
=== Arr0gance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-64-26-147-11.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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RiddellKamion: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/6602212:31
UbugtuMalone bug 66022 in ubiquity "Can't pass map page in Kubuntu Ubiquity" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  12:31
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable134.202-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KamionRiddell: "won't let" as in the forward button isn't displayed?12:36
Kamionoh, enabled, hmm12:37
Kamionok, probably due to the back/forward handling changes I made; I'll investigate12:37
Kamionneed to do another ubiquity upload before RC anyway to back out the orca stuff12:37
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KamionRiddell: ah, the problem is that it doesn't think a timezone is selected until slightly after the decision whether to enable the forward button is made12:43
RiddellKamion: how fixable is that?12:45
KamionRiddell: well, it works in GTK, shouldn't be too hard to fix12:45
KamionRiddell: I'm happy to take care of it12:46
Kamionin the meantime, the workaround is either to go back/forward as you did, or just to click on a city on the map12:46
RiddellI did click on a city12:46
Kamioner. worked for me.12:48
Kamionwhich city?12:48
Kamionoh, hey, I see what you mean12:48
Kamionit's probably related ...12:48
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Kamion        elif city == "Edinburgh":12:50
Kamion            self.city = "London"12:50
Kamionsigh :)12:50
Kamionoh, right, got at least part of it12:51
Kamionmissing conversion to allow_go_forward12:52
Kamionwell, that was easy12:54
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Kamionkeescook: re bug 65616, exit code 10 is often debconf's "bad parameters" exit code01:02
UbugtuMalone bug 65616 in torrentflux "Upgrade fails" [Undecided,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6561601:02
keescookKamion: good to know; I haven't had time to dig much further with it yet.01:03
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Kamionwhich can include "the question you tried to operate on doesn't exist"01:03
Kamionalso, this should be done to debian/torrentflux.prerm, although it's not the cause of the bug:01:03
keescookKamion: what's the best way to get all the debugging output from these kinds of situations?01:03
Kamion-            db_input torrentflux/restart-webserver high || true01:03
Kamion+            db_input high torrentflux/restart-webserver || true01:03
Kamionkeescook: DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer in the environment turns on debconf debugging, and will tell you exactly what the problem is if the exit code 10 is coming from debconf01:04
keescookokay, thanks.01:05
Kamionmdz,tfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubiquity-1.2.1.diff - OK to upload?01:09
mdzKamion: absoloodle01:11
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Kamionoh, damnit, I meant to fix bug 62479 before release - I guess it's not technically RC but it's an easy and fairly innocent-looking way to get ubiquity to crash01:42
UbugtuMalone bug 62479 in ubiquity "canonicalise grub device names" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6247901:42
pirastany xubuntu dev around?01:43
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FireRabbithey, im trying to set up an apt mirror, do i need an account to rsync from the servers listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive ?01:45
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FireRabbitoh nevermind, i see .. the documentation on the website is horribly wrong01:50
BurgworkFireRabbit: which website?01:51
FireRabbiti found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Debmirror01:52
FireRabbiti guess this page is supposed to be the official documentation, but it doesnt explain how to do anything other than mirror EVERYTHING http://www.ubuntu.com/download/mirror01:52
FireRabbit(it doesnt mention debmirror at all)01:54
BurgworkFireRabbit: both of those pages are wikis01:55
Burgworkplease fix them01:55
FireRabbithuh? /download/mirror isnt a wiki01:55
Burgworkfor that, file a bug against ubuntu-website01:55
FireRabbitill rewrite the Debmirror page as soon as i get it set up here01:55
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gnomefreakdholbach  << is that his nick?02:57
azeemsomebody is impersonating him right now02:58
gnomefreakworking on banning him if i find out he is02:59
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dokomdz, Kamion, infinity: please approve openoffice.org 2.0.4-0ubuntu1, survives oosmoketest on i38603:49
dokoinfinity: please build on palmer03:49
BHSPitLappycan anyone tell me, has keybuk just not been on in a few days, or do I just not coincide with the right hours of the day?03:51
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ajmitchBHSPitLappy: wrong time of day03:52
BHSPitLappyso I might catch him tomorrow morning then?03:53
BHSPitLappysince the school week has ended03:53
=== ajmitch shrugs
BHSPitLappywell thanks03:53
wasabiKernel panic - not syncing: no cpio magic.   I ask here because I'm hacking my boot loader. =)03:55
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wasabiWhat's expected out of Ubuntu's initrds?03:55
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Riddelltfheen, mdz: kubuntu-default-settings uploaded to fix some issues and do the artwork Ken said, http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/k-d-s.debdiff04:16
Riddelltfheen, mdz: also kdelibs to fix printing issues, just a revertion to the 3.5.4 code04:16
=== Riddell beds
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samuelyou guys to a wicked job...04:22
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infinitydoko: No -l10n upload to go with it?04:32
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infinitykeescook: netkit-base fix approved.04:47
infinitydoko: openoffice was pre-approved at the meeting, afaict, so accepting and building it.04:47
infinitykeescook: autogen fix approved at well.04:50
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=== keescook hugs infinity
infinityHug yourself instead, you're doing great work.05:05
infinityNice catch on pitti's ping.c breakage, BTW.05:05
Hobbseeinfinity: but hugging oneself tends to looks weird.05:05
infinityHobbsee: Still feels oddly comforting sometimes, though.05:06
Hobbseetrue that05:06
keescookinfinity: thanks.  :)05:06
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ajmitchinfinity: not only that, he caught the same issue in the john debdiff05:08
=== ajmitch didn't spot the mistake
keescookajmitch: well, you mentioned you'd seen the fix before; else I would never have seen pitti's.  :)05:09
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infinitykeescook: You're booked for UDS-MV, right?05:14
keescookinfinity: I'll be there, but the booking folks are running behind with me for some reason.  clan is on it.  :)05:14
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infinitykeescook: I think I already owe you a drink or two, which may be a new record for a new employee.05:14
keescookwoohoo! :)05:14
keescookI think I owe pitti drinks forever.  :)05:15
infinitygiven that my very first exposure to you was reverting one of your uploads, things are looking up. ;)05:15
ajmitchthat's a good improvement05:15
wasabiHmm. Where's the best place to get teh debian/ dir for building a debian kernel image?05:16
keescookinfinity: *sob* yeah.  that was bad build environment #1.  #2 was on python breakage.  #3 is looking up (sbuild+schroot+lvm snapshots)05:17
infinitykeescook: Fancy.  I just use a chroot cleaning script.  LVM snapshotting sounds saner, but was never high on my TODO. :)05:18
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keescookit's really sweet.  Writing up a wiki for it is on my list.05:19
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ajmitchkeescook: I'd like to see that - currently I just use pbuilder05:20
keescookajmitch: cool, I'll write it up tomorrow.05:21
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=== ajmitch should get back to filing bugs
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infinityMy directory naming scheme leaves something to be desired...05:28
infinityadconrad@lucifer:~/fuck/ktorrent-2.0.3$ 05:28
infinityI don't think I was in the best of moods last night. :)05:28
infinity  109474 | S- | agave                | 0.4.0-0ubuntu3       | 33 minutes05:33
infinity         | * agave/0.4.0-0ubuntu3 Component: universe Section: gnome05:33
infinityajmitch: Was that uploaded with your approval?05:33
infinityHobbsee: Or, rather, would you like to tell ajmitch why I should accept it? :)05:34
=== ajmitch pokes Hobbsee
ajmitchI'm thinking we should get people to attach debdiffs in malone for things they upload 05:35
ajmitchgiven that everyone is just fixing bugs now05:35
infinityUp to your.  Your workflow, your process. :)05:36
infinityI'm just driving the big red button.05:36
ajmitchapprove agave, if you will - Hobbsee did put the changelog in there :)05:36
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keescookis there a way to make sure an otherwise not-autoloaded module loads at boot-time?  (Normally I'd just echo module >> /etc/modules ...)05:41
infinityThat would do it, yes.05:41
infinityIf you need it in the initrd, you cant it in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, if you can wait until after / is mounted, /etc/modules05:42
keescookso no magic debian tool to do it Right?05:42
keescookyeah, totally afterwards.05:42
infinitys/cant it/can put it/05:42
infinityNo idea what my fingers were thinking there...05:43
keescookI think it's a bug that lvm tools don't attempt to load the snapshot module when you ask it to do snapshot work.05:43
infinityYeah, I'd call that a bug in the tools.05:43
infinityManual module loading in /etc/*/modules should really be a last resort.05:43
keescookyup, that's why I was wondering.  :)05:44
infinityThere used to be a Debian tool back in the boot-floppies days (so, woody?) that listed all the modules based on descriptions from modinfo, would let you try to insert them, etc, and would append to /etc/modules as appropriate.05:44
infinityI can't seem to find it on my system now, so I assume we did away with it when we decided that hardware detection actually worked well enough to not require it.05:45
keescookyeah, normally udev and friends handle it all, but not for the LVM tools (dm_mirror for pvmove, and dm_snapshot for lvcreate)05:46
infinityYeah, it's my opinion that any userspace utility that needs a kernel module should really be trying to load it on the fly.05:46
keescookand the error message is really not helpful.  :)05:47
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Hobbseeinfinity: ajmitch:  was a 1 line fix.  and ajmitch will accept it, else havoc will come to him when he next visits sydney :P05:59
ajmitchthreats won't help. much05:59
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Hobbseeajmitch: much.06:00
ajmitchbut thanks for putting the changelog on the bug :)06:00
ajmitchjust don't close it so quick next time, it makes it harder to find06:00
Hobbseeajmitch: what, instead of my "fixed, thanks" way?06:01
ajmitchfix committed, not fix released06:01
Hobbseeajmitch: just subscribe to the entire bugtracker, like you do for the wiki.  no more problem06:01
Hobbseethen i tend to forget about ever marking it as released06:01
ajmitchubuntu-bugs mailing list, great thing06:01
Hobbseeyeah, well06:02
Hobbseeso you shouldnt have a trouble finding the bug.06:02
ajmitchyou just want to make things hard for me, I know it06:02
Hobbseeajmitch: you mean you didnt know that before?06:03
ajmitchoh I knew06:03
Hobbseeyou just underestimated, it seems.06:03
ajmitchwe shall have to discuss this later06:04
Hobbseehah.  later when?06:05
=== ajmitch shrugs
ajmitchhi fabbione 06:05
ajmitchyou're up early :)06:05
fabbioneas usual06:06
Hobbseehey fabbione!06:06
Hobbseeajmitch: lets be fair here.  if i wanted to make life hard for you, i'd make sure the search was disabled for you in mutt.06:08
ajmitchHobbsee: it takes a little while to search on 140K bug mails06:09
Hobbseeajmitch: then you need a quicker search algorithm.  or maybe to just delete some of the mail06:09
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fabbioneinfinity: ping?06:34
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HobbseeBenC: it seems like the latest update has broken some people's X.  you want syslogs, xorg.0.logs, from them?07:14
BenCHobbsee: If it broken i965, then I blame Intel07:14
tfheenk-d-s looks good to me, approved if nobody else has approved it yet.07:15
BHSPitMonkeywhy do I always hear this kind of stuff WHILE synaptic is updating07:15
tfheenKamion: ubiquity looks good, approved (if mdz hasn't already)07:15
HobbseeBenC: at least 1 is a nvidia card.07:16
tfheenhiya Sarah07:16
Hobbseehey tfheen :)07:16
BenCHobbsee: Can you point me to some info? Nothing I just uploaded should break X in any way07:17
BHSPitMonkeyHobbsee, are you looking for users of that specific card, or users of the broad i9xx category07:17
HobbseeBenC: i've been trying to grab the people who *arent* running beryl.  There are two on irc so far.07:17
Hobbseethe beryl-running people are screaming the loudest though.  in #ubuntu+107:18
BHSPitMonkeythat's because they're the most concerned with visuals07:18
BenCi965 is probably broken, but then again i965 drm/dri never worked before the latest kernel07:19
HobbseeBenC: chuckyp is one user, if you wanted to query him.  i cant debug X terribly well - only what i learned when mine broke07:19
BenCand the problem is userspace i965_dri.so in mesa, not the kernel driver07:19
Hobbseeapparently the update was due to a kernel07:19
Hobbseeahh right07:19
tritiumHobbsee: Toshiba acpi?07:19
Hobbseetritium: that was mine, yes.07:20
tritiumHobbsee: me too.  All better now :)07:20
=== Hobbsee got her computer running about 10 degrees C hotter than usual, from that :P
ajmitchHobbsee: and you were so ready to blame GNOME, too07:20
Hobbseeajmitch: that was later.  much later.07:20
BenCif i965 is causeing problems, I suggest "sudo rm -f /usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so"07:20
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Hobbseehmmm.  seems that the problem isnt fixed in .31, so it's not a kernel problem07:22
Hobbseesorry for the noise07:22
BenCHobbsee: See my last comment wrt to i96507:23
HobbseeBenC: yep, saw it, thanks07:24
fabbionehey BenC !07:24
BenChey fabio07:24
fabbioneBenC: do you think you can look at sparc-utils FTBFS?07:24
BenCfabbione: in the morning, just heading to bed07:24
fabbioneotherwise i can look at it later, but the error is a bit obscure to me07:24
fabbionesure that would do fine07:24
fabbionethanks man!07:25
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keescookinfinity, ajmitch: I've got a prototype for my sbuild/schroot/lvm script up:08:15
ajmitchyay, thanks08:15
keescookno problemo.  I'm off to bed.  *wave*08:16
ajmitchnow I should modify it to work with xen :)08:16
ajmitchthough I think that sbuild should be getting xen support soon08:17
keescookprobably need to patch schroot for that.08:17
ajmitchI should find out where that's at08:17
=== imbrandon looks up
keescookI haven't tried it lately, but pre-3.0 hand nasty whole-system hangs when using LVM snapshots.  Hopefully that's fixed by now.08:18
keescookoh, and as noted in the script's comments, see my patch to schroot to handle stray processes in the chroot when shutting down:08:19
keescookat the end of http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=39131908:19
UbugtuDebian bug 391319 in schroot "schroot: leftover processes cause umount to fail" [Normal,Open]  08:19
=== keescook really going to bed now
ajmitchnight keescook 08:20
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ograSeveas, Bug 65693 is no bug in usplash, our progressbar image is broken11:18
UbugtuMalone bug 65693 in edubuntu-artwork "progressbar is distorted " [Medium,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6569311:18
ograbut i'll happily try a fixed usplash as well indeed11:19
fabbioneajmitch: 4000 pkgs to go in universe/multiverse11:23
fabbioneajmitch: main/restricted are almost done11:23
Tonio_tfheen: ping ?11:23
infinity  109473 | S- | kubuntu-default-sett | 1:6.10-58            | 7 hours 20 minutes11:26
infinity         | * kubuntu-default-settings/1:6.10-58 Component: main Section: kde11:27
infinity  109420 | S- | xorg-server          | 1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12    | 14 hours11:27
infinity         | * xorg-server/1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12 Component: main Section: x1111:27
infinitytfheen: Were either of those approved at any point?11:27
fabbioneinfinity: who uploaded xorg-server?11:27
Hobbseeinfinity: i think the k-d-s ones were.  if that's the change to adept, and font.11:27
infinityChanged-By: Sebastien Bacher <seb128@canonical.com>11:28
infinity xorg-server (1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12) edgy; urgency=low11:28
infinity .11:28
infinity   * debian/patches/17_no_composite_for_xvfb.patch:11:28
infinity     - fix a crasher by not using composite for Xvfb when using -render11:28
infinity   * debian/patches/18_no_composite_for_xvfb_run.patch:11:28
infinity     - use "-extension Composite" to fix xvfb-run crashing11:28
infinityHobbsee: I tried to find mention of it in backscroll and could only find Riddell asking for approval, but no one approving it..11:28
Hobbseeinfinity: ahhh...was that it11:29
fabbioneinfinity: right.. that was an important bug to fix.. if you want i can review the debdiff11:29
infinity20:16 < Riddell> tfheen, mdz: kubuntu-default-settings uploaded to fix some issues and do the 11:30
infinity                 artwork Ken said, http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/k-d-s.debdiff11:30
infinity20:16 < Riddell> tfheen, mdz: also kdelibs to fix printing issues, just a revertion to the 3.5.4 11:30
infinity                 code11:30
infinity20:16  * Riddell beds11:30
infinityYeah, no response after that.11:30
=== infinity leaves k-d-s there, and goes to grab a debdiff for xorg-server
infinityfabbione: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/xorg.diff11:32
mdke_if I have a script that is doing a grep, how can I avoid it pasting the output and simply tell me if there is output or not? (is that a clear question?)11:33
infinitymdke_: grep -q11:33
infinitymdke_: RTFM, please. :)11:34
mdke_sorry. I thought it would be something clever with another command11:34
infinityif grep -q pattern file; then echo "It found stuff!"; fi11:34
infinityFor instance.11:34
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mdke_infinity: so is this going to work? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26720/11:36
mdke_(adding the -q)11:36
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fabbioneinfinity: there is something fishy in that upload11:38
fabbioneinfinity: like a patch patching debian/local/11:38
mdke_infinity: seems to work, thanks11:38
fabbioneinfinity: we will need to talk to seb.. the 017 seems sane, but the 018 is wrong11:39
fabbioneinfinity: it shouldn't be in a patch in the first place and i am not sure why he is forcing Composite 11:40
giftnudelhe is not11:41
giftnudelfabbione: - is unforcing, + is forcing11:41
giftnudelso +extension enables, -extension disables11:41
fabbionegiftnudel: yes unforcing..11:42
fabbionethe patch is still wrong there...11:42
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giftnudelok, just wanted to make that clear11:42
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infinityUhm, yeah, patching debian/local looks pretty suspect. :)11:43
fabbionethere is also another thing i am not sure it will work properly11:44
fabbioneXvfb extends the cmdline parsing for it's own options11:44
fabbionelike -render11:44
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fabbionebut there is no guarantee that it will be executed after +extension Composite11:44
fabbioneso -render might disable composite, while a +extension will reenable it11:45
fabbioneit's kind of fishy IMO11:45
giftnudelthat's probably why he forces -extension11:45
fabbionegiftnudel: you can call Xvfb in several ways.. not necessarely via xvfb-run11:46
giftnudeloh, so that won't work11:46
fabbionethe latter is only a convenient wrapper11:46
infinityI dunno, that may just be an "enough rope" scenario.11:46
fabbioneinfinity: i think he is fixing the buildd case11:47
fabbionethat's the most common one to be executed via xvfb-run11:47
infinityIf you intentionally call Xvfb directly with incompatible args, I'm inclined to let you keep both pieces.11:47
fabbioneinfinity: i tend to agree.11:47
fabbionei am worried about wrappers around wrappers here11:47
fabbioneanyway let's talk with seb again11:48
fabbionei wouldn't approve it personally..11:48
infinityI'm fine with not touching it -- it is my weekend, afterall. :)11:49
fabbioneyeah well i am we mode too.. just babysitting the buildd11:50
fabbioneroot@sunfire:/home# for i in buildd*/build/build-progress; do cat $i |grep -v "^ "; done  | wc -l11:50
fabbioneit's all good :)11:50
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infinitydoko: idlc is hanging on sparc during the OpenOffice.org build. :/12:03
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highvoltageEHLO kristog 12:18
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Tonio_any release manager available ?12:34
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infinityTonio_: Not *the* RM (tfheen is playing that role this time around), but a member of the release team, yes.12:36
infinityTonio_: What do you need?12:36
Tonio_infinity: dholbach released a couple of patches for kdebluetooth yesterday12:37
Tonio_infinity: they work fine except the autostart desktop file, which requires & end of the Exec command, otherwise kde is blocked and cannot shutdown12:38
Tonio_infinity: I have a debdiff and I was searching for someone to approve the upload12:38
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infinityTonio_: Show me the diff.12:39
Tonio_infinity: sure12:39
Tonio_infinity: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/2712:40
dokoinfinity, fabbione: that's bug 59537, apparently a kernel or glibc problem. that's a smp kernel on the buildd? should work fine with a non SMP one.12:40
UbugtuMalone bug 59537 in Ubuntu "[sparc]  OOo build hangs in futex call" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5953712:40
infinityadconrad@artigas:~$ uname -a12:41
infinityLinux artigas 2.6.15-26-sparc64 #1 Mon Jul 17 19:54:18 UTC 2006 sparc64 GNU/Linux12:41
infinitydoko: An strace is going nowhere, fwiw.12:42
Tonio_infinity: that debdiff will close milestone bug 5665112:42
UbugtuMalone bug 56651 in bluez-utils "Impossible to do pairing in Kubuntu" [Unknown,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5665112:42
infinityTonio_: That looks fine to me.12:43
Tonio_infinity: okay, can I upload then ?12:43
infinityPlease do.12:43
Tonio_infinity: done, thanks ;)12:44
dokoinfinity: yes, and restarting, the build will continue, and randomly hang in a following idlc run12:45
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infinitydoko: It's hung in the same idlc run twice in a row this time.12:45
infinitydoko: And it's a UP kernel, so if it's the same bug, you're theory's shot.12:46
dokoinfinity: well, you could retry, setting AVAIL_CPUS to 1 in debian/rules.12:47
infinity29115 ?        R    180:15 idlc @/tmp/mklNOCAb12:47
=== infinity grumps.
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ajmitchinfinity: zodb uploaded, if you could approve please. drops a python2.3 dependency01:05
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infinityajmitch: Done.01:13
infinitydoko: OOo is building on the other sparc buildd this time, if it hangs and fails again, we'll have to look at it later.  I'm out for the night.01:13
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dokoinfinity: have fun!01:16
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tfheeninfinity: both kde-default-settings and xorg-server were approved, yes01:47
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wiggyanyone here familiar with what russkaya.ubuntu.com is doing with svn servers?01:58
tfheenwiggy: probably importing the repos to bzr.02:01
wiggyI it would be much appreciated if you contact a project before putting that load on a svn server02:02
wiggy1gb of traffic in a day is insane if the normal load is 30mb02:02
tfheenthat's excessive, agreed.02:02
=== wiggy firewalled the box off for now until someone officially contacts me about it
tfheenI'll send a mail to the people who are responsible for it and they'll get in touch.02:03
tfheensorry about it. :-/02:03
tfheenat least, I'll send a mail once my mail server is back up.02:04
=== wiggy back to work
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Riddelltfheen: did kdelibs get approved?02:24
tfheenRiddell: I haven't seen any kdelibs upload?02:24
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Riddelland I don't have an accepted e-mail either.  strange, the .upload file suggests it got uploaded02:27
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KaleoHello guys02:54
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Viper550Excuse me, but I have a pretty good Usplash bug to share03:51
UbugtuMalone bug 66107 in usplash-theme-ubuntu "Placeholder Theme is a Regression (and is ugly)!" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  03:51
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Kamiontfheen: kdelibs is in unapproved03:54
tfheenKamion: I haven't seen the debdiff, but Riddell  seems to want it and it'll only affect kubuntu, so approved.03:57
Riddellthe debdiff is large and not really readable03:57
Riddellbut it's just a revertion to known good code03:57
tfheen'k; your choice.03:58
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KamionRiddell: there seems to be a lot of stuff outside the kdeprint directory in there; was that intentional?03:59
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RiddellKamion: they're all fine, it's just caused by me not running a clean rule at the correct time, but I'll upload a cleaner version to do it properly04:16
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Seveasogra: all progressbars are broken because usplash_put_part is broken06:04
bluefoxicywhat's the ETA for Edgy06:05
bluefoxicyI still have imake as obsolete and removing it removes xorg06:05
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Amaranthbluefoxicy: I remember that one06:41
Amaranthbluefoxicy: Another package provides imake but it doesn't seem to pick it up06:41
Amaranthbluefoxicy: Install xutils-dev06:41
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liciohow can I view usplash in verbose mode?07:35
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siretartdoes anyone here know hendrik's aka hno73 email address? does he irc?07:38
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AlinuxOSmjg59, ping09:15
_lemsx1_siretart: did you try looking for that information in Malone?09:18
_lemsx1_siretart: or better said, launchpad.net09:18
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siretartlemsx1|gone: I did, but I didn't find him09:25
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Kamionsiretart: he's /people/henrik09:34
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siretartKamion: oh, thanks. do you know if he is still an (active) canonical admin?09:35
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Kamionsiretart: er, depends what you mean by "admin" (he's never been on the sysadmin team), but he's still employed by Canonical yes09:36
KamionI think Matthew Nuzum does most of the webmastering now, but I'm sure Henrik can point you to the right person09:37
siretarthe was the one who arranged the machine for revu09:38
siretartI need to contact him because of that09:39
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Seveassiretart, his current nick is heno and afaik he can be found in #ubuntu-accessibility09:50
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siretartSeveas: thanks. I thought heno was someone else than hno7309:55
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exarkunIs there any dapper configuration where the powernow-k8 kernel module is loadable?  I can't seem to find it, if so.  It says "powernow_k8: disagrees about version of symbol cpu_data" and "Unknown symbol cpu_data" when I try to load it.10:57
exarkunUh, or maybe I forgot to reboot after the last kernel upgrade.11:00
=== exarkun tries that
exarkunOh well, that's a different failure mode anyway...11:08
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=== rawler [n=ulrik@c-644de155.98-2-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel
rawlerhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/XlessLoginSpec <- my first spec.. please tell me what you think, both of the structure of the spec, and of the proposal as such.. :)11:11
mjg59rawler: We don't use framebuffers by default now11:14
mjg59And when we did, they were 640x400 in 16 colours11:14
rawlerhmm, allright.. there goes that idea, then.. ,)11:14
rawlerwhat does the bootsplash use then?11:15
wasabi_Wonder how long until X desktop migration becomes something people will want.11:20
tfheenwasabi_: X desktop migration as in "connect to running X session"?11:21
rawlerwasabi_: how do you mean?11:21
wasabi_Gtk had the beginnings of it, a long time ago.11:21
=== shawarma_away is now known as shawarma
wasabi_THe ability for one app, or all of them, to disconnect from X, and reconnect to another X.11:22
wasabi_Reprobe screen layout, readjust self, etc.11:22
wasabi_Reupload images, etc.11:22
AlinuxOSmjg59, ping (may I disturb you?)11:22
tfheenwasabi_: doable, but ugly.11:22
wasabi_I don't really think it's ugly. ANything that connects to something should be able to cleanly disconenct and reconnect again. :)11:22
wasabi_Makes stuff like VNC nice too. You'd have a system VNC server, that when you logged in, GDM popped up on.11:23
wasabi_GDM would then migrate your existing desktop to the VNC, and put it's login screen back on the old X server.11:23
wasabi_Not saying it isn't massively hard though. Stuff very deep in Gdk. ;)11:24
=== maswan waves a bit at tfheen from NUCCC
tfheenhiya maswan!11:24
tfheenmaswan: how's the crowd?11:24
wasabi_I have seen it work, a long time ago, with a little sample program.11:24
rawlerI kindof agree.. however I would prefer a proxied solution in that case, something like what Y-windows were considering..11:24
tfheenwasabi_: sure, I've written software to make it work.  That doesn't mean it's pretty.11:24
maswantfheen: It's neat, I just sat opposite a bunch of PVVers at the dinner11:24
wasabi_Proxies, like X move, do suck.11:24
wasabi_First off, one more layer for everyting to talk to.11:25
tfheenmaswan: did quarryman (Jens dne) get my sms?11:25
rawlerwasabi_:  you know, our competitor from bug #1 can do JUST that.. ;) (remote login and takeover session)11:25
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in ubuntu-meta "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/111:25
maswantfheen: yup, their singing was somewhat uncoordinated though11:25
wasabi_rawler: Yup.11:25
tfheenmaswan: heh. :-)  The message was about 8 sms-es long..11:25
wasabi_They do it quite a bit differnet though.11:25
rawlerthey usually do.. :)11:26
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wasabi_They have a single central place where all apps talk to, and THAT redirects to different display devices.11:26
wasabi_Anyway. I'd be neat. Stick an X property someplace that instructs all the apps to move. Wait until they're gone, GDM covers screen with login screen.11:26
rawler(often to some 5 or ten years later "upgrade" to a solution more like what Unices have been doing for decades) ;)11:27
maswantfheen: :)11:27
shawarmaDoes anyone know why user-mode-linux is not in edgy?11:27
maswantfheen: torben is getting all the chicks, as usual (for a chicken) ;)11:27
maswantfheen: anyway, 'night, I only popped in before sleep and thought I should say hi since you were referenced at dinner11:28
tfheenmaswan: good to hear that you brought him.  I'm not enough in with the crowd that I felt like going this year.. getting old.11:28
=== maswan nods
tfheenmaswan: oh, please say hi to everybody I know there tomorrow.11:28
maswantfheen: will do11:28
tfheenand 'night to you too11:28
rawlerwasabi_: as far as I recall, that's kindof what Y-windows had in mind for connecting and disconnecting.. the notion of a "session" built into the display server, that could then transition to new displays, and the only thing applications would notice was a resolution change11:29
rawlerwasabi_: don't really know how this would fit into "special" apps like xv-equivalents and gl-apps, though..11:30
jdongis there any chance of anything getting a freeze exception?11:31
wasabi_I suspect it's not the biggest thing in the world to make Gtk do. I mean, massively difficult, sure. And GL would probably suck.11:31
wasabi_Gtk certainly has full knowledge of what widgets it has, and what X structures they are mapped into.11:31
rawlerI guess.. :) only problem is few people are using GTK-only desktops.. :)11:32
wasabi_Yeah. It'd obviously involve X. Standards to disconenct and reconnect, GDM would have to do "something" if a program didn't leave.11:33
rawleryeppers.. neat idea, though.. next part is to be able to bring your programs on a USB-drive, connect them to a terminal, work for a while, then disconnect and go somewhere else.. :)11:34
wasabi_That's a bit far fetched.11:34
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@38.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tfheenrawler: trivial; just use xen vms.11:34
wasabi_And cool but unneccassary. :)11:34
rawlerI've seen there ARE a few working complete computer on USB2 nowadays.. just plug them in and they run.. :)11:35
wasabi_Oh. Yeah. Heh. Put a Xen VM on the drive.11:35
wasabi_I'm more fond of the completely networked world... you don't need to carry your stuff with you.11:35
wasabi_But you shoud be able to get to it, wherever it is, from wherever you are.11:35
wasabi_Being able to sit down in an airport at GDM, specify a username in the form of wasabi@mydomain.com, and a password.11:36
wasabi_(or smart card)11:36
wasabi_and having it just pop up.11:36
rawlerwasabi_: definitely cool, definitely fat-fetched, but not entirely fictional..11:36
wasabi_Companies do it internally now.11:36
wasabi_Heck I do it to an extent with Windows.11:37
tfheenSSO isn't hard to do, it's just a lot of work.11:37
wasabi_tfheen: We're going to be talking about SSO a lot at the summit apparently.11:37
tfheenwasabi_: we as in you and I or as in everybody?11:37
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wasabi_Me as in me and some other people. ;)11:37
tfheenheh, 'k11:37
tfheenit'd be nice if networkauth was completed, since it's kinda essential for SSO to be meaningful11:38
wasabi_network auth = ?11:38
rawlerI've heard the Swedish police is working on a setup running Linux on 1Gb USB drives, and a floppy.. they the floppy, which in turns load a autoconfiguring DE from the USB drive, and they can work securely and disconnected wherever they go, and in most (x86) machines they encounter..11:39
wasabi_Oh neato.11:39
wasabi_whiprush and I have been talking about that.11:39
rawlerI heard the patrol-cars had some sw integrating to this as well, but don't remember exactly how..11:39
tfheenrawler: you can do that trivially with Ubuntu; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent and a floppy with grub on it.11:39
rawlerclever.. :) I'll tip the police.. ;)11:40
wasabi_First step, authentication against common Kerberos/LDAP systems with optional components (Samba/Windows)11:41
wasabi_Second step, construction of authentication servers.11:41
wasabi_Second step is going to take a few years. ;)11:41
tfheenwasabi_: oh?  What auth servers are you missing?11:41
wasabi_Say that again?11:42
tfheen23:41 < wasabi_> Second step, construction of authentication servers.11:42
rawlerfrom what I've heard they (swedish police) have been looking quite a lot into linux solutions recently, both for increased security and more efficient costs..11:42
wasabi_Installation of a LDAP server + Kerberos + DNS in a supported and common format.11:42
tfheenwasabi_: samba is probably going to grow into some sort of a super-server integrating a lot of this, I think.11:42
wasabi_I don't think so.11:43
wasabi_Samba is going to help drive the pieces out, but they are still seperate.11:43
wasabi_You don't need MSRPC for a unix network.11:43
wasabi_But, a MS network is still plain LDAP/Kerberos/DNS... so those need to be tight for Samba to accomplish their goal.11:43
wasabi_And we get the benefits of that, without bringing Samba into the mix.11:43
tfheenyou need to integrate the DHCP server into it too.11:44
wasabi_Well, maybe not, actually.11:44
wasabi_MS doesn't really do so.11:44
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wasabi_Also, with ipv6, removing DHCP, it's best to not plan in that direction.11:44
tfheenyou need something like it for ddns.11:44
wasabi_MS DHCP doesn't update DNS.11:44
wasabi_The workstatiosn themselves do, using their computer accounts.11:44
wasabi_Key missing piece from Bind.11:45
=== towolf [n=towolf@dslb-088-064-137-126.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
wasabi_insecure. ;)11:45
tfheenwasabi_: uh, that's utter crack.11:45
tfheennot hard to implement in bind though.  Just crackful.11:45
_ionMore insecure than workstations telling bind "yo, my address is now 1234:5678::42"?11:45
wasabi_tfheen: MS DNS has ACLs.11:45
wasabi_tfheen: Integrated exactly like FS ACLs.11:46
tfheenwasabi_: that makes it more, not less crackful.11:46
wasabi_Joining a computer creates an A record, and sets permission for the host/computername principal to update it.11:46
wasabi_So, the hosts update themselves.11:46
wasabi_tfheen: It's the only feasible method. DHCP is going away.11:46
wasabi_It also works quite nice in practice.11:47
wasabi_Since leasing a DHCP address is not a secure operation.11:47
tfheenwasabi_: people have been talking about ipv6 almost being here for ten years.  I don't think dhcp or ipv4 is going away anytime soon.11:47
wasabi_Me neither, but it's true some networks don't use it.11:47
wasabi_With ipv4.11:47
wasabi_zeroconf, etc.11:48
wasabi_Anyways, the Samba guys have been working on the changes to Bind.11:48
wasabi_Bind supports signed updates, just not with a KRB5 principal.11:48
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whiprushwasabi_: tfheen: that sounds awesome12:06
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