
Dominus_Suusthat reminds me that I have to get a proper e-mail address for all of my Ubuntu/GNU/FSF dealings12:13
superm1well if you are looking for an @ubuntu.com address, look into the process for applying as an ubuntu member12:14
superm1the entire thing is described on the wiki12:14
Dominus_Suusdon't I need a resume the length of your arm to get a membership?12:14
Dominus_Suusalternatively, I guess I could use my sourceforge address or create a g-mail one...12:15
superm1well you have to contribute to the community.12:15
Dominus_Suusit's just that all of my spam gets sent to my canada.com address12:15
superm1the wiki page lists lots of ideas how you can12:15
superm1You should have an email with the attachment12:15
Dominus_Suushow big was the file again? some 200-some-odd-K?12:16
superm1i made a tar.gz with the entire package12:16
superm12.9 megs12:16
Dominus_Suusnm, I have it now... thank you!12:16
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Dominus_SuusI'm thinking of dusting off my tablet and making some icon themes...12:17
superm1well then getting into the art team can be a great way to membership12:17
Dominus_Suuswell I can't thank you enough again12:18
superm1not a problem.  glad to help12:18
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pirastcould anyone have a look and apply the debdiff in bug 65617?12:43
UbugtuMalone bug 65617 in dvdrip "menu item??" [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6561712:43
UbugtuDebian bug 391613 in tsclient "tsclient: ignores selected keyboard map and resets to US map over XDMCP" [Important,Open] 12:50
Q-FUNK*sigh* odes not pass the -xkbmap to xnest as it should12:51
Q-FUNKaffects ubuntu too12:51
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pirastwhat does < 2:0.94 in build dependencies mean? that the version has to be bigger or smaller?01:45
plugwashit means the version has to be smaller than01:50
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ubotuping: connection timeout02:02
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imbrandonwhom else is doing upload exceptions for main besides tfheen ?02:14
gnomefreakanyone notice eclipse doesnt build?02:18
gnomefreaklibjsch-java is not right version02:18
gnomefreakand i cant find the depends for eclipse in apt-cache show02:19
gnomefreakits not showing that package at all02:19
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=== imbrandon yawns
=== imbrandon would like someone from te release team to be awake right now
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=== imbrandon pokes Hobbsee for no good reason other than he's bored
=== Hobbsee drops a large cow on imbrandon for the same reason
=== StevenK expands that out to "* Hobbsee drops a large cow on imbrandon for no good reason other than he's bored"
=== Hobbsee thumps StevenK
imbrandonheya StevenK03:56
=== StevenK waves
=== StevenK idly wonders if kdebase-dbg could be any larger.
imbrandonhow big is it , i havent looked in a while04:03
=== imbrandon idly wonders what GR means in p.d.o context
HobbseeStevenK: you mean you're touching kde stuff again?04:05
Hobbseeare you sick?04:05
minghuaimbrandon: you really don't know?  GR in any debian context should mean General Resolution04:07
imbrandonminghua, no i really dident know, i have been disilussioned by debian , i came to ubuntu from many years of SuSE use/devel so i know very little of "pure debian" and from what i've seen on the public face of it i dont care to know alot04:08
imbrandonthus i do my stuff and go about my day for the most part ;)04:09
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imbrandonajmitch, isnt there a mono specific packaging policy doc somewhere kinda like the python one ?04:11
micahcowandh_make creates a dirs file in debian/... is this necessary/useful? What purpose does dh_installdirs actually serve, since the actual installation will ensure that the appropriate structure is set up, regardless?04:12
imbrandon( mono apps not the compilers/runtime )04:12
StevenKmicahcowan: The appropriate structure may not be set up.04:12
StevenKmicahcowan: The build may also want to create other directories not mkdir'd by the build system.04:12
imbrandonmicahcowan, thats just a general guide , rarely is it correct for every/any app04:12
micahcowanAh: so it's really only useful for specifying that directories be built that aren't actually part of the build? But if all I care about are dirs that actually get things installed to them, I shouldn't need a dirs file, correct?04:13
micahcowando I have that right?04:15
StevenKmicahcowan: Sure. You don't need a dirs file, or to even call dh_installdirs, it's only there if you need it.04:16
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micahcowanAm I right in believing that an awk of some sort is part of essentials or build-essentials? My pbuilder environment has it installed... basically I'm wondering if it's necessary to put "awk" in the Depends of an awk-script package.05:17
micahcowanHm... it doesn't seem to be /directly/...05:19
imbrandoni wouldent count on anything being installed, if your package needs awk , dep on it05:22
micahcowanOkay. I note that sed is an essential, though :)  ...but, yeah, I'm guessing it might be possible to have a system without awk, then. Anyway, can't hurt to specify it explicitly...05:23
micahcowanEr, huh. lintian gives a "needlessly-depends-on-awk depends" error. Guess I'd better leave it out after all...05:24
minghuayou don't need to depend on awk, unless you need specifically mawk or gawk05:34
minghuaawk is a virtual package, and base-files (which is essential) depends on it05:35
minghuaso it's very unlikely that you have a system without awk05:35
micahcowanYeah: and lintian gets upset if I depend on it, so I'll leave it off (I specifically wrote for POSIX awk, so no need for explicit mawk/gawk dependencies)05:36
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micahcowanIf I'm an ubuntero, does REVU already have my key, or is that a separate keyring?05:39
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imbrandongnight folks06:06
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LaserJockimbrandon: you awake?06:56
imbrandonLaserJock, barely06:57
LaserJockyou us Gnome at all?06:57
imbrandona tad here and there, not alot06:57
imbrandoni dont have a gnome install at the moment though06:58
imbrandonwhy ?06:58
LaserJockI'm running some KDE apps in Gnome but some of the apps don't show up right in the notification area06:58
imbrandonahh yea , that is a issue i've run into before06:59
LaserJockkwallet is now sitting on top of the Ubuntu icon on the menu bar06:59
imbrandoni dont quite know how to fix it tbh06:59
imbrandonthe gnome and kde systrays are differnt api's afaik but similar enough to "kinda" work06:59
imbrandonor something like that06:59
imbrandonfunny enough though gnome apps run in kde systray fine, so i really dont know the cause tbh07:00
LaserJockhmm, interesting07:00
LaserJockI just wondered07:02
imbrandonyea its not just you or your install07:02
imbrandonif thats what you mean07:02
imbrandoni just dont know how to fix it, and its not a ubuntu/kubuntu issue, i ran into it back in the suse days too07:03
imbrandonits a kde/gnome thing07:03
LaserJockwell, I remember it happening waaaay back in the Gentoo days when I used to run all kinds of crazy stuff07:03
LaserJockbut there are a few KDE apps I really like07:03
imbrandoncan you add a kdesystray to a gnome pannel ? i dont rember07:04
LaserJockso it's kinda weird having icons in odd places07:04
imbrandonthat might "fix" it07:04
LaserJockI don't see one07:04
LaserJockdarn, new openoffice07:05
imbrandonthe only other thing i could think of is add a kicker pannel on the right or left of your screen with only a systray applet and reduced in size to like 5% and auto hide it, but thats an ugly hack07:05
minghuaand I suspect some icons can appear on both panels' notification area07:06
LaserJockright now, kopete and konversation are sitting in the gnome-panel just fine07:07
LaserJockand there is a blank space were kwallet should be07:07
LaserJockbut the icon is all the way to the left07:07
whiprushLaserJock: !!!!!!07:08
imbrandonits probaby a bug in the way ( or use of an undocumented api *gasp* ) by kwallet then07:08
whiprushLaserJock: you coming to mountain view?07:08
minghuaIf I were LaserJock, I probably would just run a separate KDE session in Xnest07:08
LaserJockwhiprush: but of course07:08
whiprushLaserJock: got stuff to do?07:08
imbrandonwhiprush, yea you have to put up with me too ;)07:08
LaserJockwhiprush: btw, just a little upset about Mozilla07:08
whiprushLaserJock: join the club07:09
whiprushimbrandon: you coming too?07:09
whiprushyou both bored?07:09
whiprushduring the show?07:09
whiprushWe need help during the ldap show.07:09
LaserJockminghua: just for kopete and maybe a couple other apps? ;-)07:10
imbrandonwhiprush, i can probably lend a hand, dunno how but i can try ;)07:10
whiprushimbrandon: LaserJock: so ... I am bringing a buddy, myself, wasabi, and probably matt oquist and infinity will care about doing ldap stuff07:11
whiprushthe problem is07:11
whiprushwe need people who know how to spec07:11
whiprushand write07:11
whiprushand generally be sane07:11
minghuaLaserJock: well, if you have enough hardware power, why not?07:11
whiprushso I am looking for people who can help07:11
LaserJockwhiprush: excellent, LDAP was a bit of an issue for LTSP in Paris07:11
imbrandonwhiprush, sure, i love specing stuff ( just not when i'm soo sleepy )07:12
whiprushLaserJock: bonus, the ltsp guy is my lug president.07:12
minghuaI don't know if you can copy & paste between Xnest windows though07:12
LaserJockwell, I can't come over to the summit until Tuesday07:12
whiprushI will come find you guys if we need help then07:12
LaserJockI have a department seminar to give07:12
whiprushLaserJock: oh snap.07:12
whiprushI brainstormed what we need today with some friends.07:13
imbrandoni'll be there like 10am on the 4th ( crazy plane schedule )07:13
whiprushI have it broken down into 2 parts.07:13
whiprushthe first piece is "catch up to other distros with AD integration"07:13
whiprushpretty sure that can be done in a day or so07:13
whiprushthe second part07:13
whiprushis "Active Directory Killer"07:13
whiprushthat will take 5 years.07:13
whiprushso a day or two won't matter. :p07:14
imbrandonbut yea i'm right with ya07:14
imbrandonnis needs some love too but thats another story all togather07:14
whiprushhey has anyone started any specs yet?07:14
whiprushimbrandon: NIS is dead.07:14
whiprushskipping it07:14
imbrandonwhiprush, i know ;(07:14
whiprushubuntu needs a developer fund07:15
LaserJockfor Edubuntu we are waiting until after the Edgy release to do much specing07:15
whiprushwould love to have ajmitch to come07:15
imbrandonwhiprush, nah i've been going through all  the old specs for edgy that got defered that i care about07:15
whiprushbut there's no money theyre07:15
whiprushimbrandon: if you spent all your time going over specs that didn't get implemented you'd be out of time.07:15
imbrandonlast i heard ajmitch was gonna try to swindle some way to make it /possible/07:16
whiprushbeen that way since warty07:16
whiprushimbrandon: too expensive. can't make it. :-/07:16
LaserJockRichEd is starting a "Education" forum and we are going to get a "Top 10" list from the educational community and try to spec from that07:16
LaserJockwell, I actually need to maybe poke mdz about my Edgy spec07:16
imbrandonwhiprush, yea i mean the "ones i cared about" heh ( mostly CommonCustomizations )07:16
LaserJockit's implemented but not approved :-)07:16
LaserJockit was approved, but then got bumped back down at the distro sprint07:17
LaserJockbut I was able to pull it off before Feature Freeze anyway07:17
LaserJockbut nobody reapproved it :/07:17
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whiprushit happens07:18
whiprushpersonally, I'd love to see a cycle of no new specs, and just clean out the wiki07:18
LaserJockwhiprush: I'd move to epiphany if it wasn't for one annoying thing07:18
=== imbrandon has moved to konqueror
whiprushLaserJock: tabs?07:19
whiprushgod i hate those tabs07:19
LaserJockoh, they are a minor problem07:19
LaserJockI don't like the location bar and how you can't do URL editing07:19
imbrandonyou cant edit the url ?07:20
whiprushimo it's easier to fix epi (or konqueror) than convince people who ship windows software to fix their software for us.07:20
imbrandonwhiprush, +107:20
LaserJocklike in FF (and pretty much any other browser) the auto-completion of URLs you can edit the URL07:20
LaserJockin epiphany if you hit enter it takes you straight to that site07:21
LaserJockso I end up going to a site and *then* editing the URL07:21
LaserJockwhich is really annoying07:22
whiprushunfortunately the epi bar has been broken for months in edgy07:22
imbrandonwhat about hitting tab07:22
whiprushthere was this bad bug07:22
whiprushtypically the epi addressbar can be just as flexible as the ff search bar07:22
whiprushbut all built in07:22
whiprushCTRL-L, search term, up arrow, enter07:23
whiprushfor the win07:23
LaserJockwell, but I just want to start typing a URL, and then edit it07:23
LaserJockI can't figure out how to do that in epi07:23
imbrandonLaserJock, konqi FTW ;)07:23
LaserJockimbrandon: yeah, it's not  bad for sure07:24
whiprushLaserJock: show me IRL when we meet next, I can't visualize what you mean07:24
imbrandonLaserJock, have you tried 3.5.5 konqui ? its TONS faster , and i honestly have no idea why07:24
LaserJockbut I DE mixed up as it is07:24
imbrandonLaserJock, after a few days in mtv i'll have you a true kde convert ;)07:25
LaserJockwhiprush: ok, so what happens when you start typing a URL, you get a list of previous URLs you've got to that are the same, right?07:25
LaserJockbut then what if you want to edit one of those URLs?07:25
imbrandonLaserJock, i have never used epi but what happens if you start typing and hit tab then edit07:25
whiprushah i see07:25
whiprushI have to hit down arrow to complete07:25
whiprushno middle ground07:25
whiprushtab moves to the next field07:26
imbrandonthats how i do it in koqi ( although enter works the same )07:26
imbrandonahh not cool07:26
LaserJockright, all other browsers I know of, you can go to one of the previous URLs and hit enter or right arrow07:26
imbrandonyea that would bug me too07:26
LaserJockand that puts the URL in the location bar without actually going to the site07:26
whiprushLaserJock: one of my hopes is that epi will become more popular and get more fixed07:27
LaserJockheh, and Corey just told me I wasn't using my browser right :-p07:27
whiprushslap him07:27
whiprushit's ironic.07:27
whiprushit was like, over a year ago when jdub sent a mail to the epi list and was like "dudes, make it rock, people are sick of FF."07:28
whiprushand no one listened.07:28
LaserJockthat was the deal breaker for me07:28
LaserJockI could handle the nasty tabs07:28
whiprushyeah the tabs do suck07:28
imbrandonLaserJock, heh thats like billy saying we dident need tabs ( untill ie7 of course )07:28
LaserJockbut the URL thing is totally not cool when you navigate LP via URLs07:28
imbrandon( e.g. not useing the browser right )07:28
imbrandonyea i navigate via urls alot, specialy on my domain becouse i have alot of unlinked directorys i use07:29
whiprushLaserJock: I believe mpt has the ear of the epi guys, might be a good suggestion at mountain view07:29
imbrandonso are we going the fds way or the suse way for ad ?07:30
=== imbrandon votes the fds way , even with its quarks
whiprushdoesn't work that way] 07:30
whiprushthe suse way is the samba way07:30
whiprushwe get that for free07:30
whiprushdoing our own non-windows way means FDS.07:30
whiprushor another ldap server07:30
whiprushimo, FDS is the natural choice07:31
imbrandonsuse's is pure samba ?07:31
whiprushimo we can build something that does what AD does on FDS and other unix stuff07:31
whiprushfor the AD client stuff07:32
whiprushbut they're not trying to replicate AD.07:32
whiprushyou have to buy edirectory if you want that07:32
whiprushtheir "join an AD" client stuff is all in samba, and free07:32
imbrandonahh ok i see07:33
LaserJockok, I gotta go, just wanted to drop by and pick imbrandon's brain about KDE apps in Gnome07:33
LaserJockI soooo wish it didn't matter07:33
whiprushif you want to do a huge server thing where you want to manage linux clients and servers, you have to pay for that07:33
LaserJockme and DEs have a definite love-hate relationship07:33
imbrandonLaserJock, it really shouldent , i'm thinking its a buig in kwallet07:33
imbrandonwhiprush, ahh i see , ok yea i'm rembering now07:34
LaserJockmaybe I'll have to start every KDE app I have and file bug reports ;-)07:34
whiprushimbrandon: me and wasabi want to do a big demo where we install an AD and some clients07:34
whiprushand show people what the competition is like07:34
whiprushdeploy software, etc.07:34
imbrandonwhiprush, yea that would be awesom07:34
imbrandona "where we stand" kinda thing07:34
whiprushexcept that might kind of suck07:34
whiprushsince we're like, a decade behind.07:34
whiprushbut hey, let's roll with it.07:35
imbrandonyea , but it will hilight where we need to go more ina  real world sense i think07:35
imbrandonat leaste to those watching07:35
LaserJocksometimes "crap, we're a decade behind" gets people motivated ;-)07:35
whiprushimbrandon: I already have where we can rule already highlighted.07:35
whiprushthere are some areas where's we07:36
imbrandonLaserJock, yea heh07:36
whiprushre ahead actually.07:36
imbrandonalot of the auth side we are i think07:36
imbrandonbut .... well hell to be honest i havent tried it in a real world situation for a few 4 years07:37
imbrandoni'm a decade behind too but it is something that needs to rock for enterprise ( and even small business )07:38
imbrandonsmall business dosent have the bankroll to have an IT department , they need something they can manage with a "part time guy"07:38
imbrandonif you know what i mean07:38
imbrandon( small business == ~30 to ~50 wkstations )07:40
imbrandonwell 5 to 50 heh07:40
imbrandonbut you get the idea07:40
whiprushimbrandon: I've got a plan07:43
whiprushit sucks07:43
whiprushbut it's a plan07:43
imbrandona plan is better than no plan, at leaste its something to build from07:44
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ajmitchimbrandon: about your question earlier, yes there's a CLI policy to follow :)08:45
jlduggerI'm interested in pulling a newer version of a package that's in debian into edgy, not nessecarily for inclusion in edgy, but at least for my own purposes08:46
jlduggeris it usally pretty simple to just download the files from debian and rebuild the package?08:46
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minghuajldugger: if said package doesn't have Ubuntu specific changes (i.e., the version number ends with -X, not -XubuntuY), then that usually works08:51
imbrandonjldugger, yea its pretty simple if you just want it for your self08:51
jlduggerthis is probably not one of those simple cases08:52
jlduggerwacom-tools ;)08:52
imbrandonwhats the package ?08:52
AnAntis the results of motu-meeting anywhere on the web ?08:53
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imbrandonjldugger, ping09:11
imbrandonhey it seemed to build fine but i've never used this packages in my life so take this with a grain of salt, but its built in a clean pbuilder, grab the debs from herer to test them and let me know09:12
jlduggersee, i was having problems with the kernel module09:13
jlduggersomething bout linux headers and such09:13
imbrandonyea thats why its good to build it in a pbuilder ;)09:13
imbrandoni already had a build env all setup09:13
jlduggerwell, apt-get build-dep usually takes care of the trivialities09:14
jlduggerso which ones do i want here?09:14
imbrandonyea mostly but then it builds it against /your/ system, pbuilder makes it distributable ;)09:14
imbrandonthe two debs09:14
imbrandonthe other is the source, no need unless you want it09:15
jlduggerit seems like there should be more than just one09:15
imbrandonis all you should need09:16
imbrandonedgy right ?09:16
imbrandonk yea09:16
imbrandonjust grab those two, and dpkg -i *.deb09:16
jlduggerbuilding the apt-get source stuff puts out like four .debs09:16
jlduggerxserver input09:17
imbrandonnot from debian09:17
imbrandonahh see they might not work then09:17
imbrandoni just grabed the debian souce, see the thing is they were both packages diffrently09:17
imbrandone.g. ubuntu packaged it /then/ debian packaged it diffrent and thats NOT a merge09:18
imbrandonthats a streight debian compile soooooo09:18
imbrandonin that case better not09:18
imbrandonand i'll do a proper merge for ya tomarrow09:18
imbrandonif you can wait09:18
=== imbrandon is sleepy
jlduggerof course09:19
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jlduggeri should get to bed myself, but i just got in a new toy09:19
jlduggera tiny remote control helicopter09:19
imbrandonahh cool09:19
jlduggerso one quick question: /usr/src/linux should be symlinked to...?09:20
imbrandon /usr/src/linux-`uname -r`09:21
imbrandoneg apt-get install linux-headers-{generic,386}09:21
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imbrandonand it will symlink it and all for you09:22
jlduggerit didnt09:22
jlduggerive got two header packages and no symlink09:22
imbrandonlink it you the one that matches your running kernel ( but make sure you installed linux-headers-* not kernel-headers-* )09:23
imbrandondunno why there is both , its a mess but thats the cookie for now ;(09:23
Hobbseeyay.  i now have two new bugs, as of yesterday morning.09:23
jlduggerso linux-headers-`uname -r`, not linux-source09:24
imbrandonno linux-headers-generic OR linux-headers-386 depending on your kernel not uname -r , you want the meta packge so it updates09:24
jlduggerso what the hell is the ones without generic or 386?09:25
imbrandonare you running the -generic kernel ?09:26
imbrandonthey will get pulled in by the meta package09:26
imbrandonok then install linux-headers-generic and it will pull the correct one in, then next time the kernel updates it will update the headers too09:27
imbrandoneg from the meta package09:27
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imbrandonokies i'm off, gnight all09:29
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minghuaajmitch: if a package with unmet dependency can be fixed by a simple rebuild, should I upload -Xbuild1, or there is some simpler way?10:10
ajmitchminghua: no, that's the only way to replace a package in the archive10:11
minghua(no ubuntu specific change by the way)10:11
minghuaajmitch: and I should just upload, then ping you to let you know?  or some other way is preferred to request motu-uvf's approval?10:11
ajmitchyes, just upload & ping10:12
ajmitchwhat's the package?10:12
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minghuascim-uim, bug #6547810:17
UbugtuMalone bug 65478 in scim-uim "[UNMETDEPS]  scim-uim has unmet dependencies" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6547810:17
minghuaI tested in Debian, but not in Ubuntu.  I'll build in an edgy pbuilder before I upload10:19
Q-FUNKis there any way to put a warning to someone about to file a bug on a package to make sure that they are filing against the right package?10:21
Q-FUNKI keep on getting bug reports on upgrade-system that are really meant for update-manager10:22
ajmitchnot that I know of10:23
Q-FUNKand others yet who seem to mistake upgrade-system for a virtual package that means "anything that failed in installation or upgrade".10:23
UbugtuDebian bug 391613 in tsclient "tsclient: ignores selected keyboard map and resets to US map over XDMCP" [Important,Open] 10:25
Q-FUNKanyone who could help me with this one?10:26
minghuaQ-FUNK: Choose a better package name next time :-)10:26
Q-FUNKit probably is really simple to fix, except that I don't code in C.10:26
Q-FUNKminghua: I never had that problem in Debian. :)10:26
Q-FUNKI actually pinpointed the source of that tsclient bug. I just don't code in C, so I'm at loss on how to patch this.10:27
minghuaQ-FUNK: yeah, I hate LP for uninformed bugs too10:28
=== minghua hates to ask the dapper or edgy and package version questions every time
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Q-FUNKminghua: of course, it's a catch-22:  reportbug requires knowing exactly which package is faulty.  the user might not know.  meanwhile, LP allows too many wild guesses, but lets the user try.10:32
minghuaQ-FUNK: yes.  my conclusion is that Debian BTS is more designed to reduce the maintainer's work, while LP is designed to make it easy for users to report bug10:34
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minghuathe former needs some nice people in the user list/forum who can help the less clued users to diagnose the problem and report bugs accordingly;10:35
minghuawhile the latter needs a strong bug triage team10:35
Q-FUNKthat's the scary part.  strong triage only happens with active maintainers or otherwise with packages in main.10:37
minghuaQ-FUNK: I think I have some idea about your debian bug 39161310:40
UbugtuDebian bug 391613 in tsclient "tsclient: ignores selected keyboard map and resets to US map over XDMCP" [Important,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/39161310:40
minghuaQ-FUNK: are you willing to test my untested (i.e., not even sure if it compiles) patch?10:40
=== Q-FUNK boots the x86 buildd
jlduggerminghua, ideally, problems in universe are reported to upstream authors10:41
Q-FUNKjldugger: I mailed him last night, but my hopes are not too high on him fixing it.  he reports on his homepage that tsclient essentially does what he wants aleady so that's it.10:42
jlduggerindeed, upstream authors aren't always enthusiastic about bug reports10:43
jlduggerwe should blame esr10:43
minghuajldugger: by upstream, you mean software author?10:43
jlduggerfor writing those cathedral vs bazaar where he suggested that open source was fantastic because users submit patches to fix bugs ;)10:43
jlduggerminghua, sure.10:43
jlduggerbut i dont think many packages in universe have a bugtracker, let alone pay attention to one10:44
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minghuajldugger: you are probably right10:46
minghuabut there are always good upstream and bad upstream (attitude to bug reports wise)10:46
StevenKGreat. Look like an unmetdeps bug can be killed by punting it from the archive.10:46
minghuaQ-FUNK: try this one first: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26851/10:48
minghuaQ-FUNK: as you can see, the keymap is hardcoded, we'll worry about that later10:48
minghuaQ-FUNK: that's in src/ dir by the way10:49
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Q-FUNKthat much I noticed while briefly parsing the tree yesterday10:50
minghuaQ-FUNK: oh, so you really meant "you don't do Xlib coding"10:52
=== minghua neither :-P
Q-FUNKI grep'ed the source tree fo occurances of 'nest'10:53
Q-FUNKit gave me a vague idea of where things happen, but not much else10:54
Q-FUNKcomparing the man pages for rdesktop and Xnest, I notice that they use vastly different options to set things like keyboard map, bit depth and resolution.10:56
Q-FUNKI'm guessing that tsclient only took rdesktop options into considerations, since it started as a gtk front-end to rdesktop.10:57
Q-FUNKXnest support was added as an after-thought10:57
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Q-FUNKright.  commandline options are set in support.c11:11
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zakamehi all11:27
ajmitchhi zakame11:27
zakamehi ajmitch11:28
zakametiber went down for maint right?11:28
ajmitchdidn't come back up properly11:28
zakamedapper upgrade I gather?11:29
ajmitchkernel issue, I heard11:29
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=== StevenK ponders uploading libgalago-gtk.
=== ajmitch checks out the whole pkg-zope tree from alioth
ajmitchmight as well make the ubuntu fixes directly on the debian packages11:36
=== zakame looks for a 3g phone that can work as a modem in ubuntu
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=== lupine_85 pats his Nokia 6680 that can
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elmargolHi I search a way to build a dependency try for a debian package12:46
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lupine_85elmargol: apt-get build-dep <package> ?01:08
lupine_85oh, a tree...01:08
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lupine_85sure, just parse the control files01:08
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lifelesselmargol: apt-cache rdepends01:23
elmargollifeless: thx01:26
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gnomefreakout side of a pbuilder can i just use apt-get source eclipse and start building it as normal from there. just like i would any other package?01:32
geserI've setup a chroot for it to not pollute my desktop with dev packages01:39
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=== StevenK wishes evince could split the PDF into 2 views.
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sivanghey motus01:54
FujitsuHeya sivang.01:57
sivangyo Fujitsu01:59
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gnomefreak2.10 is > 2.4?02:06
gnomefreaksomething isnt right here than02:06
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LjLhello. I have issues with the scope of the Multiverse repository. I've noticed that Multiverse contains packages such as vmware-player, which can only be provided as binary objects and are under restrictive licenses. On the other hand, Multiverse also contains many packages such as emulators, which are often licensed under OSI approved licenses. I assume that the rationale for putting them in Multiverse is that they are usually employed02:17
LjLtogether with proprietary firmware; however, nobody's stopping the user from providing their own, possibly OSI licensed, alternative firmware. Thus I can suppose that the rationale for putting these packages in Multiverse is that such alternative, OSI licenced firmware is not yet available to be provided by you in an Ubuntu repository; however, packages such as UAE (an Amiga emulator) already do provide a free, albeit very limited, firmware02:17
LjLI'd like a clarification on these issues.02:18
LjL(hey, long messages are not a crime)02:19
ctrlsoftLjL: Are there any actual free instances for those emulators out there?02:19
ctrlsoftLjL: I know that's a criteria Debian keeps02:19
LjLctrlsoft: what do you mean with "free instances"? free firmware?02:19
ctrlsoftLjL: yeah02:19
LjLwell, at least in the case of UAE, as i said i believe so02:20
Q-FUNKbeleive is not good enough.02:20
ctrlsoftLjL: And packaged02:20
Q-FUNKeither there ARE free alternatives or there are none.02:20
LjLcertainly, the firmware it ships with is only limited to running some demos, mostly02:20
ctrlsoftLjL: which emulators in particular are you referring to?02:20
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LjLctrlsoft: let's just make the case with UAE for now, since it's the one i know best (i could probably talk about basilisk2 as well, but i'd have to further inform myself)02:21
LjLUAE comes -- yes, the packaged version of UAE comes -- with provisions for running some programs (those that don't need OS functions, or only need very few of them, i.e. mostly demos) out of the box, without any other firmware02:22
ctrlsoft"For "proper" use of UAE, you need some version of the Kickstart ROM, and some OS running on top of this (most likely some version of the Amiga OS). Both don't comply to the DFSG (to say the least) and must be obtained from other sources."02:22
LjLhow is "proper use" defined however?02:23
LjLwhy is running demos not such?02:23
ctrlsoftthat's the reason it's in contrib in Debian (and therefore in multiverse in Ubuntu)02:23
ctrlsoftdon't know - I guess it means "for anything useful"02:23
LjLwell, since you say that, another issue -- i believe the comparison to Debian doesn't completely hold. that's because i don't believe Debian ships any *closed source* packages in contrib -- for instance, it wouldn't ship that vmware-player that we have in Multiverse, i suppose02:24
ctrlsoftLjL: no, debian ships that in non-free02:25
ctrlsoftdebian ships packages which rely on non-fre stuff in "contrib"02:25
ctrlsoftUbuntu has (afaik) both contrib and non-free in "multiverse"02:25
LjLso, shipping free software (which does require proprietary firmware) together with 100% binary-only closed software, in the same repository, sounds like a bit of a clash to me. And for instance, why don't we ship Opera in Multiverse as well? how's its situation different from vmware-player's?02:25
lifelessctrlsoft: 'useful' is quite subjective :)02:25
gnomefreakwhy does this have to be such a pita today brb smoke02:25
LjLctrlsoft: about "usefulness". I had been writing a free/open-source ZX Spectrum operating system (which, however, i never finished nor released). Since I don't have a ZX Spectrum, I had to resort to an emulator. However, I never needed proprietary files in order to do that "useful" work on my emulator02:26
ctrlsoftLjL: please file a bug on the package about this02:27
LjLctrlsoft: you mean the vmware-player package?02:27
ctrlsoftLjL: If you disagree with the repository it is in02:27
ctrlsoftLjL: no, with the uae one02:27
ctrlsoftLjL: I think the reason the opera package is in a different repository is because it is supported by canonical (?) or because it has licensing issues that prevent it from being in multiverse02:28
LjLctrlsoft, i believe bug reports are mainly intended to report bugs... mind you, this does not mean i believe the issues we're talking about should never become a bug report. but i do believe that some informal discussion might be best, first02:28
LjLctrlsoft: hm, well, that reminds me of another thing... installing vmware-player (from Multiverse) results in a debconf requester that asks you to accept a license agreement. i believed that, at least in Debian, this kind of "click to agree" stuff couldn't be acceptable for packages?02:29
LjLgnomefreak: sorry for being a PITA. in my defense, i have to say this is the first time i even join this channel :-)02:30
gnomefreakLjL: not you eclipse is being one since yesterday02:31
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ctrlsoftLjL: sorry, I'm not familiar with the specifics on what is and what isn't allowed in multiverse in Ubuntu or contrib/non-free Debian02:33
gnomefreakok that was strange :(02:33
LjLctrlsoft: anyway, let's put the UAE vs vmware-player vm whatever details away for a moment -- the issue that really concerns me is just the mixing of open-source package and completely proprietary packages in Multiverse, without a way to even tell which is which. question: would you agree that an easy way to tell (from, say, apt-cache) a package that's under an OSI license from a package that is closed-source would be a good idea?02:34
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Fujitsuvmware-player should really be in -commercial, shouldn't it?02:35
gnomefreakis player or server non free?02:35
gnomefreakone is free iirc02:35
LjLFujitsu: i don't know, that's part of why i'm here ;-) however, i think it should, just as a feeling02:36
LjLgnomefreak: both are free beer. Workstation, on the other hand, is for cash.02:36
azeemFujitsu: the difference between multiverse and -commercial is that the latter is supported by Canonical I thought02:36
Fujitsugnomefreak, they are free as in gratis, neither as in libre.02:36
LjLgnomefreak: only the player comes packages though02:36
gnomefreakok packages are built now what do i need to do with them? i would love to test this to see if my changes worked02:36
gnomefreakah i guess that makes sense yes they should be in commericial (atleast it seems like they should)02:37
LjLgnomefreak: on one side i have this "vmware might possibly have a better place in commercial" -- on the other side you have a ton of emulators in multiverse, just because the firmware (which is *not* packaged) is proprietary -- and for a lot of them, i can bet free alternatives exists, they're just not packaged02:42
LjLheck, there must be like 10 different free operating systems around just for the C64 :)02:43
azeemLjL: if the free firmwares are packaged (and there are no legal issues), those would mirate to universe02:44
azeemmigrate, even02:44
azeemuntil then, they stay in multiverse02:44
LjLazeem: ok, so the deciding question is whether there are any free alternatives that are *packaged*. that's an answer.02:44
azeemif the package is useless without stuff which is not packaged, it shouldn't be shipped in universe02:45
LjLwell, i can still sort of debate on the definition of "useless", since as i said, i could be using a ZX Spectrum emulator to *write* an operating system for it. but still, that makes sense02:46
cypher1_what is meant by "dummy transitional package" ?02:46
azeemcypher1_: a package which is empty except for a Dependency on something else, to ease transitioning02:47
LjLcypher1_: that the real package has changed its name, i guess02:47
cypher1_azeem, does that mean that package has been removed in the new release ?02:48
azeemcypher1_: see LjL, it usually indicates a name change02:49
=== gnomefreak has head up eclipses butt nothing makes sense anymore :(
LjLazeem: do you believe i could/should file a wishlist (and if so, file it to what) for an easier way to distinguish open-source from binary-only packages in Multiverse?02:50
azeemLjL: not sure, Debian has that destinction (contrib vs. non-free), but Ubuntu puts both into multiverse02:50
LjLazeem: yes, and i don't believe i'm even going to try changing that... however, even leaving it all in multiverse, at least "apt-cache show" could give a clue (perhaps a "This package is provided in binary-only form" in the description, say)02:51
azeemLjL: that looks like a gratuituos diverge from Debian, which leads to more sycn/merge work02:52
azeemit should be rather encoded in the other meta-data I'd say02:52
LjLazeem: perhaps, i don't know what would make more sense technically.02:53
cypher1_LjL, azeem thanks..let me do more searching02:53
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LjLazeem: but then again i don't think (well, at least i don't hope) there are too many packages that would be concerned02:54
cypher1_azeem, i was looking at wxvlc package in edgy..although it is mentioned as dummy transitional package, it has 7 files in it , http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=wxvlc&version=edgy&arch=all02:55
LjLazeem: what about adding a "Conflicts: FreeSoftwareFoundation"?  (just facetious ;)02:55
azeemcypher1_: doesn't look very right02:56
lupine_85Conflicts: RMS would be better :p02:56
LjLlupine_85: yes, i was almost going to say that, but i didn't want to sound like an outright troll :P02:56
cypher1_azeem, do you mean that is a bug in edgy ?02:56
lupine_85RMS is cool, but... RMS-y02:57
azeemcypher1_: not sure, more investigation (are those real binaries, or just wrapper scripts etc.) would be needed02:57
=== cypher1_ saw RMS couple of months back in a conference :)
LjLcypher1, azeem_:02:58
LjLljl@ljlbox:~$ dpkg -L wxvlc02:58
LjLseems quite empty to me02:58
azeemthen packages.u.c file list data is out of date02:59
LjLi don't know, but to my mind this sounds more like a bug in the packages.ubuntu.com site than anything else03:00
StevenKpackages.u.c isn't under the control of Ubuntu.03:00
cypher1_LjL, i see more problem if wxvlc is empty since i cannot find /usr/bin/wxvlc in any other packages at all03:01
StevenKPersonally, I look at the build logs on launchpad.03:01
LjL!search wxvlc03:01
LjLuhm... well, i *have* wxvlc03:01
cypher1_i was triaging bug 66221 - no wxwidget interface03:02
UbugtuMalone bug 66221 in vlc "no wxwidget interface" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6622103:02
LjLit's in the "vlc" package, no matter what the rest of the guys say03:02
LjL(by "guys" i mean package.ubuntu.com and ubotu)03:02
LjL(though the syntax for ubotu was probably !find, i can never remember)03:02
cypher1_argh.. so packages.ubuntu.com is very misleading03:02
LjLwell, for that matter "apt-file search wxvlc" also lists the wxvlc package03:03
cypher1_LjL, i am on dapper :(03:03
LjLbut i can definitely tell you that, in my edgy, wxvlc doesn't contain any files, while vlc does contain /usr/bin/wxvlc03:03
cypher1_ok great thanks LjL03:03
LjLhmm, not sure it really makes any difference... wxvlc was transitional in dapper as well IIRC03:03
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cypher1_LjL, no i can see more than 10 files in my dapper03:04
cypher1_more than 10 files in "dpkg -L wxvlc" in dapper03:05
LjLcypher1_: i see. well then i guess the index simply wasn't updated for edgy, and those files are still listed03:05
LjLwhether that should be filed as a bug, i don't know03:06
cypher1_that is pretty bad.. especially when ppl try to use it.. like in my case of triaginh03:06
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sivangre all03:12
sivangdoes anyone know if slomo came back already ?03:12
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gnomefreaksivang: i havent seen him03:43
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Adri2000anyone knows why xdtv isn't in universe?04:18
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pirastAdri2000, as far as I can see it isn't in Debian, that means that it has to be pakaged by someone or that it has to be synced from a repository which has it..05:58
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hash_Hi, just wondering if Edgy is frozen even for small bug fixes?06:04
LathiatIt is but you can get approvals from motu-uvf where appropriate06:05
giskardwhat is the fix (no, i'm not a motu-uvf :/ )06:06
hash_Thanks. It's a trivial fix, here's the patch: http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewcvs/*checkout*/sinhala/patches/firefox_1.99%2B2.0rc2%2Bdfsg-0ubuntu2-sinhala1.patch?root=sinhala06:06
hash_What should I do next to see if it can be included in Edgy?06:07
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tortoise_hash_: ask in #ubuntu-devel06:13
tortoise_hash_: and file a bug against firefox at launchpad.net saying what it fixes and attach the patch06:14
hash_thanks again, cya06:25
pirasthow are the .install s in the debian directory being called?06:25
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pirastajmitch, did you get gnomesword to compile?06:27
crimsunkeescook: thanks for the john fix; been gone all weekend06:27
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pirastplease please help me... what tells dpkg that it should copy the content of .install?06:44
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pirastivoks, thanks :-)06:48
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=== pirast hugs ivoks :-)
pirastthanks, it helped :-)06:54
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herz1hey dudes07:27
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highvoltagehi. how can I make a request for software to be packaged? (assuming I can :) )07:47
crimsunhighvoltage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New07:49
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highvoltagecrimsun: thanks07:51
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highvoltagecrimsun: what happens when a package in universe is completely unmaintained and becomes obsolete, is it ever removed, or does the old version just get carried along forever?08:11
highvoltagefor example, there's a drupal package for version 4.5.8-1, which is so old and insecure that no one should use (or would want to) it.08:12
ivokshighvoltage: packages in universe have their maintainers in debian, not ubuntu08:13
ivokslots of packages in universe (and in main even) aren't touched by ubuntu devs08:13
ivoksi.e. it becomes obsolete when debian drops it or when the package is stoping some transition08:14
highvoltageivoks: wouldn't it be better for the overall quality of Ubuntu if packages like the above are dropped from universe?08:14
ivokswell, no08:14
ivoksif there is one user that would use it, that package fullfiled it's goal08:14
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ivoksit doesn't get installed by default08:15
highvoltagequite honestly, I don't think there is one user that would want to use it.08:15
highvoltageno one should really be using such an old version of drupal.08:16
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crimsunhighvoltage: the best we can hope for at this stage is to sync 4.5.8-5 from sid08:20
crimsunthere doesn't seem to be a newer Debian package08:20
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sivangslomo !08:50
slomohi sivang :)08:50
crimsunnice vacation?08:50
sivangat last his back...08:50
sivangslomo: yeah, how was it? :)08:50
slomoyes, was wonderful :) i'm completely relaxed now to start university tomorrow again ;)08:51
sivanggood to hear that08:51
slomodid anything interesting happen in the last days?08:51
sivangnot that I know off08:52
sivangsome specs planning for UDS08:52
sivangI'fe mass filed UNMETDEPS bugs08:52
sivangand folks have been working o nthem to make universe more installable08:52
slomosounds good :)08:52
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crimsunsivang: just ping the UVFe team after you upload fixes09:00
pirastsivang, btw. your script has a little bug :-) it wrongly detected gcc-4.1 because it has amd64 only binary packages :-)09:00
sivangpirast: yeah, thanks, I saw your post about this :)09:01
sivangpirast: I need to think a way to make it ignore different arches to that where the script has been executed09:02
sivangcrimsun: ping ajmitch / dholbach before the upload09:03
pirastis anyone interested in cheking and uploading two patches to the archive :-)09:04
crimsunsivang: the former prefers you don't block on their approval prior to upload09:05
pirastsivang, yeah, also there are certainly some packages which do not install in other archs than i386..09:05
ajmitchsivang: yes?09:05
=== chillywilly [n=danielb@CPE-24-209-125-235.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ctrlsoftajmitch: any idea when bzr-svn will appear in the archive? It's been listed as "done" for quite some time now09:07
ajmitchctrlsoft: probably held up in binary NEW09:08
=== ajmitch checks
sivangajmitch: sorry, didn't mean to bug, just mentioned your nick in reference to UVF team09:08
zulhey ajmitch09:08
ajmitchctrlsoft: sources are in, at least :)09:08
ajmitchhello zul09:08
ctrlsoftajmitch: ah, cool - thanks!09:09
ajmitchctrlsoft: FTBFS09:09
ajmitchwhich is strange, since I built it a few times before upload09:09
pirastajmitch, hi09:09
ajmitchSetting up subversion (1.3.2-3ubuntu2) ...09:10
ajmitchdpkg: ../../src/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.09:10
ajmitchE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly09:10
ajmitchsome breakage beyond my control09:10
ajmitchhello pirast09:10
=== ctrlsoft wonders what could've caused that
ajmitchseems like everyone wants to ping me & hunt me down today09:11
pirastlol :-)09:11
zulslomo: ping09:11
ctrlsoftajmitch: sorry :-) If there's anything I can do to help fix it, please let me know.09:12
slomozul: pong09:12
zulslomo: can i get an uvf exception for xen-3.0.3-rc5?09:12
ctrlsoftajmitch: are these build logs available publicly somewhre?09:12
ajmitchctrlsoft: quite public09:13
ajmitchon the left09:13
slomozul: better ask ajmitch now... i have to catch up with all mails, etc that i got in the last days ;)09:13
ctrlsoftah, thanks09:13
zulajmitch: feh..:)09:13
ajmitchslomo: just a UVF exception for xen, I already gave an ok :)09:13
pirastajmitch, did you get any further with gnomesword?09:14
ajmitchpirast: I was working on other things as well09:14
ajmitch& taking a short break09:14
pirastajmitch, it is ok, i didnt want to bug you :-)09:15
ajmitchsure you didn't.. :P09:16
zulso can i upload?09:16
zulheh bugging ajmitch is fun09:16
pirastzul, lol :-D09:17
ajmitchdepends if the package works09:17
zulassuming that you tested your udev stuff09:17
ajmitchmore or less :)09:18
chillywillyweeee, cable is back on09:20
chillywillyyay, internet09:20
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sivangnight pirast09:46
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poningruhi quick question is revu dead right now?10:35
mr_pouityes, didn't survive a dist-upgrade to dapper10:36
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poningruas in it was moved somewhere else? or the box itself didnt survive the dist-upgrade?10:39
mr_pouitit seems it was a kernel problem (didn't reboot)10:40
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Toadstoolhey everybody10:44
jlduggerHey, Dr. Nick!10:44
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cbx33hey peeps11:42
cbx33is there anyway to remove all pacakges fro ma certain repo?11:42
cbx33I added a repo to try beryl, but I want to remove those packages now11:42
cbx33how canI find out which ones were installed from alternatvie repos11:43
cbx33things lithe the beta nvidia driver....I want to replace with the version in the ubuntu repos11:44
shawarmaapt-show-versions used to be able to do the trick.11:44
cbx33but that doesn't seem to exist anymore11:47
cbx33maybe it does11:48
cbx33shawarma, how? . it just seems to show current versions11:49
cbx33not where they came from :(11:49
ajmitchor you could try for apt-pinning11:50
cbx33ajmitch, got any further info?11:50
cbx33I've heard of pinning11:50
cbx33do you mean make my edgy repos more important that the custom onse11:51
cbx33so that they overwrite the pacakges?11:51
cbx33thanx ajmitch11:52
ajmitchdowngrading may hurt though11:54
ajmitchdepending on how broken their packages are11:54
cbx33if I had these11:55
cbx33deb http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy lrm11:55
cbx33deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ edgy main-edgy11:55
cbx33according to this page http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html11:55
cbx33I would use edgy as the identifying name11:55
cbx33but edgy appears in all repos?11:55
cbx33I'm confused11:55
=== ajmitch can't recall all the details
ajmitchthere is a way11:55
ajmitchyou can use the origin or release tags in the release files11:56
ajmitchman apt_preferences11:57
ajmitchfor the details11:57
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pygiI need someone willing to do some serious help to me :)12:01
cbx33ok ajmitch last question12:01
cbx33  Installed: 1.0.9625+
cbx33  Candidate: 1.0.9625+
cbx33  Version table:12:01
cbx33 *** 1.0.9625+ 012:01
cbx33        500 http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy/lrm Packages12:02
cbx33        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status12:02
cbx33     1.0.8774+ 012:02
cbx33       1000 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/restricted Packages12:02
cbx33how do I downgrade to my preferred package?12:02
ajmitchyou can downgrade by version12:02
Toadstoolpygi: just ask ;)12:02
ajmitchapt-get --reinstall install nvidia-glx=1.0.8774+
Toadstoolhey ajmitch12:02
cbx33thanks ajmitch12:02
ajmitchsalut Toadstool12:02
pygiToadstool: I have a patch for GB that really MUST get in before release because GB is broken without it12:02
pygiI doubt we want to ship completely broken gnomebaker ;)12:03
Toadstoolpygi: is this patch attached to a bug on LP?12:04
pygiToadstool: yup12:04
pygiI reviewed the patch, all fine12:04
Toadstoolbug number?12:04
=== Toadstool lazy
pygibug 6308512:04
Toadstoolbug 6380512:04
UbugtuMalone bug 63085 in initramfs-tools "Amd64/i386 initrd do not contain jmicron.ko module" [High,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6308512:05
UbugtuMalone bug 63805 in gnomebaker "Gnomebaker 0.6 not recognizes my CD-RW" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6380512:05
pygiwth, two different bugs under same number !12:05
Toadstoolyou made a typo :p12:05
pygio right :P12:05
Toadstoolhmm upstream patch?12:06
pygithe patch is in upstream's cvs12:06
pygi(commited there I mean) :P12:06
pygibut Luke tends to have long release cycles, so .... :)12:07
Toadstoolajmitch: I suppose I have to ask someone to accept the upload at this point of the release cycle, right?12:07
pygiToadstool: Kamion will accept it12:08
Toadstoolok, great!12:08
pygiToadstool: thanks for the help btw. :)12:08
Toadstoolno problem12:09

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