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Traeheh, ghosttown indeed.12:53
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srwalterdoes it usually take 2 months to get a bug report (#57625) with an attached patch resolved?05:06
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ivokszul: here?09:51
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ivokszul: here?04:59
zulivoks: kind of?05:00
ivoksi just wanted to tell you that i'm playing with my new laptop and xen kernel doesn't boot if it enable VT05:01
zulwhat happens?05:01
ivoksit gets to:05:02
ivoksPCI: BIOS Bug: MCFG area at f0000000 is not E820-reserved05:02
ivoksPCI: Not using MMCONFIG.05:02
ivoksand freezes05:02
ivokslatest in edgy05:03
mjg59Boot without quiet05:03
zulhave you seen if there is a bios update?05:03
ivoksi did update05:03
ivoksmjg59: it is without quiet :)05:03
mjg59Oh, really?05:03
mjg59That's more fun05:04
ivoksi get this error on vanilla kernel too05:04
ivoksand it boots05:04
ivoksso, this doesn't kill kernel05:04
ivokssomething other does05:04
ivoks(where vanilla is ubuntu's generic :)05:04
zuldoes it have nvidia?05:05
ivoksthis is all intel machine05:05
ivokswithout VT it works05:06
ivoksit works with VT if i disable acpi and apic, but this is something i don't want to do :)05:07
ivoksi can do testing, but i also realize that it's sunday... :)05:10
zulim looking at it05:10
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ivoks_testi can boot with initcall_debug05:15
zulplease and send me the results05:16
ivoks_testeh... don't know how to capture it :/05:16
tfheenivoks_test: digital camera05:16
ivoks_testthis is the last thing it prints05:17
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sbrigliei have a question regarding the default ubuntu ppc kernel05:22
sbriglieI am pretty sure the rivafb frambebuffer driver needs to be compiled in the kernel image and not as a module to have lcd brightness control and usplash working with more than 256 colors on my 12 inch powerbook05:25
ivoks_testzul: http://www.grad.hr/~ivoks/ubuntu/xen-crash.jpg05:27
zulhave you tried booting with pci=nommconfig05:29
ivoks_testnope, but i can05:29
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ivoks_testzul: result is exactly the same :/05:31
ivoks_testthis is toshiba satellite pro u200-12905:32
zulok ill have a look05:40
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dr_evilI tried to backport the sky2 network driver from kernel.org 2.6.19-rc2 to ubuntu 2.6.15 but it crashing. how can I get a working driver?08:33
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