
BluesKaji don't think ubuntu is insatlled ...it's looking for the live cd12:13
The_Night_WolfYou want Ubuntu on your HD right?  THen you install it, rebootm and take the CD out12:13
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BluesKajthat's why it's rebooting12:13
RapidwolveBluesKaj, someone else already told me that it does insall12:13
RapidwolveThe_Night_Wolf, How do I install it?12:14
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Rapidwolveits Kubuntu 6.0.6 Drapper12:14
The_Night_WolfYou click the "Install" buttion on your desktop.12:14
RapidwolveI did that12:14
Rapidwolveis anything supposed to pop up?12:14
BluesKajdo you have a partition for it called ext or hda312:14
RapidwolveBecause it says loading the application on the bottom12:14
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Rapidwolveand then the program turns off12:14
The_Night_WolfReboot, and take the CD out.12:15
RapidwolveBluesKaj, the installer does that automatically and yes12:15
RapidwolveThe_Night_Wolf: already tried that12:15
The_Night_WolfTHen it should run Ubuntu.12:15
RapidwolveIt just reboots12:15
BluesKajit should open12:15
RapidwolveI think its the problem with the Install12:15
Rapidwolveon the desktop12:15
Rapidwolvebecause when I click it the icon shows up near my mouse12:15
Rapidwolveand on the bottom12:15
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ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/12:15
Rapidwolveand then the program stops and disappears12:15
The_Night_WolfJust try it again.12:15
gingillohi, can i have some urls for the repositories that i need if i am a newb of linux? Thanks12:16
BluesKajare you running the live cd now , Rapidwolve?12:16
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RapidwolveYes im about to run it12:16
logankoesterI just installed kubuntu on my laptop and I'm not sure how to get my "Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller" audio working - I'd like to paypal someone a few bucks to connect and configure it for me, if anyone is interested?12:16
RapidwolveIm on windows, BluesKaj12:16
Brydenn33k i'm having a problem and its annoying the hell outta me12:16
RapidwolveThe_Night_Wolf: Would it help if I told you that im not using Grub Bootloader? Im using boot.ini in C:\12:16
The_Night_WolfCome back and tell me if it worked.12:16
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Brydenn33everytime i go to use the search box to find something a box comes up saying "Sorry, could not find mime type application/octet-stream12:17
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Brydenn33what does that mean?12:17
Brydenn33how do i fix it12:17
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The_Night_WolfWhat search box?12:17
BluesKajhave you checked your BIOS boot sequence to put the C drive as the first boot12:17
Brydenn33The_Night_Wolf: like the one from the KDE start button12:17
Brydenn33i go to find files/folders12:17
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Brydenn33enter in what i want and hit search. and the boxes just start flying open12:18
Brydenn33i gets to like 100+ boxes that open up12:18
Jontylogankoester: As eager as I am to earn money, configuring a sound card often isn't as hard as you think12:18
Kim^JIn Edgy Eft knot3. Is there SMP from the beginning?12:19
logankoesterJonty: You underestimate my laziness :-p care to help me out?12:19
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Tim90Every time i type ,"su" i get su: Authentication failure Sorry.12:20
Jontylogankoester: I'm think sigle edit to one line simple12:20
JontyMost of the configuration is done for you - you just have to tweak it slightly, usually12:20
BluesKajThe_Night_Wolf,  I don't think Rapidwolve's MBR was installed properly12:20
logankoesterJonty: alright, what do I do then?12:20
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am4ndacan anyone tell me how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox?12:21
Jontylogankoester: Is it a laptop you're on?12:21
logankoesterJonty: yep12:22
Jontybecause the wiki shows lots of laptops tested and having it but gives no help on configuring it12:23
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Jontyyou're sure it's definately not working12:23
Jontywhat happens when you run kmix?12:23
logankoesterJonty: kmix comes up fine12:23
Jontyand you can muck around with volumes and everything?12:24
=== Rapidwolve [i=Rapidwol@pool-72-85-220-42.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jontythen your soundcard seems to be working fine12:24
RapidwolveThe problem is, is that it doesnt install12:24
Tim90Sone one having sound problems12:24
Rapidwolve, The_Night_Wolf12:24
Jontylogankoester: but you can't hear sound with it?12:24
logankoesteryeah, exactly12:24
Tim90True using your default sound card12:25
Jontysure all volumes are up, all cables are connected etc.?12:25
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gingillohi, can you help me? i need a list of repositories for adept manager, im noob of linux and i'd like to listen to music, do some stupid things12:25
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xaviergingillo: search for mpg12312:26
Jontylogankoester: hmm12:26
Jontylogankoester: it may be a problem with alsa. Open synaptic and search "alsa" and tell me what is there and showing as installed12:27
am4ndaDoes anyone know how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox? ive tried searching the web and none of the fixes there worked. ive got Standard Symbols L installed12:27
RapidwolveApparently the LiveCD doesnt install12:27
Tim90Try using the built in sound card if you having problems with sound12:27
gingilloxavier: i dont find nothing! I remember thath i need something like multiverse..12:27
=== AWOSDev [n=awilcox@67-22-96-243.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #Kubuntu
xavieru need to uncomment some lines in your your sources.list and update it .. google it12:28
AWOSDevI have a problem with MIDIs, none of them play.  It always complains that it can't open /dev/sequencer.  I have tried to modprobe sndseq, but when I do I don't hear it playing (even though it says it is).12:28
xaviergingillo: ^^12:28
gingilloxavier: ok ;)12:28
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:28
gingilloxavier: thanks12:28
gingilloAW0SDev: Thanks :P:P12:28
AWOSDevgingillo, also look at12:29
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:29
gingillowow! you saved my life :P12:29
AWOSDevgingillo, np :)12:29
Tim90Good work12:29
AWOSDevTim90, thanks ;)12:29
gingilloooooooooook, now: a new NOOB question! How do i change my os language in italian? :D12:30
Tim90Can you shed some light on my situation12:30
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logankoesterJonty: alsa-base, alsa-firmware-loaders, alsa-oss, alsa-source, alsa-tools, alsa-utils, libasound2, libesd-alsa0, linux-sound-base12:30
AWOSDevgingillo, sudo apt-get install language-pack-it12:30
Tim90su: Authentication failure12:30
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AWOSDevTim90, sudo not su.  Ubuntu doesn't have su, remember?12:31
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:31
gingilloAWOSDev: Thanks :)12:31
AWOSDevgingillo, also: sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-it12:31
AWOSDevTim90, np12:32
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AWOSDevOh and about the MIDI, I don't have a hardware sequencer on here, so I can only use a software-based sequencer.12:32
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AWOSDevIs that going to be a problem?12:32
logankoesterJonty: still with me bro?12:33
Jontylogankoester: yes, sorry12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about k3b-mp3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
AWOSDev!info k3b12:34
ubotuk3b: A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.14-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 3941 kB, installed size 8376 kB12:34
AWOSDev!info liblame012:34
ubotuliblame0: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-1 (dapper), package size 147 kB, installed size 376 kB12:34
AWOSDevT3hWiz0rd, answer your question?  :)12:34
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Jontylogankoester: so you're sure, running, say, amarok and playing a sound file, that the sound isn't working?12:34
Brydenn33The_Night_Wolf: you there?12:34
logankoesterJonty: yeah, can't hear anything12:34
T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: lol yes... have my babies!12:35
AWOSDevlogankoester, does it even try to play or does it just immediately say "playlist finished"?12:35
logankoesteryeah I read that thread12:36
Jontyaha: http://www.gidnetwork.com/b-106.html12:36
T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: now do you know how to make quickcam uvc drivers work? lol12:36
logankoesterAWOSDev: immediately says playlist finished, from amarok12:36
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am4ndaDoes anyone know how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox? ive tried searching the web and none of the fixes there worked. ive got Standard Symbols L installed12:36
AWOSDevT3hWiz0rd sorry nope12:36
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Jontylogankoester: That's probably more it can't play the file. Anyway, do what that page I just gave you (http://www.gidnetwork.com/b-106.html) says12:36
AWOSDevlogankoester, then you are missing a codec -- if it was your sound card it would say "playing" but you wouldn't hear anything -- MP3?  Ogg?  WMA?12:36
AWOSDevShould I go to #Ubuntu for my MIDI problem?12:37
logankoesterIt was a wav file - but I can't get any sound out of the sound test in the sound & multimedia system settings dialogue either....12:37
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule12:39
gingilloi have another question, if you have the patience to help me :P. I have partitioned my disk and i want to take some music from the windows partitions, but the access is negated, how do i take my music?12:39
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule12:39
AWOSDevgingillo, NTFS or FAT?12:39
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gingilloAWOSDev: i'ts NTFS12:41
TheGateKeeperrepo for ntfs-3g --> deb http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/ dapper main12:41
am4ndaDoes anyone know how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox? ive tried searching the web and none of the fixes there worked. ive got Standard Symbols L installed12:42
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AWOSDevgingillo, okay12:45
AWOSDevgingillo, is it mounted?  I mean, what is the problem you are having?12:45
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AWOSDevOh and just to let you know, I fixed my MIDI problem, I apt-got "timidity" and it works wonderful.12:48
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gingilloAWOSDev: i see the partition, but i cant browse it!12:51
AWOSDevgingillo, what error?  Does it say something like "Permission denied"?12:52
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gingilloAWOSDev: wait, no! it says"could not mount the device".. im sorry12:53
=== TabooTreez [n=ej@CPE-70-94-4-87.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
AWOSDevgingillo, how are you mounting it?12:55
TabooTreezanyone know how I could speed up kubuntu12:55
TabooTreezI recently was using vector linux12:55
TabooTreezthe speed was amazing12:55
AWOSDevTabooTreez, well add more memory :)12:55
TabooTreezAWOSDev: a free way would be a lot better12:56
AWOSDevTabooTreez, yeah I know didn't you see the smiley?12:57
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TheGateKeeperTabooTreez: there is possible info on removing services etc that you don't need on the forums12:57
gingilloAWOSDev: i cant mount it:when i try (with the right button->mount :P)  it says:"impossible to find  /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab "12:57
AWOSDevgingillo, okay, go in to the Konsole12:57
AWOSDevTabooTreez, try and disable any visual effects you don't need12:58
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gingilloAWOSDev: i am there :D12:58
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AWOSDevTabooTreez, also taking down the number of Virtual Desktops may help a little, as well as taking off unneeded panel items12:58
AWOSDevgingillo, first type "cd /media"12:58
TabooTreezAWOSDev: i reacall hearing something about linking apps or something12:58
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gingilloAWOSDev: ok01:00
AWOSDevgingillo, type "ls" and see if there's an entry called "hda1"01:00
livingdaylightsomeone knowthe command to tell me how much space i have on my hard disc?01:00
AWOSDevlivingdaylight, df -h01:00
gingilloAWOSDev: yes, after cdrom and cdrom001:00
livingdaylightAWOSDev: thx :)01:00
AWOSDevgingillo, okay good01:01
AWOSDevlivingdaylight, np :)01:01
am4ndaDoes anyone know how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox? ive tried searching the web and none of the fixes there worked. ive got Standard Symbols L installed01:01
AWOSDevgingillo, okay now type "sudo vi /etc/fstab"01:01
livingdaylightwhat can i do? my disc is full?01:02
gingilloAWOSDev: wow O.o typed01:02
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AWOSDevgingillo, okay now press the Insert key, it's right above Delete01:02
AWOSDevgingillo, then use the down arrow key to scroll to the bottom of the document01:02
AWOSDevthunderstorm, g'night ;)01:03
AWOSDevgingillo, then press the END key01:03
AWOSDevgingillo, then press the ENTER key01:03
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AWOSDevgingillo, then type this line exactly as shown here onto that new blank line:01:03
loxshey anyone have much luck installing XGL and is it worth installing it?01:03
AWOSDev/dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 001:04
gingilloAWOSDev: can i paste it?01:04
AWOSDevsorry the 1 should be on the same line01:04
AWOSDevgingillo, go ahead and copy / paste but the 1 needs to be after the 001:04
gingillonext to the 001:05
AWOSDevgingillo, meaning copy that line then press space and 1 -- *there needs to be a space between the 0 and the 1*01:05
gingillook :P01:05
AWOSDevUm no01:05
AWOSDevpress escape01:05
AWOSDevthen type01:05
AWOSDevnow try and right-click and mount01:06
loxsdo you not need the ! on the end of wq?01:07
AWOSDevloxs, q! means quit without saving01:07
loxsah ok01:07
gingillodo i need to press enter after :wq? :P i don't wanna to do nothing wrote01:07
loxswhat about :wq!?01:07
AWOSDevgingillo, yes press enter :)01:07
AWOSDevloxs, no clue, prolly cause a SIGSEGV or something :P01:07
loxslol i always use :wq! to exit vi01:08
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AWOSDevloxs, I tried it, same as :wq with no !01:08
AWOSDevloxs, so the ! does nothing01:08
loxsah ok01:08
gingilloAWOSDev: ok, there is someting wrong, i'm queryng you01:08
AWOSDevbut without the W that would cause it to "quit without writing"01:08
AWOSDevgingillo, okay01:08
loxsthe w = write01:08
AWOSDevloxs, right but if you just type "q" without the "!" and you have unsaved changes it will not quit01:09
=== AWOSDev uses vi too much :P
gingilloi am not registered..01:09
AWOSDevgingillo :(01:09
loxslol been using linux 5 days now :)01:09
gingilloi wanted to send you my fastab01:09
AWOSDevgingillo that's okay it should be okay01:10
AWOSDevgingillo same error as before?01:10
gingilloit isnt because i forgot to say01:10
loxswhats he trying to do?01:10
AWOSDevloxs, mount NTFS01:10
loxsusing fstab?01:10
livingdaylightFirefox is not sending links?01:10
livingdaylighthow do i configure that?01:10
loxssending links?01:10
AWOSDevloxs, we're trying to make it so that he doesn't have to sudo -s to be able to access it :)01:10
AWOSDevlivingdaylight, hmm?01:11
livingdaylightAWOSDev: i click File/send link and nothing happens01:11
gingilloAWOSDev: it isnt ok because i forgot to say  thath i am a real noob and i have 2 hard disks.. one with windows and linux and one with linux01:11
AWOSDevgingillo ahhhh okay01:11
loxsyou got email setup?01:11
AWOSDevgingillo hold on a second01:11
gingillosorry, the last01:11
gingillois with windows not with linux01:11
gingilloi need to sleep -.-'01:12
livingdaylightloxs: with kmail, yea01:12
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AWOSDevlivingdaylight, does it start your email program?01:12
livingdaylightAWOSDev: no01:12
livingdaylightAWOSDev: that precisely the problem01:12
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AWOSDevlivingdaylight, is your email program properly configured?01:12
livingdaylightAWOSDev: my kmail is configured01:12
AWOSDevlivingdaylight, try typing "mailto:somebody@somewhere.local" (no quotes) in to your address bar01:13
loxsi think firefox tried to use evolution doesnt it?01:13
AWOSDevloxs, in plain Ubuntu yes :)01:13
livingdaylightloxs: it does in Ubuntu, i have no idea of how things are configured by default in Kubuntu01:13
loxsah ok so you need to set your other email client as default or something?01:13
loxsim not sure01:14
loxs<.... is Windows Sys Admin lol01:14
AWOSDevloxs, livingdaylight, hold on a second01:14
AWOSDevloxs, yes it shows :P01:14
=== AWOSDev is Windows/Linux/FreeBSD Sys Admin
gingilloAWOSDev: i need to sleep, i smoked like a jamaican and im gettin a bit stoned, i'll return there tomorrow. Thanks. You are a very good guy :)01:15
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loxsgimmie 2mins01:15
livingdaylightgingillo:  is high01:15
AWOSDevgingillo, okay, well, have a good sleep, and thanks for the complement.  :)01:15
gingillolivingdaylight: what?01:15
chxis there a way to have a shortcut (cltr+alt+pgup / pgdwn) to switch to next/previous item in Klipper?01:16
AWOSDevgingillo, are you in Italy?01:16
livingdaylightyou are high, and need to lie down, hahaha01:16
gingilloAWOSDev: yea lol01:16
AWOSDevgingillo, okay.  that would actually be illegal in US :)01:16
gingilloAWOSDev: it is illegal in italy too lol. But i said i smoked :P i dindt said what. I smoked a cigarette :D:D :P01:17
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livingdaylightoh, is that what a jamaican is?01:17
AWOSDevgingillo, LOL :P01:18
livingdaylighti thoght you were gonna say: 'i said i smoked - i didn't say i inhaled'01:18
loxsAWOSDev: you install XGL?01:18
gingillolivingdaylight: XDDDD01:18
AWOSDevloxs, no01:18
livingdaylightloxs: i got xgl01:18
loxswhat gfx card you got?01:18
livingdaylightno big deal01:18
AWOSDevlivingdaylight hold on I got what the problem is01:18
gingillolivingdaylight: xgl + compiz? its orgaaaaasmiiiiic01:19
livingdaylightGeforce nvidia660GT01:19
loxsah ok i have ati01:19
gingilloi like more xgl+compiz01:19
livingdaylightcheck #beryl01:19
loxsyeh i have it all installed01:19
raichooaiglx+beryl = orgasmic ;)01:19
loxsjust doesnt seem to start01:19
livingdaylightAWOSDev: please tell me01:20
loxsberyl and emerald?01:20
livingdaylightloxs: yes01:20
AWOSDevlivingdaylight okay go in to Firefox and type 'about:config' into the address bar01:20
loxsyeh nothing seems to chabge01:20
T3hWiz0rdSo check it out, I am making a touch screen system in my work out room using kubuntu to play music and videos.01:20
clyrradanyone know how to rename a smbfs share that is auto mounted?  I am refering to the icon that shows on your desktop... anyone know how to do this?01:20
AWOSDevlivingdaylight context-click anywhere and go for "New->String"01:20
T3hWiz0rdits gonna be pretty sweet, I am getting the touch screen here in about 2 weeks, ordered from overseas.01:20
AWOSDevT3hWiz0rd coooooooooooooolness01:21
livingdaylightAWOSDev: woah....context-click??01:21
=== AWOSDev loves finding new uses for Linux
AWOSDevlivingdaylight sorry my Windows 3.1 days came back, I guess you people call it right-click now01:21
livingdaylightAWOSDev: how, where?01:21
T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: its gonna be great. The touch-screen unit is gonna be detatchable and the video output to 2 huge LCD's01:21
livingdaylightAWOSDev: lol, ok...01:21
am4ndaDoes anyone know how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox? ive tried searching the web and none of the fixes there worked. ive got Standard Symbols L installed01:21
AWOSDevT3hWiz0rd cool :)  sounds like a sweet setup01:22
soulriderhow can i start an application with KDE ?01:22
loxsso are there any cool apps for linux01:22
AWOSDevsoulrider, ALT+F201:22
loxsonly been using it 4 days now i guess01:22
T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: just to make it work is gonna be the hard part. Right now I got a suse server in my closet that can broadcast music to the 2 recevers in my house but in order to change the songs I have to have a computer open with ssh01:22
loxsand looking to get a bit more involved in it01:22
AWOSDevT3hWiz0rd, that's a problem?01:22
soulriderloxs: i meant autostart01:22
T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: not convenient. So what i want is to set p the touch screen on say a tablet PC and also have a desktop touchscreen for it.01:22
T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: when you'e running on a tredmil, yes... ssh isn't easy lol01:23
=== AWOSDev is watching NASCAR
AWOSDevbig wreck01:23
T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: as where if its in a tablet pc and also has a larger external touch-screen monitor, i can pick up the tablet and change songs and video at the mometn i want it.01:23
livingdaylightAWOSDev: what am i doing with a new string?01:23
livingdaylightloxs: http://forum.beryl-project.org/topic-5063-howto-xgl-beryl-kubuntu-dapper-with-nvidia01:24
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T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: i am hoping here soon the devels of amarok will add video playback as an additional feature to it.01:24
AWOSDevT3hWiz0rd yeah that would be cool, in the meantime you can use something like VLC or Mplayer (or even xine)01:25
raichoohow come everybody still wants XGL when nvidia released the beta drivers with aiglx support?01:25
T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: i like Kaffeine :-)01:25
AWOSDevlivingdaylight okay the preference name is:01:25
=== livingdaylight wondering whether AWOSDev has forgotten him?
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soulrideri just installed beryl01:25
livingdaylightAWOSDev: aha...01:25
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soulriderits FREAGGIN AWESOME!01:25
livingdaylightAWOSDev: woah01:25
loxsi have ati card01:25
loxsnot nvidia01:25
raichooah ok01:26
livingdaylightloxs: sorry01:26
loxslol no probs01:26
AWOSDevlivingdaylight sorry I was watching the NASCAR race01:26
livingdaylightAWOSDev: so i right click anywhwere new string and paste that in?01:26
AWOSDev(NBC if anybody else here watches NASCAR and forgot)01:26
AWOSDevlivingdaylight correct, right-click then say "New->String"01:26
livingdaylightAWOSDev: yea, you got a nice pile up going there? :)01:26
T3hWiz0rdAWOSDev: its time for my fat self to go for a run though, and listen to music on my cheaply set up ssh player lol01:26
soulriderhow can i make somehting autostart with KDE ?01:26
AWOSDevT3hWiz0rd okay have fun :)01:26
AWOSDevlivingdaylight yeah -- Lap 1 and 6 cars are wrecked01:27
suifursoulrider: make an entry in the Autostart folder in .kde01:27
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AWOSDevcrazy week for NASCAR01:27
livingdaylightAWOSDev: hehe...01:27
soulriderlike a symb link ?01:27
livingdaylightAWOSDev: yea..and now what? ;)01:27
AWOSDevlivingdaylight you get a new string yet?01:27
livingdaylighti've pasted network.protocol-handler.app.mailto into the new string01:28
AWOSDevokay now01:28
Sutokasoulrider: ~/.kde/Autostart01:28
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AWOSDevlivingdaylight the value is    /usr/bin/kmail01:28
livingdaylightAWOSDev: by the way i can't believe it can be this hard :)01:28
Sutokasoulrider: either a executable shell script, or like a .desktop file should work01:28
suifursoulrider: http://www.perturb.org/display/entry/591/ <-- example01:28
livingdaylightAWOSDev: kool01:28
AWOSDevlivingdaylight np :)01:29
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livingdaylightAWOSDev: there's a new string now added to that value01:29
coreymon77is ceros around01:29
livingdaylightAWOSDev: now lets see it work :o01:29
AWOSDevlivingdaylight right, now, does send link work??01:29
=== suifur is pissed he can't find decent ati drivers for Radeon x1400 Mobility card
Sutokasoulrider: i would set the KDE_WM variable though01:29
AWOSDevcoreymon77, try typing this   !seen ceros01:29
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coreymon77!seen ceros01:30
ubotuI last saw ceros (n=user@c-68-49-247-245.hsd1.va.comcast.net) 6h 53m 52s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection01:30
AWOSDevcoreymon77: Cool feature, huh?  :)01:30
coreymon77does it natter if i use capitals or not01:31
AWOSDevNo I don't think the bot cares01:31
AWOSDev!seen awosdev01:31
coreymon77im not sure if his name is ceros or Ceros01:31
ubotuAWOSDev is on IRC right now!01:31
suifuris next version of Ubuntu/Kubuntu sposed to release with XGL/compriz?01:31
livingdaylightAWOSDev: kinda works01:31
AWOSDevcoreymon77: See01:31
suifurceros == Ceros, its not case sensitive01:31
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livingdaylightAWOSDev: Kmail comes up but not with the link already linked as per usual01:31
AWOSDevlivingdaylight yeah mine too, it's a limitation :(01:31
AWOSDevOh watch this, I'll only do this one thing then I'll stop playing with the bot, but this is funny:01:32
AWOSDev!seen anything01:32
ubotuI haven't seen anything recently01:32
AWOSDevpoor blind bot :P01:32
=== suifur notes AWOSDev is crazy.
=== AWOSDev already knew that :)
livingdaylightAWOSDev: ok :( I'll live with that (for the time being) :)01:33
coreymon77im gonna feed this poor blind bot01:33
livingdaylightAWOSDev: thank you01:33
AWOSDevlivingdaylight np :)01:33
livingdaylightAWOSDev: Thank You very much01:33
livingdaylightAWOSDev: that new string was quite a party trick01:33
livingdaylightAWOSDev: hadn't seen that before01:33
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AWOSDevlivingdaylight yeah it was -- I had the same problem, found it on the KDE mailing this01:33
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AWOSDevOnly in Kubuntu's Firefox you don't modify it because it doesn't exist, I think somebody at Canonical forgot :P01:34
AWOSDevlivingdaylight yeah I play with the about:config frequently in Thunderbird, I like messing with the raw config rather than going through the Options dialog :)01:35
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AWOSDevI should be going now01:36
AWOSDevwatch the rest of the crazy NASCAR race01:37
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AWOSDevsheesh they got them going green flag again, and the safety workers were still on the track!01:37
AWOSDevwell, bye01:37
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livingdaylightAWOSDev: right! Options and preferences is how i am accustomed to doing everything configuration-wise in applications01:38
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loxswhats a good c compiler ?01:41
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:41
loxshm i have that installed but it wont create this file01:41
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LjLloxs, i'm not sure we can know what "this file" is unless you tell us...01:42
loxsah it was  nothing major just an app like bginfo  but for linux01:43
LjLloxs, read the tips from Ubotu. they should help you compile most software.01:44
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clyrraddamn no luck on the samba channel either01:50
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yogisgi need a bit of help with kubuntu ^01:53
yogisglinux newbie^^01:53
yogisgi cant use apt in the console...01:53
tetoxqualche volta01:54
yogisgbash: apt: command not found01:54
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tetoxsome time01:54
yogisgO.o  ok im an idiot01:55
orkid__sudo apt-get ...01:55
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:55
loxsno ur not just new to linux01:55
yogisgand where can i get easy kubuntu ?01:55
yogisgwhat cha mean?01:55
yogisgsure im new01:55
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loxsyeh thats what i mean your not an idiot01:55
sorush21can i view the the date on my kde clock ?01:56
loxsyour jusr new01:56
yogisgthanks thats kind ^^01:56
routhcan the kernel on the x/k/ubuntu disks boot a system on a usb disk? by say using root=/dev/discs/disc0/part101:56
david_routh: not really01:57
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david_USB get's initialized by the kernel later on01:57
david_grubs rather dim01:57
max_does anyone use any psx emulators?01:57
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david_grub doesn't refer to things as /dev/xxx but by the logical address i.e (hd0,0)01:57
yogisgi have another problem (kde) i want to change the display resolution but in the systems settings theres i nothing...it says i have to click the administrator mode button.... and then theres nothin but a red box01:58
david_your best bet would be just to boost removable drive in the bios boot priority01:58
cpk2yogisg: you dont need easy ubuntu...01:58
routhdavid_: No bios support - need to work around it01:58
yogisg@cpk2 why? i heard its good01:58
david_yogisg: try making the window a bit bigger. sometimes the "administration mode" button is hidden01:59
cpk2yogisg: what do you need easy ubuntu to do for you?01:59
yogisg@ david No it isnt the button is there but when i click it nothin happen....theres just a red box in the window..01:59
david_routh: ah. The #ubuntu channel is a bit bigger and it's cross DE01:59
yogisgmore support etc- ?02:00
yogisgsupport for mp3s for example.... shouldnt i use it..?02:00
routhdavid_: was thinking of making a custom boot cd with grub and a kernel with an initrd to load the support on it - the ide controller on my laptop is failed so I'm going to work around it untill I can get new one..02:00
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david_routh: live C with /home mounted on USB would do the trick02:00
david_*live CD02:00
routhyeah but live cd is slow - would like to have the system on the disk so I can make permanent changes as well02:01
cpk2yogisg: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs02:01
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cpk2thats all you need for mp3 support02:01
yogisgoh thx :D02:02
yogisgcan i change the screen resolution through the console? since the gui wont work ... -.-02:02
tom__yo dog!02:02
cpk2you could put only one resolution in xorg but I dont understand why the gui wouldnt work02:03
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yogisgok theres this "administrator mode" button02:03
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david_routh: I'm stumped then02:04
yogisgbut when i click it nothin happens.. the inside window (where the options should be) just gets an red frame02:04
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david_routh: well there is chroot. though not used that for switching over fully02:05
david_I'm off to sleep guys. nn!02:05
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david_routh: I'd suggest asking in the debian channel02:06
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cpk2yogisg: try uisng the kmenus run command... and run kdesu systemsettings02:06
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soulriderwhats the hot key to open Konsole ?02:07
cpk2anyone able to open the adept manager handbook?02:07
cpk2whenever I try to open it the khelpcenter starts to start up but then nothing happens02:08
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yogisgcannot connect to x-server02:08
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dennisterhey pps02:08
LjLcpk2: edgy, opening it from Adept'02:08
yogisgit crashed before and i exitet with ctrl+alt+back02:08
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LjLcpk2: edgy, opening it from Adept's Help menu, "There is no documentation available for /adept_manager/index.html."02:09
cpk2ok i guess there just isnt any doc for it then02:09
dennisteri need some help with getting locate to work; apparently I have no crontab on this new clean installation02:09
cpk2odd since it seems like there would be with an option like that in the help tab02:10
yogisgi ll just restart^^ thy anyway02:10
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cpk2yogisg: kdesu systemsettings gives you an error cant connect to xserver?02:10
cpk2well ok then02:10
dennisterdocumentation i found says how to access it, and what it does, but I keep getting error messages that these files don't exist02:11
dennistercan anyone help me with the cron scheduler?02:11
cpk2getting locate to work?02:11
cpk2you need to updatedb02:11
dennisteryep that's what i need cpk202:12
cpk2so sudo updatedb02:12
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dennisterdid it cpk2, now just waiting02:13
cpk2it can take some time02:13
cpk2depending on how big your drive(s) are02:13
dennisterthat's fine...they're biiggg :)02:13
dennisterbut there's hardly anything on 'em yet02:13
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cpk2also i guess you might want to make updatedb a job if you plan on using locate all the time02:14
dennisterok...seems like it's done, but i tried to list it, but there's still no crontab for me02:14
cpk2anything you add to your system after updatedb locate wont find until you updatedb again02:14
cpk2try sudo slocate crontab02:15
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coreymon77just letting anyone that was here last night know02:15
coreymon77i have gotten kde 3.5.5 downloaded and working02:15
coreymon77i dont know how02:15
coreymon77but it worked02:15
dennisterk...got a list of places where it is, but doesn't every user have to have one of their own?02:15
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cpk2dennister: /usr/bin pretty sure that means anyone can use it02:16
cpk2you can tab complete crontab02:17
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cpk2dennister: if you read the man it explains how cron figures out how to do its stuff02:18
cpk2dennister: I am guessing since you havent made any cron jobs yet for any users that is why /var/spool/cron/crontabs is empty02:18
dennisterk...i will read it...was actually ooking for documentation, but with no locate...02:19
ubuntuhello world02:20
suifurhullo bsacak02:20
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dennistertoo bad all te man pages r zipped02:22
ubuntuanyone out there know how to install kubuntu on something with 64 MB ram?02:22
suifurubuntu: i'd do Xubuntu for that02:22
ubuntuantoher distro?02:23
suifurKubuntu isn't gonna run well on 64MB of ram, if at all02:23
The_Night_WolfI know how to install it.02:23
flyinghippoUbuntu: Yes.02:23
suifurubuntu: Xubuntu is a derivative of Ubuntu, like Kubuntu, but it uses xfce window manager instaead of gnome/kde02:23
dennisterand yes cpk2, i haven't made any cron jobs yet...it was an error message in the original installation, but i had quite a few error messages during that installation...mostly about fonts02:23
suifurubuntu: ^^02:24
ubuntuoh, i see02:24
ubuntubut i like KDE!02:24
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cpk2dennister: man cron doesnt work?02:24
suifurubuntu: KDE won't run on 64 mb of ram02:24
ubuntui managed to run knoppix with it...02:25
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suifurubuntu: you're pain not mine ;)02:25
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ubuntuand knoppix has KDE!02:25
suifuras i said, your pain not mine02:25
suifuryou can install it02:26
suifurbut you'd get better performance out of Xubuntu imhjo02:26
ubuntuthanks for the advice02:26
ubuntubut i have kubuntu in my hands and would like to see it running on that thing02:27
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dennistercpk2: sorry, yes, it does work02:28
flyinghippoI have a quick question.  :|02:28
flyinghippoI am currently downloading the Kubuntu Alternate Installer.02:28
flyinghippoWould that be able to successfully install onto a 2GB USB Flash Drive?02:29
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ubuntuat this very moment i'm running kubuntu from CD...02:29
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flyinghippoAwesome.  :D02:29
CaBlGuYwuttup peeps o/02:29
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flyinghippoI could never get a dialup connection configured on Linux.  =\02:30
flyinghippoI tried it on DSL.02:30
flyinghippoBut that didn't work.02:30
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flyinghippoBut I've heard KPPP was very good.02:30
CaBlGuYanyone else have problems with Firefox freezinup?02:30
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=== suifur has been using swiftfox and firefox both comfortably
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swiftfox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:31
suifurCaBlGuY: optimized firefox, the guy optimizes every build of firefox for each cpu arch: http://getswiftfox.com02:31
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CaBlGuYI'll look it up..  also, I need an AVI convereter..  I need to convert some AVI flix to MPG so I can watch em at work.. :p02:32
CaBlGuYanything I can use?02:32
hazard2how can I get info on my system's chipset?02:33
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CaBlGuYUmmmm  should be some kinda command for sys info hazard2 however, I don't know it.. :p02:34
hazard2Wow, you're amazing!02:35
CaBlGuYsuifur:  what version u sue?02:35
CaBlGuYyes, arn't I.. :)02:35
CaBlGuY!sys info02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sys info - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:35
suifurCaBlGuY: just 1.5.0-y02:35
suifurerr -7*02:35
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CaBlGuYjust curious if u were usin the pre 2.0 or not02:36
suifuri've used it02:36
suifurworks well02:36
suifurnot as stable02:36
suifurbut it works02:36
CaBlGuYahh ok02:36
suifuri tend to stick with release versions02:36
suifuri'm not much of a bleeding edge kinda guy ;)02:36
CaBlGuYcause I been usin 2.5 in winblowz for a while..02:36
suifuri do a lot of work on my laptop so i dont have the time or patience to deal w/ unstable software02:36
CaBlGuYI kinda like to try out the beta stuff..  see how it works..02:36
CaBlGuYI understand02:37
CaBlGuYU know of any AVI converters I can use in Linux?02:37
suifurCaBlGuY: if i had my desktop here i'd do it more but th elaptop has to work so i can get work done lol02:37
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suifurCaBlGuY: avi converters...02:37
hazard2Cab|Guy: mplayer/mencoder02:37
CaBlGuYputer at work sux..  so I gotta make sure everything is MPG..02:38
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suifurCaBlGuY: try 'Konverter'02:38
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CaBlGuYsuifur:  k02:38
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shulmanhow do I format a usb hard drive to ext3? I want to use it as a backup drive02:39
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CaBlGuYshulman:  thumbdrive?02:39
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shulmanCaBIGuY: no, it's a USB hard drive I put together.02:40
suifurCaBlGuY: kavi2svcd is another02:41
CaBlGuYAhh   well, can u see it in your services?   if so, you should be able to just select it andf format form there02:41
CaBlGuYk suifur thanks.. ;)02:41
suifurCaBlGuY: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kavi2svcd/02:41
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shulmanCaBlGuY: I can see the drive, I formatted it in FAT32 and NTFS on my windows machine to make sure that it worked. they mount automatically and I'd like to destroy the old partitions  and create one large partition on the drive02:43
unix_infidelhah, suifur which laptop did you end up getting?02:44
suifurunix_infidel: got a dell e150502:44
JacksLivrevening all: when i installed kubuntu, there was a nifty partiion manager that let me resize my HD partitions so i did not have to blow away my XP install. i need to resize a partition on a smartmedia card and qtparted will not let me resize it. is the one kubuntu used a different one that i can try?02:44
suifurworks well w/ kubuntu, everything detected on install02:44
suifurunix_infidel: wishing i'd gotten a macbook pro instead but the 'rents wouldn't spend the extra 200 on it02:44
unix_infidelsuifur: wishing you had gotten a tablet.02:45
suifurunix_infidel: i don't like tablets, neat idea, not my thing though02:45
unix_infidel16x10 res?02:45
suifurSuper WXGA+ screen so its like having a real CRT for a monitor02:46
suifurthe monitor itself on this laptop is beautiful lol02:46
unix_infidelyea.  its a desktop replacement for sure.02:46
suifurunix_infidel: http://zacbrown.org/temp/kubuntu-6.06.png02:46
unix_infidelhah, math nerd.02:46
suifurthis laptop is somewhere between ultra-mobile and desktop replacement, its slightly thicker than a macbook pro and about the same weight02:47
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-171-230.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
unix_infidelhow many pounds?02:47
suifur5.5 with smaller bat, bout 5.8 w/ bigger02:47
unix_infidelhonestly, OS X isnt what its cracked up to be.02:47
suifuri like it02:47
suifuri have a mac mini too02:47
suifuri enjoy it, i don't use it like a typical osx user though02:48
suifuri use it like a bsd user does lol02:48
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suifurmy mac mini's all hacked up w/ extra stuff i did to it so it really doesn't act or feel like OSX, as in its got a lot more console showing02:48
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unix_infidelheh, its easy enough to throw a console on a mac, i just dont see what else it really had to offer.02:48
JacksLivrevening all: when i installed kubuntu, there was a nifty partiion manager that let me resize my HD partitions so i did not have to blow away my XP install. i need to resize a partition on a smartmedia card and qtparted will not let me resize it. is the one kubuntu used a different one that i can try?02:49
unix_infidelgranted, i use macs all the time.02:49
suifurunix_infidel: i like mac's aesthetic appeal personally and im a fan of aqua lol02:49
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CaBlGuYI just got my thinkpad 760 EL running with winblowz 98 about a week ago.. :p02:50
unix_infidelsuifur: HAH. when i think aesthetics i think a wm and when i think WM / X i think what else is this useful for besides spawning shells.02:50
suifurunix_infidel: im also a bigger fan to be honest of the bsd ideals... though i like linux too but i think the bsd concept is stronger in terms of stability02:50
suifurunix_infidel: i'd be using desktopbsd on this laptop if the wireless drivers were better than beta right now02:50
suifurunix_infidel: well i like my hardware to be pretty too, thats the aesthetics i was talking about ;)02:50
suifurgranted my dell looks nice, but not as nice my g/f's macbook pro lol02:51
unix_infidelsuifur: mini-pci is cheap. get a real mans card, cisco aironet :)02:51
suifurunix_infidel: lol, well in linux the ipw3945 abg card works beautifully so im content w/ this02:52
unix_infidellol, you said you wanted to run BSd :)02:52
suifuri dont know what this laptop has, its not a full pcmcia slot, its like half that length02:53
suifurnever encountered it b4 this laptop b402:53
unix_infidelbtw a lot of the BSD devs run thinkpads.02:53
suifurand i dont know much about laptops in comparison to desktops02:53
suifurwell i got a deal on the dell, hence why i have it :)02:53
unix_infidelhow much?02:54
suifurthe dell would've been 2700 dollars w/ everything i added, but i got 40% on it02:54
suifuronly payed like 1740 about02:54
unix_infidelsounds about average for the specs.02:54
unix_infidelits one of the more popular models, really good *nix compatibility.02:54
=== snook35 [n=aak@24-197-132-105.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
suifur2ghz Duo, 2 gigs of ram, 100 gig SATA, nice screen, x1400 mobility 256 meg vid, a/b/g wireless, bluetooth02:55
suifurlist goes on02:55
=== suifur isn't looking forward to studying for spanish exam
unix_infidelhah, warranty?02:57
suifuryah, i think like 2 eyars02:57
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unix_infidelyoull extend it after the first 1.5. guaranteed.02:57
suifurunix_infidel: nah had 2 dell laptops b4 this and never had problems02:58
suifurunix_infidel: woulda gotten the IBM cept i'm a fan of widescreen so i didn't find an IBM i really wanted02:58
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suifurout of the laptops my family has owned, we've never had problems w/ dells, lots of probs with hp's/compaq's02:59
unix_infidelits a matter of numbers really, if you're the #1 vendor of all the ODM distribs in the world.....the rest is obvious.03:00
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CaBlGuYk, im out now, I got swiftfox all installed and seems to run fine..  ttyl suifur   o/03:00
suifurlater CaBlGuY03:00
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m4x1mumis there a good bandwidth limitter? i tried trickle but the bandwidth goes up and down all the time not really working03:07
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lguilhermeboa noite estou querendo instalar minha web cam pc cam 550 d creative no kubuntu linux que acabei de instalar03:10
lguilhermemas nao consigo03:10
lguilhermealguem pode me ajudar?03:10
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.03:11
LjL[03:11]  [Notice]  -flyinghippo- You have added a point, resulting in 309 since 04/29/06!03:11
flyinghippoThat's some stupid script I made a long time ago.03:12
flyinghippoI forgot I had it.03:12
LjLoh :)03:12
LjLwell i'm glad i have 309 points :P03:12
flyinghippoIt's kind of like a ...03:12
flyinghippoIt was originally "!point" and "!score".03:12
flyinghippoBut someone demanced !pt and !sc.03:12
LjLooh i see03:12
flyinghippoIT's just this thing that adds up.03:12
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soulrideris there a hotkey to open a konsole ?03:15
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1177675286.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
suifursoulrider: ummm you can do alt+spacebar then type konsole03:16
soulrideri know03:16
soulriderbut im using beryl03:16
soulriderand katapult with its shadow looks kinda glitchy03:16
soulrideri also got yakuake03:16
LjLtry alt+f2 then03:16
soulriderbut i got a panel on top03:17
soulriderand it covers my text03:17
logankoesterI just installed kubuntu and I need it configured for my audio and video devices via remote access. $25usd via paypal - anyone interested should pm me. thanks :)03:18
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LjLsoulrider: or you can also go to the Keyboard Shortcut applet in the control panel and set a shortcut03:18
soulriderahh, thats what i wanted LjL03:18
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suifurAnyone else having issues with amaroK forgetting your collections?03:20
morghanphoenixOnly when I had it on an external hdd03:21
soulridererr, ig toa  starnge problem. I see an icon on my desktop i wanna delete but when it ry to delete it it sais it doesnt exist03:22
soulriderand go there using the conosle and i see nothing03:22
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderls has no output03:22
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suifurmorghanphoenix: ah, thats what i have03:22
suifurmorghanphoenix: ok, good to know its not just me03:22
morghanphoenixYou got udev rules written?03:23
morghanphoenixAnd the 1.4 amarok?03:23
=== DFM [n=mick@adsl-068-209-209-011.sip.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:24
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suifurmorghanphoenix: err sorry03:24
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suifurmorghanphoenix: udev rules?03:24
ubuntuWOW, people!03:25
ubuntuKubuntu is really nice03:25
suifurmorghanphoenix: i've got... amaroK 1.3.9 and no udev rules written...03:25
morghanphoenixyou'll have to get someone else to help you there, but if you have amarok 1.4 with proper udev rules written for the device it should work fine.03:25
morghanphoenixah, external libraries started in 1.403:25
suifuroh ok03:26
suifurwell i won't worry abou tit03:26
morghanphoenixeven if your device is set up right it won't work unless you upgrade03:26
=== suifur ponders if amaroK 1.4 is in backports...
morghanphoenixnot sure, but source-o-matic and automatix both have it.03:27
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:27
morghanphoenixgives you a new sources list for /etcc/apt/sources.list03:27
suifurbeen a while since i was on ubuntu lol03:27
morghanphoenixkubuntu is ubuntu, works just fine here too.03:28
suifurwell yah i mean that in general03:28
morghanphoenixARGH! You want a workout? Try running slackware!03:29
xavierhi .. i installed xgl and compiz on my kubuntu today .. now kde crashes taking kubuntu along with it whenever i login :( i am using fail safe mode right now .. what do i do?03:30
morghanphoenixI can't get amarok to run because libofa, which I just installed, isn't there.03:30
logankoesterGuess no one is interested - can anyone point me toward a tutorial for configuring X to use the right video driver?03:30
xavierhi .. i installed xgl and compiz on my kubuntu today .. now kde crashes taking kubuntu along with it whenever i login :( i am using fail safe mode right now .. what do i do?03:30
logankoesterxavier: you already said that03:30
morghanphoenixyours not listed in the xorg config?03:31
logankoestermorghanphoenix: who are you talking to?03:31
xaviermy windows do not have any borders .. nor title bars03:31
suifurmorghanphoenix: i used to run slack in the past :). Looks like backports has amarok 1.4 so we'll see where that gets me03:31
logankoestermorghanphoenix: that's correct. It's using a driver called vesa, I have onboard intel video03:32
morghanphoenixnot sure how to help you on that one, laptop video configs confuse me03:33
momalxavier: come into #beryl03:33
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jontec_I want to use remote desktop connection to control my windows computer across the room (yes I'm lazy, but that's not the point) how do I do it? I am one of those home/home office networks03:43
jontec_I can access the computer from samba03:43
jontec_but it won't work with the ip address03:44
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Martijn81jontec_: you could install tightvncserver on the other box, and control it with tightvnc from your pc, not sure how long you are able to re-use the set password on the server though03:47
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yogisghi again03:47
jontec_gracias. I was hoping it would work innately. :(03:47
yogisgkde says that my screen resolution problem (cant change it)  has to do somethin with a corrupted update etc. anynone know the package i have to reinstall?03:48
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Martijn81jontec_: might be, i am not saying it doesn't03:49
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yogisgi am reinstalling the kde core i hope it helps03:50
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=== woodstock_ is now known as Pinguinito
hazard2Hey, RogueJediX you there?03:52
yogisgyeehaw working xD03:53
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yogisgi  am using linux fot 2 hours now and i frikkin love it..03:53
suifuryogisg: good ot hear :)03:55
=== suifur has used linux for 6 years and friggin loves it
yogisgi mean cmon... apt is so superior... im mean oh my god its just unbeliveable03:56
=== momal on 5th year of using linux... and can't wait till windows dis :)
yogisgok error 11 is kinda disturbing but who cares xD03:57
yogisgwindows ll die when vista is out03:57
yogisgi hope..03:57
suifurmomal: well look no further than Vista, with all the crap flying about over the DRM Kernel and what not its only a matter of time...03:57
=== Mater [n=pablo@9.pool85-54-157.dynamic.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu
yogisgthe last thin i need is a mac skin... :\   oh and cedega for miranda ^^03:57
momalhehe... all of vista effects are copyed from everything else... get somthing new >_<03:57
yogisgto bad theres no linux build03:58
yogisgyeah especially mac (i mean hello the "bubble" logo??)03:58
suifuryogisg: look hard enough on kde-look.org and you'll find enough stuff to make your kde desktop look like a mac;)03:58
yogisgYay :D03:58
yogisg*dancin* ^ ^       and the community is just great03:59
yogisgits five o clock in the mornin and im just to happy to sleep03:59
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yogisgwho was the command for searching with apt?04:02
suifurapt-cache search <string>04:02
yogisgahhh cache! darn04:03
yogisganything else   apt-"thing" ?04:03
suifurapt-cache             apt-extracttemplates  apt-key04:03
suifurapt-cdrom             apt-ftparchive        apt-sortpkgs04:03
suifurapt-config            apt-get04:03
suifurthere you go04:03
suifurmost won't be useful to the normal user though04:04
yogisg:D  dont care i need knowledge :)04:04
yogisgthx ^04:04
yogisgok but now its gettin tooo late imgoin to sleep bye ^^04:06
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Pinguinitohi, ive a problem with qemu, ive tried qemu channel but everybody is ZZzzZzzzZ or just away04:10
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Pinguinitosomebody :D?04:11
shadowhywindits mostly quiet in here too,04:11
hazard2ARRGGGHHHHH!!! (death)04:12
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Pinguinitowell my prob is that the emulation is very poor, i mean, im sharing 400MB of RAM, ive a 3000+ and qemu looks like im running a P1 with 16MB04:13
danny500I need help, useing Quake 204:14
danny500can any one help?04:14
hazard2where did Quake 2?! I remember quake 2!04:14
hazard2I always liked map SPACE04:14
danny500yeah it's a good map but I can't figure out how to use it on linux04:14
danny500I have the win32 cd rom version04:15
=== Katmando [n=Tjones@c-71-205-176-219.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
hazard__what can't you use? (this is the same hazard)04:15
hazard__is there a q2 binary thing?04:15
danny500I don't know04:15
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hazard__(because I know you can get the full version of win32 Q2 using the w32 demo and the mac version's game files)04:15
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hazard__How are you trying to run it....?04:16
coreymon77!seen ceros04:16
ubotuI last saw ceros (n=user@c-68-49-247-245.hsd1.va.comcast.net) 9h 39m 58s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection04:16
danny500I was using wine04:16
hazard__I don't know how to use wine, sorry, I can't help you.04:16
danny500but that don't work04:16
momalI think there is a q2 linux binarary somewhere you just copy the pak files over to.. there is one for q3 as well... try googling04:17
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ubotuquake2: improved version of id Software's Quake II engine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.3-1.1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1240 kB, installed size 3144 kB04:17
momal<3 that bot04:17
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danny500I keep finding linux patchs that enable you to play it on linux but I can't figure out how to do it04:17
danny500oh well I'll eventually find out, it's just that I want to play online with it so bad04:18
danny500know what I mean lol04:18
danny500well cya later04:18
Pinguinitowell hes gone04:18
=== mmazo [n=mmazo@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2y-239.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
Pinguinitoim still having my qemu prob :D04:19
logankoesterSo can anyone explain what I need to do to get X using the proper drivers for my onboard intel card? I don't think there's anything more frustrating than an 800x600 display04:19
unix_infidelPinguinito: any specific reason why you're using qemu?04:20
unix_infideli find vmware much faster.04:20
Pinguinitoim triying to install different OS04:21
unix_infidelPinguinito: you can do that with vmware.04:21
=== warren [n=warren@cpc2-burn2-0-0-cust692.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77me too04:21
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:21
momalyea vmware is good :D.. you can use it for free legally as well :)04:22
Pinguinitovmware is free?04:22
HawkwindPinguinito: Yes04:22
HawkwindPinguinito: sudo apt-get install vmware-player04:22
Pinguinitolets see04:22
warrenthe player is free - the server isn't04:22
coreymon77well depends04:22
unix_infidelserver is free as well.04:22
coreymon77yes it04:22
Hawkwindwarren: Server is free too04:22
unix_infidelor rather, license to the server is free.04:22
Pinguinitocan i run my qemu images on vmware?04:23
warrenwow - how are they making money then?04:23
coreymon77you download the trial of vmware workstation, create yout vm, and then use it with the free vmware player04:23
unix_infidelwarren: the market situation in virtualization is rather complex right now.04:23
HawkwindNo need for all that though really04:23
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Pinguinitoits apt-getting :P04:23
thul_I have a question, I have installed freebsd.. and have the kubuntu cd. Is it possible to copy parts of the kubuntu cd over to another partition, add it too the boot-mgr and just boot?04:24
unix_infidelwarren: VMware server is actually a successor to GSX Server.04:24
momalyou can use the vmserver to create vm's to use in vmplayer so :)04:24
unix_infideljust make sure you have adequate memory :)04:25
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linuxkid2I can't use smb by putting in the computer name, I have to use IP address. I have DNS, might that be a factor?04:25
warrenused vmware on windows at work at while a go - cost a fortune - suprised its free - but I suppose giving stuff away worked for m$04:25
linuxkid2Doesn't effect the Windows computers04:25
unix_infidelwarren: MSDN is a totally different concept.04:26
thul_i guess not:P04:26
Pinguinitoforgive me if im asking something that is answered everywhere but what are the main differences between vmware and qemu?04:26
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php04:26
warrenfair enough (goes quiet)04:26
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flaccidlinuxkid2: NetBT04:26
linuxkid2flaccid: what's that?04:27
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thul_any tips?04:27
linuxkid2flaccid: I know that netbios is the Windows protocol, but I think maybe Linux is searching for NetBT names in DNS, where there not.04:28
flaccidenable netbios04:28
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare04:28
linuxkid2flaccid: enable?04:28
flacciddns proxy = no04:28
flaccidjoin #samba and learn from samba.org04:28
linuxkid2flaccid: where? How?04:28
linuxkid2I might do that for my Debian server, but not my Kubuntu client.04:28
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mandohello everyone04:29
flaccidlinuxkid2: you have no internal dns server do you04:29
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linuxkid2flaccid: I do. It's that Debian server.04:29
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flaccidlinuxkid2: well if your dns is set properly you don't need netbios or wins04:29
mandook if anyone remembers i was asking about the buffer i/o bad block errors i get04:30
thul_I have the "kubuntu 6.06.1 Dapper Drake" cd04:30
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mandohdd regenerator fixed a couple of bad sectors and that solved it04:30
thul_i just want to be able to boot it on my external, is it possible to just copy stuff from the cd directly onto the external from inside freebsd?04:30
linuxkid2flaccid: it's just dnsmasq, not bind. I didn't want to bother with the big boy.04:30
mandobut kubuntu takes alot of time loading though.. specially at the checking file system phaze04:30
mandoi have a 60 smth GB fat32 drive04:30
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=== Rapidwolve [n=pj@pool-72-85-220-42.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
mandois it normal for the check at startup to take that much time?04:31
mandolike 1 minute04:31
Pinguinitowell vmware is installed04:31
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linuxkid2flaccid ?04:31
RapidwolveIs it possible to install gnome on kubuntu04:31
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flaccidlinuxkid2: what do you want?04:31
HawkwindRapidwolve: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:31
axeli prefer gnome04:32
Pinguinitosome tip of how to run my imgs?04:32
linuxkid2flaccid: oh, I just don't know how to get kubuntu to forget about DNS for the NetBT names.04:32
RapidwolveHawkwind: Type that into Konsole04:32
thul_i guess not:P04:32
HawkwindRapidwolve: Yes04:32
flaccidlinuxkid2: forget about dns for the NetBT. i don't understand04:32
linuxkid2flaccid: or should all the NetBT names match the DNS names? they don't.04:33
RapidwolveHawkwind: Thank you04:33
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RapidwolveHawkwind: What is it supposed to say?04:33
flaccidlinuxkid2: you need name resolution of some sort. whether its wins, netbios or dns, it doesnt matter (as long as its configured correctly)04:33
RapidwolveAll it asks for is my password then nothing happens04:33
linuxkid2flaccid: what's correctly?04:34
HawkwindRapidwolve: It'll install everything for you04:34
mandowhere can i download software?04:34
Hawkwindmando: Use sudo apt-get install <package> from a terminal04:34
flaccidas in the configuration is correct. if its not, it won't work.04:34
RapidwolveHawkwind nothing happened?04:34
Rapidwolveits not working04:34
mandono i mean how can i find packages. i want to download gimp and mozilla for example04:34
momalmando: or use adept if you want a gui04:34
Rapidwolveit asks for a password and thats it04:34
HawkwindRapidwolve: It helps if you paste the errors to http://pastebin.ulteo.us and give us the resulting URL04:34
flaccidlinuxkid2: you need to cite something specific, otherwise i can't help04:34
RapidwolveIts not an error, Hawkwind04:35
HawkwindRapidwolve: Not with sudo it shouldn't04:35
RapidwolveHawkwind, Nothing happens04:35
=== suifur eats Hawkwind's hand
HawkwindRapidwolve: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:35
martalli_You can use aptitude from the command line if you wqant an interface like synaptic, adept, etc.04:35
HawkwindRapidwolve: That should not ask for a password04:35
linuxkid2flaccid: I get that, but what does correctly mean? I have a computer that is called family-desktop.local in DNS, and GFAM in NetBT and I can't connect to it.04:35
momalHawkwind: if he has a root pw set it will :p04:35
RapidwolveHawkwind: I copied and pasted04:35
Hawkwindmomal: No it won't04:35
mandook thanks04:35
flaccidlinuxkid2: yes. why can't you connnect to it. i can't read minds..04:36
Hawkwindmomal: I have a root account enabled and sudo does not ask for a password on Ubuntu, Kubuntu04:36
linuxkid2flaccid: sorry I wasn't specific enough. So the DNS and Windows names have to match?04:36
HawkwindRapidwolve: So try entering your users password ?04:36
momalHawkwind: ,... if I type sudo anywhere it asks me for my root password ?04:36
RapidwolveHawkwind: Yes04:36
RapidwolveHawkwind: No password also works04:36
Hawkwindmomal: Heh, sorry.  I was thinking of something different04:36
Rapidwolveohhh nvermind04:36
Rapidwolveyou were right i had to enter my password04:36
Rapidwolvelol sorry and thanks04:36
flaccidlinuxkid2: i would recommend it. they don't have to. but then you need to rely on netbios or wins for the ones that don't and you probably don't want that.04:37
linuxkid2flaccid: okay, thanks.04:37
martalli_momal - it will ask for your password the first time, but then you have a few minutes to keep going weithout getting asked for a password when you sudo04:37
Hawkwindmomal: I forgot I have sudo set to never ask for a password since this is a single user box04:37
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=== Hawkwind Stomps on suifur's head
flaccidlinuxkid2: if you can show error output from using smbclient . i can help from there.04:37
momalHawkwind: hehe.. martalli_: yea but first time it didn't do anything for him... which I think the pw didn't go in :p04:38
linuxkid2flaccid: Segmentation fault04:38
intelikeyHawkwind root jr. with no passwd ???     why not just login as root and make it harder on the hackers  sheeez04:38
momalMicrosoft Access is sooo crap... why do they make us do this crap at school04:38
flaccidlinuxkid2: thats not good. can you ping the host??04:38
Pinguinitoi installed vmware, now what's next ?04:38
Hawkwindintelikey: It's a single user system that is not accessible to the outside at all04:38
martalli_If you have a sudo account and then create a second account, it won't let you sudo form the second account (unless you've been fiddling).  Maybe this is the guys problem04:38
flaccidmomal: because it is m$04:39
HawkwindPinguinito: Run it04:39
momalintelikey: HAHAHAHA... I think he would have it safened up :p04:39
linuxkid2flaccid: yes. it's right next room.04:39
dudeguys, can u suggest an ftp program for kubuntu04:39
unix_infidelmomal: so what?04:39
Hawkwindintelikey: This box is totally within the network, and there is no ssh, ftp or anything like that running to get into it from the outside :)04:39
unix_infidelyou know you can interoperate b/w mysql and access right?04:39
suifurdude: if you're comfortable with command  line, then ncftp04:39
PinguinitoHawkwind: need to do somthing special?04:39
flaccidlinuxkid2: smbclient -NL //hostname and also smbclient -NL //ipaddress <--- do they both return seg fault ?04:39
linuxkid2dude: konqueror's allright.04:39
momalflaccid: typical my teacher yesterday was like damn school I have been teaching this crap for 4 years and its boring as hell.04:39
coreymon77i hquick question about the new firefox04:39
Pinguinitoi get bash: vmware: orden no encontrada04:39
momalunix_infidel: eh?04:40
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare04:40
HawkwindPinguinito: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^04:40
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
Pinguinitothat means "command not found"04:40
flaccidmomal: access has no place in IT anymore. fullstop.04:40
martalli_linuxkid2 - the newer versions of konquerer are great04:40
unix_infidelmomal: you were complaining about MS Access04:40
momalflaccid: yea... i know so why the hell they still teach it >_<04:40
martalli_after running automatix, konq shows videos from cnn and other little bits04:40
unix_infidelmost OSS DMBS offer interoperability with MS Access04:40
unix_infidelor rather, "claim"04:41
mandook it says mozilla is installed already04:41
mandohow do i run it04:41
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momalmando: look in your K menu under internet04:41
momalshould be there04:41
mandonot there04:42
mandoonly konquerer04:42
linuxkid2flaccid: yes on hostname, some weirder stuff on ip address. It says the called name is not present.04:42
Lam_how do i stop kubuntu from saving the last username on startup?04:42
martalli_then look in usr/sbin04:42
mandowhats an executable file for linux?04:42
dudeguys how about terminal client for kubuntu04:42
martalli_look in /usr/sbin for mozilla04:42
PinguinitoHawkwind: i downloaded it via apt-get, ive read the web but it doesnt explain anithing to me04:42
HawkwindPinguinito: In a terminal type:  vmwa(hit the tab key)04:43
momalmando: K menu> run command> put in mozilla and if it runs.. it works.. probly just kde hasn't updated to show in the menu04:43
HawkwindPinguinito: Run it, follow the screen04:43
linuxkid2mando: there's no specific extension. shell scripts are .sh, but their text-based.04:43
Pinguinitovmware-config-network.pl  vmware-ping04:43
LeeJunFanLam_: run kcontrol, go to system administration -> login manager04:43
linuxkid2mando, but shell scripts don't have to be .sh . most executables have no extension.04:43
martalli_mando - if it has the executable attribute marked, linux will try to run it04:44
mandook thanks04:44
LeeJunFanLam_: or run system administration from kmenu->advanced->login manager04:44
martalli_but if the file is not in the executable path (even if it is in the active directory) you have to specify the path, eg. "./myscript.sh"04:44
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PinguinitoHawkwind: im running a 64bit version uf kubutu04:45
neoncodeHow do I set a single command to run on logon of just my account?04:45
dennisterhi pps04:45
martalli_Is the 64 bit version truly faster than the 32 bit version?04:45
dennisterhey hawkwind, how r ya?04:45
LeeJunFanneoncode: you can put it in ~/.kde/Autostart04:45
linuxkid2neoncode: rc.local or ~/.kde/Autostart04:45
momalneoncode: /home/username/.kde/Autostart/ any file in there with +x permissions can04:46
linuxkid2LeeJunFan: beat me to the punch04:46
Lam_LeeJunFan: thanks04:46
neoncodeRight, Thank you.04:46
dennisteris anyone else having trouble with the plf repositories?04:47
Pinguinitomartalli_: its not big deal, i dont "feel" a big difference i find them very similar04:47
LeeJunFanlinuxkid2: well I am Lee Jun Fan :p  -- Bruce Lee04:47
mandowhen i search for gimp it cant be found04:47
mandohow is that04:47
LeeJunFan!info gimp04:47
ubotugimp: The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.11-1ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 2712 kB, installed size 7648 kB04:47
mandodoesnt it like search online or something?04:47
mandoi mean adept04:48
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LeeJunFanmando: when you installed did you have networking working during install?04:48
linuxkid2mando: searching with Adept? Aptitude?04:48
mandono i dont believe i had it working04:48
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LeeJunFanmando: your sources are probably not configured correctly.04:48
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:48
linuxkid2mando: adept just searches the local cache, you have to update that first.04:48
dennisterguess not...can someone help me fix these repositories pls? (I've never had probs with them br; can't understand it)04:48
mandothank you!04:49
dennisterLeeJunFan: r u free at the moment...I've seen u helping so many people u seem to really know what ur doing04:50
linuxkid2anybody else here use the fish:// kioslave? it's pretty cool.04:50
LeeJunFandennister: I did stay at a holliday in express last night. :p04:50
LeeJunFandennister: what you need?04:50
flaccidlinuxkid2: outside scope of this channel. join #samba. most likely the server's samba config that is the problem.04:51
dennisterheheheh...i have a clean install here, and can't seem to get the plf repositories configured properly04:51
linuxkid2flaccid: ok. I can't get that thing to do a no-password printer either. thanks for the channel.04:51
LeeJunFandennister: afraid I've never used them myself. But you can pastebin your sources and I'll take a look.04:52
Pinguinitook it was vmplayer04:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:52
flaccidlinuxkid2: np. i recommend learning samba properly so then you know what your config is actually doing. samba is a hugely configurable server that can use a lot of protocols.04:52
linuxkid2flaccid: I tried swat on the server, but it doesn't work for some reason. It just times out.04:53
linuxkid2used to work04:53
flaccidsounds like you have issue04:53
dudewhat is the best radio streaming player in kubuntu04:53
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LeeJunFanlinuxkid2: you don't have any firewall blocking swat's port do you?04:54
linuxkid2LeeJunFan: that's probably it.04:54
LeeJunFan901 or 902 or some such thing.04:54
dennisterLeeJunFan: ok, it's at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26828/04:54
flaccidlinuxkid2: if thats the case you want wanna check that your samba server isn't blocking any samba ports04:55
dennisterhi flaccid :)04:55
mandook i got the new source.list04:56
mandohow do i use it?04:56
linuxkid2flaccid: iptables isn't running on that.04:56
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flaccidlinuxkid2: i'll help you in #samba if you want04:57
linuxkid2mando: put it in /etc/apt/ and run apt-get update04:57
linuxkid2flaccid: k04:57
mandook thanks04:57
LeeJunFandennister: where did you get that source from? the easysource says plf is : deb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free04:57
dennisteri did a google search for it...this is a mirror site04:58
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LeeJunFandennister: try removing the pool from your sources04:59
mandocannot write to file :S04:59
LeeJunFanie, just deb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf breezy free non-free04:59
LeeJunFanand from the other lines as well.04:59
dennisteri didn't have the word pool at first...but I had errors then, 2, added the pool as per the directories on the site05:00
mandook took care of it :D05:00
mandocool working :D fetching updates05:00
LeeJunFandennister: The dist tree includes pool your source will expect to find pool, dists, project inside it. So if you use pool as the top level dir for the repos it's not going to find the rest of the stuff.05:01
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andresmujicahi! i've upgraded to kde 3.5.5 but it broke kicker.. it`s not starting anymore...05:03
dennisterok...trying to get into ur link...hold on05:03
dennisteri can't get into ur link...tried doing peelbacks and all the ubuntu directory has is a readme page05:05
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:06
LeeJunFandennister: what kind of error do you get when you run apt-get update?05:07
coreymon77i have a question about the new firefox05:08
LeeJunFandennister: a lot of 3rd party repos put index pages in the dirs so you can't see the file tree, instead you get a page. Personally I find that annoying, but owell.05:08
dennister"Failed to fetch"...404 Not Found05:08
dennisteryes, even though my sources.list page does not have the word 'dists' in the path, apt-get and synaptic stick it in there05:09
coreymon77in dapper05:09
dennisteri guess i need another site/source for the plf repositories05:10
LeeJunFandennister: yeah, that's normal - that's giving you the entire path.05:10
LeeJunFandennister: yeah, I just tried with the link easysource gave - the Packages files are not found.05:10
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dennisterunfortuantely, they move around fairly often, sites stop providing these packages is what I've found05:11
dennisteror found over the last 6 weeks, anyway05:11
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LeeJunFanThis project is now in dormant state, as the plf/ubuntu team resigned due05:12
LeeJunFanto lack of time. If you want more detail or want to help, please contact05:12
LeeJunFanmisc, either on irc ( #plf@irc.freenode.net ), or send a email on05:12
LeeJunFanmisc at zarb.org .05:12
LeeJunFancrap sry.05:12
LeeJunFandennister: that's in a README file from the plf repos - apparently there isn't a plf (at least for ubuntu) any more.05:12
ubotuplf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf - mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc05:13
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andresmujicahi! i've upgraded to kde 3.5.5 but it broke kicker.. it`s not starting anymore...05:17
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LeeJunFanandresmujica: rm ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc and try again.05:18
dennisterLeeJunFan: that link from ubotu is the one i used to get to the first mirror...i even used the public key from that page05:19
LeeJunFanandresmujica: if that doesn't work then rm -rf ~/.kde/share/apps/kicker/05:19
momalandresmujica: if still no luck try run kicker via console and look at its output05:20
LeeJunFandennister: plf for ubuntu is gone. So you aren't going to be able to get it working, they gave up.05:20
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intelikeywhat is the latest windows release  (don't rant)   ?05:21
LeeJunFanvista will be soon.05:22
intelikeyk ty05:22
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dennisteractually, they released other variants of xp that I have: 64-bit Edition and Media Center Edition05:23
dennisterboth are crap05:23
Dr_willisAmazing how Apple is able to have 1 version of OS-X.. or is there an actual server version?05:23
dennistereven xp is crap...we've had it for almost 3 yrs05:23
momalwin 3.11 was the bet :p05:24
coreymon77is there a repo with firefox rc2 yet?05:24
LeeJunFanUninstalled sitting in the trash can is the best version of windows.05:24
dennisterLeeJunFan: k, i edited 'pool' out of sources.list, now I only get one error, so I'll take that line right out05:25
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LeeJunFandennister: doesn't matter. There is no more plf for ubuntu.05:25
LeeJunFandennister: they gave up, resigned, quit. Stopped even :)05:25
intelikeyno blah ?05:26
mandoquick question05:26
mandohow to install xgl?05:26
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:26
intelikeyhey quick answer :)05:26
LeeJunFanNow that's a new height of psychotic. Talking to yourself in IRC.05:27
mandocool :D05:27
LeeJunFanThe voices in my head commune with me via the internet!05:27
momalmando: ... are you wanting to run compiz from xgl ?..05:27
=== satempler [n=satemple@ip24-252-207-149.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
satempleris mtp support built in to Amarok in Kubuntu ?05:28
satempleror was it built without05:28
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.05:28
satemplerbecause i know ./configure can configure it without05:29
mandoi dont really know05:29
momalLeeJunFan: lol? you were thinking what i was about compiz05:30
mandoi want to have those cool windows effects.. like the transparency.. etc.05:30
momallol... mando come into #beryl05:30
satempleris there a dcop comand  or somthing to find out what it was built with05:30
LeeJunFanyeah, compiz is defunct for the most part.05:30
LeeJunFanberyl is what you want.05:30
dennisterwell, I've got one line left for the plf...and still the error05:32
dennisteris it possible the problem could be caused by the key?05:33
=== VanessaE [n=vanessa@pool-72-91-42-203.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
VanessaEgood evening all05:33
dennisterhi VanessaE05:33
LeeJunFandennister: read my last 4-5 messages to you. THERE IS NO MORE UBUNTU PLF. :)05:34
VanessaEgot a really weird issue that I'm not even sure is *ubuntu specific.05:34
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dennisteroh shoot05:34
satemplerthere isn't05:34
satemplera Ubuntu PLF05:34
LeeJunFandennister: nope, there's a readme now that says they resigned.05:35
satemplerI just used the edgy one today05:35
mandoi cant believe gimp is as good as photoshop.. it says its only 7 mb!05:35
HawkwindThere is actually.  It's still for Dapper.  Just not maintained anymore05:35
VanessaEI'm creating a local repos. for our two machines here to try to save the Ubuntu servers some bandwidth.  For my machine using Dapper, the repository works perfectly. For my husband's which runs Edgy, it steadfastly refuses to use my repos. at all.  I'm 100% certain my configuration is identical on both machines.05:35
logankoestergimp is good, but it's not photoshop05:35
HawkwindThere is for Edgy too it seems05:35
HawkwindLeeJunFan: That's not true05:35
LeeJunFanHawkwind: the mirrors I tried were empty and just had README files saying they were not doing it any more.05:35
dennisteri don't understand...the packages were working..05:35
VanessaEIs there something about Edgy that explicitly tells it to ignore my local repos?05:35
HawkwindLeeJunFan: They asked a couple months back for people to help out and take it over, and people did05:36
dennisterso where r the packages?05:36
LeeJunFanVanessaE: how did you create your repos?05:37
dennisteri mean, I was certainly able to download the w32codecs and libdvd...earlier today05:37
VanessaE(note there are two differences I can spot - there's an 01ubuntu config file on the edgy box but not mine, and mine has an apt.conf while the edgy does not)05:37
satemplerlooks like they are there05:37
VanessaELee: using this howto:  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/repository-howto/repository-howto#trivial-example05:37
dennisterI just can't get the proper repos into synaptic...yes, that's the same place I downloaded the single packages from05:38
satemplerand again http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/dapper/free/05:38
dennisterbut there are others...my real problem is actually getting the java going properly05:38
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LeeJunFanVanessaE: so you've just got your own packages then, not a full mirror?05:39
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:39
VanessaELee: partial mirror, just the packages our machines use.  I'm doing this for backup purposes mostly.05:39
dudewhat is the best radio streaming player in kubuntu05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about takahashi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:40
dennisterI've installed three of them by themselves, but because i did them from individual packages, and not synaptic, they're in different directories, so I can't get this howto to work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java05:40
satemplerdude: try amarok05:40
LeeJunFanVanessaE: there's nothing in edgy that would cause it to ignore your local repos. I'm using local repos for edgy on 3 machines here, I've got i386 mirrored with debmirror05:40
dudesatempler: no sound05:41
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VanessaELee, maybe these details will make sense to you:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26831/05:41
VanessaEthe edgy repos will be especially useful once edgy is stable, then I can upgrade just using packages my husband's box has already fetched.05:43
VanessaE(at which point, I guess I can retire the dapper repos. :) )05:43
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LeeJunFanVanessaE: does apt-get update give you any error message on edgy?05:44
VanessaEthe only thing close to an error msg I get is "Ign:  ./ Packages"  but I see that on *both* boxes.05:45
LeeJunFanVanessaE: yeah, that just means that since it checked last time there've been no changes.05:46
VanessaEi.e. it doesn't spit out the usual "some files couldn't be fetched" message I would expect to get05:46
VanessaEOhhhhhh k05:46
LeeJunFanVanessaE: I wonder if the contents of your Packages files are being populated correctly?05:46
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LeeJunFanVanessaE: you should be able to cd to the /data/Software/Edgy and run dpkg-scanpackages ./ /dev/null | less and see what it's generating as the content for Packages05:48
VanessaEthat's a good question - both files look ok to me but then again I'm not sure what to look for that would imply a break05:48
VanessaE(I've viewed them with less)05:48
LeeJunFanVanessaE: and the edgy one has data? ie. not blank?05:48
VanessaEit looks about the same as the one for the dapper repos.05:49
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LeeJunFanVanessaE: and how have you determined that it's not working?05:49
LeeJunFanVanessaE: how did you come to that conclusion?05:49
VanessaEI checked first that /var/cache/apt/archives is empty on both machines05:49
andresmujicahi about kicker and kde 3.5.5 issue i've just made a bug report, thanks for the suggestions they didn't worked... and a quick search for the forums lead to nowhere.. so  here is the bug report https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/6619805:50
VanessaEthen I apt-get remove a package like xine-ui, something I know is in the local repos.05:50
VanessaEthen I immediately apt-get install it05:50
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VanessaEthe dapper box fetches it from the local repos.  The edgy box goes to an ubuntu server to fetch it.05:50
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LeeJunFanVanessaE: ah, well. Perhaps there have been changes between dapper apt-get and edgy, or - where in the sources.list file is the line for the local repos? I think it should be at the top to be checked first.05:51
VanessaEI've made absolutely sure the package in the edgy repos. is the exact package that's been downloaded from the ubuntu server (copied it over to the local repos and re-ran the update-repository-edgy script)05:51
hazard2How can I restart the mouse server?05:51
VanessaEthe deb line is at the very top of the file on both boxes.05:51
hazard2My mouse is...gone?05:51
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VanessaEhazard: in the text console?05:53
VanessaEor in X?05:53
hazard2in X05:53
hazard2the mouse has vanished05:53
VanessaEeh..restart X :)05:53
VanessaEunless you run your mouse through gpm05:53
hazard2I have no idea.05:53
intelikeyif you have no idea what gpm is then you aren't using it.05:54
hazard2no, I don't know if I'm using it.05:54
intelikeyyou're not.05:55
hazard2I'm using whatever kubuntu installed05:55
dudecan i configure my eddesktop?05:55
LeeJunFanVanessaE: I'm at a loss with the repository thing.05:56
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VanessaELee: told you it was weird :)05:56
intelikeyVanessaE apt will get from the repo that reports to have the "newest" version of *    could that have anything to do with it ?05:59
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Manyfoldhow can i allow applications to change the bpp of the display?05:59
LeeJunFanVanessaE: try apt-cache showpkg [package]  for one in your local repos.06:00
VanessaEintelikey, that was my first thought06:00
LeeJunFanVanessaE: that should show you the paths to the packages it's aware of.06:00
VanessaEone sec.06:00
LeeJunFanVanessaE: you may want to pipe that to grep "File:"06:01
intelikeyi.e. package kde-core may appear in  "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"  "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"  "local"   the one in updates will be the one it gets.06:01
VanessaEthere ya go - it looks like it IS referencing my local repos.  but this is an example of a program which I explicltly allowed it to download, then I ran that update script and tried the test again, just to rule out the file-is-newer possibility06:02
LeeJunFanVanessaE: well, it sees it fine.06:02
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dudehow do i  create shorcut keys for an specific application?06:03
intelikeykhotkeys ?06:04
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LeeJunFanVanessaE: I have no idea why it would choose to install from the internet over your local file, maybe on the edgy machine you should try putting your local repos line at the bottom of sources.list just to see if apt's behavior has changed.?06:05
VanessaEgood idea.06:05
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VanessaEAH HAH!06:07
VanessaEthat did it06:07
intelikeyVanessaE i think that order in the sources.list used to come into play when versions were the same....  (i have dialup and used to hate it when it wanted to dl things that were on the cd.)06:08
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dudeintelikey: yes06:09
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LeeJunFanalthough man sources.list says: It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most preferred source listed first.06:10
RadiantFireit does?06:11
RadiantFirenever knew that06:11
RadiantFireyou should have the same package in more than one repository though06:11
dudewhat is the update manager in kuuntu06:11
dudewhat is the update manager in kubuntu06:11
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dudeintelikey: yes06:12
VanessaEnope, putting that line at the end of sources.list did *not* work06:12
naegling23does anyone know the keyboard shortcut to increase/decrease font size?06:12
andresmujicactrl + +06:13
VanessaE(it pulled from the copy stored in /var/cache/apt/archives...  Which I then moved to my repos, ran the update script again, and tried the test again)06:13
duderadiant: how do i create hotkeys for an specific application06:13
LeeJunFanVanessaE: you may have found a bug in apt for edgy. It certainly seems like it. Everything looks in order.06:14
VanessaEDude: I use KDE's input actions bit.06:14
dudevanessa: where can i find that?, sorry newbie06:14
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VanessaERun the KDE control center, go to Regional and Accessibility -> Input actions -> New Action and set the "Action Type field" to "Keyboard Shortcut  Command/URL"06:15
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dudevanessa: tnx06:16
intelikeydude or in a terminal tupe khotkeys     although i'm not sure that's the app you want...   i don't have kde installed.06:16
VanessaEyou should be able to figure out the rest from there.06:17
VanessaELee: ok, I was beginning to think so.  Where should I report the bug?06:17
dennisterk...my desktops r quite confused.with this installation06:18
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dennisterI've now got a lot of gnome apps in my kde/kubuntu, and lots of kde apps in gnome06:18
dennisterhow do I sort this out?06:19
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dennisterit's really bugging me06:19
dennisterjust edit the menus?06:20
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VanessaEn/m, think I found the right place06:20
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LeeJunFanVanessaE: I don't know if it will show you any more useful information but perhaps apt-get install --print-uris xine-ui will say why your local mirror isn't being used?06:21
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/06:21
VanessaElemme try that06:21
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LeeJunFanI wonder if it could be something to do with md5sums or some such thing? Just too bad there isn't a more verbose option for apt to have it show why it might reject your repository.06:22
VanessaEhm, that didn't do anything useful06:23
VanessaEit seems to know the package is already downloaded, noting the "Need to get 0B/1606kB"06:24
VanessaEdammit, it's in the archives dir again.06:24
VanessaElet me try that again the right way06:24
VanessaEthere, that time it actually showed me a URL - the webserver.06:25
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taoI'm running Kubuntu live CD, just to check it out.  When i try to install Firefox, it fails!  Does firefox work with this?06:26
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VanessaEfails how?06:28
LeeJunFanVanessaE: I wonder if you temporarily disable universe if it would get it from your local then?06:28
VanessaEyou shouldn't need to "install" anything if you're just using the livecd06:28
VanessaElee: lemme try it06:28
VanessaEwhoa..something new here06:29
VanessaEnevermind, forgot to comment something out.06:29
VanessaEok, now it's willing to use my local package.06:29
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taoits just downloads... then says, THere was an error commiting changes06:30
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VanessaELee: could the ubuntu servers be tagging things in such a way that everything online it automatically "newer" than whatever I might have locally06:30
Linux_Galoretoa maybe not enough space06:30
CraZy675what do I have to do to get qtparted working with ntfsresize?06:31
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Linux_Galoretoa try downloading firefox from the mozilla home page and installing it in your home directory06:31
taohmm... I'll check thanks Galore06:31
CraZy675i have tried to apt-get ntfs resize but the package doesn't seem to be there06:31
andresmujicatry apt-get install ntfs-utils06:32
CraZy675ntfsresize is listed in my qtparted configuation06:32
LeeJunFanVanessaE: well, it goes by date on the FS I think. But your downloaded ones should match the ubuntu ones.06:32
Linux_Galoretao: then just create a link from firefox executable in the firefox-install directory created when you unpack the file and your desktop06:33
VanessaEthat's what I expected06:33
LeeJunFanVanessaE: of course when you copy it might change, what date shows for your local xine-ui?06:33
LeeJunFanVanessaE: same here.06:34
VanessaEok, re-enabling the universe repos. definitely breaks my local repos.06:34
VanessaE(well, breaks my ability to use it)06:34
Linux_Galoretao: you dont really need firefox though with kubuntu thoigh because konqueror does the same job06:34
Linux_Galoretao: and you get that by default06:35
CraZy675should I use qtparted or is there a better way of resizing ntfs?06:36
LeeJunFanVanessaE: I dunno, I think we've pretty much exhausted all possibilities other than a bug :( I guess see what comes back from the bug report.06:36
VanessaEspecifically, if I enable the "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe" line, that's when it breaks06:36
CraZy675oh the status of my ntfs drive is busy, thats weird06:36
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J_L_CtbaBom dia madrugueiros(as)06:37
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VanessaEsearching through the bug database now...06:38
taoLinux_Galore: I just love firefox  :)  It my personal fav.    ok, i've downloaded it, and its running..  Thanks a lot. But its a shame that KDE couldn't install and add it to the applicaation menus  :(06:38
LeeJunFanVanessaE: probably better to use the general bugs for all ubuntu, if you go into a specific release like dapper/edgy it may not be reported as specific to that dist.06:39
VanessaEI'm sticking to then general area, yeah06:39
HawkwindUnfortunately konqueror doesn't do near the job firefox will as a webbrowser06:39
VanessaEer, general searches even06:39
J_L_CtbaAlgum aqui hablas Portugus?06:39
HawkwindFor instance, most of the Google stuff doesn't work in konqueror, and many many other things06:40
HawkwindIMO konqueror is a much better file manager than it is a webbrowser06:40
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.06:40
Lam_i'm in the login manager options under system control and i can't find hte option to disable the feature that shows the last user login on start up06:40
Lam_i want kde not to save that information06:40
taoI have to admit, I like the functionality ok KDE, but it seems laggy & buggy compared to Gnome on Ubuntu :(06:40
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LeeJunFanLam_: under convenience tab06:41
LeeJunFanLam_: preselect user06:41
LeeJunFanLam_: you will have to go to administrator mode to change it.06:41
Lam_yeah i did that06:42
Lam_mine is set to None06:42
Lam_but it still seems to save my username06:42
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ny0ni need help06:42
Lam_i guess it was a minor bug.  i had to click None and save it again06:42
ny0nanyone around06:43
Lam_thanks LeeJunFan06:43
ny0ni want to get my wifi working with kubuntu06:43
ny0nany help?06:43
andresmujicatao: sadly you're right, but the improvement made to ubuntu is awesome. really awesome... at this point is really good so i believe that it's gonna really fien for edgy06:44
CraZy675I'm totally lost, I have no idea what to type to install ntfsresize06:45
taoandresmujica:  hmm, didn't realise that... I'm new to both  :)06:45
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taolooks like its Ubuntu for me then  :)06:45
andresmujicacrazy try06:46
LeeJunFanCraZy675: sudo apt-get install ntfstools06:46
andresmujicaapt-cache search ntfs06:46
LeeJunFanCraZy675: sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs06:46
andresmujicaor ntfsresize06:46
LeeJunFannot tools06:46
andresmujicamaybe it would help06:46
Linux_Galoretao: well you have to understand firefox is actually gtk based so to install firefox you really need to install allot of gtk bits and pieces06:46
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CraZy675LeeJunFan: progs06:46
taoLinux_Galore:  Hmm, i see... but i kinda hoped that all the dependencies would be installed as well...  Can't have it all i s'pose  lol06:47
coreymon77how do i make a shortcut of a file06:47
Linux_Galoretao: if you download the firefox deb it wont install because of deps ie needs other packages06:47
taoLinux_Galore:  I just used the "add/remove programs" in the menu06:48
coreymon77how do i make a shortcut of a file?06:49
CraZy675how do i update my locate db?06:49
Linux_Galoretao: aaah yeah I have a feeling its because its using the CD to run stuff and the only thing writable is /home06:49
taoLinux_Galore: that makes sense... although some other apps installed ok06:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:50
LeeJunFanI think the CD uses unionfs06:50
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Linux_Galoretao: there is a trick were you can use a usb thumb drive to install packages06:50
LeeJunFanso it writes changes to the read only filesystems in your RAM, so you'd have to have enough free ram to install the files for firefox AND all it's deps.06:50
Linux_Galoretoa: then it must be a space issue with /usr then06:50
taoLinux_Galore: hmm, that souds a little beyond my capabilities atm tho... I'm very new to this OS06:50
intelikey"writes changes to the read only filesystems"   '/06:51
intelikeyLeeJunFan the live cd does use unionfs06:51
intelikeyram is rw.06:51
LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah, well it's late and that's the best you're gonna get from me at the moment.06:51
Linux_Galoretoa: if I want firefox I would have downloaded ubuntu06:51
LeeJunFanintelikey: you know what I meant :p06:51
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intelikeyk sorry. i raddeled your cage...  :)06:52
taoLinux_Galore: Already have  :)  I just wanted to see Kubuntu, before i made my final desicion.   I think i'll go for ubuntu simply because of the enhancements (faster interface)06:52
intelikeyerrrr actually meant the comma after "k" not after "sorry"06:52
CraZy675ok I've installed ntfsresize, how do i get qtparted or gparted to use it?06:52
Linux_Galoretao: if you have a usb thumb drive copy the install file to it06:52
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Linux_Galoretao: depends  Ubuntu uses more ram I found than kubuntu06:53
taoLinux_Galore: aaargh.. now youre messing with my mind!!  ;)06:53
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taoLinux_Galore: damn, now i'm undecided again!06:54
Linux_Galoretao: there was a recent benchmark were they tested kde/gnome and they found kde uses less ram even when you run gnome apps in many cases06:54
Dr_williswhen did ram ussage start mattering again? :)06:54
taolol... true i suppose... i have 2gig on this box06:55
Linux_GaloreI found that very amusing, kde running firefox used less ram than gnome running firefox . Im like wtf06:55
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Dr_willis"i perfer a Light Desktop,  and i want all the XGL eye candy"    ---> sort of like "I want the Glutton Bucket - supersized.. with a diet coke"06:55
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Linux_GaloreDr_willis: one of the gnome zealots mantra's is kde used more ram than gnome and is worse when running gnome/gtk apps, the review showed thats total BS06:56
taoIs there any reason why i couldn't install ubuntu... & then install KDE as well?06:56
Linux_Galoregnome uses more ram when using gtk apps than kde in 70% of cases06:57
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Linux_Galoretao: you can install ubuntu and install the kubuntu-desktop later06:57
Linux_Galoretoa: work either way around06:57
ny0ncan i use flux box with kubuntu?06:57
Linux_Galoretoa: kubuntu/ubuntu are the same base system06:58
taook.... great.. then my decision is made!06:58
unix_infidelny0n: of course.06:58
ny0ni'm gonna need some help setting up wifi06:58
ny0ni'm installing kubuntu now to my disk06:58
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Linux_Galoretoa: you can install kubuntu and install gnome (ubuntu-desktop) later too06:58
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taoLinux_Galore:  stop that!... decision made.. :p06:59
Dr_willisIve been playing with the "MatchBox" desktop/window manager. :)06:59
Linux_Galoretoa: I run kde as my desktop and I do use a fair few gnome apps on the same desktop06:59
Dr_willisI tend to run KDE, then have a gnome session in a vnc window. :)07:00
Lam_what network manager can i use to enable connection to WPA2 enabled networks?07:00
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Steven_Mis there a samba expert in the room?07:00
Dr_willisSamba is fun. :P07:01
Linux_Galoretao: Im just saying, the desktop un Linux is just like any other app ie a browser, you can pick and choose with Linux and add and remove07:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about network-mannager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networkmannager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:02
taoLinux_Galore: ok, thanks your opinion is appreciated, i was only kidding  :)07:02
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager07:02
Linux_Galoretoa: its a bit mind blowing you will find, Linux has no default desktop in reality, if you dont like one install another and try it07:03
taoLinux_Galore: "mind blowing" is an understatement!07:03
Linux_Galoretao: its all about choice07:03
Linux_Galoretoa so if you install ubuntu or kubuntu who cares you can install gnome/kde later, and i would recomend trying a few desktops ie even xfce (lightweight desktop)07:04
taoLinux_Galore: I come from Windows... not used to choice...07:05
Linux_Galoretoa: if you after raw speed and a very functional desktop xfce is very good07:05
Linux_Galorenot as feature rich as kde and gnome but very easy to use07:05
Lam_i prefer kde after using gnome for about 2 months.  that's just me though; i'm a control freak07:05
taoLinux_Galore: xfce... is that "window maker"?07:06
Linux_Galoretao: no07:06
Lam_xfce is a desktop environment like kde and gnome07:06
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Lam_but it's more slim and works better on lower end systems07:06
Linux_Galoretao: xubuntu set xfce as the default desktop07:06
Linux_Galoretao: take a look www.xfce-look.org07:06
taoLinux_Galore: checking it out now.. thanks07:06
Lam_and alternatively, www.kde-look.org and gnome-look.org07:07
Lam_don't ever pick a desktop environment because another one looks "ugly"07:07
Linux_Galoreas much as I like kde I think its not a good thing to tell a new user to stick with any set desktop, Im a try everything and see what you like person07:08
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taoin fairness, I am trying them out... Problem is i want something minimal, but  cos my Linux knoweldge is low, i need something that enables me to find my way around the system... so you, spells everything out for me, installs apps etc...07:10
Lam_yeah i agree. i was pretty conflicted when i switched to linux and ubuntu about 2 months ago and couldn't decide07:11
taoso you = you know..07:11
Lam_so i just picked gnome and used it07:11
Lam_imo, gnome is a little more immature than kde07:11
Lam_but that's your choice07:11
Linux_Galoretao: both ubuntu/kubuntu are pretty minimal (anything on a cd is these days) but for pure minimalist love you cant beat xubuntu07:12
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Lam_though just by starting in this channel, tao, you're already having bias since just about everyone in here uses kde07:13
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taoLinux_Galore: I'm amazed that they have different distros, when the only difference is the desktop.... why not just ask the user at install time which dessktop to use?07:13
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Lam_the desktop environment is a pretty large size07:13
Lam_not possible to fit 3 desktops into a cd07:13
taooh ok07:13
Lam_i mean, you can try07:14
Lam_but you wouldn't get programs at installation due to it then07:14
Lam_like openoffice07:14
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Lam_openoffice takes up about 200mbs alone07:14
Dr_willisPersonally Id rather have kde and gnome.. and dump openoffice. :)07:16
Dr_willisand then theres the extra stuff on the live cd., :)07:16
Linux_Galoretao: wont fit them all on a CD07:17
Linux_Galoretao: hard enough just getting kde and a base system on a cd07:17
taoi see... fair enough07:18
domthere's a lot of applications that are tied into one desktop environment or the other07:18
ny0nok i need help07:19
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ny0nhow can i get kubuntu to work with my wireless card07:19
Lam_neat. didn't know networkmanager had a frontend for kde07:19
Lam_thanks Dr_willis07:19
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:19
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maryeni need some help if possible07:21
=== maryen nudges jucato
Dr_willisin what area?07:21
maryencups server07:21
=== Jucato focuses on the "if possible" part of the sentence...
Lam_how do i add a service/program command to start up?07:22
Lam_er, startup07:22
Dr_willisLam_,  what service/program07:22
maryencant add printers and gives error about ipp request failing07:22
Dr_willisHmm.. KDE has that .kde/autostart directory07:22
Jucatosorry, I know nothing about printers... :(07:23
Dr_willismaryen,  you using the CUPS web interface?07:23
maryenno, cups printing system07:23
Lam_~/.kde/autostart no such directory/file07:23
JucatoLam_: make some links in  ~/.kde/Autostart07:23
Lam_oh Autostart07:23
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Lam_ok thanks07:23
Dr_willisLam_,  LOOK in there. :P07:23
Dr_willisand dont ask me why they like to uppercase the letters. :)07:24
maryenLam_: you could set the session manager to load up saved sessions and then save a session that you want your computer to start like07:24
ny0nhow do i get to network admin in kubuntu07:24
Dr_willismaryen,  i never did get that working right with the network manager program.07:24
ny0nis there a command i type?07:24
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Dr_willismaryen,  so what tool are you using to confogure the printers? the kde printer config tool?07:24
maryenDr_willis: i still can't get network manager working right07:24
maryenDr_willis: yes07:24
domny0n,  System Settings from your main menu07:25
taobrb.. thanks for the advice all  :)07:25
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:25
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jarnHow do I install fants?07:25
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto07:25
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer07:25
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maryenexact error reads http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26839/07:26
jarnI can't install msttcorefonts.07:26
jarnI already tried.07:26
Dr_willisjarn,  what did you do?07:27
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Dr_willismaryen,  i always had issues with the kde printer config thing for my networkprinter.. i resorted to using the gnome one. :(07:27
Dr_willismaryen,  its sad.. i just need to enter the ip# and port 9100 , then select HP/laserjet6l and the kde tool is just... overkill. heh heh07:28
maryenknow the name of the gnome printer config?07:28
Dr_willisgnome-cups i think. let me check07:28
jarnsudo apt-get install msttcorefonts07:28
maryenit may have something to do with me running edgy07:29
maryenoh well07:29
jarnDr_willis: I did sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts07:29
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ny0nanyone using aim07:30
Lam_is there a shortcut command to show hidden files like gnome's ctrl+h07:30
Dr_willisjarn,  and what did it not do?07:30
Dr_willis!info msttcorefonts07:30
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB07:30
maryenDr_willis: what is the command to start the program?07:30
JucatoLam_: you can make one if you like07:30
Lam_ok. good to know. thanks Jucato07:30
ny0nanyone in here on aim?07:30
Dr_willismaryen,    gnome-cups-manager07:30
ny0nis tehre a command i can type to et my wireless card working07:31
JucatoLam_: Settings > Configure Shortcuts07:31
maryenok thanks07:31
maryenny0n: ndiswrapper :)07:31
maryenny0n: want some help getting your wireless set up?07:32
maryenny0n: first type lspci in konsole07:32
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maryenny0n: look through that list for something that says wireless07:33
maryenny0n: you're looking for the name of your card07:33
ny0ngot it07:33
ny0n802.11g wireless lan controller07:33
maryenok gimme a sec07:33
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ny0ni have something else there07:34
ny0nbroadcom corporation BCM4318 802.11g wireless lan controler07:35
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jarn_Dr_willis: Okay, I added the multiverse and installed the package. It still does not show up as a font, however.07:35
notechit said nothing about which chipset?07:35
ny0nthat's probably the one i need07:35
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maryenny0n: you see the code before its name07:35
maryenny0n: it looks like 0b:00.0 or something07:36
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Dr_willisjarn_,  you may need to restart the font server, or X..07:36
Dr_willisjarn_,  all ive ever done was just install the package.07:36
maryenremember that and then type lspci -n07:36
jarn_Dr_willis: okay, thanks.07:36
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maryenyou wanna find the code next to the one you had before07:37
notechanyone know the support status of a Netgear WG311 Wireless 'g' PCI card?07:37
ny0ni see it07:37
maryenit looks like 14e4:431107:37
maryencopy that07:37
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maryenhttp://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List go here and use search to find that code in that list, and look to see if it matches your laptop07:38
maryenthis will tell you if your wireless card works with linux, and how well07:38
maryenbut since its a broadcom card, it should be pretty easy to get working07:38
ny0nfoun d it07:39
ny0nso it's supported07:39
maryendownload the driver it lists07:39
rawrnessAnyone know any good dark themes?07:39
dudeguys, how do i adjust the quality of my audio07:39
unix_infidelwe are not here to support your goth lifestyle.07:40
ny0nnow i need to get the exe on my other computer07:40
unix_infideldude: encode at higher quality.07:40
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maryenrawrness: the color pallete "next' turns ubuntu into gothbuntu07:40
gp_how do i add projector to y kubuntu laptop07:40
gp_how do i add projector to y kubuntu laptop07:40
ny0nwait, boot into my windows partition...dl the driver then book bat into kubuntu?07:40
gp_how do i add projector to my kubuntu laptop07:40
maryenny0n: that page has the driver file you need07:40
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dudeunix: when im playing my mp3's it seems that it plays a different kind of quality07:41
gp_how do i add projector to my kubuntu laptop07:41
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thoreauputicgp_: no need to repeat07:41
maryenunder the entry showing your card is a link like this one probably ftp://ftp.support.acer-euro.com/notebook/aspire_3020_5020/driver/07:41
Dr_willisgp_,  you could clarify what you are rambling about..07:41
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jarn_Dr_willis: Thanks much, it works now.07:41
maryendownload the driver there and skip booting to windows altogether07:41
ny0nmayren, do you use aim?07:41
dudehi dr_willis07:41
Lam_is frontend one word or two (front end)07:42
Dr_willishowdy dude07:42
ny0ncan i have your aim name07:42
rawrnessbtw dark for me as nothing to do with goth, but a screen will never  be paper so use whatever is better for your eyes.07:42
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gp_i need to add projector to my laptop to give presentation to my boss about saving from linux implementation07:42
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maryenrawrness: lol i was playing07:42
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gp_but my lcd projector doesnt work07:43
dudeDr.Willis: why is it that when playing mp3 in kubuntu, the quality is different from Xp07:43
gp_with kubuntu07:43
gp_i need to add projector to my laptop to give presentation to my boss about saving from linux implementation07:43
gp_but my lcd projector doesnt work07:43
Dr_willisgp_,  you are plugging it into the vga output of the laptop eh?  what is your video card.07:43
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Dr_willisdude,  no idea.. they are the same for me.07:43
Dr_willisdude,  sound card driver issues perhaps.07:43
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dudeDr_Willis: so i should install the right sound card driver?07:44
morghanphoenixwhat's the package name required to compile from source07:44
Dr_willisgp_,  most likely you will need to install either the ati or nvidia drivers ( if you have one of those) and enalble the  dual monitor features07:44
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:44
flaccid!syslinux > flaccid07:44
dudeDr_Willis: and when im using amarok, there's no sound07:44
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule07:44
Dr_willisdude,  its possible the drivers for your card are just a little flakey.  amarok may need some extra packages to play mp3's07:45
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dudeDr_Willis: where should i download that xtra pacKage?07:45
morghanphoenixI always forget package names when I switch distros and come back to one I used before.07:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:46
=== Search4Lancer [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
gp_is kubuntu slower that ubuntu (gnaome) ?07:46
gp_is kubuntu slower that ubuntu (gnaome) ?07:46
flaccid!mcopy > flaccid07:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mcopy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:46
Dr_willisgp_,  is your return/keys messed up that you put everything twice?07:46
Dr_willisdude,  i also recall the KUBUNTU web site faq mentions some packages/mp3 support07:46
morghanphoenixI hate fresh installs, no lame, no libdvdcss, no xine extra codecs.07:47
morghanphoenixAnd I always seem to forget I haven't installed them yet07:47
gp_is kubuntu slower that ubuntu (gnome) ?07:47
gp_is kubuntu slower that ubuntu (gnome) ?07:47
morghanphoenixdepends on what you have going07:48
rawrnesshow exatcly do you use .kth i click it box thingy appears to be loading then it disapears  how do i applie it?07:48
=== Dr_willis wonders what a .kth is/
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Jucato.kth = KDE Theme Manager file07:49
Jucato= practically useless unless you have everything that the .kth needs/points to already installed07:49
morghanphoenixDoes kubuntu have the theme manager?07:49
Jucato press Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol". it's in there07:49
maryenkubuntu beats ubuntu up and steals its lunch money daily07:50
morghanphoenixDoesn't show up in kcontrol like it did in slackware and debian07:50
maryenits under appearance morghanphoenix07:50
rawrnessoh thanks07:50
morghanphoenixI think that's the old KDE vs Gnome debate07:50
cpk2!info libxine-extracodecs07:50
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB07:50
cpk2thats what you want for mp3 support07:50
Jucatomorghanphoenix: it doesn't show up in System Settings, but it's in KControl07:51
JucatoSystem Settings != KControl07:51
morghanphoenixah, there it is07:51
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maryendid you find it in system settings, or kcontrol07:51
AWOSDevHow do I play a MIDI through an MPU-401 compatible external keyboard?07:52
maryenplease say system settings so that my ego may be boosted07:52
Jucatomaryen: in KControl only07:52
AWOSDevHey morghanphoenix!  What's up?07:52
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JucatoI think it's good that it's not in System Settings. like I said, it's practically useless...07:52
maryenhmm so it is07:52
maryenseems silly to leave it out07:53
maryenoh well07:53
morghanphoenixnot much, lots of corrupted media files starting to piss me off.07:53
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AWOSDevHehe, you have the correct codecs?07:53
rawrnessthanks for pointing out thelocation though07:53
morghanphoenixSeems like all my jpgs are screwed07:53
maryenAWOS, you wanna help me out with my cups server?07:53
morghanphoenixmp3s are fine, ogg video is playing as audio07:53
AWOSDevmaryen, I don't really know about CUPS but what's wrong?07:53
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AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, are you playing it in a video compatible player (e.g. Kaffeine or VLC)?07:54
m_tadeuhi everyone07:54
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, you try viewing those JPGs in Gwenview?07:54
AWOSDevm_tadeu Hi!07:54
maryenthe kde version of the print manager wont work07:54
maryensomething about incorrect IPP07:54
m_tadeuI'm trying to set my keyboard to control the sound...having no luck...can anyone help?07:55
morghanphoenixyup, I think it was my slackware adventure, something got screwd up in the process of using my home directory for slackware and kubuntu both.07:55
morghanphoenixjpg files corrupted, don't work in gwenview, gimp, anything07:55
Dr_willismorghanphoenix,  the files are corrupted/wont view? or are the permissions just wrong?07:57
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morghanphoenixno, I've got all my permissions right.07:57
Dr_willismaryen,   i normally put in the ip# and the port # of 9100 I think07:57
Dr_willismaryen,  or is that for the hp-direct printing thing.. kde calls it one thing.. gnome another.07:57
AWOSDevDr_willis, for some reason I view you as all-knowing when it comes to Linux hardware (and I don't know why), so I'll ask you personally, how would I play a MIDI through an MPU-401 compatible game port?  (e.g. external keyboard)07:58
maryenthe gnome one works fine07:58
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rawrnesswow now all the text is half werided07:58
morghanphoenixOf course all the porn is fine, just my wallpapers that are screwed.07:58
rawrnessnew text is black while old is white07:59
AWOSDevrawrness, what are you in?07:59
Dr_willisAWOSDev,  a external midi device is one of the FEW gizmos ive never owned.07:59
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rawrnessi do think it be cause i changed all the setttings07:59
Dr_willismaryen,  you can configure the thing in gnome..and  iit will be  configured for kde as well. :)07:59
AWOSDevrawrness, wow, you can change colors in Konversation?  (I honestly didn't know that...)07:59
rawrnessit picked up my theme08:00
AWOSDevDr_willis, well shoot.  ;)08:00
rawrnessI changed theme and it changed with it08:00
Dr_willisHmm - i just notuiced my printer was set to 300dpi.. not 60008:00
Dr_willissilly low defaults! :)08:00
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AWOSDevDr_willis, 600dpi printer?  dang they've come along way...08:01
AWOSDevMy printer had the *new* 150dpi setting!08:02
Dr_willisAWOSDev,  its over 1o yrs old. :P08:02
dudeDr_Willis: can i configure me 3ddesktop?08:02
AWOSDevDr_willis: actually it's only 9 years.08:02
Dr_willisdude,  by 3ddesktop - exactly  WHAT are you refering to?08:02
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AWOSDevDr_willis: but my 7 year old printer gets 300dpi.08:03
AWOSDevDr_willis: dude is talking about the program called 3ddesktop.08:03
Dr_willisAWOSDev,  i bought it as one of the first things i started working at Daimlerchrysler.. and ive been there 12 years.08:03
dudeDr_Willis: yes08:03
m_tadeuhas anyone tryed to configure actions for those media keyboards?08:03
Dr_willisdude,  the 3ddesktop program - is a total peice of garbage... dont even mess with it.08:03
=== AWOSDev was saying that his 150dpi printer was 9 years old
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AWOSDevDr_willis: sheesh, 600dpi was available then?  grrr08:03
AWOSDevDr_willis: I was still on dot-matrix then :O08:04
Dr_willisit just puts an annoying desktop switcher/change on a hotkey.08:04
dudeDr_Willis: ok, sure08:04
Dr_willisAWOSDev,  i had a cannon bj-200 befor that  :) it wasone of the first bubblejets out.08:04
Dr_willisI saw it in the closet the other day08:04
dudeDr_Willis: i can't configure amarok to play my mp3's, actually its playing but no sound08:05
AWOSDevDr_willis, yeah I got a BubbleJet 10 years ago08:05
Dr_willisdude,  if you see the sound bars jumping up and down in the buttom.. you may have the sound volums down.08:05
Dr_williswhatever ya call that sound graph. :)08:05
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unixbom dia a todos08:05
AWOSDevDr_willis, the spectralyzer?08:05
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.08:05
Dr_willisspectralyzer  - Now thats a fancy term!08:06
unixits ircis in english???08:06
AWOSDevDr_willis yeah that's the one with the green line that jumps up and down, not the one you're refering to.08:06
Dr_willisNo Visualizations Found - argh!08:06
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Dr_willisHmm.. wonder why not.. i got the libvis stuff installed08:06
AWOSDevDr_willis, weird, that just popped up for me too08:07
=== AWOSDev smells corrupted update
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dudeDr_Willis: my mistake, it doesn't play mp308:07
Dr_williswasent we just talking about this? :) or was that befor dude entered..08:07
AWOSDevdude, get liblame008:08
unixonde eu acho um IRC em portugues?08:08
AWOSDevdude, type     sudo apt-get install liblame0    <- on the Konsole08:08
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.08:08
Dr_willis!info libxine-extracodecs08:08
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB08:08
dudeAWOSDev: ok, tnx08:08
Dr_willisthe KUBUNTU web site has a FAQ thta mentions mp3 support for other programs as well08:09
AWOSDevdude, np08:09
AWOSDevDr_willis, yeah but liblame0 works fine for everybody, no need to fudge around with things you don't need to fudge around with.  :)08:09
Dr_willissudo apt-get install libvisual-0.4-plugins  libvisual-0.4-0  libvisual0.2-plugins  libvisual0.208:09
Dr_willisthere we go!08:09
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Dr_willisits got to be one or more of those!08:09
dudeliblame0 is already the newest version.08:10
Dr_willisi find the nameing of   liblame0  - to be 'odd'08:10
jarnI had added some window-specific settings to Konsole and they worked fine, but now they don't - all I changed was restarting X to get my font to work.08:10
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AWOSDevdude, okay try the package Dr_willis suggested up there08:11
AWOSDevdude, try        sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs08:11
dudek copy08:11
=== AWOSDev is listening to Small Paradise by John Cougar [amaroK]
AWOSDevdude, np :)08:13
dudei love music08:13
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AWOSDevdude, me too :)08:13
dudehow about video player?08:14
AWOSDevdude, try vlc (I like VLC)08:14
Lam_argh how annoying. i set up ndiswrapper and networkmanager the same way that i did in gnome and it wont connect to my router08:14
dudeand radio streaming program08:14
AWOSDevdude, like what kind of radio?  Top 40?08:14
AWOSDevdude, for video --           sudo apt-get install vlc08:14
dudeAWOSDev: online radio streaming, billboards08:14
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AWOSDevdude, not sure, I personally use MediaPlayerConnectivity in Mozilla and grab the stream link and paste into VLC.08:15
dudeAWOSDev: ok08:15
unixalgum brasileiro?08:15
=== AWOSDev still has no visualisations :(
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.08:15
dudeAWOSDev: everything is complete...i might not use my xp anymore :)08:16
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=== AWOSDev turns up Voice by Russ Ballard -- last song I ever heard in my favorite car (mixed emotions right there)
AWOSDevdude, Yay!  A convert!  :)08:17
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akrushello everyone :)08:17
AWOSDevHello akrus08:17
akrusI need some help with installing latest fglrx on edgy/beta08:17
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule08:18
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-204-171.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
dudeAWOSDev: one more problem or maybe the last one08:18
AWOSDevdude, okay08:18
AWOSDevakrus, on that note, I'd head to #ubuntu+1 :)08:18
akrusactually I followed the instructions, but I still cannot get it to work o_O08:18
akrusokay :)08:18
ubuntuok i'm trying to scan the hard drive and it says 116 cluster mismatches08:18
ubuntui'm trying to resize my windows partition08:18
AWOSDevubuntu, yuckers, on Windows?08:18
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ubuntuim in the kubuntu live cd right now08:19
AWOSDevThat was that error I ever got on my only failed hard drive08:19
AWOSDevthe last that is08:19
ubuntuok should i do a checkdisk and then try it?08:19
AWOSDevOnly one hard drive that has ever died on me, yep that's what it said08:19
AWOSDevYes yes yes yes08:19
AWOSDevubuntu, using 2000?08:19
AWOSDevNT 4?08:19
dudeAWOSDev: i usually connect to the office via remote desktop(Xp) any suggestion for kubuntu08:19
ubuntuxp on the other partition08:19
ubuntuits not even my computer its a friend's08:19
ubuntuhe saw me using XGL and now he wants it lmao08:19
AWOSDevdude, Remote Desktop, hold on08:20
akrusbut anyway lol08:20
akrus /dev/dri/card0 <-- why is it missing? (as well as card1, card2 etc.)08:20
AWOSDevdude, try krdc08:20
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ubuntuk i'm really tired08:21
AWOSDevubuntu, yes run chkdsk08:21
ubuntuits 2 in the morning08:21
AWOSDevubuntu okay g'night :)08:21
AWOSDevActually 2:20am08:21
ubuntui'll do chkdisk tomorrow08:21
ubuntulol smartass08:21
ubuntuok bye everyone08:21
dudeAWOSDev: download kdrc?08:21
AWOSDevdude, yes          sudo apt-get install krdc08:22
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dudeAWOSDev: tnx08:22
=== rawrness [n=jacob@66-218-202-246.dhcp-dynamic-dsl.fidalgo.net] has joined #kubuntu
rawrnesswhats the term of the screen  you log in at08:22
AWOSDevk r d c, thats Kilo Robert Delta Charlie.  (you said kDrc, so I'm making sure you spell it right.)08:22
dudeAWOSDev: what the equivalent of terminal window in kubuntu?08:23
AWOSDevrawrness, the uh login screen?08:23
JucatoKDM? Login Screen?08:23
rawrnessI forgot what i did to change it.....08:23
AWOSDevdude, Konsole.08:23
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=== jarn [n=jarn@12-218-6-223.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu
AWOSDevdude, KDE Menu->System->Konsole if you can't find it08:24
jarnI had assigned some window specific settings for Konsole and they worked great. However, they got reset. The only change I made to anything was to restart X to get my fonts working.08:24
dudeAWOSDev: ok, tnx08:24
AWOSDevjarn, had you ever restarted X before?08:25
AWOSDev*YES*, that was a serious question..08:25
rawrnessof course it is08:25
rawrnessmine crashes half the time i restart mine :P08:25
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AWOSDevjarn, then no clue08:26
jarnAWOSDev: I had not done it since putting in these settings, though.08:26
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AWOSDevOkay then that explains it.08:27
AWOSDevDon't restart X and you'll be fine.08:27
AWOSDevsorry, that's my only suggestion.08:27
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jarnBut they don't work NOW.08:27
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jarnSo I'm not fine. :/08:28
m_tadeumy volume keys refuse to work08:28
m_tadeuall media keys are working except for the volume keys08:28
AWOSDevm_tadeu, as in what, WIN + or what?08:29
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m_tadeuAWOSDev: you know those media keyboards? with keys to volume up/down and mute? play, stop, etc?08:30
jarnm_tadeu: Mine work... Just set them as global shortcuts.08:30
rawrnessahh i figured out what i was looking for kdm files :P08:31
AWOSDevm_tadeu, yeah I have one, none of them work :P08:31
m_tadeujarn: I did that...the keys are mapped correctly and the shortcuts configured08:31
m_tadeuAWOSDev: hehe just find a similar keyboard and map them :)08:32
AWOSDevm_tadeu, I have the original Linux-implemented Multimedia Keyboard IIRC, the 1998 Compaq Internet/MM Keyboard.08:33
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:33
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morghanphoenixThanks little bot buddy08:33
AWOSDevYou've been such a good little bot08:34
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dude_AWOSDev: what i mean is that the connect btton is not highlighted when i enter08:34
AWOSDevdude_, hmm?08:35
morghanphoenixHas no installation candidate again08:35
morghanphoenixstupid repos08:35
=== AWOSDev thinks he missed something talking about 1980s computing in #ubuntu
morghanphoenixsame problem as before with repos08:35
fdovingwhat's the problem with the repos?08:36
morghanphoenixtelling me packages don't exist08:36
morghanphoenixupdating, again, hopefully it'll work now08:37
morghanphoenixpackage is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source.08:38
fdovingwhat package?08:38
morghanphoenixI have all the repos enabled and it still keeps giving me this08:38
AWOSDevdude_, you mean in krdc?08:38
fdovingno errors during 'apt-get update' / adept fetch updates ?08:38
morghanphoenixand akode and arts and everything08:38
morghanphoenixdone, completly updated, all repos enabled.08:39
jarnmorghanphoenix: Even the multiverse?08:39
dude_AWOSDev: yes08:39
morghanphoenixuniverse, multiverse, backports etc.08:39
fdovingmorghanphoenix: what does 'apt-cache madison libxine-extracodecs' return?08:39
jarnmorghanphoenix: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libxine-extracodecs08:40
fdovingmorghanphoenix: what about 'apt-cache madison dsniff' ?08:40
thoreauputicfdoving: I thnk you mean "apt-cache search", or maybe "apt-cache show"08:41
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fdovingthoreauputic: i don't.08:41
morghanphoenixuniverse only08:41
morghanphoenixI enabled multiverse, wtf?08:42
fdovingmorghanphoenix: can you pastebin your sources.list?08:42
thoreauputicfdoving: ah, interesting - I learnt something, thanks :)08:42
fdovingthoreauputic: you're welcome :)08:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:42
=== ibert [n=ibert@chello212017096223.7.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu
=== AWOSDev just noticed the topic
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morghanphoenixthere it is, just basic list, might need to source-o-matic it08:44
fdovingmorghanphoenix: if you pastebin it i can tell you whats wrong with it,and why multiverse doesn't work.08:44
morghanphoenixit's there08:44
=== adrian_ [n=adrian@81-6-241-172.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
dude_AWOSDev: you there?08:45
fdovingmorghanphoenix: you don't have multiverse enabled.08:45
=== dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
morghanphoenixoh, crap, I was looking at backports08:46
fdovingmorghanphoenix: open adept (kmenu -> system -> adept) in the 'Adept menu' select 'Manage repositories'08:46
=== raul [n=raul@109.Red-83-39-126.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
fdovingmorghanphoenix: find the lines where the 'Component' column says 'universe', doubleclick on universe and add multiverse at the end, it should say 'universe multiverse', do that for both lines.08:47
morghanphoenixyeah, I know, wasn't paying close enough attention08:47
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morghanphoenixhmm, no multiverse08:48
morghanphoenixnot there08:49
dude_AWOSDev: you there?08:49
fdovingmorghanphoenix: where?08:49
morghanphoenixno multiverse in the list08:49
morghanphoenixI'm gonna source-o-matic it.08:49
fdovingmorghanphoenix: look for 'universe' - doubleclick 'universe' and edit it to say 'universe multiverse'08:49
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=== dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
fdovingmorghanphoenix: repeat the process for the second line with 'universe' as component.08:50
fdovingmorghanphoenix: this is easier than source-o-maticing :)08:50
fdovingnow 'apply' -> 'close' -> 'fetch updates'08:51
morghanphoenixright back to universe only08:52
fdovingmorghanphoenix: you have to press 'enter' when you want to save when editing the repositories in adept.08:53
dude_AWOSDev: you there?08:54
dude_who knows how to configure krdc08:54
morghanphoenixI know, and I did08:56
morghanphoenixdoes apt-get do distro upgrades?08:56
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Brydenn33when you are compiling from source...09:02
morghanphoenixwoah, a live one!09:03
Brydenn33how do you install so that it creates a .deb so it can more easily be uninstalled later?09:03
Brydenn33hehe hi morghanphoenix09:03
fdovingmorghanphoenix: yes, apt-get can do distro-upgrades.09:03
Brydenn33when do you type check install?09:03
Brydenn33after ./configure or make09:03
fdovingafter 'make'09:03
Brydenn33thanks guys09:03
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-72-79.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu
fdovingit's a 'make install' replacement.09:03
Brydenn33hey fdoving09:03
Brydenn33you helped me a few hours ago haha you rock09:04
fdovinghi brydenn33 :)09:04
Brydenn33so when i do "make install" it will show up in Adept-Manager right09:04
Brydenn33so i can uninstall from there if i so choose09:04
rawrnessyou could just sit for hours on kde look just at splash screens09:04
Brydenn33rawrness: i have09:04
Brydenn33but i like the moodin one best09:04
fdovingBrydenn33: when you don't do 'make install', but instead do 'checkinstall' it will show up in adept09:04
Brydenn33with the fingerprint thing09:05
morghanphoenixFresh install, my computer is pretty boring atm09:05
rawrnessstrangly anouth 27  pages and only 1 i like09:05
=== vursitis [n=vursitis@ip68-3-141-68.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Brydenn33fdoving: thanks, thats what i thought09:05
Brydenn33i got a nice screen dump of my desktop morghanphoenix09:05
AWOSDevdude_, yes sorry, they did Evanescense's Making the Video on MTV309:05
Brydenn33i'll link ya... take a look :)09:05
morghanphoenixsource-o-matic done and working perfectly, don't know what was wrong before09:06
fdovingBrydenn33: just as a note, the .debs you make are -not- good for publishing. they are not very good quality.09:06
Brydenn33yah i figured fdoving09:06
Brydenn33i'm sure they'd be more specific to my setup and not fit for anything else really09:06
morghanphoenixSearch KDE Look for NeoBlue and you'll see what mine looked like before the reinstall09:07
Brydenn33i love my background and nVidia button hehe09:07
morghanphoenixThat's a nice one09:07
Brydenn33yah that vector graphic of the hot chick with boxing gloves on is hot09:07
morghanphoenixcheck that one out, I know I didn't make it, but it fits my computer perfectly09:08
morghanphoenixAlmost like it was made for me.09:08
Brydenn33thats pretty cool morghanphoenix09:08
Brydenn33omfg hobbsee09:08
Brydenn33havent seen that name in here for awhile09:08
Brydenn33that person's helped me before too09:08
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rawrnesswhats exatcly is the diffrence between lilo and grub?09:09
=== Brydenn33 is compiling ZSNES so he can play Super Nintendo games on his linux box haha
Brydenn33lilo sucks09:09
Brydenn33less you can do with it09:09
rawrnessjust by  your comment about zsnes09:09
rawrnessil take your work for it09:09
morghanphoenixI use snes9x09:09
Brydenn33yah they're both great programs09:09
Brydenn33if it works it works09:10
morghanphoenixI like lilo, better graphics09:10
morghanphoenixYou can get great custom lilo themes09:10
rawrnessso lilo is gui picture ish?09:10
Brydenn33fdoving:  so i type "sudo check install"09:10
morghanphoenixone word09:11
rawrnesswhile grub is just command prompt like dodad09:11
fdovingBrydenn33: 'sudo checkinstall'09:11
AWOSDevUgh the last time I used LILO it did nothing but a graphical list, no options or anything.  Then again I last used it on Red Hat 5 :P09:11
morghanphoenix1024x768x256 boot screen09:11
Brydenn33brydenn@c-67-169-218-218:~/zsnes_1_42/src$ sudo checkinstall09:11
Brydenn33sudo: checkinstall: command not found09:11
rawrnesswhat aws everyones first experince with linux09:12
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fdoving!checkinstall > brydenn3309:12
rawrnessmine was with fedora 5 having my mouse gone due to my card..09:12
bmo_you can get themes for grub.  http://debblue.debian.net/faq.php09:12
=== Daventry is now known as Daventry[AWAY]
rawrnessand having to mess with the boot command thingy09:12
Brydenn33my first experience was RedHat waaaaaaaaaayyyy back in the day09:13
Brydenn33then i played with SuSe for a day or two09:13
morghanphoenixslackware has a gui lilo tool in it, I'm sure there's one for debian systems too.09:13
Brydenn33then Mepis09:13
Brydenn33then this09:13
Brydenn33and i'm stayin with this09:13
rawrnessThis is good.09:13
bmo_who cares about boot themes anyway, I never reboot mine09:13
Brydenn33yah it is09:13
rawrnessi have a hole cd case full of distros09:13
Brydenn33i'd like to learn some BSD though09:13
Brydenn33i heard BSD is pretty tight09:13
morghanphoenixI like slackware, just have some multimedia problems there so I'm sticking with Kubuntu 'till I get those worked out.09:13
flaccidtighter than ya mum09:14
Brydenn33yah well linux in general lacks in that area09:14
AWOSDevMy first *real* experience was Red Hat 9, in 2003, bought off of eBay.09:14
Brydenn33they dont have any really good audio ripping apps09:14
Brydenn33and that blows09:14
dude_can u help me configure krdc?09:14
AWOSDevI Love BSD, FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE works well09:14
Brydenn33the best thing they have is RubyRipper09:14
AWOSDevdude_ sry no09:14
Brydenn33and it's not so good09:14
=== bmo_ 's first experience with linux was back in the 1.1.3 days, and I ran it dual booted with os/2
=== bmo_ is old
Brydenn33brb gotta read09:14
=== AWOSDev still has a 486 with OS/2 2.1
dude_AWOSDev: i can't connect09:15
AWOSDevdude_ I know, I can't either, I have no clue.09:15
morghanphoenixI hate that bar downstairs09:15
rawrnessgag adding a boot screen for  grub is evil looking....09:16
rawrnessblack and white is good for me.......09:16
bmo_you know, this flew by, but as I looked up, I noticed the unintended irony : <flaccid> tighter than ya mum09:16
morghanphoenixIt's live music night and they've got one of those bands that thinks it can make up for sucking by playing REALLY loud.09:16
dude_AWOSDev: can i use my webcam in kopete?09:16
maryenno you may not09:16
AWOSDevdude_ No clue09:16
dude_hi maryen09:16
AWOSDevthat LOL was for morghanphoenix09:16
=== bmo_ is now known as bmo
morghanphoenixI'm so happy my scroll wheel works again09:17
=== AWOSDev needs to get a webcam so he can answer all these webcam questions
rawrnesswhats realy the point of a webcam09:17
morghanphoenixDidn't work in slackware, even after I edited all my config files09:17
rawrnesswow i can see a laggy vid some moron  over there09:18
dude_AWOSDev: remote desktop connection is the last thing i need to complete the transition and it won't work09:18
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, you're kidding!  That's very odd, it's all Linux 2.6 right?  I mean there shouldn't be a difference...oh what am I saying Ubuntu is totally different from SuSE which is totally different from Red Hat.09:18
dude_how sad09:18
AWOSDevdude_ hold on another sec09:18
=== AWOSDev uses 2.6.13-26
morghanphoenixwhat's the kernel report command?09:19
Brydenn33running into a problem again09:20
Brydenn33/usr/bin/install: cannot stat `zsnes': No such file or directory09:20
Brydenn33make: *** [install]  Error 109:20
AWOSDevmorghanphoenix, uname -a maybe?09:20
dude_aside from kopete ang gaim, any other suggetions?09:20
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maryenBrydenn33: why not use sudo apt-get install zsnes09:20
bmoAWOSDev: for years and years, SuSE has always had specially tweaked kernels.  This has gone on at least since the SuSE 6.0 days.  Yes, SuSE is different than all the other linuxes especially at the kernel level09:20
Brydenn33didnt know it was in the repository09:21
maryenits more fun09:21
=== simon__ is now known as ablaha
Brydenn33dude_:  what are you trying to do?09:21
morghanphoenixI like the fact that slackware was i686 though.09:21
maryenyep it is09:21
Brydenn33thanks maryen09:21
bmo<---used to be a SuSE fan until Breezy09:21
AWOSDevdude_ Konversation09:21
ablahaHow do i unninstall gnome and xfce in ubuntu? i have kde rinning now09:21
dude_brydenn33: configuring krdc09:21
=== vursitis [n=vursitis@ip68-3-141-68.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
maryeni used to be a suse fan until suse 10.109:21
Brydenn33is he just trying to transfer a file09:21
bmoapt-get install xfce-desktop09:21
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ablahabmo: i want to unninstall09:22
AWOSDevI used SuSE 9.2 until I got my Ubuntu discs, now me likey :)09:22
morghanphoenixOoh, thanks for reminding me, need to put fluxbox back on my system09:22
bmoapt-get remove, then09:22
ablahabmo: i have try, sudo?09:22
bmoI would use Synaptic or Adept to track down all the bits of xfce  using the search functions09:23
dude_konversation can connect to yahoo?09:23
ablaharoot terminal?09:23
AWOSDevdude_ no sorry IRC onlyu09:23
vursitiswhat exactly are the advantages of fluxbox in your opinion morghanphoenix? i have been using xubuntu on my laptop, and havent had a chance to try out fluxbox nor have i met anyone who used it09:23
maryenit has a cool name09:23
vursitisim sorry, *have been using XFCE*09:23
dude_brydenn33: remote desktop09:24
Brydenn33i see09:24
morghanphoenixIt's really fast and uncluttered, only does what you tell it to without all the automated crap, I use it when I'm doing things that bogs kde down and it runs them fast.09:24
dude_AWOSDev: limewire for kubuntu?09:24
Brydenn33so maryen why do you like snes9x over zsnes?09:24
AWOSDevdude_ what's Limewire?09:24
morghanphoenixAside from that I'm not really sure, I just like the speed09:24
maryeni don't09:24
Brydenn33lol Limewire is like emule09:24
bmoit's a gnutella client, AWO09:24
morghanphoenixfrostwire in linux09:24
morghanphoenixmuch better09:24
maryenfrostwire is better09:24
bmojava based09:24
vursitishm... i would have to get used to a new interface, but i might try it out, this laptop isn't quite outdated, but its getting to the point where, i know in about a year it will be useless09:25
maryeni use apollon tho09:25
Brydenn33i like DC++ best :)09:25
morghanphoenixazureus always gave me problems but frostwire ran great09:25
=== AWOSDev still doesn't know what gnutella emule or limewire is
AWOSDev!info limewire09:25
ubotuPackage limewire does not exist in any distro I know09:25
Brydenn33Azureus ownz09:25
AWOSDev!info gnutella09:25
ubotuPackage gnutella does not exist in any distro I know09:25
AWOSDev!info emule09:25
maryen!info giFT09:25
ubotuPackage emule does not exist in any distro I know09:25
ubotugift: metapackage for the giFT filesharing system. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB09:25
Brydenn33frostwire is good09:25
Brydenn33limewire = gay09:25
Brydenn33i hate that program now09:25
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maryengift basically uses the limewire network + the openft network09:26
maryenplus its not java based09:26
AWOSDevSorry I don't do filesharing09:26
maryenc'mon AWOSDev, everyones doing it09:26
morghanphoenixI couldn't get bittorrent to work right in slackware, too many dependancies that I couldn't find.09:26
vursitisew java...09:27
maryendon't ya wanna be one of the cool kids09:27
morghanphoenixI'm installing java right now09:27
bmouse ktorrent, morghan09:27
Brydenn33lol yah, everyone's doing it AWOSDev09:27
maryenktorrent is good09:27
dude_ can't find frostwire09:27
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o fdoving] by ChanServ
AWOSDevI did use Ktorrent09:27
Brydenn33never used ktorrent. i just stick with azureus09:27
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*@CPE0050bac39fcf-CM000a7363fc1a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] by fdoving
maryenits not in the repos09:27
morghanphoenixsudo apt-get install libqt-perl09:28
osirisanyone know of a good subnet calculator09:28
morghanphoenixwrong window09:28
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-bb *!*@cpmsq.epam.com *!*@] by fdoving
morghanphoenixkonversation is right next to my terminal09:28
AWOSDevfdoving, who are you blocking?09:28
maryenfdoving is being nice09:28
AWOSDevI don't really view blocking cpe.net.cable.rogers.com as being nice09:29
maryenits like hes being controlled by the spirit of jesus09:29
fdovingAWOSDev: i'm just cleaning the banlist somewhat.09:29
AWOSDevunless they are a spam bot09:29
maryenor ubunut09:29
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AWOSDevubunut ROFL09:29
maryenhe lifted the ban09:29
morghanphoenixwhat's the deal with all the spam lately09:29
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o fdoving] by fdoving
dude_remote desktop program09:29
morghanphoenixMy spam load has quadrupled in the last week09:29
dude_any other suggestions?09:29
AWOSDevThought you were banning, if you are unbanning then that's fine09:29
fdovingdude_: i recommend freenx.09:30
AWOSDevdude_ tsclient?09:30
fdoving!nx > dude_09:30
bmomorghan: use graylisting.  kills spambots dead09:30
=== chimaera_ [n=chi@p5481237C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
morghanphoenixhow do I do that?09:30
chimaera_good morning09:31
AWOSDevsudo apt-get install graylisting?  IDK...09:31
chimaera_since upgrading to 3.5.5 i cannot log out. the logout-entry in kmenu simply does nothing (neither does a DCOP call). if i start a 2nd session, it works. any ideas?09:31
maryen!ubuntu christ edition > fdoving09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu christ edition - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
AWOSDevOh the Christian edition, I heard of that09:31
maryen!ubuntu CE > fdoving09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu CE - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
AWOSDevon #ubuntu-offtopic09:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Christian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
AWOSDev!the Lord09:31
fdovingmaryen: go to #kubuntu-offtopic for playing around.09:31
ubotuthe: Full-screen character mode text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-4 (dapper), package size 277 kB, installed size 796 kB09:31
dude_i do i download frostwire?09:31
maryenill be good09:31
AWOSDevactually I prefer to just /msg Ubotu in those situations :)09:32
bmohttp://projects.puremagic.com/greylisting/  my mail host uses it, and it cut the spamload from (on my account alone) from several hundred a day to about 509:32
maryeni use bogofilter09:33
bmobecause spambots don't handle error messages09:33
bmothey just go on to the next address09:33
bmoreal servers, though, DO.09:33
maryenit just sends everything to the trash ; ;09:33
fdovingi use mailscanner, and it's really nice.09:33
bmograylisting handles the spam right at the smtp port, before it even hits the file system09:34
=== vursitis is now known as Vursitis
dude_i do i download frostwire?09:35
AWOSDevI like filters, I don't trust any lists09:35
=== Vursitis is now known as Vursitis-X
AWOSDevtoo risky when you're running a business09:35
maryenmailscanner is really complex09:35
maryenmuch more so than compiling your own kernel09:35
AWOSDevI had a server filter running, and it grabbed a PayPal payment09:35
=== Healot [n=doesugab@wbb113.fwa6.jaring.my] has joined #kubuntu
AWOSDevbecause her email was sexy@somewhere09:35
AWOSDevIt saw 'sex' and boom09:36
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maryenand rightly so, sex is bad09:36
bmograylisting would have let that through, AWOSDev09:36
fdovingyou get paypal payments from sexy girls. lucky bastard :)O09:36
bmoit's not a filter09:36
AWOSDevShe was in the UK somewhere09:36
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maryeni just wish bogofilter would not think emails from my english teacher are evil spam09:36
AWOSDevI remember I went into PayPal and saw an order I didn't recognize09:37
=== bmo doesn't use paypal. so _every_ "paypal" I get is a phish
AWOSDevYour English teacher is evil?09:37
dude_is frenx one of the repos?09:37
morghanphoenixwierd, konversation froze and just went superluminal to catch up09:38
fdovingdude_: it's in the seveas repositories.09:38
ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX09:38
bmoI kid you not.  I got a spam today pumping the stock "arss"09:38
fdovingdude_: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX09:38
bmo"I can't be arsed to buy arss"09:38
morghanphoenixI keep getting spams trying to sell me fake rolex watches.09:39
AWOSDevYeah me too09:39
AWOSDevI could just get a knockoff watch on eBay if I wanted one :P09:39
bmo"we have the real fake rolex watches!"09:39
morghanphoenixpretty much09:39
fdovingwould be nice to have you guys in #kubuntu-offtopic would give the channel more life :)09:39
morghanphoenixhow do they get my name?09:39
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AWOSDevMore life?09:39
AWOSDevHeck we *are* the life.09:39
morghanphoenixI don't put in my address anywhere that doesn't mask it.09:39
maryenbut we can joke and solve peoples problems at the same time09:40
maryenjust like if seinfeld was a superhero09:40
fdovingAWOSDev: it's just a nice way of saying 'this is not support related, go to #kubuntu-offtopic -now- :)09:40
morghanphoenixAmarok, update library, maybe sometime tomorrow I can actually listen to my music.09:40
bmonono, you got that wrong...it's "joke and _pretend_ to solve peoples' problems"09:40
AWOSDev_pretend_?  Hey I fixed dude_'s MP3 problem09:41
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maryenand i fixed ny0n's wireless problems09:41
bmoit was a joke, AWOSDev09:41
bmolaugh, it's good for you09:41
maryenall without him having a network connection09:41
AWOSDevI already did when you got the arss email :P09:41
rawrnessits funny how you can spend hours looking for something your only going to see once every few days for about 10 sec....09:41
maryenlaughing causes face cancer early on ; ;09:41
morghanphoenixit'd be nice if people used kot for more than flame wars.09:42
fdovingmaking progress.. next step is having all the offtopic chatting in #kubuntu-offtopic, while still helping people solve their problems in here.09:42
=== bmo puts "everything gives you cancer" by joe jackson on the rotation
morghanphoenixlast time I saw people talk in off topic was when homer and I think it was blacken went at it09:42
AWOSDevWell anybody gonna go to offtopic?09:42
morghanphoenixallready there09:42
morghanphoenixalways there, it's an auto-join09:43
dude_hehehe: i can't install freenx09:43
bmowell, I am, now.  and I am all alone09:43
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bmooh, and I have op!09:44
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morghanphoenixgot awful quiet in here when off-topic picked up.09:45
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bmo* bmo cries09:45
bmo[03:44]  * bmo is all alone09:45
bmo[03:44]  *** You set a ban on bmo!*@*.09:45
bmo[03:44]  *** You remove the ban on bmo!*@*09:45
dude_AWOSDev: can u help me istall freenx?09:45
=== bmo has absolutely no clue with freenx
=== AWOSDev is with bmo
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
fdovingdude_: what's the problem?09:45
dude_fdoving: i can't install freenx, im not familiar installing ubuntu application09:46
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Brydenn33any of you guys screw around with xgl + compiz?09:47
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:47
Brydenn33fdoving: i see that09:47
Brydenn33was curious if anyone has ever played with it09:48
bmodude: what is the problem, not being able to install the .deb?09:48
fdovingdude_: https://help.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/add-applications.html09:48
=== sks [n=sks@host141-184-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
sksciao a tutti...09:49
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:49
=== EllisDee [n=edhoff69@ool-457798a5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
AWOSDevAhh crap ya beat me to the bot :P09:49
bmosudo dpkg -i freenx_0.4.4+0.4.5-4_all.deb09:49
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=== Vursitis-X [n=vursitis@ip68-3-141-68.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
skssono nuovo di kubuntu e linux in genere e avrei una domandina da newbie... Ho installato firefox e da shell lo posso lanciare, ma non mi appare nei menu di avvio.. lo devo configurare a mano o c' qualche tool? Grazie anticipate..09:50
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:50
AWOSDevsks sudo apt-get install firefox09:51
fdovingsks: did you install firefox and it doesn't appear in the menu?09:51
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sksyes.. i can configure it manually, but i'd like to know if there is a tool that do this...09:52
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fdovingsks: you can edit the menu with rightclicking on the kmenu icon -> menu editor09:52
AWOSDevsk: kbuildsycoca in the menu09:53
AWOSDev***not the menu, in the Konsole sorry09:53
sksok.. i understand... thanks...:)09:54
rawrnessi think i just did something bad........09:55
AWOSDevrawrness uh-oh what09:55
rawrnessused karama put out a app and now my kmenu bar don't show09:55
bmoit can't be as bad as rm -rf /09:55
bmobtw, don't do that09:56
fdovingrawrness: alt+f2 'dcop kicker kicker restart'09:56
AWOSDevbmo LOL09:56
rawrnessoh thanks09:56
rawrnessthe applet must not like the kicker hiding......09:57
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bmoyou know10:00
bmothis is odd10:00
bmoI killed kicker just for giggles and i can't get it to restart10:00
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-067-018.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
bmocomplains about not being able to connect to the X server10:01
AWOSDevHow did you start X?10:01
bmofrom boot10:01
bmo19 days ago10:01
=== antoniac [n=peter@p2012-ipbf07daianji.nara.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu
AWOSDevsame UID as you are trying to start it now?10:02
AWOSDevHmm no clue10:02
bmoso, I will brb10:02
AWOSDevsounds like the *RESET* button is in order :P10:02
bmorestarting the desktop10:02
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=== bmo is getting hammered by
bmoit's scanning for proxies10:06
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AWOSDevEw your getting attacked?10:07
bmojeez, it was a bot.  4 ports, scanned multiple times...if it ain't open the first try, don't try again, dumbass.  write a better bot10:07
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:07
AWOSDevOoops sorry wrong channel10:08
=== [Bart] [n=caterina@158.48-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu
dude_AWOSDev: : (10:08
dude_i can't10:08
AWOSDevdude_ what10:08
bmo!bot will darl mcbride go to jail?10:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bot will darl mcbride go to jail? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:09
=== pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #kubuntu
bmowell, it's not all knowing, is it?10:09
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:09
AWOSDevWell he claims to be :P10:10
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dude_i can't install frenx10:10
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bmowhat is the output of dpkg, dude_?10:11
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=== bmo tried it
bmofreenx depends on nxagent and expect10:14
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octanany norwegian in here that uses mythtv ?10:16
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=== ibert [n=ibert@chello212017096223.7.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu
ilgattotrinohi there10:17
chimaera_can someone give me a quick hint how to change the fstab? ince when are UUIDs used and where to get them? besides that, i changed one device from XFS to ext3 but linux still tries to mount it using XFS..10:17
bmoedit using your fave editor?10:17
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bmosudo pico /etc/fstab10:17
chimaera_i know how to edit.. but now how.. got me? ;)10:18
chimaera_pls read teh question again.10:18
AWOSDevman fstab10:18
AWOSDevin the Konsole10:18
dude_bmo: what is the first step?10:18
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad@82-35-48-222.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
=== bmo is battling dependency issues with freenx. and it ain't workin.
ilgattotrinochimaera_: if there's no option for the XFS file system you can simply change XFS to ext3 i think..10:19
fdovingbmo: add the repository and use apt-get.10:19
chimaera_oh boy. man fstab still doesn't explain the system kubuntu uses now (see UUID). o kinow how to do it the old way, but wondering what has changed..10:19
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chimaera_no, just changing XFS to ext3 within fstab doesn't work10:19
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dude_bmo: what is the first step?10:20
bmofirst step of what?10:20
=== bmo was trying to do freenx with dpkg -i
dude_installing freenx10:21
fdovingchimaera_: what's the problem?10:21
ilgattotrinocan someone tell me if a radeon mobility x1400 (dell inspiron) can work? i'v tried all the howtos but still nothing...10:22
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50c79c8e.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
=== dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
bmodude_ I am trying to install it myself to see how to get it installed correctly on my system, but even adding the repository means that it is choking on the amd64 (my arch) packages.gz file10:25
=== dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
bmoI am obviously doing something wrong10:28
livingdaylightI feel VERY Edgy about the name of the impending latest release of (k)Ubuntu10:28
livingdaylightis it an auspicious name?10:29
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livingdaylighti mean Edgy? sounds dangerous10:29
livingdaylightdoesn't give me the feeling - Rock Solid10:30
AWOSDevEgdy Eft...it sounds almost as weird as Hoary Hedgehog.10:30
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livingdaylightat least a hedgehog is harmless and we know what it is10:30
dude_bmo: what does it mean?10:30
bmook, I am not doing anything wrong.  it's just not there for my architecture10:30
livingdaylightEdgy Eft? what the 'iffin is it? or does it mean?!10:31
=== bmo is trying to follow the instructions on the ubuntu website
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livingdaylightwhoever is coming up with these names should either start smoking less  of it or more of it... i don't know which10:31
livingdaylighthow was nascar racing?10:32
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livingdaylightwe don't have that here in Europe10:32
AWOSDevvery crazy10:33
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66ADF.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu
AWOSDevI think only like 20 of 43 cars even made it through the night10:33
AWOSDevBut my favourite driver is still leading the Championship points10:33
livingdaylightis that where they just drive around in a circle?10:34
AWOSDevalso see10:34
=== dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
AWOSDevhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Burton and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Harvick10:35
AWOSDevfor my two drivers, 1st and 4th in points10:35
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone10:35
AWOSDevHello MilhousePunkRock10:36
=== MilhousePunkRock is still having problems with suspend (STR, S3) and hibernate (STD, S4)
bmoerrh, ok, now that I have a working repository, how do I get its public key?10:36
MilhousePunkRockThough I upgraded to the Edgy beta... :-(10:36
AWOSDevbmo just screw the PGP key and use it10:36
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bmooh, ok10:36
AWOSDevif you *need* the PHP key it's on the Wiki10:37
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:37
MilhousePunkRockThe problem was supposed to be fixed at the new kernel stage, somewhat related to my video chip...10:37
AWOSDevor maybe !source-o-matic10:37
bmohttp://www.urbanpuddle.com/articles/2006/06/21/install-freenx-on-ubuntu-dapper-drake does NOT work!10:38
AWOSDevOn AMD64 no10:38
AWOSDevtry it on a 32bit :)10:38
=== bmo is amd64
=== Kai- [n=kaihanar@] has joined #kubuntu
=== bmo has no 32 bit machine
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14d2c.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
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AWOSDev* bmo needs to go on eBay and get one :)10:39
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bmoha ha10:40
=== TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-116-187.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
=== AWOSDev was serious
=== bmo is being repressed
MilhousePunkRockGood morning TheGateKeeper10:41
bmohelp help I'm being repressed!10:41
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TheGateKeepergood morning MilhousePunkRock how are you doing?10:41
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rawrness   XD10:42
bmoor should I just go back to ubuntu 32 bit on amd64?10:42
MilhousePunkRockTheGateKeeper: Fine, actually... That will change though, since I am looking into the powermanagement again...10:42
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dna_Hello, I cant get my prism2.5 card working in latest edgy :( I think it worked in knot1 but when I upgraded the card changed name from eth1 to wlan0 (driver change?) and since that I cant get it working. I can scan for networks using various tools but not authenticate with a ap since iwconfig wlan0 essid something gives "set failed on device wlan0;  operation not supported" :(10:45
=== gzevspero [n=gadi@85-250-144-47.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu
dna_sudo iwconfig ofcourse10:46
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dudequestion: what is JRE10:46
chimaera_java runtime environment10:46
dudefrostwire can't run beacuse of the jre10:46
gzevsperoHi, I'm trying to browse my gmail account using konversation but the page won't load properly - my contact list doesn't appear, and certain buttons also aren't displayed correctly. Any suggestions on how I could fix this?10:46
dudei downloaded the jre installer10:47
=== dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
dudei can't install JRE10:47
gzevsperono - trying to browse gmail using konqueror, sorry10:47
=== bmo didn't know you could browse gmail with konversation, since it's an IRC client?
rawrness@lert dude10:48
=== bmo hasn't browsed his gmail account in ages since he uses pop3 access to it
=== bmo should check it out. one sec
dudehow do i install that one10:48
rawrness@lart rawrness10:49
dna_Is there a better channel for asking wireless questions in kubuntu?10:50
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rawrnessany idea how to make this work http://www.bootsplash.org/index.php/Welcome_to_the_graphical_world_of_Linux10:51
AWOSDevgzevspero try going10:52
AWOSDevSetting->Configure Konqueror...10:52
bmogzevspero, try changing your browser ID to mozilla10:52
AWOSDevgo under Browser ID10:52
bmoI did it and it stopped complaining10:53
AWOSDevchange to Mozilla 1.7.1 on Windows XP for domain: mail.google.com10:53
AWOSDevworks every time :)10:53
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
bmoAWOSDev: even quicker, it's under TOOLS in the menu bar10:53
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14d1e.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
AWOSDevbmo, my Tools menu doesn't work anymore for some reason :(10:53
bmoTOOLS "change browser ID"10:53
bmoodd, AWOSDev10:54
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-158-63-254.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
bmosince I use Pop3 on gmail, it took 3 tries to get the right password10:54
=== SubNet_ [n=SubNet@dslb-084-056-169-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
bmocuz if you use pop3, you never ever have to type it again10:54
TheGateKeeperdude:  that's what you want to do ---> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_J2SE_Runtime_Environment_.28JRE.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox10:56
=== hunger_ [n=tobias@p54A609A9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
hunger_Any idea how I can stop kde-guidance-powermanager from offering the hibernate option?10:56
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
TheGateKeeperdude: to install rpm's use alien, but be warned they may well NOT work10:56
gzevsperobmo, awosdev: that works, thanks :)10:56
AWOSDevgzevspero, np10:57
bmoif you use alien on rpms, the packages may go in "surprising" directions10:57
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bmobut it's worth trying10:57
=== haffe [n=haffe@ua-83-227-198-253.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
bmoyou can always dpkg -e the aliened package10:58
gzevsperoalso, how do I access synaptic to install the gnome environment from kubuntu? I can't find it, is it called something else in kde?10:58
haffeI am thinking about upgrading a dapper machin to edgy. How stable is edgy now-a-days?10:58
haffegzevspero: It's called adept.10:58
bmogzevspero: I think that the gnome environment is under the meta-package of gnome-desktop but I am not sure10:59
bmohaffe: adept and synaptic do the same things10:59
AWOSDevYeah but /me likes Synaptic better10:59
haffeWasn't that the question?10:59
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=== bmo looks up and thinks
gzevsperoI found add/remove programs, is that the same as adept? From what I remember in ubuntu you had add/remove programs but then if you chose synaptic you had a lot more installation options from there11:00
bmokdesu synaptic11:01
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dudewaaahhh...i quit11:01
bmoif it ain't there, kdesu apt-get install synaptic11:01
bmodude: I quit too.  us amd64 people are discriminated against11:02
AWOSDevAHHHH kdesu11:02
AWOSDevdarn someone in #Ubuntu needed that and I thought it was ksudo11:02
dudepls help me to install jre11:02
dudeand i really ned to use remote desktop but i cant get it working....11:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:03
ubotuTo install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:03
AWOSDevdude look there11:03
bmomake sure you get the 32 bit java, even on amd64 to get the right jre11:03
dudeya there is an instruction but, i cant follow it11:04
bmowhy sun does that, I do not know11:04
xavieri installed guard dog .. now i cannot access the web... i have added a tick for HTTP and HTTPS anf FTP and IRC .. so far only IRC is working. any help?11:04
dudewaaahhh, pls help me11:04
AWOSDevxavier, thank goodness that IRC is working :)11:04
xavieri am using pppoe11:04
gzevsperoSo I typed the kdesu apt-get install synaptic but it doesn't show anything... does this type of installation just run in the background? How do I know when it's done? Also, I searched for gnome from adept but all it came up with was gnome translator... how do find and install gnome desktop?11:04
AWOSDev!tell dude about java11:05
xavierhaha .. i cannot access google nothing11:05
bmogzevspero now type kdesu synaptic11:05
xavierusing konqueror web browser11:05
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bmoit should come up11:05
gzevsperocommand synaptic could not be found11:05
AWOSDevgzevspero --------- ubuntu-desktop is what it's called11:05
=== bmo spins
bmothe apt-get should have happened in the background11:06
xaviercan someone help me open the HTTP port? am using Guard Dog11:06
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bmoopen a console and type sudo apt-get install synaptic, gzefs11:07
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bmothen type sudo (in the same term) synaptic11:07
bmothen search for ubuntu-desktop like awos said11:08
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bmoxavier, we are not ignoring you, just that I don't have a clue about guarddog11:09
xavierok.. do u know which lines to edit in my iptables?11:09
bmoguarddog should handle it, xavier11:10
dudei quit i quit i quit i quit11:10
gzevspero? I do searches in adept for ubuntu, desktop, and ubuntu-desktop, but it doesn't come up... I type the synaptic installation command and then sudo synaptic, but it doesn't even ask me for a password11:10
xavierhow come i have ticked all http and irc ports .. and only irc works11:10
AWOSDevdude, don't give up11:10
dudeAWOSDev: first time in linux11:10
AWOSDevdude, right, don't give up11:11
dudei don't know what to do11:11
xavieris it safe to just disable firewall? am not running any servers .. just the default kubuntu install11:11
AWOSDevdude, if you give up, you will never use Linux again.11:11
bmobecause if you have recently typed in a password for sudo, you don't get asked again, gzevspero11:11
AWOSDevdude, I personally say screw the Remote Desktop11:11
xavierAWOSDev: i have such moments a lot .. experiencing one now lol11:11
xavierno internet for me .. boo hoo11:11
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gzevsperoah... still it doesn't come up with synaptic though, no message given11:12
xavierthis is my 3rd day using linux EVER!11:12
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AWOSDevxavier, by default, Kubuntu comes with zero ports open, so yes, disable all firewalls and blow raspberry at all the Windows lusers.11:12
dudeAWOSDev: 2 last things i need: frostwire or any other peer to peer program and remote desktop program11:12
xavieri am more concerned about LAN hacking .. i mean i am on a WAN setup by my isp and using pppoe to connect11:12
AWOSDevdude, again, try Ktorrent11:13
xavierjust did not want any of my folders visible on the LAN11:13
bmoxavier, I am using firestarter for the firewall.  try that11:13
bmooh wait11:13
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bmouh what zone are you working in, in guarddog, xavier?11:14
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xavierthe problem is .. even if i uninstall guarddog it runs some scripts at startup .. so even after removing guard dog i cannot access the WWW11:14
xavierit shows me two zones local and internet11:14
bmoconfigure for the internet11:14
=== jontxudino [n=jontxudi@202.Red-83-35-5.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
xavieri have  enabled http on both11:15
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xavieri use PPPOE .. do i have to do anything special?11:15
xavierits amazing IRC works !! lol11:15
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bmobut I am curious about the scripts that you talk about11:15
bmowhat script?11:15
=== bmo doesn't remember a firewall script for kubuntu
xavierwhen i boot kubuntu ... i get a line saying .. configuring guard dog something11:16
raul12hi can any 1 siggest good fire wall 4 my kubuntu ???11:16
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)11:16
AWOSDev!info firestarter11:16
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.1ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 381 kB, installed size 1900 kB11:16
xavierlol raul .. been there done that .. would not recommend :)11:16
raul12so whats ur recomendation11:16
raul12^_^] 11:17
=== bmo has been running barebuttnakkid without a firewall. just experimented with one today
xavierask the experts .. kubuntu is secure by default11:17
=== bmo recommends firestarter. :-P
raul12nope not that secure as u think it might be11:17
xavierbut i want to run some services in the future .. so installed guarddog .. am repenting lol11:17
dudewhat is Ktorrent?11:17
=== AWOSDev is running without a firewall too, and runs LAMP.
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AWOSDev!info ktorrent11:17
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ubotuktorrent: BitTorrent client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2-0ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 738 kB, installed size 2964 kB11:17
AWOSDevHello rosen37.11:18
=== bmo has always relied on nmap and putting services on nonstandard ports, like ssh on a high port
rosen37PLease how to remove the name of the last user logged in the kdm?11:18
xavierAWOSDev: how do i access my windows network without serving any of my folders?11:18
AWOSDevxavier, samba.11:18
xavieri mean client only11:18
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:18
xaviernot file server11:18
AWOSDevpart of samba.11:18
AWOSDevJust don't share anything.11:18
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xavierokay .. is it secure? i mean11:19
raul12well have sometimes finding hard to complie11:19
xaviercan someone hack thru lan into my system?11:19
raul12software from source11:19
AWOSDevxavier, through LAN?11:19
AWOSDevWhat seedy people are on your LAN?11:19
raul12software on x34 machines11:19
bmoxavier: it's really difficult to "hack through the lan" to your computer if you don't offer any services11:19
xavieryeah .. like in windows i have heard of netbios hacking11:19
AWOSDevI think you mean x86?11:19
bmoxavier: don't worry about it11:19
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xavierso installing samba wont hurt me right?11:20
AWOSDevxavier, Yes!11:20
AWOSDevIt won't hurt at all!11:20
xaviernow about my google!! help someone11:20
raul12well physically might not hurt u11:21
xavieri cannot even ping google from konsole11:21
bmoxavier: the first step to security is to see if you have cooties:  bash$ sudo nmap -vv localhost -P0 -O11:21
dudewhat are the functions of Ktorrent?11:21
raul12but mentally it will11:21
xavierokay running that11:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cooties - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
raul12well will any out torrent u used on win11:21
dudewhat is the main use of Ktorrent11:22
bmoto share files, dude11:22
xaviernmap: command not found11:22
bmoand to get really large files, like linux distros11:22
dudeis it like limewire?11:22
bmoit's like limewire but higher performance11:22
raul12no its like bit torrent11:22
bmognutella is slower11:22
raul12in windows11:23
dudehigher performance than limewire and gnutella?11:23
raul12but guntella is goood11:23
xavierbmo: nmap: command not found11:23
bmoapt-get install nmap11:23
raul12well torrne r different11:23
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bmothe homepage for nmap is www.insecure.org11:23
dudeany other remote desktop program available?11:24
AWOSDevinsecure.org?  really?  what a domain name... :)11:24
raul12@bmo better install it though adept11:24
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rawrnesstorrent speeds are fickel11:24
xavierbmo: lol dude .. i cannot access the WWW !! help me11:24
raul12then kmap11:24
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bmostop the firewall11:24
raul12what happen11:24
rawrnessdepends on how many people are seeding a file  and how many are leching11:24
xavierbmo E: Invalid operation nmap11:24
bmoapt-get install nmap, not apt-get nmap11:24
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bmoxavier, stop the firewall.  sudo killall -9 guarddog11:25
xavieryay .. firewall stopped .. google.com here i come lol11:25
dudeany other remote desktop program available?11:25
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bmoSIGKILL, if used, goes last because the grim reaper bears no doubt,11:26
bmocares not if you have prepared your way, and leaves crushed Zagnut11:26
bmonodules in the carpet...11:26
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xavierhey i ran nmap11:27
bmoand remove guarddog from /etc/init.d11:27
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xavierport 631/tcp open .. what is that?11:27
dudeone last application11:27
bmoIPP, I think11:27
xavierwht for?11:27
xavieri dont have a prionter11:27
bmothen remove cups11:28
bmoif you want11:28
bmobut nobody hacks printer ports11:28
xavierbut will pdf still work?11:28
xavieri mean .. writing a pdf file .. without printer services11:28
AWOSDevIn oowriter?11:28
xavierhow do i close the printer port?11:28
xavierAWOSDev:  yea11:29
AWOSDevxavier, I have no printer.  it works :)11:29
xavierAWOSDev: installing samba now11:29
bmoyou don't need cups for pdfs11:29
xavierno i mean with printer port or IPP service disabled11:29
bmowriting a pdf file to disk does not depend on printer ports11:30
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AWOSDevWell g'night all.11:30
xavierok.. how can i close the printer service .. i need to make this as fast as possible .. still keeping kde11:30
bmoit's 5am11:30
bmoapt-get remove cups11:30
rosen37mmh what is the time UTC currntly?11:30
bmoit's 5am eastern standard time11:31
AWOSDevYes it's 5:29am here.11:31
AWOSDevDaylight time11:31
AWOSDevnot standard time11:31
bmoyeah, daylight time11:31
xaviermy ram usage is almost 550 MB out of 768 MB .. how do i make my system more lean ?11:31
AWOSDevStandard is at the end of the month :P11:31
bmoxavier: do not worry about ram usage11:31
bmobecause "free ram is bad ram"11:31
AWOSDevxavier I frequently go wayyyyyyy > my RAM it's all good it's fine it'll still run fast11:31
rosen37I m asking the GMT time11:31
bmoGMT is 9:3011:32
xavierit starts to get realllll suggish when it goes beyond that .. and my swap is always ZERO11:32
rosen37on my kubuntu it s 10:30 :'(11:32
=== bmo checks
xavierSAMBA opened some ports of mine11:33
bmothey need to be there for samba11:33
rosen37bmo: on my debian station it s 9:30 and on the ubuntu it s 10:30?11:33
xavierPORT    STATE SERVICE11:33
xavier139/tcp open  netbios-ssn11:33
xavier445/tcp open  microsoft-ds11:33
xavier631/tcp open  ipp11:33
xaviernetbios?? the windows evil?11:33
AWOSDevrosen37 yeah Ubuntu is freaky times11:33
bmorosen: sudo ntpdate tick.usno.navy.mil11:33
bmoor any other timeserver you want11:34
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bmoxavier, that is correct if you want samba11:34
=== david_ [n=david@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
bmoit is not a security risk, though11:34
xavierbut the port is open11:34
dudetnx 4 the help guys...11:34
xavierand microsoft-ds?11:34
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AWOSDevDirectory Service11:35
xavierneed more info11:35
rawrnessthings  your mother wouln't let you do in your youth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdF6M2FBKG411:35
bmothose are the msft ports, you need those for samba11:35
AWOSDeve.g. the others hackers dream11:35
AWOSDevdon't worry11:35
xavierhow do i disable my samba shares .. cannot c any icon to click11:35
AWOSDevYou won't be hacked because you aren't sharing anything.11:35
rosen37AWOSDev: ah yeah ok11:35
rosen37It is synchro now thx11:35
AWOSDevwhat is?11:35
fdovingxavier: kmenu -> system settings -> sharing11:35
xavieroh .. was looking for something like Samba :)11:36
AWOSDevrosen37, bmo gave you the ntpdate command not me :)11:36
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rosen37oops sorry11:37
bmobtw, that was the US Naval Obseratory ntp server11:37
bmoone of them11:37
bmothe other is named, obviously, tock11:37
rosen37bmo: yes but I did it on my internal ntp server11:37
rosen37I forgot to do that I need to isntall a deamon to synchro with the internal ntp server11:37
AWOSDevtick and tock hehe11:37
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zorglu_q. i have a large file compressed a .bin / .cue, how can i decompress it ?11:38
bmodude: nmap is there for good or evil.  use it mostly to see if you are offering services you didn't mean to install.  you can, though, use it to see if other people have their pants around their ankles, like windows users....11:39
xavierok . i am in sharing ... folders /tmp/ is being shared11:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bincue - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:40
David_Edmundsonzorglu_: they're CD images aren't they?11:40
fdovingzorglu_: you can use bchunk11:40
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zorglu_fdoving: ok thanks lookin11:40
xavierhey local network browsing is disabled11:40
fdovingzorglu_: you can use bchunk to convert it so a iso. then you can mount it if you want to.11:40
bmoenable it, xavier11:40
AWOSDevbmo, please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:BEANS :)11:40
AWOSDevbmo, I don't think anybody thought of using nmap for evil until you said something11:41
xavieri mean .. it says kcmlisa could not be found11:41
David_Edmundsonerm..I think everyone thinks of evil when they see nmap11:41
David_Edmundsonor ettercap11:41
David_Edmundsonor metasploit11:41
bmoAWOSDev: one day I learned about portscanning, and I promptly MAPPED THE ENTIRE LAN OF IDS.NET11:41
bmoI got a phone call11:41
fdovingDavid_Edmundson: network admins use it to keep their networks secure.11:42
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
bmo"Dan, wtf were you doing?"11:42
fdovingyou have to know the evil ways in order to be able to secure yourself.11:42
AWOSDevbmo hehe11:42
=== AWOSDev once exploited his own NT 4 DNS server and crashed it *good*
AWOSDevit's called ethical hacking or something11:43
AWOSDevdoing it on your own computer11:43
David_Edmundsonor white hacking11:43
David_Edmundsonthere's lots of money in it apparently11:43
bmoI had a shell account on ids.net, which was connected to their lan, so obviously I ran nmap on the entire lan11:43
AWOSDevOh I bet you got kickban'ed from them11:44
AWOSDev*really fast*!11:44
David_Edmundsonnext time run -P0 it's a bit more subtle11:44
fdovinganyway.. #kubuntu-offtopic *hint*11:44
AWOSDev5:43am = wayyyy slepy11:44
AWOSDevG'night all11:44
fdovingnite awosdev.11:44
xaviertx AWOSDev11:44
AWOSDevI'ma have a surprise for you all11:44
David_Edmundsonnight dude11:44
AWOSDevxavier np11:44
bmoand goodmorning11:44
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AWOSDevI'm going to install Kubuntu on my Pentium 100 with 40MB of RAM and see if it'll work11:45
AWOSDevGood morning to you too bmo.11:45
bmoserver edition11:45
fdovingyou'll need the alternate cd. :)11:45
fdovingor the server edition :)11:45
AWOSDevWhy do I *always* get heckled from having a Pentium 100?11:45
AWOSDevI love her.11:45
AWOSDevCompaq LTE 515011:45
AWOSDevpassed QA on 11 Oct 1996.11:45
xavieri screwed up my kde yesterday royally . .after i installed xgl and compiz11:46
bmoI have some ram sticks for that, awos11:46
AWOSDevbmo, LTE 5150?11:46
AWOSDevSend 'em over!11:46
xavierhad to reverse alll my steps taken .. no window titles .. no borders nothing11:46
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bmoI have to get them from a friend, though11:46
AWOSDevAre you serious?11:46
bmoprobably still wrapped in aluminum foil11:46
AWOSDevsend 'em to me!11:47
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AWOSDevAndrew <dot> R <period> Wilcox <at> Gmail <.> com11:47
xavierone question .. how do i browse the lan computers ?11:47
AWOSDevxavier, try smbclient11:47
AWOSDevanyway really g'night11:48
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xaviersmbclient usage:11:48
AWOSDevbmo just pop me an email and I'll send you my address11:48
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AWOSDevUh, smbclient \\\\computername\\sharename11:48
AWOSDevxavier also check "man smbclient"11:49
flaccidsmbclient //host/share11:49
AWOSDevbmo Thank you!!!!!!!!11:49
xavierAWOSDev: but what if i do not know computername .. i mean just browse like network neighborhood11:49
flaccidits not windows :)11:49
=== AWOSDev happy
AWOSDevxavier, well then you're kinda out of luck11:49
mikeis KDE better than gnome?11:49
AWOSDevmike, YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:49
bmokde is always better than gnome11:49
mikeoww ^^11:49
bmokde ioslaves prove it11:50
David_EdmundsonKDE is _different_ to gnome11:50
David_Edmundsonfor some people it is better11:50
xavieris there another program which let me browse my network .. without knowing hostname?11:50
AWOSDevGNOME sucks IMHO11:50
AWOSDevanyway g'night already!11:50
David_Edmundsonbrowse what on your network?11:50
AWOSDevstop dragging me back in!11:50
xaviercomputers with shares11:50
David_Edmundsonsamba shares?11:50
xavierok bye AWOSDev :)11:50
=== bmo pushes awosd
AWOSDevDavid_Edmundson, browse Windows SMB clients11:50
AWOSDevxavier bye11:50
xavieryes David_Edmundson11:50
AWOSDevbmo bye11:50
mikei use ubuntu but then i uninstall gnome then switch to kde11:50
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David_Edmundsonopen Konq, goto smb:/11:51
xavierok david11:51
xavierty vm David_Edmundson11:51
bmoyou don't have to uninstall gnome to use kde11:51
bmoyou just select kde from the gdm or kdm screen11:52
mikewhere can i get repositories for kubuntu?11:52
David_Edmundson(note you can't have both kdm and gdm..though apt handles that for you)11:52
bmothey are the same as ubuntu, mike11:52
mikeohh ic11:52
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David_Edmundsonbtw, does anyone know how if you can transfer video's to iPod without gtkpod which is terrible to use?11:53
David_Edmundsonthe kio-slave doesn't support it yet, so I imagine not.11:54
bmoput linux on the ipod, dave11:54
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xavierdavid .. is there any program which looks for any shared folders in smb:/ computers?11:54
xavierDavid_Edmundson: like lanspider?11:55
David_Edmundson"apt-cache search samba browse"11:55
zorglu_q. it tries to mount a file.iso via the loop device, from the doc i got i need to do a "sudo insmod loop.o" but loop.o is not on my disk. "locate loop.o" provide nothing11:55
zorglu_any suggestion11:55
David_Edmundsonrun "sudo modprobe loop" instead11:55
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David_Edmundsonzorglu_: what they both say is load the "driver"/module which allows me to mount an iso11:56
David_Edmundsoninsmod inserts a file as a module, modprobe loads a module from the modules path11:56
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aztunhi Linux_Galore11:59
aztunu remember I kopete didnt work yesterday???11:59
aztunor friday...11:59
aztunI think it was a problem with the package12:00
aztunbecause yesterday I updated with a new kopete package12:00
aztunand now everything works great12:00
bmodave_edmunson: have you tried gnupod-tools from the command line?12:00
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pexiaztun: i have problems with msn protocol an kopete, had you the same problems??12:01
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zorglu_pffff it is real hard to get those .bin :)12:01
aztunno pexi12:02
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aztunwhen I updated to last kde kopete  crashed12:02
aztunwhen I tried to go into kopetes config12:02
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aztunwhen since I updated yesterday with a new kopetes package everything works great12:03
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UDZGuruhi there12:03
zorglu_David_Edmundson: ok, my mistake was in the .o instead of .ko12:03
pexii have too the last kde, but i use kubuntu edgy12:03
UDZGuruis there a german kubuntu channel as well?12:03
aztunI am on dapper12:03
bmooh nevermind, it looks like gtkpod is a frontend to gnupod12:03
xavierhey when i installed samba ... imy computer name on the windows network says "Xavier server Samba, Ubuntu" .. how do i change that?12:05
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fdovingxavier: kmenu -> run command 'kdesu kate /etc/samba/smb.conf' search for 'server string ='12:07
xavierty fdoving12:07
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xavierhow do i restart samba to c the changes?12:09
fdovingxavier: save and exit when you have changed it to what you want, you'll need to restart samba (kmenu -> system settings -> Advanced (at the very top) -> System Services)12:09
xavierwow u're fast12:10
xavierfdoving:  wow u're fast12:10
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fdovingxavier: i know what you have to do, i started typing some time ago :)12:10
sF|Xemanthxavier: in console /etc/init.d/samba restart or was it smb12:10
xavierhehe ty12:10
xavierty sF|Xemanth12:10
enborI have a problem with kubuntu, with my printer and a usb key (both works great in Ubuntu), can anybody help me?12:10
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xavier * Starting Samba daemons...                                                    install: cannot change owner and/or group of `/var/run/samba': Operation not permitted12:12
blujayHow can I capture a child process's PID in a Bash script?12:12
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Skrot-xavier: Do it as sudo12:13
zorglu_ok i must do something wrong with this mount loop, i got 2 .bin and none is able to mount as iso12:14
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rawrnessnight all sleep well  and wake...12:15
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enbordoes someone know how to fix the problem with usb keys? it is detected but you can open it12:17
enbor*yot can't12:17
gp_is kubuntu slower that ubuntu (gnome) ?12:18
gp_is kubuntu slower that ubuntu (gnome) ?12:18
infornographyHow can I install the extra codecs? The documentation says its the libxine-extracodecs package in multiverse, but I see no such package12:18
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infornographygp_: In my experiance both run at roughly the same speed. xubunty is somewhat quicker though12:19
fdovinggp_: not that i'm aware of.12:19
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aztunis there any game similar to starcraft for linux?12:20
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fdovingaztun: you can try boson12:22
fdovingaztun: http://boson.eu.org/12:23
fdovingit's in the repos.12:23
fdovinginfornography: http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#mp3s and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu#head-775cf32093c1bb05fef1e24465c9be753d76027512:25
aztunthx fdoving12:26
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xavierhey even after disabling firewall ... i cannot access HTTP .. irc works12:27
xavierhad installed GuardDog12:27
gp_is kubuntu slower that ubuntu (gnome) ?12:27
gp_is kubuntu slower that ubuntu (gnome) ?12:27
xaviercould not access the internet .. so disabled firewall .. i cannot access the internet12:28
xavierkonq says : Unknown host www.google.com12:28
infornographyI have added the multiverse, it's just not in there12:28
TheGateKeepergp_: I would imagine they are much the same12:28
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TheGateKeeperafter all they just use different desktops12:28
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fdovinginfornography: then you have forgotten to run 'fetch updates' in adept, or 'sudo apt-get update' in konsole.12:29
TheGateKeeper(k)ubuntu has some nice attributes, but speed ain't one of them12:29
infornographyNo, I havent forgotten anything, the package is not there12:30
mikedoes it mean that kubuntu si slow?12:30
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infornographyNever mind12:31
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tom__can someone help me out please, what i want to do is, everytime my usb stick is mounted, synchronise a certain folder with a folder on my hard drive, does anyone know how to do this?12:31
xavieri cannot access the ineternet .. i have disabled the firewall from guarddog .. help!12:34
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xaviersamba is running in system services ... but when i type smb:// in konqueror .. i get transfered to / (root)12:35
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fdovingxavier: what about smb:/ ?12:39
xavierwhen i type smb:// in konqueror .. i get transfered to / (root)12:39
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fdovingxavier: what about smb:/ ?12:40
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xavieri cannot access my lan12:40
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xavieri want to be able to browse the computers on my network .. there are a lot of them .. but i cannot remember most by name12:41
fdovingxavier: are you in the same workgroup as they are?12:41
xavieryes WORKGROUP12:41
xavieri changed MSHOME to WORKGROUP12:41
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fdovingthen it should just work.12:42
xavierthere were 48 computers in WKGP12:42
xavierbut now i cannot access any of them12:42
fdovingwhen i point konqueror to smb:/ i get a list of the computers in my workgroup.12:42
TheGateKeeperxavier: smb:/   <--- one / not //12:42
fdovingor, more like, i get the workgroup first, then i clik it, and get a list of computers.12:42
xavieri thought it was like http:// lolll .. sorry12:42
TheGateKeeperxavier: :-)12:43
xavieri can c the workgroups12:43
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xavierbut when i click on them it says could not connect to host12:43
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TheGateKeeperxavier: when konq starts the default page: should give you 'Network Folders' as an option to click on12:45
fdovingxavier: did you setup the username/password in kmenu -> system settings -> sharing -> local network browsing ?12:45
xavieryes .. just the username12:45
TheGateKeeperI haven't put anything there, & I get a prompt for both12:46
TheGateKeepermy guess is you need both bits of info or nothing12:46
xavierTheGateKeeper: i have changed the web profile so that konq takes me to google.com by defualt12:46
ishkurhmm i got a prob to read mp3 , tried with amarok and kaffein , both just skip them , tho the sound seems to works fine ... any idea pleaz ?12:47
xavieri cannot even access google.com now12:47
xavieram connected via pppoe12:47
TheGateKeeperxavier: that's what I use firefox for :-)12:48
fdovingishkur: http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#mp3s12:48
ishkuroh thx12:48
xavierwhen i run plog ... it says i have coinnected12:48
xavierTheGateKeeper: firefox is verry slow with just 5-7 plugins .. konq is very fast compared12:48
TheGateKeeperishkur: install libxine-extracodecs & use the xime engine12:48
xavieri have 768 mb ram still12:49
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB12:49
xavieri installed swiftfox .. no difference in speed compared to firefox .. i have an AMD Athlon Xp12:49
xaviery can't i open any website ... but irc is working just fine??? i have disabled the firewall12:50
lupine_85anyone know why konqueror is being annoying every time I start it, saying:- Cannot find parent item file:///home in the tree. Internal error.12:50
lupine_85file:///home does exist12:51
TheGateKeeperxavier:  resolve.conf is ok I presume?12:51
ishkurmaybe some dns issue xavier ? :s12:51
lupine_85resolv.conf not resolve.conf surely? ;)#12:51
xavieri cannot even ping to www.google.com12:51
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xavierwhere is resolv.conf please?12:51
TheGateKeeperyep lupine_85 :-)12:51
xavierlupine_85: did u try typing just '/home/'12:52
TheGateKeeperxavier: in /etc12:52
xavierTheGateKeeper:  i can see two nameservers there12:53
xavieri have a dynamic ip .. i have not set these nameservers12:54
xavierTheGateKeeper: why is there a line that reads "search mshome.net" ?? in resolv.conf12:54
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lupine_85xavier: it happens whenever I open an instance of konqueror12:55
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TheGateKeeperxavier: hmm I only have one line pointing at my router, copy it as a backup, then suitable modify it12:56
xavierTheGateKeeper: can u please help me find the openDNS servers? trying those just in case12:56
lupine_85correction, it happens whenever I open an instance of konqueror which starts off in a directory12:56
TheGateKeeperxavier: not using a router?12:56
xavierTheGateKeeper:  nope12:56
fdovingxavier: is open.12:56
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xavierfdoving: whts
lupine_85IP address for a DNS server12:57
fdovingxavier: it's a dns server. vnsc-pri.sys.gtei.net12:57
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xaviercan i trust it? i have tried OpenDNS before12:58
TheGateKeeper    *
TheGateKeeper    *
lupine_85konqueror works fine, it's just vaguely annoying to get this box all the time ;)12:58
TheGateKeeperxavier: try that ^^^^12:58
xavierTheGateKeeper: ty12:58
lupine_85xavier: you're probably better using your ISP DNS servers12:58
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xavierTheGateKeeper: add 2 more lines right?12:58
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TheGateKeeperxavier: not sure if I have got it right12:58
xavierlupine_85: but i am not able to resolve www.google.com lol12:59
lupine_85can you resolve other domain names?12:59
xavierno lol12:59
xaviercannot access the http12:59
lupine_85any other protocols work01:00
xavieri am using IRC right now ??01:00
lupine_85mm, true I guess :)01:00
loxswhats on the diffrence between the desktop cd download and the dvd download?01:00
lupine_85can you ping ?01:00
xavierlet me c01:01
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TheGateKeeperxavier: I would image you put nameserver  in your conf file01:01
xavierTheGateKeeper: i added those01:01
xavierbut guess what?01:01
xavieri cannot even ping
lupine_85thn it's not a DNS issue01:01
xavierping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted01:01
xavierping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted01:01
lupine_85do you have a default route set?01:02
xavierhow? where? is that?01:02
lupine_85(probably not thaty, but best to check)01:02
lupine_85run "ip route show"01:02
lupine_85you should get a line "like" default via dev rausb001:02
xavierwhoa i have 4 ppp connections !01:03
lupine_85via should be the IP of your gateway; dev should be whatever is the active connection01:03
xavierall with 4 different IP addresses01:03
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xavierppp0 ppp1 ppp2 ppp3 <<<< is this normal?01:03
lupine_85do you have a default?01:03
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xavieri donno .. here's how i connect to the internet .. need a better PPPOE dialer01:04
xavieri run pon dsl-provider01:04
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xaviermy isp generally asks me to retry connecting like 3 time01:04
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xavierso i run plog to chk01:04
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xavierif not connected i retype pon dsl-provider01:05
xavierwhen i c an ip being assigned to me when i plog ... i know i am connected01:05
xavieri know .. i need a more automatic way to dial via PPPOE .. can some one help me with a pppoe dialer? i cannot install kpppoe ..01:06
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lupine_85was a firewall issue for that person01:06
xavieri cannot access the internet :))01:06
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xavieri have disabled the firewall in gurddog01:06
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xavierlupine .. brb .. poffing all ppp connections and retrying .. shall be back01:07
xavierlupine_85: can u please tell me how i can install kpppoe ? i tried using Alien coz i got a RPM package for kpppoe01:07
xavierTheGateKeeper: kpppoe rpm installation help please?01:08
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lupine_85you... probably don't want to install that01:10
lupine_85is the networking applet in System Settings inadequate?01:10
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lupine_85if so, your best bet is to build from source.01:11
lupine_85erm, if not, rather01:11
TheGateKeeperxavier: you use alien for rpm install, but it may not work, you need to use the repos or a deb if it not working01:11
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TheGateKeeperor compile from source01:11
lupine_85erm, if so - I was right the first time!01:12
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m4x1mumhttp://mirror.pacific.net.au/kde/stable/3.5.5/kubuntu/pool-dapper/ <-- which one i need to download to update my kde?01:13
TheGateKeeperlupine_85: he has got it in stereo now :-)01:14
lupine_85given that it's 4 years old, I'd especially recommend not installing it01:14
mjHey :) I need to install Apache 2 with some custom configs (--disable-rule=EXPAT) - is there a nice way to do that?01:14
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lupine_85mj: when you say install, do you mean build?01:14
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mjlupine_85: Yup - it's a ./configure option01:15
lupine_85ok - apt-get source <package>01:15
lupine_85then modify debian/rules to do what you want01:16
lupine_85modify debian/control to give it a custom name or version01:16
lupine_85finally dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot to get some .deb files01:16
fdovingyou probably also need to modify debian/changelog (name and version).01:17
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mjCool, ta - then just dpkg -i foo.deb ?01:17
lupine_85fdoving: good point :)01:17
fdoving!away > m0naway01:17
mjI'll have a fiddle, thanks :)01:17
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thul_I have an eksternal disc, on my sata internal disc i have freebsd installed. Kubuntu will not recognize my sata-disc so i can't install from the cd.. Can i boot into freebsd, mount the eksternal and copy some files from the cd onto the external and install kubuntu that way?01:18
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues01:19
lupine_85summary: yes01:19
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lupine_85all the methods at www.debian.org also work, with small modifications01:19
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marchellosaluto tutti, c' qualcuno che pu darmi un aiuto? grazie01:20
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:20
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thul_ok, I'll try lupine_85! thanks.. :)01:21
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|lostbyte|This is weird, i can hear my mic, i can record it. but it wont go threw skype ?01:26
|lostbyte|i.e, the Remote person cannot hear me.01:27
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gingillohow do i play mp3?01:40
gingilloi dont find libxine-extracodecs01:41
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:41
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fdovingenable multiverse as descibed on that page.01:41
xavierhi .. whew .. i am back01:41
Linuhsome one help me i can not install flashplayer for firefox01:41
xavierseriously people01:42
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Linuhgive me link to guid ubuntu01:42
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fdovingLinuh: http://help.ubuntu.com01:42
xavieri need a better pppoe manager ... or else i will go mad .. doing pon dsl-provider :: plog :: dsl-provider :: plog :: dsl-provider :: plog :: dsl-provider :: plog :: dsl-provider :: plog ::01:42
alex_Hi ! Can not find a page where it is explain how to upgrade from breezy to draper. Anyone can help please or give me a link ?01:42
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:42
ubotusvg is Scalable Vector Graphics, a language used for graphical applications in XML, and a W3 recommendation. SVG Editors: Inkscape, Karbon1401:43
xavierpon dsl-provider <<< i have to keep doing that .. my isp makes me redial again and again01:43
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE01:43
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yumawhich program should I use if I want to make 3D draws to insert into a LaTeX document?01:44
alex_Hi ! Can not find a page where it is explain how to upgrade from breezy to draper. Anyone can help please or give me a link ?01:44
alex_Oops Sorry ..01:44
Clownthere are some command for check if i am running / ussing xgl / beryl now?01:44
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raul12 my adept is opening in read only mode plz help01:46
raul12 how can i bring back to normal mode01:46
raul12 ??01:46
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thul_join #freebsd01:47
mikehow can i change kdm theme?01:47
raul12 plz help ??01:47
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fdoving!adept crash fi01:47
ubotuadept: package manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 3752 kB, installed size 10988 kB01:47
fdoving!adept crash fix01:47
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'01:47
fdovingraul12: ^^01:47
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xavieris there a better way to connect via pppoe??01:48
ishkurhmm i still cant hear mps even tho all needed packages are installed :|01:48
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ishkurmp3s even01:49
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gingillohow do i mount a partition with windows in another disk? can someone help me?01:49
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:50
egonwhow do I mount a SD memory card from my digital camera (dmesg shows it being inserted/removed)?01:50
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xavierfdoving: can u help me install kpppoe?01:50
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egonw(indicated to be inserted into a pcmcia slot)01:50
lupine_85egonw: usually they're sd* devices01:51
lupine_85so try mounting all the different sd* device files in /dev01:51
lupine_85(often it's sda, for instance, rather than sda1, that you need to mount)01:52
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xavierlupine_85: hi.. i am using 9 ppp connections right now .. when i run ip route show01:52
egonwlupine_85: dir: /dev/sd*: No such file or directory01:52
xavierwhen only the 9th is active .. i am going mad dialing 9 times to connect to the internet! everytime my isp disconnects me01:53
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lupine_85xavier: I've no idea, sorry - I don't use ppp01:53
yumaegonw: dmesg doesn't show where it's the device that represents the sd card?01:54
lupine_85maybe it's a timeout ot something01:54
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ishkuramarok just keep skipping mp3 files as if they are empty or smthg , tested system sound and it works tho01:54
egonwyuma: no :(01:54
dacohello I can't install a packege on my kubuntu installation, and I don't know how can i get help here01:54
egonwpcmcia: registering new device pcmcia0.0 <- is last line01:55
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yumaegonw: theres something called pcmcia in /dev?01:55
egonwno /dev/pcm*01:55
egonwok, so a driver missing?01:56
alex_Is a auto-updater avalable in kubuntu ? I got it on ubuntu .01:56
dacohello I can't install a package on my kubuntu installation, and I don't know how can i get help here01:56
yumaegonw: I think it's possible, I've never plugged anything in pcmcia slot01:56
fdovingalex_: no. not yet, it's a gole for edgy+101:56
egonwdaco: what you're trying to install?01:57
fdovinggoal that is.01:57
alex_fdoving,  so only for ubuntu , right ?01:57
egonwyuma: yes, I saw some comments on having to install 2.6.1701:57
yumaegonw: any sg*?01:57
fdovingalex_: right.01:57
egonwwhich I did01:57
egonwyuma: nope01:57
yumaegonw: I think sometimes the scsi drives are called that way, maybe the cards too01:58
alex_fdoving, edgy + 1 ?01:58
fdovingalex_: the release after edgy.01:58
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:58
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dacoHello! no kubuntu is alredy installed. i'm tring to install gcc with apt-get but i can't,egonw01:58
fdovingdaco: install the package named 'build-essential'01:59
kudutry to install build-essential01:59
alex_fdoving, thought current version was drapper drake :\01:59
egonwdaco: what erorr message do you get?01:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:59
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fdovingalex_: it is, edgy is the 'current development version'02:00
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alex_fdoving, ok thanks !02:00
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Rapidwolvesudo apt-get install ubuntu02:01
Rapidwolvewhats the package02:01
alex_fdoving, I m upgarding and ubuntu is asking be for debconf configuration ... Don't know what it is ...02:01
ubotudebconf is a configuration management system. All packages that support debconf are configured when they are being installed. If you want to change a configuration option later, you can do so using dpkg-reconfigure02:01
Rapidwolveubuntu-<something here>02:01
Rapidwolvei forget what it is02:01
dacoit saw that the package  hasn't version available02:01
egonwthat normally means wrong package name02:02
Rapidwolveegonw: thanks it ws right02:02
infornographyIs the libxine-extracodecs package called something else now? Because it doesn't appear to be there02:02
egonwdaco: try build-essential as suggested by others02:02
egonwdaco: that should get you a gcc version02:03
dacoegonw: gcc isn't installed i have tried with cuild-essential. it said that the package  hasn't version available02:04
T3hWiz0rdkopete freezes everytime i launch it...02:05
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egonwdaco: for any name confusion, try packages.ubuntu.com02:05
egonwand use the search functionality02:05
dacoegonw: ok i'll try02:05
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RopechoborraHow do i create a new file in KDE Desktop ? (Like right click-> new)02:06
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ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:10
dacoegonw i write: apt-get install gcc-4.0-base the answer is that the package was already installed02:11
dacobut i havent gcc02:11
xavierhey whts the kb shortcut for task manager in KDE?02:11
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adThey say in the upgrade (but it is a ubuntu doc) to update "update-manager" but this is a gnome package :\ What should I upgrade ? What is the kde package for this ?02:13
adThe aim is to upgrade from brezzy to drapper02:14
dacoegonw i write: apt-get install gcc-4.0-base the answer is that the package was already installed02:14
lupine_85you could just edit sources.list yourself?02:14
lupine_85I'm not sure if there is a GUI options for KDE02:14
lupine_85of course, update-manager will still work - just pull in a load of gnome deps02:15
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RagolI have some problems with my network connection in my kubuntu machine (description will follow)02:17
RopechoborraHow do i create a new file in KDE Desktop ? (Like right click-> new)02:18
egonwdaco: and gcc-4.0 ?02:18
Ragolwhatever I'm trying, the first response is network is not working, but if I try the same address with the same program again, it will work02:18
Ragolno, it's not dns related, because the same thing will happen with ip numbers02:19
Ragoloh, and the windows machines work great02:19
dacohas not version avaliable02:20
dacoegonw  has not version avaliable02:20
adlupine_85: well ... update manager is a gui ?02:20
adfor gnome ?02:21
lupine_85gnome programs *can* run in KDE02:21
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lupine_85cleaner to do it using apt-get dist-upgrade, though02:22
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:22
Ropechoborralupine_85 is it safe to upgrade now? i mean... is edgy stable ?02:22
lupine_85define stable02:22
RopechoborraI dont know... everything works as it should?02:23
lupine_85it "works for me" - quite well - but I'm not running a stock system, really02:23
lupine_85apparently the edgy kernel is a bit b0rken atm02:23
lupine_85(I'm running my own, so it didn't affect me ;) )02:23
lupine_85in addition, the actual upgrade process is still a bit bumpy02:23
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RopechoborraIm kind of new... what do you mean by your own kernel?02:24
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arejayteeu know KFC kernel !02:25
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T3hWiz0rdokay that should be my last join/leave lol02:26
RopechoborraHow do i create a new file in KDE Desktop ? (Like right click-> new)02:26
dacoegonw "apt-get upgrade" said me that all is update... is that possible if i have install kubuntu from the live older than july02:26
fdovingRopechoborra: right click -> create new -> select02:26
arejayteeright click -> create new?02:26
RopechoborraDont got create new =(02:26
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egonwdaco: dunno... what does your apt sources.list say?02:28
Ropechoborrafdoving I dont got create new option =|02:29
dacoegonw: the only things not commentet are :02:29
dognewsWhy do I get an error ("failed! (12)") of cafix (a data transmitting prog for casio calculators)? Can it be that I didn't configure my serial port correctly? Do I even have to configure anything for using that port?02:29
dacoegonw: deb http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe02:29
dacoegonw: deb-src http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe02:30
egonwmaybe something wrong with the archive? you could try the main archives02:30
dacowhere i can find the main archivie?02:31
rubens_tenho um note com teclado US e no kubuntu basta eu apertar ctrl+alt+K para mudar o teclado de US pata ABNT02:31
rubens_como fao isso no ubuntu com Gnome02:31
egonwoh... and just make sure to add "main" at the end of that line, or make sure that another line gives that02:31
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moonskyhi all02:32
dacoegonw: ok ill try02:32
moonskygot pb regarding USB support after update to kde 3.5.502:32
moonskyits eems that usb does not work anymore, it does not mount,02:32
moonskyand has pbs02:32
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dacoegonw: thank you very much, the  build-essential is installing...02:37
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Firetechhmm, CUPS in KDE isn't working for me anymore (upgraded to 3.5.5 a few days ago)02:46
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FiretechIt says it canb't connect to the server, but it seems to be running fine02:47
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pierresabatier_Hello everybody, I have a problem whith my screen, there is only 2 choise xhith xrandr, and I want a "resolution" higher02:48
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pierresabatier_who know how to change this?02:49
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mikeneed help how do i fix this problem, t... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found02:53
cpk2pierresabatier_: you can probably add the desired resolutions into /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:53
pierresabatier_how can I do that?02:54
lupine_85mik: install the -dev packages for Qt02:54
lupine_85!info libqt3-dev02:54
ubotuPackage libqt3-dev does not exist in any distro I know02:54
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mikehow do i fix it?02:55
lupine_85!info libqt3-mt-dev02:55
ubotulibqt3-mt-dev: Qt development files (Threaded). In component main, is optional. Version 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 48 kB, installed size 160 kB02:55
lupine_85try installing that02:55
mikeok thanx for the fast rep ^^02:55
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:56
mikewhen i install libqt3-mt-dev the came up WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!02:57
mike  liblcms1-dev02:57
mikejust continue?02:57
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vinicriherlle everyone. i trying to install this theme pack http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4269703:01
vinicribut i cant find a way in kubuntu03:01
vinicriwhere shoul i go03:01
cpk2can you use gnome themes in kde?03:02
vinicrioh... thx03:02
mikelupine_85 : after installing libqt3-mt-dev theres a new error KDE... configure: error: in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.03:03
lupine_85then install the KDE headers03:03
lupine_85rinse and repeat until no errors remain03:03
cpk2vinicri: that was a question, i'm not sure if you can or cant03:04
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mikeohh man......... lots of work all im trying to do is make install for kdm theme manager T_T03:04
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cpk2mike: why are you compiling it yourself?03:04
lupine_85that's the nature of building from source03:05
mikei got poor internet connection03:05
lupine_85hence why people use distributions in the first place03:05
David_Edmundsonif you're installing KD3, look into apt-build03:05
=== cpk2 is lost
cpk2how does compiling yourself save bandwidth?03:05
David_Edmundsonit doesn't.03:05
lupine_85not even close ;)03:05
mikecpk2 : i know03:05
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narasim_7hello all03:07
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mikethanx for d uhm support..03:08
cpk2David_Edmundson: you know that might be just the thing that I have been looking for03:08
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moonskyso anybody knows about this usb bug  with kde 3.5.5 ?03:08
cpk2David_Edmundson: do you know much about apt-build?03:09
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David_Edmundsonused it a few times. it's pretty much the same as apt-get souce then debian/rules03:10
moonskyit looks like im talking to wind03:10
lupine_85!info kde03:10
ubotukde: the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:45ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB03:10
cpk2tpying to wind?03:10
David_Edmundsondebian/rules is a shell script that builds a .deb of the source. is contained in all debinan source pacakges03:10
FiretechCUPS printing in KDE 3.5.5 (for dapper) is broken. (kdeprint/kprinter can't connect to cupsd.) After some investigation, it seems like an upstream patch (http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=115891) "fixed" something that already worked in kubuntu (CUPS 1.2 support). cupsd is up and running, and Gnome can connect to it.03:10
cpk2now that would be an odd thing to do03:10
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moonsky does anybody could at least say hello, and answerd when a question is asked03:11
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cpk2David_Edmundson: how does apt-build differ from apt-get source -b?03:11
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lupine_85moonsky: do you really want 318 people to say hello to you?03:12
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David_Edmundsonit also builds the dependencies rather than just installing binaries of them03:12
moonskywell, a minimum of respect, thats pity for me to have to talk like that to provok any reaction here03:12
David_Edmundsonand you can do apt-build dist-upgrade03:12
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:12
moonskyespecially when something is asked for a problem that plenty of peops have03:13
vinicrii'm newbe :-/.. i know some definitions in linux,, have read some books but there's plenty of thiung that i dont know yet.. can you give me some sites where i can learn new things..03:13
lupine_85www.linuxquestions.org ?03:13
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moonskyubotu, mv bots /dev/null03:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mv bots /dev/null - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:13
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lupine_85cool, kicker just dies on me03:13
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mikelupine_85 : is there a kdm theme manager for Kubuntu? ^^03:14
sisyphec koi le salon ubuntu pour les frenchies ?03:14
moonskysisyphe,  reflechies03:14
moonsky kubuntu-fr03:14
sisyphej ai essay #ubuntu.fr03:14
moonskyi leave cause as usual there was no answer here03:14
sisyphemerci le canadien03:14
moonskycanadien mon cul03:15
cpk2David_Edmundson: wow, that means apt-build will give my computer something to do at night =P03:15
lguilhermebom dia alguem poderia me ajudar a instalar minha placa de video no ubuntu? 6.06l03:15
sisyphet koi au juste?03:15
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moonskysisyphe, aprend irc03:15
moonskyaprend la gestion des hots03:15
=== sisyphe rote
sisypheje sais pas tr bin ce ke tu veux dire03:16
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David_Edmundsoncpk2: I'm fairly sure you can do apt-build everything currently installed on my system03:16
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David_Edmundsonmy friends house did that on one of the machines. with DistCC set up on everyone elses box03:17
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David_Edmundsoncombined proccessing power of about 12Ghz03:17
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cpk2i've just got my poor p4 at at about 2.4ghz03:17
David_Edmundsonwell have a fun time :-D03:18
TheGateKeeperso does that give you any speed advantage?03:18
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cpk2and I have no clue what the difference between p4 and p4m is but I am assuming that i have a p4 =)03:18
David_EdmundsonI had a gentoo install on my P4 @ 1.6 for a while03:18
David_Edmundsonp4m= mobile edition03:18
vinicrii can't install this themehttp://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=6234 i dont know what i'm doing wrong03:20
David_EdmundsonTheGateKeeper: a compile makes a small difference, especially on the core layers such as X or the kernel03:20
cpk2its doesnt seem you can tab complete with apt-build like you can with apt-get03:20
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David_Edmundsongenerally not worth it. The real reason for doing it is because you can change something called Use Tags03:21
TheGateKeeperDavid_Edmundson: have you ever installed arch linux?03:21
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David_Edmundsonno, what's special about it?03:22
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cpk2i just want to build stuff from source to give my computers un used cycles something to do =)03:22
TheGateKeeperDavid_Edmundson: 'speed' in a word03:22
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David_Edmundsoncpk2: erm. you could use it to help cure cancer or hunt for aliens?03:22
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cpk2David_Edmundson: dont believe in aliens and am not so sure i could help cure cancer through my schools firewall03:23
David_Edmundsonyou have your own computer in a school at night?03:24
cpk2I live on campus at my university03:24
David_Edmundsonah, Uni03:24
David_Edmundsonmakes more sense03:24
David_Edmundsonwhere at?03:24
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cpk2well double checking with the whois SJSU =P03:27
cpk2haha i like how the man of the apt-build says bugs: many.03:28
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:30
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arukurois there an irc for america's army here03:34
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snook353kubuntu decided this morning to only take-up about half of my screen03:53
snook353what do i do?03:53
cpk2use the mouse to scroll it over?03:53
snook353that's not a solution03:53
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snook353it decided this morning, as in, its never done that before03:54
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cpk2snook353: can you actually scroll the screen around with the mouse?03:55
snook353yeah, i can cpk203:55
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cpk2snook353: does ctrl alt + do anything?03:55
snook353what is "do"? cpk203:56
cpk2snook353: press ctrl alt +03:56
snook353no.  my computer's just makin a lot of noises.03:56
TheGateKeeperwhat's the tar command for a <filename>.tar.bz2 to extract please folks?03:56
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cpk2snook353: are you in x right now?03:57
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snook353yeah cpk203:57
snook353i changed some eye candy in the system settings gui03:57
cpk2TheGateKeeper: tar xvjf03:58
snook353and i installed openoffice quickstarter cpk203:58
cpk2snook353: ctrl alt + (or -) should change the screen res03:58
cpk2this is + and - on the keyboard03:58
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snook353cntrl alt + or - does nothing cpk203:59
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cpk2snook353: is it physically only using half the monitor space or the resolution is really big and only displaying half of your desktop?03:59
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snook353physically only using half, cpk204:00
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snook353except its centered, cpk2, in the middle04:00
cpk2that is really really odd04:00
snook353it ususally does not do this.  started when turned on this morning. cpk204:01
=== cpk2 is slightly stumped
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snook353yeah, i had this prob with knoppix, but that was a software issue, not a glitch, cpk204:01
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cpk2so why couldnt it be the same software issue?04:01
snook353i could try turning it on until it decides to stop. cpk204:01
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snook353notech, cuz it has been normal until this morning, cpk204:02
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snook353i'm gonna restart somethin, cuz i don't think there's anything else i can do, cpk204:03
snook353i apt-get updated, and upgraded cpk204:03
snook353and there was nothin wrong cpk204:03
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andrzejszsnook: are you using notebook-class machine? or desktop?04:03
cpk2could always try dkpg-rconfigure xserver-xorg04:03
cpk2reconfigure even04:04
andrzejszok. compaq maybe?04:04
snook353toshiba sat04:04
andrzejszi think it may be just the resolution:04:04
andrzejszon my compaq/hp when it is set lower than nominal one04:04
andrzejszthe screen is not stretched...04:04
andrzejszcheck screen res in your X settings.04:05
snook353ok, andrzejsz04:05
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snook353screen rez is correct04:06
andrzejszi guess my guess was incorrect...04:06
snook353i Did have this prob with (kde) knoppix, but never ubuntu04:07
snook353even though it was a diff kind of prob04:07
snook353it takes up small space of screen from log-in04:08
snook353at log-in, it also does04:08
andrzejsztry to reconfigure package, as cpk2 suggested...04:10
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snook353ok, thanks04:10
cpk2which is a shot in the dark04:10
cpk2but wont hurt04:10
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adHOw to burn a iso ?04:13
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snook353i'm restarting.04:13
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cpk2ad: k3b will i believe04:14
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adk3b  ; well i can not find the option ...04:14
ian|Hi! Is there any simple way to get a "root"-konquerer (or a konquerer asking for a password before writing files in system-directories like /etc/ ?)04:14
cpk2ian|: sure run command... kdesu konquerer04:15
gingillohi, my adpet gives me an error: Could not open cache, can someone help me?04:15
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cpk2ad: burn cd image04:15
adcpk2: oh yes .. did not see it ... pfff .. thnaks04:17
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cpk2ian|: hrmm konquerer wasnt a command =X04:18
jendeHi Folks!04:18
gingillohi, my adpet gives me an error: Could not open cache, can someone help me?04:18
jendehas anyone got an idea if the download servers for edgy are in trouble?04:19
jendewhy I'm asking?the downloadmanager says that it'll take approx 42hrs to download the iso04:19
andrzejszgingillo: please check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16945904:20
jendeso I do have a download speed of ~25KB/sec, which is bad04:20
jendeis there another mirror? maybe one in europe preferrably in germany which I can choose?04:21
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cpk2jende: which mirror are you using right now?04:22
jendecpk2: hold on ... I'll check04:22
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jendecpk2: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/edgy/beta/04:23
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andrzejszjende: please check http://ftp.uni-bayreuth.de/linux/ubuntu/releases/edgy/04:23
dragonkhanyone know much about configuring sshd ?04:24
andrzejszor just go to http://www.ubuntu.com/download/04:24
andrzejszselect random one04:24
andrzejszand click "parent directory"04:24
jendeandrzejsz: :-) yep, that's going well04:24
puttlickHow do I get Kubuntu to play my MP3's?04:24
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_bbeckdragonkh: ask your question, and if someone can help they'll say something.04:25
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jendeandrzejsz: I choose the one in bayreuth04:25
andrzejszyour choice...04:25
dragonkhI want to change my sshd config so that it lets me ssh like this :   ssh user:password@host  rather than prompting me for a password04:25
dragonkhdo you think this is possible with ssh ?04:25
jendeandrzejsz: and goes 6times faster than the one in the US <- the chose before was in the US I guess04:26
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puttlickHow do I get Kubuntu to play mp3?04:26
jendeputtlick: so you're mp3's are on hdd and you say, that you can't play them?04:26
cpk2puttlick: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs04:27
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puttlickjende: Exactly ;)04:27
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puttlickcpk2: okay will try that...04:27
jendeputtlick: have you done what cpk2 just said04:27
nukudragonkh: you could use public key authentification..04:28
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jendeandrzejsz: just one last question the iso on the other mirror had ~3,5GB and the one iin Bayreuth has 683Megs. what's the difference?04:28
andrzejszi guess one of this isos is DVD :)04:29
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puttlickIt says it's not accessiable....04:29
andrzejszputtlick: check http://linux.mty.itesm.mx/wiki/index.php/Mp3_en_kubuntu04:29
morghanphoenixquick question, what is the terminal options required to get konsole to open in a 25x77 window?04:29
jendeandrzejsz: sure that is04:29
puttlickOkey^ thanks04:29
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morghanphoenixI'm trying to add something to the kmenu, but it needs a window bigger than konsole wants to launch in.04:30
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andrzejszjende: just download CD iso for your architecture04:31
pieRReSabatieret bien, non, ce que je pensais n'a pas march04:32
jendeandrzejsz: I'm already doing iit and will get all the other features, i might need with apt04:32
=== cpk2 still doesnt get why people cant wait 2 more weeks for edgy
nukumorghanphoenix: konsole --help reveals --vt_sz CCxLL :)04:32
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morghanphoenixthanks, I can't seem to find anything in man pages.04:33
PiRpieRReSabatier : just english in this chan, but you can speak french in #kubuntu-fr04:33
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nukumorghanphoenix: --help can also help :)04:33
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jendecpk2: cause a friend of mine need it to compare for somewhatever reasons some features (Deian <-> KUbuntu) and his DSL Router just died04:33
morghanphoenixnice, and here I've been doing it the hard way04:34
jendecpk2: so he asked me to do it for him and basically I'm happy with edgy the eway it is already04:34
PiRI'd like to know, if it is a dictionnary multilanguage (i search german-french) OpenSource in linux04:34
PiRnobody ?04:35
jendePiR: not as much as I know04:35
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jendePiR: you may want to use google / googles translator04:36
morghanphoenixYeah for rogue-like games!04:36
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jendecpk2: is that okay? ;-)04:36
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cpk2jende: was just making a comment =)04:37
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jendecpk2: ah, okay04:37
cpk2mostly for those that come in after edgy has broken them =P04:37
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PiRjende : googlestranslator is ... hum ... how to say it ... to bad !04:38
TheGateKeepercpk2: that's ok they can find the bugs for all the rest of us lol04:38
PiRI search an Utralingua dictionnary like04:39
PiRbut Ultralingua isn't free04:39
jendecpk2: I had just one little drama after the upgrade *g*04:39
jendeTheGateKeeper: mine looks quite stable as yet04:39
jendeTheGateKeeper: once I'll discover a bug I'll let you know anyway04:40
TheGateKeeperjende: good :-) did it break anything in the upgrade process?04:40
nukuPiR: maybe try dict.org with kdict as frontend.. but i don't know how good the quality of its ger/fr dictionaries is04:41
jendeTheGateKeeper: basically what happened was that after the Kernel and it's modules have been loaded it was freezing, which was not such a drama for me, cause I used the rescue mode and went into04:41
jendeTheGateKeeper: chroot and fixed it this way. I guess it has been my fault anyway04:41
PiRok thanks nuku , i'll tray it04:42
TheGateKeeperjende: how was it your fault?04:42
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jendeTheGateKeeper: okay...it was my fault, because I right after I did sudo apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade Adept gave me a warning so I went into Adept and haven't really finished the whole upgrade process in the console mode with apt04:44
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jendeTheGateKeeper: the Adept warning might confuse people as it has confused me04:44
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morghanphoenixwhat is a .jar file? an archive or an executable?04:44
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jendemorghanphoenix: an archive04:45
andrzejszmorghanphoenix: Java archive04:45
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andrzejszsome of them are runnable with java -jar JARFILE04:45
morghanphoenixThey don't need compiling, do they?04:45
ubotults is Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.04:45
nukuPiR: forget about dict.org it just contains about 6000 words in the fr/de dict :(04:46
andrzejszmorghanphoenix: no, they don't. just type "java -jar FILE"04:46
jendeTheGateKeeper: and after I've been in the chroot it took me like another 15mins and eversthing was fine04:46
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jendeTheGateKeeper: and after I've been in the chroot it took me like another 15mins and everything was fine04:46
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morghanphoenixwoah, lots of missing toolkits, what do I need for this? I'm just running the current jre from sun's webpage.04:47
ryanakcaHow do I make amarok display similar to iTunes? (genres, artists and albums in three collumns on the top half of amarok, while the bottom half is tracks)04:47
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morghanphoenixCannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit04:48
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jendeTheGateKeeper: did that help you?Or dou you want me to explain the process more precise?04:48
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TheGateKeeperjende: no that's fine thanx04:49
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TheGateKeeperjende: my intention is not to upgrade until the end of november at the earliest04:49
BluesKajHowdy All !04:49
Clownhi gays04:50
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BluesKajyeah, Oct 26 is gonna be a DL nightmare anyway04:50
cpk2TheGateKeeper: i wasnt going to do it till around xmas time so I have all the time in the world just in case i break something =)04:50
jendeTheGateKeeper: I guess it'll be the easiest solution to tell users on the Howto upgrade page that Adept could spit aou a warning but it's not worth using adept, instead..it makes it worth.04:50
gzevsperoHi, I just installed a kvm switch and when using it I can't get my kubuntu resolution to go any higher than 640x480. I go into admin mode but still no other resolution options exist. I can get kubuntu to run in normal resolution when I'm connected directly, not via the kvm. Any ideas?04:51
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morghanphoenixeither crappy hardware or need to configure xorg04:52
TheGateKeeperwell I don't really use adept, I use apt-get/synaptic04:52
cpk2gzevspero: probably need to edit xorg with the monitor plugged into the switch04:52
jendecpk2: on the other boxes I have a Deb-Sid and a Deb-Etch, so I knew what I'm doing, except with Adept's bloody warnings04:52
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morghanphoenixoh, kvm, maybe it detects that as your monitor, you using plub n play?04:52
morghanphoenixyes, plub n play04:52
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morghanphoenixgood one04:53
gzevsperocpk2: how do I edit xorg? (my first day on linux)04:53
cpk2jende: never said you didnt, just I think that some people up to edgy and expect to not have any problems somehow04:53
morghanphoenixso, no idea what a awt toolkit is?04:53
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TheGateKeepermy intention in any event is to put gentoo on this box, then make a decision as to whether I need to replace hardware04:53
cpk2morghanphoenix: probably this libgcj7-awt - AWT peer runtime libraries for use with gcj04:54
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jendecpk2: I know you didn't04:54
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jendeTheGateKeeper: I don't like gentoo, to be honest04:54
TheGateKeeperI have never been fond of this upgrade process as it seems to break things more often than not04:54
=== cpk2 wonders if he can just format his / drive and install edgy clean
jendeTheGateKeeper: honestly, the edgy upgrade went fine and nothing got broken at all04:55
morghanphoenixthanks cpk2, that was it.04:55
cpk2since i have /home all by itself04:55
jendecpk2: should work04:55
morghanphoenixresident java apps now running04:56
cpk2but I am worried that I might somehow cause problems for myself anyways04:56
jendecpk2: maybe you just want to make an imake first?04:56
TheGateKeepercpk2: you probable could, but you should not have to, seems to me having to that kills the whole point of installing linux04:56
jendecpk2: want to know how I did it?04:56
zenok i have a unusual question i cant see why exactly but i think i know ... my webpages load noice and fast but a download tends to load slow i loaded the same page on my other system and noice and fast so i tried the download and yep fast too.. so i think it may be the traffic of the network card but how do i set  it to a fster speed or maybe its the setup of the system it is pretty standard atm i can get files from the ubuntu server noice and 04:57
zen firefox or the whole http system any ideas please let me know04:57
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cpk2jende: sure, never heard of imake04:57
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jendecpk2: imake???04:58
cpk2TheGateKeeper: how so? all of my user configs will be saved and all of my user information will be saved04:58
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cpk2to me that is one of the biggest points of installing linux, your important data is seperate from the system04:58
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jendecpk2: sudo sed -e 's/\sdapper/ edgy /g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list04:59
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jendecpk2: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:59
umbchi pu aiutarmi con kubuntu?04:59
jendecpk2: sudo apt-get -f install04:59
jendesudo dpkg --configure -a04:59
morghanphoenixgreat, running, but freezes because of gtk errors, I think I'm about to give up on java05:00
andrzejszumb: most of us do not speak language, you've just spoken...05:00
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jendecpk2: that's all I did05:00
umbl need help about kubuntu05:00
cpk2morghanphoenix: did you apt-get java?05:00
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andrzejszumb: just ask (in english). if someone knows the answer, will answer you.05:01
justaguy2is there a 64bit kubuntu channel?05:01
jendeumb: like what?what kind of help?05:01
umbati xpress 200 driver configuration/installation05:01
morghanphoenixno, I dovnloaded and installed the bin05:01
marekis synaptic in kubuntu also ?05:01
TheGateKeepermarek: yep05:02
jendemarek: there is05:02
justaguy2can be in kubuntu if you want, I use it05:02
marekthnx ;] 05:02
TheGateKeeperapt-get install synaptic05:02
cpk2morghanphoenix: it might have been wiser to apt-get java =)05:02
justaguy2I hate adept05:02
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andrzejszumb: please check http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25817605:02
loxsis tux racer still about?05:02
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umbmarco parla italiano?05:03
mareksorry for stupid questions ;]  i used only gentoo before05:03
Clownlox yes but now is named panetpenguin-racer05:03
morghanphoenixwtf? SDL now, argh! I wish people would write dependancies into thier damn source packages!05:03
jendecpk2: did you get my stuff?05:03
morghanphoenixwhatever happened to readme files?05:03
justaguy2is there an edgy kubuntu 64bit user here, have a question about duplicate monitor set-up showing in hardware / kde-systemsettings05:03
justaguy2wondering if it might be a bug05:04
TheGateKeepercpk2: I just think have to do a fresh install is a lot of uneccessary pratting around05:04
cpk2jende: yes i did thanks, but I will not be upgrading to edgy at least until the beginning of november =)05:04
jendecpk2: fair enough ;-)05:04
justaguy2wow, lots of people "standing" around, eh?05:06
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jendejustaguy2: wouldn't say so. I can't really help you, but just a few weeks ago there was a thread on the debian(ger)mailing list. and all it needed was a bit of modification in the settings05:06
SlimGanyone got a howto for using logitech quickcam in kopete?05:06
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:07
justaguy2This issue is not causing me a problem, but just thought there would have been others running into this "symptom", that's all05:07
BluesKajI'm wondering what advantages edgy 6.10 will have over dapper 6.06 in terms of real world uses ?05:07
abattoirSlimG: ^^^ that might help you set it up05:07
justaguy2am running an edgy updated config, without latest kernel upgrade05:07
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SlimGabattoir: Just what i need, thanx ;)05:08
abattoirSlimG: you're welcome :)05:08
jendejustaguy2: I still think that you have the modifications yourself05:08
jendejustaguy2: ...have to make...05:08
justaguy2are you running edgy jende?05:09
BluesKajjustaguy2, what do you like about edgy vs dapper ?05:09
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jendejustaguy2: yep05:09
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justaguy2I like to "tinker", stable versions leave me "bored" at times05:09
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BluesKajjende , what do you think of edgy /05:10
jendeBluesKaj: I love it!05:10
jendejustaguy2: FACK05:10
justaguy2I have kubuntu 6.06.1 / stable on another partition05:10
BluesKajok, what are the advantages ?05:10
justaguy2I love edgy.............!05:10
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jendeBluesKaj: quite a few advantages05:11
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jendeBluesKaj: give it a go and you'll se05:11
justaguy2Have been unable to go as far as getting beryl installed and working, although I have an nvidia card, which should make things alot easier05:11
andrzejszone of the advanages is that justaguy2 loves edgy :D05:11
jendeandrzejsz: and me...*ggg*05:11
justaguy2thanks andrzejsz05:11
andrzejszok. both of them.05:11
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andrzejszBTW: is Edgy male or female ? :)05:12
jendeandrzejsz: nice one...*ggg*...edgy is a beauty and female05:12
justaguy2flip edgy, and find out!  ; )05:12
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andrzejszwill try. i promise.05:12
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BluesKajtook me quite a while to get my windows network setup working properly in dapper ...wifey runs her pc in windows and i'm not about to make her learn a new OS , since she's not real computer savy .05:13
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justaguy2jende, have you gotten beryl installed and working?05:13
jendejustaguy2: not as yet05:13
cpk2BluesKaj: ubuntu is incredibly easy though05:13
justaguy2I hope things wil;l come together faster when edgy goes "final" re: beryl issues05:14
BluesKajedgy easier than dapper?05:14
cpk2BluesKaj: i think in alot of aspects its easy than windows05:14
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pieRReSabatierI want to download an iso image but Kubuntu don't accept05:14
cpk2i mean apt-get has to be the easiest way to get apps05:14
jendeBluesKaj: even my dad who is 67 doesn't wanna go back to redmond05:14
BluesKajwhat's beryl?05:14
pieRReSabatierCan I force Kubuntu to accept?05:14
justaguy2beryl: fork of compiz05:14
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jendejustaguy2: will be back shortly05:15
justaguy2sure thing05:15
jendejustaguy2: ran out of coffee and smokes, what a hassle05:15
justaguy2I know what you mean!05:15
justaguy2I only smoke outside05:15
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BluesKajjende, I'm 63 :)05:16
pieRReSabatierI repeat again : I wan't to force Kubuntu to accept an iso image , is it possible?05:16
jendejustaguy2: well I've got a nice old house with several rooms and one is my smokers room in which my boxes are05:16
jendeBluesKaj: so, keep rockin'...05:16
jendebye for now, folks05:16
justaguy2hahaha, 2nd hand smoke is not the greatest thing for boxes though05:16
justaguy2bye jende05:17
justaguy2pieRR, what r u trying to force, sorry05:17
pieRReSabatierWho can answer?05:17
hyperhiya, what must a entry in the hosts file look like?   Must there be perioads at the end of the domain names as it is necessary for bind?  e.g.     xx.xxx.xx.xx   mydomain.com.   ?05:17
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andrzejszpieRReSabatier: what do you mean by "accept an iso image"?05:17
pieRReSabatierI want load an iso image but kubuntu refuse05:17
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justaguy2load or burn an iso?05:18
BluesKajyup jende , listening to steve miller band as we speak :)05:18
andrzejszok. got k3b?05:18
pieRReSabatieryes, with K3b05:18
justaguy2yep K3B is the ticket, right click on iso file05:18
pieRReSabatierIt doesn't work05:18
justaguy2choose K3B05:18
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andrzejszbut tough guys use cdrecord :D05:19
cpk2pieRReSabatier: are you sure its an iso?05:19
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pieRReSabatierI don't have any iso image Kubuntu refuse them05:19
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justaguy2do you hace a cd in the drive?05:19
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pieRReSabatieryes an empty cd05:19
pieRReSabatierit's a probleme?05:19
justaguy2is it being recognized05:19
soulriderhi everyone =)05:19
pieRReSabatierit's recognized05:20
justaguy2try right clicking on icon on desktop05:20
justaguy2choice, to burn image?05:20
pieRReSabatierno I don't have this choise05:21
justaguy2hold on05:21
pieRReSabatieropen copy whith05:21
pieRReSabatiersorry I'm limited in english05:21
jasonguys,  core 2 duo 6400 --- what iso do i install to take advantage of it?05:22
LjLis there any decent Kopete SVN package around? (i'm looking for audio and webcam support in MSN)05:22
pieRReSabatiercopy whith k3b?05:22
justaguy2with cd in drive, close out K3B if open, then open K3B again05:22
justaguy2yes, copy with K3B05:22
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BluesKaj!core 2 duo 640005:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about core 2 duo 6400 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:23
pieRReSabatierUrl mal format05:23
pieRReSabatierUrl mal form05:24
pieRReSabatierurl bad formed05:24
justaguy2did you md5 your image?05:24
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cpk2pieRReSabatier: does file thisismy.iso say its an iso?05:24
pieRReSabatierI don't know05:24
justaguy2check properties of image05:24
pieRReSabatierso I don't have this iso image, and when I want it to download, I can't05:25
pieRReSabatierdownload or burn05:25
justaguy2you have the image on harddrive or not?05:25
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justaguy2<--confused now05:25
=== cpk2 boggles
fildou need to download first05:26
justaguy2oh, so try another download, different location05:26
fildoretain on hdd. n user k3b to burn image05:26
pieRReSabatierThere is an option to open an iso image on the net whith k3b05:26
justaguy2no, you don't want to do that05:26
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justaguy2download 1st, then burn with k3b05:26
BluesKajjason, check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/tags/index.php/core/05:26
andrzejszjason: please check at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core_2_Duo_Support05:26
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jasonthx guys05:27
pieRReSabatierI save the iso image on /home?05:27
justaguy2k3b will automatically check md5sum, compare to what you have on image05:27
justaguy2save to /home, sure05:27
fildosave it anywhere05:27
Clownsorry, but i dont speak english very well... guys and gays is the same??05:27
justaguy2(!)  lol05:27
justaguy2pieRR .... downloading?05:28
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cpk2Clown: guys means men;males;boys05:28
BluesKajjason if you want to be safe , the 32 bit x86 version should work05:28
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Clownbecause i only say "hi gays" when i enter in the channel and now i think that i say homosexual to all the people when i want say guys05:29
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umbc' qualcuno che parla ITALIANO?05:29
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:29
justaguy2mmmmm .. not sure where this id going(?)05:29
abattoirumb: ^^^^05:29
umbsei molto gentile.....05:30
cpk2Clown: you would want to say guys05:30
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umbciao a tutti05:30
Clowncpk2: ok thanks05:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about en - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:30
zippohi hello everybody05:31
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dhqi use ktorrent i am on a 256kbps so i should get a minimum speed of 30 but my speed doesnt cross 1005:33
hazard2how do you install mount 'suid-root' so normal users can run it?05:33
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dhqhazard2: i guess its chroot05:34
dhqor chown05:34
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:34
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ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box05:35
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cpk2you know what i just found in my kmenu?05:39
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Clownfirefox pascua eggs... tipe g" on the url bar05:39
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Clowncpk2: right click on kpanel and "add applet to panel" in the list are kodometer05:40
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cpk2Clown: aww its not in my gui =(05:42
soulridercpk2: kodo lol, why would anyone wanna measure how much they move their mouse :P05:42
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soulrideri can undertsand keystrokes but distance...05:43
soulriderunless its some sort of mass project or something :P05:43
cpk2ohh you can measure keystrokes too?05:43
soulridernot with kodo05:43
soulriderbut in win i used whatpulse05:43
soulrideri think you cna gte it for linux too05:43
soulriderand it measures numbers of clicks05:43
soulriderthere was one for mouse distance too05:43
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soulriderand like whatpulse you could be in teams05:43
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soulriderand there were competitions, and milestones like going to the moon or the sun lol05:44
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cpk2man i really would love one that measured mouseclicks05:44
cpk2just to see how muchplaying warcraft skyrockets it05:44
soulriderits fun :P05:44
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soulrideri wish lineage 2 ran on linux :(05:45
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cpk2oh, i dont play wow05:45
cpk2i play warcraft 3 =P05:45
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jendejustaguy2: I#m back05:46
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soulriderstill i want lineage :P05:48
soulrideri still got windows, just for lineage05:48
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cpk2i bet wine or cedega can do lineage05:48
jendecpk2: cedega can do that05:48
cpk2warcraft 3 works like a charm on wine05:48
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soulrideri think not cpk205:49
cpk2i think wine really only runs into trouble with more hardcore copy protections05:49
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soulriderbesides, it has horrible memory leaks05:49
soulriderit wouldnt run well on cedega or wine05:49
soulrideri think it actually worked with cedega05:49
soulriderbut it was chronicle 105:49
soulrideryeas ago05:49
melhisedekAnyone have xgl working fine with newer ATi card? X1x00 (series)05:49
soulridertehers chronicle 5 now05:50
zoursI have a question : KDE 3.5.5 is out for dapper. If I add the repo to my sources, can I remove the one I had added for KDE 3.5.4 ?05:50
jendezours: yes05:50
cpk2zours: there is a latest kde version repo so you dont always have to add the new one05:50
zoursOK thanks :-)05:50
zoursAh ?05:50
zoursOK. I'll take this one then.05:50
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:50
cpk2you can get it from there05:50
zoursOoh... Neat... Thx05:51
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cpk2zours: there are also several other latest of (some kde app) from kubuntu.org there05:51
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zoursOK cpk2, thanks05:52
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jendecpk2: as I'm curious...where are you from?05:52
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cpk2united states05:52
gzevsperoHi, I'm a new user who edited my kubuntu resolution settings using xorg and now the gui won't load... I'm on now using the livecd. How can I restore xorg settings to default from the command prompt of my installed kubuntu?05:53
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coreymon77!seen ceros05:53
ubotuI last saw ceros (n=user@c-68-49-247-245.hsd1.va.comcast.net) 23h 17m 9s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection05:53
zoursgzevspero : edit you xorg.conf05:53
zoursIn /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:53
zoursIn the Screen section...05:54
cpk2gzevspero: do  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg just like the xorg says05:54
Hawkwindgzevspero: Or boot back to your install, and from a command line type: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   Then usually the defaults will get you back into X05:54
jendecpk2: just because I'm curious...sometimes I just wanna know where people are from05:54
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jendegzevspero: man xserver-xorg telly you all about05:55
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jendeany germans around who are into software development?05:57
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gzevsperook, will try, thanks05:59
cwh1947anyone know of pcmcia cards that work without ndiswrapper?06:00
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jendecwh1947: what kind of PCMCIA cards?06:00
zoursYes. I have a wifi pcmcia that works !06:01
adI have problem in charset with vfat partition (fat 32 Windows XP) : some chars appears as squares like "".06:01
cwh1947what model?06:01
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zoursGive me a sec...06:01
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adAnyone can help lease on charset prob ?06:02
lunitikHey, I was under the impression that (K)Ubuntu would be released earlier this month... what happened?06:03
jendecwh1947: ALLNET WLAN ALL0282a06:03
cwh1947thanks a bunch!06:03
jendecwh1947: the other one I know of is a conceptronic06:03
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cwh1947got it written down, thanks for your help06:04
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zoursShit, my card is a generic one... WN150g, no brand...06:06
ritch_have they fix the cups issues ?06:06
cwh1947jende had a model number06:06
zenanyone able to tell me how to navigate around in console / terminal06:06
zoursI saw :-)06:06
cwh1947but thanks for looking06:06
zourszen : cd06:06
jendecwh1947: for which card?06:06
zento go up06:06
cwh1947the wireless pcmcia card06:07
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jendecwh1947: the one for the allnet you've got?06:07
cwh1947yes zours was looking too06:07
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cwh1947thanks again, off to the store!06:09
jendecwh1947: I know that is has got a ralink chipset; RT6106:10
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copter_hi, is it possible to force a system to cancel the recharge of a laptop battery while being AC plugged and battery capacity is less than (for example) 90%?06:11
zenthanks zours ill go log in to terminal and try it without the xserver running06:12
Skrot-copter_: Doubt that is doable with software..06:12
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copter_Skrot-: so what do you think, is it done strictly by bios or, lets say, kernel?06:13
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jendecopter_: I'd say by BIOS06:13
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copter_jende: thats a pitty :/ thnx anyway06:14
drizhey guys, I just switched internet  ISP from verizon to Comcast and now my router won't work i tried to get to get into the router by IP but it wont work PLEASE help me??!!06:14
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drizit's a Linksys WRT54G06:14
drizthey have no training for Kubuntu/linux computers...06:15
copter_driz: connect to it by plain lan cable an set it up using http06:16
drizhow? :-(06:16
copter_driz: on my router there is sticker with default ip address06:16
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drizya i know it06:16
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copter_driz: try to switch your ip settings to dhcp06:17
drizok how do i get that done? sorry total newb06:17
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copter_system settings -> network settings -> (click admin mode) -> (click wlan0) -> configure interface -> choose dhcp -> apply06:19
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jendedriz: what does route tell you so far?06:19
jendedriz: open a console using alt+f206:19
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jendedriz: route06:20
drizi am connected directly to the modem right now its the only way i could log on here06:20
copter_do you have internet connection now, this way?06:20
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coreymon77when is kde 4 coming out?06:21
drizcopter_: ya06:21
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LeeJunFananyone know of a gpg aware editor? Something that will open a pgp encrypted file, ask for my pass, allow me to edit, then save as encrypted again?06:21
jendedriz: so, the modules are all loaded properly?06:21
copter_driz: ok, so its wifi problem rather than ISP i presume06:21
zenwell that was painfull06:21
drizcopter_:I'm guessing so ya06:22
zenim sad to say no joy there06:22
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zendid get in but install failed anyway06:22
jendedriz: could you make a PING to your router?06:22
jendezen: waht have you tried to install?06:22
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drizi tried last night and it was unreachable06:23
zenis the file06:23
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zoursThere are nvidia binary packages in the repos...06:23
zenand it put a error details to the log file06:23
zenrepos ?06:23
jendedriz: so, have you tried to give your device a IP using sudo ifconfig <device>
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jendedriz: do that06:24
zourszen : you have to enable multiverse (I think) in your sources.list file.06:24
jendedriz: and the tell your device the route it shoud go using sudo add route default gw <address of your router>06:24
zoursAnd then, there is an nvidia package containing the driver.06:25
jendedriz: then type sudo route and tell us the output06:25
drizjende: do i need to connect my router to da that?06:25
jendedriz: you sure have to, otherwise sudo route wont tell you what we need to know06:26
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drizok i'm about to loose acccess brb06:26
jendedriz: no worry06:27
jendedriz the device name might be either ra0 or wlan0 or something similar06:27
zenmultiverse enabled06:27
jendezen: sudo apt-get update06:27
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zourszen : and then apt-get install nvidia-glx (iirc)06:28
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jendedriz: you have to know the IP of your router, hope you know that06:28
ubuntumy friend is on a dell, if i delete the restore partition is there any chance it will screw anything up?06:28
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jendeubuntu: usually not06:29
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zennow i love you 206:29
ubuntui'll ditch it then06:29
zourszen :-)06:29
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jendeubuntu: *lol*06:29
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zen1 minute till file downloaded06:30
jendezen: sorry?06:30
zenapt get is gettign file06:30
zenwill be another minute then illknow how much im in heaven06:30
jendezen: shouldn't surprise you06:30
zen(Reading database ... 119431 files and directories currently installed.)06:31
zenUnpacking nvidia-glx (from .../nvidia-glx_1.0.8762+ ...06:31
zenSetting up nvidia-glx (1.0.8762+ ...06:31
jendezen: seems to be good06:32
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zourszen : you'll have to restart X06:32
jendezen: you might have to restart X06:32
bbtdoes the 2.6.15-27-386 linux kernel have smp support in it?06:32
zenoki is therte a way to do it without a restart or shoud i just restart the system06:32
Hawkwindbbt: No06:32
kavithey when is the Edgy release planned? I dont want to download the beta 2 if it will be released in the next week06:32
jendebbt: nope06:32
Hawkwindbbt: You need to install the linux-686 package06:32
Hawkwind!schedule > kavit06:33
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zoursYou can go back to the console, zen06:33
bbtamd dual core06:33
zoursBut it's quicker to just restart06:33
kavitthanks  :)06:33
Hawkwindkavit: Read what the bot pm'd you06:33
jendeHawkwind: but edgy is already a beauty ;-)06:33
zenok thanks back soon and thankyou for yoru simple help on that one06:33
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jendezen: you're welcome06:34
Hawkwindjende: I've been using Edgy for well over a month06:34
kavitHawkwind: I did... thanks :)06:34
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jendeHawkwind: me too, and I love it06:34
zendoes apt get also do compiz and xgl files06:34
jendezen: if your sources are alright it does06:34
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zenill restart this xserver and ask some more info then06:35
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jendeHawkwind: just one question did you make an upgrade?06:36
Hawkwindjende: I'm running it in vmware only at the moment06:36
jendeHawkwind: ah okay#06:36
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jendeHawkwind: I might try to set up an edgy server tomorrow - just for the fun of it06:37
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driz_jende: nothing happened... i'm very sad06:37
CarDI would like only read my ntfs partition /media/mp3 ... but error. help me? :(06:37
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Hawkwindjende: I'm probably about to make this main box Edgy within the next few days06:38
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SammehDoes anyone know of a Cisco VPN client-like application for Linux?  I'd need it to connect to my office06:39
jendedriz_: what means nothing?06:39
jendelupine_85: huh?06:39
Sammehnevermind on the cisco client question, didn't realize they release one06:40
lupine_85[17:36]  <jende> Hawkwind: I might try to set up an edgy server tomorrow - just for the fun of it06:40
driz_jende: as in i tried what you told me but nothing happened06:40
lupine_85nm :)06:40
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD06:40
lupine_85heh, that's not right06:40
jendedriz_: do you know if ALL modules for your have been loaded correctly?06:41
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jendelupine_85: sweet06:41
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=== lupine_85 flutters his eyelashes
jendedriz_: do you know the device name?i.e. ra006:41
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driz_ya it's06:42
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driz_it's wrt54g06:43
jendedriz_: no.no.no06:43
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jendedriz_: what tells you /etc/network/interfaces?06:43
lupine_85if the modules are loaded, then running "iwconfig" will list interfaces - you can then see which have wireless capabilities06:43
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jendedriz_: type iwconfig or sudo iwconfig06:44
driz_...??? i have no clue :-(06:44
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lupine_85just "iwconfig" in a terminal will do06:44
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jendedriz_: just type in the console iwconfig06:44
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driz_lo        no wireless extensions.06:45
jendedriz_: and then tell us the putput of iwconfig06:45
driz_eth0      no wireless extensions.06:45
driz_sit0      no wireless extensions.06:45
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jendedriz_: is that it? just eth and sit?06:45
lupine_85so the modules aren't loaded06:46
jendelupine_85: FACK06:46
lupine_85and it's a wrt54g... got any more information on it?06:46
lupine_85revision number, etc?06:46
driz_version 606:46
jendedriz_: we need more infod06:46
driz_2.4gHz 54Mpps06:47
lupine_85which one of ^ those ^ is it?06:47
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lupine_85wrt54 is a *router*06:48
lupine_85what is the model of the wireless *card*?06:48
lupine_85is it PCI, PCMCIA, USB?06:48
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driz_apparently it's on the list06:49
lupine_85a wrt54g isn't06:49
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jendedriz_: on iwconfig?06:49
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lupine_85since one of those doesn't fit into a PCI or USB slot/port06:50
jendelupine_85: *ggg*06:50
lupine_85tell you what, pastebin the outputs of "lspci" and "lsusb"06:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:50
lupine_85not into the channel this time06:50
norovHey guys06:51
norovIm running linux for the first time06:51
norovand need help with running .exe files06:51
jendenorov: lucky you06:51
driz_brb going to loose internet again to try iwconfig with the router06:51
norovi cant run them06:51
jendenorov: we don't have *.exe files06:51
lupine_85norov: they're PE format. Linux uses ELF06:51
norovwhat do we have?06:51
lupine_85wine might let you use them, but it doesn't work for a lot of stuff06:52
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lupine_85it's not just the format, you see... windows programs use windows syscalls - which don't exist in linux. wine attempts to "emulate" (wrong work, because Wine Is Not an Emulator) those syscalls06:52
norovwhat kinda file extensions can i use then?06:52
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:53
Dr_willisTime to read a few linux guides.06:53
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!06:53
Dr_willisLinux dosent use fileextensions in the way windows does06:53
norovi see06:53
norovlink me one06:53
Dr_willis100's of guides there.. and google is our friend.06:53
lupine_85it always amazes me that people don't read *before* they install ;)06:53
Dr_willis!info tldp06:54
ubotuPackage tldp does not exist in any distro I know06:54
norovthis is my school laptop so :p06:54
jendelupine_85: FACK06:54
Dr_willislupine_85,  windows has trained people to expect to be handl-held-tutored.06:54
Dr_willis!find tldp06:54
ubotuPackage/file tldp does not exist in dapper06:54
jendenorov: thats not excuse for NOT reading before doing something06:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:54
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto06:54
norovOK SRY ;(06:54
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jendelupine_85: don't do that06:55
lupine_85too late06:55
TheGateKeeperDr_willis: lots of hand-held-tutoring going on in here & #ubuntu too06:55
jendelupine_85: that might be painful06:55
Dr_willisjende,  whens the last time ya saw any real docukentation come with a comercial program/os/game. :P heck - even the games these days have a minimal-docs and expect ya to get the $20 gameguide. sadly06:55
lupine_85anyone got a bucket?06:55
norovmy friend had this application with which you could search for programs06:55
Dr_willisTheGateKeeper,  yep.. we are paying for MS's zombification of users.06:55
norovand install/update them automatically06:55
Dr_willisnorov,  thats a common linux thing. :P06:55
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:55
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto06:56
norovok, thanks06:56
jendenorov: man apt in a terminal (alt+f2) will tell you more06:56
lupine_8519,000 (or so) free - and Free - applications06:56
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lupine_85you don't get that with a base install of Windows ;)06:56
jendeDr_willis: huh?06:56
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norovnope, im starting to like this06:57
Dr_willisjende,  its a trend everywhere to just not bother with docs any more. :(06:57
hssautomatix can work in kubuntu ?06:57
jendelupine_85: a Pic made with GIMP has just won one of the best prices for digital publishing in germany06:57
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Dr_willishss,  avoid automatix.06:57
jendelupine_85: isnt that kinda cool06:57
hssthx :D06:58
lupine_85it might still be a really bad picture06:58
Dr_willishss,  best to learn how to install the stuff manually and avoide suprises06:58
BluesKajhss, automatix will work, but be careful06:58
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lupine_85automatix will do exactly what says on the tin. Pity the small print is in Klatchian06:58
nodiaare there any list of which languages (k)ubuntu is on? i have searched on google and the wiki, no results.06:59
BluesKajwhich language, nodia?06:59
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jendelupine_85: nope it's a great one - well it depends on the one who looks at it and his personal point of view, I suppose06:59
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jendenodia: there are heaps of supported languages07:00
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=== lupine_85 scrobbles for some artwork he likes
zenok im trying compiz and xgl and the you beaut new graphix system07:00
zenim doing the how to here on this site07:00
norovso how do i install firefox.exe, mirc62.exe etc? :E07:00
nodiai was thought of for example irish gaelic and esperanto, it would be nice of a list of that before you install07:00
zenand i am a lim confused07:00
hssu cant run exe files :P07:00
jendenorov: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox07:01
BluesKajnodia, are you serious ?  :)07:01
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lupine_85ah, yes... http://www.deviantart.com/view/23866865/07:01
zennorov: forget what you knwo about systems07:01
jendenorov: what do you need mirc for? (K)Ubuntu comes with an IRC client anyway07:01
norovi know07:02
nodiawell, i could always check when i want to install... i'm just abit lazy i guess ;)07:02
lupine_85now *that* is the Spirit of Ubuntu ;)07:02
zeni am trying to get my head around the fact that there is no exe's but i suppose thats just a windows based system07:02
norovbut im having a hard time customizing it and stuff07:02
Dr_willisFriends dont let froends use mirc. :)07:02
norovthe colors hurt my eyes07:02
nodiawhen I install*07:02
lupine_85zen: it's just a different relocatable object format. don't worry about it07:02
BluesKajkonverstion rocks ... like it a lot07:02
Dr_willisYou could name all your stuff whatever.exe if you wanted.. :)07:02
lupine_85if you want to see what's executable, look at the permissions - an "x" designates a file that can be run07:02
zennorov: my prefered system for irc is konversation07:02
zeni find it verry easy to use07:02
Dr_willisbut tht would be silly.  :)07:03
norovmight be07:03
lupine_85SuSE do that07:03
norovjust that im used to mirc07:03
Dr_willisI like xchat 2.4 still.. i am old-skool i guess07:03
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zenyeah konversation is visually verry simular07:03
lupine_85their ZenWORKS (it doesn't) and red carpet thingys all have .exe on the end07:03
Dr_willismIRC is like smoking.. its worth giving up. :)07:03
lupine_85konv. is great, especially 1.0.107:03
norovjende: nothing happens with that command :o07:03
jendenorov: you do know that you have to type that command in a terminal07:04
zennorov:  are you in terminal07:04
jendenorov: which you'll get by "ALT+F2"07:04
zenim guessign norov is where i was about a month ago07:04
norovi know07:04
norovi am07:04
zenapt-get is a legend07:04
norovsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox07:04
zenso for that matter is sudo apt-get07:05
BluesKajthe only thing wrong with konversation is that itdoesn't have a built in server list07:05
jendehave you been asked for password?07:05
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zenbut google is good for that07:05
norovnothing happens07:05
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zensomethign shoudl happen even if it is sorry cant do it07:05
jendezen: FACk07:05
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zenwhats that mean07:06
norovmaybe it is sudo adept?07:06
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jendezen: (F)ull (A)(C)(K)nowledgement07:06
lupine_85kdesu adept07:06
lupine_85or just load it from the K menu07:06
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jendenorov: what gives you a apt-get clean or apt-get -f install07:07
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zenhas anyone looked at that link i posted07:08
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jendezen: nope07:08
zeni ned some how to help from what he assumed i understood07:08
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norovthe command seems to work since i dont get any errors07:09
zenthats good norov07:09
norovbut nothing happens anyaway :E07:09
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norovwhen i search on adept manager for firefox i only get mozilla-firefox english region language packet07:10
norovand its already installed07:10
lupine_85!info firefox07:10
krautwhen my notebook wakes up from hibernating, my sound-card is crazy-07:10
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7739 kB, installed size 22928 kB07:10
lupine_85well, there is is...07:10
krauti need a word ;)07:11
jendenorov: apt-cache policy mozilla-firefox07:11
zenhow so kraut07:11
krautah, when it woke up, the sound card is really quiet. any ideas?07:11
zenis the volume messed with07:11
krautand only the left side is working07:11
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krautzen: i pushed every level high07:12
krautand the quality is a bit bad07:12
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zensounds like the properties of the sound have been messed with07:12
krautafter a reboot, everything is working07:12
norovnothing happens still07:12
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zenok restart it and see what happens07:12
norovmaybe i should try rebooting07:12
krautzen: i thought so, too. but i pushed every level on high07:12
jendenorov: give me the output of07:12
krautzen: how?07:12
krauti can't find any alsa init script07:12
zenok then the driver for the sound is not perfect im guessing07:12
jendenorov: apt-cache search mozilla-firefox07:12
jendenorov: from which country are ya?07:13
krautzen: is there any script, to reload only the soundcard modules?07:13
zenhmmm good question kraut07:14
zenthere prolly is but i dont know of one maybee someone else here does07:14
jendenorov: once the FF has started you can download the swedish extension07:14
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norovwhen i run the commands in the console i get a password prompt07:15
norovi cant write anything07:15
zenit still hears it07:15
zenit just dont show it07:15
zenthat had me fooled too07:15
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jendezen: wasn't it modprobe <modulenam>07:15
norovnorov@laptop:~$ apt-get install mozilla-firefox07:16
norovE: Kunde inte ppna lsfilen /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)07:16
norovE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?07:16
jendenorov: so07:16
zendo su apt-get07:16
jendenorov: you have to type07:16
zenor sudo07:16
jendesudo apt-get07:16
norovah yea07:16
jendeand then you'll be asked for a password07:16
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jendetype in the password and the cursor WONT move07:17
norovyea i did07:17
zenresult ?07:17
norovit says the package is either missing or outdated07:17
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norovbut another package is directed bla bla07:17
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jendenorov: so your sources.list doesn't seem to be poper07:17
norovLser paketlistor... Frdig07:17
norovBygger beroendetrd... Frdig07:17
norovPaketet mozilla-firefox r inte tillgngligt, men ett annat paket hnvisar till det.07:17
norovDetta betyder vanligen att paketet saknas, har blivit frldrat eller07:17
norovbara r tillgngligt frn andra kllor07:17
norovE: Paketet mozilla-firefox har ingen installationskandidat07:17
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norovso what do i do? =p07:18
zenohh sweedish07:18
=== zen cant read sweedish
zenlooks sexy07:18
jendenorov: what is in your menu -> Internet07:18
jendenorov: is FF in there?07:18
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norovonly Konquer07:18
BluesKajnorov. perhaps you'd be happiewr in the svenkska channel .  !se07:18
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se07:19
norov4 users07:19
jendenorov: type sudo apt-get menu07:19
jendenorov: suod apt-get menus07:19
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norovwrong operation07:20
mangor_somebody here who knows how to configure an ISDN Card with kubuntu07:20
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jendenorov: apt-get install menus07:20
jendenorov: sorry for that07:20
jendenorov: apt-get install menu07:21
norovsudo you mean07:21
jendenorov: sure07:21
puttlickI can't get Kubuntu to play my Mp3's what to do?07:21
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jendenorov: sudo apt-get install menu07:21
mangor_get easyubuntu puttlick07:21
jendenorov: and then sudo menu-update07:22
BluesKajputtlick, what player are trying to use ?07:22
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:22
norovwhen i type sudo apt-get install menu07:22
Dr_willisputtlick,  or read the FAQ at the kubuntu site and install the correct packages.07:22
norovits says the package menu isn't available07:22
Dr_willis!info menu07:22
ubotumenu: generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.27 (dapper), package size 367 kB, installed size 1532 kB07:22
Dr_willisnorov,  enable the multiverse and universe repos yet?07:23
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jendenorov: have you changed so far your sources.list?07:23
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Dr_willisguess ya know where to start. :)07:23
jendenorov: type sudo vi /etc/apt/surces.list07:23
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Mandokubuntu crashed for no reason07:24
Mandoit doesnt load07:24
Mandoi get these 2 errors: Could not start kstartupconfig/kdeinit. Check your installation.07:24
jendenorov: to edit you have to press the INSERT key07:24
mangor_a simpleway to become a well working multimedia system is to install easyubuntu  http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/07:24
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Russelis there a working programm for jingle in edgy?07:25
norovand what should i edit? =p07:25
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:25
mangor_so, nobody knows how to configure an ISDN Card with kubuntu?07:25
Mandoanyone knows how can my problem be solved?07:25
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zenlots of questions07:26
jendenorov: so, basically UNCOMMENT the lines in which is blahblah multiverse universe07:26
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BluesKajstrange , 'Storage Menu' used to open to the 2 drive partitions by default , now it doesn't.  How do i make the file open to that location ?07:26
norovLser paketlistor... Frdig07:27
norovBygger beroendetrd... Frdig07:27
jendenorov: you at the beginning of these lines a "#" or even two of them, just delete them07:27
norovPaketet mozilla-firefox r inte tillgngligt, men ett annat paket hnvisar till det.07:27
norovDetta betyder vanligen att paketet saknas, har blivit frldrat eller07:27
norovbara r tillgngligt frn andra kllor07:27
norovE: Paketet mozilla-firefox har ingen installationskandidat07:27
zenmangor_:  there has to be a way07:27
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|lostbyte|How to check cam ?07:27
coreymon77norov: come again?07:27
adMy ubuntu does not boot anymore. I m installing kubuntu over it. Is there a way to keep datas ?07:27
jendead: have you tried to recover your system in CHROOT?07:27
Mandokubuntu doesnt load07:28
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Mandoi get these 2 errors: Could not start kstartupconfig/kdeinit. Check your installation.07:28
adjende: no07:28
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box07:28
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jendead: well, then I would do it07:28
coreymon77can someone figure out what language norov is speaking07:28
adjende: how  ?07:28
BluesKajjende , kubuntu should detect ubuntu and ask you if you want to upgrade and preserve your settings and files07:28
norovcoreymon77:  excuse me, i accidently pasted a wrong clip07:29
BluesKajit's swedish , i know that much coreymon7707:29
norovso i remove the whole line07:29
jendeBluesKaj: it usually should, you're right07:29
jendenorov: NOOOOOOOOOOO07:29
norovok xD07:29
jendenorov: just the #07:29
norovon those that include multivese universe?07:29
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jendethe # uncomments a line as stated in the beginning of the sources.list07:29
zenwow a verry busy time of night day or whatever it is whereever you are lol07:29
zenits nearly 4 am here07:30
norovbecause i get a wall of text and every line starts with #07:30
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jendenorov: give me your email addi07:30
zenthe # is a disabled message that linux dont respond to07:30
adjnde : is chroot in the bootmenu ?07:30
zenif you remove the # you get a enabled comment07:30
jendead: no07:30
jendead: you have to boot in rescue mode07:31
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jendead: then you have to mount your hda107:31
zenjende:  what line is norov looking for07:31
norovPm disabled :o07:31
adjende: and rescue mode is not in the bootmenu ?! How an I get it so ?07:31
jendezen: multiverse universe07:32
jendead: rescue is in there but not chroot07:32
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zennorov: can you find that text multiverse07:32
Dr_willisThere is no chroot grub entry07:32
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norovyes, there are 2 lines07:32
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adjende: so what is the method to recover  sytem ?07:32
jendeDr_willis: and it has never been there07:32
zenpaste them here so i can see what you see07:32
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:33
jendead: get into the recover mode07:33
norov# deb http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:33
norov# deb-src http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:33
jendead: the mount hda107:33
Mandosomebody help!07:33
norov# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe07:33
norov# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe07:33
norovthese too07:33
jendead: sudo mount /hda1 /mnt07:33
zenhow far down the file are they07:33
norovmind if i paste it all ? xD07:34
Dr_willisjende,  yea. thats what i was thinking. Talk about a security risk.07:34
zenok dont worry about that07:34
zenhow many lines07:34
norov7th from bottom07:34
adjende: hda2 for me if you talk about the ext3 system partition07:34
zenok dont paste07:34
jendeDr_willis: since when is that a security risk?07:34
norovthe one with universe multiverse07:34
jendead: yep07:34
adAnd when it is mount ; what should Ido ?07:34
zennorov:  paste that one07:34
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norovthere are 207:35
norov# deb http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:35
norov# deb-src http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:35
jendead: sorry, just wait a mom...tel.call07:35
zainis there a way to change the clock to 12 hour07:35
zenremove the hash on both of them07:35
norovWhat is comment and uncomment?07:35
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norovi cant modify anything07:36
adjende: np i wait07:36
zenand save file and try apt get again07:36
fildonorov: " #" comment > commout out "no hash"07:36
zendam you dont have root privelages there07:36
zenyou need them to edit that file07:36
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Dr_willisjende,  i would consider it a risk to have some 'easy to gety to chroot'  menu item.. but i also tend to password progect the grub entries as well.. gues si am paranoid07:37
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Dr_willisjende,  of course since it dont exist.. :)07:37
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adDr_willis: jende How can i recovemy system once in the recover mode ?07:38
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norovok now i cant even open the file07:38
Dr_willisad,  you basicially get a root shell. and do whatever you need to do.. i dont know what your specific problem is.07:38
zenneither does he im guessing07:39
adDr_willis: i have segmentation fault ! I m in a simple shell !07:39
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jendead: sudo chroot /mnt07:39
norovi cant modify the text07:40
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rawrnesswow my computer must not like streaming stuff........07:40
adjende: i m in a simple shell !07:40
adno dddddddsudo07:40
jendead: good07:40
adno sudo07:40
jendead: have you mounted /dev/hdax07:41
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jendead: whereby x is the number of the device07:41
zennorov:  i dont knwo how to tell you to get controll over that file but untill you do you wont be able to change it07:42
jendead: you need/have to mount07:42
zenand hence wont be able to get firefox installed07:42
zenunless you just go to the menu at the top of the screen07:42
jendezen: norov has forgot to press the INSERT key07:42
zenlol ok07:43
=== zen learns somethign new
adjende: error mnt no such file or directry07:43
zenok norov press the insert key and remove those 2 #07:43
jendead: on which hda is / <- root07:43
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adjende: hda207:44
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zendo you have windows also installed or just the single copy of linux07:44
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jendead: okay, so what have you typed exactly07:44
adI tried several mount /dev/hda2 /mnt07:44
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norovInsert = enter, right?07:44
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jendead: and no SUDO???07:45
zeninsert is next to my backspace key on my keyboard07:45
Dr_willisinsert/overwrite mode :)07:45
adjende: maybe I can try a different kernel in the boot menu ?07:45
zensorry norov was looking down07:45
jendeyou have to type as I said: sudo mount /dev/hda2 /mnt07:45
=== zen is tired
jendezen: me too07:45
zen3.47 in the morning here07:46
ian|Hi! Is there a way to configure the X Screen Resolution in KDE 3.5.5 (kubuntu edgy)?07:46
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ian|Or do I have to change the xorg.conf?07:46
adjende: sudo not found07:46
norovokay the #s are gone07:46
jendead: type whoami07:46
norovhow do i save now?07:46
jendenorov: :wq07:47
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adjende: sudo not found07:47
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jendead: type whoami07:47
adjende: whoami not found i meant07:47
TheGateKeeperian|: probable easier to manually modify xorg.conf, but before you do make a copy of it07:47
jendead: thats more than just weird07:47
norov:wq? O.o07:48
ian|TheGateKeeper, i already did .. (the change, not the copy.. ;-) ) -07:48
TheGateKeeper!fixRes > ian|07:48
zenjende:  let him just run the kde install prolly faster and easier at this point07:48
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Skrot-!fixRes > Skrot-07:48
zenwont hurt his fiels either will it07:48
jendenorov: press the key ":" and then "wq" without the "07:49
zenwhile its not desired it will work07:49
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adjende: i think i could have a "true" console using a different menu mode07:49
jendead: just give it a go07:49
zenlike ctrl alt del only : w q07:49
adjende: sorry ?07:49
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ian|TheGateKeeper, this worked for me, i'm just curious if there is a similar function in the kontrolcenter like it was in 3.5.3...07:49
adjende: you want me to try it ?07:49
jendead: just reboot with a different kernel07:50
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ian|However, changing the resolution resulted in very small fonts... Is there a default way in xorg.conf to choose bigger fonts? (Lower dpi?)07:50
jendenorov: has your sources.list been modified and saved now07:50
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zenlike ctrl alt del only : w q07:50
TheGateKeeperian|: I think you can use a setting in system settings, but in my experience it doesn't work very well07:51
jendenorov: haven't you read what zen I told you?07:51
zenthose 3 keys please norov07:51
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norovim trying to fix the first msg that pops when i type sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list07:51
norovit says07:51
norovthere is a swap file bla bla07:51
TheGateKeeperian|: you using edge of just upgraded kde?07:51
Skrot-Hi. How can I force alsa to set another index to a specific sound card?07:51
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ian|TheGateKeeper, yes07:52
ian|TheGateKeeper, i need the new digikam version....07:52
jendenorov: so, basically you haven't done really what we have told you07:52
adjende: ok i mount the hda2 in the second kernet07:52
zentried to but i guess he gets confused easily07:52
jendenorov: type in the terminal: cd /etc/apt07:53
jendenorov: and then type ls -l07:53
zenhey jende wanna look at that link now ?07:53
J_L_Ctbaalgum entende portugus07:53
norovwait, wait07:53
norovi modified07:53
adjende: i did sudo chroot /mnt too !07:53
norovand wrote :wq where the marker was07:53
jendead: and07:53
norovnow what?07:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about portuguese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:53
adjende: what next ?07:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about portugueese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:54
norovnow i just close the shell?07:54
jendead: sudo apt-get -f install07:54
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zendam i feel sorry for you jende07:55
zainlinux sees the sound card but there is no sound07:55
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jendead: sudo dpkg --configure -a07:55
adjende: error :\ my ifconfig  generate a error !07:55
jendead: what error?07:55
zenwhere r u i the world07:55
norov:wq deb http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:55
norov deb-src http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:55
jendezen: I'm grounded i bloody germany07:55
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jendezen: it is :-(07:56
zenso its like 6 pm there07:56
adjende: can not open /proc/net/dev07:56
jendezen: its about 8ish07:56
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norovisnt there like a linux channel?07:56
zenyeah heaps of them07:56
jendead: isn't /proc/net/dev on hda2?07:56
zenwhat server you wanna go to07:57
norovdoesnt matter07:57
jendenorov: what about the kubuntu channel07:57
norovjust need a support channel07:57
jendenorov: or the debian one07:57
slopnorov, there's #lfd07:57
adjende: it is a warning : limited output07:57
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argentohi I have a noobish question07:58
argentoI want to use kubuntu07:58
jendead: is /proc/net/dev/ on hda 2 or on a different hda?07:58
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zaincan someone tell me why this isnt working07:58
zainit sees the sound card but there is no sound07:58
slopargento, use it! :D07:58
argentoshould I add repositories?07:58
slopargento, definately07:58
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jendenorov: am I right if I say, that ahead of that one line is ":wq"?07:59
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argentoI found http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:59
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jendezen: then he hasn't saved it07:59
norovok lets start over07:59
norovi've removed #s07:59
slopargento, http://linux.about.com/od/kubuntu_doc/a/kubudg22t04.htm08:00
norovand then i type :wq?08:00
jendenorov: and PLEASE remove the :wg i that one line08:00
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jendenorov: maybe you have to press first the ESC key and then :wq08:00
norovsay so then xD08:00
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin08:01
norovand now that -ls -l?08:01
adjende : hda2 seems not mounted08:01
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adjende: I mounted it but08:01
jendead: thats weird08:01
adyes :\08:01
jendead: but...?08:01
adjende: but it is not mounted !08:01
jendenorov: now, you dont have to make an ls-l08:01
adjende:  and  e command doesnt return error08:02
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norovso i just try installing now?08:02
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jendenorov: yes08:02
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zen2yay now im able to pm lol08:02
norovsame error still08:02
norovwhat is "vi"08:03
norovin sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list08:03
argentoso should I add kde-lastest amorok-lastest and koffice-lastest or are them included in the default ubuntu repositories?08:03
jendenorov: the editor08:03
pedroHello everyone08:03
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norovand sudo?08:03
jendead: I guess your system must have crashed hardy08:03
rawrnesshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KL78ufx2Yw tightest solo ever08:03
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zainthere is no master sound controller08:03
zainwhy would this be08:03
adjende: i think so :\ so is there a way to recover my data ?08:04
jendenorov: a command to become the rights if the systemadministrator08:04
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jendead: have you got something like partition magic08:04
norovi cant PM08:04
pedroRecently mu system was automatically updated by adept and now I have a break package How can I solve it?08:04
pedroThe package is lisa08:04
jendepedro: apt-get -f install08:04
adjende: yes08:05
jendepedro: it might take some time08:05
pedroIs that the solution?08:05
adjende: on my windows hda108:05
jendead: with that tool you can create an image of hda208:05
jendepedro: could be08:05
benkong2I have a perfectly good Network Manager Setup running Kubuntu. I just installed Ubuntu-Desktop. If I want to get NM working there any issues I need to be aware of?08:05
adjende: is this the only way ? A ghost ?08:06
pedroI did it and I have still the error08:06
jendead: nope, you got me wrong...create the image using burn image on CD08:06
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jendepedro: what are depency problems?08:07
pedroI don't know exactly08:07
Hawkwind!repos > Hawkwind08:07
pedroHow can I know? Sorry but I am newbie08:07
jendepedro: sudo dpkg --configure -a08:07
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adjende: so only way08:07
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jendead: in your case it seems to be so08:07
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jendead: sorry08:07
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jendepedro: then sudo apt-get -f install08:08
pedroWell, it looks like it is an error at the moment of configuring lisa08:08
pedrothat command doesn't work08:08
adjende: :\ this craches is due to a update ... and a no official pack for my modem ... Pfff .. I m fed up...08:08
jendepedro: which command doesn't work08:08
pedroStarting LAN Information Server: invoke-rc.d: initscript lisa, action "start" failed.08:08
pedroapt-get -f install08:09
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adjende: everything worked fine before the update08:09
jendepedro: sudo............08:09
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zaini'm getting so mad08:09
zainin xorg it only sees the onboard08:09
zaini cant disable it in the bios08:09
zainits a auto08:09
pedrojende: the command "sudo apt-get -f install" doesn't work08:09
jendepedro: impossible08:09
zaini'm on a geforce fx and linux sees it in the properties08:09
zainbut in xorg.conf its only seeing the onboard08:10
zainsomeone help08:10
jendepedro: are you on terminal/console mode?08:10
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jendead: are you running grub or lilo08:10
pedroMaybe the error is not a broken package08:10
adjende: grub08:10
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jendead: google fix mbr grub08:11
pedrothat was the error before, but I did a new upgrade and now the error is relative to lisa and the action "start" of it08:11
pedroYes, I am in a console line08:11
adjende: there is no prob with grub ?!08:11
jendead: the master boot record might have become some bad entries08:11
adjende: nevermind ... I give up08:11
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jendepedro: if you are, sudo should be known as a command as well as apt-get -f install08:12
jendepedro: once again sudo apt-get -f install08:12
adjende : it boots at begining ok.  I can see the ubuntu logo and several ok ....... . then it craches :\08:13
jendead: nope08:13
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jendead: so, we have to try to bring you somehow into the chroot08:13
matohi girls08:13
matohi boys08:13
matohi everyone08:13
jendemato: hi08:13
adjende: thanks for your support ... Gonna  sava and owerwrite ...08:13
pedrojende: I don't know what is your spanish level, but here is the result of the command "sudo apt-get -f install"08:14
jendepedro: i don't spek spanish at all08:14
matomaybe you will ban me for this but..08:14
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matoIs this sentence gramatically correct?08:15
matoAs well as you will have more fun playing computer games in your free time especially if weather goes bad.08:15
pedrowell, I can tell you that apt-get show that 1 package is not completely installed08:15
pedrothat is "lisa" y apt cannot configure it08:15
jendepedro: try sudo dpkg --configure -a08:15
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pedrothe same result08:16
norovis there some kind of process manager ?08:16
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norovso i can see processes08:16
jendepedro: try sudo apt-get clean08:16
matoOK I am banning myself. Bye08:16
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pedromaking it08:16
|Mikael|hi there. i just ripped the stream of shoutcast servers. anyway. i am not able to seek some mp3 streams.08:17
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jendepedro: and then apt-get install lisa08:17
adjende: I m overwrting ... I m mdifying the partitions ... How to proceed ? Must I del my ext3 and install on it ?08:17
LeeJunFanit appears lisa is installed, it's just that it won't start. It's not an apt-get problem but a problem with lisa itself.08:17
josh__ok someone help plz08:17
|Mikael|are there any programms out there to repair this issue?08:17
LeeJunFanit's failing when it trys to start /etc/init.d/lisa start08:17
josh__im in here all the time helping u guys and now i need it08:17
|Mikael|what's up josh__08:17
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jendead: it'll be overwritten by the Kubuntu Installer anyway08:17
pedrothe error is still there08:17
LeeJunFanjosh__: this isn't the place to ask for bail money :)08:17
josh__ok well i need someone to walk me through installing alsa drivers08:17
jendepedro: hold on...08:18
josh__i know this is noobish but its confusing as hell08:18
adjende: yes but it wants to write all over the disk ! windows and linux !!08:18
josh__ok then i dont this anyone wants to help08:18
adI don't want to loose windows08:18
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|Mikael|josh__: what isn't working with alsa?08:19
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pedrook, I am here08:19
jendead: no,no, no you have to chosse MANUAL PARTITION or something similar in the menu08:19
adjende: it says I have not choose a root for install     :\08:19
josh__the sound08:19
josh__its in kmix and there are controls08:19
josh__but there is no sound08:19
adjende: i ve chosen it08:19
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josh__there's not even a master volume which is really wierd08:19
jendepedro: have you modidfied as yet your sources.list?08:19
|Mikael|josh__: okay. keep cool08:20
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|Mikael|sudo alsa-mixer in terminal08:20
|Mikael|unmute the channels (with m) and save this08:20
pedroI modified it a time ago08:20
jendead: it should show you a fat32 pertition and the ext3 partition08:20
|Mikael|the most errors are cause of mute08:20
adjende: I can see swap (N5) and ext3 (N2)08:20
adand the other of course08:20
adjende: What must I choose for ext3 ?08:21
josh__command not found?08:21
|Mikael|sudo alsamixer08:21
|Mikael|my fault08:21
adjende: mounting point is /media/hda2 for now ...08:21
josh__now what08:21
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|Mikael|but try to use always the command beginning like alsa- and then press <tab>08:22
|Mikael|you shoult be used to it ;)08:22
adjende: Should I change to / ?08:22
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|Mikael|unmute all channels08:22
|Mikael|with m08:22
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|Mikael|arrow-right , then m08:22
jendead: yes08:22
|Mikael|so unmute them all08:22
jendepedro: so check on it08:22
josh__there isnt even buttons08:22
josh__its all sliders08:22
josh__front rear and side and stuff08:22
|Mikael|up and down08:22
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adjende: ok .. What about swap partition ?08:23
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adjende : nothing to do ?08:23
josh__and the only ones who are down are the spdif ones which i know i dont need08:23
adon this swap ?08:23
adjende: linux will erwrite it anyway ?08:23
jendead: yep08:23
adoverwrite *08:23
adok ...08:23
|Mikael|yeah. but anyway change everywhere the controls08:23
pedrodo I wait for a posible solution to my problem?08:24
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|Mikael|pedro just do it08:24
jendepedro: have you Uuncomment the lines with .......multiverse universe?08:24
|Mikael|because like i said most errors are because the sound is muted08:24
|Mikael|if you iinstalled alsa then it should work08:24
jendepedro: that's the error08:24
pedroah, sorry08:25
pedroyes I did it08:25
|Mikael|pedro: it's german. sry here http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/alsa-guide.xml#doc_chap3_fig108:25
|Mikael|ok. then i am wrong :)08:25
|Mikael|i guess jende is going on08:25
norovjende: thanks for the help08:25
norovi found a guide08:25
jendenorov: how are we now with your dramas?08:26
norovyou can modify the text easier with adept manager08:26
norovproblem solved08:26
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norovnow all i need is a msn client08:26
jendenorov: for all commands / programs we have man(ual) pages08:26
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jendenorov: try on a console for example sudo man vi08:27
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norovisnt a terminal, or?08:27
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jendepedro: what tells you apt-cache search lisa08:27
jendenorov: thats right08:27
pedroa lot of packages08:28
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jendepedro: thats good08:29
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jendepedro: now make a apt-cache policy lisa08:29
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norovadept manager really is nice08:30
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jendenorov: depends08:30
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jendepedro: now type sudo lisa --configure08:31
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norovjende: what is the hotkey for konsole?08:31
pedrounrecognized option08:32
norovsince you cant do anything with alt+f208:32
jendenorov: alt+f208:32
norovnothing works in alt+f2 -.-08:32
rawrnessmine is f12 ilove yakuake08:32
norovi have to open the konsole for the commands to work08:32
pedroa question about this, Do I need lisa?08:32
jendepedro: type apt-get remove --purge lisa08:32
pedroWhat is for that package?08:32
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jendenorov: thats why it is a console08:32
jendepedro: nope08:33
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pedroI am deleting it08:33
pedrowhat is for "lisa" package?08:33
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jendepedro: yes using: sudo apt-get remove lisa08:33
norovname a good IM client08:34
jendepedro: then apt-get clean08:34
jendenorov: in a console type: sudo apt-get install gaim08:34
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jendepedro: reboot08:34
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jendenorov: have you done it?08:36
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pedrodo I have anythint else after reboot?08:36
norovgetting error08:36
jendenorov: like?08:36
jendepedro: you'll be fine afterwards, I guess08:37
norovE: Kunde inte erhlla lset /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:37
norovE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:37
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jendenorov: so, you#re not "sudo"08:37
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norovi am :O08:37
jendenorov: would you mind doing what I'm telling you?08:37
norovi am :(08:38
|Mikael|norov: use sudo "command" or use sudo -s (to be root more than temporarily)08:38
pedroBut, is necesary to reinstall lisa?08:38
jendenorov: is adept still running08:38
norovnorov@laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install gaim08:38
norovE: Kunde inte erhlla lset /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:38
norovE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:38
|Mikael|close it!08:38
jendepedro: what do you need to reinstall lisa if you don't need it08:38
norovthe package gaim isnt available08:38
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rawrnesswow weird konqueror plays sound but firefox don't XD08:39
pedrosee you now08:39
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jendenorov: that's quite impossible08:39
zblach_hey, can i control amarok through the console?08:39
zorglu_zblach_: yep, using dcop. ask #amarok for details08:40
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jendenorov: open your packetmanager08:41
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jendenorov: which should be adept08:41
zblach_zorglu_: thanks. that's all i needed to know08:41
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adjende: do you need if there is a fix for this : fat32 part ->  gives a square ?!08:42
jendethen you can choose INTERNET08:42
jendeand on the top of the list you can choose all - KDE - Gnome08:42
bogodoes anyone know how to clear the cache from apt? I was using easyubuntu to install stuff but it froze since it wasn't able to download msFonts. Now, every time I run apt it wants to continue installing those packages08:42
adjende : do you know *08:43
jendead: I don't get you, to be honest08:43
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adjende: i got square in file/dir name intead '' for fat32 partition08:43
jendead: haven't seen that yet08:44
adjende: ok08:44
zorglu_bogo: 'sudo apt-get clean'08:44
jendead: but that is because I haven't touched any windows for quite a while08:44
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jendenorov: is adept still open?08:45
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jendenorov: have you figured out maybe yourself how to install gaim using adept?08:46
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norovi seach on stuff08:46
norovlike gaim and firefox08:46
norovall i find is plugins08:46
goop2any experienced open officers here?08:46
norovand extensions08:46
jendenorov: great...nest time just let us now!08:46
ubuntuhola alguine espaol..............................................08:46
goop2OOo users08:46
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jendenorov: cause now I can go for dinner, I'm doing that in my rare spare time here, you know08:47
goop2anybody who uses open office here?08:47
jendegoop2: yep08:47
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Digital_PioneerHow can I make the right-click context menu for files say "Delete" rather than "Move to trash"?08:48
goop2jende: would you know how to type stuff into a live presentation? :)08:48
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jendegoop2: just a simple question: where are you from?08:49
norovbon apetit08:49
goop2jende: New Hampshire?08:49
goop2jende: is that what you mean?08:49
rawrnessopenoffice is laggy......08:50
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zorglu_rawrness: add more memory08:50
jendegoop2: As I'm not quite familiar with the presentation module I would presume to go to the OpenOffice.org IRC channel08:50
goop2well Im looking for an alternative to powerpoint08:50
norovso now i enabled every single component on repositories08:50
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rawrnesszorglu: Ghetto poor08:50
rawrnessmore mem is about 40 bucks i can't afford08:51
jendegoop2: as much as I remember it is #OpenOffice.org08:51
norovjende its working now 308:51
zorglu_rawrness: endure the lag then :)08:51
jendenorov: great08:51
rawrnessanyone know where i can find a list of suites such as kedu?08:51
jendegood night folks08:52
jendead: are you doing fine?08:52
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jendezen2: are you back?08:53
jendezen2_: are you back?08:54
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norovhe is sleeping08:54
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jendefair enough *G*08:54
norovhotkey for console?08:54
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rawrnessfilelight is a strange program08:55
zorglu_what is it ?08:56
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goop2Im not having very good luck with my guitar today...08:56
goop2I need a tuner :\08:57
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zorglu_thasnks lookin08:57
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adjende : yes i m fine08:58
kanesobanHello everyone. : ) Is here someone, who knows Wine well?08:59
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kanesobanI'm having a little trouble emulating the game "Fallout". It works well, but only in window, i don't knoiw how to change it to fit the whole screen09:00
kanesobani looked at winecfg, can't configure that there09:00
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Hawkwindkanesoban: Try talking to the guys in #WineHQ ?09:01
kanesobanok, i try there09:01
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intelikeyinster-aresting  if i ^Z background sox it stops playing  but if i  &  background sox it keeps playing      is that normally the way ^Z opposed to & works ?09:05
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T3hWiz0rdintelikey: i fixed the driver issue... Kubuntu is off the "bad list"09:07
intelikeyT3hWiz0rd i'll give two days... it'll be back on the list...  :)09:08
T3hWiz0rdits been two now.. lol09:08
T3hWiz0rdintelikey: today is day two09:08
intelikeytodays not over yet  :)09:08
T3hWiz0rdintelikey: everything is working. Customizing the way it runs a little now.09:08
mutlu_inekwhat are your experiences with edgy?09:09
intelikeycustomizing things  yeah that'll do it....09:09
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T3hWiz0rdintelikey: im not a nub09:09
mainhi all09:09
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T3hWiz0rdintelikey: i rebuild my server on a regular basis to try new things lol09:09
intelikeyi didn't accuse you of it...09:09
Hawkwindmutlu_inek: It's not final, nor stable yet.  Won't be released for another 2 weeks09:10
mainanyone here from Hawaii09:10
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T3hWiz0rdintelikey: rememeber the only problem I wsa having was with the nvidia drivers. As long as those work.09:10
intelikeyi r'member09:10
mainmy nvidia drivers were causing a crash when i shut down or log off09:11
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mutlu_inekHawkwind: I know it is not final, but I thought that I might install it and help testing if it is halfway stable. The only thing is that I don't have enought hdd space for two installations, so it should not wreck my system.09:11
maingot a 440 on this box09:11
zorglu_any gtk+java code produce large memory leaks09:11
=== zorglu_ enters in the complaining mode too :)
zorglu_the border of konqueror icon in file mode is boggus :)09:12
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Hawkwindmutlu_inek: Talk to everyone in the Edgy channel, #Ubuntu+1 then09:15
frojndwhich multiverse repos09:15
mutlu_inekHawkwind: Ok. Thank you.09:16
frojndwhich are multiverse repos*09:16
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frojndthose one:09:17
frojnd# deb http://si.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe09:17
frojnd# deb-src http://si.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe09:17
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:17
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intelikeyfrojnd no that's universe.   universe is universe   multiverse is multiverse   and  main is main09:17
frojndcan u paste me your universe and multiverse lines of ubuntu?09:18
frojndnm it's in the link above..09:19
Hawkwindfrojnd: Just add the word multiverse to the end of those lines09:19
frojndk, tnx09:19
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norovis there any way to see applications?09:20
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norovlike in win09:20
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TheGateKeepernorov: elaborate please09:21
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norovprocess manager or something09:22
zorglu_he mean system guard i think09:22
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TheGateKeepernorov: System --> KSysGuard09:23
goop2anybody know when edgy officialy comes out?09:23
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TheGateKeepernorov: np :-)09:23
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:23
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mutlu_inek2 weeks from now09:23
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule09:23
Kubudoes anyone know how to install aMSN on edgy09:23
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intelikeyKubu use gaim09:24
TheGateKeeperKubu: apt-get install aMsn09:24
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ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB09:24
ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux09:24
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willnapierHi - I would appreciate some advice about getting video4linux2 running in the dapper kernel. I have posted a full question on the kubuntu forum but thre haven't been any takers in 24 hrs - I hope it's ok to post the link here:09:25
KubuTheGateKeeper: doesnt exist09:25
norovso you cant install certain programs on linux platforms?09:25
norovlike winamp09:25
Hawkwind!info amsn edgy09:25
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-2.1 (edgy), package size 2261 kB, installed size 7752 kB09:25
Kubusuao apt-get install amsn doesn't exist09:25
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HawkwindKubu: Yes it does ^^^^09:25
HawkwindKubu: Enable the universe repo then09:25
Kubudoes it?09:26
Kubudoenst work for me, lets c09:26
TheGateKeepercheers Hawkwind :-)09:26
HawkwindKubu: Yes, read the info above09:26
Kubui know i thought i have activated universe repo09:26
norovnavigating is kinda hard09:26
T3hWiz0rdKubu: why are you trying to install amsn though?09:26
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mutlu_inekKubu: sudo apt-get update09:26
Kububecause i like it09:26
mutlu_inekthen install09:26
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T3hWiz0rdinteresting lol09:27
mutlu_inekafter adding repos you need to update the package info09:27
mutlu_inekKubu: personally, i would recommend that you try kopete, it is installed by default09:27
Kubuoops, i had forgotten to update09:28
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Kubui have tried it09:28
Kububut i prefer amsn09:28
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Kubumaybe cause im used to the interface09:28
ian|Is there any special opengl-Library for ATI (fglrx?)09:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:28
TheGateKeeperian|: ^^^^^^09:29
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule09:29
ian|I have problems running open-gl applications. glxinfo shows ATI as GLX vendor, but Mesa as opengl vendor.09:29
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule09:29
goop2I thought it was Eel09:29
norovso you have to install stuff all over again when a new version comes?09:29
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ian|Furthermore Xorg-log shows that DRI has been loaded, but opengl apps complains about a missing DRI extension.09:30
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goop2I think you can update with adept09:30
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TheGateKeepernorov: you can update from dapper to edge09:30
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Kubuwhen i updated from dapper to edgy09:31
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Kubuit ***** everything up09:31
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mutlu_inekKubu: it is not released yet09:31
Kubui blamed myself09:31
mutlu_inekusing the upgrade mechanism will not work before it is released09:31
goop2its not stable09:31
Kububut i had the edgy beta CD09:31
Kubuand i installed it09:32
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|Mikael|arghh. this makes me crazy09:32
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|Mikael|i have a file named - Jocelyn Dee Mix Session.mp309:32
|Mikael|how can i list it in the terminal09:33
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|Mikael|this is crazy09:33
josh_what is the command to open a connection to another computer... not using ftp/ssh09:33
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martalli_mutlu:  That's not true - I have adgy going on my work comp, my comp, and my kids' edubuntu09:33
mutlu_inek|Mikael|: list? it?09:33
|Mikael|no. sry09:33
norovwhat is this new desktop interface called?09:33
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|Mikael|i want checkmp3 <filename>09:33
norovyou desktop is a cube09:33
|Mikael|but i don't get the filename09:33
|Mikael|nothing works09:33
mutlu_inekmartalli_: might be, but the upgrade mechanism is not reliable. many have complained that e.g. X could not be upgraded09:34
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|Mikael|norov: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz_2vKq5cZk09:34
Hawkwind|Mikael|: Use tab completion09:34
|Mikael|Hawkwind: *?@09:34
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mutlu_inek|Mikael|: type the beginning of the file name and hit <tab>09:34
|Mikael|Hawkwind: i tried this!09:34
Hawkwind|Mikael|: Type: checkmp3 Joc(hit the tab key here)09:34
t3hwiz0rd-serverintelikey: this is my screened server irssi log in :-P09:34
t3hwiz0rd-serverintelikey: it was sitting in #nobody for like 3 weeks now lol...09:34
|Mikael|the file name is " - J"09:34
t3hwiz0rd-serverintelikey: forgot it was even screend.09:34
Hawkwind|Mikael|: The point is, type the first letter or two of the file name, then hit the tab key09:35
mutlu_inek|Mikael|: the type -\ J<tab>09:35
martalli_mutlu:  I think people might be getting confused between apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade...but I actually did it witht he gui update-manager interface.  It can be called from the command line09:35
|Mikael|mutlu_inek: ah will try it09:35
mutlu_inekuse the backslash before spaces09:35
|Mikael|beep, beep, beep09:36
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HawkwindTab completion will do that automatically09:36
|Mikael|Hawkwind: :(09:36
Hawkwind|Mikael|: Just type - and then hit the tab key a couple of times09:36
Goop2will kde3.5.5 come default with edgy?09:36
mutlu_inekGoop2: yes09:36
Goop2or will I have to install it?09:36
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|Mikael|---@InDaBoX:~/downloads/mp3livestreams/Bassdrive - Music Beyond - 24-7 Drum and Bass Jungle Radio Featuring Live Shows$ checkmp3  - J09:37
|Mikael|J Laze - Summertime feat Ladee Berry.mp3  JuJu - Nomad.mp3                          Juju - The Streets.mp309:37
martalli_This is the command to use update-manager: gksu "update-manager -c -d"09:37
martalli_worked for me09:37
|Mikael|it dont work09:37
|Mikael|man this *x begins to make me crazy09:37
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Hawkwind|Mikael|: Are you in the directory with the file itself ?09:38
Hawkwind|Mikael|: Why not open up konqueror, go to the directory, and rename the file09:38
|Mikael|'/downloads/mp3livestreams/Bassdrive - Music Beyond - 24-7 Drum and Bass Jungle Radio Featuring Live Shows$09:38
|Mikael|Hawkwind: that's possible ;)09:38
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ubotuScanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners09:38
Hawkwind|Mikael|: Tell your client to save the files with _ instead of spaces until you learn how to use tab completion09:39
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|Mikael|Hawkwind: :D09:39
frojnddoes kubuntu 6.10 have VNC09:39
khirrguys, i'd like can do that my desktop looklike as screenshot in the websites09:39
mutlu_inek|Mikael|: "checkmp3  - J" is wrong09:39
Lam_does kwifimanager have support for WPA2 networks?09:39
|Mikael|- J09:39
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mutlu_inek|Mikael|: "checkmp3  -"<tab> is right09:40
Hawkwindfrojnd: If you're running Edgy, you should speak to the guys in #Ubuntu+109:40
Hawkwindfrojnd: However, the answer is yes, it comes with vnc09:40
fowlduckLam_: google would know09:40
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mutlu_inekkhirr: that is a little few info09:40
khirrlet me check09:40
intelikeygoogle don't ever answer my questions  it just makes me forget what the question was......09:40
khirri'll give u the website09:40
fowlduckfrojnd: it also comes with freeNX, you should check it out09:41
fowlduckintelikey: haha :)09:41
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|Mikael|mutlu_inek: the filename is " - Jocelyn Dee Mix Session.mp3"09:41
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:41
=== intelikey makes one serious statement in three months and people laugh at it....
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mutlu_inek|Mikael|: oh! it starts with a SPACE?09:42
mutlu_inek|Mikael|: then do: "checkmp3  \ -"<tab>09:42
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mutlu_inekbackspace sends spaces as characters09:43
mutlu_inekso always do backspace+ space09:43
mutlu_inekyeah, sorry09:43
fowlducknp ;-)09:43
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|Mikael|mutlu_inek: between \ SPACE -?09:43
norovguys, i got a folder with flash installation file in it09:43
norovhow to install?09:43
|Mikael|will try it now09:43
|Mikael|norov: !xgl09:43
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:44
|Mikael|norov: sry wrong :)09:44
norovok =p09:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
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fowlduck|Mikael|: \ lets you "escape" the normal behavior of the following character.  In this case, it changes the default behavior of removing the space, and leave it there, escaping its' normal behavior09:44
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|Mikael|fowlduck: kk09:44
norovi run it in terminal09:45
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TheGateKeepernorov: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox09:45
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frojndwhy my Kmenu doesn't wanna refresh new applications. Is there any command to force Kmenu showing nex applications?09:45
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norovTheGateKeeper:  thanks09:47
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TheGateKeepernorov: yw :-)09:47
intelikeyfrojnd someone said that   update-menus  doesn't do it for kde   so use   something about build ksycoco      not sure about syntax09:48
intelikeycheck kde docs on the syntax09:49
rawrnessinstall games with adept where day go......09:50
rawrnessi sure don't see any09:50
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yvonneHello all09:51
yvonnei'm trying to view this site and it's telling me that i require java09:52
yvonnei've just installed jave using the command apt-get install java-package09:52
intelikeyrawrness cli apps are not added to a gui menu   gui apps should be added....    but at any rate you can always open a term and type in the name of the app/game09:52
yvonnegone back to the site and it's still saying i need java but it's saying javaruntime !! are they two different things?09:52
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intelikeyfrojnd and rawrness maybe.  kbuildsycoca --incremental09:53
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rawrnessI see09:54
frojndintelikey doesn't work, but I have a couple more q09:55
mutlu_inekyvonne: apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin09:55
norovTheGateKeeper:  could you link that again please09:55
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frojndwhy my amarok and kaffeine doesn't wanna play09:55
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frojndI've installed amarok-xine and kaffeine-xine09:55
frojndbut still nothing09:55
TheGateKeepernorov: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox09:55
mutlu_inekyvonne: then kins knetworkmanager09:56
intelikeyrawrness & frojnd when using a terminal (konsole) to run any command use the [tab]  key to complete the entry  that both checks the spelling and saves time.09:56
norovkonqueror is still opening links09:56
mutlu_inekyvonne: then sudo update-alternatives --config java09:56
norovhow to change that to ff?09:56
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intelikey!mp3 > frojnd09:56
TheGateKeepernorov: bookmark ---> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper09:56
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mutlu_inekyvonne: the second line i sent was a mistake09:56
mutlu_inekyvonne: first and third command are correct09:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:57
mutlu_inekyvonne: after the java select command you have to choose the new sun-java509:57
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Lietdoes anybody knows how to fix the problem of after upgrade to 3.5.5 USB pen drive won't mount?09:58
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intelikeyLiet ah don't upgrade to 3.5.5.... :)      but that's not what you want.09:59
SebienHello all.09:59
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Lietbut now I can't return to 3.4.410:00
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intelikeydid edgy default to 3.5.5 kde  ???10:02
Tm_Tintelikey: Yes.10:02
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:03
Tm_Tintelikey: Problem with that?10:03
intelikeyfigures.  sacrifice stability for eye candy  that's the ubuntu way i guess.10:03
mutlu_inekintelikey: what?10:03
Tm_Tintelikey: Err, 3.5.5 is mostly bugfix release.10:03
LietWhen I plug in the USB drive and say to show in a new window, nothing happens on screen.10:04
intelikeyTm_T but every is having problems with it.10:04
LietIn Konqueror I go to media and try to mount it with a right click on the icon and there is an error message is in a window titled 'Error - kio_media_mc' and the message is 'An unknown error occured'10:04
Tm_Tintelikey: Most that I know have less problems than with 3.5.410:04
mutlu_inekintelikey: then that is the kubuntu people's fault, not kde's10:04
Tm_TLiet: Dapper?10:05
Lietyes, dapper10:05
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LietI can still mount it manulally, as sudo, typing commands10:05
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mutlu_ineki guess pmount is fu*ked up then10:06
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intelikeyTm_T maybe so.10:07
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Tm_Tintelikey: You have good reason to be worried, but I can't see any better option, I mean, it's bugfixrelease mainly, if we package it badly, it's our mistake.10:07
Tm_TAnd must be solved.10:08
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intelikeyTm_T fair enough.10:08
mutlu_inekLiet: file a bug report10:08
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Lietok, in what web I have to do that?10:09
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Tm_Tmutlu_inek: Liet: I bet there's bug report already, so doublecheck ;)10:09
intelikeymutlu_inek i think that's already a well known and maybe fixed bug10:09
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intelikeyLiet search for that bug on malone10:09
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norovhow do i make alt+f2 run in terminal window all the time?10:10
Lietwhat's malone?10:10
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intelikeyweb site   mal==bad   one10:11
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intelikeynorov isn't there already a hotkey to open konsole10:11
norovwhat version of KDE is on Kubuntu 6.06?10:11
Lietand can you give me the adress?10:12
norovi dunno :O10:12
norovthats what im wondering10:12
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cox377I dont know if anyone can help, whenever i application asks for a location directory i dont know how to get to a network drive from the list given. it shows all local directories but i dont know hpow to get to network shares10:12
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/10:12
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Lietis the same of Ubuntu? I have reported bug to ubuntu other times10:13
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intelikeyyes it's the same10:13
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intelikey*buntu is one OS10:13
Lietok, ok10:13
Skrot-Riddell: Ping?10:14
LietI'm new in kubuntu, but I used ubuntu since the first version10:14
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khirrguys, how can i change my root pass?10:14
khirrwhat is the command?10:14
=== ypsila is only reading
mutlu_inekcox377: in konqueror type system:/remote and navigate there10:14
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khirrno no10:15
intelikeykubuntu is just K + ubuntu - gnome = kubuntu10:15
khirron konsole10:15
PauloChivasudo su10:15
intelikeyPauloChiva hehhe    sudo passwd10:15
intelikeysave key strokes10:15
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intelikeykhirr you probably don't yet have a root passwd10:16
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:16
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intelikeykhirr you might read that ^10:16
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unix_infidelsave keystrokes?10:17
cox377mutlu_inek: the thing is, when an application asks u to browse for a file on the left the only main options u have are filesystem / user / desktop10:17
khirri done :D10:17
Goop2intelikey: use dvorak, less typing movement :P10:17
unix_infidelwell you could always use a keymap to change your querty into dvorak?10:17
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intelikeyGoop2 more for me...  if you have to backspace and retype five times   :)10:17
Goop2it does take some learning :P10:18
mikael_hi there. i just svn't for the first time. now i need to know how can i install the package?10:18
miyakoI'm getting ready to go buy a printer, and I haven't messed with printing under linux in several years- back when it was a real pain to get printers working at all, can anyone recommend a brand that is well supported under Linux?10:18
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khirrone of u, have installed Mercury Msn?10:19
cox377mutlu_inek: `do u know what i mean?10:19
Goop2when I start up it says something about HP printing..10:19
Goop2but I dont have a printer10:19
ypsilamiyako: check the harwarelist10:19
mutlu_inekcox377: yes. then that is a gnome app. i have no idea. you might need to mount the remote filesystem first?10:19
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cox377mutlu_inek: yeh maybe i do have to mount it10:20
_Extasy_I have been looking allover the place for a changelog in the dayly relases anyone knows where I can find one? and anyone who knows when edgy is going final?10:20
Goop2miyako: not sure if they have one, but look into HP10:20
khirrone of u have installed Mercury?10:20
intelikeymiyako most usb printers... you can google  linux printing      hp is pretty well supported  but i don't really like hp.10:20
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norovis it kinda impossible to hack a linux client?10:20
Goop2oh.. I thought it was :P10:20
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norovbut its not?10:20
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miyakoyeah, a bit of googling shows that Lexmark is not well supported, but HP and Epson are both well supported10:20
Goop2I mean printers10:20
khirrone of u have intalled mercury?10:20
miyakoI just thought someone here might have a good personal recommendation10:21
Tm_Tnorov: It's far from impossible.10:21
Goop2Linux is harder to blackhat hack though I think10:21
mutlu_inek_Extasy_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/10:21
mutlu_inek_Extasy_: in about two weeks10:21
intelikeynorov "kinda impossible to hack a linux client?"  nothing impossable.   but i believe you will find that most linux distros are by default somewhat safer than default M$10:21
_Extasy_mutlu_inek okej s there is a changelog there?10:21
mutlu_inek_Extasy_: beware, it might wreck your system10:21
_Extasy_mutlu_inek so it's that instable?10:22
mutlu_ineknot that i know of10:22
mutlu_inekNO, it is NOT stabe10:22
mikael_i downloaded http://www.willwap.co.uk/Programs/vbrfix.php10:22
intelikeynorov and linux can be tempered to extreem hardness.10:22
mikael_how can i compile this from source?10:22
mikael_i have already the build-essential package10:22
_Extasy_The world of linux is usually very good at making changelogs, but I cant find anything on ubuntu...10:23
mikael_any one a clue?10:23
cox377mutlu_inek: mounting the drive didnt work10:23
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about building - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
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ypsilanorov: it would be very helpful to me, if you could write a quite "normal" english, british or american10:23
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:24
intelikeythere  ^10:24
norovypsila: what?10:24
mutlu_inekcox377: what kind of drive?10:24
ypsilanorov: you want to hack a system?10:24
norovthe english im writing isnt normal? --.-10:24
Goop2norov: hes just being a jerk ;)10:24
norovi was just wondering10:25
norovfirst time using linux10:25
ypsilanorov: not in my opinion, at least not conform to what you should have learnt at school10:25
mikael_sry guys but there is no configure10:25
intelikeymikael_ you get that link ?   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware10:25
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cox377mutlu_inek: it's a windows drive that i can access through konq but i'm trying to access a directory on that drive through a media player. the media player asks me for the directory of my music but when i click browse it only gives me the options for local drives etc tc10:26
norovd-.-b careface10:26
mikael_yeah, intelikey already read10:26
mikael_./configure or something like that isn't available10:26
mikael_also make is not available10:26
norovi was just wondering since linux seems to be 100x safer compared to win10:26
mikael_not the command ;)10:26
mikael_make: no targets found10:26
norovpassword prompt on everything you do10:26
ypsilanorov: it is, in fact10:26
intelikey"at least not conform to what"  and that is ? ypsila ???10:26
norovhi sherlock10:26
mutlu_inekcox377: what do you mean by windows drive?10:27
norovhow are you today?10:27
_Extasy_I have been looking throu problebly every hw list for linux out there in search of a wireless networkcard for linux, The lists all state that the support is limmited to diffrent revisions of cards due to chipset. I have been e-mailing my local hw stores asking then for a card that is supported native in linux and no one so far has been able to help me, Does anyone know a card that I can buy that is "waterproof" and works well nati10:27
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ypsilaintelikey:  people should have been told at school :-D10:27
norovypsila: use capital letters in the beginning of a sentence10:27
intelikeymikael_ if you install the build-essential then make is there10:27
Goop2told what?10:27
norovand finish them with a period10:27
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ypsilanorov: so I wonder, where you learnt your english10:28
intelikeyypsila just pointing out the pot calling the kettel mule10:28
mikael_intelikey: make is there10:28
mikael_but no target was found10:28
mikael_no control file10:28
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mikael_make: *** Keine Targets angegeben und keine make-Steuerdatei gefunden.  Schluss.10:28
mikael_german :)10:28
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mikael_no target adviced and no make controlfile found10:28
cox377it;s a drive that i have on an M$ computer, i've made it as a share that i can connect to from my kubuntu computers. this M$ drive holds some music that i would like under my libary of rythambox10:28
intelikeymikael_ look for the README.TXT or any other all caps file names in the source dir.10:28
ypsilaintelikey: english is not my mother-tongue, does that help you10:29
norovypsila: "so I wonder, where you learnt your english"10:29
Goop2ypsila: please use proper sentances having to do with the point of conversation10:29
norov"so I wonder, where you _have_ learnt your english"10:29
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ypsilanorov: I wonder too10:29
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Goop2ypsila: have learnt?10:29
intelikeyypsila only if you are finished 'bashing' someone else's "english"   :)10:29
ypsilaGoop2: please tell me more about the word sentance10:29
ypsilaGoop2: lets go back to sentance10:30
mutlu_inekcox377: sorry, i don't know much about networkign with win except for the kde way. maybe try amarok? that should allow you to use all the kde access ease.10:30
mikael_intelikey: the readme is small and has no advice10:30
Goop2ypsila: atleast make sure people know what your talking about10:30
intelikeymikael_ any all caps file names ?10:30
ypsilaGoop2: it is not allowed to ask?10:31
Goop2ypsila: I thought I was suposed to be taught something about apple computers in school.. you just arent realy making sence10:31
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B-Minus_anyone any experience with citrix in kubuntu ?10:31
norovwell, time to sleep10:31
mutlu_inekypsila: are you sure that the source is for linux?10:31
norovbusy day tomorrow at school RTFM for kubuntu10:32
intelikeymikael_ like "INSTALL"    all caps.  all upper case.10:32
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=== ypsila searches the igno-button
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.10:32
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:32
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intelikeyypsila /ignore user10:32
Goop2ypsila: heres what you said..10:32
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mikael_intelikey: http://phpfi.com/16404110:33
Goop2[16:25]  <ypsila> norov: you want to hack a system?  [16:26]  <ypsila> norov: not in my opinion, at least not conform to what you should have learnt at school10:33
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mikael_intelikey:  maybe you can try this too?10:34
yvonnemutlu_inek: thanks 4 your help works great10:34
mutlu_inekyvonne: i am glad10:34
mikael_intelikey: it is this http://www.willwap.co.uk/Programs/vbrfix.php10:34
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mikael_i svn't the files10:34
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:35
intelikeymikael_ line 4 is turncated i only see upto "Don't"10:35
intelikeyon the pastebin that is.10:35
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mikael_intelikey: http://phpfi.com/16404410:37
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LietI have already reported the bug10:37
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intelikeymikael_ are you trying to rebuild some mp3's  with new vbrs ?10:39
mikael_no to repair10:39
mikael_checkmp3 brings en error whcich was found10:40
mikael_and i googled a long time for a fix mp3 programm10:40
mikael_this is the only one result10:40
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intelikeyah k  and you dl'd which source archive ?10:40
ypsilaintelikey:  not with my client, but thank you anyway10:40
intelikeyypsila what client ?10:41
intelikeyah ok10:41
ypsilaintelikey: nothing you would like to know10:41
intelikeyi'm not familear with opera  so i'll take your word for it.10:41
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ypsilaintelikey: :-)10:42
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intelikeyopera is one of those "pointy clicky thingies" isn't it ?      i don't do those pointy clicky thingies10:43
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.10:44
B-Minusdoes anyone know the default mirc font ??10:44
Goop2pointy clicky thingy?10:44
fdovingintelikey: opera is actually pretty good,good keyboard shortcuts too, really..10:44
intelikeymikael_ link that you dl'd ?10:44
ypsilaintelikey: first of all opera is a browser, and as I'm not willing to upgrade to edgy before stable.............10:45
intelikeyfdoving hmmm i may have to give a fair chance then.10:45
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ypsilanor having any irc-client besides it ist my first choice, but only mine10:46
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HawkwindWhat we need is packages of swiftfox in Kubuntu.  Swiftfox is so much quicker than firefox10:47
HawkwindUses less memory, a lot fewer processes and is simply amazing10:47
=== ypsila loves opera
Goop2hey! I like firefox >.>10:48
khirrone of u have installed mercury?10:48
HawkwindGoop2: I've used firefox since it first came out.  I won't use it again10:48
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HawkwindGoop2: http://getswiftfox.com and see for yourself10:48
Goop2sounds pretty good10:49
khirrone of u have ussed mercury?10:49
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HawkwindGoop2: It uses all your firefox themes, extensions, bookmarks and everything.  You lose nothing.  It's just lightning quick compared to firefox10:49
intelikeydillo with ssl and java-script support       :)10:49
Goop2Hawkwind: is it as secure as firefox?10:49
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HawkwindI'm running it on 4 machines and they all make a difference10:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swiftfox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:50
HawkwindGoop2: It's based on the same code, just optimized for each specific arch of PC10:50
HawkwindGoop2: Read the page, it tells you all about it.  There are even deb packs for it :)10:50
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mutlu_inekHawkwind: swiftfox is non-free10:51
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neoncodeIs their a command I can run that will show if I'm useing the fglrx drivers or not?10:51
Hawkwindmutlu_inek: How so ?10:51
_Extasy_Has anyone heard if WPA support will be out of the box in next stable relase? More like suse?10:51
Hawkwindmutlu_inek: It uses the same code as firefox and has all the same licenses as firefox does10:51
HawkwindAhh, I hadn't seen that10:52
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T3hWiz0rdintelikey: it hasn't broke yet lol...10:53
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mutlu_inekbut the source is mpl licensed10:53
khirrguys, do u know one repository where i could download JRE?10:54
mutlu_inekmaybe try the fasterfox extension10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
Goop2I cant wait till KDE4 comes out..10:54
Hawkwindmutlu_inek: I've used fasterfox for years, it still doesn't give the speed that swiftfox does10:55
mutlu_inekkhirr: it is in universe afaik10:55
khirrwhat is?10:55
khirri noobie :D10:55
mutlu_inekkhirr: apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin10:55
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=== ypsila says hello to niroxx_, mneisen, _czessi, alef-null, emmanuel_
mutlu_inekkhirr: then sudo update-alternatives --config java10:55
khirrthere is 2 opt10:56
khirr 1        /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.110:56
khirr*+    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java10:56
khirrwhich one?10:56
mutlu_inekyou did not do the first command10:56
mutlu_inekapt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin10:57
khirru told me one command, i did that10:57
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khirrcant find the packegae sun-java-5-jre10:57
khirrcant found10:58
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mutlu_inekstart adept and add the repositories10:58
khirrwhat is the repository?10:58
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unix_infidela place where binaries are kept (.debs)10:59
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unix_infidelconceptually similar to .exe10:59
wildchildafter I added multiverse to my sources.list http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26915/ I decided to install libxine-extracodecs via apt but there were errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26918/10:59
Goop2whats the konsole url command?10:59
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Goop2go to url11:00
khirrbetter wait11:00
khirrdont run11:00
mutlu_inekkhirr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu11:00
khirrbut, how can i know whar is java repository?11:00
windshearanyone has a floppy drive and is using kde 3.5.5 on edgy on a physical computer?11:00
mutlu_ineksorry that was for gnome11:00
khirris for ubuntu ;S11:01
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wildchilddoes anyone know how to solve my prob11:02
mutlu_inekkhirr: there http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper you find _anything_11:03
timthelionhey, what is the linux cli equivalent of the dialog in windows xp that shows all the computers and devices on the current network?11:03
ypsilawildchild: i do not have a solution, but I read about that problem twice today, what about a bug-report?11:03
khirri did11:04
unix_infideltimthelion: networks in linux are much more complex than simple CIFS.11:04
unix_infidelpreviously SMB11:04
wildchildypsila bug report to who11:04
ypsilawillnapier: wait a xsecong11:04
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timthelionunix_infidel: can I still get a list of ip addresses?11:04
timthelionunix_infidel: on the network11:04
ypsilahttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs wildchild11:04
Goop2how do I go to the home folder using konsole?11:05
wildchildI just installed kubuntu and it allready has bug :S11:05
Tm_TGoop2: 'cd ~'11:05
Goop2Tm_T: ty11:05
wildchildypsila I don't know what should be the name of this bug or problem..11:06
ypsilawildchild:  what exactly did you instalL)11:06
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mutlu_inekkhirr: did it work?11:06
timthelionhow do I get a list of all the devices attached to my router?11:06
khirri'm trying now11:07
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rahmetlihow to check if ip forwarding is on or off?11:07
khirris it'11:07
wildchildypsila: libxine-extracodecs11:07
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ypsilawildchild: you installed or you tried to install?11:07
wildchildtryed :S11:08
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wildchildalso with libk3b2-mp3 package..11:08
khirrcant found the package11:08
Goop2hmm.. it seems konsole is already in the home folder by default.. thats helpful! :D11:08
khirri done about apt11:08
khirrwhat sholuld i do?11:08
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ypsilawildchild:  any error message?11:09
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mutlu_inek1. set up repos; 2. update apt-get; 3. install the 2 packages given above; 4. set jre to sun-java5; 5. done11:09
wildchildypsila: the same notice as with libxine-codecs http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26918/11:09
khirrhow update aptget?11:10
khirri done about page11:10
mutlu_inekapt-get update OR use sdept11:10
khirri wanna put11:10
khirrdeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main11:10
khirrbut, not run again11:10
ypsilawildchild:  read what you pasted!11:10
mutlu_inekwhat? could you pleade express yourself clearly?11:11
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Goop2should kubuntu have slower internet than windowsxp on the same exact computer?11:12
khirri'm not very good in enngslish :D11:12
wildchildypsila: ok, so I use beta version, but 2 days ago everything works fine, and today I've reinstalled kubuntu 6.10 ...11:12
khirrthe program doesnt want to run11:12
mutlu_inek[17:10]  <khirr> but, not run again ; [17:10]  <khirr> adept ????11:12
khirrthe progrman doesnt want to run11:12
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mutlu_inekwhat is your native language?11:12
rahmetlihow to check if ip forwarding is on or off? answer ; cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward11:12
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khirris spanish, but in that channel no one answer11:13
Goop2t3h wiz0rd11:13
Goop2thats awsome :D11:13
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mutlu_inekadept does not run?11:13
khirrnow, opened11:13
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khirrdone the update11:14
mikael_how can i redirect the output of tar --help to kate or another gui ediotr?11:14
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mutlu_inekinstall sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin11:14
Lam_is there a way to get kubuntu/kde to show notes or something on start up?11:14
Lam_like a notes applet11:14
mikael_tar --help > kate doesn't work11:14
rahmetliwhy i cant "sudo 1> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" ? it says Permission denied11:14
khirrmutlu_inek my problem is it11:15
rahmetliwhy i cant "sudo echo 1> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" ? it says Permission denied (sorry)11:15
mutlu_inekkhirr: then in konsole type: sudo update-alternatives --config java11:15
khirri wanna install mercury msn11:15
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khirrbut i need java11:15
mikael_no one who works with pipes?11:15
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mutlu_inekkhirr: install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin11:16
mutlu_inekkhirr: then in konsole type: sudo update-alternatives --config java11:16
neojmikael_: you put the output in a file called kate with that command, use | instead of >11:16
mutlu_inekkhirr: done11:16
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mikael_neoj: it opens an empty kate editor11:16
rahmetliwhy i cant "sudo echo 1> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" ? it says "Permission denied"11:17
xstI have a strange sound recording problem. When I speak into my microphone I can hear my voice loud and clear in the speakes. But for some reason I cannot *record* any sound from the microphone. What to do?11:17
khirrwhere install jav5?11:17
mikael_neoj: strange11:17
neojmikael_: ok, it seems that you have to run kate -i to get kate to read from stdin11:17
neojjust reading the --help :)11:17
mutlu_inekkhirr: either in the konsole type: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin OR in adept choose those packages and install them11:18
khirrcant found jre...11:18
mikael_neoj: :)11:19
mutlu_inekwho? where? PLEASE provide more information, i am fed up with this11:19
mikael_i can't extract a tar.gz file11:19
khirri've installed mercury11:19
mikael_i could cry :(11:19
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khirrbut, i dunno, what i need to this run11:19
mikael_tar xvj filename.tar.gz doesn't work11:19
khirrunderstand me?11:20
ypsilaha so ein scheiss11:20
ypsilakhirr: alt + f2 + name11:20
neojmikael_: xvz , j is for bz211:20
khirrno no, i need11:20
khirrone jave file11:20
khirri dunno what11:20
khirri read JRE11:20
mutlu_inekkhirr: java -jar FILENAME11:21
ypsilakhirr: then get it11:21
mikael_xvf :)11:21
khirrbut, i dunno how install ir?11:21
mikael_thx again neoj11:21
khirrdont understand11:21
ComingUndone83Hey.. question y'all..11:21
mutlu_inekkhirr: http://www.mercury.to/index.php?page=Wiki&wikipage=Linux_Setup11:21
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ComingUndone83I'm having trouble getting the permission to get into hda1 without being root.11:22
khirri'm cheking11:22
khirri done11:22
khirrbut the program doesnt run11:22
khirrneed java enviroment11:22
khirrhow can i do it?11:22
Lam_does kde have a notes applet for the panel?11:22
mutlu_inekkhirr: WHY don't you do what i tell you?11:22
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khirri've dont11:23
mutlu_inekkhirr: I am not going to help you any more11:23
khirri've done that11:23
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khirrwell anyway11:23
mutlu_inekyou have not11:23
freechelmiHi there11:23
freechelmiI 'm trying to install java11:23
freechelmiok packages selected after having added multiverse11:23
ComingUndone83freechelmi: Run.. lol..11:23
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freechelmibut the package wants the licence to be validated11:23
freechelmiso  adept is stuck11:24
freechelmiI can open the details , But can't confirm I accept the licence on debconf11:24
freechelmishit :-)11:24
rahmetlifreechelmi: use another then, you have lots of choice11:24
freechelmianother java ?11:24
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freechelmithe problem is more thath a questino is asked11:25
mutlu_inekfreechelmi: run from command line11:25
freechelmiin adept in the details11:25
freechelmibut it cannot be answered11:25
freechelmiis it usual ?11:25
ComingUndone83Anyone know what to do with a drive that won't give you access unless you are root?11:25
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freechelmifor the drive : as root you can tell that anybody can read and write11:26
mutlu_inekfreechelmi: sudo apt-get check & sudo apt-get install <whatever_java>11:26
mutlu_inekfreechelmi: i had that too, it is a adept-bug11:26
mutlu_inekuse the cli11:26
Lam_found it. knotes. :)11:26
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ComingUndone83free: It said it couldn't change permissions.11:27
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mutlu_inekComingUndone83: you can set that in /etc/fstab11:27
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rahmetlido i have to do anything (like rebooting) after turning ip_forwarding on?11:27
mutlu_inekComingUndone83: under options for that drive you add user11:28
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ComingUndone83Um.. where is all that? LOL11:28
ComingUndone83I'm about retarded today for some reason.11:29
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mutlu_inekComingUndone83: what kind of drive by the way?11:29
ComingUndone83NTFS .. My other HD with Win XP Pro on it.11:29
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mutlu_inekgo to console and type less /etc/fstab11:29
mutlu_inekis the drive in there?11:29
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ComingUndone83"/dev/hda1 /media/windowsC auto users,atime,noauto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0"11:30
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ComingUndone83What now?11:33
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mutlu_inekComingUndone83: sorry11:41
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ComingUndone83It's all good.11:41
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zorglu_ok my task of tonite, how to extract a iso from a .bin :)11:42
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mutlu_inekComingUndone83: replace users,nosuid,nodev with owner11:42
rysiek|plguys, anybody uses Kubuntu + XGL here?11:43
mutlu_inek"/dev/hda1 /media/windowsC auto owner,atime,noauto,rw,noexec 0 0"11:43
rysiek|plKubuntu Dapper, might I add11:43
ComingUndone83one sec.11:43
zorglu_rysiek|pl: try on #ubuntu_xgl11:43
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:43
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zorglu_nope it was a _ :)11:43
ComingUndone83I don't know how to edit that..11:43
elias_what is the best (least amount of user interaction) method to be able to boot into one dapper and one edgy installation on one disk? (seperate/shared boot part, ...)11:44
rysiek|plzorglu_: m'kay, thanks11:44
zorglu_elias_: install them both and config the grub...11:44
mutlu_inekComingUndone83: enter konsole: sudo nano /etc/fstab11:44
ComingUndone83I got it through kate.11:45
mutlu_inekComingUndone83: back the file up first! if you make a mistake the computer will not boot!11:45
ComingUndone83I got that already. :-)11:45
zorglu_elias_: they wont interact together, their only common part is the grub part11:45
elias_zorglu_: Is there a way to prevent me from having to edit the entries for at least on OS by hand?11:45
ComingUndone83brb.. I think I may have it.11:46
ComingUndone83Gotta reboot.11:46
zorglu_elias_: i cant parse the end of your sentence11:46
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khirrguys, how can i create one folder since konsole?11:47
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zorglu_hmm uneasy this bin/iso stuff :)11:47
elias_I want to know how to setup grub, so I don't have to edit the entries for one of these OSes by hand. Since usually update-grub does the work for me.11:47
elias_But this will only work for one OS!11:47
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rahmetlikhirr: since konsole?11:47
khirrwhat's the command?11:47
rahmetlikhirr: you mean?11:48
khirri wanna create one folder11:48
khirrsince onsole11:48
zorglu_elias_: oh i see. you may try to have a common boot partition. but i find it very complex and dangerous11:48
rahmetlikhirr: you mean using the console?11:48
mutlu_inekkhirr: mkdir <name>11:48
rahmetlimutlu_inek: ;)11:48
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elias_zorglu_: does not really work as expected since update-grub does not know about my other root partition11:49
zorglu_elias_: but it is only my own preference. i prefere to have the system running independantly :) i dont update the kernel that often :)11:49
rahmetlikhirr:  ok?11:49
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zorglu_elias_: well i have 3 linux like that on my own box... so it works somehow :)11:49
bojanhello, i just dist-upgraded my dapper from kde 3.5.3 to 3.5.5, and my application fonts are different, and whenever i try to go into Appearance section of systemsettings, it crashes11:49
elias_is there a way to make grub in MBR start another grub instance which I wrote into a partition?11:49
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bojananyone know anything about this11:50
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snook353cpk2, i think my screen issue was the openoffice quickstarter applet.  i clean installed kubuntu, and i put the ooorg applet in, and it started acting funny11:51
snook353cpk2 : (so i took the applet off)11:51
snook353that's as far as i got , cpk2.11:51
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bojanor my in-application fonts arent being AA'ed or something11:52
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mutlu_inekComingUndone83: did it work?11:52
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ComingUndone83I used an NTFS-fuse option.11:52
Brydenn33are we talking about ntfs read/write support11:53
Brydenn33i just did it11:53
Brydenn33a few seconds ago :)11:53
Brydenn33ntfs-3g owns hehe11:53
ComingUndone83It's still not showing up in the Media folder.. but I got it via /media/windows11:53
ComingUndone83which is sufficient, I guess.11:53
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ComingUndone83Music's playing.. I'm good. :-)11:54
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Brydenn33ComingUndone83: were you trying to write/delete etc to an NTFS partition?11:55
ComingUndone83I was just trying to access it without root.11:55
ComingUndone83Permissions were fried out, methinks.11:56
ComingUndone83I have gigs worth of mp3s on my windows drive and I wanted to listen to them.11:56
Brydenn33well i just figured out how to read/write/edit files on an NTFS partition11:56
Brydenn33it's cake man11:56
ComingUndone83I still can't get the NTFS drive to show up in the storage media list..11:56
Brydenn33all i had to do was install 3 files and edit fstab11:56
ComingUndone83Brydenn: Was that the NTFS-fuse thing? LOL11:56
ComingUndone83I just installed a bunch of NTFS drivers..11:57
Brydenn33the thing ya wanna download is ntfs-3g11:57
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Brydenn33thats the thing that'll let ya delete stuff on your windows partition and add stuff to it11:58
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Brydenn33but you also have to edit fstab too11:58
Brydenn33but that's the easy part11:58
ComingUndone83I edited fstab..11:58
Brydenn33i cant wait till that becomes part of the linux kernel source11:59
Brydenn33windows isnt dying anytime soon heh11:59
Ashexso, I used to have 2 NIC cards in my computer, and i configured edgy to use the external instead of the internal (renamed secondary one to eth0).11:59
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Brydenn33and it would be very user friendly to have something already in there that works so seemlessly11:59
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Ashexwell, i pulled out the extra one, and now i have to run dhclient manually11:59
Ashexit's kinda annoying, and i was wondering if anyone knew how to reset it12:00
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ComingUndone83woot! Streaming trance..12:04
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bojananyone upgrade to kde 3.5.5?12:06
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logankoesterAre packages listed as "recommended packages" by apt-get install going to be installed if I hit y to continue?12:10
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Manyfoldwhich .deb provides me with kde headers?12:11
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mutlu_inekbojan: yes, many had problems12:11
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age1172i have a quetion about xgl?12:12
mutlu_inekage1172: go to #ubuntu-xgl12:12
age1172* i have a question about xgl12:12
theurshow to upgrade 6.06->6.1012:13
bojani jsut dist-upgraded12:13
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule12:13
bojanand it doesnt seem too bad12:13
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule12:13
zorglu_theurs: just replace all 'dapper' in sources.list by edgy, and do apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade12:13
zorglu_i think :)12:14
bojanexpect my in-app fonts seem a little messed up, like they aren't AA'ed or like they are different font, and the appearance section of Systemsettings crashes when I try to enter it12:14
bojanthose sseem to be the only problems12:14
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