doesn't work for me cause its only nvidia cards11:09
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YoGaedes: right11:09
aedesYoG: your's is nvidia?11:09
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YoGaedes: yup, an old MX 200 (geforce 2)11:10
=== randomi is away: gone
jeanjeanAJ--, then type this in rc.local 'modprobe -r psmouse' and this 'modprobe psmouse proto=imps'11:10
kyle_sudo dpkg --configure -a <-nm11:10
jeanjeanAJ--, then restart11:10
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aedesYoG: and you couldn't get it to work with those instructions?11:10
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kyle_now that i have that, anyone know what to do with the gdm.conf11:11
YoGaedes: I'm just statring... didn't try yet...11:11
zool2005Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced external HDD drive (not necessarily portable) that is compatible with Ubuntu please?11:11
kyle_anyone know what to do with the gdm.conf??????11:12
njanzool2005, I've never encountered a USB hard drive that didn't work in ubuntu.11:12
kyle_during the upgrade to dapper11:12
njanzool2005, they're pretty much a sure bet.11:12
bowmanzool2005: any sort of USB drive should do the trick11:12
timalotkyle_: system->administration->login window11:12
jeanjeanzool2005, my ICYBOX works fine under ubuntu11:13
kyle_what why11:13
mikemiezterwhere do i get new repositories?11:13
timalotkyle_: thats the gui to edit gdm.conf11:13
zool2005bowman: I'd particularly like a Western Digital "My Book" but the site talks about something being installed on first connection11:13
Flannel!tell mikemiezter about repositories11:13
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bowmanzool2005: in that case you'd probably have to ask them if they support linux :-)11:14
zool2005bowman: ok, thanks11:14
kyle_timalot: is there any reason to keep the current gdm rather than replacing it with the one dapper sends with the upgradE?11:14
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timalotkyle_: ahh ok... no unless u have edited it.... its probably just best to go with the version it wants to give u11:15
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DrSpinDAPPER: Gnome takes FOREVER (3-5 minutes) to start -- tried 386,686,686-SMP kernels and it's faster with SMP (hyperthreading) :: .xsession-errors contains "Gnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds: returning -1" -- google doesn't seem to turn up a logical solution -- tried dpkg-reconfigure gconf2 as well -- any ideas?11:16
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baboguys, I have a display problem ...11:16
kyle_timalot: want to take a look at a screenshot that shows a problem i'm having11:16
babobabo     :0       -                01Oct06 ?xdm?   4:36  13.58s x-session-manager11:16
sugoruyohey does someone know what i can do to get linux working on a P965 machine?11:16
timalotkyle_: ok ...11:17
baboxhost:  unable to open display "0:"11:17
babohow can I get my terminal to connect to my xserver ?11:17
=== CorpseFeeder [n=blackdal@ppp123-16.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
kyle_timalot: here11:17
timalotbabo ..... xhost + maybe ?11:17
mneptonsugoruyo: if Edgy doesn;t work, then complain to Intel about their refusal to supply the FOSS community with worthwhile support.11:17
babotimalot: xhost:  unable to open display "0:"11:18
nryi have a printer problem, my ubuntu 6.06 finds the printer over a LAN on a W2K PC, install is OK but......the printer page test puts the printer in pause11:18
nrywhat's wrong?11:18
sugoruyomnepton, i'd go bash them with my expensive m/b11:18
timalotbabo: yeah its :0 not 0:11:18
sugoruyobut currently the problem is a have a new computer11:18
=== fluxi [n=fluxi@90.238-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
mneptonsugoruyo: it may be the best use yet of that north bridge ;)11:18
sugoruyowhich does not work11:19
sugoruyolinux won't see my PATA drives11:19
timalotkyle_: give me a url to look at your screen shot11:19
babod'oh. thanks11:19
sugoruyoand i don't know about the on-board NIC [i have a spare tho] 11:19
mneptonsugoruyo: because Intel has not given the Linux community what we need to make the 965 work.11:19
=== Avochelm [n=damien@CPE-60-226-238-40.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kyle_timalot, well i can't because it's a problem with firefox therefore i can't upload it to anything11:20
sugoruyonot even M$ Vista RC available on their site for free works...11:20
=== Avochelm [n=damien@CPE-60-226-238-40.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
timalotkyle_: whats the problem ? can u describe it?11:20
sugoruyoso far only XP has seen my PATA DVD/RW11:20
CorpseFeederI put a Pinnacle Studio DC10+ analogue video capture card (Zoran) in my linux machine. Who wants to help me make it work in Ubuntu? What program can I get for Ubuntu which will do capture from an analogue/composite video instead of from DV/firewire?11:20
mneptonsugoruyo: this is why i'm an AMD user. i'm tired of Intel's crap.11:20
sugoruyoyeah well is there something i could do about it?11:20
sugoruyolike install from an external USB drive11:21
kyle_timalot, just accept the screenshot, and have a look11:21
sugoruyoand then use some sort of kernel patch to access the internal PATA one?11:21
mneptonsugoruyo: not much, other than tell Intel you have choices when buying software, and as a Linux user, they are making it hard to choose Intel.11:21
timalotkyle_: my irc client doesnt do file transfers....11:21
=== Gnomer__ [n=Gnomer@c-68-63-246-172.hsd1.ky.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptonsugoruyo: i don;t think you understand11:21
CorpseFeederdoes VLC do video capture from composite video capture card?11:21
Gnomer__mnepton, I have returned.11:21
mneptonsugoruyo: Intel has not supplied the code to make the 965 work in Linux. period. end of story. there is no workaround. there is no magic. there is only "the 965 does not work well with Linux"11:22
=== jirib [n=jirib@89-24-4-18.customers.t-mobile.cz] has joined #ubuntu
jiribhi all11:22
Gnomer__mnepton, I've discovered that it HAS to be the router causing the problem.11:22
jiribany unofficial xen packages for ubuntu with prebuilt kernels?11:23
mneptonGnomer__: i rpescribe fire. and lots of it.11:23
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Flannel!tell jirib about xen11:23
Gnomer__mnepton, I prefer thermite.11:23
wastrelrouter is finicky about mac addy?11:23
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sugoruyowell is far from not at all i think11:23
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Gnomer__wastrel, yeah.11:23
CorpseFeederanyone here had any experience with analogue video capture cards in ubuntu?11:23
sugoruyousing an external DVD drive11:23
Gnomer__It won't make a lease for it.11:23
wastrelwe hates it my precious11:23
sugoruyoi was able to boot into dapper live11:23
sugoruyobut gnome won't finish loading...11:23
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mneptonGnomer__: can you still get that? i though the Czech plant that made it shut down.11:24
jiribFlannel: thats edgy, dapper ones?11:24
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sugoruyoi'm stuck with the brown wally and a cursor11:24
Gnomer__mnepton, :/11:24
Gnomer__It's iron oxide 3 with aluminum, not hard to make if you dn't want it ordered.11:24
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mneptonsugoruyo: some of the 965 pieces work. some do not. the 965 has been nothing but a headache here.11:25
kyle_timalot, well basically it looked like this, "Could not insall /var/cache/apt/firefox" problem creating symbolic link "./usr/bin/firefox"11:25
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Windwalker78does anybody have a RTL8139 installed?11:25
boinksure, that's just a cheapo RealTek card11:25
YoGaedes: I tried following the howto for the nvidia, but it didn't work, I'm tried to reboot and it seems that the computer hangs at the point of starting the X...11:25
sugoruyoit's also what i'm going to have to run on...11:25
kyle_timalot, firefox no longer opens or reinstalls11:25
boinkthe RTL8139 works perfectly under all open source systems11:25
kyle_the ways ive tried anyway11:25
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mneptonsugoruyo: then good luck. i can guarantee the 965 will not be certified for Edgy.11:25
timalotkyle_: ok u probably want to remove the firefox package completely then try and install the package again11:26
Gnomer__mnepton, I'm going to have to call Belkin (Yes, I know my router sucks and needs to be shot several times with an plasma rifle.)11:26
Windwalker78except for mine :(11:26
sugoruyonow i know intel deserves the ISS to drop on their heads11:26
Gnomer__Will you do it for me, rofl.11:26
Windwalker78Ubuntu 6.0611:26
nryi have a printer problem, my ubuntu 6.06 finds the printer over a LAN on a W2K PC, install is OK but......the printer page test puts the printer in pause11:26
nrywhat's wrong?11:26
boinkGnomer_ : all routers sux11:26
Gnomer__They already hate me..I proved I was smarter then their tech support.11:26
Windwalker78it breaks after a while especially when copying11:26
sugoruyobut i need to make it work...11:26
mneptonGnomer__: sorry,m had to sell my handguns when i moved to canada./11:26
boinkwhat's the default sound app under gnome/ubuntu ?11:26
Larisout of interest11:26
sugoruyoso if anyone has something that can help...11:26
mneptonGnomer__: but i can heartily recommend the US Robotics 820011:27
timalotkyle_: sudo dpkg -P firefox ; apt-get install firefox11:27
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mneptonsugoruyo: what part of "there is no good support for the 965 in the Linux kernel" is unclear. no one can help you. there is no fix. there is no silver bullet. only Intel has the answers, and they are not sharing.11:27
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aedesYoG: its probably hanging because its having a problem with the graphics driver11:28
kyle_timalot, k11:28
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aedesYoG: do you have the nivia driver installed?11:28
YoGaedes: I have only the tv connected, when I disconnect the tv it boots ok (no monitor at all)... :(11:28
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Windwalker78nry: do you see my whisper?11:29
YoGaedes: I don't know... in xorg.conf it sais "nv"11:29
sugoruyomnepton, nothing is unclear11:29
YoGaedes: should i install something?11:29
aedeswhat do you mean "no monitor at all"?11:29
mikemiezterwant to install nvdia driver? install automatix ^^11:29
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timalotsugoruyo: there is no generic chipset support?11:29
jiribwhen will be release of edgy eft?11:29
sugoruyoi just won't believe that there is no way to run linux on a p965 board11:29
mneptonsugoruyo: then i'm confused as to why you would say "if anyone has something that could help..."11:29
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sugoruyothe problem people are reporting11:29
aedesYoG: the link you gave me says to have the nvifia binary driver from nvidia11:30
sugoruyois lack of the JMicron controller support11:30
mneptonsugoruyo: believe what you want. but our testing has told us the 965 is not ready for Linux.11:30
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aedeswhich is called "nvidia" as opposed to the OSS on called "nv"11:30
YoGaedes: ah...11:30
fridayHi, I changed my LCD monitor from using the DVI connection to the VGA connection on my graphics card. Then I had to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but apparently the default frequency settings doesnt, work. Now I im stuck at GDM with a frequency my monitor cant display. How do I get to a console prompt? Is there an easy way to tell what frequencies i need to input? Why doesnt it just autodetect it as it did when I had it on the DVI connector?11:30
sugoruyoand some on-bard NICs not working either11:30
lorenzodjoin #laug11:30
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sugoruyohowever some people are reporting succesful netinstalls or installs from USB11:30
cpk2friday: pressing ctrl alt f1 will get you to a tty11:31
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sugoruyoso what i'm talking about is whether is should go for edgy11:31
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YoGaedes: can i install them with aptitude?11:31
sugoruyoor stay with dapper and try that11:31
KenSentMefriday: press ctrl+alt+f1, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:31
mneptonsugoruyo: we have been testing the 965 with Edgy and it is still a giant problem11:31
cpk2friday: i think sudo ddcprobe or ddc probe will probe your monitor for what it uses11:31
fridaycpk2: tried it but it does not work11:31
mneptonsugoruyo: the. Linux. kernel. does. not. have. good. support. for. the. 965.11:32
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sugoruyocould you be a bit more specific? i mean is it the PATA or a more generic issue11:32
aedesYoG: I haven't a clue, but I would think so, since its a common driver (but its not open)11:32
cpk2friday: ctrl alt f1 doesnt take yoy to a tty?11:32
mneptonsugoruyo: Edgy is Linux. we didn;t write a different kernel for this release.11:32
fridaycpk2: KenSentMe: the ctrl+alt+f1 doesnt take me to a tty no11:32
YoGaedes: not open... meaning?11:32
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KenSentMefriday: then reboot in emergency mode (or whatever it's called), choose it from grub11:32
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fridaycpk2: i can reboot by doing CTRL-ALT-Backspace and then CTRL-ALT-DELETE quickly after11:32
cpk2friday: now that isnt very nice =P11:33
mneptonsugoruyo: some ports work, some do not. SATA1 is completely broken, SATA2 works fine. the IDE controller works. oh, wait, no it doesn't. now it's back. oops, gone again. oh, there goes SATA2. etc etc etc etc etc etc11:33
aedesmeaning its closed source11:33
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kyle_timalot, can i pm you with what i got as a result11:33
timalotkyle_: sure11:33
sugoruyomnepton, so there's general instability?11:34
YoGaedes: yes i know, but how does it affect me, other than having to use binaries?11:34
fridayKenSentMe: cpk2 dang 2 sec timer on the menu, thats why i never saw it :-)11:34
mneptonsugoruyo: not instability. outright "IT DOES NOT WORK"11:34
kyle_crap i'm unregistered11:34
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fridaycpk2: ill try the dcc probe now :_11:35
mneptonsugoruyo: Intel has paid us to certify their hardware, and the 965 is going to fail, fail, fail. period. done. it is not ready for Linux.11:35
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aedeswell, I don't know what aptitude is (I assume some apt-based pkg mamanger), so I don't know if it contains non-open sourced packages11:35
kyle_timalot, dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_1.5.dfsg+ (--unpack):11:35
kyle_ error creating symbolic link `./usr/bin/firefox': No such file or directory11:35
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kyle_maybe my repository isn't finding firefox11:35
YoGaedes: ah, ok...11:36
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timalotkyle_: it should be /usr/bin/firefox ... not ./usr/bin/firefox11:36
mneptonkyle_: that ./ is killing you11:36
fridaycpk2: ddcprobe shows the resolutions but nothing about the refresh rates11:36
mneptonkyle_: why are you installing Fx from a .deb?11:36
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adminXDAMN IT 2 HELL!11:36
cpk2friday: you do it as sudo?11:37
adminXI LUV UBUNTU11:37
kyle_it started as an update to
cpk2i guess you have to do it as sudo11:37
cpk2friday: then you need to find a manual11:37
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kyle_somehow that got ruined and in the process i ruined my 1.0.711:37
mneptonkyle_: is this coming through a package manager (e.g. Synaptic?)11:37
fridaycpk2: urrrg i was hoping not having to go through that :-(11:37
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fridaycpk2: 21st century and all11:38
cpk2friday: find a manual for the horiz sync and vert refresh11:38
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cpk2friday: ddcprobe is the autodetect =(11:38
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE11:38
kyle_mnepton, no that came through terminal11:38
mneptonkyle_: just use Synaptic11:38
fridaycpk2: ddcprobe seems to probe my graphics card not the monitor11:38
mneptonkyle_: remove Firefox, then re-add it11:38
Windwalker78I am about to assemble a terminal server with ubuntu 6.06 but before i purchase the MB i need some advise regarding the LAN Adapter. I had REALLY awful time with Dapper and 8139. My main aim is the lan of the MB to be 1 Gbit and to work flawlessly. Anybody with MOBO with integrated 1 Gbit adapter working fine?11:39
kyle_that's what i was doing, through terminal, just a second ago11:39
fridaycpk2: perhaps it cant probe a vga connection? install detected the monitor just fine when on DVI connection11:39
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kyle_i'll try in synaptic11:39
cpk2friday: if you want you can do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:39
cpk2friday: or i might have it backwards it might be xorg-xserver11:39
fridaycpk2: thats what I did already11:39
fridaycpk2: its xserver-xorg11:39
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cpk2friday: is it hard to find out what your horiz sync and vert refresh is?11:40
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timalotwhy dont changelogs show up in the update manager? ... ive got 82 updates... waiting but most of them have no changelogs11:40
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fridaycpk2: i think i have the manual stored somewhere ...11:41
gnomer__this is frustrating.11:41
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cpk2friday: you could try google, "mymonitor manual"11:42
gnomer__mnepton, I know wahts wrong now..11:42
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cpk2timalot: 82? psh thats nothing, i have 280 being held back atm... =P11:42
mikedoes floxbox change gnome? or floxbox is just an eyecandy??11:43
fridaycpk2: i will, im just annoyed at the fact that I have to do that.. its the same monitor, just changed the cable11:43
timalotcpk2: fair enough ... why update if they arent going to tell u why11:43
fridaycpk2: but thanks for your help11:43
cpk2friday: mine didnt work either even when it worked in windows, but all you have to do is change *gasp* 2 lines in xorg ;)11:44
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fridaycpk2: Well to be honest i have already spent entire days of my life configuring X.11:44
k31thhum how can i run a script as root via a php script ?11:44
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cpk2friday: =(11:45
fridaycpk2: ie. i think i have spent too long time doing it11:45
gnomer__k31th, learn how to make a PHP Shell11:45
timalotk31th: question is why?11:45
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fridaycpk2: I guess I was kinda hoping that I wouldnt have to do that come 2006 :-/11:45
timalotk31th: but if u really want to ... u set the setuid bit on the executable11:45
Fuzzy76What are the difference between the two apache2 dev packages?11:46
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k31thtimalot: I want to be able to add user via  web interface11:46
lazzarethWhy cant I write to usb thumbdrives ? Copy information -> shows up as its on the disk -> remove disk -> plug disk back in -> no information      is this because i havent manually mounted it in fstab ? right now its auto-mounting?11:46
k31thand creae a home dir etc.11:46
cpk2friday: yeah, the silly part is my monitor says it supports both ddc versions and yet it still cant figure out all of my resolutions and freq11:46
mneptoni'm always amazed that people will "run this script as root" or "click here to install the virusland.com IE toolbar!" but they would never, EVER say yes to some stranger on the street handing them a piece of fur-covered mystery meat and saying "eat this."11:46
k31thim passwd protecting the web dir etc only an admin will have acess to this.11:46
czekistais there any differecne between /dev/usb/lp0 and /dev/usblp0?11:47
fridaycpk2: does ddc work on a VGA connection?11:47
cpk2friday: of course11:47
gnomer__mnepton, Mmmm, fur covered mystery meat.11:47
cpk2friday: dvi still is not all that common11:47
fridaycpk2: just wondering why it doesnt show anything about mine though11:47
mneptongnomer__: hands off, she's mine.11:47
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gnomer__mnepton, s/she/he/;11:48
fridaycpk2: it lists a lot of modes, but only with resolution info, and then theres a line saying edid: edidfail which i guess means not able to probe display11:48
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mneptongnomer__: hence the "mystery"11:49
cpk2friday: thats exactly how mine is, yet it doesnt even show my max resolution11:49
gnomer__mnepton, there is only one way to find out.11:49
gnomer__You first.11:49
=== mnepton tosses a baseball
timalotk31th: ok well if u want to u can set the script file's ownership to root ... then chmod +s <filename> .... the script will then run with root privileges ,,,, not a good idea but if u want to ....11:49
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mneptoncaught it. it's a guy.11:49
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gnomer__mnepton, do you think my router is male or female? I mean...I has ports.11:50
=== gnomer__ is contemplating whether or not it would be safe to hit it
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mneptongnomer__: but it also has an antenna that spews packets. i'll stay safe and say "hermaphroditic"11:51
kyle_mnepton, what packages should i select, just the one named firefox or what?11:51
k31thtimalot: well the only person that will access this will be me and another admin so it should be ok ?11:51
gnomer__mnepton, but..how do I know if I can hit it without jail?11:51
mneptonkyle_: just firefox should also grab anything else it needs11:51
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mneptongnomer__: build date on the kernel?11:52
timalotk31th: well ok ... but if some one does a DOS attack on your php script .... u may end up with a lot of users11:52
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gnomer__mnepton, kernel? To my machine you mean?11:53
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kyle_W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/firefox_1.5.dfsg+
kyle_  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 11:53
k31thtimalot: well they wont have access to it? its in a passwd protected dir ?11:53
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cpk2friday: The DDC link is carried on three pins  data, clock and ground  in a 15-pin VGA connector, a DVI connector or an HDMI connector so yes, it shouldnt matter how you plug your monitor in11:53
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kyle_can i add a specific repository just for firefox...? waht should i do about that11:54
gnomer__kyja, ubuntu should come WITH firefox11:54
timalotk31th: ok ... i dont know about system admin best practices... if u want to do its up to you... i am just telling u , u can run the script as root11:54
fridaycpk2: k11:55
kyle_i know, it does, but mine is broke11:55
mewthow can i isntall my kernel C headers ?11:55
mewti am trying to install wmware player11:55
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gnomer__Open up synaptic package manager11:55
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gnomer__It has a "fix broken packages" option.11:55
mewtand i need to give it the firectory of the C headers that match my kernel11:56
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gnomer__kyle_, you already try that?11:56
kyle_but it isn't finding firefox.. Failed to fetch11:56
gnomer__kyle_, :/ I dunno then11:56
gnomer__Try an apt-get update11:56
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cpk2just to verify, are the us repos down?11:59
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micahcowankyle_, cpk2, I'm currently getting "failed to fetches" too, due to 404s. Try switching to a different archive (us.archive.ubuntu.com seems to be down)11:59
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mewtanyone ?12:00
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cpk2how annoying12:01
cpk2it always bugs me when us repos go down12:01
fridaycpk2: ok, im now up and running using the manual... btw. should I enable the v4l module?12:01
micahcowanmewt, I believe you want linux-libc-dev12:01
cpk2friday: never heard of that, i am trying to get something that might be able to grab info from the monitor12:02
mewtmicahcowan, i installed linux-headers-68612:02
mewtand i restarted the vmplayer isntallation12:02
fridaycpk2: kk12:02
mewtseems to have been detected automatically now12:02
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AJ--how can i use a higher resolution on my ubuntu12:04
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ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 608 kB, installed size 1120 kB12:04
AJ--im using nvidia Gforce4MX 440 video card12:04
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misieqto use tor i just have to install it and it does all the job by itself?12:04
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cpk2friday: read-edid is a package in the universe repo that can try to probe your monitor too12:05
cpk2friday: I am beginning to think that it might be a problem with my nvidia drivers. do you happen to have nvidia too?12:05
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YoGaedes: yay... it working :-) thanx...12:05
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petr_hi everybode, is in there any Apache2 guru?12:06
basantaIs it possible is disable totem from autoplaying vcd/dvd?12:06
Renskipetr_, no, but Ive used it...a bit12:07
Renskijust ask the question12:07
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petr_ok, i have problems with 403 (forbidden) on apache2, php512:07
misieqpetr_: check access permissions to the files/folders you try to browse12:08
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micahcowanpetr_, what is the URL you're getting 403 on?12:08
Ramunashello :)12:08
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zool2005basanta, I think you can do it from the 'preferred apps' menu?12:09
Renskimisieq: is write, check apache has rx premissions12:09
Renskicant type...12:09
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petr_localhost/test/test.txt, physically /var/www/test/test.txt; all permissions opened (to read and run)12:10
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misieqpetr_: and .htaccess?12:10
petr_think none...12:10
misieqspecifically "order" directive12:10
micahcowanpetr_, what are the permissions for /var/www and /var/www/test?12:10
zool2005basanta, otherwise check the configuration editor12:11
AJ--sudo apt-get install xchat xchat-systray   <--- how do this code work?12:11
aedesYoG: no problem12:12
micahcowanpetr_, what does /var/log/apache2/error.log say about it?12:12
basantazool2005, is it controlled by gvm?12:12
micahcowanAJ--, what specifically do you want to know? It gains admin privileges and installs the xchat and xchat-systray packages.12:12
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cpk2friday: after a little more reading not only does the monitor need to support ddc but so does the video card, which is odd in my case since i have a geforce 6600 you would think that it supports ddc12:12
petr_/var/www: drwxrwxrwx, /var/www/test: drwxr-xr-x, but test.txt: -rw-------, i think i know where's the problem :-)12:13
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zool2005basanta, I'm not sure. I'm at work using Windoze at the moment so I can't help you much more! Sorry :-)12:13
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AJ--so micahcowan i should download xchat then run that on the terminal is that right?12:14
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=== cpk2 feels like he is talking to a wall
jackedAJ: that will download it automatically12:14
jackedjust run that in the terminal12:14
jackedyou'll be asked for your password12:14
basantazool2005, thanks anyway dude12:15
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micahcowanAJ--, what jacked said. Alternatively, you can use Synaptic to install those two packages.12:15
lansingi got a lil prob wen i try to use my 3.5 drive it says Error: given UDI is not a mountable volume12:15
lansingwats that mean12:15
aedesanyone know where the kernel configs are for the ubuntu kernels?12:15
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thoreauputicaedes: in /boot12:17
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RubyOnFailsany females here ?12:18
aedesthanks thoreauputic12:18
thoreauputicaedes: np :)12:18
thoreauputicRubyOnFails: only humans ;p12:18
RubyOnFailsyeah but I was curious12:18
RubyOnFailsif any female ubuntu user12:19
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RubyOnFailsI think there is not12:19
RubyOnFailsand that's pathetic12:19
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.12:19
RubyOnFailsok ubotu12:19
micahcowanRubyOnFails, don't be ridiculous. There are plenty. I don't see any I recognize at the moment, but...12:19
RubyOnFailsmicahcowan, ok12:20
micahcowanAnd it's completely offtopic for here. Asking in #ubuntu-offtopic was the only appropriate place.12:20
SexyUbuntuGirl4uWhat do you mean. Ok, I may be 6ft, short, hair, built like a wall, with a deep voice. Im insulted!12:20
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cpk2RubyOnFails: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWomen?highlight=%28women%2912:20
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micahcowancpk2, lol12:20
mneptonRubyOnFails: my girlfriend uses Ubuntu. all my female co-workers use Ubuntu. my 2 female neighbors use Ubuntu ...12:21
RubyOnFailsmicahcowan, true but this was only one question and it is related to this channel . I  may not ask this question in anothe channel and waiting an answer for female #ubuntu'ers12:21
jackedsame here: my gf uses Ubuntu12:21
mneptonRubyOnFails: /join #ubuntu-women12:21
micahcowanRubyOnFails, believe it or not, it is not related to this channel, which is intended for support purposes only.12:21
seraphimmine also has to :P12:21
mewtRubyOnFails, does it really make any difference to you ?12:21
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Ramunasmnepton: hey :), how do you convert women to Ubuntu? I wasn't successful in doing this :/12:21
RubyOnFailsmewt, it satisfies my curiosity. Which also allows me to switch to linux instead of windows12:22
timalottheyve got a girl on the logo so they must12:22
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jackedhere we go...12:22
mneptonRamunas: show them a picture of Steve Ballmer and say, "You pay this guy."12:22
cpk2RubyOnFails: also, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WomenInUbuntu?highlight=%28women%2912:22
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mneptonRamunas: most women, after vomitting slightly into their mouths and spitting, convert to Linux12:22
q1how can i change my locales ?12:22
cpk2wait no, thats the same link..12:22
oskude!locale > q112:23
cpk2thats better12:23
RubyOnFailsI just wanted to know if there are any female users in the channel right now. That's it. No more no less. Thank you for your guide though, period.12:23
q1ok thanks12:23
cpk2i also think there is a kde womens group as well12:24
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apokryphosthere is, yes: women.kde.org12:24
mneptonRubyOnFails: most female Ubuntu users are smart. smart women usually don't answer, "any h07 c}{ixxz0rz h3r3!!!1!" questions on IRC. ;)12:24
apokryphosthough that site is, on the whole, a little outdated12:24
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ArafangionRubyOnFails: Also, see http://www.gnome.org/projects/wsop/12:24
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ArafangionRubyOnFails: And stand by for sexist comments.12:25
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voltzI used apt-get install kubuntu-desktop instead of aptitude and now I would like to remove all the packages that kubuntu has installed, is there eany other way then removing them via synaptic12:25
apokryphosvoltz: remove some vital Qt or KDE package and they'll all go12:25
RubyOnFailsI will not get into the flames for the sake of this channel is support only12:25
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cpk2mnepton: excellent spelling of chicks =D12:26
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oskudevoltz: deborphan is one of them12:27
jackedvoltz: if you're running edgy, you should be able to apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop, and then follow that will apt-get auto-remove12:27
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czekistagnome crashes when i try to cancel planed jobs in "printing" dialog12:28
jackedotherwire just apt-get remove k*   <--- not seriously12:28
czekistais there any way to cancel those jobs manually?12:28
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gnomefreakjacked: they added auto-remove to apt in dapper?12:29
anilomkarcan u tell me how to install eclipse XML editor??12:30
jackedis that a question or info12:30
seraphimedgy doesn't have auto-remove12:30
voltzthanks folk,I new to linux and am using edgy,I did apt-get remove so I will try  apt-get auto remove12:31
gnomefreakseraphim: edgy sure does12:31
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gnomefreakvoltz: make sure you dont need any of those files and please join #ubuntu+1 for edgy12:31
mneptonvoltz: welcome to Ubuntu.12:31
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jackedseraphim: it does, but I don't think the man is updated yet12:31
voltzahh ok thanks12:32
seraphimi just tried, it said invalid operation12:33
jackedseraphim: try autoremove12:33
gnomefreakguys #ubuntu+1 for edgy12:33
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seraphimnow i'm doing an upgrade. will try later :) ty12:34
jackedseraphim: the latter directive is correct.12:34
guijohow do i run scripts?12:35
gnomefreakguijo: what kind of script12:35
timalotanilomkar: help->software updates->find and install .... is the usual way to install eclipse plugins12:35
guijosn xinstall.sh -check12:35
jackedguijo: make sure the file is executable12:35
jackedguijo: sudo sh xinstall.sh -check12:35
gnomefreakguijo: first run chmod +x filename12:35
gnomefreakjacked: sudo?12:36
guijowhere do i type that?12:36
gnomefreakwell i guess that depoends12:36
gnomefreakguijo: terminal12:36
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oskudeif you run "sh foo.sh" the script doesnt have to be executable...12:36
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jackedgnomefreak: why the question?12:37
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gnomefreakjacked: once you make it excutable you dont need sudo12:37
guijono such file or directory :(12:38
=== gnomefreak runs 99% of my scripts without sudo
oskudeand using "./foo.sh" (with executable flag set) only works if it has "sha-bang"12:38
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guijodo i have to download it first before i run it?12:38
jackedgnomefreak: unless the script requires root priv's... which many install scripts do12:38
jackedgnomefreak: no?12:38
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gnomefreakjacked: that really depends on the person who wrote it.12:39
jackedguijo: most likely, yes.  unless you want to... um.... yeah, just download it12:39
micahcowanoskude, technically, that's not true for sh scripts. True for anything else. (exec is required to execute "unknown" program formats with sh)12:40
boyFromOZHello you guys12:40
gnomer__Hello boyFromOZ12:40
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lansingam i able to play windows games on linux12:41
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timalotwhy do kde program change 'c' s to 'k'  s?12:41
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gnomer__lansing, yep, well12:41
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Arafangiontimalot: Marketing.12:41
gnomer__Try wine, may/may not work.12:41
oskudetimalot: cause they are kool ;)12:41
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lansingive got this game called cossaks12:42
jackedlansing: some. more with wine. but for the most part, windows-native games work best on windows.12:42
guijoubuntu is linux-ix86-glibc?12:42
rambo3same reson X button on top doesn't close programs in KDE12:42
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jackedlansing: but I'm just a repeater-monkey on that one.  I'm not a gamer.12:43
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vinboyi got my new Core 2 Duo cpu & mobo... when I try to boot using the LiveCd, it freeeze when loading kernel12:44
jackedso you might want another source12:44
IsaacKlingerHey, how do I disable the generic mouse (Driver=mouse) while X is already running?12:44
oskudemicahcowan: yup, seems so. meaning the sha-bang...12:44
mewthow can i change the default media player in dapper ? i hate totem _12:44
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micahcowanyup, I'm right, or yup, you are?12:44
serishemavinboy: maybe the live CD doesn't have an SMP kernel.12:44
micahcowan( oskude )12:45
jackedvinboy: what model12:45
oskudemicahcowan: yup, youre right12:45
vinboyseraphima: maybe :(  . does that mean i can't get back to linux?? i got important files there12:45
vinboyjacked: E640012:45
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mewtserishema, you dont need an smp kernel to load either way, i use smp kernel on my p4 but i laod with i386 normal kernel12:45
micahcowanyeah... all the same, though, better to include the shebang line. Especially if you really wanted bash, not sh (sh is no longer bash in edgy)12:45
jackedjacked: brand?12:45
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timalotmewt:  right click on a file of the type of the association u want to change ... and go to the open with tab.12:46
mewttimalot, thanks will do12:46
serishemamewt: Didn't know that. i don't actually have any smp or even dual core machines here.12:46
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timalotmewt: properties then to the open with tab12:46
vinboyjacked: CPU= intel e6400 mobo=Gigabyte p965 ds312:46
Clawfingerhey can anybody recommend a torrent client for me that i can find in the apt-get repository?12:46
serishemai use ktorrent, but if you don't have the kde libs you might not want to use that12:47
mewtubuntu doesnt ship with smp kernels infact12:47
rupert_Clawfinger: aptitude search torrent :-)12:47
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cpk2Clawfinger: I like azureus but after you apt-get it you need to find the 2.5 jar (the azureus package doesnt seem to be well maintained)12:47
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mewty doesnt ubuntu move away from apt-get in favor of ubuntu if aptitude is so much better12:47
jackedvinboy: is it a pre-configured system?  (dell, HP, etc.?)12:47
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vinboyjacked: no it isn't12:47
mewtin favor of aptitude*12:48
cpk2mewt: isnt the only difference aptitude remembers deps?12:48
jackedvinboy: okay.  (there is info on-line for many of the pre-config machines... that's why I ask)12:48
mewtyeah but it would be so much better for users12:48
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Clawfingerrupert_: how do i search in aptitude?12:48
mewtmuch more user friendly12:49
Clawfingercpk2: i tried to apt-get install azureus it can't seem to find it12:49
cpk2!info azureus12:49
ubotuazureus: BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 5680 kB, installed size 6408 kB12:49
rupert_Clawfinger: what do you mean "how" ?12:49
stat1chi everybody. I need help installing ubuntu on a sil-3112 raid 0... have only found guides with links to dead pages :-(. Any help would be appreciated (btw im a noob, prepare yourself :P)12:49
mewtin the same way that installing ubuntu-desktop installs all packages, removing it should remove all12:49
jackedvinboy: what version are you trying to install?12:49
Clawfingerrupert_: well it's not directly obvious, i can't find a search field, heh12:49
jackedvinboy: edgy beta?  dapper?12:50
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vinboyjacked: actually i have it installed, but i need to get to linux to reinstall the grub12:50
cpk2Clawfinger: you can search by using command line, "apt-cache search thisiswhati'msearchingfor"12:50
rupert_Clawfinger: just write in console aptitude search name_of_what_you_try_to_find12:50
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rupert_Clawfinger: and you will see a list of packages12:51
=== cpk2 beat rupert_ to the punch =D
rupert_Clawfinger: like ktorrent12:51
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rupert_Clawfinger: qtorrent12:51
mneptonClawfinger: i recommend "sudo apt-get install bittornado-gui"12:51
rupert_Clawfinger: bittorrent12:51
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Clawfingerthanks guys.12:52
Jaak_hellow, can anyone tip me on dvd ripping software? Oh and some tool to creat ipod video?12:52
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jackedvinboy: okay, not a problem.  download the iso again (if necessary) and burn a new CD. If it installed the first time, it'll do it a second (unless there is a change in hardware)12:52
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ogamiittocan netstat display information regarding to what network interface belong each connection? how?12:53
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mewtcan the use of screen cause any applications to be entitled to less cpu and ram resources ?12:54
mewti mean servers running in screen itself12:54
jackedalternately, you could try downloading a smaller linux distro (like DSL) and binding to the current install, etc.  (but I haven't had much luck with DSL and dual CPUs; however, I use Macs)12:54
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=== lazzareth [n=mason@dsl-58-6-3-28.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
lazzarethIn the Ubuntu HCL it says that my motherboard  the Asus A8N-SLI works with no known issues, However the onboard GiB NIC never has worked in dapper or breezy? have i missed something?12:56
timalotogamiitto: it will show u the ip address of the end points so u know what interface the connection is on12:56
ogamiittook, thanks timalot12:57
mewtlazzareth, what do you mean has never worked ? it isnt detected? or it just doesnt get an ip assigned ?12:57
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jackedlazzareth: ipconfig       <--   what are the devices listed?12:58
Clawfingermnepton: i got bittornado, but i can't seem to access it, i tried both 'bittornado' and 'bittornado-gui' in the terminal and neither work12:58
jackederr... ifconfig12:58
lazzarethmewt, What i should have said was, it has never worked or fully recognised it being a Gib nic, rather the max speed i can pump out at anytime is 10mb/12:59
rupert_Clawfinger: do not you have a icon in your menu ?12:59
lazzarethjacked you mean 'ifconfig12:59
guijois Xorg same as X.org?01:00
Clawfingerrupert_: where would it be/01:00
lazzarethjacked, my Nic is detected, the problem however is the rate01:00
jackedlazzareth: i already corrected that error.  :P01:00
rupert_Clawfinger: probably in "Internet"01:00
lazzarethOhh, sorry :P01:00
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Clawfingerrupert_: nope, i checked there, it's not.01:00
lazzarethIll get the specs on the chipset if i can01:00
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rupert_Clawfinger: so try to find possible name using apt-file01:01
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rupert_Clawfinger: like01:01
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mneptonClawfinger: there should be an item in the GNOME menus01:02
rupert_Clawfinger: apt-file list bittornado-gui01:02
mneptonClawfinger: or, right-click a .torrent and choose to pen with BitTornado01:02
jackedlazzareth: are you maxing out at 10Mb/s?01:02
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Clawfingerbash: apt-file: command not found01:02
lazzarethWell, its never a consistant rate, ill check now. but never higher than about 9mb/s01:03
Clawfingerthanks mnepton01:03
lazzarethso i assume its working at 10mb/s01:03
mneptonClawfinger: look in Applications->Internet01:03
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AJ--hello im here again asking for questions01:03
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mewtis there  a way to find ur current transfer rate from a cli ?01:03
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mewtthe closest i got to was netstat -s01:03
Clawfingermnepton: it's not there, but using your first technique i discovered it's btdownloadgui01:04
AJ--i've configured my driver on xorg.conf01:04
mewtwhich gives no info to what i want01:04
jackedlazzareth: unless you've been able to pump out higher than that in the past with another OS, I'd tend to think you're bottlenecked somewhere else01:04
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AJ--i follow the instructions on how to install nvidia vcard01:04
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AJ--now my x server is gone01:04
AJ--im on the console mode only01:04
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AJ--how can i get back to my gui01:04
tahorgAJ--: cool.01:04
lazzarethjacked, In windows (8-9 months ago i was trying it out, ive been looking or a solution all year) the card is recognised & works as a 1gib nic01:05
jackedAJ: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf~ /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:05
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jacked(assuming you have a backup)01:05
JamesSaneCan anyone help me set up a new screen resolution; just got a 30" widescreen Samsung monitor and am having issues with setting up a 1360x768 60hz resolution01:05
serishemayou should be able to do that in the System->Administration->Display menu01:06
AJ--i havent put a back up @jacked :((01:06
jackedlazzareth: huh.  not sure...01:06
AJ--my bad01:06
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jackedAJ: do you remember your changes?01:07
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about schendule - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:07
JamesSaneserishema: there is no resolution entry for 1380x768 in the Preferences > Screen Resolution01:07
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule01:07
lazzarethThanks anyway jacked, Does anyone else know how to fix my problem?01:07
AJ--i change the "nv" to "nvidia"01:07
jackedAJ: vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:07
jackedmake your changes01:07
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Ash-FoxDrat, libhal-dev libhal-storage-dev are broken01:07
AJ--on console mode @ jacked01:08
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jackedthen /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:08
ArafangionAJ--: Please use the more conventional method of "Addressing" jacked.01:08
RopeSome distro for a pentium with 64 of ram??01:08
AJ--sorry for that01:08
AJ--ill try sir jacked01:08
ArafangionAJ--: Specifically, nick followed by a comma, semicolon, or colon, followed by a space, followed by the message.01:09
ArafangionAJ--: As you can see, you have three variations.01:09
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mewtis there a way to find your current transfer speeds in cli ?01:12
AJ--Arafangion: tnx sorry for that.. im just new here.. thanks a lot01:12
Arafangionmewt: What with?01:12
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JamesSaneCan anyone help me set up a new resolution (1380x768 60hz) for my widescreen monitor?01:12
mewtArafangion, i mean something like: dl: 30kb\s upload: 50kb\s01:12
mewtim sshing into my game server01:13
mewtand i need to use the bandwidth used01:13
mewtright now01:13
bowmanJamesSane: sure - you can add it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the "Screen" section01:13
Arafangionmewt: The closest you could probably get would be ntop01:13
Ash-Foxmewt, you will need to write a script to handle the data from /proc/net/dev01:13
jackedlazzareth: are you still around?01:13
Arafangionmewt: Or iftop.01:13
JamesSanebowman: i have tried doing that to no success: is there an example of what it should look like under that section?01:14
Arafangionmewt: The later is for the console.01:14
mewtiftop and ntop give a command not found01:14
Arafangionmewt: Yeah, you *may* have to install them.01:14
bowmanJamesSane: on my system, there are several resolutions listed there - if you wish, I can put my xorg.conf somewhere to let you look into it01:14
Ash-Foxmewt, install them, sudo apt-get install ntop iftop01:14
mewtsudo apt-get install ntop01:14
mewtopps sorry01:14
mewtwrong windows01:14
Arafangionmewt: They both show the current bandwidth _used_, though.  It is impossible to see the current speed per se.01:15
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JamesSanebowman: anything would be helpful.. thanks01:15
mewthmm nothing like what i can get through a gdesklet then ?01:15
mewtand both are not found :S do i need to add some repos ?01:16
bowmanJamesSane: hang on, pastebin is a bit laggy :)01:16
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mewtArafangion, pasting 4 lines is allowed ?01:16
Arafangionmewt: Use a pastebin.01:17
mewtE: Couldn't find package iftop01:17
mewt^^ this will be enough01:17
jackedbowman: try a different pastebin.   (pastebin.ca, for example)01:17
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bowmanjacked: thx01:18
bowmanJamesSane: http://pastebin.ca/20077501:18
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:18
jackedoff to work...01:19
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JamesSanebowman: and through that you have all those resolution options available under System > Preferences > Screen Resolution?01:19
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bowmanJamesSane: yeah01:20
el1984greetz from luxembourg01:20
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mewtArafangion, that still doesnt tell me what repos to add :)01:20
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:21
el1984and it works fine :)01:21
JamesSanebowman: ive uploaded mine: after i changed my xorg.conf file i only have the 4 resolutions available: 1024x768, 832x624, 800x600, 640x480: http://pastebin.ca/200777  if you could have a look and maybe spot what is wrong01:22
bowmanJamesSane: the "$ ?01:22
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lansingive got a problem evertime i use my firefox it shuts it self down wats wrong ?01:24
JamesSanebowman: it didn't post it all up.. there was more over the page hld on ill try and get the rest01:24
Arafangionlansing: What happens when you run it in a terminal?01:25
JamesSanebowman: http://pastebin.ca/20077901:25
lansingdont know how01:25
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bowmanJamesSane: ah, ok01:25
bowmanJamesSane: I see no error01:25
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Arafangionlansing: Run the Terminal01:25
Arafangionlansing: Type firefox01:26
bowmanJamesSane: but you might remove those low resolutions anyway, if you never use them01:26
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lansingthen wat01:26
Arafangionlansing: Hit enter :)01:26
el1984then firefox should open01:26
lansingive done that01:26
lansingit has01:26
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Arafangionlansing: Don't paste more than 3 lines here.01:27
MrKinkyouch. what happened to lilo?01:27
MrKinkyanyone knows?01:27
JamesSanebowman: yea thats true.. it just that there are 10 specified in my xorg.conf file.. but only 4 are coming up in the screen resolution section01:27
lansingbut it closes when iam in the middle of searchin site an stuff01:27
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lansingk sorry01:27
bowmanJamesSane: I suppose you'll have to read the logfiles ;) /var/log/Xorg.0.log - probably X skips the other resolutions for some reason01:27
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Arafangionlansing: Ahh, so it does load, and it does work - it is just when you are in the middle of a particular site that it crashes? (That's not what you said)01:27
bowmanJamesSane: that's all I can say, sry01:28
lansingsorry i should have typed wat i meant sorry01:28
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JamesSanebowman: thanks for you help anyway :)01:28
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bowmanJamesSane: no problem. I know your pain, because I recently had a similar problem, but in my case it was the graphics card, not the config. good luck :)01:29
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JamesSanebowman: what graphics card? and how do you upgrade that?01:29
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bowmanJamesSane: my graphics card was unable to display the resolution I wanted (some widescreen thing like 1650*800) - I took an NVIDIA supercool blaster whatever card out of a different pc and stuffed it into mine ;)01:30
lansingso wats rong wit it01:30
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ricaneliteIs anyone here using Ubuntu Linux on a Apple Machine?01:31
JamesSanebowman: haha nice.. i had an issue trying to update the drivers for my graphics card.. i got to the point where i needed to get out of X.. but i didn't know how to do that. how can u get to bash?01:31
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lazzarethjacked Yeah Sorry, I am still around.. Just got caught up in something... News?01:32
bowmanJamesSane: either via ctrl-alt-f1/f2/f3 (to get a terminal) and then go back to X with ctrl-f7, or leave X with ctrl-alt-backspace, which is often caught so that X automatically restarts01:33
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mewtArafangion, http://pastebin.ca/20078101:33
lansingis there an anti virus for ubuntu01:33
mewtArafangion, should i run it as root ?01:33
JamesSanebowman: ok i'll give that a go now01:34
mewtlansing, y do you need it anyway ?01:34
Arafangionmewt: It requires root privilages.01:34
lansingcus my system is glitchin01:34
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Arafangionmewt: It's a very powerful tool, actually.01:34
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Arafangionmewt: Try: sudo iftop -i eth001:34
mewttoo powerful tbh01:34
AJ--i have edit the xorg.conf using vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf but i cant get back to the command line where i can restart the gdm.. wat should i do??01:35
mewti cant understand anything i see01:35
lansingand i want to make sure my computer doesnt have a virus01:35
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Arafangionlansing: There are very few, arguably none, actual linux viruses in the wild.01:35
JamesSanebowman: i did that Ctrl-alt F1, seems to have gone into bash.. i run the update.. but still get the error : appear to be running an X server..01:35
wickedpuppylansing, have you googled for "linux antivirus" ?01:35
JowiAJ-- press [escape]  then type :q [enter] 01:36
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lansingok then how come my computer is screwin up then01:36
Arafangionmewt: Well, by default it shows you a list of everything your system is connected to.01:36
wickedpuppyJamesSane, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:36
Arafangionmewt: And the traffic goign through.01:36
mewtArafangion, does it resolve ips to hostnames ?01:36
Arafangionmewt: It can, yes.01:36
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s_spiffcan some1 suggest a good substitute for gaim on gnome? gaim 1.5 is irritating!01:37
Arafangionmewt: Just a moment while I install it (I usually only run this on my gateways)01:37
JamesSanewickedpuppy: perfect.. im going to have to write that one down.. thanks01:37
AJ--Jowi : tnx a lot01:37
thoreauputicmewt: sudo iftop -BP -i eth001:37
wickedpuppyJamesSane, i suggest you look into /etc/init.d ...01:37
JowiAJ-- the file was not saved before quitting btw.01:37
lansinghey wickedpuppy wats this mean  NP_Initialize01:37
lansingInit scriptable instance01:37
lansingmode 101:37
lansingSegmentation fault01:37
Arafangions_spiff: For what?01:37
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JamesSanewickedpuppy: any suggestions as to a good place to start?01:38
wickedpuppylansing, no idea .. i never use totem .. vlc for me :P01:38
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s_spiffArafangion, for msn / yahoo01:38
wickedpuppyJamesSane, /etc/init.d ?01:38
Arafangions_spiff: I use bitlbee, and my favorite irc client, but that's me.01:38
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wickedpuppylansing, videolan.org ... i use it for both my windoz and linux01:39
s_spiffavailable on synaptic?01:39
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nickb_ldnI am going to install ubuntu onto a slightly old laptop tomorrow, I was wondering if there is a super slim version of ubuntu that would be good to use, or if I can use Xubuntu, but not bother with a desktop manager?01:39
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bowmanJamesSane: I need to leave, good luck :)01:40
wickedpuppynickb_ldn, you can also do not use X at all .. but thats extreme for most users..01:40
Arafangionnickb_ldn: Xubuntu is probably the best bet, even with the DE.01:40
JamesSanebowman: thanks for your help01:40
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Arafangionnickb_ldn: But if even that's too slow, try using IceWM instead of the DE.01:40
mewtArafangion, ok this is strange, i mean, this is a game server but there are currently no players on01:40
bowmanJamesSane: my pleasure. cu :)01:40
mewtArafangion, however i keep on getting a stream of addresses that are conencted to the server01:40
Buglousewhere does GAIM Default install?01:40
mewtprobably server browsers tbh01:40
JamesSanebowman: just to let you know; it was the graphics card01:41
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Arafangionmewt: Well, one would be this irc server.01:41
JamesSanebowman: just updated it.. and now its full screen01:41
mewtno no, im not conencted to irc from the server01:41
mewtim on irc from my home pc01:41
mewtthe server is co locate01:41
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Kejk_PLHi, how to revert ALL changes made by upgrade from dapper-proposed? I know that I can choose version in aptitude for example, by I don't know what packages were in that repository (I checked Packages.gz, but I'm not sure that it is all). So my question - it can be done to do something like: removing repository and revert al packages to avaiable version in working repositories??01:42
nickb_ldnArafangion: I usually use Fluxbox, I'd just like an install where I have a finer granularity of control over what is installed01:42
Arafangionmewt: netstat is the canonical program to view all connections, even to file sockets.01:42
Arafangionnickb_ldn: Try Debian.01:42
JamesSanehas anyone had trouble with a USB mouse freezing at random times? and does anyone know how to fix it?01:42
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nickb_ldnArafangion: yeah, I might give it a shot01:42
Arafangionnickb_ldn: Just don't use Sid.01:42
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nickb_ldnArafangion: I'm not *that* hardcore ;-)01:43
mewtArafangion, that solves it then, they are game server browsers probably hammering on the server while refreshing game lists01:43
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Arafangionmewt: Quite likely.01:43
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Arafangionmewt: Keep in mind, I'm not sure if it shows UDP connections.01:43
Arafangionmewt: (Because UDP doesn't have a concept of a "connection")01:43
mewti think it does01:43
Arafangionmewt: Nice.01:43
mewtor else they are half open connections then01:43
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Arafangionmewt: Hit "p" to show the ports.01:44
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mewtsince from netstat all i get is Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State01:44
mewttcp        0      0 cod2master.activi:59183 cod2master.activi:45470 ESTABLISHED01:44
mewttcp        0      0 cod2master.activi:45470 cod2master.activi:59183 ESTABLISHED01:44
mewttcp6       0    128 ::ffff: c170-183.i02-3.on:50395 ESTABLISHED01:44
mewtudp        0      0     ns1.ittltd.com:domain   ESTABLISHED01:44
mewtudp        0      0     ns2.ittltd.com:domain   ESTABLISHED01:44
Arafangionmewt: '?' to show the help.01:44
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mewtthe rest are streams then01:44
Arafangionmewt: Those are all TCP connections.01:44
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mewtaaa ports nails it, most requests in iftop are from port 28960 which the default call of duty 2 port01:45
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mewtports above 36600 are used for dns requests ?01:46
mewtfrom the source pc ?01:46
JamesSaneDoes anyone know how to stop a USB mouse from freezing at spontaneous times?01:46
gnomefreakmewt: please use pastebin for pasting01:46
Arafangionmewt: TCP requires two ports - the source and destination.01:47
mewtgnomefreak, ok sorry01:47
Arafangionmewt: A very high port is nearly always used for the source.01:47
Arafangion(This is random)01:47
Arafangionmewt: You'll note that the destination, or here, "local" port, is "domain".01:47
Jowianyone successfully installed dapper on intel mac-mini?01:47
mewtArafangion, mm ic, i said so cos i have quite a number of requests from ports >33600 to domain01:47
mewtwhich is ports 50 i think01:48
Arafangionmewt: This is because port 53 is recorded in the file /etc/domain, so it can give you the human friendly name for the standard port.01:48
Arafangionmewt: /etc/services, rather.01:48
mewtArafangion, ic, thanks01:48
snowblinkJamesSane, used to have that problem on Hoary. Dapper has been fine01:48
ntchey hey01:49
ntcplease take a look at this thread01:49
JamesSanesnowblink: thats what ive heard.. but it still shuts off.. like the light is on.. and i have to unplug and replug the mouse for it to work.. how did you fix it?01:49
ntci've been looking for answers for a long time now!01:49
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cpk2is there even a noticeable difference when you build from source? (performance and whatnot)01:49
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ntc*no spam* http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=276302 =)01:50
ntcim really curious01:50
snowblinkJamesSane, actually, I switched from a laptop to a desktop when I did the move, so it could be related to hardware. I do remember reading something about certain USB ports.01:50
XsesAi have a question..01:50
lansingdoes the vlc play dvds01:50
XsesAi am windows user and i want to install linux also...anyway i heard the ubuntu is livecd, i can't really install it?01:51
XsesAi can or can't?01:51
Renskiit comes as both01:51
ntcXsesA, yes u can01:51
el1984sure you can01:51
cpk2XsesA: you can01:51
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RazvanSu can01:51
XsesAit's also livecd and also real installation?01:51
cpk2XsesA: live cd means you can test to make sure it works before you install it01:51
el1984u start as livecd and can install it from01:51
mneptonok kids, another work week done. enjoy your weekend.01:51
XsesAthank you :)01:51
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JamesSanesnowblink: yea thats strange.. cause every post on the web i have read was in relation to a laptop.. but im using a relatively new desktop.. and i have changed USB ports regularly.. it only seems to happen when i load a program.. but then again it doesn't do it all the time.. and then at random times too01:52
Renskiwell, there was the gentoo live cd, that was a total pain in the arse to install01:52
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davin mnepton: cheers you too01:52
lansingraz where u talkin to me01:52
lansingwen i asked that vlc plays dvds01:52
XsesAare there any important things to do after installing linux/01:52
el1984Renski:  imho knoppix livecd is also a little bit more complicated to install then ubuntu01:52
davinXsesA: Depends on what youre planning to do with your computer01:53
cpk2XsesA: probably learn how to use it? =)01:53
cpk2XsesA: for me the first thing i did was get media support01:53
XsesAi probably have no idea about linux01:53
RenskiIve never tried knoppix01:53
Renskiwhats it like?01:53
XsesAmy bro should understand01:53
lansinghow do i disable totem01:53
cpk2XsesA: what are you planning to use it for?01:54
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XsesAwell hear music01:54
XsesAwatch movies01:54
XsesAand web work01:54
davinXsesA: Google up EasyUbuntu01:54
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XsesAwell i need anything but games :)01:54
XsesAgames will stay on the windoiws01:54
cpk2ugh you do *not* need easy ubuntu01:54
davinXsesA: It will install all the nonfree multimedia codecs01:54
XsesAand i need the program to read ext3 from windows?01:54
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xavierhi i installed xmms and then when i installed a plugin for xmms it gave an error at the end ..saying "xmms-config not found"01:54
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taratataHello i'm a french teenager01:55
xavieranybody know reasons for the "xmms-config not found" error ??01:55
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XsesAwhich program reads ext3 from windows?01:55
ufkhow can i do that my system will start in text mode? it stoped in the middle of loading something and i can't see why01:55
cpk2XsesA: i think having windows read ext2 would be easier01:55
XsesAso i need to format into ext2 and not ext3?01:56
timalotxavier: u probably need the -dev package01:56
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xavierty timelot ... trying to find that01:56
davintaratata: Hey01:56
cpk2XsesA: i dont know, i never bothered having windows touch my linux drives, instead I just set up a shared network drive for them to shar data01:56
cpk2share too01:56
davinXsesA: Google 'ext3 windows'01:57
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davinXsesA: I thought it was called Ext2fs01:57
XsesAsome1 told me lifehacker i think01:57
JamesSaneAnyone know how to fix a spontaneous USB mouse freeze in Dapper?01:57
ubotuxmms-dev: XMMS development static library and header files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 32 kB, installed size 176 kB01:58
boyFromOZCan you guys help me solve a simple problem ?01:58
JowiJamesSane: not really.... but have you tried the mouse in another USB port?01:58
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:58
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JamesSaneJowi: i have tried it through both a usb hub, and the usb ports on the front of my box01:59
boyFromOZOk thanks! I have internet on Ubuntu, but it only works in Firefox, if I try GAIM, or IRC etc, nothing happens !!!01:59
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boyFromOZSpecially annoying because I want to get Synaptics to work !01:59
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theplatypusgetting an error when attempting to extract an archive" gzip: stdin: not in gzip format01:59
theplatypusstarseed: Child returned status 101:59
theplatypusstarseed: Error exit delayed from previous errors01:59
JowiJamesSane: any other USB devices connected?01:59
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[G] Yonicheck?02:00
cpk2theplatypus: so maybe its not a gunzip?02:00
boyFromOZAny ideas ???02:00
theplatypuscpk2 : DenyHosts-2.5.tar.gz ?02:00
timalottheplatypus: type file <filename i want to know about>02:01
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[G] Yonixsessa02:01
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gyro54boyfromOZ are you sure firefox is working it may only be cache pages02:01
theplatypuscpk2 : DenyHosts-2.5.tar.gz02:01
JamesSanejowi: umm i have the usb hub, with nothing in it. a printer out of the front one.. and i just unplugged a USB bluetooth that was used for my Logitech bluetooth keyboard and mouse i was using with windows02:01
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boyFromOZGyro54: Absolutely sure mate, I can navegate, even post messages on forums etc...02:02
[G] Yonixsesa?02:02
cpk2theplatypus: yes i saw that, did you try timalot's suggestion?02:02
theplatypusmissed his suggestion02:02
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XsesAyes yoni? :O02:02
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boyFromOZGyro54: I can even ping stuff...02:02
timalottheplatypus: the file command will try and tell u what format a file is in02:02
cpk2theplatypus: try file DenyHosts-2.5.tar.gz02:03
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boyFromOZHowever, GAIM and IRC (the text mode irc client) never connect... Same happens to Synaptic02:03
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timalottheplatypus: but generally the comman tar -zxf <filename> will unpack the tar/gzipped file02:03
ShadowpillarboyFromOZ: are you on a lan with a proxy?02:03
ntcanyone knows why my "consolechars" give me this02:04
ntcset_kernel_font: Invalid argument02:04
rambo3boyFromOZ, did you install clean ubuntu . or just some packages02:04
theplatypusits telling me that its an html document lol02:04
boyFromOZShadowpillar : Nope, I am connected through my router which uses DHCP02:04
timalottheplatypus: looks like the dload f*cked up02:04
boyFromOZrambo3: I installed it from a iso file I got from the net...02:04
boyFromOZLatest one, 6.06 I think02:05
rambo3boyFromOZ, did you setup port forwarding  in router ?02:05
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boyFromOZI just recently changed the modprobe.d/alias files to stop using IPV6, which made my internet a zillion times faster.02:05
theplatypustimelot: that makes sense. the first time I used wget and got that error, then tried a manual dl with the same result. ce la vie thanks for your help02:05
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boyFromOZRambo3 : No I didn't ...02:06
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boyFromOZRambo3: Should I have to ???02:06
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yezihello ,everyone!i come here first time.02:07
gyro54I only have port forwarding for wow?02:07
rambo3boyFromOZ, well not "neceserly<- cant spell "if  its setup already , google port forwarding router synatpic02:07
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xaviermany packages like flash plugin, java, thunderbird, "xmms-dev" etc give errors during installing :( any specific reasons?02:08
boyFromOZrambo3 : any specific pages?02:09
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lansinghey wickedpuppy ive got a problem02:11
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mikeneed help here.. how do i make fluxbo work?02:11
Jaak_why can't i install the mythtv packages?02:11
boyFromOZMaybe I broke my Synaptics ???02:11
lansingthat vlc locked up my system and i had to restart02:12
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rambo3boyFromOZ, does apt work?02:12
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rambo3!info mythtv dapper02:12
ubotumythtv: A personal video recorder application (client and server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.18.1-5ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 17 kB, installed size 64 kB02:12
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rambo3!info myth-video02:13
ubotuPackage myth-video does not exist in any distro I know02:13
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JamesSanethanks all for your help02:13
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rambo3!fluxbox > mike02:13
lansing!info vlc02:13
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB02:13
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lansinghelp plz my sources list is empty02:14
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lansingand all i did was installed vlc02:15
Seveas!sources > lansing02:15
lansingfor breezy?02:15
Jaak_mythtv packages keep saying they are not installable, i don;t understand...02:17
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davin^afklansing: you awnt me to upload a generated sources.list?02:18
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boyFromOZRambo3: APT ???02:18
lansingplz for breezy if no trouble02:18
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boyFromOZRambo3: Maybe something wrong on my IPTABLE ?02:18
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davin^afklensing: Well I have the dapper stock sources.list..02:18
rambo3Jaak_, you should visit mythtv wiki for ubuntu02:18
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lansingo ive got breezy02:19
rambo3boyFromOZ, : apt-get update02:19
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boyFromOZRambo3: lemme try...02:19
davin^afklensing: sorry02:19
rambo3BoyBlunder, sun it with sudo02:19
Pistahhhello. I would like to listen to mp3s so that there is no scatter when I switch desktops. How to do that?02:19
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rambo3Jaak_, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation02:20
wwwizhow to move trash on the desktop???02:20
boyFromOZRambo3: Hummm... interesting, seems to stop at the same point as Synaptics...02:20
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rambo3what point02:20
xavierhi i get a permissions error when i try to install a xmms plugin .. it says the following :: /usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `/usr/lib/xmms/Effect/libeq.so': Permission denied ... any ideas as to why?02:20
boyFromOZRambo3: Says : 66% connecting to archives.ubuntu.com (
lansingnvm got them back02:21
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lansingwow that was weird02:21
boyFromOZRambo3: On Synaptics, it would always stop at the 5th element...02:21
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rambo3boyFromOZ, you have proxy02:22
noiesmoboyFromOZ, the problem is dns the ip address is not ( thats prob ur router02:22
noiesmoboyFromOZ, or modem02:22
boyFromOZRambo3: No, well if I do, I am unaware of it... Tip on fixing ?02:22
rambo3read what noiesmo posted02:22
lansinganother question y would vlc freeze my computer02:22
wwwizhow to move trash on the desktop???02:23
protoscan anyone help a n00b with internet connection problem on LAN?02:23
boyFromOZRambo3: Posted here in the channel or at a forum ?02:23
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noiesmoboyFromOZ, the problem is dns the ip address is not ( thats prob ur router02:24
noiesmoboyFromOZ, or modem02:24
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boyFromOZnoiesmo, thanks, but how do I fix it? Maybe a DNS is resolving the name to the wrong ip address ???02:24
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protoswith windows i need no configuration to have internet working - it conencts automatically through NIC to the apartment builiding LAN. No luck with ubuntu :(02:25
boyFromOZnoiesmo: And if that is the prob, why doesn't GAIM work either... ?02:25
protosi.e when i do a clean install of XP it works without any config02:26
=== cef_ grumbles about Atheros chipsets and WPA-PSK
noiesmoboyFromOZ, you need to check /etc/resolv.conf and see whats there if you obtain your ip automatically from ur modem/router then the dns show come with however i have found d-link to have this issue and havent found a perminent fix02:26
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wickedpuppyprotos, usb modem or rj45 ?02:26
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protosall my isp asked from me was the MAC #02:27
noiesmoboyFromOZ, if your know your isp dns ip address you can add it to your resolv.conf and then your dns should work02:27
wickedpuppyprotos, the is your card recognised ? lspci02:27
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wwwizhow to move trash to the desktop???02:28
protosit shows the eth0 i think it is called. sorry first time on linux today02:28
GreyGhost-Ubuntuhii all :) ... i need some help02:28
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boyFromOZnoiesmo: Should I try to add the DNS of "Open DSN" directly to my router ???02:28
protosand i went to the network config and made sure it was 'activated' and set to 'dhcp'02:28
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wickedpuppyprotos, then can you ping google ?02:28
GreyGhost-Ubuntui installed ubuntu using the cd.... (dont have a dvd drive...) now i've got a dvd image of ubuntu with me and would like to intall packages using the iso.....02:28
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noiesmoboyFromOZ, you will find the router has got the right dns its not being passed to ur system and what is being passed is not right02:29
mikehow do i uninstall fluxbox?02:29
wickedpuppyGreyGhost-Ubuntu, use synaptic02:29
wickedpuppymike, how did you install it ?02:29
noiesmoboyFromOZ, is it a d-link02:29
GreyGhost-Ubuntui tried mounting it but the package manager didnt detect it :( i'm a noob at this stuff... can u please help me out?02:29
wwwizhow to move trash to the desktop???02:29
mikesudo apt-get install fluxbox?02:29
wickedpuppymike, then sudo apt-get remove fluxbox ...02:29
wwwizhow to move trash icon to the desktop???02:29
mikei dont really wanna remove it but theres an error02:30
=== Danny [n=danny@p54B5957A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Dannyany gnome guru's here?02:30
wickedpuppymike, then ask about the error ?02:30
mikeit says home/mike/.fluxbox/startup access denied02:30
Dannygurus ^02:30
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PistahhDanny: bad question.02:30
elmargolwwwiz: gconf-editor02:31
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wickedpuppymike, ls -l /home/mike/.fluxbox/startup .. who is the owner ?02:31
mikeim a noob sorry02:31
Dannyfluxbox eh ... well02:31
GreyGhost-Ubuntuwickedpuppy ,can i make it get the packages off the iso... or will have to dl all the packages ?02:31
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wickedpuppymike, ls -l /home/mike/.fluxbox/startup .. paste the line here pls02:31
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wickedpuppyGreyGhost-Ubuntu, clearly cd drive can't read dvd ...02:31
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mikew8 ill try it again02:32
wickedpuppyGreyGhost-Ubuntu, what package you want ?02:32
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Dannyhmm i want to know where the gtk2 stuff at gnome startup happens, because when i load gnome-panel / gnome-wm manually it seems to use some old gtk1+02:32
GreyGhost-Ubuntuwickedpuppy , no i meant could i mount the iso and make synaptic think it was  a cd?02:32
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ben_underscore_wwwiz: start the configuration editor02:32
GreyGhost-Ubuntuwickedpuppy , blender ,gimp , inkscape....02:33
elmargolset /apps/nautilus/desktop/trash_icon_visible02:33
wickedpuppyGreyGhost-Ubuntu, if you got synaptic why bother with dvd? unless you are installing all in dvd02:33
lansinghey wickedpuppy i need help with that vlc player02:33
wickedpuppyGreyGhost-Ubuntu, i suggest you get from repo ..02:33
ben_underscore_wwwiz: applications -> system tools --> configuration editor02:33
wickedpuppylansing, how did you install it ?02:33
wwwizben_underscore_ , ok!02:33
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Perkabalohi im trying to install edgy eft from the live cd but i can't get past the partitition section, nothing happen after 50% :(02:33
GreyGhost-Ubuntuwickedpuppy ,k thanks... i'll do that then :)02:33
lansingthrou the site u provide me02:33
ben_underscore_wwwiz: once you've done that, go to apps --> nautilus --> desktop02:33
wickedpuppylansing, i don't know what to say .. did you stop and search it in repo first ?02:34
lansingi followed everything the site told me02:34
ben_underscore_wwwiz: and then make sure you've checked the boxes for all the things you want visible. it should be like this by default but for some reason it's not02:34
wickedpuppylansing, what is the package name that you downloaded and how did you install it .... more info pls02:35
wwwizben_underscore_ , thanx!02:35
ben_underscore_wwwiz: my pleasure.02:35
lansingum ill check02:35
wwwizben_underscore_ , i get it! Thanx!02:35
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ben_underscore_wwwiz: it's much more elegant like that, like on mac os x02:35
Leminoanyone who knows how to get swedish letters in disc-cover?02:36
lansingthis one VLC media player 0.8.4-svn20040920 Janus02:36
protosFirefox says server not found. Will this help --> $ sudo dhclient eth002:36
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wickedpuppylansing, xan tell me how did you get it?02:36
Dannywhen i start gnome using ubuntus gnome x-session it starts using gtk2 ... when i start ./gnome-session manually, it starts gtk1 ... the predefined x session does nothing else than starting ./gnome-session. i am a bit confused ...02:36
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lansingthrough the term02:36
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wickedpuppylansing, how ? command ? pls pls pls give more info pls ... you are not helping me with vague answers02:37
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boyFromBrisbanerambo3 : That did the trick mate.02:38
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jpfariashow can I configure apt so it won't update kernel on a apt-get upgrade?02:38
boyFromBrisbanerambo3: Thank you very much, I went into resolv.conf and changed the ip address (which was my router's) to the primary DNS one from Open DNS and I could update through apt.02:39
=== TheFriedGeek [n=TheFried@d60-65-84-233.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #Ubuntu
GreyGhost-Ubuntui've just started using linux.... is this a good place to start learning form ? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper ?02:39
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boyFromBrisbanerambo3: Now to the next battle... trying to get wireless working !02:39
wickedpuppyGreyGhost-Ubuntu, yup ...02:39
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resolvehi guys. i'm asking here in a last ditch hope before i blow away ubuntu and install debian again. i need japanese input support via uim or scim. i need emacs-snapshot or a CVS emacs. under ubuntu and xorg 7.1 these don't work together, but they work fine under debian and 7.1. apparently gentoo has the same problem as ubuntu. i've scoured the net looking for answers, but found nothing. has anyone experienced something like this?02:39
lansingi made sure i had universe active then i typed sudo apt-get update then02:39
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AJ--hi i have a gforce4MX 440 in my PC which is running in ubuntu.. but i cant set the resolution to 1024... how should this be done?02:39
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protoswicekpuppy check private02:40
TheFriedGeekHello all.02:40
lansingsudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd02:40
wickedpuppyprotos, i get no pm from you ...02:40
GreyGhost-Ubuntuwickedpuppy , thanks :)  nice to see that the comunity here is helpful too :)02:40
jpfariashi guys. how can I configure apt so it won't update kernel on a apt-get upgrade?02:40
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cyber_brain_mfkgsomebody knows how to setup tv drivers/tuner for Kworld bt878 tv card?02:40
lansingthats how i got it02:40
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wickedpuppylansing, so it should be in application -> multimedia .. so the problem is ? error pls02:41
wickedpuppynp GreyGhost-Ubuntu02:41
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TheFriedGeekHow can I get grub working with XP installed on first partition?02:41
wickedpuppysorry ... application -> sound and video02:41
lansingit has line all over the video screen then my desktop then it locks my computer to where i have to restart02:41
AJ--hi i have a gforce4MX 440 in my PC which is running in ubuntu.. but i cant set the resolution to 1024... how should this be done?02:42
wickedpuppylansing, can't help there ... my vlc got no such error02:42
TheFriedGeekAJ I had a similar problem, I had to run the X config tool and include that res in my monitor profile.02:42
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AJ--TheFriedGeek how should that be done? manualy configure the xorg.conf? change the res to 1024?02:43
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TheFriedGeekAJ: Let me see...02:43
lansingwell i dont know how to explain it02:43
timalotTheFriedGeek: didnt it pick up the XP partition on installation?02:43
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treeim looking fo ra cd burner soft, any suggestions?? google is finding lots of questions, but no download links02:44
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treebrazilians here?02:44
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stojanceI need to convert .avi file to an .mpg or .mpeg file. Can someone help, advise?02:44
TheFriedGeekTimalot: I had partitions like this.. [unpart space] [EX3 Ubuntu] [Linux Swap] 02:44
TheFriedGeekAnd I installed XP after Linux, I had to get the SATA drivers working first.02:45
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TheFriedGeekNow I'm parted like [XP] [ubuntu] [linux swap] 02:45
timalotTheFriedGeek: ok ... i see this is my /boot/grub/menu.1st entry for my windows partition which is 1st on the drive02:45
mapleoinmy computer totally freezes after i spend a while in linux, either in cli or X, it won't even respond to ctrl+alt+del and i have to use the power button to turn it off, could anybody give me a hint as to where this problem is coming from?(graphics card, ram?)02:46
timalottitle Windoze02:46
timalot        rootnoverify (hd0,0)02:46
timalot        makeactive02:46
TheFriedGeekAJ: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:46
timalot        chainloader +102:46
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stojanceIt's not ctrl+alt+del to restart X. It's ctrl+alt+backspace02:46
ben_underscore_stojance: i have used the mencode utility to do it02:46
resolvemapleoin: use memtest86 and prime95 to test if it's a hardware problem02:47
mapleoinresolve, ok02:47
resolveubuntu comes with mem86, you can get prime95 for linux for free if you google02:47
TheFriedGeektimalot: I'm sorry I didn't see anything come over (?)02:47
AJ--i did that already TheFriedGeek.. now my resolution is 800x60002:47
ben_underscore_stojance: it is pretty cool, but the command line arguments are fairly complex. you get it as part of the mplayer package02:47
noiesmostojance, heres a onliner mencoder input-file.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:vbitrate=1500 -vf scale=320:240 -of mpeg -o test1.mpg02:47
AJ--how can i set it to 102402:47
stojancecan someone help. I really need to to this. AVI to MPEG, or AVI to Theora02:48
noiesmoonliner/ oneliner02:48
ben_underscore_noiesmo: well done02:48
treeis it possible to install ubuntu without burning a ISO?02:48
noiesmouesd it before02:48
timalotTheFriedGeek: u have to add an entry to the /boot/grub/menu.1st ... then run  grub-install02:48
stojanceok, so I need to install mplayer02:48
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TheFriedGeekIn one of the later steps in that setup there is a place where you set your monitor's profile and you choose the best resolution supported by that montitor. Mine was only set to 1024 by default but you can choose higher ones on the list.02:48
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noiesmostojance, yeah mencoder shou;d come with otherwise sudo apt-get install mplayer mencoder02:49
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noiesmoyou'll also need codecs02:49
lansingdo i have to setup the vlc befor i use it or disable totem02:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:49
stojanceok, downloading02:49
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TheFriedGeektimalot: hmmm... ok. (poking around)02:49
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ben_underscore_stojance: and from what i remember the codecs are different to the gstreamer ones you install via synaptic ... well obviously02:50
timalotTheFriedGeek: the entry in my menu.1st file for windows is pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26593/02:51
AJ--TheFriedGeek: the highest set i see in the setting is only 1024 :(02:51
TheFriedGeektimalot: thanks I'll check this out.02:51
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ben_underscore_stojance: i think they have a link on the mplayer page to a .tar.gz file of many codecs for things like wav, mpeg, etc02:51
noiesmostojance, this one should make mpeg dvdauthor useable mencoder input-file.avi -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd -vf scale=720:576,harddup -srate 48000 -af lavcresample=48000 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=15:acodec=ac3:abitrate=192:aspect=16/9 -ofps 25 -o PALDVDwide.mpg02:51
stojance, 02:51
TheFriedGeekAJ: Hmm. Did it offer to auto detect your monitor at some point?02:53
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resolveno japanese users on the channel?02:53
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AJ--The_Machine nope..02:54
AJ--TheFriedGeek: nope it doesnt02:55
=== The_Machine raises an eyebrow
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resolveoh well, thanks anyway. back to debian. :-)02:56
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sonium_does anyone know what a "UI selector" is?02:58
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ben_underscore_sonium_: in what context?02:58
sonium_I did a bug report an they asked me "you use edgy? what selector for the UI do you use?"02:58
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sonium_in the context of gnome-sound-properties02:59
sonium_i think02:59
ben_underscore_sonium_: dunno!? sorry, i thought is may have been a programming question02:59
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gnomefreaksonium_: what user interface do you use to go to gnome-sound-properties i would image03:00
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EldinHello :)03:00
gnomefreaksonium_: kde gnome i would assume03:00
sonium_but gnome-sound-properties _is_ the interface o_O03:00
sonium_https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/control-center/+bug/44101 <- that's the whole story03:01
gnomefreaksonium_: not really qt and gtk draw windows differnetly03:01
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sonium_but gnome only uses gtk afaik03:01
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gnomefreaksonium_: sort of03:02
gnomefreaksonium_: give me a min let me ping seb and ask him what he means03:02
EldinErr, can I just ask questions here or is that a faux pas?03:02
sonium_just ask Eldin03:02
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sonium_but don't expect an answer ;)03:03
EldinAh, just like real life then >.>03:03
gnomefreaksonium_: how ar eyou opening it?03:03
gnomefreaks/ar eyou/are you03:03
EldinWell, I just installed Ubuntu a few days and after several long sessions of googling around set it up as I wanted it.03:03
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sonium_gnomefreak: in this case I opened it from bash, but actually I didn't seem to matter03:04
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npodgeswhat kernel should i use for dual athlon mp cpus?03:04
timalotnpodges: k7 ?03:05
EldinBut now I want to reformat my XP partition and get a smaller 2000 install so I can do some university stuff without having to resort to WINE03:05
ben_underscore_npodges: is that a 64 bit cpu?03:05
npodgesit's like the athlon xp03:05
npodgesbut there are two of them03:05
npodgeson one motherboard03:05
EldinBut really, how do you format a hard disk at all in Ubuntu? *shame*03:05
npodgeseldin, sudo apt-get install gparted03:05
npodgesthen run gparted03:05
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npodgesor "fdisk /dev/hda"03:06
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gnomefreaksonium_: there are 4 combo lists on the first tab and one on the second what one are you using03:06
npodgesthe first way is the easy way*03:06
timalotEldin: u want the windows partition to be the first03:06
Eldingparted... *googles*03:06
Eldintimalot: Why would I want to do that?03:07
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sonium_gnomefreak: wouldn't it make more sense to talk directly with Seb?03:07
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gnomefreaksonium_: join #ubuntu-bugs03:07
timalotEldin: well the last time i installed windoze it doesnt like it if it is not on the first partition03:07
ben_underscore_npodges: i have a dual centrino and use the linux-686-smp kernel03:07
jmspeexWhat's the status of Edgy? Is it possible relatively safe to upgrade from Dapper?03:08
ben_underscore_npodges: more here http://dollarunderscore.wordpress.com/2006/09/19/setting-up-the-new-laptop-hp-dv2000/03:08
EldinWell, unless Linux changed partitions around so its own is first (which I don't think it can?), I should be fine03:08
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EldinBecause I now have a dual boot with xp on the original first drive03:08
jmspeexAnd is updating to Edgy simply a matter of changing the sources.list?03:08
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Juhaznpodges, linux-image-*version*-k7?03:08
ubotulinux-image-k7: Linux kernel image on AMD K7.. In component main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB03:09
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kmaynardedgy is good and pretty, but it's unsupported....vmware and truecrpyt dont work with edgy's 2.6.17 kernel03:09
jmspeexkmaynard: how buggy is it?03:10
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kmaynardim running a dekstop with edgy, but my servers will stay with dapper for most of the duration of the LTS03:10
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EldinAlso, is it possible to remove a boot option from the booting screen?03:10
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kmaynardEldin, yes. edit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:10
jmspeexkmaynard: what's the best way to upgrade? This is a new machine, so I'm not risking too much until I move my stuff over.03:11
kmaynardi did it through the update manager03:11
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:11
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Eldinkmaynard: thanks03:11
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kmaynardEldin, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/upgrading-ubuntu-from-dapper-to-edgy-with-update-manager/03:12
jmspeexWhile I'm at it, any idea why my xorg.conf file has 1920x1200 as the resolution, yet it only uses 1600x1200?03:13
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TyHello, I just compiled wine from source, with the patches, put the dlls in folder, installed WoW, and now it comes up and I can see everything in front, like the buttons and such, but nonthing that would be in the background, like the game itself, can anyone help, appreciated03:13
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kmaynardjmspeex, maybe your monitor doesnt support higher than 1600x1200, or you set your default to 1600 in gnome03:14
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kmaynardhang on dude, we're looking03:15
kmaynardyou want it any faster, try google03:15
Tysrorry, thank you03:15
kmaynardTy, you may want to try #winehq03:16
Tythanks, I will03:16
kmaynardor #cedega03:16
kmaynardthat's a very specific question, and those folks know a lot about it03:16
kmaynardmore than me anyhoo03:16
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kmaynarddo you have cedega?03:16
Tythanks for your help, If I find the answer, I'll post it in the forums, no I use Wine03:17
jmspeexkmaynard: the native resolution is 1920x1200 (it's a Dell D820 laptop). Gnome only offers me 1600x1200 although x.org has 1920x120003:17
kmaynardcedega is based on wine, and built for gaming03:17
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TyIs it open-source?03:17
kmaynardjmspeex, odd03:17
kmaynarddont think so...03:18
kmaynardi think its subscription03:18
Tyoh, ok03:18
zool2005Ty: Wine YES, Cegega NO03:18
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no0ticI have an external  usb disc ext3 formatted and when it's recognized it is mounted regularly on /media but the mount point owner is root and I can't write on it with a normal user without changing  permissions everytime, what can I do?03:18
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zool2005no0tic; edit fstab03:19
no0ticzool2005, it is not in fstab03:19
zool2005no0tic: mtab?03:20
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no0ticzool2005, mtab is temporary03:20
protosok i tried to ping google - not working03:20
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EldinHmm, apparently I have no root login03:20
kmaynardEldin, you have sudo03:20
protosthe server seems to be giving a DNS to use - but firefox still says can not find server03:20
kmaynardyou can enable root, but a lotta folks get upset here when i say that03:21
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no0ticzool2005, any other suggestion?03:21
Eldinkmaynard: Oh, I just found a description of how on Google03:21
EldinThat'd work03:21
EldinThanks :)03:21
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kmaynardif you enable root, dont tell anyone03:21
zool2005no0tic: can you make an entry in fstab for it and point it to a specific folder in /media?03:21
kmaynardit ruffles feathers03:21
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deamonhi to all03:22
zool2005kmaynard; at first I used the root account following on from poor MS habits but now I use sudo exclusively. I have disabled the root acc03:22
no0ticzool2005, no, because the device file changes if I plug it in before or after other removable mass devices03:22
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Eldinkmaynard: :O Why would it?03:23
deamoni forgotten to mount the hd whit windows during the installation of kubuntu there are a method to mout this partition?03:23
no0ticzool2005, i.e. if I plug it in before the ipod it takes /dev/sdb, if I plug it in after it takes /dev/sdc03:23
no0ticzool2005, understood?03:23
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kmaynardzool2005, nearly every linux distro uses it. if you're responsible with it and only use as needed, you'll be ok. $0.0203:23
zool2005no0tic: yup!03:23
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zool2005no0tic; create a new group with the mount command and add yourself to that group. (I'm not sure how to do it though :-) )03:24
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timalothow many people remember the password for their root account ? ... i dont coz of the integration of sudo into ubuntu03:25
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no0ticzool2005, the mount point is owned by root.root I don't want my normal user to be in the root group... :)03:25
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kmaynardcan you chown the files once its mounted?03:26
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quantikHi I am a newb, can I ask a question here?03:26
kmaynardext3 should retain that, i would think03:26
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kmaynard!ask > quantik03:26
ben_underscore_quantik: of course03:26
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zool2005no0tic, create a new group and make it the owner of the mount point, then add your user to the new group03:26
LjLquantik: yes03:27
protosok let me ask again. on my windows boot - the internet conection is automatic through my network card to the building's internet infrastructure. i do not need to configure anythin03:27
no0ticzool2005, the mount poit is created each time I plug it in and removed after unmounting by volume-manager03:27
protosin ubuntu it is not working. the eth0 is picked up03:27
no0ticzool2005, so probably I need to operate on volume-manager rules...03:27
Jaga_doesn't the ubuntu policy of not having a root password make it impossible to fix the system if one day it boots up in emergency "Give root password for maintenance:" mode?03:27
zool2005no0tic, you don't have any problems with the other peripherals03:28
protosit is even giving me the DNS to use03:28
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kmaynardprotos, ifconfig eth0  whats your ip?03:28
no0ticzool2005, no, it is the only external hd formatted in ext3 I have03:28
SeveasJaga_, sulogin has been patched to not require a password at all03:28
protosi will try that03:28
no0ticzool2005, if I format it in fat32 it mounts with normal user permissions03:28
Jaga_Seveas, ah ok03:28
Seveasand no, this isn't a security leak03:28
LjLSeveas: just keep saying yourself that03:29
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ben_underscore_LjL: ha ha03:29
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zool2005no0tic, ah. That's probably out of my league! Seems strange that that happens based on format.03:29
Leumasi have a question about networked drives03:29
Seveas@lart ljl03:29
timalotJaga_: i dont like how the recovery mode dumps u straight to a shell prompt.... no security03:30
Leumasif i shared a windows folder on my computer, that had an NTFS filesystem, could i send anything to it over the network in Ubuntu?03:30
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no0ticzool2005, yes03:30
no0ticzool2005, thanks anyway03:31
ben_underscore_Leumas: do you mean can you write to a NTFS drive via Samba? Yes03:31
kmaynardLeumas, yes. network shares use SMB, not ntfs03:31
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Leumasawesome :D03:31
Jaga_timalot, yeah. but most people's console security is non-existant anyway03:31
Leumasthat's what i figured, just double checking03:31
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kmaynardntfs is how windows reads is03:31
ben_underscore_Leumas: it is really very efficient too03:31
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Leumasyeah, that's why i wanted it to work that way03:31
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ben_underscore_bye lads03:32
slipttessi have somehere problem in xsane no edgy eft03:32
EldinHmm, these words on some forums about the scariness of root access are getting to me. Any way to format a drive without having to resort to root if Ubuntu doesn't give you write access to the disk?03:32
slipttessprint HP PSC1510 no scanner :(03:32
kmaynardprotos, anything yet?03:33
LeumasEldin: windows boot disk03:33
Juhaztimalot, physical console access thwarts all security03:33
protoskmaynard i am dual booting so i can not check now03:33
EldinLeumas: meh :/03:33
FlorobEldin: ehm sudo?03:33
Leumassorry, i had to03:33
protosit is a bit annoying trying one or 2 things, then coming back to xp for support grrrrrrr03:33
timalotJuhaz: fair enough ... but whats the point of a password in normal mode if u can boot into recovery mode with a password03:33
protosdisabling ipv6 will help?03:34
kmaynardEldin, if its a seperate drive, try qtparted. qtparted wont work if the drive is mounted03:34
Eldinsudo what? :(03:34
ubotuqtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 198 kB, installed size 704 kB03:34
FlorobEldin: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdXY OR use gksu gparted03:34
kmaynardprotos, do you have ext3?03:35
kmaynardog yeah, i always forget gparted03:35
protoswhat is ext3?? sorry fresh out the box linux user here03:35
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kmaynardyour filesystem...its the ubuntu default, so you have it...03:35
totall_6_7ext3 is the fileformat for linux, like ntfs is for windows03:36
protosyes yes03:36
kmaynardprotos, you can use this to see your ubuntu files so you dont have to reeboot quite as much  http://www.fs-driver.org/03:36
zool2005does anyone have experience with Western Digital "My Book" external USB drives on Dapper?03:36
protosfresh partition with the fresh ubuntu live cd that came in the mail today03:36
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kmaynardprotos, are you connecting directly to a modem?03:37
kmaynardor thru a router>03:37
EldinFlorob: I assume mkfs.ext3 formats with an ext3 filesystem? Would it work for a windows partition afterwards?03:37
protosrouter i suppose. it is an aparment bulding with rj45 in every room03:37
LjLEldin: if you reformat it as NTFS or FAT, yeah03:37
protosbut no authentication or anything03:37
LjLEldin: you'd lose the data though03:37
kmaynardand networking didnt work by default?03:38
FlorobEldin: Oh, ehm then it's mkfs.fat32 or something it depends what you want to have03:38
treedoes kernel 2.4 comes wih built in cd recorder commands??03:38
protosbut in xp it works immediatley after install - no setup03:38
kmaynardthats odd...linux is usually strongest with networking03:38
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EldinLjL: That's what this  format is supposed to be about :P03:38
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kmaynardare you on a school network?03:38
EldinFlorob: Hmm, okay, that'llwork.03:38
protosin the list of dns servers - there is one there - the one it is being assigned i suppose. but even pinging this is impossible03:38
boyFromOZYES !03:38
protosnot a school network but a fairly tight resedential network03:39
protosall the building ISP asked of me was my MAC number03:39
protosno authentication at all - direct conection03:39
kmaynardyou have im?03:39
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zool2005can anyone personally recommend an external USB drive for backup?03:39
timalotprotos: what does /etc/iftab have in it?03:39
kmaynardzool2005, and ipod? :-D03:40
boyFromOZI am writing this from my Ubuntu !03:40
boyFromOZUsing wireless !!!03:40
protoswill check timalot - will post after i reboot03:40
BlueEagleboyfromoz: Good stuff. :)03:40
boyFromOZThank you03:40
protoshow do i check what is in /etc/iftab03:40
boyFromOZmany thanks for rambo303:40
BlueEagleprotos: sudo cat /etc/iftab03:41
C-O-L-Tanybody has a canon i250 printer which works under ubuntu?03:41
BlueEagleprotos: that should do it I guess. (requires a terminal ofcourse)03:41
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BlueEagleubotu: tell c-o-l-t about anyone03:41
protosadded to the list of things to try ;)03:41
kmaynardprotos, you'd have to be in linux03:41
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Eclypsehey you guys03:41
Eclypsequick question03:41
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Eclypseis it possible to run a command after another?03:41
kmaynardprotos, you use gnome or kde?03:41
BlueEagleeclypse: yes.03:41
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tkEclypse: cmd1; cmd203:42
Eclypsesuch as, sudo apt-get update, and then sudo apt-get install all in one line?03:42
boyFromOZI think if you separate it with ;03:42
Eclypsehell yeah03:42
Juhaztimalot, well, it allows for user preferences, for one, not necessarily with any real security, but multiple people can use it without messing on each others' desktops. and probably puts off casual "opportunity makes a thief" -kind of intrusion. but if someone knows enough and can boot into recovery mode, then they probably also know that they can boot with init=/bin/sh or the like if recovery didn't work03:42
Eclypsethanks guys03:42
kmaynardEclypse, sudo apt-get update && sudo ap-get upgrade all03:42
jUggERNAUt1980i'm trying to share my internet connection with my friend's ubuntu box, but when i set up NAT routing and try to connect, i can't get out to the internet when both ethernet adapters are active.03:42
kmaynardtoss the && between it03:42
BlueEagleeclypse: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:42
jUggERNAUt1980any thoughts on this?03:42
Eclypsewhat about sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade ?03:42
Eclypseyou guys are getting me mixed up03:42
Eclypseoh well03:43
EclypseI'll try the &&03:43
kmaynardprotos, have to used the network option under System | Administration ?03:43
BlueEagleeclypse: You would want to use && as it checks that the first command ended successfully before attempting to execute the second command.03:43
quantikok, here it is, i'm trying to setup an ubuntu installation on my second HDD, no problem, everything went fine, except that ubuntu didnt recognize my modem, so no Inet connection from ubuntu. I kinda found a tutorial to patch the kernel, but it involves recompiling the kernel, and so use the apt-get to get build-essential... where do i get all of them with my win XP connection?03:43
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protoskmaynard - it is enabled. gateway is set to eth003:43
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kmaynardprotos, but you are using the gui config?03:44
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BlueEaglequantik: Which modem have you got?03:44
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quantikalcatel speetouch PCI (itex apollo 2 based)03:44
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JoSh_whats up people... where can i find a tutorial on setting up NFS on my ubuntu box so i can network my mac and all the other computers on my network together and use that box as the backup03:44
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timalotJuhaz: you are probably right.... anyway u need to have passwords setup for network authentication etc.... but its just creepy to be able to boot straight to a root console03:45
kmaynardprotos, ok.. make sure it's enabled and set to DHCP. write down your DNS from windows and put it in there too03:45
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kmaynardthere's prolly one little thing thats not checked or something03:45
protosi thought of that how can i find my windows dns??03:46
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Captain-Fungiipconfig /al03:46
LjLkmaynard: doesn't DHCP give you a DNS server as well usually?03:46
quantikso basically, my question is, how do i get all the necessary packages to recompile the kernel without acp-get?03:47
kmaynardLjL, yeah, but you can also specify one03:47
kmaynardlike your ISP's03:47
kmaynardor, you could try using OpenDNS's servers03:47
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protosdefault gateway, dhcp server and default gateway are the same03:47
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quantiker apt-get...03:47
Eldinsudo mkfs doesn't seem to be working :S03:47
bushblowshow would i mount a SCSI card with 2 HD's on it, i did sudo lspci and found the vednors name03:48
protoslet me try it now - be back in 1003:48
LjLkmaynard: well you're right i guess, if the DNS is given by your router, and the DNS is actually your router, you might often want to change that =)03:48
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kmaynardtry setting dns to OpenDNS's servers http://www.opendns.com/03:48
LjLquantik: well, you can get them manually from achive.ubuntu.com - you just have to work out the dependencies.03:48
protosk i will give that a go as well. thanks03:49
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BlueEaglequantik: According to http://www.adslguide.org.uk/hardware/reviews/2002/q3/pci-roundup/ it seems that it is not supported at all. Where did you find the driver for it? What was the driver called?03:49
treeis it possible to install ubuntu from HD?03:49
BlueEaglequantik: (that review might be out of date, I know)03:49
kmaynardprotos, go to windows control panel, right click your eth connection, select properties03:49
LjLtree: not in a straightforward way, but i guess you might try using VMWare03:49
quantikwell i spent an evening surfing and it appears that someone has patched the original driver...03:50
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kmaynardthen cick Support tab, then Details. your DNS server is set there03:50
kmaynardor displayed03:50
quantikbklueeagle: http://jp.dhs.org/users/itex/2.6/03:50
kmaynardbut if its just a DNS issue, opendns may be your answer03:50
protoschecking the opendns stuff now03:51
jUggERNAUt1980i'm having trouble in the ubuntu networking homeland.  can someone offer a solution or some advice?03:51
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GastenjUggERNAUt1980: explain your problem, please.03:51
jlebrechim having problems installing webapps on ubuntu edgy eft with synaptic can anyone help out, cheers03:51
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LjL!edgy > jlebrech03:52
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quantikhow do i know all the dependancies from build-essentiel, kernel-package,..?03:52
jUggERNAUt1980gasten, i'm trying to share my internet connection with my friend's ubuntu box, but when i set up NAT routing and try to connect, i can't get out to the internet when both ethernet adapters are active.03:52
dv_I have an external SATA harddisk, and I want to use it in ubuntu.03:52
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dv_is there something like a tool for detecting and mounting new hard drives?03:52
jlebrechid like to show off some groupware apps by installing them on edgy, is this an edgy issue?03:52
EldinNone of the formatting suggestion seem to be working03:52
XiXaQis it possible to isolate users on the same machine from each other, so that noone can see anything the other users have, etc_03:52
Dr_willisdv_,  its worth wile learning how to edit/mount/mess with the fstab :)  -03:53
GastenjUggERNAUt1980: uhm... you have to go throgh a router.03:53
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Dr_willisdv_,  what filesystem is on the drive now?03:53
jUggERNAUt1980gasten, i get my internet from ath0 (wifi), and am trying to connect through my wired connection to my buddy.03:53
timalotXiXaQ: unix was designed to be an *open* system .... so u are fighting the system there03:53
dv_Dr_willis, first: I dont want to edit the fstab just for occasional access to the hd.03:53
GastenjUggERNAUt1980:  and is vlan involved in any way?03:53
jUggERNAUt1980gasten, i don't have a router.03:53
Vuenhey #ubuntu, can anyone help me configure my firewall?03:53
Windwalkerdoes anybody have ASUS A8N-E NF4 PCI-E/Lan/Sata s.939???03:53
dv_the hd should be automounted just like a usb stick03:53
jUggERNAUt1980gasten, vlan?03:53
Vueni'm opening all these ports for samba: 128 137-139 445 1105 110803:54
dv_second, I dont want to have to fiddle around with mount for getting non-root access etc.03:54
Dr_willisdv_,  im not sure how well linxu handles removeing sata drives on the fly at this time.03:54
Vuenand yet it won't let me browse the network.03:54
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Vuenit doesn't show any events blocked or anything.03:54
dv_Dr_willis, I dont want to remove it on the fly for now03:54
GastenjUggERNAUt1980: so... how are you going to connect to internet throgh your comp?03:54
Vuenhowever if i turn the firewall off, it browses just fine.03:54
Vuenwhat's the deal?03:54
LjLjlebrech: if they don't install with apt-get or synaptic, and give weird errors, then yeah. edgy is experimental, you know. OTOH you might simply have to enable Universe perhaps...?03:54
dv_but I do want to be able to simply mount that thing without messing up the fstab03:54
jUggERNAUt1980gasten, i get my inet through wifi from open networks03:54
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kmaynardVuen, what firewall03:55
dv_in windows, I go to the volume manager, the hd is detected there (but disabled), I click on enable, and thats it, I have access03:55
Gastenok.. and your buddy wants to cennect to that net over your comp?03:55
Dr_willisdv_,  use the mount command then?  as far as i know the tools all edit the fstab.   actually you may wan tto use 'sudo fdisk -l' to see if the drive is even seen correctly03:55
kmaynardyou need to have inbound and outbound rules that match03:55
Vuenwhat do you mean, what firewall? i'm configuring it with firestarter03:55
kmaynardthats what i meant03:55
dv_Dr_willis, pmount does not03:55
jUggERNAUt1980gasten, correct.  i also want to be able to send him files.03:55
dv_Dr_willis, I could use the mount command, yes.03:55
Vuenk, but firestarter is not the firewall, it's just a config tool for iptables03:55
GastenjUggERNAUt1980: I dont think that work, but I'm sure someone else kno how.03:55
Windwalkeranybody has one of theme Mobos - ASUS A8N-E, ASUS K8N4-E SE, GigaByte K8N51GMF-9, GigaByte K8NE or GigaByte K8NF903:55
dv_but I have to use it as root, which is ridiculous in this case,03:56
quantikfor example, when i try to install the build-essential i dowloaded manually, it says "dependancy is not satisfiable; dpkg-dev"03:56
Vuenanyway it doesn't show any blocked events when i try to connect. but it's blocking something, because i can't browse03:56
The_Machinei constantly feel the urge to reboot my linux OS.  I don't feel it with windows (in fact, i haven't restarted it in months..).  What's wrong with me?03:56
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dv_and since external HDs are not that rare, I think a GUI for this is a good idea03:56
XiXaQjUggERNAUt1980, you want to be a gateway on your local network.03:56
GastenjUggERNAUt1980: I would get a router and cennect it to wifi, then cennect both yours and his comp to it.03:56
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jlebrechLjl: universe is on. so a manual install is the option on eft?03:56
Dr_willisdv_,  if it has a reiserfs on it.. then the permissions may be restricted in any case. Im not sure you can mount the thing  in a way to override the permissions on the filesystem03:56
VuenThe_Machine, what possible reason could you have for rebooting? unlike windows, rebooting linux does basically nothing.03:56
LjLThe_Machine: that you have administrative privileges, possibly ;P03:56
jUggERNAUt1980gasten, i've read walkthroughs on the forums, so people have posted that they've gotten it to work, but they don't ever post their solutions.  just elation caused by getting it to work!  :P03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about buid-essential - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
kmaynardvuen, do your inbound and outbound rules match?03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about buid-essentials - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
The_MachineVuen - it's irrational03:57
segfault_dv_, u do donot need to use mount as root if u setup fstab correctly, use the options user to allow users to mount, also use noauto so drive isnt mounted automatically at boot time03:57
Vuenkmaynard, no, my outbound whitelists all03:57
LjLjlebrech: well, wait a moment. 1) what is the package you want?  2) can you put the errors that "sudo apt-get install whatever" gives you into the pastebin?03:57
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:57
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kmaynardVuen, make matching rules, see if that helps03:57
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The_Machinelike, evolution wasn't picking up new messages.  Even after i would close and start it again (checking processes too).  And..  "rebooting helps" is the irrationality..?03:58
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Vuenkmaynard, i can't make matching rules. i'm whitelisting by default, which means i can only block outgoing, not allow outgoing. they're already allowed.03:58
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kmaynarddude. it doesnt work now. what's it gonna hurt?03:58
kmaynardcan you not change it?03:59
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jUggERNAUt1980XiXaQ, yes, i do want to be a gateway.  but when i set it all up and try to connect, i can't get out to the internet.03:59
dv_Dr_willis, I called  sudo mount -t reiserfs /dev/sdb1 exthd/ -o users  but I had to find out the dev name (sdb1) and have to manually create a dir03:59
Vuenkmaynard, sure i can change it, but if i start blacklisting outgoing, it's gonna drop my from irc, i'm gonna have to start opening ports for every little thing...03:59
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dv_this is precisely what project utopia aimed to automate04:00
jUggERNAUt1980XiXaQ, it's almost as though when putting those settings into place, it wants to look through my wired connection for internet access instead of the wifi.04:00
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Dr_willisdv_,  never heard of it.04:00
kmaynardVuen, so if it doesnt work, put it back or turn it off. you want it to work, but you're not willing to try anything?04:00
XiXaQjUggERNAUt1980, are you using network manager?04:00
segfault_dv_, if u seyup ur fstab correctly u would need only to do mount /mnt./dir as any user to mount ur drive04:00
The_Machineokay, how about this:  I am running ubuntu, and i'm doing everything on it that i would regularly do w/ my "other" OS.  But i want to learn more about linux so that I am being educated and improving my current knowledgebase.  Any suggestions on what i should do next?04:01
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dv_Dr_willis, hal & dbus & pmount etc.04:01
krazykitThe_Machine: mess something up ;-)04:01
kmaynardlook up the rute tutorial04:01
jUggERNAUt1980XiXaQ, network manager can't see my wifi card.  it's an atheros 521204:01
Vuenkmaynard, fine i'll try it, hold on04:01
Dr_willisI spend more and more time debugging/trouble shooting these 'makeing things easier for users idiot-proofing'04:01
dv_the system for automounting/autodetecting stuff like usb sticks04:01
The_Machineheh.  mess something up..  like what?04:01
dv_segfault_, this should not be necessary04:01
jUggERNAUt1980XiXaQ, so i just use network settings to select the wireless network.04:01
The_Machineoh, here's one04:01
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The_MachineBACK something up.04:01
The_Machinethat would be a good idea04:01
dv_also, what if the drive name changes, for example because I plugged in a usb stick first and is labeled sdb1?04:02
kmaynardThe_Machine, http://www.chongluo.com/books/rute/04:02
kmaynardi used that, and learned a lot04:02
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dv_I hope edgy has SATA-automounting/hotplugging support04:02
The_Machinehow do i perform a backup where i would be able to completely restore my operating system and everything else04:02
kmaynardalso, gentoo doesnt hurt04:02
=== kmaynard ducks
krazykitThe_Machine: nah, i'm kidding.  breaking stuff is a good (forced) way to learn, but you could play with the command line.  learn some shell scripting.  one-liners are good places to start04:02
segfault_dv_, u have to tell the machine to do something for it to do it, in windows u r used to a gui for everything, in linux u setup ur fstab correctly and use a single cmd04:02
XiXaQjUggERNAUt1980, cant you select which interface should act as gateway or something?04:02
Vuenkmaynard, i changed it. still doesn't work04:02
The_Machineyeah, scripting04:02
The_Machinei need to learn that.04:02
jUggERNAUt1980XiXaQ, ok how about this:  forget trying to get his system to see the internet:  i would just like to send him some filesthat i have on my system over a network connection.  how can i just connect to his system and share files?04:02
The_Machinei don't know anything about programming though04:02
dv_segfault_, so you say that the entire automounting system is useless?04:02
jlebrechLjl: no errors, all ready installed. do you normally access installed webapps thru localhost04:02
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Dr_willisdv_,  with edgy you can mount drives to speficic locations based on their drive label, and other UUID  information04:03
kmaynardVuen, oh well, now you know...sry...04:03
dv_so everyone use dmesg and manually hunt for the device name of that usb stick or external hd?04:03
The_Machinekmaynard: i'll read it :)04:03
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krazykitThe_Machine: it's not really about programming, it's about doing common tasks easier.04:03
Vuenany other ideas?04:03
Dr_willisdv_,  i use sudo fdisk -l. actually with my usb sticks  gnome and kde auto mount the things with no help from me.04:03
The_Machinekrazykit: doesn't that require knowledge of programming?04:03
Dr_willisdv_,  i am guessing its not seeing the sata drive as a 'removeable' drive.04:03
segfault_dv_, automounting works quite well without touching fstab for hotpluggable devices, from what i gather u are not using such a device, devices which are present at boot need an entry in fstab to be mounted04:03
Vuenthis is ridiculous. if the firewall is blocking things, why isn't it telling me? it's not registering any events when it blocks these things! aaarghh!04:03
dv_Dr_willis, yes, and I want this to happen with external hds as well04:03
kmaynardVuen, ubuntuforums and google...04:04
LjLjlebrech: normally i simply don't use webapps. i can tell that the phpgroupware package is broken anyway, since it didn't install any database as a dependency (only a recommend, i suppose), but installation breaks when it doesn't find one04:04
Dr_willisdv_,  the issue here is its a external sata drive... i think.04:04
dv_segfault_, sata *is* hotpluggable04:04
Vuenkmaynard, how can i turn off my firewall permanently?04:04
krazykitThe_Machine: no, not really.  like, if you want to back something up daily.  to write a little script and throw it into cron.  no "real" programming needed.  all my programming experience fits on a floppy disk.04:04
dv_ok, the kernel may not have this feature yet04:04
Vuenif i hit stop in firestarter and close it, will it stay that way?04:04
dv_but sata is capable of this04:04
Dr_willisMy external usb hard drives auto mount fine04:04
kmaynardVuen, isnt that an option in firestarter?04:04
dv_Dr_willis, yes, *usb*04:04
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dv_but I have a sata connection04:04
Dr_willisdv_,  yes.. USB...04:04
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kmaynardi dunno...i dont mess with iptables or firestarter...too much trouble04:05
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dv_I could connect to it with usb as well, but transferring 28 gb with usb is not fun :)04:05
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kmaynardi sit behind a router, poke a few holes in it, and secure my services...firewalls suck04:05
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kmaynardsoftware firewalls anyway04:05
Vuenkmaynard, yes, that's what i want as well04:05
Dr_willisIve yet to even see an external sata drive yet. or esata cards either.. of course 6 mo ago..just isntalling to an internal sata drive could be an issue.04:05
PingunZI just downloaded a .deb for firefox2rc1. It works great but its french, how do I set the language to english ?04:05
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Vuenbut how do i make sure it's not gonna start the firewall when i boot up?04:05
kmaynardPingunZ, theres not an english deb?04:06
segfault_kmaynard, iptables is very good, in fact many routers use it as their firewall04:06
kmaynardVuen, dunno...04:06
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Vuensegfault_, can you help me with this thing?04:06
kmaynardsegfault_, i know. thats why im happy to run it there :)04:06
PingunZkmaynard, Not that I know .. but I just need to change the language ..04:06
segfault_Vuen, plz repeat ur question04:07
bowmanheya. I've just done a Ubuntu server install - where do I get openswan etc.? they are not in the standard repositories04:07
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Vuenoh, NOW it's registering events04:07
Vuenif i hit reload04:07
ramviWhat's the default, open source driver used with ati-cards?04:07
jUggERNAUt1980how can i connect my box to another box and transfer files?04:07
Vuenfor some reason they're not coming up as they happen04:07
kmaynardkmaynard, i downloaded the RC2 tarball from mozilla.com, unpacked it in /opt, and i run firefox from there....all in english04:07
erizohello everybody... i have a problem with my winmodem, its a conexant winmodem, anybody knows how to make it work at 556k ? thanks a lot for your help04:07
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The_Machinekrazykit: how did you learn to write your first scripts?04:07
Vuenokay, new problem04:07
protosno luck :(04:07
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kmaynarderizo, winmodem support in linux is crap. you may wanna look for an external modem04:07
Vuensamba is picking a random port in the 1000-1200 range to browse on04:08
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segfault_erie, i may be wrong as i dont use a modem but i dont think winmodems are supported04:08
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Vuenwhy isn't it just using the default port 139?04:08
erizoyes.. but i could make it work with hoary using hexedit04:08
kmaynardprotos, yipe...could it be your netowrk admin?>04:08
__gotchacan someone tell me which package I should setup for a vnc server ?04:08
Vuen__gotcha, are you using gnome?04:08
krazykitThe_Machine: uh... don't recall.  i suppose i had a task that i did fairly often and just wrote a script.  as my wants became more advanced, i figured out how to do it04:08
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kmaynard__gotcha, tightvnc04:08
erizoi upgrade to dapper and only works at 14.4, i dont have a shope near me since i live in rural area, would be great to make it work at 56k04:08
__gotchadefault ubuntu setup04:08
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kmaynard__gotcha, you may also wanna look at www.nomachine.com04:09
protoscontents of /etc/iftab - eth0 mac 00.13.ef.4d.b1.2f arp1   .   changing DNS server to opendns ones makes no difference. pinging the dns ip's is not succesful04:09
The_Machinegive me an example of something you wanted to do often?04:09
__gotchakmaynard: thanks04:09
=== The_Machine can't think of anything
The_Machinesomething really simple and often that you would have a need for such a thing04:09
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krazykitThe_Machine: backign stuff up over a network.  a combination of tar and netcat04:09
The_Machinehm.  okay.04:09
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krazykitThe_Machine: or even not-often stuff, like finding certain files and performing an action, like rm or mv04:10
mcdonaldswesis anyone else having problems with the us.archive.ubuntu.com servers?04:10
protosany other advice?04:10
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fouadHow can i use a package list i got from dpkg to install all my packages on a new system?04:10
krazykitmcdonaldswes: those servers have had problems since forever.  just get rid of the us.04:10
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kmaynardmcdonaldswes, yes...just take off the us. then run apt-get update04:10
mcdonaldsweskrazykit: ok, will do04:10
segfault_mcdonaldswes, i did a while back and i changed all to archive.ubuntu.com and no more issues04:10
erizoanybody know how to make latest conexant driver work at 56k and not only at 14k? thanks a lot04:11
protosi still can not access the internet in any way on my ubuntu install04:11
kmaynardprotos, i have an idea04:11
fouadHow can i use a package list i got from dpkg to install all my packages on a new system?04:11
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kmaynardprotos, is your ubuntu cd the live cd? with a desktop and all?04:11
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segfault_fouad, reformat the list so it a list of pkgs seperated by spaces and use apt-get04:12
protosyes it is the livecd04:12
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kmaynarddid you test networking in it? like open firefox, or ping google?04:12
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protoswith the livecd ? you mean before installing?04:12
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protosno i did not. should i try that?04:12
fouadsegfault_: is there a way to automatically do this? it is a very long list04:13
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segfault_fouad, perl will easily do this04:13
jUggERNAUt1980i've been spending a lot of time on this issue, and just can't seem to get anywhere with it.04:13
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fouadsegfault_: well i don't know perl, only some basic bash and C04:13
kmaynardyeah. or try it with a knoppix cd. either way, if it works, take note of the network settings, then apply then in ubuntu.04:13
protoskmaynard should i try that? what diff would that make?04:13
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protosok will try that thanks a million kmaynard04:14
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segfault_fouad, if know C u should be able to pick up enough perl to that fairly quickly04:14
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__gotchakmaynard: how can I find the port itghtvncserver is listening on ?04:14
fouadsegfault_: probably but i am very pressured over here, i need the PC ready so i can get back to my job04:15
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ramviSorry, but what's the default, open source driver used with ati-cards in ubuntu?04:15
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fouadramvi: i think it's called ati04:16
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Dr_willisramvi,  'ati' - but for some cardsd ive had to use 'vesa'04:16
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timalotapt-get install $(echo `cat my_file_separated_by_newlines`)04:18
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bowmanheya. I've just done a Ubuntu server install - where do I get openswan etc.? they are not in the standard repositories04:18
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jbaloulhi guys04:19
jbaloulis there a way to determine if a box is 1 cpu hyperthreaded or 2 physical CPUS or cores from a terminal?04:19
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timalotjbaloul: cat /proc/cpuinfo ?04:21
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jbaloulnope...timalot....doesn't tell the difference between a hyperthreaded cpu and multiple phys cpu's ;-)04:21
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jUggERNAUt1980i want to set up a LAN between two ubuntu boxes i have here.  can i have some help here?04:22
jbaloulanyone else have an idea...i tried dmesg, lshal, proc/cpuinfo04:22
Rookie_whats your prob ?04:22
jbaloulis there a way to determine if a box is 1 cpu hyperthreaded or 2 physical CPUS or cores from a terminal?04:23
segfault_jbaloul, to the kernel there is no difference04:23
Pharao2kHi everyone, Could anyone tell me how to activate another network device? My server has 2 onboard nics, but only one is active and known, when I type ifup eth1, it says there is no eth104:23
jbaloulsegfault...your telling me windows can tell and we can't?04:23
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segfault_jbaloul, to the kernel hyperthreaded cpus and multicore cpus are both seen as multi cpus04:24
anacaonahello all04:24
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jbaloulsegfault, that stinks04:24
jbalouli was hopping for more04:24
anacaonadoes anyone know a simple command line argument for dpkg which lists which files are installed with a package and where?04:24
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segfault_jbaloul, not really it works quite well and does what it is supposed to04:24
timalotanacaona: dpkg -L <package name>04:24
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kswhat do you recommend to reduce noise from the box ?04:25
anacaonathank you timalot!04:25
jbaloulyeah but you are in the blind04:25
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gb521can someone help me 1 on 1 with a built in wireless card?04:25
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s_spiffPharao2k, tried System>Admin>Networking?04:25
segfault_jbaloul, it all works the same why would it matter to the sys?04:25
Jaga_jbaloul, what about the "ht" flag in cpuinfo - that might be hyperthreading ??04:26
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s_spiffPharao2k, oh u said server na. sorry. dunno the console cmds for those.04:26
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jbaloulsegfault_: i need to check for performance....Jaga_ checking04:26
timalotcan someone explain how hyperthreading is different from multi-cores... i havent caught up with new technology04:26
Jaga_jbaloul, scrap that, it doesn't mean ht.04:27
segfault_Jaga_, I dont think so04:27
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Pharao2ks_spiff, it isnt there in ifconfig, but at the start of the installation, where one has to select the primary network device, there was it04:27
segfault_jbaloul, not sure how getting that info from the sys would help u chk performance04:27
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jbalouli need to determine the physical cpu's on the box....this is should be a 4 phys cpu box and right now we don't know04:28
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s_spiffPharao2k, i think ifconfig will show yu only actice cards..not sure. please check up some1 hehe04:28
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thompahowdy, what program do i use to change some mp3s to audio files for CD?04:29
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ubotuserpentine: an application for mastering audio CD. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.91-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 75 kB, installed size 668 kB04:29
segfault_jbaloul, well only way i know of todo that would open the box up, the kernel doesnt care04:29
gb521i need help to get my built in wireless card to work with ubuntu04:30
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thompatimalot: thanks04:30
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kristjinHi there...04:31
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kristjinI am having trouble executing a chown on drive contents, apparently...04:32
kristjinThis is what someone else had me doing last night at 1am before going to bed.04:32
Dr_williswhat kind of drive?04:32
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kristjinI have bout 10 minutes before going to work if someone has one suggestion I can try, here is what I'm trying to do:04:32
jbaloulok guys, thanks for your help...looks like this specific box doesn't have the kernel that can tell the diff....i will have to tell someone on site to reboot and look at either the BIOS or boot screen04:32
gb521i need some help getting a driver for my wireless card04:32
kristjinI have a 400 GB data drive which is 93% full with mp3s that I need to mount.  It is an NTFS volume.04:33
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AnAntwhat's the differnce between flashplayer-mozilla and flashplugin-nonfree ?04:33
laelis there something i have to think of when buying a TV-card for linux (ubuntu)?04:33
kristjinI have a mount point at /home/kristjin/Desktop/Music which has already been set to 77704:33
Dr_willislael,  go to the mythtv homepage and see what they reccomdne.. and what they say AVOIDE04:33
kristjinI have in fact already executed a sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/kristjin/Desktop/Music04:34
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timalotkristjin:  how many hours of music?04:34
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kristjinAnd it appears to have been successful, however, when attempting to access the volume from within ubuntu, I get an error window which reads "The folder contents could not be displayed.  You do not have the permissions necessary to vbiew the contents of "Music.""04:35
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rick_hI'm running into trouble with ubuntu 64bit repos today. I'm getting a bunch of 404s, any know issue/solution?04:36
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Detoxanyone know mych about setting up mysql?04:36
kristjintimalot: The Full Albums section has 40729 tracks, totaling 117 days, 13:39:26 to my recollection.  I have it in an excel file I can send you if you like.  My singles and unsorted are also in it.04:36
AnAntwait till repos sync maybe ?04:36
segfault_Detox, ask im sure someone will be able to help04:36
timalotkristjin: its ok04:36
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rick_hAnAnt: how can I check this is the trouble or know if it's something waiting won't fix for me?04:37
gb521is there a known problem with getting broadcom network adapters to work?04:37
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kmaynardgb521, yup.04:37
gb521is there a way to fix it at all04:37
AnAntrick_h: when do you get 404s ? when you update or upgrade ?04:37
kristjinAnyway, if I switch to root, I can access the folder, but when trying to chown the contents, it reported back that the drive was a read only drive.04:37
Detoxi cannot figure out how to connect.. installed mysql on my debian pc,, open mysql admin type in hostname as listed in hosname commadn,,, but gives error of unkonwn host04:37
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kmaynardgb521, is it wireless?04:37
gb521yeah, built in to my laptop04:37
timalotkristjin: u can only mount ntfs partitions read-only in linux04:38
kmaynardtry looking here04:38
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:38
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kristjinNow, gomen, but I don't know the commands for chown, nor the exact response we got back, as it was 1am, and he gave me exact commands which I just popped into the terminal.04:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:38
Detoxno matter what I type in it gives me error of cannot connect04:38
rick_hAnAnt: update, I don't have upgrades pending there04:38
kristjinI am supposed to hop into the shower in 2 minutes but can stand to do so in 12.04:38
kristjinAny suggestions?  :)04:38
segfault_Detox, unless ur dhcp server servs those hostnames as local dns entries or u add the hostnames to /etc/hosts ull need to use ip,04:38
AnAntrick_h: i see, dunno then04:38
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kristjinGoddess I'm such a geek...04:38
kmaynardkristjin, man chown04:39
timalotkristjin: what do u want to do with the mp3s?04:39
Juhazkristjin, you can't write to ntfs, but other than that, you can use the "umask" mount option to get the wanted mode.04:39
kristjinYeah, I heard someone else chastising him for that.04:39
Detoxtried local ip of 192.168.2 5004:39
Detoxsame prob04:39
boggleIs Jeff Bailey around here?04:39
kristjinHe said the chown was not wise.04:39
kmaynardchown -R user:group directory/04:39
segfault_Detox, also i think by default debian mysql listens only to localhost04:39
rick_hAnAnt: I'm trying to install some new stuff: Getting stuff like: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main sasl2-bin 2.1.19.dfsg1-0.1ubuntu204:39
rick_h  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 04:39
Detoxeven tried http://localhost04:39
kmaynardoops, sudo chown -R user:group directory/04:39
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gb521what should i be looking for in this help guide04:39
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laelDr_willis: i've looked on their page and on their wiki, but i cant find it to b e honest. :s04:40
kmaynardgb521, ndiswrapper probably04:40
Vuenhey all, when i boot up ubuntu it automatically starts my firewall04:40
Vuenhow can i get rid of that? i don't want a firewall.04:40
IcemanV9rick_h: try a different server; looks like us server is having a problem (again)04:40
kristjinWell, it's not a problem with the chown command - it's something to do with the drive being write protected.04:40
kristjinIt's very unusual.04:40
Juhazit's not unusual.04:40
kristjinAgain - Although I have mounted it, I cannot even access the folder from within Ubuntu.04:41
kristjinThat isn't unusual?04:41
Juhazit's ntfs.04:41
kmaynardis it a hard drive?04:41
kristjinAn NTFS hard drive.04:41
kmaynardoh hell, ntfs?04:41
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kmaynardwrite support is there, but AFAIK its still dangerous04:41
kristjinI can't have an NTFS Hard drive mount to a folder on my desktop in Ubuntu?04:41
sugusjoin #dataflow04:41
dcordes_hey there, i can't read out my thermal ifnormation. acpi -t gives me an error04:41
kristjinI don't need write support, but I want to be able to access the files.04:41
ntcwhere can i find ttf-xfree86-nonfree04:41
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse04:41
dcordes_what can ido?04:41
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AnAntrick_h: dunno04:41
Vuenkristjin, you can certainly read from ntfs04:42
kristjinThat's what I'm saying.04:42
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kristjinIt isn't allowing me to even VIEW the files.04:42
kmaynardntc, ubuntu uses xork04:42
Juhazkristjin, man mount, read about "gid", "uid" and "umask" in the section "mount options for ntfs"04:42
kristjinI apologize if I'm being unclear.04:42
Vuenkristjin, mount in in media and stick a link to it on your desktop04:42
ntcI need this package for splash utils :S04:42
Vuenyou shouldn't be mounting in inside your home folder if it's not writeable04:42
kristjinI see.04:42
kmaynardxfree is old and hella unsupported04:43
kristjinThank you.04:43
Vueni think. i don't know that for sure04:43
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Vuenbut a link will work as though it was mounted there04:43
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kmaynardlook for slash stuff in xorg04:43
kmaynardsplash...man i cant type today04:43
Vuenquestion, how can i disable my firewall?04:43
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ntcbut this is for the fbsplash04:44
ntcat boot up04:44
Vueni'm using firestarter to configure it, i just want the thing off. it keeps starting up again when i turn my computer on04:44
ntcthe package depends on ttf-xfree86-nonfree04:44
IcemanV9dcordes_: cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/*04:44
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boggleVuen: do you see the start script in /etc/init.d ?04:44
dcordes_how can i get my cpu temperature? it is important becaus my cpu gets hot some times when it's warm and i need to be able to check it out. otherwise ubuntu is complete useless for me.04:45
Vuenboggle, which script would it be?04:45
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ntckmaynard, its found here when i search on google http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/x11/ttf-xfree86-nonfree04:45
ntcbut how do i add that?04:45
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boggleVuen: try 'grep iptables /etc/init.d/*' and see if something is shown04:45
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IcemanV9dcordes_: did u issue the command that i just gave you?? it'll tell you the cpu temp04:45
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dcordes_<IcemanV9> thanks cat: /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/*: No such file or directory04:45
K1000A19 your speak espanish04:45
Vuenthere is a firestarter script though04:45
kmuwhich log file do errors go to at boot?04:46
K1000A19soy chilenaaaaa04:46
boggleVuen: I guess this is what is starting the firewall then04:46
Vuenboggle, grep iptables shows nothing, but grep fire shows the firestarter script04:46
Vuenshould i uninstall firestarter?04:46
IcemanV9dcordes_: okay. try this one -> cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM*/*04:46
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:46
boggleVuen: you can probably disable this, wait a minute, I'm usually a fedora user :)04:46
dcordes_IcemanV9: no such file :-(04:46
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Vuenokay, i just purged firestarter04:47
boggleVuen: can you do /etc/init.d/firestarter stop and see if this stops the firewall?04:47
Vuengrep iptables and grep fire both show nothing in /etc/init.d04:47
Vuengonna restart04:47
Vuenthanks boggle04:47
Vuenback in 504:47
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dcordes_IcemanV9: i have an amd athlon xp 3200+ on via kt600 chipset04:47
IcemanV9dcordes_: then, i don't know other way to find the cpu temp. looks like acpi is not supported on your box :/04:47
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rupyDoes Dapper support the open source radeon gfx driver?04:49
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sproingieit comes with it.  it also sucks.04:50
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rupythe fglrx driver also sucks04:50
sproingiethe r300 driver would be nice, but i havent seen any progress on that in months04:50
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rupyi have a x1600 mobility card04:51
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rupyi take it the r300 driver wont work?04:52
sproingieno clue04:52
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ntcanyone knows where to fint this package? http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/x11/ttf-xfree86-nonfree04:52
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ntcwrong sry04:52
ntcthis ttf-xfree86-nonfree04:52
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wick2oany get ubuntu installed on a dell poweredge 860? my install seems to hang after nic setup04:53
wick2omy gues is i have sata drivers error04:53
LjL!info ttf-xfree86-nonfree04:53
ubotuttf-xfree86-nonfree: non-free TrueType fonts from XFree86. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.1-3 (dapper), package size 424 kB, installed size 1048 kB04:53
LjLntc: ^04:53
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ntcLjL,hehe, but i have all reps enabled, cant find it04:54
salkotAfter upgrading to the latest version, my System>Quit... menu no longer has the option to shutdown -- just logout, lock, switch user, and hibernate. How do I get shutdown back??04:54
thompadoes serpentine chang ethe mp3s to a different format for cd?04:54
thompai dont see any settings or anything04:54
rupyso what do i do about this graphics card situation04:54
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rupyI want to run aiglx04:54
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LjLntc: well, you must have done something wrong while enabling multiverse then, because the package is there.04:54
rupyand that doesnt work with fglrx04:54
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LjLntc: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list04:54
ubotuserpentine: an application for mastering audio CD. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.91-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 75 kB, installed size 668 kB04:54
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rupyhow do i install the open source radeon driver?04:55
ntcwhats the address? forgit it04:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:55
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hungerHi! Is there a way to stop hal from thinking a laptop my hibernate?04:55
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thompaanybody know before i waste a cd , if serpentine burns to what?04:55
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kmaynardpower option in System | Administrationb04:55
rasputnikhow do I purge a package with apt? I'm trying to install mysql4.1 and it's crapping out because it can't downgrade my 5.0 db (which I installed by mistake)04:55
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LjLrasputnik: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename04:56
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ntcLjL, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26600/ there04:56
rasputnikLjL: thanks04:56
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LjLntc: well, you definitely don't have multiverse enable. add "multiverse" at the end of lines 17, 18, 32, 3304:57
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IcemanV9ntc: multiverse is NOT enabled :)04:57
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rasputnikwoo, worked.04:58
ntcchange universe to mutiverse?04:58
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LjLntc: no. add it after universe.04:58
ntckk thx04:58
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ntcLjL, thanks a lot man05:00
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LjLntc: do a "sudo apt-get update" also, to sync your packages list05:00
ntcI already reloaded :P05:01
ntcthx anyway05:01
ntcI dont update05:01
ntcnmy update is fucked!05:01
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:01
LjLntc: pastebin the errors05:01
LjLntc: (and, i guess, pastebin your new sources.list)05:01
ntcsry for the launguage05:01
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ntcwell LjL what my update does is... it doesnt give any errors05:02
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ntcit just keeps update the same files05:02
ntcover and over again05:02
LjLntc: ...?05:02
ntctill it fills my hole harddrive05:02
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ntcyep :S05:02
rasputnikntc: that's what it's supposed to do. then you upgrade.05:02
LjLntc: when you say "update", you actually mean the "sudo apt-get update"?05:02
rasputnikntc: what makes you say it fills your disk?05:02
ntcisnt apt-update update the same as the update application in gnome?05:03
LjLi haven't a clue about what's in gnome05:03
ntcfor example05:03
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ntcI says "package v1.0" needs to be updated05:03
rasputnikntc: no. 'man apt-get' would help05:03
xamoxif I want a script to run when the machine starts up where do I need to put it?05:03
ntcAnd i let it update05:03
ntcthen when its done05:04
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ntcthe same "package v1.0" need update again05:04
Dr_willisxamox,  depends on what the script is going to do.05:04
ntcover and over again05:04
ntcits wierd05:04
IcemanV9update is to sync the package list on local drive; upgrade is to update all apps that are installed on your box05:04
ntcbut i dont care, that much05:04
xamoxDr_willis:  start LAMP, so it needs to run as root05:04
MattJntc, apt-get update is not apt-get upgrade05:04
ntcwell I used synaptic to reload again05:04
ntcI thought it was sry :P05:05
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rasputnikIcemanV9: with hindsight, calling the gnome frontend 'update-manager' might not have been a good idea05:05
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sproingiecalling the command "update" was also not a great idea05:05
Dr_willisxamox,  i would guess the rc.local script then.. or check the !lamp bot url.. to perhaps find a more proper place to do it05:05
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.05:05
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rasputnikxamox: if you install the servers, they'll start at boot by default anyway05:06
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gb521how can i open an .exe to get a file out of it05:06
ZaggynlHow do I add custom hotkeys in Gnome?05:06
Zaggynllike starting the taskmanager like program with Super-Delete05:07
ntcgb521, some kind of resource hacker maybe05:07
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xamoxrasputnik:  umm, well, I'm using a different distro05:07
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Dr_willisgb521,  ive used wine to  have those extract. and then get to the files05:07
ubotuhotkeys: A hotkeys daemon for your Internet/multimedia keyboard in X. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 141 kB, installed size 380 kB05:07
rasputnikxamox: which one?05:07
gb521where can i get wine05:07
xamoxDr_willis:  if I just add the command in my rc.local I should be good to go.05:07
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xamoxrasputnik:  Puppylinux, very small distro05:07
Dr_willisxamox,  if the services are isntalled they SHOULD be auto starting.05:07
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Vuenwhat's up #ubuntu, i'm having some strange issues with azureus and sun java 5, so i just did an apt-get remove --purge azureus sun-java5-*05:08
rasputnikxamox: you need to check how it's init system works (small distros don't always use SysVinit)05:08
Vuenwhat's the most reliable way to install java and azureus?05:08
xamoxDr_willis:  well it's not technically setup as a service, if I run lampp start it fires up Apache/Mysql/Lamp all at the same time05:08
glatzorrasputnik: why? update-manager is a fine name05:08
ntchey by the way05:09
rasputnikglatzor: not when an *update* == apt-get *upgrade*05:09
ntcah nvm05:09
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glatzorrasputnik: the terminology of apt ist broken.05:09
boggleVuen: did it work?05:09
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sproingiei just click the little orange widget and it just works.  seems the obvious way to go for folks who are confused05:09
Vuenboggle, yep, thanks05:10
Vueni am now firewall free05:10
rasputnikglatzor: yes, but it was here first :)05:10
glatzorrasputnik: so why not fix it in the graphical user interface05:10
Vuenand i finally understand how firestarter works and what it actually does05:10
Vuenalthough i can't explain why samba is picking random ports for browsing, i don't really care anymore05:10
Vuensamba can do whatever it wants.05:10
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boggleVuen: I think "update-rc.d -f firestarter remove" will do the job without losing your firewall configuration05:10
glatzorrasputnik: the most user won't care about the difference between an update and an upgrade either. or that apt uses update instead of fetch or reload05:10
Vueni do want to lose my firewall configuration05:10
Vueni did apt-get remove --purge firestarter05:11
Vuenkill EVERYTHING05:11
boggleVuen: ok :)05:11
sproingieusers using the gui usually don't need to issue update commands05:11
rasputnikglatzor: people are forever in here saying they ran 'apt-get update' and don't have the latest updates05:11
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rasputniksproingie: no, but when they come in here and want to enable multiverse/universe it usually confuses them05:12
sproingierasputnik: that whole "universe/multiverse" thing is broken usability-wise05:14
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AstralJavasproingie: How so?05:14
rasputniksproingie: how else are people supposed to get mplayer?05:14
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Vuensproingie, i agree. people should not have to break out the console to activate these repos.05:15
rasputnikthe alternative is everyone using nasty hacks like marilat or building from source05:15
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sproingieVuen: they don't have to.  that they have such goofy undescriptive names is part of the problem05:16
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Vuensproingie, oh. I haven't used synaptic since breezy, i didn't realize synaptic can do that now.05:17
rasputnikVuen: but there is an argument that this keeps users who fear the console with the 'safer' main repos05:17
Vuenwell, i don't really see how the main repos are any safer...05:17
rasputnikVuen: for a start, the packages are authenticated05:17
sproingieVuen: you could do it in breezy too.  it's just not in an obvious place05:17
AstralJavasproingie: ...and the descriptions are still pretty good, so why should the name matter?05:17
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sproingieAstralJava: the desriptions are for people who've already wandered across the settings.  all they hear everywhere else is "turn on multiverse".05:18
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raghu206where can i find best Kde themes05:18
sproingieraghu206: kdelook.org05:19
AstralJavasproingie: I see. Well, I suppose whatever sounds good is easy to sell, so I see your point. :)05:19
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raghu206kmaynard, only that site05:19
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sproingieare people incapable of using google?05:20
michaels_how do I use a .run file?05:20
Comrade_Sraghu206: http://www.skinbase.org/kde.php05:20
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kmaynardraghu206, you could always google for more05:20
host`question, In firefox's option I sellected for it to be the default. When I right click on a link in xchat, though, and tell it to "open link in browser" it open konqueror, how do I change that?05:20
Comrade_Sraghu206: http://kde.themes.org/     there are lots more,just google for kde themes05:20
AstralJavasproingie: Sorry, but you just lost your argument. :) If people knew how to use Google, there's no need to give better, more descriptive names to those extra repositories. :-D05:21
jmspeexIs it normal that my two CPUs are giving different bogomips numbers?05:21
rasputnikhost`: System -> preferred applications05:21
rasputnikjmspeex: bogomips are just made up05:21
jmspeexOne is giving 1x clock and the other one is giving 2x clock.05:21
sproingieAstralJava: consider that i was responding to something different05:21
AstralJavajmspeex: At least in my system (the other one) they do.05:21
segfault_host`, u have to set default browser in kcontrol, also set default browser using update-alternatives05:21
michaels_how do I make a .run file executable?05:22
sproingieAstralJava: but hey, i suppose we could just name the repos jerwhtkjh235kjh2sdfg and make people google for the meaning05:22
AstralJavasproingie: yes, but it revealed the philosophy of yours concerning users.05:22
jmspeexrasputnik: I know they're made up, but I'd thought that two CPUs on the same die should behave the same.05:22
segfault_michaels_, chmod +x05:22
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rasputnikAstralJava: google is only any good if you know how to ask a good question05:22
host`I'm not in kde05:22
sproingieAstralJava: i don't have time for sophistry05:22
segfault_host`, ahh then use update-allternatives05:23
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Willsterhey...in kubuntu linux, does anyone know how to make gmail(in firefox) my default mailto: client?05:23
segfault_host`, err update-alternatives05:23
rasputnikjmspeex: me too :) but that's why they tell you it's made up, I suppose05:23
host`ok, it gives me a lot of option05:23
host`hold on05:23
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segfault_host`, sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser05:24
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fouratanyone know how to get php-gtk binaries on Ubuntu ?05:25
davinIs there something available that lets me 'watch' PDFs inside Firefox?05:25
glatzorrasputnik: and this is an apt-get problem05:25
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glatzorrasputnik: I did so too, even before using a GUI tool :)05:25
gandolfthewizardhi all how are you today05:26
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Zaggynlyay wine 0.9.23 is out05:26
=== Burnt-out waves to all
host`cool, I just did  update-alternatives --all and went through everything05:26
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host`that may be usefull in the future05:26
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wick2oi have a driver that needs to be installed in order for ubuntu to see the harddrives of my poweredge 860, how do i do this with linux? since there is no "press f6" option like in windows05:26
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wick2oit currently just hangs after the nic setup05:27
gandolfthewizardi just downloaded the j2se1.4-i586- and was woundering if someone could help explain on how to install it05:27
Alzi2Hey. When I use firefox to browse the web, i continously get a message that i need to accept a certain certificate, because it expired. This happened after my new install.... It says i have to check my time (which was only 3 hours in the past on the install), and i set it correctly.. well... when i view the certificate I see that it indeed expired. Why did all the certificates expire on 19-06-07?05:27
Alzi2... wait... 07?05:27
wick2oi could really use a point in the correct direction05:27
segfault_host`, fyi if u cant recall the alternative name do ls /etc/alternatives thats wherre they are all stored05:27
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Alzi2WHAT THE...05:27
Alzi2it was set to 2019 oO05:28
fildohi, has anyone here setup a ipw2100 wifi card correctly on ubuntu ?05:28
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wick2ofildo: apt-get install ipw2200 or ipw210005:29
wick2othat was all i had to do05:29
Burnt-outdoes anyone know of a gui app that can configure proftpd in ubuntu05:29
gandolfthewizardcould someone help me05:29
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wick2oBurnt-out: webmin05:29
fildossure ? . cause i have issues with setting freq05:30
Burnt-outtried it ....not easy...that works from windows machine as well...it sucks05:30
wick2onot easy?05:30
jmspeexIs is possible to upgrade from the 32-bit version to the 64-bit one?05:30
gb521can someone help me with getting universe and/or wine05:30
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Burnt-outyeah...every time i try set user rights it says that you need to set unix group05:31
RefoylHello all.  I have a compaq laptop with the ATI Radeon express 200M card.  If I boot (Dapper) with a monitor or projector attached to the VGA port, the port is live and clones the screen, which is what I want.  If I boot with nothing connected to the VGA port, the port is dead and nothing I do (fn-f4, for instance) seems to raise it, whether I am in X-Windows or in plain terminal mode.  Must I always reboot, or is there some way to restart this05:31
wick2ogb521: edit /etc/apt/sources.list05:31
davinIs there something available that lets me view PDF's inside Firefox?05:31
segfault_gb521, read faq on enabling repositories05:31
salkotAfter upgrading to the latest version, my System>Quit... menu no longer has the option to shutdown -- just logout, lock, switch user, and hibernate. How do I get shutdown back??05:31
fildoyeh cause it gives me this05:31
segfault_davin, adobe acroread is available and the gnome pdf reader comes installed by default05:31
gandolfthewizardcan someone help me with installing the j2se1.4 self extracting file?05:31
Burnt-outwick2o:     yeah...every time i try set user rights it says that you need to set unix group05:31
fildoError for wireless request "Set Frequency" (8B04) : SET failed on device eth1 ; Operation not supported.05:31
krayzonedavin: if you install adobe acrobat on your linux box, it should launch when you open a pdf inside a website05:31
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davinkrayzone: cheers mate05:32
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fildolike , wtf it should be auto . but u set it n still05:32
kmaynardRefoyl, sounds like your pc turns off the vga port unless something isconnected...may be a bios option05:32
wick2oBurnt-out: so add the person to a group05:32
wick2ocreate a ftp group05:32
=== blrakach [n=blrakach@c-24-3-111-3.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wick2oadd everyone to that group you want to use ftp05:32
Q3ManHaving an odd problem with a USB webcam. The webcam works fine when plugged directly into the machine, but will not display an image (and eventually causes a kernel panic from spca5xx, the usb driver for the camera) when connected through a hub (the usb hub is powered)05:32
wick2oassign permissions to that group05:32
Refoylkmaynard: thanks; I guess I can try playing with the BIOS.05:32
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segfault_gandolfthewizard, iirc all u need to do is run the file05:33
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Burnt-outwick2o:               how....everytime i want to add a user using webmin it says that anoying need to set unix group05:33
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fildowick2o: no such package mate05:33
quuxRunning vmware-server on ubuntu dapper. Since adding the vmware virtual USB device to an XP guest, I am getting errors from /dev/dsp every time the XP system tries to make a sound. Thoughts?05:33
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wick2obah dont use webmin to add users05:33
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.05:33
wick2ouse adduser on a command prompt05:33
Bonez56 /j #ubuntu+105:34
wick2ofildo: do an aptitude search ipw* or something05:34
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wick2oand do you have universe and multiverse enabled ?05:34
Burnt-outcan u give full command for lets say usr1 pass105:34
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fildosudo apt-cache search ipw*05:34
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wick2oadduser usr105:34
wick2ofollow the onscreen prompts05:34
wick2oit asks for password and whatnot05:34
Burnt-outk brb let u know05:34
segfault_Burnt-out, man adduser05:34
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Burnt-outthat i take is the manual05:35
FordPrefecthey anyone know why my DNS lookups are suddenly really slow (and sometimes intermittent) after recent updates?05:35
gandolfthewizardis there anything out there that i can use to install the j2se1.4-i58605:35
krayzoneburn-out: if you know how to script you could add all the users to a script file and just run it.05:35
segfault_gandolfthewizard, iirc all u need to do is run the file05:35
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gandolfthewizardi did but i still can't get into the chat rooms05:35
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FordPrefect(not slow when I boot to OS X)05:35
Burnt-outwick2o:                 it says user already exists05:36
protoskmaynard still around??05:36
FordPrefect(and is slow on Ubuntu on 2 networks but direct IP is very fast)05:36
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gandolfthewizardwhat do i do with the mozilla plug-in05:36
wick2othen the user is alreayd on your system05:36
wick2odo a userdel -r usr1 or deluser (i forget)05:36
wick2othen readd it05:36
Burnt-outk will try05:36
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segfault_gandolfthewizard, read the instructions it should tell u how to do that05:37
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Refoylkmaynard: there is no BIOS setting on my laptop available from setup dealing with the video port.05:37
raarI've installed ubuntu, but grub doesn't seem to work properly, I have Ubuntu installed on the 3rd partition of my /dev/sda drive - what would I have to put into the GRUB Menu for "root"? root (hd1,2) doesn't work..05:37
gandolfthewizardi did but its all new to me05:37
segfault_gandolfthewizard, also fyi sun java 1.5 is in repositories, and will handle all that for u05:37
Burnt-outk got it to add the user ftp....now how to set the default directory from /home/ftp to /var/www05:38
gandolfthewizardi have been trying to get that but i have not had any luck been trying for the last 4 days05:38
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segfault_raar, hd0,205:38
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raarsegfault_, ah okay - thanks very much :)05:38
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raarI'm wondering how the numbering works ;)05:39
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wick2oBurnt-out: perhaps you edit /etc/passwd ?05:39
Burnt-outwick2o:    thanks for the help :-) it is working to log on to /home/ftp05:39
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segfault_raar, hdx,y x is hd num starting 0, y is partition num also starting at 005:39
wick2oforget what i just typed05:40
wick2oyou edit the ftp config files for that05:40
Piotris there a polish version of this channel?05:40
okeefenokeehi folks. i have a clean, spanking new (and upgraded) ubuntu-installation on my computer. when i tried to install emacs (with synaptic) i got the following error message:05:40
wick2o(hence use webmin) if you dont like to read the configs05:40
segfault_Burnt-out, man usermod05:40
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raarsegfault_: ah I see, thanks :) I have a IDE harddrive and a SATA harddrive, so it could be possible that the root might have to be (hd1,2) ?05:40
kapheinHi all, I'm looking for the equivalent of the "minimal-responses" option in BINDv9 but for BINDv8, any pointers (already checked Zytrax, the ARM at isc.org and Google) ?05:40
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:41
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orbinPiotr: ^^05:41
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segfault_raar, yes it is as grub makes no distinction between the two05:41
Burnt-outwick2o:      ya....but i still need to re-install webmin....i took it off....cos it helped squat with what i was trying obviously a glitch in the username and passwd somewhere05:41
okeefenokeedpkg: parse error in file /var/lib/dpkg/available near line 22652 package foomatic-db05:41
eifzonwhat can be wrong when i try to install ubuntu, it just hang up after 10sec and it says something with kernel?05:41
raarsegfault_: oh okay, thanks very much - off to test it! :)05:42
Burnt-outwick2o:      what line in the proftpd.conf is for the home dir for a specific user?  i did not see anything there for home dir05:42
segfault_raar, :) gl05:42
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
okeefenokeethe file obv. is corrupted...but that's rather fast working, it was my first installation. what can i do?05:43
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wick2oBurnt-out: goto proftpd's websit eand read their FAQ05:43
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wick2oor forum, sorry but i cant walk you through this (tring to solve a weird problem of my own)05:43
misterme_is it possible to install ubuntu on a computer with debian/grub already installed on the MBR? how would i format the debian partitions so that i could put ubuntu on them, and also uninstall grub temporarily05:43
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Burnt-outk ....just that linux help and faq is not easily understandable for the newbee05:43
eifzonwhat can be wrong when i try to install ubuntu, it just hang up after 10sec and it says something with kernel?05:43
fouratwhat's the equivalent of debian's debootstrap command on ubuntu ? or how to use it with ubuntu ?05:44
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:44
gandolfthewizardi still don't understand this05:45
mcdonaldswesfourat: it should be the same, I believe, but you need to specify a different suite if you want to make a ubuntu chroot05:45
Burnt-outwick2o:      nothing there about default login folders05:45
IcemanV9okeefenokee: sudo aptitude install emacs05:45
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:46
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TmWrk_Quilto install the sun jdk it should be just apt-get install sun-jdk05:46
wick2owick2o:      nothing there about default login folders05:46
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okeefenokeeiceman: are you telling me that i should forget the sunaptic interface?05:46
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:46
wick2owick2o:      nothing there about default login folders05:46
Piotris there a wine version for 6.10?05:46
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wick2oforums.proftpd.org :: Viewtopic -Ftp user05:46
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gandolfthewizardcouldn't find package sun-jdk05:46
wick2oclick on that returned result appox 6 down05:46
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Burnt-outwick2o:      will check it out05:47
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okeefenokeesame error messages: Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Format/822.pm line 65, <$__ANONIO__> line 989.05:47
Burnt-outfound it05:47
okeefenokeeand so on05:47
gandolfthewizardyes that is what i have bee trying to get for the last 4 <days05:48
fouratmcdonaldswes, how to define a different suite ?05:48
xyzzy_billHey, here's a dumb question: Why is OLPC running Fedora, and not Ubuntu?05:48
IcemanV9okeefenokee: i don't know. i don't use emacs. something is borked with its package. :/05:49
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Burnt-outwick2o:      will try that quick05:49
XsesAany1 here?05:49
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mcdonaldswesfourat: I think they're predefined.. so you can do something like "debootstrap dapper dir_to_put_dapper_chroot"05:49
XsesAjust installed ubuntu05:49
XsesAit tells me "error loading operation system"05:49
mcdonaldswesdefinitions are in /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts05:49
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: so it is not installing correctly?05:49
gandolfthewizardi can't find it05:50
krayzonexsesa: Did you install grub during the installation. That error sounds like its trying to boot into windows?05:50
IcemanV9oh. is it universe and multiverse enabled in your /etc/source.list?05:50
=== Nookie [n=mensur@h52n1fls32o1010.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
gandolfthewizardi have the j2se1.4-i586-
XsesAi saw it installed it05:51
gandolfthewizardyes i have them all05:51
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XsesAbut he never asks me which OS i want to work with05:51
XsesAi had one error tho05:51
XsesAwith security updates05:51
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Burnt-outwick2o:      when i do what it says there it says "unable to lock password file"05:51
Nookiedoes anyone know what is the default username on postgresql and database????05:51
XsesAbut i just said ok and it keeped installing05:51
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XsesAplz fast.......05:51
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre ? it doesn't work?05:51
w30xyzzy_bill, I think RedHat put some money into adapting Linux to the laptop operating system development?05:52
gandolfthewizardi have bene trying that for the last 4 days05:52
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krayzonexsesa: are you dualbooting windows with your ubuntu installation. If so I would say reload the installation and skip all the steps except for when its time to install the boot loader to see if that works.05:52
XsesAi should be dual booting05:52
XsesAi just restarted after install05:52
wick2oBurnt-out: you need to be root05:52
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: hm. i don't know if there is a problem with the package or not. i installed java long ago.05:52
Burnt-outsudo then05:52
XsesAand it says error loading operating system (after trying to boot cd)05:53
xyzzy_billw30, That's likely true.  Targeting 100M children could result in some $ to RedHat down the road.  Still, it seems like a natural fit for Ubuntu.05:53
wick2osudo su root05:53
wick2othen you can keep root status05:53
krayzoneyou should but its not. So as a result I would suggest reloading the ubuntu installation and skiping to the part when it asks to install grub, and have it write to the mbr05:53
XsesAit never asked me05:53
gandolfthewizardthis is what i get when i try to get it on terminal E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jre05:53
XsesAit just installed the ubuntu and someting like 98 percent it installed the grub thing05:53
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host_although, keeping root status isn't ever really needed, unless you really really really want to save those 5 keystrokes05:53
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scott_hey, anyone know if its possible to get onscreen controls for the vlc plugin for firefox?05:54
krayzoneAre you able to rerun the ubuntu installation?05:54
xyzzy_billw30: My other thought was perhaps OLPC is trying to keep thinks US based, because it's so political.  Reducing the cost of a laptop to lower than the cost of Windows could be bad for US based M$05:54
wick2ohost_: it is if your doing alot of stuff as root05:54
nmsaI have a question related to raid: at boot I have this message: Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt. my raid is working but I got this annoying msg all the time; I formated the partitions in raid and not the raid itself, can this be the problem ?05:54
wick2oand its a good thing to know how to do05:54
w30xyzzy_bill, actually the laptop has a much modyfied Linux in size and also in security at the hardware level. Just what I read.05:54
XsesAplease help meeeeeee05:54
XsesAi am getting crazy =\05:55
host_true, that reminds me, today I make my first attempt in a long time to build a kernel05:55
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IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: apt-cache policy sun-java5-jre -- what does it tell ya?05:55
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krayzoneI gave you all the answers I have for that problem05:55
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Burnt-outwick2o:      now when i try log on using ftp in the shell it says "connection refused05:55
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wick2oi have to do some trickery, boot from livecd..apply a linux keral patch...then install the server distro from the desktop live cd05:55
wick2othis isnt going to be fun05:55
XsesAfuck linux :(05:56
wick2oare you tring to connect via root? or as ftp?05:56
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gandolfthewizardW: Unable to locate package sun-java5-jre05:56
wick2oXsesA: that will get you nowhere05:56
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slacktyroI'm having bug problems with my sound, I hope when i finish to upgrade it'll be fixed, anyone got anything like that?05:56
Burnt-outwick2o:      ftp and root05:56
Burnt-outwick2o:      makes no diffirence05:56
dcordesin which file can i find the startup entries?05:56
wick2odid you restart the proftpd process?05:56
xyzzy_billw30, I read they compress Fedora to 100MB... Seems funny, since Ubuntu already is.  I also suspect OLPC isn't offering their machine in developed countries, so as not to compete with Dell, HP, etc.05:56
wick2o/etc/init.d/proftpd restart05:56
XsesAwhat is that05:56
Riot777how to vote for some app to add this app in official apt repo's ?05:56
dcordeslike gnome-volume-manager and so on05:56
Burnt-outwick2o:      i tried to05:56
XsesAi dunno i just told it to install :(05:56
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: well. i don't think multiverse is enabled since it cannot find its package05:56
wick2oumm check your stuff for typos05:56
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Burnt-outwick2o:      it says this.....brb with exact statment05:57
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XsesAit failed doing security updates05:57
xyzzy_billw30, anyway, thanks for the reply.  I was just curious if anyone had heard of OLPC contacting Ubuntu for support.05:57
gandolfthewizardi have it checked in the rasportotiy05:57
Burnt-outwick2o:      it says this.....brb with exact statment05:57
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dcordesi only need the path/filename of startup programs list...05:57
w30xyzzy_bill, I don't think Fedora is US in development any way at all. Developers are world wide.05:57
Burnt-outwick2o:      proftpd is started from initd/xinitd05:57
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Burnt-outwick2o:      proftpd is started from inetd/xinitd05:58
gandolfthewizardbut i'll go and check again05:58
wick2onot sure, perhaps you have a type in your config?05:58
wick2oto /etc/init.d/stop05:58
PM^I upgraded to edgy and now I have weird fonts in emacs (barely redable). I did not have any special font setting in .emacs; I suspect is some default font setting. Any idea how to configure that?05:58
wick2oto /etc/init.d/proftpd stop05:58
wick2oclear your log05:58
wick2o/ec/init.d/proftpd start05:58
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wick2oand then check your log for errors05:59
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Zaggynldcordes, startup list of services or startup programs? like msconfig?05:59
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: if it is enabled, then did you update to re-sync the package list? sudo apt-get update05:59
eifzonWhen iam installing ubuntu, it just hang up and says: Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel05:59
gandolfthewizardyes i have done that to05:59
dcordes Zaggy yea05:59
Zaggynldcordes, do you use Gnome?05:59
xyzzy_billw30, true, but whats good for Fedora is good for RedHat.06:00
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IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: apt-cache policy sun-java5-jre (again to see if it is present or not)06:00
Burnt-outwick2o:      keeps ginving proftpd is started from inetd/xinitd msg06:00
gandolfthewizardbut i will try again06:00
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dcordesyes. but don't tell me to use the gnome panel please becaus that's what not working. i have this crappy special panel installed and then it disappeared. so i have eto disable it without gui06:00
wick2oso paste that message into google and do some reading06:00
Burnt-outwick2o:           must i remove proftpd and try re install06:00
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wick2oyou might want to do some research on that error first06:01
wick2ootherwise you wont learn anything06:01
Zaggynldcordes, okay, so you don't have X or Gnome working06:01
richeehow do I update to edgy eft06:01
gandolfthewizardthis is what i got when i went to update06:01
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gandolfthewizard: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/loc k - open (11 Resource temporarily unava ilable)06:01
gandolfthewizardE: Unable to lock the administration di rectory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another pr ocess using it?06:01
dcordesboth is working. only my gnome panel is gone :-) and i don't know how do access shit without it06:01
Burnt-outwick2o:           ya googleing now06:01
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule06:01
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gandolfthewizardit looks like it is trying to read my cd drive?06:02
w30xyzzy_bill, Maybe Linux is Finnish but the whole world jumped on the band wagon a long time ago.06:02
Zaggynldcordes, me neither, there is a file with services at /etc/something06:02
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: close the app (synaptic)06:02
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Burnt-outwhat is the easiest to configure ftp server and is there any that have kde admin app06:02
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dcordesi'm really wondrin why nobody is able to give me this short path06:02
wick2oBurnt-out: you giving up already? how lame06:02
dcordeswhere is the startup file people? for the specific sessions!06:02
wick2o.bashrc ?06:03
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host_in the kernel repository, what's the difference in linux-2.6.18.tar.gz  and linux-2.6.18.tar.bz2 ?? just different packaging?06:03
Burnt-outno just need to get it working will play with the test machine06:03
dcordesi mean there have to be at least 300 people who know this06:03
chuckypAnyone know how to keep a package from installing?06:03
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xyzzy_billw30, Yep.  Still, Ubutu has pledged a free copy for anyone, forever.  RedHat controls Fedora, and could take it off-line any time they like.06:03
dcordeswhere are the startup entries for the specific sessions?06:04
gandolfthewizardok that is done06:04
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: what is done? :)06:04
gandolfthewizardthe update06:04
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IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: ok. sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre06:05
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gandolfthewizardstill couldn't find it06:05
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Burnt-outwick2o:           it says that i don't need to restart the service as whenever an ftp session is opened xinetd starts the proftp service from scratch06:05
luckyonehello all - how do I start debuging why X.org isn't starting?06:05
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krunchi1920can anybody help me about transition from windows to ubuntu06:06
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w30xyzzy_bill, with Linux, any Linux a fork is possible to keep it going. Any thing worth "keeping going" would fork into a new project.06:06
luckyonekrunchii1920, download the install cd and boot from it06:06
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: ??? paste your source.list to pastebin plse?06:06
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LattywareHey all.06:06
gandolfthewizardwhat is the soure list06:06
luckyonecat /etc/apt/sources.list06:07
slacktyroI'm having bug problems with my sound, I hope when i finish to upgrade it'll be fixed, anyone got anything like that?06:07
LattywareI am running Ubuntu, and I have recently started loosing my DNS server names at every boot.06:07
luckyonegandolfthewizard -> cat /etc/apt/sources.list06:07
LattywareI have to reset them, which is beyond annoying.06:07
wick2oBurnt-out:  its called troubleshooting, you didnt know what to try so i made a valid suggestion based on the fact that you changed config files06:07
Burnt-outwick2o:           so then the question is why can't i access the ftp account....using root or ftp06:07
wick2oin fact ive never setup proftpd06:07
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snowblinkLattyware, dhcp?06:07
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IcemanV9eifzon: ask in the channel plse. there are lots of us here who can help. :)06:07
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LattywareNope, static IP06:07
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gandolfthewizardwhat is the pastbin link please06:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:08
dcordeswhat is the file where the startup entries for the sessions are saved?06:08
dcordesis it my nickname or what06:08
Burnt-outwick2o:           do u use any ftp daemon that works for u06:08
__gotchaI have setup tightvncserver06:09
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eifzonI have just bought a new computer, Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 CPU, i wonder why i get this when iam trying to install ubuntu: Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel, it just hangs up there and i have waited for about 30min and nothing happends, whats the problem, can somebody help me?06:09
__gotchaI can access from remote06:09
wick2oive used ftpd for a quick fix06:09
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__gotchabut get a gray screen/no gnome06:09
wick2obut normally i dont all ftp to my linux machines06:09
Burnt-outwick2o:           had similar issues with that06:09
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gandolfthewizardhere is  the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26607/06:09
__gotchaanyone can tell me how to get gnome started when connecting to the machine  with vnc ?06:10
wick2oyour problem is not the software you uare using but more of a pebkac, you need to take an error06:10
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wick2oand spend some time with google06:10
wick2oand follow each link to you figure out what your doing wrong06:10
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=== wick2o should start a "how to use the internet for troubleshooting" hehe
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dcordeswhat is the file where the startup entries for the sessions are saved?06:10
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krayzone"how to use the internet for troubleshooting" = Google06:11
Burnt-outwick2o:           the problem is i have been on this for the past 3 weeks with no success...each site says somthing else even u have given me totally diffirent things to do, so i have been doing my reading06:11
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slacktyroI'm having bug problems with my sound, I hope when i finish to upgrade it'll be fixed, anyone got anything like that?06:11
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: multiverse is not enabled - i fixed it -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26608/06:11
dcordeswhat is the file where the startup entries for the sessions are saved when google won't help?06:12
wick2ohave you seen this?06:12
gandolfthewizardhow do i enable it06:12
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wick2osorry wrong link06:12
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wick2ofollow the next links, i think they talk about ftp in there06:13
Burnt-outwick2o:           been to howtoforge.com before but waiting for the page to load and will let u know06:13
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Burnt-outwick2o:           says access denied06:13
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krayzonestartup entries are usually stored within the home folder of the user that is being logged in.06:13
gandolfthewizardhow do i enable multiverse06:13
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slacktyroafter i installed ubuntu i can't access www.falconryquestions.co.uk , how can i solve it???06:14
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Burnt-outwick2o:           on ftp waiting now06:14
dcordeskrayzone: wow thanks. but where exactly can i find it? the home folder is full of stuff06:14
krayzonedcrodes: I dont remember what the name of the startup session file, but what are you trying to do exactly?06:14
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: just add "multiverse" at the end to line 16 & 1706:14
krayzonedcoredes: its a hidden file. Give me one second06:14
xavierwhts the easiest way to install mythtv on ubuntu ?  anything like Automatix for Mythtv?06:14
dcordesi want to prevent a certain application from starting at the beginning of my xgl session.06:14
Burnt-outwick2o:           u pointing to the proftp admin section?06:15
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dcordesbut i can't disable it in the normal session manager because i can't access it without my normal gnome panel (it's gone)06:15
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slacktyroafter i installed ubuntu i can't access www.falconryquestions.co.uk , how can i solve it???06:16
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dcordeswith which command can i start the session manager that can be reached from the ubuntu settings menu?06:17
gandolfthewizardhow do i add it to it06:17
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Samuli^slacktyro, are you promoting the site, or actually asking for help?06:17
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list06:17
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Burnt-outwick2o:           got the download page will download and if u still here when i have figured out how to install the unpacked files will let u know06:18
slacktyroSamuli^: asking for help06:18
Zaggynldcordes, /usr/share/gnome/default.session06:18
krayzoneIf I understand your problem correctly, you want to launch your XGL, without something else starting with it correct?06:18
Zaggynlsource : man gnome-session06:18
Samuli^slacktyro, but you can connect to everywhere else on the net?06:18
slacktyroSamuli^: yep06:18
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slacktyroSamuli^: i need to enter in this site06:18
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j^2hey all06:19
Samuli^sorry, can't help you with that. Opens up fine on my browser so it's not the site.06:19
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dcordesZaggynl: thanks man06:19
j^2i'm looking for a place net/sys admins hang out, any suggestions?06:19
ubotump3blaster: Full-screen console mp3 and ogg vorbis player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.0-7 (dapper), package size 191 kB, installed size 612 kB06:19
slacktyroSamuli^: which browser are you using?06:19
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: once you finished edit the sources.list, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre06:19
Samuli^slacktyro, firefox06:19
ZaggynlYou're welcome :)06:19
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slacktyroSamuli^: same of me06:19
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slacktyroSamuli^: i don't know what do do more06:20
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fdsdhey guys, How do I turn off kernel messaging to tty1?06:20
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fouratwhat's the equivalent of debian's debootstrap command on ubuntu ? or how to use it with ubuntu ?06:20
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fdsdAnyone know why there is no fsck.hfsplus or fsck.hfs included when you install ubuntu ppc?06:20
gepatinofourat: it works the same way as in debian06:21
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slacktyroafter i installed ubuntu i can't access www.falconryquestions.co.uk , how can i solve it???06:23
gandolfthewizardis t sudo apt-get install what06:23
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IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre06:24
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ozubuhi all06:25
sureshotgandolfthewizard like the nick06:25
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IcemanV9his magic doesn't work atm ;)06:25
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fdsdhey guys, How do I turn off kernel messaging to tty1?06:25
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whysohi, a few quick newbie questions i appreciate any help :): 1. i just downloaded the normal dapper drake CD, can i use it as a live cd? (sorta confused on that)06:26
ozubuhi all06:26
mjrwhyso, yes06:26
boinkwhyso: yes06:26
IcemanV9whyso: yes06:26
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ged_hello all06:27
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gandolfthewizardis there an easier way to ge multiverse enabled?t06:27
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ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:27
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ozubudoes anyone know of a good way of synchronizing to evolution calanders, without setting-up a server ?06:27
pitt0071im trying to compile ieee for ipw2200... so far, no success, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26610/ here is the output, anyone? thks06:28
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ged_Can anybody help me with the following problem? I modified my /etc/sudoers file by hand and now I can't use any of the GUI configuration tools: users-admin, network-admin and so on. It tells me "The configuration could not be loaded".06:29
davinCorrect me if I'm wrong, Gnumeric is a good replacement for Excel?06:29
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ged_davin: correct06:29
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fromvegaI have downloaded Ubuntu 6.06 CD but I don't know how to install it. I boot from the CD and there is an option Start or Install Ubuntu or something like that, but when I select it, it just runs the Live Ubuntu and does not present any installation... could you help-me?06:29
AvatarXHello All.06:29
davinged_: do you want me to upload a stock sudoers dapper file?06:29
Gorbulasdoes anyone know if there are any plans to have Linux CDs on sale next to Windows CDs when Vista is released?06:29
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: ??? what's the problem?06:29
ged_davin: but maybe you could try OpenOffice calc. More powerfull (but slower)06:29
mjrdavin, it's a good spreadsheet program. To what extent it is a "replacement for Excel" is more vague, but its function set is comparable06:29
whysodoes ubuntu support esata?06:30
wick2oonce in the live cd06:30
davinmjr: okay :)06:30
wick2odouble click on the icon that says "install"06:30
=== AvatarX wishes to help spreading ubuntu.
ged_davin: that would help me (I guess) so please do.06:30
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mjr(actually, Gnumeric has more functions, esp. for statistician use)06:30
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macdoMy PC is plugged into an amp via coaxial cable - but I don't get any sound. Any ideas ?06:30
davinged_: okay hold on06:30
jesse__hi I'm tring to upgrade hoary to breezy, getting the following error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26612/06:30
fromvegathank you wick2o, I will look for the icon ;)06:30
Gorbulasit would be awesome if some company like Walmart set up some computers with the Ubuntu live CD :)06:31
bogglemacdo: worst thing that every happened to me: does the amp have sound? (I disassembled the PC once because of this ...)06:31
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bogglemacdo: s/amp/power06:31
pitt0071folks, what is the problem with make here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26610/06:31
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davinpit0071: Cant reach /etc/sudoers?06:32
richeeFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)06:32
richeeI am getting this error06:32
macdoboggle: amp has power, works from Windows...06:32
davinged_: gonna upload it now06:32
gandolfthewizardhow do i get the source list again06:32
richeecan anyone help?06:32
whysowhat file system is good for a operating system partitian? resier ?06:32
Gorbulaspitt0071: it looks like you might have set the path to the kernel incorrectly06:32
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Gorbulasor modules path06:32
soundraywhyso: ext306:33
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Gorbulascan't read /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build//build/.config: No such file or directory06:33
fouratwhat do you suggest someone that need to edit a file on a shell where there's no vi/vim/pico ?06:33
pitt0071davin, im in sudoers06:33
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:33
davinpitt0071: whats the problem?06:33
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host`fourat, mc06:33
pitt0071Gorbulas, hmm, how should i reset it06:33
soundrayfourat: nano06:33
GorbulasI don't know, but that appears to be the problem06:33
IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: add 'multiverse' after universe, then save it06:33
whysoi just bought en external HD (and am about to install ubuntu) i should NOT use the drivers that came with it right?06:33
macdoas far as I can see, alsamixer looks OK06:33
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IcemanV9gandolfthewizard: once you finished edit the sources.list, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre06:34
ged_fourat: nano or mcedit06:34
macdrichee, try 'sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*' then 'sudp apt-get update'06:34
soundraywhyso: are you installing Ubuntu *on* that HD?06:34
pitt0071davin, im trying to compile the drivers for ipw2200, im following one of the guides, but there are problems at the start with compiling ieee http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26610/06:34
whysono its USB :)06:34
whysowould be sooo slow06:34
Gorbulaswhyso: usually external hard drives are all usable with the same drivers unless you have Windows 98 or older06:34
soundraywhyso: USB 2.0 is not too bad, but never mind -- you're doing the right thing not putting the system on it :-)06:35
M_A_KCan someone have a look at http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/201113 and help me figure out how to fix a problem?06:35
macdusb2.0 would be just as fast as ata,06:35
whysooh ok thanks06:35
ged_davin: where did you/will you upload the file?06:35
soundraywhyso: you won't need any drivers that don't already come with Ubuntu to use the HD.06:35
whyso(didnt know was as fast as ata06:35
davinged_: well I tried rapidshare.de but didnt work, know any quick file uploader?06:35
davinpitt0071: you got the header flies for your kernel?06:35
whysoah ok, usb drivers built in == good :)06:35
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pitt0071davin, yes /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-27-38606:36
macdM_A_K, 'sudo apt get install libc6 libc6-dev'06:36
davinged_: wait I got one06:36
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bogglemacdo: are the drivers for the soundcard loaded? (lsmod). Are there any related errors or messages in /var/log/messages?06:36
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M_A_KSays already newest version.06:36
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davinged_: http://www.freewebs.com/shinzetsu/sudoers06:36
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macdM_A_K, thats really wierd, b/c your missing dependency is in one of those packages.06:37
Alzi2How to reinstall a package?06:37
soundrayAlzi2: 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename'06:37
Alzi2without removing it first? (it's a package in the ubuntu-desktop)06:37
gnomefreakAlzi2: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename06:37
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Alzi2soundray: Thanks ^^06:37
ged_davin: btw; I don't know if you are just a user or more into it but I guess there is a bug somewhere because the file is valid for normal sudo... only the graphical admin tools don't work anymore...06:37
M_A_Kmacd : how do I correct this?06:37
M_A_Kwill a --reinstall work?06:37
davinged_: because they used gksudo?06:37
macdM_A_K, you can try dpkg reinstall but I dont think thats the problem06:37
davinpitt0071: this particular line here.. '15. sed: can't read /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build//build/.config: No such file or directory' look if that exists?06:38
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ged_davin: your file seems empty...06:38
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davinpitt0071: I think I see why, its /build//build with 2 dashes06:38
davinged_: hang on06:38
ged_davin: I don't know if they use gksudo or whatnow06:38
M_A_KIm somewhat of linux newbie.  Syntax ?  dpkg reinstall libc6?06:38
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Alzi2How to configure GNOME's window manager?06:39
davinged_: argh, sudoers is only accessible as root, when I upload it its empty06:39
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soundrayAlzi2: what aspect of it do you want to configure?06:39
davinM_A_K: dpkg -i <package> ?06:39
Alzi2soundray: Workspaces.06:39
ged_davin: you should be able to copy it as root to another file then change perms on it06:39
davinged_: of course, hang on06:40
host`what exactly is this stuff in /usr/incluse/asm?06:40
Alzi2soundray: I want to be able that, if i drag a window to the side, it switches workspace.06:40
pitt0071davin, it does exist... but it should be  /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build/.config06:40
soundrayAlzi2: right click on the workspace panel applet, select Preferences06:40
soundrayAlzi2: oh, that's advanced06:40
M_A_Kdavin : thanks06:40
M_A_KIll try it.06:40
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Alzi2soundray: Does it require gconf?06:40
J-_is it hard to set up compiz?06:40
Alzi2J-_: No.06:40
Alzi2J-_: Also.. try Beryl.06:41
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soundrayAlzi2: I think so -- but I'm not sure whether even gconf will let you configure that06:41
davinpitt0071: try to open the script with gedit and alter it? I dunno, did it find the headers itself?06:41
davinpitt0071: or did you have to enter the location?06:41
soundrayAlzi2: I'll have a look while you do, too :)06:41
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J-_Alzi2: thanks, i'll check it out06:41
whysoyou can switch from gnome to kde or xgl/compics after you install right?06:41
Alzi2soundray: Okay :)06:41
Alzi2J-_: No prob :)06:41
fdsdhey guys, How do I turn off kernel messaging to tty1?06:42
davinged_: http://www.freewebs.com/shinzetsu/sudoers06:42
whysowhats reason for a whole extra version (kubuntu) if you can?06:42
pitt0071davin, it found it itself.. so which script should i alter :)06:42
Alzi2soundray: Also.. my ubuntulooks theme (Which I tried to reinstall..)... at window creation, some buttons get either black, yellow or blue and that annoys me. How to fix this?06:42
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macdwhyso, b/c some people like gnome and some people like KDE.06:42
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davinpitt0071: is it a file?06:42
davinpitt0071: oh its make huh06:42
M_A_KHmm, dpkg -i libc6 returned errors.  No such file or directory06:42
macdoboggle: drivers loaded; no related errors in /var/log/messages that I can see06:43
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davinpitt0071: try to gedit make and see if you can find the wrong line and correct it (make a backup first just in case)06:43
jessidhello, some of you know if is possible to boot from an usb memory stick? I want to try a live cd, but dont have a CD to burn the iso, jejeje....06:43
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whysoso it usually does/doesnt work to try and change windows managers?06:43
davinpitt0071: cp /path/to/original/make /path/to/backup/make06:43
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macdM_A_K,  dpkg -i thejavapackagenamehere06:43
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davinmacd: is it possible to dpkg -i without sudo?06:44
ged_davin: hartelijk dank06:44
pitt0071davin, ok thanks, working on it06:44
M_A_Kmacdo: I am not trying to install java. I am trying to install software for a smartboard (I am a teacher).06:44
davinged_: anytime ;-)06:44
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ged_davin: I don't know if it's correct dutch (my dutch is rusty)06:44
macdM_A_K, the error you posted was the sun java runtime package06:44
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davinpitt0071: The 'make' script seems to be wrong in detecting/looking for the header files in the wrong directory so thats why you have to edit it06:45
davinged_: its perfect :-)06:45
jesse__can someone help me with hoary to breezy upgrade problems? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26612/06:45
M_A_Kmacd : I see that in the path.  It is part of a software install for the smartboard.06:45
boinkged_ hartelijk bedankt06:45
kmaynardtry this06:45
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"06:45
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ubotults is Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.06:46
soundrayAlzi2: I think metacity might be too basic for what you want -- although there seems to be an edge-flipping patch if you search the web.06:46
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macdM_A_K, did you install the package build-essential ?06:46
ExitMenuhello is it possible to install multiple version of wine at the same time using synaptic06:46
ged_boink: hehe :)06:46
[newbe] hi06:46
pitt0071davin, right, the make i need to edit is the one from /usr/bin/make ?06:46
soundrayAlzi2: I know fvwm2 has this feature.06:46
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M_A_Kmacd dont know what you mean.06:46
delighthi, does somebody now if there is a backport (repository) of OpenOffice 2.0.4 for ubuntu 6.06 (dapper drake) ?06:46
davinged_ boink: dank is shortened version of bedankt, anyway it should go to #ubuntu-offtopic06:46
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kmaynardbreezy is close to being dropped isnt it?06:46
soundrayAlzi2: no idea about your button colours, sorry.06:46
macdM_A_K,  sudo apt-get install build-essential06:46
host` "Unable to find the QT installation. Please make sure that the QT development package is correctly installed and either install pkg-config or set the QTDIR environment variable to the correct location."06:46
boinkdavin: sometimes we're human .. sometimes we chat06:46
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ubotubreezy was the third release of Ubuntu. Version 5.10, codename "Breezy Badger"06:46
davinpitt0071: I dont know, the one youre trying to run to compile the drivers06:47
host`how do I set the qtdir, anyone know?06:47
davinboink: hehe06:47
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host`or is there a better place to ask questions about the kernel06:47
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slacktyroafter i installed ubuntu i can't access www.falconryquestions.co.uk , how can i solve it???06:47
M_A_KOk, I guess not because it is installing now.06:47
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macdhost, do you have qt4-dev-tools installed?06:47
J-_http://www.beryl-project.org/themes/vista_theme.png that looks nice, i just hope when i do install compiz, that my cpu can handle it =D06:47
macdnp M_A_K06:47
soundrayslacktyro: I have no problem with that site. What browser are you using?06:48
pitt0071davin, yes so it should be that one. but i can't view the file... UTF-8 or other standards don't work there :/06:48
M_A_KStill get error when I install the smartboard software06:48
host`I'll see06:48
slacktyrosoundray: firefox06:48
davinFor some akward unknown reason Compiz/Beryl (whatever Xgl) locks up my PC when installed/ran, but then again Im using a Compaq Presario too06:48
slacktyrosoundray: what can it be?06:48
davinpitt0071: did you try sudo? or nano instead of gedit06:48
jessid hello, some of you know if is possible to boot from an usb memory stick? I want to try a live cd, but dont have a CD to burn the iso, jejeje..06:48
host`nope, I'm getting it now06:48
macdoboggle: if this helps, I can get slight breakthrough on the amp - so presumably the sound card is working...06:49
macdM_A_K, since all the dependencies are satisfied on the ubuntu side, try contacting 'smartboard' support06:49
M_A_KI did.  They are unable to help.06:49
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soundrayslacktyro: can you access any other sites?06:49
M_A_KI had it installed before I re-formatted my HD to reclaim some partitions etc.06:49
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slacktyrosoundray: yep06:49
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soundrayslacktyro: including www.soundray.org?06:50
macdM_A_K, honestly I don't know whereto steer you06:50
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M_A_KThanks anyway.06:50
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host`macd, now I do have it installed and it's giving me the same error06:50
richeehow do I restore my sources.list back from the one edgy eft edited06:50
pitt0071davin, yes but there are only signs like %%%$%^^$ etc06:50
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slacktyrosoundray: yep, linus'area, lucy's area etc06:51
davinpitt0071: are you trying to use ndiswrapper?06:51
soundrayrichee: see if any backups have been created: 'ls /etc/apt/sources.*'06:51
jribubotu: tell richee about easysource06:51
soundrayslacktyro: what error does firefox give you?06:51
macdhost` what are you trying to install? does it have a place to specify the qt path? if so utilize that06:51
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host`macd, I'm trying to make xconfig a kernel06:51
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pitt0071davin, nope06:51
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davinpitt0071: I have no clue06:52
macdhost` make xconfig a kernel?06:52
macdsay what?06:52
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host`'make xconfig06:52
host`to build a kernel06:52
iterM_A_K: what's the error for smartboard06:52
macdoff you wanna compile a new kernel06:52
iterwe use that sw all the imt06:52
bogglemacdo: isn't that only static?06:52
itertime that is06:52
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macdhost` just use 'make menuconfig'06:52
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pitt0071davin, ok thanks anyway :) ill try to sort it out06:53
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host`that's the frontend for make menuconfig06:53
bogglemacdo: i guess the volume is also up?06:53
M_A_Kiter : http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/20111306:53
host`ohh, alright06:53
XsesAjust installed linux :)06:53
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macdyeah its pretty much the same ;P06:53
XsesAbuttt i have a problem :)06:53
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soundrayXsesA: Congrats06:53
XsesAafter i choose windows on the boot screen06:53
xavierhey when i open a deb package (opera.deb) Ark opens up and yells "the utility is not in your PATH" help!06:53
davinpitt0071: good luck106:53
XsesAit never asks me again06:53
XsesAwhat i want to boot06:53
XsesAautomaticlly windows06:53
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M_A_Kwhat is the 't' in rwt for perms on /tmp for world?06:53
J-_damn, compiz is still beta... guess i won't be trying it out for a while heh06:53
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Xal2Is the next linux kernel likely to include jmicron IDE drivers?06:54
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slacktyrosoundray: time out06:54
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XsesAafter i chose windows one time, it doesn't show me the boot screen anymore06:54
gandolfthewizardhi ice06:54
jribM_A_K: sticky06:54
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iterM_A_K: apt-get install libstdc++606:54
macdXal2, try kernel.org changelog ;P06:55
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macditer, hah nice call, I was thinking libc6-dev06:55
soundrayXsesA: try these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:55
HeldonHello, new to ubuntu. Is there a way to get a GUI interface with the LAMP server?06:55
Xal2I'll need it to be a kernel compiled for Ubuntu.06:55
XsesAok thx06:55
ged_davin: as I thought, it didn't help :( sudo still works... as does gksudo... But it seems like the command launched in the menu are without any form of sudo... Do you know how it's supposed to work?06:55
Xal2I can't get into a CD based Linux environment06:55
XsesAand another thing06:55
XsesAwhat's the root pass?06:55
M_A_Kjrib : what does sticky mean?06:55
Shadow_milXsesA: same as your user pass06:55
davinged_: not really sorry06:56
Shadow_miledgy eft comes out the 26th right?06:56
buuHeldon: apt-get install one06:56
davinged_: I cant seem to figure out the problem06:56
M_A_Kiter : already installed.06:56
iterM_A_K: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/hp/hpux-faq/section-70.html06:56
itersticky bit06:56
kmaynardShadow_mil, im running it now :)06:56
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davinRenan_s2: RC1?06:56
ged_davin: thx anyway for your trouble06:56
gandolfthewizardno i get this when i try to ryn he java install http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26621/06:56
Crissii just downloaded the etchy live dvd for installing06:56
macdoboggle: no, i can (behind the static) 'hear' the music06:56
davinged_: Anytime, im sorry06:56
iterM_A_K: apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.206:56
Shadow_milkmaynard: your running beta, I am talking final version06:56
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soundrayslacktyro: are you behind some sort of web filter? Parental controls? (Not sure why they would block falconryquestions...)06:56
Crissiwithing the installing the base system the install crashed06:57
Crissiits buggy06:57
kmaynardShadow_mil, 26 or 2706:57
xavierhi .. trouble installing opera06:57
xavierReading package lists... Done06:57
xavierBuilding dependency tree... Done06:57
xavierE: Couldn't find package opera_9.02-20060919.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb06:57
Shadow_milIll put 27 on my count down timer :)06:57
jribubotu: tell xavier about opera06:57
slacktyrosoundray: i just installed the ubuntu from that live cd, nothing about firewalls06:57
M_A_Kiter : same problem still06:58
soundrayslacktyro: I don't mean local software -- I mean the network that your machine is on.06:58
M_A_KI look in /tmp and there .is no install.dir.#  directory06:58
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ged_So is there anybody here who can explain me how the *-admin apps (network-admin, users-admin, ...) get root access? It seems like the menuitems pointing to them doesn't contain any gksudo or the like. So on my system I cannot run the anymore, except by opening a terminal and lauching them with sudo/gksudo manually (or as root of course)06:58
slacktyrosoundray: i think there're not related with that06:59
jribM_A_K: what are you installing?06:59
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M_A_Kjrib : trying to install smartboard software.06:59
iterM_A_K: dpkg -l | grep libstdc06:59
gandolfthewizardi'm stillhaving trouble trying to get java i just pasted the pastbin site to see what is wrong any ideas http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26621/06:59
iterM_A_K: also do ldconfig07:00
iterM_A_K: /sbin/ldconfig that is07:00
soundrayslacktyro: well, since you can access other sites, and I can access the site that you want, the problem does not lie with ubuntu or firefox.07:00
xavierjrib: is there a pppoe client which can run standalone to connect to my ISP? i am currently using "pon dsl-provider" everytime i need to get to the internet .. and if my ISP disconnects me ... i have to manually re dial ... need an automatic PPPOE client software running in the tray07:00
M_A_Kiter : /sbin/ldconfig: Can't create temporary cache file /etc/ld.so.cache~: Permission denied07:00
soundrayslacktyro: so looking for some kind of network fault is the next logical step.07:00
LattywareI am running Ubuntu, and I have recently started loosing my DNS server names at every boot.07:01
LattywareI have to reset them, which is beyond annoying.07:01
LattywareAnyone know why this is happening?07:01
iterM_A_K: you're doing all this as root right07:01
xaviersoundray? M_A_K?07:01
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iterM_A_K: open a root shell with sudo bash07:01
jribxavier: I don't know07:01
M_A_Kyes, as root07:01
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M_A_Ksudo that is07:01
jribgandolfthewizard: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file07:02
slacktyrosoundray: it's strange for me07:02
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xavieralso .. opera is not listed under anything in add remove programs07:02
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iterM_A_K: that's fine, check /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.so.607:02
iterM_A_K: make sure it exists07:02
jribxavier: you have dapper commercial enabled?  Can you pastebin your sources.list?07:02
soundrayxavier: there is a way to make ppp connections on demand -- check your /etc/ppp/options07:02
M_A_Kiter : it does not07:02
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iterM_A_K: aha07:03
iterM_A_K: locate libstdc++.so.607:03
xaviersoundray: are you talking about "pppoeconf"?07:03
ged_<---- problem solved... It was a bad package version in edgy. Fixed problem by upgrading to latest package version. Sorry for the trouble...07:03
soundrayxavier: no07:03
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M_A_Kshould I create a link from /usr/local/lib  to /usr/lib ?07:04
iterM_A_K: hmm well try ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.so.607:04
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M_A_KI guess that means I am starting to understand linux a little better?07:04
xaviersoundray:  but will this give me a visual cue about my connection status?07:05
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soundrayxavier: 'sudo gedit /etc/ppp/options', scroll down and look for the line that says '#persist' and change it to 'persist'07:05
iterM_A_K: exactly07:05
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M_A_Kiter : still same problem07:05
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iterM_A_K: you have the lib installed just not in the right place for the java installer07:05
jessidsome of you can read me?07:05
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jribgandolfthewizard: you have dapper main commented (the first two lines), try uncommenting that07:06
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soundrayjessid: your test worked. Sometimes you have to restate or rephrase your question until someone competent is available to respond.07:07
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M_A_Kiter : so how to I correct this?07:07
Justy-I have a biiig problem07:07
jessidJusty talk07:07
iterM_A_K: cd /usr/lib && ls libstdc++*07:08
Justy-First of all, I think I don't have sessions07:08
Justy-So I can only login with rescue terminal session :(07:08
gandolfthewizardany ideas07:08
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M_A_Kno such file or directory07:08
iterM_A_K: you're looking for libstdc++-libc6 something07:08
Justy-When I login with that, I can't also see the sessions menu item below System->Preferences07:09
M_A_Ksorry, forgot the *07:09
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sureshothay all i have a sata to usb converter gparted and qtparted sees the drive and will try to set a patition on it when i go to fromat the drive it give an error and will not format can someone shed some light here07:09
kaotAny Xorg wizards kicking around?  I've got a laptop with a radeon card that's got a seperate vga out that I'm using to put another desktop on a seperate monitor, so I'm more or less dualheaded here, but I seem to only be getting 75dpi and I'm pretty sure the monitor can do better.07:09
M_A_Kiter : there are several...including libstdc++.so.6 & libstdc++.so.6.0.707:09
kaot(that's 75dpi according to xdpyinfo)07:09
jribgandolfthewizard: did you try what I suggested?07:10
iterM_A_K: right libstdc++.so.6 should be a link to 6.0.707:10
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xaviersoundray:  done ... now how do i get a connection status in my system tray ?07:10
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gandolfthewizardwhat was that07:11
jribgandolfthewizard: you have dapper main commented (the first two lines), try uncommenting that07:11
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bam_Hi I was wondering why I didnt have the "Display" option in my "Control Center" under "Peripherals" ?07:11
bam_any ideas?07:11
jessidsoundray are you the one who might help me, please?07:11
gandolfthewizardhow do i get the getit list07:11
bam_some app I'v forgetten to install?07:12
jribgandolfthewizard: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:12
M_A_Kiter : the error mentions libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 which  is not there.  Could this be the source of the problem?07:13
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Renan_s2!info kdebase07:13
ubotukdebase: base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 (dapper), package size 38 kB, installed size 76 kB07:13
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iterM_A_K: yes I'm locating the package07:14
jessidsoundray hello, dont know if you received my last message....i am a newbie or whatever it is said....jejeje...do you have any idea to help me???07:14
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:15
gandolfthewizardhow do i uncomment the07:15
jribgandolfthewizard: remove the # from the front of the first two lines07:15
xavierjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26627/07:15
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jribxavier: you don't have dapper commercial yet07:16
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xavierjrib: wht do i do?07:16
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser07:16
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jribxavier: did you check "show commercial applications"?07:17
M_A_Kiter : it seems that this error refers to RPM's?  Last year I installed limewire RPM by installing alien or something like that to assist in installing debian packages.  I wonder if that is what let me install this software last year?07:17
soundrayjessid: was away for a minute -- will have a look07:17
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iterM_A_K: is libstdc++6-dev installed? you might try that07:18
soundrayjessid: sorry, can't find your question in my buffer.07:18
jessidsoundray ok... let me tell you07:18
M_A_Kiter : I'll check07:19
xavierjrib: in Adept Installer i have checked Show # unsupported and # proprietary software07:19
jribxavier: so you are in kde, not gnome?07:19
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xavieryes kde07:19
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jessidsoundray what I want to do is to try an iso image in an usb memory stick...it is a live cd: knoppix...I dont hae right now a Cd to burn the image o it...do you have any ideaif I can run it from this memory?07:19
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sillyxoneI'm sorry, I'm new to IRC. I have a question but don't know when I can jump in.07:20
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:20
Dr_willisask away07:20
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soundrayjessid: in principle, it is possible to run Knoppix from a memory stick. This may not be the best channel to ask that. Have you stfw?07:21
sillyxonedapper, builtin card reader work on boot, but won't work after a suspend07:21
M_A_Kiter : it was not apparently, so I installed it and still same problem.07:21
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soundrayjessid: sorry that means "Searched The Fine Web"07:21
xavierjrib: i have the deb for ubuntu 6.06 from opera.com .. i just need to install it .. donno how07:21
jessidsoundray what is that?07:21
jribxavier: k, I don't really know about adept.  It seems like that should work, but I don't know why it woudln't.  Let's close adept, and add it manually.  Add this to your sources.list:    deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu edgy-commercial main07:21
iterM_A_K: make sure that libstdcc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.so is in /usr/lib07:21
soundrayjessid ^^07:21
segfault_sillyxone, some modules dont like suspend and resume, try unloading the module prior to suspend and reloading after resume07:21
IcemanV9dpkg -i <packagename>07:22
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Kejk_PLHi, where I should report (seriouse!) bug in package from dapper-proposed repository?07:22
jessidsoundray man, i am lost...jejeje07:22
IcemanV9sudo dpkg -i <packagename>*07:22
jribxavier: erm, don't add that, add dapper, not edgy07:22
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jribxavier:  deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main07:22
M_A_Kiter : it is.07:22
xavierhmm okay .. just this one line?07:22
nmsahello again07:22
iterM_A_K: then do ln -s libstdcc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.so libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.207:22
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/07:22
xavierand update?07:22
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iterM_A_K: oh snap wait07:23
sillyxonewhat modules is it? I tried sdhci, mmc_core (no mmc_block)?07:23
soundrayjessid: stfw (Search The Fine Web) first, then head over to the #knoppix channel if you still need help.07:23
iterM_A_K: wrong paste heh07:23
rick_is there a bug irc list07:23
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CoraxXdisgraa  tudo em ingrs07:23
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iterM_A_K: should be ln -s libstdcc+-libc6.2-2.so.3 libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.207:23
soundrayjessid: come back here if you have a Ubuntu question (or if everything else fails and you're stuck badly)07:23
iterM_A_K: needs an extra + in that first arg too07:24
jessidsoundray jajaj07:24
XsesAany1 here who can help me booting/07:24
segfault_sillyxone, no idea try dmesg for some extra info there07:24
nmsaI asked before if someone knows raid, what is wrong with my config; I found the solution: partitions in raid must *not* be format before, mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0 will do the job fine and reboot will see nice the raid; thank you07:24
soundrayXsesA: have you tried to reinstall grub as per the instructions?07:24
jessidsoundray i thought there were any general process to do that...or give me a clue, please...07:24
M_A_Kiter : nope.07:24
soundrayjessid: to do what?07:24
XsesAbut i don't think it will help07:25
XsesAprobably when i'll choose windows it will happen again07:25
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sillyxoneif I insert before suspend, dmesg show mmcblck1, but after suspend, nothing happen when I insert the card07:25
jessidsoundray to use a downloaded iso to boot, or whatever it is called...english is not my native language, jejeje sorry07:25
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soundrayXsesA: it may do, but every reasonable person here will ask you to reinstall grub before you do any other fault searching.07:26
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iterM_A_K: dang it07:26
XsesAoh dam07:26
XsesAi forgot the last command ^^07:26
XsesAi'll do it again :)07:26
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C-O-L-TI can not use my microphone with Skype, nor with ubuntu. I use Dell Inspiron 1300 Notebook. Under windows my mic works smoothly07:26
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fildocan anyone here help me with a ipw2100 wifi card07:26
Alzi2my ubuntulooks theme (Which I tried to reinstall..)... at window creation, some buttons get either black, yellow or blue and that annoys me. How to fix this?07:26
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soundrayjessid: it's my second language, too, so don't worry. Instructions for USB booting vary between distributions, so it's best to look for Knoppix advice in the Knoppix channel and web pages.07:27
Justy-Hello, my question is: I think I damaged my kernel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2663207:27
jessidsoundray thats very clear! thanks again!!!07:27
iterM_A_K: can you just do apt-get install sun-java5-jre ?07:28
xavierhi.. need help setting a custom refresh rate supported by my monitor ... namely 1280x960@68 .. I am stuck at an eye watering 60 Hz :(07:28
LjLJusty-: is that Edgy?07:29
soundrayJusty-: I don't think you have. Could you translate this to English for me: "Byle bir dosya ya da dizin yok" please07:29
M_A_Kiter : already installed07:29
TheGateKeeperJusty-: are you sure you don't have broken packages?07:29
Justy-LjL, no07:29
iterM_A_K: so you can run java -version ?07:29
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Justy-soundray: There is no file or folder like that07:29
sillyxonexavier: are you talking about modeline?07:29
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M_A_Kiter : 1.5.0_607:29
Justy-TheGateKeeper, i have tried to reinstall, install initramfs-tools and usplash07:30
TheGateKeeperJusty-: if it was a broken kernel it would winging on boot up07:30
xavieryes .. i tried replacing with the 68 hz settings ... but it doesnt reflect07:30
xavierit remains stuck at 60 hz07:30
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xaviereven after restarting X07:30
xavierat logon07:30
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Justy-TheGateKeeper, ?07:30
xavierfirst entry is "1280x960@68"07:30
sillyxoneI think the modeline syntax something like this: <modename> <clock> <4 hoz timing> <4 ver timing>07:31
TheGateKeeperJusty-: do you synaptic installed?07:31
Justy-TheGateKeeper, yes07:31
xaviersillyxone: http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/modline.php?MODE=1&RE_VALUE=1280+960&FREQ=7207:31
xavier72 sorry07:31
xavieri am using this setting07:31
Justy-TheGateKeeper, i don't have GNOME session on logon screen07:31
Justy-TheGateKeeper, i login with rescue terminal07:32
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TheGateKeeperJusty-: ahhhh07:32
Justy-TheGateKeeper, then i type gnome-terminal, nautilus, gnome-panel and else07:32
iterM_A_K: you sure you did ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 /usr/lib/libstdc++-lib6c.1-1.so.2 ?07:32
M_A_Kiter : in /usr/lib ?07:32
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Justy-TheGateKeeper, but i cannot run window manager in example07:32
xavieram using the default NV drivers07:32
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iterM_A_K: you can run that from anywhere07:33
iterM_A_K: but yeah the two files are in /usr/lib07:33
xavieralso my monitor does not TRUELY power OFF when idle for 5 minutes07:33
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M_A_KYes, I did07:33
iterM_A_K: double check please07:33
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Justy-TheGateKeeper, i mean gnome-window-properties07:33
xavierthe screen just goes blank .. but it is consuming power .. not DTMF s3 standby07:33
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sillyxoneI once solve problem with nv driver splitting screen/white screen by adding -hsync -vsync at the end of the modeline07:34
xaviersillyxone: i have replaced the original 1280x960 setting with the new ones .. still getting 60 hz07:34
M_A_Kiter : lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      25 2006-10-13 13:24 /usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 -> libstdcc++-libc6.2-2.so.307:34
tahorgxavier: xset dpms force standby07:35
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iterM_A_K: ahahhah07:35
xavierwhere tahorg? xterm?07:35
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Justy-TheGateKeeper, it outputs me "couldn't run. window manager "unknown" is not connected to a 'yaplandrma'(something like manager or build) device07:35
iterM_A_K: typo07:35
tahorgxavier: yes07:35
Lunar_Lamphow do i get rid of the black animation when minimising windows in gnome?07:35
iterM_A_K: take a look at that so.307:35
TheGateKeeperJusty-: can you chroot in & start X?07:35
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iterM_A_K: it's dcc++ should be dc++07:35
Justy-TheGateKeeper, what is chroot?07:35
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ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box07:36
xaviertahorg: also did u read about my refresh rate sticking to 60 hz?? my monitor is capable of 72 hz07:36
tahorgxavier: you can specify when you want Xorg to blank the screen07:36
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tahorgxavier: Option "StandbyTime"  "time"07:36
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Justy-TheGateKeeper, i dont use 64bit will it work?07:36
iterM_A_K: ln -sf /usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 /usr/lib/libstdc++-lib6c.1-1.so.207:36
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TheGateKeeperJusty-: Run a command with a different root directory  http://www.ss64.com/bash/chroot.html07:36
XsesAi'm still having problems :(07:36
XsesAno boot screen07:37
xaviertahorg: i tried the force standby .. the screen just goes blank .. no blinking light indicating a true standby s3 mode07:37
iterM_A_K: fudge another typo in there07:37
xavieram using a Nvidia card btw07:37
tahorgxavier: this is totally different07:37
iterM_A_K: can't type for ish right now07:37
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TheGateKeeperJusty-: will what work?07:37
Justy-TheGateKeeper chroot startx ?07:37
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iterM_A_K: ln -sf /usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 /usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.207:37
tahorgxavier: screen blank and ACPI S3 is different07:37
Justy-TheGateKeeper, sorry =( give me command?07:37
Lunar_Lamphow do i get rid of the black animation when minimising windows in gnome?07:37
Justy-TheGateKeeper, i have my laptop near me now installed ubuntu07:37
xavierno i mean the s mode where it consumes just ~5 watt .. my monitor remains hot all night!07:38
tomarzaqui no estas07:38
TheGateKeeperJusty-: not that simple07:38
xavierwhile Blank!07:38
XsesAafter i chose windows on the boot screen07:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about romana - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:38
XsesAit never asked me again which OS i want, it always starts windows07:38
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Justy-TheGateKeeper, but i didnt understand what i should do07:38
ubotuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro.07:39
tahorgxavier: you mean, S3 is working but the screen is still up ?07:39
tahorgxavier: never seen that07:39
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xavierwhen it is asleep .. my monitor light blinks07:39
tahorgxavier: ho, really weird07:39
xavierbut when i typed xset "dpms force standby" .. it just goes blank ... and stays hot all night!!07:39
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HeldonI'm getting a E: Couldn't find Package one when i try to do a apt-get install one. Is there something i'm missing?07:40
soundrayxavier: have you tried "xset dpms force off"?07:40
tahorgxavier: xset "dpms force standby" just put your screen to sleep07:40
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xavierhmm trying07:40
M_A_Kiter : got farther, but another error... symbol __libc_wait, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference07:40
tahorgxavier: not the entire laptop07:40
XsesAany1 who would like to help me? :(07:40
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jribHeldon: I don't think "one" is the actual name of a package, buu might have meant "apt-get install some package"07:41
xaviertahorg: xset dpms force off << same result .. no blinking light07:41
Dominus_Suuswhat's the matter, XsesA?07:41
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XsesAi installed ubuntu07:41
XsesAi restarted and chose to start ubuntu07:41
buuHeldon: Install. The. Package. Containing. A. Gui.07:41
XsesAon the next boot07:41
soundrayXsesA: what happened after you reinstalled grub?07:41
XsesAi chose windows and after that07:41
tahorgxavier: how do you put your laptop to sleep ?07:41
XsesAit never asks me which OS i want to sue07:41
tahorgxavier: with the blinking lights ?07:41
XsesAi don't know how to reinstall grub |:07:41
TheGateKeeperJusty-: if you boot up using a live cd, then mount you hard disk root file system then chroot in you effectively by pass the normal boot process on the hard disk, which then allows you to go in & fix things07:41
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XsesAi can't even get into the ubuntu, just LIVECD07:41
soundrayXsesA: did you do a full shutdown in windows?07:41
xavieri dont .,. i just want my monitor to go to sleep .. it does that in windows .. am on a Nforce Desktop PC btw07:42
Heldonbuu: So I need to find the desktop version of the GUI and install it?07:42
tahorgXsesA: grub-install  '(hd0,0)'07:42
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soundrayXsesA: I've told you. The instructions are in...07:42
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soundrayXsesA: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:42
XsesAsoundray i did what it said there07:42
XsesAi did07:42
xavieryes the monitor light blinks07:42
XsesAit didn't solve the prob07:42
xavierwhen in sleep mode07:42
Justy-TheGateKeeper, i can run nautilus, applications07:42
kismet_on the UbuntuCD, how do I load up in non-graphical mode?07:42
xaviernot the PC light :) monitor light blinks once a second07:42
tahorgxavier: juste the monitor so ?07:42
tahorgxavier: then configure it in xorg.conf07:43
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xavierJUST the monitor small green indictor light07:43
xavierwhere? what?07:43
Justy-TheGateKeeper, i will now boot with LiveCD can you tell me what to do ?07:43
XsesAi'll try the second method07:43
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TheGateKeeperJusty-: hang on...07:43
soundrayXsesA: oh, so you put Ubuntu on the second hard disk?07:43
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joonaswhy are the latest dapper php5 packages only 5.1.2?07:43
host`anyone familiar with compiling a kernel? here is what I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26639/07:44
TheGateKeeperJusty-: I think you need someone with a bit more experience of this problem to help you out07:44
XsesAsecond partition07:44
armatostehey hola a todos07:44
Justy-TheGateKeeper, but there is noone here07:44
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soundrayXsesA: you will have to install grub to the first hard disk, nevertheless.07:44
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XsesAhow? ^^07:44
J-_How can I stop my usbdisk from openning up as a folder when I turn it on?07:44
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Justy-TheGateKeeper, i have 2 computers here07:45
soundrayXsesA: so "setup (hd0)" is the command you need.07:45
Justy-TheGateKeeper, so can't you help me?07:45
M_A_Kiter : is this the same proble with links do you think?07:45
Justy-TheGateKeeper, I am talking at windows on a PC and there is ubuntu on a laptop07:45
xavierokay bbq l8r .. thnx all07:45
TheGateKeeperJusty-: I think you need someone better than me07:45
jribJ-_: system > preferences > removable drives and media07:45
Justy-TheGateKeeper, ook =(07:45
XsesAi'll give it a try :)07:45
soundrayJ-_: set that in System-Preferences-Removable Drives...07:45
J-_soundray: thanks07:46
soundrayJ-_: thank jrib. jrib was faster :)07:46
armatosteprinc aqui no hay vida men07:46
Justy-TheGateKeeper, thanks anyway.. =(07:46
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J-_err thanks jrib =D07:46
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sureshothey i have a sata to usb converter device manager sees it but i can format it .. the dirve is a 250gb is there anything special i have to do to get it to work07:47
jribJ-_: np :)07:47
Justy-soundray, can you help me?07:47
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soundrayJusty-: your error log says "Byle bir dosya ya da dizin yok". I can't understand that. If I could, then *maybe* I could help.07:47
TheGateKeeperJusty-: I know it's important to you that is why I am suggesting you find the right person to help, I don't think that I am that person07:47
iterM_A_K: basically you have newer libraries than smartboard likes07:47
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Justy-soundray, i can translate, it is "file not found"07:48
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Justy-TheGateKeeper, I hope i can find that person07:48
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shrewderis there anybody from Poland, with some xp. in configuring Neostrada. prv me pls.07:48
TheGateKeeperJusty-: me too :-)07:48
HundredGLargeso hawt07:48
iterM_A_K: googling suggests setting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL variable07:49
soundrayJusty-: is this edgy or dapper?07:49
Justy-soundray, dapper 6.06 LTS07:49
M_A_Kiter : I don't know how to do that.07:49
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armatostea vaina el top07:49
armatosteque fue topo07:49
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sureshothey i have a sata to usb converter device manager sees it but i can format it .. the dirve is a 250gb is there anything special i have to do to get it to work07:50
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Justy-soundray, i think i should specify that my GNOME session is lost07:50
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thegveI have a strange problem ;)07:50
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:50
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soundrayJusty-: what do you get when you 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install initramfs-tools'? (Paste errors in pastebin again please)07:50
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Justy-soundray, ok07:51
pontusenheya folks. Im about to install ubuntu, but I have a zyxel g-220 wireless network adapter, not really sure how to get it going. Any help would be greatly appreciated!?07:51
thegveI am installing a thin client server, and just discovered that the server I am using (HP proliant ML150), doesn't have a sound card. Is it possible to install ESD without, just forwarding it to the ESD daemon on the clients?07:51
Justy-soundray, could you please wait for me a little bit?07:51
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M_A_Kiter : Reading that whitepaper URL you gave me. A bit intimidating.  Don't know what to do with it.07:51
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soundrayJusty-: I'm going to dinner soon. I may be back in an hour, try me then.07:52
iterM_A_K: right it's pretty worthless as actual stuff to do, I linked it as background info07:52
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Justy-soundray, now i cannot start x server even07:52
iterM_A_K: is there a reason you aren't using java 1.4.207:53
Justy-soundray, i have a blue screen and a message : "failed to start x server it is likely that it is not set up correctly. would you like to view the07:53
soundrayJusty-: I know, your problem is serious, but that doesn't mean it has to be difficult to solve.07:53
M_A_KI understand what it is telling me the problem is.  The software is trying to use an older version of some library07:53
M_A_Kiter : no07:53
Justy-soundray X server output ot diagnose the problem07:53
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sureshothey i have a sata to usb converter device manager sees it but i can format it .. the dirve is a 250gb is there anything special i have to do to get it to work07:53
okeefenokeeHi folks! WHat the heck should I do when my (brand new) Ubuntu installation seems to have some problems. When I try to install new packages (emacs, mp3-support) I get the message(s) "Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Format/822.pm line 65, <$__ANONIO__> line 989" and "dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 22052 package...07:53
okeefenokee...`foomatic-db': field name `Suggests*' must be followed by colon".07:53
armatostehey que fue07:53
M_A_Kiter : just did a fresh install on my laptop a couple of weeks ago.07:53
armatosteescribi por aqui07:53
Justy-soundray, what answer should i give to it?07:53
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jribarmatoste: /join #ubuntu-es07:53
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M_A_Kversion 1.5 got installed.07:53
soundrayJusty-: let's worry about the initramfs-tools problem first. So, say No in that dialog.07:53
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armatosteok ok07:54
okeefenokeeI haven't fiddled with any files, except for the upgrade from the CD-installation. I'm most confused!07:54
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armatostedont speak spanish07:54
spiderwormhi all, how do i figure out what process is using a module when lsmod doesnt tell me?07:54
soundrayJusty-: then log in on the console and run the reinstall command I gave you earlier.07:54
jribarmatoste: what do you speak?07:54
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armatosteyou tell me that should be move to the spanish chat07:55
Justy-soundray, but i have to paste it here i cannot establish with my browser on console07:55
spiderwormve te al chat espanol07:55
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Lunar_Lamphow do i get rid of the black animation when minimising windows in gnome?07:56
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sureshothey i have a sata to usb converter device manager sees it but i can format it .. the dirve is a 250gb is there anything special i have to do to get it to work07:56
Justy-soundray,i tried startx and it told me " error opening /dev/wacom: no such file or directory"07:56
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soundrayJusty-: is this a new installation?07:57
Justy-soundray, no =(07:57
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Jowisureshot, try gparted07:57
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soundrayJusty-: so it worked previously?07:57
XsesAhd0 is unrecognized device :|07:57
sureshotjowi tried gparted and qtparted07:57
Justy-soundray, it gives the same error at my latest pastebin07:57
gandolfthewizardok what two lines did i have to uncomment07:57
Ithielhello all07:57
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Jowisureshot, does gparted recognise the driver?07:57
jribgandolfthewizard: the first two...07:57
gandolfthewizardi did07:57
Jowisureshot, drive, not driver of course07:58
matt_____anyone know of an 'official' way to identify a distro as ubuntu via a shell script or something similar?07:58
armatosteI like to move it move it07:58
sureshotjowi it sees the drive07:58
Justy-soundray, i tried to update my kernel and that happened, i used ubuntu 1 month before that with no problem07:58
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Jowisureshot, and you can partition it?07:58
jribgandolfthewizard: ok now save and run 'sudo apt-get update'07:58
XsesAany help?07:58
sureshotjowi it tries i think07:58
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XsesAno boot screen since i chose windows07:58
sureshotor it says it dows07:58
sjbrownmatt_o|work, is there something like /etc/ubuntu_version?07:58
armatosteproblem with the grub07:58
matt_o|worksjbrown that's what I'm asking ...07:58
armatostepartition not assigned correctly in the grub MBR07:58
Jowisureshot, do you first select the drive, then add a partition (as ext3 or whatever) and then "apply" the changes?07:59
jribmatt_o|work: lsb_release -a    would work, it reads /etc/lsb-release07:59
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shrewderdo sb know  how to configure adsl with sagem Fast 800. Forum dose not help.07:59
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sureshothowi yes right now i have a problems i dont think it is pluged in right at this second it does not see it give a few thanks i will be back shortly ok08:00
XsesAhelp anyone?08:00
soundrayXsesA: be patient.08:00
buushrewder: ppoe?08:00
XsesAwhat's the hd number of C?08:00
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soundrayXsesA: hd0, like I said earlier.08:00
armatostexsesa... reinstall the grub08:00
dudehow do i adjust my screen size?08:00
XsesAit's not recognized device08:00
gandolfthewizardty so much it is installing now08:00
shrewderprobebly yes , i'm not sure08:00
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IcemanV9dude: system > pref > screen resolution08:01
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shrewderifconfig dont show me interface08:01
soundrayJusty-: if you've only lost this one file for some reason (/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs), it might be sufficient to put this back.08:01
XsesAhow i know what is the hd number of each hd??08:01
armatostequit the video card and put again and power on the pc08:02
Justy-soundray, i dont think so08:02
FlannelXsesA: primary master is 0, prim. slave is 1, sec mast is 2 sec slave is 308:02
soundrayJusty-: why?08:02
Justy-soundray, but i should give it a try?08:02
FlannelXsesA: that's in grub, with linux it's hda hdb hdc hdd, respectively08:02
sureshotjowi it mounts the silly thing and will not format it.. as i try to creat the filesystem it is unmounted when i try08:02
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Justy-soundray, i didnt do such, but it maybe got lost08:02
XsesAmy C is sda108:02
dudeiceman: can i add more screen size?08:03
XsesAso what is it in grub?08:03
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armatostedude: yes08:03
Justy-soundray, what is initramfs-tools08:03
FlannelXsesA: 0,008:03
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Jowisureshot, yeah, you can't make any changes to a mounted drive08:03
soundrayJusty-: yes. It only has 5 important lines. They are "BOOT=local ; BUSYBOX=y ; DEVICE=eth0 ; MODULES=most ; NFSROOT=auto"08:03
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sureshotjowi it is unmounted i try as it starts to format it it mounts it .. is there a command line param that i can add to keep it from doint that08:04
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matt_o|workjrib : thanks that looks like what I'm looking for08:04
armatostethe call of the zhulu08:04
soundrayJusty-: it is the package that causes your current apt-failure. If you fix this, your update will finish and your system will work again (I hope).08:04
armatosteopen terminal and write: sudo xserver repair08:05
Justy-soundray, would you like me to run ubuntu on LiveCD ?08:05
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pontusenwhere can one read about setting up wireless network?08:05
spiderwormhow do i figure out what process is using a module when lsmod doesnt tell me?08:05
jribubotu: tell pontusen about wireless08:05
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shrewderbuu : i'm from poland, and i have neostrada so i find on web script (ubuNeo) to auto instal driver and configure adsl (neostrada)08:06
dsewnr_Does somebody know why my terminal encoding is ANSI_X3.4-1968 can't remove or change default encoding ?08:06
soundrayJusty-: see if you can create /etc/mkinitramfs/initramfs.conf with the above five lines. How you do it is your choice.08:06
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afiefHow do i disable the login password?08:06
soundrayJusty-: I have to go now, back at ca. 1900 GMT08:06
Jowisureshot, I'm not logged into my system atm so I can not guide you. I've tried to install Ubuntu on this intel mac-mini all day so now I'm in OsX (yuck)08:06
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iterM_A_K: you can try setting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.108:06
Justy-soundray how much hours after ?08:06
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iterM_A_K: not sure why that would help but google seems to recommend it08:07
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iterM_A_K: export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.108:07
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armatostehi key08:07
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sureshotjowi good luck my friend i will man the thing i have to walk the tread mill now take a shower and get my kids from school chat with you later ] 08:07
afiefHow do i disable the gdm login and make it automatically login into a specific user account>08:08
armatostegdm kill08:08
armatostein terminal08:08
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wasabiIs there anyway to install Ubuntu onto evms?08:08
pontusenit seems quite impossible to install wlan without having internet first? considering you need to install wireless-tools? or am I wrong?08:08
armatosteuse a orinoco wireless cards08:09
afiefarmatoste: i meant something permanent08:09
jribpontusen: I think that stuff is on the cd, emphasis on "think"08:09
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hacxhello :)08:10
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armatosteleft the show!08:10
hacxi want to ask :) how to identify myself to access the #python channel? :)08:10
pontusenjrib, okey. Will I need to change anything in the synaptic to install from cd, or will it be installed? If you may guess? :)08:10
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jribpontusen: inserting the cd should prompt you to add the cd as a repo, if it isn't already.  If it doesn't, just use edit > add cd rom repository....  in synaptic08:11
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pontusenokey, seems easy enough =) thanks08:11
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xBooGerxhas anyone installed mythtv with a pvr 150??08:12
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MoatazI want to overwrite menu.lst but i get a permission denied message, how can i work around this issue?08:12
Shadow_milWhats the apt-get line to install compilers and all, something like:            sudo apt-get install linux-base08:12
Shadow_milor something?08:12
C-O-L-TMy Microphone does not works under Ubuntu, I have a Dell Inspiron 1300 laptop with intel sound chipset08:12
C-O-L-TI can not use Skype08:12
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raarsegfault_: Thanks again, it's all working now! :)08:13
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: do this:   cat /dev/dsp > ~/mysound.pcm08:13
Shadow_milC-O-L-T:      say something08:13
Shadow_milctrl + c08:13
JFreakCapocan somebody tell how install a JDBC please ?08:14
Shadow_milthen: cat ~/mysound.pcm > /dev/dsp08:14
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Moatazsomebody knows how to modify the /boot/grub/ files?08:15
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: bash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy08:15
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Shadow_milC-O-L-T: sudo killall esd08:15
Shadow_milthen try again08:15
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MrRothsteinJFreakCapo: you mean a driver?08:16
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: bash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy08:16
ProN00bShadow_mil, apt-get install build-essential08:16
JFreakCapoMrRothstein, yes a database driver08:16
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: lsof | grep /dev/dsp        paste the output08:16
M_A_Kiter : sorry, had to step out for aminute08:16
Shadow_milProN00b: thanks08:16
JFreakCapoMrRothstein, firebird (jaybird)08:16
MrRothsteinwhat database?08:16
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eifzonewhy do i get this message when i install ubuntu's newest beta: /bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off08:17
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: grep: paste: No such file or directory08:17
C-O-L-Tgrep: the: No such file or directory08:17
C-O-L-Tgrep: output: No such file or directory08:17
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JFreakCapoMrRothstein, i haven't any idea that what have i to do...08:17
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Shadow_milC-O-L-T: no paste the output to the channel08:17
M_A_Kiter : did the export thing and still same problem08:17
Shadow_miltype:  lsof | grep /dev/dsp08:18
M_A_KDo you think I should revert back to 1.4.? java?08:18
Shadow_milAnd then paste what lsof | grep /dev/dsp gives you to the channel08:18
MrRothsteinnot familiar with firebird08:18
MrRothsteinits usually just a jar that you need to include on the classpath08:18
JFreakCapoMrRothstein, but any other JDBC ??08:18
JFreakCapoMrRothstein, just for know some of the way...08:19
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MrRothsteinJDBC is a spec, it needs to be implemented by someone, usually the database provider08:19
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: Something begins but can not hear anythung08:19
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atlefany poker sites which support linux, as in downloading a client to play online?08:20
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: are you using xchat?08:20
javaJakeShadow_mil: I am using Opera, and I am just fine. :)08:20
JFreakCapoMrRothstein, but for example if i download a mysql driver how install it?? or what have i do with it..08:20
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javaJakeShadow_mil: I use XChat most of the time, but it is a matter of preference.08:20
fenrrirhi, how to generate wsdl file from python class ?08:20
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: type this in IRC:       /exec -o lsof | grep /dev/dsp08:21
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: nope Opera08:21
javaJakeShadow_mil: Oh, I see, I'm sorry.08:21
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BjoeHrnHey dudes :)08:21
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MrRothsteinJFreakCapo, are you writing a java application?08:21
C-O-L-T /exec -o lsof | grep /dev/dsp08:21
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JFreakCapono i want to use a DbManager application (DbVisualizer)08:21
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: this is not xchat probably because of that does not works that command what you gave to me. I use Opera08:22
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javaJakeShadow_mil: That command does not work in Opera08:22
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: :(08:22
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JFreakCapoMrRothstein, http://www.minq.se/products/dbvis/08:22
=== Shadow_mil beats Opera
javaJakeBjoeHrn: Hey08:22
Shadow_milok C-O-L-T want me to help you via ssh?08:22
javaJakeC-O-L-T: apt-get install xchat208:22
javaJakeAnd run that08:22
javaJakeRuns better then Opera (trust me).08:23
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: I think I have a driver problem, cause my mic works under ubuntu. I am using the latest version of skype for linux.08:23
javaJakeAnd is better for this situation08:23
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BjoeHrnSorry for my bad english ;). Is there a source for ubuntu dapper to install the firefox 2.0b?08:23
JFreakCapoMrRothstein, is a java app to manage a lot of database, connected with JDBC (aparently)08:23
gandolfthewizardty for all of yur help i really apreciate08:23
blindI'm trying to use avidemux to edit a small avi file, but every frame shows up green?08:23
javaJakeBjoeHrn: Don't feel bad about the bad english - if you are in a different language, there should be an Ubuntu channel for your language.08:24
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Shadow_milC-O-L-T: skype does not work?08:24
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: As I said I use a laptop Dell Inspiron 1300 with some intel chipset, and drivers are rare for intel chipsets as far as I know08:24
javaJakeBjoeHrn: http://packages.ubuntu.com/08:24
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BjoeHrnjavaJake, yes but there no one have time for my little question ;)08:24
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lizardkingHello everybody!08:24
javaJakeBjoeHrn: Scroll down, and make a search08:24
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C-O-L-TShadow_mil: nor skype neither my microphone08:24
BjoeHrnjavaJake, thank you08:24
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lizardkingI have a problem with gnom. Some one can help me?08:25
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: you just said your mic works under ubuntu?08:25
lritteri have some trouble with my upgrade to edgy08:25
lritterit seems i cant install python2.4-minimal08:25
javaJakeBjoeHrn: Your welcome. If Ubuntu doesn't have it, Debian might (compatibility NOT guaranteed): packages.debian.com08:25
blindWhat is the issue, lizardking08:25
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C-O-L-TShadow_mil: so skype works except when I need to call somebody because then I can hear the person but they can not hear me, but under windows there is no problem08:25
lizardkingok blind08:25
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lizardkingI installed some libs for install anjuta 2.0 beta08:25
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: yeah I am trying to debug your mic08:25
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birdfishIs there a precompiled package for screen?  And if so, what is it called?08:26
javaJakelritter: I know it is probably annoying to your for me to say this, but it is better to burn a CD and install a-fresh then use apt-get upgrade. MUCH better.08:26
lizardkingthis libs are libgbf and libgd08:26
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: ok try this:    type   alsamixer08:26
JFreakCapoMrRothstein, thks08:26
lritterjavaJake: impossible, this is a year old working image08:26
lizardkingand anjuta goes fine08:26
javaJakelritter: Of Edgy???08:26
lritterjavaJake: of dapper08:26
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: make sure mic and capture is turned all the way up08:26
lritterjavaJake: i'm not going through the pain of redoing it all again08:26
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javaJakelritter: how did you get to edgy?08:26
lritterjavaJake: there is a shitload of packages installed08:26
lizardkingthen I return to the 1.2.4 anjuta and downgrade the libg* to dapper default08:26
lritterjavaJake: so08:27
lritterjavaJake: the hard way08:27
lritterjavaJake: i changed my sources.list08:27
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blindI'm trying to use avidemux to edit a small avi file, but every frame shows up green?08:27
whysoanyone have a screwdriver i can borrow?08:27
lizardkingnow my problem is that I have no more association with extension of a file, his icons and the relative lanch program08:27
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lizardkingfor example08:27
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javaJakelritter: as mentioned, using the repositories to upgrade is not recommended, but if you really want to do this, then send me the output of apt-get when you attempt to install python08:27
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YoGhi, is there a way to make the work space act as one big workspace instead of 4 seperate ones?08:28
lritterjavaJake: sure08:28
blindlizardking: right click and go to properties, then the "Open with" tab08:28
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blindYoG: huh?08:28
Hausberghey can someone give some quick tips about building packages and making .deb?08:28
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: ?08:28
lizardkingmy files *.deb are with a generic text icon if I click on say to me that I cannot open the files08:28
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lizardkingand gdebi not staart08:28
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blindlizardking: right click and go to properties, then the "Open with" tab08:28
M_A_Kiter ?08:28
lizardkingok I do that08:28
javaJakeHausberg: what exactly are you trying to do?08:28
lritterjavaJake: http://rafb.net/paste/results/5MtBQA71.html08:28
lizardkingbut in some case does not work08:28
HausbergI have a source file and I'd like to compile it and make a .deb08:29
blindYou have to do it for each file type.08:29
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lizardkingit remins the generic text icon08:29
lizardkingno the package one08:29
YoGblind: I'm running ubuntu on a tv, so the resolution is low, and large application extend out of the screen...08:29
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: open a terminal, type alsamixer    should bring up a menu, and they make sure both mic and capture is turned up08:29
javaJakelritter: that locales error can be fixed by (re)installing/upgrading your locales package08:29
lritterjavaJake: read further.08:29
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C-O-L-TShadow_mil: sorry I had a connection brakedown I am doing it right now08:29
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blindYoG: my workspaces work like that... yours don't?08:29
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Shadow_milC-O-L-T: np08:30
YoGblind: err.... nop08:30
msomershi, I'm trying to install mythtv following a set of instructions, and they tell me to "Log out from your current X session, and log back in as the mythtv user. At this point, do not open a "sudo -i" shell; we want the following command to be run using the mythtv user: mythtv-setup".......How do I run the command from the user mythtv? do I just run "mythtv-setup" from the terminal or what?08:30
javaJakelritter: I know... I did....08:30
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blindYoG: oh nevermind. it does with xgl, but not straight gnome..08:30
birdfishAnyone know if there is a package for screen?08:30
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javaJakelritter: I am googling "raise ValueError, 'empty set of versions'"08:30
lizardkinghowever I insert gdebi and now not start If I click 2 times08:30
lritterjavaJake: you think that its inability to find the python version stems from a wrong locale?08:30
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blindbirdfish: apt-get install screen08:30
lritterjavaJake: i searched launchpad08:30
YoGblind: ah... so do you know how can i do that on gnome?08:30
Hausbergnormally I'd just unpack it - go to the directory then ./configure make and make install - I figured it would be cooler to build a .deb and install it this way so I can remove it easier lateron08:30
blindYoG: I'm not sure.08:31
javaJakemsomers: I am assuming there is really a user called "mythtv" user.08:31
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: I made everything still does not works08:31
YoGblind: or at least what to look for?08:31
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javaJakemsomers: If so, you should be able to type in the username "mythtv" and the password for that user at the login screen08:31
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: in the menu press tab twice08:31
lizardkingseems like a lost my files extensions association with icons and launch program08:31
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msomersso I need to logout of my current user and login as mythtv?08:31
lritterjavaJake: ok, i found something.08:31
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lritterjavaJake: seems google searches launchpad better than launchpad istelf08:31
blindYoG: I'm not sure :\08:31
wick2oanyone have experience with ubuntu and LSI SAS1068 drivers?08:31
YoGblind: what is xgl?08:32
msomersand I assume, the instructions told me, that the installer creates the mythtv user08:32
lizardkingblind: do U understand?08:32
javaJakelritter: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/5712108:32
wick2oim having a hard time doing the server install since these drivers are not included08:32
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javaJakelritter: apparently this bug is already reported08:32
lritterjavaJake: yeah exactly that one08:32
blind!xgl > YoG08:32
lritterjavaJake: and there is a hack to fix it08:32
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: nothing happened still does not works08:32
wick2oive tried to boot with the desktop version (live cd) and somehow install the drivers from there08:32
lritterjavaJake: launchpad didnt find anything, now google does - great08:32
lritterjavaJake: anyway thanks for your help +1 karma point for you :P08:32
javaJakelritter: To debug an error, always find the original error that started the whole thing, and google it. Works every (well, almost every) time08:32
lritterjavaJake: i was hoping launchpad would help better but now i learn it doesnt08:33
javaJakelritter: no problem. The whole reason I am here is to help. :)08:33
chris_Hey all, can anyone explain to me how to change the splash screen?08:33
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: type           cat /dev/dsp         and tell me if you see dots or something else when you talk08:33
lritterjavaJake: see i thought i know everything ;)08:33
msomersJavaJake, did you manage to see my response?08:33
javaJakelritter: we ALL learn something new every day08:33
YoGblind: nice... but i don't think it would run on that p3-80008:33
HausbergjavaJake: I am trying to make a .deb instead of normal ./configure make and make install08:33
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lritterjavaJake: so say we all!08:33
blindYoG: me neither :P08:33
javaJakemsomers: I am sorry, I did not. Yes, that is what I think you need to do08:33
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msomersOkay, thank you!08:34
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YoGdoes anyone know how do i change the workspace behaviour?08:34
javaJakeHausberg: Ah, yes. apt-get install check-install. Then run "check-install" instead of make install. That'll do the trick08:34
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THX-1138YoG - How so?08:34
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javaJakeTHX-1138: I was going to say that08:34
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HoboJoeHey all, can anyone explain to me how to change the splash screen I am using Edgy, please let me know if I need to change channel?08:35
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THX-1138"Information is power" :P08:35
YoGTHX-1138: I want applications that extend beyond the end of the screen to appear in the neighboring workspace...08:35
YoGTHX-1138: any idea?08:35
javaJakeTHX-1138: Pretty much08:35
blindI'm trying to use avidemux to edit a small avi file, but every frame shows up green.08:35
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javaJakeYoG, THX-1138: Ooo.... I'd like to do that too!!!08:35
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javaJakeYoG: I know that Enlightenment window manager does this08:36
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: I see some dots and few sings08:36
YoGJavaJake: also glx...08:36
THX-1138YoG - Working on that myself - read conflicting ideas on it. new to this i am not too sure. - I have twinview enabled and i can only guess xinerama is  the answer08:36
javaJakeblind: Is the AVI in proprietary codecs?08:36
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javaJakeYoG: Oh, really? Didn't know...08:36
Shadow_milC-O-L-T: ok what type of card do you have?08:36
blindjavaJake: I don't know. I know I can play it.08:36
HausbergjavaJake: apt-get does not find check-install package08:37
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Justy-soundray, are you there ?08:37
YoGJavaJake: thats what blind sais anyway...08:37
javaJakeblind: Sometimes the codecs will actually prevent that sort of thing. Make sure the editor you are using supports the AVI format you are trying to edit.08:37
HoboJoeHey all, can anyone explain to me how to change the splash screen I am using Edgy, please let me know if I need to change channel?08:37
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C-O-L-TShadow_mil: just a sec08:37
YoGTHX-1138: twinview? is that an application?08:37
THX-1138nvidia-xconfig makes it dead simple. - following the how tos in forums here was hard and gave me a headache. using  . in place of : kept me stymied08:37
keiaahI started with linux (Ubuntu) about 2 years ago.08:37
keiaahAfter that Ive been playing around with some other distros, latest was Arch Linux.08:37
keiaahNow I decided to go back to Ubuntu, cause its the distro I prefer.08:37
keiaahTo my problem; I cant connect to the internet without my router.08:37
keiaahI am using:08:37
keiaahModem = D-Link DSL-300T08:38
javaJakeHoboJoe: Try Ubuntu Wiki's. They probably hold the secret... I have this feeling... ;)08:38
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keiaahRouter = D-Link DI-60408:38
keiaahIf I unplug the router the internet wont work.08:38
keiaahI have also tried two Zyxel modems I got from my ISP, still no internet.08:38
keiaahEverything worked when I played around with SuSE / Debian / Arch.08:38
keiaahI am using iptables so dont need/want the router.08:38
javaJakeYoG: It's an Xorg configuration08:38
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keiaahWould be very happy if someone knew how to get around this problem, cause its starting to get really annoying.08:38
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keiaahSometimes it works without the router, if I reboot the computer 1 million times.08:38
javaJakeHausberg: one moment...08:38
blindjavaJake: how do i know what kind of avi format it is? O_o08:38
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THX-1138please don't tell me you are using ati08:38
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YoGTHX-1138, JavaJake: just to be sure, we are talking on a single monitor, right?08:38
THX-1138YoG - erm - No, glad you asked.08:38
javaJakeblind: I know that mplayer will tell you when you play it08:38
javaJakeYoG: Yes08:39
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jmitchjwhen i do "iwconfig"...I get Access Point: Invalid...anyone help me as to why?08:39
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: some kind of intel card or sigmatel, I am not sure at all08:39
blindjavaJake: lol i was having some troubles with mplayer. likes to freeze my system. and i don08:39
blind't wanna reboot :[08:39
HoboJoejavajake: Will have a look, I am sure I checked it earlier and it didnt go all that into doing it without Beryl and the other apps like it08:39
YoGTHX-1138: well, I have only one tv connected to that computer... with low resolution08:39
YoGTHX-1138: and applications tend to extend out of the screen, which is really annoying...08:39
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THX-1138YoG - I am easily confused. - you want to enable the monitor AND a TV output?08:40
javaJakeblind: Really? WOw... strange... mplayer is super powerful, and can do all sorts of things besides play music - it can play movies IN THE TERMINAL! O_o08:40
THX-1138YoG - ah i see.08:40
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YoGTHX-1138: no, I have only the tv connected08:40
blindjavaJake: how is that possible? O_O08:40
javaJakeHausberg: http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/downl08:40
HausbergjavaJake: I found it the package is called checkinstall :)08:40
javaJakeOh, OK08:40
YoGTHX-1138: so any ideas08:41
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captinejavaJake: speaking about playing movies in terminal, is it possible to run seperate terminals on multiple monitors (not using X)?08:41
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Justy-ubuntusoundray: where are you08:41
javaJakeblind: It uses a driver called "caca", which was made for just that08:41
javaJakecaptine: Yes08:41
javaJakecaptine: No08:41
javaJakecaptine: I don't know08:41
jmitchjHaving trouble with wireless....when i do "iwconfig"...I get Access Point: Invalid...anyone help me as to why?08:41
THX-1138YoG - No, idead at all why the screen extends beyond the edge. - could it be the monior itself. - change the settings from it's front panel?08:41
captinejavaJake: lol.  had me excited for a second.  shot :)08:41
javaJakecaptine: I kept re-reading your question differently... sorry... my real answer is I don't know08:41
YoGTHX-1138: no you don't understand...08:42
captinejavaJake: np08:42
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blindI need to edit this small avi clip, and I need to do it asap. What can I use to do this?08:42
^Ocean^any one have issues with vmware on edgy ?08:42
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M|TracyHas anyone had vim issues in edgy.... with arrow keys after insert command?08:42
YoGTHX-1138: here is an example:08:42
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THX-1138YoG - yep. -should'a known it wasn't that simple. - lol08:42
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javaJakejmitchj: Either the access point you are trying to reach doesn't exist, or you haven't configured it yet.08:42
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marshallwhats up guys08:42
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: ?08:43
YoGTHX-1138: I open a setting windows, the sound setting for example...08:43
marshalldoes anybody here use SIP and Ekiga?08:43
jmitchjjavaJake: How do i configure it?08:43
YoGTHX-1138: this one is a long one so it extends both out of the top of the screen and the bottom08:43
marshalli want to use Ekiga with my friend but hes on windows, does anybody know a good client for him?08:43
jmitchjjavaJake: It's valid..cause it connects in Windows08:43
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Shadow_milC-O-L-T: find out what type it is and see if their are any Linux drivers08:43
YoGTHX-1138: so i cant press the X to close it on top and cant press the close button on bottom... :(08:44
YoGTHX-1138: this is really annoying08:44
javaJakejmitchj: iwconfig <interface> essid <acess point name>08:44
THX-1138YoG - Beginning to get the "picture" here.08:44
C-O-L-TShadow_mil: ok08:44
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YoGTHX-1138: and...?08:44
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javaJakeblind: this movie player worked for me: Jahshaka08:44
THX-1138YoG - the desktop menu/taskbars to launcha apps is the right size no?08:44
javaJakeblind: Repository for that is: deb http://repo.jahshaka.org/ubuntu/dapper binary-i386/08:45
YoGTHX-1138: I don't understand the question08:45
jmitchjjavaJake: no go08:45
lwizardlis the nVIDIA FX5500 video card compatible in ubuntu ?08:45
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javaJakejmitchj: It could also be that your card isn't working.08:45
javaJakejmitchj: What card are you using08:45
javaJakejmitchj: And are you using ndiswrapper?08:46
lwizardllooking to build a new pc and making sure I'm going with something compatible08:46
javaJakeblind: Let me know if you like that player08:46
THX-1138YoG - using  GNOME there is a desktop open icon and on the right side on the bottom menu / taskbar is a recycle bin?08:46
blindjavaJake: for editing?08:46
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jmitchjjavaJake: it works in Windows...Broadcom 4318...and yes using ndiswrapper....but i've tried so many things trying to get this to work..it's hard to tell where my system is at now08:46
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blindjavaJake: or for telling me the format?08:47
THX-1138YoG - A picture would be worth a thousand words.08:47
javaJakeEveryone, BRB08:47
YoGTHX-1138: used to be, I removed it...08:47
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javaJakeblind: yes08:47
YoGTHX-1138: ah... yes, Ill make one...08:47
javaJakeblind editing08:47
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Stormx2Hey everyone, whats new?08:47
THX-1138YoG - Sorry, i still think it is the monitor refresh rate. you said all windows were opening beyond the screen edged08:48
profoX`is there any easy audio recording program that just works with alsa?08:48
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YoGTHX-1138: not all, just the big ones that can't be resized (sound configuration for example)...08:48
YoGTHX-1138: I'm still working on that screenshot... just a sec...08:49
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javaJakejmitchj: I have this same exact chipset!!!08:49
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chabayoUbuntu 6.06.108:50
chabayoi've problems getting sound ouptu in VLC to work08:50
YoGTHX-1138: how do i send it to you?08:51
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:51
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jmitchjjavaJake: I should probably start from scratch08:51
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YoGTHX-1138: !paste?08:51
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javaJakejmitchj: No... not really... ndiswrapper is not needed, though08:51
^Ocean^is there an easy way to configure grub?  I have 3 hard drives and 2 linux distros installed  ubuntu edgy and debian.   Now grub takes my ubuntu kernel, and by defual wants to boot my debian drive,  unless i interupt it, and modify the boot line to =/dev/hda1  by defualt it seems to be =UUID-xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx08:52
pike_profoX`: i just use a little command line app called sound recorder08:52
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THX-1138Eek! - No pics. arrgh!08:52
Jowi^Ocean^, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:52
javaJakejmitchj: One last idea before we remove ndiswrapper: send me the output of "/etc/modules"08:52
jmitchjjavaJake: so unintall it?08:52
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jmitchjjavaJake: send it to you how?08:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:53
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javaJakeLOL :P08:53
javaJakeThank goodness for bots. :P08:53
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^Ocean^Jowi, so i basicaly have to manualy edit all 20 kernel images i have08:54
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:54
chabayonoone can help out that chicken??08:54
YoGTHX-1138: but thats only for text....08:54
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jmitchjjavaJake: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26654/08:54
THX-1138YoG - if it isn't the refresh rate i am miffed. - if you still think it is GNOME - try this. (crosses fingers cuz' i am lost) gconf-editor. and the app name see if there is a setting to control default window behaviour.08:54
chabayoVLC plays no sound08:54
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Jowi^Ocean^, guess so. I put my kernels _under_ the automagic lines, that way they won't be modified whenever I test a new one.08:55
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^Ocean^god dam, can i just switch edgy to lilo ? grub annoys me too no end08:56
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Jowi^Ocean^, "update-grub" should detect your kernels that you have on the boot disk but not the ones in other partitions08:56
YoGTHX-1138: so you don't think I can change the behvior of the work space so applications will extend over more than one workspace?08:56
Jowi^Ocean^, yes, you can switch to lilo08:56
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LaneHelp please,What port does apt-get use?08:56
^Ocean^Jowi, I dont even care about the other disk...  i only use it for back ups now.  just grub inists on booting it by default08:56
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JowiLane: http (port 80)08:56
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JowiLane: or ftp (port 20+21)08:57
^Ocean^i even took my hard drives outa my computer and switched the order of them so my ubuntu drive was hda108:57
J_PWhen Edgy will be released ?08:57
THX-1138YoG - How would you see more than one work space at a timme without something like picture in a picture? (xnest)08:57
LaneJowi, wow that's simple..thanks.08:57
^Ocean^but grub had to be smart and detect that change and Screw with me even more lol08:57
YoGTHX-1138: sob... no...08:57
YoGTHX-1138: can i dcc send you the pictue?08:58
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THX-1138YoG - I understand you to mean tht a[pps extend over the screen edge. then you say you want to see apps on other workspaces. - Do you want to shrink window so all of an app can be seen?09:00
Riot777what mean ubuntu icon by the package name in synaptic ?09:00
javaJakeLane: Basically the same ports your browser would use if you downloaded them yourself09:00
Jowi^Ocean^, change the boot order in your BIOS instead of physically swapping them :)09:00
Jowi^Ocean^, erhm, not "boot" order. Disk order09:00
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Jowisilly me09:00
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Riot777that they are officiall ?09:00
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ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2073 kB, installed size 5952 kB09:00
shwag2.6.17 doesn't appear to have support for either my broadcom ethernet or my intel prowireless09:00
javaJakejmitchj: Try running "sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx"09:00
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YoGTHX-1138: no I just want that when I move to the workspace above I'll see the top of the app (that was cut out at the bottom workspace)09:00
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jmitchjjavaJake: returns nothing09:01
shwagjmitchj: javaJake: what are you guys working on? is this regarding a BCM4401-B0 ?09:01
javaJakeshwag: Uh... some bcm43xx device, for sure.09:02
THX-1138YoG - This might ad more confusion. sry for that. - could a scrolling desktop be what you want. one HUGE space that follows the mouse?09:02
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javaJakejmitchj: what does "lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation" say?09:02
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javaJakeshwag: that above command will tell you.09:02
shwagim back to dapper, because edgy ( or 2.6.17 rather) didnt load any network devices for me.09:02
YoGTHX-1138: Not exactly, but this will be a good startingl09:02
jmitchjjavaJake: 0000:03:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)09:03
shwagjavaJake: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)09:03
javaJakeshwag: jmitchj: try this HOWTO: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517409:03
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shwagjavaJake: works in dapper...not edgy.09:03
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javaJakeshwag: With bcm43xx native drivers, or ndiswrapper?09:03
peepsRiot777: in synaptic, click the Help menu, then "Icon Legend" for explanation of each icon09:03
soundrayJusty-: I'm back09:03
javaJakeshwag: ndiswrapper has never seemed to work in Edgy for me09:03
Riot777peeps: thanks09:03
THX-1138YoG - gconf-editor is what you use - google  linux/debianubuntu scrolling desktop09:04
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shwagjavaJake: well..thats broadcom wireless cards.  I have a broadcom ethernet, and an intel wireless.09:04
shwagjavaJake: dell laptop09:04
javaJakeshwag: Ah, I se09:04
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jmitchjjavaJake: I'm in Dapper though09:04
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shwagDapper loaded fine for me.  edgy is the problem.09:04
YoGTHX-1138: thx09:04
javaJakeshwag: What I'd recommend is Gooling the model name around forums09:04
tokyoaheadhi guys... I heard 6.10 is capable to be installed on a usb stick and run from there... is the beta already doing that or do I have to wait for final?09:05
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lwizardlanyone know if any of these nvidia cards are compatible with ubuntu fx5500, 6800, 7600, or 7800?09:06
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javaJakejmitchj: try this HOWTO: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517409:06
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Guestkinggot a 6800 ultar go  and works perfect09:06
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soundraylwizardl: any of these should work with nvidia's own driver.09:07
Guestkingdoes someone know something from vi scripting09:07
jmitchjjavaJake: Interestingly it says that this will probably NOT work for my card09:07
lwizardlGuestking: which manufacturer and head type? single/dual/triple ?09:07
javaJakejmitchj: the "Network Manager' part is completely optional.09:07
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javaJakejmitchj: Really...?09:07
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jmitchjjavaJake: I have the network manager running09:07
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javaJakejmitchj: Ah, yes, I see that09:08
jmitchjjavaJake: It used to show a wireless connection....but it doesn;t show one now09:08
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atlefwhat is the point of the alternate iso?09:08
jmitchjjavaJake: but never was able to connect09:08
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zool2005does anyone here use a Western Digital "My Book" external HDD?09:09
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Riot777how can users add/vote packages to official ubuntu apt repositories ?09:09
dv5000hello, is there a way to shutdown my notebook monitor whitout closing the lid? whitout using power-management so i can shutdown anytime i want to09:09
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THX-1138Can i tar backup my install to FAT32. - will the permissions, symlinks be preserved?09:09
Justy-soundray, welcome back09:09
Justy-soundray, i have booted from Live CD09:10
Justy-soundray, and saw that everthing was gone to the worst09:10
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soundrayatlef: it works with machines with unsupported graphics, or no graphics.09:10
Justy-soundray, so i just formatted it and going to reinstall09:10
soundrayJusty-: how do you mean?09:10
THX-1138nvm - I'll follow the standard script.09:10
segfault_THX-1138, man tar for options to handle those09:10
misieqi'm in the process of deploying linux based 'server' into windows network. i'd like it to serve a common contact windows (meaning ms outlook) contact book. can i use ldap to do that or should i use sth else?09:10
javaJakejmitchj: hmmm.... interesting...09:10
Justy-soundray, thanks anyways09:10
segfault_dv5000, xset might handle that09:10
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Justy-soundray, i could only see it with live cd and couldnt write09:10
THX-1138segfault - ubotu has a link !backup09:11
javaJakejmitchj: send me "/var/log/syslog | grep ndis" output09:11
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THX-1138guess i'll use that.09:11
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Justy-soundray, and in the startup it couldnt mount root space(or drive i am not english)09:11
Justy-soundray, from now on i am going to use my ubuntu very carefully09:11
Justy-soundray, good night =) thanks again09:12
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joonashow do i get dba_handlers into php5 in ubuntu? it says php5 was built with extension dba, but dba_handlers doesn't report anything09:12
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=== THX-1138 deletes Music (5gigs) WoW (5gigs) presto enough room! - lol
soundrayJusty-: you're welcome. Yes, it's good to be careful. It's also good to ask for advice as soon as you get errors that you don't quite understand.09:12
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Justy-soundray, however some geeks here give bad answers when i ask them something silly that i dont know09:13
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Justy-soundray, it can be very easy and noobish for them but it is not for me =(09:13
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THX-1138Justy - and i thought you were going to be nice to me today. - lol09:14
jmitchjjavaJake: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26656/09:14
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soundrayJusty-: look, it's no good insulting people here. Just ask back when the answers aren't clear, and make sure you know what you're doing.09:14
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misieqi'm in the process of deploying linux based 'server' into windows network. i'd like it to serve a common contact windows (meaning ms outlook) contact book. can i use ldap to do that or should i use sth else?09:15
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javaJakejmitchj: AHA!09:15
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javaJakejmitchj: There's the issue09:15
javaJakejmitchj: bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed.09:15
THX-1138ubotu roulette - here goes nothing..09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roulette - here goes nothing.. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ldap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
raarNdiswrapper tells me "mrv8ka51                driver present, hardware present", but it won't show up in the System->Administration->Networking, any clue why that could be? (wireless lan)09:15
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kmaynardmisieq, you have a long, difficult road ahead if you're looking at ldap09:16
ubotuslapd: OpenLDAP server (slapd). In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.26-5ubuntu2.1 (dapper), package size 852 kB, installed size 2404 kB09:16
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.09:16
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javaJakejmitchj: You need to run this:09:16
misieqkmaynard: right... i'll see to it later. good that they pay me for that ;)09:16
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misieqkmaynard: anyway, it is possible with ldap, right?09:17
pilpiis it possible to install upgraded software from edgy repos but still stay on dapper?09:17
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THX-1138there are some nice howtos on the forums else try the linux documentation project tldp.org09:17
misieqwhat else can i do with ldap?09:17
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mythrilis there any reason why I might suddenly have only 1 mode available in my xorg.conf (640x480@60)09:17
LjLmythril: yeah, using the GUI screenmode configuration, possibly...09:18
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LjLmythril: try a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:18
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javaJakejmitchj: echo "blacklist bcm43xx >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist"09:18
mythrilLjL: will that bork anything other than X?09:18
irkitehi, how can i make ubuntu dapper drake remember which application i use to open a particular type of file?09:18
misieqcan i make ldap provide ONLY contact book and not accounts/home folders/etc?09:18
irkitewhich = the*09:18
javaJakejmitchj: Once you run that, you should see "blacklist bcm43xx" at the end of the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist09:19
LjLmythril: no, it'll just touch xorg.conf09:19
javaJakeirkite: Oh.... oh.... I know... but I dont remember... drat....09:19
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THX-1138irkite - right click on the file and choose open with. - it is added magically.09:19
irkiteoops my bad luck :D09:19
w30 /part09:19
irkiteok let me try09:19
javaJakeirkite: No kidding....09:19
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Justy-soundray, thanks for any advices and help s09:19
javaJakeirkite: Oooh.... it's coming back... oh oh...09:19
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=== javaJake sounds sick ;)
Justy-soundray, now i reinstall, i hope i will be successful.. bye09:20
soundrayGood luck, Justy-09:20
grokI have 2 sound cards, one is integrated in the motherboard and doesn't work and the other one is soundblaster audigy. ubuntu is trying to use the integrated one..i'm wondering how to switch my soundcard to the soundblaster (i had it working before, then i reinstalled ubuntu...)09:20
irkitejavaJake: doesnt get added magically here, i want my video files to play with mplayer but they keep on opening with totem09:20
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misieqcan i make ldap provide ONLY contact book and not accounts/home folders/etc?09:20
irkitei have to always select from open with09:20
soundraygrok: disable it in the BIOS setup09:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:20
sharkiezzhi i have a real quick question09:21
jmitchjjavaJake: nope09:21
sharkiezzits about the internet09:21
javaJakeirkite: OK... oh... it's almost here... ooo... oo...09:21
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kmaynardmisieq, you may wanna ask around in #ldap09:21
groksoundray: i did, it still tries to use it...also the other card works with windows as well09:21
misieqah.. thanks :)09:21
irkitejavaJake: hehe don't strain yourself, thanks for helping09:21
javaJakeirkite: OH! I GOT IT!09:21
javaJakeirkite: LOL09:21
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irkitecool :D09:21
javaJakeirkite: Anyway, right click on the file, click Properties, and click the Open WIth tab.09:21
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javaJakeirkite: I have Mplayer Movie Player in that list09:22
irkitejavaJake: awesome! thanks a lot :D09:22
jmitchjjavaJake: Should I add that to the end of that file?09:22
irkiterawks, thanks, cya :D09:22
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javaJakejmitchj: Yea09:22
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Zaggynlanyone knows an alternative to the windows app 'filemon'09:22
THX-1138file types can be reset by deleting or renaming the following file:09:22
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:23
soundrayZaggynl: what does that do?09:23
Zaggynlmonitor harddisk read/write09:23
javaJakejmitchj: Then you must reboot09:23
javaJakejmitchj: That should fix it... if not, then I have some other ideas09:23
Zaggynllsof does the same, but it's an ugly CLI thing which also shows net stuff, I don't need :<09:23
grokcan anyone tell me how to switch to a different soundcard thats already installed on the computer?09:23
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javaJakegrok: Yes....09:24
grokjavaJake: goood!!09:24
jmitchjjavaJake: ok i'll try rebooting09:24
javaJakegrok: System -> Prefrences -> Sound09:24
javaJakejmitchj: Sounds good09:24
grokJavajake: ok ty09:24
javaJakegrok: You should be able to select different cards.09:24
soundrayZaggynl: does 'tail -f' do what you want?09:24
jmitchjjavaJake: should I uninstall ndiswrapper or anything?09:24
=== FordPrefect [n=acoliver@cpe-024-088-245-243.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Zaggynlsoundray, lemme try that :)09:24
javaJakejmitchj: No, this configuration is for ndiswrapper09:24
javaJakejmitchj: Googling around showed that your problem was someone else's, and this was the fix.09:25
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soundrayZaggynl: you have to give it a filename to tail, e.g. tail -f /var/log/syslog09:25
ZaggynlI can't say, 'watch the whole hdd'09:25
voltzwhats the ubuntu channel for edgy pls09:25
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule09:25
Kemikaljust how easy is it to run a stable and fast server with ubuntu offering http,mail,php,jabber?09:25
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javaJakeZaggynl: No, because the output is bigger then the screen, so it'll scroll every refresh. Ugh09:25
Zaggynlwhen my hdd was ratling in windows, I would just fire up filemon to directly visually see what it was doing,  I would really like to have that in linux09:25
javaJakeZaggynl: Tail just gets the last 8 or so lines of the file09:25
Zaggynlah okay09:26
soundrayZaggynl: also, have you looked at restricting lsof output? man lsof.  Also try lsof | grep keyword09:26
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ZaggynlI'll take a look at the manual page09:26
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javaJakesoundray: Oohh... nice....09:27
javaJakelsof is cool!09:27
javaJakeWish that was in Windows. :|09:27
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javaJakeHoly smokes!09:27
javaJakeYOu can even see what's accessing your sound card!09:27
javaJakeThanks soundray!09:28
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trappistjavaJake: fuser is similarly cool09:28
THX-1138javajake - never type lshw either.09:28
ZaggynljavaJake, Filemon > lsof09:28
ZaggynlI found this: http://glsof.sourceforge.net/?q=node/309:28
Zaggynlbut it won't compile09:28
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LaneyIs there an apt(itude) package that I can remove to get rid of gnome?09:29
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javaJakeTHX-1138: Why not...?09:29
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ZaggynlNo package 'libgnomeui-2.0' found ,No package 'gconf-2.0' found09:29
Zaggynl aren't those standard in gnome?09:29
c0sLaney, yea you can apt-get xubuntu and run xfce09:29
javaJakeZaggynl: hold on a sec... I've got an idea that uses Ubuntu installed packages....09:29
soundrayZaggynl: why don't you go to Sysinternals and ask for a Linux port of filemon? I reckon for ca. 250.000$ they'll make you a deal.09:29
jmitchjjavaJake: My card is not even in the list in Network settings now09:30
Zaggynlheheheh, I wish I had that much money09:30
JuhazZaggynl, they're standard, but you need the dev packages too if you're compiling something09:30
soundrayZaggynl: you need the -dev versions of those packages.09:30
javaJakejmitchj: Did you run "sudo ndiswrapper -m"?09:30
LaneyI did that c0s, but gnome is still around. I could do with the space!09:30
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Zaggynlah cheers09:30
javaJakejmitchj: That gets ndiswrapper into your bootup for good09:30
javaJakejmitchj: If not, run this: "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"09:30
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javaJakejmitchj: Your card should then appear.09:31
c0sLaney, have you tried the kubuntu then you have kde?09:31
jmitchjjavaJake: It says: modprobe config already contains alias directive09:31
javaJakeZaggynl: Nvm... my idea was to use "System Logs" but that wants a file09:31
javaJakejmitchj: Then what does ndiswrapper -l say?09:31
Zaggynlhmm filemon for linux was discontinued, since the newer kernerl release constantly broke the app09:31
LaneyI know about these c0s, and have installed Xubuntu. What I want to do now is *get rid* of gnome if possible. I don't need to have xfce and gnome both hanging around.09:32
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javaJakec0s: Kubuntu stinks... doesn't even have make!!! What distro could possibly live without make??? :P09:32
jmitchjjavaJake: Installed ndis drivers:09:32
jmitchjbcmwl5          driver present, hardware present09:32
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bruenigLaney, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce09:32
c0sjavaJake, real was just throwing options lol09:32
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LaneyHoly shit at that apt line :O09:33
THX-1138O-oh "Windows Filemon PRO Suite Hacker Zapper Comeplete" ported to linux only $399 dollars09:33
bruenigLaney, ubuntu is big09:33
soundrayjavaJake: both Ubuntu and Kubuntu come without compiling tools by default. Install the build-essential package.09:33
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jmitchjjavaJake: maybe i have the wrong driver?09:33
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javaJakec0s: My experience with Kubuntu was nasty - I was trying to get ndiswrapper to install without internet connection.09:34
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c0sbruenig, nice link thanks for that info09:34
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pike_someone tell me real quick what repo libpango1.0-dev is in?09:34
Zaggynlyay compiling succeeded!09:34
javaJakejmitchj: mmm... no... because ndiswrapper says device is present09:34
bruenigc0s, oh was that you asking, I thought it was Laney09:34
THX-1138!info libpango1.009:34
ubotuPackage libpango1.0 does not exist in any distro I know09:34
bruenigndiswrapper wouldn't have anything to do with the DE, at least I wouldn't think09:34
THX-1138!info pango09:34
ubotuPackage pango does not exist in any distro I know09:35
c0sbruenig, it was Laney but anything I can get to learn more I am bout it lol09:35
javaJakejmitchj: Well, my last option is to get the bcm43xx native driver, and remove ndiswrapper09:35
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.09:35
c0s!info vino09:35
soundraypike_: it's in main09:35
ubotuvino: VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.13.5-0ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 162 kB, installed size 1776 kB09:35
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Dionysguys, my ubuntu wont distupgrade because of the ubuntu-desktop, it askes me to first install xorg and mesa ( but im using xorg with fglrx atm )09:36
soundray!info libpango1.0-dev09:36
ubotulibpango1.0-dev: Development files for the Pango. In component main, is optional. Version 1.12.3-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 293 kB, installed size 1124 kB09:36
pike_soundray: ah so it is. libgtk2.0-dev was complaining09:36
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jmitchjjavaJake: unfortunately...i have to leave...09:36
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Dionys6.06 -> 6.1009:36
javaJakejmitchj: OK.09:36
bruenigDionys, might have to bite the bullet and change that after everything is updated. Updating has always had the potential to mess some things up09:36
peepswhere do you configure the files modprobe will load on boot?09:36
Zaggynlgah, it compiled, but glsof does not work09:37
Zaggynldoesn't react to any button09:37
soundrayHey Blissex, same provider ;)09:37
esjin /etc/modules.conf I believe09:37
b03ntopeeps, /etc/modules09:37
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Dionysso bruenig I must go back and then install the other xorg with fglrx support ?09:37
Blissexsoundray: great minds/tossers think alike :-)09:37
esjwhat's the difference between modules and modules.conf?09:38
ZaggynlAnyone has a working .deb for glsof? :(09:38
bruenigDionys, probably.09:38
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b03ntoesj, i dont have modules.conf09:38
Blissexsoundray: also, Zen is pretty good at solving issues, so I am happy to pay a bit more than for the others...09:38
Dionyswell Ill try :)09:38
esjthat might be a artifact of the VM Ware machine I'm running09:38
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soundrayBlissex: yeah, but they screwed up when I moved, and I was on dialup for a month :(  ... we're going offtopic. Sorry guys09:39
blindI need a program. I want to split an avi file, and get all the individual frames, edit them in GIMP, and put them back together as an AVI.09:39
esjanyway, I was in here a day or two ago complaining about an ethernet card problem.  The virtual machine environment Screwed up something and ethernet cards were ETH1 and ETH 209:39
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esjbut I found a solution09:39
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bruenig!info avidemux09:40
ubotuavidemux: a small editing software for avi (especially DivX). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.1.2-0.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2607 kB, installed size 6756 kB09:40
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esjturned out when the VMware client-side tools were installed, it was a little bit of instructions that I thought they did but they left it up as an exercise to the installer09:40
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IcemanV9is it possible to fax from ubuntu on laptop? (i know ubotu have no clue on fax :)09:40
esjhttp://www.vmware.com/community/thread.jspa?threadID=57950&tstart=0  is the saga09:41
bruenigfax? You got punchcards too?09:41
soundrayBlissex: look at that, Psychobudgie is another Zen customer. Never seen any before, now two within minutes...09:41
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esjfax is a time honored technology going back into the late 1800 (if memory serves)09:41
IcemanV9bruenig: fax some documents (save trees -papers ;)09:42
Psychobudgiezen are a quality isp09:42
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bruenighow does it save trees? Wouldn't emailing it save trees09:42
esjOnly on one side (saving trees)09:42
esjI think e-mailing PDF files is the way to go09:42
Blissexa very ridiculous thing is that there is a standard for fax-by-email :-)09:42
soundrayPsychobudgie: yeah, except when you try to use their great ADSL Move service09:42
javaJakeBye everyone09:42
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IcemanV9i agreed on email + pdf, but this fool requires fax :(09:43
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pike_can someone else try to apt-get libgtk2.0-dev real quick seems broken09:43
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esjAre there not some services will let you e-mail and they will fax for you?09:43
edulixhow can i pause a download in d4x? i can only stop it, and after that, it starts again from zero09:43
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Psychobudgiesoundray,  never had a problem with them09:43
esjOr am I thinking the other way around09:43
=== VisualStation_ [n=visualst@54.55-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildor_hey....tab view w/ gnome-xchat.....how-to plz ?09:44
IcemanV9esj: i think efax or something. alright. guess fax does not work from ubuntu.09:44
atlef<IcemanV9> : look at http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/Printing-HOWTO/faxing.html09:44
soundrayPsychobudgie: neither did I in my three years until I moved last month09:44
esjThere are some facts packages out there but it's a lot of work to get started09:44
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esjtpc.int was a network of fax machines you could reach by e-mail09:45
peepsanyone know what sbp2 module is?09:45
soundrayPsychobudgie: never mind, let's stop this or meet in #ubuntu-offtopic09:45
peepsi am surprised there are only two modules in my /etc/modules09:45
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bruenigGwildor_, my suggestion is "sudo apt-get remove gnome-xchat && sudo apt-get install xchat"09:45
IcemanV9thks atlef09:45
duckdownHey.. I've got a question..  A webpage I frequent keeps failing to load because the stupid ad server it's page is using keeps timing out..  How can I make an internet address just resolve to
blindI need a program. I want to split an avi file, and get all the individual frames, edit them in GIMP, and put them back together as an AVI.09:45
kmaynardgnome-xchat works fine09:45
esjNote, doesn't exist anymore09:45
duckdownlike ads.ign.com ->
=== Ma1 [n=max@modemcable070.215-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayduckdown: make an entry for it in /etc/hosts09:46
Gwildor_kmaynard: ok...how to get tab view?09:46
Gwildor_bruenig: yeah..didnt see xchat....but, didnt check multi/uni either09:46
kmaynardwhats it doing now, opening new windows?09:46
esjThere is your faxing solution09:46
Gwildor_kmaynard: tree view09:46
Ma1hey guys what do I need to test my php pages on my local computer?09:46
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kmaynardhave you checked the preferences?09:47
soundrayduckdown: or install the AdBlock extension to Firefox. Easier to maintain in the long run.09:47
Gwildor_kmaynard: yes09:47
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peepsGwildor: View->Layout09:47
Gwildor_peeps: no view09:47
esj icemanv9:  did you see that note about http://www.tpc.int/09:47
duckdownsoundray> thanks!09:47
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kmaynardhuh, maybe you should just use plain ol xchat09:48
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bruenig!info xchat09:48
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 254 kB, installed size 720 kB09:48
IcemanV9esj: yes. :)09:48
soundrayduckdown: any time09:48
esjit may work09:48
Gwildor_kmaynard: guess im gonna.....cuz, this gnome version SUCKS!09:48
atlef<IcemanV9> : http://www.hylafax.org/content/Main_Page09:48
bruenigIt is in universe Gwildor_, get it, you know you want to09:48
Gwildor_kk..bb guys09:48
Gwildor_bruenig: yup, heading now...laters09:48
kmaynardQ. Can xchat-gnome be configured to use tabs?09:48
kmaynardA. No. Adding this capability would require creating some very messy code, and doesnt really add anything to the program. xchat-gnome is not meant to replace X-Chat gtk+ for power users who have grown attached to its interface, but instead provide an alternative.09:48
ZaggynlWell I made a post over here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1614018 , let's see what happens :)09:48
Gwildor_thnx guys09:48
Gwildor_kmaynard: thats.....dumb....but laters!09:49
sc0tthowcomes xmms/amarok don't like playing recursive directories over an smb mount?09:49
peepsis there some way to see a description of the different kernel modules?09:49
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soundraypeeps: modinfo09:50
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rixxonwhat packages to install to get kde on a gnome ubuntu?09:50
Paradoxxi wrote a script so install common app for new installations. Is there anyway for me to have the script run till the end without the user having to input "y" to install?09:50
kitcherixxon: kubuntu-desktop09:50
rixxonkitche: nothing more? it works with gdb?09:50
WheelybinHello there, I don't see this mentioned in the FAQ (havent seen the wiki, is there an ubuntu wiki?) But I don't like the program that manages the Screensavers. Can I download or replace it?09:50
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peepsthank you soundray09:51
kitcherixxon: kubuntu-desktopw will pull all of kde for you09:51
kitchebah can't type today it seesm :(09:51
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soundraypeeps: any time09:51
rixxonkitche: err, not gdb, i mean gdm09:51
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XyphosuraHello i have been asking myself if there exist alternative atidrivers, with opengl support?09:51
duckdownsoundray> ya, problem with adblock was that it was still trying to LOAD the images before flat out blocking them though, causing the page to hang :(09:51
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soundrayrixxon: yes, it does.09:51
kmaynardWheelybin, i think you can replace it...it's either xscreensaver or screensaverx09:51
rixxonkitche: yes but how does it work together with gnome? i want to chose via the display manager09:51
kitcherixxon: it should if you select it in the session before you log in09:51
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:51
RvGaTeWhat is there available for video editing in ubuntu? and does it have software to get raw data from a digital video camera?09:51
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ubotuxscreensaver: Automatic screensaver for X. In component main, is optional. Version 4.23-4ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 270 kB, installed size 2228 kB09:51
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rixxonkitche: will it overwrite gdm with kdm?09:51
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duckdownsc0tt> that's my biggest annoyance.. XMMS pisses me off09:52
peepshow are scsi drivers and sata related09:52
kmaynardthey both start with s?09:52
kitcherixxon: umm not that I know of but I don't use any of the display managers09:52
zool2005looking at the forum, lots of people are having trouble with external HDDs. Which brands/models would people recommend?09:52
sc0ttme too09:52
rixxonkitche: ok. thank you!09:52
XyphosuraIs there an alternative to fglrx?09:52
peepswell, to use sata, it seems some scsi drivers are usually required in my experience09:52
kitcheXyphosura: ati09:52
soundrayduckdown: try adding a /etc/hosts entry for that particular server. Maybe you can also make a manual blocking entry in the AdBlock config, then it won't access that server at all.09:52
peepsi don't know why though09:52
duckdownsc0tt I found a program called Exaile! that works well, you should tr it09:53
IcemanV9Xyphosura: ati, radeon, mesa, vesa09:53
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kmaynardserial ata, scsi is also serial09:53
kitcheXyphosura: ati is what xorg calls the open source wrapper for all of their drivers09:53
sc0ttduckdown, url?09:53
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anmarHello guys. I have a core due lenovo laptop and sounds is not working. I get no errors but no sounds comes out. any help is diagnozing the problem is appreciated09:54
BoyBachhello is anyone able to help with my query regarding ssh.09:54
kmaynardBoyBach, depends on what it is09:54
soundrayBoyBach: try us.09:54
fabiimhi guys , I'm trying to change the owner of  a directory   that i have in wich is mounted (read-only ) a  harddrive, I doing  -> sudo chown  USER  /directory  and I get this output : chown : changing ownership  of /directory  : Read-only  file system . So I try to dir into the directory   get : Permission denied . I also checked if the owner has changed and nothing , stiil root . What's wrong?09:54
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Xyphosurakitche: i am afraid i dont understand you completly?09:55
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soundrayfabiim: sudo chown -R09:55
ubuntuerhow can i make "uname -p" detect my processor (amd sempron k7, and linux-k7 kernel)?09:55
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kitcheXyphosura: ati driver will choose the best driver for your card :)09:55
Xyphosuraah ok09:55
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kmaynardfabiim, how you gonna change permissions for a read-only drive?09:56
ParoXsitiCI have a network setup with ICS where my windows PC is directly connected and is used as a router to my Ubuntu machine. I am hosting a type of service that runs on port 9997 on the linux machine. I have opened the 9997 TCP port in the properties of the windows ICS. How can I get outside traffic to be able to access the linux's service on port 9997 when they connect to the Windows PC's IP09:56
BoyBachI have read an article on the use of ssh on a linux box, I would like to install this on mine and us my xp machine to connect to the box.09:56
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Xyphosurabut ati stopped suporting my card and their driver contain some bugs, which make a particulary program crash09:56
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Guestkingdoes someone know a good scripting url i need to make a script wich will put the pdf files int a specified directory an also the txt files into another specified drictory , this must be done into 1 script plz help!09:56
BoyBachI cant seem to figure out if i have installed it or not.09:56
soundrayubuntuer: that's probably not worth the effort. Try cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model09:56
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fabiimsoundray : still : permission denied  , kmaynard : i wan't to be able to read and execute. Am I doing something wrong ?09:56
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kmaynardBoyBach, did you run sudo apt-get install ssh  ?09:57
jribfabiim: what filesystem is this?09:57
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ParoXsitiCBoyBach I did this yesterday. Synapic Package manager and reloaded, then I installed the SSHServer09:57
XyphosuraIs there an alternative to fglrx?09:57
BoyBachno new to linux, that would load the ssh.09:57
kitcheGuestking: that seems like a very basic script09:57
jribubotu: tell fabiim about ntfs09:57
fabiimyess tell me ! :)09:58
jribfabiim: see that page to see how to mound with the proper options to give you ownership09:58
Guestkingyes thats true but i am totaly new into to this09:58
soundrayXyphosura: for old cards, yes. Try the radeon and ati drivers in the X configuration (sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg)09:58
fabiimit didn't give me any page09:58
kitcheGuestKing hang on a second I'll make a quick thing up real quick09:58
BoyBachreturned could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock, temporarily unavialbe09:58
jribfabiim: you didn't get a private message from ubotu?09:58
fabiimbut i presume that's in the wiki right?09:58
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ParoXsitiCBoyBoch: you have to run sudo first09:59
ephesiusBoyBach: just do "sudo apt-get install ssh" and then download putty to connect to it from a windows box09:59
ParoXsitiCBoyBoch: sudo apt-get install ssh09:59
kmaynardBoyBach, you may wanna look at some basic ubuntu/linux tutorials09:59
ephesiusBoyBach: putty would be for your windows box09:59
sc0ttduckdown, i have xmms playing09:59
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fabiimoh ! i did got a message from him . thanks :)09:59
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sc0tta smb mounted share09:59
Xyphosurasoundray: sorry if i am a bit noobish: but do they make opengl work?09:59
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:59
BoyBachkmaynard : got some good sites ?10:00
sureshothow do to i get gparted not to mount a drive it is trying to format...10:00
ParoXsitiCTraffic connecting to my windows PC is not correctly forwarding to my linux one. I am using ICS and I port forwarded it correctly. Is there anything I would have to set on the linux machine10:00
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soundrayXyphosura: depends on your card. Only way to find out is to try. I have an old ATI Rage card that works very well with OpenGL10:00
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kmaynardBoyBach, ubuntu.com and google are great starts...look up ssh howto10:00
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tkTHX-1138: I figured out my NTFS problem10:01
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zmutteI am wondering about how raid 1 works with linux, I am installing ubuntu server on a rx100 s3 fujitsu siemens server and I have configured raid1 in the raid-bios. but I still get two units when partitioning in ubuntu installer, shouldn't it show only one harddrive because of the raid1?10:01
sureshotXyphosure i have a mobility x600 se that works fine with opengl and xgl and beryl10:01
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soundrayXyphosura: thinking about it, I think I have that running with fglrx though, so that info is no use to you... Try it out.10:01
Xyphosurasoundray : if i use the X configuration (sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg), then it will probably work?10:01
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soundrayXyphosura: yes. Try radeon first, and ati if that doesn't work10:02
kmaynardits best to do homework, then ask specific questions..."teach me [foo] " is not a great tactic unless you paypal me in advance10:02
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kitcheGuestKing http://reddphoenix.com/pdfandtxt.sh10:02
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Guestkingi gonna look thnx m810:03
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kitcheGuestKing you have to edit the script a bit sicne <folder> has ot be changed to what fodler you want to go into10:03
meuserjany idea how to do the equivalent of "ipconfig eth0"  in /etc/network/interfaces?  When I configure it statically with as the address it complains.10:03
sureshotsoundray if he is trying for the first time try vesa ast at 1024 x 768 to get it going then try the flrgx or radeon or the ati10:03
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Xyphosurasoundray: is there more information about the features  about that?10:04
=== yarddog__ [n=yarddog@c-68-35-8-228.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotugoogle is a very popular search engine, http://www.google.com10:04
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Guestkingyes  i know but it has to be psific folders but thats something wat i can do10:04
soundraysureshot: you haven't followed the entire thread.10:04
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Guestkingbut do you maybe know some good learning pages for scripting as well ?10:05
soundrayXyphosura: I bet there is, if you search the web for your exact card model.10:05
sureshotsoundray haveing to help 2 kids with home work  sorry i will keep my mouth shut again sorry10:05
soundraysureshot: no worries.10:05
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sureshotsoundray haveing to help 2 kids with home work  sorry i will keep my mouth shut again sorry10:05
kitcheGuestking: hey at least I showed you a basic script :) Guestking there is tons of pages on it you just have to find a good page there is books for it though10:05
sureshothow do to i get gparted not to mount a drive it is trying to format...10:05
kmaynardGuestking, google rute linux10:05
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kmaynardthe rute tutorial rules10:05
soundraysureshot: my 11-year-old keeps popping up and asking me noobish javascript questions :)10:06
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sureshotsoundray is spelling i falled that in school LOLOL10:06
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nolimitsoyahi, does anyone know why the rendering of the treeview in thunar goer fubar when - from the icon lane - deleting or moving a folder vissible in a tree?10:06
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Guestkingwell  i am shearshing eveywhere as well onto torrents but i think im a little blind can't fond anything10:06
Xyphosurasoundray: these drivers  are not what ubuntu uses standard or are they?10:06
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DrBanzaiIt appears that someone is attempting to hack into my desktop box.  Anything I can do about it???10:07
nolimitsoyaDrBanzai, get i firewall? :)10:07
sureshotsoundray they need to do spelling work sentences not good for my LOL i let the computer do that for me10:07
vicscandl!perl > vicscandl10:07
Guestkingbut hey you owe me something10:07
DrBanzainolimitsoya, I have a Coyote Linux firewall10:07
phaedrus_DrBanzai     use ubuntu10:07
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meuserjany idea how to do the equivalent of "ipconfig eth0"  in /etc/network/interfaces?  When I configure it statically with as the address it complains.10:07
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Guestkinguhh i owe you something10:08
DrBanzaiphaedrus_, I'm using ubuntu10:08
sureshothow do to i get gparted not to mount a drive it is trying to format...10:08
phaedrus_i was joking10:08
soundrayXyphosura: they are part of the standard xorg stuff that comes with ubuntu, but they aren't enabled by default I think. It depends on the autodetection at install time.10:08
nolimitsoyaDrBanzai, trace their ip and report to their isp10:08
nolimitsoyastill noone who has experienced the same thunar-issue as i have?10:09
Xyphosurasoundray: ok thanks for the help10:09
DrBanzainolimitsoya, Yes, I will do that.10:09
=== peter77 [n=chatzill@host86-140-94-150.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sureshotsoundray i think it defaults to ati when installing that is nasty some card wont work that way10:09
peter77Hi, when is edgy due to be released?10:09
Guestkingbut realy thnk you VERY much and sorry for my bad english10:09
jribubotu: tell peter77 about schedule10:09
gnomefreakpeter77: 26th of oct10:09
THX-1138DrBanzai: If you have a huge network to protect - man iptables, bastilles and conntrack are worth a look.10:10
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DrBanzaiTHX-1138, Nope, this is just my home network10:10
soundraysureshot: yes, I've had that bad experience. --- Do you want to try a spelling game that we wrote as a javascript learning exercise?10:10
peter77If I download the beta now can I easily upgrade the beta without the need to donwload the whole release?10:10
nolimitsoyanot a single xubuntu-user in here, or what? :/10:11
IcemanV9peter77: that is correct10:11
nolimitsoyais there a separate xubuntuchannel?10:11
sureshotsoundray if you follow my spelling here on the channel you would know i would fear that to no end ....10:11
sureshotsoundray if you follow my spelling here on the channel you would know i would fear that to no end ....10:11
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sureshothow do to i get gparted not to mount a drive it is trying to format...10:11
peter77what that I need to donwload again or I can upgrade easily?10:11
THX-1138DrBanzai: Draw an ascii art file of a extended middle finger and display it on the fortune ports?10:11
DrBanzaiHmmm... mail.smhb.gov.cn  They are from Canada?10:11
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nolimitsoyasureshot, ive never seen it do so10:11
IcemanV9!upgrade > peter7710:12
phaedrus_nolimitsoya:  /join #xubuntu10:12
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peter77will it be a big upgrade (above 1GB10:12
nolimitsoyaphaedrus_, thank you10:12
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zmutteHey, anyone who got expericence configuring raid 1 @ ubuntu?10:12
DrBanzaiTHX-1138, Also an mighty fine suggestion10:12
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kmaynardzmutte, yo10:12
atlefhow reliable are the tests on this site, https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 ?10:12
zmuttekmaynard: heya10:12
sureshotnolimitsoya i go to format it ext3 it gives an error cant format an mounted drive you have to unmount it to get the mount command to be used10:12
nolimitsoyasureshot, use the umount-command to unmount any partitions that you want to edit, thatmight have been mounted at boot10:12
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peter77I use to have drake on my laptop but had to revert back to suse because of a faulty ACPI in drake10:12
kmaynardzmutte, i did it with the installer tho, not after it was installed10:13
IcemanV9peter77: depends. i don't think it's more than 1Gb just for upgrade.10:13
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peter77also will XGL work off the live dvd?10:13
DrBanzaiWhat's the best way to find out more about their IP address?  I have it in my logs, from when they tried umteen usernames that don't exsist on my system...10:13
zmuttekmaynard: I was thinking that, if I configure raid1 @ raid-bios then the installer should only see one harddrive, due to the controller controlls the raid on lower level than the installer, but I doesn't seem that way10:13
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soundraysureshot: http://www.soundray.org/spellingpractice/  (sorry, you'll have to practice some German at the same time :)10:14
sureshotherre is a noob question what is the syntax to unmount a drive10:14
kmaynardzmutte, partition both the disks the same, then set them up using the raid otion in the ubuntu server installer. one will be mda and one will be mdb10:15
DrBanzaiIs there a security channel here on FreeNode?10:15
soundraysureshot: if it's a removable/usb disk: eject /media/mountpoint10:15
THX-1138lol@soundray's site10:15
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks10:15
zmuttekmaynard: Thats kind of wierd though, because If the raid-bios is set to raid-1, why should the installer detect two harddrives?10:15
soundraysureshot: if it's a hard disk partition: 'sudo umount /dev/hda1'10:15
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sureshotit is a 250 gig drive ran through a sata to usb converter10:16
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kmaynardzmutte, the OS has to know to use it as raid110:16
THX-1138!ubotu is an amnsesiac10:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is an amnsesiac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:16
zmuttekmaynard: I thought the raid-controller manages the mirroring by itself10:16
atlef<DrBanzai> htp://www.internic.net/whois.html10:16
b03ntoDrBanzai, or www.samspade.org10:16
soundrayTHX-1138: I hope that was a friendly lol...10:16
katsurahello anyone knows a amd64 version of Skype for ubuntu 6,10 ?10:16
DrBanzaiThanks guys10:16
nolimitsoyasureshot, for example, if the partition is hda1, the syntax would be: sudo umount /dev/hda110:16
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kmaynardzmutte, im using software raid. you may wanna google and make sure your hardware raid will play nice10:17
ephesiusDrBanzai: whats the ip?10:17
ubotumdadm: tool to administer Linux md device arrays (software RAID). In component main, is standard. Version 1.12.0-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 103 kB, installed size 348 kB10:17
soundraykatsura: no, but you can run the 32bit version with 'linux32 skype'10:17
zmuttekmaynard: Yeah, have done it, but I will check it out more10:17
THX-1138soundray absolutely richtig10:17
J_PHey all, Are there anyone software that open file .CDR (corel draw) ?10:17
soundraykatsura: look in the forums for the good instructions from kilz10:17
DrBanzaiephesius,  Invalid user gopher from ::ffff:
kmaynardzmutte, so what happens, does the installer detect 2 drives?10:17
katsurano :( it said that it is the wrong kernel10:17
RvGaTeWhat is there available for video editing in ubuntu? and does it have software to get raw data from a digital video camera?10:18
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zmuttekmaynard: yeah, but I think there is problem with the controller configuration, will check it out more10:18
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peter77so will XGL work off live dvd and is it worth replacing suse with ubuntu?10:18
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soundraykatsura: have you found and used the kilz instructions?10:18
kmaynardzmutte, on a decent system, software raid overhead is almost nil10:18
ephesiusRvGaTe: kino...i dont know how good it is for editing it worked for my needs and you can import from a dv camera10:18
=== Szaman [n=Szaman@c-67-174-19-78.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Szamanoes anyone know if it is possible to send or recive multicast traffic on selected interface in C10:19
katsurasoundray, no where is it?10:19
THX-1138RvGaTe: I have heard something about "kino" does that look like what you need?10:19
RvGaTeephesius, great, i have a dv camera right here, does it work with firewire/usb etc?10:19
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SB|nblracerneed help formating and deelting partion10:19
RvGaTeephesius, what i mean, can i import it using usb :P10:19
=== Spudulike [n=ubuntu@ql4ever.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
WebsteriaI just came here to give my absolute love of Ubuntu as a linux distro10:20
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SB|nblraceri used Fdisk /dev/hdb1 and it says unable to open10:20
RvGaTeWebsteria, welcome to the club10:20
WebsteriaI tried LinuxFromScratch and Debian, but neither was as easy to use or as wonderful as Ubuntu10:20
ephesiusRvGaTe: worked with usb not sure about firewaire as i dont have it10:20
WebsteriaDebian was ok, but I couldn't get Xgl set up on it to save my life10:20
THX-1138Websteria - We are all ubuntu lovers (please don't tell my wife.)10:21
=== ubuntu is now known as marcee
Websteriahahahaha... I used to think Ubuntu was just for noobs, then I Realized it's really for anyone who doesn't want to have to do unnecessary work10:21
atlefDrBanzai : http://arin.net/10:21
=== RvGaTe is rebooting into ubuntu :D
kmaynardSB|nblracer, fdisk /dev/hdb10:21
kmaynardleave off the 110:21
soundraykatsura: sorry, kilz's instructions are for firefox, but they are a great starting point nevertheless: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava10:21
SB|nblraceri tryed that too10:21
kmaynardis it mounted?10:22
=== captine [n=capine@dsl-145-200-249.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
SB|nblracerkmaynard that also says un able to accesess10:22
kmaynardSB|nblracer, sudo fdisk /dev/hdb10:22
kitcheWebsteria: umm LFS isn't meant to be easy to use :)10:22
WebsteriaI know10:22
SB|nblracerkmaynard how do you mount?10:22
WebsteriaI figured it'd be the best way to learn how to do stuff10:22
peter77whats diferent about the CD and DVD?10:22
Websteriaand it taught me a lot10:22
Websteriaso did Debian10:22
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kmaynardSB|nblracer, mount [device]  [target] 10:22
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soundrayGood bye guys, see you in ~48 hours10:23
WebsteriaI'm still nervous to setup a firewall in Linux though....10:23
WebsteriaI'm using my router firewall10:23
SpudulikeHi room.  I have just done a Dapper install.  The 'Software Updates' now wants to install two Linux images 2.6.15-26-386 and 27-386.  These seems wrong.  Is it?10:23
jvaignetoo gives me nytemarez. & i've never used it! lol.... i'll stik w/ ubuntu10:23
soundrayWebsteria: don't be -- use firestarter.  That was definitely my last line :)10:24
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THX-1138peter77 - Three different install methods - text (alternate), One click live CD goodness, and OEM - also a bunch of packages that can help if your bandwidth is a problem. -get the dvd one place and use it somewhere else.10:24
=== Kazukisan [n=kazuki@cpe-65-189-8-164.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
marceei cant run my pc , it say error 15 at the begin10:24
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Kazukisannewest wine version i just compiled on ubuntu edgy, i did a apt-get build-dep wine first then i compiled the wine and then this -> wine in cosole = Segmentation fault (core dumped)10:24
Websteriamy router firewall seems to randomly shut ports10:24
Websteriait pisses me off10:24
marceeits a grub error10:24
=== RvGaTe arived at ubuntu
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RvGaTeKino was it right ?10:24
WebsteriaIs it possible to run the linux box as a router and firewall with just one ethernet card, or do I need two?10:25
THX-1138Kino - yes10:25
RvGaTeThat for Gnome ?10:25
SB|nblracerkmaynard says it cant be found10:25
kitcheWebsteria: umm you need to if your gonna use it as a router10:25
Websterianevermind, obviously I can't plug my cable modem into one ethernet card then have that same ethernet card for the inside network10:25
kmaynardSB|nblracer, you need google10:26
SB|nblracerwill do10:26
THX-1138Websteria - erm it is very possible to alias an ethernet card with tweo ip addresses. - not very smart for a 'net interface.10:26
marceeI recently updated my breezy to dapper  on my pc , but when attempting to boot I get an Error 15 message.10:26
marceeWhat is Error 15. What do I need to do to do in order to boot my system?10:26
WebsteriaI think the thing that made me fall in love with ubuntu and linux in general were two things: mt-dappd and hellanzb10:26
Websteriaand nomachine10:26
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WebsteriaAt least when things break in Linux there are decent error messages as opposed to Windows10:27
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captineanyone here use dtc on their machines?  just followed a howto, but i get an error when installing this?10:27
lmineiroHi! I'm trying to setup dapper in my IBM x346 box with a QLogic Fiber Chanel HBA, module qla2400. The install CD doesn't support that card although its in the kernel version. Assuming that I'd debootstrap dapper and install by hand, whats the procedure to rebuild the bundled kernel with support for that module?10:27
jhasseHow can i minimize an opengl application?10:27
jvaifirestartr's sweet, tho i'm behind the apple airport, there's funny things happening on the network still10:27
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ephesiusWebsteria: Error there is something wrong! lol10:27
kmaynardWebsteria, you call hex on a blue screen decent? have you *heard* of /var/log ?10:27
Websteriajust when things do have problems cause I screwed something up10:27
kmaynardoh wait10:27
WebsteriaNo, I meant /Var/log was MUCH better than the hex10:28
kmaynardi insanely read that wrong10:28
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RvGaTeephesius, ok, i plugged in the cam, startup up kino, now what do i do?10:28
IcemanV9jhasse: alt+f9 ?10:28
kmaynardWebsteria, my bad10:28
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ephesiusRvGaTe: there should just be an option to capture it from the ca10:28
WebsteriaOne thing that does bug me. When I start Konsole in Gnome it seems to take about a second to load. Under debian it seemed to load faster. Is something possibly misconfigured?10:28
jhasseIcemanV9, thx, i try10:28
THX-1138lmineiro - support here is rather hit-or-miss - try canonical it is a sure thing.10:28
WebsteriaOr is there a gnome terminal prog I should be using10:28
ubotuCanonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/10:29
=== math_b [n=mathieu@vbo91-2-82-239-207-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
RvGaTeephesius, how do i know it recognizes my camera10:29
ladydoorWebsteria: a whole SECOND??? Oh dear! and aterm's faster10:29
jhasseIcemanV9, sry doesn't work10:29
kmaynardWebsteria, Applications | Accessories | Terminal10:29
ladydoorWebsteria: gnome-terminal's popular, but it messes with keybindings a lot.10:29
Websteriawell, I'm used to things starting instantly. It is a PEntium 4 2.6 with a gig of ram10:29
ephesiusRvGaTe: hold on let me grab my laptop i forget how to do it.10:29
WebsteriaI'm just saying windows seems to start apps "Snappier"10:29
RvGaTeephesius, sure10:29
IcemanV9jhasse: that's all i know :(10:29
kmaynardyou may wanna try the 686 kernel image10:30
Websteriaah... that might help eh10:30
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ladydoorWebsteria: it may have something to do with needing to load QT libraries in gnome or something10:30
jhasseIcemanV9, aren't you playing any games???10:30
WebsteriaI think I stayed away from it at first cause I had problems compiling the nvidia module for it10:30
marceeWhen my computer attempts to boot from the hard drive it tells me all the stuff about grub loading, then it gives me an error message, citing error number 15 , What is error number 15, and how do I fix it?  This isn't really urgent (it boots from the LiveCD fine), but I'd like to have a Hard Disk based OS. help please!!!!!!!!!10:30
WebsteriaBut once the libs are loaded shouldn't it be faster?10:30
Websteria(and yes I know I'm nitpicking)10:30
ladydoorWebsteria: *shrug* sorry10:31
kmaynardmarcee, 1) chill.  2) google.10:31
WebsteriaI'll try aterm10:31
IcemanV9jhasse: not atm.10:31
kmaynardmarcee, 3) be more specific10:31
=== VisualStation [n=visualst@54.55-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:31
=== senori_ [n=eosten@wa-pullman-cuda1e-154.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ephesiusWebsteria: i just tried to install sp2 on my xp box this is the error message i got...The core system file(kernel) used to start this computer is not a Microsoft Windows File.10:31
Flannelkmaynard: error 15 is specific, stop being silly10:32
Flannelmarcee: did you reformat/move harddrives around recently? or is this a fresh install?10:32
THX-1138Good Morning Flannel.10:32
FlannelTHX-1138: Howdy10:32
kmaynardat what point does it crap out? do the drives mount? not silly10:32
Websteriaactually I just loaded Konsole again and it takes 3 seconds10:32
atlefError 15 means that grub is looking for a file and can't find it10:32
marceeFlannel, i just updated to dapper10:32
Websteriaand firefox takes 6 seconds10:32
=== yama` [n=yama@ppp6-1.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
IcemanV9marcee: take a look at recovering part - it helped me twice when i lost grub last month10:32
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-71-141-252-28.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelkmaynard: error 15, grub error.  As in, Not getting to second stage.10:33
WebsteriaIs there a way to make the upgrades automatically use the 686 kernel?10:33
marceehow can i do it , i am newbi sorry10:33
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kmaynardFlannel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43591  read the 2nd comment10:33
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Websteriaor do I have to manually set it each time?10:33
FlannelWebsteria: what do you mean?10:33
ladydoorWebsteria: if you're booted to it, it'll be used...10:33
WebsteriaWell, it always downloads the 386 kernel upgrades10:33
Websteriais that just because that's the kernel I'm using?10:33
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FlannelWebsteria: you want the "linux-image-686" meta package10:34
ladydoorWebsteria: it's because you've got its meta-package involved...i think it's linux-386 or something10:34
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ephesiusRvGaTe, on the right hand side of Kino there is a couple buttons going down hit the capture one and it should bring up your camera10:34
IcemanV9sudo aptitude install linux-68610:34
Flannel!tell marcee about grub10:34
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ZaggynlUgh I posted about Filemon on the forum, one guy starts talking about fragmentation, another tells me to use top, I guess I'm not the only person that sucks at reading, grrr.10:34
Flannelmarcee: that should work (what ubotu gave you)10:34
Websteriait says Linux-686 is already the newest version10:34
Websteriabtw, ATerm starts instantly10:34
ladydoorWebsteria: what's the output of uname -r?10:35
FlannelWebsteria: then it's still downloading 386 because you still have the linux-386 package10:35
ladydoorWebsteria: and yeah, aterm is gret10:35
RvGaTeephesius, over here it gives me: " WARNING: raw1394 kernel module not loaded or failure to read/write /dev/raw1394"  in the statusbar10:35
WebsteriaLinux-ubuntu 2.6.17-10-38610:35
Websteriabut it does show i686 linux10:35
Websteriaso I need to remove the linux-386 package?10:35
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-253-49.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
IcemanV9oh. that is edgy. :)10:35
IcemanV9you're running 386 kernel atm.10:36
Websteriaso when I go to remove linux-386 it says "...packages were automatically installed and are no longer required"10:36
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Websteriaso how do I get it to recognize the 68610:36
kitcheumm reboot10:36
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FlannelWebsteria: actually, the -386 -686 stuff is deprecated, -generic is the new one, you'd have to ask in #ubuntu+1, I don't know how apt does it's vodoo with that package10:36
kitcheWebsteria: it won't use your new kernel until you reboot10:37
katsuracan i install a i386.deb on an amd64 version of ubuntu?10:37
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THX-1138Flannel - Okay, I need to learn from you. - It's official you are now my guru. - ;)10:37
MegaqwertyI forgot to tell k3b that it should make my CD a multi-session disk :/. As a result, I can't write to my CD-RW. Is there a way I can reformat it and still put new information on it, or did I just ruin a perfectly good RW?10:37
peter77When downloading files in firefox the speed just goes down and down10:38
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THX-1138Flannel J/k10:38
peter77arr go up10:38
brrrthow can i install grub to my sata drive? grub-install /dev/sda   gives me: /dev/sda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. ??10:38
atlefMegaqwerty : format it again10:39
IcemanV9Megaqwerty: your cdrw is still good. just erase it and you're good to go10:39
MegaqwertyHow do I erase it?10:39
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IcemanV9k3b will take care of erasing10:39
MegaqwertyIt tells me that it is a "Read-Only Disk" and it can' t delete the files10:39
Megaqwertyoh, ok. Thanks, I'll try that10:40
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LjL!away > tk10:42
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=== IcemanV9 never see this room so quiet for 2 min ;)
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bruenigall the problems have been solved10:43
bruenigthe room has become irrelevant10:43
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Flannelsounds good to me10:43
IcemanV9ha. yep.10:43
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=== THX-1138 sry IcemanV9 - It was a moment of silent reverence for all of the ubuntu machines running smoothly.
Megaqwertywow, this is defiantly a milestone in history10:44
Justy-I wish to install swiftfox, but I need to choose my proccessor. I dont know what it is .. But there is a sticker on my laptop: intel centrino10:44
Megaqwertyand there it goes, lol10:44
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pike_Justy-: shh10:44
MystaMaxI'm trying to install CPAN perl modules, but it can't find the PATH for make? Does that mean its not installed???10:44
FlannelJusty-: it's a 68610:44
Justy-http://getswiftfox.com/installer.htm which one should I select?10:44
pike_Justy-: the 386 binary would work if i understand you correctly10:45
IcemanV9i have centrino - it's a 686 (same as pentium M)10:45
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bruenigJusty-, http://getswiftfox.com/builds/debian/
Justy-IcemanV9: So you tell me that I can safely choose Pentium m10:45
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Justy-bruenig: thanks =)10:45
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IcemanV9use bruenig's suggestion (deb package is the best method to use)10:46
Justy-I haven't install flash player and java for firefox yet10:46
Justy-Can I install them after I install swiftfox ?10:46
Justy-Or should I install them now?10:46
marceeFlannel, when u lost ur grub u lost ur files?10:46
pike_how is that going to do any good if using a generic kernel?10:47
gnomefreakJusty-: either way10:47
bruenigJusty-, once you do that, you are going to have to symbolicly link them, but you would have to do that regardless of when you install them10:47
Flannelmarcee: no, you just need to reinstall grub10:47
marceei mount my home now in the live cd10:47
marceeand i dont see all my files10:47
THX-1138!flash > Justy10:47
=== ephesius [n=ephesius@ool-44c11edc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
IcemanV9i sweared swiftfox uses ubuntu package, now they are using debian10:47
Justy-bruenig: sorry for my english but could you be please more clear10:47
THX-1138Justy mozcontrol10:47
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FlannelIcemanV9: er... debian and ubuntu packaging is the same10:48
IcemanV9Flannel: i know, but the word has been changed, that's all. :)10:48
Flannelmarcee: no idea, that isn't related to grub breaking.  Although, grub breaking and your files missing might have the same reason10:48
bruenigJusty-, get the plugins and swiftfox and then you are going to have to run this command to symbolicly link them, "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/* /usr/lib/swiftfox/plugins/"10:48
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RvGaTeephesius, welcome back :P10:49
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RvGaTeephesius, you got my last message ?10:49
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IcemanV9bruenig: but swiftfox says "Existing Firefox plugins should work without needing to do anything special."10:49
bruenigIcemanV9, does it? I had to link them. Or maybe I am thinking of the search plugins. I remember having to link something10:50
Justy-IcemanV9: maybe Swiftfox creates that .so automaticaly?10:50
gu014does anyone use SageTV?10:50
Twoods196Can anyone help me with installing some module?10:50
=== habeeb [n=habeeb@athedsl-147195.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
kmaynardis it possible that grub is pointing to the wrong root? that happened to me recently after i upgraded kernels10:50
IcemanV9Justy-: i think you'll be fine .. if not, then use what bruenig just had said10:50
gnomefreakbruenig: you shouldnt have to link them unless you install firefox manully10:50
kmaynardmarcee, did you upgrade your kernel recently?10:51
bruenigIt must have been the search plugins, or it may have been when I installed it manually before they offered the deb10:51
Twoods196Can anyone tell me how to install Blowfish, Crypt and others?10:51
MegaqwertyTwoods196: possibly10:51
habeebIn bash, for i in * ; do echo ; done , would execute echo for as many files there are in the current situation. How can I make it execute echo i times?10:51
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MegaqwertyTwoods196: You mean in a SLAX CD?10:51
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bruenig!info cl-blowfish10:52
ubotucl-blowfish: Common Lisp Blowfish encryption. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-2 (dapper), package size 19 kB, installed size 104 kB10:52
Justy-thanks to all helped me10:52
Twoods196im trying to setup vhcs10:52
Twoods196bruce@ubuntu:/root/vhcs_tmp/install/vhcs2.4$ sudo /var/www/vhcs2/engine/setup/vhcs2-setup10:52
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [MIME::Entity]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:52
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [MIME::Parser]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:52
marceekmaynard, yes i updated to dapper10:52
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [Crypt::CBC]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:52
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [Crypt::Blowfish]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:52
Twoods196CRITICAL ERROR: Module [Term::ReadPassword]  WAS NOT FOUND !10:52
Twoods196Modules [MIME::Entity, MIME::Parser, Crypt::CBC, Crypt::Blowfish, Term::ReadPassword]  WAS NOT FOUND in your system...10:52
pike_habeeb: like for i in `seq 1 4`; do echo $i or something?10:52
Twoods196and get that on install10:52
gnomefreakTwoods196: use pastebin10:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:52
kmaynardmarcee, do you have a knoppix cd handy?10:52
=== iamtheobject [n=object@c-24-30-38-49.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marceei am in my ubuntu live cd10:52
habeebpike_: whats 'seq 1 4' ?10:52
kmaynardknoppix might be better10:52
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brueniglive cd = live cd10:53
Justy-!paste > Twoods19610:53
kmaynardcan you see your hd in ubuntu livecd?10:53
habeebpike_: I just want to enter an integer (lets say 666) and get 666 echos.10:53
pike_habeeb: it would basical count and do it 4 times10:53
SB|nblracerwhere can i get the ghome help file for disks-admin10:53
Twoods196there it is10:53
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habeebpike_:  for i in 'seq 1 4' ;  do echo ; done , it echoed only once.10:53
habeebtry it10:54
bruenigSB|nblracer, here perhaps, what is the question?10:54
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SB|nblracerneed help removing an old partion10:54
Megaqwertyhmm... Twoods196: did you try to add them yourself?10:54
SB|nblracerhdb1 and hdb510:54
pike_habeeb: using a standard keyboard just to left of the 1 key looks like a quote but its used to tell the shell to execute whatevers inside10:54
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THX-1138I have trouble with the mount command using the live CD. Security? or  My inexperience?10:55
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habeeb~ ?10:55
Twoods196Megaqwerty, i tried sudo apt-get libcrypt10:55
Twoods196with no luck10:55
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habeebThank you pike_10:55
MajaxHi everybody. I have a screen resolution problem. When I modify xorg.conf to add resolutions I don't see them in the System>Preference>Screen Resolution utility.10:55
MajaxDoes anyone knows how I can change these resolutions ?10:55
pike_habeeb: like if i have a bunch of mulitpart files i can do for i in `ls`; do echo $i >> file; done or whatever10:55
ZaggynlAnyone knows a working GUI for lsof10:55
pike_habeeb: np10:55
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habeebpike_: lets pass it to the next level :P. Lets say I want to open 4 gnome-terminals. for i in 'seq 1 4' ; do gnome-terminal ; done. Can I keep the terminals open, because they close when the script ends.10:56
MajaxDoes anyone knows how I can change the possible resolutions of the screen ?10:56
MegaqwertyTwoods196: while I'm not familiar with that particular package, try using Synaptic Package Manager to get whatever you are trying to get, seeing as it does pretty much all the work for you10:56
FlannelMajax: did you restart X after editing?10:57
Twoods196k, will look into it10:57
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Megaqwertyyou're welcome10:57
THX-1138Majax - Check out the refrsh rates for your monitor. else try ubotu !disply or if using an nvidia card try nvidia-xconfig or sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:57
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phaedrus_damn...what is that file i put things like eterm &    conky &    so they start automatically  ?10:57
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pike_habeeb: maybe you could do nohup xterm so that it wont close im not sure10:58
RvGaTeephesius, you still there ?10:58
=== ReinH [n=ReinH@cpe-70-112-17-191.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MajaxI have an ATI radeon x60010:58
habeebpike_: lemme try it.10:58
ReinHThis is hilarious10:58
MystaMaxMajax, could you post your xorg.conf file to pastebin/10:58
ReinHI just bought a 900 page Ubuntu book and the one chapter that I need the most right now was left out of the book... I need pages 453-490 and the book is missing pages 451-49810:58
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Hammadhow do i run a "buildset script"10:59
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MystaMaxReinH, which book is that?10:59
ZaggynlAnyone familiar with the application called 'Fam' ?10:59
Hammadim hella confused10:59
ReinHI'm going to ream the publisher a new one, maybe get some free books out of the deal if I'm loud and annoying enough10:59
ReinHMystaMax: Ubuntu Unleashed10:59
ReinHI'd suggest you all not buy it until this is resolved ;)10:59
Twoods196megawerty, the synaptic is 160 seperate files...is there not away to get them all at once?10:59
MajaxMystaMax: what is pastebin/ ?10:59
THX-1138ReinH - That must of been the chapters on "Secret Invocation Commands" yep same here.10:59
HammadANYONE KNOW!? how to run buildset script10:59
Hammadlike i downloaded it10:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:59
Hammadbut when i dbl click nothing happens10:59
GreenCulthi all.. how to config my source-list?? in debian i user apt-get.. what can i do in Ubuntu dapper??10:59
ReinHTHX-1138: It was the chapter on APACHE for chrissakes11:00
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Justy-!pastebin > Majax11:00
ReinHnot like anyone would want to read that one!11:00
Hammadknow buildset script?11:00
MystaMaxReinH, Ah its a informative book, but I dont buy books, b/c of Safari books online11:00
RamunasGreenCult: edit /etc/apt/sources.list file11:00
Hammadi need to run it but when i dbl clikc it othing happens11:00
MystaMaxI'm trying to install CPAN perl modules, but it can't find the PATH for make? Does that mean its not installed???11:00
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:00
ReinHMystaMax: I like having a nice thick reference in hard copy11:00
kitcheHammad: well what does it do exactly?11:00
THX-1138ReinH - Okay. Did you check the forums?11:00
Hammadits for icons11:00
Hammadim following a guide11:01
kitcheMystaMax; install build-esstenial11:01
ReinHTHX-1138: wasn't aware they had forums11:01
Hammadto make my linux look like os x11:01
ReinHTHX-1138: will check now11:01
MegaqwertyTwoods196: could you restate your question?11:01
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.11:01
Justy-GreenCult: i think it is in /etc/apt so you should do: for read only gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , for write and read sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:01
ReinHTHX-1138: ah, the apache forums? No, I haven't checked there... why?11:01
Hammadk its for icons im following a guide to make my linux look like mac11:01
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Twoods196the synaptic is showing 160 files...do i have download ech individual one?11:01
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MajaxMystaMax: pasted !11:02
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MystaMaxMajax, we need a link11:02
MegaqwertyTwoods196: what are you trying to get?11:02
=== THX-1138 shakes head. - just too much caffeine - apologies due
MegaqwertyTwoods196: I'll look in synaptic and try to see what you mean11:02
MajaxMystaMax: link to what ?11:02
Majaxgive me a sec11:02
MystaMaxMajax, to your paste bin11:02
THX-1138ReinH - I'm sorry.11:02
WebNewb Question: Going to use Ubuntu for simple file servver. What should I format  the new partitions as?11:02
Twoods196Megawerty, nevermind i found how to use apt-get to install synaptic11:03
Hammadcan someone help me; im trying to run a buildset script i downloaded its for icons but when i dbl click it nothing happens11:03
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THX-1138Web Ext3  ext2 -j  journaling11:03
Megaqwertyoh, ok. Sorry, I thought you were using Dapper Drake11:03
habeeb$ gnome-terminal -e echo "sd"11:04
habeebInvalid argument: "sd"11:04
ReinHReinH: I'm sending the publisher a rather restrained letter of protest, mentioning that I have a few contacts in their industry who would be interested to know that SAMS has an excellent customer loyalty program ;)11:04
habeebHow can I fix this error? $ gnome-terminal -e echo "sd"11:04
habeebInvalid argument: "sd"11:04
ReinHwoops, meant for THX-1138 lol11:04
HammadRun the buildset script11:04
HammadSelect your custom kmenu icon (default is always a good choice)11:04
HammadWait for the icons to convert11:04
HammadWait for the tar.gz or tar.bz2 to build11:04
HammadInstall using kcontrol11:04
habeebDont tell me to remove the quotes, please.11:04
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Hammadi cant run my buildset script11:04
Hammadanyone know how?11:04
gnomefreakHammad: can you please use pastebin to paste11:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:05
Hammadokay thanks11:05
=== bluefox83 [n=bluefox@user-12hclic.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
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bluefox83what is that program you can launch things with that gives you debugging info?11:05
Hammadcan someone tell me an irc channel to go to to get help...11:05
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bluefox83Hammad, help for what?11:06
MegaqwertyHammand: go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste your error in there11:06
kitchebluefox83: you mean for programs it's gdm11:06
Megaqwertythen give us the url11:06
MystaMaxthanks kitche that did it!11:06
MegaqwertyThat is what he meant11:06
Hammadi need to run the builset script11:06
kitcheopps gdb11:06
=== androxxl [n=kvirc@84-255-238-62.static.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu
davvsi have a shellscript i always run as root when i boot, how do i do to make it automatically run?11:06
Hammadi was following a guide11:06
kitchebluefox83: gdb I meant11:06
Hammadto make my linux11:06
Hammadlook like mac osx11:06
bluefox83kitche, ok, thanks11:06
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.11:06
Hammadand i needed to download icons11:06
pike_habeeb: maybe echo\ "sd" to denote a space but still one thing11:06
MystaMaxubotu tell MystaMax about pastebin11:07
Hammadhow do i msg someone specifically like in red or w/e11:07
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THX-1138CTRL+K <code>11:07
=== SuperMiguel [n=miguel@252-223.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Justy-Hammad: do yo mean like that i do know?11:07
FlannelHammad: put their name at the front of the line, most clients will highlight it11:07
kitchedavvs: add it to the init scripts not sure which script is local for ubuntu though11:07
Megaqwertydavvs: I had the same problem myself, and never figured out how to do it, so I merely made a button on the top (assuming ur in gnome) that did it for me11:07
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THX-1138Hammad - this channel only accepts bold or un derline.11:08
HammadJusty- ya11:08
Hammadno like u guys11:08
Hammadare messeging me11:08
Hammadand it goes red11:08
MajaxMystaMax: did you recieved the pastebin link ? (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26670/plain/)11:08
SuperMiguelhow can i manage my files as root on a graphical interface?11:08
MegaqwertyHammand: say our names with a colon in the beginning11:08
FlannelHammad: put their name at the front of the line, most clients will highlight it, yours makes it red, apparently.11:08
Hammadbluffox83 - its for icons11:08
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Justy-now you messaged me "Hammad: Justy- ya" and it is red .. =)11:08
FlannelSuperMiguel: gksudo nautilus  (if you didn't already know, be careful)11:08
Web THX-1138, thnx for reply. So EXT 2 works? I am going to be using it as a smaba share11:08
Megaqwertywell, you don't need the colon11:08
davvsMegaqwerty, a button on the top?11:08
Hammadbluefox83 - its for icons11:08
Hammadoh cool11:08
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Hammadk thanks11:08
Justy-Hammad: because you put my nick in your message "Justy-"11:08
Megaqwertydavvs: yeah, here is how you do it:11:09
avrFreakGreets...will ubuntu run corretly on a 166 Mhz Pentiuym MMX weitrh 128 MB of RAM and a 3 GB HDD?  i canot get it to install and run, completley...X won;t install and it will not support netowrking at all11:09
Hammadokay now can someone help me what or how to run this buildscript11:09
Hammadi downloaded it alrdy11:09
Hammadand unrar it11:09
MajaxMystaMax: r u still there ?11:09
ixian_how can i create a launcher for this command? ( WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" wine C:/Program\ Files/Steam/Steam.exe ) it works fine in terminal, but when I try to make it a launcher on my desktop, it gives an error saying that WINEDEBUG is not a file or folder. Help?11:09
Megaqwertyright-click on the bar (where Fireforx, and Evolution are) and click on add to panel11:09
habeebpike_: any ideas why with "nohup gnome-terminal -e echo" the terminal still terminates after the echo command?11:09
Hammadi dbl click buildset but nothing happens11:09
bluefox83Hammad, read the README file11:09
MystaMaxMajax, Oh I'm looking at it now, my bad. we've got the same monitor, lol11:09
=== Websteria [n=jeff@c-67-171-161-123.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Megaqwertydavvs: then click custom application launcher11:09
ZaggynlWTB: GUI for lsof11:09
Webwhat should I set my access path to when I set up a new partition? for a file share.11:09
shwagis there an RSS feed I can read that tells me what the daily updates are which the tray icon says I need to install are?11:09
THX-1138Web - Ext3 is Ext2 plus journaling - select ext3 you should be fine. - don't opt for rieser unless you are a *nix guru.11:09
Hammadbluefox83 - i did lol the first step is run the builscript11:09
MajaxMystaMax: hehe cool11:09
Websteriaok you guys were right. After switching to the 686 kernel those windows open in less than 1 second11:10
Hammadbluefox83 - i dont even know how to do that, when i dbl click it does nothing11:10
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Megaqwertydavvs: then put your script's command in the "command" box11:10
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bluefox83Hammad, read more of the files then... but chances are you need to do it in a terminal11:10
Flannelshwag: clicking on the icon will tell you, and offer to upgrade them for you11:10
Twoods196Megawerty, im using Ubuntu Server....so will that syanaptic still work?11:10
=== SuperMiguel [n=miguel@252-223.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
davvsthanks, but if i do, it wont run as root?11:10
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FlannelTwoods196: You don't use synaptic, you'll use apt-get or aptitude11:10
SuperMiguelit was nk nautilios?11:10
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badkittyCan someone help me with my wireless connection. I have tried a TOn of things and cannot get it to work11:11
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SuperMiguelnksudo nautilius?11:11
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Hammadbluefox83 - um k like Konsole? what do i type to get to that file from terminal11:11
FlannelSuperMiguel: gksudo nautilus11:11
shwagFlannel: it tells me what the files are, but it doesn't tell me what changed and why it needs to be upgraded.11:11
avrFreakclick this, click that, what are we, a naunch pof frigging MAC enthiusiasts?????11:11
Twoods196Flannel, im trying to install some modules11:11
Megaqwertydavvs: yeah, I'm not totally sure how that would be done.11:11
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Twoods196dont know how to install them11:11
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davvsMegaqwerty,  ok, thanks anyway11:11
Megaqwertydavvs you would have to use sudo, but I don't know what you would do after that to give ur password11:11
Webthnx again  THX-113811:11
Flannelshwag: update-manager will give you descriptions, maybe you have to configure it to do so, I don't remember.11:11
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Megaqwertydavvs: sorry11:12
bluefox83Hammad, you need to go to the ubuntu beginners page and read up...you need to learn what you are doing before changing your system11:12
habeebpike_: any ideas why with "nohup gnome-terminal -e echo" the terminal still terminates after the echo command?11:12
pike_habeeb: thats strange its not what xterm does. not sure11:12
MystaMaxMajax, hmm syntax looks fine, I'm going to alter mine and restart, and see what happens, brb11:12
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habeebOOps sorry.11:12
shwagFlannel: it has a general description of the app, but not of the changelog.11:12
bluefox83Hammad, but you really should not need to run any build scripts to install icons..11:12
WebsteriaHow many partitions do most of you have? Do you have one for boot, one for usr, or do most of you just have the one partition per drive?11:12
MajaxMystaMax: thx11:12
Flannelshwag: in update-manager? yes it does.  Let me boot my GUI and poke around11:12
=== Monky05 [n=artemio@zebra.dgsca.unam.mx] has joined #ubuntu
bluefox83Websteria, you only need swap and / but you can have as many as you want11:13
ixian_how can i create a launcher for this command? ( WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" wine C:/Program\ Files/Steam/Steam.exe ) it works fine in terminal, but when I try to make it a launcher on my desktop, it gives an error saying that WINEDEBUG is not a file or folder. Help?11:13
pike_habeeb: in xterm i can xterm -e "echo test; sleep 3" and it will be open for 3 seconds or i can pipe it to something. gnome-terminal is just strange i guess :)11:13
Websteriayeah, I was just wondering how many of you had more than just / and swap11:13
Websteriaand for what purpose11:13
taganyone know of a bluetooth USB device that works properly in ubuntu?11:13
tagI've tried three now11:13
kitcheixian_: you need to make a script for it11:13
bluefox83ixian_, you are trying to create a bash script..go find a howto11:13
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Flannelshwag: you need to view the details11:13
avrFreakGreets...will ubuntu run corretly on a 166 Mhz Pentiuym MMX weitrh 128 MB of RAM and a 3 GB HDD?  i canot get it to install and run, completley...X won;t install and it will not support netowrking at all11:13
bluefox83tag, all you need are the drivers, they should all work11:13
tagmost of them cannot auth11:13
Megaqwertyixian_: look at the instructions I just gave davvs, it might work for you11:13
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crwebimbrandon: yo, help11:14
kmaynardavrFreak, you'll be lucky to make that one a thin client11:14
tagmost them seem to only kind of work11:14
Twoods196anyone?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26669/11:14
taglike I can scan, I can connect, but I cannot pair...etc.11:14
FlannelavrFreak: it should run.  You might consider xubuntu though.  However, you'll need to use the alternate CD to install it, not the Desktop one11:14
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habeebpike_: can it be done for an infinite time? without the sleep?11:14
tagor I can pair, but I cannot issue commands11:14
crwebI need to pass a config option to a src package and rebuild, anyone?11:14
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vaksashello :) what's the best app to view dvds?11:15
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ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.11:15
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:15
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marceei got a stange problem , i mounted my home in  my live cd session where i am now , and i cant see a lot of folders , but when i make a ls the terminal say that the folders are there11:15
ZaggynlAnyone knows a GUI for lsof?11:15
marceewhay this?11:15
pike_habeeb: it can but i cant remember offhand how i would do that in a script11:15
Twoods196anyone know how to install these modules...need em bad.....  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26669/11:15
avrFreakwhat id xubuntu?11:16
=== scramblin_free [n=Homer@c-67-189-228-125.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelavrFreak: it's ubuntu with xfce instead of gnome, more lightweight.11:16
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org  To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:16
=== pike_ is still a bit of a noob
habeebpike_: I see. The problem with xterm is that if I use it in a for loop in bash, the xterm pops when the previous one finishes.11:16
habeebI want them all together!11:16
jribcrweb: just edit debian/rules , sometimes you can use DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS, but I'm not sure exactly how that works11:16
tagso when I run hcitool cc <whatever> that pretty much always works, and then when I do hcitool auth <address> it gets an I/O error or a timeout11:16
kmaynardmarcee, really, you'll be better off with knoppix. it's made for system rescue. i cant believe you're still playing with this11:16
avrFreakZaggynl: why not just get a MAC?11:16
marceekmaynard, i dont have knoppix cd here11:17
crwebjrib: i'm having a hard time finding any details at all on deb-src.  do you have any links?11:17
Flannel!tell marcee about grub11:17
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Zaggynlwhy get a Mac?11:17
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Flannelmarcee: read that, the first link, it'll explain how to fix grub11:17
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pike_habeeb: i had the same problem once i couldnt do for i in `seq 1 3`; do xterm&;done  obviously never did get it11:17
jribcrweb: search the debian-administration site.  They have a couple of articles on rebuilding11:17
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avrFreakAsa I say, i canot get netoewrkgin to work under Ubuntu on this notebook )-:11:17
marceeok , but i want mount my files here and i cant11:17
marceeonly a few11:17
marceeits starnge11:17
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LjLavrFreak: why not stop saying nonsense about macs?11:17
kmaynardwhat drive are you mounting, hda?11:18
habeebpike_: it doesnt work.11:18
pike_habeeb: yeah11:18
habeebpike_: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;'11:18
habeebAnnoying :[11:18
avrFreakZaggnyl: MACs offer GUIs for everythingm they'll hodll yoiur hadn and wipe your arse for you when you're finished, thsat seems to be what you're looking for11:18
kmaynardmkdir /mnt/hda1   mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda111:18
Flannelmarcee: why don't you just fix grub and boot normally?11:18
pike_habeeb: if you figure it out let me know :)11:18
THX-1138LjL - I have tried xubuntu on similar hardware. - it is painfully slow. - Puppylinux runs as root. but works. though a bit scarey.11:18
marceeok i will do it11:18
habeebpike_: I will.11:18
kmaynardcd /mnt/hda1/boot/grub11:18
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marceei dont speak very well english Flannel  the manual is not very clear tom e11:18
marceebuit i will try11:19
Websteriagrrr.. must've been time for my weekly windows machine lockup11:19
LjLTHX-1138: alright, i wouldn't try any flavor of Ubuntu (except perhaps server) on such a machine, personally11:19
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marceeand in spanish channel noone know with certain the problem11:19
gu014THX-1138: why scary?11:19
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Flannelmarcee: you want to use the "Desktop CD, overwriting the MBR" instructions, if you're using the first link11:19
avrFreakmarcee: your zenglish looks pretty good to me11:19
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Megaqwertymarcee: go to www.imtranslator.net it's pretty much cutting and pasting, and it will translate for you11:20
screechingcatanyone here using Xen ro un Windows Xp ?11:20
THX-1138gu014 - it runs as root. - i am not clear if setting up seperate user accts and turning off the root acct is enough to secure it.11:20
Websteriais there a good ncurses bittorrent client?11:20
FlannelWebsteria: btdownloadcurses11:20
LjLWebsteria: bittornado11:20
WebsteriaI just hate having to run Azureus11:20
WebsteriaIt's so resource heavy11:20
Websteriaalthough I do like all ze pretty pictures11:21
gu014THX-1138: i thought you meant the GUI..lol  which, IMHO, is indeed.11:21
Websteriayeah, the GUI11:21
screechingcatWebsteria, run utorrent with wine or ktorrent11:21
avrFreakthius chsnnel is way too busy for me, i can;t keep up11:21
Websteriayeah, I could do that, it just feels... wrong to run it under linux. :-)11:21
WebsteriaI do love uTorrent though.11:21
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Justy-How can I install Java for Swiftfox ?11:21
Web1 more question all, my access point for my partition, is that where it will be mounted?  Sorry total newb11:21
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:22
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screechingcatWebsteria, if it hurts so much just run ktorrent. it's pretty much the same11:22
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Justy-ubotu: thanks for help =)11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks for help =) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
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LjL!msg the bot11:22
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops11:22
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crwebjrib: i seem to be missing debuild,  where dos that come from?11:22
Websteriawhat were those ncurses clients again11:22
FlannelWebsteria: btdownloadcurses is already installed11:22
LjLWebsteria: apt-cache show bittornado11:22
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kitcheWebsteria: there is rtorrent11:23
THX-1138WEB - 2 partitions /  /swap is needed11:23
avrFreaksorry, i am to mcuh of an Olde Pharet to keep uyp with this chanel11:23
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Gilnimwhat torrent program is one of the best at the moment?11:23
scramblin_freeyou scared him away11:23
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.11:23
GilnimFlannel: I said "on of"!11:24
screechingcatGilnim utorrent + wine or azureus or ktorrent or rtorrent or bittornado are the choices. take your pick11:24
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FlannelGilnim: I like btdownloadcurses, personally.  That's my best.11:24
WebTHX, when I actualy format them from Ubunto it asks me what access path, by default it's /boot11:25
screechingcatFlannel, what is ncurses ?11:25
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GilnimI need a torrent program that's able to download several torrents at the same time11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ncurses - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
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THX-1138Web - I think i missed what you are trying to do. can you give a little more info?11:26
Flannelscreechingcat: ncurses is a terminal GUI-sort of thing.  well, ncurses is a terminal interface library, but a good deal of ncurses things are GUI-sorts of things in the terminal11:26
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) Bittorent faq: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html11:26
screechingcatFlannel, like aptitude ?11:26
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). BitTorrent: see !torrent Direct connect: try valknut. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.11:26
FlannelGilnim: btlaunchmany[tab] [tab]  (there are a few frontends), those are already installed11:26
Flannelscreechingcat: right, like aptitude11:26
raphael_hi all! I have a weird problem; I have installed the newest ubuntu version on my laptop. I installed also the fglrx driver because i have an x700 graphic card and I installed XGL. My Problem: When i play a Video with vlc,xine or mplayer, the video isn`t 100% fluent. This is only when my laptop is connected to AC. When I unplug the cable, it runs smoothly! I dont know what this could be.. I need help11:26
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=== rgg [n=rgg@200-161-136-227.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Websure, I am just trying to put a couple hard drives into a ubuntu machine to share them across a network. I want to format these drives and share em using samba.11:27
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rgghey,can someone help me with armagetron ad?11:27
THX-1138    !<item_ubotu_knows>   >   <nick_of_person_who_needs_information>11:27
rggi downloaded a "bizarre" package with the extension ".package" (creative,isn't it? :P)11:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about item_ubotu_knows>   >   <nick_of_person_who_needs_information - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:27
raphael_i wonder if so could help me!11:28
kitchergg: yeah it's for Autopackage11:28
screechingcatrgg its the easiset install ever11:28
rggoh,how do i install it?11:28
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screechingcatrgg, just install the autopackage deb from the autopackages site. and then give execute permisisions to the file and double click it11:29
LjLrgg: you said it's armagetron you want to install? if so why not just get it from the repos?11:29
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rggLjL: on the repos there is "armagetron".terrible graphics,gameplay etc.11:29
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rggi'm trying to install armagetron ad.little difference,but a totally different game11:29
kitcheLjL: he's installing armagetron advance11:29
Code-EHow do I install wine on x64 ubuntu?11:30
LjLah. well keep in mind that autopackages are not necessarily safe.11:30
screechingcatrgg, autopackage.org11:30
kitchergg: well it's the same game same developers and other thing just updated11:30
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rggkitche: i know,but it looks and feels totally different11:30
rggscreechingcat: you answered the question in my mind :)11:30
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screechingcatrgg, my mind reading powers work thru the internet. this is so cool !!11:31
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ixian_is there a way to force brightness higher in a fullscreen application? i am running half life using wine, and it's too dark.11:31
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dave_I recieved an error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext11:31
dave_Does anyone know what package that refers to11:32
screechingcatixian_, cant u do that with your monitor ?11:32
WebTHX  I am just trying to put a couple hard drives into a ubuntu machine to share them across a network. I want to format these drives and share em using samba. So just wondering what Access path I should use. /boot /home /root or something diffirent?11:32
LjLixian_: brightness is a monitor thing... unless you mean gamma11:32
kitchedave_: it's libxext11:32
ixian_screechingcat: yeah, but then id have to adjust it when i quit the game11:32
screechingcatixian_, i have buttons for that on the front of my monitor11:32
rggscreechingcat: the technology is really getting amazing.11:32
ixian_i mean a software way, not the buttons on my monitor11:32
ixian_in windows, the ati drivers provide a way to up the brightness11:32
WebsteriaWeb: I put mine under /Music and /Videos11:32
ixian_or gamma.. whatever11:32
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ixian_just wondering if you can do that in linux/ubuntu11:33
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Justy-ixian_: they are so diffrent11:33
screechingcatrgg, yeah. i just installed warzone2100 the otherday with an autopackage. pretty impressive.11:33
rggscreechingcat: i was talking about mind-reading :P11:33
screechingcatrgg, there's a gtk and kde frontend too11:33
Webhehe that would prolly require me to know how to create an access path11:33
raphael_hi all! I have a weird problem; I have installed the newest ubuntu version on my laptop. I installed also the fglrx driver because i have an x700 graphic card and I installed XGL. My Problem: When i play a Video with vlc,xine or mplayer, the video isn`t 100% fluent. This is only when my laptop is connected to AC. When I unplug the AC-cable, it runs smoothly! Please help me!11:33
rggthrough the internet.11:33
Websounds like I am way too newb and need to do some reading11:33
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WebsteriaWeb: It's really not that hard11:33
Webok thnx11:33
screechingcatrgg, oh (foot-in-mouth) that aint technology. thats a talent boy.11:33
WebsteriaFirst you need to mount the drives11:33
WebI will give it a hot11:33
Websteriabefore you can samba share them11:34
Websteriaonce you have mounted them11:34
rggscreechingcat: not on the internet.11:34
LjLixian_, my KDE has gamma controls, and perhaps you can find a similar control applet in Gnome... but i don't think it can be set on a per-program level with such applets, so you'd still have to change it manually every time11:34
Websteriathen you can use the samba.conf examples to make them accessible11:34
rggscreechingcat: anyway,my mind is not that strong,where do i have to "go" in autopackage.org?11:34
Websteriajust make sure you read a decent howto on Samba11:34
Websteriait can be a little bit tricky11:34
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andreasdkIs it possible to install a local wiki on Ubuntu?11:34
Webkk thnx for the help all11:34
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raphael_Does no answer mean that nobody has an idea?11:34
Webhave a good weekend11:34
LjLixian_: however, there is the "xgamma" command that allows you to set gamma from the command line.11:34
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LjLixian_: you could just write a script that wraps your game around this command11:35
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ixian_hm  iguess11:35
screechingcatrgg, yeah it took me about half an hour to figure out the download location too. but i have to go study now, so i cant help you. just look in that site. it will be somewhere in "all packages" or something like that.11:35
ixian_i probably wouldnt know how to do that :P11:35
rggscreechingcat: ok.11:35
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rggscreechingcat: i'm there for 5 minutes already,only 25 to go :P11:36
screechingcatrgg, may be the force be with you my son11:36
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raphael_i think i am talking to the wall :(11:36
raphael_does really nobody has an idea?11:37
screechingcatpatience raphael_ i had to talk to the wall everyday for a week to get my problem fixed11:37
LjLixian_: well, if your gamma now is set to 1 (the default), just type, say, "xgamma -gamma 1.5 ; command-that-starts-your-game ; xgamma -gamma 1.0"11:37
=== Majax [n=majax@adsl-75-14-232-217.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
screechingcatraphael_, anyways, try #ubuntu-xgl11:37
LjLixian_: you could just put that line into a file, make that file executable, and you have a script11:38
rggcan anyone else help me out in autopackage.org?11:38
raphael_okm thanks11:38
Justy-raphael_: If you pay more attention on punctuation and caps, more people will read your question, because it is going to be more readable.11:38
=== angrykeyboarder [n=moi@ip68-226-118-7.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ixian_LjL: how would i return the gamma to 1.0 when the game quits though?11:38
ixian_i mean automatically.. if thats possible11:38
screechingcatixian_, it will11:38
LjLJusty-: uhm, what was so wrong with his punctuation?11:39
LjLixian_: err, that's what the last part of the command does11:39
Justy-LjL: it is not punctuation it is about being readable in this situation11:39
Code-EHow do I install wine on x64 ubuntu?11:39
ixian_oh so it waits until the program is closed until it executes the last command?11:39
screechingcatCode-E, is Ubuntu really usable on x64 ?11:40
=== patientfox [n=pfox@cpe-065-191-210-003.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Code-Escreechingcat um yes.. I have Ubuntu x64 edition11:40
LjLixian_: unless the program forks into the background, yeah11:40
screechingcatCode-E, there's a problem with almost every single app11:40
Justy-LjL: nope sorry it is because that there are so many terms in it11:40
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patientfoxhey.. does anyone here know the actual name of the package that contains the "add/remove programs" utility?11:40
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Code-Escreetchingcat: !????!??!11:40
screechingcatCode-E, flash, wine11:41
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LjLJusty-: uh, well, detailed questions are usually *welcome* though...11:41
Code-Ewine wont install?11:41
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LjLraphael_: all i can tell you is, XGL is experimental, you should expect to have problems and glitches. and the people on #ubuntu-xgl may know better about it11:41
rggscreechingcat: hahahahaha i'm so stupid,autopackage installs itself11:41
rggor at least the website says so.11:41
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LjLpatientfox: Synaptic i guess11:42
ixian_LjL: ok i see.. thanks a lot11:42
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screechingcatCode-E, well since its a package thats in the repos and is just a click away and you are asking here, i figured it dint work11:42
Code-Eits not in the repos11:42
screechingcatrgg, yeah thats why its called "AUTO"package11:42
rggscreechingcat: well,a lot of things called auto need a download.11:43
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rgglike the terrible automatix.11:43
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rggautopackage installs itself when you install a package.11:43
screechingcatCode-E, oh yeah. i forgot, i use edited repos. use ubuntu-linux.nl/source-o-matic11:43
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screechingcatrgg, really ?11:43
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kmaynardttg, holla11:44
Justy-question: Can anybody please tell me where is the Firefox installition directory?11:44
screechingcatrgg, that dint work for me. i downloaded the deb, installed it and then installed my package11:44
UnIData61.0 when ?11:44
rggscreechingcat: well,at leats that's what the website said11:44
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screechingcat6.10 oct 29 i think11:44
gnomefreakUnIData: 26th of oct11:44
screechingcatrgg, try it11:45
patientfoxwhats the name of the package that has all of the developer tools?11:45
rggscreechingcat: yeah,it doesn't seem to work,i got a unknown error11:45
gnomefreakpatientfox: build-essential11:45
rggscreechingcat: it says "unknown error".11:45
screechingcatrgg,  just get the deb from the site.11:46
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rggoh,no,i think the problem is in the package11:46
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rggi just installed some other random thing and it worked pretty well11:47
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=== Hans0 [n=Hans0@p57A05180.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Code-EHow do I edit the sources.list11:48
=== SuperMiguel [n=miguel@252-223.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
marceegedit etc/apt/sources.list11:48
SuperMiguelhow can i change my default login manager if i have two installed?11:48
Hans0Hello everyone!! Just a quick question:11:49
Hans0does ubuntu come with netcat??11:49
sillyxoneany idea why my fglrx driver sometimes give me white screen at the login screen (was able to switch to tty1 then back to tty7 to put the screen back to normal)11:49
screechingcatrgg, go to ftp://autopackage.org11:49
Code-EThere is nothing in my sources.list!11:49
RAW-mEAThello, when i use update-manager -c -d i got following error: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.11:49
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RAW-mEATi want to upgrade to edgy eft.11:49
patientfoxHans0: yes11:49
SurfnKidCode-E, look for a sources.list~~ file11:49
SurfnKidits a backup file11:49
RAW-mEATwhats going wrong?11:49
SurfnKidwithin the same dir11:49
SuperMiguelim using gnome right know, and i install kde, but gnome still my login manager how do i change that?11:49
ixian_i want to make my linux partition bigger.. how would i do this? i have a large ntfs partition on this drive that i want to make smaller and give some space to the ext3 partition. i opened gparted but everything is greyed out, it wont let me resize anything11:50
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screechingcatCode-E, retype the command. its happened many times to me11:50
SurfnKidCode-E, or what screechingcat said, it happens often to me :)11:50
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SuperMiguelixian_: resize it with the live cd11:50
rggscreechingcat: oh,no,the problem is in the armagetron package.11:51
ixian_SuperMiguel: so i would just make the ntfs partition smaller, then make the ext3 bigger? it wont mess anything up/11:51
Hans0so, all I would have to do is download the latest release (live cd)?? I'm trying to image a HDD through LAN, and was told I needed dd and netcat11:51
rggi have to go anyway.11:51
SuperMiguelit wont11:51
SuperMiguelixian_: it will take a while to resize both partitions, try to use the live cd and dont DELETE TEHEM just click on resize11:51
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Code-ESurfnKid: where is the backup file located?11:52
=== vaksas [n=vaksas@ctv-213-164-100-127.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu
kitcheHans0: well you can look up partimage as well which seems to be better11:52
ixian_the live cd.. i have the 6.06 install disk.. is that the same one?11:52
Hans0mmm... but will it work over the LAN??11:52
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vaksasE: The package libdvdcss2 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.11:53
vaksasE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.11:53
vaksashow to solve this? :/11:53
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kitcheHans0: if you want something for Lan use amanda11:53
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Hans0hehe, reading partimage info. just saw that I can do it through LAN11:53
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savvaslinux-k7 is only for duron/athlon? or does it include sempron k7 also?11:54
=== JDahl [n=joachim@3e6b6923.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Code-EWhere is the sources.list backup file located?11:54
kitcheHans0: see the onyl issue with dd is that it will grab the whole drive instead of what has been used11:54
SuperMiguelim using gnome right know, and i install kde, but gnome still my login manager how do i change that?11:55
Hans0yep, just read that, kitche11:55
Hans0I've been using Nrtn Ghost, but the cds always crap out.11:55
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kitcheSuperMiguel: turn off the gdm script and activate the kdm one11:55
Hans0already did the backup 3 times!!!11:55
SuperMiguelkitche: how11:55
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SinnerGis it possible to create a suid script that only can be run by a certain user?11:56
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erUSULSinnerG: give exec permision only to that user??11:57
kitcheSuperMiguel: but anyways you can use gdm with KDe unelss your uninstall gnome11:57
SinnerGhow do I do that?11:57
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The_Se3kerhi everyone11:58
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SuperMiguelkitche: how do i turn the gnm script and active the kde one?11:58
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erUSULSinnerG: right click in properties of that file and set permisions as you wish11:58
The_Se3kerim running Dapper on hdb. but I also have a hda. But how can I mount this drive so I can copy things between the 2 hard drives?11:58
kitcheSuperMiguel: it's in /etc/rc.d/ or whereever ubuntu keeps it's initscripts11:58
dave_What package has this file: X11/glcanvas.h11:58
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SinnerGhmm I'm talking terminal-only here11:59
Majaxfixed the problem by doing what's writen there: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=40811111:59
SinnerGits for my dedi server11:59
kitcheSinnerG: you have to chmod it a certain way11:59
MajaxMystaMax: fixed the problem by doing what's writen there: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=40811111:59
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The_Se3kermount: can't find /dev/hda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab  <--- whats the solution for this problem?11:59
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule11:59
MajaxMystaMax: thx anyway ;)11:59
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The_Se3kerhow can I add hda to /etc/fstab?12:00
kitcheThe_Se3ker: yeah you don't mount a drive you mount a partition12:00
LjL!mount > The_Se3ker12:00
The_Se3kerkitche: mount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab12:00
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The_Se3kerLjL: it says cant be found in fstab12:00
LjLThe_Se3ker: you need to specify a volume *and* a mount point12:00
tuxtuxciao a tutti12:00
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:00
kitcheThe_Se3ker: you can still mount without it being in /etc/fstab12:00
LjLThe_Se3ker: "sudo mount /dev/hda1 /somewhere/to/mount"12:01
randomiWhat do you guys use for your instant messaging needs?12:01

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