
ladydoorit talked about what to do if there i had that...12:01
XiXaQsureshot, google for Bash Manual Documentation Howto Commands12:01
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sureshotthank XiXaQ that is a hard name to type LOL12:01
stefgladydoor: might be a warning message if mdadm is reinstalled... but i don't think a dist-upgrade will break your raid arrays12:02
Crippy-Boysureshot, Use tab completion, Most clients support it, Just type the first part of the name and press tab12:02
anon32if I build a new version of firefox from source, do I have to deinstall the included one?12:02
Tamed_Ganyone know how to play files from mounted volumes?12:02
ladydoorwell...nevermind. it looks like i need to do a fresh install anyway, as there's a ton of stuff that won't install even with apt-get -f install (as suggested on the Community Doc pages)12:02
sureshotok Crippy-boy i will work on that in just a little while that will also help me not mispell so much heheheheheheheh12:03
Alakazamz0rhave you tried using the build-dep option12:03
XiXaQsureshot, You should include Linux also. Most distros use the same shell. In this case, bash12:03
ladydoorAlakazamz0r: i'll try it12:03
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Alakazamz0rapt-get build-dep whateveryouretryingtoinstall12:03
sureshotXiXaQ is that the default in unbuntu12:03
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ladydoorAlakazamz0r: i'm not trying to install anything. i'm trying to dist-upgrade.12:03
Alakazamz0rto edgy?12:04
ladydoorAlakazamz0r: yup12:04
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FifaFrazerWhat is the default superuser password for Ubuntu live cd ?12:04
Xenguysureshot: bash is the default linux shell12:04
Alakazamz0ri just did that... i had a lot of dependency problems.12:04
Alakazamz0rpaste the outpoot into a paste bin for me.12:04
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sureshotthanks FifaFrazer thanks very much12:04
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stefgFifaFrazer: just 'sudo' or 'su', no passwd12:05
bur[n] erFifaFrazer: there isn't one... sudo12:05
zorba64FifaFrazer, type su -s into terminal12:05
Assidi just installed ubuntu for the first time..12:05
wastrelXenguy:  no password iirc12:05
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Assidwhats the default route password?12:05
rvalles# sensors-detect12:05
rvallesNo i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them.12:05
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bur[n] erroute password?  or root?12:05
Xenguywastrel: wrong person?12:05
Assidhrmm.. no password doesnt seem to work for me12:05
wastreler, FifaFrazer no password iirc12:05
bur[n] er!sudo12:05
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:05
Assiderr.. root12:05
wastrelXenguy:  yeah :] 12:05
rvalleswhere does ubuntu hide this mkdev.sh?12:05
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Alakazamz0rladydoor, have you tried "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"12:05
bur[n] erthere isn't a password is correct... it's not "blank" it just doesn't exist... you use sudo12:06
wastrelAssid:  use sudo12:06
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atlefAssid : use your user password12:06
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wastrelFifaFrazer:  use sudo12:06
bur[n] erif you want a root passwd, you can make one via sudo ;)12:06
Seeking1whats the latest offical version of root kit hunter?  one 1 webpage it says 1.2.8 and another 1.2.9. Any ideas?12:06
stefgrvalles: in udev :O12:06
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FifaFrazerWhen i use sudo it asks for a password?12:06
ompaulzorba64, it is disabled12:06
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:06
wastrelFifaFrazer: what's asking for the password?12:06
FifaFrazerWhen i type sudo12:07
ompaulthe sudo password is the users own password12:07
FifaFrazerit asks for a password12:07
wastreljust leave it blank.12:07
ladydoorAlakazamz0r: yes. i'm currently on the apt-get -f install and then sudo dpkg --configure -a to make sure everything's alright step.12:07
FifaFrazerin the terminal12:07
wastrelompaul:  this is on the install cd12:07
Alakazamz0rladydoor, yes... thats a step in the right direction.12:07
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Assidpasswd: You may not view or modify password information for root.12:07
ladydoorAlakazamz0r: as laid out here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades12:07
Alakazamz0ri had to dance between both those commands to get it to upgrade12:07
ladydoorAlakazamz0r: i've never had a successful dist-upgrade yet12:07
Alakazamz0ri have...12:08
Alakazamz0rit works... you just have to do some finagling.12:08
okdoes anybody know an html php editor like macromedia dreamweaver on linux?12:08
ompaulladydoor, a base install gets a dist-upgrade - when you put in all sorts of stuff - it can bring on "unusal behaviour"12:08
ladydooryeah...so go back and forth between install -f and dist-upgrade?12:08
johnny__if someone got a minute can they help me for a sec when get a chance12:08
Assidsalrite i got it :D12:08
atlefAssid when you installed ubuntu you set a password, this is the password12:08
FifaFrazerok, quanta+12:08
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rvallesstefg: yup, there's gonna be a way to run sensors-detect!12:09
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okthanks FifaFrazer12:09
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ompaulok, I don't know macromedia anything but I know bluefish and a few other tools12:09
ladydoorach...well, thanks for the help, everybody. i've got to go for the moment12:09
kitchemacromedia doesn't exist anymore12:09
=== ompaul install emacs21 on a few computers
ladydoorreal life calls12:09
okompaul what are the few other tools?12:09
Alakazamz0rapt-get -f install and then sudo dpkg --configure -a12:09
Crippy-BoyThey were bought out by adobe, but dreamweaver and flash still uses the macromedia name12:09
Alakazamz0rbut okay... it DOES work.12:10
johnny__what would be the start up cmd for firestarter... to have it start up when ubuntu starts up?12:10
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peter77Hi, I'm running ubuntu edgy and I have power saving enabled, when I run my laptop off the battery though it doesn't dim the display12:10
ompaulok, emacs, for one, and a few other editors, but if you want a gui I suggest bluefish12:10
Alakazamz0rwhy does everyone want Edgy.12:10
kitchejohnny__: you don't need firestarter to start it's just a frontend to iptables12:10
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule12:10
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Assidhrmm, should i dump the cdrom to the hard drive.. so i can mount and use it whenever i need, i gotta get rid of the rom from here12:11
okok thanks I've already tried bluefish but thanks in all cases ompaul12:11
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jokoonHello (HAHA ME AGAIN !)12:11
peter77drake didn't show battery level at all12:11
peter77edgy does12:11
johnny__kitche well when i log in ubuntu i have to manullay run firestarter12:11
freakabcderr.. i'm too sleepy. someone tell me which file is dmesg showing?12:11
freakabcdits certainly not /var/log/messages12:11
johnny__i cannot add it to startup programs under sessions12:11
freakabcdcos the content is different12:11
kitchejohnny_: yes but the firewall still runs since the firewall is not firestarter12:12
okFifaFrazer, I found quanta no quanta+12:12
jokoonHow install last drivers for my graphic card ? desktop interface seems not that smooth and refresh rate is still at 60Hz ?12:12
johnny__kitche that is the firewall i am running is firestarter12:12
jokoonsudo apt-get [insert something here] 12:13
ompauljokoon, maybe you could tell the nice people what video card you have12:13
wastrelfreakabcd:  man dmesg.    seems to be /var/log/kern.log12:13
wastrel:] 12:13
ompaul!nvidia > jokoon12:13
kitchejohnny_-: it's not a firewall firestarter is just a frontend to iptables12:13
leakd n812:13
ompauljokoon, read the message from the bot and follow those instructions, ready them in full first - just in case of any gotchas12:13
jokoonI thought it was more simple this time :-(12:14
johnny__kitche the icon on my task bar on top when i hover mouse over it, it says firewall running12:14
jokoondoes not nvidia release linux driver ?12:14
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ompauljokoon, if there is a Ubuntu method perhaps it would be better to go with it?12:15
jokoonok thanks a laaaat :)12:15
kitchejohnny_: yes firestarter will tell you when iptables is running since iptables part of the kernel is the firewall12:15
Alakazamz0ruse ipkungfu12:15
Alakazamz0ri like it better12:15
johnny__kitche so what is the point of firestarter?12:16
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kitchejohnyy_: it makes it easier to setup iptables12:16
johnny__kitch so even if i do not run firestarter i am still firewalled?12:16
ompauljohnny__, to give a simple config to iptables - point and click and guess what - most of use don't use firewalls cos our o/s is not like some others - it is not open from the off12:17
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kitchejohnny_: yes you are still firewalled12:17
ompauljohnny__,  we don't have to install one cos we don't have open front doors all over the place12:17
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johnny__ubuntu rules12:18
ompauljohnny__, no, it rocks :)12:18
BiSk-8hello, can any1 help me work vmware? i have no clue how to work it12:18
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dockohid3, how can i search in installed packages in terminal?12:18
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Seeking1ompaul: whats the latest offical version of root kit hunter?  one 1 webpage it says 1.2.8 and another 1.2.9. Any ideas?12:19
Brydenn33does anyone know how to fix an application/octet-stream error?12:19
Brydenn33i keep getting a box comming up that says that12:19
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ompaulSeeking1, you really want false positives that much?12:19
FibbsI want to install the complete sources of the actual ubuntu kernel with all patches included, which package do i have to install?12:19
am4ndacan anyone tell me how to get symbol font to work in firefox?12:19
ompaulSeeking1, which one are you referring to?12:19
kitcheBrydenn33: what program are you trying to use12:19
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stefg!info linu-source12:20
Brydenn33kitche, it first started when i tried to uninstall GtkDC12:20
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ubotuPackage linu-source does not exist in any distro I know12:20
stefg!info linux-source12:20
ubotulinux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB12:20
Brydenn33and now the box comes up everytime i try to search for a file or folder12:20
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ompaulSeeking1, ?12:21
Seeking1ompaul: false positives?12:21
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Seeking1ompaul:  what do you use then to check your system?12:21
johnny__ok one other thing if i can get a hand is that i installed a nvidia driver from the terminal how the ubuntu guide says.. how could i configure the nvidia settings or not?12:22
acke__hey i have a deb file. how do i install. when i do apt-get install pathtofile. i get package not found12:22
Seeking1ompaul: how can I check my system to make sure it contains nothing nasty?12:22
ompaulSeeking1, I don't bother12:22
Seeking1ompaul: why not?12:22
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jribubotu: tell acke__ about deb12:22
stefgSeeking1: brain, fingers, knowledge and a dosis of anti-paranoia :-)12:22
Seeking1ompaul: do virus and root kit hunters exist in Linux? of so, how can you not want to check?12:22
XenguySeeking1: rkhunter is one check for rootkits12:22
acke__jrib, thanks but it says dependency is nto satisfiable. libc6 but i have that alrady12:23
ompaulSeeking1, a virus ..... ehh no we don't have those -- root kits only happen if you allow untrusted software to run12:23
XenguySeeking1: also 'chkrootkit'12:23
Centaur5I just did a fresh install of Dapper on an Averatec laptop and it hangs on Saving VESA state when trying to boot. What would cause that?12:23
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rvalles# sensors-detect -> No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them. -> where is that?12:23
cschneidwoo, got dual monitors going, now have 2x19inch LCDs :)12:23
ompaulinfo chkrootkit12:24
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ompaul!info chkrootkit12:24
ubotuchkrootkit: Checks for signs of rootkits on the local system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.46a-2 (dapper), package size 241 kB, installed size 688 kB12:24
ompaulSeeking1, it is known for false positives12:24
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Fibbsstefg: this is a few k of size package....12:24
ompaulSeeking1, we are not running the software that you have to reinstall every couple of weeks in a commerical environment12:24
XenguySeeking1: you can run both of those daily using a cronjob12:24
THX-1138_cschneid: Congrats! me too. - nice isn't it. (watching a mvie ith my wife now. 2001 a space odysesy)12:24
Fibbsstefg: the actual version i have is, the linux-source packet is
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HostileIm trying to add a printer using the cups web interface, and its asking me the username and password...I tried it with both my username and pass and root and the rootpass...it doesn't work12:25
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Xenguyompaul: the false positives are quite easy to detect and ignore12:25
THX-1138_cschneid: hat is the magic incantation to enable passing an app from one monitor to the other one?12:25
johnny__hostil using a network printer?12:26
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stefgFibbs: complaints go to the kernel-maintainers, if they did not manage to update the repo in time...12:26
ompaulXenguy, and so is that software - if you are new it is the least of your worries - and you will not see it so easy better to learn how to deal with the O/S12:26
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freebseHostile: should not happen unless you use a printer via lan, maybe winDOS network12:26
johnny__i just installed a network printer not even 45 minutes ago12:26
Xenguyompaul: I disagree - learning to secure your box is useful information for everyone12:26
Fibbsstefg: ok thanks12:26
Hostilejohnny__, yeah its network12:26
Hostilefreebse, Im trying to add a samba printer12:27
Assidhey does the synaptic package manager take care of the updates as well ?12:27
johnny__hostil is the printer server running through another pc or a printer server?12:27
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Hostilejohnny__, its running through my linux server12:27
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am4nda Does anyone know how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox? ive tried searching the web and none of the fixes there worked. ive got Standard Symbols L installed12:27
Seeking1ompaul: rkhunter has never given me even a found report of anything12:27
ompaulXenguy, the default Ubuntu install is a useful starting point. How often do you see "groups of linux boxes" as zombie bot nets?  (if you want to continue this we go to -offotpic)12:27
freebseHostile: then you need an account for the windows share12:28
johnny__hostile maybe try using your linux server password12:28
cschneidTHX-1138, I did it via twin view, as far as X is concerned, I have a single, very wide monitor, since the nvidia driver fakes that, so nothing fancy for switching back and forth, just drag12:28
freebseHostile: on the computer you are trying to add the printer from12:28
Hostilefreebse, I have an account for the windows share12:28
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HexDumphi all12:28
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Xenguyompaul: I don't think it is useful to continue really - someone asked for recommendations of a rootkit tool, and I responded.  That's pretty much end of story :-)12:28
THX-1138_cschneid: "xinerama" is on?12:29
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freebseHostile: then it should work with this, ok no sollution, but this is the only thing I can say12:29
cschneidTHX-1138, no12:29
willys_fueguinoAlakazamz0r: Is that the problem?? that I dont have any drivers??12:29
Alakazamz0ror no drivers.12:29
HostileI could try adding it over ipp instead of smb, what would the ipp URL  be? ipp://ip.of.my.server/whathere?12:30
Alakazamz0rim about to check.12:30
THX-1138_cschneid: Interesting i entered a different incantation and have a cursor ith 2 screen priviledges - but no apps12:30
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madprexhi everybody12:31
HexDumplo madprex12:31
johnny__whatthere=printername maybe12:31
Assidhey does snaptic package manager update old packages too ?12:31
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HexDumpif I need to have a path set everytime I boot up, what file should I edit?12:31
Alakazamz0rAssid, no.. it removes them.12:31
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Alakazamz0rHexDump, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=274101&highlight=set+path12:31
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: : thanks a lot mate12:32
Alakazamz0ryou need to edit .bash_profile12:32
THX-1138_cschneid: last pestering question - (you believe that right?) - One display per adapter or one adapter and two displays?12:32
Alakazamz0rno problem HexDump12:32
joeblowwhere are the very latedt source for ubnutu  archives12:32
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madprexineed help to setup my new ubuntu machine! (p.s.) im new of ubuntu12:32
johnny__hostile try the option called (LPD)12:33
madprexsomeone knows hot build blender in 64 bit mode?12:33
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: there are a lot of files for configuration, it is a little mess for newbies.12:33
ompaulmadprex, can you be more precise about what do you want to do?12:33
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joeblowi'm trying to get wm9 codecs12:33
CharonXDoes anyone know how I can get the lirc_atiusb modules loaded in ubuntu ?12:33
joeblowand body know how to12:33
cschneidTHX-1138, one video card, 2 heads on the card, one is VGA, other is DVI12:33
ompaul!w32codecs > joeblow12:34
madprexi've found a prebild pakage bu iit is very slow12:34
eztkhow do I get everyone full permissions to the DVD drive? vmware cant see the drive12:34
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FifaFrazerI've mounted an ntfs partition in ubuntu live cd, but when I access it, it gives the following error: The folder contents could not be displayed - You do not have the permission necessary to view the contents of "disks-conf-hda5"   ... What is wrong??12:34
Alakazamz0rHexDump, "nano ~/.bash_profile"12:34
madprexid' like to build it by myself but i dont know how12:34
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THX-1138_cschneid: sounds great :)    (two adapters two displays) i need to enable xinerama then. mystery solved12:34
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: hehe, I just did that, I only wanted to exprress my frustation :).12:35
HitchFifaFrazer, u should be root to access ntfs12:35
Alakazamz0roh lol... hehe yeah12:35
ompaul!compile > madprex12:35
ompaulmadprex, read the info the bot ubotu sent to you in a message12:35
eztkok ill mount the iso file directly in vmware then!12:36
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: by the way, how the hell do you get the "tilde" in console, old alt-192 does not work for me12:36
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am4nda Does anyone know how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox? ive tried searching the web and none of the fixes there worked. ive got Standard Symbols L installed12:36
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eztkpermissions for cd drives seem to be causing problems in ubuntu12:36
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ompauleztk, I have four boxes here with cds/dvds and they don't seem to have problems12:37
FifaFrazerthank you Hitch12:37
Seeker1ompaul:  gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/lisa/.gnupg/gpg.conf'!  How can I fix this?12:37
Alakazamz0rHexDump, when was the last time you were on a Unix based box?12:37
eztkompaul: brw-rw-rw- 1 root mr-admin 22, 0 2006-10-14 20:35 hdc12:37
Seeker1ompaul: any ideas my dear friend? :)12:37
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Hitchu helped me for the quanta+ FifaFrazer :-P12:37
eztkompaul: i've never had these problems before either12:37
eztkompaul: can't even boot the vista cd within vmware12:38
eztknever mind12:38
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HexDumpAlakazamz0r: I can tell you I was using Mosaic, so, like 8-10 years ago :D.12:38
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Seeker1eztk: ok we wont mind12:39
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Alakazamz0rlol HexDump yeah, i'd say that was a minute... do you like what you see w/Ubuntu?12:39
eztkseeker1: lol12:39
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eztkseeker1: ill try and download another .iso.. a different version maybe12:39
Seeker1eztk: ;)12:39
eztkseeker1: just find it bizarre I cant boot this iso12:39
TamplerWhich option i have to use to show widget where to save the files?12:40
ompauleztk, the device /dev/hdc is usually a sym link to /media/cdrom0 and that hsould be owned by root12:40
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Seeker1thats what you get for using warez12:40
Seeker1eztk: you thief :P12:40
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: yes, it is nice, I just installed vmware+winxp, to let me use my best win program, guitar pro :D12:40
eztkseeker1: its not warez12:40
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Seeker1if u say so :)12:40
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eztkseeker1: the iso was downloaded from the m$ site, vmware server is free - got the key off vmware - seriously12:40
ompaulSeeker1, how did you manage to install it gpg that is - cos ehh I have not seen that error12:40
th_stefg, hey ;)12:40
eztkseeker1: you can download the beta versions of vista from m$12:40
th_thanks for the help earlier12:40
Alakazamz0rcool HexDump12:41
th_now i just wish Ubuntu supported nvraid ;)12:41
Seeker1ompaul: i installed it through sudo apt-get12:41
Seeker1ompaul: anything to be concerned about?12:41
Seeker1eztk: ah ok12:41
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: : the only thing I don like is seeing how kde is eating all my mem :(, gnome isn my better, perhaps I should move to xfe12:41
eztklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2006-10-14 20:35 dvd -> hdc12:42
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Alakazamz0rHexDump, thats normal on a linux system... its probably caching it.12:42
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th_I know in Gentoo it is possible to boot with "dodmraid" or somethin, and it will detect Nvraid disks, is something similar possible with ubuntu?12:42
eztklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2006-10-14 20:35 dvdrw -> hdc12:42
thelsdjwhats the command to reconfigure X?12:42
am4nda Does anyone know how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox? ive tried searching the web and none of the fixes there worked. ive got Standard Symbols L installed12:42
ompaulSeeker1, do an ls -al on that file it should be -rw----------12:42
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: I have seen xfe eating around 200MB not 500 like kde/gnome12:42
eztklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2006-10-14 20:35 cdrom -> hdc12:42
Alakazamz0roh yeah, it'll eat it up.12:42
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ompauleztk, that is correct12:42
Alakazamz0rHexDump, what else are you using the memory on now though... may as well let it eat it.12:43
stefgunused RAM is good for nothing, except being used as cache or buffers... until some app comes along asking for mem12:43
eztkompaul: thanks12:43
ompauleztk, and have a look at /media/cdrom012:43
Seeker1ompaul: let me check12:43
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eztkompaul: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2006-09-10 15:41 cdrom012:44
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: just for psp development12:44
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th_stefg, try a system with 0 cache and buffers and you will no longer say that it "is good for nothing except" ... ;)12:44
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Seeker1ompaul: -rw-------  1 lisa lisa 8084 2006-07-27 13:49 gpg.conf12:44
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HexDumpAlakazamz0r: I mean, a little ide12:44
Seeker1ompaul: it loooks ok?12:44
ompaulSeeker1, it does12:44
Seeker1ompaul: so rkithunter reports a false warning?12:44
jellyHi, can ubuntu be debootstraped?12:45
Seeker1jelly: hehe12:45
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ompaulSeeker1, so what did I say about false reports12:45
Alakazamz0ryeah HexDump you're a PSP developer?12:45
Seeker1ompaul: yeah :)12:45
Seeker1ompaul: but its the only report I have12:45
lupine_85jelly: yep12:45
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lupine_85that's how the installer works12:45
lupine_85(well, partly)12:45
lupine_85if you bootstrap it, then install ubuntu-desktop, and do grub, you "might" have a semi-working system12:46
jellylupine_85: I'm not sure my CDs are going to work in this old machine, but it already has debian installed.12:46
clearzneSo I've been thinking of encrypting all traffic coming in and out of my network using gpg. However I don't know enough about gpg to do this yet. Could anyone give suggestions on the best way to approach this?12:46
lupine_85mmm, use the alternative install CD?12:46
th_lupine_85, also gotta thank you for your help earlier, I forgot who it was who helped me before stefg .. :) but it was u, and it was just my mb bios that needed updating12:46
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lupine_85that'd work on anything12:46
lupine_85np :)12:46
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jellylupine_85: it mightn't work on a cdrom drive that's really picky with the media.12:47
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: well, just a bit. I have now little time for developing :/. http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web/exkq/pspectrum/index.html12:47
mkquistnetwork problem, cant access network or internet after updates.  Newly reinstalled ubuntu..  any help?12:47
ompaulclearzne, forget it and use ssh12:47
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lupine_85true enough, I guess12:47
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ompaulclearzne, use gpg for email only12:47
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clearzneisn't gpg more secure??12:47
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lupine_85you can also install from hard disc, or pretty much anything you want to12:47
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Alakazamz0rcool HexDump12:48
lupine_85might as well give the debootstrap a go, though - I'm just not sure how much extra configuration the installer does12:48
lupine_85certainly, locales etc.12:48
ompaulclearzne, maybe the industry standard of ssh is useful?12:48
am4nda Does anyone know how to get symbol fonts to work in firefox? ive tried searching the web and none of the fixes there worked. ive got Standard Symbols L installed12:49
th_lupine_85, so.. who to ask for help to fix ubuntu so it will install onto a nvraid RAID drive without any hacks? ;) i would  like to help make it that way12:49
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: well, it is good to spend some time playing this nifty jewels ;)12:49
th_I did write the RAID driver for Medley bios raid for 2.4 kernels.. see http://www.infowares.com/linux/12:49
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HexDumpAlakazamz0r: where are you from? europe?12:50
Alakazamz0rNo, im from Houston TX USA12:50
ompaulam4nda, maybe people don't have the info you need to help you, perhaps a mail to the ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com would help12:50
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HexDumpAlakazamz0r: oh!, so, Atari & CBM is the thing for you :)12:50
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JustAPanda_1934Hello, all! I'm looking for help re: ubuntu config for mail12:50
JustAPanda_1934Is it okay to post my problem?12:50
Alakazamz0rDreamcast ;)12:51
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Alakazamz0ri like dreamcast.12:51
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am4ndaompaul: thank you12:51
lupine_85th_: #ubuntu-dev ?12:51
Crippy-BoyDreamcast kicks ass, I miss mine :(12:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:51
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tuxtuxnotte a tutti12:51
dlangeliersi still have 212:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about development - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:51
th_okie lupine_8512:51
ompaulJustAPanda_1934, as long as it is not more than two lines long if it is please use paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:51
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:51
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dlangeliersone with a transparent blue case :)12:51
ompaulth_, do introduce your previous life before you suggest what you would like to do ;-)12:52
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: well, you're young :), don you?12:52
Alakazamz0rhehe kinda.12:52
Alakazamz0r27 years12:52
JustAPanda_1934ompaul, thanks for the tip, thought i'd better ask, now i'm glad I did - my problem is described here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26813/12:52
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: ummm, whell I'm 32 :D12:53
Alakazamz0rin THAT case, yes im young.12:53
th_ompaul, ;)12:53
th_good point12:53
HexDumpAlakazamz0r: HexDump wins, flawless victory ^-^12:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offotpic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:54
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:54
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=== ompaul glares at the bot for not reading my typos
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brian|lfshello can someone please explain to me how to install Ubuntu12:55
Alakazamz0rbrb cig12:55
tritonxcan someone help me with my mail server, apache, ftp, works fine but the mail service respond only localy12:55
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:55
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HexDumpAlakazamz0r: bye man, I need some sleep12:55
DaemonikI have an ati card, an (stupid letter)X800"xt" and a kick ass 4 ghz processor. I want to get going with Xgl + Beryl right away. Will that be easy with Kubuntu or should I go and get myself an .iso of this Edgy Eft I've been hearing about?12:55
HexDumpBye all!12:56
gre3how do i setup ad-hoc between ubuntu and xp?12:56
gre3xp as host12:56
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brian|lfsI was joking lol12:56
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{ergo}Proxycan anyone help me please12:56
{ergo}Proxyi have a problem with vpn cisco, after i installed it and connected to the internet, like said in the ubuntu forum, when i try to update or download smth. my computer hangs12:56
stefgDaemonik: uhoh... you're asking for trouble and frustration.....12:56
gre3anyone kno how?12:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:57
|amicraw|how come  esay ubnut works?12:57
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JustAPanda_1934Amavisd is giving me an error about $myhostname not being a FQDN (I need t edit the config file but do not know WHERE it is located on my installation - amavis.conf does not exist as is popularly suggested)... help anyone?12:57
ubotuAIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol.12:57
LoRezWarning: `|amicraw|' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.12:57
XiXaQis it possible to disable the fading effects when you want to shut down, give admin rights, etc? It consumes alot of resources when running via vnc..12:57
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gre3how do i setup ad-hoc between ubuntu and xp?12:57
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:58
tritonxsudo dpkg-reconfigure ad-hoc12:58
Daemonikstefg, Really? How so?12:58
gre3 tritonx,?12:58
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tritonxgre:its a joke, what do you mean ad-hoc12:59
gre3computer to computer internet12:59
JustAPanda_1934Are there any official support people in here or is thi voluntary? i thought i was heading into the official tech talk support chat...?12:59
lupine_85it's all voluntary, but in an official sense12:59
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JustAPanda_1934oh, i see12:59
tritonxgre: oh with a computer acting as a router with 2 nics ? i use firstarter for that12:59
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lupine_85commercial tech support is pretty expensive01:00
{ergo}Proxyi have a problem with vpn cisco, after i installed it and connected to the internet, like said in the ubuntu forum, when i try to update or download smth. my computer hangs01:00
stefgDaemonik: this is all very beta stuff... intended for developers and masochist ^H^H^H^H^H early adopters. not everything works as expected01:00
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darnellwhats the command that gives me all info about my motherboard01:00
JavaDeveloperanyone knows where do I find libssl-dev package after I installed from apt-get? where do I find the header files?01:00
lupine_85lshw ?01:00
XiXaQgre3, plug a network cable between the computers. Give them ips. One should have two interfaces where one is connected to the internet and the other to the other computer.01:00
keltorsorianyone out there able to help a newbie get a nic up and running?01:00
{ergo}Proxycan anyone help me please01:00
lupine_85JavaDeveloper: dpkg -l (that's L) libssl-dev01:00
Daemonikstefg, You're talking to a Gentoo user. :-P01:00
gre3btw its wireless and xp has internet01:00
JavaDeveloperlupine_85: you mean -L?01:00
lupine_85erm, dpkg -L01:00
lupine_85yep :)01:00
stefgDaemonik: finished compiling Xchat, I'll assume :-)01:01
tritonxso set the xp machine as a dhcp on the wireless01:01
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jelly{ergo}Proxy: you might want to try vpnc package instead of the Cisco's proprietary software.01:01
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tritonxdhcp share01:01
XiXaQgre3, then make the windows computer a gateway. Let the ubuntu pc use the xp machine as dns and gateway.01:01
Daemonikstefg, Finished compiling it a looooong time ago, on this 900 mhz laptop.01:01
keltorsorii just did a fresh install and only configured my eth1 interface during the install01:01
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gre3how do i do that tho?01:01
keltorsorineed to get eth0 up and running now01:01
wastreledgy is better01:01
gre3i kinda dumb01:01
wastrelfor xgl i think.01:01
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tritonxuse the wizard,01:01
lupine_85for xgl it doesn't matter too much01:02
JavaDeveloperlupine_85: it shows a lot of files but they are all from man pages folder01:02
lupine_85main advantage for edgy is nvidia betas01:02
tritonxyou will have better chance checking on M$ site for that01:02
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gre3i set connection to shared have a connection but no internet ..01:02
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XiXaQgre3, in Ubuntu, select the network interface in System > Administration > Networking. Give it an IP, for instance.01:02
JavaDeveloperlupine_85: got it...but then isn't all header files are .h? is .a header file? or library?01:03
stefgDaemonik: have fun in #ubuntu-xgl and #ubuntu+1... probably edgy is the way to go if you want xgl... if you can get it going01:03
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gre3any ip work?01:03
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lupine_85.a is binary, IIRC01:03
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tritonxgre: are you sure the wireless is activated? is that same computer used to be plugged in that config under XP or is it something new you are trying ?01:04
XiXaQgre3, for the local network, you can use most. You should use the one I gave you. Let the other pcs local interface use
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lupine_85dpkg -L libssl-dev |grep include01:04
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ragnar_123hey guys!01:04
lupine_85e.g. /usr/include/openssl/crypto.h01:05
Daemonikstefg, Shouldn't be too hard as long as ati-drivers aren't a problem. I tried all three different versions of ati-drivers with both unmasked versions of xorg with Gentoo and neither of the xorgs would get along with any of them because they're effing blobs.01:05
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{ergo}Proxyjelly thanks for the reply01:05
ragnar_123how do I get quicktime ?01:05
stefgSo join #ubuntu-xgl and #ubuntu+1 and read the /topic :-)01:05
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gre3i set the ip on ubuntu it still doesnt work01:06
dabaR!restricted > ragnar_12301:06
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Seeker1anyone here is AMSN?01:07
gre3what do i do?01:07
ragnar_123dabaR: thanks ;)01:07
Seeker1anyone here using AMSN?01:07
jribubotu: tell ragnar_123 about quicktime01:07
dabaRkeltorsori: you want instructions on setting up eth001:07
jriboh way too slow01:07
stefg!info libquicktime01:07
ubotuPackage libquicktime does not exist in any distro I know01:07
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stefg!info libquicktime001:08
ubotulibquicktime0: A library for reading and writing Quicktime files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.7-0.4ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 353 kB, installed size 1076 kB01:08
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keltorsoridabaR: yep, i've got eth1 up, it's a private subnet, 192.168.0.xxx, need eth0 setup to work on my network, got a router, should assign in the 192.168.1.xxx subnet01:08
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XiXaQgre3, you have to configure xp to share its internet connection. Try pinging the xp box to see if the network itself is up.01:09
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dabaRkeltorsori: so you want to know how to set up eth0 as a dhcp interface?01:09
gre3how do i ping?01:09
JavaDeveloperlupine_85: thanks..found01:09
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XiXaQgre3, on ubuntu, open a console and type ping
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keltorsorigot it i think01:10
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XiXaQgre3, you should see something like this: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.044 ms01:10
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XiXaQgre3, the xp machine has to network interfaces, right?01:11
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shasbotwill it be easy to upgrade to the final stable release of edgy eft from the beta?01:12
XiXaQgre3, if it's going to act as a gateway, then it has to have at least two interfaces.01:12
dabaRshasbot: ya, a dist-upgrade01:12
jribshasbot: yes, just a dist-upgrade, like you should usually be doing now01:12
gre3has ethernet hard whereinternet is and usb wifi thingy01:12
shasbotsweet, thanks01:12
XiXaQgre3, and the ubuntu machine is going to connect to the xp machine using wireless?01:13
XiXaQgre3, then xps wifi should have the ip have you done that yet?01:13
XiXaQdo so.01:14
seamus7hi ... i'm doing a reinstall of my ubuntu system and was wondering, before I begin installing extra apps, what the difference is between J2SE w/Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox  and  JRE v5.0 Update 8?   ... I see that these are listed separately in the Ubuntu Dapper Guide.01:14
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gre3now what?01:14
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XiXaQgre3, now ubuntus wifi should have the ip address
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gre3it dooes01:14
XiXaQgre3, it should also use as gateway01:15
Makuranewb here. is there a way to remote control ubuntu from a windows based client?01:15
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tritonxMakura: there is plenty of vnc viewer out there01:15
XiXaQMakura, yes, there are alot of ways, and more than one is an awesome way of doing that.01:15
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tritonxMakura: activate it from system-prefs01:16
XiXaQMakura, FreeNX is really cool. You have to install a small application on the windows machine. The server and client is easily installed though.01:16
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Makurathanks for all the help i will look right now :D01:16
gre3then what?01:17
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tritonxgre: ping01:17
gre3still unreachable01:18
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XiXaQgre3, are both interfaces active?01:19
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:19
gre3it shows its connected in xo01:19
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seamus7hi ... I'm wondering if I need both Java apps for my Ubuntu listed in the Dapper guide here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#Add-On_Applications ?  or are these the same thing?  (J2SE  and JRE v.5 upd.8)01:19
demiodoes anyone know a way to make Openoffice not replace "01" with "1"??01:19
gre3do i need to set gateway on xp?01:19
XiXaQgre3, now xp is and ubuntu is
tritonxgre: connected to what ?01:19
demioim trying to make a binary table for a project but the fucker keeps replacing the stuff01:20
tritonxgre: no gateway on xp01:20
gre3so ssid i made01:20
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linuxcrazyhow do I play a vro file from my videocamera?01:20
eXistenZgre3, #openoffice01:20
linuxcrazyit's set on vro and I need a program to either unpack the video or play it01:20
tritonxI remember a nice wizard I use to share two pci network card, must do the same in your case01:20
ssdd534how would i mount a hard drive from the ubuntu live disk01:20
linuxcrazyanyone know?01:20
tritonxgre:its setup local network or something like that01:20
gre3XiXaQ, yes01:21
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks01:21
tritonxgre: and leave the ubuntu to dhcp01:21
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gre3i tried that01:21
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XiXaQlinuxcrazy, think you should try using a dvd player.01:21
gre3i dont think my internet is gettin from ethernet to usb wifi01:21
linuxcrazya dvd player does not play vro files does it?01:22
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clyrradanyone know how to rename a smbfs share that is auto mounted?  I am refering to the icon that shows on your desktop... anyone know how to do this?01:22
tritonxgre: did that configuration ever worked , with the other comp on xp or osx?01:22
XiXaQgre3, that's correct. But that doesn't matter yet. First we must let xp and ubuntu communicate. If you ping from ubuntu, you still don't get a response? and the other way around?01:22
XiXaQlinuxcrazy, I think they do.01:22
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gre3how do i ping ubuntu?01:23
gre3from xp?01:23
clyrradby its IP01:23
tuxubgre3, start, run, cmd, ping IPADDRESS01:23
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ssdd534how would i mount a hard drive from the ubuntu live disk?01:23
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seamus7What's the difference between J2SE  and JRE v.5 upd.8 ?  I just installed Ubuntu and am looking at add-ons. :)01:24
tuxubgre3, get ubuntu IP by issuing ifconfig on ubuntu command line01:24
clyrradso does anyone know the answer to my question?  I been here for hours no one seems to know.... all I wanna do is rename the shares that show on my desktop after mounting a smbfs share - do any of you know how to do this?01:24
stefg!mount > ssdd53401:24
gre3i get connection timed out on xp01:24
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tuxubwhat is the ip on both machines01:25
tuxubissue ipconfig on XP and ifconfig on ubuntu01:25
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clyrradhrm - guess not :(01:26
XiXaQlinuxcrazy, have you tried running a vro file using a dvd player yet? It's always interesting to hear how it went. :)01:26
ubutomclyrrad, have you tried right click to rename it? ;) Or how about, if renaming doesn` t work, you just delete it and recreate the shares with the desired name? maybe you just have to unmount and remount them, dunno01:26
clyrradI have tried all that.....01:26
gre3whatd i do wrong?01:27
clyrradwhen you mount a share - ubuntu auto creates an icon on your desktop01:27
clyrradand there seems to be no way to rename it01:27
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clyrradif I create a folder and mount direct to the desktop - then I have to icons that go to the same place which is pointless01:27
XiXaQgre3, do as tuxub asked you too.01:27
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clyrradso far - no one seems to know how to rename these - and i would really like to know how / if its possible to do so01:28
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:28
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NovhHi guys01:28
peder_How can I share a folder and make it readable, browseable, writeable for all users without password in samba?01:28
ubutomclyrrad,  hm, are they in your fstab?01:28
NovhI downloaded Kubuntu 6.06 desktop CD01:28
clyrradthe shares?01:28
Novhbut it wont boot01:28
clyrradi mean mounts?01:28
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:28
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clyrradthat is where I define them so they auto load and auto mount01:28
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gre3the ip i set for ubuntu is
clyrradbut I cant seem to find a parameter that lets me set their name01:28
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rojoneckwhen are they realising ubuntu 6.10?01:29
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule01:29
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gre3the wireless ip on xp is
tritonxgre:!!!! dont you see a problem ?01:29
XiXaQgre3, they can't have the same ip. XP should have and Ubuntu should have
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spencerHey everyone, Im looking for some help, I am having trouble with my keyboard on Ubuntu.01:29
ubutomclyrrad, hm, you could give them  name in fstab i think... but dunno, if its on auto its on auto i guess ;)01:29
Seeker1anyone here is AMSN?01:30
clyrradi thought there would be a lable= or a name= paramter - but i cant find one anywhere01:30
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gre3thats how it is01:30
Seeker1anyone here use AMSN?01:30
clyrradubutom - yea something like that is what I am looking for01:30
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clyrradbut i cant find it01:30
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stefgclyrrad: read the samba-doc01:30
clyrradits like it does not exist01:30
spencerMy super Key dosnt work, and my num-pad dosnt work unless i hold shift01:30
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:30
clyrradstefg - why do you think its samba related?01:30
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clyrradits only on this desktop that I can not rename the desktop icon that points to the share01:30
thomasMy computer runs REALLY slow in Ubuntu01:30
stefgclyrrad: are you using nfs to export your shares?01:31
gre3ubuntu is**01:31
clyrradjust smbfs mount01:31
Subhumanthomas, is this the live cd?01:31
stefgclyrrad: so you're using samba01:31
Subhumanokay, just checking.01:31
thomasI have it fully installed01:31
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XiXaQgre3, I'm sorry. I can help you no further. I'm not very experienced with wifi, I'm very tired, and it's been a while since I used xp.01:31
ubutomthomas, what hardware do you have?01:31
thomasI have FGLRX drives for my ATi card01:31
tuxubgre3, if you have different ips you should be able to ping between them01:31
clyrradbut on all windows boxes etc I can rename the icon that points to their shares - but on this ubuntu install I cant01:31
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thomasAMD Athlon 3500+01:32
thomasATI Radeon X850XT01:32
tuxubdo you have firewall on any of them?01:32
thomas2gb RAM01:32
tuxubis the xp firewall enabled?01:32
thomas450Gb HD01:32
ubutomhm, ok, then it shouldnt be slow lol01:32
spencerIs there anyone out there that can help me enable the Super key, and let me use the number pad?01:32
thomasThhe CPU runs half as fast in this as it does in Windows01:32
thomasAnd OpenGL runs abysmally slow, around 3 FPS01:32
clyrradstefg - I dont see anyway to set the name for the auto mounts samba makes for this install - do you know of a way to do this?01:32
XiXaQgre3, don't give up. You'll get it right eventually. There are good windows helper channels around too. Perhaps you could benefit from them. Good luck! :)01:32
stefgclyrrad: might it be that you have to accept that linux works differenet from windows ? :-) There's a sh**-load of documentation on samba, just idling around to be ignored by clyrrad ....01:33
seamus7Anyone know if these two are exactly the same thing:  J2SE  and  JRE v.5 upd.8  ... if not what's the difference? (I'm picking add-ons for my Ubuntu installation)01:33
clyrradim starting to think its not possible to rename your mounts....01:33
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clyrradstefg - I do not ignore documention - infact I checked that and googled for hours before even asking the question here01:34
gre3what do i do?01:34
clyrradit looks like its not possible when you start to get answers like you just gave me01:34
kitcheseamus7: JRE is just the runtime enviroment and J2SE has the SDK also01:34
tritonxgre: call microsoft01:34
Daemonikclyrrad, Not while they're mounted. Unmount them, rename the directories, remount.01:34
tuxubgre3, did you read what i wrote?01:34
Daemonikclyrrad, Which is just a guess.01:34
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spencer? Can anyone help me out?01:35
clyrradDaemoonik - the directorys are named how I want them01:35
clyrradbut they dont show on the desktop how I named them01:35
seamus7kitche: do I likely need both as listed here as add-ons: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#Add-On_Applications01:35
clyrradthey show as Remote Share (//IP ADDRESS/Share Name) Share Name01:35
clyrradinstead of just Share Name01:35
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thomasSo can anybody help me?01:35
clyrradI want to get rid of the whole "Remote Share (blah blah) " stuff01:35
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clyrradso it just shows the Share Name01:36
tritonxthomas: what is your vid card ,have you tried to install any driver?01:36
ubutomclyrrad, I used LinNeighborhood and stuff for samba, never added it direct to /etc/fstab, so im sorry that i am not of much help here ;) Maybe you could write a script that mounts your shares with a custo name, or something like that....01:36
clyrradI would if there was such a parameter01:36
thomasRadeon X850XT, I installed FGLRX drivers01:36
clyrradthis is my question01:36
clyrradhow to set such a name01:36
kitcheseamus7: you can it doesn't matter really though01:36
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gre3 tuxub, which part?01:36
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tritonxthomas: sry dont have much experience with ATI drivers01:37
tuxubgre3, the part where you check if you have the xp firewall enabled or not?01:37
thomasThanks anyways01:37
ubutomhey clyrrad i got a great idea :D01:37
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clyrradstarting to look grim that its even possible01:37
tritonxthomas: have you tried the tutorials available on that matter ?01:37
peder_http://pastebin.no/384 <- Anything wrong with that samba share? I cant access it01:37
clyrradubutom - im all ears01:37
ubutomask in #samba, maybe someone there has a clue01:37
thomasWhere would I get tutorials?01:37
ubutomthey should have :D01:37
gre3oh its enabled01:37
stefgclyrrad: have a look in /etc/samba/smb.conf and think a while about the names in [brackets] ... what could that be....?01:37
tuxubgre3, and check if you have any firewall on ubuntu by issuing sudo iptables -L01:37
tuxubgre3, disable xp firewall01:38
tritonxthomas: google ATI ubuntu01:38
clyrradstefg - YES that is my question.... what parameter can we set in there01:38
clyrradubutom - im gonna check in #samba i may have more luck there01:38
clyrradthanks :)01:38
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DiegoAlright guys. I just formatted C: and reinstalled WinXP on a 20GB partition in my 80GB hdd. I have my trusty Ubuntu CD next to me. What do I do now? I was told I needed to boot from it and create /, /home and swap partitions. Is this done from the Ubuntu CD or do I need something special?01:38
stefgclyrrad: as the samba-documentation would tell tell you it's the exported name of the share01:38
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tritonxDiego: can all be done on the livecd01:39
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thomaswhat about my processor?01:39
thomasIt runs much slower than in windows01:39
gubluntuhow do i stop x from auto starting when i boot?01:39
thomasTakes me 30 seconds to render a fractal rather than 501:39
DiegoSo I just pop it in, boot from it and off I go?01:39
spencerHello? Can ANYONE help me with my problem here. I really want to enable the Super-Key, I would really like to have it for Amarok and for Compiz01:39
wastrelgubluntu:  apt-get remove gdm01:39
LjLDiego: yes01:39
tritonxthomas: how can your processor be slower ... ?01:39
gubluntuo rly?01:40
thomasI dont know01:40
DiegoOh, also, once I freshly install Ubuntu, what command do I need to install Xchat?01:40
thomasBut it runs much slower than in Windows01:40
wastrelgubluntu:  or if you prefer,  update-rc.d gdm remove01:40
wastrelsomething like that01:40
bill6Diego: I think the installation will set it up for you01:40
thomasI wish I knew why01:40
gubluntui want to keep my gdm though01:40
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gubluntui like my compiz01:40
LjLDiego: sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome01:40
tritonxthomas: if something is broken or too many services can do that01:41
gubluntuit will mess up my settings and the sort01:41
gre3firewalls are off01:41
tuxubDiego, or sudo apt-get install xchat01:41
gre3still doesnt work01:41
tuxubgre3, does it ping now?01:41
wastrelcompiz needs gdm running?01:41
LjLtuxub: except Diego will have to enable Universe first for that01:41
gre3timed out still\01:41
thomasHow would I know if something's broken?01:41
gubluntui beleve my xgl starts through gdm01:41
tuxubLjL, you are right01:41
thomasIts almost a frehinstall01:41
thomasfresh install*01:41
gubluntucompiz needs xgl01:41
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jobbyspencer: bind something to the super key in gconf-editor01:42
DiegoHow do I enable Universe? It's a good thing to enable, from what I gather.01:42
tuxubgre3, how are your machines connected to each other?01:42
wastreli don't use xgl01:42
wastrelso dunno01:42
gubluntuubotu tell Diago about repositories01:42
tritonxthomas: so you didnt installed the video driver ? you need to and youll get much better performance01:42
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tuxubDiego, you must edit your /etc/apt/sources.list01:42
gubluntuubotu tell Diego about repositories01:42
thomasI did install it01:42
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thomasAnd it runs really slow with openGL01:42
tuxubDiego, sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list01:42
gre3wireless i set xp to ad-hoc only made ssid called ad-hoc and ubuntu noticed it01:42
tuxubDiego, and uncomment the lines for universe01:43
gubluntuwastrel, there is no other way to stop it from starting x automagically?01:43
nolimitsoyasay i want to switch filesystem on my root-partition, would it be ok to just tar everything in / using the switch to exclude every other filesystem, format, untar, and think everything would just work? what happens to virtual filesystems like proc, for example?01:43
coderthis is driving me insane.  i have an HP Laserjet 1020.  I can't get a page to print in dapper.01:43
tuxubDiego, then do sudo apt-get update01:43
DiegoSounds easy enough.01:43
Seeker1anyone here use AMSN?01:43
tuxubDiego, it is :)01:43
LjLnolimitsoya: proc won't be copy if you set the option to exclude other filesystems01:43
wastrelgubluntu:  i don't believe so - maybe someone smarter than me knows differently...01:43
coderIt seems to detect the printer just fine. and worked fine before dapper01:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asmn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:43
tuxubgre3, you are connecting the two machines throug a ad-hoc wireless network?01:44
coderthe print job shows up in the queue and then disappears and nothing ever happens01:44
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nolimitsoyaLjL, i understand that, but would it couse a major problem, or would those filesystems be created on the next boot?01:44
gubluntuthanks anywho wastrel01:44
LjLnolimitsoya: they're virtual, so they're not actually there on the disk at all.01:44
coderand im sure i'll get no help here.. just venting now basically01:44
spencerjobby. I Cant even use the Super-key. I read some info online you can change it in keyboard preferences, under layout options, but. its tottaly empty.01:44
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tuxubgre3, man, ad-hoc wireless networks on xp sucks01:45
nolimitsoyaLjL, does that mean that what im planning should be hasslefree? :)01:45
gre3i kno01:45
tuxubgre3, trust me, you dont really wanna do that01:45
LjLnolimitsoya: no, it just means that i don't think /proc could be a problem.01:45
gre3but i have no other choice01:45
nolimitsoyaok, thanks01:45
tuxubgre3, dont you have a crossover cable?01:45
nolimitsoyaanyone ever tried this manouver?01:45
FifaFrazerhow can I change permissions for an ntfs drive, that is read-only?01:45
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gre3not a long enough one01:45
gre3i want wireless01:45
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LjL!ntfs > FifaFrazer01:46
tuxubbuy an ap01:46
gre3even if its crappy01:46
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.01:46
tuxub30? on then nearest computer store01:46
tuxubad-hoc on xp really sucks01:46
gre3can it work?01:46
Seeker1anyone here use AMSN?01:46
tuxubi really doubt it01:46
tuxubit can be easier to make your ubuntu an AP!01:46
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:47
AfterDeathtuxub: ad-hoc is a bad idea in general01:47
tritonxtuxub: thats why I reinstalled my server after XP crash for no reason... too many times01:47
gre3its just for a week01:47
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gre3can someone else help?01:47
AfterDeathtuxub: it's easier to get a winmodem on a five-year-old linux kernel working, than it is to set up a reliable ad-hoc connection in windows01:47
crasshas anyone had success with hibernating? its seems to hibernate fine, but when I restart it just acts like a fresh reboot (where it can't use the swap since its in a suspend state)01:48
FifaFrazerLjL but im using the livecd, so icant restart01:48
AfterDeathcrass: i have01:48
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tuxubgre3, try this: http://tips.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/07/10/1729226&tid=100&tid=3501:48
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LjLFifaFrazer, i don't really even know where the document tells you to restart... but, first thing: writing to NTFS is experimental and dangerous.01:48
AfterDeathcrass: have you specified the resume partition in your boot loader configuration?01:48
crassAfterDeath: did you have to do anything special? and what model laptop is it?01:48
crassI don't think so, how do I do that?01:49
AfterDeathnot a laptop, but it shouldn't matter01:49
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AfterDeathdo you use grub or lilo?01:49
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coderwhat does " ppdev0: unregistered pardevice" from dmesg mean?01:49
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FifaFrazerbut it dont have to writable ljl - it needs to be accessible for other users01:49
Nihil85hi!, i nedd a good and safe sources.list repository. can anyone help me?01:50
AfterDeathyou'll have to add something along the lines of resume=/dev/yourSwapPartition into the kernel args01:50
LjLFifaFrazer: well then that document should explain that. where does it tell you to restart?01:50
Lard-O-LadI need some help with Bluetooth on Dapper, I cant xfer files...01:50
AfterDeathlemme check01:50
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gre3is those for linux or xp?01:50
FifaFrazeri dont wanna use a script01:51
crassAfterDeath: since I don't have that, why would the swap partition indicate that it had suspend data on it?01:51
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AfterDeathcrass: basically, its like this:01:51
LjLFifaFrazer: it explains how to do it manually as well.01:51
AfterDeath<you give suspend command>01:51
xnonsegun lo que veo el kubuntu es ubuntu con kde01:51
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:51
xnonel xubuntu con xfce01:51
LjLxnon: yes01:51
AfterDeath<kernel properly writes memory info to swap, and shuts down>01:51
xnony el ubuntu GNOME01:51
xnonno hay otro cambio01:52
LjLyes, pero aqui por favor habla ingles01:52
gre3i cant get any file to linux comp01:52
AfterDeath<on booting up, kernel assumes standard boot sequence>01:52
AfterDeaththe kernel needs to be told to look for the resume info in the swap01:52
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:52
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crassahh, ok, that fits with what's happening01:52
xnonsiempre he entrado aqui y conversado con gente en espaol pero si son asi de radicales me voy01:53
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup01:53
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crassAfterDeath: do you know if ubuntu is using suspend2 or the default?01:53
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AfterDeathcrass: not sure, but i'm almost certain it uses the default01:54
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AfterDeathtbh, i don't use ubuntu most of the time, but i hang out in here because a lot of questions are general linux questions :)01:54
thomas(WW) fglrx(0): * DRI initialization failed!                  *01:54
thomas(WW) fglrx(0): * (maybe driver kernel module missing or bad) *01:54
thomas(WW) fglrx(0): * 2D acceleraton available (MMIO)             *01:54
thomas(WW) fglrx(0): * no 3D acceleration available                *01:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:54
crassAfterDeath: what do you use?01:54
tritonxthomas: upgrade to edgy01:55
thomasI found the problem01:55
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thomasUpgrade to edgy?01:55
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thomasHow do I do that?01:55
gre3anyone hlp?01:55
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:55
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule01:55
LjLtritonx: why are you advicing people to upgrade to edgy?01:56
thomasHow do I update to Edgy?01:56
LjLthomas: you don't01:56
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AfterDeathi prefer gentoo because you do an insane amount of set up, tinkering, etc - i'm hardcore that way. i think ubuntu makes an excellent distro for less experienced users (and I mean that in a good way!)01:56
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tritonxljl: it fixed my problems01:56
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LjL!works for me01:56
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.01:56
LjLedgy is *not released*01:56
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wastrel<3 the works for me factoid01:56
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wastrelsassy + cool = school01:57
Lard-O-Ladedgy is gonna be released on the 26th right?01:57
LjLLard-O-Lad: yes01:57
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thomasSo what do I do?01:57
LjLat least it should01:57
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abbot45i'm having a problem extracting some RAR archives.  they are password protected and i have the password, but it doesn't prompt for a password when i try to extract them.  it just gives me an output error saying the password is incorrect.01:57
thomasWhat does this mean: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26821/01:57
crassAfterDeath: I think you're right in general, but I think also ubuntu is the best (that I've seen) for binary distros (which are useful when you don't have a machine wher its worth compiling everything01:57
gre3can someone help me with ad-hoc between xp and ubuntu?01:57
Fryguy--how hard is it to get dual display working w/ radeon cards in current ubuntu? I haven't used linux on my desktop in about 1.5 years, and would like to load it again01:57
LjLthomas: what is the actual problem?01:57
AfterDeathcrass: that is also true01:57
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crasspersonally I think gentoo still has a lot of work (that they don't seem to be doing) in terms of parallelizing compiles01:58
thomasI found that in my log01:58
thomasSo I dont get 3d hardware acceleration01:58
crassalso, I don't like their method for changing compile time options01:58
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AfterDeatha couple years ago, i would have said that Fedora Core was the best binary distro.... but when yum massive borxinated my computer, i changed my mind about that :)01:58
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Lard-O-Ladi cant seem to get bluetooth to properly pair my cell phone... can someone help?01:59
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crassAfterDeath: I never could get into the redhat distros01:59
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LjLthomas: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2005-October/001844.html02:00
visik7seems that fedora core 6 is much more fast than edgy thanks to the new glibc with dt_gnu_hash02:00
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mkquistnewtwork help, no internet/network after updating02:01
AfterDeathcrass: one of the high points of gentoo, is that you have very, very, very few dependencies02:01
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abbot45can anyone help me with my archive manager problem?02:01
AfterDeathyou basically get to decided what optional libraries your stuff will use02:01
Lard-O-Ladhas anyone noticed sound problems using flash?02:01
crassAfterDeath: yeah, but as I was saying before the way you choose the optional dependancies is a PITA02:01
wastrelLard-O-Lad:  did you follow the instructions about that on the restrictedformats page on the wiki?02:01
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AfterDeathcrass: nah, just put them into a USE variable in your make.conf02:02
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Lard-O-Ladwastrel: probably not, sudo apt-get install flashnonfree-plugin is really all i did...02:02
routhcan the kernel on the x/k/ubuntu disks boot a system on a usb disk? by say using root=/dev/discs/disc0/part102:02
visik7gentoo sucks flags are a totally mess02:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:02
kitcheAfterDeath: that's sorta a PITA defendently when you don't know what the apps use but then agiain Gentoo devs change almost every month anyways02:02
crassAfterDeath: yeah, my point is that its a pain to do that.  I like the way that sorcerer has handled the issue (by making it more dynamic and graphical)02:02
bagsterhi folks. I have a problem with the usb ports on my system. If I plug any devices in then the computer freezes02:03
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bagstercan anyone helpl?02:03
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kitchecrass: it's sorcery, sorcerer sorta doesn't exist anymore sorcery is the package manager that sorcerer and Source Mage use02:04
ikus060Hi, I m trying to install a LDAP server and I think that I have scrap the default configuration file and I'm not able to repair it. So If any body can help me ..02:04
ikus060The problem is that I'm not able to start slapd without an error in the config file about the "rootdn" parameters. Here the line : rootdn "cn=admin,dc=entreprisesmd,dc=com", Also, I fallow the this HOWTO that invite me to supress all content of /var/lib/ldap. It's it a problem ?02:04
Lard-O-Ladwhy is ShipIt free?02:05
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Samuli^Lard-O-Lad, because.02:06
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wastrelto encourage ubuntu use02:06
ubutomikus060, try #ldap02:06
crasskitche: I believe sorcerer does exist (http://sorcerer.aakin.net), but you're right in that specifically I was talking about functionality of sorcery (but it was the distro devs that made it)02:06
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conkyhi everyone02:06
ikus060ubutom : Oki ..02:06
DiegoFor the same reason John Constantine sends demons to hell. To buy one's way into Heaven.02:06
Makurasorry to bug again but i am having trouble setting up remote desktop from a windows xp machine to a ubuntu machine02:07
Samuli^diego, you speak the truth.02:07
kitchecrass: sorcerer hasn't been updated for a very long time but then again that's what happens when you only have one dev and is picky about what software goes in02:07
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Makurai was trying to use nx02:07
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:07
nolimitsoyaMakura, try vnc02:07
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crasskitche: the last update seems to be today.  Where are you getting your information from?02:08
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nolimitsoyawhy isnt there a single linux file system with transparent compression?!02:08
ubutomMakura, try #nx :)02:08
crassbut I do agree with yo uon the dev issue, its my primary discontent02:08
Samuli^nolimitsoya, ?02:08
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nolimitsoyaSamuli^, have i missed something? :P02:08
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Samuli^transparent compression?02:09
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Lard-O-Lad*sigh* i guess I'll have to use XP for my bluetooth needs02:09
j0rg3Hello.  I'm pretty Linux ignorant.  I have tried to google my problem and I have searched (to the best of my ability) the forums before coming here.  I don't have a good understanding of what I can do with apt -- however I am trying to compile a "Hello, world" with KDE C/C++.  I am frustrated and stuck - I can't make this thing happy about QT.  Dependency issues (libqt3-mt-dev) prevent me from Synaptic'ing the files that I think I need.02:09
=== VictorTorres [n=viiito@60-179-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
j0rg3Was that too long?  ;)02:09
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nolimitsoyaSamuli^, compressing files on write, transparent to programs and users02:09
nolimitsoyalike, fe ntfs or zfs02:10
ubutomMakura, /join #nx, there are more people using nx, i guess ;) i have jsut played around with it a little, so i think you will find help there02:10
Samuli^ nolimitsoya, I think it's because it's stupid :)02:10
Fryguy--how hard is it to get dual display working w/ radeon cards in current ubuntu? I haven't used linux on my desktop in about 1.5 years, and would like to load it again02:10
nolimitsoyasaves diskspace, saves i/o, boosts performance. thats not stupid :)02:10
nolimitsoyathats good :)02:10
Samuli^boosts performance, hardly.02:10
ikus060Fryguy : easy, you juste have to use the "aticonfig" command02:11
=== PFA [n=elizabet@unaffiliated/purplefeltangel] has joined #ubuntu
PFAwhere can i get  libvisual-0.4-0?02:11
Samuli^see everything has to be compressed and uncompressed, if not on your harddrive then on the system memory.02:11
nolimitsoyaSamuli^, do the benchmarks yourself. ;) in diskintensive usage, it does wonders02:11
Fryguy--ikus060: the drivers and stuff are all caught up and stuff? Last I used linux was during the xfree-xorg transition, and at that point radeon drivers weren't doing too well in either environment02:11
=== sam11 [n=arc@adsl-65-43-212-89.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyausualy you have loads of cpu cycels doing nothing02:11
sam11hello, i02:11
Samuli^nolimitsoya, at what cost to the cpu?02:11
sam11is the default ubuntu install gnome or kde?02:12
Samuli^and memory.02:12
nolimitsoyavery low, with simple compressiontechniques02:12
=== Novh [i=ninetail@c83-253-174-167.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyamemory is no issue either02:12
ikus060Fryguy : at- this time, AIT offer a proprietary driver that work very well with ubuntu and some other linux distro ...02:12
nolimitsoyaa few extra mp02:12
Samuli^but to answer your question, I don't think there is such thing.02:12
NovhWhen i try to install Kubuntu, i get Buffer I/0 error on device hdc, logical block xxxxxx02:12
sam11will the ubuntu disk install gnome or kde?02:12
Samuli^MB you meen.02:12
totall_6_7sam11: gnome is the default for ubuntu desktop02:12
nolimitsoyaSamuli^, i know there isnt, i just wonder why :)02:12
Samuli^millibits would be a little understated :)02:12
sam11totall, how can i make it install kde?02:13
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ikus060Fryguy : Here the link to download it : http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html02:13
Lard-O-Ladsamll: kubuntu02:13
NovhWhen i try to install Kubuntu, i get Buffer I/0 error on device hdc, logical block xxxxxx02:13
Novhwhat shall i do?02:13
sam11lard, thank you02:13
Fryguy--hrmm, and one last question, is there a good mp3 player/library app available? I've grown very very accustomed to foobar2000 in windows, and would like something with similar functionality in linux. mostly the automated tagging stuff02:14
nolimitsoyaNovh, try checking your cd for defects02:14
Novhthats what i did02:14
Novhand i got that msg02:14
sam11and has anyone done dual boot ubuntu and windows?02:14
NovhBuffer I/0 error on device hdc02:14
Lard-O-Ladsamll: yep02:14
nolimitsoyathen burn a new disc :)02:14
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sam11Lard, how easy is it to configure this02:14
timalotsam11: most ppl probably02:14
Novhwhat difference will it make? :O02:14
nolimitsoyawell, the disc you are using now i broken :)02:15
Seeker1anyone here use AMSN?02:15
Crippy-BoyFryguy--, Many, XMMS, AmaroK, and many more, AmaroK being the best (IMO)02:15
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Novhi burned it 10 mins ago :c02:15
sam11Lard, once I have installed ubuntu, how can I configure it to dual boot02:15
Novhas soon as i had downloaded the .iso02:15
kitchecrass: from the former devs of sorcerer they do Source Mage now there is only like one guy that does Sorcerer02:15
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Lard-O-Ladsamll: install windows first and partition your stuff <<easiest02:15
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VictorTorreshi, my edgy xorg crash when play 3d games in fullscreen mode02:15
ikus060Fryguy : I dont' know what is foobar2000, but there is a mp3 player, but the ubuntu don't come preinstall with mp3 support. you must install some package02:15
VictorTorresi've dri=yes02:16
nolimitsoyaNovh, something probably got fu in the burning process, or the download is no good. use k3b and check the box for verifying the copy :)02:16
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sam11Lard, does it use grub loader02:16
nolimitsoyaNovh, and dont forget to verify that the downloaded iso is as it shold be. there should be a reference md5 sum in the download directory02:17
timalotsam11: he left02:17
nolimitsoya(on the server02:17
VictorTorreshi, my edgy xorg crash when play 3d games in fullscreen mode, i have dri=yes :_(02:17
sam11can anyone tell me how I can configure ubuntu to dual boot02:17
timalotsam11: yes the easiest way is to install windows , then install linux with the grub bootloader02:17
timalotsam11: have u installed windows02:18
sam11timalot, is the grubloader automatically installed with it02:18
PFAhow do i add dapper-backports?02:18
timalotsam11: yes02:18
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bagsterhi sorry I asked this before but got no reply....  When i plug in usb devices into my compuiter the whole thing freezes I run a dual  PIII system. The terminal  says that the IRQ for those devices is disabled because nobody cared. Which is a rather confusing and depressing error! please help!02:18
=== bitchslapper [i=bitchsla@12-210-137-165.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Samuli^VictorTorres, do you happen to have an ATI card?02:18
Novhnolimitsoya ok, thanks02:19
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sam11i'm going to part the disk then install windows02:19
timalotsam11: ok ... windows like to be on the first partition of the first disk02:20
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VictorTorresi ve savage card02:20
sam11timalot, so which file do I need to edit for dual boot02:20
TraeI was trying to dual boot FC6 and Ubuntu.  I'm trying to get back into Ubuntu.  FC6 has the ability to boot ubuntu, however, it didn't actuallly boot it.  I'm in their "Grub" tool.. I'm in it now at a grub prompt02:21
nolimitsoyagah! a simple gzip tar of / gives me a 800mb file, instead of 2.4gb data. >_< why is there so much air in these files? :( linux needs a compressing filesystem, bad... a shame zfs is licenseincompatible02:21
mkquistany help w/network problem after update?02:21
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Traewhat would I need to do to try and boot up hd0,002:21
Traenolimitsoya hey bud02:21
jribubutom: tell PFA about backports02:21
TraeI"m having a sucky time02:21
Traenolimitsoya you know about grub?02:21
timalotsam11: grub is configured with the /boot/gub/menu.1st file .... u edit that then run grub-install to write the changes to the disk02:22
TraeI thought I knew you02:22
ubutombackports :P :) sorry, try ubotu :D02:22
nolimitsoyaTrae :)02:22
jribubutom: oops, thanks!02:22
FifaFrazerhow can i mount an ntfs partition with read permission for network users?02:22
jribubotu: tell PFA about backports02:22
Traenomasteryoda you here?02:22
LjLtimalot: you don't need to run anything to write changes to the disk, grub reads /boot/grub/menu.lst dynamically02:22
PFAjrib: thanks02:23
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timalotsam11: no u need to run grub-install to apply the changes02:23
digilinkI just installed apache and I want to allow my normal user to write to it. The /var/www directory is set to: drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 2006-10-14 19:16 www, and I tried changing the group to www-data and allowing write access to the group, as well as adding my normal user to the www-data group and I can not write to it. I can't understand what I am doing wrong if anything?02:23
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:24
jribdigilink: have you logged out and back in witht he user after adding him to the group?02:24
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LjLdigilink, that "root root" says that the directory has group "root", not "www-data"...02:24
digilinkjrib: no, but I will try that02:25
timalotsam11: goto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto it gives a good guide02:25
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sam11timalot thanks a lot02:25
digilinkljl: I changed it using chgrp -R www-data www, that was just an example of how it's currently set02:25
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sidWhere can I look up people involved with ubuntu?02:25
sidlike people.debian.org, but for ubuntu02:25
jribsid: maybe launchpad?02:26
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sidjrib: Where in launchpad?02:26
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O2I want to install xgl02:27
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/02:27
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LjL!xgl > O202:27
shinobi2where's the app for 'cut'? i can't find it in synaptic02:27
sid timalot I know where launchpad is, I've been a member for awhile. Where "in" launchpad was my question.02:27
jribsid: I would try going to Launchpad > people, then checking out the ubuntu dev team, or core maybe02:28
LjLshinobi2: coreutils: usr/bin/cut02:28
timalotsid: sorry ... misread02:28
O2LjL: could you help?02:28
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m0hi when I do this: d, --directory            list directory entries instead of contents,02:28
LjLO2: i'm not sure, i don't have Xgl running. anyway why don't you try reading the howto first, and then ask if there's something you can't do?02:28
timalotshinobi2: u should have it no?02:28
m0for ls, it doens't list my directories02:29
m0how else can I list only directories under a pathj?02:29
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LjLO2: (that is, ask -- in #ubuntu-xgl)02:29
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tannerldwhats a good screen recorder for linux? I can't find any...02:29
LjL!info istanbul02:29
ubotuistanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-3ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 65 kB, installed size 344 kB02:29
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jribm0: ls -F | grep /$02:30
tannerldcomponet universe?02:30
LjL!universe > tannerld02:30
timalotm0: find -type d02:30
O2LjL: OK, thanks!02:30
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m0timalot: I want to do somthing like ls -l /home/m0/02:30
shinobi2ah... wrong ssh02:30
timalotm0: do u want the subdirectories listed?02:31
m0jrip: works ls -F /home/m0/ | grep /$02:31
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darnelldoes anyone know where ican find themes for gdesklets? since the site is down.02:31
BadkittyIf I want to update from dapper to edgy .. is the command sudo apt-get upgrade?02:32
m0timalot: no02:32
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule02:32
m0timalot: is find faster ?02:32
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timalotm0: find is usually just for finding filenames (but u can display other stuff) ... ls -l gives u other info ... dont know about speed02:33
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ephesiusBadkitty: you have to update your sources.list and then do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:33
m0timalot: how about finding the size of the file?02:33
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ephesiusBadkitty: unless you have third party repositories in your sources.list you just change anything that says dapper to edgy02:34
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m0timalot: i meant the size of the directory02:34
LjLm0: du02:34
kmitch87Badkitty:  the recommended way is to use update-manager.   sudo update-manager -c -d02:34
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timalotmo: ah ok ... including the contents?02:34
LINK 02:35
LjLLINK: ?02:35
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m0LjL: du lists recursively02:35
m0timalot: no02:35
LINK      4 3502:35
LjLm0: then i haven't understood what you want02:35
LjLLINK: i'm just reading garbage characters. can you speak english?02:35
m0timalot: i want to list the directory size + directory name02:36
m0of that path02:36
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LjLm0: ls -l -d <path>02:36
timalotmo: du -sck *02:36
O2 I wonder if my video card support xgl?02:37
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O2intel GMA900, 128MB video ram02:37
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m0du -sck /home/m0/02:37
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LINKfuck im not spick English02:37
m0just gives me the size of that directory02:37
LjLm0: by "size of the directory", you mean the directory itself, or all its content? that's two quite different things02:37
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!02:37
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timalotmo: go to the directory containing the subdirs u want the size of and type du -sk *02:38
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Megaqwertyis there a way to find the ip addresses of the computers on my network?02:38
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m0LjL: i want to list on the screen only the directories with the specific file size,02:38
LjLm0: uh, that's even less clear to me...02:38
gnomefreakLjL: that was the person right?02:38
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LjLgnomefreak: lol. yeah :)02:39
m0So if I do /home/m0/ it will list my directries, users,backup,photos,02:39
gnomefreakm0: man ls02:39
olof_Hello, since I installed ubuntu, i have never gotten one single download over 500Kb/s. in windows i had easily over 4Mb/s. (i have 100mbit)... i have tried diffrent mirrors, and at diffrent times. anyone?02:39
mkquistanyone help w/no network connection after update?02:39
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darnelldoes anyone have desklets?02:40
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TamplerI have02:40
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LjLm0: ok. i'm still not getting it. you want to list all the first-level contents (i.e. files, directories, but not sub-directories) of "/home/m0", with name and filesize. correct?02:41
sam11hello, is java runtime preinstalled in ubuntu?02:41
timalotdarnell: they suck02:41
luisdentcan anyone help me with an apt-get problem02:41
luisdentsort of a general linux issue02:41
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:41
kmitch87sam11: no02:41
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darnelli dont care about your opinion02:41
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darnellI like them02:41
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kmitch87sam11: but you can install it from universe02:41
timalotdarnell: ok sorry02:41
jribubotu: tell sam11 about java02:41
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m0LjL: no I want to list all the first-level DIRECTORY contents with name and directorysize02:41
Megaqwertyis there a way to find the ip addresses of the computers on my network?02:41
timalotm0: du -sk * ... please02:41
unfi cant change subtitles' size in totem, does anyone know if is there any solution?02:41
LjLm0: ok, so, just like "ls -l /home/m0", but with the files left out, and only the directories?02:42
luisdenti specifically am getting errors that the addresses aren't available02:42
sam11I appreciate it02:42
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sam11ubotu is a bot02:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:42
luisdentif anyone can help just mesage me :)02:42
wastreldu -sk ./*  lists only the directories02:43
akira8GLERROR: cannot access OpenGL library libGL.so02:43
akira8GLERROR: dlerror() returns [libGL.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory] 02:43
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scott_anyone here run nxclient on ubuntu and had libaudiofile.so.0 errors when trying to get sound working with nxesd?02:43
timalotwastrel: the whole point of du is to give u sizes... Disk Usage02:43
m0i want to list the directories of a specific path :)02:43
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timalotm0: du -sk /mypath/*02:43
m0i will just do this: ls -sF /home/m0/ | grep /$02:44
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LjLwastrel, timalot: du -sk /path/* definitely does *not* only list directories here02:44
m0timalot ah ok :x, it still gives me the files02:44
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wastrelmeh yes i meant doesn't list the directory contents02:45
m0its okay :)02:45
timalotLjL: yeah ok its the * part then ... just du du -sk `find -type d --maxdepth 1`02:45
jribm0: in zsh you can just do, ls -ld *(/)02:46
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LjLtimalot, m0: what about just   du --max-depth=1 /path/02:46
luisdentcan anyone help me with fixing my repositories and/or apt-get update sources02:46
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wastreldu -sh $(ls -F | grep \/)02:46
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kmitch87luisdent: what exactly is the problem?02:47
LjLwastrel: i'm still not sure what's wrong with the good old --max-depth option of du... although perhaps i've still not really understood what he wants to do.02:47
olof_Hello, since I installed ubuntu, i have never gotten one single download over 500Kb/s. in windows i had easily over 4Mb/s. (i have 100mbit)... i have tried diffrent mirrors, and at diffrent times. anyone?02:47
eliahelp please02:47
luisdenti get 404 errors when i do an apt-get update02:47
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eliai lost my grub02:47
tomh-anyone know why eclipse uses like 100% cpu all the time?02:47
luisdentand if i use the package manager it says my repositories are unavailable02:47
m0wastrel: okay, but how do I do any path02:47
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luisdenti'm fairly new to linux with anything more than the basics02:48
wastrelLjL:  i think he wants to exclude files in the current directory from the output.02:48
luisdentalthough i'm sure this is a basic ;)02:48
LuisMendesI think there's a controversy in ubuntu... it wants to unite the linux world, but then why not unite them in debian instead of creating a whole new distro?02:48
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kmitch87luisdent: the mirrors may simply be to busy, might  try again later02:48
LjLwastrel: "du --max-depth=1 /some/where" will do that02:48
luisdentit's been going on two days02:48
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jribLuisMendes: that's more appropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic02:48
kmitch87luisdent: are you running dapper or edgy?02:48
wastrelso it will.02:48
wastrelljl wins again.02:49
wastrelm0:  what ljl said02:49
LjLwell it was really more a matter of understanding the question, honestly =)02:49
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m0oh and then just grep out the hidden folders?02:49
LjLwhich i had some hard time doing02:49
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jjjI'm having a hard time setting up a Lexmark X73 printer on Ubuntu (Dapper)- It does nothing (stops the job) if I use the drv_z42 (recommended) driver, however I can get scanning to work, and if I switch to the Gutenprint driver, it throws out a blank page02:50
LjLm0: gasp - now you don't want the hidden folders either? :P well yeah, just grep out "/." i suppose...02:50
jjjAnyone know how to get this printer model working?02:50
tomh-anyone know how to make eclipse work faster under ubuntu?02:50
m0LjL :)02:50
wastreldu -sh $(ls -F /some/path/here | grep \/)   :] 02:50
m0LjL: now let me goto the bash chan and ask them how to store this in an array hehe02:51
LjLm0:   du --max-depth=1 <path> | grep -v "/\."     would probably work02:51
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wastrelor that02:51
luisdenthow can i tell which ubuntu i have?02:51
wastreli just like $() heh02:51
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luisdentit's a version of agnula02:51
m0what does $() do02:51
wastrelluisdent:  lsb_release -a02:51
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wastrelm0:  it's like ` `  but easer to type :] 02:51
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luisdentnot found02:52
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m0oh :)02:52
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Megaqwertyis there a way to find the ip addresses of the computers on my network?02:52
m0thanks guys02:52
luisdenti found another method and it said linux 3.102:52
wastrelluisdent:   grep main /etc/apt/sources.list02:52
kmitch87luisdent: go to System Help System documentation02:53
JacksLivrevening all: when i installed kubuntu, there was a nifty partiion manager that let me resize my HD partitions so i did not have to blow away my XP install. i need to resize a partition on a smartmedia card and qtparted will not let me resize it. is the one kubuntu used a different one that i can try?02:53
jjjhow do i get cups+gimpprint?02:53
JacksLivri know there is a kubuntu channel. no one in kubuntu responding02:53
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crassdoesw ubuntu have any grap[hical wireless tools for finding networks, like kismet?02:53
LjLm0: i have a feeling that to put them into an array, you'd better use find rather than du...02:53
mikm[laptop] crass nm-applet02:54
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jjjJacksLivr, : try gparted02:54
luisdenti grepped the source list... they're all demudi.agnula addresses02:54
kmitch87jjj: cups is already in ubuntu by default02:54
luisdentand where is the system help?02:54
LjLm0: if you just separate entries based on spaces, then filenames containing spaces will break it02:54
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jjjkmitch87, i'm just going by what i'm reading online here... it says i have to have drv_z42, cups, and gimp-print02:54
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crassmikm[laptop] : where is that?02:54
m0LjL :)02:54
jjjall of which i apparently have already... so why's it not working? :/02:54
kmitch87jjj:  try aptitude install gimp-print02:54
jjjyeah, just did, it's in there02:55
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kmitch87jjj:  is it installed?02:55
timalotm0:  du -sk `find -maxdepth 1 -type d ` does exactly what u want02:55
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jjjso is cups, and the printer's set to drv_z42 which several pages say to use for the lexmark X7302:55
jjjso unless i'm missing something else or doing something wrong, i have no clue why it's not printing02:55
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mikm[laptop] crass I forget which repo02:55
mikm[laptop] crass But if you do apt-get install network-manager-gnome02:56
mikm[laptop] crass nm.  Looked it up -> universe repo02:56
crassmikm[laptop] : thanks02:56
kmitch87jjj: did you add the printer? System --> Admin ---> Printing02:56
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timalotm0: add a | tail -n +2 to the backquoted part if u dont want . included02:57
jjji'm in there now, it's in there with the drv_z42 driver (which is recommended for it)02:57
jjjand as i've said, it scans fine02:57
kmitch87jjj: is the printer configured?02:57
jjjyeah, want all the options i have set?02:57
holycowAmaranth, *ping* :)02:57
JacksLivrjjj: thanks for responding. is gparted different that qtparted? and can i run it in kde?02:57
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holycowyes it can run in kde02:58
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jjjJacksLivr, yes, gparted is a different program, but i also don't think you can partition when a drive is mounted02:58
Amaranthholycow: Hey02:58
jjjso tyr the livedisc again02:58
holycowgparted and qtparted use same backend ... parted, they are just different front ends02:58
holycowhey :)02:58
jjjkmitch87, if i go to propertise, i see: Ready: /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed02:58
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jjjand if i go to /user/lib/cups/filter in nautilus, i don't see a foomatic-rip or foomatic02:59
jjjbut i do see cupsomatic02:59
jjjer, sorry, there is a foomatic-rip02:59
jjjit's a perl script of some kind02:59
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jjjcomputer@computer-desktop:~$ foomatic-rip03:00
jjjProcess dying with "No printer definition (option "-P <name>") specified!", exit stat: 903:00
jjj        error: No such file or directory (2)03:00
jjjNo printer definition (option "-P <name>") specified!03:00
=== MadDog011 [n=djole@cable-87-116-149-50.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu
demiocan someone help me installing03:01
demioi cant run it03:01
demioit keeps asking for this file03:01
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demio./kmm: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2_xrc-2.6.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:02
demiobut installed those libs03:02
demioi only have a file closely named to it03:02
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olof_hello :)03:04
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jjjReady: /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed  <- seems like this is the problem... i'm using a X73 Lexmark printer (on Dapper) anyone know how to fix this?\03:05
kismet_i'm trying to make a Grub Boot Floppy, and I'm running Ubuntu 6.06 off the LiveCD... "mke2fs /dev/fd0" is failing with "No such device or address while trying to dtermine filesystem size"03:05
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crassis there a way to have ssh as one of the services to turn on?03:06
kismet_nevermind, i'm an idiot03:07
kmastaare there any good music subscription services that support linux?03:07
jribubotu: tell crass about ssh03:08
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HiP_Panyone else having problems with gaim at them moment?03:09
=== migumi [n=migumi@84-122-220-86.onocable.ono.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:10
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.03:10
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shinobi2how do i search for a file.txt using command line?03:11
HiP_Pnop? .... guess its just my luck03:11
Kyralshinobi2: locate03:12
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Bassettswhat would you guys recommend for a old 166mhz 64mb laptop?03:12
Bassettsany use in it?03:12
shinobi2Kyral: what's the difference between 'locate'and 'find'?03:12
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Kyralshinobi2: locate is faster...03:13
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LjLshinobi2: well, one difference's that locate uses a pre-built database, find just looks at the filesystem.03:13
Kyralshinobi2: but locate's database is only updated nightly03:13
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LjLhello achraf. i think you only need to greet us in one language ;)03:14
=== THX-1138 [n=bill@ip70-181-223-166.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
WheelybinHello Linux chaps. I tried to run sensors-applet but the terminal window said I needed to run prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to use sensors-detect. I'm making the assumption that I need to detect sensors before I can use them!03:14
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shinobi2Kyral: do you mean 'nightly' or more like 'every reboot' for people like me who turn on and off computer in about 1-2 hours of usage?03:14
LjLWheelybin: good assumption03:15
KyralIts in /etc/cron.daily03:15
WheelybinThankyou LjL!03:15
Kyralso its part of the nightly jobs that get run daily03:15
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LjLWheelybin: "sudo sensors-detect" it is, though yeah, i *have* had problems with it complaining about some /dev/ thing... try "sudo modprobe i2c-dev" if you get that03:15
=== Zortoxon [n=zortoxon@0x50c63483.odnxx6.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
HiP_Pits just gaim loads up signs on to msn then closes its self03:16
=== Kyral will never understand people who power off desktops when they are done with them...logout maybe but not power off
=== yock [n=myockey@pdpc/supporter/active/Yock] has joined #ubuntu
HiP_Psaving power bills i guess03:17
=== VViki [n=ubuntu@c951c125.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
VVikihow do I give myself priviliges to burn CDs??03:17
=== Wheelybin reckons it's because they don't want to waste electricity! But his run's BOINC
KyralOh jeez I actually calculated how much my CPU eats03:17
=== Abst [n=Abst@unaffiliated/abst] has joined #ubuntu
shinobi2i am at /home then run 'locate *.txt' it return results from /usr/..../ directories too.  but when i am in /home/shinobi2/test, i ran 'locate *.txt' it did not return results from /usr/.. directory03:17
Kyralits like equiv to how much it costs to power the lights in the house03:17
WheelybinI did the sudo sensors-detect and get No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them.03:17
ZortoxonAnyone who could tell me why both GAIM and aMSN chat windows are coming in front of every other open windows EACH time you get a new message. Please msg me :(03:18
AbstIs it possible to mask my IP in telnet?03:18
HiP_Pyeah but you switch them off at night03:18
KyralAbst: telnet is the most insecure protocol invented03:18
=== Wheelybin estimates this computer is drawing 70-90W for the stupidly hot p4 and about 30W for the geforce 3
AbstKyral: Well is it?03:18
kmui switched my networking to full duplex. now i can obtain an ip from the router, but i can't access the internet. how to i switch it back to automatic?03:18
KyralAbst: YES03:18
AbstKyral: How?03:18
crassjrib: thanks, I know well what ssh is, but I'm wondering what is the "ubuntu way" to turn on the sshd service03:19
KyralAll I know is that I am using a 450W PSU03:19
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HiP_Panyways anyone had this problem with gaim?03:19
KyralAbst: everything is sent in the clear03:19
CromagDKunencrypted, its just text.03:19
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AbstKyral: How do I change my IP then..03:19
THX-1138Oooh - give me quad cores for irc. - grin03:19
KyralAbst: you don't :P03:19
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jribcrass: install openssh-server, I thought the link had that somewhere03:19
AbstKyral: How do I then03:19
kmuoh, i don't remember how i switched to full-duplex. someone was over my shoulder and told me what to do03:19
PierreKyral: you should read the study about how much energy is wasted by the little red led on your TV, and what does it bring to really switch it off. May help03:19
KyralAbst: (This for any network communication, you can't cloak your IP)03:19
=== GrayMadder [n=davidbli@pool-70-110-89-214.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:19
=== Makura [n=guillerm@70-33-37-66.clspco.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu []
AbstKyral: Why can't I change my packages03:20
WheelybinIt's best to use a PSU that's closer to one's estimated power useage. Cheaper+more efficent. I have a lovely seasonic 330w PSU in this system03:20
KyralAbst: Huh?03:20
AbstKyral: Change the headers of my packages03:20
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DaemonikI'm using Dapper Drake when I run glxinfo Direct Rendering says Yes but right under that it says the vendor is SGI. Doom3 won't run. I followed the wiki to the letter. Is anyone else having problems with the fglrx driver?03:20
KyralWheelybin: its more like my PSU blew out and I ran to the computer store for a replacement and all they had was a 450W :P03:20
crassjrib: oh, I missed the link, but I didn't install that package03:20
KyralAbst: How did we get from Telnet to packages?03:20
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WheelybinAhh, the joys of generic blowing up PSU's03:21
THX-1138tor routing is it.- say goodbye to your ip address, fast connections to sites and all "extra" bandidth.03:21
VVikihow do I give myself priviliges to burn CDs??03:21
WheelybinThat are about 60% efficent, so you pay for nearly twice as much electricity03:21
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-10-102.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
CromagDKVViki: you have that already i believe.03:22
crassjrib: yeah, the server is installed, but I don't think that means its automatically starts as a service03:22
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AbstKyral: Well, telnet has to send packages doesn't it?03:22
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VVikiI dont03:22
jribcrass: it should03:22
KyralAbst: packet03:22
Zortoxonno one who knows anything about this? =/03:22
VVikik3b keepls complaining permission denied03:22
CromagDKVViki: what is the error exactly03:22
AbstKyral: Yes, well doesn't the packet contain the IP of the original sender?03:22
KyralAbst: and why would you want to change the headers....03:22
AbstKyral: To mask my IP03:22
crassyeah, actually it does, bu tit doesn't appear in the services03:22
KyralAbst: Your first problem is the fact that you are using Telnet03:22
CromagDKgotta go with Kyral there :)03:23
AbstKyral: How do03:23
KyralAnd messing with the IP Headers ISN'T GOOD03:23
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KyralAs in you shouldn't because how else would the Network know how to route the packets?03:23
AbstKyral: I still want to03:23
jribcrass: don't about services03:24
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VVikiWarning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.03:24
VVikiLinux sg driver version: 3.5.2703:24
VVikiError: Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?03:24
VViki: Operation not permitted03:24
CromagDKAbst: read some rfcs03:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rfc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:24
jribubotu: tell VViki about paste03:24
KyralAbst: Even if I knew how, I wouldn't tell you because then you'd be like "FECK! I'm not getting traffic! Now what!"03:24
WheelybinAlright. Can anyone help me with my next question? I have a TV card but I dont' know it's type. Is there software that will tell me what it is without me having to open up the case and take it out?03:24
=== warriorness [n=warriorn@cpe-024-163-066-208.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
crassjrib: do you know where/who starts the deamon? (ppid is that of init, but I don't see an inittab)03:24
THX-1138lshw  lspci03:25
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KyralJeez...why does this guy wanna cloak his IP so badly03:26
ZortoxonAnyone who could tell me why both GAIM and aMSN chat windows are coming in front of every other open windows EACH time you get a new message. Please msg me :(03:26
Kyralwhat is he cracking a government server or something03:26
VVikihow do I give myself priviliges to burn CDs??03:26
CromagDKyes, using telnet03:26
tritonxand asking help here03:26
VVikihow do I give myself priviliges to burn CDs??03:27
KyralVViki: add yourself to the optical group if it exists03:27
jribcrass: your should have /etc/inittab  /etc/init.d/ssh is where the actual script is to start and control ssh.  'man update-rc.d'03:27
THX-1138Kyral - assuming he isn't a chinese or korean citizen. once you get your unpurchased mp3s. - how do you strip out the sleds and viruses03:27
DaemonikDoes the fglrx driver work with Dapper?03:27
Kyral...virii have no effect on Linux03:27
THX-1138Kyral - it's a fools errand.03:27
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Kyral(and whats a sled?)03:28
VVikino optical group03:28
VVikieven roots cant burn CDs03:28
THX-1138lol - it's like you said. - pontless03:28
KyralVViki: then yousa FUBAR'd03:28
crassjrib: what's weird is that I don't have an inittab03:28
=== fivre [n=Five@slip-12-64-134-183.mis.prserv.net] has joined #ubuntu
VVikiits not my fault03:29
VVikiit's k3b fault03:29
ubutomVViki, you cold start k3b with root privileges with sudo k3b03:29
Phr0stByteberyl looks like it will be pretty sweet once it actually works....03:29
jribcrass: yes, that's strange..03:29
=== ruzgar [n=ruzgar@p5091675C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
anto9us*ding dong* This is a public announcement. A quiz is about to start in #ubuntu-trivia. Hosted by the much acclaimed theCore, your host with the most, he doesn't like to boast but we should all give him a toast, from coast to coast.... starts in 5 mins, be there or be square. *dong ding*03:30
ruzgarhow can I save my desktop settings (for example:icons position)03:30
THX-1138anto9us lol - i'm there - zi-i-ip!03:30
=== EinZteiN [n=einztein@87-196-118-193.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe available desktop environments in Ubuntu are Gnome (ubuntu-desktop), KDE (kubuntu-desktop), XCFE (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM  and others.03:31
VVikihow do I burn using terminal?????????? Go to hell k3b03:31
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ruzgarI searched forum, wiki, and help but i cant find answer03:31
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Adam__Hi all. I I need to run Sun's java, and I have it installed, but the "java" command points to gij. How do I make the java command use sun's java?03:32
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gnarlinvviki: at root: cdrecord -vv -dev=/dev/cdrw -speed=16 -data /home/myname/someimgfile.iso03:32
Phr0stByteIf you were running Gnome, as soon as you put in a blank CD, you would get a dialogue box asking what you wanted to burn "auto-magically".03:33
Adam__yes, but it doesn't offer to burn images :/03:33
Phr0stBytefor iso - right click the file and choose burn to cd03:34
wasabi_Right click on the Image in nautilus.03:34
wasabi_Click Write to CD.03:34
=== ChrisBradley [n=ChrisBra@unaffiliated/chrisbradley] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelAdam__:  sudo update-alternatives --config java03:34
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VVikithis command tries to burn the file itself as daa03:34
Adam__thanks wastrel, I'll run that03:34
VVikiit doesnt mount the iso03:34
Phr0stByteit shouldnt03:34
wasabi_Oh, you're trying to mount an iso?03:35
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Kyralas root03:35
CromagDKthats a BIT different03:35
gnarlinthis does work03:35
wasabi_sudo mount -t isofs -o loop /the/iso.iso /mnt/path03:35
Adam__wastrel, worked perfectly! thanks03:35
=== keleus [n=keleus@user-24-96-44-142.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kyralmount -t loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mountpoint03:35
VVikimounting and burning03:35
wasabi_Kyral: -oloop, -tiso966003:35
wasabi_or somethin. ;)03:36
Kyral..you don't need to mount an ISO to burn it03:36
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Kyralwasabi_: I agree on the -o loop, but mount does an auto when it isn't specified remember :P03:36
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keleusA program in WINE misbehaved and died... and didn't let go of ALSA. now ALSA is playing the same sample repeatedly. Is there any way I can "reset" the sound system?03:36
=== Adam__ [n=AKG@adsl-1-177-131.clt.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["later]
ArrenLexKyral: Lies!: mount: debian-31r2-i386-businesscard.iso is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)03:36
wasabi_keleus: Check if the program is still running in the background.03:36
KyralArrenLex: I was wrong with the -t loop :P It should be -o loop03:37
keleuswasabi_, it was, but i killed it (and searched again) - no more wine processes03:37
=== Silentkey [n=sk@cpe-71-72-146-117.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexkeleus: firstly, try "wineserver -k"03:37
Kyralor you could play with FUSE and FUSEISO03:37
gnarlinkeleus: sudo killall -9 wineserver03:37
keleuswine is already killed03:37
wasabi_Alsa most certainly should not do that unless an app is pushing sound.03:37
ArrenLexkeleus: secondly, to reset alsa, try sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils force-reload03:37
keleuskeleus@epicenter:~$ pgrep wine03:37
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keleusArrenLex, i still hear it03:38
keleusits a short (1/10 of a second) blip repeating03:38
keleusor 1/403:38
keleusyou get the idea03:38
=== Phr0stByte [n=phr0stby@ip68-100-169-217.dc.dc.cox.net] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"]
keleusALSA (or at least my DSP) is still locked, nothing can use it03:39
generalmozamotaCould anyone here offer some help?03:39
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:39
host`ask the question and they may be able to03:39
generalmozamotaAlright, well, my problem is mounting an ntfs drive03:40
keleusArrenLex, i have a USB sound card. unplugging it won't cause oddness?03:40
keleusgeneralmozamota, the ubuntu wiki has it all03:40
keleusgeneralmozamota, even full RW access03:40
ArrenLexkeleus: I donut know. I've never a) had this problem, or b) used a usb sound card03:40
VVikistill not burning03:40
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse03:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:40
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse03:40
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keleusi would recommend FUSE, havent had issues myself03:41
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keleusbut i can only vouch for NTFS partitions created from windows XP (not 2k for instance)03:41
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keleusok how can i make the system re-scan for and re-initialize USB devices?03:42
kmui can get an ip address and talk to the machine i'm currently using, but i can't get onto the net. both machines are plugged into the same router. what's going on?03:43
=== OmniD [n=OmniD@cpe-72-178-230-2.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
keleuskmu, did you set your default gateway?03:44
OmniDhow do I disable the trash bin?03:44
keleus"route add default gw ROUTERIP" i think03:44
keleus'man route' tells you how03:44
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keleuskmu, what happens when you ping a website?03:44
host`what is "noauto" in the fstab mean?03:45
kmukeleus, ping: unkown host google.com03:45
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keleuskmu "cat /etc/resolv.conf" tell you anything?03:45
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keleushost`, system doesnt mount that filesystem on startup, but is in the list so a "mount /path/to/mount" will work03:46
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jesse__Hey i can't seem to play the latest version of quicktime movies, though i can play older ones is there some sort of new package i need?03:46
keleushow can i make the system rescan USB? ive plugged something in 5 times now and the last thing dmesg tells me is the first disconnect03:46
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keleusjesse__, probably need w32codecs, if you already have, i don't know.03:47
ArrenLexjesse: do you have w32codecs installed?03:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:47
jesse__keleus: i already have w32codecs03:47
generalmozamotaI think I may have messed up this whole mounting thing, i tried to look for a way to do it earlier, and i edited /etc/fstab and now i just found a script that could do it, but it gave me an error of [mntent] : line 5 in /etc/fstab is bad03:47
=== rredd4 [n=jmb@66-191-17-237.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
keleus"newest version" - how new?03:47
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keleusgeneralmozamota, ubuntu uses some kind of auto-mounter, fstab isnt the main way03:48
keleusgeneralmozamota, PM me the line03:48
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VVikiI've beein trying to burn ubuntu ISO for the past 2 hours03:48
OmniDhow do I disable the trash bin?03:49
keleusVViki, what OS are you in right now?03:49
keleusOmniD, why?03:49
OmniDBecause when I delete something I'm SERIOUS about it03:49
=== aleon [n=aleon@] has joined #ubuntu
VVikilive CD03:49
HiP_Poh nop i cant get gaim working....... ill give for tonight03:49
keleusOmniD, hold shift and press delete03:49
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flyinghippoI have a quick question.03:49
OmniDI'd rather just cut out that process altogether if anyone knows how03:49
jesse__keleus: i don't know how new but i know i can play older quicktime ones, im trying to watch the latest episode of diggnation and i don't know what version it uses so im presuming its the latest03:49
keleusOmniD, also you can set up gnome (and kde) to give you an extra option to "delete" (no recycle bin) and/or remove the "move to recycle bin"03:50
flyinghippoWoudl the alternate install be capable of installing Ubuntu to a 2GB USB Flash Drive?03:50
HiP_Pvviki you have more then one cd drive?03:50
OmniDthat's why I'd like03:50
wasabi_OmniD: right in Nautilu's preferences03:50
kmukeleus, it has a 'search' listing for work and two 'nameserver' ips whose purpose i'm unsure03:50
keleusjesse__, most likely theres some crappy HD or DRM in there.03:50
HiP_Pok just checking03:50
OmniDNot in KDE03:50
wasabi_"Include a Delete command that bypasses trash"03:50
keleuskmu, can you ping those nameservers?03:50
OmniDin Gnome wasabi_03:50
keleusOmniD, gnome can set it up03:50
wasabi_Nautilus is gnome.03:50
ArrenLexjesse: actually, can you link me to\send me one of those files?03:50
OmniDoh okay03:50
OmniDoooh yeah the file browser03:50
HiP_Pnight all03:50
keleusOmniD, konquerer is KDE03:50
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OmniDmy bad03:51
generalmozamotaso uhm, yeah i'm lost03:51
ZambeziIs there any easy CD/DVD-recorder application for the console?03:51
kmukeleus, when i try to ping from the defunct box i get "network is unreachable" and no response from this working machine03:51
wasabi_Zambezi: cdrecord03:51
wastrelZambezi:  google bashburn03:51
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keleusDoes anyone know how to restart the USB system? not only is the system not reading new devices by "lsusb" has gone zombie on me03:51
wastrelZambezi:  yeah or cdrecord   - google cd writing howto03:51
wastrelbashburn prolly easier tho03:51
ArrenLexkeleus: why not just... reboot?03:51
keleuskmu, can you ping the router from the defunct?03:51
kmukeleus, note that i'm using synergy between these two machines right now03:52
keleusArrenLex, i have 15 things up right now03:52
aleonplease  anyone talks spanish03:52
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:52
keleuskmu, not familiar with that03:52
Zambeziwasabi, wastrel Thanks.03:52
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keleuskmu, i would google it but thats such a common term...03:52
kmukeleus, it's used to share a keyboard and mouse between two monitors/boxes that are side by side03:52
aleoncomo entro03:53
VVikiive found a solution that I cannot test. Delete /dev/sg0 file. The problem is, I do not have permission to delete it03:53
keleuskmu, KVM switch?03:53
wastrelaleon:  /join #kubuntu-es03:53
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jesse__they other formats such as theora, wmv, or xvid which would be the best to download03:53
keleusjesse__, any except quicktime or Windows Media (means no .mov or .wmv)03:53
keleusjesse__, but theora if you have the choice03:54
jesse__keleus: yeah its a .ogg03:54
keleusjesse__, but those are personal prejudices :)03:54
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keleusjesse__, what media player?03:54
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kmukeleus, no it's more elegant. you drag you mouse to one edge of monitor 'a' and it will jump to monitor 'b'. it's really cool03:54
definity_how do i change the volume of ubuntu in terminal?03:54
keleuskmu, im not sure i like the idea of how that works... kvm will ALWAYS work :)03:54
VVikichmod asdpihasidh0oash003:54
wasabi_definity_: alsamixer03:55
baxter_kylieHi. I have a raid0 array set up with mdadm... how do I make sure it's available at boot?03:55
kmukeleus, good point :)03:55
keleuskmu, anyways... is your IP and subnet (netmask) set up right?03:55
jesse__keleus: just movie play03:55
=== flannel [n=flannel@cpe-76-176-13-158.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
keleusjesse__, can i get the full (non-gnomized) name?03:55
wasabi_baxter_kylie: Available at boot in what fashion? mdadm should contain an init script that runs mdrun.03:55
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jesse__keleus: totem movie player03:55
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jesse__keleus: gstreamer03:56
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keleusjesse__, dunno what that can handle, i use mplayer and vlc03:56
kmukeleus, i don't know ._.03:56
keleuskmu, "ifconfig"03:56
raghu206can  we install xp over linux as dual boot if cant why so?03:56
keleusnetmask should be the same on both machines03:56
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flannelraghu206: yes, you just need to reinstall grub afterwards03:56
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baxter_kyliewasabi_: I mean that it automounts... do I have to include a mknod script in init?03:56
keleusthe IP address should be very similar03:56
wasabi_baxter_kylie: Put it in fstab.03:56
keleuskmu, is this ethernet? (cat5 cables)03:56
wasabi_baxter_kylie: mknod has little to do with mounting.03:57
keleuskmu, your probably looking for "eth0"03:57
kmukeleus, mask is the same03:57
raghu206flannel, i think the grub will be undercontrol of linux03:57
baxter_kyliewasabi_: I know how to include in fstab but it has to take more than that. somehow the node has be created and the array defined on a boot.03:57
kmukelesu, right03:57
keleuskmu, ok, and ip is almost the same?03:57
wasabi_baxter_kylie: udev does that.03:57
wasabi_baxter_kylie: along with mdrun03:57
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flannelraghu206: XP will overwrite grub, you'll need to reinstall it, and then you'll switch at the grub prompt03:57
flannel!tell raghu206 about dualboot03:58
flannel!tell raghu206 about grub03:58
VVikichmod +w /dev/sg0 permission denied03:58
wasabi_mdrun auto detects and assembles the md devices, the kernel lets userspace know, udev makes a node.03:58
=== lonran [n=hugo@93.Red-88-10-113.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
VVikihow in hell permission denied?!?!03:58
wasabi_mdrun actually might create the nodes on it's own too03:58
VVikiim super user03:58
keleusthe nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf should be the same on both machines. If not, use an editor and set the broken box's nameservers (and search actually) to the ones on the working box03:58
flannelraghu206: first one contains general dualboot info, second has a link talking about restoring grub03:58
ArrenLexVViki: that's not a file, it's a device node.03:58
keleusVViki, thats kernel space.03:58
wasabi_VViki: What the hell are you trying to do?03:58
baxter_kyliewasabi_: so I don't even have to maek mdadm.conf?03:58
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kmukeleus, ok03:58
wasabi_baxter_kylie: Shouldn't.03:58
wasabi_baxter_kylie: mdrun basically scans every existing block device for md metadata at the end.03:58
VVikii read that deleting sg0 should allow me to burn cds03:59
wasabi_VViki: Explain again why cdrecord doesn't work?03:59
wasabi_Or Nautilus?03:59
aleonplease  help me         why not read a memory flash  ubuntu03:59
keleuskmu, also, try "route" on both. they should be almost exactly the same (and probably should be). let me know if they are not.03:59
baxter_kyliewasabi_: Okay. We'll see. I'll be miserable if I have to rebuild this 440gb array. ;-)03:59
=== Zeenux [n=omg@24-205-4-140.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
VVikii dont have permission to burn CDs, the error message is "operation not permitted"04:00
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wasabi_VViki: Sudo?04:00
VVikisudo gives me another error04:00
wasabi_baxter_kylie: Nothing compared to my 4TB array.04:00
VVikiSCISI blablabla04:01
wasabi_baxter_kylie: I use EVMS though.04:01
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keleusVViki, "ls -Llah /dev/sg0" tells you waht for owner and group?04:01
flannelVViki: you need to be in the cdrom group04:01
wasabi_If he's using sudo, that's not hte issue.04:01
VVikiI am04:01
VVikiI am in the cdrom group04:01
wasabi_VViki: Paste cdrecords error on pastebin04:01
VVikior am I not?04:01
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keleusVViki, just a curiousity... why sg0? what kind of drive? (ATA, SATA, etc)04:01
flannelVViki: type 'groups' and see04:01
wasabi_Too many cooks.04:02
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keleuskmu, you get that last message?04:02
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VVikicdrom adm dialout floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin04:02
kmukeleus, that did it. i changed /etc/resolv.conf to match the working copy. then i tried to "ifconfig eth0 down" then brought it back up, but that didn't work. so then i used ubuntu's connection properties wizard to disable/enable eth0, then it worked04:02
keleusis there a way to kill a process with status "D"?04:03
keleuskmu, when it didnt work, what was the message?04:03
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kmukeleus, connect: Network is unreachable04:03
keleuskmu, you needed to add default gateway. the wizard did that for you04:03
keleuskmu, "route add default gw" would have done it, subsituting your router IP address04:04
kmukeleus, cool. i see it also modified resolv.conf04:04
keleuskmu, that adds a route to "default" using the gateway of
keleuskmu, just type "route" to see what i mean04:05
keleuskmu, what change?04:05
=== Silver_Seagull [n=Silver@Toronto-HSE-ppp3719294.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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kmukeleus, it took my work subnet entry (right word?) from the 'search' list04:06
baxter_kylieCan someone please instruct me as to how to get my raid partition recognized /  mounted at boot04:06
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keleuskmu, not entirely sure what the point of "search" is on a home network. I always delete it and it works fine :D04:07
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wasabi_baxter_kylie: Thought I just did that, heh.04:07
keleuskmu, but then I use IPs and not hostnames :D the rare exceptions usually go in /etc/hosts 'cause my router is riding the short bus04:07
J-_while in webmin, it states apache2: wildcard patterns not allowed in Include /ect/apache2/mods-enabled/*.loadfile:usr/share/ubuntu-art/home/index.html ...fail!     what should i do?04:07
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baxter_kyliewasabi_: just restarted. no md devices.04:08
sureshothey all there is a strange qustion if it is not for here then tell me ware to find it but how do i locate xtrs that i downloaded of the repos04:08
ArrenLexWhat are xtrs?04:08
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kmukeleus, :) thanks for your help!04:08
sureshotit is the trs80 emulater04:08
keleuskmu, any time!04:08
rummiki can't seem to get a screen rez larger than 640x480, any idea how to fix this?04:08
wasabi_baxter_kylie: Run "mdrun", see if they appear. If so, then go figure out why that's not running.04:09
sureshotArrenlex xtrs = trs80 emulater for linux04:09
ArrenLexsureshot: "dpkg -L <package>" lists all the files in a package.04:09
sureshotArrenLex thanks again my friend04:09
wasabi_baxter_kylie: mdrun is run by the "mdadm" package. You can see it's state by running dpkg-reconfigure mdadm04:09
sureshotyou all on here are gook people04:09
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=== ArrenLex is a gook person.
sureshotstupid me LOLO i am on a lot of pain meds sorry i mean good people04:10
Silver_SeagullNeed some help with the AMD64 disc- the Xserver won't start- I think it's trying to use refresh rates way too high for my Samsung 940BW04:10
baxter_kyliewasabi_: mdrun does work but the manual says its depreciated in favor of mdadm.conf. maybe it was taken out of edgy beta for this reason?04:10
sureshotArrenLex stupid me LOLO i am on a lot of pain meds sorry i mean good people04:10
wasabi_baxter_kylie: Hmm. Really? Let me check.04:10
wasabi_baxter_kylie: Do run the dpkg-reconfigure mdadm command04:10
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Samuli^sureshot, good to hear. Are the medicine to keep brain from freezing?04:10
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wasabi_baxter_kylie: Heh. Maybe you're right. If that's the case, just stick the md devices in mdadm.conf like you suggested.04:11
glitchThere is a problem with newer kernels that makes Linux fail to load due to a bug that is ignored and bypassed in older kernels on IBM X-Series eServers. What can I do to help solve this problem, other than change code myself?04:11
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baxter_kyliewasabi_: oh now this is interesting. your dpkg actually creates its own mdadm.conf04:12
sureshotAerrenLex no just to tell my brian that the 4 herneated disks in my back for hearting and and amoung other things i am medically retired04:12
Drac|ServerWhere can I go to report this kind of problem?04:12
wasabi_glitch, Are you asking what you can do to fix it for youself, or how you can fix it upstream?04:12
keleusDrac|Server, you could submit a bug report (kernel.org i think)04:12
=== Orbit45244 [n=hidden@cpe-24-209-192-211.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Drac|ServerOkay. Thanks.04:12
wasabi_baxter_kylie: Oh. That's neat.04:12
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Orbit45244can anyone here help me with rsync?04:12
keleusoff to reboot-land :)04:12
Orbit45244I need to know how to put wildcards in the reciever's path04:13
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rummikat one point i was able to get a screen rez of 1024x768, when i used a different dist, why do i get a rez of 640x480 here?04:13
baxter_kyliewasabi_: indeed except that it's not a particularly complete mdadm.conf04:13
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baxter_kyliewasabi_: I don't know what/how-to-find the UUID of these devices04:14
baxter_kyliewasabi_: so I can't make it complete04:14
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Zeenuxcan I install Ubuntu/Kubuntu onto an external drive, and use that drive to boot into ubuntu whenever?04:15
ArrenLexrummik: 'cause it's not set up properly?04:15
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wasabi_Zeenux: You can.04:15
rummikArrenLex: yeah, i figured that one out :P04:15
=== Katmando [n=Tjones@c-71-205-176-219.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Silver_SeagullNeed some help with the AMD64 disc- the Xserver won't start- it detects my ATi and the correct LCD monitor.  Any ideas?04:16
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Zeenuxwasabi, how?04:17
ZeeGeekmy x-terminal-emulator alternative now links to urxvt. when I run it with command urxvt, it's transparent. however if I run it with x-terminal-emulator, the background is white.04:17
rummikArrenLex: seriously though, i altered my xorg.conf and changed it so 640x480 wasn't in the config for a possible screen rez, but i still get this rez...04:17
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CorpseFeederHi! Can anyone help me with making video capture card work?04:18
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voltzmy update fails trying to fetch from an au server,what do I need to edit to make system try get packages from elsewhere04:18
Ademanis there any reason to use remote desktop when you can tunnel X through ssh?04:19
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ArrenLexvoltz: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change the lines to say something like "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ whatever" instead of the au sever04:19
k3b_Sucksk3b sucks04:19
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ArrenLexk3b is life >=|04:19
k3b_Sucks it has a bug04:20
ArrenLexSOFTWARE WITH A BUG?! Unprecedented!04:20
k3b_Sucksk3b doesnt allow admins, super admins or roots to burn CDs04:20
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Drac|ServerI need to get an old 2.6.12-9-686-smp kernel image for my eServer because the 2.6.14 kernels don't boot due to a bug. Could somebody link me to the Breezy repositories so that I can download the package?04:20
kitcheAdeman: X tunneling doesn't show the whole desktop just one program04:20
ArrenLexk3b: why would they want to?04:20
m0what is the best way to find out if each directory in a directory has a file04:20
k3b_Sucksit doesnt matter, no user, no group has permission to burn CDs04:21
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!04:21
m0i have DIR1, DIR2, DIR3, and I want to check if each folder has index.html04:21
k3b_Sucksis it possible burn CDs in DOS?04:21
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Kyral..who the hell uses DOS nowadays04:21
Ademankitche: right but that's all you need really isnt it?04:21
ArrenLexk3b_sucks: I believe k3bsetup takes care of that. It's in the settings menu.04:21
m0index.html or [index]  folder04:21
k3b_Sucksk3bsetup is blank04:21
keitheishow can i get selection list of dpkg-reconfigure locales? i've tried for hours04:21
k3b_Sucksnothing to seupt04:21
k3b_Sucksk3bsetup opens a blank window04:22
m0i have DIR1, DIR2, DIR3, and I want to check if each folder has index.html file or [index]  folder04:22
ArrenLexk3b: that's a bug. You must be using an old version.04:22
rummikk3b_Sucks: what is this k3b you speak of? where i come from we use dd to burn cds...04:22
k3b_Sucksubuntu 5.104:22
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wasabi_Add yourself to the cdrom group.04:22
wasabi_And that's it.04:22
k3b_SucksI am already in that group04:23
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wasabi_Then check why you can't burn.04:23
ArrenLexk3b; why don't you upgrade ubuntu?04:23
wasabi_Try cdrecord, see if it has heartburn.04:23
wasabi_If so, report a meaningful bug.04:23
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k3b_Suckswhat about installing a windows burner and windows emulator????04:24
wasabi_A windows emulator will not likely let you burn.04:24
wasabi_As burning requires lower level access to the drive than any emulator would grant.04:24
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ArrenLexwasabi: that's actually not true. wine with nero will let you burn. Maybe.04:24
wasabi_Who knows. Maybe vmware fixed that.04:24
wasabi_Will it?04:24
wasabi_Also, wine is not an emulator. ;)04:24
ArrenLexwasabi: depends on your system. Wine can access devices directly, though.04:24
ArrenLexwasabi: wine is an emulator =P just not a processor emulator.04:25
ArrenLexwine is an API emulator.04:25
wasabi_Yeah I know.04:25
rummikhmm...this is strange04:25
wasabi_Yeah, looks like you're right. Nero should work.04:25
wasabi_Neato. ;)04:25
shriphanigr8 i wrote my 1st prog in c04:25
wasabi_Oh wow. Nero releases a REAL linux version too04:25
rummikwhy is it that /i/ get the dns issues? ;P04:26
ArrenLexshriphani: I suggest you learn english before learning c.04:26
shriphaniwasabi, there is summat called nero linux04:26
shriphaniArrenLex, oh04:26
Drac|ServerWhoa... why is this kernel image taking an AGE to download? Have Breezy repositories had their bandwidth cut off or something?04:26
ArrenLexwasabi: yes it does. It's almost laughably simple, though. It can't do anything except burn a data cd from files in a folder.04:26
=== NDPowerBook [i=ndpowerb@209-6-199-98.c3-0.wrx-ubr2.sbo-wrx.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
rummikanyone know of a good place to get dns?04:26
rummiki'd like to update some packages..but dns broke..again04:27
shriphanidns is the nameserver.... correct me if i am wrong ?04:27
flyinghippoI believe o.04:27
shriphaniand you want a nameserver ?04:28
rummikno, just the ip of one, dns broke on my end...04:28
shriphanirummik, your isp should have given you one04:28
shriphanior he has a DHCP server04:28
rummikshriphani: well, the dsl modem is half busted...so i'd say that is my broken link...so to speak04:29
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rummikit keeps saying that security.ubuntu.com has an ip of
rummikamong other sites...04:30
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OmniDOkay I have a problem with my external drive04:31
OmniDAll of a sudden it sometimes goes into unwritable mode04:31
OmniDAs in I can't copy things over to it for just no reason04:31
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OmniDIn fact something is still copying over to it just fine but anything else I add it says I cannot04:32
OmniDit has plenty of space though04:32
DiegoQuestion. I have a ton of music currently stored somewhere. I'm using this WinXP partition that I just installed. I plan to install Ubuntu later today, make its partitions etc.04:32
DiegoWhere should the music be?04:32
DiegoIn the Win partition or in the /home partition? Will one be accessible to the other?04:32
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shriphaniDiego, if its on your windows partition it should be accessible in linux04:32
shriphanithe other way round aint possible04:33
mneptonshriphani: yes it is04:33
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mneptonthere is an ext3 driver for XP that is of pretty good quality. and personally, i'd rather have my data relying on ext3 than ntfs04:33
shriphaniyes you need to install ext3 drivers named umm ext2fs04:34
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Drac|ServerShould an Audigy 2 card work automatically with the provided emu10k1 driver, or do I need to get a newer one via CVS?04:34
definity_when i go n youtube the audio start to lag on a 2 second delay can anyone help?04:34
=== CorpseFeeder [n=blackdal@ppp97-242.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptondefinity_: Macrodobe can when they fix the Flash player for Linux ;)04:34
Drac|Serverdefinity_, youtube uses flash, which, unfortunately, is of poor quality on Linux. This isn't a Linux problem. It's an Adobe problem. :(04:35
CorpseFeedermy connection dropped.04:35
definity_hmm damm oh well04:35
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definity_thanks anyway04:35
CorpseFeedercan anyone help with video capture card?04:35
Drac|Serverdefinity_, I find that if you seek just right it's okay for a little bit.04:35
mneptonthey claim the soon-to-be-released Flash player 9 for i386 is much better04:35
ArrenLexdefinity: try this: go to /etc/firefox/firefoxrc and change the line to FIREFOX_DSP="aoss". Make sure you have alsa-oss installed.04:35
DiegoWell, the better question is, assuming I want to use P2P and torrent for getting more music, will I be able to have all the music in one place? i.e. download a torrent in Ubuntu and store it in the same place that LimeWire downloads go or something.04:35
shriphaniDiego, sure04:36
Drac|ServerAnyone regarding my Audigy 2?04:36
DiegoExcellent. Thanks.04:36
rcmivoops, wrong keyboard04:37
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CorpseFeederi need help with using DC10+ video capture card. Can anyone help me?04:39
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CorpseFeederAlso I need help with mic volume settings... it seems to be stuck on 0% volume and I can't change it.04:40
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Nox2k3Hey does anyone know what would case the /dev/dri/ device nodes to not appear? lsmod claims the modules are loaded and dmesg claims it loaded, or found my card?04:41
Nox2k3i've got one of those ATI Radeon Xpresses04:41
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ArrenLexNox2k3: you can have mine; I don't need it =P04:42
Nox2k3if only04:42
ArrenLexNox2k3: are you using the correct driver? Do you have the dri extension loaded?04:42
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Nox2k3in X? X is complaining about not finding the device node.04:42
Nox2k3or not being able to open it rather04:43
ArrenLexOkay. What driver? Do you have the dri extension?04:43
ArrenLexPastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf.04:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:43
Nox2k3Mind if I pastebin that, along with lsmod, the X log, and the kernel boot log?04:44
ArrenLexGo ahead.04:44
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Nox2k3i also added lspci in there04:48
CorpseFeederI can't change my mic volume. It's stuck on 0%. look here - this is what I see - http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y265/BlackDalek/Screenshot.png04:48
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ArrenLexCorpse: what if you click on the speaker with an x through it?04:49
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kromelHello. Umm, I tried updating one of my PC's to Edgy from Dapper.  Didn't go to well. While trying to run in recovery mode, it loads up, then I finally get to the prompt.  It acts like my keyboard isn't plugged in.04:50
CorpseFeederisn't the speaker for output? And therefore supposed to have an X through it? I can move the volume slider up, but the setting is not saved and reverts back to 0%04:50
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simtoweranyone know of any faqs for getting dapper to hibernate properly?04:51
ArrenLexkromel: you mean, dapper to edgy?04:51
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kromelArrenLex, yes.04:51
CorpseFeederOK, i removed the X from the speaker under mic and it still reverts to 0% volume04:51
Nox2k3oh wait, apparently I don't currently have drm loaded, I rebooted recently and haven't yet tried loading it04:51
CorpseFeederIt's as though I don't have permissions to change the volume on the mic.. how do I fix this?04:52
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ArrenLexNox2k3: what are you trying to achieve? Rendering acceleration?04:52
Nox2k3and being able to sleep my laptop04:52
ArrenLexNox2k3: you're not getting 3D acceleration with that driver.04:53
kromelI don't mind reinstalling Ubuntu, but I have some files I would really like to recover.  Stupid me forgot to backup those files.04:53
Nox2k3i was under the impression that the opensource driver provides accelleration?04:53
ArrenLex1018. (**) RADEON(0): Initializing Acceleration04:53
ArrenLex1019. (II) RADEON(0): Render acceleration unsupported on Radeon 9500/9700 and newer.04:53
ArrenLex1020. (II) RADEON(0): Render acceleration disabled04:53
ArrenLexNot to your card.04:53
Nox2k3interesting, I must have misread then04:53
ArrenLexNox2k3: the open source radeon driver DOES provide 3D acceleration to old ATI radeon cards. Not newer ones.04:54
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Paul928Help! can't update . I get a error message. " Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)04:55
ubuntuim gonna destroy my live CD right after burn the new version04:55
ubuntuit crashed again04:55
Nox2k3well then04:55
host`it's trying to connect to your loopback address04:55
Nox2k3do you know if its yet possible to convince the fglrx driver to sleep properly?04:55
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ArrenLexNox2k3: I can't even convince the fglrx driver to use xv properly. =P04:55
Paul928host_I know. do you know how to fix it?04:56
ArrenLexNox2k3: I always recommend nvidia for Linux if you need 3d accel.04:56
Nox2k3so do I04:56
Nox2k3but I don't have that option on cheap laptops04:56
Nox2k3or didn't when I purchased this thing04:56
ArrenLexIf you bought a cheap laptop you should have been properly cheap and bought yourself an intel integrated.04:56
ArrenLexGPL drivers.04:56
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Nox2k3intel integrated accel is crap though04:57
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justin420hi. i am trying to install linux, and it appears that the install likes to stall at 88% done, while setting up the clock. there are no partitions currently on the drive other than what was made by the install program.  i have checked the disc for errors, and it says its fine. anybody have any ideas?04:57
ArrenLexNox2k3: is it worse than what acceleration you have now? =P04:57
whysohi, i made the ubuntu CD, but when i am at the first menu and i hit instal/start or check CD for errors it jsut says "loading" forever, any tips?04:57
Nox2k3and this one had one of them mail in rebate deals for a lots of dollars04:57
Paul928Does anyone know howq to modify the connection settings for update?04:57
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k3b_sucksasdhopiahfopih30hw098hn9w8h8 9t89w2t2wtw34t 43aw t4a3 t43a t3a4t04:58
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Nox2k3Curiously though, I've never had a problem with fglrx and xv, until I decided to use XGL, then it was hilarious.04:58
CorpseFeedervolume control mixer is bollocks.. it don't do nothing. what a pile...04:59
ArrenLexNox2k3: I think the ATI people just close their eyes and type into emacs, and if it compiles they ship it as a Linux driver.04:59
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whyso hi, i made the ubuntu CD, but when i am at the first menu and i hit instal/start or check CD for errors it jsut says "loading" forever, any tips?04:59
m0i have DIR1, DIR2, DIR3, and I want to check if each folder has index.html file or [index]  folder04:59
ArrenLexNox2k3: I can't use mplayer, because whenever it accesses xv or x11 my screen goes black for two seconds.05:00
ArrenLexm0: you could probably write a simple script to do that, lacking any smarter way...05:00
m0how would I do that?05:00
m0but how would i distinguish between a folder and a file05:00
host`what's the best dvd player for linux?05:00
Nox2k3ArrenLex: Yes I think that accurately describes the ATI development process. Though I would think they would use notepad.exe.05:00
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ArrenLexNox2k3: yeah, probably.05:01
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:01
andresmujicai've got a problem after upgrading to kde 3.5.505:01
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wastrelm0:  the file test operators can distinguish folders and files.05:01
andresmujicakicker fails at start...05:01
wastrelm0:  basic bash scripting.  perl can also...05:01
=== JDStone [n=JDStone@adsl-68-126-255-115.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
whysocould anyone help me?05:01
GirasquidDoes anyone know how I could get Ubuntu(Live CD) to mount and be able to read/write to my Mac hard drive?05:01
andresmujicaanyone knows if something went broke with kde 3.5.505:02
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ArrenLexm0: if [ -d "foobar" ]  ; then #folder ; else #file ; fi05:02
m0wastrel: i can't find it here http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/index.html05:02
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CorpseFeederthis sucks. why can't i make this mic work? I get no input at all in Sound Recorder05:02
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kmuwhyso, i had a similar problem trying to install ubuntu on a raid system. fedora would install fine!05:03
CorpseFeederit just records silence05:03
wastrelm0:  it's in the advanced bash scripting guide.05:03
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whysoyeah im using raid 005:03
m0can you give me a link pelase05:03
whysobut i just want to use the live CD for now05:03
m0In bash i thought we don't have to place ;05:03
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m0what does ; really mean?05:03
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m0ArrenLex: placed ;05:03
kmuwhyso, that's probably it05:04
whysoah ok thanks, is there any way to get around that05:04
SuperMiguelwhat can you do with an ubuntu server?05:04
wastrelm0: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/fto.html05:04
kmuwhyso, i gave up on the problem :(05:04
simtoweranyone know of any faqs for getting dapper to hibernate properly?05:04
ArrenLexm0: well, those are comments. You would put whatever you want to happen if it's a file instead of #file05:05
m0wastrel: thankyou05:05
whysooh :( :( so you reccomend just going for fedora?05:05
kmuwhyso, might want to try a different distro's live cd. or if you're just wanting to check it out, you could run it in vmware05:05
m0ArrenLex: I just want it to return true or false05:05
m0if its a file, return tru05:05
kmuwhyso, it meaning ubuntu05:05
m0else return false05:05
ArrenLexm0: the string true? Or a boolan?05:06
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docmurhello all05:06
kmuwhyso, also you should check the online boards. it wasn't my computer, so i didn't care too much05:06
ArrenLexm0: "return" can only return numerical values -- will "1" and "0" satisfy you?05:06
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docmurdoes anyone know of a GAL programmer for linux05:06
whysoi want to just use the live CD to repartitian, so i can install it on the HD afterwards05:06
VVikicdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg0'. Cannot open SCSI driver.05:06
VVikicdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg0'. Cannot open SCSI driver.05:06
ArrenLexm0: if [ -d "foobar" ]  ; then return 1 ; else return 0 ; fi05:06
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whysok appreciated! if anyone else has tips on getting it to work on a raid 0 system plz message me05:07
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ArrenLexm0: that'll only work in a function, actually.05:07
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ArrenLexm0: quit values? exit 0 and exit 1. Else you'll have to use strings.05:08
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ArrenLexm0: would be easier if you told me what you wanted to do with it.05:08
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m0ArrenLex: I am using methods05:08
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ArrenLexm0: functions?05:08
simtoweranyone know where errors from hibernation are logged to?05:08
simtowerin ubuntu dapper 6.06?05:08
ArrenLexsimtower: check dmesg?05:08
simtowernothing there =(05:08
ArrenLexsimtower: failing that, /var/log/kern.log?05:08
m0ArrenLex: this is what I want to do, I have a bunch of Folders, and I want to search each folder and see if it contains a file named "something" (at its last path)05:09
simtowerthanks ArrenLex, ill check it out05:09
ArrenLexm0: why not just "find <folder> -name "something">05:09
m0ArrenLex: hmm05:09
VVikiwhats the cdrecord command to burn bootable isos??05:09
m0Say I have FOLDER1, and in FOLDER1 there is two folders FOLDER1A and FOLDER1B, I want to check if FOLDER1 has index.html in both FOLDER1A and FOLDER1B05:10
m0Every subfolder should have index.html05:10
ArrenLexm0: and what happens if they don't?05:10
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m0ArrenLex: I would disgard that initial FOLDER105:11
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m0and move to FOLDER205:11
m0and do the same tecniques as FOLDER105:11
simtowerArrenLex, any other ideas where failure messages from hibernation might be logged?05:11
ArrenLexm0: and if an index.html exists?05:11
ArrenLexsimtower: nope.05:11
rcmivgo blue05:11
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t-k-fui'm running dapper with kernel 2.6.15-27-k7, and I want to install AIGLX, but I need linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-27-k7, which doesn't appear to exist yet.  is there a way to compile that myself?  if so, where would i find the sources?05:11
m0if they have index.html in every subolder, then I move that folder to my /home/m0/publish/web/05:11
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexOhhh. That's different.05:12
ArrenLexm0: how automatic do you need this to be? Like, on your whole filesystem? Or on a specific folder?05:12
m0specific folder05:13
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CorpseFeederhow do I make a mic work?05:13
m0ArrenLex: i know the algorithm on how to do it, but i am new to bash05:13
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ArrenLexm0: what's your algorithm?05:14
=== logankoester [n=logankoe@c-24-34-214-122.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
m0hmm, I would need to do a recursive call. So initially, I count the number of directories in the first directory, if there are 2 directories, I recall that algorithm05:15
inz1can anyone help installing nvidia drivers for a quadro fx? it get messages telling me to update the md5sum, so i run the line and my card gets changed to an ATI card05:15
logankoesterI just installed an application in /usr/share and I want to create a link to it from /usr/bin, but it won't run because it is executing in the wrong directory. What would you guys do?05:15
ArrenLexinz1: how are you trying to install them?05:16
m0Once I see the index.html, I compare it to the num of folders  I counted at the begining, if the num = numfound I exit the recursive call by calling the executiing method publish()05:16
CorpseFeederhow do I make video capture card work?05:16
ArrenLexlogankoester: I would make a simple shell script. /usr/share/application $@05:16
SuperMigueli haven an old p3 there is any way that i can use it in a valuable way?05:16
ArrenLexMiguel: you could make a server.05:17
logankoesterArrenLex: what does $@ do?05:17
inz1ArrenLex: i ran the  nvidia-glx-config enable line as suggested in the install notes in synaptic05:17
johnniewalkerlol every 10 lines of text there's a NOT a question.05:17
ArrenLexlogan: "all arguments given to this script"05:17
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SuperMiguelArrenLex: what can i do which a server? web pages what else?05:17
logankoesteroh cool!05:17
logankoesterI didn't know you could do that05:17
ArrenLexi.e. for a script invoked as "sh foobar sith hi", $@ = "sith hi"05:17
logankoesterthat's awesome05:17
m0if [ -d $directory ]   should directory be a path?05:17
johnniewalkerhey, does anyone else here have an intel extreme graphics 2 chip?05:18
ArrenLexm0: I think what they're going after is $directory is a variable that contains a path. But you could also use a literal.05:18
SuperMiguelArrenLex: what can i do which a server? web pages what else?05:18
docmurdoes anyone know of a GAL programmer for linux05:18
VViki43209y98awey98yaer9y9dsagy98dfsagy9834ya9t8y3watp8ew94pt9aewrytpaeysrg 9pryeas9 g8yrase9 gare9s8 gy98aeryy8 g89yaw89 gh3n89aw3 w34y 943wy 943y93w4 hhhhhh3'03T  34W Y3 Y05:19
=== JDStone [n=JDStone@adsl-68-126-255-201.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
docmurGAL (generic array logic)05:19
m0ArrenLex: say I have a function that is called : CheckIfDirectory() { }05:19
CorpseFeederI agree05:19
ArrenLexSUperMiguel: whatever you want.05:19
logankoesterhow does one destroy a link?05:19
m0can I do this: if [[ CheckIfDirectory $1 == "TRUE" ] ] ; then05:19
m0if [[ CheckIfDirectory $1 == "TRUE" ] ] ; then that returns "TRUE"05:19
SuperMiguelArrenLex: like?05:19
ArrenLexm0: use return values. At the end of CheckIfDirectory, use "return 1" or "return 0" or whatever you want, and use those values.05:20
m0i meant  CheckIfDirectory function returns "TRUE"05:20
m0can i use a function inside an IF Statement?05:20
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@68-69-149-90.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willism0,  i belive so.. check that advance bash scripting guide.. pretty sure they got examples of that.05:21
ArrenLexm0: Hold on, let me check that.05:21
m0the advanced scripting guide is really advanced05:21
CorpseFeederso... any more ideas on why my mic won't work?05:22
m0i don't understand what they mean by this: for directory in $directorys; do05:22
ArrenLexm0: yes.05:22
Dr_willism0,  time to learn some basic bash then i think..05:22
m0when you for a path, what do you get?05:22
Dr_willism0,  those are example/variables05:22
ArrenLexm0: PM me. I want to paste things and I think I can explain better.05:22
Dr_willisfor X in $arrayofX05:22
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m0hmm how do I message people in irssi05:23
ArrenLexm0: oh, nevermind; you're not identified.05:23
m0one sec05:23
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ArrenLexm0: yes, what you want to do will work (functions). Look at this: http://arrenlex.diff.be/check05:23
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host`ArrenLex, you pastebin05:23
`m0am I identified?05:24
ArrenLexhost: why?05:24
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`m0ArrenLex: ah yea, thats how I will do it05:24
ArrenLexm0: get it?05:25
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ArrenLexWhat I pasted will return no.05:25
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`m0ArrenLex: but return 1 wll be like a solid true ?05:25
=== davidrenton [n=drenton@pool-72-89-183-29.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexreturn 1 is false. Think of these as exit codes.05:25
ArrenLexexitcode 0 is success.05:25
ArrenLexexitcode 1 is failure.05:25
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`m0is there a page, that has all the types ?05:26
suff0katehow do i use philips mp3 player on ubuntu?05:26
ArrenLexm0: all the types of what?05:26
`m0I could just skim it through and udnerstand the way bash works.05:26
`m0like what each literal means05:26
davidrentonhey there05:26
ArrenLexm0: bash is not typed. There is no concept of a number or boolean or object or anything.05:27
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inz1can anyone help with nvidia drivers? after running ' nvidia-glx-config enable' i get a message telling me to update the md5sum, so i run the line and my card gets changed to an ATI card in xorg.conf05:27
davidrentonhow do i get an updated package that is in edgy back into dapper?05:27
ArrenLexm0: you can do anything you want with the return values. If you want, say 1 is true and then you would use if [ "$?" = 1" ]  ; then success05:27
newworldorderinz1 yeah.  get openSUSE.05:27
ArrenLexdavidrenton: apt-get install --reinstall -t dapper <package>05:28
`m0ArrenLex: I meant literal, that I would know what [[ ] ]  means and etc, I don't need to learn how to code. I just need to know how bash is structed quickly :)05:28
ArrenLexdavidrenton: actually, you don't even need that reinstall.05:28
inz1newworldorder: great, thanks...05:28
loveubuntu isn't for newer users or complex things with graphics.  I'd suggest using the CLI only, and for servers.05:28
ArrenLexm0: I've enver seen [[ and ] ]  in bash. o_O05:28
ArrenLexnever **05:28
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logankoestercan anyone tell me how to destroy a symlink?05:29
davidrentonArrenLex: so if i'm running dapper, i can apt-get install -t edgy telak05:29
ArrenLexlogankoester: just delete it.05:29
davidrentonand that will get the edgy version?05:29
=== ElectricAvenue [n=elect11@S01060004e22089b2.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Of_Deathlogan:  control delete05:29
`m0this is incorrect? I got it from bash advanced :if [[ $dir_path != $1 ] ] ; then05:29
ArrenLexdavidrenton: if you have the edgy repository enabled, and you're pinned down to dapper, yes.05:29
logankoesterArrenLex: promise me rm won't follow the link :p05:29
ArrenLexm0: oh, that might work too. I'm used to using single brackets.05:29
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ArrenLexlogan: promise.05:29
newworldorderso can anyone tell me why ubuntu is so buggy out of the box compared to XP?05:29
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holycowi can tell you05:30
=== ryan8403 [n=ryan8403@rrcs-70-62-254-122.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycowits not ubuntu thats buggy05:30
`m0ArrenLex: here http://www.cactus.org/~dak/shellscript.html05:30
holycowits the users05:30
`m0Thats a usefull link :)05:30
`m0I think05:30
holycowhonestly, learn how to use it, and all of a sudden 'poof' its not buggy05:30
holycowit happens to all noobs05:30
wastrelnewworldorder:  1. xp comes preinstalled  2. hardware vendors release drivers for windows.05:30
Samuli^newwordler, because XP is indefinately better.05:30
ArrenLexm0: yeah. That looks like a nice guide.05:30
`m0ah [[ = [05:30
newworldorderholycow:  I meant compared to XP, where extensive expertise is not required for breathing.05:30
`m0don't know why they introduced [[ then05:30
holycownewworldorder, incorrect yet again05:31
ArrenLexm0: http://linuxreviews.org/beginner/bash_GNU_Bourne-Again_SHell_Reference/ I like that.05:31
holycownewworldorder, #1 your machine DIDN'T come withubuntu preinstalled05:31
ArrenLexm0: [[ ] ]  is the same as [ ]  which I use.05:31
Of_DeathI disagree cow05:31
holycowTHEREFORE extensive INSTALLATION expertice is required05:31
Of_Deathan OS is an OS05:31
wastrelubuntu = teh aw3s0m305:31
holycowsecond you have been using windows for how many years?05:31
holycowthats what 10 years of training?05:31
wastrelos flamewars to offtopic please05:31
Of_Deathand it should come ready to use.  I just don't think that it is ready for the public05:31
holycowoh i see, magically you should be able to pick up  COMPLETELY NEW technology and somehow you should be IMBUED with the knowledge on how touse it05:32
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:32
newworldorderthat's so right05:32
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wastreldon't make me do !offtopic again05:32
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holycownewworldorder, then keep using windows, no one really cares :)05:32
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newworldorderI'm using openSUSE05:32
definity_how do i find out the time in console?05:32
wastreldefinity_:  date05:33
newworldorderlol you ALMOST new what you were talking about05:33
wastreldefinity_:  or uptime05:33
=== nixr [n=nixr@c-24-62-167-87.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
`m0hmm in my ubuntu setup, I can't save FireFox bookmarks :x05:33
definity_thanks :)05:33
`m0Why ?05:33
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`m0I say Bookmars/ Bookmark page, and when I restart FF, it doesn't work05:33
`m0i don't see my bookmarked page05:33
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ArrenLexm0: is there anything weird about the way you installed or set up firefox?05:33
`m0ArrenLex: I remember like a month ago, I had troubles with FLASH with FF05:34
Of_DeathI think the biggest thing with ubuntu is that it doesn't provide as much feedback to the user.  When an app has an error in launch, it just sits there, with you staring blankly.05:34
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`m0ArrenLex: So I went to Mozilla Firefox support, and I added a field in my firefox binary05:34
holycowpeople that complain about linux simply haven't taken the time or had an opportunity to train them selves to use it05:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:35
holycowcomplaining about inanimate objects really is complaining about your self05:35
newworldorderit's slow;  it has severe problems with DMA compatibility.05:35
holycowyou either have the knowhow or you don't05:35
=== ubuntu is now known as asdopihaoshf
`m0I just added this: export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1  into firefox05:35
`m0But when I run firefox, I can't save bookmarks05:35
Of_Deathholycow:  functionality is preferrable over complexity.05:35
wastrelholycow, Of_Death   this is a support channel <3   we love doing support, not OS evangelism05:35
ArrenLexm0: I don't think that should have anything to do with this.05:35
nixramen wastrel05:36
holycowOf_Death, you act as if you know the proper definition of either05:36
ArrenLexDEBIAN OWNS UBUNTU MUAHAHA *does the OS evangelism dance*05:36
`m0ArrenLex: thats the only thing I changed05:36
=== ArrenLex is done now.
`m0Should I reinstall firefox?05:36
ArrenLexm0: did you install from mozilla binaries or from ubuntu packages?05:36
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:36
`m0ubuntu packages05:36
asdopihaoshffuck fuck fuck cdrecord05:36
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Of_Deathcow:  of course i do.  I'm on a windows machine.05:36
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gnarlinHow does one know that Windows is not buggy without being able to view the source code? Also people who are used to MS Windows are used to it's bugs and how to work with them and do so almost on an unconscious level after having years of training using it. Lastly, most of the difficult problems with Free software operating systems has to do with non-free software migled in. Such as the notorious flash-plugin, especially with 64-bit versions of05:37
gnarlin gnu/linux and the ati and nvidia drivers to name a few.05:37
=== Of_Death ponders the brilliance of his statement
=== Em3rald [n=irelandm@dsl-main-66-18-221-110-gib.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycowOf_Death, lol05:37
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wastreli need to recreate the ssl cert for my mail server05:37
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wastrelanyone have a clue?05:37
Em3raldhey hey hey!05:37
Of_Deaththink of all the trouble you had learning linux, all the time spent learning how to use it, instead of actually using it.05:37
Of_Deaththen look at windows.05:38
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!05:38
Of_Deaththat's all i have to say about it05:38
Em3raldMmmm sorry wastrel, never done so05:38
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holycowwhat you say is stupid, thats all i haveto say about your statement05:38
naliothwastrel: yes?05:38
Madpilotwastrel, ??05:38
Em3raldOf_Death:  I spent more time learning Windows than I did Linux.05:38
holycowyou clearly don't support users or help teach them technology05:38
wastrelwindows dude won't shut up05:38
ArrenLexops: there's an OS evangelism war...05:38
holycowall windows users have 15 years of training, every windows user conveniently forgets this05:38
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wastrelah that too05:38
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Em3rald:D holycow:  you da man :D05:39
newworldorderwell, that's not really the case.  ubuntu is enormously difficult even compared to other linux distros, like openSUSE.  I don't think it's ready for the public.05:39
newworldorder(holy cow)05:39
holycownewworldorder, well lets see now05:39
Em3raldOnly trouble *I* am having now is peeling audio from streaming audio via website.05:39
=== asdopihaoshf [n=ubuntu@c951c125.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
holycowi have 1 70 year old user at home05:39
gnarlinHumm, I am a member fo the public. I'm ready for it.05:39
holycowi have one 50 year old female user at home so far05:39
ArrenLexEm3rald: you want to download a stream?05:39
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c951c125.virtua.com.br] by nalioth
holycowboth are egregiously non technical, their brain no longer assimilates new info05:40
newworldorderit isn't a 'how you know linux' thing, it's a 'how you know ubuntu' thing, which shouldn't be an issue for an OS.05:40
gnarlinI have a grandmother using it05:40
`m0i might install ubuntu on my family's pc05:40
holycowso far no complaints in 6 months05:40
Em3raldArrenLex:  well, it's not critical, but yes,  I have tried other methods.05:40
holycowso what are you claiming now again?05:40
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`m0The only difficulty would be nothing in our cases...05:40
naliothasdopihaoshf: please mind your manners and your language here in #ubuntu05:40
`m0I just need to setup everything, all the media/flash/ect05:40
ArrenLexEm3rald: mplayer can do that. mplayer -dumpstream <stream>05:40
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv405:40
ArrenLexor mplayer -ao pcm <stream> to output to wav.05:40
MadpilotFolks, distro evangelism can move to #ubuntu-offtopic right now, please. This is a support channel, evangelism != support...05:40
Em3raldArrenLex:  Mmmm .... haven't tried that yet.05:40
`m0If there was a MSN like easy player they would like05:40
whitehorseNTigerWhere can I get a copy of scyld?  Anyone know?05:41
Em3raldm0:  Have you tried using Automatix or EasyUbuntu?05:41
newworldorderim not claiming anything other than that ubuntu has....room to grow.05:41
=== vito [n=chatzill@c-68-35-229-221.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Em3raldAutomatix, yes.05:41
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holycownewworldorder, what doesn't? your just saying stupid things without thinking or even mildly researching the topic05:41
Em3raldGoogle Search it.05:41
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ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.05:41
holycowunderstand that you are among technicians, it is strongly recommended that you research your opinions before you get something handed right back to you :)05:42
Of_Deathuhh........cow, you're full of crap.05:42
nixr'mo check this page out I tihnk it will help you with some of your issues http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper05:42
holycowwith due respect that it is okay for one to remain ignorant :)05:42
ArrenLexGuys, really, it's not necessary.05:42
CorpseFeederis there anyway to do video capture in linux?05:42
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ArrenLexCorpse: of course. What device?05:42
=== ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotOf_Death, holycow, be polite, and move the offtopic stuff to -offtopic. Thank you.05:42
Of_Deathno...you're just...wrong.  and a master debator.05:43
CorpseFeederdc10+ analogue video capture card05:43
newworldorderyou're both idiots.05:43
Em3raldOff the wall question:  I am looking for ONE single MP3 (or OGG) to replace a gimped CD (can't extract it) .......05:43
ArrenLexCorpseFeeder: do you know if it's supported by video4linux or not?05:43
Em3raldBlack Lab - All The Money In The WOrld05:43
naliothEm3rald: #ubuntu-offtopic for that question, i suspect05:43
loveI'm not an idiot.05:43
MadpilotOf_Death, newworldorder - last warning. Be polite, and move the offtopic stuff off this channel.05:43
Em3raldnalioth:  THanks :D05:43
vitotrying to get full screen video on an 800mhz box, ATI 3d RAGE PRO LT, where the output is a TV (SVIDEO) - VESA drivers work fine, but video is choppy.  ATI driver thinks it works, but the screen is unreadable--any ideas?05:43
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SuperMiguelthere is any way that i can make a serve computer when i turn it on it will go automatically inside ubuntu with out requestin any user or password?05:44
=== llindy [n=lindy@193-165.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ArrenLexvito: with what driver?05:44
CorpseFeederI don't know if it is supported by v4l05:44
llindyhello people, after doing apt-get package, how do i make it install that package?05:44
ArrenLexCorpseFeeder: then find out. Google is your friend.05:44
naliothllindy: it should install automatically05:44
holycowvito, you need the right horizontal and vertical refresh rates for your monitor.  chances are x has default refresh rates in your /etc/x11/xorg.conf file.  i would recommend you google you rmonit and input the right ones in the file.05:44
nalioth!tell llindy about apt-get05:44
ArrenLexllindy: apt-get install <package> means you've installed it.05:44
lovedoes anyone know why my ubuntu isn't working?05:44
holycowvito, as well you should always backup your config files before modifying them05:44
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holycowlove, define 'not working' ? we'll try05:45
CorpseFeederI've googled about this for the past 3 days and come up with nothing05:45
Madpilotlove, we'd need more detail than 'not working'...05:45
llindyokay well i did it and it finished without error, but im trying to use another program that needs this package after installing it i try running the program again and it says it still can't find the package installed05:45
loveit just locks up05:45
holycowlove, at what point?05:45
tonyyarussolove: Any pattern?05:45
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loveright when i turn it on05:45
nixrCorpse try this page http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper05:45
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vitoholycow - oh, i've been wrestling with my xorg.conf for a few weeks now on this--my monitor is a TV set...havent seen how to get rates for that.05:45
=== _magix_ [n=majik@68-187-20-54.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Of_Deathweek, huh?05:45
ryan8403quick question how do i force another mirror when running apt-get?05:45
holycowlove, did you install dual boot or clean hd? just curious, maybe grub cannot find your install05:46
llindyokay well i did it and it finished without error, but im trying to use another program that needs this package after installing it i try running the program again and it says it still can't find the package installed05:46
Of_Deathhow much time have you spent on it?05:46
ArrenLexCorpseFeeder: then how come the first result for the first query I typed in yields this? http://www.cicese.mx/~mirsev/Linux/DC10plus/05:46
Madpilotlove, sounds more like a hardware issue than an ubuntu-specific issue, if your computer dies right after it starts05:46
holycowvito, oh tv set, i donno mate :/ i've not even bothered testing that.05:46
imajeshey, i just did a cat /proc/cpuinfo on a new machien i just installed ubuntu on... and it says my model name is amd athlon 64 processor; should i install the 64 bit version or should i stick with the i386 version i just used??05:46
loveno...it worked, I installed ubuntu, and it freezes on bootup.05:46
naliothOf_Death: please stay on topic05:46
vitoHA - no - been leaving and coming back to it out of frustration--it's my 3d computer05:46
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ArrenLexllindy: are you trying to compile something?05:46
=== shinobi2 [n=slime@udp118203uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
llindyi am trying to run a config program for another program05:46
Of_Deathwell, I was asking about his time on working with ubuntu05:46
vitoi'd say maybe 30 or so hours of pure frustration tho05:46
newworldorderi think he said weeks05:47
CorpseFeederbecause I'v already beeb to that page and it yeilded no useful information05:47
ArrenLexllindy: then you need the -dev version of the package it tells you it's missing.05:47
Of_Death30 hours05:47
wastrelOf_Death:  this isn't a channel for general chat about ubuntu, it's for support05:47
vitothird computer, not three dimentional05:47
Of_Deaththats a long time05:47
holycowimajes, you should stick with 32 bit version.  if you really needed 64 bit version you would KNOW WHY you needed it and the issue associated05:47
ArrenLexllindy: i.e. if it tells you you're missing libfoobar, you need to install libfoobar-dev05:47
Madpilotlove, when exactly on bootup? During the BIOS start, during GRUB's start, or when?05:47
Of_Deathalot you can do in 30 hours05:47
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vitoand can't do, apparently05:47
llindyapt-get install kernel-headers-2.4.27-2-38605:47
ArrenLexOf_Death: PLEASE, can we stop the flame war?05:47
imajesholycow: that's what i thought; i really don't need 64 bit processing right now05:47
llindythats what it says i need ArrenLex05:47
Nihil1985hi! i cannot play music from the windows network with amarok, i only can play music from other pc with rythmbox and totem. Why?05:48
ArrenLexllindy: oh. Try "apt-get install `uname -r`"05:48
holycowimajes, nothing wrong with 64 bit play with it, but remember you wont really notice any difference as 64 bit really a specific cpu for a specific set of tasks and also things like flash plugin from adobe don't exist on ANY 64 bit platform05:48
=== ppd [n=max@dslb-088-064-025-013.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexllindy: don't change the little ` apostrophes.05:48
nalioth!tell llindy about headers05:48
ArrenLexllindy: wait.05:48
ArrenLexllindy: oh. Try "apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`"05:48
nalioth!tell ArrenLex about headers05:48
CorpseFeederi could get nothng in that page to work05:48
imajesholycow: i wasn't sure if i  *had* to have 64 bit on what i asusme is a 64 bit cpu; i'm really not going to worry about it, it's a fileserver. :)05:48
wastrelArrenLex:  i've almost completely retrained myself to use $() instead of ` `05:48
vitoI can get full screen video with the VESA drivers, but its choppy-- I dont know whether i should be barking up the "ATI drivers" tree or the "try to get a less CPU intensive system" tree or what05:48
ryan8403hi, anyone know how to force a different mirror when running apt-get?05:48
ArrenLexllindy: actually, a better way would be to apt-get install build-essential05:48
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tonyyarussoArrenLex: You can do that with $(uname -r) too, right/05:48
newworldorderArrenLex:  he wasn't flaming05:48
llindyits doing it right now05:48
llindythe apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`05:49
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ArrenLexnalioth: why are you telling me this? xD I know.05:49
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tonyyarussoryan8403: I've only done it by changing my sources file myself; check the apt-get man to see if there's another.05:49
ArrenLextony: yes. Are the little apostrophes somehow bad?05:49
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ArrenLexI mentioned them and everyone was like HISS05:49
newworldorderwhy did I just get kicked?05:49
naliothArrenLex: it is sometimes easier to send folks a link they won't lose in the channel passing05:49
tonyyarussoArrenLex: Nope.  I think I actually like that better.05:49
naliothnewworldorder: because you are trolling.05:49
holycowvito,  nothing wrong with trying ati.  just do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose ati.  you should be using ati drivers for your ati vid card05:49
Nihil1985hi! i cannot play music from the windows network with amarok, i only can play music from other pc with rythmbox and totem. Why?05:50
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newworldorderehh...right.  Do they pay you guys?  What's your supervisor's name?  What company?05:50
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ryan8403tonyyarusso: thanks05:50
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loveniolath:  that was inappropriate.05:50
vitoholycow - done that (many times) - but the video comes out screwed up, like, you can tell it's almost there, but the "ubuntu" logo is stretched and repated across the screen, is unreadable etc.05:50
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holycowvito, *hmm*05:51
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naliothlove: you may join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to contest any operator actions.  #ubuntu is not the place for it.05:51
holycowvito, what are the resolution options you get under ati driver?05:51
llindy/usr/bin/parallels-config: line 148: make: command not found05:51
holycowcan you get far enough to tell from the menu?05:51
llindyi need ot install make05:51
ryan8403anyone having problems with a mirror at
ArrenLexllindy: apt-get install build-essential05:51
llindyapt-get make ?05:51
naliothllindy: install "build-essential"05:51
llindythnx arren05:51
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andresmujicahi about kicker and kde 3.5.5 issue i've just made a bug report, thanks for the suggestions they didn't worked... and a quick search for the forums lead to nowhere.. so  here is the bug report https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/6619805:52
whitehorseNTigerIf I have a video off the internet that mplayer-plug in opens automatically, how do I save the streem/file?05:52
ArrenLexandres: where did you get kde-3.5.5 from?05:52
vitoholycow: like all of them? there's a great number- but i keep them low (1024x768 at ABSOLUTE max,) 800x600 is the best for the TV05:52
inz1can anyone help with nvidia drivers? after running ' nvidia-glx-config enable' i get a message telling me to update the md5sum, so i run the line and my card gets changed to an ATI card in xorg.conf05:52
ArrenLexwhitehorse: right-click on the video and click save as. :P05:52
holycowvito check this out: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/TVout_for_legacy_ATI_cards_using_GATOS05:52
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holycowi wouldn't follwo the rest of the info but i would check out the xorg.conf config05:52
Nihil1985hi! i cannot play music from the windows network with amarok, i only can play music from other pc with rythmbox and totem. Why? amarok says that it hasn't the appropriate plugin. how can i listen to music with it?05:53
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holycowvito, back up your current config before modification of course05:53
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vitoholycow - thanks..i'll see if this helps05:53
holycowvito, the part about compiling ati drivers ... i don't know if those are compatable with your vid card so be careful05:53
AgiozHello everybody! I am very new to Ubuntu and I have some question. 1. How to change the resolution of the screen ?05:53
andresmujicaarrenlex, from kde-latest....05:54
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ
andresmujicaapt-ge update   apt-get upgrade05:54
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!05:54
Madpilotframply, ?05:54
Amaranthlagging, will get ElectricAvenue banned in a second05:54
ArrenLexandres: you compiled from source?05:54
inz1Agioz: System, preferences, screen resolution05:54
framplyMadpilot: got on-join spam from ElectricAvenue05:54
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AmaranthHe is gone though05:55
andresmujicaArrenLex: nop!!! it's at the ubuntu repos already!!! it's hot!!!05:55
framplybut, better late than never :)05:55
keegan_What is in the ubuntu repos?05:55
Madpilotframply, being dealt with05:55
ArrenLexandres: then I don't know if you should be filing a bug report with kde. Maybe it's an ubuntu-only bug.05:55
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andresmujicabut at my work machine the kicker died after the upgrade05:55
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holycowkeegan_, everything :)05:55
Agiozinz1, Thanks but the highest value is 1024/768 and my nat res is 1280/102405:55
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keegan_Not exaile...05:55
lostboyzi was wondering after i changed my xorg file my fonts are really small how do i make them bigger05:55
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pingsweptNihil1985: I don't know enough about Windows networking to say anything particularly insightful, but you might try installing Ethereal and comparing the packets sent to your remote host by rbox vs. amarok.05:56
lostboyzalso how do i install a progam from a tarball but making it a platform deb file first?05:56
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pingsweptNihil1985: If nothing else, it will be sort of fun.05:56
andresmujicaooohhhh.. sh*****tt  i didn't realize that!!!05:56
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ArrenLex!tell lostboyz about checkinstall05:56
linuxnutHello all.05:56
andresmujicai was reporting it to ubuntu...... oooppss.05:56
Nihil1985pingswept: i don't understand05:56
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SAS_Spidey01Does any one know how much quality I'll lose if I use the  soundconverter package to convert my mp3's to ogg ?05:57
pingsweptNihil1985: Ethereal is a packet sniffer.05:57
linuxnutNot sure if this is an Ubuntu or mysql question but here goes:05:57
pingsweptNihil1985: It lets you see the traffic across the Windows network.05:57
andresmujicakeegan_: kde 3.5.505:57
Em3raldSAS:  Negligible05:57
Em3raldUnless you are an audiophile05:57
inz1edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the lines for each new res. you'll see what i mean when you open it; type: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:57
Nihil1985pingswept: the question is: why totem and rythmbox are allowed to play music in a lan and not amarok ?05:57
SAS_Spidey01Thanks, I'll convert the backup collection05:57
Nihil1985pingswept: apt-get install ethereal?05:58
ArrenLexNihil: are you trying to play mp3s? Amarok won't play mp3s by default, I believe.05:58
pingsweptNihil1985: Right. Looking at the packets might tell you the answer.05:58
linuxnutUbuntu 6.06 install, mysql up an running (works great...), I'm trying to access the mysql server from an outside machine (but still within my lan).05:58
pingsweptArrenLex: probably a better theory.05:58
ryan8403so does anyone know of any other way to force a different mirror from the pool? i'm getting Connection failed error messages when running apt-get update05:58
SAS_Spidey01I've been wanting to change to ogg format for a long time05:58
Nihil1985ArrenLex: i've already installed the mp3 plugins, infact they can play music on the local pc05:58
linuxnutmy mysql client is not seeing the server.  IP's are correct05:58
ArrenLexryan: just go to your /etc/apt/sources.list and change to a different mirror.05:58
kismet_Wireshark > Ethereal05:58
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pingsweptNihil1985: Yes, I believe so.05:58
Em3raldSAS:  Well, it's a decent format ... though WavPack (I think that's what its called) is actually technically better.05:59
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andresmujicalostboys:  try with dpkg-deb -b05:59
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SAS_Spidey01Not sure if I've heard of it Em3rald05:59
pingsweptkismet_: what is wireshark? I've seen it mentioned. Is it a debranded version of Ethereal? Or a fork?05:59
ryan8403ArrenLex: its set to the us.archive.ubuntu.com05:59
andresmujicayou need a DEBIAN dir05:59
andresmujicawith some standard files on it05:59
holycowpingswept, fork05:59
linuxnutI recall that with debian I had to 'turn' something on, but I don't emember what it was or if it applies with ubuntu05:59
pingsweptThanks, cow.05:59
ArrenLexryan: try deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/05:59
Em3raldSAS:  Well, I read a big page about it awhile ago ... I'll see if I can find a link.05:59
SAS_Spidey01cc, thank you06:00
kismet_Wireshark is Ethereal's new name. They had some kind of Trademark issue with the Ethereal name06:00
ryan8403Arren: ok06:00
SuperMigueli just got an old PIII 800 MGHZ and 300 MB of ram, and i want to make it server, beside ssh server and http server there is any other useful tool?06:00
ArrenLexSuperMiguel: you could use it in a cluster.06:00
ubotudistcc: Simple distributed compiler client and server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.18.3-3 (dapper), package size 138 kB, installed size 360 kB06:00
kismet_SuperMiguel: NAS device06:01
Nihil1985pingswept: i've installed ethereal and i'm running it at this moment06:01
ArrenLexSuperMiguel: use it to help you compile stuff faster!06:01
Em3raldSAS:  http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Lossless_comparison06:01
andresmujicaNihil1985: i recall that there's a bug report on that at launchpad, and several threads at the forums, try checking there maybe someone has some hint to make it work.06:01
Em3raldAnd http://www.wavpack.com has more info about it too.06:01
Nihil1985pingswept: but i have no idea of how i can analyze the network traffic06:01
andresmujicai, m talking about amarok + windows share issue06:01
SuperMiguelwhat is an cluster and what is an NAS device06:01
Agiozinz1, A new empy window opens. So just type the resolution? -----edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the lines for each new res. you'll see what i mean when you open it; type: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.con06:01
=== SAS_Spidey01 inhales web page
Nihil1985andresmujica: so this is a common matter about amarok and the LAN.... thanks. what's this forum? can you send me a link?06:02
ArrenLexSuperMiguel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_computing06:02
andresmujicalinuxnf:  about mysql and ubuntu, the problem is that you cannot access your mysql server via network??06:02
holycowSuperMiguel, oh man you can make the server do anything06:02
holycowwhere to begin06:02
vitoholycow - interesting..i'm noticing that changing the refresh rates makes it look screwed up in a different way every time, which is making me suspect i just have to find the magic numbers06:02
holycowwhen it comes to webservers ... between things like apache and aolserver you have millions of options to make very cools things06:02
ArrenLexAgioz: no, that's  "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"06:03
inz1Agioz: no, it should have content in it already06:03
holycowSuperMiguel, you can make web access servers, you can make ldap servers, ftp servers, streaming media servers06:03
holycowSuperMiguel, you can spend a lifetime building super cool things :)06:03
SuperMiguelArrenLex: so basically it will make my communication faster?06:03
inz1Agioz: sorry, typo06:03
Agiozinz1 but it completely empty06:03
wastrelare ldap servers really considered cool?06:03
linuxnutandresmujica:   Yes, correct06:03
=== Em3rald uses Apache + MySQL + PHP for his wife's band http://www.anxietyofinfluence.ca ... all served up on a P4 1.4GHz ..
ArrenLexSuperMiguel: basically it will make your processing faster. If you do compiling or video rendering, for example, you can use it tp help.06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openmosix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:04
Em3raldugh ... that looked like spam ... sorry.06:04
inz1close that window, then type this: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:04
ryan8403ArrenLex: its still failing on the connection, i can ping the ip addresses, its just not seeing the files06:04
holycowvito, yeah thats usually the issue.  each type of display expects a certain frequency range as they are only designed to handle a few things ... good luck i wish i know06:04
SuperMiguelArrenLex: but it will make windows computer faster too?06:04
andresmujicaNihil1985: yes i recall that i've seen that issue as a bug report and some threads but sadly i don't have the links.. try launchpad.net and ubuntuforums.org06:04
ArrenLexSuperMiguel: No.06:04
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SuperMiguelit will make my others ubuntu computers work faster?06:04
ArrenLexryan8403: how are you trying to access the files?06:05
Nihil1985andresmujica: thanks06:05
andresmujicawastrel:  ldap is not cool, it's super cool ;)06:05
ryan8403ArrenLex: i'm running both apt-get update and Synaptic06:05
ryan8403and clicking refresh06:05
SuperMiguelholycow: what is an ldap servers?06:06
Em3raldryan:  dude, only one at a time, eh?06:06
ArrenLexryan8403: that's not what I mean. The files are on a remote computer running Windows. How are you trying to acess this remote computer?06:06
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holycowSuperMiguel, its basically a really really fancy address book you can use to authenticate users against and provide priviledges to them06:06
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inz1Agioz: close that window, then type this: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:06
linuxnutandresmujica:   any ideas?06:06
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khaled_hosnyI'm intalling edgy in a chroot (by debootstrap). base-config is no longer used, so what is its replacement ?06:07
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DaemonikHey the fglrx driver for Dapper is broken.06:07
khaled_hosnyI can't find any thing after googling06:07
Em3raldGotta jet guys ... thanks for all the help as usual :D ... Viva La Ubuntu!! ;)06:07
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SuperMiguelholycow: there any way to make a file server, like i have 5 computers and i want them to share files two of them have windows06:07
SAS_Spidey01Use Samba SuperMiguel06:07
ArrenLexDaemonik: "broken"?06:07
ryan8403Em3rald: I'm switching between the two ( i realize that running both is not possible as there is a lock on the package db)06:07
Agiozinz1,I did, can I change the depth as well ? because so far i can see that it is 24Bit.Can that be 32 as well ?06:07
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holycowSuperMiguel, yes i'll show you the really easy way06:08
Sunspotshow can you change the available "Open With" applications in nautilus06:08
ArrenLexAgioz: 32-bit is 24-bit plus alpha channels. You get the same colour depth.06:08
SuperMiguelholycow: ok =)06:08
holycowSuperMiguel, 1. research what vmware is ... in particular you will need to know what vmware player is and what vmware server is06:08
DaemonikArrenLex, mhmmm. Installed exactly as the wiki guided, glxinfo says Direct Rendering: Yes, but under that it says the vendor is SGI. Programs that make use of acceleration some don't run at all. Like Doom3. This is with an x800xt and a 4ghz Pentium D.06:08
Agiozfair enogh06:08
ArrenLexDaemonik: are you trying to use aiglx?06:08
holycowSuperMiguel, 2. you will download a vmware appliance image ... and run it from your vmware server when you have that setup ... which is easy but a bit hard for a noob, you need to google a bit06:09
Sunspotssince when was virtualization easier for this use06:09
DaemonikArrenLex, Nope, just basic 3D acceleration. Although I would like to take a shot at Xgl if this problem is solved.06:09
SAS_Spidey01I agree with Sunspots06:09
holycowSuperMiguel,  since its plug and play06:09
ryan8403ArrenLex: I'm using apt-get update or synaptic package manager the error message i'm getting back is that the connection failed06:09
MadpilotSunspots, right-click on a file that you want to open in something different, go Properties->Open With tab06:09
andresmujicalinuxnut: you need to activate mysql tcp/ip by default it communicates via sock so it's only accesed via localhost and unix filesystem, look for /etc/my.cf (please help i don't remember the right filename) and look for a line with tcp on it... sorry i don't remeber the exact line06:10
ArrenLexryan8403: how are you trying to connect?06:10
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SunspotsMadpilot: some are unremovable06:10
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ryan8403ArrenLex: I'm connected right now through broadband06:10
SunspotsMadpilot: and aren't even installed06:10
ryan8403ArrenLex: The box is the one that i'm currently using06:10
MadpilotSunspots, yeah, I've run into that myself; Nautilus bug, I think. File w/ bugs.ubuntu.com06:11
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DaemonikArrenLex, I took a good long look at /var/loglXorg.0.log.06:11
ArrenLexryan8403: that's not what I mean. In Windows, if you want to access a remote machine, you go to My Network Places, yes? What special thing are you doing right now?06:11
andresmujicaSunspots: not pretty sure but is something like right button properties and click on the icon that appears before the type of file.. something like that06:11
SunspotsMadpilot: is there any text config, I couldn't find one06:11
Agiozinz1,do I need a restart to take effect ??06:11
Sunspotsandresmujica: the problem is some can't be remove06:11
MadpilotSunspots, there should be, but I'm not sure where Nautilus keeps it's config files06:11
RadiantFirejust a guess, .nautilus06:11
ryan8403ArrenLex: i'm not doing anything special like that06:12
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holycowSuperMiguel, 3. http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/31506:12
SuperMiguelholycow: do you want me to install the vmware server?06:12
ArrenLexryan8403: I'm confused as to what you're doing.06:12
linuxnutaha, thanks, my.cf06:12
holycowit runs gentoo but it will give you something to play with06:12
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linuxnutIt looks like they are defaulting to only listen on
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ArrenLexDaemonik: you looked at Xorg.0.log? Did you find anything?06:12
holycowyou can then go and recreate the same thing using the components in ubuntu/debian repos depending on what server you are running06:12
ryan8403ArrenLex: I'm trying to update my box by running apt-get update when doing that i get Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg Connection failed [IP: 80] 06:13
MadpilotRadiantFire, doesn't look like it, actually. .nautilus seems to just contain directory structures?06:13
holycowAmaranth, didn't see the msg window ... ping right back at ya :)06:13
DaemonikArrenLex, Nope.06:13
ArrenLexDaemonik: you've installed xorg-driver-fglrx? You've made your xorg.conf use the fglrx driver? You have restricted modules installed?06:13
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holycowSuperMiguel, in order to run the vmware appliance images, you will need to install vmware server 1.x which is free to use (though not open source.  later you can use something like xen to do virtualization when you are more comfy with how things work)06:14
lostboyzi was wondering after i changed my xorg file my fonts are really small how do i make them bigger06:14
SunspotsRadiantFire: that only has menu histories06:14
andresmujicaryan8403: try www.ubuntulinux.com/source-o-matic there's a brief explanation of importing gpg keys and several keys and repos for sources.list06:14
=== KEA0463 [n=amin@adsl-75-21-101-167.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
RadiantFirelearn something new everyday06:14
ArrenLexryan8403: then go to /etc/apt/sources.list and change where it says "us.archive.ubuntu.com" to "archive.ubuntu.com" (remove the us)06:14
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KEA0463hello ubanites06:14
ArrenLexlotsboyz: do you have a DPI in mind?06:15
SAS_Spidey01man sudo is going to spoil me06:15
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ArrenLexlotsboyz -> lostboyz XDDD06:15
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linuxnutandresmujica:   THANKS a bunch now I can leave my 'server' room, which is also where the cat deposits his, eh, DATA06:16
Of_Deathyeah, I can talk06:16
SuperMiguelholycow: and then?06:16
KEA0463i need penis enlargement surgery06:16
ArrenLexlinuxnut: if you don't like your cat depositing your data there, run "cat > /dev/null" instead. =P06:16
andresmujicalinuxnut: you're welcome, please which was the line?06:16
holycowSuperMiguel, i can't hand hold you through the whole thing.  i gave you the shortest route to the most interesting way to test out linux environments, particularly server level stuff06:17
holycowyou will haveto fight through learning the rest06:17
suff0katehow come i can't acess program files under .wine06:17
OmniDWhat's a decent torrent client06:17
suff0katei type cd Program FIles06:17
suff0kateand it doesn't work06:17
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ArrenLexsuff0kate: you have to type cd Program\ Files because Linux doesn't like spaces06:17
holycowsuff0kate, its Program\ Files/06:17
Nihil1985andresmujica: i've searched for amarok in launchpad but i found nothing06:18
ArrenLexsuff0kate: you know that, once you type the first few characters, you can press tab to complete the name, right?06:18
holycowsuff0kate, also you can press tab to autocomplete ... so you can type in Pro<tab> and it should fill it in for you06:18
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andresmujicaOmniD: try azureus06:18
ArrenLexNihil: what is your problem again, briefly?06:18
SAS_Spidey01once I actually get music playing I can get to my history test hehee06:18
andresmujicanihil... let me check it for you.. just a sec06:18
dexter123hi there ubuntu newbie with a installation question neone got  a sec?06:18
OmniDandresmujica, I hear azureus eats up RAM like no other06:18
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:19
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Nihil1985ArrenLex: always the same problem: amarok is the only player that can't play music from other pc in a lan06:19
SuperMiguelthere is any way to log in your computer remotely usgin putty06:19
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Nihil1985andresmujica: thanks06:19
ArrenLexNihil: how are you trying to play this music?06:19
SuperMiguellike the ssh server is up, but i need to be loged to be able to use vnc there is any way to log in using putty?06:20
ArrenLexSuperMiguel: putty is ssh for windows.06:20
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SuperMiguelthere is no way to do that06:20
ArrenLexSuperMiguel: from a Linux to a Linux box? or from a Windows box to a Linux box?06:20
SuperMiguelfrom windows to linux06:20
darnellanyone know of an online website to scan my computer for its hardware?06:20
Nihil1985ArrenLex: like with rythmbox or totem: i take a mp3 from a folder (of the win network) and i put it into amarok06:20
darnelli need to get the exact name of my motherboard06:20
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SuperMiguelyou know that when you turn on your gnome-desktop it will ask you for a password06:20
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SuperMiguelif you dont log in the vnc server wont be on06:21
ArrenLexNihil: how are you getting to this remote folder? And what desktop environment are you on?06:21
SuperMiguelthere is any way to log in remotly06:21
ArrenLexdarnell: why is the "lspci" command not good enough for you?06:21
nomasteryodadarnell, just do this06:21
nomasteryodalspci -v06:21
nomasteryodamine shows my mb exactly06:21
nomasteryodaSubsystem: Giga-byte Technology GA-K8VT800 Pro Motherboard06:22
khaled_hosnyguys, how to configure a newly debootstarped edgy whithout base-config ? or there is no need for this any more ?06:22
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darnelli have two usb ports in the front of my computer..06:22
darnelland ive connected them to the motherboard and they still dont work06:22
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nomasteryodadarnell, did the cables you used come with the m/b?06:23
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Nihil1985ArrenLex: i'm on dapper drake with gnome, so i use nautilus. I open the network and i find my windows lan with all the shared folders06:24
nomasteryodasometimes there is a jumper to change for extra usb ports06:24
nomasteryodaor turn them on06:24
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ArrenLexNihil: I'm guessing the fact that you're on gnome is what's preventing a KDE app from properly handling your links. But that's justa  guess.06:24
darnellthey run from the usb ports...06:24
darnellall you have to do if plug them on to the motherboard06:24
docmurI need to find a program that will allow to program Programmable Logic Arrays06:24
darnelli stick my ipod in and it lights up..06:24
darnellso power is there06:24
Nihil1985ArrenLex: i've installed KDE before amarok06:25
Nihil1985ArrenLex: so i should have all the necessary to get it works06:25
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ArrenLexNihil: yes, but nautilus might be passing smb links in a way amarok can't handle.06:25
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ArrenLexNihil: what if you open amarok and browse to your files using its file - open?06:26
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Nihil1985ArrenLex: i dislike kde but Amarok is the best player after winamp.....  so, how can i use it to listen to my music?06:26
=== Deon_ [n=chatzill@cor9-ppp844.bur.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexNihil: try what I suggested. What happens?06:27
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ArrenLex(22:26:26) ArrenLex: Nihil: what if you open amarok and browse to your files using its file - open?06:27
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Nihil1985ArrenLex: amarok crashes06:28
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ArrenLexNihil: yeah, I think something's just not going to work what that setup.06:28
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:28
catalytichow can I reset all of the X settings to the default that they were when i first installed ubuntu?06:28
Troy_McClurei am having problems installing fglxr driver... not working this time, anyone got a minute to help06:28
=== L3TUC3 [n=L3@ip70-176-29-50.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexNihil: if you like winamp, check out xmms. It's a clone.06:28
Deon|altI'm trying to get an old P1 with 16MB RAM running Linux06:28
catalytici tried installing the ati radeon drivers and now X or startx will not start06:28
Deon|altas LiveCD06:28
Nihil1985ArrenLex: xmms is a bad clone, in my opinion06:29
ArrenLexDeon: you definitely need to check out damn small linux. Ubuntu in any form is not for you.06:29
Deon|altive tried MEPIS, DSL, Puppy, Feather..06:29
ArrenLexOr not.06:29
ArrenLexHow about debian?06:29
Nihil1985ArrenLex: i think that rythmbox is good compared to xmms06:29
Deon|altim in #damnsmalllinux now..06:29
Deon|altthey Said Hello, now they pretend to be asleep06:29
cafuegoDeon|alt: FloppyFW might work, wouldn't hold my breath on anything that needs a largeish ramdisk06:29
Deon|altArrenLex: debian?06:29
L3TUC3how do i enable 3d hardware acceleration?06:29
holycowDeon|alt, wow06:29
ArrenLexDeon|alt: don't tell me you don't know what debian is? o_o06:30
Deon|altcafuego: would it support internet?06:30
Deon|altArrenLex: I barely know Linux06:30
holycowDeon|alt, may i very very humbly suggest walking around some large buildings and waiting for something a wee bit better to show up?06:30
ArrenLexL3TUC3: you need the proper driver. What card?06:30
Deon|altI can go on for hours about Windows Vista :P06:30
cafuegoDeon|alt: As long as the hardware is supported; just ethernet should be fine.06:30
L3TUC3geforce 2 go06:30
holycowat minimum you should be able to find a p500 mhz for free :/06:30
catalyticis the gui x? or xserver?06:30
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ArrenLexL3TUC3: you need the nvidia driver.06:30
Deon|altholycow: lol06:30
ArrenLex!tell L3TUC3 about nvidia06:30
cafuegoholycow: I started out on a P66/16Mb - ran just fine (X and netscape and all)06:31
Deon|altholycow: im on a P4 Celeron, with 1GB of RAM atm.. but I want to try and get an old laptop happenin again06:31
andresmujicanihin i've just sent you the links in a priv message06:31
L3TUC3ah yes, thank you, thats the page i was looking for06:31
Deon|altcaguego: really..06:31
L3TUC3ilost it yesterday06:31
Troy_McClureArrenLex: any "modern" distro is going to be to much for an old machine, even xubuntu might be a bit much damn small linux or maybe a custom slackware install if you have the skills06:31
holycowcafuego, yes well ... :) i'm thinking that maybe something a weee bit better might make the experience a wee bit more enjoyeable :)06:31
holycowcafuego, besides your a weirdo06:31
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catalytici need to remove the ati drivers and roll back to the generic ones that were installed during the standard ubuntu installation06:32
Nihil1985andresmujica: thanks06:32
Nihil1985andresmujica: is there any solution?06:32
davidvgot a asus mboard with nvidia raid 0 i thnk( 2 drives combined into 1) and when i install ubuntu it shows me 2 drives how do i get it to show one06:32
holycowDeon|alt, debian WON'T install on that for sure, i've tried.  it requires more ram for the installer to run06:32
silvertip257does anyone know of a tutorial/instructions on properly creating a multiple boot system with just Linux flavors???06:32
catalyticcould anyone offer any advice on how to do that?06:32
holycowlike someone mentioned you need something very specific to such old hardware .. perhaps damn small linux is a decent suggestion as they said?06:32
andresmujicaNihil1985: i don't know...06:32
Troy_McClureanyways though, i have run into an interesting problem, been trying to install fglrx, and i am getting the Xfree_86 Dri has not been loaded error, and fglrxinfo shows mesa is still running...06:32
SuperMiguelthere is any way to log onto a ubuntu computer with login in using putty?06:33
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Troy_McClureand fglrx doesn't show up in a modprobe06:33
Deon|alt<cafuego>: Deon|alt: As long as the hardware is supported; just ethernet should be fine.06:33
davidvwhen i install xp it shows as 1 drive.. but ubuntu 2 any ideas?06:34
Troy_McClureDeon|alt, if you have a modem, you are in dire straights unless it happens to be a hardware modem OR something supported by the community that has written drivers for winmodems06:34
andresmujicasilvertip257: normally suse and ubuntu (maybe mandrake) update the grub menu with all the distros installed (if you install some of this ones after the other distro).. but you can do it manually modifying /boot/grub/menu.lst06:34
Nihil1985andresmujica: i discovered a #amarok channel!!!06:34
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Deon|altTroy_McClure: it's just a normal modem.. that runs with Windows's "Standard 56000 Modem" driver06:35
cafuegoDeon|alt: Should be be if it's no winmodem.06:35
silvertip257andresmujica do you know of any tutorials ? b/c I've tried what I thought should work, but only one of them worked properly06:35
=== cafuego has to go and finish off a bird, sorry.
holycowcafuego, :) later06:35
cafuegodamn cat06:36
ArrenLexWhat did the poor bird do to you? o_o06:36
andresmujicasupermiguel, try apt-get install openssh-server  and then in putty put your ip nad voila!06:36
cafuegoArrenLex: cat got it and is toying with it; broken wing and broken eye... better finish it off with a whack of the shovel.06:36
ArrenLexandresmujica: nad voila, eh?06:36
=== ArrenLex runs away screaming "DIRTY MAN!"
ArrenLexOh. = /06:37
andresmujicasilvertip257: nop. not really, maybe at tldp.org06:37
ArrenLexPoor bird. ._.06:37
cafuegoUm, YOU're talking about nads, I'm not.06:37
silvertip257ok ty andresmujica06:37
catalyticcan anyone help me to remove these weird ati radeon drivers, and revert back to those from the original ubuntu installation, i think they were mesa06:37
Troy_McClureDeon|alt, you need to open your case, find the chipset the modem has, and then see if it is supported from http://linmodems.org/06:37
CorpseFeederI'm still getting nowhere... I can't get nothing but blank video from capturing with VLC and Video4Linux... using lavrec in console gives errors and to top things off I keep losing connection to IRC.06:37
ArrenLexcatalytic: apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx06:37
Troy_McClureor cool they have a scanmodem tool06:37
cafuegoTroy_McClure: getting a linmodem to work on floppyfw (2.2 kernel) might be pushing it.06:37
ArrenLexcatalytic: then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and use the radeon driver.06:37
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Deon|altwow this is turning out harder than I thought..06:38
Troy_McClureah lol yeah...06:38
catalyticok, but i think i already tried something like that06:38
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cafuegoDeon|alt: Download floppyfw. Make the floppy, boot it. See what's detected.06:38
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davidvso anyone any ideas?06:38
ArrenLexIdeas about what?06:38
Deon|altcafuego: doing it now :)06:38
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davidvmy raid question06:39
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ArrenLexOh. nope.06:39
CorpseFeederI can't work out how to use XawTV and there certainly doesn't appear to be anyway to make it do video capture. I am lost.06:39
L3TUC3I guess im now installing an older kernel06:39
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Troy_McClurewhat is the 6.10 support channel?06:39
catalytici do that and i get06:39
catalyticpostinst warning06:40
ArrenLexTony: ubuntu+106:40
catalyticoverwriting possivly-customised configuration06:40
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catalyticeven when i use sudo06:40
ArrenLexcatalytic: yes. Have you customised xorg.conf?06:40
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L3TUC3man, I really neec to learn to read06:40
ArrenLexIf so, you should edit manually. If not, feel free to plunge ahead.06:40
andresmujicadavid: maybe there's no raid driver for your car in the kernel?  or are you sure that windows is seeing the raid and not only one of the disks??06:40
catalytici think i might of06:40
captinehey all.  running dapper on Presario notebook.  the mouse seems a bit weird (mousepad).  The left click and drag doesn't work properly when moving files/icons.  I have to re-try like 3 times. an newbi. does the mouse function different in Ubuntu that Windows XP?06:40
ArrenLexMight have *06:40
devilsrejectionhey guys, who is playing around with edgy eft?06:40
ArrenLexcatalytic: then pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, please.06:41
catalyticcan i just rename the xorg.conf to the new one the auto setup06:41
ArrenLexdevilrejection: the people in #ubuntu+1 are.06:41
catalytichmm thast going to be hard to do06:41
catalyticim on my mac06:41
ArrenLexcatalytic: fine, just back up your file, then.06:41
catalyticand the other computer is the one i cant get xserver06:41
catalyticto run on06:41
=== L3TUC3 crosses fingers
CorpseFeederIt seems all linux is good for is browsing/email and strange games... As soon as I try to do anything even slightly technical (like wireless networking or audio recording or video capture) it just chokes and dies ;(06:42
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Dr_willisCorpseFeeder,  you need to do more research i think.06:43
holycowCorpseFeeder, well no, you either have unsupported hardware or haven't learned to us it.06:43
devilsrejectionwell the majority of users just do email and browsing06:43
ArrenLexCorpseFeeder: don't blame Linux. Blame hardware makers who refuse to release specs or drivers.06:43
devilsrejectionno one is in ubuntu+1, where else can i chat with people about edgy eft?06:43
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devilsrejectionoh guys you're going to love how the fonts are rendered, they don't look like crap anymore06:43
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ArrenLexActually, 162 people are in #ubuntu+1, devils.06:43
Dr_willisThe current state of Wireless networking - is a bit of a fiasco under all os's06:44
devilsrejectionyes, but no one is posting06:44
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holycowwireless actually works great on ubuntu06:44
holycowyou just need the correct wireless cards06:44
holycowthey are listed on the wiki infact06:44
Dr_willisholycow,  i find the whole way wireless works - to be the issue. :)06:44
holycowvideo acquisition is fine too, provided you have a supported card06:44
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CorpseFeederthe video hardware is supposedly supported I just can't seem to convince the capture card of that.06:45
holycowDr_Fate, people keep on saying that, i keep on buying supported hardware and have no issues06:45
Dr_willisholycow,  and ive seen several audio-recording studios done  with linmux machines. :)06:45
SuperMigue1there is way that you can set up an automatically log in on gnome a mean, that when you turn on your computer it wont ask you for a password it will juts go in06:45
Dr_willisholycow,  i dont mean the specific cards/stuff. i mean HOW the wireless standards are lacking.06:45
holycowDr_Fate, willis, neato ... that has been next on my list with respect ot actually getting proper sound capture cards06:46
Dr_willisSuperMigue1,  check the GDM control panel/tools/tabs i know kde has that feature.. i thought gnome did also.06:46
holycowDr_willis, are they? seems to me that the only thing thats lacking in terms of standards is this latest stuff they are shoving ... x something i forget.06:46
Dr_willisholycow,  a Linux Journal (I think) magazine showd/built a totally slient recording system06:46
holycowvendors are releasing hardware for a standard not agreed upon06:46
holycowpoor suckers that buy these things06:46
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CorpseFeedermy card is DC10+ and I've been to this page already http://usuario.cicese.mx/~mirsev/Linux/DC10plus/ and not got anywhere...06:46
holycowDr_willis, i'd love to see that article infact06:47
CorpseFeederexcept for errors06:47
holycowCorpseFeeder, get a new one.06:47
Dr_willisholycow,  thats  seems to be the history of wireless. :P i recall G stuff comming out prematurely, then ya got the  other variants..  gets me all confused.. so it must really confuse  the commonfolks.06:47
holycowone with atheros chipset preferably06:47
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L3TUC3my nvidia driver install failed :(06:47
Dr_willisholycow,  yea. it had a 'custome made' wooden/desk/case/ for the system.  with water coolers..  No fans/noise at all.06:48
ArrenLexL3TUC3: why don't you just install from ubuntu packages?06:48
Dr_willisit was Either Linux Journal or Linux Magazine06:48
holycowi'd like to know what sound capture card they used and what software for recording06:48
L3TUC3I did06:48
ArrenLexL3TUC3: and what happened?06:48
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L3TUC3script error06:48
Dr_willisI think it was some Professional sound card.  :) not sure what.. it may of been in the mag about a year or so ago.06:49
ArrenLexL3TUC3: let's see.06:49
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holycowCorpseFeeder, btw i really don't mean to sound  smug06:49
ArrenLexwillis: may have been *06:49
L3TUC31 sec06:49
holycowCorpseFeeder, the truth of the matter is that hardware manufactures simply don't want to release hardware specs ... specs are necessary and everyone should have them available06:49
holycowCorpseFeeder, the microsoft world has taught them to be lazy and greedy06:49
holycowCorpseFeeder, so what you get now is a situation where you have a ton of hardware out there without specs being released so you are now at the mercy of the manufacturers06:50
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SpaceFrogWhats the best program i can use for viewing/capturing from my Webcam?06:50
holycowyou have NO FREEDOM whatsoever06:50
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holycowand thus you end up with a situation where people not aware of that fact (and why its important to know) trying to get crappy hardware from greedy companies to work on platforms the greedy hardware companies don't want to help out06:51
L3TUC3Error: your X configuration has been altered.06:51
L3TUC3This script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this06:51
L3TUC3not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following06:51
L3TUC3md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/xfree86/xorg.conf.md5sum06:51
L3TUC3otherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section06:51
L3TUC3from nv to nvidia.06:51
CorpseFeederI also wanted to try Linux Video Studio from here http://ronald.bitfreak.net/lvs but I can't work out how to get it installed06:51
holycowCorpseFeeder, so i really mean the suggestion to sound like 'the shortest way to a painless linux experience is researching A LOT what hardware is supported and known to work and then supporting those manufacturers with your buying power06:51
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holycowi know thats not easy for students for example and individuals in certain parts of the world where even dialup is a luxury06:52
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L3TUC3this is after sudo nvidia-glx-config enable btw06:52
Deon|altOkay.. I've run floppyfw06:52
Deon|altits come to a command-prompt like screen06:52
andresmujicaCorpseFeeder: check this http://mjpeg.sourceforge.net/driver-zoran/cards.php06:52
Deon|alt# _06:52
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ArrenLexL3TUC3: so just change manually. o_O06:53
SAS_Spidey01Does gnome have any thing like kmix I can use to tweak volumes ?06:53
CorpseFeederthat doesn't really help me. It's just a page which tells me my card IS supported, but when I try to use it it doesn't work.06:53
Dr_willis!find mixer06:53
ubotuFound: alsa-utils, kmix, libsdl-mixer1.2, libsdl-mixer1.2-dev, alsamixergui (and 11 others)06:53
L3TUC3ok, will try06:53
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Homeris Jewbuntu out yet?06:53
andresmujicaCorpseFeeder: modprobe zr36067 and check dmesg so you can see if your card was recognized06:53
Dr_willisSAS_Spidey01,  thers some gnome mixer.. but i dont rember its command.. I perfer the actual alsa mixers06:54
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SAS_Spidey01Only familer /w OSS but if it works06:54
Deon|altwhat should i do now?06:54
juggare there any known problem(s) (under 6.06) with shuting down a system (shutdown -h now) remotely (via ssh) while there are active local sessions (I don't see any reported bugs)?  Even since doing that, on boot I get an error: "mount: Mounting /dev/hda3 on /root failed: No such device"  Although /dev/hda3 is valid, and can be mounted when booting from a livecd.  Any suggestions on where to start l06:54
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kairu0hi all06:55
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kairu0hey SAS_Spidey0106:55
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kairu0quick question: what is the easiest way to mount a remote linux filesystem from my ubuntu box06:55
L3TUC3the file is read only06:56
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ArrenLexkairu0: The absolutely easiest way? fish. It requires nothing on either the server or the client.06:56
MadpilotHomer, not funny. Be polite, or go away.06:56
andresmujicaCorpseFeeder: then you can install xawtv mjpeg06:56
ArrenLexL3TUC3: of course. Edit it with sudo.06:56
SAS_Spidey01Mmm, been wanting to see what fltk widgets looked like06:56
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kairu0ArrenLex, fish is a package?06:56
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ArrenLexFish is a protocol.06:57
ubotufish: a friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.0-1 (dapper), package size 355 kB, installed size 1596 kB06:57
ArrenLexNo, not that fish.06:57
L3TUC3so how can i change a file from read only if I do not own it?06:57
CorpseFeederI have xawtv installed already. And where do I find dmesg06:57
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ArrenLexL3TUC3: don't change the file to be writeable! Just edit it with sudo.06:57
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MadpilotL3TUC3, if you don't own it and it's read only, the system probably likes it that way...06:57
L3TUC3sudo is still new to me06:58
andresmujicaCorpseFeeder: you need to open a console and run dmesg or look for ksystemlog or gsystemlog (don't know which one from gnome)06:58
SAS_Spidey01Thanks Dr_willis thats much better06:58
ArrenLexkairu: do you need to have the filesystem mounted? Or do you only need to send files to it?06:58
Nox2k3So, I'm working on Plan B at the moment, and my fglrx driver seems to want X.org 7.0.-1.8 and I have
Dr_willisSAS_Spidey01,  my soundblaster audigy card has like 40 sliders.. :) it goes across 3 monitors...06:59
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Nox2k3Does anyone know how to fix this particular problem?06:59
L3TUC3how do I sudo this file then?06:59
ArrenLexL3TUC3: in the terminal, type "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"06:59
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kairu0ArrenLex, i need to mount it07:00
ArrenLexL3: then go down to the line that says "Driver" "nv" and change "nv" to "nvidia"07:00
SAS_Spidey01I didn't count it, but there's plenty hehe07:00
ArrenLexkairu0: then I guess ssh.07:00
DaveyCan I do a mirrored raid with 120+40GB = 160GB, and 2*80GB drives?07:00
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kairu0ArrenLex, sshfs?07:00
kishorehi all07:00
ArrenLexkairu0: yes. Here's a guide if you need one: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/07:00
CorpseFeederi see a lot of stuff output from dmesg... what am I looking for?07:00
kishorei had installed eclipse on my box07:00
devilsrejectionso do you guys think the ubuntu guys will ever make things easy for people trying to play back content? as in mp3's mov's xvid/divx etc07:00
SAS_Spidey01Nice not to have to install drivers for my audigy 4 ether07:01
kishoreshowing some errors like this....07:01
kishoreJVM terminated. Exit code=107:01
kairu0ArrenLex, thankx07:01
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kishore-jar /usr/share/eclipse/startup.jar07:01
kishore-os linux07:01
kishore-ws gtk07:01
Example5Alright, I'm having some serious trouble trying to configure xserver under 6.06. It won't start up because I had to format the harddrive on another computer and do the installation there due to some issues with it hanging up during the partioning on the other computer. So when I tried to configure xserver-xorg, it says its not there. And when I try to apt-get it get a parsing error and it stops. Anything I try after t07:01
kishore-arch x8607:01
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kishore-launcher /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse07:01
kishore-name Eclipse07:01
kishore-showsplash 60007:01
kishore-exitdata 16001407:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:01
kishore-install /usr/share/eclipse07:01
kishore-vm /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/bin/java07:01
Lam_how do i connect to WPA2 enabled networks in KDE?07:01
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!07:01
kishore-jar /usr/share/eclipse/startup.jar07:01
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devilsrejectionExample5, just reformat the machine, takes 15 minutes to install ubuntu07:01
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Madpilotkishore, I'll unmute you in 5 minutes.07:02
CorpseFeederi dont see gsystemlog or whatever anywhere07:02
Example5I can't, the computer will hang up07:02
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devilsrejectionthen you have a hardware issue my friend07:02
Example5I had to put it on another machine to format and install, then move the harddrive to that machine07:02
devilsrejectionfix your machine first07:02
juggany input on where to start looking for a solution when on boot this error shows up but /dev/hda3 can be verified valid from a livecd? "mount: Mounting /dev/hda3 on /root failed: No such device"07:02
Example5Everything else seems to be fine about it07:02
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Example5It can run the live cd and such, but dies during formatting07:03
devilsrejectionif it hangs during an install it isn't fine07:03
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L3TUC3hmm, how can i edit the file in sudo nano?07:03
devilsrejectionrun the standard memory and hard drive tests07:03
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Example5The harddrive and memory is fine07:03
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CorpseFeederI think my capture card must be detected. I just can't make it work for whatever reason.07:04
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Example5I've been through several old harddrives because I though somethign was wrong07:04
sryan__Are the mirrors broke?07:04
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sryan__I keep getting a gzip error code.07:04
sryan__on one of them.07:04
suff0kateanyone know how to work a philips mp3 player up on ubuntu?07:04
ArrenLexL3TUC3: if you don't understand nano, use "sudo gedit"07:04
Madpilotsryan__, mirrors break sometimes; try the main repo07:05
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devilsrejectionwe, then test your ram07:05
dbzdeathi'm having some very annoying troubles with my new sound card which is an audigy value using the ca0106 driver my audio gets all crackly and laggy when there is a bit of cpu usage and it happens when xmms is set to use the alsa or the oss driver i still get the same problem could someone please help me?07:05
Example5The computer might be at the end of its life07:05
L3TUC3it opens a new file07:05
ArrenLexL3TUC3: it shouldn't. "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"07:06
L3TUC3woopsie, forgot the root /07:06
L3TUC3excellent, that worked07:07
ArrenLexL3TUC3: now change the line "Driver" "nv" to "Driver" "nvidia"07:07
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Example5The harddrive and the memory are fine, replaced the ides. Everything I could think of. Unless something is terribly wrong with the mother board.07:07
DirtyOmlethi all07:07
SAS_Spidey01Does everyone else get funky lines when they edit a line in Mozilla browsers???07:08
ArrenLexL3: Sorry, no quotes around Driver.07:08
ArrenLexSAS: edit a line?07:08
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mister_robotocan someone describe the difference between the "toolame" and "lame" utilities?07:08
CorpseFeederlets forget about getting nowhere with my unsolvable capture card problems for a moment... I have a mic connected to a soundblaster PCI64 card which is permanently stuck on 0% volume and records silence in Sound Recorder. Do you think it would be possible to get this mic working?07:08
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L3TUC3it worked07:09
ArrenLexmister_roboto: toolame = mp2. lame = mp3.07:09
SAS_Spidey01Such as moving the cursor back over a word to edit some thing you just typed when using a formfill e.t.c.07:09
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SAS_Spidey01it looks like shadows of the cursor stick on screen07:09
mister_robotoArrenLex: what is the diff between those formats?07:09
ArrenLexmister_roboto: wikipedia would better answer that, I think.07:10
mister_robotoArrenLex: thanks :)07:10
ArrenLexBasically mp3 is a better format. mp2 is older.07:10
tonyyarussoWhy would tightvncserver return "A VNC server is already running as :0" if vino and any process containing vnc are not running?07:10
ArrenLexroboto: MP2 is a sub-band audio encoder, which means that compression takes place in the time domain. By comparison, MP3 is a transform audio encoder, which means that compression takes place in the frequency domain after transformation from the time domain.07:10
ArrenLexDoes that help?07:10
ArrenLex(from the mp2 wikipedia entry)07:10
ArrenLexThe MP2 encoder does not exploit interchannel redundancies. This makes MP2 less efficient than MP3 on low bitrates (lower than 256 kbit/s). For example, a 128 kbit/s MP3 encoded audio usually sounds, to the human ear, truer to the original source than the same audio encoded as 192 kbit/s MP2.07:11
ArrenLexAnd so on.07:11
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Example5Okay, this computer is really getting to me07:11
SAS_Spidey01makes mozilla browsers very hard to read when using search bars & forums07:11
mister_robotoArrenLex: well... i was really wondering if anyone had experience encoding to both and if the diff was really all that noticeable07:11
Example55.10 live works, 6.06 live stalls. and the install for both versions I have hang up at 9% during the partioning07:11
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ArrenLextony: 'cause you're already running a vnc server, I'm assuming. ps -A | grep vnc?07:12
Example5But, I can do a full installation with the harddrive on another computer no problems07:12
ArrenLexmister: what are you considering encoding?07:12
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tonyyarussoArrenLex: Did ps aux | grep vnc AND ps aux | grep vino and came up with nothing.07:12
L3TUC3ok, now that 3d harware is on, lets go and see about xgl and compiz07:13
mister_robotoArrenLex: some music files that i ripped form a cd. used lame before but never used toolame07:13
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wendellgood night07:13
ArrenLexmister: why not ogg?07:13
wendellGuys, I need help.07:13
mister_robotoArrenLex: i'd like to play it on an ipod (my wife's actually). does ipod do ogg?07:13
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wendellI tried to install drivers for Nvidia card, and I need to set07:14
wendella enviroment variable to gcc3.407:14
ArrenLexmister: I'm assuming no. Why not mp3?07:14
ArrenLexwendell: why not install nvidia drivers from ubuntu repos?07:14
mister_robotoArrenLex: was just looking at toolame because lame isn't in the ubuntu repos07:14
CorpseFeederI guess mic problems are insolvable too.07:14
ArrenLextony: then I guess you have a lock file that's left over from a previous vnc session.07:15
ArrenLexmister: lame's in multiverse, I believe.07:15
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-1 (dapper), package size 222 kB, installed size 620 kB07:15
tonyyarussoArrenLex: Looks like that's the case; we're trying removing that now.07:15
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wendellHow, please?07:15
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:16
mister_robotoArrenLex: ahhh, it's just not in edgy then07:16
wendellWhat repo I find it?07:16
mister_robotoArrenLex: i have multiverse but i'm running edgy07:16
Jbirkapt-get install nvidia-glx07:16
tritiumwendell: read that URL above07:16
eegoreI tried installing XGL and now my direct rendering is not working07:16
ArrenLexmister: add a dapper line, then, to /etc/apt/sources.list07:16
CorpseFeedergetting back to video capturing... apparently mplayer will do video capture too. I don't see any option in mplayer for anything other than playback. Capturing from a device is not an apparent option. So how would I capture video with mplayer if indeed it really does do video capture?07:16
DirtyOmlethey anyone have issues when trying to fulfull dependencies in edgy?07:16
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wendellVersion breezy07:16
mister_robotoArrenLex: good idea :)07:16
Jbirkthen edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change Driver "nv" to Driver "nvidia" and restart X07:16
ArrenLexeegore: they might be able to help you more in #ubuntu-xgl07:16
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Blippemister_roboto, edgy is in #ubuntu+107:17
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mister_robotoBlippe: yes, i know. was asking about toolame vs lame, mainly07:17
ArrenLexCorpseFeeder: I suggest "man mplayer", for it is God unto all manpages.07:17
wendellOK, its running.07:17
ArrenLexmister: I strongly believe that encoding all yours songs to mp2 format is a worse solution than adding a line to a text file =P07:18
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eegoreArrenLex: a lot of sleepers but no help07:18
mister_robotoArrenLex: point taken :)    does apt-get use the first line in sources.list in which it finds a match?07:19
ArrenLexmister_roboto: apt-get will use the most recent version of a package available to it.07:19
ozzloyhow do i fix gvim copy and paste by clicking07:19
mister_robotoArrenLex: ok, great.   thanks07:19
wendellOK. I'm trying to install 3ddesk under Breezy, and get this when running Attempting to start 3ddesktop server.07:19
wendell3ddeskd: glXIsDirect failed, no Direct Rendering possible!07:19
wendell3ddeskd: Please configure hardware acceleration.  Exiting.07:19
ArrenLexwendell: do you have direct rendering?07:20
wendellWhat I have to do to correct it.07:20
ArrenLexWhat's the output of glxinfo | grep Dire07:20
ArrenLexSorry, that's | grep dire07:20
ArrenLexglxinfo | grep dire07:20
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ArrenLexwendell: and also glxinfo | grep renderer07:20
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wendell glxinfo | grep renderer07:21
wendellOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect07:21
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ArrenLexwendell: did you install the proper drivers for your card?07:21
ArrenLexnvidia for nvidia and fglrx for ati?07:21
JbirkI don't have Direct Rendering, yet I have XGL running07:21
JbirkCan you explain?07:21
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ArrenLexJbirk: What's the output of your glxinfo | grep renderer?07:22
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wendellI'm have an FX 520007:22
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JbirkOpenGL renderer string: GeForce 7300 GT/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!07:22
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ArrenLexJbirk: there you go. You have 3D acceleration.07:22
wendellI have an FX5200.07:22
ArrenLexJbirk: direct rendering might be something different. Thanks; I'll stop asking for it.07:22
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ArrenLexWendell: what kind of card is that?07:22
DaveyHow is Ubuntu with HFS+ ?07:23
ozzloywhen i highlight stuff in gvim and then right click elsewhere, it doesn't paste what i highlighted.  how do i fix that?07:23
JbirkI thought I have XGL and Beryl running07:23
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:23
JbirkIt rusn fantastic07:23
emmanuel_hey there is a kind of eraser for ubuntu07:23
JbirkI wanted to build a cheap, ubnuntu friendly computer07:23
emmanuel_or cleaner07:23
ArrenLexozzjoy: you mean, middle click?07:23
wendellI need to enable hardware acceleration. How?07:23
JbirkDoes anyone know a good, cheap wireless card that works with Dapper out of the box.  i.e. no driver required07:23
ArrenLexemmanuel: what are you trying to clean?07:23
Nox2k3Hey does anyone know what I can do about  the [R200Setup]  X version mismatch - detected X.org, required X.org 7.0.-1.8?07:24
Nox2k3I'm using fglrx 8.25.1807:24
emmanuel_history files mozilla07:24
ArrenLexNox: downgrade?07:24
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Nox2k3it wants a -1 version?07:24
ArrenLexemmanuel: just clear private data in mozilla.07:24
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JbirkNOx, I would do this07:24
ArrenLexNox: no, it doesn't want a -1 version, it wasn't a 7.0 to .1 version.07:24
captinehi all  sudo apt-get install wine tells me that wine cannot be found.  any ideas?07:24
ArrenLexi.e. 7.0 to 7.107:24
Jbirkapt-get remove xserver-xorg07:24
Jbirkthen delete07:24
Linuxactivistozzloy, in linux you paste by either middle button clicking (pressing on the scroll wheel in most cases) or by "chord" pressing bothe the left and right mouse at the same time in order to simulate a middle button.07:24
captineI've enabled every repository i could find07:24
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Jbirkapt-get install xserver-xorg07:24
wendellI got this    glxinfo | grep renderer07:25
wendellOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect07:25
Jbirkand configure it from scratch07:25
ArrenLexJbirk: what on earth is the point of that?07:25
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=== blrakach_ [n=blrakach@c-24-3-111-3.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JbirkTo fix his Xserver problem07:25
ArrenLexwendell: what is your card? nvidia? ati?07:25
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JbirkIt worekd for me07:25
ArrenLexJbirk: why not just dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?07:25
JbirkI had a situation where XGL would not run no matter what07:25
JbirkI tried that and it didn't work for me once07:25
wendellNvidia FX5200 128MB07:25
ArrenLexJbirk: or even apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg?07:25
ArrenLexAh. Are you using the nvidia driver?07:25
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JbirkArrenLex, that may work07:26
Nox2k3alright, downgrading would require me to tell apt to not install 7.1.1, and I'm not sure how to do that07:26
Nox2k3theres a guide i imagine though..07:26
ArrenLexNox: apt-pinning. Google for it.07:26
Nox2k3ah, thanks for saving some time07:26
wendellI install under it apt-get install nvidia-glx07:26
Troy_McClurebleh... trying to remember the name of that script that automatically detects and mounts windows drives, anyone know??07:26
Byanhow do I install a printer from a shell?07:26
ArrenLexOr here, I'll google for it. http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html07:26
Nox2k3thanks for even more time saving07:26
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:26
CorpseFeeder"man mplayer" gives me over 7000 lines of stuff I couldn't possible search through in a day. Isn't there an easier way to view that info like in a text editor window or browser window?07:26
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DaveyCorpseFeeder: try man mplayer | grep "search term"07:27
ArrenLexCorpseFeeder: of course. man mplayer > /tmp/mplayer and then you can just gedit /tmp/mplayer07:27
Daveyyeah,  was about to say that :)07:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:27
JbirkSorry for any bad advice07:27
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO07:27
JbirkWhat is a good, cheap wireless card that will work out of the box?07:27
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JbirkI need them to be PCI07:28
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:28
LinuxactivistCorpseFeeder: man mplayer | lpr07:28
wendellI had downloaded the drivers for nvidia site. When I tried to install, the installer told me to change the environment variable to change the version of gcc to 3.4 I have both the 3.4 and 4.0 versions07:28
Jbirkand I am boing to buy 207:28
Linuxactivistsends it to the printer07:28
holycowwendell, don't every use that installer07:28
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:28
ArrenLexCoprseFeeder: don't print the man page, please.07:28
holycowplease use that information, it will make your life easier07:28
dibblegois it possible to use acidrip to rip a DVD without director commentary?07:28
Byansomeone want to not ignore me, or at least tell me they don't know07:29
wendellholicow: What I have to do so?07:29
ArrenLexByan: don't know what?07:29
Byanhow to install a printer from the shell07:29
LinuxactivistByan: what's the problem again?07:29
ArrenLexByan: be more specific. What printing subsystem? What does the driver look like?07:29
JbirkCan someone do me a favor and give me a NewEgg link to a good Dapper Wireless card?07:29
Linuxactivistprinter from shell... not sure.  never done it.  I know that it is a pain.  I always do it graphically, even on the solaris boxes that I manage.07:30
JbirkAll I need is a cheap 802.11G card07:30
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Jbirkthat will just work07:30
ArrenLexJbirk: how about google?07:30
ByanArrenLex: I don't know...07:30
=== Byan isn't sure where to start
dibblegoJbirk, Netgear WG511v2 (note not WG511v3)07:30
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ArrenLexByan: okay, have you already found a driver for your printer? Have you already installed a print system?07:31
ByanI have an OfficeJet 431507:31
Byanprint system? not to my knoledge07:31
ArrenLexByan: you need the hpijs package, for starters.07:31
LinuxactivistByan: why do you have to install it from the shell.  Why can't you use the graphical tools?07:31
ByanLinuxactivist: it's a headless server07:31
ozzloyLinuxactivist: sorry, that's what i meant07:32
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ArrenLexByan: what's the output of `which lpr`?07:32
ozzloythat's not working in gvim for me.  i can do it with everything else07:32
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ByanArrenLex: /usr/bin/lpr07:32
Linuxactivistozzloy: Are you making sure you are in edit mode before pasting to gvi?07:33
ArrenLexByan: install the hplip package.07:33
holycowozzloy, why not use nano? its is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar easier than vim or anything else07:33
holycowthe instructions on how to use it are one line on the bottom of nano07:33
Byanboth hpijs and hplip?07:34
ozzloyLinuxactivist: yeah, it's pasting what was in the buffer before i highlight07:34
ozzloyso basically highlighting isn't updating the paste buffer07:34
ArrenLexByan: Sorry, I lied. You only need hlpip if it's a scanner.07:34
ArrenLexByan: for printer only, hpijs07:34
ozzloyholycow: haven't used nano enough, but i like gvim07:34
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Byanoh, thats a typo07:34
Byanok, so.. I install both..07:34
Byanshould I remove one? or does it even matter?07:35
ArrenLexByan: you don't need hplip. Remove it.07:35
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ByanArrenLex: it has a scanner on it though..07:35
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holycowbyan its a multifunction unit from hp?07:35
ArrenLexByan: oh; then just install hplip.07:35
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holycowthose rarely are without issue07:35
ByanArrenLex: >_<07:36
ArrenLexholycow: really? I have one and it works beautifully out of the box.07:36
Byanso now install hplip and uninstall the other one?07:36
ArrenLexByan: should have been more specific as to what you had! =P07:36
ArrenLexByan: yes. hplip only.07:36
holycowif you want a multifunction unit that actually is supported on linx try brother ... they have redhat AND debian packages of their drivers07:36
mister_robotoArrenLex: fyi, i only had multiverse enabled for backports. that was my problem. "lame" is still in multiverse in edgy :)07:36
ByanArrenLex: hplip will be able to print and scan then?07:36
holycowArrenLex, hp does a great job with printer drivers, but for any of their other peripherals ... they do a crappy job07:36
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holycowparticularly hp scanners are not supported well under linux07:37
ArrenLexByanL yes.07:37
ArrenLexholycow: I've not experienced a problem with the multifunction and the HP scanner.07:37
holycow'the' and 'the'07:37
ByanArrenLex: alright, now what?07:37
KEA0463sup geeks07:37
holycowhow many do you own?07:37
holycowi have gone through hundreds07:37
ArrenLexByan: apt-get install cupsys cupsys-bsd07:37
holycowand i even have one old hp scanner that actually works too07:37
ozzloysup KEA046307:38
ByanArrenLex: those are already installed07:38
ArrenLexByan: it should tell you that you'll have to remove the lpr package. This is fine.07:38
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Byanhmm, I should prolly plug the thing in before I do any more...07:39
ArrenLexByan: while I try to figure out how to set up printing from the command line, you can play around with the "scanimage" command to scan =P07:39
ArrenLexByan: that would help!07:39
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ArrenLexByan: to use the scanimage command, install sane-utils package.07:39
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ArrenLexByan: tell me when you've plugged it in.07:40
ozzloyhow do i get gvim to update the paste buffer when i highlight stuff so i can paste it by middle click?07:40
keltorsorianyone ever seen "menu item 'pkgsel' failed on an install?07:40
ArrenLexkeltorsori: is this a configure script? Or a debian package install?07:41
wendellThanks for the help. I had installed the drivers ans nvidia-xconfig from the site and now my 3ddesk runs great. Thanks!07:41
ArrenLexwendell: enjoy!07:41
keltorsorifresh daily install07:41
keltorsoriArrenlex: fresh daily (edgy) install07:41
ArrenLexOh! An ubuntu OS install!07:41
ArrenLexThat's different.07:41
ArrenLexkeltorsori: that's definitely not normal. All I can tell you is not to use the dailies if you don't want to encounter bugs.07:42
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keltorsoriArrenLex: bug i submitted in the install got fixed in the new daily, but now i'm getting to the final package installation phase and failing at around 8% with ""menu item 'pkgsel' failed" in the console07:42
ihatetripeThis is a really really rubbish question. How would I get an application (amarok specifically) to launch automatically as soon as a user logs in?07:42
ArrenLexkeltorsori: have you tried switching over to the error log terminal and seeing what it tells you?07:42
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ArrenLexihateripe: KDE or GNOME?07:43
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ihatetripexfce :)07:43
ArrenLexOh. xD07:43
ArrenLexGoogle for "application auto-start xfce"07:43
wendellArrenLex: Its very cool!07:43
ihatetripeThanks ArrenLex07:43
keltorsoriArrenLex: Alt-4 basically gives that to me (it's around the xorg stuff)07:43
reidDoes anyone know anything about 3D desktop? http://sourceforge.net/projects/desk3d07:43
holycowreid, depends, what do you want to know?07:44
ArrenLexkeltorsori: can you try installing xorg manually?07:44
ubotuAIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol.07:44
reidholycow I want to know if it is stable, and if not- is there anything else like it07:44
ByanArrenLex: alright, it's plugged in07:44
holycownot stable, don't bother07:44
holycowjust use plain jane gnome with regular nvidia/ati drivers07:45
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:45
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Byanand sane-utils is installing07:45
Byanand is now done07:45
ArrenLexByan: good to hear. Summary: make sure you have all of these: "cupsys-bsd cupsys hplip sane-utils sane" packages installed.07:45
reidcool- thanks holycow07:45
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ArrenLexNo, wait, you don't need sane.07:46
Search4Lancerhas anyone here tried upgrading to Firefox 2.0 yet?07:46
ArrenLexDid sane-utils automatically install sane?07:46
ArrenLexThen you don't need it.07:46
holycowSearch4Lancer, whats to upgrade07:46
ArrenLexSorry. I really should stop giving advice now.07:46
holycowSearch4Lancer, download, extract, doubleclick on the binary07:47
ArrenLexByan: turn the printer on.07:47
ByanArrenLex: it's on07:47
keltorsoriArrenLex: considering it's a straight OS install, don't think so. It's a daily, so I'm not too worried, but as we're getting closer to the release, trying to hunt the bugs all i can07:47
ArrenLexByan: paste the output of scanimage -L07:47
Search4Lancerholycow: if only it were that easy!07:47
holycowit is07:47
holycowwhats the problem?07:47
ByanNo scanners identified and then a bunch of text telling me what to do if I didn't expect that07:48
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Sir_BrizzDoes anyone have any spare official Warty CDs?07:48
Search4Lancerholycow: ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libmozjs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:48
holycowmake sure that is installed, search for it07:48
ArrenLexSearch4: you don't launch firefox-bin directly. The command you're looking for is ./firefox07:48
Byan  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by07:48
Byan  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.07:48
Byanthats the output of sane-find-scanner07:49
ArrenLexByan: hold on, I'm looking. What's the model again?07:49
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Search4LancerArrenLex: bashing firefox gives me: (firefox-bin:17042): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:07:49
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Search4Lancerhow it knows my ZIP code I have no idea :-D07:50
tom{}bigTCwhen you use add/remove problems where does it save the stuff it download, because I used it to get frozen-bubble and I missed up the opitions so I want to be able to start over with it07:51
ArrenLexByan: oh wow. That sucks. You're going to have to upgrade hplip.07:51
Byanupgrade from the one on the universe?07:51
ArrenLexByan: Nono. That one is even older.07:51
Byanerm, I said that wrong...07:52
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ByanArrenLex: how do I figure out which version I have?>07:52
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ArrenLexByan: you need 0.9.11 at least to run your printer. The one in ubuntu's repos is 0.9.707:52
ByanArrenLex: alright, you gonna guide me? or should I just go on my own on installing that?07:53
ArrenLexByan: if it's a server, are you sure you can't run debian testing? It's a lot more up to date than ubuntu, I find.07:53
ArrenLexAlthough I'm going to get stoned to death for that.07:53
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ArrenLexByan: let me consider the best way to get you set.07:54
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ArrenLexByan: sorry for all the misleading instructions up there.07:55
Byanlol, don't worry about it07:55
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ByanArrenLex: should I install 1.6.9 or should I keep to the .9.11?07:56
CorpseFeederok I am thouroughly confused by the man pages for mplayer. I think video capture using mplayer has something to do with mplay -tv something blah blah... but It's a bit beyond me.07:56
eclipse75got an issue with creox07:56
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ArrenLexByan: hold on, let me figure things out.07:57
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Byanok =/07:57
eclipse75i plugged my guitar into the mic input, yet cant figure out why creox isnt picking it up? or will it even pick up mic input?07:57
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ArrenLexByan: okay, you should use this console-based installer: http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/hplip/hplip-1.6.9.run07:58
Nihil1985how can i write in fstab a  samba shared folder?07:58
ArrenLexByan: go to a shell and use wget to get that on your no-gui box.07:58
ArrenLexByan: then run it. It should set you up. Remember to remove hplip from ubuntu first.07:58
ByanArrenLex: yeah, alright, you sure I want 1.6.9?07:58
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Byanis there a reason the distro's are still using .9.x?07:59
ArrenLexByan: my math is rusty but, to me, 1.6.9 >= 0.9.11, so you should be good.07:59
thoreauputicArrenLex: would it not be easier all round to do " sudo adduser cupsys shadow" then access the box at http://hostname:631 to set up cups?07:59
ArrenLexByan: they're just old packages. Debian testing and unstable has 1.6.9, as does ubuntu edgy.07:59
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ByanArrenLex: kk07:59
ArrenLexthoreauputic: not without the driver he needs to print.07:59
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thoreauputicArrenLex: how are you so sure he doesn't have the driver ? Most are installed by default08:00
ArrenLexthoreauputic: the HP scanning and printing driver is hplip. His printer requires hplip 0.9.11 or greater. The one in dapper is 0.9.7. Thus, he needs to manually get a newer version.08:00
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thoreauputicArrenLex: ah OK - missed that bit :)08:01
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ByanArrenLex: you sure I only need that file?08:02
Byanit's rather small...08:02
ArrenLexByan: 9.5 MB is small?08:02
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ByanI think it may have downloaded html.., bleh08:03
Nihil1985how can i write a samba shared folder in fstab after i mounted it??08:03
=== Byan fails at copying the right link
ArrenLexByan: I gave you the link right to the file =P08:03
MyGhetekhow do i give a user full read/write access to a directory in command prompt?08:03
flannelMyGhetek: which directory?08:04
shriphaniMyGhetek, chmod u+x dir08:04
flannelshriphani: no, that's wrong.08:04
ByanArrenLex: well, if I would've downloaded it off of umn, it would've been done in 2 seconds, cause I am connected by i2 to them08:04
MyGhetekflannel: /var/www08:04
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ArrenLexOh. Go ahead.08:04
ArrenLexI just use that mirror because it works for me. YMMV.08:05
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flannelMyGhetek: which user?  Probably you'd want to add them to www-data group08:05
MyGhetekthe user is called ghetek08:05
Byanhow do I make in executable again >_<08:05
flannelMyGhetek: as a rule of thumb, chmodding or chowning a directory isn't the correct way to resolve permission issues08:05
ozzloyhow do i make gvim update the paste buffer when i highlight text with the mouse??08:05
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MyGhetekflannel: i already ran sudo chmod u+r /var/www08:06
MyGhetekflannel: how do i undo that then?08:06
flannelMyGhetek: actually, that shouldn't have done anything, since everything in there is readable by default08:07
flannelMyGhetek: so, you needn't undo it ;)08:07
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Nihil1985how can i write a samba shared folder in fstab after i mounted it??08:07
MyGhetekbut how do i add teh ghetek user to the www-data group?08:07
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acehighsup everyone08:07
MyGhetekbtw flannel, you're awesome08:07
flannelMyGhetek: are you just copying something there?08:08
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ByanArrenLex: Would you like to install HPLIP (desktop/recommended) or HPIJS only (server/printing only)08:08
Byanwill the latter be fine?08:08
flannelMyGhetek: or is this going to be a regular writing thing?08:08
kmuwhy does this work: sudo zcat /var/log/auth.log* | grep fail08:08
Fkehey, i have an .iso file right, and i copied it to my USB drive, how can i make it boot from it?08:08
MyGhetekyes, i already installed ftpd and im getting the following permission error in my ftp client "550 Can't create directory: Permission denied"08:08
kmubut sudo zcat /var/log/auth.log* | grep fail > asdf08:08
flannelMyGhetek: ah, ok.  So eyah,you need to add it to the group08:09
kmugives me a zcat: /var/log/auth.log: not in gzip format error08:09
ArrenLexByan: I thought you wanted to scan? Need hplip for that.08:09
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MyGhetekflannel: so im guessing this will start with sudo...08:09
Nihil1985how can i write a samba shared folder in fstab after i mounted it??08:09
acehighI'm a old debian user and was wondering if ubuntu had a testing version just debian does? if so what is a good location for documentation?08:09
ArrenLexacehigh: the current beta version is edgy. It's, if you will "testing".08:10
Byanwarning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: python-devel (python-devel - Python development files)08:10
acehighArrenLex: where is the source.list file located?08:10
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Byanit only tells me one...08:10
ArrenLexByan: apt-get install ptthon-dev08:10
dibblegoacehigh, /etc/apt08:10
ArrenLexacehigh: same place. /etc/apt/sources.list08:10
acehighcool thanks :)08:10
acehighit use to be under /etc is why i was wonderin :P08:11
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guest132can someone please help me install the GoogleEarthLinux.bin file that's on my desktop?(newbie)08:11
ArrenLexacehigh: it was never under /etc. I've used debian since woody and ubuntu since hoary.08:11
ByanThe following packages have unmet dependencies: python-dev: Depends: python2.4-dev (>= 2.4.2) but it is not going to be installed08:11
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ByanE: Broken packages08:11
ArrenLexAnd what happens if you try to apt-get install python2.4-dev?08:12
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ByanThe following packages have unmet dependencies: python2.4-dev: Depends: python2.4 (= 2.4.3-0ubuntu4) but 2.4.3-0ubuntu6 is to be installed08:12
ByanE: Broken packages08:12
ArrenLexOh god.08:12
eclipse75what audio driver is ubuntu using? alsa?08:12
=== ArrenLex hates ubuntu.
ArrenLexEclipse, yes.08:12
acehighArrenLex: so replace dapper with edgy?08:12
eclipse75k thanks =)08:12
ArrenLexacehigh: if you want the beta release, yeah.08:12
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ArrenLexByan: you don't have edgy in your sources.list, do you? That would be a problem.08:13
Byanuhm.. no..08:13
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ArrenLexByan: have you run apt-get update recently?08:14
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Nihil1985how can i write a samba shared folder in fstab after i mounted it?? i want to make it start with the pc08:14
Byandepends on how recently is recently..08:14
ArrenLexByan: run apt-get update08:14
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ByanArrenLex: fixed it08:14
ArrenLexNihil: why don't you just google "mount samba fstab"08:15
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flannelMyGhetek: sorry.  sudo useradd -G www-data ghetek should do it08:15
Byanwarning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libusb (libusb - USB library)08:15
Fkehey, i have an .iso file right, and i copied it to my USB drive, how can i make the file (.iso) boot from it?08:15
ArrenLexByan: apt-get install libusb-0.1-408:16
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MyGhetekuseradd: user ghetek exists08:16
Byanlibusb-0.1-4 is already the newest version.08:16
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MyGhetekflannel: useradd: user ghetek exists08:16
flannelMyGhetek: oh, sorry. usermod not useradd08:16
ArrenLex...that doesn't make any sense.08:17
ArrenLexWhat about libusb-dev?08:17
acehighhrm interesting08:17
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acehighsu aint the same08:17
Byanwarning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: lsb (LSB - Linux Standard Base support)08:17
ArrenLexThis sucks. xD08:18
Byaninstall lsb-base?08:18
ArrenLexI guess so.08:18
Byanalready installed >_<08:18
ArrenLexByan: how about the lsb package?08:18
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ByanArrenLex: oh, ok08:18
acehighArrenLex: dumb question but root use to be su and the docs say sudo -i but it aint root least as far as true root?08:18
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guest132what are the commands to install  bin file?08:19
XiXaQguest132, sudo ./install-file.bin ?08:19
ArrenLexacehigh: sudo is safer than su. If you absolutely must have your su, do "sudo passwd root" and set yourself a root password. Then you can use su. But sudo will give the same functionality.08:19
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:19
wabbitCould someone point me to some documentation on how one could configure the microphone. I would really like to start using skype :-)08:19
Byanmy god.. it should just tell me all the ones it needs >_<08:19
acehighArrenLex: true i understand how sudo works but shouldn't sudo -i be true root?08:20
ArrenLexByan: yeah, eh?08:20
=== Jewfro [n=Jewfro@] has joined #ubuntu
catalyticis the desktop supposed to just flicker every now and then08:20
catalyticnot as in corrupted vid card stuff08:20
catalyticlike if u have firefox download window open08:20
catalyticand its getting updated every now and then08:20
ozzloyfailing getting the paste buffer to update via mouse highlighting, how do i update it with keystrokes?08:20
ArrenLexacehigh: I guess so? I'm not familiar with it.08:20
thoreauputicacehigh:  sudo -i is a true root shell08:20
catalyticbut ubunutu seems to redraw all the desktop icons as well08:20
ArrenLexcatalytic: that's not normal.08:21
acehighArrenLex: thoreauputic: I can't save the sources.list file even under sudo -i08:21
catalyticim sick of trying to install the proper drivers for my computer08:21
thoreauputicacehigh: sure you can - how did you edit it?08:21
catalyticcoz everytrime i do, it restarts08:21
catalyticand stops at the shell,08:21
catalyticthen i run startX or X and it never boots back up08:22
thoreauputicacehigh: just edit it with sudo or gksudo <editor of choice>08:22
catalyticand then I cant revert back to the original drivers08:22
catalyticand i have to keep reinstalling08:22
ArrenLexcatalytic: what error message does it give you? What drivers? What card?08:22
catalyticati radeon 9550 on xubuntu08:22
acehighdont i feel shilmish08:22
ArrenLexcatalytic: trying to install fglrx?08:22
catalytictried both the radeon08:22
catalyticand the08:22
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:22
catalyticthat one, the fglrx08:22
=== ChrisBradley [n=ChrisBra@unaffiliated/chrisbradley] has joined #ubuntu
=== XiXaQ has a radeon 9200se...
ArrenLexcatalytic: what error did it give you when you tried installing fglrx?08:23
Parisiati + beryl = nightmare08:23
catalyticsomething referring to cannot find default system fonts08:23
catalyticim using xubuntu, is that beryl parisi?08:23
ParisiXiXaQ, I sold my Radeon 9200SE and bought a FX 5700 just to solve that.08:23
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ParisiNow it works as charm for the most part.08:24
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:24
catalytici dont have the exact error as i since reinstalled xubuntu over the ubuntu partition, and I am downloading the xubuntu alternate cd to try on an old laptop08:24
nilesdoes ATI cards have a reputation for having the kernel panic ?08:24
Parisicatalytic, I do not know what xubuntu is.08:24
=== VictorTorres [n=viiito@161-179-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
wabbitCould someone please point me to a good microphone configuration howto. :-)08:24
ArrenLexxubuntu = ubuntu - gnome + xfce08:24
ParisiArrenLex, I see.08:25
catalyticI think i prefer xfce08:25
ParisiI like gnome's eye candy/.08:25
=== AWOSDev [n=awilcox@67-22-96-243.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ArrenLexEye candy = KDE08:25
AWOSDevYay KDE!08:25
AWOSDevWhat a great first message.08:25
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acehighArrenLex: thoreauputic: thanks :)08:25
ParisiKde eye candy?08:25
ArrenLexHell yes.08:25
=== AWOSDev loves KDE
thoreauputicacehigh: no worries :)08:25
ArrenLexYou can't love KDE, for she is my wife.08:26
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ArrenLexI will fight you for her honour.08:26
=== ArrenLex gets sword.
acehighthoreauputic: im old school linux before all these changes08:26
frogzoo!fglrx > catalytic08:26
MyGhetekhow do i add a directory to www-data?08:26
nilesis xfce directed to the ultimiate n00b ?08:26
acehighthoreauputic: ext2 days08:26
catalyticthast frog08:26
nilesnot that it's bad to be a n00b08:26
thoreauputicacehigh: :) well, sudo has been around for a *long* time actually08:26
ParisiKDE is too boring, reminds me of windows.08:26
ArrenLexniles, no, xfce is directed to low-end computers.08:26
catalyticill try, but im hesitant it will kill everything again08:26
ArrenLexParisi: KDE is not boring!! It is infinitely configurable.08:26
=== AWOSDev gets the White Sword (yes, I am a Zelda geek)
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-1116.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
acehighthoreauputic: true I just always used su :P08:27
frogzoocatalytic: read that thoroughly, & you'll be right08:27
thoreauputicacehigh: :)08:27
ArrenLexWhite Sword? I've only played the N64 games and Wind Waker.08:27
=== ArrenLex gets biggoron.
ParisiArrenLex, I like gnome themes :)08:27
ByanArrenLex: oh... lol.. http://hplip.sourceforge.net/install/step2/ubuntu606.html08:27
AWOSDevArrenLex, yes, the NES game.08:27
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ArrenLexYes, I think that would kind of have helped.08:27
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acehighYahoo upgrade here we come08:27
ArrenLexBut we got them all through trial and error anyway, didn't we?08:28
catalyticok, thanks, this guide actually looks a lot more thorough than the otherse I have tried08:28
AWOSDevAnyway :)08:28
=== thehil [n=h@c-24-19-239-199.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AWOSDevI need to play a MIDI through the MPU-401 game port (e.g. external keyboard).08:28
AWOSDevNobody knows how anywhere else, so I came here.08:28
AWOSDevEven though I never get help and always end up helping other people instead.08:28
acehighthoreauputic: if this gives you a idea of how far back i go......C64 with 5 1/4 disk :P08:28
ArrenLexWow. You're old.08:28
acehighthoreauputic: back when you had to program to play a game08:29
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AWOSDevacehigh, oh man you trumped me, I just go back to the 808808:29
thehilDoes anyone know how to solve weighted tree search problem?08:29
thoreauputicacehigh: heh - Fortran IV , PDP-11 and COBOL ;-)08:29
acehighAWOSDev: your old08:29
=== ArrenLex only goes back to Windows 3.1 = /
acehighthoreauputic:  yep08:29
AWOSDevYay GW-BASIC!  :)08:29
acehighthoreauputic: sad part is i knew that stuff which aint useful except for soemthings now days08:29
thoreauputicacehigh: my first computer class , unix was only 1 year old ;)08:30
acehighthoreauputic: 197608:30
thoreauputicacehigh: so i win in the ancinets competition :D08:30
ByanArrenLex: so, how do I use scanimage?08:30
ArrenLexByan: paste the output of scanimage -L08:30
thoreauputicacehigh: 1971 ;p08:30
Byandevice `hpaio:/usb/Officejet_4300_series?serial=CN65QF20H504GQ' is a hp Officejet_4300_series multi-function peripheral08:30
=== mabreaux [n=kvirc@ppp-71-128-198-18.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Byandevice `hpaio:/usb/Officejet_4300_series?serial=CN65QF20H504GQ' is a hp Officejet_4300_series multi-function peripheral08:30
acehighthoreauputic: k you count the beta hehe08:30
ArrenLexT'was found ^___^08:30
AWOSDevThat would be 1960 something.08:30
Byanthere is two lines, I didn't just get happy with the right click08:30
AWOSDevah 197108:31
Byanshould there be two?08:31
ArrenLex...nno? But as long as it works who cares?08:31
thoreauputicUNIX started in 1969 strictly speaking I guess08:31
ByanArrenLex: good point08:31
mabreauxis there any way to get a command line to execute a program that is not in the menu's in gnome?08:31
ArrenLexByan: you did uninstall the ubuntu hplip package, yes?08:31
ParisiHere is what my current desktop looks like with Beryl + Gnome : http://img223.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2fm4.png08:31
acehighAWOSDev: the beta came out in 71 but the sdg start in 76 which is the comercial version08:31
ArrenLexmabreaux: yes? Just enter it.08:31
acehighthe days of the punch cards hehe08:32
ByanArrenLex: yeah08:32
thoreauputicacehigh: yup08:32
mabreauxI went to add programs and is does not list this program....   and I did not see a way to add it.08:32
acehightalk about painful08:32
AWOSDevactually 1970 was the first beta because according to the Wiki:08:32
mabreauxwhat do you mean just type it08:32
AWOSDevIn 1970, the project was named Unics, short for Uniplexed Information and Computing System, and could support two simultaneous users.08:32
ArrenLexByan: scanimage --help should tell you all you need to know. It's very brief and informative. Note that, by default, scanimage dumps the image straight to stdout, so you need to direct it to a file, like scanimage --format=tiff > file.tif08:32
thoreauputicacehigh: especially when you dropped the deck of cards ;)08:32
acehighhehe yep08:32
Byanwhat formates?08:33
Byanwill it support08:33
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ArrenLexByan: pnm and tiff are the only formats scanimage supports. You'd have to convert these to more useful formats with command line utilities like imagemagick if you wanted other files.08:33
AWOSDevEw punch cards, thankfully I missed that part :P08:33
acehighthoreauputic: if my dad seen the type of computer work i do now he would cry08:33
ArrenLexByan: that would look like scanimage --format=tiff | convert - file.png08:33
ArrenLexByan: I think. Don't take my word for it.08:34
ByanArrenLex: k08:34
acehighAWOSDev: I didn't cause my father did it08:34
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AWOSDevHehe :)08:34
mabreauxI am trying to run gnucash in gnome..   and can not figure out how to do it.08:35
AWOSDevhard to imagine...512K->640K memory *upgrade*....now we're at 4G08:35
acehigh64K-128K was my days08:35
ByanArrenLex: now to be able to print/scan from other computers?08:36
Byanwhat do I do?08:36
Byanor, you can just point me in the right direction..08:36
AWOSDevOkay now how do I play MIDIs through an MPU-401 port?08:36
=== AWOSDev hopes he isn't repeating his question...irssi can't scroll up
ArrenLexByan: hold on, printing first. What's the output of lpinfo -l?08:36
=== gu014 [n=gu014@c-69-249-136-201.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ByanAWOSDev: try page up08:37
frogzooAWOSDev: irssi - page up08:37
acehighI wasn't going to say it08:37
ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo08:37
acehighoh heck yea08:37
mabreauxwhat is the menu editor called in gnome08:38
=== AWOSDev didn't know about page-up
acehighthe bang search is here I love that08:38
thoreauputicmabreaux: alacarte08:38
=== Geoffrey2 [n=Jeffrey@c-71-207-98-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexByan: hallo?08:38
ByanArrenLex: no output..08:38
mabreauxhow do you run it?08:38
acehighfrogzoo: thanks for showing me that now I dont have to ask so much hehe08:38
ArrenLexOh, sorry. lpinfo -vv08:38
thoreauputicmabreaux: umm... either type alacarte in a terminal or right click the menu icon and choose the menu editor08:39
Geoffrey2can anyone tell me why a site that looks fine in a Windows version of Firefox would look like garbage in the Linux version?08:39
Byandirect hp:/usb/Officejet_4300_series?serial=CN65QF20H504GQ08:39
Byandirect hpfax:/usb/Officejet_4300_series?serial=CN65QF20H504GQ08:39
Byanamong other things08:39
thoreauputic"edit menus" funnily enough...08:39
ArrenLexWhoa, you can even use fax.08:39
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AWOSDevfrogzoo, uh........08:39
AWOSDevfrogzoo, I am "using external MIDI instruments"08:40
ArrenLexGeoffrey2: I sure can't. o_O08:40
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ByanArrenLex: could that be the other scan device?08:40
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ArrenLexByan: I don't know.08:40
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=== Byan shrugs
Byanso, how do I change that tiff into a ps to print it?08:40
=== fildo [n=fildo@c58-107-108-125.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Byanor, I'll just print ASCII for now..08:41
Geoffrey2could someone check www.reformpa.net for me, just to see if the page looks reasonably good to them in a linux browser?08:42
acehighByan: if your printer supports ps and you use a linux program that reads adobe file formats it will print if im correct08:42
AWOSDevGeoffrey2, looks good in Konqueror08:42
=== wrabbit^ [n=wrabbit@220-245-200-245.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Byanacehigh: how does that help me for a tiff?08:42
wabbithow does one know what sound cards are available on the system?? lspci show I have "Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller" but my laptop has a altec lansing speaker.08:42
acehighByan: im just saying its a shot08:43
Byanacehigh: kk08:43
acehighbyan someone else might be able to say yes or no to it08:43
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ArrenLexByan: note that imagemagick can convert to ps.08:43
ArrenLexconvert file.tiff file.ps08:43
acehighByan: basing my knowledge off older versions of debian08:43
Geoffrey2AWOSDev, ok, thanks...I checked the page in Linux Firefox and it looked terrible, then I loaded up the Windows version I have, and it looked fine....so I thought I'd check08:44
=== Byan installs imagemagick
Byanlpr: Error - no default destination available.08:44
ArrenLexGeoffrey: what firefox?08:44
Byanhow do I set a default?08:44
ArrenLexGeoffrey: looks fine to me.08:44
mabreauxmany thank on the menu editor!!08:44
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acehigh26 minutes08:45
=== Filbert [n=filbert@d54C14421.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Geoffrey2ArrenLex, Firefox
ArrenLexByan: lpoptions -d <printername>08:45
acehighdoes anyone know if gkrellm is in the beta version?08:45
ArrenLexGeoffrey: seems fine to me.08:45
acehighdefault install doesn't list it08:45
Geoffrey2well, maybe something is just goofy on my version.....08:45
mabreauxin kde you can do a control-f2 for comand line what is the comand in gnome to do the same thing?08:45
ArrenLexByan: where printername was given to you by lpinfo -v08:45
ByanArrenLex: what exactly is the printername?08:45
acehighamoung many other programs hehe08:45
thoreauputicmabreaux: alt-F2 :)08:46
ByanArrenLex: kk08:46
ArrenLexByan: try hp:/usb/Officejet_4300_series?serial=CN65QF20H504GQ for printername08:46
JewfroI'm using way more disk space than I should be, could that be related to having my windows drive mounted?08:46
thoreauputicmabreaux: and I think it's alt-F2 in KDE isn't it? O r do you mean ctrl-alt-F2 for a tty ?08:46
poningruJewfro: no08:46
Byanlpoptions: Unknown printer or class!08:46
mabreauxalt-f2 does not work...08:47
=== ChaosFan [i=sithjanu@faui01.informatik.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu
acehighJewfro: how big is your swap?08:47
thoreauputicmabreaux: alt-F2 gives you a "run" dialogue in GNOME08:47
Jewfroacehigh, um? how to tell? the HDD is 200GB08:47
acehighJewfro: when you installed did you specify a swap partition?08:47
thoreauputicmabreaux: for a console tty , you can do ctrl-alt-F (1-6)08:47
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Jewfroacehigh, I followed the standard default, told it to use the whole drive08:48
acehighJewfro: that could be why your using more diskspace than you think08:48
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mon^rchis it easy to setup/use .emerald themes or cwxtheme (or whatever they're called)08:49
Jewfroacehigh, how do I resolve the problem? or what do I search for in the community docs to find out even?08:49
acehighJewfro: swap will write to what ever you default it too and if you dont specify a swap partition it defaults to the primary partition08:49
=== KillerDemon [n=hetisnui@i154094.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexByan: it would be a lot easier to configure your printer using the cups web interface on port 631...08:50
mabreauxI tried a alt-f2 an nothing happened?08:50
JewfroFixing this requires re-install? do tell me so I can abort my updates now...08:50
acehighJewfro: I ussually make a 2g partition just for swap as a safe point08:50
poningruJewfro: swap doesnt matter08:50
acehighJewfro: you dont need that big08:50
thoreauputicmabreaux: are you in GNOME?08:50
poningrugo to system->admin->disk08:50
ArrenLexByan: what does "lpstat -t" tell you?08:50
ByanArrenLex: and how do I start that?08:50
mabreauxyes I am in Gnome08:50
poningruJewfro: that will tell you how big your partitions are08:51
poningruand how full they are08:51
ArrenLexByan: it's already started. The question is how to get to it without a web browser.08:51
thoreauputicmabreaux: that's odd then - it should pop up a dialogue - there's also a panel applet for it08:51
ArrenLexJewfro: yes, how big are your partitions? ;););)08:51
=== ArrenLex giggles madly.
wrabbit^make sure f-lock isn't on if you're using a fancy keyboard mabreaux08:51
Byanseems the printer name is Officejet_4300 btw08:51
mabreauxwhere is the panel applet and what is it called08:51
acehighArrenLex: hehe08:52
ArrenLexByan: use that, then.08:52
wrabbit^mabreaux: what're you trying to do exactly?08:52
poningruArrenLex: coc applies here08:52
ArrenLexOh come on. I didn't say anything dirty.08:52
mabreauxusing a laptop and the keyboard is very simple08:52
Jewfropartition 1 is 183GB, and swap is 2.908:52
thoreauputicmabreaux: right click the panel, add, run application08:52
ByanArrenLex: yeah, lpr is working now08:52
poningruJewfro: whats how much of partition 1 is free?08:53
acehighJewfro: k so you did make a swap08:53
ByanArrenLex: no way to configure it to listen on the eth?08:53
mabreauxthat worked to add "run program"08:53
=== noriega [n=felix@kr-lun-71-156-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
ByanArrenLex: or, config files are fun anyways...08:53
Jewfrothat doesn't make sense though, I should be using about 100 Gigs less, I've only got 45.33 free gigs, dropping my the minute and I'm just downloading small updates08:53
mon^rchis it easy to setup/use .emerald themes or cwxtheme (or whatever they're called)08:53
wrabbit^fine. No help from the ol' wrabbit08:54
=== narasim_7 [n=vedavall@] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexByan: what will you be printing from? Only linux, or windows also?08:54
flannelJewfro: how do you figure that 100 gigs number?08:54
ByanArrenLex: my roommate uses windows08:54
mabreauxis there a good source to learn about gnome,  I know kde pretty well and would like to learn gnome too.08:55
Jewfroflannel, the OS plus my media files approx 50 ish Gigs08:55
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Jewfroat least that should be08:55
Blippemabreaux, hands on experience is the best08:55
ArrenLexByan: sharing is where my bumbling half-advice fails completely. I share my printer with samba; the only clients are Windows. This will probably not suit you.08:56
=== klarkkent [n=not@adsl-4-253-193.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexI suggest you google for how to set up a Linux print server, now that the hardware stuff is out of the way.08:56
Byanwell, Samba is already set up08:56
ArrenLexhttp://www.linuxheadquarters.com/howto/networking/printsharing.shtml This is the first result google turned up; it may be useful or may not.08:56
ArrenLexByan: samba is easy.08:56
flannelJewfro: and du and df aren't reporting consistant numbers?08:56
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ByanArrenLex: how printers like uh.. the ones that use hardware printer servers08:57
ArrenLexByan: http://arrenlex.diff.be/smb.conf this is my /etc/samba/smb.conf for sharing my printer, by the name of C510. You might find it useful. I really have to go, I'm afraid.08:57
MyGhetekalright guys, i need to make the user ghetek part of the group www-data08:57
JbirkHow do I edit my gnome startup session from the console?08:57
Jewfroflannel, my free space has changed by 3 gigs or so in the last hour, I'm downloading updates at a blazing 14kbps or so, so I know I haven't possible installed that much.08:57
wrabbit^if you want to learn gnome, it's as simple as typing: "learn gnome" into google.  The first link is useful.08:57
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=== pwk [n=pail@blk-222-223-79.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Jbirki.e. let's say I added something to system > preferences >sessions >startup and now it crashes08:58
pwki'm running a installtion in vmware fr ubnuntu :...08:58
Jbirkhow can I disable or remove it if I can't login?08:58
flannelMyGhetek: sudo usermod -G www-data ghetek08:58
=== Asc is now known as asc__
pwkwill vmware tools work in 6.06 ?08:59
=== flannel is now known as Flannel
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-158-63-254.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
MyGhetekflannel: but i still cant mkdir in my ftp client when loggin on as "ghetek" after running that command08:59
ArrenLexByan: anyway, the hardware's set up; I can't help you further. The rest if a common issue you should be able to google. Hope I could help somewhat!08:59
ArrenLexEnjoy Linux.09:00
=== YBH_1 [n=YBH_1@c-24-21-24-238.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ByanArrenLex: bye09:00
wrabbit^what's linux?09:00
=== luX` [n=lux@host-84-222-129-6.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelMyGhetek: as ghetek, type "groups" does www-data show up?09:00
ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux09:00
JbirkWhat if I added something to the sessions startup, and now it crashes when it loads?09:00
pwki'm running 612mb ram in vmware for ubuntu09:00
JbirkHow do I fix that?09:00
=== keherman [i=khermans@nat/cisco/x-b331c1d7aabd9d97] has joined #ubuntu
MyGhetekflannel: yes it does09:00
FlannelJbirk: safe gnome09:01
Jbirkhow do i do that?09:01
FlannelMyGhetek: alright, you may need to chmod /var/www to including writing by the group (instead of just the user)09:01
FlannelJbirk: at GDM, sessions, safe gnome09:01
Jewfrothis is very strange, my free space is just disappearing09:01
wrabbit^Jbirk: At the login screen.  Change sessions to safe gnome09:01
=== not [n=not@adsl-4-253-193.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
wrabbit^Jbirk: can you get that far?09:01
MyGhetekchmod u+r /var/www ?09:01
JbirkI get to login09:01
JbirkIt just starts logging in09:02
Jbirkthen it loads the last command a friend put in and restarts09:02
FlannelMyGhetek: g not u09:02
JbirkMy buddy put restart in there09:02
Jbirknot too funny09:02
FlannelMyGhetek: and w not r (write not read)09:02
wrabbit^Jbirk: Don't put in your login details until you've changed sessions.09:02
=== fu-k-t [n=fukt@61-50-222-209.mycybernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
JbirkBasically, my friend put in restart09:02
MyGhetekflannel: sudo chown g+r /var/www ?09:02
Jbirkand now, when I login, Linux restarts09:02
=== skewh [n=skewh@adsl-71-131-196-146.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
JbirkOkay, I did safe gnome09:03
FlannelMyGhetek: g+w09:03
Jbirknow I can just remove that09:03
fu-k-t i need to know how to disable ssh access for a particular user09:03
Jbirkthen log out09:03
Jbirkand back in?09:03
=== BHSPitLappy_ is now known as BHSPitLappy
noti'm having trouble playing a .mp3 file with XMMS -- it used to play, but now it just gives this error: "Please check that: Your soundcard is configured properly You have the correct output plugin selected No other program is blocking the soundcard" how do i check to see if any of those are the problem, and how would i got about fixing them?09:03
fu-k-tany ideas?09:03
Jbirknext question09:03
Jbirkhow do I get all 10 buttons working on my MX500 mouse?09:03
Flannel!tell Jbirk about mouse09:03
wrabbit^!tell Flannel about Flannel09:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Flannel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:03
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-72-79.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
pwki'm at the point at parttioner in setup, now i need help09:04
skewhHey there, I'm having problems with my vsftpd server, whenever I upload things I get a Forbidden error unless I manually CHMOD everything to 44409:04
=== Huey [n=Huey@ip68-6-100-227.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
pwkcan i pm someone for help ?09:04
wrabbit^pwk, with what?09:04
wrabbit^just ask in here09:04
pwki'm in vmware.. need help with everything in part. manager in setup09:05
L3TUC3Im lacking window decorations in beryl09:05
MyGhetekflannel: i ran "sudo chown g+w /var/www" still not able to make directories09:05
L3TUC3what could be the case?09:05
pwkwhat do i do first ?09:05
=== captine [n=brad@dsl-145-200-249.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
MyGhetek!tell myghetek about chown09:05
AWOSDevDoes anybody know how to use external MIDI instruments on Dapper?09:06
=== AWOSDev can barely do it in Windows
captinecan someone please suggest which cdburning gui is the better to use with 64bit ubuntu?  thnx09:06
FlannelMyGhetek: what's the perms on /var/www? (ls -l /var/)09:06
skewhHey there, I'm having problems with my vsftpd server, whenever I upload things I get a Forbidden error unless I manually CHMOD everything to 44409:06
AWOSDevcaptine, I personally use K3b, but then again I'm just a lowly x8609:06
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pwklike what file format is swap part. ?09:06
cypher1_skewh, any umask problem >09:06
captineAWOSDev: i am wishing i had installed 32bit.  lol thnx09:06
noti'm having trouble playing a .mp3 file with XMMS -- it used to play, but now it just gives this error: "Please check that: Your soundcard is configured properly You have the correct output plugin selected No other program is blocking the soundcard" how do i check to see if any of those are the problem, and how would i go about fixing them?09:07
Flannelfu-k-t: in sshd_conf you can Deny/Allow stuff (DenyGroup, etc)09:07
pwklinux-swap.. or ext. ?09:07
cypher1_skewh, paste your vsftpd.conf09:07
skewhcypher1_: ok09:07
acehighAWOSDev: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/MIDI-HOWTO-7.html09:07
skewhinto the main chat?09:07
MyGhetekflannel: drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 2006-10-14 19:10 www09:07
cypher1_skewh, no09:07
Flannelfu-k-t: actually, easier to do individual users: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/openssh-deny-or-restrict-access-to-users-and-groups.html09:07
Jbirkthanks but I have a 10 button mouse09:08
fu-k-tthanks, Flannel09:08
FlannelMyGhetek: er... Why is it owned by root?09:08
JbirkIt is the MX 500 logitech09:08
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@134-7-178-69.static.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
cypher1_skewh, see topicj regarding pastebin09:08
Blippepwk, the swap should be linux-swap and about the size of your ram09:08
JbirkOh well, I guess it is time for a movie09:08
MyGhetekflannel: iono09:08
DigitalNinjaHow does one start their own chanel09:08
Blippepwk, the automatic partionier is really good though09:08
pwkand the main part. ext 3 ?09:08
FlannelJbirk: what makes you think that page won't work for yours?09:08
dedalus65PWK I am using Ubuntu Dapper in VmWare right now , you should just let the installation taking the hard drive (virtual disk)09:08
pwkhowd i get auto ?09:08
Blippeext3 is a good choice for the main part09:08
AWOSDevacehigh, dead.09:08
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JbirkI am just sayin gI have 10 buttons09:09
AWOSDevFatal error: Cannot redeclare class alsaheader in /shm/var/data/www/htdocs/components/head.php on line 509:09
Jbirknot 709:09
ubundhi. i use ( http://nongeeksight.blogspot.com/2006/09/printer-configuration-utility-updated.html ) and gets ( http://www.wklej.org/id/f8cbdb4dfd ) when trying to use "add printer"09:09
acehighAWOSDev: ?09:09
Jbirknot that I watn to use all my buttons09:09
pwkdedalus65, does vmware tolls help peformance out ?09:09
captineAWOSDev: do u use it in gnome?09:09
dedalus65it will install by itself, I got the live cd starting and then chose install09:09
AWOSDevacehigh the link09:09
FlannelJbirk: The specific number isn't important.  The method is the same09:09
JbirkI just want to use the back and forward buttons in nautilus and firefox09:09
acehighAWOSDev: it worked for me hehe09:09
AWOSDevcaptine no, <small>I hate GNOME and use KDE</small>09:09
dedalus65I have enough resolution without it09:09
Blippepwk, right before you chose how to partition the harddrives there should have been a question if you wanted automatic partitioning09:09
pwkdedalus65, you do auto part. ?09:09
JbirkI just whish I understood what button is what09:09
dedalus65and the sound is working fine09:09
AWOSDevpwk, no but I work on cars.09:10
=== ArrenLex [n=alex@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
skewhhere's my vsftpd.conf: http://pastebin.com/80683509:10
MyGhetekflannel: is there a way to make www-data own that directory?09:10
FlannelJbirk: here' a more speciifc page, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MX1000Mouse09:10
cypher1_skewh, k let me see09:10
AWOSDevacehigh, yeah but on the ALSA (what I use) link ti's dead09:10
dedalus65I let the auto partition chose the size of partition09:10
FlannelMyGhetek: sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www09:11
dedalus65I install it 2 hours ago and it took me 20 minutes09:11
dedalus65to install, Ubuntu is so user friendly09:11
acehighAWOSDev: try this09:11
pwkif i auto part. it will take the hole drive .. correct ?09:11
acehighAWOSDev: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/MIDI-HOWTO.html09:11
Shadow_mildedalus65: :(09:11
=== Daventry [n=tom@d51A57B90.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
dedalus65well the size you attribute in vmware09:12
pwki set 24gb.. but i didn't allocate the space then..09:12
dedalus65I put 6 gig max on vmware setting for ubuntu dapper and it was enough09:12
pwkso it uses the space as it needs it09:12
MyGhetekflannel: i ran that but the ls -l still shows that root owns it and still cant make a dir in it through ftp with the ghetek user09:13
dedalus65but then , I keep space for more virtual machine09:13
dedalus65like slackware09:13
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pwkis it ok, i didn't allocate space during setup in vmware ?09:13
AWOSDevacehigh, no no no the actual site worked, I just can't get in to the ALSA link09:13
Shadow_milman all the reservoirs have been slow lately09:13
dedalus65yep it will fill up space up to 24 gigs09:13
acehighAWOSDev: oh09:13
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dedalus65I think that was I<ve done09:13
FlannelMyGhetek: if you did that, and root still owns it, you're doing something else wrong.  Or, something.  Did you get an error while chmodding?09:14
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FlannelMyGhetek: er, chowning?09:14
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MyGhetekflannel: no i did not get a single error09:14
pwkcool, cause last time i wasn't in vmware.. and i manually did it, and scrwed my windows09:14
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dedalus65you have to set up a virtual machine09:14
cypher1_skewh, are you trying to upload as anonymous or real user ?09:14
skewhreal user09:15
MyGhetekflannel: i ran this "sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www"09:15
pwkcause i need windows for university09:15
dedalus65then with watever setting for your ubuntu09:15
jojoman02anyone know any good zeroconf sharing programs? for networks composed of ubuntu computers09:15
dedalus65you start the virtual machine with the ubuntu cd (dvd) on your cdrom09:15
pwkwill vmware tools run in ubntu 6.06 if i told it to install it ?09:15
FlannelMyGhetek: and you installed apache through the repositories, right?09:15
dedalus65and the virtual will boot from it09:16
dedalus65you install it09:16
MyGhetekflannel: i used the LAMP install on the cd09:16
dedalus65and after the installation your can run vmware tool09:16
MyGhetekflannel: i just ran the command as root without the sudo part and it looks good now09:16
DigitalNinjaIs there a place I can get good free web hosting?09:16
dedalus65but like i said My setting was ok09:16
pwkcause i had windows 200 pro on vm.. and worked great.. i'm anewbie with vmware though09:17
=== jimdaniels [n=dcordes@dslb-084-062-053-207.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelMyGhetek: what are the permissions on it?09:17
MyGhetekflannel: drwxr-xr-x  3 www-data www-data 4096 2006-10-14 19:10 www09:17
dedalus65resolution 1024x76809:17
pwkgotta go09:17
pwki'll leave it install09:17
dedalus65enough for what I want to do09:17
dedalus65no vmware tool installed09:17
pwkand when i wake up i'll mess around with ubntu09:17
MyGhetekflannel: still no directory making in ftp in that dir09:18
MyGhetekflannel: maybe a problem with ftpd?09:18
pwkthanks eveyone09:18
FlannelMyGhetek: better.  Now you just need to chown it, do this: chown g+x /var/www && chown o-x /var/www09:18
pwkgoodnight all09:18
jimdanielshi there i have a little problem with file permissions. i need to access a file on an external drive which has only root permissions from my other ubuntu system. is there a way to log in on this machine with the other user account?09:18
=== Morrowyn [n=Morrowyn@s5590a6cd.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Flanneljimdaniels: you need to change the umask on the external drive09:18
MyGhetekflannel: chown: `g+x': invalid user09:18
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FlannelMyGhetek: er, sorry. chmods for both of those09:19
jimdanielsFlannel: how can i do this?09:19
FlannelMyGhetek: now you've gotten me all turned around ;)09:19
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AWOSDevFlannel, it's okay, I did that to somebody once09:20
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AWOSDevthe scary part was it was chown 777, so it changed it to an unidentified UID :)09:21
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Flanneljimdaniels: it's external, so it's not in your fstab, right?  so you'll unmount then remount09:21
Shadow_milhow can I check my FPS output of my X server?09:21
MyGhetekflannel: root@LAMP:/var# chmod g+x /var/www && chmod o-x /var/www09:21
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FlannelShadow_mil: glxgears -iacknowledgethisisnotabenchmark09:21
jimdanielsyea it isn't. just sudo umount/mount -a ?09:22
MyGhetekflannel: still cant make a dir as ghetek09:22
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mabreauxdoes anyone know how to set the default windowing system on ubuntu,  I have kde and gnome installed?09:22
AWOSDevFlannel that didn't work on my puter09:22
Shadow_milFlannel: ,,,,09:23
AWOSDevFlannel are you messing with us?09:23
=== DerD [n=derd2@p54B3D69A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
acehighFlannel: wish i could run a gear hehe double buffers prevent me from doin it09:23
AWOSDevmabreaux, try the session drop down box at the login screen, then it will ask something like "Make this the default?" and you say Yes and everybody's happy09:23
FlannelAWOSDev: no, it does work.09:24
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acehighAWOSDev: ATI?09:24
acehighthats why hehe09:24
=== AWOSDev needs to get an NVIDIA Laptop
acehighAWOSDev: i have a onboard nvidia as a backup and it works wonderfully but I also run a pciex ati160009:25
=== AWOSDev has a 2003 Lappy with no PCI express
=== AnAnt [n=anant@] has joined #ubuntu
AWOSDevthat's /me's newest computer09:25
acehighAWOSDev: I just upgraded to the AM2 setup it rocks imo09:26
skewhcypher1_:  any updates?09:26
AnAntafter upgrading to Edgy I get this error when I try to run a pre-compiled software (that used to work on Dapper): Error: Could not create FontSet for font '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*'. <=  How can I solve this ?09:26
cypher1_skewh, you did not answer me this question -- are you trying to upload as anonymous or real user ?09:26
Flanneljimdaniels: you'll want mount -a -O umask=0000 or whatever (umask is OPPOSITE of the permissions, 0000 means 777 etc, unless it's fat, then you use... dmask and fmask, I believe (man mount for more info on filesystem specifics)09:26
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FlannelAnAnt: #ubuntu+1 for edgy09:27
skewhcypher1_:  oh I thought I did, anyways I am uploading as a real user09:27
Lam_if i stick a cheese pizza on the kitchen table and leave it till morning to eat, would it be better to put it in the fridge and microwave or not?09:27
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelMyGhetek: what's the permissions of /var/www?09:27
AWOSDevLam_ I would09:27
BHSPitLappyLam_, refrigerate it09:27
cypher1_skewh, hold on09:27
BHSPitLappydon't leave it out09:27
Lam_ok thanks. i'll go put it in the fridge09:27
BHSPitLappyLam_, don't you know anything about linux?09:27
BHSPitLappyerr food09:28
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MyGhetekflannel: drwxr-xr--  3 www-data www-data 4096 2006-10-14 19:10 www09:28
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=== dtrump [n=asdfd@du-028-0017.claranet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
acehighthis might be a interesting upgrade09:28
cypher1_skewh, are you having the same problem when you try uploading as a root user ?09:29
Lam_BHSPitLappy: lol yeah. i was going to do it anyways, but my roommate put in in the oven (not turned on of course; space reasons) and was wondering wtf he was doing09:29
FlannelMyGhetek: the write still isn't there09:29
skewhI haven't tried it, but I will now09:29
cypher1_skewh, k09:29
=== phaero [n=phaero@h73n2fls31o891.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelMyGhetek: chmod g+w /var/www09:29
cypher1_skewh, r u on gentoo ?09:30
skewhcypher1_:  pardon?09:30
=== chimaera_ [n=chi@p5481237C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
cypher1_skewh, i saw gentoo mentioned on vsftpd.conf, so just asked09:30
AWOSDevacehigh Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease tell me you know what /dev/ the MPU401 is09:30
skewhcypher1_:  I don't believe so since I'm not sure what that is, and I can not login to FTP as root09:31
acehighAWOSDev: um lets see.................................nope09:31
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MyGhetekflannel: run that from root?09:32
acehighAWOSDev: but guess what09:32
FlannelMyGhetek: or with sudo.  yes.09:32
acehighAWOSDev: /dev/sequencer209:32
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AWOSDevOoooh you do!09:33
acehighAWOSDev: hehe09:33
acehighAWOSDev: hope it works for ya09:33
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acehighill brb reboot required09:33
cypher1_skewh, where are you trying to upload ? (mounted disk or partition) ?09:33
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skewhcypher1_: I am trying to upload into the /var/www/ directory09:34
eclipse75hmm dhcp isnt working for my friend using eth009:34
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eclipse75even tried static09:34
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eclipse75and ubuntu doesnt include netconfig bleh09:34
cypher1_skewh, is it mounted ? what is the umask ?09:34
eclipse75anybody have any ideas?09:34
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skewhcypher1_: pardon?09:35
Flannelskewh: you need to add yourself to the www-data group, and chmod /var/www to allow people writing as that group.09:35
cypher1_skewh, check your /etc/mnttab09:35
=== virtual-stargaze [n=thomas@ip68-105-125-114.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelskewh: or a subfolder, etc.09:35
MyGhetekflannel: drwxrwxr--  3 www-data www-data 4096 2006-10-14 19:10 www09:35
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FlannelMyGhetek: right.  That's what we're looking for09:35
=== Healot [n=doesugab@wbb113.fwa6.jaring.my] has joined #ubuntu
MyGhetekflannel: i love you09:36
=== pbrunier [n=pbrunier@gnu/webmaster/pbrunier] has joined #ubuntu
MyGhetekflannel: and im a dude! and im not even gay.09:36
cypher1_skewh, /etc/fstab sorry09:36
skewhcypher1_:  ok, so will adding myself to the www-data group fix my problem of the web pages giving me a Forbidden error when the files aren't CHMODDED as 444?09:36
=== anmar [n=anmar@S01060014bf216fda.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelMyGhetek: glad to hear you got it figured out09:36
jimdanielsFlannel: sorry but sudo  mount -a -O umask=0000 gives me no permissions09:36
anmar /join #dokuwiki09:36
Flannelskewh: oh, wait.  the WEB pages are giving you permissoin erors?09:37
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Flannelskewh: that's because apache can't read the files.  Not anything to do with ftp09:37
Flannelskewh: make sure the apache user (www-data) can read your files09:37
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skewhFlannel:  Ok, so how do I set that09:38
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AWOSDevOkay this didn't work:   cat strangerinparadise.mid > /dev/sequencer209:38
Flannelskewh: well, they're on the webserver probably as you.  So you'd want to make them readable by everyone (o+r)09:38
skewhFlannel:  Like CHMOD the entire www directory 444?09:39
cypher1_skewh, or chmod to the apache user09:39
cypher1_sorry chown09:39
=== Android` [n=Android_@81-178-125-140.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
jimdanielsFlannel: you still there?09:39
cypher1_Flannel, i guess that also works right ?09:40
jimdanielsFlannel: sudo  mount -a -O umask=0000 gives me no permissions09:40
skewhcypher1_: I chmodded the entire directory 444, but unless I go into that folder and chmod the individual files, it gives me a forbidden error09:40
Flannelskewh: the entire directory won't chmod the files in it.09:40
Flannelskewh: right.09:40
=== evodirk [n=droeder@p54B7B728.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Flanneljimdaniels: yeah, sorry.  not really sure, haven't done a whole lot of mounting personally.  But, the umask is the answer you're looking for.09:41
eclipse75does ubuntu support xinerama? does it have a package for it or what?09:41
cypher1_skewh, so you get forbidden error while accessing the files through browser ?09:41
skewhFlannel:  Ok, so how do I fix the problem that when I upload files via FTP, it will immediatly CHMOD it 444 or allow it to display or something?09:41
Flannel!tell eclipse75 about xinerama09:41
AWOSDevYou'd want umask=00709:41
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skewhcypher1_:  Yes, unless I chmod 44409:41
eclipse75!tell xinerama09:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tell xinerama - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umask - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:42
Flannelskewh: or instead of doing that, fix it how it's meant to be.  And either set someting in the ftp config to change the default perms, or change some user stuff around09:42
AWOSDevTrust me, it's umask=00709:42
=== Acehigh [n=Acehigh@c-68-35-186-120.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux09:42
AcehighI broked it09:42
skewhFlannel:  so how would I do that?09:42
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Flannelskewh: that would depend on vsftpd, I'm not familiar with it personally.09:42
pwki got it running in vmware :)09:43
cypher1_skewh, in vsftpd.conf change local_umask to 33309:43
pwkonly found 186 updates09:43
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skewhcypher1_:  ok thank you09:43
pwkmore then ms09:43
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AcehighAWOSDev did that work?09:43
cypher1_skewh, please try it out now and let us know if you have problems09:43
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=== Homer_Linux [n=linux1@cpc1-bsfd1-0-0-cust948.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
skewhcypher1_:  will do09:43
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-68-203-223-229.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AWOSDevacehigh no09:44
AcehighAWOSDev then your midi has a set dev09:44
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AWOSDevacehigh I put       cat strangerinparadise.mid > /dev/sequencer2 and heard nothing09:44
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AcehighAWOSDev I dont know then sorry :(09:45
AWOSDevThat should work right?09:45
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AcehighAWOSDev if I didn't just break my ATI drivers I would be able to check hehe09:45
BHSPitLappywhat kind of midi card you got?09:45
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AWOSDevacehigh oopsy :)09:46
AcehighAWOSDev try google it works really well for me09:46
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AWOSDevacehigh okay09:46
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StoneNoteanyone know of a site or a report that compares the performance of SQLite vs Berkeley DB (BDB) vs Gnu DBM (GDBM) on ubuntu (or any version of linux for that matter)?09:47
skewhcypher1_:  just wondering, what is changing  local_umask to 333 supposed to do?09:47
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cypher1_skewh, did it work09:48
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cypher1_skewh, it decides on with what permissions the files get created09:48
cypher1_ubotu, umask09:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umask - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:48
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skewhcypher1_: unfortunately, I can not access the computer at the time09:48
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cypher1_skewh, i did not get09:49
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Homer_Linuxhiya ppl whats the best program for burning mp3 to cd(audio)09:49
skewhcypher1_: My current location prohibits me from physically accessing the computer09:49
AWOSDevHomer_Linux K3b09:49
BHSPitLappyyeah, k3b...09:49
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BHSPitLappydespite the K09:49
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=== AWOSDev loves the K :)
cypher1_skewh, ok then pls try it out when you can09:50
skewhcypher1_: When I can access the computer, I will try that and come back if there are any problems09:50
cypher1_skewh, sure09:50
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Homer_Linuxis that in the standard repos09:50
cypher1_skewh, you can check "man umask" to understand it better09:51
skewhcypher1_: will do, thanks09:51
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jimdanielsFlannel: i think my problem is that the external drive is directlx and automagically remounted after umounting. how can i stop this?09:52
jordanIs there a way to raise the fan speed on my laptop?09:52
AWOSDevjordan, make it hot, really hot :P09:52
v-man-1jordan: thats usually done in the bios09:53
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skewhalso, for vsftpd, I have one local account's home directory set to the /var/www folder so that when I login to the FTP using that account, I can only access the www folder and everything inside it, is that ok or is there a better way?09:53
tanlaanhello everyone :D09:53
jordanv-man-1, I am on a mac so that isn't an option, it is controlled by software anyways isn't it?09:54
tanlaani was wondering if anyone could help me figure out a good linux distro for an HP pavilion N5135 laptop with 192mb of ram and a 5gb hard drive.09:55
v-man-1jordan: dunno about that man, on my PC I can set it in the bios09:55
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jordanv-man-1,  Are you using a laptop?09:55
v-man-1jordan: no09:55
AWOSDevLike I said, I just make mine hot :P09:56
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jamxi have a dual boot with winxp and ubuntu, i wanna reinstall winxp.. but that will remove grub. is there an easy way to put grub back after the reinstall of winxp?09:56
jordanv-man-1, Then mabie your fan speed is fixed and therefore cannot be controlled by software?09:56
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cypher1_which is the best torrent client in ubuntu09:57
AWOSDevKtorrent FTW!09:57
v-man-1i really like KTorrent too but I don't like having both gtk/gnome and kde/qt libs loaded09:58
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jordancyphase_, That is supjective, I like azureus but some like lighter weight.09:58
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v-man-1i know a few people who run uTorrent through wine and they like it09:58
jordan* subjective09:58
raskethow can i login as root in ubuntu xserver ?09:58
skewhalso, for vsftpd, I have one local account's home directory set to the /var/www folder so that when I login to the FTP using that account, I can only access the www folder and everything inside it, is that ok or is there a better way?09:58
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:58
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rasketbut i cant prefix the command with sudo in gnome09:59
rasketif i try to start a gnome app i get screen not available10:00
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jordanrasket, How are you trying to start it?10:00
rasketi have a user who should start with sudo but after    starting .....   window disappear nothing happens10:01
rasketjordan, just typing the name of the app10:01
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skewhalso, for vsftpd, I have one local account's home directory set to the /var/www folder so that when I login to the FTP using that account, I can only access the www folder and everything inside it, is that ok or is there a better way?10:01
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J-_when configuring /etc/hosts when configuring a server, do I put the virtual server ip beside the, then localhost? if so, what do i do with the 2nd one below it? hopefully that makes sense.10:03
rasketis there a text based user management tool _10:03
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rasketwith some menues :-) ?10:03
AWOSDevrasket, that's asking a bit much :)10:04
rasketor how do i check if a user is in a group ? or adding him to a group ?10:04
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jordanrasket, When you are trying to open an application, are you doing that from an xterm ( like gnome-terminal ) ?10:05
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tanlaananyone know of a linux distro that would be good for an HP pavilion N5135 laptop with 192mb of ram and a 5 gb hard drive?10:06
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rasketjordan, as root ? no i opened another session with strg+alt f110:06
antoniacwhy not using the userconfig10:06
jordanrasket, that is why...10:06
Nox2k3I'm assuming that if I set xserver-xorg's pin priority to -1, it will downgrade the package?10:06
santagadacan someone please help me with this bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/6234210:06
AWOSDevNox2K3 yes10:06
Nox2k3and then apt-get upgrade will downgrade it?10:06
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jordanrasket, To start GUI applications you need to either start them frome an xterminal or tell it what display to use.10:07
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pwkanyway to change time in ubntu so its right in vmware ?10:08
santagadai have this problem with gdm that it doesn't show the ubuntu when the computer boot up10:08
santagadaonly when I restart gdm by hand10:08
v-man-1i just cracked my neighbours wep :S10:08
v-man-1 KEY FOUND! [ 66:6B:AB:30:47 ] 10:08
AWOSDevv-man-1 :P10:08
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rasketjordan, thanks now i got a window at least, but nothing happens if i start it like it is done in the shortcut (gksudo users-admin) does nothing10:08
antoniacv-man-1 what did you use? airsnort? kismet?10:08
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santagadathen I posted my bug report and I had no answer in 20 days or more10:09
rasketjordan, starting with (users-admin) a window appears10:09
rosen37I have a question , I m admin system and I need to change all station from debian(xdm + wmaker)  to Kubuntu. However for each suer a .xsession is currently existing to launch ssh-askpass at the start of the X then exec wmaker. However with this kind of .xsession KDE on ubuntu didn t work I have to replace the exec wmaker by startkde. Is there an otehr solution?10:09
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v-man-1antoniac:  airodump-ng to collect the initialisation vectors, then aircrack-ng to crack the key10:09
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santagadaso if someone knows how to fix it I will be very glad10:09
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v-man-1edgy has the aircrack-ng package which includes airodump and other neat tools10:10
POVaddctv-man-1: also aireplay-ng, or did you just use passive sniffing?10:10
Rookie_sounds like you have to look on roaming rosen3710:10
rasketjordan, can i reset the sudo password, after i misstyped it ? there is no prompt anymore10:10
v-man-1POVaddct: just passive, took 30 minutes to collect 500,000 IVs10:10
santagadaor just take a look at https://launchpad.net/bugs/62342 and say if I missed some important info10:10
Nox2k3is there any way to dump the contents of my package list and reload it completely?10:10
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Nox2k3like if I removed a repository from the list10:10
wabbitcould someone help me with microphone configuration. I will really appreciate it10:10
AWOSDevI need help with my external MIDI, it still doesn't work :X10:10
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POVaddctv-man-1: wow. i see 5 ESSIDs in my neighborhood but none of them makes enough traffic10:11
v-man-1POVaddct: i havn't patched my card's drivers yet, so no injection for me at this time10:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roaming - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:11
wabbitI use dapper and have a dv5000 laptop10:11
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pwki need some help setting up vmware tools10:11
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holy_cowpwk, #vmware10:11
pwki see it mounted a cd drive in ubntu10:11
POVaddctv-man-1: i got patched drivers for my ralink usb wlan stick (rt2570)10:11
AWOSDevpwk, Yes please go to #vmware10:11
nikinrosen37: install Wmaker if you want10:11
stat1chi, i'm trying to install ubuntu 6.06 and need to run base-config (which has been deprecated). Can someone please tell me how to do what it does manualy?10:11
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pwkbut it relates to, how do i install the prgoram10:12
v-man-1POVaddct: nice, I've got a Linksys card pased on rt250010:12
santagadaahh and remember I have ubuntu edgy10:12
holy_cow#vmware pwk10:12
AWOSDevpwk, right, the VMWare program10:12
AWOSDevSo go to #VMWare10:12
POVaddctv-man-1: i could successfully disassociate my laptop from my AP10:12
pwki got a .rpm and a .tar.gz files.. whcih is installer ?10:12
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nikinboth :D10:12
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uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).10:13
holy_cowpwk #vmware plz10:13
holy_cowthats not an ubuntu question10:13
pwkcan anyone guide me trhough installing something ?10:13
jordanpwk, What are you trying to install?10:13
OmniDOkay I have a problem! My external hard drive takes forever to get things written to it. I think Ubuntu has classified it as a USB 1.1 device when it is very much a 2.0.10:13
Rookie_pwk - look on alien10:13
holy_cowits okay, it is a vmwawre question tho10:13
holy_cowalso google, google has A LOT of notes on how to install vmware products10:14
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virtual-stargazeI'll be back later, and I'll have some questions...10:14
rosen37nikin: no it s ok I did a if then else in the .xsession10:14
pwkk, looks like i got it10:14
pwki opend .tar file10:14
pwkand extracting now10:14
nikinrosen37 :D ok10:15
holy_cowdude thats not installing it10:15
holy_cowinstalling vmware is a longer process10:15
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stat1ccan anybody tell me what base-config did? I need to do it manually and i want to make sure i'm not forgetting anything. any help would be appreciated :)10:16
phobiacI've got ubuntu installed on a seperate partition on my computer, and it's mounted my windows partion as read only. How can I get read and write acess to the drive?10:16
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse10:16
tonyyarussophobiac: ^^ should explain that.10:16
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phobiacThank you10:16
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:16
nikinmy dog bited my Ethernet cable in 2 :D any idea of a fast solution?10:17
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nikinits sunday and nothing is open, to buy one10:17
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holy_cownikin, always make sure to have a splicer and some extra ends10:18
Rookie_wait until tomorrow ;) ?10:18
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phobiacNikin, do you have a modem and is it plugged into a router?10:19
nikinphomiac: yup10:19
AWOSDevPlug directly in10:20
phobiacWhat AWOS said^10:20
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nikinAWOS: i have to feed 4 computers with net here10:20
jordanSo, anyone know how to change fan speeds on laptops?10:20
AWOSDevnikin, oops10:20
AWOSDevnikin, just feed three and leave one out until Monday when Office Depot opens10:21
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nikinAWOS: yes.. as i see now that will be tha case... but i wanted to reinstall my server :(, and its a nice sunday to do it10:22
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AWOSDevWell then don't unplug the server......?10:22
nikinthe server is the only ompputer with a cable, the other three are notebooks with WLAN10:23
Nox2k3I'm trying to downgrade X and I believe that I've done this correctly but it doesn't feel like downgrading it, I have a paste at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26846/. I would much appreciate it if someone could take a look and point out my stupidity.10:23
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AWOSDevThat's the only stupidity I find?10:23
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Nox2k3yeah 7.0.0 doesn't work with fglrx10:23
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pwkwhats a super user ?10:24
AWOSDevOh back again10:24
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:24
holy_cowNox2k3, heh10:24
RondomNox2k3: you only need to disable composite, it does work10:24
nikinpwk: GOD10:24
J-_is there a SSH gui viewer that i can run?10:24
Nox2k3its telling me that its getting an X version mismatch10:24
Nox2k3disabling composite will somehow solve that?10:24
AWOSDevJ-_ try fish:// in Konqueror10:24
POVaddctJ-_: what do you mean?10:24
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Nox2k3J-_: If you're using Gnome, try using the Places menu and Connect to Server10:25
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POVaddctJ-_: do you want ssh login or scp file transfer?10:25
RondomNox2k3: I guess you are using edgy, the packaged version works and I'm pretty sure that the newer version will also work if you disable the version-detection10:25
J-_ssh login i believe10:25
J-_(i think anyway)10:25
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Nox2k3I'm not using edgy, and disable the version detection how?10:25
Nox2k3I have, however, I believe, updated X via the various Compiz/Beryl howtos10:26
J-_Nox2k3: i'll try that, thanks10:26
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Nox2k3I can't recall as last time I did this was a long time ago10:26
Nox2k3last time I tried*10:26
POVaddctJ-_: you could try putty (the linux version)10:26
holy_cowi would just reinstall10:26
RondomNox2k3: ok, well google for the message10:26
holy_cowby the time you untangle that beryl/xgl crap you would have been done10:26
J-_i am on putty, there's no gui10:26
L3TUC3I did it in an hour or so10:27
POVaddctJ-_: ssh login is always text.10:27
Nox2k3holy_cow: Incorrect as I have to run CVSed NetworkManager and hostap garbage to get my wireless to work nice and automagically10:27
J-_ah ok. lol, thanks10:27
Nox2k3so I would need to reset all that stuff up10:27
AWOSDevJ-_ you mean you want to browse it, as in like in Nautilus?10:27
holy_cowwhat does that haveto do with anything?10:27
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AWOSDevJ-_ personally I use sshfs and mount it10:27
Nox2k3reinstalling would take longer than untangling10:27
POVaddctJ-_: i think you want X forwarding over ssh. but for that you need a local X server running.10:27
holy_cowNox2k3, heh no10:27
AWOSDevNo he just said he wants to browse like Nautilus10:28
holy_cowNox2k3, however, go ahead and try10:28
holy_cowonly a friendlyl suggestion, nothing more10:28
POVaddctJ-_: so if you are using putty on windows, you need a X server for windows to use X forwarding on putty.10:28
J-_i have a LAMP server running, with ubuntu installed.10:28
Nox2k3Is there not a way to remove a repository from my list, and downgrade to the other repository?10:28
Nox2k3install older packages10:28
boinkdowngrade to another distro?10:29
POVaddctJ-_: a lamp server? then why use a gui anyway? learn to use the shell!10:29
boinkok .. just edit the /etc/apt/souces.list10:29
J-_lol, i'm trying =P10:29
jordanNox2k3, You could remove the package, remove the repository, and download the package again?10:29
jordan* download == install.10:29
Nox2k3I believe I have tried that before for some other package, but I will try again. Time to explode my laptop install.10:29
nikinJ : why you want ssh?10:30
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POVaddctJ-_: and while you are at it, take a look at the screen command. very useful when doing ssh remote logins.10:30
mmphello; I have ubuntu 6.06 installed, and I tried to use NetworkManager for configuring WPA on Ralink 2500 card; but nm-applet shows just WEP encryption available... .10:30
mmpAnd wpa_supplicant seems to be installed correctly.10:30
goofyi heard that ubuntu is based on debian.....is this true10:31
J-_nikin: to log into my server/ start editting the linux gazette when i have the time. but more now to log into me server and cofigure it10:31
boinkit's true, goofy10:31
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boinkubuntu and debian work closey together as well10:31
nikinJ- if you have X installed then just RUN a VNC server10:31
nikinits ugly10:31
phobiacHow can I log in as root and/or temporarily give my session root access?10:31
holy_cowmmp, wpa supplicant requires you modify config files manually10:31
nikinbut its remote and GUI10:31
OmniDMy external hard drive takes forever to get things written to it. I think Ubuntu has classified it as a USB 1.1 device when it is very much a 2.0.10:31
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holy_cownetwork manager doesn't give you wpa interace (yet one would hope)10:32
mmpholy_cow: networkmanager since 0.6.0 can use wpa_supplicant to configure wireless interfaces.10:32
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holy_cowwell then ...10:32
holy_cowgo right ahead :)10:32
nikinOmniD: was that HD working on the same PC under win?10:32
OmniDI think so? I don't really know I haven't used it in Windows in forever10:32
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OmniDI don't have a Windows PC near me to try10:33
mmpholy_cow: I'm not sure what is the problem and I don't have the laptop nearby (in fact, it is not mine at all:)10:33
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mmpI did not play with it much, but it seems it can't correctly start wpa_supplicant "slave" process, or communicate with it.10:33
J-_Thanks for the help, i'll be back (=10:33
nikinOmniD: can't be that the PC U use has USB 1.110:33
rosen37I installed an ubuntu in my network but I have a prob of dns resolution with it. I can resolv only thing like name.domainname  How can I do to resolv only on the name?10:34
OmniDErr nope they are all 2.010:34
OmniDNot an old PC not even a year old10:34
mmprosen37: using 'domain' or 'search keywords iirc10:34
nikinOmniD : okok10:34
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mmprosen37: man resolv.conf should give you more details...10:34
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nikinOmniD: do you have any programs like Kinfocenter installed10:35
Nox2k3Oh duh, I've just been starting the AIGLX'd X server. I feel dumb.10:35
OmniDI don't think so10:35
OmniDShould I install that?10:35
OmniDIs there a Gnome equivelent?10:35
AWOSDevHehe, you're on #ubuntu not #kubuntu nikin :10:36
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nikinOmniD: i exit a ces, and go to Gnome to see brb10:36
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OmniD... what?10:36
AWOSDevNo clue.10:36
J-_once I have the server configured, can i unstall ubuntu to free up more resources on the server?10:36
phobiacHow can I log in as root and/or temporarily give my session root access?10:36
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Byanis it possible to set up a network scanner?10:37
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:37
holy_cowno root on ubuntu10:37
holy_cowforget about root10:37
AWOSDevphobiac -- sudo -s10:38
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santagadaif someone wants to help me fix my bug just go to https://launchpad.net/bugs/62342 and reply to me there... if it fixes my bug I can even mark it as fixed... and this will help ubuntu :-)10:38
santagadagood night10:38
AWOSDevsantagada G'night10:38
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WeberWould someone please help me fix my fps drop in full screen 3D games ?10:39
phobiacSudo in the terminal will give me super user control even in the gui?10:39
AWOSDevphobiac no10:39
AWOSDevphobiac gksudo in GNOME, ksudo in KDE10:39
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phobiacThanks AWOS10:40
AWOSDevphobiac np10:40
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nikinphobiac: only if you run the GUI app from the root terminal10:40
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phobiacgksudo gives me a comman not found error.10:41
AWOSDevI thought it was gksudo10:41
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phobiacTo be exact, gksudo gives me a popup messege saying the command is missing. Ksudo just gives a comman not found in the terminal.10:42
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shinobi2how often is ubuntu's repository updated?  i don't see a vim 7.0 in synaptic10:42
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AWOSDevshinobi2, As often as you update it :P10:43
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shinobi2when i type 'cal' the current date is not high lighted, how can i fix that?10:43
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Madpilotshinobi2, programs are not given version updates in released editions of Ubuntu10:44
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Byanso, no one knows if you can share a scanner over the network?10:44
shinobi2Madpilot: say what?10:44
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LaocoonByan I might be able to help you10:44
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ByanLaocoon: well, how can I? I have an HP officejet that works with scanimage.10:45
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Byanand I have CUPS working, so I can print from my XP machine10:45
LaocoonByan: same here, and it's working!10:45
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Madpilotshinobi2, whatever major version of (for example) vim Ubuntu 6.06.1 has, it will stay with, except for security updates10:46
holy_cowyou will haveto upgrade to the next version when its released to get those packages10:46
frogzooI'm experiencing problems creating an LVM volume from the installer, something problem with accessing md2/xx/yyy - does the installer typically do LVM on top of raid (1) properly?10:47
LaocoonByan, not registered, huh? ;) Ok, here is the deal: in the /etc/sane.d/saned.conf, add the network mask for your local network.10:47
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ByanLaocoon: just wan't identified10:47
ubundhi. how to get ane and xasne in xubuntu?10:47
ubundsane and xsane ^10:48
holy_cowubund, apt-get install packagenamehere10:48
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frogzoocan an ATI x850xt vid card be made to work with the proprietary fglrx driver ?10:50
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kj-roHEEEELP ..... i lost my MBR i think... GRUB hangs ... i see on the entire screen only: GRUB        writen in the upper left corner .. and nothing starts.. i am on liv cd right now...10:52
kj-rowhat to do ???10:53
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kj-ro*live cd*10:53
rosen37mmp: Ok I found , I needed to add domain mydomain.com in the resolv.conf10:53
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kj-roi try to do grub-install /dev/hda    -> but i get this: Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.10:54
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drumline_kj-ro: you've googled "repair grub" ?10:55
J-_can I gksudo my server's LAN ip so i can have root priviledges? lol, *shakes fist @ putty* =D man i'm stoked about connecting into ssh... probably not that big of a deal10:55
kj-royeha.. it says to do the above...10:55
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kj-robut grub-install is not working...10:55
kj-roeven if i use hd010:55
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kj-rofdisk -l list's me all the partitions.. and they seem to be marked with * ... (boot flag) .... and i gave a check and thay are ok10:56
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kj-roi even mounted them ... and nothing wrong... so my conclusion : MRB fck-up10:57
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kj-rothen i try grub-install ... and it's not working.... maybe i am missing something....10:57
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mariogdltanyone can help me with amarok???I  want to restore the folder where my lyrics are in cache but i don't know where is this folder!!!10:58
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tonyyarussoHi mariogdlt10:58
mariogdlthi tonyyarusso10:59
POVaddctkj-ro: you must chroot to your mounted root filesystem and then run grub-install.10:59
holy_cowmariogdlt, probably in .amarok10:59
mariogdlti have restored it10:59
holy_cowopen up nautilus, go to your home dir and hit ctrl/h10:59
mariogdltall the covers where restored10:59
tonyyarussomariogdlt: I'm not familiar with amarok, but I'd start by grepping around where holy_cow said10:59
holy_cowah, well then10:59
mariogdltbut not this10:59
mariogdlti'll do10:59
tonyyarussomariogdlt: you can expand greps and locates to the whole filesystem if you wish10:59
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mariogdltin this folder11:00
mariogdltsorry amarok/11:00
Xtevenhi, where can I find a w32codecs package for ubuntu ?11:00
mariogdltbut no results to restored the lyrics11:00
AWOSDev!tell Xteven about restricted11:00
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Xteventhx AWOSDev11:01
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kj-roi try...11:01
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AWOSDevXteven np11:02
mariogdlti am looking this around the web but i can't finde any solutions11:02
mariogdltbut thanks anyway11:03
holy_cowmariogdlt, sorry dude, you lost them11:03
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holy_cowthat stuff is usually in .applicationname11:03
holy_cowmariogdlt, if the files aren't there they aren't there :/11:03
mariogdltno, i have problems with my lyrics and i make sometimes backups with a own script11:03
mariogdltyes all files aren't there11:03
holy_cowthere is the odd possibility that despite restoring .appfile, the app won't recognize them11:03
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kj-roPOVadct: still not working11:04
mariogdlti didn't know11:04
kj-rogrub-install --root-directory=/boot --recheck /dev/sda11:04
kj-roProbing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.11:04
kj-ro/dev/sda: Not found or not a block device.11:04
POVaddctkj-ro: before going to the chroot environment, do sudo mount --bind /dev/ /mntpointofyourroot/dev11:05
WeberWould someone please help me fix my fps drop in full screen 3D games ?11:05
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O2hello, can we use debian's software directly?11:06
AWOSDevO2 Nooooooooo!  What a horrible way to kill a penguin.  :P11:06
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POVaddctkj-ro: /dev is populated by udev, and udev is running only on the live-cd's /dev directory now11:06
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kj-royeah that i found out.. but didn;t know how to deal whit it...11:07
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POVaddctkj-ro: so the bind mount let the /dev content appear in the chrooted env. as well11:07
mariogdlti cannot find anything, i will ask for this in the support ok amarok11:07
holy_cowmariogdlt, just thinkin about your problem you say you have backups11:07
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holy_cowmariogdlt, surely the backups contain the files, and you should be able to serach the backups directly in some fashion, no?11:07
AWOSDevmariogdlt, try #amarok11:07
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mariogdltyes i thy but...11:07
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xaviercan someone help me open the HTTP port? am using Guard Dog.. i cannot access the WWW since i installed guard dog.. only the IRC works11:08
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:08
mariogdltwhen i restore a backup all my lyrics wwhere ok11:08
AWOSDevnot the right one...11:08
mariogdltbut not now11:08
kj-rostill i get the error whit not found not a block device..11:08
WeberI have just installed automatix2 wich installed the nvidia driver for my GeForce4 Ti4200. And then I installed cedega. There I tested my graphic card for 3D acceleration (passed) and OpenGL Direct Rendering (passed). So then I installed counter-strike. BUt when I go into the game, I just get big fps drops. Does anyone know what I can do about this ?11:08
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mariogdlt'cos the lyrics must be in another place11:08
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cypher1_what do i achieve by enabling UPnP in my router ?11:08
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AWOSDevcypher1_ Hackers.11:09
coulixanyone tryied to install netbeans from their website ? the /netbeans-5_5-rc1-linux.bin ?11:09
POVaddctAWOSDev: hehe, right11:09
cypher1_AWOSDev, Hackers ?11:09
AWOSDevcypher1_ yes, UPnP is a hacker's dream come true.11:09
coulixit scans for a java jdk comlains there is none and quit ...11:09
jpjacobsdo i need the alternative install cd for a server install ? or is it also possible with the desktop livecd?11:09
Rur0un1cyphase, normally routers do not allow inbound traffic. But this brings a problem like, IM programs like MSN does not work correctly11:09
cypher1_AWOSDev, ok :) thanks11:09
POVaddctcypher1_: UPnP is insecure by design. don't use it.11:09
coulixbut i have two jdk installed the default one and sun's11:09
cypher1_POVaddct, ok :)11:09
kj-rowait .. mount didn't worked11:09
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POVaddctkj-ro: error message?11:10
POVaddctkj-ro: if it is longer, don't paste it here11:10
Rur0un1cyphase, to overcome this UPNP automatically opens the ports for once when needed. Other wise you may not be able to video or voice chat nor file transfers for some IM like MSN11:10
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Rur0un1Security of UPNP is a controversial subject11:11
cyphaseRur0un1: you mean cypher111:11
mariogdlttonyyarusso and holy_cow, thanks for the help11:11
cyphaseRur0un1: you mean cypher1_11:11
kj-roPOVaddct: The file /boot/boot/grub/stage2 not read correctly.11:11
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Rur0un1sorry yes I meant cypher111:11
holy_cowmariogdlt, no prob, best of luck11:11
POVaddctkj-ro: do you have /boot on a separate partition?11:11
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mariogdltthanks a lot11:11
Rur0un1cypher1, to overcome this UPNP automatically opens the ports for once when needed. Other wise you may not be able to video or voice chat nor file transfers for some IM like MSN11:11
cypher1_Rur0un1, thanks11:12
POVaddctkj-ro: anyway, the path /boot/boot/... seems to be wrong11:12
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kj-roi have installed ubuntu to 1 partition11:12
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POVaddctkj-ro: can you read/write irc queries?11:12
kj-royeah your right11:12
cypher1_i was looking at the UPnP plugin in Ktorrent.. that lead me to the one in router11:12
kj-roirc queries ... ? what's that11:13
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AWOSDevthat's /msg nick message.11:13
kj-rook it worked i ges11:13
kj-roi restart to see11:13
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KJ-roOHHHH YESSS  it worked THX POVaddct !!!!11:18
POVaddctKJ-ro: cool :)11:18
andrukHello, I am trying to get xgl working on ubuntu dapper.  I have followed the howto at http://tazforum.thetazzone.com/viewtopic.php?t=2189, and have gotten throgh the ATi driver setup (I have a Radeon 9000).  He says the quality of the display should be improved after a reboot, but it's not.  My screen is all washed out (and its not the brightness level on my monitor either).  Can anybody...11:18
andruk...point me to a good guide or walkthrough for getting xgl setup?11:18
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KJ-ronow i am off... see ya..11:18
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Flannelandruk: #ubuntu-xgl for XGL questions11:19
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Leumashey, i'm trying to connect to a linux samba share using a windows computer, and it says i don't have permissions. How do i set permissions for samba access in Ubuntu?11:20
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Leumas("linux samba" seems redundant)11:21
Flannel!tell Leumas about samba11:21
AWOSDevLeumas try typing "man smb.conf" on the Konsole11:21
Leumasi looked in there, didn't see anything about permissions11:21
v-man-1Leumas: on the share, you have to set read priviledges for other users11:21
FlannelLeumas: read the link the bot sent you11:21
v-man-1so say your share is called 'warez', you would type chmod -R o+r warez to give recursive read rights to all other users for that share11:22
Axord!tell Axord about samba11:22
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EVRAMP!tell EVRAMP about samba11:22
AWOSDevHehe, share name warez, LOL11:22
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v-man-1thats what mine is called11:22
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AWOSDevIt's funny because it's true!11:23
AxordMmmm delicious documentation.11:23
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coulixi forgot how do we switch java version, something alternative command.11:24
POVaddctcoulix: update-alternatives11:24
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coulixthanks :)11:25
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Xteven!tell Xteven about dual head11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual head - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
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Xteven!tell Xteven about dualhead11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dualhead - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
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Xtevenany idea how I can have totem, vlc or mplayer play a movie on my other screen ?11:26
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Uzzisomeone ubuntu-lite developer?11:28
AWOSDevI'm an OS developer, but not for Ubuntu, sorry :(11:28
AWOSDevI best be off, g'night everyone11:28
holy_cowAWOSDev, prey tell, what os is it?11:28
AWOSDevGo ahead, laugh.  Laugh at my little OS!  They laughed at Linus Torvalds too!11:29
UzziI have a Pentium 133 with 38ram, I want to try ubuntu lite, but I'have not boot from cd support11:29
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AWOSDevI have a Penitum 100 with 40MB RAM and I run FreeBSD 4.1011:30
J-_holy shnikies, website site accessible by internet =D happiest night, i mean morning EVER!11:30
holy_cowAWOSDev, :) all cool, ya gotta do what you think is fun/usefull11:30
AWOSDeveven runs Firefox....slllooowwwwwlllyyyy11:30
POVaddctUzzi: take a look at smart boot manager (sbm)11:30
AWOSDevholy_cow I know :)11:30
frogzoodoesn't look like the dapper install will allow creating an LVM volume inside a raid 0 volume11:30
Flannelfrogzoo: grab the Alternate ISO11:30
frogzooFlannel: I'm running text install from the DVD11:30
UzziPOVaddct, tnks11:30
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Axord!tell Axord about multi monitor11:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about multi monitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:30
Flannel!tell Axord about xinerama11:31
UzziIt's possible to use X on that machine?11:31
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POVaddctUzzi: i think 38mb is too few memory for that11:31
frogzooAWOSDev: disabled ipv6 dns in ff ?11:31
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AWOSDevUzzi, yes it's possible!11:32
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Flannel!tell AWOSDev about ipv611:32
POVaddctUzzi: but i don't know which window manager / desktop environment ubuntu lite is using11:32
teferrai rearranged my paritions. the partition numbers are changed. any way to get my system back without reinstalling?11:32
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AWOSDevWhy does everybody critisise me for using a P100!11:32
Leumashow do i restart a daemon?11:32
AWOSDevOh you weren't?11:32
AWOSDevI used fvwm95 on my P100 :)11:32
Leumaswithout shutting down?11:32
POVaddctUzzi: okay, and which kernel?11:32
POVaddctAWOSDev: but certainly on a older distro11:33
Uzzithis i don't know11:33
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DybberHi!, I have a problem with my network connection. It doesnt work when I start Ubuntu, I need to go to network-preferences and disable and reenable it.11:33
AWOSDevPOVaddct, FreeBSD 4.10 (circa 1999) actually11:33
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POVaddctAWOSDev: try to run a 2.6 kernel and recent Xorg on such a machine. it will fail.11:33
ubundzeluu to wiesz jak z ta orientacja u mnie?11:33
POVaddctAWOSDev: or at least it will swap itself to death11:33
deltabteferra: what problems is that causing?11:33
AWOSDevPOVaddct, that's my next project, even got a 6GB HD to try it out!11:33
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AWOSDevLet me hear a w00t from all the people with old computers and proud!11:34
Uzzi850mb hd11:34
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ubundhow to change orientation from horizontal to vertical in xsane?11:34
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AWOSDev770MB HD original factory11:34
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deltabLeumas: which one?11:34
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POVaddctUzzi: i'd try damn small linux, vector linux or something similar on that machine11:34
POVaddctUzzi: something kernel 2.4 based11:34
Uzzidsl---->kernel panic11:35
deltabLeumas: is it in System/Administration/Services?11:35
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POVaddctUzzi: well, dsl being a live cd does need some ram for its ramdisk11:35
teferradeltab: grub. I gave grub the new partition number and it did boot, but after what it seems starting the kernel it failes. i get an error message with the old partition number.11:36
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Leumasha, don't worry, i got it i think11:36
deltabwhat error?11:36
AWOSDevWell I'm gonna try and run Kubuntu on my P10011:36
Leumaswhat is Kubuntu?11:36
AWOSDevI'll report back tomorrow with a "help!  Kubuntu won't run on a P100!" message :)11:36
deltabLeumas: Ubunutu with KDE11:36
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org for support: #kubuntu ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:36
POVaddctAWOSDev: hehe11:36
frogzooLeumas: ubuntu with kde as default11:36
Leumasaaaah, k11:36
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CoOlGhOsTwhat to do to get the files in a deb listed?11:37
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teferradetab: i have to go back and start it. But is there a way to restore grub first with the new partition numbers.11:37
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dylhi all11:38
AWOSDevWell g'night all11:38
AWOSDev5:36am EDT = bedtime :)11:38
dylis it possible to update ubuntu from a live cd11:38
dylerm ubuntu = breezy11:38
POVaddctUzzi: i have an older version of dsl here, just trying to boot in qemu with 38mb ram. hmm, no luck, kernel panic too...11:38
jpjacobshi! How do i resize the default ugly ubuntu-vc to some reasonable resolution?11:38
Flanneldyl: no11:38
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14d95.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ubundzeluu nie dziala tak11:38
deltabteferra: you can change the partition grub boots from, yes11:38
Flanneldyl: only the alternate can be used as a repository11:38
dylfuck ok thanks11:38
CoOlGhOsTmore correctly.... how do I list the files in a package thats in a reposotory?11:39
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:39
dylill mess around with it11:39
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deltabteferra: to access the filesystems, change the device names in /etc/fstab or better yet use labels11:39
FlannelCoOlGhOsT: packages.ubuntu.com11:40
CoOlGhOsTFlannel: no way of doing it with a apt-* tool?11:40
teferradeltab: thanx i will try that and come back11:40
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deltabteferra: do you know how to?11:41
AWOSDevWell g'night all11:41
FlannelCoOlGhOsT: not without installing first11:41
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POVaddctgn8 AWOSDev11:41
teferradelatab: livecd?11:41
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Bassettswhat would you guys do with a 166MHz 64mb laptop?11:41
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CoOlGhOsTFlannel: any reason why it is so??? RPM does this and is somewhat inferior to apt-* in my opinion11:41
deltabteferra: yes; then you can mount the partition with /etc manually11:42
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frogzooBassetts: that'll run fine in text mode11:42
POVaddctBassetts: run it as a wlan fake hotspot :)11:42
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FlannelCoOlGhOsT: because the package info isn't downloaded beforehand.  You could download the package and it'll tell you.  but not while it's 'just' in the repository11:42
BassettsPOVaddct, how would that be useful?? =S11:42
Bassettsfrogzoo, cool, would give me experience with the terminal11:43
Byancan someone tell me how to use fax on linux? HPLIP supports it11:43
deltabteferra: use  e2label /dev/hda2 whatever  to label partitions, and  LABEL=whatever  in place of the device name in /etc/fstab11:43
POVaddctBassetts: for catching curious wlan "hackers"11:43
CoOlGhOsTFlannel: OK... I'll use the metadata on packages.ubuntu.com.. Thanks :-)11:43
deltabteferra: and you may have to edit /etc/grub.conf and run grub to make it boot without a live cd11:44
teferradeltab: thanx.  I wil11:44
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teferradeltab: that is a lot info. is there any where i can read about this process11:45
webbenI'd like it to have a easy key combination i can press to get curly quotes just like on the Mac in all gnome apps... has anyone got any idea (or even better know a howto) for how to do that?11:45
frogzoowebben: xev & xmodmap11:46
J-_why would i need a DNS server running on a LAMP server?11:46
FlannelJ-_: you don't11:46
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J-_Flannel: what would be the purpose?11:46
frogzooJ-_: you don't11:46
deltabJ-_: a caching resolver or a content server?11:46
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J-_content server (personal website)11:47
frogzooJ-_: though it would speed up redirects11:47
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deltabfrogzoo: how?11:48
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martianul`i have a little question , if someone have some time :P11:48
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Uzzisigh smbk bad!11:49
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J-_so just leave the dns server out i guess? it says to install it in this tutorial i'm using as a guide, http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.0611:50
FlannelJ-_: That 'howto' is really poor11:51
frogzooJ-_: for a low traffic setup, you don't need a dns server11:51
Bassettsfrogzoo, how would i just install the text mode? I have only ever used the desktop version11:51
Flannel!tell J-_ about lamp11:51
martianul`hello :D11:51
J-_the howto might be poor, but I go apache running from it =D11:52
frogzooBassetts: do a server install I think11:52
TheGateKeepermartianul`: just ask your question11:52
FlannelJ-_: THAT howto is better.  coupled with one of the mail server howtos, you'll be setup.  But yeah, that howto forge one gets away from the ubuntu way of doing some stuff11:52
FlannelJ-_: read the ubuntu howto, it tells you everything you need11:52
martianul`i have ubuntu 6.06 and someone tells me that this version of ubuntu works on a 2 Gb hdd11:52
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martianul`si i try to install it on 2 Gb hdd and at 75% it tells me that is no more space11:52
martianul`how can i make it to install on a 2 Gb hdd?11:53
J-_where is the ubuntu howto located?11:53
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TheGateKeepermartianul`: the install takes a minimum of 4Gb with a desktop11:53
frogzoo!lamp > J-_11:53
martianul`wow, so i must get a bigger hdd? :(11:53
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martianul`someone tells me that ubuntu with all what you need , needs a 1 gb hdd :D11:54
TheGateKeepermartianul`: you might be able to run a version without a desktop (or possible using fluxbox not sure) on 2Gb11:54
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martianul`okay, so how i can install ubuntu with no desktop?11:54
TheGateKeepermartianul`: without a desktop maybe11:55
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Flannelmartianul`: grab the alternate ISO, type "server" at the boot prompt11:55
TheGateKeepermartianul`: use the server version11:55
FlannelTheGateKeeper: no, not the server version11:55
martianul`aaaaa ...11:55
martianul`so i must get a bigger hdd11:55
Flannelmartianul`: essentially, yes.11:55
TheGateKeepermartianul`: yep the alternative cd sorry11:55
martianul`but i can`t choose what program to install and what program to not install?11:56
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J-_i'll know next time to use that tutorial, but for now til i mess up this server i'm going to use the tutorial i've been using =D i just need to get it running smoothly.. thanks for the help though, always appreciated11:56
Flannelmartianul`: if you install the alternate/GUI less one, yes you can11:56
martianul`because i see that it installs games and programs that i don`t need :D11:56
Flannelmartianul`: you'll just install them one at a time11:56
Flannelmartianul`: although, I'm still not sure it'll all fit11:56
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martianul`so with my cd i can`t remove the programs that i don`t need ?11:57
Flannelmartianul`: only after the install.  so no11:57
martianul`and the alternate cd? which one is it? :D11:57
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Flannelmartianul`: the "alternate" instead of the "desktop"11:57
martianul`and with the alternate version i  can choose what programs to install? before installing? :D11:58
J-_can't believe i was with windows for so long, man was i missing something!(linux)11:58
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Flannelmartianul`: no, you'll install the base system (type "server" at the first prompt) then you'll install stuff manually after its all setup11:58
martianul`so after i install alternate, it will be with no desktop? just console? :D11:59
Flannelmartianul`: right.  then you'll add a desktop11:59
martianul`okay, thanks :D11:59
notwistHey, I'm trying to share some folders via SMB to my Xbox. Problem is the only thing being shared is the folder itself, not all the folders beneath it. So, how do I make SMB understand that I want to share the _entire_ folder + subfolders?11:59
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martianul`i`ll try later with a bigger hdd :)11:59
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martianul`thanks ;)12:00
notwistIt requires a logon as soon as i hit a subfolder12:00
martianul`have a nice day12:00
TheGateKeepermartianul`: buy a cheep computer for 30 then you can install a desktop version no problem12:00
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TheGateKeeperdamn too late...12:00
jorishow do i turn the sounds on the inlog screen off? System -> preferences -> sound doesn't turn this off....?12:01
jorisany idea12:01
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isolationxgo to sounds, and turn it off12:02
slackernSystem->Admin->Login Window or something like that12:02
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slackernThere is a sound option there for GDM the loginmanager12:03
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isolationxis it possible to have 1280*1024 screen resolution?12:03
Flannelisolationx: sure12:03
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deltabSystem>Prefs>Screen Res12:03
isolationxdoesn't show12:04
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joriscool thanks will check now.. i have to work in library sometimes and the it's annoying12:04
Flannel!tell isolationx about fixres12:04
New1helllo all12:04
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isolationxit only shows 1024*whatnot..12:04
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Flannelisolationx: check your queries from ubotu12:05
notwistHey, I'm trying to share some folders via SMB to my Xbox. Problem is the only thing being shared is the folder itself, not all the folders beneath it. So, how do I make SMB understand that I want to share the _entire_ folder + subfolders?12:05
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NEw1I am trying to use SWAT to modify samaba (Trying to create a PDC) and looking at the HOWTOs there were no buttons displayed other than HOME STATUS VIEW PASSWORD and nothign else to make changes.. the wizard woudl be nice.  is there somethign I shoudl be doing?12:05
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acke1hey where do i find the loginwindows config file? where I can configure options for using gnome kde or other windowsmanagers?12:06
davvsis there any command to convert from hex to dec?12:06
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davvsin the commandline that is12:06
blujayHow can I capture a child process's PID in a Bash script?12:07
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tonyyarussoacke1: Would be easier to just use the Sessions menu in gdm I would think.12:08
acke1tonyyarusso: well thats prolly what i am after.. where to find it?12:08
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acke1i had to compile my own fluxbox. cause i didnt get a menu from the deb package12:09
acke1and i would want to select it from the sessions menu12:10
NEw1how do I change SWAT to be more than just a config viewer and enable me to edit and configure?12:10
tonyyarussoacke1: When you first start up the box, or log out, the screen asking for username and password to log in has a button on the bottom, and under Sessions there you can choose any environment installed.  If you choose one other than the current default for that user, it will ask if you want to set it as default or use it once only.12:11
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acke1tonyyarusso: thanks. it will work even if i compiled fluxbox myself?12:12
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tonyyarussoacke1: That I'm not sure of, since I've never done it, but if not you could do it manually, it's just that that would be more work.  If you're the type to compile though, I'd imagine you can figure that out okay if it is necessary.12:13
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acke1tonyyarusso: yeah im asking about the configfiles needed to manually config it. ;)12:14
acke1ive done it before.. but my memory is very bad. but when thinking about it. i vaguely remeber doing that when installing e1712:15
tonyyarussoacke1: Stop talking circles around me!  (Sorry, it's really late...)  Um,12:15
rawrnessnight all sleep well and wake12:15
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tonyyarussoacke1: See if http://www.sharplabs.com:8668/space/Fluxbox sounds familiar12:18
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acke1tonyyarusso: looks promising thanks12:20
tonyyarussoacke1: Also, http://www.freebsdforums.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4455112:20
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 608 kB, installed size 1120 kB12:21
notwistHey, I'm trying to share some folders via SMB to my Xbox. Problem is the only thing being shared is the folder itself, not all the folders beneath it. So, how do I make SMB understand that I want to share the _entire_ folder + subfolders?12:22
acke1tonyyarusso: it might work. but the paths are all wrong in both cases. but well see. thanks12:23
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pontusenheya. Sometimes my mouse/keyboard seems to stop working for a few seconds, When i try to press/type at another window it works again. help?12:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cafuego - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:29
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.12:29
acke1tonyyarusso: worked great thanks. the paths was wrong. but i figured it out.. thanks alot. sry but i have one more n00b question. how do i do rmdir folder, when folder isnt empty.12:29
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acke1i havent figured it out. and i am always cheating.. >P12:31
tonyyarussoacke1: There's an option for that, you can check the rmdir man, but I think it's (honestly) --ignore-fail-on-non-empty12:31
tonyyarussoCrazy long switch12:31
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POVaddctacke1: man rm, look for options -r and -f12:31
acke1tonyyarusso: i did but heey yeah i saw that switch there got to be an easyier switch.12:31
acke1POVaddct: thanks12:31
acke1tonyyarusso: thanks alot for the help with the sessions. :D12:32
J-_mysqladmin -u root password yourrootsqlpassword     what do they mean by that, "root password yourrootsqlpassword " ???12:32
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jimdanielseach time i run synaptic it says that there is an erro (since i installed vmwareplayer) and i should make" dpkg --configure -a"12:34
jimdanielshow can i stop this?12:34
jimdanielsit'S terrible!12:34
J-_that weird, i put my root name, password, then the sql password i want and it didn't work12:34
ubutomjimdaniels, how about doing dpkg --configure -a? ;)12:35
jimdanielsubutom: as i said it comes each time i start synaptic. i did config like 4 times now!12:35
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TheGateKeeperJ-_: sound like: msysqadmin -u [password you use to log into linux as root]  [password you use to log into myssql] 12:35
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J-_i'll try that, thanks12:36
ubutommmh, try a sudo aptitude dist-upgrade12:36
Dybberis it possible to get emacs running fullscreen in ubuntu?12:36
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jimdanielsubutom: then the vm configuration comes up again12:37
jimdanielsthen i press yes a few times12:37
J-_TheGateKeeper: just trying to set a username/password for mysql, is there another way to do it?12:37
coulixis there a way of taking of the window border of one window ?12:37
jimdanielsand it closese with error message 112:37
DybberIm currently using another windowmanager ratpoison when i want to go fullscreen12:37
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coulixah gnome doesnt do it ?12:38
TheGateKeeperJ-_: sorry I haven't setup mysql in linux, you would have to consult the wiki info on the ubuntu site12:38
ZaggynlAnyone knows how I get rid of this error: 'ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:762:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) The dmix plugin supports only playback stream' ?12:39
TheGateKeeperJ-_: I was only trying to interpret what you said for you12:39
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jimdanielsDybber: hahahaha12:40
jimdanielsyour window manager is the best12:40
jimdanielsi'm reading http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/inspiration.html12:40
TheGateKeeperJ-_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset12:41
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coulixahah http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/shot2.png12:41
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Dybbercoulix, yea its nice!12:42
xerxestanyone can be my ubuntu guru??12:43
xerxesti am new to ubuntu12:43
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jimdanielsaaa everytime i try to install a pack i have to do the stupid vmware configuration12:43
jimdanielswhat can i do?12:43
xerxestu have the same problem with me jim12:44
jimdanielsreally? what did you install. vmwareplayeR?12:44
xerxesti am new to ubuntu12:45
xerxestjim... i know nothing about ubuntu12:45
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xerxestso many things  i don't understand12:45
jimdanielsxer cause you said you had the same problem lol12:45
jimdanielsyou will make it trust me it's not as hard as it seams like at the beginning12:46
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bun-bundoes anyone have privoxy up and running?12:46
xerxestthe same problem of not knowing the problem hehehehe12:46
jimdanielsi know the problem lol12:47
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jimdanielsProbing for an unused private subnet (this can take some time) omg i can't read this anymore12:47
xerxestsorry jim i misunderstood12:47
jimdanielsit's a plague12:47
jimdanielsit's a bad bug i had this in dapper too12:47
xerxestjim... i think the nickname 'devil' could help you12:48
xerxestbut i didn't see him jim12:48
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notwistbarrigatenplatea: hi :)12:51
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antonmbanybody here has experience with mod_mono? i just realized that the pages were in .asp and .js; will mod_mono still be able to host these? or do they have to be .aspx (.NET)?12:55
pontusenheya, I cant get my back/forward buttons on my mx518 to work, i have changed xorg.conf properly?12:55
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frogzoopontusen: pastebin xorg.conf12:57
POVaddctcan someone please try this:
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gnomefreakPOVaddct: looks ok12:58
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POVaddctgnomefreak: thanks12:59
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voltzworks here12:59
POVaddctgnomefreak: i am testing if the cgi script allows only one povray instance12:59
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gnomefreakPOVaddct: you didnt say what it should look like so im assuming blask with words12:59
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slackernworked here too01:00
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POVaddctslackern: did you get a message "busy" or some raytraced spheres?01:00
pontusenfrogzoo, the relevant part : http://pastebin.com/80688601:00
slackernI'm getting different rendered bubbles mostly :)01:01
POVaddctslackern: okay :)01:01
noobie0057hi, I'm having trouble playing a dvd,, I rented it from blockbuster,, it has an exe file on it ??01:01
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frogzoodamn pastebin's slow01:02
jerns1noobie0057: if it's a DVD it should have a VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS directory as well01:02
pontusenfrogzoo, want another pastebin?01:03
noobie0057it has that,, in it there is a VOB file,, it is corrupted when I play it01:03
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pontusenfrogzoo, http://pastebin.ca/20373001:04
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jerns1noobie0057: you don't open the vobs usually01:04
jerns1your DVD player should handle it wit no problem01:04
jerns1if you have DVD support installed01:04
noobie0057jerns1: I didn't know what it was, so just tried it01:04
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pontusenfrogzoo, talking to me? What about endsection?01:04
noobie0057jerns1: Usually when I insert a DVD MPlayer starts playing it01:04
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noobie0057jerns1: Now it won't, when I open MPlayer it can play the first 13 seconds then it goes black. MPlayer is not crashed,, it seems like it can't go to the next chapter01:05
Kubudoes anyone use ndiswrapper in edgy?01:06
frogzoopontusen: you want 3 lines  "        Option      "Device" "/dev/input/mice"  &&            Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"  &&           Option      "Resolution" "800"01:06
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jerns1what about totem ?01:06
jerns1or ogle01:07
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noobie0057I'm confused about MPlayer and totem,, I thought they were the same,, VLC can't play it either01:07
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mart_hi, can anyone help me with a sound problem01:08
mart_trying to play sounds in a game while talking on teamspeak.01:08
mart_found a way of enabling it, but get permission denied when i type the code01:08
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mart_ sudo echo 'RedOchestra.exe 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss01:09
jerns1mplayer is not the same as totem at all01:09
xavmart_, you can't use sudo there01:09
xavmart_, sudo sh -c "echo ... > ..."01:09
xavmart_, which snd card?01:10
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mart_in built01:10
marchellohi there !!01:10
mart_on an asus motherboard01:10
xavmart_, oh wait01:10
xavmart_, games sound work fine without teamspeak?01:10
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mart_then when teamspeak is running01:10
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mart_it takes over01:10
xavmart_, this command is not for this problem01:10
pontusenfrogzoo, thanks, will try that now!01:10
marchellohi someone can help me?01:10
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xavI don't think so at least01:10
noobie0057jerns1: Is it a matter of finding a player that can understand the new copywrite? (btw the root directory has a file dvd_rom.exe)01:11
mart_lol, ive been looking for a week and though id finally found something01:11
marchellohi someone can help me? i need help for one driver ....01:11
jerns1noobie0057: if you can play other DVDs and not this one it mnight use a new protection scheme that I'm not aware of01:11
xavmart_, what does red orchestra and teamspeak use for sound?01:11
xavmart_, they don't work with alsa?01:12
mart_i belive they use alsa01:12
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mart_I checked and i am running alsa01:12
mart_when i run any game it works fine01:12
xavthe apps need to support it01:12
xavotherwise it uses oss emulation01:12
noobie0057jerns1: thanks for your help. Is there some linux community I should post this to?01:12
mart_right, im running red orchestra through wine01:12
xavwith oss emulation, I don't think several apps can use sound01:13
Shadowpillar_mart_: winecfg01:13
mart_it does play sound when teamspeak isnt running01:13
Shadowpillar_set it to use alsa01:13
xavred orchestra doesnt work natively?01:13
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Shadowpillar_needs wine01:13
mart_runs through steam01:13
Shadowpillar_you have an onboard card?01:13
Shadowpillar_prolly why01:13
xavwhat about teamspeak?01:13
Shadowpillar_I'm betting...01:13
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mart_teamspeak sound is perfect01:13
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Shadowpillar_mart_: lspci | grep ICH <-- tell me if something comes up01:14
xavShadowpillar_, you should be able to use dmix in any case01:14
xavas long as all apps are using alsa01:14
Shadowpillar_xav: what I was just getting to01:14
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Shadowpillar_xav: I can use dmix with oss emulation as well01:15
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Shadowpillar_it's possible01:15
Shadowpillar_it's surround that's the bitch.01:15
mart_2 Shi**y old speakers here01:15
mart_closest i get to surround is turning my head real fast :P01:15
Shadowpillar_mart_: lspci | grep audio01:16
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xavShadowpillar_, oh sorry, I didn't know that worked01:16
mart_0000:00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)01:16
xavI thought it was the problem01:16
=== Shadowpillar_ wants that $90 7.1 Maudio card
xavwhat's the problem is oss emulation works with dmix then?01:17
Shadowpillar_mart_: is the kernel module snd_intel8x0 loaded?01:17
xavShadowpillar_, what card do you have?01:17
mart_how do i check?01:17
mart_sorry, im very new to linux01:17
xavShadowpillar_, and it works for you?01:17
Shadowpillar_mart_: lsmod | grep intel8x001:17
mart_steep learning curve01:17
Shadowpillar_xav: yeah some .asoundrc hackery01:17
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xavwell that's what he needs then01:17
mart_a list comes up when i type that01:18
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mart_looks like its being used01:18
Shadowpillar_mart_: you're using wine, right?01:18
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Shadowpillar_mart_: yeah you havet he same sound chip as I01:18
Shadowpillar_have the*01:18
mart_bonus :)01:18
xavmart_, yep that's probably the one you're using01:18
Shadowpillar_mart_: set the audio driver to alsa with winecfg01:18
Shadowpillar_type winecfg01:19
Shadowpillar_and go to the audio tab01:19
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xavShadowpillar_, please explain me01:19
quantikI have a problem: i must recompile a kernel with gcc 2.95, but in the packages repositories, it only exists in i386, but I have an Athlon64, and the amd64 version of ubuntu installed. What can I do?01:19
mart_ahh its got oss ticked01:19
xavyou said oss emulation worked with dmix01:19
xavhe doesn't need to change01:19
Shadowpillar_xav: best to use alsa with wine01:20
xavbesides, wine sometimes (often?) works better with oss than alsa for some reason01:20
xavthat's a bit stupid though, because it's still using alsa in the end (oss emulation). but that's the way it is01:20
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bintuthello all..01:20
bintutanyone running amd64 here?01:20
Shadowpillar_but you have a layer to go through with the oss emulation01:20
Shadowpillar_more overhead01:21
xavprobably right01:21
Shadowpillar_bintut: yeah01:21
bintuti'm wondering why ubuntu amd64 on my amd turion64 laptop is very, very slow..01:21
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quantikcan someone help me with gcc 2.95 please?01:21
Shadowpillar_bintut: what are the exact symptoms?01:21
mart_ive ticked alsa, gonna go give it a try01:21
jerns1does someone know how to fix this: I have some divx's and DVDs that have AC3 sound. The problem is that I have only two speakers and that I only hear the surround sound and not the center channel so that I have no voices...01:21
bintutShadowpillar_: just slow01:21
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Shadowpillar_bintut: define slow, slow as in apps take a while to load, or slow as in it's slow to respond?01:22
Shadowpillar_or all of the above01:22
bintutall of the above01:22
bintuti only experience this with ubuntu01:23
bintutbut with other distro, this is fast01:23
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Shadowpillar_cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz01:23
Shadowpillar_see how fast the cpu is running out01:23
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Shadowpillar_might have to do with the powernowd daemon01:23
xavbintut, is it slow since the beginning?01:23
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Shadowpillar_sleeping pills tend to make me a bit bleh01:24
notwisthow come i get no sound in flash-based video (like youtube) but in xmms and everything else?01:24
Shadowpillar_onboard sound?01:24
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quantikcan someone help me with gcc 2.95 please?01:24
notwistShadowpillar_: yeah, its on my mobo01:24
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Shadowpillar_no multiplexing01:24
notwistShadowpillar_: meaning?01:25
Shadowpillar_no hardware mixing01:25
Shadowpillar_install aoss01:25
notwistit's a package?01:25
xavwhy can't they use your .asoundrc ?01:25
Shadowpillar_because it isnt fool-proof01:25
notwistI'm a noob, I have no idea what you're talking about01:25
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Shadowpillar_also, I tried sending it01:25
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Shadowpillar_slow down damnit, one at a time01:26
notwisti thought xav was talking to me01:26
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Shadowpillar_anyway sudo apt-get install aoss01:26
jolantalhi all i have problems configuring wine, is there anyone to help me?01:26
notwistThis package contains a program loader, aoss, which wraps01:26
notwistapplications written for OSS in a compatibility library,01:26
notwistthus allowing them to work with ALSA.01:26
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notwistit's in synaptic01:26
bintutShadowpillar_: 180001:27
fliegenderfroschwhere has the "Disks" program of gnome gone in edgy?01:27
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xavif teamspeak doesn't support alsa, making wine use alsa won't solve the problem01:27
bintutxav: yes. slow after my first restart01:27
xavfrom various forum report, it doesn't seem it support alsa. or maybe the support is recent?01:27
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Shadowpillar_bintut: type "uptime"01:27
notwistShadowpillar_: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:27
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notwisti have closed down xmms and firefox and everything01:28
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dany-r5hi everyone, could someone help an ubuntu newbie with a problem?01:28
notwisti only have gaim running01:28
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Shadowpillar_notwist: install it01:28
notwistShadowpillar_: ...i cant, i get an erorr?01:28
xavnotwist, do you have something in systray?01:28
camer0nquick question about apache2 ... wondering where i set the default filetype aka html to htm or php, etc?01:28
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notwistrtorrent, thunderbird, terminal, gedit, gaim01:28
notwistthat's it01:28
bintut 19:27:42 up 21 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.85, 0.86, 0.8901:29
kiranHi, could someone help me out with some compiling problems in C? when i compile file.c,i get an error which says: stdio.h: no such file or directory01:29
quantikI have a problem: i must recompile a kernel with gcc 2.95, but in the packages repositories, it only exists in i386, but I have an Athlon64, and the amd64 version of ubuntu installed. What can I do?01:29
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Shadowpillar_notwist: then after it does its thing, sudo pico /etc/firefox/firefoxrc01:29
Shadowpillar_notwist: because synaptic is running ;)01:29
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Shadowpillar_notwist: as long as you have synaptic running, install it with that01:29
nick|herewhich ncurses packages needed for menuconfig?01:29
Gothicahi people! Does anybody knows who to leave root session and return to "user" mode, after command "sudo -i" in UBUNTU?01:29
Shadowpillar_bintut: odd, nothing seems to be putting load on the system01:29
dany-r5someone could help me with the instalation of build-essential, please?01:30
RopechoborraHow do i install a .deb package from a terminal?01:30
Shadowpillar_I dunno what to tell you01:30
camer0nquick question about apache2 ... wondering where i set the default filetype aka html to htm or php, etc?01:30
Shadowpillar_Gothica: exit?01:30
xavnick|here, libncurses dev or something01:30
GothicaShadowpillar_ yes01:30
camer0nhave been looking around the config files but nothing at the moment01:30
Shadowpillar_Ropechoborra: sudo dpkg -i file.deb01:30
notwistGothica: i think he means the command "exit"01:30
RopechoborraThanks! =)01:30
Shadowpillar_Gothica: I mean, type "exit"01:30
Shadowpillar_type the word01:30
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xavbintut, wow thats a huge load01:31
GothicaShadowpillar_, hm-m thx01:31
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Gothicai 'll try it01:31
[h] tony|afkmoin01:31
Shadowpillar_notwist: so did you install aoss?01:31
xavwow there were way too many questions01:31
notwistShadowpillar_: gedit works fine instead of pico, right?01:31
notwistdoing it now01:31
kiranHi, could someone help me out with some compiling problems in gcc? when i compile file.c,i get an error which says: stdio.h: no such file or directory01:31
xavI can't manage it :p01:31
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bintutShadowpillar_: yeah. that's what i thought01:32
=== Shadowpillar_ is used to pico and the command line ;)
=== vinboy [n=ubuntu@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Shadowpillar_xav: and I'm barely wake01:32
Shadowpillar_melatonin makes you sleepy01:32
vinboyshould I use ext3 or reiserfs?01:32
xavkiran, install libc6-dev maybe01:32
xavvinboy, ext301:32
dany-r5 i need some help with my ubuntu, someone could spend little time with me?01:32
mart_sorry... no sound. but there is a change01:32
bintutxav: huge load?  :(01:32
Shadowpillar_vinboy: ext301:32
vinboyxav: ok thanks01:32
mart_my mouse doesnt work in the game :P01:32
xavbintut, yep, what do you see in top?01:32
Shadowpillar_vinboy: reiser trashed my system01:32
Shadowpillar_vinboy: it's fast, but unstable01:32
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vinboythx Shadowpillar_01:32
notwistShadowpillar_: so what to do in firefoxrc01:32
kiranxav, tnx, i'll try it out01:32
xavmart_, lol01:32
Jofanyone here running xgl?01:33
mart_how wierd is that01:33
xavmart_, you switched from oss to alsa, and that made you lose your mouse?01:33
xavJof, no01:33
SmartUnixi am using Ubuntu 6.06 , i want compile Gaim 1.5.0 from source , when i run "./configure" it's show for me these errors http://paste.lisp.org/display/2799401:33
Shadowpillar_notwist: do you see a FIREFOX_DSP line?01:33
mart_jof i used to01:33
xavJof, ubuntu-xgl I believe01:33
notwistShadowpillar_: yea01:33
bintutxav: xorg, firefox and xchat only01:33
quantikI have a problem: i must recompile a kernel with gcc 2.95, but in the packages repositories, it only exists in i386, but I have an Athlon64, and the amd64 version of ubuntu installed. What can I do?01:33
Shadowpillar_notwist: set it to aoss01:33
mart_xav: yep01:33
notwistShadowpillar_: ok, thanks01:33
mart_wierd huh?01:33
Jofdoes anybody know, if xgl works over xdmcp??01:33
xavbintut, yep but how much cpu are they using?01:33
SmartUnixso what should i do to aviod these errors01:33
Shadowpillar_restart firefox and see what happens01:33
mart_ive just gone into winecfg01:34
Shadowpillar_xav: already established nothing is eating his cpu01:34
vinboyhow is every buddy here?01:34
mart_and now alsa is missing from the top?01:34
notwistShadowpillar_: works like a charm01:34
dany-r5i am near to get mad, does someone read me?01:34
mart_its there, but no box to tick01:34
Shadowpillar_SmartUnix: why do you want to compile it from source?01:34
Shadowpillar_notwist: no prob01:34
xavShadowpillar_, oops sorry, where?01:34
Shadowpillar_mart_: what's there?01:34
Shadowpillar_had him post his uptime01:35
Shadowpillar_cpu load is average01:35
mart_esound oss and nas01:35
mart_i have alsa back now01:35
Jofdoes anybody know, if xgl works over xdmcp??01:35
mart_it comes back with a tickbox when i close teamspeak01:35
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SmartUnixtry to make my first hack in my life :)01:35
Shadowpillar_mart_: are you 32 bit or 64 bit?01:35
notwistShadowpillar_: so what is aoss, some sounddriver for onboard motherboards?01:35
Gothicahm-m it's work.. but the problem is: i try to mount ntfs system with ROOT: "mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /mnt/D" ... then when i try to enter in dir /mnt/D (session under USER, not ROOT), -> so it write, that i don't have permisson on the folder /mnt/D... what should I do?01:35
Shadowpillar_SmartUnix: what are you trying to do?01:35
Shadowpillar_notwist: oss wrapper01:35
xavShadowpillar_, , I found it a bit high01:36
notwistShadowpillar_: tells me nothing :)01:36
=== jimcooncat [n=jim@pool-72-65-96-123.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SmartUnixsome changes in the source code then compile it01:36
Shadowpillar_got two options, oss emulation via drivers, or an oss wrappr, with flash in firefox, even if you have things set up for mixing oss emulation, it still won't work unless you use aoss01:36
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xavnotwist, the description in synaptic told you what it is01:36
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Shadowpillar_ 04:36:59 up 4 days,  4:32,  2 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.19, 0.2501:36
xavyep thats better01:37
dany-r5I need some help, could someone where I can find it? could someone help me?01:37
Shadowpillar_xav: that's my uptime ;)01:37
xavyes, that's more normal imo01:37
frogzoodany-r5: just say what your problem is - people who can answer will01:37
mart_how do you get that shadowpillar?01:37
Shadowpillar_/exec -o uptime01:37
xav0.8 isn't01:37
Gothicaso... does anybody know how decide ,y problem?01:37
dany-r5thank you frogzoo01:37
Shadowpillar_SmartUnix: like what?01:37
dany-r5my problem is when I write "sudo make" it say "command not found"01:38
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xav 13:38:27 up  1:53,  2 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.11, 0.1501:38
xavdan2, apt-get install build-essential01:38
dany-r5so I try to install build-essential and make, but I can't01:38
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:38
mart_shadowpillar: you are busy, if you have anymore ideas let me know01:38
xavdany-r5, why can't you?01:38
Ropechoborradany-r5 sudo apt-get install build-essential01:39
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Shadowpillar_mart_: more like I am tired and about to go to bed01:39
xavmart_, try #winehq01:39
Shadowpillar_!build-essential > dany-r501:39
bintutxav: almost idle01:39
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SmartUnixfirstly sorry for my bad English , now i want make some changes in the Gaim labels as first try then when i be good in Gaim code i want improve it to work fine with Arabic language01:39
mart_looked there, bloody annying its the only thing that still makes me go back to windows :P01:39
xavbintut, are you sure?01:39
Shadowpillar_mart_: also, I suggest using the latest versions of wine provided by winehq.org01:39
mart_many thanks for the help, both of you :)01:40
Shadowpillar_mart_: the ubuntu repository01:40
mart_i have that01:40
Shadowpillar_ah cool01:40
Shadowpillar_most people dont01:40
mart_reinstalled ubuntu and everyone only about a week ago01:40
xavSmartUnix, try #gaim maybe ?01:40
mart_cause i installed xgl and its rubbish :P01:40
Shadowpillar_to be fair, I dont think wine should be included by default in ubuntu01:40
xavyou reinstalled everyone? :d01:41
dany-r5xav, it doesn't work01:41
SmartUnixno body in this channel , i will try debian . thanks01:41
=== Shadowpillar_ installed 64 bit ubuntu after he got his new 80 GB SATAII HDD
mart_yes, everyone, i give all my apps their own name01:41
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xavdany-r5, hey you said that three times at least, but never why01:41
dany-r5it say "Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?"01:41
xavdany-r5, just make it work01:41
Shadowpillar_been using ubuntu since last year01:41
SmartUnixthis channel i mean #Gaim :)01:41
xavare you root?01:41
=== alex_ [n=alex@AAnnecy-152-1-186-91.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Shadowpillar_been using linux since '0201:41
xav-> use sudo for root privilege01:41
dany-r5what does it means?01:42
mart_im old school, been using since september :P01:42
Shadowpillar_kde 2.2.2 lol.01:42
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xavShadowpillar_, really?01:42
xavShadowpillar_, I don't remember which version it was when I started01:42
Ropechoborradany-r5 you have an other package mananger open01:42
Shadowpillar_back when kde and gnome were ugly and everyone saw them as "eye candy"01:42
ravehankerHello, My window manager seems to be broken in my login alone. I can't see any minimize or maximise buttons and keyboards shortcuts don't work. My bottom panel refuses to show workspaces. But it seems ok in other accounts. what do i do?01:42
xavShadowpillar_, :d01:42
Shadowpillar_I was using mandrake 8.201:42
dany-r5I don't know what "i'm root" means01:43
Ropechoborradany-r5 or u didnt got root privileges01:43
ravehankerI'm using Gnome in Ubuntu edgy01:43
frogzooravehanker: what did you do is the question ?01:43
xavah I think I started with 9 or something, but I'm not too sure01:43
dany-r5what is the way to get root privileges?01:43
Shadowpillar_you newbies are lucky compared to what I had to go through when I was new to linux01:43
xavanyway, gtg01:43
frogzooravehanker: edgy (which is beta) support -> #ubuntu+101:43
Shadowpillar_wine didnt even run applications ;)01:43
xavShadowpillar_, well, some ppl started way before that01:43
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ravehankerfrogzoo:- thanks01:43
=== Nazzy [n=nazmul@host-194-46-245-242.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shadowpillar_it ran some old win 3.1 apps marginally and some console apps01:43
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Shadowpillar_xav: well duh.01:44
Ropechoborradany-r5 The root is the system administrator... your user is not root but you got access to his privileges by typing 'sudo' before any comand01:44
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dany-r5I am the administrator, and I type sudo before all the commands01:44
Shadowpillar_it being able to run flash and firefox and games is amazing compared to the sorry state it was in back in '0201:44
dany-r5but it does't work anyway01:44
Nothing_abouthey does anyone here use VMware to emulate ubuntu version 6.0601:44
Ropechoborradany-r5 why not? what does it says?01:44
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dany-r5it said "E: can't find the build-essential packet"01:45
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bintutxav: well, i have an average cpu usage for xorg at not less than 7.001:45
Nothing_abouti need to know if anyone here can help me , how do i install ubuntu using vmware , ALSO going into ubuntu live cd mode to install ubuntu01:45
keitheisallright, finally a simple answer about locales selection menu: http://tlug.dnho.net/?q=node/23701:45
NazzyI am having a problem with my Ubuntu could anyone help me please?01:45
NazzyAm I in the right place for technical support?01:46
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dany-r5I translate it the best I can because my ubuntu is in spanish01:47
Ropechoborradany-r5 you dont have the repositories activated.. go to 'System' > Admin > Software Properties (or something like that) and enable all the repositories01:47
=== TiffOn [n=TiffOn@unaffiliated/tiff0n] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:47
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Ropechoborra!sources > dany-r501:47
Ropechoborradany-r5 do you speak spanish?01:48
dany-r5i will see, thank you01:48
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NazzyCould anyone help me with my mouse configuration? I am using Genius IntelliPro Serial Mouse, I don't know why its not working for me so I had to use my keyboard. Please if anyone could help. Thanks01:48
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xavieris there a better way to connect via pppoe?? without console?01:48
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bintutthis is really strange with ubuntu on my amd turion64 laptop..  :(01:49
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dany-r5i must mark all things in installation support?01:49
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Ropechoborradany-r5 i did...01:49
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Ropechoborradany-r5 hablas espaol?01:49
dany-r5si ropechoborra01:49
Ropechoborradany-r5 vamos a #ubuntu-es entonces =)01:49
dany-r5ok, gracias01:50
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Nazzyhi seveas could you help me on my mouse configuration please?01:52
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=== Nihil1985 [n=nihil@adsl-ull-23-203.49-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
quantikI have a problem: i must recompile a kernel with gcc 2.95, but in the packages repositories, it only exists in i386, but I have an Athlon64, and the amd64 version of ubuntu installed. What can I do?01:52
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POVaddctquantik: why do you have to use gcc 2.95 for that?01:53
KurtKrautquantik, just for curiosity... why do you need to recompile a kernel ?01:53
Shadowpillar_quantik: if you're new to linux, I suggest sitting back a few more releases before making use of 64 bit01:53
Nazzycome on guys!!! :(01:53
quantikbecause i have a speedtouch internal PCI modem and I finilly found the patch, but it recquire the gcc 2.95..01:53
Shadowpillar_quantik: otherwise, try downloading the i386 version manually and installing it with dpkg -i01:53
Nazzycould any of you help me01:53
Shadowpillar_quantik: and pray01:53
=== Shadowpillar_ sleeps
xavierhi.. i am using 9 ppp connections right now .. when i run ip route show01:54
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rpcguys, do i need to keep /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin? or is it ok to remove them?01:54
xavierwhen only the 9th is active .. i am going mad dialing 9 times to connect to the internet! everytime my isp disconnects me01:54
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quantikah I can force the install of a package?01:54
POVaddctNazzy: i think nobody here uses serial mice anymore01:54
Jaak_why doesn't my resolution settings show all the resolutions in xorg.conf?01:55
alex_What is the name of the auto-updater in ubuntu ? It seems automaticly change source list of repositories ?01:55
POVaddctquantik: does the speedtouch driver have binary portions (.o files)? then compiling for amd64 will probably be impossible01:56
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=== soundray [n=soundray@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
iturkhi there i have installed beamer using apt and the userguide tell me to go to installation directory but i dont know in which place has this application been installed !! Can i find the place of installation knowing the package name ??01:57
quantikyes it has itex.o file01:57
POVaddctquantik: that is the problem with binary only (or partly binary) drivers...01:57
=== axiom4 [n=axiom@host138-235-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
bintutanybody can help me here on how can i make my ubuntu install even faster?  :(01:58
=== HiTech69 [n=hitech@pool-71-251-122-48.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
KurtKrautbintut, thru the Alternate CD instead of Desktop CD01:58
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soundrayiturk: dpkg -L beamer01:58
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quantikwill the i386 unbuntu CD work with an athlon, so *sigh* i canb just reinstall everything...01:58
bintutKurtKraut: you mean, install?  yes, i did it already01:59
tritonxi386 will work on pretty much everything01:59
KurtKrautbintut, you said 'ubuntu install' ... so say 'an ubuntu installed'01:59
POVaddctquantik: the i386 version should work on amd6401:59
quantikthanks, i was afraid of that answer ;)01:59
=== bluszcz_ is now known as bluszcz
bintuti'm wondering why ubuntu amd64 on my amd turion64 laptop is very, very slow..02:00
frogzooquantik: on an athlon, your best bet is 686 - it's fast (however only 32 bit) but well supported02:00
=== Lintsi [n=lintsi@dsl-tregw1-fed8df00-231.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
POVaddctfrogzoo: but that would be the i386 cd, or is there a specific i686 cd?02:00
bintutKurtKraut: it's my 4th time to install ubuntu on different ways02:00
soundrayfrogzoo: why not k7?02:00
quantikbut i have to use I386 so that gcc 2.95 will install and work02:00
yrjoHi,can you help me with a problem?02:01
KurtKrautbintut, it still ambiguous what you want. You just want to make ubuntu faster after you installed it or you want to make the installation process faster ?02:01
bintuteven in console, before the characters that i encode, it takes seconds before the characters will appear02:01
tritonxcan anyone help me tune my mail-server, I can msg locally, but the service doesn't receive incoming mail even though port 143 is open02:01
bintutKurtKraut: i already installed ubuntu.. and i'm wondering why this is very, very slow02:02
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:02
POVaddctquantik: i'd say kick the internal modem and connect a external one. winmodem cause all kinds of problems even if they are supported.02:02
yrjoCan I get hostname yrjo?02:03
KurtKrautbintut, how fast is your processor and how much RAM do you have ?02:03
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bintutKurtKraut: 1.8ghz amd turion64 @ 512ram. my laptop is fast with other distros02:04
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-1601.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
tritonxturion , it that like a duron for 64bit ?02:05
KurtKrautbintut, it should'nt be slow but you have to consider that Ubuntu loads a lot of stuff in order to offer some services, like bluetooth02:05
Riot777sempron is like duron02:05
lupine_85brum brum :)02:05
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lupine_85maybe it's being speedstep'd ?02:05
KurtKrautbintut, are you feeling the system slow as a whole or only during specific tasks ?02:05
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soundraytritonx: no, turion is a low-power version of the Athlon64/Opteron architecture02:06
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frogzooPOVaddct: you just need to install linux-68602:06
bintutKurtKraut: i know. but it's not the reason. it's really something with xorg or what that eats a lot of cpu..02:06
bintutKurtKraut: slow as a whole02:06
KurtKrautbintut, what Ubuntu version are you using ?02:06
frogzoosoundray: if k7 means 64bit, then it means accepting the support for 64bit, which isn't as robust as 3202:06
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POVaddctfrogzoo: but that's only the kernel compiled for i686, the userspace still remains compiled for i38602:07
marchelloi have ibmx206 with sas/sata controller i need adp94xx.ko for ubuntu .... some one can help me?02:07
soundrayfrogzoo: k7 is 32bit. k8 is 6402:07
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frogzoosoundray: ah, I c - so then k7 for best results02:07
KurtKrautbintut, try to install the video driver.02:07
KurtKrautbinarydigit, it should give you a better performance02:07
KurtKrautbintut, it should give you a better performance02:08
bintutKurtKraut: what video driver? i'm already using fglrx here02:08
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KurtKrautbintut, hmmm02:08
marchelloi have ibmx206 with sas/sata controller i need adp94xx.ko for ubuntu .... some one can help me?02:09
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soundrayfrogzoo: btw, 64bit is rock solid in my experience. Only trouble is with commercial stuff like Flash02:09
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KurtKrautbintut, can you do a bechmark ? Measure precisely how long tasks takes ? I think you may be suffering from a placebo efftct. It should'nt be slow with your config02:09
frogzoosoundray: sure, but flash is pretty essential02:10
POVaddctsoundray: and trouble with partly binary drivers02:10
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=== darich is listening to Gustav Mahler - 6. Symphonie, Rckert-Lieder, Kindertotenlieder - Symphony No. 6, 3. Andante Moderato
soundrayKurtKraut: if it takes seconds for a character to appear after typing, that isn't a placebo (nocebo to be precise) effect.02:11
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soundrayfrogzoo: just don't spread rumours of instability when the problem is merely compatibility02:11
frogzoobintut: which process does top say is taking all your cpu ?02:12
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age6racerHi all, I have a problem with my hard drive. It has some errors on it. It's ext3 formatted, how can I fix these errors?02:12
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KurtKrautsoundray, this deserve some investigation. Ubuntu will be slow to load, because it loads a bunch of stuff that no distro loads at boot. But during the use, it shouldn't be slow. Your symptom shows that something is wrong02:12
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frogzoosoundray: support != instability02:12
soundrayKurtKraut: it's not mine, it's what bintut said a few minutes ago.02:12
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age6racerIs there an equivalent to Windows chkdsk in Ubuntu?02:13
KurtKrautsoundray, so, I think this deserve an investigation and a bug report. My computer has less RAM that he has and I have no problem. I do even play 3d games here.02:13
jUggERNAUt1980hi!  how do i use ndiswrapper to install my new belkin wireless card??02:14
POVaddctage6racer: man fsck02:14
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:14
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POVaddctage6racer: do NOT run fsck on mounted filesystems02:14
soundrayfrogzoo: sorry, I read something into your words that you didn't say (because you used the word "robust").02:14
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age6racerok thanks POVaddct02:14
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pcdownloaded 6.06.1 install disk yesterday, and couldn't boot without adding ide=nodma ... known problem?02:15
raghu206whats the purpose having switching desktops?02:15
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xavbintut, oh I'm just thinking, which graphic card do you have?02:16
soundrayraghu206: do you mean workspaces?02:16
raghu206soundray, yah02:16
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ZaggynlAnyone in here plays Warcraft3 with wine?02:17
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JamieBEDoes anyone know if there is an Ubuntu OS for my mobile phone?02:17
[NoX] !seen Celeste02:17
ubotuI last saw Celeste (n=Celeste@ 2h 9m 8s ago, quiting: Client Quit02:17
soundrayraghu206: you can dedicate different workspaces to different tasks. I usually have a workspace for gimp work, one for email, one for system admin, and firefox windows with relevant pages open on all of them.02:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about warcraft3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:18
raghu206soundray, i can do this having a single desktop02:18
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[Yatta] I'm trying to run another X seesion by typing "startx -- :1"  but it says it cant do it?02:18
soundrayraghu206: you certainly can. It's still convenient to have several workspaces.02:19
[Yatta] isnt that the way to run more than one xsession??02:19
soundray[Yatta] : what does it say about the reason for not doing it?02:19
xav[Yatta] , what's the error? I believe you've to allow it02:19
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gandolfthewizardhi how are you this morning02:20
xav[Yatta] , you could try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common02:20
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[Yatta] startx -- :1    gives me unrecognized option ?!?!02:20
gandolfthewizardi have a quetion?02:20
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xav[Yatta] , huh?02:21
soundray[Yatta] : are you running Xgl?02:21
gandolfthewizardcan you run mirc scripts on linux02:21
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[Yatta] umm yeah02:21
soundraygandolfthewizard: no (from what I hear)02:22
[Yatta] well i'm running beryl02:22
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soundray[Yatta] : switch back to Xorg, then it should work.02:22
gandolfthewizardis there any wy to get into msn chat based chat rooms02:22
[Yatta] ohhhhh..... ok02:22
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soundraygandolfthewizard: I believe you can with gaim02:22
[Yatta] what is the best way to add fvwm to my gdm ??? i installed fvwm via source02:23
Ze4lothi there, does anybody know if there is pcmcia support for toshiba p10 series notebook?02:23
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.02:23
soundrayZe4lot: are you planning to buy, or are you experiencing difficulties?02:24
Ze4lotZe4lot: the second one =)02:24
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Ze4lotsoundray: the second one02:24
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lupine_85<[Yatta] >, just add a session02:24
soundrayZe4lot: what's the trouble then?02:24
lupine_85look in /usr/share/xsessions02:24
Ze4lotsoundray: I've already used ubuntu a month ago in this notebook, but i didn't get pcmcia support out of the box02:24
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Ze4lotand googling didn't help02:25
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KurtKrautHow can I split a compressed file into to files of the same size ?02:25
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POVaddctKurtKraut: man split  (split -b ...)02:25
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soundrayKurtKraut: man split02:26
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LoRezWarning: `Censous-,Scorpyo,honest,msmermai' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.02:26
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!02:27
[Yatta] lupine_85,  Granted they say xgl will not wirk with FVWM.... but have u tried it by anychance???02:27
bbrazilban *!i=steffan@*02:27
LoRezWarning: `Lolligop' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.02:27
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Bassettswhats a good music player for XP? I hate having to use WMP when I have to use XP02:27
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands02:27
berentvcd query02:28
lupine_85[Yatta] : nope. Never used fvwm02:28
jribBassetts: foobar2000 is nice02:28
berenti cant play a vcd from cdrom02:28
Bassettsill take a look02:28
rpcfoobar2000 for linux?02:28
POVaddctKurtKraut: man split  (split -b ...)  you can join the parts later with: cat xaa xab xac ... > joined.tgz02:28
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berentbut can rip it and play02:28
berentwhat can be the issue02:28
Ze4lot..funny.. bye02:28
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jribrpc: he asked for XP02:28
soundrayZe4lot: hey02:28
Ze4lotsoundray: no no02:28
rpcoh, ok :)02:29
KurtKrautPOVaddct, but this splited file must be joined by a windows user. How can he join them ?02:29
Ze4loti was refferring to the bots =)02:29
dortodoes avidemux do anything more/other than what transcode does? (i.e. is there a need to install avidemux if transcode is already installed?)02:29
soundrayZe4lot: okay02:29
rpcyesz foobar2000 is the best... coded by a former winamp coder02:29
dortofor converting dvds to avi(xvid)02:29
soundrayZe4lot: what PCMCIA card(s) do you have that won't work?02:29
POVaddctKurtKraut: copy /b xaa+xab+... joined.tgz   can do that02:29
Ze4lotsoundray: however, there should be some kind of support for ToPIC10002:29
rpcthere is no bloatware in foobar2000 at all02:29
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Ze4lotwhich is the pci to cardbus bridge02:29
Ze4lotinstalled in my notebook02:29
KurtKrautPOVaddct, thanks... but the format must be tgz ?02:29
rpcguys do you have a clue how to disable caching in w3m? i do POST often and files are being cached for no reason02:30
Mogzcan I get smb support for banshee?02:30
POVaddctKurtKraut: no, it can be anything02:30
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Ze4lotuhm, let's try with the livecd02:30
Ze4lotsee ya later02:30
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POVaddctKurtKraut: .tgz was just an example02:30
chrishoeppneranyone can tell me why my gui ftp clients only do 1 transfer at a time? when transferring 1200+ small files it can be... boring.02:30
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berentchrishoeppner : tar them and send02:31
POVaddctchrishoeppner: why use ftp for that anyway? use ssh and tar.02:31
chrishoeppnerif i had shell access i wouldn't be complaining ;)02:31
rpcftp = evil02:32
KurtKrautPOVaddct, thanks02:32
POVaddctchrishoeppner: hmmm. i wonder why ftp still lives. it's such a braindead protocol.02:32
rpci would rather send files via https :)02:32
berentwhats stopping u from tarring them02:32
chrishoeppnerberent, the unability to untar them on the other side.02:33
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catalyticHi all02:33
chrishoeppnerrpc, https?02:33
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catalytici am trying to download the alternate live cd for xubuntu02:33
rpcchrishoeppner what's on the other side that stops you from untaring files?02:33
chrishoeppnerrpc, a shared web server from mediatemple.02:34
rpcoh i read you02:34
catalyticand everytime i try to download it from xubuntu.org02:34
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chrishoeppneragain... if i had shell access i wouldn't be complaining. really.02:34
catalyticit times out half way, very frustrating, does anyone else know of a mirror for the alternate live cd for xubuntu?02:34
cypher1_is it good to go to 6.10 edgy eft from 6.06 dapper drake ? or is there is too many unstability in 6.10 now ?02:34
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rpcchrishoeppner do you do that often? alot of files?02:36
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rpcchrishoeppner i would be able to find a solution then...02:36
KurtKrautPOVaddct, do you know any graphical way to split/join files ? The compressor that comes with Ubuntu lacks on this feature02:37
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chrishoeppnerrpc, yeah. i usually develop locally and then mass upload everything...02:37
rpcKurtKraut rar is good at that... no need to gui even, it's really simple02:37
soundraycypher1_: if you don't mind fixing occasional problems, you can go to 6.10 now. If you want a solid system, wait till 26 Oct02:37
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rpcchrishoeppner do you need gui?02:38
POVaddctKurtKraut: don't know. anyway, split is just for splitting, it is not a compressor. so you have to compress first and then split the resulting files.02:38
KurtKrautrpc, I can handle a terminal operation. But you have to agree with me this is not user-friendly. This is not for humans02:38
kyjais there a reason why the generic audio cd player would crash gnome-power-manager and a half a dozen other apps ?? it might not me that either. just that that the only new thing I started using.02:38
chrishoeppnerrpc, no. as far as i can tell "upload everything in this folder into that folder" it's ok02:38
rpcPOVaddct nah, you can compress with 0 level of compression and request splitting at the same time02:38
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KurtKrautPOVaddct, ok, I do understand that. Let me ask again: is there a GUI for split ?02:38
rpcchrishoeppner i hear you02:38
cypher1_soundray, thanks.. i will wait for 26 oct since it is not that far :)02:38
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POVaddctKurtKraut: sorry, i don't use guis for that02:39
POVaddctKurtKraut: so i dont know02:39
soundraycypher1_: I put 6.10 on one of my non-essential machines and haven't had the slightest problem.02:39
cypher1_soundray, ok02:39
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rpcrar x -m0 -v50000 arch_name file - this would cut a given file into 50MB chunks02:40
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rpcerr rar a02:40
Gyuszkguys, I've installed artwiz cursor, and it works, but when I log in using GDM, it falls back to Human. where can I set this default value to artwiz?02:40
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mikeneed help how do i fix this problem.. when i try ko ./configure the error came up.02:41
mikeQt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!02:41
rpcchrishoeppner it would be possible to create a solution that would allow you to transfer stuff easily with a single command02:41
soundrayKurtKraut: one might disagree: it's more human to enter a verbal dialog than to tick boxes on a form.02:41
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chrishoeppnerrpc, would it really?02:41
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Gyuszkguys, I've installed artwiz cursor, and it works, but when I log in using GDM, it falls back to Human. where can I set this default value to artwiz?02:41
rpcyeah, just without a gui client that is limited by definition02:42
KurtKrautsoundray, who disagrees that is stupid. With a window you can try enable/disabling the options availuable in order to get the wanted result. With a command line... what can you do if you dont know even what to type ?02:42
BladegashHere's my problem: lately I've had a hard time logging onto SSH by remote. Sometimes the connect dies after giving pw, sometimes after displaying "last login" but before the prompt. Is this just SSH being unstable?02:42
rpcchrishoeppner or you could do that without custom solution even... using rsync02:42
BladegashShould I set up something like automatic restart of ssh in crontab, or will that not help, you think?02:43
soundrayKurtKraut: since you've just called me stupid, I won't enter that discussion.02:43
rpcBladegash someone might be knocking at your door massively02:43
chrishoeppnerrpc, I don't know what rsync is all about.02:43
rpcchrishoeppner please read up, it's a great tool for what you need and more02:43
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Bladegashrpc: would that do it? I am running a few torrents from time to time, are those enough to kill ssh?02:43
rpcchrishoeppner basically if you had a directory structure with files locally... you could mirror it to a remote box with rsync02:44
rpcBladegash nope02:44
rpcBladegash what i can advice you is to change the default ssh port to something different and see then02:44
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chrishoeppneryeah but i'm limited to ftp access, as long as i don't hire a dedicated server, wich is too expensive for me. does it work with ftp?02:44
rpcBladegash my bet is that the problem disappeares at once :)02:44
BladegashI thought so as well... it's just annoying that my machine is on another continent and I'd need to ask a human being to look into it02:44
Bladegashrpc: nope, I already am running on a nonstandard port02:45
rpcBladegash oh i see02:45
Bladegashit worked fine at firsrt02:45
rpcBladegash so perhaps it's time to change the port?02:45
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Bladegashnow the machine has been on nonstop for a month, so I don't know if this is a sign of it degenerating02:45
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Bladegashwell, yea, I suppose I could change the port... but unfortunately, I'd need to be able to login successfully once :/02:46
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BladegashI haven't looked at the logs lately, but I think it's not very likely that someone has discovered that port and is massively hammering at it02:46
rpcBladegash linux boxes never degenerate :)02:46
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BladegashI'm running apache on another port and that one is running fine02:46
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rpcBladegash that's what i think, i change the port everyday...02:46
Bladegashwell, I'm talking about the ssh daemon, possibly that one might need a kick once in a while02:47
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kaotBladegash: sshd is typically extremely stable.02:47
Rookie_ssh is very stable02:47
rpccould be PAM02:47
rpcor you might be running out of space on system02:47
rpcthat could cause that too i think02:47
Bladegashwell, once (if) I can finally log on I'll do a thorough look at the logs to see if there is anything suspicious02:47
kaotIn 6 years I've never had to specifically restart sshd for anything but a settings change02:47
BladegashI have plenty of room, I doubt that's the issue02:47
Bladegashif those portscan kiddies discover an open port, will they actively try to hammer it?...02:48
kaotBladegash: brute-force dictionary attacks aren't all that uncommon02:48
BladegashI just felt it was safe enough, since I used to run an ftp server on that same port, and in over a year never saw a single logon attempt that wasn't mine02:48
kaotBladegash: which port is that?02:49
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Bladegasheh... well, let's just stay it's not a standard one02:49
notwistnn som r bra p rtorrent?02:49
rpcBladegash yes they will02:49
rpcBladegash that's why you should use port knocking if you really care about security02:49
Bladegashbut if indeed that's the case, I underestimated their tenacity02:49
kaotBladegash: anyway, with a lot of automated attack tools now, if they do get in, you won't see the login attempt because your logs get changed.02:49
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se02:49
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soundraynotwist: that was a guess ^^02:50
Bladegashyea, port knocking came to mind, but are there clients out there that will easily install it?02:50
rpcBladegash check pm please02:50
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kaotBladegash: knockd02:50
Bladegashlast I heard they were still a bit new, and possibly hard to handle02:50
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notwistsoundray: damn, wrong chan :D02:50
Bladegashrpc: I did02:50
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lazzarethjoin #css02:50
notwistIs anyone here good at rtorrent?02:50
kaotBladegash: the knockd I saw on sourceforge looks very easy to configure and run02:50
DragonKing27help with sound blaster 1602:50
rpcnotwist is that for console?02:50
Bladegashokay, I'll possibly give that a try, thanks02:50
DragonKing27no sound02:50
SeriousSvencan someone help me with a problem I have with the edgy eft beta? When Ubuntu starts I get horizontal lines, I tried vga=771, the vga safe mode and set the resolution to 640x480x16 or 32 but it doesn't help. I have a GeForce 7800GS 512 AGP02:50
notwistrpc: yes02:50
rpcnotwist oh. hmm.02:51
notwistI was wondering how i can modify trackers in a torrent in rtorrent02:51
KurtKrautSeriousSven, may be at #ubuntu+1 more people engaged to Edgy might help you02:51
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SeriousSventhanks kurtkraut02:51
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soundrayKurtKraut: it doesn't occur to you that an apology might be in order?02:52
DragonKing27I need help with a Sound Blaster 16 : No Sound02:52
catalyticdoesnt matter i found another one ppl02:52
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Gyuszkguys, I've installed artwiz cursor, and it works, but when I log in using GDM, it falls back to Human. where can I set this default value to artwiz?02:53
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dedalusdoes anyone has already played with ics evolution file02:53
mikeneed help how do i fix this problem, t... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found02:53
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davinIs it possible to install Windows (dualboot) after Ubuntu? Because I heard Windows -has- to be on the first partition..?02:53
Bladegashif I have one of those ssh sessions hanging, and kill it, how long will it take for it to be reset?02:53
Bladegashjust wondering if I have 50+ undead ssh connections running on the server02:54
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Bladegashand that those would cause hiccups when trying to log in02:54
kaotBladegash: they time out on their own, typically.  Especially if you're getting a "connection closed by remote host" error or similar.02:54
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Bladegashyou can see right away though if it happens02:54
dortoI have just installed nvidia-glx package. glxinfo command shows this output: Xlib:  "extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:54
dortoError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual." What do I infer from this?02:54
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Bladegashthe "linux blabla" comes up either within 5 seconds or not at all02:54
Bladegashand also the bash prompt after "last login" comes either near-immediately or not at all02:55
kaotBladegash: what happens after that?02:55
kaotyou sure this isn't normal network latency/packet loss?02:55
rpcBladegash i had that before when i was short on space in /var02:55
rpcand it had to do with PAM02:55
rpcbruting is another option02:55
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Bladegashkaot: well, it could be... I don't know, though, the connection shouldn't be THAT lagged02:56
rpcso perhaps torrent is causing the lag? is the link fast?02:56
Bladegashrpc: I have ubuntu installed on its own hard drive, and there's still over 100gig free on that02:56
Bladegashit doesn't look like ordinary lag02:56
kaotBladegash: so you just get no response or feedback at all, basically, you're saying?  It hangs rather than boots you?02:56
Bladegashlike I said, it either works fast or not at all02:56
Bladegashyea, it can either hang after the PW, or after the "last login" prompt02:56
davinIs it possible to install Windows (dualboot) after Ubuntu? Because I heard Windows -has- to be on the first partition..?02:57
Bladegashsometimes I've been able to log in after just letting it cool off for a while02:57
kaotBladegash: running anything else besides apache, bittorrent, and ssh?02:57
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kaotdavin: not on the same hd.  windows will overwrite grub.02:57
Bladegashkaot: those are about it, no big server-thing02:57
adMy ubuntu crashed :\ I have no gui anymore :\ it always send me to console mode !02:57
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dortohow to check if glx is properly installed/working or not?02:58
davinkaot: bah, I want to make a dualboot system (barebone stripped windows for games) but I already have ubuntu, guess ill just have to backup and reinstall Windows and then Ubuntu?02:58
soundrayad: log in on the console and run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'02:58
Bladegashrpc: so what is this about PAM you mentioned?02:58
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adsoundray:  thanks ... I trying ...02:59
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notwisthow do i modify trackers in rtorrent?02:59
kaotdavin: I'm pretty sure you could install windows, then boot off a ubuntu bootdisc and reinstall / reconfigure grub, but off the top of my head I don't know specifics on how to do that.02:59
soundraydorto: glxinfo02:59
frying_fishdavin: !grub02:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:59
frying_fishdavin: follow that guide02:59
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davinfrying_fish: thanks dude03:00
adsoundray:  it does not work !03:00
SeriousSvenCan I install the edgy beta with the old installation gui instead of loading the ubuntu live disc?03:00
soundrayad: what does it say?03:00
Bladegashwhile we're on the subject of GRUB, I'd like to mention it caused me major headaches while I was making my dualboot system03:00
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adsoundray: I m still in the console03:00
KurtKrautsoundray, sorry, I didn't understand your last message.03:00
adsoundray: nothing03:00
Bladegashgrub itself is fine, but why does ubuntu have to assume that it's installed on the first drive?03:00
davinfrying_fish: do I -need- to use the alternate cd? cant I use the normal/live cd that I got from shipit?03:00
Bladegashhow about a simple option to define it yourself03:01
Bladegashjust a "other options..." button and tell it what hard drive to use, fedora has that for example03:01
Bladegashnow every time I update the kernel I have to manually fix grub because the partition numbers get assigned wrong03:01
soundrayKurtKraut: I'm suggesting that you might apologize for calling me stupid.03:01
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kaotBladegash: man that's a bummer.03:01
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adsoundray: Ubuntu starts normaly (ok ok ok) then ask me for a login (tty1) I don't know this login (maybe my usb modem). THen I write anything, asl me a pass for this , i write anything then say it is incorrect.03:02
KurtKrautsoundray, ah, sorry. I'm not a native english speaker. Sometimes, because of the lack of vocabulary, inappropiate words may come to mind.03:02
PPAAUULLWhich is better, Compiz or Beryl?03:02
lupine_85which is better, coke or lemonade?03:02
kaotPPAAUULL: that is a trick question.03:02
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adsoundray: then ask me for a log/pass : I enter my ubuntu log/pass and I m in a prompt03:02
tamacrackerAnyone know a good password cracker for Linux?03:02
KurtKrautsoundray, 'stupid' is a well known word, ususally spoken in movies. Maybe this just poped in my mind. But I didn't wanted to offend you.03:02
davinfrying_fish: Nevermind found it~03:02
Bladegashso is it simply possible that if there is lag/latency, then ssh simply won't finish logging in?03:02
tamacrackerAIM password cracker03:02
Bladegashas in, is there some short time-window during which it must succeed, or else be doomed forever...03:03
soundrayKurtKraut: accepted, thanks.03:03
PPAAUULLkaot: how? They both do basically the same thing.03:03
KurtKrautsoundray, only tried to say that considering a terminal user-friendly is extremely not compatible to the reality and people I deal with03:03
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fliegenderfroschhow can i avoid that all my mounted partitions show up in the places menu?03:03
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soundrayKurtKraut: it's a matter of culture and upbringing, though. If you've learnt how to use a CLI, you find it more powerful. If you've learnt how to use a GUI, you'll find that more powerful.03:04
lupine_85of course, it's a better idea to use beryl than it is to use compiz-quinn03:04
soundrayKurtKraut: I would claim, though, that people who learn the unix CLI achieve more than GUI users within the same time03:05
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lupine_85the CLI has a GUI!03:05
lupine_85it's called konsole ;)03:05
KurtKrautsoundray, yes, I do find it powerful. But I'm a heavy-user :D Mostly, people use computers as tools not as a target. And they need tasks to be done asap. They cant way 'learning' how to use CLI in order to get something done.03:05
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kaotlupine_85: I thought compiz-quinn became beryl.03:06
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Bladegashso, does anyone know what linux does after "last login:" but before the prompt? perhaps somewhere in there these connections keep dying03:06
kaotKurtKraut: serious work requires serious tools.  Serious tools require learning.  If you don't learn the tools, you can't do the work.03:07
jmspeexAnyone got Edgy to work on x86-64?03:07
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soundraykaot: very succinctly put.03:07
KurtKrautkaot, do you know a cell phone hard to use ? A car hard to drive ? Why would anyone build a product that it is hard to use ?03:07
jmspeexFor me it just freezes at random with a MTBF of about 30 seconds03:07
Bladegashjust tried now and it died on "last login:", a few minutes before it died right after giving PW03:07
protocol2is edgy eft official yet?03:08
KurtKrautkaot, it just excludes people that cannot invest many time in learning, studying and trying.03:08
kattekiksenWell, i just replaced every dapper with edgy in my sources.list.. and now i'm running a dist-upgrade which will finish in half an hour. But then someone at another channel told me that my system would crash, due to a "breakage"? Is that right?03:08
KurtKrautkattekiksen, probably, yes. Upgrading from Dapper is not too stable yet.03:08
jmspeexprotocol2: I was trying edgy beta03:08
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kattekiksenKurtKraut, so my system is going down?03:08
kaotKurtKraut: your analogies are flawed.  A car is not hard to drive, but you still need to invest time in learning how to drive it.  That goes double for a stick-shift.  That goes quintuple for a trailer truck.03:09
soundrayKurtKraut: it takes most people hundreds of hours to learn the user interface of a car and then drive it well. Yet people expect to use computer software without learning. That is misguided.03:09
protocol2oh....is there a date for official set yet?03:09
KurtKrautkattekiksen, hard to say but there is a chance of it. In order to get things back, just make a clean install of Edgy. But it might make you lose data in your home partition.03:09
kaotKurtKraut: I just bought a monitor from an architect who does all his design work on computers.  You'd better believe he spent time learning the design tools, I saw the manuals on his desk.03:10
silvertip257i'm trying to dual/multi boot different versions of Linux, FedoraCore boots, so I'd like to modify its menu.lst file to list the others in its boot screen03:10
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KurtKrautkaot, in your country, cars are mostly automatically shifted or manually shifted ?03:10
PPAAUULLI heard that edgy is going to be a "test" release with a lot of beta software on it. is that true?03:10
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kattekiksenKurtKraut, well, installed dapper yesterday, and i have a copy of every single file.. so that doesn't matter.. Can i get beryl to work on edgy?03:10
KurtKrautsoundray, If I haven't a internet connection. I wouldn't be here and POVaddct wouldn't taught me that there is a unix command called 'split'. So I would have my task done. If there was a GUI for splitiing files, I would find it just by browsing the menus.03:11
KurtKrautkattekiksen, yes03:11
kaotKurtKraut: the vast majority are automatic.  Yet there is still learning to be done.  If you take someone who has never driven a car, and put him or her into one, they'll have no idea where to begin.03:11
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kattekiksenKurtKraut, okay, do you have a guide?03:11
kaotKurtKraut: amend that last statement -- take a person who has never been in a car.03:11
KurtKrautkattekiksen, no I dont.03:12
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soundrayPPAAUULL: that's exaggerating. Edgy will be more daring in its choice of software than dapper, because edgy won't be supported for the same long term as dapper.03:12
KurtKrautkaot, here in my country only imported cars, from abroad, are automatic. Manual shift envolves much more training and time in order to get a car running then an automatic.03:12
ZambeziI can't ping, SSH or access my system local. I need help now. Please.03:12
kaotKurtKraut: well then you just reinforced my point.03:12
KurtKrautkaot, if you never drove an manual car, it is hard to keep it on03:13
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protocol2i would say im better off loading dapper than edgy03:13
kaotKurtKraut: My first car was a manual shift.  It's how I first learned to drive.  I know.  :)03:13
soundraykaot, KurtKraut: this is certainly interesting, but inappropriate in this channel. Let's meet in #ubuntu-offtopic03:13
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kaotsoundray: was pondering that myself.  :\  I"m already there anyway.03:14
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kaotZambezi: what happens when you try to login locally?03:14
protocol2but...i dont think I will load it on my laptop03:14
overridexanyone know why since i upgraded to edgy, any bash scripts i had that used functions no longer work?  They fail with "function: not found"03:14
kaotZambezi: By this I assume you mean physically sitting at the computer.03:14
KurtKrautkaot, I'm a heavy user at computers. I feel missing the CLI. As same as when I drive an automatical car, I feel odd... I feel I cant control it totally. But you have to agree with me that the learning curve of an automatical shift iss faster03:14
kaotKurtKraut: see soundray's last comment03:14
ZarephathHey all...what package(s) do I need to have installed to allow Ubuntu to access wpa/wpa2?03:15
Zambezikaot, Nothing. The screen is just black.03:15
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jmspeexprotocol2: For me, Dapper has really annoying bugs. Edgy 386 seemed *sort* of OK (very little testing). Edgy on x86-64 is just totally broken.03:15
kaotZambezi: black from poweron?  No grub message?  no bios message?03:15
cwraigzarepath what chipset does your wireless card use03:15
Zambezikaot, But it's also black with IPCop, but not with a Windows computer I tried with.03:15
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kaotZambezi: I'm not following you.03:16
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cwraigzarephath have you installed the card and used it without wpa03:16
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Zambezikaot, It's so less stressful in PM. Can we take it there?03:17
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xiaozlol im new here03:17
dortosoundray: what ouput should i expect from glxinfo command for a successful installation?03:17
kaotZambezi: prefer to keep it here, I'm in a few channels and it's easier not to have to switch windows every 3 seconds to follow them03:17
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:17
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tomcatt!ubotu ext3 recovery03:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext3 recovery - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:17
kaotZambezi: plus it allows someone else to jump in with info if they have any03:17
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coulixi thought i got ride of this locales errors  ! but they are back, dpkg-reconfigure locales doesnt change anything.03:18
jnvilohi, if i did a dist-upgrade, does it mean i am running edge now?03:18
POVaddctxiaoz: we noticed, because you keep saying lol for no reason03:18
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coulixperl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:  LANGUAGE = "en_AU:en",03:18
Zambezikaot, Okay, but then I make a summary and give it here. Hold on. It takes a couple of minutes.03:18
coulix ect..03:18
soundraydorto: something other than "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual" :)03:18
kaotZambezi: k03:18
Bladegashokay, so I still see two of my connection attempts hanging with "who" (torrentflux has a stats window)03:18
dortosoundray: too bad :(03:18
Bladegashno abnormal load, memory sufficient, both have the command "-bash"03:19
Bladegashisn't that what you would normally see when someone has the command prompt?03:19
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dortosoundray: For NVidia GeForce 5200, I should install nvidia-glx and not the legacy version, right?03:19
tomcatt!ubotu ext303:19
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org03:19
adsoundray: still here ?03:19
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JustAPanda_1934Following official tutorial to set up mail serving capabilities on my ubuntu machine, i cannot telnet to localhost 10024 to test amavis-new. "Connection refused". Have amended master.cf and main.cf as per tutorial directions. Any help here? :)03:20
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soundrayad: yes03:20
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adsoundray: I have a error in a packet :03:21
bbrazilJustAPanda_1934: if 10024 isn't open, it means amavis isn't running right03:21
dortonever heard of this fs-driver before. I always use explore2fs03:21
BladegashJustAPanda_1934: make sure the settings are okay, and that amavisd is actually running03:21
Bladegashif a setting is wrong, maybe it hasn't started03:21
JustAPanda_1934How do I confirm that amavis is running?03:21
Bladegashps ax | grep amavis03:21
adsoundray: speedtouch-ng ; i m trying to remove it ; there is a dependencie problem03:21
Bladegashyoull see if there is something running, and also if there are zombie processes03:21
coulixany thought about locales error :'/ perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:03:22
adsoundray: post-removal returns error 203:22
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Bladegashyou could also just try  sudo /etc/init.d/amavisd restart   and see if it says anything03:22
mikael_jI have a bit of an annoying problem, I can get my WPC54G wlan nic to work without encryption but it refuses to work with WPA or WEP (at least as far as I can tell), are there any common problems with this? can't seem to find anything but generic install instructions for wpa_supplicant using google...03:22
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adsoundray: a idea ? Is there a way to remove this pack without error ?03:23
catalytichow well does wine emulate?03:23
Pharao2khi, I need help. The gnome briefcase does not accept the password I gave it a few days ago, how to reset it?03:23
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KurtKrautcatalytic, what do you mean by 'well' ? How fast ?03:24
JustAPanda_1934Output of grep amavis command is: "6059 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep amavis". Output of amavis restart comment is that the variable $myhostname (value "foo") is not a FQDN - does this mean I have to change it to a mail name i.e. mail.mydomain.com?03:24
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soundrayad: don't worry about this package for now, it's not what's causing your problem.03:24
JustAPanda_1934And if I have to change to FQDN, how?03:24
soundrayad: did you have X working on your machine before?03:24
BladegashJustAPanda_1934: that, but I also think you can leave it blank/default value, I forget offhand03:24
JustAPanda_1934(have tried sudo hostname x command)03:24
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Bladegashbut you may have to make it into a full actual name03:25
bbtaiglx work on dapper?03:25
Bladegashmaybe foo.localhost might also work03:25
protocol2bbt, yep03:25
catalyticyes kurt03:25
Bladegashor whatever is the suffix for local... was it .localdomain, I forget03:26
catalytici have tried virtual pc on my mac osx g403:26
bbtprotocol2: would you know of a howto for nvidia cards??03:26
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KurtKrautcatalytic, of course, is not as fast as running it natively. But it is slow to load but fast enough to use03:26
catalyticand it ran pretty badly, and had no 3d support03:26
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JustAPanda_1934Bladegash, how could I change the $myhostname variable via command line (sudo hostname foo2 seems to take okay but still same error with amavis)03:26
protocol2bbt, no....but you can google up some information on it03:26
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BladegashJustAPanda_1934: edit your amavisd.conf file03:26
catalyticfast enogh for gaming?03:26
adsoundray: I think this is due to this because it causes problem when I tried to update... yes X worked ...03:26
Bladegashfind the "myhostname" line there and change that03:27
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soundrayad: okay... can you paste the entire output of 'sudo apt-get -f install' in the pastebin please03:27
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Bladegashthere haven't been any dangerous ssh-exploits discovered lately, right? just hoping that mine is secure03:28
JustAPanda_1934Blagegash, where is this file located?I assumed /etc/amavis BUT that only has a "conf.d" directory, en_US dir, etc... cannot find amavis.conf file to alter hostname setting03:28
KurtKrautcatalytic, depends on the game03:28
soundrayad: oh, that will be hard without X -- hold on...03:28
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BladegashJustAPanda_1934: I think it's /etc/amavisd.conf03:28
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Bladegashthe file is in /etc/ at least when I've worked with it03:29
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soundrayad: what error does the post-removal script for speedtouch-ng throw?03:29
Zambezikaot, About 120 days ago I turned on the computer and yesterday a heard a strange sound like a cable got disconnected, but I was okay. // Today I tried to access the computer with SSH (remote) and I got disconnected with the messages "No route to host". I can't reconnect, can't ping. // I go to the computer, touch the keyboard to get a picture, but nothing happens. // But I get a picture with a Windowscomputer a tried with. And I can access my IPCop03:29
Zambezi:s webinterface in Firefox (https://ipcop)03:29
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catalyticwhats the best way for me to check if I have these system requirements?03:29
kaotZambezi: check your cables and reboot?03:30
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adsoundray: error is in french : I try to translate : post-removal returned output error state 203:30
JustAPanda_1934Bladegash, system has no /etc/amavis.conf file. It does have /etc/amavis directory (which does not contain the conf file). Is there a search command to find my config file? :) (newbie)03:30
dortowhat are the prerequisites for installing xgl? ubuntu docs say that direct rendering should be there. how to enable direct rendering?03:30
Zambezikaot, I can't reboot since I need to do a recovery.03:30
BladegashJustAPanda_1934: how about /etc/amavisd.conf03:30
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soundrayad: I don't mean that one -- what does the line before that say?03:31
jelly-homeHi, is it possible to install ubuntu via pxe boot?03:31
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Zambezikaot, I accidently deleted files and need to see what I erased. I'm going to do the recovery with tct and I don't know what happens if I turn off the computer.03:31
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JustAPanda_1934bladegash, amavisd.conf file doesn't exist either. Trying to open (well, create) that file form command like using gedit results in Xlib connection refuse by server. Is there any way to confirm amavis has been installed correctly? Followed tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixAmavisNew seemingly without problems...03:32
soundrayZambezi: to have the best chance of recovering accidentally deleted files, you should turn off the computer immediately without shutting down.03:32
jwisehello world03:32
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adsoundray: oh yes ... sorry : /var/lib/dpkg/info/speedtouch-ng.posttrm : line 72 syntax error : unexpected end of file03:32
BladegashJustAPanda_1934: well, in that case, I don't know, sorry.... you could try to locate it03:33
BladegashJustAPanda_1934: first do "updatedb" and then "slocate amavisd.conf"03:33
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kaotZambezi: I don't know what tct is.  Also, it sounds like for one reason or another your computer has been rendered inaccessible without reboot.  I don't know what to tell you, sorry.03:34
Rookie_with livecd - is it possible to mount /dev/hda and search hdd ?03:34
Zambezisoundray, I accidently ran sudo rm -r /home/bla/my_folder /mnt/hhd2 and /mnt/hdd2 wasn't suppose to be in the command, but I were unfocused and didn't see that. :-(03:34
adsoundray: command was sudo apt-get -f install03:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about japan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:35
jwiseHi,how can I using apt-get without sudo with a common user at ubuntu,thank you!03:35
soundrayad: please post the output of "head -n 72  /var/lib/dpkg/info/speedtouch-ng.posttrm | tail -n 1'03:35
Zambezisoundray, So I erased 20 things that I know of, but then I don't know if some personal files like photos got erases too.03:35
SS2need a japanese chan03:35
jwiseany one tell me,thanks a lot03:35
soundrayZambezi: what filesystem do you have on /mnt/hdd2?03:35
Zambezisoundray, EXT3.03:35
SS2is there an existing japanese chatroom out there for ubuntu?03:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:36
soundrayZambezi: that's bad. Sorry, it will be near impossible to recover anything from there.03:36
stefgobviuosly no03:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:36
adsoundray: nothing03:36
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Zambezisoundray, Dammit... Is there a possibily too see what I erased? I don't want to lose personal files. :-(03:37
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Rookie_with livecd - is it possible to mount /dev/hda and search hdd ?03:37
adsoundray: blank line03:37
catalyticis there a way to get glxgears to show fps?03:37
soundraycatalytic: -printfps option03:37
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Zambezikaot, I haven't used tct yet. I haven't touch the computer so much. I changed the right on a folder, transfered files there. That's all.03:38
Zambezikaot, Is it possible I got hacked? :s03:38
soundrayad: did you copy the entire command I posted, leaving out the quotes?03:38
Zambezikaot, I changed the right on one folder on hdd2 to the user instead of root.03:39
catalytic6223 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1244.480 FPS03:39
soundrayad: head -n 72  /var/lib/dpkg/info/speedtouch-ng.posttrm | tail -n 103:39
catalytici can safely say I have my ati installed properly?03:39
adsoundray: yes ... I try vi ?03:39
kaotZambezi: is it possible you got hacked?  It's possible but it doesn't sound very likely.03:39
gnomefreakcatalytic: yes03:39
soundrayad: yeah. Or nano03:39
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gnomefreakby the looks of it03:40
SpacePuppycatalytic, fgl_glxgears or glxgears?03:40
J-_how can i get httpd running?03:40
Zambezikaot, Cause a hacker wouldn't break the system?03:40
catalyticwhat is fgl?03:40
catalyticill try that03:40
SpacePuppythen no.. run fgl_glxgears03:40
adsoundray: how can i do line 72 with vi ?03:40
adsoundray: can i go *03:40
SpacePuppyfgl*  is ati specific stuff03:40
POVaddctad: <ESC> :7203:40
catalyticcommand not found03:40
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catalytici havent installed any then?03:41
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soundrayad: sorry, not familiar with vi (emacs guy)03:41
SpacePuppyit would seem so..03:41
adsoundray: there is no line 72 !!03:41
J-_how can i get httpd running on a ubuntu LAMP server?03:41
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rezchow can i login via terminal in telnet 23 ?03:41
adsoundray: last is 71 !!03:41
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soundrayad: does it call another script?03:41
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SpacePuppyglxgears: 14174 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2834.616 FPS    fgl_glxgears: 2244 frames in 5.0 seconds = 448.800 FPS03:42
POVaddctrezc: do not use telnet for remote logins. use ssh.03:42
catalyticwhat card?03:42
rezcPOVaddct ssh port is closed03:42
kyjahow can I create a link of my entire volume "/" to my home folder ? please help.03:42
catalyticI have a ati 955003:42
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catalytici want to work through this tutorial03:42
SpacePuppy9550's are a real pain...03:42
POVaddctrezc: then telnet hostname    (port 23 doesn need to be specified)03:42
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catalyticbut I am bit worried at the compiling kernel steps03:42
SpacePuppyand may not be supported fully03:42
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catalyticok... (03:43
adsoundray: what do you mean ? the end of code line 71 ?03:43
rezcPOVaddct I use telnet hostname@ip ?03:43
catalytichave you tried them before SpacePuppy?03:43
POVaddctrezc: no, telnet ip03:43
soundrayad: from looking at the postrm script, do you get the impression that it calls something else yet?03:43
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POVaddctrezc: it then asks for username and password (if telnetd is running on that machine)03:44
rezcthanks a lot03:44
catalyticwhenever i drag a window around i get really bad artifacts03:44
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catalyticwill these go away once the card is installed correctly?03:45
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Jowidid anyone have any luck setting a resolution above 1024x768 on a mac mini core duo with 915resolution?03:45
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adsoundray: no ... but i don't know this language but it is not C ... maybe python ? If syntax is "if ... fi"03:46
soundrayad: that's bash03:46
POVaddctad: it's a shell script03:46
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adsoundray: ok ... so what it the code to call external script ... I need that to anwer your question03:47
adsoundray: What is tty1 ?03:47
adIs there a relation with modem ?03:48
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POVaddctad: no. is is the first linux console.03:48
POVaddct*it is03:48
adok ...03:48
soundrayad: /dev/tty1 is the first virtual console. Nothing to do with the modem, that would be /dev/ttyS003:48
cpk2what is tty supposed to stand for anyways?03:49
cpk2huh, so i guess it really is the same as a tty that deaf people use03:49
cpk2acronym wise03:49
adsoundray: ok ... I tried to upgrade packages but i can not remove this speedtouch ! Is there a way ?03:49
adsoundray: I don't need it anyway03:50
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Jowicpk2, tty=teletypewriter (or something similar)03:50
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catalytichmmm im using an AMD and an ati radeon 955003:50
soundrayad: you can force things by inserting 'exit 0' as the second line in that postrm script. That's not sound advice, but I don't see a better way forward.03:50
SnifouilleHey there03:51
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catalyticis that just asking for trouble?03:51
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Jowicatalytic, you can't be worse off than me03:51
catalyticis that similar to your current setup jowl?03:52
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catalyticsorry, jowi03:52
Jowicatalytic, nope. intel core duo mac mini with intel 945GM chipset :-/03:52
soundrayad: will be back later03:52
adsoundray: ok .. I did exit 0 ... seems working for update ... We ll see ... Thnks03:53
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Jowicatalytic, I have XGL working but nomatter how I try I don't get a higher resolution than 1024x768.03:53
catalyticwhen ubuntu starts up, what is the program that loads the welcome screen?03:53
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Jowicatalytic, gdm03:53
catalyticwhat res do mac mini's do03:53
nolimitsoyacatalytic usplash03:53
catalyticbefore i tried installing these drivers03:54
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nolimitsoyaor which one do you mean? :P03:54
Jowicatalytic, the login screen = gdm, the boot screen=usplash03:54
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catalyticrestarted, and it left me at the login prompt instaed of at the login screen03:54
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nolimitsoyacatalytic, type startx03:54
Jowicatalytic, well, in osX I get 1280x102403:54
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nolimitsoyaafter login that is...03:54
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catalyticbut why would it stop running that automatcially?03:55
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nolimitsoyacatalytic, planetary alaignment :)03:55
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adsoundray: well I can not boot nymore :\ "can not access tty' !!!!03:55
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catalyticlo, solar flares?03:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:56
piratepenguinanyone know what kinda bot is ubotu? supybot or what, or custom (can I get his code in that case?)?03:56
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KurtKrautpiratepenguin, supybot I think03:57
piratepenguinKurtKraut, k, thanks03:57
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ichanFXhello, can i remove ubuntu password?03:59
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catalyticthis is probably a pretty nooblette thing to ask, but would these instructions be ok on xubuntu?04:01
soundrayad: do you have a live CD?04:01
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ichanFXcan i remove ubuntu password?04:02
adsoundray: yes04:02
adkaella (knoppix)04:02
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soundrayad: hold on, I'll have a look at that postrm script myself04:03
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POVaddctichanFX: why would you want to do that?04:03
sundaydudeichanFX What do you mean? For logging in?04:03
adsoundray:  oh no .. I erase it :\ I have ubuntu hoary / kubuntu breezy ...04:03
soundrayad: breezy live should be fine04:04
sandy16hi there04:04
ichanFXsundaydude: yes for logging in04:04
ichanFXcan i just type the username?04:04
ichanFXor maybe i can just login without typing anything04:05
sandy16i am getting my desktop switching tool crashed when i am using ubutnu 6.10 how to get out of this?04:05
adsoundray: how to boot as a live cd ?04:05
SpacePuppycatalytic, sure.. give it a shot.. don't see why you couldn't use synaptic instead of apt-get04:05
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soundrayad: if it's a live CD, it will boot as a live CD. If it's a breezy install, then it's not a live CD.04:06
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adsoundray: yes it is install :\04:06
sundaydudeichanFX: You can use the auto-login option, so you won't be prompted for your name and password anymore when you start your computer.04:06
ichanFXsundaydude : how to use auto login?04:06
catalytichow do i determine the kernel I am running?04:07
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easytigeruname -a04:07
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adsoundray:  i have a iso of kaella knoppix ...gonna burn it ...04:07
soundrayad: where did you get that speedtouch-ng package? It's not in universe, is it?04:08
sundaydudeichanFX: Hmm, I not sure (I'm suing Mepis at the moment). I think it is in Sysytem > Administration > Login manager. There you can select an auotlogin option for one user.04:08
ichanFXoh i found it04:08
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sundaydudeGreat! :)04:08
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adsoundray: no it is not ... I can not remmeber .. it is to make my interent connexion ork04:09
adBut no I did not need it anymore04:09
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SaschHi All04:09
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SaschI'm italian and I don't speak very well english ... can help me with apt and sources.list ??04:10
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Dr_willisSasch,  help in what way?04:10
coulixdoes any of you have a core 2 Duo  ? if so what kernel do you use ? i have  2.6.17-10-386  but i guess it doesnt support the 2 cores04:10
coulixi cant see  2.6.17-10-686 smp04:10
Sasch<Dr_willis>  i have ubuntu server version dapper04:11
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LjLis amsn the only way to have audio and webcam support on the MSN network, with other Windows clients?04:11
Saschi have a supermicro server with 2 ethernet cards ... first if 62.48.x.x and the second have
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cpk2LjL: gaim doesnt do it?04:11
fredlLOL, this is so cool.... I installed VMWare server on my Dapper install and am running Nexenta in one of it's virtual machines.04:12
Sasch<Dr_willis> i get the file sources.list from http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic but when i modified sources.list with this line apt don't work04:12
gnomefreakcpk2: no04:12
LjLcpk2: i don't know, i'm using KDE -- i need this for a relative, i don't even use MSN myself. Kopete appears to support webcam but not audio (and even webcam, i cannot get it to work).  i was under the impression Gaim only had text messenging support anyway?04:12
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gnomefreakgaim doesnt do cam04:12
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Saschwhen apt download the update says connection refused04:12
LjLSasch: can you paste your current sources.list to the pastebin please?04:13
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Saschthis is my sources.list04:13
fredlNexenta really kicks butt... Does it fit within the Ubuntu plans though...04:13
LjLgnomefreak: so the answer as far as you know is, yes, amsn is the only choice?04:13
coulixi had to install generics04:13
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gnomefreakLjL: yes04:13
LjLunfortunate :\04:14
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=== gnomefreak not sure amsn does it
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LjLSasch: your sources.list doesn't look too bad to me. have you tried using another mirror, such as fr.archive.ubuntu.com rather than it.archive.ubuntu.com?04:14
fredlhey gnomefreak, you tried Nexenta already?04:14
gnomefreakLjL: gaim was working on a cam version called gaim-vv but i think they stopped work on that (i havent heard anything about it in a long time)04:14
gnomefreakfredl: no04:14
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=== gnomefreak off to relax need to regroup my brain :(
Sasch<LjL>  hummm no i try it ... for reposity international of ubutu is en..archive.ubuntu.com ??04:15
LjLgnomefreak: the bad things about amsn are that 1) it only supports MSN 2) it integrates badly with both KDE and Gnome, at least graphically speaking... but oh well.04:15
KurtKrautThere is a folder in Ubuntu with scripts that are run when my eth0 acquires an external ip. There is a 'ip-up' subfolder. Does anyone the full path to it ?04:15
LjLSasch: just "archive.ubuntu.com" should work, to get you to the default international repository04:16
_MMA_Can any tell me how to fix this:04:16
_MMA_In my syslog Im getting: localhost kernel: [1234124:1234143]  eth0 Link up localhost kernel: [1234124:1234143]  eth0 Link down. Continuously. Obviously my nic is acting funny.04:16
soundrayKurtKraut: /etc/network/if-up.d/04:16
LjLSasch: if you are italian, however, i know that fr.archive.ubuntu.com should be quite fast04:16
KurtKrautsoundray, thanks04:16
Saschok thanks <LjL>04:16
Saschi try04:16
LjLSasch: of course, make sure that you run a "sudo apt-get update" after the changes04:16
LjLSasch: (you should always do that when you change your sources.list)04:16
soundrayad: I found it, but the postrm script in mine is nowhere near 71 lines long. So I can't tell why your system is messed up like that.04:16
Saschif apt don't work i post the error ...04:17
=== fredl wonders if he'll be able to apt-get dist-upgrade to unstable Nexenta within the VMWare virtual system....
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Tomcat_fredl: Yes, it's possible.04:17
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LjLwhat is Nexenta?04:17
OmniDWho has time for a networking problem04:17
fredlTomcat_: just worried if I gave it enough virtual diskspace.04:17
OmniDIt involves video games and sharing internet04:18
soundrayLjL: a commercially supported Debian version, I think04:18
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Tomcat_OmniD: No metaquestions please :o04:18
LjLsoundray: the first hit on google talks about some GNU/OpenSolaris thing however...?04:18
fredlLjL, it's basically Ubuntu but with the OpenSolaris kernel.04:18
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OmniDOkay I don't want to spend the money on an Xbox360 wireless dongle, I was wondering, with my laptop connected wirelessly to the net, if I could connect the 360 into it's ethernet port and share the net with it04:18
LjLis OpenSolaris under an OSI license?04:19
KurtKrautLjL, yes04:19
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:19
LjL(i just add to add this term)04:19
fredlwhat would be cool is to create a Solaris zone on a VMWare virtual system.04:19
Dr_willisOmniD,  to go 'network port to network port' you need a special net cable.04:20
fredlthe possibilities are just awesome.04:20
OmniDcrossover cable right04:20
Dr_willisOmniD,  and some configuration on the laptop04:20
LjLsounds interesting, what would be the advantages of using the OpenSolaris kernel over Linux?04:20
OmniDDr_willis, a crossover cable right?04:20
KurtKrautLjL, just a sec04:20
fredlLjL, for end-users probably not a *whole* lot....04:20
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Dr_willisOmniD,  yep. those canbe hard to find..04:20
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OmniDI can make one if I need to04:20
KurtKrautLjL, are you asking because of Nexenta ?04:20
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OmniDJust an assbackwords cat504:21
fredlLjL, particularly with Nexenta since it basically looks and feels exactly like Ubuntu.04:21
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acke_hey is there a broadbandwith speed tester for ubuntu?04:21
LjLKurtKraut: yes, i just learned about its existence04:21
KurtKrautLjL, read this http://archive.netbsd.se/?ml=gnusolaris-beginners&a=2006-09&t=235458404:21
soundrayacke_: why not use an online one?04:21
LjLfredl: DistroWatch only mentions Debian on the Nexenta page, though04:21
fredlLjL, the Nexenta distro is also just an alpha release.04:21
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fredlLjL, well Ubuntu is a Debian descendant.04:21
acke_soundray, well you got one?04:22
Pharao2khi, I need help. The gnome briefcase does not accept the password I gave it a few days ago, how to reset it?04:22
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Sasch<LjL> all work but   but i change deb http://xxx  in deb ftp://xxx04:22
soundrayacke_: there are plenty, just ask your favorite search engine. E.g. http://www.bandwidthplace.com/speedtest/04:22
OmniDDr_willis, okay what kind of configuration do I need04:22
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LjLSasch: but that's weird -- it should work fine from http://04:22
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lynyrdquestion: are there already linux sourcen 2.6.18 with ubuntu patches available?04:23
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LjLKurtKraut: "better binary software compatibility", why is that?04:23
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KurtKrautLjL, can't say for sure. Probably stuff related to 'libc'04:23
Dr_willisOmniD,  'ip-masquerading' -  there may be some gui/interface tools to help set it up. I use routers now so aint messed with it in years.04:23
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KurtKrautLjL, I'm not that geek. You may ask this guy about it04:24
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)04:24
acke_soundray, thanks04:24
OmniDDr_willis, Oh, well I think I have a router somewhere around here04:24
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OmniDWould I plug in the laptop to the upload port?04:24
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LjLKurtKraut: besides, i'm offtopic and i know that, so let's just drop this, i'll search for further info myself ;)04:24
Websteriaok, I'm an idiot and accidentally removed my "bin" directory while trying to remove it from my old drive04:24
WebsteriaWhich packages can I use to reinstall all the programs to it?04:24
WebsteriaI was able to copy it from my old debian install first04:25
KurtKrautWebsteria, ouch... hard to tell04:25
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LjLWebsteria: well, how are you going to *be able* to install any packages anyway, if you have no /bin?04:25
fredlLjL, Solaris has been around quite a lot longer than Linux. There are also a lot of vendors that release their commercial software on Solaris before even considering Linux still.04:25
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LjLok, very last question, is Solaris also a monolithic Linux-style kernel?04:26
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KurtKrautLjL, yes04:26
WebsteriaI copied my old bin directory from my old debian install04:26
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Websteriaso I can do mkdir and ls and cp again04:26
LjLWebsteria: i04:26
fredlLinux is monolithic??04:26
LjLWebsteria: i'll tell you what packages my /bin files belong to. hold on04:26
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Websteriaok, thanks!04:26
LjLfredl: it's definitely far from a microkernel, yes04:26
fredlHuh? I don't understand what you mean with that LjL...04:26
yapycckyhello to everyone, just a question. Anyone knows how to disable black shadow on desktop fonts?04:26
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cryptoniccan anyone help me change the ubuntu install cd.iso into an install dvd .iso04:27
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LjLfredl: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monolithic_kernel04:27
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fredlHmm, a bit of a vague concept...04:29
fredlbut I see the point.04:30
LjLfredl: i'm not sure the beginning of that article makes much sense, actually (join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want, i just asked about that)04:30
sandy16i am getting my desktop switching tool crashed when i am using ubutnu 6.10 how to get out of this?04:30
lynyrdAre there Linux sources 2.6.18 with Ubuntu patches available yet?04:30
suff0kateanyone know how to get a philips mp3 player to work on ubuntu?04:31
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soundraysuff0kate: does it work as a mass storage device?04:31
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SPFhmm, my comp freezes at 23% of the ubuntu installation04:32
LjLWebsteria: one more minute please, i'm having trouble getting the script to work right :)04:32
Websteriait's ok04:32
WebsteriaI think if I reinstall my installed Base System stuff it should work04:32
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antidruguei get an "error 2" trying to compile "linux-source-2.6.17" on ubuntu edgy : is there a more appropriate place for ubuntu kernel help ?04:33
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antidruguei pasted the error here : http://antidrugue.dyndns.org/config.linux/kernel.error.october15.2006.txt04:33
Milleanyone know why nm-applet doesn't work after ubuntu returns from hibernate mode? when hovering the mouse over the applet it says that no devices where found.04:33
stefglynyrd: No, edgy uses 2.6.17, so there's no ubuntu-patched 2.6.18 available. But I run a vanilla kernel with ck-patches  fine on edgy04:33
suff0katei heard something like you can access it through media/usb but when i plug it in it doesn't recognize it04:33
soundrayWebsteria: I was thinking that. You can probably reinstall all base packages from the package cache.04:33
lynyrdstefg, allright thanks.04:33
WebsteriaYou can bet your ass I won't use rm -rf /bin again so soon04:34
antidruguestefg : how did you compile it ? is there anything to it besides the usual make-kpkg etc. ?04:34
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soundraysuff0kate: some MP3 players don't work as mass storage devices, and you need Windows XP to feed them (conspiracy theories, anyone?)04:34
pulsechirpanyone know of a way to get a FireGL 2 card working under recent Ubuntu versions?04:34
antidruguestefg : so 2.6.18 + ck1 patch ?04:35
suff0katei guess ill install windows on a separate drive04:35
suff0katethanks anyways04:35
soundraysuff0kate: it's also worth stfw04:35
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stefgno, nothing particular... except to have to take care of nvidia and vmplayer manually..04:35
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stefgantidrugue: right04:35
soundraysuff0kate: "search the fine web"04:35
antidruguestefg : ok, did you try compiling the ubuntu kernel sources ?04:36
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soundraysuff0kate: for projects that aim to emulate the protocol used to feed this type of player.04:36
Milleand one other thing. i've just made another ext3 partition but ubuntu wont mount it. "device /dev/sda4 is not removable. could not execute pmount."04:36
antidruguestefg : is there anything special there ?04:36
Milleany ideas why?04:36
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stefgantidrugue: looong time ago... and it failed. So i have found my personal kernel-config and make-kpkg my own kernels when I feel like i need a new one04:37
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unfknblvblokay on the ubuntu au server asymptote is 1.03 and on the debian package servers they have 1.1304:38
soundrayMille: are you sure sda4 is the name of the new partition?04:38
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unfknblvblshouldn't ubuntu get the 1.13 version ?04:38
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antidruguestefg : i remember i succeded building (after i corrected the initial errors) a ubuntu source kernel on dapper : but it didn't boot the gui (though i used the .config from ubuntu)04:38
soundrayMille: check with fdisk -l /dev/sda04:38
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soundrayMille: check with sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda04:38
Millesoundray, it says that its 36.9 Gb in the File Browser.04:38
antidruguestefg : i guess i'll do the same as you do : i was on debian sid last week with a 2.6.18 + ck1 and it worked like a charm04:39
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Millesoundray, it's the correct one04:39
antidruguestefg : thanks for your advices, i appreciate04:39
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soundrayMille: and with 'sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt', you get the error above?04:39
Millesoundray, no, through the file browser -> "computer"04:39
humei got a problem with my printers, i guess it is cups-related - is this the channel to talk about it or is there a cups-related channel?04:39
stefgantidrugue: i stopped worrying about the stock ubuntu-kernels since i've got nothing but trouble with them. noramlly i get a vanilla from kernel.org, patch it with th ck's and make an oldconfig04:40
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soundrayMille: well, try that command in a terminal then.04:40
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Millesoundray, hm. that works. should i create a subfolder in /mnt?04:40
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ZambeziIs it possible to remote a computer without a graficcard?04:40
antidruguestefg : that's my way too, but i'm a debian user, trying to make it to ubuntu ; so I wasn't sure04:41
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antidruguestefg : anyway, thanks : i'll do that right now04:41
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soundrayMille: no, /mnt is for temporarily mounting a single filesystem for testing.04:41
stefgantidrugue: you now that ubuntu is an african saying for 'I can't configure debian' :-)04:41
antidruguestefg : i guess i'll by fine then :)04:42
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Millesoundray, oh ok. but anyway.. this is just a temporary solution. cause after rebooting i'll have to mount it again.04:42
soundrayMille: best thing to do is to add a line to /etc/fstab for that partition04:42
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humemy print-jobs for one printer just gets terminated - is there a way to find out why? ipp job report just says stopped04:42
soundrayMille: you know how to do that?04:42
Millesoundray, non /etc/fstab and put 'sudo mout... ' in?04:42
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soundrayMille: no!04:43
Milleheh, i see the format there04:43
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soundrayMille: so you can work it out?04:43
antidruguehume : make sure your printer conf is ok in http://localhost:63104:43
Millei'll give it the same options as sda104:43
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Millei think so04:43
Millesoundray :-904:43
antidruguehume : connection type, driver, etc.04:43
Millesoundray, but where should i mount it?04:43
OmniD100 dollars, for a wifi dongle04:43
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soundrayMille: make sure you give it a different mountpoint, and that you mkdir that mountpoint before you try it out04:44
dddddeanyone with dapper and compiz?04:44
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OmniDOkay guys a better question, can I get a regular wifi dongle to work on the 360?04:44
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soundrayMille: how about /extraspace04:44
antidruguehume : which printer model is it ?04:44
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stefgOmniD: define 'regular'04:44
Millesoundray, yeah. one other question. can i make the fstab rerun without rebooting?04:44
ppj1010hey the ubuntu alternate, is it just not a live CD04:44
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soundrayMille: yes, just run 'sudo mount -a'04:44
bruenigMille, sudo mount -a04:44
humeantidrugue, epson stylus photo r34004:44
OmniDstefg: As in any of them that don't cost too much money. The official one is 100 dollars.04:45
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:45
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humeantidrugue, testpage works fine, but page with photos just gets terminated04:45
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soundraybruenig: damn, you're slow04:45
OmniDOkay thanks I suppose think I'm in the wrong channel asking this04:45
soundraybruenig: scnr ;)04:45
stefgOmniD: you need a specific make and model to investigate if it'll work04:45
Millebruenig, soundray, ok :-)04:45
antidruguehume : oh, i see04:45
OmniDyeah just saying this is irrelevent to ubuntu though04:45
ppj1010anyone? is ubuntu alternate a text based installed as in its not a live cd?04:45
cpk2ppj1010: yup04:46
stefgppj1010: right04:46
ppj1010cool, its not going to make me cfdisk myself is it04:46
ppj1010i hate that04:46
humeantidrugue, and same page with photos does print on another printer, HP office desk jet, but the quality there is not so goog04:46
Millesoundray, last thing. the thingys after the "options" in fstab. "dump" and "pass" is it ok that i set them to "0" and "1" like on the sda1 (ubuntu partition)?04:46
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humeantidrugue, so my problem is to make pages with high res pictures print on the epson04:46
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cpk2ppj1010: haha I am not sure, havent used it04:46
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cpk2ppj1010: I imagine it would be some ncurses installer04:47
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ppj1010cool, guess ill find out04:47
ppj1010i always end up nuking the wrong drive when i trust myself to fdisk04:47
soundrayMille: it's usually 0 and 0 for nonroot partitions, but I don't know the rationale for that. man fstab will tell you more.04:47
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ppj1010and boom, there goes 3 months worth of latina maids04:47
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stefgppj1010: backups are a good idea..especially for people with short attention span :-)04:47
ppj1010yeah i should probably pop an adderal prior to this04:48
bruenigbackups are for losers04:48
ppj1010yeah. i live on the edge04:48
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Zvjeron edgy ;)04:48
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soundraybruenig: "Real men just upload their important stuff by ftp and let the rest of the world mirror it" (L. Torvalds)04:48
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humeantidrugue, got any idea on how to find out why print jobs ger cancelled?04:48
ppj1010i enjoy how my winxp decided today would be 4hours ahead of what time it was lastnight04:48
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Millesoundray, worked without problems. :-) can i remove the "lost+found" on the partition?04:49
soundrayhume: check the logs in /var/log/cups perhaps04:49
soundrayMille: no.04:49
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soundrayMille: it will get recreated on the next fsck04:49
J-_ji'm using ispconfig, and it says enter your mysql server.... would that be the same server that apache is on?04:50
Millesoundray, one other thing. i want all users to have access to the drive. what options do i enter in fstab?04:50
soundrayMille: it's an ext3, right?04:50
stefgMille: add 'users' in the option column04:50
Millesoundray, yes.04:51
EpistemeAnyone feel up to giving me a hand with a kernel module? Can't seem to get ivtv to load04:51
Millestefg, ok i'll try that04:51
Millestefg, "defaults" aswell?04:51
stefgMille: yes04:51
soundrayMille: stefg's option will let users mount it. Doesn't change access rights.04:51
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Millei'm having errors=remount-ro also (like the ubuntu partition)04:51
humesoundray, ok, error log says: (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster) crashed on signal 11! do you make any sense of that?04:51
Millesoundray, oh ok04:51
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SuperMigueldoes any one use vmware?04:52
stefgsoundray, Mille, right, that's to mount it. But access rights are managed by the fs, not by the mount options04:52
soundrayMille: you need to use chmod -R a+rw /mountpoint or similar (read man chmod)04:52
KDanfor some reason, when i ssh in with putty into my ubuntu boxes, the colour isn't displayed (even though it is on my non-ubuntu boxes)... any thoughts as to why?04:52
humesoundray, i got a feeling that there is too little memory allocated - could that be the case, or is that just a wrong idea?04:52
bruenigthe a is unnecessary04:52
soundrayhume: sure, your pstoraster got a signal 11 and crashed.04:52
KDan(by colour i mean colour in the console)04:52
Millesoundray, but shouldn't i enter that in fstab somehow so its done auto.?04:52
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soundrayhume: sorry, I;m not being helpful04:52
humesoundray, :)04:52
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stefgMille: you cant automatically cahnge owberships or modes by fstab04:53
humesoundray, you got any idea on what signal 11 could be about?04:53
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bruenigMille, it is stipulated in the options part of fstab04:53
Gnomer__mnepton, :D04:53
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Millebruenig, stefg, you know the option? umask=755 or someting?04:53
soundrayhume: have you got more than one of these errors in the logs?04:54
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Gnomer__Hello yannick04:54
SuperMiguelDoes any one know how to set up an vmware server??04:54
soundrayMille: you don't need umask for ext304:54
bruenigdon't know off hand, with the reference material that exists kind of a waste to memorize these things04:54
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soundrayMille: chmod changes will last through remounts.04:55
stefgMille: that's for drives whose fs doesn't support individual ownerships, like vfat. don't use that on native linux filesystems04:55
Millestefg, oh ok.04:55
Milleah, i see04:55
bruenigoh, it is ext3?04:55
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antidrugu1hume : sorry i got disconnected04:56
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simtowera computer is for retarded04:56
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soundraysimtower: sound like the start of a beautiful haiku04:56
simtoweri can't think of the rest yet04:57
Millesoundray, how do i hide the lost+found in the root of the partition from the file browser?04:57
zennixok i have a unusual question i cant see why exactly but i think i know ... my webpages load noice and fast but a download tends to load slow i loaded the same page on my other system and noice and fast so i tried the download and yep fast too.. so i think it may be the traffic of the network card but how do i set  it to a fster speed or maybe its the setup of the system it is pretty standard atm i can get files from the ubuntu server noice a04:57
bruenigMille, why do you hate lost+found so much04:57
stefgMille: you don't04:57
soundrayMille: you don't. Just get used to it ;)04:57
Millethanks for all the help, you guys, bruenig, stefg soundray. and everybody else that i've may have missed.04:57
stefgMille: or use reiserfs... doesn't have lost+found :-)04:58
THX-1138Linux Kernel 2.6.18 Real-Time Support. hat will that mean to most users? Composite Desktops? Gamers?04:58
Mille... when i'm here already. i dont know if you did see my question about the nm-applet...? when returning from hibernate mode (laptop) and i hover over the applet it says "no devices found".04:58
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stefgTHX-1138: people who do sound and video-editing04:58
Millestefg, well, wont change the fs now. but thanks for the suggestion. :-)04:59
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THX-1138Thanks stefg04:59
bruenigzennix, there might have been a higher server load when you tried on your machine or a variety of other factors, unless you had exact setups and did it simultaneously, it is not possible to determine the problem, if a problem even exists. Unless it was ridiculously slower it is probably not real04:59
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simtowercan anyone help me hibernate my laptop04:59
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soundrayTHX-1138: nothing like that. Real-time support is for systems that have to respond to certain events within a predictable timeframe.04:59
zennixinsanely slower04:59
zennixim on 512 adsl and my windows box got it full speed05:00
zennixbut my linux box was dl at .0705:00
EpistemeI followed instructions for the ivtv module, but modprobe ivtv results in Fatal Error: ivtv not found. Any suggestions?05:00
Gnomer__Can some one do me a favor and highlight me?05:00
soundrayzennix: is that the same with all downloads, or just from that site?05:00
bruenig.07 kbps?05:00
stefgzennix: MTU-values right? Modem requires firmware?05:00
Milleno one with a laptop and the NetworkManager applet?! :p05:01
[NoX] Gnomer__05:01
zennixi finished the dl in like 5min 51 sec in wndows in my ubuntu system it is still going at .07kb/sec05:01
[NoX] u're welcome xD05:01
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stefgzennix: you might have run in the IPv6 problem as well05:01
THX-1138aoundray Thanks - no help for WoW? - lol05:01
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zennixipv6 ?05:02
difetaHey all, I have compiz installed and running, but whenever I press the alt key, the on top window moves to the workspace on the right. How can I stop this from happening? it is very annoying.05:02
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:02
Gnomer__[NoX] , :/ I don't like Tab completing your name. It requires me to type three characters.05:02
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bruenigGnomer__, I hate names like that05:02
soundrayTHX-1138: WoW = Wives of Windsor?05:02
lmosherI have an external 2.5" hard disk enclosure. What filesystem will be the fastest that I can use w/ both Linux and Windows (i.e. fat32 or should I try to read ext on windows?)05:02
=== THX-1138 sry soundray - guess it's time for another keyboard. coffee killed another one
[NoX] mh05:02
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Gnomer__bruenig, Yeah, tell me about it.05:03
[NoX] Ok.05:03
jimdanielsi can't remove the vmware-player from synaptic. each tim i try to install or remove a package synaptic starts the vmware configuration. how can i prevent it from doing this and just force the vmware removal?05:03
brueniglmosher, fat3205:03
AbstAnyone know a good podcast client?05:03
soundrayTHX-1138: I don't believe you. A is next to S05:03
hume_soundray, seems i got connection problems - did you respond to my "4 entries in the log"?05:03
anon32um... why do firefox and thunderbird have weird icons?05:03
bruenigAbst, rhythmbox has podcasting doesn't it?05:03
soundrayhume_: sorry, didn't see that. Hold on...05:03
KDananon32: define weird05:03
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simtowerjimdaniels, try rm -rf on the configurator05:03
Gnomer__anon32, got something against birds and foxes?!05:03
stefgjimdaniels: manually rm -rf /etc/vmware, then apt-get --purge vmplayer again05:03
anon32KDan, weird as in... not normal as in not the ones at http://mozilla.org05:03
brueniganon32, the icons are nonfree, you can get the normal icons from certain scripts05:04
anon32and those scripts would be?05:04
KDando they have weird icons under ubuntu?05:04
[NoX] i'm trying tu find a nick it doesn't do that with, but on a 927people-chan that's a bit difficult ^^`05:04
zennixipv6 ?05:04
=== KDan uses ubuntu server
soundrayhume_: what version of gs-esp do you have (if any)?05:04
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ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv405:04
Gnomer__[NoX] , hmm. [2*05:04
Mortal`How do I enable remote access to a Linux box through telnet?05:04
stefgzennix: reaad ubotus link05:05
zennixnoice thanks ill read that05:05
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Mortal`or ssh05:05
anon32why is the default mtu for dial-up 1500?05:05
Gnomer__``, XD05:05
soundrayMortal`: you don't. Use ssh instead. (If you insist, install telnetd)05:05
jamxMortal`: telnet ? u dont ;P05:05
anon32and how do I fix that?05:05
Mortal`or ssh05:05
``-NickServ- This nickname is owned by someone else05:05
jimdanielssimtower: stefg: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:05
Gnomer__``, try ```05:05
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KDanMortal`: apt-get install openss-server05:05
stefgjimdaniels: sudo apt-get -f install05:05
lmosherbruenig, Is it better to make the whole thing fat32, or do split it ext3, fat32 and ntfs and just use the fat32 to pass files between?05:05
KDanyeah with sudo before05:06
Gnomer__```, depressing :(05:06
linuxboyKDan: openssh-server05:06
hume_soundray, 8.15.2.dfsg.0ubuntu105:06
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jimdanielsstefg: damn E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:06
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```* ```` :Erroneous Nickname05:06
brueniglmosher, I don't know what you are using it for. If this is an external drive whose sole purpose is file exchange, making it fat32 makes the most sense to me05:06
jimdanielsstefg: i'm trying to get  rid of this for days now05:06
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soundrayhume_: are you printing a very large document?05:07
wastrelHello, and thank you for dropping in.  We're very happy to chat with you this morning.05:07
lmosherbruenig, I guess it's really just for file storage for my laptop so I don't clutter the main drive with, for example, 10Gb of *.pdf references or something..05:07
simtowervmware player sucks eh?05:07
simtower``, ?05:07
Mortal`KDan, I think it's working. Thanks.05:07
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duckdownHey all... Just a question about Firefox.. Last night my buddy linked me to a hilarious animated .gif file that was hosted on some stupid Geocities or similar site, but now when I try to load that page the hoster says the person has exceeded their daily bandwidth, therefore I cannot view it..  Is this .gif saved in my cache anywhere or anything like that?  Is there any way I can find this picture?05:07
stefgjimdaniels: broken apt can be annoying, i know... do you know which package is broken?05:07
jimdanielssimtower: yes05:07
hume_soundray, its a pdf file of 85 MB, trying to print just first page05:07
jimdanielsyea appearantly the vmware-player05:07
jribduckdown: try about:cache in the url bar05:07
Gnomer__``, How about "`[NoX] `"05:07
Gnomer__then I could just tab complete on `05:07
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duckdownjrib neat, let me try that, thank you sir05:08
Gnomer__`[NoX] `, ownage.05:08
bruenigduckdown, the cache is located in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache05:08
`[NoX] `Adopted :)05:08
Gnomer__`[NoX] `, <.<05:08
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Gnomer__coyctecm, Hi.05:08
jimdanielsduckdown: can you send me the gif when you found it?05:08
coyctecmanybody have problem with kde 3.5.5 and usb stick automount?05:09
KDanMortal`: np05:09
soundrayhume_: it might be worth installing pdftk and extracting the first page, then print only that.05:09
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KDanis there a quick'n'easy vi command to make it double every word? e.g turn a line with "myfile" int a line with "myfile myfile" (or even "myfilemyfile", that'll do too)05:09
MinifigDoes anyone know if it is possiblle to get and run Penguin Command in Ubuntu Desktop 6.06?05:09
KDansorry double every line05:09
hume_soundray, ok. my idea was to sort of allocate more memory to it, it that could be done. will try your suggestion05:09
stefgjimdaniels: read dpkg --force-help for info on how to force deisnatllation of vmplayer05:09
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bruenigMinifig, what is Penguin Command?05:10
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MinifigCan I switch from Gnome to KDE?05:10
jribubotu: tell Minifig about kde05:10
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MinifigPenguin Command is a game05:10
MinifigMissile Command like game.05:10
bruenig!info penguin-command05:10
ubotupenguin-command: a missile command clone. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.10-1 (dapper), package size 1028 kB, installed size 1668 kB05:10
soundrayMinifig: sudo apt-get install penguin-command05:10
coyctecmI just upgraded to kde 3.5.5 and my usb sticks doesn't mount anymore. they work fine with gnome05:10
bruenigMinifig, have you enabled the universe repository?05:10
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MinifigI have no idea.  I am new to this Linux ...  I shall behave.  lol05:11
duckdownDarn, I went into the cache folder, theres just like 3 files; _CACHE_001_ , 002, and _CACHE_MAP_   Apparently no way to browse it? :(05:11
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MinifigLet me know what to do and I will try it.05:12
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bruenigduckdown, if you want to view it in nautilus, navigate to the home folder, press ctrl + h to show the hidden folders and then go to that directory05:12
stefgjimdaniels: sudo dpkg -r --force-all vmware-player05:12
MilkyyHello. How do I access repositories from a webbrowser?05:12
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jimdanielserror on processing vmware-player05:12
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jimdanielsstefg: aaahhhh05:12
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jimdanielsstefg: i will never install it again. not the first time i have problems with it05:13
soundrayduckdown: that's unusual -- are you sure you're in the cache dir of your current browser?05:13
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bruenigMinifig, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#head-5bbef89639d9a7d93fe38f6356dc17847d373096 follow that link it will tell you how to enable universe repository, once you do that open a terminal Applications>Accesories>terminal and type this "sudo apt-get install penguin-command" put your password in and it should install05:13
duckdownbruenig Yeah I'm in the folder, but theres no .jpeg's or anything05:13
bruenigduckdown, how much have you allocated your cache to use?05:13
duckdownyep, /home/duckdown/.mozilla/firefox/886t5oxl.default/cache05:13
soundrayduckdown: do a 'file * | grep -i gif'05:13
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duckdownI didn't allocate anything manually bruenig ? :)05:13
MinifigThank you.  I really appreciate it.05:13
jimdanielsanybody? how can i get rid of vmware-player when it'S broken05:13
duckdownsoundray cool, one sec let me try05:13
bruenigduckdown, then it should be 70 something megabytes05:14
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catalyticanyone tried this on xfce ?05:14
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duckdownsoundray nothing..05:14
duckdown_CACHE_001_  _CACHE_002_  _CACHE_003_  _CACHE_MAP_  F36E1AF6d0105:14
duckdownthats all that is in there...05:14
duckdownthose are files also, not directories :(05:14
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bruenigduckdown, mine looks like that too, little different but a bunch of unreadable files, I think it is because I set it to clear my cache though whenever I close the browser05:15
soundrayduckdown: then it's not cached. Ask your friend to email you the gif.05:15
zennixok i woudl liek to say thankyou05:15
zennixthat fixed the problem perfectly05:15
Axordduckdown, are you using Firefox?05:15
duckdownDarn =(05:15
duckdownAxord yessir05:15
duckdownsoundray thanks anyways then :(05:15
duckdownthanks also bruenig05:15
Axordduckdown, type about:cache in your browser addressbar05:16
stefgzennix: ipv6 was the problem?05:16
bruenigduckdown, if you want to check the setting in firefox, go to edit>preferences, then privacy, then cache05:16
duckdownAxord Hehehe I have, I'm in the cache folder =(05:16
zennixthat worked a restart and the file is transferrign at some noice speeds05:16
zennixyep i did the alias net-pf-10 off05:16
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zennixand now it is workign perfectly05:16
duckdownbruenig it says use up to 200mb05:16
duckdownhow strange05:16
soundrayzennix: noice isn't a word (or have I missed the latest trend?)05:16
zennixgotta love god advice05:16
Axordduckdown:  strange, you dhouldn't see a folder05:16
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bruenigduckdown, what about the clear private data tool on the bottom05:17
duckdownthe folder only has like 16328 in size, according to 'du'05:17
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jribduckdown: you should be able to "list cache entries" in firefox05:17
zennixlol its a aussie slang word for nice05:17
bruenigduckdown, does it say it clears cache on ever exit?05:17
atkWhy on earth did an upgrade change my sudoers file..05:17
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duckdownbruenig Nope, it's unchecked05:17
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zennixbut when soundign out nice put a o in the sound and you get a slang word05:17
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duckdown"Clear private data when closing firefox"05:17
duckdownis unchecked05:17
bruenigduckdown, that is a bit weird then05:17
atkthe upgrade process didn't even ask me if I wanted to keep the old version :(05:17
MinifigWonderful.  Its geat for them to show pics.05:17
soundrayzennix: I know, like in 'roid, Sally, roid"05:18
cpk2noice sounds like new york accent to me05:18
MinifigEven a brain dead fool such as I can use it.  lol05:18
cpk2when i sound it out that is05:18
duckdownThis is bad :(05:18
Epistememodprobe ivtv    Fatal Error: ivtv not found.  What should I check first?05:18
zennixlol new york and aussie burbs are not that far apart in communication05:19
stefgatk: that's probably an ubuntuism... the no-root-but-sudo-policy might have triggered that05:19
zennixboth are ugly and yet functional05:19
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zennixthats like sweet is pronounced swoit05:19
atkstefg: well it resulted in me not having no sudo access at all05:19
zennixor there abouts05:20
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zennixthansk again ill go back to playing with my compiz setup05:20
sbriglieis there a powerpc-specific channel?05:20
=== anon32 steals an uber graphics card to use compiz with
atkstefg: I did reboot the computer to rescue / single mode, chmod o+w sudoers, vim sudoers, reboot and now... guess who forgot to do chmod o-w to sudoers file? :D05:21
jimdanielsthe one that tells me how i remove vmware-player gets the nobel price of freedom05:21
MinifigIs there a way to switch to KDE or should I stay with Gnome?05:21
stefgatk: ugly... but group admin should have sudo-rights, and you should be member of admin...05:21
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chrishoeppnerrpc, know what? I asked my hosting provider and they enabled restricted ssh access for me. mediatemple are really top notch for customer support. and thank you for your help before.05:21
soundrayMinifig: just install kubuntu-desktop if you want KDE05:21
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jimdanielsMinifig: gnome rocks stay with it05:22
bruenigduckdown, try putting this in the browser, I think it will only direct you to the page and since your site has exceeded bandwidth it wont work but maybe about:cache?device=disk05:22
POVaddctchrishoeppner: cool!05:22
MinifigOkay.  Thank you all.05:22
bruenigMinifig, do install kde-core not kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop is painfully slow05:22
atkstefg: I am part of admin group05:22
chrishoeppnerPOVaddct, yeah really.05:22
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atkstefg: what bothers me the most is that I never got the chance to say no, don't overwrite. I just saw, /etc/sudoers overwritten text in the process.05:23
stefgatk: My point was to remind you, that you shouldn't put your user account in sudoers, but the group admin, so all members of admin can do sudo05:23
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atkstefg: I understand your point and thanks for the remainder05:24
jimdanielsstefg: do you know anything else i can try on the vmware issue?05:24
wastrelatk:  visudo05:24
POVaddctchrishoeppner: in which way is the ssh account restricted?05:25
atkwastrel: didn't knew that, thanks05:25
wastrelbetter luck next time :] 05:25
chrishoeppnerPOVaddct, it's a shared server. I can't for example rumble loose on apache threads on such stuff.05:26
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stefgjimdaniels: clamping packages are a PITA... maybe a sudo aptitude install --reinstall vmware-player will restore the situation so that you can apt-get remove --purge vmware-player afterwards05:26
POVaddctchrishoeppner: yeah, that's reasonable. any restrictions regarding shell commands?05:27
jimdanielsstefg: to much PITA if you ask me. is --reinstall the same operation as reinstalling the package in synaptic?05:27
catalytichow do i work out what kernel im running?05:27
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stefgjimdaniels: yes05:27
stefgcatalytic: uname -r05:28
pale_horsecatalytic,  uname -a05:28
jimdanielsok so i can tell that doesn't work. i tried reinstalling and removing it afterwards several times. but i get the same errors allready on reinstall05:28
DiegoI plugged in the LiveCD, but when I open up Gparted, it gets stuck at "scanning devices" and the installation process gets stuck at step 3, "keyboard layout"05:28
catalyticok cheers05:28
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jimdanielsisn't there a way to wipe it all off by hand?05:28
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chrishoeppnerPOVaddct, i'm still experimenting. so far i'm able to use mysql from command line, and do normal file operations... lemme look a bit closer into crontab and such05:28
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SurfnOldFartdoes linux support legacy hardware technologies and IPX?05:29
stefgjimdaniels: i had similar problems some time ago and read through the apt and dpkg docu.. there's the tools to forcefully resolve that, but I can't recall the exact procedure05:29
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ppj1010oh my god i am having the worst time installing this05:30
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SurfnOldFartppj1010, aint it fun? :P05:30
ppj1010either my dvd burner, or my computer says FU ubuntu.05:30
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SurfnOldFartmmm probably the dvd, i had problems too with one05:30
ppj1010is there a way to do md5 checksums without rebooting05:30
=== DrBanzai [n=redlance@h216-170-017-249.adsl.navix.net] has joined #ubuntu
ppj1010im on my 4th cd, x64, 386..05:31
ppj1010im going to burn at like..24x this time05:31
SurfnOldFartnever burned in linux before05:31
SurfnOldFartstill in the works :P05:31
DiegoI plugged in the LiveCD, but when I open up Gparted, it gets stuck at "scanning devices" and the installation process gets stuck at step 3, "keyboard layout". Anyone know what might be wrong?05:31
stefgppj1010: You know ShipIt, don't you?05:31
ppj1010SurfnOldFart, im in xp burning it w/alcohol05:31
ppj1010stefg, yeah, im impatient05:32
ppj1010considering i can download the iso in about 3 minutes05:32
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ppj1010everything is failling at install base system05:32
ppj1010different isos..05:32
stefgppj1010: who knows how many copyprotection and rootkit-like Burn-Preventers already live on your win-partition...05:33
cpk2ppj1010: check the iso *before* burning it05:33
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ppj1010cpk2, how?05:33
ppj1010stefg, this is true05:33
SurfnOldFarti never check my iso's and never had problems05:33
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SurfnOldFarthangfire, where from05:34
ppj1010i never did until i built this computer05:34
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ppj1010must be the uberpopular Nec 3550a i have05:34
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SurfnOldFartmicrosoft is about to have one less customer today05:34
ppj1010who me?05:34
hangfireIm in Mexico05:34
ppj1010im a windows system admin, i doubt it05:34
=== SurfnOldFart is switching another of his laptops to Linux
anon32MS bashing ain't cool..05:35
=== |Mikael| [n=mikael@p57A5ED68.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ppj1010Is automatix still being updated05:35
ppj1010i dont feel like going through codec hell05:35
SurfnOldFartanon32, actually i still like windows, but just for gaming, nothing else05:35
rambo3somone has that windows genuine flash link from microsoft05:35
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SurfnOldFarthangfire, cool, where05:35
MinifigHow do I run P C now?  I don't see it in the menu under games.05:35
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ppj1010rambo3, are you asking or telling?05:35
hangfirejust outside of Mexico City05:35
richeehi folks I have a compaq presario v2356 laptop, when I do a lspci my modem shows up in the list...so how will I know which device it is like /dev/modem plz help05:35
kristjinI have done some searching on the net for a solution and have not found anything that answers my question, but I'm finding it difficult to google.  I want to switch easily between being logged into Windows and Linux.  I found this site:  http://cookieswap.mozdev.org/  Which talks about a program called "cookieswap" for firefox.  Neat idea.  Basically, then, if you will, what I would *love* is something like Grub-Swap.05:36
kristjinDoes something like that exist?05:36
rambo3asking cant remember adress i think it was on msdn05:36
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kristjinAs far as I can tell, it does not.05:36
SurfnOldFartwell join the fun05:36
GortiZsomeone could help me? i have a problem with a drive name...05:36
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hangfirethx surfn, maybe see you at Puerto Escondido some time05:36
wastrelcuernacava eh05:36
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GortiZlast time i have ran ubuntu the icon on the dektop linked to my fat32 partition have another name,,,05:37
rambo3found it http://www.microsoft.com/slovenija/malapodjetja/flash/bob.swf05:37
zennixhey again in terminal how do i get to run  a file i can see and knwo the name of05:37
GortiZhow can i set up the name that i prefer?05:37
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zennixive logged into terminal as root05:37
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zennixand can see the file after i listed the directory05:38
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto05:38
=== Scognito [n=scognito@host237-137.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
GortiZyou have to type ./name05:38
GortiZwhere name is the name of the software05:38
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zennixGortiZ was that to me ?05:38
rambo3or n./ick05:38
Scognitoi have problem of often freenzing for 2 sec the entire notebook (core duo)05:38
GortiZyes zennix05:38
duckdownjimdaniels not sure if you were serious about the .gif link, but, http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a149/djblack925/Silva-knee_Franklin-nose.gif05:39
Scognitoi searched on internet and found the problem is in the controller05:39
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rambo3what controller05:39
Scognitothe error i get is ata2 is slow to respond, please be patient05:39
GortiZsomeone know the way to set the name of the link on the desktop?05:39
SurfnOldFarthaha i feel naked without my COA haha05:39
=== unfknblvbl [n=hathe@dsl-202-72-170-229.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
|2hasazI just installed Ubuntu last night, it's pretty awesome.05:39
Scognitorambo3, the default one05:39
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unfknblvblhow do i get ubuntu to keep system logs ?05:39
|2hasazNow, i'm already having trouble.05:39
DiegoI plugged in the LiveCD, but when I open up Gparted, it gets stuck at "scanning devices" and the installation process gets stuck at step 3, "keyboard layout". Anyone know what might be wrong?05:40
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SurfnOldFart|2hasaz, yes, congrats man, there's more you can do with it05:40
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bruenig!ubotu tell Diego about alternate05:40
rambo3Scognito, do you dma on05:40
jimdanielsduckdown: that had to hurt05:40
duckdownjimdaniels hahahaha yup05:40
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!05:40
jimdanielshow did you get the link back?05:40
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duckdownjimdaniels had to keep asking for it in the UFC channel05:40
duckdownsomeone else had it05:40
jimdanielsyour mate resent it?05:40
ppj1010Diego, burn another cd maybe05:40
duckdownno luck with firefox :(05:40
duckdownjimdaniels yea05:41
jimdanielsduckdown: what's ufc?05:41
duckdownjimdaniels what that clip is from, Ultimate Fighting Championship05:41
duckdownit was on payper view05:41
duckdownlast night :)05:41
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@202.180-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3!dma >Scognito05:41
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|2hasazI got a Creative Sound Blaster Live 24bit and I was wonderin g how would I set it up in Ubuntu?05:42
GortiZ... a way to change icons name on the desktop?05:42
jimdanielsit looks too funny when the nose guy is talking with the can in his hand. like nothing happened05:42
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GortiZ... |2hasaz: I have one too...05:42
PingunZHow can I show a three on the left side of nautilus & prevent nautilus from opening a new window each time I click a folder ?05:42
=== buck_ [n=buck@84-74-19-75.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
MinifigI can't figure out how to start Penguin Command.05:43
|2hasazHow would I set up the EAX and other settting sfor Ubuntu?05:43
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GortiZdon't know... the card is in the computer at my home... just 3 month away from home...05:43
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Scognitorambo3, sorry05:44
Scognitochecking now05:44
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50c79c47.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3PingunZ, change it in properties -> behaviour05:44
=== Carnage\ [n=CarNagE@p549FD7F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig|2hasaz, plug it in, reboot05:45
Scognitorambo3, hdparm doesn't show dma entry05:45
PingunZrambo3, I've figured it out already, ty ;)05:45
DrBanzaiAny good har drive repair tools for Ubuntu?05:45
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|2hasazBruenig, it's already in?05:45
jribMinifig: type 'penguin-command' ina  terminal05:45
ppj1010is automatix still updated?05:45
bruenig|2hasaz, I used that before and it just worked05:45
hangfireDrBanzai- you mean like fdisk?05:46
rambo3Scognito, you might try dma on , but it doesn't mean if it will work when cable is defected or something else .05:46
|2hasazWell brue how would I play mp3's on my Ubuntu?05:46
|2hasazCause nothing plays them. I keep getitng a it's not a valid stream...05:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:46
DrBanzaihangfire, Well, similer to fdisk.  I've got a laptop drive that sorta works, and I'd like to try and fix it05:46
GortiZthat is a problem of codec!05:46
GortiZnot a problem of sound card...05:46
|2hasazI'm new...05:46
=== buck_ [n=buck@84-74-19-75.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
zennixcan i pm someone please about terminal05:47
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@202.180-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
GortiZdon't worry..05:47
jribMinifig: if you are on edgy, be careful because I just tried running penhuin command and it killed my mouse cursor05:47
|2hasazAlso, i'm having difficulty with FLash in FF.05:47
jrib|2hasaz: what difficulty?05:47
jribzennix: just ask here05:47
|2hasazLike it doesnt show the text, oir doesnt play any sound.05:47
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto05:47
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer05:47
rambo3|2hasaz, try asking ubotu05:47
bruenig|2hasaz, you have installed flashplugin-nonfree?05:47
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jribubotu: tell |2hasaz about flash05:48
GortiZsome one could tell me how to change the name of the drives icon on the desktop?05:48
|2hasazMacomedia Flash 705:48
rambo3adn dont use ! send priv to ubotu05:48
Scognitorambo3, i read this post05:48
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.05:48
jrib|2hasaz: see what ubotu said above about fonts.  Then see the restricted formats wiki page he sent you about sound in flash05:48
Scognitoseems that current kernel version is affected of that bug05:48
zennixcan i pm someone please about terminal05:48
|2hasazThanks. :)05:48
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.05:48
Scognitois there somewhere a recent kernel > 2.6.1505:48
=== carl [n=carl@ip68-228-243-117.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
eztkyou want flash, java, fonts, codecs installed?? then EasyUbuntu is your friend05:48
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zennixok it just goes so fat i get confused05:49
robbiei have a question folks05:49
bruenigeztk or a quick restricted formats ought to do it05:49
hangfireautomatix is a bit better than easyubuntu imo05:49
robbieI just installed fluxbox, and I'm wondering how to set it as the default window manager?05:49
jimdanielsstefg: looks like the dpkg --force-things won't help me get around this config. ahh pita05:49
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eztkhow can I drop my screen refresh rate? it's stuck at 75Hz, the flat panel works better at 60Hz. it's stuck at 75Hz on the preferences05:50
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m0_how do I run a .jar file?05:50
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cdavishow can i get xmms to play a vox file?05:50
eztkit was a pain to increase the screen res from 1024x768 to 1280x1024 - why didn't Ubuntu pick up the fact I could use higher resolutions05:50
cwh1947anyone know of a pcmcia wireless card that wooks out of the box?05:50
zennixok im in ctrl alt f2 and i am logged in as root ... i am looking at the contence of a folder and i want to run a file in it the files name is NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8774-pkg1.run how do i get the file to run05:50
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bruenigzennix, just type its path05:51
cdavisand if xmms cannot, what can I use to play a vox file?05:51
zennixhow do i list the path cos i dont know how from where i am05:52
=== slop [n=orko@68-184-133-6.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
thedude_hi, recently aptitude decided to uninstall kubuntu-desktop on me,  now when i try to reinstall it it gives me but it is not going to be installed05:52
zennixi knwo rthe file name it is the default location05:52
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thedude_The following packages have unmet dependencies:05:52
thedude_  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: kdegraphics-kfile-plugins but it is not going to be installed05:52
eztkhangfire: ill have a look at automatix - thanks for the suggestion05:52
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bruenigzennix, where is that file at in the filesystem?05:52
rambo3Scognito, most of them dont know what they are talking about05:52
zennixmain users desktop05:52
Scognitobtw the problem is that one05:53
Scognitorandom freezes05:53
Scognitofor 2-3 secs05:53
bruenigzennix, ok well do ls Desktop to see if it is there05:53
thedude_anyone know how to fix this?05:53
Scognitothan works again05:53
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|2hasazHow would I copy window files to Ubuntu?05:53
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zennixis there05:53
felixflores86can anyone help out a newbie05:53
rambo3Scognito, yes i see but they think they solved ata2 freeze buy installing nvidia drivers.05:53
zennixmost of us are newbies05:53
bruenigzennix, ok then do ~/Desktop/filename05:53
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zennixwiththe ~05:54
bruenigyeah, just copy and paste that05:54
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bruenigor I guess you can't05:54
felixflores86does anyone know how to setup up the permissions on an external hd so that i can read and write on it even if its on ntfs format05:54
Scognitoa guy solved recompiling 2.6.18, but didn't tell what did05:54
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse05:54
Scognitobut i hope to don't recompile the kerne05:54
Big0rNohi...how can i install some packages on an USB key while using a live-cd ?05:54
cwh1947anyone know of wireless cards (pcmcia) that work out of the box?05:55
bruenigfelixflores86, I don't believe you can write to ntfs, at least not by default05:55
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse05:55
Scognitoi got error even trying to add dma support05:55
felixflores86thanks guys05:55
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Scognitofailed inappropriate ioctl for device05:55
felixflores86I have another problem05:55
rambo3Scognito, set dma on first . then if it doesnt help try falling back to an older kernel . if not that recompile your kernel with missing drivers. (and i dont know that drivers they are ? nvidia, ata2 ). it isn't that hard but it takes some time05:55
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richeeFinally configured my modem....is there any phone kinda software in ubuntu ?05:56
sbrigliei have a question regarding the default ubuntu ppc kernel05:56
sbriglie I am pretty sure the rivafb frambebuffer driver needs to be compiled in the kernel image and not as a module to have lcd brightness control and usplash working with more than 256 colors on my 12 inch powerbook05:56
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Scognitodon't even know if a module ata2 exists05:56
rambo3Scognito, you should notice the developers at launchpad about this05:56
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Scognito(i don't have it loaded)05:56
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felixflores86my friend is trying to install ubuntu to his machine, but his cd rom drive doesn't work so we copies the ubuntu image into my external hd. Then we try to boot of my external hd and we got a pxe-e61 error (media test failure)05:57
zennixok then how do i change directory up one on the tree05:57
Big0rNoIs it possible to install some packages on USB key using a live-cd ?05:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:58
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Scognitorambo3, don't know what launchpad is :)05:58
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bruenigfelixflores86, I have never heard somebody using an external hd to install any OS, that is not to say it can't work but it seems like a longshot05:58
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ranbeehi, does anyone know how to make nautilus' icons 85% smaller? there's an option for 75% but that's too small!05:59
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bruenigfelixflores86, does he have a dvd drive?05:59
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felixflores86it broke05:59
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noneWhat does "you seem to be running an X server" mean??05:59
felixflores86so we copied the ubuntu image on the root directory of the hd to make it act like the cd05:59
felixflores86but that didnt work06:00
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adamhHow can I get python-profiler for Python 2.5?06:00
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rambo3Scognito, ask ubotu . and google : "failed inappropriate ioctl for device ata2"06:00
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DemisMwhat do you guys use for p2p?06:01
notwistbittorent :)06:01
bruenigbittorrent, specifically utorrent06:01
notwistrTorrent <306:01
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felixflores86is there a way to trick the system to thinking that my external hd is a cdrom drive06:01
benjaminwrwhen is edgys final release???06:01
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bruenigbenjaminwr, oct 2606:01
DemisMk :)06:01
FabienDhi all06:01
kmon_Hi. Anyone knows how to set epiphany to load external links and new windows is a new tab? (single window mode)06:01
adamhfelixflores86: What do you mean by that? What do you want to do specifically?06:01
felixflores86my friend is trying to install ubuntu to his machine, but his cd rom drive doesn't work so we copies the ubuntu image into my external hd. Then we try to boot of my external hd and we got a pxe-e61 error (media test failure)06:02
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felixflores86so we copied the ubuntu image on the root directory of the hd to make it act like the cd06:02
adamhkmon_: Put in "about:config" in the address bar and... uh... it's probably one of the options. Search for "link" in that interface, maybe06:02
adamhfelixflores86: There's certainly a way to do it (most likely leaving the CD as an ISO)...06:02
kmon_adamh: there are some options there06:02
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kmon_adamh: but I don't know the one06:02
zennixok then how do i change directory up one on the directory tree06:03
bruenigkmon_, it is probably in the menus at the top somewhere. Find preferences, in firefox it is edit>preferences06:03
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felixflores86oh so leave it as iso not as uncompress package06:03
felixflores86because i uncompressed it06:03
kmon_bruenig: epiphany ;)06:03
adamhkmon_: Maybe browser.link.open_newwindow (but I don't know what value to set)06:03
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adamhYou can find the value by looking at what about:config says about it in Firefox :)06:03
bruenigepiphany, hmmm might as well blow your head off06:03
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adamhbruenig: Why is that?06:04
JustAPanda_1934where can i get help on setting up proftpd please?06:04
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bruenigmore of an opinion06:04
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jimdanielshow can i remove all files that are installed from a deb manually?06:05
adamhbruenig: What could be done to improve it, in your opinion? :)06:05
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ZambeziAnybody know tct?06:05
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adamhjimdaniels: dpkg --remove --purge [package]  (or something)06:05
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MinifigThis iis most likely a really bad question, but I have Ubuntu Desktop running in a virtual program.  Should I take a chance and install it on my PC?  I have a 10GB drive waiting to be used.06:05
adamhjimdaniels: That will remove the entire package06:05
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overridexwhen booting from the ubuntu live cd, is there a way to disable evms from starting? it locks up everytime it hits that (i have some old lv disks in the box i assume are causing it)06:05
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MinifigThis PC is running XP pro on a 160GB drive with a 10GB and 20GB drive free to use.06:06
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adamhfelixflores86: Do you have a floppy drive? :)06:06
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jimdanielsadamh: iwant a list of filenames and folders and remove them by rm -r with the terminal. i cant remove the package with synaptic and dpkg and apt-get06:06
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adamhjimdaniels: why can't you remove the package?06:06
overridexor is there an interactive startup for the live cd?06:06
felixflores86no floppy06:06
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adamhfelixflores86: Are you in Windows, or in another Linux/UNIX distribution?06:07
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adamhfelixflores86: Do you have a USB key? :)06:07
felixflores86he has windows now but we06:07
stevewhats up06:07
felixflores86he has windows now but we're trying to make his system dual boot06:07
frtdxhi everyone06:07
felixflores86he doesnt have a usb key06:07
jimdanielsnothing steve06:07
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steveim new to ubuntu06:07
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frtdxcan freebsd and ubuntu coexist?06:08
rawlerheya ppl!06:08
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adsoundray: still here ? I have booted with my kaela knoppix ... I m ready :)06:08
adamhfelixflores86: Okay... and the CD drive doesn't work *at all*? Or it's just not booting?06:08
steveany starter ideas i should know06:08
felixflores86its not working at all06:08
ichanFXhi there, how can i view detailed info about my hardware?06:08
itrebalis there any information you'd recommend on recognizing my DVD drive & playing DVDs through Xine?06:08
jimdanielsadamh: i want to remove vmware-player. when i try to reinstall purge remopve or whatever it tries to reconfigure and turns out an error code ending up being still installed06:08
ichanFXe.g. my VGA card type06:08
adamhfun. Well, if I were in your shoes I'd rip out my CD drive and plug it into his computer :)06:08
frtdxi have installed xp and ubuntu .. now i wanna install freebsd too .. how can i triple boot these .. my grub is in the MBR i think06:08
rawlercan someone please explain to me why hdparm -t gives me 18Mb/sec without glxgears running and 48Mb/sec WITH glxgears running?06:08
TheGateKeeperMinifig: if you want to install it so you can use it, then go for it06:08
adamhjimdaniels: What happens when you type "apt-get -f install" on the console?06:09
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jimdanielsthe same06:09
TheGateKeeperMinifig: it's possble to dual boot06:09
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jimdanielsi get the vmware configuration thing06:09
fildofrtdx: yes u can06:09
jimdanielsit's a pita06:09
adsoundray: ?06:09
steveanyone got any nice tips for a first time user06:09
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adamhfelixflores86: Anyway, there's some sort of advice at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto for booting without the CD (booting is the hardest part, mounting is easy after you're booted)06:09
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bruenigadamh, sorry had to step out, no search box, no extensions (essentially, more of program provided plugins), slow, the navigations icons back forward, etc are far too big, the page rendering is not spectacular06:09
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ppj1010omfg, the GUI isntall of ubuntu doesnt have a grub setup?06:10
ppj1010that's ingenius.06:10
adamhfelixflores86: Ooh, actually, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallationUbuntuFromWindows?highlight=%28install%2906:10
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m0hi, I downloaded netbeans, and it is a .bin06:10
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jimdanielssteve: yea. wiki.ubuntu.com06:10
m0how do I run it?06:10
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rawlercan someone please explain to me why hdparm -t gives me 18Mb/sec without glxgears running and 48Mb/sec WITH glxgears running?06:10
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matsurhey does anyone know where i can find gaim 2.0.0b3.1 debs for amd64?06:10
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adamhbruenig: - you can add a search box by making a URL with a "%s" in it (but you don't need to, since the address bar recognizes *all* bookmarks with "%s" in them and acts as a search box)06:10
felixflores86adamh, ok let me read this06:10
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jimdanielsadamh: do you know anything else i can try?06:11
adamhbruenig: It's got quite a few extensions, and there's a frickin' fantastic Python interface so it's easy to create more...06:11
=== dafart [n=dafart@5571fda5.ftth.concepts.nl] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigadamh, those aren't extensions really and there are very very few especially considering the options in firefox06:11
jimdanielsi just can't believe that i have to wipe off my system and reinstall it completly just because of one stupid package06:11
adamhjimdaniels: You get the vmware configuration thing... what does that mean?06:12
|2hasazI was messing with Ubuntu sound settings now they sound completely crappy! :( How do I set them back to complete defaults?06:12
bruenigto claim parity there is patently absurd06:12
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adamhbruenig: What do you mean, "those aren't extensions really"? :)06:12
adamhbruenig: Trust me, they can do everything Firefox extensions can do -- and way more.06:12
bruenigI guess an extension is a plugin06:12
ninpomonkeyIs it possible to use Logitech Pro 4000 and a chat client in ubuntu to have the same possibilities like msn chat video window? And it must work with other msn and yahoo users.06:12
jimdanielsadamh: that means that i get asked for files being removed and if i want to let vmware scan for an unused private subnet and stuff06:12
bruenigbut firefox has so much more and they are far better06:12
jimdanielswant a pastebin?06:12
fmI just upgraded to 686 kernel, and I lost cpu frequency scaling.. I was using speedstep, but, I switched to cpufreqd, thinking it would mb work.. but doesnt work06:12
adamhbruenig: Did you know Firefox used to call them "plugins" until people got confused? They really are plugins in firefox :)06:12
fmhelp plz!06:12
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adamhjimdaniels: Yeah, a pastebin would be good06:12
m0hi, I downloaded netbeans, and it is a .bin how do I run it06:12
bruenigwhre are my mouse gestures I ask, I need my mouse gestures06:13
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adamhbruenig: I for one adore the "error-viewer" extension, and Firefox doesn't (and can't) have one that's nearly as good06:13
Dred_furstI am tryint to run Worms armageddon through WINE, Am i right in thinking I need a system link to my CD drive for it to pick it up?06:13
jimdanielsadamh: ok w806:13
frtdxadamh: braino: whts it Firefox vs ??06:13
bruenigadamh, I meant they aren't extensions in the same way firefox are because they aren't community provided if you will, they are more program specific, you get the nuance I'm sure06:13
adamhbruenig: They are community provided.06:14
bruenigthey are made by the program, they are incorporated in06:14
adamhfrtdx: Epiphany06:14
MinifigThis PC is 1.53Ghz06:14
adamhbruenig: No they aren't.06:14
adamhbruenig: Trust me on this one :P06:14
frtdxoh ok06:14
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frtdxi think firefox is a cpu and memory hog06:14
bruenigmouse gestures pretty much end it for me, but also what is this search feature06:14
adamhbruenig: And the page renderings are identical in Firefox and Epiphany :)06:14
frtdxeven with the bare minimum 7-9 extensions06:14
MinifigI've dual booted DOS (plus Windows 3.11) and Windows 98.  Is it similiar?06:14
adamhbruenig: Epiphany has a mouse gestures extension.06:14
bruenigadamh, well it must have been the fonts or something because it looks petty ugly06:14
adamhbruenig: Right, but you're critisizing Epiphany because you set your prefs wrong :)06:15
=== Exstatica9 [n=exstatic@billfernie.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
MinifigI wouldn't want this as my main OS, but as a toy, I might install it.06:15
bruenigadamh, they can't have competent fonts from the beginning?06:15
Big0rNoHere is my problem: i have some .deb packages on an usb key ? how can i use them using a live-cd ?06:15
adamhbruenig: It uses your system default fonts :)06:15
adamhbruenig: Just like Firefox :)06:15
frtdxTheGateKeeper: hi how can i recover the ubuntu grub loader after i have installed Freebsd?06:15
bruenigit is not the same as firefox, I am looking at the two right now with the same page, the fonts are clearly different06:16
bruenigI have done nothing to either with the fotns06:16
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Axordadamh: why can Epiphany extensions do way more than FF extensions?06:16
adamhbruenig: On a newly-installed Ubuntu system, I'm pretty sure the fonts are identical.06:16
frtdxbruenig: how long does it take to launch either? which loads faster?06:16
Scognitohas someone a custom kernel image os kernel > 2.15 ?06:16
adamhAxord: Because they can be written in C, so they can hook in to system libraries.06:16
bruenigepiphany was slower launching06:16
TheGateKeeperfrtdx: what does freebsd use as a loader?06:16
Axordadamh: I see, thanks06:17
bruenigbut I have swiftfox right now so that might factor in slightly06:17
adamhAxord: The "error-viewer" extension, for instance, hooks in to libosp06:17
adamhbruenig: Yeah, it certainly would :)06:17
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bruenigbut I found the 2.0 beta was just as fast as swiftfox06:17
adamhAxord: Something we've been thinking of doing for a while is to write an extension which uses an SQLite database. There's absolutely nothing preventing one from doing so, and the extension can be written in Python so it's even easier than on Firefox :)06:18
=== mood [n=rick@dt041n67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
frtdxTheGateKeeper: it uses grub as well .. but i want the windows loader to load both Freebsd and Ubuntu ... so that in the future if i reinstall windows .. i do not have to change the c:\linux.bin and c:\freebsd.bin grub boot images06:18
bruenigI still need my mouse gestures, I am naked without them06:18
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frtdxbruenig: i digg Opera !! slick , smooth and fassst!06:18
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m0how do I install a bin?06:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:19
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WeberHow do I mount a NTFS hdd so $user can read it to?06:19
bruenigmouse gestures are available in firefox and there are more options and you can customize them, so yeah opera is cool for having them but not to the extent of FF06:19
eXistenZHow can I remap a keyboard key in ubuntu?06:19
Axordadamh: work is underway to enable writing extensions in pythoin06:19
=== lostboyz [n=eagle@c-68-55-17-226.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheGateKeeperfrtdx: if it uses grub, then it should just be a case of modifying menu.list & job done06:19
jimdanielsadamh: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26889/06:20
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adamhAxord: Yes, I'm well aware of that :).06:20
eXistenZAnyone? :)06:20
adamhAxord: Can't wait until it's done :)06:20
frtdxTheGateKeeper: so i let it overwrite the mbr?06:20
Axordadamh: Heh06:20
=== Wallakoala [n=walla@ool-435674ff.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
frtdxFreebsd setup?06:20
WeberHow do I mount a NTFS hdd so $user can read it to?06:20
lostboyzwhen i try to burn in k3b it says :-( unable to pread64(2) primary volume descriptor: Input/output error Fatal error at startup: Unknown error 12706:20
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adamhAxord: (It's been under way since... uh... 2001?)06:21
adamhAxord: (though I must admit, progress is being made)06:21
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adamhjimdaniels: Did you try to delete the package manually?06:21
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adamhjimdaniels: I'd try installing again ("apt-get install vmware-player") and *then* removing...06:22
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WeberWhat is the command to moun a NTFS hdd so other users than root can read it ?06:22
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lostboyzhow do i fix this06:22
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lostboyzwhen i try to burn in k3b it says :-( unable to pread64(2) primary volume descriptor: Input/output error Fatal error at startup: Unknown error 12706:22
TheGateKeeperfrtdx: well I am no freebsd expert, but that should be ok. On my test box I had arch linux installed, then installed kororaa, let it overwrite the mbr then went in & modified menu.list, now I can boot up either06:22
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TheGateKeeperfrtdx: if you need to fix grub...06:23
jimdanielsadamh: what you mean by manually? i tried reinstalling it like 4 times06:23
jimdanielsallways the same ****06:23
Axordadamh: really? From what I can tell, python for XUL was only announced in sept of 0506:23
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TheGateKeeper!grub > frtdx06:23
|2hasazHow do I setn everything back to it's defaults in Uuntu?06:23
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TheGateKeeperfrtdx: take a look at the bot pm I sent you06:23
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frtdxty TheGateKeeper06:24
TheGateKeeperfrtdx: whatever you do, BACKUP FIRST!!06:24
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adamhjimdaniels: Okay, I give up :)06:24
TheGateKeeperfrtdx: np :-) good luck06:24
adamhAxord: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/Komodo/PyXPCOM/06:24
adamhAxord: Check the release history :)06:25
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jimdanielsadamh: nooo06:25
adamhjimdaniels: dist-upgrade?06:25
Silver_SeagullAlright folks- I've got a juicy one for you guys to rip into... 6.06 AMD64 detects my card and monitor just fine, but the Xserver won't run saying "vesa(0): set VBE mode failed!"06:25
Big0rNohow can I run some .deb packages directly from an USB key ? thank you..06:25
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jacksonI'm having some bluetooth keyboard trouble. I recently apt-get updated and I had to configure my keyboard in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf and then do a hidd --search whenever I wanted to use the keyboard. I just upgraded again and now hcitool scan returns "Device is not available. No Such Device." and of course hidd --search does nothing. I have a logitech MX5000 keyboard and I'm using edgy06:26
jimdanielsadamh can you geive me the exact command?06:26
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adamhAxord: And that's the same guy who made the announcement in '05 :)06:26
|2hasazI need help06:26
adamhjimdaniels: "apt-get update"06:26
adamhjimdaniels: then "apt-get dist-upgrade"06:26
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adamhjimdaniels: (both using sudo)06:26
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CoOlGhOsTneed some assistance... cant get my mic to function06:27
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adMy ubuntu doesn't boot anymore :\06:27
Axordadamh: I see!06:27
joe_my x dosent work06:27
adCan anyone help ?06:27
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joe_how do i fix x06:28
joe_how do i fix x06:28
joe_how do i fix x06:28
jacksonjoe_, ad, please give some information about any errors that come up06:28
joe_when i boo06:28
jacksonx broken and ubuntu not booting are pretty generic problems06:28
joe_it goes smooth06:28
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:28
joe_but when it trys to load GDM06:28
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:29
joe_it tells me that X has crashed06:29
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miranda82hi everybody06:29
joe_i can get in by useing startx06:29
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joe_i can get in by useing startx06:29
joe_thats about it06:29
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adjackson: boot failed (no ttyyyyyy on main mode)06:29
miranda82I got an old installation mounted in /media/hda2, on that installation i had Enemy territory installed, i want to play it from that installation, can i do a chroot to do it?06:30
nonecan anyone help me install graphic card drivers on ubuntu? Have a gforce2 card06:30
jacksonjoe_ so it's not entirely broken. it just doesn't work initially?06:30
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ppdhi. do you know a program that outputs todays' events from an ical file?06:30
sedekiI cannot use SoundConverter with mp3 ! why!!!!06:30
sedekiI've apted gstreamer0.8-mad06:30
epod!restrictedformats > sedeki06:30
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jacksonI'm having some bluetooth keyboard trouble. I recently apt-get updated and I had to configure my keyboard in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf and then do a hidd --search whenever I wanted to use the keyboard. I just upgraded again and now hcitool scan returns "Device is not available. No Such Device." and of course hidd --search does nothing. I have a logitech MX5000 keyboard and I'm using edgy06:30
adjackson: A guy name soundtray tells me to put 'exit 0' in a batch file  (speedtouch modem). And now I fails more !06:31
adjackson: i can boot from a live cd06:31
jimdanielsadamh: errors on processing package: vmware-player  vmware-player06:31
jimdanielsE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:31
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miranda82I got an old installation mounted in /media/hda2, on that installation i had Enemy territory installed, i want to play it from that installation, can i do a chroot to do it?06:32
jacksonad, did it work before that?06:32
adjackson: I cannot remember the path to the speedtouch batch file06:32
miranda82is chroot something momentary?06:32
adjackson: well I had access  tty before that and my eth0 worked06:33
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sweetjesshi people06:33
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[OEAO] hey06:33
adjackson: Is there a way to search for batch named speedtouch ?06:33
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[OEAO] i need help06:33
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sweetjessanyone from canada?06:34
richiefrichfrtdx when does BSD install grub ?06:34
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TheGateKeeperfrtdx: the guys tell freebsd doesn't use grub, so what I told you probable won't work, so BE WARNED!!06:34
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epodrichiefrich, BSD doesn't use grub.06:34
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richiefrichepod i know06:34
sedekiepod Please, where do I find "liblame0". I get that dependency when I try to install "gstreamer0.10-ugly-multiverse".06:35
slopcan anyone recommend any childrens games for linux, preferably for young children between ages 4-6?06:35
sedeki"gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse" doesn't even exist.06:35
sweetjessok then i guess not06:35
TheGateKeeperfrtdx: lisen to richiefrich!!06:35
sedekiWhat is this...06:35
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joe_hey dom06:35
epodslop, tuxracer06:35
[OEAO] hey joe06:35
[OEAO] joe06:35
joe_did yo do it06:35
epodslop, check out www.happypenguin.org for further gaming goodness06:35
[OEAO] no...06:35
[OEAO] i dont wanna get baNNED06:35
joe_yes u dooo06:35
frtdxoh sorry06:36
frtdxhi richiefrich06:36
frtdxheres the thing06:36
richiefrichfrtdx since when does BSD install grub ?06:36
frtdxfirst i had windows on c:06:36
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d0uglasHey now. I noticed that this channel has about 30% more people than #debian, but just a minute ago i hadn't even heard of ubuntu. How has ubuntu swept vanilla debian under the rug so fast?06:36
frtdxthen i installed (k)ubuntu on hda906:36
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frtdxnow i want to install freebsd on hda806:36
[OEAO] DCC SEND "funnytextstringhere" 0 0 006:37
richiefrichuse http://gag.sourceforge.net/06:37
chrishoeppnerany of you use the eclipse platform?06:37
epodad0s8 :P06:37
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richiefrichfrtdx use that  GAG06:37
Shadow_milhow stable is the current edgy eft?06:37
YBH_1User ReiserFS it's Writer is a Killer Programmer06:37
sedekiCan someone help me with fucking mp3support?!06:37
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frtdxubuntu by default installs the grub to MBR ... now when i will install freebsd .. it will write to the mbr too .. so how can i get back my windows and linux grub list entries?06:37
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sedekiI'm "on the run" and I can't even copy a song over to my iPod....06:38
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frtdxGAG looks ugly! sorry to say06:38
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epodsedeki, go read the restrictedformats section on the wiki :P06:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:38
Paddy_EIREhow can I have "xchat-gnome" execute this " /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>"when I start the app06:38
sedekiI've added the respories and I can't find "liblame0"06:38
YBH_1don't install grub to the master boot drive and edit the grub /boot/grub/menu.lst so you can operate the OS you want.06:39
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richiefrichfrtdx you dont need to write to the mbr when installing bsd and whats up with the looks ugly.. how long to you look at a boot menu?  /me looks at it .. ooh wait 1 sec06:39
slopPaddy_EIRE, you set that up in your network list06:39
sedekidoesn't exist?!06:39
frtdxrichiefrich: also .. i do not have a floppy drive to make a c:\linux.bin file .. is there a floppy drive emulator which i can use to make the grub loader bin file?06:39
slopPaddy_EIRE, click the server, then edit...you'll see it06:39
sedekidoesn't exist??06:39
richiefrichfrtdx google  floppy.img06:40
LjLwasn't that gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly? are we keeping changing the name to get the point through? =)06:40
mneptonsedeki: are you just trying to play mp3s?06:40
joe_they all got fskd06:40
Shadow_milWhat do I change in source.list from dapper to get to edgy eft?         just edgy eft or Edgy Eft ot Edgy-Eft?06:40
sedekimnepton: I trying to convert Ogg -> Mp3 since my CD ripper won't even rip to mp3.06:40
sedekiMy iPod does *not* support Ogg.06:40
Paddy_EIREslop: cant seem to find it06:40
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epodShadow_mil, try #ubuntu+106:41
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mneptonsedeki: to encode mp3s you need LAME. to play them back with gstreamer apps you need gstreamer-plugins-ugly06:41
ppj1010okay, can someone give me an idea of how im supposed to install grub when i cant boot into ubuntu06:41
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Paddy_EIREslop: I would like this to be automatically run when I start the app if possible06:41
Shadow_milepod: thanks06:41
sedekimnepton: I'm not trying to play them back06:41
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sedekifuck this06:42
slopPaddy_EIRE, yes...you go to XChat/Network List....click the network you want to connect to on startup and click the Edit button...you set it up there.06:42
sedekiWay faster to do it on a windows machine06:42
bushblowsis their a command i can do to see exactly what version of ubuntu i have06:42
sedekithanks for your help tho06:42
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sedekicall me when they've got a system that actually works.06:42
slopPaddy_EIRE, when i startup xchat, it automatically connects to freenode, logs me in, and opens 7 channels up....and i set it up just like i told you06:43
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ppj1010I swear to god I didnt see an Install grub button06:43
ppj1010when installing 6.0606:43
ppj1010I saw it on the txt installer06:43
ppj1010Not on the gui06:43
Paddy_EIREslop yeah so does mine but where do I have it enter my password automatically06:43
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slopPaddy_EIRE, you put it in the Chanserv Password field06:44
Paddy_EIREslop: this --> "/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>"06:44
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slopPaddy_EIRE, i mean Nickserv Password06:44
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ppj1010Paddy_EIRE, it's a script06:44
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ppj1010just like autojoins06:44
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slopPaddy_EIRE, NO....go to Network List, click Freenode, click Edit...put your password in the Nickserv Password field...then click AutoConnect To This Network On Startup06:45
raskethi my apps which need sudo dont start up, anyone an idea ?06:45
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Paddy_EIREslop: I think I've found it06:45
sorush20hwo do I open a .mdi file in linux or ubuntu?06:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mdi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mdi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:46
lostboyzwhy is it that k3b does not work right away i get all these error messages when trying to burn a dvd06:46
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slopPaddy_EIRE, you figure it out?06:46
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slopPaddy_EIRE, you figure it out?06:47
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ppj1010man i need to turn off join/parts in this channel06:49
ppj1010how annoying06:49
slopme too06:49
slopcan you turn them off in just one channel?06:49
ppj1010im not sure06:49
ppj1010i doubt it06:49
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Paddy_EIREslop: well I added my NICKSERV pass in the edit menu for freenode under my user name and when the app starts the pass is incorrect??? when I use "/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>" it accepts it no problem06:49
ppj1010im going to stab the next person who joins and parts within 3 seconds of either06:49
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SurfnOldFartubuntu rocks!!06:50
ppj1010it does?06:50
SurfnOldFarti even got a birthday reminder06:50
OmniDIt's okay06:50
slopPaddy_EIRE, that's weird...you sure you didn't have a typo in there?  and make sure your user name is set right in the network list window.06:50
SurfnOldFarti never get that from msft06:50
OmniDCould be better06:50
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Paddy_EIREslop: I've tried typing with extreme precision it still aint workin, what could I have missed06:51
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birdfishHow would I got about checking the amount of used ram and processing percentage from the terminal?06:51
slopPaddy_EIRE, you put it in the nickserv password and not the server password, right?06:51
miranda82hello everyone06:51
miranda82is chroot something momentary?06:51
slopPaddy_EIRE, and your name is set right in the network list?06:51
slopPaddy_EIRE, and your name is definately registered?06:52
slopPaddy_EIRE, dunno...works fine for me....try setting it up again from scratch i guess...06:52
=== Xinos [n=ubuntu@81-229-68-196-no44.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xinosneed help06:53
richeefolks I am getting  no answer06:53
slopXinos, just ask :)06:53
richeeNO ANSWER06:53
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richeefrom my modem06:53
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miranda82is chroot something momentary?06:53
XinosI'm on Ubuntu live and I really need to put some files on a windows partition. But it says the disk is read only06:53
slopXinos, is it ntfs?06:53
OmniDuh oh06:53
slopXinos, that's why06:54
slopXinos, use fat06:54
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OmniDFAT32 specifically06:54
ZambeziWhat is it for bootloader in Breezy server?06:54
XinosBut I'm sure I've done it before06:54
=== Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host81-157-116-46.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
OmniDIt was probably FAT3206:54
porchohave you guys been experiencing problems with ntp.ubuntulinux.org lately? I'm from Brazil and it keeps giving me the wrong time for my timezone...06:54
miranda82will chroot remain after i reboot?06:54
|2hasazHow would I reinstall and just restart with a fresh clean copy of Ubuntu?06:54
Paddy_EIREstill, errr06:54
krunchi1920fuck off06:54
=== flodine_ [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:54
XinosSee I tried to install ubuntu but grub failed so I couldn't boot either. Now I am just trying to get windows bootable again06:55
Xinosand for some reason NTLDR got broken so I need to replace that06:55
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miranda82is chroot something momentary?06:55
poningruXinos: do you have a windows cd?06:55
SurfnOldFarti love ntldr06:55
Shadow_milHas anyone else noticed that in dapper your numlock gets offsetted at time06:55
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Xinosyes, I have a windows cd06:55
SurfnOldFartevery time i go to stores like Cingular or somewhere they have a display computer06:56
Paddy_EIREslop: is there anything like maybe i should have brackets around my pass??06:56
|2hasazNo support?06:56
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OmniDNope because I don't have a numlock!06:56
Xinosbut I can't get diskets to work and I can't acess the cd rom for files either =/06:56
SurfnOldFarti kill their boot files06:56
slopPaddy_EIRE, nope....you just have to type it in06:56
poningruXinos: boot into it, then recovery console ( press r when it asks you to)06:56
Paddy_EIREwell this is weird06:56
poningruXinos: then type fixmbr06:56
slopPaddy_EIRE, it is weird....06:56
ppj1010Is this the correct syntax to add to your boot.ini? D:\ubuntu=ubuntu (assuming its on D)06:56
XinosI've done that... doesn't work06:56
poningruerr in the recovery console after you answer all the stupid questions, type fixmbr06:56
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Shadow_milXinos: do you have a LiveCD?06:57
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XinosI think I ruined ntldr by typing fixboot aswell06:57
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CoOlGhOsTstill cant get my mic to work with skype... anyone care to help?06:57
Paddy_EIREslop:  i think i will stick o doing it manually06:57
XinosLiveCD? I'm on Ubuntu live atm06:57
slopPaddy_EIRE, ok....that's a strange problem, it works flawlessly for me06:58
poningruXinos: then thats a lot simpler to use grub06:58
THX-1138Paddy_EIRE: irssii it is then? - j/k06:58
poningruXinos: go to a terminal06:58
sheriffi'm new at ubuntu and on gnome i cannot use Alt Gr key..How can i fix it06:58
poningrutype in 'sudo grub-install /dev/hda' keep in mind the /dev/hda part may be different for you06:58
Xinoshdd1 is my windows partition06:59
poningruXinos: how many hard drives do you have?06:59
Paddy_EIREis it possible to open a poweriso image in ubuntu in any way without having poweriso06:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:59
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poningruoh if you have 4 then I think you have to write your own grub.conf files06:59
XinosIs that why it crashed?07:00
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poningruit might have been07:00
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XinosI might have to try and install ubuntu again because I tried removing it's partition in hope to get rid of grub07:00
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sheriffAlt-Gr combination key doesnt work ?07:01
anuvismhI can separate the sounds of the writing-desks???07:01
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poningrusheriff: what kind of keyboard do you have?07:01
ProN00blol, my X crashes if i open a file with a extremely long line in gedit !!!!!07:01
poningruas in what locale07:01
darekmake[1] : *** Brak regu do zrobienia obiektu `scripts/kconfig/.tmp_qtcheck', wymaganego przez `scripts/kconfig/qconf.o'. Stop.07:01
AbstIs there a way to get Firefox to pretend to be IE to access some stupid websites?07:01
darekhow can i do it?07:01
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Xinoswhere do I find grub.conf?07:02
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AbstXinos: /boot/grub/?07:02
Big0rNoIs it possible to install packages on an USBstick and running them directly for it ?07:02
Xinoseven if I'm on live?07:02
THX-1138Abst user agent swithing/editing in about:config07:02
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poningrusheriff: system->preferences->keyboard07:02
darekwhat can i do when new kernel xconfig doesnt start?07:02
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AbstTHX-1138: More detail?07:02
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poningruXinos: install ubuntu again07:03
THX-1138Abst Sure, I'll find the link.07:03
poningruXinos: thats where you will find /boot/grub07:03
AbstI found the field, what does IE use07:03
rasketdoes ubuntu support spdif sound ?07:03
XinosOkay, I'll install ubuntu again. be back later07:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spdif - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:03
Big0rNoAbst: yes...using User Agent Switcher Extension07:03
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-233-83-56.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
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dareki want to compile kernel :(07:04
poningrurasket: what chipset do you have for audio07:04
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:04
Big0rNoAbst: http://chrispederick.com/work/useragentswitcher/07:04
AxordAbst: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)07:04
poningrudarek: ^^^07:04
rasketponingru, nforce207:04
darekponingru, what?;] 07:04
poningrurasket: hmm thats the audio chipset? hold on07:04
=== jonah1980_2 [n=jonah@180.87.rb4.adsl.brightview.com] has joined #ubuntu
poningrudarek: see what ubotu just said07:05
THX-1138Abst http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_agent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_agent07:05
anuvismhI can separate the sounds of the desk??07:05
=== Davidou [n=Infinity@AAubervilliers-152-1-23-171.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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rasketponingru, no its the chip where the audio is integrated, i dont realy now which audio chip is (emulated?)07:05
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gilnimi have following problem - I'm actually not really sure what the problem is: i use gnome; i opened some kind of preference window and could set up sound input and output, i could also set up the graphical input (X11, ..., automatically), I chose automatically. As I clicked on the button test, my hole X crashed. I can't run GDM any more, but i'm still able to open X. Please help me, it would be the worst thing ever, if i had to reinstall eve07:05
crimsunrasket: yes, it does for the nforce2 (intel8x0 alsa driver)07:05
MenZa!ati > chrishoeppner07:06
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rasketcrimsun, aha, so its another problem causing my system doing no sound :-(07:06
Big0rNoTHX-1138: it's a lot easier with this extension: http://chrispederick.com/work/useragentswitcher/07:06
crimsunrasket: what precisely are the issues?07:06
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowgilnim: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:07
rasketcrimsun, i dont hear anything, but the drivers seem to be ok07:07
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THX-1138Big0rNo: Hadn't tried it in linux. - It works?07:07
poningrurasket: go to system->administrator->hardware or something like that07:07
gilnimJack_Sparrow, do you think it's a x-problem?07:07
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docmurdoes any one know a program that is simpler to winCUPL07:07
Big0rNoTHX-1138: dunno...if firefox extensions works in linux07:07
poningrurasket: that should tell you the chipset07:07
docmurit's used to program GALS07:07
lupine_85firefox extensions do07:08
Big0rNoTHX-1138: so it wortks07:08
poningruright but some ff extensions are windows only... though this isnt07:08
lupine_85btw, has anyone seen the Spirit of Ubuntu? http://www.deviantart.com/view/23866865/ :)07:08
Jack_Sparrowgilnim: It is where I would start...  and learn to backup... it only takes one line in a terminal to do it07:08
Big0rNoTHX-1138: "and will run on any platform that these browsers support including Windows, Mac OS  X and Linux." it runs07:08
THX-1138Big0rNo: Alays best NOT to masquerade. - How will linux make it's mark. - good that you can change back and forth easily.07:08
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poningruuser agent switcher07:08
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gilnimi back up'd my x-org.conf - could i just replace the old one?07:09
poningrugilnim: yep07:09
rasketponingru, it says ac97 audio controller and somewhere below iec958 alsa playback device, but dont know any chip named this07:09
Tokenbadbefore I update....anyone had any problems with software after wine update?07:09
Big0rNoso if someone know something about this, how can i install some packages on USB stick and run them directly from it ?...please help me07:09
Jack_Sparrowgilnim: have you looked at it for changes?07:09
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crimsunrasket: pastebin your amixer output07:09
AbstAnyone know if MapleStory is playable under Wine07:09
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gilnimalright - but i thought it might be another problem, because i looked over the actual one and it seemed to be alright07:10
poningruBig0rNo: it would be better for you to get the tar from the original site07:10
rasketcrimsun, sorry ?? :-)07:10
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poningruBig0rNo: what are you trying to put on the usb?07:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:10
Big0rNoponingru some .deb07:10
Big0rNoponingru officials packages07:10
crimsunrasket: are /all/ sounds inaudible or just ones sent to spdif?07:10
poningruwhich is?07:10
aFxAbst : are you  from korea07:10
Big0rNoponingru: zynaddsubfx07:10
AbstaFx: No07:11
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rasketcrimsun, i only use spdif, so i dont realy know if it should work but dont reach spdif out07:11
Big0rNoponingru: i just want to know if it's possible or not07:11
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rick_I'm new to Linux and was wondering, Does Linux have the windoze equivalent to a Startup folder? If not how do you start certain programs at boot up?07:12
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lupine_85rick_: sort of07:13
rasketwhat does LTS in ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS mean ?07:13
rick_Long Term Support07:13
lupine_85for GUI stuff, in gnome, you want system->admin->sessions07:13
poningruBig0rNo: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6293407:13
rick_OK I will look into that, thanks07:14
poningrudownload that folder and put it in your usb key07:14
rasketoh sound goot :-)07:14
Big0rNoponingru: so i have to use the source ?07:14
Blipperick_ depends on your desktop environment... and even then, yes, there are a few places to put startupscript07:14
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poningruBig0rNo: I think thats compiled07:14
THX-1138rick_ - there is a startup manager for most things in "Sessions" on the menubar07:14
Big0rNoponingru: but there's a lot of dependencies...07:14
Tokenbadbefore I update....anyone had any problems with software after wine update?07:14
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50c79c49.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
poningruBig0rNo: I have no experience putting .debs on usb thumb drives sorry man07:14
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Jack_Sparrowrick_: As a new user this link might be useful...  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper07:15
Big0rNoponingru: ok thank you :)07:15
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rasketis there a dvd iso for the 6.06.1 version ?07:15
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kronosi have a problem... can anyone help with gl/3d support ?07:15
marcrosoftanyone here familiar with iptables?07:16
kronosmarcrosoft shoot, maybe i can help07:16
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Big0rNorasket: of course07:16
rasketBig0rNo, i thought so, but cant find them in the mirrors, just cds07:17
Big0rNorasket: at the bottom07:17
XinosThis time when trying to install ubuntu, at the partition state it told me I had "no root filesystem" and the background went red =/07:17
marcrosoftkronos, I want to limit download speed to my local computer to 200kbs on a specific port07:17
hammadis it possible to be running 2 distros and windows on the same computer?07:17
YBH_1yes hammad07:18
poningru!dualboot > hammad07:18
Big0rNorasket: http://www.ubuntu.com/download < Ubuntu DVD Releases07:18
docmuryou can google it07:18
rasketBig0rNo, just alternate, desktop, server images07:18
Big0rNorasket: it's not that hard...07:18
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:18
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=== poningru wonders what happend to ubotu
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Jack_Sparrowhammad: Booting one or the other or all at the same time?07:18
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hammadlike under grub07:18
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hammadi want 3 thigns to show up07:18
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hammad1 distro07:19
Jack_Sparrowyep easy07:19
hammadand another idstro07:19
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hammadi alrdy got a distro and windows going07:19
hammadand i installed another distro07:19
hammadbut i cant get it to show07:19
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rasketBig0rNo, i know my question sounds stupid, but i cant realy find it07:19
hammadunder grub when i boot07:19
Xinosponigru, it says I have no root file system, what does that mean?07:19
Big0rNorasket: yes...07:19
poningruXinos: you have to make a /07:19
rasketBig0rNo, lol thanks for agreeing07:20
Jack_Sparrowhammad: gksudo gedit  /boot/grub/menu.lst07:20
Big0rNorasket: here what can i find: ubuntu-6.06.1-dvd-amd64.iso07:20
Big0rNorasket: i don't understand what do you want07:20
poningruas in give one partition the 'label' /07:20
poningruyou have to have one partition mount there07:20
Big0rNorasket: ubuntu-6.06.1-dvd-i386.iso07:20
Jack_Sparrowhammad: sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst ~/menu.lst.backup  but have a backup07:20
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XinosNot sure how to set it up07:20
rasketBig0rNo, whats the difference between these two ?07:21
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Jack_Sparrowplay nice... time to head out...07:21
XinosFirst time I let it simply do it by itself from the largest free space available07:21
Big0rNorasket: haaa..but this is a different question..07:21
Xinosbut now the linux partitions where already there so I couln't07:21
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marcrosoftkronos, do you think you can help me :)07:21
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rasketBig0rNo, i just see these images: http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/6.06/07:21
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itrebali'm trying to get DVDs to play on my system, so far i've gotten libdvdcss to work with it but its not seeing anything in my dvd drive: http://hashphp.org/pastebin.php?pid=891107:22
kronosmarcrosoft i don't how to do that... but i dunno if that possible from iptables07:22
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kronoswait... i'll check07:22
rubsohey guys, i need help installing samba... =_=07:22
richee--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=007:22
richeeATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=007:22
richee--> Modem initialized.07:22
richee--> Sending: ATDT0804177608407:22
richee--> Waiting for carrier.07:22
Allz-i-can someone help me setup ftp .gFTP 2.0.1807:22
richeeNO DIALTONE07:22
richee--> No dial tone.07:22
Big0rNorasket: hmm..you're on a mirror for cd release07:22
richee--> Disconnecting at Sun Oct 15 22:52:12 200607:22
yapycckyguys i need help setting up gnome, if someone can help me07:22
richeeNeed help plzzz07:22
rasketBig0rNo, seems so, but where are the dvd ?? all mirrors have only cds, i tried so far07:23
YOKcomI just installed my ATI drivers for my FireGL card correctly. But now the graphics seem choppy when Ubuntu starts up or when there is are splash screen. For example, If i fire up firefox and go to www.gamespot.com it is very choppy when scrolling up and down. Can someone please help me with this problem?07:23
XinosWhat partition do I label /? Is it the ext3?07:23
Heart_1how can i switch from utf to iso? sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales ?07:23
yapycckyi've Nvidia GeForce 5650go , i've installed nvidia-glx but it doesnt seems to work good07:23
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yapycckymy system is quite slow...07:23
yapycckyin 2D graphic07:23
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Big0rNorasket: tsss...just find "Ubuntu DVD Releases" on this page: http://www.ubuntu.com/download07:23
yapycckyanyone can help me?07:23
hammadit says something about something unable to copy xusers authorization file07:24
THX-1138!new is Welcome to Ubuntu! Volunteers here share what they know to help you. Can't find what you were looking for? http://ubuntuforums.org/ Commercial support for Ubuntu can be found here. http://www.canonical.com/07:24
Big0rNorasket: all the mirrors are after the title...it's logical07:24
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Allz-i-HELLO :s I NEED HELP .my video card is 6600 .i lagg so much in my game .it's like my virutal memmory is to law07:24
Xinosponingru So I have the ext3 and the swap. Do I label the ext3 to / or what?07:24
Allz-i-what to do when this happins?07:24
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nolimitsoyaXinos, yes07:24
goudkovhey guys, would i be able to reduce the latency of the mouse if i increase the priority of the X process while running a game that consumes 100% of cpu cycles?07:24
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Xinosokay, I'm going to try it07:24
warlord_i have a problem sharing drives anybody can help me?07:24
adMy ubuntu does not boot anymore. I m installing kubuntu over it. Is there a way to keep datas ?07:24
nolimitsoyaXinos, id suggest you use two etx3-partitions07:24
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poningruXinos: yep07:25
aFxrichee : when you paste  a lage text , use this services07:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:25
nolimitsoyaXinos, mount one (5gb) as /, and the other (rest of hddspace) to /home07:25
ScobieHELLO :s I NEED HELP .my video card is 6600 .i lagg so much in my game .why could that happind?07:25
itrebalScobie: be saw you the first time07:25
Big0rNorasket: have you find them ?07:25
richeesorry aFx07:25
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richeehey folks can someone help me with this issue07:26
nolimitsoyaScobie, have you installed the drivers?07:26
rasketBig0rNo, but on this site www.ubuntu.com/download are only cd mirror sites, no link to dvd images (i am too stupid ?!)07:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:26
pussfelleryo, I installed tor and ould not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)07:26
Big0rNorasket: yes...you are lol07:26
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Scobieyeah i have installd .my driver "video card"07:26
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pussfellermy apt-get is hosed!07:26
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Russelis there a working programm for jingle in edgy?07:26
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adMy ubuntu does not boot anymore. I m installing kubuntu over it. Is there a way to keep datas ?07:26
warlord_i need to share a FAT32 folder between my PC and my LAPTOP both are using ubuntu, i can share any linux folder using samba, but i cant share this, anybody can help me?07:26
Big0rNorasket: can you scroll with your mouse ?07:26
rasketBig0rNo, LOL found it, dont know why i didnt see it before, thx for your patience :-)07:27
Big0rNorasket: ouf...lol07:27
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warlord_anybody can help me?07:27
rasketBig0rNo, ouf ?07:27
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YOKcomcan someone help me with my choppiness problem during splash screens?07:28
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THX-1138Scobie - warlord_ jump right in with your question e don't bite.07:28
tannerldI need to install subversion on my ubuntu server but I don't want to put in a cd; how can I do it without it?07:28
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Big0rNorasket: now you can download and try...07:28
gnrfanhello everyone.. do you guys know about some ubuntu flyers we could use in a local event?07:29
warlord_i need to share a FAT32 folder between my PC and my LAPTOP both are using ubuntu, i can share any linux folder using samba, but i cant share this, anybody can help me?07:29
Scobiethx-1138 what?07:29
highvoltagehi. I'm trying to compile gnu-gnash, but I get this error with configure: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes.07:29
ephesiustannerld: you should comment out the cd in your sources.list07:29
highvoltagewhat package should I install for the proper X-includes?07:29
rasketBig0rNo, if i could save it somewhere, but thats another story07:29
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Scobiedoes someone knowz .how to check all my commands i have done in my terminal screen07:29
gnrfanwell, we're located in Peru so we need a flyer in spanish or one with sources we could translate into spanish... any idea?07:29
tannerldephesius: ok, let me try that07:29
THX-1138Scobie - Didn't mean to do that. - sorry.07:29
LjLhighvoltage: xserver-xorg-dev i suppose, or xorg-dev07:29
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Big0rNorasket: well...it takes some bytes07:29
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THX-1138Scobie - Backspace07:29
highvoltageLjL: thanks, I'll try that07:30
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Scobieis there a command .that shows all my command i have done .on my terminal screen?07:30
LjLhighvoltage: if you don't have the X includes, though, i guess you may not have the GTK includes either, nor the Gnome includes assuming those are needed07:30
tannerldephesius: thanks that worked :)07:30
THX-1138Scobie - sry -  I just like you.07:30
warlord_i need to share a FAT32 folder between my PC and my LAPTOP both are using ubuntu, i can share any linux folder using samba, but i cant share this, anybody can help me?07:30
LjLScobie: cat ~/.bash_history07:30
rasketBig0rNo, more a question of rights, thats the problem i try to solve by installing ubuntu again, do you know the dvd burning app ubuntu uses ?07:30
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ephesiustannerld: no problem07:30
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Big0rNorasket: no i don't know sorry07:31
michael__uhm, where would i find alsaconf in dapper?07:31
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BlackTigerhow can i force a mount07:31
b0012anyone know if I can apt-get shockwave player?07:31
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rasketBig0rNo, thanks for helping me reading a web-page ;-)07:31
ubotushockwave is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave07:31
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Scobiethx-1138 why do you like me?07:31
warlord_i need to share a FAT32 folder between my PC and my LAPTOP both are using ubuntu, i can share any linux folder using samba, but i cant share this, anybody can help me?07:31
Big0rNorasket: just use your mouse..a mouse is very usefull07:32
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warlord_Big0rNo ar u talking to me?07:33
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rasketwhich dvd burning software is ubuntu using ?07:33
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Dr_williswarlord_,  you have a linux machine.. and want to use samba to share a fat32 filesystem on it?07:33
Big0rNowarlord_: why ? lol...some have no mouse at all..i know07:33
rasketwarlord, why cant you share it ?07:33
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warlord_yes Dr_willis07:33
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Dr_williswarlord_,  if the user can access it.. you an get to it with ssh or sshfs proberly easier then samba07:33
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YOKcomcan someone confirm that i am in the queue for next person to help me? thanks guys07:34
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THX-1138YOKcom - All volunteer open queue - jump right in.07:34
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mart_hi there, has anyone got teamspeak and a game running through wine to both play sound?07:35
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THX-1138!new > YOKcom07:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about new - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
Big0rNorasket: there's a package called DVDrtools to create DVD and CD http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/otherosfs/dvdrtools07:36
YOKcomI just installed my drivers for ATI and pretty sure it did it correctly. Problem is laggy/choppiness when many graphics on screen (i.e. logging out screen dimming (very slow), www.gamespot.com (scrolling up and down is very laggy) any ideas?07:36
aFxit's daybreak but did fail go to sleep07:36
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Scobiethx-1138 dont got beef07:36
rasketBig0rNo, thx07:36
Scobiethx-1138 i didnt mean that .i just like you07:37
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ghostis it smarter to make a clean install or to make dist-upgrade07:37
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warlord_i need to share a FAT32 folder between my PC and my LAPTOP both are using ubuntu, i can share any linux folder using samba, but i cant share this, anybody can help me?07:38
THX-1138ghost - 1 vote here for a clean install07:38
rasketBig0rNo, how do i get the installer installing this package ?07:38
kemik"this folder" ?07:38
rasketwarlord, so why cant you share it ?07:38
ghostthx-1138: also when /home is on a saperated partition?07:38
poningrughost: then def a clean install07:39
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ghostand leave /home alone?07:39
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poningruif /home is not on a seperate partition then thats when you gotta make a decision if its on a different partition then no question07:39
Dr_williswarlord_,  the idea of a 'fat32' folder is incorrect..  -    I tend to make a link from /home/USERNAME/media to /media,  then i just access the users home shares07:39
poningrugo with the clean install07:39
ghostso just install / on the old / partition and then ok?07:39
warlord_rasket: i use samba, an i see the folder i my laptop but it contains the contetn of my home07:39
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THX-1138ghost - save your home partition. - my dist upgrade had problems with the ubuntu-desktop package being removed by another app.07:40
qq1010anybody know where to install linux software?07:40
warlord_rasket: first i share the fat32 folder in the PC, using samba07:40
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THX-1138ghost - didn't even know it had been removed.07:40
Dr_willisqq1010,  clarify that question. it has about 10 differnt answers. :)07:40
ghostponingru: should just install the new root over the old root?07:40
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YOKcomqq1010: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware that should help07:40
LjLDr_willis: 10? :)07:41
YOKcomI just installed my drivers for ATI and pretty sure it did it correctly. Problem is laggy/choppiness when many graphics on screen (i.e. logging out screen dimming (very slow), www.gamespot.com (scrolling up and down is very laggy) any ideas?07:41
qq1010cos this is the first time i learn this os07:41
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warlord_i need to share a FAT32 folder between my PC and my LAPTOP both are using ubuntu, i can share any linux folder using samba, but i cant share this, anybody can help me?07:41
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anon32YOKcom, switch to software rendering?07:41
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YOKcomanon32: cool how do I do that?07:42
anon32no idea07:42
qq1010any good software recommend for unbutu?07:42
anon32qq1010, wine07:42
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eMbHey, I'd appreciate some help. I just tried to mount an NTFS drive, with some guidance from a friend, but I'm getting an error. How do I access the syslog?07:42
LjLqq1010, what kind of question is that? what do you need to do?07:42
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anon32eMb, do you have gnome?07:42
Shish"tail /var/log/syslog" to get the last 10 lines07:42
warlord_i need to share a FAT32 folder between my PC and my LAPTOP both are using ubuntu, i can share any linux folder using samba, but i cant share this, anybody can help me?07:42
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anon32eMb, system -> administration -> system log07:43
ShishOr there's a GUI version somewhere07:43
Shishthat would be it07:43
poningrughost: yep07:43
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eMbShish: Thanks07:43
anon32but unless you turned syslog on, that will be empty07:43
eMbanon32: Thanks to you aswell07:43
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LjL"turned syslog on"...?07:43
ghostponingru: is this possible trough the installer? i can't remember seeing a function to *not* install /home07:43
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anon32LjL, yes... syslog is not on by default07:44
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ghost /test/07:44
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LjLanon32: uhm, my /var/log/syslog file is definitely quite crowded, and i did nothing to enable it. i'm on edgy, though07:44
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anon32LjL, um.. mine is blank and I'm on default settings07:44
eMbso the error I'm getting is this:07:45
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eMbOct 15 19:42:14 ubuntu kernel: [4297879.998000]  Unable to load NLS charset utf-8Oct 15 19:42:14 ubuntu kernel: [4297879.998000]  NTFS-fs error (device hda1): parse_options(): NLS character set utf-8 not found.07:45
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YOKcomanon32; http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79787&highlight=switch+to+software+rendering do you think that would help?07:45
ephesiusanon32: mine is full of stuff...im on dapper07:45
eMbEr, basically it doesn't seem like I have UTF-8 ?07:45
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anon32eMb, you don't have UTF-807:45
anon32YOKcom, maybe?07:45
eMbI'm running off a ubuntu live CD, can I just apt-get utf-8 in some way or would that require it to write to HDD?07:46
anon32question: how can I get anti-aliased text and windows?07:46
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Dr_willisanti-aliased windows?07:46
anon32eMb, it'll write to the RAMdisk07:46
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eMbah, nice07:46
LjLanon32: text should be anti-aliased by default. dunno what you'd mean with antialiased windows07:46
anon32Dr_willis, yes... anti-aliased window edges07:46
Dr_willisThe font control-center tool has several font settings.07:46
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Dr_willisLjL,  Neither do I.07:46
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Dr_williscant recall seeing that feature in any os.07:47
=== anon32 wants it anyway, lol
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drkyhey just wondering if any one could offer some advice on a problem i have07:47
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anon32all the rounded window themes look stupid because the corners aren't anti-aliased07:47
Dr_willisspray some water on your screen so its all slightly fuzzy.. there ya go.07:47
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Dr_willisanon32,  you win the award for the most .... err..  i wont go there.... :P07:48
jellyanon32: you have left so I can't tell you to look up compositing. ;-)07:48
=== Dr_willis shuts up
pingsweptdrky: ask the question07:48
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drkyi'm trying to remove my ntfs/windows partition - i've repartitioned it in gparted + it says ext3 as the type in the disc manager thing, but i am unable to enable it (inaccessible)07:48
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BuglouseLooking for someone with much knowledge using MuSE and streaming to a shoutcast server!07:49
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LjLdrky: perhaps you should format it?07:49
pingsweptdrky: I don't know much about that myself. Perhaps someone else respond. If they don't repeat your question with more details.07:49
drkyi did i think07:49
eMberr, some help on getting UTF-8 installed?07:50
drkyit said ntfs then i formatted it and it says ext3 now07:50
ephesiusanyone know a command line tool to rip main movie froma dvd to avi?07:50
mjreMb, Ubuntu uses utf-8 by default...07:50
pingswepteMb: is UTF-8 something you can install?07:50
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LjLdrky: well, what does "sudo mount /dev/partitionname /some/where" tell?07:50
eMbI don't know, the error I'm getting when trying to mount an NTFS drive is that UTF-8 can't be found07:51
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eMbOct 15 19:50:46 ubuntu kernel: [4298391.959000]  Unable to load NLS charset UTF807:51
eMbOct 15 19:50:46 ubuntu kernel: [4298391.960000]  NTFS-fs error (device hda1): parse_options(): NLS character set UTF8 not found.07:51
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eMbLike so.07:51
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soundrayephesius: dvdbackup07:51
YOKcomI just installed my drivers for ATI and pretty sure it did it correctly. Problem is laggy/choppiness when many graphics on screen (i.e. logging out screen dimming (very slow), www.gamespot.com (scrolling up and down is very laggy) any ideas?07:51
ubotudvdbackup: tool to rip DVD's from the command line. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-4 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 84 kB07:51
pingswepteMb: looks to me like you need the NLS charset, not UTF-8.07:51
drkyit doesn't return anything (seems to be complete)07:51
LjLdrky: uh, then the partition should me mounted07:52
ephesiussoundray: thanks...have you used it will it rip encrypted dvds like say how dvddecrypter does?07:52
=== eMb checks the repositories
LjLdrky: me=be07:52
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drkyok it seems mounted but i cant write to it?07:52
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LjLdrky: of course. if you mount it that way, only root can write to it. if you want to write it as an user, you have to set the right options.07:52
LjL!mount > drky07:52
=== rock7 wonders if anyone has ever used an external USB soundcard to record multichannel sound
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soundrayephesius: yes, I have used it. Yes, it will rip CSS-encrypted DVDs. No, I don't know what dvddecrypter is.07:53
stattersany repos I add to apt so I can get aircrack-ng and cowpatty 407:53
drkyedit the fstab?07:53
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LjLdrky: yeah... though i suppose you're supposed to be able to do that from Gnome, as well. but i don't have Gnome.07:53
eMbHah, just leaving out nls=utf-8 fixed it07:53
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drkyi'll try 1sec (thanks for the help )07:54
eMbThanks anyways, I appreciate it.07:54
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LjLdrky: anyway, if you look at the link (i know, it talks about mounting Windows partitions, but most things still apply), it should tell you what the right mount options are07:54
pingswepteMb; rock.07:54
ephesiussoundray: dvddecrytper is a program for windows...i hate to make windows/linux comparisons...it just strips all the encryption out of the dvd to a folder on the hard disk07:54
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soundrayephesius: look at the output of 'apt-cache show dvdbackup'07:54
ks1there is dvdxshrink for linux, also k9copy isnt too bad07:55
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ephesiussoundray: looks good thanks07:55
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qq1010_any software can download movie....07:56
YOKcomis Dapper i386 installed by default when installing ubuntu?07:56
jeroen__Hello everyone i hope some one can help me on this problem i have with the ajustment of the resolution of my computter screen dough i cant change it anymore its stuck on 640x480 everything is to big:(07:56
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ZarephathWhat package(s) do I need to install to have access to wpa settings under network?07:57
qq1010_any body know?07:57
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soundray!fixres > jeroen__07:57
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statterswpa_supplicant I think07:57
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Zarephathqq1010: What is your question? You want to be able and see streamed movie?07:57
ericzsay i turned an rpm into a deb, and then installed it, but deleted the deb07:57
ericzcan i like07:58
Zarephathstatters: Kewl thanks07:58
jeroen__soundray what is Fixres?07:58
ericzrecreate the deb from the installed package07:58
crimsunericz: no07:58
qq1010_download like bitcomet?07:58
ephesius!libdvdcss2 > ephesius07:58
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nwbrenemanHi, I recently installed Xfce over gnome. I can't remember what I was doing, but I logged in a day or two ago, and my desktop background was that of gnome, and it seemed like everything was displayed by gnome/nautilus etc., except for my panels. Is there any way to reverse this? (For further example, with Xfce the desktop icons were smaller, but now they are like they were when I used gnome)07:58
YOKcomis Dapper i386 installed by default when installing ubuntu?07:58
qq1010_do u know?07:58
YOKcomis there a way to check actually07:58
Zarephathqq1010: how about bittorrent? install from synaptic or from command line07:58
soundrayjeroen__: look at your private messages. ubotu should have sent you one.07:58
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LjLYOKcom: what do you mean? if you install using the Dapper x86 CD, then yeah. if you don't, no07:59
Zarephathqq1010: You could use azureus if you have java working...or I think there may be a frontend to bitttorent not sure07:59
qq1010_it can download like bitcomet?07:59
YOKcomthanks LjL. I was a little confused one what dapper really was thats all07:59
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Zarephathqq1010: Azureus can download like bittorrent yes07:59
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"08:00
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YOKcomcool thanks guys08:00
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qq1010_how can i get it?08:00
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qq1010_where can i download?08:00
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ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo08:00
nwbrenemancould anyone tell me why my desktop seems to be using gnome when i've installed xfce? and my panels are also xfce's?08:00
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Snovictimhi all!08:00
LjLYOKcom: Dapper is the "nickname" for the current (6.06) version of Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/etc08:00
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LjLYOKcom: Dapper Drake, actually08:01
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soundraynwbreneman: you need to select a session at the login screen.08:01
statterstook me 10 mins to crack a AP with wpa tkip,,,,  password was cheese&onion :))08:01
Snovictimis there any good "howto" that explains ways to install xgl with amd64 ?08:01
=== benkong2 [n=benkong2@cpe-065-190-217-060.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xinosponingru Ok, I installed ubuntu again but there seems to be no grub in the boot folder. Is it the wrong boot folder?08:01
=== THX-1138 [n=bill@ip70-181-223-166.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:01
nwbrenemansoundray: i have, but maybe something got mixed up and it's using the default session. my panels are xfce, it's just i logged in and the icons on the desktop were gnome's, etc.08:01
XinosI know I installed Grub08:01
qq1010_ok i try it now...08:01
=== Parisi [n=parisi@cpe-72-224-62-129.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
qq1010_thks a lot !!!08:01
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poningruXinos: yeah08:02
poningrugo to a terminal08:02
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nwbrenemansoundray: anyway, I guess i'll try logging in with the xfce session, thanks08:02
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poningruand type 'sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt' replace hda1 with whereever you installed ubuntu08:02
THX-1138A troublesome emulated app locks up my Ubuntu - Can i use something to keep an eye on it?08:03
benkong2I have a perfectly good Network Manager Setup running Kubuntu. I just installed Ubuntu-Desktop. If I want to get NM working there any issues I need to be aware of?08:03
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eMbSo now I've successfully mounted my NTFS partition, but I can only access it while in su.08:03
=== rock7 wonders if anyone has ever used an external USB soundcard (a UCA202 by Behringe) ) to record multichannel sound
=== rouzic [n=rouzic@103.Red-88-19-115.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:04
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ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd08:04
soundrayeMb: ^^08:04
=== david_ [n=david@adsl-70-132-5-27.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
THX-1138Can i limit CPU resources for an application?08:04
eMboh god gaims smileys are ugly08:04
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crimsunrock7: have you contact 'dj zog'?08:04
Xinosnow what?08:05
soundrayTHX-1138: man renice08:05
crimsunrock7: zogusb at zog dot net dot au08:05
crimsunrock7: (or see http://www.qbik.ch/usb/devices/showdev.php?id=3791 )08:05
=== Silver_Seagull [n=Silver@Toronto-HSE-ppp3720176.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
billypHi, I'm trying to record a real audio stream. I've tried vsound & mplayer, both of which should work according to what I've read - but don't for me :-(. Anyone know ofanything reasonably simple I could use?08:05
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THX-1138soundray - sounds good. Let me take a look.08:05
jribbillyp: how are you using mplayer?08:05
rock7well, I have tried most recorders, I was using lame and sox08:06
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rock7but soundrec works08:06
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Xinosponingru Okay, I did that.08:06
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rock7(I cna't get it to work on soundrec, either)08:06
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arepieanyone wanna help me install fglrx driver?08:06
billypjrib, via the comand line  from notes in this URL...08:07
poningruXinos: now there should be a boot folder in there08:07
YOKcomhey guys, I'm trying to save and overwrite my xorg.conf but dont have permissions. How do I get permission to?08:07
poningruerr browse to /mnt08:07
soundrayarepie: no, unless you have a specific problem with the instructions on the wiki:08:07
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:07
poningruYOKcom: sudo08:07
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poningruXinos: under /mnt there should be a boot folder08:07
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YOKcomjust sudo in the terminal?08:07
poningruin there should be grub/grub.conf08:07
poningruYOKcom: 'sudo su'08:07
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poningruin a terminal08:08
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arepiesoundray: i've followed the wiki for a few times, and now i just reformat my ubuntu edgy because of my conf was mess up..08:08
=== Adam__ [n=AKG@adsl-222-139-115.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruthat will give you super user status08:08
YOKcomthanks poningru08:08
=== Kubu [n=ircap8@18.Red-213-97-49.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribbillyp: mplayer -dumpstream  usually works for me.  Is that what you tried?08:08
soundrayponingru: not grub.conf08:08
poningruand you can mess around with your hearts content08:08
cryptoniccan anyone tell me if theres an ubuntu ftp site08:08
Kubudoes anyone know how to make ndiswrapper work for edgy08:08
Xinosponingru no, there was no boot folder in mount. There was another mnt folder withing the mnt folder that had almos the same amount of diskspace as my linux disk though. But it was empty08:09
AbstNot sudo su, sudo -i08:09
soundrayarepie: don't use edgy unless you can handle difficult situations. Install dapper, then the instructions will apply.08:09
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Xinosin mnt*08:09
soundrayarepie: or ask for help in #ubuntu+108:09
billypjrib, no didn't try dumpstream  - the arrticle didn't mention that. Will see how that works. Thanks!08:09
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Xinosoh wait08:09
Xinosfound it08:09
arepieim quite sleepy, i will continue tmrw08:09
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cryptonicanytone = anyone08:10
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Xinosponingru There is no grub.conf in mnt/boot/grub08:11
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THX-1138soundray - "nice" tip. Thanks.     Is creating a user group for that application what i should do?08:11
qq1010_azureus file very big...08:11
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soundrayTHX-1138: I don't know08:11
YOKcomponingru: i am now root but. when i drag my mouse to actually close the text editor and save the xorg.conf it wont let me still because of permissions08:12
THX-1138soundray - Ok, Thank You.08:12
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drumline_That new 'init' in Edgy looks amazing08:13
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soundraydrumline_: the edgy channel is #ubuntu+108:13
YOKcomi am now root but. when i drag my mouse to actually close the text editor and save the xorg.conf i edited it wont let me still because of permissions08:13
pradeephi...when I do a 'ls' I get a ' error while loading shared libraries: libacl.so.1:' error08:13
soundrayYOKcom: don08:14
soundrayYOKcom: don't repeat pls08:14
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jribYOKcom: what do you mean by "you are now root", how did you become root?  How did you open the file?08:14
YOKcomjrib: i did sudo su08:14
poningruXinos: did grub install crash again?08:14
YOKcomjrib: i manually naviated to xorg.confg08:14
KurganHiya. can someone tell me how to access an NTFS drive from Ubuntu? I "don't have permission," which is silly, because it's my system and I'm the only account. Usually "dangerous" stuff asks me for my system password, but it's not doing it for this. I even tried to Change User to just "root," but for some reason it says I've got a bad password (during install it only asked me to create one sudo account, not a separate root pass, a08:14
KurganI recall). Any help is appreciated.08:14
XinosIt didn't look like it crashed08:14
YOKcomjrib: by going through the folders08:14
poningruYOKcom: you have to open it from under the terminal08:14
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YOKcomponingru: oh ok08:15
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:15
soundrayYOKcom: sudo su is not recommended. Open the file with sudo nano filename or similar08:15
jribYOKcom: don't sudo su, use 'sudo -i' instead.  And then you have to open it from the terminal like poningru said08:15
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nikinYOK: if it isnt a problem use: sudo nano [path to file] 08:15
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soundrayYOKcom: use sudo -i if you need a root shell08:15
nikinthat works for sure08:15
poningru!ntfs > Kurgan08:15
KurganThanks. Pulling that link up now.08:15
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fredlIs there a Dapper VMWare appliance?08:15
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drumline_soundray: cool.  Thx.08:15
soundrayKurgan: use the wiki:08:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:16
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fredln/m found one.08:17
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jonah1980_2_hi i've lost my wireless connection updating to edgy, can anyone help - i've got a netgear pcmcia card. it's still got the signal strength and settings in networking dialog but not working...08:17
YOKcomponingru: i'm new to ubuntu. I navigated to where i need to be. Whats the command to edit or open the xorg.conf?08:18
jribjonah1980_2_: #ubuntu+1 is for help with edgy08:18
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jaksh_eetsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:18
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fredlHmm, what would be faster... Installing ubuntu from scratch off of a CD, Installing Ubuntu through a PXE boot over a fast network, or installing Ubuntu from a VMWare appliance stored on my NFS?08:19
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!08:19
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tritiumjrib: what?08:19
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jribtritium: ban pepsi , don't even click on his link...08:19
pepsijrib, :(08:19
jonah1980_2_jrib, sorry i just thought that it would be same to get working again in edgy as dapper08:19
AfterDeathyeh that link is bad08:19
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pepsiAfterDeath, !$#@% what channels _arent_ you in?08:20
tritiumpepsi: that was really a bad choice on your part08:20
fredlI guess depending on how fast the CD drive is, installing from a local CD might be faster huh?08:20
pepsiexcuse me?08:20
pepsiseems like a good choice to me08:20
AfterDeathpepsi: a lot08:20
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fredldoes anybody here ever do automated / semi-automated Ubuntu install on large amount of systems?08:21
sproingiewhat the heck kind of hostmask is that?08:21
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fredlthanks tritium, that was gross :/08:22
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sproingieirc lesson #1, never click on unsolicited links08:22
poningruYOKcom: in your terminal type in 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'08:22
sproingielinux isn't necessarily 100% drive-by exploit-proof either08:23
drkycan anyone help me change the permissions on a partition so i can write to it08:23
tritiumfredl: it was entirely inappropriate, yes.  Thanks, jrib.08:23
poningruYOKcom: if you are already super user skip the sudo08:23
YOKcomi did now it says cannot open display:null08:23
=== overridex [n=override@c-24-62-7-132.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Xinos goes off to try to repair windows.... again
overridexweird, everytime i restart gaim in edgy, it resets my smiley theme to default08:23
ladydoorhey folks...is there a way to force my /etc/motd file to remain world-unwritable? yesterday, i changed the message in it and then gave it 444 permissions (still owned by root, of course)...today, the old message is back and it has 644 permissions.08:23
fredlsproingie, judging from the recent discussion about SSH on the bugtraq list, that's not just Linux :)08:24
sproingiefredl: another ssh vuln?08:24
poningrusproingie: howso?08:24
ephesiushow would i set ubuntu to boot to terminal rather than a gui on a server08:24
poningrubaah dont have any sshd running08:24
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Tydrky,  mount the partition, then use chroot08:24
fredlsproingie, well one that could be considered 'minor' since it has (so far) only been demonstrated on SUSE.08:24
THX-1138ladydoor - How does that happen? Do you have gnomes in your machine?08:24
poningruephesius: rc-update X delete default08:25
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fredlsproingie, a timing leak that allows an attacker to probe if a username exists or not.08:25
poningruerr wait wrong distro08:25
poningrufredl: like I said no sshd08:25
=== Dot is now known as Dot-Comm
ladydoorTHX-1138: ugh, i don't even have a single GNOME08:25
ephesiusponingru: will that still enable me to startx when i need it?08:25
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TheGateKeeperephesius: have you installed a desktop on your server?08:25
drkycan anyone tell me how to enable a partition so all users can write to it?08:26
THX-1138ladydoor And your machine likely runs faster for it.08:26
sproingiefredl: oh that's a pretty old one.  it requires a lot of repeat poking too, doesn't it?08:26
fredlponingru, well I think ssh is one of the safer protocols in use on the internet these days :)08:26
=== mbass [n=mbass@mbassett.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorTHX-1138: sure does!08:26
ephesiusTheGateKeeper: not yet but i wanted to so i could test things if i needed to08:26
fredlsproingie, no it's been on bugtraq only recently. It's a new one I think.08:26
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sproingiefredl: i used to have a rule that would firewall any IP that tried more than three ssh connects in a minute08:26
poningruephesius: wrong distro dude I was thinking gentoo for a sec08:27
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poningruephesius: dont think that will work on ubuntu08:27
sproingiefredl: i really wish distros would install it by default08:27
poningrufredl: true08:27
THX-1138ladydoor - I wanted to run a troublesome emulated app in a seperate xorg session. would that help?08:27
ephesiusTheGateKeeper: i just want to be able to start it when i want08:27
Silver_SeagullHalp!  I get an Xserver failure with the error "vesa(0): set VBE mode failed!"  This is on the AMD64 6.06 Disc08:27
=== llindy [n=lindy@193-165.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tydrky,                    [sudo mount /dev/whatever /home/user/hd2]           then             [chmod /home/user/hd2 777] 08:27
ephesiusponingru: i was thinking that sounded weird haha08:27
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poningrusproingie: sshd?08:27
THX-1138ladydoor Would adding nice/renice help?08:27
poningruephesius: hold on08:27
ladydoorTHX-1138: i'm really sorry....i honestly don't know anything about emulation (other than use wine for windows)08:27
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ladydoorTHX-1138: or about multiple x-sessions. :-(. i wish i could help08:28
drkycan anyone help me please?08:28
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fredlTHX-1138, you used VMWare?08:28
poningruephesius: sorry dude I forgot how to do that in deb/ubuntu08:28
llindyHey, I just installed windows xp on parelle's, and it wont let hit the option to save can anyone help me out?08:28
ephesiusponingru: its ok08:28
ephesiusponingru: thanks for trying08:28
THX-1138ladydoor. Exactly, World of Warcraft. with wine. is it warden wow or wine - hehe08:28
ladydoordrky: could you please post your /etc/fstab to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:29
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:29
ladydoorTHX-1138: i know i've heard of that. it's a game, right?08:29
YOKcomponingru: I ran "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and I get "cannot open display: (null)08:29
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THX-1138ladydoor - it starts like that..08:29
ladydoordrky: and then post here the link to the page it makes08:29
THX-1138It becomes erm an obsession.08:30
ladydoorTHX-1138: that sounds very menacing...are you sure you want to get into something like that? could be dangerous08:30
llindyHey, I just installed windows xp on parelle's, and it wont let hit the option to save can anyone help me out?08:30
poningruYOKcom: try sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:30
sproingieponingru: no, rate limits on sshd connections08:30
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poningrusproingie: oh true08:30
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poningruI guess ... but I scp all the time08:31
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THX-1138ladydoor - there is a twelve step help group for it. - unfortuneatly it meets goldshire.08:31
drkyladydoor did you get it?08:31
woeiwhen exactly are the iso's of Edgy supposed to be released to the public ? Somewhere around Monday 23rd ?08:31
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poningru26 iirc08:31
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myesteriousWhich program can convert pdf to html ?08:31
THX-1138A city in the game.08:31
ladydoordrky: sure did. which partition do you want everybody to be able to write?08:31
sproingieponingru: that's why it should be hooked into pam.  i don't scp to this box so i just rate limit08:31
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tritiummyesterious: pdftohtml08:32
llindyinstalled vmware, up and ruuning ubuntu/windows, wont let save..nedd help please!08:32
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YOKcomponingru: ok now I am lost. It worked I am at a screen that says GNU nano up at hte top and the location of the file. Sorry <---new bare with me08:32
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myesteriouspdftohtml made wrong convert.08:33
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llindyguys help please..... installed vmware, up and ruuning ubuntu/windows, wont let save..nedd help please08:33
myesteriousI have used gmail to convert (view as html function) but no image08:33
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soundraymyesterious: there is another utility of the same name in package poppler-utils. Try that.08:33
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llindy installed vmware, up and ruuning ubuntu/windows, wont let save..nedd help please08:34
acke_hey guys. i try to install flash with easyubuntu. but i get a key error and i also get fix broken packages error. but i dont know how to do that in easyubuntu, anyone knows?08:34
bug_thx: you can use flexiserver to start more sessions, if that's what you're looking for08:34
fredlllindy, what exactly do you mean with 'need help'08:34
llindyI cant seem to save the sttings, what to do?08:34
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fredlllindy, please don't repeat your questions so quickly.08:34
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Outerlimitwhat software should i use to burn a bootable ISO?08:34
llindyhave to keep running the set up.08:34
THX-1138llindy - llindy - we are volunteers here sometimes you get lucky and someone knows what you need other times not. - please be patient.08:34
ladydoordrky: ok, first try this: (fist back up your /etc/fstab:  sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak)...then you're going to need to put something in the options column. so under <options>, write defaults,user08:34
llindyke, sorry08:35
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myesterioussoundray, I have tried that program but it wrong displays too08:35
llindydoing this for 15 hours now, no luck08:35
fredlllindy, you mean the virtual machine settings?08:35
Endustthe default vi is giving me problems.  It seems like its trying to autoincrement when I press return, but it drops down a line, and then tabs over from where the previous line began.  then if I backspace more than 3 times, it jumps a tab in the opposite direction.  something wrong with my vi?08:35
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ladydoordrky: which may enable anybody in the group users to write to it08:35
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soundrayOuterlimit: in ubuntu, you can just right click on an iso and select Write to CD08:36
drkycool cheers done that08:36
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drkyso now if i reboot it should auto mount that partition as rw?08:36
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fredlllindy, in vmware console you mean?08:36
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KurganOk, I ran the script listed on the AutomaticallyMountPartitions page, but it appears not to have worked. Still saying I don't have permission to access the NTFS partitions. The subsequent info given below that (on that page) for doing things manually is a bit much (I'm a Linux noob). Any ideas why that script wouldn't have worked? Do I need to reboot, despite it saying I didn't have to?08:36
|Mikael|who knows a tool to repair mp3's which are not seekable08:36
bug_endust: i had that problem.. it's a terminal emulation problem08:36
Outerlimitsoundray, oh, cool.  thanks :)08:36
=== tgelter [n=tgelter@c-67-166-112-211.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawanyone know if there is wpa support in ubuntu on the intel macs?08:36
fredlllindy, odd, I don't have that problem it would seem....08:36
woeihmm, is there an easy to way to get a list of installed packages and the repository they originated from ? Something like dpkg -l, but with an extra column containing the repository.08:36
llindyI know, I dunno wazzup08:37
Endustah, ok.  thanks bug_08:37
ladydoordrky: you could just unmount and then remount it, instead...08:37
fredlllindy, but then again I've never had to save anything on the VM settings yet. I just installed VMWare server today.08:37
bug_endust: give me a minute and i should be able to give you the solution08:37
llindyshaking my head...stumped08:37
ladydoordrky: in linux, reboots are generally unnecessary except for things like kernel upgrades.08:37
tgelterhey all, I'm having a bit of trouble w/ startup scripts under /usr/share/initramfs-tools...does anyone have experience with that?08:37
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drkybut it will auto mount at next boot too?08:37
GastenHello. What should I do if "make" doesn't work?08:37
fredlllindy, what setting did you change that you would like saved?08:37
EndustI'm just using gnome's terminal, I may just switch to aterm or something08:37
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llindylet me try pause, stop, and then save again08:37
fredlllindy, also, before you can change anything you need to power down the virtual server.08:38
llindyto save the set up and install08:38
soundrayGasten: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:38
llindyoh, ok08:38
llindylet me try it...thanks!08:38
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fredlllindy, hope that helps.08:38
drkyit says the line is invalid08:38
ladydoordrky: and if you're responding, please say my nick so i don't have to parse through the channel to find if you've said something08:38
Gastensoundray: trying that..08:38
YOKcomI just edited something with sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the terminal how do i exit and save it?08:38
llindythanks...trying now..let you knpw fredl08:38
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drkyladydoor: sorry new to this :)08:38
ladydoordrky: ok, would you post the new fstab, please?08:38
ladydoordrky: no worries08:38
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fredldrky, what IRC program are you using?08:38
soundrayYOKcom: it says on the bottom of the screen. Ctrl-O to write out, Ctrl-X to exit.08:39
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drkyladydoor: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26903/08:39
YOKcomthanks sound soundray. write out = saving im guessing?08:39
drkyfredl: xchat08:39
YOKcomjust want to make sure08:39
fredldrky, try typing lady<TAB> it should mak retyping the nickname easier.08:39
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tokyoaheadhi guys... any release date info for 6.10?08:39
drkyfredl, aha cheers08:39
soundraytokyoahead: 26 Oct planned08:39
tokyoaheadsoundray: thanks08:40
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fredlis it good when I look in my download window for the Ubuntu VMWare appliance and it says it has downloaded 666Mb so far?08:40
=== fredl worries too much
tgelterGasten: probably just apt-get install build-essential08:40
YOKcomsoundray: thanks it worked08:40
sureshothey all is there any advantages to making custom kernel .. would it speed up my machine any or do you all know any tweeks i could do08:41
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ladydoordrky: and the one you're editing is the one you want to mount on /mnt/space, right?08:41
overridexhmm... why does upgrading vmware-player want to remove gnome-main-menu, libdbus-1-2 and libnautilus-burn3?08:41
soundraysureshot: you learn a lot about the Linux kernel if you roll your own. Otherwise, there is very little advantage to it.08:41
drkyladydoor, yep thats the one08:41
pradeepwhen I do a 'ls' I get this error and there is no output 'error while loading shared libraries: libacl.so.1:' .. how do i fix this?08:41
fredlsureshot, I can't think of a real reason to do so. Compiling in the modules you need might save a *little* bit of overhead...08:41
sureshotsoundray i know that on but just asking trying to learn all i can no project it is hard to learn08:42
bug_endust: are you using vi or vim?08:42
Silver_SeagullHalp!  I get an Xserver failure with the error "vesa(0): set VBE mode failed!"  This is on the AMD64 6.06 Disc08:42
sproingiesureshot: compiling a kernel is mostly clicking on a bunch of config options.  it's exceedingly easy.08:42
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Silver_SeagullIt autodetects everything right, just fails to init08:43
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ladydoordrky: oh! i told you wrong. the problem was that the columns were a little out of alignment (which doesn't actually matter). so instead, add to the part that says "rw,auto" without spaces ",user"08:43
soundraypradeep: that's a strange one... Try 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install libacl1'08:43
ladydoordrky: (they were out of alignment, so i got confused. lol)08:43
Endustvim.  I just tried set nocompatible in my .vimrc, but that was a nogo08:43
drkyladydoor, cheers i'll try that :) lol08:43
sureshotsproingie never done it so i dont know most likely would not know what to compile LOLOLOL08:43
bruenigwhat kernel should I use? I read something about a generic kernel?08:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage08:44
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sproingieanyone who LOL's me activates a 10 minute delay to any other answers.  i'll give this one for free tho08:44
ubotukernel-package: A utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages.. In component main, is optional. Version 9.001ubuntu15 (dapper), package size 353 kB, installed size 1316 kB08:44
pradeepsoundray, thanks it's working now :) .. I hope I will be able to boot now08:44
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sureshothow would i dl the kernel to compile it..08:45
sureshoti want the 686 kernel08:45
soundray!kernelcompile > sureshot08:46
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ephesiusanyone know how to set ubuntu to not boot into x?08:46
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tritiumsureshot: the linux-source-* packages are what you're looking for.  Any reason you need to compile one?08:46
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soundrayephesius: 'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove'08:46
sureshotsoundray thanks alot man gives me somthing to do befor i go back to church tonight have to play music to night fun very fun08:47
bug_endust: well.. i've got it: http://web.gat.com/docview/vi_arrow_key_fix.html08:47
roostishawanyone know if there is wpa support in ubuntu on the intel macs?08:47
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tannerldwhats the package I must install to run a command like this "php update.php"/08:47
gbutler69Anyone know how to get Compiz/AIGLX working with Ubuntu Edgy and a Inter i915G video? Keeps saying does not have EXT_GLX_TEXTURE_FROM_PIXMAP.08:47
ephesiussoundray: can i still use startx?08:47
sureshottritium just somthing to learn i guess08:47
soundraysureshot: oh dear, hope you get paid well.08:47
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soundrayephesius: sure.08:47
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild08:47
sureshotsoundray love to play my 12 string it is fun08:47
ephesiussoundray: thanks08:47
Endustawesome, thanks bug_.  I was playing with term types, but never got it08:47
bug_the cups manager at localhost:631 won't let me do anything, even after enabling the root acct. it's some kind of authentication problem08:48
soundraysureshot: just joking of course ;)08:48
fredlHmmm... to start up a VMWare appliance you unzip the appliance in the Virtual host directory and then simply click on the *.vmx file, right??08:48
bug_endust: that *should* work. i fixed it once on straight debian by setting term type to xterm, i think..08:48
skewhHey there everyone, unless files in my /var/www folder are given chmod 444 permissions, it gives me a Forbidden error in my web browser, any way I can fix this?08:48
tannerldwhats the package I must install to run a command like this "php update.php"/08:48
YOKcomsoundray: http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installation_instructions_for_the_ThinkPad_T60p I am on the second part starting there "[On my UXGA t60p the ChipID line" can you elaborate on that? I am not sure what they are telling me to do08:48
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sureshotsoundray i know man i just love to play doing some bluegrass tonight love to play that08:48
fredlI just downloaded the Ubuntu Dapper VMWare appliance and it doesn't seem to work like that *ponder*08:48
bug_does anyone know how to get the cups browser interface to work?08:48
drkyladydoor, hey i tried that but i still cant create folders on the mounted volume08:49
snoopshey, umm..does anyone have any experience with handwriting recognition software for linux? I'm going to be buying a wacom drawing tablet, and wanted to use it for drawing + handwriting recognition, but from a few google searches it seems handwriting recognition is pretty much non-existant in the nix world..Any advice would be much appreciated!08:49
Adam__gah, I have no idea how I'm connected. I can't connect to my router, DSL modem, or even ping google. But IRC still works :/08:49
ladydoordrky: after unmounting and remounting it?08:49
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soundraysureshot: that's a cool church where you can play bluegrass. However, we are veering ever so slightly off topic.08:49
skewhHey there everyone, unless files in my /var/www folder are given chmod 444 permissions, it gives me a Forbidden error in my web browser, any way I can fix this?08:49
Endustyea, my term is already set to xterm.. but notimeout fixed it.  thanks :)08:49
ladydoordrky: (just double-checking)08:49
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fredlsnoops, actually I think google itself has released an OCR application that works on Linux too.08:49
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drkyi'll repaste08:49
jorisDoes anyone have a simple and good guide for gnome-volume-control for alsa mixer. There are so many preferences i dont understand...08:49
drkyladydoor, i'll repaste08:49
ladydoorskewh: if they don't have read permission, they can't be read...08:50
ladydoordrky: that's ok08:50
sureshotsoundray yes i agree very slightly hehe i just love to chat with people that have a brain if you know what i mean08:50
gbutler69Compiz/AIGLX with Intel i915G video on Edgy? Anyone?08:50
snoopsfredl hmm I think I heard something about that..but wasn't sure if there were any apps to use it with the wacom in mind08:50
ladydoordrky: i'm just asking whether you unmounted and then remounted it so the changes could take effect08:50
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:50
jake_Hello, I am looking for some help with vmware server, can anyone help?08:50
skewhladydoor: Yes, but whenever I upload files via FTP, they are automatically given CHMOD 000, and I have to manually change it to 444 or more08:50
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drkyladydoor, yeah i unmounted and remounted08:50
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soundraysureshot: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place08:50
sureshoti know08:51
gbutler69Not XGL. AIGLX?08:51
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tannerldwhats the package I must install to run a command like this "php update.php"?08:51
soundrayYOKcom: will have a look later. Putting daughter to bed now.08:51
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fredlsnoops, the wacom tablets are pretty well supported under X I think08:51
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Dot-commhow do i get the latest shockwave on dapper08:51
jribtannerld: php5-cli  (if you use 5)08:51
Dot-commor flashplayer08:52
tannerldjrib: ty08:52
Dot-commwhatever its calld08:52
jribDot-comm: you can get the latest flash for linux (7)08:52
bruenig!xgl > gbutler6908:52
jribubotu: tell Dot-comm about flash08:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mov - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:52
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fredlDot-comm, check ubuntuguide.org it has instructions for Flash and a LOT more.08:52
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gbutler69Anyone with Intel i915 on Edgy? Does AIGLX/Compiz work? Mine doesn't. Complains about not having "GLX_TEXTURE_FROM_PIXMAP"08:52
Dot-commok thx08:52
jribDot-comm: if you really need flash 9, then you can install firefox through wine and flash as well08:52
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frandavid100hi guys08:53
brueniggbutler69, go to #ubuntu-xgl, since obviously two factoid triggers aren't enough08:53
Adam__gbutler69, try #ubuntu+1 ?08:53
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:53
gbutler69bruenig: why !xgl?08:53
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bruenigok sorry08:53
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:53
YOKcomhttp://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installation_instructions_for_the_ThinkPad_T60p I am on the second part starting there "[On my UXGA t60p the ChipID line" can you elaborate on that? I am not sure what they are telling me to do08:53
bruenigis that better08:53
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frandavid100can you recommend me some good app to work with gif animations?08:53
ladydoordrky: ok, in that case, try adding this:  ",umask=111" in the same spot as before, then remounting08:53
bruenig!info gimp08:53
ubotugimp: The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.11-1ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 2712 kB, installed size 7648 kB08:53
frandavid100easy stuff, just take frames from one and paste them into another08:54
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Roberthi all08:54
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:54
drkyladydoor, instead of the ,user?08:54
Robertdoes the ubuntu server edition cd install a gui ?08:54
fredlHRmm why do all VMWare appliances look different, this Ubuntu appliance only comes with two files in the zipfile....08:54
frandavid100bruenig: does the gimp handle animations?08:54
Robertbruenig: thanks :D08:54
jribfrandavid100: I think gimp can open gifs, but I've never used it to do so08:54
bruenigRobert, no08:54
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frandavid100didn't know that08:54
Robertbruenig: oh, even if i tell it to install a LAMP platform /08:54
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Robertand, does it atleast include those packages on the cd ?08:55
bruenigfrandavid100, I think so, yeah I am pretty sure, people says it does, I generally don't do that but I have seen gifs alleged to have been made in gimp08:55
drkyladydoor, hmm no doesn't like that08:55
ladydoordrky: not instead. what error does it give?08:55
fredlgimp can definitely open and edit gifs.08:55
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Abstis it possible to view this in Ubuntu? http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/borat/trailerg/08:55
ladydoordrky: (if it's longer than a couple lines, use pastebin)08:56
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bruenigAbst, working fine with mozilla-mplayer08:56
bruenig!info mozilla-mplayer08:56
ubotumozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.17-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 421 kB, installed size 1500 kB08:56
frandavid100I'll check that up and come back to you bruenig08:56
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TheGateKeeperAbst: yep I just did08:57
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drkyladydoor, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26908/08:57
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drkyladydoor, i have just formatted that partition as ext3 using gparted - it was a ntfs partition before. If that helps08:58
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ladydoordrky: could you please re-enter the line you input that gave you the error and then post just that one line here?08:58
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fredlwhoohooo, Ubuntu Dapper in a VMWare virthost, life is sweet!08:59
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drkyladydoor, 1sec08:59
Abstbruenig: Hmm08:59
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bruenigAbst, hmmm08:59
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fredlNow if only I had a half-decent Windows XP CD but that got lost over the years :/09:00
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AbstI shall try mozilla-mplayer09:00
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bruenigmplayer is pretty cool, plays everything09:01
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snoopsnot everything, but close enough bruenig09:01
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fredlis Ubuntu somehow aware if it's running as a VMWare virtual host?09:02
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drkyladydoor, /dev/hda1       /mnt/space      ext3   rw,auto,user,umask=111     0009:03
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AbstE: Package mplayer has no installation candidate09:03
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jribAbst: enable multiverse09:03
overridexwhat should i use for a mailer for and ubuntu server so that mdadm can send notification emails to me... sendmail? or is there something smaller/better?09:04
varianti tried to install nvidia-legacy drivers but when i do modprobe nvidia i get "FATAL: nvidia_lagacy not found. error running install command for nvidia"09:04
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Abstjrib: I have I think..09:04
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variantanyone know why ?09:04
jribAbst: make sure you have dapper multiverse, not jsut dapper-backports multiverse09:04
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goop2anyone here use OO.o presenter?09:04
PeggerI am trying to get bridging working with openvpn  http://pastebin.ca/20419409:05
AbstI only have backprops09:05
SurfnOldFartum guys09:05
SurfnOldFarti need help09:05
SurfnOldFarti think i screwd somethin up09:05
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AbstHow do I get multiverse09:05
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:06
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ladydoordrky: hm. in theory that should be fine...but i've unfortunatly got to go. there are many other people here who will be able to help you (apparently more effectively) than i can. good luck! you might thry saving that again in case the problem was just a typo09:06
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:06
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thedude__is XGL a big memory hog, and is it worth it?09:06
drkyladydoor ok thanks for the help09:07
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drkycan anyone help me with a partition problem?09:07
webbenhow could i remove and reinstall gnome?09:07
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snoopsthedude__, I haven't found it to use much memory..and it's absolutely worth checking out..amazing stuff09:07
fredlwebben - try apt-get --reinstall09:07
thedude__why would you want to do that09:07
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TheGateKeeperthedude__: xgl is just basically eye candy09:07
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thedude__is it a pain in the ass on ubuntu?09:07
fredlwebben, although it's tricky since GNOME consists of a lot of packages.09:08
Allz-i-how can i fix my keyboard .i have tryied to go to the keyboard setting .but nothing works .when i put it on icelandic keyboard :S09:08
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:08
YOKcomcan someone help me with this driver guide I am reading?09:08
Allz-i-my keybpard all mixed up09:08
webbenthedude_: i'm on edgy, and gnome has broken09:08
willys_fueguinohi!! How could I downgrade firefox??09:08
webben(fluxbox loads ,.... but not gnome)09:08
snoopsTheGateKeeper eye candy of today is the standard of tomorrow09:08
webben(not even failsafe gnome)09:08
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ks1webben: like how?09:08
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fredlsnoops, 3 years ago E! was just eyecandy.09:09
fredlsnoops, now it still is :P09:09
webbenks1: How does it fail? Usually brown screen with a big white rectangle at the top left09:09
[NoX] !seen Ceeleste09:09
[NoX] !seen Celeste09:09
YOKcomhttp://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installation_instructions_for_the_ThinkPad_T60p I am on the second part starting there "[On my UXGA t60p the ChipID line" can you elaborate on that? I am not sure what they are telling me to do09:09
ubotuI haven't seen ceeleste recently09:09
ubotuI last saw Celeste (n=Celeste@ 9h 1m 5s ago, quiting: Client Quit09:09
ks1usplash or gdm or gnome environment ?09:09
drkycan anyone help with a problem mounting a drive?09:09
ks1i'm running edgy with no problems.09:09
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illuvatordrky: what's the problem?09:10
webbenks1, GDM loads fine, and I can load fluxbox or xterm failsafe from GDM. But not Gnome or Failsafe Gnome.09:10
fredldoes anybody know how come the Ubuntu I'm running in my VMWare server automatically logs in the user 'ubuntu' ?09:10
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webben(and edgy was working for me too until this morning)09:10
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Allz-i-how can i fix my keyboard .i have tryied to go to the keyboard setting .but nothing works .when i put it on icelandic keyboard :S.and i cant write this "/" but not the other part09:10
fredlhey since there's some edgy users here, anybody know if Enlightenment DR17 is already in there?09:10
drkyilluvator, i'm trying to mount a partition i just reformatted from ntfs to ext3 but i get an error msg when i mount it09:10
drkyilluvator, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26908/09:11
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willys_fueguinohi!! How could I downgrade firefox?? Im on edgy and I cant check my yahoo mail09:11
ks1webben: try removing your .gnome .gnome2 .gconfd .gnome2_private .metacity .nautilus and related directories in your $HOME. you will loose customizations like panel settings etc09:11
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soundrayYOKcom: do you actually have that particular laptop model?09:11
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, tried dpkg-reconfigure x-server-xorg ?09:11
TheGateKeeperAllz-i-: you probable need to take a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:11
YOKcomsoundray: yes i do09:11
webbenks1: isn't that equivalent to launching failsafe gnome?09:11
ks1webben: not sure.09:11
fredlis there a way to make Ubuntu automatically log in a user without providing a password?!?!09:11
ks1you could also try clearing /tmp09:11
YOKcomsoundray: i edited the xorg.conf already i'm on the second part now09:11
YBH_1I have set samba up and windows can see it but it won't allow me to browse the folder. It asks for name and password. What name and password am I supposed to use to access the ubuntu folder?09:12
TheGateKeeperfredl: I think it's in dapper so fairly sure it will be in edge09:12
fredlit's in Dapper?? no way.09:12
soundrayYOKcom: what's the second part? Where it says "Kubuntu..."?09:12
TheGateKeeperthink I once installed e1709:12
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illuvatordrky: what is the command you are using?09:12
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YOKcomsoundray: go a little up its in installing ubuntu dapper09:12
webbenks1; i might as well just make a second user09:13
drkyilluvator, "sudo mount /dev/hda1"09:13
fredlTheGateKeeper, no that has to be e1609:13
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ks1webben: that works also09:13
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nolimitsoyafredl, check login window, under system. look under security09:13
YOKcomsoundray: [On my UXGA t60p the ChipID line was actually fatal to getting fglrx to start up (/var/log/Xorg.0.log showed the driver falling back to VESA and fgl_glxgears would crash). Without that ChipID line my chip was identified as09:13
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YOKcomsoundray: that line09:13
fredlnolimitsoya, thanks.09:13
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willys_fueguinohi!! How could I downgrade firefox?? Im on edgy and I cant check my yahoo mail09:13
illuvatordrky: try: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /media/whereever09:13
Allz-i-what means root .it says you must run it as a root ?09:14
illuvatordrky: and remember that /media/whatever must exist (you can make it with sudo mkdir /media/hda1...or whatever you like)09:14
webbenAllz-i: what says?09:14
Allz-i-you must run it as a root09:14
drkyilluvator, ok that mounts it but i cant write to it?09:14
Allz-i-so how do i do that ?09:14
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, press alt+f2, type sudo gedit09:15
soundrayYOKcom: what it says is that you may or may not need the ChipID line in xorg.conf. Is it in your current one?09:15
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webbenAllz-i: root is the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superuser  on Linux systems09:15
YOKcomsoundray: let me check09:15
illuvatordrky - you will need to set up the permissions. you have a few options. If you want it to be mounted every time you startup then it must be in /etc/fstab, if not then you need to use the mount options to sset the reight permissions. I don't know this off hand - which optio do you want  to follow and I'll help you more09:15
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, type this instead: gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:15
=== codecaine [n=codecain@cpe-68-204-45-39.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyathat gets you where you want to be in an instant09:16
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webbenAllz-i-, https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/linux-basics.html#root-and-sudo09:16
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fredlCool, cool, triple cool! I'm running Windows XP, Nexenta and Dapper all in a virtual machine!09:16
drkyilluvator, ok thanks. i need for everyone to be able to write to it?09:16
Allz-i-i know hehe this webben .just long time i have been on my computer09:16
Allz-i-i forgett little things09:16
drkyilluvator, do i enter the same command into fstab to make it automount?09:16
illuvatordrky: and do you want it to be mounted on startup?09:16
YOKcomsoundray: it says ChipID 0x71c509:16
drkyilluvator, yes :)09:16
webbenks1, nope using a fresh user got me a brown screen + white rectangle again09:16
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webbenso guys how would I reinstall gnome?09:17
fredlNow I just hope that VMWare server will sometime soon be available as a .deb so I won't have to recompile it's kernel modules with every kernel update :P09:17
TheGateKeeperfredl: your right that is all I can find at the moment, but I am sure it used to be there09:17
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nolimitsoyawebben, sudo apt-get install gnome-core09:17
padananyone know how to move files directly to attached storage on a palm device?09:17
fredlTheGateKeeper, that would surprise me, I'm not even sure if DR17 is past beta yet.09:17
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padanfred, it will never come out of beta09:18
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padanits been in beta for more than 6 years09:18
webbenpadan, thanks09:18
illuvatordrky: not the same command - open fstab and have a look :). you want to put a line like the ones already in there09:18
fredlpadan, don't underestimate Raster, that would not be wise :)09:18
ks1webben: I would boot fluxbox and try to use apt-get or aptitude to download the latest updates or either dpkg-reconfigure gnome/ubuntu-desktop i suppose09:18
TheGateKeeperfredl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2021609:18
drkyilluvator, /dev/hda1       /media/spaceext3rw,auto,user,umask=1110009:18
padanthe problem is that they keep redoing the backend09:18
illuvatordrky: are you using dapper or edgy - I have _just_ looked at an edgy fstab for the first time and it is doing things differently from any Linux I've used before09:18
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padan3 years into it they completely redid everything09:18
TheGateKeeperfredl: knew I wasn't dreaming it lol09:19
drkyilluvator, dapper09:19
webbenks1: my machine's already updated but i could try dpkg-reconfigure, thanks09:19
soundrayYOKcom: okay. Now you should be able to reboot and get a graphical login. *If* you don't, you'll have to login on a text console, run 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' and add a # so it says #ChipID, and then run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'.09:19
Allz-i-nolitmitsoya okei i have opened my x-server.xorg ,now how do i fix my keyboard ?09:19
fredlawesome TheGateKeeper, I can now try it on my VMWare Ubuntu virt!!09:19
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illuvatordrky: cool, that line looks great09:19
fredlthis is so cool :P09:19
overridexhow do i send mail to a local user from the cli in ubuntu?  the command "mail" doesn't exist...09:19
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ks1webben: idont know why you are having troubles, I downloaded the latest today and everything is fine. Do you have anything special running? like beryl09:19
webbenks1: no09:19
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illuvatordrky: to check without restarting try sudo umount /dev/hda109:19
Hooveyytyping aptitude -v -v -v -v -v moo is very fun :)09:19
padaninstall mail tools overridex?09:19
illuvatorthen sudo mount -a09:19
webbenks1: well, except i've been trying to get orca working09:19
TheGateKeeperfredl: I knew I had installed it somehow in the past lol09:20
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, look for input, keyboard layout09:20
nolimitsoyachange to you national code09:20
webbenks1: but i already tried apt-removing orca festival speech-dispatcher lsr09:20
marcI cant see my Hard Drives in the Computer icon of nautilus, any ideas? udev and hal are started.09:20
webbenks1: didn't make any difference09:20
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drkyilluvator,  ok unmounted09:20
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YOKcomsoundray: I got the graphical login. The reason I tried to follow that guide is because of laggyness on splash screens. I thought it would help it but it still happens. =/09:20
illuvatordrky: sudo mount -a09:20
soundrayoverridex: install mailx09:20
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overridexsoundray: thanks09:21
soundrayoverridex: mutt might be even better09:21
drkyilluvator, hmm esame error09:21
overridexsoundray: any idea what mdadm would be using to send mail of failures?09:21
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drkyilluvator, esame=same09:21
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illuvatordrky: let me check you fstab line against one of mine, hold on09:21
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PeggerI am trying to get bridging working with openvpn  http://pastebin.ca/20419409:22
WeberCould someone please take a look at this, and tell me what it does, and whats wrong? http://pastebin.ca/20421809:22
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YOKcomsounday: I got the graphical login. Do you think I should comment out the ChipID line? You think that might fix my problem?09:22
marcI cant see my Hard Drives in the Computer icon of nautilus, any ideas? udev and hal are started.09:22
soundrayoverridex: no, sorry, but my guess is that it would use a built-in facility.09:23
thedude__that wacom gave me problems to09:23
illuvatordrky: I'm looking at http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and wondering why yours doesn't work :)09:23
thedude__kill it its for a touchpad or a tablet or something09:23
thedude__i had to # it all out to get photoshop working09:23
soundrayoverridex: if it uses /usr/bin/mail without depending on mailx, then you should file a bug.09:23
CocaCola77Hi, I installed the checkmail applet via automix but I see it now where. Synaptics says there are no depencies problems.09:23
marcWeber: its just bullshit ubuntu puts in for wacom tablets without even detecgint if the computer has one, just edit your xorg conf and remove that, the errors will disappears09:23
thedude__in xorg.conf09:23
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Nox2k3so uh, does anyone know why fglrx.ko is being deleted on every bootup?09:24
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drkyilluvator, yeah its odd, its ok with the -t line from the terminal09:24
drkyilluvator, but even then i can only write to it with a sudo09:24
CocaCola77Nox2k3, I'm sure someone does.09:24
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illuvatorilluvator: spooky :P did you save fstab?09:24
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Dot-commwhy do some of you guys hate Gnome09:25
drkyilluvator, yeah but its irrelevant because i've reformatted the partition since it last worked09:25
fredlcoz Gnome is LARGE09:25
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Dot-commit looks better09:25
fredlit's LARGE09:25
zopyhello, I know this is not a ubuntu question but I don't know where can I ask, where can I find sshd.c arhive ?09:25
Dot-commlike file size09:25
fredl'better' is subjective.09:25
Allz-i-nolitmitsoya ok i see it :-> Section "InputDevice" Identifier    "Keyboard" Driver            "kbd" Option "AutoRepeat" "250 30"  Option "XkbModel"   "pc105"      Option "XkbLayout"  "us"  End section .and then another -> keyboard stuff -> Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard1" Driver"  "kbd" Driver" "evdev" Option "Name"  "Microsoft Microsoft Wireless" end section09:25
jbroomemaybe if your hardware didn't suck09:25
Dot-commwelll KDE09:25
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illuvatordrky: if you hadn't saved between the edits then I would have expected the same error - because it'd have been using the wrong fs type09:25
Dot-commis just so darb09:26
Dot-command boreing09:26
Nox2k3Ok fine, why would my fglrx.ko be missing every time I startup my machine. I have to apt-get install --reinstall linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) every time to get it back09:26
CocaCola77what the command to see all channels? /list or something like that right?09:26
drkyi've saved definately09:26
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illuvatordrky: how about removing options (in fact, maybe start at '/dev/hda1 /media/space defaults 00'09:26
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fredlwell I'm running GNOME too... but I won't yap at KDE since they're making strides and beating the GNOME developpers hands down.09:26
Allz-i-nolitmitsoya you see what is wrong ?09:26
BuglouseHow can I get multiple apps to use my sound devices at the same time?09:26
illuvator!tell illuvator about grub09:26
drkyilluvator, aye i'll try it09:26
CocaCola77Buglouse, I thought alsa managed that.09:27
Buglousesame here.09:27
webbenmaybe i should just install kde and hope that works better :(09:27
crimsunBuglouse: it's already configured that way unless one or more of the following is true: 1) you use a usb sound device, 2) you use an oss-only app (like Flash)09:27
webbeni wish kill actually worked09:27
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Buglouseim using ventrilo with wine.... so ya.. oss09:28
webbenrather than just ignoring me09:28
drkyilluvator, ok that worked, do you know how i add a user to the permsissions?09:28
fredlBuglouse, doesn't have anything to do with ALSA I believe. it's ESD that takes care of realtime mixing.09:28
crimsunBuglouse: if you can't wrap it using aoss (cf. alsa-oss package), then you're out of luck.09:28
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crimsunBuglouse: oss emulation is exclusive. No workaround for it if your hardware doesn't support pcm multiplexing natively.09:28
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illuvatordrky:now add the permissions with a umask09:29
drkyilluvator, ie "...defaults,umask=1000..."?09:29
illuvatordrky: as before - you can add the options 1 by one until you fdind the problematic one09:29
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CocaCola77However, crimsun and Buglouse I noticed when I moved from my soundblaster to my onboard realtek card, I got some problems I didn' t have before. For example when someone messages on skype, all sounds stop and the mouse will not move for 2 seconds. At the moment I'm not sure if its onboard audio vs soundblaster issue.09:29
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, Xkblayout sould be your counrty code09:30
crimsunCocaCola77: which sb?09:30
nolimitsoyaus is for american layout09:30
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x535c8ebb.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
CocaCola77crimsun, the old one 1024 live or something like that.09:30
nolimitsoyase is for swedish, and so on09:30
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crimsunCocaCola77: that's straightforward. Your sb supports native pcm multiplexing; your onboard Realtek doesn't.09:30
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ubotuAIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol.09:30
WeberI have some FPS drop problem when I play 3D games. Can someone please log at this and maybe find somthing that causes it? this is my xorg log: http://pastebin.ca/204226 and this is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/20422909:30
josh_what is the command to open a connection to another computer? not through ftp or ssh...09:31
fredlHrmmmmmm my Ubuntu VMWare machine only support up to 800x600!09:31
josh_i want to connect to a mail server through a terminal... how would i do that?09:31
BiSk-8hello, i want to put songs on my ipod from my ubuntu, i have rhythmbox but it will only let me listen to the songs, not add them... i also have gtkpod but it sais that itunes.db is missing.. i have no clue what to do... any ideas?09:31
=== CocaCola77 I'm moving back to soundblaster then crimsun
=== JohnP789 [n=johnp@68-188-42-215.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
fredlthat sucks :/09:31
=== fowlduck [n=fowlduck@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
josh_fred... install the vmware tools09:31
Allz-i-nolitmitsoya so you saying there is not problem there ?09:31
fredljosh_ oh?09:31
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nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, there is a problem :)09:32
josh_that should take care of your native 800x600 problem09:32
fredlJosh_ will that let me change the possible resolutions?09:32
nolimitsoyayou wanted icelandic layout, and not american, right?09:32
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Allz-i-nolitmitsoya can i maybe paste you on a site .my xorg.conf and you can fix it ?09:32
BiSk-8hello, i want to put songs on my ipod from my ubuntu, i have rhythmbox but it will only let me listen to the songs, not add them... i also have gtkpod but it sais that itunes.db is missing.. i have no clue what to do... any ideas?09:32
fredljosh_ cool, thanks!09:32
CocaCola77fredl, install vmware tools09:32
drkyilluvator, ok i've got it mounted and all but user permission set, i can only write to it with sudo still?09:32
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, i dont know the country code for iceland :)09:32
illuvator!tell illuvator about aiglx09:32
josh_it should... it will allow for customization of the resolutions as it will load the appropriate driver for the display09:32
nolimitsoyajust put that twoletter code in there, instead of us09:32
Allz-i-nolitmitsoya i just dont care .i wan english :S09:32
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nolimitsoyathought you said icelandic?09:33
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battletuxcould someone please tell me the location of the default background images in Ubuntu (6.06.1) so I can add to them? thanks.09:33
fredljosh_ where do I find those tools?09:33
Allz-i-there is a problem :i cant write "/" on the other way .if you understand what i mean09:33
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nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, are you, or are you not using a us-layout keyboard?09:34
josh_are you running vmware under an os? or did you buy vmware and its the "os"?09:34
Allz-i-i just dont know :S09:34
illuvatordrky: I don't know what to do if the umask isn't working09:34
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nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, what country do you live in09:34
josh_anyone know the command to open a connection to another computer?09:34
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illuvatordrky: the line on my system for a read/write disk looks like 'defaults,utf8,umask=007'09:34
fredljosh_ I installed VMWare server today, it's running on Dapper.09:34
Allz-i-nolitmitsoya how to write "/" on the other way .in english keyboard just tell me09:34
BiSk-8hello, i want to put songs on my ipod from my ubuntu, i have rhythmbox but it will only let me listen to the songs, not add them... i also have gtkpod but it sais that itunes.db is missing.. i have no clue what to do... any ideas?09:34
illuvatordrky:I meant the options look like09:34
drkyilluvator, ok thanks for the help :)09:34
drkyilluvator, is the umask=<userid>?09:35
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, and what is the two letter code for iceland?09:35
=== VictorTorres [n=viiito@196-134-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
josh_hmm....not exactly sure but it should be in one of the options... in windows its under "tools"09:35
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illuvatordrky: no, it realtes to octal file permissions09:35
josh_haven't used the linux server version yet09:35
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illuvatordrky: if you have the time/inclination then 'man mount' will tell you much more than I can :)09:35
fredljosh_ followed this howto: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_vmware_server09:35
=== mart_ [n=mart@cpc3-sout1-0-0-cust696.sot3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
battletuxcould someone please tell me the location of the default background images in Ubuntu (6.06.1) so I can add to them? thanks.09:36
mart_hi, can anyone recommend a soundcard to use with ubuntu09:36
mart_so i can just chuck it in... and it will work?09:36
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, good. then replace "Xkblayout" "us" to "Xkblayout" "is"09:36
battletuxmart_ my Audigy 1 works fine out the box09:36
mart_many thanks09:36
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mart_just what i was looking for :)09:37
fredljosh_ n/m, I found http://www.vmware.com/community/thread.jspa?threadID=43788&tstart=009:37
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overridexwhen i try to upgrade vmware-player on edgy the following packages will be REMOVED:   gnome-main-menu libdbus-1-2 libnautilus-burn3  -- is this ok/normal?09:37
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nolimitsoyaoverridex, that sound dangerous...09:38
hennameep, about edgy09:38
Allz-i-nolitmitsoya does not work :S09:38
hennais it possible to compile an older kernel and still run edgy otherwise,09:38
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, yes it does, you just have to restart x. save all your work and press ctrl+backspace09:38
henna(drake kernels worked no problem, but the edgy kernel messes up the timekeeping on my system)09:39
nolimitsoyasorry, ctrl+alt+backspace09:39
soundraybattletux: ubuntu-artwork09:39
battletuxsoundray: thanks, whats the location in the fs for it? as I want to put all my backgrounds in 1 place.09:40
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overridexnolimitsoya: yeah... i wonder why it's doing that09:40
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soundraybattletux: it's not a good idea to modify the default paths of files within packages. In any case, you can find out with dpkg -L ubuntu-artwork09:41
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josh_just use "gnome-art"09:41
nolimitsoyaoverridex, couse the updates break dependencies09:41
josh_apt-get install gnome-art09:42
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battletuxsoundray: thanks for the advise, and the info.09:42
FRETgood evening everybody09:42
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Allz-i-the keyboard ctrl+all+backspace does not work :S09:42
nolimitsoyaAllz-i- did it work ? :)09:42
nolimitsoyaAllz-i-, ok, just reboot you computer then09:43
Allz-i-ill be back09:43
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uberspacedif I have a script that I want to run before my networking script during bootup, how should I set that up?09:45
uberspacedi could manually edit the networking script and throw the script in before it runs but I get the feeling that way wouldnt be proper09:46
uberspacedit's a firewall script.09:46
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soundrayuberspaced: add it to the directory /etc/network/if-pre-up.d09:46
padanuh if its a firewal script09:46
padandont you want to run it after?09:46
uberspacedshit, good point.09:46
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frojndhello there09:47
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:47
frojndwhy my kmenu doesn't wanna show applications I've recently installed ?09:47
mnkhello all - i have just installed xgl and am wondering if anyone can tell me how to make an application stick to all workspaces? also how can i add more workspaces?09:47
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mnki am using gnome09:47
uberspacedso, if I want it to run after my network comes up, where would I put it?09:47
bruenigfrojnd, how did you install them09:47
soundrayfrojnd: try 'sudo update-menus'09:47
frojndby apt...09:47
bruenigmnk, #ubuntu-xgl09:47
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frojndI know there is some kind of command09:48
padanso no1 in here is syncing files to the palm and knows how to  move right to the card?09:48
mnkthanks bruenig09:48
frojndbut I don't know what it's look like09:48
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soundrayfrojnd: try 'sudo update-menus'09:48
padan15:47 < soundray> frojnd: try 'sudo update-menus'09:48
bruenigfrojnd, generally when done with apt they will have menu entries, I am pretty sure you can add menu entries. I know you can do it with gnome so it follows that you would be able to do it with kde (people always claim it is so customizable)09:48
uberspacedwould throwing it in a folder called  if-post-up.d09:48
thedude__install the debian menus09:48
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uberspacedi see if-post-down.d and if-pre-up.d09:48
tannerldon ubuntu server how do I check if I have the latest stuff (aka update)?09:48
thedude__if you havent already09:48
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:49
soundrayuberspaced: no, put it in if-up.d then09:49
padanuber, you could also put it in a rc.local09:49
padanor whatever ubuntu is calling that09:49
=== antoniopessoa The Doors - Riders on the storm
padanit gets run after all other system start up scripts09:49
=== bruenig doesn't care
uberspacedpadan, yeah, i came from redhat.  some of this stuff is new to me09:49
soundraypadan, uberspaced: /etc/rc.local09:49
fredljosh_ are the vmware tools supposed to be installed INSIDE the virtual machine??09:49
padanfred, yes09:50
fredlahhh okay09:50
uberspacedsoundray, as far as alocation for the script is concerned, where do you think it should be on the file system?:09:50
uberspacedit's currently in my home folder.09:50
padanthey are basicaly drivers for hte sound/video/net09:50
padanuber, put it in /usr/local/somewhere09:50
fredlpadan so how do I get the iso into the virtual machine?09:50
soundrayuberspaced: /etc/network/if-up.d/09:50
padanfred, use the vm console to mount the iso as its cdrom drive09:50
uberspacedok, will it automagically run if I put it in there?09:50
padanselect the 'install vm tools' from the menu09:51
soundrayuberspaced: whenever an interface has gone up.09:51
uberspacedsoundray, sounds good; i'm running a firewall on an old computer that takes 2 mins to boot and I dont want to have to rejoin frenode for every failed attampt :)09:51
fredlinstall vm tools?? which menu option is that??09:51
uberspacedthanks.  I'll try that09:51
fredlduh, found it09:52
padanVM -> install vm tools09:52
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padanbut all that does it mount that iso as its cdrom drive09:52
padanand the auto play runs09:52
padanthats for windows at least09:52
uberspacedwell, see you guys in a few...09:52
padansolaris you have to go dig up the iso09:52
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=== TomB [n=tomb@host217-44-6-189.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
padanand then mount it manually09:52
fredlpadan, well it tries to mount my CDROM drive :P09:52
=== Sonic|Laptop [n=garrett@unaffiliated/sonicvanajr] has joined #ubuntu
padanthen modify the vm settings so that it uses the windows.iso file as its cdrom09:53
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-058-199-252.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
padanassuming you are installing the drivers on to a windows vm09:53
fredloooh ok09:53
=== Montag_ [n=Montag@pD9EB84FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
fredlgetting it, tnx09:53
fredlnew to VMWare :P09:53
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tannerldon ubuntu server how do I check if I have the latest stuff (aka update)?09:53
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=== pooya [n=pooya@62-31-83-194.cable.ubr01.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
padanapt-get update?09:54
jbroomeand apt-get upgrade09:54
pooyamy HDD keep making a noise.09:54
thedude__is there a linux version of vmxbuilder type thing?09:54
padanor you could read the documentation as im sure its one of the first sections in there09:54
soundraytannerld: 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'09:54
tannerldsoundray: ty09:54
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ArrenLexI want to set sudo up so that it lets me run certain specific commands without a password, and asks me for a password for all other commands. How might I do this?09:55
padanwhat does vmxbuild actually do09:55
soundraytannerld: you can add -y to the second apt-get to make it install without asking again09:55
padanlook up the format for the sudo config file09:55
=== Xavier101 [n=xavier@pool-68-162-138-26.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
thedude__builds vmx files09:56
thedude__for vmware09:56
padanmore than likely if you look in the ocnfig file you will see examples09:56
ArrenLexYay! Made it work. Thanks, padan.09:56
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padanthedude, you mean like physical to virtual builder?09:56
fredlHmm, no autoplay on the linux.iso...09:57
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thedude__i think its just a substitute for vmware workstation09:57
padanfred, if its a windows virtual machine09:57
padanyou need the windows.iso09:57
padanthe linux.iso contains drivers for virtual machines running linux09:57
=== Johny_Hellmans [n=kurumin@201-92-116-109.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
fredlpadan, currently trying to install the vmware tools on an Ubuntu vm09:58
fredlso I mounted linux.iso09:58
padanthedude, i have only used esx and gsx (which is now vm free server)09:58
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padanthen i doubt there will be an autoplay09:59
padanmore than likley you just need to make some changes to the xconfig09:59
pooyaany idea why my HDD keps making an annoying noise when idel?09:59
padanits broken?09:59
niekieRun SMART on it?09:59
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fredlfunny, it appears to have mounted linux.iso.... however, when I type 'mount' it still shows /dev/hdc mounted09:59
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50c79c0d.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
padanif it mounted it10:00
padanthen of course mount will show it10:00
fredlyeah but it says /dev/hdc10:00
fredlnot the name of the iso10:00
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padanthats because the cdrom is /dev/hdc10:00
padanand you just told vmware that the phsicaly device is really an iso file10:00
=== Bananasas [n=Laima@194-144-121-246.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu
fredlhowever when I cd into /media/cdrom0, there's no 'normal' files there10:01
padanbut the base OS (eg. ubuntu in this case) doens't know where it comes from10:01
padandefine normal10:01
fredloh I see...10:01
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fredlwell 'normal'.... I can't paste it in here10:01
padanuse pastebin10:01
fredlit looks like 'ls' gives the contents of some perl file10:01
WeberI have some FPS drop problem when I play 3D games. Can someone please look at this and maybe find somthing that causes it? this is my xorg log: http://pastebin.ca/204226 and this is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/20422910:01
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padanweber, you using an ati card?10:02
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WeberNo. Nvidia10:02
fredlargh can't paste from a virtual machine...10:02
Bensr20detwhere can I change the splash screen?10:02
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padanthen i can't help10:03
padanit should just be a tarball10:03
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padanlike vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz10:03
padanor something10:03
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fredlwell I'll figure this one out10:03
padanjust extract that to a dir on your vm's hdd10:03
padanthen run the perl script to install10:03
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padanyou can prolly dl the tarball right from vmware10:04
padansomewhere, go have a poke around their website10:04
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fredlaww I'll figure it out, if need be I mount the iso on my host OS, and scp the tarball into the guest OS10:04
kmupadan, i've poked quite a bit around there site for it and never found it.10:05
MrKeunerHi, how can I print to printer ML1710 connected to Dapper B(, from Dapper A(
LinuturkI need a tool to scan all the Ip's on my subnet and see what services are running.10:05
breti just got dialup to work on ubuntu thanks10:05
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soundray!splash > Bensr20det10:05
soundray!usplash > Bensr20det10:05
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto10:06
ZaggynlAnyone has a clue Warcraft 3 hicks and stutters why I try to run it via wine?10:06
jbroomeMrKeuner: cups10:06
kmuLinutur, look into netstat10:06
=== TomB [n=tomb@host217-44-6-189.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
hoelksame question but with stacraft here10:06
bretuse cedega for warcraft it works good10:06
Hooveyycedega isnt free :(10:06
MrKeunerjbroome: yes cups, is installed on both10:07
AskHLWarcraft works for me in wine10:07
breti know but its 5 a month thats not bad10:07
Linuturkkmu, that's installed by default right? I've tried it, and I can't fine the ip of my wireless router with it10:07
padanit says just use the iso10:07
AskHLZaggynl, maybe I can solve your problem10:07
padanthey may not allow it for dl10:07
AskHLdo you run with the -opengl parameter?10:07
ZaggynlAskHL, cool, tell me10:07
=== BiSk-8 [n=gianluca@host114-110.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
padanyou can always dl the server package10:07
fredlpadan, not rebooting Ubuntu after a massive apt-get dist-upgrade also doesn't really help :P10:07
padanand extract the linux.iso10:07
kmuLinuturk, hmm, one sec..10:07
ZaggynlAskHL, yup been using that since the beginning :)10:07
AskHLZaggynl, aaah that's bad then :)10:07
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breti agree if i can run it native i would10:08
ZaggynlIt's a bad thing I use --opengl?10:08
Linuturkkmu, I need a summary type program. Scans the subnet for computers and devices, displays the name, services and such10:08
Adam__Okay, need some networking help: I want to use an Ubuntu desktop as a firewall/web server, so I've installed a second ethernet card (crude ascii network diagram to follow)10:08
BiSk-8hello, i have a problem with gtkpod, can any1 help?10:08
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:08
AskHLZaggynl, no, on the contrary, it is a bad thing that the performance is bad WHILE you use opengl. Because that would have been my suggestion.10:08
THX-1138Hi Weber - looks clean to me. dunno. - We talked about xineram last time and it is still being enabled good right?10:08
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:08
ZaggynlAskHL, ah okay10:08
fredl!metaquestion > ubotu10:08
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bruenigsoundray, my factoid trigger was more relevant, take that10:08
THX-1138Weber - You still anted xinerama?10:09
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BiSk-8ok, can any1 help me with gtkpod, whtn i try to read the itunesdb it sais that the file doesn't exist10:09
BiSk-8any ideas?10:09
Adam__(DSLmodem X.1.254)---(eth1 X.1.97 ((ubuntu Comp)) eth0 X.1.96)---Router---other devices.10:09
AskHLZaggynl, which graphics adapter do you have? ATI or NVidia or something?10:09
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ZaggynlAskHL, Nvidia10:09
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Adam__I'm having trouble because A) I can't access the router's IP address anymore despite using DHCP on eth110:09
kmuLinuturk, well, there is also netcat (nc). it can scan ports very easily. you can set up a script to cycle through ips and ports very easily10:10
Zaggynlglxinfo | grep direct show me direct rendering works10:10
bretnvidia here10:10
Adam__and B) I don't know what gateway address to enter in the router's config10:10
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Zaggynlalso, I can record / play sound very well outside wine10:10
AskHLZaggynl, hmmm, ok, I made it work with an ATI card. So I guess I can't help so much as I hoped10:10
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Zaggynlnp m8 :)10:10
padanadam, eth1 is connected to the dsl modem, grab an ip with that from the modem.  make sure that you can get on the net from teh ubuntu box10:10
bretput your router adress10:10
bretfor the gateway10:10
padanset an ip address on eth010:10
WeberTHX-1138, Im not sure what you mean ?10:11
Adam__padan, with you so far10:11
Linuturkkmu, i found nmap in the repo's10:11
padansomething in those ranges10:11
padanin your picture10:11
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padanwhy hte other router on the right side of the ubuntu box10:11
padanyour ubuntu box is acting as a router10:11
THX-1138Weber - Your config file looks okay to me. - dunno what it is.10:11
Adam__I can't have it in front of the router?10:12
Adam__(the router's iffy, that's all)10:12
padanwhy have the router?10:12
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kmuLinuturk, cool, i'll have to play with that10:12
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Adam__The router cause I have 3 other computers to connect via wifi, yes10:12
Nietzcheanyone have any idea where the repos are?10:12
padantell the router to bridge the connection10:12
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:12
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WeberTHX-1138, ok.. sad.. Im started to be tired of this crap. It just dont wanna do, what I would like it to do. :(10:12
=== NiteFears [n=nite@bzq-88-155-195-89.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
padanand plug hte cable from the eth0 on ubuntu to a NORMAL port on the router10:12
bruenigNietzche, as in where the servers are?10:12
padaneg. not the 'uplink'10:12
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NiteFearsproblem: after installing daily ubuntu (with driver fixes), I started getting continuous beep on system start up that lasts until I manually turn it off from the console (very unpleasant). Simple ways of turning pc speaker off (such as "setterm -blength 0") didn't help. How can I turn the speaker off for the duration of boot-up without recompiling the kernel and physically switching off the cord?10:13
padanyou will have to consult your router documentation on how to bridge a connection10:13
padanits different everywhere10:13
WeberTHX-1138, but I dont have any idea what it could be that causes the FPS drop ?10:13
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padanbut its usually just picking a few things10:13
Adam__alright, thanks padan, I'll give this a shot10:13
padanthen you need to install a dhcp server10:13
padanon the ubuntu box10:13
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padanso that wifi clients can get an ip10:13
Adam__Ah, I was afraid of that... the router won't do it?10:14
soundrayNiteFears: if "daily ubuntu" means edgy, you should ask in #ubuntu+110:14
padanand then you end up with only one internal network10:14
WeberTHX-1138, Do you have any idea what could causes the big FPS drop ?10:14
padanadam, it can but its better to do it on teh ubuntu box10:14
padanits really easy10:14
NiteFearssoundray: ok, thanks10:14
padanjust basically apt-get it10:14
THX-1138Weber - I am the refugee from AOL remember. What do i know. ask again.10:14
Adam__alright, i'll give it a shot10:14
padanand then peek at the config file10:14
padanand start it10:14
WeberTHX-1138,  ?10:14
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kmuLinuturk, try using `route' to find the ip of your router. it will be listed as the default destination10:14
WeberTHX-1138,  what are you talking about ?10:14
padanbut its not rocket science or anything10:14
=== ingi [n=sniperhe@dsl-225-59.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu
tgelterhey all, how can I log (or find a log) of what goes on before this entry in /var/log/boot :  Oct 15 13:44:24 rcS:  * Reading files needed to boot...       ^[[80G ^M^[[74G[ ok ] 10:15
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THX-1138Weber - You hadn't heard me say that before? - Well i am a refugee from indows and aol.10:15
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padantgelter, 'dmesg |more'10:15
Adam__alright, thanks padan... (phone)10:15
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bruenigaol, even windows users know better than that10:15
fredlWeber, FPS? what are you talking about? Mind if I butt in?10:15
padanframes per second10:15
fredlWeber, you talking about a gameserver by any chance?10:15
WeberTHX-1138, refugee ?10:15
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allzwho was helping me out ? about the xorg.conf keyboard thingi?10:15
bruenigfirst person shooter10:15
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fredlWeber, source engine by any chance?10:16
Weberfredl, Frames Per Second.10:16
ZaggynlIn this context it means Frames Per Second methinks10:16
marcI cant see my Hard Drives in the Computer icon of nautilus, any ideas? udev and hal are started.10:16
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THX-1138Weber - Also a rabid gamer. notice the missing "w"s  w is up in most games. - worn it out.10:16
padanmarc, are they mounted?10:16
marcpadan: yes, and in fstab10:16
THX-1138Linux rocks.10:16
fredlWeber, coz I recently did some remarkable trick on a source server...10:16
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padanno clue then10:16
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padanwhere di dyou mount them10:16
kmuyes it does10:16
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Weberfredl, ok. But it dont have anything to do with a server. Its client.10:17
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fredloh ok10:17
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WeberTHX-1138, ok. So you dont know what might could causes the fps drop ?10:18
John2583so i just installed 6.06 LTS x86 on my SMP system and when it boots it hangs shortly after loading gdm while the cursor is displaying the "time" icon but in recovery mode I can boot fine and then start gdm manually and everything is okay? where should i look to see what is causing hte hang?10:18
marcI hate this shit when you close an app you loose the clipboard10:18
marcwhat is this 1985 ?10:18
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NiteFearsI have a more specific question, then: is it possible to either run "modprobe -r pcspkr" on an early boot stage or never load the "pcspkr" kernel module at all?10:19
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fredleeek. When trying to install the VMWare tools, it needs to recompile some kernel modules10:19
Zaggynlanyone in here familiar with strace-graph?10:19
soundrayJohn2583: I would start by looking at /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:19
fredleeeeek. And it has disabled the network interface for the install of the tools, WTF.10:19
John2583soundray: but i am in X now and it's fine from recovery mode?10:19
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tgelterpadan: thank you10:20
fredlxqz the grammar :P10:20
soundrayNiteFears: you can blacklist it in /etc/hotplug10:20
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NiteFearssoundray: there's no such file in my system currently. any manual for that?10:20
matthew_hello all10:20
fredlI got a feeling this is not good....10:20
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edaspetwhere do I report bug for the install CD of edgy beta ?10:20
MrKeunerDoes a Dapper A see a printer connected to Dapper B by default? Both are on LAN10:20
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edaspetI didn't even manage to do an installation from scratch (freze at "install" launch, and freeze at partition manager if I launch the install manualy in xterm in root)10:21
soundrayNiteFears: well, that's why I asked you to ask in #ubuntu+1. Dapper still had hotplug remnants, edgy doesn't.10:21
NiteFearssoundray: yikes10:22
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NiteFearssoundray: actually, I asked there, no answer. but I'll repeat the second question there, as well, thanks10:22
wastrelMrKeuner:  there's a page on the wiki about setting that up10:22
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MrKeunerwastrel: but they do not by default right?10:22
MrKeunerwastrel: Or is it only me10:22
wastrelMrKeuner: not by default.10:23
wastrelseemingly for security reasons.10:23
soundray!bug > edaspet10:23
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MrKeunerwastrel: is it cups' wiki you are mentioning/10:23
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/10:23
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edaspetsoundray: tks10:24
Homerwhat is the distro after edgy going to be called10:24
THX-1138Hi ompaul10:24
soundrayMrKeuner: check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows (should apply even from dapper)10:25
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wastrelMrKeuner:  this is what i used   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu?highlight=%28print%2910:25
wastrelmy print server is still running breezy.  should work for dapper too i guess :] 10:25
soundrayMrKeuner: I take it back -- wastrel's sounds better10:25
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skewhHey there, I used to have vsftpd, and I uninstalled it, but when I try to install a different FTP server, it says that "Another FTP daemon is already running". Any idea how to completely shut it down?10:26
NiteFearsI have another question, meanwhile: is there a plugin for .ape files for the xine framework?10:26
LinuXubuntuhi you guys! I'm a newbie! And I need a little help. I've been using Xubuntu for just a few days, and that is the situation: I have to HDs and I'd like to know how to config Xubuntu do detect and mount my Slave HD automatically. Does anybody can help me?10:26
=== Noriega [n=Noriega@kr-lun-71-156-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
allzwho was helping me out ? about the xorg.conf keyboard thingi?10:26
fredlso anybody know why Ubuntu is stuck on 2.6.15 ?10:26
fredlis that because of the timer issues introduced in 2.6.16?10:26
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mikael_hi there how can i compile a package from source?10:27
tritiumfredl: only security fixes for the stable release.  Wait for edgy for 2.6.1710:27
mikael_i read the doc on ubuntu.com10:27
skewhHey there, I used to have vsftpd, and I uninstalled it, but when I try to install a different FTP server, it says that "Another FTP daemon is already running". Any idea how to completely shut it down?10:27
MrKeunerwastrel: soundray thanks but one last question. To print from Dapper A to Dapper B's printer Do I have to play with settings of Dapper A too? Or will I just change settings with the one with printer?10:27
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soundrayskewh: don't repeat please.10:27
mikael_but it won't work10:27
LjLfredl, i think Ubuntu is simply stuck with the kernel version it was released with. you don't get new versions of things until a new version of Ubuntu comes out10:27
mikael_no make, no configure :(10:27
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allzPlease someone help me .i cant start my ubuntu . i get xorg error :( in my xorg.conf10:27
soundrayskewh: do a 'ps ax | grep ftpd' to check if any ftpd process is in fact running.10:28
tritiumLjL: or security fixes10:28
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LjLallz: please paste the errors you get on the pastebin10:28
allzhow can i dude10:28
whurleyjust FYI, for everyone who couldn't make it to ApacheCon US, I've posted the photos people passed along to http://photos.whurley.com enjoy!10:28
allzljl i am on the other computer10:28
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fredltritium, ah I see. I think in 2.6.16 the HZ value (a kernel constant that determines how many interrupts the kernel gets) was changed from like 1000 to 250 or so10:28
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LjLtritium: yeah but the version number stays the same even then AFAIK... don't think a package is ever bumped to a new version just to fix a security problem...?10:28
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wastrelMrKeuner:  the howto i used replaced cupsd.conf on both machines.10:28
=== Jester_ [n=mike@c-24-62-124-251.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLallz: we cannot help you if we don't know what problem you're having.10:29
ba5eanyone used automatix2 yet? is it worth updating?10:29
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allzwhat command does allow me to see ,.what is in xorg.conf ,. so i can try to fix it10:29
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soundrayMrKeuner: I'd say configure everything from Dapper A10:29
LjLallz: type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"10:29
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allzsudo does not work10:29
soundrayMrKeuner: once you're set up, that is.10:29
pittsornHello. I am unfamiliar with the IRC etiquette. May I just ask a question?10:30
ba5epittsorn: of course10:30
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.10:30
wastrelyes''] ] 10:30
wastrelhm :] , even10:30
=== GigaClo1 [n=Chreston@pool-71-254-67-20.ronkva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuXubuntuhi you guys! I'm a newbie! And I need a little help. I've been using Xubuntu for just a few days, and that is the situation: I have to HDs and I'd like to know how to config Xubuntu do detect and mount my Slave HD automatically. Does anybody can help me? Thanks for the attention.10:30
soundraypittsorn: go10:30
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soundrayLinuXubuntu: don't repeat -- rephrase.10:31
pittsornThank you. My problem is this: I have been running Ubuntu for several months on my Presario v2000 laptop with no problems. However, after recently installing some extra RAM, my wireless connection no longer works. It works fine when I boot into windows, but no luck in Ubuntu. Suggestions?10:31
GigaClo1I have no shutdown button on my system10:31
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NiteFearssoundray: I'm afraid no one's answering there. You don't happen to know how to handle it, do you?10:31
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ba5eLinuXubuntu: you neet to edit /etc/fstab10:31
skewhsoundray:  when I do that two entries come up, the first one says /usr/sbin/vsftp and the second one is grep ftpd10:31
AbstIs there anyway to reload the iPod firmware on Ubuntu?10:31
marcLinuXubuntu: the ubuntu desktop guide should help you10:31
marcAbst: no10:31
marcAbst: not graphically anyways10:32
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LinuXubuntusoundray, sorry :(10:32
cypher1_his 65K colour LCD screen good to watch videos ?10:32
soundrayNiteFears: no, but try a 'find /etc -name blacklist' to see if that turns up anything10:32
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Abstmarc: Well, how then10:32
=== GigaClo1 is now known as TeraClon
LjLallz: what does sudo tell you?10:32
marccypher1_h: is not about colors10:32
marccypher1_h: lcds have worse color quality, and worse refresh rate10:32
LjL!doesn't work > allz10:32
soundrayskewh: are you sure you've removed vsftpd in full?10:32
marcAbst: google10:32
ZaggynlAnyone knows of frontend to strace?10:32
cypher1_hhey skewh10:32
ZaggynlI tried googling, but couldn't find anything10:32
david_does anyone know why democracy player can play video that mplayer or totem can't?10:33
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skewhcypher1_h:  hey there10:33
marcdavid_: codecs..10:33
skewhsoundray:  I went into the synaptic panel and clicked remove vsftpd10:33
soundrayLinuXubuntu: you have to format your extra hard disk if it hasn't got a filesystem yet. Then you need an entry for it in /etc/fstab10:33
TeraClonWhen I go to shut down dialog box I have no shutdown or restart buttons just hibernate10:33
david_yea, I downloaded all the special codecs10:33
NiteFearssoundray: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist10:33
david_like ubuntuguide said10:33
wastrelZaggynl:  try searching freshmeat.net10:33
david_but there are still some videos that only democracy player seems to have the codecs for10:33
soundrayNiteFears: have a look at that, see if you can make an entry for your unwanted module10:34
david_is there a way to get the others to use the same codecs as democracy is using?10:34
NiteFearssoundray: thanks, will try10:34
cypher1_hmarc i was looking at an unbranded thing similar to apple ipod video10:34
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soundrayskewh: did you hit Apply after that?10:34
drkyhas anyone been able to get photoshop running on linux?10:34
LinuXubuntuThank you guys, I'll look for this tips!10:34
marccypher1_h: oh if its low quality crap video then dont worry, that is fine10:34
skewhsoundray:  yes I did10:34
marcdavid_: what video files are you talking about?10:34
cypher1_hskewh are you still having problems with vsftpd ? hasn't local_umask worked for you ?10:35
=== Sorian [n=Sorian@82-36-216-135.cable.ubr05.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
marcdavid_: mplayer should be able to handle anything you throw at it, except encrypted wmv9 bullshit10:35
david_and just so I can make sure10:35
cypher1_hmarc not low quality videos.. so nice movies10:35
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)10:35
=== NewNick [n=Bersirc@node-1386.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #ubuntu
david_what packages will contain all the extra codecs?10:35
fredl_running xchat inside my 1600x1200 virtual machine!10:35
fredl_this rockz10:35
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marccypher1_h: is not as much as the colors, but the refresh rate and what hardware there is behind it. Also different codecs require different cpu usage10:35
=== BoyBlunder [n=pat@c-24-128-111-243.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:36
skewhcypher1_h: I'm trying to use proftpd with the xampp package, I didn't realize that a xampp for linux existed, and I got it to install and it works except when it tried to enable proftpd, it says "Another ftp daemon is already running."10:36
NewNickis anyone else having trouble with the cd for dapper?10:36
TeraCloncan anyone help me i don't have a shutdown option in the shutdown screen10:36
marcdavid_: read the ubuntu guide, read about why gstreamer is still in development and doesnt have eveyrhting. In all cases check vlc, mplayer, and compile them with w32codecs and all of it. Its just googling10:36
skewhcypher1_h: I think I uninstalled vsftpd via synaptic but I guess not10:36
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david_ok, thanks10:37
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soundrayTeraClon: I think you have to be an admin user to have a shutdown option.10:37
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marcTeraClon: adduser youruser admin, or adm, cant remember10:37
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marcTeraClon: as root, anyhow, that should be enabled by default10:37
NewNickmy dapper cds will not load or install it what is wrong?10:37
soundrayTeraClon: it's also possible that you have a second session running on another vc10:37
cypher1_hmarc so the unbranded thing's hardware should be good enough rather than me worrying on 65K color right ?10:38
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soundrayTeraClon: you can force a shutdown with 'sudo halt'10:38
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allzplease type the video card's identifir what to there ? .i am reconfiguring my xserver10:38
NiteFearssoundray: where would then be an appropriate place to put "modprobe pcspkr", so it gets loaded on a later stage of the start-up?10:38
skewhsoundray:  also, when I actually go to /usr/sbin/vsftpd, the file does not exist10:39
marccypher1_h: it depends, you need to see the specs, the processor, what video you will be handling. Again, it is not about color, and btw 65k is the same thing you have on any normal lcd monitor. Also, how does this relate to ubunut?10:39
cypher1_hskewh you had removed vsftpd because of the problem you were facing ?10:39
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marcallz: just the name, you can put anything in there10:39
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Homerhey what is the difference between Ubuntu Christian Edition and Ubuntu itself?10:39
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skewhcypher1_h: Xampp uses proftpd that's why10:39
cypher1_hmarc sorry i just thought of asking :)10:39
soundrayskewh: try 'sudo killall vsftpd'10:39
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raskethi i just installed ubuntu but cant start sudo needed applications, any ideas?10:40
skewhlooks like that worked10:40
soundrayNiteFears: /etc/modules (again, that's a dapper answer that doesn't necessarily apply to edgy)10:40
fredlHmm, let's see if I can install the VMWare tools on my Nexenta VM too10:40
soundrayNiteFears: just add the module name, not modprobe10:40
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pittsornWhere should I start looking for a solution to problem involving a newly installed piece of hardware (RAM) that appears to cause a previous piece of hardware (wireless card) to no longer function? Both pieces of hardware function properly in Windows.10:40
WazmI'll find out10:40
skewhOk, it worked10:40
EE_pihow do i change the font for the applications, places, system taskbar?10:40
marcEE_pi: read the ubuntu desktop guide10:40
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soundraypittsorn: that's a strange story. Does it work again if you remove the new RAM?10:41
marcEE_pi: it should bein your system-> preferences10:41
skewhthank you everyone for your help!10:41
marcEE_pi: research before you ask10:41
pittsornsoundray: yes10:41
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NiteFearssoundray: thanks a lot, I'll reboot now :)10:41
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wastrelkernel support for high ram?10:41
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THX-1138pittsorn - You havebooted into windows since opeing the case? - so  can rule out a loose WiFi card.10:42
allzljl can i pm you .so you can help me setup my xserver .the next part is .enter of amount memory ,in kb. video cards10:42
=== darich [n=trickyki@host217-43-137-225.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
tgelterhey all, I'm having some dmraid issues...seems like it's only from one partition though...here is one of the applicable lines: 295. [17179575.464000]  Buffer I/O error on device sda4, logical block 386572093   the contents of dmesg can be found at: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26916/10:42
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allzi have video card gforece fx 660010:42
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pittsornTHX-1138: correct10:42
=== AskHL [n=ask@0x53584612.virnxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Willsterhey....this is probably a really easy question but in KDE how do you bind the windows key to the K menu?10:42
pittsornwastrel: 'memtest' addressed to me? if so could you please elaborate?10:42
LjLallz: leave it blank. and just prefix my nickname when you're talking to me -- i'll do the same. this way we won't miss each other's messages, and it's almost like a private query, except the rest of channel can chirp in with advice as well10:43
THX-1138pittsorn - Thats is hard. - what do the two have in common.10:43
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pittsornTHX-1138: I really don't have any idea.10:43
lufisWhere are x11 drivers located?10:44
soundraypittsorn: there is a memtest86 boot option in your grub menu. You can use that to check the RAM for errors.10:44
wastrelpittsorn:  there's a boot option to run a memtest10:44
wastrelthat :] 10:44
EE_pimarc: cant find anything, my problem is a little more entailed, under both xorg and xgl i have fonts set to Sans 10, but the taskbar looks different in xgl compared to xorg, what i want to know is if systems->pref->fonts is definitely the right place to alter the font for that taskbar?10:44
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pittsornok, I will do that. Is that likely to be a problem though?10:44
shadow420do any of know how to compile the Apple IIgs Emulator Kegs 0.91?10:44
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allzljl use karnel fram buffer ? yes or no10:44
marcEE_pi: dont know, dont care for XGL, ask in #xgl maybe10:44
soundraypittsorn: let's say it would be a very unusual symptom for a wireless card to stop working because of it.10:45
LjLallz: leave all the default. just change the stuff concerning screen resolutions -- there you will want to choose the resolution you prefer (and the one your monitor will support)10:45
THX-1138pittsorn - pittsorn - i am out of clues but filled with curiosity. - does ubuntu see the card is installed?10:45
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pittsornTHX-1138: yes10:45
wastrelpittsorn:  you might want to poke around in your bios...10:45
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wastrelnot sure.10:45
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fredlpadan you there?10:45
pittsornwastrel: ok, I will give that a try also10:45
NewNickcan anyone help me im trying to upgrade to 6.06 from hoary hedgehog10:45
soundraywastrel: with a soldering iron?10:46
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allzljl it asks me .about . karnel buffer .what do i chooce .yes or no?10:46
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LjLallz: leave all the default. just change the stuff concerning screen resolutions -- there you will want to choose the resolution you prefer (and the one your monitor will support)10:46
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wastreldid you upgrade your kernel and fail to reboot until you installed the new ram?10:46
shadow420do any of know how to compile the Apple IIgs Emulator Kegs 0.91?10:46
wastrel& thus are running a new kernel now...10:46
TeraClonis there a better program for displaying modem connections than the default?10:47
soundraywastrel: he made it work again by removing the newly added RAM10:47
THX-1138wastrel - does linux keep a bios checksum?10:47
THX-1138soundray - Bad RAM do you think?10:48
soundrayTHX-1138: no, I'd be very surprised10:48
soundrayTHX-1138: otoh, stranger things have happened...10:48
allzplease select you keyboard variant ,okei what should i write there?10:48
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allzi am sorry for askin newbe question but i am from iceland :S10:49
=== NiteFears [n=nite@bzq-88-155-195-89.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayallz: that's all right then, Icelanders can ask newbie questions ;)10:49
shadow420I have a question?10:49
THX-1138soundray The card is seen but the ram isn't - maybe the ram wasn't locked into the motherboard.10:49
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pedrohello debo10:50
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wastrelhimem kernel support?10:50
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pittsornactually I believe the RAM is recognized10:50
soundraypittsorn: how much RAM do you have in total?10:50
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soundrayshadow420: just ask10:50
pittsorn1GB + 25610:50
pittsornthe 1GB is new10:51
soundraywastrel: stock ubuntu should deal with that, shouldn't it?10:51
shadow420how do I compile the Apple IIgs Emulator Kegs 0.9110:51
Rico-this is not really the right place, but any idea how i can get the current user's home directory in a perl script?10:51
THX-1138and soundray Thanks for being here to answer questions. :)10:51
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soundrayTHX-1138: glad to be helpful if I can10:51
jojoman02www.debget.net <- just found it, pretty nice :).10:52
scobieplease select you keyboard variant ,okei what should i write there? .i am setting up my xserver so i need help10:52
soundrayshadow420: there are some generic instructions for compiling programs in ubuntu:10:52
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:52
=== whyso [n=everynot@c-24-125-35-80.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NiteFearssoundray: it didn't work. I first tried to boot with "blacklist" and "modules" files modified exactly as we said, it didn't work. afterwards I commented out the entry in the "modules", and it didn't work, too. the beeping sound was there when I booted, but this time I wasn't even able to stop it, until I issued "modprobe pcspkr" and pressed tab key in the console (which is how I stop the thing)10:52
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whysohi, i am trying to use the liveCD, but when i get to the installation menu and try to check the disk or start/install, it just says loading indefinently, any tips?10:53
shadow420k I will look around10:53
edaspetHow can I trigger a "text install" from the edgy beta CD ?10:53
Flanneledaspet: get the alternate CD10:53
=== hungchinh [n=hungchin@bur91-2-82-231-158-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!10:53
soundrayNiteFears: this is weird stuff -- I'd report a bug.10:53
edaspetFlannel: ok10:53
THX-1138pittsorn -my money is on the ram being unlocked in the motherboard or *maybe* a mismatch between the old ram and the new ram.10:53
soundrayshadow420: have you seen ubotu10:54
soundrayshadow420: have you seen ubotu's line ^^?10:54
pittsornok, so maybe try removing the old RAM and see what happens?10:54
Flannelscobie: you'll need to figure out what sort of keyboard you have.10:54
tgelterhey all, I'm having some dmraid issues...seems like it's only from one partition though...here is one of the applicable lines: 295. [17179575.464000]  Buffer I/O error on device sda4, logical block 386572093   the contents of dmesg can be found at: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26916/     this all started when I upgraded from breezy to edgy ubuntu and by doing so, upgraded dmraid to version 1.0.0.rc1110:54
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soundraypittsorn: might be a way forward.10:54
whyso hi, i am trying to use the liveCD, but when i get to the installation menu and try to check the disk or start/install, it just says loading indefinently, any tips?10:54
=== tich [n=nappy@MTL-ppp-147300.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
pittsornok, I have no other ideas, so why not.10:55
fredlHmm running higher resolutions than 1280x1024 makes my VM screen flicker10:55
scobiefiannel what means variant ?10:55
scobiei just wanna know what means10:55
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knoppixis there somebosy from italy_10:55
NiteFearssoundray: I've searched google - no one seems to have seen this besides myself =( and as this is my first experience with Ubuntu, I don't hurry to get into bug tracking. but looks like I don't have any choice10:55
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jbroomewhyso: bad burn?10:55
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:55
THX-1138pittsorn - If on boot up your bios shows the correct amount of ram. my theory is trashed. reboot once and read the bios entry.10:56
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pittsornTHX-1138: it does10:56
fredlI know this is wildly offtopic guys, but I'm running an XP instance in my VM (VMWare is running on Ubuntu though!!:) does anybody happen to know how I can change Windows XP to use a different language altogether?10:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easysorce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:56
pittsornshow the correct amount that is10:56
jbroomeit can show the right amount of ram, and still be flaky10:56
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:56
whysojbroome: i tried multiple programs/times10:56
jbroomerun memtest86 from a live cd10:56
THX-1138pittsorn - Next theory please!10:56
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:56
soundrayNiteFears: also, try the other channel again. I know it's less busy and less responsive, but you have a better chance of running into the guy that knows something about these things.10:56
fredlcoz mine is kinda running... ehr.. in portuguese :)10:56
whysoi tried to check CD for errors but that froze too10:57
fredlsince I happened to be stupid enough to buy a portuguese laptop :P10:57
NiteFearssoundray: thanks for your help10:57
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knoppixdall-italia nessuno10:57
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tichhas anyone had any luck with the game TORCS? synaptic won't install the torcs-data-tracks properly.properly10:58
tich(just as i can't type properly)10:58
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whysoshould i try the alternative CD?10:58
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Flannelscobie: it's asking for your keyboard type, so it knows which keys are which10:59
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tichwhat is a good racing game that is easy to install?10:59
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Flannelwhyso: can't hurt.  Burn slow, 4x10:59
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mikael_how can i compile a source package?10:59
josh_network question -- can i connect to my ubuntu box from outside the network while at a hotel? say having it mounted in fstab... if i leave my house and go somewhere else and hookup, as long as i have my external ip loaded in fstab it will mount my drive locally correct?10:59
soundraytich: planetpenguin-racer10:59
scobiehow to start my xserver with command ?10:59
mikael_i tried the ways descriped on the ubuntu page10:59
mikael_but with no result10:59
soundrayscobie: startx10:59
=== NiteFears still would like to hear a solution for .ape amarok/xine
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mikael_are there any other how tos?11:00
pittsornMaybe describing my problem further will help: The first time I installed the RAM, my keyboard wireless light flickered for a second, but did not come on, when I brought wlan0 up. In Windows, and when I removed the RAM, it lit fine. After reinstalling the RAM, it does not even flicker when I try to bring wlan0 up.11:00
tichsoundray, great. i'm getting it now.11:00
THX-1138whyso - Is you machine older than about 5 years? - Wondering if it is a problem  with dma support?11:00
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wildchildcan someone help me install libyine-extracodecs?11:01
wildchildafter I added multiverse to my sources.list http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26915/ I decided to install libxine-extracodecs via apt but there were errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26918/11:01
Flannelwildchild: did you sudo apt-get update after changing your sources?11:02
scobiefiannel :S i dont know my keyboard variant11:02
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uberspacedwell, renaming the file to 00-firewall in if-up.d worked.11:03
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scobiei will try on nat11:03
uberspacedthanks for the help.11:03
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Flannelscobie: google around for it, I'm not familiar with icelandic keyboards, but I'm sure it'll be pretty easy to find11:03
shadow420where do I move my new sources list to overwirte the old on11:03
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Flannelshadow420: /etc/apt/sources.list11:03
lufisGreetings fellow geeks. Anyone know where X11 drivers are?11:03
GhostFreemanwho's running Beryl11:03
shadow420opk that11:04
FlannelGhostFreeman: #ubuntu+111:04
FireRabbitGhostFreeman: I am11:04
Flannelwildchild: try installing libmad0 on it's own11:04
GhostFreemanand who can tell me the command to disable the shift-backspace death trap11:04
FlannelGhostFreeman: er, sorry, #ubuntu-xgl11:04
FireRabbitlufis: what are you trying to do?11:04
=== winterweaver [n=winterwe@dsl-145-215-70.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #Ubuntu
winterweaverhey everyone ^_^11:05
lufisFireRabbit: There is a thread on Ubuntuforums that details how to set up a new i810 driver. I'd like to try it out, but alas, the path in the tutorial doesn't exist on my system11:05
wildchildFlannel it doesn't work11:05
FireRabbitlufis: whats the url to that thread?11:05
THX-1138GhostFreeman - control+alt+backspace?11:05
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:05
=== domoking [n=domoking@dhcp-0-6-25-ef-84-1a.cpe.townisp.com] has joined #ubuntu
FireRabbitGhostFreeman: try running11:05
FireRabbitxmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace Delete"11:05
FireRabbit#xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server"11:05
lufisFireRabbit: Well, it's a long read. It starts about halfway into it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1621129#post162112911:05
FireRabbiter, one of the two11:05
knoppixcontattatemi privatamente se siete italiani11:06
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:06
GhostFreemanwill I need to do this every time I run XGL11:06
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FireRabbitGhostFreeman: you can add it to your gnome session11:06
knoppixI am trying knoppix11:06
lufisFireRabbit: It says to cd /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/ but there is no "modules" dir in my x11R6/lib11:06
knoppixI need to install skype11:06
pittsornwastrel, THX-1138, (soundray): Thanks for considering my problem. I will run memtest and such, and maybe try back again some other time.11:06
knoppixbut I need root authorizzation11:07
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knoppixso I don-t imagine what can be the password11:07
scobiefiannel like this -> http://www.goodtyping.com/teclatICE.htm ?11:07
knoppixit is a live OS11:07
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C18260.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelknoppix: We can tell you how to do it on ubuntu, you'd have to ask the knoppix people (#knoppix)11:07
domokingvideolan the best player for ubuntu?11:07
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david_I just installed an airlink AWLH3026, I found some info about it with linux here: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_part.php?brandname=Airlink+Tech I can't seem to get it to work....11:08
knoppixi am really new in everything is linux11:08
Flannelknoppix: /join #knoppix11:08
knoppixI already tried ubuntu, I think is one of the best11:08
FireRabbitGhostFreeman: actually, you might be able to just run 'xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.us'11:08
knoppixso, I wanted come here11:08
Flannelscobie: yeah, except you'll need a name for that layout11:08
Flannelknoppix: we don't know anything about knoppix, you'll need to ask them for help with their OS11:09
knoppixanyway I try to find out knoppix channel11:09
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knoppixthanks to everybody anyway11:09
scobiefiannel so it means i need to find .what the layout name is ?11:09
scobieor can i creat my own name over it?11:09
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:09
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domokingwhat player do you guys use to watch divx movies and such?11:10
david_I just installed an airlink AWLH3026, I found some info about it with linux here: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_part.php?brandname=Airlink+Tech I can't seem to get it to work.... Anything?11:10
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david_domoking: mplayer11:10
lufisdomoking: You'll need to install non-default codecs first.11:10
Xenguydomoking: I use vlc mostly, but some .wmv files seem to need gxine11:10
domokingnon-default codecs11:10
domokingi can get that off synpatics right?11:10
lufisdomoking: One sec11:11
Xenguydomoking: there's a wiki page11:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:11
david_domoking http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs11:11
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lufisdomoking: Ah, they beat me to it.11:11
domokingsweet thanks guys11:11
david_anyone got help for my wireless?11:12
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david_I just installed an airlink AWLH3026, I found some info about it with linux here: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_part.php?brandname=Airlink+Tech I can't seem to get it to work.... Anything?11:12
pak-x_i have a problem. i am using ubuntu since this day, but he just accept a resolution at 640*480, what can i do, that a can use 1280*800?11:12
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:13
pak-x_thank you11:13
Xenguydavid_: you should report error messages, or specific issues/clues11:13
Xenguydavid_: I don't run wireless so I can't help you more with this one11:13
GhostFreemanok half the keybindings for beryl have just stopped working11:13
domokingok i got a quick problem i type in that sudo command and i get this > symbol11:13
=== Rich71 [n=rich710@ua-83-227-231-49.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
scobiefiannel so it means i need to find .what the layout name is ? OR CAN I CREAT MY OWN NAME OVER IT?11:14
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Flannelscobie: no, you need to figure out what it's named (or more specifically, what linux calls it)11:14
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lmosherSound on .avi file I have makes everyone sound crazy.. Can sort of hear what they're saying, but it sound like a demonic distortion. Any ideas?11:14
domokingdavid: can you help me out with the error? I'm trying to type in that sudo command from the link11:14
Xenguydomoking: what are you typing exactly?11:15
domokingone sec11:15
THX-1138david_ - hen you get it working use a fixed ip address. some inexpensive cards (mine) make ubuntu stall on boot up press ctrl-c if you need it.11:15
domokingsudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base \11:15
=== hugifrb [n=martin@p549FF30C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguydomoking: remove the '\'11:15
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Flannelscobie: isn't there a list?11:15
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xstI have a strang sound recording problem. When I speak into my microphone I can hear my voice loud and clear in the speakes. But for some reason I cannot record any sound from the microphone. What to do?11:16
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AdamDHhey any one got DVB wokring on Linux?11:16
domokingXenguy: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:16
domokingE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:16
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Flanneldomoking: close synaptic/adept/update-manager and try again11:16
Xenguydomoking: it is open elsewhere; shut it down, or use the existing one (if that makes sense)11:16
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domokingxenguy: i'm not sure how to open the existing one I'll just reboot11:17
domokingxenguy: thanks11:17
dmitriyim having trouble viewing video on video out TV. The video ends up being all cropped and impossible to watch it. I had it before and then i renstalled ubuntu. Could anyone help me please11:17
Xenguydomoking: that will work11:17
Xenguydomoking: yw11:17
=== useff [n=useff@c-69-253-167-220.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
scobiefiannel found it :) -> XkbLayout11:17
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GhostFreemanloading the xmodmap.us has disabled about all my Beryl hotkeys, how can I fix this11:18
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FlannelGhostFreeman: #ubuntu-xgl or #beryl11:18
FlannelGhostFreeman: this is not the correct place to ask11:19
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FireRabbityeah better ask in there, i dont know11:19
josh_how do i find out the uid of a user?11:19
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FlannelGhostFreeman: (or if youre using edgy, #ubuntu+1 is another choice)11:19
FireRabbitjosh_: id username11:19
=== winterweaver [n=winterwe@dsl-145-215-70.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #Ubuntu
GhostFreemanok, but i've been asking there for a while now11:19
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scobiefiannel what to do ."the keyboard options"11:19
scobiei dont know what that means :S11:19
whysothe alternative CDs only difference is that its text based install?11:19
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wildchildhas anyone simmilar problam that I have. I just installed kubuntu 6.10 and when I tryed intstall libxine-extracodecs occured problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26918/11:20
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:20
lukus001I recently changed motherboards and now my linux system doesnt detet my cd drive? how can i get it back?11:20
josh_if i change the uid of a user to 502 (like it is on mywifes mac) will that screw up anything?11:20
jribwildchild: you are missing some repositories.  Can you pastebin your sources.list11:20
=== domoking [n=domoking@dhcp-0-6-25-ef-84-1a.cpe.townisp.com] has joined #ubuntu
alex_Can anyone help me with a screen saver issue?  It does not work at all!11:21
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wildchildjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26915/11:21
dmitriyim having trouble viewing video on video out TV. The video ends up being all cropped and impossible to watch it. I had it before and then i renstalled ubuntu. Could anyone help me please11:21
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@167.Red-83-38-73.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribwildchild: you have the main repository commented (as well as others)11:21
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domokingcan someone paste me the link for the wiki codecs?11:22
whysowhats the differnece between normal and LIVE cds11:22
jribwildchild: are you comfortable editing that file yourself, or want some help?11:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
jribubotu: tell domoking about codecs11:22
scobiei have reconfigured my xserver so does that mean i have to .reinstall the video card driver ?11:22
wildchildjrib: don't know which are main11:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:22
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=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
lukus001LIVE cd let you run the OS (linux) off the CD whereas normal disk let you install the linux system to the HDD only11:22
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wildchildjrb: a little help would be great11:22
alex_For some reason my screensaver stop working completely.. can anyone help me?11:22
whysoi mean normal and alternative CD11:23
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visik7anyone know a chm 2 pdf converter ?11:23
jribwildchild: lines 2 and 4 have the main and restricted repos.  lines 9 and 11 have the dapper-updates, 34 and 37 give you security updates11:23
jojoman02how do you make a ""press any key to continue"" pause in bash???11:23
visik7jojoman02: read11:23
=== Allz-i- [n=Allz@dsl-225-59.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu
jribwildchild: to edit the file, just opena a terminal and run 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'.  Then remove the initial # sign in front of those lines.  Save the file.  The run 'sudo apt-get update'11:24
=== Kameli [n=kameli@adsl-85-217-0-135.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kameliis there any way to know my CPU temperature?11:24
alex_Please Help! For some reason my screensaver stop working completely.. can anyone help me?11:24
visik7Kameli: acpi or lmsensors11:24
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wildchildjrib: tnx (I use kubuntu: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list)11:26
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jribwildchild: oh right11:26
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wildchildjrib: can I do sudo apt-get upgrade11:26
domokingjrib: i am getting this error after I did tried to get the codec "Reading package lists... Done11:26
wildchildcouse I use beta version11:26
domokingBuilding dependency tree... Done11:26
domokingPackage gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another pac kage.11:26
domokingThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:26
domokingis only available from another source11:26
domokingE: Package gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg has no installation candidate11:26
jribwildchild: sudo apt-get update11:26
HieronymusAfter installing an update and rebooting, I can't connect to the network anymore (Edgy)11:26
jribwildchild: upgrade will upgrade your packages, update will refresh the package list11:27
domokingI typed in "sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base"11:27
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jribdomoking: please don't paste here.  Use a pastebin.  Have you enabled multiverse?11:27
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jribdomoking: multiverse (and universe)11:27
RadiantFireHieronymus: #ubuntu+1 I will help you there if you want11:27
domokingjrib: sorry about that. i dont think so. How do enable mulitverse?11:27
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jribubotu: tell domoking about repos11:27
wildchildjrib: what about sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (since I have unstable version)11:28
jribwildchild: if you are running edgy, then you should dist-upgrade until the stable release.  dist-upgrade can basically remove packages while upgrade can't.  'man apt-get' has a good description of the difference11:28
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wildchildjrib: tnx again11:29
jribwildchild: np11:29
thjbrComo se grava CDs e DVDs no Ubuntu?11:29
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:29
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.11:30
Amaranthholycow: ping?11:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:30
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holycowAmaranth, i'm here11:31
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josh_ok question... how do i completely share out my nfs share...?11:32
domokingjrib: do i need to add Canonical Commercial Repositories?11:32
domokingjrib: i added multiverse already11:32
nevermindhi, anyone here?11:32
josh_i keep getting errors from client computers about bad permissions11:32
jribdomoking: you need universe for the packages you wanted before, you don't need commercial11:32
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M_Fatihhi all..11:34
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:34
=== briguyd [n=briguyd@c-24-14-167-155.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thjbrHow I burn CDs and DVDs in ubuntu?11:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:35
M_Fatihi want to format my hfs+ partition, or clean up all files in my hfs+ partition.. but i don't want to compile my kernel.. how can i format my hfs+ partition? or mount +write hfs+ partition11:35
=== JohnP789 [n=johnp@68-188-42-215.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
arepiethjbr: just insert a blank cd, and see if it detects11:35
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thjbrarepie: I not have anyone in this time, I'd want to make a project11:36
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ubotugdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.10-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1681 kB, installed size 11588 kB11:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about CD - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about boring - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
winterweavercan someone please help me >.<11:37
next_levelhello is someone good in ubuntu installs ?11:38
winterweaverI can't connect to my buddy's samba network11:38
winterweaverand I wanna copy some things from him11:38
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thjbrComo gravar CD e DVD no Ubuntu11:38
anubuntuhello, Grub isnt working so well, wondering how I reinstall it (I cant boot anything but live cds, on the ubuntu one now)11:39
next_levelerm, is there a helper here?11:39
=== Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host81-157-116-46.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
anubuntuI have ubuntu installed already, and would like to set up grub to boot to that.11:39
=== hades_ [n=hades@c-68-53-232-61.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3!doesn't work11:40
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.11:40
finalbetaanubuntu, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42053 << last post. Make sure you set up the menu.lst and then reinstall grub (if needed), might be enough to edit menu.lst on the hd with the live cd11:40
mathieugrub-install to install the boot-sector11:40
winterweavercan someone please help me >.<11:40
winterweavercan someone please help me >.<11:40
winterweaverI can't connect to my buddy's samba network11:40
rambo3winterweaver, stop spaming whats the problem11:41
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cbx33hi guys if I wanted to remove all pacakges that were install fro ma certain repo...is that possible?11:41
winterweaverrambo3, soz... was a accidental spam...11:41
next_levelfinalbeta, when trying to install ubuntu i get stuck at i"starting enterprise volume management system"11:41
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finalbetanever heared of that next_level , sry can't help11:42
next_levelsome of you pleasee?11:42
winterweaverrambo3, I can't connect to my friends win network (samba), and I've tried almost everthing, I'm still a bit newb11:42
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elias_what is the best (least amount of user interaction) method to be able to boot into one dapper and one edgy installation on one disk? (seperate/shared boot part, ...)11:43
rambo3winterweaver, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22401911:44
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marcin_anthi guys11:44
marcin_antis this possible to install firefox 2.x in dapper?11:45
marcin_antare there any unofficial packages?11:45
rambo3elias_, leave grub at dapper , shared swap and /home11:45
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elias_rambo3: that's not the issue. I want to know how to setup grub, so I don't have to edit the entries for one of these OSes by hand.11:46
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ruzgarhow can I share files with other linux systems ?11:46
ruzgarwhich protocol samba ?11:46
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slop2question : i got this message during ./configure : checking host system type... configure: error: can not guess host type; you must specify one    ---what do i do??11:47
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nevermindruzgar: yes, samba11:48
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next_levelwhen trying to install ubuntu i get stuck at i"starting enterprise volume management system"11:48
rambo3next_level, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/3244611:49
=== PhiBerOpTIc [n=comp4lea@c-66-176-211-91.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PhiBerOpTIchelp i just sudo chmod 777 / by accendent11:49
next_levelbut i didnt update11:49
Paddy_EIRE guys during enemy territory uncompression i get "The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.1" any ideas11:50
ircerok, so i'm running edgy beta and chroot complains: "cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied", i'm root. What gives?11:50
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Paddy_EIREoh, and how to disable the root password when I am finished11:51
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ircerPaddy_EIRE: passwd -l root11:51
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next_levelrambo3, ajuta-ma frate11:52
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AbstDoes gtkpod freeze just after finishing transferring to the iPod for anyone else11:52
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Paddy_EIRE guys during enemy territory uncompression i get "The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.1" any ideas11:52
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:53
nevermindis there anyway to check if ubuntu is using dual core on my penitum d processor?11:53
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jaksh_eetSo which linux beta driver is best for AGP 6600 GT card? I am wanting to install Ubuntu AMD64 Edgy11:53
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jaksh_eetand cedega11:54
Pierrenevermind: cat /proc/cpuinfo should list 2 cpu11:54
PhiBerOpTIcdoes anyone have any answers to fix a file system after sudo CHMOD 777 /11:54
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=== Ubuntu is now known as Abst
mathieuPhiBerOpTIc: backups11:54
tritiumPhiBerOpTIc: don't do that to begin with11:54
Abst /whois Abst11:54
ircerPhiBerOpTIc: depends if you used -r option11:55
nevermindPierre: it does :) ty11:55
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rambo3PhiBerOpTIc, there was someone here with same problem . solution was to add user account higher then root and fix it , dont remember the rest11:55
kooby-Ushluntuhey guys11:55
PhiBerOpTIcwell i did not backup but my very important data / programs /music / videos are on a second disk11:56
PhiBerOpTIci did use the -r11:56
kooby-Ushluntuim having a bit of a lame problem at the moment, i need to update gaim without uninstalling the desktop...11:56
mathieuPhiBerOpTIc: that chmod doesn't brake anything, does it?11:56
filipe__Hi I have a strange problem with Ubuntu live CD. If i boot normally I get a black screen. If I boot in live-expert mode I get kernel panic. I have a 7900GT graphics card. Thanks for all the help.11:56
tritiumrambo3: there is no user account higher than root11:56
tritiumPhiBerOpTIc: why on earth did you do that?11:56
mathieutritium: he missed, scroll up11:57
tomh-anyone knows how to get VPN working under ubuntu?11:57
tomh-kvpn crashes when i try to import a pcf11:57
filipe__I'm using Live CD 6.0.111:57
PhiBerOpTIci was trying to chmod some dir and the goddam kids where bothering me11:57
GNAMMark Shuttleworth Becomes the First Patron of KDE11:57
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kooby-Ushluntubut yeah if anyone can link me to or explain how i can update gaim without having to uninstall the desktop i'd appreciate that.11:58
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PhiBerOpTIceveryting got stuck my passwd did not work and the /etc/sudoers said should be 0 not 77711:58
next_levelwhen trying to install ubuntu i get stuck at i"starting enterprise volume management system"11:58
tritiumPhiBerOpTIc: please watch the language too11:58
PhiBerOpTIcwell i restarted now it is doing some checking on the disks11:59
wastrelkooby-Ushluntu:  ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, just a wrapper & you don't need it.11:59
mathieuPhiBerOpTIc: to become root without password: add init=/bin/bash to your kernel options11:59
wastrelkooby-Ushluntu:  you can safely uninstall it.11:59
tritiumPhiBerOpTIc: or just select recovery-mode (single-user mode) from the grub menu12:00
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filipe__PhiBerOpTIc there's this more normal option is simply passing "single" as kernel option12:00
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PhiBerOpTIcwell i will try that after this stops checking the disks12:00
kooby-Ushluntuwastrel:  Thanks a bunch dude, you're a lifesaver12:00
PhiBerOpTIcmaby it is fixing it as we speak, i dont know12:00
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