
=== be1 [n=csy150@] has joined #launchpad
be1hi guys! newbee question! How do I report a bug to Evince for Ubuntu? It seems I am forced to do that upstream? is that true?12:22
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mptGooooooooooooooooooood evening Launchpadders!07:29
UbugtuNew bug: #66202 in rosetta "Transfer translations when a source package is renamed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6620207:50
UbugtuNew bug: #66206 in malone "No advanced search option to search by bug privacy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6620608:31
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lifelessSteveA: around ?09:43
lifelessspiv: or you ?09:43
SteveAlifeless: hi09:55
lifelessI was wondering how untasteful it would be to have an import hook (python 2.3 and above style) that logged what was being imported09:55
SteveAI read that as "untestful" at first :-)09:56
lifelessthis is for a little project some friends and I are fiddling with in weekends09:56
lifelessand how is amsterdam ?09:56
SteveAwell, python does this for you with one of the command line switches09:56
SteveAif that's enough09:56
SteveAI'm currently in rotterdam.  It's good here, but I need to start looking for a place in Amsterdam.09:56
lifelessI suspect it would be too slow to invoke python for every code fragment we need to run09:57
lifelessbut it might be a reasonable starting point09:57
SteveAimport hooks are okay really09:57
SteveAthe main problem I've met, other than a small speed hit09:57
lifeless(it needs to fire on imports done in an eval'd string, not on actual 'have to parse this .py file' conditions)09:57
SteveAit that some diagnostic code (3rd party) that assumes things about the stack level an import causes an ImportError at09:58
SteveAto distinguish between "immediate import errors" and "import errors caused by importing the code you asked to import"09:58
SteveAwe've had remarkably few issues with the import fascist in launchpad, for example09:59
lifelessI'm having trouble parsing your line beginning 'it that some'09:59
SteveAalthough, that's run only when tests are run, not in production09:59
SteveA"is that some"09:59
SteveAcontinuation line, starting with "is"09:59
lifelessthe end is a problem for me too - 'causes an ImportError at to distin...'09:59
SteveAthe 3rd party code is meant to give more helpful error messages for parsing and acting on ZCML10:00
SteveAprocessing ZCML involves importing stuff10:00
SteveAand the code wants to give ZCML errors for imports directly due to text in the zcml10:01
SteveAbut normal import errors due to faulty imports from python code10:01
SteveAso the diagnostic code inspects the number of stack frames in the exception's traceback10:02
SteveAand assumes that "import" goes straight to C10:02
lifelessI see10:02
SteveAso, an import hook changes the number of stack frames in the import error exception10:02
lifelessI dont think that will be a problem :)10:02
SteveAI think it's fine to run tests with a simple and robust import hook10:02
SteveAI don't really like running in production with one10:03
lifelessthe use case here is for python as an extension language for a tool10:03
SteveAsounds quite tasteful to hook import in that case10:03
lifelessthanks for the feedback10:03
lifelessmeh, I mean - thanks for letting me pick your brain and your reactions10:04
SteveAbecause users don't have the same expectations as for stand-alone python10:04
SteveAbut, my opinion might change if I actually saw it ;-)10:04
lifelessthe hook or the tool ;)10:04
lifelessusers should not ever see the hook10:04
lifelessit just lets us setup appropriate triggers10:05
SteveAthe tool... how much you've changed imports from a regular python user's expectations10:12
lifelessnot at all10:14
lifelessI dont want to go into too much detail right now, this is all quite experimental10:14
lifelessa very large thought experiment if you like10:14
SteveAthat's my main personal grounds for tastefulness10:14
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SteveAlike, it's possible to change python with an import hook so that "import" functions as a "print" statement10:15
SteveAbut that's not tasteful10:15
lifelessa couple of friends and I are considering rewriting the build-toolchain of autoconf/automake/libtool/make to be sane, useful, and faster10:15
SteveAI always thought of these things as a hugely technical black bo10:16
SteveAif they don't work for a particular project, I just don't use that project10:16
lifelessone of the intrinsic problems all existing tools I've used ignore is that the build rules are part of the dependencies of their output10:16
SteveAI mean, if that project is set up to use them, and I want to hack on it10:16
lifelessif you change the build rules, then the output should be regenerated10:16
lifelessright, they are mega pain, though many people have come to an accomodation with them.10:16
duncanhi all - I want to know what I need to do to get more priveleges on launchpad?10:17
SteveAyou want a build rule for the build rules ;-)10:17
SteveArule zero...10:17
lifelessso what we are planning is a small kernel to do [handwaving] , and a standard library of routines to let you quickly describe what you want to achieve. That standard library will be built in some language10:17
lifelessduncan: talk to the specific project or product you want more access to10:18
lifelessduncan: i.e. if its ubuntu, talk with the folk on #ubuntu-devel10:18
duncanlifeless, ah, so is it distro specific or package specific are a mixture?10:19
lifelessduncan: policy for ubuntu packages is set by whether the package is in 'main' or 'universe'10:19
lifelessuniverse -> #ubuntu-motu, main -> #ubuntu-devel10:19
duncanlifeless, can I ask a small question about xchat?10:20
lifelessSteveA: right, if the kernel itself changes to the point that the input for rules would change, for instance the evaluation of command line parameters, then rules depending on that evaluation will re-run10:20
lifelessduncan: it will not be answered here10:20
lifelessduncan: because its a package! and the folk here know about the web UI, but not about packaging.10:21
lifelessxchat is in main IIRC, so #ubuntu-devel is where you should go if you are contributing to the xchat package is some regard10:21
duncanlifeless, I'll try anyway. How do I make it generate "nick:" with a colon, at the moment it's a commar.10:21
lifelessI dont know. 10:22
SteveAmy neither.  I use irssi.10:22
SteveAtry #xchat or something perhaps10:22
lifelessfor that, its really a user question, not so much a technical/development question, so I'd suggest #xchat as SteveA says, or file a support request in launchpad10:22
duncanthanks all, bye10:23
lifeless(though that won't get you an interactive answer) 10:23
lifelessor perhaps #ubuntu10:23
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lifelessSteveA: so yes, the blackhole of the depends chain is the kernel developers10:23
lifelessbut beyond that it needs to be self referential all the way up10:23
lifelessand we're considering how to make python do that10:24
lifelessbecause even if python is not the language the standard library is written in, many users will want to write rules in a better language than shell as make forces them to10:24
SteveAsure.  most projects aren't written in shell or make either10:25
lifelessthats another point: if people can write in the language they are using in their project, it will make them happier10:26
SteveAsee ant, sure10:26
SteveAdo I mean ant?10:26
lifelessant uses xml10:26
SteveAthe java makefile-equiv10:26
lifelessbut java == xml :)10:26
SteveAit is implemented in java10:26
lifelessant files are really ugly for humans to read, but nice for IDE's to read.10:27
lifelessits quite interesting10:27
SteveAI'm off to find breakfast.  thanks for the chat :-)10:27
lifelesstchau tchau10:27
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=== mpt has the help panel expanding and collapsing
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mptholy crap11:58
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mptSteveA, thanks for the work on https://launchpad.net/bugs/65629 - it's not finished yet though. I've given details in the bug report.12:09
UbugtuNew bug: #66224 in malone "Bug visibility page (+secrecy) is missing a facet/application menu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6622412:15
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ryanakcahow do you remove a remote bug watch thingy? ex: https://launchpad.net/products/amarok/+bug/64573 is watching the same remote bug twice05:30
UbugtuMalone bug 64573 in amarok "Amarok crashes on iPod connection" [Unknown,Unknown]  05:30
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AutOMarG|naOhello ?08:54
AutOMarG|naOhola ?08:54
AutOMarG|naOalguien ?08:54
AutOMarG|naO[PUPPETS] Gonzo08:54
AutOMarG|naOalguien habla espaol aki ?08:55
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ssami am trying to add an upstream bug report (freedesktop 8095) to ubuntu bug 58373, it wont let me put 'compiz' as the product, am i doing something wrong?10:51
UbugtuFreedesktop bug 8095 in App/compiz "Blue Compiz for PowerPC" [Normal,Assigned]  http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=809510:51
lifelessssam: there may not be a compiz product yet11:21
lifelesshave you looked for one at https://launchpad.net/products ?11:21
ssamhttps://launchpad.net/products does not find it, but ubuntu bug 58373 is file against compiz11:41
lifelessso the bug is against the compiz *package*11:42
ssamis there any way to link to the upstream bug then11:42
lifelesssomeone needs to record in launchpad that there is a *product* compiz 11:43
lifelesswhich you can then specify as using bugzilla.freedesktop.org for its bugtracker11:43
ssamcan i do that11:43
lifelessand that will activate the upstream tracking11:43
lifelessyou can do this11:43
lifelessjust go to launchpad.net/products11:45
lifelessselect register a new product11:45
ssamok thanks11:46
lifelesswhen you have the product, select 'define launchpad usage' and there is a drop-down box11:48
lifelesswhich has the freedesktop.org bugzilla in it11:48
lifelessthen go to 'published packages'11:50
lifelessand clieck 'link a package'11:51
lifelessthere you should type in compiz, and set the distribution release to edgy11:52
ssamok done :-)11:52
lifelessnow go to your bug 11:52
lifelesslooks like its all linked11:53
ssamdone that aswell, though looks like someone has since made upstream links to xorg-server11:54
lifelessthe activity log will help there11:54
lifelessabout an hour back11:54
lifelessis it a xorg server bug or compiz ? [do we know ?] 11:55
ssamon the freedesktop bugzilla its product:xorg, component: app/compiz11:58
lifelessthen you can reject it from the xorg server in launchpad11:58
ssamthough debian have it file against xorg12:00
lifelessI dont know enough, I suggest talking about this on #ubuntu-devel, or freedesktop's irc channels12:01
ssami think i'll leave it as it is. maybe it will become clearer at some point12:03

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