
mdkeBAD ASS.12:39
mdkethat's the record for most number of files touched in one commit12:40
=== mdke beds
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tonyyarussoI ask this here merely b/c you're most familiar with the wiki:  Where should I look for a solid example of a homepage?  HomepageTemplate is practically blank; is there a user who has a particularly good one?10:33
Madpilotany Ubuntu Member's page should be a decent example, tonyyarusso 10:37
Madpilotthe main purpose of a wiki homepage in the Ubuntu project is to show you are qualified for Membership, pretty much10:37
tonyyarussoMadpilot: speaking of which, since when does your page have a pic of your (?) plane?10:38
Madpilotnot mine, just one of the Flying Club's. it's got a pic because I had the pic around ;)10:39
Madpilotthat pic was taken at a grass airstrip about 200km east of here - that flight was the first time I'd landed on grass :)10:40
=== poningru wonders who is working on search.ubuntu.com
poningruI wanna work on that10:41
poningrudamn when will this month end10:42
poningruanyway... I wanna consolidate the wiki and the ubuntu forums search functionality onto one page10:43
poningrugive the users option to search through tldp as well10:43
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Congratulations.10:43
poningruand other documentation areas10:43
poningrusuch as debian docs10:44
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poningruso anyone know who is working on that??10:45
poningruplease? pretty please?10:45
poningruwith a cherry on top?10:45
Madpilotno idea, sorry10:46
tonyyarussoMadpilot: What are you using as references for learning PHP?10:46
Madpilotum... lately I haven't been. I should get back to it...10:47
poningrutonyyarusso: do some crazy project like what I just said ;)10:47
MadpilotI had a couple of O'Reilly books out of the library.10:47
poningruhow I am learning is reading docs+project10:47
poningruas in rolling out a crm system at your work place ;)10:47
poningruor deploying a library management system10:48
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Okay10:49
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mdkemorning all11:05
poningrumdke: ^^11:07
poningrure search.ubuntu.com11:07
poningruthe opensearch people have already setup all the things for us to copy for that11:08
mdkeMatthew Nuzum is the person working on it11:08
poningrudo you know the progress on that?11:08
poningrusweet thanks11:09
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