
pygikeltorsori: do the forwarding bits?12:26
keltorsorigonna find out in a minute. still trying to find more info12:27
pygiI just think you could do iptables forwarding bits, and it should work12:29
keltorsoriseems like a bit more work than i remember...i'll figure it out hopefully12:30
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keltorsoriok, i've got the stupids today. anyone able to help me get eth0 up?12:57
keltorsorii've got two nics, just did a fresh install12:57
keltorsoriconfigured eth1 only during the install12:57
keltorsorineed to get eth0 up now12:57
keltorsoriclients are booting off eth1 just fine12:58
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sbalneavEvening all03:05
jonohey sbalneav 03:50
sbalneavHello jono03:50
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nixternal^^ new handbook layout if you are interested...i am closer to getting what we want i think04:56
nixternala little tweaking and it will be gold04:56
=== HedgeMage <3 nixternal
nixternalactually, i may have just fixed the chunk04:58
nixternalgive me one secone to upload the new04:59
nixternalnow look at it05:00
nixternaldo you like the last one, or this one better?05:00
sbalneavnixternal: That a svn repo?05:05
nixternalonce we say yay to a layout, im going to copy over all of the current content intot he correct files, upload them to the doc server and the binary server..this way here, they can get worked on there, and i can just copy over to the doc05:05
nixternalnot yet sbalneav, it is local05:06
sbalneavSo only HedgeMage can see?  Or can I see somehow?05:06
nixternalyou can see it05:06
nixternalsbalneav: you have been commiting all of the ltsp i assume to the binaryredneck svn server right?05:07
HedgeMagenixternal: hang on let me look05:08
nixternalok...that is what i will do then...i will get all of your content into the layout, and get them on both servers, that way there you can just work from them, and i can copy over tot he doc server when needed for the time being as well05:08
HedgeMagenixternal: I like how it looks right now05:08
nixternalthe layout i have has a file for each chapter or <sect1> docbook way05:08
sbalneavSo I should keep updating to binary redneck?05:09
nixternalok HedgeMage, i figured that was what you wanted05:09
sbalneavOr send patches?05:09
nixternalsure sbalneav, go ahead for the time being..it is nothing for me to copy over right now05:09
HedgeMagenixternal: what's easier for you, the two repo method or the patch method?05:09
nixternalthat way it doesn't slow you down05:09
nixternaltwo repo for right now, until they are both synched, then we will switch over 100% to the doc svn05:09
nixternalthis way i will be able to work the doc svn into shape, and not interfere with the work that sbalneav has done05:10
nixternalit should only be a day or 2 i am hoping to have them synched05:10
HedgeMageokay, cool05:10
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=== HedgeMage smooches nixternal
sbalneavI've been going through the touch slog of synching up the lts.conf options that Edubuntu implements into the docs.05:11
=== HedgeMage nods
HedgeMageyou both rock :)05:12
nixternalalrighty..time for some more messin' around..the race is over ;)05:20
HedgeMagenixternal: who won? my dad was supposed to call me.05:26
nixternalevery girls favorite racer05:26
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nixternalwhat are we going to do with the Student Control Panel?  Stick it in Part 4?05:46
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HedgeMagenixternal: Well, I don't know anything about it? isn't it an ltsp only thing?06:21
nixternalactually, i believe it is...so i think it will be fine in part 4 as well06:22
nixternalor pt2 post install section06:22
HedgeMageif its ltsp only it should go in ltsp post-install06:23
nixternalwill do06:23
nixternalooh docbook is making me mad right now...it validates perfectly, and as soon as i copy over and tweak the scp portion...it just dies...and the funny thing is, the local xml file validates for proper xml structure...but the entire build divebombs06:58
nixternali was on a roll to have everything complete by tomorrow, but this one little bug is gonna cause me to drink ;)06:59
=== HedgeMage hugs nixternal
nixternaldon't you hate when the problem at hand is right in front of your face ;)07:41
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pygibddebian: hey ho03:16
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bddebianHi pygi03:17
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fbtabgreets all04:41
fbtabwhat method is recommended for automated installations? fai?04:41
fbtabi tryed seeding, certain things didnt work, tryed ks, other things didnt work..04:41
pygiogra: you have a sec?04:47
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fbtabi must say, i totally like the themeing behind edubuntu, very nice04:59
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juliuxogra, ping06:06
juliuxcan i build an extra kernel for the ltsp chroot?06:20
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cbx33ping Amaranth 07:20
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Amaranthcbx33: pong07:25
cbx33hey dude you in #beryl?07:26
cbx33hoping you can help me out07:26
cbx33my generic nvidia module is broken07:26
cbx33as of about 2 days ago....I was using your repos07:27
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cbx33Amaranth, any ideas?07:29
cbx33I was following this07:29
highvoltagehey cbx33 07:29
cbx33does where it says about getting it from the nvidia site07:29
cbx33and recompiling on kernel updates07:29
Amaranthcbx33: using deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm07:30
cbx33how do you do that....just rerun the script?07:30
cbx33hi highvoltage 07:30
cbx33deb http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy lrm07:30
cbx33the module doesn't load on the generic kernel07:30
Amaranthmake sure l-r-m-2.6.17-10-generic and nvidia-glx are up-to-date and installed from that repo07:30
cbx332 secs07:30
cbx33ii  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-386                  Non-free Linux 2.6.17 modules on 38607:31
cbx33ii  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic                  Non-free Linux 2.6.17 modules on x86_64 gene07:31
cbx33ii  linux-restricted-modules-common                    Non-free Linux 2.6.17 modules helper script07:31
cbx33ii  nvidia-glx                                 1.0.9625+         NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver07:31
Amaranthany errors when you try to load the module with generic?07:31
cbx33error using install command for module nvidia07:32
cbx33was working before the kernel image update a few days ago07:32
Amaranthoh, .33 breaks things for some people07:32
Amaranthi haven't rebooted yet, still using .3107:33
cbx33what do you suggest?07:33
cbx33is compiling the driver my self easy?07:33
AmaranthI just make packages, I have no idea how any of it works07:33
Amaranthcompiling the driver probably won't make a difference07:33
cbx33sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9625-pkg1.run07:33
cbx33so I guess I wait then?07:34
Amaranthbut all you need is your kernel headers, gcc, and the .run file07:34
cbx33then do I rerun that script everytime they update the kernel?07:34
Amaranththen just run that command you pasted and hit enter a couple times07:34
Amaranthevery time they bump the ABI07:34
Amaranthwhich probably won't happen anymore for edgy unless a security fix requires it07:34
cbx33if I wanted to....how would I go back to the edgy repos?07:35
cbx33for the nvidia and restricted modules stuff?07:35
Amaranthi haven't installed them like that since sarge07:35
Amaranthwell, since sarge was testing07:36
cbx33well i kinda meant....is it possible to stop using your repo?07:36
cbx33could I just uninstall the pacakges...disable your repo....apt-get update.....and then reinstall07:36
Amaranthoh, yeah07:36
cbx33and do we know if .33 is going to get fixed?07:36
cbx33thanks Amaranth 07:37
cbx33sorry to have troubled you07:37
Amaranthsomeone has to figure out what's broken and report it first07:37
=== cbx33 has no clue
cbx33hence why I'm thinking of taking a backstep07:38
cbx33my dual core is useless at the mo07:38
cbx33cos I'm only using 386 :S07:38
juliuxhi all07:51
juliuxdid somebody knows if it is possible to build an extra kernel for the ltsp chroot07:52
highvoltagehey juliux 08:07
juliuxhi highvoltage 08:07
highvoltagejuliux: you can build it and place it in /var/lib/tftpboot08:08
highvoltageyou can then just specifiy the new kernel in teh dhcpd.conf file08:08
juliuxhighvoltage, ah cool, i need a kernel with isa support08:08
highvoltagewow, the current ubuntu kernels doesn't have it?08:08
highvoltageheh, I suppose very very few people use any isa devices these days.08:09
highvoltagejuliux: ^^^08:25
juliuxwe have here a surfstation 08:26
highvoltagegeez, crimsun is really everywhere :)08:26
juliuxand the kernel boots up but then comes an error etho not found08:26
highvoltagejuliux: what card is it? it's probably that the kernel module for that card is not available?08:26
juliuxwe testit with one intel an a 3com card booth isa08:27
juliuxhighvoltage, i will post the error message later, we have an ubuntu-de meeting at the moment08:36
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=== highvoltage > bed
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pygiHedgeMage: !!!10:14
HedgeMagehi pygi 10:14
nixternalhi! ;)10:15
pygihow is you?!10:15
HedgeMagehi nixternal 10:15
HedgeMageI'm good, just trying to get family stuff covered so I can work on handbook and on next week's workshop I'm giving10:16
nixternalmy lord all of my football picks are hurting10:16
pyginixternal: :P10:16
pygiI've been trying to sleep lately, no go :P10:17
nixternali keep putting my schoolwork off, as getting the handbook functioning has been rather addictive10:17
pygiI have two exams this week, and I already said I'll fail them =P10:18
pygiit won't be good for my uni career :P10:18
pyginice HedgeMage :)10:19
=== pygi also has to prepare a presentation for the Hungarian Ubuntu conference
nixternalya, i have about 6 presentations to give at the Ubuntu Chicago Conference here in 2 weeks as well10:20
nixternalthis month has been a busy one...plus I have all of the documentation for Ichthux as well10:20
pygisame here, October, 2810:20
nixternalya, oct 28 for chicago meeting as well10:20
nixternaland then the 29th i have a LUG meeting i have yet organized10:20
nixternali put my name on the officer list, and it seems they voted and elected me the president10:21
HedgeMagehehe :)10:21
nixternalnow, i can't just say no, i don't want to do that10:21
pygiwell, hello mr. president :)10:21
nixternali really don't, but i figured i will give them 6 months to a year and hand it over10:21
nixternalya, i asked if there was a pay raise involved ;)10:21
nixternalHedgeMage: you see my email i sent?10:22
pyginixternal: I have some bad things involved with phrase "mr. president" :P10:22
nixternali like my mr. president, it just seems the rest of the world doesn't ;)10:23
nixternalhe is a persistant little bugger10:23
HedgeMagenixternal: nope, haven't checked yet10:23
HedgeMagebrb tt calls10:23
pygiwell, if the folks who present you computer science in uni every day call you mr. president, you'd stop loving it :P10:23
nixternali think HedgeMage should change her nick to TT_Rules_Me10:23
nixternalhehe, i hide from them when i am at school10:24
nixternali am labeled "The Ubuntu Guy"10:24
pygioh, this folks haven't got around to part that I use ubuntu or anything related yet :)10:24
nixternalthey love and hate me at the same time. Their install fests were roughly 10 people...then i joined, brought in Ubuntu, and we have had 3 back to back with more than 100 people, which a majority want Ubuntu installed10:24
pygiI have to use Windows in uni :-/10:25
nixternalbut i have taken over the slackware mentality they (5 of them when I joined) had, and showed them it isn't about Slackware, it isn't about Ubuntu, it is about Linux, and supporting and helping others with their Linux quest10:25
nixternalpygi: i would have to as well, but i use LiveCDs now ;)10:26
pyginixternal: well, considering I was almost kicked out when I mentioned linux, I don't wanna play with using liveCD's :P10:26
nixternalhmm...switching over from the "original" handbook layout to the "new" layout is tricky for 2 files, sect-ltsp-ltsconf.xml and sect-ltsp-theory.xml...i don't know where to merge them in with10:35
nixternali think that sect-ltsp-ltsconf.xml should be part of the p2-client.xml file as it seems the lts.conf is for the workstations10:35
nixternalthe ltsp-theory could be merged in with p2-intro.xml or create a p2-theory.xml and add one more section to the chapter layout10:36
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pyginixternal: hm, right11:04
nixternalbinaryredneck svn updated with all of the new files, redid the directory structure, and added a README to the root directory....so 'svn up' if you are using HedgeMage's svn ;)11:29
pygiI'm afraid of doing any activities right now11:29
pygimy hardware seems to be randomly failing :-/11:30
cbx33excuse my stupidity here people11:31
cbx33how can I find out pacakges that were installed from a certain repo?11:31
cbx33nixternal, cool11:31
nixternalok..now i think i can start adding some content ;)11:34
cbx33nixternal, where are the images stored now11:47
cbx33oh and I see a typo11:47
nixternalthey are stored in the images/ directory in root ;)11:48
nixternali fixed that..the one in the handbook.xml file11:49
nixternali noticed it looking at the html that was built11:49
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