
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@109.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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Kim^JDoes the original kernel in Edgy eft knot3 have SMP support? Or do I have to install another one?12:20
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TraeBenC you here?12:21
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TraeBenC, the laptop overheat issue, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/22336 , It affects Debian's latest testing, as well as Fedora Core 6 pre (their latest release before the final this week)12:24
UbugtuMalone bug 22336 in acpi-support "laptop overheats when performing CPU intensive tasks." [High,Confirmed]  12:24
wasabi_whiprush: Have you been to a ubuntu dev summit/conference/thing, previously?12:24
TraeThe only two distro's I've seen NOT be affected by it are: Mandriva 2007 and Gentoo 2006.112:25
UbugtuMandriva bug 2007 in Installation "Switching to alternate screens during install crashes X" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]  http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=200712:25
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TraeI really don't want to have to run Mandriva12:26
Traeand Gentoo is too much compiling for my tastes12:26
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jdongTrae: hehe, gentoo has overheat issues unique to itself.... :)12:31
jdongTrae: does a vanilla kernel exhibit the same issues?12:31
imbrandontfheen, can i get an OK to upload http://federation.imbrandon.com/amarok.debdiff tis a very trivial fix12:32
jdongimbrandon: have you gotten to look at my ktorrent debdiff too?12:32
imbrandonjdong, i just seen your message, i'll check it on my ppc tonight12:32
jdongimbrandon: thankie12:32
Traejdong I ran for quite a while with gentoo ( in terms of testing ) about 72hrs.12:34
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jdongTrae: you should be able to isolate the patch from gentoo-sources that did the trick12:34
Traeit was just too much work to keep compling stuff over and over, but gentoo passed all the tests that Ubuntu and others fail at12:34
Traejdong I am a Graphic Artist who happens to run Linux12:35
TraeI don't know about development stuff12:35
TraeI used Linux for 10+ years, but only as an end-user12:35
jdongTrae: do you know how to compile kernels and use patch to apply patches?12:35
TraeI mean, sure I can type ./configure && make && make install12:35
Traebut that doesn't make me a developer12:35
Traejdong not realy12:35
TraeI don't know how to do patches12:36
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TraeI've done them, like, back in 96', 97', 98' 12:36
Traewhen I had to, but I've all but forgotten any of that stuff12:36
TraeAnd I hated it back then12:36
jdongwell, gentoo's patches are at http://dev.gentoo.org/~dsd/genpatches/trunk/12:36
jdongif gentoo doesn't have the problem, one of those patches fixes it12:37
jdonga quick glance/grep shows nothing ACPI related though12:37
jdongwhich makes me question if that's the culprit...12:37
TraeI can't see how this bug wouldn't be the #1 issue for all the distro's it affects12:37
=== imbrandon notes that this would be better of talking to the kernelteam #ubuntu-kernel
jdongTrae: because not all hardware exhibits this?12:37
Traehaving your distro bomb on a laptop... just seems very bad12:38
imbrandonTrae, becouse very little hardware is afected by it12:38
jdongnone of the laptops I've ever used Linux on exhibit this12:38
Traeimbrandon that one bug seems like a lot of laptops are affected12:38
imbrandonTrae, not all laptops obviously as the whole laptop testing team and most developers run a lappy including myself12:38
wasabi_My laptop works fine. =)12:38
jdongTrae: put that into perspective with the number of laptops that run Ubuntu or Fedora Core combined12:39
jdongit's certainly a very significant bug for those it affects, but it's not as widespread as you make it out to be...12:39
pirastTrea, I didn't read the bug report, but can't that be caused by the the kernel not detecting the temperature correctly?12:39
Traeacer, hp, fujitsu, toshiba12:39
imbrandonanyhow all i'm getting at is this is better suited for #ubuntu-kernel as they can tell you exacly what to diag ( and they are normaly only arround durring the week )12:40
Traenot major brands I know... (hp is)12:40
Traeimbrandon the sad thing is, breezy never had a problem with this.12:40
Traenor warty12:40
Traeit's something that was introduced in Dapper Drake12:41
jdongTrae: I have both acer and toshiba laptops, and they are fine12:41
jdongso it's not as widespread as that12:41
Traejdong Do you run custom kernels?12:41
jdongonly a certain subset is affected12:41
imbrandonTrae, as i said ALOT has changed since breezy , anbd mostly only the kernel team can help[12:41
jdongno, I use stock Ubuntu kernels12:41
jdongunless I have a _really good_ reason to deviate12:41
Traejdong nod...12:41
Traeit just sucks that my laptop is basically now a freakin' useless brick12:41
Traeunless I want to run Mandriva or Gentoo12:42
jdongTrae: do you know if your lm_sensors reports temporatures correctly?12:42
jdongTrae: if you lm_sensors can control your fans, just use fancontrol/pwmconfig to do userspace thermal12:42
imbrandonugh i give up, #ubuntu-kernel12:42
TraeI'd rather have bamboo slivers drivin under my fingernails than use Gentoo12:42
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jdongimbrandon: that's a ghost town too... for today there's really not much of a difference :D12:42
Traejdong hmmm don't really know about lm_sensors12:43
imbrandonjdong, yes there is , and i said that he needs to go in there durring the week, not say the same thing in here day after day12:43
jdongTrae: give setting up lm_sensors a chance...12:43
Traemy grub is busted ATM (after failed FC6pre attempted install)12:43
Traejdong hmm ok.12:44
jdonggood luck12:44
Traelet me see if I can install grub again12:44
TraeI've got an extra partition I've been using to do tests of other distro's12:44
Chipzzjdong: the fact that someone doesn't get an answer elsewhere does not justify having them come complain here12:44
Chipzzjdong: neither for #ubuntu, nor for #ubuntu-kernel12:44
jdongChipzz, imbrandon: sorry, I was already in the middle of getting him a workaround, didn't feel like migrating. I'm done now12:45
=== jdong shuts mouth
Chipzzjdong: I was just pointing out the "policy"; also, if you're the one helping it's not your fault either ;)12:46
JanC<jdong> if gentoo doesn't have the problem, one of those patches fixes it  or one of the ubuntu patches breaks it...  ;-)12:46
TraeIn my experience, it's best to help when you can (provided a channel isn't swamped with discussion), and then kindly remind the particular use of a channel.12:47
Traelike, if there was an active discussion going on.. and the user is OT, then that's a time to directly intervene.12:48
Traethat's just my thoughts12:48
Traejdong tx for tring to help12:48
ChipzzTrae: OTOH, most users do not care about anything but getting a solution for their problem12:49
TraeI didn't even know there was an #ubuntu-kernel12:49
Chipzzthat's why they violate rules in the first place12:49
TraeChipzz I've been dealing with this bug since Dapper was released...12:49
jdongJanC: I was about to say that, but diagnosing that is way beyond Trae's self-reported technical scope :-)12:49
Traejdong self-reported heh12:50
Chipzzhelping them out against policy makes that feeling even stronger, and may encourage them to do the same thing the next time too12:50
Chipzz"Yes I know this is off-topic, but I need a solution for my problem, and I got helped here last time too..."12:50
Chipzzand I have seen this exact thing happen12:50
Chipzzusers knowingly and willingly violating the rules for their own benefit12:51
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mjg59This conversation is not usefully topical.12:51
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th_hi lupine_85 12:51
Chipzzmjg59: heh :)12:51
Chipzzmjg59: exactly :)12:51
imbrandonmjg59, can only tfheen approve uploads atm ? i have a trivial upload 12:52
mjg59I certainly can't12:52
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th_is there any interest in making ubuntu detect bios raids like medley (silicon image/cmd) and nvidia?12:52
imbrandonhe's most likely gone for the day, i'll try to cacth him tomarrow12:52
th_like so it can install from scratch with a windows on such a raid12:52
ompaulth_, you should qualify that with what you have previously done12:53
th_got my 2.4 kernel silicon image raid driver into the official kernel tree12:53
th_i'm just trying to find out if this is something that is needed or not.. because I think a lot of people have windows installed on these bios raids12:56
th_if I didn't have to dual boot myself, I'd of course go with Linux raid instead of biosraid, but many people already have these systems so we should support them12:56
ompaulth_, I think you should hang out here until you see some kernel chat taking place12:57
th_ompaul, thanks, I will12:57
th_well, try that is ;) 12:57
ompaulit may take until Monday12:57
th_but I will have a look at what needs to be done to support this12:57
th_knowing that it works in Gentoo it can't be impossible ;) I think some dmraid initramfs script might be what it takes..12:58
AlinuxOSmjg59, ping (do you see me?, or maybe I'm not logged in freenode :( )12:59
ompaulth_, message me an I will give you a quick tour around ubuntuland and its support stucture12:59
th_AlinuxOS, you are in freenode alriight.. and to send a private messae you tyke "/msg username message"12:59
AlinuxOSth_, I've alredy done this... but no respose... I guess there is something wrong with my cnnection..or loging stuff01:00
th_AlinuxOS, what do you mean you have done it? you mean, implemented support for these bios raids?01:01
AlinuxOSI mean I've alredy messaged mjg59 in private...but no response...01:02
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imbrandonheya ajmitch02:46
ajmitchhi imbrandon 02:46
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keescooktfheen: when you're back, I've got 1 main (libx11-6) upload ready to go in http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/to-upload/ (and 2 universe, but I don't see dholbach around atm)03:11
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poningruiwj: ping04:46
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poningruanyone know where I can find the entire changelog for a particular package?04:53
poningruin this case firefox04:54
poningrumdz: ping04:57
imbrandonmoins jdub04:58
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infinitytfheen: Around?05:44
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StevenKinfinity: Careful, tfheen doesn't like contentless pings.05:54
infinityStevenK: He makes exceptions for the cute ones.05:57
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imbrandoninfinity, uploaded ( incase you have to poke it through the queue or such ) , thanks 06:06
=== imbrandon is off to sleep
infinityI do have to poke, yes.06:10
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jdubmjg59: ping06:21
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mjg59jdub: Hi06:22
dholbachdrop it like its hot06:22
jdubmjg59: oh, was going to email you06:22
jdubmjg59: i'll dot hat anyway06:22
mjg59Dude, you have entirely unrealistic expectations of my response times06:23
mjg59If getting back to you within 90 seconds of the initial query at 5:20AM isn't enough to stop you from going off to email me instead, what is?06:24
jdubmjg59: email seemed to be the most sensible choice when i realised what time it was06:25
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mjg59jdub: Oh, yeah, saw that a while ago06:27
dholbachi found a critical bug in edgy06:30
dholbacha very critical one, take care.06:30
dholbachit's already reported06:30
mjg59dholbach: Mm?06:31
keescookdholbach: I've got two universe uploads for you to look at, when you've got a moment: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/to-upload/06:35
keescookfor the openssl ->098 migration, ettercap & aolserver406:35
dholbachI will tommorow06:36
keescookyup, hence the "when you've got..."  :)06:36
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fabbionewho is part of the U. Media team?09:03
fabbioneor multimedia?09:03
BHSPitLappydo you mean the artwork/audio teams, or something else?09:04
minghuafabbione: I believe crimsun is in multimedia team09:06
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minghuafabbione: they actually have a LP page: https://launchpad.net/people/motumedia09:07
fabbioneBHSPitLappy: no. i meam multimedia09:08
fabbionesiretart, crimsun: ping09:08
fabbioneminghua: thanks09:08
fabbionesharms: ?09:09
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siretartfabbione: good morning!09:17
fabbionesimira: morning...09:17
fabbionebug #6349309:18
UbugtuMalone bug 63493 in mythplugins "mythweb.postinst: 31: Syntax error: Bad substitution (fix is to use Bash instead)" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6349309:18
fabbionesiretart: i meant09:18
fabbionesiretart: it's one liner.. can we please get that done yesterday?09:18
fabbioneinfinity: i just uploaded iproute to fix FTBFS (wrong B-D) it's quite obvious fix..09:19
siretartoh. slomo is AFAIK still on holiday.09:19
fabbioneinfinity: 6620709:19
fabbionesiretart: well holidays or not, Release is getting closer ;)09:19
fabbionetfheen: ^^09:19
siretartfabbione: I have heard something like that. ;) - yes, I'm looking at it09:20
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neuralisfabbione: long time no see09:23
neuralisfabbione: how are you?09:23
fabbionehey neuralis 09:24
fabbionei am okish and you?09:24
fabbionei saw you might show up at MV09:24
neuralisyeah, i'll be there09:24
neuralisokish sounds about right :)09:24
neuralisi wanted to ask -- did we ever put together a decent installation guide for sparc?09:25
fabbioneyeah just a bit tired but otherwise fine09:25
neuralisyeah, same here09:25
fabbioneneuralis: is there any point in making one when the installer is exactly the same?09:25
fabbioneyou get no extra or different questions except for a warning before writing the partition layout to disk09:26
fabbioneand that's about it09:26
neuralisi need to try edgy; with dapper, it looked like the sas controller wasn't being detected09:26
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fabbioneneuralis: what kind of hw?09:27
neuralist2000 (t1)09:27
fabbionei know that T2000 rev2 requires edgy kernel09:27
fabbioneyeah but is it rev1 or rev2 of the hw?09:28
neuralisthat'll do it, then09:28
neuralisrev2, i believe09:28
fabbionedoes it have the sas controller on board or on a pci slot?09:28
neuralislooked to be on-board, but it's 3:28am, so i might be misremembering.09:29
fabbioneif it is on the mobo it's rev209:29
fabbioneand it needs edgy09:29
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fabbionenatural evolution :)09:29
Kamionthere's already installation-guide-sparc09:29
neuralisright. okay, cool; i'll throw edgy on there tomorrow or monday.09:29
Kamionpatches welcome if it's inadequate09:29
Kamionit's built from the same source as the other installation guides09:30
fabbioneKamion: it's just neuralis that's weird ;)09:30
neuralisno, it's just neuralis that's used to having to do all sorts of magic to get sparc machines happy with linux in the earlier years09:31
neuralisanyway, i'll check things out and submit doc patches if need be.09:32
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fabbioneneuralis: i don't have rev2 hw here, but i am told by a few SUN guys that works ok09:35
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KamionRiddell: I think speedcrunch, attal, kmformat need to be modified to take the removal of libqt4-debug-dev into account09:37
neuralisfabbione: yeah, i'm happy to debug if not. i only had about 10-15 minutes to play with it before leaving the office, which is why i was asking if it's known.09:37
fabbionefair enough09:38
fabbioneneuralis: how much time do you have before slamming it into production?09:39
fabbioneneuralis: i would like to get access to it to see if i can get dapper to work on it09:39
fabbioneand given the TZ diff, i can do the work while you sleep09:40
neuralisfabbione: i don't have alom hooked up yet, but certainly, i'm happy to set that up09:40
fabbioneneuralis: i will need ALOM and access to a machine from where we can do tftpboot09:40
neuralisof course09:41
fabbionethat would rock09:41
neuralissure. are you in a rush? it'll be a lot easier for me if it can wait about 3-5 days, but if you need it earlier, i can probably try and arrange it.09:42
fabbionenah 3/5/7 days are fine09:42
fabbionebut you are the first one i know from where i can get access :)09:42
neuralisnot a problem09:43
neuralisis the sas patch easily backportable to the dapper kernel, or do you have a better approach in mind?09:44
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fabbioneneuralis: i need to check that basically. i am not sure if it is only a matter of PCI-ID or it needs more09:44
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fabbionethe changes to the sas driver between dapper and edgy are almost all related to the hw RAID support09:45
fabbionethat doesn't work in dapper09:45
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fabbionethere are also a bunch of bugs opened for that one09:45
fabbioneso i want to see how reasonable is a backport of the driver09:45
neuralisyeah, makes sense.09:46
neuralisokay, i'll mail you close to the end of the week and we can get it going.09:46
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fabbioneneuralis: thanks.. that's fine09:47
neuralis4am; sleep time. cheers, it'll be good to see you in mv09:47
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siretartfabbione: fix for bug #63493 uploaded09:58
UbugtuMalone bug 63493 in mythplugins "mythweb.postinst: 31: Syntax error: Bad substitution (fix is to use Bash instead)" [High,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6349309:58
fabbionesiretart: good boy09:58
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fabbioneajmitch: only 1600 pkgs left to build.. once that's done i will rekick only main.. 10:07
fabbioneajmitch: do you still want to get the mails for that or not?10:07
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ajmitchI don't mind getting them10:08
ajmitchonly 650MB of build logs so far :)10:10
fabbioneyeah it's not that much10:12
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duncanwho can i talk to about upping my priveleges on launchpad?10:23
duncanIt's mostly just because I'm finding bugs which clearly need closing but I can't seem to get anyone to notice.10:24
ajmitchyou can close bugs10:25
ajmitchyou just won't be able to set importance unless you're in the ubuntu-qa team10:25
duncanI can't find a way to do that anywhere. I'm thinking for example of bug 5409510:28
UbugtuMalone bug 54095 in acpi-support "monitor dim/brighten reversed (HP Pavilion dv8220ea)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5409510:28
StevenKClick on the link listed under "Affects"10:29
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duncanStevenK-> I have two 'Also Affects...'. I can't see how they can help10:32
StevenKJust above that.10:32
StevenKFor example, "acpi-support (Ubuntu)" is the link I'm refering to.10:33
duncanaha, now I've found it. Thanks - I guess I'll slowly become more useful...10:34
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minghuaThere REALLY should be a LP usability bug open for that thing10:37
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Burgundaviaminghua: most of LP's interface is fundmentally broken10:43
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infinityfabbione: approved and accepted.11:32
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tfheenimbrandon: amarok > approved11:38
tfheenfabbione: mythplugins is multiverse, I don't do *verse.11:39
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Kamiontfheen: edubuntu-meta and xubuntu-meta uploads from me in unapproved to *actually* remove the *-live metapackages - ok?11:59
tfheenKamion: approved11:59
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Kamiontfheen: sync requests in bug 65972 and bug 65973 need your approval12:02
UbugtuMalone bug 65972 in planner "Please sync planner (main) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6597212:02
UbugtuMalone bug 65973 in rus-ispell "Please sync rus-ispell (main) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6597312:02
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Kamion(or otherwise)12:02
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tfheenKamion: I think those can be left for edgy+112:07
tfheen(there are no other bugs on rus-ispell in Ubuntu; the planner update is really just a sync and I'd rather have us go with what we have and have tested than something else when it doesn't fix any targetted bugs)12:08
Kamiontfheen: ok, could you comment on those bugs?12:08
Kamion(I more or less expected that answer)12:09
tfheenKamion: will do.12:11
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azazeli guys where should i file in generic bugs for edgy? i'm trying it out on my powerbook titanium and both sound and resume aren't working anymore (in dapper they workerd fine)12:15
tfheenazazel: all bugs should be reported in launchpad.12:16
Kamionif you don't know the correct source package, then leave that field empty12:16
azazelyes... but where ? here? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+bugs12:17
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azazeltfheen: done, thanks12:24
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Kamiontfheen: ditto bug 6596312:29
UbugtuMalone bug 65963 in flex "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6596312:29
tfheenKamion: iirc, doko was supposed to upload a fix for just the warning; I can't say I want to sync toolchain stuff at this point (when all it fixes is a build-issue for a universe package)12:33
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gnomefreakdoko__: you around i need to ask you something about eclipse depends for somereason the depends on eclipse is set like this: libjsch-java (>= 0.1.19) libjsch-java (<< 0.1.20) but edgy uses 0.1.28-112:43
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xavgnomefreak, which package?12:58
gnomefreaklibjsch-java is the depends issue for eclipse12:59
xavI've both eclipse and libjsch 0.1.28 installed12:59
xavfor eclipse-platform, I see: libjsch-java (>= 0.1.16)12:59
gnomefreakxav: im building eclipse and its complaining01:00
xavoh, so that's build-deps ?01:00
gnomefreakbug 6619001:01
UbugtuMalone bug 66190 in eclipse "[Edgy]  Eclipse wont build unmet depends" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6619001:01
gnomefreakxav: yes01:01
gnomefreak^^ the bug on it01:01
pygignomefreak: so debdiff and attach? :)01:02
xavwell maybe remove the << 0.1.20 first, build eclipse and check it works fine01:04
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gnomefreaki dont have edgy pbuilder :(01:06
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gnomefreakcan i change the file save it and run apt-get source -b?01:06
gnomefreakor would i need to use pbuilder like any other package?01:07
xavafaik, you never need pbuilder01:07
Kamiontfheen: ok, please say that in the bug?01:07
xavbut you can always use it01:07
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tfheenKamion: done01:13
=== Hobbsee wonders what has caused NM to stop finding her atheros wifi card, in the last 48 or so hours.
gnomefreakit seems to be all of the depends are off01:16
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sivangmorning / afternoon all01:53
Hobbseehey sivang 01:56
sivanghi Hobbsee , what's cracking, how are we doing with the UNMETDEPS stuff?01:59
Hobbseesivang: not sure, i've uploaded a few02:00
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sivangHobbsee: I see, I've seen lots of stuff by MIchael, he has been busy ;-)02:00
Hobbseehehe, yeah.  i've been uploading them :)02:01
Hobbseegeser: is here02:01
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gnomefreakdoko__: eclipse isnt playing nice with me im re building it but found out other lib versions need to be changed. let me know if you want to build it all i will give you the changes if you want.03:32
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gnomefreakdoko__: here is the full story bug #6619003:51
UbugtuMalone bug 66190 in eclipse "[Edgy]  Eclipse wont build unmet depends" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6619003:51
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giftnudelhi sivang, have you gotten around to look at my approach?04:09
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sivanggiskard: I have glanced at it, I'm keen to do something testing with it04:30
sivanggiftnudel: ^^04:30
sivanggiftnudel: can I jus take the file put it in and test, or is this just a sketch?04:30
sivanggiftnudel: also, does it work on DVDs as well?04:31
giftnudelsivang: no it doesn't work on dvds, since it uses cdrecord04:31
giskardsivang: :P04:31
sivanggiftnudel: okay, that's okay04:31
giftnudelsivang: you can merge the relevant changes to your DeviceInfo.py, it's one big block04:31
sivanggiskard: sorry , but if you want to help on hubackup you're welcome :-)04:32
giskardwhat is it?04:32
giftnudelsivang: I works with my multisession cd, so I'm really interested if it works in general04:32
sivanggiftnudel: yes, I shall do that, also, it not a big problem to probably make this work using dvd+rw tools and make it seemlessly support DVDd04:32
sivanggiftnudel: I shall do some testing now. I just need to finish some talks with libburn upstream , pygi :)04:33
giftnudelsivang: dvd+rw-mediainfo works with dvds04:33
giftnudelit might do it04:33
giftnudelsivang: ok04:33
sivanggiftnudel: you interested to try add support to device info using it, you can check if it's dvd/cd from the hal info already there.04:33
sivanggiftnudel: ?04:34
sivanggiskard: apt-cache show hubackup04:34
sivanggiskard: (make sure you have universe enabled)04:34
giftnudelsivang: I will try to make that work with dvds, (if mediainfo does provide useful output04:34
sivanggiftnudel: you'r my hero :)04:35
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giftnudelsivang: oh, wait and see if it works ... ;)04:36
giskardsivang: :P 04:36
sivanggiftnudel: well, you deserve praise just for your help attempts and sharp approach to that.04:36
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zul*sigh* i need a uvf exception04:37
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infinityzul: For?04:40
zulxen 3.0.3-rc504:40
zulfixes the udev rules as well04:40
infinityBeg dholbach and/or ajmitch.04:40
zulyep ill wait for ajmitch04:40
infinityAlso, are you going to upload a new xen-source with Tollef's fixes, so I can finally get XRM building for you?04:41
infinityIf you upload xen-source, I'll approve that right away as an FTBFS fix.04:41
zulyep will do that today im about to do some more changes04:41
infinityKay, get it in in the next 8 hours and ping me, and I'll approve it when I wake up in the morning.04:41
zulok cool04:41
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giftnudelsivang: btw, I have set up a temporary bzr branch on http://www.student.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de:8080/~mbergner/hubackup/hubackup--main/04:45
sivanggiftnudel: make sure you update reglarly from my location, but very cool :)04:46
giftnudelsivang: well, I'm a bzr newbie, so expect some problems ;)04:46
sivanggiftnudel: I'm happy to show you the way04:47
giftnudelsivang: if you find the first problem, please tell me, but I think up to now, everything should be fine ;)04:47
sivanggiftnudel: I shall just branch from you, you already got the device info improvements inside right/?04:48
giftnudelI should04:48
tfheenzul: you don't happen to have an idea about what my 2.6.17 problem with xen on amd64/smp can be, do you?04:48
zulno i dont did it work with 2.6.16?04:49
giftnudelsivang: to update to your branch, I can use update and merge?04:49
sivanggiftnudel: after you've merged from me nce04:50
sivanggiftnudel: once,04:50
sivanggiftnudel: actually no, you just merge everytime I tell you I made new changes04:50
sivanggiftnudel: (or you check it with bzr missing and locatoin)04:50
sivang 1) bzr branch sivang--main04:51
sivang 2) hack my stuff there04:51
sivang 3) commit, push to my web space04:51
bhalehi sivang 04:51
sivang 4) bzr missing sivang's-location04:51
sivang 5) bzr merge sivang's location if changes were made04:51
sivanglet's make sure we don't touch same files at a given time, to avoid conflicts04:52
sivanghi bhale 04:52
sivangbhale: no more tseng? :)04:52
Lathiattfheen: any further comments on the avahi init script stuff?04:54
giftnudelsivang: I'll see if that helps me, if not, I will ask you again, thanks!04:54
bhalesivang: nope.04:55
sivanggiftnudel: np, feel free to ping, or email if you need04:55
giftnudelI will04:55
tfheenLathiat: I think it's a tad late to come running with this bit now.  While it's unfortunate, only advanced users should be confused, right?04:55
tfheenadvanced in this case is "people who run random stuff from /etc/init.d"04:55
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Lathiattfheen: no, same thign happens tryign to use the services gadget in system->administration05:03
Lathiattfheen: also people who try install avahi-daemon from synaptic or even apt-get.. judgying by the bug reports they aren't 'advanced users' there just users trying to make it work05:03
tfheenLathiat: why wasn't this picked up a week or a month ago?  It's not a new issue, is it?05:05
Lathiatno its just come more to my attention that i consider it might be a running problem05:05
Lathiatfrom the couple extra bugs of late etc05:06
Lathiatand af ew people on irc05:06
Lathiatas i said in my followup email i think theres a realtively "low-risk" way of doin git.. but yeh i understand we're in pretty hard freeze etc :\05:06
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tfheenLathiat: hmm.  Your proposed solution at this point is exactly what?05:10
=== bhale notices that tfheen is not in the mood to grant UVF
tfheenbhale: we have a relase candidate due on Thursday, so your analysis is quite likely to be correct.05:11
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siretartfabbione: re bug #6621205:26
UbugtuMalone bug 66212 in wpasupplicant "FTBFS in edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6621205:26
siretartfabbione: what makes you think the problem is in wpasupplicant rather then libqt4-dev?05:27
siretartfabbione: the mysql dependency is absolutely unneeded, because wpasupplicant nor wpa_gui doesn't do anything with mysql05:27
siretartfabbione: the fact that qt4 requires this, doesn't seem to be the problem of the wpasupplicant package to me05:28
sivanggiftnudel: you have the free space fix applied in your repo?05:40
sivanggiftnudel: I just want to branch and debuild :)05:40
sivang(and test)05:40
giftnudelsivang:  it should be in there, yes05:41
sivanggiftnudel: cool, thanks05:41
giftnudelsivang: I should have the dvd part done by tomorrow, I might create a new file CDMisc.py if you don't mind05:41
giftnudelsivang: where all the cd, dvd detection stuff will be in (there are some problems with hal and some correct values which dvd+rw-mediainfo does correctly)05:42
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sivanggiftnudel: feel free to be as creative as needed. so this module would be imported by DeviceInfo.py and then it's 'low level' bits be used there?05:45
sivanggiftnudel: you also fixed the fle name with spaces qoute problem yes?05:45
sivang(according to the diff)05:45
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giftnudeloh, yes05:45
giftnudelI think so05:45
sivanggiftnudel: did you apply the patch from malone?05:45
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sivang(I happily saw someone posted that there)05:45
giftnudelthat was me ;)05:45
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giftnudelI was a little bored ;)05:46
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sivangstupid me to not notice05:46
sivanggiftnudel: very cool, I really appriciate it05:46
giftnudeloh well, the translation irc_nick <=> real name is not that easy sometimes ;)05:47
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sivanggiftnudel: yes, indeed. I need to upload a new version of your fix anyway, should do it today or tomorrow. (the quote fix)05:47
giftnudelyes, the real problem was the cmd_line.split, the rest is just safety I guess05:48
giftnudelsivang: oh, wait05:48
sivanggiftnudel: why are you replacing the spaces with slashes btw?05:48
giftnudelsivang: I think the " " in the cmd_line are wrong05:48
giftnudelsivang: with "\ ", you don't need to quote the line then05:49
sivangah right05:49
sivangescape for space, good catch! :)05:50
Kamion  109622 | S- | cernlib              | 2005.dfsg-5ubuntu1   | 3 hours 20 minutes05:50
Kamion         | * cernlib/2005.dfsg-5ubuntu1 Component: universe Section: science05:50
Kamion  109530 | S- | qt4-x11              | 4.2.0-1ubuntu2       | 25 hours05:50
Kamion         | * qt4-x11/4.2.0-1ubuntu2 Component: main Section: libs05:50
giftnudelsivang: but "/path/to\ empty/"  is wrong05:50
Kamion  109473 | S- | kubuntu-default-sett | 1:6.10-58            | 38 hours05:50
Kamion         | * kubuntu-default-settings/1:6.10-58 Component: main Section: kde05:50
Kamion  109420 | S- | xorg-server          | 1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12    | 44 hours05:50
Kamion         | * xorg-server/1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12 Component: main Section: x1105:50
Kamiontfheen: ^--05:50
sivanggiftnudel: ?05:50
giftnudelsivang: COPY_CMD_LINE = '-Q -y -v -m 256 -s %s -D -R %s -c %s -Z "*.gz" -Z "*.bz2" -Z "*.zip" ' <- this is correct, note the missing " " at -s %s (should not be -s "%s")05:51
giftnudelsivang: I don't know if I did this correctly or not05:52
sivanggiftnudel: so you wanted to drop off the double quotes?05:52
Kamionthat all sounds like a security nightmare if whatever expands %s doesn't escape unsafe characters05:52
giftnudelKamion: right05:53
Kamion(by which I mean, escape anything it doesn't know to be safe)05:53
giftnudelKamion: it gets the path from a filechooser, that should be safe actually05:53
giftnudelno it isn't...05:54
Lathiattfheen: To move /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon to /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25avhai-daemon as is05:54
Lathiattfheen: and modify init.d/avahi-daemon not to do the default checking05:54
Lathiattfheen: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-October/021733.html05:54
Kamiongiftnudel: er, no05:54
giftnudelsivang: hmm, let me think about this fix and if I can do it better ... maybe -s "%s" is better, then remove the sourcePath.replace() stuff, that should be much better05:55
Kamiongiftnudel: well, *perhaps* safe in that you can only compromise your own account unless this is set-id, but it might well do the wrong thing. What happens if you create a file containing spaces and try to use it?05:55
Kamion"%s" is almost always wrong05:55
Kamionif you have to use "...", it implies that the code expanding %s isn't quoting properly05:55
Kamionin which case, what happens if the filename contains a literal "?05:56
giftnudelKamion: well the space stuff is handled correctly now, but  I wonder at stuff like " & ; does it05:56
tfheenKamion: kubuntu-default-settings and xorg-server were approved yesterday, iirc?05:56
tfheenKamion: what's the changelog for the qt4-x11 upload?05:56
pittisivang: you try to call a program with that set of command line arguments from python or from shell? (in python you should never use shell=True if you can avoid it)05:56
Kamiontfheen: k-d-s/x-s> dunno, I haven't been keeping track05:56
Kamiongiftnudel: there's no excuse for only handling *some* metacharacters, IMHO05:56
giftnudelKamion: yes, that's true05:56
Kamionif you're fixing it for some of them, do it properly :-)05:56
Kamiontfheen: I'll review the universe one05:57
sivangcan't double quoting helpe a bit here? (although not enough)05:57
Kamionsivang: that's not a solution.05:57
Kamionit just papers over some instances of the problem05:58
giftnudelyou can do something like if ' in path quote with "", else with ' ' 05:58
Kamiontfheen: it's from Riddell:05:58
Kamion+  * Install usr/bin/qdbus usr/bin/qdbusxml2cpp and usr/bin/qdbuscpp2xml05:58
Kamion+    closes Malone No 6609805:58
Kamiongiftnudel: oh god no05:58
giftnudelhehe, I know ...05:58
Kamiondoes nobody understand escaping?05:58
sivangright, so need to make sure everything received from user is well quoted05:58
giftnudelno, better escaped05:58
sivangpitti: this is from python, lemme check again05:58
sivangI wanted to say escaped05:58
giftnudellike /path/to/\;\ \&\ strang_pathname05:59
sivang        self.proc = spawn('dar',self.BACKUP_CMD_LINE.split())05:59
sivangpitti: ^^^05:59
sivangso probably is using the shell...05:59
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Kamionuse the subprocess module if you can06:00
tfheenKamion: ok, qt4-x11 approved.06:00
pittisivang: you should use subprocess.call() with a proper argv array06:01
sivangpitti: I need to be able to monitor the process through a ptry06:01
pittisivang: well, if you can do it with spawn, you can do it with subprocess.Popen()/communicate()06:02
giftnudelpitti: like call(proc, ("-s", path) and path can be anything like /path/to file06:02
giftnudelpitti: (so will it work with strange paths)06:03
giftnudelempty spaces, &, " and so one in it06:03
sivangpitti: I'm actually using python-expect06:03
sivangIn [3] : print pexpect.spawn.__doc__06:04
sivangThis is the main class interface for Pexpect.06:04
sivang    Use this class to start and control child applications.06:04
Lathiattfheen: (a possibly better 'implementation' detail would be to check $0 and see if it matches 25avahi-daemon or something)06:04
pittisivang: you can get stdin/out/err FDs from subprocess easily; please read the documentation about subprocess06:04
sivangso this is the spawn  I use06:04
Lathiattfheen: do you want me to prepare a patch so you can review or would you rather leave it?06:04
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pittisivang: in general, please avoid using the shell in python, unless you have a very good reason to use it06:04
Kamionsivang: I suggest reading the Secure-Programs-HOWTO if you haven't already done so06:04
Kamioneven if your program is not on a security boundary, following its recommendations is likely to improve your program's reliability06:05
pittisivang: a backup program which can possibly work automatically is most likely a security threat if it allows shell injection06:05
sivangpitti: what is wrong by using pexpect? it saved me time and effort having to reimplement my own pty subprocess control system. I wonder if it can use some sort of escape mechanism06:05
pittiKamion: not sure, but things like browser caches are prone to arbitrary file name injection (maybe not firefox, but in general)06:06
tfheenLathiat: prepare the patch, and I'll review it.06:06
tfheenLathiat: that's not a promise it'll be accepted, mind.06:06
sivangpitti, Kamion : I see06:06
sivangpitti: also, the program is not htat much of an 'automatic' , but more need to be actively operated to do something.06:07
pittisivang: hm, if pexpect wants to do the spawning itself, and doesn't just accept a stdin/out pair, it seems quite badly designed06:07
Lathiattfheen: *nod* ok thanks06:07
pittisivang: (I don't know p-expect, not sure whether it's really like that)06:08
tfheenLathiat: oh, and if you want it in, please make that patch now rather than later.  I'm going to totally close the door for such updates tomorrow morning (UTC)06:08
Kamionthere really should be a standard Python codec that escapes shell metacharacters, so you can do .encode("shell_escape") - there's the string_escape encoding but it's not clear that it's guaranteed to be safe for use outside python06:08
sivangI can check how pexecpt does it's spawning06:09
sivangIIRC it uses subprocess06:09
pittiKamion: I guess it's not pythonic to encourage the programmer to use Unix specific shells instead of subprocess (and I can perfectly understand that, too)06:09
sivangpitti: subprocess.call() is not prune to that vulns ?06:10
pittisivang: it would be nice if it would accept a Popen object or a pair of file handles instead of a shell command string06:10
pittisivang: if you use the default (shell=False) and use an argv array instead of a string, then there is no shell involved06:11
Kamionsivang: pexpect knows how to accept a list of arguments rather than a shell command06:11
Kamion__init__(self, command, args=[] , timeout=30, maxread=2000, searchwindowsize=None, logfile=None, env=None)06:11
pittisivang: it's similar to using execv() instead of system() in C06:11
Kamionpitti: right, but metacharacter expansion is at least as generically useful as, say, the palmos encoding06:11
pittiheh, true06:12
sivangI see now that there's an fdepxect module, in beta that commetns say will move intp pexpect when proven to be stable enough06:12
sivang    """This is like pexpect.spawn but allows you to supply your own,06:12
sivang    already open file descriptor. For example, you could use it to06:12
sivang    read through a file looking for patterns, or to control a modem or06:12
sivang    serial device.06:12
Kamionin this case it does not sound like it adds significant value over using the existing support in pexpect for supplying a list of arguments06:13
Kamionjust use %s and make sure that your code to expand that always fills in the filename as a single argument06:13
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Kamionfor instance: COPY_CMD_LINE = ['-Q', '-y', '-v', '-m', '256', '-s', '%s', '-D', '-R', '%s', '-c', '%s', '-Z', '*.gz', '-Z', '*.bz2', '-Z', '*.zip'] 06:15
Kamionassuming that assignment is in a Python program06:15
hash_Hi, just wondering if Edgy is frozen even for small bug fixes?06:15
mjg59Especially for small bugfixes06:15
Kamionhash_: small release-critical bug fixes are allowed but need to come very soon indeed06:16
hash_ It's a trivial fix, here's the patch: http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewcvs/*checkout*/sinhala/patches/firefox_1.99%2B2.0rc2%2Bdfsg-0ubuntu2-sinhala1.patch?root=sinhala06:16
Kamionnon-release-critical fixes will have to wait06:16
sivangKamion: so s/\"/\'/ ?06:16
Kamionsivang: well done, you picked out the least relevant part of my suggestion ...06:16
Kamion(it doesn't matter in this case)06:16
sivangsorry, but I picked the previous parts as well ;)06:17
sivangit will just help fpr the expansing, it won't help injection ofcourse06:17
KamionI just use '' out of habit unless I need ""06:17
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Kamionsivang: huh?06:17
sivang(since someone coul provide ' at the filename)06:17
Kamionsivang: that is not true06:17
pittisaves a shift key press :)06:17
pittisivang: unlike perl and shell, python does not treat ' and " differenlty06:18
Kamionsivang: you've missed the point of using a list06:18
sivangthat what I recalled, but Colin's comments made me doubt that :)06:18
hash_We need to enable Pango for the si locale, otherwise Sinhala does not get rendered in Firefox, that's critical for us, but would that be considered critical by ubuntu?06:18
sivangKamion: the original code before giftnudel's suggestion was using a list:06:18
Kamionsivang: the '...' are only parsed when Python is constructing the list COPY_CMD_LINE itself06:19
Kamionsivang: you then take a copy of that list, and iterate over it filling in the %s bits06:19
sivang        self.proc = spawn('dar',self.BACKUP_CMD_LINE.split())06:19
Kamionsivang: at that point Python couldn't care less whether the strings you copy into the new list contain ' characters or not06:19
Kamionhash_: unfortunately our firefox maintainer doesn't tend to be around at weekends06:20
Kamiontfheen: what do you think about that firefox pango change?06:20
Kamionsivang: self.BACKUP_CMD_LINE there isn't a list, it's a string. the error-prone part is that split()06:21
hash_Kamion: should I open a bug in launchpad?06:22
Kamionsivang: you should be working with a list throughout rather than having a stage where it's a string that you have to split up06:22
Kamionhash_: yes06:22
hash_Kamion: should I add anyone in particular to the CC list? e.g. release manager?06:22
Kamionhash_: I've already asked tfheen for his opinion06:23
sivangKamion: error prone in that it fails on space contaiing file names, yes, so your suggestion is to iterate over COPY_CMD_LINE as a list, and then construct a string out of it, then feeding it to spawn? or just feed COPY_CMD_LINE as a list to spawn since it receives list arg as well?06:23
Kamionsivang: no no, don't construct a string at any point!06:23
hash_Kamion: Thanks!06:23
Kamionsivang: any point where a string with multiple arguments is involved for a shell command is a possible security vulnerability or reliability problem06:23
Kamionsivang: just feed it straight through as a list06:24
sivangah okay, that should resolve the issue of space containing file nmaes as well as the secuirty vuln ?06:25
pittisivang: yes (I hope you understand, why)06:25
sivangpitti: let's see if I understood why:06:26
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pittisivang: let f be 'foo bar', then compare ['cp', f, 'target/']  (direct execve) with 'cp %s target/' % f that's executed in a shell06:27
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pittisivang: let f be '; rm -rf ~; true' for a more drastic example 06:28
sivangyes, so eseentially, being inside a list, not injection can really be made,06:30
sivangsince everything will be treated literaly, or just break invocation through the args supplied to the spawn comman06:30
pittisivang: the real point is not that you cannot inject random stuff into a list, but that you avoid passing random stuff to a *shell*06:30
pittisivang: right06:31
pittisivang: the golden rule is: *never* call a shell with anything that is provided by the user06:31
sivangthat is like the never access the db with anything that is provided by the user for web devel :-)06:33
sivang(or before you've used a built in escaping func, after thoroughly checking it)06:33
_ionpitti: Hi. You've probably noticed these already, but just in case: please see bug #65914 and bug #65917.06:34
UbugtuMalone bug 65914 in apport "apport-retrace -d fails with KeyError" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6591406:34
UbugtuMalone bug 65917 in apport "Doesn't handle diversions" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6591706:34
sivangpitti, Kamion : thanks for the tips I should also read the howto as well.06:35
giftnudelsivang: want me to take care of the problem or do you want do to it?06:35
giftnudelpitti, Kamion: yes thanks alot ;)06:35
sivanggiftnudel: be my guest :)06:35
pittisivang: exactly06:36
pitti_ion: I did, but I'm afraid it's a little too late for fixing them for edgy06:36
giftnudelsivang: ok, then I will do that I will rewrite the thing so that we only use a list and not a string06:37
_ionpitti: Ok, thanks.06:37
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=== sivang hugs giftnudel
giftnudelsivang: I will open a bug about that and will assign it to me, so that it's clear that we are working on it06:38
=== giftnudel hugs sivang back
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sivanggiftnudel: thanks alot dude06:39
giftnudelno problem!06:39
bluefoxicyoh wow06:42
bluefoxicyfull real-time patches in 2.6.18!06:42
tfheenKamion: what firefox pango change?06:42
bluefoxicyedgy is a 2.6.17 but these are gonna be on in Edgy+1 right?06:42
tfheenbluefoxicy: we're probably going to have 2.6.19 for edgy+106:43
bluefoxicytfheen:  yes but you can disable the real-time ptaches06:43
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=== bluefoxicy wants it all though, has been waiting for this :)
Kamiontfheen: http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewcvs/*checkout*/sinhala/patches/firefox_1.99%2B2.0rc2%2Bdfsg-0ubuntu2-sinhala1.patch?root=sinhala per hash_ above06:44
Kamiontfheen: kubuntu-default-settings accepted; there was a concern about xorg-server using a patch in debian/patches to patch a file in debian/local, which is a bit crackful06:45
bluefoxicytfheen:  you know I have multiple times wanted the newer kernels for one reason or another, pretty much every release; it's bounced between "Driver X crashes my system and is essential" to "Kernel has new feature that I want" (or:  preempt is disabled due to bug in our version).  These have never, ever hit backports.  o_o06:45
tfheenKamion: agreed; Seb was the uploader, wasn't he?06:45
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Kamiontfheen: yes06:45
tfheenKamion: si is which language again?06:45
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Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~>$ grep -w si /usr/share/iso-codes/iso_639.tab06:45
Kamionsin     sin     si      Sinhala; Sinhalese06:45
giftnudelsivang: I recycled bug 59412 for that ;)06:46
UbugtuMalone bug 59412 in hubackup "Malformed directories can cause hubackup to crash" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5941206:46
sivanggiftnudel: very good, recycling is good for the environemtn!06:46
tfheenKamion: the change looks innocent enough; I have no idea whether it's needed for Sinhalese, though, given that even with the name I'm not sure where it's spoken.06:47
mdke_sri lanka06:47
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giftnudelsivang: ok, I need to go now, I think this will be finished at the end of this week06:47
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Kamionsounds plausible for an Indic language06:47
tfheenKamion: ok, let's do it.  Can you upload a fixed package?06:48
hash_tfheen: Pango is needed by Sinhala06:49
Kamionshould be able to, let's see06:49
hash_Kamion: does this mean I don't have to open a bug?06:50
Kamionbut you'd better not finger me for TILM of firefox06:50
Kamionhash_: please do anyway and tell me the bug number06:50
tfheenKamion: we have iwj for that. :-)06:50
KamionI wonder if I can realistically test it ...06:51
tfheenKamion: hash_ should be able to point to a page which doesn't render correctly with it?06:52
Kamionhash_: yes, if you could give me a URL that would be good06:52
hash_Kamion: more info here: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36153806:53
UbugtuGnome bug 361538 in I18N "Add si (Sinhala) to the list of locales requiring Pango" [Major,New]  06:53
Kamionis there a Sinhala-capable font in Ubutu?06:54
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hash_ttf-freefont has glyphs but some lookups are missing.06:54
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hash_Kamion: launchpad bug number: 6627006:57
tfheenbug 6627006:57
UbugtuMalone bug 66270 in firefox "Add si (Sinhala) to the list of locales requiring Pango" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6627006:57
mjg59tfheen: I've got a two-line diff that fixes the "only the first suspend works" bug06:57
tfheenmjg59: bug #?06:57
mjg59bug 5636506:59
UbugtuMalone bug 56365 in xserver-xorg-video-i810 "X crashes on second resume from suspend-to-ram on Thinkpad X41" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5636506:59
tfheenoh, shiny.07:00
mjg59Where "Thinkpad X41" is "Any machine with i915/i945"07:00
tfheenhave you gotten ilm to verify it?07:00
mjg59I can reproduce here07:00
tfheenok, coolie.07:00
tfheencan we have a second verification that it's fixed?07:00
mjg59Fix makes sense, but is in acpi-support rather than xserver-xorg-video-i81007:01
mjg59Uh. I can test the fix on a second machine? :)07:01
Kamiontfheen: I'm just looking at that ktorrent FTBFS before firefox07:01
tfheenmjg59: what's the fix?07:01
tfheenKamion: the ppc one which didn't make sense to either Adam or me?07:01
mjg59tfheen: Explicitly set the screen back to text mode on resume before switching back to X07:01
Kamiontfheen: oh, was it *that* one?07:02
mjg59Since the vbestate saved is from a graphical mode now (due to usplash)07:02
tfheenKamion: I think so, yes.07:02
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Kamionhadn't realised it was the same bug07:02
Kamionis Adam still on top of it?07:02
tfheenI think he's horisontal in bed, so I assume not.07:02
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KamionI'll have a go, then07:03
tfheeninfinity: ^^ around and is the ktorrent build failure the crackful build failure we talked about on Friday?07:03
tfheenit's ppc specific, isn't it?07:03
Kamionthe suggested patch indicates the same thing07:03
tfheenmjg59: if you can test it on a second machine and then upload, please do.  It sounds sensible.07:04
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Kamiontfheen: oh, the patch is hateful and patches configure07:05
Kamionno wonder07:05
Kamionprobably need to hunt-and-destroy the .m4 that contains it07:06
mjg59tfheen: Tested on another machine07:06
tfheenmjg59: go for it07:06
mjg59tfheen: Do you need anything in the changelog?07:09
tfheenmjg59: nothing apart from documenting the change; Kamion or Adam will ask me about it in a bit.07:10
tfheen(and I'll tell them that the change is approved)07:11
tfheendid you have any luck with usplash on amd64 or are you going with the vga16 route there?07:11
mjg59About to hit that now07:11
mjg59(Yesterday was a bit of a loss. Never drinking again)07:11
tfheenat least not until Wednesday?07:12
mjg59Especially not with freshers07:12
mjg59Eh. Maybe tomorrow.07:12
keescookwhat's the issue with usplash on amd64?  I'd like to help if possible...07:12
mjg59keescook: x86emu and nvidia bioses don't get along07:12
tfheenkeescook: blows up with nvidia cards.07:12
keescooksounds like my config.  :)07:12
tfheenmjg59: do you have the debdiff for the acpi-support somewhere?07:12
keescookusplash needs a vga= line, yes?07:13
mjg59tfheen: This stuff /works/ in X, so the current plan of attack is to get a better idea of what X is doing07:13
mjg59keescook: No07:13
hash_Kamion: Is there anything else I need to do or any info that you need?07:13
tfheenmjg59: given that it works once in a while, I'm wondering if there are some data structures not cleared properly or something.07:13
mjg59tfheen: http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/acpi-support.debdiff07:14
keescookmjg59: okay.  would 'usplash -c' be one way to test fixes?07:14
mjg59vgamode rather than vbemode is deliberate07:14
tfheenmjg59: 40407:14
mjg59keescook: Yeah07:14
mjg59tfheen: http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/tmp/acpi-support.debdiff07:14
keescookmjg59: okay, cool.  usplash for me just changes the brightness, and doesn't display any graphics.  is there anything I can do to help debug?07:15
mjg59keescook: Other than figuring out the bug, I doubt it07:15
tfheenkeescook: does vbetool vbestate save SIGSEGV for you?07:15
keescooktfheen: checking07:15
keescooktfheen: yup, sure does.07:16
mjg59Yeah, that's the simple csae of the problem07:16
tfheenthat bit is trivially solved.07:16
mjg59tfheen: That doesn't mean it works though, right?07:17
tfheenmjg59: no, it means it runs into the infinite loop problem.07:17
keescookthere is a bug # for the usplash junk so I can get up to speed on it?07:17
tfheenkeescook: ok, if you grab the source for vbetool, change a few defines at the top of x86-common.c, it should loop forever.07:17
tfheen#define REAL_MEM_BASE ((void *)0x1000)07:17
tfheen#define REAL_MEM_SIZE 0x8000007:18
tfheenare the defines you want.07:18
tfheen#define REAL_MEM_BLOCKS (REAL_MEM_SIZE/1024)07:18
tfheenthat'll make it not segfault07:18
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keescookusplash pours stuff to the screen (e.g. Calling INT 0x0 (0004:003E), EAX is 5100, Leaving interrupt call. over and over)07:18
tfheenusplash sometimes work, so vbetool is really a better test.07:19
tfheensince it consistently fails (for me at least)07:19
tfheenyou can make the same change to usplash and it should loop forever unless you neighbour's cat is red and the moon is waning and your grandfather is brushing his teeth when you run it.07:19
keescookdunno if it helps, but I've never had usplash work yet on this machine.  :)07:20
tfheennot even in dapper?07:21
tfheenor haven't you had dapper on it?07:21
keescookwrt REAL_MEM_SIZE, that should change from 0x40000 to 0x80000?07:21
keescookI had it disabled in dapper.  :P07:21
Kamionhash_: no, thanks07:21
tfheenthe size isn't that important, but ISTR I ran into some bugs when I didn't bump it.07:22
hash_Kamion: thanks for the info and help, cya later07:23
keescooktfheen: after those changes, mine still segfaults...07:29
keescooker, nm, missed MEM_BASE change.  agh07:29
keescookyes, now it loops forever.  :)07:30
sladenI was looking at the i810 issue earlier (i810switch prove)07:32
sladeni810switch probe07:32
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Kamiontfheen: ... y'know, Adam can keep ktorrent07:33
KamionI've hit my "way too horrible" barrier07:34
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tfheenkeescook: ok, that's about where I've gotten to.  Enjoy your debugging session.07:37
keescooktfheen: looks like the save_state function just reports errors instead of quitting out.  :P  so it plows ahead even those the very first call fails.  :P07:38
tfheenkeescook: that's, AIUI, normal.07:39
tfheenkeescook: also, the VESA initialisation shouldn't fail either.07:39
keescooktfheen: heh.  oh.  okay.  :P07:39
keescookthe save_state function seems to really depend on the size returned, though.  ?07:40
tfheenKamion: heh.  We really want it fixed before release, though.07:40
tfheenkeescook: yes, the bug is probably somewhere in x86emu.07:40
Kamiontfheen: too horrible for a Sunday evening, anyway07:41
tfheenKamion: yeah, understandable. I'm saved by not having anything resembling a usable ppc.07:41
Kamionoh, damn, hash_ left07:43
KamionI can't seem to reproduce that problem; the only problem with the URL he gave was that I need to set the character encoding manually07:44
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Kamionunmarked as RC07:51
fabbionesiretart: i am only mass-filing bugs.. i don't check all the failures in details. whatever it is.. something is broken and need fixing07:52
tfheenKamion: ok.07:52
gesercan someone review the debdiff for bug 66212 and upload it?07:55
UbugtuMalone bug 66212 in wpasupplicant "FTBFS in edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6621207:55
Kamiontfheen: what should be done with the two bugs currently targetted at ubuntu-6.10-beta?07:55
Kamionbug 63823, bug 6397507:55
UbugtuMalone bug 63823 in update-manager "Edgy : Randomn crash on quit" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6382307:55
UbugtuMalone bug 63975 in network-manager "Please sponsor network-manager upload" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6397507:55
KamionI presume they should be retargetted at ubuntu-6.10 and checked07:56
tfheenyes, they should be retargetted.  They weren't 6.10-beta-targetted when beta released.07:57
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Kamiontfheen: done08:07
tfheenKamion: thanks.08:09
Kamion  109625 | S- | speedcrunch          | 0.7~060412-0ubuntu5  | 44 minutes08:09
Kamion         | * speedcrunch/0.7~060412-0ubuntu5 Component: main Section: kde08:09
Kamion  109623 | S- | acpi-support         | 0.90                 | 54 minutes08:09
Kamion         | * acpi-support/0.90 Component: main Section: admin08:09
tfheenKamion: acpi-support is approved.08:10
Kamiontfheen: speedcrunch is removing build-dep on libqt4-debug-dev (NBS); acpi-support is mjg59's vbetool vgamode set 308:11
=== Kamion -> dinner
tfheenKamion: ok, speedcrunch approved too, then.  Who uploaded it?08:11
tfheenKamion: ok, thanks.08:11
tfheenRiddell: again, please, please tell me about uploads you make rather than leaving me to work them out by myself.08:12
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hash_kamion: when you tested firefox with the patch what were the contents of /var/lib/locales/supported.d08:29
tfheenhash_: he went to dinner, but he'll probably be back in a bit, if I know him correctly.08:30
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hash_tfheen: Hi, would you be able to check the rendering?08:35
tfheenhash_: no, sorry, I'm deep into some other hacking.08:36
hash_tfheen: no probs.08:37
shiningdoko__: ping08:44
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sivangtfheen: so *any* upload needs to be in advance notified to you? (I have some hubackup fixes I'd like to push before release)08:59
sivangtfheen: (hubackup is in universe)08:59
tfheensivang: if it's in main, preferably.08:59
tfheensivang: if it's in universe, I ignore it anyway.09:00
tfheenit won't go onto the CDs, etc, etc so talk to dholbach.09:00
sivangah, okay cool09:00
=== hash_ [n=hash@cor9-ppp1181.syd.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamion$ cat /var/lib/locales/supported.d/si09:04
Kamionsi_LK UTF-809:04
Kamionhash_: ^--09:04
Kamion(I installed language-pack-si first)09:05
hash_Kamion: here's a screenshot: http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewcvs/*checkout*/sinhala/patches/icu-sinhala-rendering.png?root=sinhala09:05
hash_Kamion: Is that how it rendered?09:06
Kamionhash_: yep09:06
hash_Kamion: can you please do: ls /var/lib/locales/supported.d09:06
Kamionit looked correct to me; I don't speak Sinhala, but it didn't look like "formatting characters" either09:06
Kamionis that .png an image of correct rendering or incorrect rendering?09:06
Kamion$ ls /var/lib/locales/supported.d09:07
Kamionen  local  si09:07
hash_correct rendering09:07
Kamionoh, I have LANGUAGE set09:07
hash_In firefox it won't look like formatting characters. It just doesn't reorder the glyphs correctly.09:07
Kamiondoesn't seem to matter though09:07
Kamionoh. want me to get screenshots to compare?09:08
hash_run: MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=0 firefox09:08
hash_is the rendering different to the screenshot?09:09
Kamionhash_: sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to get at here - the rendering looked *correct* to me even without the patch09:09
hash_Kamion: Pango is currently on enabled if bn|gu|hi|kn|ml|mr|ne|pa|ta|te these locals are there.09:10
KamionI'm using http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/icu-sinhala-rendering.txt to avoid having to set the character encoding manually09:10
Kamionhash_: yes, I understand that and I changed /usr/bin/firefox temporarily for testing09:10
Kamionin order to confidently apply your patch and push it through for RC, I need to be able to see a difference in firefox with and without that patch09:11
hash_Kamion: I'm trying to work out how Pango is getting enabled without the patch on your system. Any ideas?09:11
Kamionoh, right, I see what you mean now09:12
hash_That's why I asked for an ls of /var/lib/locales/supported.d09:12
Kamionhash_: I ran firefox under 'bash -x'; it's definitely setting MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=109:13
hash_with the patch?09:15
Kamionhash_: no09:15
Kamion+ egrep '^(bn|gu|hi|kn|ml|mr|ne|pa|ta|te)_' /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local /var/lib/locales/supported.d/si09:15
tfheenhash_: Kamion needs to be able to see what's wrong, then that it's fixed by the patch.  Without that, we won't apply the patch.09:15
Kamion+ MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=109:15
Kamion+ export MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO09:15
Kamion(you confused me by asking for an ls of /var/lib/locales/supported.d - firefox doesn't care about the filenames, it cares about the contents)09:16
hash_I just needed to know what files where there.09:17
Kamionyou needed to know their contents, actually09:17
hash_Kamion: could you take a screenshot and put it on the web?09:17
Kamionbut in any case none of those languages are there09:17
hash_You can work out the latter from the former09:18
Kamionhash_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/sinhala-unpatched.png09:19
Kamionhash_: no, you really can't - the contents of /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local can't be determined from the filename09:19
Kamionif you don't believe me, tell me what's in there :-)09:19
hash_so that's incorrect rendering09:20
Kamionwhat's incorrect about it? (I believe you, just trying to understand so I can compare)09:20
hash_incorrect: the dependent vowel modifiers succeed the consonants always.09:20
hash_correct: some of the dependent vowel modifiers precede the consonants.09:21
slomotfheen: are uploads to main for fairly trivial bugfixes still allowed? i uploaded a libnotify with some small patches ~2 weeks ago but forgot to add simple patchsystem to debian/rules :/ bug #63335 and the duplicate is about it09:21
UbugtuMalone bug 63335 in libnotify "patches in debian/patches are not applied" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6333509:21
Kamionah, I see09:21
Kamionok, it was clearer once I actually compared them side by side09:21
Kamionand wasn't expecting there to be Unicode replacement characters or something in there09:22
Kamionhash_: does http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/sinhala-patched.png look right, then?09:22
hash_please have a careful look at rows 11 to 16.09:22
hash_Kamion: yes! :-)09:22
hash_compare rows 11 to 16 of the two.09:23
tfheenslomo: no, sorry.09:23
Kamionyep, I see, and the bits around the bottom of the characters on rows 8 and 9 are different too09:23
slomotfheen: ok, np09:23
Kamionhash_: ok, thanks a lot, sorry for giving you the run-around on that09:23
tfheenslomo: we're just too close to release.09:24
hash_that's ok, it's not the first time and it won't be the last. ;-)09:24
Kamionyou need to invent less subtle rendering bugs ;-)09:24
hash_hehe. when it comes to i18n, it usually takes a little while to convince maintainers.09:25
hash_So relatively speaking, this has been one of the quickest positive responses I have had in 3 years! :-)09:25
tfheenhash_: it's more that most of us are western-language people who are (unfortunately) ignorant of a lot of the issues affecting non-latin languages.  Even those of us who have gone through this a couple of times for different languages stumble across new problems for new languages.09:26
Kamionnow all I need is enough disk space to build a firefox source package09:27
tfheenKamion: do it on a porter box?09:27
Kamionyeah, I've done lots of i18n work in the past for various languages - it's usually more obvious when stuff breaks :)09:27
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Kamiontfheen: if I have to, yeah. I think I'm not far short so I'll just zap a few things.09:27
giskardKamion: do you need diff, dsc of NM?09:27
Kamionhoary and breezy chroots can go09:28
Kamiongiskard: nothing to do with me - I was just changing the bug targets since the 6.10 beta is out09:28
tfheendoing installations in languages you have no idea about and debugging problems in those is.. interesting.09:28
giskardKamion: ah! ok :)09:28
tfheenlike me fixing korean support for dapper.09:28
hash_do you guys have access to native speakers, so that you can ask?09:29
tfheenhash_: sometimes.09:29
tfheendepends on the language and such.09:29
Kamionhash_: mostly via helpful folks like you09:29
Kamionwe have some spread of languages on the Canonical staff but it's obviously far from complete09:30
hash_There's Sri Lanka Ubuntu team. I assume other countries have such teams too.09:30
Kamionthe community's big enough now that it's getting easier09:30
Kamionoften, though, the latency involved is such that if you have the broken system in front of you it can be easier to guess09:31
tfheenSinhala is a Sri Lankan language?09:31
hash_BTW, is rendering of Latin based character sets in firefox *without* bug that much quicker than *with* Pango?09:31
tfheenhash_: yes.09:31
Kamiontfheen: we did this earlier :-)09:31
Kamion17:47 < tfheen> Kamion: the change looks innocent enough; I have no idea whether it's needed for Sinhalese, though, given that even with the name I'm not sure where it's spoken.09:31
Kamion17:47 < mdke_> sri lanka09:31
hash_Yeah Sinhala is the main language of Sri Lanka09:31
Kamionhash_: yes - disabling Pango dealt with a *lot* of complaintss09:31
tfheenKamion: ah, ok.  I didn't see mdke_'s reply.09:32
tfheenPango is horribly, horribly slow.09:32
Kamionthe complaints were mostly of the form "I tried upstream's binaries and they were an order of magnitude faster. You guys suck"09:32
hash_Because Fedora Core and Debian use Pango by default.09:32
tfheenif it would grow optimisations for ascii/latin languages, I wouldn't mind, really.  Unsure how easy that is to do, though.09:32
Kamionyes, Debian gets the complaints too09:32
Kamiondon't know about Fedora, as I'm not active in that community09:33
hash_I actually use Debian, and was using Fedora before.09:33
hash_But Majority of new Linux uses in SL use Ubuntu.09:33
KamionDebian doesn't have the MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO optimisation09:34
hash_This particular problem was discovered in July: http://sinhala.linux.lk/enabling-pango-in-firefox-to-enable-sinhala09:35
Kamionso they don't run into the sort of problem you did here, but they also still get the slowness complaints09:35
hash_But I didn't get around to addressing it till now. Deadlines do wonders! hehe09:35
Kamiontell us about it ;-)09:35
hash_0h yeah, sorry, completely forgot!09:36
tfheenhash_: usually, we appreciate if people do get around to telling us about those kinds of problems a bit earlier.  To put it this way; I wouldn't have accepted the update tomorrow.09:36
=== pygi tells Kamion about deadlines :P
pygiKamion: tell me more about hfs and hfs+ deadlines =)09:37
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hash_tfheen: wow, that was a little too close then, lucky I stayed up - it's now 5:37am (AUS)09:37
tfheenhash_: and lucky that I felt like looking at IRC today.  It's sunday here and I'm supposedly not working.09:37
hash_tfheen: much appreciated!09:38
hash_is the 16th some kind of deadline?09:38
Kamionhash_: we're releasing Thursday week09:38
Kamionthis coming Thursday is release candidate, so we lock down for everything non-essential a little before that09:39
tfheenthe images which are done in ~12 hours are hopefully the release candidate image.09:40
ajmitchKamion: universe continues as normal?09:40
Kamiontfheen: with 40+ RC bugs, mind you ...09:40
Kamionajmitch: for a bit, yeah, but don't push it :)09:40
tfheen(ok, I don't really believe that, but at that point I'm going to really start rejecting uploads and removing milestones)09:40
Kamion(for your own sakes)09:40
tfheenajmitch: requires approval, but yes.09:40
Kamionajmitch: speaking of which, unapproved has telepathy-python 0.13.3-0ubuntu2 and xen-3.0 3.0.3~rc5-0ubuntu109:41
ajmitchI don't plan to leave it right to the last minute, but we haven't had many fixes uploaded this last week09:41
ajmitchI'm happy with xen-3.0, of course. who did telepathy-python?09:41
tfheenKamion: 40+ RC bugs > pft, they'll all be gone tomorrow morning.  *cough*09:42
Kamionhash_: ok, new firefox is building and should be in the archive in a few hours09:42
Kamion+telepathy-python (0.13.3-0ubuntu2) edgy; urgency=low09:43
Kamion+  * Really dropped:09:43
Kamion+    debian/patches/01-from-darcs_update-to-new-manager-format.patch09:43
Kamion+ -- Riccardo Setti <giskard@ubuntu.com>  Sun, 15 Oct 2006 17:08:57 +000009:43
ajmitchheh, ok09:43
ajmitchput it through09:43
hash_Kamion: Thanks again and good night09:43
Kamionok, accepted09:43
Kamionhash_: no worries, it's my job ...09:43
giskardKamion: ajmitch thank you09:44
ajmitchthe rest of us just do it for fun :)09:44
=== Kamion removes language-pack-si-base again so his browser will go back to normal speed. :)
hash_tfheen: thanks and if you need any Indic or Unicode help in general just contact Sri Lanka local team and they'll contact me09:45
tfheenhash_: coolie, thanks.09:45
Kamionoh, DAMN, that reminds me09:45
tfheenI'll try to remember. :-)09:45
KamionI was supposed to remove Dzongkha and Khmer support from ubiquity for now due to lack of fonts and translations09:45
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hash_Kamion: Changelong: "Disable Pango if a Sinhala locale is present." You meant Enable right?09:53
Kamionhash_: yes, I did, whoops09:54
Kamionsorry about that09:54
tfheenhash_: the switch is the wrong way around, it should really have been named _ENABLE_PANGO, not DISABLE_TANGO.  IMO, at least.09:54
KamionI added it to that list, anyway, as per your patch09:54
hash_tfheen: true, not sure why it was done this way around09:57
hash_tfheen: my guess those would be that there was a lot of demand for *disabling* Pango at the time and hence the usage of _DISABLE_.09:58
tfheenyeah, I guess.09:58
hash_tfheen: BTW when does the next sync with Debian unstable occur?10:00
sivangwhen edgy+1 opens, AFAICR no?10:00
hash_sivang: when's that?10:00
tfheenhash_: when edgy+1 opens, so in about two weeks.10:00
Kamionplus next release setup and get-round-to-it time10:01
Kamionadd another week or two in practice10:02
Kamionwe need to bootstrap the new toolchain first10:02
Kamionthat's being prepared already, so I hope it won't take too long10:02
sivangthis soyuz responsibility? (new toolchain)10:03
hash_Ok thanks, will try to get any other changes into Debian before then.10:03
hash_or upstream.10:03
Kamionwe'll be syncing on an almost-daily basis for a couple of months after that10:03
Kamionat least for automatic syncs (no Ubuntu changes)10:03
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sivangKamion: this is going to be regular cycle time this round right?10:04
sivang(we've caught up after the dapper delay by now)10:04
hash_Kamion: brilliant, *months* is good.10:05
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Kamionsivang: yes, I expect so10:06
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Kamionhmm, bug 66214 seems RC if true10:18
UbugtuMalone bug 66214 in tasksel "Installation of daily build 10/14 fails" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6621410:18
tfheenKamion: targetted10:22
KamionI see what might be causing that. Hmm. Hmm.10:23
Kamionaptitude doesn't fail if the task is missing. apt-get does ...10:23
tfheenwell, your cour.10:24
Kamionthe fix might be to drop the stupid derivative-specific *-standard tasks and replace them with a single standard task10:24
Kamionsince they're all the same anyway10:24
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Kamionat least one good thing is that I don't need to change bits of Launchpad any more to do this kind of thing10:28
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Kamionok, going to do that, it's the sane answer10:29
Kamiontfheen: will be a seed change plus a tasksel chang10:29
tfheenKamion: big ones?10:29
Kamion-# Only per-derivative for historical reasons because the archive already has10:29
Kamion-# ubuntu-standard etc. We should fix this, since it's never really been10:29
Kamionplus automatic refresh of tasksel10:29
Kamion-# sensible for standard to be per-derivative.10:29
Kamion-Task-Per-Derivative: 110:29
Kamionthat will collapse the *-standard tasks down into a single standard task; as far as I can see and remember, only tasksel internals know about the standard task now10:31
tfheenit won't blow up upgrades?10:31
Kamionupgrades don't (yet) know about tasks at all10:31
Kamionthe ubuntu-standard metapackage will stay the same10:32
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tfheenoh, and we didn't use to have xubuntu-standard and kubuntu-standard langpacks?10:33
KamionYM metapackages?10:33
tfheenyes, sorry.10:34
tfheenmy brain is obviously confused.10:34
Kamionno, and it wouldn't matter anyway, the diff above only affects tasks not metapackages10:34
tfheenthis'll be a fun last bit of a cycle.10:34
tfheenok, coolio10:34
shawarmaDoes anyone know why user-mode-linux is not in edgy?10:35
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shawarmaKamion: You usually know this kind of thing, don't you?10:40
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Kamionshawarma: was removed ages ago IIRC; I think (a) it had been removed from Debian at the time and (b) we didn't have the time to keep it up to date with our kernel10:41
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KamionI see it's back in Debian now, but we certainly won't import it again for Edgy now10:41
shawarmaKamion: Well, it's a universe thing anyway, so I'm just curious why it never showed up in MoM..10:42
Kamionmight've been blacklisted10:42
Kamionremoved packages sometimes are10:42
shawarmaKamion: Oh. 10:42
Kamionyeah, apparently was10:42
shawarmaKamion: I just fell over an e-mail to ubuntu-devel ml from late in the Dapper cycle asking where it went and now I discover that it's still gone. :-)10:43
KamionI don't seem to have access to jackass any more to get at the pre-Soyuz removal log10:44
shawarmaKamion: Any reason why it couldn't be un-blacklisted now?10:44
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Kamionshawarma: old ftp-master machine10:44
shawarmaKamion: oh.10:44
KamionI dunno, it still falls over the "we do our own kernel" criterion10:45
shawarmaKamion: How so? We make our own versions of a lot of other stuff as well and we handle the "problems" that arise from that.10:46
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Kamionah, at the time I think it was still on 2.410:46
shawarmaoh dear.10:46
Kamionshawarma: kernel stuff's tricky, because we want to keep the amount of rebuilding we have to do for security updates as low as possibl10:46
shawarmaWell, uml definitely works on 2.6 now.10:46
Kamionand user-mode-linux is yet another package that would have to be rebuilt each time10:46
shawarmaKamion: Even if it was in universe?10:47
Kamionshawarma: I'd rather you talked to Ben Collins about this to see if you can work out a good solution10:47
Kamionshawarma: yes10:47
Kamionwe removed all the kernel patches, similarly10:47
Kamionin Ubuntu, as much as possible goes into the mainline kernel10:47
Kamionany variations from that must be cleared with the kernel team10:48
Kamionbecause they're the ones who'll have to deal with the fallout if somebody isn't around to update dependent packages10:48
shawarmaKamion: Which patches were removed? I have a load of kernel-patch-* packages in my apt-cache?10:48
Kamionthey *were* removed - some might have sneaked back in10:48
KamionI don't care to go and investigate at the moment because I'm fixing multiple RC-targetted bugs10:49
shawarmaKamion: Ah, ok.10:49
Kamionsince this is all post-Edgy anyway, I'd rather defer any investigation until later10:49
shawarmaKamion: That's fine. I'll take it up with BenC at some point.10:49
shawarmaKamion: Thanks for your time.10:49
Kamionit's all got his name attached in the sync blacklist10:49
Kamionwhich means he's the go-to person for any changes :)10:50
Kamionno problem10:50
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mikael_hi there. i am trying to compile a package from its sourrce11:01
mikael_i just grabbed it via svn11:01
mikael_but no howto (on ubuntu.com) could help me11:01
mikael_i am using kubuntu 6.0611:01
mikael_and i have already apt the build-essential packages11:01
mikael_./configure; ./make; ./make install won't lead me to a positive result11:02
mikael_maybe one has an idea?11:02
mikael_this is the page i grabbed it from:  http://www.willwap.co.uk/Programs/vbrfix.php#DL11:03
mjg59Well, got usplash into a state where it oopses the kernel11:03
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tfheenmjg59: I'm not sure I'd characterise that as progress..11:09
tfheenthough, it's different.11:09
mjg59tfheen: The mmapping of the interrupt vectors can never work11:10
mjg59It's behaving as though they'll be mmaped to 0, which is just not going to happen11:10
mjg59tfheen: Hacking with that in vbetool seems to have changed how things behave, anyway. Not sure that it's /working/ yet, but still11:11
tfheenmjg59: won't it just have to be mmapped to the real_base?11:11
mjg59But what's currently happening seems to be that they get mapped to 0x100011:12
mjg59Which is then likely to result in things not working11:12
tfheenthat's weird, give we map it with MAP_FIXED.11:12
tfheensure you're not looking at the first mmap call?11:13
mjg59The manpage for mmap says that it will never return 011:13
mjg59      m = mmap((void *)0, 0x502,11:14
=== rouzic [n=rouzic@103.Red-88-19-115.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tfheenRETURN VALUE On success, mmap() returns a pointer to the mapped area.  On error, the value MAP_FAILED (that is, (void *) -1) is returned, and errno is  set  appropriately. 11:18
mjg59"The actual place  where  the object is mapped is returned by mmap(), and is never 0."11:20
tfheenhmm, ok.11:21
tfheenI guess we should really pick some other mem_base, then?11:21
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tfheenbut does that fix the problem or just create a new problem?11:22
tfheenand how this did ever work?11:22
mjg59No idea11:22
mjg59Why is it now exiting with a return code of 3?11:23
sivanglaters all11:24
sivang(or good night)11:24
mjg59Oh, argh.11:24
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mjg59tfheen: This turns out to be difficult, for subtle reasons11:32
mjg59Though I may have an idea11:32
tfheenwhat subtle reasons?11:35
=== neuralis [n=krstic@solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59alloc_real needs to return a pointer that refers to mapped memory11:35
mjg59But that then gets passed in as an argument and used as an offset from mem_base11:35
tfheencan't mem_base be subtracted from it?11:37
mjg59Not without breaking compatibility with lrmi11:37
mjg59And having to change every call made11:37
tfheenthat's a point.11:37
mjg59So, what we could do is just mmap it twice?11:37
mjg59Once to the absolute range and once to the relative range?11:37
tfheenare there that many calls which use memory returned from alloc_real?11:38
tfheenwe could do really, really evil tricks.11:39
tfheenlike, look at the pointer, and if it's bigger than 10MB treat it as an absolute pointer, if not treat it as a relative pointer.11:40
=== _ion shivers.
mjg59tfheen: Dude. So no.11:41
mjg59tfheen: We can mmap things twice, right?11:41
tfheenmjg59: sure, that's easy.11:41
tfheenbut will it work?11:41
mdeslaurWhat's the process to get a patch added to gnomebaker in edgy/dapper backports?11:42
pygimdeslaur: I dont think you can add a patch to backports11:42
mdeslaurpygi- ok, how about getting it added to edgy?11:43
pygimdeslaur: that's also a no go for now11:44
pygionce edgy is released, it may go to -updates tho11:44
pygimdeslaur: have you submited it upstream? 11:44
mdeslaurpygi: yes, it's in gnomebaker cvs11:44
pygimdeslaur: oh, what does it fix? I'll talk to Luke Biddell to see how important that is11:45
mdeslaurpygi: gnomebaker 0.6 is seriously broken for people with a cd-reader and a cd-writer11:45
mdeslaurpygi- when you try to burn to a cd/dvd writer, it miscaculates and tries to burn to the wrong device11:45
pygimdeslaur: could I see the diff pls?11:46
mjg59tfheen: Ehm. Well, it fails differently...11:46
pygimdeslaur: ah, I know about that problem11:46
pygimdeslaur: diff pls11:46
mdeslaurpygi: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1576272&group_id=127397&atid=70850111:46
UbugtuSourceforge bug 1576272 "Patch to fix bug #1522258" [Pri: 5,Closed accepted]  11:47
mjg59tfheen: Now it blows up in X86EMU_setupPioFuncs11:47
=== mjg59 boggles gently
pygimdeslaur: sec pls11:48
tfheenthat's a fairly trivial function; how does it blow up?11:49
doko_infinity: awake?11:49
pygimdeslaur: the diff seems sane11:49
pygimdeslaur: I don't think we'll change anything at this point, but if you file a bug and assign it to me I think it'll get in -updates11:50
mdeslaurpygi: ok, launchpad #63805. How do I assign it to you?11:51
pygibug #6380511:51
UbugtuMalone bug 63805 in gnomebaker "Gnomebaker 0.6 not recognizes my CD-RW" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6380511:51
tfheendoko_: if you need a give-back or similar buildd admin tasks, I'm still awake.11:51
pygimdeslaur: done, I'm assigned11:52
mjg59tfheen: So I've got it into a state where I think it ought to work, but instead it's failing in a bizarre manner11:52
doko_tfheen: just OOo uploads which should build on palmer to not disturb other things11:52
pygimdeslaur: thanks for notification :)11:52
Kamiontfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/tasksel.diff FYI11:53
mdeslaurpygi- once it's in edgy-updates, it can go in dapper-backports?11:53
pygimdeslaur: I could rebuild the package with patch if you want, so you could get it from my site11:53
pygimdeslaur: uh, I can't promise anything, but I can try11:53
pygiI'm not sure on our backports policy11:53
mdeslaurthanks pygi11:54
Kamionmdeslaur: yes, assuming it builds cleanly on dapper11:54
tfheenKamion: ok, looks good11:54
pygiKamion: patch is trivial, I don't see any problems why it shouldn't11:54
mdeslaurKamion: dapper had a working gnombaker 0.52 and dapper-backports has a broken gnomebaker 0.611:55
tfheenKamion: (approved)11:55
pygi(broken in sense of that patch)11:55
pygimdeslaur: luke should just do point releases more often11:55
mdeslauryes :)11:56
Kamionpygi: if you're really confident in it, and the problem is that serious, then edgy/universe is still somewhat open11:56
tfheendoko_: infinity told me how to do that, but I'm not sure I remember right now, so I'll leave it.11:56
pygiKamion: oh, really? Would be very nice to get it in then. This way gnomebaker is broken if you have more then 1 drive11:57
Kamionum, OOo needs to build ASAP though?11:57
doko_tfheen: ok, I'll upload then before I go to bed, and send an email to infinity and you11:57
Kamionassuming that's OOo proper11:57
tfheendoko_: thanks.11:57
doko_Kamion: why?11:57
tfheendoko_: because it should be built before we start building candidate ISOs tomorrow morning.11:58
doko_hmm, ok. but then I would need palmer now ... to have it built in 6.5h ...11:59
tfheenis it accepted yet?11:59
mjg59tfheen: Hrm. Where does the stack usually end up?12:00
pygiKamion: if it's not a problem it's: http://librarian.launchpad.net/4820538/gnomebaker-0.6.0-device.patch12:00
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pygiKamion: but if it makes any trouble for you, dont bother12:00
doko_no, test build is still in it's install stage ...12:00
tfheenmjg59: hmm, I can't really remmeber.  0x1000 maybe?12:00
Kamiontfheen: only thing in unapproved is xorg-server. what are we going to do about that, BTW? just accept it on the grounds that we should get something in12:00
Kamionpygi: er, sorry if I unintentionally misled you, but I didn't mean to suggest that I was going to take care of it12:00
Kamionpygi: a MOTU who uses gnomebaker should do it12:01
doko_-l10n will need another hour or so12:01
tfheenKamion: the problem with it is that it patches debian/local from debian/patches?12:01
Kamiontfheen: yees12:01
tfheenKamion: what's the changelog?12:01
pygiKamion: ok, as long as universe is open 12:01
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adamhWhat package holds /usr/lib/python2.5/pstats.py?12:01
adamhI tried python-profiler but it only works for python2.4.12:01
Chipzzadamh: this is not a support channel12:02
Chipzzadamh: try packages.ubuntu.com12:02
adamhChipzz: I'm a deloper... this is a developer support channel, isn't it?12:02
Chipzzno it is not12:02
Kamionthis is for development of Ubuntu, not development on Ubuntu12:02
Chipzzit is a channel about developing ubuntu, not developing *with* ubuntu12:02
adamhAh, good point. Okay, let me rephrase: "I think there's no package that holds /usr/lib/python2.5/pstats.py -- is this a known bug?"12:03
mjg59tfheen: Ok, a little further. Moving REAL_MEM_BASE seems to have helped12:03
tfheenmjg59: hmm, ok.12:03
Chipzzspeaking of which, packages.ubuntu.com seems a bit out-of-date12:03
tfheenmjg59: I have to go to bed now, but I'll be happy to be useful for you tomorrow.12:04
mjg59tfheen: In that I don't seem to be scribbling over the stack any more, at least12:04
mjg59tfheen: Ok12:04
tfheenmjg59: yay, good.12:04
Kamiontfheen: /usr/lib/python2.5/pstats.py12:04
mjg59Now I'm just left with it segfaulting for no obvious reason12:04
Kamiontfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/xorg-server.diff12:04
KamionChipzz: known, the Soyuz guys need to do a Contents generation run12:04
Kamionit'll be done before release, probably just before12:04
tfheenKamion: approve it; the patching of debian/local is wrong and slightly crackful, but should work just fine.12:05
shiningadamh: try apt-file12:05
tfheenKamion: unless you have serious complaints?12:05
ChipzzKamion: that doesn't get run automagically?12:05
adamhshining: Ooh wow, never heard of that :). Thanks :)12:06
KamionChipzz: not at present, unfortunately12:06
Chipzzshining: packages.ubuntu.com does the same as apt-file12:06
Kamionshining: apt-file is out of date for the same reason packages.ubuntu.com is12:06
Chipzzadamh: don't use it12:06
shiningKamion: ah really? didn't know that12:06
Kamionadamh: I think python-profiler just hasn't been rebuilt to add python2.5 yet12:06
Kamiondoko_: ?12:06
Chipzzyou'll pull in a whole shitload of packages when installing it, and packages.ubuntu.com provides exactly the same functionality12:07
Kamiontfheen: ok, done12:07
tfheenKamion: thanks.  Good night.12:07
tfheensee you in 8-9-ish hours.12:07
KamionChipzz: "don't use it" is a bit strong I think12:07
=== adamh prefers the command-line interface, really...
ChipzzKamion: well, for one-time use he is better of using the website12:07
Kamionand "Depends: perl, gzip (>= 1.2.4), libconfigfile-perl, libapt-pkg-perl, wget" is hardly "a whole shitload"12:07
KamionChipzz: who are you to say it's one-time?12:07
shiningapt-file and packages.ubuntu.com use both the same source, which is outdated?12:08
ChipzzKamion: if you use it on a regular base, installing apt-file may be more usefull12:08
Kamionshining: correct12:08
adamhhehe, too late, I'm already done :P12:08
Kamionshining: it'll be sorted out before release12:08
ChipzzKamion: just a hunch, since he didn't even know it existed in the first place12:08
KamionChipzz: remind me never to suggest any new and potentially useful tool to you12:08
Kamionyou must know about them all already12:08
Kamiontfheen: sleep well12:09
Kamiondoko_: also a bit odd that python-profiler only has a python2.4 module but Depends: python (<< 2.6), python (>= 2.4)12:09
Chipzzhrrm last time I considered installing it it pulled in more packages than that... must have installed some perl-packages since then12:09
adamhKamion: Yeah, I noticed that12:10
ToadstoolKamion: hi, pygi asked me to upload the fix for gnomebaker. I just want to make sure that this ok for me to upload it. Just reviewed the patch, it's an upstream patch and it looks sane12:10
Kamionlibconfigfile-perl and libapt-pkg-perl have no further perl module dependencies12:10
KamionToadstool: yes, although at this point in the freeze you should also be testing (or getting somebody else to test) it as well12:11
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